Jozef stretáva svojich bratov



Keď Boh dal Noemu znamenie dúhy, sedem farieb, bolo to zasľúbenie alebo zmluva. Boh uzavrel zmluvu, že už viac nezničí svet vodou. A Božia zmluva sa preniesla aj cez Jákoba na Jozefa. Abrahám bol vyvolením, Izák ospravedlnením, Izrael milosťou a Jozef dokonalosťou. Ten jediný mal farby. Vidíme Ježiša sediaceho na tróne s farbami, dúhou okolo Seba. V Zjavení 1 to bola Božia zmluva s ľuďmi. Kristus... Tu je to. Ó, ako veľmi chcem, aby ste to videli. Kristus je Božia zmluva s Jeho ľudom, nie denominácie, ale Kristus je Božia zmluva. Ako bol nenávidený Jozef, tak je dnes nenávidený Kristus. Nechcú povedať, že nenávidia Krista. Ale ich skutky dokazujú, čo robia. Sú proti každému Jeho kroku. Hovorte o Jeho konaní, o Jeho skutkoch, o Jeho zázračných činoch, a iste už máme v tábore satana, ktorý bojuje proti tomu. Určite.

A budú poukazovať na slová satana. Ale mňa nezaujíma, čo robí satan, aby... aby sa pokúsil zmiasť; Božie Slovo je dokonalé a Jeho zasľúbenie je dokonalé. Nikdy sa nebudem chcieť postaviť na stranu takej skupiny. Všimnite si, tam On bol, Zmluva. Kamene Jaspis a Sardis v Zjavení poukazovali na Krista. To bol náprsný kameň alebo skôr kameň narodenia od Rubena po Benjamína. To bol odraz Sardisu a Jaspisu, ako sa spolu odrážali pod Božím svetlom, tvorili zmluvu okolo Krista, dúhu. A o čom to hovorí? Ruben, najstarší, Benjamín, najmladší. Od prvého po posledného, On bol Ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde, Koreň, Dávidov potomok; On je Ranná hviezda. On je od A po Z, Alfa, Omega, Boží odraz od počiatku čias až po koniec čias. Tam je On, Božia zmluva s Jeho ľudom.

1Mám dostatok hlasu, aby som trochu prehovoril, a už som mal nejaký čas boľavé hrdlo a dnes ráno som bol hrozne prechladnutý. Vyzerá to, že zakaždým, keď prídem nejako rovno do tohto údolia...

 Včera som hovoril s niektorými bratmi, keď sme boli hore na kopcoch v New Albany a dívali sme sa dolu. Povedal som, „To je ten dôvod.“ Je to len hmla, ktorá tu visí ako smog nad celým mestom.

 A hneď, ako prídem sem do tohto okolia, práve, ako tu dolu vpadnem, to ide znovu, hneď, ako prichádzam. Ó, musím si vziať stan a vyjsť na vrchol kopca a niekde stanovať. Pretože my sme len pútnici a cudzinci, každopádne, či nehľadáme mesto, ktorého Staviteľom a Tvorcom je Boh? To je to, čo milujeme.

2No, máme teraz ráno pred bohoslužbou alebo pred vyučovaním nedeľnej školy, máme posvätenie malých detí. A môj brat má malého, ktorého chce venovať Pánovi, môj brat v tele. A možno niektoré z vás ostatných matiek a otcov budete mať maličkého, ktorého by ste chceli dať požehnať.

 No, mnohokrát v Biblii... A bolo mnoho rozkolov v cirkvách kvôli rôznym teóriám o krste nemluvniat, a tak ďalej. A teraz tí, ktorí ich berú a kropia ich pri krste nemluvniat, to je na každom, akým spôsobom ich chcete venovať. Ale celá vec sa spája s jednou vecou, s odovzdaním Pánovi.

3A teraz, pretože dieťa je ďaleko od hriechu, nemá žiaden hriech. Ježiš zomrel, aby sňal hriechy sveta a dieťa neurobilo žiaden hriech. Len to bolo - je to hriešnik. Je to zrodené v hriechu. Ale keď Kristus zomrel na Golgote, odstránil hriechy sveta a to dieťa nie je zodpovedné, kým sa nedostane do veku zodpovednosti.

 A každé malé dieťa, bez ohľadu na to, akí sú rodičia hriešni, akonáhle zomrie, ide rovno do náručia Krista. Rozumiete? Pretože On zaplatil cenu. Nezáleží na tom, či to bolo dieťa narodené v hriechu, z cudzoložstva, alebo čokoľvek to je. Nerobí to žiaden rozdiel. To dieťa je v bezpečí s Kristom, pretože On zomrel, aby sňal hriechy sveta.

 A keď teraz zostarne, keď sa to stalo osobným hriechom, potom musí činiť pokánie za to, čo urobilo. Ale nemá osobný hriech, kým nie je dosť staré na spáchanie hriechu, aby vedelo, čo je správne a čo nesprávne.

4Ale teraz sa vždy snažíme zostať pri týchto veciach tak blízko Biblie, ako len vieme. No, v Biblii nie je žiadne Písmo, ktoré by podporovalo kropenie detí. Jediná vec, ktorú nachádzame... ani nenachádzame žiaden krst nemluvniat v Biblii v žiadnej forme. Jediné miesto, ktoré môžeme nájsť, je tu napísané v Písme, že Ježišovi priniesli malé deti. A On ich vzal do Svojho náručia a požehnal ich a povedal, „Nechajte malé deti prísť ku Mne a nebráňte im, lebo takých je nebeské Kráľovstvo.“

 No, to... No, keď On išiel k Bohu a dnes sedí na pravici vo Svojom telesnom tele na tróne Božom... A On poveril Svoju Cirkev, aby išla do celého sveta a aby sme pokračovali v skutkoch, ktoré On začal tu, keď bol tu na zemi: to je kázanie Evanjelia, uzdravovanie chorých a zasvätenie detí, a tak ďalej.

5Preto sa od milovaných žiada, aby priniesli svoje maličké k Pánovi tým, že ich dajú pastorovi do náručia. A On ich pozdvihuje vierou ku Kristovi a prosí Krista, aby ich požehnal.

 A tak, ak máte malého, ktorého ste nezasvätili Pánovi, a chcete ho priviesť, zatiaľ čo naša sestra hrá na klavíri. „Priveďte ich,“ a môžeme to zaspievať. Koľkí z vás poznajú tú starú pieseň, „Priveďte ich?“ To je pekné.

 No, manželia Henry Branhamovci privedú svoje maličké a ktokoľvek z ostatných, ktorí majú nejaké, ktoré chcú priniesť, prineste ich práve teraz, aby boli odovzdané. V poriadku.

 Priveďte ich, priveďte ich,

 Prineste ich z polí hriechu;

 Priveďte ich, priveďte ich.

 Prineste putujúcich Ježišovi.

6Chcem vám ukázať ešte jedného malého Branhama. Malá Mária Ella Branham je dcérou môjho brata a jeho milovanej manželky, ktorí dnes ráno prišli do zboru, aby odovzdali život tohto malého človeka späť Bohu, ktorý mu ho dal. A teraz, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

 Náš milý nebeský Otče, ako tu dnes stojíme pred Tebou, môj vlastný brat v tele a jeho nevesta, jeho manželka. A Ty si tak požehnal ich domov touto malou Máriou Ellou, aby si im dal radosť v dňoch, ktoré sú pred nimi. Ďakujem Ti za to, že pamätáš, odkiaľ to dieťa pochádza, a že ho dnes priniesli do cirkvi, aby ho mohli predstaviť Tebe.

 A teraz dávam to dieťa v náručí viery Tebe a prosím Ťa, aby si požehnal túto maličkú, ktorú držím. A nech žije a rastie, a ak Ježiš bude predlievať, nech je Tvojou služobníčkou, aby Ti slúžila. Požehnaj jej otca a matku. A, Bože, daj, aby ich Tvoj Svätý Duch sprevádzal počas životnej púte.

 A jedného dňa, keď táto pozemská púť skončí, nech sa celá tá veľká rodina zhromaždí v sláve. Udeľ to, Pane. Až do toho času, nech toto dieťa vyrastie a bude požehnané Bohom, nech je zdravé a silné a nech je príkladom ženstva, keď vyrastie...?... A dáme Ti chválu, lebo predstavujeme toto dieťatko teraz Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

 Vraciam vám ju. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Pán žehná. V poriadku.

 Vzácne spomienky, ako...

 ... do mojej duše,

 Keď sa zdržiavajú blízko mňa,

 Odvíjajú sa drahé posvätné scény.

7Ako chválime nášho drahého Pána za všetkých maličkých. Viete, zdá sa to divné, že aj my sme raz boli takí malí. A je niečo na dieťati, ktoré je nesebecké, také zhovievavé a také láskavé. Dokonca náš Pán ich pripodobnil a povedal, „Ak by ste sa neobrátili a neboli ako jeden z týchto maličkých.“ Jednoducho.

 Všimol som si môjho malého Jozefa, ako sa púšťa do všetkého, a mama ho bude musieť naprávať. Ako vytiahne lampu, alebo niečo, len aby počul, ako dopadne na zem. A potom, ak mu mama náhodou naloží alebo niečo, vylezie na ňu a takto ju objíme.

 Musíme si navzájom odpustiť ako tieto malé deti, aby sme vstúpili do Kráľovstva. No, ďakujeme Bohu za toto malé dieťa, malú Mary Ellu Branham. A nech žije a rastie a prosperuje a je služobníčkou Pánovou. A nech ten domov, v ktorom je vychovávaná, je kresťanským domovom, a tak to môže vyjsť na obdiv Krista.

8A teraz sme... Ďakujem, sestra Gertie. A teraz, tí najmenší zaujali svoje miesto v miestnosti pre hodiny nedeľnej školy a pastor urobil oznámenia, kde budú bohoslužby dnes a zajtra. Zajtra večer...

 Dnes popoludní budú... Pokiaľ viem, neprebiehajú žiadne bohoslužby, jedine, že by to boli niektoré z tých malých misií v Louisville, o ktorých vieme, alebo brat Durbin a ďalší. Myslím, že majú nedeľné popoludňajšie zhromaždenie.

 Mám veľa telefonátov. Mnoho ľudí je na súdoch, a tak ďalej, aby sa modlili za chorých a postihnutých. Moje ďalšie bohoslužby budú v Clevelande v Tennessee a budúci piatok večer: od piatka do nedele. A potom pôjdeme rovno domov a pôjdeme do South Bend v Indiane a na dva večery pre posvätenie chrámu, s bratom R.E.S. Thomsom zo Saskatoonu v Saskatchewane.

 A potom odtiaľ ideme do Sturgisu v Michigane na dva večery služby v Sturgise v Michigane. A potom pôjdeme do Limy, v Ohiu, ku baptistickým ľuďom v Pamätnej sále v Lime, Ohio. To sa začína od dvadsiateho tretieho do dvadsiateho siedmeho. A potom odtiaľ ideme na západné pobrežie, potom na veľké zhromaždenia v Kalifornii a Arizone. Buďte za nás na modlitbe.

9Zajtra... Dnes večer o pol siedmej budú evanjelizačné zhromaždenia tu v modlitebni a všetci sú pozvaní. A zajtra večer musím kázať u brata Caubela v jeho polnočnej hliadkovej službe. Budem... moja časť sa začína o deviatej do pol desiatej. Potom sa vraciam späť do modlitebne, kde už bude prebiehať zhromaždenie s hosťujúcimi pastormi a kazateľmi, ktorí tu budú, aby mali účasť na službe zajtra večer.

 Ak všetci radi počúvate pastorov, ako kážu a vyjadrujú sa a hovoria svojím spôsobom, ako začať nový rok a čo robiť z hľadiska Písma, no, určite tu buďte zajtra večer. Bohoslužby začínajú o pol siedmej, ako obyčajne, o pol siedmej.

 A budeme pokračovať ďalej až do nedeľnej noci, do polnoci. A potom, alebo vlastne do pondelka večera. Potom, po deviatej hodine... Keď prejdem k bratovi Caubelovi, budem tu v Modlitebni, aby som začal a možno dokončil to, čo chcem, kázeň, ktorú si prajem začať dnes ráno.

 Trvá mi to trochu dlho. Som pomalý, viete, ale páči sa mi, aby bol postavený správny druh základu, takže nie je potrebné to len tak letmo rozhodiť. Chcem, aby to tam ležalo a rástlo a prosperovalo pre Pána.

10No, dnes ráno je tu jeden kazateľ, mladý kazateľ, ktorý mal byť, myslím, v moteli Bel-Air. Mám ho ísť navštíviť dnes popoludní o druhej až tretej. Alebo je ešte stále tam, zabudol som, ako sa ten brat volá. On prichádza zdola z Tennessee. Bol uzdravený na mojom zhromaždení zo zlomeniny chrbta a vstúpil do služby. To je ten brat tam. V poriadku. To je v poriadku. To je na... to je od... Boli to dve až tri, že? Ja... Tri-tri, tri až štyri. V poriadku.

 A potom je tu ešte jeden kazateľ. Neviem, či je tu alebo nie. Je  až zo severnej Britskej Kolumbie.

11Jedného dňa, keď som sa práve snažil osedlať niektoré kone, alebo niečo, mal som asi takúto dlhú bradu. Boli sme pred niekoľkými rokmi na poľovačke. Prišiel nejaký muž a povedal, „Či nie si brat Branham?“

 Stretol som v obchode jednu slečnu a povedal som, „Nikdy nevidela žiadne mesto, veľké mesto.“ A myslím, že bola štyristo alebo päťsto míľ od mesta, možno viac ako to. Stovky míľ od pevnej cesty v malom meste zvanom East Pines. Myslím, že je tam jeden obchod.

 Cestou tam prišiel tento pár a sú na ceste na Kubu. Som zvedavý, či sú dnes ráno tu, zo severnej Britskej Kolumbie. Tu sú. No, nech je požehnané tvoje srdce, brat. Sme radi, že ty a tvoja manželka cestujete ako misionári; zavolal mi dnes ráno z motela Star. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Viem, že všetci naši bratia si s tebou radi potrasú ruku.

 A človek, ktorý ma spoznáva s celou tou bradou, má dobré rozlíšenie. Veľmi dobré. Boli takí statoční. Išli celú cestu tam, kde sú sotva nejakí ľudia, až hore do East Pines. A [Brat Branham sa smeje. - pozn.prekl.] Bude ťažké povedať, koľko je tam po tej krajine ľudí, ale oni tam boli ako misionári, ktorí sa snažili urobiť niečo pre slávu Božiu. Určite si ich z celého srdca cením.

 Viem, že si s nimi všetci radi potrasiete rukami a budete počuť o tej veľkej severozápadnej krajine. A teraz...

12Potom... Myslím, že matka pani Robersonovej je stále veľmi chorá. Musím ju ísť dnes popoludní pozrieť. A pamätajte, aby ste sa za ňu modlili. To bude...

 A potom, ak bude Pán chcieť, vrátim sa sem dnes večer o pol siedmej. Myslím, že McSpaddenovci sú tam vzadu, ideme s nimi na večeru okolo šiestej a dajú nám čas sa vrátiť. A potom chceme navštíviť pani Burnsovú. Je brat Burns dnes ráno? Je tu? Áno, nevidel som ťa, brat Burns, ktorý sedel...

 Sestra Burnsová je veľmi chorá, veľmi chorá. A jedného večera som ju bol navštíviť. A je veľmi chorá a je to statočná duša. A my chceme, aby sa každý ustavične držal Boha, pretože keď to takto vyjadríme, nevieme, kto tu bude. Ale bude treba zázrak Boží, aby sa sestra Burnsová vrátila späť do cirkvi. To je pravda.

 Keď jej milovaný manžel práve opustil nemocnicu veteránov s rakovinou, bol odsúdený na smrť a Boh ho uzdravil. A tu je späť v cirkvi a má opäť veľmi dobré zdravie, ako sa dalo v takomto čase očakávať. A Pán ho pred rokmi a rokmi uzdravil z veľkej, zväčšenej sleziny s rakovinou, z tej istej veci.

13A pamätám si práve ten čas, keď tam sedel brat Wood. Bol som na krátkej dovolenke. Boli sme vonku v lese na poľovačke na veveričky. A niečo mi povedalo, „Choď domov.“ Išiel som domov. A prečo som išiel do Louisville? Nikdy sa to nedozviem.

 A brat Wood vyrastal okolo Louisville, prechádzal v nesprávnej časti dookola a snažil sa ma vyzdvihnúť. A Boh ma držal na rohu a čakal, kým mi to sestra Burnsová príde povedať. A bola to ona, tá statočná žena, ktorá prišla, povedala mi, že jej manžel tam v nemocnici zomieral, keď sme tam išli a modlili sa.

 A ona prišla dolu a odfotila to, ako Pán nechal urobiť Svoj obraz Ohnivého Stĺpa. Všetci ste to, myslím, videli. Položila to na zem a ona povedala, „Drahý Bože nebies,“ povedala, „pomôž mi teraz nájsť brata Branhama. Musím to urobiť.“

 A ona povedala, „Nech ma Anjel Boží ku nemu privedie.“ To je to, čo je potrebné. A ona vstala a išla do mesta zaplatiť účet za elektrinu a bola podivne vedená za ďalší roh a Boh ma poslal z lesa do Louisville a držal ma na rohu pol hodiny a videl som, ako brat Wood zatáča stále dokola za nesprávny roh, lebo sa ma snažil vyzdvihnúť. Rozumiete?

 Tak my vieme, že Boh vie, kde leží Jeho malá dcéra. A On môže od vás očakávať, že sa budete modliť modlitbu viery. Urobíme, čo len budeme môcť.

14Ďalšia vec, ktorú chceme dnes ráno povedať, nie je len so sklonenou hlavou, ale so srdcom, jednému z verných mužov, ktorého som stretol. Jedným z nich, ktorého som kedy v živote stretol, je náš brat Higgenbotham. Jeho milovaná sestra odišla, aby bola s Pánom Ježišom, statočným Božím vojakom. Koľkokrát som ju videl prísť k oltáru.

 Jej túžbou vždy bolo dostať sa do tohto modlitebného radu, kde by jej Duch Svätý povedal, v čom je ten problém. Túžila po tom. A koľkokrát tu prešla cez toto pódium a snažila sa zistiť, či to rozpoznanie príde.

 A pokúšala sa to aj na iných zhromaždeniach a rôznych miestach. Ale to jednoducho nejako neprišlo. A potom, pred pár týždňami, keď som išiel do nemocnice, tam dolu, keď som počul, že je chorá, a bolo neskoro večer... A keď som išiel do nemocnice a sadol som si po jej boku, zostúpil tam Duch Svätý a vrátil ju späť do života a priniesol všetko a ukázal presne, kde bol problém.

 Ale zvláštne na tom bolo to, že sestra Higgenbothamová tu nechcela dlhšie zostať. Chcela ísť ďalej. Niečo ju volalo. Jedného dňa na to volanie odpovedala a išla, aby bola s Bohom. A vždy si ju budem pamätať. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

15Niet divu, že sa cítite zle, keď prichádzate do mesta. Ono odmietlo Evanjelium. To je to, čo sa deje. A je odsúdené na zánik. Povodeň v roku 37 nebude ničím, keď to príde k svojmu koncu. Ale, áno, je odsúdené, absolútne. A to je ten dôvod, prečo je ten nápis na stene.

 A teraz, je to škoda, že hoci vlastníme tento majetok, tie veci, tu naokolo a napriek tomu, ako som jedného dňa počul, že niektorí naši bratia dostali pokutu za parkovanie, keď parkovali na okraji zborového parkoviska. Taká hanba. Zaplatím tú pokutu, ak mi len dajú vedieť, čo nebolo v poriadku. Je to škoda. Tak veru.

 Ale my... Myslím, že ak... Myslím, že to stále vlastníme. Prinajmenšom to vyhlásenie tak hovorí, takže to odtiahnite sem. A možno tam nedostanete pokutu.

 Ale som rád, že smerujeme na miesto, kde nedávajú pokuty. Či nie ste radi? To je pravda. Nádherné. Áno, skutočne.

16No, ja sa teraz nebudem pokúšať hovoriť dnes ráno veľa, pretože som poriadne prechladol a zastavil som sa a chcem hovoriť na tému v Starom Zákone a len chvíľu vyučovať, ak bude Pán chcieť. A potom, možno dnes večer, ak sa vrátim a ak bude Pán chcieť, vrátim sa na čas a nebudem príliš vyčerpaný...

 Ó, náhodou som tiež premýšľal. Brat Kelly tu sedí a sestra Kelly má prísť rovno o... Prídeš po večeri tak rýchlo, ako len môžeš, pretože mám dnes popoludní skutočne mnoho vecí, brat Kelly. Pamätám si, ako som tam včera večer, keď som odchádzal, zatelefonoval, keď ste všetci vošli. V poriadku. [Nejaká sestra hovorí niečo bratovi Branhamovi. - pozn.prekl.] No, to je v poriadku, sestra.

17No, potom sa za mňa modlite a modlite sa, aby moje rozhodnutia boli Pánove a pre Neho, aby to bolo to najlepšie, čo budem môcť. No, chceme si teraz otvoriť tú starú knihu, v tejto starej, poslednej alebo prvej knihe, Genesis, kapitola 35. A prajeme si prečítať len malú časť Písma z knihy Genesis. A modlíme sa, aby Boh bohato pridal Svoje požehnania ako pozadie niečoho, na čom chceme učiť.

 A koľkí majú radi nedeľnú školu? Ó, to je... Koľkí vedia, kde to pôvodne vzniklo? Nevidím žiadne ruky. Je to také... Koľkí vedia, ako sa to prvýkrát volalo? Kde je moja žena? Mala by to vedieť. V poriadku. Bolo to... Áno? [Niekto hovorí s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.]

 Ďalší misionár, nech ťa Boh žehná. Brat kto? Brat Neighbor. Kde je? Zodvihol by si ruku, brat Neighbor? Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. To je tvoja žena s tebou? To je veľmi dobré. Sme radi, že ste tu dnes ráno, ty a tvoja rodina.

18Viete, že ste vo vôli Božej. Musíte byť, keď ste misionári. Rozumiete? Pretože všeobecné poverenie je, „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ Muž, ktorý je misionár...

 No, ja sa nestarám... Misionár je veľmi pekné slovo, ale mám pre neho lepšie slovo. Si apoštol. Rozumiete? To je pravda. No, čo znamená slovo „apoštol“? „Ten, ktorý je poslaný.“ Čo znamená slovo „misionár“? „Ten, ktorý je poslaný.“ Je to to isté.

 Takže misionári, proroci, evanjelisti, učitelia a pastori tvoria cirkev. Je to tak? Apoštoli, proroci, tak ich nazývajú. Takže, ak si misionárom alebo apoštolom, si poslaný od Boha na misiu. A vždy si na tom správne. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

19Brat a sestra Fossovci sú na ceste na Kubu na misijné polia, idú zo zamrznutých oblastí severu do tropických džunglí juhu. Ale toto Evanjelium musí byť kázané na celom svete. Amen. Čo za zmena. Odkiaľ si, brat? [Brat odpovedá bratovi Branhamovi - pozn.prekl.] Ide do Izraela.

 Ó, rád by som videl Mabel, ktorá tam sedí. Zavolal by som svoju ženu a Mabel, aby vám zaspievali.


 Prichádzajú z východu a západu,

 Prichádzajú z ďalekých krajín,

 Hodovať s Kráľom, večerať ako Jeho hostia;

 Akí požehnaní sú títo pútnici.

 Vidiac Jeho posvätenú tvár

 Žiariacu Božským svetlom;

 Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,

 Budú svietiť ako drahokamy v Jeho korune.

 Nebude to v ten deň nádherné? Amen. Pán nech ťa požehná v Izraeli a kamkoľvek pôjdeš, nech ste požehnaní, bratia, dnes ráno. Amen.

20No, predtým, ako otvoríme Bibliu, vieme, že toto je text a Boh má medzi riadkami napísaný kontext. Rozumiete? Takže, môžeme len čítať text a nechať, aby nám Boh dal kontext. Skloňme teda na chvíľu svoje hlavy k modlitbe.

 Náš nebeský Otče, v Mene Pána Ježiša, modlíme sa, aby si vzal tieto slová, ktoré budeme teraz čítať, a priviedol ich rovno do našich sŕdc a nech pristúpime ticho, potichu, pokorne, úctivo do Tvojej Prítomnosti, a nech Duch Svätý vezme Slovo Božie a nasýti každé srdce. Vrátane môjho, Pane, prosím. Lebo to prosím v Kristovom Mene. Amen.

 V poriadku, prečítame si tu len jeden verš alebo dva, aby sme získali také malé pozadie. Genesis je kapitola semena; vieme to. V poriadku. Začneme 15. veršom.

A našiel ho nejaký muž, keď hľa, blúdil po poli. A človek sa ho pýtal a povedal: Čo hľadáš?

A on odpovedal: Hľadám svojich bratov. Povedz mi, prosím, kde pasú?

A človek mu povedal: Odišli odtiaľto, lebo som ich počul hovoriť: Poďme do Dotaina. A tak išiel Jozef za svojimi bratmi a našiel ich v Dotáne.

A uvideli ho zďaleka, a prv, ako sa k ním priblížil, úkladili proti nemu, aby ho zabili.

A povedali druh druhovi: Hľa, tamto ide majster snov!

21A nech Pán udelí Svoje požehnanie Svojmu Slovu. No, Genesis je pre mňa vždy... Povedal som vám, ktorá to bola kapitola? Je to Genesis, verím, ak som videl... Genesis 37 a počnúc od 15. verša pre vás, ktorí si to značia. No, myslím, že som povedal pred chvíľkou, že 35. kapitola. Mal som spolu dve stránky. Je mi ľúto. Mám túto peknú Scofieldovu Bibliu, a to je pre mňa trochu ťažké čítať, pretože mám už po štyridsiatke, viete.

 A moje... Povedali mi, že by som mal mať nejaké okuliare na čítanie. Išiel som a nechal som si vyšetriť oči, a tak som musel odsúvať Bibliu ďalej od seba. A doktor mi povedal, že moja ruka nebude po chvíli dostatočne dlhá. A musím... Povedal som, „Potrebujem okuliare na čítanie.“

 Nechal som si prešetriť oči a oni ich testovali a je to dokonalých desať na desať. Ale dokážem s ľahkosťou vidieť vlas na podlahe, ale dajte ho len blízko predo mňa. On povedal, „Keď máš...“ Povedal, „Čo robí tvoje vlasy šedivými?“

 Povedal som, „Neviem.“

 On povedal, „Je to vysoký vek.“ Povedal, „To je to, čo sa človeku pokazí v očiach, prekročí štyridsiatku. Vlastne sa ti splošťujú očné buľvy.“ A ty sa s tým jednoducho musíš vyrovnať. To je všetko.

 A ja to stále odkladám a hovorím, „Nemám čas ísť.“ Ale ja... ja to niekedy urobím a dostanem... okuliare na čítanie, keď budem viac učiť. Ale teraz len prečítam text a idem ďalej. A to je... Túto Bibliu som dostal pred mnohými rokmi a je to naozaj mimoriadne drobné písmo.

22No, v Genesis „Genesis“ znamená „počiatok, kapitola semena.“ A pamätajte, že všetko, čo dnes existuje, sa v skutočnosti začalo v Genesis. To bol začiatok všetkých vecí. To bol začiatok spasenia. Bolo to počiatkom hriechu. To bol začiatok všetkých kultov. To bol začiatok pravej cirkvi. To bol začiatok falošnej cirkvi. To bol začiatok spravodlivosti. To bol začiatok zvodu. To bol začiatok, všetko sa začalo v Genesis.

 Prial by som si, aby sme na toto mali asi tri mesiace, aby sme zostali rovno pri tejto jednej téme a len v nej kopali, zviazali skrze Ducha Svätého cez Božie povrazy. A len to spolu zabaľte a sledujte, ako sa každé Slovo rovno spája s tými ostatnými Slovami: taká nádherná vec.

23Slovo Božie je tak inšpirujúce, bez ohľadu na vek a čas. Každý človek, ktorý kedy čítal tento text cez... Bolo to napísané už mnoho stoviek rokov, áno, takmer ďalších tritisíc rokov. A každý človek, ktorý kedy čítal tento text v každom veku, je ním inšpirovaný, každý verš z Písma. Nie je nič iné, čo by mohlo zaujať jeho miesto.

 Písmo, ktoré bolo napísané v inom dni. Keď sa to číta pre ten vek a za tým účelom, je to vybavené. Mohol by som vám napísať list a povedať, „Môj drahý, milovaný brat, dnes som bol na určitom mieste a urobil som to a to v tom čase.“ To ide priamo k vám a tým je to vybavené.

 Možno pre súdny dôkaz alebo niečo také, mohlo by to byť predložené ako dôkaz proti mne alebo za mňa, aby mi niečo dokázali alebo niečo dokázali proti mne. Ale to by nebolo také priame posolstvo, aké by to bolo, keď je to dané vám.

24Ale Biblia nie je taká. Je to dané ľudskej rase a na všetky časy a na všetky veky, pretože to je napísané Slovo Božie. Rozumiete? Jeho slová nemôžu nikdy zlyhať. Oni nikdy nezomrú a pokiaľ bude večnosť na veky vekov, budú mať stále ten istý význam; lebo raz vyšli z úst Božích. Rozumiete? Nemôžu zlyhať.

 Len pomyslite na to, aké večné je Slovo Božie. Ono je život. No, čo je slovo? „Slovo“ je „myšlienka, ktorá bola vyjadrená.“ A keď Boh raz niečo myslí, je to len myšlienka. Ale keď je to raz vyjadrené, nikdy sa to nemôže zmeniť alebo premeniť. Musí to zostať navždy tak. Pretože tvoje slovo je práve tak dobré ako ty. Božie Slovo je také dobré ako On.

25Tvoje slovo je tvojou časťou. Tvoj sľub je práve tak dobrý, ako len môžeš byť ty. A Božie zasľúbenie je práve tak dobré, aký len On môže byť. Teraz, ako smrteľník, môžete dať zasľúbenie a niekedy ho musíte porušiť, pretože ste len smrteľník. Som len smrteľník. Ale Boh, ktorý je nesmrteľný a nekonečný a všemohúci, všadeprítomný, robí určité vyhlásenie a pozná koniec od počiatku. A On to vie dodržať.

 Abrahám nazval tie veci, ktoré neboli, akoby boli, pretože bol plne presvedčený, že to, čo Boh zasľúbil, je schopný vykonať. Pretože On by nikdy nedal zasľúbenie, ak by nevedel, čo bude. Vidíte, ako potom môžeme len odpočívať na Jeho Slove?

 Nezáleží na tom, ako silno fúka búrka, čo všetko je proti. S vážnosťou spočívajte na Slove. Boh, ktorý videl druhú stranu búrky, to Sám povedal. Rozumiete?

26Tak, ak si chorý, zakotvi svoju dušu v prístave odpočinutia. Ak si zmätený a zúfalý, pamätaj, On povedal, „Budem s tebou navždy, až do konca sveta.“ A On povedal, „Všetky veci budú spolupôsobiť na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Pána.“ Tak, zostaňte rovno tam.

 Jeden človek napísal, jeden básnik napísal, „Moja kotva drží tam za oponou.“ Čo je to opona? Je to niečo, čo sa rozpína odtiaľto až tam. A tá kotva je na vnútornej strane opony. Nevidíte, ako to bude. Ale viete, že je niečo, čo vás drží, čo sa tam drží.

27A keď more fúka a búcha... Či ste niekedy... Myslím, že možno niekomu z vás nikdy nebolo dané to privilégium vidieť zakotvenú loď. Ó. Plavil som sa na nich, keď takto vyhadzovali morskú kotvu, až to malé plavidlo nedokázalo prejsť ani ponad vrchol vlny. To by išlo cez vlnu. Ale pokiaľ bola hodená kotva, to je to, čo robilo rozdiel. Či pôjdeme ponad ňu, popod ňu, okolo nej alebo cez ňu, na tom nezáleží. Kotva drží.

 To je spôsob, ako nás začnú otriasať búrky života. Možno budeme musieť prejsť. Možno budeme musieť ísť ponad, pod, okolo. Ale len nechajte kotvu držať za oponou v neviditeľnosti. Nevieme presne, kde to je, ale drží to.

 Presne ako ten malý chlapec, viete, ktorý mal toho šarkana. Počuli ste to staré príslovie, ten príbeh. Povedal, „Ako vieš, že máš na konci toho šarkana?“

 Povedal, „Stále cítim, ako to ťahá.“ Tak, to je to. Ak môžeme cítiť, že to stále ťahá a ako Boh koná s našimi srdcami, potom vieme, že naša kotva stále drží.

28Domnievam sa, že to bol Benjamin Franklin, kto zachytil blesk vo fľaši, kto zapriahol elektrický prúd. Niečo v ňom zavolalo a povedalo, „V tom je sila.“ Túto silu bolo možné využiť. A ak je taká silná, že dokáže rozstrieľať ulice a roztrhnúť drevá, rozštiepiť zem; čo by mohla urobiť, keby sa raz zapriahla? Rozsvieti sa a zableskne a zasiahne celú zem.

 A myslím, že Benjamin Franklin lovil na svojom šarkanovi s kľúčom uviazaným na konci chvosta a fľašou dole pod tým. A keď to dostal, nevedel, čo má, ale začal kričať, „Mám to. Mám to.“ Nevedel, čo to je. Nevedel, čo s tým urobí. Ale on vedel, že niečo má.

 A tak je to s každým človekom, ktorý dúfa, že nie je vybudovaný na ničom inom, ako na Ježišovej Krvi so spravodlivosťou. Ak všetko okolo mojej duše ustúpi, potom On je celá moja nádej a miesto prebývania. Na Kristovi, na pevnej skale stojím, a všetky ostatné pôdy sú pohyblivým pieskom. Keď je človek raz znovuzrodený, Duch Svätý zaujíma svoje miesto v srdci.

29Niektorí mladí ľudia môžu byť mladí, ale negramotní. Bez ohľadu na to, ako to je, nikto to nedokáže vysvetliť. Tak necíťte sa zle, keď ste negramotní. Nedokázali by ste to vysvetliť. Ešte nikdy nebol človek, ktorý by to dokázal vysvetliť. Nezáleží na tom, aký je inteligentný alebo chytrý. Je to vlastné Božie tajomstvo.

 Ale keď to Slovo berie svetlo do vášho srdca a vy ho vidíte, kričíte, „Mám to.“ Vy neviete, čo s tým urobíte. Vy neviete, čo to s vami urobí. Ale viete, že sa niečo stalo. A máte to.

 Teraz teda Slovo; je to nádherné. No, my sme dnes ráno postavení pred jeden z najdôležitejších textov Starého zákona, ktorý mám v úmysle predstaviť. Budeme hovoriť o Jozefovi, ako sa stretáva so svojimi bratmi.

30Môže byť sto rôznych spôsobov, ako sa Duch Svätý do toho dostane a rozvinie to do našich sŕdc a myslí. Takže, keď premýšľam, že som tu na viac dní, mohol by som dnes ráno skôr len hovoriť kvôli môjmu zovretiu v krku. A potom, možno to dnes večer znovu vezmeme, ak má pastor niečo na srdci, a možno to prenesie cez to a dokončíme to v pondelok večer.

 Ak je to tak, že Boh to takto poskytuje. No, my sme dobre oboznámení s vlastnosťami Starého Zákona. Ako to, že všetky tie staré veci boli tieňom (Židom 11), tieňom vecí, ktoré majú prísť. Aké je to nádherné: ako Boh predobrazuje.

 A keď cítime tento tieň, takpovediac, vieme, že je tu niečo poza..., Boh vo Svojej všemohúcnosti, vo Svojej veľkej nekonečnej mysli, vidí niečo, čo sa len deje; On mohol vopred predtým varovať. On mohol dosiahnuť, aby všetko spolupracovalo, dokonca aj hnev človeka, aby Ho chválil.

31Dokonca keď niekto s tebou zaobchádza zle, ako sa k tomu zachvíľu dostaneme, ak bude Pán chcieť, ako sa Jozefov brat voči nemu správal zlomyseľne, a On to obrátil a vzal a priviedol ich do toho, aby Ho chválili. Tak, nemáme sa čoho obávať, ani jednej veci.

 Ako Boh skrze toho chlapca predzvestoval prvý príchod Pána Ježiša, druhý príchod Pána Ježiša, a všetko to konal v živote, ktorý nevedel nič o tom, čo sa deje. Amen. Nerobí to pre vás niečo?

 Videl malého chudobného Jozefa, on nevedel, čo sa deje, prečo sa všetky tieto veci majú diať; ale to všetko bol Boh, ako konal, predzvedel, predznamenal veci, ktoré budú.

32A potom si môžete všimnúť Slovo, ako ho tu zoberiete a čítate v Genesis, čítate v strede Knihy, čítate v poslednej Knihe a každé Slovo je takto jedno s druhým v súlade. A to napísali tisíce rokov od seba stovky rôznych mužov. Rozumiete?

 Tak teda, vidíte, to je všetko Boh, jeden človek nepozná toho druhého, alebo nevedel, aká kniha bola napísaná, nič o tom, čo bolo inokedy, v inom veku. A dnes môžeme vidieť, že Boh koná presne tak, ako konal tam vtedy.

 Práve teraz ideme a končíme v novom roku z tieňa toho starého. A ako to bolo na počiatku, ako ten Boh, keď videl, ako sa hriech zmocňuje panstva nad zemou a nad ľuďmi. Ako bol ten veľký program prevrátený, nie úplne zničený, nie znovu vytvorený, ale len prevrátený...

33Vidíte, Satan nemôže tvoriť. On môže len prevracať. Všetko zlé, čo vidíte, je prevrátená spravodlivosť. Rozumiete?

 Vidíte na ulici nejakého starého veštca, to sú len prevrátení proroci. Rozumiete? Vidíte niečo, čo je zlé, ak vidíte, že nejaký človek žije neverne svojim sľubom voči svojej žene; to je spravodlivosť prevrátená v zlo, a naopak.

 Keď vidíte, ako ženy na ulici konajú tak, ako konajú a stávajú sa takými, aké sú, to sú prevrátené dámy.

34Išiel som jedného dňa okolo Louisville a ja a manželka sme videli na okne jedného podniku nápis, keď sme boli jesť na piatej ulici. A bolo tam, „Stoly pre dámy.“ Povedal som, „Nikdy tam žiadnu nemali.“ Nie, dáma by tam nešla. Keď tam vojde, už nie je dámou. Rozumiete?

 Takže pod týmto nápisom nikdy nemal žiadnu dámu ako zákazníka. Dámy na také miesta nechodia. Ale vidíte, taká, čo tam vchádza, je prevrátená dáma. Rozumiete? V poriadku.

35No, Boh, aby Ho všetko chválilo... oslavujeme vianoce ako narodenie Pána Ježiša, ktoré nie sú celkom Jeho narodeninami. On má narodeniny v apríli. Pretože v Judsku je v decembri zimšie ako tu. Tak, uvedomujeme si, že...

 Vidíte ten obraz toho dňa, tie nádrže tam hore a sneh a také veci v Judsku. Viete si predstaviť, že by pastieri v takom počasí ležali na kopci? Ale nie je to dnes. Jednako deň neznamená tak veľa. Je to náš postoj, ktorý máme ku tomu dňu, ktorý je oddelený.

36No, všimnite si, akonáhle Boh uvidel semeno ženy, ako to tam bolo zle vyložené a spravodlivosť bola prevrátená, Boh dal zasľúbenie, že skrze tú ženu príde to požehnané Semeno. Rozumiete? Bude Semeno.

 A hneď, ako to počul satan, ktorý tam stál; akonáhle to počul, pretlačil sa tam, aby zničil to Semeno. A pokúsil sa to urobiť v Jozefovi. Snažil sa po celé veky. A on je stále proti tomu požehnanému Semenu. Amen.

 Chcem, aby ste sa teraz na chvíľu hlboko zamysleli. Ako si nasadíte prilbu spasenia, počúvajte teraz pozorne. Tu je niečo skutočne dôležité. A môžete s tým nesúhlasiť. To je v poriadku. Ale všimli ste si, len čo už bolo počatie, lebo Eva už žila nespravodlivo a spáchala hriech...

37Odkiaľ sa to vzalo? To je v Genesis. Ľudia sa dnes snažia nájsť ten chýbajúci článok medzi zvieraťom a človekom. Toto je zjavenie. Biblia hovorí, že had ženu zviedol.

 Dnes ľudia dokážu vychovávať zvieratá a najbližšie zviera k človeku je šimpanz. Mohli by ho prinútiť fajčiť fajku, jazdiť na bicykli, nasadiť si klobúk, kývať ním. To je presne to isté, ako keď koňovi robíte ííí a hóó. Je to zvuk. Nemá žiadnu dušu. Nemôže myslieť. Môže sa riadiť len zvukom. Nemá dušu.

 Potom tu majú chýbajúci článok, ktorý sa im nikdy nepodarilo nájsť. A už šesťtisíc rokov sa snažia zo šimpanza dostať jedno mrmlanie a nedokážu to. Nikdy sa im to nepodarí.

38Ale vieme, že sme zvierací život. Sme rastlinný život zo zeme. Ako som raz hovoril na pohrebe našej drahej sestry, ako pozostávame zo zhluku šestnástich prvkov zeme - kozmického svetla a ropy a podobných. Boli sme tu, keď Boh prehovoril a povedal, „Nech sa stane.“ Naše telá tu boli.

 Ale niečo, geniálna myseľ Stvoriteľa nás vyvinula do toho, čím sme teraz, urobila nám ruky a ramená, a tak ďalej, nie, aby nás to zničilo, ale aby sme mohli žiť naveky. Hriech ničil a ničí. A ten, ktorý nás učinil bez toho, aby sme mali nejakú predstavu o tom, že tu kedy budeme, ten, ktorý nás učinil a spojil tieto veci a učinil nás tým, čím sme teraz; Či nemôže On ešte viac tým, že nám dáva slobodnú morálnu voľbu prijať to a tým istým Slovom, ktoré nás stvorilo, nám zasľúbil, že nás znovu vzkriesi? O koľko viac sa všetka táto ropa spojí spolu s atómami v Slove Božom.

39No, na počiatku, keď Boh hovoril, a stál tam satan a počul to... A ľudia sa snažia nájsť tento chýbajúci článok. Poviem vám to skrze zjavenie, ak to chcete prijať, tá stratená osoba medzi zvieraťom a človekom je had, predtým, ako mu boli vzaté nohy.

 Biblia hovorí, „On bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat (nie plazov) zo všetkého poľa.“ On bol ten, ktorý ženu oklamal svojou krásou. A ona počala a teraz tým, že to urobila, a keď bolo jasné, že prichádza hriech, Boh na neho položil takú kliatbu, až veda nikdy nenájde žiaden vzťah medzi týmto hadom, ako je známy dnes, a človekom.

 Ale tam máte tú padlú, zdegradovanú bytosť, ktorá spojila život zvierat. Tu to máte. Boh to skryl pred múdrymi a chytrými, ale zjaví to nemluvňatám, ktoré sa budú učiť. Rozumiete? Tam máte tú padlú osobu.

 Had, on bol privedený z omnoho... bol najchytrejší, najväčší, najkrajší, tým viac podobný človeku. A potom kvôli tomuto zlu, ktoré urobil s Evou; zmenil ho na plaza, aby išiel po bruchu po všetky dni svojho života, a aby bol prach jeho pokrmom.

40Tam je to, kam by veda mohla prísť a ich strom by bol zoťatý. Všimnite si teraz, hneď, ako tá žena videla, že... No, ona bola zvedená. Ona nepriniesla hriech. Bola zvedená. Ona si myslela, že je to správne.

 Ale, „Adam nebol zvedený,“ hovorí Biblia. On vedel, že to nie je v poriadku. A ona ho prinútila, aby urobil to isté, čo to zviera, a porodila svojho prvého syna, ktorý mal všetky znaky diabla, to v tom chlapcovi bolo. On bol vrah; žiarlil. Ako to mohlo prísť z toho čistého prúdu Božieho? Muselo to prísť zo strany zla.

 A akonáhle to urobil, potom... Diabol použil svoj nástroj. Porodila svojho druhého syna, ktorý bol po Adamovi, a tam bol Ábel. A diabol sa rýchlo pokúsil zničiť to spravodlivé semeno. A on sa obrátil a zabil Ábela, aby začal tým typom Judáša a Ježiša. Zabil ho pri oltári, kde Ježiš... Judáš zabil Ježiša, zradil Ho za tridsať strieborných a predal Ho. V poriadku.

41Ale všimnite si, keď to urobil, Boh, bol tam predobraz Krista, smrť i vzkriesenie, On pozdvihol Seta, aby zaujal jeho miesto. Rozumiete? A diabol sa vydal za Setom. No, sledujte to.

 Dlho pred predpotopným zničením existovala dlhá línia ľudí, ktorí zostúpili dolu cez synov Kainových z krajiny Nod, a boli to vedci: chytrí, inteligentní, úžasní ľudia. Dokonca obrábali kovy. Stavali domy. Boli úžasnou civilizáciou.

 Biblia ide ďalej a hovorí, ako pracujú s meďou, ako pracujú s kovom. Ale táto druhá skupina bola tulákmi. Ale obe skupiny boli nábožné. Kain bol nábožný. Ábel bol nábožný. A Boh urobil čiaru, ktorá bola správna. Kain bol práve tak nábožný ako Ábel. Obaja stavali oltáre. Obaja verili v Boha. Obaja uctievali Boha. Obaja priniesli dary.

42No, sledujte tie dve semená: jedno bojuje, zlo sa snaží zničiť to spravodlivé semeno. A pokúsil sa Ábela zničiť. On to urobil. Ale Boh vzbudil Seta, aby zaujal jeho miesto. Myslel si, že tam Ježiša dostal.

 Pozrite sa dolu na ten vek všade, on... Kdekoľvek prišiel, zakorenil to semeno. Keď zabil jedného alebo druhého, myslel si, že to má. A nakoniec sa ujal Jána Krstiteľa. Nakoniec mu odsekol hlavu. Myslel si, že ho vtedy má; ale zistil, že On je tu v Ježišovi. Pozabíjal všetky deti. A Mojžiš... on sa snažil Mojžiša zabiť. Snažil sa všemožne, ako len mohol, zničiť to semeno.

 A keď zabil Krista na Golgote, ale Boh Ho na tretí deň vzkriesil. A potom poslal späť Ducha Svätého, aby povolal synov, dcéry Božie. A to isté zlé náboženské semeno prenasleduje to spravodlivé semeno dodnes. Vidíte to? Oni sa snažia zničiť tú spravodlivú Božiu vetvu.

43No, obe strany, ak si všimnete, sú počaté v Genesis, a boli nábožné. Na oboch stranách, jedna z nich, denominačná, vysokomyseľná a druhá pokorná, kráčajúca v Duchu skrze zjavenie. Ako mohol Ábel vôbec vedieť, že to bol baránok namiesto ovocia z poľa? Pretože mu to bolo zjavené Božským zjavením.

 Ježiš povedal to isté, keď ho Peter vyznal, že je Syn Boží. On povedal, „Telo a krv ti to nezjavili, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, ti to zjavil. Na tejto skale (na skale, nie na Petrovi, nie na Ježišovi, ale na Božskom zjavení) postavím Svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nemôžu premôcť. “ Rozumiete? Je to Božské zjavenie.

44No, sledujte, ako sa tam v každej epoche času stretli tvárou v tvár a vybojovali to. Pozrite, keď bol Moáb hore na kopci a Izrael bol v doline. A Izrael ho len ako brata gentlemana prosil, aby mohol prejsť cez ich zem a ísť do zasľúbenej zeme, ktorú im Boh zasľúbil. Len chceli malé prebudenie v cirkvi, takpovediac. Len aby prešli cez tú zem a sľúbili, že zaplatia aj za trávu, ktorú ich dobytok olízal.

 A oni by išli po kráľovskej ceste a tie veci, ktoré by robili, keď prechádzali cez tie krajiny... A oni by to napravili. Ale, žiarlivosť...

45No, Moáb, zem Moába, to neboli neveriaci. Oni verili v toho istého Boha, v ktorého veril Izrael, lebo to boli synovia Lótových dcér, Lótovej dcéry, ktorá počala, zatiaľ čo Lóta opila, dcéra svojho vlastného otca. A on išiel a oni bojovali, a to je miesto, odkiaľ pochádzajú Moábiti.

 A keď vyšiel ich prorok, ich učiteľ, pobláznený peniazmi, a postavil na oltár... sedem oltárov, presne toľko ich bolo potrebných tu dole. Tu je Moáb, ktorý sa tu nastavuje, veľká krásna denominačná krajina, všetko pevne stanovené a vypočítané. A tu bol Izrael, taká fanatická skupina putujúca v stanoch z miesta na miesto.

 Poviete, „Fanatici?“ Oni istotne boli. Ak oni... Ak oni sú to, čo dnes nazývajú fanatikmi. Keď prešli cez Červené more a Boh pred nimi urobil zázrak, Miriam schmatla tamburínu a začala ňou udierať a behala po brehoch a kričala, skákala a tancovala v Duchu; a dcéry Izraelove išli za ňou a skákali, kričali, tancovali v Duchu.

 A Mojžiš stál so zdvihnutými rukami a možno spieval v jazyku, ktorý nikto nikdy predtým nepočul, v piesni, ktorej nikto nerozumel. Spieval Pánovi v Duchu. Ak to nie sú novodobí fanatici, neviem, kde ich hľadať.

46Mali so sebou znamenia a divy. No, ak Boh rešpektuje len to fundamentálne... Tu vidno, že Moáb bol podľa Písma práve tak fundamentálny ako Izrael. Mal všetko, čo mal Izrael. Mal sedem oltárov. To je to, čo Boh požadoval. Izrael mal sedem oltárov. Mal sedem čistých obetí. Izrael mal sedem čistých obetí. Je tu znovu Kain a Ábel. Rozumiete?

 Dobre. Ponúkol sedem býkov. Ponúkol sedem býkov. Obetoval sedem baranov, hovoriac, že veria, že príde Kristus. Obetoval sedem baranov, to isté. Tak fundamentálne, ako to len fundamentálne môže byť.

 Kain postavil oltár. Ábel postavil oltár. Kain priniesol obeť. Ábel priniesol obeť. Ábel sa klaňal; Kain sa klaňal. Boh však potvrdil, dokázal, že Ábel bol jeho voľbou. Boh tu dokázal, že Izrael bol Jeho vyvoleným, pretože Izrael mal vo svojom tábore toho Nadprirodzeného. Hoci pri všetkých svojich chybách mali Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ich nasledoval. Mali zmierenie za Božie uzdravenie a praktizovali Božie uzdravenie.

47Had..., oni mali udretú Skalu. V tábore mali znamenia a zázraky. Keď prišiel Ján, bol nadprirodzený. Keď prišiel Ježiš, bolo to nadprirodzené. A nepriateľ na tej fundamentálnej strane vždy prenasledoval to nadprirodzené. Vidíte, čo sa snaží robiť dnes? To isté: „Vymažte Božie uzdravenie, vymažte týchto ľudí. Nič na nich nie je. Hodnostári sú veľkí ľudia. Vymažte ich.“ Bratia, nie je to nič iné, len tá vínna réva, ktorá sa krúti cez Genezis a prechádza až do Zjavenia.

 Ja sa postavím na stranu svätých fanatikov. Nech je to akokoľvek... Nikdy som nevidel svätého fanatika. To je meno, ktoré dal diabol Božej cirkvi, keď to tam nepatrí. Nie sú to svätí fanatici, sú to Boží synovia a dcéry, ktorí sú svetom nepochopení.

48Jozef sa narodil zo svojho otca, bol milovaný svojím otcom a nenávidený svojimi bratmi. Všimnite si, dokonalý obraz Pána Ježiša... Chcem, aby ste si všimli, ako sa Jeho život odrážal v tých predobrazoch. Stará zmluva odrážala všetko to, čo je teraz. Pozrite sa tam späť a uvidíte ten obraz; je tam tieň a vidíte, čím je to skutočné.

 Všimnite si, že Jozef je predobrazom Krista, predobrazom Cirkvi, predobrazom Ducha Svätého, predobrazom... Bol kniežaťom prosperity, tak ako Kristus, tak ako Cirkev dnes. Všimnite si ešte raz, že keď sa narodil, jeho otec ho miloval a ušil mu pestrofarebný plášť.

 Teraz je k dispozícii len sedem dokonalých farieb vo všetkých farbách. Všetky ostatné sú vytvorené z týchto farieb. A ten plášť mal v sebe možno farby siedmich rôznych farieb, pruhy farieb na plášti, ktorý vyrobil otec. Ak si všimnete, možno to Jákob vtedy nepochopil. Ale znamenalo to, „Ten zasľúbený“.

49Keď Boh dal Noemu znamenie dúhy, sedem farieb, bolo to zasľúbenie alebo zmluva. Boh uzavrel zmluvu, že už viac nezničí svet vodou. A Božia zmluva sa preniesla aj cez Jákoba na Jozefa. Abrahám bol vyvolením, Izák ospravedlnením, Izrael milosťou a Jozef dokonalosťou. Ten jediný mal farby.

 Vidíme Ježiša sediaceho na tróne s farbami, dúhou okolo Seba. V Zjavení 1 to bola Božia zmluva s ľuďmi. Kristus... Tu je to. Ó, ako veľmi chcem, aby ste to videli. Kristus je Božia zmluva s Jeho ľudom, nie denominácie, ale Kristus je Božia zmluva.

 Ako bol nenávidený Jozef, tak je dnes nenávidený Kristus. Nechcú povedať, že nenávidia Krista. Ale ich skutky dokazujú, čo robia. Sú proti každému Jeho kroku. Hovorte o Jeho konaní, o Jeho skutkoch, o Jeho zázračných činoch, a iste už máme v tábore satana, ktorý bojuje proti tomu. Určite.

 A budú poukazovať na slová satana. Ale mňa nezaujíma, čo robí satan, aby... aby sa pokúsil zmiasť; Božie Slovo je dokonalé a Jeho zasľúbenie je dokonalé. Nikdy sa nebudem chcieť postaviť na stranu takej skupiny.

50Všimnite si, tam On bol, Zmluva. Kamene Jaspis a Sardis v Zjavení poukazovali na Krista. To bol náprsný kameň alebo skôr kameň narodenia od Rubena po Benjamína. To bol odraz Sardisu a Jaspisu, ako sa spolu odrážali pod Božím svetlom, tvorili zmluvu okolo Krista, dúhu. A o čom to hovorí? Ruben, najstarší, Benjamín, najmladší. Od prvého po posledného, On bol Ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde, Koreň, Dávidov potomok; On je Ranná hviezda. On je od A po Z, Alfa, Omega, Boží odraz od počiatku čias až po koniec čias. Tam je On, Božia zmluva s Jeho ľudom.

 A všetky tieto ostatné veci, Jozef, Dávid, všetci proroci boli len odrazom (amen), odrazom pravého semena zo záhrady Eden, až do času, keď príde druhýkrát v sláve, aby prijal Svoj ľud a Svoju Cirkev. Tam je to, krásne na pohľad.

51Jozefovi bratia boli na neho arogantní. Nenávideli ho bez príčiny, lebo bol nadprirodzene inšpirovaný. Chápete to? Kain nenávidel Ábela bez príčiny, pretože bol nadprirodzene inšpirovaný.

 Moáb nenávidel Izraela bez príčiny, pretože mal Božie uzdravenie, znamenia, divy a zázraky, nenávidel ho bez príčiny a nechcel ho nechať prejsť cez...

52[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] „...?... mať manželku svojho brata.“ Amen.

 Teraz vám, moji milovaní priatelia, chcem niečo pripomenúť. Teraz chcem, aby ste si to položili pod piate rebro na ľavej strane v stane tej priehradky, ktorá sa nazýva srdce. Nikdy v žiadnej dobe a v žiadnom čase, keď Boh inšpiroval človeka, nešiel na náboženskú stranu, takzvanú náboženskú, ľudí sveta. Nikdy sa nezaplietol s denomináciami. Nie - vždy sa postavil proti a proti denomináciám tej doby a proti náboženskému poriadku tej doby.

 Ukážte mi jediného proroka, ukážte mi jediný prípad v Biblii, keď nejaký Boží muž išiel v súhlase s takzvanými náboženskými hnutiami svojej doby. Amen.

53Aj Eliáš, potom, ako bol v škole prorokov, keď tam vystúpil, chceli, aby odišiel. Povedal, „Je to tu príliš priame.“ Vidíte?

 Achab, jeden z náboženských vodcov svojej doby... Eliáš sa oddelil na horu Karmel. Pozrite sa, ako sa oddelil Ján Krstiteľ. Nikdy ani nechodil do ich školy, aby sa naučil ich teológiu. Ale Boh ho poslal na púšť, aby ho pripravil na určitú prácu.

 Kainova garnitúra nikdy nedokázala obliecť svoj cirkevný kabát na Božieho človeka. Nebude im sedieť. To je pravda.

54Všimnite si, že v priebehu vekov a pri príchode Ježiša sa nikdy neporadil so žiadnym z teológov, ale nazval ich bandou zmijí alebo hadov v tráve. Nikdy učeníci nešli v súhlase s ich denomináciami. Boli na strane Ábela. Jozef s nimi nebol v súhlase. Bol nenávidený a odmietaný z rovnakého dôvodu ako tí ostatní, pretože Boh bol s ním nadprirodzeným spôsobom a iným spôsobom, než akým bol s ostatnými. A oni ho nenávideli bez príčiny.

 Kain nenávidel Ábela bez príčiny. Bratia nenávideli Jozefa bez príčiny. A dnes je svet denominácií bez ohľadu na to, aký je veľký... Snímam klobúk a hovorím, „Vďaka Bohu za nich.“ Ale pri všetkých ich veľkých učeniach, veľkých cirkvách, veľkých veciach, stále pri tom všetkom Boh vyvoláva ľudí, ktorí s tým nemajú nič spoločné, pretože oni [denominácie] sa nechcú vyrovnať s tým nadprirodzeným.

55Dnes je v pohybe toto hnutie. A oni ho nenávidia bez príčiny. Minule som počul, ako jeden človek povedal niečo, že sa mi až takmer krv v žilách obrátila na vodu, lebo to bol človek s vplyvom, veľký baptistický kazateľ. A hovoril o tom, že nie je biblické, aby sa niekto klaňal panne Márii. Aká je to pravda. To je pravda.

 Povedal, „V Písme nie je miesto, kde by sa uctieval niekto iný ako Kristus.“ To je pravda. Povedal, „Boh bol v Kristovi a v Ňom bola plnosť Božstva.“ To je pravda. A potom, po celom tom peknom, úžasnom učení Písma sa otočí a povie, „Nikdy sa na svete nestal žiadny zázrak.“ Pretože je tak tvrdo proti Božiemu uzdraveniu, otočil sa a povedal, „Nikdy sa po Kristovej smrti nestal zázrak. Po Kristovi nikto nikdy nevzkriesil mŕtveho, pretože to bol On jediný, kto mal večný život.“

 Ale ja vám hovorím, že Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn, povedal Svojim učeníkom, aby išli a hlásali Evanjelium, uzdravovali chorých, kriesili mŕtvych a očisťovali malomocných. To je to, čo Ježiš povedal Svojim učeníkom. Ako sa môžu ľudia stať tak nábožensky slepými? Kvôli denominačným bariéram sa stávajú úzkoprsí a bezdôvodne nenávidia svojich bratov. Vidíte to? Takí úzkoprsí, tak malí, že to robia kvôli svojej prestíži.

56Jedného veľkého služobníka tejto krajiny sa dnes pýtali, prečo neprijal krst Duchom Svätým, keď mu ho predložil iný muž jeho postavenia, ktorý prijal krst Duchom Svätým. Povedal, „Uškodilo by to mojej službe.“

 Ak mi kedykoľvek povieš... Môže to ublížiť službe jednotlivca, ale nikdy to neublíži službe Ježiša Krista...? Bude to podporovať vec služby Ježiša Krista.

 Ale tento pán doktor povedal, že, „nikdy nikto nevstal z mŕtvych“. Povedal, „Viem, že dnes je v krajine veľa fanatikov, ktorí tvrdia, že videli mŕtvych vzkriesených a podobne. Nikdy neexistuje vedecký dôkaz o žiadnom uzdravení ani o ničom inom.“

57Vidíte, je to tu, brat môj a sestra moja. Chcem, aby ste si to všimli naozaj zblízka. Dôvod je tento. Dnes muži... V časoch Pána Ježiša, v časoch zákona, keď ľudia verili v Boha, počuli o zázraku, ktorý sa stal; nikdy sa to nesnažili vedecky dokázať. Prijali ho. Jednoducho tomu verili, lebo vedeli, že Boh je.

 Dnes sa však neveriaca skupina dostala do náboženských hnutí, a tak sa snaží dokázať veci vedecky. A dovoľte mi povedať to tak, ako to prichádza z neba, verím, že až do môjho srdca. Nikdy nie je čas, aby sa to dalo dokázať, pretože ak by ste mohli Boha dokázať, tak už nie je prijímaný vierou. Je to dôkaz. Veríme Bohu a Jeho zázrakom; vierou nazývame tie veci, ktoré nie sú, akoby boli, lebo Boh to povedal. Nezáleží na tom, čo to je.

58Abrahám nemohol dokázať, že Sárine mliečne žľazy neboli vyschnuté. Nemohol dokázať, že - že sa cez vajíčkovody, a tak ďalej, že nastalo oplodnenie. Oni... nemohli... nemohli dokázať nič z toho. Nemohli dokázať, možno skúškami semena, že sú plodné; ale on tomu aj tak veril a odmietal všetko, čo tomu odporovalo, a veci, ktoré neboli, nazýval tak, akoby boli, pretože, tam za oponou, nádej Božia spočívala na Slove Božom, a tie veci, vedecké alebo nie, nazýval pravdou, pretože to povedal Boh. Takto to je.

 Veríme, vierou to prijímame. Ale ak ten brat, nechceme sa s ním hádať. Ja v to neverím. Ale keby si ten brat prečítal, ako Pavla ukameňovali a svätí stáli nad ním a modlili sa, kým sa doňho nevrátil život. Ako Pavol raz celú noc kázal. A z horného podkrovia vypadol človek a zabil sa, mladý muž. A Pavol na neho položil svoje telo a duch života sa do neho opäť vrátil.

59Ako Eliáš vzkriesil dieťa ženy, ktorá bola mŕtva, ešte osemsto rokov pred príchodom Krista. Ľudia dokonca aj bez požehnania Ducha Svätého robili zázraky, ktoré sa títo ľudia boja napadnúť s Duchom Svätým. Och, och. Aké žalostné. Prečo? Pretože sú arogantní a nenávidia svojich bratov bez príčiny, tak, ako bol bez príčiny nenávidený Jozef. Vidíte to? Bol nenávidený nie preto, že by bol hoden nenávisti, ale pretože to bolo bez príčiny. Neverili mu. Žil v inej sfére.

 A hovorím to teraz, pretože náš čas sa kráti. Hovorím to so všetkou úprimnosťou srdca. Dnes nenávidia Cirkev, ktorá má nadprirodzené veci. Je to závisť. Je to malicherná závisť. A existuje medzi ľuďmi. Mali ju aj učeníci. Tak veľmi sa za seba hanbili, pretože desať dní predtým im Boh dal moc uzdravovať chorých, vyháňať diablov a kriesiť mŕtvych. A oni mali pred sebou chlapca s epilepsiou a zlyhali.

 Keď Ježiš zostúpil z vrchu a uzdravil chlapca, spýtali sa ho, „Prečo sme to nemohli aj my?“ Nepovedal, „Ja som si vzal Svoju moc späť.“ Povedal, „Ja vám dávam moc.“ Ukážem vám, kde ju dal cirkvi, ale nemôžete mi ukázať, kde ju niekedy vzal späť. Vidíte?

 Na čom spočívali Ježišove vážne slová? „Pre vašu neveru.“

60A o niekoľko dní neskôr našli človeka, ktorý nepatril do ich cirkevnej oblasti. Počul, ako Ježiš vyslovil tieto veci, a práca sa mu darila. Vyháňal démonov. A Peter a Ján mu prišli povedať, že musí patriť do ich skupiny, inak to nemôže robiť. „Budeš nás musieť nasledovať a ísť s nami v zhode. My sme cirkev a ty to musíš urobiť.“ Dal im najavo, aby sa venovali svojim vlastným záležitostiam. Celkom dobre sa mu darilo aj bez toho, aby sa pridal k ich organizácii.

 A tak ako tí slabosi, akých máme dnes s malými detinskými nápadmi, utekali naspäť a hovorili, „Našli sme ho a on vyháňal diablov.“ A čo to bolo? Závideli mu, lebo on robil to, čo oni nemohli. Oni sa stali telesnými. Oči ich rozumu boli ako Jozefovi bratia, ešte neboli osvietené. A tak sa vrátili, donášali naňho a povedali to Ježišovi. A Ježiš povedal, „Nechajte ho na pokoji. Amen. Robí dobré dielo. Robí to, čo som vám prikázal, a vy ste to nedokázali.“

61Boh môže z týchto kameňov vzbudiť Abrahámovi deti. Takže teraz, moji milovaní metodistickí a baptistickí a presbyteriánski bratia, pretože si myslíte, že to musí prísť cez vašu cirkev, Boh je schopný z týchto „svätých váľačov“ vzbudiť kamene Abrahámovi. To je pravda. On bude mať niekoho, kto bude robiť Jeho dielo. To je pravda. Pri všetkých ich zlyhaniach a chybách, a čo ešte urobia... Tak aj Izrael urobil to isté, ale to spravodlivé semeno ide ďalej. Som veľmi rád, že môžem povedať, že som jedným z nich.

 Z Božej milosti sme dnes jednými z nich. Som za to veľmi rád. Vy nie? Moje srdce sa na začiatku tohto nového roka raduje z toho, že Boh skrze Svoju úžasnú milosť zaradil moje meno do Knihy života, aby mi dal pochopiť, že som pridružený medzi Jeho ľud, ktorý je odvrhnutý. A spolu s učeníkmi môžem povedať toto: Považujem za výsadu niesť potupu Jeho Mena. Tak, veru. Som veľmi rád, že som jedným z nich.

62A teraz začneme s Jozefom na ďalšej bohoslužbe, ktorá môže byť dnes večer alebo v pondelok večer, pretože náš čas vypršal. Ale ja Ho milujem. Nemilujete Ho? On je úžasný. A ja som dnes tak rád, že sa môžem pripojiť k tej dlhej šnúre opovrhovaných a zavrhovaných a nenávidených cirkevníkmi po celej krajine, tu sú. Oni sú tí nižší. To je pravda. Cirkevná sféra hovoriac o svete vzdelanostne a spoločensky povedané, sú nad nimi. A my sme radi, že sme pokorní, pretože tí, ktorí sa pokoria, pre nich Boh jedného dňa príde druhýkrát v sláve, aby povýšil Svoju Cirkev. Dovtedy horlivo bojujme za vieru, ktorá bola raz darovaná svätým. Modlime sa.

 A teraz, so sklonenými hlavami, sa len pýtam, či by sa dnes ráno našiel niekto, alebo dúfam, že mnohí, ktorí ešte nikdy neprijali tohto Krista a Jeho veľké požehnania a Jeho veľkú moc; a my sa dnes pýtame, či by ste sa dnes rozhodli a povedali, „Pane Ježišu, som to ja a celým srdcom chcem byť Tvojím služobníkom, aby som sa vydal na cestu s tými niekoľkými opovrhovanými Pánovými. Teraz vidím, Pane, že to nie je to, o čom hovorí svet; je to to, o čom hovorí Tvoja Biblia. Nie je to to, čo mi hovorí svet. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Jozefa. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Ábela. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Jána. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Daniela. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Ezechiela, Zachariáša. Nenávidia ma, ako nenávideli Ježiša. Nenávidia ma ako apoštolov a tých, ktorí Ťa nasledovali; bez príčiny. Pane, modlím sa za nich.“

63Dostali ste niekedy takú skúsenosť, že ste vyšli a sme kráľovským kňazstvom, svätým národom, ktorý prináša Bohu duchovné obety, to znamená ovocie našich rtov, ktoré Mu vzdávajú chválu. Dokázali by ste obstáť uprostred nepokojného sveta? Dokázali by ste obstáť pred svojím šéfom? Mohli by ste sa postaviť s pokorou v srdci, s láskou v srdci k hriešnikom tohto sveta, s Kristovým životom vo svojom vnútri a vydať svedectvo a chválu na Božiu slávu?

 Ak nemáte túto skúsenosť, prečo nezačnete svet, život, všetko nanovo už dnes tým, že zdvihnete ruku k Nemu a poviete, „Teraz to, Pane, prijímam a chcem, aby si mi dal krst Duchom.“

64Náš nebeský Otče, táto malá cirkev dnes ráno stojí, vieme, že je vysmievaná, je na ňu strieľané. Nepriateľ ju utláča, strieľa svoje šípy. A my sa modlíme za ich hriešne duše, Pane. Oni nevedia, že sú zaslepení bohom tohto sveta. Na cirkev, všeobecne, na celom dnešnom svete, nepriateľ, náboženský ľud strieľal na nich všetkými šípmi. Ale napriek tomu všetkému veľké prebudenie postupuje ďalej.

 Tisíce pokorných, chudobných, zanedbaných detí natrafili na tieto miesta a videli Tvoju zázračnú ruku, boli naplnené Duchom Svätým a už nie sú z tohto sveta, sú pútnikmi a cudzincami. Nezáleží im na tomto svete, ale hľadajú mesto, ktoré má prísť a ktorého Staviteľom a Stvoriteľom je Boh. Videli Tvoju uzdravujúcu moc uzdravovať chorých. Tvoje znamenia a zázraky sa budú diať medzi Tvojím ľudom. Veľké veci sa uvoľňujú napriek tým miestam, kde ich odsudzujú a snažia sa ich zadržať. Tvoji služobníci sa hýbu priamo dovnútra a nastoľujú prebudenie a strhávajú pokorných do Božieho kráľovstva.

65Dnes ráno máme tú česť, že sú medzi nami misionári, ktorí odchádzajú do iných krajín, a jeden z nich odchádza do Izraela. Ó, Bože, je to tu. Vylej s ním Svojho Ducha, Pane. A nech sa vykonajú veľké veci a spôsobia, aby sa títo úbohí putujúci Židia vrátili. Nech prijmú Ducha Svätého ako ich otcovia na začiatku.

 Tu je brat, ktorý ide na Kubu, na ostrovy. Povedal si, „Až na samý kraj zeme.“ Niečo ťahá, ťahá za srdce týchto bratov. Opúšťajú svoje domovy, svojich blízkych, nestarajú sa o radosti a dobré časy tohto sveta, ale odchádzajú do neúrodných krajín tam vonku pred protivníka, ktorý sa snaží zastaviť dielo. Ale tak ako vôl, ktorý priviezol voz s prikázaniami a archu zmluvy, nechali svoje mláďatá bľačať a oni išli po ceste, spievajúc, zostupujúc ku skale.

66Ďakujeme Ti za každého služobníka, ktorého vidíme v našom zbore. Aj brat John, dnes ráno, z Nemecka, ako bol vychovaný v chudobe; ťahal malý vozík po celej krajine a kázal Evanjelium. Ďakujeme Ti za neho. A tento mladý muž a ďalší služobníci, ktorí tu blízko sedia, a všetci laici... Keď prosím, Otče, verím, že pod takýmto časom, že keby muž alebo žena nemali Krista v srdci, určite by zdvihli ruku, keď vidia všetky dôkazy Evanjelia, že Ty si ten istý a Tvoja Cirkev je tá istá.

 Ďakujem Ti za všetkých. Modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal a uzdravil ich telá, ak sú chorí, a splnil im túžby ich srdca. O to ťa prosíme, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

67A so sklonenými hlavami chvíľu rozjímajme. Len sa ticho modlime. [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

 Prvý, ktorý zomrel pre tento plán Ducha Svätého,

 bol Ján Krstiteľ, ale zomrel ako človek;

 Potom prišiel Pán Ježiš, oni Ho ukrižovali,

 kázal, že Duch zachráni ľudí od hriechu.

 Potom ukameňovali Štefana, ten kázal proti hriechu.

 Oni... takí nahnevaní, vrazili mu do hlavy;

 Ale on zomrel v Duchu, vydal ducha,

 a išiel sa pripojiť k tým ostatným, tvoriacim životodarný zástup.

 Bol tam Peter a Pavol a Božský Ján,

 oni sa vzdali svojich životov, aby toto Evanjelium mohlo svietiť;

 Zmiešali svoju krv ako proroci za dávnych čias,

 (To Semeno je stále prenasledované)

 tak mohlo byť pravdivé Slovo Božie úprimne povedané.

 Pod oltárom boli duše, ktoré kričali, „Ako dlho?“

 aby Pán potrestal tých, ktorí urobili zle;

 ale bude viac takých, ktorí dajú svoju krv života

 pre toto Evanjelium Ducha Svätého a Jeho karmínový prúd.

 Stále kvapká krvou, áno, kvapká krvou.

 Toto evanjelium Ducha Svätého kvapká krvou,

 krv učeníkov, ktorí zomreli pre Pravdu,

 toto Evanjelium Ducha Svätého kvapká krvou.

 [Brat Branham hmká - pozn. Prekl.]

68Ó, Bože, príď, Pane Ježišu. Formuj nás teraz, kým sme pred Tebou v pokore. Odstráň z našich životov, z našich sŕdc všetku ľahostajnosť. Kým... sladkosť Ducha akoby sfarbila oči, Boh teraz berie Svoje Slovo a zalieva Ho. Sme takí šťastní, že si nás zahrnul, Otče, aby sme boli nositeľmi Evanjelia.

 Modlíme sa za všetky potreby cirkvi. Modlíme sa za nášho milovaného pastora. Ó, Bože, verný služobník, neúnavný, vždy pripravený ísť. Hovor dnes k jeho srdcu a daj mu poznať, že tam na tých verných pastorov čaká veľká odmena, keď sa zhromaždia tam na druhej strane so všetkými vykúpenými. Požehnávaj ostatných pastorov, misionárov a členov Kristovho tela všade na svete.

69Odpusť nám naše nedostatky, Pane. A teraz, ak je v našich srdciach potreba, Pane, nepožehnáš nás, kým si prítomný? Ak je v našom strede choroba, Pane, môže niekto, kto dnes prišiel do tejto malej cirkvi, a pozrie sa tam a uvidí Golgotu, uvidí tam, kde je skutočné Semeno, kde si satan myslel, že ho môže zničiť smrťou... Ale Boh ho znovu vzkriesil. Jednoducho to nemôže urobiť. Boh dal sľub a Boh zostáva pri Svojom sľube. A každé zasľúbenie je pravdivé.

 Zasľúbil si nám večný život a my ho máme. Pocítili sme ho. Hýbe sa v nás niečo, čo nevieme vysvetliť. Ó, Bože, uprostred ťažkostí cítime, ako to podpalubie tam dolu pevne stojí. Na more môžu udrieť búrky, môže to rozkývať našu malú loďku. Ty urobíš nejakým spôsobom cestu ponad, pod, okolo alebo cez to. Takže sa opierame rovno o Slovo, Pane.

70A teraz sa modlím, aby, ak je niekto chorý a je tu na zhromaždení, aby tento Duch, ktorý je práve teraz v budove, zostúpil vo veľkej láske a povedal, „Dieťa moje, to som Ja. Ja som Otec, ktorý ťa stvoril. Ja som Ten, ktorý priniesol... prvky zo zeme, ktoré ťa stvorili takého, aký si. Satan sa snaží dostať do Môjho diela. Prijmi Moje zasľúbenie, dieťa.“

 A túto modlitbu viery budem prednášať vo viere, že si tu. Nech sa Tvoje ruky, Pane, roztiahnu ku každému srdcu a choroba odíde od ľudí. Karhám diabla, diabla útlaku, diabla strachu, diabla chorôb všetkého druhu; Ty si povedal, „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov.“ V jednote tejto cirkvi a tohto Ducha dnes ráno odháňame od ľudí každé zlo, aby sme odtiaľto odišli čistí vďaka obeti Pána Ježiša, ako ju pokorne prijímame.

71Požehnaj nás v ďalších úlohách. Požehnaj nás vo všetkom, čo robíme. Choď s kazateľmi, s evanjelistami, s misionármi a na ich miesta, Pane. Daj, aby sme sa jedného dňa stretli pri Tvojich nohách. Vtedy položíme svoje trofeje. Bože, budú to trofeje všetkých druhov. Budú to bieli, žltí, čierni. Všetci spoločne povieme, „Pane, tu sú.“ Aký deň radosti to bude.

 Pracujme, kým je deň, lebo príde noc, keď nikto nemôže pracovať. Prosíme o toto požehnanie v milovanom Mene Božieho Syna Ježiša Krista. Amen.

 Všetko je možné, len ver.

 Len ver, len ver. (Čo je to?)

 Všetko je možné, len ver.

 Koľkí mali práve teraz potrebu a môžu uveriť, vy zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, „No, prijímam.“

 No, ja prijímam, teraz, prijímam,

 všetko je možné, teraz prijímam.

 No, ja prijímam, teraz, prijímam,

 všetko je možné, teraz prijímam.

72Teraz na chvíľu skloníme hlavy. Len pokračuj, sestra, na klavíri, ak môžeš. Prijímate to? Hovoríte, „Brat Branham, istý čas som bol chorý. Bolo tu niečo, čo vyzeralo, akoby som to jednoducho nemohol prekonať. Jednotlivo sa za mňa modlili.“ To je dobré, brat, sestra. Ale zamyslel si sa niekedy nad tým, čo to je? Je to to malé zasľúbenie, ktoré ti bolo dané. Tomu, kto verí, je všetko možné.

 Prečo to dnes ráno nehodíte priamo na Golgotu? Len si tu podržte jeho koniec, Duch, ktorý vám ho dáva. Hoďte ho priamo na Golgotu a povedzte, „Tam drží moja kotva. Prijímam ju práve teraz. Všetko je práve teraz za mnou. Nezáleží na tom, čo sa práve teraz odohráva; moja kotva drží za oponou. A dostávam práve to, o čo žiadam. Viem, že to mám. Božie Slovo to hovorí. Bože, teraz hľadím na Teba.“ Možno si mal starosti, finančné problémy, čokoľvek. Nezáleží na tom, čo to je, hoď to rovno na Golgotu, lebo všetko - všetko je možné, len ver.

73Nechajte to naozaj dobre vstrebať. Nie je to úžasné? Toto je môj čas služby. Slovo je zasiate. Vidíte? Teraz ho Boh zalieva. Necítite to opätovné... to upokojenie, osvieženie z Božej prítomnosti, ktorá práve zostupuje a zalieva Ho, hovorí teraz, „Tu, dieťa, Ja prídem so Svojím Slovom. Budem ctiť Svoje Slovo. Budem nad Ním bdieť dňom i nocou. Zalievam Ho teraz v tvojom srdci. Nemôžeš Ma jednoducho prijať a uveriť Mi?“ Lebo všetko je možné, len ver.

 Bože, aké úžasné, aké úžasné. Len sa namočiť, len cítiť, ako voda steká po tých semienkach. Čo je to? Semeno spravodlivosti, bolo zasiate do tvojho srdca. Je to Božie Slovo. To je Semeno, ktoré... To je Duch Svätý, Semeno, ktoré Boh zasľúbil na začiatku. Ste Abrahámovým semenom tým, že ste zomreli v Kristovi a prijali ste Abrahámovo semeno a ste dedičmi podľa zasľúbenia. Duch Svätý pochádza z Abrahámovho semena, ktoré z vás robí synov a dcéry Božie.

74Teraz je to Duch Svätý, ktorý zalieva to zasľúbenie, ktoré ste pred chvíľou prijali za svoje uzdravenie, za svoje spasenie, za lepšie chodenie, za to, aby vás opustil strach, za čokoľvek, čo potrebujete, za tú cestu dolu na ostrovy, za tú cestu do vlasti Izraela, do vašej cirkvi, na vaše miesto, nech je to kdekoľvek, do vášho domova. To je Duch Svätý, ktorý hovorí, „To som ja. Ja som s tebou, choď ďalej. Ja ťa vediem. Ty... ty sa len ďalej hýb. To som Ja.“

 Je tu pre teba Med v Skale;

 Nechajte svoje hriechy, aby ich zakryla Krv,

 Je tu pre teba Med v skale. (Povstaňme.)

 Ó, choď do ulíc a na okraj cesty.

 Kážte Slovo...

 Povedz každému padlému bratovi,

 je tu pre teba Med v Skale.

 Ó, tam je Med v Skale, môj brat,

 je tu pre teba Med v Skale.

 Nechajte svoje hriechy, aby ich prikryla Krv;

 Je tu pre teba Med v Skale.

75Pozri, ešte nechcem, aby ste odišli. Chcem, aby ste sa pozreli na niekoho, kto stojí blízko vás, podali mu ruku a povedali, „Boh ťa žehnaj, brat, sestra.“ Nech je to ktokoľvek. Len sa otočte. Toto je medzidenominačná Modlitebňa. Sme práve na svojej ceste, zvláštny ľud. Dobre.

 Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš.

 Dieťa žiaľu a trápenia;

 To ti dá radosť a útechu,

 vezmi Ho všade, kamkoľvek ideš.

 Vzácne Meno! (Vzácne Meno!)

 .. (Ó, aké sladké.)

 Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

 Vzácne Meno, ó, aké milé!

 Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

 No, všetci sa teraz dívajte takto. Poďme:

 Skláňame sa pred Menom Ježiš,

 padajúc k Jeho nohám,

 Kráľa kráľov na nebi budeme korunovať,

 až bude naša cesta dokončená.

 Vzácne Meno, (Vzácne Meno,) (ó, aké milé!)

 Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

 Vzácne Meno, (Vzácne Meno,) ó, aké milé!

 Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

76Teraz, keď sa skláňame pred Pánom Ježišom. Je to veľké jubileum, veľký sviatok, letničný sviatok Slova a Božích vecí, Jeho Ducha Svätého. Chceme sa modliť za Božie požehnanie pre našich misionárskych bratov, ktorí sa teraz chystajú do terénu, a nech im Boh dá zdaru. Dávame vám sľub. Budeme sa za vás modliť, brat a sestra, ich manželky, ich milovaní. Pomyslite na to, čím prechádzajú tie ženy. Viem to podľa vlastnej manželky.

 Pastorom, alebo bratovi Jacksonovi a myslím, že brat Beeler je tam vzadu a mnohí ďalší pastori, Teddy, tu vzadu je mladý kazateľ. Mnohí ďalší, ktorí sú tu, len sa modlíme za Božie požehnanie. Mladý brat tu z dolnej časti z Božej cirkvi, ktorého uvidíme dnes popoludní. Modlíme sa za požehnanie pre neho, je evanjelista, myslím, že je to brat, že? Ako sa voláš? Brat Ward? Morgan, brat Morgan, som tak veľmi rád, že ich tu všetkých máme.

77A teraz, keď k Nemu skláňame hlavy a hľadíme na Neho. Vzadu stojí jeden pokorný brat. Ťahá malý vozík, ako som pochopil, po celej krajine. Mnohí ho poznajú ako proroka Jána. My ho tu voláme brat John. Vždy som si toho človeka vážil, ale nedávno som bol hore na návšteve u mojich priateľov. To je brat, sestra Jimmy O'Neil hore v Sellersburgu. To je zať brata a sestry Greenovcov. Dnes ráno sú tu prítomní.

 Brat John bol u nich doma a oni mi povedali, aký je to skutočný kresťanský džentlmen. A povedali mi o jeho živote, čo im rozprával, a o tom, ako sa dostal cez ťažké skúšky. A on mal ťažkú cestu. A my ho dnes ráno poprosíme, či by prepustil toto zhromaždenie, a poprosíme ho o Božie požehnanie pre toto zhromaždenie. Urobíš to za nás, brat Johnny, keď... všetci skloníme hlavy a brat John, ak by si nás mohol rozpustiť modlitbou.

1 With voice enough to talk a little bit, and I've had a sore throat for some time, and--and this morning I got a awful cold. Looks like just every time I come down somehow right into this valley...

Yesterday, I was speaking to some of the brethren when we was up on top of the knobs at New Albany and looked down this way. I said, "That's the reason right there." It's just a fog hangs over here and a smudge like all over the whole city.

And as soon as I come into this vicinity, just as I drop down in here there it goes (See?) again just soon as I come in. Oh, I have to take me a tent, and go up on top of the hill somewhere and camp. 'Cause we're just pilgrims and strangers, anyhow, aren't we, seeking a city whose Builder and Maker is God? That's what we love.

2 Now, we have some a--just before the service this morning or before the Sunday school teaching, we have a--a dedication of babies. And my brother has a little one that he wishes to dedicate to the Lord, my brother in flesh. And maybe some of the rest of you mothers and fathers here have a little one to be dedicated.

Now, many times in the Bible... And we've had lots of splits in churches because of the different theories on infant baptism and so forth. And now, those who take them and sprinkle them for infant baptism, that's up to whatever way you want to dedicate it. But the whole thing mounts up to one thing, a dedication to the Lord.

3 And now, because a baby is far as sin, it has none. Jesus died to take the away the sins of world, and the baby has done no sin. Only it was--it's a sinner. It's borned in sin. But, when Christ died at Calvary, He took away the sins of the world, and the baby is not responsible until it becomes the age of accountability.

And any little baby, no matter how sinful the parents are, as soon as it dies, it goes straight to the arms of Christ. See? Because He paid the price. No matter if it was a baby borned in sin, and by adultery, or whatever it is. Makes no difference at all. That baby is safe with Christ, because He died to take away the sins of the world.

And, when it gets old enough now that it's done personal sin, then it has to repent for what it has done. But it has no personal sin until it's old enough to commit sin, to know which is right and wrong.

4 But now, we always try to stay just as close to the Bible on these things as we know how. Now, there's no Scripture in the Bible for sprinkling babies. The only thing that we find... or no infant baptism in the Bible in no form. The only place we can find, it's wrote here in the Scriptures that Je--they brought unto Jesus little children. And He took them up in His arms and blessed them and said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Now, that... Now, as He's gone on to God and sets at the right hand today in His corporal body in the--on the throne of God... And He has commissioned His church to go into all the world and to continue the works that He started here when He was here on earth: that is preaching the Gospel, healing the sick, and dedicating the children, and so forth.

5 Therefore, the loved ones is asked to bring their little ones to the Lord by giving them to the pastor into his arms. And he raises them by faith to Christ and asks Christ to bless them.

And so, if you have a little one that--that you haven't dedicated to the Lord and you'd want to bring him while our sister plays the piano. "Bring them in," and we can sing it. How many knows the old song, "Bring them in?" That's fine.

Now, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Branham will bring their little one, and any of the rest that has some they want to bring, why, bring them right up at this time now for the dedication. All right.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in.

Bring the wand'ring ones to Jesus.

6 I want to show you another little Branham. Little Mary Ella Branham is the daughter of my brother and his beloved wife, that they have come forward this morning at the church to offer the little fellow life back to God Who gave it to them. And now, shall we bow our heads just a moment.

Our kind, heavenly Father, as standing here before You today, my own brother in flesh, and his bride, his wife. And Thou has so blessed their homes with this little Mary Ella to give them joy in the days that's ahead of them. I thank Thee for their remembrance of where the baby come from, and bringing it today to the church that they might present it back to You.

And I now give the baby to Thee in arms of faith and ask You to bless the little one who I hold. And may it live and grow, and if Jesus tarries, may it be a servant of Yours to serve Thee. Bless its father and mother. And God, grant that Your Holy Spirit will lead them through life's journey.

And if in someday when this earthly pilgrimage shall cease, may all the big family be gathered together in glory. Grant it, Lord. Until that time, may this child grow, and be blessed with God, be healthy and strong, and be an example of womanhood in its stage of...?... And we'll give Thee the praise, for we present the baby to Thee now in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

I give it back to you. God bless you. The Lord bless you. All right.

Precious memories how... my soul,

As they linger ever near me,

Precious sacred scenes unfold.

7 How we praise our dear Lord for all the little ones. You know, it just seems strange how we were once little like that. And there's something about a baby that's unselfish, so forgiving, and so kind. Even our Lord likened unto them and said, "Except ye become converted and be as one of these little ones." So easy.

I noticed my little Joseph, how he's just the age to be into everything, and the mother will just have to correct him, and he will pull the lamp off or whatevermore, just to hear it hit the floor. And then, if the mother happens to spank him or something, he will climb right up in her arms and put his arms around her like that.

We have to be forgiven to each other as these little children to enter into the Kingdom. Now, we thank God for this little baby, little Mary Ella Branham. And may it live, and grow, and prosper, and be a servant of the Lord. And may the home it's raised in be a Christian home, and so it can come up in the admiration of Christ.

8 And now, we are... Thank you Sister Gertie. And now, the little ones have taken their position in the room for Sunday school classes, and the pastor has--has made the announcements of where the services will be today and tomorrow. Tomorrow night...

This afternoon they'll... As far as I know, there's no services open, 'less it would be some of the little missions in Louisville that we're acquainted with, or Brother Durbin and many of them. I think they have a Sunday afternoon service.

I've got many calls. Many people are in the courts and so forth to be prayed for that's sick and afflicted. My next services will be at Cleveland, Tennessee, beginning next Friday night: Friday through Sunday. And then, we're coming right home and going to South Bend, Indiana, and for two nights there with dedication of the temple, Brother R. E. S. Thoms from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

And then from there, we go to Sturgis, Michigan, for two nights of service of Sturgis, Michigan. And then, go over to Lima, Ohio, to the Baptist people in Memorial auditorium in--in Lima, Ohio. That begins on January the twenty-third through the twenty-seventh. And then, from there, we go over to the West Coast, then, to the big meetings in California and Arizona. Be in prayer for us.

9 Tomorrow... Tonight at seven-thirty, will be the evangelistic services here at the Tabernacle, and everyone is invited. And tomorrow night, I have to--I'm going to speak for Brother Cauble at his--his midnight watch service. I'll be--my portion begins at nine till about nine-thirty. Then, I return back to the Tabernacle here where the meeting will already be in progress with visiting pastors and ministers, who will be here to have a portion in tomorrow night's service.

If you all like to hear pastors speak and express their ways of telling you how to begin the new year, and what to do, why, from the Scriptural standpoints, why, be sure to be here tomorrow night. Services beginning at seven-thirty as usual on seven-thirty.

And we'll continue on for--till midnight Sunday night. And then, or Monday night, rather. Then, after nine o 'clock, I... After I get through at Brother Cauble's, I'll be right straight back over here at the Tabernacle to begin and perhaps, maybe, finish what I--the sermon that I wish to start this morning.

Or I'm--kindy takes me a long time. I'm slow, you know, but, I like for it to get down on the right kind of a foundation, so there's no need just scattering it anywhere. I want it to lay there, and grow, and prosper for the Lord.

10 Now, there's a--a minister here this morning, a young minister that supposed to be, I suppose, in the Bel-Air Motel. I'm supposed to see him at--by two to three this afternoon. And--or is he in yet as I forget what the brother's name is. He's coming from down in Tennessee. He was healed of a broken back in my meeting and entered the ministry. The--this brother there. All right. That's fine. That's at a--it's from... Was it two to three, was it? I... Three--three, three to four. All right.

And then, there's another minister. I don't whether he's here yet or not. He's from way up in northern British Columbia.

11 One day when I was trying to buckle on some paniers on some horses, I guess or something. I had a beard about that long. We'd been back on a hunting trip several years ago. A man walked up and said, "Aren't you Brother Branham?"

I met a young lady in a store, said, "She'd never seen a woma--a--or never seen a--a--the city, a big city." And I guess she was four or five hundred miles from a city, maybe more than that. Hundreds of miles from a hardtop road in a little city called East Pines. I think there's one store there.

Way back in there, this couple walked up, and they're on their road to Cuba. I wonder if they're here this morning from northern British Columbia. Right here. Well, bless your heart, brother. We're glad to have you and your wife, missionaries traveling through; called me this morning from the--from the Star Motel. The Lord bless you. I'm--know all our brethren will be glad to shake their hands.

And a man that by a picture could recognize me with all that beard on, has a good discernment. Very fine. They were so gallant. The way up in there where there's no people hardly, way up on East Pines. And [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] it's going to be hard to say how few people there is through that country, but yet they were up there as missionaries trying to do something for the glory of God. I certainly appreciate them with all my hearts.

I know you all like to shake their hands and hear about the great northwestern country. And now...

12 Then the... I believe a Mrs. Roberson's mother is still very ill. I've got to see her this afternoon. And remember to pray for her. That'll be...

And then, the Lord willing, I'll be back here again at seven-thirty tonight. I think the McSpadden's back there as we're going to dinner with them around about six o'clock and give us time to get back. And then, we want to visit Mrs. Burns. Is Brother Burns in this morning? Is he here? Yes, I didn't see you, Brother Burns setting...

Sister Burns is very sick, very sick. And I was over the other evening to see her. And she is very sick, and a gallant soul she is. And we want everyone to constantly hold to God, because expressing it from this manner, not knowing who would be here. But, it'll take a miracle of God to bring Sister Burns back to the church again. That's right.

When her beloved husband just left the hospital up there at the veteran's hospital with cancer, condemned to die, and God healed him. And here he is back in the church and with very good health again as could be expected in this kind of time. And when the Lord healed him of a great, enlarged spleen with cancer in the same thing years and years ago.

13 And I remember the very time while Brother Wood setting there. I was in on a little vacation. We was out in the woods squirrel hunting. And Something said to me, "Go home." I went home. And why'd I go to Louisville? I'll never know.

And Brother Wood raised around Louisville, driving the wrong block around and around and around, trying to pick me up. And God was holding me on a corner waiting for Sister Burns to come tell me. And it was her, that gallant woman that come told me her husband was dying there in the hospital when we went there and prayed.

And she got down and took that picture that the Lord taken his picture of the Pillar of Fire. All of you seen it, I suppose. Set it down on the floor, and she said, "Dear God of heaven," she said, "Help me to find Brother Branham at once. I must do it."

And she said, "Angel of God guide me to him." That's what it takes. And she raises up and goes to town to pay a utility bill, and was strangely led around another corner, and God sent me from the woods to Louisville and held me on the corner for a half hour watching Brother Wood turn the wrong corner all the time up there trying to pick me up. See?

Now, we know that God knows where His little daughter's laying over there. And He might be expecting you to pray the prayer of faith. We'll do all we can.

14 Another thing we want to say this morning with not only bowed head, but hearts, to one of the loyalist men that I've--one of them that I've ever met in my life is our Brother Higgenbotham. His--our beloved sister has gone to be with the Lord Jesus, a gallant soldier of God. How many times have I seen her come to the altar.

Her longing was always to get to this prayer line where the Holy Spirit would tell her what was the trouble. She longed to do it. And how many times has she walked across this platform here, trying to find if the discernment would--would come.

And in other meetings and different places has she tried. But, it just simply wouldn't come, somehow. And then, a few weeks ago walking into the hospital down there, when I heard she was sick and it was late in the evening... And when I went into the hospital and set down by her side, there the Holy Spirit came down and went plumb back into life, and brought everything up, and put it right exactly where the trouble was.

But, the strange thing was, Sister Higgenbotham didn't even desire to stay here any longer. She wanted to go on. There's something calling her. She answered that call the other day to go be with God. And I'll always remember her. []

15 No wonder you feel bad when you're come into the city. It's rejected the Gospel. That's what's the matter. And doomed she is. The '37 flood won't be nothing till this is ended. But, yes, it's doomed, absolutely. And that's the reason the handwriting's on the wall.

And now, it's too bad we own the property, the things along here. But I heard the other day that some of our brethren got a ticket for parking even on the edge of the church lot there. Such a disgrace. I'll pay that ticket, if you'll just let me know what it was. That's a pity. Yes, sir.

But we--this... I think if the... I think we still own that. At least, the--the deed says so, pull right over on this here. And maybe you won't get a ticket over there.

But, I'm glad we're headed for a place where they don't drive...?... tickets. Aren't you? That's right. Wonderful. Yes, indeed.

16 Now, I'm not--I'm just going try to talk a little while this morning, 'cause I got a real head cold, and stopped up, and--and I want to talk--take a subject from the Old Testament, and just teach a while, the Lord willing. And then, maybe tonight if come back, the Lord willing, get back in time and not too worn out...

Oh, I just happened to think too. Brother Kelly setting here and Sister Kelly's to come up right at... You come as quick as you can after dinner, 'cause I'm just really moved out this afternoon with a lot of stuff, Brother Kelly. I remember the other night after I was leaving on a call when you all come in. All right. [A sister says something to Brother Branham--Ed.] Now, that's--that's all right, sister.

17 Now, then pray for me, and pray for the--my decisions of the Lord will be--will be for Him, the best that I can. Now, we want to turn over in the old book, the old--the last or the first book, the Genesis 35. And we wish to read just a little portion of the Scriptures here out of the book of Genesis. And we pray that God will richly add His blessings as a background of something we wish to teach on.

And how many likes Sunday school? Oh, that's... How many knows where it first originated? Don't see any hands. It's kind of... How many knows what it was first called? Where's my wife? She ought to know that. All right. It was... Yes? [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.]

Another missionary, God bless you. Brother who? Brother Neighbor. Where is he? Would you raise your hand, Brother Neighbor? God bless you, brother. Is that your wife with you? That is very fine. We're glad to have you and your family with us this morning.

18 You know you're in the will of God. You have to be when you're a missionary. You see? Because the general orders is, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." A man that's a missionary...

Now, I don't--I don't care too much... I... Missionary is a very fine word, but I got a better word for it. You're an apostle. See? That's right. Now, what does the word "apostle" mean? "One that's sent." What does the word "missionary" mean? "One that's sent." It's the same thing.

So, missionaries, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors make up the church. Is that right? Apostles, prophets they call. So, as long as you are a missionary or an apostle, you're one sent of God to a mission. And you're always right. God bless you is my--my prayer.

19 Brother and Sister Foss is on their way to Cuba to the fields, going from the frozen regions of the north to the tropical jungles of the South. But this Gospel must be preached in all the world. Amen. What a change. Where are you from, brother? [The brother answers Brother Branham--Ed.] Going to Israel.

Oh, I--I'd like to see Mabel setting back there. I'd call my wife and Mabel to sing for you.

They come from the East and the West,

They come from the lands afar,

To feast with the King, to dine as His guests;

How blessed these pilgrims are.

Beholding His hallowed face

Aglow with light Divine;

Blest partakers of His grace,

As gems in His crown to shine.

Won't it be wonderful that day? Amen. The Lord bless you to Israel, and you to the place you're going is my blessings to you brethren this morning. Amen.

20 Now, before we open the Bible, we know that this is text and God has a context wrote between the lines. You see? So, we can just read the text, and let God give us the context. So, let's bow our heads just a moment for prayer.

Our heavenly Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, we pray that You'd take these words that we shall read now, and bring them right into our hearts, and let us come softly, quietly, humbly, reverently into Thy Presence, and may the Holy Spirit take the Word of God and feed every heart. Including mine there, will You, Lord? For I ask it in Christ's Name. Amen.

All right, we'll read just a verse or two here, so that we can get just a little background. Genesis is the seed chapter; we know. All right. We'll begin with the 15th verse.

And a certain man found him... behold, he was wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou?

And he said, I seek my brethren: tell me, I pray thee... they feed their flocks.

And the man--and the man said, They are departed thence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan.

And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them...?... him to slay him.

And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.

21 And may the Lord grant His blessings to His Word. Now, the Genesis is always to me... Did I tell you what chapter that was? It's Genesis, I believe, if I seen... Genesis 37, and beginning with the 15th verse to you that mark it. Now, we--I believe I said 35 awhile ago. I had two pages together. I'm--I'm sorry. This little old Scofield Bible, and it--it's kinda hard for me to read, because I'm past forty, you know.

And my... They tell me I should have some reading glasses. I went and got my eyes examined when I got so I had to keep pushing my Bible away from me. And the doctor tells me my arm won't be long enough after while to get it back. And I'm got to... Said, "I need some reading glasses."

I examined my eyes, and they tested perfect ten, ten. But, I could see a hair laying on the floor somewhere there just as easy, but put it up close to me. He said, "When you get..." Said, "What makes your hair get gray?"

I said, "I don't know."

He said, "It's old age." He said, "That's what get wrong with a person's eyes when you pass forty. You're, actually your eyeballs get flat." And you just have to--to cope with it. That's all.

And I just keep putting it off and, "Well, I don't have time to go." But I--I will someday and get a--a readings to read by when I'm going to teaching more. But now, I just read a text and go on. And this is... I got this Bible many years ago, and it's real extremely fine print.

22 Now, in the Genesis, "Genesis" means "the beginning, the seed chapter." And remember that everything that there is today actually began in Genesis. It was beginning of all things. It was the beginning of--of salvation. It was beginning of sin. It was beginning of all the cults. It was the beginning of the true church. It was the beginning of the false church. It was the beginning of righteousness. It was the beginning of deceit. It was the beginning of, all things started in Genesis.

I wish we had just about three months on this, to stay right on this one subject and just dig it, tie it by the Holy Spirit by God's cords. And just wrap it together and watch how every word just dovetails right in with the other words: such a beautiful thing.

23 The Word of God is so inspiring, no matter what age, what time. Every man that's ever read this text through the... It's been written now for many hundreds yeah--pretty near three thousand more years. And every man that's ever read this text in every age is inspired by it, every verse of Scripture. There's nothing else can ever take its place.

A writing that was written back in another day. When it's read for that age, and for its purpose, it's settled. I might write you a letter and say, "My dear, beloved brother, today I have been over to a certain place and done such and such a time." That goes directly to you and that settles it.

Maybe for a court evidence or something, it could be brought up for an evidence against me or for me, to prove me something, or prove something against me. But it would not be the direct message as it would be when it's given to you.

24 But the Bible is not so. It's given to the human race and for all times and for all ages, because it is a written Word of God. See? His Words can never fail. They'll never die and as long as there is an eternity for ever and ever, these will still have the same meanings; because they are once come from the lips of God. See? Can't fail.

Just think of that, how eternal the Word of God is. They're life. Now, what is a word? A "word" is "a thought that's been expressed." And when God once thinks anything, it's just a thought. But when it's once expressed, it can never alter or change. It has to remain forever. 'Cause your word is just as good as you are. God's Word is as good as He is.

25 Your word is a part of you. Your promise is just as good as you can be. And God's promise is just as good as He can be. Now, as being a mortal, you can make a promise and have to break it, because you're just a mortal. I'm just a mortal. But God being immortal, and infinite, and omnipotent, omnipresent, He makes a statement, and He knows the end from the beginning. And He can keep it.

Abraham called those things which were not as though they were, because he was fully persuaded that what God had promised, God was able to perform. 'Cause He would have never made the promise, unless He knew what was going to be. See how we can rest upon His Word then?

No matter how hard the storm blows, what's contrary to it? Rest solemnly upon the Word. God said it Who seen the other side of the storm. See?

26 So, if you're sick just anchor your soul in the haven of rest. If you're perplexed and distressed, remember, He said, "I'll be with you always, even to the end of the world." And He's per--He said, "All things will work together for good to them that love the Lord." So, just stay right there.

One man wrote, a poet wrote, "My anchor holds within the veil." What is a veil? It's something that shuts off here from there. And the anchor is on the inside of the veil. You don't see how it's going to be. But you know that there's something that's got a hold of you that's got a hold up there.

27 And when the sea is blowing and storming... Did you ever... I guess, maybe some of you has never been privileged to see a ship anchored. Oh, my. I've rode them when they throw out a sea anchor like that, until the little craft couldn't even go over the top of the--the wave. It would go through the wave. But, as long as the anchor went out, that's all that makes any difference. Whether we go over it, under it, around it or through it, doesn't matter. The anchor holds.

That's the way when storms of life begin to shake us. We may have to go through. We may have to go over, under, around. But just let the anchor hold within the veil to the unseen. We don't know just exactly where it's at, but it's a holding.

Just like the little boy, you know, that had the kite. You've heard the old proverb, the story. Said, "How do you know you got a kite on the end of there?"

He said, "I can still feel it tugging." So, that's it. If we can feel it still tugging, God dealing with our hearts, then we know our anchor still holds.

28 I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who caught the lightning in the bottle who harnessed lightning electricity. Something within him called and said, "There's power in that." That power could be harnessed. And if it's that powerful to shoot the streets, and to burst the timbers, split open the ground; what could it do if it was once harnessed? It'll light and flash and hit the whole earth.

And Benjamin Franklin, I believe, fishing on his kite with a key tied on the end of the tail and a bottle down at the bottom. And when he got it, he didn't know what he had, but he begin to scream, "I got it. I got it." He didn't know what it was. He didn't know what he was going to do with it. But, he knowed he had something.

And that's the way with every man that's hopes are built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood with righteousness. And all around my soul gives way, then He's all my hope and stay. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sands. Once borned again, the Holy Spirit takes Its place into the heart.

29 Some young people may not or young or may be illiterate. No matter how it is, there's no one can explain it. So, don't feel bad because you're illiterate. You couldn't explain it. There's never been a man yet could explain it. No matter how smart or how intelligent. It's God's own secret.

But when that Word takes light in your heart and you see It, you scream, "I got it." You don't know what you're going to do with It. You don't know what It's going to do with you. But you know something's happened. And you got it.

Now, therefore on the Word; it's beautiful. Now, we're faced this morning and got before us under consideration to my opinion one of the most vital texts of the Old Testament. Joseph we're going to speak on meeting his brethren.

30 There could be a hundred different ways that the Holy Spirit get into this and unfold it to our hearts and mind. So, thinking this being a few days here, we might speak a little while this morning because of a tightness in the throat. And then, maybe pick it up again tonight, if the pastor has anything on his heart, and maybe carry it on through, and finish it up on Monday night.

If it so be that God provides it that way. Now, we're well acquainted with the characteristics of the Old Testament. How that all the old things was a shadow (Hebrews 11), a shadow of the things that are to come. How beautiful that is: how God foreshadows.

And when we feel this shadow as it was, we know that there's something beyond here, that God in His omnipotence in His great infinite mind, seeing something just fixing to happen; He could forewarn it. He could make everything work together, even the wrath of man to praise Him.

31 Even someone who treats you evil, as we're going to get after a bit if the Lord willing, how that Joseph's brother treated him evily, and he turned right back around and took that and made them praise Him. So, we haven't got a thing to worry about, not a thing.

How that God through that boy was foreshadowing the coming of the Lord Jesus, the first time and the coming of the Lord Jesus the second time, and worked it all out in a life that knowed nothing about what was going on. Amen. Don't that just do something to you?

To see poor little Joseph, why, he didn't know what was taking place, why all these things should happen; but it was all God working out, foreshowing, foreshadowing the things that were going to be.

32 And then, you could notice the Word, how you pick It up here and read It in Genesis, read in the middle of the Book, read in the last of the Book, and every word copes right with one another like that. And It was wrote thousands of years apart by hundreds of different men. See?

So, therefore, you see, it's all God, one not knowing the other or know what book was wrote, nothing about it, another time, another age. And we can see today that God is dealing just exactly like He did back there.

We're just now going, ending up in the new year from the shadowing of the old. And how that in the beginning, how that God when He seen sin going to take its domain over the earth and over the people. How that the great program had been perverted, not spoiled, not recreated, but just perverted...

33 See, Satan cannot create. He can only pervert. Everything that you see is wrong, that's righteousness perverted. See?

You see an old fortuneteller out on the street, that's just the prophets perverted. See? You see anything that's evil, see man living untrue to his vows to his wife; that's righteousness perverted into evil, vice versa.

See women on the street acting the way they do and becoming the way they are, that's ladies perverted.

34 I passed by Louisville the other day, wife and I, and I seen a sign on a window where we were coming from eating over on fifth street. And said, "Tables for ladies." I said, "They have never had a customer." No, a lady wouldn't go in there. When she goes in there, she's not a lady any more. See?

So, it never had a customer under that sign. Ladies don't go to those places. But, you see, what that is that goes in there is ladies perverted. See? All right.

35 Now, God, to make all things praise Him, we are celebrating the Christmas birth of the Lord Jesus, which it isn't just exactly His birthday. His birthday was in April. 'Cause it's just as cold in Judaea or colder in December than it is here. So, we realize that...

You see the picture the other day, the tanks up there and the snow and things like that in Judaea. Could you imagine shepherds laying out on a hill in weather like that? But, it isn't today, but it--the day doesn't mean so much. It's the--the attitude we have toward that day that's set apart.

36 Now, notice as soon as God seen the seed of the woman, how they had been misconstrued there, and righteousness had been perverted, God gave a promise that through that woman would come a blessed Seed. You get it? There would be a Seed.

And just as soon as Satan heard that, who was standing present; as soon as he heard it, he took in to destroy that Seed. And he tried to do it in Joseph. He tried all through the age. And he's still against that blessed Seed. Amen.

I want you to put on your deep thinking caps just for a minute now. As put on a helmet of salvation and listen close now. Here's something real vital. And you may disagree with it. It's all right. But, did you notice, as soon as there'd already been a--a conception, for Eve had already lived unrighteous and had committed the sin...

37 Where did that come from? That's in Genesis. Men today are trying to find the missing link between animal and man. This is revelation. The Bible said, that, "The serpent beguiled the woman."

Today, men can bring up animal life, and the closest animal they have to the human being is the chimpanzee. They could make him smoke a pipe, ride a bicycle, put on a hat, tip it. That's just like gee and haw to a horse. It's sound. He hasn't no soul. He can't think. He can only go by sound. He doesn't have a soul.

Then, they got a missing link right in between here, that they never have been able to find. And for six thousands years, they've tried to get one mutter out of a chimpanzee and can't do it. They never will.

38 But we know that we're animal life. We're plant life out of the earth. As I was saying the other day at our dear sister's funeral, we are a bunch of sixteen elements of the earth of cosmic light, and petroleums, and things put together. We were here when God spoke and said, "Let there be." Our bodies were.

But something, a Mastermind developed us into what we are now, made us with hands and arms and so forth, not to destroy us, but that we might live forever. Sin done the destroying. And He who made us without us having any--any idea of ever being here, He that made us, and brought these things together, and made us what we are now; can He not much more by giving us free mortal agency to accept it, and by the same Word that created us promise us that He'd raise us up again? How much more will all this petroleum come together, and the atoms, and so forth, in the--by the Word of God.

39 Now, in the beginning when God spoke, and Satan was standing there and he heard it... And the people are trying to find this missing link. I'll tell you by revelation, if--if you want to receive it, that missing person between animal and man is the serpent, before he had his legs taken from him.

The Bible said, "He was the most subtle of all the beasts (not reptile), of all the field." He was the one who beguiled the woman in his beauty. And she conceived, and now by doing that and seeing sin was coming, God put such a curse upon him till science will never find any relationship between this serpent as known today and mankind.

But, there is your fallen, degraded being between--that hooked the animal life together. There you are. God has hid it from the wise and prudent, but will reveal it to babes such as will learn. See? There's your fallen person.

The serpent, he was brought from way, the most subtle, the greatest, the most beautiful, the more like human being. And then because of this evil that he did with Eve; He brought him down to a reptile to go on his belly all the days of his life, and dust should be his meat.

40 There's where science could come to there, and their tree's knocked down. Notice now, as soon as the woman seen that she--the... Now, she was deceived. She didn't bring sin. She was deceived. She thought it was right.

But, "Adam was not deceived," said the Bible. He knowed it was wrong. And she had him to do the same thing that the beast had done, and she brought forth her first son, which all the traits of the devil was in that boy. He was a murderer; he was jealous. How could it come from that pure stream of God? It had to come from the evil.

And as soon as he did this, then he... The devil used his tool. She brought forth her second son which was after Adam, and in there was Abel. And right quick the devil tried to destroy that righteous seed. And he turned around and slew Abel to begin with which was type of Judas and Jesus. Slew him at the altar, to where Jesus--Judas slew--slew Jesus, betrayed Him for thirty pieces of silver and sold Him. All right.

41 But, notice, when he did that then God, a type of Christ, both death and resurrection, He raised up Seth to take his place. See? And the devil took after Seth. Now, watch.

Along before the antediluvian destruction, there was a long lineage of men who came down through the sons of Cain from the land of Nod, and they were scientists: smart, intelligent, marvelous men. They even tempered metals. They built homes. They were a marvelous civilization.

The Bible goes ahead, and said how they worked with copper, how they worked with metal. But this other group was wanderers. But both groups was religious. Cain was religious. Abel was religious. And God drawed a line which was right. Cain was just as religious as Abel. They both built altars. They both believed in God. They both worshipped God. They both brought gifts.

42 Now, watch them two seeds: One's fighting, the evil's tried to destroy the righteous seed. And he tried to destroy Abel. He did. But, God raised up Seth to take his place. He thought he had Jesus right there.

Look down through the age everywhere, he... Ever place he come, he cornered that seed. When he slew one or the other, he thought he had that. And finally, he--he took after John the Baptist. Finally, cut his head off. He thought he had him then; but he found out he was over here in Jesus. He slew all the babies. And Moses, he tried to kill Moses. He tried every way he could to destroy that seed.

And when he killed Christ at Calvary, but God raised Him up again the third day. And then He sent the Holy Ghost back to call sons, daughters of God. And that same evil, religious seed is persecuting that righteous seed yet today. You see it? They're trying to destroy that righteous branch of God.

43 Now, both sides, if you notice, is started in Genesis religious. On both sides, one of them denominational, high-minded, and the other one humble, walking in the Spirit by revelation. How could Abel ever know that it was a lamb instead of fruits from the field? Because it was revealed to him by a Divine revelation.

Jesus said the same when Peter confessed Him to be the--the Son of God. He said, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed this to you. Upon this rock (The rock, not Peter, not Jesus, but on the Divine revelation) I'll build My church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it." You get it? It's Divine revelation.

44 Now watch, every epoch of time, there, they met face to face and fought it out. Look at when Moab was up on the hill and Israel was in the valley. And Israel only asked him as a brother gentleman to pass through their land, going to the promised land, that God had promised them, only asked for a little revival in their church as it were. Just to pass through the land and promise they would even pay for the grass that the cattle licked up.

And they would go by the king's highway, and the things that they would do as they passed through the lands... And they would make it right. But, jealousy...

45 Now, Moab, the land of Moab was not infidelic. They were believing in the same God that Israel believed in, for they were the sons of Lot's daughters, Lot's daughter who conceived while Lot was drunk by her own father. And he went over and they fought--that's where these Moabs sprung from.

And when their prophet come out, their teacher, money crazed, and set at the altar, seven altars exactly the same amount of altars was required down here. Here's Moab setting here, the great fine denominational land all fixed and figured. And here was Israel, a little old holy-roller wandering about in tents from place to place.

You say, "A holy-roller?" They sure was. If they--if they're what they call today holy-roller. When they crossed the Red Sea, and God performed a miracle in front of them, Miriam grabbed a tambourine, and begin beating the tambourine, and running down the banks screaming, and jumping, and dancing in the Spirit; and the daughters of Israel followed her, jumping, screaming, dancing in the Spirit.

And Moses stood with his hands up, perhaps singing in a language that nobody had ever heard before, a song that nobody could understand. He sung to the Lord in the Spirit. If that isn't modern holy-rollers, I don't know where to look for them.

46 They had signs and wonders with them. Now, if God only respects the fundamental... Looky here, Moab Scripturally speaking was just as fundamental as Israel was. He had everything that Israel had. He had seven altars. That's what God required. Israel had seven altars. He had seven clean sacrifices. Israel had seven clean sacrifices. There's Cain and Abel again. See?

All right. He offered seven bullocks. He offered seven bullocks. He offered seven rams, speaking they believed that Christ would come. He offered seven rams, the same thing. Just as fundamental as fundamental could be.

Cain built an altar. Abel built an altar. Cain offered a sacrifice. Abel offered a sacrifice. Abel worshipped; Cain worshipped. But God vindicated, proved that Abel was His choice. God proved here that Israel was His choice, for Israel had a Supernatural in their camp. Although, of all their mistakes, they had a Pillar of Fire following them. They had an atonement for Divine healing and practiced Divine healing.

47 A serpent, they had a smitten rock. They had signs and wonders in the camp. When John came, he was supernatural. When Jesus came, It was supernatural. And the enemy on the fundamental side always persecuted the supernatural. You see what He's trying to do today? The same thing: "Blot out Divine healing, blot out these people. There's nothing to them. The dignitary's the great people. Blot it out." Brother, it's nothing but that vine twisting through Genesis coming into Revelation.

I take my side with the holy-rollers. Let it be whatever... I never seen a holy-roller. That's a name that the devil put on the Church of God when it don't belong there. They are not holy-rollers; they are sons and daughters of God misunderstood by the world.

48 Now, Joseph was borned of the--his father, and was loved of his father, and hated of his brethren. Now, notice, perfect picture of the Lord Jesus... I want you to notice how His life just types. In the Old Testament everything typed now. Look back there and see the picture; there's a shadow and you see what the positive is.

Now notice, Joseph being a type of Christ, a type of the Church, type of the Holy Spirit, type... He was a prince of prosperity, just as Christ is, just as the Church today. Notice again, that when he was born, his father loved him, and he made him a coat of many colors.

Now, there's only seven perfect colors in all colors. All others are made off these colors. And the coat, perhaps, had colors in it of seven different colors, stripes of colors into the coat that the father made. If you notice, maybe, Jacob didn't understand that at the time. But that signified, "promised one."

49 When God gave Noah the rainbow sign, the seven colors, it was a promise, or a covenant, one. God had made a covenant that He would destroy the world no more with water. And God's covenant was also carried over through Jacob into Joseph. Abraham was election, and Isaac was justification, and Israel was grace, and Joseph was perfection. That was the only one that had the colors.

We see Jesus setting upon the throne with the colors, rainbow around Him. In Revelations 1 it was God's covenant with the people. Christ... Here it is. Oh, how I want you to see it. Christ is God's Covenant with His people, not denominations, but Christ is God's Covenant.

As Joseph was hated, so is Christ hated today. They don't want to say they hate Christ. But their works prove what they do. They're against every move of Him. Speak of His action, His works, His marvelous doings, why, sure we have Satan at the camp too, a battling away. Certainly.

And they'll point to the words of Satan. But I don't care what Satan does to--to try to confuse; God's Word stands perfect and His promise is perfect. I'll never want to take sides with that group.

50 Notice, there He was, the Covenant. Christ was to look upon at Jasper and Sardis stone in Revelations. That was the breaststone, or the birthstone, rather, from Reuben to Benjamin. That was the reflection of the Sardis and Jasper as they reflected together under the Light of God, made the covenant around Christ, the rainbow. And what does it speak of? Reuben, the oldest, Benjamin, the youngest. From first to the last, He was the One that was, which is, and shall come, The Root, the Offspring of David; He's the Morning Star. He's from A to Z, the Alpha, the Omega, God's reflection from the beginning of time to the end of time. There He is, God's Covenant with His people.

And all these other things, Joseph, David, all the prophets was just a reflection (Amen.), reflecting from the true Seed from the garden of Eden, till the time that He shall come the second time in glory to receive His people and His Church. There it is, beautiful to look upon.

51 Joseph, his brothers were arrogant with him. They hated him without a cause, because he was supernaturally inspired. You get it? Cain hated Abel without a cause, because of being supernatural inspired.

Moab hated Israel without a cause, because they had Divine healing, signs, wonders, and miracles, hated him without a cause and wouldn't let him pass through the...

52 []"...?... have your brother's wife." Amen.

Now, my beloved friends, I want to bring something to your memory. Now, I want you to put it down below the fifth rib on the left side in the tent of that compartment called heart. Never in any age or at any time that God ever inspired a man, did He ever go on the religious side, so-called religious, people of the world. Never did He take up with denominations. Ne--always, He stood out against and against the denominations of the day and against the religious order of the day.

Show me one prophet, show me one time through the Bible that any man of God ever coped with the so-called religious moves of his day. Amen.

53 Even Elijah, after being in the school of the prophets, why, when he went up there, they wanted him to leave. He said, "It's too straight here." You see?

Ahab, one of the religious leaders of his day... Elijah separated himself to Mount Carmel. Watch the John the Baptist separate himself. Never even went to their school to learn their theology. But God sent him into the wilderness to prepare him for a work.

Cain's outfit has never been able to put their ecclesiastical jacket on a man of God. It won't fit. That's right.

54 Notice, through the ages, and when Jesus comes, never did He consult any of the theologians, but called them a bunch of vipers or snakes in the grass. Never did the ascip--disciples ever cope with any of their denominations. They were on the side of Abel. Never did Joseph ever cope with them. He was hated and rejected for the same purpose that the rest of them was, because God was with him in the supernatural's way, and in a different way than what He was with the rest of them. And they hated him without a cause.

Cain hated Abel without a cause. The brethren hated Joseph without a cause. And today, the denominational world, no matter how great it is... I take my hat off and say, "Thank God for them." But in all of their great teachings, their great churches, the great things, still in all of it, God calls out men having nothing to do with it, because they won't cope with the supernatural.

55 There's the move on today. And they hate that move without a cause. I heard a man say the other day, that almost turned my blood to water, for here a man with the influence, a great Baptist preacher. And he was talking about, that it was not Scriptural for anyone to worship the virgin Mary. How true that is. That's right.

He said, "There's no Scripture to worship anybody except Christ." That's right. He said, "God was in Christ, and in Him was the fulness of the Godhead." That's right. And then after all that nice, wonderful, Scripture teaching, turns back around and said, "Never was there a miracle done in the world." Because he's so hard against Divine healing, turned around and said, "There never was a miracle done after the death of Christ. No one never raised the dead after Christ, because that He was the only One Who had Eternal Life."

But, I say unto you, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God told His disciples to go and preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and raise the dead, and clean the lepers. That's what Jesus told His disciples. How can men become so religiously blind? They become narrow minded, because of denominational barriers, and hate their brethren without a cause. You see it? So narrow, so little they do it because of their prestige.

56 A great minister of the land today was asked why he didn't receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, after it was presented by other man of his standing, who had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He said, "It would hurt my ministry."

If you tell me any time... It might hurt an individual's ministry, but it'll never hurt the ministry of Jesus Christ...?... It will further the cause of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

But this Mr. Doctor said, that, "Never was a person ever raised from the dead." Said, "I know there's a bunch of holy-rollers in the land today, that claim that they've seen the dead raised and stuff. There's never a scientific proof of any healings or anything else."

57 Now, you see, here it is, my brother and sister. I want you to notice this real close. The reason that is is this. Today men... In the days of the Lord Jesus, in the days of the Testaments when man believed in God, they heard of a miracle being performed; they never tried to scientifically prove it. They accepted it. They just believed it, for they knowed that God was.

But today, the infidelic group has got into the religious moves, and he's so trying to prove things scientifically. And let me say this as it's coming from heaven, I believe, to my heart. There is never a time that it could be proved, because if you could prove God, then He's no more accepted by faith. It is a proof. We believe God and His miracles; by faith we call those things which are not as though they were, because God said so. No matter what it is.

58 Abraham could not prove that Sarah's milk veins wasn't dried up. He could not prove that--that the tubes, and so forth become impregnated. They--she could--they couldn't prove none of this. They couldn't prove, maybe, by the tests of the seed that they were fertile; but he believed it anyhow and rejected anything that was contrary to it, and called those things that were not as though they were, because within the veil, the hope of God rested on the Word of God, and called those things, scientific or not, the truth because God said so. There you are.

We believe; by faith we receive it. But if the brother, not disputing with him. I don't believe in that. But if the brother would only read that how Paul was stoned to death, and the saints stood over him and prayed till life come back in him. How that Paul preached all night one night. And a man fell out of an upper loft and killed himself, a young man. And Paul laid his body up over him, and the spirit of life come back in him again.

59 How that Elijah raised the woman's baby after it was dead even eight hundred years before the coming of Christ. Men even without the blessing of the Holy Ghost done miracles, that these fellows are afraid to attack with the Holy Ghost. My, my. How pitiful. Why? It's because they are arrogant and they hate their brethren without a cause, just as Joseph was hated without a cause. You see it? He was hated, not because that he was worthy to be hated, because without a cause. They did not believe him. He was living in a different realm.

And I say this now, as our time is getting short. I say this with all trueness of heart. They hate the Church today that has the supernatural. It's jealousy. It's petty jealousy. And it exists among human beings. The disciples had it. They were so ashamed of themselves, because ten days before, God gave them power to heal the sick, and to cast out devils, and raise the dead. And they had an epilepsy boy before them and had failed.

And Jesus when He come down off the mount and healed the boy, and they asked Him why could we not. He didn't say, "I--I have took My power back." He said, "I give you power." I show you where He give it to the church, but you can't show me where He ever took it back. See?

What did Jesus rest His solemn words upon? "Because of your unbelief."

60 And then a few days later, they found a man who was not in their ecclesiastical realm. He'd heard Jesus pronounce these things, and he was getting the job done. He was casting out devils. And Peter and John come to tell him he had to belong to their group or he couldn't do this. "You'll have to follow us and make up with us. We're the church and you got to do it." He let them know to tend to their own business. He was getting along pretty well without joining their organization.

So like little sissy petty's as we have today, little juvenile children's ideas, run back and said, "We found him, and he was casting out devils." And what was it? They were jealous, because he was doing what they couldn't do. They had got carnal. Their eyes of their understanding was like Joseph's brethren, had not been yet enlightened. So they come back, and tattled on him, and told Jesus. And Jesus said, "Let him alone. (Amen.) He's doing a good work. He's doing what I commanded you to do, and you failed to do it."

61 God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. So now, my beloved Methodist, and Baptist, and Presbyterian brethren, because that you think it has to come through your church, God's able of these holy-rollers to rise stones unto Abraham. That's right. He will have somebody that's going to do His work. That's right. With all their failures, and blunders, and whatmore they make... So did Israel make the same thing, but that righteous seed is moving on. I'm so glad I can say I'm one of them.

By the grace of God today, we're one of those. I'm so happy for it. Aren't you? My heart rejoices at the beginning of this new year's to know that God through His amazing grace has included my name in the Book of Life, to give me the understanding that I am associated among His people who are outcasts. And with the disciples, I might say this, I count it a privilege to bear the reproach of His Name. Yes, sir. I'm so glad that I am one of them.

62 And now, we begin here with Joseph on the next service which may be tonight or Monday night one, 'cause our time is up. But, I love Him. Don't you love Him? He is wonderful. And I'm so glad today, that I can join hands with that long string of despised, and rejected, and hated by the ecclesiastics down through the land, here they are. They are the lower. That's right. The ecclesiastical sphere speaking of the world educationally and socially speaking, they are above them. And we are glad to be humble, because those that will humble themselves, God will someday come the second time in glory to exalt His Church. Until then, let's earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Let us pray.

And now, with our heads bowed, I just wonder if there would be one this morning, or many I hope that has never yet accepted this Christ, and His great blessings, and His great powers; and we are wondering today, if you would make your choice today, and say, "Lord Jesus, it is I, and I desire to be Your servant with all my heart to take the way with the Lord's despised few. I see now, Lord, it's not what the world speaks of; it's what Your Bible speaks of. It's not what the world calls me. They hate me as they did Joseph. They hate me as they did Abel. They hate me as they did John. They hate me as they did Daniel. They hate me as they did Ezekiel, Zechariah. They hate me as they did Jesus. They hate me as they did the apostles and those who followed You; without a cause. Lord, I pray for them."

63 Have you ever received an experience like that that you have come out, and we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, offering spiritual sacrifices to God: that is, the fruits of our lips giving Him praise. Could you stand in the midst of the troubled world? Could you stand before your boss? Could you stand with a humility in your heart, with love in your heart for the sinners of this world, with the Life of Christ within you, and give a testimony and praise to the glory of God?

If you haven't that experience, why not begin the world, the life, the everything anew today by raising your hand to Him and saying, "I now, Lord, accept that and want You to give me the baptism of the Spirit."

64 Now, our heavenly Father, the little church this morning stands, we know picked, shot at. The enemy has oppressed her, shooting its arrows. And we pray for their sinful souls, Lord. They don't know that they're blinded by the god of this world. The church, generally, all over the world today, the enemy, the religious people has shot at them with every arrow. But in spite of all of it, the great revival moves on.

Thousands of humble, poor neglected children has stumbled into these places and seen Your miraculous hand, has been filled with the Holy Spirit, and they're no longer of this world; they're pilgrims and strangers. They care not for the world, but they're seeking a city to come whose Builder and Maker is God. They've seen Your healing power to heal the sick. Your signs and wonders will be wrought amongst Your people. Great things break loose in the spite of the places where they condemn it and try to hold it down. Your servants move right in and set up a revival, and they sweep the humble into the Kingdom of God.

65 In our midst this morning, we're privileged to have these missionaries who are leaving into the other lands, one leaving into Israel. Oh, God, there it is. Pour out Your Spirit with him, Lord. And may great things be accomplished and cause those poor wandering Jews to come back. May they receive the Holy Ghost as their fathers did at the beginning.

Here's a brother going out into Cuba, out into the islands. You said, "Unto the utmost parts of the earth." Something pulling, tugging at these brethren's heart. Leaving their homes, their loved ones, not caring for the pleasures and good times of this world, but going out in the barren lands yonder under the opposer trying to stop the work. But just like the ox who brought the cart back with the commandments on it and the ark of the covenant, they left their little ones a bawling and they went down the road lowing, singing, going down to the rock.

66 We thank Thee for every minister we see setting back in our congregation. Brother John, this morning, also, out of Germany, how he's been raised up poor; pulled a little wagon across the nation, preaching the Gospel. Thank You for him. And these young man and other ministers who are setting close and all the laity... When I ask, Father, believing that under a time like this, that if a man or woman did not have Christ in their heart, they'd have raised their hand, surely, seeing all the proof of the Gospel that You're the same and Your Church is the same.

I thank You for everyone. I pray that You'll bless them and heal their bodies if they're sick, and grant unto them the desires of their heart. Grant this, Father, we ask in Jesus' Name.

67 And with our heads bowed, let's just meditate a few moments. Just be in prayer, softly. []

The first one to die for this Holy Ghost plan,

Was John the Baptist, but he died like a man;

Then, came the Lord Jesus, they crucified Him,

He preached that the Spirit would save men from sin.

Then they stoned Stephen, he preached against sin.

They... so angry, they dashed his head in;

But he died in the Spirit, He gave up the Ghost,

And went to join the others that life-giving host.

There was Peter and Paul, and John the Divine,

They gave up their lives so this gospel could shine;

They mingled their blood like the prophets of old,

(That still seed persecuted)

So the true Word of God could honest be told.

There was souls under the altar crying, "How long?"

For the Lord to punish those who've done wrong;

But there's going to be more who will give their life's blood

For this Holy Ghost gospel and Its crimson flood.

Keeps dripping with blood, yes, it's dripping with blood.

This Holy Ghost gospel, It's dripping with blood,

The blood of disciples who died for the Truth,

This Holy Ghost gospel is dripping with blood.

[Brother Branham hums--Ed.]

[Brother Branham hums--Ed.]

68 Oh, God, come Lord Jesus. Mold us now, while we're humble before You. Take all indifference from our lives, out of our hearts. While the--the sweetness of the Spirit seems to have the eyes colored, God taking His Word now and watering It. We're so happy that You've included us, Father, to be bearers of the Gospel.

We pray for every need of the church. We pray for our beloved pastor. Oh, God, faithful servant, never tiring, always ready to go. Speak to his heart today and let him know that there's a great reward waiting there for those faithful pastors when they gather yonder on the other side with all the redeemed. Bless other pastors, and the missionaries, and the members of the body of Christ everywhere.

69 Forgive us of our shortcomings, Lord. And now, if there is a need in our hearts, Lord, won't You, while You're present bless us? If there's sickness in our midst, Lord, someone may who's come into the little church today, and they look yonder, and they see Calvary, see there where the real Seed, where Satan thought he could destroy It with death... But God raised it up again. Just can't do it. God's made a promise, and God stays with His promise. And every promise is true.

You promised us Eternal Life, and we have It. We feeled It. There's something in us moving that we can't explain. Oh, God, in the midst of trouble we feel some holds back yonder just set still. Storms may hit the sea; the ship may rock our little bark. You'll make a way over, under, around, or through it some way. So, we're laying right against the Word, Lord.

70 And I pray now that if someone's sick and the meeting, that this Spirit's that's in the building right now, move down in great love, say, "Child of Mine, this is Me. I'm the Father Who created you. I was the One who brought the--the elements from the earth that formed you what you are. Satan's trying to get in on My work. Take My promise, child."

And this prayer of faith I'll offer, believing that You're here. Let Thy hands, Lord, stretch forth to every heart and the sickness depart from the people. I rebuke the devil, the devil of oppression, the devil of fear, the devil of sickness of all kind; Thou has said, "In My Name they shall cast out devils." In the unity of this church and this Spirit this morning, we cast away every evil from the people, that we go from here clean by the Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus as we humbly accept it.

71 Bless us in the farther exercises. Bless us in whatever we do. Go with the ministers, and with the evangelists, and with the missionaries and to their places, Lord. Grant someday that we'll meet at--at Your feet. Then we'll lay our trophies down. God, they'll be of all types. They'll be the white man, the yellow man, the black man. All together we'll say, "Lord, here they are." What a day of rejoicing that'll be.

Let us work while it's day, for night comes when no man can work. We ask these blessings in the beloved Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Amen.

All things are possible, only believe.

Only believe, only believe. (What is it?)

All things are possible, only believe.

How many had a need and can believe right now, you raise up your hand, say, "Now, I receive."

Now, I receive, now, I receive,

All things are possible, now, I receive.

Now, I receive, now, I receive,

All things are possible, now I receive.

72 Now, let's just bow our heads just a moment now. Just continue on, sister, on the piano if you will. You receiving? You say, "Brother Branham, I've been sick for a time. There's been something look like I just couldn't overcome. I've been prayed for by individuals." That's good, brother, sister. But did you ever think what it is? It's that little promise that's been given you. All things are possible to him that believeth.

Why don't you cast that right into Calvary this morning? Just hold the end of it here, the Spirit that give it to you. Cast it right into Calvary, and say, "There my anchor holds. Now, I receive right now. It's all over right now. No matter what takes place right now; my anchor holds within the veil. And I receive just what I ask for. I know I have it. God's Word said so. God, I'm looking to You, now." Maybe, you had worries, financial troubles, whatever it is. No matter what it is, cast it right yonder against Calvary, for all things--all things are possible, only believe.

73 Just letting it soak in real sweetly. Isn't it wonderful? This is my time of the service. The Word's been sowed. You see? Now, God's watering It. Can't you just feel that re--that soothing, refreshing from the Presence of God, just coming down and watering It, say now, "Here child, I--I'll come with My Word. I'll honor My Word. I'll watch over It day and night. I'm watering It now in your heart. Can't you just take Me and believe Me?" For all things (what) are possible, only believe.

My, how wonderful, how wonderful. Just to soak in, just feel the water coming down over the seeds. What is it? The righteous Seed, It's been sowed in your heart. It's God's Word. That's the Seed that--that's the Holy Ghost, the Seed that God promised in the beginning. You're Abraham's seed by being dead in Christ and take on Abraham's seed, and are heirs according to the promise. The Holy Ghost come from the Seed of Abraham which makes you sons and daughters of God.

74 Now, that's the Holy Ghost watering that promise that you took awhile ago for your healing, for your salvation, for a better walk, for the fear to leave you, for whatever you have need of, for that journey down to the islands, for that journey over to the homelands of Israel, to your church, to your place, wherever it is, to your home. That's the Holy Ghost saying, "That's Me. I'm with you, go on. I'm leading the way. You--you just keep on moving. That's Me."

There's Honey in the Rock for you;

Leave your sins for the blood to cover,

There's Honey in the Rock for you. (Shall we stand.)

Oh, go out to the streets and byways,

Preach the Word...

Say to every fallen brother,

There's Honey in the Rock for you.

Oh, there's Honey in the Rock, my brother,

There's Honey in the Rock for you,

Leave your sins for blood to cover;

There's Honey in the Rock for you.

75 Now, look, don't want you to leave yet. I want you to see somebody standing near you, shake their hand, say, "God bless you, brother, sister." Whoever it is. Just turn right around. This is little old interdenominational Tabernacle. We're just on our journey, peculiar people. All right.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious name! (Precious name!)

.. (O how sweet.)

Hope of earth and joy of heaven;

Precious name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of heaven.

Now, everybody look this way now. Let's:

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of Kings and heaven will crown Him

When our journey is complete.

Precious name, (Precious name,) (O how sweet!)

Hope of earth and joy of heaven.

Precious name, (Precious name,) oh, how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of heaven.

76 Now, while we bow our heads to the Lord Jesus. It's been a great jubilee, a great feast, a Pentecostal feast on the Word, and the things of God, on His Holy Spirit. We want to pray God's blessings upon our missionary brethren, who are going into the field now, and God speed them right straight. We give you a promise. We'll be praying for you, brother and sister, their wives, their loved ones. Think what them women are going through with. I know by my own wife.

To the pastors, or Brother Jackson, and--and I guess Brother Beeler's back there and many other of the pastors, Teddy, back here a young minister. Many others who are here, we just pray God's blessings. A young brother here from down in the Church of God that we're to see this afternoon. We pray the blessings upon him, evangelist, I believe it is, isn't it brother? What is your name? Brother Ward? Morgan, Brother Morgan, just so happy to have them all here.

77 And now, while we bow our heads now to Him and look. There's a humble little brother standing in the back of the building. He pulls a little wagon, I understand, across the nation. Lot of them know him as prophet John. We call him Brother John around here. I always had a respect for the man, but the other day I was up visiting some friends of mine. That's Brother, Sister Jimmy O'Neil up at Sellersburg. That's the son-in-law of Brother and Sister Greene. They're present this morning.

And Brother John had been in their home and they told me what a real Christian gentleman he was. And they give me his life of what he had told them, and how he had come up through hard trials. And he's had a hard way. And we're going to ask him this morning if he will dismiss this congregation, and ask his blessing from God upon this congregation. Will you do that for us Brother Johnny as you--all bow our heads, and Brother John, if you'll dismiss us in prayer.

1Mám dostatok hlasu, aby som trochu prehovoril, a už som mal nejaký čas boľavé hrdlo a dnes ráno som bol hrozne prechladnutý. Vyzerá to, že zakaždým, keď prídem nejako rovno do tohto údolia...

 Včera som hovoril s niektorými bratmi, keď sme boli hore na kopcoch v New Albany a dívali sme sa dolu. Povedal som, „To je ten dôvod.“ Je to len hmla, ktorá tu visí ako smog nad celým mestom.

 A hneď, ako prídem sem do tohto okolia, práve, ako tu dolu vpadnem, to ide znovu, hneď, ako prichádzam. Ó, musím si vziať stan a vyjsť na vrchol kopca a niekde stanovať. Pretože my sme len pútnici a cudzinci, každopádne, či nehľadáme mesto, ktorého Staviteľom a Tvorcom je Boh? To je to, čo milujeme.

2No, máme teraz ráno pred bohoslužbou alebo pred vyučovaním nedeľnej školy, máme posvätenie malých detí. A môj brat má malého, ktorého chce venovať Pánovi, môj brat v tele. A možno niektoré z vás ostatných matiek a otcov budete mať maličkého, ktorého by ste chceli dať požehnať.

 No, mnohokrát v Biblii... A bolo mnoho rozkolov v cirkvách kvôli rôznym teóriám o krste nemluvniat, a tak ďalej. A teraz tí, ktorí ich berú a kropia ich pri krste nemluvniat, to je na každom, akým spôsobom ich chcete venovať. Ale celá vec sa spája s jednou vecou, s odovzdaním Pánovi.

3A teraz, pretože dieťa je ďaleko od hriechu, nemá žiaden hriech. Ježiš zomrel, aby sňal hriechy sveta a dieťa neurobilo žiaden hriech. Len to bolo - je to hriešnik. Je to zrodené v hriechu. Ale keď Kristus zomrel na Golgote, odstránil hriechy sveta a to dieťa nie je zodpovedné, kým sa nedostane do veku zodpovednosti.

 A každé malé dieťa, bez ohľadu na to, akí sú rodičia hriešni, akonáhle zomrie, ide rovno do náručia Krista. Rozumiete? Pretože On zaplatil cenu. Nezáleží na tom, či to bolo dieťa narodené v hriechu, z cudzoložstva, alebo čokoľvek to je. Nerobí to žiaden rozdiel. To dieťa je v bezpečí s Kristom, pretože On zomrel, aby sňal hriechy sveta.

 A keď teraz zostarne, keď sa to stalo osobným hriechom, potom musí činiť pokánie za to, čo urobilo. Ale nemá osobný hriech, kým nie je dosť staré na spáchanie hriechu, aby vedelo, čo je správne a čo nesprávne.

4Ale teraz sa vždy snažíme zostať pri týchto veciach tak blízko Biblie, ako len vieme. No, v Biblii nie je žiadne Písmo, ktoré by podporovalo kropenie detí. Jediná vec, ktorú nachádzame... ani nenachádzame žiaden krst nemluvniat v Biblii v žiadnej forme. Jediné miesto, ktoré môžeme nájsť, je tu napísané v Písme, že Ježišovi priniesli malé deti. A On ich vzal do Svojho náručia a požehnal ich a povedal, „Nechajte malé deti prísť ku Mne a nebráňte im, lebo takých je nebeské Kráľovstvo.“

 No, to... No, keď On išiel k Bohu a dnes sedí na pravici vo Svojom telesnom tele na tróne Božom... A On poveril Svoju Cirkev, aby išla do celého sveta a aby sme pokračovali v skutkoch, ktoré On začal tu, keď bol tu na zemi: to je kázanie Evanjelia, uzdravovanie chorých a zasvätenie detí, a tak ďalej.

5Preto sa od milovaných žiada, aby priniesli svoje maličké k Pánovi tým, že ich dajú pastorovi do náručia. A On ich pozdvihuje vierou ku Kristovi a prosí Krista, aby ich požehnal.

 A tak, ak máte malého, ktorého ste nezasvätili Pánovi, a chcete ho priviesť, zatiaľ čo naša sestra hrá na klavíri. „Priveďte ich,“ a môžeme to zaspievať. Koľkí z vás poznajú tú starú pieseň, „Priveďte ich?“ To je pekné.

 No, manželia Henry Branhamovci privedú svoje maličké a ktokoľvek z ostatných, ktorí majú nejaké, ktoré chcú priniesť, prineste ich práve teraz, aby boli odovzdané. V poriadku.

 Priveďte ich, priveďte ich,

 Prineste ich z polí hriechu;

 Priveďte ich, priveďte ich.

 Prineste putujúcich Ježišovi.

6Chcem vám ukázať ešte jedného malého Branhama. Malá Mária Ella Branham je dcérou môjho brata a jeho milovanej manželky, ktorí dnes ráno prišli do zboru, aby odovzdali život tohto malého človeka späť Bohu, ktorý mu ho dal. A teraz, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

 Náš milý nebeský Otče, ako tu dnes stojíme pred Tebou, môj vlastný brat v tele a jeho nevesta, jeho manželka. A Ty si tak požehnal ich domov touto malou Máriou Ellou, aby si im dal radosť v dňoch, ktoré sú pred nimi. Ďakujem Ti za to, že pamätáš, odkiaľ to dieťa pochádza, a že ho dnes priniesli do cirkvi, aby ho mohli predstaviť Tebe.

 A teraz dávam to dieťa v náručí viery Tebe a prosím Ťa, aby si požehnal túto maličkú, ktorú držím. A nech žije a rastie, a ak Ježiš bude predlievať, nech je Tvojou služobníčkou, aby Ti slúžila. Požehnaj jej otca a matku. A, Bože, daj, aby ich Tvoj Svätý Duch sprevádzal počas životnej púte.

 A jedného dňa, keď táto pozemská púť skončí, nech sa celá tá veľká rodina zhromaždí v sláve. Udeľ to, Pane. Až do toho času, nech toto dieťa vyrastie a bude požehnané Bohom, nech je zdravé a silné a nech je príkladom ženstva, keď vyrastie...?... A dáme Ti chválu, lebo predstavujeme toto dieťatko teraz Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

 Vraciam vám ju. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Pán žehná. V poriadku.

 Vzácne spomienky, ako...

 ... do mojej duše,

 Keď sa zdržiavajú blízko mňa,

 Odvíjajú sa drahé posvätné scény.

7Ako chválime nášho drahého Pána za všetkých maličkých. Viete, zdá sa to divné, že aj my sme raz boli takí malí. A je niečo na dieťati, ktoré je nesebecké, také zhovievavé a také láskavé. Dokonca náš Pán ich pripodobnil a povedal, „Ak by ste sa neobrátili a neboli ako jeden z týchto maličkých.“ Jednoducho.

 Všimol som si môjho malého Jozefa, ako sa púšťa do všetkého, a mama ho bude musieť naprávať. Ako vytiahne lampu, alebo niečo, len aby počul, ako dopadne na zem. A potom, ak mu mama náhodou naloží alebo niečo, vylezie na ňu a takto ju objíme.

 Musíme si navzájom odpustiť ako tieto malé deti, aby sme vstúpili do Kráľovstva. No, ďakujeme Bohu za toto malé dieťa, malú Mary Ellu Branham. A nech žije a rastie a prosperuje a je služobníčkou Pánovou. A nech ten domov, v ktorom je vychovávaná, je kresťanským domovom, a tak to môže vyjsť na obdiv Krista.

8A teraz sme... Ďakujem, sestra Gertie. A teraz, tí najmenší zaujali svoje miesto v miestnosti pre hodiny nedeľnej školy a pastor urobil oznámenia, kde budú bohoslužby dnes a zajtra. Zajtra večer...

 Dnes popoludní budú... Pokiaľ viem, neprebiehajú žiadne bohoslužby, jedine, že by to boli niektoré z tých malých misií v Louisville, o ktorých vieme, alebo brat Durbin a ďalší. Myslím, že majú nedeľné popoludňajšie zhromaždenie.

 Mám veľa telefonátov. Mnoho ľudí je na súdoch, a tak ďalej, aby sa modlili za chorých a postihnutých. Moje ďalšie bohoslužby budú v Clevelande v Tennessee a budúci piatok večer: od piatka do nedele. A potom pôjdeme rovno domov a pôjdeme do South Bend v Indiane a na dva večery pre posvätenie chrámu, s bratom R.E.S. Thomsom zo Saskatoonu v Saskatchewane.

 A potom odtiaľ ideme do Sturgisu v Michigane na dva večery služby v Sturgise v Michigane. A potom pôjdeme do Limy, v Ohiu, ku baptistickým ľuďom v Pamätnej sále v Lime, Ohio. To sa začína od dvadsiateho tretieho do dvadsiateho siedmeho. A potom odtiaľ ideme na západné pobrežie, potom na veľké zhromaždenia v Kalifornii a Arizone. Buďte za nás na modlitbe.

9Zajtra... Dnes večer o pol siedmej budú evanjelizačné zhromaždenia tu v modlitebni a všetci sú pozvaní. A zajtra večer musím kázať u brata Caubela v jeho polnočnej hliadkovej službe. Budem... moja časť sa začína o deviatej do pol desiatej. Potom sa vraciam späť do modlitebne, kde už bude prebiehať zhromaždenie s hosťujúcimi pastormi a kazateľmi, ktorí tu budú, aby mali účasť na službe zajtra večer.

 Ak všetci radi počúvate pastorov, ako kážu a vyjadrujú sa a hovoria svojím spôsobom, ako začať nový rok a čo robiť z hľadiska Písma, no, určite tu buďte zajtra večer. Bohoslužby začínajú o pol siedmej, ako obyčajne, o pol siedmej.

 A budeme pokračovať ďalej až do nedeľnej noci, do polnoci. A potom, alebo vlastne do pondelka večera. Potom, po deviatej hodine... Keď prejdem k bratovi Caubelovi, budem tu v Modlitebni, aby som začal a možno dokončil to, čo chcem, kázeň, ktorú si prajem začať dnes ráno.

 Trvá mi to trochu dlho. Som pomalý, viete, ale páči sa mi, aby bol postavený správny druh základu, takže nie je potrebné to len tak letmo rozhodiť. Chcem, aby to tam ležalo a rástlo a prosperovalo pre Pána.

10No, dnes ráno je tu jeden kazateľ, mladý kazateľ, ktorý mal byť, myslím, v moteli Bel-Air. Mám ho ísť navštíviť dnes popoludní o druhej až tretej. Alebo je ešte stále tam, zabudol som, ako sa ten brat volá. On prichádza zdola z Tennessee. Bol uzdravený na mojom zhromaždení zo zlomeniny chrbta a vstúpil do služby. To je ten brat tam. V poriadku. To je v poriadku. To je na... to je od... Boli to dve až tri, že? Ja... Tri-tri, tri až štyri. V poriadku.

 A potom je tu ešte jeden kazateľ. Neviem, či je tu alebo nie. Je  až zo severnej Britskej Kolumbie.

11Jedného dňa, keď som sa práve snažil osedlať niektoré kone, alebo niečo, mal som asi takúto dlhú bradu. Boli sme pred niekoľkými rokmi na poľovačke. Prišiel nejaký muž a povedal, „Či nie si brat Branham?“

 Stretol som v obchode jednu slečnu a povedal som, „Nikdy nevidela žiadne mesto, veľké mesto.“ A myslím, že bola štyristo alebo päťsto míľ od mesta, možno viac ako to. Stovky míľ od pevnej cesty v malom meste zvanom East Pines. Myslím, že je tam jeden obchod.

 Cestou tam prišiel tento pár a sú na ceste na Kubu. Som zvedavý, či sú dnes ráno tu, zo severnej Britskej Kolumbie. Tu sú. No, nech je požehnané tvoje srdce, brat. Sme radi, že ty a tvoja manželka cestujete ako misionári; zavolal mi dnes ráno z motela Star. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Viem, že všetci naši bratia si s tebou radi potrasú ruku.

 A človek, ktorý ma spoznáva s celou tou bradou, má dobré rozlíšenie. Veľmi dobré. Boli takí statoční. Išli celú cestu tam, kde sú sotva nejakí ľudia, až hore do East Pines. A [Brat Branham sa smeje. - pozn.prekl.] Bude ťažké povedať, koľko je tam po tej krajine ľudí, ale oni tam boli ako misionári, ktorí sa snažili urobiť niečo pre slávu Božiu. Určite si ich z celého srdca cením.

 Viem, že si s nimi všetci radi potrasiete rukami a budete počuť o tej veľkej severozápadnej krajine. A teraz...

12Potom... Myslím, že matka pani Robersonovej je stále veľmi chorá. Musím ju ísť dnes popoludní pozrieť. A pamätajte, aby ste sa za ňu modlili. To bude...

 A potom, ak bude Pán chcieť, vrátim sa sem dnes večer o pol siedmej. Myslím, že McSpaddenovci sú tam vzadu, ideme s nimi na večeru okolo šiestej a dajú nám čas sa vrátiť. A potom chceme navštíviť pani Burnsovú. Je brat Burns dnes ráno? Je tu? Áno, nevidel som ťa, brat Burns, ktorý sedel...

 Sestra Burnsová je veľmi chorá, veľmi chorá. A jedného večera som ju bol navštíviť. A je veľmi chorá a je to statočná duša. A my chceme, aby sa každý ustavične držal Boha, pretože keď to takto vyjadríme, nevieme, kto tu bude. Ale bude treba zázrak Boží, aby sa sestra Burnsová vrátila späť do cirkvi. To je pravda.

 Keď jej milovaný manžel práve opustil nemocnicu veteránov s rakovinou, bol odsúdený na smrť a Boh ho uzdravil. A tu je späť v cirkvi a má opäť veľmi dobré zdravie, ako sa dalo v takomto čase očakávať. A Pán ho pred rokmi a rokmi uzdravil z veľkej, zväčšenej sleziny s rakovinou, z tej istej veci.

13A pamätám si práve ten čas, keď tam sedel brat Wood. Bol som na krátkej dovolenke. Boli sme vonku v lese na poľovačke na veveričky. A niečo mi povedalo, „Choď domov.“ Išiel som domov. A prečo som išiel do Louisville? Nikdy sa to nedozviem.

 A brat Wood vyrastal okolo Louisville, prechádzal v nesprávnej časti dookola a snažil sa ma vyzdvihnúť. A Boh ma držal na rohu a čakal, kým mi to sestra Burnsová príde povedať. A bola to ona, tá statočná žena, ktorá prišla, povedala mi, že jej manžel tam v nemocnici zomieral, keď sme tam išli a modlili sa.

 A ona prišla dolu a odfotila to, ako Pán nechal urobiť Svoj obraz Ohnivého Stĺpa. Všetci ste to, myslím, videli. Položila to na zem a ona povedala, „Drahý Bože nebies,“ povedala, „pomôž mi teraz nájsť brata Branhama. Musím to urobiť.“

 A ona povedala, „Nech ma Anjel Boží ku nemu privedie.“ To je to, čo je potrebné. A ona vstala a išla do mesta zaplatiť účet za elektrinu a bola podivne vedená za ďalší roh a Boh ma poslal z lesa do Louisville a držal ma na rohu pol hodiny a videl som, ako brat Wood zatáča stále dokola za nesprávny roh, lebo sa ma snažil vyzdvihnúť. Rozumiete?

 Tak my vieme, že Boh vie, kde leží Jeho malá dcéra. A On môže od vás očakávať, že sa budete modliť modlitbu viery. Urobíme, čo len budeme môcť.

14Ďalšia vec, ktorú chceme dnes ráno povedať, nie je len so sklonenou hlavou, ale so srdcom, jednému z verných mužov, ktorého som stretol. Jedným z nich, ktorého som kedy v živote stretol, je náš brat Higgenbotham. Jeho milovaná sestra odišla, aby bola s Pánom Ježišom, statočným Božím vojakom. Koľkokrát som ju videl prísť k oltáru.

 Jej túžbou vždy bolo dostať sa do tohto modlitebného radu, kde by jej Duch Svätý povedal, v čom je ten problém. Túžila po tom. A koľkokrát tu prešla cez toto pódium a snažila sa zistiť, či to rozpoznanie príde.

 A pokúšala sa to aj na iných zhromaždeniach a rôznych miestach. Ale to jednoducho nejako neprišlo. A potom, pred pár týždňami, keď som išiel do nemocnice, tam dolu, keď som počul, že je chorá, a bolo neskoro večer... A keď som išiel do nemocnice a sadol som si po jej boku, zostúpil tam Duch Svätý a vrátil ju späť do života a priniesol všetko a ukázal presne, kde bol problém.

 Ale zvláštne na tom bolo to, že sestra Higgenbothamová tu nechcela dlhšie zostať. Chcela ísť ďalej. Niečo ju volalo. Jedného dňa na to volanie odpovedala a išla, aby bola s Bohom. A vždy si ju budem pamätať. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

15Niet divu, že sa cítite zle, keď prichádzate do mesta. Ono odmietlo Evanjelium. To je to, čo sa deje. A je odsúdené na zánik. Povodeň v roku 37 nebude ničím, keď to príde k svojmu koncu. Ale, áno, je odsúdené, absolútne. A to je ten dôvod, prečo je ten nápis na stene.

 A teraz, je to škoda, že hoci vlastníme tento majetok, tie veci, tu naokolo a napriek tomu, ako som jedného dňa počul, že niektorí naši bratia dostali pokutu za parkovanie, keď parkovali na okraji zborového parkoviska. Taká hanba. Zaplatím tú pokutu, ak mi len dajú vedieť, čo nebolo v poriadku. Je to škoda. Tak veru.

 Ale my... Myslím, že ak... Myslím, že to stále vlastníme. Prinajmenšom to vyhlásenie tak hovorí, takže to odtiahnite sem. A možno tam nedostanete pokutu.

 Ale som rád, že smerujeme na miesto, kde nedávajú pokuty. Či nie ste radi? To je pravda. Nádherné. Áno, skutočne.

16No, ja sa teraz nebudem pokúšať hovoriť dnes ráno veľa, pretože som poriadne prechladol a zastavil som sa a chcem hovoriť na tému v Starom Zákone a len chvíľu vyučovať, ak bude Pán chcieť. A potom, možno dnes večer, ak sa vrátim a ak bude Pán chcieť, vrátim sa na čas a nebudem príliš vyčerpaný...

 Ó, náhodou som tiež premýšľal. Brat Kelly tu sedí a sestra Kelly má prísť rovno o... Prídeš po večeri tak rýchlo, ako len môžeš, pretože mám dnes popoludní skutočne mnoho vecí, brat Kelly. Pamätám si, ako som tam včera večer, keď som odchádzal, zatelefonoval, keď ste všetci vošli. V poriadku. [Nejaká sestra hovorí niečo bratovi Branhamovi. - pozn.prekl.] No, to je v poriadku, sestra.

17No, potom sa za mňa modlite a modlite sa, aby moje rozhodnutia boli Pánove a pre Neho, aby to bolo to najlepšie, čo budem môcť. No, chceme si teraz otvoriť tú starú knihu, v tejto starej, poslednej alebo prvej knihe, Genesis, kapitola 35. A prajeme si prečítať len malú časť Písma z knihy Genesis. A modlíme sa, aby Boh bohato pridal Svoje požehnania ako pozadie niečoho, na čom chceme učiť.

 A koľkí majú radi nedeľnú školu? Ó, to je... Koľkí vedia, kde to pôvodne vzniklo? Nevidím žiadne ruky. Je to také... Koľkí vedia, ako sa to prvýkrát volalo? Kde je moja žena? Mala by to vedieť. V poriadku. Bolo to... Áno? [Niekto hovorí s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.]

 Ďalší misionár, nech ťa Boh žehná. Brat kto? Brat Neighbor. Kde je? Zodvihol by si ruku, brat Neighbor? Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. To je tvoja žena s tebou? To je veľmi dobré. Sme radi, že ste tu dnes ráno, ty a tvoja rodina.

18Viete, že ste vo vôli Božej. Musíte byť, keď ste misionári. Rozumiete? Pretože všeobecné poverenie je, „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ Muž, ktorý je misionár...

 No, ja sa nestarám... Misionár je veľmi pekné slovo, ale mám pre neho lepšie slovo. Si apoštol. Rozumiete? To je pravda. No, čo znamená slovo „apoštol“? „Ten, ktorý je poslaný.“ Čo znamená slovo „misionár“? „Ten, ktorý je poslaný.“ Je to to isté.

 Takže misionári, proroci, evanjelisti, učitelia a pastori tvoria cirkev. Je to tak? Apoštoli, proroci, tak ich nazývajú. Takže, ak si misionárom alebo apoštolom, si poslaný od Boha na misiu. A vždy si na tom správne. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

19Brat a sestra Fossovci sú na ceste na Kubu na misijné polia, idú zo zamrznutých oblastí severu do tropických džunglí juhu. Ale toto Evanjelium musí byť kázané na celom svete. Amen. Čo za zmena. Odkiaľ si, brat? [Brat odpovedá bratovi Branhamovi - pozn.prekl.] Ide do Izraela.

 Ó, rád by som videl Mabel, ktorá tam sedí. Zavolal by som svoju ženu a Mabel, aby vám zaspievali.


 Prichádzajú z východu a západu,

 Prichádzajú z ďalekých krajín,

 Hodovať s Kráľom, večerať ako Jeho hostia;

 Akí požehnaní sú títo pútnici.

 Vidiac Jeho posvätenú tvár

 Žiariacu Božským svetlom;

 Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,

 Budú svietiť ako drahokamy v Jeho korune.

 Nebude to v ten deň nádherné? Amen. Pán nech ťa požehná v Izraeli a kamkoľvek pôjdeš, nech ste požehnaní, bratia, dnes ráno. Amen.

20No, predtým, ako otvoríme Bibliu, vieme, že toto je text a Boh má medzi riadkami napísaný kontext. Rozumiete? Takže, môžeme len čítať text a nechať, aby nám Boh dal kontext. Skloňme teda na chvíľu svoje hlavy k modlitbe.

 Náš nebeský Otče, v Mene Pána Ježiša, modlíme sa, aby si vzal tieto slová, ktoré budeme teraz čítať, a priviedol ich rovno do našich sŕdc a nech pristúpime ticho, potichu, pokorne, úctivo do Tvojej Prítomnosti, a nech Duch Svätý vezme Slovo Božie a nasýti každé srdce. Vrátane môjho, Pane, prosím. Lebo to prosím v Kristovom Mene. Amen.

 V poriadku, prečítame si tu len jeden verš alebo dva, aby sme získali také malé pozadie. Genesis je kapitola semena; vieme to. V poriadku. Začneme 15. veršom.

A našiel ho nejaký muž, keď hľa, blúdil po poli. A človek sa ho pýtal a povedal: Čo hľadáš?

A on odpovedal: Hľadám svojich bratov. Povedz mi, prosím, kde pasú?

A človek mu povedal: Odišli odtiaľto, lebo som ich počul hovoriť: Poďme do Dotaina. A tak išiel Jozef za svojimi bratmi a našiel ich v Dotáne.

A uvideli ho zďaleka, a prv, ako sa k ním priblížil, úkladili proti nemu, aby ho zabili.

A povedali druh druhovi: Hľa, tamto ide majster snov!

21A nech Pán udelí Svoje požehnanie Svojmu Slovu. No, Genesis je pre mňa vždy... Povedal som vám, ktorá to bola kapitola? Je to Genesis, verím, ak som videl... Genesis 37 a počnúc od 15. verša pre vás, ktorí si to značia. No, myslím, že som povedal pred chvíľkou, že 35. kapitola. Mal som spolu dve stránky. Je mi ľúto. Mám túto peknú Scofieldovu Bibliu, a to je pre mňa trochu ťažké čítať, pretože mám už po štyridsiatke, viete.

 A moje... Povedali mi, že by som mal mať nejaké okuliare na čítanie. Išiel som a nechal som si vyšetriť oči, a tak som musel odsúvať Bibliu ďalej od seba. A doktor mi povedal, že moja ruka nebude po chvíli dostatočne dlhá. A musím... Povedal som, „Potrebujem okuliare na čítanie.“

 Nechal som si prešetriť oči a oni ich testovali a je to dokonalých desať na desať. Ale dokážem s ľahkosťou vidieť vlas na podlahe, ale dajte ho len blízko predo mňa. On povedal, „Keď máš...“ Povedal, „Čo robí tvoje vlasy šedivými?“

 Povedal som, „Neviem.“

 On povedal, „Je to vysoký vek.“ Povedal, „To je to, čo sa človeku pokazí v očiach, prekročí štyridsiatku. Vlastne sa ti splošťujú očné buľvy.“ A ty sa s tým jednoducho musíš vyrovnať. To je všetko.

 A ja to stále odkladám a hovorím, „Nemám čas ísť.“ Ale ja... ja to niekedy urobím a dostanem... okuliare na čítanie, keď budem viac učiť. Ale teraz len prečítam text a idem ďalej. A to je... Túto Bibliu som dostal pred mnohými rokmi a je to naozaj mimoriadne drobné písmo.

22No, v Genesis „Genesis“ znamená „počiatok, kapitola semena.“ A pamätajte, že všetko, čo dnes existuje, sa v skutočnosti začalo v Genesis. To bol začiatok všetkých vecí. To bol začiatok spasenia. Bolo to počiatkom hriechu. To bol začiatok všetkých kultov. To bol začiatok pravej cirkvi. To bol začiatok falošnej cirkvi. To bol začiatok spravodlivosti. To bol začiatok zvodu. To bol začiatok, všetko sa začalo v Genesis.

 Prial by som si, aby sme na toto mali asi tri mesiace, aby sme zostali rovno pri tejto jednej téme a len v nej kopali, zviazali skrze Ducha Svätého cez Božie povrazy. A len to spolu zabaľte a sledujte, ako sa každé Slovo rovno spája s tými ostatnými Slovami: taká nádherná vec.

23Slovo Božie je tak inšpirujúce, bez ohľadu na vek a čas. Každý človek, ktorý kedy čítal tento text cez... Bolo to napísané už mnoho stoviek rokov, áno, takmer ďalších tritisíc rokov. A každý človek, ktorý kedy čítal tento text v každom veku, je ním inšpirovaný, každý verš z Písma. Nie je nič iné, čo by mohlo zaujať jeho miesto.

 Písmo, ktoré bolo napísané v inom dni. Keď sa to číta pre ten vek a za tým účelom, je to vybavené. Mohol by som vám napísať list a povedať, „Môj drahý, milovaný brat, dnes som bol na určitom mieste a urobil som to a to v tom čase.“ To ide priamo k vám a tým je to vybavené.

 Možno pre súdny dôkaz alebo niečo také, mohlo by to byť predložené ako dôkaz proti mne alebo za mňa, aby mi niečo dokázali alebo niečo dokázali proti mne. Ale to by nebolo také priame posolstvo, aké by to bolo, keď je to dané vám.

24Ale Biblia nie je taká. Je to dané ľudskej rase a na všetky časy a na všetky veky, pretože to je napísané Slovo Božie. Rozumiete? Jeho slová nemôžu nikdy zlyhať. Oni nikdy nezomrú a pokiaľ bude večnosť na veky vekov, budú mať stále ten istý význam; lebo raz vyšli z úst Božích. Rozumiete? Nemôžu zlyhať.

 Len pomyslite na to, aké večné je Slovo Božie. Ono je život. No, čo je slovo? „Slovo“ je „myšlienka, ktorá bola vyjadrená.“ A keď Boh raz niečo myslí, je to len myšlienka. Ale keď je to raz vyjadrené, nikdy sa to nemôže zmeniť alebo premeniť. Musí to zostať navždy tak. Pretože tvoje slovo je práve tak dobré ako ty. Božie Slovo je také dobré ako On.

25Tvoje slovo je tvojou časťou. Tvoj sľub je práve tak dobrý, ako len môžeš byť ty. A Božie zasľúbenie je práve tak dobré, aký len On môže byť. Teraz, ako smrteľník, môžete dať zasľúbenie a niekedy ho musíte porušiť, pretože ste len smrteľník. Som len smrteľník. Ale Boh, ktorý je nesmrteľný a nekonečný a všemohúci, všadeprítomný, robí určité vyhlásenie a pozná koniec od počiatku. A On to vie dodržať.

 Abrahám nazval tie veci, ktoré neboli, akoby boli, pretože bol plne presvedčený, že to, čo Boh zasľúbil, je schopný vykonať. Pretože On by nikdy nedal zasľúbenie, ak by nevedel, čo bude. Vidíte, ako potom môžeme len odpočívať na Jeho Slove?

 Nezáleží na tom, ako silno fúka búrka, čo všetko je proti. S vážnosťou spočívajte na Slove. Boh, ktorý videl druhú stranu búrky, to Sám povedal. Rozumiete?

26Tak, ak si chorý, zakotvi svoju dušu v prístave odpočinutia. Ak si zmätený a zúfalý, pamätaj, On povedal, „Budem s tebou navždy, až do konca sveta.“ A On povedal, „Všetky veci budú spolupôsobiť na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Pána.“ Tak, zostaňte rovno tam.

 Jeden človek napísal, jeden básnik napísal, „Moja kotva drží tam za oponou.“ Čo je to opona? Je to niečo, čo sa rozpína odtiaľto až tam. A tá kotva je na vnútornej strane opony. Nevidíte, ako to bude. Ale viete, že je niečo, čo vás drží, čo sa tam drží.

27A keď more fúka a búcha... Či ste niekedy... Myslím, že možno niekomu z vás nikdy nebolo dané to privilégium vidieť zakotvenú loď. Ó. Plavil som sa na nich, keď takto vyhadzovali morskú kotvu, až to malé plavidlo nedokázalo prejsť ani ponad vrchol vlny. To by išlo cez vlnu. Ale pokiaľ bola hodená kotva, to je to, čo robilo rozdiel. Či pôjdeme ponad ňu, popod ňu, okolo nej alebo cez ňu, na tom nezáleží. Kotva drží.

 To je spôsob, ako nás začnú otriasať búrky života. Možno budeme musieť prejsť. Možno budeme musieť ísť ponad, pod, okolo. Ale len nechajte kotvu držať za oponou v neviditeľnosti. Nevieme presne, kde to je, ale drží to.

 Presne ako ten malý chlapec, viete, ktorý mal toho šarkana. Počuli ste to staré príslovie, ten príbeh. Povedal, „Ako vieš, že máš na konci toho šarkana?“

 Povedal, „Stále cítim, ako to ťahá.“ Tak, to je to. Ak môžeme cítiť, že to stále ťahá a ako Boh koná s našimi srdcami, potom vieme, že naša kotva stále drží.

28Domnievam sa, že to bol Benjamin Franklin, kto zachytil blesk vo fľaši, kto zapriahol elektrický prúd. Niečo v ňom zavolalo a povedalo, „V tom je sila.“ Túto silu bolo možné využiť. A ak je taká silná, že dokáže rozstrieľať ulice a roztrhnúť drevá, rozštiepiť zem; čo by mohla urobiť, keby sa raz zapriahla? Rozsvieti sa a zableskne a zasiahne celú zem.

 A myslím, že Benjamin Franklin lovil na svojom šarkanovi s kľúčom uviazaným na konci chvosta a fľašou dole pod tým. A keď to dostal, nevedel, čo má, ale začal kričať, „Mám to. Mám to.“ Nevedel, čo to je. Nevedel, čo s tým urobí. Ale on vedel, že niečo má.

 A tak je to s každým človekom, ktorý dúfa, že nie je vybudovaný na ničom inom, ako na Ježišovej Krvi so spravodlivosťou. Ak všetko okolo mojej duše ustúpi, potom On je celá moja nádej a miesto prebývania. Na Kristovi, na pevnej skale stojím, a všetky ostatné pôdy sú pohyblivým pieskom. Keď je človek raz znovuzrodený, Duch Svätý zaujíma svoje miesto v srdci.

29Niektorí mladí ľudia môžu byť mladí, ale negramotní. Bez ohľadu na to, ako to je, nikto to nedokáže vysvetliť. Tak necíťte sa zle, keď ste negramotní. Nedokázali by ste to vysvetliť. Ešte nikdy nebol človek, ktorý by to dokázal vysvetliť. Nezáleží na tom, aký je inteligentný alebo chytrý. Je to vlastné Božie tajomstvo.

 Ale keď to Slovo berie svetlo do vášho srdca a vy ho vidíte, kričíte, „Mám to.“ Vy neviete, čo s tým urobíte. Vy neviete, čo to s vami urobí. Ale viete, že sa niečo stalo. A máte to.

 Teraz teda Slovo; je to nádherné. No, my sme dnes ráno postavení pred jeden z najdôležitejších textov Starého zákona, ktorý mám v úmysle predstaviť. Budeme hovoriť o Jozefovi, ako sa stretáva so svojimi bratmi.

30Môže byť sto rôznych spôsobov, ako sa Duch Svätý do toho dostane a rozvinie to do našich sŕdc a myslí. Takže, keď premýšľam, že som tu na viac dní, mohol by som dnes ráno skôr len hovoriť kvôli môjmu zovretiu v krku. A potom, možno to dnes večer znovu vezmeme, ak má pastor niečo na srdci, a možno to prenesie cez to a dokončíme to v pondelok večer.

 Ak je to tak, že Boh to takto poskytuje. No, my sme dobre oboznámení s vlastnosťami Starého Zákona. Ako to, že všetky tie staré veci boli tieňom (Židom 11), tieňom vecí, ktoré majú prísť. Aké je to nádherné: ako Boh predobrazuje.

 A keď cítime tento tieň, takpovediac, vieme, že je tu niečo poza..., Boh vo Svojej všemohúcnosti, vo Svojej veľkej nekonečnej mysli, vidí niečo, čo sa len deje; On mohol vopred predtým varovať. On mohol dosiahnuť, aby všetko spolupracovalo, dokonca aj hnev človeka, aby Ho chválil.

31Dokonca keď niekto s tebou zaobchádza zle, ako sa k tomu zachvíľu dostaneme, ak bude Pán chcieť, ako sa Jozefov brat voči nemu správal zlomyseľne, a On to obrátil a vzal a priviedol ich do toho, aby Ho chválili. Tak, nemáme sa čoho obávať, ani jednej veci.

 Ako Boh skrze toho chlapca predzvestoval prvý príchod Pána Ježiša, druhý príchod Pána Ježiša, a všetko to konal v živote, ktorý nevedel nič o tom, čo sa deje. Amen. Nerobí to pre vás niečo?

 Videl malého chudobného Jozefa, on nevedel, čo sa deje, prečo sa všetky tieto veci majú diať; ale to všetko bol Boh, ako konal, predzvedel, predznamenal veci, ktoré budú.

32A potom si môžete všimnúť Slovo, ako ho tu zoberiete a čítate v Genesis, čítate v strede Knihy, čítate v poslednej Knihe a každé Slovo je takto jedno s druhým v súlade. A to napísali tisíce rokov od seba stovky rôznych mužov. Rozumiete?

 Tak teda, vidíte, to je všetko Boh, jeden človek nepozná toho druhého, alebo nevedel, aká kniha bola napísaná, nič o tom, čo bolo inokedy, v inom veku. A dnes môžeme vidieť, že Boh koná presne tak, ako konal tam vtedy.

 Práve teraz ideme a končíme v novom roku z tieňa toho starého. A ako to bolo na počiatku, ako ten Boh, keď videl, ako sa hriech zmocňuje panstva nad zemou a nad ľuďmi. Ako bol ten veľký program prevrátený, nie úplne zničený, nie znovu vytvorený, ale len prevrátený...

33Vidíte, Satan nemôže tvoriť. On môže len prevracať. Všetko zlé, čo vidíte, je prevrátená spravodlivosť. Rozumiete?

 Vidíte na ulici nejakého starého veštca, to sú len prevrátení proroci. Rozumiete? Vidíte niečo, čo je zlé, ak vidíte, že nejaký človek žije neverne svojim sľubom voči svojej žene; to je spravodlivosť prevrátená v zlo, a naopak.

 Keď vidíte, ako ženy na ulici konajú tak, ako konajú a stávajú sa takými, aké sú, to sú prevrátené dámy.

34Išiel som jedného dňa okolo Louisville a ja a manželka sme videli na okne jedného podniku nápis, keď sme boli jesť na piatej ulici. A bolo tam, „Stoly pre dámy.“ Povedal som, „Nikdy tam žiadnu nemali.“ Nie, dáma by tam nešla. Keď tam vojde, už nie je dámou. Rozumiete?

 Takže pod týmto nápisom nikdy nemal žiadnu dámu ako zákazníka. Dámy na také miesta nechodia. Ale vidíte, taká, čo tam vchádza, je prevrátená dáma. Rozumiete? V poriadku.

35No, Boh, aby Ho všetko chválilo... oslavujeme vianoce ako narodenie Pána Ježiša, ktoré nie sú celkom Jeho narodeninami. On má narodeniny v apríli. Pretože v Judsku je v decembri zimšie ako tu. Tak, uvedomujeme si, že...

 Vidíte ten obraz toho dňa, tie nádrže tam hore a sneh a také veci v Judsku. Viete si predstaviť, že by pastieri v takom počasí ležali na kopci? Ale nie je to dnes. Jednako deň neznamená tak veľa. Je to náš postoj, ktorý máme ku tomu dňu, ktorý je oddelený.

36No, všimnite si, akonáhle Boh uvidel semeno ženy, ako to tam bolo zle vyložené a spravodlivosť bola prevrátená, Boh dal zasľúbenie, že skrze tú ženu príde to požehnané Semeno. Rozumiete? Bude Semeno.

 A hneď, ako to počul satan, ktorý tam stál; akonáhle to počul, pretlačil sa tam, aby zničil to Semeno. A pokúsil sa to urobiť v Jozefovi. Snažil sa po celé veky. A on je stále proti tomu požehnanému Semenu. Amen.

 Chcem, aby ste sa teraz na chvíľu hlboko zamysleli. Ako si nasadíte prilbu spasenia, počúvajte teraz pozorne. Tu je niečo skutočne dôležité. A môžete s tým nesúhlasiť. To je v poriadku. Ale všimli ste si, len čo už bolo počatie, lebo Eva už žila nespravodlivo a spáchala hriech...

37Odkiaľ sa to vzalo? To je v Genesis. Ľudia sa dnes snažia nájsť ten chýbajúci článok medzi zvieraťom a človekom. Toto je zjavenie. Biblia hovorí, že had ženu zviedol.

 Dnes ľudia dokážu vychovávať zvieratá a najbližšie zviera k človeku je šimpanz. Mohli by ho prinútiť fajčiť fajku, jazdiť na bicykli, nasadiť si klobúk, kývať ním. To je presne to isté, ako keď koňovi robíte ííí a hóó. Je to zvuk. Nemá žiadnu dušu. Nemôže myslieť. Môže sa riadiť len zvukom. Nemá dušu.

 Potom tu majú chýbajúci článok, ktorý sa im nikdy nepodarilo nájsť. A už šesťtisíc rokov sa snažia zo šimpanza dostať jedno mrmlanie a nedokážu to. Nikdy sa im to nepodarí.

38Ale vieme, že sme zvierací život. Sme rastlinný život zo zeme. Ako som raz hovoril na pohrebe našej drahej sestry, ako pozostávame zo zhluku šestnástich prvkov zeme - kozmického svetla a ropy a podobných. Boli sme tu, keď Boh prehovoril a povedal, „Nech sa stane.“ Naše telá tu boli.

 Ale niečo, geniálna myseľ Stvoriteľa nás vyvinula do toho, čím sme teraz, urobila nám ruky a ramená, a tak ďalej, nie, aby nás to zničilo, ale aby sme mohli žiť naveky. Hriech ničil a ničí. A ten, ktorý nás učinil bez toho, aby sme mali nejakú predstavu o tom, že tu kedy budeme, ten, ktorý nás učinil a spojil tieto veci a učinil nás tým, čím sme teraz; Či nemôže On ešte viac tým, že nám dáva slobodnú morálnu voľbu prijať to a tým istým Slovom, ktoré nás stvorilo, nám zasľúbil, že nás znovu vzkriesi? O koľko viac sa všetka táto ropa spojí spolu s atómami v Slove Božom.

39No, na počiatku, keď Boh hovoril, a stál tam satan a počul to... A ľudia sa snažia nájsť tento chýbajúci článok. Poviem vám to skrze zjavenie, ak to chcete prijať, tá stratená osoba medzi zvieraťom a človekom je had, predtým, ako mu boli vzaté nohy.

 Biblia hovorí, „On bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat (nie plazov) zo všetkého poľa.“ On bol ten, ktorý ženu oklamal svojou krásou. A ona počala a teraz tým, že to urobila, a keď bolo jasné, že prichádza hriech, Boh na neho položil takú kliatbu, až veda nikdy nenájde žiaden vzťah medzi týmto hadom, ako je známy dnes, a človekom.

 Ale tam máte tú padlú, zdegradovanú bytosť, ktorá spojila život zvierat. Tu to máte. Boh to skryl pred múdrymi a chytrými, ale zjaví to nemluvňatám, ktoré sa budú učiť. Rozumiete? Tam máte tú padlú osobu.

 Had, on bol privedený z omnoho... bol najchytrejší, najväčší, najkrajší, tým viac podobný človeku. A potom kvôli tomuto zlu, ktoré urobil s Evou; zmenil ho na plaza, aby išiel po bruchu po všetky dni svojho života, a aby bol prach jeho pokrmom.

40Tam je to, kam by veda mohla prísť a ich strom by bol zoťatý. Všimnite si teraz, hneď, ako tá žena videla, že... No, ona bola zvedená. Ona nepriniesla hriech. Bola zvedená. Ona si myslela, že je to správne.

 Ale, „Adam nebol zvedený,“ hovorí Biblia. On vedel, že to nie je v poriadku. A ona ho prinútila, aby urobil to isté, čo to zviera, a porodila svojho prvého syna, ktorý mal všetky znaky diabla, to v tom chlapcovi bolo. On bol vrah; žiarlil. Ako to mohlo prísť z toho čistého prúdu Božieho? Muselo to prísť zo strany zla.

 A akonáhle to urobil, potom... Diabol použil svoj nástroj. Porodila svojho druhého syna, ktorý bol po Adamovi, a tam bol Ábel. A diabol sa rýchlo pokúsil zničiť to spravodlivé semeno. A on sa obrátil a zabil Ábela, aby začal tým typom Judáša a Ježiša. Zabil ho pri oltári, kde Ježiš... Judáš zabil Ježiša, zradil Ho za tridsať strieborných a predal Ho. V poriadku.

41Ale všimnite si, keď to urobil, Boh, bol tam predobraz Krista, smrť i vzkriesenie, On pozdvihol Seta, aby zaujal jeho miesto. Rozumiete? A diabol sa vydal za Setom. No, sledujte to.

 Dlho pred predpotopným zničením existovala dlhá línia ľudí, ktorí zostúpili dolu cez synov Kainových z krajiny Nod, a boli to vedci: chytrí, inteligentní, úžasní ľudia. Dokonca obrábali kovy. Stavali domy. Boli úžasnou civilizáciou.

 Biblia ide ďalej a hovorí, ako pracujú s meďou, ako pracujú s kovom. Ale táto druhá skupina bola tulákmi. Ale obe skupiny boli nábožné. Kain bol nábožný. Ábel bol nábožný. A Boh urobil čiaru, ktorá bola správna. Kain bol práve tak nábožný ako Ábel. Obaja stavali oltáre. Obaja verili v Boha. Obaja uctievali Boha. Obaja priniesli dary.

42No, sledujte tie dve semená: jedno bojuje, zlo sa snaží zničiť to spravodlivé semeno. A pokúsil sa Ábela zničiť. On to urobil. Ale Boh vzbudil Seta, aby zaujal jeho miesto. Myslel si, že tam Ježiša dostal.

 Pozrite sa dolu na ten vek všade, on... Kdekoľvek prišiel, zakorenil to semeno. Keď zabil jedného alebo druhého, myslel si, že to má. A nakoniec sa ujal Jána Krstiteľa. Nakoniec mu odsekol hlavu. Myslel si, že ho vtedy má; ale zistil, že On je tu v Ježišovi. Pozabíjal všetky deti. A Mojžiš... on sa snažil Mojžiša zabiť. Snažil sa všemožne, ako len mohol, zničiť to semeno.

 A keď zabil Krista na Golgote, ale Boh Ho na tretí deň vzkriesil. A potom poslal späť Ducha Svätého, aby povolal synov, dcéry Božie. A to isté zlé náboženské semeno prenasleduje to spravodlivé semeno dodnes. Vidíte to? Oni sa snažia zničiť tú spravodlivú Božiu vetvu.

43No, obe strany, ak si všimnete, sú počaté v Genesis, a boli nábožné. Na oboch stranách, jedna z nich, denominačná, vysokomyseľná a druhá pokorná, kráčajúca v Duchu skrze zjavenie. Ako mohol Ábel vôbec vedieť, že to bol baránok namiesto ovocia z poľa? Pretože mu to bolo zjavené Božským zjavením.

 Ježiš povedal to isté, keď ho Peter vyznal, že je Syn Boží. On povedal, „Telo a krv ti to nezjavili, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, ti to zjavil. Na tejto skale (na skale, nie na Petrovi, nie na Ježišovi, ale na Božskom zjavení) postavím Svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nemôžu premôcť. “ Rozumiete? Je to Božské zjavenie.

44No, sledujte, ako sa tam v každej epoche času stretli tvárou v tvár a vybojovali to. Pozrite, keď bol Moáb hore na kopci a Izrael bol v doline. A Izrael ho len ako brata gentlemana prosil, aby mohol prejsť cez ich zem a ísť do zasľúbenej zeme, ktorú im Boh zasľúbil. Len chceli malé prebudenie v cirkvi, takpovediac. Len aby prešli cez tú zem a sľúbili, že zaplatia aj za trávu, ktorú ich dobytok olízal.

 A oni by išli po kráľovskej ceste a tie veci, ktoré by robili, keď prechádzali cez tie krajiny... A oni by to napravili. Ale, žiarlivosť...

45No, Moáb, zem Moába, to neboli neveriaci. Oni verili v toho istého Boha, v ktorého veril Izrael, lebo to boli synovia Lótových dcér, Lótovej dcéry, ktorá počala, zatiaľ čo Lóta opila, dcéra svojho vlastného otca. A on išiel a oni bojovali, a to je miesto, odkiaľ pochádzajú Moábiti.

 A keď vyšiel ich prorok, ich učiteľ, pobláznený peniazmi, a postavil na oltár... sedem oltárov, presne toľko ich bolo potrebných tu dole. Tu je Moáb, ktorý sa tu nastavuje, veľká krásna denominačná krajina, všetko pevne stanovené a vypočítané. A tu bol Izrael, taká fanatická skupina putujúca v stanoch z miesta na miesto.

 Poviete, „Fanatici?“ Oni istotne boli. Ak oni... Ak oni sú to, čo dnes nazývajú fanatikmi. Keď prešli cez Červené more a Boh pred nimi urobil zázrak, Miriam schmatla tamburínu a začala ňou udierať a behala po brehoch a kričala, skákala a tancovala v Duchu; a dcéry Izraelove išli za ňou a skákali, kričali, tancovali v Duchu.

 A Mojžiš stál so zdvihnutými rukami a možno spieval v jazyku, ktorý nikto nikdy predtým nepočul, v piesni, ktorej nikto nerozumel. Spieval Pánovi v Duchu. Ak to nie sú novodobí fanatici, neviem, kde ich hľadať.

46Mali so sebou znamenia a divy. No, ak Boh rešpektuje len to fundamentálne... Tu vidno, že Moáb bol podľa Písma práve tak fundamentálny ako Izrael. Mal všetko, čo mal Izrael. Mal sedem oltárov. To je to, čo Boh požadoval. Izrael mal sedem oltárov. Mal sedem čistých obetí. Izrael mal sedem čistých obetí. Je tu znovu Kain a Ábel. Rozumiete?

 Dobre. Ponúkol sedem býkov. Ponúkol sedem býkov. Obetoval sedem baranov, hovoriac, že veria, že príde Kristus. Obetoval sedem baranov, to isté. Tak fundamentálne, ako to len fundamentálne môže byť.

 Kain postavil oltár. Ábel postavil oltár. Kain priniesol obeť. Ábel priniesol obeť. Ábel sa klaňal; Kain sa klaňal. Boh však potvrdil, dokázal, že Ábel bol jeho voľbou. Boh tu dokázal, že Izrael bol Jeho vyvoleným, pretože Izrael mal vo svojom tábore toho Nadprirodzeného. Hoci pri všetkých svojich chybách mali Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ich nasledoval. Mali zmierenie za Božie uzdravenie a praktizovali Božie uzdravenie.

47Had..., oni mali udretú Skalu. V tábore mali znamenia a zázraky. Keď prišiel Ján, bol nadprirodzený. Keď prišiel Ježiš, bolo to nadprirodzené. A nepriateľ na tej fundamentálnej strane vždy prenasledoval to nadprirodzené. Vidíte, čo sa snaží robiť dnes? To isté: „Vymažte Božie uzdravenie, vymažte týchto ľudí. Nič na nich nie je. Hodnostári sú veľkí ľudia. Vymažte ich.“ Bratia, nie je to nič iné, len tá vínna réva, ktorá sa krúti cez Genezis a prechádza až do Zjavenia.

 Ja sa postavím na stranu svätých fanatikov. Nech je to akokoľvek... Nikdy som nevidel svätého fanatika. To je meno, ktoré dal diabol Božej cirkvi, keď to tam nepatrí. Nie sú to svätí fanatici, sú to Boží synovia a dcéry, ktorí sú svetom nepochopení.

48Jozef sa narodil zo svojho otca, bol milovaný svojím otcom a nenávidený svojimi bratmi. Všimnite si, dokonalý obraz Pána Ježiša... Chcem, aby ste si všimli, ako sa Jeho život odrážal v tých predobrazoch. Stará zmluva odrážala všetko to, čo je teraz. Pozrite sa tam späť a uvidíte ten obraz; je tam tieň a vidíte, čím je to skutočné.

 Všimnite si, že Jozef je predobrazom Krista, predobrazom Cirkvi, predobrazom Ducha Svätého, predobrazom... Bol kniežaťom prosperity, tak ako Kristus, tak ako Cirkev dnes. Všimnite si ešte raz, že keď sa narodil, jeho otec ho miloval a ušil mu pestrofarebný plášť.

 Teraz je k dispozícii len sedem dokonalých farieb vo všetkých farbách. Všetky ostatné sú vytvorené z týchto farieb. A ten plášť mal v sebe možno farby siedmich rôznych farieb, pruhy farieb na plášti, ktorý vyrobil otec. Ak si všimnete, možno to Jákob vtedy nepochopil. Ale znamenalo to, „Ten zasľúbený“.

49Keď Boh dal Noemu znamenie dúhy, sedem farieb, bolo to zasľúbenie alebo zmluva. Boh uzavrel zmluvu, že už viac nezničí svet vodou. A Božia zmluva sa preniesla aj cez Jákoba na Jozefa. Abrahám bol vyvolením, Izák ospravedlnením, Izrael milosťou a Jozef dokonalosťou. Ten jediný mal farby.

 Vidíme Ježiša sediaceho na tróne s farbami, dúhou okolo Seba. V Zjavení 1 to bola Božia zmluva s ľuďmi. Kristus... Tu je to. Ó, ako veľmi chcem, aby ste to videli. Kristus je Božia zmluva s Jeho ľudom, nie denominácie, ale Kristus je Božia zmluva.

 Ako bol nenávidený Jozef, tak je dnes nenávidený Kristus. Nechcú povedať, že nenávidia Krista. Ale ich skutky dokazujú, čo robia. Sú proti každému Jeho kroku. Hovorte o Jeho konaní, o Jeho skutkoch, o Jeho zázračných činoch, a iste už máme v tábore satana, ktorý bojuje proti tomu. Určite.

 A budú poukazovať na slová satana. Ale mňa nezaujíma, čo robí satan, aby... aby sa pokúsil zmiasť; Božie Slovo je dokonalé a Jeho zasľúbenie je dokonalé. Nikdy sa nebudem chcieť postaviť na stranu takej skupiny.

50Všimnite si, tam On bol, Zmluva. Kamene Jaspis a Sardis v Zjavení poukazovali na Krista. To bol náprsný kameň alebo skôr kameň narodenia od Rubena po Benjamína. To bol odraz Sardisu a Jaspisu, ako sa spolu odrážali pod Božím svetlom, tvorili zmluvu okolo Krista, dúhu. A o čom to hovorí? Ruben, najstarší, Benjamín, najmladší. Od prvého po posledného, On bol Ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde, Koreň, Dávidov potomok; On je Ranná hviezda. On je od A po Z, Alfa, Omega, Boží odraz od počiatku čias až po koniec čias. Tam je On, Božia zmluva s Jeho ľudom.

 A všetky tieto ostatné veci, Jozef, Dávid, všetci proroci boli len odrazom (amen), odrazom pravého semena zo záhrady Eden, až do času, keď príde druhýkrát v sláve, aby prijal Svoj ľud a Svoju Cirkev. Tam je to, krásne na pohľad.

51Jozefovi bratia boli na neho arogantní. Nenávideli ho bez príčiny, lebo bol nadprirodzene inšpirovaný. Chápete to? Kain nenávidel Ábela bez príčiny, pretože bol nadprirodzene inšpirovaný.

 Moáb nenávidel Izraela bez príčiny, pretože mal Božie uzdravenie, znamenia, divy a zázraky, nenávidel ho bez príčiny a nechcel ho nechať prejsť cez...

52[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] „...?... mať manželku svojho brata.“ Amen.

 Teraz vám, moji milovaní priatelia, chcem niečo pripomenúť. Teraz chcem, aby ste si to položili pod piate rebro na ľavej strane v stane tej priehradky, ktorá sa nazýva srdce. Nikdy v žiadnej dobe a v žiadnom čase, keď Boh inšpiroval človeka, nešiel na náboženskú stranu, takzvanú náboženskú, ľudí sveta. Nikdy sa nezaplietol s denomináciami. Nie - vždy sa postavil proti a proti denomináciám tej doby a proti náboženskému poriadku tej doby.

 Ukážte mi jediného proroka, ukážte mi jediný prípad v Biblii, keď nejaký Boží muž išiel v súhlase s takzvanými náboženskými hnutiami svojej doby. Amen.

53Aj Eliáš, potom, ako bol v škole prorokov, keď tam vystúpil, chceli, aby odišiel. Povedal, „Je to tu príliš priame.“ Vidíte?

 Achab, jeden z náboženských vodcov svojej doby... Eliáš sa oddelil na horu Karmel. Pozrite sa, ako sa oddelil Ján Krstiteľ. Nikdy ani nechodil do ich školy, aby sa naučil ich teológiu. Ale Boh ho poslal na púšť, aby ho pripravil na určitú prácu.

 Kainova garnitúra nikdy nedokázala obliecť svoj cirkevný kabát na Božieho človeka. Nebude im sedieť. To je pravda.

54Všimnite si, že v priebehu vekov a pri príchode Ježiša sa nikdy neporadil so žiadnym z teológov, ale nazval ich bandou zmijí alebo hadov v tráve. Nikdy učeníci nešli v súhlase s ich denomináciami. Boli na strane Ábela. Jozef s nimi nebol v súhlase. Bol nenávidený a odmietaný z rovnakého dôvodu ako tí ostatní, pretože Boh bol s ním nadprirodzeným spôsobom a iným spôsobom, než akým bol s ostatnými. A oni ho nenávideli bez príčiny.

 Kain nenávidel Ábela bez príčiny. Bratia nenávideli Jozefa bez príčiny. A dnes je svet denominácií bez ohľadu na to, aký je veľký... Snímam klobúk a hovorím, „Vďaka Bohu za nich.“ Ale pri všetkých ich veľkých učeniach, veľkých cirkvách, veľkých veciach, stále pri tom všetkom Boh vyvoláva ľudí, ktorí s tým nemajú nič spoločné, pretože oni [denominácie] sa nechcú vyrovnať s tým nadprirodzeným.

55Dnes je v pohybe toto hnutie. A oni ho nenávidia bez príčiny. Minule som počul, ako jeden človek povedal niečo, že sa mi až takmer krv v žilách obrátila na vodu, lebo to bol človek s vplyvom, veľký baptistický kazateľ. A hovoril o tom, že nie je biblické, aby sa niekto klaňal panne Márii. Aká je to pravda. To je pravda.

 Povedal, „V Písme nie je miesto, kde by sa uctieval niekto iný ako Kristus.“ To je pravda. Povedal, „Boh bol v Kristovi a v Ňom bola plnosť Božstva.“ To je pravda. A potom, po celom tom peknom, úžasnom učení Písma sa otočí a povie, „Nikdy sa na svete nestal žiadny zázrak.“ Pretože je tak tvrdo proti Božiemu uzdraveniu, otočil sa a povedal, „Nikdy sa po Kristovej smrti nestal zázrak. Po Kristovi nikto nikdy nevzkriesil mŕtveho, pretože to bol On jediný, kto mal večný život.“

 Ale ja vám hovorím, že Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn, povedal Svojim učeníkom, aby išli a hlásali Evanjelium, uzdravovali chorých, kriesili mŕtvych a očisťovali malomocných. To je to, čo Ježiš povedal Svojim učeníkom. Ako sa môžu ľudia stať tak nábožensky slepými? Kvôli denominačným bariéram sa stávajú úzkoprsí a bezdôvodne nenávidia svojich bratov. Vidíte to? Takí úzkoprsí, tak malí, že to robia kvôli svojej prestíži.

56Jedného veľkého služobníka tejto krajiny sa dnes pýtali, prečo neprijal krst Duchom Svätým, keď mu ho predložil iný muž jeho postavenia, ktorý prijal krst Duchom Svätým. Povedal, „Uškodilo by to mojej službe.“

 Ak mi kedykoľvek povieš... Môže to ublížiť službe jednotlivca, ale nikdy to neublíži službe Ježiša Krista...? Bude to podporovať vec služby Ježiša Krista.

 Ale tento pán doktor povedal, že, „nikdy nikto nevstal z mŕtvych“. Povedal, „Viem, že dnes je v krajine veľa fanatikov, ktorí tvrdia, že videli mŕtvych vzkriesených a podobne. Nikdy neexistuje vedecký dôkaz o žiadnom uzdravení ani o ničom inom.“

57Vidíte, je to tu, brat môj a sestra moja. Chcem, aby ste si to všimli naozaj zblízka. Dôvod je tento. Dnes muži... V časoch Pána Ježiša, v časoch zákona, keď ľudia verili v Boha, počuli o zázraku, ktorý sa stal; nikdy sa to nesnažili vedecky dokázať. Prijali ho. Jednoducho tomu verili, lebo vedeli, že Boh je.

 Dnes sa však neveriaca skupina dostala do náboženských hnutí, a tak sa snaží dokázať veci vedecky. A dovoľte mi povedať to tak, ako to prichádza z neba, verím, že až do môjho srdca. Nikdy nie je čas, aby sa to dalo dokázať, pretože ak by ste mohli Boha dokázať, tak už nie je prijímaný vierou. Je to dôkaz. Veríme Bohu a Jeho zázrakom; vierou nazývame tie veci, ktoré nie sú, akoby boli, lebo Boh to povedal. Nezáleží na tom, čo to je.

58Abrahám nemohol dokázať, že Sárine mliečne žľazy neboli vyschnuté. Nemohol dokázať, že - že sa cez vajíčkovody, a tak ďalej, že nastalo oplodnenie. Oni... nemohli... nemohli dokázať nič z toho. Nemohli dokázať, možno skúškami semena, že sú plodné; ale on tomu aj tak veril a odmietal všetko, čo tomu odporovalo, a veci, ktoré neboli, nazýval tak, akoby boli, pretože, tam za oponou, nádej Božia spočívala na Slove Božom, a tie veci, vedecké alebo nie, nazýval pravdou, pretože to povedal Boh. Takto to je.

 Veríme, vierou to prijímame. Ale ak ten brat, nechceme sa s ním hádať. Ja v to neverím. Ale keby si ten brat prečítal, ako Pavla ukameňovali a svätí stáli nad ním a modlili sa, kým sa doňho nevrátil život. Ako Pavol raz celú noc kázal. A z horného podkrovia vypadol človek a zabil sa, mladý muž. A Pavol na neho položil svoje telo a duch života sa do neho opäť vrátil.

59Ako Eliáš vzkriesil dieťa ženy, ktorá bola mŕtva, ešte osemsto rokov pred príchodom Krista. Ľudia dokonca aj bez požehnania Ducha Svätého robili zázraky, ktoré sa títo ľudia boja napadnúť s Duchom Svätým. Och, och. Aké žalostné. Prečo? Pretože sú arogantní a nenávidia svojich bratov bez príčiny, tak, ako bol bez príčiny nenávidený Jozef. Vidíte to? Bol nenávidený nie preto, že by bol hoden nenávisti, ale pretože to bolo bez príčiny. Neverili mu. Žil v inej sfére.

 A hovorím to teraz, pretože náš čas sa kráti. Hovorím to so všetkou úprimnosťou srdca. Dnes nenávidia Cirkev, ktorá má nadprirodzené veci. Je to závisť. Je to malicherná závisť. A existuje medzi ľuďmi. Mali ju aj učeníci. Tak veľmi sa za seba hanbili, pretože desať dní predtým im Boh dal moc uzdravovať chorých, vyháňať diablov a kriesiť mŕtvych. A oni mali pred sebou chlapca s epilepsiou a zlyhali.

 Keď Ježiš zostúpil z vrchu a uzdravil chlapca, spýtali sa ho, „Prečo sme to nemohli aj my?“ Nepovedal, „Ja som si vzal Svoju moc späť.“ Povedal, „Ja vám dávam moc.“ Ukážem vám, kde ju dal cirkvi, ale nemôžete mi ukázať, kde ju niekedy vzal späť. Vidíte?

 Na čom spočívali Ježišove vážne slová? „Pre vašu neveru.“

60A o niekoľko dní neskôr našli človeka, ktorý nepatril do ich cirkevnej oblasti. Počul, ako Ježiš vyslovil tieto veci, a práca sa mu darila. Vyháňal démonov. A Peter a Ján mu prišli povedať, že musí patriť do ich skupiny, inak to nemôže robiť. „Budeš nás musieť nasledovať a ísť s nami v zhode. My sme cirkev a ty to musíš urobiť.“ Dal im najavo, aby sa venovali svojim vlastným záležitostiam. Celkom dobre sa mu darilo aj bez toho, aby sa pridal k ich organizácii.

 A tak ako tí slabosi, akých máme dnes s malými detinskými nápadmi, utekali naspäť a hovorili, „Našli sme ho a on vyháňal diablov.“ A čo to bolo? Závideli mu, lebo on robil to, čo oni nemohli. Oni sa stali telesnými. Oči ich rozumu boli ako Jozefovi bratia, ešte neboli osvietené. A tak sa vrátili, donášali naňho a povedali to Ježišovi. A Ježiš povedal, „Nechajte ho na pokoji. Amen. Robí dobré dielo. Robí to, čo som vám prikázal, a vy ste to nedokázali.“

61Boh môže z týchto kameňov vzbudiť Abrahámovi deti. Takže teraz, moji milovaní metodistickí a baptistickí a presbyteriánski bratia, pretože si myslíte, že to musí prísť cez vašu cirkev, Boh je schopný z týchto „svätých váľačov“ vzbudiť kamene Abrahámovi. To je pravda. On bude mať niekoho, kto bude robiť Jeho dielo. To je pravda. Pri všetkých ich zlyhaniach a chybách, a čo ešte urobia... Tak aj Izrael urobil to isté, ale to spravodlivé semeno ide ďalej. Som veľmi rád, že môžem povedať, že som jedným z nich.

 Z Božej milosti sme dnes jednými z nich. Som za to veľmi rád. Vy nie? Moje srdce sa na začiatku tohto nového roka raduje z toho, že Boh skrze Svoju úžasnú milosť zaradil moje meno do Knihy života, aby mi dal pochopiť, že som pridružený medzi Jeho ľud, ktorý je odvrhnutý. A spolu s učeníkmi môžem povedať toto: Považujem za výsadu niesť potupu Jeho Mena. Tak, veru. Som veľmi rád, že som jedným z nich.

62A teraz začneme s Jozefom na ďalšej bohoslužbe, ktorá môže byť dnes večer alebo v pondelok večer, pretože náš čas vypršal. Ale ja Ho milujem. Nemilujete Ho? On je úžasný. A ja som dnes tak rád, že sa môžem pripojiť k tej dlhej šnúre opovrhovaných a zavrhovaných a nenávidených cirkevníkmi po celej krajine, tu sú. Oni sú tí nižší. To je pravda. Cirkevná sféra hovoriac o svete vzdelanostne a spoločensky povedané, sú nad nimi. A my sme radi, že sme pokorní, pretože tí, ktorí sa pokoria, pre nich Boh jedného dňa príde druhýkrát v sláve, aby povýšil Svoju Cirkev. Dovtedy horlivo bojujme za vieru, ktorá bola raz darovaná svätým. Modlime sa.

 A teraz, so sklonenými hlavami, sa len pýtam, či by sa dnes ráno našiel niekto, alebo dúfam, že mnohí, ktorí ešte nikdy neprijali tohto Krista a Jeho veľké požehnania a Jeho veľkú moc; a my sa dnes pýtame, či by ste sa dnes rozhodli a povedali, „Pane Ježišu, som to ja a celým srdcom chcem byť Tvojím služobníkom, aby som sa vydal na cestu s tými niekoľkými opovrhovanými Pánovými. Teraz vidím, Pane, že to nie je to, o čom hovorí svet; je to to, o čom hovorí Tvoja Biblia. Nie je to to, čo mi hovorí svet. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Jozefa. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Ábela. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Jána. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Daniela. Nenávidia ma tak, ako nenávideli Ezechiela, Zachariáša. Nenávidia ma, ako nenávideli Ježiša. Nenávidia ma ako apoštolov a tých, ktorí Ťa nasledovali; bez príčiny. Pane, modlím sa za nich.“

63Dostali ste niekedy takú skúsenosť, že ste vyšli a sme kráľovským kňazstvom, svätým národom, ktorý prináša Bohu duchovné obety, to znamená ovocie našich rtov, ktoré Mu vzdávajú chválu. Dokázali by ste obstáť uprostred nepokojného sveta? Dokázali by ste obstáť pred svojím šéfom? Mohli by ste sa postaviť s pokorou v srdci, s láskou v srdci k hriešnikom tohto sveta, s Kristovým životom vo svojom vnútri a vydať svedectvo a chválu na Božiu slávu?

 Ak nemáte túto skúsenosť, prečo nezačnete svet, život, všetko nanovo už dnes tým, že zdvihnete ruku k Nemu a poviete, „Teraz to, Pane, prijímam a chcem, aby si mi dal krst Duchom.“

64Náš nebeský Otče, táto malá cirkev dnes ráno stojí, vieme, že je vysmievaná, je na ňu strieľané. Nepriateľ ju utláča, strieľa svoje šípy. A my sa modlíme za ich hriešne duše, Pane. Oni nevedia, že sú zaslepení bohom tohto sveta. Na cirkev, všeobecne, na celom dnešnom svete, nepriateľ, náboženský ľud strieľal na nich všetkými šípmi. Ale napriek tomu všetkému veľké prebudenie postupuje ďalej.

 Tisíce pokorných, chudobných, zanedbaných detí natrafili na tieto miesta a videli Tvoju zázračnú ruku, boli naplnené Duchom Svätým a už nie sú z tohto sveta, sú pútnikmi a cudzincami. Nezáleží im na tomto svete, ale hľadajú mesto, ktoré má prísť a ktorého Staviteľom a Stvoriteľom je Boh. Videli Tvoju uzdravujúcu moc uzdravovať chorých. Tvoje znamenia a zázraky sa budú diať medzi Tvojím ľudom. Veľké veci sa uvoľňujú napriek tým miestam, kde ich odsudzujú a snažia sa ich zadržať. Tvoji služobníci sa hýbu priamo dovnútra a nastoľujú prebudenie a strhávajú pokorných do Božieho kráľovstva.

65Dnes ráno máme tú česť, že sú medzi nami misionári, ktorí odchádzajú do iných krajín, a jeden z nich odchádza do Izraela. Ó, Bože, je to tu. Vylej s ním Svojho Ducha, Pane. A nech sa vykonajú veľké veci a spôsobia, aby sa títo úbohí putujúci Židia vrátili. Nech prijmú Ducha Svätého ako ich otcovia na začiatku.

 Tu je brat, ktorý ide na Kubu, na ostrovy. Povedal si, „Až na samý kraj zeme.“ Niečo ťahá, ťahá za srdce týchto bratov. Opúšťajú svoje domovy, svojich blízkych, nestarajú sa o radosti a dobré časy tohto sveta, ale odchádzajú do neúrodných krajín tam vonku pred protivníka, ktorý sa snaží zastaviť dielo. Ale tak ako vôl, ktorý priviezol voz s prikázaniami a archu zmluvy, nechali svoje mláďatá bľačať a oni išli po ceste, spievajúc, zostupujúc ku skale.

66Ďakujeme Ti za každého služobníka, ktorého vidíme v našom zbore. Aj brat John, dnes ráno, z Nemecka, ako bol vychovaný v chudobe; ťahal malý vozík po celej krajine a kázal Evanjelium. Ďakujeme Ti za neho. A tento mladý muž a ďalší služobníci, ktorí tu blízko sedia, a všetci laici... Keď prosím, Otče, verím, že pod takýmto časom, že keby muž alebo žena nemali Krista v srdci, určite by zdvihli ruku, keď vidia všetky dôkazy Evanjelia, že Ty si ten istý a Tvoja Cirkev je tá istá.

 Ďakujem Ti za všetkých. Modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal a uzdravil ich telá, ak sú chorí, a splnil im túžby ich srdca. O to ťa prosíme, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

67A so sklonenými hlavami chvíľu rozjímajme. Len sa ticho modlime. [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

 Prvý, ktorý zomrel pre tento plán Ducha Svätého,

 bol Ján Krstiteľ, ale zomrel ako človek;

 Potom prišiel Pán Ježiš, oni Ho ukrižovali,

 kázal, že Duch zachráni ľudí od hriechu.

 Potom ukameňovali Štefana, ten kázal proti hriechu.

 Oni... takí nahnevaní, vrazili mu do hlavy;

 Ale on zomrel v Duchu, vydal ducha,

 a išiel sa pripojiť k tým ostatným, tvoriacim životodarný zástup.

 Bol tam Peter a Pavol a Božský Ján,

 oni sa vzdali svojich životov, aby toto Evanjelium mohlo svietiť;

 Zmiešali svoju krv ako proroci za dávnych čias,

 (To Semeno je stále prenasledované)

 tak mohlo byť pravdivé Slovo Božie úprimne povedané.

 Pod oltárom boli duše, ktoré kričali, „Ako dlho?“

 aby Pán potrestal tých, ktorí urobili zle;

 ale bude viac takých, ktorí dajú svoju krv života

 pre toto Evanjelium Ducha Svätého a Jeho karmínový prúd.

 Stále kvapká krvou, áno, kvapká krvou.

 Toto evanjelium Ducha Svätého kvapká krvou,

 krv učeníkov, ktorí zomreli pre Pravdu,

 toto Evanjelium Ducha Svätého kvapká krvou.

 [Brat Branham hmká - pozn. Prekl.]

68Ó, Bože, príď, Pane Ježišu. Formuj nás teraz, kým sme pred Tebou v pokore. Odstráň z našich životov, z našich sŕdc všetku ľahostajnosť. Kým... sladkosť Ducha akoby sfarbila oči, Boh teraz berie Svoje Slovo a zalieva Ho. Sme takí šťastní, že si nás zahrnul, Otče, aby sme boli nositeľmi Evanjelia.

 Modlíme sa za všetky potreby cirkvi. Modlíme sa za nášho milovaného pastora. Ó, Bože, verný služobník, neúnavný, vždy pripravený ísť. Hovor dnes k jeho srdcu a daj mu poznať, že tam na tých verných pastorov čaká veľká odmena, keď sa zhromaždia tam na druhej strane so všetkými vykúpenými. Požehnávaj ostatných pastorov, misionárov a členov Kristovho tela všade na svete.

69Odpusť nám naše nedostatky, Pane. A teraz, ak je v našich srdciach potreba, Pane, nepožehnáš nás, kým si prítomný? Ak je v našom strede choroba, Pane, môže niekto, kto dnes prišiel do tejto malej cirkvi, a pozrie sa tam a uvidí Golgotu, uvidí tam, kde je skutočné Semeno, kde si satan myslel, že ho môže zničiť smrťou... Ale Boh ho znovu vzkriesil. Jednoducho to nemôže urobiť. Boh dal sľub a Boh zostáva pri Svojom sľube. A každé zasľúbenie je pravdivé.

 Zasľúbil si nám večný život a my ho máme. Pocítili sme ho. Hýbe sa v nás niečo, čo nevieme vysvetliť. Ó, Bože, uprostred ťažkostí cítime, ako to podpalubie tam dolu pevne stojí. Na more môžu udrieť búrky, môže to rozkývať našu malú loďku. Ty urobíš nejakým spôsobom cestu ponad, pod, okolo alebo cez to. Takže sa opierame rovno o Slovo, Pane.

70A teraz sa modlím, aby, ak je niekto chorý a je tu na zhromaždení, aby tento Duch, ktorý je práve teraz v budove, zostúpil vo veľkej láske a povedal, „Dieťa moje, to som Ja. Ja som Otec, ktorý ťa stvoril. Ja som Ten, ktorý priniesol... prvky zo zeme, ktoré ťa stvorili takého, aký si. Satan sa snaží dostať do Môjho diela. Prijmi Moje zasľúbenie, dieťa.“

 A túto modlitbu viery budem prednášať vo viere, že si tu. Nech sa Tvoje ruky, Pane, roztiahnu ku každému srdcu a choroba odíde od ľudí. Karhám diabla, diabla útlaku, diabla strachu, diabla chorôb všetkého druhu; Ty si povedal, „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov.“ V jednote tejto cirkvi a tohto Ducha dnes ráno odháňame od ľudí každé zlo, aby sme odtiaľto odišli čistí vďaka obeti Pána Ježiša, ako ju pokorne prijímame.

71Požehnaj nás v ďalších úlohách. Požehnaj nás vo všetkom, čo robíme. Choď s kazateľmi, s evanjelistami, s misionármi a na ich miesta, Pane. Daj, aby sme sa jedného dňa stretli pri Tvojich nohách. Vtedy položíme svoje trofeje. Bože, budú to trofeje všetkých druhov. Budú to bieli, žltí, čierni. Všetci spoločne povieme, „Pane, tu sú.“ Aký deň radosti to bude.

 Pracujme, kým je deň, lebo príde noc, keď nikto nemôže pracovať. Prosíme o toto požehnanie v milovanom Mene Božieho Syna Ježiša Krista. Amen.

 Všetko je možné, len ver.

 Len ver, len ver. (Čo je to?)

 Všetko je možné, len ver.

 Koľkí mali práve teraz potrebu a môžu uveriť, vy zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, „No, prijímam.“

 No, ja prijímam, teraz, prijímam,

 všetko je možné, teraz prijímam.

 No, ja prijímam, teraz, prijímam,

 všetko je možné, teraz prijímam.

72Teraz na chvíľu skloníme hlavy. Len pokračuj, sestra, na klavíri, ak môžeš. Prijímate to? Hovoríte, „Brat Branham, istý čas som bol chorý. Bolo tu niečo, čo vyzeralo, akoby som to jednoducho nemohol prekonať. Jednotlivo sa za mňa modlili.“ To je dobré, brat, sestra. Ale zamyslel si sa niekedy nad tým, čo to je? Je to to malé zasľúbenie, ktoré ti bolo dané. Tomu, kto verí, je všetko možné.

 Prečo to dnes ráno nehodíte priamo na Golgotu? Len si tu podržte jeho koniec, Duch, ktorý vám ho dáva. Hoďte ho priamo na Golgotu a povedzte, „Tam drží moja kotva. Prijímam ju práve teraz. Všetko je práve teraz za mnou. Nezáleží na tom, čo sa práve teraz odohráva; moja kotva drží za oponou. A dostávam práve to, o čo žiadam. Viem, že to mám. Božie Slovo to hovorí. Bože, teraz hľadím na Teba.“ Možno si mal starosti, finančné problémy, čokoľvek. Nezáleží na tom, čo to je, hoď to rovno na Golgotu, lebo všetko - všetko je možné, len ver.

73Nechajte to naozaj dobre vstrebať. Nie je to úžasné? Toto je môj čas služby. Slovo je zasiate. Vidíte? Teraz ho Boh zalieva. Necítite to opätovné... to upokojenie, osvieženie z Božej prítomnosti, ktorá práve zostupuje a zalieva Ho, hovorí teraz, „Tu, dieťa, Ja prídem so Svojím Slovom. Budem ctiť Svoje Slovo. Budem nad Ním bdieť dňom i nocou. Zalievam Ho teraz v tvojom srdci. Nemôžeš Ma jednoducho prijať a uveriť Mi?“ Lebo všetko je možné, len ver.

 Bože, aké úžasné, aké úžasné. Len sa namočiť, len cítiť, ako voda steká po tých semienkach. Čo je to? Semeno spravodlivosti, bolo zasiate do tvojho srdca. Je to Božie Slovo. To je Semeno, ktoré... To je Duch Svätý, Semeno, ktoré Boh zasľúbil na začiatku. Ste Abrahámovým semenom tým, že ste zomreli v Kristovi a prijali ste Abrahámovo semeno a ste dedičmi podľa zasľúbenia. Duch Svätý pochádza z Abrahámovho semena, ktoré z vás robí synov a dcéry Božie.

74Teraz je to Duch Svätý, ktorý zalieva to zasľúbenie, ktoré ste pred chvíľou prijali za svoje uzdravenie, za svoje spasenie, za lepšie chodenie, za to, aby vás opustil strach, za čokoľvek, čo potrebujete, za tú cestu dolu na ostrovy, za tú cestu do vlasti Izraela, do vašej cirkvi, na vaše miesto, nech je to kdekoľvek, do vášho domova. To je Duch Svätý, ktorý hovorí, „To som ja. Ja som s tebou, choď ďalej. Ja ťa vediem. Ty... ty sa len ďalej hýb. To som Ja.“

 Je tu pre teba Med v Skale;

 Nechajte svoje hriechy, aby ich zakryla Krv,

 Je tu pre teba Med v skale. (Povstaňme.)

 Ó, choď do ulíc a na okraj cesty.

 Kážte Slovo...

 Povedz každému padlému bratovi,

 je tu pre teba Med v Skale.

 Ó, tam je Med v Skale, môj brat,

 je tu pre teba Med v Skale.

 Nechajte svoje hriechy, aby ich prikryla Krv;

 Je tu pre teba Med v Skale.

75Pozri, ešte nechcem, aby ste odišli. Chcem, aby ste sa pozreli na niekoho, kto stojí blízko vás, podali mu ruku a povedali, „Boh ťa žehnaj, brat, sestra.“ Nech je to ktokoľvek. Len sa otočte. Toto je medzidenominačná Modlitebňa. Sme práve na svojej ceste, zvláštny ľud. Dobre.

 Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš.

 Dieťa žiaľu a trápenia;

 To ti dá radosť a útechu,

 vezmi Ho všade, kamkoľvek ideš.

 Vzácne Meno! (Vzácne Meno!)

 .. (Ó, aké sladké.)

 Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

 Vzácne Meno, ó, aké milé!

 Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

 No, všetci sa teraz dívajte takto. Poďme:

 Skláňame sa pred Menom Ježiš,

 padajúc k Jeho nohám,

 Kráľa kráľov na nebi budeme korunovať,

 až bude naša cesta dokončená.

 Vzácne Meno, (Vzácne Meno,) (ó, aké milé!)

 Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

 Vzácne Meno, (Vzácne Meno,) ó, aké milé!

 Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

76Teraz, keď sa skláňame pred Pánom Ježišom. Je to veľké jubileum, veľký sviatok, letničný sviatok Slova a Božích vecí, Jeho Ducha Svätého. Chceme sa modliť za Božie požehnanie pre našich misionárskych bratov, ktorí sa teraz chystajú do terénu, a nech im Boh dá zdaru. Dávame vám sľub. Budeme sa za vás modliť, brat a sestra, ich manželky, ich milovaní. Pomyslite na to, čím prechádzajú tie ženy. Viem to podľa vlastnej manželky.

 Pastorom, alebo bratovi Jacksonovi a myslím, že brat Beeler je tam vzadu a mnohí ďalší pastori, Teddy, tu vzadu je mladý kazateľ. Mnohí ďalší, ktorí sú tu, len sa modlíme za Božie požehnanie. Mladý brat tu z dolnej časti z Božej cirkvi, ktorého uvidíme dnes popoludní. Modlíme sa za požehnanie pre neho, je evanjelista, myslím, že je to brat, že? Ako sa voláš? Brat Ward? Morgan, brat Morgan, som tak veľmi rád, že ich tu všetkých máme.

77A teraz, keď k Nemu skláňame hlavy a hľadíme na Neho. Vzadu stojí jeden pokorný brat. Ťahá malý vozík, ako som pochopil, po celej krajine. Mnohí ho poznajú ako proroka Jána. My ho tu voláme brat John. Vždy som si toho človeka vážil, ale nedávno som bol hore na návšteve u mojich priateľov. To je brat, sestra Jimmy O'Neil hore v Sellersburgu. To je zať brata a sestry Greenovcov. Dnes ráno sú tu prítomní.

 Brat John bol u nich doma a oni mi povedali, aký je to skutočný kresťanský džentlmen. A povedali mi o jeho živote, čo im rozprával, a o tom, ako sa dostal cez ťažké skúšky. A on mal ťažkú cestu. A my ho dnes ráno poprosíme, či by prepustil toto zhromaždenie, a poprosíme ho o Božie požehnanie pre toto zhromaždenie. Urobíš to za nás, brat Johnny, keď... všetci skloníme hlavy a brat John, ak by si nás mohol rozpustiť modlitbou.

JOSEPH MEETING HIS BRETHREN, 56-1230, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 96 min

1 With voice enough to talk a little bit, and I've had a sore throat for some time, and--and this morning I got a awful cold. Looks like just every time I come down somehow right into this valley...

Yesterday, I was speaking to some of the brethren when we was up on top of the knobs at New Albany and looked down this way. I said, "That's the reason right there." It's just a fog hangs over here and a smudge like all over the whole city.

And as soon as I come into this vicinity, just as I drop down in here there it goes (See?) again just soon as I come in. Oh, I have to take me a tent, and go up on top of the hill somewhere and camp. 'Cause we're just pilgrims and strangers, anyhow, aren't we, seeking a city whose Builder and Maker is God? That's what we love.

2 Now, we have some a--just before the service this morning or before the Sunday school teaching, we have a--a dedication of babies. And my brother has a little one that he wishes to dedicate to the Lord, my brother in flesh. And maybe some of the rest of you mothers and fathers here have a little one to be dedicated.

Now, many times in the Bible... And we've had lots of splits in churches because of the different theories on infant baptism and so forth. And now, those who take them and sprinkle them for infant baptism, that's up to whatever way you want to dedicate it. But the whole thing mounts up to one thing, a dedication to the Lord.

3 And now, because a baby is far as sin, it has none. Jesus died to take the away the sins of world, and the baby has done no sin. Only it was--it's a sinner. It's borned in sin. But, when Christ died at Calvary, He took away the sins of the world, and the baby is not responsible until it becomes the age of accountability.

And any little baby, no matter how sinful the parents are, as soon as it dies, it goes straight to the arms of Christ. See? Because He paid the price. No matter if it was a baby borned in sin, and by adultery, or whatever it is. Makes no difference at all. That baby is safe with Christ, because He died to take away the sins of the world.

And, when it gets old enough now that it's done personal sin, then it has to repent for what it has done. But it has no personal sin until it's old enough to commit sin, to know which is right and wrong.

4 But now, we always try to stay just as close to the Bible on these things as we know how. Now, there's no Scripture in the Bible for sprinkling babies. The only thing that we find... or no infant baptism in the Bible in no form. The only place we can find, it's wrote here in the Scriptures that Je--they brought unto Jesus little children. And He took them up in His arms and blessed them and said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Now, that... Now, as He's gone on to God and sets at the right hand today in His corporal body in the--on the throne of God... And He has commissioned His church to go into all the world and to continue the works that He started here when He was here on earth: that is preaching the Gospel, healing the sick, and dedicating the children, and so forth.

5 Therefore, the loved ones is asked to bring their little ones to the Lord by giving them to the pastor into his arms. And he raises them by faith to Christ and asks Christ to bless them.

And so, if you have a little one that--that you haven't dedicated to the Lord and you'd want to bring him while our sister plays the piano. "Bring them in," and we can sing it. How many knows the old song, "Bring them in?" That's fine.

Now, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Branham will bring their little one, and any of the rest that has some they want to bring, why, bring them right up at this time now for the dedication. All right.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in.

Bring the wand'ring ones to Jesus.

6 I want to show you another little Branham. Little Mary Ella Branham is the daughter of my brother and his beloved wife, that they have come forward this morning at the church to offer the little fellow life back to God Who gave it to them. And now, shall we bow our heads just a moment.

Our kind, heavenly Father, as standing here before You today, my own brother in flesh, and his bride, his wife. And Thou has so blessed their homes with this little Mary Ella to give them joy in the days that's ahead of them. I thank Thee for their remembrance of where the baby come from, and bringing it today to the church that they might present it back to You.

And I now give the baby to Thee in arms of faith and ask You to bless the little one who I hold. And may it live and grow, and if Jesus tarries, may it be a servant of Yours to serve Thee. Bless its father and mother. And God, grant that Your Holy Spirit will lead them through life's journey.

And if in someday when this earthly pilgrimage shall cease, may all the big family be gathered together in glory. Grant it, Lord. Until that time, may this child grow, and be blessed with God, be healthy and strong, and be an example of womanhood in its stage of...?... And we'll give Thee the praise, for we present the baby to Thee now in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

I give it back to you. God bless you. The Lord bless you. All right.

Precious memories how... my soul,

As they linger ever near me,

Precious sacred scenes unfold.

7 How we praise our dear Lord for all the little ones. You know, it just seems strange how we were once little like that. And there's something about a baby that's unselfish, so forgiving, and so kind. Even our Lord likened unto them and said, "Except ye become converted and be as one of these little ones." So easy.

I noticed my little Joseph, how he's just the age to be into everything, and the mother will just have to correct him, and he will pull the lamp off or whatevermore, just to hear it hit the floor. And then, if the mother happens to spank him or something, he will climb right up in her arms and put his arms around her like that.

We have to be forgiven to each other as these little children to enter into the Kingdom. Now, we thank God for this little baby, little Mary Ella Branham. And may it live, and grow, and prosper, and be a servant of the Lord. And may the home it's raised in be a Christian home, and so it can come up in the admiration of Christ.

8 And now, we are... Thank you Sister Gertie. And now, the little ones have taken their position in the room for Sunday school classes, and the pastor has--has made the announcements of where the services will be today and tomorrow. Tomorrow night...

This afternoon they'll... As far as I know, there's no services open, 'less it would be some of the little missions in Louisville that we're acquainted with, or Brother Durbin and many of them. I think they have a Sunday afternoon service.

I've got many calls. Many people are in the courts and so forth to be prayed for that's sick and afflicted. My next services will be at Cleveland, Tennessee, beginning next Friday night: Friday through Sunday. And then, we're coming right home and going to South Bend, Indiana, and for two nights there with dedication of the temple, Brother R. E. S. Thoms from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

And then from there, we go to Sturgis, Michigan, for two nights of service of Sturgis, Michigan. And then, go over to Lima, Ohio, to the Baptist people in Memorial auditorium in--in Lima, Ohio. That begins on January the twenty-third through the twenty-seventh. And then, from there, we go over to the West Coast, then, to the big meetings in California and Arizona. Be in prayer for us.

9 Tomorrow... Tonight at seven-thirty, will be the evangelistic services here at the Tabernacle, and everyone is invited. And tomorrow night, I have to--I'm going to speak for Brother Cauble at his--his midnight watch service. I'll be--my portion begins at nine till about nine-thirty. Then, I return back to the Tabernacle here where the meeting will already be in progress with visiting pastors and ministers, who will be here to have a portion in tomorrow night's service.

If you all like to hear pastors speak and express their ways of telling you how to begin the new year, and what to do, why, from the Scriptural standpoints, why, be sure to be here tomorrow night. Services beginning at seven-thirty as usual on seven-thirty.

And we'll continue on for--till midnight Sunday night. And then, or Monday night, rather. Then, after nine o 'clock, I... After I get through at Brother Cauble's, I'll be right straight back over here at the Tabernacle to begin and perhaps, maybe, finish what I--the sermon that I wish to start this morning.

Or I'm--kindy takes me a long time. I'm slow, you know, but, I like for it to get down on the right kind of a foundation, so there's no need just scattering it anywhere. I want it to lay there, and grow, and prosper for the Lord.

10 Now, there's a--a minister here this morning, a young minister that supposed to be, I suppose, in the Bel-Air Motel. I'm supposed to see him at--by two to three this afternoon. And--or is he in yet as I forget what the brother's name is. He's coming from down in Tennessee. He was healed of a broken back in my meeting and entered the ministry. The--this brother there. All right. That's fine. That's at a--it's from... Was it two to three, was it? I... Three--three, three to four. All right.

And then, there's another minister. I don't whether he's here yet or not. He's from way up in northern British Columbia.

11 One day when I was trying to buckle on some paniers on some horses, I guess or something. I had a beard about that long. We'd been back on a hunting trip several years ago. A man walked up and said, "Aren't you Brother Branham?"

I met a young lady in a store, said, "She'd never seen a woma--a--or never seen a--a--the city, a big city." And I guess she was four or five hundred miles from a city, maybe more than that. Hundreds of miles from a hardtop road in a little city called East Pines. I think there's one store there.

Way back in there, this couple walked up, and they're on their road to Cuba. I wonder if they're here this morning from northern British Columbia. Right here. Well, bless your heart, brother. We're glad to have you and your wife, missionaries traveling through; called me this morning from the--from the Star Motel. The Lord bless you. I'm--know all our brethren will be glad to shake their hands.

And a man that by a picture could recognize me with all that beard on, has a good discernment. Very fine. They were so gallant. The way up in there where there's no people hardly, way up on East Pines. And [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] it's going to be hard to say how few people there is through that country, but yet they were up there as missionaries trying to do something for the glory of God. I certainly appreciate them with all my hearts.

I know you all like to shake their hands and hear about the great northwestern country. And now...

12 Then the... I believe a Mrs. Roberson's mother is still very ill. I've got to see her this afternoon. And remember to pray for her. That'll be...

And then, the Lord willing, I'll be back here again at seven-thirty tonight. I think the McSpadden's back there as we're going to dinner with them around about six o'clock and give us time to get back. And then, we want to visit Mrs. Burns. Is Brother Burns in this morning? Is he here? Yes, I didn't see you, Brother Burns setting...

Sister Burns is very sick, very sick. And I was over the other evening to see her. And she is very sick, and a gallant soul she is. And we want everyone to constantly hold to God, because expressing it from this manner, not knowing who would be here. But, it'll take a miracle of God to bring Sister Burns back to the church again. That's right.

When her beloved husband just left the hospital up there at the veteran's hospital with cancer, condemned to die, and God healed him. And here he is back in the church and with very good health again as could be expected in this kind of time. And when the Lord healed him of a great, enlarged spleen with cancer in the same thing years and years ago.

13 And I remember the very time while Brother Wood setting there. I was in on a little vacation. We was out in the woods squirrel hunting. And Something said to me, "Go home." I went home. And why'd I go to Louisville? I'll never know.

And Brother Wood raised around Louisville, driving the wrong block around and around and around, trying to pick me up. And God was holding me on a corner waiting for Sister Burns to come tell me. And it was her, that gallant woman that come told me her husband was dying there in the hospital when we went there and prayed.

And she got down and took that picture that the Lord taken his picture of the Pillar of Fire. All of you seen it, I suppose. Set it down on the floor, and she said, "Dear God of heaven," she said, "Help me to find Brother Branham at once. I must do it."

And she said, "Angel of God guide me to him." That's what it takes. And she raises up and goes to town to pay a utility bill, and was strangely led around another corner, and God sent me from the woods to Louisville and held me on the corner for a half hour watching Brother Wood turn the wrong corner all the time up there trying to pick me up. See?

Now, we know that God knows where His little daughter's laying over there. And He might be expecting you to pray the prayer of faith. We'll do all we can.

14 Another thing we want to say this morning with not only bowed head, but hearts, to one of the loyalist men that I've--one of them that I've ever met in my life is our Brother Higgenbotham. His--our beloved sister has gone to be with the Lord Jesus, a gallant soldier of God. How many times have I seen her come to the altar.

Her longing was always to get to this prayer line where the Holy Spirit would tell her what was the trouble. She longed to do it. And how many times has she walked across this platform here, trying to find if the discernment would--would come.

And in other meetings and different places has she tried. But, it just simply wouldn't come, somehow. And then, a few weeks ago walking into the hospital down there, when I heard she was sick and it was late in the evening... And when I went into the hospital and set down by her side, there the Holy Spirit came down and went plumb back into life, and brought everything up, and put it right exactly where the trouble was.

But, the strange thing was, Sister Higgenbotham didn't even desire to stay here any longer. She wanted to go on. There's something calling her. She answered that call the other day to go be with God. And I'll always remember her. []

15 No wonder you feel bad when you're come into the city. It's rejected the Gospel. That's what's the matter. And doomed she is. The '37 flood won't be nothing till this is ended. But, yes, it's doomed, absolutely. And that's the reason the handwriting's on the wall.

And now, it's too bad we own the property, the things along here. But I heard the other day that some of our brethren got a ticket for parking even on the edge of the church lot there. Such a disgrace. I'll pay that ticket, if you'll just let me know what it was. That's a pity. Yes, sir.

But we--this... I think if the... I think we still own that. At least, the--the deed says so, pull right over on this here. And maybe you won't get a ticket over there.

But, I'm glad we're headed for a place where they don't drive...?... tickets. Aren't you? That's right. Wonderful. Yes, indeed.

16 Now, I'm not--I'm just going try to talk a little while this morning, 'cause I got a real head cold, and stopped up, and--and I want to talk--take a subject from the Old Testament, and just teach a while, the Lord willing. And then, maybe tonight if come back, the Lord willing, get back in time and not too worn out...

Oh, I just happened to think too. Brother Kelly setting here and Sister Kelly's to come up right at... You come as quick as you can after dinner, 'cause I'm just really moved out this afternoon with a lot of stuff, Brother Kelly. I remember the other night after I was leaving on a call when you all come in. All right. [A sister says something to Brother Branham--Ed.] Now, that's--that's all right, sister.

17 Now, then pray for me, and pray for the--my decisions of the Lord will be--will be for Him, the best that I can. Now, we want to turn over in the old book, the old--the last or the first book, the Genesis 35. And we wish to read just a little portion of the Scriptures here out of the book of Genesis. And we pray that God will richly add His blessings as a background of something we wish to teach on.

And how many likes Sunday school? Oh, that's... How many knows where it first originated? Don't see any hands. It's kind of... How many knows what it was first called? Where's my wife? She ought to know that. All right. It was... Yes? [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.]

Another missionary, God bless you. Brother who? Brother Neighbor. Where is he? Would you raise your hand, Brother Neighbor? God bless you, brother. Is that your wife with you? That is very fine. We're glad to have you and your family with us this morning.

18 You know you're in the will of God. You have to be when you're a missionary. You see? Because the general orders is, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." A man that's a missionary...

Now, I don't--I don't care too much... I... Missionary is a very fine word, but I got a better word for it. You're an apostle. See? That's right. Now, what does the word "apostle" mean? "One that's sent." What does the word "missionary" mean? "One that's sent." It's the same thing.

So, missionaries, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors make up the church. Is that right? Apostles, prophets they call. So, as long as you are a missionary or an apostle, you're one sent of God to a mission. And you're always right. God bless you is my--my prayer.

19 Brother and Sister Foss is on their way to Cuba to the fields, going from the frozen regions of the north to the tropical jungles of the South. But this Gospel must be preached in all the world. Amen. What a change. Where are you from, brother? [The brother answers Brother Branham--Ed.] Going to Israel.

Oh, I--I'd like to see Mabel setting back there. I'd call my wife and Mabel to sing for you.

They come from the East and the West,

They come from the lands afar,

To feast with the King, to dine as His guests;

How blessed these pilgrims are.

Beholding His hallowed face

Aglow with light Divine;

Blest partakers of His grace,

As gems in His crown to shine.

Won't it be wonderful that day? Amen. The Lord bless you to Israel, and you to the place you're going is my blessings to you brethren this morning. Amen.

20 Now, before we open the Bible, we know that this is text and God has a context wrote between the lines. You see? So, we can just read the text, and let God give us the context. So, let's bow our heads just a moment for prayer.

Our heavenly Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, we pray that You'd take these words that we shall read now, and bring them right into our hearts, and let us come softly, quietly, humbly, reverently into Thy Presence, and may the Holy Spirit take the Word of God and feed every heart. Including mine there, will You, Lord? For I ask it in Christ's Name. Amen.

All right, we'll read just a verse or two here, so that we can get just a little background. Genesis is the seed chapter; we know. All right. We'll begin with the 15th verse.

And a certain man found him... behold, he was wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou?

And he said, I seek my brethren: tell me, I pray thee... they feed their flocks.

And the man--and the man said, They are departed thence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan.

And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them...?... him to slay him.

And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.

21 And may the Lord grant His blessings to His Word. Now, the Genesis is always to me... Did I tell you what chapter that was? It's Genesis, I believe, if I seen... Genesis 37, and beginning with the 15th verse to you that mark it. Now, we--I believe I said 35 awhile ago. I had two pages together. I'm--I'm sorry. This little old Scofield Bible, and it--it's kinda hard for me to read, because I'm past forty, you know.

And my... They tell me I should have some reading glasses. I went and got my eyes examined when I got so I had to keep pushing my Bible away from me. And the doctor tells me my arm won't be long enough after while to get it back. And I'm got to... Said, "I need some reading glasses."

I examined my eyes, and they tested perfect ten, ten. But, I could see a hair laying on the floor somewhere there just as easy, but put it up close to me. He said, "When you get..." Said, "What makes your hair get gray?"

I said, "I don't know."

He said, "It's old age." He said, "That's what get wrong with a person's eyes when you pass forty. You're, actually your eyeballs get flat." And you just have to--to cope with it. That's all.

And I just keep putting it off and, "Well, I don't have time to go." But I--I will someday and get a--a readings to read by when I'm going to teaching more. But now, I just read a text and go on. And this is... I got this Bible many years ago, and it's real extremely fine print.

22 Now, in the Genesis, "Genesis" means "the beginning, the seed chapter." And remember that everything that there is today actually began in Genesis. It was beginning of all things. It was the beginning of--of salvation. It was beginning of sin. It was beginning of all the cults. It was the beginning of the true church. It was the beginning of the false church. It was the beginning of righteousness. It was the beginning of deceit. It was the beginning of, all things started in Genesis.

I wish we had just about three months on this, to stay right on this one subject and just dig it, tie it by the Holy Spirit by God's cords. And just wrap it together and watch how every word just dovetails right in with the other words: such a beautiful thing.

23 The Word of God is so inspiring, no matter what age, what time. Every man that's ever read this text through the... It's been written now for many hundreds yeah--pretty near three thousand more years. And every man that's ever read this text in every age is inspired by it, every verse of Scripture. There's nothing else can ever take its place.

A writing that was written back in another day. When it's read for that age, and for its purpose, it's settled. I might write you a letter and say, "My dear, beloved brother, today I have been over to a certain place and done such and such a time." That goes directly to you and that settles it.

Maybe for a court evidence or something, it could be brought up for an evidence against me or for me, to prove me something, or prove something against me. But it would not be the direct message as it would be when it's given to you.

24 But the Bible is not so. It's given to the human race and for all times and for all ages, because it is a written Word of God. See? His Words can never fail. They'll never die and as long as there is an eternity for ever and ever, these will still have the same meanings; because they are once come from the lips of God. See? Can't fail.

Just think of that, how eternal the Word of God is. They're life. Now, what is a word? A "word" is "a thought that's been expressed." And when God once thinks anything, it's just a thought. But when it's once expressed, it can never alter or change. It has to remain forever. 'Cause your word is just as good as you are. God's Word is as good as He is.

25 Your word is a part of you. Your promise is just as good as you can be. And God's promise is just as good as He can be. Now, as being a mortal, you can make a promise and have to break it, because you're just a mortal. I'm just a mortal. But God being immortal, and infinite, and omnipotent, omnipresent, He makes a statement, and He knows the end from the beginning. And He can keep it.

Abraham called those things which were not as though they were, because he was fully persuaded that what God had promised, God was able to perform. 'Cause He would have never made the promise, unless He knew what was going to be. See how we can rest upon His Word then?

No matter how hard the storm blows, what's contrary to it? Rest solemnly upon the Word. God said it Who seen the other side of the storm. See?

26 So, if you're sick just anchor your soul in the haven of rest. If you're perplexed and distressed, remember, He said, "I'll be with you always, even to the end of the world." And He's per--He said, "All things will work together for good to them that love the Lord." So, just stay right there.

One man wrote, a poet wrote, "My anchor holds within the veil." What is a veil? It's something that shuts off here from there. And the anchor is on the inside of the veil. You don't see how it's going to be. But you know that there's something that's got a hold of you that's got a hold up there.

27 And when the sea is blowing and storming... Did you ever... I guess, maybe some of you has never been privileged to see a ship anchored. Oh, my. I've rode them when they throw out a sea anchor like that, until the little craft couldn't even go over the top of the--the wave. It would go through the wave. But, as long as the anchor went out, that's all that makes any difference. Whether we go over it, under it, around it or through it, doesn't matter. The anchor holds.

That's the way when storms of life begin to shake us. We may have to go through. We may have to go over, under, around. But just let the anchor hold within the veil to the unseen. We don't know just exactly where it's at, but it's a holding.

Just like the little boy, you know, that had the kite. You've heard the old proverb, the story. Said, "How do you know you got a kite on the end of there?"

He said, "I can still feel it tugging." So, that's it. If we can feel it still tugging, God dealing with our hearts, then we know our anchor still holds.

28 I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who caught the lightning in the bottle who harnessed lightning electricity. Something within him called and said, "There's power in that." That power could be harnessed. And if it's that powerful to shoot the streets, and to burst the timbers, split open the ground; what could it do if it was once harnessed? It'll light and flash and hit the whole earth.

And Benjamin Franklin, I believe, fishing on his kite with a key tied on the end of the tail and a bottle down at the bottom. And when he got it, he didn't know what he had, but he begin to scream, "I got it. I got it." He didn't know what it was. He didn't know what he was going to do with it. But, he knowed he had something.

And that's the way with every man that's hopes are built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood with righteousness. And all around my soul gives way, then He's all my hope and stay. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sands. Once borned again, the Holy Spirit takes Its place into the heart.

29 Some young people may not or young or may be illiterate. No matter how it is, there's no one can explain it. So, don't feel bad because you're illiterate. You couldn't explain it. There's never been a man yet could explain it. No matter how smart or how intelligent. It's God's own secret.

But when that Word takes light in your heart and you see It, you scream, "I got it." You don't know what you're going to do with It. You don't know what It's going to do with you. But you know something's happened. And you got it.

Now, therefore on the Word; it's beautiful. Now, we're faced this morning and got before us under consideration to my opinion one of the most vital texts of the Old Testament. Joseph we're going to speak on meeting his brethren.

30 There could be a hundred different ways that the Holy Spirit get into this and unfold it to our hearts and mind. So, thinking this being a few days here, we might speak a little while this morning because of a tightness in the throat. And then, maybe pick it up again tonight, if the pastor has anything on his heart, and maybe carry it on through, and finish it up on Monday night.

If it so be that God provides it that way. Now, we're well acquainted with the characteristics of the Old Testament. How that all the old things was a shadow (Hebrews 11), a shadow of the things that are to come. How beautiful that is: how God foreshadows.

And when we feel this shadow as it was, we know that there's something beyond here, that God in His omnipotence in His great infinite mind, seeing something just fixing to happen; He could forewarn it. He could make everything work together, even the wrath of man to praise Him.

31 Even someone who treats you evil, as we're going to get after a bit if the Lord willing, how that Joseph's brother treated him evily, and he turned right back around and took that and made them praise Him. So, we haven't got a thing to worry about, not a thing.

How that God through that boy was foreshadowing the coming of the Lord Jesus, the first time and the coming of the Lord Jesus the second time, and worked it all out in a life that knowed nothing about what was going on. Amen. Don't that just do something to you?

To see poor little Joseph, why, he didn't know what was taking place, why all these things should happen; but it was all God working out, foreshowing, foreshadowing the things that were going to be.

32 And then, you could notice the Word, how you pick It up here and read It in Genesis, read in the middle of the Book, read in the last of the Book, and every word copes right with one another like that. And It was wrote thousands of years apart by hundreds of different men. See?

So, therefore, you see, it's all God, one not knowing the other or know what book was wrote, nothing about it, another time, another age. And we can see today that God is dealing just exactly like He did back there.

We're just now going, ending up in the new year from the shadowing of the old. And how that in the beginning, how that God when He seen sin going to take its domain over the earth and over the people. How that the great program had been perverted, not spoiled, not recreated, but just perverted...

33 See, Satan cannot create. He can only pervert. Everything that you see is wrong, that's righteousness perverted. See?

You see an old fortuneteller out on the street, that's just the prophets perverted. See? You see anything that's evil, see man living untrue to his vows to his wife; that's righteousness perverted into evil, vice versa.

See women on the street acting the way they do and becoming the way they are, that's ladies perverted.

34 I passed by Louisville the other day, wife and I, and I seen a sign on a window where we were coming from eating over on fifth street. And said, "Tables for ladies." I said, "They have never had a customer." No, a lady wouldn't go in there. When she goes in there, she's not a lady any more. See?

So, it never had a customer under that sign. Ladies don't go to those places. But, you see, what that is that goes in there is ladies perverted. See? All right.

35 Now, God, to make all things praise Him, we are celebrating the Christmas birth of the Lord Jesus, which it isn't just exactly His birthday. His birthday was in April. 'Cause it's just as cold in Judaea or colder in December than it is here. So, we realize that...

You see the picture the other day, the tanks up there and the snow and things like that in Judaea. Could you imagine shepherds laying out on a hill in weather like that? But, it isn't today, but it--the day doesn't mean so much. It's the--the attitude we have toward that day that's set apart.

36 Now, notice as soon as God seen the seed of the woman, how they had been misconstrued there, and righteousness had been perverted, God gave a promise that through that woman would come a blessed Seed. You get it? There would be a Seed.

And just as soon as Satan heard that, who was standing present; as soon as he heard it, he took in to destroy that Seed. And he tried to do it in Joseph. He tried all through the age. And he's still against that blessed Seed. Amen.

I want you to put on your deep thinking caps just for a minute now. As put on a helmet of salvation and listen close now. Here's something real vital. And you may disagree with it. It's all right. But, did you notice, as soon as there'd already been a--a conception, for Eve had already lived unrighteous and had committed the sin...

37 Where did that come from? That's in Genesis. Men today are trying to find the missing link between animal and man. This is revelation. The Bible said, that, "The serpent beguiled the woman."

Today, men can bring up animal life, and the closest animal they have to the human being is the chimpanzee. They could make him smoke a pipe, ride a bicycle, put on a hat, tip it. That's just like gee and haw to a horse. It's sound. He hasn't no soul. He can't think. He can only go by sound. He doesn't have a soul.

Then, they got a missing link right in between here, that they never have been able to find. And for six thousands years, they've tried to get one mutter out of a chimpanzee and can't do it. They never will.

38 But we know that we're animal life. We're plant life out of the earth. As I was saying the other day at our dear sister's funeral, we are a bunch of sixteen elements of the earth of cosmic light, and petroleums, and things put together. We were here when God spoke and said, "Let there be." Our bodies were.

But something, a Mastermind developed us into what we are now, made us with hands and arms and so forth, not to destroy us, but that we might live forever. Sin done the destroying. And He who made us without us having any--any idea of ever being here, He that made us, and brought these things together, and made us what we are now; can He not much more by giving us free mortal agency to accept it, and by the same Word that created us promise us that He'd raise us up again? How much more will all this petroleum come together, and the atoms, and so forth, in the--by the Word of God.

39 Now, in the beginning when God spoke, and Satan was standing there and he heard it... And the people are trying to find this missing link. I'll tell you by revelation, if--if you want to receive it, that missing person between animal and man is the serpent, before he had his legs taken from him.

The Bible said, "He was the most subtle of all the beasts (not reptile), of all the field." He was the one who beguiled the woman in his beauty. And she conceived, and now by doing that and seeing sin was coming, God put such a curse upon him till science will never find any relationship between this serpent as known today and mankind.

But, there is your fallen, degraded being between--that hooked the animal life together. There you are. God has hid it from the wise and prudent, but will reveal it to babes such as will learn. See? There's your fallen person.

The serpent, he was brought from way, the most subtle, the greatest, the most beautiful, the more like human being. And then because of this evil that he did with Eve; He brought him down to a reptile to go on his belly all the days of his life, and dust should be his meat.

40 There's where science could come to there, and their tree's knocked down. Notice now, as soon as the woman seen that she--the... Now, she was deceived. She didn't bring sin. She was deceived. She thought it was right.

But, "Adam was not deceived," said the Bible. He knowed it was wrong. And she had him to do the same thing that the beast had done, and she brought forth her first son, which all the traits of the devil was in that boy. He was a murderer; he was jealous. How could it come from that pure stream of God? It had to come from the evil.

And as soon as he did this, then he... The devil used his tool. She brought forth her second son which was after Adam, and in there was Abel. And right quick the devil tried to destroy that righteous seed. And he turned around and slew Abel to begin with which was type of Judas and Jesus. Slew him at the altar, to where Jesus--Judas slew--slew Jesus, betrayed Him for thirty pieces of silver and sold Him. All right.

41 But, notice, when he did that then God, a type of Christ, both death and resurrection, He raised up Seth to take his place. See? And the devil took after Seth. Now, watch.

Along before the antediluvian destruction, there was a long lineage of men who came down through the sons of Cain from the land of Nod, and they were scientists: smart, intelligent, marvelous men. They even tempered metals. They built homes. They were a marvelous civilization.

The Bible goes ahead, and said how they worked with copper, how they worked with metal. But this other group was wanderers. But both groups was religious. Cain was religious. Abel was religious. And God drawed a line which was right. Cain was just as religious as Abel. They both built altars. They both believed in God. They both worshipped God. They both brought gifts.

42 Now, watch them two seeds: One's fighting, the evil's tried to destroy the righteous seed. And he tried to destroy Abel. He did. But, God raised up Seth to take his place. He thought he had Jesus right there.

Look down through the age everywhere, he... Ever place he come, he cornered that seed. When he slew one or the other, he thought he had that. And finally, he--he took after John the Baptist. Finally, cut his head off. He thought he had him then; but he found out he was over here in Jesus. He slew all the babies. And Moses, he tried to kill Moses. He tried every way he could to destroy that seed.

And when he killed Christ at Calvary, but God raised Him up again the third day. And then He sent the Holy Ghost back to call sons, daughters of God. And that same evil, religious seed is persecuting that righteous seed yet today. You see it? They're trying to destroy that righteous branch of God.

43 Now, both sides, if you notice, is started in Genesis religious. On both sides, one of them denominational, high-minded, and the other one humble, walking in the Spirit by revelation. How could Abel ever know that it was a lamb instead of fruits from the field? Because it was revealed to him by a Divine revelation.

Jesus said the same when Peter confessed Him to be the--the Son of God. He said, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed this to you. Upon this rock (The rock, not Peter, not Jesus, but on the Divine revelation) I'll build My church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it." You get it? It's Divine revelation.

44 Now watch, every epoch of time, there, they met face to face and fought it out. Look at when Moab was up on the hill and Israel was in the valley. And Israel only asked him as a brother gentleman to pass through their land, going to the promised land, that God had promised them, only asked for a little revival in their church as it were. Just to pass through the land and promise they would even pay for the grass that the cattle licked up.

And they would go by the king's highway, and the things that they would do as they passed through the lands... And they would make it right. But, jealousy...

45 Now, Moab, the land of Moab was not infidelic. They were believing in the same God that Israel believed in, for they were the sons of Lot's daughters, Lot's daughter who conceived while Lot was drunk by her own father. And he went over and they fought--that's where these Moabs sprung from.

And when their prophet come out, their teacher, money crazed, and set at the altar, seven altars exactly the same amount of altars was required down here. Here's Moab setting here, the great fine denominational land all fixed and figured. And here was Israel, a little old holy-roller wandering about in tents from place to place.

You say, "A holy-roller?" They sure was. If they--if they're what they call today holy-roller. When they crossed the Red Sea, and God performed a miracle in front of them, Miriam grabbed a tambourine, and begin beating the tambourine, and running down the banks screaming, and jumping, and dancing in the Spirit; and the daughters of Israel followed her, jumping, screaming, dancing in the Spirit.

And Moses stood with his hands up, perhaps singing in a language that nobody had ever heard before, a song that nobody could understand. He sung to the Lord in the Spirit. If that isn't modern holy-rollers, I don't know where to look for them.

46 They had signs and wonders with them. Now, if God only respects the fundamental... Looky here, Moab Scripturally speaking was just as fundamental as Israel was. He had everything that Israel had. He had seven altars. That's what God required. Israel had seven altars. He had seven clean sacrifices. Israel had seven clean sacrifices. There's Cain and Abel again. See?

All right. He offered seven bullocks. He offered seven bullocks. He offered seven rams, speaking they believed that Christ would come. He offered seven rams, the same thing. Just as fundamental as fundamental could be.

Cain built an altar. Abel built an altar. Cain offered a sacrifice. Abel offered a sacrifice. Abel worshipped; Cain worshipped. But God vindicated, proved that Abel was His choice. God proved here that Israel was His choice, for Israel had a Supernatural in their camp. Although, of all their mistakes, they had a Pillar of Fire following them. They had an atonement for Divine healing and practiced Divine healing.

47 A serpent, they had a smitten rock. They had signs and wonders in the camp. When John came, he was supernatural. When Jesus came, It was supernatural. And the enemy on the fundamental side always persecuted the supernatural. You see what He's trying to do today? The same thing: "Blot out Divine healing, blot out these people. There's nothing to them. The dignitary's the great people. Blot it out." Brother, it's nothing but that vine twisting through Genesis coming into Revelation.

I take my side with the holy-rollers. Let it be whatever... I never seen a holy-roller. That's a name that the devil put on the Church of God when it don't belong there. They are not holy-rollers; they are sons and daughters of God misunderstood by the world.

48 Now, Joseph was borned of the--his father, and was loved of his father, and hated of his brethren. Now, notice, perfect picture of the Lord Jesus... I want you to notice how His life just types. In the Old Testament everything typed now. Look back there and see the picture; there's a shadow and you see what the positive is.

Now notice, Joseph being a type of Christ, a type of the Church, type of the Holy Spirit, type... He was a prince of prosperity, just as Christ is, just as the Church today. Notice again, that when he was born, his father loved him, and he made him a coat of many colors.

Now, there's only seven perfect colors in all colors. All others are made off these colors. And the coat, perhaps, had colors in it of seven different colors, stripes of colors into the coat that the father made. If you notice, maybe, Jacob didn't understand that at the time. But that signified, "promised one."

49 When God gave Noah the rainbow sign, the seven colors, it was a promise, or a covenant, one. God had made a covenant that He would destroy the world no more with water. And God's covenant was also carried over through Jacob into Joseph. Abraham was election, and Isaac was justification, and Israel was grace, and Joseph was perfection. That was the only one that had the colors.

We see Jesus setting upon the throne with the colors, rainbow around Him. In Revelations 1 it was God's covenant with the people. Christ... Here it is. Oh, how I want you to see it. Christ is God's Covenant with His people, not denominations, but Christ is God's Covenant.

As Joseph was hated, so is Christ hated today. They don't want to say they hate Christ. But their works prove what they do. They're against every move of Him. Speak of His action, His works, His marvelous doings, why, sure we have Satan at the camp too, a battling away. Certainly.

And they'll point to the words of Satan. But I don't care what Satan does to--to try to confuse; God's Word stands perfect and His promise is perfect. I'll never want to take sides with that group.

50 Notice, there He was, the Covenant. Christ was to look upon at Jasper and Sardis stone in Revelations. That was the breaststone, or the birthstone, rather, from Reuben to Benjamin. That was the reflection of the Sardis and Jasper as they reflected together under the Light of God, made the covenant around Christ, the rainbow. And what does it speak of? Reuben, the oldest, Benjamin, the youngest. From first to the last, He was the One that was, which is, and shall come, The Root, the Offspring of David; He's the Morning Star. He's from A to Z, the Alpha, the Omega, God's reflection from the beginning of time to the end of time. There He is, God's Covenant with His people.

And all these other things, Joseph, David, all the prophets was just a reflection (Amen.), reflecting from the true Seed from the garden of Eden, till the time that He shall come the second time in glory to receive His people and His Church. There it is, beautiful to look upon.

51 Joseph, his brothers were arrogant with him. They hated him without a cause, because he was supernaturally inspired. You get it? Cain hated Abel without a cause, because of being supernatural inspired.

Moab hated Israel without a cause, because they had Divine healing, signs, wonders, and miracles, hated him without a cause and wouldn't let him pass through the...

52 []"...?... have your brother's wife." Amen.

Now, my beloved friends, I want to bring something to your memory. Now, I want you to put it down below the fifth rib on the left side in the tent of that compartment called heart. Never in any age or at any time that God ever inspired a man, did He ever go on the religious side, so-called religious, people of the world. Never did He take up with denominations. Ne--always, He stood out against and against the denominations of the day and against the religious order of the day.

Show me one prophet, show me one time through the Bible that any man of God ever coped with the so-called religious moves of his day. Amen.

53 Even Elijah, after being in the school of the prophets, why, when he went up there, they wanted him to leave. He said, "It's too straight here." You see?

Ahab, one of the religious leaders of his day... Elijah separated himself to Mount Carmel. Watch the John the Baptist separate himself. Never even went to their school to learn their theology. But God sent him into the wilderness to prepare him for a work.

Cain's outfit has never been able to put their ecclesiastical jacket on a man of God. It won't fit. That's right.

54 Notice, through the ages, and when Jesus comes, never did He consult any of the theologians, but called them a bunch of vipers or snakes in the grass. Never did the ascip--disciples ever cope with any of their denominations. They were on the side of Abel. Never did Joseph ever cope with them. He was hated and rejected for the same purpose that the rest of them was, because God was with him in the supernatural's way, and in a different way than what He was with the rest of them. And they hated him without a cause.

Cain hated Abel without a cause. The brethren hated Joseph without a cause. And today, the denominational world, no matter how great it is... I take my hat off and say, "Thank God for them." But in all of their great teachings, their great churches, the great things, still in all of it, God calls out men having nothing to do with it, because they won't cope with the supernatural.

55 There's the move on today. And they hate that move without a cause. I heard a man say the other day, that almost turned my blood to water, for here a man with the influence, a great Baptist preacher. And he was talking about, that it was not Scriptural for anyone to worship the virgin Mary. How true that is. That's right.

He said, "There's no Scripture to worship anybody except Christ." That's right. He said, "God was in Christ, and in Him was the fulness of the Godhead." That's right. And then after all that nice, wonderful, Scripture teaching, turns back around and said, "Never was there a miracle done in the world." Because he's so hard against Divine healing, turned around and said, "There never was a miracle done after the death of Christ. No one never raised the dead after Christ, because that He was the only One Who had Eternal Life."

But, I say unto you, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God told His disciples to go and preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and raise the dead, and clean the lepers. That's what Jesus told His disciples. How can men become so religiously blind? They become narrow minded, because of denominational barriers, and hate their brethren without a cause. You see it? So narrow, so little they do it because of their prestige.

56 A great minister of the land today was asked why he didn't receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, after it was presented by other man of his standing, who had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He said, "It would hurt my ministry."

If you tell me any time... It might hurt an individual's ministry, but it'll never hurt the ministry of Jesus Christ...?... It will further the cause of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

But this Mr. Doctor said, that, "Never was a person ever raised from the dead." Said, "I know there's a bunch of holy-rollers in the land today, that claim that they've seen the dead raised and stuff. There's never a scientific proof of any healings or anything else."

57 Now, you see, here it is, my brother and sister. I want you to notice this real close. The reason that is is this. Today men... In the days of the Lord Jesus, in the days of the Testaments when man believed in God, they heard of a miracle being performed; they never tried to scientifically prove it. They accepted it. They just believed it, for they knowed that God was.

But today, the infidelic group has got into the religious moves, and he's so trying to prove things scientifically. And let me say this as it's coming from heaven, I believe, to my heart. There is never a time that it could be proved, because if you could prove God, then He's no more accepted by faith. It is a proof. We believe God and His miracles; by faith we call those things which are not as though they were, because God said so. No matter what it is.

58 Abraham could not prove that Sarah's milk veins wasn't dried up. He could not prove that--that the tubes, and so forth become impregnated. They--she could--they couldn't prove none of this. They couldn't prove, maybe, by the tests of the seed that they were fertile; but he believed it anyhow and rejected anything that was contrary to it, and called those things that were not as though they were, because within the veil, the hope of God rested on the Word of God, and called those things, scientific or not, the truth because God said so. There you are.

We believe; by faith we receive it. But if the brother, not disputing with him. I don't believe in that. But if the brother would only read that how Paul was stoned to death, and the saints stood over him and prayed till life come back in him. How that Paul preached all night one night. And a man fell out of an upper loft and killed himself, a young man. And Paul laid his body up over him, and the spirit of life come back in him again.

59 How that Elijah raised the woman's baby after it was dead even eight hundred years before the coming of Christ. Men even without the blessing of the Holy Ghost done miracles, that these fellows are afraid to attack with the Holy Ghost. My, my. How pitiful. Why? It's because they are arrogant and they hate their brethren without a cause, just as Joseph was hated without a cause. You see it? He was hated, not because that he was worthy to be hated, because without a cause. They did not believe him. He was living in a different realm.

And I say this now, as our time is getting short. I say this with all trueness of heart. They hate the Church today that has the supernatural. It's jealousy. It's petty jealousy. And it exists among human beings. The disciples had it. They were so ashamed of themselves, because ten days before, God gave them power to heal the sick, and to cast out devils, and raise the dead. And they had an epilepsy boy before them and had failed.

And Jesus when He come down off the mount and healed the boy, and they asked Him why could we not. He didn't say, "I--I have took My power back." He said, "I give you power." I show you where He give it to the church, but you can't show me where He ever took it back. See?

What did Jesus rest His solemn words upon? "Because of your unbelief."

60 And then a few days later, they found a man who was not in their ecclesiastical realm. He'd heard Jesus pronounce these things, and he was getting the job done. He was casting out devils. And Peter and John come to tell him he had to belong to their group or he couldn't do this. "You'll have to follow us and make up with us. We're the church and you got to do it." He let them know to tend to their own business. He was getting along pretty well without joining their organization.

So like little sissy petty's as we have today, little juvenile children's ideas, run back and said, "We found him, and he was casting out devils." And what was it? They were jealous, because he was doing what they couldn't do. They had got carnal. Their eyes of their understanding was like Joseph's brethren, had not been yet enlightened. So they come back, and tattled on him, and told Jesus. And Jesus said, "Let him alone. (Amen.) He's doing a good work. He's doing what I commanded you to do, and you failed to do it."

61 God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. So now, my beloved Methodist, and Baptist, and Presbyterian brethren, because that you think it has to come through your church, God's able of these holy-rollers to rise stones unto Abraham. That's right. He will have somebody that's going to do His work. That's right. With all their failures, and blunders, and whatmore they make... So did Israel make the same thing, but that righteous seed is moving on. I'm so glad I can say I'm one of them.

By the grace of God today, we're one of those. I'm so happy for it. Aren't you? My heart rejoices at the beginning of this new year's to know that God through His amazing grace has included my name in the Book of Life, to give me the understanding that I am associated among His people who are outcasts. And with the disciples, I might say this, I count it a privilege to bear the reproach of His Name. Yes, sir. I'm so glad that I am one of them.

62 And now, we begin here with Joseph on the next service which may be tonight or Monday night one, 'cause our time is up. But, I love Him. Don't you love Him? He is wonderful. And I'm so glad today, that I can join hands with that long string of despised, and rejected, and hated by the ecclesiastics down through the land, here they are. They are the lower. That's right. The ecclesiastical sphere speaking of the world educationally and socially speaking, they are above them. And we are glad to be humble, because those that will humble themselves, God will someday come the second time in glory to exalt His Church. Until then, let's earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Let us pray.

And now, with our heads bowed, I just wonder if there would be one this morning, or many I hope that has never yet accepted this Christ, and His great blessings, and His great powers; and we are wondering today, if you would make your choice today, and say, "Lord Jesus, it is I, and I desire to be Your servant with all my heart to take the way with the Lord's despised few. I see now, Lord, it's not what the world speaks of; it's what Your Bible speaks of. It's not what the world calls me. They hate me as they did Joseph. They hate me as they did Abel. They hate me as they did John. They hate me as they did Daniel. They hate me as they did Ezekiel, Zechariah. They hate me as they did Jesus. They hate me as they did the apostles and those who followed You; without a cause. Lord, I pray for them."

63 Have you ever received an experience like that that you have come out, and we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, offering spiritual sacrifices to God: that is, the fruits of our lips giving Him praise. Could you stand in the midst of the troubled world? Could you stand before your boss? Could you stand with a humility in your heart, with love in your heart for the sinners of this world, with the Life of Christ within you, and give a testimony and praise to the glory of God?

If you haven't that experience, why not begin the world, the life, the everything anew today by raising your hand to Him and saying, "I now, Lord, accept that and want You to give me the baptism of the Spirit."

64 Now, our heavenly Father, the little church this morning stands, we know picked, shot at. The enemy has oppressed her, shooting its arrows. And we pray for their sinful souls, Lord. They don't know that they're blinded by the god of this world. The church, generally, all over the world today, the enemy, the religious people has shot at them with every arrow. But in spite of all of it, the great revival moves on.

Thousands of humble, poor neglected children has stumbled into these places and seen Your miraculous hand, has been filled with the Holy Spirit, and they're no longer of this world; they're pilgrims and strangers. They care not for the world, but they're seeking a city to come whose Builder and Maker is God. They've seen Your healing power to heal the sick. Your signs and wonders will be wrought amongst Your people. Great things break loose in the spite of the places where they condemn it and try to hold it down. Your servants move right in and set up a revival, and they sweep the humble into the Kingdom of God.

65 In our midst this morning, we're privileged to have these missionaries who are leaving into the other lands, one leaving into Israel. Oh, God, there it is. Pour out Your Spirit with him, Lord. And may great things be accomplished and cause those poor wandering Jews to come back. May they receive the Holy Ghost as their fathers did at the beginning.

Here's a brother going out into Cuba, out into the islands. You said, "Unto the utmost parts of the earth." Something pulling, tugging at these brethren's heart. Leaving their homes, their loved ones, not caring for the pleasures and good times of this world, but going out in the barren lands yonder under the opposer trying to stop the work. But just like the ox who brought the cart back with the commandments on it and the ark of the covenant, they left their little ones a bawling and they went down the road lowing, singing, going down to the rock.

66 We thank Thee for every minister we see setting back in our congregation. Brother John, this morning, also, out of Germany, how he's been raised up poor; pulled a little wagon across the nation, preaching the Gospel. Thank You for him. And these young man and other ministers who are setting close and all the laity... When I ask, Father, believing that under a time like this, that if a man or woman did not have Christ in their heart, they'd have raised their hand, surely, seeing all the proof of the Gospel that You're the same and Your Church is the same.

I thank You for everyone. I pray that You'll bless them and heal their bodies if they're sick, and grant unto them the desires of their heart. Grant this, Father, we ask in Jesus' Name.

67 And with our heads bowed, let's just meditate a few moments. Just be in prayer, softly. []

The first one to die for this Holy Ghost plan,

Was John the Baptist, but he died like a man;

Then, came the Lord Jesus, they crucified Him,

He preached that the Spirit would save men from sin.

Then they stoned Stephen, he preached against sin.

They... so angry, they dashed his head in;

But he died in the Spirit, He gave up the Ghost,

And went to join the others that life-giving host.

There was Peter and Paul, and John the Divine,

They gave up their lives so this gospel could shine;

They mingled their blood like the prophets of old,

(That still seed persecuted)

So the true Word of God could honest be told.

There was souls under the altar crying, "How long?"

For the Lord to punish those who've done wrong;

But there's going to be more who will give their life's blood

For this Holy Ghost gospel and Its crimson flood.

Keeps dripping with blood, yes, it's dripping with blood.

This Holy Ghost gospel, It's dripping with blood,

The blood of disciples who died for the Truth,

This Holy Ghost gospel is dripping with blood.

[Brother Branham hums--Ed.]

[Brother Branham hums--Ed.]

68 Oh, God, come Lord Jesus. Mold us now, while we're humble before You. Take all indifference from our lives, out of our hearts. While the--the sweetness of the Spirit seems to have the eyes colored, God taking His Word now and watering It. We're so happy that You've included us, Father, to be bearers of the Gospel.

We pray for every need of the church. We pray for our beloved pastor. Oh, God, faithful servant, never tiring, always ready to go. Speak to his heart today and let him know that there's a great reward waiting there for those faithful pastors when they gather yonder on the other side with all the redeemed. Bless other pastors, and the missionaries, and the members of the body of Christ everywhere.

69 Forgive us of our shortcomings, Lord. And now, if there is a need in our hearts, Lord, won't You, while You're present bless us? If there's sickness in our midst, Lord, someone may who's come into the little church today, and they look yonder, and they see Calvary, see there where the real Seed, where Satan thought he could destroy It with death... But God raised it up again. Just can't do it. God's made a promise, and God stays with His promise. And every promise is true.

You promised us Eternal Life, and we have It. We feeled It. There's something in us moving that we can't explain. Oh, God, in the midst of trouble we feel some holds back yonder just set still. Storms may hit the sea; the ship may rock our little bark. You'll make a way over, under, around, or through it some way. So, we're laying right against the Word, Lord.

70 And I pray now that if someone's sick and the meeting, that this Spirit's that's in the building right now, move down in great love, say, "Child of Mine, this is Me. I'm the Father Who created you. I was the One who brought the--the elements from the earth that formed you what you are. Satan's trying to get in on My work. Take My promise, child."

And this prayer of faith I'll offer, believing that You're here. Let Thy hands, Lord, stretch forth to every heart and the sickness depart from the people. I rebuke the devil, the devil of oppression, the devil of fear, the devil of sickness of all kind; Thou has said, "In My Name they shall cast out devils." In the unity of this church and this Spirit this morning, we cast away every evil from the people, that we go from here clean by the Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus as we humbly accept it.

71 Bless us in the farther exercises. Bless us in whatever we do. Go with the ministers, and with the evangelists, and with the missionaries and to their places, Lord. Grant someday that we'll meet at--at Your feet. Then we'll lay our trophies down. God, they'll be of all types. They'll be the white man, the yellow man, the black man. All together we'll say, "Lord, here they are." What a day of rejoicing that'll be.

Let us work while it's day, for night comes when no man can work. We ask these blessings in the beloved Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Amen.

All things are possible, only believe.

Only believe, only believe. (What is it?)

All things are possible, only believe.

How many had a need and can believe right now, you raise up your hand, say, "Now, I receive."

Now, I receive, now, I receive,

All things are possible, now, I receive.

Now, I receive, now, I receive,

All things are possible, now I receive.

72 Now, let's just bow our heads just a moment now. Just continue on, sister, on the piano if you will. You receiving? You say, "Brother Branham, I've been sick for a time. There's been something look like I just couldn't overcome. I've been prayed for by individuals." That's good, brother, sister. But did you ever think what it is? It's that little promise that's been given you. All things are possible to him that believeth.

Why don't you cast that right into Calvary this morning? Just hold the end of it here, the Spirit that give it to you. Cast it right into Calvary, and say, "There my anchor holds. Now, I receive right now. It's all over right now. No matter what takes place right now; my anchor holds within the veil. And I receive just what I ask for. I know I have it. God's Word said so. God, I'm looking to You, now." Maybe, you had worries, financial troubles, whatever it is. No matter what it is, cast it right yonder against Calvary, for all things--all things are possible, only believe.

73 Just letting it soak in real sweetly. Isn't it wonderful? This is my time of the service. The Word's been sowed. You see? Now, God's watering It. Can't you just feel that re--that soothing, refreshing from the Presence of God, just coming down and watering It, say now, "Here child, I--I'll come with My Word. I'll honor My Word. I'll watch over It day and night. I'm watering It now in your heart. Can't you just take Me and believe Me?" For all things (what) are possible, only believe.

My, how wonderful, how wonderful. Just to soak in, just feel the water coming down over the seeds. What is it? The righteous Seed, It's been sowed in your heart. It's God's Word. That's the Seed that--that's the Holy Ghost, the Seed that God promised in the beginning. You're Abraham's seed by being dead in Christ and take on Abraham's seed, and are heirs according to the promise. The Holy Ghost come from the Seed of Abraham which makes you sons and daughters of God.

74 Now, that's the Holy Ghost watering that promise that you took awhile ago for your healing, for your salvation, for a better walk, for the fear to leave you, for whatever you have need of, for that journey down to the islands, for that journey over to the homelands of Israel, to your church, to your place, wherever it is, to your home. That's the Holy Ghost saying, "That's Me. I'm with you, go on. I'm leading the way. You--you just keep on moving. That's Me."

There's Honey in the Rock for you;

Leave your sins for the blood to cover,

There's Honey in the Rock for you. (Shall we stand.)

Oh, go out to the streets and byways,

Preach the Word...

Say to every fallen brother,

There's Honey in the Rock for you.

Oh, there's Honey in the Rock, my brother,

There's Honey in the Rock for you,

Leave your sins for blood to cover;

There's Honey in the Rock for you.

75 Now, look, don't want you to leave yet. I want you to see somebody standing near you, shake their hand, say, "God bless you, brother, sister." Whoever it is. Just turn right around. This is little old interdenominational Tabernacle. We're just on our journey, peculiar people. All right.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious name! (Precious name!)

.. (O how sweet.)

Hope of earth and joy of heaven;

Precious name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of heaven.

Now, everybody look this way now. Let's:

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of Kings and heaven will crown Him

When our journey is complete.

Precious name, (Precious name,) (O how sweet!)

Hope of earth and joy of heaven.

Precious name, (Precious name,) oh, how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of heaven.

76 Now, while we bow our heads to the Lord Jesus. It's been a great jubilee, a great feast, a Pentecostal feast on the Word, and the things of God, on His Holy Spirit. We want to pray God's blessings upon our missionary brethren, who are going into the field now, and God speed them right straight. We give you a promise. We'll be praying for you, brother and sister, their wives, their loved ones. Think what them women are going through with. I know by my own wife.

To the pastors, or Brother Jackson, and--and I guess Brother Beeler's back there and many other of the pastors, Teddy, back here a young minister. Many others who are here, we just pray God's blessings. A young brother here from down in the Church of God that we're to see this afternoon. We pray the blessings upon him, evangelist, I believe it is, isn't it brother? What is your name? Brother Ward? Morgan, Brother Morgan, just so happy to have them all here.

77 And now, while we bow our heads now to Him and look. There's a humble little brother standing in the back of the building. He pulls a little wagon, I understand, across the nation. Lot of them know him as prophet John. We call him Brother John around here. I always had a respect for the man, but the other day I was up visiting some friends of mine. That's Brother, Sister Jimmy O'Neil up at Sellersburg. That's the son-in-law of Brother and Sister Greene. They're present this morning.

And Brother John had been in their home and they told me what a real Christian gentleman he was. And they give me his life of what he had told them, and how he had come up through hard trials. And he's had a hard way. And we're going to ask him this morning if he will dismiss this congregation, and ask his blessing from God upon this congregation. Will you do that for us Brother Johnny as you--all bow our heads, and Brother John, if you'll dismiss us in prayer.