Počuť, rozpoznať a konať na základe Slova Božieho



Pozrite, Slovo musí byť inšpirované: počuť To, rozpoznať To a konať podľa Toho. Mnoho ľudí bude počuť, ale nerozpoznajú To. Boh povie, “Toto je tvoja hodina.” “Nemohol by som byť náboženský fanatik. Nechcem z Toho nič.” Vidíte, oni To nerozpoznávajú. Pôjdeme na zhromaždenia, ten veľký Duch Svätý zostúpi. Jedného dňa som tam sedel, keď prišlo videnie a predpovedalo presne čo sa stane. Povedal som, “Prichádza nejaký mladý muž.” “Poď sem,” naznačil som tomu čašníkovi, “máš srdcové problémy a hľadáš...” “Áno. To je presne tak.” “Vidíš tam prichádzať tú ženu?” “Poď sem. Máš nádor na prsníku, a to je ľavý prsník a si vo veľmi zlom stave. Si hriešnik a ne...”   “Presne tak!” Tí mužovia tam sedeli, pozerali sa okolo, tí kazatelia a tí všetci, povedali, “Ó!” Idú na zhromaždenie, sledujú Ducha Svätého ako prechádza rovno tým zhromaždením a hovorí tajomstvá sŕdc a tie veci. Povedia, “Nádherné. Áno.” Vidíte? Ó, brat! Vidíš? Je to na tej druhej strane, niečo sa tam stalo. Tie ženy budú pokračovať ďalej a robiť tú istú vec. Muži sa vrátia späť, ako prasa do svojho blata a pes k svojmu vývratku, rovno to isté. Nevidíte to?”

Vidíš, ty si musíš uvedomiť, priateľu, v akom si stave. To je ten dôvod, že táto páska je, ako som povedal, “Len pre cirkev.” Vidíte, “Len pre cirkev.” Ak ste boli povolaní z temnosti do Svetla, zo smrti do Života, z formálneho intelektuálneho chápania Krista do prežitia znovuzrodenia a sledujete svoj život, že on kladie veci tohoto sveta nabok, a vy stojíte za Krista, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, potom sa niečo deje. Vidíte? Niečo je vo vás, nejaký hlad a hýbe sa to napred, ako to bolo pri Jákobovi. Vidíš, ty zápasíš s Pánom a potom kráčaš odlišne. Niečo je v tebe iné, si zmenený.

1        No, tieto pásky z dnešného ranného zhromaždenia sa nepredávajú, je to len pre cirkev alebo pre niekoho, lebo je to o náuke. A tam na tých zhromaždeniach to zapríčiňuje zmätok, lebo sotva dvaja z nás to vidia od oka k oku, ale každopádne by sme mali byť nastavení od srdca k srdcu. Ale to... my tu v modlitebni, tieto pásky sú, všimnite si na... Je to len pre priateľov a tak.

2        Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy k modlitbe. Koľkí by chceli byť spomenutí, zatiaľ čo máte sklonené svoje hlavy? Len zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, “Pane, ja som dnes v potrebe a potrebujem Tvoju milosť,” kvôli čomukoľvek to je.

3        Náš nebeský Otče, my teraz pristupujeme k Tvojmu Trónu milosti, pretože nám bolo povedané, aby sme to robili. A bolo nám to povedané cez Tvojho Syna a nášho Spasiteľa, že ak Ťa budeme o čokoľvek prosiť v Jeho Mene, že nám to bude udelené. Preto Pane, pretože vieme, že žijeme v tieni Jeho príchodu a teraz stojíme v tieni Jeho milosrdenstva, potom by sme chceli poprosiť, Pane, aby si Ty vybral, skrze Ducha Svätého, tie veci, o ktoré by sme mali žiadať. A dnes ráno cítime, že by to nebolo v protiklade s Tvojím Slovom alebo Tvojou veľkou spravodlivosťou a s Tvojím milosrdenstvom a milosťou, keď by sme žiadali, aby sme dnes prežili zvláštne navštívenie od Ducha Svätého. On by mohol prísť do nášho stredu a rozoznávať myšlienky nášho srdca, zjaviť nám naše slabé miesta a uzdraviť naše nemoci a obviazať zlomené srdcia a spasiť stratených a pripraviť ľudí na Jeho príchod. Pane, vypočuj túto modlitbu.

4        Teraz ideme čítať Tvoje Slovo a modlíme sa, Pane, aby si na tejto rannej lekcii nedeľnej školy priniesol kontext toho, čo budeme čítať a zjavil To v našich srdciach. Pretože sem prichádzame za jedným účelom. Sám ten účel je, poznať Ťa lepšie. My, ktorí sme Kresťania, skrze vieru Ťa chceme poznať lepšie. Tí, ktorí sa ešte nestali Kresťanmi, Ťa chcú spoznať ako svojho Spasiteľa. Tí, ktorí sú chorí Ťa chcú poznať ako svojho Lekára. A my sa modlíme, aby tu ani jeden neopustil túto budovu prázdny, ale aby každá prosba bola naplnená do písmena a aby bola uspokojená každá túžba a aby každá osoba bola šťastná a odchádzala odtiaľto hovoriac, ako tí, ktorí išli z Emmaus, “či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia ako nám hovoril na ceste?” Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

5        Teraz vám, ktorí si chcete otvoriť svoju Knihu ... Zistil som, že obyčajne na evanjelizačných službách má najlepší dopad podať dvadsať alebo tridsať minútové duchovné posolstvo a potom urobiť výzvu k oltáru. Ale pretože toto je nedeľná škola, dnes ráno to nechcem takto robiť. Cítim sa byť viac vedený, aby som využil čas a hovoril o Slove.

6        Ak sa niekto cíti nepohodlne, je mu príliš chladno, jediné, čo sa dá urobiť... môj brat dozorca, je tam vzadu na konci modlitebni, len takto zodvihnite ruku, tam ku nemu a on upraví kúrenie. Chceme, aby ste mali pohodlie a cítili sa skutočne dobre. Počúvajte Slovo, lebo my veríme, že Duch Svätý nás bude vyučovať Slovo Božie. Počujete všetci dobre, i tam vzadu? Ak áno, zodvihnite ruky, ak počujete dobre. To je dobre.

7        Teraz chcem, aby ste si so mnou otvorili, mám tu zapísané nejaké texty a miesta Písma. Tak chcem, aby ste si so mnou otvorili najprv v knihe Rimanom, Rimanom 9. kapitola a chceme čítať k lekcii Písma, najprv v Rimanom 9:11.

 Lebo ešte keď sa neboli narodili ani neboli vykonali ničoho dobrého  alebo zlého - aby zostávalo preduloženie Božie podľa vyvolenia, nie  zo skutkov, ale z toho, ktorý povoláva - ešte vtedy jej bolo povedané, že väčší bude slúžiť menšiemu.

 Jako je napísané: Jakoba som miloval a Ezava som nenávidel.

8        Nech Boh pridá požehnania k čítaniu tohoto Slova. A teraz, ten text, aby som podoprel svoju lekciu, chcel by som vziať toto ako titul: Počuť, rozpoznať, konať na základe Božieho Slova. Nech to ešte zopa- kujem, “Počuť, rozpoznať, a potom konať na základe Božieho Slova.

9        My sme plne oboznámení, my ľudia, ktorí skúmame Písma dňom i nocou a čítame noviny a počujeme komentátorov správ, že tento svet teraz stojí v zovretí dvoch veľkých duchovných mocí. A obidve tie moci sú náboženské. A ja verím, že obe tieto veľké moci skoro prídu k hlave. A obe tieto veľké moci boli reprezentované v týchto dvoch synoch Izáka. Ako nám Boh, vo Svojej nekonečnej múdrosti, v predobrazoch vyjadril všetky veci, aby sme mohli skrze tieto veci s istotou vedieť, čo leží pred nami. On to učinil tak jasne, že Boh a Jeho Slovo, príroda a Jeho vesmír sú tak dokonale spolu zladené, že dokonca hriešnik môže vidieť, že niečo sa ide stať. Boh to tak usporiadal. Nikto nemá výhovorku.

10        No, vidíme tu v týchto dvoch synoch, že ešte predtým ako sa vôbec narodili, mali jeden s druhým vojnu. Dokonca i napriek ich panenskej matke... Lebo, ona bola panna, tá nádherná Rebeka, ktorá sa vydala za to spravodlivé semeno Božieho zasľúbenia, za Izáka; že oni boli obaja posvätení, Duchom naplnení veriaci v Boha, predurčení práve k tomu manželstvu, ktorým sa aj jeden s druhým spojili. Boh to predzvedel. A ako mohlo niečo také prísť cez jednu matku a jedného otca? Jeden, veľmi zlá osoba a druhý, veľmi dobrá osoba; a ako to vyzeralo, že ten dobrý je ten zlý, a ten zlý, že je ten dobrý.

11        No, to je, vždy bol a vždy bude Boží program. Boh nemôže zmeniť Svoj program, lebo robí Svoj program dokonalý, lebo to je časť Neho.

12        V záhrade Eden, hriech bol tak nádherný, až zvábil Evu od spravodlivosti do hriechu. A v tej istej záhrade, kde sa nachádzal Strom Života, bol tiež strom smrti.

13        Dnes by sme to poznali ako zákon kontrastu. To znamená, že tam kde je dobré, tam je i zlé; kde je správne, je i nesprávne. A my sa nikdy, bez ohľadu na to, aké môže byť naše okolie, nebudeme môcť striasť prítomnosti jedného či druhého. Lebo Pavel povedal, “Keď chcem robiť dobré, je prítomné zlé.” Potom hriešnik sa nikdy nebude môcť striasť Kresťana a Kresťan hriešnika. Bude svedok toho správneho a svedectvo toho nesprávneho, vždy. A vy si sami vyberáte. Musíte zaujať jednu stranu alebo tú druhú.

14        Ale v týchto dvoch synoch, je zvláštne vedieť, že predtým, ako sa narodili, obaja rovnaké semeno od Izáka, ktorý bol zasľúbením. No, naša lekcia je trochu dlhá a ja chcem podať dostatočné pozadie, až kým nebudete vidieť presne to, o čom hovorím. Ten prvý syn, ktorý sa narodil, Ezav, zisťujeme, že nielenže sa hádali a bojovali medzi sebou v lone svojej matky, ale oni tiež bojovali, keď z nej vychádzali. Ezav vychádzal a Jákob držal jeho pätu. A oni stále spolu bojujú.

15        A ako to, ako to mohlo prísť z dokonalého, čistého, vyvoleného, svätého, posväteného otca a matky!? Tak aby som tomu položil základ: že Boh povoláva skrze vyvolenie. Musí to tak byť. Bez ohľadu na to, akí dobrí boli tvoj otec a matka, akí boli milí, ako veľmi boli tvoji otec a matka Kresťanmi, to stále leží na tebe ako na jednotlivcovi, ako ty stojíš pred Bohom. Táto lekcia učí, že oni, obe deti, oni boli dokonca od vyvolených a povolaných Božích, z otca i z matky, z panenskej ženy a zo svätého muža, cez ktorého nakoniec prichádza, vlastne cez jeho semeno prišiel Ježiš Kristus. On sa narodil ako z mŕtvych. Bol testovaný, jeho otec pred ním. A bolo zasľúbené, že skrze toto semeno Izáka bude spasený celý svet. A z takéhoto muža, a jeho krv bola taká čistá, že Boh nedovolil tomu Filištínovi, aby sa čo len dotkol tej matky potom, keď mu ju Abrahám dal. Boh poslal na jeho dom pliagy a povedal, “Si ako mŕtvy.” On zachoval tú krvnú líniu čistú. A tá Rebeka, spravodlivá, svätá, Bohom poslaná a Bohom povolaná matka. A z toho svätého semena vyšiel odpadlík a vyšiel veriaci. Vidíte? Takže to leží v Božom povolaní, v Božom vyvolení.

16        “A prv, ako sa ktorýkoľvek z nich narodil, Boh povedal, ‘Jákoba som miloval a Ezava som nenávidel,’ predtým, ako sa ktorýkoľvek z nich narodil.” Tak ako sa my máme cítiť, niekto, ku komu prehovoril Boh a pozval ťa, aby si prišiel za Jeho stôl a do Jeho Domu a aby si bol Jeho synom alebo dcérou, nie je nič tak veľké ako to.

17        Títo dvaja chlapci, ak si všimneme ich povahu, jeden z nich bol duchovný človek, to bol Jákob. A ten telesný človek bol Ezav. Ale oni boli obaja nábožní, a tá istá vec sa diala počas tých vekov, ten telesný a ten duchovný.

18        Ezav reprezentoval človeka zeme, prirodzeného, s nábožnými sklonmi, ale neschopného. Nebolo to v ňom, aby to urobil. On to nemohol dosiahnuť. Nikdy to nebolo v ňom, aby bol schopný sa vyšplhať ponad veci toho sveta, ponad tie telesné veci.

19        Ale Jákob, pre neho to bolo také ľahké urobiť. No, Jákob, ten jediný zámer, ktorý Jákob mal, bol, že túžil po tom práve prvorodenstva, bez ohľadu na to, ako by to dostal, len aby to mal.

20        A ten duch toho jedného narodenia je stále reprezentovaný dnes vo svete a prichádza teraz ku svojej hlave: duchovný veriaci a telesný človek, telesný veriaci. Nikto nemôže povedať, že neboli obaja nábožní. Boli. Oni nepovedali, že jeden slúžil modle a ten druhý Bohu. Oni boli obaja sluhovia Boží.

21        No, venujte teraz dobrú pozornosť týmto miestam Písma na túto tému, lebo som si istý, že vám to pomôže. Vidíte? No, “nie každý, kto mi hovorí ‘Pane, Pane,’ vôjde dovnútra, ale ten, kto činí vôľu môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach.”

22        Teraz ak si všimnete, Jákob mal jednu vec, ktorú chcel, pretože podľa Slova, to požehnanie a tá dobrá vec ležala v tom práve prvorodenstva. A Jákob, to bol jeho jediný cieľ, tá jediná vec, ktorú mal vo svojej mysli bolo “dostať právo prvorodenstva.” A Ezav tým pohrdol. Ten, ktorý to vlastne mal, tým pohrdol alebo sa za to hanbil. Ale Jákob to chcel, bez ohľadu na to ako by to dostal, on to chcel.

23        Takto je to s duchovným veriacim dnes. Jemu nezáleží na tom, koľko sa mu vysmievate, koľko si z neho robíte žarty, ako smiešne musí jednať pre tú telesnú myseľ. Jeho jediný cieľ je to právo prvorodenstva. On sa chce dostať ku Bohu, lebo to je v ňom zrodené. On si nemôže pomôcť.
24        Jákob znamená “pätár”, alebo “podvodník”, ale potom, keď nachádza a prichádza k vlastníctvu práva prvorodenstva, bol premenený. To je to telesné, premenené. On bol vtedy nazvaný, Jákob, ale potom “knieža s Pánom,” ten, ktorý s Ním zápasil.

25        Ten telesný veriaci dnes, “Ó, keď chodím do zboru a robím to, čo je správne, aký je v tom rozdiel?” To je Ezavova skupina. On si stále robí žarty a pohŕda právom prvorodenstva, nedbá o to. Ale Jákob to miloval.

26        A ten duchovný muž dneška a duchovná žena, ktorí sú vyvolení, predurčení Bohom aby prišli do večného Života, ak by museli predať všetko, čo majú, ak si musia vymazať svoje meno z každej cirkevnej knihy v krajine, oni stále chcú to právo prvorodenstva. To je jediná vec, na ktorej im záleží, “len dostať to právo prvorodenstva,” to je všetko. Nezáleží na tom ako, na akú úroveň oni musia prísť, ak sa oni musia skloniť pri oltári a kričať “bu-hu”, ak musia bežať na tie miesta a vrátiť sa a dať veci do poriadku a predať, čo majú, alebo dať preč všetko, čo majú a stať sa pútnikmi a cudzincami, na tom nezáleží, oni chcú to právo prvorodenstva. To je všetko, o čo sa zaujímajú, právo prvorodenstva. No, neobviňujte tých ľudí. Oni si nemôžu pomôcť. Oni boli ku tomu predurčení, boli ku tomu vyvolení.

27        A potom vidíme, že títo dvaja, tí telesní i tí duchovní ľudia, takto sa to vždy dialo. Tak isto je to i dnes. Vždy to takto bolo.

28        Kain a Ábel. V záhrade Eden, keď bol stvorený Eden, tam boli pre človeka dva stromy, aby si z nich vybral. Jeden sa stal múdrosťou, ten druhý sa stal Životom. Boli tam dvaja chlapci, Kain a Ábel, obaja nábožní. Jeden z nich túžil po večnom Živote a on obetoval Bohu skrze vieru väčšiu obeť ako Kain. Dokonalý obraz cirkví dnes: telesná cirkev, duchovná Cirkev. A niet pochýb, že práve teraz hovorím k obom týmto skupinám  a možno cez pásky to bude k desiatkám tisícov z nich.

29        Ale pozrite, tá prirodzená cirkev, ona je len telesná cirkev. Oni nikdy nie sú schopní dostať sa ponad tú malú vec “pripojil som sa do cirkvi. Ak chodím do cirkvi, ak robím to najlepšie, čo viem, to je to, čo Boh vyžaduje.” No, to je to isté, čo urobil Kain. On išiel a urobil oltár. On urobil obeť, priniesol ovocie zeme a povedal, “Tu to je, Bože. To je to najlepšie, čo mám. Vezmi to, alebo to nechaj tak.” Takýmto spôsobom to verí ten telesný veriaci dnes. “Pane, pôjdem do cirkvi. Pripojím sa do tej najlepšej skupiny, akú nájdem. Budem platiť do cirkvi svoje desiatky. Budem robiť to, čo je správne. No, tu je to najlepšie, čo môžem urobiť. Pomôžem kúpiť nejaké uhlie pre vdovu. Alebo dám deťom nejaké oblečenie.” To je všetko v poriadku, nehovorím nič proti tým veciam. “Ale to je to, to je všetko. Ak to chceš, vezmi to, ak nie, Ty to nemusíš vziať.” No, to je postoj tej telesnej cirkvi dnes.

30        Ale tá duchovná Cirkev! Ábel, skrze zjavenie z milosti, videl poza to a vierou obetoval Bohu väčšiu obeť ako Kain a to svedčilo o jeho spravodlivosti, Boh.

31        Tá istá vec sa stala pri Izmaelovi a Izákovi. Jeden bol podľa tela a ten druhý bol z Ducha. Jeden z dievky, jeden zo slobodnej.

32        Tá istá vec sa stala pri Izraeli a Moábe, dve veľké cirkvi, ktoré prichádzajú spolu. A keď chcel Izrael ísť na svoje zasľúbené miesto, duchovná cirkev, Jákobovi ľudia, Izrael na ceste, stretávajú ich Ezavovi ľudia, Moáb, mocná cirkev. A ten veľký vodca cirkvi, Balám, prišiel dolu, aby preklial svojho brata, ale zistil, že nemohol prekliať svojho brata. On zlyhal, v slepote svojich očí, neuvidel ten predurčený plán, a neuvidel Slovo Božie.

33        Za prvé, “Viera prichádza skrze počutie, počutie Slova Božieho.” Potom ten veriaci To počuje, rozpoznáva a koná podľa Toho. Ten telesný človek To bude počuť, zvuk Toho, ale nikdy... “Počuť” znamená “rozumieť” To. Pozerať sa, to je dívať sa na niečo, ale “vidieť to,” znamená “rozumieť to.” “Ak sa človek nenarodí znova, nemôže vidieť, alebo rozumieť Kráľovstvo Božie.”

34        No, tu prichádza Izrael, prichádza s Božím zasľúbením, a oni smerovali do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Nie neveriaci, ale veriaci, veriaci v Toho istého Boha, ktorého mal Izrael, vychádza, aby sa pokúsil prekliať svojho brata, lebo on povedal, že jeho brat je určite nespravodlivý, lebo urobil mnoho vecí, ktoré boli zlé. Ale vidíte, on opomenul vidieť to vyvolenie.

35        Tá istá vec s Ezavom a Jákobom! Ezav sa zdal byť lepším človekom. On sa usadil a urobil charitatívne veci. Zaujal sa svojho starého slepého otca, priniesol mu zverinu a postaral sa oňho a bol dobrým chlapcom. Mnoho vecí, ktoré ten telesný veriaci robí v línii náboženstva, pomáha nejakým spolkom a platí ľuďom účty za nemocnicu a robí nábožné veci, ale to nie je to, o čom hovorím.

36        Moáb bol dobrý, veľký národ, bol jeho brat. Jákob urobil všetko možné, on bol odpadlík, ale on stále mal jednu vec, ktorú chcel dosiahnuť, to bolo obdržanie toho zasľúbenia, toho práva prvorodenstva. Tu prichádza Izrael, Jákobove deti s tým istým cieľom. No, kto bude mať pravdu?

37        Balám postavil sedem oltárov, v Izraelovi bolo sedem oltárov. Balám obetoval sedem obetí čistých zvierat, Izrael obetoval sedem obetí čistých zvierat. Tam, pokiaľ by sa to bralo podľa rituálu, Moáb bol práve tak nábožný ako Izrael, Ezav práve tak nábožný ako Jákob a Kain bol práve tak nábožný ako Ábel. Ale to je vyvolenie, ktoré to drží.

38        Akí slepí! Akí slepí boli z tých Ezavových detí, duchovne hovoriac, Moábiti, pozreli sa dolu na Izrael a povedali, “Pozrite na nich. Oni nie sú denominácia. Oni sú banda odpadlíkov. Žijú v stanoch a my sme veľký národ. Urobili zle a nemajú medzi sebou žiadnu organizáciu. Oni sa len krútia okolo nejakého proroka a nasledujú ho.” Ale on opomenul vidieť toho medeného hada a tú udrenú Skalu, ktorá išla pred nimi. On opomenul vidieť tú vyvolanú, vyvolenú skupinu, ktorá nasledovala Boží poriadok do zasľúbenej zeme.

39        Takto je to dnes. Oni hovoria, “Je to banda náboženských fanatikov. Je to banda ľudí, ktorí sú týmto, tamtým a tamtým.” Ale oni nedokážu vidieť, že to je nasledovanie smeru Božieho Slova.

40        Izrael bol na svojej ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Boh, vo Svojom Slove, dal zasľúbenie.

41        Jákob, ten dôvod, že si on vybral nájsť to právo prvorodenstva, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, on to chcel dostať, lebo vedel, že právo prvorodenstva obsahuje to zasľúbenie. Ono malo v sebe život. On nedbal o to, ako to príde, len aby to mal. To bolo to hlavné. Na akom lietadle to príde, na tom nezáležalo. On to chcel. On to musí mať. A on to dostal. “Blahoslavení, ktorí hladovia a žíznia po spravodlivosti, lebo oni budú naplnení.” On bol na svojej ceste a išiel za tým a dostal to.

42        Izrael bol na svojej ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Nezáležalo na tom, koľko Moábitov a kliatieb sa na nich snažili dať, oni išli rovno do zasľúbenej zeme.

43        A dnes nebudete nikdy... bez ohľadu na to, koľko majú zákona, koľko obžaloby, koľko prenasledovania, koľko zlých vecí hovoria, koľko krát ťa nazvú “náboženským fanatikom”, koľko krát povedia tie zlé veci, Cirkev sa bude hýbať ďalej. Ona sa musí. Ona zostáva v Slove Božom.

44        Raz sa stretli dvaja králi. Jeden z nich bol Achab, ktorý bol zlý, ten druhý bol Jozafat; duchovná Cirkev a telesná cirkev. 

45        Achab bol okrajový veriaci. On mal prorokov. Oni neboli neveriaci, oni neboli modlári. Oni boli izraelskí proroci, ale všetci boli učení a kŕmení a odievaní kráľom Achabom. Stalo sa to miestom, kde mali všetku politickú podporu.

46        Jozafat tam prišiel, prišiel dolu a urobil spojenectvo (alianciu), čo je nesprávne.

47        Vy by ste sa nikdy nemali spojiť s neveriacimi. Nemali by sme si, nikdy, za žiadnych okolností, zapísať svoje mená do kníh v cirkvách, ktoré neveria plnému evanjeliu. Nikdy! Dostanete sa do problémov.

48        A oni sa dostali do problémov. A tento spravodlivý muž povedal, ”Či by sme sa nemali najprv pýtať Pána a zistiť, či máme ísť do Rámot Gileáda?”

49        No, pozrite, ako dokonale to vyzeralo. “My vlastníme Rámot Gileád. Je to naše vlastníctvo a tí Sýrovia to zobrali od živého Boha. Či by sme nemali ísť hore a zaujať tú zem?” A on podal takú nádhernú reč a takú legálnu a spravodlivú, až Jozafat na to naletel.

50        A dnes môžu mužovia stáť za kazateľňou s takou intelektuálne prepracovanou rečou a vzdelaním, až dokážu vyvrátiť moc Ducha Svätého z Biblie. Oni dokážu vyvrátiť Božské uzdravenie. Oni dokážu vyvrátiť hovorenie v jazykoch a výklad, oni dokážu vyložiť a posunúť krst Duchom Svätým do iného dňa.

51        Ale človek, ktorý je vyvoleným od Boha, človek... “Moje ovce čujú Môj Hlas.” Vy máte to vyvolenie Božie na sebe, to nikdy nespôsobí, že sa potknete.

52        Jozafat povedal, ten spravodlivý kráľ povedal, “Nie je tu prorok, aby sme sa mohli opýtať Pána?” Achab išiel bez toho.

53        To je ten spôsob, ako to robí tá telesná cirkev dnes. Ó, oni majú semináre plné kazateľov, veľkých mužov, veľkých profesorov, intelektuálnych chytrých, dômyselných, ó, ďaleko za dômyselnosťou tej duchovnej Cirkvi.

54        Vo dňoch Noeho, v tých dňoch, pozrite sa na tú prirodzenú cirkev. Čo oni boli? Vedci, stavitelia, chytrí ľudia. Ale tí vyvolení, Enoch a Noe, boli pastieri a farmári, pokorní, nie vzdelaní, nie chytrí, ale oni poznali svojho Boha, niečo bolo v nich, čo sa hýbalo, volalo. Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme. No, takže Jozafat povedal, “Nie je tu nejaký prorok?”

55        Ó, samozrejme, tí telesní ich mali. “Samozrejme, že máme. Mám tu dolu seminár, mám ich plno.”

56        Priviedol ich tam štyristo. No, toto neboli neveriaci. Oni uctievali Boha Jehovu. Prišli hore a povedali, “Dajte nám len chvíľku a budeme prorokovať.” A tak oni sa všetci dali dohromady a vrátili sa so “Slovom Pánovým,” a povedali “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!” Izraelskí proroci. “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN! Choď hore, Pán je s tebou a zaujmeš Rámot Gileád, lebo on skutočne patrí Izraelu.” A jeden z tých vedúcich mužov si urobil dva veľké rohy zo železa, ako symbol a išiel a strkal nimi. Povedal, “S týmto vytlačíš Izrael... vlastne Sýrov z Rámot Gileáda.”
 Ale Jozafat, niečo v ňom bolo!

57        Ó, dúfam, že vám toto Pán dáva do srdca. To nie je nič, do čoho by ste sa mohli vyškoliť. To nie je nič, do čoho by ste sa mohli dostať čítaním. To je to, čo Boh, skrze vyvolenie, urobil pre vás. “Nie ten, kto beží alebo ten, kto... ale Boh, ktorý preukazuje milosť.”

58        Jozafat povedal, “oni sú pekne oblečení ľudia.” Bez pochýb, že on povedal niečo takéto: “Oni sú inteligentní a najchytrejší mužovia, akých som kedy počul. Sú dopodrobna vyškolení. Stoja v jednote, majú medzi sebou veľkú jednotu. Sú chytrí a majú pre nich mnoho pravdy.” 

59        Každý blud má Pravdu. To najväčšie klamstvo, ktoré bolo kedy povedané malo v sebe deväťdesiat percent Pravdy, to klamstvo, ktoré Satan povedal Eve.

60        “Ó, v tom čo hovoria, je veľa pravdy, ale nie je tam ešte jeden?”

61        No, čo si myslíte, že ten muž povedal? “Kým my tu máme štyristo, tých najchytrejších, najlepších? Oni nie sú tam vonku na púšti a nebehajú polonahí, zabalení v ovčej koži, alebo v niečom takom. To sú ľudia, ktorých som ja kŕmil a vyškolil. Oni nie sú ľudia, ktorí by nepoznali abecedu. Sú vyučení a vyznajú sa, strávia deň a noc čítaním zvitkov a proroctiev. Oni vedia, čo je správne. Mám ich pripravených. A oni tu stoja v jednote, je ich štyristo a hovoria, ‘Choď hore, Pán je s tebou.”

62        Ale ak by som mohol na chvíľu čítať Jozafatovu myseľ, “Je tam proste niečo, čo tam nesedí,” povedal by. “Je tam proste niečo, čo nevyzerá správne. Nie je niekde ešte jeden?”

63        “Ó,” povedal, “áno, je ešte jeden, ale on nepatrí do našej organizácie. On je iný typ človeka. On je proste odpadlík.” On je ako Jákob. “Ale môžeme sa ho opýtať. Hovoria o ňom, že je prorok, ale ja o tom pochybujem, lebo on ma vždy preklína, hovorí toto, toto a tamto a nikdy o mne neprorokuje dobré.” Ako by mohol? Vidíte?

64        Tak povedali, “Poďme pre neho. On je syn Jimlu.” Tak išli pre neho.

65        A niekto ho stretol na ceste a povedal, “Ty teraz povedz to, čo hovoria tí ostatní. Musíš sa s tým združením zhodnúť. Ak nie, beda ti!”

66        On povedal, “Poviem len to, čo mi Boh položí do úst, nič iné.” 

67        Potom keď tam prišiel a dali mu jednu noc, povedal, “Choď hore, ale videl som Izrael roztrúsený ako ovce nemajúce pastiera.”
 A Achab povedal, “Či som ti nepovedal?”

68        No, je tam štyristo proti jednému. Štyristo vycvičených, chytrých, vzdelaných, intelektuálnych mužov proti jednému malému nevzdelancovi, ako by sme ho nazvali, proti Micheášovi. Jeden človek, ale pri tom všetkom ten jeden mal Slovo Pánovo, a to robilo ten rozdiel. Každý jeden z nich bol falošný, ukázalo sa, že sú falošní. Prečo bol Micheáš tak odlišný? Musel byť chudobný, aby sa líšil? Nie. To, čo robilo Micheáša odlišným bolo, že on zostal so Slovom. Slovo Božie bolo to, s čím on zostal.

69        No, je zasľúbené, že v týchto dňoch, “Boh vyleje Svojho Ducha.” Je zasľúbené skrze Daniela, že “ľudia, v tých dňoch, kedy ten Kameň udrie ten obraz do nôh, tí ľudia, ktorí poznajú svojho Boha, vykonajú hrdinstvo.” Proroctvo za proroctvom! A všetky tie semináre, svet, to nemôžu odstrániť. Boh to ide tak či tak vykonať a ľudia to budú nasledovať. Vidíte? Tá telesná a tá... tá prirodzená a tá nadprirodzená Cirkev. Vidíte, Slovo robí ten rozdiel.

70        To je to, čo si Jákob myslel, “Bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, ja viem, že nemôžem byť nikdy požehnaný, pokiaľ sa neuchopím toho práva prvorodenstva. To právo prvorodenstva je to, čoho sa teraz idem uchytiť.” 
71        Ale Ezav to nenávidel a jeho deti robia to isté až do tohoto dňa. Oni to nenávidia. Vždy to tak bolo.

72        Kedykoľvek je nejaké prebudenie, ono vždy vyprodukuje dvojičky. To je tvrdá poznámka, ale je to pravda. Keď bolo narodenie z Izáka a z Rebeky, ono vyprodukovalo dvojičky. Kedy bol stvorený svet, to vyprodukovalo dvojičky, dva stromy. A keď sa narodili Kain a Ábel, to vyprodukovalo dvoch. Keď sa narodil Izmael a Izák, to vyprodukovalo dvoch. Keď sa narodili Ezav a Jákob, to vyprodukovalo dvoch. Jeden z nich, ten prirodzený (jeden z nich, zo zeme), ten druhý, nadprirodzený. A jeden sa díval na to prirodzené, intelektuál, ten druhý chodil v Duchu. Vždy to tak bolo. Keď vyšla Luteránska cirkev...

73        Vezmime najprv letničných. Pozrime sa na letničné narodenie. To prinieslo veľké, mocné prebudenie, ktoré zasiahlo ten známy svet, letniční. Nebolo to dlho po Letniciach, kedy dokonca Pavel povedal, že, “Povstanú medzi vami mužovia s prevrátenými vecami a odvrátia ľudí od Boha.” A to je presne to, čo urobili. To vyprodukovalo dvoch.

74        Keď sa narodila luteránska cirkev, Martin Luther priniesol duchovné prebudenie. Nebolo to dlho a prišiel tu Ezav, rovno po ňom a zorganizoval to. A to vyprodukovalo dvoch.

75        Potom za tým prichádzajú metodisti, John Wesley, duchovné prebudenie. A potom prichádza organizácia, zorganizovala to. A to vyprodukovalo dvoch.

76        A potom prichádzajú letniční, prebudenie. A teraz to oni zorgani- zovali a teraz si oni založili organizáciu. A to vyprodukovalo dvoch.

77        Ale to duchovné Semeno živého Boha, hoci ono muselo byť pútnikom, hoci muselo byť tulákom, ono vždy spôsobuje rozdelenie. Ezav nevydržal veľmi dlho s Jákobom. Akonáhle Jákob získal právo prvorodenstva (chvála Bohu!), to volalo po oddelení. A kedy človek... Je mi jedno do akej cirkvi patríš, ak je to telesné a tvoji spoločníci, s ktorými sa združuješ, tí ľudia, s ktorými hráš karty a vaše spolky literatúry a tak ďalej, kedy ty obdržíš to právo prvorodenstva, to niečo, čo je tam dolu v tvojom srdci, čo žízni po Bohu, kedy to obdržíš, to volá po oddelení. “Vyjdite spomedzi nich a oddeľte sa, hovorí Boh.” Oddelenie!

78        Cirkev sa usadzuje, vidíte, ona nemôže pokračovať. Ezav bol veľmi dobrým typom toho telesne veriaceho dnes, ktorý nie je nikdy schopný prekonať ten svet. On nepremáha veci toho sveta. Oni stále majú radi svoje hýrenie, tancovačky, svoju manikúru a makeup na svojich tvárach, tie ženy a strihajú si vlasy a nosia tieto malé staré krátke odevy; a tí muži chodia radi na plaváreň a fajčia cigarety a hovoria špinavé vtipy a stále patria do cirkvi. Oni nikdy nie sú schopní premôcť tieto veci. Ani Ezav to nemohol. Ale pritom, aby bol nábožný, on sa musel usadiť na nejakom intelektuálnom poňatí. To je to isté, čo robí tá cirkev dnes. “Staneme sa organizáciou. Dáme sa dokopy. Urobíme nejaký klan alebo partiu, alebo niečo také.”

79        A to je ten spôsob, ako sa cirkev dnes pohybuje, tá duchovná a tá telesná, stále to isté. To sa nezmenilo a nikdy sa to nezmení.

80        Božia svätosť. Boh, súc Bohom, On Sám to naprojektoval. Ak by nebolo hriešnika, nikdy by... On by nikdy nebol Spasiteľ. Ale On bol Spasiteľom od počiatku, a tam nebolo nič stratené. Jeho vlastné atribúty, že On bol Spasiteľ, naprojektovali hriešnika, muselo byť niečo, čo mohlo byť zachránené. A predtým, ako niečo mohlo byť zachránené, muselo byť najprv niečo, čo bolo stratené. Jeho spravodlivosť a Jeho svätosť. Ak by nikdy nebola nejaká chorá osoba, On by nikdy nebol Uzdravovateľom. Ale od počiatku a od počiatkov, On bol pred počiatkom. On bol Uzdravovateľ. Tak tam nebolo nič choré, tak to naplánovalo chorú osobu, aby ju mohol uzdraviť, aby Ho to učinilo Uzdravovateľom.

81        Z tej istej svätej Ríše tam, z ktorej vyšlo spasenie, prišli kliatby. Z tej istej matky a otca, z ktorých vyšiel Jákob, vyšiel Ezav. Vidíte? To je Boh. On nemôže zmeniť Svoj plán. Oni musia ísť tak isto. Celá príroda bude do toho zapadať. Musí. Rozumiete, čo myslím? Ide to rovno do toho. Musí byť niekto stratený, aby bol spasený, a ak by nikdy nebol, On, Jeho... to, že On bol Spasiteľ, to to učinilo. Hlbina volá po Hlbine.

82        Ako ten malý chlapec, o ktorom som vždy hovoril, ktorý jedol gumy z ceruziek a pedále z bicykla, on potreboval síru. A dokiaľ bolo niečo, čo by sa dožadovalo síry, musela byť niekde síra, ktorá bola najprv učinená. Musela byť najprv síra, predtým, ako bola tá túžba. A tá síra ho vydala, potom sa on vrátil k tej síre.

83        Takýmto spôsobom je Boh Spasiteľom. Tam muselo byť niečo stratené, aby On mohol spasiť, aby Ho to urobilo Spasiteľom. To je všetko čo to robí, to nám odráža Boha. Všetko, všetko je v Ňom, nie v kazateľovi, nie v cirkvi, nie v organizácii, ale v Bohu, aby to vyvolenie mohlo stáť dokonale. Vidíte? To je v Ňom.  Áno. Luterán...

84        A potom vidíme iné oddelenie, to bol Abrahám a Lót. Oni boli bratia, ale Lót bol telesne mysliaci. On bol vždy za nejakú veľkú vec, niečo, čo malo veľa pozlátka. Práve tak, ako opica, povedal by som, vždy sa naťahuje za nejakou trblietajúcou vecou. Ten duch dodnes neopustil ľudí. Oni sa budú naťahovať za... Pôjdu do mesta, ale neprišli by to takej malej búdy, ako je toto. Vidíte? Oni chcú tú najväčšiu cirkev, aká je v meste, toho najintelektuálnejšieho pastora, tam, kde chodia tí najlepšie oblečení ľudia, tam, kde chodí starosta mesta. To je stále ten Ezavov duch. Oni skutočne mali na začiatku tie práva prvorodenstva, nazývali sa Cirkvou, ale stratili To, lebo Tým pohŕdli. Nemôžete dostať tých ľudí na svoje kolená, aby kričali po Bohu, a aby išli a mali uzdravovacie zhromaždenie a obstáli v prenasledovaní svetom, aby obdržali Ducha Svätého. Oni to nebudú robiť. Oni tým pohŕdajú. Oni to nazývajú “banda náboženských fanatikov.” Práve tak, ako Biblia povedala, že budú robiť. Oni to robia, lebo to je ich prirodzenosť. To je prirodzenosť. Ako vrana a holubica, dve prirodzenosti. Oni sa toho dožadujú, lebo to je to, čo sú. Oni nikdy neuvidia to druhé, lebo nie sú narodení, aby to videli.

85        A ten druhý, nemohli by ste ho od toho zadržať, lebo to je vyvolenie Božie. On sa narodil, aby bol duchovným mužom alebo duchovnou ženou. Niečo v ňom po tom volá. Ó, dúfam, že to prichádza na miesto, kde môžeme, môžete vidieť, čo mám na mysli, keď toto završujem. Teraz Abrahám...

86        Pamätajte, ako dlho boli oni spolu združení, tá prirodzená a tá duchovná cirkev, oni nikdy nedostali to požehnanie. Jákob nebol nikdy požehnaný, dokiaľ sa neoddelil od Ezava a Abrahám nebol nikdy požehnaný, dokiaľ sa neoddelil od Lóta.

87        Lót mal svoje malé modlitebné stretnutie tam vo svojom zbore, učil svojich synov a dcéry a tých ostatných, ale on žil taký život, až sa stalo, že keď začal hovoriť o konci času, smiali sa mu.

88        To isté je dnes! Hovoríte o Božskom uzdravovaní a moci Božej a tak ďalej, oni sa tomu smejú! Ten istý duch. To sú tie dva veľké duchy, nábožensky, dostali svet do zovrenia, veriaci a neveriaci, veriaci a ten, čo sa robí veriacim, jeden napodobňuje toho druhého. Teraz keď sa Abrahám oddelil...

89        Všimli ste si Ježiša? Keď hovoril o Príchode, o tom druhom Príchode, povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, budú jesť, piť, ženiť sa, vydávať sa.” Ale keď hovoril o dňoch Lóta, o tom nikdy nič nepovedal. “Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta.” To je kvôli zjaveniu.

90        Sledujte, čo sa stalo vo dňoch Lóta. Bol tam v Sodome Lót, dobre usadený, intelektuál, stal sa jedným z tých veľkých mužov mesta, sudca, sedel v bránach a súdil ľudí. Jeho žena patrila do všetkých spolkov, ktoré boli v meste a jeho dcéry, a všetci; povydávali medzi tými slávny- mi intelektuálmi, vysoko vzdelanými, chytrými, dômyselnými. A Abra- hám žil v stane pod dubom. Ale jedného dňa dostali obidvaja návštevu.

91        A bol tam nejaký intelektuálny kazateľ a išiel tam dolu a kázal a vyvolal ich von. Pozrite... pozrite sa na to posolstvo: “Vyjdite von!” povedal Lótovi.

92        A on by nebol nikdy vyvolaný, keby nebolo milosrdenstva Abraháma. Povedal, “Keď nájdem päťdesiat ľudí, ušetríš to? Keď nájdem tridsať? Keď nájdem... ak nájdem desiatich?” To je to, pokiaľ by on išiel a nemohol medzi nimi nájsť ani desiatich.

93        Niet divu, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho.” Pamätajte, Noe nie je typ Cirkvi, to bol Enoch, ktorý neišiel cez súženie, ale bol prenesený predtým, ako nastalo súženie. Enoch išiel Domov, on neišiel cez súženie. Noe cez to prechádzal.

94        No, sledujte teraz pozorne ako sa dostávame do tohoto. Sledujte, aký druh znamenia dostal Abrahám a jeho rodina. Oni dostali nadprirodzený znak.

 “Abrahám!” Ako vedel, že to bol Abrahám?

 “Kde je tvoja žena, Sára?” Ako vedel, že je ženatý, a že má ženu Sáru?

 “Je v stane.”

95        No, sedí tam Človek, je mäso, pije mlieko a je kukuričný chlieb.         “Kde, kde je tvoja žena Sára?” Ako to On vedel? Ako to vedel? Rozmýšľajte o tom. Nazývate... Vy, duchovní ľudia, nech sa toto do vás dostane. Ako to On vedel, keď sa správal ako cudzinec a mal na svojom odeve prach?
 A keď Abrahám povedal,

 “Je v stane za Tebou.”

96        A On povedal,

 “Navštívim...” “Ja, ja”, osobné zámeno. “Ja,” tento Muž, Boh ktorý sa dáva poznávať v tele! Boh! Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim. “Ja, Ja ťa navštívim. Idem dodržať Svoje zasľúbenie a podľa času života ťa navštívim a ty budeš mať toho chlapca, o ktorom som ti hovoril.” A Abrahám mal sto, Sára deväťdesiat.

97        A Sára, tam vzadu v stane, boli tam asi štyri malé stany, v tom hlavnom stane, sedela tam vzadu za tými visiacimi látkami, počúvala. Ona to počula. A dolu vo svojom srdci sa smiala, povedala,

 “Ja, stará storočná žena a môj pán...” jej manžel, “môj pán je starý a pomyslieť, žeby sme mali znovu spolu rozkoš, ako mladí, práve zobraní ľudia? Ó, ako by to mohlo byť?” A trochu sa zasmiala.

98        On bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu. Povedal,

 “prečo sa smiala?” Ó, brat, tu to máš!

99        Pozri sa na tú telesnú cirkev, ku ktorej je kázané evanjelium. Moderný Billy Graham a tamtí dolu, kážu tam evanjelium, “Vyjdite z toho!” Ale či prišli? Nie. Veľmi, veľmi, veľmi málo.

100        Sledujte tú skupinu Abraháma, tých vyvolaných. Teraz si všimnite. On mu dáva tento znak a on Mu uveril. A On pred ním zmizol a išiel preč. Ó, ako to vždy bolo oddelenie tých vyvolaných!

101        Teraz tieto dva duchy. Aby som sa s vami poponáhľal, aby som sa poponáhľal, aby ste sa dostali na toto miesto, kde chcem, aby ste to videli. Tieto dve skupiny sa spolu blízko združili, počas všetkých vekov, od samého počiatku času, tá prirodzená cirkev a tá duchovná. Oni prechádzali Starým Zákonom, prechádzali Novým Zákonom a idú ešte aj dnes. 

102         No, asi pred dvetisíc rokmi to prišlo ku hlave a vyvrcholilo to v dvoch mužoch: jeden z nich Ježiš Kristus; ten druhý Judáš Iškariotský. No, Ježiš dával do spojitosti ten Príchod, Jeho druhý Príchod s tým, že tieto dva duchy budú omnoho viac odlišné, než ako boli tam vtedy. A teraz, tu je to, kde chcem, aby ste si obliekli svoje rúcha Slávy. Tieto dva duchy budú odlišné, lebo satan prišiel a žil v človeku, ktorý bol členom cirkvi, Judáš Iškariotský, on žil v telesnej cirkvi a bol po celý čas priate- ľom cirkvi. Ale on prišiel a zviedol, alebo si myslel, že zvádza svojho brata. On prišiel a prináležal byť jedným z nich, ochutnal tie dobré veci Božie, hýbal sa v línii s Duchom, zdanlivo, išiel von a kázal evanjelium a vyháňal démonov. Ale tam dolu v ňom, po celý čas, on bol od počiatku Judáš. Biblia povedala, že “on sa narodil ako syn zatratenia,”

103        No, pamätajte, je tam tá telesná cirkev, Ezavova, Farizejovia a Sadúcejovia.

104        Ale sledujte tohoto chlapíka, ktorý si sám myslí... On nejaký čas pôjde rovno s tým Posolstvom, ale on proste nechce na to príliš veľmi položiť svoje ruky. Vidíte tie duchy? Ježiš povedal, “To bude tak blízke tej pravej veci, že to zvedie i vyvolených...” vyvolených, ak si to vši- mnete, “ak by to bolo možné.” Ale to nie je možné. Vidíte, to zvedie...

105        Sledujte, nie len tá telesná cirkev, tá tam vonku, tá obyčajná telesná všedná cirkev, Ezavova skupina.

106        My musíme poznať tú Judášovskú skupinu, ktorá je omnoho záludnejšia, omnoho zradnejšia, prichádza rovno do tých pravých rúk požehnania. Práve tak ako v Židom 6 a 10, ako On povedal,

 “ktorí sa raz stali účastníkmi a ochutnali moci budúceho sveta, a  urobili všetky tieto veci; ak... a potom ak prijali poznanie Pravdy a  potom sa dobrovoľne odvrátia...”

 “Dobrovoľne,” čo je to? “Povážili Krv zmluvy, ktorou boli posvätení,  za nesvätú vec.”

107        Dovoľte, nech vám to znázorním. Tu to je. Je tu nejaký muž, je to dobrý, milý chlapec. Je povolaný, cíti vo svojom srdci, že chce byť kazateľom. V poriadku, prijíma Ježiša ako osobného Spasiteľa. On je milý chlapec, nikto nemôže na neho nič povedať. Po nejakom čase, predmet posvätenia. Ten muž má žiadosť, keď sa pozrie na ženu. On... je to v ňom. Vidíte? A potom, ďalšia vec, možno on fajčil a chce fajčiť. Možno chce hrať hazardné hry. Možno chce robiť niečo zlé. On vie, že by to nemal robiť, tak povie, “Ó, Bože, nanes na mňa Krv Ježiša a posväť ma.”

108        A stáva sa posväteným. Môže kričať, chváliť Pána a tiež niečo robiť, ísť von a robiť niečo. Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, že ten druh bude v tých dňoch. “Mnohí prídu a povedia, ‘Pane, či sme neprorokovali, nekázali? Či som nevyháňal démonov v Tvojom Mene?’” Ježiš povedal, “Nepoznal som vás, vy činitelia neprávosti.’” Vidíte, tam oni sú.

109        No, sledujte teraz toto. Prichádzame k jednej stomilióntine vlasu, rovno ku tej ostrej hrane Evanjelia. “Ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, rozdeľujúci až do špiku kosti a Rozsudzovač!” Haleluja! Bože, nech to prenikne. “Rozsudzovač myšlienok mysle.” To je Evanjelium, moc Božia. Evanjelium, to je Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. 
Poviete, “Biblia povedala. To je Slovo Božie.”

110        Slovo, ktoré sa  zamanifestovalo je Evanjelium. Evanjelium ku nám neprišlo len skrze Slovo, ale i skrze moc a demonštrácie Ducha Svätého, aby demonštrovali moc, aby urobili to Evanjelium živým.

111        Keď som išiel do Indie, prišiel tam arcibiskup metodistickej cirkvi a povedal, “Pán Branham, my nechceme nič vedieť o misionárovi. My vieme o Biblii viac, než ako vy všetci  budete kedy vedieť.” Povedal, “Boli sme cirkev a usadili sme sa tu dvetisíc rokov predtým, ako ste sa vy stali národom.” To je pravda. Ale povedal, “Počujeme, že ťa Boh navštívil a priniesol dar, ktorý môže urobiť túto Bibliu živou.” Povedal, “To je to, o čo sa zaujímame.” Ó! Vidíte, ten človek bol syn, nie vnuk, ako povedal Dávid. Vidíte? “My to chceme vedieť. Je to pravda?”

112        Povedal som, “Samozrejme, je to pravda. ‘Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.’”

113        No, všimnite si ho, tá prirodzená cirkev prenasleduje tú duchovnú cirkev. No, potom zisťujeme, že Judáš predstieral, že je bratom, brat a bolo to dovŕšené a nakoniec to prišlo do vyvrcholenia.

114        Sledujte teraz tohoto mladého kazateľa. On prichádza na miesto, kde hovorí, “Pane, díval som sa na ženy. Nemal by som to robiť. Bol som, vieš, robil som svetské veci. Nemal by som to robiť. Utrácal som svoje peniaze na dostihy. Nemal by som to robiť. Chodieval som každý večer do kina. Nemal by som to robiť. Dokonca sa mi páčia vulgárne obrázky a také veci, mám plagáty vo svojej izbe. Nemal by som to robiť. To sú veci tohoto sveta. Posväť ma, Pane!”

115        A Pán povedal, “V poriadku, urobím to.” On nanáša Krv Ježiša Krista a posväcuje ho.

116        Potom, keď to robí, raz večer ide okolo a čosi počuje. Ide tam a počúva. Počuje o krste Duchom Svätým, o naplnení Duchom. Potom sa na to pozrie, ”Ó, nie je to nádherné? Ale aha, to by zruinovalo moju službu, ak by som to kázal. To by spôsobilo, že by ma mama vyhodila z domu. Vyhodili by ma z cirkvi, ak by som niekedy do toho išiel. Ó, radšej sa budem od toho držať. Ale pozriem sa na to. Áno, je to pravda, je to v Biblii.”

117        Tak ako jeden známy kazateľ, svetoznámy, nedávno ho našiel jeden človek, ktorý bol so mnou v Puerto Rico, že bol na kolenách, hovoril v jazykoch, v Londýne, Anglicku, mocný muž, jeden z najväčších evanjelistov na svete dnes. A tento muž, jeho brat tam bol so mnou, Duchom naplnený človek a povedal, “Ó, brat, to je to!”

118        On povedal, “Ja to viem. Ale pozri, dovoľ, nech ti niečo poviem.”

119        On povedal, “Káž to teraz! Káž to! Toto je tá hodina! S tvojím vplyvom by si mohol zatriasť svetom.”

120        On povedal, “Nie, nemôžem to kázať. Pozri, cirkev by ma vylúčila. Nemohol by som to kázať. Nemohol by som to robiť.” Ó, brat!

121        Potom, čo boli raz posvätení a prišli k poznaniu Pravdy, nahliadli         do Toho, videli, že to je správne a odstrčili To, čím znova križujú         sebe Syna Božieho a vystavujú Ho potupne na odiv, hanbiac         sa za Evanjelium.”

122        Pavel povedal, “Nehanbím sa za Evanjelium Ježiša Krista, lebo je         mocou Božou na spasenie.” To je moc Božia pracujúca v Jeho         cirkvi.

123        Ale oni povedali, “Nemohol by som to robiť.” Tento človek povedal, “Budú si myslieť, že som letničný.” Urobili by zo mňa...” Povedal, “Moja povesť by bola zruinovaná.” Ó, brat!

124        Ja nemám žiadnu povesť. Ja myslím na Jeho, na Jeho povesť, to je tá jediná.

125        Ale pozrite, ako blízko môžu ku Tomu prísť, viete, “a povážili Krv zmluvy, ktorou boli posvätení, Vec, ktorá ho posvätila a vzala ho z toho sveta a snažila sa ho postaviť do Tohoto a on sa potom na To pozrie, a má o Tom poznanie. Odvrátiť sa od Toho, tam už viacej nezostáva obeť za hriech,” povedala Biblia, “ale akési strašné očakávanie súdu, ktorý má žrať protivníkov. ‘Lebo odplata je moja,’ hovorí Pán. Ten, kto pohŕdol zákonom Mojžiša, zomrel bez milosti, pod dvomi alebo tromi svedkami. O koľko väčšieho trestu a prísnejšieho trestu bude uznaný za hodného ten; kazateľ, ktorý pošliapal Krv Ježiša Krista svojimi nohami, potom, čo prijal poznanie Pravdy a povážil ju za nesvätú vec.” Och!

126        Vidíte na čom sme? Ježiš povedal, “Buďte opatrní.” Vidíte, ako na tom bol Judáš? On bol rovno s nimi. On bol Ezav, zveličený pre tento vek. On bol zvoditeľ, napodobovateľ, zveličený pre tento vek. Tu on prichádza, znovu, Ježišov brat, predstieraný brat. Ale vo svojom srdci on bol stále s tou starou telesnou cirkvou po celý čas, lebo to je to, do čoho zapredal Ježiša. On predal Ježiša, svoje Právo prvorodenstva, práve za toľko, ako to urobil Ezav, za misku šošovice. On predal svoje práva prvorodenstva za tridsať strieborných.

127        Mnoho mužov a žien dnes predalo svoje duchovné práva prvorodenstva za nejakú popularitu, za nejakú malú vec toho sveta, ktorú ste nikdy nepremohli, za niečo malé, ženy, za nosenie makeupu a strihanie vlasov, nosenie šortiek, muži za zopár špinavých vtipov a fajčenie cigariet, niečo z toho sveta. “Ak milujete svet, alebo veci tohoto sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás,” povedala Biblia.

128        Nechcem vás raniť, ale sme hore na konci. Prichádzame teraz ku koncu, vystupujeme teraz rýchlo hore po rebríku.

129        Vidíte, ako to je? Oni to robia. Oni sú predurčení. Oni môžu napodobňovať a byť práve takí milí a pokorní, takí blízki, ako Kresťania, tak blízko, že by zviedli i vyvolených, ale podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.

130        Žena v šortkách, pre mňa nikdy nevyzerala ako Kresťanka. Biblia povedala, “Je to hriešne a hanebné, aby si žena strihala vlasy.” Len jedna žena v Biblii si maľovala tvár, to bola Jezábeľ.

131        A čo vy muži, ktorí tvrdíte, že ste Kresťania a dovolíte to svojim ženám robiť? Zatiaľčo Boh vás bude za to brať zodpovedných! Nie, ľudia; telesní ... “Ó, pôjdem tam a pripojím sa do tej cirkvi, ak ...” [prázdne miesto na páske - pozn. prekl.] “...premýšľaj o tom.” To je presne to, čo Písmo hovorí, že oni budú robiť, a to je presne to, čo urobili. A to je to, čo budú robiť, kompromis!

132        Niekto povedal, “Billy, ak s tým neprestaneš, každého odoženieš preč.”

133        Je jedna Vec, ktorá neodíde, Duch Svätý, lebo to je Jeho Slovo a ten skutočný predurčený veriaci neodíde preč, lebo to je Pokrm pre jeho dušu. On to miluje. Nič ho od Toho nemôže zadržať. On urobí všetko, ako Jákob, ale on chce to právo prvorodenstva. On tam bude stáť. Je mi jedno, či ho to stojí každého priateľa, ktorého má, či to bude stáť jeho prácu, či ho to bude stáť jeho členstvo v cirkvi, či to bude stáť čokoľvek. On sa bude Toho stále držať, lebo on si nemôže pomôcť. Tam je niečo v ňom, niečo čo ním hýbe, hlbina, ktorá volá po Hlbine. Ó, tu to máte, niečo v ňom!

134        Pozrite, čokoľvek, čo chcete nájsť v Biblii a vyzdvihnúť to sem, vráťte sa do Genesis a pozrite sa, z čoho sa to zrodilo a dávajte pozor, čo z toho povstáva. Všetky duchy a hnutia dnes sa vracajú späť do Genesis. To je to, čo sme urobili, aby sme vám dokázali tieto veci, ktoré vidíte, priatelia. Nazabudnite na to. Nedovoľte, aby vám to prešlo ponad hlavy. Nech to do vás vsiakne. To sú veci Božie. To prichádza k hlave a Ježiš predpovedal, že to znovu príde ku hlave v tých posledných dňoch a že to bude toto: Pečať Božia a znamenie šelmy, dve duchovné moci pracujúce spolu.

135        No, každý vie, že Pečať Božia je to právo prvorodenstva, krst Duchom Svätým. Efežanom 4:30 hovorí, “Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení až do dňa vášho vykúpenia.” Keď sa oni znovu narodili, boli naplnení Duchom Svätým. Duch Svätý je nové Narodenie, vieme to. Vy ste počatí z Ducha, pripúšťam to, ale až dokiaľ nie ste narodení!

136        Dieťa, ktoré je počaté v lone matky, ono má jeden druh života. To je život a jeho malé... tie malé bunky v jeho tele sa vykrúcajú a kopú a takto skáču. Ale keď sa narodí, dostane... [Brat Branham tleskol rukami, imitujúc plesknutie] takto, a potom vykríkne a stane sa žijúcou dušou.

137        A dieťa môže chodiť do cirkvi a povedať, “Ó, ja verím v cirkev. Ja, ja pôjdem, urobím toto. A som dobrý... chcem robiť dobre, chcem robiť dobre.” Ale to, čo ono potrebuje, je dostať plesknutie od Evanjelia, aby ho to zobudilo, aby vykríklo do večného Života a Duch Svätý v ňom vykríkne, ako ešte nikdy predtým nevykríkol. Potom je to nové stvorenie, je narodené z Ducha. Potom začína rásť, hýbať sa a má svoju bytosť v Bohu, vidíte; tak ako dieťa, to prirodzené dieťa má svoju bytosť vo svete.

138        Potom keď tento pozemský stánok bude zborený, máme iný čakajúci, vidíte. S takou istotou ako vychádzalo to prirodzené telo, a tam je duchovné telo, aby ho prijalo, keď vyjde zo svojej matky. A keď vychádza zo svojej matky, zo zeme, čo je... ono je teraz v jej lone, vzdychá, kričí (Ó, Bože!), vzdychá, bolestí, stárne, choroby a všetko ho tiesni zo všetkých strán a ten duch tam vo vnútri sa teší na tú Zem tam za riekou. Ono vzdychá, krúti sa, skáče (tak veru), lebo tam vo vnútri je život, ktorý žije naveky. Je to v tele, ktoré musí zomrieť. A raz, práve tak, ako tá matka priviedla to prirodzené dieťa, a to duchovné telo to uchytilo; tá zem to vypustí a vyjde to prirodzené telo a to fyzické telo... vlastne to nebeské telo to tam uchopí. Ak tento pozemský stánok bude zborený, máme iný čakajúci. To je ten dôvod, prečo zabúdate na veci tohoto sveta. Oni sú pre vás mŕtve. Je tam Duch.
 No, sledujte to teraz, ako ideme ďalej, tie dva duchy.

139        Duch Svätý je Znovuzrodenie, vieme to. To je byť znovuzrodený z Ducha Božieho. Takto ste vy narodení, z Ducha. Narodený z Ducha, to je Znovuzrodenie. V poriadku. Vy ste počatí z Ducha, potom keď sa narodíte z Ducha, ste naplnení Duchom Svätým. V poriadku.

140        Potom, keď tí dvaja sú na zemi, ten prirodzený a ten duchovný, niekedy... toto som videl. Teraz, pri zakončení, chcem to týmto zakončiť, ako budem o tom pár minút hovoriť. Či v tom prirodzenom alebo v tom duchovnom, v každom... Teraz dúfam, že to každý rozumie. Buďte len tichí a úctiví ako len môžete byť.

141        Videli ste toto niekedy? Dnes vidíte v našich cirkvách, dokonca v skupinách, kde sme sa oddelili a urobili organizácie a videli sme tam všetko toto. Vidíte človeka, ktorý berie určité miesto Písma, a brat, ten človek môže vziať to miesto Písma a urobiť ho nanovo živým, oživiť ho presne tak, ako je zasľúbené tu v Biblii. A ten druhý človek ho to uvidí robiť a príde a pokúsi sa to urobiť a zlyhá. Dúfam, že to teraz zachytávate. On zlyhá. Prečo? Písmo mu nie je inšpirované. On sa len snaží napodobniť. On sa snaží jednať ako niekto druhý. On nebol... No, možno bol poslaný od človeka. Možno niekto povedal, “No, ty dokážeš to isté.” Vidíte, práve ako povedal Ježiš, že to takto bude. Biblia to predpovedá v týchto posledných dňoch, “Ako sa Jannes a Jambres postavili proti Mojžišovi.”

142        Stál tam Mojžiš a stál tam Jambres a Mojžiš hodil svoju palicu a tá sa premenila na hada. “No,” povedal faraón, “poď sem, Jambres, ty vieš urobiť to isté.” A on to urobil, vidíte. Ale čo sa stalo? Mojžišova palica potom zožrala tú jeho. Vidíte, bolo to zamanifestované. Kde bola jeho palica?

143        Práve ako mimozmyslové vnímanie. Je to ako niečo z tohoto špiritizmu. Je to ako niektoré tieto cirkvi, ktoré to veria telesne, je to ďaleko od toho. Tie veci... oni hovoria, “No, to bolo na iný deň.” Všetci dohromady sú mimo. Ale sledujte tohoto ducha v tých posledných dňoch, ako ide napodobniť toho skutočného Ducha. Vidíte? Tam prichádzajú vaše problémy. Presne tak, ako ten skutočný, vidíte, ale on to nemohol zamanifestovať, nemohol spôsobiť, aby sa to udržalo, nemohol spôsobiť, aby to vytrvalo. Ó, Bože!

144        Ľudia prichádzajú a hovoria, “Ja mám tiež Svätého Ducha.” Pozrite sa, ako žijú, nevydrží to od jedného prebudenia k druhému, od jedného zhromaždenia k druhému. Je to zamanifestované, že oni To nemajú. Ak je nejaký muž narodený z Ducha Božieho, alebo žena, oni majú ovocie Ducha. Oni kráčajú zbožne. Oni žijú ten život. Vidíte? Oni sa držia preč od vecí toho sveta. Boh sa v nich pohybuje a manifestuje Seba Samého a dokazuje, že On je Boh, ktorý tam pracuje. Ten druhý iba napodobňuje. Vidíte?

145        Napodobeniny, to je to, čo to bolo po celý čas, napodobovanie. Pozrite na Izmaela a Izáka, a všetkých ďalej, napodobujú. Pozrite na proroka Mojžiša a pozrite na proroka Baláma. Vidíte? Pozrite ako prišli! Pozrite na Judáša a pozrite na Ježiša.

146        A Ježiš predpovedá, že tento Duch Svätý v tých posledných dňoch, bude Pečať Božia. No a čo bude znamenie šelmy? To bude odmietnuť Pečať Božiu. Lebo všetci, ktorí nemali Pečať Božiu, mali znamenie šelmy. A ak sú to dve duchovné znamenia, jedno z nich bude pravdivý Znak Boží, a to druhé bude odpadnutie. Môžete to vidieť?

147        Pozrite sa na ten znak v Starom Zákone. Keď zaznela tá jubilejná trúba, každých toľko a toľko rokov, tí otroci odišli slobodní, pretože zaznela tá trúba. No, každý, kto chcel byť slobodný, mohol ísť. Ale niektorí z nich, oni boli radi otrokmi, tak oni ich vzali k oltáru a v cirkvi pri stĺpe im prepichli šidlom ucho. A tak boli navždy poznačení, navždy slúžili svojmu pánovi.

148        A dnes budete počuť Posolstvo Pravdy Evanjelia, “Teraz môžete byť slobodní, ak chcete,” Boh hovorí ku vám. Ale kedy sa postavíte sem na tú hraničnú čiaru a pozriete sa tam a máte poznanie Pravdy, a potom sa odvrátite, on vám prepichuje ucho a budete vždy len intelektuálny veriaci. Budete nábožní a budete chodiť do cirkvi, ale nikdy neprijmete Ducha Svätého. Vidíte, potom slúžite po všetky svoje dni. Znamenie šelmy, alebo Pečať Božia. Dostávame sa tak blízko.

149        No, pozrite, Slovo musí byť inšpirované: počuť To, rozpoznať To a konať podľa Toho. Mnoho ľudí bude počuť, ale nerozpoznajú To.
 Boh povie, “Toto je tvoja hodina.”

150        Nemohol by som byť náboženský fanatik. Nechcem z Toho nič.” Vidíte, oni To nerozpoznávajú.

151        Pôjdeme na zhromaždenia, ten veľký Duch Svätý zostúpi. Jedného dňa som tam sedel, keď prišlo videnie a predpovedalo presne čo sa stane. Povedal som, “Prichádza nejaký mladý muž.” “Poď sem,” naznačil som tomu čašníkovi, “máš srdcové problémy a hľadáš...”
 “Áno. To je presne tak.”

152        “Vidíš tam prichádzať tú ženu?” “Poď sem. Máš nádor na prsníku, a to je ľavý prsník a si vo veľmi zlom stave. Si hriešnik a ne...”
    “Presne tak!”

153        Tí mužovia tam sedeli, pozerali sa okolo, tí kazatelia a tí všetci, povedali, “Ó!” Idú na zhromaždenie, sledujú Ducha Svätého ako prechádza rovno tým zhromaždením a hovorí tajomstvá sŕdc a tie veci. Povedia, “Nádherné. Áno.” Vidíte? Ó, brat! Vidíš? Je to na tej druhej strane, niečo sa tam stalo. Tie ženy budú pokračovať ďalej a robiť tú istú vec. Muži sa vrátia späť, ako prasa do svojho blata a pes k svojmu vývratku, rovno to isté. Nevidíte to? Teraz hovorím k...”

154        Vidíš, ty si musíš uvedomiť, priateľu, v akom si stave. To je ten dôvod, že táto páska je, ako som povedal, “Len pre cirkev.” Vidíte, “Len pre cirkev.” Ak ste boli povolaní zo svetla... z temnosti do Svetla, zo smrti do Života, z formálneho intelektuálneho chápania Krista do prežitia znovuzrodenia a sledujete svoj život, že on kladie veci tohoto sveta nabok, a vy stojíte za Krista, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, potom sa niečo deje. Vidíte? Niečo je vo vás, nejaký hlad a hýbe sa to napred, ako to bolo pri Jákobovi. Vidíš, ty zápasíš s Pánom a potom kráčaš odlišne. Niečo je v tebe iné, si zmenený.

155        No, to musí, predtým, ako sa to môže stať, musí vám to byť inšpirované. Je mi jedno, mohol by som tu stáť a kázať až by som... až by tie vlasy, ktoré mi zostali, úplne vypadali, až by mi ovisli ramená a mal by som deväťdesiat rokov a vy by ste počúvali každý deň, dokiaľ vám to Boh neoživí, stále ste v tom istom stave.

156        Dva dni som toto študoval a modlil sa. Vidíte? Povedal som, “Pane, mám to cirkvi povedať?”

157        Niečo povedalo, “Povedz to. Tá hodina je nablízku. Povedz to.” Cítim, že On ma skoro odvolá, tak chcem, aby ste to vedeli.

158        “Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne,” povedal Ježiš, “ak ho najprv nepritiahne môj Otec. Ó, viem, že hovoríte, že máte Boha a Abraháma, za vášho otca, ale hovorím vám toto, vy ste... váš otec je diabol,” povedal Ježiš. Nábožní ľudia, kňazi a veľkí mužovia. “Vy ste z diabla, svojho otca.” Vidíte?

159        Všimnite si to ovocie Ducha. Vidíte, musí vám to byť oživené.

160        Nemohol by som si predstaviť, ako Noe hovorí, “Viete čo? Musí to byť, že by jedného dňa mohlo pršať, tak ja pôjdem a postavím si koráb. Ak bude pršať, no, vojdem do korábu a pohnem sa preč. Nič ma nebude trápiť, lebo ja vojdem do toho korábu a pohnem sa preč.” Viete si to predstaviť? Nie. Nie. To nebolo to. Ak to bolo... Ó, nech to tí vyvolení teraz počujú. Ak by to bolo takto, ten prvý posmievač, ktorý by prišiel, ako povedala Biblia, že oni prídu; posmieval by sa mu, on by položil svoje kladivo a išiel preč. 
161        Ako to ľudia robia dnes, začínajú s Ježišom a keď sa rozhľadia a vidia tú Pravdu, odchádzajú od Toho preč. Nemôžu To zniesť.

162        Ako povedal ten významný evanjelista, “To by roztrhalo moju službu.” Nezáleží mi na službe, ktorú by Duch Svätý roztrhal. To musí byť roztrhané. Ale vidíte to, to je pýcha, toľko z človeka, toľko osobnosti. Ó, všimnite si toto teraz.

163        Noe bol vonku na poli a on počul, rozpoznal a konal. Nezáležalo mu na tom, koľko prišlo posmievačov, on staval ďalej.

 “Noe, ty si náboženský fanatik.”

164        “To ma vôbec netrápi.” Staval ďalej! On počul. On rozpoznal, že to bol Boh a preskúmal to s Písmom a bolo to tak. On rovno ďalej staval ten koráb, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek.

165        Mohli by ste si predstaviť, mohli by ste si niekedy predstaviť toto, že Mojžiš, na svojej ceste do Egypta, jedného dňa vyšiel a povedal Cipore, svojej žene, “Cipora, vieš čo? Vybrúsil som si gramatiku, tú trochu matematiky som celkom vylepšil a geometriu a ó, mnoho vecí... a svoje vzdelanie. Odkedy som tu pásol ovce, vypracoval som sa v tom tiež. Urobil som tam v Egypte chybu. Myslím, že pôjdem tam a napravím to. Myslím, že pôjdem dolu.”? Nie, tá prvá vlna, ktorá by proti nemu prišla, by ho tam rovno zmietla.

166        Čo on urobil? Zabudol všetko, čo vedel o geometrii a svoje intelektuálne poznanie. Tie veci boli to, čo ho dostalo do problémov.

167        To je to, čo dostalo cirkev dnes do problémov, príliš mnoho vzdelaných kazateľov bez toho, že by boli narodení z Ducha. Mužovia a ženy radi počúvajú intelektuálne preslovy, namiesto kázania moci a vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista. To je to, čo nás dnes dostalo do problémov. My už viac nepotrebujeme stredné školy a vzdelanie pre kazateľov. Potrebujeme Bohom povolaných mužov, ktorí sú naplnení Duchom Svätým a nie nejakou ľuďmi vytvorenou teológiou nejakej denominácie. Potrebujeme Bohom povolaných mužov.

168        Mojžiš pásol stádo, usadil sa a zabudol. On vedel, že jeho intelektuálne poznanie zlyhalo. On vedel, že jeho vzdelanie zlyhalo. On pásol stádo, ale on počul, ó, “Zozuj si svoju obuv, Mojžiš, tá zem, na ktorej stojíš, je svätá.” On to počúval. Čo to bolo? Hlas Anjela, ktorý prehovoril, bol podľa Písma. On zasľúbil Abrahámovi, jeho otcovi, “Navštívim ľud, potom, čo tu dolu budú štyristo rokov a potom ich vezmem mocným ramenom.” On rozpoznal, že to bolo Božie Písmo zamanifestované.

169        Dovoľte, nech sa tu nachvíľu zastavím. Nech to vsiakne. Či nemôžete vidieť o čom hovorím dnes? Božie Slovo sa manifestuje rovno pred vami a vy si to neuvedomujete. Pomyslite teraz na Sodomu a Gomoru, pomyslite na to zasľúbenie Krista na tie posledné dni.

170        Mojžiš to rozpoznal, bolo to podľa Písma, bolo to zasľúbenie. On počul, on rozpoznal. Niečo ku nemu prišlo, brat, on to potom mohol ísť urobiť. On konal. On mohol ísť dolu a zastaviť každého faraóna. On mohol zastaviť tie pliagy kedy chcel. Mohol otvoriť Červené more, lebo on počul, rozpoznal a konal na Božom základe. 

 “Ja ti budem Bohom, ty mi budeš prorokom,” On povedal.

 A on povedal, “Ja to neviem robiť.”

171        Povedal, “No, potom, ty budeš bohom a nech je Áron tvojim prorokom. Každopádne musíš ísť.”

172        On nikdy nepovedal len, ”No, možno by som tam dolu mal ísť a vyrovnať tam tie veci.”

173        Mohli by ste si predstaviť Eliáša na hore Karmel ako by povedal, “Vieš, táto zem je strašne hriešna, možno, možno by som tam mal ísť a povedať Achabovi, že by sa mal hanbiť. Možno by som mal ísť tam hore na tú horu a posadiť sa a tak dlho sa postiť, až sa budú ľudia cítiť tak zle a budú unavení z toho, že ma uvidia, ako tam umieram od hladu”? Nie. Nie. To nebolo to.

174        Ale on počul a rozpoznal a konal. “Prikázal som krkavcom, aby ťa kŕmili. Choď tam ku Karite.”

175        Keď prišiel čas skúšky sily medzi Bálom a Bohom, on povedal, “Choďte, prineste svoje obete, robte čokoľvek chcete a vzývajte svojho boha.” Keď sa oni rezali a mali toľko telesného a vyskakovali hore a dolu, robili mnoho hluku, on povedal, “Kričte trochu hlasnejšie, možno že je preč, možno niekde chodí. Možno že spí.” Ó, brat!

176        “No, vieš čo?” On povedal, “Ja som veriaci v Jehovu, takže môžem toto tak či tak robiť.” Ó, nie, nenapodobňujte to. Nie. Nesnažte sa byť Eliášom, kým vás Boh nepovolá, aby ste ním boli. Tak veru. “Som sluha Jehovu.” Tiež je ich tam dolu sedemsto, ale žiaden z nich sa to neopovážil urobiť. 

177        Potom, keď on zarezal toho býka a polial ho vodou, povedal, “Pane, urobil som to na tvoj príkaz.” Vidíte to... Ktokoľvek iný by sa to snažil, to by bolo úplné zlyhanie.

178        Musí ti to byť inšpirované! Duch Svätý to musí priniesť a zamanifestovať ti to.

179        To je to, čo sa deje dnes. Ty sa nemôžeš postaviť k oltáru a povedať, “No, haleluja, haleluja. Pane, chcem Svätého Ducha. Haleluja, haleluja.” Nie.

180        Ale brat, sestra, keď ti Duch Svätý inšpiroval to Slovo, ty To dostaneš skôr, ako opustíš svoju stoličku. Niečo sa v tebe rozhorelo. Kazateľ ti nebude musieť povedať, urob toto a urob tamto. Tie staré lístky len odpadnú a vyjdú tie nové. Je ti To inšpirované. Nebudeš sa hnevať na kazateľa, keď káže pravdu z Biblie. Budeš To milovať, načiahneš sa po tom. Je to Pokrm pre tvoju dušu.

181        Dokonca sám Ježiš povedal, “Ja nerobím to, čo chcem, sám od seba. Syn nemôže robiť nič, iba to, čo vidí činiť Otca.” Tie slová... On sám bol Emanuel. On bol Boh na zemi, Ježiš. On bol to Telo, v ktorom prebýval Boh. On bol ten stánok, pod ktorým býval Boh. Amen! Ale v tom všetkom, ten z panny narodený Syn Boží, Emanuel v plnosti Ducha, On mal Ducha bez miery. A pritom vo svojom vlastnom tele povedal, “Ja nečiním nič, dokiaľ mi to Otec prv neukáže.” Bol inšpirovaný, aby to urobil! 

182        Satan povedal, “Premeň tieto kamene na chlieb a predveď nejaký zázrak. Nech ťa to vidím urobiť.”

183        On povedal, “Je napísané, ‘Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe.’” Ó! Ale keď bol zástup hladný, On zobral päť chlebov a dve malé rybky a nasýtil päťtisíc. Ó, haleluja. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?

184        Nesnažte sa napodobňovať. To je to, čo sa deje dnes s letničnými. To, čo sa deje dnes s cirkvou, je tam príliš mnoho takých, ktorí sa snažia predstierať, že majú Ducha Svätého. Je príliš mnoho tých, ktorí sa snažia napodobniť Božské uzdravenie. Je príliš mnoho tých, ktorí sa snažia napodobniť rôzne veci Pána. Nemôžete to robiť. Tie veci prichádzajú skrze vyvolenie, Boh povoláva, vy ste s tým vyšli už z matkinho lona. “Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.” Ó! To je pravda. Nemôžete sa urobiť niečím, čím nie ste.

185        Ale keď vás Boh povoláva, buďte tou najvďačnejšou osobou na svete. Lebo On vás povolal. Potom sa vám to stáva skutočným. 

186        Ako by som hovoril, keby som mal čas, o tých veveričkách tam vtedy, o tom, ako ma to otočilo. Nikdy som to predtým nevidel a nemohol by som to urobiť. Hattie, ktorá sedela tam vzadu, sa na mňa dívala. Ako by sa to mohlo kedy stať? Nemohlo by to byť učinené, ale bolo to inšpirované, oživené. Slovo bolo vypovedané a stalo sa tak. Haleluja. 

187        Pavel, mohli by ste si ho predstaviť, že by povedal, “Som tu vonku na mori už štrnásť dní a nocí a žiadne hviezdy, ani mesiac, ani slnko, ani nič. Hádam pôjdem hore a poviem im, ‘Buďte zmužilí, lebo Boh sa o nás jednako postará.’”? Ó, Boh takto nepracuje. Boh to nerobí. 

188        Tvoja viera je v poriadku, brat. Tvoja viera je nádherná. Ale dokiaľ ti tá vec nie je inšpirovaná! 

189        Ó, tu visí červené svetlo a ak vidím... poviem, “No, mám nohu na pedáli. Mám auto. Môžem ísť na to svetlo stodvadsať míľ za hodinu.” To je pravda. “Cítim silu pod svojimi nohami.” Ale radšej by si mal počkať, kým nezasvieti zelená. Haleluja.

190        Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - prekl.] Keď zasvieti “zelená”, v poriadku. Keď ti je tá vec inšpirovaná a Boh to zjavuje, ako to On robil tam vtedy, v poriadku. Ale kým to On nerobí, máme len bandu Judášovských napodobňovateľov, ktorí idú popri a hovoria, “No, ja som taký istý ako oni. Som tiež kresťan.”

191        Ó, či si nepamätáte? Synovia Skevu vyšli a povedali, “Zaklíname ťa, preklíname ťa v Mene Ježiša, ktorého káže Pavel. Vyjdi von!” 
On povedal, “Pavla poznám, aj Ježiša poznám, ale kto ste vy?”

192        Prichádza hodina, keď to správne a nesprávne bude zamanifestované. Na kresťanoch je to dnes vidieť. V cirkvách to dnes vidieť. V ľuďoch je to dnes vidieť. Držím vás dlho, ale chcem aby ste toto porozumeli. 

193        Pavel nikdy nepovedal, “Myslím, že pôjdem hore a poviem, ‘No, buďte zmužilí.’” Nie.

194        Čo urobil? On počul anjela. On vedel, že to bol ten istý anjel, ktorý k nemu vždy hovoril. On rozpoznal, potom konal. Vyšiel hore a povedal, “Buďte zmužilí, lebo anjel Pánov, ktorému som sluhom, sa pri mne minulej noci postavil a ukázal mi videnie, že nebude nič stratené na tejto lodi. Buďte zmužilí. Choďte si teraz zjesť svoju večeru. Všetko je v poriadku.” Amen. Keď je ti to inšpirované, keď Boh potvrdzuje, že to je pravda!

195        Mám tu niekde poznámku, napísal som si to. Tu to je, rovno tu. Aha. Sme na konci všetkých vecí. Dovoľte mi to len teraz na záver takto priniesť. Dúfam, že vám Boh niečo zjavil. Pozrite, všetko je na konci. Niekto sa ma jedného večera pýtal, myslím, že to bol brat Fred Sothman, pýtali sa, ako sme blízko času konca. 

196Brat Demos Šakarián videl to videnie, ako sa zamanifestovalo a ako sa to o päť dní stalo, tak dokonale, to ho akoby vyhodilo z topánok. Zavolal ma a povedal:

 “Ako sa má Jozef?” 

 Povedal som, “Dobre.”

 Povedal, “Vída videnia?”

197        Povedal som, “Áno.“ Povedal mi o Dávidovi, synovi brata Wooda, kde spadol na motorke, tri alebo štyri dni predtým, ako sa to stalo, úplne presne.

 On povedal, “Vieš, tie veci sa  v rodinách ďalej prenášajú.”

198        Povedal som, “Spravodlivé alebo zlé, oboje, to sa v rodinách prenáša ďalej.”

199 Trochu sme sa rozprávali a oni, Fred mi povedal, “Kde to je vyobrazené, brat Branham?”

200        Povedal som, “Pozri, Fred, vezmime to cez prírodu. Boh pracuje vo svojej prírode. Pozri, sleduj, čo sa stalo. Slnko vyšlo na východe. To je najstaršia civilizácia, ktorú máme, Čína.” Všetci to vieme.

201        Najstaršia civilizácia, ktorú máme, je Čína. V poriadku. A civilizácia sa pohybovala po celý čas na západ. A teraz, kam by si sa dostal, keby si opustil západné Pobrežie a išiel by si krížom ďalej? Do Číny. Presne. Sme na konci. Biblia povedala, prorok povedal, “Bude deň, kedy nebude ani noc ani deň, keď bude slnko prechádzať, ale v čase večera...”, rovno predtým, ako sa to tu zakončí, “znovu bude Svetlo, to isté.” Ježiš povedal, “Bude včasný a pozdný dážď. A ten pozdný dážď prinesie oba, včasný i pozdný dážď, v tom istom období.” Sme v čase konca.

202        Pozrite sem, nech vám to ukážem. Politika je na konci. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí , “Amen.” - prekl.] Ukážte mi niečo dnes... Tento národ je na tom najhoršie na svete, pre skazenosť, bezbožnosť. Kto čítal Courier Žurnál, ten večer v Louisville, kedy vyberali všetky tie ženy, z každého národa, tie najkrajšie ženy v krajine a postavili ich aby vybrali Miss Universe (Miss Vesmíru)? Z každého národa okrem Ruska. A oni poslali Chruščovovi a opýtali sa ho, “Prečo nie?” On povedal, “Rusko nevyzlieka svoje ženy, aby tak chodili pred mužmi.” Pohania, bezbožný národ zahanbuje nás, ktorí sa nazývame Kresťania! On povedal, “Rusko nevyzlieka svoje ženy, aby takto chodili. V Rusku nikdy nevidíte šortky alebo takéto veci.” To sú tí bezbožní. A my, čo sa nazývame “Kresťania”!

203203        Niet divu, že Biblia povedala, “Všetky stoly sa stali plné vývratku. A koho môžem učiť Náuku a kto je odtrhnutý od pŕs? Ale bude príkaz na príkaz, úprava na úpravu. Istotne bude hovoriť bľabotajúcou, rečou a iným jazykom tomuto ľudu. Toto je odpočinutie. Ale napriek tomu všetkému, nechceli počuť.” My máme svoje intelektuálne poňatia. Ó, ako dobré by to bolo zostať pri tom celý deň.

204        Politika, skazená! Demokrati, Republikáni a všetci, je to upadnuté. Čo to je? Je to skorumpovaná banda. Každá osoba, ktorá tam pracuje a nie je znovuzrodená, je z diabla. Diabol povedal, “Každé kráľovstvo na svete patrí mne,” a Ježiš s ním nediskutoval. Svet je kontrolovaný diablom. A každý človek, ktorý pracuje vo vláde, ak nie je Kresťanom, je z diabla a pracuje pre diabla. Tieto národy všetky pripadnú Ježišovi Kristovi, keď On príde a bude Milénium.

205        Pozrite sa, čo dnes robia. Kričia na mňa kvôli tomu, že míňam peniaze na Kresťanov a chcú ma zavrieť na dvadsať rokov do štátnej väznice, za to že som použil peniaze na náboženské hnutie. A whiskey a pivo a cigarety odpíšu desiatky miliónov dolárov za rok, aby skazili národ. A mňa, ktorý sa snaží kázať spravodlivosť, stojac vo dverách Ježiša Krista, chcú za to zavrieť. A berú také veci z toho zlého, upadnuté, chytré, inteligentné a dovolia im to odpísať na televízne programi, ktoré porušili svet, poslali ženy ku psom. Jedna z najväčších kliatieb, ktorú kedy tento národ mal a oni s tým idú. Posielajú ma do väzenia za kázanie Evanjelia, berúc tam pár dolárov, aby som mohol kázať Evanjelium, ktoré mi dávajú ľudia, aby som mohol kázať Evanjelium. Ja nie som bohatý. Neviem to opísať, ale stále ma chcú poslať do väzenia, držať ma dva roky a onedlho bude súdny proces. Ó, aká upadnutosť, aká špina! Bože, buď milostivý!

206        Poviem túto jednu vec, možno že to je to, čo má Boh, predtým, ako pošle atómovú bombu. Musíte najprv urobiť niečo zlé, viete. Musíte sa raz dotknúť Jeho pomazaných, kvôli tomu istému miestu Písma, aby ne... “Nedotýkajte sa mojich vyvolených.” To je pravda. Tak ak sa toto musí stať, aby to priviedlo súd, ako sa to stalo v tých dňoch Daniela alebo niekde inde, nech to príde. Som Tvoj sluha, Pane. To je pravda. Ó, áno.

207        Politika, upadnutá! Národ, skazený! Dobre, pozrite. Oni teraz idú obliecť vojakov do šortiek. Ó! Politika, vojna! Politika je na konci. Diktátori, to je nesprávne. Politika je zlá. Prečo nezostali so zbožným kráľom, ako im Boh dal Dávida? Ten veľký lord Anglicka povedal, keď bola sformovaná táto demokracia, povedal, “Je to teraz v poriadku, ale príde čas,” povedal, “bude to ničím. Bude to mnoho plavby, ale žiadna kotva.” A on má pravdu. Povedal, “Politici rečnia na každom rohu, všetky možné poprekrúcané veci, ktoré ničia vládu.” A ten človek mal pravdu. To je presne to, čo sa deje.

208        Jeden môže vyjsť sem, a prejsť stadeto a opiť sa a roztrhať čo len chce a ide tam, každého pozná, tak mu nič na to nepovedia. Nech to skúsi urobiť niekto chudobný, alebo niekto, kto nikoho nepozná, pošlú ho do väzenia. Korupcia, úpadok, špina, štyridsať percent z nich sú homosexuáli. Pomyslite na to. Znovu Sodoma a Gomora. To je tá skupina, o ktorej sa predpokladalo, že je nábožná.

209        Som zvedavý, čo sa bude diať ďalej, keď príde ďalší prezident. Boh nám dal jedného dobrého zbožného muža, starého Dwighta Eisenhowera. A teraz dúfam... sledujte, čo prichádza ďalšie. Nabudúce môžeme mať nejakého podvodníka, istotne. Ale prichádza “faraón, ktorý nepozná Jozefa.” Pamätajte na to. Hneď sa ku tomu dostaneme. Politika je skorumpovaná. Vieme to.

210        Vojna je na konci. Ó, voľakedy hádzali skaly jeden na druhého, bili jeden druhého po hlave kamennými sekerami, potom strieľali z lukov šípy. Potom mali pušky, potom guľomety, potom osemdesiat osmičky v Nemecku a my také veľké delá. Potom hádzali ručné granáty a jedovatý plyn. Ale teraz majú vodíkovú bombu. Vojna je na konci. Každý národ ich má, tak čo budete teraz robiť? Dokonca dnes nejaký malý národ len stlačiť spúšť, to je všetko čo musíme urobiť a ona letí do vzduchu. Vojna je na konci. Ha. Amen. Vojna je na konci. Politika je na konci.

211        Vzdelávací systém je na konci. Kriminalita mládeže. Deti, nie sú žiadne nádeje pre deti, oni sa stali šialené. Nemôžete im dať žiadne vzdelanie. Nemôžete ich dať do školy a mať dieťa so vzdelaním. Je z neho dvojnásobné dieťa pekla, keď odtiaľ vychádza, než ako keď tam ide. Nech len učiteľ niečo o tom povie, oni ho zabijú. Vytvoria nejakú bandu a pôjdu tam a zastrelia učiteľa, zoberú ho a obesia. Stratili sme dvetisíc učiteľov. Ó, počkajte. Myslím, že to bolo dvadsaťtisíc učiteľov, tento posledný rok. Ja ich neobviňujem. Ja by som to tiež nechcel robiť. Stále propagujú,

  “Dajte týmto deťom vysokoškolské vzdelanie”. Oni to potrebujú, ale diabol ich dostal. Diabol ich dostal. To nie je len, že idú von a sú hrubí a zvesia nejakú bránu a zavesia ju na strom, v noci počas „pamiatky zosnulých“alebo urobia nejakú vylomeninu, ako to deti zvykli robiť, alebo vzali farmárovu káru a postavili ju na cestu, nie také veci, ale oni sú šialení. Robia veci, ktoré sú šialené; zastrelia ťa, zabijú, zavraždia, otrávia, čokoľvek. To je nastávajúca generácia.
212    Pôrodnosť je na konci. Ženskosť, materstvo. Antikoncepcia sa praktikuje všade a malé psy zaujali to miesto.

213        Morálka, nie je už viacej žiadnej morálky. Ženy sa zle obliekajú, prichádza to cez televíziu všetky druhy napodobenín, zlých ľudí Hollywoodu, všetko také, móda, všetko na konci. 

214        Vzdelávací systém je na konci. Politika je na konci. Vojna je na konci. Civilizácia je na konci. Všetky tie veci sú na konci. Ó, čo môžeme potom robiť? Čo je ďalšie? Sme na konci všetkých vecí.

215        No, cirkevný život je na konci, tá normálna cirkev, cirkev, ktorá ... No toto môže trochu pichnúť, ale tá telesná cirkev, Ezavova cirkev, ona prišla ku svojmu koncu. Čo ona robí? Završuje sa vo federácii cirkví, ktorá sa nakoniec spojí s romanizmom, aby bojovala proti katolicizmu... vlastne s katolicizmom, aby bojovala proti komunizmu. Pápež Ján zvoláva všetky cirkvi, aby sa vrátili a oni to urobia. A oni sa spolu zjednotia s takou istotou ako TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

216        Poviete, “Počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham. Dostávaš sa mimo tej línie.” Ak áno, Boh napísal svoju Bibliu mimo tej línie. V tomto prípade musíte byť Micheáš.

217Jeden večer mi Morris Cerullo povedal, “Kto je antikrist, brat Branham? Židia sú antikrist.” Povedal som, “Morris! A Ty, Žid?”

 On povedal, “Oni najviac nenávidia Boha.”

218        Povedal som, “Morris, ne... Povedz mi, kde v Písme je, že antikrist vyjde z Jeruzalema? Antikrist prichádza z Ríma, nie z Palestíny.”

 Povedal, “No, pozri, ja... oni nenávidia Boha.”

219        “Áno, či nepovedal Boh, že On zaslepil ich oči, aby sme my mohli mať deň videnia? Ale náš deň skoro skončí.”

220 Povedal, “Ó, brat Branham, nikdy som o tom nepomyslel.” Vidíte, tu to máte.

221        Sme na konci. Ten telesný svet, tá telesná cirkev je tam, na konci. Sledujte, ako sa to završuje vo federácií cirkví. Zjednotení Bratia išli do toho s nimi. Letniční sú s nimi. Všetci ostatní sa organizujú. Vidíte tam tých Kanánejcov, po celý čas sa tam prelína ten Ezavov duch, veľmi nábožní a spájali sa so svetom, bez duchovného zrozumenia, neschopní premôcť, Bohom nevyvolení, aby boli vyvolaní a oddelení.

222        Ó, keby som to len mohol dať na známosť, keby som to tam mohol len nejako zatlačiť! Oni to nevidia. Majú oči a nevidia, majú uši a nepočujú. Ó, prečo sme takí zabednení voči Duchu? Teraz počúvajte toto. Všetko je na konci.

223        A tá duchovná Cirkev je na svojom konci. Ona prichádza ku koncu. Ó, Bože! Pozrite sa späť, ako Ona začala s Lutherom, otriasla sa, tá duchovná cirkev. Potom s Wesleyom prišla do posvätenia. Potom s letničnými, Duch Svätý. A teraz, v čase konca, Duch Kristov je tak v Cirkvi, že robí tie isté skutky, ktoré robil On, prišla znovu rovno naspäť ku svojej Hlave, pripravení, aby sa Cirkev a Kristus zjednotili a na príchod Pána Ježiša a vzkriesenie mŕtvych. Sme v čase konca. Ježiš tak povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.” Rozumiete tomu?

224        Pozrite na tú telesnú cirkev. Pozrite sa kam idú, stále ďalej a ďalej preč.

225        Pozrite na tú Duchom naplnenú Cirkev, ktorá sa striasa všetkých tých nezmyslov, vychádza v Duchu, samozrejme menšina, vychádza v Duchu, ale pohybuje sa až na také miesto, až sa dostala tam, kde sa Svätý Duch pohybuje priamo cez Ňu, pracuje Svojim spôsobom, a Ona je pripravená prijať svojho Pána, pripravená prijať svojho Pána.

226        A tí ostatní z nich sú zorganizovaní, vracajú sa do sveta, odrezaní, vracajú sa späť do federácie, napredujú do tej jednej veľkej hlavy konfederácie pod katolicizmom. “A bol učinený obraz šelme.” Obraz, “niečo ako to”. Konfederácia cirkví sformovaná s katolicizmom, tí dvaja spolu, pracujú spolu. “Kto je schopný viesť vojnu so šelmou alebo jej obra- zom?” Samozrejme, že nie. Ako by sme mohli zostať pri tom hodiny.

227        Dovoľte mi teraz, aby som vám povedal toto a potom bude čas zakončiť. Povedal som vám, že to bude dlhé. Cítim sa tak vzrušený. Kedy Boh dokonca povedal tieto veci, povedal, “Povedz im to. Vypovedz to. Nebuď už viac ticho. Ukáž im to. Ak to neprijmú, potom tá krv nie je na tvojich rukách.” Tá hodina je tu. Ten čas, všetko to vrcholí.

228        Svet je na svojom konci. Už to nemôže viac vydržať. Vojny sú na konci. Nemôžete mať už viac vojnu. Aby ste mali vojnu, to nie... len prvý, ktorý stlačí spúšť a je to. Politika je prehnitá a skorumpovaná. 

229        Ten cirkevný svet je ... metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, letniční. “To sú prasatá, (ktoré sa vracajú) do svojho blata, psy ku svojmu vývratku.” To je pravda, každý jeden z nich. Boh volá von z toho porušenia, Cirkev, ktorá je vyvolená. To je presne tak. Ezav, oni povedali, “My sme cirkev!” Nepochybujem o tom. Jakob bol Ezavov otec, tiež, to je pravda, takže ale... mám na mysli, Izák bol Ezavov otec a Jakob bol jeho brat, s ním. Ale jednému bolo vynahradené tým právom prvorodenstva, ten druhý to nenávidel. Jeden počul, rozpoznal a konal. Ten druhý povedal, “Ó, keď chodím do cirkvi a robím to, čo je správne, aký je v tom rozdiel?” Tu to máte. Teraz v ....

230        Poviem teraz niečo pri zakončení, ešte túto jednu poznámku. Tá skutočná cirkev má tak mnoho pre čo teraz žiť. Ó, to by mal byť taký jubilejný čas pre tú skutočnú cirkev. Pre tú pravdivú cirkev. Pre tú vyvolenú cirkev. Kedy viete vo svojom srdci, že ste prešli zo smrti do života, keď sa pozriete na seba a vidíte, sledujete svoj život a vidíte, že všetky veci toho sveta pominuli a že vy ste sa stali novým stvorením. Počúvajte teraz veľmi pozorne pri tom, ako zakončíme. Viete, že ste prešli, váš život dokazuje “podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte”. Vaším jediným objektom je Kristus. Čakáte na Neho, že príde každú minútu. Kráčate v Duchu. Milujete Ho. Vidíte Ho pracovať cez vás. Nič, čo vy túžite robiť, ale to proste robí On Sám. Ó, čo za čas. 

231        Pripomína mi to jedného umelca, ktorý išiel do Ríma, aby sa učil za maliara, mladý človek. Všimli si ho. On bol tak odlišný od tých ostatných amerických chlapcov a dievčat a vecí, ktoré išli s tým - byť umelcom - a od toho ostatku sveta. Tento mladý muž bol pozoruhodný, bol milým človekom a oni si to všimli. Mávali tam veľké párty a zvykli sa “sťať” ako to robia v Ríme, proste sa opili ako len mohli.

232        Sám som tam bol a videl som to. Vyšli na ulicu, muži a ženy vystrájali. Dokonca v parkoch mali pohlavný styk, rovno v parku. Rovno na otvorenom priestranstve, vôbec na to nedbali. V Anglicku tiež. A všase inde. Vidíte? Nie je o nič horšie ako tu. Tá istá vec je tu, práve taká zlá, tu to len trochu viac prikrývajú, kvôli polícii a iným veciam. Ale je to hrozné!
233        No, tento mladý človek sa držal mimo všetkého toho. Keď oni išli na tie večierky, on ich nechal ísť, ale on sa učil za maliara. Tak jedného dňa, nejaký správca múzea, galérie, on bol Kresťan a povedal, “Vyjdime si na prechádzku, synu. Poďme sa prejsť, rád by som si s tebou trochu pohovoril.”

 Povedal, “Dobre.”

234        Tak išli, vyšli na nejaký kopec, obaja mali svoje ruky za chrbtom, vyšli na nejaký vrch. Slnko zapadalo, a ten starý muž povedal tomu mladému maliarovi, povedal, ”Synu, ty si Američan.”

 Povedal, “Áno, som.”

235        Povedal, “Prišiel si sem, aby si sa vyškolil v umení. Predpokladám, že chceš pracovať ako umelec.”

 On povedal, “Mám to v pláne, pane.”

 Povedal, “Všimol som si, že si Kresťan.”

 Povedal, “Som Kresťan.”

236        On povedal, “No, je jedna vec, ktorú sa ťa chcem opýtať. Pýtal som sa tých ostatných. Oni hovoria, že sú tiež Kresťania.” Povedal, “Čo ťa robí tak odlišným? Čo ťa robí tak odlišným od tých ostatných chlapcov z Ameriky a tých dievčat z Ameriky? Čo robí taký veľký rozdiel a pritom vy všetci hovoríte, že ste Kresťania?”
On povedal, “Pane, vidíte tam, kde zapadá slnko?”
Povedal, “Vidím.”

237On povedal, “Tam za oceánom, v určitom štáte v Novom Anglicku, v určitom meste v tom štáte a v určitom dome v tom meste je určité dievča, ktorému som sľúbil, že mu budem verný.” Povedal, “To je všetko, čo mám v mysli, aby som vyštudoval umeleckú školu a vrátil sa späť k tomu dievčaťu, ktoré pre mňa verne žije.” Povedal, “Takto žijem to, čo žijem.”

238        Ó, brat, sestra, môžeš sa diviť, prečo nedbáme o to, ako nás nazývajú. Je mi jedno čo hovoria.

239        Stál som tam jedného dňa s Fredom, dolu v San Juan, v Puerto Rico, díval som sa na more a všimol som si korálový útes, míľu ďaleko, ako sa tam lámali tie veľké vlny. On povedal...Tí plameniaci sa tam prechádzali v záhrade a tak ďalej. Povedal som... povedal, “Brat Branham, toto je ako Nebo.”

240        Povedal som, “Ale more tam bude tiché, brat.” Povedal som, “Tam za oceánom je určité miesto nazvané Nebo, tam v tom Nebi je tá určitá Osoba, zvaná Ježiš, a On jedného dňa sňal všetky moje hriechy a ja som mu sľúbil, že budem pre Neho verne žiť, že budem robiť to, čo On chce, aby som robil. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa nehanbím za Jeho Evanjelium, Ono je mocou Božou ku spaseniu.” To je to, čo robí, že Kresťan žije inak. On je odlišný, lebo má Niečo, kvôli čomu žije odlišne.

 Skloňme nachvíľu svoje hlavy.

241        Môj skleslý priateľ, či máš dnes ráno niečo, kvôli čomu žiješ odlišne, niečo, čo ťa vyviedlo z toho sveta, niečo, čo pre teba znamená viac, ako celý ten svet, či žiješ pre Krista? Ak to nemáš, prečo to neprijmeš teraz? Nechoď len do cirkvi a nepovedz, “chcem byť dobrou osobou.” Nerob to. Chceš byť Kresťanom. Ty, ak tam vždy bolo niečo v tvojom srdci, čo ti hovorilo “Nie si v poriadku, ale Ja chcem, aby si bol v poriadku.” Vždy si túžil byť niečím, čím teraz nie si, či nevieš, že to je Boh, ktorý ťa volá? Neobracaj sa ku Tomu chrbtom. “Lebo ak ste boli raz osvietení a mali ste tú príležitosť a odvrhli ste to posledný krát, nezostáva už viac obeť za hriech.” Nestotožnite sa s Ezavom.

242        Príď s Jakobom, bez ohľadu na to, čo ťa to bude stáť. Ak by ťa to stálo tvoj dom, ak by ťa to stálo tvoju prácu, ak by ťa to stálo tvojho manžela, ak by ťa to stálo tvoju manželku, ak by ťa to stálo tvoje deti, ak ťa to stálo čokoľvek, získaj to právo prvorodenstva! To je to, čo sa ráta. A ak to takto dnes ráno cítiš a chcel by si mať to právo prvorodenstva! Ja ti to nemôžem dať, Boh môže, a to je On, ktorý ku tebe hovorí. Zodvihol by si len ruku a povedal, “Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham. To právo provorodenstva, ja to chcem.” Nech ťa Boh žehná, všade naokolo. “Chcem to právo provorodenstva.”

243        Náš nebeský Otče, ďakujem ti najvznešenejší a najsvätejší Bože, za všetku tvoju dobrotu a milosrdenstvá k synom a dcéram človeka. A uvedomujeme si, že sme v čase konca, nič už nemôže dlho pokračovať. Čakáme už v tom požičanom čase, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tá dlhozhovievavosť Božia, keď bola pripravovaná archa, vtedy bolo spasených len osem duší. Ty si povedal, “Tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Božia dlhozhovievavosť nechcela, aby niekto zahynul, ale aby všetci mohli prísť ku pokániu.”

244        A dnes v tejto budove sú mužovia a ženy, ktorí pozdvihli svoje ruky, chlapci a dievčatá, mladí a starí, pozdvihli svoje ruky a hovoria, “Niečo ma tiahne.” Ó, Bože, nech to nikdy neodvrhnú, nech predajú svoje vzdelanie, nech predajú, čo majú. Ako ten človek, ktorý našiel tú veľkú perlu. To bola význačná veľká perla, bola to tá najväčšia perla a on predal všetky tie svoje malé, aby si mohol kúpiť túto význačnú veľkú perlu. Nech predajú všetko, čo majú z toho sveta dnes ráno, všetku svoju popularitu sveta. 

245        Pane, tieto ženy, ktoré tu sedia, mnohé z nich počuli kázať evanjelium tak mnoho ráz a stále sa brodia ďalej do sveta a do módy, ako ten svet a obliekajú sa ako svet a chodia na večierky a také veci, zúčastňujú sa na svetských veciach, správajú sa ako ten svet a používajú veci toho sveta. Ó, Bože, nech zostanú dnes ráno zahanbení. Ak je v nich vôbec nejaká nádej, Pane, obráť to dnes. Nech je toto tá hodina. 

246        A títo muži tu, Pane, ó, Bože, buď im milostivý. Mnohí z nich stále chodia vo veciach toho sveta, stále túžia a radujú sa z vecí toho sveta, hriech, fajčenie, pitie, spoločenské prípitky, malé pivo niekde bokom, alebo niečo také, alebo majú žiadostivosť, a zavesia si nejaké plagáty, hriešne oblečené mladé ženy. A tie telá, na ktoré sa pozerajú na ulici, a oni takmer predbiehajú ľudí, aby sa na ne dívali a nazývajú sa kresťania. A vedia, že tá forma toho ženského tela, možno za dvadsaťštyri hodín, bude hniť niekde v hrobe, chrobáky a červíky sa budú hemžiť cez tie tvarované a formované nádoby jej tela; a jej duša niekde v diablovom pekle, kvôli spôsobu akým žila. A ona pritom ešte vypúli svoje namaľované pery, zachichúňa sa a vysmeje sa ti.

247        Bože, buď milostivý tým ľuďom. Ó, Pane, nenechaj ich zahynúť. Prosím, maj zľutovanie a pošli zľutovanie. Daj to každému jednému z nich, Pane. Ty si ten jediný, ktorý môže dať toto požehnanie. A keď si ich Ty povolal k večnému životu, nech sa ich srdcia otvoria; a odložia všetko nabok dnes ráno, a potom to príjmu. Daj to, Otče.

248 A teraz nech Duch Svätý príde do tohto stretnutia, ku tým chorým a postihnutým a nech ľudia uvidia, že toto Posolstvo, ktoré bolo kázané dnes ráno, že Príchod a všetko je na konci, a dokonca Ježiš pracuje vo svojej Cirkvi. Daj nech sa to teraz stane, Pane, aby si mohol vziať týchto ľudí do Tvojich rúk. A kedy vidia, ako Duch Svätý pracuje, pohybuje sa medzi ľuďmi, nech je to potvrdené, to Posolstvo, ktoré som kázal, že sme v čase konca. Nech počujú. Oni počuli a nech môžu rozpoznať, že ten istý Ježiš, ten spôsob, ktorým to On robil vo Svojom dni, že to tu robí skrze svoju Cirkev v tomto poslednom dni. A potom nech konajú, skrze to, že vydajú svoje životy a telá a duše a duchov Jemu. Dávam Ti ich, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

249        No, v budove, kde sú ľudia som poslal ráno Billyho, aby rozdal modlitebné karty. On... [Prázdne miesto na páske. - prekl.]

250        Ste nemocní alebo v potrebe? Ak mi to Boh zjaví, ako to On urobil pri tej žene pri studni a povie mi, čo je váš problém, alebo niečo o vás, o čom vy viete a ja nie, spôsobí to, že budete mať vieru aby ste verili Bohu? Spôsobí to, že vy ostatní budete mať vieru? Je toto prvý raz, čo sa vidíme? [Sestra hovorí “Nie.” - prekl.] Ó, ty si ma už predtým videla, ale ja som ti cudzí. Je to pravda? V poriadku, nech ti Boh udelí tvoju žiadosť.

251        Je to skutočné, alebo nie? Ó! Vzývajte svoje intelektuálne náboženstvo. “Bál,” povedal, “kde je?” Eliáš na hore Karmel povedal, “Kde je Bál? Kde? Zobuďte ho.” Nemusíte zobudiť Ježiša. On je hore po celý čas. On je vždy prítomný, vždy žijúci, vždy schopný, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Amen. Boh zostáva Bohom.

252        Veríš, že tvoje srdcové ťažkosti ťa opustia a budeš v poriadku? Ty nie si odtiaľto. Vráť sa do Lexingtonu a povedz, aké veľké veci ti urobil Boh. Vidíte?

253        Ide to ponad hlavy ľuďom, ktorí to nikdy neuchopia. Tá živá Cirkev to rýchlo uchopí a bude vedieť, že Prítomnosť Ducha Svätého je tu.

254        Niekto tu vzadu zodvihol svoju ruku. Bola si to ty, pani? Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať tvoju ťažkosť? Ten starý...

255        Ten brat tam na konci, myslím, že on to prednedávnom povedal. Veríš, brat? [Brat hovorí “Áno.” - prekl.] Veríš? Potom ťa tie kožné problémy opustia a budeš v poriadku.

  Veríš tomu? Prijímaš to, že si uzdravený? Zodvihni ruku ak áno. Vidíte. Aha. V poriadku. On mi je cudzí. Vieš to, Pat.

256        Nejaká pani sa tam díva a modlí sa, pozrela sa na mňa, povedala, že je nie odtiaľto. Veríš, že ten vysoký krvný tlak ťa opustí? To je pravda, že? Zodvihni ruku ak je to tak. V poriadku, maj vieru v Boha.
Vidíte, čo mám na mysli?

257        Čo vy, ľudia, niektorí z vás, ktorí ma poznáte? Niečo máte na srdci. Zodvihnite svoje ruky. Toľkí z vás! Ja to nemôžem urobiť, to musí len prísť. Viete, to je vaša viera.

258        Georgie Bruce, vidím, že tam sedí. Ty sa vždy snažíš pre niekoho niečo nájsť, Georgie. Bola si uzdravená z rakoviny. Žiadna pochybnosť v tvojej mysli. Toho dňa, kedy si prišla do tejto modlitebne a vyšla si dverami, prišiel na mňa Duch Svätý a rovno tam ti povedal nejaký skutok, o ktorom nikto na svete nevedel, iba ty, Boh a jedna osoba. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - prekl.] To je pravda. Ty mi veríš, že Georgie? Niečo máš na srdci, Georgie. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo máš na srdci?

 Urobí to, že vy ostatní, ktorí ma poznáte, mi budete veriť?

 [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - prekl.]

259        Poznám Georgie, ale ona na niečo myslí. Ona má dvoch ľudí, ktorí nie sú odtiaľto, za ktorých sa modlí. Obaja žijú v Corydon. To je pravda. A ona tu má nejakú osobu, nejakého muža, za ktorého sa modlí, ktorý je tu v nemocnici. A ty sa modlíš, nie ani tak za jeho uzdravenie, ako za spasenie jeho duše. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je pravda. Je to tak, Georgie? Je to presne tak.

260        Niekto tam vzadu zodvihol svoju ruku, tam vzadu. Ty, čo ty? Zodvihol by si svoju ruku, si mi cudzí? Tento muž tu sedí a díva sa na mňa, nepoznám ťa. Veríš, že som Boží prorok, Boží služobník? Veríš Duchu Svätému, že to čo som povedal je pravda? Veríš tomu? [Ten brat hovorí “áno”. - prekl.] Ak budeš veriť, ty máš ... To je tá jediná vec, ktorú máš, lebo trpíš na rakovinu. To je pravda. Ty nie si z tohoto mesta, si z New Albany. To je pravda a máš rakovinu. Ak budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca, budeš uzdravený. Prijmeš to? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Nech je požehnaný Pán.

261        Verím, že tá žena tam s tým bielym klobúkom, tá farebná žena, zodvihla svoju ruku. Nemal som ešte farebnú osobu. Veríš, pani? V poriadku, ver z celého svojho srdca. Máš srdcové problémy, žalúdočné problémy, komplikácie. Niekto ťa sem dnes ráno priviezol. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je pravda, že, pani? Ak je to pravda, zamávaj s tou vreckovkou, ktorú máš vo svojej ruke, aby ľudia mohli vidieť. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. 

262        Zodvihol si svoju ruku? Som ti cudzí? A ty si cudzí mne. Veríš, že Boh ma pozná, vlastne, že ťa pozná? Veríš, že mi môže povedať, čo máš na srdci? Modlíš sa za niekoho. Je to tvoj otec, má srdcové ťažkosti. To je pravda. A ty hľadáš krst Duchom Svätým. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. 

 Ak len môžete veriť!

263        Čo tá drobná pani tam s tou zodvihnutou rukou, veríš? Tvoj problém sú vyrážky na  tvojej ruke. Ale ty sa modlíš za svoje vnúča. To je pravda. To dieťa nie je normálne. Je to pravda, že? Ver za to z celého svojho srdca.

 Keď som povedal “dieťa”... Počkaj chvíľu. Ó, tu to je. Tvoj syn mal autonehodu, je mrzák. Ja ťa nepoznám, pani, ale je to pravda. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku.

264        No, Kto je tu? Kto to je? To nie som ja. Ako by som to ja mohol robiť? Nebuďte hluchí na Ducha, na tie duchovné veci. To je Boh, Ktorý je tu! Ten Duch Svätý, ktorého chcete, veríte Tomu teraz? Veríte Tomu teraz? V poriadku, potom To teraz prijmite. Teraz je čas prijať To. Verte z celého svojho srdca.

265        Vy, ktorí ste nemocní alebo v potrebe. Ja nemôžem uzdraviť. Žiaden človek nemôže uzdraviť. Ja nemôžem dať Ducha Svätého. Ale ten, ktorý môže uzdraviť a dať Svätého Ducha, On je tu. On je Ten, ktorý to robí.

266        Teraz skloňte svoje hlavy. Verte teraz, ako sa budem za vás modliť a za tie vreckovky.

267        Náš nebeský Otče, pokiaľ viem, prešiel som všetkými, ktorí neboli odtiaľto, až som cítil, že slabnem a strácam silu, cítil som sa vedený, že toto je možno ten čas, keď to tí Vyvolení uvideli. Nech každý jeden z nich, Pane, ktorý bol povolaný a bolo mu dovolené byť zavolaný skrze Tvojho Ducha, niečo, ich viera, oni mali viac viery (niektorí z nich) ako si mysleli, že majú. Oni začínajú vo svojich srdciach.

268        A tá žena sa raz dotkla Jeho rúcha, kedy On prechádzal a On sa obrátil a povedal, “Kto sa ma dotkol?” A oni povedali, “Predsa každý sa ťa dotýka.”

269        On povedal, “Ale poznávam, že som oslabol.” A On našiel tú drobnú ženu a povedal jej, že mala krvotok a jej viera ju uzdravila.

270        A Biblia povedala, že “On je dnes stále Veľkňaz, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.” Písmo povedalo, “On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.” A ak je On ten istý a ten istý Veľkňaz, on bude konať rovnako, bude robiť to isté.

271        Nech ľudia vidia, že tá Duchom naplnená Cirkev prichádza ku Hlave. Kristus je pripravený prísť a vziať Svoju Cirkev. Jeho posledné veľké znamenia, ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, Ten ktorý hovoril, poznal Sáru a vedel, že má ženu, ktorá sa volá Sára, vedel, že sa tam v stane zasmiala, On povedal, “To bude znamenie. Keď to uvidíte, pamätajte, tá generácia nepominie, dokiaľ sa to všetko nevyplní.” Tu to je. Sme na konci.

272        Udeľ, Pane, aby každá nemocná osoba, ktorá je tu, vedela, že ten živý Ježiš Kristus je prítomný. Nech tieto vreckovky sú požehnaním každému nemocnému telu, ku ktorému pôjdu. Odsudzujem diabla, za tých ľudí. Vyháňam ho, skrze Ducha Božieho, vo viere, odháňam každý tieň pochybnosti. Nech To tu v tejto hodine príjme každá osoba, ktorá je určená do večného Života. Nech každá povera, každé malé uhasenie, každá malá vec toho sveta, každé malé bremeno, ako povedala Biblia, “Zložme každé bremeno a ľahko nás obkľučujúci hriech, aby sme mohli bežať beh s trpezlivosťou, beh o závod, ktorý je pred nami, hľadiac...” (na čo? Na cirkev? Na organizáciu?) “...na Autora a Dokonávateľa našej viery,” ktorý je tu teraz, “Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží.” Hľadiac na Neho, ktorý... Nemusíme brať slová, aby sme vedeli, že to je pravda, ale predsa tie Slová sú pre nás dnes ráno skutočné. Ten istý Ježiš, ktorý zomrel, nie je mŕtvy, On znovu vstal a o dve tisíc rokov neskôr On privádza Svoju Cirkev ku Hlave. Duch Judáša pracuje medzi nimi, ale nech môžu zložiť každý kameň úrazu a všetko, v tejto hodine a prijať Jeho.

273        Nech počujú; čo sa už stalo cez tú kázeň. Nech teraz rozpoznajú, že tie isté Slová, ktoré počuli, sa zamanifestovali a nech To rozpoznajú, že to je Kristus. A nech teraz konajú, konajú na základe Toho, prijmú To a povstanú na svoje nohy, vydajú svedectvo a idú do Božieho Kráľovstva naplnení Duchom Svätým.

274        Nech sú nemocní uzdravení. Nech sú postihnutí uzdravení. Nech je každá túžba srdca urovnaná. Udeľ to, všemohúci Bože. 

275        Teraz so svojimi skloneným hlavami, s otvorenými srdciami, dajte si len čas modlitby, predtým, myslím, že budeme mať službu krstu, rovno predtým. Potom bude večer ďalšie zhromaždenie.

276        Pamätajte, nech vám neujde táto príležitosť. Bol som tu teraz dve a pol hodiny alebo viac, snažil som sa neponáhľať a priniesť Evanjelium a dokonale To položiť. Potom prichádzame rovno ku koncu. A práve ten text: Počuť, rozpoznať, konať. Nech vám to neprejde ponad hlavy. Vy ste to počuli. Rozpoznávate, že Jeho Prítomnosť je tu? Viete, že to je On, ktorý vás volá? Potom na základe toho konajte. Nech je Boh s vami. Majte čas modlitby.

277        Brat Neville, poď sa pomodliť na záver, len poď a pomodli sa.

1 Now, these tapes, that of this meeting this morning, is not sold, it's just for the church or for someone, 'cause it's on doctrine. And in the meetings out there, it causes confusion, because hardly two of us see perfectly eye to eye, but we ought to be heart to heart anyhow. But it... We in the Tabernacle here... These tapes are, you notice on the... It's for just friends, and so forth.

Now, let us bow our heads just a moment for prayer. How many would like to be remembered while you have your heads bowed, just by raised up hands, saying, "Lord, I'm--I'm needy today, and I need Thy grace," whatever it's for?

3 Our heavenly Father, we now approach Thy throne of mercy, because we have been asked to do this. And it was told us by Thy Son and our Saviour, that if we should ask You anything in His Name, it would be granted. Therefore, Lord, knowing that we are living in the shadows of His coming, and now standing in the shadows of His mercy, then we would ask, Lord, that You would choose by the Holy Spirit, those things that we should ask for. And we feel this morning that it would not be contrary to Thy Word, or to Thy great righteousness, and Thy mercy and grace, that if we should ask that we would have a special visitation today from the Holy Spirit, and He might come into our midst and would discern the thoughts of our hearts, reveal to us our weak places, and heal our sicknesses, and bind up the broken hearts, and save the lost, and make ready a people for His coming. Lord, hear this prayer.

4 Now, we are going to read Thy Word. And--and we pray, Lord, that on our Sunday school lesson this morning, that You will bring forth the context of the reading, and will reveal it to our hearts. Because we come here for one purpose, and that purpose, alone is to know You better. We who are Christians by faith want to know You better. Those who have not yet become Christians are wanting to know You as their Saviour. Those that are sick wants to know You as their Healer. And we pray that there will not be one leave this building, empty, but that every request may be fulfilled to the letter, and every desire met, and every--every person be happy, and go from the building, saying, like those coming from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us, as He talked to us along the way?" For we ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

5 Now, to you who want to turn in your Book... Usually, I have found out that in the evangelistic services, that just about twenty or thirty minutes makes the best impact for a throw-in spiritual message, and then an altar call. But this being Sunday school, I just don't want to do it that way this morning. I feel more led to take my time and talk on the Word.

6 Now, if anyone is uncomfortable, too cold, the only thing you have to do is... My brother, the custodian, is at the back of the church there, just raise up your hand like that back there, to him, and he'll regulate the heat. And we want you to be comfortable and feel real well, and listen to the words. For we trust the Holy Spirit to teach us the Word of God. And can you all hear well, in the back? If you can, raise your hands, if you--you can hear well. That's good.

7 Now, I want you to turn with me; I've got some texts wrote out here, and some Scriptures. So I want you to turn with me first to the Book of Romans, Romans the 9th chapter. And we want to read for a Scripture lesson, first, in Romans 9:11.

(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)

It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.

As it is written, Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated.

May God add His blessings to this Scripture reading. And now, for a text to back up my lesson, I want to take this for a text: "Hearing, Recognizing, Acting On The Word Of God." May I repeat that again: "Hearing, and Recognizing, and then Acting On The Word Of God."

9 Now, we are fully acquainted, we people who search the Scriptures day and night, and read our papers and hear the news commentators, that this world is now standing in the grip of two great spiritual forces. And they are both religious forces. And I believe that these great forces are soon coming to a head. And both of these great forces was represented in these two sons of Isaac. How that God in His infinite wisdom has foreshadowed all things to us; that we might by these things know of certain what lays before us. Made it so plain that God and His Word, and the nature and His universe, is so perfectly arranged together, that even the--the sinner can see something's fixing to take place. God has so arranged it, no one is without excuse.

10 Now, we see in these two sons that when they, before they were even borned, they were at war with one another. Even though their virgin mother... For she was a virgin, the beautiful Rebekah that married the righteous seed of God's promise, Isaac; that they were two consecrated, Spirit-filled believers on God, foreordained to the very marriage that they united together by. God foreknew it. And how could such a thing come through that one mother by one father? One, a very evil person; and another, very good person; and how that the good person looked to be the evil, and the evil looked to be the good.

Now, that is, always has been, always will be God's program. God cannot change His program. Because He makes His program perfect, because it's part of Him.

12 In the garden of Eden sin was so beautiful until it attracted Eve from righteousness to sin. And in the same garden where there was a Tree of Life, there was also a tree of death.

We would know it today as the law of contrast. That where there is good, there is evil; where there is right, there is wrong. And we will never, no matter what our environment may be, ever be able to shake ourselves from the presence of either. Because, Paul said, "When I would do good, then evil is present." The sinner will never be able to shake away from the Christian, the Christian from the sinner. There'll be a witness there of right, and a testimony of wrong always. And you make your choice. You have to take one side or the other.

14 But in these two sons it is strange to know that before they were born, both the same seed, from Isaac which was the promise... Now, our lesson's a little lengthy, and I--I want to get enough background till you can see exactly what I'm speaking about. And the first son, Esau, that was born, we find out that not only were they fussing and fighting in the womb of their mother, but they came from her fighting, Esau coming forth, and Jacob holding onto his heel. And they are still fighting.

15 And how that, how it could come from that perfect, pure, elected, holy, consecrated father or mother. So to base it, that God calls by election... It must be. No matter how good your father and mother was, how nice they was, how much Christians your father and mother was, it still lays to you as an individual, your standing before God.

This lesson teaches that, that they, both the children, there was even by the elected and called of God, father and mother, a virgin woman and a holy man, who finally was come down to be, even through his seed came Jesus Christ. He was borned as one from the dead. He was tested, his father before him; and he was promised through this seed of Isaac, that the whole world would be saved. And out of a man like that, and his blood so pure that God would not even let the Philistine even touch the mother, after Abraham had give her over to him... God plagued his house, and said, "You're as good as one dead," holding that bloodstream pure. And that Rebekah, a righteous, holy, God-sent and God-called mother, and from that holy seed came forth a renegade and a believer. See, so it lays within God's callings, God's election.

16 And before either one was born, God said, "I love Jacob and hate Esau," before either one was born. So how ought we to feel, someone who has God speak to you and invite you to come to His table and to His home, and be His son or daughter. There's nothing so great as that.

These two boys, if we'd notice their nature, one of them was a spiritual man; that was Jacob. And the carnal man was Esau. But they were both religious. And that same thing has took place all down through the age, the carnal and the spiritual.

Esau represented the man of the earth, natural, religious inclined, but never able, it wasn't in him to do it; he couldn't do it. He never was in him to be able to climb a past the things of the world, the carnal things.

But Jacob, it was just so easy for him to do it. Now, Jacob... One purpose Jacob had, and that was that he longed for that birthright, no matter how he got it, just so he got it.

20 And that spirit of that one birth is still represented in the world today, and it's coming to a head now: the spiritual believer; and the carnal man, carnal believer. No one could say they wasn't both religious. They were. They didn't say that one served an idol and the other one God. They were both servants of God.

Now, pay close attention to the Scriptures now on this subject, because I'm sure it'll help you. See? Now, "Not everyone that saith, 'Lord, Lord' will enter in, but the one that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven."

22 Now, if you notice, Jacob had one thing that he wanted, because according to the Word, the blessings and the--the good things laid in the birthright. And Jacob, that was his only objective, the only thing he had in mind was get that birthright. And Esau despised it. The one that actually had it, despised it, or he was ashamed of it. But Jacob wanted it regardless of how he got it, he wanted it.

That's the way with the spiritual believer today. He doesn't care how much you laugh at him, how much fun you make, how ridiculous he has to act to the carnal mind, his only objective is the birthright. He wants to get to God, 'cause it's borned in him. He can't help it.

24 "Jacob" means "supplanter" or "deceiver." But after finding and coming into possession of the birthright, he was changed. That's the carnal, changed. He was then called, Jacob, "a prince with the Lord," who's wrestled with Him.

The carnal believer today, "Oh, as long as I go to church and do what's right, what difference does it make?" That's Esau's group. He still makes fun and despises the birthright. He doesn't care for it. But Jacob loved it.

And the spiritual man today and spiritual woman, that's elected, predestinated of God to come to Eternal Life, if they have to sell everything they got, if they have to take their name off of every church book in the nation, they still want that birthright. It's the only thing that matters to them: just get that birthright, that's all. No matter how, and what level they have to come on, if they have to get down at the altar and cry, boo-hoo, if they have to run through the--the--the places, and go back, and make things right, and sell what they got, or--or give away everything they have and become a pilgrim and a stranger, it doesn't matter; they want the birthright. That's all they're interested in: the birthright. Now, don't blame them people. They can't help it. They were predestinated to that, elected to it.

27 And then we see that these two, carnal and spiritual people, that's the way it always happens. That's the way it is today. It always has been that way.

Cain and Abel in the garden of Eden... When Eden was created, there were two trees for a man to take his choice. One he become of wisdom; the other he become Life. There was two boys, Cain and Abel, both of them religious. One of them desired Life Eternal, and he offered to God by faith a more excellent sacrifice than Cain: a perfect type of the churches today: the church natural, church spiritual. And there's no doubt but what I'm talking to both classes right now, and perhaps by the tape will talk to tens of thousands of them.

29 But look, the church natural, it's just the church carnal. They're never able to get above that little thing of "I join church. If I go to church, if I do the best I can, that's all God requires." Now, that's the same thing Cain done. He went and made a altar; he made a sacrifice, brought the fruits of the land, and he said, "Here it is, God. That's the best I got. Take it or leave it." That's the way the carnal believer believes today. "Lord, I'll go to church; I'll join the best group that I can find. I'll pay in my dues to the church; I'll do what's right. Now, here's the best I can do. I'll help buy some coal for the widow. I'll give the children some clothing." Them's all right, nothing to say against it. "But that's it, that's all. If You want it, take it; if You don't, You don't have to take it." Now, that's the attitude of the church carnal today.

30 But the church spiritual... Abel by revelation, by grace he seen beyond that, and by faith he offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. And it testified of his righteousness. God...

The same thing took place in Ishmael and Isaac. One was of the flesh, and the other one was of the Spirit: one of the bondswoman; one of the freewoman.

It happened the same thing in Israel and Moab, two great churches coming together. And when Israel was wanting to go to their promised place, church spiritual, Jacob's people, Israel on the road, Esau's people met them, Moab, church powerful. And the great leader of the church, Balaam came down to curse his brother, but he found that he could not curse his brother. He failed with the blindness of his eyes to see the predestinated plan, that--and to see the Word of God.

First, faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God. Then the believer hears It, recognizes It, and acts on It. The carnal man will hear It, the sound of It, but never... "Hear" means to "understand" It. Look at, is looking at something; but to see it, is to "understand" it. "Except a man be borned again, he cannot see or understand the Kingdom of God."

34 Now, here come Israel coming up with God's promise that they were headed to the promised land. Not infidels, but believers, believers in the same God that Israel had, come out to try to curse his brother, because he said his brother is, surely was unrighteous because he had done lots of things that was bad. But, you see, he failed to see the election.

Same thing with Esau and Jacob... Esau seemed like a better man. He settled down and done charitable things. He--he took care of his old blind daddy, got him venison and taken care of him, and was a good boy. There's many things that carnal believers do in the line of religion, helping societies, and--and paying off hospital bills for people, and religious things. But that's not what I'm talking about.

36 Moab was good, a great nation, a brother to him. And Jacob had done everything; he'd been a renegade; but yet he had one thing to achieve: that was to obtain that promise, that birthright. Here come Israel, Jacob's children, with the same objective. Now, who is going to be right?

Balaam built seven altars; in Israel there was seven altars. Balaam offered seven sacrifices of clean beasts; Israel offered seven sacrifices of clean beasts. There as far if they take it ritually, Moab was just as religious as Israel was, Esau just as religious as Jacob was, and Cain just as religious as Abel was. But it's the election is what holds.

38 How blind, how blind of Esau's children, spiritually speaking, the Moabites looked down upon Israel and said, "Look at them; they're not a denomination. They're a bunch of renegades. They live in tents. And we're a great nation. They done evil, and they have no organization among them. They're just wiggling around, following a prophet." But he failed to see the Brass Serpent and the smitten Rock going before them. He failed to see that called-out, elected group following the Divine order of God to the promised land.

That's the way it is today. They say, "It's a bunch of holy-rollers. It's a bunch of people who's this, that, or the other." But they fail to see that it's following the direction of the Word of God. Israel was on her way to the promised land. God in His Word made a promise.

41 Jacob, the reason that he chose to find that birthright, regardless, he wanted to get it, because that he knowed that birthright held the blessings; it held life. He didn't care how it come, just so he got it. That was the main thing. What plane it come on, didn't matter. He wanted it, and he must have it. And he got it. "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness; they shall be filled." He was on his road, and he was after it, and he received it.

Israel was on her road to the promised land. No matter how many Moabites and curses they tried to put on them, they went straight to the promised land.

And today you'll never... No matter how much law they get, how much prosecution, how much persecution, how many evil things they say, how many times they call holy-roller, how many times they say those evil things, the church will move on. It's got to. It's staying in the Word of God.

44 One time two kings came together. One of them was Ahab, a bad one, and the other one was Jehoshaphat; church spiritual, church carnal. Ahab was a borderline believer. He had prophets. They wasn't infidels. They wasn't idolaters. They were Israelite prophets, but they were all taught and fed and clothed by Ahab the king. It become like a place where they had all the political backing-up.

Jehoshaphat came in, coming down, made an alliance, which is wrong. You should never hook up with unbelievers. We should never, by no means, ever put our names on books in churches that does not believe the full Gospel. Never. You'll get in trouble.

And they got in trouble. And this righteous man said, "Should not we consult the Lord first and find out whether we should go to Ramoth-Gilead?"

Now, look how perfect the setup looked. "We own Ramoth-Gilead. It's our property, and the Syrians has took it from the living God. Shall we not go up and possess this land?" And he made the speech so pretty, and so legal, and so righteous, until Jehoshaphat fell for it.

50 And today man can stand in the pulpit with such intellectual, and speech-making, and education, until they can explain the power of the Holy Spirit away from the Bible; they can explain Divine healing away; they can explain speaking in tongues and interpretations; they can explain the baptism of the Holy Ghost to another day.

But a man that's elected of God, a man... "My sheep know My voice." If you've got that election of God upon you, it'll never stumble you.

Jehoshaphat said, the righteous king said, "Isn't there a prophet, that we could consult the Lord?" Ahab was going on without it.

That's the way the church carnal is doing today. Oh, they got seminaries full of preachers, great men, great professors, intellectual, smart, witty, oh, my, far beyond the--the wits of the church nat--or the church spiritual.

54 In the days of Noah, in them days look at the church natural. What were they? Scientists, builders, smart men. But the elected, Enoch and Noah, were shepherds and farmers, humble, not educated, not smart, but knowed their God; something in them moving, calling. We'll get to that after a bit.

Now, so Jehoshaphat said, "Isn't there a prophet?"

Oh, of course, the carnal has them. "Certainly, we have. I've got a seminary down here, full of them." Brought up four hundred.

Now, these are not infidels. They are Jehovah-God worshippers, Come up, and they said, "Let us have a little while and we'll prophesy." And so they all got together. And they come back with the Word of the Lord, and they said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD (Israelite prophets)--THUS SAITH THE LORD. Go on up, the Lord is with you. And you'll take Ramoth-Gilead, because it really belongs to Israel." And one of the head men made him two great big horns out of iron, as representatives, and he went to pushing. He said, "With this you'll push Israel--or push the Syrians plumb out of Ramoth-Gilead."

57 But Jehoshaphat, something in him... Oh, I hope that God gets this to your hearts. It's nothing you can educate yourself to; it's nothing you can read yourself into. It's what God, by election, does for you. "Not him that runneth or him that... It's just God that showeth mercy."

Jehoshaphat said, "They are fine-dressed men." No doubt he said something like this, "They're intelligent, and the smartest men I've ever heard. They're educated to the moment. Their stand is one accord. They have a great unity among them. And they are smart, and they have a lot of truth to them."

All error has truth. The biggest lie was ever told had ninety-five percent truth in it, the lie that Satan told Eve.

60 "Oh, it's a lot of truth in what they're saying, "But isn't there one more?"

Well, what do you think that man said? "When we've got four hundred here of the smartest, the best? They're not out here in the wilderness running around half naked, and sheepskin wrapped around them, or something. They are men that I have fed; I've educated. They're not men that don't know their abc's. They're scholars, and they know the things. They stay day and night, reading the scrolls and prophecies. They know what's right. I have them ready, and they're standing here with one accord, four hundred of them, saying, 'Go on up, the Lord's with you.'"

62 But if I could read Jehoshaphat's mind a few minutes, "There's just something that doesn't register," he'd say. "There's just something that doesn't seem right. Isn't there just one more somewhere?"

"Oh," he said, "yes, there is one more, but he doesn't belong to the organization. He's a different sort of a fellow. He's just a renegade." He's like Jacob. "But we might ask him. They say he's a prophet. But I doubt it, because he's always cursing me, saying that this, that, or the other, or--or he never prophesies good about me." How could he? See?

So they said, "Let's go get him. He's the son of Imlah." So they went and got him.

65 And somebody met him on the road, said, "Now, you say the same thing they say. You must agree with the association. If you don't, woe unto you."

He said, "I'll say just what God puts in my mouth to say and nothing else." Then after he got up there, and they gave him a night, he said, "Go on up, but I seen Israel scattered like sheep having no shepherd."

And Ahab said, "Didn't I tell you?"

Now, there's four hundred against one. Four hundred trained, smart, educated, intellectual men against one little ignoramus, as we'd call him, Micaiah, one man, but yet that one man had the Word of the Lord that made the difference. Every one of them was false; it proved out false. Why was Micaiah so different? Did he have to be poor to be different? No. The... What made Micaiah different, he stayed with the Word. The Word of God's what he stayed with.

69 Now, it's promised that, in these days God will pour out His Spirit. It's promised by Daniel, that the people, in the days when the stone hits the image in the foot, the people that know their God shall do exploits. Prophecy after prophecy, and all the seminaries, the world, can't take it out. God's going to do it anyhow, and people's going to follow it. See? The carnal and the... The natural church and the Supernatural church... You see, the Word makes the different.

That's what Jacob thought, "And no matter what, I know I can never be blessed unless I get a hold of that birthright. That birthright is what I'm going to have to get a hold of."

And... But Esau hated it, and his children does the same thing yet to this day; they hate it. It's always been.

72 Whenever there is a revival, it always produces twins. That's a rude mar--remark, but it's true. When there was a birth out of, from Isaac and Rebekah, it produced twins. When the world was created, it produced twins, two trees. And when Cain and Abel were born, it produced two. When Ishmael and Isaac was born, it produced two. And when Esau and Jacob was born, it produced two. One of them, natural (one of them of the earth); the other one Supernatural. And one looked at the natural, intellectual; the other one walked by the Spirit. It's always been that way. When the Lutheran church came forth...

73 Let's take Pentecost first. Look at the Pentecostal birth. It brought forth a great, powerful revival that swept the known world: Pentecost. It wasn't long after Pentecost till even Paul said that there would be men rise up among them, with perverse things, and would turn the people away from God. And that's just exactly what they done. It produces two.

When the Lutheran church was born, Martin Luther brought forth a spiritual revival. It wasn't very long till here come Esau, right behind him and organized it down. And it produced two. Then after that come the Methodist, John Wesley, a spiritual revival. And after that come the organization, organized it down. It'd produced two. And after that come Pentecost, a revival. And now they've organized it, and now they settle down to organization. And it produces two.

77 But that spiritual seed of the living God, though it has to be a sojourner, though it has to be a rambler, it always causes separation. Esau didn't last very long with Jacob. As soon as Jacob obtained the birthright (Praise God), it called for separation. And when a man... I don't care what church you belong to, if it's carnal, and your associates that you run with, the people you play cards with, and your literature societies, and so forth, when you obtain the birthright, that something that's down in your heart that's hungered for God, when you receive that, it calls for separation. "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith God." Separation...

78 The church settles down. See, it cannot go on. Esau was a very good type of the carnal believer today, never able to overcome the world. He don't overcome the things of the world. They still like their carousing, their dancing, their manicure makeups, and, the women, on their faces, and--and cutting their hair and--and wearing little old short clothes; and--and men likes to go out to the poolrooms, and--and smoke cigarettes, and tell little dirty jokes; and still belong to the church. They're never able to overcome those things: neither could Esau. But yet, to be religious, he had to settle down to an intellectual conception. That's the same thing the church does today. "We'll become an organization. We'll put ourself together. We'll make a clan, or a clique, or something like that."

And that's the way the church moves today, the spiritual and the carnal, still the same. It hasn't changed and never will change.

80 God's holiness... God, being God, projects that Himself. If there was not a sinner, there would never... He'd have never been a Saviour. But He was a Saviour at the beginning, so there was nothing lost. And His own attributes as being a Saviour, projected a sinner, there had to be something to be saved. Before there could be anything saved, there had to be something lost. And His righteousness and His holiness... If there had never been a--a sick person, He'd have never been a Healer. But from the beginning, and of the beginnings, He was before the beginning, He was a Healer. So there was nothing sick, so it projected a sick person that He might heal them to make Him a Healer.

81 Out of that same holy realm yonder that come salvation, come curses. Out of the same mother and father that projected Jacob, projected Esau. See, it's God. He can't change His plan. They have to go just the same. All nature will cope right into it. It has to. You get what I mean? Moves it right in. There has to be somebody lost to be saved. And if there wouldn't have been, He, His... Him being a Saviour made that. The deep calls to the Deep.

Like the little boy that I always speak of, eating erasers off the pencils, and the pedal off the bicycle, he needed sulfur. And as long as there was something in there to crave for sulfur, there had to be a sulfur somewhere, first, made. There had to be a sulfur before he had the crave. And it, pr--the sulfur projected him, and then he went back to the sulfur.

83 That's the way God is a Saviour, and there had to be something lost for Him to save to make Him a Saviour. That's all it's doing, is playing up God; everything, all is in Him, not in a preacher, not in a church, not in an organization, but in God, that the election might stand perfect. See? It's in Him. Yeah, the Lutherans...

84 And then we see another separation, that was Abraham and Lot. They were brethren. But Lot was a carnal thinker. He was always out for some big thing, something with a lot of tinsel on it. Just like a monkey, as I'd say, always reaching for bright things. That spirit hasn't left people today. They'll reach for the... They go to the city, and they wouldn't come to a little shack like this. See? They want the biggest church there is in the city, the most intellectual pastor, where the best-dressed people goes, where the mayor goes, to the city. It's still that Esau spirit. Really had the birthrights to begin with, called themselves the church, but they lose it because they despise it. You can't get them people to get down on their knees, and cry, and beg out to God, and go out and have healing service, and stand the persecution of the world, receive the Holy Ghost. And they--they won't do that. They despise it. They call it a bunch of holy-rollers. Just what the Bible said they would do. They do it because that's their nature. It's the nature, like the crow and the dove, the two natures. They crave it, because that is what they are. They never--will never see the other, because they're not born to see that.

85 And the other one, you couldn't keep him away from it, because it's the election of God. He's born to be a spiritual man or a spiritual woman. Something in him calls for it. Oh, I--I hope this gets down to a place to where we can, you can see what I--I mean, by capping it off now. Now, Abraham...

Remember, as long as they were associated together, the church natural and the church spiritual, they never did get the blessing. Jacob was never blessed until he separated hisself from Esau. And Abraham was never blessed until he separated himself from Lot.

87 Lot had his own little prayer meetings in his church down there, taught his sons and daughters, and them. But he lived such a life, till when they went talking about the end of the time, they laughed at him.

Same thing today. You talk about Divine healing and the power of God, and so forth, they laugh at it. It's the same spirit. That's the two great spirits, religious, who's got the world in grip; the believer and the unbeliever, the believer and the make-believer, the one impersonating the other one. Now, when Abraham separated himself...

89 Did you notice Jesus in His speaking of the coming, second coming, He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, they'd be eating, drinking, marrying, and given in marriage." But when He spoke of the days of Lot, He never said nothing about it. "As the days of Lot," that's for revelation.

Watch what happened in the days of Lot. There was Lot down there in Sodom, well settled down, intellectually, had become one of the big men of the city, the judge, set in the gates and judged the people. His wife belonged to all the societies there was of the city, and his daughters, and all of them; married amongst the celebrity, intellectual, highly educated, smart, witty. And Abraham lived in a tent under an oak tree. But one day they both got a visitation.

91 And there was an intellectual preacher went down and preached, and called them out. Look at the--look at the message, "Come out," he said to Lot.

And he'd have never been called out if it hadn't been for the mercy of Abraham. Said, "Can I find fifty men, will You spare it? Can I find thirty men? Can I... If I find ten?" That's as far as he'd go. And He couldn't even find ten among them.

No wonder, "As it was in the days of Noah." Remember, Noah wasn't the type of the church; Enoch was, that didn't go through the tribulation, but was translated before the tribulation set in. Enoch went home; he didn't go through the tribulation. Noah carried through.

94 Now, watch closely now as we move up into this. Watch what kind of a sign that Abraham's and his family got. They got the supernatural. "Abraham," How'd He know he was Abraham? "Where is your wife, Sarah?" How did He know he was married, or had a wife, Sarah?

"She's in the tent."

Now, a Man sitting there, eating meat, drinking milk, and eating corn bread. "Where, where is your wife, Sarah?" How did He know that thing? How did He know it? Think of it. You call... You spiritual people, let this get into you. How did He know that, when He act like a stranger, dust on His clothes, and when Abraham said, "she's in the tent behind You"...

And He said, "I'm going to ('I, I,' a personal pronoun, 'I,' this Man, God making Hisself known in flesh: God. Abraham called Him Elohim.) I, I'm going to visit you. I'm going to keep My promise. And according to the time of life, I'm going to visit you, and you're going to have this boy that I spoke to you about." And Abraham, a hundred, Sarah, ninety...

97 And Sarah, way back in the tent (about four of the little tents, the main tent), setting in the back, behind the flaps, she's listening, she heard it. And down in her heart she's smiled, said, "Me, an old woman of a hundred years old, and my lord (her husband)--my lord an old, and think that we'd have pleasure together again as young married people? Oh, how could it be?" And she kind of smiled.

He had His back turned to the tent. And He said, "Why did she laugh?" Oh, brother, there you are.

99 Look at the church carnal getting the Gospel preached to them: a modern Billy Graham and them down there preaching the Gospel, "Come out of it." But did they come? No. Very, very, very few.

Watch the group of Abraham, the called-out. Now, notice. And He give him this sign, and he believed Him. And He vanished before him and went away. Oh, how it has always been the separation, the called-out.

101 Now, these two spirits (to hurry up with you, to hurry up now to get to my spot to where I want you to see), these two groups has associated close together all down through the ages since the very beginning of time; the church natural, the church spiritual. They been through the Old Testament; they was through the New Testament; and they're down yet today.

102 Now, about two thousand years ago, it came to a head, and it headed up in two men: one of them, Jesus Christ; the other, Judas Iscariot. Now, Jesus associated the coming, of His second coming, that these two spirits would be a lot different than what they was back there. Now, here's where I want you to put on your--your glory garments. These two spirits are going to be different. Because Satan come and lived in a man that was a church member, Judas Iscariot, lived in the carnal church, and was a friend to the church all the time. But he come in and--and deceived, or thought he was deceiving, his brother. He come in and pertained to be one of them, tasted the good things of God, moved right along in the Spirit, seeming to be, went out and preached the Gospel, and cast out devils. But down in him, all the time he was Judas to begin with. The Bible said, "He was born the son of perdition."

103 Now, remember, there's church carnal back there under the Esau, the Pharisees and Sadducees. But watch this guy who thinks himself just a... He'll go along with the Message for a while, but he just don't want to put his hands too much on it. See them spirits? Jesus said, "It'll be so close to the real thing, it'll deceive the very elected," elected, if you'll notice it, "if it was possible." But it ain't possible. See, it'll deceive.

Now watch, not just the carnal church, the one out there, the regular routine carnal church, the Esau group. We got now the Judatarian group, which is far more treacherous, far more treacherous, coming right up into the very hands of the blessing. Just like in Hebrews 6 and 10, how he said, "Having once made partakers, and has tasted the powers of the world to come, and has done all these things of--and then if they have received the knowledge of the truth, and then if they willfully turn away" ("willfully," what is that?) "counting the Blood of the covenant, wherewith they were sanctified, an unholy thing."

107 Let me give you an illustration. Here it is. Here's a man; he's a good fellow, nice boy. He's called; he feels in his heart he wants to be a minister. All right, he accepts Jesus as personal Saviour. He's a nice boy, nobody can say nothing against him. After while the subject of sanctification. The man lusts when he looks at women; he--he's sinning. See? And then, the next thing, maybe he has smoked, and he wants to smoke. Maybe he wants to gamble. Maybe he wants to do some bad things. He knows he oughtn't to do that, so he says, "O God, apply the Blood of Jesus to me and sanctify me." And he gets sanctified. He can shout, praise the Lord, and do some things too, go out and do things. Remember, Jesus said that type would be there at that day. "Many will come and say, 'Lord, have not I prophesied (preached)? Have not I cast out devils in Your Name?'"

Jesus said, "I didn't even know you, you worker of iniquity." See, there they are.

109 Now, watch this now. We're coming to making the hundredth millionth's of a hair, right down to the sharp edge of the Gospel, sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting even to the asunder of the bone, and a Discerner... Hallelujah. God, let it go through. "A Discerner of the thoughts of the mind." That's the Gospel, the power of God. The Word of God made manifest is the Gospel.

You say, "The Bible said, 'That's, that's the Word of God."

Well, the Word made manifest is the Gospel. The Gospel came to us not through Word only, but through power and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost to demonstrate the power, make the Gospel live.

111 When I went to India, the archbishop of--of the Methodist church come out, and said, "Mr. Branham, we don't want to know anything about a missionary. We know more about the Bible than you all ever will know." Said, "We was a church, and settled here two thousand years before you was a nation." That's right. But said, "We hear that God has visit you and brought a gift that can make this Bible live." Said, "That's what we're interested in." Oh, my. See, that man was a son, not a grandson, as David said. See? "We want to know. Is it true?"

I said, "Certainly, it is true: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

113 Now, notice him, the church natural persecuting the church spiritual. Now, we find out then that Judas pretending to be a brother, a brother, and that headed up and finally come to a climax.

Now, watch this young preacher. He comes to a place, he says, "Lord, I've been looking upon women. I oughtn't to do that. I've been, you know, kind of doing the things of the world. I shouldn't do that. I've been spending my money on horse races. I--I shouldn't do that. I--I've been going every night to picture shows. I shouldn't do that. I enjoy even vulgarity pictures and things like that, I got pinups in my room. I shouldn't do that. That's things of the world. Sanctify me, Lord."

And the Lord said, "All right, I'll do that." He applies the Blood of Jesus Christ and sanctifies him.

116 Then, when he does that, one night he passes by and he hears something. He goes over and listens. He hears of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the filling of the Spirit. Then he looks over into it, "Oh, my, isn't that wonderful? But, say, that would ruin my ministry if I preached that. That would make mommy run me away from home. They'd turn me out of my church if I ever went into that. Oh, I better leave away from that. But let me look through it. Yes, that's the truth, the Bible."

117 Well, like a certain famous minister, worldwide known, was found recently (by a man that was with me in Puerto Rico) on his knees, speaking in tongues in London, England; a powerful man, one of the greatest evangelists in the world today. And this man, his brother being with me here, a Spirit-filled man, run to him and Oh, brother, that's it."

He said, "I know it. I know it. But, look, let me tell you something."

He said, "Preach it now. Preach it. This is the hour. With your influence, you could shake the world."

He said, "No, I can't preach it. See, the--the church would turn me down. I couldn't preach that. I couldn't do it." Oh, brother.

121 Have rec... Once been sanctified and has come up to receive the knowledge of the Truth (look into It, see that It's right), and turn away, seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame, ashamed of the Gospel."

Paul said, "I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation." It's the power of God working among His church.

But they said, "I couldn't do that." This man said, "They'd think me Pentecostal. They'd make me..." He said, "I, my--my reputation would be ruined." Oh, brother. I ain't got no reputation. I'm thinking about His, His reputation, that's the one.

125 But see how close they can come to It, you know, "And count the Blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified with; a thing that sanctified him and took him out of the world, and try to put him over in here, and then he looks upon It and has the knowledge of It; to turn away from It, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin," said the Bible, "but a fearful looking for the judgment and the fiery indignation, should shall--which shall devour the adversary. 'For vengeance is mine,' saith the Lord. He that despised Moses' law, died without mercy under two or three witnesses. How much more punishment, and sorer punishment, though worthy, a minister, who has trod the Blood of Jesus Christ under his feet, after receiving the knowledge of the truth, and counted It an unholy thing." Whew.

126 See where we're at? Jesus said, "Be careful." See how Judas was? He was right with them. He was the Esau, made greater for this age. He was the deceiver, the impersonator, made greater for this age. Here he come right up to again, a brother of Jesus, a pretended brother. But in his heart he was with the old carnal church all the time, because that's where he sold Jesus to. He sold Jesus, his birthrights, just as much as Esau did for a mess of pottage. He sold his birthrights for thirty pieces of silver.

127 Many a man and woman today has sold out their spiritual birthright for some popularity, some little thing of the world you never overcome, some little women wearing of makeup and bobbing of hair, wearing short clothes; men for little dirty jokes and smoking cigarettes, something of the world. "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not in you," said the Bible.

I don't want to hurt you, but we're up to the end. We're coming up now, we're coming up the ladder quickly now.

129 See how it is? They do it. They're predestinated. They might impersonate and be just as sweet and humble, just as close, like Christians, so close that it would deceive the very elect; but by their fruits you shall know them.

A woman with shorts on, never looked like a Christian to me. The Bible said, "It's a sinful and a shameful thing for a woman to cut her hair." Only one woman in the Bible ever painted her face, was Jezebel.

How about men, you men that's supposed to be Christian men, and let your wives do that? When, God will hold you responsible for it. It's not man; carnal... "Oh, I'll go out then and join this church if... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] you think about it." That's just exactly what the Scripture said they would do, and that's just exactly what they done. And that's what they will do: compromise.

Someone said, "Billy, if you don't stop that, you'll run everybody away."

There's one Thing that won't go, the Holy Spirit, because It's His Word. And the real predestinated believer won't go away, because It's Food to his soul. He loves It, and nothing can keep him away from It. He'll do anything, like Jacob, but he wants that birthright. He'll stand there. I don't care if it costs every friend he's got, if it costs his job, if it costs his church membership, if it costs everything he'll still hold to it, 'cause he can't help it. There's something in him, moving him, the deep calling to the Deep. Oh, there you are, something in him.

134 Look, anything you want to find in the Bible, and pick it up here, go back to Genesis and see where it hatched out of, see where it come to. All the spirits and moves today go back to Genesis. That's what we done to prove to you these things that you're seeing, friends. Don't forget that. Don't let it go over top of your head. Let it soak into you. That's the things of God. It come to a head; and Jesus predicted it would come to a head again in the last days, and it would be by this: the Seal of God, and the mark of the beast; two spiritual powers working together.

135 Now, anyone knows that the Seal of God is the birthright, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 4:30, says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you're sealed till the day of your redemption." When they were borned again, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the new birth, we know that. You're--you're begotten of the Spirit; I'll admit that. But until you're borned...

There's a baby is begotten in its mother's womb, that's got one kind of life; that's (See?) a life in its little--the little cells in its body is twisting and kicking and jumping like that. But when it's born, it has a [Brother Branham claps his hand, imitating a spank--Ed.] like that, and then he squeals out and becomes a living soul.

137 And the baby can go to church and say, "Oh, I believe in church. I, I'll go; I'll do this. And I'm a good... I want to do right; I want to do right." But what it needs is a Gospel spank to wake it up to squeal to Eternal Life; and the Holy Spirit screams in it, like It never screamed before. And it's a new creature; it's borned of the Spirit. Then it begins to grow, move, and have its being in God; see, just as a baby, natural baby, has its being in the world.

138 Then if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one waiting. See? Just as sure as the natural body was coming forth, there's a spiritual body to receive it when it dropped from its mother. And when it drops from the mother earth, which is, it's in the womb of it now, groaning, crying (O God), groaning, laboring, getting old, and sickness, and everything besetting it, and the spirit on the inside of it looking for a land beyond the river. It's groaning, twisting, jumping (Yes, sir.), because there's a life in there that lives forever. It's in a body that's got to die. And sometime, just as a mother dropped the natural baby, and the spiritual body got it; the earth will drop, and the body of the natural will drop, and the physical body--or the celestial body will grab it yonder. If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one waiting. That's the reason you forget the things of the world. They're dead to you. There's the Spirit.

Now, watch it as we move on now, the two spirits.

139 The Holy Ghost is the new birth; we know that. It's being borned again, of the Spirit of God. That's how you're born, by the Spirit. Born by the Spirit, that's the new birth. All right. You're begotten of the Spirit; then when you're borned of the Spirit, you're filled with the Holy Ghost. All right.

Then when these two are in the earth, the natural and the spiritual, sometimes the... I've seen this. Now, in closing, I want to come to a close now, by saying this for a few minutes. In the natural or in the spiritual, either one... Now, I hope that everyone catches this. Now, be just as quiet and reverent as you can.

141 Now, have you ever seen this? You see in our churches today, even in the groups where we have separated ourself and made organizations; and we seen all of this. And you seen a man pick up a certain Scripture, and, brother, that man can take that Scripture and make it live new, make it live just exactly what it promised here in the Bible. And the next man will see him do it, and he'll come around and try to do it and fail. I hope you're reading now. He'll fail. Why? The Scripture is not inspired to him. He's only trying to impersonate. He's trying to act like something. He wasn't... Well, maybe he was sent by man. Maybe some man said, "Well, you can do the same thing." See, just like Jesus said it would be this way. The Bible predicts that in the last days: "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses."

142 There stood Moses, and there stood Jambres. And Moses threw down his rod, and it become a serpent. "Why," Pharaoh said, "come here, Jambres, you can do the same thing." And he did. See? But what happened? Then Moses' rod eat up the rod of his. See, it was made manifest. Where was his rod?

Just like supersensory perception. It's like some of this spiritualism. It's like some of these churches that they believe carnal, way away. The things of... They say, "Why, that was for another day." They're altogether out. But watch this spirit in the last days go to impersonate the real Spirit. See? There's where your trouble's coming. Just exactly like the one that's real (See?), but he couldn't make it manifest; he couldn't make it hold; he couldn't make it last. O God.

144 People come up and say, "I got the Holy Ghost too." Look the way they live; it don't last from one revival to another, from one meeting to another. It's made manifest; they haven't got it. If a man's borned of the Spirit of God, or a woman, they have the fruit of the Spirit; they walk godly; they live that life. See? They keep away from the things of the world. God moves in them and makes Hisself manifest, and proves that He's God working in there. The other is impersonating. See?

Impersonations, that's what's been all the way down, impersonating. Look at Ishmael, and Isaac; and all down (See?) impersonating. Look at the prophet Moses, and look at the prophet Balaam. See? See how they come down? Look at Judas, and look at Jesus.

And Jesus predicts that this Holy Spirit in the last days, would be the Seal of God. Now, what would be the mark of the beast? Would be to reject the Seal of God. For all that didn't have the Seal of God had the mark of the beast. And if it's two spiritual marks, one of them will be a true mark of God, the other one will be apostasy. Can you see it?

147 Look at the mark in the Old Testament. When the trumpet blowed, the jubilee, every so many years, the--the slaves went free because the trumpet sounded. Well, every one that wanted to be free, could go. But some of them, they loved to be slaves, so they took them to the altar and in the post of the church, and bored their ear with an awl. And they were marked forever; they always served that master.

And today you'll hear a Gospel message on truth. "Now, you can be free if you want to," God speaks to you. But when you get up to that borderline here and look over, and have a knowledge of Truth, and then turn away, he bores you in the ear and you'll always be an intellectual believer. You'll be religious and go to church, but never receive the Holy Ghost. See, then you serve that the rest of your days. Now, the mark of the beast, or the Seal of God... And we're getting so close.

149 Now, look, the Word has to be inspired; hearing It, recognizing It, and acting upon It. Many people will hear, but won't recognize it.

God will say, "This is the hour for you."

"I wouldn't be a holy-roller. I--I don't want none of that. See, they don't recognize it.

We'll go to meetings; the great Holy Spirit will move down. I was sitting there the other day when a vision came forth and predicted just exactly what. I said, "Here comes a young man." "Come here," motioned to that waiter, "you have heart trouble and you're looking for..."

"Yeah, that's exactly right."

"See that woman coming there?" "Come here. You got tumor on the breast, and it's on the left breast, and you're in a very bad shape. And you're a sinner and don't..."

"Exactly right."

153 Those men setting there, looked around, preachers and all, say, "My..." Go to a meeting and watch the Holy Spirit go right out through the meeting, and tell the secrets of the hearts, things like that; say, "Wonderful. Yeah." See? Oh, brother. See, it--it's--it's on the other side; there's something happened. Women will continue to go right on, do the same thing. Men will go right on back like a hog to its wallow and a dog to its vomit, just the same. Don't you see? Now, I'm talking to the en... the...

154 See, you must realize then, friend, what condition you're in. That's the reason this tape; I said, "to church only (See?), to church only." If you've been called from light--from darkness unto Light, from death unto Life, from a formal intellection conception of Christ to a borned again experience; and watching your life, that it lays the things of the world aside, and you stand for Christ, regardless; then something's happened. See? There's something in you, hungering and moving, like it was Jacob. See, you wrestle with the Lord; you walk different after that. Something's different in you, you've changed. Now, it has...

155 'Fore it can be done, it has to be inspired to you. I don't care; I could stand here and preach till I got--what hair I got left fell out, till my shoulders stooped down and I was ninety years old, and you listened every day; until God quickens that to you, you're still in the same shape.

Two days I've been studying and praying on this. See? I said, "Lord, should I say that to the church?"

Something said, "Say it. The hour's at hand. Say it." I feel He'll be pulling me away pretty soon, so I--I want you to know it.

"And no man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him first. Oh, I know you say you have God and Abraham to your father; but I tell you this, you're of your father the devil," said Jesus. Religious men, priests, and great men, "You are of the devil, your father." See?

159 And notice the fruits of the Spirit. Now, see, it has to be quickened to you.

I couldn't imagine Noah saying, "You know what? It just must be it might rain someday, so I'll just go out and build me an ark. If it rains, well, I'll get in the ark and move right away. And nothing will bother me, because I'm going to get in the ark and move away." Could you imagine? No--no, that wasn't it. If that'd been it, (Oh, may the Elected hear it now), if that would've been it, the first scoffer come by, as the Bible said there was, scoffed at him, he'd have laid his hammer down and walked away.

Like men does today, that starts out with Jesus; and when they look over and see the Truth, they back away from it. They can't stand it.

Like that noted evangelist said, "It'll--it'll tear up my ministry." I don't care for a ministry that the Holy Ghost would tear up. It ought to be tore up. Now, but (See?) it's pride; so much man, so much person. Oh, notice in this now.

163 Noah was out in the field, and he heard, and he recognized, and he acted. And no matter how many scoffers come, he built right away.

"Noah, you're a holy-roller."

"Don't bother me a bit." Building away. He had heard, he had recognized it to be God. He judged it by the Scriptures, and it was so. He built right away on the ark, regardless.

165 Could you imagine, could you ever i--imagine this, that Moses, on his way to Egypt, got out one day and said to Zipporah, his wife, "Zipporah, you know what? I've polished up some on my grammar. I have got a little of my mathematics all straightened up, and some of my geometry and, oh, many other things, and my education. Since I've been herding sheep back here, I--I--I've polished up on some of that. I made a mistake down in Egypt, I think I'll go down and correct it. I think I'll go down." No, the first wave come against him, he'd have fell right there.

What did he do? He forgot all he ever knowed about geometry and about his intellectual. It was the one got him in trouble.

That's what's got the church in trouble today, is too many educated preachers without being borned of the Spirit. Men and women like to listen to intellectual speeches, instead of preaching the power and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's what's got us in trouble today. We don't need any more high schools and education for preachers. We need God-called men that's filled with the Holy Spirit, and not some man-made theology of some denomination. We need God-called men.

168 Moses was herding sheep, settled down and forgot. He knowed his intellectuals had failed. He knowed his education had failed him. He was herding sheep, but he heard, oh, "Take off your shoes, Moses, the ground you're standing on is holy." He listened to it. What was it? The Voice the Angel had spoke was Scriptural. He'd promised Abraham, his father, "I'll visit the people after they have been down here for four hundred years, and I'll take them out with a mighty arm." He recognized that that was God's Scripture being made manifest.

Let me stop a minute. Let this sink in. Can you see what I'm talking about today? God's Word's being made manifest right before you and you don't realize it. Think now of Sodom and Gomorrah; think of the promise of Christ for the last days.

170 Moses recognized it; it was Scriptural; it was a promise. He heard; he recognized. Something come in him; brother, he could go do it then. He acted. He could go down and stop every Pharaoh; he could call plagues when he wanted to; he could open the Red Sea; because he had heard; he had recognized; he was acting in God's stead. "I'll be God to you; you be prophet to Me," He said.

And he said, "I can't do it."

He said, "Well then, you be god, and let Aaron be your prophet. You must go anyhow."

He never just said, "Well, maybe I ought to go down and straighten the things up."

173 Could you imagine Elijah on Mount Carmel, said, "You know, this land's awful sinful, perhaps maybe I ought to go out and tell Ahab he ought to be ashamed of himself. Maybe I ought to go up on the mountain there and set down, and just fast so long, till them people get so sick and tired of seeing me up there starving to death..." No. No, that wasn't it.

But he heard, and he recognized, and he acted. "I have commanded the ravens to feed you. Get up there by Cherith."

175 When it come time for a showdown between Baal and God, he said, "Go, get your sacrifices; do anything to them you want to, and call upon your god." When they cut themselves, and had a lot of flesh, and jumped up and down, and had a lot of noise, he said, "Holler a little louder, maybe he's gone, pursuing somewhere. He might be asleep." Oh, brother.

"Well, you know what he said, 'I'm a believer in Jehovah, so I can do this anyhow'?" Oh, no, don't you impersonate that. No, don't you try to be Elijah till God calls you to be. Yes, sir. "I'm a servant of Jehovah." There's seven hundred of them down there too, but none of them dared to do it.

Then when he cut the bullock and poured the water on, he said, "Lord, I've done this at Your command." See the... Anybody else would've tried it, would've been a total failure. Got to be inspired to you. The Holy Spirit has to bring it and make it manifest to you.

179 That's what's the matter today. You can't get up at the altar and say, "Well, hallelujah, hallelujah. Lord, I want the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah, hallelujah." No.

But, brother, sister, when the Holy Ghost has inspired that Word to you, you'll get It before you leave your seat. Something in you burn up. Preacher won't have to tell you do this and do that; the old leaves will just plop off, and new leaves will come on. It's inspired to you. You won't get angry with the preacher when he preaches truth from the Bible. You'll love it, reach for it, it's Food to your soul.

181 Even Jesus Himself, He said, "I do not what I want to do within Myself. The Son can do nothing but what He sees the Father doing." The Words... He was Emmanuel Himself. He was God on earth, Jesus was. He was the flesh that God dwelt in. He was the tent that God lived under. Amen. But in all of that, the virgin-born Son of God, Emmanuel in the fullness of the Spirit (He had the Spirit without measure), and yet in His Own flesh He said, "I do nothing until the Father shows Me first." Inspired to Him to do it...

Satan said, "Turn these stones into bread, and perform a miracle. Let me see You do it."

He said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" Oh, my. But when a crowd was hungry, He picked up five biscuits and two little fish, and fed five thousand. Oh, hallelujah. You see what I mean?

184 Don't try to impersonate. That's what's the matter with Pentecost today. That's what's the matter with the church today. There's too many trying to impersonate they got the Holy Ghost. There's too many trying to impersonate Divine healing. There's too many trying to impersonate different things of the Lord. You can't do that. That things comes by election, God calling, you're dropped from the mother's womb with that. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." Oh, my. That's true. You can't make yourself something you're not.

But if God calls you, be the most thankful person in the world because He has called you. Then it becomes real to you.

186 As I would speak, if I had time, on the squirrels the other day, about turned me around. I never seen it before, and I couldn't do it. Hattie, setting back there looking at me. how could that ever happen? It couldn't have done it, but it was inspired, quickened. The Word was spoke and it was made so. Hallelujah.

187 Paul, could you imagine him saying, "I've been out on this sea for fourteen days and nights and no stars or moon, nor the sun or nothing. Guess I'll just go up and tell them, 'Be of a good courage, 'cause God will take care of us anyhow.'" Oh, God don't work like that. God doesn't do that.

Your faith's all right, brother. Your faith is wonderful. But until the thing is inspired to you...

189 Oh, here's a red light hanging there, and if I see... I say, "Well, I've got my foot on the accelerator. I've got a car, I can go through that light yonder, making a hundred and twenty miles an hour." That's true. "I can feel the power under my foot." But you'd better wait till the "go" sign. Hallelujah.

Do you get what I'm meaning? When the "go" sign comes on, all right. When the thing's inspired to you, and God makes it known like He did back there, all right. But until He does it, we got a bunch of Judatarians impersonating, walking along like, say, "Well, I'm just the same as they are. I'm a Christian too."

191 Oh, don't you remember the sons of Sceva. Sceva went out and said, "We adjure you, adjure you in the Name of Jesus who Paul preaches, come out."

He said, "Paul I know, and Jesus I know, but who are you?"

The hour's coming when right and wrong's made manifest. It shows in the Christian today. It shows in the churches today. It shows in the people today. I'm holding you long; I want this to get to you.

193 Paul never said, "I believe I'll just go up and say, 'Well, be of a good courage.'" No. What did he do? He heard an Angel. He knowed that was the same Angel that always spoke to him. He recognized. Then he acted; went up and said, "Be of a good courage, for the Angel of the Lord, Whose servant I am, stood by me last night, showing me a vision that there'll be nothing lost on this ship. Be of a good courage; go eat your dinner now, and everything's all right." Amen. When it's inspired to you, when God makes it right.

195 I got a remark here somewhere, I had wrote down; here it is right here. We're at the end of all things. Let me just bring this in like this now in closing. I hope that God has revealed something to you. Everything's at the end. Someone asked the other night, I believe it was Brother Fred Sothmann; we were asking about how close the end time.

196 Brother Demos Shakarian had seen that vision so manifest, and come to pass five days later to the perfect, it just liked to have dropped him out of his shoes. He called me. He said, "How is Joseph?"

I said, "All right.".

Said, "Does he see visions?"

I said, "Yep." He told me of David, Brother Wood's son, where he'd fall on a motorcycle, three or four days 'fore it happened, just exactly.

He said, "You know, those things follow families."

I said, "Righteous or evil does, either one, it follows families."

199 And we were talking a little bit, and they, Fred said to me, "Where's this drawn from, Brother Branham?"

I said, "Look, Fred, let's take it by nature. God works in His nature. Look, watch what happened. The sun rose in the east. That's the oldest civilization we have is China." We all know that. The oldest civilization we have is China. All right. And civilization's moved westward all along. And now, where would you leave if you left the West Coast, going straight across? Go to China. Exactly. We're at the end. The Bible said, the prophet said, "There'll be a day when it won't be night nor day, when the sun's a-passing over, but in the evening time just before it ends up over here, again it'll be Light, the same." Jesus said, "There will be a former rain and a latter rain. And the latter rain will produce both former and latter rain in the same season." We're at the end time.

202 Looky here, let me show you. Politics is at the end. Do you believe that? Show me something today. This nation is the worst in the world for corruption, ungodliness. Who read the Courier Journal paper the other night in Louisville, when all these women, picking out, each nation, the prettiest woman in the nation, and stand them up to be Miss Universe? Everyone did but Russia. And they sent to Khrushchev and asked him, "Why not?" He said, "Russia don't strip their women down to walk before men." A heathen, ungodly nation bringing reproach upon we who call ourselves Christians, said, "Russia don't strip their women to walk out like that. And you never see shorts or such stuff as that in Russia." That's the ungodly. And we who call ourselves Christians.

203 No wonder the Bible said, "Every table's become full of vomit. And who can I teach doctrine, and who's weaned from the breast? But precept will come upon precept, and line upon line. For with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And this is the rest. For all this they would not hear." We got our own intellectual conception. Oh, how good it could be to stay all day on it.

Politics, corrupted! Democrats, Republicans, and all, is lowdown. What is it? It's a bunch of graft. Every person works in it, that's not born again, is of the devil. The devil said, "Every kingdom in the world belongs to me," and Jesus never debated with him. The world is controlled by the devil. And every man that works for the government, if he ain't a Christian, he's of the devil and working for the devil. These nations will all fall to Jesus Christ when He comes; there'll be a Millennium.

205 Looky here today, what they're going on now. Hollering at me about spending some money out yonder for Christians, and wanting to give me twenty years in the state prison for spending money to operate a religious move. And whiskey and beer and cigarettes write off tens of millions of dollars a year to corrupt the nation. And me trying to preach righteousness, standing in the door of Jesus Christ, and send me to the penitentiary for it. And take stuff like that of the evil, lowdown, smart, intelligence, and let them write it off for television programs which corrupted the world, sent women to the dogs. One of the greatest curses the nation's ever had, and they get by with it. They send me to penitentiary for preaching the Gospel taking a few dollars out here to--to preach the Gospel, that people give me to preach the Gospel with. I'm not rich, and I can't write that out. But yet they want to send me to the penitentiary, hold me two years, and got a trial coming soon. Oh, how lowdown, how filthy. God, be merciful.

206 I'll say this one thing; maybe that's the way God's got before He sends an atomic bomb. You have to do something wrong, you know. You have to touch His anointed one time, for this same Scripture, lest that... "Touch not My elected." That's right. So if it has to take that to bring judgment, like it did in the days of Daniel or somewhere else, let it come. I'm Your servant, Lord. That's right. Oh, yes.

207 Politics, lowdown, nation, corrupted... Well, look what they're going to put soldiers in shorts now. Oh, my. Politics, war; politics is at the end. Dictators is wrong. Politics is wrong. (Why didn't they stay with the godly king like God give them: David?) The great lord of England said, when this--when this democracy was formed, said, "It's all right now, but it'll come the time," he said, "it'll be nothing. It'll be all sails and no anchor." And he's right. Said, "Politicians stand on soap boxes on every corner with all kind of crooked things that corrupt the government." And the man was right. That's exactly what's going on.

208 One man can go out here and go through here and get drunk, and tear up everything he wants to; and go down there, and he knows everybody, so there's nothing said. Let a poor man or somebody don't know, try to do, it, and they're sent to the penitentiary. Corruption, lowdown, filth, forty percent of them homosexuals. Think of it: Sodom and Gomorrah again. There's the group, supposed to be religious...

209 I--I wonder what takes place next, when the next President comes in? God give us one good godly man, old Dwight Eisenhower. And now, I ho... And watch what the next thing comes in. And we might have a rat the next time sure enough. But there is coming a Pharaoh who doesn't know Joseph. Remember that. I'll get to that just in a second. Politics is corrupted. We know that.

War is at its end. Oh, they slung rocks one time at one another, beat one another in the head with stone axes, then they shot bows and arrows, then they got rifles, then machine guns, then eighty-eight's in Germany, and so-big guns with us, then they throwed hand grenades and poison gas. But they got a hydrogen bomb now. War is at the end. Every nation's got them, so what are you going to do now? Even a little nation today, just crook a trigger, that's all you have to do, and she all goes up. War's at the end. Amen. War's at the end. Politics is at the end.

211 Education's at the end. Juvenile delinquency is at the end. Children, there ain't no hopes for children; they done gone insane. You can't have no education. You can't go down here at the school and have, get a kid with education. He's a--he's a twofold child more of hell when he comes out than he is when he goes in. Let the teacher say something about it; he'll get killed; they'll form a little Klux and go out there and shoot the teacher, take him out and string him up. We lost two thousand teachers. Oh, wait a minute, I believe, twenty thousand teachers, this last year. I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to do it either. Now, they got signs up every time, "Give college education to these kids." They do need it, but the devil's got them. The devil's got them. And it's not only just normal to go out and be mean and--and--and take a gate off and hang it up in a tree on Halloween night, or do some little meanness like kids used to do, or take a farmer's buggy and set it out in the road, not like that; but they're insane. They do things that's insanity; shoot you, kill you, and murder you, poison you, anything. That's the next generation.

212 Child bearing's at the end, womanhood, motherhood. Why, birth control practiced everywhere, and little dogs has took the place.

Morals, there's no moral to it no more. Women, dressing evil, come through television, all kinds of impersonations of evil people of Hollywood, all kinds of stuff, fashion, all at the end.

Education's at the end. Politics at the end. War's at the end. Civilization's at the end. All those things are at the end. My, what can we do then? What is next? We're at the end of all things.

215 Now, the church life is at the end, the normal church, the church, that... Now, this may stick just a little bit. But the church carnal, the Esau church, she's come to her end. What she doing? Heading up in the federation of churches, which will finally join with Romanism to fight Catholicism--or with Catholicism to fight Communism. Pope John is calling for all the churches to come back, and they will. And they'll unite themselves together, just exactly what THUS SAITH THE LORD.

You say, "Wait a minute, Brother Branham, you're getting off the line." If I am, God wrote His Bible off the line. You have to be Micaiah on this case.

217 Morris Cerullo said to me the other night, said, "Who is the antichrist, Brother Branham? The Jew's the antichrist."

I said, "Morris. And you a Jew?"

He said, "They're the greatest God-haters there is."

I said, "Morris, don't. Tell me in the Scripture where the antichrist come out of Jerusalem. The antichrist come out of Rome, not out of Palestine."

He said, "Well, look, I'm... They're God-haters."

"Yes, didn't God say He blinded their eyes so we could have a day of seeing? But our day will be over soon."

He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, I never thought of that." See, there you are.

221 See, we're at the end. The carnal world, the carnal church is at it end. Watch how it's heading up in the federation of churches, the United Brethren went into them, the Pentecostal is into them. All the rest of them organize themselves. See, you was down in them Canaanites, all the way down through those Esau spirits, very religious, and confederated themselves with the world, not spiritual understanding, not able to overcome, not elected of God to be called out and separated.

Oh, if I could only make it known, when if I could only push it down some way... They don't see it. They got eyes and they can't see, ears and can't hear. Oh, why we so dull in the Spirit? Now, listen to this. Everything's at the end.

223 And the spiritual Church is at its end; she's coming to the end. O God. Look back yonder when she started with Luther, shook down, the spiritual. Then with Wesley come to sanctification, then with Pentecost, the Holy Ghost, and now at the end time, the Spirit of Christ so in the Church, It's doing the same works that He did, right back to Its head again; and ready for the Church and Christ to unite, and the coming of the Lord Jesus, and the resurrection of the dead. We're at the end time. Jesus said so, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Do you understand it?

224 Look at the carnal church. Look where they're going to, farther and farther away. Look at the Spirit-filled Church, shaking off all of its little nonsense, coming up in the Spirit, (in the minority, of course), coming in the Spirit, but moving up into such a place till it's got there to where the Holy Spirit's moving right through it, working Its way, ready to receive her Lord, ready to receive her Lord.

And the rest of them organized, going back into the world, sectioned off, going back into federation, moving up into that one great confederate head under Catholicism. "And, there was an image formed to the beast," an "image," "something like it." A confederation of church formed with Catholicism, them two together, work together. "Who's able to make war with the beast or his image?" Certainly not. How we could go through it for hours.

227 Now, let me say this to you, and then I'll--it will be time to close. It's, I've... I told you it was going to be long. I--I just feel so wound up. When God even said these things, said, "Tell them. Speak it out. Don't hold your peace any longer. Show it to them. If they don't receive it, then the blood's not on your hands." The hour's here. The time, it's all heading up.

The world's at its end. It can't stand no more. The wars is at its end; you can't have no more war. If you have war, it won't; just the first one pulls the trigger, that's it. Politics, it's rotten and corrupted.

229 The church world is Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, It's the hogs to its wallow, dogs to its vomit. That's right, every one of them. God calls out of that corruption a Church that's elected. That's exactly. Esau, they said, "We're the church." I don't doubt that. Jacob was Esau's father too, that's right, so... But, but I--I mean Isaac was Esau's father, and Jacob was his brother, with him. But one had recompense to the birthright; the other one hated it. One heard, recognized, and acted; the other one said, "Oh, as long as I go to church and do what's right, what difference does it make?" There you are. Now, in...

230 I say this; then I'm closing, this one more remark. The real Church has so much to live for now. Oh, it should be such a jubilant time for the real Church, for the true Church, for the elected Church, when you know in your heart you've passed from death to Life. When you look at yourself and see, watch your life and see that all the things of the world's passed away, that you become a new creature. Listen now, in closing, closely. You know that you've passed from--your life proves it, "By their fruits you shall know them." Your whole objective is Christ. You're looking for Him to come at any minute. You walk in the Spirit; you love Him. You see Him working through you. Nothing that you desire to do, but He just does it Himself. Oh, what a time.

231 Reminds me of the artist that went over to Rome to learn to be an artist, a young fellow. They noticed him. He was so much different from all the other American boys and girls, and things that went over there to be artists, and from the rest of the world. This one young man was outstanding. He was a fine fellow. And they noticed. They'd have great big parties, and get down there and, how they do in Rome, just get drunk as they can be. I've been there myself and seen it; get out on the street, men and women, and carry on. Even in the parks, have sexual affairs right in the park, right out in the open, pay no attention; England too, all the rest of them. See? That's no worse than here. Just the same thing here, just about as bad; only, just cover it up a little more here, on account of police and things. Now, but just horrible...

233 Well, this young one fellow, he kept hisself away from all of it. When they'd go on their parties, he'd let them go, but he was learning to be an artist. So one day an old caretaker, which was a Christian that was around the--the museum, the art gallery, he said--he said, "Let's take a little walk, son. Let's take a walk; I'd like to talk to you awhile."

He said, "All right."

So they went, walking up a hill, and both of them with their hands behind them, walked up the hill. The sun was setting. And so the old man said to the young artist; he said, "Son, you're an American."

He said, "I am."

He said, "You come here to get your education in art. I suppose you're aiming to make your life's work an artist."

He said, "I'm planning on doing that, sir."

Said, "I perceive that you're a Christian."

He said, "I am a Christian."

He said, "Well, there's one thing I'd like to ask you. I've asked these others. They say they're Christians too." He said, "What makes you so different? What makes you different from the rest of these boys from America, and these girls from America? What makes you so much difference, and yet you all say you're Christians?"

He said, "Sir, you see the way that sun's setting?"

He said, "I do."

He said, "Way across the ocean in a certain state in New England, in a certain city in that state, and in a certain house in that city, is a certain girl that I promised that I'd live true to." He said, "That's all is on my mind: to get my education of art and return back to that girl who's living true to me." He said, "That's the way I live what I do."

Oh, brother, sister, you might wonder why that we don't care what they call us. I don't care what they say.

239 I was standing with Fred the other day down in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was looking across the sea, and noticed how that coral reef a half a mile out, them big waves breaking. He said... Flamingos walking in the garden, so forth. I said... He said, "Brother Branham, this is like heaven."

I said, "But the sea will be quiet there, brother." I said, "Just across the sea yonder, there's a certain place called heaven, there's a certain One called Jesus in this heaven, that one day He took away all my sins, and I promised Him I'd live true to Him, I would do the things that He wanted me to do. That's the reason I'm not ashamed of His Gospel. It's the power of God unto salvation." That's what makes a Christian live different; he is different because he's got Something to live different for.

241 Let us bow our heads just a moment. My dejected friend, this morning, have you got something different to live for, something to bring you out of the world, something that means more to you than all the world, is to live for Christ? If you haven't got that, why don't you receive It now. Just don't go to church and say, "I want to be a good person." Don't do that. You want to be a Christian. You, if there's something that's always been in your heart, telling you, "You're not right, but I want you to be right." You've always longed to be something that you're not now, don't you know that's God calling to you? Don't turn your back on it. "For if you was once enlightened and had the opportunity, and turned it down your last time, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin." Don't take up with Esau; come with Jacob, regardless of the--regardless of what it's going to cost you. If it costs you your home, if it costs you your job, if it costs your husband, it costs your wife, if it costs your children, if it cost anything, get the birthright. That's what counts. And if you feel that way about it this morning, and would like to have this birthright, I can't give it to you; God can, and He's the One that's talking to you. Would you just raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham, that birthright, I want." God bless you, everywhere across. "That birthright, I want."

243 Our heavenly Father, I thank Thee, most noble and holy God, for all Your goodness and mercies to the sons and daughters of men. And we realize that we're at the end time; nothing can go much longer. We're just waiting in borrowed time; like it was in the days of Noah, the long-suffering of God, when the ark was being prepared, when only eight souls were saved. You said, "So will it be at the coming of the Son of man. "God's long-suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance."

And today in this building, there's men and women raised their hands, boys and girls, young and old, have raised their hands, and saying, "There's Something tugging at me." O God, may they never turn It down. May they sell their education; may they sell everything they got. Like the man who found the great pearl, it was a notable, great pearl; it was the greatest pearl; and he sold all of his little ones that he might buy this notable, great pearl. May they sell out everything that they got of the world, this morning, all their popularity of the world.

245 These women setting here, Lord, many of them that's heard the Gospel preached so many times, and still wade right on into the world, and fashion like the world and dress like the world, and going to parties and things that the world, partaking of worldly things and acting like the world, and using the things of the world. O God, may they be ashamed this morning. If there's any hope in them at all, Lord, turn it today. Let this be the hour.

And these men here, Lord, O God, have mercy on them. Many of them still walking out in the things of the world, still desiring and enjoying the things of the world, sin, smoking, drinking, sociable drinks, a little beer on the side, or--or something like that, or would lust, and hang little pinup, filthy-dressed young women. And them bodies that they're looking at on the street, and they almost run over people to look at them (calling themselves Christians), and know that that form of that woman's body, in maybe in twenty-four hours, will be rottening yonder in the grave, and bugs and worms crawling through them shaped and formed vessels of her body; and her soul yonder in a devil's hell, for the way she lived. And yet she'd stick up her little painted lips and snicker and laugh at you.

247 God, be merciful to them people. O Lord, don't let them be lost. Please have mercy and send mercy. Give each one of them, Lord. You're the only One can give this blessing. And if you've called them to Eternal Life, may their hearts open up; and they lay everything aside this morning, and then they will receive it. Grant it, Father.

And now may the Holy Spirit come into this meeting for the sick and the afflicted, and let the people see that this message that's been preached this morning, that the coming and everything's at the end, and even Jesus working in His Church... And let it come to pass right now, Lord, that You can take these people into Your hands. And when they see the Holy Spirit working, moving among the people, may it be confirmed, the message that I preached, that we're at the end time. And may they hear. They have heard, and may they recognize that that same Jesus, the way He did it in His day, He's here doing it through His church in the last day. And then may they act, by giving their lives and bodies, and souls and spirits to Him. I give them to You, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

249 Now, in the building where the people are, I sent Billy this morning to give out prayer cards. He call... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

Are you sick and needy? [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

If God will reveal to me, like He did the woman at the well, and tell me what your trouble is, or something about you, that you know that I don't know, would it make you have faith to believe God? Would it make the rest of you have faith? Is this our first time meeting? Oh, you seen me before. But I'm a stranger to you, is that right? All right, may the Lord God grant your request.

251 Now, is it real or not? Oh, call on your intellectual religions. "Baalim," said, "where's he at?" Elijah on Mount Carmel, said, "Where's Baalim? Where? Wake him up." You don't have to wake Jesus. He's awake all the time. He's ever present, ever living, and ever able, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. God remains God.

You believe your heart trouble's going to leave you and you're going to get well? You're not from here. You go back to Lexington and tell people what great things the Lord's done to you.

253 See? It goes over the top of heads of people, they'd never get it. A live church would grab that quickly, and know that the Presence of the Holy Spirit is here.

Somebody back in here raised their hand. Was it you, lady? Do you believe God can tell me your trouble? The old...

The brother out there on the end, I believe he said, awhile ago that... You believe, brother? You do? Then that skin trouble will leave you; you'll be all right. You believe it? You accept it as being healed? Raise up your hand, if you do. All right. He's a stranger to me. You know that, Pat.

256 A lady looking there, praying, looked at me, said she was a stranger. You believe the high blood pressure's going to leave you? That's right, isn't it? Raise up your hand if that's right. All right, have faith in God. You see what I mean?

How about some of you people that know me? You got something on your heart. Raise your hand, (See?), so many of them. I can't make it; It just has to come. You know, it's your faith.

Georgie Bruce, I see her sitting there. You're always trying to find something for somebody, Georgie. You was healed with a cancer. No question in your mind. The day that you come to this Tabernacle and walked out that door yonder, the Holy Spirit come upon me, and told you right there some act that nobody in the world knowed but you and God and another person. Is that right? That's right. You believe me, don't you, Georgie? You got something on your heart, Georgie. You believe God can tell me what's on your heart? Would that make the rest of you, people that know me, believe?

259 I know Georgie, but she's thinking of something. She's got two people, that's away from here, she's praying for. Both of them live in Corydon. That's right. Then she's got a person here, a man she's praying for that's out here in the hospital. And you're praying, not so much for his healing, but the salvation of his soul. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's right. Is that right, Georgie? That's exactly right.

Somebody way back there raised up their hand, way back in the back, back in here. You, what about you? Was you raised up your hand, you're a stranger to me, this man setting here looking at me? I don't know you. Do you believe me to be God's prophet, God's servant? You believe the Holy Spirit, what I've told is the truth? You believe that? If you'll believe, you've o... That's the only thing you got, 'cause you're suffering with cancer. That's right. You're not from this city. You're from New Albany. That is right. And you got cancer. If you'll believe with all of your heart, you'll get well. Will you accept it? Raise your hand. Blessed be the Lord.

261 I believe that woman out there with the white-looking hat around her head, rai--colored lady, raised her hand. I haven't had a colored person yet. You believe, lady? All right, sir, believe with all your heart. You got heart trouble, stomach trouble, complications. Somebody brought you here this morning. THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's right, isn't it, lady? If that's right, wave that handkerchief you got in your hand, so the people will see it. I never seen the woman in my life.

Did you raise your hand? Am I a stranger to you? And you're a stranger to me. You believe God knows me, or God knows you? You believe He can tell me what's on your heart? You're praying for somebody. It's your father, has heart trouble. That's right. And you're seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost, THUS SAITH THE LORD. If you can believe...

What about the little lady with her hand up like this? You believe? Your trouble is that rash on your hand, but you're praying for a grandchild. That's right. The child's not normal. That's true, isn't it, lady? You believe with all your heart for it. Now, I said, "child," wait a minute. Oh, there you are. Your son had a car accident: crippled. I don't know you, lady, but that's true. If that's right, raise your hand.

264 Now, Who's here? Who is It? It ain't me. How can I do that? Don't be numb of the Spirit, spiritual things. It's God here. That Holy Spirit you want, do you believe It now? Do you believe It now? All right, then receive It now. Now's the time to receive It. Believe with all your heart.

You that's sick or needy. I can't heal. No man can heal. I can't give the Holy Spirit. But the One that can heal and give the Holy Spirit, He's here, He's the One Who does it.

266 Now, bow your head. You believe right now, as I pray for you and these handkerchiefs.

Our heavenly Father, as far as I know, I went through every one that was strangers, as far as I felt myself weakening and giving away; felt led that this is the time maybe that the elected has seen. May each and every one of them, Lord, that was called and permitted to be called by Your Spirit; something, their--their faith, they had more faith that, some of them, than they thought they had. They just begin in their hearts.

And the woman touched His garment one time when He passed by, and He turned and said, "Who touched Me?"

And they said, "Well, everybody's touched you."

He said, "But I perceive I got weak." And he found the little woman and told her she had a blood issue, and her faith had healed her.

And the Bible said that, "He's still High Priest today that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." The Scripture said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." And if He be the same, and the same High Priest, He'll act the same and do the same.

271 And may the people see that the Spirit-filled Church is coming to a head. Christ is fixing to come and take His Church. His last great signs, as it was in the days of Sodom: Who spoke, knowed Sarah, and knowed he had a wife named Sarah, knowed her in the tent laughed; He said, "That'll be a sign. When you see that, remember, that generation shall not pass until all be fulfilled." Here it is. We're at the end.

Grant, Lord, that every sick person in here may know that the living Jesus Christ is present. May these handkerchiefs be blessed to every sick body that they go to. I condemn the devil, for the people. I cast him, by the Spirit of God, in faith, I cast away every shadow of doubt. And may every person here, that's ordained to Eternal Life, receive It this hour. May every superstition, every little quench, every little thing of the world, every little weight, as the Bible said, "Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that does so easily beset us; that we might run, with patience the race that's set before us; looking (to what? to the church? to the organization?) to the Author and Finisher of our faith," which is here now, "Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Looking to Him Who... We don't have to take words that we know that's true, but yet them Words is made real to us this morning. That same Jesus that died, is not dead; He's rose again. And two thousand years later He's bringing His Church to a head. The spirit of Judas is working among them. But may they lay aside every stumbling block and everything, this hour, and receive Him.

273 May they hear, which they have through the sermon. May they recognize now that the very Words that they heard has been made manifest, and they recognize it, that it's Christ. And may now they act, act upon it: receive It, and rise to their feet, give testimony; and go into the Kingdom of God by being filled with the Holy Ghost.

May the sick be healed. May the afflicted be healed. May every heart's desire be made right. Grant it, Almighty God.

275 Now, with your heads bowed, your hearts open, just give yourself a season of prayer; just before, I guess, the baptismal service coming, just before this. There'll be another service tonight.

Now, remember, don't let this opportunity pass. I been here now for two and a half hours or more, trying to just take my time, and bring in the Gospel, and laying it in just perfectly. Then we come right down to the end. And the very text: hear, recognize, act... See? Don't let it pass over your head. You've heard It. Do you recognize that His Presence is here? Do you know It's Him that's calling you? Then act upon It. God be with you. Have a season of prayer.

Brother Neville, you close in prayer, just go ahead and pray...

1        No, tieto pásky z dnešného ranného zhromaždenia sa nepredávajú, je to len pre cirkev alebo pre niekoho, lebo je to o náuke. A tam na tých zhromaždeniach to zapríčiňuje zmätok, lebo sotva dvaja z nás to vidia od oka k oku, ale každopádne by sme mali byť nastavení od srdca k srdcu. Ale to... my tu v modlitebni, tieto pásky sú, všimnite si na... Je to len pre priateľov a tak.

2        Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy k modlitbe. Koľkí by chceli byť spomenutí, zatiaľ čo máte sklonené svoje hlavy? Len zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, “Pane, ja som dnes v potrebe a potrebujem Tvoju milosť,” kvôli čomukoľvek to je.

3        Náš nebeský Otče, my teraz pristupujeme k Tvojmu Trónu milosti, pretože nám bolo povedané, aby sme to robili. A bolo nám to povedané cez Tvojho Syna a nášho Spasiteľa, že ak Ťa budeme o čokoľvek prosiť v Jeho Mene, že nám to bude udelené. Preto Pane, pretože vieme, že žijeme v tieni Jeho príchodu a teraz stojíme v tieni Jeho milosrdenstva, potom by sme chceli poprosiť, Pane, aby si Ty vybral, skrze Ducha Svätého, tie veci, o ktoré by sme mali žiadať. A dnes ráno cítime, že by to nebolo v protiklade s Tvojím Slovom alebo Tvojou veľkou spravodlivosťou a s Tvojím milosrdenstvom a milosťou, keď by sme žiadali, aby sme dnes prežili zvláštne navštívenie od Ducha Svätého. On by mohol prísť do nášho stredu a rozoznávať myšlienky nášho srdca, zjaviť nám naše slabé miesta a uzdraviť naše nemoci a obviazať zlomené srdcia a spasiť stratených a pripraviť ľudí na Jeho príchod. Pane, vypočuj túto modlitbu.

4        Teraz ideme čítať Tvoje Slovo a modlíme sa, Pane, aby si na tejto rannej lekcii nedeľnej školy priniesol kontext toho, čo budeme čítať a zjavil To v našich srdciach. Pretože sem prichádzame za jedným účelom. Sám ten účel je, poznať Ťa lepšie. My, ktorí sme Kresťania, skrze vieru Ťa chceme poznať lepšie. Tí, ktorí sa ešte nestali Kresťanmi, Ťa chcú spoznať ako svojho Spasiteľa. Tí, ktorí sú chorí Ťa chcú poznať ako svojho Lekára. A my sa modlíme, aby tu ani jeden neopustil túto budovu prázdny, ale aby každá prosba bola naplnená do písmena a aby bola uspokojená každá túžba a aby každá osoba bola šťastná a odchádzala odtiaľto hovoriac, ako tí, ktorí išli z Emmaus, “či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia ako nám hovoril na ceste?” Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

5        Teraz vám, ktorí si chcete otvoriť svoju Knihu ... Zistil som, že obyčajne na evanjelizačných službách má najlepší dopad podať dvadsať alebo tridsať minútové duchovné posolstvo a potom urobiť výzvu k oltáru. Ale pretože toto je nedeľná škola, dnes ráno to nechcem takto robiť. Cítim sa byť viac vedený, aby som využil čas a hovoril o Slove.

6        Ak sa niekto cíti nepohodlne, je mu príliš chladno, jediné, čo sa dá urobiť... môj brat dozorca, je tam vzadu na konci modlitebni, len takto zodvihnite ruku, tam ku nemu a on upraví kúrenie. Chceme, aby ste mali pohodlie a cítili sa skutočne dobre. Počúvajte Slovo, lebo my veríme, že Duch Svätý nás bude vyučovať Slovo Božie. Počujete všetci dobre, i tam vzadu? Ak áno, zodvihnite ruky, ak počujete dobre. To je dobre.

7        Teraz chcem, aby ste si so mnou otvorili, mám tu zapísané nejaké texty a miesta Písma. Tak chcem, aby ste si so mnou otvorili najprv v knihe Rimanom, Rimanom 9. kapitola a chceme čítať k lekcii Písma, najprv v Rimanom 9:11.

 Lebo ešte keď sa neboli narodili ani neboli vykonali ničoho dobrého  alebo zlého - aby zostávalo preduloženie Božie podľa vyvolenia, nie  zo skutkov, ale z toho, ktorý povoláva - ešte vtedy jej bolo povedané, že väčší bude slúžiť menšiemu.

 Jako je napísané: Jakoba som miloval a Ezava som nenávidel.

8        Nech Boh pridá požehnania k čítaniu tohoto Slova. A teraz, ten text, aby som podoprel svoju lekciu, chcel by som vziať toto ako titul: Počuť, rozpoznať, konať na základe Božieho Slova. Nech to ešte zopa- kujem, “Počuť, rozpoznať, a potom konať na základe Božieho Slova.

9        My sme plne oboznámení, my ľudia, ktorí skúmame Písma dňom i nocou a čítame noviny a počujeme komentátorov správ, že tento svet teraz stojí v zovretí dvoch veľkých duchovných mocí. A obidve tie moci sú náboženské. A ja verím, že obe tieto veľké moci skoro prídu k hlave. A obe tieto veľké moci boli reprezentované v týchto dvoch synoch Izáka. Ako nám Boh, vo Svojej nekonečnej múdrosti, v predobrazoch vyjadril všetky veci, aby sme mohli skrze tieto veci s istotou vedieť, čo leží pred nami. On to učinil tak jasne, že Boh a Jeho Slovo, príroda a Jeho vesmír sú tak dokonale spolu zladené, že dokonca hriešnik môže vidieť, že niečo sa ide stať. Boh to tak usporiadal. Nikto nemá výhovorku.

10        No, vidíme tu v týchto dvoch synoch, že ešte predtým ako sa vôbec narodili, mali jeden s druhým vojnu. Dokonca i napriek ich panenskej matke... Lebo, ona bola panna, tá nádherná Rebeka, ktorá sa vydala za to spravodlivé semeno Božieho zasľúbenia, za Izáka; že oni boli obaja posvätení, Duchom naplnení veriaci v Boha, predurčení práve k tomu manželstvu, ktorým sa aj jeden s druhým spojili. Boh to predzvedel. A ako mohlo niečo také prísť cez jednu matku a jedného otca? Jeden, veľmi zlá osoba a druhý, veľmi dobrá osoba; a ako to vyzeralo, že ten dobrý je ten zlý, a ten zlý, že je ten dobrý.

11        No, to je, vždy bol a vždy bude Boží program. Boh nemôže zmeniť Svoj program, lebo robí Svoj program dokonalý, lebo to je časť Neho.

12        V záhrade Eden, hriech bol tak nádherný, až zvábil Evu od spravodlivosti do hriechu. A v tej istej záhrade, kde sa nachádzal Strom Života, bol tiež strom smrti.

13        Dnes by sme to poznali ako zákon kontrastu. To znamená, že tam kde je dobré, tam je i zlé; kde je správne, je i nesprávne. A my sa nikdy, bez ohľadu na to, aké môže byť naše okolie, nebudeme môcť striasť prítomnosti jedného či druhého. Lebo Pavel povedal, “Keď chcem robiť dobré, je prítomné zlé.” Potom hriešnik sa nikdy nebude môcť striasť Kresťana a Kresťan hriešnika. Bude svedok toho správneho a svedectvo toho nesprávneho, vždy. A vy si sami vyberáte. Musíte zaujať jednu stranu alebo tú druhú.

14        Ale v týchto dvoch synoch, je zvláštne vedieť, že predtým, ako sa narodili, obaja rovnaké semeno od Izáka, ktorý bol zasľúbením. No, naša lekcia je trochu dlhá a ja chcem podať dostatočné pozadie, až kým nebudete vidieť presne to, o čom hovorím. Ten prvý syn, ktorý sa narodil, Ezav, zisťujeme, že nielenže sa hádali a bojovali medzi sebou v lone svojej matky, ale oni tiež bojovali, keď z nej vychádzali. Ezav vychádzal a Jákob držal jeho pätu. A oni stále spolu bojujú.

15        A ako to, ako to mohlo prísť z dokonalého, čistého, vyvoleného, svätého, posväteného otca a matky!? Tak aby som tomu položil základ: že Boh povoláva skrze vyvolenie. Musí to tak byť. Bez ohľadu na to, akí dobrí boli tvoj otec a matka, akí boli milí, ako veľmi boli tvoji otec a matka Kresťanmi, to stále leží na tebe ako na jednotlivcovi, ako ty stojíš pred Bohom. Táto lekcia učí, že oni, obe deti, oni boli dokonca od vyvolených a povolaných Božích, z otca i z matky, z panenskej ženy a zo svätého muža, cez ktorého nakoniec prichádza, vlastne cez jeho semeno prišiel Ježiš Kristus. On sa narodil ako z mŕtvych. Bol testovaný, jeho otec pred ním. A bolo zasľúbené, že skrze toto semeno Izáka bude spasený celý svet. A z takéhoto muža, a jeho krv bola taká čistá, že Boh nedovolil tomu Filištínovi, aby sa čo len dotkol tej matky potom, keď mu ju Abrahám dal. Boh poslal na jeho dom pliagy a povedal, “Si ako mŕtvy.” On zachoval tú krvnú líniu čistú. A tá Rebeka, spravodlivá, svätá, Bohom poslaná a Bohom povolaná matka. A z toho svätého semena vyšiel odpadlík a vyšiel veriaci. Vidíte? Takže to leží v Božom povolaní, v Božom vyvolení.

16        “A prv, ako sa ktorýkoľvek z nich narodil, Boh povedal, ‘Jákoba som miloval a Ezava som nenávidel,’ predtým, ako sa ktorýkoľvek z nich narodil.” Tak ako sa my máme cítiť, niekto, ku komu prehovoril Boh a pozval ťa, aby si prišiel za Jeho stôl a do Jeho Domu a aby si bol Jeho synom alebo dcérou, nie je nič tak veľké ako to.

17        Títo dvaja chlapci, ak si všimneme ich povahu, jeden z nich bol duchovný človek, to bol Jákob. A ten telesný človek bol Ezav. Ale oni boli obaja nábožní, a tá istá vec sa diala počas tých vekov, ten telesný a ten duchovný.

18        Ezav reprezentoval človeka zeme, prirodzeného, s nábožnými sklonmi, ale neschopného. Nebolo to v ňom, aby to urobil. On to nemohol dosiahnuť. Nikdy to nebolo v ňom, aby bol schopný sa vyšplhať ponad veci toho sveta, ponad tie telesné veci.

19        Ale Jákob, pre neho to bolo také ľahké urobiť. No, Jákob, ten jediný zámer, ktorý Jákob mal, bol, že túžil po tom práve prvorodenstva, bez ohľadu na to, ako by to dostal, len aby to mal.

20        A ten duch toho jedného narodenia je stále reprezentovaný dnes vo svete a prichádza teraz ku svojej hlave: duchovný veriaci a telesný človek, telesný veriaci. Nikto nemôže povedať, že neboli obaja nábožní. Boli. Oni nepovedali, že jeden slúžil modle a ten druhý Bohu. Oni boli obaja sluhovia Boží.

21        No, venujte teraz dobrú pozornosť týmto miestam Písma na túto tému, lebo som si istý, že vám to pomôže. Vidíte? No, “nie každý, kto mi hovorí ‘Pane, Pane,’ vôjde dovnútra, ale ten, kto činí vôľu môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach.”

22        Teraz ak si všimnete, Jákob mal jednu vec, ktorú chcel, pretože podľa Slova, to požehnanie a tá dobrá vec ležala v tom práve prvorodenstva. A Jákob, to bol jeho jediný cieľ, tá jediná vec, ktorú mal vo svojej mysli bolo “dostať právo prvorodenstva.” A Ezav tým pohrdol. Ten, ktorý to vlastne mal, tým pohrdol alebo sa za to hanbil. Ale Jákob to chcel, bez ohľadu na to ako by to dostal, on to chcel.

23        Takto je to s duchovným veriacim dnes. Jemu nezáleží na tom, koľko sa mu vysmievate, koľko si z neho robíte žarty, ako smiešne musí jednať pre tú telesnú myseľ. Jeho jediný cieľ je to právo prvorodenstva. On sa chce dostať ku Bohu, lebo to je v ňom zrodené. On si nemôže pomôcť.
24        Jákob znamená “pätár”, alebo “podvodník”, ale potom, keď nachádza a prichádza k vlastníctvu práva prvorodenstva, bol premenený. To je to telesné, premenené. On bol vtedy nazvaný, Jákob, ale potom “knieža s Pánom,” ten, ktorý s Ním zápasil.

25        Ten telesný veriaci dnes, “Ó, keď chodím do zboru a robím to, čo je správne, aký je v tom rozdiel?” To je Ezavova skupina. On si stále robí žarty a pohŕda právom prvorodenstva, nedbá o to. Ale Jákob to miloval.

26        A ten duchovný muž dneška a duchovná žena, ktorí sú vyvolení, predurčení Bohom aby prišli do večného Života, ak by museli predať všetko, čo majú, ak si musia vymazať svoje meno z každej cirkevnej knihy v krajine, oni stále chcú to právo prvorodenstva. To je jediná vec, na ktorej im záleží, “len dostať to právo prvorodenstva,” to je všetko. Nezáleží na tom ako, na akú úroveň oni musia prísť, ak sa oni musia skloniť pri oltári a kričať “bu-hu”, ak musia bežať na tie miesta a vrátiť sa a dať veci do poriadku a predať, čo majú, alebo dať preč všetko, čo majú a stať sa pútnikmi a cudzincami, na tom nezáleží, oni chcú to právo prvorodenstva. To je všetko, o čo sa zaujímajú, právo prvorodenstva. No, neobviňujte tých ľudí. Oni si nemôžu pomôcť. Oni boli ku tomu predurčení, boli ku tomu vyvolení.

27        A potom vidíme, že títo dvaja, tí telesní i tí duchovní ľudia, takto sa to vždy dialo. Tak isto je to i dnes. Vždy to takto bolo.

28        Kain a Ábel. V záhrade Eden, keď bol stvorený Eden, tam boli pre človeka dva stromy, aby si z nich vybral. Jeden sa stal múdrosťou, ten druhý sa stal Životom. Boli tam dvaja chlapci, Kain a Ábel, obaja nábožní. Jeden z nich túžil po večnom Živote a on obetoval Bohu skrze vieru väčšiu obeť ako Kain. Dokonalý obraz cirkví dnes: telesná cirkev, duchovná Cirkev. A niet pochýb, že práve teraz hovorím k obom týmto skupinám  a možno cez pásky to bude k desiatkám tisícov z nich.

29        Ale pozrite, tá prirodzená cirkev, ona je len telesná cirkev. Oni nikdy nie sú schopní dostať sa ponad tú malú vec “pripojil som sa do cirkvi. Ak chodím do cirkvi, ak robím to najlepšie, čo viem, to je to, čo Boh vyžaduje.” No, to je to isté, čo urobil Kain. On išiel a urobil oltár. On urobil obeť, priniesol ovocie zeme a povedal, “Tu to je, Bože. To je to najlepšie, čo mám. Vezmi to, alebo to nechaj tak.” Takýmto spôsobom to verí ten telesný veriaci dnes. “Pane, pôjdem do cirkvi. Pripojím sa do tej najlepšej skupiny, akú nájdem. Budem platiť do cirkvi svoje desiatky. Budem robiť to, čo je správne. No, tu je to najlepšie, čo môžem urobiť. Pomôžem kúpiť nejaké uhlie pre vdovu. Alebo dám deťom nejaké oblečenie.” To je všetko v poriadku, nehovorím nič proti tým veciam. “Ale to je to, to je všetko. Ak to chceš, vezmi to, ak nie, Ty to nemusíš vziať.” No, to je postoj tej telesnej cirkvi dnes.

30        Ale tá duchovná Cirkev! Ábel, skrze zjavenie z milosti, videl poza to a vierou obetoval Bohu väčšiu obeť ako Kain a to svedčilo o jeho spravodlivosti, Boh.

31        Tá istá vec sa stala pri Izmaelovi a Izákovi. Jeden bol podľa tela a ten druhý bol z Ducha. Jeden z dievky, jeden zo slobodnej.

32        Tá istá vec sa stala pri Izraeli a Moábe, dve veľké cirkvi, ktoré prichádzajú spolu. A keď chcel Izrael ísť na svoje zasľúbené miesto, duchovná cirkev, Jákobovi ľudia, Izrael na ceste, stretávajú ich Ezavovi ľudia, Moáb, mocná cirkev. A ten veľký vodca cirkvi, Balám, prišiel dolu, aby preklial svojho brata, ale zistil, že nemohol prekliať svojho brata. On zlyhal, v slepote svojich očí, neuvidel ten predurčený plán, a neuvidel Slovo Božie.

33        Za prvé, “Viera prichádza skrze počutie, počutie Slova Božieho.” Potom ten veriaci To počuje, rozpoznáva a koná podľa Toho. Ten telesný človek To bude počuť, zvuk Toho, ale nikdy... “Počuť” znamená “rozumieť” To. Pozerať sa, to je dívať sa na niečo, ale “vidieť to,” znamená “rozumieť to.” “Ak sa človek nenarodí znova, nemôže vidieť, alebo rozumieť Kráľovstvo Božie.”

34        No, tu prichádza Izrael, prichádza s Božím zasľúbením, a oni smerovali do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Nie neveriaci, ale veriaci, veriaci v Toho istého Boha, ktorého mal Izrael, vychádza, aby sa pokúsil prekliať svojho brata, lebo on povedal, že jeho brat je určite nespravodlivý, lebo urobil mnoho vecí, ktoré boli zlé. Ale vidíte, on opomenul vidieť to vyvolenie.

35        Tá istá vec s Ezavom a Jákobom! Ezav sa zdal byť lepším človekom. On sa usadil a urobil charitatívne veci. Zaujal sa svojho starého slepého otca, priniesol mu zverinu a postaral sa oňho a bol dobrým chlapcom. Mnoho vecí, ktoré ten telesný veriaci robí v línii náboženstva, pomáha nejakým spolkom a platí ľuďom účty za nemocnicu a robí nábožné veci, ale to nie je to, o čom hovorím.

36        Moáb bol dobrý, veľký národ, bol jeho brat. Jákob urobil všetko možné, on bol odpadlík, ale on stále mal jednu vec, ktorú chcel dosiahnuť, to bolo obdržanie toho zasľúbenia, toho práva prvorodenstva. Tu prichádza Izrael, Jákobove deti s tým istým cieľom. No, kto bude mať pravdu?

37        Balám postavil sedem oltárov, v Izraelovi bolo sedem oltárov. Balám obetoval sedem obetí čistých zvierat, Izrael obetoval sedem obetí čistých zvierat. Tam, pokiaľ by sa to bralo podľa rituálu, Moáb bol práve tak nábožný ako Izrael, Ezav práve tak nábožný ako Jákob a Kain bol práve tak nábožný ako Ábel. Ale to je vyvolenie, ktoré to drží.

38        Akí slepí! Akí slepí boli z tých Ezavových detí, duchovne hovoriac, Moábiti, pozreli sa dolu na Izrael a povedali, “Pozrite na nich. Oni nie sú denominácia. Oni sú banda odpadlíkov. Žijú v stanoch a my sme veľký národ. Urobili zle a nemajú medzi sebou žiadnu organizáciu. Oni sa len krútia okolo nejakého proroka a nasledujú ho.” Ale on opomenul vidieť toho medeného hada a tú udrenú Skalu, ktorá išla pred nimi. On opomenul vidieť tú vyvolanú, vyvolenú skupinu, ktorá nasledovala Boží poriadok do zasľúbenej zeme.

39        Takto je to dnes. Oni hovoria, “Je to banda náboženských fanatikov. Je to banda ľudí, ktorí sú týmto, tamtým a tamtým.” Ale oni nedokážu vidieť, že to je nasledovanie smeru Božieho Slova.

40        Izrael bol na svojej ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Boh, vo Svojom Slove, dal zasľúbenie.

41        Jákob, ten dôvod, že si on vybral nájsť to právo prvorodenstva, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, on to chcel dostať, lebo vedel, že právo prvorodenstva obsahuje to zasľúbenie. Ono malo v sebe život. On nedbal o to, ako to príde, len aby to mal. To bolo to hlavné. Na akom lietadle to príde, na tom nezáležalo. On to chcel. On to musí mať. A on to dostal. “Blahoslavení, ktorí hladovia a žíznia po spravodlivosti, lebo oni budú naplnení.” On bol na svojej ceste a išiel za tým a dostal to.

42        Izrael bol na svojej ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Nezáležalo na tom, koľko Moábitov a kliatieb sa na nich snažili dať, oni išli rovno do zasľúbenej zeme.

43        A dnes nebudete nikdy... bez ohľadu na to, koľko majú zákona, koľko obžaloby, koľko prenasledovania, koľko zlých vecí hovoria, koľko krát ťa nazvú “náboženským fanatikom”, koľko krát povedia tie zlé veci, Cirkev sa bude hýbať ďalej. Ona sa musí. Ona zostáva v Slove Božom.

44        Raz sa stretli dvaja králi. Jeden z nich bol Achab, ktorý bol zlý, ten druhý bol Jozafat; duchovná Cirkev a telesná cirkev. 

45        Achab bol okrajový veriaci. On mal prorokov. Oni neboli neveriaci, oni neboli modlári. Oni boli izraelskí proroci, ale všetci boli učení a kŕmení a odievaní kráľom Achabom. Stalo sa to miestom, kde mali všetku politickú podporu.

46        Jozafat tam prišiel, prišiel dolu a urobil spojenectvo (alianciu), čo je nesprávne.

47        Vy by ste sa nikdy nemali spojiť s neveriacimi. Nemali by sme si, nikdy, za žiadnych okolností, zapísať svoje mená do kníh v cirkvách, ktoré neveria plnému evanjeliu. Nikdy! Dostanete sa do problémov.

48        A oni sa dostali do problémov. A tento spravodlivý muž povedal, ”Či by sme sa nemali najprv pýtať Pána a zistiť, či máme ísť do Rámot Gileáda?”

49        No, pozrite, ako dokonale to vyzeralo. “My vlastníme Rámot Gileád. Je to naše vlastníctvo a tí Sýrovia to zobrali od živého Boha. Či by sme nemali ísť hore a zaujať tú zem?” A on podal takú nádhernú reč a takú legálnu a spravodlivú, až Jozafat na to naletel.

50        A dnes môžu mužovia stáť za kazateľňou s takou intelektuálne prepracovanou rečou a vzdelaním, až dokážu vyvrátiť moc Ducha Svätého z Biblie. Oni dokážu vyvrátiť Božské uzdravenie. Oni dokážu vyvrátiť hovorenie v jazykoch a výklad, oni dokážu vyložiť a posunúť krst Duchom Svätým do iného dňa.

51        Ale človek, ktorý je vyvoleným od Boha, človek... “Moje ovce čujú Môj Hlas.” Vy máte to vyvolenie Božie na sebe, to nikdy nespôsobí, že sa potknete.

52        Jozafat povedal, ten spravodlivý kráľ povedal, “Nie je tu prorok, aby sme sa mohli opýtať Pána?” Achab išiel bez toho.

53        To je ten spôsob, ako to robí tá telesná cirkev dnes. Ó, oni majú semináre plné kazateľov, veľkých mužov, veľkých profesorov, intelektuálnych chytrých, dômyselných, ó, ďaleko za dômyselnosťou tej duchovnej Cirkvi.

54        Vo dňoch Noeho, v tých dňoch, pozrite sa na tú prirodzenú cirkev. Čo oni boli? Vedci, stavitelia, chytrí ľudia. Ale tí vyvolení, Enoch a Noe, boli pastieri a farmári, pokorní, nie vzdelaní, nie chytrí, ale oni poznali svojho Boha, niečo bolo v nich, čo sa hýbalo, volalo. Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme. No, takže Jozafat povedal, “Nie je tu nejaký prorok?”

55        Ó, samozrejme, tí telesní ich mali. “Samozrejme, že máme. Mám tu dolu seminár, mám ich plno.”

56        Priviedol ich tam štyristo. No, toto neboli neveriaci. Oni uctievali Boha Jehovu. Prišli hore a povedali, “Dajte nám len chvíľku a budeme prorokovať.” A tak oni sa všetci dali dohromady a vrátili sa so “Slovom Pánovým,” a povedali “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!” Izraelskí proroci. “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN! Choď hore, Pán je s tebou a zaujmeš Rámot Gileád, lebo on skutočne patrí Izraelu.” A jeden z tých vedúcich mužov si urobil dva veľké rohy zo železa, ako symbol a išiel a strkal nimi. Povedal, “S týmto vytlačíš Izrael... vlastne Sýrov z Rámot Gileáda.”
 Ale Jozafat, niečo v ňom bolo!

57        Ó, dúfam, že vám toto Pán dáva do srdca. To nie je nič, do čoho by ste sa mohli vyškoliť. To nie je nič, do čoho by ste sa mohli dostať čítaním. To je to, čo Boh, skrze vyvolenie, urobil pre vás. “Nie ten, kto beží alebo ten, kto... ale Boh, ktorý preukazuje milosť.”

58        Jozafat povedal, “oni sú pekne oblečení ľudia.” Bez pochýb, že on povedal niečo takéto: “Oni sú inteligentní a najchytrejší mužovia, akých som kedy počul. Sú dopodrobna vyškolení. Stoja v jednote, majú medzi sebou veľkú jednotu. Sú chytrí a majú pre nich mnoho pravdy.” 

59        Každý blud má Pravdu. To najväčšie klamstvo, ktoré bolo kedy povedané malo v sebe deväťdesiat percent Pravdy, to klamstvo, ktoré Satan povedal Eve.

60        “Ó, v tom čo hovoria, je veľa pravdy, ale nie je tam ešte jeden?”

61        No, čo si myslíte, že ten muž povedal? “Kým my tu máme štyristo, tých najchytrejších, najlepších? Oni nie sú tam vonku na púšti a nebehajú polonahí, zabalení v ovčej koži, alebo v niečom takom. To sú ľudia, ktorých som ja kŕmil a vyškolil. Oni nie sú ľudia, ktorí by nepoznali abecedu. Sú vyučení a vyznajú sa, strávia deň a noc čítaním zvitkov a proroctiev. Oni vedia, čo je správne. Mám ich pripravených. A oni tu stoja v jednote, je ich štyristo a hovoria, ‘Choď hore, Pán je s tebou.”

62        Ale ak by som mohol na chvíľu čítať Jozafatovu myseľ, “Je tam proste niečo, čo tam nesedí,” povedal by. “Je tam proste niečo, čo nevyzerá správne. Nie je niekde ešte jeden?”

63        “Ó,” povedal, “áno, je ešte jeden, ale on nepatrí do našej organizácie. On je iný typ človeka. On je proste odpadlík.” On je ako Jákob. “Ale môžeme sa ho opýtať. Hovoria o ňom, že je prorok, ale ja o tom pochybujem, lebo on ma vždy preklína, hovorí toto, toto a tamto a nikdy o mne neprorokuje dobré.” Ako by mohol? Vidíte?

64        Tak povedali, “Poďme pre neho. On je syn Jimlu.” Tak išli pre neho.

65        A niekto ho stretol na ceste a povedal, “Ty teraz povedz to, čo hovoria tí ostatní. Musíš sa s tým združením zhodnúť. Ak nie, beda ti!”

66        On povedal, “Poviem len to, čo mi Boh položí do úst, nič iné.” 

67        Potom keď tam prišiel a dali mu jednu noc, povedal, “Choď hore, ale videl som Izrael roztrúsený ako ovce nemajúce pastiera.”
 A Achab povedal, “Či som ti nepovedal?”

68        No, je tam štyristo proti jednému. Štyristo vycvičených, chytrých, vzdelaných, intelektuálnych mužov proti jednému malému nevzdelancovi, ako by sme ho nazvali, proti Micheášovi. Jeden človek, ale pri tom všetkom ten jeden mal Slovo Pánovo, a to robilo ten rozdiel. Každý jeden z nich bol falošný, ukázalo sa, že sú falošní. Prečo bol Micheáš tak odlišný? Musel byť chudobný, aby sa líšil? Nie. To, čo robilo Micheáša odlišným bolo, že on zostal so Slovom. Slovo Božie bolo to, s čím on zostal.

69        No, je zasľúbené, že v týchto dňoch, “Boh vyleje Svojho Ducha.” Je zasľúbené skrze Daniela, že “ľudia, v tých dňoch, kedy ten Kameň udrie ten obraz do nôh, tí ľudia, ktorí poznajú svojho Boha, vykonajú hrdinstvo.” Proroctvo za proroctvom! A všetky tie semináre, svet, to nemôžu odstrániť. Boh to ide tak či tak vykonať a ľudia to budú nasledovať. Vidíte? Tá telesná a tá... tá prirodzená a tá nadprirodzená Cirkev. Vidíte, Slovo robí ten rozdiel.

70        To je to, čo si Jákob myslel, “Bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, ja viem, že nemôžem byť nikdy požehnaný, pokiaľ sa neuchopím toho práva prvorodenstva. To právo prvorodenstva je to, čoho sa teraz idem uchytiť.” 
71        Ale Ezav to nenávidel a jeho deti robia to isté až do tohoto dňa. Oni to nenávidia. Vždy to tak bolo.

72        Kedykoľvek je nejaké prebudenie, ono vždy vyprodukuje dvojičky. To je tvrdá poznámka, ale je to pravda. Keď bolo narodenie z Izáka a z Rebeky, ono vyprodukovalo dvojičky. Kedy bol stvorený svet, to vyprodukovalo dvojičky, dva stromy. A keď sa narodili Kain a Ábel, to vyprodukovalo dvoch. Keď sa narodil Izmael a Izák, to vyprodukovalo dvoch. Keď sa narodili Ezav a Jákob, to vyprodukovalo dvoch. Jeden z nich, ten prirodzený (jeden z nich, zo zeme), ten druhý, nadprirodzený. A jeden sa díval na to prirodzené, intelektuál, ten druhý chodil v Duchu. Vždy to tak bolo. Keď vyšla Luteránska cirkev...

73        Vezmime najprv letničných. Pozrime sa na letničné narodenie. To prinieslo veľké, mocné prebudenie, ktoré zasiahlo ten známy svet, letniční. Nebolo to dlho po Letniciach, kedy dokonca Pavel povedal, že, “Povstanú medzi vami mužovia s prevrátenými vecami a odvrátia ľudí od Boha.” A to je presne to, čo urobili. To vyprodukovalo dvoch.

74        Keď sa narodila luteránska cirkev, Martin Luther priniesol duchovné prebudenie. Nebolo to dlho a prišiel tu Ezav, rovno po ňom a zorganizoval to. A to vyprodukovalo dvoch.

75        Potom za tým prichádzajú metodisti, John Wesley, duchovné prebudenie. A potom prichádza organizácia, zorganizovala to. A to vyprodukovalo dvoch.

76        A potom prichádzajú letniční, prebudenie. A teraz to oni zorgani- zovali a teraz si oni založili organizáciu. A to vyprodukovalo dvoch.

77        Ale to duchovné Semeno živého Boha, hoci ono muselo byť pútnikom, hoci muselo byť tulákom, ono vždy spôsobuje rozdelenie. Ezav nevydržal veľmi dlho s Jákobom. Akonáhle Jákob získal právo prvorodenstva (chvála Bohu!), to volalo po oddelení. A kedy človek... Je mi jedno do akej cirkvi patríš, ak je to telesné a tvoji spoločníci, s ktorými sa združuješ, tí ľudia, s ktorými hráš karty a vaše spolky literatúry a tak ďalej, kedy ty obdržíš to právo prvorodenstva, to niečo, čo je tam dolu v tvojom srdci, čo žízni po Bohu, kedy to obdržíš, to volá po oddelení. “Vyjdite spomedzi nich a oddeľte sa, hovorí Boh.” Oddelenie!

78        Cirkev sa usadzuje, vidíte, ona nemôže pokračovať. Ezav bol veľmi dobrým typom toho telesne veriaceho dnes, ktorý nie je nikdy schopný prekonať ten svet. On nepremáha veci toho sveta. Oni stále majú radi svoje hýrenie, tancovačky, svoju manikúru a makeup na svojich tvárach, tie ženy a strihajú si vlasy a nosia tieto malé staré krátke odevy; a tí muži chodia radi na plaváreň a fajčia cigarety a hovoria špinavé vtipy a stále patria do cirkvi. Oni nikdy nie sú schopní premôcť tieto veci. Ani Ezav to nemohol. Ale pritom, aby bol nábožný, on sa musel usadiť na nejakom intelektuálnom poňatí. To je to isté, čo robí tá cirkev dnes. “Staneme sa organizáciou. Dáme sa dokopy. Urobíme nejaký klan alebo partiu, alebo niečo také.”

79        A to je ten spôsob, ako sa cirkev dnes pohybuje, tá duchovná a tá telesná, stále to isté. To sa nezmenilo a nikdy sa to nezmení.

80        Božia svätosť. Boh, súc Bohom, On Sám to naprojektoval. Ak by nebolo hriešnika, nikdy by... On by nikdy nebol Spasiteľ. Ale On bol Spasiteľom od počiatku, a tam nebolo nič stratené. Jeho vlastné atribúty, že On bol Spasiteľ, naprojektovali hriešnika, muselo byť niečo, čo mohlo byť zachránené. A predtým, ako niečo mohlo byť zachránené, muselo byť najprv niečo, čo bolo stratené. Jeho spravodlivosť a Jeho svätosť. Ak by nikdy nebola nejaká chorá osoba, On by nikdy nebol Uzdravovateľom. Ale od počiatku a od počiatkov, On bol pred počiatkom. On bol Uzdravovateľ. Tak tam nebolo nič choré, tak to naplánovalo chorú osobu, aby ju mohol uzdraviť, aby Ho to učinilo Uzdravovateľom.

81        Z tej istej svätej Ríše tam, z ktorej vyšlo spasenie, prišli kliatby. Z tej istej matky a otca, z ktorých vyšiel Jákob, vyšiel Ezav. Vidíte? To je Boh. On nemôže zmeniť Svoj plán. Oni musia ísť tak isto. Celá príroda bude do toho zapadať. Musí. Rozumiete, čo myslím? Ide to rovno do toho. Musí byť niekto stratený, aby bol spasený, a ak by nikdy nebol, On, Jeho... to, že On bol Spasiteľ, to to učinilo. Hlbina volá po Hlbine.

82        Ako ten malý chlapec, o ktorom som vždy hovoril, ktorý jedol gumy z ceruziek a pedále z bicykla, on potreboval síru. A dokiaľ bolo niečo, čo by sa dožadovalo síry, musela byť niekde síra, ktorá bola najprv učinená. Musela byť najprv síra, predtým, ako bola tá túžba. A tá síra ho vydala, potom sa on vrátil k tej síre.

83        Takýmto spôsobom je Boh Spasiteľom. Tam muselo byť niečo stratené, aby On mohol spasiť, aby Ho to urobilo Spasiteľom. To je všetko čo to robí, to nám odráža Boha. Všetko, všetko je v Ňom, nie v kazateľovi, nie v cirkvi, nie v organizácii, ale v Bohu, aby to vyvolenie mohlo stáť dokonale. Vidíte? To je v Ňom.  Áno. Luterán...

84        A potom vidíme iné oddelenie, to bol Abrahám a Lót. Oni boli bratia, ale Lót bol telesne mysliaci. On bol vždy za nejakú veľkú vec, niečo, čo malo veľa pozlátka. Práve tak, ako opica, povedal by som, vždy sa naťahuje za nejakou trblietajúcou vecou. Ten duch dodnes neopustil ľudí. Oni sa budú naťahovať za... Pôjdu do mesta, ale neprišli by to takej malej búdy, ako je toto. Vidíte? Oni chcú tú najväčšiu cirkev, aká je v meste, toho najintelektuálnejšieho pastora, tam, kde chodia tí najlepšie oblečení ľudia, tam, kde chodí starosta mesta. To je stále ten Ezavov duch. Oni skutočne mali na začiatku tie práva prvorodenstva, nazývali sa Cirkvou, ale stratili To, lebo Tým pohŕdli. Nemôžete dostať tých ľudí na svoje kolená, aby kričali po Bohu, a aby išli a mali uzdravovacie zhromaždenie a obstáli v prenasledovaní svetom, aby obdržali Ducha Svätého. Oni to nebudú robiť. Oni tým pohŕdajú. Oni to nazývajú “banda náboženských fanatikov.” Práve tak, ako Biblia povedala, že budú robiť. Oni to robia, lebo to je ich prirodzenosť. To je prirodzenosť. Ako vrana a holubica, dve prirodzenosti. Oni sa toho dožadujú, lebo to je to, čo sú. Oni nikdy neuvidia to druhé, lebo nie sú narodení, aby to videli.

85        A ten druhý, nemohli by ste ho od toho zadržať, lebo to je vyvolenie Božie. On sa narodil, aby bol duchovným mužom alebo duchovnou ženou. Niečo v ňom po tom volá. Ó, dúfam, že to prichádza na miesto, kde môžeme, môžete vidieť, čo mám na mysli, keď toto završujem. Teraz Abrahám...

86        Pamätajte, ako dlho boli oni spolu združení, tá prirodzená a tá duchovná cirkev, oni nikdy nedostali to požehnanie. Jákob nebol nikdy požehnaný, dokiaľ sa neoddelil od Ezava a Abrahám nebol nikdy požehnaný, dokiaľ sa neoddelil od Lóta.

87        Lót mal svoje malé modlitebné stretnutie tam vo svojom zbore, učil svojich synov a dcéry a tých ostatných, ale on žil taký život, až sa stalo, že keď začal hovoriť o konci času, smiali sa mu.

88        To isté je dnes! Hovoríte o Božskom uzdravovaní a moci Božej a tak ďalej, oni sa tomu smejú! Ten istý duch. To sú tie dva veľké duchy, nábožensky, dostali svet do zovrenia, veriaci a neveriaci, veriaci a ten, čo sa robí veriacim, jeden napodobňuje toho druhého. Teraz keď sa Abrahám oddelil...

89        Všimli ste si Ježiša? Keď hovoril o Príchode, o tom druhom Príchode, povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, budú jesť, piť, ženiť sa, vydávať sa.” Ale keď hovoril o dňoch Lóta, o tom nikdy nič nepovedal. “Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta.” To je kvôli zjaveniu.

90        Sledujte, čo sa stalo vo dňoch Lóta. Bol tam v Sodome Lót, dobre usadený, intelektuál, stal sa jedným z tých veľkých mužov mesta, sudca, sedel v bránach a súdil ľudí. Jeho žena patrila do všetkých spolkov, ktoré boli v meste a jeho dcéry, a všetci; povydávali medzi tými slávny- mi intelektuálmi, vysoko vzdelanými, chytrými, dômyselnými. A Abra- hám žil v stane pod dubom. Ale jedného dňa dostali obidvaja návštevu.

91        A bol tam nejaký intelektuálny kazateľ a išiel tam dolu a kázal a vyvolal ich von. Pozrite... pozrite sa na to posolstvo: “Vyjdite von!” povedal Lótovi.

92        A on by nebol nikdy vyvolaný, keby nebolo milosrdenstva Abraháma. Povedal, “Keď nájdem päťdesiat ľudí, ušetríš to? Keď nájdem tridsať? Keď nájdem... ak nájdem desiatich?” To je to, pokiaľ by on išiel a nemohol medzi nimi nájsť ani desiatich.

93        Niet divu, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho.” Pamätajte, Noe nie je typ Cirkvi, to bol Enoch, ktorý neišiel cez súženie, ale bol prenesený predtým, ako nastalo súženie. Enoch išiel Domov, on neišiel cez súženie. Noe cez to prechádzal.

94        No, sledujte teraz pozorne ako sa dostávame do tohoto. Sledujte, aký druh znamenia dostal Abrahám a jeho rodina. Oni dostali nadprirodzený znak.

 “Abrahám!” Ako vedel, že to bol Abrahám?

 “Kde je tvoja žena, Sára?” Ako vedel, že je ženatý, a že má ženu Sáru?

 “Je v stane.”

95        No, sedí tam Človek, je mäso, pije mlieko a je kukuričný chlieb.         “Kde, kde je tvoja žena Sára?” Ako to On vedel? Ako to vedel? Rozmýšľajte o tom. Nazývate... Vy, duchovní ľudia, nech sa toto do vás dostane. Ako to On vedel, keď sa správal ako cudzinec a mal na svojom odeve prach?
 A keď Abrahám povedal,

 “Je v stane za Tebou.”

96        A On povedal,

 “Navštívim...” “Ja, ja”, osobné zámeno. “Ja,” tento Muž, Boh ktorý sa dáva poznávať v tele! Boh! Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim. “Ja, Ja ťa navštívim. Idem dodržať Svoje zasľúbenie a podľa času života ťa navštívim a ty budeš mať toho chlapca, o ktorom som ti hovoril.” A Abrahám mal sto, Sára deväťdesiat.

97        A Sára, tam vzadu v stane, boli tam asi štyri malé stany, v tom hlavnom stane, sedela tam vzadu za tými visiacimi látkami, počúvala. Ona to počula. A dolu vo svojom srdci sa smiala, povedala,

 “Ja, stará storočná žena a môj pán...” jej manžel, “môj pán je starý a pomyslieť, žeby sme mali znovu spolu rozkoš, ako mladí, práve zobraní ľudia? Ó, ako by to mohlo byť?” A trochu sa zasmiala.

98        On bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu. Povedal,

 “prečo sa smiala?” Ó, brat, tu to máš!

99        Pozri sa na tú telesnú cirkev, ku ktorej je kázané evanjelium. Moderný Billy Graham a tamtí dolu, kážu tam evanjelium, “Vyjdite z toho!” Ale či prišli? Nie. Veľmi, veľmi, veľmi málo.

100        Sledujte tú skupinu Abraháma, tých vyvolaných. Teraz si všimnite. On mu dáva tento znak a on Mu uveril. A On pred ním zmizol a išiel preč. Ó, ako to vždy bolo oddelenie tých vyvolaných!

101        Teraz tieto dva duchy. Aby som sa s vami poponáhľal, aby som sa poponáhľal, aby ste sa dostali na toto miesto, kde chcem, aby ste to videli. Tieto dve skupiny sa spolu blízko združili, počas všetkých vekov, od samého počiatku času, tá prirodzená cirkev a tá duchovná. Oni prechádzali Starým Zákonom, prechádzali Novým Zákonom a idú ešte aj dnes. 

102         No, asi pred dvetisíc rokmi to prišlo ku hlave a vyvrcholilo to v dvoch mužoch: jeden z nich Ježiš Kristus; ten druhý Judáš Iškariotský. No, Ježiš dával do spojitosti ten Príchod, Jeho druhý Príchod s tým, že tieto dva duchy budú omnoho viac odlišné, než ako boli tam vtedy. A teraz, tu je to, kde chcem, aby ste si obliekli svoje rúcha Slávy. Tieto dva duchy budú odlišné, lebo satan prišiel a žil v človeku, ktorý bol členom cirkvi, Judáš Iškariotský, on žil v telesnej cirkvi a bol po celý čas priate- ľom cirkvi. Ale on prišiel a zviedol, alebo si myslel, že zvádza svojho brata. On prišiel a prináležal byť jedným z nich, ochutnal tie dobré veci Božie, hýbal sa v línii s Duchom, zdanlivo, išiel von a kázal evanjelium a vyháňal démonov. Ale tam dolu v ňom, po celý čas, on bol od počiatku Judáš. Biblia povedala, že “on sa narodil ako syn zatratenia,”

103        No, pamätajte, je tam tá telesná cirkev, Ezavova, Farizejovia a Sadúcejovia.

104        Ale sledujte tohoto chlapíka, ktorý si sám myslí... On nejaký čas pôjde rovno s tým Posolstvom, ale on proste nechce na to príliš veľmi položiť svoje ruky. Vidíte tie duchy? Ježiš povedal, “To bude tak blízke tej pravej veci, že to zvedie i vyvolených...” vyvolených, ak si to vši- mnete, “ak by to bolo možné.” Ale to nie je možné. Vidíte, to zvedie...

105        Sledujte, nie len tá telesná cirkev, tá tam vonku, tá obyčajná telesná všedná cirkev, Ezavova skupina.

106        My musíme poznať tú Judášovskú skupinu, ktorá je omnoho záludnejšia, omnoho zradnejšia, prichádza rovno do tých pravých rúk požehnania. Práve tak ako v Židom 6 a 10, ako On povedal,

 “ktorí sa raz stali účastníkmi a ochutnali moci budúceho sveta, a  urobili všetky tieto veci; ak... a potom ak prijali poznanie Pravdy a  potom sa dobrovoľne odvrátia...”

 “Dobrovoľne,” čo je to? “Povážili Krv zmluvy, ktorou boli posvätení,  za nesvätú vec.”

107        Dovoľte, nech vám to znázorním. Tu to je. Je tu nejaký muž, je to dobrý, milý chlapec. Je povolaný, cíti vo svojom srdci, že chce byť kazateľom. V poriadku, prijíma Ježiša ako osobného Spasiteľa. On je milý chlapec, nikto nemôže na neho nič povedať. Po nejakom čase, predmet posvätenia. Ten muž má žiadosť, keď sa pozrie na ženu. On... je to v ňom. Vidíte? A potom, ďalšia vec, možno on fajčil a chce fajčiť. Možno chce hrať hazardné hry. Možno chce robiť niečo zlé. On vie, že by to nemal robiť, tak povie, “Ó, Bože, nanes na mňa Krv Ježiša a posväť ma.”

108        A stáva sa posväteným. Môže kričať, chváliť Pána a tiež niečo robiť, ísť von a robiť niečo. Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, že ten druh bude v tých dňoch. “Mnohí prídu a povedia, ‘Pane, či sme neprorokovali, nekázali? Či som nevyháňal démonov v Tvojom Mene?’” Ježiš povedal, “Nepoznal som vás, vy činitelia neprávosti.’” Vidíte, tam oni sú.

109        No, sledujte teraz toto. Prichádzame k jednej stomilióntine vlasu, rovno ku tej ostrej hrane Evanjelia. “Ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, rozdeľujúci až do špiku kosti a Rozsudzovač!” Haleluja! Bože, nech to prenikne. “Rozsudzovač myšlienok mysle.” To je Evanjelium, moc Božia. Evanjelium, to je Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. 
Poviete, “Biblia povedala. To je Slovo Božie.”

110        Slovo, ktoré sa  zamanifestovalo je Evanjelium. Evanjelium ku nám neprišlo len skrze Slovo, ale i skrze moc a demonštrácie Ducha Svätého, aby demonštrovali moc, aby urobili to Evanjelium živým.

111        Keď som išiel do Indie, prišiel tam arcibiskup metodistickej cirkvi a povedal, “Pán Branham, my nechceme nič vedieť o misionárovi. My vieme o Biblii viac, než ako vy všetci  budete kedy vedieť.” Povedal, “Boli sme cirkev a usadili sme sa tu dvetisíc rokov predtým, ako ste sa vy stali národom.” To je pravda. Ale povedal, “Počujeme, že ťa Boh navštívil a priniesol dar, ktorý môže urobiť túto Bibliu živou.” Povedal, “To je to, o čo sa zaujímame.” Ó! Vidíte, ten človek bol syn, nie vnuk, ako povedal Dávid. Vidíte? “My to chceme vedieť. Je to pravda?”

112        Povedal som, “Samozrejme, je to pravda. ‘Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.’”

113        No, všimnite si ho, tá prirodzená cirkev prenasleduje tú duchovnú cirkev. No, potom zisťujeme, že Judáš predstieral, že je bratom, brat a bolo to dovŕšené a nakoniec to prišlo do vyvrcholenia.

114        Sledujte teraz tohoto mladého kazateľa. On prichádza na miesto, kde hovorí, “Pane, díval som sa na ženy. Nemal by som to robiť. Bol som, vieš, robil som svetské veci. Nemal by som to robiť. Utrácal som svoje peniaze na dostihy. Nemal by som to robiť. Chodieval som každý večer do kina. Nemal by som to robiť. Dokonca sa mi páčia vulgárne obrázky a také veci, mám plagáty vo svojej izbe. Nemal by som to robiť. To sú veci tohoto sveta. Posväť ma, Pane!”

115        A Pán povedal, “V poriadku, urobím to.” On nanáša Krv Ježiša Krista a posväcuje ho.

116        Potom, keď to robí, raz večer ide okolo a čosi počuje. Ide tam a počúva. Počuje o krste Duchom Svätým, o naplnení Duchom. Potom sa na to pozrie, ”Ó, nie je to nádherné? Ale aha, to by zruinovalo moju službu, ak by som to kázal. To by spôsobilo, že by ma mama vyhodila z domu. Vyhodili by ma z cirkvi, ak by som niekedy do toho išiel. Ó, radšej sa budem od toho držať. Ale pozriem sa na to. Áno, je to pravda, je to v Biblii.”

117        Tak ako jeden známy kazateľ, svetoznámy, nedávno ho našiel jeden človek, ktorý bol so mnou v Puerto Rico, že bol na kolenách, hovoril v jazykoch, v Londýne, Anglicku, mocný muž, jeden z najväčších evanjelistov na svete dnes. A tento muž, jeho brat tam bol so mnou, Duchom naplnený človek a povedal, “Ó, brat, to je to!”

118        On povedal, “Ja to viem. Ale pozri, dovoľ, nech ti niečo poviem.”

119        On povedal, “Káž to teraz! Káž to! Toto je tá hodina! S tvojím vplyvom by si mohol zatriasť svetom.”

120        On povedal, “Nie, nemôžem to kázať. Pozri, cirkev by ma vylúčila. Nemohol by som to kázať. Nemohol by som to robiť.” Ó, brat!

121        Potom, čo boli raz posvätení a prišli k poznaniu Pravdy, nahliadli         do Toho, videli, že to je správne a odstrčili To, čím znova križujú         sebe Syna Božieho a vystavujú Ho potupne na odiv, hanbiac         sa za Evanjelium.”

122        Pavel povedal, “Nehanbím sa za Evanjelium Ježiša Krista, lebo je         mocou Božou na spasenie.” To je moc Božia pracujúca v Jeho         cirkvi.

123        Ale oni povedali, “Nemohol by som to robiť.” Tento človek povedal, “Budú si myslieť, že som letničný.” Urobili by zo mňa...” Povedal, “Moja povesť by bola zruinovaná.” Ó, brat!

124        Ja nemám žiadnu povesť. Ja myslím na Jeho, na Jeho povesť, to je tá jediná.

125        Ale pozrite, ako blízko môžu ku Tomu prísť, viete, “a povážili Krv zmluvy, ktorou boli posvätení, Vec, ktorá ho posvätila a vzala ho z toho sveta a snažila sa ho postaviť do Tohoto a on sa potom na To pozrie, a má o Tom poznanie. Odvrátiť sa od Toho, tam už viacej nezostáva obeť za hriech,” povedala Biblia, “ale akési strašné očakávanie súdu, ktorý má žrať protivníkov. ‘Lebo odplata je moja,’ hovorí Pán. Ten, kto pohŕdol zákonom Mojžiša, zomrel bez milosti, pod dvomi alebo tromi svedkami. O koľko väčšieho trestu a prísnejšieho trestu bude uznaný za hodného ten; kazateľ, ktorý pošliapal Krv Ježiša Krista svojimi nohami, potom, čo prijal poznanie Pravdy a povážil ju za nesvätú vec.” Och!

126        Vidíte na čom sme? Ježiš povedal, “Buďte opatrní.” Vidíte, ako na tom bol Judáš? On bol rovno s nimi. On bol Ezav, zveličený pre tento vek. On bol zvoditeľ, napodobovateľ, zveličený pre tento vek. Tu on prichádza, znovu, Ježišov brat, predstieraný brat. Ale vo svojom srdci on bol stále s tou starou telesnou cirkvou po celý čas, lebo to je to, do čoho zapredal Ježiša. On predal Ježiša, svoje Právo prvorodenstva, práve za toľko, ako to urobil Ezav, za misku šošovice. On predal svoje práva prvorodenstva za tridsať strieborných.

127        Mnoho mužov a žien dnes predalo svoje duchovné práva prvorodenstva za nejakú popularitu, za nejakú malú vec toho sveta, ktorú ste nikdy nepremohli, za niečo malé, ženy, za nosenie makeupu a strihanie vlasov, nosenie šortiek, muži za zopár špinavých vtipov a fajčenie cigariet, niečo z toho sveta. “Ak milujete svet, alebo veci tohoto sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás,” povedala Biblia.

128        Nechcem vás raniť, ale sme hore na konci. Prichádzame teraz ku koncu, vystupujeme teraz rýchlo hore po rebríku.

129        Vidíte, ako to je? Oni to robia. Oni sú predurčení. Oni môžu napodobňovať a byť práve takí milí a pokorní, takí blízki, ako Kresťania, tak blízko, že by zviedli i vyvolených, ale podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.

130        Žena v šortkách, pre mňa nikdy nevyzerala ako Kresťanka. Biblia povedala, “Je to hriešne a hanebné, aby si žena strihala vlasy.” Len jedna žena v Biblii si maľovala tvár, to bola Jezábeľ.

131        A čo vy muži, ktorí tvrdíte, že ste Kresťania a dovolíte to svojim ženám robiť? Zatiaľčo Boh vás bude za to brať zodpovedných! Nie, ľudia; telesní ... “Ó, pôjdem tam a pripojím sa do tej cirkvi, ak ...” [prázdne miesto na páske - pozn. prekl.] “...premýšľaj o tom.” To je presne to, čo Písmo hovorí, že oni budú robiť, a to je presne to, čo urobili. A to je to, čo budú robiť, kompromis!

132        Niekto povedal, “Billy, ak s tým neprestaneš, každého odoženieš preč.”

133        Je jedna Vec, ktorá neodíde, Duch Svätý, lebo to je Jeho Slovo a ten skutočný predurčený veriaci neodíde preč, lebo to je Pokrm pre jeho dušu. On to miluje. Nič ho od Toho nemôže zadržať. On urobí všetko, ako Jákob, ale on chce to právo prvorodenstva. On tam bude stáť. Je mi jedno, či ho to stojí každého priateľa, ktorého má, či to bude stáť jeho prácu, či ho to bude stáť jeho členstvo v cirkvi, či to bude stáť čokoľvek. On sa bude Toho stále držať, lebo on si nemôže pomôcť. Tam je niečo v ňom, niečo čo ním hýbe, hlbina, ktorá volá po Hlbine. Ó, tu to máte, niečo v ňom!

134        Pozrite, čokoľvek, čo chcete nájsť v Biblii a vyzdvihnúť to sem, vráťte sa do Genesis a pozrite sa, z čoho sa to zrodilo a dávajte pozor, čo z toho povstáva. Všetky duchy a hnutia dnes sa vracajú späť do Genesis. To je to, čo sme urobili, aby sme vám dokázali tieto veci, ktoré vidíte, priatelia. Nazabudnite na to. Nedovoľte, aby vám to prešlo ponad hlavy. Nech to do vás vsiakne. To sú veci Božie. To prichádza k hlave a Ježiš predpovedal, že to znovu príde ku hlave v tých posledných dňoch a že to bude toto: Pečať Božia a znamenie šelmy, dve duchovné moci pracujúce spolu.

135        No, každý vie, že Pečať Božia je to právo prvorodenstva, krst Duchom Svätým. Efežanom 4:30 hovorí, “Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení až do dňa vášho vykúpenia.” Keď sa oni znovu narodili, boli naplnení Duchom Svätým. Duch Svätý je nové Narodenie, vieme to. Vy ste počatí z Ducha, pripúšťam to, ale až dokiaľ nie ste narodení!

136        Dieťa, ktoré je počaté v lone matky, ono má jeden druh života. To je život a jeho malé... tie malé bunky v jeho tele sa vykrúcajú a kopú a takto skáču. Ale keď sa narodí, dostane... [Brat Branham tleskol rukami, imitujúc plesknutie] takto, a potom vykríkne a stane sa žijúcou dušou.

137        A dieťa môže chodiť do cirkvi a povedať, “Ó, ja verím v cirkev. Ja, ja pôjdem, urobím toto. A som dobrý... chcem robiť dobre, chcem robiť dobre.” Ale to, čo ono potrebuje, je dostať plesknutie od Evanjelia, aby ho to zobudilo, aby vykríklo do večného Života a Duch Svätý v ňom vykríkne, ako ešte nikdy predtým nevykríkol. Potom je to nové stvorenie, je narodené z Ducha. Potom začína rásť, hýbať sa a má svoju bytosť v Bohu, vidíte; tak ako dieťa, to prirodzené dieťa má svoju bytosť vo svete.

138        Potom keď tento pozemský stánok bude zborený, máme iný čakajúci, vidíte. S takou istotou ako vychádzalo to prirodzené telo, a tam je duchovné telo, aby ho prijalo, keď vyjde zo svojej matky. A keď vychádza zo svojej matky, zo zeme, čo je... ono je teraz v jej lone, vzdychá, kričí (Ó, Bože!), vzdychá, bolestí, stárne, choroby a všetko ho tiesni zo všetkých strán a ten duch tam vo vnútri sa teší na tú Zem tam za riekou. Ono vzdychá, krúti sa, skáče (tak veru), lebo tam vo vnútri je život, ktorý žije naveky. Je to v tele, ktoré musí zomrieť. A raz, práve tak, ako tá matka priviedla to prirodzené dieťa, a to duchovné telo to uchytilo; tá zem to vypustí a vyjde to prirodzené telo a to fyzické telo... vlastne to nebeské telo to tam uchopí. Ak tento pozemský stánok bude zborený, máme iný čakajúci. To je ten dôvod, prečo zabúdate na veci tohoto sveta. Oni sú pre vás mŕtve. Je tam Duch.
 No, sledujte to teraz, ako ideme ďalej, tie dva duchy.

139        Duch Svätý je Znovuzrodenie, vieme to. To je byť znovuzrodený z Ducha Božieho. Takto ste vy narodení, z Ducha. Narodený z Ducha, to je Znovuzrodenie. V poriadku. Vy ste počatí z Ducha, potom keď sa narodíte z Ducha, ste naplnení Duchom Svätým. V poriadku.

140        Potom, keď tí dvaja sú na zemi, ten prirodzený a ten duchovný, niekedy... toto som videl. Teraz, pri zakončení, chcem to týmto zakončiť, ako budem o tom pár minút hovoriť. Či v tom prirodzenom alebo v tom duchovnom, v každom... Teraz dúfam, že to každý rozumie. Buďte len tichí a úctiví ako len môžete byť.

141        Videli ste toto niekedy? Dnes vidíte v našich cirkvách, dokonca v skupinách, kde sme sa oddelili a urobili organizácie a videli sme tam všetko toto. Vidíte človeka, ktorý berie určité miesto Písma, a brat, ten človek môže vziať to miesto Písma a urobiť ho nanovo živým, oživiť ho presne tak, ako je zasľúbené tu v Biblii. A ten druhý človek ho to uvidí robiť a príde a pokúsi sa to urobiť a zlyhá. Dúfam, že to teraz zachytávate. On zlyhá. Prečo? Písmo mu nie je inšpirované. On sa len snaží napodobniť. On sa snaží jednať ako niekto druhý. On nebol... No, možno bol poslaný od človeka. Možno niekto povedal, “No, ty dokážeš to isté.” Vidíte, práve ako povedal Ježiš, že to takto bude. Biblia to predpovedá v týchto posledných dňoch, “Ako sa Jannes a Jambres postavili proti Mojžišovi.”

142        Stál tam Mojžiš a stál tam Jambres a Mojžiš hodil svoju palicu a tá sa premenila na hada. “No,” povedal faraón, “poď sem, Jambres, ty vieš urobiť to isté.” A on to urobil, vidíte. Ale čo sa stalo? Mojžišova palica potom zožrala tú jeho. Vidíte, bolo to zamanifestované. Kde bola jeho palica?

143        Práve ako mimozmyslové vnímanie. Je to ako niečo z tohoto špiritizmu. Je to ako niektoré tieto cirkvi, ktoré to veria telesne, je to ďaleko od toho. Tie veci... oni hovoria, “No, to bolo na iný deň.” Všetci dohromady sú mimo. Ale sledujte tohoto ducha v tých posledných dňoch, ako ide napodobniť toho skutočného Ducha. Vidíte? Tam prichádzajú vaše problémy. Presne tak, ako ten skutočný, vidíte, ale on to nemohol zamanifestovať, nemohol spôsobiť, aby sa to udržalo, nemohol spôsobiť, aby to vytrvalo. Ó, Bože!

144        Ľudia prichádzajú a hovoria, “Ja mám tiež Svätého Ducha.” Pozrite sa, ako žijú, nevydrží to od jedného prebudenia k druhému, od jedného zhromaždenia k druhému. Je to zamanifestované, že oni To nemajú. Ak je nejaký muž narodený z Ducha Božieho, alebo žena, oni majú ovocie Ducha. Oni kráčajú zbožne. Oni žijú ten život. Vidíte? Oni sa držia preč od vecí toho sveta. Boh sa v nich pohybuje a manifestuje Seba Samého a dokazuje, že On je Boh, ktorý tam pracuje. Ten druhý iba napodobňuje. Vidíte?

145        Napodobeniny, to je to, čo to bolo po celý čas, napodobovanie. Pozrite na Izmaela a Izáka, a všetkých ďalej, napodobujú. Pozrite na proroka Mojžiša a pozrite na proroka Baláma. Vidíte? Pozrite ako prišli! Pozrite na Judáša a pozrite na Ježiša.

146        A Ježiš predpovedá, že tento Duch Svätý v tých posledných dňoch, bude Pečať Božia. No a čo bude znamenie šelmy? To bude odmietnuť Pečať Božiu. Lebo všetci, ktorí nemali Pečať Božiu, mali znamenie šelmy. A ak sú to dve duchovné znamenia, jedno z nich bude pravdivý Znak Boží, a to druhé bude odpadnutie. Môžete to vidieť?

147        Pozrite sa na ten znak v Starom Zákone. Keď zaznela tá jubilejná trúba, každých toľko a toľko rokov, tí otroci odišli slobodní, pretože zaznela tá trúba. No, každý, kto chcel byť slobodný, mohol ísť. Ale niektorí z nich, oni boli radi otrokmi, tak oni ich vzali k oltáru a v cirkvi pri stĺpe im prepichli šidlom ucho. A tak boli navždy poznačení, navždy slúžili svojmu pánovi.

148        A dnes budete počuť Posolstvo Pravdy Evanjelia, “Teraz môžete byť slobodní, ak chcete,” Boh hovorí ku vám. Ale kedy sa postavíte sem na tú hraničnú čiaru a pozriete sa tam a máte poznanie Pravdy, a potom sa odvrátite, on vám prepichuje ucho a budete vždy len intelektuálny veriaci. Budete nábožní a budete chodiť do cirkvi, ale nikdy neprijmete Ducha Svätého. Vidíte, potom slúžite po všetky svoje dni. Znamenie šelmy, alebo Pečať Božia. Dostávame sa tak blízko.

149        No, pozrite, Slovo musí byť inšpirované: počuť To, rozpoznať To a konať podľa Toho. Mnoho ľudí bude počuť, ale nerozpoznajú To.
 Boh povie, “Toto je tvoja hodina.”

150        Nemohol by som byť náboženský fanatik. Nechcem z Toho nič.” Vidíte, oni To nerozpoznávajú.

151        Pôjdeme na zhromaždenia, ten veľký Duch Svätý zostúpi. Jedného dňa som tam sedel, keď prišlo videnie a predpovedalo presne čo sa stane. Povedal som, “Prichádza nejaký mladý muž.” “Poď sem,” naznačil som tomu čašníkovi, “máš srdcové problémy a hľadáš...”
 “Áno. To je presne tak.”

152        “Vidíš tam prichádzať tú ženu?” “Poď sem. Máš nádor na prsníku, a to je ľavý prsník a si vo veľmi zlom stave. Si hriešnik a ne...”
    “Presne tak!”

153        Tí mužovia tam sedeli, pozerali sa okolo, tí kazatelia a tí všetci, povedali, “Ó!” Idú na zhromaždenie, sledujú Ducha Svätého ako prechádza rovno tým zhromaždením a hovorí tajomstvá sŕdc a tie veci. Povedia, “Nádherné. Áno.” Vidíte? Ó, brat! Vidíš? Je to na tej druhej strane, niečo sa tam stalo. Tie ženy budú pokračovať ďalej a robiť tú istú vec. Muži sa vrátia späť, ako prasa do svojho blata a pes k svojmu vývratku, rovno to isté. Nevidíte to? Teraz hovorím k...”

154        Vidíš, ty si musíš uvedomiť, priateľu, v akom si stave. To je ten dôvod, že táto páska je, ako som povedal, “Len pre cirkev.” Vidíte, “Len pre cirkev.” Ak ste boli povolaní zo svetla... z temnosti do Svetla, zo smrti do Života, z formálneho intelektuálneho chápania Krista do prežitia znovuzrodenia a sledujete svoj život, že on kladie veci tohoto sveta nabok, a vy stojíte za Krista, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, potom sa niečo deje. Vidíte? Niečo je vo vás, nejaký hlad a hýbe sa to napred, ako to bolo pri Jákobovi. Vidíš, ty zápasíš s Pánom a potom kráčaš odlišne. Niečo je v tebe iné, si zmenený.

155        No, to musí, predtým, ako sa to môže stať, musí vám to byť inšpirované. Je mi jedno, mohol by som tu stáť a kázať až by som... až by tie vlasy, ktoré mi zostali, úplne vypadali, až by mi ovisli ramená a mal by som deväťdesiat rokov a vy by ste počúvali každý deň, dokiaľ vám to Boh neoživí, stále ste v tom istom stave.

156        Dva dni som toto študoval a modlil sa. Vidíte? Povedal som, “Pane, mám to cirkvi povedať?”

157        Niečo povedalo, “Povedz to. Tá hodina je nablízku. Povedz to.” Cítim, že On ma skoro odvolá, tak chcem, aby ste to vedeli.

158        “Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne,” povedal Ježiš, “ak ho najprv nepritiahne môj Otec. Ó, viem, že hovoríte, že máte Boha a Abraháma, za vášho otca, ale hovorím vám toto, vy ste... váš otec je diabol,” povedal Ježiš. Nábožní ľudia, kňazi a veľkí mužovia. “Vy ste z diabla, svojho otca.” Vidíte?

159        Všimnite si to ovocie Ducha. Vidíte, musí vám to byť oživené.

160        Nemohol by som si predstaviť, ako Noe hovorí, “Viete čo? Musí to byť, že by jedného dňa mohlo pršať, tak ja pôjdem a postavím si koráb. Ak bude pršať, no, vojdem do korábu a pohnem sa preč. Nič ma nebude trápiť, lebo ja vojdem do toho korábu a pohnem sa preč.” Viete si to predstaviť? Nie. Nie. To nebolo to. Ak to bolo... Ó, nech to tí vyvolení teraz počujú. Ak by to bolo takto, ten prvý posmievač, ktorý by prišiel, ako povedala Biblia, že oni prídu; posmieval by sa mu, on by položil svoje kladivo a išiel preč. 
161        Ako to ľudia robia dnes, začínajú s Ježišom a keď sa rozhľadia a vidia tú Pravdu, odchádzajú od Toho preč. Nemôžu To zniesť.

162        Ako povedal ten významný evanjelista, “To by roztrhalo moju službu.” Nezáleží mi na službe, ktorú by Duch Svätý roztrhal. To musí byť roztrhané. Ale vidíte to, to je pýcha, toľko z človeka, toľko osobnosti. Ó, všimnite si toto teraz.

163        Noe bol vonku na poli a on počul, rozpoznal a konal. Nezáležalo mu na tom, koľko prišlo posmievačov, on staval ďalej.

 “Noe, ty si náboženský fanatik.”

164        “To ma vôbec netrápi.” Staval ďalej! On počul. On rozpoznal, že to bol Boh a preskúmal to s Písmom a bolo to tak. On rovno ďalej staval ten koráb, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek.

165        Mohli by ste si predstaviť, mohli by ste si niekedy predstaviť toto, že Mojžiš, na svojej ceste do Egypta, jedného dňa vyšiel a povedal Cipore, svojej žene, “Cipora, vieš čo? Vybrúsil som si gramatiku, tú trochu matematiky som celkom vylepšil a geometriu a ó, mnoho vecí... a svoje vzdelanie. Odkedy som tu pásol ovce, vypracoval som sa v tom tiež. Urobil som tam v Egypte chybu. Myslím, že pôjdem tam a napravím to. Myslím, že pôjdem dolu.”? Nie, tá prvá vlna, ktorá by proti nemu prišla, by ho tam rovno zmietla.

166        Čo on urobil? Zabudol všetko, čo vedel o geometrii a svoje intelektuálne poznanie. Tie veci boli to, čo ho dostalo do problémov.

167        To je to, čo dostalo cirkev dnes do problémov, príliš mnoho vzdelaných kazateľov bez toho, že by boli narodení z Ducha. Mužovia a ženy radi počúvajú intelektuálne preslovy, namiesto kázania moci a vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista. To je to, čo nás dnes dostalo do problémov. My už viac nepotrebujeme stredné školy a vzdelanie pre kazateľov. Potrebujeme Bohom povolaných mužov, ktorí sú naplnení Duchom Svätým a nie nejakou ľuďmi vytvorenou teológiou nejakej denominácie. Potrebujeme Bohom povolaných mužov.

168        Mojžiš pásol stádo, usadil sa a zabudol. On vedel, že jeho intelektuálne poznanie zlyhalo. On vedel, že jeho vzdelanie zlyhalo. On pásol stádo, ale on počul, ó, “Zozuj si svoju obuv, Mojžiš, tá zem, na ktorej stojíš, je svätá.” On to počúval. Čo to bolo? Hlas Anjela, ktorý prehovoril, bol podľa Písma. On zasľúbil Abrahámovi, jeho otcovi, “Navštívim ľud, potom, čo tu dolu budú štyristo rokov a potom ich vezmem mocným ramenom.” On rozpoznal, že to bolo Božie Písmo zamanifestované.

169        Dovoľte, nech sa tu nachvíľu zastavím. Nech to vsiakne. Či nemôžete vidieť o čom hovorím dnes? Božie Slovo sa manifestuje rovno pred vami a vy si to neuvedomujete. Pomyslite teraz na Sodomu a Gomoru, pomyslite na to zasľúbenie Krista na tie posledné dni.

170        Mojžiš to rozpoznal, bolo to podľa Písma, bolo to zasľúbenie. On počul, on rozpoznal. Niečo ku nemu prišlo, brat, on to potom mohol ísť urobiť. On konal. On mohol ísť dolu a zastaviť každého faraóna. On mohol zastaviť tie pliagy kedy chcel. Mohol otvoriť Červené more, lebo on počul, rozpoznal a konal na Božom základe. 

 “Ja ti budem Bohom, ty mi budeš prorokom,” On povedal.

 A on povedal, “Ja to neviem robiť.”

171        Povedal, “No, potom, ty budeš bohom a nech je Áron tvojim prorokom. Každopádne musíš ísť.”

172        On nikdy nepovedal len, ”No, možno by som tam dolu mal ísť a vyrovnať tam tie veci.”

173        Mohli by ste si predstaviť Eliáša na hore Karmel ako by povedal, “Vieš, táto zem je strašne hriešna, možno, možno by som tam mal ísť a povedať Achabovi, že by sa mal hanbiť. Možno by som mal ísť tam hore na tú horu a posadiť sa a tak dlho sa postiť, až sa budú ľudia cítiť tak zle a budú unavení z toho, že ma uvidia, ako tam umieram od hladu”? Nie. Nie. To nebolo to.

174        Ale on počul a rozpoznal a konal. “Prikázal som krkavcom, aby ťa kŕmili. Choď tam ku Karite.”

175        Keď prišiel čas skúšky sily medzi Bálom a Bohom, on povedal, “Choďte, prineste svoje obete, robte čokoľvek chcete a vzývajte svojho boha.” Keď sa oni rezali a mali toľko telesného a vyskakovali hore a dolu, robili mnoho hluku, on povedal, “Kričte trochu hlasnejšie, možno že je preč, možno niekde chodí. Možno že spí.” Ó, brat!

176        “No, vieš čo?” On povedal, “Ja som veriaci v Jehovu, takže môžem toto tak či tak robiť.” Ó, nie, nenapodobňujte to. Nie. Nesnažte sa byť Eliášom, kým vás Boh nepovolá, aby ste ním boli. Tak veru. “Som sluha Jehovu.” Tiež je ich tam dolu sedemsto, ale žiaden z nich sa to neopovážil urobiť. 

177        Potom, keď on zarezal toho býka a polial ho vodou, povedal, “Pane, urobil som to na tvoj príkaz.” Vidíte to... Ktokoľvek iný by sa to snažil, to by bolo úplné zlyhanie.

178        Musí ti to byť inšpirované! Duch Svätý to musí priniesť a zamanifestovať ti to.

179        To je to, čo sa deje dnes. Ty sa nemôžeš postaviť k oltáru a povedať, “No, haleluja, haleluja. Pane, chcem Svätého Ducha. Haleluja, haleluja.” Nie.

180        Ale brat, sestra, keď ti Duch Svätý inšpiroval to Slovo, ty To dostaneš skôr, ako opustíš svoju stoličku. Niečo sa v tebe rozhorelo. Kazateľ ti nebude musieť povedať, urob toto a urob tamto. Tie staré lístky len odpadnú a vyjdú tie nové. Je ti To inšpirované. Nebudeš sa hnevať na kazateľa, keď káže pravdu z Biblie. Budeš To milovať, načiahneš sa po tom. Je to Pokrm pre tvoju dušu.

181        Dokonca sám Ježiš povedal, “Ja nerobím to, čo chcem, sám od seba. Syn nemôže robiť nič, iba to, čo vidí činiť Otca.” Tie slová... On sám bol Emanuel. On bol Boh na zemi, Ježiš. On bol to Telo, v ktorom prebýval Boh. On bol ten stánok, pod ktorým býval Boh. Amen! Ale v tom všetkom, ten z panny narodený Syn Boží, Emanuel v plnosti Ducha, On mal Ducha bez miery. A pritom vo svojom vlastnom tele povedal, “Ja nečiním nič, dokiaľ mi to Otec prv neukáže.” Bol inšpirovaný, aby to urobil! 

182        Satan povedal, “Premeň tieto kamene na chlieb a predveď nejaký zázrak. Nech ťa to vidím urobiť.”

183        On povedal, “Je napísané, ‘Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe.’” Ó! Ale keď bol zástup hladný, On zobral päť chlebov a dve malé rybky a nasýtil päťtisíc. Ó, haleluja. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?

184        Nesnažte sa napodobňovať. To je to, čo sa deje dnes s letničnými. To, čo sa deje dnes s cirkvou, je tam príliš mnoho takých, ktorí sa snažia predstierať, že majú Ducha Svätého. Je príliš mnoho tých, ktorí sa snažia napodobniť Božské uzdravenie. Je príliš mnoho tých, ktorí sa snažia napodobniť rôzne veci Pána. Nemôžete to robiť. Tie veci prichádzajú skrze vyvolenie, Boh povoláva, vy ste s tým vyšli už z matkinho lona. “Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.” Ó! To je pravda. Nemôžete sa urobiť niečím, čím nie ste.

185        Ale keď vás Boh povoláva, buďte tou najvďačnejšou osobou na svete. Lebo On vás povolal. Potom sa vám to stáva skutočným. 

186        Ako by som hovoril, keby som mal čas, o tých veveričkách tam vtedy, o tom, ako ma to otočilo. Nikdy som to predtým nevidel a nemohol by som to urobiť. Hattie, ktorá sedela tam vzadu, sa na mňa dívala. Ako by sa to mohlo kedy stať? Nemohlo by to byť učinené, ale bolo to inšpirované, oživené. Slovo bolo vypovedané a stalo sa tak. Haleluja. 

187        Pavel, mohli by ste si ho predstaviť, že by povedal, “Som tu vonku na mori už štrnásť dní a nocí a žiadne hviezdy, ani mesiac, ani slnko, ani nič. Hádam pôjdem hore a poviem im, ‘Buďte zmužilí, lebo Boh sa o nás jednako postará.’”? Ó, Boh takto nepracuje. Boh to nerobí. 

188        Tvoja viera je v poriadku, brat. Tvoja viera je nádherná. Ale dokiaľ ti tá vec nie je inšpirovaná! 

189        Ó, tu visí červené svetlo a ak vidím... poviem, “No, mám nohu na pedáli. Mám auto. Môžem ísť na to svetlo stodvadsať míľ za hodinu.” To je pravda. “Cítim silu pod svojimi nohami.” Ale radšej by si mal počkať, kým nezasvieti zelená. Haleluja.

190        Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - prekl.] Keď zasvieti “zelená”, v poriadku. Keď ti je tá vec inšpirovaná a Boh to zjavuje, ako to On robil tam vtedy, v poriadku. Ale kým to On nerobí, máme len bandu Judášovských napodobňovateľov, ktorí idú popri a hovoria, “No, ja som taký istý ako oni. Som tiež kresťan.”

191        Ó, či si nepamätáte? Synovia Skevu vyšli a povedali, “Zaklíname ťa, preklíname ťa v Mene Ježiša, ktorého káže Pavel. Vyjdi von!” 
On povedal, “Pavla poznám, aj Ježiša poznám, ale kto ste vy?”

192        Prichádza hodina, keď to správne a nesprávne bude zamanifestované. Na kresťanoch je to dnes vidieť. V cirkvách to dnes vidieť. V ľuďoch je to dnes vidieť. Držím vás dlho, ale chcem aby ste toto porozumeli. 

193        Pavel nikdy nepovedal, “Myslím, že pôjdem hore a poviem, ‘No, buďte zmužilí.’” Nie.

194        Čo urobil? On počul anjela. On vedel, že to bol ten istý anjel, ktorý k nemu vždy hovoril. On rozpoznal, potom konal. Vyšiel hore a povedal, “Buďte zmužilí, lebo anjel Pánov, ktorému som sluhom, sa pri mne minulej noci postavil a ukázal mi videnie, že nebude nič stratené na tejto lodi. Buďte zmužilí. Choďte si teraz zjesť svoju večeru. Všetko je v poriadku.” Amen. Keď je ti to inšpirované, keď Boh potvrdzuje, že to je pravda!

195        Mám tu niekde poznámku, napísal som si to. Tu to je, rovno tu. Aha. Sme na konci všetkých vecí. Dovoľte mi to len teraz na záver takto priniesť. Dúfam, že vám Boh niečo zjavil. Pozrite, všetko je na konci. Niekto sa ma jedného večera pýtal, myslím, že to bol brat Fred Sothman, pýtali sa, ako sme blízko času konca. 

196Brat Demos Šakarián videl to videnie, ako sa zamanifestovalo a ako sa to o päť dní stalo, tak dokonale, to ho akoby vyhodilo z topánok. Zavolal ma a povedal:

 “Ako sa má Jozef?” 

 Povedal som, “Dobre.”

 Povedal, “Vída videnia?”

197        Povedal som, “Áno.“ Povedal mi o Dávidovi, synovi brata Wooda, kde spadol na motorke, tri alebo štyri dni predtým, ako sa to stalo, úplne presne.

 On povedal, “Vieš, tie veci sa  v rodinách ďalej prenášajú.”

198        Povedal som, “Spravodlivé alebo zlé, oboje, to sa v rodinách prenáša ďalej.”

199 Trochu sme sa rozprávali a oni, Fred mi povedal, “Kde to je vyobrazené, brat Branham?”

200        Povedal som, “Pozri, Fred, vezmime to cez prírodu. Boh pracuje vo svojej prírode. Pozri, sleduj, čo sa stalo. Slnko vyšlo na východe. To je najstaršia civilizácia, ktorú máme, Čína.” Všetci to vieme.

201        Najstaršia civilizácia, ktorú máme, je Čína. V poriadku. A civilizácia sa pohybovala po celý čas na západ. A teraz, kam by si sa dostal, keby si opustil západné Pobrežie a išiel by si krížom ďalej? Do Číny. Presne. Sme na konci. Biblia povedala, prorok povedal, “Bude deň, kedy nebude ani noc ani deň, keď bude slnko prechádzať, ale v čase večera...”, rovno predtým, ako sa to tu zakončí, “znovu bude Svetlo, to isté.” Ježiš povedal, “Bude včasný a pozdný dážď. A ten pozdný dážď prinesie oba, včasný i pozdný dážď, v tom istom období.” Sme v čase konca.

202        Pozrite sem, nech vám to ukážem. Politika je na konci. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí , “Amen.” - prekl.] Ukážte mi niečo dnes... Tento národ je na tom najhoršie na svete, pre skazenosť, bezbožnosť. Kto čítal Courier Žurnál, ten večer v Louisville, kedy vyberali všetky tie ženy, z každého národa, tie najkrajšie ženy v krajine a postavili ich aby vybrali Miss Universe (Miss Vesmíru)? Z každého národa okrem Ruska. A oni poslali Chruščovovi a opýtali sa ho, “Prečo nie?” On povedal, “Rusko nevyzlieka svoje ženy, aby tak chodili pred mužmi.” Pohania, bezbožný národ zahanbuje nás, ktorí sa nazývame Kresťania! On povedal, “Rusko nevyzlieka svoje ženy, aby takto chodili. V Rusku nikdy nevidíte šortky alebo takéto veci.” To sú tí bezbožní. A my, čo sa nazývame “Kresťania”!

203203        Niet divu, že Biblia povedala, “Všetky stoly sa stali plné vývratku. A koho môžem učiť Náuku a kto je odtrhnutý od pŕs? Ale bude príkaz na príkaz, úprava na úpravu. Istotne bude hovoriť bľabotajúcou, rečou a iným jazykom tomuto ľudu. Toto je odpočinutie. Ale napriek tomu všetkému, nechceli počuť.” My máme svoje intelektuálne poňatia. Ó, ako dobré by to bolo zostať pri tom celý deň.

204        Politika, skazená! Demokrati, Republikáni a všetci, je to upadnuté. Čo to je? Je to skorumpovaná banda. Každá osoba, ktorá tam pracuje a nie je znovuzrodená, je z diabla. Diabol povedal, “Každé kráľovstvo na svete patrí mne,” a Ježiš s ním nediskutoval. Svet je kontrolovaný diablom. A každý človek, ktorý pracuje vo vláde, ak nie je Kresťanom, je z diabla a pracuje pre diabla. Tieto národy všetky pripadnú Ježišovi Kristovi, keď On príde a bude Milénium.

205        Pozrite sa, čo dnes robia. Kričia na mňa kvôli tomu, že míňam peniaze na Kresťanov a chcú ma zavrieť na dvadsať rokov do štátnej väznice, za to že som použil peniaze na náboženské hnutie. A whiskey a pivo a cigarety odpíšu desiatky miliónov dolárov za rok, aby skazili národ. A mňa, ktorý sa snaží kázať spravodlivosť, stojac vo dverách Ježiša Krista, chcú za to zavrieť. A berú také veci z toho zlého, upadnuté, chytré, inteligentné a dovolia im to odpísať na televízne programi, ktoré porušili svet, poslali ženy ku psom. Jedna z najväčších kliatieb, ktorú kedy tento národ mal a oni s tým idú. Posielajú ma do väzenia za kázanie Evanjelia, berúc tam pár dolárov, aby som mohol kázať Evanjelium, ktoré mi dávajú ľudia, aby som mohol kázať Evanjelium. Ja nie som bohatý. Neviem to opísať, ale stále ma chcú poslať do väzenia, držať ma dva roky a onedlho bude súdny proces. Ó, aká upadnutosť, aká špina! Bože, buď milostivý!

206        Poviem túto jednu vec, možno že to je to, čo má Boh, predtým, ako pošle atómovú bombu. Musíte najprv urobiť niečo zlé, viete. Musíte sa raz dotknúť Jeho pomazaných, kvôli tomu istému miestu Písma, aby ne... “Nedotýkajte sa mojich vyvolených.” To je pravda. Tak ak sa toto musí stať, aby to priviedlo súd, ako sa to stalo v tých dňoch Daniela alebo niekde inde, nech to príde. Som Tvoj sluha, Pane. To je pravda. Ó, áno.

207        Politika, upadnutá! Národ, skazený! Dobre, pozrite. Oni teraz idú obliecť vojakov do šortiek. Ó! Politika, vojna! Politika je na konci. Diktátori, to je nesprávne. Politika je zlá. Prečo nezostali so zbožným kráľom, ako im Boh dal Dávida? Ten veľký lord Anglicka povedal, keď bola sformovaná táto demokracia, povedal, “Je to teraz v poriadku, ale príde čas,” povedal, “bude to ničím. Bude to mnoho plavby, ale žiadna kotva.” A on má pravdu. Povedal, “Politici rečnia na každom rohu, všetky možné poprekrúcané veci, ktoré ničia vládu.” A ten človek mal pravdu. To je presne to, čo sa deje.

208        Jeden môže vyjsť sem, a prejsť stadeto a opiť sa a roztrhať čo len chce a ide tam, každého pozná, tak mu nič na to nepovedia. Nech to skúsi urobiť niekto chudobný, alebo niekto, kto nikoho nepozná, pošlú ho do väzenia. Korupcia, úpadok, špina, štyridsať percent z nich sú homosexuáli. Pomyslite na to. Znovu Sodoma a Gomora. To je tá skupina, o ktorej sa predpokladalo, že je nábožná.

209        Som zvedavý, čo sa bude diať ďalej, keď príde ďalší prezident. Boh nám dal jedného dobrého zbožného muža, starého Dwighta Eisenhowera. A teraz dúfam... sledujte, čo prichádza ďalšie. Nabudúce môžeme mať nejakého podvodníka, istotne. Ale prichádza “faraón, ktorý nepozná Jozefa.” Pamätajte na to. Hneď sa ku tomu dostaneme. Politika je skorumpovaná. Vieme to.

210        Vojna je na konci. Ó, voľakedy hádzali skaly jeden na druhého, bili jeden druhého po hlave kamennými sekerami, potom strieľali z lukov šípy. Potom mali pušky, potom guľomety, potom osemdesiat osmičky v Nemecku a my také veľké delá. Potom hádzali ručné granáty a jedovatý plyn. Ale teraz majú vodíkovú bombu. Vojna je na konci. Každý národ ich má, tak čo budete teraz robiť? Dokonca dnes nejaký malý národ len stlačiť spúšť, to je všetko čo musíme urobiť a ona letí do vzduchu. Vojna je na konci. Ha. Amen. Vojna je na konci. Politika je na konci.

211        Vzdelávací systém je na konci. Kriminalita mládeže. Deti, nie sú žiadne nádeje pre deti, oni sa stali šialené. Nemôžete im dať žiadne vzdelanie. Nemôžete ich dať do školy a mať dieťa so vzdelaním. Je z neho dvojnásobné dieťa pekla, keď odtiaľ vychádza, než ako keď tam ide. Nech len učiteľ niečo o tom povie, oni ho zabijú. Vytvoria nejakú bandu a pôjdu tam a zastrelia učiteľa, zoberú ho a obesia. Stratili sme dvetisíc učiteľov. Ó, počkajte. Myslím, že to bolo dvadsaťtisíc učiteľov, tento posledný rok. Ja ich neobviňujem. Ja by som to tiež nechcel robiť. Stále propagujú,

  “Dajte týmto deťom vysokoškolské vzdelanie”. Oni to potrebujú, ale diabol ich dostal. Diabol ich dostal. To nie je len, že idú von a sú hrubí a zvesia nejakú bránu a zavesia ju na strom, v noci počas „pamiatky zosnulých“alebo urobia nejakú vylomeninu, ako to deti zvykli robiť, alebo vzali farmárovu káru a postavili ju na cestu, nie také veci, ale oni sú šialení. Robia veci, ktoré sú šialené; zastrelia ťa, zabijú, zavraždia, otrávia, čokoľvek. To je nastávajúca generácia.
212    Pôrodnosť je na konci. Ženskosť, materstvo. Antikoncepcia sa praktikuje všade a malé psy zaujali to miesto.

213        Morálka, nie je už viacej žiadnej morálky. Ženy sa zle obliekajú, prichádza to cez televíziu všetky druhy napodobenín, zlých ľudí Hollywoodu, všetko také, móda, všetko na konci. 

214        Vzdelávací systém je na konci. Politika je na konci. Vojna je na konci. Civilizácia je na konci. Všetky tie veci sú na konci. Ó, čo môžeme potom robiť? Čo je ďalšie? Sme na konci všetkých vecí.

215        No, cirkevný život je na konci, tá normálna cirkev, cirkev, ktorá ... No toto môže trochu pichnúť, ale tá telesná cirkev, Ezavova cirkev, ona prišla ku svojmu koncu. Čo ona robí? Završuje sa vo federácii cirkví, ktorá sa nakoniec spojí s romanizmom, aby bojovala proti katolicizmu... vlastne s katolicizmom, aby bojovala proti komunizmu. Pápež Ján zvoláva všetky cirkvi, aby sa vrátili a oni to urobia. A oni sa spolu zjednotia s takou istotou ako TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

216        Poviete, “Počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham. Dostávaš sa mimo tej línie.” Ak áno, Boh napísal svoju Bibliu mimo tej línie. V tomto prípade musíte byť Micheáš.

217Jeden večer mi Morris Cerullo povedal, “Kto je antikrist, brat Branham? Židia sú antikrist.” Povedal som, “Morris! A Ty, Žid?”

 On povedal, “Oni najviac nenávidia Boha.”

218        Povedal som, “Morris, ne... Povedz mi, kde v Písme je, že antikrist vyjde z Jeruzalema? Antikrist prichádza z Ríma, nie z Palestíny.”

 Povedal, “No, pozri, ja... oni nenávidia Boha.”

219        “Áno, či nepovedal Boh, že On zaslepil ich oči, aby sme my mohli mať deň videnia? Ale náš deň skoro skončí.”

220 Povedal, “Ó, brat Branham, nikdy som o tom nepomyslel.” Vidíte, tu to máte.

221        Sme na konci. Ten telesný svet, tá telesná cirkev je tam, na konci. Sledujte, ako sa to završuje vo federácií cirkví. Zjednotení Bratia išli do toho s nimi. Letniční sú s nimi. Všetci ostatní sa organizujú. Vidíte tam tých Kanánejcov, po celý čas sa tam prelína ten Ezavov duch, veľmi nábožní a spájali sa so svetom, bez duchovného zrozumenia, neschopní premôcť, Bohom nevyvolení, aby boli vyvolaní a oddelení.

222        Ó, keby som to len mohol dať na známosť, keby som to tam mohol len nejako zatlačiť! Oni to nevidia. Majú oči a nevidia, majú uši a nepočujú. Ó, prečo sme takí zabednení voči Duchu? Teraz počúvajte toto. Všetko je na konci.

223        A tá duchovná Cirkev je na svojom konci. Ona prichádza ku koncu. Ó, Bože! Pozrite sa späť, ako Ona začala s Lutherom, otriasla sa, tá duchovná cirkev. Potom s Wesleyom prišla do posvätenia. Potom s letničnými, Duch Svätý. A teraz, v čase konca, Duch Kristov je tak v Cirkvi, že robí tie isté skutky, ktoré robil On, prišla znovu rovno naspäť ku svojej Hlave, pripravení, aby sa Cirkev a Kristus zjednotili a na príchod Pána Ježiša a vzkriesenie mŕtvych. Sme v čase konca. Ježiš tak povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.” Rozumiete tomu?

224        Pozrite na tú telesnú cirkev. Pozrite sa kam idú, stále ďalej a ďalej preč.

225        Pozrite na tú Duchom naplnenú Cirkev, ktorá sa striasa všetkých tých nezmyslov, vychádza v Duchu, samozrejme menšina, vychádza v Duchu, ale pohybuje sa až na také miesto, až sa dostala tam, kde sa Svätý Duch pohybuje priamo cez Ňu, pracuje Svojim spôsobom, a Ona je pripravená prijať svojho Pána, pripravená prijať svojho Pána.

226        A tí ostatní z nich sú zorganizovaní, vracajú sa do sveta, odrezaní, vracajú sa späť do federácie, napredujú do tej jednej veľkej hlavy konfederácie pod katolicizmom. “A bol učinený obraz šelme.” Obraz, “niečo ako to”. Konfederácia cirkví sformovaná s katolicizmom, tí dvaja spolu, pracujú spolu. “Kto je schopný viesť vojnu so šelmou alebo jej obra- zom?” Samozrejme, že nie. Ako by sme mohli zostať pri tom hodiny.

227        Dovoľte mi teraz, aby som vám povedal toto a potom bude čas zakončiť. Povedal som vám, že to bude dlhé. Cítim sa tak vzrušený. Kedy Boh dokonca povedal tieto veci, povedal, “Povedz im to. Vypovedz to. Nebuď už viac ticho. Ukáž im to. Ak to neprijmú, potom tá krv nie je na tvojich rukách.” Tá hodina je tu. Ten čas, všetko to vrcholí.

228        Svet je na svojom konci. Už to nemôže viac vydržať. Vojny sú na konci. Nemôžete mať už viac vojnu. Aby ste mali vojnu, to nie... len prvý, ktorý stlačí spúšť a je to. Politika je prehnitá a skorumpovaná. 

229        Ten cirkevný svet je ... metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, letniční. “To sú prasatá, (ktoré sa vracajú) do svojho blata, psy ku svojmu vývratku.” To je pravda, každý jeden z nich. Boh volá von z toho porušenia, Cirkev, ktorá je vyvolená. To je presne tak. Ezav, oni povedali, “My sme cirkev!” Nepochybujem o tom. Jakob bol Ezavov otec, tiež, to je pravda, takže ale... mám na mysli, Izák bol Ezavov otec a Jakob bol jeho brat, s ním. Ale jednému bolo vynahradené tým právom prvorodenstva, ten druhý to nenávidel. Jeden počul, rozpoznal a konal. Ten druhý povedal, “Ó, keď chodím do cirkvi a robím to, čo je správne, aký je v tom rozdiel?” Tu to máte. Teraz v ....

230        Poviem teraz niečo pri zakončení, ešte túto jednu poznámku. Tá skutočná cirkev má tak mnoho pre čo teraz žiť. Ó, to by mal byť taký jubilejný čas pre tú skutočnú cirkev. Pre tú pravdivú cirkev. Pre tú vyvolenú cirkev. Kedy viete vo svojom srdci, že ste prešli zo smrti do života, keď sa pozriete na seba a vidíte, sledujete svoj život a vidíte, že všetky veci toho sveta pominuli a že vy ste sa stali novým stvorením. Počúvajte teraz veľmi pozorne pri tom, ako zakončíme. Viete, že ste prešli, váš život dokazuje “podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte”. Vaším jediným objektom je Kristus. Čakáte na Neho, že príde každú minútu. Kráčate v Duchu. Milujete Ho. Vidíte Ho pracovať cez vás. Nič, čo vy túžite robiť, ale to proste robí On Sám. Ó, čo za čas. 

231        Pripomína mi to jedného umelca, ktorý išiel do Ríma, aby sa učil za maliara, mladý človek. Všimli si ho. On bol tak odlišný od tých ostatných amerických chlapcov a dievčat a vecí, ktoré išli s tým - byť umelcom - a od toho ostatku sveta. Tento mladý muž bol pozoruhodný, bol milým človekom a oni si to všimli. Mávali tam veľké párty a zvykli sa “sťať” ako to robia v Ríme, proste sa opili ako len mohli.

232        Sám som tam bol a videl som to. Vyšli na ulicu, muži a ženy vystrájali. Dokonca v parkoch mali pohlavný styk, rovno v parku. Rovno na otvorenom priestranstve, vôbec na to nedbali. V Anglicku tiež. A všase inde. Vidíte? Nie je o nič horšie ako tu. Tá istá vec je tu, práve taká zlá, tu to len trochu viac prikrývajú, kvôli polícii a iným veciam. Ale je to hrozné!
233        No, tento mladý človek sa držal mimo všetkého toho. Keď oni išli na tie večierky, on ich nechal ísť, ale on sa učil za maliara. Tak jedného dňa, nejaký správca múzea, galérie, on bol Kresťan a povedal, “Vyjdime si na prechádzku, synu. Poďme sa prejsť, rád by som si s tebou trochu pohovoril.”

 Povedal, “Dobre.”

234        Tak išli, vyšli na nejaký kopec, obaja mali svoje ruky za chrbtom, vyšli na nejaký vrch. Slnko zapadalo, a ten starý muž povedal tomu mladému maliarovi, povedal, ”Synu, ty si Američan.”

 Povedal, “Áno, som.”

235        Povedal, “Prišiel si sem, aby si sa vyškolil v umení. Predpokladám, že chceš pracovať ako umelec.”

 On povedal, “Mám to v pláne, pane.”

 Povedal, “Všimol som si, že si Kresťan.”

 Povedal, “Som Kresťan.”

236        On povedal, “No, je jedna vec, ktorú sa ťa chcem opýtať. Pýtal som sa tých ostatných. Oni hovoria, že sú tiež Kresťania.” Povedal, “Čo ťa robí tak odlišným? Čo ťa robí tak odlišným od tých ostatných chlapcov z Ameriky a tých dievčat z Ameriky? Čo robí taký veľký rozdiel a pritom vy všetci hovoríte, že ste Kresťania?”
On povedal, “Pane, vidíte tam, kde zapadá slnko?”
Povedal, “Vidím.”

237On povedal, “Tam za oceánom, v určitom štáte v Novom Anglicku, v určitom meste v tom štáte a v určitom dome v tom meste je určité dievča, ktorému som sľúbil, že mu budem verný.” Povedal, “To je všetko, čo mám v mysli, aby som vyštudoval umeleckú školu a vrátil sa späť k tomu dievčaťu, ktoré pre mňa verne žije.” Povedal, “Takto žijem to, čo žijem.”

238        Ó, brat, sestra, môžeš sa diviť, prečo nedbáme o to, ako nás nazývajú. Je mi jedno čo hovoria.

239        Stál som tam jedného dňa s Fredom, dolu v San Juan, v Puerto Rico, díval som sa na more a všimol som si korálový útes, míľu ďaleko, ako sa tam lámali tie veľké vlny. On povedal...Tí plameniaci sa tam prechádzali v záhrade a tak ďalej. Povedal som... povedal, “Brat Branham, toto je ako Nebo.”

240        Povedal som, “Ale more tam bude tiché, brat.” Povedal som, “Tam za oceánom je určité miesto nazvané Nebo, tam v tom Nebi je tá určitá Osoba, zvaná Ježiš, a On jedného dňa sňal všetky moje hriechy a ja som mu sľúbil, že budem pre Neho verne žiť, že budem robiť to, čo On chce, aby som robil. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa nehanbím za Jeho Evanjelium, Ono je mocou Božou ku spaseniu.” To je to, čo robí, že Kresťan žije inak. On je odlišný, lebo má Niečo, kvôli čomu žije odlišne.

 Skloňme nachvíľu svoje hlavy.

241        Môj skleslý priateľ, či máš dnes ráno niečo, kvôli čomu žiješ odlišne, niečo, čo ťa vyviedlo z toho sveta, niečo, čo pre teba znamená viac, ako celý ten svet, či žiješ pre Krista? Ak to nemáš, prečo to neprijmeš teraz? Nechoď len do cirkvi a nepovedz, “chcem byť dobrou osobou.” Nerob to. Chceš byť Kresťanom. Ty, ak tam vždy bolo niečo v tvojom srdci, čo ti hovorilo “Nie si v poriadku, ale Ja chcem, aby si bol v poriadku.” Vždy si túžil byť niečím, čím teraz nie si, či nevieš, že to je Boh, ktorý ťa volá? Neobracaj sa ku Tomu chrbtom. “Lebo ak ste boli raz osvietení a mali ste tú príležitosť a odvrhli ste to posledný krát, nezostáva už viac obeť za hriech.” Nestotožnite sa s Ezavom.

242        Príď s Jakobom, bez ohľadu na to, čo ťa to bude stáť. Ak by ťa to stálo tvoj dom, ak by ťa to stálo tvoju prácu, ak by ťa to stálo tvojho manžela, ak by ťa to stálo tvoju manželku, ak by ťa to stálo tvoje deti, ak ťa to stálo čokoľvek, získaj to právo prvorodenstva! To je to, čo sa ráta. A ak to takto dnes ráno cítiš a chcel by si mať to právo prvorodenstva! Ja ti to nemôžem dať, Boh môže, a to je On, ktorý ku tebe hovorí. Zodvihol by si len ruku a povedal, “Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham. To právo provorodenstva, ja to chcem.” Nech ťa Boh žehná, všade naokolo. “Chcem to právo provorodenstva.”

243        Náš nebeský Otče, ďakujem ti najvznešenejší a najsvätejší Bože, za všetku tvoju dobrotu a milosrdenstvá k synom a dcéram človeka. A uvedomujeme si, že sme v čase konca, nič už nemôže dlho pokračovať. Čakáme už v tom požičanom čase, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tá dlhozhovievavosť Božia, keď bola pripravovaná archa, vtedy bolo spasených len osem duší. Ty si povedal, “Tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Božia dlhozhovievavosť nechcela, aby niekto zahynul, ale aby všetci mohli prísť ku pokániu.”

244        A dnes v tejto budove sú mužovia a ženy, ktorí pozdvihli svoje ruky, chlapci a dievčatá, mladí a starí, pozdvihli svoje ruky a hovoria, “Niečo ma tiahne.” Ó, Bože, nech to nikdy neodvrhnú, nech predajú svoje vzdelanie, nech predajú, čo majú. Ako ten človek, ktorý našiel tú veľkú perlu. To bola význačná veľká perla, bola to tá najväčšia perla a on predal všetky tie svoje malé, aby si mohol kúpiť túto význačnú veľkú perlu. Nech predajú všetko, čo majú z toho sveta dnes ráno, všetku svoju popularitu sveta. 

245        Pane, tieto ženy, ktoré tu sedia, mnohé z nich počuli kázať evanjelium tak mnoho ráz a stále sa brodia ďalej do sveta a do módy, ako ten svet a obliekajú sa ako svet a chodia na večierky a také veci, zúčastňujú sa na svetských veciach, správajú sa ako ten svet a používajú veci toho sveta. Ó, Bože, nech zostanú dnes ráno zahanbení. Ak je v nich vôbec nejaká nádej, Pane, obráť to dnes. Nech je toto tá hodina. 

246        A títo muži tu, Pane, ó, Bože, buď im milostivý. Mnohí z nich stále chodia vo veciach toho sveta, stále túžia a radujú sa z vecí toho sveta, hriech, fajčenie, pitie, spoločenské prípitky, malé pivo niekde bokom, alebo niečo také, alebo majú žiadostivosť, a zavesia si nejaké plagáty, hriešne oblečené mladé ženy. A tie telá, na ktoré sa pozerajú na ulici, a oni takmer predbiehajú ľudí, aby sa na ne dívali a nazývajú sa kresťania. A vedia, že tá forma toho ženského tela, možno za dvadsaťštyri hodín, bude hniť niekde v hrobe, chrobáky a červíky sa budú hemžiť cez tie tvarované a formované nádoby jej tela; a jej duša niekde v diablovom pekle, kvôli spôsobu akým žila. A ona pritom ešte vypúli svoje namaľované pery, zachichúňa sa a vysmeje sa ti.

247        Bože, buď milostivý tým ľuďom. Ó, Pane, nenechaj ich zahynúť. Prosím, maj zľutovanie a pošli zľutovanie. Daj to každému jednému z nich, Pane. Ty si ten jediný, ktorý môže dať toto požehnanie. A keď si ich Ty povolal k večnému životu, nech sa ich srdcia otvoria; a odložia všetko nabok dnes ráno, a potom to príjmu. Daj to, Otče.

248 A teraz nech Duch Svätý príde do tohto stretnutia, ku tým chorým a postihnutým a nech ľudia uvidia, že toto Posolstvo, ktoré bolo kázané dnes ráno, že Príchod a všetko je na konci, a dokonca Ježiš pracuje vo svojej Cirkvi. Daj nech sa to teraz stane, Pane, aby si mohol vziať týchto ľudí do Tvojich rúk. A kedy vidia, ako Duch Svätý pracuje, pohybuje sa medzi ľuďmi, nech je to potvrdené, to Posolstvo, ktoré som kázal, že sme v čase konca. Nech počujú. Oni počuli a nech môžu rozpoznať, že ten istý Ježiš, ten spôsob, ktorým to On robil vo Svojom dni, že to tu robí skrze svoju Cirkev v tomto poslednom dni. A potom nech konajú, skrze to, že vydajú svoje životy a telá a duše a duchov Jemu. Dávam Ti ich, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

249        No, v budove, kde sú ľudia som poslal ráno Billyho, aby rozdal modlitebné karty. On... [Prázdne miesto na páske. - prekl.]

250        Ste nemocní alebo v potrebe? Ak mi to Boh zjaví, ako to On urobil pri tej žene pri studni a povie mi, čo je váš problém, alebo niečo o vás, o čom vy viete a ja nie, spôsobí to, že budete mať vieru aby ste verili Bohu? Spôsobí to, že vy ostatní budete mať vieru? Je toto prvý raz, čo sa vidíme? [Sestra hovorí “Nie.” - prekl.] Ó, ty si ma už predtým videla, ale ja som ti cudzí. Je to pravda? V poriadku, nech ti Boh udelí tvoju žiadosť.

251        Je to skutočné, alebo nie? Ó! Vzývajte svoje intelektuálne náboženstvo. “Bál,” povedal, “kde je?” Eliáš na hore Karmel povedal, “Kde je Bál? Kde? Zobuďte ho.” Nemusíte zobudiť Ježiša. On je hore po celý čas. On je vždy prítomný, vždy žijúci, vždy schopný, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Amen. Boh zostáva Bohom.

252        Veríš, že tvoje srdcové ťažkosti ťa opustia a budeš v poriadku? Ty nie si odtiaľto. Vráť sa do Lexingtonu a povedz, aké veľké veci ti urobil Boh. Vidíte?

253        Ide to ponad hlavy ľuďom, ktorí to nikdy neuchopia. Tá živá Cirkev to rýchlo uchopí a bude vedieť, že Prítomnosť Ducha Svätého je tu.

254        Niekto tu vzadu zodvihol svoju ruku. Bola si to ty, pani? Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať tvoju ťažkosť? Ten starý...

255        Ten brat tam na konci, myslím, že on to prednedávnom povedal. Veríš, brat? [Brat hovorí “Áno.” - prekl.] Veríš? Potom ťa tie kožné problémy opustia a budeš v poriadku.

  Veríš tomu? Prijímaš to, že si uzdravený? Zodvihni ruku ak áno. Vidíte. Aha. V poriadku. On mi je cudzí. Vieš to, Pat.

256        Nejaká pani sa tam díva a modlí sa, pozrela sa na mňa, povedala, že je nie odtiaľto. Veríš, že ten vysoký krvný tlak ťa opustí? To je pravda, že? Zodvihni ruku ak je to tak. V poriadku, maj vieru v Boha.
Vidíte, čo mám na mysli?

257        Čo vy, ľudia, niektorí z vás, ktorí ma poznáte? Niečo máte na srdci. Zodvihnite svoje ruky. Toľkí z vás! Ja to nemôžem urobiť, to musí len prísť. Viete, to je vaša viera.

258        Georgie Bruce, vidím, že tam sedí. Ty sa vždy snažíš pre niekoho niečo nájsť, Georgie. Bola si uzdravená z rakoviny. Žiadna pochybnosť v tvojej mysli. Toho dňa, kedy si prišla do tejto modlitebne a vyšla si dverami, prišiel na mňa Duch Svätý a rovno tam ti povedal nejaký skutok, o ktorom nikto na svete nevedel, iba ty, Boh a jedna osoba. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - prekl.] To je pravda. Ty mi veríš, že Georgie? Niečo máš na srdci, Georgie. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo máš na srdci?

 Urobí to, že vy ostatní, ktorí ma poznáte, mi budete veriť?

 [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - prekl.]

259        Poznám Georgie, ale ona na niečo myslí. Ona má dvoch ľudí, ktorí nie sú odtiaľto, za ktorých sa modlí. Obaja žijú v Corydon. To je pravda. A ona tu má nejakú osobu, nejakého muža, za ktorého sa modlí, ktorý je tu v nemocnici. A ty sa modlíš, nie ani tak za jeho uzdravenie, ako za spasenie jeho duše. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je pravda. Je to tak, Georgie? Je to presne tak.

260        Niekto tam vzadu zodvihol svoju ruku, tam vzadu. Ty, čo ty? Zodvihol by si svoju ruku, si mi cudzí? Tento muž tu sedí a díva sa na mňa, nepoznám ťa. Veríš, že som Boží prorok, Boží služobník? Veríš Duchu Svätému, že to čo som povedal je pravda? Veríš tomu? [Ten brat hovorí “áno”. - prekl.] Ak budeš veriť, ty máš ... To je tá jediná vec, ktorú máš, lebo trpíš na rakovinu. To je pravda. Ty nie si z tohoto mesta, si z New Albany. To je pravda a máš rakovinu. Ak budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca, budeš uzdravený. Prijmeš to? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Nech je požehnaný Pán.

261        Verím, že tá žena tam s tým bielym klobúkom, tá farebná žena, zodvihla svoju ruku. Nemal som ešte farebnú osobu. Veríš, pani? V poriadku, ver z celého svojho srdca. Máš srdcové problémy, žalúdočné problémy, komplikácie. Niekto ťa sem dnes ráno priviezol. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je pravda, že, pani? Ak je to pravda, zamávaj s tou vreckovkou, ktorú máš vo svojej ruke, aby ľudia mohli vidieť. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. 

262        Zodvihol si svoju ruku? Som ti cudzí? A ty si cudzí mne. Veríš, že Boh ma pozná, vlastne, že ťa pozná? Veríš, že mi môže povedať, čo máš na srdci? Modlíš sa za niekoho. Je to tvoj otec, má srdcové ťažkosti. To je pravda. A ty hľadáš krst Duchom Svätým. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. 

 Ak len môžete veriť!

263        Čo tá drobná pani tam s tou zodvihnutou rukou, veríš? Tvoj problém sú vyrážky na  tvojej ruke. Ale ty sa modlíš za svoje vnúča. To je pravda. To dieťa nie je normálne. Je to pravda, že? Ver za to z celého svojho srdca.

 Keď som povedal “dieťa”... Počkaj chvíľu. Ó, tu to je. Tvoj syn mal autonehodu, je mrzák. Ja ťa nepoznám, pani, ale je to pravda. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku.

264        No, Kto je tu? Kto to je? To nie som ja. Ako by som to ja mohol robiť? Nebuďte hluchí na Ducha, na tie duchovné veci. To je Boh, Ktorý je tu! Ten Duch Svätý, ktorého chcete, veríte Tomu teraz? Veríte Tomu teraz? V poriadku, potom To teraz prijmite. Teraz je čas prijať To. Verte z celého svojho srdca.

265        Vy, ktorí ste nemocní alebo v potrebe. Ja nemôžem uzdraviť. Žiaden človek nemôže uzdraviť. Ja nemôžem dať Ducha Svätého. Ale ten, ktorý môže uzdraviť a dať Svätého Ducha, On je tu. On je Ten, ktorý to robí.

266        Teraz skloňte svoje hlavy. Verte teraz, ako sa budem za vás modliť a za tie vreckovky.

267        Náš nebeský Otče, pokiaľ viem, prešiel som všetkými, ktorí neboli odtiaľto, až som cítil, že slabnem a strácam silu, cítil som sa vedený, že toto je možno ten čas, keď to tí Vyvolení uvideli. Nech každý jeden z nich, Pane, ktorý bol povolaný a bolo mu dovolené byť zavolaný skrze Tvojho Ducha, niečo, ich viera, oni mali viac viery (niektorí z nich) ako si mysleli, že majú. Oni začínajú vo svojich srdciach.

268        A tá žena sa raz dotkla Jeho rúcha, kedy On prechádzal a On sa obrátil a povedal, “Kto sa ma dotkol?” A oni povedali, “Predsa každý sa ťa dotýka.”

269        On povedal, “Ale poznávam, že som oslabol.” A On našiel tú drobnú ženu a povedal jej, že mala krvotok a jej viera ju uzdravila.

270        A Biblia povedala, že “On je dnes stále Veľkňaz, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.” Písmo povedalo, “On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.” A ak je On ten istý a ten istý Veľkňaz, on bude konať rovnako, bude robiť to isté.

271        Nech ľudia vidia, že tá Duchom naplnená Cirkev prichádza ku Hlave. Kristus je pripravený prísť a vziať Svoju Cirkev. Jeho posledné veľké znamenia, ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, Ten ktorý hovoril, poznal Sáru a vedel, že má ženu, ktorá sa volá Sára, vedel, že sa tam v stane zasmiala, On povedal, “To bude znamenie. Keď to uvidíte, pamätajte, tá generácia nepominie, dokiaľ sa to všetko nevyplní.” Tu to je. Sme na konci.

272        Udeľ, Pane, aby každá nemocná osoba, ktorá je tu, vedela, že ten živý Ježiš Kristus je prítomný. Nech tieto vreckovky sú požehnaním každému nemocnému telu, ku ktorému pôjdu. Odsudzujem diabla, za tých ľudí. Vyháňam ho, skrze Ducha Božieho, vo viere, odháňam každý tieň pochybnosti. Nech To tu v tejto hodine príjme každá osoba, ktorá je určená do večného Života. Nech každá povera, každé malé uhasenie, každá malá vec toho sveta, každé malé bremeno, ako povedala Biblia, “Zložme každé bremeno a ľahko nás obkľučujúci hriech, aby sme mohli bežať beh s trpezlivosťou, beh o závod, ktorý je pred nami, hľadiac...” (na čo? Na cirkev? Na organizáciu?) “...na Autora a Dokonávateľa našej viery,” ktorý je tu teraz, “Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží.” Hľadiac na Neho, ktorý... Nemusíme brať slová, aby sme vedeli, že to je pravda, ale predsa tie Slová sú pre nás dnes ráno skutočné. Ten istý Ježiš, ktorý zomrel, nie je mŕtvy, On znovu vstal a o dve tisíc rokov neskôr On privádza Svoju Cirkev ku Hlave. Duch Judáša pracuje medzi nimi, ale nech môžu zložiť každý kameň úrazu a všetko, v tejto hodine a prijať Jeho.

273        Nech počujú; čo sa už stalo cez tú kázeň. Nech teraz rozpoznajú, že tie isté Slová, ktoré počuli, sa zamanifestovali a nech To rozpoznajú, že to je Kristus. A nech teraz konajú, konajú na základe Toho, prijmú To a povstanú na svoje nohy, vydajú svedectvo a idú do Božieho Kráľovstva naplnení Duchom Svätým.

274        Nech sú nemocní uzdravení. Nech sú postihnutí uzdravení. Nech je každá túžba srdca urovnaná. Udeľ to, všemohúci Bože. 

275        Teraz so svojimi skloneným hlavami, s otvorenými srdciami, dajte si len čas modlitby, predtým, myslím, že budeme mať službu krstu, rovno predtým. Potom bude večer ďalšie zhromaždenie.

276        Pamätajte, nech vám neujde táto príležitosť. Bol som tu teraz dve a pol hodiny alebo viac, snažil som sa neponáhľať a priniesť Evanjelium a dokonale To položiť. Potom prichádzame rovno ku koncu. A práve ten text: Počuť, rozpoznať, konať. Nech vám to neprejde ponad hlavy. Vy ste to počuli. Rozpoznávate, že Jeho Prítomnosť je tu? Viete, že to je On, ktorý vás volá? Potom na základe toho konajte. Nech je Boh s vami. Majte čas modlitby.

277        Brat Neville, poď sa pomodliť na záver, len poď a pomodli sa.

HEARING, RECEIVING AND ACTING ON THE WORD OF GOD, 60-0221, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 114 min

1 Now, these tapes, that of this meeting this morning, is not sold, it's just for the church or for someone, 'cause it's on doctrine. And in the meetings out there, it causes confusion, because hardly two of us see perfectly eye to eye, but we ought to be heart to heart anyhow. But it... We in the Tabernacle here... These tapes are, you notice on the... It's for just friends, and so forth.

Now, let us bow our heads just a moment for prayer. How many would like to be remembered while you have your heads bowed, just by raised up hands, saying, "Lord, I'm--I'm needy today, and I need Thy grace," whatever it's for?

3 Our heavenly Father, we now approach Thy throne of mercy, because we have been asked to do this. And it was told us by Thy Son and our Saviour, that if we should ask You anything in His Name, it would be granted. Therefore, Lord, knowing that we are living in the shadows of His coming, and now standing in the shadows of His mercy, then we would ask, Lord, that You would choose by the Holy Spirit, those things that we should ask for. And we feel this morning that it would not be contrary to Thy Word, or to Thy great righteousness, and Thy mercy and grace, that if we should ask that we would have a special visitation today from the Holy Spirit, and He might come into our midst and would discern the thoughts of our hearts, reveal to us our weak places, and heal our sicknesses, and bind up the broken hearts, and save the lost, and make ready a people for His coming. Lord, hear this prayer.

4 Now, we are going to read Thy Word. And--and we pray, Lord, that on our Sunday school lesson this morning, that You will bring forth the context of the reading, and will reveal it to our hearts. Because we come here for one purpose, and that purpose, alone is to know You better. We who are Christians by faith want to know You better. Those who have not yet become Christians are wanting to know You as their Saviour. Those that are sick wants to know You as their Healer. And we pray that there will not be one leave this building, empty, but that every request may be fulfilled to the letter, and every desire met, and every--every person be happy, and go from the building, saying, like those coming from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us, as He talked to us along the way?" For we ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

5 Now, to you who want to turn in your Book... Usually, I have found out that in the evangelistic services, that just about twenty or thirty minutes makes the best impact for a throw-in spiritual message, and then an altar call. But this being Sunday school, I just don't want to do it that way this morning. I feel more led to take my time and talk on the Word.

6 Now, if anyone is uncomfortable, too cold, the only thing you have to do is... My brother, the custodian, is at the back of the church there, just raise up your hand like that back there, to him, and he'll regulate the heat. And we want you to be comfortable and feel real well, and listen to the words. For we trust the Holy Spirit to teach us the Word of God. And can you all hear well, in the back? If you can, raise your hands, if you--you can hear well. That's good.

7 Now, I want you to turn with me; I've got some texts wrote out here, and some Scriptures. So I want you to turn with me first to the Book of Romans, Romans the 9th chapter. And we want to read for a Scripture lesson, first, in Romans 9:11.

(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)

It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.

As it is written, Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated.

May God add His blessings to this Scripture reading. And now, for a text to back up my lesson, I want to take this for a text: "Hearing, Recognizing, Acting On The Word Of God." May I repeat that again: "Hearing, and Recognizing, and then Acting On The Word Of God."

9 Now, we are fully acquainted, we people who search the Scriptures day and night, and read our papers and hear the news commentators, that this world is now standing in the grip of two great spiritual forces. And they are both religious forces. And I believe that these great forces are soon coming to a head. And both of these great forces was represented in these two sons of Isaac. How that God in His infinite wisdom has foreshadowed all things to us; that we might by these things know of certain what lays before us. Made it so plain that God and His Word, and the nature and His universe, is so perfectly arranged together, that even the--the sinner can see something's fixing to take place. God has so arranged it, no one is without excuse.

10 Now, we see in these two sons that when they, before they were even borned, they were at war with one another. Even though their virgin mother... For she was a virgin, the beautiful Rebekah that married the righteous seed of God's promise, Isaac; that they were two consecrated, Spirit-filled believers on God, foreordained to the very marriage that they united together by. God foreknew it. And how could such a thing come through that one mother by one father? One, a very evil person; and another, very good person; and how that the good person looked to be the evil, and the evil looked to be the good.

Now, that is, always has been, always will be God's program. God cannot change His program. Because He makes His program perfect, because it's part of Him.

12 In the garden of Eden sin was so beautiful until it attracted Eve from righteousness to sin. And in the same garden where there was a Tree of Life, there was also a tree of death.

We would know it today as the law of contrast. That where there is good, there is evil; where there is right, there is wrong. And we will never, no matter what our environment may be, ever be able to shake ourselves from the presence of either. Because, Paul said, "When I would do good, then evil is present." The sinner will never be able to shake away from the Christian, the Christian from the sinner. There'll be a witness there of right, and a testimony of wrong always. And you make your choice. You have to take one side or the other.

14 But in these two sons it is strange to know that before they were born, both the same seed, from Isaac which was the promise... Now, our lesson's a little lengthy, and I--I want to get enough background till you can see exactly what I'm speaking about. And the first son, Esau, that was born, we find out that not only were they fussing and fighting in the womb of their mother, but they came from her fighting, Esau coming forth, and Jacob holding onto his heel. And they are still fighting.

15 And how that, how it could come from that perfect, pure, elected, holy, consecrated father or mother. So to base it, that God calls by election... It must be. No matter how good your father and mother was, how nice they was, how much Christians your father and mother was, it still lays to you as an individual, your standing before God.

This lesson teaches that, that they, both the children, there was even by the elected and called of God, father and mother, a virgin woman and a holy man, who finally was come down to be, even through his seed came Jesus Christ. He was borned as one from the dead. He was tested, his father before him; and he was promised through this seed of Isaac, that the whole world would be saved. And out of a man like that, and his blood so pure that God would not even let the Philistine even touch the mother, after Abraham had give her over to him... God plagued his house, and said, "You're as good as one dead," holding that bloodstream pure. And that Rebekah, a righteous, holy, God-sent and God-called mother, and from that holy seed came forth a renegade and a believer. See, so it lays within God's callings, God's election.

16 And before either one was born, God said, "I love Jacob and hate Esau," before either one was born. So how ought we to feel, someone who has God speak to you and invite you to come to His table and to His home, and be His son or daughter. There's nothing so great as that.

These two boys, if we'd notice their nature, one of them was a spiritual man; that was Jacob. And the carnal man was Esau. But they were both religious. And that same thing has took place all down through the age, the carnal and the spiritual.

Esau represented the man of the earth, natural, religious inclined, but never able, it wasn't in him to do it; he couldn't do it. He never was in him to be able to climb a past the things of the world, the carnal things.

But Jacob, it was just so easy for him to do it. Now, Jacob... One purpose Jacob had, and that was that he longed for that birthright, no matter how he got it, just so he got it.

20 And that spirit of that one birth is still represented in the world today, and it's coming to a head now: the spiritual believer; and the carnal man, carnal believer. No one could say they wasn't both religious. They were. They didn't say that one served an idol and the other one God. They were both servants of God.

Now, pay close attention to the Scriptures now on this subject, because I'm sure it'll help you. See? Now, "Not everyone that saith, 'Lord, Lord' will enter in, but the one that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven."

22 Now, if you notice, Jacob had one thing that he wanted, because according to the Word, the blessings and the--the good things laid in the birthright. And Jacob, that was his only objective, the only thing he had in mind was get that birthright. And Esau despised it. The one that actually had it, despised it, or he was ashamed of it. But Jacob wanted it regardless of how he got it, he wanted it.

That's the way with the spiritual believer today. He doesn't care how much you laugh at him, how much fun you make, how ridiculous he has to act to the carnal mind, his only objective is the birthright. He wants to get to God, 'cause it's borned in him. He can't help it.

24 "Jacob" means "supplanter" or "deceiver." But after finding and coming into possession of the birthright, he was changed. That's the carnal, changed. He was then called, Jacob, "a prince with the Lord," who's wrestled with Him.

The carnal believer today, "Oh, as long as I go to church and do what's right, what difference does it make?" That's Esau's group. He still makes fun and despises the birthright. He doesn't care for it. But Jacob loved it.

And the spiritual man today and spiritual woman, that's elected, predestinated of God to come to Eternal Life, if they have to sell everything they got, if they have to take their name off of every church book in the nation, they still want that birthright. It's the only thing that matters to them: just get that birthright, that's all. No matter how, and what level they have to come on, if they have to get down at the altar and cry, boo-hoo, if they have to run through the--the--the places, and go back, and make things right, and sell what they got, or--or give away everything they have and become a pilgrim and a stranger, it doesn't matter; they want the birthright. That's all they're interested in: the birthright. Now, don't blame them people. They can't help it. They were predestinated to that, elected to it.

27 And then we see that these two, carnal and spiritual people, that's the way it always happens. That's the way it is today. It always has been that way.

Cain and Abel in the garden of Eden... When Eden was created, there were two trees for a man to take his choice. One he become of wisdom; the other he become Life. There was two boys, Cain and Abel, both of them religious. One of them desired Life Eternal, and he offered to God by faith a more excellent sacrifice than Cain: a perfect type of the churches today: the church natural, church spiritual. And there's no doubt but what I'm talking to both classes right now, and perhaps by the tape will talk to tens of thousands of them.

29 But look, the church natural, it's just the church carnal. They're never able to get above that little thing of "I join church. If I go to church, if I do the best I can, that's all God requires." Now, that's the same thing Cain done. He went and made a altar; he made a sacrifice, brought the fruits of the land, and he said, "Here it is, God. That's the best I got. Take it or leave it." That's the way the carnal believer believes today. "Lord, I'll go to church; I'll join the best group that I can find. I'll pay in my dues to the church; I'll do what's right. Now, here's the best I can do. I'll help buy some coal for the widow. I'll give the children some clothing." Them's all right, nothing to say against it. "But that's it, that's all. If You want it, take it; if You don't, You don't have to take it." Now, that's the attitude of the church carnal today.

30 But the church spiritual... Abel by revelation, by grace he seen beyond that, and by faith he offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. And it testified of his righteousness. God...

The same thing took place in Ishmael and Isaac. One was of the flesh, and the other one was of the Spirit: one of the bondswoman; one of the freewoman.

It happened the same thing in Israel and Moab, two great churches coming together. And when Israel was wanting to go to their promised place, church spiritual, Jacob's people, Israel on the road, Esau's people met them, Moab, church powerful. And the great leader of the church, Balaam came down to curse his brother, but he found that he could not curse his brother. He failed with the blindness of his eyes to see the predestinated plan, that--and to see the Word of God.

First, faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God. Then the believer hears It, recognizes It, and acts on It. The carnal man will hear It, the sound of It, but never... "Hear" means to "understand" It. Look at, is looking at something; but to see it, is to "understand" it. "Except a man be borned again, he cannot see or understand the Kingdom of God."

34 Now, here come Israel coming up with God's promise that they were headed to the promised land. Not infidels, but believers, believers in the same God that Israel had, come out to try to curse his brother, because he said his brother is, surely was unrighteous because he had done lots of things that was bad. But, you see, he failed to see the election.

Same thing with Esau and Jacob... Esau seemed like a better man. He settled down and done charitable things. He--he took care of his old blind daddy, got him venison and taken care of him, and was a good boy. There's many things that carnal believers do in the line of religion, helping societies, and--and paying off hospital bills for people, and religious things. But that's not what I'm talking about.

36 Moab was good, a great nation, a brother to him. And Jacob had done everything; he'd been a renegade; but yet he had one thing to achieve: that was to obtain that promise, that birthright. Here come Israel, Jacob's children, with the same objective. Now, who is going to be right?

Balaam built seven altars; in Israel there was seven altars. Balaam offered seven sacrifices of clean beasts; Israel offered seven sacrifices of clean beasts. There as far if they take it ritually, Moab was just as religious as Israel was, Esau just as religious as Jacob was, and Cain just as religious as Abel was. But it's the election is what holds.

38 How blind, how blind of Esau's children, spiritually speaking, the Moabites looked down upon Israel and said, "Look at them; they're not a denomination. They're a bunch of renegades. They live in tents. And we're a great nation. They done evil, and they have no organization among them. They're just wiggling around, following a prophet." But he failed to see the Brass Serpent and the smitten Rock going before them. He failed to see that called-out, elected group following the Divine order of God to the promised land.

That's the way it is today. They say, "It's a bunch of holy-rollers. It's a bunch of people who's this, that, or the other." But they fail to see that it's following the direction of the Word of God. Israel was on her way to the promised land. God in His Word made a promise.

41 Jacob, the reason that he chose to find that birthright, regardless, he wanted to get it, because that he knowed that birthright held the blessings; it held life. He didn't care how it come, just so he got it. That was the main thing. What plane it come on, didn't matter. He wanted it, and he must have it. And he got it. "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness; they shall be filled." He was on his road, and he was after it, and he received it.

Israel was on her road to the promised land. No matter how many Moabites and curses they tried to put on them, they went straight to the promised land.

And today you'll never... No matter how much law they get, how much prosecution, how much persecution, how many evil things they say, how many times they call holy-roller, how many times they say those evil things, the church will move on. It's got to. It's staying in the Word of God.

44 One time two kings came together. One of them was Ahab, a bad one, and the other one was Jehoshaphat; church spiritual, church carnal. Ahab was a borderline believer. He had prophets. They wasn't infidels. They wasn't idolaters. They were Israelite prophets, but they were all taught and fed and clothed by Ahab the king. It become like a place where they had all the political backing-up.

Jehoshaphat came in, coming down, made an alliance, which is wrong. You should never hook up with unbelievers. We should never, by no means, ever put our names on books in churches that does not believe the full Gospel. Never. You'll get in trouble.

And they got in trouble. And this righteous man said, "Should not we consult the Lord first and find out whether we should go to Ramoth-Gilead?"

Now, look how perfect the setup looked. "We own Ramoth-Gilead. It's our property, and the Syrians has took it from the living God. Shall we not go up and possess this land?" And he made the speech so pretty, and so legal, and so righteous, until Jehoshaphat fell for it.

50 And today man can stand in the pulpit with such intellectual, and speech-making, and education, until they can explain the power of the Holy Spirit away from the Bible; they can explain Divine healing away; they can explain speaking in tongues and interpretations; they can explain the baptism of the Holy Ghost to another day.

But a man that's elected of God, a man... "My sheep know My voice." If you've got that election of God upon you, it'll never stumble you.

Jehoshaphat said, the righteous king said, "Isn't there a prophet, that we could consult the Lord?" Ahab was going on without it.

That's the way the church carnal is doing today. Oh, they got seminaries full of preachers, great men, great professors, intellectual, smart, witty, oh, my, far beyond the--the wits of the church nat--or the church spiritual.

54 In the days of Noah, in them days look at the church natural. What were they? Scientists, builders, smart men. But the elected, Enoch and Noah, were shepherds and farmers, humble, not educated, not smart, but knowed their God; something in them moving, calling. We'll get to that after a bit.

Now, so Jehoshaphat said, "Isn't there a prophet?"

Oh, of course, the carnal has them. "Certainly, we have. I've got a seminary down here, full of them." Brought up four hundred.

Now, these are not infidels. They are Jehovah-God worshippers, Come up, and they said, "Let us have a little while and we'll prophesy." And so they all got together. And they come back with the Word of the Lord, and they said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD (Israelite prophets)--THUS SAITH THE LORD. Go on up, the Lord is with you. And you'll take Ramoth-Gilead, because it really belongs to Israel." And one of the head men made him two great big horns out of iron, as representatives, and he went to pushing. He said, "With this you'll push Israel--or push the Syrians plumb out of Ramoth-Gilead."

57 But Jehoshaphat, something in him... Oh, I hope that God gets this to your hearts. It's nothing you can educate yourself to; it's nothing you can read yourself into. It's what God, by election, does for you. "Not him that runneth or him that... It's just God that showeth mercy."

Jehoshaphat said, "They are fine-dressed men." No doubt he said something like this, "They're intelligent, and the smartest men I've ever heard. They're educated to the moment. Their stand is one accord. They have a great unity among them. And they are smart, and they have a lot of truth to them."

All error has truth. The biggest lie was ever told had ninety-five percent truth in it, the lie that Satan told Eve.

60 "Oh, it's a lot of truth in what they're saying, "But isn't there one more?"

Well, what do you think that man said? "When we've got four hundred here of the smartest, the best? They're not out here in the wilderness running around half naked, and sheepskin wrapped around them, or something. They are men that I have fed; I've educated. They're not men that don't know their abc's. They're scholars, and they know the things. They stay day and night, reading the scrolls and prophecies. They know what's right. I have them ready, and they're standing here with one accord, four hundred of them, saying, 'Go on up, the Lord's with you.'"

62 But if I could read Jehoshaphat's mind a few minutes, "There's just something that doesn't register," he'd say. "There's just something that doesn't seem right. Isn't there just one more somewhere?"

"Oh," he said, "yes, there is one more, but he doesn't belong to the organization. He's a different sort of a fellow. He's just a renegade." He's like Jacob. "But we might ask him. They say he's a prophet. But I doubt it, because he's always cursing me, saying that this, that, or the other, or--or he never prophesies good about me." How could he? See?

So they said, "Let's go get him. He's the son of Imlah." So they went and got him.

65 And somebody met him on the road, said, "Now, you say the same thing they say. You must agree with the association. If you don't, woe unto you."

He said, "I'll say just what God puts in my mouth to say and nothing else." Then after he got up there, and they gave him a night, he said, "Go on up, but I seen Israel scattered like sheep having no shepherd."

And Ahab said, "Didn't I tell you?"

Now, there's four hundred against one. Four hundred trained, smart, educated, intellectual men against one little ignoramus, as we'd call him, Micaiah, one man, but yet that one man had the Word of the Lord that made the difference. Every one of them was false; it proved out false. Why was Micaiah so different? Did he have to be poor to be different? No. The... What made Micaiah different, he stayed with the Word. The Word of God's what he stayed with.

69 Now, it's promised that, in these days God will pour out His Spirit. It's promised by Daniel, that the people, in the days when the stone hits the image in the foot, the people that know their God shall do exploits. Prophecy after prophecy, and all the seminaries, the world, can't take it out. God's going to do it anyhow, and people's going to follow it. See? The carnal and the... The natural church and the Supernatural church... You see, the Word makes the different.

That's what Jacob thought, "And no matter what, I know I can never be blessed unless I get a hold of that birthright. That birthright is what I'm going to have to get a hold of."

And... But Esau hated it, and his children does the same thing yet to this day; they hate it. It's always been.

72 Whenever there is a revival, it always produces twins. That's a rude mar--remark, but it's true. When there was a birth out of, from Isaac and Rebekah, it produced twins. When the world was created, it produced twins, two trees. And when Cain and Abel were born, it produced two. When Ishmael and Isaac was born, it produced two. And when Esau and Jacob was born, it produced two. One of them, natural (one of them of the earth); the other one Supernatural. And one looked at the natural, intellectual; the other one walked by the Spirit. It's always been that way. When the Lutheran church came forth...

73 Let's take Pentecost first. Look at the Pentecostal birth. It brought forth a great, powerful revival that swept the known world: Pentecost. It wasn't long after Pentecost till even Paul said that there would be men rise up among them, with perverse things, and would turn the people away from God. And that's just exactly what they done. It produces two.

When the Lutheran church was born, Martin Luther brought forth a spiritual revival. It wasn't very long till here come Esau, right behind him and organized it down. And it produced two. Then after that come the Methodist, John Wesley, a spiritual revival. And after that come the organization, organized it down. It'd produced two. And after that come Pentecost, a revival. And now they've organized it, and now they settle down to organization. And it produces two.

77 But that spiritual seed of the living God, though it has to be a sojourner, though it has to be a rambler, it always causes separation. Esau didn't last very long with Jacob. As soon as Jacob obtained the birthright (Praise God), it called for separation. And when a man... I don't care what church you belong to, if it's carnal, and your associates that you run with, the people you play cards with, and your literature societies, and so forth, when you obtain the birthright, that something that's down in your heart that's hungered for God, when you receive that, it calls for separation. "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith God." Separation...

78 The church settles down. See, it cannot go on. Esau was a very good type of the carnal believer today, never able to overcome the world. He don't overcome the things of the world. They still like their carousing, their dancing, their manicure makeups, and, the women, on their faces, and--and cutting their hair and--and wearing little old short clothes; and--and men likes to go out to the poolrooms, and--and smoke cigarettes, and tell little dirty jokes; and still belong to the church. They're never able to overcome those things: neither could Esau. But yet, to be religious, he had to settle down to an intellectual conception. That's the same thing the church does today. "We'll become an organization. We'll put ourself together. We'll make a clan, or a clique, or something like that."

And that's the way the church moves today, the spiritual and the carnal, still the same. It hasn't changed and never will change.

80 God's holiness... God, being God, projects that Himself. If there was not a sinner, there would never... He'd have never been a Saviour. But He was a Saviour at the beginning, so there was nothing lost. And His own attributes as being a Saviour, projected a sinner, there had to be something to be saved. Before there could be anything saved, there had to be something lost. And His righteousness and His holiness... If there had never been a--a sick person, He'd have never been a Healer. But from the beginning, and of the beginnings, He was before the beginning, He was a Healer. So there was nothing sick, so it projected a sick person that He might heal them to make Him a Healer.

81 Out of that same holy realm yonder that come salvation, come curses. Out of the same mother and father that projected Jacob, projected Esau. See, it's God. He can't change His plan. They have to go just the same. All nature will cope right into it. It has to. You get what I mean? Moves it right in. There has to be somebody lost to be saved. And if there wouldn't have been, He, His... Him being a Saviour made that. The deep calls to the Deep.

Like the little boy that I always speak of, eating erasers off the pencils, and the pedal off the bicycle, he needed sulfur. And as long as there was something in there to crave for sulfur, there had to be a sulfur somewhere, first, made. There had to be a sulfur before he had the crave. And it, pr--the sulfur projected him, and then he went back to the sulfur.

83 That's the way God is a Saviour, and there had to be something lost for Him to save to make Him a Saviour. That's all it's doing, is playing up God; everything, all is in Him, not in a preacher, not in a church, not in an organization, but in God, that the election might stand perfect. See? It's in Him. Yeah, the Lutherans...

84 And then we see another separation, that was Abraham and Lot. They were brethren. But Lot was a carnal thinker. He was always out for some big thing, something with a lot of tinsel on it. Just like a monkey, as I'd say, always reaching for bright things. That spirit hasn't left people today. They'll reach for the... They go to the city, and they wouldn't come to a little shack like this. See? They want the biggest church there is in the city, the most intellectual pastor, where the best-dressed people goes, where the mayor goes, to the city. It's still that Esau spirit. Really had the birthrights to begin with, called themselves the church, but they lose it because they despise it. You can't get them people to get down on their knees, and cry, and beg out to God, and go out and have healing service, and stand the persecution of the world, receive the Holy Ghost. And they--they won't do that. They despise it. They call it a bunch of holy-rollers. Just what the Bible said they would do. They do it because that's their nature. It's the nature, like the crow and the dove, the two natures. They crave it, because that is what they are. They never--will never see the other, because they're not born to see that.

85 And the other one, you couldn't keep him away from it, because it's the election of God. He's born to be a spiritual man or a spiritual woman. Something in him calls for it. Oh, I--I hope this gets down to a place to where we can, you can see what I--I mean, by capping it off now. Now, Abraham...

Remember, as long as they were associated together, the church natural and the church spiritual, they never did get the blessing. Jacob was never blessed until he separated hisself from Esau. And Abraham was never blessed until he separated himself from Lot.

87 Lot had his own little prayer meetings in his church down there, taught his sons and daughters, and them. But he lived such a life, till when they went talking about the end of the time, they laughed at him.

Same thing today. You talk about Divine healing and the power of God, and so forth, they laugh at it. It's the same spirit. That's the two great spirits, religious, who's got the world in grip; the believer and the unbeliever, the believer and the make-believer, the one impersonating the other one. Now, when Abraham separated himself...

89 Did you notice Jesus in His speaking of the coming, second coming, He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, they'd be eating, drinking, marrying, and given in marriage." But when He spoke of the days of Lot, He never said nothing about it. "As the days of Lot," that's for revelation.

Watch what happened in the days of Lot. There was Lot down there in Sodom, well settled down, intellectually, had become one of the big men of the city, the judge, set in the gates and judged the people. His wife belonged to all the societies there was of the city, and his daughters, and all of them; married amongst the celebrity, intellectual, highly educated, smart, witty. And Abraham lived in a tent under an oak tree. But one day they both got a visitation.

91 And there was an intellectual preacher went down and preached, and called them out. Look at the--look at the message, "Come out," he said to Lot.

And he'd have never been called out if it hadn't been for the mercy of Abraham. Said, "Can I find fifty men, will You spare it? Can I find thirty men? Can I... If I find ten?" That's as far as he'd go. And He couldn't even find ten among them.

No wonder, "As it was in the days of Noah." Remember, Noah wasn't the type of the church; Enoch was, that didn't go through the tribulation, but was translated before the tribulation set in. Enoch went home; he didn't go through the tribulation. Noah carried through.

94 Now, watch closely now as we move up into this. Watch what kind of a sign that Abraham's and his family got. They got the supernatural. "Abraham," How'd He know he was Abraham? "Where is your wife, Sarah?" How did He know he was married, or had a wife, Sarah?

"She's in the tent."

Now, a Man sitting there, eating meat, drinking milk, and eating corn bread. "Where, where is your wife, Sarah?" How did He know that thing? How did He know it? Think of it. You call... You spiritual people, let this get into you. How did He know that, when He act like a stranger, dust on His clothes, and when Abraham said, "she's in the tent behind You"...

And He said, "I'm going to ('I, I,' a personal pronoun, 'I,' this Man, God making Hisself known in flesh: God. Abraham called Him Elohim.) I, I'm going to visit you. I'm going to keep My promise. And according to the time of life, I'm going to visit you, and you're going to have this boy that I spoke to you about." And Abraham, a hundred, Sarah, ninety...

97 And Sarah, way back in the tent (about four of the little tents, the main tent), setting in the back, behind the flaps, she's listening, she heard it. And down in her heart she's smiled, said, "Me, an old woman of a hundred years old, and my lord (her husband)--my lord an old, and think that we'd have pleasure together again as young married people? Oh, how could it be?" And she kind of smiled.

He had His back turned to the tent. And He said, "Why did she laugh?" Oh, brother, there you are.

99 Look at the church carnal getting the Gospel preached to them: a modern Billy Graham and them down there preaching the Gospel, "Come out of it." But did they come? No. Very, very, very few.

Watch the group of Abraham, the called-out. Now, notice. And He give him this sign, and he believed Him. And He vanished before him and went away. Oh, how it has always been the separation, the called-out.

101 Now, these two spirits (to hurry up with you, to hurry up now to get to my spot to where I want you to see), these two groups has associated close together all down through the ages since the very beginning of time; the church natural, the church spiritual. They been through the Old Testament; they was through the New Testament; and they're down yet today.

102 Now, about two thousand years ago, it came to a head, and it headed up in two men: one of them, Jesus Christ; the other, Judas Iscariot. Now, Jesus associated the coming, of His second coming, that these two spirits would be a lot different than what they was back there. Now, here's where I want you to put on your--your glory garments. These two spirits are going to be different. Because Satan come and lived in a man that was a church member, Judas Iscariot, lived in the carnal church, and was a friend to the church all the time. But he come in and--and deceived, or thought he was deceiving, his brother. He come in and pertained to be one of them, tasted the good things of God, moved right along in the Spirit, seeming to be, went out and preached the Gospel, and cast out devils. But down in him, all the time he was Judas to begin with. The Bible said, "He was born the son of perdition."

103 Now, remember, there's church carnal back there under the Esau, the Pharisees and Sadducees. But watch this guy who thinks himself just a... He'll go along with the Message for a while, but he just don't want to put his hands too much on it. See them spirits? Jesus said, "It'll be so close to the real thing, it'll deceive the very elected," elected, if you'll notice it, "if it was possible." But it ain't possible. See, it'll deceive.

Now watch, not just the carnal church, the one out there, the regular routine carnal church, the Esau group. We got now the Judatarian group, which is far more treacherous, far more treacherous, coming right up into the very hands of the blessing. Just like in Hebrews 6 and 10, how he said, "Having once made partakers, and has tasted the powers of the world to come, and has done all these things of--and then if they have received the knowledge of the truth, and then if they willfully turn away" ("willfully," what is that?) "counting the Blood of the covenant, wherewith they were sanctified, an unholy thing."

107 Let me give you an illustration. Here it is. Here's a man; he's a good fellow, nice boy. He's called; he feels in his heart he wants to be a minister. All right, he accepts Jesus as personal Saviour. He's a nice boy, nobody can say nothing against him. After while the subject of sanctification. The man lusts when he looks at women; he--he's sinning. See? And then, the next thing, maybe he has smoked, and he wants to smoke. Maybe he wants to gamble. Maybe he wants to do some bad things. He knows he oughtn't to do that, so he says, "O God, apply the Blood of Jesus to me and sanctify me." And he gets sanctified. He can shout, praise the Lord, and do some things too, go out and do things. Remember, Jesus said that type would be there at that day. "Many will come and say, 'Lord, have not I prophesied (preached)? Have not I cast out devils in Your Name?'"

Jesus said, "I didn't even know you, you worker of iniquity." See, there they are.

109 Now, watch this now. We're coming to making the hundredth millionth's of a hair, right down to the sharp edge of the Gospel, sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting even to the asunder of the bone, and a Discerner... Hallelujah. God, let it go through. "A Discerner of the thoughts of the mind." That's the Gospel, the power of God. The Word of God made manifest is the Gospel.

You say, "The Bible said, 'That's, that's the Word of God."

Well, the Word made manifest is the Gospel. The Gospel came to us not through Word only, but through power and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost to demonstrate the power, make the Gospel live.

111 When I went to India, the archbishop of--of the Methodist church come out, and said, "Mr. Branham, we don't want to know anything about a missionary. We know more about the Bible than you all ever will know." Said, "We was a church, and settled here two thousand years before you was a nation." That's right. But said, "We hear that God has visit you and brought a gift that can make this Bible live." Said, "That's what we're interested in." Oh, my. See, that man was a son, not a grandson, as David said. See? "We want to know. Is it true?"

I said, "Certainly, it is true: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

113 Now, notice him, the church natural persecuting the church spiritual. Now, we find out then that Judas pretending to be a brother, a brother, and that headed up and finally come to a climax.

Now, watch this young preacher. He comes to a place, he says, "Lord, I've been looking upon women. I oughtn't to do that. I've been, you know, kind of doing the things of the world. I shouldn't do that. I've been spending my money on horse races. I--I shouldn't do that. I--I've been going every night to picture shows. I shouldn't do that. I enjoy even vulgarity pictures and things like that, I got pinups in my room. I shouldn't do that. That's things of the world. Sanctify me, Lord."

And the Lord said, "All right, I'll do that." He applies the Blood of Jesus Christ and sanctifies him.

116 Then, when he does that, one night he passes by and he hears something. He goes over and listens. He hears of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the filling of the Spirit. Then he looks over into it, "Oh, my, isn't that wonderful? But, say, that would ruin my ministry if I preached that. That would make mommy run me away from home. They'd turn me out of my church if I ever went into that. Oh, I better leave away from that. But let me look through it. Yes, that's the truth, the Bible."

117 Well, like a certain famous minister, worldwide known, was found recently (by a man that was with me in Puerto Rico) on his knees, speaking in tongues in London, England; a powerful man, one of the greatest evangelists in the world today. And this man, his brother being with me here, a Spirit-filled man, run to him and Oh, brother, that's it."

He said, "I know it. I know it. But, look, let me tell you something."

He said, "Preach it now. Preach it. This is the hour. With your influence, you could shake the world."

He said, "No, I can't preach it. See, the--the church would turn me down. I couldn't preach that. I couldn't do it." Oh, brother.

121 Have rec... Once been sanctified and has come up to receive the knowledge of the Truth (look into It, see that It's right), and turn away, seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame, ashamed of the Gospel."

Paul said, "I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation." It's the power of God working among His church.

But they said, "I couldn't do that." This man said, "They'd think me Pentecostal. They'd make me..." He said, "I, my--my reputation would be ruined." Oh, brother. I ain't got no reputation. I'm thinking about His, His reputation, that's the one.

125 But see how close they can come to It, you know, "And count the Blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified with; a thing that sanctified him and took him out of the world, and try to put him over in here, and then he looks upon It and has the knowledge of It; to turn away from It, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin," said the Bible, "but a fearful looking for the judgment and the fiery indignation, should shall--which shall devour the adversary. 'For vengeance is mine,' saith the Lord. He that despised Moses' law, died without mercy under two or three witnesses. How much more punishment, and sorer punishment, though worthy, a minister, who has trod the Blood of Jesus Christ under his feet, after receiving the knowledge of the truth, and counted It an unholy thing." Whew.

126 See where we're at? Jesus said, "Be careful." See how Judas was? He was right with them. He was the Esau, made greater for this age. He was the deceiver, the impersonator, made greater for this age. Here he come right up to again, a brother of Jesus, a pretended brother. But in his heart he was with the old carnal church all the time, because that's where he sold Jesus to. He sold Jesus, his birthrights, just as much as Esau did for a mess of pottage. He sold his birthrights for thirty pieces of silver.

127 Many a man and woman today has sold out their spiritual birthright for some popularity, some little thing of the world you never overcome, some little women wearing of makeup and bobbing of hair, wearing short clothes; men for little dirty jokes and smoking cigarettes, something of the world. "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not in you," said the Bible.

I don't want to hurt you, but we're up to the end. We're coming up now, we're coming up the ladder quickly now.

129 See how it is? They do it. They're predestinated. They might impersonate and be just as sweet and humble, just as close, like Christians, so close that it would deceive the very elect; but by their fruits you shall know them.

A woman with shorts on, never looked like a Christian to me. The Bible said, "It's a sinful and a shameful thing for a woman to cut her hair." Only one woman in the Bible ever painted her face, was Jezebel.

How about men, you men that's supposed to be Christian men, and let your wives do that? When, God will hold you responsible for it. It's not man; carnal... "Oh, I'll go out then and join this church if... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] you think about it." That's just exactly what the Scripture said they would do, and that's just exactly what they done. And that's what they will do: compromise.

Someone said, "Billy, if you don't stop that, you'll run everybody away."

There's one Thing that won't go, the Holy Spirit, because It's His Word. And the real predestinated believer won't go away, because It's Food to his soul. He loves It, and nothing can keep him away from It. He'll do anything, like Jacob, but he wants that birthright. He'll stand there. I don't care if it costs every friend he's got, if it costs his job, if it costs his church membership, if it costs everything he'll still hold to it, 'cause he can't help it. There's something in him, moving him, the deep calling to the Deep. Oh, there you are, something in him.

134 Look, anything you want to find in the Bible, and pick it up here, go back to Genesis and see where it hatched out of, see where it come to. All the spirits and moves today go back to Genesis. That's what we done to prove to you these things that you're seeing, friends. Don't forget that. Don't let it go over top of your head. Let it soak into you. That's the things of God. It come to a head; and Jesus predicted it would come to a head again in the last days, and it would be by this: the Seal of God, and the mark of the beast; two spiritual powers working together.

135 Now, anyone knows that the Seal of God is the birthright, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 4:30, says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you're sealed till the day of your redemption." When they were borned again, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the new birth, we know that. You're--you're begotten of the Spirit; I'll admit that. But until you're borned...

There's a baby is begotten in its mother's womb, that's got one kind of life; that's (See?) a life in its little--the little cells in its body is twisting and kicking and jumping like that. But when it's born, it has a [Brother Branham claps his hand, imitating a spank--Ed.] like that, and then he squeals out and becomes a living soul.

137 And the baby can go to church and say, "Oh, I believe in church. I, I'll go; I'll do this. And I'm a good... I want to do right; I want to do right." But what it needs is a Gospel spank to wake it up to squeal to Eternal Life; and the Holy Spirit screams in it, like It never screamed before. And it's a new creature; it's borned of the Spirit. Then it begins to grow, move, and have its being in God; see, just as a baby, natural baby, has its being in the world.

138 Then if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one waiting. See? Just as sure as the natural body was coming forth, there's a spiritual body to receive it when it dropped from its mother. And when it drops from the mother earth, which is, it's in the womb of it now, groaning, crying (O God), groaning, laboring, getting old, and sickness, and everything besetting it, and the spirit on the inside of it looking for a land beyond the river. It's groaning, twisting, jumping (Yes, sir.), because there's a life in there that lives forever. It's in a body that's got to die. And sometime, just as a mother dropped the natural baby, and the spiritual body got it; the earth will drop, and the body of the natural will drop, and the physical body--or the celestial body will grab it yonder. If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one waiting. That's the reason you forget the things of the world. They're dead to you. There's the Spirit.

Now, watch it as we move on now, the two spirits.

139 The Holy Ghost is the new birth; we know that. It's being borned again, of the Spirit of God. That's how you're born, by the Spirit. Born by the Spirit, that's the new birth. All right. You're begotten of the Spirit; then when you're borned of the Spirit, you're filled with the Holy Ghost. All right.

Then when these two are in the earth, the natural and the spiritual, sometimes the... I've seen this. Now, in closing, I want to come to a close now, by saying this for a few minutes. In the natural or in the spiritual, either one... Now, I hope that everyone catches this. Now, be just as quiet and reverent as you can.

141 Now, have you ever seen this? You see in our churches today, even in the groups where we have separated ourself and made organizations; and we seen all of this. And you seen a man pick up a certain Scripture, and, brother, that man can take that Scripture and make it live new, make it live just exactly what it promised here in the Bible. And the next man will see him do it, and he'll come around and try to do it and fail. I hope you're reading now. He'll fail. Why? The Scripture is not inspired to him. He's only trying to impersonate. He's trying to act like something. He wasn't... Well, maybe he was sent by man. Maybe some man said, "Well, you can do the same thing." See, just like Jesus said it would be this way. The Bible predicts that in the last days: "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses."

142 There stood Moses, and there stood Jambres. And Moses threw down his rod, and it become a serpent. "Why," Pharaoh said, "come here, Jambres, you can do the same thing." And he did. See? But what happened? Then Moses' rod eat up the rod of his. See, it was made manifest. Where was his rod?

Just like supersensory perception. It's like some of this spiritualism. It's like some of these churches that they believe carnal, way away. The things of... They say, "Why, that was for another day." They're altogether out. But watch this spirit in the last days go to impersonate the real Spirit. See? There's where your trouble's coming. Just exactly like the one that's real (See?), but he couldn't make it manifest; he couldn't make it hold; he couldn't make it last. O God.

144 People come up and say, "I got the Holy Ghost too." Look the way they live; it don't last from one revival to another, from one meeting to another. It's made manifest; they haven't got it. If a man's borned of the Spirit of God, or a woman, they have the fruit of the Spirit; they walk godly; they live that life. See? They keep away from the things of the world. God moves in them and makes Hisself manifest, and proves that He's God working in there. The other is impersonating. See?

Impersonations, that's what's been all the way down, impersonating. Look at Ishmael, and Isaac; and all down (See?) impersonating. Look at the prophet Moses, and look at the prophet Balaam. See? See how they come down? Look at Judas, and look at Jesus.

And Jesus predicts that this Holy Spirit in the last days, would be the Seal of God. Now, what would be the mark of the beast? Would be to reject the Seal of God. For all that didn't have the Seal of God had the mark of the beast. And if it's two spiritual marks, one of them will be a true mark of God, the other one will be apostasy. Can you see it?

147 Look at the mark in the Old Testament. When the trumpet blowed, the jubilee, every so many years, the--the slaves went free because the trumpet sounded. Well, every one that wanted to be free, could go. But some of them, they loved to be slaves, so they took them to the altar and in the post of the church, and bored their ear with an awl. And they were marked forever; they always served that master.

And today you'll hear a Gospel message on truth. "Now, you can be free if you want to," God speaks to you. But when you get up to that borderline here and look over, and have a knowledge of Truth, and then turn away, he bores you in the ear and you'll always be an intellectual believer. You'll be religious and go to church, but never receive the Holy Ghost. See, then you serve that the rest of your days. Now, the mark of the beast, or the Seal of God... And we're getting so close.

149 Now, look, the Word has to be inspired; hearing It, recognizing It, and acting upon It. Many people will hear, but won't recognize it.

God will say, "This is the hour for you."

"I wouldn't be a holy-roller. I--I don't want none of that. See, they don't recognize it.

We'll go to meetings; the great Holy Spirit will move down. I was sitting there the other day when a vision came forth and predicted just exactly what. I said, "Here comes a young man." "Come here," motioned to that waiter, "you have heart trouble and you're looking for..."

"Yeah, that's exactly right."

"See that woman coming there?" "Come here. You got tumor on the breast, and it's on the left breast, and you're in a very bad shape. And you're a sinner and don't..."

"Exactly right."

153 Those men setting there, looked around, preachers and all, say, "My..." Go to a meeting and watch the Holy Spirit go right out through the meeting, and tell the secrets of the hearts, things like that; say, "Wonderful. Yeah." See? Oh, brother. See, it--it's--it's on the other side; there's something happened. Women will continue to go right on, do the same thing. Men will go right on back like a hog to its wallow and a dog to its vomit, just the same. Don't you see? Now, I'm talking to the en... the...

154 See, you must realize then, friend, what condition you're in. That's the reason this tape; I said, "to church only (See?), to church only." If you've been called from light--from darkness unto Light, from death unto Life, from a formal intellection conception of Christ to a borned again experience; and watching your life, that it lays the things of the world aside, and you stand for Christ, regardless; then something's happened. See? There's something in you, hungering and moving, like it was Jacob. See, you wrestle with the Lord; you walk different after that. Something's different in you, you've changed. Now, it has...

155 'Fore it can be done, it has to be inspired to you. I don't care; I could stand here and preach till I got--what hair I got left fell out, till my shoulders stooped down and I was ninety years old, and you listened every day; until God quickens that to you, you're still in the same shape.

Two days I've been studying and praying on this. See? I said, "Lord, should I say that to the church?"

Something said, "Say it. The hour's at hand. Say it." I feel He'll be pulling me away pretty soon, so I--I want you to know it.

"And no man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him first. Oh, I know you say you have God and Abraham to your father; but I tell you this, you're of your father the devil," said Jesus. Religious men, priests, and great men, "You are of the devil, your father." See?

159 And notice the fruits of the Spirit. Now, see, it has to be quickened to you.

I couldn't imagine Noah saying, "You know what? It just must be it might rain someday, so I'll just go out and build me an ark. If it rains, well, I'll get in the ark and move right away. And nothing will bother me, because I'm going to get in the ark and move away." Could you imagine? No--no, that wasn't it. If that'd been it, (Oh, may the Elected hear it now), if that would've been it, the first scoffer come by, as the Bible said there was, scoffed at him, he'd have laid his hammer down and walked away.

Like men does today, that starts out with Jesus; and when they look over and see the Truth, they back away from it. They can't stand it.

Like that noted evangelist said, "It'll--it'll tear up my ministry." I don't care for a ministry that the Holy Ghost would tear up. It ought to be tore up. Now, but (See?) it's pride; so much man, so much person. Oh, notice in this now.

163 Noah was out in the field, and he heard, and he recognized, and he acted. And no matter how many scoffers come, he built right away.

"Noah, you're a holy-roller."

"Don't bother me a bit." Building away. He had heard, he had recognized it to be God. He judged it by the Scriptures, and it was so. He built right away on the ark, regardless.

165 Could you imagine, could you ever i--imagine this, that Moses, on his way to Egypt, got out one day and said to Zipporah, his wife, "Zipporah, you know what? I've polished up some on my grammar. I have got a little of my mathematics all straightened up, and some of my geometry and, oh, many other things, and my education. Since I've been herding sheep back here, I--I--I've polished up on some of that. I made a mistake down in Egypt, I think I'll go down and correct it. I think I'll go down." No, the first wave come against him, he'd have fell right there.

What did he do? He forgot all he ever knowed about geometry and about his intellectual. It was the one got him in trouble.

That's what's got the church in trouble today, is too many educated preachers without being borned of the Spirit. Men and women like to listen to intellectual speeches, instead of preaching the power and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's what's got us in trouble today. We don't need any more high schools and education for preachers. We need God-called men that's filled with the Holy Spirit, and not some man-made theology of some denomination. We need God-called men.

168 Moses was herding sheep, settled down and forgot. He knowed his intellectuals had failed. He knowed his education had failed him. He was herding sheep, but he heard, oh, "Take off your shoes, Moses, the ground you're standing on is holy." He listened to it. What was it? The Voice the Angel had spoke was Scriptural. He'd promised Abraham, his father, "I'll visit the people after they have been down here for four hundred years, and I'll take them out with a mighty arm." He recognized that that was God's Scripture being made manifest.

Let me stop a minute. Let this sink in. Can you see what I'm talking about today? God's Word's being made manifest right before you and you don't realize it. Think now of Sodom and Gomorrah; think of the promise of Christ for the last days.

170 Moses recognized it; it was Scriptural; it was a promise. He heard; he recognized. Something come in him; brother, he could go do it then. He acted. He could go down and stop every Pharaoh; he could call plagues when he wanted to; he could open the Red Sea; because he had heard; he had recognized; he was acting in God's stead. "I'll be God to you; you be prophet to Me," He said.

And he said, "I can't do it."

He said, "Well then, you be god, and let Aaron be your prophet. You must go anyhow."

He never just said, "Well, maybe I ought to go down and straighten the things up."

173 Could you imagine Elijah on Mount Carmel, said, "You know, this land's awful sinful, perhaps maybe I ought to go out and tell Ahab he ought to be ashamed of himself. Maybe I ought to go up on the mountain there and set down, and just fast so long, till them people get so sick and tired of seeing me up there starving to death..." No. No, that wasn't it.

But he heard, and he recognized, and he acted. "I have commanded the ravens to feed you. Get up there by Cherith."

175 When it come time for a showdown between Baal and God, he said, "Go, get your sacrifices; do anything to them you want to, and call upon your god." When they cut themselves, and had a lot of flesh, and jumped up and down, and had a lot of noise, he said, "Holler a little louder, maybe he's gone, pursuing somewhere. He might be asleep." Oh, brother.

"Well, you know what he said, 'I'm a believer in Jehovah, so I can do this anyhow'?" Oh, no, don't you impersonate that. No, don't you try to be Elijah till God calls you to be. Yes, sir. "I'm a servant of Jehovah." There's seven hundred of them down there too, but none of them dared to do it.

Then when he cut the bullock and poured the water on, he said, "Lord, I've done this at Your command." See the... Anybody else would've tried it, would've been a total failure. Got to be inspired to you. The Holy Spirit has to bring it and make it manifest to you.

179 That's what's the matter today. You can't get up at the altar and say, "Well, hallelujah, hallelujah. Lord, I want the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah, hallelujah." No.

But, brother, sister, when the Holy Ghost has inspired that Word to you, you'll get It before you leave your seat. Something in you burn up. Preacher won't have to tell you do this and do that; the old leaves will just plop off, and new leaves will come on. It's inspired to you. You won't get angry with the preacher when he preaches truth from the Bible. You'll love it, reach for it, it's Food to your soul.

181 Even Jesus Himself, He said, "I do not what I want to do within Myself. The Son can do nothing but what He sees the Father doing." The Words... He was Emmanuel Himself. He was God on earth, Jesus was. He was the flesh that God dwelt in. He was the tent that God lived under. Amen. But in all of that, the virgin-born Son of God, Emmanuel in the fullness of the Spirit (He had the Spirit without measure), and yet in His Own flesh He said, "I do nothing until the Father shows Me first." Inspired to Him to do it...

Satan said, "Turn these stones into bread, and perform a miracle. Let me see You do it."

He said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" Oh, my. But when a crowd was hungry, He picked up five biscuits and two little fish, and fed five thousand. Oh, hallelujah. You see what I mean?

184 Don't try to impersonate. That's what's the matter with Pentecost today. That's what's the matter with the church today. There's too many trying to impersonate they got the Holy Ghost. There's too many trying to impersonate Divine healing. There's too many trying to impersonate different things of the Lord. You can't do that. That things comes by election, God calling, you're dropped from the mother's womb with that. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." Oh, my. That's true. You can't make yourself something you're not.

But if God calls you, be the most thankful person in the world because He has called you. Then it becomes real to you.

186 As I would speak, if I had time, on the squirrels the other day, about turned me around. I never seen it before, and I couldn't do it. Hattie, setting back there looking at me. how could that ever happen? It couldn't have done it, but it was inspired, quickened. The Word was spoke and it was made so. Hallelujah.

187 Paul, could you imagine him saying, "I've been out on this sea for fourteen days and nights and no stars or moon, nor the sun or nothing. Guess I'll just go up and tell them, 'Be of a good courage, 'cause God will take care of us anyhow.'" Oh, God don't work like that. God doesn't do that.

Your faith's all right, brother. Your faith is wonderful. But until the thing is inspired to you...

189 Oh, here's a red light hanging there, and if I see... I say, "Well, I've got my foot on the accelerator. I've got a car, I can go through that light yonder, making a hundred and twenty miles an hour." That's true. "I can feel the power under my foot." But you'd better wait till the "go" sign. Hallelujah.

Do you get what I'm meaning? When the "go" sign comes on, all right. When the thing's inspired to you, and God makes it known like He did back there, all right. But until He does it, we got a bunch of Judatarians impersonating, walking along like, say, "Well, I'm just the same as they are. I'm a Christian too."

191 Oh, don't you remember the sons of Sceva. Sceva went out and said, "We adjure you, adjure you in the Name of Jesus who Paul preaches, come out."

He said, "Paul I know, and Jesus I know, but who are you?"

The hour's coming when right and wrong's made manifest. It shows in the Christian today. It shows in the churches today. It shows in the people today. I'm holding you long; I want this to get to you.

193 Paul never said, "I believe I'll just go up and say, 'Well, be of a good courage.'" No. What did he do? He heard an Angel. He knowed that was the same Angel that always spoke to him. He recognized. Then he acted; went up and said, "Be of a good courage, for the Angel of the Lord, Whose servant I am, stood by me last night, showing me a vision that there'll be nothing lost on this ship. Be of a good courage; go eat your dinner now, and everything's all right." Amen. When it's inspired to you, when God makes it right.

195 I got a remark here somewhere, I had wrote down; here it is right here. We're at the end of all things. Let me just bring this in like this now in closing. I hope that God has revealed something to you. Everything's at the end. Someone asked the other night, I believe it was Brother Fred Sothmann; we were asking about how close the end time.

196 Brother Demos Shakarian had seen that vision so manifest, and come to pass five days later to the perfect, it just liked to have dropped him out of his shoes. He called me. He said, "How is Joseph?"

I said, "All right.".

Said, "Does he see visions?"

I said, "Yep." He told me of David, Brother Wood's son, where he'd fall on a motorcycle, three or four days 'fore it happened, just exactly.

He said, "You know, those things follow families."

I said, "Righteous or evil does, either one, it follows families."

199 And we were talking a little bit, and they, Fred said to me, "Where's this drawn from, Brother Branham?"

I said, "Look, Fred, let's take it by nature. God works in His nature. Look, watch what happened. The sun rose in the east. That's the oldest civilization we have is China." We all know that. The oldest civilization we have is China. All right. And civilization's moved westward all along. And now, where would you leave if you left the West Coast, going straight across? Go to China. Exactly. We're at the end. The Bible said, the prophet said, "There'll be a day when it won't be night nor day, when the sun's a-passing over, but in the evening time just before it ends up over here, again it'll be Light, the same." Jesus said, "There will be a former rain and a latter rain. And the latter rain will produce both former and latter rain in the same season." We're at the end time.

202 Looky here, let me show you. Politics is at the end. Do you believe that? Show me something today. This nation is the worst in the world for corruption, ungodliness. Who read the Courier Journal paper the other night in Louisville, when all these women, picking out, each nation, the prettiest woman in the nation, and stand them up to be Miss Universe? Everyone did but Russia. And they sent to Khrushchev and asked him, "Why not?" He said, "Russia don't strip their women down to walk before men." A heathen, ungodly nation bringing reproach upon we who call ourselves Christians, said, "Russia don't strip their women to walk out like that. And you never see shorts or such stuff as that in Russia." That's the ungodly. And we who call ourselves Christians.

203 No wonder the Bible said, "Every table's become full of vomit. And who can I teach doctrine, and who's weaned from the breast? But precept will come upon precept, and line upon line. For with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And this is the rest. For all this they would not hear." We got our own intellectual conception. Oh, how good it could be to stay all day on it.

Politics, corrupted! Democrats, Republicans, and all, is lowdown. What is it? It's a bunch of graft. Every person works in it, that's not born again, is of the devil. The devil said, "Every kingdom in the world belongs to me," and Jesus never debated with him. The world is controlled by the devil. And every man that works for the government, if he ain't a Christian, he's of the devil and working for the devil. These nations will all fall to Jesus Christ when He comes; there'll be a Millennium.

205 Looky here today, what they're going on now. Hollering at me about spending some money out yonder for Christians, and wanting to give me twenty years in the state prison for spending money to operate a religious move. And whiskey and beer and cigarettes write off tens of millions of dollars a year to corrupt the nation. And me trying to preach righteousness, standing in the door of Jesus Christ, and send me to the penitentiary for it. And take stuff like that of the evil, lowdown, smart, intelligence, and let them write it off for television programs which corrupted the world, sent women to the dogs. One of the greatest curses the nation's ever had, and they get by with it. They send me to penitentiary for preaching the Gospel taking a few dollars out here to--to preach the Gospel, that people give me to preach the Gospel with. I'm not rich, and I can't write that out. But yet they want to send me to the penitentiary, hold me two years, and got a trial coming soon. Oh, how lowdown, how filthy. God, be merciful.

206 I'll say this one thing; maybe that's the way God's got before He sends an atomic bomb. You have to do something wrong, you know. You have to touch His anointed one time, for this same Scripture, lest that... "Touch not My elected." That's right. So if it has to take that to bring judgment, like it did in the days of Daniel or somewhere else, let it come. I'm Your servant, Lord. That's right. Oh, yes.

207 Politics, lowdown, nation, corrupted... Well, look what they're going to put soldiers in shorts now. Oh, my. Politics, war; politics is at the end. Dictators is wrong. Politics is wrong. (Why didn't they stay with the godly king like God give them: David?) The great lord of England said, when this--when this democracy was formed, said, "It's all right now, but it'll come the time," he said, "it'll be nothing. It'll be all sails and no anchor." And he's right. Said, "Politicians stand on soap boxes on every corner with all kind of crooked things that corrupt the government." And the man was right. That's exactly what's going on.

208 One man can go out here and go through here and get drunk, and tear up everything he wants to; and go down there, and he knows everybody, so there's nothing said. Let a poor man or somebody don't know, try to do, it, and they're sent to the penitentiary. Corruption, lowdown, filth, forty percent of them homosexuals. Think of it: Sodom and Gomorrah again. There's the group, supposed to be religious...

209 I--I wonder what takes place next, when the next President comes in? God give us one good godly man, old Dwight Eisenhower. And now, I ho... And watch what the next thing comes in. And we might have a rat the next time sure enough. But there is coming a Pharaoh who doesn't know Joseph. Remember that. I'll get to that just in a second. Politics is corrupted. We know that.

War is at its end. Oh, they slung rocks one time at one another, beat one another in the head with stone axes, then they shot bows and arrows, then they got rifles, then machine guns, then eighty-eight's in Germany, and so-big guns with us, then they throwed hand grenades and poison gas. But they got a hydrogen bomb now. War is at the end. Every nation's got them, so what are you going to do now? Even a little nation today, just crook a trigger, that's all you have to do, and she all goes up. War's at the end. Amen. War's at the end. Politics is at the end.

211 Education's at the end. Juvenile delinquency is at the end. Children, there ain't no hopes for children; they done gone insane. You can't have no education. You can't go down here at the school and have, get a kid with education. He's a--he's a twofold child more of hell when he comes out than he is when he goes in. Let the teacher say something about it; he'll get killed; they'll form a little Klux and go out there and shoot the teacher, take him out and string him up. We lost two thousand teachers. Oh, wait a minute, I believe, twenty thousand teachers, this last year. I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to do it either. Now, they got signs up every time, "Give college education to these kids." They do need it, but the devil's got them. The devil's got them. And it's not only just normal to go out and be mean and--and--and take a gate off and hang it up in a tree on Halloween night, or do some little meanness like kids used to do, or take a farmer's buggy and set it out in the road, not like that; but they're insane. They do things that's insanity; shoot you, kill you, and murder you, poison you, anything. That's the next generation.

212 Child bearing's at the end, womanhood, motherhood. Why, birth control practiced everywhere, and little dogs has took the place.

Morals, there's no moral to it no more. Women, dressing evil, come through television, all kinds of impersonations of evil people of Hollywood, all kinds of stuff, fashion, all at the end.

Education's at the end. Politics at the end. War's at the end. Civilization's at the end. All those things are at the end. My, what can we do then? What is next? We're at the end of all things.

215 Now, the church life is at the end, the normal church, the church, that... Now, this may stick just a little bit. But the church carnal, the Esau church, she's come to her end. What she doing? Heading up in the federation of churches, which will finally join with Romanism to fight Catholicism--or with Catholicism to fight Communism. Pope John is calling for all the churches to come back, and they will. And they'll unite themselves together, just exactly what THUS SAITH THE LORD.

You say, "Wait a minute, Brother Branham, you're getting off the line." If I am, God wrote His Bible off the line. You have to be Micaiah on this case.

217 Morris Cerullo said to me the other night, said, "Who is the antichrist, Brother Branham? The Jew's the antichrist."

I said, "Morris. And you a Jew?"

He said, "They're the greatest God-haters there is."

I said, "Morris, don't. Tell me in the Scripture where the antichrist come out of Jerusalem. The antichrist come out of Rome, not out of Palestine."

He said, "Well, look, I'm... They're God-haters."

"Yes, didn't God say He blinded their eyes so we could have a day of seeing? But our day will be over soon."

He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, I never thought of that." See, there you are.

221 See, we're at the end. The carnal world, the carnal church is at it end. Watch how it's heading up in the federation of churches, the United Brethren went into them, the Pentecostal is into them. All the rest of them organize themselves. See, you was down in them Canaanites, all the way down through those Esau spirits, very religious, and confederated themselves with the world, not spiritual understanding, not able to overcome, not elected of God to be called out and separated.

Oh, if I could only make it known, when if I could only push it down some way... They don't see it. They got eyes and they can't see, ears and can't hear. Oh, why we so dull in the Spirit? Now, listen to this. Everything's at the end.

223 And the spiritual Church is at its end; she's coming to the end. O God. Look back yonder when she started with Luther, shook down, the spiritual. Then with Wesley come to sanctification, then with Pentecost, the Holy Ghost, and now at the end time, the Spirit of Christ so in the Church, It's doing the same works that He did, right back to Its head again; and ready for the Church and Christ to unite, and the coming of the Lord Jesus, and the resurrection of the dead. We're at the end time. Jesus said so, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Do you understand it?

224 Look at the carnal church. Look where they're going to, farther and farther away. Look at the Spirit-filled Church, shaking off all of its little nonsense, coming up in the Spirit, (in the minority, of course), coming in the Spirit, but moving up into such a place till it's got there to where the Holy Spirit's moving right through it, working Its way, ready to receive her Lord, ready to receive her Lord.

And the rest of them organized, going back into the world, sectioned off, going back into federation, moving up into that one great confederate head under Catholicism. "And, there was an image formed to the beast," an "image," "something like it." A confederation of church formed with Catholicism, them two together, work together. "Who's able to make war with the beast or his image?" Certainly not. How we could go through it for hours.

227 Now, let me say this to you, and then I'll--it will be time to close. It's, I've... I told you it was going to be long. I--I just feel so wound up. When God even said these things, said, "Tell them. Speak it out. Don't hold your peace any longer. Show it to them. If they don't receive it, then the blood's not on your hands." The hour's here. The time, it's all heading up.

The world's at its end. It can't stand no more. The wars is at its end; you can't have no more war. If you have war, it won't; just the first one pulls the trigger, that's it. Politics, it's rotten and corrupted.

229 The church world is Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, It's the hogs to its wallow, dogs to its vomit. That's right, every one of them. God calls out of that corruption a Church that's elected. That's exactly. Esau, they said, "We're the church." I don't doubt that. Jacob was Esau's father too, that's right, so... But, but I--I mean Isaac was Esau's father, and Jacob was his brother, with him. But one had recompense to the birthright; the other one hated it. One heard, recognized, and acted; the other one said, "Oh, as long as I go to church and do what's right, what difference does it make?" There you are. Now, in...

230 I say this; then I'm closing, this one more remark. The real Church has so much to live for now. Oh, it should be such a jubilant time for the real Church, for the true Church, for the elected Church, when you know in your heart you've passed from death to Life. When you look at yourself and see, watch your life and see that all the things of the world's passed away, that you become a new creature. Listen now, in closing, closely. You know that you've passed from--your life proves it, "By their fruits you shall know them." Your whole objective is Christ. You're looking for Him to come at any minute. You walk in the Spirit; you love Him. You see Him working through you. Nothing that you desire to do, but He just does it Himself. Oh, what a time.

231 Reminds me of the artist that went over to Rome to learn to be an artist, a young fellow. They noticed him. He was so much different from all the other American boys and girls, and things that went over there to be artists, and from the rest of the world. This one young man was outstanding. He was a fine fellow. And they noticed. They'd have great big parties, and get down there and, how they do in Rome, just get drunk as they can be. I've been there myself and seen it; get out on the street, men and women, and carry on. Even in the parks, have sexual affairs right in the park, right out in the open, pay no attention; England too, all the rest of them. See? That's no worse than here. Just the same thing here, just about as bad; only, just cover it up a little more here, on account of police and things. Now, but just horrible...

233 Well, this young one fellow, he kept hisself away from all of it. When they'd go on their parties, he'd let them go, but he was learning to be an artist. So one day an old caretaker, which was a Christian that was around the--the museum, the art gallery, he said--he said, "Let's take a little walk, son. Let's take a walk; I'd like to talk to you awhile."

He said, "All right."

So they went, walking up a hill, and both of them with their hands behind them, walked up the hill. The sun was setting. And so the old man said to the young artist; he said, "Son, you're an American."

He said, "I am."

He said, "You come here to get your education in art. I suppose you're aiming to make your life's work an artist."

He said, "I'm planning on doing that, sir."

Said, "I perceive that you're a Christian."

He said, "I am a Christian."

He said, "Well, there's one thing I'd like to ask you. I've asked these others. They say they're Christians too." He said, "What makes you so different? What makes you different from the rest of these boys from America, and these girls from America? What makes you so much difference, and yet you all say you're Christians?"

He said, "Sir, you see the way that sun's setting?"

He said, "I do."

He said, "Way across the ocean in a certain state in New England, in a certain city in that state, and in a certain house in that city, is a certain girl that I promised that I'd live true to." He said, "That's all is on my mind: to get my education of art and return back to that girl who's living true to me." He said, "That's the way I live what I do."

Oh, brother, sister, you might wonder why that we don't care what they call us. I don't care what they say.

239 I was standing with Fred the other day down in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was looking across the sea, and noticed how that coral reef a half a mile out, them big waves breaking. He said... Flamingos walking in the garden, so forth. I said... He said, "Brother Branham, this is like heaven."

I said, "But the sea will be quiet there, brother." I said, "Just across the sea yonder, there's a certain place called heaven, there's a certain One called Jesus in this heaven, that one day He took away all my sins, and I promised Him I'd live true to Him, I would do the things that He wanted me to do. That's the reason I'm not ashamed of His Gospel. It's the power of God unto salvation." That's what makes a Christian live different; he is different because he's got Something to live different for.

241 Let us bow our heads just a moment. My dejected friend, this morning, have you got something different to live for, something to bring you out of the world, something that means more to you than all the world, is to live for Christ? If you haven't got that, why don't you receive It now. Just don't go to church and say, "I want to be a good person." Don't do that. You want to be a Christian. You, if there's something that's always been in your heart, telling you, "You're not right, but I want you to be right." You've always longed to be something that you're not now, don't you know that's God calling to you? Don't turn your back on it. "For if you was once enlightened and had the opportunity, and turned it down your last time, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin." Don't take up with Esau; come with Jacob, regardless of the--regardless of what it's going to cost you. If it costs you your home, if it costs you your job, if it costs your husband, it costs your wife, if it costs your children, if it cost anything, get the birthright. That's what counts. And if you feel that way about it this morning, and would like to have this birthright, I can't give it to you; God can, and He's the One that's talking to you. Would you just raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham, that birthright, I want." God bless you, everywhere across. "That birthright, I want."

243 Our heavenly Father, I thank Thee, most noble and holy God, for all Your goodness and mercies to the sons and daughters of men. And we realize that we're at the end time; nothing can go much longer. We're just waiting in borrowed time; like it was in the days of Noah, the long-suffering of God, when the ark was being prepared, when only eight souls were saved. You said, "So will it be at the coming of the Son of man. "God's long-suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance."

And today in this building, there's men and women raised their hands, boys and girls, young and old, have raised their hands, and saying, "There's Something tugging at me." O God, may they never turn It down. May they sell their education; may they sell everything they got. Like the man who found the great pearl, it was a notable, great pearl; it was the greatest pearl; and he sold all of his little ones that he might buy this notable, great pearl. May they sell out everything that they got of the world, this morning, all their popularity of the world.

245 These women setting here, Lord, many of them that's heard the Gospel preached so many times, and still wade right on into the world, and fashion like the world and dress like the world, and going to parties and things that the world, partaking of worldly things and acting like the world, and using the things of the world. O God, may they be ashamed this morning. If there's any hope in them at all, Lord, turn it today. Let this be the hour.

And these men here, Lord, O God, have mercy on them. Many of them still walking out in the things of the world, still desiring and enjoying the things of the world, sin, smoking, drinking, sociable drinks, a little beer on the side, or--or something like that, or would lust, and hang little pinup, filthy-dressed young women. And them bodies that they're looking at on the street, and they almost run over people to look at them (calling themselves Christians), and know that that form of that woman's body, in maybe in twenty-four hours, will be rottening yonder in the grave, and bugs and worms crawling through them shaped and formed vessels of her body; and her soul yonder in a devil's hell, for the way she lived. And yet she'd stick up her little painted lips and snicker and laugh at you.

247 God, be merciful to them people. O Lord, don't let them be lost. Please have mercy and send mercy. Give each one of them, Lord. You're the only One can give this blessing. And if you've called them to Eternal Life, may their hearts open up; and they lay everything aside this morning, and then they will receive it. Grant it, Father.

And now may the Holy Spirit come into this meeting for the sick and the afflicted, and let the people see that this message that's been preached this morning, that the coming and everything's at the end, and even Jesus working in His Church... And let it come to pass right now, Lord, that You can take these people into Your hands. And when they see the Holy Spirit working, moving among the people, may it be confirmed, the message that I preached, that we're at the end time. And may they hear. They have heard, and may they recognize that that same Jesus, the way He did it in His day, He's here doing it through His church in the last day. And then may they act, by giving their lives and bodies, and souls and spirits to Him. I give them to You, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

249 Now, in the building where the people are, I sent Billy this morning to give out prayer cards. He call... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

Are you sick and needy? [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

If God will reveal to me, like He did the woman at the well, and tell me what your trouble is, or something about you, that you know that I don't know, would it make you have faith to believe God? Would it make the rest of you have faith? Is this our first time meeting? Oh, you seen me before. But I'm a stranger to you, is that right? All right, may the Lord God grant your request.

251 Now, is it real or not? Oh, call on your intellectual religions. "Baalim," said, "where's he at?" Elijah on Mount Carmel, said, "Where's Baalim? Where? Wake him up." You don't have to wake Jesus. He's awake all the time. He's ever present, ever living, and ever able, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. God remains God.

You believe your heart trouble's going to leave you and you're going to get well? You're not from here. You go back to Lexington and tell people what great things the Lord's done to you.

253 See? It goes over the top of heads of people, they'd never get it. A live church would grab that quickly, and know that the Presence of the Holy Spirit is here.

Somebody back in here raised their hand. Was it you, lady? Do you believe God can tell me your trouble? The old...

The brother out there on the end, I believe he said, awhile ago that... You believe, brother? You do? Then that skin trouble will leave you; you'll be all right. You believe it? You accept it as being healed? Raise up your hand, if you do. All right. He's a stranger to me. You know that, Pat.

256 A lady looking there, praying, looked at me, said she was a stranger. You believe the high blood pressure's going to leave you? That's right, isn't it? Raise up your hand if that's right. All right, have faith in God. You see what I mean?

How about some of you people that know me? You got something on your heart. Raise your hand, (See?), so many of them. I can't make it; It just has to come. You know, it's your faith.

Georgie Bruce, I see her sitting there. You're always trying to find something for somebody, Georgie. You was healed with a cancer. No question in your mind. The day that you come to this Tabernacle and walked out that door yonder, the Holy Spirit come upon me, and told you right there some act that nobody in the world knowed but you and God and another person. Is that right? That's right. You believe me, don't you, Georgie? You got something on your heart, Georgie. You believe God can tell me what's on your heart? Would that make the rest of you, people that know me, believe?

259 I know Georgie, but she's thinking of something. She's got two people, that's away from here, she's praying for. Both of them live in Corydon. That's right. Then she's got a person here, a man she's praying for that's out here in the hospital. And you're praying, not so much for his healing, but the salvation of his soul. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's right. Is that right, Georgie? That's exactly right.

Somebody way back there raised up their hand, way back in the back, back in here. You, what about you? Was you raised up your hand, you're a stranger to me, this man setting here looking at me? I don't know you. Do you believe me to be God's prophet, God's servant? You believe the Holy Spirit, what I've told is the truth? You believe that? If you'll believe, you've o... That's the only thing you got, 'cause you're suffering with cancer. That's right. You're not from this city. You're from New Albany. That is right. And you got cancer. If you'll believe with all of your heart, you'll get well. Will you accept it? Raise your hand. Blessed be the Lord.

261 I believe that woman out there with the white-looking hat around her head, rai--colored lady, raised her hand. I haven't had a colored person yet. You believe, lady? All right, sir, believe with all your heart. You got heart trouble, stomach trouble, complications. Somebody brought you here this morning. THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's right, isn't it, lady? If that's right, wave that handkerchief you got in your hand, so the people will see it. I never seen the woman in my life.

Did you raise your hand? Am I a stranger to you? And you're a stranger to me. You believe God knows me, or God knows you? You believe He can tell me what's on your heart? You're praying for somebody. It's your father, has heart trouble. That's right. And you're seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost, THUS SAITH THE LORD. If you can believe...

What about the little lady with her hand up like this? You believe? Your trouble is that rash on your hand, but you're praying for a grandchild. That's right. The child's not normal. That's true, isn't it, lady? You believe with all your heart for it. Now, I said, "child," wait a minute. Oh, there you are. Your son had a car accident: crippled. I don't know you, lady, but that's true. If that's right, raise your hand.

264 Now, Who's here? Who is It? It ain't me. How can I do that? Don't be numb of the Spirit, spiritual things. It's God here. That Holy Spirit you want, do you believe It now? Do you believe It now? All right, then receive It now. Now's the time to receive It. Believe with all your heart.

You that's sick or needy. I can't heal. No man can heal. I can't give the Holy Spirit. But the One that can heal and give the Holy Spirit, He's here, He's the One Who does it.

266 Now, bow your head. You believe right now, as I pray for you and these handkerchiefs.

Our heavenly Father, as far as I know, I went through every one that was strangers, as far as I felt myself weakening and giving away; felt led that this is the time maybe that the elected has seen. May each and every one of them, Lord, that was called and permitted to be called by Your Spirit; something, their--their faith, they had more faith that, some of them, than they thought they had. They just begin in their hearts.

And the woman touched His garment one time when He passed by, and He turned and said, "Who touched Me?"

And they said, "Well, everybody's touched you."

He said, "But I perceive I got weak." And he found the little woman and told her she had a blood issue, and her faith had healed her.

And the Bible said that, "He's still High Priest today that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." The Scripture said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." And if He be the same, and the same High Priest, He'll act the same and do the same.

271 And may the people see that the Spirit-filled Church is coming to a head. Christ is fixing to come and take His Church. His last great signs, as it was in the days of Sodom: Who spoke, knowed Sarah, and knowed he had a wife named Sarah, knowed her in the tent laughed; He said, "That'll be a sign. When you see that, remember, that generation shall not pass until all be fulfilled." Here it is. We're at the end.

Grant, Lord, that every sick person in here may know that the living Jesus Christ is present. May these handkerchiefs be blessed to every sick body that they go to. I condemn the devil, for the people. I cast him, by the Spirit of God, in faith, I cast away every shadow of doubt. And may every person here, that's ordained to Eternal Life, receive It this hour. May every superstition, every little quench, every little thing of the world, every little weight, as the Bible said, "Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that does so easily beset us; that we might run, with patience the race that's set before us; looking (to what? to the church? to the organization?) to the Author and Finisher of our faith," which is here now, "Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Looking to Him Who... We don't have to take words that we know that's true, but yet them Words is made real to us this morning. That same Jesus that died, is not dead; He's rose again. And two thousand years later He's bringing His Church to a head. The spirit of Judas is working among them. But may they lay aside every stumbling block and everything, this hour, and receive Him.

273 May they hear, which they have through the sermon. May they recognize now that the very Words that they heard has been made manifest, and they recognize it, that it's Christ. And may now they act, act upon it: receive It, and rise to their feet, give testimony; and go into the Kingdom of God by being filled with the Holy Ghost.

May the sick be healed. May the afflicted be healed. May every heart's desire be made right. Grant it, Almighty God.

275 Now, with your heads bowed, your hearts open, just give yourself a season of prayer; just before, I guess, the baptismal service coming, just before this. There'll be another service tonight.

Now, remember, don't let this opportunity pass. I been here now for two and a half hours or more, trying to just take my time, and bring in the Gospel, and laying it in just perfectly. Then we come right down to the end. And the very text: hear, recognize, act... See? Don't let it pass over your head. You've heard It. Do you recognize that His Presence is here? Do you know It's Him that's calling you? Then act upon It. God be with you. Have a season of prayer.

Brother Neville, you close in prayer, just go ahead and pray...