Hľadieť na toho neviditeľného



Keď raz človek uchytí videnie Toho neviditeľného Boha a vie, že On je vždy prítomný, tam je niečo, čo stabilizuje myslenie toho človeka, stabilizuje to jeho akcie, a v čase nepokoja a problémov to stále spôsobuje, že hľadí hore a ponad tie veci, ktoré sa deju okolo neho, pretože on hľadí na toho Neviditeľného, a to skrze zasľúbenie. Teraz, ako Abrahám, nie len, že videl to neviditeľné... A ten dôvod, že tomu uveril, bolo, pretože to Boh tak povedal. A ak my, súc mŕtvi v Kristovi sme Abrahámovým semenom, a ak ten Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, prebýva v nás, to činí tu istú vec. To berie každé Božské zasľúbenie Boha, ktoré je v Jeho Biblii, a nazýva to prítomným časom a odpočíva to rovno na tom.

Keď sa pozriete svojimi očami a dívate sa teraz, ako sa náš národ trasie a je otrasený. A oblaky vojny všade lietajú. Každý národ je vo veľkom nepokoji a nevie, kam sa podieť. Každé znamenie, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, že sa stane, sa deje. Budú tam znamenia na nebi a na zemi dolu, a veľké veci sa budu diať, ako lietajúce taniere a tajomné veci sa budu odohrávať. Ale On nariadil Svojej cirkvi, aby v ten deň pozdvihla svoje hlavy a dívala sa hore, pretože ten neviditeľný Kristus sa zjaví veľmi skoro. A ak len kráčame skrze zrak, budeme deťmi temnosti. Istotne to tak bude. Ale som tak rád, že viem, že existuje svetlo, ktoré svieti do srdca každého veriaceho až do toho večného dňa, kedy Ježiš príde.

1 Zdá sa to byť dobrým dnes večer byť späť v dome Pánovom, po takom nádhernom večere, aký sme mali včera. Za tieto posledné dva alebo tri večery sme tu v budove mali nádherný čas, a ďakujeme za to nášmu nebeskému Otcovi. Duše boli zrodené do kráľovstva Božieho a dostávame také dobré správy zo zhromaždení s uzdravovaním. A práve sme dostali pred chvíľou krátku správu, že to dievča, ktoré bolo odniekiaľ tu hore z nejakého mesta, ktoré malo leukémiu, a lekár vyhlásil, že je zdravá, a to dieťa je zdravé a oni... Ona mala byť misionárkou, pamätáte si ten prípad, a satan sa ju snažil o to orabovať a ona je teraz prehlásená za zdravú jej vlastným lekárom.

A ten slepý kazateľ, ktorý tu bol, aby obdržal svoj zrak... A ostatní... Sú skrátka ohromné veci, ktoré Pán činí.

2 Včera večer som vzal jednu skupinku ľudí do modlitebnej miestnosti, aby som len videl, či tá nová služba, ktorá bola zasľúbená, príde do existencie tu v modlitebni predtým, ako to príde k tomu stanu. No, pokiaľ viem, nebolo tam nič, nič viac ako... Hneď, ako som tam vošiel, Duch Pánov vstúpil, a to začalo rozpoznávať duchov, a začalo hovoriť ľuďom ich problémy, a tak ďalej.

3 Ale som zvedavý... Opýtal som sa tých ľudí, či je pre nich nejako možné, aby zostali. Chcel by som sa ich len opýtať, či v nich nastala nejaká zmena, či pocítili, že boli uzdravení, alebo či majú nejakú viditeľnú zmenu. Opýtam sa ich dnes večer, ak ich budem môcť zavolať, ak sa budú môcť dostať do budovy. Bol by som rád, keby zodvihli svoje ruky. Tak, ak sú tu a nemusia ísť domov, a sú to ľudia z pomimo mesta, ak nemusia ísť domov a dostali sa sem do budovy, ak cítite, že tam nastala veľká zmena, zodvihli by ste ruku?“ Tí niektorí z vás, ktorí tu boli včera večer, a tam sme sa za nich modlili. Keďže nevidím žiadne ruky, neviem, či tí ľudia mohli vôbec zostať.

Tam... [Brat Neville hovorí, „jeden“– pozn.prekl.] Jeden... Jeden tam vzadu, v poriadku. Jeden, no, to je veľmi dobré. Cítiš, že tam bola nejaká zmena?... Je to tak, pane? Ty, ktorý si zodvihol svoju ruku. [Ten muž začína vydávať svedectvo – pozn.prekl.] No, to je dobré [pokračuje – pozn.prekl.] My, no to je veľmi dobré a sme za to vďační. Nebolo tam nič viditeľné, čo by sme mohli vidieť, pretože...

4 Bola tam v miestnosti jedna pani, ktorá bola obťažená duševným stavom, a Duch Svätý jej začal hovoriť, a povedal jej veci, ktoré sa udiali v jej živote, pri ktorých si ona myslela, že sa jej niečo stalo, pričom to tak nebolo. A hádam, náš brat je tu, ten, ktorý tam bol prítomný a vie o tom. A potom jej začal hovoriť o jednej osobe, ktorá mala dlhú bradu a dlhé vlasy, ktorá sa za ňu modlila. Ona na to úplne zabudla, odišlo to od nej. Povedala, „Nie.“ A potom, aby to ukázalo tú presnosť a dokonalosť Ducha Svätého, to sa vrátilo späť, a poukázalo na tú osobu a povedalo, kto to bol a kde sa to stalo. Potom povedala, „Teraz si pamätám.“ To bolo pred mnohými rokmi. Aká dokonalosť Svätého Ducha... Ó, On je taký skutočný.

5 No, sme tu teraz natlačení a je to tu také malé zhromaždenie predtým, ako znovu pôjdem preč. A bol som včera večer šťastný, že som mohol stretnúť hneď, ako som prišiel, môjho starého priateľa, brata Rogersa, zdola z Milltown, Indiany, a tých priateľov, ktorých som nevidel už mnoho rokov. Brat Creech tu bol znovu minulý večer.

A dnes v osobných rozhovoroch Duch Svätý konal nádherným spôsobom. Zdá sa, ako to možno... že to bude len nejaký čas pokračovať, kým nepríde ten stan. To bude pod tou istou službou, ktorú už mám, pretože v tých osobných rozhovoroch v dnes, tam boli štyri veľké, ohromné videnia, ktoré sa odohrali v tých osobných rozhovoroch. Tak, zdá sa to možno, že budem len takto pokračovať, kým možno nezačne ten stan, alebo kdekoľvek to je, kde si to On vybral, aby tam začal vyhlasovať svoje Meno novým spôsobom.

Ale keď to bude činiť, to bude tak dokonalé ako tie ostatné. To bude práve... A ja dôverujem Bohu, že to bude väčšie ako tie ostatné. Nie kvôli našej službe, ale kvôli chorým a ľuďom v potrebe. Dnes je na zemi taká veľká potreba.

6 Tak pôjdeme rovno do Slova, aby tak tí, ktorí stoja, nemuseli stáť príliš dlho. Tak, pred tým, ako prečítame Jeho Slovo, hovorme k Nemu osobne, ako skláňame svoje hlavy.

Drahý Bože, prichádzame do Tvojej svätej prítomnosti, s pokornými srdciami a so sklonenými hlavami. A prosíme Ťa, aby si nám odpustil čokoľvek, čo sme možno urobili alebo mysleli, alebo povedali počas tohto dňa, čo bolo v protiklade k Tvojej vôli. Chceme Ťa poprosiť, aby si nám milostivo odpustil každému jednému z nás. A zhromaždili sme sa dnes večer za jediným účelom, a to je uctievať Teba, a vyjadriť Ti naše pocity a ako Ťa zbožňujeme v našich srdciach. A sme si istí, Pane, že toto malé zhromaždenie ľudí, kde sú natlačení pri týchto stenách, dnes večer, že oni sem neprišli, aby ich druhí videli. Oni sem neprišli za žiadnym iným účelom, ako je vyjadriť svoju lásku k Tebe. Oni by nestáli tam vonku a popri oknách a popri stenách, a ich končatiny bolia len preto, aby ich druhí videli. Oni sú tu, pretože oni veria, že Ty si, a že si odplatiteľom tých, ktorí Ťa snažne hľadajú.

7 Chceme Ťa poprosiť o odpustenie všetkých hriechov ľudí, a aby bola prinesená na chorých a na ľudí v potrebe uzdravujúca moc. A my Ťa prosíme, aby si požehnal Svoje Slovo, Pane, ako ho budeme čítať. My sme nedostatoční vykladať toto Slovo, tak nech príde Duch Svätý a nech sa dostane rovno do Slova a zasadí ho hlboko do sŕdc ľudí. A nech je skrze toto veľká žatva duší a veľká služba uzdravovania. Udeľ to, Pane, lebo my toto pokorne prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

8 Ako miesto Písma k prečítaniu na dnes večer by som chcel otvoriť druhú knihu Kráľov a začať od 8. verša. A mojím textom dnes večer je „Hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného.“ A ten prvý večer som kázal na tému „Vyzdvihnúť Ho z histórie.“ A na druhý večer, včera večer, som kázal na tému „Na počiatku nebolo tak.“

A dnes večer je mojím textom „Hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného.“ Takže 2. Kráľovská 6. kapitola, počnúc od 8. verša.

A sýrsky kráľ bojoval proti Izraelovi. A poradiac sa so svojimi služobníkmi povedal: Na tom a tom mieste položí sa moje vojsko táborom.

Vtedy poslal muž Boží k izraelskému kráľovi s odkazom: Chráň sa, aby si neobišiel toho miesta nechajúc ho neobsadené, lebo tade sa spustia Sýrovia.

A tak poslal izraelský kráľ vojsko na miesto, o ktorom mu povedal muž Boží a poučil ho, a mal tam na seba pozor, a to urobil nie raz ani nie dva.

Vtedy sa rozbúrilo srdce sýrskeho kráľa pre tú vec a povolajúc svojich služobníkov riekol im: Či mi neoznámite, kto z našich donáša zprávy izraelskému kráľovi?

Na to povedal jeden z jeho služobníkov: Nie, môj pán kráľ, ale prorok Elizeus, ktorý je v Izraelovi, oznamuje izraelskému kráľovi slová, ktoré ty hovoríš vo svojej ložnici.

A on povedal: Iďte a vidzte, kde je, aby som poslal a zlapal ho! A bolo mu oznámené a rečené: Hľa, je v Dotáne.

Preto ta poslal kone a vozy a veľké vojsko. A prijdúc v noci obkolesili mesto.

A keď vstal skoro ráno sluha muža Božieho a vyšiel, tu hľa, vojsko obkľučovalo mesto, kone i vozy. Vtedy mu povedal jeho služobník: Ach, môj pane, čo budeme robiť?!

A on odpovedal: Neboj sa, lebo je viacej tých, ktorí sú s nami, ako je tých, ktorí sú s nimi.

A Elizeus sa modlil a riekol: Hospodine, prosím, otvor jeho oči, aby videl! Vtedy otvoril Hospodin oči služobníka, a videl a hľa, vrch bol plný koní a ohnivých vozov okolo Elizea.

9 Tak, nech Pán pridá požehnania k čítaniu Jeho Slova.

Je to zvláštnou vecou, že človek, ktorý bol učinený na obraz a podobu Božiu a bol Ním povolaný, aby kráčal skrze vieru a veril Mu, že Boh je, žeby si vybral kráčať radšej skrze zrak ako skrze vieru. Celá Jeho stavba, jeho bytosť a všetko, čo v Ňom prebýva, bolo ustrojené na podobu Božiu... A Boh je ten veľký Jehova, ktorý nazýva tie veci, ktoré nie sú, ako keby boli. A človek, ktorý je učinený, aby žil s Bohom podľa tohoto spôsobu, si pri tom vyberá radšej kráčať skrze zrak. Chce byť svojím vlastným šéfom. Nechce, aby mu niekto hovoril, čo má robiť. To je jednoducho prirodzenosť človeka.

Bolo to dokázané, že je to tak, už od záhrady Eden, kedy stratil svoje obecenstvo s Bohom skrze to, že si vybral ísť svojou vlastnou cestou, a aby nemal nikoho, kto by nad ním panoval.

10Ale človek je učinený ako ovca. A ovca nevie nájsť cestu späť (počul som o tom), keď je ona stratená, ona je totálne stratená.

A tak je to s človekom. Keď je stratený, je absolútne bezmocný. On musí mať Pastiera, aby ho viedol. A keď si človek vyberá, ako dni idú ďalej, zisťujeme, že človek ide ustavične do horšieho a vyberá si radšej kráčať skrze zrak, ako skrze vieru, skrze Toho neviditeľného. A keď to robí, tak okráda toho vnútorného človeka, ktorý je dušou, a to je tá večná časť človeka.

11 Takže, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe,“ povedal Pán, „Ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“ A ľudská, fyzická bytosť, aby bolo o ňu postarané, mať starosť o ňu, to nie je celý dôvod, prečo ho Boh postavil na zemi. Pretože to, čo robí s touto fyzickou bytosťou, sa veľmi nepočíta. Ide o jeho dušu, to sa počíta. Ide o toho vnútorného človeka, ktorý neprišiel zo zeme, ale ktorý prišiel z neba, a to je tá večná časť v ľudskej bytosti.

Ale pritom je to veľmi zvláštne, že človek sa snaží svoju vlastnú cestu nejako domyslieť, dopasovať. A nachádzame v Písmach, že je to tak. Kedy si človek vyberá kráčať podľa svojej cesty a robiť to, čo on chce robiť, Boh ho len necháva samotného.

Človek nemá myslieť sám zo seba, ale má nechať, aby myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, bola v ňom. Nemáme myslieť sami zo seba. Máme nazvať všetko, čo je protiklade s tým, čo On povedal, ako keby nebolo, bez ohľadu na to, čo si naše oči nárokujú, že to je. My nežijeme skrze to, čo vidíme. My žijeme skrze to, čo veríme.

12 Pred pár dňami, keď som prichádzal na nedeľnú školu, som počúval v rádiu jeden program. A to bola taká diskusia pri okrúhlom stole s tínedžermi v Louisville. Čo tam bolo tými najdôležitejšími vecami, bolo, že nejaké dievča našlo chlapca s kučeravými vlasmi, alebo chlapec našiel dievča, ktoré malo pekné modré alebo hnedé oči. Či je v tom rozdiel? Zdá sa, akoby to bolo pre tínedžera veľkou vecou. Ale to nie je tou najväčšou vecou. Tou najväčšou vecou je nájsť svojho Boha, svojho Učiniteľa.

Nemiešajte to pri výbere partnera. Vydaj sa za chlapca, ktorý verí presne tak ako ty, pretože nakoniec, Boh je tou hlavnou, dôležitou vecou, ktorú máme na tejto zemi činiť; to je slúžiť Jemu. A ak sa vydáš alebo oženíš za niekoho, kto je v protiklade s týmto, budeš za to platiť v tých dňoch, ktoré pred tebou ležia. Vždy musíš pamätať, že to je skrze vieru a nie skrze zrak. Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery. A my hľadíme na toho Neviditeľného.

13 A mohli by sme pokračovať niekoľko hodín a hovoriť o tom modernom dni, ako sa muži a ženy dnes poriadne dívajú a idú po ulici a vyberú si cirkev, do ktorej chcú chodiť a do ktorej privedú svoje deti. A oni budú hľadať po celom meste, a nebudú sa snažiť nájsť tú najduchovnejšiu cirkev, ale tú najväčšiu cirkev, ktorú budú vedieť nájsť; a takú, ktorá bude mať najväčší zástup ľudí; a najlepšie oblečených; a do ktorej chodia celebrity mesta; tí, ktorí sú nazývaní lepšou triedou, čo sa týka toho, čo pozná človek.

A potom v tej cirkvi sa budú snažiť nájsť kazateľa, ktorý bude, ako to nazývajú, „nie obmedzený, ale široko mysliaci,“ ktorý im dovolí žiť tak, ako si len oni budú priať, a stále budú patriť k tej cirkvi.

14 Ale ten duchovný človek vo vnútri, ak mu len dáte to právo cesty, On ťa môže viesť do nejakej malej misie, kde nie je mnoho ľudí, ale kde je Duch živého Boha. Pretože ten vonkajší človek sa kŕmi na psychológii a intelekte. Ale ten vnútorný človek sa kŕmi na Slove Božom.

A teraz, ak by sme si mohli obrátiť svoje Biblie k mnohým charakterom, postavám Písma, trvalo by nám to hodiny, kým by sme cez to prešli. Ale pomyslime len na chvíľu na knihu Židom, 11. kapitolu.

15 A čítame tu, že Abrahám bol len obyčajným človekom, a žil v meste Úr v zemi Chaldejov. A bol takým obyčajným človekom s kráčaním každého dňa, ale jedného dňa prišiel do kontaktu s Bohom. A od toho dňa bol Abrahám zmenený. Nezáležalo na tom, ako dobre navštevoval svoju cirkev, cirkev svojho otca, ale keď sa raz stretol s Bohom, bol zmeneným mužom.

A verím, že to ani dnes neprestalo existovať. Človek môže byť verným členom cirkvi. Môže kráčať správne pred svojimi susedmi a svojou rodinou, ale keď sa stretáva s Bohom, je zmeneným človekom.

16 Prednedávnom, pamätám si, že som sa rozprával s jednou intelektuálnou osobou, ktorá povedala, „Ako budeš kedy vedieť, že existuje niečo odlišné od toho, ako to, čo ti môže vyprodukovať nejaké náboženstvo?“

Povedal som, „Čítal som v Biblii o živom Bohu; čítal som o Jeho dobrote; čítal som o Jeho trpezlivosti a Jeho moci. A uveril som tomu práve tak, ako tomu ktokoľvek môže uveriť. Ale jedného dňa som stretol Toho, o ktorom som čítal. Potom tam bola náhla zmena, a odvtedy som už nebol tým istým a dúfam, že nikdy nebudem.“

Niečo sa deje, keď to zrak zlyháva vyprodukovať, je tam viera, aby sa chytila toho miesta a vyprodukovala to.

17 A vidíme, že Abrahám nebol mladým mužom, keď sa toto stalo. Bol už starým mužom, mal už sedemdesiatpäť rokov a jeho žena Sára, ktorá bola jeho polovičnou sestrou, a boli už zobratí mnoho, mnoho rokov, odkedy bola ona dievčaťom, asi sedemnásťročným, myslím si. A Boh povedal Abrahámovi, „Vybral som teba a Sáru, že budete mať dieťa. A Sára bola neplodná celý svoj život. Ale Abrahám sa nikdy nedíval na to, čo by mohli vidieť jeho oči: tú starú, zvráskavenú ženu, ktorá je už mnoho rokov po čase, aby mala deti, ale on hľadel na to neviditeľné a on videl Izáka. Vierou videl Izáka. A on potom, ako hľadel na to neviditeľné, nazýval tie veci, ktoré neboli, ako keby boli. Letmo zazrel to neviditeľné. Skrze vieru to videl. A Biblia hovorí, že on vytrval tým, že hľadel na neviditeľného Boha, ktorý je s ním po celý čas, celú cestu.

18 Keď raz človek uchytí videnie Toho neviditeľného Boha a vie, že On je vždy prítomný, tam je niečo, čo stabilizuje myslenie toho človeka, stabilizuje to jeho akcie, a v čase nepokoja a problémov to stále spôsobuje, že hľadí hore a ponad tie veci, ktoré sa deju okolo neho, pretože on hľadí na toho Neviditeľného, a to skrze zasľúbenie.

Teraz, ako Abrahám, nie len, že videl to neviditeľné... A ten dôvod, že tomu uveril, bolo, pretože to Boh tak povedal. A ak my, súc mŕtvi v Kristovi sme Abrahámovým semenom, a ak ten Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, prebýva v nás, to činí tu istú vec. To berie každé Božské zasľúbenie Boha, ktoré je v Jeho Biblii, a nazýva to prítomným časom a odpočíva to rovno na tom.

19 Keď sa pozriete svojimi očami a dívate sa teraz, ako sa náš národ trasie a je otrasený. A oblaky vojny všade lietajú. Každý národ je vo veľkom nepokoji a nevie, kam sa podieť. Každé znamenie, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, že sa stane, sa deje. Budú tam znamenia na nebi a na zemi dolu, a veľké veci sa budu diať, ako lietajúce taniere a tajomné veci sa budu odohrávať. Ale On nariadil Svojej cirkvi, aby v ten deň pozdvihla svoje hlavy a dívala sa hore, pretože ten neviditeľný Kristus sa zjaví veľmi skoro. A ak len kráčame skrze zrak, budeme deťmi temnosti. Istotne to tak bude. Ale som tak rád, že viem, že existuje svetlo, ktoré svieti do srdca každého veriaceho až do toho večného dňa, kedy Ježiš príde.

20 Tak, to je pre nás lekcia pozrieť sa na to, čo urobil Abrahám. A on nielen tomu uveril, ale on sa na to pripravil. Urobil prípravy pre svoje dieťa, ktoré videl vierou, dvadsaťpäť rokov predtým, ako to dieťa prišlo. Pretože on zvážil, že ten, ktorý mu to povedal, bol schopný dodržať to zasľúbenie, o ktorom mu povedal. On nebral do úvahy žiadne z tých jeho prirodzených vecí súc stodvadsaťročný, jeho fyzická bytosť. A takisto nebral vôbec do úvahy umŕtvenie lona svojej ženy Sáry.

A pisateľ toho Božského komentáru nám hovorí, že on sa nezapotácal pri zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru, ale bol silný a dával slávu Bohu. Čo za osoba.

21 A dnes nie je vôbec potrebné, nie je vôbec potrebné snažiť sa k tomu pristupovať intelektuálnou vierou. Nikdy to nebudeš schopný urobiť. Pôjdeš z cirkvi do cirkvi a z modlitebného radu do modlitebného radu, a nikdy to nedostaneš. Musíš prísť do miesta, kde je to večne vybavené raz a navždy; On je buď Bohom, alebo nie je Bohom. Cítim ľútosť nad ľuďmi...

Ako som hovoril minulý večer, „A Ježiš povedal, 'Ja som vinič a vy ste letorasty.'“ A ten vinič, ktorý niesol ten prvý letorast, a ten prvý letorast boli Letnice. A to letničné požehnanie je zaznamenané v Knihe Skutkov. A ak tým prvým letorastom boli Letnice, tým druhým letorastom budú tiež musieť byť Letnice, a to bude musieť niesť ten istý typ cirkvi, a správanie, ktoré niesol ten prvý letorast.

22 Či o tom nehovoril Ježiš v Svätom Jánovi 14, keď povedal, že letorast, ktorý nenesie ovocie, bude vyťatý a že zoschne? To je to, kde sú dnes naše denominácie. Ony budú z toho viniča vyťaté. Jedine to, čo nesie ovocie, ten druh, ktorý nesie ovocie a skutky Svätého Ducha, bude schopný na tom viniči zotrvať. Pretože ten život, ktorý je v tom viniči, vychádza tiež cez ten letorast.

A ten život, ktorý bol v Ježišovi, bol v tej prvej cirkvi. A oni nekráčali skrze zrak, oni kráčali skrze vieru, verili to, čo Boh povedal, že je pravda. Ó, aký je to rozdiel, keď ľudia, ktorí budú kráčať vierou, a budú nazývať čokoľvek, čo je skrze zrak a čo je v protiklade so Slovom, ako keby nebolo. Taký druh viery potrebujeme v cirkvi.

23 Mojžiš, keď už mal štyridsať rokov, mladý muž, a čo sa týkalo zraku, Mojžiš mal svet vo svojich rukách. On bol nasledujúcim faraónom Egypta, a mal všetky zeme na svete rovno vo svojej ruke, aby bol kráľom nad celou zemou, ktorá bola známa v tom dni. A pritom on sa pozrel skrze to isté okno, cez ktoré sa díval faraón, a videl tých Hebrejov. Pre faraóna, ktorý sa na nich pozrel, oni neboli ničím iným, ako len skupinou miesičov blata, ktorí tam dolu v blate robia tehly. Pre tie celebrity, ktoré prešli okolo, oni boli tým istým. Tí dobre oblečení ľudia, pre nich nebola tá skupina otrokov ničím iným, ako len „blato-váľačmi“.

Ale keď sa Mojžiš pozrel cez to isté okno, on videl niečo iné, pretože on hľadel na toho neviditeľného, a vedel, že Boh zasľúbil, že On ich vyslobodí z tohoto miesta a vezme ich do zeme zasľúbenia. Pretože on hľadel na Toho neviditeľného. On videl tie roky, ktoré boli pred nimi. Videl Egypt zničený, hoci bol práve v čase svojho rozkvetu. Videl Egypt taký, aký je dnes. A videl Izrael celkom komfortne posadený okolo Abraháma v sláve, a skrze vieru si vybral vziať to najhoršie, čo mu náboženstvo mohlo dať, a porovnal to s tým najlepším, čo mu mohol dať svet. On si vybral trpieť pohanenie Kristovo, a povážil to za väčší poklad, ako všetko, čo si mohol dovoliť dať mu Egypt. Pretože on vytrval, akoby videl Toho, ktorý bol neviditeľný.

24 Boh prehovoril k Mojžišovi a Mojžiš vedel, kým Boh je. Tak on sa nedíval na ten lesk. A mohol by som tu dnes večer niečo cirkvi povedať. Mojžiš mal v jednej ruke to najlepšie, čo mu svet mohol dať. Nemohlo byť nič lepšie. Bol to ten najvyšší úrad. Bolo to najlepšie, čo má svet. A náboženstvo mu ponúklo to najhoršie, čo mu mohlo byť dané, skupina otrokov v blatovej jame. A teraz, keď sa človek díval, na ktorú stranu by sa postavil?

Dovoľte mi toto povedať v úprimnosti a bez zlosti. No, dovoľte mi toto povedať, aby ste porozumeli: nedívajte sa dnes na veľkú cirkev. Nedívajte sa na veľkú denomináciu. Nedívajte sa na dobre oblečených, ale dívajte sa na Krista, ktorý bol bohatý a stal sa chudobným, aby tak skrze jeho chudobu si sa ty mohol stať bohatým. A keď hľadáš cirkev, nechoď tam, kde chodia všetky celebrity, alebo veľký PhD, alebo DD, ale dívaj sa dolu na tých ľudí, na ktorých sa ostatní dívajú zhora.

25 A Mojžiš, keď to mal oboje vo svojich rukách, to najlepšie, čo mu mohol dať svet, na čo sa mohol dívať, a pritom, keď sa pozrel na toho Neviditeľného, to najhoršie, čo mu mohla dať cirkev, on si vybral kráčať vierou. On si vybral kráčať skrze toho neviditeľného Boha považujúc to za väčší poklad, ako všetko, čo si mohol dovoliť dať a ukázať mu jeho zrak.

Tu bolo to kráľovstvo. Tu bolo kraľovanie. Bol tu trón. Bola tu koruna. Tu bolo všetko v jeho ruke. Ale pritom skrze vieru, keď uchytil ten záblesk Krista, tam v tých blatovým jamách, on išiel k svojim ľuďom.

26 Tak, tu je ďalšia malá lekcia o Mojžišovi. No, Mojžiš sa len neustúpil a nepovedal, „Ja s tými ľuďmi sympatizujem. Sú to dobrí ľudia. Ja... Viete, nepovedal by som ani jedno slovo proti nim.“ No, to je to, čo mnoho nábožných ľudí robí dnes, kedy počujú nejaké striktné posolstvo o živom Bohu, oni povedia, „Ó, ja nemám nič proti tým ľuďom, ktorí veria Božské uzdravenie. Ja nemám nič proti tým ľuďom, ktorí veria v zázraky.“ Ale to nie je dostatočné. Mojžiš s nimi nielen sympatizoval, a pritom zostával na tróne. On vyšiel von a stal sa jedným z nich.

27 Pamätáte sa, keď som mal pred pár rokmi tú veľkú ponuku od baptistických ľudí? A potom od presbyteriánskych ľudí. Jedna pani z tohoto mesta mi zaplatila cestu, chceli ma zaplatiť v jednej malej škole, presbyteriánskej denominácii. A chceli ma tam vziať ako kazateľa. Ale keď som sa pozrel a videl som tú skupinu, ktorá verila v to nadprirodzené, ako je vysmievaná a sú nazývaní „Náboženskí fanatici.“ Bolo by to bývalo ľahké pokračovať ako baptistický kazateľ, pretože som ním bol. A namiesto toho, aby som sa na nich len pozrel a povedal, „Ó, nemám nič proti nim. Ja tomu tiež verím.“ Ja som si vybral byť jedným z nich. Vyšiel som von a teraz som jeden z tých, ktorí sú nazvaní „Náboženskí fanatici,“ pretože som tam uvidel, že oni mali znamenie živého Boha, ktorý žije s nimi. A skrze vieru som uveril, že to je tá skupina, ktorá pôjde do vytrhnutia. A radšej by som mal to, ako všetko PhD a DD všetko, čo by si cirkevný svet mohol kedy dovoliť.

Nesympatizuj len s nimi, staň sa jedným z nich. To je vtedy, keď skrze vieru vykročíš vierou skrze toho Neviditeľného.

Vidím cirkev odchádzajúcu do vytrhnutia. Vidím Ježiša prichádzajúceho pre svoju Nevestu. Vidím malú zanedbanú skupinu ľudí, ktorých vysmievajú a robia si z nich žarty, ako jedného dňa pôjde do vytrhnutia. Radšej budem s nimi, ako so všetkými skupinami, ktoré poznám na celom svete. Pretože skrze vieru vidíme cez toho Neviditeľného. Istotne.

28 Mojžiš si vybral stať sa... On vierou videl to, čím boli. A ak Boh zasľúbil, že za štyristo rokov ich vyslobodí, pričom ešte predlieval ďalších dvadsať rokov, pritom Mojžiš mu uveril.

A ten dôvod, prečo som dnes na poli tohoto hnutia, je, pretože skrze vieru jedného večera tam v Green's Mille, Indiána, asi pred desiatimi rokmi, ten Anjel, ktorý ku mne prehovoril, ešte keď som bol dieťa, prehovoril ku mne o týchto veciach, a ja som vyšiel a spojil som sa s tým.

Častokrát neverím v tie veci, ktoré oni robia, ale pritom verím, že tam leží cirkev živého Boha. A radšej by som kráčal sám s tými pár ľuďmi, ktorí skutočne veria Bohu a berú Ho za Jeho Slovo, ako byť s miliónmi, ktorí Ho popreli. Istotne. Ich skutky to dokazujú.

29 Mojžiš vytrval ako ten, ktorý vidí Toho, ktorý je neviditeľný, a na konci svojej životnej púte...

Ó, veľmi rád by som toto povedal. Niekto mi raz povedal, „Pán Branham, vy si myslíte, že Boh len dovolil Mojžišovi byť štyridsať rokov s tými ľuďmi, a potom ho odmietol voviesť do tej zasľúbenej zeme?“ Ale tou slávnou časťou príbehu Mojžiša bolo to, že on bol v tej zasľúbenej zemi o osemsto rokov neskôr s Ježišom a Eliášom, keď ich videli na hore Karmel.

Nie len to, ale na konci cesty, keď stál na vrchu a zamával svojim ľuďom dovidenia, pozrel sa poza Jordán a on mal vtedy stodvadsať rokov, keď ho jeho posledný dych začal opúšťať. Vyšplhal sa na tú udretú skalu z púšte a ona bola prítomná. A on nemal... On tam mal Anjelov ako nosičov rakvy a oni ho niekam vzali a pochovali, kde o tom svet nič nevedel, pretože on vytrval skrze videnie toho Neviditeľného. A v hodine jeho smrti, ten Neviditeľný tam bol.

30 Som zvedavý, či by sa on stal faraónom, ak by to tak išlo. Veľmi pochybujem. Ale on si bol istý, že urobil to správe rozhodnutie. A ty si môžeš byť istý, keď robíš správne rozhodnutie.

Jozue o štyridsať rokov neskôr, potom, ako vstúpil do zasľúbenej zeme a bol veľkým vojenským generálom, keď bol tento prvý boj, a jeho nepriatelia sa nahrnuli na jedno miesto, kde nebol spôsob, ako by sa k nim dostal, ale skrze vieru hľadel na toho Neviditeľného, pretože Boh dal Mojžišovi zasľúbenie, zatiaľ čo bol ešte vtedy v Egypte, „Dal som ti celú Palestínu.“ A skrze vieru videl múry Jericha ležať rovno na zemi a pochodoval okolo a dokola v plnej zbroji bez pochybnosti v srdci, ale s vierou, že Boh to učiní. A keď tá trúba zaznela a ľudia zakričali, múry spadli a oni to mesto zaujali. Prečo? On videl toho Neviditeľného.

31 Pamätajte, pred tým, ako toto urobil, on v to popoludnie kráčal a uvidel muža, ktorý tam stál naproti stene s vytaseným mečom. A Jozua vytasil svoj meč a išiel sa s ním stretnúť. A on povedal, „Si s nami, alebo si za nepriateľa?“

Ten muž povedal, „Ja som kapitán vojska Hospodinovho.“ Jozua vtedy vedel, že ten boj je vyhratý.

A keď dnes večer vy, ľudia, ktorí ste vo svojich srdciach hriešni... Ja nemám na mysli, že žijete v cudzoložstve. Nemyslím, že sa opíjate. Ale mám na mysli, že hriech je nevera, a s neverou vo svojom srdci, ak len otvoríte svoje srdce a zavriete svoje oči a pozriete sa na hlavného Kapitána, ktorý je dnes večer prítomný, svet vám padne rovno k nohám a vy strasiete každé puto hriechu preč od seba. Tie dni pochybnosti budú preč. Ó, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo.

32 Povedali mi, že had dokáže upútať pozornosť vtáka a očariť toho vtáka svojimi čarami, a tým upreným pohľadom svojich očí až natoľko, že ten vták bude venovať tomu hadovi takú pozornosť na nejaký čas, až ten vták úplne zmeravie a stane sa celkom paralyzovaný. A potom ten had toho vtáka chytí.

A môžem tomu veriť, pretože viem o inom hadovi, diablovi, že ak len on dokáže upútať pozornosť ľudí svojimi čarami pomocou toho moderného rockenrollu, a pomocou všetkých tých radovánok sveta, ak len ťa môže chytiť, mladá dáma, alebo mladý muž, len na tak dlho, aby ťa očaril, budeš trepotať, ale nebudeš sa môcť uvoľniť. On ťa bude držať, až kým ťa neprehltne v hriechu.

33 Jediný spôsob, počul som, ako ten malý vtáčik môže mať šancu, je odvrátiť od toho hada svoje oči, a on sa nemôže dívať na nič iné, pretože tam stojí a hľadí. Ale ak odvráti svoje oči od toho hada a pozrie sa hore a zatrepoce krídlami, tak vyletí pomimo dosah toho hada.

A ak si bol kedy očarený týmto svetom a vecami tohoto sveta a neverou a očarením vo svojom srdci, ktoré ti hovorí, „Ó, ži moderne.“ Zatras dnes večer hlavou a pozri sa hore na toho Neviditeľného, na Pána Ježiša a zatrepoc svojimi krídlami viery, až poletíš pomimo jeho dosah, a pomimo jeho pazúrov. Ak bude k tebe hovoriť a povie ti, „Božské uzdravenie je nesprávne.“ Otras od neho rýchlo svoju hlavu. Ak ti bude hovoriť, že to duchovné rozpoznávanie je telepatia, zatras hlavou, odvráť sa ihneď od neho a pozri sa hore na Toho Neviditeľného.

34Tak, ako Eliáš povedal Geházimu, svojmu sluhovi v Dotáne, oni sa obzreli okolo seba a tam bola sýrska armáda. Bolo tam všetko, čo mohlo rozdrtiť, pretože tento muž bol schopný povedať kráľovi Izraela, čo si kráľ Sýrie myslí vo svojej spálni.

Dovoľte mi dnes povedať toto, moje poslucháčstvo: ten Boh stále žije, a On je stále tým istým dnes večer, akým bol vtedy. On stále môže poznať vaše myšlienky a to, čo si myslíte práve teraz.

Potom by ste mali sledovať ovocie Ducha, aby ste videli, či ten Boh histórie je znovu vzkriesený. Istotne.

35 A keď prišla tá veľká kríza, ktorá vždy prichádza, potom, keď Geházi, tým, že bol len vlažným členom cirkvi, keď nevidel to, čo videl Eliáš... pretože Eliáš bol zvyknutý kráčať skrze vieru, a on hľadel na toho Neviditeľného po celý čas. A on vedel, že Boh povedal v Žalmoch, „Anjeli Boží táboria okolo tých, ktorí sa Ho boja.“ To bolo pre Eliáša dostatočné, ale Geházi to len... veril tomu polovične. On bol len členom cirkvi.

Tak Eliáš povedal Pánovi, povedal, „Pane Bože, daj tu znamenie, len otvor oči tohoto muža a nech len vidí, čo je okolo neho.“ A keď Boh otvoril jeho oči, videl ohnivé kone, ktoré ťahali ohnivé vozy. A ony boli všetky okolo toho starého proroka. Oni tam boli stále po celý čas, ale on ich len nevidel.

A dnes večer by som povedal tú istú vec: že Ten istý Boh, ktorý tam stál v 1. kapitole v knihe Skutkov, a ako bol vzatý a obloha prišla pod Jeho nohy, ten istý Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, ja som vždy s vami. Nikdy vás neopustím ani nezanechám a skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy budete vždy činiť. Budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do konca sveta.“

36 Letci mi povedali, tí, ktorí lietajú tu v tých skutočne rýchlych prúdových lietadlách, a oni povedali, že to lietadlo, keď sa dostáva do určitej rýchlosti, ono vibruje a trasie sa. A zdá sa, ako keby všetky tie nity z toho mali vyletieť a že to utrhne krídla, až kým neprejdú hranicu zvuku. Ale keď raz prekročia tú hranicu zvuku, hovoria, že to lietadlo potom len tak jemne plachtí s takou ľahkosťou, keď prekročí hranicu zvuku. To je prekážka, ktorá je na ceste toho lietadla, musí prejsť svoj vlastný zvuk a potom letí s ľahkosťou.

Ó, ak by sa cirkev tohoto dňa mohla tak modliť, až prejdú hranicu hriechu a hranicu nevery, a potom môžu kričať víťazstvo živého Boha, keď raz prekračujú tú hranicu, bariéru, tým, že sa budú dívať na Toho neviditeľného a nechajú svet vibrovať a robiť si, čo len chce.

37 Ale existuje živý Boh a keď len upustíme našu neveru a našu neveru v Neho a prekročíme to miesto, kde svet hovorí, „Dni zázrakov pominuli.“ To robí, že ťa to trasie, „Ó, neexistuje niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým.“ To ťa udivuje. Ale ak sa pozrieš na toho Neviditeľného, na toho Boha, ktorý zasľúbil, „Lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre tých, ktorí sú široko ďaleko a pre koľkýchkoľvek, ktorých si náš Pán Boh povolá.“ Ak sa len pozriete do toho požehnaného Slova, ktoré hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, obrátite od toho svoje hlavy a budete sa tlačiť ďalej, až kým neprejdete tú vibráciu, až kým neprejdete tie bariéry nevery a bariéry hriechu a všetky tie bariéry, ktoré sa zdajú, že ti bránia, potom budeš lietať slobodne vo viere Božej vediac, že všetky veci sú možné. Potom nie je hranica, hovoria takmer, že akou rýchlosťou to lietadlo pôjde. Ak nie je hranica pre rýchlosť toho lietadla, ktorou ono pôjde, potom neexistuje hranica, žiadne limity pre požehnania, ktoré Boh vyleje na veriaceho, ktorý bude veriť.

38 Písmo tvrdí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Ježiš povedal, keď tu bol na zemi, „Ja nečiním ničoho, čo Mi prv neukáže môj Otec.“

Keď k nemu prišla tá žena pri studni, a ona bola Samaritánka... Najprv tam bol muž, ktorý k nemu prišiel, a on sa volal Peter. A On tomuto mužovi povedal, „Voláš sa Šimon a meno tvojho otca je Jonáš.“ Ako to vedel? Ako vedel tento jednoduchý Nazarénsky tesár, že meno toho muža bolo Šimon a meno jeho otca Jonáš? Pretože bol odiaty mocou, ktorá sa mohla pozrieť na toho neviditeľného. On sa nikdy nedíval na nejaké napísané listy, „On sa pozrel na toho Neviditeľného. Na Toho Boha Nebies.“

39 Oni rýchlo išli a doviedli ďalšieho muža tam z okolia vrchov, ktorý prešiel mnoho míľ. A keď mu na tej ceste povedal, čo Ježiš urobil, niet divu, že Natanael bol ohľadne toho veľmi skeptický. Ale keď raz bol pred očami Ježiša, Ježiš mu povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“ Ako to tento muž urobil? Nebol tam nikto, kto by Mu povedal, „Tento chlapík je Izraelita.“ Ako to urobil? On si to neprečítal z nejakej knižky, ale on sa pozrel na toho Neviditeľného. Na Boha, ktorý pozná koniec pred začiatkom.

A on povedal, „Rabbi, ako si ma poznal?“ On povedal, „Natanael,“ povedal, „predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“ Čo robil? Hľadel na toho Neviditeľného.

40 Keď tá žena pri studni, Samaritánka, vyšla a On povedal, „Prines mi vodu.“

A ona povedala, „Studňa je hlboká a ty nemáš nič, s čím by si ju vytiahol.“

Povedal, „Ale ak by si vedela, kto je to Ten, ktorý hovorí s tebou, ty by si mňa prosila o vodu.“ A ona chcela vedieť, s kým hovorí, a ona spoznala, že On bol Žid. A On povedal... Povedala, „Nie je to zvykom pre vás Židov pýtať si od ženy zo Samárie takú vec, ako to.“ A tak, tá konverzácia pokračovala, kým Ježiš neuchopil jej ducha.

A On povedal, „Choď, a zavolaj si svojho muža a príďte sem.“

Ona povedala, „Nemám žiadneho muža.“

A On povedal, „To je pravda. Mala si piatich mužov a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvoj muž.“

A ona povedala, „Vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, On nám povie tieto veci, ale kto si ty?“

On povedal, „Ja som Ten, ktorý hovorím s tebou.“

A ona bežala do mesta a povedala, „Poďte a viďte muža, ktorý mi povedal všetky veci, ktoré som urobila. Či toto nie je Mesiáš?“

41 A keď Ježiš, ako opúšťal svet po tej službe, ktorá prešla celým svetom, okolo celého toho sveta, ktorý bol známy v tom dni, povedal, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť.“ Počúvajte, čo povedal pri svojom odchode, „Za malú chvíľu a svet (viditeľný, intelektuálny, kultúrny, vedecký) svet ma viac neuvidí.“ To je presne proroctvo. Nikto si nemôže pomôcť, je to pravda. Ježiš Kristus to povedal, „Ten intelektuálny veriaci, svet ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás až do konca veku. A skutky, ktoré som Ja učinil, vy tiež budete činiť. Viac ako tieto budete činiť, lebo Ja idem k svojmu Otcovi.“

42 Tento veľký Boh a Otec, o ktorom hovoríme, nie je niečo, čo bolo, On je niečím, čo je. A ak sa jeho ľudia, ktorí sú nazvaní Jeho Menom, dostanú za bariéru toho, čo má svet k tomuto do povedania, čo má cirkev k tomuto do povedania, čo má veda do povedania, a pozrú sa na to, čo má Boh do povedania, v tej minúte prejdete tú vibráciu nevery a budete slobodní, vyjdete dnes večer z tejto budovy takí šťastní, ako len môžete byť, slúžiac Bohu, budete sa cítiť slobodní. Všetky hriechy budú preč, uzdravení od svojich nemocí. No, to bude nádherné. Boh by nebol Bohom spravodlivosti, ak by odmenil jednu osobu za jej vieru a neodmenil druhú. Nemôže to činiť.

43 Ak Boh vzal leukémiu z toho dievčaťa, keď tam ležala (a to bola jedna z najlepších nemocníc, John Hopkins, aká sa dala zohnať) a jej končatiny od nej odpadávali. A jednu hodinu po modlitbe bolo to dieťa vyhlásené za zdravé a úplne v poriadku tými istými lekármi...

Boh by nebol spravodlivý, keď nechal Kongresmana Upshawa, ktorý bol šesťdesiatšesť rokov na invalidnom vozíku, mal zlomenú chrbticu a vykročil, ako pán Roosevelt. Ak by Boh uzdravil toho človeka, a priviedol ho a postavil ho z toho invalidného vozíka skrze videnie, ak by iný človek na tom bol tak isto, a stretol by sa s tou istou vierou, Boh by bol nespravodlivý, ak by uzdravil jedného a nechal toho druhého tak. On je spravodlivý. Ide o nás, priatelia. Ak sa dokážeme pohnúť poza tú bariéru zvuku, ak sa môžeme dostať do miesta, kde to nerobí žiaden rozdiel, kto to hovorí, pokiaľ Boh povedal, že je to pravda, plav sa ďalej.

44 Vždy som myslel na tú malú báseň v mojej školskej knižke, keď som bol malým chlapcom, a tu chodil po ulici. Mnohí z vás mužov, alebo žien v mojom veku si to pamätáte: plav sa ďalej, plav sa ďalej a ďalej.

Keď dostal Krištof Kolumbus lode od kráľovnej Španielska a bol... pretože v jeho srdci videl videnie, že svet je guľatý, a sotva mal spôsob, ako by to dokázal... Nemal nič, s čím by to dokázal, ale on bol mužom videnia. Veril tomu. A keď mu bola daná loď so skupinou väzňov, zbabelcov, ktorí boli jeho členmi cirkvi, skupina takých, ktorí sa obracali späť, skupina mužov, ktorá bola znechutená a snažila sa ho znechutiť, „Ešte kúsok pôjdeme a vypadneme zo sveta. Povstane tam veľký had z dna mora a omotá túto loď a stiahne ju na dno. Teraz niečo povedz, odvážny námorník. Čo teraz povieš?“

On povedal, „Plavíme sa ďalej, plavíme sa ďalej, plavíme sa ďalej a ďalej.“

Bože, daj nám takých mužov v cirkvi, ako to. Je mi jedno, čo hovorí ten vedecký svet. Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí ten denominačný svet. Beriem Boha za Jeho Slovo a plavím sa ďalej. Plavím sa ďalej, až prejdem tú bariéru.

45 V starej cirkvi tu sme zvykli spievať takúto malú pieseň:

Prešiel som deliacu čiaru,

zanechal som svet za sebou.

Ak bol kedy čas, že cirkev potrebovala prekročiť tú čiaru, ktorá delí vieru a neveru, ktorá je podľa zraku, a môže hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného skrze vieru, tak je to teraz. To je vtedy, keď zanechávaš všetko za sebou, každú starosť, všetku únavu, všetko, čo hovorí, že nemôžeš byť kresťanom. „Fajčil som príliš dlho. Pil som príliš dlho. Brat Branham, žil som v cudzoložstve.“

Nestarám sa o to, čo hovoríš, alebo čo si urobil, „Hoci by vaše hriechy boli ako šarlát...“ Keď raz prejdeš tú líniu, hranicu, kde sa ťa diabol snaží trápiť a hovoriť ti, „Nedokážeš to, nedokážeš to.“

Povedz, „Ja to dokážem, pretože Ježiš povedal, ktokoľvek chce, nech príde a pije z vôd život zdarma.“ Zanechaj to za sebou.

46 Keď vy, ľudia, ktorí ste chorí a prešli ste cez modlitebné rady, a modlilo sa za vás. Boli ste u lekárov, urobili ste všetko, a stále smrť číha pri vašich... Keď sa dostávate do miesta, kde poviete, „Je mi jedno, čo lekár povedal. Je mi jedno, čo hovorí ten vedecký svet. Ježiš Kristus mi dal zasľúbenie.“ A prejdeš bariéru vibrácií do tvojej duše, že si slobodný, a že nie je ani jedna vec, ktorá by ťa otriasla. Budeš sa plaviť do svojho uzdravenia s takou istotou, akože ja tu stojím za touto kazateľňou. Nikdy sa neobrátiš, aby si sa už viac obzeral. Budeš sa dívať týmto smerom. Si tak slobodný od tých vecí, ktoré hovoria, „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Neexistuje nič také, ako Božské uzdravenie. Nemôžeš byť uzdravený. Tvoj prípad je príliš ťažký.“ Plav sa hore ponad to.

Vyšplhaj sa tam poza tie múry, až kým nie je všetko slobodné. Každý povraz, každé puto bolo uvoľnené. Každá vibrácia je zanechaná vzadu a ty si voľný a skutočne slobodný.

47 Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn, to dal do cirkvi pre vás ľudí, takéto veci. Ponajprv ustanovil apoštolov, potom po nich poslal prorokov, potom učiteľov, pastorov a evanjelistov, aby potvrdil toto Slovo, aby potvrdil, že On je Ten veľký Učiteľ. Ja nemám na mysli, že on musí mať PhD. On môže vedieť o Biblii menej ako dieťa, ktoré je ešte v adolescentnom veku. Ježiš vedel o Písmach viac, keď mal dvanásť rokov, ako všetci tí farizeji a tí starí vyučení mudrci. Tak vidíte, k tomu nie je potrebná intelektuálna myseľ. Je potrebné odovzdané srdce do vôle Božej.

Ak Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn, zasľúbil v tejto Biblii, že On spasí až do nesmierna... Ak zasľúbil, „Veci, ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť, lebo Ja budem s vami až do konca sveta...“ Ak by ten istý Ježiš mohol dnes večer prísť, a vziať nás pod Svoju kontrolu, a my by sme sa mohli vymaniť zpod takého myslenia, „Ako sa to len stane?“, ale budeme hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného, na Boha, ktorý to zasľúbil... „Tú istú vec, ktorú som Ja učinil pre tú ženu pri studni, môžem urobiť pri vás. To isté znamenie, ktoré Som ukázal svetu, obom, Židom a Samaritánom, znovu ukážem vo dňoch pohanov.“ Ak to On učinil im a dokázal samého Seba, že je Mesiášom, a nechal by nás ísť v tom intelektuálnom, to by nebolo fér. Nebol by spravodlivým Bohom. On musí ukázať to isté znamenie. Ak by On prišiel dnes večer a vibroval cez túto budovu, a ukázal samého Seba, že On je živý skrze to, že preukáže tie isté znamenia, to by malo spôsobiť, že srdce každého hriešnika sa roztopí. To by malo spôsobiť, že každá chorá osoba povstane na svoje nohy, dá Mu slávu, a prejde každú líniu vibrácie, a bude sa hýbať ďalej do tých kanálov, kde ťa Boh môže uzdraviť a učiniť celkom zdravým. Myslime na tie veci, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme.

48 Milostivý a večný Bože, ktorý si bol Bohom pred tým, ako existoval vo vzduchu nejaký atóm, a ktorý bude Bohom, keď nebude existovať žiaden atóm. Ty, ktorý si uformoval svet a zmeral si svojimi rukami, a prelial to do priestoru a povedal, „Nech je svetlo, a bolo svetlo.“ Tvoje slová nemôžu zlyhať. A ony nemôžu zlyhať ani dnes večer, pretože Ty si dal zasľúbenie, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí budu veriť.“ To slovo je pravdivé. Pane Bože, my vieme, že uzdravenie je niečo, čo už bolo kúpené na Golgote, práve tak, ako aj spasenie. A my sa máme pozrieť a žiť, a veriť, a prekročiť bariéry, aby sme Ti dokázali, že sme úprimní. Všemohúci Bože, udeľ dnes večer, aby ľudia mohli veriť a byť spasení od svojich hriechov a svojich nemocí. A chcel by som Ťa poprosiť, aby si toto učinil na slávu Božiu.

49 A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, som dnes večer zvedavý, koľkí vo vnútri a vonku by radi urobili toto vyznanie Bohu, „Pane, bol som dlhý čas členom cirkvi, a možno som nebol, ale je skutočne tak veľa z toho sveta, čo vo mne vibruje. Mám vznetlivosť. A mám, ó, niečo, čo mi jednoducho nedovolí ísť do miesta, kde môžem veriť, ako by som mal veriť. Vezmeš to dnes večer odo mňa, Pane? A dovoľ mi prekročiť bariéru hriechu a nevery.“ Zodvihol by si k nemu svoje ruky? Nech vás Boh žehná. To je dobré. Ó, všade je mnoho rúk.

50 Pane, Ty vidíš ich ruky, a nech Duch Svätý, ktorý im teraz povedal, aby pozdvihli svoje ruky, nech môže prísť a oslobodiť ich od vibrácií sveta, až by sa mohli dostať poza to paralyzovanie, toho očarenia tým hadom, to hadie uhryznutie hriechu, tie čary toho moderného sveta, aby ich už viac nelákali. Nech pozdvihnú svoje oči ku Kristovi, práve teraz. Nech Ho príjmu ako svojho Spasiteľa a budeme Ťa chváliť v Ježišovom Mene, o to sa modlíme.

A teraz, pred tým, ako zavoláme chorých a postihnutých, či je tu dnes večer niekto, kto je chorý a nejako postihnutý, kto by povedal, „Ó, Bože, dovoľ mi tiež prejsť tú bariéru, daj mi vieru, aby som sa hýbal vpred, a minul všetky myšlienky diabla, ktorý hovorí, „Ty to nedokážeš. Nemôžeš to dokázať.“ Zodvihli by ste svoje ruky a povedali, „Bože, buď mi milostivý.“ Nech vás Boh žehná. On vidí všetky vaše ruky. Sú po celej budove.

51 Teraz, Otče, udeľ to, aby sa dnes večer niečo odohralo, čo spôsobí, že títo ľudia budú vidieť, že toto je pravda, Slovo Božie, a že Ty im zachovávaš Svoje zasľúbenie takisto, ako si to urobil pre Abraháma, alebo pre Mojžiša, alebo komukoľvek. Ako keď si povedal Petrovi, „Kráčaj ku mne po vode,“ a on sa nikdy nepozrel dolu, aký druh mosta je tam pod vodou, on sa na to ani nedíval. On sa díval na Ježiša. Ale keď uprel svoj zrak na vlny, začal sa topiť.

Bože, modlíme sa dnes večer, aby tí, ktorí dnes večer vykročili, prešli bariéru vĺn a aby kráčali rovno k Ježišovi skrze Jeho zavolania, aby prišli. Vypočuj nás, Pane. A teraz, daj svojmu služobníkovi múdrosť, aby vedel, čo má robiť v tejto hodine, ktorá prinesie požehnanie, spasenie, uzdravenie, oboje fyzické a duchovné, v Mene Pána Ježiša, amen.

52 A teraz pre vás, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Chcel by som tú službu trochu dnes večer zmeniť. Včera večer sme ich vzali do vedľajšej miestnosti. Dnes večer sa to budeme snažiť urobiť tak, že ich zoradíme do radu a časť z nich zavoláme na pódium. A potom ihneď po skončení služby, keď pastor prevezme tú službu, chcem sa opýtať vás, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, nejakých dvadsať, alebo tridsať ľudí, chcem vás požiadať, aby ste prišli sem a kľakli si tu pri tomto oltári. Ak ste to skutočne tak mysleli, keď ste zodvihli svoju ruku. Vidíte, Boh to učiní. Ak to skutočne mienite, a len prehovoríte a poviete, „Pane, vezmi každú vibráciu nevery preč odo mňa.“ On to učiní.

Rozumiete, nedokážete sa oslobodiť. Nedokážete to urobiť v tom vedeckom svete, pri lietadle. Nedokážete to urobiť v tom duchovnom svete s Duchom. Pokiaľ vaše ľudské myšlienky a intelektuálne myšlienky, o ktorých hovorím, ak vás stále držia a hovoríte, „Táto cirkev to neverí. Táto cirkev...“ Nemyslite si to. Ježiš bol Ten, ktorý to povedal. A tá cirkev, ktorá vám hovorí, že je to nesprávne, má falošné proroctvo. Nehovorím to, aby som bol hrubý, ale hovorím to, aby som bol úprimný, pretože ja sa budem musieť s vami postaviť pri súde. Tí učitelia, ktorí tie veci učia, sa mýlia.

53 Nech teraz... Chcem vám len ukázať, čo Ježiš povedal, potom uvidíme tú veľkú vec, ak to bude môcť byť učinené. Myslím, že je tu asi dvesto ľudí, za ktorých sa máme modliť. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Na základe tohto posolstva teraz, „Hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného,“ ak Ten Neviditeľný prehlási Samého Seba ako viditeľného, potom by to malo spôsobiť, že vaša duša prejde každú bariéru, ak Ten Neviditeľný sa vám tu učiní viditeľným, pretože On zasľúbil, že to učiní.

Pamätajte teraz, my sme pohania. No, keď On bol na zemi, nebol nikto, kto by Ho vyhliadal, okrem Židov a Samaritánov. My, anglosaskí pohania, sme boli pohanmi. My sme uctievali modly, naši otcovia. Ale Židia vyhliadali Jeho, a Samaritáni vyhliadali Jeho. On prišiel a dokázal, že On je tým, ktorého vyhliadali, a oni Mu neuverili. Ale boli tam niektorí vyvolení, ktorí Ho spoznali a rozpoznali Ho, oboje, Židia i Samaritáni. Tak, to bude také isté pri pohanoch.

54 No, ten spôsob, ako sa On dal poznať Židom a pohanom, že bol... No, oni povedali, „Za čo Ho idete... Za čo Ho idete zabiť?“

On povedal, „Pretože On je človek a robí sa Bohom.“ On bol oboje, Boh i človek. Boh bol vo vnútri toho človeka. Ježiš bol vonkajšok toho človeka. Zvonku...

Ježiš povedal, „Nečiním nič sám zo Seba, ale to, čo vidím činiť Svojho Otca.“ Každý to vie, „To, čo mi ukazuje Otec, to je to, čo činím.“

55 A sledujte teraz, ako sa On preukázal židovským ľuďom, skrze to, že povedal Petrovi, kým je, skrze to, že povedal Natanaelovi, kým je, a to je to, čo učinil pred tým, ako prišiel. To je spôsob... A oni povedali... Ty... Natanael povedal, keď to počul, povedal, „Ty si Kristus, Kráľ Izraela.“

Ale ten neveriaci Žid povedal, ten cirkevný svet povedal, „On je špiritista. Je diabol. On je Belzebúb.“

Ježiš povedal, „Toto hovoríte proti Mne, a to vám bude odpustené.“ Pretože oni boli Židia. „Ale inak, v tých posledných dňoch, keď príde Duch Svätý na pohanov, jedno slovo proti tomu nebude nikdy odpustené, v tomto svete, ani v tom, ktorý má prísť.“ Keď má Duch Svätý prísť učiniť to isté, čo On činil, lebo Duch Svätý nesie svedectvo o Ňom. Rozumiete?

56 Tak, my sa kladieme do vážnej zodpovednosti. Tak, či veríte, že Boh je stále živým Bohom? Či veríte, že žijeme v posledných dňoch pohanskej správy časov, a že cirkvi vyhliadajú Jeho príchod? A či veríte, že On ich pripravuje na Jeho príchod? A tiene Jeho príchodu padajú na zem: problémy, nepokoje a tieseň času. A tieň Jeho príchodu je umiestnený na Jeho cirkvi. A tieto veci, ktoré činíme v Jeho Mene, sú len tieňom toho, čo On učiní, keď príde.

Keď vidíme nejaké dieťa, ako tam leží a zomiera na leukémiu, a je vyrovnané, uzdravené, privedené naspäť do života za päť minút, to je tieňom toho, keď On príde. Prach, ktorý je v zemi, povstane a obráti sa znovu na krásu mladosti. Toto je len tieň, ale to vám má dať poznať, že On prichádza.

57 Uvoľnime sa a zložme teraz každé puto. Ak On dnes večer príde, a učiní tie isté veci, ktoré učinil tej žene v Samárii a Židom, či vy, pohania, Mu uveríte, a uvoľníte svoje duše? Urobíte to? Pozdvihnite k Nemu svoje ruky a povedzte, „Urobím to.“

No, my to zle rozumieme, keď hovoríme, „Uzdravenie,“ keď povieme, „Spasenie.“ Neexistuje človek, ktorý by ťa mohol spasiť. Je mi jedno, čo robí, on ťa nedokáže spasiť. On ťa nedokáže dostatočne pokrstiť vo vode. On nemôže urobiť nič, aby ťa spasil. Kristus ťa zachraňuje. Ale On učinil cestu pre teba, aby si bol spasený. Môže kázať Slovo, môže krstiť vodou, ale Kristus krstí Svätým Duchom. To je to, čo povedal Ján, „Ja krstím vodou, ale Ten, ktorý prichádza po mne, krstí Svätým Duchom a ohňom.“

58 Ježiš môže ukázať svoje znamenia, že On je tu, že káže Svoje Slovo skrze kazateľa, a prichádza dolu a potvrdzuje to Slovo, že On Sám je tu. Ale to je tvoja viera, skrze ktorú si uzdravený. Rozumiete?

No, buďme teraz len tak úctiví, ako len môžme byť. A prosím vás, prosím... Ja nehovorím, že On to urobí, ale teraz zavoláme malý modlitebný rad, a je tu jedna skupina, myslím, ak sa nemýlim, oni mi povedali, že rozdali sto kariet. To znamená, že tu sedí sto ľudí, za ktorých sa máme modliť. Budeme sa za každého jedného. Ak len nebudete znechutení a neutečiete, tak prejdeme každého jedného. Nemôžme ich nechať prejsť všetkých naraz. Ani ich nemôžme nechať, aby tu stáli všetci naraz, ale môžu tu stáť niekoľkí z nich, možno štyria, piati, šiesti, koľkokoľvek sa ich tu môže zmestiť na pódium, alebo tu hore, dolu na tejto strane, kde ich môžme postaviť, pretože nemáme dostatok miesta. Ale ak Boh pre nich učiní to isté, čo učinil, aby dokázal samého Seba, že On je tu, potom by sme sa mali dívať na Toho Neviditeľného a veriť Mu.

59 Vy, všetci chorí ľudia, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, ak Ježiš príde a učiní tú istú vec, ktorú urobil, keď On bol tu na zemi, cez ľudské telá...

Bol som jedného dňa ohromený, keď som videl jedného z najväčších učiteľov, myslel som si to tak, na svete... On je veľkým mužom, neporozumejte ma zle. Billy Graham, ktorého Pán používa, je veľkým človekom... Ale tam bol výstrižok z novinách, že niektorí z... Niekto niekde mu napísal a chcel vedieť niečo o trojici, „Sú v skutočnosti traja Bohovia, alebo je len jeden Boh?“ A Billy Graham mu odpovedal a napísal, „To nebolo ešte zjavené.“ Máme tie noviny.

Ó, brat, nikdy never, že sú traja Bohovia. Je len jeden Boh. Sú tri úrady Toho jedného Boha: Otcovstvo, Synovstvo a Duch Svätý. Boh zostupujúci z neba. On prebýval na vrchu v Stĺpe Ohňa. Prišiel dolu a bol učinený telom a prebýval medzi nami v Synovstve, od Otcovstva, a teraz prebýva vo Svojej cirkvi ako Svätý Duch, ten istý Boh, nie traja Bohovia, Ten istý Boh (Rozumiete?), ten istý Boh.

60 Pozrite teraz. Keď bol tu na zemi (Počúvajte teraz pozorne). Keď bol tu na zemi, povedal toto, „Ešte krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte. Ja prichádzam od Boha a vraciam sa k Bohu.“ Koľkí z vás viete, že to Písmo hovorí?

Tak, to, čím On bol, keď bol tu na zemi, On sa musel navrátiť, učiniť tú istú vec a, „Krátku chvíľu a Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás a skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť.“ Rozumiete? To Ho činí tým istým, Ten istý výhonok len ďalej rastie z toho viniča. Rozumiete? Jeden výhonok tu, ďalší cirkevný vek tu, ďalší tu. To sú výhonky toho viniča.

61 No, všimnite si Ho tu v tom výhonku. Keď bol On tu na zemi, povedal, že prišiel od Boha, ktorý bol Ohnivým Stĺpom, a povedal, že sa vracia späť k Bohu. Po jeho smrti, pohrebe a zmŕtvychvstaní, Pavol bol na svojej ceste dolu do Damašku a niečo ho zasiahlo. Pamätáte si to? Skutky 8. kapitola to, myslím, že je. A keď sa pozrel hore, ten Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý bol na púšti, Ježiš Kristus sa vrátil späť do toho Stĺpa Svetla, ktorý mu zaslepil oči. Je to pravda? Potom sa On navrátil k Bohu. A Pavol povedal... Povedal, „Saule, Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“

On povedal, „Kto si, Pane?“ A On povedal, „Ja som Ježiš.“ On bol Stĺp Ohňa.

Hovorím toto k modlitebni, nie ako svätokrádež, ale či viete, že Ten istý, Ten istý Duch je teraz s nami? Máme tu Jeho fotografiu, visí to tu, to je skrze vedecký svet. A tie znamenia, ktoré On učinil tam vtedy, ukazujú, že On stále žije vo svojej cirkvi, nie iný druh znamenia, ale to isté znamenie. „Ešte krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí (intelektuáli), ale vy (ktorí ste prešli tú zvukovú bariéru, aby ste verili Slovu) vy Ma uvidíte.“ Dúfam, že ste v tom „Vy“ dnes večer zahrnutí. Modlime sa.

62 Pane, teraz po ostatok toho zhromaždenia, to budeš musieť byť Ty, po slovách ako toto, aby si potvrdil, že si povedal pravdu. Modlím sa, aby si udelil tieto požehnania, skrze Meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Teraz koľkí z vás... vy, s modlitebnými kartami, ktorí ste tu, nemôžeme vás tu zavolať všetkých naraz, ale ak len nebudete znechutení dnes večer, zajtra večer, v nedeľu, v nedeľu večer, a tak ďalej, tak vás necháme prísť.

63 Ale začnime len dnes večer, začnime len s niekoľkými. A tí, ktorí majú karty, ktorí nemôžu chodiť, a ja vás budem volať jeden po druhom, a budem vás tu umiestňovať, ak nemôžete chodiť, keď zavolám vaše číslo, potom zodvihnite svoju ruku, a potom niekto z uvádzačov tu príde a privedie vás. V poriadku?

Modlitebná karta číslo jeden. Kto ju má? Zodvihnite svoju ruku, ak máte modlitebnú kartu číslo jeden. Zodvihni svoju ruku. Istotne... Možno niekto nemôže... No, možno som, možno som sa mýlil. Kde je Billy? Možno to bolo... Čože? [Niekto sa s bratom Branhamom rozpráva - pozn.prekl.] Áno, v poriadku. Môže... Pane, ak môžeš chodiť, poď rovno sem.

Modlitebná karta číslo dva. Ak môžeš, zodvihni svoju ruku. Zodvihni svoju ruku. V poriadku. Číslo tri, rovno tu. Príď rovno sem, ak môžeš. No, ak nemôžeš, len zamávaj svojou rukou a niekto ťa príde zobrať. Číslo tri.

64 Číslo štyri. Aké je to písmeno? [Niekto hovorí, „J.“- pozn.prekl.] J. V poriadku. Číslo štyri, zodvihneš svoju ruku? Pani tam vzadu, už stojí na nohách. Číslo päť?

No, keď príde Billy dolu, aby rozdal modlitebné karty, alebo Leo, alebo Gene, brat Wood, alebo ktokoľvek ich rozdáva, oni tu prichádzajú pred vami a zamiešajú karty a dajú vám len kartu, ktorú si vyberiete. Rozumiete? To je na vás. Len si beriete kartu. Mohli by ste... Niekto vedľa vás by mohol mať jednotku. Ďalší by mohol mať pätnástku. A tam vzadu by mohol mať číslo dva. Ony sú pomiešané. V poriadku.

65 Modlitebná karta číslo tri. Kto ju má? Rovno tu. V poriadku. Číslo štyri. Číslo päť. Číslo päť. Číslo šesť. Rovno tam vzadu. V poriadku. Ak môžete tam vzadu, nechajte tú mladú pani prejsť. Číslo sedem. Zodvihneš svoju ruku? Ty máš číslo sedem, sestra? V poriadku. Číslo osem. Zodvihneš svoju ruku? Ak môžeš? Pani rovno tu má číslo osem. V poriadku, sestra, zaujmi svoje miesto. Číslo deväť, pani tu. V poriadku, sestra. Číslo desať, v poriadku. Číslo desať.

No, nechajme to len potiaľto, pretože, tu začíname byť trochu natlačení. Ak sa len môžu trošku posunúť ďalej dozadu, len trošku, prosím. Dobre, zavoláme desiatku. A hádam... Ty máš číslo desať, že, sestra? Ak len môžeš prejsť sem, títo páni tu, rovno tu, oni ťa tu zoradia. Tak v poriadku... Koľkí? Číslo deväť chýba. Ó, oni sú... Nemôže... Ak nemôže chodiť, nech tam len sedí a priveďte ju, keď je jej číslo zavolané. Zostaň len tam, kým tvoje číslo, ak nedokážeš veľmi dlho stáť, sestra, len čakaj, kým nezavoláme tvoje číslo, a budeš môcť prísť. To je v poriadku. V poriadku, len si sadni. To je v poriadku. No, ak nemôže chodiť, dobre, keď bude zavolané jej číslo, niekto z nich príde a privedie ju sem, alebo tak. To je v poriadku. V poriadku. Číslo... Aké boli tie ostatné čísla, ktoré chýbajú? To je všetko. V poriadku. Tak, teraz máme... Koľko? Je to tu koniec toho radu? Dobre, v poriadku.

66No, chcem, aby ste vedeli, vy, ktorí ste v tomto rade tu, ktorí tu teraz stojíte, chcem sa vás opýtať toto: či skutočne, vážne veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží? A veríte, že On vstal z mŕtvych, a že nie je mŕtvy, ale je živý? Či veríte, že On môže vykonať a učiniť to isté, čo učinil, keď bol tu na zemi? A či veríte, že On poslal Svojho Ducha do svojej cirkvi, aby pokračoval vo svojej práci?

Koľkí z vás ste mi cudzí, zodvihnite svoju ruku, koľkí viete, že vás nepoznám? V poriadku. Nepoznám vás. Dobre. Bola to každá ruka? Všetky ruky boli hore, že ma nepoznajú? V poriadku. Som tým ľuďom cudzí. Nikdy som ich nevidel. Koľkí v budove sú mi cudzí, že ja vás nepoznám? Nikto. Nemusíte byť tu, je to všade. No, môžem vidieť, že asi polovica zhromaždenia je mi cudzia. V poriadku.

67 Potom, ak ja som vám cudzí, chcem sa opýtať tých, ktorí sú v publiku. Ak Ježiš žije dnes... A vidzte, či toto je to Písmo... Raz bola jedna žena, ktorá mala jeden veľký problém, mala krvotok. Mala to už dvanásť rokov, myslím si, alebo dlhšie. A ona minula všetky svoje peniaze na lekárov.

Sú tu dve dievčatá, ktoré sedia v invalidných kreslách. Veríte, dievčatá, že Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych? Vyhliadate na Neho dnes večer o pomoc? Máte... Či máte nejaké... Máte modlitebnú kartu? V poriadku. Iba neboli zavolané. To je v poriadku. Buďte len verné. Vidíte, v poriadku. Nepochybujte. Len teraz verte, ak vaša karta nebude dnes večer zavolaná, príďte sem len zajtra večer. Len ďalej... Bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, len prichádzajte. Rozumiete? Dostanete sa sem. A to ani nebude musieť byť vaša karta, len verte. Sledujte, čo sa udeje.

68 A vy, ktorí ste v publiku, ktorí nemáte modlitebnú kartu, koľko ľudí tu nemáte modlitebnú kartu, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Pozrite sa. No, vy, bez modlitebnej karty, ak títo ľudia tu, ja to idem založiť na Písme. Všetko, čo máme robiť, musí byť podľa Písma, od Genezis po Zjavenie. Musí to byť Boh. Ako som hovoril minulý večer... Musí to tak byť od počiatku. Rozumiete? No, ak nemáte... Títo tu, ktorí majú modlitebnú kartu, idem sa ich opýtať, idem ukázať podľa Písma, čo to znamená v Biblii, obom, mužom i ženám.

69A vám, ktorí nemáte modlitebnú kartu, ktorí nebudete v modlitebnom rade dnes večer... No, môžte dostať modlitebnú kartu znovu zajtra, ale teraz ich on rozdal toľko... A my nimi nejako prejdeme, a budeme sa za nich modliť, ak len budete trpezliví. Neponáhľajte sa. Rozumiete? Lebo potom vy sami vibrujete. Len stojte ticho a povedzte, „Bože, tu som. Ty ma poznáš.“ A potom... Hovoríte toto...

Je miesto Písma v Biblii, kde táto žena mala krvotok, a prešla skupinou ľudí, ktorí sa ju snažili utíšiť. A ona sa chcela dostať k Majstrovi, k Pánovi Ježišovi. A nakoniec sa dostala tam, kde bol, lebo si povedala vo svojom srdci, „Ak sa len dotknem rúcha toho muža, budem uzdravená.“ Koľkí z vás ste počuli ten príbeh? No, ako Ježiš išiel spolu so zástupom, a po chvíli sa ho tá žena dotkla. Vo svojom srdci si pomyslela, čo to len urobila. To bolo jej horlivé očakávanie. Keď sa toho dotkla, prekročila tú zvukovú bariéru. To bolo to. Bola voľná, pretože vo svojom srdci si povedala, „Urobila som presne to, o čom som si pomyslela, že keď urobím, budem uzdravená.“

70A či veríte, že ak sa Ježiš dá sám dnes večer poznať, že obdržíte tú istú vec? V poriadku. No, len verte a zachovajte to vo svojom srdci. Potom vykročila niekde tam do publika, pravdepodobne a posadila sa. Ježiš sa zastavil a povedal, „Kto sa ma to dotkol?“

A oni povedali, „Nikto sa Ťa nedotkol,“ každý povedal, „My nie. My nie,“ každý to zaprel. „Nikto sa Ťa nedotkol.“

A Peter povedal, „Pane...“ Pokarhal ho a povedal, „Prečo hovoríš takúto vec?“ Niečo v tom zmysle. „Kto sa ma to dotkol?“ Keď každý sa Ťa dotýka a každý tu beží popri Tebe, „Ahoj, Rabbi. Som rád, že Ťa poznávam, Rabbi.“ „Vitaj, Ježiš. Galilejský prorok. Sme tak radi, že Ťa stretávame.“ „Ako sa máš?“ Každý sa Ťa dotýka.“

Povedal, „To môže byť pravda, ale Ja som pocítil, že niekto sa Ma dotkol odlišne. (To je ten dotyk, ktorý potrebuješ.) Niekto sa Ma dotkol spôsobom, že prešiel zvukovú bariéru. Cítil som cnosť. Prišla na Mňa slabosť. Vyšla zo Mňa sila.“ A poobzeral sa. A v Ňom prebýval Duch Boží. Veríte tomu? On sa poobzeral po publiku, až kým našiel tú osobu, ktorá sa Ho dotkla. A On jej povedal jej stav, a povedal, že jej viera ju uzdravila. Žiadne videnie? Nie. On len vedel, že jej viera ju uzdravila, pretože potiahnutie všetkej tej viery tam, to bolo o toľko väčšie v nej.

71No, ak je Ježiš ten istý dnes, či neurobí to isté? No, ako budete vedieť, že je to On? Pozrite teraz, musíte sa sami poddať. No tu je to, že ja sa musím dívať na Toho neviditeľného.

Ty si prvý? Kde je... Kto je v... Udržujte ten rad... môžeš, brat Neville? Ó, potom v poriadku.

Ty si prvým? V poriadku. No, môžeš vykročiť pár krokov sem bližšie, ak chceš, pane. Tu je človek, o ktorom verím, že jeden druhého nepoznáme, tak, toto je naše prvé stretnutie. Ako môžem poznať tohoto muža? Ja ho nepoznám. Boh Ho pozná, čo sa mňa týka, pokiaľ viem, nikdy som ho vo svojom živote nevidel. Je mi úplne cudzí.

Tak, povedal som, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Tak, to zakladá vieru. Ak to tak nie je, potom som nájdený ako pokrytec a Biblia je klamstvom. No, čo musím teraz urobiť? Či sa dívať na nejakú intelektuálnu vec? Ako by som mohol? Ja musím hľadieť na Toho Neviditeľného. Ale prečo to robím? On to zasľúbil. Tu to máte. No, vyrobte to isté. A vy tiež robte to isté veci z vás. Robte to isté. To nemôže zlyhať.

72Ja môžem zlyhať. Vy môžte zlyhať. Ale Boh nemôže zlyhať. No, sú tu dvaja muži, stretáme sa po prvýkrát v živote. Takže to je.. Som... Nechávam si čas... No, toto je scéna podľa Písma. Bol jeden muž, ktorý išiel a priviedol do cirkvi jedného, tam, kde bol Ježiš, a jeho meno bolo Natanael. Ježiš ho nikdy nevidel, tak keď prišiel k Ježišovi, Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“ Ak by som to ja povedal, aby si to vedel, čo hovorím, tak by som povedal, „Tu je úprimný človek, kresťanský veriaci.“ Oni by povedali... No, On povedal, „Rabbi, ty si ma vo svojom živote nikdy nevidel? Ako ma poznáš? Ako si ma poznal?“

73Tak, nie podľa toho, ako bol oblečený, pretože všetci na východe sa obliekali rovnako. On mohol byť Grékom, mohol byť Egypťanom, mohol by byť všeličím možným. Ale Ježiš povedal, hľa Izraelita. A on je úprimný, a nie je v ňom žiadna lesť.“

On povedal, „Ako si to vedel?“

Povedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som Ťa.“ To bol Ježiš včera. Ak On je tým istým dnes, a prebýva v nás, čo zasľúbil, že bude, a dá sa poznať tomuto mužovi, ktorý tu môže byť kvôli finančným problémom. Môže byť človekom, ktorý zomiera. Môže to byť človek v hriechu. Môže to byť človek spravodlivosti. Ja neviem. Neviem vám povedať, ale Boh to vie. Potom, ak On sa dá tu poznať, že Ježiš žije a povie tomuto mužovi, potom nech je on sudcom toho, či je to správne, alebo nesprávne. A potom, či to pôsobí, že všetci z vás Mu budete veriť, že On je tu viditeľný? To je Jeho bytosť. No, On sa tu nemôže ukázať v pozemskom tele, to je Jeho Duch.

74No, On dovolil, aby bol odfotografovaný, Jeho obrázok. Vidíte to, je to skrze vedecký svet, majú to vo Washington D. C. Ten istý anjel Boží, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý prebýval v Ježišovi, učinil to isté Filipovi, alebo Natanaelovi, Ten istý Ježiš zasľúbil prísť a prebývať v nás a činiť tie isté skutky. Každý to teraz dobre rozumie? V poriadku.

Teraz, Pane, nech je to známe, že Ty si Bohom, a že my sme tvojimi sluhami. Potom nás Ty miluješ, a Ty chceš, aby Ti títo ľudia verili, a aby prešli všetky bariéry hriechu vo svete, aby mohli byť spasení a uzdravení na Tvoju slávu, Amen.

75 Tak teraz, aby sme povedali, ako Peter pri bráne, ktorá sa nazývala Krásna, tomu mužovi, ktorý bol chromý už od lona svojej matky, on povedal, „Pozri na nás.“ To bolo len... Aby uveril, aby ho dostal do... Upútal jeho pozornosť tak, ako to urobil náš Pán pri tej žene pri studni. Stretol ju a začal rozhovor. Povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť.“ A ďalej hovoril.

Tak, ak vás nepoznám, vy ste len človekom z publika. Ak ťa nepoznám a Pán mi vysvetlí niečo, čo si urobil vo svojom živote, alebo po čom túžiš, či financie, zdravie, alebo čokoľvek to je, a urobí to pravdivým a jasným, potom budeš veriť, že On je tu, aby ti dal to, čo žiadaš? Urobíš to? V poriadku. Buďte teraz úctiví.

76 Tak, buďme teraz na modlitbe, kým Duch Svätý nezačne na nás pôsobiť. Áno, vidím tohoto muža a on... Vidím nejakú malú osobu ktorá stojí blízko, ona má nejakú otázku, alebo chce, aby sa za ňu modlilo. Je to niekto iný, za koho chceš, aby sa modlilo. To je nejaké dievča, malé dievča. A ty nie si z tejto krajiny. Ty si z... Niekde blízko nejakého veľkého jazera. Je to... Ty si z mesta, ktoré je blízko nejakého veľkého mesta, ktoré má veľké... Je to Buffalo, New York. Si z okolia Buffalo, New York. Máš vysoký krvný tlak. To je to, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku, ale ty sa modlíš za toto dieťa. Veríš mi, že som jeho sluha? Ty si pán Holdem. Tak sa voláš. Vráť sa späť a príjmi to, o čo si žiadal. Polož na ňu svoju vreckovku a bude s tým koniec. Nepochybuj.

77 Veríte, že Ježiš Kristus žije? Čo je to? Ten Neviditeľný sa stáva viditeľným. Čo to je? Ten istý Ježiš, to isté ovocie, tie isté znamenia, tá istá vec, ktorú On učinil.

No, ďalšia je tu žena. Hovorím k nej, ako hovoril On k tej žene pri studni. Sme si navzájom cudzí? Sme. Aby tak tí ľudia mohli poznať, tí, ktorí sú vonku, ty len... Len zodvihni svoju ruku, aby tak... Toto je prvýkrát, čo sa stretávame. Sme si navzájom cudzí? No, neviem, čo mal ten muž, ktorý tu bol pred pár minútami, ale čokoľvek to bolo, ja som nemal nič spoločné s jeho uzdravením. Boh to učinil. Jeho viera to učinila.

Ja s tým nemám nič dočinenia. To je len dar, lebo v tejto budove je to teraz tak, sú tu tie isté druhy anjelov, ktoré videl Geházi, keď mu Eliáš otvoril oči. V tejto budove je Pán Ježiš. Tak nehľaď na to, čo vidíš. Hľaď na to, čo nevidíš, pretože to je zasľúbenie Božie, že Boh povedal, že On to učiní, a On to činí.

78On sa s tou ženou rozprával asi minútu, kým nezistil, v čom bol jej problém. A to je presne to isté, čo by som rád učinil tebe, pretože On zostáva tým istým. Ak som ti cudzí a nepoznám ťa, potom On bude... Ja budem musieť nejako, nejakým nadprirodzeným spôsobom sa s tebou skontaktovať. Budeš veriť, že to bol tvoj Pán, ktorý mi to dovolil učiniť?

Tak, ak to chceš vedieť, niečo sa rovno vtedy v tejto budove stalo, uzdravenie. Je tu jedna pani, sedí tu rovno v publiku, je to taká silnejšia pani, ona má svoje ruky zodvihnuté, a svoje oči zatvorené, a modlí sa. Má problémy s vnútornosťami a s chrbticou, a ona sa modlí k Bohu, aby ju uzdravil. Sedí rovno tu, má okuliare, tmavé šaty, a je rovno tu na konci tohoto radu. Ty, ktorá máš svoje ruky zodvihnuté, to je to, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni takto svoje ruky. Ja ťa nepoznám, že? Nie veru, sme si cudzí. Choď teraz domov, dotkla si sa lemu Jeho rúcha. Ty si sa dotkla Jeho, pretože ja som dvadsať stôp od teba, ale ty si sa dotkla Jeho, Veľkňaza, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.

79Tak vy ostatní z vás... Je tu pani, ktorá nemá kartu, nemá nič, len tam sedí a čaká. Ty učiň to isté. Niečo... Ty si manželka toho muža, ktorý tu práve bol, pretože vás vidím oboch v tom, tom istom dome. A ty trpíš na nervový stav. Tiež vidím, že si bola u lekára a mala si vyšetrenie. A vyšetrili ťa... A to bolo vyšetrenie zadnej časti a on hovorí, že vidí... Hovorí, že sú tam výrastky, ony sú v žalúdku a v ženských orgánoch, a chce, aby si bola operovaná. Ale ty máš vieru a uverila si, že ak sem prídeš a ja sa za teba pomodlím, že budeš uzdravená. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoje ruky, aby to ľudia videli. Tak, On ju pozná a On pozná jej stav. Či to nemôže učiniť? Poď sem.

Pane Ježišu, udeľ, ó, Bože, aby jej viera a radosť bola dnes večer naplnená, aby bola kompletne oslobodená, a priveď radosť a spasenie k tým, s ktorými sa kontaktuje. A vysielam ju a vyháňam od nej toto zlo, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Cítiš sa teraz odlišne. Len sa tak ďalej cíť a raduj sa. To ťa navždy, nadobro opustí.

80Ako sa máš? Buďte len teraz ešte na chvíľu skutočne úctiví. Pokiaľ viem, toto je naše prvé stretnutie, ale Boh nás pozná oboch. On vie o tebe, a On vie o mne. A ak mi On zjaví, kvôli čomu si tu, alebo niečo, čo si učinil, alebo niečo, čo si nemal učiniť, alebo niečo, čo si mal učiniť a neučinil si to, ale vieš, že ja nemám ani potuchy, kvôli čomu si tu? Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Ale to bude musieť prísť cez nadprirodzené rozpoznanie. Som tak rád, že On je tým istým včera, dnes a naveky. Ty nežiadaš modlitbu pre seba, hoci to potrebuješ. Ty ju prosíš pre svojho syna. A tvoj syn nie je tu. On je v nejakom veľkom meste, obrovskom meste. A to je na východe. Bol som tam. Mal som tam poslednú kampaň, Filadelfia. To je pravda. On je kazateľ. A oni ho idú operovať, a vyšetrujú ho kvôli pruhu. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Či veríš, že Boh učiní to, o čo Ho prosíš?

Ó, večný Bože, potvrď vieru tejto ženy znamením a divmi. Udeľ vyslobodenie tomu, čo žiadala skrze Ježiša Krista, v Jeho Mene to prosím. Amen. Nech ti Boh udelí to, o čo si Ho žiadala.

81 Buďte teraz úctiví. Jedna drobná pani, ktorá má pri nose vreckovku, modlí sa kvôli problémom s hlavou, či veríš, že Pán Ježiš ťa uzdraví? Tá pani sedí tu vedľa toho muža s okuliarmi. Či veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Pani s tým, v tých modrých šatách? Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak je to to, čo... Choď a buď uzdravená, tvoja viera ťa uzdravuje.

Či veríte, že Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn, mi môže zjaviť, kvôli čomu si tu? Je mnoho vecí, ktoré s tebou nie sú v poriadku, si veľmi nervózna, komplikácie, ženské problémy, si takmer pred zrútením, hrozný stav. Nie si z tohoto mesta, ale si z Indiana, Lafayette. Pani Elisonová, vráť sa. Tvoja nemoc ťa opustila. Choď domov a ukáž, čo Boh pre teba urobil. Amen.

82Či veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, kvôli čomu si tu? Ak to urobí, budeš Mu veriť z celého svojho srdca? Ty tu nie si pre samu seba, ty si tu kvôli tomu dieťatku. Ak mi Boh povie, čo s tým dieťatkom nie je v poriadku, budeš mi veriť? Je to krvná zrazenina. To je pravda, že? Či veríš, že keď požiadam Boha, aby to vyhnal z toho dieťaťa, že to dieťatko bude žiť? Skloňte svoje hlavy. Tak, to dieťatko je príliš malé, aby malo vieru. Rozumiete?

Ó, Pane Bože, Tebe prinášali nemluvňatá a Ty si ich žehnal. A Ten istý Ježiš tu stojí teraz prítomný. Odsudzujem tohoto diabla, ktorý sa snaží vziať život tohoto nemluvňaťa. Opusti ho, satan, v Mene Ježiša Krista, vyjdi z toho dieťaťa.

Vezmi ho teraz. Nemaj pochybnosť. Tá vec to dieťa opustí. Maj vieru.

83Ocko, ktorý tam sedí so svojou sklonenou hlavou, má problém so žlčníkom. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale On ťa pozná. Ty trpíš na žlčníkové záchvaty a máš veľké tlaky v hrudi. Ak je to pravda, zamávaj svojou rukou. Či mi veríš, že som Jeho prorokom? Potom choď domov z tohoto zhromaždenia a nebudeš už na to znovu trpieť. Buď zdravý v Mene Pána Ježiša.

Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha? Ak mi Boh povie, čo je tvoj problém, budeš mi veriť z celého svojho srdca? Tak, teraz sa niečo v tejto budove deje. Len ďalej verte, ale niečo prichádza také silné, je to také silné... Je tu jedna farebná žena, stojí pri tamtej panej. Len to ďalej prechádza... Vidím farebnú ženu... Ona sedí rovno tu. Má artritídu a komplikácie. Sedí rovno pri pani Bellovej, tam, a má na sebe čierny klobúk. Ja ju nepoznám, ale, sestra, ak budeš veriť Bohu tým spôsobom, ako si Mu to ty sľúbila, potom Mu budeš veriť a bude s tým koniec.

84Tak, aby ste mohli teraz vedieť, že toto je Duch Boží, v tom ďalšom rade za tou ženou, sedí tam jeden muž, ktorý má problém s krkom. Ak budeš veriť, pane, Boh ťa uzdraví, ak Mu budeš veriť. Či veríš? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Ja som ti cudzí, ale On nie. Vidíte, kdekoľvek ste, len majte vieru v Boha.

Dokážete teraz prekročiť bariéru nevery?

Či môžte nechať Ducha Svätého, aby prišiel teraz rovno sem a prevzal vedenie? Ak to môžeš, to sa stane. Tá cukrovka ťa opustí, ak budeš veriť. Choď ďalej a raduj sa. Čo si o tom myslíte vy? On je Ľalia z údolia, Ranná Hviezda.

85Ak budeš veriť, ohľadne toho anemického stavu, to ťa opustí. Veríš tomu? Choď ďalej a raduj sa. Či veríš? Verme z celých našich sŕdc.

Ak veríš, choď a zjedz svoju večeru. Ten nádor, ktorý bol v tvojom žalúdku, ťa opustil, choď a jedz, ver.

Ak veríš, nebudeš musieť zomrieť. Rakovina ťa opustila, veríš? Choď a raduj sa. Koľkí veríte z celého svojho srdca? Povstaňte teraz na svoje nohy. Povstaňte na nohy. Teraz rýchle. Zodvihnime svoje ruky ku Bohu. A teraz v jednom súhlase, prejdime každú bariéru. Verme, že Boh je tu a tá nemoc a choroby odídu. Každá osoba nech sa modlí svojím spôsobom.

86Ó, Pane Bože, Stvoriteľu neba i zeme, teraz Ti toto prinášam, toto obecenstvo ľudí, odsudzujem diabla, nárokujem si, že Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn je prítomný. V Mene Pána Ježiša, nech každý nečistý duch pochybnosti, povery, nevery a hriechu odstúpi z tejto budovy. Vyjdi von, satan. Karhám ťa skrze Ježiša, Syna Božieho.

Každý jeden z vás položte svoju ruku jeden na druhého, a modlite sa teraz jeden za druhého, kdekoľvek, kde ste v budove a Boh vás uzdraví. Verte tomu z celého svojho srdca. Položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Začnite sa modliť jeden za druhého. To je to. To je ten spôsob. Všetci, ktorí veríte, že ste uzdravení, zodvihnite svoje ruky a chváľte Boha. V poriadku, brat Neville.

1 It seems good to be back in the house of the Lord tonight, after such a wonderful night as last night was. And we had a glorious time these last two or three nights here in the building, and we're thanking our heavenly Father for it. Souls has been borned into the kingdom of God. And such good reports from the healing services. And we just got word awhile ago that the girl that was from somewhere up above here, in some city, that had the leukemia, when she was pronounced well today by her doctor, that the--the baby is well. Uh-huh. And a... they... She was to be a missionary; you remember the case, and--and Satan was trying to--to rob her of such, and she is pronounced sound and well from--by her doctor.

And the blind minister that was here to receive his sight... and others... And there's just a great things the Lord is doing.

2 Now, last evening I took a group into the prayer room in here for--just to see if the new ministry that has been promised would come into existence in the tabernacle here before we hit the tent. Well now, as far as I know, there was nothing, no more than just--just soon as I went in there, the Spirit of the Lord came in, and It just started discerning the spirits, and telling the people of their troubles, and so forth.

3 But I wonder... I ask those people if there were any possible way for them to stay. I would just like to ask them if there has been a change in them, if they feel that they have been healed or any visible change in any way. I ask them, tonight, if I'd call for them, if they could get in the building, I'd like for them to hold up their hand. Now, if they're here and didn't have to go home--they were out-of-town people--and if they didn't have to go home, and has got inside the building, and you feel that there has been a great change, would you hold up your hand, the ones that--of any here that was in the building last night and was prayed for back here. As I don't see any hands, I don't know whether the people could even stay.

There... [Brother Neville says, "One."--Ed.] One... One, back here. All right. A... One there. Well, that's very fine. You feel that there has been a change in... Is that right, sir? You'd that held your hand? [The man begins to testify--Ed.] Well, that's good. [He continues--Ed.] We... [He continues--Ed.] That's very fine and we're thankful. There was nothing visible that we could see, you see, because...

4 And there was a--a lady in the room who was bothered with a mental condition. And the Holy Spirit begin to speak to her and telling her the things that was take--had taken place in her life, where she'd thought that something had happened to her, which had not. And I guess if our brother is one that's present's that knows that. And then it begin to tell her of a person that had long beard and a long hair, had prayed for her. She'd done got away from her. She said, "No." And then to show the accurateness and the perfectness of the Holy Spirit, It went back again, and picked up the person, and told them who it was, and where it was that it happened. Then she said, "I remember, now." That had been a long years ago. How that the perfection of the Holy Spirit... Oh, He's so real.

5 Now, we are crowded and just this little meeting here, just before I leave again. And I was happy tonight, to meet just as I come in, an old friend, Brother Rogers, from down at Milltown, Indiana, and friends that I haven't seen for years... Brother Creech, again, he was here last evening.

And today in the interviews, the Holy Spirit was wonderful today. And it seemed like that maybe, it's just go to continue on for awhile, until that tent comes in, up under the same ministry that I've had, because in the interviews today, there were four, great, outstanding visions took place in--in the interviews. So it seemingly, maybe, I will continue on until that maybe the tent starts, or wherever it is He has chosen to begin to declare His Name in a new way. But when it does, it'll be just as perfect as the others. It'll be just... And I'm trusting to God that it will be greater than the others; not because of--of our ministry, but because of the sick and needy people. There's such a need in the land today.

6 Now, we will get right straight to the Word, and so that those standing won't have to stand too long. Now, first before we read His Word, let's speak to Him in Person as we bow our heads.

Dear God, we come into Thy holy Presence now, will humbled hearts and bowed heads. And we are asking Thee to forgive us of anything that we might have done, or--or thought, or said through this day, that has been contrary to Thy will. We would ask that You would graciously pardon every one of us.

And we have gathered tonight for no other purpose but to worship Thee, and to express our feelings, and the adoration of our heart to Thee. And we are sure, Lord, that this little congregation that's jammed into these little walls tonight, has not come here to be seen. They have not come here for no other purpose but to express their love to Thee. They would not stand on the outside, around the windows, and around the walls, and their limbs aching, just to be seen. They are here because they believe that You are, and a Rewarder of those who will diligently seek after Thee.

7 We would ask pardoning for all the sin of the people, and a healing power to be brought upon the sick and the needy. And we ask Thee to bless Thy Word, Lord, as we read It. We are insufficient to interpret this Word, so may the Holy Spirit come and get right into the Word and plant It deep into the hearts of the people. And may, through this, there be a great harvest of souls and a great healing service. Grant it, Lord, for we humbly ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

8 For a Scripture reading tonight, I wish to read out of the book of II Kings, beginning at the 8th verse. And my text tonight is "Looking At The Unseen." And the first night I was preaching on the subject of "Raising Him Up Out Of History." And the second night, last night, was preaching on the subject, "It Wasn't So From The Beginning."

And tonight, my text is "Looking At The Unseen." Now, II Kings the 6th chapter, beginning at the 8th verse.

Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall we be camped.

And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down.

And the king of Israel sent unto the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice.

Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?

And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elijah, the prophet that is in Israel, he telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.

And he said, Go and spy where he is, that I may send and fetch him. And it was told him, saying, Behold, he is in Dothan.

Therefore sent he thither horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night, and compassed the city about.

And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and... passed the city both the horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?

And he answered, Fear not: for there be with us more than with--they be with them.

And Elijah prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open this--open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountains was full of horses and chariots of fire about Elijah.

9 Now, may the Lord add his blessing to the reading of His Word. It is a strange thing, that man who was made in the image and the likeness of God and was called of Him to walk by faith, believing that God is, would choose to walk by sight instead of by faith. After his makeup, his being, and all that dwells in him was fashioned in the likeness of God... And God is that great Jehovah Who calls those things which were not as though they were. And man made to live with God in this manner, yet has he chosen to walk by his sight. He wants to be his own boss. He wants no one to tell him what to do. That's just the nature of man.

It proved to be thus in the garden of Eden when he had lost his fellowship with God by choosing to go his own way, and not have any one to rule over him.

10 But a man is made like a sheep. And a sheep cannot find its way back, I'm told; when it's lost, it's totally lost.

And that's the way with man. When he is lost, he is absolutely helpless. He must have a shepherd to guide him. And man when he chooses, as the days go on, we find man continually getting worse, choosing rather to walk by sight, than stead of by faith, by the Unseen. And when he does that, he robs the inner man, which is the soul. And that's the eternal part of man.

11 Now, "Man shall not live by bread alone," said the Lord, "but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." And a man's physical being, to be taken care of, is not all the reason God put him on the earth. Because what He does with this physical being amounts to very little. It's his soul what counts. It's the inward man that did not come from the earth; it come from heaven, and that's the eternal part of the human being.

But yet, strange that he tries to figure his own way out. And we find it so in the Scriptures. That when a man chooses to walk in his own way and do the way he wants to, God just let's him alone.

Man must not think for himself, but he must let the mind that was in Christ be in him. We are not to think for ourself. We are to call anything contrary to what He said, as though it is not, no matter what our eyes claim to be. We do not live by what we see; we live by what we believe.

12 A few days ago I was listening to a program on the radio, coming to Sunday school, and it was a round table discussion with teen-agers in Louisville. A--what was one of the most important things, was a girl to find the boy with the curly hair, or the boy, the girl with the pretty blue or brown eyes? Did that make the difference? It seems like that that would be the great thing to a teen-ager. But that isn't the greatest thing. The greatest thing is find your God, your Maker.

Don't mix marry. Marry a boy that believes just exactly like you do, for after all, God is the main important thing that we are in the earth to do, is to serve Him. And if you do marry or anything contrary to that, you'll pay for it in the days that lays ahead of you. You must always remember, by faith and not by sight. The just shall live by faith. And we look at the Unseen.

13 And we might go on for several hours, speaking of the modern day, of how men and women today just completely look, and they go down the street, and they're going to choose a church that they must go to and bring up their children in. And they'll search around through the city, not trying to find the most spiritual church, but the biggest church that they can find, the one that's got the--the--the greatest crowds, and the best dressed, and the celebrity of the city goes to this such church, where it's called the better class, as far as men know.

And then, in that church they'll try to find a minister that's what they call, "not narrow minded," that'll just about let them live any way they wish to and belong to that church.

14 But the spiritual man on the inside, if you'll give him the right of way, he might lead you to a little mission somewhere, where there is not many people, but there is the Spirit of the Living God. For the outside man feeds on psychology and intellectual. But the inside man feeds on the Word of God.

And now, if we should turn in our Bibles to many of the characters of the Scripture, it would take us hours to go through it. But let's just think on the Book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter, for a few minutes.

15 And we read here that Abraham, he was just a man, and he lived in the city of Ur in the land of the Chaldeans. And just an ordinary man of every day walk, but one day he come in contact with God. And Abraham was changed from that day on. No matter how well he attended his church, the church of his father, but when he once met God, he was a changed man.

And I believe that that has not ceased to exist yet today. A man may be a loyal church member. He may be walking upright before his neighbor and his family, but when he meets God, he's a changed man.

16 Sometime ago, I remember, of talking to an intellectual person that said, "How will you ever know there is anything different then what just any religion could produce?"

I said, "I read in the Bible of a living God. I read of His goodness. I read of His patience and His power. And I believed that, just as much as anybody could believe it. But one day I met that One I read about. Then there was a sudden change, and I've never been the same since, and hope I never will be.

Something takes place, when sight fails to produce it, faith is there to catch the place and produce it.

17 And we see that Abraham, he was not a young man when this happened. He was an old man, seventy-five years old. And his wife, Sarah, which was his half sister, and they had been married many, many years, since she was a girl of about seventeen, it's believed. And God told Abraham, "I have chosen you and Sarah, that you are going to have a child. And Sarah had been barren all her life. But Abraham never looked at what his eyes would see, an old wrinkled woman, many years past the time of life to have children, but he looked at the Unseen, and he saw Isaac. By faith he saw Isaac. And he, after looking to the Unseen, he called those things which were not as though they were. He got a glimpse of the Unseen. By faith he saw it. And the Bible says that he endured as seeing the invisible God with him all along the road.

18 When a man once catches that vision of the invisible God and know that He's always present, there's something that stabilizes that man's thinking; it stabilizes his actions, and in the time of distress and trouble, it'll still make him look upward and above the things that are happening around him, because he's looking at the Unseen, yet by promise.

Now, how Abraham, not only did he see the Unseen... And the reason he believed it, was because God said it. And if we being dead in Christ, we are Abraham's seed, and if the Spirit that was in Christ dwells in us, it does the same thing. It takes every Divine promise of God that's in His Bible and calls it present tense, and rests itself upon there.

19 Where if you look at--with your eyes and you see now, that our nation is shaking and trembling, war is--clouds are flying everywhere. Every nation under distressed and perplexed of time, every sign that Jesus said would happen, is happening. There would be signs in the heavens above and in the earth below, and great things would be taking place, like the flying saucers and mystic things taking place. But He commanded His church to lift up their heads in that day and to look up, for the unseen Christ will be appearing pretty soon. So if we only walk by sight, we would be children of darkness, sure enough now. But I'm so glad to know that there is a Light that shines in every believer's heart unto that eternal day when Jesus shall come.

20 Now, it is a lesson to us to look to what Abraham did. And then not only did he believe it, but he made ready for it. He made preparations for the--this child that he saw by faith, twenty-five years before the child ever come. Because he had considered, that He Who told him, was able to keep the promise that He had told him. He didn't consider any of his nature, being a hundred years old, his physical being, or did he not consider at all, the deadness of the womb of his wife, Sarah.

And the writer of the Divine commentary tells us, that he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving glory to God. What a person.

21 And today there is no need--there's no need of even trying to approach it with an intellectual faith. You'll never be able to do it. You'll go from church to church, and from prayer line to prayer line, and never get it. You've got to come to the place where it is eternally settled, once for all; He either is God or He is not God. Feeling sorry for the people...

As I was speaking last evening, "And Jesus said, 'I am the Vine, and ye are the branches." And the Vine bore the first branch, and the first branch was Pentecost. And the Pentecostal blessing is recorded in the book of Acts. And if the first branch was Pentecost, the second branch will have to also be Pentecost, and it'll have to bear the same type of a church and behavior the first branch beared.

22 Did not Jesus speak of that in St. John 14, when He said that the branch that did not bear fruit would be cut off, it would wither? That's where our denominations today are being--will be pruned off of the Vine. Only the fruit bearing, the kind that bears the fruit and the works of the Holy Ghost shall be able to continue in the Vine. For the life that is in the vine puts forth in the branch.

And the Life that was in Jesus was in the first church. And they did not walk by sight; they walked by faith, believing what God said was the truth. Oh, what a difference it is when men who will walk by faith, and call anything that's by sight that's contrary to the Word, as though it was not. We need that type of faith in the church.

23 Moses, when he had become forty years old, a young man, and as far as sight was concerned, Moses had the world in his hand. He was the next Pharaoh of Egypt, and he had all the lands in the world right in his hand, to be king over the entire earth knowing of that day. And yet, he looked through the window that Pharaoh looked out of, and he saw those Hebrews. To Pharaoh, who looked upon them, they were nothing but a bunch of mud-daubers, down there in the mud making brick. To the celebrity as passed by, they were the same. The well dressed people, that was a bunch of slaves, nothing but mud-wallowers.

But when Moses looked out the same window, he saw them different, because he looked at the Unseen and know that God promised that He would deliver them out of that place and take them to the land of promise. For he looked at the Unseen. He saw the years that were coming ahead. He saw Egypt destroyed. Yet she was in her blossoming time. He saw Egypt as she is today. And he saw Israel all comfortably seated around Abraham in glory, and by faith he chose to take the--the worst the religion could give him and compare it with the best that the world could give him. And he chose to suffer the reproach of Christ and considered it a greater treasure than all Egypt could afford to give him, because he endured as seeing Him Who is invisible.

24 God had spoke to Moses, and Moses knowed Who God was. So he did not look upon the brightness. And here I might say to the church tonight, Moses had in one hand the best the world could give him. There could've been no better. It was the highest office. It was the best the world had. And religion offered him the worst that could be given, a bunch of slaves in a mud pit. And now, if a man was looking, which side would he take?

Let me say this with sincerity and without any malice. Well, let me say this, that you'll understand it: today don't look at the big church. Don't look at the great denomination. Don't look at the well dressed, but look at Christ Who was rich and became poor, that through His poverty you might be made rich. And when you're seeking a church, don't go where all the celebrity goes or the big Ph.D.'s or D.D.'s, but look down upon the people who are looked down upon.

25 And Moses, when he had them in both hands, the best the world could give to what he could look at, and yet when he looked at the Unseen, the worst the church could give him, he chose to walk by faith. And he chose to walk by the unseen God, counting it a greater treasure than all his sight could afford to show him.

Here was a kingdom. Here was a kingship. Here was a throne. Here was a crown. Here was everything in his hand. But yet, by faith, when he caught a glimpse of Christ out there in the mud pits, he went to his people.

26 Now, here's another little lesson on Moses. Now, Moses didn't just set back and say, "I sympathize with those people. Those are good people. I... You know, I would not speak one word against them."

Now, that's the was a lot of religionists does today, when they hear a strict message about the real God, they'll say, "Oh, I have nothing against those people who believe in Divine healing. I have nothing against those people who believe in miracles." But that's not enough. Moses just didn't sympathize with them and stay on the throne; he went out and become one of them.

27 And remember, a few years ago, when I had a great offer with the Baptist people? And then the Presbyterian people, that a lady of this city was paying my way through a short school in the Presbyterian denomination. And they wanted to take me in as a minister. But when I looked out and seen that the group that believed in the supernatural was laughed at, and called "holy-rollers," been easy to have continued on a Baptist preacher, for I was one. But instead of looking at them and said, "Oh, I have nothing against them. I believe that, too." I chose to be one of them, went out, and now I am one of the so-called "holy-rollers," because I see in there they got the sign of the living God, living with them. And by faith, I believe that that's the bunch will go in the rapture. And I would rather have it, than all the Ph.D.'s and D.D.'s that the church world could afford. Don't sympathize with them; become one of them. That's when, by faith, you walk by faith by the Unseen.

I see a church going in the rapture. I see Jesus coming for His Bride. I see a little neglected bunch of people, who are laughed at and made fun of, go in the rapture one day. I'd rather be with them, than all groups that I know of in all the world. For by faith we see by the Unseen. Sure.

28 Moses chose to become... He saw by faith what they were. And if God had promised in four hundred years, he would deliver them, yet He tarried for another twenty years, yet Moses believed Him.

And the reason I am on the field today in this move, is because that by faith, one night yonder at Green's Mill, Indiana, about ten years ago, an Angel of the Lord Who had spoke to me from a child, spoke to me about these things, and I went out and connected myself.

Lot of times I won't believe in the things that they are doing, but yet, I believe there lays a church of the Living God. And I would rather walk alone with the few people that really believe God and take Him at His Word, than to be with millions who denied Him. Certainly. Their works would do it.

29 Moses endured as seeing Him Who is invisible, and at the end of his life's journey... Oh, I just love to say this. Someone once said to me; he said, "Mr. Branham, do you think God was just, when He let Moses, for forty years with those people, and then would refuse him to go into the promised land?" But the glorious part of the story of Moses, he was in the promised land eight hundred years later with Jesus and Elijah, and was seen on Mount Carmel.

Not only that, but at the end of the road, when he was standing on the mountain, waving good-bye to his people, and he'd looked across Jordan, and he was a hundred and twenty years old when his last breath began to fail him, he climbed up on that smitten Rock from the wilderness, and It was present. And he didn't--he had a Angel pallbearers, who took him somewhere and buried him that the world knew nothing about it; because he had endured seeing the Invisible. And in the hour of his death, the Invisible was there.

30 I wonder if he would have become Pharaoh if it would have been that way? Very doubtful. But he was sure when he took the right choice. And you can be sure by taking the right choice.

Joshua, forty years later, after he had entered into the promised land, and the--being the great military general, when this first battle, his enemies had walled into a place, where there was no way for him to get to them, but by faith he looked at the Unseen, because God gave Moses a promise while they were yet in Egypt, "I have given you all Palestine." And by faith he saw the walls of Jericho laying flat on the ground, and he marched around and around in full armor, with not a doubt in his heart, but believing that God would do it. And when the trumpet sounded and the people shouted, the walls fell, and they took the city. Why? He seen the invisible One.

31 Remember, before he did this, he was walking one afternoon, and he seen a Man Who was standing against the wall with His sword drawed. And Joshua drawed his sword and went to meet Him. And he said, "Are You for us or are You for the enemy?"

And the Man spoke back and said, "I am the Captain of the host of the Lord." Joshua knowed the battle belonged to him then.

And when you people here tonight, that's sinful in your heart... I don't mean that you live in adultery. I don't mean that you get drunk. I mean, sin is unbelief, and with unbelief in your heart, if you'll just open up your heart, and close your eyes, and look at the Chief Captain, Who's omnipresent tonight, the world will lay flat at your feet and will shake every fetter of sin away from you. The doubting days will be over. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

32 I am told that a snake can catch the eye of a bird and charm that bird with its enchantments, and the stare of its eyes, until such a way, it that bird will give the snake its attention for just a few minutes, that bird will flutter and completely become paralyzed. And the snake will take the bird.

And I can believe that, because that I know of another serpent, the devil, that if he could ever catch the eye with his enchantments, with your modern rock-and-roll, and all your fandangles of the world, if he can ever catch you, young lady or young man, just long enough to get his charm in you, you'll flutter, but you can't get loose. He will hold you till he swallows you up in sin.

33 The only way, I am told, that that little bird ever has a chance, is to get his eyes off of the serpent, and he cannot look at anything else, because he stands staring. But if he will take his eyes from the serpent, and look upward, and flutter his wings, he will fly plumb out of the reach of the snake.

And if you have ever got the charm of the world, and the things of the world, and unbelief, charming around your heart, that tells you, "Oh, live modern!" shake your head tonight and look up to the unseen One, the Lord Jesus, and flutter your wings of prayer, until you fly plumb out of his reach and out of his clutches. If He should speak to you and say, "The... That Divine healing is wrong," shake your head from him quickly. If he should tell you that spiritual discernment is telepathy, shake your head from him immediately, and look up to the Unseen.

34 Like Elijah told Gehazi, his servant, at Dothan, why, they look at around there was Assyrian army." There was everything to smash them down, because this man of God was able to tell the king of Israel what the king of Syria was thinking about in his bedchamber.

Let me say this tonight, my audience: that God still lives, and He's just the same tonight as He was then. He can still know your thoughts and what you're thinking about right now.

Then you should watch the fruits of the Spirit to see if it's the God of history that's raised again. Certainly.

35 And when the great crisis come, which always does, then when Gehazi, being just a lukewarm church member, when he had not seen what Elijah had seen... Because Elijah was used to walking by faith, and he was looking at the Unseen all the time, and he knew that God had said in the Psalms, "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him." That was enough for Elijah, but Gehazi had just pro--halfway believed it. He way just a church member.

So Elijah said to the Lord; he said, "Lord God, give a sign here; just open this man's eyes and let him see what's around him." And when God opened his eyes, he saw horses of fire... drawn by chariots of fire. And they were all around that old prophet. They were there all the time, but he just didn't see them.

And tonight, I'd say the same thing: that the God Who stood yonder, in the 1st chapter of the books of Acts, and as He was taken up, and the skies become under His feet, that same Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you always. I will never leave you or forsake you. And the works that I do, shall you always. I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."

36 I am told by aviators, who fly these here real fast jet planes, and they say that the plane, getting up to a certain speed, that it vibrates and it shakes. And it seems like that the bolts is going fly out of it, that the wings are going to come off, until they pass the sound barrier. But after they once pass that sound barrier, they say the plane just sails out, just in ease, when it passes the sound barrier. That's the obstacle that's in the way of the plane, when it passes its own sound. And then it runs at ease.

Oh, if the church of this day, could ever pray till they pass the sin barrier and the unbelief barrier, they could shout the victory of a living God when they once pass that barrier, by looking to the Unseen, and letting the world vibrate and do what it wants to do.

37 But there is a living God, and when we lose our disbelief and our unbelief in Him, and pass that place, that the world is saying, "The days of miracles is passed," it makes you shake. "Oh, there's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost." It makes you wonder. But if you'll just look at the Unseen, to the God Who promised it, "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that is far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." If you'll look to the blessed Word, that says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, turn your heads towards that, and press on until you pass that vibration a passed the unbelief barriers, and the sin barriers, and all the barriers that seems to hinder you, then you'll fly free in the faith of God, knowing that all things are possible. Then there is no limit they say, hardly, to the speed the plane will go. If there's no limit to the speed the plane will go, there's no limits to the blessings that God will pour down upon a believer that will believe.

38 The Scripture claims Him to be the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus said, when He was here on earth, "I do nothing except My Father shows Me first.

When the woman at the well come to Him, and she was a Samaritan... First there was a man came to him, and his name was Peter. And He said to this man, "Your name is Simon, and your father's name is Jonas." How did He know that? How did this lowly Nazarene Carpenter know that man's name was Simon and his father's name was Jonas? Because He was endued with a power that could look at the Unseen. He never looked at any letters written; He looked at the Unseen, the God of heaven.

39 Quickly they went and got another man around the mountain, who had come many miles. And when he had told him along the road what Jesus had did, no doubt but what Nathanael was very skeptic of it. But when once in the sight Jesus, Jesus said to him, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile." How did this Man do it? There was nobody with Him to say, "This guy is an Israelite." How did He do it? He didn't read it off of any book, but He looked at the Unseen, to the God Who knows the end from the beginning.

And he said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

He said, "Nathanael," He said, "before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." What was he doing? Looking at the Unseen.

40 When the woman at the well, a Samaritan, came out, and He said, "Bring Me a drink."

And she said, "The well's deep and You have nothing to draw with."

He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." And she wanted to know Who she was talking to, and she knew He was a Jew. And He said...

"It's not customary for you Jews to ask we women of Samaria such a thing as that." And so the conversation when on, till Jesus caught her spirit.

And He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't have any husband."

And He said, "That's right. You've got five husbands, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."

And she said, "We know that when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things, but Who are You?"

He said, "I am He that speaks with you."

And she run into the city and said, "Come see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the Messiah?"

41 And when Jesus, in leaving the world, after a ministry of that around the world, around the known world of that day, He said, "The works that I do shall you do also." Listen to His going away: "Lo, a little while and the world (the visible, intellectual, cultured, scientific), the world will see Me no more." That's exactly a prophecy. It can't help but be the truth. Jesus Christ said it. "The intellectual believer, the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you even in you to the end of the age. And the works that I have done, shall you do also. And more than this shall you do, for I go to My Father."

42 This great God and Father that we're speaking of, is not something that was; He's something that is. And if His people who are called by His Name will get a past that barrier of what the world's got to say, what the church has got to say, what the science has got to say, and look to what God has to say, that minute you'll pass that vibration of unbelief and go free, out of this building tonight, just as happy as you can be, a serving God, feeling free, sins all gone, healed from your sickness. Why, it'll be wonderful. God would not be a God of justice, Who would reward one person of their faith and disreward another. He can't do it.

43 If God took the leukemia out of that girl when she was laying yonder (and one of the best hospitals, John Hopkins, that could be gotten), and her limbs falling from her, and one hour after the prayer was made here, that child was pronounced sound and well by the same doctors...

God can't be just. Let Congressman Upshaw, who'd been in a wheelchair for sixty-six years, broken in this back, walked like Mr. Roosevelt, and would heal that man and bring him out of that chair by vision, and if another man set in the same way and met the same faith, God would be unjust to heal one and let the other one alone. He is just! It's us, friend. If we can move a past that sound barrier, if we can get to a place where it don't make any difference who says it, as long as God said it's the truth, sail on.

44 I've always thought of that little poem in my school book, when I was a little boy up here on the road. Many of you man and women of my age remembers it: Sail on. Sail on and on.

When Christopher Columbus was given ships by the queen of Spain and was... Because in his heart he saw a vision, that the world was round, and he had hardly a way he could prove it... He had nothing to do it with, but he was a man of vision. He believed it. And when the ship was given to him with a bunch of prisoners, cowards, that was his church members, a bunch of pull-backs, a bunch that was discouraged and tried to discourage him: "Just a little while longer and we will drop off the world. A serpent will rise from the bottom of the sea and wrap these little ships and pull it to the bottom." Now say, "Brave Rover, say, What will you say?"

He said, "Sail on. Sail on, sail on and on."

God give us men in the church like that. I don't care what the scientific world says. I don't care what the denominational world says. I take God at His Word and sail on. Sail on until you pass the barrier.

45 We used to, in the old church here, used to sing this little song like this:

I've crossed the separating line.

I've left the world behind.

If there ever was a time that the church needs to step across that line which separates you between faith and unbelief by sight, and looking at the Unseen by faith, it's now. That's when you leave everything behind you, every care, every weary, everything that says that you can't be a Christian. "I've smoked too long. I've drank too long. Brother Branham, I've lived in adultery."

I don't care what you say and what you've done. "Though your sins be as scarlet..." You once pass that line of barrier of the devil trying to torment you, saying, "You can't do it; you can't do it."

Say, "I can do it for Jesus said, 'Whosoever will, let him come and drink from the waters of the fountain of life freely.'" Leave it behind.

46 When you people that are sick, and has plowed through prayer line after prayer line, and you've been prayed for. You've been to the doctor's; you've done everything, and still death stays at your door... When you get to a place to where you say, "I don't care what the doctor said; I don't care what the scientific world said; Jesus Christ made a promise to me." And pass that barrier of vibrations to your soul that you're free and there's not one thing to shake you; you'll sail into your healing just as certain as I'm standing at this pulpit. You'll never turn to look that way no more. You'll be looking this way. You're so free from them things, say, "Days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing as Divine healing. You can't get well. You're case is too bad." Sail on up above it.

Climb the walls yonder until all is free. Every rope and every fetter's been cut loose. Every vibration's left in the back and you're free and free indeed.

47 Jesus Christ, God's Son set in the church for you people, for such things as this: first He set apostles. Then after that He sent prophets, then teachers, pastors, and evangelists, to confirm this Word, to prove that He is some great teacher. I don't mean he has to have a Ph.D. He might know less about the Bible than a--than a child that's still in his adolescence. Jesus knowed more about the Scriptures at twelve years old, then all the Pharisees did or the old learned sages. So you see, it doesn't take a intellectual mind; it takes a surrendered heart to the will of God.

If Jesus Christ, God's Son, promised this Bible, that He'd save to the uttermost... If He promised "the things that I do, shall you do also; I will be with you to the end of the world..." And if that same Jesus could come tonight, and take us into His control, and we could set ourselves from not thinking, "How's it going to be done?" but looking at the Unseen, to the God Who promised it...

"The same thing that I did to the woman at the well, I can do with you. The same sign that I showed to the world, to both Jew and Samaritan, I will show it again in the days of the Gentiles."

If He did it to them and proved Himself to be Messiah like that and would do any other... and let us go in on intellectual, it wouldn't be fair. He wouldn't be a just God. He's got to show the same sign. And if He should come tonight, and vibrate through this building, and show Himself that He is alive, by performing the same signs, it ought to make every sinner's heart melt within him. It ought to make every sick person rise to their feet and give Him glory, and pass every line of vibration, and move on into those channels to where God can heal you and make you well. Think of those things while we pray.

48 Merciful and eternal God, Who was God before there was an atom in the air and will be God when there's not another atom; You, Who formed the world, and measured it in Your hands, and poured it out into space, and said, "Let there be light, and there was light." Your words cannot fail. And it cannot fail tonight, for You have made a promise: "These signs shall follow them that believe." That Word is true.

Lord God, we know that healing has been something that was purchased at Calvary, just as salvation was. And we're to look and live, and believe, and pass the barriers to prove to You that we're sincere. God Almighty, grant tonight that people may believe and be saved from their sins and their sickness. And I would ask that You would do this for the glory of God.

49 And while we have our heads bowed, I just wonder tonight, how many inside and outside, would like to make this confession to God: "Lord, I--I have been a church member for a long time or maybe I haven't, but really there's so much of the world vibrates to me. I have a temper. I have, oh, something, that just won't let me get to a place where I can believe like I ought to believe. Will you take that from me tonight, Lord, and let me pass the sin barrier of unbelief." Will you raise your hands to Him? God bless you. That's good. Oh, many hands all around.

50 Lord, You see their hands, and may the Holy Ghost, which has now told them to raise their hands, may He come and set them free from the vibrations of the world, till they could get beyond the--the paralyze charm of the serpent, that the snakebite of sin, the enchantments of this modern world will not lure them any longer. May they raise their eyes to Christ just now and receive Him as their Saviour, and we will praise Thee, in Jesus' Name we pray.

And now before we call for the sick and the afflicted, is there some in here tonight who are sick, afflicted in any way, that would say, "Oh, God, let me pass the barrier line, too. Give me faith to just move on a past all of the thoughts of the devil, that say, 'You ain't going to make it. You can't get it.'" Would you raise your hands and say, "God, be merciful to me." God bless you. He sees all your hands. They're all over the building.

51 Now, Father, grant that something will take place tonight, that'll cause these people to see that this is the truth, the Word of God, and that You will keep Your promise to them just the same as You did to Abraham, or to Moses, or to any. How when You told Peter, "Walk to Me on the water," and he never got down to see what kind of a bridge was under the water; he never even looked at that. He looked at Jesus. But when he got his eyes on the waves, he would sink.

God, we pray tonight, that those who step out tonight, will pass that barrier of the waves and will walk right on to Jesus by His bidding of coming. Hear us, Lord. And now, give Thy servant wisdom to know what to do at this hour which will bring blessing, salvation, of healing, both physical and spiritual, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

52 Now, to you who raised your hands, I'm going to ask you something. I'm going to change the ser--service just a little tonight. Last night we taken them into the room. Tonight, we're going to try to line them up and bring up a bunch to the platform. Then, immediately after this service is over, when the pastor takes the service, I'm going to ask you who raised your hand, some twenty or thirty people, I want you to come and kneel at this altar. If you really meant it when you raised your hand, see, God will do it. If you really meant it, and will just speak and say, "Lord, take every vibration of disbelief away from me," He will do it.

See, you can't run free. You can't do it in the scientific world with a plane. You can't do it in the spiritual world with the Spirit. As long as your human thoughts and intellectual thoughts, I speak of, is still holding you, why the "These church don't believe that. This church..." Don't think that. Jesus was the One Who said it. And the church that tells you that it's wrong is a false prophecy. I don't say that to be mean, but I say that to be honest, because I will have to stand with you at the judgment. Those teachers who teach those things are wrong.

53 Now let... Just show you what Jesus said, then we will see the great thing, if it could be done. I guess there's two hundred people here to be prayed for. I want to ask you something. Upon this message now, of "Looking At The Unseen," if the unseen One will declare Himself, visible, then it ought to make your soul pass every barrier, if the unseen One will make Hisself visible here to you, because He promised He would do it.

Now remember, in--we are the Gentiles. Now, when He was on earth, there was no one looking for Him but the Jews and the Samaritans. We, the Anglo-Saxon Gentiles, were yet heathens. We were worshipping idols--our fathers. But the Jews were looking for Him. And the Samaritans was looking for Him. And He come and proved that He was the One that they were looking for, and they disbelieved Him. But there was some of the elected ones knew Him and recognized Him, both Jew and Samaritan. Now. it'll be the same with the Gentile.

54 Now, the way He made Hisself known to the Jew and Gentile, that He was... Now, they said, "What are you--what are you going to kill Him for?"

He said, "Because that He is a man, making Himself God." He was both God and man. God was the inside Man, Jesus was the outside Man. The out...

Jesus said, "I do nothing in Myself, but what I see My Father doing." Anyone knows that. "What the Father shows Me, that's what I do."

55 Now, watch how He declared Hisself to the Jewish people, by telling Peter who he was, by telling Nathanael who he was, and what he done before he come. That's the way... And they said... you... Nathanael said when he heard that, he said, "You are the Christ, the King of Israel."

But the unbelieving Jew said, the church world said, "He's a spiritualist. He's a devil. He's a Beelzebub."

Jesus said, "You say that against Me, it'll be forgiven you," 'cause they were Jews. "But otherwise, in the last days when the Holy Ghost comes upon the Gentiles, one word against It, will never be forgiven in this world nor the world to come," when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing that He did, for the Holy Ghost would bear witness of Him. See?

56 So we put ourself in a serious condition. Now, do you believe that that God is still the living God? Do you believe that we are living in the last days of the Gentile dispensation, and the churches are looking for Him to come? And do you believe He's getting them ready for His coming? The shadows of His coming is cast upon the earth: trouble, distress, perplexed of times. And the shadow of His coming is placed over His church. And these things that we do in His Name are just a shadow of what He will do when He comes.

When we see a child laying there dying with leukemia, straighten back to life in five minutes, that's a shadow of when He comes. The dust that's in the earth shall rise into beauty of youth again. This is just a shadow, but it's to make you know that He's coming.

57 Let's break loose and lay aside every fetter now. And if He will come tonight, and will do the same things that He done to the woman at Samaria and to the Jew, will you Gentiles believe Him and let your souls loose? Will you do it? Raise your hands to Him, say, "I will."

Now, we misunderstand when we say, "healing," when we say, "salvation." There's no man can save you. I don't care what he does, he can't save you. He can't baptize you enough in water. He can't do nothing to save you. Christ saves you. But He's made the way for you to be saved. He can preach the Word. He can baptize with water, but Christ baptizes with the Holy Ghost. That's what John said. "I baptize with water, but He that cometh after me, baptizes with the Holy Ghost and fire.

58 Jesus can show His signs of Him being here, preaching His Word by a minister and come down and vindicate that Word by Him being here, but it's your faith that you're healed by. See?

Now, let's be just as reverent as we can be. And please, now please... I don't say that He will do it, but we're going to call a little prayer line up here. And there's a group in here, I think, if I'm not mistaken, they told me they'd give out one hundred cards. That means there's a hundred people setting here to be prayed for. We will get them every one. If you just don't get discouraged and run away, we will get every one of you. See? We can't get them all at one time. Neither can we stand them all at one time, but we can stand some of them at a time, maybe four, five, or six, whatever can get on the platform around here or up-and-down the side, where we can stand them, because we haven't got the room. But if God will do for them as He did to prove Himself that He is here, then we ought to look to the Unseen, then and believe.

59 All you sick people that raised your hands, if Jesus will come and do the same thing that He did when He was here on earth, through human bodies...

I was astonished the other day, when I seen one of the greatest teachers, I thought, in the world... He is a great man; don't misunderstand me. Billy Graham, who the Lord is using, a great man... But it was a piece in the paper that some of the... Someone somewhere had wrote in to him and wanted to know what about the Trinity: was there actual three gods, or was there just one God? And Billy Graham answered him and said, "It's not been revealed yet." We have this paper.

Oh, brother, don't you never believe there's three gods. There's only one God. There's three offices of that one God: the Fatherhood, the Sonship, and the Holy Ghost, God condescending from heaven. He stayed on a mountain in a Pillar of Fire. He came down, and was made flesh, and dwelled among us in the Sonship, from the Fatherhood, and now dwells in His church as the Holy Ghost, same God, not three gods, the same God (See?), the same God.

60 Now look. When He was here on earth (Listen closely now), when He was here on earth, He said this: "A little while, the world won't see Me, yet you shall. I come from God, and I return to God." How many knows the Scripture says that?

Well, what He was when He was here on earth, then He must have returned back to do the same. And "a little while, and I will be with you, even in you. And the works that I do, shall you do also." See? That makes Him the same, that same branch just keep growing on off the Vine. See, see? A one branch here; another church age here; another one here. It's branches off of the Vine.

61 Now, notice Him in the branch there. When He was here on earth, He said He come from God, which was the Pillar of Fire, and He said He returned back to God. After His death, burial, and resurrection, Paul was on His road down to Damascus and something struck him down. You remember that? Acts, the 8th chapter, I believe? And when he looked up, that Pillar of Fire that was in the wilderness, Jesus Christ had turned back to a Pillar of Light that put his eyes out. Is that right? Then He had returned to God. And Paul said... He said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"

He said, "Who are You, Lord?"

He said, "I'm Jesus." He was the Pillar of Fire.

I say this to the Tabernacle, not sacrilegious, but do you know, that same One, that same Spirit is with us now? We got His picture hanging here, by scientific world. And the signs that He did back there, shows that He's still living in His church, not another kind of a sign, but the same sign. "A little while and the world sees Me no more (the intellectual), but ye (who passed the sound barrier, to believe the Word), you'll see Me." I hope that you are in the "Ye's," tonight. Let us pray.

62 Lord, now the rest of the service, it will have to be You, after such words as this, to confirm that You have told the truth. I pray that You will grant these blessings, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Now, how many... You with the prayer cards in here, we can't raise you all up at once, but if you'll just not be discouraged, tonight, tomorrow night, Sunday, and Sunday night, so forth, we'll get you.

63 But now, let's begin tonight and start bringing just a few up. And those who's got cards, that can't walk--and I will call you one by one, and place you here--if you can't walk when I call your number, then you raise up your hand, and then some of the ushers here will come and pack you. All right.

Prayer card number 1, who has it? Raise up your hand if you have prayer card number 1. Raise up your hand. Surely... Somebody maybe can't... Well, maybe I did--was wrong. Where's Billy? Maybe it was... What? [Someone speaks with Brother Branham--Ed.] Yes. All right. Can... If you can walk, sir, come right over here.

Prayer card number 2, if you can raise your hands, raise your hand. All right. Number 3. Right here. Would you come right here if you can. Now, if you can't, just keep waving your hand and some of them will come pack you. Number 3.

64 Number 4. What is that letter? [Someone says, "J."--Ed.] J. All right. Number 4, would you raise your hand? The lady in the back, already to her feet. Number 5?

Now, when Billy comes down to give out the prayer cards, or Leo, or Gene, Brother Woods, or whoever gives them out, they come up here before you, and mix those cards up together, and just give you whatever prayer card you want. See? That's up to you. Just get your card. You might... One setting by you might have number 1. The next might have number 15... And back over here have number 2. They're just mixed up. All right.

65 Prayer card number 3, who has it? Over here? All right. Number 4? Number 5? Number 5? Number 6? Way back in the back. All right. If you will, back there, just let that young lady through. Number 7, would you raise your hand? Yours are number 7, sister? All right. Number 8, would you raise your hand, if you can? The lady right here, number 8. All right, sister, take your place. Number 9? This lady here. All right, sister. Number 10? All right. Number 10.

Let's--let's rest it at there, 'cause we're getting congested there, a little bit. If they'd move back just a little bit, please. Well, we will get 10. And I guess... You have 10, do you sister? If you'd move right along, those gentlemen, right there, they--they'll let you in the line. Now, all right... How many?

Number 9 is missing. Oh, they're a... can't... If she can't walk, just let her set there and bring her when her number's called. Be all right, just when your number, if you can't stand very long, sister, just wait till your number's call, and you can come. That's all right. All right, just--just be seated. That's all right. Now, if she can't walk, well, when her number's called, some of them will pack her here or whatevermore. That's all right. All right. Number... What was the other numbers we was missing? That's all. All right. Now, we got... How many? Is that the end of the line right there? Well, all right.

66 Now, I want to know that you all in this line, that's standing in the line here now, I want to ask you this question: Do you solemnly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? And you believe that He has risen from the dead, and He is not dead now but He's a living? Do you believe that--that He can perform and do the same that He did when He was here on earth? And you believe that He has sent His Spirit into His church to continue His work on?

How many of you is strangers to me, raise up your hand, I don't know you? All right. I don't know you. All right. Was that every hand, all the hands was up that they didn't know me? All right. I am a stranger to those people. I have never seen them. How many in the building is strangers to me, that I don't know you? Nobody, you don't have to be up here, just anywhere. Well, I see over half the congregation is strangers. All right.

67 If I be then a stranger to you, I want to ask you out there in the--the audience. If Jesus was a living today... And see if this is the Scripture... One time there was a woman who had a--a great thing wrong with her, an issue of blood. She'd had it for about twelve years, I believe, or longer. And she spent all of her money to the doctors.

Here's two girls setting here in wheelchairs. You believe, girls, that Jesus has raised from the dead? You looking to Him tonight for help? Have you got... Have you got any a... Have you got a prayer card? All right. Just hasn't been called yet. That's all right. Just be faithful. See? All right. Don't doubt. Just believe now, and if your card's not called tonight, just come back here tomorrow night (See?) just keep... No matter, just keep coming. See? It'll get here. And you don't have to even have your card, just believe. Watch what takes place.

68 And to you out there in the audience who doesn't have a prayer card, how many people in here doesn't have a prayer card, raise your hand? Looky there. Now, you without a prayer card, if these people here, I'm going to base them on a Scripture. Everything we must do, must be Scriptural from Genesis to Revelations. It must be God. As I spoke last night... It must be so from the beginning. See? Now, if you don't have a... These here that's got a prayer card, I'm going to ask--ask them Scriptures like it meant in the Bible, both men and women.

69 And to you out there that doesn't have a--s--a--a prayer card, I... that you won't be in the prayer line, tonight... Now, you can have prayer cards again tomorrow, but now, and he will finish out as many... And we will get them through here some way and pray for them, if you just be patiently. Don't be in no hurry. See, then you get to vibrating yourselves. See? Just stand still, say, "God, I'm here. You know me." And--and then... You say this...

There is a Scripture in the Bible where this woman had an issue of blood, and she passed through a bunch of people who was trying to get her to keep still. And she wanted to get to the Master, the Lord Jesus. And she finally got to where He was, for she said in her heart, "If I can touch that Man's garment, I will be made well." How many ever heard that story? Now, Jesus, going along with the crowd, and after a while the woman touched Him. In her heart she thought, what did she do then? That was her anticipations. When she touched that, she passed the sound barrier. That was it. She was free, for in her heart she said, "I've done exactly what I thought if I'd do, I'd get healed."

70 And do you believe if Jesus will make Hisself known tonight, you'll get the same thing? All right. Now, just believe, keep that in your heart. And then she walked out over in the audience somewhere, perhaps, and sit down. Jesus stopped and said, "Who has touched Me? "

And they said, "Nobody touched You." Everybody said, "We never. We never." Everybody denied it. "Nobody touched You."

And Peter said, "Lord..." He rebuked Him and said, "What would You say a thing like that for?" something on this manner. "'Who touched you?' when everybody's touching You, running against You, 'Hello, Rabbi, glad to meet You, Rabbi.'; 'Hello Jesus, Galilean prophet, we--we're so glad to meet You'; 'How do You do.' everybody's touching You."

He said, "That may be true, but I--somebody touched Me different. (That's the touch you want.) Somebody touched Me in a way that they passed the sound barrier. I felt virtue; weakness come upon Me. Strength went out of Me." And He looked around. And in Him dwelt the Spirit of God. You believe that? And He looked around over the audience until He found the person that had touched Him. And He told her her conditions and said that her faith had saved her. No vision? No, He just knew that her faith had saved her, because the pull of all the faith in there, it was so much greater in her.

71 Now, if Jesus is the same today, won't He do the same? Now, how will you know it's Him? See now, you have to submit yourself. Now, here's where I have to look to the Unseen.

Are you the first one? Where's... Who's in the... Hold the line... You, Brother Neville? Oh, then all right.

You're the first man? All right. Now, you can just walk a few steps closer, if you will, sir. Here is a man that I have--I believe you said we don't know each other, so this is our first time meeting. How do I know that man? I don't. God knows, as far as I, as far as I know, I've never seen him in my life. There's a perfect stranger.

Now, I have said that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now, that's basing a lot of faith. If that's not so, then I'm found a hypocrite and the Bible a lie. Now, what do I have to do now? Look to some intellectual thing? How can I? I've got to look to the Unseen. But why am I doing it? He promised it. There you are. Now, you do the same. And you do the same, all of you. Do the same. It can't fail.

72 I could fail. You could fail. But God can't fail. Now, here's two men, met the first time in their life. Now... so it... I'm... Take my time... Now, this is a Scriptural scene: there was a man who went and got a man and brought him to the church a where Jesus was at, and his name was Nathanael. Jesus had never saw him, so when he come up to Jesus, Jesus said, "Behold, a Israelite, in whom there's no guile." If I'd say that so that you would know what I was saying, I'd say, "There's a honest man, a Christian believer." They'd say...

Why he said, "Rabbi, why You never seen me in Your life. How do You know me? How did you know?"

73 Now, not the way He was dressed, 'cause all the Easterners dress the same. He could been a Greek; he could been an Egyptian; he--he could been many things. But Jesus said, "He's an Israelite. And he's honest, and is no guile in him."

He said, "How did You know it?"

He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." That was Jesus yesterday. If He's the same today, and dwelling in us, when He promised He would, and will make known to this man, he might be here for financial troubles. He might be a man dying. He might be a man of sin. He might be a man of righteousness. I don't know. I can't tell you. But God does know it. Then if He will make Hisself known here, that Jesus lives and will tell the man--then let him be the judge whether it's right or not. And then, would that make all of you believe Him, that He is visible here? That's His being. Now, He can't show Hisself in a corporal body; it's His Spirit.

74 Now, He permitted His picture to be taken there. You see that, which the scientific world has in Washington, DC. Same Angel of God, same Pillar of Fire, Who dwelt in Jesus, done the same thing to the--to Philip, or Nathanael, the same Jesus promised to come and dwell in us and do the same works. Everybody understand well now? All right.

Now, Lord, let it be known that Thou art God, and that we are Your servants. Then You love us, and You're wanting these people to believe You, and to pass up all the barriers of sin in the world, that they might be saved and healed, for Your glory. Amen.

75 Now, just to say like Peter did at the gate called Beautiful, to the man that was lame from his mother's womb, he said, "Look on us." That was just a... a... to believe, to get him to... his attention, to catch his attention like our Lord did the woman at the well. He caught her and called a conversation. Said, "Bring Me a drink of water." He went on talking.

Now, if I don't know you, you're just a man that's out there in the audience. And if I don't know you, and the Lord will explain to me something that you have done in your life, or what you're desiring for--finances, health, or whatever it is--and will make it truly and clearly, then you'll believe that He's here to give you what you're asking for? You'll do that? All right. Reverence now.

76 Now, just be in prayer till the Holy Spirit begins to settle on us.

Yes, I see this man. And he... I see a little person that's standing near, he's in question of, or he's wanting to be prayed for. It's somebody else you want to be prayed for. That's a--a girl, a little girl. And you're not from this country. You're from a--near a--a big lake, somewhere. It's a... You're from a city that's near a great city, that's got a big do... It's Buffalo, New York. You're near Buffalo, New York. You have high blood pressure. That's what's wrong with you, but you're praying for this child. You believe me to be His servant? You're Mr. Holden. That's your name. Return back and receive what you've asked for. Put that handkerchief on it; it'll be over. Don't doubt...?...

77 Do you believe Jesus Christ lives? What is it? The Unseen becomes visible. What is that? The same Jesus, the same fruits, the same signs, the same thing that He did.

Now, here's a woman next. I speak to her like He did the woman at the well. Are we strangers to each other? We are. So the people will know on the outside, just you--just raise up your hand so... This is our first meeting. We're strange to each other? Now, I don't know what the man had, a few minutes ago, but whatever it was, I didn't have nothing to do with his healing; God did that. His faith did that.

I had nothing to do with it. It's just a gift, for in this building now, is just the same kind of Angels that Gehazi seen when Elijah opened his eyes. In this building is the Lord Jesus. So don't look at what you see. Look at what you don't see, because it's a promise of God, that God said He'd do this, and He's doing it.

78 Now He talked to the woman just a minute till He found what her trouble was. And that's the way I would like to do to you, because He remains the same. If I'm a stranger and don't know you, then He will... It'll have to be some way, some supernatural some way, to contact you. Would you believe that was your Lord, was permitting me to do that?

Now, if you want to know, there was something happened in the building just then, a healing. It's a lady setting here, right out here in the audience, kind of a heavy set lady. She's got her hands up and her eyes closed, a praying. She's got a bowel trouble and a back trouble, and she's praying for God to heal her. She's setting right here, wearing glasses, a dark suit on, right at the end of this row. You that's got your hands up, that's what was wrong with you. If that's right, raise your hands like that. I don't know you, do I? No, sir, we're strangers. Go home now; you touched the border of His garment. You touched Him, because I'm twenty feet from you, but you touched Him, the High Priest, that could be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.

79 Now, the rest of you... There's a lady without card, without anything, just setting there waiting. You do the same. Some... You are the wife of the man that was just here, 'cause I see you both in the same house. And you're suffering with a nervous condition. Also I see you've been to a doctor, and you've had an examination. And the examination was at the bottom part. And he says by look... It says it's growths, and that's in the stomach and in the female organs, and wants you to be operated on. But you've had faith, and believe if you'd come here, and I'd pray for you, you'd be healed. If that's right, raise up your hands, the people will see. Now, He who knows her here and knows the condition, can He do it? Come here.

Lord Jesus, grant, O God, that her faith and joy will be filled tonight, that she will be set completely free and bring joy and salvation to those who she contacts. I send her, and cast away this evil from her, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You feel different now. Just keep feeling like that and rejoicing. It'll leave you for good, forever.

80 How you do. Just be real reverent, just a moment. As far as I know, our first time meeting, but God knows us both. He knows about you, and He knows about me. And if He will reveal to me what you're here for, or something that you've done that you should not have done, or something you ought to have done that you did not do, but you know that I have no idea what you're here for? If that's right, raise up your hand. But it would be--have to come through some supernatural discernment. I'm so glad that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

You're not asking prayer for yourself, though you need it. You're asking for your son. And your son is not here. He is in a large city, a big city. And it's in the East. I've been there. My last campaign was there, Philadelphia. That's right. He's a preacher. And they're going to operate on him, and they're examining him for a--a rupture. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. You believe that God will do what you're asking Him to?

O eternal God, confirm the woman's faith with sign and wonders. Grant the deliverance of this who--what she asked for, through Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. May God give to you that what you asked for.

81 Now, be reverent. A little lady with her handkerchief up to her nose, praying for a trouble with her head, you believe the Lord Jesus make you well? The lady setting right here by the man with glasses on, you believe that God will heal you, little lady with the blue looking dress on? Raise your hand if that's what was... Go and be healed; your faith makes you well.

Do you believe Jesus Christ, God's Son, could reveal to me what you're here for? You have many things wrong with you, and very nervous, complications, female trouble, lady's trouble, almost a breakdown, terrible conditions. You're not from this city, yet you're from Indiana, Lafayette. Mrs. Ellison, return. Your sickness has left you. Go home and show what God has done for you. Amen.

82 Do you believe that God can tell me what you're here for? If He will, will you believe Him with all your heart? You're not here for yourself; you're here for that baby. If God will tell me what's wrong with that baby, will you believe me? It's a blood tumor. That's right, isn't it? You believe if I will ask God to cast that out of the baby, the baby will live? Bow your heads. Now, the baby's too little to have faith. See?

O Lord, God, they brought to You infants and You blessed them. And that same Jesus stands present now. I condemn this devil that's trying to take the life of this infant child. Leave it, Satan; in the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of the baby.

Now, take it. Don't disbelieve. The thing will leave the baby. Have faith.

83 Dad, setting there with your head bowed, with that gallbladder trouble, I don't know you, but He knows you. You suffer with gallbladder attacks, and you have a great pressure in your chest. If that's right, wave your hand. Do you believe me to be His prophet? Then go home from this meeting and never suffer with it again. Be well in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

You believe me to be His servant? If God will tell me your trouble, will you believe with all your heart?

Now, there's something happening in the building. Just keep on believing, but there's something coming in strong, so strong... There's a colored woman standing by the side of this lady. Just keeps fading... I see a colored woman... She's setting right back here. She's got arthritis and complications. She's setting right next to Mrs. Bell, there, she's got a black hat on. I don't know her. But sister, if you'll believe God, the way you was promising Him then you would believe Him, it'll be over.

84 Now, that you might know that this be the Spirit of God, the next row behind the woman, a man setting there with trouble with his neck, if you'll believe, sir, God will make you well, if you'll believe it. Do you believe it? Raise up your hand. I'm a stranger to you but He's not. See, wherever you are, just have faith in God.

Can you pass that barrier of unbelief now? Can you let the Holy Ghost come right in now and take over? If you can, it can happen. That diabetes will leave you if you believe it. Go on your road and rejoice. What do you think about it? He's the Lily of the Valley, the Morning Star.

85 If you'll believe for that anemic condition, it'll leave you. You believe it? Go on your road, rejoice then. Do you believe? Let's believe with all of our heart.

If you believe, go eat your supper. That ulcer that was in your stomach, has left you. Go eat. Believe.

If you believe, you won't have to die. That cancer left you. You believe it? Go and rejoice. How many believes with all your heart? Stand up on your feet just now. Raise to your feet, right quick. Raise up your hands right...?... to God. Now, with one accord, pass every barrier. Believe that God is here, and the sickness and diseases shall leave. Every person pray in your own way.

86 O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, I now bring this to You, this audience of people. I condemn the devil. I claim that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is present. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, let every unclean spirit of doubt, superstition, unbelief, and sin, depart out of this building. Come out, Satan. I adjure thee, by Jesus, the Son of God.

Each one of you, lay your hands over on one another now and pray for each other, everywhere in the building, and God shall make you well. Believe it with all your heart. Lay your hands over on one another. Start praying for each other. That's it. That's the way. All that believe that you're healed, raise up your hands and praise God. All right, Brother Neville.

1 Zdá sa to byť dobrým dnes večer byť späť v dome Pánovom, po takom nádhernom večere, aký sme mali včera. Za tieto posledné dva alebo tri večery sme tu v budove mali nádherný čas, a ďakujeme za to nášmu nebeskému Otcovi. Duše boli zrodené do kráľovstva Božieho a dostávame také dobré správy zo zhromaždení s uzdravovaním. A práve sme dostali pred chvíľou krátku správu, že to dievča, ktoré bolo odniekiaľ tu hore z nejakého mesta, ktoré malo leukémiu, a lekár vyhlásil, že je zdravá, a to dieťa je zdravé a oni... Ona mala byť misionárkou, pamätáte si ten prípad, a satan sa ju snažil o to orabovať a ona je teraz prehlásená za zdravú jej vlastným lekárom.

A ten slepý kazateľ, ktorý tu bol, aby obdržal svoj zrak... A ostatní... Sú skrátka ohromné veci, ktoré Pán činí.

2 Včera večer som vzal jednu skupinku ľudí do modlitebnej miestnosti, aby som len videl, či tá nová služba, ktorá bola zasľúbená, príde do existencie tu v modlitebni predtým, ako to príde k tomu stanu. No, pokiaľ viem, nebolo tam nič, nič viac ako... Hneď, ako som tam vošiel, Duch Pánov vstúpil, a to začalo rozpoznávať duchov, a začalo hovoriť ľuďom ich problémy, a tak ďalej.

3 Ale som zvedavý... Opýtal som sa tých ľudí, či je pre nich nejako možné, aby zostali. Chcel by som sa ich len opýtať, či v nich nastala nejaká zmena, či pocítili, že boli uzdravení, alebo či majú nejakú viditeľnú zmenu. Opýtam sa ich dnes večer, ak ich budem môcť zavolať, ak sa budú môcť dostať do budovy. Bol by som rád, keby zodvihli svoje ruky. Tak, ak sú tu a nemusia ísť domov, a sú to ľudia z pomimo mesta, ak nemusia ísť domov a dostali sa sem do budovy, ak cítite, že tam nastala veľká zmena, zodvihli by ste ruku?“ Tí niektorí z vás, ktorí tu boli včera večer, a tam sme sa za nich modlili. Keďže nevidím žiadne ruky, neviem, či tí ľudia mohli vôbec zostať.

Tam... [Brat Neville hovorí, „jeden“– pozn.prekl.] Jeden... Jeden tam vzadu, v poriadku. Jeden, no, to je veľmi dobré. Cítiš, že tam bola nejaká zmena?... Je to tak, pane? Ty, ktorý si zodvihol svoju ruku. [Ten muž začína vydávať svedectvo – pozn.prekl.] No, to je dobré [pokračuje – pozn.prekl.] My, no to je veľmi dobré a sme za to vďační. Nebolo tam nič viditeľné, čo by sme mohli vidieť, pretože...

4 Bola tam v miestnosti jedna pani, ktorá bola obťažená duševným stavom, a Duch Svätý jej začal hovoriť, a povedal jej veci, ktoré sa udiali v jej živote, pri ktorých si ona myslela, že sa jej niečo stalo, pričom to tak nebolo. A hádam, náš brat je tu, ten, ktorý tam bol prítomný a vie o tom. A potom jej začal hovoriť o jednej osobe, ktorá mala dlhú bradu a dlhé vlasy, ktorá sa za ňu modlila. Ona na to úplne zabudla, odišlo to od nej. Povedala, „Nie.“ A potom, aby to ukázalo tú presnosť a dokonalosť Ducha Svätého, to sa vrátilo späť, a poukázalo na tú osobu a povedalo, kto to bol a kde sa to stalo. Potom povedala, „Teraz si pamätám.“ To bolo pred mnohými rokmi. Aká dokonalosť Svätého Ducha... Ó, On je taký skutočný.

5 No, sme tu teraz natlačení a je to tu také malé zhromaždenie predtým, ako znovu pôjdem preč. A bol som včera večer šťastný, že som mohol stretnúť hneď, ako som prišiel, môjho starého priateľa, brata Rogersa, zdola z Milltown, Indiany, a tých priateľov, ktorých som nevidel už mnoho rokov. Brat Creech tu bol znovu minulý večer.

A dnes v osobných rozhovoroch Duch Svätý konal nádherným spôsobom. Zdá sa, ako to možno... že to bude len nejaký čas pokračovať, kým nepríde ten stan. To bude pod tou istou službou, ktorú už mám, pretože v tých osobných rozhovoroch v dnes, tam boli štyri veľké, ohromné videnia, ktoré sa odohrali v tých osobných rozhovoroch. Tak, zdá sa to možno, že budem len takto pokračovať, kým možno nezačne ten stan, alebo kdekoľvek to je, kde si to On vybral, aby tam začal vyhlasovať svoje Meno novým spôsobom.

Ale keď to bude činiť, to bude tak dokonalé ako tie ostatné. To bude práve... A ja dôverujem Bohu, že to bude väčšie ako tie ostatné. Nie kvôli našej službe, ale kvôli chorým a ľuďom v potrebe. Dnes je na zemi taká veľká potreba.

6 Tak pôjdeme rovno do Slova, aby tak tí, ktorí stoja, nemuseli stáť príliš dlho. Tak, pred tým, ako prečítame Jeho Slovo, hovorme k Nemu osobne, ako skláňame svoje hlavy.

Drahý Bože, prichádzame do Tvojej svätej prítomnosti, s pokornými srdciami a so sklonenými hlavami. A prosíme Ťa, aby si nám odpustil čokoľvek, čo sme možno urobili alebo mysleli, alebo povedali počas tohto dňa, čo bolo v protiklade k Tvojej vôli. Chceme Ťa poprosiť, aby si nám milostivo odpustil každému jednému z nás. A zhromaždili sme sa dnes večer za jediným účelom, a to je uctievať Teba, a vyjadriť Ti naše pocity a ako Ťa zbožňujeme v našich srdciach. A sme si istí, Pane, že toto malé zhromaždenie ľudí, kde sú natlačení pri týchto stenách, dnes večer, že oni sem neprišli, aby ich druhí videli. Oni sem neprišli za žiadnym iným účelom, ako je vyjadriť svoju lásku k Tebe. Oni by nestáli tam vonku a popri oknách a popri stenách, a ich končatiny bolia len preto, aby ich druhí videli. Oni sú tu, pretože oni veria, že Ty si, a že si odplatiteľom tých, ktorí Ťa snažne hľadajú.

7 Chceme Ťa poprosiť o odpustenie všetkých hriechov ľudí, a aby bola prinesená na chorých a na ľudí v potrebe uzdravujúca moc. A my Ťa prosíme, aby si požehnal Svoje Slovo, Pane, ako ho budeme čítať. My sme nedostatoční vykladať toto Slovo, tak nech príde Duch Svätý a nech sa dostane rovno do Slova a zasadí ho hlboko do sŕdc ľudí. A nech je skrze toto veľká žatva duší a veľká služba uzdravovania. Udeľ to, Pane, lebo my toto pokorne prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

8 Ako miesto Písma k prečítaniu na dnes večer by som chcel otvoriť druhú knihu Kráľov a začať od 8. verša. A mojím textom dnes večer je „Hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného.“ A ten prvý večer som kázal na tému „Vyzdvihnúť Ho z histórie.“ A na druhý večer, včera večer, som kázal na tému „Na počiatku nebolo tak.“

A dnes večer je mojím textom „Hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného.“ Takže 2. Kráľovská 6. kapitola, počnúc od 8. verša.

A sýrsky kráľ bojoval proti Izraelovi. A poradiac sa so svojimi služobníkmi povedal: Na tom a tom mieste položí sa moje vojsko táborom.

Vtedy poslal muž Boží k izraelskému kráľovi s odkazom: Chráň sa, aby si neobišiel toho miesta nechajúc ho neobsadené, lebo tade sa spustia Sýrovia.

A tak poslal izraelský kráľ vojsko na miesto, o ktorom mu povedal muž Boží a poučil ho, a mal tam na seba pozor, a to urobil nie raz ani nie dva.

Vtedy sa rozbúrilo srdce sýrskeho kráľa pre tú vec a povolajúc svojich služobníkov riekol im: Či mi neoznámite, kto z našich donáša zprávy izraelskému kráľovi?

Na to povedal jeden z jeho služobníkov: Nie, môj pán kráľ, ale prorok Elizeus, ktorý je v Izraelovi, oznamuje izraelskému kráľovi slová, ktoré ty hovoríš vo svojej ložnici.

A on povedal: Iďte a vidzte, kde je, aby som poslal a zlapal ho! A bolo mu oznámené a rečené: Hľa, je v Dotáne.

Preto ta poslal kone a vozy a veľké vojsko. A prijdúc v noci obkolesili mesto.

A keď vstal skoro ráno sluha muža Božieho a vyšiel, tu hľa, vojsko obkľučovalo mesto, kone i vozy. Vtedy mu povedal jeho služobník: Ach, môj pane, čo budeme robiť?!

A on odpovedal: Neboj sa, lebo je viacej tých, ktorí sú s nami, ako je tých, ktorí sú s nimi.

A Elizeus sa modlil a riekol: Hospodine, prosím, otvor jeho oči, aby videl! Vtedy otvoril Hospodin oči služobníka, a videl a hľa, vrch bol plný koní a ohnivých vozov okolo Elizea.

9 Tak, nech Pán pridá požehnania k čítaniu Jeho Slova.

Je to zvláštnou vecou, že človek, ktorý bol učinený na obraz a podobu Božiu a bol Ním povolaný, aby kráčal skrze vieru a veril Mu, že Boh je, žeby si vybral kráčať radšej skrze zrak ako skrze vieru. Celá Jeho stavba, jeho bytosť a všetko, čo v Ňom prebýva, bolo ustrojené na podobu Božiu... A Boh je ten veľký Jehova, ktorý nazýva tie veci, ktoré nie sú, ako keby boli. A človek, ktorý je učinený, aby žil s Bohom podľa tohoto spôsobu, si pri tom vyberá radšej kráčať skrze zrak. Chce byť svojím vlastným šéfom. Nechce, aby mu niekto hovoril, čo má robiť. To je jednoducho prirodzenosť človeka.

Bolo to dokázané, že je to tak, už od záhrady Eden, kedy stratil svoje obecenstvo s Bohom skrze to, že si vybral ísť svojou vlastnou cestou, a aby nemal nikoho, kto by nad ním panoval.

10Ale človek je učinený ako ovca. A ovca nevie nájsť cestu späť (počul som o tom), keď je ona stratená, ona je totálne stratená.

A tak je to s človekom. Keď je stratený, je absolútne bezmocný. On musí mať Pastiera, aby ho viedol. A keď si človek vyberá, ako dni idú ďalej, zisťujeme, že človek ide ustavične do horšieho a vyberá si radšej kráčať skrze zrak, ako skrze vieru, skrze Toho neviditeľného. A keď to robí, tak okráda toho vnútorného človeka, ktorý je dušou, a to je tá večná časť človeka.

11 Takže, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe,“ povedal Pán, „Ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“ A ľudská, fyzická bytosť, aby bolo o ňu postarané, mať starosť o ňu, to nie je celý dôvod, prečo ho Boh postavil na zemi. Pretože to, čo robí s touto fyzickou bytosťou, sa veľmi nepočíta. Ide o jeho dušu, to sa počíta. Ide o toho vnútorného človeka, ktorý neprišiel zo zeme, ale ktorý prišiel z neba, a to je tá večná časť v ľudskej bytosti.

Ale pritom je to veľmi zvláštne, že človek sa snaží svoju vlastnú cestu nejako domyslieť, dopasovať. A nachádzame v Písmach, že je to tak. Kedy si človek vyberá kráčať podľa svojej cesty a robiť to, čo on chce robiť, Boh ho len necháva samotného.

Človek nemá myslieť sám zo seba, ale má nechať, aby myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, bola v ňom. Nemáme myslieť sami zo seba. Máme nazvať všetko, čo je protiklade s tým, čo On povedal, ako keby nebolo, bez ohľadu na to, čo si naše oči nárokujú, že to je. My nežijeme skrze to, čo vidíme. My žijeme skrze to, čo veríme.

12 Pred pár dňami, keď som prichádzal na nedeľnú školu, som počúval v rádiu jeden program. A to bola taká diskusia pri okrúhlom stole s tínedžermi v Louisville. Čo tam bolo tými najdôležitejšími vecami, bolo, že nejaké dievča našlo chlapca s kučeravými vlasmi, alebo chlapec našiel dievča, ktoré malo pekné modré alebo hnedé oči. Či je v tom rozdiel? Zdá sa, akoby to bolo pre tínedžera veľkou vecou. Ale to nie je tou najväčšou vecou. Tou najväčšou vecou je nájsť svojho Boha, svojho Učiniteľa.

Nemiešajte to pri výbere partnera. Vydaj sa za chlapca, ktorý verí presne tak ako ty, pretože nakoniec, Boh je tou hlavnou, dôležitou vecou, ktorú máme na tejto zemi činiť; to je slúžiť Jemu. A ak sa vydáš alebo oženíš za niekoho, kto je v protiklade s týmto, budeš za to platiť v tých dňoch, ktoré pred tebou ležia. Vždy musíš pamätať, že to je skrze vieru a nie skrze zrak. Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery. A my hľadíme na toho Neviditeľného.

13 A mohli by sme pokračovať niekoľko hodín a hovoriť o tom modernom dni, ako sa muži a ženy dnes poriadne dívajú a idú po ulici a vyberú si cirkev, do ktorej chcú chodiť a do ktorej privedú svoje deti. A oni budú hľadať po celom meste, a nebudú sa snažiť nájsť tú najduchovnejšiu cirkev, ale tú najväčšiu cirkev, ktorú budú vedieť nájsť; a takú, ktorá bude mať najväčší zástup ľudí; a najlepšie oblečených; a do ktorej chodia celebrity mesta; tí, ktorí sú nazývaní lepšou triedou, čo sa týka toho, čo pozná človek.

A potom v tej cirkvi sa budú snažiť nájsť kazateľa, ktorý bude, ako to nazývajú, „nie obmedzený, ale široko mysliaci,“ ktorý im dovolí žiť tak, ako si len oni budú priať, a stále budú patriť k tej cirkvi.

14 Ale ten duchovný človek vo vnútri, ak mu len dáte to právo cesty, On ťa môže viesť do nejakej malej misie, kde nie je mnoho ľudí, ale kde je Duch živého Boha. Pretože ten vonkajší človek sa kŕmi na psychológii a intelekte. Ale ten vnútorný človek sa kŕmi na Slove Božom.

A teraz, ak by sme si mohli obrátiť svoje Biblie k mnohým charakterom, postavám Písma, trvalo by nám to hodiny, kým by sme cez to prešli. Ale pomyslime len na chvíľu na knihu Židom, 11. kapitolu.

15 A čítame tu, že Abrahám bol len obyčajným človekom, a žil v meste Úr v zemi Chaldejov. A bol takým obyčajným človekom s kráčaním každého dňa, ale jedného dňa prišiel do kontaktu s Bohom. A od toho dňa bol Abrahám zmenený. Nezáležalo na tom, ako dobre navštevoval svoju cirkev, cirkev svojho otca, ale keď sa raz stretol s Bohom, bol zmeneným mužom.

A verím, že to ani dnes neprestalo existovať. Človek môže byť verným členom cirkvi. Môže kráčať správne pred svojimi susedmi a svojou rodinou, ale keď sa stretáva s Bohom, je zmeneným človekom.

16 Prednedávnom, pamätám si, že som sa rozprával s jednou intelektuálnou osobou, ktorá povedala, „Ako budeš kedy vedieť, že existuje niečo odlišné od toho, ako to, čo ti môže vyprodukovať nejaké náboženstvo?“

Povedal som, „Čítal som v Biblii o živom Bohu; čítal som o Jeho dobrote; čítal som o Jeho trpezlivosti a Jeho moci. A uveril som tomu práve tak, ako tomu ktokoľvek môže uveriť. Ale jedného dňa som stretol Toho, o ktorom som čítal. Potom tam bola náhla zmena, a odvtedy som už nebol tým istým a dúfam, že nikdy nebudem.“

Niečo sa deje, keď to zrak zlyháva vyprodukovať, je tam viera, aby sa chytila toho miesta a vyprodukovala to.

17 A vidíme, že Abrahám nebol mladým mužom, keď sa toto stalo. Bol už starým mužom, mal už sedemdesiatpäť rokov a jeho žena Sára, ktorá bola jeho polovičnou sestrou, a boli už zobratí mnoho, mnoho rokov, odkedy bola ona dievčaťom, asi sedemnásťročným, myslím si. A Boh povedal Abrahámovi, „Vybral som teba a Sáru, že budete mať dieťa. A Sára bola neplodná celý svoj život. Ale Abrahám sa nikdy nedíval na to, čo by mohli vidieť jeho oči: tú starú, zvráskavenú ženu, ktorá je už mnoho rokov po čase, aby mala deti, ale on hľadel na to neviditeľné a on videl Izáka. Vierou videl Izáka. A on potom, ako hľadel na to neviditeľné, nazýval tie veci, ktoré neboli, ako keby boli. Letmo zazrel to neviditeľné. Skrze vieru to videl. A Biblia hovorí, že on vytrval tým, že hľadel na neviditeľného Boha, ktorý je s ním po celý čas, celú cestu.

18 Keď raz človek uchytí videnie Toho neviditeľného Boha a vie, že On je vždy prítomný, tam je niečo, čo stabilizuje myslenie toho človeka, stabilizuje to jeho akcie, a v čase nepokoja a problémov to stále spôsobuje, že hľadí hore a ponad tie veci, ktoré sa deju okolo neho, pretože on hľadí na toho Neviditeľného, a to skrze zasľúbenie.

Teraz, ako Abrahám, nie len, že videl to neviditeľné... A ten dôvod, že tomu uveril, bolo, pretože to Boh tak povedal. A ak my, súc mŕtvi v Kristovi sme Abrahámovým semenom, a ak ten Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, prebýva v nás, to činí tu istú vec. To berie každé Božské zasľúbenie Boha, ktoré je v Jeho Biblii, a nazýva to prítomným časom a odpočíva to rovno na tom.

19 Keď sa pozriete svojimi očami a dívate sa teraz, ako sa náš národ trasie a je otrasený. A oblaky vojny všade lietajú. Každý národ je vo veľkom nepokoji a nevie, kam sa podieť. Každé znamenie, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, že sa stane, sa deje. Budú tam znamenia na nebi a na zemi dolu, a veľké veci sa budu diať, ako lietajúce taniere a tajomné veci sa budu odohrávať. Ale On nariadil Svojej cirkvi, aby v ten deň pozdvihla svoje hlavy a dívala sa hore, pretože ten neviditeľný Kristus sa zjaví veľmi skoro. A ak len kráčame skrze zrak, budeme deťmi temnosti. Istotne to tak bude. Ale som tak rád, že viem, že existuje svetlo, ktoré svieti do srdca každého veriaceho až do toho večného dňa, kedy Ježiš príde.

20 Tak, to je pre nás lekcia pozrieť sa na to, čo urobil Abrahám. A on nielen tomu uveril, ale on sa na to pripravil. Urobil prípravy pre svoje dieťa, ktoré videl vierou, dvadsaťpäť rokov predtým, ako to dieťa prišlo. Pretože on zvážil, že ten, ktorý mu to povedal, bol schopný dodržať to zasľúbenie, o ktorom mu povedal. On nebral do úvahy žiadne z tých jeho prirodzených vecí súc stodvadsaťročný, jeho fyzická bytosť. A takisto nebral vôbec do úvahy umŕtvenie lona svojej ženy Sáry.

A pisateľ toho Božského komentáru nám hovorí, že on sa nezapotácal pri zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru, ale bol silný a dával slávu Bohu. Čo za osoba.

21 A dnes nie je vôbec potrebné, nie je vôbec potrebné snažiť sa k tomu pristupovať intelektuálnou vierou. Nikdy to nebudeš schopný urobiť. Pôjdeš z cirkvi do cirkvi a z modlitebného radu do modlitebného radu, a nikdy to nedostaneš. Musíš prísť do miesta, kde je to večne vybavené raz a navždy; On je buď Bohom, alebo nie je Bohom. Cítim ľútosť nad ľuďmi...

Ako som hovoril minulý večer, „A Ježiš povedal, 'Ja som vinič a vy ste letorasty.'“ A ten vinič, ktorý niesol ten prvý letorast, a ten prvý letorast boli Letnice. A to letničné požehnanie je zaznamenané v Knihe Skutkov. A ak tým prvým letorastom boli Letnice, tým druhým letorastom budú tiež musieť byť Letnice, a to bude musieť niesť ten istý typ cirkvi, a správanie, ktoré niesol ten prvý letorast.

22 Či o tom nehovoril Ježiš v Svätom Jánovi 14, keď povedal, že letorast, ktorý nenesie ovocie, bude vyťatý a že zoschne? To je to, kde sú dnes naše denominácie. Ony budú z toho viniča vyťaté. Jedine to, čo nesie ovocie, ten druh, ktorý nesie ovocie a skutky Svätého Ducha, bude schopný na tom viniči zotrvať. Pretože ten život, ktorý je v tom viniči, vychádza tiež cez ten letorast.

A ten život, ktorý bol v Ježišovi, bol v tej prvej cirkvi. A oni nekráčali skrze zrak, oni kráčali skrze vieru, verili to, čo Boh povedal, že je pravda. Ó, aký je to rozdiel, keď ľudia, ktorí budú kráčať vierou, a budú nazývať čokoľvek, čo je skrze zrak a čo je v protiklade so Slovom, ako keby nebolo. Taký druh viery potrebujeme v cirkvi.

23 Mojžiš, keď už mal štyridsať rokov, mladý muž, a čo sa týkalo zraku, Mojžiš mal svet vo svojich rukách. On bol nasledujúcim faraónom Egypta, a mal všetky zeme na svete rovno vo svojej ruke, aby bol kráľom nad celou zemou, ktorá bola známa v tom dni. A pritom on sa pozrel skrze to isté okno, cez ktoré sa díval faraón, a videl tých Hebrejov. Pre faraóna, ktorý sa na nich pozrel, oni neboli ničím iným, ako len skupinou miesičov blata, ktorí tam dolu v blate robia tehly. Pre tie celebrity, ktoré prešli okolo, oni boli tým istým. Tí dobre oblečení ľudia, pre nich nebola tá skupina otrokov ničím iným, ako len „blato-váľačmi“.

Ale keď sa Mojžiš pozrel cez to isté okno, on videl niečo iné, pretože on hľadel na toho neviditeľného, a vedel, že Boh zasľúbil, že On ich vyslobodí z tohoto miesta a vezme ich do zeme zasľúbenia. Pretože on hľadel na Toho neviditeľného. On videl tie roky, ktoré boli pred nimi. Videl Egypt zničený, hoci bol práve v čase svojho rozkvetu. Videl Egypt taký, aký je dnes. A videl Izrael celkom komfortne posadený okolo Abraháma v sláve, a skrze vieru si vybral vziať to najhoršie, čo mu náboženstvo mohlo dať, a porovnal to s tým najlepším, čo mu mohol dať svet. On si vybral trpieť pohanenie Kristovo, a povážil to za väčší poklad, ako všetko, čo si mohol dovoliť dať mu Egypt. Pretože on vytrval, akoby videl Toho, ktorý bol neviditeľný.

24 Boh prehovoril k Mojžišovi a Mojžiš vedel, kým Boh je. Tak on sa nedíval na ten lesk. A mohol by som tu dnes večer niečo cirkvi povedať. Mojžiš mal v jednej ruke to najlepšie, čo mu svet mohol dať. Nemohlo byť nič lepšie. Bol to ten najvyšší úrad. Bolo to najlepšie, čo má svet. A náboženstvo mu ponúklo to najhoršie, čo mu mohlo byť dané, skupina otrokov v blatovej jame. A teraz, keď sa človek díval, na ktorú stranu by sa postavil?

Dovoľte mi toto povedať v úprimnosti a bez zlosti. No, dovoľte mi toto povedať, aby ste porozumeli: nedívajte sa dnes na veľkú cirkev. Nedívajte sa na veľkú denomináciu. Nedívajte sa na dobre oblečených, ale dívajte sa na Krista, ktorý bol bohatý a stal sa chudobným, aby tak skrze jeho chudobu si sa ty mohol stať bohatým. A keď hľadáš cirkev, nechoď tam, kde chodia všetky celebrity, alebo veľký PhD, alebo DD, ale dívaj sa dolu na tých ľudí, na ktorých sa ostatní dívajú zhora.

25 A Mojžiš, keď to mal oboje vo svojich rukách, to najlepšie, čo mu mohol dať svet, na čo sa mohol dívať, a pritom, keď sa pozrel na toho Neviditeľného, to najhoršie, čo mu mohla dať cirkev, on si vybral kráčať vierou. On si vybral kráčať skrze toho neviditeľného Boha považujúc to za väčší poklad, ako všetko, čo si mohol dovoliť dať a ukázať mu jeho zrak.

Tu bolo to kráľovstvo. Tu bolo kraľovanie. Bol tu trón. Bola tu koruna. Tu bolo všetko v jeho ruke. Ale pritom skrze vieru, keď uchytil ten záblesk Krista, tam v tých blatovým jamách, on išiel k svojim ľuďom.

26 Tak, tu je ďalšia malá lekcia o Mojžišovi. No, Mojžiš sa len neustúpil a nepovedal, „Ja s tými ľuďmi sympatizujem. Sú to dobrí ľudia. Ja... Viete, nepovedal by som ani jedno slovo proti nim.“ No, to je to, čo mnoho nábožných ľudí robí dnes, kedy počujú nejaké striktné posolstvo o živom Bohu, oni povedia, „Ó, ja nemám nič proti tým ľuďom, ktorí veria Božské uzdravenie. Ja nemám nič proti tým ľuďom, ktorí veria v zázraky.“ Ale to nie je dostatočné. Mojžiš s nimi nielen sympatizoval, a pritom zostával na tróne. On vyšiel von a stal sa jedným z nich.

27 Pamätáte sa, keď som mal pred pár rokmi tú veľkú ponuku od baptistických ľudí? A potom od presbyteriánskych ľudí. Jedna pani z tohoto mesta mi zaplatila cestu, chceli ma zaplatiť v jednej malej škole, presbyteriánskej denominácii. A chceli ma tam vziať ako kazateľa. Ale keď som sa pozrel a videl som tú skupinu, ktorá verila v to nadprirodzené, ako je vysmievaná a sú nazývaní „Náboženskí fanatici.“ Bolo by to bývalo ľahké pokračovať ako baptistický kazateľ, pretože som ním bol. A namiesto toho, aby som sa na nich len pozrel a povedal, „Ó, nemám nič proti nim. Ja tomu tiež verím.“ Ja som si vybral byť jedným z nich. Vyšiel som von a teraz som jeden z tých, ktorí sú nazvaní „Náboženskí fanatici,“ pretože som tam uvidel, že oni mali znamenie živého Boha, ktorý žije s nimi. A skrze vieru som uveril, že to je tá skupina, ktorá pôjde do vytrhnutia. A radšej by som mal to, ako všetko PhD a DD všetko, čo by si cirkevný svet mohol kedy dovoliť.

Nesympatizuj len s nimi, staň sa jedným z nich. To je vtedy, keď skrze vieru vykročíš vierou skrze toho Neviditeľného.

Vidím cirkev odchádzajúcu do vytrhnutia. Vidím Ježiša prichádzajúceho pre svoju Nevestu. Vidím malú zanedbanú skupinu ľudí, ktorých vysmievajú a robia si z nich žarty, ako jedného dňa pôjde do vytrhnutia. Radšej budem s nimi, ako so všetkými skupinami, ktoré poznám na celom svete. Pretože skrze vieru vidíme cez toho Neviditeľného. Istotne.

28 Mojžiš si vybral stať sa... On vierou videl to, čím boli. A ak Boh zasľúbil, že za štyristo rokov ich vyslobodí, pričom ešte predlieval ďalších dvadsať rokov, pritom Mojžiš mu uveril.

A ten dôvod, prečo som dnes na poli tohoto hnutia, je, pretože skrze vieru jedného večera tam v Green's Mille, Indiána, asi pred desiatimi rokmi, ten Anjel, ktorý ku mne prehovoril, ešte keď som bol dieťa, prehovoril ku mne o týchto veciach, a ja som vyšiel a spojil som sa s tým.

Častokrát neverím v tie veci, ktoré oni robia, ale pritom verím, že tam leží cirkev živého Boha. A radšej by som kráčal sám s tými pár ľuďmi, ktorí skutočne veria Bohu a berú Ho za Jeho Slovo, ako byť s miliónmi, ktorí Ho popreli. Istotne. Ich skutky to dokazujú.

29 Mojžiš vytrval ako ten, ktorý vidí Toho, ktorý je neviditeľný, a na konci svojej životnej púte...

Ó, veľmi rád by som toto povedal. Niekto mi raz povedal, „Pán Branham, vy si myslíte, že Boh len dovolil Mojžišovi byť štyridsať rokov s tými ľuďmi, a potom ho odmietol voviesť do tej zasľúbenej zeme?“ Ale tou slávnou časťou príbehu Mojžiša bolo to, že on bol v tej zasľúbenej zemi o osemsto rokov neskôr s Ježišom a Eliášom, keď ich videli na hore Karmel.

Nie len to, ale na konci cesty, keď stál na vrchu a zamával svojim ľuďom dovidenia, pozrel sa poza Jordán a on mal vtedy stodvadsať rokov, keď ho jeho posledný dych začal opúšťať. Vyšplhal sa na tú udretú skalu z púšte a ona bola prítomná. A on nemal... On tam mal Anjelov ako nosičov rakvy a oni ho niekam vzali a pochovali, kde o tom svet nič nevedel, pretože on vytrval skrze videnie toho Neviditeľného. A v hodine jeho smrti, ten Neviditeľný tam bol.

30 Som zvedavý, či by sa on stal faraónom, ak by to tak išlo. Veľmi pochybujem. Ale on si bol istý, že urobil to správe rozhodnutie. A ty si môžeš byť istý, keď robíš správne rozhodnutie.

Jozue o štyridsať rokov neskôr, potom, ako vstúpil do zasľúbenej zeme a bol veľkým vojenským generálom, keď bol tento prvý boj, a jeho nepriatelia sa nahrnuli na jedno miesto, kde nebol spôsob, ako by sa k nim dostal, ale skrze vieru hľadel na toho Neviditeľného, pretože Boh dal Mojžišovi zasľúbenie, zatiaľ čo bol ešte vtedy v Egypte, „Dal som ti celú Palestínu.“ A skrze vieru videl múry Jericha ležať rovno na zemi a pochodoval okolo a dokola v plnej zbroji bez pochybnosti v srdci, ale s vierou, že Boh to učiní. A keď tá trúba zaznela a ľudia zakričali, múry spadli a oni to mesto zaujali. Prečo? On videl toho Neviditeľného.

31 Pamätajte, pred tým, ako toto urobil, on v to popoludnie kráčal a uvidel muža, ktorý tam stál naproti stene s vytaseným mečom. A Jozua vytasil svoj meč a išiel sa s ním stretnúť. A on povedal, „Si s nami, alebo si za nepriateľa?“

Ten muž povedal, „Ja som kapitán vojska Hospodinovho.“ Jozua vtedy vedel, že ten boj je vyhratý.

A keď dnes večer vy, ľudia, ktorí ste vo svojich srdciach hriešni... Ja nemám na mysli, že žijete v cudzoložstve. Nemyslím, že sa opíjate. Ale mám na mysli, že hriech je nevera, a s neverou vo svojom srdci, ak len otvoríte svoje srdce a zavriete svoje oči a pozriete sa na hlavného Kapitána, ktorý je dnes večer prítomný, svet vám padne rovno k nohám a vy strasiete každé puto hriechu preč od seba. Tie dni pochybnosti budú preč. Ó, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo.

32 Povedali mi, že had dokáže upútať pozornosť vtáka a očariť toho vtáka svojimi čarami, a tým upreným pohľadom svojich očí až natoľko, že ten vták bude venovať tomu hadovi takú pozornosť na nejaký čas, až ten vták úplne zmeravie a stane sa celkom paralyzovaný. A potom ten had toho vtáka chytí.

A môžem tomu veriť, pretože viem o inom hadovi, diablovi, že ak len on dokáže upútať pozornosť ľudí svojimi čarami pomocou toho moderného rockenrollu, a pomocou všetkých tých radovánok sveta, ak len ťa môže chytiť, mladá dáma, alebo mladý muž, len na tak dlho, aby ťa očaril, budeš trepotať, ale nebudeš sa môcť uvoľniť. On ťa bude držať, až kým ťa neprehltne v hriechu.

33 Jediný spôsob, počul som, ako ten malý vtáčik môže mať šancu, je odvrátiť od toho hada svoje oči, a on sa nemôže dívať na nič iné, pretože tam stojí a hľadí. Ale ak odvráti svoje oči od toho hada a pozrie sa hore a zatrepoce krídlami, tak vyletí pomimo dosah toho hada.

A ak si bol kedy očarený týmto svetom a vecami tohoto sveta a neverou a očarením vo svojom srdci, ktoré ti hovorí, „Ó, ži moderne.“ Zatras dnes večer hlavou a pozri sa hore na toho Neviditeľného, na Pána Ježiša a zatrepoc svojimi krídlami viery, až poletíš pomimo jeho dosah, a pomimo jeho pazúrov. Ak bude k tebe hovoriť a povie ti, „Božské uzdravenie je nesprávne.“ Otras od neho rýchlo svoju hlavu. Ak ti bude hovoriť, že to duchovné rozpoznávanie je telepatia, zatras hlavou, odvráť sa ihneď od neho a pozri sa hore na Toho Neviditeľného.

34Tak, ako Eliáš povedal Geházimu, svojmu sluhovi v Dotáne, oni sa obzreli okolo seba a tam bola sýrska armáda. Bolo tam všetko, čo mohlo rozdrtiť, pretože tento muž bol schopný povedať kráľovi Izraela, čo si kráľ Sýrie myslí vo svojej spálni.

Dovoľte mi dnes povedať toto, moje poslucháčstvo: ten Boh stále žije, a On je stále tým istým dnes večer, akým bol vtedy. On stále môže poznať vaše myšlienky a to, čo si myslíte práve teraz.

Potom by ste mali sledovať ovocie Ducha, aby ste videli, či ten Boh histórie je znovu vzkriesený. Istotne.

35 A keď prišla tá veľká kríza, ktorá vždy prichádza, potom, keď Geházi, tým, že bol len vlažným členom cirkvi, keď nevidel to, čo videl Eliáš... pretože Eliáš bol zvyknutý kráčať skrze vieru, a on hľadel na toho Neviditeľného po celý čas. A on vedel, že Boh povedal v Žalmoch, „Anjeli Boží táboria okolo tých, ktorí sa Ho boja.“ To bolo pre Eliáša dostatočné, ale Geházi to len... veril tomu polovične. On bol len členom cirkvi.

Tak Eliáš povedal Pánovi, povedal, „Pane Bože, daj tu znamenie, len otvor oči tohoto muža a nech len vidí, čo je okolo neho.“ A keď Boh otvoril jeho oči, videl ohnivé kone, ktoré ťahali ohnivé vozy. A ony boli všetky okolo toho starého proroka. Oni tam boli stále po celý čas, ale on ich len nevidel.

A dnes večer by som povedal tú istú vec: že Ten istý Boh, ktorý tam stál v 1. kapitole v knihe Skutkov, a ako bol vzatý a obloha prišla pod Jeho nohy, ten istý Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, ja som vždy s vami. Nikdy vás neopustím ani nezanechám a skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy budete vždy činiť. Budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do konca sveta.“

36 Letci mi povedali, tí, ktorí lietajú tu v tých skutočne rýchlych prúdových lietadlách, a oni povedali, že to lietadlo, keď sa dostáva do určitej rýchlosti, ono vibruje a trasie sa. A zdá sa, ako keby všetky tie nity z toho mali vyletieť a že to utrhne krídla, až kým neprejdú hranicu zvuku. Ale keď raz prekročia tú hranicu zvuku, hovoria, že to lietadlo potom len tak jemne plachtí s takou ľahkosťou, keď prekročí hranicu zvuku. To je prekážka, ktorá je na ceste toho lietadla, musí prejsť svoj vlastný zvuk a potom letí s ľahkosťou.

Ó, ak by sa cirkev tohoto dňa mohla tak modliť, až prejdú hranicu hriechu a hranicu nevery, a potom môžu kričať víťazstvo živého Boha, keď raz prekračujú tú hranicu, bariéru, tým, že sa budú dívať na Toho neviditeľného a nechajú svet vibrovať a robiť si, čo len chce.

37 Ale existuje živý Boh a keď len upustíme našu neveru a našu neveru v Neho a prekročíme to miesto, kde svet hovorí, „Dni zázrakov pominuli.“ To robí, že ťa to trasie, „Ó, neexistuje niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým.“ To ťa udivuje. Ale ak sa pozrieš na toho Neviditeľného, na toho Boha, ktorý zasľúbil, „Lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre tých, ktorí sú široko ďaleko a pre koľkýchkoľvek, ktorých si náš Pán Boh povolá.“ Ak sa len pozriete do toho požehnaného Slova, ktoré hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, obrátite od toho svoje hlavy a budete sa tlačiť ďalej, až kým neprejdete tú vibráciu, až kým neprejdete tie bariéry nevery a bariéry hriechu a všetky tie bariéry, ktoré sa zdajú, že ti bránia, potom budeš lietať slobodne vo viere Božej vediac, že všetky veci sú možné. Potom nie je hranica, hovoria takmer, že akou rýchlosťou to lietadlo pôjde. Ak nie je hranica pre rýchlosť toho lietadla, ktorou ono pôjde, potom neexistuje hranica, žiadne limity pre požehnania, ktoré Boh vyleje na veriaceho, ktorý bude veriť.

38 Písmo tvrdí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Ježiš povedal, keď tu bol na zemi, „Ja nečiním ničoho, čo Mi prv neukáže môj Otec.“

Keď k nemu prišla tá žena pri studni, a ona bola Samaritánka... Najprv tam bol muž, ktorý k nemu prišiel, a on sa volal Peter. A On tomuto mužovi povedal, „Voláš sa Šimon a meno tvojho otca je Jonáš.“ Ako to vedel? Ako vedel tento jednoduchý Nazarénsky tesár, že meno toho muža bolo Šimon a meno jeho otca Jonáš? Pretože bol odiaty mocou, ktorá sa mohla pozrieť na toho neviditeľného. On sa nikdy nedíval na nejaké napísané listy, „On sa pozrel na toho Neviditeľného. Na Toho Boha Nebies.“

39 Oni rýchlo išli a doviedli ďalšieho muža tam z okolia vrchov, ktorý prešiel mnoho míľ. A keď mu na tej ceste povedal, čo Ježiš urobil, niet divu, že Natanael bol ohľadne toho veľmi skeptický. Ale keď raz bol pred očami Ježiša, Ježiš mu povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“ Ako to tento muž urobil? Nebol tam nikto, kto by Mu povedal, „Tento chlapík je Izraelita.“ Ako to urobil? On si to neprečítal z nejakej knižky, ale on sa pozrel na toho Neviditeľného. Na Boha, ktorý pozná koniec pred začiatkom.

A on povedal, „Rabbi, ako si ma poznal?“ On povedal, „Natanael,“ povedal, „predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“ Čo robil? Hľadel na toho Neviditeľného.

40 Keď tá žena pri studni, Samaritánka, vyšla a On povedal, „Prines mi vodu.“

A ona povedala, „Studňa je hlboká a ty nemáš nič, s čím by si ju vytiahol.“

Povedal, „Ale ak by si vedela, kto je to Ten, ktorý hovorí s tebou, ty by si mňa prosila o vodu.“ A ona chcela vedieť, s kým hovorí, a ona spoznala, že On bol Žid. A On povedal... Povedala, „Nie je to zvykom pre vás Židov pýtať si od ženy zo Samárie takú vec, ako to.“ A tak, tá konverzácia pokračovala, kým Ježiš neuchopil jej ducha.

A On povedal, „Choď, a zavolaj si svojho muža a príďte sem.“

Ona povedala, „Nemám žiadneho muža.“

A On povedal, „To je pravda. Mala si piatich mužov a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvoj muž.“

A ona povedala, „Vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, On nám povie tieto veci, ale kto si ty?“

On povedal, „Ja som Ten, ktorý hovorím s tebou.“

A ona bežala do mesta a povedala, „Poďte a viďte muža, ktorý mi povedal všetky veci, ktoré som urobila. Či toto nie je Mesiáš?“

41 A keď Ježiš, ako opúšťal svet po tej službe, ktorá prešla celým svetom, okolo celého toho sveta, ktorý bol známy v tom dni, povedal, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť.“ Počúvajte, čo povedal pri svojom odchode, „Za malú chvíľu a svet (viditeľný, intelektuálny, kultúrny, vedecký) svet ma viac neuvidí.“ To je presne proroctvo. Nikto si nemôže pomôcť, je to pravda. Ježiš Kristus to povedal, „Ten intelektuálny veriaci, svet ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás až do konca veku. A skutky, ktoré som Ja učinil, vy tiež budete činiť. Viac ako tieto budete činiť, lebo Ja idem k svojmu Otcovi.“

42 Tento veľký Boh a Otec, o ktorom hovoríme, nie je niečo, čo bolo, On je niečím, čo je. A ak sa jeho ľudia, ktorí sú nazvaní Jeho Menom, dostanú za bariéru toho, čo má svet k tomuto do povedania, čo má cirkev k tomuto do povedania, čo má veda do povedania, a pozrú sa na to, čo má Boh do povedania, v tej minúte prejdete tú vibráciu nevery a budete slobodní, vyjdete dnes večer z tejto budovy takí šťastní, ako len môžete byť, slúžiac Bohu, budete sa cítiť slobodní. Všetky hriechy budú preč, uzdravení od svojich nemocí. No, to bude nádherné. Boh by nebol Bohom spravodlivosti, ak by odmenil jednu osobu za jej vieru a neodmenil druhú. Nemôže to činiť.

43 Ak Boh vzal leukémiu z toho dievčaťa, keď tam ležala (a to bola jedna z najlepších nemocníc, John Hopkins, aká sa dala zohnať) a jej končatiny od nej odpadávali. A jednu hodinu po modlitbe bolo to dieťa vyhlásené za zdravé a úplne v poriadku tými istými lekármi...

Boh by nebol spravodlivý, keď nechal Kongresmana Upshawa, ktorý bol šesťdesiatšesť rokov na invalidnom vozíku, mal zlomenú chrbticu a vykročil, ako pán Roosevelt. Ak by Boh uzdravil toho človeka, a priviedol ho a postavil ho z toho invalidného vozíka skrze videnie, ak by iný človek na tom bol tak isto, a stretol by sa s tou istou vierou, Boh by bol nespravodlivý, ak by uzdravil jedného a nechal toho druhého tak. On je spravodlivý. Ide o nás, priatelia. Ak sa dokážeme pohnúť poza tú bariéru zvuku, ak sa môžeme dostať do miesta, kde to nerobí žiaden rozdiel, kto to hovorí, pokiaľ Boh povedal, že je to pravda, plav sa ďalej.

44 Vždy som myslel na tú malú báseň v mojej školskej knižke, keď som bol malým chlapcom, a tu chodil po ulici. Mnohí z vás mužov, alebo žien v mojom veku si to pamätáte: plav sa ďalej, plav sa ďalej a ďalej.

Keď dostal Krištof Kolumbus lode od kráľovnej Španielska a bol... pretože v jeho srdci videl videnie, že svet je guľatý, a sotva mal spôsob, ako by to dokázal... Nemal nič, s čím by to dokázal, ale on bol mužom videnia. Veril tomu. A keď mu bola daná loď so skupinou väzňov, zbabelcov, ktorí boli jeho členmi cirkvi, skupina takých, ktorí sa obracali späť, skupina mužov, ktorá bola znechutená a snažila sa ho znechutiť, „Ešte kúsok pôjdeme a vypadneme zo sveta. Povstane tam veľký had z dna mora a omotá túto loď a stiahne ju na dno. Teraz niečo povedz, odvážny námorník. Čo teraz povieš?“

On povedal, „Plavíme sa ďalej, plavíme sa ďalej, plavíme sa ďalej a ďalej.“

Bože, daj nám takých mužov v cirkvi, ako to. Je mi jedno, čo hovorí ten vedecký svet. Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí ten denominačný svet. Beriem Boha za Jeho Slovo a plavím sa ďalej. Plavím sa ďalej, až prejdem tú bariéru.

45 V starej cirkvi tu sme zvykli spievať takúto malú pieseň:

Prešiel som deliacu čiaru,

zanechal som svet za sebou.

Ak bol kedy čas, že cirkev potrebovala prekročiť tú čiaru, ktorá delí vieru a neveru, ktorá je podľa zraku, a môže hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného skrze vieru, tak je to teraz. To je vtedy, keď zanechávaš všetko za sebou, každú starosť, všetku únavu, všetko, čo hovorí, že nemôžeš byť kresťanom. „Fajčil som príliš dlho. Pil som príliš dlho. Brat Branham, žil som v cudzoložstve.“

Nestarám sa o to, čo hovoríš, alebo čo si urobil, „Hoci by vaše hriechy boli ako šarlát...“ Keď raz prejdeš tú líniu, hranicu, kde sa ťa diabol snaží trápiť a hovoriť ti, „Nedokážeš to, nedokážeš to.“

Povedz, „Ja to dokážem, pretože Ježiš povedal, ktokoľvek chce, nech príde a pije z vôd život zdarma.“ Zanechaj to za sebou.

46 Keď vy, ľudia, ktorí ste chorí a prešli ste cez modlitebné rady, a modlilo sa za vás. Boli ste u lekárov, urobili ste všetko, a stále smrť číha pri vašich... Keď sa dostávate do miesta, kde poviete, „Je mi jedno, čo lekár povedal. Je mi jedno, čo hovorí ten vedecký svet. Ježiš Kristus mi dal zasľúbenie.“ A prejdeš bariéru vibrácií do tvojej duše, že si slobodný, a že nie je ani jedna vec, ktorá by ťa otriasla. Budeš sa plaviť do svojho uzdravenia s takou istotou, akože ja tu stojím za touto kazateľňou. Nikdy sa neobrátiš, aby si sa už viac obzeral. Budeš sa dívať týmto smerom. Si tak slobodný od tých vecí, ktoré hovoria, „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Neexistuje nič také, ako Božské uzdravenie. Nemôžeš byť uzdravený. Tvoj prípad je príliš ťažký.“ Plav sa hore ponad to.

Vyšplhaj sa tam poza tie múry, až kým nie je všetko slobodné. Každý povraz, každé puto bolo uvoľnené. Každá vibrácia je zanechaná vzadu a ty si voľný a skutočne slobodný.

47 Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn, to dal do cirkvi pre vás ľudí, takéto veci. Ponajprv ustanovil apoštolov, potom po nich poslal prorokov, potom učiteľov, pastorov a evanjelistov, aby potvrdil toto Slovo, aby potvrdil, že On je Ten veľký Učiteľ. Ja nemám na mysli, že on musí mať PhD. On môže vedieť o Biblii menej ako dieťa, ktoré je ešte v adolescentnom veku. Ježiš vedel o Písmach viac, keď mal dvanásť rokov, ako všetci tí farizeji a tí starí vyučení mudrci. Tak vidíte, k tomu nie je potrebná intelektuálna myseľ. Je potrebné odovzdané srdce do vôle Božej.

Ak Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn, zasľúbil v tejto Biblii, že On spasí až do nesmierna... Ak zasľúbil, „Veci, ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť, lebo Ja budem s vami až do konca sveta...“ Ak by ten istý Ježiš mohol dnes večer prísť, a vziať nás pod Svoju kontrolu, a my by sme sa mohli vymaniť zpod takého myslenia, „Ako sa to len stane?“, ale budeme hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného, na Boha, ktorý to zasľúbil... „Tú istú vec, ktorú som Ja učinil pre tú ženu pri studni, môžem urobiť pri vás. To isté znamenie, ktoré Som ukázal svetu, obom, Židom a Samaritánom, znovu ukážem vo dňoch pohanov.“ Ak to On učinil im a dokázal samého Seba, že je Mesiášom, a nechal by nás ísť v tom intelektuálnom, to by nebolo fér. Nebol by spravodlivým Bohom. On musí ukázať to isté znamenie. Ak by On prišiel dnes večer a vibroval cez túto budovu, a ukázal samého Seba, že On je živý skrze to, že preukáže tie isté znamenia, to by malo spôsobiť, že srdce každého hriešnika sa roztopí. To by malo spôsobiť, že každá chorá osoba povstane na svoje nohy, dá Mu slávu, a prejde každú líniu vibrácie, a bude sa hýbať ďalej do tých kanálov, kde ťa Boh môže uzdraviť a učiniť celkom zdravým. Myslime na tie veci, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme.

48 Milostivý a večný Bože, ktorý si bol Bohom pred tým, ako existoval vo vzduchu nejaký atóm, a ktorý bude Bohom, keď nebude existovať žiaden atóm. Ty, ktorý si uformoval svet a zmeral si svojimi rukami, a prelial to do priestoru a povedal, „Nech je svetlo, a bolo svetlo.“ Tvoje slová nemôžu zlyhať. A ony nemôžu zlyhať ani dnes večer, pretože Ty si dal zasľúbenie, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí budu veriť.“ To slovo je pravdivé. Pane Bože, my vieme, že uzdravenie je niečo, čo už bolo kúpené na Golgote, práve tak, ako aj spasenie. A my sa máme pozrieť a žiť, a veriť, a prekročiť bariéry, aby sme Ti dokázali, že sme úprimní. Všemohúci Bože, udeľ dnes večer, aby ľudia mohli veriť a byť spasení od svojich hriechov a svojich nemocí. A chcel by som Ťa poprosiť, aby si toto učinil na slávu Božiu.

49 A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, som dnes večer zvedavý, koľkí vo vnútri a vonku by radi urobili toto vyznanie Bohu, „Pane, bol som dlhý čas členom cirkvi, a možno som nebol, ale je skutočne tak veľa z toho sveta, čo vo mne vibruje. Mám vznetlivosť. A mám, ó, niečo, čo mi jednoducho nedovolí ísť do miesta, kde môžem veriť, ako by som mal veriť. Vezmeš to dnes večer odo mňa, Pane? A dovoľ mi prekročiť bariéru hriechu a nevery.“ Zodvihol by si k nemu svoje ruky? Nech vás Boh žehná. To je dobré. Ó, všade je mnoho rúk.

50 Pane, Ty vidíš ich ruky, a nech Duch Svätý, ktorý im teraz povedal, aby pozdvihli svoje ruky, nech môže prísť a oslobodiť ich od vibrácií sveta, až by sa mohli dostať poza to paralyzovanie, toho očarenia tým hadom, to hadie uhryznutie hriechu, tie čary toho moderného sveta, aby ich už viac nelákali. Nech pozdvihnú svoje oči ku Kristovi, práve teraz. Nech Ho príjmu ako svojho Spasiteľa a budeme Ťa chváliť v Ježišovom Mene, o to sa modlíme.

A teraz, pred tým, ako zavoláme chorých a postihnutých, či je tu dnes večer niekto, kto je chorý a nejako postihnutý, kto by povedal, „Ó, Bože, dovoľ mi tiež prejsť tú bariéru, daj mi vieru, aby som sa hýbal vpred, a minul všetky myšlienky diabla, ktorý hovorí, „Ty to nedokážeš. Nemôžeš to dokázať.“ Zodvihli by ste svoje ruky a povedali, „Bože, buď mi milostivý.“ Nech vás Boh žehná. On vidí všetky vaše ruky. Sú po celej budove.

51 Teraz, Otče, udeľ to, aby sa dnes večer niečo odohralo, čo spôsobí, že títo ľudia budú vidieť, že toto je pravda, Slovo Božie, a že Ty im zachovávaš Svoje zasľúbenie takisto, ako si to urobil pre Abraháma, alebo pre Mojžiša, alebo komukoľvek. Ako keď si povedal Petrovi, „Kráčaj ku mne po vode,“ a on sa nikdy nepozrel dolu, aký druh mosta je tam pod vodou, on sa na to ani nedíval. On sa díval na Ježiša. Ale keď uprel svoj zrak na vlny, začal sa topiť.

Bože, modlíme sa dnes večer, aby tí, ktorí dnes večer vykročili, prešli bariéru vĺn a aby kráčali rovno k Ježišovi skrze Jeho zavolania, aby prišli. Vypočuj nás, Pane. A teraz, daj svojmu služobníkovi múdrosť, aby vedel, čo má robiť v tejto hodine, ktorá prinesie požehnanie, spasenie, uzdravenie, oboje fyzické a duchovné, v Mene Pána Ježiša, amen.

52 A teraz pre vás, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Chcel by som tú službu trochu dnes večer zmeniť. Včera večer sme ich vzali do vedľajšej miestnosti. Dnes večer sa to budeme snažiť urobiť tak, že ich zoradíme do radu a časť z nich zavoláme na pódium. A potom ihneď po skončení služby, keď pastor prevezme tú službu, chcem sa opýtať vás, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, nejakých dvadsať, alebo tridsať ľudí, chcem vás požiadať, aby ste prišli sem a kľakli si tu pri tomto oltári. Ak ste to skutočne tak mysleli, keď ste zodvihli svoju ruku. Vidíte, Boh to učiní. Ak to skutočne mienite, a len prehovoríte a poviete, „Pane, vezmi každú vibráciu nevery preč odo mňa.“ On to učiní.

Rozumiete, nedokážete sa oslobodiť. Nedokážete to urobiť v tom vedeckom svete, pri lietadle. Nedokážete to urobiť v tom duchovnom svete s Duchom. Pokiaľ vaše ľudské myšlienky a intelektuálne myšlienky, o ktorých hovorím, ak vás stále držia a hovoríte, „Táto cirkev to neverí. Táto cirkev...“ Nemyslite si to. Ježiš bol Ten, ktorý to povedal. A tá cirkev, ktorá vám hovorí, že je to nesprávne, má falošné proroctvo. Nehovorím to, aby som bol hrubý, ale hovorím to, aby som bol úprimný, pretože ja sa budem musieť s vami postaviť pri súde. Tí učitelia, ktorí tie veci učia, sa mýlia.

53 Nech teraz... Chcem vám len ukázať, čo Ježiš povedal, potom uvidíme tú veľkú vec, ak to bude môcť byť učinené. Myslím, že je tu asi dvesto ľudí, za ktorých sa máme modliť. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Na základe tohto posolstva teraz, „Hľadieť na toho Neviditeľného,“ ak Ten Neviditeľný prehlási Samého Seba ako viditeľného, potom by to malo spôsobiť, že vaša duša prejde každú bariéru, ak Ten Neviditeľný sa vám tu učiní viditeľným, pretože On zasľúbil, že to učiní.

Pamätajte teraz, my sme pohania. No, keď On bol na zemi, nebol nikto, kto by Ho vyhliadal, okrem Židov a Samaritánov. My, anglosaskí pohania, sme boli pohanmi. My sme uctievali modly, naši otcovia. Ale Židia vyhliadali Jeho, a Samaritáni vyhliadali Jeho. On prišiel a dokázal, že On je tým, ktorého vyhliadali, a oni Mu neuverili. Ale boli tam niektorí vyvolení, ktorí Ho spoznali a rozpoznali Ho, oboje, Židia i Samaritáni. Tak, to bude také isté pri pohanoch.

54 No, ten spôsob, ako sa On dal poznať Židom a pohanom, že bol... No, oni povedali, „Za čo Ho idete... Za čo Ho idete zabiť?“

On povedal, „Pretože On je človek a robí sa Bohom.“ On bol oboje, Boh i človek. Boh bol vo vnútri toho človeka. Ježiš bol vonkajšok toho človeka. Zvonku...

Ježiš povedal, „Nečiním nič sám zo Seba, ale to, čo vidím činiť Svojho Otca.“ Každý to vie, „To, čo mi ukazuje Otec, to je to, čo činím.“

55 A sledujte teraz, ako sa On preukázal židovským ľuďom, skrze to, že povedal Petrovi, kým je, skrze to, že povedal Natanaelovi, kým je, a to je to, čo učinil pred tým, ako prišiel. To je spôsob... A oni povedali... Ty... Natanael povedal, keď to počul, povedal, „Ty si Kristus, Kráľ Izraela.“

Ale ten neveriaci Žid povedal, ten cirkevný svet povedal, „On je špiritista. Je diabol. On je Belzebúb.“

Ježiš povedal, „Toto hovoríte proti Mne, a to vám bude odpustené.“ Pretože oni boli Židia. „Ale inak, v tých posledných dňoch, keď príde Duch Svätý na pohanov, jedno slovo proti tomu nebude nikdy odpustené, v tomto svete, ani v tom, ktorý má prísť.“ Keď má Duch Svätý prísť učiniť to isté, čo On činil, lebo Duch Svätý nesie svedectvo o Ňom. Rozumiete?

56 Tak, my sa kladieme do vážnej zodpovednosti. Tak, či veríte, že Boh je stále živým Bohom? Či veríte, že žijeme v posledných dňoch pohanskej správy časov, a že cirkvi vyhliadajú Jeho príchod? A či veríte, že On ich pripravuje na Jeho príchod? A tiene Jeho príchodu padajú na zem: problémy, nepokoje a tieseň času. A tieň Jeho príchodu je umiestnený na Jeho cirkvi. A tieto veci, ktoré činíme v Jeho Mene, sú len tieňom toho, čo On učiní, keď príde.

Keď vidíme nejaké dieťa, ako tam leží a zomiera na leukémiu, a je vyrovnané, uzdravené, privedené naspäť do života za päť minút, to je tieňom toho, keď On príde. Prach, ktorý je v zemi, povstane a obráti sa znovu na krásu mladosti. Toto je len tieň, ale to vám má dať poznať, že On prichádza.

57 Uvoľnime sa a zložme teraz každé puto. Ak On dnes večer príde, a učiní tie isté veci, ktoré učinil tej žene v Samárii a Židom, či vy, pohania, Mu uveríte, a uvoľníte svoje duše? Urobíte to? Pozdvihnite k Nemu svoje ruky a povedzte, „Urobím to.“

No, my to zle rozumieme, keď hovoríme, „Uzdravenie,“ keď povieme, „Spasenie.“ Neexistuje človek, ktorý by ťa mohol spasiť. Je mi jedno, čo robí, on ťa nedokáže spasiť. On ťa nedokáže dostatočne pokrstiť vo vode. On nemôže urobiť nič, aby ťa spasil. Kristus ťa zachraňuje. Ale On učinil cestu pre teba, aby si bol spasený. Môže kázať Slovo, môže krstiť vodou, ale Kristus krstí Svätým Duchom. To je to, čo povedal Ján, „Ja krstím vodou, ale Ten, ktorý prichádza po mne, krstí Svätým Duchom a ohňom.“

58 Ježiš môže ukázať svoje znamenia, že On je tu, že káže Svoje Slovo skrze kazateľa, a prichádza dolu a potvrdzuje to Slovo, že On Sám je tu. Ale to je tvoja viera, skrze ktorú si uzdravený. Rozumiete?

No, buďme teraz len tak úctiví, ako len môžme byť. A prosím vás, prosím... Ja nehovorím, že On to urobí, ale teraz zavoláme malý modlitebný rad, a je tu jedna skupina, myslím, ak sa nemýlim, oni mi povedali, že rozdali sto kariet. To znamená, že tu sedí sto ľudí, za ktorých sa máme modliť. Budeme sa za každého jedného. Ak len nebudete znechutení a neutečiete, tak prejdeme každého jedného. Nemôžme ich nechať prejsť všetkých naraz. Ani ich nemôžme nechať, aby tu stáli všetci naraz, ale môžu tu stáť niekoľkí z nich, možno štyria, piati, šiesti, koľkokoľvek sa ich tu môže zmestiť na pódium, alebo tu hore, dolu na tejto strane, kde ich môžme postaviť, pretože nemáme dostatok miesta. Ale ak Boh pre nich učiní to isté, čo učinil, aby dokázal samého Seba, že On je tu, potom by sme sa mali dívať na Toho Neviditeľného a veriť Mu.

59 Vy, všetci chorí ľudia, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, ak Ježiš príde a učiní tú istú vec, ktorú urobil, keď On bol tu na zemi, cez ľudské telá...

Bol som jedného dňa ohromený, keď som videl jedného z najväčších učiteľov, myslel som si to tak, na svete... On je veľkým mužom, neporozumejte ma zle. Billy Graham, ktorého Pán používa, je veľkým človekom... Ale tam bol výstrižok z novinách, že niektorí z... Niekto niekde mu napísal a chcel vedieť niečo o trojici, „Sú v skutočnosti traja Bohovia, alebo je len jeden Boh?“ A Billy Graham mu odpovedal a napísal, „To nebolo ešte zjavené.“ Máme tie noviny.

Ó, brat, nikdy never, že sú traja Bohovia. Je len jeden Boh. Sú tri úrady Toho jedného Boha: Otcovstvo, Synovstvo a Duch Svätý. Boh zostupujúci z neba. On prebýval na vrchu v Stĺpe Ohňa. Prišiel dolu a bol učinený telom a prebýval medzi nami v Synovstve, od Otcovstva, a teraz prebýva vo Svojej cirkvi ako Svätý Duch, ten istý Boh, nie traja Bohovia, Ten istý Boh (Rozumiete?), ten istý Boh.

60 Pozrite teraz. Keď bol tu na zemi (Počúvajte teraz pozorne). Keď bol tu na zemi, povedal toto, „Ešte krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte. Ja prichádzam od Boha a vraciam sa k Bohu.“ Koľkí z vás viete, že to Písmo hovorí?

Tak, to, čím On bol, keď bol tu na zemi, On sa musel navrátiť, učiniť tú istú vec a, „Krátku chvíľu a Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás a skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť.“ Rozumiete? To Ho činí tým istým, Ten istý výhonok len ďalej rastie z toho viniča. Rozumiete? Jeden výhonok tu, ďalší cirkevný vek tu, ďalší tu. To sú výhonky toho viniča.

61 No, všimnite si Ho tu v tom výhonku. Keď bol On tu na zemi, povedal, že prišiel od Boha, ktorý bol Ohnivým Stĺpom, a povedal, že sa vracia späť k Bohu. Po jeho smrti, pohrebe a zmŕtvychvstaní, Pavol bol na svojej ceste dolu do Damašku a niečo ho zasiahlo. Pamätáte si to? Skutky 8. kapitola to, myslím, že je. A keď sa pozrel hore, ten Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý bol na púšti, Ježiš Kristus sa vrátil späť do toho Stĺpa Svetla, ktorý mu zaslepil oči. Je to pravda? Potom sa On navrátil k Bohu. A Pavol povedal... Povedal, „Saule, Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“

On povedal, „Kto si, Pane?“ A On povedal, „Ja som Ježiš.“ On bol Stĺp Ohňa.

Hovorím toto k modlitebni, nie ako svätokrádež, ale či viete, že Ten istý, Ten istý Duch je teraz s nami? Máme tu Jeho fotografiu, visí to tu, to je skrze vedecký svet. A tie znamenia, ktoré On učinil tam vtedy, ukazujú, že On stále žije vo svojej cirkvi, nie iný druh znamenia, ale to isté znamenie. „Ešte krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí (intelektuáli), ale vy (ktorí ste prešli tú zvukovú bariéru, aby ste verili Slovu) vy Ma uvidíte.“ Dúfam, že ste v tom „Vy“ dnes večer zahrnutí. Modlime sa.

62 Pane, teraz po ostatok toho zhromaždenia, to budeš musieť byť Ty, po slovách ako toto, aby si potvrdil, že si povedal pravdu. Modlím sa, aby si udelil tieto požehnania, skrze Meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Teraz koľkí z vás... vy, s modlitebnými kartami, ktorí ste tu, nemôžeme vás tu zavolať všetkých naraz, ale ak len nebudete znechutení dnes večer, zajtra večer, v nedeľu, v nedeľu večer, a tak ďalej, tak vás necháme prísť.

63 Ale začnime len dnes večer, začnime len s niekoľkými. A tí, ktorí majú karty, ktorí nemôžu chodiť, a ja vás budem volať jeden po druhom, a budem vás tu umiestňovať, ak nemôžete chodiť, keď zavolám vaše číslo, potom zodvihnite svoju ruku, a potom niekto z uvádzačov tu príde a privedie vás. V poriadku?

Modlitebná karta číslo jeden. Kto ju má? Zodvihnite svoju ruku, ak máte modlitebnú kartu číslo jeden. Zodvihni svoju ruku. Istotne... Možno niekto nemôže... No, možno som, možno som sa mýlil. Kde je Billy? Možno to bolo... Čože? [Niekto sa s bratom Branhamom rozpráva - pozn.prekl.] Áno, v poriadku. Môže... Pane, ak môžeš chodiť, poď rovno sem.

Modlitebná karta číslo dva. Ak môžeš, zodvihni svoju ruku. Zodvihni svoju ruku. V poriadku. Číslo tri, rovno tu. Príď rovno sem, ak môžeš. No, ak nemôžeš, len zamávaj svojou rukou a niekto ťa príde zobrať. Číslo tri.

64 Číslo štyri. Aké je to písmeno? [Niekto hovorí, „J.“- pozn.prekl.] J. V poriadku. Číslo štyri, zodvihneš svoju ruku? Pani tam vzadu, už stojí na nohách. Číslo päť?

No, keď príde Billy dolu, aby rozdal modlitebné karty, alebo Leo, alebo Gene, brat Wood, alebo ktokoľvek ich rozdáva, oni tu prichádzajú pred vami a zamiešajú karty a dajú vám len kartu, ktorú si vyberiete. Rozumiete? To je na vás. Len si beriete kartu. Mohli by ste... Niekto vedľa vás by mohol mať jednotku. Ďalší by mohol mať pätnástku. A tam vzadu by mohol mať číslo dva. Ony sú pomiešané. V poriadku.

65 Modlitebná karta číslo tri. Kto ju má? Rovno tu. V poriadku. Číslo štyri. Číslo päť. Číslo päť. Číslo šesť. Rovno tam vzadu. V poriadku. Ak môžete tam vzadu, nechajte tú mladú pani prejsť. Číslo sedem. Zodvihneš svoju ruku? Ty máš číslo sedem, sestra? V poriadku. Číslo osem. Zodvihneš svoju ruku? Ak môžeš? Pani rovno tu má číslo osem. V poriadku, sestra, zaujmi svoje miesto. Číslo deväť, pani tu. V poriadku, sestra. Číslo desať, v poriadku. Číslo desať.

No, nechajme to len potiaľto, pretože, tu začíname byť trochu natlačení. Ak sa len môžu trošku posunúť ďalej dozadu, len trošku, prosím. Dobre, zavoláme desiatku. A hádam... Ty máš číslo desať, že, sestra? Ak len môžeš prejsť sem, títo páni tu, rovno tu, oni ťa tu zoradia. Tak v poriadku... Koľkí? Číslo deväť chýba. Ó, oni sú... Nemôže... Ak nemôže chodiť, nech tam len sedí a priveďte ju, keď je jej číslo zavolané. Zostaň len tam, kým tvoje číslo, ak nedokážeš veľmi dlho stáť, sestra, len čakaj, kým nezavoláme tvoje číslo, a budeš môcť prísť. To je v poriadku. V poriadku, len si sadni. To je v poriadku. No, ak nemôže chodiť, dobre, keď bude zavolané jej číslo, niekto z nich príde a privedie ju sem, alebo tak. To je v poriadku. V poriadku. Číslo... Aké boli tie ostatné čísla, ktoré chýbajú? To je všetko. V poriadku. Tak, teraz máme... Koľko? Je to tu koniec toho radu? Dobre, v poriadku.

66No, chcem, aby ste vedeli, vy, ktorí ste v tomto rade tu, ktorí tu teraz stojíte, chcem sa vás opýtať toto: či skutočne, vážne veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží? A veríte, že On vstal z mŕtvych, a že nie je mŕtvy, ale je živý? Či veríte, že On môže vykonať a učiniť to isté, čo učinil, keď bol tu na zemi? A či veríte, že On poslal Svojho Ducha do svojej cirkvi, aby pokračoval vo svojej práci?

Koľkí z vás ste mi cudzí, zodvihnite svoju ruku, koľkí viete, že vás nepoznám? V poriadku. Nepoznám vás. Dobre. Bola to každá ruka? Všetky ruky boli hore, že ma nepoznajú? V poriadku. Som tým ľuďom cudzí. Nikdy som ich nevidel. Koľkí v budove sú mi cudzí, že ja vás nepoznám? Nikto. Nemusíte byť tu, je to všade. No, môžem vidieť, že asi polovica zhromaždenia je mi cudzia. V poriadku.

67 Potom, ak ja som vám cudzí, chcem sa opýtať tých, ktorí sú v publiku. Ak Ježiš žije dnes... A vidzte, či toto je to Písmo... Raz bola jedna žena, ktorá mala jeden veľký problém, mala krvotok. Mala to už dvanásť rokov, myslím si, alebo dlhšie. A ona minula všetky svoje peniaze na lekárov.

Sú tu dve dievčatá, ktoré sedia v invalidných kreslách. Veríte, dievčatá, že Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych? Vyhliadate na Neho dnes večer o pomoc? Máte... Či máte nejaké... Máte modlitebnú kartu? V poriadku. Iba neboli zavolané. To je v poriadku. Buďte len verné. Vidíte, v poriadku. Nepochybujte. Len teraz verte, ak vaša karta nebude dnes večer zavolaná, príďte sem len zajtra večer. Len ďalej... Bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, len prichádzajte. Rozumiete? Dostanete sa sem. A to ani nebude musieť byť vaša karta, len verte. Sledujte, čo sa udeje.

68 A vy, ktorí ste v publiku, ktorí nemáte modlitebnú kartu, koľko ľudí tu nemáte modlitebnú kartu, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Pozrite sa. No, vy, bez modlitebnej karty, ak títo ľudia tu, ja to idem založiť na Písme. Všetko, čo máme robiť, musí byť podľa Písma, od Genezis po Zjavenie. Musí to byť Boh. Ako som hovoril minulý večer... Musí to tak byť od počiatku. Rozumiete? No, ak nemáte... Títo tu, ktorí majú modlitebnú kartu, idem sa ich opýtať, idem ukázať podľa Písma, čo to znamená v Biblii, obom, mužom i ženám.

69A vám, ktorí nemáte modlitebnú kartu, ktorí nebudete v modlitebnom rade dnes večer... No, môžte dostať modlitebnú kartu znovu zajtra, ale teraz ich on rozdal toľko... A my nimi nejako prejdeme, a budeme sa za nich modliť, ak len budete trpezliví. Neponáhľajte sa. Rozumiete? Lebo potom vy sami vibrujete. Len stojte ticho a povedzte, „Bože, tu som. Ty ma poznáš.“ A potom... Hovoríte toto...

Je miesto Písma v Biblii, kde táto žena mala krvotok, a prešla skupinou ľudí, ktorí sa ju snažili utíšiť. A ona sa chcela dostať k Majstrovi, k Pánovi Ježišovi. A nakoniec sa dostala tam, kde bol, lebo si povedala vo svojom srdci, „Ak sa len dotknem rúcha toho muža, budem uzdravená.“ Koľkí z vás ste počuli ten príbeh? No, ako Ježiš išiel spolu so zástupom, a po chvíli sa ho tá žena dotkla. Vo svojom srdci si pomyslela, čo to len urobila. To bolo jej horlivé očakávanie. Keď sa toho dotkla, prekročila tú zvukovú bariéru. To bolo to. Bola voľná, pretože vo svojom srdci si povedala, „Urobila som presne to, o čom som si pomyslela, že keď urobím, budem uzdravená.“

70A či veríte, že ak sa Ježiš dá sám dnes večer poznať, že obdržíte tú istú vec? V poriadku. No, len verte a zachovajte to vo svojom srdci. Potom vykročila niekde tam do publika, pravdepodobne a posadila sa. Ježiš sa zastavil a povedal, „Kto sa ma to dotkol?“

A oni povedali, „Nikto sa Ťa nedotkol,“ každý povedal, „My nie. My nie,“ každý to zaprel. „Nikto sa Ťa nedotkol.“

A Peter povedal, „Pane...“ Pokarhal ho a povedal, „Prečo hovoríš takúto vec?“ Niečo v tom zmysle. „Kto sa ma to dotkol?“ Keď každý sa Ťa dotýka a každý tu beží popri Tebe, „Ahoj, Rabbi. Som rád, že Ťa poznávam, Rabbi.“ „Vitaj, Ježiš. Galilejský prorok. Sme tak radi, že Ťa stretávame.“ „Ako sa máš?“ Každý sa Ťa dotýka.“

Povedal, „To môže byť pravda, ale Ja som pocítil, že niekto sa Ma dotkol odlišne. (To je ten dotyk, ktorý potrebuješ.) Niekto sa Ma dotkol spôsobom, že prešiel zvukovú bariéru. Cítil som cnosť. Prišla na Mňa slabosť. Vyšla zo Mňa sila.“ A poobzeral sa. A v Ňom prebýval Duch Boží. Veríte tomu? On sa poobzeral po publiku, až kým našiel tú osobu, ktorá sa Ho dotkla. A On jej povedal jej stav, a povedal, že jej viera ju uzdravila. Žiadne videnie? Nie. On len vedel, že jej viera ju uzdravila, pretože potiahnutie všetkej tej viery tam, to bolo o toľko väčšie v nej.

71No, ak je Ježiš ten istý dnes, či neurobí to isté? No, ako budete vedieť, že je to On? Pozrite teraz, musíte sa sami poddať. No tu je to, že ja sa musím dívať na Toho neviditeľného.

Ty si prvý? Kde je... Kto je v... Udržujte ten rad... môžeš, brat Neville? Ó, potom v poriadku.

Ty si prvým? V poriadku. No, môžeš vykročiť pár krokov sem bližšie, ak chceš, pane. Tu je človek, o ktorom verím, že jeden druhého nepoznáme, tak, toto je naše prvé stretnutie. Ako môžem poznať tohoto muža? Ja ho nepoznám. Boh Ho pozná, čo sa mňa týka, pokiaľ viem, nikdy som ho vo svojom živote nevidel. Je mi úplne cudzí.

Tak, povedal som, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Tak, to zakladá vieru. Ak to tak nie je, potom som nájdený ako pokrytec a Biblia je klamstvom. No, čo musím teraz urobiť? Či sa dívať na nejakú intelektuálnu vec? Ako by som mohol? Ja musím hľadieť na Toho Neviditeľného. Ale prečo to robím? On to zasľúbil. Tu to máte. No, vyrobte to isté. A vy tiež robte to isté veci z vás. Robte to isté. To nemôže zlyhať.

72Ja môžem zlyhať. Vy môžte zlyhať. Ale Boh nemôže zlyhať. No, sú tu dvaja muži, stretáme sa po prvýkrát v živote. Takže to je.. Som... Nechávam si čas... No, toto je scéna podľa Písma. Bol jeden muž, ktorý išiel a priviedol do cirkvi jedného, tam, kde bol Ježiš, a jeho meno bolo Natanael. Ježiš ho nikdy nevidel, tak keď prišiel k Ježišovi, Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“ Ak by som to ja povedal, aby si to vedel, čo hovorím, tak by som povedal, „Tu je úprimný človek, kresťanský veriaci.“ Oni by povedali... No, On povedal, „Rabbi, ty si ma vo svojom živote nikdy nevidel? Ako ma poznáš? Ako si ma poznal?“

73Tak, nie podľa toho, ako bol oblečený, pretože všetci na východe sa obliekali rovnako. On mohol byť Grékom, mohol byť Egypťanom, mohol by byť všeličím možným. Ale Ježiš povedal, hľa Izraelita. A on je úprimný, a nie je v ňom žiadna lesť.“

On povedal, „Ako si to vedel?“

Povedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som Ťa.“ To bol Ježiš včera. Ak On je tým istým dnes, a prebýva v nás, čo zasľúbil, že bude, a dá sa poznať tomuto mužovi, ktorý tu môže byť kvôli finančným problémom. Môže byť človekom, ktorý zomiera. Môže to byť človek v hriechu. Môže to byť človek spravodlivosti. Ja neviem. Neviem vám povedať, ale Boh to vie. Potom, ak On sa dá tu poznať, že Ježiš žije a povie tomuto mužovi, potom nech je on sudcom toho, či je to správne, alebo nesprávne. A potom, či to pôsobí, že všetci z vás Mu budete veriť, že On je tu viditeľný? To je Jeho bytosť. No, On sa tu nemôže ukázať v pozemskom tele, to je Jeho Duch.

74No, On dovolil, aby bol odfotografovaný, Jeho obrázok. Vidíte to, je to skrze vedecký svet, majú to vo Washington D. C. Ten istý anjel Boží, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý prebýval v Ježišovi, učinil to isté Filipovi, alebo Natanaelovi, Ten istý Ježiš zasľúbil prísť a prebývať v nás a činiť tie isté skutky. Každý to teraz dobre rozumie? V poriadku.

Teraz, Pane, nech je to známe, že Ty si Bohom, a že my sme tvojimi sluhami. Potom nás Ty miluješ, a Ty chceš, aby Ti títo ľudia verili, a aby prešli všetky bariéry hriechu vo svete, aby mohli byť spasení a uzdravení na Tvoju slávu, Amen.

75 Tak teraz, aby sme povedali, ako Peter pri bráne, ktorá sa nazývala Krásna, tomu mužovi, ktorý bol chromý už od lona svojej matky, on povedal, „Pozri na nás.“ To bolo len... Aby uveril, aby ho dostal do... Upútal jeho pozornosť tak, ako to urobil náš Pán pri tej žene pri studni. Stretol ju a začal rozhovor. Povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť.“ A ďalej hovoril.

Tak, ak vás nepoznám, vy ste len človekom z publika. Ak ťa nepoznám a Pán mi vysvetlí niečo, čo si urobil vo svojom živote, alebo po čom túžiš, či financie, zdravie, alebo čokoľvek to je, a urobí to pravdivým a jasným, potom budeš veriť, že On je tu, aby ti dal to, čo žiadaš? Urobíš to? V poriadku. Buďte teraz úctiví.

76 Tak, buďme teraz na modlitbe, kým Duch Svätý nezačne na nás pôsobiť. Áno, vidím tohoto muža a on... Vidím nejakú malú osobu ktorá stojí blízko, ona má nejakú otázku, alebo chce, aby sa za ňu modlilo. Je to niekto iný, za koho chceš, aby sa modlilo. To je nejaké dievča, malé dievča. A ty nie si z tejto krajiny. Ty si z... Niekde blízko nejakého veľkého jazera. Je to... Ty si z mesta, ktoré je blízko nejakého veľkého mesta, ktoré má veľké... Je to Buffalo, New York. Si z okolia Buffalo, New York. Máš vysoký krvný tlak. To je to, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku, ale ty sa modlíš za toto dieťa. Veríš mi, že som jeho sluha? Ty si pán Holdem. Tak sa voláš. Vráť sa späť a príjmi to, o čo si žiadal. Polož na ňu svoju vreckovku a bude s tým koniec. Nepochybuj.

77 Veríte, že Ježiš Kristus žije? Čo je to? Ten Neviditeľný sa stáva viditeľným. Čo to je? Ten istý Ježiš, to isté ovocie, tie isté znamenia, tá istá vec, ktorú On učinil.

No, ďalšia je tu žena. Hovorím k nej, ako hovoril On k tej žene pri studni. Sme si navzájom cudzí? Sme. Aby tak tí ľudia mohli poznať, tí, ktorí sú vonku, ty len... Len zodvihni svoju ruku, aby tak... Toto je prvýkrát, čo sa stretávame. Sme si navzájom cudzí? No, neviem, čo mal ten muž, ktorý tu bol pred pár minútami, ale čokoľvek to bolo, ja som nemal nič spoločné s jeho uzdravením. Boh to učinil. Jeho viera to učinila.

Ja s tým nemám nič dočinenia. To je len dar, lebo v tejto budove je to teraz tak, sú tu tie isté druhy anjelov, ktoré videl Geházi, keď mu Eliáš otvoril oči. V tejto budove je Pán Ježiš. Tak nehľaď na to, čo vidíš. Hľaď na to, čo nevidíš, pretože to je zasľúbenie Božie, že Boh povedal, že On to učiní, a On to činí.

78On sa s tou ženou rozprával asi minútu, kým nezistil, v čom bol jej problém. A to je presne to isté, čo by som rád učinil tebe, pretože On zostáva tým istým. Ak som ti cudzí a nepoznám ťa, potom On bude... Ja budem musieť nejako, nejakým nadprirodzeným spôsobom sa s tebou skontaktovať. Budeš veriť, že to bol tvoj Pán, ktorý mi to dovolil učiniť?

Tak, ak to chceš vedieť, niečo sa rovno vtedy v tejto budove stalo, uzdravenie. Je tu jedna pani, sedí tu rovno v publiku, je to taká silnejšia pani, ona má svoje ruky zodvihnuté, a svoje oči zatvorené, a modlí sa. Má problémy s vnútornosťami a s chrbticou, a ona sa modlí k Bohu, aby ju uzdravil. Sedí rovno tu, má okuliare, tmavé šaty, a je rovno tu na konci tohoto radu. Ty, ktorá máš svoje ruky zodvihnuté, to je to, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni takto svoje ruky. Ja ťa nepoznám, že? Nie veru, sme si cudzí. Choď teraz domov, dotkla si sa lemu Jeho rúcha. Ty si sa dotkla Jeho, pretože ja som dvadsať stôp od teba, ale ty si sa dotkla Jeho, Veľkňaza, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.

79Tak vy ostatní z vás... Je tu pani, ktorá nemá kartu, nemá nič, len tam sedí a čaká. Ty učiň to isté. Niečo... Ty si manželka toho muža, ktorý tu práve bol, pretože vás vidím oboch v tom, tom istom dome. A ty trpíš na nervový stav. Tiež vidím, že si bola u lekára a mala si vyšetrenie. A vyšetrili ťa... A to bolo vyšetrenie zadnej časti a on hovorí, že vidí... Hovorí, že sú tam výrastky, ony sú v žalúdku a v ženských orgánoch, a chce, aby si bola operovaná. Ale ty máš vieru a uverila si, že ak sem prídeš a ja sa za teba pomodlím, že budeš uzdravená. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoje ruky, aby to ľudia videli. Tak, On ju pozná a On pozná jej stav. Či to nemôže učiniť? Poď sem.

Pane Ježišu, udeľ, ó, Bože, aby jej viera a radosť bola dnes večer naplnená, aby bola kompletne oslobodená, a priveď radosť a spasenie k tým, s ktorými sa kontaktuje. A vysielam ju a vyháňam od nej toto zlo, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Cítiš sa teraz odlišne. Len sa tak ďalej cíť a raduj sa. To ťa navždy, nadobro opustí.

80Ako sa máš? Buďte len teraz ešte na chvíľu skutočne úctiví. Pokiaľ viem, toto je naše prvé stretnutie, ale Boh nás pozná oboch. On vie o tebe, a On vie o mne. A ak mi On zjaví, kvôli čomu si tu, alebo niečo, čo si učinil, alebo niečo, čo si nemal učiniť, alebo niečo, čo si mal učiniť a neučinil si to, ale vieš, že ja nemám ani potuchy, kvôli čomu si tu? Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Ale to bude musieť prísť cez nadprirodzené rozpoznanie. Som tak rád, že On je tým istým včera, dnes a naveky. Ty nežiadaš modlitbu pre seba, hoci to potrebuješ. Ty ju prosíš pre svojho syna. A tvoj syn nie je tu. On je v nejakom veľkom meste, obrovskom meste. A to je na východe. Bol som tam. Mal som tam poslednú kampaň, Filadelfia. To je pravda. On je kazateľ. A oni ho idú operovať, a vyšetrujú ho kvôli pruhu. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Či veríš, že Boh učiní to, o čo Ho prosíš?

Ó, večný Bože, potvrď vieru tejto ženy znamením a divmi. Udeľ vyslobodenie tomu, čo žiadala skrze Ježiša Krista, v Jeho Mene to prosím. Amen. Nech ti Boh udelí to, o čo si Ho žiadala.

81 Buďte teraz úctiví. Jedna drobná pani, ktorá má pri nose vreckovku, modlí sa kvôli problémom s hlavou, či veríš, že Pán Ježiš ťa uzdraví? Tá pani sedí tu vedľa toho muža s okuliarmi. Či veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Pani s tým, v tých modrých šatách? Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak je to to, čo... Choď a buď uzdravená, tvoja viera ťa uzdravuje.

Či veríte, že Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn, mi môže zjaviť, kvôli čomu si tu? Je mnoho vecí, ktoré s tebou nie sú v poriadku, si veľmi nervózna, komplikácie, ženské problémy, si takmer pred zrútením, hrozný stav. Nie si z tohoto mesta, ale si z Indiana, Lafayette. Pani Elisonová, vráť sa. Tvoja nemoc ťa opustila. Choď domov a ukáž, čo Boh pre teba urobil. Amen.

82Či veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, kvôli čomu si tu? Ak to urobí, budeš Mu veriť z celého svojho srdca? Ty tu nie si pre samu seba, ty si tu kvôli tomu dieťatku. Ak mi Boh povie, čo s tým dieťatkom nie je v poriadku, budeš mi veriť? Je to krvná zrazenina. To je pravda, že? Či veríš, že keď požiadam Boha, aby to vyhnal z toho dieťaťa, že to dieťatko bude žiť? Skloňte svoje hlavy. Tak, to dieťatko je príliš malé, aby malo vieru. Rozumiete?

Ó, Pane Bože, Tebe prinášali nemluvňatá a Ty si ich žehnal. A Ten istý Ježiš tu stojí teraz prítomný. Odsudzujem tohoto diabla, ktorý sa snaží vziať život tohoto nemluvňaťa. Opusti ho, satan, v Mene Ježiša Krista, vyjdi z toho dieťaťa.

Vezmi ho teraz. Nemaj pochybnosť. Tá vec to dieťa opustí. Maj vieru.

83Ocko, ktorý tam sedí so svojou sklonenou hlavou, má problém so žlčníkom. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale On ťa pozná. Ty trpíš na žlčníkové záchvaty a máš veľké tlaky v hrudi. Ak je to pravda, zamávaj svojou rukou. Či mi veríš, že som Jeho prorokom? Potom choď domov z tohoto zhromaždenia a nebudeš už na to znovu trpieť. Buď zdravý v Mene Pána Ježiša.

Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha? Ak mi Boh povie, čo je tvoj problém, budeš mi veriť z celého svojho srdca? Tak, teraz sa niečo v tejto budove deje. Len ďalej verte, ale niečo prichádza také silné, je to také silné... Je tu jedna farebná žena, stojí pri tamtej panej. Len to ďalej prechádza... Vidím farebnú ženu... Ona sedí rovno tu. Má artritídu a komplikácie. Sedí rovno pri pani Bellovej, tam, a má na sebe čierny klobúk. Ja ju nepoznám, ale, sestra, ak budeš veriť Bohu tým spôsobom, ako si Mu to ty sľúbila, potom Mu budeš veriť a bude s tým koniec.

84Tak, aby ste mohli teraz vedieť, že toto je Duch Boží, v tom ďalšom rade za tou ženou, sedí tam jeden muž, ktorý má problém s krkom. Ak budeš veriť, pane, Boh ťa uzdraví, ak Mu budeš veriť. Či veríš? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Ja som ti cudzí, ale On nie. Vidíte, kdekoľvek ste, len majte vieru v Boha.

Dokážete teraz prekročiť bariéru nevery?

Či môžte nechať Ducha Svätého, aby prišiel teraz rovno sem a prevzal vedenie? Ak to môžeš, to sa stane. Tá cukrovka ťa opustí, ak budeš veriť. Choď ďalej a raduj sa. Čo si o tom myslíte vy? On je Ľalia z údolia, Ranná Hviezda.

85Ak budeš veriť, ohľadne toho anemického stavu, to ťa opustí. Veríš tomu? Choď ďalej a raduj sa. Či veríš? Verme z celých našich sŕdc.

Ak veríš, choď a zjedz svoju večeru. Ten nádor, ktorý bol v tvojom žalúdku, ťa opustil, choď a jedz, ver.

Ak veríš, nebudeš musieť zomrieť. Rakovina ťa opustila, veríš? Choď a raduj sa. Koľkí veríte z celého svojho srdca? Povstaňte teraz na svoje nohy. Povstaňte na nohy. Teraz rýchle. Zodvihnime svoje ruky ku Bohu. A teraz v jednom súhlase, prejdime každú bariéru. Verme, že Boh je tu a tá nemoc a choroby odídu. Každá osoba nech sa modlí svojím spôsobom.

86Ó, Pane Bože, Stvoriteľu neba i zeme, teraz Ti toto prinášam, toto obecenstvo ľudí, odsudzujem diabla, nárokujem si, že Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn je prítomný. V Mene Pána Ježiša, nech každý nečistý duch pochybnosti, povery, nevery a hriechu odstúpi z tejto budovy. Vyjdi von, satan. Karhám ťa skrze Ježiša, Syna Božieho.

Každý jeden z vás položte svoju ruku jeden na druhého, a modlite sa teraz jeden za druhého, kdekoľvek, kde ste v budove a Boh vás uzdraví. Verte tomu z celého svojho srdca. Položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Začnite sa modliť jeden za druhého. To je to. To je ten spôsob. Všetci, ktorí veríte, že ste uzdravení, zodvihnite svoje ruky a chváľte Boha. V poriadku, brat Neville.

LOOKING AT THE UNSEEN, 58-1003, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 109 min

1 It seems good to be back in the house of the Lord tonight, after such a wonderful night as last night was. And we had a glorious time these last two or three nights here in the building, and we're thanking our heavenly Father for it. Souls has been borned into the kingdom of God. And such good reports from the healing services. And we just got word awhile ago that the girl that was from somewhere up above here, in some city, that had the leukemia, when she was pronounced well today by her doctor, that the--the baby is well. Uh-huh. And a... they... She was to be a missionary; you remember the case, and--and Satan was trying to--to rob her of such, and she is pronounced sound and well from--by her doctor.

And the blind minister that was here to receive his sight... and others... And there's just a great things the Lord is doing.

2 Now, last evening I took a group into the prayer room in here for--just to see if the new ministry that has been promised would come into existence in the tabernacle here before we hit the tent. Well now, as far as I know, there was nothing, no more than just--just soon as I went in there, the Spirit of the Lord came in, and It just started discerning the spirits, and telling the people of their troubles, and so forth.

3 But I wonder... I ask those people if there were any possible way for them to stay. I would just like to ask them if there has been a change in them, if they feel that they have been healed or any visible change in any way. I ask them, tonight, if I'd call for them, if they could get in the building, I'd like for them to hold up their hand. Now, if they're here and didn't have to go home--they were out-of-town people--and if they didn't have to go home, and has got inside the building, and you feel that there has been a great change, would you hold up your hand, the ones that--of any here that was in the building last night and was prayed for back here. As I don't see any hands, I don't know whether the people could even stay.

There... [Brother Neville says, "One."--Ed.] One... One, back here. All right. A... One there. Well, that's very fine. You feel that there has been a change in... Is that right, sir? You'd that held your hand? [The man begins to testify--Ed.] Well, that's good. [He continues--Ed.] We... [He continues--Ed.] That's very fine and we're thankful. There was nothing visible that we could see, you see, because...

4 And there was a--a lady in the room who was bothered with a mental condition. And the Holy Spirit begin to speak to her and telling her the things that was take--had taken place in her life, where she'd thought that something had happened to her, which had not. And I guess if our brother is one that's present's that knows that. And then it begin to tell her of a person that had long beard and a long hair, had prayed for her. She'd done got away from her. She said, "No." And then to show the accurateness and the perfectness of the Holy Spirit, It went back again, and picked up the person, and told them who it was, and where it was that it happened. Then she said, "I remember, now." That had been a long years ago. How that the perfection of the Holy Spirit... Oh, He's so real.

5 Now, we are crowded and just this little meeting here, just before I leave again. And I was happy tonight, to meet just as I come in, an old friend, Brother Rogers, from down at Milltown, Indiana, and friends that I haven't seen for years... Brother Creech, again, he was here last evening.

And today in the interviews, the Holy Spirit was wonderful today. And it seemed like that maybe, it's just go to continue on for awhile, until that tent comes in, up under the same ministry that I've had, because in the interviews today, there were four, great, outstanding visions took place in--in the interviews. So it seemingly, maybe, I will continue on until that maybe the tent starts, or wherever it is He has chosen to begin to declare His Name in a new way. But when it does, it'll be just as perfect as the others. It'll be just... And I'm trusting to God that it will be greater than the others; not because of--of our ministry, but because of the sick and needy people. There's such a need in the land today.

6 Now, we will get right straight to the Word, and so that those standing won't have to stand too long. Now, first before we read His Word, let's speak to Him in Person as we bow our heads.

Dear God, we come into Thy holy Presence now, will humbled hearts and bowed heads. And we are asking Thee to forgive us of anything that we might have done, or--or thought, or said through this day, that has been contrary to Thy will. We would ask that You would graciously pardon every one of us.

And we have gathered tonight for no other purpose but to worship Thee, and to express our feelings, and the adoration of our heart to Thee. And we are sure, Lord, that this little congregation that's jammed into these little walls tonight, has not come here to be seen. They have not come here for no other purpose but to express their love to Thee. They would not stand on the outside, around the windows, and around the walls, and their limbs aching, just to be seen. They are here because they believe that You are, and a Rewarder of those who will diligently seek after Thee.

7 We would ask pardoning for all the sin of the people, and a healing power to be brought upon the sick and the needy. And we ask Thee to bless Thy Word, Lord, as we read It. We are insufficient to interpret this Word, so may the Holy Spirit come and get right into the Word and plant It deep into the hearts of the people. And may, through this, there be a great harvest of souls and a great healing service. Grant it, Lord, for we humbly ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

8 For a Scripture reading tonight, I wish to read out of the book of II Kings, beginning at the 8th verse. And my text tonight is "Looking At The Unseen." And the first night I was preaching on the subject of "Raising Him Up Out Of History." And the second night, last night, was preaching on the subject, "It Wasn't So From The Beginning."

And tonight, my text is "Looking At The Unseen." Now, II Kings the 6th chapter, beginning at the 8th verse.

Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall we be camped.

And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down.

And the king of Israel sent unto the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice.

Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?

And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elijah, the prophet that is in Israel, he telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.

And he said, Go and spy where he is, that I may send and fetch him. And it was told him, saying, Behold, he is in Dothan.

Therefore sent he thither horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night, and compassed the city about.

And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and... passed the city both the horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?

And he answered, Fear not: for there be with us more than with--they be with them.

And Elijah prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open this--open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountains was full of horses and chariots of fire about Elijah.

9 Now, may the Lord add his blessing to the reading of His Word. It is a strange thing, that man who was made in the image and the likeness of God and was called of Him to walk by faith, believing that God is, would choose to walk by sight instead of by faith. After his makeup, his being, and all that dwells in him was fashioned in the likeness of God... And God is that great Jehovah Who calls those things which were not as though they were. And man made to live with God in this manner, yet has he chosen to walk by his sight. He wants to be his own boss. He wants no one to tell him what to do. That's just the nature of man.

It proved to be thus in the garden of Eden when he had lost his fellowship with God by choosing to go his own way, and not have any one to rule over him.

10 But a man is made like a sheep. And a sheep cannot find its way back, I'm told; when it's lost, it's totally lost.

And that's the way with man. When he is lost, he is absolutely helpless. He must have a shepherd to guide him. And man when he chooses, as the days go on, we find man continually getting worse, choosing rather to walk by sight, than stead of by faith, by the Unseen. And when he does that, he robs the inner man, which is the soul. And that's the eternal part of man.

11 Now, "Man shall not live by bread alone," said the Lord, "but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." And a man's physical being, to be taken care of, is not all the reason God put him on the earth. Because what He does with this physical being amounts to very little. It's his soul what counts. It's the inward man that did not come from the earth; it come from heaven, and that's the eternal part of the human being.

But yet, strange that he tries to figure his own way out. And we find it so in the Scriptures. That when a man chooses to walk in his own way and do the way he wants to, God just let's him alone.

Man must not think for himself, but he must let the mind that was in Christ be in him. We are not to think for ourself. We are to call anything contrary to what He said, as though it is not, no matter what our eyes claim to be. We do not live by what we see; we live by what we believe.

12 A few days ago I was listening to a program on the radio, coming to Sunday school, and it was a round table discussion with teen-agers in Louisville. A--what was one of the most important things, was a girl to find the boy with the curly hair, or the boy, the girl with the pretty blue or brown eyes? Did that make the difference? It seems like that that would be the great thing to a teen-ager. But that isn't the greatest thing. The greatest thing is find your God, your Maker.

Don't mix marry. Marry a boy that believes just exactly like you do, for after all, God is the main important thing that we are in the earth to do, is to serve Him. And if you do marry or anything contrary to that, you'll pay for it in the days that lays ahead of you. You must always remember, by faith and not by sight. The just shall live by faith. And we look at the Unseen.

13 And we might go on for several hours, speaking of the modern day, of how men and women today just completely look, and they go down the street, and they're going to choose a church that they must go to and bring up their children in. And they'll search around through the city, not trying to find the most spiritual church, but the biggest church that they can find, the one that's got the--the--the greatest crowds, and the best dressed, and the celebrity of the city goes to this such church, where it's called the better class, as far as men know.

And then, in that church they'll try to find a minister that's what they call, "not narrow minded," that'll just about let them live any way they wish to and belong to that church.

14 But the spiritual man on the inside, if you'll give him the right of way, he might lead you to a little mission somewhere, where there is not many people, but there is the Spirit of the Living God. For the outside man feeds on psychology and intellectual. But the inside man feeds on the Word of God.

And now, if we should turn in our Bibles to many of the characters of the Scripture, it would take us hours to go through it. But let's just think on the Book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter, for a few minutes.

15 And we read here that Abraham, he was just a man, and he lived in the city of Ur in the land of the Chaldeans. And just an ordinary man of every day walk, but one day he come in contact with God. And Abraham was changed from that day on. No matter how well he attended his church, the church of his father, but when he once met God, he was a changed man.

And I believe that that has not ceased to exist yet today. A man may be a loyal church member. He may be walking upright before his neighbor and his family, but when he meets God, he's a changed man.

16 Sometime ago, I remember, of talking to an intellectual person that said, "How will you ever know there is anything different then what just any religion could produce?"

I said, "I read in the Bible of a living God. I read of His goodness. I read of His patience and His power. And I believed that, just as much as anybody could believe it. But one day I met that One I read about. Then there was a sudden change, and I've never been the same since, and hope I never will be.

Something takes place, when sight fails to produce it, faith is there to catch the place and produce it.

17 And we see that Abraham, he was not a young man when this happened. He was an old man, seventy-five years old. And his wife, Sarah, which was his half sister, and they had been married many, many years, since she was a girl of about seventeen, it's believed. And God told Abraham, "I have chosen you and Sarah, that you are going to have a child. And Sarah had been barren all her life. But Abraham never looked at what his eyes would see, an old wrinkled woman, many years past the time of life to have children, but he looked at the Unseen, and he saw Isaac. By faith he saw Isaac. And he, after looking to the Unseen, he called those things which were not as though they were. He got a glimpse of the Unseen. By faith he saw it. And the Bible says that he endured as seeing the invisible God with him all along the road.

18 When a man once catches that vision of the invisible God and know that He's always present, there's something that stabilizes that man's thinking; it stabilizes his actions, and in the time of distress and trouble, it'll still make him look upward and above the things that are happening around him, because he's looking at the Unseen, yet by promise.

Now, how Abraham, not only did he see the Unseen... And the reason he believed it, was because God said it. And if we being dead in Christ, we are Abraham's seed, and if the Spirit that was in Christ dwells in us, it does the same thing. It takes every Divine promise of God that's in His Bible and calls it present tense, and rests itself upon there.

19 Where if you look at--with your eyes and you see now, that our nation is shaking and trembling, war is--clouds are flying everywhere. Every nation under distressed and perplexed of time, every sign that Jesus said would happen, is happening. There would be signs in the heavens above and in the earth below, and great things would be taking place, like the flying saucers and mystic things taking place. But He commanded His church to lift up their heads in that day and to look up, for the unseen Christ will be appearing pretty soon. So if we only walk by sight, we would be children of darkness, sure enough now. But I'm so glad to know that there is a Light that shines in every believer's heart unto that eternal day when Jesus shall come.

20 Now, it is a lesson to us to look to what Abraham did. And then not only did he believe it, but he made ready for it. He made preparations for the--this child that he saw by faith, twenty-five years before the child ever come. Because he had considered, that He Who told him, was able to keep the promise that He had told him. He didn't consider any of his nature, being a hundred years old, his physical being, or did he not consider at all, the deadness of the womb of his wife, Sarah.

And the writer of the Divine commentary tells us, that he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving glory to God. What a person.

21 And today there is no need--there's no need of even trying to approach it with an intellectual faith. You'll never be able to do it. You'll go from church to church, and from prayer line to prayer line, and never get it. You've got to come to the place where it is eternally settled, once for all; He either is God or He is not God. Feeling sorry for the people...

As I was speaking last evening, "And Jesus said, 'I am the Vine, and ye are the branches." And the Vine bore the first branch, and the first branch was Pentecost. And the Pentecostal blessing is recorded in the book of Acts. And if the first branch was Pentecost, the second branch will have to also be Pentecost, and it'll have to bear the same type of a church and behavior the first branch beared.

22 Did not Jesus speak of that in St. John 14, when He said that the branch that did not bear fruit would be cut off, it would wither? That's where our denominations today are being--will be pruned off of the Vine. Only the fruit bearing, the kind that bears the fruit and the works of the Holy Ghost shall be able to continue in the Vine. For the life that is in the vine puts forth in the branch.

And the Life that was in Jesus was in the first church. And they did not walk by sight; they walked by faith, believing what God said was the truth. Oh, what a difference it is when men who will walk by faith, and call anything that's by sight that's contrary to the Word, as though it was not. We need that type of faith in the church.

23 Moses, when he had become forty years old, a young man, and as far as sight was concerned, Moses had the world in his hand. He was the next Pharaoh of Egypt, and he had all the lands in the world right in his hand, to be king over the entire earth knowing of that day. And yet, he looked through the window that Pharaoh looked out of, and he saw those Hebrews. To Pharaoh, who looked upon them, they were nothing but a bunch of mud-daubers, down there in the mud making brick. To the celebrity as passed by, they were the same. The well dressed people, that was a bunch of slaves, nothing but mud-wallowers.

But when Moses looked out the same window, he saw them different, because he looked at the Unseen and know that God promised that He would deliver them out of that place and take them to the land of promise. For he looked at the Unseen. He saw the years that were coming ahead. He saw Egypt destroyed. Yet she was in her blossoming time. He saw Egypt as she is today. And he saw Israel all comfortably seated around Abraham in glory, and by faith he chose to take the--the worst the religion could give him and compare it with the best that the world could give him. And he chose to suffer the reproach of Christ and considered it a greater treasure than all Egypt could afford to give him, because he endured as seeing Him Who is invisible.

24 God had spoke to Moses, and Moses knowed Who God was. So he did not look upon the brightness. And here I might say to the church tonight, Moses had in one hand the best the world could give him. There could've been no better. It was the highest office. It was the best the world had. And religion offered him the worst that could be given, a bunch of slaves in a mud pit. And now, if a man was looking, which side would he take?

Let me say this with sincerity and without any malice. Well, let me say this, that you'll understand it: today don't look at the big church. Don't look at the great denomination. Don't look at the well dressed, but look at Christ Who was rich and became poor, that through His poverty you might be made rich. And when you're seeking a church, don't go where all the celebrity goes or the big Ph.D.'s or D.D.'s, but look down upon the people who are looked down upon.

25 And Moses, when he had them in both hands, the best the world could give to what he could look at, and yet when he looked at the Unseen, the worst the church could give him, he chose to walk by faith. And he chose to walk by the unseen God, counting it a greater treasure than all his sight could afford to show him.

Here was a kingdom. Here was a kingship. Here was a throne. Here was a crown. Here was everything in his hand. But yet, by faith, when he caught a glimpse of Christ out there in the mud pits, he went to his people.

26 Now, here's another little lesson on Moses. Now, Moses didn't just set back and say, "I sympathize with those people. Those are good people. I... You know, I would not speak one word against them."

Now, that's the was a lot of religionists does today, when they hear a strict message about the real God, they'll say, "Oh, I have nothing against those people who believe in Divine healing. I have nothing against those people who believe in miracles." But that's not enough. Moses just didn't sympathize with them and stay on the throne; he went out and become one of them.

27 And remember, a few years ago, when I had a great offer with the Baptist people? And then the Presbyterian people, that a lady of this city was paying my way through a short school in the Presbyterian denomination. And they wanted to take me in as a minister. But when I looked out and seen that the group that believed in the supernatural was laughed at, and called "holy-rollers," been easy to have continued on a Baptist preacher, for I was one. But instead of looking at them and said, "Oh, I have nothing against them. I believe that, too." I chose to be one of them, went out, and now I am one of the so-called "holy-rollers," because I see in there they got the sign of the living God, living with them. And by faith, I believe that that's the bunch will go in the rapture. And I would rather have it, than all the Ph.D.'s and D.D.'s that the church world could afford. Don't sympathize with them; become one of them. That's when, by faith, you walk by faith by the Unseen.

I see a church going in the rapture. I see Jesus coming for His Bride. I see a little neglected bunch of people, who are laughed at and made fun of, go in the rapture one day. I'd rather be with them, than all groups that I know of in all the world. For by faith we see by the Unseen. Sure.

28 Moses chose to become... He saw by faith what they were. And if God had promised in four hundred years, he would deliver them, yet He tarried for another twenty years, yet Moses believed Him.

And the reason I am on the field today in this move, is because that by faith, one night yonder at Green's Mill, Indiana, about ten years ago, an Angel of the Lord Who had spoke to me from a child, spoke to me about these things, and I went out and connected myself.

Lot of times I won't believe in the things that they are doing, but yet, I believe there lays a church of the Living God. And I would rather walk alone with the few people that really believe God and take Him at His Word, than to be with millions who denied Him. Certainly. Their works would do it.

29 Moses endured as seeing Him Who is invisible, and at the end of his life's journey... Oh, I just love to say this. Someone once said to me; he said, "Mr. Branham, do you think God was just, when He let Moses, for forty years with those people, and then would refuse him to go into the promised land?" But the glorious part of the story of Moses, he was in the promised land eight hundred years later with Jesus and Elijah, and was seen on Mount Carmel.

Not only that, but at the end of the road, when he was standing on the mountain, waving good-bye to his people, and he'd looked across Jordan, and he was a hundred and twenty years old when his last breath began to fail him, he climbed up on that smitten Rock from the wilderness, and It was present. And he didn't--he had a Angel pallbearers, who took him somewhere and buried him that the world knew nothing about it; because he had endured seeing the Invisible. And in the hour of his death, the Invisible was there.

30 I wonder if he would have become Pharaoh if it would have been that way? Very doubtful. But he was sure when he took the right choice. And you can be sure by taking the right choice.

Joshua, forty years later, after he had entered into the promised land, and the--being the great military general, when this first battle, his enemies had walled into a place, where there was no way for him to get to them, but by faith he looked at the Unseen, because God gave Moses a promise while they were yet in Egypt, "I have given you all Palestine." And by faith he saw the walls of Jericho laying flat on the ground, and he marched around and around in full armor, with not a doubt in his heart, but believing that God would do it. And when the trumpet sounded and the people shouted, the walls fell, and they took the city. Why? He seen the invisible One.

31 Remember, before he did this, he was walking one afternoon, and he seen a Man Who was standing against the wall with His sword drawed. And Joshua drawed his sword and went to meet Him. And he said, "Are You for us or are You for the enemy?"

And the Man spoke back and said, "I am the Captain of the host of the Lord." Joshua knowed the battle belonged to him then.

And when you people here tonight, that's sinful in your heart... I don't mean that you live in adultery. I don't mean that you get drunk. I mean, sin is unbelief, and with unbelief in your heart, if you'll just open up your heart, and close your eyes, and look at the Chief Captain, Who's omnipresent tonight, the world will lay flat at your feet and will shake every fetter of sin away from you. The doubting days will be over. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

32 I am told that a snake can catch the eye of a bird and charm that bird with its enchantments, and the stare of its eyes, until such a way, it that bird will give the snake its attention for just a few minutes, that bird will flutter and completely become paralyzed. And the snake will take the bird.

And I can believe that, because that I know of another serpent, the devil, that if he could ever catch the eye with his enchantments, with your modern rock-and-roll, and all your fandangles of the world, if he can ever catch you, young lady or young man, just long enough to get his charm in you, you'll flutter, but you can't get loose. He will hold you till he swallows you up in sin.

33 The only way, I am told, that that little bird ever has a chance, is to get his eyes off of the serpent, and he cannot look at anything else, because he stands staring. But if he will take his eyes from the serpent, and look upward, and flutter his wings, he will fly plumb out of the reach of the snake.

And if you have ever got the charm of the world, and the things of the world, and unbelief, charming around your heart, that tells you, "Oh, live modern!" shake your head tonight and look up to the unseen One, the Lord Jesus, and flutter your wings of prayer, until you fly plumb out of his reach and out of his clutches. If He should speak to you and say, "The... That Divine healing is wrong," shake your head from him quickly. If he should tell you that spiritual discernment is telepathy, shake your head from him immediately, and look up to the Unseen.

34 Like Elijah told Gehazi, his servant, at Dothan, why, they look at around there was Assyrian army." There was everything to smash them down, because this man of God was able to tell the king of Israel what the king of Syria was thinking about in his bedchamber.

Let me say this tonight, my audience: that God still lives, and He's just the same tonight as He was then. He can still know your thoughts and what you're thinking about right now.

Then you should watch the fruits of the Spirit to see if it's the God of history that's raised again. Certainly.

35 And when the great crisis come, which always does, then when Gehazi, being just a lukewarm church member, when he had not seen what Elijah had seen... Because Elijah was used to walking by faith, and he was looking at the Unseen all the time, and he knew that God had said in the Psalms, "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him." That was enough for Elijah, but Gehazi had just pro--halfway believed it. He way just a church member.

So Elijah said to the Lord; he said, "Lord God, give a sign here; just open this man's eyes and let him see what's around him." And when God opened his eyes, he saw horses of fire... drawn by chariots of fire. And they were all around that old prophet. They were there all the time, but he just didn't see them.

And tonight, I'd say the same thing: that the God Who stood yonder, in the 1st chapter of the books of Acts, and as He was taken up, and the skies become under His feet, that same Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you always. I will never leave you or forsake you. And the works that I do, shall you always. I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."

36 I am told by aviators, who fly these here real fast jet planes, and they say that the plane, getting up to a certain speed, that it vibrates and it shakes. And it seems like that the bolts is going fly out of it, that the wings are going to come off, until they pass the sound barrier. But after they once pass that sound barrier, they say the plane just sails out, just in ease, when it passes the sound barrier. That's the obstacle that's in the way of the plane, when it passes its own sound. And then it runs at ease.

Oh, if the church of this day, could ever pray till they pass the sin barrier and the unbelief barrier, they could shout the victory of a living God when they once pass that barrier, by looking to the Unseen, and letting the world vibrate and do what it wants to do.

37 But there is a living God, and when we lose our disbelief and our unbelief in Him, and pass that place, that the world is saying, "The days of miracles is passed," it makes you shake. "Oh, there's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost." It makes you wonder. But if you'll just look at the Unseen, to the God Who promised it, "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that is far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." If you'll look to the blessed Word, that says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, turn your heads towards that, and press on until you pass that vibration a passed the unbelief barriers, and the sin barriers, and all the barriers that seems to hinder you, then you'll fly free in the faith of God, knowing that all things are possible. Then there is no limit they say, hardly, to the speed the plane will go. If there's no limit to the speed the plane will go, there's no limits to the blessings that God will pour down upon a believer that will believe.

38 The Scripture claims Him to be the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus said, when He was here on earth, "I do nothing except My Father shows Me first.

When the woman at the well come to Him, and she was a Samaritan... First there was a man came to him, and his name was Peter. And He said to this man, "Your name is Simon, and your father's name is Jonas." How did He know that? How did this lowly Nazarene Carpenter know that man's name was Simon and his father's name was Jonas? Because He was endued with a power that could look at the Unseen. He never looked at any letters written; He looked at the Unseen, the God of heaven.

39 Quickly they went and got another man around the mountain, who had come many miles. And when he had told him along the road what Jesus had did, no doubt but what Nathanael was very skeptic of it. But when once in the sight Jesus, Jesus said to him, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile." How did this Man do it? There was nobody with Him to say, "This guy is an Israelite." How did He do it? He didn't read it off of any book, but He looked at the Unseen, to the God Who knows the end from the beginning.

And he said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

He said, "Nathanael," He said, "before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." What was he doing? Looking at the Unseen.

40 When the woman at the well, a Samaritan, came out, and He said, "Bring Me a drink."

And she said, "The well's deep and You have nothing to draw with."

He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." And she wanted to know Who she was talking to, and she knew He was a Jew. And He said...

"It's not customary for you Jews to ask we women of Samaria such a thing as that." And so the conversation when on, till Jesus caught her spirit.

And He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't have any husband."

And He said, "That's right. You've got five husbands, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."

And she said, "We know that when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things, but Who are You?"

He said, "I am He that speaks with you."

And she run into the city and said, "Come see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the Messiah?"

41 And when Jesus, in leaving the world, after a ministry of that around the world, around the known world of that day, He said, "The works that I do shall you do also." Listen to His going away: "Lo, a little while and the world (the visible, intellectual, cultured, scientific), the world will see Me no more." That's exactly a prophecy. It can't help but be the truth. Jesus Christ said it. "The intellectual believer, the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you even in you to the end of the age. And the works that I have done, shall you do also. And more than this shall you do, for I go to My Father."

42 This great God and Father that we're speaking of, is not something that was; He's something that is. And if His people who are called by His Name will get a past that barrier of what the world's got to say, what the church has got to say, what the science has got to say, and look to what God has to say, that minute you'll pass that vibration of unbelief and go free, out of this building tonight, just as happy as you can be, a serving God, feeling free, sins all gone, healed from your sickness. Why, it'll be wonderful. God would not be a God of justice, Who would reward one person of their faith and disreward another. He can't do it.

43 If God took the leukemia out of that girl when she was laying yonder (and one of the best hospitals, John Hopkins, that could be gotten), and her limbs falling from her, and one hour after the prayer was made here, that child was pronounced sound and well by the same doctors...

God can't be just. Let Congressman Upshaw, who'd been in a wheelchair for sixty-six years, broken in this back, walked like Mr. Roosevelt, and would heal that man and bring him out of that chair by vision, and if another man set in the same way and met the same faith, God would be unjust to heal one and let the other one alone. He is just! It's us, friend. If we can move a past that sound barrier, if we can get to a place where it don't make any difference who says it, as long as God said it's the truth, sail on.

44 I've always thought of that little poem in my school book, when I was a little boy up here on the road. Many of you man and women of my age remembers it: Sail on. Sail on and on.

When Christopher Columbus was given ships by the queen of Spain and was... Because in his heart he saw a vision, that the world was round, and he had hardly a way he could prove it... He had nothing to do it with, but he was a man of vision. He believed it. And when the ship was given to him with a bunch of prisoners, cowards, that was his church members, a bunch of pull-backs, a bunch that was discouraged and tried to discourage him: "Just a little while longer and we will drop off the world. A serpent will rise from the bottom of the sea and wrap these little ships and pull it to the bottom." Now say, "Brave Rover, say, What will you say?"

He said, "Sail on. Sail on, sail on and on."

God give us men in the church like that. I don't care what the scientific world says. I don't care what the denominational world says. I take God at His Word and sail on. Sail on until you pass the barrier.

45 We used to, in the old church here, used to sing this little song like this:

I've crossed the separating line.

I've left the world behind.

If there ever was a time that the church needs to step across that line which separates you between faith and unbelief by sight, and looking at the Unseen by faith, it's now. That's when you leave everything behind you, every care, every weary, everything that says that you can't be a Christian. "I've smoked too long. I've drank too long. Brother Branham, I've lived in adultery."

I don't care what you say and what you've done. "Though your sins be as scarlet..." You once pass that line of barrier of the devil trying to torment you, saying, "You can't do it; you can't do it."

Say, "I can do it for Jesus said, 'Whosoever will, let him come and drink from the waters of the fountain of life freely.'" Leave it behind.

46 When you people that are sick, and has plowed through prayer line after prayer line, and you've been prayed for. You've been to the doctor's; you've done everything, and still death stays at your door... When you get to a place to where you say, "I don't care what the doctor said; I don't care what the scientific world said; Jesus Christ made a promise to me." And pass that barrier of vibrations to your soul that you're free and there's not one thing to shake you; you'll sail into your healing just as certain as I'm standing at this pulpit. You'll never turn to look that way no more. You'll be looking this way. You're so free from them things, say, "Days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing as Divine healing. You can't get well. You're case is too bad." Sail on up above it.

Climb the walls yonder until all is free. Every rope and every fetter's been cut loose. Every vibration's left in the back and you're free and free indeed.

47 Jesus Christ, God's Son set in the church for you people, for such things as this: first He set apostles. Then after that He sent prophets, then teachers, pastors, and evangelists, to confirm this Word, to prove that He is some great teacher. I don't mean he has to have a Ph.D. He might know less about the Bible than a--than a child that's still in his adolescence. Jesus knowed more about the Scriptures at twelve years old, then all the Pharisees did or the old learned sages. So you see, it doesn't take a intellectual mind; it takes a surrendered heart to the will of God.

If Jesus Christ, God's Son, promised this Bible, that He'd save to the uttermost... If He promised "the things that I do, shall you do also; I will be with you to the end of the world..." And if that same Jesus could come tonight, and take us into His control, and we could set ourselves from not thinking, "How's it going to be done?" but looking at the Unseen, to the God Who promised it...

"The same thing that I did to the woman at the well, I can do with you. The same sign that I showed to the world, to both Jew and Samaritan, I will show it again in the days of the Gentiles."

If He did it to them and proved Himself to be Messiah like that and would do any other... and let us go in on intellectual, it wouldn't be fair. He wouldn't be a just God. He's got to show the same sign. And if He should come tonight, and vibrate through this building, and show Himself that He is alive, by performing the same signs, it ought to make every sinner's heart melt within him. It ought to make every sick person rise to their feet and give Him glory, and pass every line of vibration, and move on into those channels to where God can heal you and make you well. Think of those things while we pray.

48 Merciful and eternal God, Who was God before there was an atom in the air and will be God when there's not another atom; You, Who formed the world, and measured it in Your hands, and poured it out into space, and said, "Let there be light, and there was light." Your words cannot fail. And it cannot fail tonight, for You have made a promise: "These signs shall follow them that believe." That Word is true.

Lord God, we know that healing has been something that was purchased at Calvary, just as salvation was. And we're to look and live, and believe, and pass the barriers to prove to You that we're sincere. God Almighty, grant tonight that people may believe and be saved from their sins and their sickness. And I would ask that You would do this for the glory of God.

49 And while we have our heads bowed, I just wonder tonight, how many inside and outside, would like to make this confession to God: "Lord, I--I have been a church member for a long time or maybe I haven't, but really there's so much of the world vibrates to me. I have a temper. I have, oh, something, that just won't let me get to a place where I can believe like I ought to believe. Will you take that from me tonight, Lord, and let me pass the sin barrier of unbelief." Will you raise your hands to Him? God bless you. That's good. Oh, many hands all around.

50 Lord, You see their hands, and may the Holy Ghost, which has now told them to raise their hands, may He come and set them free from the vibrations of the world, till they could get beyond the--the paralyze charm of the serpent, that the snakebite of sin, the enchantments of this modern world will not lure them any longer. May they raise their eyes to Christ just now and receive Him as their Saviour, and we will praise Thee, in Jesus' Name we pray.

And now before we call for the sick and the afflicted, is there some in here tonight who are sick, afflicted in any way, that would say, "Oh, God, let me pass the barrier line, too. Give me faith to just move on a past all of the thoughts of the devil, that say, 'You ain't going to make it. You can't get it.'" Would you raise your hands and say, "God, be merciful to me." God bless you. He sees all your hands. They're all over the building.

51 Now, Father, grant that something will take place tonight, that'll cause these people to see that this is the truth, the Word of God, and that You will keep Your promise to them just the same as You did to Abraham, or to Moses, or to any. How when You told Peter, "Walk to Me on the water," and he never got down to see what kind of a bridge was under the water; he never even looked at that. He looked at Jesus. But when he got his eyes on the waves, he would sink.

God, we pray tonight, that those who step out tonight, will pass that barrier of the waves and will walk right on to Jesus by His bidding of coming. Hear us, Lord. And now, give Thy servant wisdom to know what to do at this hour which will bring blessing, salvation, of healing, both physical and spiritual, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

52 Now, to you who raised your hands, I'm going to ask you something. I'm going to change the ser--service just a little tonight. Last night we taken them into the room. Tonight, we're going to try to line them up and bring up a bunch to the platform. Then, immediately after this service is over, when the pastor takes the service, I'm going to ask you who raised your hand, some twenty or thirty people, I want you to come and kneel at this altar. If you really meant it when you raised your hand, see, God will do it. If you really meant it, and will just speak and say, "Lord, take every vibration of disbelief away from me," He will do it.

See, you can't run free. You can't do it in the scientific world with a plane. You can't do it in the spiritual world with the Spirit. As long as your human thoughts and intellectual thoughts, I speak of, is still holding you, why the "These church don't believe that. This church..." Don't think that. Jesus was the One Who said it. And the church that tells you that it's wrong is a false prophecy. I don't say that to be mean, but I say that to be honest, because I will have to stand with you at the judgment. Those teachers who teach those things are wrong.

53 Now let... Just show you what Jesus said, then we will see the great thing, if it could be done. I guess there's two hundred people here to be prayed for. I want to ask you something. Upon this message now, of "Looking At The Unseen," if the unseen One will declare Himself, visible, then it ought to make your soul pass every barrier, if the unseen One will make Hisself visible here to you, because He promised He would do it.

Now remember, in--we are the Gentiles. Now, when He was on earth, there was no one looking for Him but the Jews and the Samaritans. We, the Anglo-Saxon Gentiles, were yet heathens. We were worshipping idols--our fathers. But the Jews were looking for Him. And the Samaritans was looking for Him. And He come and proved that He was the One that they were looking for, and they disbelieved Him. But there was some of the elected ones knew Him and recognized Him, both Jew and Samaritan. Now. it'll be the same with the Gentile.

54 Now, the way He made Hisself known to the Jew and Gentile, that He was... Now, they said, "What are you--what are you going to kill Him for?"

He said, "Because that He is a man, making Himself God." He was both God and man. God was the inside Man, Jesus was the outside Man. The out...

Jesus said, "I do nothing in Myself, but what I see My Father doing." Anyone knows that. "What the Father shows Me, that's what I do."

55 Now, watch how He declared Hisself to the Jewish people, by telling Peter who he was, by telling Nathanael who he was, and what he done before he come. That's the way... And they said... you... Nathanael said when he heard that, he said, "You are the Christ, the King of Israel."

But the unbelieving Jew said, the church world said, "He's a spiritualist. He's a devil. He's a Beelzebub."

Jesus said, "You say that against Me, it'll be forgiven you," 'cause they were Jews. "But otherwise, in the last days when the Holy Ghost comes upon the Gentiles, one word against It, will never be forgiven in this world nor the world to come," when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing that He did, for the Holy Ghost would bear witness of Him. See?

56 So we put ourself in a serious condition. Now, do you believe that that God is still the living God? Do you believe that we are living in the last days of the Gentile dispensation, and the churches are looking for Him to come? And do you believe He's getting them ready for His coming? The shadows of His coming is cast upon the earth: trouble, distress, perplexed of times. And the shadow of His coming is placed over His church. And these things that we do in His Name are just a shadow of what He will do when He comes.

When we see a child laying there dying with leukemia, straighten back to life in five minutes, that's a shadow of when He comes. The dust that's in the earth shall rise into beauty of youth again. This is just a shadow, but it's to make you know that He's coming.

57 Let's break loose and lay aside every fetter now. And if He will come tonight, and will do the same things that He done to the woman at Samaria and to the Jew, will you Gentiles believe Him and let your souls loose? Will you do it? Raise your hands to Him, say, "I will."

Now, we misunderstand when we say, "healing," when we say, "salvation." There's no man can save you. I don't care what he does, he can't save you. He can't baptize you enough in water. He can't do nothing to save you. Christ saves you. But He's made the way for you to be saved. He can preach the Word. He can baptize with water, but Christ baptizes with the Holy Ghost. That's what John said. "I baptize with water, but He that cometh after me, baptizes with the Holy Ghost and fire.

58 Jesus can show His signs of Him being here, preaching His Word by a minister and come down and vindicate that Word by Him being here, but it's your faith that you're healed by. See?

Now, let's be just as reverent as we can be. And please, now please... I don't say that He will do it, but we're going to call a little prayer line up here. And there's a group in here, I think, if I'm not mistaken, they told me they'd give out one hundred cards. That means there's a hundred people setting here to be prayed for. We will get them every one. If you just don't get discouraged and run away, we will get every one of you. See? We can't get them all at one time. Neither can we stand them all at one time, but we can stand some of them at a time, maybe four, five, or six, whatever can get on the platform around here or up-and-down the side, where we can stand them, because we haven't got the room. But if God will do for them as He did to prove Himself that He is here, then we ought to look to the Unseen, then and believe.

59 All you sick people that raised your hands, if Jesus will come and do the same thing that He did when He was here on earth, through human bodies...

I was astonished the other day, when I seen one of the greatest teachers, I thought, in the world... He is a great man; don't misunderstand me. Billy Graham, who the Lord is using, a great man... But it was a piece in the paper that some of the... Someone somewhere had wrote in to him and wanted to know what about the Trinity: was there actual three gods, or was there just one God? And Billy Graham answered him and said, "It's not been revealed yet." We have this paper.

Oh, brother, don't you never believe there's three gods. There's only one God. There's three offices of that one God: the Fatherhood, the Sonship, and the Holy Ghost, God condescending from heaven. He stayed on a mountain in a Pillar of Fire. He came down, and was made flesh, and dwelled among us in the Sonship, from the Fatherhood, and now dwells in His church as the Holy Ghost, same God, not three gods, the same God (See?), the same God.

60 Now look. When He was here on earth (Listen closely now), when He was here on earth, He said this: "A little while, the world won't see Me, yet you shall. I come from God, and I return to God." How many knows the Scripture says that?

Well, what He was when He was here on earth, then He must have returned back to do the same. And "a little while, and I will be with you, even in you. And the works that I do, shall you do also." See? That makes Him the same, that same branch just keep growing on off the Vine. See, see? A one branch here; another church age here; another one here. It's branches off of the Vine.

61 Now, notice Him in the branch there. When He was here on earth, He said He come from God, which was the Pillar of Fire, and He said He returned back to God. After His death, burial, and resurrection, Paul was on His road down to Damascus and something struck him down. You remember that? Acts, the 8th chapter, I believe? And when he looked up, that Pillar of Fire that was in the wilderness, Jesus Christ had turned back to a Pillar of Light that put his eyes out. Is that right? Then He had returned to God. And Paul said... He said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"

He said, "Who are You, Lord?"

He said, "I'm Jesus." He was the Pillar of Fire.

I say this to the Tabernacle, not sacrilegious, but do you know, that same One, that same Spirit is with us now? We got His picture hanging here, by scientific world. And the signs that He did back there, shows that He's still living in His church, not another kind of a sign, but the same sign. "A little while and the world sees Me no more (the intellectual), but ye (who passed the sound barrier, to believe the Word), you'll see Me." I hope that you are in the "Ye's," tonight. Let us pray.

62 Lord, now the rest of the service, it will have to be You, after such words as this, to confirm that You have told the truth. I pray that You will grant these blessings, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Now, how many... You with the prayer cards in here, we can't raise you all up at once, but if you'll just not be discouraged, tonight, tomorrow night, Sunday, and Sunday night, so forth, we'll get you.

63 But now, let's begin tonight and start bringing just a few up. And those who's got cards, that can't walk--and I will call you one by one, and place you here--if you can't walk when I call your number, then you raise up your hand, and then some of the ushers here will come and pack you. All right.

Prayer card number 1, who has it? Raise up your hand if you have prayer card number 1. Raise up your hand. Surely... Somebody maybe can't... Well, maybe I did--was wrong. Where's Billy? Maybe it was... What? [Someone speaks with Brother Branham--Ed.] Yes. All right. Can... If you can walk, sir, come right over here.

Prayer card number 2, if you can raise your hands, raise your hand. All right. Number 3. Right here. Would you come right here if you can. Now, if you can't, just keep waving your hand and some of them will come pack you. Number 3.

64 Number 4. What is that letter? [Someone says, "J."--Ed.] J. All right. Number 4, would you raise your hand? The lady in the back, already to her feet. Number 5?

Now, when Billy comes down to give out the prayer cards, or Leo, or Gene, Brother Woods, or whoever gives them out, they come up here before you, and mix those cards up together, and just give you whatever prayer card you want. See? That's up to you. Just get your card. You might... One setting by you might have number 1. The next might have number 15... And back over here have number 2. They're just mixed up. All right.

65 Prayer card number 3, who has it? Over here? All right. Number 4? Number 5? Number 5? Number 6? Way back in the back. All right. If you will, back there, just let that young lady through. Number 7, would you raise your hand? Yours are number 7, sister? All right. Number 8, would you raise your hand, if you can? The lady right here, number 8. All right, sister, take your place. Number 9? This lady here. All right, sister. Number 10? All right. Number 10.

Let's--let's rest it at there, 'cause we're getting congested there, a little bit. If they'd move back just a little bit, please. Well, we will get 10. And I guess... You have 10, do you sister? If you'd move right along, those gentlemen, right there, they--they'll let you in the line. Now, all right... How many?

Number 9 is missing. Oh, they're a... can't... If she can't walk, just let her set there and bring her when her number's called. Be all right, just when your number, if you can't stand very long, sister, just wait till your number's call, and you can come. That's all right. All right, just--just be seated. That's all right. Now, if she can't walk, well, when her number's called, some of them will pack her here or whatevermore. That's all right. All right. Number... What was the other numbers we was missing? That's all. All right. Now, we got... How many? Is that the end of the line right there? Well, all right.

66 Now, I want to know that you all in this line, that's standing in the line here now, I want to ask you this question: Do you solemnly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? And you believe that He has risen from the dead, and He is not dead now but He's a living? Do you believe that--that He can perform and do the same that He did when He was here on earth? And you believe that He has sent His Spirit into His church to continue His work on?

How many of you is strangers to me, raise up your hand, I don't know you? All right. I don't know you. All right. Was that every hand, all the hands was up that they didn't know me? All right. I am a stranger to those people. I have never seen them. How many in the building is strangers to me, that I don't know you? Nobody, you don't have to be up here, just anywhere. Well, I see over half the congregation is strangers. All right.

67 If I be then a stranger to you, I want to ask you out there in the--the audience. If Jesus was a living today... And see if this is the Scripture... One time there was a woman who had a--a great thing wrong with her, an issue of blood. She'd had it for about twelve years, I believe, or longer. And she spent all of her money to the doctors.

Here's two girls setting here in wheelchairs. You believe, girls, that Jesus has raised from the dead? You looking to Him tonight for help? Have you got... Have you got any a... Have you got a prayer card? All right. Just hasn't been called yet. That's all right. Just be faithful. See? All right. Don't doubt. Just believe now, and if your card's not called tonight, just come back here tomorrow night (See?) just keep... No matter, just keep coming. See? It'll get here. And you don't have to even have your card, just believe. Watch what takes place.

68 And to you out there in the audience who doesn't have a prayer card, how many people in here doesn't have a prayer card, raise your hand? Looky there. Now, you without a prayer card, if these people here, I'm going to base them on a Scripture. Everything we must do, must be Scriptural from Genesis to Revelations. It must be God. As I spoke last night... It must be so from the beginning. See? Now, if you don't have a... These here that's got a prayer card, I'm going to ask--ask them Scriptures like it meant in the Bible, both men and women.

69 And to you out there that doesn't have a--s--a--a prayer card, I... that you won't be in the prayer line, tonight... Now, you can have prayer cards again tomorrow, but now, and he will finish out as many... And we will get them through here some way and pray for them, if you just be patiently. Don't be in no hurry. See, then you get to vibrating yourselves. See? Just stand still, say, "God, I'm here. You know me." And--and then... You say this...

There is a Scripture in the Bible where this woman had an issue of blood, and she passed through a bunch of people who was trying to get her to keep still. And she wanted to get to the Master, the Lord Jesus. And she finally got to where He was, for she said in her heart, "If I can touch that Man's garment, I will be made well." How many ever heard that story? Now, Jesus, going along with the crowd, and after a while the woman touched Him. In her heart she thought, what did she do then? That was her anticipations. When she touched that, she passed the sound barrier. That was it. She was free, for in her heart she said, "I've done exactly what I thought if I'd do, I'd get healed."

70 And do you believe if Jesus will make Hisself known tonight, you'll get the same thing? All right. Now, just believe, keep that in your heart. And then she walked out over in the audience somewhere, perhaps, and sit down. Jesus stopped and said, "Who has touched Me? "

And they said, "Nobody touched You." Everybody said, "We never. We never." Everybody denied it. "Nobody touched You."

And Peter said, "Lord..." He rebuked Him and said, "What would You say a thing like that for?" something on this manner. "'Who touched you?' when everybody's touching You, running against You, 'Hello, Rabbi, glad to meet You, Rabbi.'; 'Hello Jesus, Galilean prophet, we--we're so glad to meet You'; 'How do You do.' everybody's touching You."

He said, "That may be true, but I--somebody touched Me different. (That's the touch you want.) Somebody touched Me in a way that they passed the sound barrier. I felt virtue; weakness come upon Me. Strength went out of Me." And He looked around. And in Him dwelt the Spirit of God. You believe that? And He looked around over the audience until He found the person that had touched Him. And He told her her conditions and said that her faith had saved her. No vision? No, He just knew that her faith had saved her, because the pull of all the faith in there, it was so much greater in her.

71 Now, if Jesus is the same today, won't He do the same? Now, how will you know it's Him? See now, you have to submit yourself. Now, here's where I have to look to the Unseen.

Are you the first one? Where's... Who's in the... Hold the line... You, Brother Neville? Oh, then all right.

You're the first man? All right. Now, you can just walk a few steps closer, if you will, sir. Here is a man that I have--I believe you said we don't know each other, so this is our first time meeting. How do I know that man? I don't. God knows, as far as I, as far as I know, I've never seen him in my life. There's a perfect stranger.

Now, I have said that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now, that's basing a lot of faith. If that's not so, then I'm found a hypocrite and the Bible a lie. Now, what do I have to do now? Look to some intellectual thing? How can I? I've got to look to the Unseen. But why am I doing it? He promised it. There you are. Now, you do the same. And you do the same, all of you. Do the same. It can't fail.

72 I could fail. You could fail. But God can't fail. Now, here's two men, met the first time in their life. Now... so it... I'm... Take my time... Now, this is a Scriptural scene: there was a man who went and got a man and brought him to the church a where Jesus was at, and his name was Nathanael. Jesus had never saw him, so when he come up to Jesus, Jesus said, "Behold, a Israelite, in whom there's no guile." If I'd say that so that you would know what I was saying, I'd say, "There's a honest man, a Christian believer." They'd say...

Why he said, "Rabbi, why You never seen me in Your life. How do You know me? How did you know?"

73 Now, not the way He was dressed, 'cause all the Easterners dress the same. He could been a Greek; he could been an Egyptian; he--he could been many things. But Jesus said, "He's an Israelite. And he's honest, and is no guile in him."

He said, "How did You know it?"

He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." That was Jesus yesterday. If He's the same today, and dwelling in us, when He promised He would, and will make known to this man, he might be here for financial troubles. He might be a man dying. He might be a man of sin. He might be a man of righteousness. I don't know. I can't tell you. But God does know it. Then if He will make Hisself known here, that Jesus lives and will tell the man--then let him be the judge whether it's right or not. And then, would that make all of you believe Him, that He is visible here? That's His being. Now, He can't show Hisself in a corporal body; it's His Spirit.

74 Now, He permitted His picture to be taken there. You see that, which the scientific world has in Washington, DC. Same Angel of God, same Pillar of Fire, Who dwelt in Jesus, done the same thing to the--to Philip, or Nathanael, the same Jesus promised to come and dwell in us and do the same works. Everybody understand well now? All right.

Now, Lord, let it be known that Thou art God, and that we are Your servants. Then You love us, and You're wanting these people to believe You, and to pass up all the barriers of sin in the world, that they might be saved and healed, for Your glory. Amen.

75 Now, just to say like Peter did at the gate called Beautiful, to the man that was lame from his mother's womb, he said, "Look on us." That was just a... a... to believe, to get him to... his attention, to catch his attention like our Lord did the woman at the well. He caught her and called a conversation. Said, "Bring Me a drink of water." He went on talking.

Now, if I don't know you, you're just a man that's out there in the audience. And if I don't know you, and the Lord will explain to me something that you have done in your life, or what you're desiring for--finances, health, or whatever it is--and will make it truly and clearly, then you'll believe that He's here to give you what you're asking for? You'll do that? All right. Reverence now.

76 Now, just be in prayer till the Holy Spirit begins to settle on us.

Yes, I see this man. And he... I see a little person that's standing near, he's in question of, or he's wanting to be prayed for. It's somebody else you want to be prayed for. That's a--a girl, a little girl. And you're not from this country. You're from a--near a--a big lake, somewhere. It's a... You're from a city that's near a great city, that's got a big do... It's Buffalo, New York. You're near Buffalo, New York. You have high blood pressure. That's what's wrong with you, but you're praying for this child. You believe me to be His servant? You're Mr. Holden. That's your name. Return back and receive what you've asked for. Put that handkerchief on it; it'll be over. Don't doubt...?...

77 Do you believe Jesus Christ lives? What is it? The Unseen becomes visible. What is that? The same Jesus, the same fruits, the same signs, the same thing that He did.

Now, here's a woman next. I speak to her like He did the woman at the well. Are we strangers to each other? We are. So the people will know on the outside, just you--just raise up your hand so... This is our first meeting. We're strange to each other? Now, I don't know what the man had, a few minutes ago, but whatever it was, I didn't have nothing to do with his healing; God did that. His faith did that.

I had nothing to do with it. It's just a gift, for in this building now, is just the same kind of Angels that Gehazi seen when Elijah opened his eyes. In this building is the Lord Jesus. So don't look at what you see. Look at what you don't see, because it's a promise of God, that God said He'd do this, and He's doing it.

78 Now He talked to the woman just a minute till He found what her trouble was. And that's the way I would like to do to you, because He remains the same. If I'm a stranger and don't know you, then He will... It'll have to be some way, some supernatural some way, to contact you. Would you believe that was your Lord, was permitting me to do that?

Now, if you want to know, there was something happened in the building just then, a healing. It's a lady setting here, right out here in the audience, kind of a heavy set lady. She's got her hands up and her eyes closed, a praying. She's got a bowel trouble and a back trouble, and she's praying for God to heal her. She's setting right here, wearing glasses, a dark suit on, right at the end of this row. You that's got your hands up, that's what was wrong with you. If that's right, raise your hands like that. I don't know you, do I? No, sir, we're strangers. Go home now; you touched the border of His garment. You touched Him, because I'm twenty feet from you, but you touched Him, the High Priest, that could be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.

79 Now, the rest of you... There's a lady without card, without anything, just setting there waiting. You do the same. Some... You are the wife of the man that was just here, 'cause I see you both in the same house. And you're suffering with a nervous condition. Also I see you've been to a doctor, and you've had an examination. And the examination was at the bottom part. And he says by look... It says it's growths, and that's in the stomach and in the female organs, and wants you to be operated on. But you've had faith, and believe if you'd come here, and I'd pray for you, you'd be healed. If that's right, raise up your hands, the people will see. Now, He who knows her here and knows the condition, can He do it? Come here.

Lord Jesus, grant, O God, that her faith and joy will be filled tonight, that she will be set completely free and bring joy and salvation to those who she contacts. I send her, and cast away this evil from her, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You feel different now. Just keep feeling like that and rejoicing. It'll leave you for good, forever.

80 How you do. Just be real reverent, just a moment. As far as I know, our first time meeting, but God knows us both. He knows about you, and He knows about me. And if He will reveal to me what you're here for, or something that you've done that you should not have done, or something you ought to have done that you did not do, but you know that I have no idea what you're here for? If that's right, raise up your hand. But it would be--have to come through some supernatural discernment. I'm so glad that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

You're not asking prayer for yourself, though you need it. You're asking for your son. And your son is not here. He is in a large city, a big city. And it's in the East. I've been there. My last campaign was there, Philadelphia. That's right. He's a preacher. And they're going to operate on him, and they're examining him for a--a rupture. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. You believe that God will do what you're asking Him to?

O eternal God, confirm the woman's faith with sign and wonders. Grant the deliverance of this who--what she asked for, through Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. May God give to you that what you asked for.

81 Now, be reverent. A little lady with her handkerchief up to her nose, praying for a trouble with her head, you believe the Lord Jesus make you well? The lady setting right here by the man with glasses on, you believe that God will heal you, little lady with the blue looking dress on? Raise your hand if that's what was... Go and be healed; your faith makes you well.

Do you believe Jesus Christ, God's Son, could reveal to me what you're here for? You have many things wrong with you, and very nervous, complications, female trouble, lady's trouble, almost a breakdown, terrible conditions. You're not from this city, yet you're from Indiana, Lafayette. Mrs. Ellison, return. Your sickness has left you. Go home and show what God has done for you. Amen.

82 Do you believe that God can tell me what you're here for? If He will, will you believe Him with all your heart? You're not here for yourself; you're here for that baby. If God will tell me what's wrong with that baby, will you believe me? It's a blood tumor. That's right, isn't it? You believe if I will ask God to cast that out of the baby, the baby will live? Bow your heads. Now, the baby's too little to have faith. See?

O Lord, God, they brought to You infants and You blessed them. And that same Jesus stands present now. I condemn this devil that's trying to take the life of this infant child. Leave it, Satan; in the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of the baby.

Now, take it. Don't disbelieve. The thing will leave the baby. Have faith.

83 Dad, setting there with your head bowed, with that gallbladder trouble, I don't know you, but He knows you. You suffer with gallbladder attacks, and you have a great pressure in your chest. If that's right, wave your hand. Do you believe me to be His prophet? Then go home from this meeting and never suffer with it again. Be well in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

You believe me to be His servant? If God will tell me your trouble, will you believe with all your heart?

Now, there's something happening in the building. Just keep on believing, but there's something coming in strong, so strong... There's a colored woman standing by the side of this lady. Just keeps fading... I see a colored woman... She's setting right back here. She's got arthritis and complications. She's setting right next to Mrs. Bell, there, she's got a black hat on. I don't know her. But sister, if you'll believe God, the way you was promising Him then you would believe Him, it'll be over.

84 Now, that you might know that this be the Spirit of God, the next row behind the woman, a man setting there with trouble with his neck, if you'll believe, sir, God will make you well, if you'll believe it. Do you believe it? Raise up your hand. I'm a stranger to you but He's not. See, wherever you are, just have faith in God.

Can you pass that barrier of unbelief now? Can you let the Holy Ghost come right in now and take over? If you can, it can happen. That diabetes will leave you if you believe it. Go on your road and rejoice. What do you think about it? He's the Lily of the Valley, the Morning Star.

85 If you'll believe for that anemic condition, it'll leave you. You believe it? Go on your road, rejoice then. Do you believe? Let's believe with all of our heart.

If you believe, go eat your supper. That ulcer that was in your stomach, has left you. Go eat. Believe.

If you believe, you won't have to die. That cancer left you. You believe it? Go and rejoice. How many believes with all your heart? Stand up on your feet just now. Raise to your feet, right quick. Raise up your hands right...?... to God. Now, with one accord, pass every barrier. Believe that God is here, and the sickness and diseases shall leave. Every person pray in your own way.

86 O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, I now bring this to You, this audience of people. I condemn the devil. I claim that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is present. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, let every unclean spirit of doubt, superstition, unbelief, and sin, depart out of this building. Come out, Satan. I adjure thee, by Jesus, the Son of God.

Each one of you, lay your hands over on one another now and pray for each other, everywhere in the building, and God shall make you well. Believe it with all your heart. Lay your hands over on one another. Start praying for each other. That's it. That's the way. All that believe that you're healed, raise up your hands and praise God. All right, Brother Neville.