Prečo malý Betlehem?



Zo všetkých miest, ktoré sú v Palestíne, a tam je tak mnoho veľkých miest a lokalít, miest, ktoré sú zdanlivo o toľko známejšie v tej tradičnej histórii a lepšie ohradené, väčšie mestá. A prečo by Boh vybral práve malý Betlehem, aby bolo miestom narodenia Jeho Syna? Existuje ich mnoho, ktoré sú väčšie. Tak, napríklad historický Jeruzalem. Ten pyšný Jeruzalem, hlavné mesto všetkého toho a on je jedným z najväčších miest v Palestíne a my sa potom divíme, prečo by Boh vybral také maličké mesto Betlehem, ako miesto narodenia Jeho Syna.

Ale, ako povedali Písma, „To, čo je Boh rozhodnutý urobiť, to sa stane.“ A existuje Boh, ktorý to tak vopred určil, lebo inak by to tak nikdy nemohlo byť. A Písmo tam hovorí v pätnástej kapitole Skutkov, že, „Nič sa nedeje náhodou.“ Boh všetko vedel. A to sa nestalo len nejakou náhodou, že sa to tak stalo. To bolo tak, pretože Boh to tak učinil. A potom my, vo svojich malých ohraničených mysliach, nad tým začíname rozmýšľať, „Prečo by si ten veľký Kráľ Neba vybral také malé miesto, ako to, namiesto toho hlavného mesta?“

Ale po celý čas (všimnite si), je tam veľké mocné tajomstvo, ktoré sa odohráva, a ktoré, zdá sa, že nikto nerozumie. Tá istá vec je dnes v Božom Betleheme, odohráva sa tajomné znamenie, ale zdá sa, že nikto tomu nerozumie. Je to niečo, čo ide ponad hlavy ľudí. Zdá sa, že to nerozumejú. Nezáleží na tom, čo je učinené, alebo čo je povedané, a je tam tá tajomná časť vecí, ktorá je učinená, a ľudia len povedia, „Ó, dobre, hádam je to v poriadku,“ a idú ďalej, ale oni tomu nerozumejú. Nedokážu to uchytiť. Nedokážu sa toho chopiť, a to je to, čo robil Boh v Betleheme Júdovom. On pracuje a všetky tieto malé veci idú hore, vpred, aby prišli k jednej veľkej Hlave.

1Môže to vyzerať dnes ráno trochu smiešne, ako mám tu na pódiu oblečený tento kabát, ale bol som tak šťastný, že môžem ukázať tento pekný kabát, ktorý mi dal zbor. Videl som jedného dňa brata Nevilla, že ho tu má, mal na sebe pekný oblek, a ako pekne mu to pasovalo a pomyslel som si, dobre, ja... Vyzeralo to veľmi dobre a zhromaždenie o tom hovorilo, tak som si pomyslel, „Oblečiem si ten môj kabát, keď pôjdem na pódium.“

2Viete, myslím si, že my nikdy nevyrastieme. My sme vždy... A ja nechcem vyrásť. Čo s tým, brat Luther? No, nikdy nechceme vyrásť, vždy chceme zostať deťmi.

3[Brat Neville hovorí, „Brat Branham, myslel som si, že máš oblečenú takú róbu, ktorú nosia tí kazatelia vyššej triedy, a ja som ťa zbadal len v kútiku oka a pomyslel som si, že si si asi dal na seba rúcho.“ Brat Branham a zhromaždenie sa smejú - pozn.prekl.] To bol kompliment k tomu peknému kabátu.

4No, poviem toto, je to... Jeden som skutočne nutne potreboval, a tak toto je ten najlepší, aký som kedy mal. A istotne si to cením. A brat Roy Robertson, neviem, či je tu dnes ráno, alebo nie, on mal niečo s tým výberom toho kabátu, a tak, bol to skutočne dobrý výber a sme veľmi radi, že to máme.

5A tak, sme veľmi radi, že sme dnes ráno späť v dome živého Boha, a že sa radujeme z tohoto ohromného času obecenstva okolo Jeho vzácneho Slova.

6A tak, ak bude Pán chcieť, veľmi skoro pôjdem za more. A hádam ste to videli v časopise Hlas obchodníkov, že odchádzam budúci mesiac za more. A tak vás všetkých skutočne prosíme o modlitby, aby ste sa za nás modlili, zatiaľ čo budeme preč. Zdá sa, že moje zhromaždenia za morom sú lepšie, pretože je to tam lepšie. V Amerike...

7Hovoril som bratovi Mercierovi, že som počúval... Dal mi prehrávač a mal k tomu nahrávky niektorých mojich kázní. A ja som vtedy spoznal, že ak ma kedy kto počúva, tak to pri nich musí byť skutočne milosť Božia, pretože som si pomyslel, že by som mohol byť lepší.

8On aj toto nahráva. A tak môžeš tú časť vystrihnúť, dobre? Alebo, hádam teraz drží to tlačidlo stlačené, tak dúfam, že to teraz vystriháva.

9Ale poviem vám, bol som tak prekvapený, ja... To najbiednejšie kázanie, aké som počul vo svojom živote, bolo to moje. To je pravda. Bolo to na tej nahrávke. Ja... To ma tak znervóznilo, že som ani nedokázal zjesť večeru. Prišlo mi zle, odišiel som od stola a v tú noc som vôbec nemohol spať.

10A išiel som dolu do Kentucky s bratom Woodom, to bolo včera. A keď sme sa vrátili, povedal som, „Brat Wood, ja nerozumiem, ako vôbec môže niekto prísť a počúvať ma hovoriť, je to tak biedne, toľko sa opakujem a, ó, tá gramatika je hrozná a nie je tam žiadna interpunkcia.“ Ja len... Ja nerozumiem. Povedal som, „Z jednej strany ma to povzbudzuje, že viem, že to musí byť Boh, inak by vôbec nikto neprišiel.“ To je pravda.

11A tak som hovoril s bratom Collinsom a nazdávam sa, že je v budove, a tak som mu povedal... On prišiel a hovoril som mu o tom, povedal som, „Brat Collins, úprimne...“ Povedal som, „Som teraz takmer tridsať rokov starý ako kazateľ, a istotne by som mal vedieť, čo je to kázeň.“ Povedal som, „To bolo to najbiednejšie, čo som kedy počul.“

12A on je metodistický kazateľ a jeho brat je dôležitým človekom v Metodistickej denominácii a on povedal, „No,“ povedal, „Poviem ti, brat Branham.“ Povedal, „Tvoja interpunkcia a vety možno nekončia správne a podobne, ale,“ povedal, „Či si niekedy pomyslel na to, že ten chlapík, ktorý kázal na deň Letníc, že on sa dokonca nevedel ani podpísať svojím menom? Volal sa Peter.“ Povedal, „Viem si predstaviť, že jeho interpunkcia nebola správna.“

13Ale vidíte, to, čo spôsobuje, že človek dáva na toto dôraz, je to, že keď počúvate tieto rozhlasové vysielania, a oni to majú všetko napísané, rozumiete? A oni si to môžu napísať, dať tomu správnu interpunkciu a tie veci, pretože oni to čítajú.

14Stál som s Charlesom Fullerom, kázal za takou skrinkou, asi takouto, a to mal ako kazateľňu. A všetko, čo povedal, on to priamo čítal, číslo jedna, číslo dva, číslo tri, číslo štyri, takto, kým to nebolo všetko presné a správne načasované. A bolo to všetko odobrené, tá rozhlasová stanica to odobrila a všetko také.

15A tiež pri Billy Grahamovi, videl som to, a tak ďalej, ako tam oni stoja a hovoria a čítajú to tak rýchlo, ako len môžu, a je to všetko vopred pripravené, takže si myslím, že oni majú správnu interpunkciu.

16Ale problém so mnou je, že ja by som to nevedel ani prečítať a tak, ak by som to ja napísal, som si istý, že by som to sám nedokázal prečítať, takže to je nádherná milosť, či nie? Vidieť, čo On môže pre nás urobiť. Ale som tak vďačný, že môžem teraz začať a zakončiť tento starý rok, a začať ten nový rok.

17Počúval som modlitebný rad, a istotne som nebol spokojný ani s tým modlitebným radom, keď som to počúval. To bolo prvý krát, ako som sa takto sám počul kázať posolstvo, a istotne som bol prekvapený, že tie modlitebné rady nie sú vedené správne. Nie, myslím si, že takto sa po nejakom čase stane, že každý bude musieť o tom všetko vedieť, predtým, ako uverí. A počnúc prvým dňom toho nového roku to chcem zmeniť a začať modlitebný rad, kdekoľvek Boh ku mne prehovorí, „Táto osoba je mimo tej línie,“ alebo „niečo s ňou nie je v poriadku“ a zastavím sa pri nej, nech tí ostatní ďalej pokračujú, pretože inak ich tým radom neprejde dostatočný počet. Rozumiete? Ľudia vedia, kde sú a kým sú a čo urobili, ale keď treba nájsť niečo, čo nie je v poriadku s Bohom, to je čas, kde sa treba pri tej osobe zastaviť a povedať, „Toto je on.“ Rozumiete? Tak, myslím si, že to možno trochu zmeníme, brat Leo, odkedy som to počul, a spolieham na to, že Boh nám v tom nadchádzajúcom roku pomôže.

18No, myslím, že dnes večer sú tu v modlitebni zhromaždenia, a ja mám byť dnes večer na šesťdesiatdvojke tu hore s bratom Ruddellom, rozumiem to tak, že oni tu budú mať modlitebné zhromaždenie, a brat Ruddell ma požiadal, aby som na to zhromaždenie prišiel, ale myslím, že sa vrátim v ten večer sem do modlitebne, pretože vždy som sa snažil byť na Silvestra v modlitebni a chcel som prísť sem, aby som tu bol s bratmi. A tak som urobil taký malý kompromis, že budem dnes večer s bratom Ruddellom na šesťdesiatdvojke v tom starom klube šesťdesiat dva, ktorý bol prerobený na cirkev. A potom budem v stredu večer späť tu na modlitebnom zhromaždení. A potom vo štvrtok odchádzame do Chicaga a potom ďalej, a ďalej do Filadelfie a potom za more.

19A dnes ráno vás nechceme držať príliš dlho, pretože je to... Máme osobné rozhovory a sú pred nami zhromaždenia.

20A myslím, že od posledného modlitebného zhromaždenia tu, ó, som veľmi vďačný za tie výsledky, ktoré sa ukázali od toho posledného modlitebného zhromaždenia. Je to istotne nádherná vec, čo môže Pán urobiť, keď sa Jeho ľudia zhromaždia. „Tí, ktorí sú... Ktorí budú vzývať Meno Pánovo a zhromaždia sa spolu.“ Verím, že tak to je, „A budú sa modliť, potom Boh z Nebies vypočuje.“

21Tak, skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, len na chvíľu, ako hľadíme na Neho, aby nám daroval inšpiráciu, ktorú potrebujeme pre toto posolstvo.

22Pane, Ty si nám bol útočišťom a silou vo všetkých generáciách. Naši otcovia pred nami Ti dôverovali a neboli zahanbení. Oni verili v Tvoje Sväté Meno a boli privedení ako svietiace svetlá, a keď sme sa my na nich dívali, ako povedal básnik, „Šľapaje na pieskoch času, naše rozlúčenia zanechávame za nami, šľapaje na pieskoch času.“ Potom vidíme, že tí, ktorí Ti dôverovali, tak zakaždým, bez toho, že by Si jediný raz zlyhal, oni vyšli správne. Hoci išli cez mnohé hlboké vody a veľké skúšky a prenasledovania, ale pri tom na konci, Ty si ich vždy vyviedol, že boli, „Viac, ako víťazi.“ Pretože to je Tvoje zasľúbené Slovo, cez ktoré Si toto urobil.

23A my sa dnes modlíme, aby Si požehnal túto malú cirkev, požehnaj jej pastora, nášho dobrého brata, brata Nevilla a jeho rodinu, a prosíme, aby si bol s ním v tomto nadchádzajúcom roku a viac ho pomazal a požehnal každým spôsobom. Posilni zdravie jeho rodiny, tých maličkých, ktorí rastú. Zachovaj brata Nevilleho silného a zdravého.

24A požehnaj túto cirkev, každého člena, ktorý je v nej, výbor dôverníkov, ó, ako ich milujeme, ako skutočných, šľachetných mužov Božích a výbor diakonov, oni sú tiež Tvojimi šľachetnými služobníkmi. A všetci ľudia, ktorí tu prichádzajú, my sme za nich vďační, Pane. To jednoducho robí môjmu srdcu dobre, keď viem, že tento malý starý močiar, a to, čo bolo pred mnohými rokmi len takým kusom pôdy s burinou, bolo učinené majákom kráľovstva Božieho. A modlím sa, Bože, aby to stálo, kým príde Ježiš. A nech mnoho vzácnych duší, ktoré sú tu, Pane, vyjde v ten deň umytých Krvou Baránka. Udeľ to.

25A ako otvárame dnes ráno toto Tvoje požehnané Slovo, Pane, keď obraciame stránky, aby sme z toho prečítali text, a vieme, že iba Ty Sám môžeš dať z toho kontext. A modlíme sa, Bože, aby si pomazal Svoje Slovo, a nech by ono išlo rovno do sŕdc ľudí a spôsobilo im niečo dobré. Učiň z neveriacich veriacich a posilni kresťanov, a uzdrav chorých a dodaj odvahy znechuteným a daj Sebe Slávu. A aby toto mohlo byť, Pane, obrež pery, ktoré budú hovoriť, a uši, ktoré budú počuť. Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene, Amen.

26Oznámim ten malý text, ktorý mi prišiel na srdce už minulú nedeľu. A hovoril som o tých múdrych mužoch, ktorí prichádzali, aby videli Ježiša, tú hviezdu, ktorú nasledovali od Východu na Západ, a zatiaľ, čo som to študoval, natrafil som na miesto Písma a na Štedrý deň som sa sem nedostal, pretože som mal nejaké služby vo väzniciach, a tak ďalej, a musel som tam byť. Tak som si pomyslel, že by som dnes hovoril na tému: Prečo malý Betlehem?

27Chcem prečítať z knihy proroka Micheáša, jedného z malých prorokov z 5. kapitoly 2. verš, je tam napísané toto:

A ty, Bet-lehem, Efrata, primalý byť

[„hoci si malý“ - v angl.preklade KJV – pozn.prekl.]

medzi tisícami Júdovými, z teba mi vyjde ten, ktorý má byť Panovníkom v Izraelovi, a jeho východiská sú od pradávna, odo dní veku.

28Mám tu na tom mieste Písma takú značku, to preto, že som v tom čase nedokázal porozumieť, čo to slovo znamená.

29Zo všetkých miest, ktoré sú v Palestíne, a tam je tak mnoho veľkých miest a lokalít, miest, ktoré sú zdanlivo o toľko známejšie v tej tradičnej histórii a lepšie ohradené, väčšie mestá. A prečo by Boh vybral práve malý Betlehem, aby bolo miestom narodenia Jeho Syna? Existuje ich mnoho, ktoré sú väčšie. Tak, napríklad historický Jeruzalem. Ten pyšný Jeruzalem, hlavné mesto všetkého toho a on je jedným z najväčších miest v Palestíne a my sa potom divíme, prečo by Boh vybral také maličké mesto Betlehem, ako miesto narodenia Jeho Syna.

30Ale, ako povedali Písma, „To, čo je Boh rozhodnutý urobiť, to sa stane.“ A existuje Boh, ktorý to tak vopred určil, lebo inak by to tak nikdy nemohlo byť. A Písmo tam hovorí v pätnástej kapitole Skutkov, že, „Nič sa nedeje náhodou.“ Boh všetko vedel. A to sa nestalo len nejakou náhodou, že sa to tak stalo. To bolo tak, pretože Boh to tak učinil.

31A potom my, vo svojich malých ohraničených mysliach, nad tým začíname rozmýšľať, „Prečo by si ten veľký Kráľ Neba vybral také malé miesto, ako to, namiesto toho hlavného mesta?“ Namiesto nejakého...

32Boli tam dokonca mnohé miesta, ktoré mali väčšie duchovné pozadie, ako mal Betlehem. Napríklad, jedno z takých miest bolo Šílo. Šílo bolo starodávne miesto uctievania, ktoré patrilo Izraelu, kde všetci prichádzali rok za rokom, na toto veľké miesto, kde odpočinula Pánova truhla zmluvy. A zamýšľam sa potom, prečo sa On nemohol narodiť v Šíle?

33Potom tam bol Gilgal, ďalšie veľké duchovné miesto uctievania. Prečo Boh nenechal, aby sa On narodil v Gilgale?

34Potom tam bolo ďalšie miesto: Sion. Sion bol na vrchu hory. A my sa divíme, prečo sa Ježiš nenarodil na Sione, pretože to bolo veľkým historickým miestom, kde Pán Svoj ľud počas vekov požehnal.

35A to tak vyzerá, že On by si mohol vybrať Sion, alebo Gilgal, alebo Šílo, alebo jedno z tých iných veľkých miest, kde boli pred tým veľké požehnania a veľké lekcie.

36A potom tam boli iné veľké mestá, ako napríklad Hebron. To bolo miesto pre človeka, ktorý potreboval miesto útočišťa, miesto bezpečia. Potom tam bol Rámot Gileád, to bolo tiež ďalšie útočištné mesto, kde mohli ľudia prísť, a ono by bolo veľmi vhodné, aby sa tam On narodil.

37A možno, ak by som ja o tom rozmýšľal, tak by som Ho priviedol do Kádeš Barney, pretože to bolo súdnou stolicou a útočištným mestom, možno ja by som Ho priviedol tam do tej krajiny, aby to bolo Jeho miestom narodenia. Alebo by sme možno každý vybrali nejaké iné z tých miest.

38Ale, viete, som tak rád, že dokonca aj tie malé, nepatrné miesta v Biblii, znamenajú tak mnoho. Myslím, že to povedal sám Ježiš, že, „Vy obchádzate a činíte tie väčšie veci zákona,“ vlastne, „ale obchádzate tú malú vec.“ A niekedy sú to tie malé veci, ktoré držia tie veľké veci pohromade, ale to všetko vo všetkom, to veľké ozubené koleso sa otáča presne tak, ako Boh určil, aby sa točilo. Keď sa to tu otočí, to neminie svoje miesto, ani jeden zub toho kolesa. Boh všetky tie veci predurčil, a to musí zapadnúť presne do toho miesta.

39A keď dostávame takú vieru a začíname rozmýšľať, „Kto je za týmto všetkým? Kto je tou hlavnou pružinou, ktorá otáča túto veľkú Božiu ekonómiu?“ Zisťujeme, že to je Duch Svätý. Nie je to ponechané do rúk ľudí, aby činili tie veci, ale je to v rukách Svätého Ducha, a On je tou hlavnou pružinou, že ak On môže dostať tie ostatné nástroje, to bude fungovať dokonale a presne to zachová Boží čas.

40A potom to vidíme a divíme sa vo vlastnej mysli, že potom, ak sa pozeráme na tie veľké veci, a ako by sme ich my urobili, a potom nám to dáva v dnešnom dni veľkú útechu pomyslieť, že ak sme možno len malou skupinou ľudí, ak sme možno len nepatrnými pre ten svet a pre tie väčšie cirkvi denominácií, pritom Boh z času na čas používa tie malé jednoduché veci.

41Lebo je tiež napísané v Písmach, „Neboj sa, malé stádečko, je to dobrá vôľa vášho Otca, dať vám Kráľovstvo.“ Čo za útecha to je, keď viem, že s takou istotou, s akou sa Ježiš musel narodiť v malom Betleheme, tak isto bude to malé stádečko, práve to, ktorému Otec dá Kráľovstvo, pretože tak je napísané. A všetky Písma sú dané skrze inšpiráciu a Písma nemožno zmeniť. Musia sa naplniť. Tak nám to dáva nádej, keď vieme, že to bude malé stádečko, ktoré prijme Kráľovstvo, malé, verné stádečko veriacich. Spolieham na to, že som jedným z toho stádečka, alebo, že som v tom malom stádečku, som chcel povedať.

42A potom poznáme ten príbeh, väčšina z nás je s tým príbehom oboznámená, ako Izrael prišiel do Palestíny, skrze Božie zasľúbenie. A vieme, že ten veľký Jozua bol tým, ktorý rozdelil každému pokoleniu svoju porciu.

43A istotne, ak by sme mali čas od teraz asi do šiestej večera, tak by sme zostali celý čas rovno pri tejto téme, aby sme tieto veci vysvetlili a dostali z nich ten skutočný význam, pričom nemáme toľko času, máme len tridsať, štyridsať minút. Tak sa musíme dotknúť len toho vrcholu a spoliehame, že Svätý Duch umiestni ten zbytok z toho vám, biblickým čitateľom, do vášho srdca, ako pôjdeme ďalej.

44Či ste vedeli, že tie porcie, ako ich Jozua rozdelil v Palestíne, boli dané skrze inšpiráciu? A tie hebrejské matky patriarchov, keď sa to dieťa práve rodilo a ona bola v pôrodných bolestiach, aby porodila dieťa, ona vyslovila práve meno toho miesto, kde sa tí patriarchovia mali usadiť v tých posledných dňoch.

45Keď hovoríme o inšpirácii, táto Biblia je inšpirovaná! Nezáleží na tom, aká je malá, každé jedno miesto Písma má takú ohromnú pozíciu v Písme v tom veľkom obraze. Všetko z toho, každé slovo je inšpirované a visí na tom konečné určenie duší, pretože to je Slovo nesmrteľného a večného Boha.

46A dokonca tie matky, keď sa to dieťa narodilo a oni vyslovili svojím hlasom tie mená, umiestnili ich do pozície, kde mali byť v tej zasľúbenej zemi o stovky rokov neskôr. A Jozua, nevediac to, pritom skrze tú istú inšpiráciu, ich presne umiestnil tam, kde mali byť.

47A Jozua, ako to rozdeľoval, rozdelil Júdovu porciu. Ak si to všimnete na mape, geograficky je to rovno na západ od mora, pár míľ južne od Jeruzalema, hlavného mesta. A keď Júda dostával v tej zemi svoju časť, svoju provinciu, ako by sme to nazvali, je to zvláštne, ale toto malé mesto Betlehem nebolo dokonca ani spomenuté. Pritom tam bolo, pretože Abrahám... Alebo, myslím, že to bola Rebeka, ktorá bola na tom mieste pochovaná, ale to musela byť len nejaká malá dedinka, pretože, ak čítate 5. kapitolu knihy Jozuu, zistíte, že pod panstvom Júdu bolo sto pätnásť hlavných miest, okrem dedín a malých mestečiek, je tam spomenutých sto pätnásť veľkomiest. A zrejme, keď to bolo rozdeľované, bol Betlehem taký maličký, možno to bol len nejaký malý dom, alebo dva, že to v tom dedičstve ani nebolo spomenuté. Potom zisťujeme, že to vlastne nikdy nebolo ani známe.

48Ten, ktorý ho založil, to bol Kálefov syn, syn Kálefa, ktorý sa volal Salma, a on ho založil. Biblia hovorí, že bol otcom toho mesta, čo znamená, že bol zakladateľom Betlehema.

Inými slovami, on sa tam musel presťahovať a začať nejaký druh obchodu a predávanie a obchodovanie, a tak ďalej, čo tomu dalo vzrast. Neskôr zisťujeme, že ten skutočný dôvod toho, stalo sa, že celá zem žiarlila na ten maličký kúsok zeme, ktorý leží smerom na sever a na východ a trochu sa na tom výbežku zvažuje na juh. To bola najúrodnejšia časť z celej Palestíny. Bolo to hlavným miestom kukurice a hlavným miestom pšenice a v tej časti Betlehema boli veľké olivové sady, a tak ďalej, alebo v tej časti Palestíny, na konci provincii Júdu.

49A zisťujeme, že sa to tiež stalo domovom smilnice Rachab, keď Izrael prekročil hranicu rieky Jordán, do Palestíny. Sme oboznámení s príbehom smilnice Rachab. Vyobrazme si ju dnes ráno na pár minút, túto mladú dámu, krásnu mladú ženu, ktorú nejaké nešťastie v živote donútilo (tým, že bola pohankou), bola v živote donútená žiť, ako žila. A mnohokrát sú ľudia donútení do určitého života, ktorý žijú.

50Bol som raz večer vo väznici, aby som navštívil muža, ktorý mal byť popravený. Vzal som ho za ruku, hovoril som s ním a povedal som, „Prečo si urobil takú vec?“ A ako ma držal za ruku, začal hovoriť. On bol donútený do toho, čo robil. Povedal som, „Pretože ty si to dovolil, aby ťa to do toho donútilo, nemusíš to robiť, ani ty, ani žiaden človek nemusí piť.“ Povedal som, „Ja som sám nervózny, ale tamto nepotrebujem.“

51A táto mladá žena, po tom, ako prvýkrát počula o Izraeli a o Bohu, ktorý bol Bohom, ktorý odpovedá na modlitby, nielen Boh, ku ktorému sa modlí, ale Boh, ktorý odpovedá späť; keď počula, že existuje Boh zázrakov, ktorý dokáže vykonať zázraky, Boh, ktorý vysušil moria a dal pršať chlieb z neba, jej srdce sa začalo chvieť. A keď počula od tých dvoch kazateľov, ktorí tam išli, prvé posolstvo, ona to rýchlo prijala so všetkým, čo bolo v jej srdci. A na jej okno bol uviazaný šarlátový [jasnočervený – pozn.prekl.] povraz pre ochranu jej domu, pretože ona to posolstvo prijala.

52A možno by som to tu dodal: či ste vedeli, že ona bola typom na pohanskú cirkev? Ona bola pohanka a ona bola typom cirkvi z pohanov, ako oni budú počuť posolstvo. A my sme boli všetci v duchovnej prostitúcii, páchajúc duchovné smilstvá proti Bohu neba, vo všetkých možných veciach, všetkých možných druhoch denominácií a náboženstiev, ale keď sme počuli, že existuje Boh, ktorý stále žije, ktorý dokáže vykonať zázraky, rýchlo sme to posolstvo prijali.

53A tam bola nanesená krv Pána Ježiša, ktorá vytvorila ten šarlátový povraz. Aby som nevchádzal do prílišných detailov, viete, ako to ona zo svojho okna zavesila: verejne, tá krv bola vystavená verejne. To je to, ako musí byť tá krv vystavená, verejne, visiac z vonkajšej strany múru, aby to ukázalo, že tam vo vnútri sa niečo stalo. To je to, ako je to s pravým veriacim v Kristovi dnes ráno. Navonok má vystavenú krv Pána Ježiša, ktorá ukazuje, že vo vnútri sa niečo odohralo.

54A skrze toto sa Boh pozrel dolu, keď zostúpil ten hnev a trúby začali trúbiť, Boh videl ten šarlátový povraz, ako tam visí ako pamätník. A Jemu sa to vždy páči, preskočiť krv. „Keď uvidím tú krv, preskočím vás.“ On to videl, a keď zemou prešlo zatrasenie a Duch Svätý zatriasol tými múrmi, niektoré z nich mali hrúbku dvadsať stôp [asi 6m – pozn.prekl.], ale ani jedna skala nespadla tam, kde visel ten povraz. To poukazuje na ochranu pravého veriaceho pravdivým Bohom, bez ohľadu na to, v akom si stave, keď ťa On nachádza, ide len o to, či prijímaš ten šarlátový povraz. On sa tiahne celou Bibliou.

55A potom ju vidíme, že bola vzatá, aby bola jednou z Izraelitov. Zaľúbila sa do muža, ktorý bol v Júdovi kapitánom a kniežaťom. Bol to kapitán Izraelských armád, volal sa Salmon, práve tak, ako ten kráľ Šalamún. On bol kráľom, a ona sa dostala s týmto kapitánom, ktorý bol kniežaťom v Júdovi, do veľkého ľúbostného vzťahu. Nakoniec sa za neho vydala. A keď sa Izraeliti usadili, ona a jej milovaný manžel žili v Betleheme.

56Teraz to začínate vidieť, ako sa vám to otvára, že? Rozumiete? Začína sa nám to otvárať, ako vidíme, že ona žila v Betleheme, súc pohanskou nevestou so Židom. Prečo? Pretože ona uverila v Boha, ktorý koná zázraky. A aby sme sa pozreli, odkiaľ pochádzala, bolo to z domu zlej povesti, prostitúcie, skrze jej obrátenie a skrze jej nezlyhávajúcu vieru v Boha, to ju vyviedlo z domu prostitúcie, do nádherného domu v Betleheme. Čo za rozdiel.

57To je to, čo to robí pre všetkých nás. Z domu nevery a znechutení, nemorálnych skutkov a všetkého, do takého miesta, do pozície v Kristovi, ktorá je tým najnádhernejším miestom. Z nezmyselnosti do vznešenosti, to je ten rozdiel, ktorý robí pre nás naše obrátenie. A či ste uvideli, že ona sa vydala za knieža domu Júdovho, za kapitána? Ten kapitán reprezentoval Krista, ktorý si vzal nevestu z pohanov, tých najnižších z najnižších, až do hlavného a najlepšieho miesta v zemi, ako sa ku tomu dostaneme neskôr v našom posolstve a dokážeme, že to nemohlo byť nič iné, ako to. Oni sú typom pohanskej cirkvi.

58A zisťujeme, že oni mali v Betleheme milý domov, ako to Salmon založil, a to sa malo stať veľkým miestom a úrodnou zemou, a ako je nádherné pomyslieť na tú veľkú krajinu pšenice tam, že to bude miesto chleba pre svet, a je to pravda, niet divu, že Ježiš sa musel narodiť tam, pretože On bol Chlebom Života! To je to, kde všetky národy prichádzali pre svoje zrno. Pretože to bol Betlehem, ktorý mal tie úrodné polia. A vidíte, tá maličká vec, len sa hovorilo, „Ó, to bola provincia pšenice.“ Pritom to niečo znamenalo a vidíte, ako to pohanské knieža, vlastne toto židovské knieža si berie svoju pohanskú nevestu späť do Betlehema, do miesta, kde sa majú usadiť, na miesto, kde majú žiť, miesto, kde bolo mnoho chleba.

59Zisťujeme, že skrze tento vážny ľúbostný vzťah a veľkú poslušnosť viery, skrze smilnicu Rachab, ona porodila Salmonovi syna, a jeho meno bolo Boáz. A všetci sme oboznámení s ďalším príbehom, ktorý je tu teraz s týmto zviazaný. A Boáz sa narodil v Betleheme od Salmona a smilnice Rachab.

60A my sme... Zisťujeme, že o roky neskôr potom, ako Naoma opustila krajinu a odišla bývať s Moábitmi, a kde s ňou veľmi zle zaobchádzali, a ona sa dostala pomimo obecenstva tých ostatných veriacich a dala sa do spoločnosti v odpadnutom stave v inej zemi medzi inými ľuďmi. Inými slovami, ona opustila tú pravú veriacu cirkev, aby odišla na nejakú chvíľu do sveta, aby sa pripojila do nejakej sociálnej cirkvi, ktorá verila, že takmer čokoľvek bude úplne v poriadku. A tam stratila svojho manžela.

61A to nemusí byť zakaždým fyzická smrť, môžeš ho stratiť v duchovnej smrti, alebo stratiť svoju manželku, radšej zostaň v tej dobrej zemi. Radšej by si mal zostať tam, kde vieš, že si prikrytý skrze Krv, bez ohľadu na to, ako vyzerajú tí ostatní, akí sú veľkí, aké majú vo svojich cirkvách pekné točité schody, alebo ako veľmi zvonia tie zvony. Radšej by si mal zostať tam, kde Krv prikrýva hriech ľudí. Môžete stratiť jeden druhého, a ponad všetko, môžeš stratiť Pána Ježiša a byť vymknutý.

62A zisťujeme potom, že potom, ako boli jej synovia preč, ona ich stratila oboch, ona sa vrátila späť, pretože v tom meste v tom čase nebol žiaden duch prebudenia.

63Ó, ako rád by som sa tu na chvíľu pozastavil, ako rád by som to tu teraz vzal a ukázal vám, že bez ohľadu na to, koľko cirkví sa vrátilo späť, zostaňte pod Krvou, to je miesto na prebývanie. Dnu či von, hore alebo dolu, hrubé alebo tenké, kdekoľvek to môže byť, zostaň pod Krvou. Ale Naoma si myslela, že by to bolo lepšie ísť tam a pripojiť sa ku inej skupine, pretože oni tu mali problémy, nebol tam ten duchovný chlieb, ale Boh to prinavráti späť, „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ Zostaň na tom poli, z ktorého to prichádza.

64Tak, nachádzame, že ona začala túžiť, aby sa vrátila späť, pretože oni počuli, že sa prelomilo to veľké prebudenie, a ak ste si všimli, Naoma sa vracala v „sezóne jačmeňa,“ hovorí Biblia, práve v čase žatvy, inými slovami, práve, keď prebiehalo veľké prebudenie, keď to aplikujeme duchovne. Ona sa vracala práve v tom období, nič tam nezostalo, ona nemala nič.

65A Orfa, manželka jedného z jej synov, keď sa prišla pozrieť na to, čo by musela obetovať, ona, súc typom tej modernej cirkvi, „Ak by som tam musela ísť, musela by som opustiť tance, musela by som opustiť svoje zábavy a svoje sociálne stretnutia.“ Ona si potom poplakala, pobozkala svoju svokru a vrátila sa späť.

66Ale tu je jeden nádherný obraz. Bola tam jedna, ktorá sa volala Rút, ona bola s ňou, jej ďalšia nevesta, ktorá bola znovu typom pohanskej nevesty, ktorá pobozkala svoju svokru a povedala, „Ja opustím všetko, pôjdem s tebou, nech tvoj ľud je mojím ľudom, nech je tvoj Boh mojím Bohom, kdekoľvek zomrieš, tam ja zomriem, kde budeš pochovaná, tam ja budem pochovaná.“ To je to. To je to, čo Boh chce. To nie sú tí hraniční, poloviční, ale to absolútne, úplne odovzdanie sa Kráľovstvu Božiemu. Ona ju pobozkala.

67A tak Naoma povedala, aby ju znechutila, povedala, „Radšej by si sa mala vrátiť k svojmu ľudu, ja som už stará, a nemám už viacej synov.“ A ten zákon bol taký, že ona mala čakať na syna, a povedala, „Nie sú vo mne už žiadni synovia, a ak by som sa aj vydala a mala syna, bola by si už príliš stará, aby si sa zaňho vydala, tak ty sa len vráť ku svojmu ľudu.“

68Ale Rút povedala, „Nevrátim sa!“ Viera zakorenená, uzemnená, dokonalá viera prišla do Rutinho srdca. Ona povedala, „Idem rovno s tebou.“ A držala sa jej, bola s ňou, „Budem tam, kde budeš ty.“ To sa mi páči.

69A sme s tým príbehom oboznámení, ako ďalej pokračuje, že tento veľký Boáz, ktorý bol pánom žatvy, nachádzal sa tam v čase žatvy a bol príbuzný Naomy. A keď ona našla Rút tam v tej malej misii, ako paberkuje, každý malý klas, ktorý mohla zdvihnúť, ktorý mal na sebe nejakú pšenicu, ona sa ho držala, pretože to bol život. A Boáz, tým, že bol pánom žatvy, tým žencom rozkázal, aby pre ňu tu i tam púšťali za hrsť, aby si to mohla zodvihnúť a mať radosť. A ona v ten deň nazbierala plnú zásteru. A keď prišiel Boáz, pán žatvy, a pozrel sa na Rút a videl jej vernosť, zaľúbil sa do nej.

70Sledujte, ako Boáz predstavuje Krista. Kde sa nachádzal? V Betleheme. Kam prišla Rút? Do Betlehema. Kde paberkovala? V Betleheme. Vidíte v tejto veci tu všetky tie duchovné význačné body? To pozadie tejto veľkej scény, ktorá sa odohrávala, ako to Boh vedel už od počiatku?

71A ona sa začala svojej svokry pýtať, čo má robiť. A nakoniec sa Rút vydala za Boáza, znovu pohanka, ktorá sa vydala za knieža v Júdovi, a usadili sa a žili v Betleheme.

„Ó, ty, malý Betlehem, či nie si najmenší zo všetkých miest Palestíny?“ Ale ľúbilo sa Bohu, ktorý to vedel už od dávnych dní, už od počiatku, a ustanovil, aby sa tam narodil Jeho Syn.

72On pozná všetky veci a On spôsobuje, že to vyjde správne. A tam sa Rút vydala za Boáza. A keď sa Rút a Boáz vzali, ak by sme tu mali čas ísť do tohto veľkolepého príbehu, ktorý bol jedným z najväčších príbehov lásky všetkých vekov, kedy sa Rút a Boáz vzali. A pamätajte... Zastavme sa tu teraz na chvíľu, je to príliš dobré, aby sme to preskočili.

73Rút bola pohanka. Nemala žiadneho dedičstva so Židmi, práve tak, ako my pohania, nemáme žiadne dedičstvo. Tak v skutočnosti to bola Naoma, ktorá mala niečo zdediť. A tak ona stratila všetky svoje prvé majetky, všetky jej veci boli predané na verejnej aukcii, pretože ona bola... Bola exkomunikovaná a odišla preč.

74Keď sa teraz vrátila, bola tam len jediná osoba, ktorá kedy mohla vykúpiť jej stratené dedičstvo, a to bol jej najbližší pokrvný príbuzný. A Boáz toto vedel, tak on musel niečo vykonať, aby dostal toto pohanské dievča za ženu. A čo musel urobiť? Musel kúpiť všetok majetok Naomy, aby sa mohol k tomuto majetku dostať, pričom Rút bola časťou majetku Naomy. A jediný človek, ktorý toto mohol kúpiť, bola osoba z jej príbuzných, ten najbližší príbuzný. To bol zákon vykúpenia.

75A jediný spôsob, ako mohol kedy Kristus kúpiť ten majetok odpadnutého Izraela, bolo stať sa príbuzným. Jediný spôsob, ako kedy mohol Boh vykúpiť ľudskú rasu, Boh Sám sa musel stať telom. A Ježiš bol Bohom učineným príbuzným s ľudskou rasou. On bol Emanuel. Stal sa pokrvným príbuzným, On vzal na Seba nie formu anjelov, ale formu sluhu, ktorý umýval nohy a žil. Líšky mali svoje diery a vtáci povetria mali svoje hniezda, ale On nemal miesto, kde by hlavu sklonil. On jedol, pil, plakal, smial sa, tak isto, ako iní ľudia. A On bol Bohom, nie prorokom, On bol Bohom, pretože On musel byť príbuzným, aby vykúpil tú stratenú ľudskú rasu. A tak Boáz v tomto veľkom type Betlehema, pozrite, kde sa narodil tento príbuzný ľudskej rasy, kde sa musel narodiť.

76A potom, keď ju tento veľký Boáz vykúpil, musel urobiť verejné vyznanie, že vykúpil všetko jej stratené vlastníctvo. Tak išiel ku bráne Betlehema, znovu do toho malého mesta a zavolal starších mesta a dal im na známosť, že v ten deň kúpil všetko, čo mala Naoma, všetko, čo stratila. Všetko, čo stratila, on to kúpil späť. A vyzul si topánku a hodil ju pred ľuďmi na znamenie, že „Ak je tu teraz niekto, kto má nejaký dôvod niečo povedať, povedzte to teraz, pretože toto je pamätník, že som vykúpil všetko, čo ona stratila.“

77Ó, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo. A keď prišiel náš pokrvný príbuzný, Ježiš z Nazaretu, narodený v Betleheme, postavil sa na vrchu Golgoty a bol vyzdvihnutý medzi nebo a zem, ako pamätník, že vykúpil všetko, čo ľudská rasa v úpadku stratila. Ako môže človek pohrdnúť Božským uzdravením a mocami vzkriesenia Pána Ježiša, keď ten verejný znak bol učinený na Golgote, že „Vykúpil som ľudskú rasu a všetko, čo kedy stratila.“ Vykúpil našu dušu, vykúpil naše telo, vykúpil všetko, čo sme v úpadku stratili. Náš Príbuzný Vykupiteľ prišiel a bol učinený telom a prebýval medzi nami a ponúkol nám znamenie a povedal, „Je dokonané.“ Čo je dokonané? Všetko je dokonané. My len vchádzame rovno do svojho dedičstva. Ako idú dni ďalej, kráčame bližšie a bližšie.

78Boáz a Naoma, potom, ako boli už nejaký čas zobratí, narodil sa im syn, ktorý pridal ešte viac do tej línie, a bol to Obéd. A on tiež priviedol na svet svojho syna, ktorý sa volal Jesse. A Jesse mal osem chlapcov.

79A bol to veľký prorok Samuel, ktorý prišiel s nádobkou oleja, ten veľký prorok, ktorý prišiel ku Jessemu a povedal, „Boh vybral jedného z tvojich chlapcov, aby panoval a slúžil Môjmu ľudu. A bolo to tam vzadu na poli, na takom malom pastierskom dvore, kde bol privedený ten malý, hrdzavý, šťúply chlapec, Dávid, ten najmladší, a Samuel naňho vylial olej pomazania v prítomnosti všetkých jeho bratov a tých, ktorí stáli naokolo, a dokázal, že Boh ho pomazal za kráľa. Kde to bolo? V Betleheme. Sláva Bohu na výsostiach. Niet divu, že to bol Betlehem, kde bol pomazaný za kráľa.

80A bol to Betlehem, kde sa Dávid narodil, a jeho väčší starší Syn Ježiš, mal byť tiež narodený v Betleheme, pretože tam je také blízke spojenie medzi tými dvomi, Jeho Otcom a Synom. Nie len to, že bol týmto veľkým Synom, len Synom, On bol koreňom a ratolesťou Dávidovou, On bol dokonca pred Dávidom a bude po Dávidovi, pretože On je večne trvajúci, až do Večnosti. Ale podľa tela On bol (a všetky veci sa musia naplniť) Synom Dávidovým. On sa mal narodiť roky neskôr v tomto istom Betleheme, v tomto malom opustenom meste.

81Ale po celý čas (všimnite si), je tam veľké mocné tajomstvo, ktoré sa odohráva, a ktoré, zdá sa, že nikto nerozumie. Tá istá vec je dnes v Božom Betleheme, odohráva sa tajomné znamenie, ale zdá sa, že nikto tomu nerozumie. Je to niečo, čo ide ponad hlavy ľudí. Zdá sa, že to nerozumejú. Nezáleží na tom, čo je učinené, alebo čo je povedané, a je tam tá tajomná časť vecí, ktorá je učinená, a ľudia len povedia, „Ó, dobre, hádam je to v poriadku,“ a idú ďalej, ale oni tomu nerozumejú. Nedokážu to uchytiť. Nedokážu sa toho chopiť, a to je to, čo robil Boh v Betleheme Júdovom. On pracuje a všetky tieto malé veci idú hore, vpred, aby prišli k jednej veľkej Hlave.

82Dávid, ó, keď on bol pomazaným kráľom ako malý chlapec, bol na pohľad hrdzavý, ale v ňom muselo byť niečo, čo pre Boha vyzeralo skutočne. On bol malý, najmenší z celej rodiny, a tí ostatní chlapci, veľkí riadni muži, by vyzerali dobre v tých róbach a s korunou na hlave, ale Boh ukázal, na čo sa On díva. Nie na ten vonkajší prejav, zovňajšok, ale do vnútra človeka. On sa pozrel do jeho srdca a vedel, čo bolo v Dávidovom srdci, bez ohľadu na to, ako by na ňom vyzerala koruna. Vedel, že v ňom nachádza muža, ktorý bol mužom podľa Jeho vlastného srdca, a Dávid bol mužom podľa Jeho vlastného srdca. A to je to, prečo naňho vylial ten olej pomazania, alebo ho dal vyliať na Dávida. Pričom meno Dávid znamená, „Milovaný.“

83A bolo to krásne reprezentované v Ježišovi, v tom Milovanom, o roky neskôr v Synovi Dávidovom, ktorý mal prísť, aby vyplnil všetky tieto veci, ktoré boli zasľúbené. Toto malé mesto Betlehem bolo miestom, kde sa toto odohralo. A bolo to na tých istých Júdejských kopcoch, kde Dávid pásol pred mnohými rokmi svoje ovce, kde tí anjeli zaspievali svoju prvú koledu na kopcoch Júdey, ktoré hľadeli na Betlehem. Tá prvá koleda, „Narodil sa vám kráľ v meste Dávidovom, Kristus Pán.“ Keď sa po prvýkrát anjeli zjavili so spevom, to nebolo v Jeruzaleme, v tej veľkej cirkvi, ani to nebolo v Gilgale, ani to nebolo v Šíle, kde v tom čase mali všetky náboženské denominačné služby uctievania, ale bolo to v malom Betleheme, kde sa Duch Boží pohyboval tajomným spôsobom a niečo prinášal. Bolo to tam.

84Bolo to tam, kde mal Kristus prísť, bolo to tam. Bolo to rovno v tom istom malom meste, kde sa narodil Kráľ, kde priniesla tá matka panna svojho prvorodeného Syna. Bol pod prístreškom a bol ukrytý v takej maličkej pevnosti, Kráľ Kráľov a Pán Pánov. Tam nielen, že by Samuel na Neho vylial olej pomazania, ale Boh to na Neho vylial a na celý svet, Krista Pána. Anjeli oznamovali Jeho príchod a spievali pastierom na kopcoch, tým, ktorí nasledovali pred rokmi kráľa Dávida. Vidíte, to tajomstvo Božie, aké je ono veľké?

85On sa narodil na tomto veľkom území pšenice, pričom jedno zrnko pšenice pochádza zo základných princípov života. A On bol Chlebom Života. „Ja som Chlieb Života, ten, kto je Moje telo, a pije Moju krv, má večný život, a nikdy nezomrie, alebo nepríde nikdy do odsúdenia, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“

86Betlehem, to meno Beth-el. B-e-t-h, to slovo v hebrejčine znamená „dom.“ E-l znamená Elohim, je to skratka od Elohim, čo znamená, „Boh.“ B-e-t-h, beth, E-l, E-l je Elohim, čo znamená Boh, Dom Boží, kde je položený chlieb života. E-l-h-e-m, končí to s tým, a dáva vám to rovno to „l“ s tým „e“, čo znamená, „bochník chleba,“ v Hebrejčine, El-hem, E-l je Boh, Elohim. B-e-t-h je chlieb, alebo B-e-t-h je vlastne „dom.“ E-l, to je skratka Elohim, potom E-l, he-m, je „chlieb.“ Čím On bol? Domom Božieho chleba. „Dom Božieho Chleba.“ Dom, beth, Elohim, Boh, el hem, chlieb, „Dom Božieho Chleba,“ to je to, čo znamená „Betlehem“.

87Kde sa len On mohol narodiť, ak nie v Betleheme. Ale bolo to pred všetkými skryté skrze proroka, ktorý povedal, „On príde z Betlehema.“ Oni sa dívali na Jeruzalem, dívali sa na všetky tie veľké Šíla, pozerali sa všade, ale On prišiel z Betlehema, pretože to bol dom Božieho Chleba Života. On je Božím košíkom Chleba pre svet. Tam On bol, narodený v Betleheme. Nemohol sa nikde inde narodiť.

88Mohlo tam byť mnoho veľkých vecí, ako som to tento týždeň študoval, ohľadne rozličných duchovných aspektov toho, prečo sa On musel narodiť v Betleheme. Keď som natrafil na týchto pár miest, Duch Svätý ma uchopil a ja som povedal, „Ó, Bože to je dostatočné, teraz to vidím.“

89On sa nemohol narodiť nikde inde, než v Betleheme. Bolo to miesto chleba toho národa. Bol to chlieb pre celý dom Izraelov, odtiaľ to prišlo. A On bol chlebom života, ktorý zostupuje dolu z neba, tá duchovná Manna, to muselo prísť z Betlehema, v tej línii chleba, na mieste, kde je kladený chlieb. Betlehem, pečenie chleba. Tak Ježiš, tým, že bol Chlebom Života, „Ktorý môže človek jesť,“ On povedal, „A nikdy nezomrie.“

90Ďalšia veľká udalosť, ktorú by som nechcel zabudnúť menovať, bola, keď bol Dávid vo svojom najhoršom čase, keď bol utečencom. Bol už pomazaný, vedel, čím má byť. Mal byť kráľom, Boh tak povedal, a pritom bol nenávidený. Stál medzi dvomi hlbokými ohňami. Tu boli za ním na jednej strane Filištíni, a tu bol Saul na druhej strane. A on bol človekom bez národa.

91Presne tak, ako stojí cirkev dnes. Tá pravá živá cirkev Božia, bez denominácie, alebo niečoho takého. Ona stojí sama, ale pritom, ona má na sebe vyliate pomazanie. Ona vie, kým je.

92Ako sa to vôbec mohlo stať, že diabol bol z oboch strán a útočil na Dávida? On sa utiekol do pevnosti na púšti a do jaskýň a snažil sa ukryť len s takou malou skupinou verných bojovníkov, bolo ich len zopár, ktorí mu verili. Ale tí mužovia verili Bohu, že to bude ten kráľ.

93Tak je to s veriacimi dnes, ktorí sú ukrytí, idú z miesta na miesto, ale pritom, oni vedia, kto sa stane Kráľom. Ja sa nestarám, kto bude prezidentom. My vieme, že On prichádza. A zdá sa to byť ešte omnoho vzdialenejšie, ako kedykoľvek pred tým, keď sa veda snaží vyvrátiť a povedať, „Oni dokážu postaviť človeka, dokážu urobiť toto, a vezmú králika a vezmú peľ a vytvoria ďalšieho králika a tak ďalej.“ Snažia sa vyvrátiť Božie Slovo, ale pritom stále existujú ľudia, ktorí veria Bohu, ktorí stoja tak nepohnuteľne, ako vždy stáli. Nezáleží na tom, čo príde, alebo čo odíde, oni stále veria Bohu. Boh má Pravdu. Oni sa držia Božej nemennej ruky. Uprostred boja, uprostred sĺz, uprostred nemocí a smrti, a všetkého, oni sa stále držia Božej nemennej ruky. Oni vedia, že On je Tým prichádzajúcim Kráľom.

94Ľudia sa z nich dnes smejú a robia si žarty a nazývajú ich „Náboženskí fanatici.“ Nazývajú ich všetkým možným, čím len chcú, ale oni sú bojovníkmi Božími, ktorí stoja verne na mieste svojich povinností. Môžu ich nazvať „uzdravovacia skupina.“ Môžete ich nazvať „banda fanatikov,“ alebo ako len chcete, oni sa držia toho Kráľa. Oni vedia, že On prichádza v moci. Hoci ľudia berú Jeho Meno nadarmo, posmievajú sa, robia si žarty, nazývajú tých ľudí, ktorí Mu veria, „vyvrheľmi, banda spodiny.“ To ich ani trochu nerozrušuje, oni stoja verne na mieste svojej povinnosti.

95Bojovníci, ktorí boli s Dávidom, zostávali rovno po jeho boku. Keď prišiel Filištín, on musel bojovať, ktokoľvek to bol. Oni boli napádaní z každej strany. Úbohý Dávid, vo svojej mysli bol celý zmätený, pomyslel si, „Ako to môže byť, Pane?“

96Viete, vodcovia niekedy prechádzajú vecami, o ktorých zhromaždenie nevie, cez čo oni prechádzajú. Keď pomyslíte na zasľúbenia Božie, ktoré On dal, prečo sa to potom nedeje? Oni to svojmu zhromaždeniu nehovoria, nehovoria to ľuďom, s ktorými sa stýkajú, ale v srdci skutočného vodcu je mnoho frustrácií.

97Dávid tam sedel, jeho hrdlo horelo a bolo to uprostred leta. Filištíni využili výhodu toho, že nastalo rozdelenie medzi Dávidom a Saulom. A Saul všade hľadal Dávida a Filištíni tiež, a potom Filištíni hľadali Izraelitov. Hovorte o čase zmätenia, to je presne, ako je to teraz. Dávid sa stal utečencom na tomto malom mieste, pod týmto malým prístreškom, kdekoľvek sa len mohol dostať, tie malé pevnosti, v ktorých sa dokázal držať, potom bol hore na vrchu, uprostred toho horúceho leta, kedy bola tá páľava neznesiteľná, a jeho pálilo hrdlo a v jeho srdci boli frustrácie, strachy a divil sa, „Ó, Bože, ako to len môže byť, Ty si na mňa vylial ten olej, nie preto, že ja som sa vybral, ale Ty si ma vybral, prečo si ma zavolal od pasenia oviec, a povedal si mi, že mi toto dáš, aby som slúžil Tvojmu ľudu, a teraz ma tu máš medzi ohňami, kdekoľvek som.“ To je to, čo prechádzalo jeho srdcom.

98Posadil sa na vrchu a pozrel sa dolu a tam prichádzali Filištíni a obkľúčili Betlehem, jeho malý dom. Potom bolo toto mesto pod nadvládou nepriateľa. Nielen to, ale jeho vlastný dom, dom jeho otca, Jesseho, bol v otroctve Filištínov. Tu bol jeho národ, jeho vlastná cirkev, proti nemu. Tu bol nepriateľ, ktorý bojoval, a tu sú ľudia cirkvi, s ktorými bojoval, nie preto, že chcel, ale preto, že bol donútený to robiť.

99Mnohokrát sme donútení robiť veci, alebo povedať veci, ktoré nechceme povedať, ten skutočný duchovný vodca, ale on je donútený to urobiť. On musí zaujať svoj postoj a ukázať svoje farby, „Vyberiem si tú cestu, s tou hŕstkou Pánových, pohŕdnutých,“ povedal pisateľ tej piesne.

100Tak, tu on bol v tom horúcom dni, nepochybne chodil hore a dolu a díval sa naprieč tým dlhým údolím, ktoré bolo dlhé asi dvadsaťpäť míľ, tam bol dom jeho vlastného otca v otroctve pod Filištínmi. Tam bol Saul, rovno na druhej strane, a tu prichádza tento, a on stojí rovno medzi nimi, aby zaujal určité miesto. Vidíme ten veľký čas, kedy sa Izrael celý rozštiepil, cirkev sa rozštiepila na rozličné denominácie, môžeme povedať. A tu stál Dávid, nevediac, čo robiť, pritom vedel, že na ňom spočíva to pomazanie. Vedel, že to pomazanie je tam. Oni ho poznali, oni vedeli, že Dávid bude kráľom, Haleluja!

101My vieme, kto bude Kráľom. Nezáleží na tom, kto bude prezidentom, ja viem, kto bude Kráľom. On bude Kráľom. A viem, že je potrebné niečo, aby ste obstáli, ale nech mi Boh pomôže, aby som zavrel svoje oči na denominácie a všetko možné, a díval sa tam tým duchovným zrakom, že On sa stane Kráľom. Ja Mu budem slúžiť. Ak je to smrť, nech zomriem, ak je to moja rodina, ak sú to moji milovaní, ak je to moja denominácia, čokoľvek to je, nech Mu len slúžim. Zostanem pri Ňom. To sú bojovníci Boha, tak, ako to bolo pri Dávidovi. Tí, ktorí mali svoje ruky na svojich mečoch a kráčali spolu s ním. To je to, ako kráčajú Boží bojovníci, sú pripravení.

102Nepriateľ hovorí, „Musíš si dať malý prípitok, buď sociálny.“

„Nebudem sa dotýkať nečistej veci.“ Amen, tam je nepriateľ, a tu je Jeho bojovník.

„Ó, prečo len neodvoláš tie fanatické veci, ktorým veríš?“

„Budem veriť Bohu, zostanem verný.“ Tu to máte, to sú tí bojovníci.

„Ó, čo máš na mysli? Neexistuje niečo také, ako Božské uzdravenie.“

„To je to, čo si myslíš ty. Ja poznám niečo viac.“ Rozumiete?

„Neexistuje niečo také, ako krst Duchom Svätým, tie dni pominuli.“

„To je to, čo si myslíš ty, ja som to už prijal, tak ty mi o tom prichádzaš povedať dosť neskoro.“

108Oni vedeli, že to pomazanie bolo na tomto malom rumennom chlapcovi, a oni vedeli, že on bude kráľom.

109Ale Dávid bol vo svojej vlastnej mysli frustrovaný. Viem si predstaviť, keď len na chvíľku pozorujete, ako sa tam vracia a sadá si, a díva sa dolu a rozmýšľa, „Moje vlastné milované mesto Betlehem, pozrite na neho tam, tam, kde sa stali tie veľké veci Božie, kde sa narodil otec môjho pra-pra-otca, kde moja pra-pra-pra-pra-pramatka vypovedala to meno pokolenia v čase narodenia Júdu, z ktorého pokolenia pochádzam. Ale tam ležalo niečo nadprirodzené. Ona vypovedala to miesto a Jozua to umiestnil rovno tam v nej. A odtiaľ prichádzajú všetky tie veci tu, musí to tak byť.

„Bol som pastierom a Ty si na moju hlavu vylial olej, povedal si, že budem kráľom, verím Ti, amen.“

110Potom sa vracia, díva sa tam dolu a rozmýšľa, „No tam dolu, v mojom malom meste, kde som sa narodil, je tam malá skupina, s ktorou som bol, to boli tie staré dobré dni.“

111Bolo by bývalo lepšie, ak by sa Metodisti dívali späť na svoje staré dobré dni, keď ich bolo málo, a boli v tých malých, školských domčekoch tu v Amerike a padali pod mocou Božou a liali na ich tvár vodu. Bolo by bývalo lepšie, keď by ste sa vy, Baptisti, dívali späť, odkiaľ ste vyšli, a tiež vy, ostatní, vy Letniční, pozrite sa späť, odkiaľ pochádzate, to je pravda.

112V tej hodine boja Dávid začal rozmýšľať, „Ó, pamätám si na tie noci, keď som si líhaval tam na úbočie kopca, pamätám si, keď som pozoroval hviezdy, ako sa tam pohybovali, a ako Boh hovoril do môjho malého chlapčenského srdca. Pamätám si, keď som sa jedného dňa tak dostal do Ducha, keď som sa díval na oblaky a na tienisté zelené pastviny, až som tam vykríkol v Duchu a spieval:

Pán je mojím pastierom,

nebudem mať nedostatku,

áno, hoci by som prechádzal dolinou tieňa smrti,

nebudem sa báť zlého,

lebo Ty si so mnou...

113Ó, on sa tu nachádzal rovno v čeľustiach smrti, číhalo to z oboch strán, „Áno, hoci by som kráčal cez údolie tieňa smrti.“ Tie staré dobré dni, keď bol Duch so mnou, keď bol Boh so mnou, spieval som Jeho chvály, radoval som sa v Ňom.

114Pamätám si, že raz prišiel jedného rána lev a vzal jednu z mojich oviec, a prišiel na mňa Duch Boží a ja som išiel a vytrhol som mu ju a rozsekal som ho na kusy. Pamätám si to vyslobodenie. Ó, pamätám si ten večer, tesne predtým, ako zapadlo slnko, prišiel medveď a jednu vzal a ja som ho zabil. Aké veľké vyslobodenie.“

115„Pamätám si, keď som spieval Jeho chvály, v mojich detských dňoch, keď som pásol ovce. Ó, Bože, vezmi ma späť do toho miesta. Vezmi ma späť ku mojej prvej láske. Vezmi ma späť a vráť mi tú pastiersku palicu, daj mi späť moje stádo oviec, nechaj ma prechádzať sa tam, aby som Ťa tam uctieval.“

116My o tom tiež niekedy tak rozmýšľame, ale my sme v hodine boja. Niečo musí byť učinené. Raz sme boli chlapcami, teraz sme dorastenými mužmi. Boj prebieha. Pamätám si, keď na podlahe lietali piliny a ľudia kričali a vykrikovali, a kdekoľvek ste išli, všade boli ľudia, ale dnes to už tak nie je. Prebieha boj. Ó, to už viac nie je „William Branham, ten mladý chlapec, kazateľ.“ Vy musíte niečo vyprodukovať. Tak veru. Musí byť niečo odlišné. Čas beží. Prebieha boj, je vrchol horúčavy boja. Moc k vyslobodeniu ľudí, všetkých, ktorí sú nájdení zapísaní v tej Knihe. Teraz prišiel ten čas.

117Dávid a všetky jeho znechutenia. Chodil hore, dolu, a rozmýšľal, „Ó, tento horúci deň, ó, je tak horúco, ó, Saul môže prísť z tejto strany, Filištíni z tamtej strany, všade dookola sú armády a my tu sedíme v ústí jaskyne a pritom je na mne kráľovské pomazanie. Ako je to, ó, Bože, ako to môže byť? Ó, prajem si, aby som sa mohol napiť.“ Potom ide jeho myseľ späť, tam ku bránam Betlehema, kde bola studňa. Nikde nebola taká voda, ako táto voda.

118Viete, Palestína má zlú vodu, majú zlé vody a dokonca tam mávajú horúčku čiernej vody a také veci, a všetko je to v tom. A v mnohom z toho je alkalická voda, ktorá by vás zabila.

119Ale Betlehem je provinciou zdroja vody. Nikde nebola taká voda, ako v Betleheme. Dávid zvykol premýšľať, „Keď beriem svoje ovce a vychádzam ráno, chodím k tej starej studni a pijem, ó, aká je chladná a sladká, a ako uháša smäd.“

120A teraz jeho hrdlo po tom túži, a on je pomazaný, „Ó, ak by som sa len mohol napiť tej vody.“ A teraz jeho bojovníci... On vo svojom zúfalstve vykríkol, „Ó, ak by mi len niekto mohol priniesť vodu z tej starej studne tam v Betleheme.“ Ó, potom, ako sníval o všetkých dňoch svojho detstva a o tých víťazstvách, a teraz je ho vidieť na mieste, kde sedí medzi ohňami a kričí, „Ó, ak by mi len niekto mohol priniesť vodu z Betlehema.“

121No, jeho bojovníci nedokázali vyložiť jeho myslenie, ale, brat, oni ho milovali so všetkým, čo bolo v nich. Tá najmenšia z jeho túžob bola pre nich rozkazom. Traja z jeho mocných bojovníkov vytasili svoje meče, vybehli z tábora a presekali si cestu dvadsaťpäť míľ. Dávid sa nepochybne ohľadne nich divil, „Kde sú? Čo urobili? Kam išli? Či vedia, že vystavujú svoj život riziku?“ A oni sú tam rovno v čeľustiach smrti, celou tou dvadsaťpäťmíľovou líniou, a všade číhajú vojaci v úkrytoch, a lesknú sa meče a udierajú štíty, ale ich človek, ich brat, o ktorom veria, že bude kráľom, si zažiadal piť.

122Ó, brat, som zvedavý, či sú tí dnešní bojovníci ochotní presekať sa cez formalizmus, pochybnosti a neveru, aby občerstvili v prítomnosti Pánovej Jeho túžby? „Tá najmenšia z Tvojich túžob, či je to Afrika, India, či je to ísť na ulicu, kdekoľvek to je, tá najmenšia z Tvojich túžob, Pane, je mojím rozkazom. Smrť pre mňa neznamená vôbec nič. Popularita, ó, čím som, čím budem, to neznamená nič, Pane, ide o to, vyplniť Tvoje túžby.“ To sú bojovníci, ktorí stoja po Jeho boku, „Ak ma nazvú 'náboženským fanatikom.' Ak bude moje meno škandalizované, ak ma vykopnú na ulicu, na tom nezáleží, Tvoja túžba je mojím rozkazom.“ To je skutočný vojak.

123Čo oni urobili? Prebojovali si cestu cez všetko, kým sa nedostali ku tej studni. Ponorili to vedro do vody, a vracajú sa späť, bojujú a presekávajú si cestu sprava doľava a prichádzajú do prítomnosti Dávida. Povedali, „Tu máš, náš pane!“ Ó, čo? Muž, ktorý bol hanbou, muž, ktorý bol cirkvou nenávidený, muž, ktorý bol nenávidený kráľom, muž, ktorý bol nenávidený Filištínmi, muž, ktorý bol takmer všade nenávidený. Ale tá malá skupina, ktorá ho nasledovala, oni vedeli, že on sa stane kráľom.

124Viem, že my dnes spievame nádherné piesne, staviame veľké cirkvi, máme veľké chválospevy a všetko, takto Ho chválime, ale Ježiš povedal, „Vo svojich srdciach ste ďaleko odo Mňa, lebo učíte náuky, ktoré sú prikázaniami ľudí.“ Nech len Duch Svätý príde a urobí niečo v ich cirkvi, ukáže im prítomnosť Ježiša Krista, vykopnú vás cez dvere. „Nadarmo Ma uctievate, vy uctievate, ale nadarmo to robíte vyučujúc náuky, ktoré sú tradíciami ľudí.“

125Ale existujú bojovníci, ktorí Mu veria, bojovníci, ktorí pri tom stoja s duchovným porozumením, ako tam v Betleheme. Rozumiete? Iste to tak bolo.

126 Dávid zodvihol to vedro vody, pozrel sa na to, a Biblia hovorí, že to vylial na zem a povedal, „Pane, nech je to preč odo mňa, aby som sa z toho napil, pretože títo moji bojovníci riskovali svoj život, aby tam išli, a priniesli mi túto vodu. Je to krv človeka, nemôžem to učiniť.“ A táto sladká voda, pre ktorú riskovali svoje životy, a prelomili sa cez líniu nepriateľa, aby sa tam dostali a získali tú vodu, Dávid to vylial na zem ako dobrovoľnú obeť Pánovi. To nebolo hrubé, bolo to len vyplnenie Písma.

127 Pretože, hoci Ježiš, súc z Betlehema, je Chlebom Života, On je tiež Vodou Života. Istotne je. A čo urobil? On bol reprezentovaný v oboch, v Dávidovi a v tých bojovníkoch, pretože, On bol Kráľom, a On bol tým bojovníkom, ktorý prišiel a prelomil sa cez líniu nepriateľa, amen. Porazil smrť, peklo a hrob a prelial Svoju vlastnú Krv, aby sa Ján 3:16 mohol vyplniť.

Lebo Boh tak miloval svet, že dal Svojho Jednorodeného Syna, aby každý, kto verí v Neho, nezahynul, ale mal večný život.

128A potom, On nie, že dal vodu, ktorá to reprezentovala, ale On bol tou vodou, inak by bolo zahynutie, ľudia, ktorí hynuli, aby oni mohli mať život. Ako to On urobil? Skrze Svoju vlastnú krv. Skrze to, že ju prelial, nie, že sa Mu vyliala, to by bolo nechtiac. On to prelial dobrovoľne na Golgote, potom, ako sa prelomil cez každú líniu nepriateľa, a prelial Svoju vlastnú krv života, aby mohol byť košíkom chleba pre svet.

Je fontána naplnená krvou,

ktorá vyteká z Emanuelových žíl,

kde hriešnik, keď sa ponorí,

je zbavený všetkých škvŕn svojich vín.

129To je to, prečo sa narodil v Betleheme. To je to, prečo musel prísť, pretože to bolo centrom chleba. Chlieb Života. To bolo centrum vody, a to znamená Vody Života. A v Ježišovi bolo oboje, Chlieb Života a Vody Života. Preto musel prísť a narodiť sa v Betleheme.

„Ty, Betlehem Júdov, či nie si najmenší zo všetkých svojich kniežat? Si len obyčajným malým kazateľom, si len malou osobou, ale z teba vyjde Vládca, ktorý je od dávna, od vekov, až na veky, Jeho vychádzania sú od vekov, a sú od vekov až na večné veky.“

130To je ten dôvod, prečo sa On musel narodiť v Betleheme Júdovom. To Ho vychovalo a, môj brat, to miesto, kde On chce byť dnes vychovaný, (uložený do kolísky) to je v tvojej vlastnej bytosti, v tvojom vlastnom srdci, aby On mohol ukázať cez teba Vody Života pre hynúcich ľudí a Chlieb Života pre hladujúcich ľudí. On je Chlebom a Vodou Života, čo sú dve nevyhnutné veci pre život človeka, to je Chlieb a Voda. Je to iste zasľúbené.

131Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy. A zatiaľ čo to robíme, chcem, aby ste ma teraz pozorne počúvali, či si prišiel dnes ráno do Betlehema? Ak si nebol nikdy v Betleheme...

132To bolo tiež nazvané Efrata Betlehema, Betlehem Efrata, Efrata znamená „Koreň,“ pochádza to od slova h-e-m-p, hemp, čo znamená „Koreň.“ A tá starodávna oblasť tam sa nazývala Efrata, čo znamená, „To je počiatok života.“ A Kristus povedal, „Ak zostanete vo Mne, Ja som ten vínny kmeň, a vy ste letorasty.“ On je koreňom všetkého života.

133Ak si nikdy neprišiel do Betlehema Efraty, príď dnes ráno a prijmi Ho ako svojho Spasiteľa a On ti odpustí tvoje hriechy. Zodvihneš svoju ruku ku Nemu a povieš, „Pane Bože, buď mi teraz milostivý, ja teraz prichádzam ku Ježišovi, so všetkým, čo je v mojom srdci, prichádzam do Tvojho Betlehema, k Vode a Chlebu Života, teraz Ho prijímam ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa.“ Nech ťa Pán žehná, mladý človek tam, nech ťa Pán žehná, nech ťa Boh žehná, maličký.

134Je tu niekto ďalší, kto povie, „Teraz prichádzam, nemám vo svojich rukách nič, stojím smädný, moje hrdlo je vyschnuté, neviem, kam mám ísť, a kde nájsť ten skutočný život. Neviem, pripojil som sa k cirkvám...“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra, „Pripojil som sa k cirkvám, urobil som všetko, čo som vedel, brat Branham, ale ešte nikdy som sa nedotkol toho skutočného, životodarného Zdroja. Teraz, Pane prichádzam, aby som to prijal.“ On je tu pre teba. Zodvihneš len svoju ruku a povieš, „To som ja, Pane. Ja som ten, ktorý tu stojí a je v potrebe!“ Nech vás Boh žehná, ako sa modlíme.

135Ó, Pane Bože, toto malé potrhané posolstvo, prinesené z Písem, hoci vo všetkých svojich symboloch, ako si to tam Ty položil, možno je to ukryté pred očami múdrych a chytrých a bude to zjavené nemluvňatám, takým, ktorí sa chcú učiť. Ó, aký malý Betlehem, najmenší zo všetkých, ako to len prorok povedal, „Či nie si najmenší zo všetkých kniežat?“ Ale to sa tak ľúbilo Bohu, aby priviedol z toho malého, nepatrného miesta Panovníka Izraela. Pane Bože, z malej skupiny ľudí, ktorí sú umytí tým červcom, živou Krvou Pána Ježiša, Ty z nej, Pane, privádzaš ku tej skupine, ktorá je po celom svete, znovu Krista, ktorý bude panovať nad všetkými národmi so železným prútom.

136Modlím sa k Tebe, Otče Bože, aby si bol milostivý každému z nás, ktorí sme tu teraz prítomní, a nech môžeme prísť do Tvojho Betlehema, „Ó, príďte, všetci vy verní.“ Spievali sme, „Príďte do Betlehema.“ Pane, nech vidia, že to neznamená prísť tam do nejakého malého mesta, ktoré bolo raz symbolom, ale prísť do tej reality, Ježiša Krista, Božieho Chleba a Vody Života.“

137A títo, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky, prijmi ich rovno teraz do svojho Kráľovstva, Pane, pretože to je skrze ich vieru, skrze ktorú Ho prijímajú, je to skrze vieru, oni zodvihli svoje ruky a skrze vieru, verím, že Ty ich prijímaš. Zachovaj ich, Pane, v Betleheme, odkiaľ nikdy nezblúdia, alebo neodídu preč, ako Naoma, ale nech môžu, keď sa časy zhoršia, nech môžu zostať rovno v Betleheme. A bude to lepšie a lepšie, ako čas pôjde vpred, udeľ to, Pane.

138Teraz sa modlím, aby si bol milostivý tým, ktorí sú chorí a postihnutí. Sú tu takí, Pane, ktorí potrebujú Tvoj dotyk uzdravenia. Ó, Pane, Ty si prinavrátil Betlehem do všetkej jeho predošlej slávy. Ty si ho prinavrátil v čase depresie, keď bol chorý, Ty si ho prinavrátil rovno späť a priviedol si Naomu v tom období jačmeňa a teraz, Otče, modlíme sa, aby si priviedol každú Naomu a každého, kto tu je, kto je v potrebe. Modlím sa, Bože, ó, Pane, je práve obdobie jačmeňa. Ten veľký jačmenný bochník, ktorý sme videli, ako sa kotúľal z kopca rovno do tábora nepriateľa. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si priniesol ten veľký jačmenný bochník teraz do tejto budovy, aby mohol byť zmierením za choroby ľudí, tak isto za hriech, a uzdrav každú osobu, ktorá je v Božskej prítomnosti.

139Práve to cítim, Pane, možno je to len môj osobný pocit, ale cítim, že Ty si blízko, že Tvoja blízkosť je teraz tu. Verím, že si tu, a nehovorím toto kvôli ľuďom, ty poznáš srdce človeka, modlím sa, Pane, aby oni nejako mohli uchytiť to videnie z dnešného rána, ako tí bojovníci, že Tvoja veľká Všemohúcnosť, Tvoja veľká moc, Tvoja veľká prítomnosť, to, kým Ty Si, Syn Boží, Kráľ, Ten Pomazaný, že Ty si uprostred nás, modlím sa, aby mohli uchytiť ten záblesk toho vo svojich dušiach a boli uzdravení zo svojich nemocí, modlím sa túto modlitbu, ako to na nich umiestňujem v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

140Verím Bohu, všetkým Jeho slovám, verím, že každá časť Jeho Slova je Božsky inšpirovaná. Verím, že On nie je, 'Ja som bol', ale On je 'JA SOM'. Tá večne živá prítomnosť. Verím, že rovno teraz je to tu, uprostred ľudí.

141Vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoju ruku, nájdite si cirkev, buďte pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista, vzývajúc Boha, a buďte umytí od svojich hriechov, veriac, že On skoro prichádza, aby... On sa má zjaviť vo svojom druhom príchode.

142Taktiež verím, že Jeho prítomnosť je tu, aby uzdravila chorých, aby dala zdravie tým, ktorí sú v potrebe. Nepotrebujete nevyhnutne, aby sa za vás modlilo jeden po druhom. Jedného večera som to dokázal ľuďom, chcel som im ukázať, čo sa stane.

143Bol jeden určitý mladý muž, ktorý tu sedí a díva sa teraz rovno na mňa, ktorý bol mnoho dní na posteli, jeho krk bol tak hrozne opuchnutý, až nemohol ani jesť, ani piť, vôbec nič, mal tak vysokú horúčku a on povedal svojmu otcovi a matke, „Pošlite po brata Branhama, aby prišiel a pomodlil sa za mňa.“ A oni ma nejako nechceli obťažovať, pretože som bol zaneprázdnený, ale niečo ma viedlo, aby som išiel do ich domu.

144Ako tam sedeli, snažili sa priniesť tomuto mladému mužovi tanier, mal tam vajíčka na mäkko ešte s niečím a takú jemnú fazuľovú kašu a snažil sa to prehltnúť. Tlačil si to dolu hrdlom svojím prstom a jeho zuby boli celé opuchnuté a vytekal z nich hnis a on sa to snažil prstom natlačiť a dostať to dolu hrdlom a dal si asi jedno alebo dve sústa a nevládal ďalej. Išlo mu to von.

145Sedel som tam, ani som sa nemodlil, bolo tam len niečo malé, a vy nemôžete povedať každému, čo sa deje, nie, povedal som, „Pane, Pane, teraz je blízko koniec roka, niečo prichádza, niečo nové, dovoľ mi to, Pane, je to toto? Je to toto?“ A ako som to začal hovoriť, povedal som vo svojom srdci, „Viem, že Ty si tu.“ Ten mladý muž sa načiahol a dal si ďalšie sústo a ďalšie a ďalšie a ďalšie a zjedol celý tanier a nasadol do auta a odišiel.

146Ó, On je Bohom, vidíte Jeho prítomnosť, Jeho prítomnosť, oni ne... To je len nechať Ho byť prítomným.

147Jedného dňa, keď urobili túto poslednú fotografiu, keď som Ho tam videl stáť, pozrel som sa na to a pomyslel som si, „No, videl som tam na tom anjela Pánovho, a viem, že je to ohromné.“ Ale, keď bol On na tejto, potom okolo tretej ráno ma On zobudil a povedal mi, čím to bude, a všetko mi to vysvetlil, a ako je to s tou zbrojou a všetko, ukázal mi na tom veci, ktoré som nikdy predtým nevidel. Išiel som, a vzal som tú fotografiu a pozrel sa na to a tam to bolo. Nikdy predtým som to nevidel. Ó, čo za pocit mi to prinieslo, aká útecha, vedieť, že On je prítomný.

148On je tu, to je Jeho prítomnosť, a prítomnosť Pánova tam bola, aby uzdravila ľudí. Prítomnosť Pánova je tu, aby uzdravila ľudí. Prítomnosť Pánova je tu, aby usvedčila hriešnikov. Prítomnosť Pánova je uprostred Jeho ľudu a On je Božím Betlehemom, plným Chleba a Vody. Som tak rád (vy nie?), že máme miesto, kde môžeme prísť, aby sme jedli a žili na veky.

149Nech vás teraz Pán žehná. Máš niečo, čo chceš povedať, brat? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Nie.“ - pozn. prekl.] Povstaňme teraz na svoje nohy, zaspievame starú, známu pieseň na rozpustenie, „Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš.“

150Koľkí milujete Pána? Nech vidím vaše zodvihnuté ruky. No, kým máte zodvihnuté svoje ruky, zložte ich a potraste si teraz ruky s niekým, kto stojí pri vás, a povedzte, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, pútnik, nech ťa Boh žehná.“ Tak to je, všade naokolo. V poriadku, to je preto, aby ste boli jeden s druhým oboznámení. V poriadku.

151Teraz sa pozrime rovno smerom k nebu a zaspievajme teraz túto pieseň.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

dieťa smútku a bolestí,

dá ti radosť a potešenie.

Vezmi Ho, kde len vykročíš.

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno),

ó, aké sladké,

nádej zeme, radosť neba,

vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno),

ó, aké sladké,

nádej zeme, a radosť neba.

1 It might look kind of funny this morning to wear my overcoat on the platform, but I was so happy to--to display that pretty overcoat that this church give me. I seen Brother Neville up here the other day with that nice suit on, how it fit him so nicely, and I thought, "Well, I..." It looked so nice, and the congregation talking about it, I thought, "I'll just wear my overcoat out on the platform." I did...

You know, I believe we never grow up. We always... And I don't want to grow up. How about that, Brother Luther? No, I never want to grow up; we just want to always remain children.

[Brother Neville says, "Brother Branham, I thought you had on one of those attires like these higher-classed ministers. I just glanced the corner of my eye, and I thought maybe you'd put on a robe." Brother Branham and congregation laugh--Ed.] Complimentary to that nice overcoat.

4 Well, I'll say it's--it's... I was needing one awful bad, and it's the best one I ever had. And I sure do appreciate it. And Brother Roy Roberson, I don't know whether he's here this morning or not, he had something to do with the selecting of it. And it was really a fine selection, and we're--we are very--very pleased to have it.

And so we are very pleased to be back in the house of the living God, this morning, and to enjoy these wonderful times of--of fellowship around His precious Word.

6 And it's soon now, that if the Lord willing, I've got to go overseas. And I guess you seen it in the Business Men's "Voice," that I leave for overseas this next month. And we'll be soliciting all the prayers of the people, that they will pray for us while we are away. It's seemingly that overseas my meetings seems to be better, because it takes better there. In America...

I was telling Brother Mercier that I listened to... He gave me a record player first, and it had the--the records on it of some of my sermons. I knew then, if anybody ever listened to me, would have to be God's grace to them, because I thought I could be a little better.

He's taping that too. A--a little... You can cut that part out. See? Or he's holding his thumb down, I guess that's cutting it off.

9 But I--I tell you, I was so surprised. I... The poorest preaching I ever heard in my life was my own (That's right.) on--on--on the record. I... It made me so nervous, I couldn't even eat my dinner. I got sick, got away from the table, couldn't sleep that night.

And went down in Kentucky with Brother Wood yesterday. Coming back, I said, "Brother Wood, I don't see how that I ever get a person to come and hear me speak. It's so--so poorly, such repeating myself, and, oh, grammar missing, and punctuations, there isn't--isn't any." I just... I don't know. I said, "It encouraged me in one way to know it has to be God, or nobody would come at all." That's right.

11 So I was speaking to Brother Collins. I suppose he's in the building. And so I said to him... He come over, and they was telling him about it. I said, "Brother Collins, I... Honestly," I said, "I'm pretty near thirty years old as a preacher, and I certainly ought to know what a sermon is." I said, "That's the poorest I ever heard."

And he--he's a Methodist minister, and his brother's a--quite a man in the Methodist denomination. And he said, "Well," he said, "I'll tell you, Brother Branham," said, "the punctuations and--and your sentences may not end right, and things like that," but said, "did you ever think of that guy that preached on the day of Pentecost, that couldn't even sign his own name--name? His name was Peter." Said, "I imagine that wasn't punctuated just right."

13 But, you see, what makes a man get his eyes on that, you listen to these radio broadcasts, and that's all wrote out. You see? And they--they can write it out and punctuate it, and things, because they're reading it.

I stood with Charles Fuller, preaching behind a trough about like that, for his platform. And everything that he said, he read it right down, number one, number two, number three, number four, like that, till he got all right out and timed it. And it was all censored, radio censored, and everything, because...

And with Billy Graham, I seen his, and so forth, where they just stand there and speak that, just--just read it just as fast as they can read it, and it's all ready, so I guess you would get the punctuation...?...

16 But the trouble with me, I couldn't even read it. So if I wrote it, I'm sure I couldn't read it. So--so it's amazing grace (Isn't it?) to see what He can do for us. But I am grateful to starting in now, ending up of this old year, to start a new year.

I listened to a prayer line, and I certainly wasn't satisfied with the prayer line either, to listen to that. It's the first time I ever heard myself back like that for--for a message, and I certainly was surprised. The prayer lines isn't run right. No, I think it'll come to pass, that after while it'll be so that everybody will have to know everything about them before they'll believe. And beginning the first of the year, I want to change that, and just start the prayer line wherever God speaks to me, "this person's out of line," or something wrong, I'll stop with him. Let the rest of them go on through, 'cause you don't get enough through like that. See? The people know where they are, and who they are, and what they done. But they find something that's not lined up just right with God; that's the time to stop on that one, say, "This is the one." See? So I think maybe there'd be some alteration done, Brother Leo, since I heard them, and I trust that God will help us in the coming year.

18 Now, I believe that tonight they got services here at the Tabernacle. And I am to be up here on 62, with Brother Ruddell tonight. I understand that they're going to have a watch service here. And Brother Ruddell had asked me for that watch service, but thinking maybe I'd come back at the Tabernacle for that night, because I've always tried to be at the Tabernacle on--on New Year's Eve, and I wanted to come back down here with the brethren here. So I kind of compromised a little, and I'll be with Brother Ruddell tonight, out on 62, at the old 62 Club that's been converted into a--a church. And then Wednesday night will be back here at the watch service. And then Thursday we leave for Chicago, and then on, and on to Philadelphia, and then overseas.

19 And this morning, we don't want to keep you too long, because it's... We got the interviews, and the services go on.

And, say, since the last prayer service here, oh, I am very grateful for the results that came forth from the last service of prayer. It was certainly a wonderful thing that our Lord can do when His people get together. "They that are--will call upon the Name of the Lord, assemble themselves together," I believe is the way it is, "and--and pray, then God will hear from heaven."

So let us bow our heads just a moment now, as we look to Him to give to us the inspiration needed for this message.

22 Lord, Thou has been our Refuge and Strength in all generations. Our forefathers before us trusted in Thee and were not confounded. They believed in Thy holy Name, and they were brought forth as shining lights; and we, looking upon them, as the poet has said, "Footprints upon the sands of time; our partings leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time." Then we see that those who trusted in Thee, always, without one time failing, come out right. Though they went through many deep waters and--and great trials and persecutions, but yet in the end Thou did always bring them out more than conquerors, because it is Thy promised Word that You would do this.

And we would pray today, that You would bless this little church. Bless its pastor, our good brother, Brother Neville, and his family. We ask that You'll just be with him in this coming year, and will anoint him greater, and--and bless him in every way. Strengthen the health of his family, the little ones that are coming up. Keep Brother Neville strong and healthy.

24 And bless this church and every member that's in it. The trustee board, how we love them as real gallant men of God; and the deacon board, they also are Thy gallant servants. And all the people that come here, we are grateful for them, Lord. Just does my heart good to know that this little old pond and weed patch standing on the corner, many years ago, has been made a lighthouse to the Kingdom of God. And I pray, God, that it'll stand until Jesus comes. And may many great souls that's been in here, Lord, come forth at that day, washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Grant it.

And as we open this blessed Word of Thine this morning, Lord, by turning back the pages to read from It a text, and we know that You alone can give the context. And we pray, God, that You will anoint Your Word, and may It go right to the hearts of the people that would do them good. Make believers out of unbelievers, and strengthen Christians, and heal the sick; and give courage to the discouraged, and get glory unto Thyself. In order to do this, Lord, circumcise the lips that shall speak and the ears that shall hear. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

26 Announcing a little text that I--fell on my heart since last Sunday... As I was speaking upon the wise men coming to--to see Jesus, the Star they followed from the east to the west. While studying that, I hit a Scripture, and then did not get to be here Christmas Eve because of some jail service, and so forth, I had to be at. I thought I would speak today upon the subject of "Why Little Bethlehem?"

And I want to read out of the Book of Micah the prophet, one of the minor prophets, the 5th chapter and the 2nd verse. It reads like this:

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, but out... yet out of thee shall... come forth unto me that he the ruler--be the ruler in Israel; whose goings forth has been from... old, from everlasting.

I had a spot on the Scripture there, is the reason I couldn't make out what the word was at the time.

29 Of all of the places that is in Palestine... And in... There is so many great cities, and its localities, cities that are seemingly much more known in the lore of history, and better fortified, bigger cities, why should God choose little Bethlehem to be the birthplace of His Son? There is many that are greater. And for instance, the historical lore of Jerusalem, the proud Jerusalem, the capital of all of it, and it's one of the largest cities of Palestine. And then we wonder why God would pick on that little bitty town of Bethlehem for the birthplace of His Son.

But as the Scriptures have said, "What God determines to do, it will be done." And there is... God foreordained it to be that way or it never would've been that way. And there the Scripture says in the 15th chapter of Acts, that there is nothing by chance. God knowed everything. And it just didn't happen to happen that way. It just was that God made it that way.

31 And then when we in our little finite minds begin to think over, "Why would the great King of heaven choose a little place like that instead of the capital?" Instead of some... Even there was many places who had greater spiritual background than what Bethlehem did.

For instance, some of the places like Shiloh. Shiloh was an ancient worship place of Israel, where they all came year by year to the--this great place where the ark of the Lord rested. And wonder why then that He wouldn't be born at Shiloh?

33 Then there was Gilgal, another great spiritual place of worship. Why wouldn't God let Him be born then at Gilgal?

And there was another one, Zion. Zion was on the mountain top. And we wonder why that Jesus would not be born then in Zion, because it's been a great historical mark of where the Lord has blessed His people in the ages.

And it looks like that maybe He would've chosen Zion, or Gilgal, or--or Shiloh, or one of the other great places where there had been great blessings and great teachings.

And there was other great cities, such as Hebron. That was the place for a man who was wanting a city of refuge, a place of safety. There was Ramoth-gilead, also another place of refuge where the people could come, which would been very appropriate for him to be born.

37 And maybe, if I would've been thinking it, I would've brought Him over to Kadesh-barnea for there was the judgment seat, and a place of refuge. Perhaps I would've brought Him over to that country for His birthplace, or maybe we would've chosen some of the other cities.

But, you know, I'm so glad that even just little insignificant things in the Bible mean so much. I believe that it was Jesus that said this, that, "You pass over and do the weightier matters of the law," rather, "but pass over the little things." And sometimes it's the little things that holds the big things together. But, all in all, the great cogs is turning just exactly the way God ordained them to cog. Turn here, there'll never be one miss its place. God has foreordained all things, and it must hit just exactly to that place.

39 And when we get faith like that, and begin to think of, "Who is behind all this? What is the mainspring that's turning this great e--economy of God's?" We find it's the Holy Spirit. Not left into the hands of man to do things; but in the hands of the Holy Spirit. And He is the mainspring, that if He can get the rest of the instruments, it'll work just perfectly and keep exactly God's time.

And then we see that and we wonder in our mind then, if we look at great things and how that we would have them; and then it gives us a lot of consolation today to think, that maybe if we are a little group of people, maybe if we are insignificant to the world and to the bigger churches of denominations, yet God uses those little simple things sometime.

41 For it is also written in the Scriptures, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." What a consolation, that I know that just as sure as Jesus had to be borned in little Bethlehem, so will the little flock be the one that the Father will give the Kingdom to, because it's written. And all Scripture is given by inspiration, and the Scriptures cannot be broken. They must be fulfilled. So it gives us that hope to know that--that it'll be a little flock that will receive the Kingdom, a little faithful flock of believers. I'm trusting to be one of those flock, or in that little flock, I should say.

And then we know the story; most all of us are acquainted with the story of how Israel came into Palestine by promise of God. And we know that the great Joshua was the one who divided each tribe their portion.

43 And it's... Certainly, if we had the time of about from now until six o'clock tonight to stay right on this subject, to line these things away to get the real meaning out of them (which we do not have, just about thirty, forty minutes.), so we have to strike just the high points, trusting that the Holy Spirit, to you Bible readers, will place the rest of it into your heart as we go along.

Did you know that those portions, how Joshua 'lotted them in Palestine, was given by inspiration? And those Hebrew mothers of those patriarchs, when the baby was coming forth and her in travailing pain to deliver the child, she uttered the very spot that those patriarchs would settle down and be at the last days.

Talk about inspiration, this Bible is inspired. No matter how little, just every little Scripture has such a outstanding thing in the Script, in the--the great picture. All of it, every--every Word is inspired, and on that hangs the destination of souls, for it's the Word of the immortal and eternal God.

46 And even those mothers, when the baby was born and she uttered their voice, placed them positionally where they'd be in the promised land hundreds of years later. And Joshua, not knowing that, yet by the same inspiration placed them exactly where they was to be.

And Joshua, dividing up, divided Judah's portion. If you'll notice on the map, it's the--geographically just west of the plain sea, a few miles south of Jerusalem, the capital. And when Judah was getting her part, or his part, rather, in the land, his province, we would call it, it's strange, but this little city was not even mentioned: Bethlehem. Yet it was there, because that Abraham... Or, I believe it was Rebekah was buried at that place. But it must've been just a little village of some sort, because if you read Joshua 5, you'll find that there was a hundred and fifteen major cities under the domain of Judah, besides the villages and little towns: a hundred and fifteen cities mentioned. And perhaps when it was divided up, that Bethlehem was so little, maybe just a--a little house or two; it wasn't even mentioned in the inheritance. And then we find out that it never actually come to be known...

48 The one that founded it was Caleb's son; Caleb's son, whose name was Salma, and he founded it. The Bible said he was the father of it, which mean he was the founder of Bethlehem. In other words, he must've moved in there and started some sort of businesses, and commercial, and the trading, and so forth, that grew it up. And later we'll find out that the real reason of it, that the whole lands was jealous of that little piece of land, which lays to the north, and east, and slopes a little to the south on that spur. And it was the most fertile of all of Palestine. It was a--a corn belt and a wheat belt, and there were great olive orchards, and so forth, on it, in that part of Bethlehem, or Pale--Palestine, the end of Judah province.

49 And we find out that it was also became the home of the harlot Rahab. When Israel had passed over the borderline of the Jordan river, into Palestine, we are acquainted with the story of Rahab the harlot. Let's picture her this morning for a few minutes now as a--a young lady, a beautiful young woman whose some misfortune in life had been forced in, being a pagan, had been forced into the life that she was living. And many times people are forced into the life that they live.

50 I was in the prisons the other night to see a man who was taking a sentence. And I--I took him by the hand and talked to him. And I said, "Why would you do such a thing as that?" And holding me by the hand, he begin to speak. And he was forced into what he was doing. I said, "Because that you permitted that to force you to that. You don't have to do that. You... No man has to drink." I said, "I am nervous myself, but there's no need of that."

51 And this young woman, after she'd got her first hearing of Israel, and of a God Who was a--a God that answered prayer, not only a God to pray to, but a God that answered back; when she heard that there was a God of miracles Who could perform miracles, Who dried up the seas and rained bread out of the heavens, her heart begin to tremble. And when she got the first message from two preachers that went over, quickly she accepted it with all her heart. And there was a scarlet cord bound at her window for a protection of her house, because that she had received the message.

52 And I might add here, did you know she typed the Gentile church? She was a Gentile, and she was a type of the Gentile church, when they heard the message. We were all out in spiritual prostitution, committing spiritual fornications against the God of heaven in all kinds of stuff, all kinds of denominations and religions. But when we heard that there was a God that still lived, that could perform miracles, quickly we received the message.

There was applied the Blood of the Lord Jesus, which made the scarlet cord. And to keep from going into detail, you know how she hung it from her window, publicly, the Blood was displayed publicly. That's the way the Blood's got to be displayed, publicly hanging from the outside of the wall to show that on the inside something had taken place. That's the way the true believer in Christ is this morning; on the outside is the display of the Blood of the Lord Jesus, that shows something took place on the inside.

54 And through this, God looked down when the wrath fell and the trumpets begin to blow; God seen that scarlet cord hanging there as a memorial. It's always pleased Him to pass over the Blood. "When I see the Blood, I'll pass over you." He saw it. And when the shaking and the Holy Spirit rumbled the earth and shook down them walls, some twenty-feet thick, not one rock fell where that cord was hanging: shows the protection of a true God to a true believer, no matter what state you're in when He finds you, if you'll just accept that scarlet cord. It weaves through the Bible.

55 And then we see her when she was taken in as one of the Israelites. She fell in love with the man, which was a captain and a prince in Judah. He was the captain of the Israelite armies. His name was Salmon, just like the king, Solomon. And he was the captain, and she become in a great romance with this captain, which was a prince of Judah. And finally she married him. And when the estate was settled up for the Israelites, she and her beloved husband lived in Bethlehem.

56 Now you begin to see it open, haven't you? See? It begin to open as we see that in Bethlehem she lived, being a Gentile bride to a Jew. Why? Because she believed in a miracle working God. And as... Look what she come from, from being a--out of a house of ill fame, of prostitution... Through her conversion and through her unfailing faith in God, it brought her from a prostitute house to a beautiful home in Bethlehem. What a difference.

That's the way it does all of us. From a house of unbelief and flusterations that, a--immoral acts, and everything, to a place, position in Christ which is most beautiful. From the ridiculous to the sublime, that's the difference that it makes through our conversion. And did you see, she married a prince of the house of Judah, a captain? That captain represented Christ took to Himself a Gentile Bride. From the lowest of lowest to the principal and best place in the land, as we'll get to it later in our message, to prove that it was; nothing else could be but that. They're a type of the Gentile Church.

58 And we find out they had a lovely home in Bethlehem, as Salmon had--had established it, and it would become a great place, and the fertile lands. And how beautiful it is to think of that great wheat country there, that it would be the bread place of the world. And it is true, no wonder Jesus had to be born there, because He was the Bread of Life. There's where all the nation come for their wheat, all the nations come for their corn. For it was in Bethlehem that had those fertile lands. And, you see, the little bitty thing, just saying, "Oh, it was the province of wheat," yet that meant something. And you see how the Gentile prince, or this Jewish prince taking His Gentile bride back up to Bethlehem for a settling down place, a place to live, where there was plenty of bread.

We find out, through this great romance and great obedience to faith, through the harlot Rahab, she gave birth to a son to Salmon, and his name was Boaz. And we all are acquainted with another great story tying in this link here now. And Boaz was born in Bethlehem from Salmon and the harlot Rahab.

60 And we are--find out that years later, after the--Naomi had left the country and gone over to sojourn with the Moabites, and when they had evilly had mistreated her; she'd got out of fellowship with the rest of the believers and associated herself in a backslidden condition in another land, among another people. In otherwise, she'd left the true believing church to go out into the world for a little while, to join some social church, who believed in just anything would be all right. In there she lost her husband.

And it don't have to be every time in physical death. You might lose him in a spiritual death, or lose your wife. Better stay on good grounds. You'd better stay where you know you're covered by the Blood, regardless of what the rest of them looks like, how big they are, how fine of spires they have on their churches, or how the big bells ring. You better stay where the Blood covers the sin of the people. You might lose one another, and, above all, you might lose the Lord Jesus and be barred out.

And we find out then that after her sons was gone, she lost both of them, and she returned back because there was no revival spirit in the city at the time.

63 Oh, how I would love to rest here for a few minutes, how I'd like to pick it up right here and show you, regardless of how many of the churches gone back, stay under the Blood; that's the place to abide. In or out, up or down, thick or thin, wherever it may be, stay under the Blood. But Naomi, she thought it would be better to go over and join another group, because they were having troubles, spiritual blead--bread wasn't there. And--but God will restore it back, "I will restore, saith the Lord." Stay in the field where It comes from.

64 So we find that she begin to long to go back, because they heard that a great revival had broke out. And if you notice, Naomi returned in barley season, the Bible said, just at the time of the harvest; in other words, when there was a great revival going on, spiritually applying it. She returned just in that season. Nothing left; she had nothing.

And Orpah, one of her sons' wives, when she come to look upon what she had to sacrifice, being a type of the modern church, "If I have to go over there, I'll have to get away from my dances, I'll have to get away from my big time, and my social gatherings." Then she just wept, and kissed her mother-in-law, and returned back.

66 But here's a beautiful picture, there was one named Ruth, with her, another daughter-in-law, which was a type again of the Gentile Bride, who kissed her mother-in-law, and said, "I'll forsake everything. I'm going with you. Let your people be my people. Let your God be my God. Wherever you die, there I'll die. Where you are buried, there I'll be buried." That's it. That's what God wants. It's not that borderline, halfway, but an absolute full surrender to the Kingdom of God. She kissed her.

And so Naomi said, to discourage her, said "You had better go back to your people. I'm old, and there's no more sons in me." And the law was that she had to wait for a son. And said, "Then there's no more in me. And if I would have a husband, and I'd have a son, you'd be too old to marry him, so you just return back to your people."

But Ruth said, "I'll not go back." Faith, rooted, grounded, perfect faith had come into Ruth's heart. She said, "I'm going right with you." And she clave to her, held onto her. "I'm going to be where you are." I like that.

69 And we're acquainted with the story as it goes on, that this great Boaz, which was the lord of the harvest, was in harvest at the time, and was a kinsman to Naomi. And when she found Ruth out there in a little mission, gleaning, every little straw that she could pick up, that had some wheat on it, she held to it, for it was life. And Boaz, being the lord of the harvest, he commanded that his reapers would drop a handful now and then for her; and she would pick it up, and with joy. And then she shucked out a great apron-full of it that day. And when Boaz, the lord of the harvest, came out and looked upon Ruth, and seen her faithfulness, he fell in love with her.

Watch Boaz represent Christ. Where was he at? Bethlehem. Where was Ruth come to? Bethlehem. Where was she gleaning at? In Bethlehem. See all those spiritual significance to this here, the background to this great scene that's taking place, God knowing it in the beginning?

71 And she begin to question to her mother-in-law, what she must do. And finally Ruth was married to Boaz, a Gentile married to a prince again in Judah, and settled down, and lived in Bethlehem.

Oh, thou little Bethlehem, aren't you the least among all the principal cities of--of Palestine; but it's pleased God Whose knowing and going forth was from old, from the beginning, to have His Son born there.

He knows all things, and He works it just to be right. And there Ruth married Boaz. And when Ruth and Boaz was married... If we had time to go into the great story there, which was one of the greatest love scenes of all ages, when Ruth and Boaz were married... And remember...

Let's just stop for a minute here; just too good to pass over.

73 Ruth was a Gentile. She had no inheritance with the Jew, just like we Gentiles had no inheritance. So Naomi was actually the one to inherit. So she'd lost all of her first estate, all of her goods had been sold at public auction; therefore, she was--been excommunicated and had gone away.

Now, when she come back, there was only one person who could ever redeem her lost inheritage; that was a kinsman right next to her. And Boaz knew this, so he had to work some way to get this Gentile girl for a wife. And what did he had to do? He had to buy all of the estate of Naomi in order to get in this estate, which Ruth was part of the estate of Naomi. And the only man that could buy it, would have to be a person that was kinfolks, near kinsman. That was the law of redemption.

75 And the only way that Christ could ever buy the estate of the backslidden Israel was to become a Kinsman. Only way God could redeem the human race, God Himself had to be made flesh. And Jesus was God made kinfolks to the human race. He was Emmanuel. He become kinfolks. He took upon Him not the form of Angels, but the form of a servant who washed the feet and lived. And the foxes had holes, and the birds of the air had nests, but He didn't even have a place to lay His head. He eat, He drank, He--He cried, He laughed, just like other men. And He was God, not a prophet. He was God, because He had to be kinfolks in order to redeem the lost human race. So, Boaz, in this great type at Bethlehem... Look where this Kinsman was born to the human race, had to be.

76 And then when this great Boaz redeemed her, he had to make a public showing that he had redeemed all of her lost estate. So he went to the gate of Bethlehem, that little city again, and he called the elders of the city, and he let them know that that day he had bought everything that had--Naomi had lost. Everything that she lost, he bought it back. And he kicked off his shoe and threw it up before the people as an ensign, "And if there's anyone has any reason to say something, say it now, for this is a memorial that I've redeemed everything that she lost."

77 Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. And when our Kinsman came, Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, He stood on top of the Golgotha, and lifted Him up between the heavens and earth as a memorial that He'd redeemed everything that the human race had lost in the fall. How can men despise Divine healing and the powers of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, when a public ensign was made at Calvary, that, "I've redeemed the whole human race and everything that they ever lost." He redeemed our soul, redeemed our body, redeemed everything that we lost in the fall. Our Kinsman Redeemer came and was made flesh, and dwelled among us, and offered up the ensign, and said, "It's finished," What's finished? Everything is finished. We're just walking right into our inheritance. And as the days go on, we're walking closer and closer.

78 Boaz and Naomi... After being married for some time, they brought forth a son, which added more to the lineage, and that was Obed. And he also brought forth his son, which was Jesse. And Jesse had eight boys.

And it was the great prophet Samuel who came with the cruse of the oil, the great prophet who went to Jesse and said, "God has chosen one of your boys to rule and serve My people. And it was out in the backside of the field, in a little shepherd yard, where the little ruddy, scrawny-looking boy was brought, David, the older--the youngest. And Samuel poured the anointing oil on him in the presence of all of his brothers and them who stood about, and proved that God had anointed him king. Where's that at? Bethlehem. Glory to God in the highest. No wonder, Bethlehem, where he was anointed king...

80 And it was in Bethlehem where David was borned. And his greater Son Jesus was also had to be born in Bethlehem, because there's such a close knit between the two, as father and son. Not only was this great Son only the Son, He was the Root and the Offspring of David; He was even before David; He'll be after David; He was for everlasting, from everlasting on. But according to the flesh and all the things to be fulfilled, He was the Son of David. He was to be born years later in this same Bethlehem, this little forsaken city.

81 But all the time in there, do you notice, there's working a great mighty mystery that no one seemed to understand. That's the same thing it is in God's Bethlehem today; there's working a--a mystery sign, that no one seems to understand it. It's something that goes over the top of the heads of the people. They don't seem to get it. No matter what's done, or what's said, and the mysterious part of the things that's done, the people will say, "Oh, well, I guess it's all right," and go on, but they don't understand it. They can't catch it. They can't grasp it. That's what God was doing in Bethlehem in Judaea. He's working, all these little things moving up to come to one great head.

82 David, oh, when he was anointed king, as a--a little boy, he was ruddy to look up at, but he must've been something in him that looked real to God. The little bitty, the smallest of the family... The rest of the boys, great big fine men, would look good in the robes, and a crown on their head. But God showed what He looks at: not the outward appearance, but the inside of a man. He looked at his heart. He knew what was in David's heart, no matter how the crown looked on him. He knowed He was finding Him a man that was a man after His own heart, which David would be a man after His own heart. That's why He poured the anointing oil, or had it poured upon David. Which the name "David" means "beloved."

83 And it was well represented in Jesus, the Beloved One, years later, the Son of David, Who was to come to fulfill all things that had been promised. This little city of Bethlehem was where this taken place. And it was on them same little Judaean hills where David had herded his sheep, many years later, that the Angels sang their first Noel on the hills of Judaea, overlooking Bethlehem. The first Noel, "Unto thee is born in the city of David, Christ the Lord." Angels first made their appearance to sing; it wasn't at Jerusalem the big church; neither was it at Gilgal; or neither was it at Shiloh, where they'd had the religious denominational worship all the time. But it was in little Bethlehem, where the Spirit of God had been moving in a mysterious way, bringing forth something. It was there.

84 It was there, where Christ had to come. It was there. It was right in that same little city was a King born, that a mother, virgin, brought forth her firstborn Son. It sheltered and housed in its little fortress the King of kings and the Lord of lords. It were not only did Samuel come to pour out the anointing oil, but God poured out upon Him, and upon the world, Christ the Lord. The Angels herald His coming and sang to the shepherds on the hillside, who followed David the king, years before. See the mystery of God, how great it is?

He was born in this great wheat belt, which from wheat comes forth the basic principles of life. And He was the Bread of Life. "I am the Bread of Life. He that eats My flesh and drinks My Blood has Eternal Life, and shall never die or come into condemnation, but's passed from death unto Life."

86 Bethlehem, the name Bethel. B-e-t-h, beth, "beth" in the Hebrew word means "house." "E-l" stands for "Elohim"; its abbreviation; "Elohim" means "God." B-e-t-h, beth... E-l, E-l is Elohim, which is God, "the House of God," where the Bread of Life is laid. E-l-h-e-m, finish it out and bring back your "l" again with your "e," means a "loaf of bread," in the Hebrew, El-hem. E-l is God, Elohim. B-e-t-h is bread, or b-e-t-h is... B-e-t-h is "house." E-l, it's Elohim, abbreviation. Then E-l, e-m is "bread." What was He? The House of the Bread of God: "The House of God's Bread." House, beth: Elohim, God: El-h-e-m, bread. "The house of God's Bread," means Bethlehem.

87 Where could He have been born anywhere else but that? But it was hid to everybody but that prophet; he said, "Out of Bethlehem shall come Him." They was looking in Jerusalem; they was looking in all the big Shilohs; they was looking everywhere. But He come from Bethlehem, 'cause it was the House of God's Bread of Life. He's God's breadbasket to the world. There He was, borned in Bethlehem. He couldn't be born nowhere else.

There could be many great things, that I was studying this week of the different spiritual aspects to that, why He must be born in Bethlehem. When I hit these few places, the Holy Spirit just caught me away, and I said, "O God, that's sufficient. I see it now."

He could not be born nowhere else but Bethlehem. It was the place of the bread of the nation. It was the bread of all the house of Israel, come from there. And He was the Bread of Life that come down from heaven, the spiritual Manna; has to come from Bethlehem, the bread line, the place where bread laid. Bethlehem, the baking of the bread. Now, Jesus being the Bread of Life, "The man may eat thereof," He said, "and never die."

90 Another great event that I wouldn't forget to call, that was when David was in his worst of time, when he was a fugitive. He'd already been anointed; he knowed what he was to be. He was to be king, God said so. And yet he was hated. He was standing in between two great deep fires; here was the Philistines on one side, after him, here was Saul on the other side. And he was a man without a nation.

Just as the Church stands today, the true living Church of God, without a denomination or anything else. She stands alone, but yet she's had the anointing poured on her. She knows what she is.

92 How in the world can it ever come to pass, the devil on both sides driving at David? He'd taken refuge in strongholds in the wilderness and in caves, trying to hide out with a little band of faithful warriors, just a few believing like him. But those men believed God, that that would be the king.

So is the believers today, who's hid out from place to place, but yet they know Who's coming to be King. I don't care who's going to be President. We know He's coming. And it looks farther away than it ever did, when science is trying to overrule, and say, "They can build a man; they can do this; and they take a rabbit and take the pollen and make another rabbit, and so forth," trying to disprove God's Word. Yet, there is a people who believe God, who stands just as pat as they ever did. No matter what comes or goes, they still believe God. God's right. They hold to God's unchanging hands. In the midst of battle, in the midst of tears, in the midst of sickness and death, and everything, they still hold to God's unchanging hand. They know that He's coming King.

94 People today laugh and make fun of them, and call them holy-rollers, call them everything they want to, but them warriors of God stands faithful at the post of duty. Might call them a healing group, you might call them a bunch of fanatics, or whatever you wish to; they hang to that King. They know He's coming in power. Though they take His Name in vain, and scoff, and make fun, and call the people who believe Him, outcasts, bunch of backwash, that doesn't bother them a bit; they stay true at the post of duty.

95 Those warriors that was with David, stayed right by his side. If a Philistine come up, he had to fight. Whoever it was, they were picked on, every side. Poor David, in his mind all confused; he thought, "How can it be, Lord?"

You know, leaders sometimes go through things that the congregation don't know what they're going through. When you think of promises God has made, then why don't it come to pass? They don't tell their congregation; they don't tell the people they associate with; but there's many flusterations in the heart of a real leader.

97 David setting there, his--his throat burning, and it was in the middle of summer. The Philistines was taking advantage of that split between David and Saul. And Saul looking for David everywhere, and the Philistines also, and then the Philistines looking for the Israelites. Talk about a time of confusion; just about like it is now. David taken refuge in this little place, in this little shelter, everywhere he could get to, the little strongholds that he could hold into. Then he got up on the mountain on that hot middle of the summer, when the heat was tremendous, his throat parching, and flusterations and fears in his heart, and wondering, "O God, how could it be? You poured that oil upon me, not because I chose myself, but You chose me. Why did You call me from herding the sheep out yonder, and told me You'd give me this to serve Your people, and here You've got me between the fires everywhere?" That was going through his heart.

98 He set up on the hill and he looked down, and there the Philistines had come in and garrisoned right in Bethlehem, his little home. Then his little city was under government control of the enemy. Not only that, but his own father's house, Jesse's house, was under bondage to the Philistines. There was his own nation, his own church, against him. Here was the enemy he was fighting; here's the church people he was fighting; not because he wanted to, but because he was forced to do it.

And many times we're forced to do things and say things that we don't want to say, a real spiritual leader, but he's forced to do it. He has to take his side and show his colors. "I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few," said the song writer.

100 So there he was on a hot day, no doubt, walking back and forth, and looking down through that long valley of about twenty-five miles down there and back. There was his own father's house in--in bondage to the Philistines. There was Saul just across yonder, the... And here come this one, setting right between (See?) to take sides. Seeing the great time that Israel was all broke up, the church broke up in different denominations, as to say. Here was David standing back here, not knowing what to do, and yet knowing that on him rested the anointing. They knew that anointing was there. They knew David was going to be king. Hallelujah.

101 We know Who's going to be King. Doesn't matter who's going to be President. I know Who's going to be King. He'll be King. And I know it takes something to stand. But God help me to shut my eyes to denominations and everything else and look to that spiritual sight yonder, that He's the coming King. I'll serve Him. If it's death, let me die; if it's my family, it's my loved ones, if it's my denomination, it's everything, let me serve Him. I'll stay to Him. That's the warriors of God, like was with David, that had their hands on their sword, walking at his arm. That's the way God's warriors walk: ready.

102 The enemy says, "You have to take a little drink, to be sociable."

"I'll touch not your unclean thing." Amen. There's the enemy. There's the warrior.

"Oh, why don't you renounce that old holy-roller stuff you believe?"

"I'll believe God. I'll stand true." There you are. There's the warriors.

"Oh, you mean... There's no such a thing as Divine healing."

"That's what you think. I know better." See?

"There's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Them days is passed on."

"That's what you think. I've already received It; you're just too late to tell me anything about it."

108 They knew the anointing was on that little old ruddy-looking fellow, and they knew he was going to be king.

But David, in his own mind, was flusterated. I can imagine, just watch him a minute: goes back out there and sets down, and looks down there, and thinks, "My own beloved city Bethlehem, look at it there, where the great things of God had taken place, where my father's father's father's father was born, where my great-great-great-great-grandmother yonder uttered in her, in the time of the birth of Judah, from whose tribe I'm from... But yonder laid something supernatural. She uttered their place, and there Joshua placed it; some right in her. And through there come all these things here. It's got to be. I was a sheepherder, and You poured oil on my head. You said I'd be king. I believe You. Amen."

Then he goes back, and looks down there, and thinks, "Well, way down yonder in my little city, where I was born at, a little group where I was with, them good old days..."

111 It'd be better if the Methodists looked back to their good old days, when they're few and far between in little schoolhouses out here in America, falling under the power of God, throwing water in their face. It'd be better for you Baptists to look back to where you come from too, and the rest of them. You Pentecostal, look back where you come from. That's right.

In the heat of the battle here David begin to think, "Oh, I can remember them nights I laid out yonder on that hillside. I remember when I watched them stars, how they moved up yonder, and how God talked to my little boy heart. I can remember when I got so in the Spirit one day, looking at the clouds and the shady green pastures, till I screamed out in the Spirit and sang,

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death, I'll fear no evil: for thou art with me;...

113 Oh, my, here he was right in the jaws of death right then, on both sides. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." Them good old days when the Spirit was with me, when God was with me, I sang His praises; I enjoyed Him. I remember one time that a lion come up one morning and got one of my sheep. And the Spirit of God came upon me, and I went out and grabbed him and cut him to pieces. I remember that deliverance. Oh, I can remember that evening just before the sun went down, a bear come in and got one, and I killed him. Them great deliverance..."

"I remember when I sang His praises in my childhood days, when I herded my sheep. O God, take me back to that place. Take me back to my first love. Take me back and give me back my shepherd's staff. Give me back my herd of sheep. Let me alone back there to worship You."

116 That sometimes we think that, but we're in the heat of the battle. Something's got to be done. We was boys once; we're grown up men now. The fight's on. I remember when the sawdust boiled upon the floor, and the people screamed and shouted, and you couldn't get around the place nowhere here for people, but it's not that way today. The battle's on. Oh, it's not William Branham, the little boy preacher any more; you got to produce something. Yes, sir, there's got to be something different. The time's on. The battle's on. The heat is on. The power's to be delivered, the people, everyone's found written in the Book. Now the time has come.

117 David in all of his flusteration, walking back and forth, and thinking, "Oh, this hot day, whew, oh, it's so hot. Oh, Saul might come from this way, the Philistines from this way; armies around everywhere, and here we are setting in the mouth of a cave, and yet the anointing oil on me. How can it be, O God? How can it be? Oh, I wished I had a drink." Then his mind goes back to way down there by the gates of Bethlehem, there was a well. There just was no water like that water.

You know, Palestine has some bad water. They have evil waters, and they have even to blackwater fever, and stuff, in them. And a lot of it is alkaline water, which would kill you.

119 But Bethlehem is the water seat of the province too. There was no water like Bethlehem had. David used to think, "When I take my sheep and start out of a morning, I'd go by that old well and drink. Oh, how cool and how sweet, and how it quenched the thirst."

Now his throat's a-going, yet anointed, "Oh, if I only had a drink of water." Now, his warriors... And he screamed out in his despair, "Oh, if someone would bring me a drink again from that old well yonder at Bethlehem." Oh, after dreaming of all of his childhood days and the victories, and see him in the place where he's setting here between the fires, he screamed, "Oh, if someone could bring me water from Bethlehem."

121 Now, his warriors could not interpret his thinking, but, brother, they loved him with all that was in them. The least of his desires was a command to them. Three of his mighty warriors pulled their swords, slipped off from the camp, and cut their way, twenty-five miles. David, in their going, no doubt wondered, "Where they at? What have they done? Where did they go to? Did they know they're jeopardizing their life?" They're right in the jaws of death, through a twenty-five-mile line, laying in ambush everywhere, and the swords a flickering, and the shields a blasting; but their men, their brother that they believed that would be king, desired a drink.

122 Oh, brother, I wonder if the warriors today are willing to cut their way through formalism, doubts, and unbelief to refresh in the Presence of the Lord, His desires? "The least of Your desires; if it's Africa, India, if it's to the street, wherever it is, the least of Your desires, Lord, is my command. Death don't mean a thing to me. Popularity, my--what I am, what I will be, means nothing, Lord. It's to fulfill Your desires." That's the warriors that's standing by the side of Him. "If they call me a holy-roller, if my name is scandalized, if they kick me in the street, that doesn't matter. Your desire is my command." That's the real soldier.

123 What did they do? They fought their way through until they got to that well. They dipped the bucket of water out. And here they come back, fighting, cutting their way from right to left, and they're coming to the presence of David. Said, "Here you are, my lord." Oh, my. What? A man that was disgraced, a man that was hated by the church, a man that was hated by the king, a man that was hated by the Philistines, a man that was hated everywhere nearly. But a little group that followed him, they knew that he was the coming king.

124 Today, I know we sing great songs; we build great churches; we have great anthems and everything; we praise to Him like that; but Jesus said, "In your hearts you're far from Me, for you teach for doctrine the commandments of men." Let the Holy Spirit come in and do something in their church, showing the Presence of Jesus Christ, they'll kick you out the door. "In vain do you worship Me. They worship, but in vain do you do it, teaching for doctrine the traditions of men."

But there's warriors who believe Him. There's warriors who stand by it with a spiritual understanding, like in little Bethlehem yonder. See? Sure, it was.

126 David picked up this bucket of water; he looked at it, and the Bible said that he poured it upon the ground, said, "Lord, be it far from me that I'd drink that, because these my--Thy warriors has jeopardized their life to go yonder and to bring this water to me. It's the blood of men. I cannot do it." And this sweet water that they jeopardized their lives and broke through the enemy line to go yonder and get, David poured it upon the ground as a freewill offering to the Lord. It wasn't mean; it was only fulfilling the Scriptures.

127 Because although Jesus, from Bethlehem is the Bread of Life, He also is the Water of Life. Sure, it is. And what did He do? He was represented in both David and warriors, because He was the King, and He was the warrior Who came and broke through the enemy's lines (Amen.), conquered death, hell, and the grave, poured out His own Blood, that John 3:16 might be fulfilled.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but would have Eternal life.

And then He give not the water that represented it, but He was the Water, or perish; a perishing people, that might have Life... How did He do it? Through His Own Blood, by pouring It out; not spilling It, that's an accident. He poured It out freely at Calvary, after He broke through every line of the enemy and poured out His Life Blood, that He might be the Breadbasket to the world.

And the Fountain filled with Blood,

Drawn from Immanuel's veins,

When sinners plunged beneath the flood,

Lose all their guilty stains.

129 That's why He was born in Bethlehem. That's why He had to come, because it was the bread center, the Bread of Life. It was the water center. What is it? The Waters of Life. And in Jesus was both Bread of Life and Waters of Life; therefore, He had to come and be born in Bethlehem. "Thou Bethlehem of Judaea, are you not the least among all the great princes?" You're just an ordinary little creature; you're just a little fellow; but out of you shall come the Ruler which is from old, from everlasting to everlasting, His foregoings has been going forth from ever, and from everlasting to everlasting.

That's why He was born in Bethlehem of Judaea. It cradled Him. And, my brother, the place He wants to be cradled today is in your own being, your own heart, that He might display from you, the Waters of Life to a perishing people, and the Bread of Life to a starving people. He is the Bread and Water of Life, which is the two essential things to a man's living is bread and water. It's promised, sure.

131 Let us bow our heads just a moment, and in doing so, I want your undivided attention. Have you ever been to Bethlehem, this morning? If you have never been to Bethlehem...

It was called Ephratah of Bethlehem too, Ephratah of Bethlehem. "Ephratah" means "the root," come from the word "h-e-m-p, hemp" means "the root." And the old ancient district there was called "Ephratah," which means, "it's the beginning of life." Christ said, "If ye abide in Me... I am the Vine and ye are the branches." He's the Root of all Life.

If you've never come to Bethlehem Ephratah, the Bethlehem, come this morning and receive Him as your Saviour, and He'll forgive you of your sins. Will you raise your hands to Him and say, "Lord God, be merciful to me now; I now here come to Jesus with all my heart. I come to Your Bethlehem, the Water and Bread of Life. I now accept Him as my personal Saviour" The Lord bless you, young fellow back there. The Lord bless you. God bless you, little one.

134 Is there another, say, "I now come; nothing in my arms. I stand, thirsting, my throat is dry. I'm wondering where I can go and find real Life. I'm wondering. I've joined churches..." God bless you, sister. "I've joined churches, I've done everything I know to do, Brother Branham, but I've never yet touched that real Life-giving resource. I now come, Lord, to receive It." He's here for you. Would you just raise your hand, say, "It's me, Lord. I'm the one that's standing and needy"? The Lord bless you, while we pray.

135 O Lord God, this little broken-up message brought from the Scriptures, though in all of its symbols, that You put it there; maybe it's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and be revealed to babes such as will learn. How that little Bethlehem, the least of all of them... How did the prophet say that? "Art thou not least among all the princes?" But it so pleased God to bring from that little insignificant place the Ruler of Israel. Lord God, out of a little group of people that's washed by the scarlet line of Blood of the Lord Jesus, You shall bring forth, to that group, somewhere, Lord, across this world, Christ again, that'll rule all nations with a rod of iron.

I pray Thee, Father God, that You'll be merciful to each of us who are present now, and may we come to Your Bethlehem. "O come, all ye faithful," we've been singing, "come to Bethlehem." Lord, let them see that it's not go to a little city yonder that was once in a symbol, but go to the reality, Jesus Christ, God's Bread and Water of Life.

And these who raised their hands, receive them into Thy Kingdom just now, Lord, for it's by their faith they--they receive Him; it's by faith that they raised their hands; and it's by faith that I believe that You receive them. Keep them, Lord, at Bethlehem, where they'll never stray or go away like Naomi; but may, if the times gets hard, may they stay right at Bethlehem. It will be better by and by. Grant it, Lord.

138 Now, I pray that You'll be merciful to those who are sick and afflicted. There are those here, Lord, who need Thy healing touch. O Lord, You did restore Bethlehem to all of her former glory. You restored her in the time of a depression, when she was sick. You brought her right back and brought Naomi at barley season. And now, Father, we pray that You'll bring every Naomi, and everyone that's in here that is in need. I pray, God. O Lord, it's just barley season, the great barley loaf that was seen come rolling down the hill into the camp of the enemy. I pray, God, that You will bring that great barley loaf into this building now, and that it may be the atonement for the--the sickness of the people, as well as the sin, and heal every person that's in Divine Presence.

I just feel, Lord, maybe it's just my own personal feeling, but I feel that You're near, the nearness of You now in here. I believe that You're here. And I say not this because of the people; Thou Who knows the heart of man, I pray, Lord, that somehow they'll catch the vision this morning, like those warriors, that Your great omnipotence, Your great power, Your great Presence, You--what You are, the Son of God, the King, the anointed One, that You're in the midst of us; they'll catch the glimpse of It in their souls and be healed of their afflictions. I pray this prayer, as I place it to them, in the Name of Jesus Christ Thy Son. Amen.

140 I believe God, all His Words, believe that every part of His Word is Divinely inspired. I believe that He isn't "I was," but He's "I AM," a ever-living Presence. I believe that right now in the midst of the people here...

You who raised your hand, find you a church, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, calling upon God, washing away your sins, believing that His soon coming is to--He's to appear in His second coming.

I also believe that His Presence is here to heal the sick, to make well those who are needy. You don't have to necessarily just be one-by-one prayed for. I proved that the other night to people, that I just wanted to show them what'd happen.

143 There was a certain young man, who's setting, looking right at me now, that had been in bed for days. His throat was swelled so bad till he couldn't even eat nor nothing; his fever was way high. And he'd told his father and mother, "Send, get Brother Branham come pray for me." And somehow they didn't want to bother me, 'cause I was busy. And just Something led me to go to their house.

While setting there, they tried to bring the young man a plate, had real soft egg and something another, and some soft beans mashed up, and he was trying to swallow them. He'd wallow them around, take his finger, and mash them, his teeth was all swelled out and pus running out of them. And--and he'd try to mash it like that with his finger, and try to get it down his throat like that. And he made about a bite or two, and he just couldn't go no farther, pushed it back.

145 I was setting there without prayer; there's just a little something; you can't tell everybody what's going on. No. I said, "Lord, Lord, it's close to the end of the year now. There's a coming on, a new something. Let me. Lord, is this it, is this it?" And as soon as I begin to say that, and say now, in my heart now, "I know You're here," the young man reached and got another bite, and another bite, and another bite, and another bite, and cleaned up his whole plate, and got in his car and went away.

Oh, He's God (See?), His Presence, His Presence... They don't... It just lets Him be present.

147 The other day when they taken this last, latest picture... When I seen Him standing there, I looked at it and I thought, "Well, I've seen the Angel of the Lord on those, and I know it was wonderful." But when He taken this one, then about three o'clock in the morning, He woke me up and told me what it was to be, and explained it all to me, and how the armor and everything, showed me the things on it I'd never seen. I went in and get it, and looked at it, and there it was. I had never seen it before. Oh, what a feeling that brought to me, a consolation, to know that He's present.

He's here, just His Presence. And the Presence of the Lord was there to heal the sick. The Presence of the Lord is here to heal the sick. The Presence of the Lord is here to bring conviction to sinners. The Presence of the Lord is in the midst of His people, and He is God's Bethlehem full of Bread and Water. I'm so glad (Aren't you?) that we have a place to come, to eat and live forever.

149 Now, the Lord bless you. Got something you want to say, brother? [Brother Neville says, "No."--Ed.] Let us stand to our feet just a moment. Our old dismissing song, "Take the Name of Jesus With You"...

How many love the Lord, let's see you raise your hands way up. Now, while you got your hands up, now, put them down and shake hands with somebody standing by you, say, "God bless you, pilgrim. God bless you." That's right, then around. All right, that's just so you get acquainted with each other. All right.

Now, let's look right up towards the heavens and sing this song now.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name, (precious Name) O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of heaven;

Precious Name, (precious Name) O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of heaven. (Now, remember...)

1Môže to vyzerať dnes ráno trochu smiešne, ako mám tu na pódiu oblečený tento kabát, ale bol som tak šťastný, že môžem ukázať tento pekný kabát, ktorý mi dal zbor. Videl som jedného dňa brata Nevilla, že ho tu má, mal na sebe pekný oblek, a ako pekne mu to pasovalo a pomyslel som si, dobre, ja... Vyzeralo to veľmi dobre a zhromaždenie o tom hovorilo, tak som si pomyslel, „Oblečiem si ten môj kabát, keď pôjdem na pódium.“

2Viete, myslím si, že my nikdy nevyrastieme. My sme vždy... A ja nechcem vyrásť. Čo s tým, brat Luther? No, nikdy nechceme vyrásť, vždy chceme zostať deťmi.

3[Brat Neville hovorí, „Brat Branham, myslel som si, že máš oblečenú takú róbu, ktorú nosia tí kazatelia vyššej triedy, a ja som ťa zbadal len v kútiku oka a pomyslel som si, že si si asi dal na seba rúcho.“ Brat Branham a zhromaždenie sa smejú - pozn.prekl.] To bol kompliment k tomu peknému kabátu.

4No, poviem toto, je to... Jeden som skutočne nutne potreboval, a tak toto je ten najlepší, aký som kedy mal. A istotne si to cením. A brat Roy Robertson, neviem, či je tu dnes ráno, alebo nie, on mal niečo s tým výberom toho kabátu, a tak, bol to skutočne dobrý výber a sme veľmi radi, že to máme.

5A tak, sme veľmi radi, že sme dnes ráno späť v dome živého Boha, a že sa radujeme z tohoto ohromného času obecenstva okolo Jeho vzácneho Slova.

6A tak, ak bude Pán chcieť, veľmi skoro pôjdem za more. A hádam ste to videli v časopise Hlas obchodníkov, že odchádzam budúci mesiac za more. A tak vás všetkých skutočne prosíme o modlitby, aby ste sa za nás modlili, zatiaľ čo budeme preč. Zdá sa, že moje zhromaždenia za morom sú lepšie, pretože je to tam lepšie. V Amerike...

7Hovoril som bratovi Mercierovi, že som počúval... Dal mi prehrávač a mal k tomu nahrávky niektorých mojich kázní. A ja som vtedy spoznal, že ak ma kedy kto počúva, tak to pri nich musí byť skutočne milosť Božia, pretože som si pomyslel, že by som mohol byť lepší.

8On aj toto nahráva. A tak môžeš tú časť vystrihnúť, dobre? Alebo, hádam teraz drží to tlačidlo stlačené, tak dúfam, že to teraz vystriháva.

9Ale poviem vám, bol som tak prekvapený, ja... To najbiednejšie kázanie, aké som počul vo svojom živote, bolo to moje. To je pravda. Bolo to na tej nahrávke. Ja... To ma tak znervóznilo, že som ani nedokázal zjesť večeru. Prišlo mi zle, odišiel som od stola a v tú noc som vôbec nemohol spať.

10A išiel som dolu do Kentucky s bratom Woodom, to bolo včera. A keď sme sa vrátili, povedal som, „Brat Wood, ja nerozumiem, ako vôbec môže niekto prísť a počúvať ma hovoriť, je to tak biedne, toľko sa opakujem a, ó, tá gramatika je hrozná a nie je tam žiadna interpunkcia.“ Ja len... Ja nerozumiem. Povedal som, „Z jednej strany ma to povzbudzuje, že viem, že to musí byť Boh, inak by vôbec nikto neprišiel.“ To je pravda.

11A tak som hovoril s bratom Collinsom a nazdávam sa, že je v budove, a tak som mu povedal... On prišiel a hovoril som mu o tom, povedal som, „Brat Collins, úprimne...“ Povedal som, „Som teraz takmer tridsať rokov starý ako kazateľ, a istotne by som mal vedieť, čo je to kázeň.“ Povedal som, „To bolo to najbiednejšie, čo som kedy počul.“

12A on je metodistický kazateľ a jeho brat je dôležitým človekom v Metodistickej denominácii a on povedal, „No,“ povedal, „Poviem ti, brat Branham.“ Povedal, „Tvoja interpunkcia a vety možno nekončia správne a podobne, ale,“ povedal, „Či si niekedy pomyslel na to, že ten chlapík, ktorý kázal na deň Letníc, že on sa dokonca nevedel ani podpísať svojím menom? Volal sa Peter.“ Povedal, „Viem si predstaviť, že jeho interpunkcia nebola správna.“

13Ale vidíte, to, čo spôsobuje, že človek dáva na toto dôraz, je to, že keď počúvate tieto rozhlasové vysielania, a oni to majú všetko napísané, rozumiete? A oni si to môžu napísať, dať tomu správnu interpunkciu a tie veci, pretože oni to čítajú.

14Stál som s Charlesom Fullerom, kázal za takou skrinkou, asi takouto, a to mal ako kazateľňu. A všetko, čo povedal, on to priamo čítal, číslo jedna, číslo dva, číslo tri, číslo štyri, takto, kým to nebolo všetko presné a správne načasované. A bolo to všetko odobrené, tá rozhlasová stanica to odobrila a všetko také.

15A tiež pri Billy Grahamovi, videl som to, a tak ďalej, ako tam oni stoja a hovoria a čítajú to tak rýchlo, ako len môžu, a je to všetko vopred pripravené, takže si myslím, že oni majú správnu interpunkciu.

16Ale problém so mnou je, že ja by som to nevedel ani prečítať a tak, ak by som to ja napísal, som si istý, že by som to sám nedokázal prečítať, takže to je nádherná milosť, či nie? Vidieť, čo On môže pre nás urobiť. Ale som tak vďačný, že môžem teraz začať a zakončiť tento starý rok, a začať ten nový rok.

17Počúval som modlitebný rad, a istotne som nebol spokojný ani s tým modlitebným radom, keď som to počúval. To bolo prvý krát, ako som sa takto sám počul kázať posolstvo, a istotne som bol prekvapený, že tie modlitebné rady nie sú vedené správne. Nie, myslím si, že takto sa po nejakom čase stane, že každý bude musieť o tom všetko vedieť, predtým, ako uverí. A počnúc prvým dňom toho nového roku to chcem zmeniť a začať modlitebný rad, kdekoľvek Boh ku mne prehovorí, „Táto osoba je mimo tej línie,“ alebo „niečo s ňou nie je v poriadku“ a zastavím sa pri nej, nech tí ostatní ďalej pokračujú, pretože inak ich tým radom neprejde dostatočný počet. Rozumiete? Ľudia vedia, kde sú a kým sú a čo urobili, ale keď treba nájsť niečo, čo nie je v poriadku s Bohom, to je čas, kde sa treba pri tej osobe zastaviť a povedať, „Toto je on.“ Rozumiete? Tak, myslím si, že to možno trochu zmeníme, brat Leo, odkedy som to počul, a spolieham na to, že Boh nám v tom nadchádzajúcom roku pomôže.

18No, myslím, že dnes večer sú tu v modlitebni zhromaždenia, a ja mám byť dnes večer na šesťdesiatdvojke tu hore s bratom Ruddellom, rozumiem to tak, že oni tu budú mať modlitebné zhromaždenie, a brat Ruddell ma požiadal, aby som na to zhromaždenie prišiel, ale myslím, že sa vrátim v ten večer sem do modlitebne, pretože vždy som sa snažil byť na Silvestra v modlitebni a chcel som prísť sem, aby som tu bol s bratmi. A tak som urobil taký malý kompromis, že budem dnes večer s bratom Ruddellom na šesťdesiatdvojke v tom starom klube šesťdesiat dva, ktorý bol prerobený na cirkev. A potom budem v stredu večer späť tu na modlitebnom zhromaždení. A potom vo štvrtok odchádzame do Chicaga a potom ďalej, a ďalej do Filadelfie a potom za more.

19A dnes ráno vás nechceme držať príliš dlho, pretože je to... Máme osobné rozhovory a sú pred nami zhromaždenia.

20A myslím, že od posledného modlitebného zhromaždenia tu, ó, som veľmi vďačný za tie výsledky, ktoré sa ukázali od toho posledného modlitebného zhromaždenia. Je to istotne nádherná vec, čo môže Pán urobiť, keď sa Jeho ľudia zhromaždia. „Tí, ktorí sú... Ktorí budú vzývať Meno Pánovo a zhromaždia sa spolu.“ Verím, že tak to je, „A budú sa modliť, potom Boh z Nebies vypočuje.“

21Tak, skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, len na chvíľu, ako hľadíme na Neho, aby nám daroval inšpiráciu, ktorú potrebujeme pre toto posolstvo.

22Pane, Ty si nám bol útočišťom a silou vo všetkých generáciách. Naši otcovia pred nami Ti dôverovali a neboli zahanbení. Oni verili v Tvoje Sväté Meno a boli privedení ako svietiace svetlá, a keď sme sa my na nich dívali, ako povedal básnik, „Šľapaje na pieskoch času, naše rozlúčenia zanechávame za nami, šľapaje na pieskoch času.“ Potom vidíme, že tí, ktorí Ti dôverovali, tak zakaždým, bez toho, že by Si jediný raz zlyhal, oni vyšli správne. Hoci išli cez mnohé hlboké vody a veľké skúšky a prenasledovania, ale pri tom na konci, Ty si ich vždy vyviedol, že boli, „Viac, ako víťazi.“ Pretože to je Tvoje zasľúbené Slovo, cez ktoré Si toto urobil.

23A my sa dnes modlíme, aby Si požehnal túto malú cirkev, požehnaj jej pastora, nášho dobrého brata, brata Nevilla a jeho rodinu, a prosíme, aby si bol s ním v tomto nadchádzajúcom roku a viac ho pomazal a požehnal každým spôsobom. Posilni zdravie jeho rodiny, tých maličkých, ktorí rastú. Zachovaj brata Nevilleho silného a zdravého.

24A požehnaj túto cirkev, každého člena, ktorý je v nej, výbor dôverníkov, ó, ako ich milujeme, ako skutočných, šľachetných mužov Božích a výbor diakonov, oni sú tiež Tvojimi šľachetnými služobníkmi. A všetci ľudia, ktorí tu prichádzajú, my sme za nich vďační, Pane. To jednoducho robí môjmu srdcu dobre, keď viem, že tento malý starý močiar, a to, čo bolo pred mnohými rokmi len takým kusom pôdy s burinou, bolo učinené majákom kráľovstva Božieho. A modlím sa, Bože, aby to stálo, kým príde Ježiš. A nech mnoho vzácnych duší, ktoré sú tu, Pane, vyjde v ten deň umytých Krvou Baránka. Udeľ to.

25A ako otvárame dnes ráno toto Tvoje požehnané Slovo, Pane, keď obraciame stránky, aby sme z toho prečítali text, a vieme, že iba Ty Sám môžeš dať z toho kontext. A modlíme sa, Bože, aby si pomazal Svoje Slovo, a nech by ono išlo rovno do sŕdc ľudí a spôsobilo im niečo dobré. Učiň z neveriacich veriacich a posilni kresťanov, a uzdrav chorých a dodaj odvahy znechuteným a daj Sebe Slávu. A aby toto mohlo byť, Pane, obrež pery, ktoré budú hovoriť, a uši, ktoré budú počuť. Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene, Amen.

26Oznámim ten malý text, ktorý mi prišiel na srdce už minulú nedeľu. A hovoril som o tých múdrych mužoch, ktorí prichádzali, aby videli Ježiša, tú hviezdu, ktorú nasledovali od Východu na Západ, a zatiaľ, čo som to študoval, natrafil som na miesto Písma a na Štedrý deň som sa sem nedostal, pretože som mal nejaké služby vo väzniciach, a tak ďalej, a musel som tam byť. Tak som si pomyslel, že by som dnes hovoril na tému: Prečo malý Betlehem?

27Chcem prečítať z knihy proroka Micheáša, jedného z malých prorokov z 5. kapitoly 2. verš, je tam napísané toto:

A ty, Bet-lehem, Efrata, primalý byť

[„hoci si malý“ - v angl.preklade KJV – pozn.prekl.]

medzi tisícami Júdovými, z teba mi vyjde ten, ktorý má byť Panovníkom v Izraelovi, a jeho východiská sú od pradávna, odo dní veku.

28Mám tu na tom mieste Písma takú značku, to preto, že som v tom čase nedokázal porozumieť, čo to slovo znamená.

29Zo všetkých miest, ktoré sú v Palestíne, a tam je tak mnoho veľkých miest a lokalít, miest, ktoré sú zdanlivo o toľko známejšie v tej tradičnej histórii a lepšie ohradené, väčšie mestá. A prečo by Boh vybral práve malý Betlehem, aby bolo miestom narodenia Jeho Syna? Existuje ich mnoho, ktoré sú väčšie. Tak, napríklad historický Jeruzalem. Ten pyšný Jeruzalem, hlavné mesto všetkého toho a on je jedným z najväčších miest v Palestíne a my sa potom divíme, prečo by Boh vybral také maličké mesto Betlehem, ako miesto narodenia Jeho Syna.

30Ale, ako povedali Písma, „To, čo je Boh rozhodnutý urobiť, to sa stane.“ A existuje Boh, ktorý to tak vopred určil, lebo inak by to tak nikdy nemohlo byť. A Písmo tam hovorí v pätnástej kapitole Skutkov, že, „Nič sa nedeje náhodou.“ Boh všetko vedel. A to sa nestalo len nejakou náhodou, že sa to tak stalo. To bolo tak, pretože Boh to tak učinil.

31A potom my, vo svojich malých ohraničených mysliach, nad tým začíname rozmýšľať, „Prečo by si ten veľký Kráľ Neba vybral také malé miesto, ako to, namiesto toho hlavného mesta?“ Namiesto nejakého...

32Boli tam dokonca mnohé miesta, ktoré mali väčšie duchovné pozadie, ako mal Betlehem. Napríklad, jedno z takých miest bolo Šílo. Šílo bolo starodávne miesto uctievania, ktoré patrilo Izraelu, kde všetci prichádzali rok za rokom, na toto veľké miesto, kde odpočinula Pánova truhla zmluvy. A zamýšľam sa potom, prečo sa On nemohol narodiť v Šíle?

33Potom tam bol Gilgal, ďalšie veľké duchovné miesto uctievania. Prečo Boh nenechal, aby sa On narodil v Gilgale?

34Potom tam bolo ďalšie miesto: Sion. Sion bol na vrchu hory. A my sa divíme, prečo sa Ježiš nenarodil na Sione, pretože to bolo veľkým historickým miestom, kde Pán Svoj ľud počas vekov požehnal.

35A to tak vyzerá, že On by si mohol vybrať Sion, alebo Gilgal, alebo Šílo, alebo jedno z tých iných veľkých miest, kde boli pred tým veľké požehnania a veľké lekcie.

36A potom tam boli iné veľké mestá, ako napríklad Hebron. To bolo miesto pre človeka, ktorý potreboval miesto útočišťa, miesto bezpečia. Potom tam bol Rámot Gileád, to bolo tiež ďalšie útočištné mesto, kde mohli ľudia prísť, a ono by bolo veľmi vhodné, aby sa tam On narodil.

37A možno, ak by som ja o tom rozmýšľal, tak by som Ho priviedol do Kádeš Barney, pretože to bolo súdnou stolicou a útočištným mestom, možno ja by som Ho priviedol tam do tej krajiny, aby to bolo Jeho miestom narodenia. Alebo by sme možno každý vybrali nejaké iné z tých miest.

38Ale, viete, som tak rád, že dokonca aj tie malé, nepatrné miesta v Biblii, znamenajú tak mnoho. Myslím, že to povedal sám Ježiš, že, „Vy obchádzate a činíte tie väčšie veci zákona,“ vlastne, „ale obchádzate tú malú vec.“ A niekedy sú to tie malé veci, ktoré držia tie veľké veci pohromade, ale to všetko vo všetkom, to veľké ozubené koleso sa otáča presne tak, ako Boh určil, aby sa točilo. Keď sa to tu otočí, to neminie svoje miesto, ani jeden zub toho kolesa. Boh všetky tie veci predurčil, a to musí zapadnúť presne do toho miesta.

39A keď dostávame takú vieru a začíname rozmýšľať, „Kto je za týmto všetkým? Kto je tou hlavnou pružinou, ktorá otáča túto veľkú Božiu ekonómiu?“ Zisťujeme, že to je Duch Svätý. Nie je to ponechané do rúk ľudí, aby činili tie veci, ale je to v rukách Svätého Ducha, a On je tou hlavnou pružinou, že ak On môže dostať tie ostatné nástroje, to bude fungovať dokonale a presne to zachová Boží čas.

40A potom to vidíme a divíme sa vo vlastnej mysli, že potom, ak sa pozeráme na tie veľké veci, a ako by sme ich my urobili, a potom nám to dáva v dnešnom dni veľkú útechu pomyslieť, že ak sme možno len malou skupinou ľudí, ak sme možno len nepatrnými pre ten svet a pre tie väčšie cirkvi denominácií, pritom Boh z času na čas používa tie malé jednoduché veci.

41Lebo je tiež napísané v Písmach, „Neboj sa, malé stádečko, je to dobrá vôľa vášho Otca, dať vám Kráľovstvo.“ Čo za útecha to je, keď viem, že s takou istotou, s akou sa Ježiš musel narodiť v malom Betleheme, tak isto bude to malé stádečko, práve to, ktorému Otec dá Kráľovstvo, pretože tak je napísané. A všetky Písma sú dané skrze inšpiráciu a Písma nemožno zmeniť. Musia sa naplniť. Tak nám to dáva nádej, keď vieme, že to bude malé stádečko, ktoré prijme Kráľovstvo, malé, verné stádečko veriacich. Spolieham na to, že som jedným z toho stádečka, alebo, že som v tom malom stádečku, som chcel povedať.

42A potom poznáme ten príbeh, väčšina z nás je s tým príbehom oboznámená, ako Izrael prišiel do Palestíny, skrze Božie zasľúbenie. A vieme, že ten veľký Jozua bol tým, ktorý rozdelil každému pokoleniu svoju porciu.

43A istotne, ak by sme mali čas od teraz asi do šiestej večera, tak by sme zostali celý čas rovno pri tejto téme, aby sme tieto veci vysvetlili a dostali z nich ten skutočný význam, pričom nemáme toľko času, máme len tridsať, štyridsať minút. Tak sa musíme dotknúť len toho vrcholu a spoliehame, že Svätý Duch umiestni ten zbytok z toho vám, biblickým čitateľom, do vášho srdca, ako pôjdeme ďalej.

44Či ste vedeli, že tie porcie, ako ich Jozua rozdelil v Palestíne, boli dané skrze inšpiráciu? A tie hebrejské matky patriarchov, keď sa to dieťa práve rodilo a ona bola v pôrodných bolestiach, aby porodila dieťa, ona vyslovila práve meno toho miesto, kde sa tí patriarchovia mali usadiť v tých posledných dňoch.

45Keď hovoríme o inšpirácii, táto Biblia je inšpirovaná! Nezáleží na tom, aká je malá, každé jedno miesto Písma má takú ohromnú pozíciu v Písme v tom veľkom obraze. Všetko z toho, každé slovo je inšpirované a visí na tom konečné určenie duší, pretože to je Slovo nesmrteľného a večného Boha.

46A dokonca tie matky, keď sa to dieťa narodilo a oni vyslovili svojím hlasom tie mená, umiestnili ich do pozície, kde mali byť v tej zasľúbenej zemi o stovky rokov neskôr. A Jozua, nevediac to, pritom skrze tú istú inšpiráciu, ich presne umiestnil tam, kde mali byť.

47A Jozua, ako to rozdeľoval, rozdelil Júdovu porciu. Ak si to všimnete na mape, geograficky je to rovno na západ od mora, pár míľ južne od Jeruzalema, hlavného mesta. A keď Júda dostával v tej zemi svoju časť, svoju provinciu, ako by sme to nazvali, je to zvláštne, ale toto malé mesto Betlehem nebolo dokonca ani spomenuté. Pritom tam bolo, pretože Abrahám... Alebo, myslím, že to bola Rebeka, ktorá bola na tom mieste pochovaná, ale to musela byť len nejaká malá dedinka, pretože, ak čítate 5. kapitolu knihy Jozuu, zistíte, že pod panstvom Júdu bolo sto pätnásť hlavných miest, okrem dedín a malých mestečiek, je tam spomenutých sto pätnásť veľkomiest. A zrejme, keď to bolo rozdeľované, bol Betlehem taký maličký, možno to bol len nejaký malý dom, alebo dva, že to v tom dedičstve ani nebolo spomenuté. Potom zisťujeme, že to vlastne nikdy nebolo ani známe.

48Ten, ktorý ho založil, to bol Kálefov syn, syn Kálefa, ktorý sa volal Salma, a on ho založil. Biblia hovorí, že bol otcom toho mesta, čo znamená, že bol zakladateľom Betlehema.

Inými slovami, on sa tam musel presťahovať a začať nejaký druh obchodu a predávanie a obchodovanie, a tak ďalej, čo tomu dalo vzrast. Neskôr zisťujeme, že ten skutočný dôvod toho, stalo sa, že celá zem žiarlila na ten maličký kúsok zeme, ktorý leží smerom na sever a na východ a trochu sa na tom výbežku zvažuje na juh. To bola najúrodnejšia časť z celej Palestíny. Bolo to hlavným miestom kukurice a hlavným miestom pšenice a v tej časti Betlehema boli veľké olivové sady, a tak ďalej, alebo v tej časti Palestíny, na konci provincii Júdu.

49A zisťujeme, že sa to tiež stalo domovom smilnice Rachab, keď Izrael prekročil hranicu rieky Jordán, do Palestíny. Sme oboznámení s príbehom smilnice Rachab. Vyobrazme si ju dnes ráno na pár minút, túto mladú dámu, krásnu mladú ženu, ktorú nejaké nešťastie v živote donútilo (tým, že bola pohankou), bola v živote donútená žiť, ako žila. A mnohokrát sú ľudia donútení do určitého života, ktorý žijú.

50Bol som raz večer vo väznici, aby som navštívil muža, ktorý mal byť popravený. Vzal som ho za ruku, hovoril som s ním a povedal som, „Prečo si urobil takú vec?“ A ako ma držal za ruku, začal hovoriť. On bol donútený do toho, čo robil. Povedal som, „Pretože ty si to dovolil, aby ťa to do toho donútilo, nemusíš to robiť, ani ty, ani žiaden človek nemusí piť.“ Povedal som, „Ja som sám nervózny, ale tamto nepotrebujem.“

51A táto mladá žena, po tom, ako prvýkrát počula o Izraeli a o Bohu, ktorý bol Bohom, ktorý odpovedá na modlitby, nielen Boh, ku ktorému sa modlí, ale Boh, ktorý odpovedá späť; keď počula, že existuje Boh zázrakov, ktorý dokáže vykonať zázraky, Boh, ktorý vysušil moria a dal pršať chlieb z neba, jej srdce sa začalo chvieť. A keď počula od tých dvoch kazateľov, ktorí tam išli, prvé posolstvo, ona to rýchlo prijala so všetkým, čo bolo v jej srdci. A na jej okno bol uviazaný šarlátový [jasnočervený – pozn.prekl.] povraz pre ochranu jej domu, pretože ona to posolstvo prijala.

52A možno by som to tu dodal: či ste vedeli, že ona bola typom na pohanskú cirkev? Ona bola pohanka a ona bola typom cirkvi z pohanov, ako oni budú počuť posolstvo. A my sme boli všetci v duchovnej prostitúcii, páchajúc duchovné smilstvá proti Bohu neba, vo všetkých možných veciach, všetkých možných druhoch denominácií a náboženstiev, ale keď sme počuli, že existuje Boh, ktorý stále žije, ktorý dokáže vykonať zázraky, rýchlo sme to posolstvo prijali.

53A tam bola nanesená krv Pána Ježiša, ktorá vytvorila ten šarlátový povraz. Aby som nevchádzal do prílišných detailov, viete, ako to ona zo svojho okna zavesila: verejne, tá krv bola vystavená verejne. To je to, ako musí byť tá krv vystavená, verejne, visiac z vonkajšej strany múru, aby to ukázalo, že tam vo vnútri sa niečo stalo. To je to, ako je to s pravým veriacim v Kristovi dnes ráno. Navonok má vystavenú krv Pána Ježiša, ktorá ukazuje, že vo vnútri sa niečo odohralo.

54A skrze toto sa Boh pozrel dolu, keď zostúpil ten hnev a trúby začali trúbiť, Boh videl ten šarlátový povraz, ako tam visí ako pamätník. A Jemu sa to vždy páči, preskočiť krv. „Keď uvidím tú krv, preskočím vás.“ On to videl, a keď zemou prešlo zatrasenie a Duch Svätý zatriasol tými múrmi, niektoré z nich mali hrúbku dvadsať stôp [asi 6m – pozn.prekl.], ale ani jedna skala nespadla tam, kde visel ten povraz. To poukazuje na ochranu pravého veriaceho pravdivým Bohom, bez ohľadu na to, v akom si stave, keď ťa On nachádza, ide len o to, či prijímaš ten šarlátový povraz. On sa tiahne celou Bibliou.

55A potom ju vidíme, že bola vzatá, aby bola jednou z Izraelitov. Zaľúbila sa do muža, ktorý bol v Júdovi kapitánom a kniežaťom. Bol to kapitán Izraelských armád, volal sa Salmon, práve tak, ako ten kráľ Šalamún. On bol kráľom, a ona sa dostala s týmto kapitánom, ktorý bol kniežaťom v Júdovi, do veľkého ľúbostného vzťahu. Nakoniec sa za neho vydala. A keď sa Izraeliti usadili, ona a jej milovaný manžel žili v Betleheme.

56Teraz to začínate vidieť, ako sa vám to otvára, že? Rozumiete? Začína sa nám to otvárať, ako vidíme, že ona žila v Betleheme, súc pohanskou nevestou so Židom. Prečo? Pretože ona uverila v Boha, ktorý koná zázraky. A aby sme sa pozreli, odkiaľ pochádzala, bolo to z domu zlej povesti, prostitúcie, skrze jej obrátenie a skrze jej nezlyhávajúcu vieru v Boha, to ju vyviedlo z domu prostitúcie, do nádherného domu v Betleheme. Čo za rozdiel.

57To je to, čo to robí pre všetkých nás. Z domu nevery a znechutení, nemorálnych skutkov a všetkého, do takého miesta, do pozície v Kristovi, ktorá je tým najnádhernejším miestom. Z nezmyselnosti do vznešenosti, to je ten rozdiel, ktorý robí pre nás naše obrátenie. A či ste uvideli, že ona sa vydala za knieža domu Júdovho, za kapitána? Ten kapitán reprezentoval Krista, ktorý si vzal nevestu z pohanov, tých najnižších z najnižších, až do hlavného a najlepšieho miesta v zemi, ako sa ku tomu dostaneme neskôr v našom posolstve a dokážeme, že to nemohlo byť nič iné, ako to. Oni sú typom pohanskej cirkvi.

58A zisťujeme, že oni mali v Betleheme milý domov, ako to Salmon založil, a to sa malo stať veľkým miestom a úrodnou zemou, a ako je nádherné pomyslieť na tú veľkú krajinu pšenice tam, že to bude miesto chleba pre svet, a je to pravda, niet divu, že Ježiš sa musel narodiť tam, pretože On bol Chlebom Života! To je to, kde všetky národy prichádzali pre svoje zrno. Pretože to bol Betlehem, ktorý mal tie úrodné polia. A vidíte, tá maličká vec, len sa hovorilo, „Ó, to bola provincia pšenice.“ Pritom to niečo znamenalo a vidíte, ako to pohanské knieža, vlastne toto židovské knieža si berie svoju pohanskú nevestu späť do Betlehema, do miesta, kde sa majú usadiť, na miesto, kde majú žiť, miesto, kde bolo mnoho chleba.

59Zisťujeme, že skrze tento vážny ľúbostný vzťah a veľkú poslušnosť viery, skrze smilnicu Rachab, ona porodila Salmonovi syna, a jeho meno bolo Boáz. A všetci sme oboznámení s ďalším príbehom, ktorý je tu teraz s týmto zviazaný. A Boáz sa narodil v Betleheme od Salmona a smilnice Rachab.

60A my sme... Zisťujeme, že o roky neskôr potom, ako Naoma opustila krajinu a odišla bývať s Moábitmi, a kde s ňou veľmi zle zaobchádzali, a ona sa dostala pomimo obecenstva tých ostatných veriacich a dala sa do spoločnosti v odpadnutom stave v inej zemi medzi inými ľuďmi. Inými slovami, ona opustila tú pravú veriacu cirkev, aby odišla na nejakú chvíľu do sveta, aby sa pripojila do nejakej sociálnej cirkvi, ktorá verila, že takmer čokoľvek bude úplne v poriadku. A tam stratila svojho manžela.

61A to nemusí byť zakaždým fyzická smrť, môžeš ho stratiť v duchovnej smrti, alebo stratiť svoju manželku, radšej zostaň v tej dobrej zemi. Radšej by si mal zostať tam, kde vieš, že si prikrytý skrze Krv, bez ohľadu na to, ako vyzerajú tí ostatní, akí sú veľkí, aké majú vo svojich cirkvách pekné točité schody, alebo ako veľmi zvonia tie zvony. Radšej by si mal zostať tam, kde Krv prikrýva hriech ľudí. Môžete stratiť jeden druhého, a ponad všetko, môžeš stratiť Pána Ježiša a byť vymknutý.

62A zisťujeme potom, že potom, ako boli jej synovia preč, ona ich stratila oboch, ona sa vrátila späť, pretože v tom meste v tom čase nebol žiaden duch prebudenia.

63Ó, ako rád by som sa tu na chvíľu pozastavil, ako rád by som to tu teraz vzal a ukázal vám, že bez ohľadu na to, koľko cirkví sa vrátilo späť, zostaňte pod Krvou, to je miesto na prebývanie. Dnu či von, hore alebo dolu, hrubé alebo tenké, kdekoľvek to môže byť, zostaň pod Krvou. Ale Naoma si myslela, že by to bolo lepšie ísť tam a pripojiť sa ku inej skupine, pretože oni tu mali problémy, nebol tam ten duchovný chlieb, ale Boh to prinavráti späť, „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ Zostaň na tom poli, z ktorého to prichádza.

64Tak, nachádzame, že ona začala túžiť, aby sa vrátila späť, pretože oni počuli, že sa prelomilo to veľké prebudenie, a ak ste si všimli, Naoma sa vracala v „sezóne jačmeňa,“ hovorí Biblia, práve v čase žatvy, inými slovami, práve, keď prebiehalo veľké prebudenie, keď to aplikujeme duchovne. Ona sa vracala práve v tom období, nič tam nezostalo, ona nemala nič.

65A Orfa, manželka jedného z jej synov, keď sa prišla pozrieť na to, čo by musela obetovať, ona, súc typom tej modernej cirkvi, „Ak by som tam musela ísť, musela by som opustiť tance, musela by som opustiť svoje zábavy a svoje sociálne stretnutia.“ Ona si potom poplakala, pobozkala svoju svokru a vrátila sa späť.

66Ale tu je jeden nádherný obraz. Bola tam jedna, ktorá sa volala Rút, ona bola s ňou, jej ďalšia nevesta, ktorá bola znovu typom pohanskej nevesty, ktorá pobozkala svoju svokru a povedala, „Ja opustím všetko, pôjdem s tebou, nech tvoj ľud je mojím ľudom, nech je tvoj Boh mojím Bohom, kdekoľvek zomrieš, tam ja zomriem, kde budeš pochovaná, tam ja budem pochovaná.“ To je to. To je to, čo Boh chce. To nie sú tí hraniční, poloviční, ale to absolútne, úplne odovzdanie sa Kráľovstvu Božiemu. Ona ju pobozkala.

67A tak Naoma povedala, aby ju znechutila, povedala, „Radšej by si sa mala vrátiť k svojmu ľudu, ja som už stará, a nemám už viacej synov.“ A ten zákon bol taký, že ona mala čakať na syna, a povedala, „Nie sú vo mne už žiadni synovia, a ak by som sa aj vydala a mala syna, bola by si už príliš stará, aby si sa zaňho vydala, tak ty sa len vráť ku svojmu ľudu.“

68Ale Rút povedala, „Nevrátim sa!“ Viera zakorenená, uzemnená, dokonalá viera prišla do Rutinho srdca. Ona povedala, „Idem rovno s tebou.“ A držala sa jej, bola s ňou, „Budem tam, kde budeš ty.“ To sa mi páči.

69A sme s tým príbehom oboznámení, ako ďalej pokračuje, že tento veľký Boáz, ktorý bol pánom žatvy, nachádzal sa tam v čase žatvy a bol príbuzný Naomy. A keď ona našla Rút tam v tej malej misii, ako paberkuje, každý malý klas, ktorý mohla zdvihnúť, ktorý mal na sebe nejakú pšenicu, ona sa ho držala, pretože to bol život. A Boáz, tým, že bol pánom žatvy, tým žencom rozkázal, aby pre ňu tu i tam púšťali za hrsť, aby si to mohla zodvihnúť a mať radosť. A ona v ten deň nazbierala plnú zásteru. A keď prišiel Boáz, pán žatvy, a pozrel sa na Rút a videl jej vernosť, zaľúbil sa do nej.

70Sledujte, ako Boáz predstavuje Krista. Kde sa nachádzal? V Betleheme. Kam prišla Rút? Do Betlehema. Kde paberkovala? V Betleheme. Vidíte v tejto veci tu všetky tie duchovné význačné body? To pozadie tejto veľkej scény, ktorá sa odohrávala, ako to Boh vedel už od počiatku?

71A ona sa začala svojej svokry pýtať, čo má robiť. A nakoniec sa Rút vydala za Boáza, znovu pohanka, ktorá sa vydala za knieža v Júdovi, a usadili sa a žili v Betleheme.

„Ó, ty, malý Betlehem, či nie si najmenší zo všetkých miest Palestíny?“ Ale ľúbilo sa Bohu, ktorý to vedel už od dávnych dní, už od počiatku, a ustanovil, aby sa tam narodil Jeho Syn.

72On pozná všetky veci a On spôsobuje, že to vyjde správne. A tam sa Rút vydala za Boáza. A keď sa Rút a Boáz vzali, ak by sme tu mali čas ísť do tohto veľkolepého príbehu, ktorý bol jedným z najväčších príbehov lásky všetkých vekov, kedy sa Rút a Boáz vzali. A pamätajte... Zastavme sa tu teraz na chvíľu, je to príliš dobré, aby sme to preskočili.

73Rút bola pohanka. Nemala žiadneho dedičstva so Židmi, práve tak, ako my pohania, nemáme žiadne dedičstvo. Tak v skutočnosti to bola Naoma, ktorá mala niečo zdediť. A tak ona stratila všetky svoje prvé majetky, všetky jej veci boli predané na verejnej aukcii, pretože ona bola... Bola exkomunikovaná a odišla preč.

74Keď sa teraz vrátila, bola tam len jediná osoba, ktorá kedy mohla vykúpiť jej stratené dedičstvo, a to bol jej najbližší pokrvný príbuzný. A Boáz toto vedel, tak on musel niečo vykonať, aby dostal toto pohanské dievča za ženu. A čo musel urobiť? Musel kúpiť všetok majetok Naomy, aby sa mohol k tomuto majetku dostať, pričom Rút bola časťou majetku Naomy. A jediný človek, ktorý toto mohol kúpiť, bola osoba z jej príbuzných, ten najbližší príbuzný. To bol zákon vykúpenia.

75A jediný spôsob, ako mohol kedy Kristus kúpiť ten majetok odpadnutého Izraela, bolo stať sa príbuzným. Jediný spôsob, ako kedy mohol Boh vykúpiť ľudskú rasu, Boh Sám sa musel stať telom. A Ježiš bol Bohom učineným príbuzným s ľudskou rasou. On bol Emanuel. Stal sa pokrvným príbuzným, On vzal na Seba nie formu anjelov, ale formu sluhu, ktorý umýval nohy a žil. Líšky mali svoje diery a vtáci povetria mali svoje hniezda, ale On nemal miesto, kde by hlavu sklonil. On jedol, pil, plakal, smial sa, tak isto, ako iní ľudia. A On bol Bohom, nie prorokom, On bol Bohom, pretože On musel byť príbuzným, aby vykúpil tú stratenú ľudskú rasu. A tak Boáz v tomto veľkom type Betlehema, pozrite, kde sa narodil tento príbuzný ľudskej rasy, kde sa musel narodiť.

76A potom, keď ju tento veľký Boáz vykúpil, musel urobiť verejné vyznanie, že vykúpil všetko jej stratené vlastníctvo. Tak išiel ku bráne Betlehema, znovu do toho malého mesta a zavolal starších mesta a dal im na známosť, že v ten deň kúpil všetko, čo mala Naoma, všetko, čo stratila. Všetko, čo stratila, on to kúpil späť. A vyzul si topánku a hodil ju pred ľuďmi na znamenie, že „Ak je tu teraz niekto, kto má nejaký dôvod niečo povedať, povedzte to teraz, pretože toto je pamätník, že som vykúpil všetko, čo ona stratila.“

77Ó, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo. A keď prišiel náš pokrvný príbuzný, Ježiš z Nazaretu, narodený v Betleheme, postavil sa na vrchu Golgoty a bol vyzdvihnutý medzi nebo a zem, ako pamätník, že vykúpil všetko, čo ľudská rasa v úpadku stratila. Ako môže človek pohrdnúť Božským uzdravením a mocami vzkriesenia Pána Ježiša, keď ten verejný znak bol učinený na Golgote, že „Vykúpil som ľudskú rasu a všetko, čo kedy stratila.“ Vykúpil našu dušu, vykúpil naše telo, vykúpil všetko, čo sme v úpadku stratili. Náš Príbuzný Vykupiteľ prišiel a bol učinený telom a prebýval medzi nami a ponúkol nám znamenie a povedal, „Je dokonané.“ Čo je dokonané? Všetko je dokonané. My len vchádzame rovno do svojho dedičstva. Ako idú dni ďalej, kráčame bližšie a bližšie.

78Boáz a Naoma, potom, ako boli už nejaký čas zobratí, narodil sa im syn, ktorý pridal ešte viac do tej línie, a bol to Obéd. A on tiež priviedol na svet svojho syna, ktorý sa volal Jesse. A Jesse mal osem chlapcov.

79A bol to veľký prorok Samuel, ktorý prišiel s nádobkou oleja, ten veľký prorok, ktorý prišiel ku Jessemu a povedal, „Boh vybral jedného z tvojich chlapcov, aby panoval a slúžil Môjmu ľudu. A bolo to tam vzadu na poli, na takom malom pastierskom dvore, kde bol privedený ten malý, hrdzavý, šťúply chlapec, Dávid, ten najmladší, a Samuel naňho vylial olej pomazania v prítomnosti všetkých jeho bratov a tých, ktorí stáli naokolo, a dokázal, že Boh ho pomazal za kráľa. Kde to bolo? V Betleheme. Sláva Bohu na výsostiach. Niet divu, že to bol Betlehem, kde bol pomazaný za kráľa.

80A bol to Betlehem, kde sa Dávid narodil, a jeho väčší starší Syn Ježiš, mal byť tiež narodený v Betleheme, pretože tam je také blízke spojenie medzi tými dvomi, Jeho Otcom a Synom. Nie len to, že bol týmto veľkým Synom, len Synom, On bol koreňom a ratolesťou Dávidovou, On bol dokonca pred Dávidom a bude po Dávidovi, pretože On je večne trvajúci, až do Večnosti. Ale podľa tela On bol (a všetky veci sa musia naplniť) Synom Dávidovým. On sa mal narodiť roky neskôr v tomto istom Betleheme, v tomto malom opustenom meste.

81Ale po celý čas (všimnite si), je tam veľké mocné tajomstvo, ktoré sa odohráva, a ktoré, zdá sa, že nikto nerozumie. Tá istá vec je dnes v Božom Betleheme, odohráva sa tajomné znamenie, ale zdá sa, že nikto tomu nerozumie. Je to niečo, čo ide ponad hlavy ľudí. Zdá sa, že to nerozumejú. Nezáleží na tom, čo je učinené, alebo čo je povedané, a je tam tá tajomná časť vecí, ktorá je učinená, a ľudia len povedia, „Ó, dobre, hádam je to v poriadku,“ a idú ďalej, ale oni tomu nerozumejú. Nedokážu to uchytiť. Nedokážu sa toho chopiť, a to je to, čo robil Boh v Betleheme Júdovom. On pracuje a všetky tieto malé veci idú hore, vpred, aby prišli k jednej veľkej Hlave.

82Dávid, ó, keď on bol pomazaným kráľom ako malý chlapec, bol na pohľad hrdzavý, ale v ňom muselo byť niečo, čo pre Boha vyzeralo skutočne. On bol malý, najmenší z celej rodiny, a tí ostatní chlapci, veľkí riadni muži, by vyzerali dobre v tých róbach a s korunou na hlave, ale Boh ukázal, na čo sa On díva. Nie na ten vonkajší prejav, zovňajšok, ale do vnútra človeka. On sa pozrel do jeho srdca a vedel, čo bolo v Dávidovom srdci, bez ohľadu na to, ako by na ňom vyzerala koruna. Vedel, že v ňom nachádza muža, ktorý bol mužom podľa Jeho vlastného srdca, a Dávid bol mužom podľa Jeho vlastného srdca. A to je to, prečo naňho vylial ten olej pomazania, alebo ho dal vyliať na Dávida. Pričom meno Dávid znamená, „Milovaný.“

83A bolo to krásne reprezentované v Ježišovi, v tom Milovanom, o roky neskôr v Synovi Dávidovom, ktorý mal prísť, aby vyplnil všetky tieto veci, ktoré boli zasľúbené. Toto malé mesto Betlehem bolo miestom, kde sa toto odohralo. A bolo to na tých istých Júdejských kopcoch, kde Dávid pásol pred mnohými rokmi svoje ovce, kde tí anjeli zaspievali svoju prvú koledu na kopcoch Júdey, ktoré hľadeli na Betlehem. Tá prvá koleda, „Narodil sa vám kráľ v meste Dávidovom, Kristus Pán.“ Keď sa po prvýkrát anjeli zjavili so spevom, to nebolo v Jeruzaleme, v tej veľkej cirkvi, ani to nebolo v Gilgale, ani to nebolo v Šíle, kde v tom čase mali všetky náboženské denominačné služby uctievania, ale bolo to v malom Betleheme, kde sa Duch Boží pohyboval tajomným spôsobom a niečo prinášal. Bolo to tam.

84Bolo to tam, kde mal Kristus prísť, bolo to tam. Bolo to rovno v tom istom malom meste, kde sa narodil Kráľ, kde priniesla tá matka panna svojho prvorodeného Syna. Bol pod prístreškom a bol ukrytý v takej maličkej pevnosti, Kráľ Kráľov a Pán Pánov. Tam nielen, že by Samuel na Neho vylial olej pomazania, ale Boh to na Neho vylial a na celý svet, Krista Pána. Anjeli oznamovali Jeho príchod a spievali pastierom na kopcoch, tým, ktorí nasledovali pred rokmi kráľa Dávida. Vidíte, to tajomstvo Božie, aké je ono veľké?

85On sa narodil na tomto veľkom území pšenice, pričom jedno zrnko pšenice pochádza zo základných princípov života. A On bol Chlebom Života. „Ja som Chlieb Života, ten, kto je Moje telo, a pije Moju krv, má večný život, a nikdy nezomrie, alebo nepríde nikdy do odsúdenia, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“

86Betlehem, to meno Beth-el. B-e-t-h, to slovo v hebrejčine znamená „dom.“ E-l znamená Elohim, je to skratka od Elohim, čo znamená, „Boh.“ B-e-t-h, beth, E-l, E-l je Elohim, čo znamená Boh, Dom Boží, kde je položený chlieb života. E-l-h-e-m, končí to s tým, a dáva vám to rovno to „l“ s tým „e“, čo znamená, „bochník chleba,“ v Hebrejčine, El-hem, E-l je Boh, Elohim. B-e-t-h je chlieb, alebo B-e-t-h je vlastne „dom.“ E-l, to je skratka Elohim, potom E-l, he-m, je „chlieb.“ Čím On bol? Domom Božieho chleba. „Dom Božieho Chleba.“ Dom, beth, Elohim, Boh, el hem, chlieb, „Dom Božieho Chleba,“ to je to, čo znamená „Betlehem“.

87Kde sa len On mohol narodiť, ak nie v Betleheme. Ale bolo to pred všetkými skryté skrze proroka, ktorý povedal, „On príde z Betlehema.“ Oni sa dívali na Jeruzalem, dívali sa na všetky tie veľké Šíla, pozerali sa všade, ale On prišiel z Betlehema, pretože to bol dom Božieho Chleba Života. On je Božím košíkom Chleba pre svet. Tam On bol, narodený v Betleheme. Nemohol sa nikde inde narodiť.

88Mohlo tam byť mnoho veľkých vecí, ako som to tento týždeň študoval, ohľadne rozličných duchovných aspektov toho, prečo sa On musel narodiť v Betleheme. Keď som natrafil na týchto pár miest, Duch Svätý ma uchopil a ja som povedal, „Ó, Bože to je dostatočné, teraz to vidím.“

89On sa nemohol narodiť nikde inde, než v Betleheme. Bolo to miesto chleba toho národa. Bol to chlieb pre celý dom Izraelov, odtiaľ to prišlo. A On bol chlebom života, ktorý zostupuje dolu z neba, tá duchovná Manna, to muselo prísť z Betlehema, v tej línii chleba, na mieste, kde je kladený chlieb. Betlehem, pečenie chleba. Tak Ježiš, tým, že bol Chlebom Života, „Ktorý môže človek jesť,“ On povedal, „A nikdy nezomrie.“

90Ďalšia veľká udalosť, ktorú by som nechcel zabudnúť menovať, bola, keď bol Dávid vo svojom najhoršom čase, keď bol utečencom. Bol už pomazaný, vedel, čím má byť. Mal byť kráľom, Boh tak povedal, a pritom bol nenávidený. Stál medzi dvomi hlbokými ohňami. Tu boli za ním na jednej strane Filištíni, a tu bol Saul na druhej strane. A on bol človekom bez národa.

91Presne tak, ako stojí cirkev dnes. Tá pravá živá cirkev Božia, bez denominácie, alebo niečoho takého. Ona stojí sama, ale pritom, ona má na sebe vyliate pomazanie. Ona vie, kým je.

92Ako sa to vôbec mohlo stať, že diabol bol z oboch strán a útočil na Dávida? On sa utiekol do pevnosti na púšti a do jaskýň a snažil sa ukryť len s takou malou skupinou verných bojovníkov, bolo ich len zopár, ktorí mu verili. Ale tí mužovia verili Bohu, že to bude ten kráľ.

93Tak je to s veriacimi dnes, ktorí sú ukrytí, idú z miesta na miesto, ale pritom, oni vedia, kto sa stane Kráľom. Ja sa nestarám, kto bude prezidentom. My vieme, že On prichádza. A zdá sa to byť ešte omnoho vzdialenejšie, ako kedykoľvek pred tým, keď sa veda snaží vyvrátiť a povedať, „Oni dokážu postaviť človeka, dokážu urobiť toto, a vezmú králika a vezmú peľ a vytvoria ďalšieho králika a tak ďalej.“ Snažia sa vyvrátiť Božie Slovo, ale pritom stále existujú ľudia, ktorí veria Bohu, ktorí stoja tak nepohnuteľne, ako vždy stáli. Nezáleží na tom, čo príde, alebo čo odíde, oni stále veria Bohu. Boh má Pravdu. Oni sa držia Božej nemennej ruky. Uprostred boja, uprostred sĺz, uprostred nemocí a smrti, a všetkého, oni sa stále držia Božej nemennej ruky. Oni vedia, že On je Tým prichádzajúcim Kráľom.

94Ľudia sa z nich dnes smejú a robia si žarty a nazývajú ich „Náboženskí fanatici.“ Nazývajú ich všetkým možným, čím len chcú, ale oni sú bojovníkmi Božími, ktorí stoja verne na mieste svojich povinností. Môžu ich nazvať „uzdravovacia skupina.“ Môžete ich nazvať „banda fanatikov,“ alebo ako len chcete, oni sa držia toho Kráľa. Oni vedia, že On prichádza v moci. Hoci ľudia berú Jeho Meno nadarmo, posmievajú sa, robia si žarty, nazývajú tých ľudí, ktorí Mu veria, „vyvrheľmi, banda spodiny.“ To ich ani trochu nerozrušuje, oni stoja verne na mieste svojej povinnosti.

95Bojovníci, ktorí boli s Dávidom, zostávali rovno po jeho boku. Keď prišiel Filištín, on musel bojovať, ktokoľvek to bol. Oni boli napádaní z každej strany. Úbohý Dávid, vo svojej mysli bol celý zmätený, pomyslel si, „Ako to môže byť, Pane?“

96Viete, vodcovia niekedy prechádzajú vecami, o ktorých zhromaždenie nevie, cez čo oni prechádzajú. Keď pomyslíte na zasľúbenia Božie, ktoré On dal, prečo sa to potom nedeje? Oni to svojmu zhromaždeniu nehovoria, nehovoria to ľuďom, s ktorými sa stýkajú, ale v srdci skutočného vodcu je mnoho frustrácií.

97Dávid tam sedel, jeho hrdlo horelo a bolo to uprostred leta. Filištíni využili výhodu toho, že nastalo rozdelenie medzi Dávidom a Saulom. A Saul všade hľadal Dávida a Filištíni tiež, a potom Filištíni hľadali Izraelitov. Hovorte o čase zmätenia, to je presne, ako je to teraz. Dávid sa stal utečencom na tomto malom mieste, pod týmto malým prístreškom, kdekoľvek sa len mohol dostať, tie malé pevnosti, v ktorých sa dokázal držať, potom bol hore na vrchu, uprostred toho horúceho leta, kedy bola tá páľava neznesiteľná, a jeho pálilo hrdlo a v jeho srdci boli frustrácie, strachy a divil sa, „Ó, Bože, ako to len môže byť, Ty si na mňa vylial ten olej, nie preto, že ja som sa vybral, ale Ty si ma vybral, prečo si ma zavolal od pasenia oviec, a povedal si mi, že mi toto dáš, aby som slúžil Tvojmu ľudu, a teraz ma tu máš medzi ohňami, kdekoľvek som.“ To je to, čo prechádzalo jeho srdcom.

98Posadil sa na vrchu a pozrel sa dolu a tam prichádzali Filištíni a obkľúčili Betlehem, jeho malý dom. Potom bolo toto mesto pod nadvládou nepriateľa. Nielen to, ale jeho vlastný dom, dom jeho otca, Jesseho, bol v otroctve Filištínov. Tu bol jeho národ, jeho vlastná cirkev, proti nemu. Tu bol nepriateľ, ktorý bojoval, a tu sú ľudia cirkvi, s ktorými bojoval, nie preto, že chcel, ale preto, že bol donútený to robiť.

99Mnohokrát sme donútení robiť veci, alebo povedať veci, ktoré nechceme povedať, ten skutočný duchovný vodca, ale on je donútený to urobiť. On musí zaujať svoj postoj a ukázať svoje farby, „Vyberiem si tú cestu, s tou hŕstkou Pánových, pohŕdnutých,“ povedal pisateľ tej piesne.

100Tak, tu on bol v tom horúcom dni, nepochybne chodil hore a dolu a díval sa naprieč tým dlhým údolím, ktoré bolo dlhé asi dvadsaťpäť míľ, tam bol dom jeho vlastného otca v otroctve pod Filištínmi. Tam bol Saul, rovno na druhej strane, a tu prichádza tento, a on stojí rovno medzi nimi, aby zaujal určité miesto. Vidíme ten veľký čas, kedy sa Izrael celý rozštiepil, cirkev sa rozštiepila na rozličné denominácie, môžeme povedať. A tu stál Dávid, nevediac, čo robiť, pritom vedel, že na ňom spočíva to pomazanie. Vedel, že to pomazanie je tam. Oni ho poznali, oni vedeli, že Dávid bude kráľom, Haleluja!

101My vieme, kto bude Kráľom. Nezáleží na tom, kto bude prezidentom, ja viem, kto bude Kráľom. On bude Kráľom. A viem, že je potrebné niečo, aby ste obstáli, ale nech mi Boh pomôže, aby som zavrel svoje oči na denominácie a všetko možné, a díval sa tam tým duchovným zrakom, že On sa stane Kráľom. Ja Mu budem slúžiť. Ak je to smrť, nech zomriem, ak je to moja rodina, ak sú to moji milovaní, ak je to moja denominácia, čokoľvek to je, nech Mu len slúžim. Zostanem pri Ňom. To sú bojovníci Boha, tak, ako to bolo pri Dávidovi. Tí, ktorí mali svoje ruky na svojich mečoch a kráčali spolu s ním. To je to, ako kráčajú Boží bojovníci, sú pripravení.

102Nepriateľ hovorí, „Musíš si dať malý prípitok, buď sociálny.“

„Nebudem sa dotýkať nečistej veci.“ Amen, tam je nepriateľ, a tu je Jeho bojovník.

„Ó, prečo len neodvoláš tie fanatické veci, ktorým veríš?“

„Budem veriť Bohu, zostanem verný.“ Tu to máte, to sú tí bojovníci.

„Ó, čo máš na mysli? Neexistuje niečo také, ako Božské uzdravenie.“

„To je to, čo si myslíš ty. Ja poznám niečo viac.“ Rozumiete?

„Neexistuje niečo také, ako krst Duchom Svätým, tie dni pominuli.“

„To je to, čo si myslíš ty, ja som to už prijal, tak ty mi o tom prichádzaš povedať dosť neskoro.“

108Oni vedeli, že to pomazanie bolo na tomto malom rumennom chlapcovi, a oni vedeli, že on bude kráľom.

109Ale Dávid bol vo svojej vlastnej mysli frustrovaný. Viem si predstaviť, keď len na chvíľku pozorujete, ako sa tam vracia a sadá si, a díva sa dolu a rozmýšľa, „Moje vlastné milované mesto Betlehem, pozrite na neho tam, tam, kde sa stali tie veľké veci Božie, kde sa narodil otec môjho pra-pra-otca, kde moja pra-pra-pra-pra-pramatka vypovedala to meno pokolenia v čase narodenia Júdu, z ktorého pokolenia pochádzam. Ale tam ležalo niečo nadprirodzené. Ona vypovedala to miesto a Jozua to umiestnil rovno tam v nej. A odtiaľ prichádzajú všetky tie veci tu, musí to tak byť.

„Bol som pastierom a Ty si na moju hlavu vylial olej, povedal si, že budem kráľom, verím Ti, amen.“

110Potom sa vracia, díva sa tam dolu a rozmýšľa, „No tam dolu, v mojom malom meste, kde som sa narodil, je tam malá skupina, s ktorou som bol, to boli tie staré dobré dni.“

111Bolo by bývalo lepšie, ak by sa Metodisti dívali späť na svoje staré dobré dni, keď ich bolo málo, a boli v tých malých, školských domčekoch tu v Amerike a padali pod mocou Božou a liali na ich tvár vodu. Bolo by bývalo lepšie, keď by ste sa vy, Baptisti, dívali späť, odkiaľ ste vyšli, a tiež vy, ostatní, vy Letniční, pozrite sa späť, odkiaľ pochádzate, to je pravda.

112V tej hodine boja Dávid začal rozmýšľať, „Ó, pamätám si na tie noci, keď som si líhaval tam na úbočie kopca, pamätám si, keď som pozoroval hviezdy, ako sa tam pohybovali, a ako Boh hovoril do môjho malého chlapčenského srdca. Pamätám si, keď som sa jedného dňa tak dostal do Ducha, keď som sa díval na oblaky a na tienisté zelené pastviny, až som tam vykríkol v Duchu a spieval:

Pán je mojím pastierom,

nebudem mať nedostatku,

áno, hoci by som prechádzal dolinou tieňa smrti,

nebudem sa báť zlého,

lebo Ty si so mnou...

113Ó, on sa tu nachádzal rovno v čeľustiach smrti, číhalo to z oboch strán, „Áno, hoci by som kráčal cez údolie tieňa smrti.“ Tie staré dobré dni, keď bol Duch so mnou, keď bol Boh so mnou, spieval som Jeho chvály, radoval som sa v Ňom.

114Pamätám si, že raz prišiel jedného rána lev a vzal jednu z mojich oviec, a prišiel na mňa Duch Boží a ja som išiel a vytrhol som mu ju a rozsekal som ho na kusy. Pamätám si to vyslobodenie. Ó, pamätám si ten večer, tesne predtým, ako zapadlo slnko, prišiel medveď a jednu vzal a ja som ho zabil. Aké veľké vyslobodenie.“

115„Pamätám si, keď som spieval Jeho chvály, v mojich detských dňoch, keď som pásol ovce. Ó, Bože, vezmi ma späť do toho miesta. Vezmi ma späť ku mojej prvej láske. Vezmi ma späť a vráť mi tú pastiersku palicu, daj mi späť moje stádo oviec, nechaj ma prechádzať sa tam, aby som Ťa tam uctieval.“

116My o tom tiež niekedy tak rozmýšľame, ale my sme v hodine boja. Niečo musí byť učinené. Raz sme boli chlapcami, teraz sme dorastenými mužmi. Boj prebieha. Pamätám si, keď na podlahe lietali piliny a ľudia kričali a vykrikovali, a kdekoľvek ste išli, všade boli ľudia, ale dnes to už tak nie je. Prebieha boj. Ó, to už viac nie je „William Branham, ten mladý chlapec, kazateľ.“ Vy musíte niečo vyprodukovať. Tak veru. Musí byť niečo odlišné. Čas beží. Prebieha boj, je vrchol horúčavy boja. Moc k vyslobodeniu ľudí, všetkých, ktorí sú nájdení zapísaní v tej Knihe. Teraz prišiel ten čas.

117Dávid a všetky jeho znechutenia. Chodil hore, dolu, a rozmýšľal, „Ó, tento horúci deň, ó, je tak horúco, ó, Saul môže prísť z tejto strany, Filištíni z tamtej strany, všade dookola sú armády a my tu sedíme v ústí jaskyne a pritom je na mne kráľovské pomazanie. Ako je to, ó, Bože, ako to môže byť? Ó, prajem si, aby som sa mohol napiť.“ Potom ide jeho myseľ späť, tam ku bránam Betlehema, kde bola studňa. Nikde nebola taká voda, ako táto voda.

118Viete, Palestína má zlú vodu, majú zlé vody a dokonca tam mávajú horúčku čiernej vody a také veci, a všetko je to v tom. A v mnohom z toho je alkalická voda, ktorá by vás zabila.

119Ale Betlehem je provinciou zdroja vody. Nikde nebola taká voda, ako v Betleheme. Dávid zvykol premýšľať, „Keď beriem svoje ovce a vychádzam ráno, chodím k tej starej studni a pijem, ó, aká je chladná a sladká, a ako uháša smäd.“

120A teraz jeho hrdlo po tom túži, a on je pomazaný, „Ó, ak by som sa len mohol napiť tej vody.“ A teraz jeho bojovníci... On vo svojom zúfalstve vykríkol, „Ó, ak by mi len niekto mohol priniesť vodu z tej starej studne tam v Betleheme.“ Ó, potom, ako sníval o všetkých dňoch svojho detstva a o tých víťazstvách, a teraz je ho vidieť na mieste, kde sedí medzi ohňami a kričí, „Ó, ak by mi len niekto mohol priniesť vodu z Betlehema.“

121No, jeho bojovníci nedokázali vyložiť jeho myslenie, ale, brat, oni ho milovali so všetkým, čo bolo v nich. Tá najmenšia z jeho túžob bola pre nich rozkazom. Traja z jeho mocných bojovníkov vytasili svoje meče, vybehli z tábora a presekali si cestu dvadsaťpäť míľ. Dávid sa nepochybne ohľadne nich divil, „Kde sú? Čo urobili? Kam išli? Či vedia, že vystavujú svoj život riziku?“ A oni sú tam rovno v čeľustiach smrti, celou tou dvadsaťpäťmíľovou líniou, a všade číhajú vojaci v úkrytoch, a lesknú sa meče a udierajú štíty, ale ich človek, ich brat, o ktorom veria, že bude kráľom, si zažiadal piť.

122Ó, brat, som zvedavý, či sú tí dnešní bojovníci ochotní presekať sa cez formalizmus, pochybnosti a neveru, aby občerstvili v prítomnosti Pánovej Jeho túžby? „Tá najmenšia z Tvojich túžob, či je to Afrika, India, či je to ísť na ulicu, kdekoľvek to je, tá najmenšia z Tvojich túžob, Pane, je mojím rozkazom. Smrť pre mňa neznamená vôbec nič. Popularita, ó, čím som, čím budem, to neznamená nič, Pane, ide o to, vyplniť Tvoje túžby.“ To sú bojovníci, ktorí stoja po Jeho boku, „Ak ma nazvú 'náboženským fanatikom.' Ak bude moje meno škandalizované, ak ma vykopnú na ulicu, na tom nezáleží, Tvoja túžba je mojím rozkazom.“ To je skutočný vojak.

123Čo oni urobili? Prebojovali si cestu cez všetko, kým sa nedostali ku tej studni. Ponorili to vedro do vody, a vracajú sa späť, bojujú a presekávajú si cestu sprava doľava a prichádzajú do prítomnosti Dávida. Povedali, „Tu máš, náš pane!“ Ó, čo? Muž, ktorý bol hanbou, muž, ktorý bol cirkvou nenávidený, muž, ktorý bol nenávidený kráľom, muž, ktorý bol nenávidený Filištínmi, muž, ktorý bol takmer všade nenávidený. Ale tá malá skupina, ktorá ho nasledovala, oni vedeli, že on sa stane kráľom.

124Viem, že my dnes spievame nádherné piesne, staviame veľké cirkvi, máme veľké chválospevy a všetko, takto Ho chválime, ale Ježiš povedal, „Vo svojich srdciach ste ďaleko odo Mňa, lebo učíte náuky, ktoré sú prikázaniami ľudí.“ Nech len Duch Svätý príde a urobí niečo v ich cirkvi, ukáže im prítomnosť Ježiša Krista, vykopnú vás cez dvere. „Nadarmo Ma uctievate, vy uctievate, ale nadarmo to robíte vyučujúc náuky, ktoré sú tradíciami ľudí.“

125Ale existujú bojovníci, ktorí Mu veria, bojovníci, ktorí pri tom stoja s duchovným porozumením, ako tam v Betleheme. Rozumiete? Iste to tak bolo.

126 Dávid zodvihol to vedro vody, pozrel sa na to, a Biblia hovorí, že to vylial na zem a povedal, „Pane, nech je to preč odo mňa, aby som sa z toho napil, pretože títo moji bojovníci riskovali svoj život, aby tam išli, a priniesli mi túto vodu. Je to krv človeka, nemôžem to učiniť.“ A táto sladká voda, pre ktorú riskovali svoje životy, a prelomili sa cez líniu nepriateľa, aby sa tam dostali a získali tú vodu, Dávid to vylial na zem ako dobrovoľnú obeť Pánovi. To nebolo hrubé, bolo to len vyplnenie Písma.

127 Pretože, hoci Ježiš, súc z Betlehema, je Chlebom Života, On je tiež Vodou Života. Istotne je. A čo urobil? On bol reprezentovaný v oboch, v Dávidovi a v tých bojovníkoch, pretože, On bol Kráľom, a On bol tým bojovníkom, ktorý prišiel a prelomil sa cez líniu nepriateľa, amen. Porazil smrť, peklo a hrob a prelial Svoju vlastnú Krv, aby sa Ján 3:16 mohol vyplniť.

Lebo Boh tak miloval svet, že dal Svojho Jednorodeného Syna, aby každý, kto verí v Neho, nezahynul, ale mal večný život.

128A potom, On nie, že dal vodu, ktorá to reprezentovala, ale On bol tou vodou, inak by bolo zahynutie, ľudia, ktorí hynuli, aby oni mohli mať život. Ako to On urobil? Skrze Svoju vlastnú krv. Skrze to, že ju prelial, nie, že sa Mu vyliala, to by bolo nechtiac. On to prelial dobrovoľne na Golgote, potom, ako sa prelomil cez každú líniu nepriateľa, a prelial Svoju vlastnú krv života, aby mohol byť košíkom chleba pre svet.

Je fontána naplnená krvou,

ktorá vyteká z Emanuelových žíl,

kde hriešnik, keď sa ponorí,

je zbavený všetkých škvŕn svojich vín.

129To je to, prečo sa narodil v Betleheme. To je to, prečo musel prísť, pretože to bolo centrom chleba. Chlieb Života. To bolo centrum vody, a to znamená Vody Života. A v Ježišovi bolo oboje, Chlieb Života a Vody Života. Preto musel prísť a narodiť sa v Betleheme.

„Ty, Betlehem Júdov, či nie si najmenší zo všetkých svojich kniežat? Si len obyčajným malým kazateľom, si len malou osobou, ale z teba vyjde Vládca, ktorý je od dávna, od vekov, až na veky, Jeho vychádzania sú od vekov, a sú od vekov až na večné veky.“

130To je ten dôvod, prečo sa On musel narodiť v Betleheme Júdovom. To Ho vychovalo a, môj brat, to miesto, kde On chce byť dnes vychovaný, (uložený do kolísky) to je v tvojej vlastnej bytosti, v tvojom vlastnom srdci, aby On mohol ukázať cez teba Vody Života pre hynúcich ľudí a Chlieb Života pre hladujúcich ľudí. On je Chlebom a Vodou Života, čo sú dve nevyhnutné veci pre život človeka, to je Chlieb a Voda. Je to iste zasľúbené.

131Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy. A zatiaľ čo to robíme, chcem, aby ste ma teraz pozorne počúvali, či si prišiel dnes ráno do Betlehema? Ak si nebol nikdy v Betleheme...

132To bolo tiež nazvané Efrata Betlehema, Betlehem Efrata, Efrata znamená „Koreň,“ pochádza to od slova h-e-m-p, hemp, čo znamená „Koreň.“ A tá starodávna oblasť tam sa nazývala Efrata, čo znamená, „To je počiatok života.“ A Kristus povedal, „Ak zostanete vo Mne, Ja som ten vínny kmeň, a vy ste letorasty.“ On je koreňom všetkého života.

133Ak si nikdy neprišiel do Betlehema Efraty, príď dnes ráno a prijmi Ho ako svojho Spasiteľa a On ti odpustí tvoje hriechy. Zodvihneš svoju ruku ku Nemu a povieš, „Pane Bože, buď mi teraz milostivý, ja teraz prichádzam ku Ježišovi, so všetkým, čo je v mojom srdci, prichádzam do Tvojho Betlehema, k Vode a Chlebu Života, teraz Ho prijímam ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa.“ Nech ťa Pán žehná, mladý človek tam, nech ťa Pán žehná, nech ťa Boh žehná, maličký.

134Je tu niekto ďalší, kto povie, „Teraz prichádzam, nemám vo svojich rukách nič, stojím smädný, moje hrdlo je vyschnuté, neviem, kam mám ísť, a kde nájsť ten skutočný život. Neviem, pripojil som sa k cirkvám...“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra, „Pripojil som sa k cirkvám, urobil som všetko, čo som vedel, brat Branham, ale ešte nikdy som sa nedotkol toho skutočného, životodarného Zdroja. Teraz, Pane prichádzam, aby som to prijal.“ On je tu pre teba. Zodvihneš len svoju ruku a povieš, „To som ja, Pane. Ja som ten, ktorý tu stojí a je v potrebe!“ Nech vás Boh žehná, ako sa modlíme.

135Ó, Pane Bože, toto malé potrhané posolstvo, prinesené z Písem, hoci vo všetkých svojich symboloch, ako si to tam Ty položil, možno je to ukryté pred očami múdrych a chytrých a bude to zjavené nemluvňatám, takým, ktorí sa chcú učiť. Ó, aký malý Betlehem, najmenší zo všetkých, ako to len prorok povedal, „Či nie si najmenší zo všetkých kniežat?“ Ale to sa tak ľúbilo Bohu, aby priviedol z toho malého, nepatrného miesta Panovníka Izraela. Pane Bože, z malej skupiny ľudí, ktorí sú umytí tým červcom, živou Krvou Pána Ježiša, Ty z nej, Pane, privádzaš ku tej skupine, ktorá je po celom svete, znovu Krista, ktorý bude panovať nad všetkými národmi so železným prútom.

136Modlím sa k Tebe, Otče Bože, aby si bol milostivý každému z nás, ktorí sme tu teraz prítomní, a nech môžeme prísť do Tvojho Betlehema, „Ó, príďte, všetci vy verní.“ Spievali sme, „Príďte do Betlehema.“ Pane, nech vidia, že to neznamená prísť tam do nejakého malého mesta, ktoré bolo raz symbolom, ale prísť do tej reality, Ježiša Krista, Božieho Chleba a Vody Života.“

137A títo, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky, prijmi ich rovno teraz do svojho Kráľovstva, Pane, pretože to je skrze ich vieru, skrze ktorú Ho prijímajú, je to skrze vieru, oni zodvihli svoje ruky a skrze vieru, verím, že Ty ich prijímaš. Zachovaj ich, Pane, v Betleheme, odkiaľ nikdy nezblúdia, alebo neodídu preč, ako Naoma, ale nech môžu, keď sa časy zhoršia, nech môžu zostať rovno v Betleheme. A bude to lepšie a lepšie, ako čas pôjde vpred, udeľ to, Pane.

138Teraz sa modlím, aby si bol milostivý tým, ktorí sú chorí a postihnutí. Sú tu takí, Pane, ktorí potrebujú Tvoj dotyk uzdravenia. Ó, Pane, Ty si prinavrátil Betlehem do všetkej jeho predošlej slávy. Ty si ho prinavrátil v čase depresie, keď bol chorý, Ty si ho prinavrátil rovno späť a priviedol si Naomu v tom období jačmeňa a teraz, Otče, modlíme sa, aby si priviedol každú Naomu a každého, kto tu je, kto je v potrebe. Modlím sa, Bože, ó, Pane, je práve obdobie jačmeňa. Ten veľký jačmenný bochník, ktorý sme videli, ako sa kotúľal z kopca rovno do tábora nepriateľa. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si priniesol ten veľký jačmenný bochník teraz do tejto budovy, aby mohol byť zmierením za choroby ľudí, tak isto za hriech, a uzdrav každú osobu, ktorá je v Božskej prítomnosti.

139Práve to cítim, Pane, možno je to len môj osobný pocit, ale cítim, že Ty si blízko, že Tvoja blízkosť je teraz tu. Verím, že si tu, a nehovorím toto kvôli ľuďom, ty poznáš srdce človeka, modlím sa, Pane, aby oni nejako mohli uchytiť to videnie z dnešného rána, ako tí bojovníci, že Tvoja veľká Všemohúcnosť, Tvoja veľká moc, Tvoja veľká prítomnosť, to, kým Ty Si, Syn Boží, Kráľ, Ten Pomazaný, že Ty si uprostred nás, modlím sa, aby mohli uchytiť ten záblesk toho vo svojich dušiach a boli uzdravení zo svojich nemocí, modlím sa túto modlitbu, ako to na nich umiestňujem v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

140Verím Bohu, všetkým Jeho slovám, verím, že každá časť Jeho Slova je Božsky inšpirovaná. Verím, že On nie je, 'Ja som bol', ale On je 'JA SOM'. Tá večne živá prítomnosť. Verím, že rovno teraz je to tu, uprostred ľudí.

141Vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoju ruku, nájdite si cirkev, buďte pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista, vzývajúc Boha, a buďte umytí od svojich hriechov, veriac, že On skoro prichádza, aby... On sa má zjaviť vo svojom druhom príchode.

142Taktiež verím, že Jeho prítomnosť je tu, aby uzdravila chorých, aby dala zdravie tým, ktorí sú v potrebe. Nepotrebujete nevyhnutne, aby sa za vás modlilo jeden po druhom. Jedného večera som to dokázal ľuďom, chcel som im ukázať, čo sa stane.

143Bol jeden určitý mladý muž, ktorý tu sedí a díva sa teraz rovno na mňa, ktorý bol mnoho dní na posteli, jeho krk bol tak hrozne opuchnutý, až nemohol ani jesť, ani piť, vôbec nič, mal tak vysokú horúčku a on povedal svojmu otcovi a matke, „Pošlite po brata Branhama, aby prišiel a pomodlil sa za mňa.“ A oni ma nejako nechceli obťažovať, pretože som bol zaneprázdnený, ale niečo ma viedlo, aby som išiel do ich domu.

144Ako tam sedeli, snažili sa priniesť tomuto mladému mužovi tanier, mal tam vajíčka na mäkko ešte s niečím a takú jemnú fazuľovú kašu a snažil sa to prehltnúť. Tlačil si to dolu hrdlom svojím prstom a jeho zuby boli celé opuchnuté a vytekal z nich hnis a on sa to snažil prstom natlačiť a dostať to dolu hrdlom a dal si asi jedno alebo dve sústa a nevládal ďalej. Išlo mu to von.

145Sedel som tam, ani som sa nemodlil, bolo tam len niečo malé, a vy nemôžete povedať každému, čo sa deje, nie, povedal som, „Pane, Pane, teraz je blízko koniec roka, niečo prichádza, niečo nové, dovoľ mi to, Pane, je to toto? Je to toto?“ A ako som to začal hovoriť, povedal som vo svojom srdci, „Viem, že Ty si tu.“ Ten mladý muž sa načiahol a dal si ďalšie sústo a ďalšie a ďalšie a ďalšie a zjedol celý tanier a nasadol do auta a odišiel.

146Ó, On je Bohom, vidíte Jeho prítomnosť, Jeho prítomnosť, oni ne... To je len nechať Ho byť prítomným.

147Jedného dňa, keď urobili túto poslednú fotografiu, keď som Ho tam videl stáť, pozrel som sa na to a pomyslel som si, „No, videl som tam na tom anjela Pánovho, a viem, že je to ohromné.“ Ale, keď bol On na tejto, potom okolo tretej ráno ma On zobudil a povedal mi, čím to bude, a všetko mi to vysvetlil, a ako je to s tou zbrojou a všetko, ukázal mi na tom veci, ktoré som nikdy predtým nevidel. Išiel som, a vzal som tú fotografiu a pozrel sa na to a tam to bolo. Nikdy predtým som to nevidel. Ó, čo za pocit mi to prinieslo, aká útecha, vedieť, že On je prítomný.

148On je tu, to je Jeho prítomnosť, a prítomnosť Pánova tam bola, aby uzdravila ľudí. Prítomnosť Pánova je tu, aby uzdravila ľudí. Prítomnosť Pánova je tu, aby usvedčila hriešnikov. Prítomnosť Pánova je uprostred Jeho ľudu a On je Božím Betlehemom, plným Chleba a Vody. Som tak rád (vy nie?), že máme miesto, kde môžeme prísť, aby sme jedli a žili na veky.

149Nech vás teraz Pán žehná. Máš niečo, čo chceš povedať, brat? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Nie.“ - pozn. prekl.] Povstaňme teraz na svoje nohy, zaspievame starú, známu pieseň na rozpustenie, „Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš.“

150Koľkí milujete Pána? Nech vidím vaše zodvihnuté ruky. No, kým máte zodvihnuté svoje ruky, zložte ich a potraste si teraz ruky s niekým, kto stojí pri vás, a povedzte, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, pútnik, nech ťa Boh žehná.“ Tak to je, všade naokolo. V poriadku, to je preto, aby ste boli jeden s druhým oboznámení. V poriadku.

151Teraz sa pozrime rovno smerom k nebu a zaspievajme teraz túto pieseň.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

dieťa smútku a bolestí,

dá ti radosť a potešenie.

Vezmi Ho, kde len vykročíš.

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno),

ó, aké sladké,

nádej zeme, radosť neba,

vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno),

ó, aké sladké,

nádej zeme, a radosť neba.

WHY LITTLE BETHLEHEM?, 58-1228, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 84 min

1 It might look kind of funny this morning to wear my overcoat on the platform, but I was so happy to--to display that pretty overcoat that this church give me. I seen Brother Neville up here the other day with that nice suit on, how it fit him so nicely, and I thought, "Well, I..." It looked so nice, and the congregation talking about it, I thought, "I'll just wear my overcoat out on the platform." I did...

You know, I believe we never grow up. We always... And I don't want to grow up. How about that, Brother Luther? No, I never want to grow up; we just want to always remain children.

[Brother Neville says, "Brother Branham, I thought you had on one of those attires like these higher-classed ministers. I just glanced the corner of my eye, and I thought maybe you'd put on a robe." Brother Branham and congregation laugh--Ed.] Complimentary to that nice overcoat.

4 Well, I'll say it's--it's... I was needing one awful bad, and it's the best one I ever had. And I sure do appreciate it. And Brother Roy Roberson, I don't know whether he's here this morning or not, he had something to do with the selecting of it. And it was really a fine selection, and we're--we are very--very pleased to have it.

And so we are very pleased to be back in the house of the living God, this morning, and to enjoy these wonderful times of--of fellowship around His precious Word.

6 And it's soon now, that if the Lord willing, I've got to go overseas. And I guess you seen it in the Business Men's "Voice," that I leave for overseas this next month. And we'll be soliciting all the prayers of the people, that they will pray for us while we are away. It's seemingly that overseas my meetings seems to be better, because it takes better there. In America...

I was telling Brother Mercier that I listened to... He gave me a record player first, and it had the--the records on it of some of my sermons. I knew then, if anybody ever listened to me, would have to be God's grace to them, because I thought I could be a little better.

He's taping that too. A--a little... You can cut that part out. See? Or he's holding his thumb down, I guess that's cutting it off.

9 But I--I tell you, I was so surprised. I... The poorest preaching I ever heard in my life was my own (That's right.) on--on--on the record. I... It made me so nervous, I couldn't even eat my dinner. I got sick, got away from the table, couldn't sleep that night.

And went down in Kentucky with Brother Wood yesterday. Coming back, I said, "Brother Wood, I don't see how that I ever get a person to come and hear me speak. It's so--so poorly, such repeating myself, and, oh, grammar missing, and punctuations, there isn't--isn't any." I just... I don't know. I said, "It encouraged me in one way to know it has to be God, or nobody would come at all." That's right.

11 So I was speaking to Brother Collins. I suppose he's in the building. And so I said to him... He come over, and they was telling him about it. I said, "Brother Collins, I... Honestly," I said, "I'm pretty near thirty years old as a preacher, and I certainly ought to know what a sermon is." I said, "That's the poorest I ever heard."

And he--he's a Methodist minister, and his brother's a--quite a man in the Methodist denomination. And he said, "Well," he said, "I'll tell you, Brother Branham," said, "the punctuations and--and your sentences may not end right, and things like that," but said, "did you ever think of that guy that preached on the day of Pentecost, that couldn't even sign his own name--name? His name was Peter." Said, "I imagine that wasn't punctuated just right."

13 But, you see, what makes a man get his eyes on that, you listen to these radio broadcasts, and that's all wrote out. You see? And they--they can write it out and punctuate it, and things, because they're reading it.

I stood with Charles Fuller, preaching behind a trough about like that, for his platform. And everything that he said, he read it right down, number one, number two, number three, number four, like that, till he got all right out and timed it. And it was all censored, radio censored, and everything, because...

And with Billy Graham, I seen his, and so forth, where they just stand there and speak that, just--just read it just as fast as they can read it, and it's all ready, so I guess you would get the punctuation...?...

16 But the trouble with me, I couldn't even read it. So if I wrote it, I'm sure I couldn't read it. So--so it's amazing grace (Isn't it?) to see what He can do for us. But I am grateful to starting in now, ending up of this old year, to start a new year.

I listened to a prayer line, and I certainly wasn't satisfied with the prayer line either, to listen to that. It's the first time I ever heard myself back like that for--for a message, and I certainly was surprised. The prayer lines isn't run right. No, I think it'll come to pass, that after while it'll be so that everybody will have to know everything about them before they'll believe. And beginning the first of the year, I want to change that, and just start the prayer line wherever God speaks to me, "this person's out of line," or something wrong, I'll stop with him. Let the rest of them go on through, 'cause you don't get enough through like that. See? The people know where they are, and who they are, and what they done. But they find something that's not lined up just right with God; that's the time to stop on that one, say, "This is the one." See? So I think maybe there'd be some alteration done, Brother Leo, since I heard them, and I trust that God will help us in the coming year.

18 Now, I believe that tonight they got services here at the Tabernacle. And I am to be up here on 62, with Brother Ruddell tonight. I understand that they're going to have a watch service here. And Brother Ruddell had asked me for that watch service, but thinking maybe I'd come back at the Tabernacle for that night, because I've always tried to be at the Tabernacle on--on New Year's Eve, and I wanted to come back down here with the brethren here. So I kind of compromised a little, and I'll be with Brother Ruddell tonight, out on 62, at the old 62 Club that's been converted into a--a church. And then Wednesday night will be back here at the watch service. And then Thursday we leave for Chicago, and then on, and on to Philadelphia, and then overseas.

19 And this morning, we don't want to keep you too long, because it's... We got the interviews, and the services go on.

And, say, since the last prayer service here, oh, I am very grateful for the results that came forth from the last service of prayer. It was certainly a wonderful thing that our Lord can do when His people get together. "They that are--will call upon the Name of the Lord, assemble themselves together," I believe is the way it is, "and--and pray, then God will hear from heaven."

So let us bow our heads just a moment now, as we look to Him to give to us the inspiration needed for this message.

22 Lord, Thou has been our Refuge and Strength in all generations. Our forefathers before us trusted in Thee and were not confounded. They believed in Thy holy Name, and they were brought forth as shining lights; and we, looking upon them, as the poet has said, "Footprints upon the sands of time; our partings leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time." Then we see that those who trusted in Thee, always, without one time failing, come out right. Though they went through many deep waters and--and great trials and persecutions, but yet in the end Thou did always bring them out more than conquerors, because it is Thy promised Word that You would do this.

And we would pray today, that You would bless this little church. Bless its pastor, our good brother, Brother Neville, and his family. We ask that You'll just be with him in this coming year, and will anoint him greater, and--and bless him in every way. Strengthen the health of his family, the little ones that are coming up. Keep Brother Neville strong and healthy.

24 And bless this church and every member that's in it. The trustee board, how we love them as real gallant men of God; and the deacon board, they also are Thy gallant servants. And all the people that come here, we are grateful for them, Lord. Just does my heart good to know that this little old pond and weed patch standing on the corner, many years ago, has been made a lighthouse to the Kingdom of God. And I pray, God, that it'll stand until Jesus comes. And may many great souls that's been in here, Lord, come forth at that day, washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Grant it.

And as we open this blessed Word of Thine this morning, Lord, by turning back the pages to read from It a text, and we know that You alone can give the context. And we pray, God, that You will anoint Your Word, and may It go right to the hearts of the people that would do them good. Make believers out of unbelievers, and strengthen Christians, and heal the sick; and give courage to the discouraged, and get glory unto Thyself. In order to do this, Lord, circumcise the lips that shall speak and the ears that shall hear. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

26 Announcing a little text that I--fell on my heart since last Sunday... As I was speaking upon the wise men coming to--to see Jesus, the Star they followed from the east to the west. While studying that, I hit a Scripture, and then did not get to be here Christmas Eve because of some jail service, and so forth, I had to be at. I thought I would speak today upon the subject of "Why Little Bethlehem?"

And I want to read out of the Book of Micah the prophet, one of the minor prophets, the 5th chapter and the 2nd verse. It reads like this:

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, but out... yet out of thee shall... come forth unto me that he the ruler--be the ruler in Israel; whose goings forth has been from... old, from everlasting.

I had a spot on the Scripture there, is the reason I couldn't make out what the word was at the time.

29 Of all of the places that is in Palestine... And in... There is so many great cities, and its localities, cities that are seemingly much more known in the lore of history, and better fortified, bigger cities, why should God choose little Bethlehem to be the birthplace of His Son? There is many that are greater. And for instance, the historical lore of Jerusalem, the proud Jerusalem, the capital of all of it, and it's one of the largest cities of Palestine. And then we wonder why God would pick on that little bitty town of Bethlehem for the birthplace of His Son.

But as the Scriptures have said, "What God determines to do, it will be done." And there is... God foreordained it to be that way or it never would've been that way. And there the Scripture says in the 15th chapter of Acts, that there is nothing by chance. God knowed everything. And it just didn't happen to happen that way. It just was that God made it that way.

31 And then when we in our little finite minds begin to think over, "Why would the great King of heaven choose a little place like that instead of the capital?" Instead of some... Even there was many places who had greater spiritual background than what Bethlehem did.

For instance, some of the places like Shiloh. Shiloh was an ancient worship place of Israel, where they all came year by year to the--this great place where the ark of the Lord rested. And wonder why then that He wouldn't be born at Shiloh?

33 Then there was Gilgal, another great spiritual place of worship. Why wouldn't God let Him be born then at Gilgal?

And there was another one, Zion. Zion was on the mountain top. And we wonder why that Jesus would not be born then in Zion, because it's been a great historical mark of where the Lord has blessed His people in the ages.

And it looks like that maybe He would've chosen Zion, or Gilgal, or--or Shiloh, or one of the other great places where there had been great blessings and great teachings.

And there was other great cities, such as Hebron. That was the place for a man who was wanting a city of refuge, a place of safety. There was Ramoth-gilead, also another place of refuge where the people could come, which would been very appropriate for him to be born.

37 And maybe, if I would've been thinking it, I would've brought Him over to Kadesh-barnea for there was the judgment seat, and a place of refuge. Perhaps I would've brought Him over to that country for His birthplace, or maybe we would've chosen some of the other cities.

But, you know, I'm so glad that even just little insignificant things in the Bible mean so much. I believe that it was Jesus that said this, that, "You pass over and do the weightier matters of the law," rather, "but pass over the little things." And sometimes it's the little things that holds the big things together. But, all in all, the great cogs is turning just exactly the way God ordained them to cog. Turn here, there'll never be one miss its place. God has foreordained all things, and it must hit just exactly to that place.

39 And when we get faith like that, and begin to think of, "Who is behind all this? What is the mainspring that's turning this great e--economy of God's?" We find it's the Holy Spirit. Not left into the hands of man to do things; but in the hands of the Holy Spirit. And He is the mainspring, that if He can get the rest of the instruments, it'll work just perfectly and keep exactly God's time.

And then we see that and we wonder in our mind then, if we look at great things and how that we would have them; and then it gives us a lot of consolation today to think, that maybe if we are a little group of people, maybe if we are insignificant to the world and to the bigger churches of denominations, yet God uses those little simple things sometime.

41 For it is also written in the Scriptures, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." What a consolation, that I know that just as sure as Jesus had to be borned in little Bethlehem, so will the little flock be the one that the Father will give the Kingdom to, because it's written. And all Scripture is given by inspiration, and the Scriptures cannot be broken. They must be fulfilled. So it gives us that hope to know that--that it'll be a little flock that will receive the Kingdom, a little faithful flock of believers. I'm trusting to be one of those flock, or in that little flock, I should say.

And then we know the story; most all of us are acquainted with the story of how Israel came into Palestine by promise of God. And we know that the great Joshua was the one who divided each tribe their portion.

43 And it's... Certainly, if we had the time of about from now until six o'clock tonight to stay right on this subject, to line these things away to get the real meaning out of them (which we do not have, just about thirty, forty minutes.), so we have to strike just the high points, trusting that the Holy Spirit, to you Bible readers, will place the rest of it into your heart as we go along.

Did you know that those portions, how Joshua 'lotted them in Palestine, was given by inspiration? And those Hebrew mothers of those patriarchs, when the baby was coming forth and her in travailing pain to deliver the child, she uttered the very spot that those patriarchs would settle down and be at the last days.

Talk about inspiration, this Bible is inspired. No matter how little, just every little Scripture has such a outstanding thing in the Script, in the--the great picture. All of it, every--every Word is inspired, and on that hangs the destination of souls, for it's the Word of the immortal and eternal God.

46 And even those mothers, when the baby was born and she uttered their voice, placed them positionally where they'd be in the promised land hundreds of years later. And Joshua, not knowing that, yet by the same inspiration placed them exactly where they was to be.

And Joshua, dividing up, divided Judah's portion. If you'll notice on the map, it's the--geographically just west of the plain sea, a few miles south of Jerusalem, the capital. And when Judah was getting her part, or his part, rather, in the land, his province, we would call it, it's strange, but this little city was not even mentioned: Bethlehem. Yet it was there, because that Abraham... Or, I believe it was Rebekah was buried at that place. But it must've been just a little village of some sort, because if you read Joshua 5, you'll find that there was a hundred and fifteen major cities under the domain of Judah, besides the villages and little towns: a hundred and fifteen cities mentioned. And perhaps when it was divided up, that Bethlehem was so little, maybe just a--a little house or two; it wasn't even mentioned in the inheritance. And then we find out that it never actually come to be known...

48 The one that founded it was Caleb's son; Caleb's son, whose name was Salma, and he founded it. The Bible said he was the father of it, which mean he was the founder of Bethlehem. In other words, he must've moved in there and started some sort of businesses, and commercial, and the trading, and so forth, that grew it up. And later we'll find out that the real reason of it, that the whole lands was jealous of that little piece of land, which lays to the north, and east, and slopes a little to the south on that spur. And it was the most fertile of all of Palestine. It was a--a corn belt and a wheat belt, and there were great olive orchards, and so forth, on it, in that part of Bethlehem, or Pale--Palestine, the end of Judah province.

49 And we find out that it was also became the home of the harlot Rahab. When Israel had passed over the borderline of the Jordan river, into Palestine, we are acquainted with the story of Rahab the harlot. Let's picture her this morning for a few minutes now as a--a young lady, a beautiful young woman whose some misfortune in life had been forced in, being a pagan, had been forced into the life that she was living. And many times people are forced into the life that they live.

50 I was in the prisons the other night to see a man who was taking a sentence. And I--I took him by the hand and talked to him. And I said, "Why would you do such a thing as that?" And holding me by the hand, he begin to speak. And he was forced into what he was doing. I said, "Because that you permitted that to force you to that. You don't have to do that. You... No man has to drink." I said, "I am nervous myself, but there's no need of that."

51 And this young woman, after she'd got her first hearing of Israel, and of a God Who was a--a God that answered prayer, not only a God to pray to, but a God that answered back; when she heard that there was a God of miracles Who could perform miracles, Who dried up the seas and rained bread out of the heavens, her heart begin to tremble. And when she got the first message from two preachers that went over, quickly she accepted it with all her heart. And there was a scarlet cord bound at her window for a protection of her house, because that she had received the message.

52 And I might add here, did you know she typed the Gentile church? She was a Gentile, and she was a type of the Gentile church, when they heard the message. We were all out in spiritual prostitution, committing spiritual fornications against the God of heaven in all kinds of stuff, all kinds of denominations and religions. But when we heard that there was a God that still lived, that could perform miracles, quickly we received the message.

There was applied the Blood of the Lord Jesus, which made the scarlet cord. And to keep from going into detail, you know how she hung it from her window, publicly, the Blood was displayed publicly. That's the way the Blood's got to be displayed, publicly hanging from the outside of the wall to show that on the inside something had taken place. That's the way the true believer in Christ is this morning; on the outside is the display of the Blood of the Lord Jesus, that shows something took place on the inside.

54 And through this, God looked down when the wrath fell and the trumpets begin to blow; God seen that scarlet cord hanging there as a memorial. It's always pleased Him to pass over the Blood. "When I see the Blood, I'll pass over you." He saw it. And when the shaking and the Holy Spirit rumbled the earth and shook down them walls, some twenty-feet thick, not one rock fell where that cord was hanging: shows the protection of a true God to a true believer, no matter what state you're in when He finds you, if you'll just accept that scarlet cord. It weaves through the Bible.

55 And then we see her when she was taken in as one of the Israelites. She fell in love with the man, which was a captain and a prince in Judah. He was the captain of the Israelite armies. His name was Salmon, just like the king, Solomon. And he was the captain, and she become in a great romance with this captain, which was a prince of Judah. And finally she married him. And when the estate was settled up for the Israelites, she and her beloved husband lived in Bethlehem.

56 Now you begin to see it open, haven't you? See? It begin to open as we see that in Bethlehem she lived, being a Gentile bride to a Jew. Why? Because she believed in a miracle working God. And as... Look what she come from, from being a--out of a house of ill fame, of prostitution... Through her conversion and through her unfailing faith in God, it brought her from a prostitute house to a beautiful home in Bethlehem. What a difference.

That's the way it does all of us. From a house of unbelief and flusterations that, a--immoral acts, and everything, to a place, position in Christ which is most beautiful. From the ridiculous to the sublime, that's the difference that it makes through our conversion. And did you see, she married a prince of the house of Judah, a captain? That captain represented Christ took to Himself a Gentile Bride. From the lowest of lowest to the principal and best place in the land, as we'll get to it later in our message, to prove that it was; nothing else could be but that. They're a type of the Gentile Church.

58 And we find out they had a lovely home in Bethlehem, as Salmon had--had established it, and it would become a great place, and the fertile lands. And how beautiful it is to think of that great wheat country there, that it would be the bread place of the world. And it is true, no wonder Jesus had to be born there, because He was the Bread of Life. There's where all the nation come for their wheat, all the nations come for their corn. For it was in Bethlehem that had those fertile lands. And, you see, the little bitty thing, just saying, "Oh, it was the province of wheat," yet that meant something. And you see how the Gentile prince, or this Jewish prince taking His Gentile bride back up to Bethlehem for a settling down place, a place to live, where there was plenty of bread.

We find out, through this great romance and great obedience to faith, through the harlot Rahab, she gave birth to a son to Salmon, and his name was Boaz. And we all are acquainted with another great story tying in this link here now. And Boaz was born in Bethlehem from Salmon and the harlot Rahab.

60 And we are--find out that years later, after the--Naomi had left the country and gone over to sojourn with the Moabites, and when they had evilly had mistreated her; she'd got out of fellowship with the rest of the believers and associated herself in a backslidden condition in another land, among another people. In otherwise, she'd left the true believing church to go out into the world for a little while, to join some social church, who believed in just anything would be all right. In there she lost her husband.

And it don't have to be every time in physical death. You might lose him in a spiritual death, or lose your wife. Better stay on good grounds. You'd better stay where you know you're covered by the Blood, regardless of what the rest of them looks like, how big they are, how fine of spires they have on their churches, or how the big bells ring. You better stay where the Blood covers the sin of the people. You might lose one another, and, above all, you might lose the Lord Jesus and be barred out.

And we find out then that after her sons was gone, she lost both of them, and she returned back because there was no revival spirit in the city at the time.

63 Oh, how I would love to rest here for a few minutes, how I'd like to pick it up right here and show you, regardless of how many of the churches gone back, stay under the Blood; that's the place to abide. In or out, up or down, thick or thin, wherever it may be, stay under the Blood. But Naomi, she thought it would be better to go over and join another group, because they were having troubles, spiritual blead--bread wasn't there. And--but God will restore it back, "I will restore, saith the Lord." Stay in the field where It comes from.

64 So we find that she begin to long to go back, because they heard that a great revival had broke out. And if you notice, Naomi returned in barley season, the Bible said, just at the time of the harvest; in other words, when there was a great revival going on, spiritually applying it. She returned just in that season. Nothing left; she had nothing.

And Orpah, one of her sons' wives, when she come to look upon what she had to sacrifice, being a type of the modern church, "If I have to go over there, I'll have to get away from my dances, I'll have to get away from my big time, and my social gatherings." Then she just wept, and kissed her mother-in-law, and returned back.

66 But here's a beautiful picture, there was one named Ruth, with her, another daughter-in-law, which was a type again of the Gentile Bride, who kissed her mother-in-law, and said, "I'll forsake everything. I'm going with you. Let your people be my people. Let your God be my God. Wherever you die, there I'll die. Where you are buried, there I'll be buried." That's it. That's what God wants. It's not that borderline, halfway, but an absolute full surrender to the Kingdom of God. She kissed her.

And so Naomi said, to discourage her, said "You had better go back to your people. I'm old, and there's no more sons in me." And the law was that she had to wait for a son. And said, "Then there's no more in me. And if I would have a husband, and I'd have a son, you'd be too old to marry him, so you just return back to your people."

But Ruth said, "I'll not go back." Faith, rooted, grounded, perfect faith had come into Ruth's heart. She said, "I'm going right with you." And she clave to her, held onto her. "I'm going to be where you are." I like that.

69 And we're acquainted with the story as it goes on, that this great Boaz, which was the lord of the harvest, was in harvest at the time, and was a kinsman to Naomi. And when she found Ruth out there in a little mission, gleaning, every little straw that she could pick up, that had some wheat on it, she held to it, for it was life. And Boaz, being the lord of the harvest, he commanded that his reapers would drop a handful now and then for her; and she would pick it up, and with joy. And then she shucked out a great apron-full of it that day. And when Boaz, the lord of the harvest, came out and looked upon Ruth, and seen her faithfulness, he fell in love with her.

Watch Boaz represent Christ. Where was he at? Bethlehem. Where was Ruth come to? Bethlehem. Where was she gleaning at? In Bethlehem. See all those spiritual significance to this here, the background to this great scene that's taking place, God knowing it in the beginning?

71 And she begin to question to her mother-in-law, what she must do. And finally Ruth was married to Boaz, a Gentile married to a prince again in Judah, and settled down, and lived in Bethlehem.

Oh, thou little Bethlehem, aren't you the least among all the principal cities of--of Palestine; but it's pleased God Whose knowing and going forth was from old, from the beginning, to have His Son born there.

He knows all things, and He works it just to be right. And there Ruth married Boaz. And when Ruth and Boaz was married... If we had time to go into the great story there, which was one of the greatest love scenes of all ages, when Ruth and Boaz were married... And remember...

Let's just stop for a minute here; just too good to pass over.

73 Ruth was a Gentile. She had no inheritance with the Jew, just like we Gentiles had no inheritance. So Naomi was actually the one to inherit. So she'd lost all of her first estate, all of her goods had been sold at public auction; therefore, she was--been excommunicated and had gone away.

Now, when she come back, there was only one person who could ever redeem her lost inheritage; that was a kinsman right next to her. And Boaz knew this, so he had to work some way to get this Gentile girl for a wife. And what did he had to do? He had to buy all of the estate of Naomi in order to get in this estate, which Ruth was part of the estate of Naomi. And the only man that could buy it, would have to be a person that was kinfolks, near kinsman. That was the law of redemption.

75 And the only way that Christ could ever buy the estate of the backslidden Israel was to become a Kinsman. Only way God could redeem the human race, God Himself had to be made flesh. And Jesus was God made kinfolks to the human race. He was Emmanuel. He become kinfolks. He took upon Him not the form of Angels, but the form of a servant who washed the feet and lived. And the foxes had holes, and the birds of the air had nests, but He didn't even have a place to lay His head. He eat, He drank, He--He cried, He laughed, just like other men. And He was God, not a prophet. He was God, because He had to be kinfolks in order to redeem the lost human race. So, Boaz, in this great type at Bethlehem... Look where this Kinsman was born to the human race, had to be.

76 And then when this great Boaz redeemed her, he had to make a public showing that he had redeemed all of her lost estate. So he went to the gate of Bethlehem, that little city again, and he called the elders of the city, and he let them know that that day he had bought everything that had--Naomi had lost. Everything that she lost, he bought it back. And he kicked off his shoe and threw it up before the people as an ensign, "And if there's anyone has any reason to say something, say it now, for this is a memorial that I've redeemed everything that she lost."

77 Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. And when our Kinsman came, Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, He stood on top of the Golgotha, and lifted Him up between the heavens and earth as a memorial that He'd redeemed everything that the human race had lost in the fall. How can men despise Divine healing and the powers of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, when a public ensign was made at Calvary, that, "I've redeemed the whole human race and everything that they ever lost." He redeemed our soul, redeemed our body, redeemed everything that we lost in the fall. Our Kinsman Redeemer came and was made flesh, and dwelled among us, and offered up the ensign, and said, "It's finished," What's finished? Everything is finished. We're just walking right into our inheritance. And as the days go on, we're walking closer and closer.

78 Boaz and Naomi... After being married for some time, they brought forth a son, which added more to the lineage, and that was Obed. And he also brought forth his son, which was Jesse. And Jesse had eight boys.

And it was the great prophet Samuel who came with the cruse of the oil, the great prophet who went to Jesse and said, "God has chosen one of your boys to rule and serve My people. And it was out in the backside of the field, in a little shepherd yard, where the little ruddy, scrawny-looking boy was brought, David, the older--the youngest. And Samuel poured the anointing oil on him in the presence of all of his brothers and them who stood about, and proved that God had anointed him king. Where's that at? Bethlehem. Glory to God in the highest. No wonder, Bethlehem, where he was anointed king...

80 And it was in Bethlehem where David was borned. And his greater Son Jesus was also had to be born in Bethlehem, because there's such a close knit between the two, as father and son. Not only was this great Son only the Son, He was the Root and the Offspring of David; He was even before David; He'll be after David; He was for everlasting, from everlasting on. But according to the flesh and all the things to be fulfilled, He was the Son of David. He was to be born years later in this same Bethlehem, this little forsaken city.

81 But all the time in there, do you notice, there's working a great mighty mystery that no one seemed to understand. That's the same thing it is in God's Bethlehem today; there's working a--a mystery sign, that no one seems to understand it. It's something that goes over the top of the heads of the people. They don't seem to get it. No matter what's done, or what's said, and the mysterious part of the things that's done, the people will say, "Oh, well, I guess it's all right," and go on, but they don't understand it. They can't catch it. They can't grasp it. That's what God was doing in Bethlehem in Judaea. He's working, all these little things moving up to come to one great head.

82 David, oh, when he was anointed king, as a--a little boy, he was ruddy to look up at, but he must've been something in him that looked real to God. The little bitty, the smallest of the family... The rest of the boys, great big fine men, would look good in the robes, and a crown on their head. But God showed what He looks at: not the outward appearance, but the inside of a man. He looked at his heart. He knew what was in David's heart, no matter how the crown looked on him. He knowed He was finding Him a man that was a man after His own heart, which David would be a man after His own heart. That's why He poured the anointing oil, or had it poured upon David. Which the name "David" means "beloved."

83 And it was well represented in Jesus, the Beloved One, years later, the Son of David, Who was to come to fulfill all things that had been promised. This little city of Bethlehem was where this taken place. And it was on them same little Judaean hills where David had herded his sheep, many years later, that the Angels sang their first Noel on the hills of Judaea, overlooking Bethlehem. The first Noel, "Unto thee is born in the city of David, Christ the Lord." Angels first made their appearance to sing; it wasn't at Jerusalem the big church; neither was it at Gilgal; or neither was it at Shiloh, where they'd had the religious denominational worship all the time. But it was in little Bethlehem, where the Spirit of God had been moving in a mysterious way, bringing forth something. It was there.

84 It was there, where Christ had to come. It was there. It was right in that same little city was a King born, that a mother, virgin, brought forth her firstborn Son. It sheltered and housed in its little fortress the King of kings and the Lord of lords. It were not only did Samuel come to pour out the anointing oil, but God poured out upon Him, and upon the world, Christ the Lord. The Angels herald His coming and sang to the shepherds on the hillside, who followed David the king, years before. See the mystery of God, how great it is?

He was born in this great wheat belt, which from wheat comes forth the basic principles of life. And He was the Bread of Life. "I am the Bread of Life. He that eats My flesh and drinks My Blood has Eternal Life, and shall never die or come into condemnation, but's passed from death unto Life."

86 Bethlehem, the name Bethel. B-e-t-h, beth, "beth" in the Hebrew word means "house." "E-l" stands for "Elohim"; its abbreviation; "Elohim" means "God." B-e-t-h, beth... E-l, E-l is Elohim, which is God, "the House of God," where the Bread of Life is laid. E-l-h-e-m, finish it out and bring back your "l" again with your "e," means a "loaf of bread," in the Hebrew, El-hem. E-l is God, Elohim. B-e-t-h is bread, or b-e-t-h is... B-e-t-h is "house." E-l, it's Elohim, abbreviation. Then E-l, e-m is "bread." What was He? The House of the Bread of God: "The House of God's Bread." House, beth: Elohim, God: El-h-e-m, bread. "The house of God's Bread," means Bethlehem.

87 Where could He have been born anywhere else but that? But it was hid to everybody but that prophet; he said, "Out of Bethlehem shall come Him." They was looking in Jerusalem; they was looking in all the big Shilohs; they was looking everywhere. But He come from Bethlehem, 'cause it was the House of God's Bread of Life. He's God's breadbasket to the world. There He was, borned in Bethlehem. He couldn't be born nowhere else.

There could be many great things, that I was studying this week of the different spiritual aspects to that, why He must be born in Bethlehem. When I hit these few places, the Holy Spirit just caught me away, and I said, "O God, that's sufficient. I see it now."

He could not be born nowhere else but Bethlehem. It was the place of the bread of the nation. It was the bread of all the house of Israel, come from there. And He was the Bread of Life that come down from heaven, the spiritual Manna; has to come from Bethlehem, the bread line, the place where bread laid. Bethlehem, the baking of the bread. Now, Jesus being the Bread of Life, "The man may eat thereof," He said, "and never die."

90 Another great event that I wouldn't forget to call, that was when David was in his worst of time, when he was a fugitive. He'd already been anointed; he knowed what he was to be. He was to be king, God said so. And yet he was hated. He was standing in between two great deep fires; here was the Philistines on one side, after him, here was Saul on the other side. And he was a man without a nation.

Just as the Church stands today, the true living Church of God, without a denomination or anything else. She stands alone, but yet she's had the anointing poured on her. She knows what she is.

92 How in the world can it ever come to pass, the devil on both sides driving at David? He'd taken refuge in strongholds in the wilderness and in caves, trying to hide out with a little band of faithful warriors, just a few believing like him. But those men believed God, that that would be the king.

So is the believers today, who's hid out from place to place, but yet they know Who's coming to be King. I don't care who's going to be President. We know He's coming. And it looks farther away than it ever did, when science is trying to overrule, and say, "They can build a man; they can do this; and they take a rabbit and take the pollen and make another rabbit, and so forth," trying to disprove God's Word. Yet, there is a people who believe God, who stands just as pat as they ever did. No matter what comes or goes, they still believe God. God's right. They hold to God's unchanging hands. In the midst of battle, in the midst of tears, in the midst of sickness and death, and everything, they still hold to God's unchanging hand. They know that He's coming King.

94 People today laugh and make fun of them, and call them holy-rollers, call them everything they want to, but them warriors of God stands faithful at the post of duty. Might call them a healing group, you might call them a bunch of fanatics, or whatever you wish to; they hang to that King. They know He's coming in power. Though they take His Name in vain, and scoff, and make fun, and call the people who believe Him, outcasts, bunch of backwash, that doesn't bother them a bit; they stay true at the post of duty.

95 Those warriors that was with David, stayed right by his side. If a Philistine come up, he had to fight. Whoever it was, they were picked on, every side. Poor David, in his mind all confused; he thought, "How can it be, Lord?"

You know, leaders sometimes go through things that the congregation don't know what they're going through. When you think of promises God has made, then why don't it come to pass? They don't tell their congregation; they don't tell the people they associate with; but there's many flusterations in the heart of a real leader.

97 David setting there, his--his throat burning, and it was in the middle of summer. The Philistines was taking advantage of that split between David and Saul. And Saul looking for David everywhere, and the Philistines also, and then the Philistines looking for the Israelites. Talk about a time of confusion; just about like it is now. David taken refuge in this little place, in this little shelter, everywhere he could get to, the little strongholds that he could hold into. Then he got up on the mountain on that hot middle of the summer, when the heat was tremendous, his throat parching, and flusterations and fears in his heart, and wondering, "O God, how could it be? You poured that oil upon me, not because I chose myself, but You chose me. Why did You call me from herding the sheep out yonder, and told me You'd give me this to serve Your people, and here You've got me between the fires everywhere?" That was going through his heart.

98 He set up on the hill and he looked down, and there the Philistines had come in and garrisoned right in Bethlehem, his little home. Then his little city was under government control of the enemy. Not only that, but his own father's house, Jesse's house, was under bondage to the Philistines. There was his own nation, his own church, against him. Here was the enemy he was fighting; here's the church people he was fighting; not because he wanted to, but because he was forced to do it.

And many times we're forced to do things and say things that we don't want to say, a real spiritual leader, but he's forced to do it. He has to take his side and show his colors. "I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few," said the song writer.

100 So there he was on a hot day, no doubt, walking back and forth, and looking down through that long valley of about twenty-five miles down there and back. There was his own father's house in--in bondage to the Philistines. There was Saul just across yonder, the... And here come this one, setting right between (See?) to take sides. Seeing the great time that Israel was all broke up, the church broke up in different denominations, as to say. Here was David standing back here, not knowing what to do, and yet knowing that on him rested the anointing. They knew that anointing was there. They knew David was going to be king. Hallelujah.

101 We know Who's going to be King. Doesn't matter who's going to be President. I know Who's going to be King. He'll be King. And I know it takes something to stand. But God help me to shut my eyes to denominations and everything else and look to that spiritual sight yonder, that He's the coming King. I'll serve Him. If it's death, let me die; if it's my family, it's my loved ones, if it's my denomination, it's everything, let me serve Him. I'll stay to Him. That's the warriors of God, like was with David, that had their hands on their sword, walking at his arm. That's the way God's warriors walk: ready.

102 The enemy says, "You have to take a little drink, to be sociable."

"I'll touch not your unclean thing." Amen. There's the enemy. There's the warrior.

"Oh, why don't you renounce that old holy-roller stuff you believe?"

"I'll believe God. I'll stand true." There you are. There's the warriors.

"Oh, you mean... There's no such a thing as Divine healing."

"That's what you think. I know better." See?

"There's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Them days is passed on."

"That's what you think. I've already received It; you're just too late to tell me anything about it."

108 They knew the anointing was on that little old ruddy-looking fellow, and they knew he was going to be king.

But David, in his own mind, was flusterated. I can imagine, just watch him a minute: goes back out there and sets down, and looks down there, and thinks, "My own beloved city Bethlehem, look at it there, where the great things of God had taken place, where my father's father's father's father was born, where my great-great-great-great-grandmother yonder uttered in her, in the time of the birth of Judah, from whose tribe I'm from... But yonder laid something supernatural. She uttered their place, and there Joshua placed it; some right in her. And through there come all these things here. It's got to be. I was a sheepherder, and You poured oil on my head. You said I'd be king. I believe You. Amen."

Then he goes back, and looks down there, and thinks, "Well, way down yonder in my little city, where I was born at, a little group where I was with, them good old days..."

111 It'd be better if the Methodists looked back to their good old days, when they're few and far between in little schoolhouses out here in America, falling under the power of God, throwing water in their face. It'd be better for you Baptists to look back to where you come from too, and the rest of them. You Pentecostal, look back where you come from. That's right.

In the heat of the battle here David begin to think, "Oh, I can remember them nights I laid out yonder on that hillside. I remember when I watched them stars, how they moved up yonder, and how God talked to my little boy heart. I can remember when I got so in the Spirit one day, looking at the clouds and the shady green pastures, till I screamed out in the Spirit and sang,

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death, I'll fear no evil: for thou art with me;...

113 Oh, my, here he was right in the jaws of death right then, on both sides. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." Them good old days when the Spirit was with me, when God was with me, I sang His praises; I enjoyed Him. I remember one time that a lion come up one morning and got one of my sheep. And the Spirit of God came upon me, and I went out and grabbed him and cut him to pieces. I remember that deliverance. Oh, I can remember that evening just before the sun went down, a bear come in and got one, and I killed him. Them great deliverance..."

"I remember when I sang His praises in my childhood days, when I herded my sheep. O God, take me back to that place. Take me back to my first love. Take me back and give me back my shepherd's staff. Give me back my herd of sheep. Let me alone back there to worship You."

116 That sometimes we think that, but we're in the heat of the battle. Something's got to be done. We was boys once; we're grown up men now. The fight's on. I remember when the sawdust boiled upon the floor, and the people screamed and shouted, and you couldn't get around the place nowhere here for people, but it's not that way today. The battle's on. Oh, it's not William Branham, the little boy preacher any more; you got to produce something. Yes, sir, there's got to be something different. The time's on. The battle's on. The heat is on. The power's to be delivered, the people, everyone's found written in the Book. Now the time has come.

117 David in all of his flusteration, walking back and forth, and thinking, "Oh, this hot day, whew, oh, it's so hot. Oh, Saul might come from this way, the Philistines from this way; armies around everywhere, and here we are setting in the mouth of a cave, and yet the anointing oil on me. How can it be, O God? How can it be? Oh, I wished I had a drink." Then his mind goes back to way down there by the gates of Bethlehem, there was a well. There just was no water like that water.

You know, Palestine has some bad water. They have evil waters, and they have even to blackwater fever, and stuff, in them. And a lot of it is alkaline water, which would kill you.

119 But Bethlehem is the water seat of the province too. There was no water like Bethlehem had. David used to think, "When I take my sheep and start out of a morning, I'd go by that old well and drink. Oh, how cool and how sweet, and how it quenched the thirst."

Now his throat's a-going, yet anointed, "Oh, if I only had a drink of water." Now, his warriors... And he screamed out in his despair, "Oh, if someone would bring me a drink again from that old well yonder at Bethlehem." Oh, after dreaming of all of his childhood days and the victories, and see him in the place where he's setting here between the fires, he screamed, "Oh, if someone could bring me water from Bethlehem."

121 Now, his warriors could not interpret his thinking, but, brother, they loved him with all that was in them. The least of his desires was a command to them. Three of his mighty warriors pulled their swords, slipped off from the camp, and cut their way, twenty-five miles. David, in their going, no doubt wondered, "Where they at? What have they done? Where did they go to? Did they know they're jeopardizing their life?" They're right in the jaws of death, through a twenty-five-mile line, laying in ambush everywhere, and the swords a flickering, and the shields a blasting; but their men, their brother that they believed that would be king, desired a drink.

122 Oh, brother, I wonder if the warriors today are willing to cut their way through formalism, doubts, and unbelief to refresh in the Presence of the Lord, His desires? "The least of Your desires; if it's Africa, India, if it's to the street, wherever it is, the least of Your desires, Lord, is my command. Death don't mean a thing to me. Popularity, my--what I am, what I will be, means nothing, Lord. It's to fulfill Your desires." That's the warriors that's standing by the side of Him. "If they call me a holy-roller, if my name is scandalized, if they kick me in the street, that doesn't matter. Your desire is my command." That's the real soldier.

123 What did they do? They fought their way through until they got to that well. They dipped the bucket of water out. And here they come back, fighting, cutting their way from right to left, and they're coming to the presence of David. Said, "Here you are, my lord." Oh, my. What? A man that was disgraced, a man that was hated by the church, a man that was hated by the king, a man that was hated by the Philistines, a man that was hated everywhere nearly. But a little group that followed him, they knew that he was the coming king.

124 Today, I know we sing great songs; we build great churches; we have great anthems and everything; we praise to Him like that; but Jesus said, "In your hearts you're far from Me, for you teach for doctrine the commandments of men." Let the Holy Spirit come in and do something in their church, showing the Presence of Jesus Christ, they'll kick you out the door. "In vain do you worship Me. They worship, but in vain do you do it, teaching for doctrine the traditions of men."

But there's warriors who believe Him. There's warriors who stand by it with a spiritual understanding, like in little Bethlehem yonder. See? Sure, it was.

126 David picked up this bucket of water; he looked at it, and the Bible said that he poured it upon the ground, said, "Lord, be it far from me that I'd drink that, because these my--Thy warriors has jeopardized their life to go yonder and to bring this water to me. It's the blood of men. I cannot do it." And this sweet water that they jeopardized their lives and broke through the enemy line to go yonder and get, David poured it upon the ground as a freewill offering to the Lord. It wasn't mean; it was only fulfilling the Scriptures.

127 Because although Jesus, from Bethlehem is the Bread of Life, He also is the Water of Life. Sure, it is. And what did He do? He was represented in both David and warriors, because He was the King, and He was the warrior Who came and broke through the enemy's lines (Amen.), conquered death, hell, and the grave, poured out His own Blood, that John 3:16 might be fulfilled.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but would have Eternal life.

And then He give not the water that represented it, but He was the Water, or perish; a perishing people, that might have Life... How did He do it? Through His Own Blood, by pouring It out; not spilling It, that's an accident. He poured It out freely at Calvary, after He broke through every line of the enemy and poured out His Life Blood, that He might be the Breadbasket to the world.

And the Fountain filled with Blood,

Drawn from Immanuel's veins,

When sinners plunged beneath the flood,

Lose all their guilty stains.

129 That's why He was born in Bethlehem. That's why He had to come, because it was the bread center, the Bread of Life. It was the water center. What is it? The Waters of Life. And in Jesus was both Bread of Life and Waters of Life; therefore, He had to come and be born in Bethlehem. "Thou Bethlehem of Judaea, are you not the least among all the great princes?" You're just an ordinary little creature; you're just a little fellow; but out of you shall come the Ruler which is from old, from everlasting to everlasting, His foregoings has been going forth from ever, and from everlasting to everlasting.

That's why He was born in Bethlehem of Judaea. It cradled Him. And, my brother, the place He wants to be cradled today is in your own being, your own heart, that He might display from you, the Waters of Life to a perishing people, and the Bread of Life to a starving people. He is the Bread and Water of Life, which is the two essential things to a man's living is bread and water. It's promised, sure.

131 Let us bow our heads just a moment, and in doing so, I want your undivided attention. Have you ever been to Bethlehem, this morning? If you have never been to Bethlehem...

It was called Ephratah of Bethlehem too, Ephratah of Bethlehem. "Ephratah" means "the root," come from the word "h-e-m-p, hemp" means "the root." And the old ancient district there was called "Ephratah," which means, "it's the beginning of life." Christ said, "If ye abide in Me... I am the Vine and ye are the branches." He's the Root of all Life.

If you've never come to Bethlehem Ephratah, the Bethlehem, come this morning and receive Him as your Saviour, and He'll forgive you of your sins. Will you raise your hands to Him and say, "Lord God, be merciful to me now; I now here come to Jesus with all my heart. I come to Your Bethlehem, the Water and Bread of Life. I now accept Him as my personal Saviour" The Lord bless you, young fellow back there. The Lord bless you. God bless you, little one.

134 Is there another, say, "I now come; nothing in my arms. I stand, thirsting, my throat is dry. I'm wondering where I can go and find real Life. I'm wondering. I've joined churches..." God bless you, sister. "I've joined churches, I've done everything I know to do, Brother Branham, but I've never yet touched that real Life-giving resource. I now come, Lord, to receive It." He's here for you. Would you just raise your hand, say, "It's me, Lord. I'm the one that's standing and needy"? The Lord bless you, while we pray.

135 O Lord God, this little broken-up message brought from the Scriptures, though in all of its symbols, that You put it there; maybe it's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and be revealed to babes such as will learn. How that little Bethlehem, the least of all of them... How did the prophet say that? "Art thou not least among all the princes?" But it so pleased God to bring from that little insignificant place the Ruler of Israel. Lord God, out of a little group of people that's washed by the scarlet line of Blood of the Lord Jesus, You shall bring forth, to that group, somewhere, Lord, across this world, Christ again, that'll rule all nations with a rod of iron.

I pray Thee, Father God, that You'll be merciful to each of us who are present now, and may we come to Your Bethlehem. "O come, all ye faithful," we've been singing, "come to Bethlehem." Lord, let them see that it's not go to a little city yonder that was once in a symbol, but go to the reality, Jesus Christ, God's Bread and Water of Life.

And these who raised their hands, receive them into Thy Kingdom just now, Lord, for it's by their faith they--they receive Him; it's by faith that they raised their hands; and it's by faith that I believe that You receive them. Keep them, Lord, at Bethlehem, where they'll never stray or go away like Naomi; but may, if the times gets hard, may they stay right at Bethlehem. It will be better by and by. Grant it, Lord.

138 Now, I pray that You'll be merciful to those who are sick and afflicted. There are those here, Lord, who need Thy healing touch. O Lord, You did restore Bethlehem to all of her former glory. You restored her in the time of a depression, when she was sick. You brought her right back and brought Naomi at barley season. And now, Father, we pray that You'll bring every Naomi, and everyone that's in here that is in need. I pray, God. O Lord, it's just barley season, the great barley loaf that was seen come rolling down the hill into the camp of the enemy. I pray, God, that You will bring that great barley loaf into this building now, and that it may be the atonement for the--the sickness of the people, as well as the sin, and heal every person that's in Divine Presence.

I just feel, Lord, maybe it's just my own personal feeling, but I feel that You're near, the nearness of You now in here. I believe that You're here. And I say not this because of the people; Thou Who knows the heart of man, I pray, Lord, that somehow they'll catch the vision this morning, like those warriors, that Your great omnipotence, Your great power, Your great Presence, You--what You are, the Son of God, the King, the anointed One, that You're in the midst of us; they'll catch the glimpse of It in their souls and be healed of their afflictions. I pray this prayer, as I place it to them, in the Name of Jesus Christ Thy Son. Amen.

140 I believe God, all His Words, believe that every part of His Word is Divinely inspired. I believe that He isn't "I was," but He's "I AM," a ever-living Presence. I believe that right now in the midst of the people here...

You who raised your hand, find you a church, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, calling upon God, washing away your sins, believing that His soon coming is to--He's to appear in His second coming.

I also believe that His Presence is here to heal the sick, to make well those who are needy. You don't have to necessarily just be one-by-one prayed for. I proved that the other night to people, that I just wanted to show them what'd happen.

143 There was a certain young man, who's setting, looking right at me now, that had been in bed for days. His throat was swelled so bad till he couldn't even eat nor nothing; his fever was way high. And he'd told his father and mother, "Send, get Brother Branham come pray for me." And somehow they didn't want to bother me, 'cause I was busy. And just Something led me to go to their house.

While setting there, they tried to bring the young man a plate, had real soft egg and something another, and some soft beans mashed up, and he was trying to swallow them. He'd wallow them around, take his finger, and mash them, his teeth was all swelled out and pus running out of them. And--and he'd try to mash it like that with his finger, and try to get it down his throat like that. And he made about a bite or two, and he just couldn't go no farther, pushed it back.

145 I was setting there without prayer; there's just a little something; you can't tell everybody what's going on. No. I said, "Lord, Lord, it's close to the end of the year now. There's a coming on, a new something. Let me. Lord, is this it, is this it?" And as soon as I begin to say that, and say now, in my heart now, "I know You're here," the young man reached and got another bite, and another bite, and another bite, and another bite, and cleaned up his whole plate, and got in his car and went away.

Oh, He's God (See?), His Presence, His Presence... They don't... It just lets Him be present.

147 The other day when they taken this last, latest picture... When I seen Him standing there, I looked at it and I thought, "Well, I've seen the Angel of the Lord on those, and I know it was wonderful." But when He taken this one, then about three o'clock in the morning, He woke me up and told me what it was to be, and explained it all to me, and how the armor and everything, showed me the things on it I'd never seen. I went in and get it, and looked at it, and there it was. I had never seen it before. Oh, what a feeling that brought to me, a consolation, to know that He's present.

He's here, just His Presence. And the Presence of the Lord was there to heal the sick. The Presence of the Lord is here to heal the sick. The Presence of the Lord is here to bring conviction to sinners. The Presence of the Lord is in the midst of His people, and He is God's Bethlehem full of Bread and Water. I'm so glad (Aren't you?) that we have a place to come, to eat and live forever.

149 Now, the Lord bless you. Got something you want to say, brother? [Brother Neville says, "No."--Ed.] Let us stand to our feet just a moment. Our old dismissing song, "Take the Name of Jesus With You"...

How many love the Lord, let's see you raise your hands way up. Now, while you got your hands up, now, put them down and shake hands with somebody standing by you, say, "God bless you, pilgrim. God bless you." That's right, then around. All right, that's just so you get acquainted with each other. All right.

Now, let's look right up towards the heavens and sing this song now.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name, (precious Name) O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of heaven;

Precious Name, (precious Name) O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of heaven. (Now, remember...)