Vymaľovaná Jezábeľ



No, Jezábeľ, to meno spôsobuje, že každý sa chveje, len pri vyslovení mena Jezábeľ. Bolo to len obyčajné meno, práve tak, ako meno Marta, Rút, alebo Mária, alebo nejaké iné meno. Ale keď ľudia len počujú meno Jezábeľ... Všetko to bolo kvôli jednej žene, ktorá si vybrala zlú cestu.  No, predstavil som si Jezábeľ, len preto, že mala meno Jezábeľ, to ju neurobilo tým, čím bola. Jej meno nebolo tým, čo to spôsobilo; bol to jej postoj. To bolo to, čo to spôsobilo. Pred tým menom sa nemusíme tak triasť, ako pred tým postojom, ktorý ona zastávala, pred ním sa máme triasť. Ale zmieňte sa o Jezábeli, „Ó.“ Avšak zmieňte sa o nejakom z jej hriechov, „Ó, no, to je v poriadku.“ A to nebolo... To nebolo meno, ktoré z nej urobilo; jej hriech bol tým, čo z nej urobilo to, čím bola. Vaše meno vás nerobí tým, čím ste. Váš charakter je to, čo to robí. Váš charakter vás formuje a robí vás tým, čím ste.

Vždy som hovorieval, „Dovoľte mi vojsť do domu človeka.“ Nech stojí vonku na ulici a svedčí, spieva, vykrikuje, hovorí v jazykoch, tancuje v Duchu, nech robí, čokoľvek chce; dovoľte mi vojsť do jeho domu a pozrieť sa na tie modelky na plagátoch po celej stene... Dovoľte mi pozrieť sa na tie časopisy, ktoré číta tu na jeho stole a vypočuť si, čo počúva, keď zapne rádio, nejaký z tých afrických nezmyslov, rock-and-roll a boogie-woogie a môžem vám ihneď povedať, aký druh ducha má. Vidíte, na čom sa kŕmi? To je jeho strava. To je pravda.

1Ďakujem ti, brat. Pomodlime sa, kým stojíme. Náš Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti za tú výsadu, že tu dnes večer môžeme opäť byť a za toto veľké zhromaždenie sa, za spoločné stretnutie Tvojich ľudí. Zasľúbil si, že keď budeme toto robiť a modliť sa, potom vypočuješ z nebies. A my vieme, že Ty to urobíš, pretože je to Tvoje zasľúbenie. A modlíme sa, aby si sa dnes večer znovu cez nás pohyboval. Pokrsti nás sviežo s Duchom Svätým. Prijmi chválu z tohoto zhromaždenia. Lebo o to prosíme v Kristovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

2Zhromaždenia sú až príliš krátke. Sú skrátka... Keď sa mi o tomto Jozef zmienil, najprv som si myslel, že podľa môjho programu by som tu mohol zostať iba dva dni. A potom sme to zariadili na trochu dlhšie tým, že tí z toho druhého miesta, na ktoré som mal ísť, boli láskaví a vybavili sme to na päť dní. A tak som povedal Jozefovi, že budem tak trochu musieť toto urobiť trochu – moju cestu, aby som sa na chvíľu držal trochu ďalej od Chicaga, pretože som tu príliš často. Vidíte, nechcem byť na obtiaž, obávam sa toho. A niekto mnohokrát hovoril, povedal, „Ak chcete zavolať bratovi Branhamovi, a ak nie je doma, zavolajte do Chicaga. A ak nie je tam, volajte do Shreveportu v Louisiane. Bude na jednom z tých miest.“ To je u brata Jozefa, alebo u brata Mooreho v Shreveporte.

A poslednú, túto poslednú jeseň, začiatkom tejto jesene alebo koncom leta som bol v Shreveporte na stanovom prebudeneckom zhromaždení a povedal som bratovi Moore, povedal som, „No, brat Moore, je tu mnoho bratov z východných krajín a z rôznych miest, ktoré som nikdy nenavštívil a oni sa na to dívajú. A obávam sa, že ich to trochu urazí.“ A povedal som, „No, trochu poľavím vôkol Shreveportu a Chicaga potom, čo ukončím tieto zhromaždenia, ktoré mám, až kým... Iba ak by ma Pán zavolal, aby som urobil niečo iné, a potom, až kým nenavštívim niektorých iných bratov naokolo.“

3A teraz, niekto mi povedal, myslím, že Billy minulý večer, večer predtým, hovoril mi, že tu boli nejakí bratia, ktorí sa so mnou chceli stretnúť, aby zistili, kedy by sme mohli mať nejaké zhromaždenia. No, ja neplánujem žiadne zhromaždenia, žiaden rozvrh zhromaždení. Cestovný plán je celý zhotovený v Shreveporte, v Louisiane. Rozumiete, je nás tam v tejto skupine niekoľko, a ak to jeden zhotovuje a druhý to zhotovuje a ďalší, potom musíme, no, ak to jeden naplánuje zle, tak to musíme zrušiť. Ó, a to raní, potom, keď to sľúbili. A oficiálne slovo má brat Moore v Shreveporte, v Louisiane. A máme voľné termíny, ak nepôjdeme za more hneď po vianociach; máme potom nejaké voľné termíny. Všetko máme už naplánované až do posledného v Lime, v Ohio v auditóriu s Baptistami od 10. do 15. januára v Lime, v Ohio. To je môj posledný dátum, o ktorom v tomto čase viem.

4No, myslím, že potom majú nejaké v Kalifornii, idú naplánovať nejaké zhromaždenia v Kalifornii, hore v okolí San Francisca a potom dole v údolí San Fernando so Španielmi, vo Phoenixe len na pár večerov, potom pôjdeme znova na východ. No, v mesiaci – posledného októbra a prvého decembra, keď sa vrátim z Idaho, bude niekoľko zhromaždení v - myslím, že to je Virginia a Maryland, alebo niekde hore tým smerom, tam sú nejaké zhromaždenia v... Ešte to neviem. Pán Moore mi to ešte nepovedal. On mi dá vedieť, keď prídem domov.

A teraz, ak... Rád by som ku vám prišiel, ku každému z vás. A robíme nejaké krátke rýchle zhromaždenia, tri až päť večerov, len v okolí, aby sme sa dostali na návštevu k bratom predtým, ako urobíme cestu po celom svete, do každého väčšieho mesta na svete, a odchádzame na východnom pobreží, vraciame sa späť na západnom. A po tom, ako sa zhromaždenie skončí, v mnohých častiach krajiny...

5Mám niečo na srdci, že som tu pred pár týždňami bol v jednom meste a mal som zhromaždenie, s čím sú mnohí z vás oboznámení. A oni tam boli - z luteránskej univerzity. A v predošlom zhromaždení mi jeden človek povedal, že som nalešteným veštcom, kvôli tým videniam. A napísal mi potom, čo som... A povedal, že som urobil takú strašnú chybu, ako učiteľ Biblie. No, myslím, že to je v poriadku, ale nie to, čo povedal. Povedal, „Bol som prekvapený, že počujem človeka, ktorý stojí pred ľuďmi ako ty a robí vyhlásenie, že Satan nemôže uzdravovať. No,“ povedal, „my vieme, že Satan môže uzdravovať.“ Povedal, „V meste, z ktorého pochádzam,“ povedal, „máme tam ženu, ktorá má... Ona je niečo ako čarodejnica. A berie ľudí, ktorí ku nej prichádzajú kvôli chorobe a vytrháva si z hlavy vlasy a roztrhne si žily a dá do nich krv. A ide dole k rieke a hádže to za seba. A ako ide hore brehom, ak niečo spôsobí, že sa otočí a pozrie, choroba sa vráti späť na ľudí. Ak sa neotočí, ľudia sa uzdravia.“

Povedal, „Pán Branham, kontroloval som to a najmenej 20 alebo 30 percent tých ľudí sa uzdravilo.“

6A povedal, „No, ty si len chlapec,“ so všetkými mojimi štyridsiatimi siedmimi rokmi.

Povedal, „Ja som kázal skôr, ako si sa ty narodil.“

A ja som povedal, „No.“ Odpísal som mu a on povedal, že som Belzebub. Povedal som, „No, predovšetkým ti to chcem odpustiť, brat. Lebo, čo ak som mal pravdu, čo si potom vykonal? Rozumiete? Čo ak som mal pravdu? Rozumiete? Čo si potom vykonal? Rúhal si sa Svätému Duchu, čo je neodpustiteľné. 'Kto by povedal slovo proti ich skutkom,' Ježiš povedal, 'nebude mu odpustené ani v tomto veku ani v budúcom.'“ A povedal som, „Odpúšťam ti to, pretože verím, že si tomu nerozumel.“ A povedal som, „Milujem ťa, pretože máš dostatočný záujem v našom Pánovi Ježišovi, lebo si sa ma snažil napraviť, keď si myslel, že sa mýlim.“ Povedal som, „Vážim si to.“ Ktokoľvek, kto sa ma pokúša napraviť, ak sa mýlim, chcem byť napravený.

Ale povedal som, „No, pokiaľ hovoríš, že by Satan mohol uzdravovať, chcem ti len dať Písmo, kde Ježiš povedal, že on nemôže uzdravovať. Takže tým to je pre mňa vybavené.“ Ježiš povedal, keď Mu hovorili, že uzdravoval skrze Satana, On povedal, „Ak môže Satan vyháňať Satana, potom je jeho kráľovstvo rozdelené.“ Rozumiete? A tak som povedal, „Čo sa mňa týka, tým to je vybavené...?... ale...“ povedal som, „No, aby som ťa napravil ohľadom tej čarodejnice,“ povedal som, „určite sa tí ľudia uzdravili.“ Povedal som, „V tejto zemi je dnes mnoho ľudí, ktorí sa nazývajú Božskými uzdravovateľmi. A ľudia k nim prídu a oni hovoria, 'Ó, mám moc, robím toto.'“ Ale povedal som, „Iste. Oni... Ľudia sa uzdravia,“ povedal som, „rovnako, ako sa to deje pri čarodejnici. Ale to nie je tá čarodejnica, ktorá to robí; ani to nie je božský uzdravovateľ. Je to viera ľudí, ktorí si myslia, že skrze tú čarodejnicu pristupujú k Bohu. A Boh musí uznať vieru bez ohľadu na to, kde je.“ Viete, že to je pravda.

7A tak v tomto... Ó, aké veľké ohľady prišli a potom mi tento Dean napísal list a povedal, „Chcem sa s tebou porozprávať.“ A manažér mu to poskytol. Vzali ma do veľkej luteránskej univerzity, tam do ich sídla. A keď som sedel pri stole, pomyslel som si, „ No, teraz to istotne schytám.“ A tak on povedal, „Brat Branham, boli sme na tvojich zhromaždeniach a sme úplne presvedčení, že to je Svätý Duch.“

A ja som povedal, „Áno.“ Pomyslel som si, „Ó.“

A on povedal, „My sami, ako luteráni, hľadáme Boha.“ Povedal, „Ak vyjde z tvojich úst, že je ešte niečo iné, okrem toho, že sme vierou prijali Krista, chceme to vedieť.“

Povedal som, „Prijali ste Svätého Ducha od tej doby, čo ste uverili?“

Povedal, „No, nikdy som o tom nepremýšľal.“

Povedal som, „Ani tí baptisti v tej dobe v Skutkoch 19. kapitole o tom nepremýšľali. Oni verili, kričali, vykrikovali a mali ohromnú radosť. Ale ešte neprijali Svätého Ducha. A tak na nich Pavol vzkladal ruky a oni prijali Svätého Ducha.

On povedal, „Čo musíme urobiť?“

Povedal som, „Koľkí z vás sú hladní?“

Povedal, „Celá naša skupina.“

Povedal som, „No, odsuňte stôl, prejdite ku stene a kľaknite si.“

Utvorili dokola veľký rad, vo veľkej aréne, kde sme mali večeru. Chodil som okolo a kládol na nich ruky a sedemdesiatdva ich prijalo krst Duchom Svätým. Amen. Takže tam majú ohromný čas.

No, ak to Boh urobí v Amerike pre luteránov, On to urobí v Afrike, Ázii, kdekoľvek to je, pre luteránov, baptistov, presbyteriánov, katolíkov, alebo pre kohokoľvek, kto je hladný a smädný po Bohu. Čo za ohromná vec.

8No, dnes večer to bol trochu evanjelizačný večer, ale chceme sa cez to rýchlo dostať, ak môžeme. A zajtra večer, ak sa dnes večer trochu zdržím, chcem poprosiť o svedectvá. Prišli, mnohí prišli, brat Jozef? [Brat Jozef hovorí, „Nenašiel som si čas, aby som ich o to poprosil.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, nemal si čas. Koľko vás je tu dnes večer, za ktorých sme sa minulý večer modlili, a ktorí cítia, že sa Boh dotkol vášho tela? Nech vidíme vaše ruky. No, tí, za ktorých sme sa minulý večer modlili. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, asi 12, ktorých teraz vidím. Áno, mal som tamtoho jedného, tamtú pani. V poriadku, pane. Teda asi dvanásti, ktorých som videl. Myslím, že som ich tam hore mal okolo šesťdesiat alebo sedemdesiat. Možno radšej budem pokračovať, tak ako som robil, lebo si myslím, že som sa zlepšil, než ako to bolo na začiatku. Rozumiete?

A tak... Nemôžem vziať službu Orala Robertsa. A ani Oral Roberts nemôže vziať moju. Pán nám obom dal niečo do vykonania. A...?... mne, ja musím slúžiť spôsobom, ktorý Pán dal mne. A tak nekričte, že teraz nestojíte v rade, lebo Boh vás chce uzdraviť tam, kde sedíte. To je pravda.

9Myslím, že to je najlepšie. Myslím, že je to najlepšie. Boh je dobrým Bohom. On je naozaj dobrý. A On vám dá vaše túžby. Tak, ako v Biblii, ako povedal Tomáš, „Ó, nemôžem tomu uveriť.“

No, pozrite sa, všetci ostatní apoštolovia povedali, „Samozrejme, veríme tomu. Tak veru. On vstal z mŕtvych. Veríme tomu.“

Tomáš povedal, „Nie, nie, neverím tomu. Musím mať viac než to. Musím mať nejaký dôkaz. Musím vložiť svoje ruky do Jeho boku, a tak ďalej, predtým, ako tomu uverím. Tak veru.“

On je dobrý Boh. On povedal, „Poď sem, Tomáš, teraz sa Ma dotkni.“

Tomáš povedal, „Ó, Ty si Pán. Teraz viem, že si.“

Povedal, „No, ty si videl a uveril si, o koľko väčšia je odmena tých, ktorí nikdy nevideli a jednako veria.“ Rozumiete? To je ono. Vy musíte veriť.

Všimli ste si, čo Pavol prežíval s Korintským zborom? Každý mal jazyk, mal žalm, mali nejaký druh niečoho, niečo, čo museli urobiť predtým, než by uverili, že majú Svätého Ducha. Rozumiete? A Pavol mal s nimi problém. On to nikdy nemal s Efežanmi, Galaťanmi, so žiadnymi z nich. Nemusel o tom vôbec hovoriť. Prečo boli – oni boli ľudia, ktorí mali vieru a skrátka verili Bohu a prijali to, a všetko bolo v poriadku. Rozumiete? A tak oni... Ale Boh je dobrým Bohom. Ak to chcete takým spôsobom, On vám to takým spôsobom dá. Ale ja Mu skrátka rád verím, či vy nie? Len Ho vezmite za Jeho Slovo. Skrátka tomu verím takýmto spôsobom.

10No, nech teraz Pán pridá Svoje požehnania, zatiaľ čo máme spolu obecenstvo. A zajtra večer, pozajtra večer, domnievam sa, že Jozef oznámil, že sú tu niekoľkí... brat Osborn, brat Tommy Hicks a brat Ogilvie tu budú, aby pokračovali v tomto zhromaždení do konca týždňa. No, oni sú skutočne dobrí bratia.

A teraz, brata Osborna poznám veľmi dobre. Poznám ho skutočne dobre. A viem, že on je veľmi dobrý brat. Dobre poznám Tommy Hicksa. A viem, že on je veľmi dobrý brat. Brata Ogilvie veľmi nepoznám. Stretol som ho asi dvakrát. Ale on samozrejme vyzerá, že je dobrým bratom. Chcem, aby ste sem prišli aj na tie ďalšie zhromaždenia a priviedli svojich susedov a iných, aby počuli týchto bratov. Oni sú dobrí ľudia, inak by ich Boh nepoužíval tak, ako ich používa.

11A teraz, opustil som svoje rodné mesto, keď tam bol Billy Graham. A vždy som sa chcel stretnúť s Billy Grahamom. A on je teraz v Louisville a káže. Moja rodina a oni sú tam prítomní. Naše zbory sú zavreté, a tak ďalej, spolupracujeme v zhromaždeniach, aby sme urobili všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme do toho vložili úsilie.

Žijem blízko miesta, kde je osemdesiatpäť percent alkoholických nápojov, to zvádza tých opitých ľudí na uliciach, pochádzajú z Louisville, Kentucky. A tabakové továrne, to je sídlom Satana. A vy ľudia v Chicagu sa modlite, aby Boh pomazal toho evanjelistu Billy Grahama, až tam v Louisville vypukne prebudenie a niečo sa jednoducho začne. A teraz sa za neho modlite. A ja sa zaňho modlím po celý čas, každý deň a každú noc a čo len môžem. Pretože Boh toho človeka používa ohromným spôsobom. Veľmi dobrý brat, tak som počul.

12No, tam v 2. Kráľov, 9. kapitola a 30. verš, chcem tu vziať len krátke miesto Písma, pár slov, aby sme znova šli naspäť do Starej Zmluvy, aby sme čítali.

Potom prišiel Jehu do Jizreela. A keď počula o tom Jezábeľ, nalíčila svoje oči líčidlom... ozdobila svoju hlavu a vyzerala oblokom.

A nech Pán pridá Svoje požehnania ku čítaniu Jeho Slova. No, znova ideme späť do Starej Zmluvy, pretože Stará Zmluva vždy naznačuje Novú Zmluvu. A Biblia hovorí, že oni boli príkladmi, v Židom 11, že boli príkladmi. A tam v 12. je povedané, v liste Židom,

vidiac, že máme taký veľký oblak svedkov okolo seba, složme každé bremeno a ľahko obkľučujúci hriech, aby sme mohli s trpezlivosťou bežať pred nami ležiaci beh o závod,

hľadiac ta na Veľvodcu viery a dokonávateľa;... (Pána Ježiša Krista).

No, ak vidíme, čo tam Boh urobil tým ľuďom na základe určitých postojov, ktoré zaujali voči Bohu, a potom, ak zistíme, že zaujmeme rovnaký postoj, ktorí zaujali oni, obdržíme rovnakú odmenu ako oni. Môžete to skrátka očakávať, pretože Boh sa nikdy nemení. On je proste ten istý. Jeho požehnania sú tie isté a Jeho tresty sú tie isté.

A Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

13A potom sa idem pozrieť... Zabudol som a presviedčali ma, aby som poprosil Billyho, či by dnes večer rozdal modlitebné karty. Ak ich nerozdal, budeme nejaké musieť zohnať, možno... Neodhadzujte svoju kartu. Budú... Koľkí z vás tu máte modlitebné karty? Zodvihnite ruky. No, to je skvelé. Teda každopádne je ich dosť, aby sme sa za nich modlili, aby sa postavili do radu, ak ne-... A pôjdeme, pokračujeme rovno ďalej. A tak, dnes večer trochu poľavím na evanjelizačnej časti, aby sme sa modlili za chorých.

14No, Jezábeľ, to meno spôsobuje, že každý sa chveje, len pri vyslovení mena Jezábeľ. Bolo to len obyčajné meno, práve tak, ako meno Marta, Rút, alebo Mária, alebo nejaké iné meno. Ale keď ľudia len počujú meno Jezábeľ... Všetko to bolo kvôli jednej žene, ktorá si vybrala zlú cestu.

No, predstavil som si Jezábeľ, len preto, že mala meno Jezábeľ, to ju neurobilo tým, čím bola. Jej meno nebolo tým, čo to spôsobilo; bol to jej postoj. To bolo to, čo to spôsobilo. Pred tým menom sa nemusíme tak triasť, ako pred tým postojom, ktorý ona zastávala, pred ním sa máme triasť. Ale zmieňte sa o Jezábeli, „Ó.“ Avšak zmieňte sa o nejakom z jej hriechov, „Ó, no, to je v poriadku.“ A to nebolo... To nebolo meno, ktoré z nej urobilo; jej hriech bol tým, čo z nej urobilo to, čím bola. Vaše meno vás nerobí tým, čím ste. Váš charakter je to, čo to robí. Váš charakter vás formuje a robí vás tým, čím ste.

15Vždy som hovorieval, „Dovoľte mi vojsť do domu človeka.“ Nech stojí vonku na ulici a svedčí, spieva, vykrikuje, hovorí v jazykoch, tancuje v Duchu, nech robí, čokoľvek chce; dovoľte mi vojsť do jeho domu a pozrieť sa na tie modelky na plagátoch po celej stene... Dovoľte mi pozrieť sa na tie časopisy, ktoré číta tu na jeho stole a vypočuť si, čo počúva, keď zapne rádio, nejaký z tých afrických nezmyslov, rock-and-roll a boogie-woogie a môžem vám ihneď povedať, aký druh ducha má. Vidíte, na čom sa kŕmi? To je jeho strava. To je pravda.

Dovoľte mi... Koľko... Nezáleží na tom, ako dobre to on tvrdí, aká dobrá spoločnosť, aká je jeho pozícia a aké je jeho spoločenské postavenie, to nerobí ani trochu rozdiel. Sledujte, na čom sa kŕmi jeho duch, akú hudbu počúva, čo číta, na čo sa díva. Potom môžete povedať, z čoho je učinený. A jeho charakter to vždy povie.

16No, Jezábeľ bola pravdepodobne raz iba malé pekné dievča. Poskakovala sem a tam na kolene svojej matky a pravdepodobne so svojím otcom, práve tak, ako každé iné malé dievča. A nikdy sa nestalo, že by si jej ocko a mama vôbec pomysleli, že jej meno vojde do histórie ako jedno z mimoriadnych príkladov ukrutnosti a hriechu, jedno z najznámejších mien medzi ženami, ktoré je v Biblii, alebo kdekoľvek v histórii. Pani Maccabee by sa s ňou nemohla porovnať. A pani Maccabee bola v Oklahome zatknutá za rýchlu jazdu, jazdila po ulici na koči a fajčila cigaru.

Keď bol doktor Iben na veľkom zhromaždení požiadaný, či by porozprával jej príbeh, keď sa tu asi pred päťdesiatimi alebo šesťdesiatimi rokmi stretli všetky náboženstvá sveta a on rozprával túto príhodu o tom, aká bola hrozná... A keď ju chytili, natreli smolou a dali na ňu perie, boli – bola tak špinavá, že na ňu dokonca nechceli vložiť svoje ruky. Rozprával ten príbeh takým spôsobom, že až všetci sedeli na konci svojho sedadla a počúvali, on bol tak... A potom, keď sa dostal na koniec, odstúpil od mikrofónu, bol to malý chlapík. Povedal, „Páni z náboženstiev tohto sveta, má vaše náboženstvo niečo, čo umyje ruky pani Maccabee?“

Každý ticho sedel. On vyskočil do vzduchu, klepol opätkami a tleskol rukami, povedal, „Krv Ježiša Krista neočistí len jej ruky, ale očistí i jej srdce.“ To je pravda. To je to, čo znamená kresťanské náboženstvo. To ich očistí a nezáleží na tom, akí sú skazení. A tak to je ono.

17Malá Jezábeľ, keď bola dievčatkom, poskakovala okolo domu, skákala, hrala sa, preskakovala cez švihadlo, alebo čokoľvek dievčatká robili. A ani najmenej si nepomysleli, že opustí tú cestu.

Ale to, čo ju potom urobilo tým, čím bola, bol druh náuky, ktorú mala doma. A ona bola pohanka. A tá náuka, ktorú dostanete doma, to je to, čím zvyčajne ste, akú náuku počúvate. Ona bola učená, aby nenávidela Boha, Jehovu, pretože jej bohom bol Bál. A bola vychovávaná, aby nenávidela Boha a nenávidela Boží ľud. A tá nenávisť k tomu v jej srdci, to ju urobilo tým, čím bola.

18Ale, ó. Ďalšia vec, niet divu, že Achab... Jeho otec bol v prvom rade odpadlík. A Achab bol okrajovým, vlažným veriacim, dnes by to bol proste človek, ktorý nesplňuje záväzky voči Kresťanskému spoločenstvu, nesplňoval záväzky voči Kráľovstvu Božiemu v tom čase. Bol to jednoducho človek, ktorý bol slaboch a vôbec nebol rozhodný.

Ale predstavujem si, že bol príťažlivým mladým mužom s vlasmi sčesanými dole, viete, typ jedného z týchto chlapcov, ktorí tu s tým vychádzajú von, ako im to hovoríte, že zavádzajú niečo nové, či niečo také. Rozumiete? Jeden z tých mladých chlapcov, ktorí pobehujú po okolí, ako dnes...

A viete, to ide ukázať, že bol takým typom osoby, inak by neupadol kvôli takému typu ženy. To je pravda. Izrael si mal vziať za ženy Izraelitky. Nemali mať zmiešané manželstvo. Viete, že to je pravda. Neboli... A vy to dnes tiež nemáte robiť, zväzok neveriacich s veriacimi. To je proti Božiemu zákonu, proti Biblii.

19A tak, viete, malá Jezábeľ sa doma naučila jednu vec a to bolo maľovanie sa. To je pohanská črta. Žiadne maľovanie sa, nikdy na svete... ale všetko maľovanie tvárí pochádza od pohanov, a je vždy odsúdené veriacimi. Dúfam, že to ide skutočne hlboko dolu na svoje miesto, práve preto, aby vám bolo z toho naozaj dobre a na zvracanie na chvíľu. Ale teraz, nehnevajte sa na mňa; milujem vás. Ale chcem vám jednoducho povedať to, čo je pravda.

Pamätajte, práve som sa vrátil z africkej džungle. Každý pohanský kmeň, pri všetkých rôznych udalostiach si maľujú tváre a nosia obrovité, veľké náušnice. Indiánsky divošský pohan si maľuje tvár a dáva si bojové pomaľovanie, keď ide do... Jeho vojna je uctievanie okolo jeho modiel. Maľuje sa.

Hanbíte sa? Vidíte? Je to pohanské znamenie. Škoda, že sa to vôbec dostalo do kresťanskej cirkvi, či nie? Samozrejme, áno. Bola to biedna kazateľňa, ktorá to priviedla dnu.

Kazateľ by sa mal za seba hanbiť.

20A tak, ona sa zvykla maľovať; urobila zo seba malého motýlika. A brat, to je druh, ktorý dokáže dať košom mnohým dobrým mužom. To je pravda. Vidíte ich na ulici s drobnými ústočkami, ktoré vyzerajú ako ružový púčik, a je na nej celá dávka Max Factoru, ale to nikdy nevypáli vrásky hriechu. Nikdy si to nemyslite. Boh sa díva rovno cez to.

A tak, Jezábeľ vedela, ako si to na seba dať, aby to vyzeralo pekne. Takže, keď sa Achab, tento mladý židovský chlapec stal kráľom, ona si na oči dala manikúru, alebo akokoľvek to voláte, viete, a mihala nimi tam a späť a Achabove srdce začalo robiť kotrmelce, pretože v ňom nemal Boha, aby ho lepšie poučil. To je pravda. Tak, ó, čo za vec to bola.

21No, keď začala s Achabom flirtovať, Achab sa s ňou oženil. On si myslel, „Toto je pre mňa tá pravá.“

A mnoho mužov urobilo takú chybu. Mnoho mužov to urobilo. Mali by ste ju vidieť v ten deň, keď sa umyla, alebo keď sa očistila. Naozaj, mohlo by to úplne zmeniť váš názor. Ženy by ste si rozhodne nemali brať podľa výzoru, ale podľa charakteru.

Dovoľ mi povedať ti, chlapče, ak sa s ňou oženíš a ona je celá vymaľovaná, v jednom z týchto dní zvädne. Aj keď je krásna, to v jednom z týchto dní zlyhá. Počkaj, kým sa jej narodí prvé dieťa a začnú jej vypadávať zuby. O niečo neskôr sa jej pod očami vytvoria vrásky a zošedivejú vlasy. Raz ráno sa zobudíš a budeš sa diviť, čo si si to vzal. To je pravda. Nemyslím to ako žart. Nie veru. To je pravda. Iba tu kladiem pozadie pre niečo, čo chcem povedať. Rozumiete? To je pravda.

Ale ak ju miluješ, pretože je na nej niečo, za čo si sa premodlil, a Boh vás spojil, ona môže zostarnúť, zvráskavieť a byť škaredá; to neurobí ani trochu rozdiel, budeš ju milovať po celú večnosť. „To, čo Boh spojil, žiaden človek nemôže rozdeliť.“ To je pravda.

A tak sa najprv pýtajte Boha.

22Ale Achab, on tam ide a zamilováva sa do tohoto dievčaťa. A tak prichádza a berie si ju za manželku a privádza ju do Izraela. A keď prišla hore súc pohanka... A všimli ste si, Achab tam išiel a ukázal, že bol okrajovým veriacim. On proste išiel flirtovať so svetom, aby dostal toto dievča. A to je miesto, kde mnohé osoby urobili chybu, prekračujú hranicu. Boh má hraničnú čiaru.

Starý metodistický kazateľ, môj priateľ brat Kelly, on a sestra Kelly zvykli spievať pieseň:

Nechali sme spadnúť závory;

nechali sme spadnúť závory;

A urobili sme kompromis s hriechom.

Nechali sme spadnúť závory; ovce vyšli;

Ale ako vošli dnu kozlovia?

Nechali ste spadnúť závory. To je to, čo sa stalo. Urobili ste kompromis s hriechom. To je spôsob, ako sa dnu dostali kozlovia, pretože ste znížili štandard.

23No, starý John Smith pred rokmi, ktorého doniesli za kazateľňu, mohol kázať iba dve hodiny, bol tak starý. Mohol kázať iba dve hodiny a to bez mikrofónu. Povedal, „Samotná myšlienka,“ to je metodizmus, doslova. Povedal, „Samotná myšlienka, že naše metodistické dcéry nosia na svojich rukách šperky...“

Čo by urobil teraz, ak by ich videl v šortkách? Rozumiete? Čo by si teraz pomyslel o metodistoch, baptistoch a letničných? Skrátka rovnakí, všetci rovnakí... Iba som vám ukázal, odkiaľ to pochádza, kde je toho pozadie. Potom môžete vidieť, prečo som na to tak nahnevaný, nie na vás, na diablove veci, ktoré spôsobujú, že to robíte.

No, nemyslite si, že to tak je, pretože som to povedal ja. Ak odídete a umyjete sa len preto, že som to povedal, potom ste na tom ešte zle. Kľaknite si, modlite sa a dovoľte Bohu, aby vošiel do vášho srdca a každopádne sa umyjete. Som si istý. Pretože kým vás ten duch má pod kontrolou, budete sa na mňa hnevať a brániť sa a hovoriť, „Nie je to tak,“ a všetko také. A potrasiete hlavou ako ovca so slepým...?... Ale to nespraví nič dobré, pretože ak je vo mne Svätý Duch, radšej by ste tú vec mali dať do poriadku predtým, ako sa stretnete so súdom. Ale nenechajte svojho pastora, aby vám hovoril niečo iné, pretože to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN v Božom Slove. To je pravda.

24A tak sme zistili, že Jezábeľ si ozdobovala hlavu (čo bolo to, že si strihala vlasy, natáčala si ich), ozdobovala si hlavu, čo je hanba. Žena, ktorá si strihá vlasy, zneucťuje svojho manžela. Biblia tak povedala. Nepoctivá žena by mala byť rozvedená a daná preč. A tak je to dôkaz toho, že miluje niekoho iného, podľa Biblie, pretože keď to robí, zneucťuje svojho manžela.

Viete, že to je Biblia? Koľkí vedia, že to tak je? Všetci, ktorí viete, že to Biblia hovorí, zodvihnite ruku. Prečo to potom robíte? To je to, čomu sa divím. Čudujem sa, prečo to robíte? Pretože váš pastor pravdepodobne nikdy nepovedal nič proti tomu. Ale my potrebujeme nejaké prísne starodávne evanjelizačné vyučovanie, ktoré tú vec roztrhá na kusy. To je pravda.

25Niet divu, že nemôžeme mať prebudenie. Boh môže do mesta poslať dary a všetko možné a robiť zázraky, prevádzať veci a ľudia sedia. Niet divu, v tábore je hriech. Musíme tú vec vyčistiť a pracovať (To je úplná pravda.) a mať napravenú cirkev, ktorá beží správne, a potom dnu vojde Boh a bude medzi nami robiť divy a zázraky. Viete, že to je pravda. Nehovorím to, aby som vás ranil. Hovorím to preto, že vás milujem. A potom na súde budem musieť zastať pred každým jednotlivcom, ktorý tu je, a vydať počet. Z mojej hrudi je to preč; teraz je to na vašich. A tak sa modlite a dívajte sa, čo vám Boh povie. Verím, že ak do vás prichádza Duch Svätý a vy si ponechávate toho istého ducha, budete pokračovať v robení tej istej veci. Ale zmeňte len toho ducha za Ducha Svätého a sledujte, ako rýchlo zmeníte tie veci. Určite to urobíte.

26No, a tak Jezábeľ, keď sa tam potom dostala, dupla tou topánkou s vysokým opätkom, ktorú nosila, a povedala, „No, Achab, ja budem riadiť tieto veci.“ To je od začiatku zlé. Hlavou domu je muž. Všade, okrem Spojených Štátov, tu je hlavou domu žena. Toto je krajina žien. Bohom Ameriky je žena.

Predpovedám, že pred Pánovým príchodom bude veľkým vládcom v Amerike žena, pretože to je krajina žien. Začalo to v Hollywoode, to je to, ako to vychádza priamo von.

A teraz, vidíte drobného starého muža, ako ide po ulici, a malú Jezábeľ s cigaretou v ústach, a takto poťahuje. Ona povie, „No...“ Zakričí, „Zmizni!“ a on odskočí až ku dverám. To je pravda. A večer tam sedí s tými do červena nalakovanými nechtami, že vyzerajú ako orlie pazúry, a je nimi surový hovädzí biftek. Nebude umývať riad, pretože sa bojí, že sa jej zmyje farba. Zatiaľ čo jej úbohý muž drhne riad a ona tam sedí a poťahuje z cigarety. A on sa stará o dieťa. Presne tak. To je postavenie, čo? Znie to smiešne, ale to je Biblia a pravda. Presne tak.

Ako by ste vôbec mohli jesť misku sušienok od ženy, ktorá ich upiekla s tými dlhými nechtami. Ja by som nemohol; poviem vám, to by mi zodvihlo žalúdok. Jednoducho by som to nemohol jesť.

27Takže v každom prípade, ale, ó, to je v poriadku. Ale vy úbohí slabošskí muži. Hanbím sa za vás, ako kresťanských bratov, že necháte svoju ženu, aby robila také veci; to ukazuje, z čoho ste utvorení. To je pravda.

No, ženy, mali by ste povedať „Amen“ po takom nakričaní na vás, pretože on je vládcom. To je pravda. A spôsob, akým vás necháva žiť, to je jeho vina. Boh ho za to bude brať na zodpovednosť. To je pravda. Ak nie si dostatočne chlapom na to, aby si sa vzchopil a dal do poriadku svoj vlastný dom, nech ti je Boh milostivý. To je pravda. Pretože na samotnom začiatku Biblia povedala, že „On bude panovať nad tebou.“

No, ona teraz nie je rohožkou pri dverách; ona je tvoj miláčik. Rozumiete? Ale mali by ste si sadnúť a porozprávať sa s ňou a vysvetliť si to s ňou, povedať jej a prečítať Bibliu a spoločne sa pomodliť. Tieto veci by potom v cirkvi neboli, ak by ste to robili. To je pravda.

28Takže Jezábeľ, keď tam prichádza, jedného dňa sa jej slabý manžel trocha rozčúlil, pretože jeden človek neporušil Božiu tradíciu a zákony Božie, aby mu prenechal svoje miesto, pretože zákon povedal, že si má držať svoje dedičstvo a ono sa odovzdávalo ďalšiemu dedičovi – Nábot.

Ale potom, keď sme zistili, že to neurobil, Achab sa začal sužovať a behal a padol krížom cez posteľ. A malá Jezábeľ, malý motýlik, prišla a vzala ho do svojho lona a povedala, „No, drahý, čo je to s tebou?“

Povedal, „Ó, Nábot mi nedovolil vziať si jeho vinicu.“

Povedala, „Netráp sa, ja ju pre teba získam. Tak či tak, kto je vládcom tohto kráľovstva?“

Vidíte, to mi dáva zamyslieť sa, pokiaľ sa posúvajú denominácie. Rozumiete? „Ja ju pre teba získam. Stačí, ak ma to necháš urobiť mojím spôsobom. Získam ju.“ A dupla svojou malou nohou, vybehla von a vzala niekoľko ďalších chlapov, ktorí boli tak trochu odpadlíci, vyšla tam a zostrojila falošné obvinenie proti Nábotovi a nechala ho ukameňovať a zabiť.

29Ale pamätajte, keď taký hriech prichádza medzi ľudí, Boh má vždy niekoho, kto povstane a povie im o tom. Amen. Tak veru. On mal človeka, ktorý sa volal Eliáš Tišbänský, on šiel rovno tam a povedal tým ľuďom, že to bolo zlé. Povedal, „Boh vás bude brať na zodpovednosť za niečo takéto,“ Správne. Nezáleží na tom, aké podlé sa to stáva, Boh bude mať niekde svedka, ktorý proti tomu bude hovoriť. A hotovo. On je schopný niekde vzbudiť Abrahámovi deti z týchto kameňov. On to urobí nejakým spôsobom, niekde, skrze niekoho.

A tam, všetci proroci... Ó! Jezábeľ sa na nich mohla obrátiť. A oni si vzali vodu a šli ďalej. Ale starý Eliáš sa tam postavil a povedal im úplnú pravdu, povedal, „Boh spôsobí, že za to zaplatíte a ste proti Bohu,“ a skutočne im povedal, čo bolo správne a čo nesprávne.

A ona ho nenávidela. Ó, či ho nenávidela? Istotne. A vy idete ľuďom povedať pravdu a oni vás mnohokrát nenávidia namiesto toho, aby činili pokánie. To je pravda. Mali by ste činiť pokánie a ďakovať Bohu, že vám dal poznať pravdu. Tak je to. Ale, ó, ona nenávidela toho proroka. Ó!

30A tak on ide tam hore a ona proti Nábotovi predložila falošné obvinenia a nechala ho ukameňovať k smrti. A ten človek zomrel vo svojom – tam vonku na ulici. A on potom... Ona si myslela, „Ó, nikto sa o tom nikdy nedozvie; to je v poriadku. Poslala som tam hore dvoch mojich veľvyslancov a postavili sa na pódium a obvinili ho, že je zradcom Boha a kráľa,“ zatiaľ čo ten človek bol úplne nevinný. A oni ho ukameňovali. Pomyslela si, „To bude v poriadku.“

Ale práve tak istotne, ako viete, že hriech a bezbožnosť leží pri vašich dverách, je Boh nebies, ktorý vie všetky veci. Pamätajte na to. On to vie. On vie všetko.

A potom, keď to urobil, On prehovoril k Eliášovi a povedal, „Choď tam dole a stretni sa s Achabom a povedz mu, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ Amen. Milujem to. Ó. „Keď sa rozrastá hriech, milosť sa rozrastá omnoho viac.“ To je pravda.

31Tak On tam mal niekoho, kto pôjde a stiahne z neho kožu za neho… A tak stretol Achaba, ktorý prichádzal po ceste. A Achab šiel tam hore, aby sa prevzal majetok a mal... A zabili toho muža, pretože robil úplne presne to, čo mu Boh povedal. To dedičstvo malo pripadať z generácie na generáciu. A ak to akýmkoľvek spôsobom stratil, muselo to byť vykúpené príbuzným. Čítajte Knihu Rút a príbuzenské zákony a vidzte, či to nie je pravda.

A tak ho dala zabiť pre jeho hlas. A Achab tam ide a mal to vedieť lepšie. Bolo pred ním Slovo a bol pred ním prorok. A namiesto toho, tak túžil po tej zemi, že bude mať peknú záhradu hneď vedľa svojho miesta, a tak tam ide a zaberá ju mocou.

A Eliáš ho stretol na ceste a povedal mu, riekol, „Pretože si toto urobil, ty vrah,“ povedal, „psy, ktoré lízali krv Nábota, budú lízať tvoju krv na tom istom mieste.“ Brat, myslím, že keď má Boh niečoho dosť, On toho má dosť.

Povedal, „Okrem toho, tá Jezábeľ, s ktorou si sa oženil...“ Ó. On nechcel, aby mu hovoril niečo o jeho žene. Povedal, „Tá Jezábeľ, s ktorou si sa oženil, psy ju budú žrať v uliciach Jizreela. A ten hnoj bude na zemi, že ani nebudú môcť povedať, 'Tu leží Jezábeľ'.“

32Ó. Žena, nechcela by si takto dopadnúť, alebo áno? Nikde po nej nezostala ani spomienka... Povedal, že... A keď vidíte všetko také vyvádzanie, môžete si spomenúť, že jediná žena v Biblii, ktorá to robila, Boh ňou nakŕmil psy. To je pravda. To je... Keď vidíte nejakú ženu, ako to robí, poviete, „To je potom nejaké žrádlo pre psy.“ Rozumiete? Pretože to je to, čo Boh urobil; On ju dal zožrať psom. On dá také ženy zožrať psom. A tak sa stráňte takých vecí. Umyte sa. Amen. Dajte sa do poriadku s Bohom.

To, čo potrebujeme, je starodávne vydrhnutie, vykopanie. Vytrhajte tie buriny zo záhona, aby tak mohla pšenica rásť. Ježiš prichádza. V poriadku, to je to, čo potrebujeme. Znova naspäť na starú vytýčenú trasu. Naspäť na cestu. Boh príde medzi nás. Ale dokiaľ máte primiešaný svet, Boh sa nepohne. Niekedy sa divíte, prečo sa veci dejú tak, ako sa dejú. Len sa na chvíľu pozrite navôkol. Modlite sa trochu a Boh odsúdi hriech.

33Všimnite si. A potom prvá vec, ktorú zistíte, veci sa zhoršili. A Eliáš sedel hore na vrchoch, sám tam hore. Boh s ním hovoril, povedal, „Choď tam dole.“ Ukázal mu videnie, povedal, „Už toho mám dosť.“ Povedal, „Choď tam dole a povedz Achabovi, že nedám spadnúť dažďu, ani rose, až kým o to ty nezavoláš.“ No, muž Boží bude vždy nasledovať pravdivé Slovo Božie.

No, Jezábeľ sa mu vyhrážala a všetko možné. Nuž, poviete, „No, brat Branham, počkaj chvíľu, kým ešte hovoríš o Jezábeli. Tá malá žena možno nemala šancu. Narodila sa ako pohanka. Nemala šancu.“ Ó, áno, tiež ju mala. Mala pastora, pastora Elizea. A Elizeus sa nebál povedať jej o tom. Nemyslite si... Boh tam vždy kladie svetlo. Ona jednoducho odmietla kráčať vo svetle; to bolo všetko. Správne. Ó, ona nechcela Eliáša nazývať svojím pastorom, určite nie. Mala za svojho pastora iného formálneho, dôstojného človeka. Ale Boh poslal Eliáša, aby bol jej pastorom, nezáležalo na tom, ako veľmi ho nenávidela. Nenávidela ho, pretože pre ňu bolo židovské náboženstvo príliš priame.

34A to je to, čo sa deje dnes. Ľudia sa chcú správať ako svet a rozprávať ako svet, obliekať sa ako svet a urobiť cirkev a svet rovnakým. Kresťania, náboženstvo Svätého Ducha je pre nich príliš priame. To je tá jediná vec. Amen. Dôvod, prečo ich chcete nazývať fanatikmi a hovoriť, že nemajú v poriadku rozum a iné veci, je ten, že je to pre vás príliš priame, aby ste tým žili. To je to, čo sa deje. A niektorí z vás, ktorí ste voľakedy takými boli, ste sa odvrátili. Čo to hovorím? Ó. Možno to je dobre.

Ale... Je to trocha tak, ako keď mi mama zvykla dávať ricínový olej. A hovorievala… Len tak na zamyslenie to poviem. Hovorievala, „Ak ti z toho nebude zle, tak ti to nepomôže.“ No, možno toto tu je to isté. Ak sa sám sebe zhnusíš, možno to nastaví tvoju duchovnú chuť tak, že budeš môcť skutočne zobrať Slovo.

35Oni sa divili. Eliáš tam išiel, ťažkými krokmi vošiel do paláca, išiel rovno hore, prešiel cez všetky stráže a všetko a povedal Achabovi, s prstom namiereným do jeho tváre, povedal, „Z nebies nepadne ani rosa, až kým ju ja nezavolám.“ Ó. Prečo? Boh ku nemu prehovoril. Bol so Slovom Božím a tak nemal strach.

Nikdy sa nebojte. Micheáš sa nebál so Slovom Božím. Žiaden človek nemal strach, keď máte Slovo Božie a videnie Božie, ktoré ide so Slovom. Dôvod, prečo mohol Micheáš odsúdiť tých prorokov a povedať im, že sa mýlia, a že majú v sebe démonského ducha, bol ten, že išli s módou, a videl všetko, čo robili, a pretože neboli v jednej línii so Slovom. A Boh dáva pravé videnie pravému prorokovi. A on... snažil sa ich dať do línie...

A teraz, a dnes, pravé videnie je krst Duchom Svätým. Pravý prorok je krstom, to je Sám Duch Svätý. On je ten, ktorý prichádza a dáva nás do jednej línie so Slovom. A všimnite si. Nie nejaký biskup, alebo arcibiskup, ale Duch Svätý vedie cirkev. Amen.

36No, dávajte pozor. Zistili sme, že... Dokážete si predstaviť Achaba, ako tam stojí a díva sa na neho, kráľ. A tento starý chlapík, možno vyzeral ako húsenica, so všetkými svojimi fúzmi a vlasmi, ktoré mu takto trčia a okolo seba mal kúsok ovčej kože... Biblia povedala, že bol celý chlpatý. Dokážem si predstaviť, že bol na neho naozaj pekný pohľad, keď tam stál na kráľovskom dvore. Ale pohrozil mu prstom do tváre a povedal, „Z nebies nepadne ani rosa, kým ju ja nezavolám.“ Amen. On mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a ťažkými krokmi vypochodoval rovno naspäť do pustatiny.

Potom, keď odišiel, môžem počuť, ako sa Achab rehoce, „Ha-ha-ha. A ten starý šarlatán sem príde a povedal takúto vec, počuli ste niekedy niečo také? Ha-ha. Také niečo! My máme duchovných, ktorí tu sedia a vedia všetky tieto veci. Také niečo! Nič zlého sa tu nedeje. On je len staromódny, starý obmedzenec.“ Ale on mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Tak veru. A on ťažkým krokom vyšiel rovno späť do pustatiny.

Niektorí z nich povedali, „Pozorujte cestu, ktorou ide.“

„Ach, vôbec si to nevšímajte.“

37A on vyšiel hore vedľa potoka Karite a sadol si. Tam hore. Pán mu povedal, riekol, „Choď tam hore, lebo keď budeš tam hore, budem sa o teba starať.“ To sa mi páči. Pamätajte na Pána a Pán sa o vás bude starať. Len robte to, čo je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a On sa o vás postará.

A Eliáš ide tam hore a sedí tam, tak presvedčený, že nebude padať dážď, ako len mohol byť. A zrazu zisťujete, že nastáva sucho. A všetky pramene vyschli. A oni si mysleli, že bol blázon. A tu majú... že bol starým obmedzencom, že bol staromódny, všetko také, a vo svojom kázaní, že bol starým podivínom. Ale on bol Božím pastorom pre národ v ich dňoch, pastor Eliáš Tišbänský.

A tak, oni ho nechceli počúvať. Ale hovorili, že bol troška mimo. Ale on ide hore a sedí vedľa prameňa, podľa Božej vôle. A tu boli ľudia, tu dole v údolí, kde všetky tie hydranty a všetky pramene vykypeli, vyhladovaní na smrť, túžili po dúšku vody; a tam hore sedel Eliáš, ktorý pil kedykoľvek chcel, pretože mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

38No, divím sa dnes tomu, ak si myslíte, že preto, lebo máte ohromne veľkú denomináciu, ku ktorej patríte, alebo nejakú ohromne veľkú cirkev s krížom na vrchole a zborový organ za milión dolárov, že preto môžete piť, kedykoľvek chcete. Hovorím vám, že prameň je otvorený iba na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

On stál tam hore a dával si starý dobrý duchovný nápoj, kedykoľvek chcel. Voda tam dole v krajine vyschla. Myslím, že dnes je tak mnoho problémov, že v našich krajoch tiež vyschli vody, v našej kresťanskej krajine. Čo sa deje? Vy... Kedysi dávno sme mávali staromódne zhromaždenia, kde ľudia plakali a chodili hore dole uličkou a ležali na tvári celú noc a modlili sa a prinášali svoje deti a - do Kráľovstva Božieho. A dnes majú opatrovateľky. A oni zvykli... Pre ženu bola hanba fajčiť cigaretu. Dnes celá spoločnosť ľudí fajčí cigarety. A pre ženu bolo voľakedy hanbou maľovať sa a používať všetky tieto veci. A dnes to je všetko len jedno... Nedokážete rozoznať kresťana od iného. Je to všetko rovnaké.

Viete, čo sa deje? Váš prívod vody je odrezaný. To je to, čo sa deje. Ste na púšti. A preto sa v cirkvi stále hádajú. Viete...

39Vezmite si akúkoľvek rastlinu a dajte ju na púšť, kde nie je žiadna voda, budú na nej ostne. A vezmite tú istú rastlinu a dajte ju tam, kde je veľa vody, stane sa jemná. A prečo je to tak? Lebo je sucho.

A to je to, čo sa deje s cirkvami dnes. Oni vykrikujú, „Sláva Bohu, ja som baptista. Haleluja.“

„Ja som presbyterián, poviem ti, máme najlepší výber pastorov. Tak veru, nemusíme brať vašu starú letničnú teológiu.“

„Poviem ti; patrím k Zborom Božím; to je to, čo som. Sme tak veľkolepí ako tí ostatní.“

„Patrím ku Spojeným...“

„Patrím ku tomuto, tamtomu, či inému.“ Ó, vidím vaše ostne. Váš zdroj vody je preč. To je to, čo sa deje. Voda zostala odrezaná. Nemáte veci, aké ste zvykli mať pred rokmi. Zázraky a iné veci nie sú v zbore. Pocit, obecenstvo v zbore nie je také, ako zvyklo byť. Čo sa deje? Prameň slávy, ktorý viedol do vašej „haleluja“ záhrady, zostal odrezaný.

Čo to spôsobilo? Hriech. Hriech, ktorý sa dostáva do zboru a dostáva sa do vás, je tým, čo to spôsobilo, pretože kazateľne sú slabé, oni mali zachovať prívod vody, aby sa nezastavil. To je pravda. Amen. Je to tak. Môže to vyzerať strašne surové, ale je to pravda. A ak sa nezastavíte a nezvoláte starodávne modlitebné zhromaždenie a nevrátite sa späť k Bohu, čím budete za desať rokov? Niekto by mal radšej povstať a ísť kázať túto vec a odstrániť toto preč zo zboru. Je to rakovina a ona sa rozožiera až do kosti. Dajte to preč. Bože, pošli evanjelistov, ktorí budú stáť na Slove a kázať Slovo, keď vidíte, že sa tá vec deje.

A potom to necháte takto ísť?

40No, jedného dňa som tu stretol skupinu žien, ktoré mali modlitebné zhromaždenie, vykrikovali a hovorili v jazykoch, mali oblečené šortky a fajčili cigarety: letniční. Bože, buď milostiví. To sú odpadnutí hriešnici, to je presne to, čo sú. Nie som sudcom, ale, „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.“

Uvedomujete si, že to je šialenosť? Uvedomujete si, že v Biblii je iba raz zmienka o tom, že si niekto niekedy vyzliekal svoje šaty a to bola osoba posadnutá diablom? Uvedomujete si, že všetky tieto nezmysly, ktoré sa dnes dejú, tie rock-n-roll párty, ktoré všetci z vás navštevujete, tam na tých miestach, kde sa správajú tak šialene, a tak manipulujú s ľuďmi, Presley a ostatní, že si až mladé dievčatá vyzliekajú svoje spodné prádlo a hádžu im to na pódium, aby im dali autogram, a nazývajú to kultúra, keď neskôr tucty z nich posielajú do blázinca? A naše rádiové programy a takmer všetko, čo počujete, je plné toho chaosu? To je diabol ako revúci lev. A oni prinášajú tú istú vec s boogie-woogie a tým všetkým do zboru.

Ďaleko u Hotentotov v Afrike, ten istý žalostný zvuk... Keď som ich tam videl stáť a šamanských čarodejov a oni išli a ich zvuky. Pohania s farbou na svojej tvári a mladé ženy tam tancovali, až...?... sexuálne vystrájanie a všetko možné. A Amerika v tom dosiahla vrchol civilizácie a kolíše sa späť a ide znovu naspäť ku pohanom, maľovanie a kolísanie, a krútenie sa takto /rock and roll/ a ešte pri tom hovoria o sebe, že sú členmi cirkvi. Amen.

Mnohokrát... Oni mali nedávno jeden tu v Kanade. A myslím, že v priebehu dvoch dní po tom, poslali desať detí do blázinca. Istotne. Radšej sa usaďte ku staromódnemu Evanjeliu a poďte naspäť ku Kristovi. Istotne to tam tak dopadlo. Vytýčte hranice medzi dobrým a zlým.

41Eliáš sedí tam hore na kopci a oni hovorili, že je blázon. Hovorili, že nevie, o čom hovorí. A oni boli tu dole a nemali čo jesť; pšenica neprinášala úrodu, nemali žiadnu vodu. Nemali nič okrem okúsaného jazyka. A hovorili, že on je blázon. A on sedel tam hore a mal sa oveľa lepšie, ako mnohí z vás ľudí, ktorí ste dnes večer v Chicagu. To je pravda.

Sedel tam hore, predovšetkým, v Božej vôli, sedel vedľa prameňa vody s krkavcami, ktoré mu nosili niečo na jedenie. Mal nosičov, ktorí mu nosili niečo na jedenie. Zakaždým, keď vyhladol, prichádza tam krkavec so sendvičom a dáva mu ho. Jedol, sadol si a pil, postavil sa a chválil Pána. No, ak to nie je nádherné, nikdy som to nepovedal. To je pre mňa život v prepychu. Pre vás by to nebol? Určite bol a vedomie toho, že je vo vôli Božej. Niekto mi raz hovoril, povedal, „Brat Branham, naozaj veríš, že mu tie krkavce nosili mäso a chlieb?“

Povedal som, „Tak veru.“

Povedal, „Ako vieš, že to robili?“

Povedal som, „Biblia tak povedala. To je všetko.“

On povedal, „No, počuj, chcem sa ťa teda opýtať otázku. Kde to vzali?“

Povedal som, „Poviem ti; ja neviem.“ Ale povedal som, „To jedno, čo viem, je, že to priniesli; on to jedol.“ A povedal som, „Práve tak, ako otázka, ktorú si sa ma pred chvíľou opýtal, čo spôsobuje, že vykrikujem a takto sa správam? To je Duch Svätý. Nedokážem ti povedať, odkiaľ To prichádza, ale viem, že To sem prichádza a ja si To len beriem. To je tá jediná vec, ktorú môžem robiť. A Boh To posiela a ja To milujem.“ Amen.

42Tak dlho, ako ste vo vôli Pánovej, na čom inom záleží? Nestarám sa o to, odkiaľ to prichádza, pokiaľ mi to posiela Pán; je to dobré. Amen. Jednoducho to prijímam. Nestarám sa o to, čo si o tom myslí svet. Do toho, a kúšte si svoje jazyky a všetka vaša voda vyschla a v zbore nie je žiadne haleluja a všetko odsúdenie, sedíte okolo, zobete niečo, maľujete si nechty, kým kazatelia prinášajú svoje krátke slabošské posolstvá, ako z obchodu, kde je všetko za desať centov, snažia sa vás potom potľapkať po chrbte a všetko také. To je pravda. No, to nie sú presbyteriáni; to sú letniční. Správne, ó, to je drsné, či nie? Ale to je pravda. Tak veru.

To, čo by ste potrebovali, je viac Jánov Krstiteľov, také staré posolstvo, muža naplneného Duchom Svätým, ktorý vykročil priamo tvárou v tvár hriechu a povedal, „Je nezákonné, aby si ju mal.“ To je pravda. Amen. To je to, čo Biblia hovorí, aby sme robili. Roztrhali to. „Sekera je priložená na koreň stromu.“ To je pravda. Zotnite ju. To je to, čo potrebujeme, obriezku. „Obriezka“ znamená „odrezať nadbytočné mäso.“ To je to, čo dnes večer potrebujeme v letničnej cirkvi, je to odrezanie z nej nejakého nadbytočného mäsa a nezmyslov. To je úplná pravda. Naspäť na tú starú vysekanú cestu.

43Eliáš tam hore sedel tri roky a mal jednoducho dobrý čas pod pomazaním Pánovým každý deň a každú noc. Zakaždým letel okolo krkavec, znížil sa dole, dal mu sendvič a on mohol jesť. Vstal a chválil Pána, dal mu napiť vodu a chvíľu od radosti kričal a potom si znovu sadol. Či toto nie je nádherné?

A potom oni začali zisťovať. „Zaujímavé, čo sa stalo s tým fanatikom? Zaujímavé... No, na koniec mal možno pravdu.“ Takže potom po ňom začali pátrať. A tak prehľadávali každý národ a snažili sa ho nájsť. Ale on bol... Nedokázali ho nájsť. Samozrejme, že nie.

A tak Pán riekol, „Achab...,“ či vlastne „Eliáš, chcem, aby si šiel dole a stretol sa s Achabom.“ Takže išiel dole z kopca a vykračuje si. A keď ho Achab stretol, povedal, „Ó, tu si. Tak toto si ty, aha? Ty si ten, ktorý trápiš Izrael.“

Ó. Viete, čo povedal? Povedal, „To nie som ja; to si ty a tvoja Jezábeľka, ktorí ste to spôsobili.“ To je úplná pravda. „Ty si priniesol toto čarodejníctvo do Izraela a urobil si tieto veci, ktoré si urobil. Ty si to spôsobil.“ A povedal...

44Takí sú dnes ľudia. Snažia sa povedať, „Ó, oni robia príliš veľa hluku a robia toto a tamto. To je ten problém.“ Počúvajte, nie doktor; ale choroba spôsobuje problém. To je pravda. Choroba; hriech odrezal ich požehnanie. Je to hriech, ktorý... Nie pretože nemáte dobrých pastorov, nie preto, že nemáte fajné zbory, nie preto, že nemáte toto, to, či tamto, samozrejme, máte. Ale to je hriech, ktorý vás odrezáva preč od týchto vecí, ktoré máte mať. Je to hriech, ktorý po celý čas zadržuje zbor, že nemôže dojsť do stavu vytrhnutia. To je hriech, nie budova, nie zbor, ale hriech, ktorý je v zbore.

45A tak potom povedal, „Zavolajte ich sem hore na horu Karmel a zistíme, kto je Bohom. Nech Boh, ktorý odpovie ohňom, je Bohom. Overme a pozrime sa, kto je Bohom.“ Ó, som tak šťastný, keď viem, že stále máme Toho istého Boha, že Boh, ktorý je Bohom, stále odpovedá ako Boh, rozpráva ako Boh, kráča ako Boh, uzdravuje ako Boh, zachraňuje ako Boh, očisťuje ako Boh. Amen. Stále rovnaký Boh...

Je to potvrdené; Boh dnes navštevuje ľudí. Boh je vo Svojej Cirkvi, snaží sa vyčistiť veci, vziať odtiaľ preč kvas. Posiela poslov, znamenia, divy a zázraky a všetko možné a snaží sa, aby dokázal, že ich miluje a chce ich očistiť. Toto tu odstráňte preč, všetko toto vyvádzanie, zostávanie doma v stredu večer cez modlitebné zhromaždenia, aby ste sa pozerali na tie hlúpe nezmysly nejakej ženy z Hollywoodu, ktorá je štyri alebo päťkrát vydatá, a na nejakého chlapíka, ktorý behá s polovicou žien zo západného pobrežia a „Kto miluje Lucy“ a všetky tieto podobné veci. A vy kresťanskí ľudia zostávate doma, aby ste to pozerali a zostávate pomimo domu Božieho, to ukazuje, aký druh ducha je vo vás. Amen.

Mám to doma zo spisov FBI; každý kazateľ, ktorý to chce, ich môže dostať. Keby ste len poznali tú špinu a to, čo robia tí ľudia, z ktorých si robíte svoj vzor: obliekate sa ako oni, správate sa ako oni, rozprávate ako oni. Brat, čítaj Bibliu. Rozprávaj ako Kresťan; správaj sa ako Kresťan; buď ako Kresťan; ži ako Kresťan, to je to, čo dnes potrebujeme. Amen.

46No, to, čo vás trápi, nie je farba a nožnice, ktoré strihajú vaše vlasy. To je ten duch vo vás, ktorý spôsobuje, že to robíte. To je to, čo to je. Max Faktor môže vyrábať všetko z toho, čo chce, a položiť to tam, a ak si Kresťanka, nikdy sa toho nedotkneš. Myslím tým, ak si pokrstená Duchom Svätým a žiješ tam, kde máš žiť (Je to tak.), a tvoj pastor káže pravdu a dal vám o tom vedieť. Nebudeš mať o to vôbec záujem.

Ako by ste mohli dnes na ulici predávať staré zapínacie topánky, tie vysoko šnurované topánky, ktoré majú v sebe viac kože než tucet párov týchto malých, za ktoré platíte dvadsaťpäť dolárov? Malý remienok cez špičku a takto z toho trčí veľký na červeno namaľovaný necht a tie vysoké podpätky, keď začne pršať, sa šmýkajú na všetky strany, a takto idete po ulici. To je pravda. Je to tak. Ale nemohli by ste predávať tie staromódne topánky, pretože ich nechcete; videli ste tam Martu Susiannu, že nosí nejaký iný model. Rozumiete? Chcete sa obliekať ako ona. Nechcete to oblečenie, ktoré voľne visí. Chcete to, ktoré vyzerá, že ste do neho vyliate, pretože ste videli Suzie v televízii, v rádiu a v časopise.

Diabol predkladá naokolo všetky tieto nezmysly, mladé deti, pijú pivo, „Ortelovu deväťdesiat dvojku“ a „Schlitza“ a takéto veci, to je... To je lož. A nič len... To mení mladých mužov a ženy na trosky s očami ako netopier, keď pijú tie nezmysly. To je diabol. To spôsobuje, že sa plnia blázince. To spôsobuje, že sa plnia nevestince. Spôsobuje to všetko ostatné. Rozbíja to domovy. Spôsobuje to znásilnenia, vraždy a všetko ostatné.

A cigarety trávia jedom mozog, spôsobujú rakovinu. A Lekárska Asociácia nie je ani dostatočne slušná, aby to dostala preč a vy neustále fajčíte diablovu burinu. Neviem kvôli čomu to hovorím; neznie to ako ja, ale poviem to v každom prípade, pokiaľ to takto vychádza. Jednoducho... Je to tak. Je to zlé; odstúpte od toho preč. Kresťania, naplňte sa Bohom. Tak veru.

47Jedného dňa, keď prišiel konečný čas, aby bolo odpovedané na Božie Slovo, aby sa vyplnilo Eliášovo proroctvo, psy lízali Achabovu krv rovno na tom istom mieste, kde predtým, keď umývali voz v rybníku Samárie. Keď tam išli, aby umyli voz, kde bol zastrelený a zabitý, psy lízali jeho krv.

A keď Jehu, syn Jozafata, spravodlivý človek so správnym otcom za sebou, to vytvorilo správneho muža a skutočného kráľa. Jozafat bol muž Boží. Vidíte, čo vyprodukoval? Vidíte? A Jehu, keď prišiel a divoko tadiaľ jazdil na tom voze, on vyčistil všetko, čo sa nazývalo hriechom. Mám na mysli, že vyčistil dom. Potrebujeme dnes viac Jehu-vov (To je pravda.), aby divoko jazdili cez rady a rozohnali veci a nazvali čierne čiernym a biele bielym. To je pravda. Správne správnym a nesprávne nesprávnym...

48A keď tadiaľ prechádzal dole, malá miss Jezábeľ, myslela si, „No, som každopádne zvodkyňa, viete.“ Povedala, „Som úplne krásna.“ A išla tam a vzala si svoju výbavu na maľovanie, viete, a začala si upravovať celú tvár so všetkým tým „make-up-om“ a nezmyslami a viete.

A videl som to robiť ženy v reštaurácii a potom si vzali kúsok papiera, servítku a takto do toho hrýzli. Prišiel mi na myseľ rozzúrený, hlúpy pes, ktorý sa snaží pohrýzť palicu alebo niečo a ďalej do toho takto hryzie, pozrie sa späť a znovu dookola.

A potom sa celá upravila a upravila si vlasy, a celá vymaľovaná, presne tak, ako to údajne malo byť, viete. A myslela si, že vyzerala úplne krásne. Dôležito prišla a ukázala sa, viete, s tým novým modelom oblečenia na sebe. Pozrela sa von z okna, povedala, „Už si niekedy mal...?...?“

49A Jehu bol muž Boží; to s ním nešlo. On bol správnym druhom pastora. Bol skutočným evanjelistom. Povedal, „Kto tam hore je za mňa a za Boha?“

A dvaja jej eunúchovia mali v sebe dostatok žlče a povedali, „My sme.“

Povedal, „Vyhoďte ju z okna.“ Amen. Aha, on postupoval tvrdo, či nie? A keď dopadla na ulicu, krv vyšplechla na kone a hore na voz. Povedal, „Nechajte ju tam ležať,“ a išiel ďalej. Ani nevedel... On bol stále vo vôli Božej. Lebo Slovo Božie bude pracovať vždy s vôľou Božou.

Išiel ďalej, sadol si, jedol svoju večeru a povedal, „No, to bolo dnes celkom dobré očistenie.“ Povedal, „Mali by ste ju ísť pochovať, pretože bola kráľovou dcérou.“ A keď tam spadla, on zabudol, že Slovo Božie sa musí vyplniť. Čo zostalo? Dlane jej rúk a jej lebka. Psy ju mali zožrať.

Keby ste len vedeli, to musí byť zvláštna vec, pretože psy sa nedotknú ľudskej krvi. Je to tak. Boh ich do toho potlačil, aby to urobili. Je to tak. Viem to. Viem to, že to je pravda. Tak veru, oni sa nedotknú ľudskej krvi. A tak potom ju mali tie psy celú zožrať, pretože im Boh nariadil, aby to urobili. A tam bola v tej hanbe.

50Slovo Božie zvíťazilo. Ono vždy zvíťazí, priateľu. Nehnevám sa na vás. Milujem vás. Chcem, aby ste... Radšej sa budem držať ďalej od evanjelizačných služieb, pretože som možno príliš hrubý. Nechcem taký byť. Milujem vás. Ale, brat, sestra, je to pravda. Je to pravda a tak mi pomôžte. A mohol by som povedať toto: je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, lebo je to Slovo Božie. To je pravda.

No, odstráňme zo zboru ten starý rakovinový stav. Vyjdite z toho, ženy. Vyjdite z toho, muži, nie len ženy, ale aj muži. A kazateľ takisto, otvoril si závoru, pastor. Niečo s tebou nie je v poriadku. Nepremodlil si sa, inak by si rozhodne videl, že tvoje zhromaždenie sa dostáva do toho stavu; stál by si a vzdoroval tej veci, ak by si kázal štyrom stenám. Je to úplne tak. Je to pravda. Urobil by si to.

51A to, čo potrebujeme, je staromódne vydrhnutie, vyčistenie. A vy letniční ľudia nedávate pozor, baptisti a presbyteriáni vám vezmú vaše požehnanie a idú s ním do slávy. Známi baptistickí kazatelia a presbyteriáni a luteráni prijímajú krst Duchom Svätým a hovoria, „Túžime po tom, brat Branham. Túžime po tom.“ A idú ďalej a ďalej, niektorí výnimoční ľudia v národe sú hladní po Bohu. Ó, očistime sa. Všetci, luteráni, baptisti, presbyteriáni, letniční. Nie sme rozdelení; všetci sme jedna veľká Cirkev živého Boha. Spojme navzájom naše ruky a dajme dokopy svoje srdcia, hlaďme smerom ku Golgote a pochodujme vpred cez tie ploty. Pokračujme ďalej od víťazstva ku víťazstvu.

Ježiš čoskoro príde, priatelia. A pamätajte, vy ľudia, ktorí ste tu, snažte sa byť tou vyvolanou skupinou. Pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že v poslednom cirkevnom veku bude ten laodicejský cirkevný vek vlažný. A to je práve ten stav, kde sa dostala letničná cirkev. To je ten stav, kde sa oni všetci dostávajú. Ak nedáte pozor, Boh príde dole a potiahne malý zvyšok odtiaľto a tu a tu a utvorí Nevestu a bude preč. Rozumiete? Tak buďte teraz zobudení a verte Bohu a majte vieru v Boha a verte, že Boh je tu.

52A Boh, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, je ten istý Boh, ktorý je dnes večer rovno tu. On je ten istý Boh, ktorý bol... Možno to nechcete prijať, ale to je Boh, proste taký istý. On je. A On robí zázraky; ukazuje videnia; zosiela moci; uzdravuje nemocných; On má zjavenia; On – jednoducho všetko, presne to, čo Boh vždy robil. Ako potom môžeme, priatelia, vo svetle tejto Biblie vôbec sedieť ticho a stále žiť rovnakým spôsobom?

Toto je to jediné, čo robíte. No, keď dnes večer opustíte zbor, poviete, „Vieš, ja trochu verím, že brat Branham má pravdu. Áno, no, to je pravda.“ Ale zajtra pôjdeš rovno naspäť do kancelárie, keď by si tam nemala chodiť. Ak je tvoj manžel chorý, potrebuješ to robiť. Ale, ak to tak nie je, počuj, drahá sestra, Boh ťa učinil pre jedno miesto, kuchyňu. Keď odtiaľ odchádzaš, si pomimo Jeho vôle. Pamätaj na to. Žena bola učinená, aby bola pomocnicou v domácnosti. Nikdy nebola učinená na prácu v kancelárii. A to spôsobilo viac hanby a rozvodov a všetkého.

A dnes, aj vaše krásne mesto je ponížené ako naše, so ženami policajtkami na ulici. Ak to nie je hanba pre Chicago alebo ktorékoľvek iné mesto, keď tisíce mužov chodí po ulici a chcú prácu. To je úplná pravda. A sú dôležité? Ó, jej. „Hej, vypadni odtiaľ!“ Mala by si byť v kuchyni a variť svojmu manželovi na večeru koláč alebo niečo. Presne tak.

53Viem, že ste... Je to tvrdé, priatelia. Ale nie je to povedané s opovrhnutím; je to povedané s láskou, pretože vás milujem a chcem, aby ste tomu takto rozumeli. Ale nemôžete sa dívať na hriech a potichu sedieť. To je to. Nemám to rád. A vidím to v ľuďoch. A ľudia, ktorí sú tu, a ľudia, ku ktorým kážem, sú ľudia, ktorí ma milujú, a moje živobytie je od tých ľudí. Boh to kladie na ich srdcia a oni mi dávajú na živobytie.

Ale či by som sa mohol postaviť na súde a Boh by sa pozrel na mňa v prítomnosti toho veľkého Božieho Svetla a povedal by, „William Branham, ty si to veľmi dobre vedel a nechal si ich strmhlav skočiť do toho. Budem požadovať ich krv z tvojej ruky.“ Bože chráň. Nie, nie, nie. Poviem to, môj drahý brat, sestra, budem to kázať, ak mi Boh dá dych tak dlho, ako žijem. Potom, keď príde ten deň, bude to... Vy... Chcem, aby povedal, „Bolo to dobre vykonané, Môj dobrý a verný služobník.“ No, to je to, čo chcem, aby povedal. A chcem, aby povedal, „Ó, teraz ste šťastnými ľuďmi, netešíte sa, že ste obrezaní od tých svetských vecí?“

54To je tak, ako som raz večer kázal o ostrihanej ovci. Vy ste ovce a dôvod, prečo Duch opustil cirkev, je ten, že Duch zostáva iba na ovciach. A poviete, „No, brat Branham, hovoríš teraz o tom, že naše ženy a naši muži robia tieto veci. To je... Ak si chcem dať malý pohárik, brat Branham, po tom, keď prídem domov z práce, to je moje americké privilégium.“ To je pravda. „Ak si chcem pofajčiť dobrú cigaru, to nie je tvoja záležitosť. Je to moje právo.“ To je pravda. Ale ak si ovcou, si ochotný sa vzdať a byť ostrihaný zo svojich vlastných práv, svojich vlastných privilégií. Ovca je ochotná sa položiť a nechať ich, aby z nej odstránili to, čo na nej narástlo, jej... Je to tak?

Poviete, „Ak chcem nosiť šaty a sukňu a chcem toto robiť tak, ako to ja chcem, to je moja záležitosť. Je to moje americké právo. Americká verejnosť to vyrába a oni... Je to legálne. Oni ma kvôli tomu nevyženú z ulice. A ak to chcem robiť, budem to robiť. Je to moje právo.“ To je pravda, pani; to je úplná pravda. Ale ak si baránkom, si pripravený vzdať sa svojich práv, aby si bol Božím baránkom. Je to tak. Ak si baránkom, vzdáš sa svojich práv. Je to tak. Tak by si to mal robiť. A ak len vyjdeš von a neskúsiš... Povieš, „No, skončím s tým.“ Modli sa, až kým to Boh pre teba urobí jednoducho tak skutočným, že sám prestaneš. Ak to len budeš robiť.

A teraz, sme tu, aby sme vám pomohli, nie, aby sme vás ranili, ale aby sme pre vás boli požehnaním. A modlím sa, aby ste si dnes večer vzali do svojich sŕdc toto krátke osekávajúce evanjelizačné Posolstvo a šli domov, modlili sa za to a povedali, „Bože, buď mi milostivý.“ Koľkí z vás veria, že to je pravda, a povedia, „Prijímam to ako pravdu“? Zodvihnite ruku. Nech vás Boh žehná. Fajn. Modlime sa.

55Náš Nebeský Otče, vo svetle Tvojho požehnaného svätého Slova, zatiaľ s týmto vlievaním sa do môjho srdca, ale udržujem to pre tieto modlitby za ľudí. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si mi teraz pomohol. A nech to, čo som chcel povedať, zatlač to v každom prípade do ich sŕdc. Udeľ to, Pane. A nech je to prijaté v Duchu lásky, nie v pokarhaní, ale v Duchu lásky, keď vidím túto veľkú rakovinu hriechu, ktorá vstupuje na Tvoje požehnané deti. A ako pastori potichu sedia a nič o tom nehovoria. Ó, Bože, vzbuď mužov, ktorí vystúpia. Udeľ to, Pane.

Pošli viac Tišbänských Eliášov, ktorí budú skutočne bez ohľadov stáť (Udeľ to, Otče.) a kázať, aby ľudia mohli vidieť svetlo. Ó, áno, Jezábeľ mala svetlo, veľa svetla. Mala svetlo z hory Karmel, aby videla, že Boh odpovedá na modlitbu a robí zázraky. Ona to vedela. Ale nebola ochotná priniesť obeť a kráčať vo svetle.

A modlím sa, Otče, aby si požehnal každého jedného, ktorý tu dnes je, a aby si bol oslávený. A uzdrav teraz nemocných a nech to je známe, že Eliášov Boh dnes večer stále žije, že On je stále ten istý Boh. A poprosím o to v Ježišovom Mene.

56A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené naše hlavy, som dnes večer zvedavý... Chcem, aby sa každý modlil. Zaujímalo by ma dnes večer v tomto malom rozhovore, ktorý sme práve mali, ako keď sa malá rodina spolu rozpráva, skôr ako sa zajtra večer skončí moja časť služby, zaujímalo by ma, či by ste povedali, „Brat Branham, týmto...“ Nie brat Branham, „Pane Bože, som vinný z týchto vecí, ale hanbím sa za seba. Chodil som do zboru a nazýval som sa Kresťanom. Dával som si malý pohárik. Trocha som fajčil. Rozprával som nejaké špinavé vtipy, spolu s davom. A pil som, aby som bol spoločenský, ale hanbím sa za seba, brat Branham, a keď vyznávam, že som služobníkom Krista, uvedomujem si, že to je zlý duch, ktorý spôsobuje, že to robím.“

A či by ženy povedali, „Hanbím sa za seba, brat Branham, ostrihala som si vlasy a viem, že Biblia hovorí, aby som to nerobila. Viem, že strávim veľkú časť môjho času v kozmetickom salóne.“ Mala by si vyzerať čo najlepšie, sestra. To je pravda. Buď čistá, pekná, pôvabná a milá. Viem, že tvoj manžel si ťa za to bude vážiť. Viem, že budeš vyzerať omnoho lepšie, ak si necháš narásť vlasy... Ženy by to mali mať. Nemali by vyzerať ako muži. Muži by nemali mať dlhé vlasy. Biblia pre neho hovorí, že nie.

57Poviete, „Zvykla som sa maľovať, používať make-up, brat Branham. Zvykla som nosiť nesprávny druh oblečenia; viem, že som samu seba predhadzovala pred mužov.“ Počúvaj, povedal som toto. Chcem to povedať znova, s vašimi sklonenými hlavami. Drahá sestra, môžeš byť voči svojmu manželovi tak čistá, ako ľalia; môžeš byť práve tak čistá a nepoškvrnená od týchto vecí. Ale vedela si, že na súde môžeš byť predvolaná za páchanie cudzoložstva? Vieš, Ježiš povedal, „Každý, kto by pozrel na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už aj scudzoložil s ňou vo svojom srdci.“ No, čo keď si sa obliekla takýmto spôsobom a išla si von na ulicu a hriešny muž sa na teba pozerá a túži po tebe, potom sa v deň súdu bude musieť zodpovedať za cudzoložstvo. A ty budeš tou, ktorá je vinná. A budeš sa musieť zodpovedať za cudzoložstvo v Prítomnosti Božej. A žiadni cudzoložníci nikdy nevstúpia do neba. Predvádzala si sa pred ním, aby sa tak díval. Rozumiete, čo tým myslím?

Nech je požehnané vaše srdce, nechcem, aby ste boli na súde úplne sklamané. Chcem, aby ste vošli. Môžete byť tak čisté a slušné, ako len môžete byť. Môžete byť jednoducho ten najroztomilejší typ ženy, ale ak sa takto obliekate a muži po vás túžia a vy sa pred mužmi takto predvádzate a oni to robia, budete sa zodpovedať v deň súdu ako cudzoložnice. To je úplná pravda. Biblia tak povedala. Vidíte, toto Slovo je hlboké.

58Po celé roky som prechádzal cez túto americkú krajinu, moju vlasť. Povedal som vám to všetko pred pár rokmi. Prešiel som cez túto krajinu a modlil som sa za nemocných a so znameniami a zázrakmi. Povedal som, „V jednom z týchto dní sa vrátim späť. Prichádzam s pravdou Evanjelia.“ Je to tak. Ak môžem získať lásku ľudí, potom im chcem povedať, čo je pravda. To je to, čo robím.

Ste vinní? Nikto teraz nedvíhajte hlavu, všetci sa modlite. Zodvihli by ste ruku ku Kristovi a povedali, „Skrze Tvoju pomoc, Bože, očisti dnes večer moje srdce a daj mi byť inou osobou.“ Obaja, muži alebo ženy, zodvihli by ste len hneď teraz svoje ruky ku Kristovi? Nech vás Boh žehná; to je skvelé, všade. „Skrze Tvoju pomoc, Kriste, od tohto večera sa chcem modliť, kým mi nedáš iného Ducha, ktorý spôsobí, že sa budem dívať inak a správať sa inak. Nechcem sa správať ako svet.“

Buďte oddelení od sveta, vyjdite z pomedzi nečistého, neobrezaného. Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí, ich sexy oblečenia, ich fajčenia a ich pitia, ich hazardovania a ich špinavých vtipov. Nespájajte sa s tým. Boh... Myslíte, že jemná Božia holubica by niekedy mohla zostať na takom mieste, kde sa dejú všetky ich špinavé veci? Nie, priateľu, nie, nie. Ona sa okamžite odpojí. A tak, ak toto máte v sebe, zbavte sa toho dnes večer, urobíte to? No, zodvihlo sa najmenej tridsať, štyridsať rúk. Chcem sa za vás modliť.

59No, drahý Bože, ak by som dnes večer mal odísť domov do slávy, ako verím, že jedného dňa odídem... Dúfam, že ma tu ponecháš taký dlhý čas, až budeš so mnou hotový, a verím, že to urobíš. Ale cítim, že som povedal pravdu vo svetle Evanjelia. A modlím sa, Bože, aby to bolo hneď teraz prijaté. A tieto ruky, ktoré sa zodvihli, oni sa presvedčili, že sa mýlili; oni sú úprimní, Pane. Oni sú... Nechceme, aby sa cítili zranení; chceme, aby sa cítili požehnaní. A chceme, aby teraz, ak to je Tvoja vôľa, čo viem, že je, aby si do nich vložil nového Ducha. Oni sa nechcú tak správať. Muži nechcú piť a takto vyvádzať a hovoriť tie špinavé vtipy. A ženy si nechcú maľovať svoje tváre a správať sa ako pohania, a byť označené znakom, ktorý charakterizuje pohanstvo. Bože, modlíme sa, aby si im dnes večer pomohol a všetkých ich požehnal.

A teraz, aby... A spasil všetkých hriešnikov, Pane. Zavolaj odpadlíkov znova späť na miesto Božích požehnaní. Odober všetky staré bremená a nezmysly, ktoré upchávajú koryto od zavlaženia, ktoré tečie do „haleluja“ záhrady, kde kvety rastú večne a požehnaná vôňa Božej svätej Prítomnosti je s nimi po celý deň. Bože, udeľ to. Zdroj vody je odrezaný, pretože to spôsobil hriech. Bože, odstráň dnes večer všetok hriech a opäť polej tú záhradu s Tvojimi Požehnaniami a Tvojou Krvou, Pane, aby bol hriech vzatý preč.

60A teraz, Pane, aby ľudia vedeli, že Ty si stále Pánom Ježišom a že som Tvojím služobníkom, modlím sa teraz, po tomto ťažkom, krutom rozprávaní, modlím sa, aby si ma práve teraz pomazal, Pane, Svätým Duchom, ktorý bude hovoriť veci a uzdraví nemocných, aby – nech ľudia vedia, že ich miluješ, a že to je Tvoje Posolstvo a chceš, aby sa mali dobre a prospievali, a robili dobré veci. Udeľ to, Otče. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa.

Nikdy Ho neopustím;

Nikdy Ho neopustím;

Nikdy Ho neopustím;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa.

Myslíte to vážne? Spôsobuje Slovo, že sa cítite ako obmytí? Mne to spôsobuje. Jednoducho... Počúvanie Slova ma skrátka očisťuje, jednoducho ma to robí novou osobou. Robí vám to tak? Billy? Rozdal si modlitebné karty? Číslo 1 až 100. V poriadku. Čísla 1 až 100. Poďme teda niektorých z nich zavolať.

[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

61„... ty to hovoríš; nehovor to.“

Povedal som, „Tam je tvoj problém.“

„Vyznala som to Bohu.“

Povedal som, „Ten, proti ktorému si zhrešila, nebol Boh; to bol tvoj manžel. Choď, daj to do poriadku s ním.“ A keď to nakoniec urobila, zostala uzdravená. Potom prišla späť. Povedal som, „Teraz bude musieť Satan odísť.“ Rozumiete? Pretože tak dlho, kým je vo vašom živote hriech, Satan môže nad vami držať palicu. To je úplná pravda. Či je to niečo, čo ste urobili, alebo niečo, čo ste mali urobiť, to je to isté. Rozumiete?

Tak sa pozrime, koľkých som tam dole zavolal? Nemyslím, že ich mám veľmi veľa. Odkiaľ som volal, od 1 po koľko? Ó, od 7 do 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Budeme sa modliť za tých, ktorí tu sú, kým... No, zvyšok z nás, skloňme teraz hlavy.

62Nebeský Otče, modlíme sa teraz, aby Tvoje sväté ruky boli položené na tieto vreckovky a balíky, ktoré tu sú, a nech sú uzdravení všetci, ktorých reprezentujú. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech, keď sa dostanú tam ku tej biednej starej matke, ktorá leží v nemocnici, ku tomu malému dieťaťu, ktoré má možno kŕče, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť, Ty vieš, Pane. A modlím sa, aby ich opustili zlí duchovia. Udeľ to a nech sa majú dobre skrze Ježišovo Meno. Amen.

63V poriadku, ste stále... všetci sú zoradení? Je to... V poriadku, potom by sme mohli začať modlitebný rad, ak nie sú zoradení. No, chcem poprosiť každého, teraz do tejto ďalšej chvíle, ak môžete, toto bude taká zmena, že sa tu takto postavia a potom sa začneme modliť za chorých, Ja sa budem, ak len zostanete sedieť ešte na chvíľu a budete len veriť...

A potom, ak ste chorí a máte na Boha potrebu, ak sa len pozriete týmto smerom a budete sa modliť a poviete vo svojom srdci, povedzte toto, povedzte, „Pane Bože, mám na Teba potrebu. Možno som len trochu pochybovačný. Ty... Brat Branham ma nepozná; som si istý. Ty ho len musíš otočiť a povedať mi, čo je toto, čo spôsobuje, že som takýto, alebo niečo, čo je – niečo, čo viem, že je pravda, a všetky pochybnosti sa odo mňa vytratia a nikdy viac nebudem pochybovať.“ No, to je celkom veľká vec toto povedať. Ale, brat, sestra, v Kristovom Mene, urob to a hľaď, či ti On neodpovie. Rozumiete? Vy... No, niekedy je to tak nahromadené, že to nemôžem vziať všetko. Ale vysvetlil som to, čo to je.

64No, tu je pani; myslím, že ona je mi cudzia. Nie si, pani? Navzájom sa nepoznáme a predpokladám, že sme sa nikdy v živote nestretli. Ale... Pani? Raz si ma videla. Kde asi? Vo Vandalii, Illinois, videla si ma. V poriadku. Ale, samozrejme, bolo to asi pred desiatimi rokmi, keď som prv začínal. A ty si bola v tom veľkom dave tam v tom stane. Ó. To bol dosť veľký zástup, či nie?

Bola si tam v tú noc, keď ten slepý chlapec, ktorý nemal oči, zostal uzdravený? On tam prešiel a chytil moju kravatu a povedal, „Aká je to farba?“, rovno pred posledným zhromaždením. A to bolo asi pred desiatimi rokmi. Bol tam tiež obuvník, vo Vandalii, myslím, že mal slepé oči, ktoré boli v tom zhromaždení uzdravené.

Jeden večer sa Pán prevalil a zaplavil to miesto a oni pozbierali lôžka a nosidlá a písali o tom v novinách. To... Noviny z Chicaga ma nazvali brat Henry Branham. Nikdy na to nezabudnem, noviny „Tribúna“ tu v Chicagu. Dve alebo tri strany v tých novinách písali o zhromaždení, odvtedy uplynul dlhý čas. Riekou pretieklo veľa vody. Ale Boh zostáva stále ten istý.

65No, táto pani je... Ona ma nepozná. Povedala, že ma raz videla na zhromaždení, ale pred desiatimi rokmi. Potom, ak je tu niečo, kvôli čomu si tu, ja to neviem; ty to vieš. Nemám žiaden spôsob, ako by som to mohol vedieť. To by musel zjaviť jedine Boh. Je to tak?

No, teraz, keď sa Ježiš rozprával so ženou pri studni, stáli a rozprávali sa tak, ako my teraz a potom nakoniec zistil, kde bol jej problém, a povedal jej... Ona verila, že to bol Mesiáš. Uverila. Povedala, „My, Samaritáni, vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, On bude toto robiť.“ Ale ona nemohla rozumieť, kým On bol, a On jej povedal, že je Mesiášom. To je úžasné? Aké nádherné. No, On je dnes večer stále Mesiášom.

66No, pre obecenstvo, Mojžiš, keď on tam prišiel a premenil svoju ruku na malomocnú a uzdravil ju, a ukázal ľuďom, že ho poslal Boh, tým to bolo pre celý Izrael vybavené. Oni jednoducho vyšli, nasledovali ho. Je to tak?

Ale ak dnes večer Boh… Ak chcete pochybovať o tej žene, dobre. Boh dnes večer vie o tejto žene. Ja o nej nič neviem, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel, aby som o nej niečo vedel. Samozrejme, keď stojím hore pred ľuďmi a ona ma mohla vidieť, ale ja ju nepoznám. Ona je tu. Pravdepodobne je tu jednou z vašich priateľov. A vy o nej viete všetko. Ale teraz, ak mi môže Boh povedať, kvôli čomu je tu tá žena, alebo aký je jej problém... Mohol by to byť rodinný problém; mohla by to byť choroba; mohlo by to byť za niekoho iného. Ja neviem. Nemôžem vám povedať. Ale ak to On zjaví, budeme musieť vedieť, že to je nejaký druh duchovnej, neviditeľnej moci, ktorá to robí. Je to tak?

No, teraz, Biblia povedala, že keď bol Ježiš tu na zemi, že to bolo práve to, čo robil, a nerobil nič, kým Mu to prv neukázal Otec. Je to Písmo? A On povedal, „Tieto veci, ktoré Ja činím, budete tiež činiť. Budem s vami do konca sveta.“

No, ak On dnes večer môže reprodukovať Svoj život v našich telách, tým, že nás očisťuje Svojou Vlastnou Krvou, nás, ktorí sme nehodní, ale robí nás hodných skrze Svoju Krv, potom to má uspokojiť každého, že Ježiš Kristus je vzkriesený z mŕtvych a On je rovno tu s vami. Je to tak? No, nech to On udelí. On to nemusí. Nemôžem vám povedať. On môže. Ale nech by to udelil.

67Teraz chcem ku tebe hovoriť. Kázal som a čakal, samozrejme čakám na zmenu, na Ducha Svätého, na pomazanie Ducha Svätého pre službu uzdravovania. Ale teraz budem ku tebe len na chvíľu hovoriť... A ja... Ak to teraz Boh zjaví, prijmeš to? Čokoľvek to je, prijmeš to?

No, pre obecenstvo, práve sa dívam na mladú ženu, ktorá tu stojí, o mnoho mladšiu než som ja, a ona sa díva na mňa a vyzerá ako Kresťanka, keď na ňu pozerám. A ona... Nemôžem – nemohol by som povedať, iba... Dívam sa na ňu a myslím, že vyzerá ako Kresťanka. A... Ale Boh vie všetko správne.

Ale teraz, ak Boh môže, alebo bude, nehovorme, „On môže,“ ak mi zjaví, čo je tvojím problémom, potom to vybaví celú vec. Je po všetkom. Je to tak. Nie je to nádherné vedieť, že Eliášov Boh stále žije? Rozumiete? On žije. Je to tak.

68Ty si Kresťanka, v poriadku, pretože začína nastávať to skutočné milé privítanie, len čo Anjel Pánov... a ty si si vedomá, že niečo sa teraz deje. No, proste ako Kresťanka, kresťanská sestra a kresťanský brat … No, len čo... len pred nejakou sekundou, niečo sa stalo, či nie? Mohla si niečo cítiť. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. Je to tak. Vidíte? Pretože rovno medzi mnou a tebou začína teraz účinkovať pomazanie. Medzi mnou a tebou stojí Svetlo. Videla si niekedy fotku Toho Svetla? Nikdy si to nevidela. Myslím, že to tu majú. Teraz je To rovno medzi mnou a tebou.

Tvoj problém je v tvojej nohe. Je to tak, či nie? A je to v kosti, je to nádor a je zhubný. Si vo vážnom stave a blízko pri tebe visí čierny tieň, a to je smrť. Je to tak. Si z Illinois, ale nie z Vandalie. Je to miesto ako kopec, Dower Hills, niečo ako to, Illinois. Je to pravda. Voláš sa Wahr. Lydia M. Wahr. Je to tak? Veríš mi teraz, že som Jeho sluha? V tom prípade poď sem.

Náš Nebeský Otče, v Biblii, keď si bol tu na zemi, chodil si medzi ľuďmi a poddal si sa Nebeskému Otcovi a On bol v Tebe a ukazoval Ti veci, ktoré treba robiť a hovoriť. A povedal si, že si nečinil nič, pokiaľ Ti to On prv neukázal. A potom, ako Teba poslal Otec, Ty si povedal, že Ty pošleš nás a pôjdeš s nami a budeš s nami. A skutky, ktoré si učinil, budú pokračovať, Tvoja služba, skrze Tvoju Cirkev, až kým znovu neprídeš. A my očakávame na Teba, aby si prišiel druhýkrát v sláve. A dnes večer, samotný dôkaz, primárny dôkaz živého Boha je dnes večer tu na pódiu medzi ľuďmi v Chicagu. A znamenia, ktoré On povedal, že sa budú diať do skončenia sveta, sa teraz dejú. A tento diabol, ktorý je na našej sestre, aby jej vzal život, nech je prekliaty v Kristovom Mene a nech odíde od tej ženy a nech ona žije. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. A teraz choď šťastná a raduj sa. Amen.

69Veríte teraz? No, pozrite, kázal som asi dve hodiny. No dobre, toto jedno videnie a pozrite na tie kvapky potu. Vidíte? To vás jednoducho vyčerpá. Niečo od vás odchádza. Tá vec tú pani opustila. Vidíte? Tá žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha a povedal, „Niečo zo Mňa vyšlo.“ Nie z...

V poriadku, priveďte toho muža. No, buďte úctiví, ak môžete. Pamätajte, zlí duchovia vychádzajú z jedného a vojdú do iných. Koľkí vedia, že to je pravda? Tak buďte úctiví.

70Pane, musí ti pomôcť Boh, pretože si si vedomý, že to je rakovina a aký je tvoj stav tam v črevách. A keď sedíš, musíš používať vankúš, aby si sa posadil. Ale jedine Boh ti môže pomôcť. Veríš, že keď Ho poprosím, že ti pomôže a celý tento rad ľudí, ktorí tu sú, veriaci Kresťania? Veríš tomu. Budeš Ho chváliť a dáš Jemu všetku slávu? Miluješ Ho z celého svojho srdca a budeš Mu slúžiť, urobíš to? Urobíš. Nech ti Pán udelí tvoje požehnanie.

Nebeský Otče, ako sa dívam do tváre tohto muža a viem, že on tu dnes večer sedí tak, ako tí malomocní, ktorí sedeli pri bráne Samárie, keď ju obliehali Sýrovia. Boli malomocní, povedali, „Prečo tu sedíme a čakáme, kým zomrieme? Ak tu budeme sedieť, určite zomrieme. Ak pôjdeme do mesta, tam pre nás nemôžu nič urobiť.“ A oni využili príležitosť a išli do tábora nepriateľa. A Ty si odmenil ich vieru a zachránil si ich životy.

Bože, tento muž, doktor nedokáže urobiť nič viac a jemu neostalo urobiť nič iné, než prísť ku Tebe. A Ty nie si nepriateľ; Ty si milujúcim Otcom, ktorý na neho dnes večer očakáva, aby prišiel. No a on prichádza a ja na neho kladiem ruky ako Tvoj služobník a prosím v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si uzdravil tohoto muža a dovolil mu žiť. A keď sa niekedy vráti do Chicaga, nech príde a dá chválu a slávu Tebe, za svoje uzdravenie. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. No, choď, o ničom nepochybuj. Len pokračuj, akoby sa ti nikdy nič nestalo.

No, buďte úctiví, tak úctiví, ako len dokážete byť. A majte vieru v Boha. Iba Pán Ježiš môže uzdraviť chorých. „Ja som Pán, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.“ Je to pravda? Biblia hovorí, že to je pravda. A vieme, že ak tak hovorí Biblia, je to pravda.

71No, tu sedí pani, lepšie povedané stojí tu predo mnou, je mi cudzia. To... To je pravda, či nie, pani? Nepoznám ťa. Ale Ježiš ťa pozná. No, ak by som mal nejaký spôsob, ako ti pomôcť a neurobil by som to, nebol by som hrozným človekom? No, čo by mi Boh povedal na súde? Keď On povie, „Kázal som ti, aby si išiel pomôcť tej žene, a ty si to neurobil.“ Musel by som sa za to zodpovedať. Ale ja... Nemám žiaden spôsob, ako ti pomôcť, ibaže by niečo mohlo pozdvihnúť tvoju vieru v Boha. Je to tak? A tvoje uzdravenie bolo už dokončené, keď za teba Ježiš zomrel. Musíš mať len vieru, aby si to prijala. Je to pravda?

No, ak mi Boh zjaví, kvôli čomu si tu, prijmeš to a budeš tomu veriť? Budeš. Urobí obecenstvo to isté? V poriadku, sestra, len sa dívaj na chvíľu týmto smerom. Chcem s tebou len hovoriť.

Prvá vec, ktorú vidím, je krv, ktorá predo mnou kvapká. Má v sebe cukor, čo je cukrovka. Máš cukrovku. Je to tak. Inzulín je skvelá vec, ale Ježišova Krv je lepšia. Je to tak?

Aha, vidím, že si tiež kvôli niečomu rozrušená, niečo v tvojom srdci, za čo sa modlíš. To je tvoj manžel. A aha, on je pacientom v nemocnici (Je to tak.), v štátnej nemocnici. A ty chceš... Modlíš sa za... To je jeho duša. Je to tak. Je to jeho duša, ty neveríš, že je spasený, a chceš za neho modlitbu. Nečítam tvoje myšlienky, ale to je pravda, či nie? No, teraz tam v tvojej mysli nie je ani tieň pochybnosti, však?

Ó, Nebeský Otče, v Mene Ježiša, Syna Božieho, modlím sa, aby si toto udelil a dal jej jej oslobodenie a jej manžela, v Kristovom Mene. Amen.

Dívam sa v nemocnici na graf, pani Hill, tak potom môžeš ísť. Amen. To ťa posilnilo, či nie? Videl som graf s menom; preto som to povedal. Vidíte?

72V poriadku, prišla by si? Maj vieru v Boha. Nepochybuj, ale ver. Veríš tomu, že Pán Ježiš žije a vládne? Veríš, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky?

Si žena kazateľa? To nie je na tvojom lístku. Ale myslel som, že som videl nejaké pódium a niekoho, kto káže, alebo také niečo. To bol tvoj manžel, pretože si nemyslím, že ty, ako dáma, ktorou si, by si nechala niekoho iného, aby ťa objal, ako to urobil on (Je to tak.), lebo ty si skutočná dáma. Obdivujem ťa. Veríš, že Pán Ježiš ťa môže uzdraviť, môže spraviť, aby si bola zdravá?

Máš aj niekoho iného, za koho sa chceš modliť, či nie? Dieťa, ono má problémy s dutinou, či nie, niečo ako sennú nádchu? Je to pravda, malé dievčatko, povedal by som, že desať alebo dvanásť ročné. Je to tak, či nie? Je to tvoja dcéra. Nie si z Illinois; si zo štátu, ktorý je trochu rovinatý, dlhé roviny, z miesta zvaného Parker, Kansas, to je miesto, odkiaľ si prišla. Je to tak. Veríš mi ako Jeho prorokovi? A polož vreckovku, do ktorej si utieraš slzy zo svojich očí, na svoje dieťa, všetko bude v poriadku. Poď sem.

Nebeský Otče, žehnám túto ženu v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, aby si ju uzdravil a učinil ju zdravou, pre Ježiša. Amen.

No, pani Mauk, choď domov do Kansasu a buď zdravá.

73Ó, Ježiš Kristus je vzkriesený z mŕtvych. On je skutočný a nádherný. Ako sa máš, sestra? Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Sedela si práve pred chvíľou rovno tu dole. Je to tak. Dívala si sa hore na mňa a náhle, kým som rozprával, zdalo sa, že si bola jednoducho zrazu kvôli niečomu nadšená, nebolo to tak? Mohol by som ti povedať; bolo to videnie, ktoré nad tebou vtedy bolo.

Tá malá cysta ťa nebude trápiť; vieš to, či nie? Vieš, že ťa to nebude trápiť. A tvoje starosti, ktoré máš vo svojom srdci, nebude ťa to trápiť; ale musíš pamätať na to, že Boh uzdravuje. Veríš, že tvoj otec bude v poriadku? Veríš. Boh môže uzdraviť tú rakovinu, ak tomu veríš, ak tomu budeš veriť. Veríš tomu? Aha, tvoja matka má tiež nejaký problém. Ona mala nedávno mŕtvicu. Je to pravda? No, veríš, že stojíš v Jeho Prítomnosti? Prijímaš to, že všetko, za čo Ježiš zomrel, bude dnes večer tvoje? Prišla by si sem?

Nebeský Otče, žehnám túto milú ženu, ako tu stojí v potrebe, a modlím sa, aby v Kristovom Mene, aby si ju uzdravil a uzdravil jej milovaných, za ktorých prosí, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. No, vezmi si toto a polož ich na oboch. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

Povedzme, „Chvála Pánovi.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Chvála Pánovi.“ - pozn.prekl.]

74Ó, žalúdočné ťažkosti sú strašne zlé a spôsobujú ti, vieš... Ale Boh je ich lekárom. Veríš tomu? Chceš sa ísť najesť? Myslela si si, že Boh by ťa uzdravil? Áno? V poriadku, len choď a chváľ Boha a choď, konaj vôľu Pánovu. Amen.

Tiež problémy s chrbticou, sestra, ale Boh to môže vyliečiť, veríš tomu? Istotne. Potom choď len ďalej; verím, že On to urobil. Amen.

No, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, keď som hovoril o žalúdočných problémoch tej pani, prehnal sa nad tebou skutočne smiešny pocit. No, choď sa tiež najesť; ten vred ťa opustil. Amen.

75Sláva Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi; všetka chvála, všetka moc na nebi a zemi je daná do Jeho ruky. Čo si o tom myslíte, vy v obecenstve? Boh je skutočný, či nie? Veríte tomu, že On môže uzdravovať? Veríte tomu, že On môže vyliečiť? On môže robiť všetko to, čo tak túži robiť. Veríte tomu? Amen. Ó, jednoducho Ho milujem. Tam v mojom srdci je niečo, čo až buble. Ako milujem Pána Ježiša.

Chcem vás poprosiť, ak budete hneď teraz veriť z celého svojho srdca a uvidíte slávu Božiu. Koľkí z vás, ktorí ste teraz tam a zdvihli ste pred chvíľou ruku, bez modlitebných kariet, chcem, aby ste sa modlili. Chcem, aby ste sa modlili, aby Boh len zoslal Svätého Ducha a...

76Čo ak by som ti nič nepovedal a iba sa za teba pomodlil a povedal by som ti, že budeš uzdravený, veril by si tomu? Potom len choď; nech ťa Pán žehná.

Čo s tým hrdlom? Veríš, že Boh to uzdraví? Chceš spievať na slávu Božiu. Zvykol si byť spevákom, či nie? A chceš spievať na slávu Božiu. V poriadku, budeš. V poriadku. Len maj vieru v Boha.

Ten mladý muž, ktorý sedí tam vedľa teba, bol skrátka celý nadšený, keď som to povedal. On má nejaký problém so svojou tvárou. Je to tak, či nie, mladý muž? A veríš, že Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje? A tiež ten problém zo žľazou, Boh to môže uzdraviť. Veríš tomu? Dôvod, prečo som to povedal, je, že takto budeš rozumieť, že to je niečo iné (Rozumieš?) to…?... Amen. V poriadku. Veríš, že Boh to učiní? Amen.

77Čo si o tom myslíš? Prikývla si hlavou, farebná žena, ktorá tam sedí, sedíš tam v prednom rade a dívaš sa na mňa. Dívala si sa týmto smerom a prikývla si, „Je to pravda,“ povedala. Aha. Máš nejaký problém s hlavou, je to tak? Je to pravda. Veríš mi, že som Boží prorok, chcel som povedať Jeho služobník? Ľudia sa na tom potkýnajú, keď poviete prorok. Rozumieš? Veríš tomu? Je tam ešte niečo, čo nemôžem vidieť úplne presne. Deje sa tam niečo, ale nedokážem povedať, čo to presne je. Vidím dvoch ľudí. Je to niekto iný. Je to iná pani. Áno, modlíš sa za inú pani. Je to tvoja priateľka; ona má rakovinu, či nie? Je to tak. Amen. Haleluja. Nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo. On je od večnosti do večnosti. On je Boh.

78Malá pani sedí pred tým mužom, ktorá sa tam tak horlivo modlí, trochu hrubšia, ktorá má zdurené žľazy, sedí rovno tam. Áno, pani. Modlíš sa veľmi horlivo, aby si bola uzdravená, či nie? Chcem, aby ten muž, ktorý je rovno za tebou, položil svoju ruku na teba, ak to urobí. Urobíš to pre mňa, brat? V poriadku.

Nebeský Otče, požehnaj tú ženu. Ona sa snaží cez to prelomiť. A keď vidím ten závoj toho Svetla, ktoré nad ňou visí. Modlím sa, aby si jej udelil uzdravenie skrze Meno Ježiša Krista. Amen. Bola si uzdravená kým si tu stála, zlatíčko, a tak len pokračuj, vzdaj chválu a slávu Bohu. Amen.

Povedzme, „Vďaka Pánovi.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Vďaka Pánovi.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, On je nádherný.

79Čo si myslíš, pani, ktorá sedíš rovno tam vzadu? Máš žalúdočné problémy, či nie? Máš malé dievčatko, ktoré má tiež žalúdočné problémy. Ó, to ťa prekvapilo, či nie? Ale už si zostala uzdravená. Amen. Ste nervóznym typom rodiny. Je to peptický stav žalúdka, ktorý to spôsobuje. To malé dievčatko to zdedilo od teba z tvojej nervozity. Je to tak. Kyslé jedlá a grganie, a tak ďalej. Je to tak. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN...?...

Tam vedľa teba sedí pani; ona má trochu závraty. A ona... Je to tak, pani? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Je to pravda. Chceš byť uzdravená? No, pani, ktorá tam sedíš, ktorá si práve bola uzdravená zo žalúdočných problémov, polož na ňu svoju ruku, sestra.

Otče, v Kristovom Mene sa modlím, aby si potvrdil toto, a ja skrze Meno Ježiša Krista, skrze moc vzkrieseného Krista vyháňam od tých ľudí tých duchov v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

80On je nádherný. Potrebujete viac dôkazov, že On vstal z mŕtvych? Veríte, že On tu práve teraz je? Čo viac by ste chceli? Neveriť by bolo hriech. Čo je hriech? Nevera. Je to tak? Chcem hneď teraz niečo urobiť, kým mi ešte zostáva sila to urobiť. Budem vám v tomto dôverovať. Budem vám veriť, že vyznáte každý hriech, o ktorom viete, hneď teraz. Vyznajte to Bohu, že to je zlé. A ja sa budem snažiť z celého srdca, s celou mojou silou, so všetkým, čo je v mojom vnútri...

81Ak som u Teba našiel priazeň, Bože, prosím vypočuj dnes večer moju modlitbu, modlím sa úprimne. Títo ľudia, Pane, skutočne verím, že sú vo svojom srdci úprimní. Boli zmietaní sem a tam a učili ich všetko možné, vo všetkých rôznych cirkvách a vyznaniach, až, Otče, je mi ich ľúto a oni sa snažia dať do poriadku. Modlím sa k Tebe, Pane Ježišu, vypočuj dnes večer, prosím Ťa, a odpovedz na modlitbu.

A, Otče, modlím sa, aby si teraz nechal Ducha Božieho ísť vpred a učiniť to vo veľkej miere. Vypočuj z nebies, Bože; srdcia týchto ľudí boli ťahané cez všetko možné. To, čo to robí tak neprístupným a temným, je to, že si to nemôžu proste uvedomiť a povstať v tomto čase a vedieť, že Ty si tu v miestnosti. Nie ja, Pane, Ty si tu; Ty si ten, ktorý toto činí. A modlím sa, aby si požehnal každého jedného v Kristovom Mene.

82No, položte na seba navzájom ruky. Každá osoba, ktorá je chorá, zodvihni svoju ruku. Teraz... Niekto položte ruku na niekoho, kto je chorý. A ty poď sem ku mne, pane. No, položte na niekoho svoje ruky.

Ó, láska Božia, aká bohatá a čistá!

Aká bezodná a silná;

Vydrží navždy;

Pieseň svätých a anjelov.

Moji milovaní priatelia, kým sa modlíte, kým sú vaše hlavy sklonené, kým sa modlíte jeden za druhého, našiel som vo vašich očiach dostatočnú milosť, aby ste mi mohli veriť, že som Pánovým služobníkom? Potvrdil späť Pán Svoje Slovo, že som s vami na sto percent, aby som vám pomohol v Kráľovstve Božom? Zjavil to Boh po všetkých tých siedmich, alebo ôsmich rokoch, v ktorých som prechádzal cez Chicago? Ak to tak je, potom ma počúvajte ako Božieho služobníka. Biblia povedala, „Klaďte ruky jeden na druhého, že budú klásť ruky jeden na druhého a modlitba viery zachráni nemocných.“

83Verím vo vás. Verím, že ste úprimní a Božie deti. A verím z celého srdca, že ma Boh povolal do tejto práce. A verím, že ak budem prosiť so všetkou úprimnosťou a vy budete so všetkou úprimnosťou veriť v tejto jednej veľkej jednotnej modlitbe, ako sú naše ruky a srdcia spojené dokopy v obecenstve zmŕtvychvstalého Krista, ktorý je rovno teraz tu v budove... Bez akejkoľvek pochybnosti, neomylné znamenia ukazujú, že On je tu... Dokážete si uvedomiť, ako narástli naše srdcia, že sme na takomto zhromaždení a zachovávame pokoj? Dokážete si predstaviť, ako ďaleko sme sa zatúlali a ako málo sme vzývali veci Božie, že sme postavení do zhromaždenia ako toto a vidíme diať sa tieto veci, a nič o tom nepovieme, a len tam sedíme takí, akí sme – proste sme tam narástli. Dokážete si predstaviť, ako sme ďaleko od Boha podľa týchto vecí?

No, otvorme rovno teraz naše srdcia. Poďme s otvoreným srdcom z miesta na miesto a povedzme, „Pane Ježišu, bez jediného tieňa pochybnosti Ťa rovno teraz prijímam.“

84No, Satan, karhám ťa a v Mene Ježiša Krista vyjdi von z ľudí. Ty si len starý pochybovač a spôsobuješ, že ľudia pochybujú, ale stratil si to, čo si držal. A rovno teraz je tu prítomný Svätý Duch, aby uzdravil nemocných; je tu moc Božia. A Satan, vyháňame ťa preč od týchto ľudí. V Mene Ježiša Krista vyjdi von z ľudí.

No, povstaňte a dajte Mu každý chválu, ako odovzdávam službu bratovi…

1 Thank you, brother. Shall we pray while we're standing. Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight for this privilege of being here again, and for this great gathering, the assembling of Your people together. You promised that if we would do this and pray, then You'd hear from heaven. And we know that Thou will do this because it's Your promise. And we pray that You'll move on us afresh tonight. Baptize us freshly with the Holy Spirit. Get glory out of the service. For we ask it in Christ's Name. Amen. May be seated.

2 The meetings are almost too short. They're just... I first thought when Joseph mentioned this to me, that according to my schedule, I could only stay two days. And then we set it up a little farther by the courtesy of the other place that I was going, and we got to make it five days. And so I told Joseph that I was going to have to kinda make this kinda of a--my trip to kinda of stay away from Chicago a little while because I'm here too much. See, I'll wear my welcome out, I'm afraid. And someone said many times, said, "If you want to call Brother Branham, if he ain't home, call Chicago. And if he ain't there, call Shreveport, Louisiana. He will be one of those places." That's Brother Joseph or Brother Moore at Shreveport.

And last--this last fall, this early this fall or late summer, I was at Shreveport in a tent revival, and I told Brother Moore, I said, "Now, Brother Moore, there's lot of the brethren in the eastern country and different places I've never visit, and they look at that. And I'm afraid it's going to offend them a little." And I said, "Now, I'll kinda let up a little around Shreveport and Chicago after I finish these meetings that I got until... Unless the Lord would call me to do something different, and then until I visit some of the other brethren around."

3 And now, someone was telling me, I believe, Billy last night, the night before, said there was some brethren wanted to meet me in order to find out about some time to have some meetings. Well now, I don't make any of the meetings, any of the itinerary. The itinerary is all made up at Shreveport, Louisiana. See, there's several of us in this group, and if one makes it up and the other one makes it up, and the other one, then we have to, well, this fellow made it wrong, so we have to cancel that. And, oh, my, that hurts, after they done had the promise. And the--the officialized word is Brother Moore at Shreveport, Louisiana. And--and we got open dates if we don't go overseas right away after Christmas; we got some open dates then. Now, plumb on until the last date that I had now is in Lima, Ohio, with the Baptist people at an auditorium beginning on January the 10th through the 15th at Lima, Ohio. That's my last date that I know of at this time.

4 Now, I think from there they're got some in California, that they're going to make some dates in California up around San Francisco, and then down in the San Fernando Valley with the Spanish people, Phoenix, for just a few nights, then they're coming east again. Now, in the month of--last of--of October and the first of December, after I return from Idaho, they are going to have some in, I think it's Virginia and Maryland, or somewhere up in that way, there's some meetings in... I don't know yet. Mr. Moore's never told me. He will let me know after I get home from this time.

And now, if you... I'd love to come to your place, each one of you. And we're making up some short fast meetings, three to five nights, just around, to get to visit the brethren, before making a worldwide tour, all to every major city in the world, and leaving on the East Coast, coming back to the west. And after the meeting is over, in many parts of the country...

5 There's something on my heart, that here a few weeks ago, I was in a certain city and having a meeting, which many of you are acquainted with. And they had been a Lutheran College there. And in a former meeting the man had told me I was a polished up soothsayer because of the visions. And he wrote to me after I... And he said I made such a horrible way of a Bible teacher. Well, I guess that's right, but not on what he said. He said, "I was surprised to hear a man that faces the people you do, and make a statement that Satan can't heal. Why," he said, "we know that Satan can heal." Said, "In the city I come from," he said, "we have a woman there that, she has... She's a witch like. And she takes the people that comes to her for sick, and she pulls hair out of her head and plucks their veins and gets blood in it. And walks down to the river, throws it over her back. And as she walks up to the--up the bank, if something makes her turn around and look, the disease comes back to the people. If she doesn't, the people gets well."

He said, "Mr. Branham, I checked and at least twenty or thirty percent of those people get healed."

6 And he said, "Now, you're just a boy," with all my forty-seven years. He said, "I was preaching before you was borned."

And--and I said, "Well," Wrote him back, and he said I was a--a Beelzebub. I said, "Now, first thing, I want to forgive you for that, brother. For what if I was right, then what have you done? See? What if I was right? See? Then what have you done? You've blasphemed the Holy Ghost which is unpardonable. 'Whosoever speaks a word against them works,' Jesus said, 'will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come.'" And I said, "I forgive you for that because I believe that you didn't understand." And I said, "I love you because that you're interested enough in our Lord Jesus to try to correct me, thinking I'm wrong." I said, "I appreciate that." Anybody that try to correct me when I'm wrong, I--I want to be corrected.

But I said, "Now, as far as you saying that--that Satan could heal, I want to just give you the Scripture, Jesus said He could not heal. So that settles it to me." Jesus said, when they told Him that He was healing by Satan, He said, "If Satan can cast out Satan, then his kingdom's divided." See? So I said, "That settles it as far as I'm concerned...?... but... I said, "Now, To straighten you out about the witch," I said, "certainly those people got healed." I said, "There's a lot of people in the land today calling themselves Divine healers. And people go to them, they say, 'Oh, I got power, I do this.'" But I said, "Certainly. They... The people gets healed," I said, "just the same as it does by the witch. But it's not the witch that does it; neither is it the Divine healer. It's the people's faith thinking they're approaching God through that witch. And God's got to recognize faith regardless of where it's at." You know that's right.

7 So in this... Oh, how the great scruple come on, and then this Dean wrote me a letter and said, "I want a interview with you." And the manager granted it. They take me out to a great Lutheran college and home there. And setting at the table, I thought, "Well, I'll sure get it now." So he said, "Brother Branham, we've been in your meetings and we're fully persuaded that it's the Holy Ghost."

And I said, "Yes, sir." I thought, "Oh, my."

And he said, "We ourselves, as Lutherans, are seeking God." He said, "If it'll come from your lips that there's something different besides what we have received Christ by faith, we want to know."

I said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

He said, "Well, I never thought of that."

I said, "Neither did those Baptists that time in Acts 19. They was believing, shouting, screaming, and having a great joy. But they hadn't received the Holy Ghost yet. So Paul laid his hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost."

He said, "What must we do?"

I said, "How many of you's hungry?"

Said, "The whole group of us."

I said, "Well, move back the table and go over by the wall and kneel down."

They made a big row around, great arena there where we had the dinner. I went around and laid hands on them and seventy two received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Amen. So they're having a great time over there.

Now, if God will do that in America for Lutherans, He will do it in Africa, Asia, wherever it is, for Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, or whoever hungers and thirsts for God. What a great thing.

8 Now, tonight was kind of an evangelistic night, but we want to hurry right through if we can. And tomorrow night, if I'm just a little lingering tonight, I want to ask about the testimonies. Did they come in, many come in, Brother Joseph. [Brother Joseph says, "I have not taken the time to ask for them."--Ed.] Oh, you haven't had time. How many's here tonight that was prayed for last night that feels that God touched your body? Let's see your hands. Now, those that was prayed for last night. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, about twelve that I see now. Yeah, I got that one over there, that lady there. All right, sir. Just about twelve then I see. Well, I think I had about nearly sixty or seventy up here. Maybe I'd better continue on then as I used to do, 'cause I think I get better than that in the beginning. See?

And so... I can't take Oral Roberts' ministry. And neither can Oral Roberts take mine. The Lord has given us both something to do. And...?... me, I must minister the way the Lord has provided. So don't holler 'cause you're not in the line now, because God wants to heal you out there where you're sitting. That's right.

9 I think that's the best. I think it's the best. God's a good God. He's really good. And He will give you your desire. Like in the Bible, how Thomas said, "Oh, I won't believe it."

Now, look, all the rest of the disciples said, "Sure, we believe it. Yes, sir. He's risen from the dead. We believe it."

Thomas said, "Nope, nope, I don't believe it. I got--I got to have more than that. I got to have some evidence. I got to put my hands in His side and so forth, 'fore I believe it. Yes, sir."

He's a good God. He said, "Come here, Thomas, now touch Me."

Thomas said, "Oh, You're the Lord. I know You are now."

Said, "Now, you seen and you believe, how much greater is their reward who's never seen and yet believe." See? That's it. You must believe.

You notice what a time Paul had with the Corinthian Church? Everyone had a tongue, had a psalm, had a some kind of a something they had to do before they'd believe they had the Holy Ghost. See? And Paul had trouble with them. He never had that with Ephesians, Galatians, any of those. He never had to speak about it. Why they were--they were people who had faith and just believed God, and accepted it, and--and everything was all right. See? So they... But God's a good God. If you want it that way, He will give it to you that way. But I--I just like to believe Him, don't you? Just take Him at His Word. I just like to believe it that way.

10 Now, may the Lord add His blessings now as we fellowship together. And tomorrow night, after tomorrow night, I guess Joseph has made the announcement that there's some... Brother Osborn, and Brother Tommy Hicks, and Brother Ogilvie is going to be here to continue this meeting through the week. Now, they are real good brethren.

And now, I know Brother Osborn real well. I know him real well. And I know he's a very fine brother. I know Tommy Hicks real well. And I know he's a fine brother. And I don't know Brother Ogilvie too well. I met him about twice. But he sure seems to be a fine brother. And I--I want you to continue to come and bring out your neighbors and everything, to hear these brethren. They're good man or God wouldn't be using the way they are.

11 And now, I've left my hometown when Billy Graham was over there. And I've always wanted to meet Billy Graham. And he's in Louisville now, preaching. My family and them's attending. Our churches are closed and everything, a cooperating in the meeting to do everything we can to put the effort.

I live about where eighty-five percent of the alcoholic beverages is, that swindles these drunken people on the streets, comes from Louisville, Kentucky. And the tobacco factories, it's the seat of Satan. And you people in Chicago pray that God will anoint that evangelist Billy Graham till there'll be a revival break out in Louisville and will just start something. And now, pray for him. And I pray for him all the time, each day and every night and everything. 'Cause God's using the man in a great way. A very fine brother, so I am told.

12 Now, over in II Kings and the 9th chapter and the 30th verse, I want to take just a little Scripture here, a few words to go back in the Old Testament again to--to read.

And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face,... tired her head, and looked out at the window.

And may the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now, we go back again in the Old Testament, because the Old Testament is always a foreshadow of the New Testament. And the Bible says that they were examples in Hebrews 11, that they was examples. And on over in 12 it says, in Hebrews,

... seeing that we're compassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that doeth so easily beset us,... that we might run with patience the race that's set before us,

Looking to the author and finisher of our faith;... (the Lord Jesus Christ.)

Now, if we see what God did back there to those people, upon certain attitudes that they taken towards God, and then if we find out if we'll take the same attitude that they did, we will receive the same reward that they did. You can just expect, 'cause God never changes. He's just the same. His blessings is the same, and His penalties is the same. And Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

13 And then I'm going to see... I forgot, and they brought me over to ask Billy if he give out prayer cards tonight. If he didn't, we'll have to get some, maybe... Don't throw your card down. They'll be... How many here's got prayer cards? Raise your hands. Well, that's fine. There's enough then anyhow to--to pray for, have a prayer line if we don't... And we'll go, continue right on. So I'll let up just a little on the evangelistic side tonight in order to pray for the sick.

14 Now, Jezebel, that's a name makes everybody shiver, just to say Jezebel. That was just a common name, just a name like Martha, Ruth, or Mary, or--or some other name. But when they just hear the name Jezebel, it was all because of one woman that took the wrong road.

Now, I'd imagine Jezebel, just because she had the name of Jezebel didn't make her what she was. It wasn't her name that did that; it was her attitude. That's what made it. And the name shouldn't make us shiver like the attitude that she took ought to make you shiver. But you mention Jezebel, "Oooh, my," But mention some of her sin, "Oh well, that's all right." And it wasn't the... It wasn't the name that made her; it was her sin that made her--made her what she was. Your name don't make what you are. It's your character that makes you. Your character molds you and makes you what you are.

15 I've always said, "Let me go into a man's house." And let him stand out on the street and testify, sing, shout, speak with tongues, dance in the Spirit, anything he wants to do; let me go into his house and look at these old pin-up girls all around the wall... Let me look at these magazines that he's reading here on his desk, and listen at him turn the radio on to some of that African nonsense of rock-and-roll and boogie-woogie, I can tell you right now what kind of a spirit he's got. See what it feeds on? I don't care how much he carries on out there on the street, here's what he's really feeding on. That's his diet. That's right.

Let me... How much... No matter how well he claims, and how good society, and what his standing, and what his social status is, that doesn't make a bit of difference. Watch what his spirit feeds on, what music he listens to, what he reads, what he looks at. You can tell what he's made out of then. And his character will always tell.

16 Now, Jezebel was perhaps just a lovely little girl at one time. She bounced around on her mother's knee and probably with her dad, and just like any other little girl. And never did that papa and mama ever think that her name would go down in history as one of the outstanding examples of cruelty and sin, one of the greatest among women names that's in the Bible, or in history of anywhere. Lady Maccabee wouldn't compare with her. And Lady Maccabee was arrested in Oklahoma smoking a cigar, for speeding, driving a carriage through the street.

When Doctor Iben at a great meeting was asked when he told the story of her, when all the religions of the world had met here about a fifty or sixty years ago, and he told this story of how horrible she was... And when they caught her and tarred and feathered her, they was--she was so filthy that they didn't even want to put their hands on her. He told the story with such a way, till everyone setting at the--on the end of their seat listening, he was so... And then when he got through he stepped back from the microphone, a little fellow he was. He said, "Gentleman of the religions of this world, has your religion got anything that'll clean the hands of Lady Maccabee?"

Everybody set still. He jumped in the air, and clicked his heels together, and clapped his hands, said, "The Blood of Jesus Christ won't only clean her hands, but it'll clean her heart." That's right. That's what the religion of Christianity means. It'll clean them no matter how vile they are. And so that's it.

17 Little Jezebel, when she was a little girl hopping along around home, skipping, playing, jumping the rope, or whatever little girls did. Little did they ever know that she'd turn out that way.

But then what made her what she was was the kind of teaching she got at home. And she was a pagan. And what teachings that you get at home, that's what usually you are, is what kind of a teachings you listen to. She was taught to hate God, Jehovah, because she... her God was Baal. And she was taught to hate God and hate God's people. And that hatred for that in her heart, it made her what she was.

18 But oh, my. Another thing, no wonder Ahab... His father was a backslider to begin with. And Ahab was a borderline, lukewarm believer, just a indebtiment to society of Christianity would be today, an indebtiment to the Kingdom of God in that day. He was just a man who was wishy-washy and not stabled at all.

But I imagine he was a handsome young man with his hair slicked down, you know, and kind of a little one of these boys that's going out with these here, what is it you call them, dragging hot rods, something on that order. You see? One of these little fellows that runs around like today...

And you know, it goes to show that he was that type of person or he wouldn't have fell for that type of woman. That's right. Israel was supposed to marry Israelites. They wasn't supposed to mix marriage. You know that's right. They wasn't... And you're not supposed to do it today either, yoke unbelievers with believers. That's against the law of God, against the Bible.

19 And so, you know, little Jezebel had learned one thing in her home, and that was to use paint. That's the heathen trait. Any paint, never in the world, but all painting of faces originated with heathens is always condemned by believers. I hope this goes real far down home, just to make you real good and sick for a few minutes. But now, don't get angry with me; I love you. But I just want to tell you what's truth.

Remember, I've just returned from the African jungle. Every one, the tribals of heathen, on every kind of an occasion they paint their face and wear great big earrings. The Indian savage heathen paints his face and puts on war paint when he goes in--in the... His war is worship around his idols. He paints.

You ashamed? See? It's a heathen sign. Too bad it ever got in the Christian church, wasn't it? Sure was. That was a weak pulpit what brought that in. The preacher ought to be ashamed of himself.

20 So she was used to painting; she made herself a little butterfly. And brother, that's the kind that can jilt a many a good man. That's right. See them on the street with a little lip look like a rosebud and a whole lot of Max Factor's on that, but that'll never burn out the sin wrinkles. Don't you never think that. God looks right through it.

And so Jezebel knowed how to put it on to make it look nice. And so when Ahab, this young Jewish boy become king, she put the--the manicure on her eyes, or whatever you call it, you know, and she flapped them back and forth, and Ahab's heart went tumbling, because he didn't have God in there to teach him better. That's right. So my, what a--what a thing that was.

21 Now, when she begin to flirt with Ahab, Ahab married her. He thought, "That's just the one for me."

And a many man's made a mistake like that. A many man has done it. You ought to see her on wash day, or when she gets cleaned up. Really, might change your mind altogether. Women shouldn't be married by looks anyhow, but by character.

Let me tell you, boy, if you marry her and she's all painted up, one of these day she'll fade. Even if she's pretty, that'll fail one of these days. Wait till her first baby's born and the teeth will go to coming out. Little later on, wrinkles will come over her eyes, and the hair get gray. You'll wake up one morning and wonder what you married. That's right. I--I mean that, not for a joke. No, sir. That's true. I'm just laying a background here for something I want to say. See? That's right.

But if you love her because there's something about her that you've prayed over, and God has joined you together, she can get old and wrinkled and be ugly; that won't make a bit of difference, you'll love her through eternity. "What God has joined together, no man could put asunder." That's right. So ask God first.

22 But Ahab, he goes down there and falls for this girl. So he comes up, and marries her, and brings her into Israel. And when she come up, being a pagan... And did you notice, Ahab went down there and showed that he was a borderline believer. He just went to dilly-dallying with the world to get this girl. And that's where a many person's made a mistake, stepping across the line. God has a boundary line.

An old Methodist preacher friend of mine, Brother Kelly, him and Sister Kelly used to sing a song,

We let down the bars; we let down the bars,

And we compromised with sin.

We let down the bars; the sheep got out,

But how did the goats get in?

You let down the bars. That's what was the matter. You compromised with sin. That's how the goats got in, 'cause you let down the standard.

23 Why, old John Smith years ago, who was packed to the pulpit, could only preach two hours, he was so old. He'd only preach two hours, that's without a microphone. He said, "The very thought," that's Methodism, literally. He said, "The very idea that our Methodist daughters are wearing jewelry on their hands..."

What would he do now to see them in shorts? See? What would he think now at Methodists, Baptists, and Pentecostals? Just the same, all the same... I was only show you where it comes from, where the background of it is. Then you can see why I'm so angry with it, not with you, with the things of the devil that's making you do that.

Now, don't think it's 'cause I say this. If you go out and clean up, just because that I said that, then you're wrong yet. Get down, and pray, and let God come into your heart, and you'll clean up anyhow. I'm sure. 'Cause long as that spirit's got you in control you'll fuss at me and fight back and say, "It's not so," and all like this. And you'll shake your head, like a sheep with blind...?... But it won't do any good, 'cause if the Holy Spirit is in me, you'd better get right by that stuff before you meet the judgment. That's right. But don't let your pastor tell you anything different, because it's THUS SAITH THE LORD in God's Word. That's right.

24 And so we find Jezebel tiring her head (which was cutting her hair, rolling it up), tiring her head, which is a disgrace. A woman that cuts her hair dishonors her husband. The Bible said so. A dishonorable woman should be divorced and put away. So that's a sign that she loves somebody else, according to the Bible, 'cause she dishonors her husband when she does it.

You know that's the Bible? How many knows that's so? Raise up your hand all that knows the Bible says that. Then what do you do it for? That's what I wonder. I wonder why you do it? Because your pastor probably never said any different. But we need some strict old fashion evangelistic teaching that'll tear that thing to pieces. That's right.

25 No wonder we can't have a revival. God can send gifts and everything else to a city, and--and do miracles, and perform things, and the people set. No wonder, there's sin in the camp. We got to clean that thing out and operate (That's exactly right.), and have the church straightened up and running right, and then God will come in and go to doing signs and wonders among us. You know that's right. I don't say that to hurt you. I say that 'cause I love you. And at the judgment bar, then I got to stand before every individual here and give an account. That's off of my chest; now it's on yours. So you pray, and see what God tell you. I believe if the Holy Spirit comes into you and you keep that same spirit, you'll keep on doing the same thing. But you just change that spirit to the Holy Spirit, watch how quick you change things. You sure will.

26 Now, and so then Jezebel, when she got in there, she stomped that little high heel shoe she was wearing, and she said, "Now, Ahab, I'll run this business." That's wrong to begin with. The man's the head of the house. All but in the United States, the woman's the head of the house here. This is a woman's country. The woman is the god of America.

I predict that before the coming of the Lord that a woman will be a great ruler in the United States, 'cause it's a woman's country. Started in Hollywood, that's how it run right on out.

And now, you see a little old man coming down the street and the little Jezebel with a cigarette in her mouth, puffing along like that. She say, "Well..." She hollers, "Scat." and he jumps through to the door. That's right. And at nighttime she's setting out there with them pretty red fingernails till it looks like eagles claws and been eating raw beef steak with it, standing out there. She won't wash the dishes, 'cause she's afraid the paint will come off. While her poor husband is scrubbing the dishes, after washing like that, and her setting in there sucking a cigarette. And he's taking care of the baby. Right. That's rank, isn't it? Sounds ridiculous, but it's the Bible and the truth. Just exactly right.

How could you ever eat a pan of biscuits with a woman that made them with that big long fingernails. I couldn't; I tell you, it would turn my stomach. I just couldn't do it.

27 So anyhow, but, oh, my, it's all right. But you little weakling man. I'm ashamed of you as Christian brothers, will let your wife do such a thing as that; it shows what you are made out of. That's right.

Now, women, you ought to say, "Amen" after fussing at you like that 'cause he's the ruler. That's right. And the way he let you live, it's his fault. God's going to hold him responsible for it. That's right. If you ain't man enough to take up and put your own house in order, God be merciful to you. That's right. 'Cause the Bible said in the very beginning, that, "He shall rule over thee."

Now, she's not a doormat now; she's your sweetheart. See? But you should set down and talk to her, and reason it with her, and tell her, and read the Bible, and pray together. These things wouldn't be in the church then, if you done that. That's right.

28 So Jezebel, when she comes over, her little husband one day got kinda upset because that a man wouldn't break the tradition of God and the laws of God, to let him have his place, because the law said that he should keep his heritage, and it be handed down--Naboth.

But then, when we find out that he wouldn't do it, Ahab begin to pine and running and fell across the bed. And little Jezebel, the little butterfly, come and got him up in her lap and said, "Now, dear, what's wrong with you?"

Said, "Oh, Naboth wouldn't let me have his--his vineyard."

She said, "Don't worry, I'll get it for you. Who's the ruler of this kingdom anyhow?"

See, that puts me like in the mind of denominational barriers. See? "I'll get it for you. You just let me have my way. I'll get it." And she stomped her little foot, and run out there and got some more guys that was kinda backsliders, and went over and set up a false accusation against Naboth, and had him stoned and killed.

29 But remember, when such sin as that goes on among the people, God's always got somebody that'll stand out and tell them about it. Amen. Yes, sir. He had a Tishbite by the name of Elijah, walked right out there and told them people that was wrong. He said, "God will make you answer for that kind of stuff." Right. No matter how vile it gets, somewhere God's going to have a witness to speak against it. That's all. Somewhere He will able these stones to rise children to Abraham. He will do it in some way, somewhere, by somebody.

And there, all the prophets... Oh, my. Jezebel might turn on them. And they--they just took water and went on. But old Elijah stood out there, and he told them right, exactly, said, "God will make you pay for it, and you're against God," and really told them what was right and wrong.

And she hated him. My, did she hate him. Sure. And you go to telling the truth to people, many times they'll hate you instead of repenting. That's right. You ought to be repenting and thanking God to know what's truth. That's right. But, oh, she hated that prophet. My.

30 So he goes up there, and she has a--a false accusation set up against Naboth and had him stoned to death. And the man died in his--out there in the street. And then he... She thought, "Oh, nobody would ever know nothing about that; that's all right. I sent two of my ambassadors up there and stood on the stand and accused him of being a traitor to God and to the king," when the man was perfectly innocent. And they stoned him. She thought, "That'll be all right."

But just as sure as you know that sin and wickedness lies at your door, there's a God of heaven who knows all things. Remember that. He does. He knows all things.

And then when he did that, He spoke to Elijah and said, "Go down there and meet Ahab and tell him THUS SAITH THE LORD." Amen. I love that. Oh, my. "When sin does abound, grace does much more abound." That's right.

31 That He had somebody down there who'd go skin him down for Him... So he met Ahab coming on the road. And Ahab was going up there to take possession, and he had the... They had the man killed because that he was absolutely doing exactly what God told him to. That inheritance was to fall from generation to generation. And if he lost it any way it had to be redeemed by a kinsman. Read the Book of Ruth and the kinsman laws and see if that isn't right.

So she had him killed for his voice. And Ahab come supposingly to have knowed better. The Word was before him, and the prophet was before him. And instead of that, so land crazy to have a beautiful garden next to his place, so he goes up there and takes it over by force.

And Elijah met him on the road and told him, said, "Because that you've did this, you murderer," said, "the--the dogs that licked Naboth's blood is going to lick your blood in the same place." Brother, I mean when God gets enough of anything, He gets enough of it.

He said, "Besides that, that Jezebel that you married..." Oh, my. He didn't care to talk about his wife, and said, "That Jezebel that you married, the dogs will even eat her in the streets in Jezreel. And the dung will be over the ground that they can't even say, 'Here lies Jezebel.'"

32 Oh, my. Woman, you wouldn't want to be like that, would you? Not even remembrance left of her anywhere... Said that... And you can remember when you see all that going on like that, the only woman in the Bible that did that, God fed her to the dogs. That's right. That's... When you see a woman doing that you say, "That's some dog meat then." You see? 'Cause that's what God did; He fed it to the dogs. He fed them kind of women to the dogs. So you keep away from that. Clean up. Amen. Get right with God.

What we need's an old fashion scouring out, digging out. Get those weeds out of the patch so the corn can grow. Jesus is coming. All right, that's what we need. Back to the old hewing line again. Back to the way. God will come among us. But as long as you got the world mixed in, God won't move. You wonder sometimes why that things are going the way they are. You just look around a little while. Pray a little bit and God will condemn sin.

33 Notice. And then the first thing you know, the things got worse. And Elijah set up in the mountains, up there alone. God told him, said, "Go down there." Showed him a vision, said, "I just got enough of this." Said, "Go down there and tell Ahab that I will not--will not let rain or even dew come, until you call for it." Now, a man of God will always follow the true Word of God.

Now, Jezebel had threatened him and everything else. Well, you say, "Now, Brother Branham, wait a minute before you leave Jezebel. That little woman may not have had a chance. She was borned a pagan. She didn't have a chance." Oh, yes she did too. She had a pastor, Pastor Elisha. And Elisha wasn't afraid to tell her about it. Don't think... God always puts the light there. She just refused to walk in the light; that was all. Right. Oh, she didn't want to call Elijah her pastor, certainly not. She had other formal, dignified men for her pastor. But God sent Elijah to be her pastor, no matter how much she hated him. She hated him because the Jewish religion was too straight for her.

34 And that's what's the matter today. The people want to act like the world, and talk like the world, and dress like the world, and make the church and the world all the same. The Christians, Holy Ghost religion is too straight for them. That's the only thing. Amen. The reason you want to call them holy-rollers and say they haven't got the right mind and things, it's too straight for you to live it. That's what's the matter. And some of you people that used to be that way is turned aside. What am I saying? My. Maybe that's good.

But... It's a little like mama used to give me castor oil. And she said... I just gag to think of it. She said, "If it don't make you sick, it don't do you any good." Well, maybe that's the same thing here. If gets you right sick of yourself, maybe it'll fix your--your spiritual gastronomics so you can really take the Word.

35 They wondered. Elijah went down, stomped up into the palace and right up past all the guards and things, and he told Ahab, with his finger in his face, said, "There'll not even be dew come from the heavens till I call for it." Oh, my. Why? God has spoke to him. He was with the Word of God, so he wasn't a scared.

Don't never be afraid. Micaiah wasn't afraid with the Word of God. No man's afraid when you got the Word of God and the vision of God moving with the Word. The reason Micaiah could condemn against them prophets and tell them they were wrong, and they had the devil's spirit in them, because there was fashions and everything that they were doing, and 'cause they were not lined up with the Word. And God give the true vision to the true prophet. And he... trying to line them up...

And now, and today the true vision is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The true prophet is the baptism, it--it's the Holy Spirit Himself. He is the one that comes and lines us with the Word. And notice. Not some bishop or archbishop, but the Holy Spirit leads the Church. Amen.

36 Now, watch. Now, we find out that... Could you imagine Ahab standing there and looking at him, the king. And this old fellow, maybe looked like a fuzzy worm, with all of his beard and hair sticking out like that, and a piece of sheepskin around him... The Bible said he was hairy all over anyhow. I'd imagine he was a pretty looking sight standing there in a king's court. But shaking his finger in his face and said, "The dew will not even fall from heaven till I call for it." Amen. He had THUS SAITH THE LORD, stomped right back out into the wilderness.

After he got by, I can hear Ahab holler, "Ha-ha-ha. And that old quack come in here and said a thing like that, did you ever hear such? Ha-ha. Why, we got the clergymen set here who know all these things. Why, there's nothing wrong here. He's just old fashion, an old fogy." But he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yes, sir. And he stomped right back out of the wilderness.

Some of them said, "Watch the way he goes."

"Aw, don't pay any attention to it."

37 And he went up by the brook Cherith and set down. Up there, the Lord told him, said, "Go up there, for I'm going to take care of you while you're up there." I like that. You mind the Lord and the Lord will take care of you. You just do what THUS SAITH THE LORD is and He will take care of you.

And Elijah goes up there and sets down, just as confident that the rain wasn't going to fall as he could be. And the first thing you know, come a drought. And all the--all the springs dried up. And they thought he was crazy. And here they was... He was an old fogy. He was old fashion, everything like that, and an old crank in his preaching. But he was God's pastor to the nation in them days, Pastor Elijah the Tishbite.

And so they wouldn't listen to him. But they said he was a little off. But he goes up and sets down by the spring by the will of God. And here was people down here in the valley where all the hydrants was, and all the springs boiling up, starving to death for a drink of water; and there set Elijah up there drinking any time he wanted to. 'Cause he had THUS SAITH THE LORD.

38 Now, I wonder today, if you think 'cause you got a great big denomination you belong to, or some great big church with a cross on top, and a million dollar church organ, that you can drink any time you want to. I tell you, the spring's only open at THUS SAITH THE LORD.

There he stood up there getting a good old spiritual drink any time he wanted to. The water's dried up down here in the land. I think today, a whole lot of the trouble, that the waters is dried up in our lands too, our Christian land. What was the matter? You... Long time ago, used to have old fashion meetings where the people would cry, and walk up-and-down the aisle, and lay on their face all night and pray and bring your children in and--to the Kingdom of God. And today they got babysitters. And--and they used to... It was a shame for a woman to smoke a cigarette. Today the whole company of people smoke cigarettes. And it used to be a shame for woman to paint and use all these things. And today it's just all just one... You can't tell the Christian from the other. It's all the same.

You know what's the matter? Your water line's been cut off. That's what's the matter. You're in a desert. And that's the reason you got church fusses all the time. You know the...

39 You take a--a--any kind of a plant and put it on the desert where there's no water, it gets stickers on it. And you take that same plant and put it where there's a lot of water, it gets soft. And why is it? It's because it's dry.

And that's what's the matter with the churches today. They're fussing, "Glory to God, I'm a Baptist. Hallelujah."

"I'm a Presbyterian, I'll tell you, we have the best selection of pastors. Yes, sir, we don't have to take your old Pentecostal theology."

"I tell you; I belong to the Assemblies; that's who I am. We're as great as the rest of them."

"I belong to the United..."

"I belong to this, that, or other." Oh, I see your stickers. Your water supply is gone. That's what's the matter. That's just what's the matter. The water's been cut off. You don't have the things like you used to have years ago. The miracles and things are not in the church. The feeling, the--the fellowship's not in the church like it used to be. What's the matter? The glory spring that led to your hallelujah garden was cut off.

What did it? Sin. Sin getting in the church and getting in you is what did it, because the weakness of the pulpit to keep the lines unstopped. That's right. Amen. That's the truth. It might seem awful crude, but it's the truth. And if you don't stop and call an old fashion prayer meeting, and get back to God, what will you be in ten years from now? Somebody better raise up and go to preaching this thing and getting this thing out of the church. It's a cancer, and it's eating to the bone. Get it out. God, send evangelists who will stand on the Word and preach the Word when you see that thing going on. And then let it go like that?

40 Why, here the day I met a bunch of women who was having a prayer meeting, shouting and speaking in tongues with shorts on, smoking cigarettes: Pentecostals. God have mercy. It's backslidden sinners is exactly what it is. I'm not judge, but, "By their fruits you shall know them."

Do you realize it's insanity? Do you realize there's only one time in the Bible that anyone ever stripped their clothes off, and that was a devil-possessed person? Do you realize that all this stuff that's going on today, these rock-and-roll parties that you're--you all are attending, up in them places, when they go so frantic and get in such a maneuver, the Presley and them, till young ladies take their underneath clothes off and throw them up on the platform for him to autograph, and call that civilization, when they send dozens of them to the insane asylum afterward? And our radio programs and everything nearly you hear is full of that chaos? It's the devil like a roaring lion. And they're bringing that same thing, with boogie-woogie and everything into the church.

Way in the Hottentots of Africa, that same mournful sound... When I seen them stand there, and the witch doctors, and they'd go, and them sounds. Heathens with paint over their face, and the young women would dance out there till they'd...?... sex parties and everything else. And America in it has reached the top of civilization and swinging backwards and going into heathens again, painting and rocking, and-rolling thus, and--and even calling themselves church members. Amen.

Many a time... They had one here in Canada not long ago. And I think they sent ten kids in two days after that, to the insane institution. Sure. You better settle down to the old fashion Gospel and come back to Christ. Certainly they had. Draw the lines between right and wrong.

41 Elijah, setting up there on the hill, and they said he was a crank. They said he didn't know what he was talking about. And here they was down here with nothing to eat; the wheat crops didn't produce, didn't have no water. They didn't have nothing but gnawing of the tongue. And they said that he was a crank. And there he was setting up there a whole lot better off than many of you people are here in Chicago tonight. That's right.

He was setting up there, first, in the will of God, setting by a spring of water with crows bringing him something to eat. He had porters that brought him something to eat. Every time he got hungry, here come a crow with a sandwich and give it to him. He'd eat, set down and drink, got up, praise the Lord. Now, if that isn't fine, I never told it. That's living in luxury to me. Wouldn't it be you? Sure it was, and knowing that he was in the will of God. Someone said to me one time, said, "Brother Branham, do you actually believe those crows brought him meat and bread?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "How do you know they did?"

I said, "The Bible said so. That's all."

He said, "Well, listen, I want to ask you a question then. Where did they get it?"

I said, "I'm going tell you; I don't know." But I said, "The only thing I know, they brought it; he eat it." And I said, "Just like the question you asked me awhile ago, what makes me shout and carry on the way I do? It's the Holy Ghost. I can't tell you where It comes from, but I know It gets here, and I just take It. That's the only thing I can do. And God sent It and I love It." Amen.

42 So long as you're in the will of the Lord, what difference does it make? I don't care where it comes from as long as the Lord sent it to me; it's good. Amen. I just receive it. I don't care what the world thinks about it. Go ahead and gnaw your tongues, and all your water dried up, and no hallelujah in the church, and all condemnation, setting around picking and painting fingernails while the preachers bringing his little sissified ten cent store message, try to pat you on the back and everything then. That's right. Now, that's not Presbyterian; that's Pentecostal. Right Oh, that's rough, isn't it? But it's the truth. Yes, sir.

What you ought to have is some more John the Baptists, an old message like that, a man filled with the Holy Ghost who walked right up in the face of sin and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." That's right. Amen. That's what the Bible says to do. Tear it out. "The axe is laid to the root of the tree." That's right. Cut her down. That's what we need, is a circumcision. "Circumcision" means "to cut off surplus flesh." That's what we need in a Pentecostal church tonight is some surplus flesh and nonsense cut out of it. That's exactly right. Back to the old hewing line.

43 Elijah setting up there for three years just having a good time under the anointing of the Lord every day and every night. Every time a crow would come by, dip right down, get him a sandwich, and he'd eat it. Get up and praise the Lord, get him a drink of water and shout a little while and set back down again. If that isn't wonderful.

And then they begin to find out. "Wonder what become of that holy-roller? Wonder... Why, he might've been right after all." So then they started on a hunt for him. So they hunted every nation trying to find him. But he was... They couldn't find him. Certainly not.

So the Lord said, "Ahab..." or to "Elijah, I want you to go down and meet Ahab." So down the mountain he come and walked up. And when Ahab met him, he said, "Oh, here you are. So this is you, huh? You're the one that troubles Israel."

Oh, my. You know what he said? He said, "It isn't me; it's you and your little Jezebel that's done it." That's exactly right. "You've brought this witchcraft into Israel and done these things that you've done. You're the one that's done this." And he said...

44 That's what the people are today. They try to say, "Oh, they make too much noise, and they do this and that. That's the trouble of it." Listen, it's not the--the doctor; it's the disease that causes the trouble. That's right. It's the disease; it's the sin that cut off their blessing. That's the sin that's in... Not because you haven't got good pastors, not because you haven't got fine churches, not because you haven't got this, that or the other, sure, you have. But it's the sin that's cutting you away from these--these things that you ought to have. It's sin that's keeping the church from that raptured condition all the time. It's sin, not the building, not the church, but the sin that's in the church.

45 So then He said, "Call them up on Mount Carmel here and we'll find out who's God. Let the God that answers by fire be God. Let's prove and see who's God." Oh, I--I'm so happy to know that we still have the same God, that the God that is God still answers like God, talks like God, walks like God, heals like God, saves like God, and cleans up like God. Amen. Still the same God...

It's proved; God is a visiting the people today. God is in His Church, trying to purge the thing, take out the leaven out of it. He's sending messengers, signs, and wonders, and miracles, and everything, trying to prove that He loves them and He wants them to clean up. Get rid of this here, all this carrying on, staying home on Wednesday night from prayer meeting to look at this old silly stuff of an old woman from Hollywood married four, or five different times, and some guy that's run with half the women on the West Coast, and "Who Loves Lucys," and all these things like that. And you Christian people stay home to see that and stay away from the house of God, it shows what kind of a spirit is in you. Amen.

I've got it at home from the FBI files; any minister can get them that wants to. If you only knowed the filth and things of them people that you make your example: dress like them, act like them, talk like them. Brother, read the Bible. Talk like a Christian; act like a Christian; be like a Christian; live like a Christian, what we need today. Amen.

46 Now, it ain't paint, and scissors that cuts your hair that bothers you. It's that spirit in you that makes you go get it. That's what it is. Max Factor could make all of it he wanted to and lay it over there, and if you was a Christian you'd never touch it. I mean if you was baptized with the Holy Ghost and living where you ought to live (That's right.), and your pastor preach the truth and let you know about it. You wouldn't even care a bit.

How could you sell old button shoes down on the street today, them high laced up shoes which have got more leather in them than a dozen pair of these little things that you pay twenty five dollars for? A little strap across the toe and a big old red painted toenail sticking out like that, and the heels flopping around through the rain, and you go down the street like that. That's right. That's right. But you couldn't sell that old fashion shoe because you don't want it; you done seen Martha Susianna out yonder wear some other kind. See? You want to dress like her. You don't want that dress that hangs loose. You want that one's like you're poured into it, because that you seen Susie on the television and the radio and in the magazine.

The devil putting all that stuff around, young kids, drinking beer, Ortel's Ninety-Two, and Schlitz and this kind of stuff, it's... That's a lie. And nothing but... That turns young men and women to batty-eyed wretches to drink that stuff. It's the devil. It fills the insane institution. It fills the prostitute houses. It does everything else. It breaks up homes. It causes rape and murder and everything else.

And cigarettes poisons the mind, causes cancer. And the Medical Association even decent enough to place it out, and you continually smoke that devil's weed. I don't know what I'm saying it for; that don't sound like me, but I--I--I'm going to say it anyhow as long as it's coming out like that. Just... That's right. It's wrong; get away from it. Christians, get filled with God. Yes, sir.

47 One day when the final time come for God's Word to be answered, Elijah's prophecy to be fulfilled, the dogs licked the blood of Ahab right in the same place before they could wash the chariot in the pool of--at Samaria. When they went down to wash the chariot where he was shot and killed, the dogs licked his blood.

And when Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat, the righteous man with the right daddy behind him, it made a right man and a real king. Jehoshaphat was a man of God. See what he produced? See? And Jehu, when he come riding through there fiercely on this chariot, he cleaned up everything that was called sin. I mean he cleaned house. We need some more Jehu's today (That's right.), ride fiercely through the ranks and scatter the thing and call black, black and white, white. That's right. Right, right and wrong, wrong...

48 And when he come down through there, little Miss Jezebel, she thought, "Well, I'm a vamp anyhow, you know." Said, "I'm all pretty." And she goes over there and gets her makeup kit, you know, and she begins to fix her face all up with all that makeup and stuff, and you know.

And I seen women do that in a restaurant, and then take a piece of paper, a napkin, and bite on it like that. Put me in the mind of a mad dog trying to bite a stick or something, and on like that, and look back again, and make it around like that.

And then she fixed herself all up, and she fixed her hair all manicured up, just the way it was supposed to be, you know. And she thought she looked all pretty. She come strutting out, you know, with that new type of dress on. She looked out the window, she said, "Did you ever have...?...?"

49 And Jehu was a man of God; that didn't go with him. He was the right kind of a pastor. He was a real evangelist. He said, "Who's for me and God up there?"

And two of her eunuchs had enough gall about them enough, said, "We are."

Said, "Throw her out the window." Amen. Say, he got rough, didn't he? And when she hit the street the blood splashed on the horses and up on the chariot. Said, "Let her lay there," and drove on over her. He didn't know even want... He was still in the will of God. For the Word of God will work with the will of God always.

Goes over, sets down, eats his dinner, said, "Well, that's pretty good clean up today." Said, "You ought to go bury her 'cause she was a king's daughter." And when she got there, he forgot that the Word of God must be fulfilled. What was left? The palms of her hand and her skull. The dogs had eat her up.

If you only know what. That has to be a strange thing, 'cause dogs won't touch human blood. That's right. It was God pushed them to do it. That's right. I know that. I know that for truth. Yes, sir, they won't touch human blood. And so then these dogs had eat her up, because God had commanded them to do it. And there she was in that disgrace.

50 The Word of the God prevailed. It'll always prevail, friend. I'm not angry with you. I love you. I want you... I--I better keep away from evangelistic services, 'cause maybe I get too rough. I don't mean to be. I love you. But, brother, sister, that's the truth. That's the truth, so help me. And I could say this: It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, for it's His Word. That's right.

Now, get that old cancer condition away from the church. Get out of it, women. Get out of it, men, not only women, but men too. And preacher also, you've let down the bar, pastor. There's something wrong with you. You haven't prayed through, or you'd absolutely see your congregation getting in that condition; you'd stand and resist the thing if you preached to four walls. That's exactly. That's the truth. You would do it.

51 And what we need is a fash--old fashion scouring out, cleaning up. And you Pentecostal people don't watch, the Baptists and Presbyterians going take your blessing and go on to glory with it. Famous Baptist ministers, and Presbyterian, and Lutherans, are receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, saying, "We're hungry for it, Brother Branham. We're hungry for it." And they're going on and on, some of the outstanding men in the nation hungering for God. Oh, let's clean up. Let's all of us, the Lutheran, the Baptist, the Presbyterian, the Pentecostal. We're not divided; we're all one big Church of the living God. Let's join our hands with one another, and our hearts together, look over towards Calvary, and march on through the ranks. Let's go on to victory to victory.

Jesus is coming soon, friends. And remember, you people here, try to be that called out group. Remember, the Bible said in the last church age will be that Laodicean Church Age, lukewarm. And that's just where the Pentecostal church has got to. That's where they're all getting. If you don't watch, God's going to come down and pull a little remnant out here, and here, and here, make up the Bride and be gone. See? So let's be up now, and believe God, and have faith in God, and believe that God is here.

52 And the God that was in Elijah is the same God that's right here tonight. He's the same God that was... You might not want to receive it, but it's God just the same. He--He is. And He does miracles; He shows visions; He sends powers; He heals the sick; He has revelations; He--just everything, just exactly what God has always done. How can we then, friends, in the light of this Bible, ever set still and still live the same way?

Here's the only thing you do. Now, when you leave the church tonight, you say, "You know, I kinda believe Brother Branham's right. Yeah, now, that is the truth." But tomorrow you go right back into the office when you oughtn't to go. If your husband's sick, you need to do it. But if it isn't, listen, sister dear, God made you for one place, the kitchen. When you get out of there, you're out of His will. Remember that. Women was made to be a helpmate at the house. She never was made for office work. And it's caused more disgrace and divorces and things.

And today, even your lovely city is degraded as far as ours is, with women cops on the street. If that ain't a disgrace to Chicago or anything else, when thousands of men walking the street wanting a job. Exactly the truth. And big? Oh, my. "Hey, get over there." You ought to be in the kitchen cooking your husband a pie for supper or something. Exactly right.

53 I know you're... That--that's hard, friends. But that's said not with scorn; it's said with love, that I love you, and I want you to understand it in that way. But you can't see sin and set still. That--that's all. I--I--I don't like it. And I see it in the people. And the people here, and the people I preach to are people who love me, and--and my living comes for them people. God puts it upon their heart and they give me living.

But would I stand in the judgment bar, and God looks down to me in the presence of that great light of God and say, "William Branham, you knowed better than that, and you let them headlong plunge into it. I'll require their blood at your hand." God forbid. No, no, no. I say it, my dear brother, sister, preach it if God gives breath as long as I live. Then when that day, it'll... You--you... I want Him to say, "It was well done, My good and faithful servant." Now, that's what I want Him to say. And I want Him to say, "Oh, you happy people now, aren't you glad that you circumcised from them things of the world."

54 It was like I was preaching the other night on the shorn sheep. You're sheep, and the reason the Spirit has left the church is because the Spirit only stays on sheep. And you say, "Now, Brother Branham, now you talk about us women and us men doing these things. That's... If I want to take a little drink, Brother Branham, after I come home from work, that's my American privilege." That's right. "If I want to smoke a good cigar, that's none of your business. That's my privilege." That's right. But if you're a sheep, you're willing to give up and be shorn of your own rights, your own privileges. A sheep is willing to lay down and let them take off of him what come on him, his... Is that right?

You say, "If I want to wear a dress and a skirt, and I want to do this the way I want to do it, that's my business. That's my American privilege. The American public puts it out, and they're... It's legal. They won't run me off the street with it. And if I want to do it, I'll do it. That's my privilege." That's right madam; that's exactly right. But if you're a lamb, you're ready to forfeit your rights to be a lamb of God. That's right. If you are a lamb, you'll forfeit your rights. That's true. So you ought to do that. And if you--if you just go out and don't try... You say, "Well, I'm going to quit it." Pray till God just--just makes it so real to you, you'll quit yourself. If you'll just do that.

And now, we're here to help you, not to hurt you, but to be a blessing to you. And I pray that you'll take this little old cut up evangelistic message tonight to your hearts, and go home, and pray over it, and say, "God, be merciful to me." How many believes that it's the truth and say, "I accept it as the truth"? Raise your hand. God bless you. Fine. Let us pray.

55 Our dear heavenly Father, in the light of Thy blessed holy Word, yet with this pouring into my heart, but holding back for this prayer line that's coming up. I pray, God, that You'll help now. And may that which I was going to say, press on into their hearts anyhow. Grant it, Lord. And let it be received in the Spirit of love, not in rebuke, but in the Spirit of love, seeing this great cancer of sin moving in on these blessed children of Yours. And how the pastors set silent and don't say nothing about it. O God, raise up men that'll stand out. Grant it, Lord.

Send some more Tishbites, Elijah along, that'll really stand regardless (Grant it, Father.), and preach that they can see the light. Oh, yes, Jezebel had the light, plenty of it. She had Mount Carmel light to see that God answered prayer and performed miracles. She knew it. But she wasn't willing to sacrifice and to walk in the light.

And I pray, Father, that You'll bless each one here tonight, and get glory. And heal the sick now, and let it be known that the God of Elijah still lives tonight, that He's still the same God. And I'll ask this in Jesus' Name.

56 And while we have our heads bowed, I wonder tonight... I want everyone praying. I wonder tonight in the little talk that we just had as a little family talk together, ere the--my part of the service closing tomorrow night, I wonder if you would say, "Brother Branham, by this..." Not Brother Branham, "Lord God, I'm guilty of these things, but I'm ashamed of myself. I--I have been going to church and calling myself a Christian. I been taking a little drink. I been smoking a little. I tell some foul jokes, and, with the crowd. And I take a drink to be sociable, but I'm ashamed of myself, Brother Branham, as a--professing to be a servant of Christ, I realize it's a wrong spirit making me do that."

And the woman say, "I'm--I'm ashamed of myself, Brother Branham, I--I did have my hair all cut off, and I know the Bible said for me not to do that. I know I spend a big part of my time in a beauty shop. "You should look your best, sister. That's right. Be clean and neat and lovely and sweet. I know your husband will appreciate you like that. That you'll look a lot better if you let your hair grow out... Women are supposed to have that. They ain't supposed to look like men. Man's not supposed to have long hair. The Bible says for him not.

57 You say, "I've used paint and makeup, Brother Branham. I've used the wrong kind of clothes; I know I've throwed myself before men." Listen, I said this. I want to say it again, with your heads bowed. Sister dear, you may be as pure as a lily to your husband; you may be just as pure and undefiled from those things. But did you know, at the judgment you may be called on as committing adultery? You know, Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Well, what if you dressed yourself that way and you go out on the street, and a sinner man looks at you and lusts after you, then he's going to have to answer for adultery at the day of judgment. And you're going to be the one that's guilty. And you'll have to answer for adultery in the Presence of God. And no adulteress will ever enter heaven. You presented yourself before him to look that way. You see what I mean?

Bless your heart, I don't want you to be all disappointed at judgment. I want you to go. You might be pure and clean as you can be. You may be just the loveliest type of a woman, but if you dress yourself like that and man lusts for you, and you presented yourself to men like that, and they do, you'll answer at the day of judgment as an adulterer. That's exactly right. The Bible said so. See, this Word's deep.

58 For years I passed through this country of America, my homeland. I told you all a few years ago. I went through this land praying for the sick, and with signs and wonders. I said, "One of these days I'm coming back. I'm coming with the Gospel truth." That's right. If I can win the love of the people, then I want to tell them what's truth. That's what I'm doing.

Are you guilty? No one raising your head now, everybody in prayer. Would you raise your hand to Christ and say, "By Your help, God, cleanse my heart tonight and let me be a different person." Both man or woman, would you just raise your hands to Christ right now? God bless you; that's fine, everywhere. "By Your help, Christ, from this night on I want to pray till You give me a different Spirit that'll make me look different and act different. I don't want to act like the world."

Be separate from the world, come out from among the unclean, the uncircumcised. Touch not their unclean things, their old sexy clothes, and their smoking, and their drinking, and their gambling, and their dirty jokes. Don't associate yourself with it. God... You think that gentle dove of God could ever stay in a place like that, where all them old dirty things are going on? No friend, no, no. It'll depart in immediate. So if you've got that in you, get rid of it tonight, will you? Now, there's been at least thirty, forty hands up. I want to pray for you.

59 Now, dear God, if I should go home to glory tonight, as I trust that I will someday... I hope that You keep me here a long time till You're finished with me, believing that You will. But I feel that I have told the truth in the light of the Gospel. And I pray, God, that--that it received right now. And these hands that went up, they were convinced that they been wrong; they're sincere, Lord. They're... We don't want them to feel hurt; we want them to feel blessed. And we want them now, if it be Your Divine will, which I know it is, to put a new Spirit in them. They don't want to act like that. Men don't want to drink and carry on like that and tell those smutty jokes. And women don't want to paint their faces, and act like heathens, and be marked by a trait of heathenism. God, we pray that You'll help them tonight. And bless them all.

And now, that the... And save all the sinners, Lord. Call the backsliders back to the place again of the blessings of God. Take out all the old clogs and the stuff that's clogging up the line from the irrigation that runs into the garden of hallelujah, where the flowers eternal grow and the blessed perfume of God's holy Presence is with them all the day. God, grant. The water supply is cut off because sin has done it. God, remove all sin tonight and water that garden again with Your blessings and Your Blood, Lord, that it'll--the sin will be taken away.

60 And now, Lord, that the people would know that You're still the Lord Jesus and that I be Your servant, I pray now, after this hard, crude talking, I pray that You'll anoint me just now, Lord, with the Holy Spirit that'll speak things and heal the sick to let You--let the people know that You love them, and it's Your message and You want them to be well and prosper and do good things. Grant it, Father. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Because He first loved me.

I'll never forsake Him,

I'll never forsake Him,

I'll never forsake Him,

Because He first loved me.

You mean it? Does the Word make you feel like you're scoured out? It does to me. Just to... Hearing the Word just cleanses me out, just makes me a new person. Does it you that way?

Billy? Did you give out prayer cards? N, 1 to 100. All right. N's 1 to a 100. Let's call some of them then.



61 "... you tell it; don't you tell that."

I said, "There's your trouble."

"I've confessed that to God."

I said, "It wasn't God you sinned against; it was your husband. Go, make it right with him." And when finally she did it, she got healed. Then she come back. I said, "Now Satan will have to leave." See? 'Cause as long as there's sin in your life Satan can hold a stick over you. That's exactly right. Whether it's something that you've done, or something you ought to have done, be just the same. See?

So let's see, how many did I call down there? I don't think I got very many. Where was I calling from, from 1 to what? Oh, from 7 to 15. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Get so... We'll pray for these here while we're... Now, the rest of us bow our heads now.

62 Heavenly Father, now we pray that Your holy hands will be laid upon these handkerchiefs and parcels here, and may they be healed every one that they represent. Grant it, Lord. May when they get there to that poor old mother laying in the hospital, that little baby, maybe with convulsions or whatever it may be, Thou knowest, Lord. And I pray that the evil spirits will go from them. Grant it, and they be made well through Jesus' Name. Amen.

63 All right, are you still all of them lined up? Is that... All right, then we'd start the prayer line, if they're not lined up. Now, I want everyone to please, for the next few moments, if you can, this is going to be a change over to stand, and, like that and then start praying for the sick. I will, if you'll just keep your seats just for a few moments and just believe...

And then if you are sick and you have need of God, if you'll just look this way and pray and say in your heart, say this, say, "Lord God, I'm in need of You. Maybe I'm just a little skeptic. You... Brother Branham doesn't know me; I'm sure. You just have him to turn around and say to me what this is that's causing me to be this way, or something that's--something that I know that's the truth, and all doubts will fade from me, and I'll--I'll never disbelieve no more." Now, that's--that's quite a thing to say. But, brother and sister, in Christ's Name, you do that and see if He doesn't call you. See? You... Now, sometimes it's such a conglomeration I can't get it all. But I've explained that, what that is.

64 Now, here's a--a lady here; I suppose that she is a stranger to me. Are you, lady? We do not know each other, and never met, I guess, in life. But... Ma'am? You saw me one time. Where abouts? In Vandalia, Illinois, you saw me. All right. But 'course that's-that's been about ten years ago, when I first got started. And you just among that big crowd there in that tent. Oh, my. That was quite a--quite a crowd, wasn't it?

Was you there the night that blind boy that had no eyes got healed? He come over and picked up my tie and said, "What color is that?" right along towards the last of the meeting. And it's been about ten years ago. There was a shoe cobbler there also, in Vandalia, I believe had blind eyes that got healed in the meeting.

One night the Lord broke through and just flooded the place, and they picked up cots and stretchers, and the papers packed it. It... Chicago paper called me Brother Henry Branham. I never will forget that, the "Tribune" here in Chicago. Had two or three pages of it in the meeting, been a long time since then. Lot of water's went down the river. But God still remains the same.

65 Now, this lady is... She doesn't know me. She said she seen me in a meeting one time, but ten years ago. Then if there's anything you're here for, I--I--I don't know it; you know that. I have no way of knowing that. Only God would have to reveal it. Is that right?

Well now, if Jesus talking to the woman at the well, stood and talked like we're talking now, and then finally found where her trouble was and told her... She believed that it was the Messiah. She believed. She said, "We Samaritans know that the Messiah will do this when He comes." But she couldn't understand Who He was, and He told her that He was the Messiah. That marvelous? How wonderful. Well, He's still Messiah tonight.

66 Now, to the audience, Moses, when He went down and turned his hand to leprosy and healed it, and showed the people that God had sent him, that settled it with all Israel. They just went on, followed him. Is that right?

But if God tonight... If you desire to question the woman, okay. God tonight knows of this woman. I know nothing of her, never have seen her in my life to know of. 'Course, me standing up before the people she could see me, but I know her not. Here she is. She probably one of your friends here, and you know all about it. But now, if God can tell to me what the woman is here for or what her trouble is... It might be domestic trouble; it might be sickness; it might be for somebody else. I--I don't know. I can't tell you. But if He will reveal that, we'll have to know that it's some kind of a spiritual, unseen power doing it. Is that right?

Well--well now, the Bible said that when Jesus was here on earth, that's the very thing He did, and didn't do nothing till first the Father showed Him. Is that the Scripture? And He said, "These things that I do, shall you also. I'll be with you to the end of the world."

Now, if He can reproduce His life in our bodies tonight by cleansing us with His own Blood, which we're unworthy, but make us worthy through His Blood, then it ought to satisfy everyone that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and He's right here with you. Is that right? Now, may He grant it. He might not. I couldn't tell you. He may. But may He grant it.

67 Now I want to talk to you. Been preaching and waiting, of course I'm waiting on a changing, for the Holy Spirit, for the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the--for the healing service. But now just to speak with you for a moment... And I... If God reveals it now, you're going to accept it? Whatever it is, you're going to accept it?

Now, to the audience, I'm just looking at a young woman standing here, lot younger than I, and she's looking at me and--and looks to me like a Christian to look at her. And she... I don't--couldn't say only just to... I look at her and think she looks like a Christian. And... But God knows all things right.

But now, if God can, or will, don't say "He can," if He will reveal to me what's your trouble, then that settles the whole question. It's all over. That's right. Isn't that wonderful to know that the God of Elijah still lives? See? He does. That's right.

68 You are a Christian all right, because of that real welcoming begins to come since the Angel of the Lord, and you're conscious that something's going on now. Now, just as a Christian, a Christian sister and a Christian brother... Now, just since just a second ago, something taken place, wasn't it? You could feel something. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's right. See? 'Cause right between me and you now the anointing begins to start. There's a Light standing between me and you. Did you ever see the picture of It? You never seen It. I think they have it here. It's right between you and I now.

Your trouble is in your leg. That's true, isn't it? And it's in the bone, and it's a tumor, and it's malignant. You're in a serious condition and a black shadow hanging near you which is death. That's true. You are from Illinois, but not Vandalia. Place like a hill, Dower Hills, something like that, Illinois. That's right. Your name is Wahr. Lydia M. Wahr. Is that right? You believe me now to be His servant? Then come here.

Our heavenly Father, in the Bible when Thou was here on earth You walked among men and yielded Yourself to the Father of heaven, and He was in You and showed You things to do and to speak. And You said You didn't do nothing unless He showed You first. And then as the Father sent You, You said You'd send us, and go with us and be with us. And the things that You done would be continued, Your ministry, by Your Church until You come again. And we're looking for You to come the second time in glory. And tonight the very evidence, the initial evidence of the living God is here on the platform tonight among the people in Chicago. And the signs that He said would be done to the end of the world is now being done. And this devil that's been on our sister to take her life, may he be cursed in Christ's Name, and come from the woman, and may she live. Amen.

God bless you, lady. Now, go happy and rejoicing. Amen.

69 Do you now believe? Now, look, I been preaching for about two hours. All right, that one vision, and look at the beads of sweat. See? It just weakens you. Something goes from you. The thing left the lady. See? The woman touched His garment and said, "Something went from me." Not from...

All right, bring the man. Now, please be reverent if you will. Remember, evil spirits come out of one and go into others. How many know that to be true? So be reverent.

70 Sir, God must help you, 'cause you--you're aware it's cancer and your condition in the bowels there. And when you set down you have to use a cushion to set on. But only God can help you. Do you believe if I ask Him that He will help you and all this host of people here tonight, Christian believer? You believe it. Will you praise Him and give Him all the glory? You love Him with all your heart and will serve Him, will you do it? You will. May the Lord grant your blessing.

Heavenly Father, as looking into the face of this man, knowing that he sets tonight like the lepers who set at the gate of Samaria, when the Syrians had it besieged. They was lepers, they said, "Why do we set here till we die? If we set here, we'll surely die. If we go in the city, there's nothing can be done for us." And they took a chance by going to the host of the enemy. And You rewarded their faith and saved their lives.

God, this man, the doctor can do no more, and there's nothing left for him to do but to come to You. And You're not a enemy; You're a loving Father Who's expecting him tonight, to come. And now, he's come, and I lay hands upon him as Your servant, and ask that in Jesus Christ's Name that You'll heal the man and let him live. And maybe in the return to Chicago sometime he will come and give praise and glory to You for his healing. Amen.

God bless you, brother. Now, go, don't doubt nothing. Just go on like that you--that nothing ever happened to you.

Now, just be reverent, just reverent as you can be. And have faith in God. Only the Lord Jesus can make the sick well. "I'm the Lord Who heals all of thy diseases." Is that true? The Bible says that it is the truth. And we know if the Bible says so, it is true.

71 Now, here's a lady setting, standing here, rather, before me, a stranger to me. It... That is true, isn't it, lady? I don't know you. But Jesus does know you. Now, if I had some way of helping you, and I wouldn't do it, wouldn't I be a terrible man? Well, at--at the--at the judgment bar what would God say to me? If He say, "I--I told you to go help that woman, and you didn't do it." I'd have to answer for it. But I... I--I have no way of helping you, only that something might raise your faith in God. Is that right? And your healing has already been completed when Jesus died for you. You just got to have faith to receive it. Isn't that right?

Now, if God will reveal to me what you're here for, will you accept it and believe it? You will. Will the audience will do the same? All right, sister, just look this way just a moment. I just want to talk to you.

The first thing I see blood dripping before me. It's got sugar in it, which is diabetes. You got sugar diabetes. That's right. Insulin's a wonderful thing, but the Blood of Jesus is better. Isn't that right?

Say, I see you're upset about something too, something in your heart that you're praying about. It's your husband. And say, he's a patient in a hospital (That's right.), state hospital. And you're wanting... You're praying about... It's his soul. That's right. It's his soul that you don't believe is saved, and you want prayer for him. I'm not reading your mind, but that's true, isn't it? Now, there's not a shadow of doubt in your mind now, is there?

O heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus the Son of God, I pray that You'll grant this and give her her deliverance and her husband, in Christ's Name. Amen.

Looking down at the hospital at the chart, Mrs. Hill you can go ahead then. Amen. That strengthened you, didn't it? I seen the chart with the name; that's the reason I said that. You see?

72 All right, would you come? Have faith in God. Don't doubt, but believe. You believe the Lord Jesus lives and reigns? You believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever?

Are you a minister's wife? It's not on your ticket. But I thought I seen some platform and someone preaching or something. It was your husband, 'cause I don't think you as the lady you are, would let a--someone else put their arm around you as he did (That's right.), 'cause you're a real lady. I admire you. You believe the Lord Jesus can heal you, can make you well?

You got someone else you want prayed for too, haven't you? Child, it's got sinus trouble, hasn't it, hay fever like? That's true, a little girl, I'd say about ten or twelve years old. That is right, isn't it? It's your daughter. You're not from Illinois; you're from a--a--a state that's kinda plain, long plains, from a place called Parker, Kansas, is where you come from. That's right. Do you believe me as His prophet? And you put the handkerchief that you wiped the tears from your eyes on your child, everything will be all right. Come here.

Heavenly Father, I bless this woman in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you heal her and make her well, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Now, Mrs. Mauk, you go home to Kansas and be well.

73 Oh, Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. He's real and He's wonderful. How do you do, sister? I want to ask you something. You were setting right down here just a few moments ago. That's right. You were looking up here at me, and all of a sudden while I was speaking, just seemed you was just all thrilled about something all at once, wasn't it? I could tell you; it was the vision over you then.

That little cyst won't hurt you; you know that, don't you? You know that won't hurt you. And your worries that you got on your heart, it won't hurt you; but you must remember that God heals. Do you believe your dad would be all right? You do. God can heal that cancer if you believe it, if you'll believe it. Do you believe it? Say, your mother's had some trouble too. She had a stroke recently. Isn't that right? Now, do you believe that you're standing in His Presence? Do you accept everything that Jesus died for would be yours tonight? Would you come here?

Heavenly Father, I bless this dear woman as she stands here in need, and I pray that, in Christ's Name, that You'll heal her and heal the loved ones that she asks for, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you take those and lay them on both. Amen. God bless you.

Let's say, "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.]

74 Oh, stomach trouble's awful bad, and causes you, you know... But God's a Healer of it. Do you believe that? You want to go eat? Would you think that God would make you well? You do? All right, just keep going on by praising God, and going, doing the will of the Lord. Amen.

Back trouble too, sister, but God can make that well, don't you believe that? Sure. Just keep going by then; I believe He's done it. Amen.

Now, I want to ask you something, when I said stomach trouble to that lady, a real funny feeling swept over you. Now, you go eat too; that ulcer left you. Amen.

75 Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ; all praise, all powers in heavens and earth is given to His hand. What do you think about it in the audience? God is real, isn't He? Don't you believe that He can heal? Don't you believe He can make well? He can do anything that He so desires to do. Don't you believe that? Amen. Oh, I just love Him. There's something in my heart just bubbling over. How I love the Lord Jesus.

I want to ask you, if you'll believe with all your heart right now, and you'll see the glory of God. How many out there now that raised your hand awhile ago, without your cards, I want you to go to praying. I want you to pray that God will just--just send down the Holy Ghost and...

76 What if I didn't say nothing to you, and just prayed for you, and told you you was going to get well, would you believe it? Then just go right ahead; the Lord bless you.

What about that throat? You believe that God will heal it? You want to sing for the glory of God. You used to be a singer, didn't you? And you want to sing for the glory of God. All right, you're going to. All right. Just have faith in God.

That young man setting next to you there, he just thrilled all over when I said that. He's got something wrong with his face. That's right, isn't it, young fellow? And you believe that Jesus Christ make you well? And that--that gland trouble too, God can make that well. You believe it? The reason I said that, is so you'd understand it's something else (You see?) that...?... Amen. All right. You believe that God will do it? Amen.

77 What do you think about it? You nodded your head, the colored lady setting there, setting there in the front row looking at me. Looked up this way and nodded, "That's right," she said. Uh-huh. Got something wrong with your head, haven't you? That's right. You believe me to be God's prophet, His se--His servant, I mean to say? That stumbles people when you say prophet. See? You believe it? There's something else that I can't see just exactly. There's something going on, but I can't tell just what it is. I see two people. It's someone else. It's another lady. Yes, you're praying for another lady. It's your friend; she has a cancer, doesn't she? That's right. Amen. Hallelujah. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. He's from everlasting to everlasting. He is God.

78 Little lady setting in front of that man that's praying so hard there, kinda heavy set, that's got swollen glands, setting right back there. Yes, ma'am. You're praying awful hard to be healed, aren't you? I want the man right behind you to lay his hand over on you if he will. Will you do that for me, brother? All right.

Heavenly Father, bless that woman. She's trying to break through. And seeing that mist of that Light hanging over her, I pray that You'll grant her healing through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You was healed while you was standing here, honey, so just move on, give God praise and glory. Amen.

Let's say "Thank the Lord." [Congregation says, "Thank the Lord."--Ed.] Oh, He's wonderful.

79 What do you think, lady, setting right back there? You got stomach trouble, haven't you? Got a little girl's got stomach trouble too. Oh, that surprised you, didn't it? But you got healed then. Amen. You're a nervous sort of a family. That's a peptic condition of the stomach that causes that. The little girl inherited it from you from your nervousness. That's right. Food sours and belches and so forth. That is right. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD...?...

There sets a lady next to you; she has dizzy spells kinda. And she... Isn't that right, lady? Raise up your hand. That's right. You want to be healed? Well, the lady was setting there that just was healed of stomach trouble, lay your hand over on her, sister.

Father, in Christ's Name I pray that You'd confirm this, and I by Jesus Christ's Name through the power of the risen Christ I cast away them spirits from them people in Jesus Name. Amen.

80 He's wonderful. Do you need more evidence that He arisen from the dead? Do you believe He's here right now? What more would you want? To disbelieve would be sin. What is sin? Unbelief. Is that right? I want to do something right now while I got strength left to do it. I'm going to trust this to you. I'm going to trust that you'll confess every sin that you know of, right now. Confess it to God, that it's wrong. And I'm going to try with all my heart, with all my strength, with all that is within me...

81 If I found favor with You, God, please hear my prayer tonight, I pray sincerely. These people, Lord, I truly believe are sincere in their heart. They've been tossed about from pillar to post and taught this, that, and all kinds of churches and creeds, till, Father, I feel sorry for them, and they're trying to be well. I pray Thee, Lord Jesus, hear tonight, will You please, and answer prayer.

And, Father, I pray that You'll let the Spirit of God go forth now and do the exceeding abundantly. Hear from heaven, God; the people's hearts has been pulled through everything. What makes it so gross and dark is that they can't just realize and raise up at this time, and know that You're--You're here in the room. Not I Lord, You are here; it's You that's doing this. And I pray that You'll give blessing to each one, in Christ's Name.

82 Now, put your hands over on each other. Every person that's sick, raise your hand. Now ev... Someone lay your hand on somebody that's sick. And you come here to me, sir. Now, put your hands over on someone.

Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!

How fathomless and strong!

It shall forevermore endure,

The saints and angels song.

My beloved friends, while you're in prayer, while your heads are bowed, while you're praying one for the other, have I found grace in your sight enough that you could believe me to be the servant of the Lord? Has the Lord confirmed His Word back that I am with you one hundred percent to help you in the Kingdom of God? Has God revealed that after all these seven or eight years that I've went back and forth through Chicago? If that be so, then hear me as God's servant. The Bible said, "Lay hands on each other, that they shall lay their hands on one another, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick."

83 I believe in you. I believe you to be sincere, and God's children. And I believe with all my heart that God has called me to this work. And I believe if I'll ask with all sincerity, and you'll believe with all sincerity in this one great union of prayer, as our hands and hearts are joined together in the fellowship of the resurrected Christ, Who's here at the--in the building right now... Without any--any doubt at all, infallible signs showing that He's here... Can you realize how...?... our hearts are to set in a meeting like this and hold our peace? Can you imagine how far away we have drifted, and how little we have called the things of God, to set in a meeting like this and see these things go on, and say nothing about it, and just set there like we were--just has growed there. Do you realize how far away from God we are by these things?

Now, let us open our hearts right now. Let's come open with our heart, from place to place, and say, "Lord Jesus, beyond one shadow of doubt, I'm accepting You right now."

84 Now, Satan, I rebuke you, and in the Name of Jesus Christ come out of the people. You are just an old doubter, and you're causing the people to doubt, but you've lost your hold. And the Holy Ghost is present right now to heal the sick; the power of God is here. And, Satan, we cast you away from this people. In Jesus Christ's Name come out from the people.

Now, stand and give Him praise everybody, as I turn the service to Brother...

1Ďakujem ti, brat. Pomodlime sa, kým stojíme. Náš Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti za tú výsadu, že tu dnes večer môžeme opäť byť a za toto veľké zhromaždenie sa, za spoločné stretnutie Tvojich ľudí. Zasľúbil si, že keď budeme toto robiť a modliť sa, potom vypočuješ z nebies. A my vieme, že Ty to urobíš, pretože je to Tvoje zasľúbenie. A modlíme sa, aby si sa dnes večer znovu cez nás pohyboval. Pokrsti nás sviežo s Duchom Svätým. Prijmi chválu z tohoto zhromaždenia. Lebo o to prosíme v Kristovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

2Zhromaždenia sú až príliš krátke. Sú skrátka... Keď sa mi o tomto Jozef zmienil, najprv som si myslel, že podľa môjho programu by som tu mohol zostať iba dva dni. A potom sme to zariadili na trochu dlhšie tým, že tí z toho druhého miesta, na ktoré som mal ísť, boli láskaví a vybavili sme to na päť dní. A tak som povedal Jozefovi, že budem tak trochu musieť toto urobiť trochu – moju cestu, aby som sa na chvíľu držal trochu ďalej od Chicaga, pretože som tu príliš často. Vidíte, nechcem byť na obtiaž, obávam sa toho. A niekto mnohokrát hovoril, povedal, „Ak chcete zavolať bratovi Branhamovi, a ak nie je doma, zavolajte do Chicaga. A ak nie je tam, volajte do Shreveportu v Louisiane. Bude na jednom z tých miest.“ To je u brata Jozefa, alebo u brata Mooreho v Shreveporte.

A poslednú, túto poslednú jeseň, začiatkom tejto jesene alebo koncom leta som bol v Shreveporte na stanovom prebudeneckom zhromaždení a povedal som bratovi Moore, povedal som, „No, brat Moore, je tu mnoho bratov z východných krajín a z rôznych miest, ktoré som nikdy nenavštívil a oni sa na to dívajú. A obávam sa, že ich to trochu urazí.“ A povedal som, „No, trochu poľavím vôkol Shreveportu a Chicaga potom, čo ukončím tieto zhromaždenia, ktoré mám, až kým... Iba ak by ma Pán zavolal, aby som urobil niečo iné, a potom, až kým nenavštívim niektorých iných bratov naokolo.“

3A teraz, niekto mi povedal, myslím, že Billy minulý večer, večer predtým, hovoril mi, že tu boli nejakí bratia, ktorí sa so mnou chceli stretnúť, aby zistili, kedy by sme mohli mať nejaké zhromaždenia. No, ja neplánujem žiadne zhromaždenia, žiaden rozvrh zhromaždení. Cestovný plán je celý zhotovený v Shreveporte, v Louisiane. Rozumiete, je nás tam v tejto skupine niekoľko, a ak to jeden zhotovuje a druhý to zhotovuje a ďalší, potom musíme, no, ak to jeden naplánuje zle, tak to musíme zrušiť. Ó, a to raní, potom, keď to sľúbili. A oficiálne slovo má brat Moore v Shreveporte, v Louisiane. A máme voľné termíny, ak nepôjdeme za more hneď po vianociach; máme potom nejaké voľné termíny. Všetko máme už naplánované až do posledného v Lime, v Ohio v auditóriu s Baptistami od 10. do 15. januára v Lime, v Ohio. To je môj posledný dátum, o ktorom v tomto čase viem.

4No, myslím, že potom majú nejaké v Kalifornii, idú naplánovať nejaké zhromaždenia v Kalifornii, hore v okolí San Francisca a potom dole v údolí San Fernando so Španielmi, vo Phoenixe len na pár večerov, potom pôjdeme znova na východ. No, v mesiaci – posledného októbra a prvého decembra, keď sa vrátim z Idaho, bude niekoľko zhromaždení v - myslím, že to je Virginia a Maryland, alebo niekde hore tým smerom, tam sú nejaké zhromaždenia v... Ešte to neviem. Pán Moore mi to ešte nepovedal. On mi dá vedieť, keď prídem domov.

A teraz, ak... Rád by som ku vám prišiel, ku každému z vás. A robíme nejaké krátke rýchle zhromaždenia, tri až päť večerov, len v okolí, aby sme sa dostali na návštevu k bratom predtým, ako urobíme cestu po celom svete, do každého väčšieho mesta na svete, a odchádzame na východnom pobreží, vraciame sa späť na západnom. A po tom, ako sa zhromaždenie skončí, v mnohých častiach krajiny...

5Mám niečo na srdci, že som tu pred pár týždňami bol v jednom meste a mal som zhromaždenie, s čím sú mnohí z vás oboznámení. A oni tam boli - z luteránskej univerzity. A v predošlom zhromaždení mi jeden človek povedal, že som nalešteným veštcom, kvôli tým videniam. A napísal mi potom, čo som... A povedal, že som urobil takú strašnú chybu, ako učiteľ Biblie. No, myslím, že to je v poriadku, ale nie to, čo povedal. Povedal, „Bol som prekvapený, že počujem človeka, ktorý stojí pred ľuďmi ako ty a robí vyhlásenie, že Satan nemôže uzdravovať. No,“ povedal, „my vieme, že Satan môže uzdravovať.“ Povedal, „V meste, z ktorého pochádzam,“ povedal, „máme tam ženu, ktorá má... Ona je niečo ako čarodejnica. A berie ľudí, ktorí ku nej prichádzajú kvôli chorobe a vytrháva si z hlavy vlasy a roztrhne si žily a dá do nich krv. A ide dole k rieke a hádže to za seba. A ako ide hore brehom, ak niečo spôsobí, že sa otočí a pozrie, choroba sa vráti späť na ľudí. Ak sa neotočí, ľudia sa uzdravia.“

Povedal, „Pán Branham, kontroloval som to a najmenej 20 alebo 30 percent tých ľudí sa uzdravilo.“

6A povedal, „No, ty si len chlapec,“ so všetkými mojimi štyridsiatimi siedmimi rokmi.

Povedal, „Ja som kázal skôr, ako si sa ty narodil.“

A ja som povedal, „No.“ Odpísal som mu a on povedal, že som Belzebub. Povedal som, „No, predovšetkým ti to chcem odpustiť, brat. Lebo, čo ak som mal pravdu, čo si potom vykonal? Rozumiete? Čo ak som mal pravdu? Rozumiete? Čo si potom vykonal? Rúhal si sa Svätému Duchu, čo je neodpustiteľné. 'Kto by povedal slovo proti ich skutkom,' Ježiš povedal, 'nebude mu odpustené ani v tomto veku ani v budúcom.'“ A povedal som, „Odpúšťam ti to, pretože verím, že si tomu nerozumel.“ A povedal som, „Milujem ťa, pretože máš dostatočný záujem v našom Pánovi Ježišovi, lebo si sa ma snažil napraviť, keď si myslel, že sa mýlim.“ Povedal som, „Vážim si to.“ Ktokoľvek, kto sa ma pokúša napraviť, ak sa mýlim, chcem byť napravený.

Ale povedal som, „No, pokiaľ hovoríš, že by Satan mohol uzdravovať, chcem ti len dať Písmo, kde Ježiš povedal, že on nemôže uzdravovať. Takže tým to je pre mňa vybavené.“ Ježiš povedal, keď Mu hovorili, že uzdravoval skrze Satana, On povedal, „Ak môže Satan vyháňať Satana, potom je jeho kráľovstvo rozdelené.“ Rozumiete? A tak som povedal, „Čo sa mňa týka, tým to je vybavené...?... ale...“ povedal som, „No, aby som ťa napravil ohľadom tej čarodejnice,“ povedal som, „určite sa tí ľudia uzdravili.“ Povedal som, „V tejto zemi je dnes mnoho ľudí, ktorí sa nazývajú Božskými uzdravovateľmi. A ľudia k nim prídu a oni hovoria, 'Ó, mám moc, robím toto.'“ Ale povedal som, „Iste. Oni... Ľudia sa uzdravia,“ povedal som, „rovnako, ako sa to deje pri čarodejnici. Ale to nie je tá čarodejnica, ktorá to robí; ani to nie je božský uzdravovateľ. Je to viera ľudí, ktorí si myslia, že skrze tú čarodejnicu pristupujú k Bohu. A Boh musí uznať vieru bez ohľadu na to, kde je.“ Viete, že to je pravda.

7A tak v tomto... Ó, aké veľké ohľady prišli a potom mi tento Dean napísal list a povedal, „Chcem sa s tebou porozprávať.“ A manažér mu to poskytol. Vzali ma do veľkej luteránskej univerzity, tam do ich sídla. A keď som sedel pri stole, pomyslel som si, „ No, teraz to istotne schytám.“ A tak on povedal, „Brat Branham, boli sme na tvojich zhromaždeniach a sme úplne presvedčení, že to je Svätý Duch.“

A ja som povedal, „Áno.“ Pomyslel som si, „Ó.“

A on povedal, „My sami, ako luteráni, hľadáme Boha.“ Povedal, „Ak vyjde z tvojich úst, že je ešte niečo iné, okrem toho, že sme vierou prijali Krista, chceme to vedieť.“

Povedal som, „Prijali ste Svätého Ducha od tej doby, čo ste uverili?“

Povedal, „No, nikdy som o tom nepremýšľal.“

Povedal som, „Ani tí baptisti v tej dobe v Skutkoch 19. kapitole o tom nepremýšľali. Oni verili, kričali, vykrikovali a mali ohromnú radosť. Ale ešte neprijali Svätého Ducha. A tak na nich Pavol vzkladal ruky a oni prijali Svätého Ducha.

On povedal, „Čo musíme urobiť?“

Povedal som, „Koľkí z vás sú hladní?“

Povedal, „Celá naša skupina.“

Povedal som, „No, odsuňte stôl, prejdite ku stene a kľaknite si.“

Utvorili dokola veľký rad, vo veľkej aréne, kde sme mali večeru. Chodil som okolo a kládol na nich ruky a sedemdesiatdva ich prijalo krst Duchom Svätým. Amen. Takže tam majú ohromný čas.

No, ak to Boh urobí v Amerike pre luteránov, On to urobí v Afrike, Ázii, kdekoľvek to je, pre luteránov, baptistov, presbyteriánov, katolíkov, alebo pre kohokoľvek, kto je hladný a smädný po Bohu. Čo za ohromná vec.

8No, dnes večer to bol trochu evanjelizačný večer, ale chceme sa cez to rýchlo dostať, ak môžeme. A zajtra večer, ak sa dnes večer trochu zdržím, chcem poprosiť o svedectvá. Prišli, mnohí prišli, brat Jozef? [Brat Jozef hovorí, „Nenašiel som si čas, aby som ich o to poprosil.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, nemal si čas. Koľko vás je tu dnes večer, za ktorých sme sa minulý večer modlili, a ktorí cítia, že sa Boh dotkol vášho tela? Nech vidíme vaše ruky. No, tí, za ktorých sme sa minulý večer modlili. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, asi 12, ktorých teraz vidím. Áno, mal som tamtoho jedného, tamtú pani. V poriadku, pane. Teda asi dvanásti, ktorých som videl. Myslím, že som ich tam hore mal okolo šesťdesiat alebo sedemdesiat. Možno radšej budem pokračovať, tak ako som robil, lebo si myslím, že som sa zlepšil, než ako to bolo na začiatku. Rozumiete?

A tak... Nemôžem vziať službu Orala Robertsa. A ani Oral Roberts nemôže vziať moju. Pán nám obom dal niečo do vykonania. A...?... mne, ja musím slúžiť spôsobom, ktorý Pán dal mne. A tak nekričte, že teraz nestojíte v rade, lebo Boh vás chce uzdraviť tam, kde sedíte. To je pravda.

9Myslím, že to je najlepšie. Myslím, že je to najlepšie. Boh je dobrým Bohom. On je naozaj dobrý. A On vám dá vaše túžby. Tak, ako v Biblii, ako povedal Tomáš, „Ó, nemôžem tomu uveriť.“

No, pozrite sa, všetci ostatní apoštolovia povedali, „Samozrejme, veríme tomu. Tak veru. On vstal z mŕtvych. Veríme tomu.“

Tomáš povedal, „Nie, nie, neverím tomu. Musím mať viac než to. Musím mať nejaký dôkaz. Musím vložiť svoje ruky do Jeho boku, a tak ďalej, predtým, ako tomu uverím. Tak veru.“

On je dobrý Boh. On povedal, „Poď sem, Tomáš, teraz sa Ma dotkni.“

Tomáš povedal, „Ó, Ty si Pán. Teraz viem, že si.“

Povedal, „No, ty si videl a uveril si, o koľko väčšia je odmena tých, ktorí nikdy nevideli a jednako veria.“ Rozumiete? To je ono. Vy musíte veriť.

Všimli ste si, čo Pavol prežíval s Korintským zborom? Každý mal jazyk, mal žalm, mali nejaký druh niečoho, niečo, čo museli urobiť predtým, než by uverili, že majú Svätého Ducha. Rozumiete? A Pavol mal s nimi problém. On to nikdy nemal s Efežanmi, Galaťanmi, so žiadnymi z nich. Nemusel o tom vôbec hovoriť. Prečo boli – oni boli ľudia, ktorí mali vieru a skrátka verili Bohu a prijali to, a všetko bolo v poriadku. Rozumiete? A tak oni... Ale Boh je dobrým Bohom. Ak to chcete takým spôsobom, On vám to takým spôsobom dá. Ale ja Mu skrátka rád verím, či vy nie? Len Ho vezmite za Jeho Slovo. Skrátka tomu verím takýmto spôsobom.

10No, nech teraz Pán pridá Svoje požehnania, zatiaľ čo máme spolu obecenstvo. A zajtra večer, pozajtra večer, domnievam sa, že Jozef oznámil, že sú tu niekoľkí... brat Osborn, brat Tommy Hicks a brat Ogilvie tu budú, aby pokračovali v tomto zhromaždení do konca týždňa. No, oni sú skutočne dobrí bratia.

A teraz, brata Osborna poznám veľmi dobre. Poznám ho skutočne dobre. A viem, že on je veľmi dobrý brat. Dobre poznám Tommy Hicksa. A viem, že on je veľmi dobrý brat. Brata Ogilvie veľmi nepoznám. Stretol som ho asi dvakrát. Ale on samozrejme vyzerá, že je dobrým bratom. Chcem, aby ste sem prišli aj na tie ďalšie zhromaždenia a priviedli svojich susedov a iných, aby počuli týchto bratov. Oni sú dobrí ľudia, inak by ich Boh nepoužíval tak, ako ich používa.

11A teraz, opustil som svoje rodné mesto, keď tam bol Billy Graham. A vždy som sa chcel stretnúť s Billy Grahamom. A on je teraz v Louisville a káže. Moja rodina a oni sú tam prítomní. Naše zbory sú zavreté, a tak ďalej, spolupracujeme v zhromaždeniach, aby sme urobili všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme do toho vložili úsilie.

Žijem blízko miesta, kde je osemdesiatpäť percent alkoholických nápojov, to zvádza tých opitých ľudí na uliciach, pochádzajú z Louisville, Kentucky. A tabakové továrne, to je sídlom Satana. A vy ľudia v Chicagu sa modlite, aby Boh pomazal toho evanjelistu Billy Grahama, až tam v Louisville vypukne prebudenie a niečo sa jednoducho začne. A teraz sa za neho modlite. A ja sa zaňho modlím po celý čas, každý deň a každú noc a čo len môžem. Pretože Boh toho človeka používa ohromným spôsobom. Veľmi dobrý brat, tak som počul.

12No, tam v 2. Kráľov, 9. kapitola a 30. verš, chcem tu vziať len krátke miesto Písma, pár slov, aby sme znova šli naspäť do Starej Zmluvy, aby sme čítali.

Potom prišiel Jehu do Jizreela. A keď počula o tom Jezábeľ, nalíčila svoje oči líčidlom... ozdobila svoju hlavu a vyzerala oblokom.

A nech Pán pridá Svoje požehnania ku čítaniu Jeho Slova. No, znova ideme späť do Starej Zmluvy, pretože Stará Zmluva vždy naznačuje Novú Zmluvu. A Biblia hovorí, že oni boli príkladmi, v Židom 11, že boli príkladmi. A tam v 12. je povedané, v liste Židom,

vidiac, že máme taký veľký oblak svedkov okolo seba, složme každé bremeno a ľahko obkľučujúci hriech, aby sme mohli s trpezlivosťou bežať pred nami ležiaci beh o závod,

hľadiac ta na Veľvodcu viery a dokonávateľa;... (Pána Ježiša Krista).

No, ak vidíme, čo tam Boh urobil tým ľuďom na základe určitých postojov, ktoré zaujali voči Bohu, a potom, ak zistíme, že zaujmeme rovnaký postoj, ktorí zaujali oni, obdržíme rovnakú odmenu ako oni. Môžete to skrátka očakávať, pretože Boh sa nikdy nemení. On je proste ten istý. Jeho požehnania sú tie isté a Jeho tresty sú tie isté.

A Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

13A potom sa idem pozrieť... Zabudol som a presviedčali ma, aby som poprosil Billyho, či by dnes večer rozdal modlitebné karty. Ak ich nerozdal, budeme nejaké musieť zohnať, možno... Neodhadzujte svoju kartu. Budú... Koľkí z vás tu máte modlitebné karty? Zodvihnite ruky. No, to je skvelé. Teda každopádne je ich dosť, aby sme sa za nich modlili, aby sa postavili do radu, ak ne-... A pôjdeme, pokračujeme rovno ďalej. A tak, dnes večer trochu poľavím na evanjelizačnej časti, aby sme sa modlili za chorých.

14No, Jezábeľ, to meno spôsobuje, že každý sa chveje, len pri vyslovení mena Jezábeľ. Bolo to len obyčajné meno, práve tak, ako meno Marta, Rút, alebo Mária, alebo nejaké iné meno. Ale keď ľudia len počujú meno Jezábeľ... Všetko to bolo kvôli jednej žene, ktorá si vybrala zlú cestu.

No, predstavil som si Jezábeľ, len preto, že mala meno Jezábeľ, to ju neurobilo tým, čím bola. Jej meno nebolo tým, čo to spôsobilo; bol to jej postoj. To bolo to, čo to spôsobilo. Pred tým menom sa nemusíme tak triasť, ako pred tým postojom, ktorý ona zastávala, pred ním sa máme triasť. Ale zmieňte sa o Jezábeli, „Ó.“ Avšak zmieňte sa o nejakom z jej hriechov, „Ó, no, to je v poriadku.“ A to nebolo... To nebolo meno, ktoré z nej urobilo; jej hriech bol tým, čo z nej urobilo to, čím bola. Vaše meno vás nerobí tým, čím ste. Váš charakter je to, čo to robí. Váš charakter vás formuje a robí vás tým, čím ste.

15Vždy som hovorieval, „Dovoľte mi vojsť do domu človeka.“ Nech stojí vonku na ulici a svedčí, spieva, vykrikuje, hovorí v jazykoch, tancuje v Duchu, nech robí, čokoľvek chce; dovoľte mi vojsť do jeho domu a pozrieť sa na tie modelky na plagátoch po celej stene... Dovoľte mi pozrieť sa na tie časopisy, ktoré číta tu na jeho stole a vypočuť si, čo počúva, keď zapne rádio, nejaký z tých afrických nezmyslov, rock-and-roll a boogie-woogie a môžem vám ihneď povedať, aký druh ducha má. Vidíte, na čom sa kŕmi? To je jeho strava. To je pravda.

Dovoľte mi... Koľko... Nezáleží na tom, ako dobre to on tvrdí, aká dobrá spoločnosť, aká je jeho pozícia a aké je jeho spoločenské postavenie, to nerobí ani trochu rozdiel. Sledujte, na čom sa kŕmi jeho duch, akú hudbu počúva, čo číta, na čo sa díva. Potom môžete povedať, z čoho je učinený. A jeho charakter to vždy povie.

16No, Jezábeľ bola pravdepodobne raz iba malé pekné dievča. Poskakovala sem a tam na kolene svojej matky a pravdepodobne so svojím otcom, práve tak, ako každé iné malé dievča. A nikdy sa nestalo, že by si jej ocko a mama vôbec pomysleli, že jej meno vojde do histórie ako jedno z mimoriadnych príkladov ukrutnosti a hriechu, jedno z najznámejších mien medzi ženami, ktoré je v Biblii, alebo kdekoľvek v histórii. Pani Maccabee by sa s ňou nemohla porovnať. A pani Maccabee bola v Oklahome zatknutá za rýchlu jazdu, jazdila po ulici na koči a fajčila cigaru.

Keď bol doktor Iben na veľkom zhromaždení požiadaný, či by porozprával jej príbeh, keď sa tu asi pred päťdesiatimi alebo šesťdesiatimi rokmi stretli všetky náboženstvá sveta a on rozprával túto príhodu o tom, aká bola hrozná... A keď ju chytili, natreli smolou a dali na ňu perie, boli – bola tak špinavá, že na ňu dokonca nechceli vložiť svoje ruky. Rozprával ten príbeh takým spôsobom, že až všetci sedeli na konci svojho sedadla a počúvali, on bol tak... A potom, keď sa dostal na koniec, odstúpil od mikrofónu, bol to malý chlapík. Povedal, „Páni z náboženstiev tohto sveta, má vaše náboženstvo niečo, čo umyje ruky pani Maccabee?“

Každý ticho sedel. On vyskočil do vzduchu, klepol opätkami a tleskol rukami, povedal, „Krv Ježiša Krista neočistí len jej ruky, ale očistí i jej srdce.“ To je pravda. To je to, čo znamená kresťanské náboženstvo. To ich očistí a nezáleží na tom, akí sú skazení. A tak to je ono.

17Malá Jezábeľ, keď bola dievčatkom, poskakovala okolo domu, skákala, hrala sa, preskakovala cez švihadlo, alebo čokoľvek dievčatká robili. A ani najmenej si nepomysleli, že opustí tú cestu.

Ale to, čo ju potom urobilo tým, čím bola, bol druh náuky, ktorú mala doma. A ona bola pohanka. A tá náuka, ktorú dostanete doma, to je to, čím zvyčajne ste, akú náuku počúvate. Ona bola učená, aby nenávidela Boha, Jehovu, pretože jej bohom bol Bál. A bola vychovávaná, aby nenávidela Boha a nenávidela Boží ľud. A tá nenávisť k tomu v jej srdci, to ju urobilo tým, čím bola.

18Ale, ó. Ďalšia vec, niet divu, že Achab... Jeho otec bol v prvom rade odpadlík. A Achab bol okrajovým, vlažným veriacim, dnes by to bol proste človek, ktorý nesplňuje záväzky voči Kresťanskému spoločenstvu, nesplňoval záväzky voči Kráľovstvu Božiemu v tom čase. Bol to jednoducho človek, ktorý bol slaboch a vôbec nebol rozhodný.

Ale predstavujem si, že bol príťažlivým mladým mužom s vlasmi sčesanými dole, viete, typ jedného z týchto chlapcov, ktorí tu s tým vychádzajú von, ako im to hovoríte, že zavádzajú niečo nové, či niečo také. Rozumiete? Jeden z tých mladých chlapcov, ktorí pobehujú po okolí, ako dnes...

A viete, to ide ukázať, že bol takým typom osoby, inak by neupadol kvôli takému typu ženy. To je pravda. Izrael si mal vziať za ženy Izraelitky. Nemali mať zmiešané manželstvo. Viete, že to je pravda. Neboli... A vy to dnes tiež nemáte robiť, zväzok neveriacich s veriacimi. To je proti Božiemu zákonu, proti Biblii.

19A tak, viete, malá Jezábeľ sa doma naučila jednu vec a to bolo maľovanie sa. To je pohanská črta. Žiadne maľovanie sa, nikdy na svete... ale všetko maľovanie tvárí pochádza od pohanov, a je vždy odsúdené veriacimi. Dúfam, že to ide skutočne hlboko dolu na svoje miesto, práve preto, aby vám bolo z toho naozaj dobre a na zvracanie na chvíľu. Ale teraz, nehnevajte sa na mňa; milujem vás. Ale chcem vám jednoducho povedať to, čo je pravda.

Pamätajte, práve som sa vrátil z africkej džungle. Každý pohanský kmeň, pri všetkých rôznych udalostiach si maľujú tváre a nosia obrovité, veľké náušnice. Indiánsky divošský pohan si maľuje tvár a dáva si bojové pomaľovanie, keď ide do... Jeho vojna je uctievanie okolo jeho modiel. Maľuje sa.

Hanbíte sa? Vidíte? Je to pohanské znamenie. Škoda, že sa to vôbec dostalo do kresťanskej cirkvi, či nie? Samozrejme, áno. Bola to biedna kazateľňa, ktorá to priviedla dnu.

Kazateľ by sa mal za seba hanbiť.

20A tak, ona sa zvykla maľovať; urobila zo seba malého motýlika. A brat, to je druh, ktorý dokáže dať košom mnohým dobrým mužom. To je pravda. Vidíte ich na ulici s drobnými ústočkami, ktoré vyzerajú ako ružový púčik, a je na nej celá dávka Max Factoru, ale to nikdy nevypáli vrásky hriechu. Nikdy si to nemyslite. Boh sa díva rovno cez to.

A tak, Jezábeľ vedela, ako si to na seba dať, aby to vyzeralo pekne. Takže, keď sa Achab, tento mladý židovský chlapec stal kráľom, ona si na oči dala manikúru, alebo akokoľvek to voláte, viete, a mihala nimi tam a späť a Achabove srdce začalo robiť kotrmelce, pretože v ňom nemal Boha, aby ho lepšie poučil. To je pravda. Tak, ó, čo za vec to bola.

21No, keď začala s Achabom flirtovať, Achab sa s ňou oženil. On si myslel, „Toto je pre mňa tá pravá.“

A mnoho mužov urobilo takú chybu. Mnoho mužov to urobilo. Mali by ste ju vidieť v ten deň, keď sa umyla, alebo keď sa očistila. Naozaj, mohlo by to úplne zmeniť váš názor. Ženy by ste si rozhodne nemali brať podľa výzoru, ale podľa charakteru.

Dovoľ mi povedať ti, chlapče, ak sa s ňou oženíš a ona je celá vymaľovaná, v jednom z týchto dní zvädne. Aj keď je krásna, to v jednom z týchto dní zlyhá. Počkaj, kým sa jej narodí prvé dieťa a začnú jej vypadávať zuby. O niečo neskôr sa jej pod očami vytvoria vrásky a zošedivejú vlasy. Raz ráno sa zobudíš a budeš sa diviť, čo si si to vzal. To je pravda. Nemyslím to ako žart. Nie veru. To je pravda. Iba tu kladiem pozadie pre niečo, čo chcem povedať. Rozumiete? To je pravda.

Ale ak ju miluješ, pretože je na nej niečo, za čo si sa premodlil, a Boh vás spojil, ona môže zostarnúť, zvráskavieť a byť škaredá; to neurobí ani trochu rozdiel, budeš ju milovať po celú večnosť. „To, čo Boh spojil, žiaden človek nemôže rozdeliť.“ To je pravda.

A tak sa najprv pýtajte Boha.

22Ale Achab, on tam ide a zamilováva sa do tohoto dievčaťa. A tak prichádza a berie si ju za manželku a privádza ju do Izraela. A keď prišla hore súc pohanka... A všimli ste si, Achab tam išiel a ukázal, že bol okrajovým veriacim. On proste išiel flirtovať so svetom, aby dostal toto dievča. A to je miesto, kde mnohé osoby urobili chybu, prekračujú hranicu. Boh má hraničnú čiaru.

Starý metodistický kazateľ, môj priateľ brat Kelly, on a sestra Kelly zvykli spievať pieseň:

Nechali sme spadnúť závory;

nechali sme spadnúť závory;

A urobili sme kompromis s hriechom.

Nechali sme spadnúť závory; ovce vyšli;

Ale ako vošli dnu kozlovia?

Nechali ste spadnúť závory. To je to, čo sa stalo. Urobili ste kompromis s hriechom. To je spôsob, ako sa dnu dostali kozlovia, pretože ste znížili štandard.

23No, starý John Smith pred rokmi, ktorého doniesli za kazateľňu, mohol kázať iba dve hodiny, bol tak starý. Mohol kázať iba dve hodiny a to bez mikrofónu. Povedal, „Samotná myšlienka,“ to je metodizmus, doslova. Povedal, „Samotná myšlienka, že naše metodistické dcéry nosia na svojich rukách šperky...“

Čo by urobil teraz, ak by ich videl v šortkách? Rozumiete? Čo by si teraz pomyslel o metodistoch, baptistoch a letničných? Skrátka rovnakí, všetci rovnakí... Iba som vám ukázal, odkiaľ to pochádza, kde je toho pozadie. Potom môžete vidieť, prečo som na to tak nahnevaný, nie na vás, na diablove veci, ktoré spôsobujú, že to robíte.

No, nemyslite si, že to tak je, pretože som to povedal ja. Ak odídete a umyjete sa len preto, že som to povedal, potom ste na tom ešte zle. Kľaknite si, modlite sa a dovoľte Bohu, aby vošiel do vášho srdca a každopádne sa umyjete. Som si istý. Pretože kým vás ten duch má pod kontrolou, budete sa na mňa hnevať a brániť sa a hovoriť, „Nie je to tak,“ a všetko také. A potrasiete hlavou ako ovca so slepým...?... Ale to nespraví nič dobré, pretože ak je vo mne Svätý Duch, radšej by ste tú vec mali dať do poriadku predtým, ako sa stretnete so súdom. Ale nenechajte svojho pastora, aby vám hovoril niečo iné, pretože to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN v Božom Slove. To je pravda.

24A tak sme zistili, že Jezábeľ si ozdobovala hlavu (čo bolo to, že si strihala vlasy, natáčala si ich), ozdobovala si hlavu, čo je hanba. Žena, ktorá si strihá vlasy, zneucťuje svojho manžela. Biblia tak povedala. Nepoctivá žena by mala byť rozvedená a daná preč. A tak je to dôkaz toho, že miluje niekoho iného, podľa Biblie, pretože keď to robí, zneucťuje svojho manžela.

Viete, že to je Biblia? Koľkí vedia, že to tak je? Všetci, ktorí viete, že to Biblia hovorí, zodvihnite ruku. Prečo to potom robíte? To je to, čomu sa divím. Čudujem sa, prečo to robíte? Pretože váš pastor pravdepodobne nikdy nepovedal nič proti tomu. Ale my potrebujeme nejaké prísne starodávne evanjelizačné vyučovanie, ktoré tú vec roztrhá na kusy. To je pravda.

25Niet divu, že nemôžeme mať prebudenie. Boh môže do mesta poslať dary a všetko možné a robiť zázraky, prevádzať veci a ľudia sedia. Niet divu, v tábore je hriech. Musíme tú vec vyčistiť a pracovať (To je úplná pravda.) a mať napravenú cirkev, ktorá beží správne, a potom dnu vojde Boh a bude medzi nami robiť divy a zázraky. Viete, že to je pravda. Nehovorím to, aby som vás ranil. Hovorím to preto, že vás milujem. A potom na súde budem musieť zastať pred každým jednotlivcom, ktorý tu je, a vydať počet. Z mojej hrudi je to preč; teraz je to na vašich. A tak sa modlite a dívajte sa, čo vám Boh povie. Verím, že ak do vás prichádza Duch Svätý a vy si ponechávate toho istého ducha, budete pokračovať v robení tej istej veci. Ale zmeňte len toho ducha za Ducha Svätého a sledujte, ako rýchlo zmeníte tie veci. Určite to urobíte.

26No, a tak Jezábeľ, keď sa tam potom dostala, dupla tou topánkou s vysokým opätkom, ktorú nosila, a povedala, „No, Achab, ja budem riadiť tieto veci.“ To je od začiatku zlé. Hlavou domu je muž. Všade, okrem Spojených Štátov, tu je hlavou domu žena. Toto je krajina žien. Bohom Ameriky je žena.

Predpovedám, že pred Pánovým príchodom bude veľkým vládcom v Amerike žena, pretože to je krajina žien. Začalo to v Hollywoode, to je to, ako to vychádza priamo von.

A teraz, vidíte drobného starého muža, ako ide po ulici, a malú Jezábeľ s cigaretou v ústach, a takto poťahuje. Ona povie, „No...“ Zakričí, „Zmizni!“ a on odskočí až ku dverám. To je pravda. A večer tam sedí s tými do červena nalakovanými nechtami, že vyzerajú ako orlie pazúry, a je nimi surový hovädzí biftek. Nebude umývať riad, pretože sa bojí, že sa jej zmyje farba. Zatiaľ čo jej úbohý muž drhne riad a ona tam sedí a poťahuje z cigarety. A on sa stará o dieťa. Presne tak. To je postavenie, čo? Znie to smiešne, ale to je Biblia a pravda. Presne tak.

Ako by ste vôbec mohli jesť misku sušienok od ženy, ktorá ich upiekla s tými dlhými nechtami. Ja by som nemohol; poviem vám, to by mi zodvihlo žalúdok. Jednoducho by som to nemohol jesť.

27Takže v každom prípade, ale, ó, to je v poriadku. Ale vy úbohí slabošskí muži. Hanbím sa za vás, ako kresťanských bratov, že necháte svoju ženu, aby robila také veci; to ukazuje, z čoho ste utvorení. To je pravda.

No, ženy, mali by ste povedať „Amen“ po takom nakričaní na vás, pretože on je vládcom. To je pravda. A spôsob, akým vás necháva žiť, to je jeho vina. Boh ho za to bude brať na zodpovednosť. To je pravda. Ak nie si dostatočne chlapom na to, aby si sa vzchopil a dal do poriadku svoj vlastný dom, nech ti je Boh milostivý. To je pravda. Pretože na samotnom začiatku Biblia povedala, že „On bude panovať nad tebou.“

No, ona teraz nie je rohožkou pri dverách; ona je tvoj miláčik. Rozumiete? Ale mali by ste si sadnúť a porozprávať sa s ňou a vysvetliť si to s ňou, povedať jej a prečítať Bibliu a spoločne sa pomodliť. Tieto veci by potom v cirkvi neboli, ak by ste to robili. To je pravda.

28Takže Jezábeľ, keď tam prichádza, jedného dňa sa jej slabý manžel trocha rozčúlil, pretože jeden človek neporušil Božiu tradíciu a zákony Božie, aby mu prenechal svoje miesto, pretože zákon povedal, že si má držať svoje dedičstvo a ono sa odovzdávalo ďalšiemu dedičovi – Nábot.

Ale potom, keď sme zistili, že to neurobil, Achab sa začal sužovať a behal a padol krížom cez posteľ. A malá Jezábeľ, malý motýlik, prišla a vzala ho do svojho lona a povedala, „No, drahý, čo je to s tebou?“

Povedal, „Ó, Nábot mi nedovolil vziať si jeho vinicu.“

Povedala, „Netráp sa, ja ju pre teba získam. Tak či tak, kto je vládcom tohto kráľovstva?“

Vidíte, to mi dáva zamyslieť sa, pokiaľ sa posúvajú denominácie. Rozumiete? „Ja ju pre teba získam. Stačí, ak ma to necháš urobiť mojím spôsobom. Získam ju.“ A dupla svojou malou nohou, vybehla von a vzala niekoľko ďalších chlapov, ktorí boli tak trochu odpadlíci, vyšla tam a zostrojila falošné obvinenie proti Nábotovi a nechala ho ukameňovať a zabiť.

29Ale pamätajte, keď taký hriech prichádza medzi ľudí, Boh má vždy niekoho, kto povstane a povie im o tom. Amen. Tak veru. On mal človeka, ktorý sa volal Eliáš Tišbänský, on šiel rovno tam a povedal tým ľuďom, že to bolo zlé. Povedal, „Boh vás bude brať na zodpovednosť za niečo takéto,“ Správne. Nezáleží na tom, aké podlé sa to stáva, Boh bude mať niekde svedka, ktorý proti tomu bude hovoriť. A hotovo. On je schopný niekde vzbudiť Abrahámovi deti z týchto kameňov. On to urobí nejakým spôsobom, niekde, skrze niekoho.

A tam, všetci proroci... Ó! Jezábeľ sa na nich mohla obrátiť. A oni si vzali vodu a šli ďalej. Ale starý Eliáš sa tam postavil a povedal im úplnú pravdu, povedal, „Boh spôsobí, že za to zaplatíte a ste proti Bohu,“ a skutočne im povedal, čo bolo správne a čo nesprávne.

A ona ho nenávidela. Ó, či ho nenávidela? Istotne. A vy idete ľuďom povedať pravdu a oni vás mnohokrát nenávidia namiesto toho, aby činili pokánie. To je pravda. Mali by ste činiť pokánie a ďakovať Bohu, že vám dal poznať pravdu. Tak je to. Ale, ó, ona nenávidela toho proroka. Ó!

30A tak on ide tam hore a ona proti Nábotovi predložila falošné obvinenia a nechala ho ukameňovať k smrti. A ten človek zomrel vo svojom – tam vonku na ulici. A on potom... Ona si myslela, „Ó, nikto sa o tom nikdy nedozvie; to je v poriadku. Poslala som tam hore dvoch mojich veľvyslancov a postavili sa na pódium a obvinili ho, že je zradcom Boha a kráľa,“ zatiaľ čo ten človek bol úplne nevinný. A oni ho ukameňovali. Pomyslela si, „To bude v poriadku.“

Ale práve tak istotne, ako viete, že hriech a bezbožnosť leží pri vašich dverách, je Boh nebies, ktorý vie všetky veci. Pamätajte na to. On to vie. On vie všetko.

A potom, keď to urobil, On prehovoril k Eliášovi a povedal, „Choď tam dole a stretni sa s Achabom a povedz mu, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ Amen. Milujem to. Ó. „Keď sa rozrastá hriech, milosť sa rozrastá omnoho viac.“ To je pravda.

31Tak On tam mal niekoho, kto pôjde a stiahne z neho kožu za neho… A tak stretol Achaba, ktorý prichádzal po ceste. A Achab šiel tam hore, aby sa prevzal majetok a mal... A zabili toho muža, pretože robil úplne presne to, čo mu Boh povedal. To dedičstvo malo pripadať z generácie na generáciu. A ak to akýmkoľvek spôsobom stratil, muselo to byť vykúpené príbuzným. Čítajte Knihu Rút a príbuzenské zákony a vidzte, či to nie je pravda.

A tak ho dala zabiť pre jeho hlas. A Achab tam ide a mal to vedieť lepšie. Bolo pred ním Slovo a bol pred ním prorok. A namiesto toho, tak túžil po tej zemi, že bude mať peknú záhradu hneď vedľa svojho miesta, a tak tam ide a zaberá ju mocou.

A Eliáš ho stretol na ceste a povedal mu, riekol, „Pretože si toto urobil, ty vrah,“ povedal, „psy, ktoré lízali krv Nábota, budú lízať tvoju krv na tom istom mieste.“ Brat, myslím, že keď má Boh niečoho dosť, On toho má dosť.

Povedal, „Okrem toho, tá Jezábeľ, s ktorou si sa oženil...“ Ó. On nechcel, aby mu hovoril niečo o jeho žene. Povedal, „Tá Jezábeľ, s ktorou si sa oženil, psy ju budú žrať v uliciach Jizreela. A ten hnoj bude na zemi, že ani nebudú môcť povedať, 'Tu leží Jezábeľ'.“

32Ó. Žena, nechcela by si takto dopadnúť, alebo áno? Nikde po nej nezostala ani spomienka... Povedal, že... A keď vidíte všetko také vyvádzanie, môžete si spomenúť, že jediná žena v Biblii, ktorá to robila, Boh ňou nakŕmil psy. To je pravda. To je... Keď vidíte nejakú ženu, ako to robí, poviete, „To je potom nejaké žrádlo pre psy.“ Rozumiete? Pretože to je to, čo Boh urobil; On ju dal zožrať psom. On dá také ženy zožrať psom. A tak sa stráňte takých vecí. Umyte sa. Amen. Dajte sa do poriadku s Bohom.

To, čo potrebujeme, je starodávne vydrhnutie, vykopanie. Vytrhajte tie buriny zo záhona, aby tak mohla pšenica rásť. Ježiš prichádza. V poriadku, to je to, čo potrebujeme. Znova naspäť na starú vytýčenú trasu. Naspäť na cestu. Boh príde medzi nás. Ale dokiaľ máte primiešaný svet, Boh sa nepohne. Niekedy sa divíte, prečo sa veci dejú tak, ako sa dejú. Len sa na chvíľu pozrite navôkol. Modlite sa trochu a Boh odsúdi hriech.

33Všimnite si. A potom prvá vec, ktorú zistíte, veci sa zhoršili. A Eliáš sedel hore na vrchoch, sám tam hore. Boh s ním hovoril, povedal, „Choď tam dole.“ Ukázal mu videnie, povedal, „Už toho mám dosť.“ Povedal, „Choď tam dole a povedz Achabovi, že nedám spadnúť dažďu, ani rose, až kým o to ty nezavoláš.“ No, muž Boží bude vždy nasledovať pravdivé Slovo Božie.

No, Jezábeľ sa mu vyhrážala a všetko možné. Nuž, poviete, „No, brat Branham, počkaj chvíľu, kým ešte hovoríš o Jezábeli. Tá malá žena možno nemala šancu. Narodila sa ako pohanka. Nemala šancu.“ Ó, áno, tiež ju mala. Mala pastora, pastora Elizea. A Elizeus sa nebál povedať jej o tom. Nemyslite si... Boh tam vždy kladie svetlo. Ona jednoducho odmietla kráčať vo svetle; to bolo všetko. Správne. Ó, ona nechcela Eliáša nazývať svojím pastorom, určite nie. Mala za svojho pastora iného formálneho, dôstojného človeka. Ale Boh poslal Eliáša, aby bol jej pastorom, nezáležalo na tom, ako veľmi ho nenávidela. Nenávidela ho, pretože pre ňu bolo židovské náboženstvo príliš priame.

34A to je to, čo sa deje dnes. Ľudia sa chcú správať ako svet a rozprávať ako svet, obliekať sa ako svet a urobiť cirkev a svet rovnakým. Kresťania, náboženstvo Svätého Ducha je pre nich príliš priame. To je tá jediná vec. Amen. Dôvod, prečo ich chcete nazývať fanatikmi a hovoriť, že nemajú v poriadku rozum a iné veci, je ten, že je to pre vás príliš priame, aby ste tým žili. To je to, čo sa deje. A niektorí z vás, ktorí ste voľakedy takými boli, ste sa odvrátili. Čo to hovorím? Ó. Možno to je dobre.

Ale... Je to trocha tak, ako keď mi mama zvykla dávať ricínový olej. A hovorievala… Len tak na zamyslenie to poviem. Hovorievala, „Ak ti z toho nebude zle, tak ti to nepomôže.“ No, možno toto tu je to isté. Ak sa sám sebe zhnusíš, možno to nastaví tvoju duchovnú chuť tak, že budeš môcť skutočne zobrať Slovo.

35Oni sa divili. Eliáš tam išiel, ťažkými krokmi vošiel do paláca, išiel rovno hore, prešiel cez všetky stráže a všetko a povedal Achabovi, s prstom namiereným do jeho tváre, povedal, „Z nebies nepadne ani rosa, až kým ju ja nezavolám.“ Ó. Prečo? Boh ku nemu prehovoril. Bol so Slovom Božím a tak nemal strach.

Nikdy sa nebojte. Micheáš sa nebál so Slovom Božím. Žiaden človek nemal strach, keď máte Slovo Božie a videnie Božie, ktoré ide so Slovom. Dôvod, prečo mohol Micheáš odsúdiť tých prorokov a povedať im, že sa mýlia, a že majú v sebe démonského ducha, bol ten, že išli s módou, a videl všetko, čo robili, a pretože neboli v jednej línii so Slovom. A Boh dáva pravé videnie pravému prorokovi. A on... snažil sa ich dať do línie...

A teraz, a dnes, pravé videnie je krst Duchom Svätým. Pravý prorok je krstom, to je Sám Duch Svätý. On je ten, ktorý prichádza a dáva nás do jednej línie so Slovom. A všimnite si. Nie nejaký biskup, alebo arcibiskup, ale Duch Svätý vedie cirkev. Amen.

36No, dávajte pozor. Zistili sme, že... Dokážete si predstaviť Achaba, ako tam stojí a díva sa na neho, kráľ. A tento starý chlapík, možno vyzeral ako húsenica, so všetkými svojimi fúzmi a vlasmi, ktoré mu takto trčia a okolo seba mal kúsok ovčej kože... Biblia povedala, že bol celý chlpatý. Dokážem si predstaviť, že bol na neho naozaj pekný pohľad, keď tam stál na kráľovskom dvore. Ale pohrozil mu prstom do tváre a povedal, „Z nebies nepadne ani rosa, kým ju ja nezavolám.“ Amen. On mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a ťažkými krokmi vypochodoval rovno naspäť do pustatiny.

Potom, keď odišiel, môžem počuť, ako sa Achab rehoce, „Ha-ha-ha. A ten starý šarlatán sem príde a povedal takúto vec, počuli ste niekedy niečo také? Ha-ha. Také niečo! My máme duchovných, ktorí tu sedia a vedia všetky tieto veci. Také niečo! Nič zlého sa tu nedeje. On je len staromódny, starý obmedzenec.“ Ale on mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Tak veru. A on ťažkým krokom vyšiel rovno späť do pustatiny.

Niektorí z nich povedali, „Pozorujte cestu, ktorou ide.“

„Ach, vôbec si to nevšímajte.“

37A on vyšiel hore vedľa potoka Karite a sadol si. Tam hore. Pán mu povedal, riekol, „Choď tam hore, lebo keď budeš tam hore, budem sa o teba starať.“ To sa mi páči. Pamätajte na Pána a Pán sa o vás bude starať. Len robte to, čo je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a On sa o vás postará.

A Eliáš ide tam hore a sedí tam, tak presvedčený, že nebude padať dážď, ako len mohol byť. A zrazu zisťujete, že nastáva sucho. A všetky pramene vyschli. A oni si mysleli, že bol blázon. A tu majú... že bol starým obmedzencom, že bol staromódny, všetko také, a vo svojom kázaní, že bol starým podivínom. Ale on bol Božím pastorom pre národ v ich dňoch, pastor Eliáš Tišbänský.

A tak, oni ho nechceli počúvať. Ale hovorili, že bol troška mimo. Ale on ide hore a sedí vedľa prameňa, podľa Božej vôle. A tu boli ľudia, tu dole v údolí, kde všetky tie hydranty a všetky pramene vykypeli, vyhladovaní na smrť, túžili po dúšku vody; a tam hore sedel Eliáš, ktorý pil kedykoľvek chcel, pretože mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

38No, divím sa dnes tomu, ak si myslíte, že preto, lebo máte ohromne veľkú denomináciu, ku ktorej patríte, alebo nejakú ohromne veľkú cirkev s krížom na vrchole a zborový organ za milión dolárov, že preto môžete piť, kedykoľvek chcete. Hovorím vám, že prameň je otvorený iba na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

On stál tam hore a dával si starý dobrý duchovný nápoj, kedykoľvek chcel. Voda tam dole v krajine vyschla. Myslím, že dnes je tak mnoho problémov, že v našich krajoch tiež vyschli vody, v našej kresťanskej krajine. Čo sa deje? Vy... Kedysi dávno sme mávali staromódne zhromaždenia, kde ľudia plakali a chodili hore dole uličkou a ležali na tvári celú noc a modlili sa a prinášali svoje deti a - do Kráľovstva Božieho. A dnes majú opatrovateľky. A oni zvykli... Pre ženu bola hanba fajčiť cigaretu. Dnes celá spoločnosť ľudí fajčí cigarety. A pre ženu bolo voľakedy hanbou maľovať sa a používať všetky tieto veci. A dnes to je všetko len jedno... Nedokážete rozoznať kresťana od iného. Je to všetko rovnaké.

Viete, čo sa deje? Váš prívod vody je odrezaný. To je to, čo sa deje. Ste na púšti. A preto sa v cirkvi stále hádajú. Viete...

39Vezmite si akúkoľvek rastlinu a dajte ju na púšť, kde nie je žiadna voda, budú na nej ostne. A vezmite tú istú rastlinu a dajte ju tam, kde je veľa vody, stane sa jemná. A prečo je to tak? Lebo je sucho.

A to je to, čo sa deje s cirkvami dnes. Oni vykrikujú, „Sláva Bohu, ja som baptista. Haleluja.“

„Ja som presbyterián, poviem ti, máme najlepší výber pastorov. Tak veru, nemusíme brať vašu starú letničnú teológiu.“

„Poviem ti; patrím k Zborom Božím; to je to, čo som. Sme tak veľkolepí ako tí ostatní.“

„Patrím ku Spojeným...“

„Patrím ku tomuto, tamtomu, či inému.“ Ó, vidím vaše ostne. Váš zdroj vody je preč. To je to, čo sa deje. Voda zostala odrezaná. Nemáte veci, aké ste zvykli mať pred rokmi. Zázraky a iné veci nie sú v zbore. Pocit, obecenstvo v zbore nie je také, ako zvyklo byť. Čo sa deje? Prameň slávy, ktorý viedol do vašej „haleluja“ záhrady, zostal odrezaný.

Čo to spôsobilo? Hriech. Hriech, ktorý sa dostáva do zboru a dostáva sa do vás, je tým, čo to spôsobilo, pretože kazateľne sú slabé, oni mali zachovať prívod vody, aby sa nezastavil. To je pravda. Amen. Je to tak. Môže to vyzerať strašne surové, ale je to pravda. A ak sa nezastavíte a nezvoláte starodávne modlitebné zhromaždenie a nevrátite sa späť k Bohu, čím budete za desať rokov? Niekto by mal radšej povstať a ísť kázať túto vec a odstrániť toto preč zo zboru. Je to rakovina a ona sa rozožiera až do kosti. Dajte to preč. Bože, pošli evanjelistov, ktorí budú stáť na Slove a kázať Slovo, keď vidíte, že sa tá vec deje.

A potom to necháte takto ísť?

40No, jedného dňa som tu stretol skupinu žien, ktoré mali modlitebné zhromaždenie, vykrikovali a hovorili v jazykoch, mali oblečené šortky a fajčili cigarety: letniční. Bože, buď milostiví. To sú odpadnutí hriešnici, to je presne to, čo sú. Nie som sudcom, ale, „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.“

Uvedomujete si, že to je šialenosť? Uvedomujete si, že v Biblii je iba raz zmienka o tom, že si niekto niekedy vyzliekal svoje šaty a to bola osoba posadnutá diablom? Uvedomujete si, že všetky tieto nezmysly, ktoré sa dnes dejú, tie rock-n-roll párty, ktoré všetci z vás navštevujete, tam na tých miestach, kde sa správajú tak šialene, a tak manipulujú s ľuďmi, Presley a ostatní, že si až mladé dievčatá vyzliekajú svoje spodné prádlo a hádžu im to na pódium, aby im dali autogram, a nazývajú to kultúra, keď neskôr tucty z nich posielajú do blázinca? A naše rádiové programy a takmer všetko, čo počujete, je plné toho chaosu? To je diabol ako revúci lev. A oni prinášajú tú istú vec s boogie-woogie a tým všetkým do zboru.

Ďaleko u Hotentotov v Afrike, ten istý žalostný zvuk... Keď som ich tam videl stáť a šamanských čarodejov a oni išli a ich zvuky. Pohania s farbou na svojej tvári a mladé ženy tam tancovali, až...?... sexuálne vystrájanie a všetko možné. A Amerika v tom dosiahla vrchol civilizácie a kolíše sa späť a ide znovu naspäť ku pohanom, maľovanie a kolísanie, a krútenie sa takto /rock and roll/ a ešte pri tom hovoria o sebe, že sú členmi cirkvi. Amen.

Mnohokrát... Oni mali nedávno jeden tu v Kanade. A myslím, že v priebehu dvoch dní po tom, poslali desať detí do blázinca. Istotne. Radšej sa usaďte ku staromódnemu Evanjeliu a poďte naspäť ku Kristovi. Istotne to tam tak dopadlo. Vytýčte hranice medzi dobrým a zlým.

41Eliáš sedí tam hore na kopci a oni hovorili, že je blázon. Hovorili, že nevie, o čom hovorí. A oni boli tu dole a nemali čo jesť; pšenica neprinášala úrodu, nemali žiadnu vodu. Nemali nič okrem okúsaného jazyka. A hovorili, že on je blázon. A on sedel tam hore a mal sa oveľa lepšie, ako mnohí z vás ľudí, ktorí ste dnes večer v Chicagu. To je pravda.

Sedel tam hore, predovšetkým, v Božej vôli, sedel vedľa prameňa vody s krkavcami, ktoré mu nosili niečo na jedenie. Mal nosičov, ktorí mu nosili niečo na jedenie. Zakaždým, keď vyhladol, prichádza tam krkavec so sendvičom a dáva mu ho. Jedol, sadol si a pil, postavil sa a chválil Pána. No, ak to nie je nádherné, nikdy som to nepovedal. To je pre mňa život v prepychu. Pre vás by to nebol? Určite bol a vedomie toho, že je vo vôli Božej. Niekto mi raz hovoril, povedal, „Brat Branham, naozaj veríš, že mu tie krkavce nosili mäso a chlieb?“

Povedal som, „Tak veru.“

Povedal, „Ako vieš, že to robili?“

Povedal som, „Biblia tak povedala. To je všetko.“

On povedal, „No, počuj, chcem sa ťa teda opýtať otázku. Kde to vzali?“

Povedal som, „Poviem ti; ja neviem.“ Ale povedal som, „To jedno, čo viem, je, že to priniesli; on to jedol.“ A povedal som, „Práve tak, ako otázka, ktorú si sa ma pred chvíľou opýtal, čo spôsobuje, že vykrikujem a takto sa správam? To je Duch Svätý. Nedokážem ti povedať, odkiaľ To prichádza, ale viem, že To sem prichádza a ja si To len beriem. To je tá jediná vec, ktorú môžem robiť. A Boh To posiela a ja To milujem.“ Amen.

42Tak dlho, ako ste vo vôli Pánovej, na čom inom záleží? Nestarám sa o to, odkiaľ to prichádza, pokiaľ mi to posiela Pán; je to dobré. Amen. Jednoducho to prijímam. Nestarám sa o to, čo si o tom myslí svet. Do toho, a kúšte si svoje jazyky a všetka vaša voda vyschla a v zbore nie je žiadne haleluja a všetko odsúdenie, sedíte okolo, zobete niečo, maľujete si nechty, kým kazatelia prinášajú svoje krátke slabošské posolstvá, ako z obchodu, kde je všetko za desať centov, snažia sa vás potom potľapkať po chrbte a všetko také. To je pravda. No, to nie sú presbyteriáni; to sú letniční. Správne, ó, to je drsné, či nie? Ale to je pravda. Tak veru.

To, čo by ste potrebovali, je viac Jánov Krstiteľov, také staré posolstvo, muža naplneného Duchom Svätým, ktorý vykročil priamo tvárou v tvár hriechu a povedal, „Je nezákonné, aby si ju mal.“ To je pravda. Amen. To je to, čo Biblia hovorí, aby sme robili. Roztrhali to. „Sekera je priložená na koreň stromu.“ To je pravda. Zotnite ju. To je to, čo potrebujeme, obriezku. „Obriezka“ znamená „odrezať nadbytočné mäso.“ To je to, čo dnes večer potrebujeme v letničnej cirkvi, je to odrezanie z nej nejakého nadbytočného mäsa a nezmyslov. To je úplná pravda. Naspäť na tú starú vysekanú cestu.

43Eliáš tam hore sedel tri roky a mal jednoducho dobrý čas pod pomazaním Pánovým každý deň a každú noc. Zakaždým letel okolo krkavec, znížil sa dole, dal mu sendvič a on mohol jesť. Vstal a chválil Pána, dal mu napiť vodu a chvíľu od radosti kričal a potom si znovu sadol. Či toto nie je nádherné?

A potom oni začali zisťovať. „Zaujímavé, čo sa stalo s tým fanatikom? Zaujímavé... No, na koniec mal možno pravdu.“ Takže potom po ňom začali pátrať. A tak prehľadávali každý národ a snažili sa ho nájsť. Ale on bol... Nedokázali ho nájsť. Samozrejme, že nie.

A tak Pán riekol, „Achab...,“ či vlastne „Eliáš, chcem, aby si šiel dole a stretol sa s Achabom.“ Takže išiel dole z kopca a vykračuje si. A keď ho Achab stretol, povedal, „Ó, tu si. Tak toto si ty, aha? Ty si ten, ktorý trápiš Izrael.“

Ó. Viete, čo povedal? Povedal, „To nie som ja; to si ty a tvoja Jezábeľka, ktorí ste to spôsobili.“ To je úplná pravda. „Ty si priniesol toto čarodejníctvo do Izraela a urobil si tieto veci, ktoré si urobil. Ty si to spôsobil.“ A povedal...

44Takí sú dnes ľudia. Snažia sa povedať, „Ó, oni robia príliš veľa hluku a robia toto a tamto. To je ten problém.“ Počúvajte, nie doktor; ale choroba spôsobuje problém. To je pravda. Choroba; hriech odrezal ich požehnanie. Je to hriech, ktorý... Nie pretože nemáte dobrých pastorov, nie preto, že nemáte fajné zbory, nie preto, že nemáte toto, to, či tamto, samozrejme, máte. Ale to je hriech, ktorý vás odrezáva preč od týchto vecí, ktoré máte mať. Je to hriech, ktorý po celý čas zadržuje zbor, že nemôže dojsť do stavu vytrhnutia. To je hriech, nie budova, nie zbor, ale hriech, ktorý je v zbore.

45A tak potom povedal, „Zavolajte ich sem hore na horu Karmel a zistíme, kto je Bohom. Nech Boh, ktorý odpovie ohňom, je Bohom. Overme a pozrime sa, kto je Bohom.“ Ó, som tak šťastný, keď viem, že stále máme Toho istého Boha, že Boh, ktorý je Bohom, stále odpovedá ako Boh, rozpráva ako Boh, kráča ako Boh, uzdravuje ako Boh, zachraňuje ako Boh, očisťuje ako Boh. Amen. Stále rovnaký Boh...

Je to potvrdené; Boh dnes navštevuje ľudí. Boh je vo Svojej Cirkvi, snaží sa vyčistiť veci, vziať odtiaľ preč kvas. Posiela poslov, znamenia, divy a zázraky a všetko možné a snaží sa, aby dokázal, že ich miluje a chce ich očistiť. Toto tu odstráňte preč, všetko toto vyvádzanie, zostávanie doma v stredu večer cez modlitebné zhromaždenia, aby ste sa pozerali na tie hlúpe nezmysly nejakej ženy z Hollywoodu, ktorá je štyri alebo päťkrát vydatá, a na nejakého chlapíka, ktorý behá s polovicou žien zo západného pobrežia a „Kto miluje Lucy“ a všetky tieto podobné veci. A vy kresťanskí ľudia zostávate doma, aby ste to pozerali a zostávate pomimo domu Božieho, to ukazuje, aký druh ducha je vo vás. Amen.

Mám to doma zo spisov FBI; každý kazateľ, ktorý to chce, ich môže dostať. Keby ste len poznali tú špinu a to, čo robia tí ľudia, z ktorých si robíte svoj vzor: obliekate sa ako oni, správate sa ako oni, rozprávate ako oni. Brat, čítaj Bibliu. Rozprávaj ako Kresťan; správaj sa ako Kresťan; buď ako Kresťan; ži ako Kresťan, to je to, čo dnes potrebujeme. Amen.

46No, to, čo vás trápi, nie je farba a nožnice, ktoré strihajú vaše vlasy. To je ten duch vo vás, ktorý spôsobuje, že to robíte. To je to, čo to je. Max Faktor môže vyrábať všetko z toho, čo chce, a položiť to tam, a ak si Kresťanka, nikdy sa toho nedotkneš. Myslím tým, ak si pokrstená Duchom Svätým a žiješ tam, kde máš žiť (Je to tak.), a tvoj pastor káže pravdu a dal vám o tom vedieť. Nebudeš mať o to vôbec záujem.

Ako by ste mohli dnes na ulici predávať staré zapínacie topánky, tie vysoko šnurované topánky, ktoré majú v sebe viac kože než tucet párov týchto malých, za ktoré platíte dvadsaťpäť dolárov? Malý remienok cez špičku a takto z toho trčí veľký na červeno namaľovaný necht a tie vysoké podpätky, keď začne pršať, sa šmýkajú na všetky strany, a takto idete po ulici. To je pravda. Je to tak. Ale nemohli by ste predávať tie staromódne topánky, pretože ich nechcete; videli ste tam Martu Susiannu, že nosí nejaký iný model. Rozumiete? Chcete sa obliekať ako ona. Nechcete to oblečenie, ktoré voľne visí. Chcete to, ktoré vyzerá, že ste do neho vyliate, pretože ste videli Suzie v televízii, v rádiu a v časopise.

Diabol predkladá naokolo všetky tieto nezmysly, mladé deti, pijú pivo, „Ortelovu deväťdesiat dvojku“ a „Schlitza“ a takéto veci, to je... To je lož. A nič len... To mení mladých mužov a ženy na trosky s očami ako netopier, keď pijú tie nezmysly. To je diabol. To spôsobuje, že sa plnia blázince. To spôsobuje, že sa plnia nevestince. Spôsobuje to všetko ostatné. Rozbíja to domovy. Spôsobuje to znásilnenia, vraždy a všetko ostatné.

A cigarety trávia jedom mozog, spôsobujú rakovinu. A Lekárska Asociácia nie je ani dostatočne slušná, aby to dostala preč a vy neustále fajčíte diablovu burinu. Neviem kvôli čomu to hovorím; neznie to ako ja, ale poviem to v každom prípade, pokiaľ to takto vychádza. Jednoducho... Je to tak. Je to zlé; odstúpte od toho preč. Kresťania, naplňte sa Bohom. Tak veru.

47Jedného dňa, keď prišiel konečný čas, aby bolo odpovedané na Božie Slovo, aby sa vyplnilo Eliášovo proroctvo, psy lízali Achabovu krv rovno na tom istom mieste, kde predtým, keď umývali voz v rybníku Samárie. Keď tam išli, aby umyli voz, kde bol zastrelený a zabitý, psy lízali jeho krv.

A keď Jehu, syn Jozafata, spravodlivý človek so správnym otcom za sebou, to vytvorilo správneho muža a skutočného kráľa. Jozafat bol muž Boží. Vidíte, čo vyprodukoval? Vidíte? A Jehu, keď prišiel a divoko tadiaľ jazdil na tom voze, on vyčistil všetko, čo sa nazývalo hriechom. Mám na mysli, že vyčistil dom. Potrebujeme dnes viac Jehu-vov (To je pravda.), aby divoko jazdili cez rady a rozohnali veci a nazvali čierne čiernym a biele bielym. To je pravda. Správne správnym a nesprávne nesprávnym...

48A keď tadiaľ prechádzal dole, malá miss Jezábeľ, myslela si, „No, som každopádne zvodkyňa, viete.“ Povedala, „Som úplne krásna.“ A išla tam a vzala si svoju výbavu na maľovanie, viete, a začala si upravovať celú tvár so všetkým tým „make-up-om“ a nezmyslami a viete.

A videl som to robiť ženy v reštaurácii a potom si vzali kúsok papiera, servítku a takto do toho hrýzli. Prišiel mi na myseľ rozzúrený, hlúpy pes, ktorý sa snaží pohrýzť palicu alebo niečo a ďalej do toho takto hryzie, pozrie sa späť a znovu dookola.

A potom sa celá upravila a upravila si vlasy, a celá vymaľovaná, presne tak, ako to údajne malo byť, viete. A myslela si, že vyzerala úplne krásne. Dôležito prišla a ukázala sa, viete, s tým novým modelom oblečenia na sebe. Pozrela sa von z okna, povedala, „Už si niekedy mal...?...?“

49A Jehu bol muž Boží; to s ním nešlo. On bol správnym druhom pastora. Bol skutočným evanjelistom. Povedal, „Kto tam hore je za mňa a za Boha?“

A dvaja jej eunúchovia mali v sebe dostatok žlče a povedali, „My sme.“

Povedal, „Vyhoďte ju z okna.“ Amen. Aha, on postupoval tvrdo, či nie? A keď dopadla na ulicu, krv vyšplechla na kone a hore na voz. Povedal, „Nechajte ju tam ležať,“ a išiel ďalej. Ani nevedel... On bol stále vo vôli Božej. Lebo Slovo Božie bude pracovať vždy s vôľou Božou.

Išiel ďalej, sadol si, jedol svoju večeru a povedal, „No, to bolo dnes celkom dobré očistenie.“ Povedal, „Mali by ste ju ísť pochovať, pretože bola kráľovou dcérou.“ A keď tam spadla, on zabudol, že Slovo Božie sa musí vyplniť. Čo zostalo? Dlane jej rúk a jej lebka. Psy ju mali zožrať.

Keby ste len vedeli, to musí byť zvláštna vec, pretože psy sa nedotknú ľudskej krvi. Je to tak. Boh ich do toho potlačil, aby to urobili. Je to tak. Viem to. Viem to, že to je pravda. Tak veru, oni sa nedotknú ľudskej krvi. A tak potom ju mali tie psy celú zožrať, pretože im Boh nariadil, aby to urobili. A tam bola v tej hanbe.

50Slovo Božie zvíťazilo. Ono vždy zvíťazí, priateľu. Nehnevám sa na vás. Milujem vás. Chcem, aby ste... Radšej sa budem držať ďalej od evanjelizačných služieb, pretože som možno príliš hrubý. Nechcem taký byť. Milujem vás. Ale, brat, sestra, je to pravda. Je to pravda a tak mi pomôžte. A mohol by som povedať toto: je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, lebo je to Slovo Božie. To je pravda.

No, odstráňme zo zboru ten starý rakovinový stav. Vyjdite z toho, ženy. Vyjdite z toho, muži, nie len ženy, ale aj muži. A kazateľ takisto, otvoril si závoru, pastor. Niečo s tebou nie je v poriadku. Nepremodlil si sa, inak by si rozhodne videl, že tvoje zhromaždenie sa dostáva do toho stavu; stál by si a vzdoroval tej veci, ak by si kázal štyrom stenám. Je to úplne tak. Je to pravda. Urobil by si to.

51A to, čo potrebujeme, je staromódne vydrhnutie, vyčistenie. A vy letniční ľudia nedávate pozor, baptisti a presbyteriáni vám vezmú vaše požehnanie a idú s ním do slávy. Známi baptistickí kazatelia a presbyteriáni a luteráni prijímajú krst Duchom Svätým a hovoria, „Túžime po tom, brat Branham. Túžime po tom.“ A idú ďalej a ďalej, niektorí výnimoční ľudia v národe sú hladní po Bohu. Ó, očistime sa. Všetci, luteráni, baptisti, presbyteriáni, letniční. Nie sme rozdelení; všetci sme jedna veľká Cirkev živého Boha. Spojme navzájom naše ruky a dajme dokopy svoje srdcia, hlaďme smerom ku Golgote a pochodujme vpred cez tie ploty. Pokračujme ďalej od víťazstva ku víťazstvu.

Ježiš čoskoro príde, priatelia. A pamätajte, vy ľudia, ktorí ste tu, snažte sa byť tou vyvolanou skupinou. Pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že v poslednom cirkevnom veku bude ten laodicejský cirkevný vek vlažný. A to je práve ten stav, kde sa dostala letničná cirkev. To je ten stav, kde sa oni všetci dostávajú. Ak nedáte pozor, Boh príde dole a potiahne malý zvyšok odtiaľto a tu a tu a utvorí Nevestu a bude preč. Rozumiete? Tak buďte teraz zobudení a verte Bohu a majte vieru v Boha a verte, že Boh je tu.

52A Boh, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, je ten istý Boh, ktorý je dnes večer rovno tu. On je ten istý Boh, ktorý bol... Možno to nechcete prijať, ale to je Boh, proste taký istý. On je. A On robí zázraky; ukazuje videnia; zosiela moci; uzdravuje nemocných; On má zjavenia; On – jednoducho všetko, presne to, čo Boh vždy robil. Ako potom môžeme, priatelia, vo svetle tejto Biblie vôbec sedieť ticho a stále žiť rovnakým spôsobom?

Toto je to jediné, čo robíte. No, keď dnes večer opustíte zbor, poviete, „Vieš, ja trochu verím, že brat Branham má pravdu. Áno, no, to je pravda.“ Ale zajtra pôjdeš rovno naspäť do kancelárie, keď by si tam nemala chodiť. Ak je tvoj manžel chorý, potrebuješ to robiť. Ale, ak to tak nie je, počuj, drahá sestra, Boh ťa učinil pre jedno miesto, kuchyňu. Keď odtiaľ odchádzaš, si pomimo Jeho vôle. Pamätaj na to. Žena bola učinená, aby bola pomocnicou v domácnosti. Nikdy nebola učinená na prácu v kancelárii. A to spôsobilo viac hanby a rozvodov a všetkého.

A dnes, aj vaše krásne mesto je ponížené ako naše, so ženami policajtkami na ulici. Ak to nie je hanba pre Chicago alebo ktorékoľvek iné mesto, keď tisíce mužov chodí po ulici a chcú prácu. To je úplná pravda. A sú dôležité? Ó, jej. „Hej, vypadni odtiaľ!“ Mala by si byť v kuchyni a variť svojmu manželovi na večeru koláč alebo niečo. Presne tak.

53Viem, že ste... Je to tvrdé, priatelia. Ale nie je to povedané s opovrhnutím; je to povedané s láskou, pretože vás milujem a chcem, aby ste tomu takto rozumeli. Ale nemôžete sa dívať na hriech a potichu sedieť. To je to. Nemám to rád. A vidím to v ľuďoch. A ľudia, ktorí sú tu, a ľudia, ku ktorým kážem, sú ľudia, ktorí ma milujú, a moje živobytie je od tých ľudí. Boh to kladie na ich srdcia a oni mi dávajú na živobytie.

Ale či by som sa mohol postaviť na súde a Boh by sa pozrel na mňa v prítomnosti toho veľkého Božieho Svetla a povedal by, „William Branham, ty si to veľmi dobre vedel a nechal si ich strmhlav skočiť do toho. Budem požadovať ich krv z tvojej ruky.“ Bože chráň. Nie, nie, nie. Poviem to, môj drahý brat, sestra, budem to kázať, ak mi Boh dá dych tak dlho, ako žijem. Potom, keď príde ten deň, bude to... Vy... Chcem, aby povedal, „Bolo to dobre vykonané, Môj dobrý a verný služobník.“ No, to je to, čo chcem, aby povedal. A chcem, aby povedal, „Ó, teraz ste šťastnými ľuďmi, netešíte sa, že ste obrezaní od tých svetských vecí?“

54To je tak, ako som raz večer kázal o ostrihanej ovci. Vy ste ovce a dôvod, prečo Duch opustil cirkev, je ten, že Duch zostáva iba na ovciach. A poviete, „No, brat Branham, hovoríš teraz o tom, že naše ženy a naši muži robia tieto veci. To je... Ak si chcem dať malý pohárik, brat Branham, po tom, keď prídem domov z práce, to je moje americké privilégium.“ To je pravda. „Ak si chcem pofajčiť dobrú cigaru, to nie je tvoja záležitosť. Je to moje právo.“ To je pravda. Ale ak si ovcou, si ochotný sa vzdať a byť ostrihaný zo svojich vlastných práv, svojich vlastných privilégií. Ovca je ochotná sa položiť a nechať ich, aby z nej odstránili to, čo na nej narástlo, jej... Je to tak?

Poviete, „Ak chcem nosiť šaty a sukňu a chcem toto robiť tak, ako to ja chcem, to je moja záležitosť. Je to moje americké právo. Americká verejnosť to vyrába a oni... Je to legálne. Oni ma kvôli tomu nevyženú z ulice. A ak to chcem robiť, budem to robiť. Je to moje právo.“ To je pravda, pani; to je úplná pravda. Ale ak si baránkom, si pripravený vzdať sa svojich práv, aby si bol Božím baránkom. Je to tak. Ak si baránkom, vzdáš sa svojich práv. Je to tak. Tak by si to mal robiť. A ak len vyjdeš von a neskúsiš... Povieš, „No, skončím s tým.“ Modli sa, až kým to Boh pre teba urobí jednoducho tak skutočným, že sám prestaneš. Ak to len budeš robiť.

A teraz, sme tu, aby sme vám pomohli, nie, aby sme vás ranili, ale aby sme pre vás boli požehnaním. A modlím sa, aby ste si dnes večer vzali do svojich sŕdc toto krátke osekávajúce evanjelizačné Posolstvo a šli domov, modlili sa za to a povedali, „Bože, buď mi milostivý.“ Koľkí z vás veria, že to je pravda, a povedia, „Prijímam to ako pravdu“? Zodvihnite ruku. Nech vás Boh žehná. Fajn. Modlime sa.

55Náš Nebeský Otče, vo svetle Tvojho požehnaného svätého Slova, zatiaľ s týmto vlievaním sa do môjho srdca, ale udržujem to pre tieto modlitby za ľudí. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si mi teraz pomohol. A nech to, čo som chcel povedať, zatlač to v každom prípade do ich sŕdc. Udeľ to, Pane. A nech je to prijaté v Duchu lásky, nie v pokarhaní, ale v Duchu lásky, keď vidím túto veľkú rakovinu hriechu, ktorá vstupuje na Tvoje požehnané deti. A ako pastori potichu sedia a nič o tom nehovoria. Ó, Bože, vzbuď mužov, ktorí vystúpia. Udeľ to, Pane.

Pošli viac Tišbänských Eliášov, ktorí budú skutočne bez ohľadov stáť (Udeľ to, Otče.) a kázať, aby ľudia mohli vidieť svetlo. Ó, áno, Jezábeľ mala svetlo, veľa svetla. Mala svetlo z hory Karmel, aby videla, že Boh odpovedá na modlitbu a robí zázraky. Ona to vedela. Ale nebola ochotná priniesť obeť a kráčať vo svetle.

A modlím sa, Otče, aby si požehnal každého jedného, ktorý tu dnes je, a aby si bol oslávený. A uzdrav teraz nemocných a nech to je známe, že Eliášov Boh dnes večer stále žije, že On je stále ten istý Boh. A poprosím o to v Ježišovom Mene.

56A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené naše hlavy, som dnes večer zvedavý... Chcem, aby sa každý modlil. Zaujímalo by ma dnes večer v tomto malom rozhovore, ktorý sme práve mali, ako keď sa malá rodina spolu rozpráva, skôr ako sa zajtra večer skončí moja časť služby, zaujímalo by ma, či by ste povedali, „Brat Branham, týmto...“ Nie brat Branham, „Pane Bože, som vinný z týchto vecí, ale hanbím sa za seba. Chodil som do zboru a nazýval som sa Kresťanom. Dával som si malý pohárik. Trocha som fajčil. Rozprával som nejaké špinavé vtipy, spolu s davom. A pil som, aby som bol spoločenský, ale hanbím sa za seba, brat Branham, a keď vyznávam, že som služobníkom Krista, uvedomujem si, že to je zlý duch, ktorý spôsobuje, že to robím.“

A či by ženy povedali, „Hanbím sa za seba, brat Branham, ostrihala som si vlasy a viem, že Biblia hovorí, aby som to nerobila. Viem, že strávim veľkú časť môjho času v kozmetickom salóne.“ Mala by si vyzerať čo najlepšie, sestra. To je pravda. Buď čistá, pekná, pôvabná a milá. Viem, že tvoj manžel si ťa za to bude vážiť. Viem, že budeš vyzerať omnoho lepšie, ak si necháš narásť vlasy... Ženy by to mali mať. Nemali by vyzerať ako muži. Muži by nemali mať dlhé vlasy. Biblia pre neho hovorí, že nie.

57Poviete, „Zvykla som sa maľovať, používať make-up, brat Branham. Zvykla som nosiť nesprávny druh oblečenia; viem, že som samu seba predhadzovala pred mužov.“ Počúvaj, povedal som toto. Chcem to povedať znova, s vašimi sklonenými hlavami. Drahá sestra, môžeš byť voči svojmu manželovi tak čistá, ako ľalia; môžeš byť práve tak čistá a nepoškvrnená od týchto vecí. Ale vedela si, že na súde môžeš byť predvolaná za páchanie cudzoložstva? Vieš, Ježiš povedal, „Každý, kto by pozrel na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už aj scudzoložil s ňou vo svojom srdci.“ No, čo keď si sa obliekla takýmto spôsobom a išla si von na ulicu a hriešny muž sa na teba pozerá a túži po tebe, potom sa v deň súdu bude musieť zodpovedať za cudzoložstvo. A ty budeš tou, ktorá je vinná. A budeš sa musieť zodpovedať za cudzoložstvo v Prítomnosti Božej. A žiadni cudzoložníci nikdy nevstúpia do neba. Predvádzala si sa pred ním, aby sa tak díval. Rozumiete, čo tým myslím?

Nech je požehnané vaše srdce, nechcem, aby ste boli na súde úplne sklamané. Chcem, aby ste vošli. Môžete byť tak čisté a slušné, ako len môžete byť. Môžete byť jednoducho ten najroztomilejší typ ženy, ale ak sa takto obliekate a muži po vás túžia a vy sa pred mužmi takto predvádzate a oni to robia, budete sa zodpovedať v deň súdu ako cudzoložnice. To je úplná pravda. Biblia tak povedala. Vidíte, toto Slovo je hlboké.

58Po celé roky som prechádzal cez túto americkú krajinu, moju vlasť. Povedal som vám to všetko pred pár rokmi. Prešiel som cez túto krajinu a modlil som sa za nemocných a so znameniami a zázrakmi. Povedal som, „V jednom z týchto dní sa vrátim späť. Prichádzam s pravdou Evanjelia.“ Je to tak. Ak môžem získať lásku ľudí, potom im chcem povedať, čo je pravda. To je to, čo robím.

Ste vinní? Nikto teraz nedvíhajte hlavu, všetci sa modlite. Zodvihli by ste ruku ku Kristovi a povedali, „Skrze Tvoju pomoc, Bože, očisti dnes večer moje srdce a daj mi byť inou osobou.“ Obaja, muži alebo ženy, zodvihli by ste len hneď teraz svoje ruky ku Kristovi? Nech vás Boh žehná; to je skvelé, všade. „Skrze Tvoju pomoc, Kriste, od tohto večera sa chcem modliť, kým mi nedáš iného Ducha, ktorý spôsobí, že sa budem dívať inak a správať sa inak. Nechcem sa správať ako svet.“

Buďte oddelení od sveta, vyjdite z pomedzi nečistého, neobrezaného. Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí, ich sexy oblečenia, ich fajčenia a ich pitia, ich hazardovania a ich špinavých vtipov. Nespájajte sa s tým. Boh... Myslíte, že jemná Božia holubica by niekedy mohla zostať na takom mieste, kde sa dejú všetky ich špinavé veci? Nie, priateľu, nie, nie. Ona sa okamžite odpojí. A tak, ak toto máte v sebe, zbavte sa toho dnes večer, urobíte to? No, zodvihlo sa najmenej tridsať, štyridsať rúk. Chcem sa za vás modliť.

59No, drahý Bože, ak by som dnes večer mal odísť domov do slávy, ako verím, že jedného dňa odídem... Dúfam, že ma tu ponecháš taký dlhý čas, až budeš so mnou hotový, a verím, že to urobíš. Ale cítim, že som povedal pravdu vo svetle Evanjelia. A modlím sa, Bože, aby to bolo hneď teraz prijaté. A tieto ruky, ktoré sa zodvihli, oni sa presvedčili, že sa mýlili; oni sú úprimní, Pane. Oni sú... Nechceme, aby sa cítili zranení; chceme, aby sa cítili požehnaní. A chceme, aby teraz, ak to je Tvoja vôľa, čo viem, že je, aby si do nich vložil nového Ducha. Oni sa nechcú tak správať. Muži nechcú piť a takto vyvádzať a hovoriť tie špinavé vtipy. A ženy si nechcú maľovať svoje tváre a správať sa ako pohania, a byť označené znakom, ktorý charakterizuje pohanstvo. Bože, modlíme sa, aby si im dnes večer pomohol a všetkých ich požehnal.

A teraz, aby... A spasil všetkých hriešnikov, Pane. Zavolaj odpadlíkov znova späť na miesto Božích požehnaní. Odober všetky staré bremená a nezmysly, ktoré upchávajú koryto od zavlaženia, ktoré tečie do „haleluja“ záhrady, kde kvety rastú večne a požehnaná vôňa Božej svätej Prítomnosti je s nimi po celý deň. Bože, udeľ to. Zdroj vody je odrezaný, pretože to spôsobil hriech. Bože, odstráň dnes večer všetok hriech a opäť polej tú záhradu s Tvojimi Požehnaniami a Tvojou Krvou, Pane, aby bol hriech vzatý preč.

60A teraz, Pane, aby ľudia vedeli, že Ty si stále Pánom Ježišom a že som Tvojím služobníkom, modlím sa teraz, po tomto ťažkom, krutom rozprávaní, modlím sa, aby si ma práve teraz pomazal, Pane, Svätým Duchom, ktorý bude hovoriť veci a uzdraví nemocných, aby – nech ľudia vedia, že ich miluješ, a že to je Tvoje Posolstvo a chceš, aby sa mali dobre a prospievali, a robili dobré veci. Udeľ to, Otče. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa.

Nikdy Ho neopustím;

Nikdy Ho neopustím;

Nikdy Ho neopustím;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa.

Myslíte to vážne? Spôsobuje Slovo, že sa cítite ako obmytí? Mne to spôsobuje. Jednoducho... Počúvanie Slova ma skrátka očisťuje, jednoducho ma to robí novou osobou. Robí vám to tak? Billy? Rozdal si modlitebné karty? Číslo 1 až 100. V poriadku. Čísla 1 až 100. Poďme teda niektorých z nich zavolať.

[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

61„... ty to hovoríš; nehovor to.“

Povedal som, „Tam je tvoj problém.“

„Vyznala som to Bohu.“

Povedal som, „Ten, proti ktorému si zhrešila, nebol Boh; to bol tvoj manžel. Choď, daj to do poriadku s ním.“ A keď to nakoniec urobila, zostala uzdravená. Potom prišla späť. Povedal som, „Teraz bude musieť Satan odísť.“ Rozumiete? Pretože tak dlho, kým je vo vašom živote hriech, Satan môže nad vami držať palicu. To je úplná pravda. Či je to niečo, čo ste urobili, alebo niečo, čo ste mali urobiť, to je to isté. Rozumiete?

Tak sa pozrime, koľkých som tam dole zavolal? Nemyslím, že ich mám veľmi veľa. Odkiaľ som volal, od 1 po koľko? Ó, od 7 do 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Budeme sa modliť za tých, ktorí tu sú, kým... No, zvyšok z nás, skloňme teraz hlavy.

62Nebeský Otče, modlíme sa teraz, aby Tvoje sväté ruky boli položené na tieto vreckovky a balíky, ktoré tu sú, a nech sú uzdravení všetci, ktorých reprezentujú. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech, keď sa dostanú tam ku tej biednej starej matke, ktorá leží v nemocnici, ku tomu malému dieťaťu, ktoré má možno kŕče, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť, Ty vieš, Pane. A modlím sa, aby ich opustili zlí duchovia. Udeľ to a nech sa majú dobre skrze Ježišovo Meno. Amen.

63V poriadku, ste stále... všetci sú zoradení? Je to... V poriadku, potom by sme mohli začať modlitebný rad, ak nie sú zoradení. No, chcem poprosiť každého, teraz do tejto ďalšej chvíle, ak môžete, toto bude taká zmena, že sa tu takto postavia a potom sa začneme modliť za chorých, Ja sa budem, ak len zostanete sedieť ešte na chvíľu a budete len veriť...

A potom, ak ste chorí a máte na Boha potrebu, ak sa len pozriete týmto smerom a budete sa modliť a poviete vo svojom srdci, povedzte toto, povedzte, „Pane Bože, mám na Teba potrebu. Možno som len trochu pochybovačný. Ty... Brat Branham ma nepozná; som si istý. Ty ho len musíš otočiť a povedať mi, čo je toto, čo spôsobuje, že som takýto, alebo niečo, čo je – niečo, čo viem, že je pravda, a všetky pochybnosti sa odo mňa vytratia a nikdy viac nebudem pochybovať.“ No, to je celkom veľká vec toto povedať. Ale, brat, sestra, v Kristovom Mene, urob to a hľaď, či ti On neodpovie. Rozumiete? Vy... No, niekedy je to tak nahromadené, že to nemôžem vziať všetko. Ale vysvetlil som to, čo to je.

64No, tu je pani; myslím, že ona je mi cudzia. Nie si, pani? Navzájom sa nepoznáme a predpokladám, že sme sa nikdy v živote nestretli. Ale... Pani? Raz si ma videla. Kde asi? Vo Vandalii, Illinois, videla si ma. V poriadku. Ale, samozrejme, bolo to asi pred desiatimi rokmi, keď som prv začínal. A ty si bola v tom veľkom dave tam v tom stane. Ó. To bol dosť veľký zástup, či nie?

Bola si tam v tú noc, keď ten slepý chlapec, ktorý nemal oči, zostal uzdravený? On tam prešiel a chytil moju kravatu a povedal, „Aká je to farba?“, rovno pred posledným zhromaždením. A to bolo asi pred desiatimi rokmi. Bol tam tiež obuvník, vo Vandalii, myslím, že mal slepé oči, ktoré boli v tom zhromaždení uzdravené.

Jeden večer sa Pán prevalil a zaplavil to miesto a oni pozbierali lôžka a nosidlá a písali o tom v novinách. To... Noviny z Chicaga ma nazvali brat Henry Branham. Nikdy na to nezabudnem, noviny „Tribúna“ tu v Chicagu. Dve alebo tri strany v tých novinách písali o zhromaždení, odvtedy uplynul dlhý čas. Riekou pretieklo veľa vody. Ale Boh zostáva stále ten istý.

65No, táto pani je... Ona ma nepozná. Povedala, že ma raz videla na zhromaždení, ale pred desiatimi rokmi. Potom, ak je tu niečo, kvôli čomu si tu, ja to neviem; ty to vieš. Nemám žiaden spôsob, ako by som to mohol vedieť. To by musel zjaviť jedine Boh. Je to tak?

No, teraz, keď sa Ježiš rozprával so ženou pri studni, stáli a rozprávali sa tak, ako my teraz a potom nakoniec zistil, kde bol jej problém, a povedal jej... Ona verila, že to bol Mesiáš. Uverila. Povedala, „My, Samaritáni, vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, On bude toto robiť.“ Ale ona nemohla rozumieť, kým On bol, a On jej povedal, že je Mesiášom. To je úžasné? Aké nádherné. No, On je dnes večer stále Mesiášom.

66No, pre obecenstvo, Mojžiš, keď on tam prišiel a premenil svoju ruku na malomocnú a uzdravil ju, a ukázal ľuďom, že ho poslal Boh, tým to bolo pre celý Izrael vybavené. Oni jednoducho vyšli, nasledovali ho. Je to tak?

Ale ak dnes večer Boh… Ak chcete pochybovať o tej žene, dobre. Boh dnes večer vie o tejto žene. Ja o nej nič neviem, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel, aby som o nej niečo vedel. Samozrejme, keď stojím hore pred ľuďmi a ona ma mohla vidieť, ale ja ju nepoznám. Ona je tu. Pravdepodobne je tu jednou z vašich priateľov. A vy o nej viete všetko. Ale teraz, ak mi môže Boh povedať, kvôli čomu je tu tá žena, alebo aký je jej problém... Mohol by to byť rodinný problém; mohla by to byť choroba; mohlo by to byť za niekoho iného. Ja neviem. Nemôžem vám povedať. Ale ak to On zjaví, budeme musieť vedieť, že to je nejaký druh duchovnej, neviditeľnej moci, ktorá to robí. Je to tak?

No, teraz, Biblia povedala, že keď bol Ježiš tu na zemi, že to bolo práve to, čo robil, a nerobil nič, kým Mu to prv neukázal Otec. Je to Písmo? A On povedal, „Tieto veci, ktoré Ja činím, budete tiež činiť. Budem s vami do konca sveta.“

No, ak On dnes večer môže reprodukovať Svoj život v našich telách, tým, že nás očisťuje Svojou Vlastnou Krvou, nás, ktorí sme nehodní, ale robí nás hodných skrze Svoju Krv, potom to má uspokojiť každého, že Ježiš Kristus je vzkriesený z mŕtvych a On je rovno tu s vami. Je to tak? No, nech to On udelí. On to nemusí. Nemôžem vám povedať. On môže. Ale nech by to udelil.

67Teraz chcem ku tebe hovoriť. Kázal som a čakal, samozrejme čakám na zmenu, na Ducha Svätého, na pomazanie Ducha Svätého pre službu uzdravovania. Ale teraz budem ku tebe len na chvíľu hovoriť... A ja... Ak to teraz Boh zjaví, prijmeš to? Čokoľvek to je, prijmeš to?

No, pre obecenstvo, práve sa dívam na mladú ženu, ktorá tu stojí, o mnoho mladšiu než som ja, a ona sa díva na mňa a vyzerá ako Kresťanka, keď na ňu pozerám. A ona... Nemôžem – nemohol by som povedať, iba... Dívam sa na ňu a myslím, že vyzerá ako Kresťanka. A... Ale Boh vie všetko správne.

Ale teraz, ak Boh môže, alebo bude, nehovorme, „On môže,“ ak mi zjaví, čo je tvojím problémom, potom to vybaví celú vec. Je po všetkom. Je to tak. Nie je to nádherné vedieť, že Eliášov Boh stále žije? Rozumiete? On žije. Je to tak.

68Ty si Kresťanka, v poriadku, pretože začína nastávať to skutočné milé privítanie, len čo Anjel Pánov... a ty si si vedomá, že niečo sa teraz deje. No, proste ako Kresťanka, kresťanská sestra a kresťanský brat … No, len čo... len pred nejakou sekundou, niečo sa stalo, či nie? Mohla si niečo cítiť. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. Je to tak. Vidíte? Pretože rovno medzi mnou a tebou začína teraz účinkovať pomazanie. Medzi mnou a tebou stojí Svetlo. Videla si niekedy fotku Toho Svetla? Nikdy si to nevidela. Myslím, že to tu majú. Teraz je To rovno medzi mnou a tebou.

Tvoj problém je v tvojej nohe. Je to tak, či nie? A je to v kosti, je to nádor a je zhubný. Si vo vážnom stave a blízko pri tebe visí čierny tieň, a to je smrť. Je to tak. Si z Illinois, ale nie z Vandalie. Je to miesto ako kopec, Dower Hills, niečo ako to, Illinois. Je to pravda. Voláš sa Wahr. Lydia M. Wahr. Je to tak? Veríš mi teraz, že som Jeho sluha? V tom prípade poď sem.

Náš Nebeský Otče, v Biblii, keď si bol tu na zemi, chodil si medzi ľuďmi a poddal si sa Nebeskému Otcovi a On bol v Tebe a ukazoval Ti veci, ktoré treba robiť a hovoriť. A povedal si, že si nečinil nič, pokiaľ Ti to On prv neukázal. A potom, ako Teba poslal Otec, Ty si povedal, že Ty pošleš nás a pôjdeš s nami a budeš s nami. A skutky, ktoré si učinil, budú pokračovať, Tvoja služba, skrze Tvoju Cirkev, až kým znovu neprídeš. A my očakávame na Teba, aby si prišiel druhýkrát v sláve. A dnes večer, samotný dôkaz, primárny dôkaz živého Boha je dnes večer tu na pódiu medzi ľuďmi v Chicagu. A znamenia, ktoré On povedal, že sa budú diať do skončenia sveta, sa teraz dejú. A tento diabol, ktorý je na našej sestre, aby jej vzal život, nech je prekliaty v Kristovom Mene a nech odíde od tej ženy a nech ona žije. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. A teraz choď šťastná a raduj sa. Amen.

69Veríte teraz? No, pozrite, kázal som asi dve hodiny. No dobre, toto jedno videnie a pozrite na tie kvapky potu. Vidíte? To vás jednoducho vyčerpá. Niečo od vás odchádza. Tá vec tú pani opustila. Vidíte? Tá žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha a povedal, „Niečo zo Mňa vyšlo.“ Nie z...

V poriadku, priveďte toho muža. No, buďte úctiví, ak môžete. Pamätajte, zlí duchovia vychádzajú z jedného a vojdú do iných. Koľkí vedia, že to je pravda? Tak buďte úctiví.

70Pane, musí ti pomôcť Boh, pretože si si vedomý, že to je rakovina a aký je tvoj stav tam v črevách. A keď sedíš, musíš používať vankúš, aby si sa posadil. Ale jedine Boh ti môže pomôcť. Veríš, že keď Ho poprosím, že ti pomôže a celý tento rad ľudí, ktorí tu sú, veriaci Kresťania? Veríš tomu. Budeš Ho chváliť a dáš Jemu všetku slávu? Miluješ Ho z celého svojho srdca a budeš Mu slúžiť, urobíš to? Urobíš. Nech ti Pán udelí tvoje požehnanie.

Nebeský Otče, ako sa dívam do tváre tohto muža a viem, že on tu dnes večer sedí tak, ako tí malomocní, ktorí sedeli pri bráne Samárie, keď ju obliehali Sýrovia. Boli malomocní, povedali, „Prečo tu sedíme a čakáme, kým zomrieme? Ak tu budeme sedieť, určite zomrieme. Ak pôjdeme do mesta, tam pre nás nemôžu nič urobiť.“ A oni využili príležitosť a išli do tábora nepriateľa. A Ty si odmenil ich vieru a zachránil si ich životy.

Bože, tento muž, doktor nedokáže urobiť nič viac a jemu neostalo urobiť nič iné, než prísť ku Tebe. A Ty nie si nepriateľ; Ty si milujúcim Otcom, ktorý na neho dnes večer očakáva, aby prišiel. No a on prichádza a ja na neho kladiem ruky ako Tvoj služobník a prosím v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si uzdravil tohoto muža a dovolil mu žiť. A keď sa niekedy vráti do Chicaga, nech príde a dá chválu a slávu Tebe, za svoje uzdravenie. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. No, choď, o ničom nepochybuj. Len pokračuj, akoby sa ti nikdy nič nestalo.

No, buďte úctiví, tak úctiví, ako len dokážete byť. A majte vieru v Boha. Iba Pán Ježiš môže uzdraviť chorých. „Ja som Pán, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.“ Je to pravda? Biblia hovorí, že to je pravda. A vieme, že ak tak hovorí Biblia, je to pravda.

71No, tu sedí pani, lepšie povedané stojí tu predo mnou, je mi cudzia. To... To je pravda, či nie, pani? Nepoznám ťa. Ale Ježiš ťa pozná. No, ak by som mal nejaký spôsob, ako ti pomôcť a neurobil by som to, nebol by som hrozným človekom? No, čo by mi Boh povedal na súde? Keď On povie, „Kázal som ti, aby si išiel pomôcť tej žene, a ty si to neurobil.“ Musel by som sa za to zodpovedať. Ale ja... Nemám žiaden spôsob, ako ti pomôcť, ibaže by niečo mohlo pozdvihnúť tvoju vieru v Boha. Je to tak? A tvoje uzdravenie bolo už dokončené, keď za teba Ježiš zomrel. Musíš mať len vieru, aby si to prijala. Je to pravda?

No, ak mi Boh zjaví, kvôli čomu si tu, prijmeš to a budeš tomu veriť? Budeš. Urobí obecenstvo to isté? V poriadku, sestra, len sa dívaj na chvíľu týmto smerom. Chcem s tebou len hovoriť.

Prvá vec, ktorú vidím, je krv, ktorá predo mnou kvapká. Má v sebe cukor, čo je cukrovka. Máš cukrovku. Je to tak. Inzulín je skvelá vec, ale Ježišova Krv je lepšia. Je to tak?

Aha, vidím, že si tiež kvôli niečomu rozrušená, niečo v tvojom srdci, za čo sa modlíš. To je tvoj manžel. A aha, on je pacientom v nemocnici (Je to tak.), v štátnej nemocnici. A ty chceš... Modlíš sa za... To je jeho duša. Je to tak. Je to jeho duša, ty neveríš, že je spasený, a chceš za neho modlitbu. Nečítam tvoje myšlienky, ale to je pravda, či nie? No, teraz tam v tvojej mysli nie je ani tieň pochybnosti, však?

Ó, Nebeský Otče, v Mene Ježiša, Syna Božieho, modlím sa, aby si toto udelil a dal jej jej oslobodenie a jej manžela, v Kristovom Mene. Amen.

Dívam sa v nemocnici na graf, pani Hill, tak potom môžeš ísť. Amen. To ťa posilnilo, či nie? Videl som graf s menom; preto som to povedal. Vidíte?

72V poriadku, prišla by si? Maj vieru v Boha. Nepochybuj, ale ver. Veríš tomu, že Pán Ježiš žije a vládne? Veríš, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky?

Si žena kazateľa? To nie je na tvojom lístku. Ale myslel som, že som videl nejaké pódium a niekoho, kto káže, alebo také niečo. To bol tvoj manžel, pretože si nemyslím, že ty, ako dáma, ktorou si, by si nechala niekoho iného, aby ťa objal, ako to urobil on (Je to tak.), lebo ty si skutočná dáma. Obdivujem ťa. Veríš, že Pán Ježiš ťa môže uzdraviť, môže spraviť, aby si bola zdravá?

Máš aj niekoho iného, za koho sa chceš modliť, či nie? Dieťa, ono má problémy s dutinou, či nie, niečo ako sennú nádchu? Je to pravda, malé dievčatko, povedal by som, že desať alebo dvanásť ročné. Je to tak, či nie? Je to tvoja dcéra. Nie si z Illinois; si zo štátu, ktorý je trochu rovinatý, dlhé roviny, z miesta zvaného Parker, Kansas, to je miesto, odkiaľ si prišla. Je to tak. Veríš mi ako Jeho prorokovi? A polož vreckovku, do ktorej si utieraš slzy zo svojich očí, na svoje dieťa, všetko bude v poriadku. Poď sem.

Nebeský Otče, žehnám túto ženu v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, aby si ju uzdravil a učinil ju zdravou, pre Ježiša. Amen.

No, pani Mauk, choď domov do Kansasu a buď zdravá.

73Ó, Ježiš Kristus je vzkriesený z mŕtvych. On je skutočný a nádherný. Ako sa máš, sestra? Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Sedela si práve pred chvíľou rovno tu dole. Je to tak. Dívala si sa hore na mňa a náhle, kým som rozprával, zdalo sa, že si bola jednoducho zrazu kvôli niečomu nadšená, nebolo to tak? Mohol by som ti povedať; bolo to videnie, ktoré nad tebou vtedy bolo.

Tá malá cysta ťa nebude trápiť; vieš to, či nie? Vieš, že ťa to nebude trápiť. A tvoje starosti, ktoré máš vo svojom srdci, nebude ťa to trápiť; ale musíš pamätať na to, že Boh uzdravuje. Veríš, že tvoj otec bude v poriadku? Veríš. Boh môže uzdraviť tú rakovinu, ak tomu veríš, ak tomu budeš veriť. Veríš tomu? Aha, tvoja matka má tiež nejaký problém. Ona mala nedávno mŕtvicu. Je to pravda? No, veríš, že stojíš v Jeho Prítomnosti? Prijímaš to, že všetko, za čo Ježiš zomrel, bude dnes večer tvoje? Prišla by si sem?

Nebeský Otče, žehnám túto milú ženu, ako tu stojí v potrebe, a modlím sa, aby v Kristovom Mene, aby si ju uzdravil a uzdravil jej milovaných, za ktorých prosí, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. No, vezmi si toto a polož ich na oboch. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

Povedzme, „Chvála Pánovi.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Chvála Pánovi.“ - pozn.prekl.]

74Ó, žalúdočné ťažkosti sú strašne zlé a spôsobujú ti, vieš... Ale Boh je ich lekárom. Veríš tomu? Chceš sa ísť najesť? Myslela si si, že Boh by ťa uzdravil? Áno? V poriadku, len choď a chváľ Boha a choď, konaj vôľu Pánovu. Amen.

Tiež problémy s chrbticou, sestra, ale Boh to môže vyliečiť, veríš tomu? Istotne. Potom choď len ďalej; verím, že On to urobil. Amen.

No, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, keď som hovoril o žalúdočných problémoch tej pani, prehnal sa nad tebou skutočne smiešny pocit. No, choď sa tiež najesť; ten vred ťa opustil. Amen.

75Sláva Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi; všetka chvála, všetka moc na nebi a zemi je daná do Jeho ruky. Čo si o tom myslíte, vy v obecenstve? Boh je skutočný, či nie? Veríte tomu, že On môže uzdravovať? Veríte tomu, že On môže vyliečiť? On môže robiť všetko to, čo tak túži robiť. Veríte tomu? Amen. Ó, jednoducho Ho milujem. Tam v mojom srdci je niečo, čo až buble. Ako milujem Pána Ježiša.

Chcem vás poprosiť, ak budete hneď teraz veriť z celého svojho srdca a uvidíte slávu Božiu. Koľkí z vás, ktorí ste teraz tam a zdvihli ste pred chvíľou ruku, bez modlitebných kariet, chcem, aby ste sa modlili. Chcem, aby ste sa modlili, aby Boh len zoslal Svätého Ducha a...

76Čo ak by som ti nič nepovedal a iba sa za teba pomodlil a povedal by som ti, že budeš uzdravený, veril by si tomu? Potom len choď; nech ťa Pán žehná.

Čo s tým hrdlom? Veríš, že Boh to uzdraví? Chceš spievať na slávu Božiu. Zvykol si byť spevákom, či nie? A chceš spievať na slávu Božiu. V poriadku, budeš. V poriadku. Len maj vieru v Boha.

Ten mladý muž, ktorý sedí tam vedľa teba, bol skrátka celý nadšený, keď som to povedal. On má nejaký problém so svojou tvárou. Je to tak, či nie, mladý muž? A veríš, že Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje? A tiež ten problém zo žľazou, Boh to môže uzdraviť. Veríš tomu? Dôvod, prečo som to povedal, je, že takto budeš rozumieť, že to je niečo iné (Rozumieš?) to…?... Amen. V poriadku. Veríš, že Boh to učiní? Amen.

77Čo si o tom myslíš? Prikývla si hlavou, farebná žena, ktorá tam sedí, sedíš tam v prednom rade a dívaš sa na mňa. Dívala si sa týmto smerom a prikývla si, „Je to pravda,“ povedala. Aha. Máš nejaký problém s hlavou, je to tak? Je to pravda. Veríš mi, že som Boží prorok, chcel som povedať Jeho služobník? Ľudia sa na tom potkýnajú, keď poviete prorok. Rozumieš? Veríš tomu? Je tam ešte niečo, čo nemôžem vidieť úplne presne. Deje sa tam niečo, ale nedokážem povedať, čo to presne je. Vidím dvoch ľudí. Je to niekto iný. Je to iná pani. Áno, modlíš sa za inú pani. Je to tvoja priateľka; ona má rakovinu, či nie? Je to tak. Amen. Haleluja. Nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo. On je od večnosti do večnosti. On je Boh.

78Malá pani sedí pred tým mužom, ktorá sa tam tak horlivo modlí, trochu hrubšia, ktorá má zdurené žľazy, sedí rovno tam. Áno, pani. Modlíš sa veľmi horlivo, aby si bola uzdravená, či nie? Chcem, aby ten muž, ktorý je rovno za tebou, položil svoju ruku na teba, ak to urobí. Urobíš to pre mňa, brat? V poriadku.

Nebeský Otče, požehnaj tú ženu. Ona sa snaží cez to prelomiť. A keď vidím ten závoj toho Svetla, ktoré nad ňou visí. Modlím sa, aby si jej udelil uzdravenie skrze Meno Ježiša Krista. Amen. Bola si uzdravená kým si tu stála, zlatíčko, a tak len pokračuj, vzdaj chválu a slávu Bohu. Amen.

Povedzme, „Vďaka Pánovi.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Vďaka Pánovi.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, On je nádherný.

79Čo si myslíš, pani, ktorá sedíš rovno tam vzadu? Máš žalúdočné problémy, či nie? Máš malé dievčatko, ktoré má tiež žalúdočné problémy. Ó, to ťa prekvapilo, či nie? Ale už si zostala uzdravená. Amen. Ste nervóznym typom rodiny. Je to peptický stav žalúdka, ktorý to spôsobuje. To malé dievčatko to zdedilo od teba z tvojej nervozity. Je to tak. Kyslé jedlá a grganie, a tak ďalej. Je to tak. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN...?...

Tam vedľa teba sedí pani; ona má trochu závraty. A ona... Je to tak, pani? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Je to pravda. Chceš byť uzdravená? No, pani, ktorá tam sedíš, ktorá si práve bola uzdravená zo žalúdočných problémov, polož na ňu svoju ruku, sestra.

Otče, v Kristovom Mene sa modlím, aby si potvrdil toto, a ja skrze Meno Ježiša Krista, skrze moc vzkrieseného Krista vyháňam od tých ľudí tých duchov v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

80On je nádherný. Potrebujete viac dôkazov, že On vstal z mŕtvych? Veríte, že On tu práve teraz je? Čo viac by ste chceli? Neveriť by bolo hriech. Čo je hriech? Nevera. Je to tak? Chcem hneď teraz niečo urobiť, kým mi ešte zostáva sila to urobiť. Budem vám v tomto dôverovať. Budem vám veriť, že vyznáte každý hriech, o ktorom viete, hneď teraz. Vyznajte to Bohu, že to je zlé. A ja sa budem snažiť z celého srdca, s celou mojou silou, so všetkým, čo je v mojom vnútri...

81Ak som u Teba našiel priazeň, Bože, prosím vypočuj dnes večer moju modlitbu, modlím sa úprimne. Títo ľudia, Pane, skutočne verím, že sú vo svojom srdci úprimní. Boli zmietaní sem a tam a učili ich všetko možné, vo všetkých rôznych cirkvách a vyznaniach, až, Otče, je mi ich ľúto a oni sa snažia dať do poriadku. Modlím sa k Tebe, Pane Ježišu, vypočuj dnes večer, prosím Ťa, a odpovedz na modlitbu.

A, Otče, modlím sa, aby si teraz nechal Ducha Božieho ísť vpred a učiniť to vo veľkej miere. Vypočuj z nebies, Bože; srdcia týchto ľudí boli ťahané cez všetko možné. To, čo to robí tak neprístupným a temným, je to, že si to nemôžu proste uvedomiť a povstať v tomto čase a vedieť, že Ty si tu v miestnosti. Nie ja, Pane, Ty si tu; Ty si ten, ktorý toto činí. A modlím sa, aby si požehnal každého jedného v Kristovom Mene.

82No, položte na seba navzájom ruky. Každá osoba, ktorá je chorá, zodvihni svoju ruku. Teraz... Niekto položte ruku na niekoho, kto je chorý. A ty poď sem ku mne, pane. No, položte na niekoho svoje ruky.

Ó, láska Božia, aká bohatá a čistá!

Aká bezodná a silná;

Vydrží navždy;

Pieseň svätých a anjelov.

Moji milovaní priatelia, kým sa modlíte, kým sú vaše hlavy sklonené, kým sa modlíte jeden za druhého, našiel som vo vašich očiach dostatočnú milosť, aby ste mi mohli veriť, že som Pánovým služobníkom? Potvrdil späť Pán Svoje Slovo, že som s vami na sto percent, aby som vám pomohol v Kráľovstve Božom? Zjavil to Boh po všetkých tých siedmich, alebo ôsmich rokoch, v ktorých som prechádzal cez Chicago? Ak to tak je, potom ma počúvajte ako Božieho služobníka. Biblia povedala, „Klaďte ruky jeden na druhého, že budú klásť ruky jeden na druhého a modlitba viery zachráni nemocných.“

83Verím vo vás. Verím, že ste úprimní a Božie deti. A verím z celého srdca, že ma Boh povolal do tejto práce. A verím, že ak budem prosiť so všetkou úprimnosťou a vy budete so všetkou úprimnosťou veriť v tejto jednej veľkej jednotnej modlitbe, ako sú naše ruky a srdcia spojené dokopy v obecenstve zmŕtvychvstalého Krista, ktorý je rovno teraz tu v budove... Bez akejkoľvek pochybnosti, neomylné znamenia ukazujú, že On je tu... Dokážete si uvedomiť, ako narástli naše srdcia, že sme na takomto zhromaždení a zachovávame pokoj? Dokážete si predstaviť, ako ďaleko sme sa zatúlali a ako málo sme vzývali veci Božie, že sme postavení do zhromaždenia ako toto a vidíme diať sa tieto veci, a nič o tom nepovieme, a len tam sedíme takí, akí sme – proste sme tam narástli. Dokážete si predstaviť, ako sme ďaleko od Boha podľa týchto vecí?

No, otvorme rovno teraz naše srdcia. Poďme s otvoreným srdcom z miesta na miesto a povedzme, „Pane Ježišu, bez jediného tieňa pochybnosti Ťa rovno teraz prijímam.“

84No, Satan, karhám ťa a v Mene Ježiša Krista vyjdi von z ľudí. Ty si len starý pochybovač a spôsobuješ, že ľudia pochybujú, ale stratil si to, čo si držal. A rovno teraz je tu prítomný Svätý Duch, aby uzdravil nemocných; je tu moc Božia. A Satan, vyháňame ťa preč od týchto ľudí. V Mene Ježiša Krista vyjdi von z ľudí.

No, povstaňte a dajte Mu každý chválu, ako odovzdávam službu bratovi…

PAINTED-FACE JEZEBEL, 56-1005, Lane Tech High School, Lane Tech High School, Chicago, IL, 101 min

1 Thank you, brother. Shall we pray while we're standing. Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight for this privilege of being here again, and for this great gathering, the assembling of Your people together. You promised that if we would do this and pray, then You'd hear from heaven. And we know that Thou will do this because it's Your promise. And we pray that You'll move on us afresh tonight. Baptize us freshly with the Holy Spirit. Get glory out of the service. For we ask it in Christ's Name. Amen. May be seated.

2 The meetings are almost too short. They're just... I first thought when Joseph mentioned this to me, that according to my schedule, I could only stay two days. And then we set it up a little farther by the courtesy of the other place that I was going, and we got to make it five days. And so I told Joseph that I was going to have to kinda make this kinda of a--my trip to kinda of stay away from Chicago a little while because I'm here too much. See, I'll wear my welcome out, I'm afraid. And someone said many times, said, "If you want to call Brother Branham, if he ain't home, call Chicago. And if he ain't there, call Shreveport, Louisiana. He will be one of those places." That's Brother Joseph or Brother Moore at Shreveport.

And last--this last fall, this early this fall or late summer, I was at Shreveport in a tent revival, and I told Brother Moore, I said, "Now, Brother Moore, there's lot of the brethren in the eastern country and different places I've never visit, and they look at that. And I'm afraid it's going to offend them a little." And I said, "Now, I'll kinda let up a little around Shreveport and Chicago after I finish these meetings that I got until... Unless the Lord would call me to do something different, and then until I visit some of the other brethren around."

3 And now, someone was telling me, I believe, Billy last night, the night before, said there was some brethren wanted to meet me in order to find out about some time to have some meetings. Well now, I don't make any of the meetings, any of the itinerary. The itinerary is all made up at Shreveport, Louisiana. See, there's several of us in this group, and if one makes it up and the other one makes it up, and the other one, then we have to, well, this fellow made it wrong, so we have to cancel that. And, oh, my, that hurts, after they done had the promise. And the--the officialized word is Brother Moore at Shreveport, Louisiana. And--and we got open dates if we don't go overseas right away after Christmas; we got some open dates then. Now, plumb on until the last date that I had now is in Lima, Ohio, with the Baptist people at an auditorium beginning on January the 10th through the 15th at Lima, Ohio. That's my last date that I know of at this time.

4 Now, I think from there they're got some in California, that they're going to make some dates in California up around San Francisco, and then down in the San Fernando Valley with the Spanish people, Phoenix, for just a few nights, then they're coming east again. Now, in the month of--last of--of October and the first of December, after I return from Idaho, they are going to have some in, I think it's Virginia and Maryland, or somewhere up in that way, there's some meetings in... I don't know yet. Mr. Moore's never told me. He will let me know after I get home from this time.

And now, if you... I'd love to come to your place, each one of you. And we're making up some short fast meetings, three to five nights, just around, to get to visit the brethren, before making a worldwide tour, all to every major city in the world, and leaving on the East Coast, coming back to the west. And after the meeting is over, in many parts of the country...

5 There's something on my heart, that here a few weeks ago, I was in a certain city and having a meeting, which many of you are acquainted with. And they had been a Lutheran College there. And in a former meeting the man had told me I was a polished up soothsayer because of the visions. And he wrote to me after I... And he said I made such a horrible way of a Bible teacher. Well, I guess that's right, but not on what he said. He said, "I was surprised to hear a man that faces the people you do, and make a statement that Satan can't heal. Why," he said, "we know that Satan can heal." Said, "In the city I come from," he said, "we have a woman there that, she has... She's a witch like. And she takes the people that comes to her for sick, and she pulls hair out of her head and plucks their veins and gets blood in it. And walks down to the river, throws it over her back. And as she walks up to the--up the bank, if something makes her turn around and look, the disease comes back to the people. If she doesn't, the people gets well."

He said, "Mr. Branham, I checked and at least twenty or thirty percent of those people get healed."

6 And he said, "Now, you're just a boy," with all my forty-seven years. He said, "I was preaching before you was borned."

And--and I said, "Well," Wrote him back, and he said I was a--a Beelzebub. I said, "Now, first thing, I want to forgive you for that, brother. For what if I was right, then what have you done? See? What if I was right? See? Then what have you done? You've blasphemed the Holy Ghost which is unpardonable. 'Whosoever speaks a word against them works,' Jesus said, 'will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come.'" And I said, "I forgive you for that because I believe that you didn't understand." And I said, "I love you because that you're interested enough in our Lord Jesus to try to correct me, thinking I'm wrong." I said, "I appreciate that." Anybody that try to correct me when I'm wrong, I--I want to be corrected.

But I said, "Now, as far as you saying that--that Satan could heal, I want to just give you the Scripture, Jesus said He could not heal. So that settles it to me." Jesus said, when they told Him that He was healing by Satan, He said, "If Satan can cast out Satan, then his kingdom's divided." See? So I said, "That settles it as far as I'm concerned...?... but... I said, "Now, To straighten you out about the witch," I said, "certainly those people got healed." I said, "There's a lot of people in the land today calling themselves Divine healers. And people go to them, they say, 'Oh, I got power, I do this.'" But I said, "Certainly. They... The people gets healed," I said, "just the same as it does by the witch. But it's not the witch that does it; neither is it the Divine healer. It's the people's faith thinking they're approaching God through that witch. And God's got to recognize faith regardless of where it's at." You know that's right.

7 So in this... Oh, how the great scruple come on, and then this Dean wrote me a letter and said, "I want a interview with you." And the manager granted it. They take me out to a great Lutheran college and home there. And setting at the table, I thought, "Well, I'll sure get it now." So he said, "Brother Branham, we've been in your meetings and we're fully persuaded that it's the Holy Ghost."

And I said, "Yes, sir." I thought, "Oh, my."

And he said, "We ourselves, as Lutherans, are seeking God." He said, "If it'll come from your lips that there's something different besides what we have received Christ by faith, we want to know."

I said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

He said, "Well, I never thought of that."

I said, "Neither did those Baptists that time in Acts 19. They was believing, shouting, screaming, and having a great joy. But they hadn't received the Holy Ghost yet. So Paul laid his hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost."

He said, "What must we do?"

I said, "How many of you's hungry?"

Said, "The whole group of us."

I said, "Well, move back the table and go over by the wall and kneel down."

They made a big row around, great arena there where we had the dinner. I went around and laid hands on them and seventy two received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Amen. So they're having a great time over there.

Now, if God will do that in America for Lutherans, He will do it in Africa, Asia, wherever it is, for Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, or whoever hungers and thirsts for God. What a great thing.

8 Now, tonight was kind of an evangelistic night, but we want to hurry right through if we can. And tomorrow night, if I'm just a little lingering tonight, I want to ask about the testimonies. Did they come in, many come in, Brother Joseph. [Brother Joseph says, "I have not taken the time to ask for them."--Ed.] Oh, you haven't had time. How many's here tonight that was prayed for last night that feels that God touched your body? Let's see your hands. Now, those that was prayed for last night. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, about twelve that I see now. Yeah, I got that one over there, that lady there. All right, sir. Just about twelve then I see. Well, I think I had about nearly sixty or seventy up here. Maybe I'd better continue on then as I used to do, 'cause I think I get better than that in the beginning. See?

And so... I can't take Oral Roberts' ministry. And neither can Oral Roberts take mine. The Lord has given us both something to do. And...?... me, I must minister the way the Lord has provided. So don't holler 'cause you're not in the line now, because God wants to heal you out there where you're sitting. That's right.

9 I think that's the best. I think it's the best. God's a good God. He's really good. And He will give you your desire. Like in the Bible, how Thomas said, "Oh, I won't believe it."

Now, look, all the rest of the disciples said, "Sure, we believe it. Yes, sir. He's risen from the dead. We believe it."

Thomas said, "Nope, nope, I don't believe it. I got--I got to have more than that. I got to have some evidence. I got to put my hands in His side and so forth, 'fore I believe it. Yes, sir."

He's a good God. He said, "Come here, Thomas, now touch Me."

Thomas said, "Oh, You're the Lord. I know You are now."

Said, "Now, you seen and you believe, how much greater is their reward who's never seen and yet believe." See? That's it. You must believe.

You notice what a time Paul had with the Corinthian Church? Everyone had a tongue, had a psalm, had a some kind of a something they had to do before they'd believe they had the Holy Ghost. See? And Paul had trouble with them. He never had that with Ephesians, Galatians, any of those. He never had to speak about it. Why they were--they were people who had faith and just believed God, and accepted it, and--and everything was all right. See? So they... But God's a good God. If you want it that way, He will give it to you that way. But I--I just like to believe Him, don't you? Just take Him at His Word. I just like to believe it that way.

10 Now, may the Lord add His blessings now as we fellowship together. And tomorrow night, after tomorrow night, I guess Joseph has made the announcement that there's some... Brother Osborn, and Brother Tommy Hicks, and Brother Ogilvie is going to be here to continue this meeting through the week. Now, they are real good brethren.

And now, I know Brother Osborn real well. I know him real well. And I know he's a very fine brother. I know Tommy Hicks real well. And I know he's a fine brother. And I don't know Brother Ogilvie too well. I met him about twice. But he sure seems to be a fine brother. And I--I want you to continue to come and bring out your neighbors and everything, to hear these brethren. They're good man or God wouldn't be using the way they are.

11 And now, I've left my hometown when Billy Graham was over there. And I've always wanted to meet Billy Graham. And he's in Louisville now, preaching. My family and them's attending. Our churches are closed and everything, a cooperating in the meeting to do everything we can to put the effort.

I live about where eighty-five percent of the alcoholic beverages is, that swindles these drunken people on the streets, comes from Louisville, Kentucky. And the tobacco factories, it's the seat of Satan. And you people in Chicago pray that God will anoint that evangelist Billy Graham till there'll be a revival break out in Louisville and will just start something. And now, pray for him. And I pray for him all the time, each day and every night and everything. 'Cause God's using the man in a great way. A very fine brother, so I am told.

12 Now, over in II Kings and the 9th chapter and the 30th verse, I want to take just a little Scripture here, a few words to go back in the Old Testament again to--to read.

And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face,... tired her head, and looked out at the window.

And may the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now, we go back again in the Old Testament, because the Old Testament is always a foreshadow of the New Testament. And the Bible says that they were examples in Hebrews 11, that they was examples. And on over in 12 it says, in Hebrews,

... seeing that we're compassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that doeth so easily beset us,... that we might run with patience the race that's set before us,

Looking to the author and finisher of our faith;... (the Lord Jesus Christ.)

Now, if we see what God did back there to those people, upon certain attitudes that they taken towards God, and then if we find out if we'll take the same attitude that they did, we will receive the same reward that they did. You can just expect, 'cause God never changes. He's just the same. His blessings is the same, and His penalties is the same. And Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

13 And then I'm going to see... I forgot, and they brought me over to ask Billy if he give out prayer cards tonight. If he didn't, we'll have to get some, maybe... Don't throw your card down. They'll be... How many here's got prayer cards? Raise your hands. Well, that's fine. There's enough then anyhow to--to pray for, have a prayer line if we don't... And we'll go, continue right on. So I'll let up just a little on the evangelistic side tonight in order to pray for the sick.

14 Now, Jezebel, that's a name makes everybody shiver, just to say Jezebel. That was just a common name, just a name like Martha, Ruth, or Mary, or--or some other name. But when they just hear the name Jezebel, it was all because of one woman that took the wrong road.

Now, I'd imagine Jezebel, just because she had the name of Jezebel didn't make her what she was. It wasn't her name that did that; it was her attitude. That's what made it. And the name shouldn't make us shiver like the attitude that she took ought to make you shiver. But you mention Jezebel, "Oooh, my," But mention some of her sin, "Oh well, that's all right." And it wasn't the... It wasn't the name that made her; it was her sin that made her--made her what she was. Your name don't make what you are. It's your character that makes you. Your character molds you and makes you what you are.

15 I've always said, "Let me go into a man's house." And let him stand out on the street and testify, sing, shout, speak with tongues, dance in the Spirit, anything he wants to do; let me go into his house and look at these old pin-up girls all around the wall... Let me look at these magazines that he's reading here on his desk, and listen at him turn the radio on to some of that African nonsense of rock-and-roll and boogie-woogie, I can tell you right now what kind of a spirit he's got. See what it feeds on? I don't care how much he carries on out there on the street, here's what he's really feeding on. That's his diet. That's right.

Let me... How much... No matter how well he claims, and how good society, and what his standing, and what his social status is, that doesn't make a bit of difference. Watch what his spirit feeds on, what music he listens to, what he reads, what he looks at. You can tell what he's made out of then. And his character will always tell.

16 Now, Jezebel was perhaps just a lovely little girl at one time. She bounced around on her mother's knee and probably with her dad, and just like any other little girl. And never did that papa and mama ever think that her name would go down in history as one of the outstanding examples of cruelty and sin, one of the greatest among women names that's in the Bible, or in history of anywhere. Lady Maccabee wouldn't compare with her. And Lady Maccabee was arrested in Oklahoma smoking a cigar, for speeding, driving a carriage through the street.

When Doctor Iben at a great meeting was asked when he told the story of her, when all the religions of the world had met here about a fifty or sixty years ago, and he told this story of how horrible she was... And when they caught her and tarred and feathered her, they was--she was so filthy that they didn't even want to put their hands on her. He told the story with such a way, till everyone setting at the--on the end of their seat listening, he was so... And then when he got through he stepped back from the microphone, a little fellow he was. He said, "Gentleman of the religions of this world, has your religion got anything that'll clean the hands of Lady Maccabee?"

Everybody set still. He jumped in the air, and clicked his heels together, and clapped his hands, said, "The Blood of Jesus Christ won't only clean her hands, but it'll clean her heart." That's right. That's what the religion of Christianity means. It'll clean them no matter how vile they are. And so that's it.

17 Little Jezebel, when she was a little girl hopping along around home, skipping, playing, jumping the rope, or whatever little girls did. Little did they ever know that she'd turn out that way.

But then what made her what she was was the kind of teaching she got at home. And she was a pagan. And what teachings that you get at home, that's what usually you are, is what kind of a teachings you listen to. She was taught to hate God, Jehovah, because she... her God was Baal. And she was taught to hate God and hate God's people. And that hatred for that in her heart, it made her what she was.

18 But oh, my. Another thing, no wonder Ahab... His father was a backslider to begin with. And Ahab was a borderline, lukewarm believer, just a indebtiment to society of Christianity would be today, an indebtiment to the Kingdom of God in that day. He was just a man who was wishy-washy and not stabled at all.

But I imagine he was a handsome young man with his hair slicked down, you know, and kind of a little one of these boys that's going out with these here, what is it you call them, dragging hot rods, something on that order. You see? One of these little fellows that runs around like today...

And you know, it goes to show that he was that type of person or he wouldn't have fell for that type of woman. That's right. Israel was supposed to marry Israelites. They wasn't supposed to mix marriage. You know that's right. They wasn't... And you're not supposed to do it today either, yoke unbelievers with believers. That's against the law of God, against the Bible.

19 And so, you know, little Jezebel had learned one thing in her home, and that was to use paint. That's the heathen trait. Any paint, never in the world, but all painting of faces originated with heathens is always condemned by believers. I hope this goes real far down home, just to make you real good and sick for a few minutes. But now, don't get angry with me; I love you. But I just want to tell you what's truth.

Remember, I've just returned from the African jungle. Every one, the tribals of heathen, on every kind of an occasion they paint their face and wear great big earrings. The Indian savage heathen paints his face and puts on war paint when he goes in--in the... His war is worship around his idols. He paints.

You ashamed? See? It's a heathen sign. Too bad it ever got in the Christian church, wasn't it? Sure was. That was a weak pulpit what brought that in. The preacher ought to be ashamed of himself.

20 So she was used to painting; she made herself a little butterfly. And brother, that's the kind that can jilt a many a good man. That's right. See them on the street with a little lip look like a rosebud and a whole lot of Max Factor's on that, but that'll never burn out the sin wrinkles. Don't you never think that. God looks right through it.

And so Jezebel knowed how to put it on to make it look nice. And so when Ahab, this young Jewish boy become king, she put the--the manicure on her eyes, or whatever you call it, you know, and she flapped them back and forth, and Ahab's heart went tumbling, because he didn't have God in there to teach him better. That's right. So my, what a--what a thing that was.

21 Now, when she begin to flirt with Ahab, Ahab married her. He thought, "That's just the one for me."

And a many man's made a mistake like that. A many man has done it. You ought to see her on wash day, or when she gets cleaned up. Really, might change your mind altogether. Women shouldn't be married by looks anyhow, but by character.

Let me tell you, boy, if you marry her and she's all painted up, one of these day she'll fade. Even if she's pretty, that'll fail one of these days. Wait till her first baby's born and the teeth will go to coming out. Little later on, wrinkles will come over her eyes, and the hair get gray. You'll wake up one morning and wonder what you married. That's right. I--I mean that, not for a joke. No, sir. That's true. I'm just laying a background here for something I want to say. See? That's right.

But if you love her because there's something about her that you've prayed over, and God has joined you together, she can get old and wrinkled and be ugly; that won't make a bit of difference, you'll love her through eternity. "What God has joined together, no man could put asunder." That's right. So ask God first.

22 But Ahab, he goes down there and falls for this girl. So he comes up, and marries her, and brings her into Israel. And when she come up, being a pagan... And did you notice, Ahab went down there and showed that he was a borderline believer. He just went to dilly-dallying with the world to get this girl. And that's where a many person's made a mistake, stepping across the line. God has a boundary line.

An old Methodist preacher friend of mine, Brother Kelly, him and Sister Kelly used to sing a song,

We let down the bars; we let down the bars,

And we compromised with sin.

We let down the bars; the sheep got out,

But how did the goats get in?

You let down the bars. That's what was the matter. You compromised with sin. That's how the goats got in, 'cause you let down the standard.

23 Why, old John Smith years ago, who was packed to the pulpit, could only preach two hours, he was so old. He'd only preach two hours, that's without a microphone. He said, "The very thought," that's Methodism, literally. He said, "The very idea that our Methodist daughters are wearing jewelry on their hands..."

What would he do now to see them in shorts? See? What would he think now at Methodists, Baptists, and Pentecostals? Just the same, all the same... I was only show you where it comes from, where the background of it is. Then you can see why I'm so angry with it, not with you, with the things of the devil that's making you do that.

Now, don't think it's 'cause I say this. If you go out and clean up, just because that I said that, then you're wrong yet. Get down, and pray, and let God come into your heart, and you'll clean up anyhow. I'm sure. 'Cause long as that spirit's got you in control you'll fuss at me and fight back and say, "It's not so," and all like this. And you'll shake your head, like a sheep with blind...?... But it won't do any good, 'cause if the Holy Spirit is in me, you'd better get right by that stuff before you meet the judgment. That's right. But don't let your pastor tell you anything different, because it's THUS SAITH THE LORD in God's Word. That's right.

24 And so we find Jezebel tiring her head (which was cutting her hair, rolling it up), tiring her head, which is a disgrace. A woman that cuts her hair dishonors her husband. The Bible said so. A dishonorable woman should be divorced and put away. So that's a sign that she loves somebody else, according to the Bible, 'cause she dishonors her husband when she does it.

You know that's the Bible? How many knows that's so? Raise up your hand all that knows the Bible says that. Then what do you do it for? That's what I wonder. I wonder why you do it? Because your pastor probably never said any different. But we need some strict old fashion evangelistic teaching that'll tear that thing to pieces. That's right.

25 No wonder we can't have a revival. God can send gifts and everything else to a city, and--and do miracles, and perform things, and the people set. No wonder, there's sin in the camp. We got to clean that thing out and operate (That's exactly right.), and have the church straightened up and running right, and then God will come in and go to doing signs and wonders among us. You know that's right. I don't say that to hurt you. I say that 'cause I love you. And at the judgment bar, then I got to stand before every individual here and give an account. That's off of my chest; now it's on yours. So you pray, and see what God tell you. I believe if the Holy Spirit comes into you and you keep that same spirit, you'll keep on doing the same thing. But you just change that spirit to the Holy Spirit, watch how quick you change things. You sure will.

26 Now, and so then Jezebel, when she got in there, she stomped that little high heel shoe she was wearing, and she said, "Now, Ahab, I'll run this business." That's wrong to begin with. The man's the head of the house. All but in the United States, the woman's the head of the house here. This is a woman's country. The woman is the god of America.

I predict that before the coming of the Lord that a woman will be a great ruler in the United States, 'cause it's a woman's country. Started in Hollywood, that's how it run right on out.

And now, you see a little old man coming down the street and the little Jezebel with a cigarette in her mouth, puffing along like that. She say, "Well..." She hollers, "Scat." and he jumps through to the door. That's right. And at nighttime she's setting out there with them pretty red fingernails till it looks like eagles claws and been eating raw beef steak with it, standing out there. She won't wash the dishes, 'cause she's afraid the paint will come off. While her poor husband is scrubbing the dishes, after washing like that, and her setting in there sucking a cigarette. And he's taking care of the baby. Right. That's rank, isn't it? Sounds ridiculous, but it's the Bible and the truth. Just exactly right.

How could you ever eat a pan of biscuits with a woman that made them with that big long fingernails. I couldn't; I tell you, it would turn my stomach. I just couldn't do it.

27 So anyhow, but, oh, my, it's all right. But you little weakling man. I'm ashamed of you as Christian brothers, will let your wife do such a thing as that; it shows what you are made out of. That's right.

Now, women, you ought to say, "Amen" after fussing at you like that 'cause he's the ruler. That's right. And the way he let you live, it's his fault. God's going to hold him responsible for it. That's right. If you ain't man enough to take up and put your own house in order, God be merciful to you. That's right. 'Cause the Bible said in the very beginning, that, "He shall rule over thee."

Now, she's not a doormat now; she's your sweetheart. See? But you should set down and talk to her, and reason it with her, and tell her, and read the Bible, and pray together. These things wouldn't be in the church then, if you done that. That's right.

28 So Jezebel, when she comes over, her little husband one day got kinda upset because that a man wouldn't break the tradition of God and the laws of God, to let him have his place, because the law said that he should keep his heritage, and it be handed down--Naboth.

But then, when we find out that he wouldn't do it, Ahab begin to pine and running and fell across the bed. And little Jezebel, the little butterfly, come and got him up in her lap and said, "Now, dear, what's wrong with you?"

Said, "Oh, Naboth wouldn't let me have his--his vineyard."

She said, "Don't worry, I'll get it for you. Who's the ruler of this kingdom anyhow?"

See, that puts me like in the mind of denominational barriers. See? "I'll get it for you. You just let me have my way. I'll get it." And she stomped her little foot, and run out there and got some more guys that was kinda backsliders, and went over and set up a false accusation against Naboth, and had him stoned and killed.

29 But remember, when such sin as that goes on among the people, God's always got somebody that'll stand out and tell them about it. Amen. Yes, sir. He had a Tishbite by the name of Elijah, walked right out there and told them people that was wrong. He said, "God will make you answer for that kind of stuff." Right. No matter how vile it gets, somewhere God's going to have a witness to speak against it. That's all. Somewhere He will able these stones to rise children to Abraham. He will do it in some way, somewhere, by somebody.

And there, all the prophets... Oh, my. Jezebel might turn on them. And they--they just took water and went on. But old Elijah stood out there, and he told them right, exactly, said, "God will make you pay for it, and you're against God," and really told them what was right and wrong.

And she hated him. My, did she hate him. Sure. And you go to telling the truth to people, many times they'll hate you instead of repenting. That's right. You ought to be repenting and thanking God to know what's truth. That's right. But, oh, she hated that prophet. My.

30 So he goes up there, and she has a--a false accusation set up against Naboth and had him stoned to death. And the man died in his--out there in the street. And then he... She thought, "Oh, nobody would ever know nothing about that; that's all right. I sent two of my ambassadors up there and stood on the stand and accused him of being a traitor to God and to the king," when the man was perfectly innocent. And they stoned him. She thought, "That'll be all right."

But just as sure as you know that sin and wickedness lies at your door, there's a God of heaven who knows all things. Remember that. He does. He knows all things.

And then when he did that, He spoke to Elijah and said, "Go down there and meet Ahab and tell him THUS SAITH THE LORD." Amen. I love that. Oh, my. "When sin does abound, grace does much more abound." That's right.

31 That He had somebody down there who'd go skin him down for Him... So he met Ahab coming on the road. And Ahab was going up there to take possession, and he had the... They had the man killed because that he was absolutely doing exactly what God told him to. That inheritance was to fall from generation to generation. And if he lost it any way it had to be redeemed by a kinsman. Read the Book of Ruth and the kinsman laws and see if that isn't right.

So she had him killed for his voice. And Ahab come supposingly to have knowed better. The Word was before him, and the prophet was before him. And instead of that, so land crazy to have a beautiful garden next to his place, so he goes up there and takes it over by force.

And Elijah met him on the road and told him, said, "Because that you've did this, you murderer," said, "the--the dogs that licked Naboth's blood is going to lick your blood in the same place." Brother, I mean when God gets enough of anything, He gets enough of it.

He said, "Besides that, that Jezebel that you married..." Oh, my. He didn't care to talk about his wife, and said, "That Jezebel that you married, the dogs will even eat her in the streets in Jezreel. And the dung will be over the ground that they can't even say, 'Here lies Jezebel.'"

32 Oh, my. Woman, you wouldn't want to be like that, would you? Not even remembrance left of her anywhere... Said that... And you can remember when you see all that going on like that, the only woman in the Bible that did that, God fed her to the dogs. That's right. That's... When you see a woman doing that you say, "That's some dog meat then." You see? 'Cause that's what God did; He fed it to the dogs. He fed them kind of women to the dogs. So you keep away from that. Clean up. Amen. Get right with God.

What we need's an old fashion scouring out, digging out. Get those weeds out of the patch so the corn can grow. Jesus is coming. All right, that's what we need. Back to the old hewing line again. Back to the way. God will come among us. But as long as you got the world mixed in, God won't move. You wonder sometimes why that things are going the way they are. You just look around a little while. Pray a little bit and God will condemn sin.

33 Notice. And then the first thing you know, the things got worse. And Elijah set up in the mountains, up there alone. God told him, said, "Go down there." Showed him a vision, said, "I just got enough of this." Said, "Go down there and tell Ahab that I will not--will not let rain or even dew come, until you call for it." Now, a man of God will always follow the true Word of God.

Now, Jezebel had threatened him and everything else. Well, you say, "Now, Brother Branham, wait a minute before you leave Jezebel. That little woman may not have had a chance. She was borned a pagan. She didn't have a chance." Oh, yes she did too. She had a pastor, Pastor Elisha. And Elisha wasn't afraid to tell her about it. Don't think... God always puts the light there. She just refused to walk in the light; that was all. Right. Oh, she didn't want to call Elijah her pastor, certainly not. She had other formal, dignified men for her pastor. But God sent Elijah to be her pastor, no matter how much she hated him. She hated him because the Jewish religion was too straight for her.

34 And that's what's the matter today. The people want to act like the world, and talk like the world, and dress like the world, and make the church and the world all the same. The Christians, Holy Ghost religion is too straight for them. That's the only thing. Amen. The reason you want to call them holy-rollers and say they haven't got the right mind and things, it's too straight for you to live it. That's what's the matter. And some of you people that used to be that way is turned aside. What am I saying? My. Maybe that's good.

But... It's a little like mama used to give me castor oil. And she said... I just gag to think of it. She said, "If it don't make you sick, it don't do you any good." Well, maybe that's the same thing here. If gets you right sick of yourself, maybe it'll fix your--your spiritual gastronomics so you can really take the Word.

35 They wondered. Elijah went down, stomped up into the palace and right up past all the guards and things, and he told Ahab, with his finger in his face, said, "There'll not even be dew come from the heavens till I call for it." Oh, my. Why? God has spoke to him. He was with the Word of God, so he wasn't a scared.

Don't never be afraid. Micaiah wasn't afraid with the Word of God. No man's afraid when you got the Word of God and the vision of God moving with the Word. The reason Micaiah could condemn against them prophets and tell them they were wrong, and they had the devil's spirit in them, because there was fashions and everything that they were doing, and 'cause they were not lined up with the Word. And God give the true vision to the true prophet. And he... trying to line them up...

And now, and today the true vision is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The true prophet is the baptism, it--it's the Holy Spirit Himself. He is the one that comes and lines us with the Word. And notice. Not some bishop or archbishop, but the Holy Spirit leads the Church. Amen.

36 Now, watch. Now, we find out that... Could you imagine Ahab standing there and looking at him, the king. And this old fellow, maybe looked like a fuzzy worm, with all of his beard and hair sticking out like that, and a piece of sheepskin around him... The Bible said he was hairy all over anyhow. I'd imagine he was a pretty looking sight standing there in a king's court. But shaking his finger in his face and said, "The dew will not even fall from heaven till I call for it." Amen. He had THUS SAITH THE LORD, stomped right back out into the wilderness.

After he got by, I can hear Ahab holler, "Ha-ha-ha. And that old quack come in here and said a thing like that, did you ever hear such? Ha-ha. Why, we got the clergymen set here who know all these things. Why, there's nothing wrong here. He's just old fashion, an old fogy." But he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yes, sir. And he stomped right back out of the wilderness.

Some of them said, "Watch the way he goes."

"Aw, don't pay any attention to it."

37 And he went up by the brook Cherith and set down. Up there, the Lord told him, said, "Go up there, for I'm going to take care of you while you're up there." I like that. You mind the Lord and the Lord will take care of you. You just do what THUS SAITH THE LORD is and He will take care of you.

And Elijah goes up there and sets down, just as confident that the rain wasn't going to fall as he could be. And the first thing you know, come a drought. And all the--all the springs dried up. And they thought he was crazy. And here they was... He was an old fogy. He was old fashion, everything like that, and an old crank in his preaching. But he was God's pastor to the nation in them days, Pastor Elijah the Tishbite.

And so they wouldn't listen to him. But they said he was a little off. But he goes up and sets down by the spring by the will of God. And here was people down here in the valley where all the hydrants was, and all the springs boiling up, starving to death for a drink of water; and there set Elijah up there drinking any time he wanted to. 'Cause he had THUS SAITH THE LORD.

38 Now, I wonder today, if you think 'cause you got a great big denomination you belong to, or some great big church with a cross on top, and a million dollar church organ, that you can drink any time you want to. I tell you, the spring's only open at THUS SAITH THE LORD.

There he stood up there getting a good old spiritual drink any time he wanted to. The water's dried up down here in the land. I think today, a whole lot of the trouble, that the waters is dried up in our lands too, our Christian land. What was the matter? You... Long time ago, used to have old fashion meetings where the people would cry, and walk up-and-down the aisle, and lay on their face all night and pray and bring your children in and--to the Kingdom of God. And today they got babysitters. And--and they used to... It was a shame for a woman to smoke a cigarette. Today the whole company of people smoke cigarettes. And it used to be a shame for woman to paint and use all these things. And today it's just all just one... You can't tell the Christian from the other. It's all the same.

You know what's the matter? Your water line's been cut off. That's what's the matter. You're in a desert. And that's the reason you got church fusses all the time. You know the...

39 You take a--a--any kind of a plant and put it on the desert where there's no water, it gets stickers on it. And you take that same plant and put it where there's a lot of water, it gets soft. And why is it? It's because it's dry.

And that's what's the matter with the churches today. They're fussing, "Glory to God, I'm a Baptist. Hallelujah."

"I'm a Presbyterian, I'll tell you, we have the best selection of pastors. Yes, sir, we don't have to take your old Pentecostal theology."

"I tell you; I belong to the Assemblies; that's who I am. We're as great as the rest of them."

"I belong to the United..."

"I belong to this, that, or other." Oh, I see your stickers. Your water supply is gone. That's what's the matter. That's just what's the matter. The water's been cut off. You don't have the things like you used to have years ago. The miracles and things are not in the church. The feeling, the--the fellowship's not in the church like it used to be. What's the matter? The glory spring that led to your hallelujah garden was cut off.

What did it? Sin. Sin getting in the church and getting in you is what did it, because the weakness of the pulpit to keep the lines unstopped. That's right. Amen. That's the truth. It might seem awful crude, but it's the truth. And if you don't stop and call an old fashion prayer meeting, and get back to God, what will you be in ten years from now? Somebody better raise up and go to preaching this thing and getting this thing out of the church. It's a cancer, and it's eating to the bone. Get it out. God, send evangelists who will stand on the Word and preach the Word when you see that thing going on. And then let it go like that?

40 Why, here the day I met a bunch of women who was having a prayer meeting, shouting and speaking in tongues with shorts on, smoking cigarettes: Pentecostals. God have mercy. It's backslidden sinners is exactly what it is. I'm not judge, but, "By their fruits you shall know them."

Do you realize it's insanity? Do you realize there's only one time in the Bible that anyone ever stripped their clothes off, and that was a devil-possessed person? Do you realize that all this stuff that's going on today, these rock-and-roll parties that you're--you all are attending, up in them places, when they go so frantic and get in such a maneuver, the Presley and them, till young ladies take their underneath clothes off and throw them up on the platform for him to autograph, and call that civilization, when they send dozens of them to the insane asylum afterward? And our radio programs and everything nearly you hear is full of that chaos? It's the devil like a roaring lion. And they're bringing that same thing, with boogie-woogie and everything into the church.

Way in the Hottentots of Africa, that same mournful sound... When I seen them stand there, and the witch doctors, and they'd go, and them sounds. Heathens with paint over their face, and the young women would dance out there till they'd...?... sex parties and everything else. And America in it has reached the top of civilization and swinging backwards and going into heathens again, painting and rocking, and-rolling thus, and--and even calling themselves church members. Amen.

Many a time... They had one here in Canada not long ago. And I think they sent ten kids in two days after that, to the insane institution. Sure. You better settle down to the old fashion Gospel and come back to Christ. Certainly they had. Draw the lines between right and wrong.

41 Elijah, setting up there on the hill, and they said he was a crank. They said he didn't know what he was talking about. And here they was down here with nothing to eat; the wheat crops didn't produce, didn't have no water. They didn't have nothing but gnawing of the tongue. And they said that he was a crank. And there he was setting up there a whole lot better off than many of you people are here in Chicago tonight. That's right.

He was setting up there, first, in the will of God, setting by a spring of water with crows bringing him something to eat. He had porters that brought him something to eat. Every time he got hungry, here come a crow with a sandwich and give it to him. He'd eat, set down and drink, got up, praise the Lord. Now, if that isn't fine, I never told it. That's living in luxury to me. Wouldn't it be you? Sure it was, and knowing that he was in the will of God. Someone said to me one time, said, "Brother Branham, do you actually believe those crows brought him meat and bread?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "How do you know they did?"

I said, "The Bible said so. That's all."

He said, "Well, listen, I want to ask you a question then. Where did they get it?"

I said, "I'm going tell you; I don't know." But I said, "The only thing I know, they brought it; he eat it." And I said, "Just like the question you asked me awhile ago, what makes me shout and carry on the way I do? It's the Holy Ghost. I can't tell you where It comes from, but I know It gets here, and I just take It. That's the only thing I can do. And God sent It and I love It." Amen.

42 So long as you're in the will of the Lord, what difference does it make? I don't care where it comes from as long as the Lord sent it to me; it's good. Amen. I just receive it. I don't care what the world thinks about it. Go ahead and gnaw your tongues, and all your water dried up, and no hallelujah in the church, and all condemnation, setting around picking and painting fingernails while the preachers bringing his little sissified ten cent store message, try to pat you on the back and everything then. That's right. Now, that's not Presbyterian; that's Pentecostal. Right Oh, that's rough, isn't it? But it's the truth. Yes, sir.

What you ought to have is some more John the Baptists, an old message like that, a man filled with the Holy Ghost who walked right up in the face of sin and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." That's right. Amen. That's what the Bible says to do. Tear it out. "The axe is laid to the root of the tree." That's right. Cut her down. That's what we need, is a circumcision. "Circumcision" means "to cut off surplus flesh." That's what we need in a Pentecostal church tonight is some surplus flesh and nonsense cut out of it. That's exactly right. Back to the old hewing line.

43 Elijah setting up there for three years just having a good time under the anointing of the Lord every day and every night. Every time a crow would come by, dip right down, get him a sandwich, and he'd eat it. Get up and praise the Lord, get him a drink of water and shout a little while and set back down again. If that isn't wonderful.

And then they begin to find out. "Wonder what become of that holy-roller? Wonder... Why, he might've been right after all." So then they started on a hunt for him. So they hunted every nation trying to find him. But he was... They couldn't find him. Certainly not.

So the Lord said, "Ahab..." or to "Elijah, I want you to go down and meet Ahab." So down the mountain he come and walked up. And when Ahab met him, he said, "Oh, here you are. So this is you, huh? You're the one that troubles Israel."

Oh, my. You know what he said? He said, "It isn't me; it's you and your little Jezebel that's done it." That's exactly right. "You've brought this witchcraft into Israel and done these things that you've done. You're the one that's done this." And he said...

44 That's what the people are today. They try to say, "Oh, they make too much noise, and they do this and that. That's the trouble of it." Listen, it's not the--the doctor; it's the disease that causes the trouble. That's right. It's the disease; it's the sin that cut off their blessing. That's the sin that's in... Not because you haven't got good pastors, not because you haven't got fine churches, not because you haven't got this, that or the other, sure, you have. But it's the sin that's cutting you away from these--these things that you ought to have. It's sin that's keeping the church from that raptured condition all the time. It's sin, not the building, not the church, but the sin that's in the church.

45 So then He said, "Call them up on Mount Carmel here and we'll find out who's God. Let the God that answers by fire be God. Let's prove and see who's God." Oh, I--I'm so happy to know that we still have the same God, that the God that is God still answers like God, talks like God, walks like God, heals like God, saves like God, and cleans up like God. Amen. Still the same God...

It's proved; God is a visiting the people today. God is in His Church, trying to purge the thing, take out the leaven out of it. He's sending messengers, signs, and wonders, and miracles, and everything, trying to prove that He loves them and He wants them to clean up. Get rid of this here, all this carrying on, staying home on Wednesday night from prayer meeting to look at this old silly stuff of an old woman from Hollywood married four, or five different times, and some guy that's run with half the women on the West Coast, and "Who Loves Lucys," and all these things like that. And you Christian people stay home to see that and stay away from the house of God, it shows what kind of a spirit is in you. Amen.

I've got it at home from the FBI files; any minister can get them that wants to. If you only knowed the filth and things of them people that you make your example: dress like them, act like them, talk like them. Brother, read the Bible. Talk like a Christian; act like a Christian; be like a Christian; live like a Christian, what we need today. Amen.

46 Now, it ain't paint, and scissors that cuts your hair that bothers you. It's that spirit in you that makes you go get it. That's what it is. Max Factor could make all of it he wanted to and lay it over there, and if you was a Christian you'd never touch it. I mean if you was baptized with the Holy Ghost and living where you ought to live (That's right.), and your pastor preach the truth and let you know about it. You wouldn't even care a bit.

How could you sell old button shoes down on the street today, them high laced up shoes which have got more leather in them than a dozen pair of these little things that you pay twenty five dollars for? A little strap across the toe and a big old red painted toenail sticking out like that, and the heels flopping around through the rain, and you go down the street like that. That's right. That's right. But you couldn't sell that old fashion shoe because you don't want it; you done seen Martha Susianna out yonder wear some other kind. See? You want to dress like her. You don't want that dress that hangs loose. You want that one's like you're poured into it, because that you seen Susie on the television and the radio and in the magazine.

The devil putting all that stuff around, young kids, drinking beer, Ortel's Ninety-Two, and Schlitz and this kind of stuff, it's... That's a lie. And nothing but... That turns young men and women to batty-eyed wretches to drink that stuff. It's the devil. It fills the insane institution. It fills the prostitute houses. It does everything else. It breaks up homes. It causes rape and murder and everything else.

And cigarettes poisons the mind, causes cancer. And the Medical Association even decent enough to place it out, and you continually smoke that devil's weed. I don't know what I'm saying it for; that don't sound like me, but I--I--I'm going to say it anyhow as long as it's coming out like that. Just... That's right. It's wrong; get away from it. Christians, get filled with God. Yes, sir.

47 One day when the final time come for God's Word to be answered, Elijah's prophecy to be fulfilled, the dogs licked the blood of Ahab right in the same place before they could wash the chariot in the pool of--at Samaria. When they went down to wash the chariot where he was shot and killed, the dogs licked his blood.

And when Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat, the righteous man with the right daddy behind him, it made a right man and a real king. Jehoshaphat was a man of God. See what he produced? See? And Jehu, when he come riding through there fiercely on this chariot, he cleaned up everything that was called sin. I mean he cleaned house. We need some more Jehu's today (That's right.), ride fiercely through the ranks and scatter the thing and call black, black and white, white. That's right. Right, right and wrong, wrong...

48 And when he come down through there, little Miss Jezebel, she thought, "Well, I'm a vamp anyhow, you know." Said, "I'm all pretty." And she goes over there and gets her makeup kit, you know, and she begins to fix her face all up with all that makeup and stuff, and you know.

And I seen women do that in a restaurant, and then take a piece of paper, a napkin, and bite on it like that. Put me in the mind of a mad dog trying to bite a stick or something, and on like that, and look back again, and make it around like that.

And then she fixed herself all up, and she fixed her hair all manicured up, just the way it was supposed to be, you know. And she thought she looked all pretty. She come strutting out, you know, with that new type of dress on. She looked out the window, she said, "Did you ever have...?...?"

49 And Jehu was a man of God; that didn't go with him. He was the right kind of a pastor. He was a real evangelist. He said, "Who's for me and God up there?"

And two of her eunuchs had enough gall about them enough, said, "We are."

Said, "Throw her out the window." Amen. Say, he got rough, didn't he? And when she hit the street the blood splashed on the horses and up on the chariot. Said, "Let her lay there," and drove on over her. He didn't know even want... He was still in the will of God. For the Word of God will work with the will of God always.

Goes over, sets down, eats his dinner, said, "Well, that's pretty good clean up today." Said, "You ought to go bury her 'cause she was a king's daughter." And when she got there, he forgot that the Word of God must be fulfilled. What was left? The palms of her hand and her skull. The dogs had eat her up.

If you only know what. That has to be a strange thing, 'cause dogs won't touch human blood. That's right. It was God pushed them to do it. That's right. I know that. I know that for truth. Yes, sir, they won't touch human blood. And so then these dogs had eat her up, because God had commanded them to do it. And there she was in that disgrace.

50 The Word of the God prevailed. It'll always prevail, friend. I'm not angry with you. I love you. I want you... I--I better keep away from evangelistic services, 'cause maybe I get too rough. I don't mean to be. I love you. But, brother, sister, that's the truth. That's the truth, so help me. And I could say this: It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, for it's His Word. That's right.

Now, get that old cancer condition away from the church. Get out of it, women. Get out of it, men, not only women, but men too. And preacher also, you've let down the bar, pastor. There's something wrong with you. You haven't prayed through, or you'd absolutely see your congregation getting in that condition; you'd stand and resist the thing if you preached to four walls. That's exactly. That's the truth. You would do it.

51 And what we need is a fash--old fashion scouring out, cleaning up. And you Pentecostal people don't watch, the Baptists and Presbyterians going take your blessing and go on to glory with it. Famous Baptist ministers, and Presbyterian, and Lutherans, are receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, saying, "We're hungry for it, Brother Branham. We're hungry for it." And they're going on and on, some of the outstanding men in the nation hungering for God. Oh, let's clean up. Let's all of us, the Lutheran, the Baptist, the Presbyterian, the Pentecostal. We're not divided; we're all one big Church of the living God. Let's join our hands with one another, and our hearts together, look over towards Calvary, and march on through the ranks. Let's go on to victory to victory.

Jesus is coming soon, friends. And remember, you people here, try to be that called out group. Remember, the Bible said in the last church age will be that Laodicean Church Age, lukewarm. And that's just where the Pentecostal church has got to. That's where they're all getting. If you don't watch, God's going to come down and pull a little remnant out here, and here, and here, make up the Bride and be gone. See? So let's be up now, and believe God, and have faith in God, and believe that God is here.

52 And the God that was in Elijah is the same God that's right here tonight. He's the same God that was... You might not want to receive it, but it's God just the same. He--He is. And He does miracles; He shows visions; He sends powers; He heals the sick; He has revelations; He--just everything, just exactly what God has always done. How can we then, friends, in the light of this Bible, ever set still and still live the same way?

Here's the only thing you do. Now, when you leave the church tonight, you say, "You know, I kinda believe Brother Branham's right. Yeah, now, that is the truth." But tomorrow you go right back into the office when you oughtn't to go. If your husband's sick, you need to do it. But if it isn't, listen, sister dear, God made you for one place, the kitchen. When you get out of there, you're out of His will. Remember that. Women was made to be a helpmate at the house. She never was made for office work. And it's caused more disgrace and divorces and things.

And today, even your lovely city is degraded as far as ours is, with women cops on the street. If that ain't a disgrace to Chicago or anything else, when thousands of men walking the street wanting a job. Exactly the truth. And big? Oh, my. "Hey, get over there." You ought to be in the kitchen cooking your husband a pie for supper or something. Exactly right.

53 I know you're... That--that's hard, friends. But that's said not with scorn; it's said with love, that I love you, and I want you to understand it in that way. But you can't see sin and set still. That--that's all. I--I--I don't like it. And I see it in the people. And the people here, and the people I preach to are people who love me, and--and my living comes for them people. God puts it upon their heart and they give me living.

But would I stand in the judgment bar, and God looks down to me in the presence of that great light of God and say, "William Branham, you knowed better than that, and you let them headlong plunge into it. I'll require their blood at your hand." God forbid. No, no, no. I say it, my dear brother, sister, preach it if God gives breath as long as I live. Then when that day, it'll... You--you... I want Him to say, "It was well done, My good and faithful servant." Now, that's what I want Him to say. And I want Him to say, "Oh, you happy people now, aren't you glad that you circumcised from them things of the world."

54 It was like I was preaching the other night on the shorn sheep. You're sheep, and the reason the Spirit has left the church is because the Spirit only stays on sheep. And you say, "Now, Brother Branham, now you talk about us women and us men doing these things. That's... If I want to take a little drink, Brother Branham, after I come home from work, that's my American privilege." That's right. "If I want to smoke a good cigar, that's none of your business. That's my privilege." That's right. But if you're a sheep, you're willing to give up and be shorn of your own rights, your own privileges. A sheep is willing to lay down and let them take off of him what come on him, his... Is that right?

You say, "If I want to wear a dress and a skirt, and I want to do this the way I want to do it, that's my business. That's my American privilege. The American public puts it out, and they're... It's legal. They won't run me off the street with it. And if I want to do it, I'll do it. That's my privilege." That's right madam; that's exactly right. But if you're a lamb, you're ready to forfeit your rights to be a lamb of God. That's right. If you are a lamb, you'll forfeit your rights. That's true. So you ought to do that. And if you--if you just go out and don't try... You say, "Well, I'm going to quit it." Pray till God just--just makes it so real to you, you'll quit yourself. If you'll just do that.

And now, we're here to help you, not to hurt you, but to be a blessing to you. And I pray that you'll take this little old cut up evangelistic message tonight to your hearts, and go home, and pray over it, and say, "God, be merciful to me." How many believes that it's the truth and say, "I accept it as the truth"? Raise your hand. God bless you. Fine. Let us pray.

55 Our dear heavenly Father, in the light of Thy blessed holy Word, yet with this pouring into my heart, but holding back for this prayer line that's coming up. I pray, God, that You'll help now. And may that which I was going to say, press on into their hearts anyhow. Grant it, Lord. And let it be received in the Spirit of love, not in rebuke, but in the Spirit of love, seeing this great cancer of sin moving in on these blessed children of Yours. And how the pastors set silent and don't say nothing about it. O God, raise up men that'll stand out. Grant it, Lord.

Send some more Tishbites, Elijah along, that'll really stand regardless (Grant it, Father.), and preach that they can see the light. Oh, yes, Jezebel had the light, plenty of it. She had Mount Carmel light to see that God answered prayer and performed miracles. She knew it. But she wasn't willing to sacrifice and to walk in the light.

And I pray, Father, that You'll bless each one here tonight, and get glory. And heal the sick now, and let it be known that the God of Elijah still lives tonight, that He's still the same God. And I'll ask this in Jesus' Name.

56 And while we have our heads bowed, I wonder tonight... I want everyone praying. I wonder tonight in the little talk that we just had as a little family talk together, ere the--my part of the service closing tomorrow night, I wonder if you would say, "Brother Branham, by this..." Not Brother Branham, "Lord God, I'm guilty of these things, but I'm ashamed of myself. I--I have been going to church and calling myself a Christian. I been taking a little drink. I been smoking a little. I tell some foul jokes, and, with the crowd. And I take a drink to be sociable, but I'm ashamed of myself, Brother Branham, as a--professing to be a servant of Christ, I realize it's a wrong spirit making me do that."

And the woman say, "I'm--I'm ashamed of myself, Brother Branham, I--I did have my hair all cut off, and I know the Bible said for me not to do that. I know I spend a big part of my time in a beauty shop. "You should look your best, sister. That's right. Be clean and neat and lovely and sweet. I know your husband will appreciate you like that. That you'll look a lot better if you let your hair grow out... Women are supposed to have that. They ain't supposed to look like men. Man's not supposed to have long hair. The Bible says for him not.

57 You say, "I've used paint and makeup, Brother Branham. I've used the wrong kind of clothes; I know I've throwed myself before men." Listen, I said this. I want to say it again, with your heads bowed. Sister dear, you may be as pure as a lily to your husband; you may be just as pure and undefiled from those things. But did you know, at the judgment you may be called on as committing adultery? You know, Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Well, what if you dressed yourself that way and you go out on the street, and a sinner man looks at you and lusts after you, then he's going to have to answer for adultery at the day of judgment. And you're going to be the one that's guilty. And you'll have to answer for adultery in the Presence of God. And no adulteress will ever enter heaven. You presented yourself before him to look that way. You see what I mean?

Bless your heart, I don't want you to be all disappointed at judgment. I want you to go. You might be pure and clean as you can be. You may be just the loveliest type of a woman, but if you dress yourself like that and man lusts for you, and you presented yourself to men like that, and they do, you'll answer at the day of judgment as an adulterer. That's exactly right. The Bible said so. See, this Word's deep.

58 For years I passed through this country of America, my homeland. I told you all a few years ago. I went through this land praying for the sick, and with signs and wonders. I said, "One of these days I'm coming back. I'm coming with the Gospel truth." That's right. If I can win the love of the people, then I want to tell them what's truth. That's what I'm doing.

Are you guilty? No one raising your head now, everybody in prayer. Would you raise your hand to Christ and say, "By Your help, God, cleanse my heart tonight and let me be a different person." Both man or woman, would you just raise your hands to Christ right now? God bless you; that's fine, everywhere. "By Your help, Christ, from this night on I want to pray till You give me a different Spirit that'll make me look different and act different. I don't want to act like the world."

Be separate from the world, come out from among the unclean, the uncircumcised. Touch not their unclean things, their old sexy clothes, and their smoking, and their drinking, and their gambling, and their dirty jokes. Don't associate yourself with it. God... You think that gentle dove of God could ever stay in a place like that, where all them old dirty things are going on? No friend, no, no. It'll depart in immediate. So if you've got that in you, get rid of it tonight, will you? Now, there's been at least thirty, forty hands up. I want to pray for you.

59 Now, dear God, if I should go home to glory tonight, as I trust that I will someday... I hope that You keep me here a long time till You're finished with me, believing that You will. But I feel that I have told the truth in the light of the Gospel. And I pray, God, that--that it received right now. And these hands that went up, they were convinced that they been wrong; they're sincere, Lord. They're... We don't want them to feel hurt; we want them to feel blessed. And we want them now, if it be Your Divine will, which I know it is, to put a new Spirit in them. They don't want to act like that. Men don't want to drink and carry on like that and tell those smutty jokes. And women don't want to paint their faces, and act like heathens, and be marked by a trait of heathenism. God, we pray that You'll help them tonight. And bless them all.

And now, that the... And save all the sinners, Lord. Call the backsliders back to the place again of the blessings of God. Take out all the old clogs and the stuff that's clogging up the line from the irrigation that runs into the garden of hallelujah, where the flowers eternal grow and the blessed perfume of God's holy Presence is with them all the day. God, grant. The water supply is cut off because sin has done it. God, remove all sin tonight and water that garden again with Your blessings and Your Blood, Lord, that it'll--the sin will be taken away.

60 And now, Lord, that the people would know that You're still the Lord Jesus and that I be Your servant, I pray now, after this hard, crude talking, I pray that You'll anoint me just now, Lord, with the Holy Spirit that'll speak things and heal the sick to let You--let the people know that You love them, and it's Your message and You want them to be well and prosper and do good things. Grant it, Father. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Because He first loved me.

I'll never forsake Him,

I'll never forsake Him,

I'll never forsake Him,

Because He first loved me.

You mean it? Does the Word make you feel like you're scoured out? It does to me. Just to... Hearing the Word just cleanses me out, just makes me a new person. Does it you that way?

Billy? Did you give out prayer cards? N, 1 to 100. All right. N's 1 to a 100. Let's call some of them then.



61 "... you tell it; don't you tell that."

I said, "There's your trouble."

"I've confessed that to God."

I said, "It wasn't God you sinned against; it was your husband. Go, make it right with him." And when finally she did it, she got healed. Then she come back. I said, "Now Satan will have to leave." See? 'Cause as long as there's sin in your life Satan can hold a stick over you. That's exactly right. Whether it's something that you've done, or something you ought to have done, be just the same. See?

So let's see, how many did I call down there? I don't think I got very many. Where was I calling from, from 1 to what? Oh, from 7 to 15. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Get so... We'll pray for these here while we're... Now, the rest of us bow our heads now.

62 Heavenly Father, now we pray that Your holy hands will be laid upon these handkerchiefs and parcels here, and may they be healed every one that they represent. Grant it, Lord. May when they get there to that poor old mother laying in the hospital, that little baby, maybe with convulsions or whatever it may be, Thou knowest, Lord. And I pray that the evil spirits will go from them. Grant it, and they be made well through Jesus' Name. Amen.

63 All right, are you still all of them lined up? Is that... All right, then we'd start the prayer line, if they're not lined up. Now, I want everyone to please, for the next few moments, if you can, this is going to be a change over to stand, and, like that and then start praying for the sick. I will, if you'll just keep your seats just for a few moments and just believe...

And then if you are sick and you have need of God, if you'll just look this way and pray and say in your heart, say this, say, "Lord God, I'm in need of You. Maybe I'm just a little skeptic. You... Brother Branham doesn't know me; I'm sure. You just have him to turn around and say to me what this is that's causing me to be this way, or something that's--something that I know that's the truth, and all doubts will fade from me, and I'll--I'll never disbelieve no more." Now, that's--that's quite a thing to say. But, brother and sister, in Christ's Name, you do that and see if He doesn't call you. See? You... Now, sometimes it's such a conglomeration I can't get it all. But I've explained that, what that is.

64 Now, here's a--a lady here; I suppose that she is a stranger to me. Are you, lady? We do not know each other, and never met, I guess, in life. But... Ma'am? You saw me one time. Where abouts? In Vandalia, Illinois, you saw me. All right. But 'course that's-that's been about ten years ago, when I first got started. And you just among that big crowd there in that tent. Oh, my. That was quite a--quite a crowd, wasn't it?

Was you there the night that blind boy that had no eyes got healed? He come over and picked up my tie and said, "What color is that?" right along towards the last of the meeting. And it's been about ten years ago. There was a shoe cobbler there also, in Vandalia, I believe had blind eyes that got healed in the meeting.

One night the Lord broke through and just flooded the place, and they picked up cots and stretchers, and the papers packed it. It... Chicago paper called me Brother Henry Branham. I never will forget that, the "Tribune" here in Chicago. Had two or three pages of it in the meeting, been a long time since then. Lot of water's went down the river. But God still remains the same.

65 Now, this lady is... She doesn't know me. She said she seen me in a meeting one time, but ten years ago. Then if there's anything you're here for, I--I--I don't know it; you know that. I have no way of knowing that. Only God would have to reveal it. Is that right?

Well now, if Jesus talking to the woman at the well, stood and talked like we're talking now, and then finally found where her trouble was and told her... She believed that it was the Messiah. She believed. She said, "We Samaritans know that the Messiah will do this when He comes." But she couldn't understand Who He was, and He told her that He was the Messiah. That marvelous? How wonderful. Well, He's still Messiah tonight.

66 Now, to the audience, Moses, when He went down and turned his hand to leprosy and healed it, and showed the people that God had sent him, that settled it with all Israel. They just went on, followed him. Is that right?

But if God tonight... If you desire to question the woman, okay. God tonight knows of this woman. I know nothing of her, never have seen her in my life to know of. 'Course, me standing up before the people she could see me, but I know her not. Here she is. She probably one of your friends here, and you know all about it. But now, if God can tell to me what the woman is here for or what her trouble is... It might be domestic trouble; it might be sickness; it might be for somebody else. I--I don't know. I can't tell you. But if He will reveal that, we'll have to know that it's some kind of a spiritual, unseen power doing it. Is that right?

Well--well now, the Bible said that when Jesus was here on earth, that's the very thing He did, and didn't do nothing till first the Father showed Him. Is that the Scripture? And He said, "These things that I do, shall you also. I'll be with you to the end of the world."

Now, if He can reproduce His life in our bodies tonight by cleansing us with His own Blood, which we're unworthy, but make us worthy through His Blood, then it ought to satisfy everyone that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and He's right here with you. Is that right? Now, may He grant it. He might not. I couldn't tell you. He may. But may He grant it.

67 Now I want to talk to you. Been preaching and waiting, of course I'm waiting on a changing, for the Holy Spirit, for the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the--for the healing service. But now just to speak with you for a moment... And I... If God reveals it now, you're going to accept it? Whatever it is, you're going to accept it?

Now, to the audience, I'm just looking at a young woman standing here, lot younger than I, and she's looking at me and--and looks to me like a Christian to look at her. And she... I don't--couldn't say only just to... I look at her and think she looks like a Christian. And... But God knows all things right.

But now, if God can, or will, don't say "He can," if He will reveal to me what's your trouble, then that settles the whole question. It's all over. That's right. Isn't that wonderful to know that the God of Elijah still lives? See? He does. That's right.

68 You are a Christian all right, because of that real welcoming begins to come since the Angel of the Lord, and you're conscious that something's going on now. Now, just as a Christian, a Christian sister and a Christian brother... Now, just since just a second ago, something taken place, wasn't it? You could feel something. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's right. See? 'Cause right between me and you now the anointing begins to start. There's a Light standing between me and you. Did you ever see the picture of It? You never seen It. I think they have it here. It's right between you and I now.

Your trouble is in your leg. That's true, isn't it? And it's in the bone, and it's a tumor, and it's malignant. You're in a serious condition and a black shadow hanging near you which is death. That's true. You are from Illinois, but not Vandalia. Place like a hill, Dower Hills, something like that, Illinois. That's right. Your name is Wahr. Lydia M. Wahr. Is that right? You believe me now to be His servant? Then come here.

Our heavenly Father, in the Bible when Thou was here on earth You walked among men and yielded Yourself to the Father of heaven, and He was in You and showed You things to do and to speak. And You said You didn't do nothing unless He showed You first. And then as the Father sent You, You said You'd send us, and go with us and be with us. And the things that You done would be continued, Your ministry, by Your Church until You come again. And we're looking for You to come the second time in glory. And tonight the very evidence, the initial evidence of the living God is here on the platform tonight among the people in Chicago. And the signs that He said would be done to the end of the world is now being done. And this devil that's been on our sister to take her life, may he be cursed in Christ's Name, and come from the woman, and may she live. Amen.

God bless you, lady. Now, go happy and rejoicing. Amen.

69 Do you now believe? Now, look, I been preaching for about two hours. All right, that one vision, and look at the beads of sweat. See? It just weakens you. Something goes from you. The thing left the lady. See? The woman touched His garment and said, "Something went from me." Not from...

All right, bring the man. Now, please be reverent if you will. Remember, evil spirits come out of one and go into others. How many know that to be true? So be reverent.

70 Sir, God must help you, 'cause you--you're aware it's cancer and your condition in the bowels there. And when you set down you have to use a cushion to set on. But only God can help you. Do you believe if I ask Him that He will help you and all this host of people here tonight, Christian believer? You believe it. Will you praise Him and give Him all the glory? You love Him with all your heart and will serve Him, will you do it? You will. May the Lord grant your blessing.

Heavenly Father, as looking into the face of this man, knowing that he sets tonight like the lepers who set at the gate of Samaria, when the Syrians had it besieged. They was lepers, they said, "Why do we set here till we die? If we set here, we'll surely die. If we go in the city, there's nothing can be done for us." And they took a chance by going to the host of the enemy. And You rewarded their faith and saved their lives.

God, this man, the doctor can do no more, and there's nothing left for him to do but to come to You. And You're not a enemy; You're a loving Father Who's expecting him tonight, to come. And now, he's come, and I lay hands upon him as Your servant, and ask that in Jesus Christ's Name that You'll heal the man and let him live. And maybe in the return to Chicago sometime he will come and give praise and glory to You for his healing. Amen.

God bless you, brother. Now, go, don't doubt nothing. Just go on like that you--that nothing ever happened to you.

Now, just be reverent, just reverent as you can be. And have faith in God. Only the Lord Jesus can make the sick well. "I'm the Lord Who heals all of thy diseases." Is that true? The Bible says that it is the truth. And we know if the Bible says so, it is true.

71 Now, here's a lady setting, standing here, rather, before me, a stranger to me. It... That is true, isn't it, lady? I don't know you. But Jesus does know you. Now, if I had some way of helping you, and I wouldn't do it, wouldn't I be a terrible man? Well, at--at the--at the judgment bar what would God say to me? If He say, "I--I told you to go help that woman, and you didn't do it." I'd have to answer for it. But I... I--I have no way of helping you, only that something might raise your faith in God. Is that right? And your healing has already been completed when Jesus died for you. You just got to have faith to receive it. Isn't that right?

Now, if God will reveal to me what you're here for, will you accept it and believe it? You will. Will the audience will do the same? All right, sister, just look this way just a moment. I just want to talk to you.

The first thing I see blood dripping before me. It's got sugar in it, which is diabetes. You got sugar diabetes. That's right. Insulin's a wonderful thing, but the Blood of Jesus is better. Isn't that right?

Say, I see you're upset about something too, something in your heart that you're praying about. It's your husband. And say, he's a patient in a hospital (That's right.), state hospital. And you're wanting... You're praying about... It's his soul. That's right. It's his soul that you don't believe is saved, and you want prayer for him. I'm not reading your mind, but that's true, isn't it? Now, there's not a shadow of doubt in your mind now, is there?

O heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus the Son of God, I pray that You'll grant this and give her her deliverance and her husband, in Christ's Name. Amen.

Looking down at the hospital at the chart, Mrs. Hill you can go ahead then. Amen. That strengthened you, didn't it? I seen the chart with the name; that's the reason I said that. You see?

72 All right, would you come? Have faith in God. Don't doubt, but believe. You believe the Lord Jesus lives and reigns? You believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever?

Are you a minister's wife? It's not on your ticket. But I thought I seen some platform and someone preaching or something. It was your husband, 'cause I don't think you as the lady you are, would let a--someone else put their arm around you as he did (That's right.), 'cause you're a real lady. I admire you. You believe the Lord Jesus can heal you, can make you well?

You got someone else you want prayed for too, haven't you? Child, it's got sinus trouble, hasn't it, hay fever like? That's true, a little girl, I'd say about ten or twelve years old. That is right, isn't it? It's your daughter. You're not from Illinois; you're from a--a--a state that's kinda plain, long plains, from a place called Parker, Kansas, is where you come from. That's right. Do you believe me as His prophet? And you put the handkerchief that you wiped the tears from your eyes on your child, everything will be all right. Come here.

Heavenly Father, I bless this woman in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you heal her and make her well, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Now, Mrs. Mauk, you go home to Kansas and be well.

73 Oh, Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. He's real and He's wonderful. How do you do, sister? I want to ask you something. You were setting right down here just a few moments ago. That's right. You were looking up here at me, and all of a sudden while I was speaking, just seemed you was just all thrilled about something all at once, wasn't it? I could tell you; it was the vision over you then.

That little cyst won't hurt you; you know that, don't you? You know that won't hurt you. And your worries that you got on your heart, it won't hurt you; but you must remember that God heals. Do you believe your dad would be all right? You do. God can heal that cancer if you believe it, if you'll believe it. Do you believe it? Say, your mother's had some trouble too. She had a stroke recently. Isn't that right? Now, do you believe that you're standing in His Presence? Do you accept everything that Jesus died for would be yours tonight? Would you come here?

Heavenly Father, I bless this dear woman as she stands here in need, and I pray that, in Christ's Name, that You'll heal her and heal the loved ones that she asks for, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you take those and lay them on both. Amen. God bless you.

Let's say, "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.]

74 Oh, stomach trouble's awful bad, and causes you, you know... But God's a Healer of it. Do you believe that? You want to go eat? Would you think that God would make you well? You do? All right, just keep going on by praising God, and going, doing the will of the Lord. Amen.

Back trouble too, sister, but God can make that well, don't you believe that? Sure. Just keep going by then; I believe He's done it. Amen.

Now, I want to ask you something, when I said stomach trouble to that lady, a real funny feeling swept over you. Now, you go eat too; that ulcer left you. Amen.

75 Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ; all praise, all powers in heavens and earth is given to His hand. What do you think about it in the audience? God is real, isn't He? Don't you believe that He can heal? Don't you believe He can make well? He can do anything that He so desires to do. Don't you believe that? Amen. Oh, I just love Him. There's something in my heart just bubbling over. How I love the Lord Jesus.

I want to ask you, if you'll believe with all your heart right now, and you'll see the glory of God. How many out there now that raised your hand awhile ago, without your cards, I want you to go to praying. I want you to pray that God will just--just send down the Holy Ghost and...

76 What if I didn't say nothing to you, and just prayed for you, and told you you was going to get well, would you believe it? Then just go right ahead; the Lord bless you.

What about that throat? You believe that God will heal it? You want to sing for the glory of God. You used to be a singer, didn't you? And you want to sing for the glory of God. All right, you're going to. All right. Just have faith in God.

That young man setting next to you there, he just thrilled all over when I said that. He's got something wrong with his face. That's right, isn't it, young fellow? And you believe that Jesus Christ make you well? And that--that gland trouble too, God can make that well. You believe it? The reason I said that, is so you'd understand it's something else (You see?) that...?... Amen. All right. You believe that God will do it? Amen.

77 What do you think about it? You nodded your head, the colored lady setting there, setting there in the front row looking at me. Looked up this way and nodded, "That's right," she said. Uh-huh. Got something wrong with your head, haven't you? That's right. You believe me to be God's prophet, His se--His servant, I mean to say? That stumbles people when you say prophet. See? You believe it? There's something else that I can't see just exactly. There's something going on, but I can't tell just what it is. I see two people. It's someone else. It's another lady. Yes, you're praying for another lady. It's your friend; she has a cancer, doesn't she? That's right. Amen. Hallelujah. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. He's from everlasting to everlasting. He is God.

78 Little lady setting in front of that man that's praying so hard there, kinda heavy set, that's got swollen glands, setting right back there. Yes, ma'am. You're praying awful hard to be healed, aren't you? I want the man right behind you to lay his hand over on you if he will. Will you do that for me, brother? All right.

Heavenly Father, bless that woman. She's trying to break through. And seeing that mist of that Light hanging over her, I pray that You'll grant her healing through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You was healed while you was standing here, honey, so just move on, give God praise and glory. Amen.

Let's say "Thank the Lord." [Congregation says, "Thank the Lord."--Ed.] Oh, He's wonderful.

79 What do you think, lady, setting right back there? You got stomach trouble, haven't you? Got a little girl's got stomach trouble too. Oh, that surprised you, didn't it? But you got healed then. Amen. You're a nervous sort of a family. That's a peptic condition of the stomach that causes that. The little girl inherited it from you from your nervousness. That's right. Food sours and belches and so forth. That is right. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD...?...

There sets a lady next to you; she has dizzy spells kinda. And she... Isn't that right, lady? Raise up your hand. That's right. You want to be healed? Well, the lady was setting there that just was healed of stomach trouble, lay your hand over on her, sister.

Father, in Christ's Name I pray that You'd confirm this, and I by Jesus Christ's Name through the power of the risen Christ I cast away them spirits from them people in Jesus Name. Amen.

80 He's wonderful. Do you need more evidence that He arisen from the dead? Do you believe He's here right now? What more would you want? To disbelieve would be sin. What is sin? Unbelief. Is that right? I want to do something right now while I got strength left to do it. I'm going to trust this to you. I'm going to trust that you'll confess every sin that you know of, right now. Confess it to God, that it's wrong. And I'm going to try with all my heart, with all my strength, with all that is within me...

81 If I found favor with You, God, please hear my prayer tonight, I pray sincerely. These people, Lord, I truly believe are sincere in their heart. They've been tossed about from pillar to post and taught this, that, and all kinds of churches and creeds, till, Father, I feel sorry for them, and they're trying to be well. I pray Thee, Lord Jesus, hear tonight, will You please, and answer prayer.

And, Father, I pray that You'll let the Spirit of God go forth now and do the exceeding abundantly. Hear from heaven, God; the people's hearts has been pulled through everything. What makes it so gross and dark is that they can't just realize and raise up at this time, and know that You're--You're here in the room. Not I Lord, You are here; it's You that's doing this. And I pray that You'll give blessing to each one, in Christ's Name.

82 Now, put your hands over on each other. Every person that's sick, raise your hand. Now ev... Someone lay your hand on somebody that's sick. And you come here to me, sir. Now, put your hands over on someone.

Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!

How fathomless and strong!

It shall forevermore endure,

The saints and angels song.

My beloved friends, while you're in prayer, while your heads are bowed, while you're praying one for the other, have I found grace in your sight enough that you could believe me to be the servant of the Lord? Has the Lord confirmed His Word back that I am with you one hundred percent to help you in the Kingdom of God? Has God revealed that after all these seven or eight years that I've went back and forth through Chicago? If that be so, then hear me as God's servant. The Bible said, "Lay hands on each other, that they shall lay their hands on one another, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick."

83 I believe in you. I believe you to be sincere, and God's children. And I believe with all my heart that God has called me to this work. And I believe if I'll ask with all sincerity, and you'll believe with all sincerity in this one great union of prayer, as our hands and hearts are joined together in the fellowship of the resurrected Christ, Who's here at the--in the building right now... Without any--any doubt at all, infallible signs showing that He's here... Can you realize how...?... our hearts are to set in a meeting like this and hold our peace? Can you imagine how far away we have drifted, and how little we have called the things of God, to set in a meeting like this and see these things go on, and say nothing about it, and just set there like we were--just has growed there. Do you realize how far away from God we are by these things?

Now, let us open our hearts right now. Let's come open with our heart, from place to place, and say, "Lord Jesus, beyond one shadow of doubt, I'm accepting You right now."

84 Now, Satan, I rebuke you, and in the Name of Jesus Christ come out of the people. You are just an old doubter, and you're causing the people to doubt, but you've lost your hold. And the Holy Ghost is present right now to heal the sick; the power of God is here. And, Satan, we cast you away from this people. In Jesus Christ's Name come out from the people.

Now, stand and give Him praise everybody, as I turn the service to Brother...