Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou



1        Znovu dnes ráno... [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] ...spánku počas noci. Dúfam, že sme sa všetci dobre vyspali a cítime sa dnes odpočinutí.

        Práve som rozmýšľal, ako som stál tu v miestnosti, a Billy Paul dnes ráno prekročil dvadsaťpäťku. Pamätám si, ako som stál za touto kazateľňou, keď Frankie Weber, sused tuto... Chodil som s ním spolu do školy. Mal som asi dvadsaťjeden alebo dvadsaťdva a on už mal dvadsaťpäť. A keď prekročil dvadsaťpäť, pomyslel som si, „Ó, Frankie sa už chystá zomrieť, je taký starý. A teraz,“ pomyslel som si, „čo budem robiť ja, keď sa dostanem do takého veku, dvadsaťpäť rokov.“ A teraz už môjmu vlastnému synovi minulo dvadsaťpäť.

        To len dokazuje, ako čas naozaj letí a na nikoho nečaká. Musíme pracovať, zatiaľ čo je deň, lebo príde čas, keď nebudeme môcť viac pracovať. A vždy sa mi páčilo Longfellowovo dielo, „Žalm života.“ „Pri odchode zanechajme za sebou stopy na piesku času.“ Musíme robiť stopy, zatiaľ čo ich môžeme robiť, každý jeden z nás. Nepremárnime ani jeden deň, ale urobme všetko pre to, aby bol každý deň na Jeho slávu.

2        Pred pár dňami alebo pred pár týždňami to bolo, Pán mi dal videnia, ako to všetci vieme. A náhodou som mal také zvláštne videnie, keď som bol dolu v Kentucky. A povedal som tým ľuďom, s ktorými som bol, „Niečo sa istotne stane.“

 Asi o tretej ráno som videl, ako v mojej izbe stál strašidelne tmavo vyzerajúci muž. Nebol ako naši milovaní čierni bratia či sestry; tento muž bol iný. Jeho telo bolo vráskavé železo a blížil sa ku mne so zovretými rukami, aby ma napadol, a ja som sa mohol brániť iba s takou malou čepeľou. Ale tá bola zbytočná, nemohla... Nemohol som sa s ňou brániť. A tak, nejako Pán prišiel ku mne a pomohol mi tomuto strašidelnému mužovi uniknúť. Bol z vráskavého železa. Videl som, ako zodvihol ruky, tie veľké vrásky na jeho koži, bolo to ako železo, ktoré sa pohybovalo hore a dolu. Odhadujem, že to ohavné telo by možno ani tvrdá rýchla guľka neprederavila (bol ako nejaké zviera, ako korytnačka alebo niečo podobné). A išiel po mne. Mal som celkom dobré tušenie, čo to bolo a čo to znamenalo.

3        Ale potom minulý utorok, asi o tretej ráno, sa stalo niečo iné. Bol som doma a v mojej izbe predo mnou stál ten Božský a hovoril slová, ktorým som nerozumel. A ten čas, ktorý On určil, sa rýchlo blíži. A nepočul som ho veľmi dobre, ale bol Božský. A povedal, „Ešte sedem dní a budeš stáť, ako stál Mojžiš,“ alebo „budeš, ako bol Mojžiš“, alebo niečo, čo sa týkalo Mojžiša. Podľa toho mi po dnešku zostáva už len jeden deň. Toto je šiesty. Neviem, čo to znamená, ale viem, že On to vypôsobí, akokoľvek to je. „Budeš stáť,“ alebo „budeš musieť stáť,“ alebo „budeš ako...“ Bolo to niečo, čo sa týkalo Mojžiša. Nikdy som o tom príliš veľa nerozmýšľal. Povedal som o tom svojej rodine a niektorým svojim milovaným, že som videl toto Božské stvorenie. Ale jednako, On hovoril ako človek.

 Ale potom som si všimol, že v mojom posolstve včera večer mi Pán dovolil vybrať Mojžiša. A dnes ráno to je Mojžiš a jeho nástupca. A to miesto Písma, ktorému sa dnes ráno budem venovať, sa týka Mojžiša a Jozuu. A toto miesto Písma, Jozua 1. kapitola, bolo vždy veľkolepé miesto Písma. Nikdy v živote som o tom nekázal; ale dnes ráno sa o to pokúsim.

4 Asi pred dvoma rokmi som videl, ako do miestnosti vstúpila Biblia a stála tam, kde som stál ja. A zhora prišla ruka a obrátila stránky; a zastavila sa pri Jozuovi 1, po 9. verš. Tam sa zastavila a išla pomaly. Čakal som, kým príde táto hodina, kedy budem cítiť, že to je Božia vôľa, aby som o tom hovoril.

 No, nezabudnite na večerné zhromaždenia, ak môžete prísť a nemáte žiadne povinnosti. Ak máte cirkvi, ktoré vás potrebujú, tak potom určite odporúčam, aby ste išli do svojho zboru.

 Dnes ráno sa hneď po tomto zhromaždení budeme modliť za chorých. A myslím, že potom bude bohoslužba s krstom.

 A dnes večer, ak Pán dá, chcem kázať o piatich nezlyhávajúcich biblických identifikáciách cirkvi a našom vzťahu s ňou – s cirkvou Nového Zákona a našom vzťahu s touto cirkvou. A služby sa začnú, služba s piesňami bude o 19:30; a ja pokúsim byť za kazateľňou okolo ôsmej. A do 21:30 by sme mali končiť, ak Pán dá.

5        A tak verím, že dnes toto nebudú slová, ktoré... Keď sa dostanem ku povereniu, dúfam, že to nikomu neunikne, lebo je to veľmi dôležité, aby ste dali všetko nabok a premýšľali, ako čakáme na Ducha Svätého.

 Pred tým, ako sa budeme venovať tomuto veľkolepému a milostivému Slovu, poprosím svojho dobrého priateľa a spolupracovníka, Dr. Lee Vayla, aby sa postavil a viedol nás slovom modlitby, ako otvoríme Slovo. Brat Vayle. [Brat Vayle sa modlí – pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem, brat Vayle, za tú inšpirujúcu modlitbu k Bohu.

6        A obráťme sa teraz do Písma. Je tak veľa vecí, o ktorých by sme mohli hovoriť, ale na druhej strane vidím, koľko nás tu stojí popri stenách a na chodbe, a tak ďalej. Verím, že čelíme svitaniu nového dňa. A tak, ako budeme dnes ráno čítať Písmo, obráťme sa do 1. kapitoly Jozuu. A budeme čítať knihu Jozuu, prvú kapitolu, prvých deväť veršov.

 Zatiaľ čo sa pripravujeme... Toto posolstvo sa nahráva a vyšle sa do mnohých častí sveta. Chcel by som, aby tie národy sveta, ku ktorým mi Boh umožnil tú príležitosť, a ak som našiel milosť vo vašich očiach... Hovorím to dnes ráno... No dúfam, že v budúcnosti, keď prídem do vašich zborov, aby ste vopred vedeli, čo Pán Boh vykonal, a aby ste poznali pravdu. A ako Ježiš povedal, „Pravda vás vyslobodí.“

7 Čítajme od Jozuu 1:

A stalo sa po smrti Mojžiša, služobníka Hospodinovho, že takto povedal Hospodin Jozuovi, synovi Núnovmu, sluhovi Mojžišovmu:

Mojžiš, môj služobník zomrel; preto teraz vstaň a prejdi cez tento Jordán, ty i všetok tento ľud, do zeme, ktorú im ja dám, synom Izraelovým. 

Každé miesto, na ktoré šľapí vaša noha, dal som vám, tak ako som hovoril Mojžišovi,

všetko od púšte a od tohoto Libanona až po veľkú rieku, po rieku Eufrates; celá zem Hetejov a všetko až po Veľké more, na západe slnka, bude vaším územím.

Nikto neobstojí pred tebou po všetky dni tvojho života. Jako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou; nezanechám ťa ani ťa neopustím.

Buď silný a pevný, lebo ty rozdelíš tomuto ľudu do dedičstva zem, o ktorej som prisahal ich otcom, že im ju dám.

Len buď silný a pevný veľmi ostríhať, aby si činil všetko podľa celého zákona, ktorý ti prikázal Mojžiš, môj služobník. Neuchýľ sa od neho ani na pravo ani na ľavo, aby si robil múdre a rozumne vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pojdeš.

Neuhne táto kniha zákona od tvojich úst, ale budeš rozmýšľať o nej vodne i v noci, aby si ostríhal a činil všetko podľa všetkého toho, čo je napísané v nej, lebo vtedy sa ti podarí tvoja cesta, a vtedy budeš robiť múdre a rozumne.

Lebo veď či som ti neprikázal: Buď silný a pevný! Netras sa ani sa nestrachuj!? Lebo s tebou je Hospodin, tvoj Bôh, vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pojdeš.

8        V piatom verši, asi v strede toho verša je napísané, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou.“ To je... Chcel by som to nazvať ako tému, chvíľu ešte počkám a potom na to upriamim vašu pozornosť. „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou.“

 No, minulý večer sme putovali so synmi Izraelovými do Egypta až po Kádeš. Ó, čo za veľká lekcia. Čo za veľká vec, ako sme prirovnali tú prirodzenú cirkev k duchovnej cirkvi: Boh koná s Izraelom v prirodzenom; s cirkvou v týchto dňoch, ako vyvoláva pohanov a ľudí pre Svoje Meno. Koná s nimi v duchovnom, ako s nimi konal v prirodzenom. Je to paralelné jedno s druhým. Všetko, čo Boh s nimi urobil, a všetko, čo Boh pre nich urobil, a všetko, čo Mu oni opätovne urobili, je to tu pre nás ako príklad. Vidíme, že doteraz bolo Slovo vykonané presne tak: ako v prirodzenom, keď mali víťazstvo alebo niekoľko víťazstiev, tak sa začali radovať, kričať, tancovať a chváliť Boha, presne tak, ako to robila aj cirkev. A teraz čakali štyridsať rokov na otvorenie niečoho iného.

9 A ako rozmýšľame o Mojžišovi, tomto veľkom sluhovi Pánovom, ako pri jeho narodení, pri mieste jeho narodenia, Boh si ho vyvolil pre svoju prácu, pri jeho narodení. A jeho život bol veľmi ťažký, lebo ako muž, on chce žiť jedným spôsobom a Duch Boží ho vedie inou cestou. Tie rozhodnutia, ktoré urobil, sa navonok zdali bláznovstvom, keď bol jednou nohou na tróne, aby zdedil svet a potom na druhej strane bol vyvrheľom a tulákom. Navonok to bola, podľa mysle, bláznivá vec.

 Ale nachádzame v tomto veľkú lekciu, že ľudia, ktorí nasledujú Ducha, sú bláznami pre svet, lebo pochádzajú z iného kráľovstva, sú vedení inou cestou, vedení Duchom. Bože, nech som to ja a všetci vy, aby sme nasledovali vedenie Ducha, bez ohľadu na všetko ostatné, len sledujúc Božie zasľúbenie a čakajúc, kým bude vyplnené.

10 A to je presne to, čo Mojžiš urobil. Faraón čítal tie isté miesta Písma, ktoré čítal Mojžiš, akurát faraón sa na to pozeral iným spôsobom. Mojžiš sa pozeral na tých istých ľudí ako faraón. Faraón ich videl ako otrokov a miesičov blata; Mojžiš ich videl ako povolaných a vyvolených.

 Tak chcem aj ja vidieť cirkev živého Boha – nie ako skupinu fanatikov a vyvrheľov, ale ako vyvolených Božích, aby som mohol odovzdať svoj život, ako to urobil Mojžiš, pre túto veľkú cirkev a túto vec.

 Teraz zisťujeme, že Mojžiš bol povolaný. A potom, ako bol poverený, on zlyhal vo svojom poverení tým, že sa snažil robiť to, čo si myslel, že je najlepšie.

 Tak znova nás to učí, že nemôžeme brať to, čo si myslíme, že je najlepšie, alebo čo si človek myslí, že je najlepšie. Musíme vziať to, čo Boh povedal, že je najlepšie. A nasledovať Slovo Pánovo je vždy tá najlepšia vec. Ísť tou cestou, ktorou Boh povedal.

11        A v tom, ako zlyhal, zisťujeme, že utiekol spred tváre faraóna na púšť, kde si vzal Jetrovu dcéru Ciporu. A potom, ako sa s ňou oženil, porodila mu syna Geršoma. A potom sa usadil, žil ticho a pokojne, ako pracoval s ovcami.

 Ale jedného dňa počul Boh výkrik Svojho ľudu. Boh sa rozpamätal, že mal s týmto ľudom zmluvu. A nielen to, ale tiež sa rozpamätal, že mal sluhu, ktorého povolal a vyvolil a mal s týmto sluhom zmluvu. A Boh nikdy Svoju zmluvu nezmení, nezmení Svoje túžby, nezmení nič. Boh vždy dodrží Svoje sľuby. Aj keď Mojžiš sklamal a urobil to, čo nebolo správne, jednako Boh Svoju zmluvu dodržal. Keď Boh povolá človeka, aby niečo urobil, on to musí urobiť, jednoducho to musí urobiť.

12        Niekto sa ma pred nejakým časom opýtal, „Máme teraz hľadať dary pre naše služby?“ Nejaký metodistický brat, ktorý práve prijal Ducha Svätého. Povedal som, „Nie, nerobte to! Keď to urobíte, potom vás Boh nemôže použiť.“ Povedal som, „Jediná vec, ktorú musíte urobiť, je ísť vpred a byť Kresťanmi. Ak vás Boh povolal, On vás umiestni presne tam, kde patríte.“

 Zvyčajne tí, ktorí hľadajú a snažia sa získať veci, ak by im Boh aj niečo dal, oni by sa nafúkli. Zvyčajne ten človek, ktorého Boh povoláva, je práve ten, ktorý sa od Neho snaží utiecť – Mojžiš a Pavol a ďalší, všetci sa snažili od toho povolania utiecť.

13        Ale zisťujeme tu, že Boh napriek všetkému tomu zlyhaniu, ktorým Mojžiš prešiel, On mal jednako na ňom Svoje ruky. A povolal ho, aby Mu konal službu. Povolal ho do tohto poverenia. A čo za utešenie to muselo byť pre Jozuu, keď počul, ako mu Boh povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou.“

 Aj keby som sa snažil a zlyhal pri tom, Boh ma neopustí. Nikdy som nemal veľa dôvery k niekomu, kto sa bál niečo urobiť. Radšej by som bol nájdený pri zlyhaní, ako by som mal byť príliš lenivý, aby som to aspoň skúsil.

14 Kedysi sa hovorilo, že firma Ballard Flour Company raz najala človeka a on sa išiel podpísať; a ten človek nemal žiadnu gumu na konci ceruzky. A pán Ballard sa ho opýtal a povedal, „Prečo nemáte žiadnu gumu?“

 Povedal, „Nerobím chyby.“

On mu povedal, „Tak potom vás nemôžem použiť. Lebo ak nerobíte chyby... Nerobíte chyby vtedy, keď nerobíte nič.“ To je pravda.

 Boh ťa nebude brať za zodpovednosť za tvoje chyby. Bude ťa bude brať za zodpovednosť za hriechy, ktoré si vedome robil. „Ten, kto vedome hreší, potom, ako prijal známosť pravdy...“ Ale človek, ktorý niečo robí, urobí chybu, zlyhá. Urobí chyby. Ale ak je Božsky povolaný a Boh je v jeho srdci, tak znovu povstane.

15        Zvykli tu pred rokmi chodiť do zboru (a oni tu môžu byť dnes ráno), jeden muž a jeho žena. Zvykli spievať pieseň, ktorá ma nadchla, ktorá hovorila niečo takéto:

 Odpusť mi, Pane, a vyskúšaj ma ešte raz,

 budem Tvoj, ak Ty budeš môj.

 Ak padnem alebo ak zlyhám,

 dovoľ mi povstať a vyskúšať to znovu.

 Odpusť mi, Pane, a vyskúšaj ma ešte raz.

 Ó, páči sa mi to. Lebo akýkoľvek dobrý vojak je náchylný na zranenie. Ale ak je stále dobrým vojakom a má určitý zámer a niečo, pre čo bojuje, tak povstane a vyskúša to znova. Akýkoľvek dobrý vojak kríža urobí to isté.

16 A Jozua, ten nový veliteľ armády, po tom, ako Mojžiš zomrel, videl, že Boh, aj pri jeho chybách, s ním zostal a dodržiaval svoje poverenie... Bez ohľadu na to, čo Mojžiš urobil, bol to Mojžišov úrad, ktorý Boh rešpektoval. On bol prorok. Bol nad všetkými prorokmi. Bol naozaj viac ako akýkoľvek prorok, ktorého mali. Keď sa mu jeho vlastná sestra smiala za to, že si vzal za ženu etiópske dievča, on ich zvolal a povedal, „Či sa nebojíte Boha?“ Povedal, „Ak je medzi vami niekto, kto je duchovný alebo prorok, prehovorím ku nemu vo videniach a dám sa mu poznať v snoch. Ale nie tak Mojžiš. S ním hovorím ústa k uchu. Či sa nebojíte Boha?“

 Vidíte, nie je dobré šliapať na Boží ľud. Keď to robíte, urážate Jeho. Boh poveril Mojžiša. Jeho zlyhania nič neznamenali – Boh poznal jeho srdce.

17        A raz sa Mojžiš sťažoval za to, že mal toho príliš veľa na robote. A tak Boh vzal jeho ducha a rozdelil ho medzi sedemdesiatich. Oni nemali o nič viac Ducha, ako mali na začiatku, ale jediné, čoho mali viac, bolo viac mašinérie. Rovnaké množstvo Ducha. Boh môže položiť celého Svojho Ducha na človeka, ak chce, alebo Ho môže roztrúsiť medzi tisíce, ak to tak chce. Jedného dňa vložil celého Svojho Ducha na človeka, ktorý sa volal Ježiš; teraz Ho roztrúsil všade medzi Svoje cirkvi. Boh dodržiava Svoje poverenie.

18        No, Jozua, ten nový bojovník... Teraz zostali len dvaja, ktorí zotrvali až po zasľúbenú zem, to bol Jozua a Kálef. A teraz bol Jozua nový veliteľom, ktorý mal viesť armádu a vstúpiť na to miesto, kde stál veľký muž ako Mojžiš. To nebola žiadna malá úloha.

 Pripomína mi to kazateľa dnes, ktorý je povolaný od Boha, aby vstúpil na cestu, kde stál Ježiš – čo za prikázanie, čo za poverenie. Ale každý, kto je povolaný od Boha, je poverený, aby stál na tom istom mieste. „Budem s tebou, dokonca v tebe, až do konca cesty.“ Každý kazateľ je povolaný, aby stál tam, kde On: „Tie skutky, ktoré ja činím, budete aj vy činiť.“ Každý kazateľ, poverený od Boha, má príkaz stáť na ceste Ježiša Krista a vykonávať povinnosti, ktoré vykonával Ježiš. To je celkom veľké prikázanie.

19        A aký to musel byť pocit, keď Jozua, ako tam stál v to ráno a hovoril s Bohom, On povedal, „Nezlyhám pri tebe; ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou; žiaden človek pred tebou neobstojí po všetky dni tvojho života. Zničím a rozdelím. Vyčistím cestu, len buď silný a odvážny. Nebuď zdesený [to znamená: neobávaj sa], lebo Ja som s tebou. Povediem ťa až do konca.“ Čo za poverenie dané tomuto novému mužovi menom Jozua.

 No, je tu veľa rôznych príkladov, do ktorých by sme mohli ísť, ale niektoré z nich preskočíme. Napríklad, ako bol Mojžiš cirkevným vekom, ktorý ich priviedol na Sinaj, do ich teológie (ako minulý večer). Mojžišovi nebolo dovolené vziať synov Izraelových do zasľúbenej zeme, lebo zlyhal.

20        A tie cirkevné organizácie, denominácie zlyhali. Oni nezaujmú cirkev! Boh vzbudí nový systém – medzidenominačný systém, skrze moc Božiu, ktorá vezme cirkev do zasľúbenej zeme. Organizácie a denominácie to pokazili, podľa svojej vlastnej teológie, každá jedna z nich podľa ich vlastného spôsobu myslenia. Ale Boh vezme Svojho Ducha Svätého a vzbudí Svojich Jozuov a oni vezmú cirkev do jej zasľúbenia bez akýchkoľvek denominačných pút. Oni zaujmú Jeho cirkev.

 Mojžiš zlyhal. On bol zákonodarcom. Jozua bol povolaný z milosti a viedol cirkev ďalej.

21        Tiež nachádzame, že Jozua poznal svoje poverenie, vedel, že to ležalo v jeho rukách, že ho Boh povolal do služby, a vedel, že nemôže zlyhať, on kráčal pokorne pred Bohom.. A keď zvolal ľudí a povedal im, že Boh ho poveril, sledujte žiadosť tých ľudí. Oni povedali, „Budeme ťa nasledovať, ako sme nasledovali Mojžiša, ak budeme vidieť, že to, čo nasledovalo Mojžiša, bude nasledovať aj teba. Len buď silný a odvážny!“

 To by mala byť požiadavka každého znovuzrodeného človeka dnes. Ak sa od nás vyžaduje, aby sme nasledovali, potom by sme mali vidieť znamenia, ktoré nasledujú toho veriaceho. Ako Ježiš povedal, „Tie veci, ktoré Ja činím, budete aj vy činiť.“

 A už som vás prosil, aby ste dnes ráno nechali svoje duchovné srdcia otvorené, lebo verím, že rozumiete, čo hovorím. Ako tu sedíme s denominačnými ľuďmi z rôznych organizácií, ktoré sú tu dnes ráno zhromaždené od katolíkov a protestantov a mnohých ďalších. Samozrejme, bude to zjavené tým, ktorí sú naplnení Duchom.

22        No, Jozua musel zobrať toto prikázanie. Ľudia mu povedali, „Nech je Boh s tebou, ako bol s Mojžišom, a my budeme vedieť, že ten Duch, ktorý nás zatiaľ viedol, nás povedie aj ďalej.“

 Ó, ako by sa cirkev dnes ráno mala pozrieť a hľadať, ako ten Duch pracuje medzi ľuďmi. Ak chcete cirkevný domov, kde Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Krista z mŕtvych, ten Duch Svätý, ktorý sa bude pohybovať medzi ľuďmi. To je ten Duch, ktorého Boh vzbudzuje v týchto posledných dňoch, aby vzal ľudí do tej druhej zeme, do plného zasľúbenia všetkých požehnaní Božích a do plného poverenia či zasľúbenia, ktoré dal. „Toto zasľúbenie patrí vám a vašim deťom.“ Ako Izrael hľadal tú zasľúbenú zem, vediac, že to niekde bolo, lebo tam už niekto bol, tak je to aj s cirkvou! Vieme, že niekde sa nachádza zem! Niekde je moc, lebo tam už boli ďalší. Vieme, že tá zem leží za riekou, kde aj dnes ráno smerujeme. Snažíme sa dostať do tej zasľúbenej zeme.

 Jozua vedel, že tá zem tam bola. Išiel tam ako prvý, aby to preskúmal a potom sa mohol vrátiť ako svedok.

 Bohom povolaní kazatelia by nemali byť tak napchatí teológiou, ale mali by navštíviť tú Zem, do ktorej smerujeme, a priniesť späť dôkaz tej moci a lásky Ježiša Krista. A dať svojim zhromaždeniam vedieť, že je zem poza riekou.

23 No, včera večer sme kázali o tom, ako išli k Jordánu. No, keď sa dostaneme k tej rieke, to nás rozdeľuje, to nás oddeľuje. Keď už ste raz na tej druhej strane, niečo sa vám stalo.

 No, Jozua uprostred tohto všetkého, vediac, že ten príkaz bol veľký; ale keďže mal uistenie, mohol byť nebojácny, mohol byť, ako by sme to nazvali, bezstarostný – pokiaľ smeroval tým správnym smerom. Mohol by sa dostať ku kopcu, ktorý by ho nútil ísť naspäť, ale on smeroval tým správnym smerom.

 A rovnako tak môže byť aj cirkev živého Boha bezstarostná a nebojácna vo viere, ak smerujeme tým správnym smerom; lebo On povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou. Nesklamem ťa ani ťa neopustím.“ On nikdy neopustil Mojžiša, On nikdy nesklamal pri Mojžišovi, On nikdy nesklame pri Jozuovi, On nikdy nesklame pri nás. On bude s nami.

24 A ako vidíme, Jozua vzal toto poverenie a vedel, akú má zodpovednosť. Viedol ich cez zeme, ktoré... Musel sa dostať na druhú zem. Musel vybudovať kráľovstvo. Musel medzi nimi rozdeliť dedičstvo. Vedel, že to poverenie bolo veľkolepé, oveľa väčšie ako to, čo urobil Mojžiš. Jozua mal toho viac na vykonanie ako Mojžiš.

 Ďalšia vec, mal ich viesť popri hranici, medzi ich bratmi. Oni už aplikovali krv. Musel ich premôcť, musel ich držať potichu, ako pochodovali ďalej.

 A tak je to dnes s touto letničnou skupinou, ktorá povstáva. Oni už ochutnali denominacionalizmus. Je tak ťažké udržať ich.

25 Pred niekoľkými rokmi povedali, „Poď, brat Branham (keď sa služba po prvýkrát začala), začneme organizáciu, postavíme ti pamätník.“ Ja nehľadám pamätník! Hľadám príchod Pánov!

 Založili nejaký malý kult, ktorý sa volal „Pozdný dážď.“ Išli do Kanady a do Kalifornie; ale bol to prepadák. Samozrejme, nemôže to tak vyjsť. Prečo to tak bolo? To jediné, čo vedia... Oni vyjdú z týchto vecí a majú tam s tým určitý kontakt. Musia mať niečo, čo musia robiť.

 Ale, brat, tá skutočná cirkev živého Boha nemá žiadne formy, žiadne vyznania. Je vedená mocou Božou, ktorá sa nachádza v srdci každého jednotlivca. Prejdi popri svojich bratoch. Nehádaj sa s nimi. Sme väčší ako oni. Nehádaj sa s nimi; len choď ďalej.

26 Chcem, aby ste si všimli túto veľkú vec, ktorá sa tu stala. Bol tu Ezau, Moáb a tí, ktorých sme včera večer spomínali. Mnohí z nich boli v skutočnosti hraniční veriaci. Boli priamo na hranici.

 Ó, musím sa tu na chvíľu zastaviť, naozaj len na minútu. Veľa ľudí pokladá za zasľúbenú zem milénium, ale nie je to tak. Zasľúbená zem mala vojny a zabíjanie; milénium nebude mať žiadne vojny ani zabíjanie. Znamená to Duch Svätý, bojové pole.

 Ospravedlnenie; oni opustili Egypt. Boli tri štádiá ich cesty. Opustili Egypt pod ospravedlnením, veriac Slovo. Oddelili sa od Egypťanov, aby išli von. Prekročili Červené more a zabili veci, ktoré boli za nimi, čo bolo posvätenie, skrze krv, ktorá zabíja všetky ľudské túžby zla – to bolo druhé štádium ich cesty. Ale tretie štádium bolo, keď prekročili Jordán do zasľúbenej zeme, kde ležalo ich dedičstvo. Ich dedičstvo nikdy neležalo v Egypte, aj keď ich v Egypte Boh požehnal.

27 Vy, Luteráni, ktorí veríte v ospravedlnenie, vaše dedičstvo tam neleží, ak ste povolaní. Ak si len luterán, to je najďalej, ako sa dostaneš.

 Vy, metodisti a nazaréni a pútnici svätosti a cirkev Božia, ktorí veríte v posvätenie, v zabitie toho zlého, ktoré je vo vás, vo vysekanie koreňov zlého, vy patríte poza tú rieku.

 Ale vy, muži a ženy, v ktorých je niečo, čo vás vyvoláva, tá hlbina po hlbine, musíte ešte prejsť tým Jordánom a dostať sa do zeme za riekou.

 Povedal, „Prejdeš popri svojich bratoch. Prejdeš popri svojich bratoch a oni sú blízko hranice. Ak prejdeš popri nich, nič im nehovor. Dal som túto horu Ezavovi. Tento kraj som dal Moábovi. A nechcem, aby si sa s nimi hádal a presviedčal ich. Len zľahka popri nich prejdi. Vieš, kam ideš. Nezačínaj s ich zvykmi.“

28        Moáb mal falošného proroka, biskupa menom Balám, ktorý prišiel a dostal sa medzi zhromaždenie a snažil sa to zorganizovať, aby sa všetci zišli spolu, lebo boli bratia. Ale oni neboli! Boli poloviční bratia, nie skutoční bratia. Ak v tvojom srdci...

 „Nehádaj sa s ním; len choď ďalej, nechaj ho na pokoji. Zaplať im za to, čo dostaneš, ak musíš prejsť cez tento kraj.“ On bol predurčený, aby tým bol. Ak by Boh očakával alebo predurčil, aby sa Moáb spojil s Izraelom, oni by sa spojili. Ak by predurčil Ezava, aby išiel s Izraelom, Ezav by skočil a išiel. Ale on mu dal jeho dedičstvo na druhej strane rieky.

29        No, ako sa môžem pokúsiť urobiť to, aby to videli všetci luteráni, všetci baptisti, všetci presbyteriáni, všetci nazaréni a pútnici svätosti? Neodsudzujte ich. To je všetko, čo vedia. Pre nich existuje len to.

 Ale vám, ktorí veríte (Ó, Bože!), vám, ktorí veríte, vám, ktorí v sebe máte niečo, čo volá po tej hlbine! Ak bola celá tá hlbina, ktorú máte, nasýtená, potom zostaňte tam, kde ste. Ale ja a môj dom, pre nás je niečo viac, ako taký človek vidí! Niekde je zem poza riekou, stále je hlbina, ktorá volá po hlbine. Nemôžem byť nasýtený teológiou. Nemôžem byť nasýtený dobrou cirkvou. Nemôžem byť nasýtený dobrou kampaňou. Nemôžem byť nasýtený nejakou bohoslužbou s uzdravovaním. Je za tým niečo, čo volá!

30 Tak ich len nechaj tak. Choď ďalej. Nehádaj sa s nimi. My prechádzame do inej zeme. Oni neboli predurčení, aby s tebou išli. Nebudú s tebou kráčať. Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu, ak sa nezhodnú? Ale tým, ktorí milujú Boha, tým, ktorí sú povolaní od Boha...

 No, oni povedia, „Boh nám dal túto cirkev. Boh urobil toto.“

 To je pravda. Boh povedal, „Dávam Ezavovi túto horu; nedotýkaj sa ho. Ale pre teba mám niečo iné. Prekroč na druhú stranu!“ Amen.

 To je moja túžba, bratia, aby som videl svoju cirkev, ako prekročí do druhej zeme, je to túžba prejsť na druhú stranu. Ak je vo vás niečo, čo volá, potom bude niečo, čo odpovie na to volanie. Len sa uspokojiť s chovaním oviec vám nestačí alebo dostať sa do nejakého biznisu vám nestačí. Len sa pridať do cirkvi a zapísať svoje meno do knihy vám nestačí; lebo je niečo, čo volá, poza tým hrebeňom hory a poza ďalším hrebeňom, až poza Jordánom, až kým sa nenájdete v náručí Božom. Hlbina, ktorá volá po hlbine.

31        Jozua vedel, že jeho poverenie bolo veľké. Všimli ste si, ako sa Jozua rozpamätal na svoje poverenie, keď začal prechádzať cez Jordán? „Nech sa táto kniha zákona (Moje Slovo) neoddiali od tvojich úst.“ Inými slovami, „Jozua, je mi jedno, čo hovorí tvoj kmeň, čo hovorí duchovenstvo, zostaň so Slovom! Lebo potom sa ti bude na tvojich cestách dariť. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko veľkých vecí ľudia robia, koľko malých vecí robia, koľko organizácií urobili, ty zostaň so Slovom, Jozua! Ó! Zostaň so Slovom. Nech toto Slovo neopustí tvoje ústa...“ Dovoľte mi znovu to prečítať:

Len buď silný a pevný veľmi ostríhať, aby si činil všetko podľa celého zákona, ktorý ti prikázal Mojžiš, môj služobník. Neuchýľ sa od neho ani na pravo ani na ľavo...

32 Ak Slovo hovorí, aby si robil istú vec, urob to! Je mi jedno, čo hovorí organizácia, jednako to urob! To je ten Jozua, na ktorého Boh čaká. Neodchýľ sa ani centimeter, ani jeden kúsok. Zostaň rovno so Slovom!

Neuchýľ sa od neho ani na pravo ani na ľavo, aby si robil múdre a rozumne...

        Ó, myslíte si, že prosperujete, keď budujete veľké cirkvi, pridávate desaťtisíce ľudí do svojej denominácie. To nie je prosperita. To vás neprivádza ani jeden krok bližšie k zasľúbeniu. To, čo potrebujeme, je viac Boha, viac Ducha Svätého!

 ...vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pôjdeš.

Neuhne táto kniha zákona od tvojich úst, ale budeš rozmýšľať o nej vodne i v noci.

        Keď rozmýšľate nad tým, že niečo urobíte, beriete k tomu Božie Slovo? Nachádzate svoju túžbu v Slove? Kážete to, čo je v Biblii? Alebo ste ako mnohí dnes, príliš mnohí, ktorí „kážu náuky a prikázania ľudí“?

33 Táto kniha zákona neuhne z tvojej ruky... Alebo z tvojich úst.

 „Tvojich úst,“ to, čo hovoríš. Nerob to tak, že to len prečítaš a odídeš preč. Prehovor to! Ži to! Uč to!

...ale budeš rozmýšľať o nej vodne i v noci, aby si ostríhal a činil všetko podľa všetkého toho, čo je napísané v nej.

        Vidíte, čo bude Jozua tohto dňa? Vidíte, čo bude Jozua duchovnej cirkvi? To je ten istý druh Jozuu, ktorého mali v tej prirodzenej cirkvi. Pri duchovnej cirkvi to musí byť to isté.

 V Biblii je povedané, „Ak sa človek neznovuzrodí, nemôže vidieť kráľovstvo Božie,“ potom ten duchovný Jozua povie, „Amen.“

 Ak Biblia hovorí, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,“ ten duchovný Jozua povie to isté. On je ten istý.

 Ak Biblia hovorí, tá Kniha, to Slovo, hovorí, „Očakávajte v meste Jeruzalem, až kým nepríjmete moc zhora. A potom na vás zostúpi Duch Svätý a potom budete Mojimi svedkami,“ ten duchovný Jozua hovorí to isté.

34 Keď Peter na deň Letníc povedal, „Čiňte pokánie a buďte pokrstení, každý jeden z vás, na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a príjmete dar Ducha Svätého,“ ten duchovný Jozua sa neodchýli ani jeden kúsok, urobí všetko to, čo hovorí Slovo.

 Ak Marek 16 povedal, „Choďte do sveta, kážte Evanjelium. Ten, kto uverí a bude pokrstený, bude spasený. Ten, kto neuverí, bude odsúdený. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria: v Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; budú brať hadov; piť smrtonosné veci a neuškodí im to,“ ten duchovný Jozua povie to isté. Bude nad tým rozmýšľať dňom a nocou, aby jeho cesty prosperovali.

35 Chcem, aby ste si všimli, čo sa stalo. Keď Jozua prišiel a dostal sa ku svojej prvej kampani, keď mal prvýkrát dokázať, že on bol tým skutočným Jozuom... Izrael to mal vedieť.

 Niet pochýb, že duchovenstvo to videlo inak. Oni povedali, „No, usadíme sa tu a budeme tu do jari alebo do leta, až kým sa hladina Jordánu nezníži.“

 Vyzerá to, ako by Boh hádzal pred Svojich duchovných Jozuov tie najšialenejšie veci.

 Priviedol ich tam v apríli, keď bol Jordán tri až štyrikrát väčší ako normálne. On ho skúšal, aby zistil, či on bol ten skutočný Jozua.

 Nech aj všetko ide zle, nech všetci ostatní prosperujú, nech bludy prosperujú. Nech tí, ktorí majú formu pobožnosti a zapierajú jej moc, prosperujú a sácajú ťa naspäť. Ale ak vieš, kde stojíš, tak obstojíš! Bez ohľadu na to, či ťa celý svet odmietne, budeš stáť rovnako. Neoddiališ sa od toho Slova.

36 Jordán bol asi tri alebo štyrikrát tak veľký, strašidelný, hrozne vyzerajúci a blatový. Ale Jozua povedal, „Boh povedal, že za tri dni prejdeme ďalej. A tak prejdeme ďalej!“

 No, duchovenstvo povedalo, „No, počkaj chvíľu, Jozua. My sme vzdelaní ľudia. Sme chytrí. Mnohí z nás tu boli v Egypte inžiniermi. Vieme, ako tieto veci chodia, takže počkáme ešte chvíľu, kým sa prameň nevyčistí, a potom môžeme cez neho prejsť. Nebude to oveľa ľahšie?“

 „Je mi jedno, čo si myslíte. Boh povedal, že za tri dni prejeme, takže prejdeme! Za tri dni cez neho prejdeme.“

 Sledujte, čo Jozua urobil. Čo dal na prvé miesto? Duchovenstvo? Nie veru. On dal Slovo na prvé miesto. Povedal, „Vezmite tú archu! A všetci vy kňazi to obchádzajte. Choďte za to. Nesnažte sa to viesť; nech to vedie vás!“

37        To je ten dnešný problém. Snažíme sa predbehnúť Slovo a obísť Ho, prispôsobiť Slovo, aby sedelo tomuto a aby Slovo sedelo tamtomu. Nech sú požehnané vaše srdcia, to, čo dnes potrebujeme, je nasledovať Slovo!

 Slovo ich viedlo na ceste. Keď sa dostali k Jordánu, on sa otvoril a oni cez neho prešli. V jeho prvej kampani on dal prvé veci na prvé miesto. Mal na to dôvod. A mal na to dôvod, lebo Boh ho poveril, „Zostaň so Slovom. Nech to Slovo vykoná.“ Počas každej kampane oni išli ďalej v boji, lebo Boh ho poveril a on dal archu na prvé miesto.

 Potom, ako išla archa, čo išlo ďalej? Spievanie, hudobníci hrali na nástrojoch pred tým, ako sa začal boj. Haleluja!

 To, čo dnes potrebujeme, je to, čo sme mali dnes ráno: speváci, nástroje, hranie hudby, radovanie sa. A potom dať Slovo na prvé miesto, čítať Slovo. Potom prichádza boj. Istotne vyhráme, musíme vyhrať. Zostaňte rovno s tým, držte ten smer a ono vás to podrží v hodine problémov.

38        On mal na to dobrý dôvod. No, pamätajte, keď prešiel ďalej na druhú stranu, pred tým, ako tam prešiel, poslal špeha, dvoch špehov, aby preskúmali zem. No, Mojžiš tam poslal celú skupinu, ale oni sa vrátili zmätení. Sledujte túto novú službu. On to tak nikdy neurobil. On vedel, že tam, kde je tisícpäťsto ideí, tam je tisícpäťsto zmätkov. A tak on poslal dvoch. Povedal, „Choďte tam a prešpehujte zem.“

 Chcem teraz zdôrazniť niečo, čo nechcem, aby vám uniklo. On povedal, „No, keď prejdeme ďalej...“ Oni prešli ďalej, aby preskúmali zem, aby zistili, či to zasľúbenie bolo pravdivé, aby zistili, či... čo za druh zeme to bol a ako tam majú vojsť. Oni prešli ďalej. Nepoznáme mená tých špehov. Ale keď prišli do zeme, prišli do samotného Jericha. A keď sa dostali do Jericha, čo sa stalo? Natrafili na prostitútku, ženu zlej povesti.

39        Chcem načrtnúť určitý obraz. Možno to tak nie je, ale chcem tým niečo povedať. Nepoznáme žiadnu históriu o Rachabi. Vieme len to, že bola prostitútka. Môžeme predpokladať, že bola vychovaná v dome, ktorý bol skutočne chudobný, a stala sa ženou zlej povesti. A bola pekná, mladá žena. Išla do ulíc, aby zarobila na živobytie pre svoju chorú matku a otca; nebol žiaden spôsob, ako mohla pracovať, len predávať svoje telo. Ale viem si predstaviť, že po celý čas vedela, že to nebolo správne. Bolo v nej niečo, čo jej hovorilo, „Nie je správne toto robiť.“ Ona vedela, že nie je.

 Jedného dňa počula, že sa v blízkosti pohyboval Boh. Jej srdce sa začalo chvieť. Našla posla toho veľkého hnutia, ktorý jej povedal, čo sa stane. Čo povedala? No, Jozua mal znamenia. Jozua mal tie isté znamenia, ktoré mal Mojžiš. A tak, keď... Rachab si nepýtala vidieť Jozuove znamenie; ona len počula.

 Je to predobraz cirkvi, obraz pravdivej cirkvi, ktorá bola zatiahnutá do prostitúcie. „Dnes som metodista, zajtra baptista a pozajtra presbyterián.“ Zatiahnutý v prostitúcii.

40 Ale zrazu do mesta vstúpil kazateľ, ktorý povedal, „Je Boh, ktorý žije, žil včera a je ten istý dnes. Jeho moc je tá istá. Činí tie isté skutky, ktoré činil, keď bol tu na zemi.“ Jeho agenti sú na ceste. 

 No, smilnica Rachab, známa ako prostitútka, ona bola predobrazom dnešného veriaceho, skutočného veriaceho. Ona nepovedala, „No, teraz počujem, že Jozua dokáže robiť znamenia, lebo je nástupcom Mojžiša. Rada by som tie znamenia videla. A ak by som len mohla tie znamenia vidieť, potom tomu budem veriť.“ No, on vôbec nemusel tie znamenia ukázať, lebo ona tomu aj tak verila. Ona nebola ako Tomáš. Ona tomu verila.

41 No, keď mal Mojžiš tie znamenia, on išiel a vykonal tie znamenia, ale to znamenie nebolo to, čo ich priviedlo do zasľúbenej zeme. To nebolo to. Tie znamenia boli len potvrdením toho poverenia.

 A Rachab tomu verila bez toho, že by niečo videla! Ona povedala, „Všetci sa trasieme.“

 Niet divu, že Nikodém povedal, „Rabbi, vieme, že si učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha; žiaden človek nedokáže činiť tieto veci, jedine, že by s ním bol Boh. Všetci to vieme.“

 Svet to dnes vie! Billy Graham vyvoláva, „Musíme sa vrátiť naspäť do Letníc.“ Rada cirkví vyvoláva, „Musíme sa vrátiť naspäť k prorokom, k tým, ktorí hovorili v jazykoch, k vykladateľom jazykov, k Božskému uzdravovaniu, uzdravovateľom v našich zboroch a len nechať, aby mal Duch Boží Svoj spôsob.“ Boh robí Svoje volanie. Ľudia sa boja skutočnej pobožnosti a povedia, „Všetko... naše srdcia v nás zlyhávajú.“

42        No, ona nemusela vidieť znamenie, ktoré Jozua dokázal robiť s rukou alebo s palicou. Ona verila. Ona povedala, „Počula som a verím a teraz prosím o milosť. [Ó, aká je v tomto lekcia.] Prosím o milosť pre seba a svoj dom.“

 Pozrite na toho Rimana, ako v ten večer vytiahol svoj meč a išiel sa zabiť, ten filipský strážca väzenia. Pavol povedal, „Neubližuj si. Všetci sme tu.“

 On povedal, „Čo mám robiť, aby som bol spasený?“

 Povedal, „Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista; a ty a tvoj dom budete spasení.“

 Prečo? „Ty a tvoj dom“? Istotne. Tvoj dom bude spasený s tebou. Prečo? Lebo ak máš dostatok viery, aby si bol sám spasený, tak môžeš mať dostatok viery aj na to, aby bola aj tvoja rodina spasená. Ty a tvoj dom!

43 Pozrite na Rachab! Rachab povedala, „Zmilujte sa nado mnou! Ušetrite ma. Nechcem zomrieť s týmito neveriacimi. Nechcem zomrieť ako zviera. Chcem zomrieť v náručí Jehovu. Verím vo vášho Boha, lebo On je Bohom neba aj zeme. On robí viditeľné veci. On robí veci skutočnými. Nikdy som nevidela, ako to robí, ale jednako tomu verím.“ Vidíte? Ona Jozuu nikdy nevidela; ona o Jozuovi len počula. Ona nikdy nevidela Boha, ona nikdy nevidela žiadne skutky Božie; ona len počula. Ostatní to videli, ale ona verila tým, že to počula. No, povedala, „Prosím o láskavosť pre mňa, môjho otca a moju matku. Obaja sú starí a zmrzačení. Mám nejakých bratov, chcem mať za nich vieru.“

 A tí špehovia, tí kazatelia povedali, „Áno, on prichádza tadiaľto a my sem prídeme a zaujmeme túto zem. A ak chceš, aby boli spasení, priveď ich do tohto domu. (Haleluja!) Ak tomu veríš, choď pre nich a priveď ich sem, lebo nebudeme za nich zodpovední ak sú na uliciach. Ale ak ich len pustíš do domu, budeme zodpovední (haleluja, tam, kde visela dolu tá červená stužka). Budeme za nich zodpovední, ak ich len dovedieš do domu.“

44 Ó, bratia, ak bol niekedy čas, kedy sme mali priviesť svojich milovaných do svojho domu, tak je to dnes – tá domácnosť viery. Priveďte ich, lebo prichádza čas, kedy príde zatrasenie. Naši otcovia, naše matky, naši bratia a sestry sú bezpeční len v tomto dome, lebo Božia moc opäť zatrasie krajinou. Tak veru. A jedine tá domácnosť viery bude spasená.

 „No,“ povedal, „Nebudem za nich zodpovedný, ak ich neprivedieš do domu.“ A ona od nich vyžiadala, aby jej prisahali, že nezničia ju ani jej rodinu. On povedal, „Ak ich privedieš, tak budú v bezpečí.“ Ona ich pustila z toho miesta a oni išli ďalej.

45 Táto veľká prostitútka Rachab sa stala veriacou. Rozprával som tu nedávno o jej histórii. Po tom, ako sa obrátila k viere (lebo kvôli jej viere v Boha bola obrátená na izraelskú vieru, bola obrátená), ona chodila s generálom armády, izraelskej armády. Sledujte, čo Boh urobil pre tú ženu. A oni mali... Presťahovali sa do Betlehema a mali syna. A tento syn, dali mu meno Boaz. Z Boaza... on si vzal za ženu Rút, z Rút a Boaza prišiel Jesse; z Jesseho prišiel Dávid; z Dávida prišiel Ježiš. Haleluja!

 Prečo? „Viera prichádza cez počutie,“ počutie Boha, ktorý je Bohom neba a zeme a veriac v Neho. Veriac v čo? V to poverenie, ktoré dal Boh mužovi menom Jozua, ktorý v to poverenie veril.

46 Jozua mal vieru vo svoje vlastné poverenie, rovnako, ako mal aj Mojžiš vieru. Situácia bola pre Mojžiša nepriaznivá, vyzeralo to, akoby zlyhal toľkokrát, ale on len išiel víťazne ďalej a zomrel na skale. A anjeli ho vzali preč.

 Bože, dovoľ mi tak odísť! Nech to svoje poverenie držím až do toho dňa, keď som pripravený zomrieť, a uvidím, ako pri mne leží tá Skala.

 Jozua dodržuje svoje poverenie. Hoci mal... Boh to bude držať v svätosti, lebo on zostával priamo so Slovom.

 No, Rachab vedela, že Jozua mal poverenie. Nech vám toto neunikne. Držte tieto veci vo svojich srdciach. Jozua mal poverenie. Rachab to rozpoznala pred tým, ako čokoľvek videla. Ona vedela, že Jozua mal moc Božiu a mal tú zem zaujať. Prosila o milosť. Boh jej udelil milosť. A vieme, samozrejme, že keď Jozua prišiel do zeme, ona bola ušetrená.

47 Ale potom ďalšie poverenie, ktoré Jozua mal, bolo rozdeliť zem medzi ľudí.

 No, pamätajte, „Táto kniha zákona sa neoddiali od tvojich úst...“ A tak on mal Božie Slovo. „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, ktorý odišiel preč. Tak, ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou. Nezlyhám pri tebe. Ty pri mne môžeš zlyhať, ale ja nezlyhám. Ale ak zlyháš pri Mne, Moja milosť je dostačujúca, Ja ťa zdvihnem hore. Len choď ďalej. Pokiaľ zostaneš s Mojím Slovom, postarám sa o teba.“

48 No, on mal tú zem rozdeliť a bolo dvanásť kmeňov, medzi ktoré to mal rozdeliť. No, čo ak by bol trochu vyberavý. Čo ak by mal radšej pokolenie Gáda viac ako pokolenie Efraima alebo pokolenie Jozefa viac ako pokolenie Júdu. Ale on to tak nerobil. On to rozdelil podľa Slova, ktoré prijal cez Ducha. On to rozdelil podľa pokolení. A všimnite si, on to robil cez zjavenie, skrze rozpoznanie. Urobil to cez rozpoznanie Božieho Ducha.

 Každá jedna z týchto hebrejských matiek, ktoré porodili tieto deti a dali im mená, volali ich podľa ich mena. A každé jedno z týchto mien malo určitý význam. 

 Keď sa narodil Jákob, on bol časťou dvojičiek a dali mu meno „pätár,“ Jákob. Ale keď získal svoju víťaziacu moc a zápasil s anjelom, Boh zmenil jeho meno z Jákoba na Izrael, „knieža.“

 Tvoje meno má niečo do činenia s tvojím životom. Keď Peter, rybár, zvíťazil skrze vieru v Ježiša, On povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon; ale dávam ti meno Peter, čo znamená 'malá skala'“. To ťa zmení. Tvoje meno s tým má niečo spoločné, s tvojím umiestnením v živote.

49        A keď sa udiala táto veľká vec, keď každá jedna z týchto hebrejských matiek, počas toho, ako rodili, dali im meno ako „Ruben,“ to mu dalo pozíciu v Palestíne, presne tak, ako to tá matka povedala a aké mu dala meno. Nemám to tu všetko zapísané, ale Ruben znamenalo „pastier oviec.“ Gád znamená „pastier dobytka.“ A Efraim znamenalo „pestovateľ kukurice.“

 No, cez duchovné rozpoznanie, Jozua, ten nový duchovný vodca, cez duchovné rozpoznanie umiestnil každého jedného z nich tam, kde patrili, presne tak rozdelil tú zem.

50 Je to veľmi pekný príklad pre dnešok. To, akého Jozuu potrebujeme na dnes. Ten dnešný problém je, že keď prídeme do svojej zasľúbenej zeme, Gád chce pásť ovce tak ako Efraim, jeden chce robiť niečo tak, ako to robí ten druhý. Každý chce byť rovnaký. Len nech Boh dá jednému človeku dar uzdravenia, hneď bude každý ďalší chcieť dar uzdravenia. Efraim a Gád a všetci ostatní to chceli zamiešať a prísť ako jeden. Ale my sme rozdelení podľa našich pozícií. Nie každý má dar múdrosti, nie každý prorokuje, nie každý hovorí v jazykoch, nie každý je prorok. Ale Boh umiestnil do cirkvi niektorých, ktorí prorokujú a niektorých, ktorí hovoria v jazykoch. Ale my chceme, aby každý hovoril v jazykoch. Vidíte, aké je v tom zmätenie? Tak sa nikam nedostanete. Filištíni ich za chvíľu premohli. Iste. Ale keď je každý človek rozdelený cez duchovné rozpoznanie vodcu a umiestnený do tela, vtedy tam zostali a stali sa smotánkou zeme! Bože, daj nám Jozuu. Bože, vráť nám Jozuu, ktorý bude držať to poverenie so Slovom.

 To je dôvod, prečo mu Boh povedal, „Táto kniha zákona sa neoddiali od tvojich úst, lebo budeš nad ňou rozmýšľať dňom a nocou,“ lebo on mal pred sebou poverenie.

51        Ó, akým veľkým vodcom sa Jozua stal, nikdy neprehral boj, pokiaľ sa niečo zlé nestalo v cirkvi. Keď Achan vzal ten klin, to nebol Jozuov spôsob alebo viera, ktorá to urobila. To bolo... On vzal z toho tábora babylonské rúcho a zlatý klin; keď to urobil, to prekazilo celý boj.

 Keď trpí jeden úd, trpia všetky údy. To, k čomu Boh dnes v týchto dňoch prichádza, brat, je cirkev, ktorá je bez vrásky a poškvrny. On prichádza k cirkvi, ktorá je naplnená Duchom a kde je tá Božská láska, ktorá tak spája ich srdcia, až kráčajú ako jeden.

52 Boj celého tohto zmätenia sa musí vyhrať. Majú metodisti pravdu, majú baptisti pravdu, presbyteriáni, letniční, nazaréni alebo Pútnici svätosti? Deväťstošesťdesiatdeväť rôznych denominácií okrem budhistov a ostatných. Kde to sme? Niečo nie je v poriadku. Niekde v tábore sa nachádza klin. Jozua hodil los.

 Dovoľte mi dnes ráno povedať ako Eliáš na hore Karmel, „Ak je Boh Bohom, nech odpovie ako Boh.“ Ak má baptistická denominácia pravdu, pozrime sa, ako bude produkovať znamenie Ježiša Krista. Ak majú pravdu nazaréni, pozrime sa, ako budú produkovať tie znamenia a činiť tie veci, ktoré On činil. Ak majú letniční pravdu, pozrime sa, či robia to, čo On robil. Potom budeme vedieť.

53 Jozuovi učeníci povedali, „Budeme ťa nasledovať, pokiaľ budeme vidieť, že Boh s tebou pracuje tak, ako pracoval s Mojžišom.“

 A učeníci Ježiša Krista by mali povedať to isté, „Budeme s tebou pracovať, pokiaľ budeme vidieť, ako sa pri tebe dejú znamenia Ježiša Krista. Urobíme to.“ To je to, čo by sme mali robiť. To je to, čo by mala cirkev povedať. To by mal byť prístup kresťanskej cirkvi. Potom by ste mali dať do poriadku dary, znamenia, skutky. Ak je jeden človek Božským uzdravovateľom, to nemá nič spoločné s tým, ktorý hovorí v jazykoch. Ten, ktorý hovorí v jazykoch, nemá nič spoločné s darom proroctva. Vidíte, máme rôzne štádia tejto služby.

54        No, keď mi Boh dal poverenie... Všetko toto som založil na tomto jednom zámere. „Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.“ Nikto nemôže zo seba nič urobiť. Boh vás činí tým, čím ste, skrze Jeho milosť. Nie je spôsob, ako by sme sa my mohli niečím urobiť. Ježiš povedal, „Kto môže sám od seba pridať lakeť k svojej postave?“ Kto sa môže urobiť väčším alebo menším sám od seba? Nedokážete to.

 Keď mi dal Boh to poverenie, zapochyboval som v to. Povedal som, „Som nedostatočný. Nemám žiadne vzdelanie. Nedokážem robiť tieto veci.“

 A mnohí z vás tu dnes ráno, ktorí tu stále žijete... Keď sa tu On zjavil dolu pri rieke v tej forme Ohnivého stĺpa a stál tam a prehovoril naspäť a povedal, „Ako bol Ján Krstiteľ poslaný ako predchodca prvého príchodu Krista, tak bude aj tvoje posolstvo predchodcom Jeho druhého príchodu.“

55 Pozrite, čo to urobilo. To svetlo tam stálo, dostalo sa na papier a prešlo naprieč Spojenými štátmi a do ďalších národov.

 Dr. Lee Vayle bol v tom čase v Kanade. Pamätá si, keď sa to objavilo v kanadských novinách, myslím, že v nich to bolo. Je to tak, Lee Vayle? V kanadských novinách, „Záhadné svetlo sa zjavilo nad hlavou miestneho kazateľa počas krstu.“

 Mnohí ľudia povedali, „To je psychológia.“

 Ale jedného dňa sa Boh rozhodol umlčať ústa neveriacich, lebo to zostávalo so Slovom. Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol synov Izraelových, je ten istý aj dnes a vedie duchovnú cirkev – je to ten istý, ktorý viedol tú prirodzenú. On sa znovu objavil a nechal sa odfotiť pred kritikmi a pred vyšetrovateľmi. Tu to teraz visí, tá nezlyhávajúca pravda, ktorá činí tie isté skutky a duchovne vedie tých ľudí tak, ako ich viedla prirodzene v tých dávnych časoch. Len zostáva so Slovom.

 No, poviete, „Čo bolo to poverenie?“ Pamätajte, Boh sa nikdy neoddiali od Svojho poverenia.

56 Rád by som vám to nejakým spôsobom znázornil. Vezmime si to takto. Tu je to malé znamenie, to je to poverenie; a tu je v jednom rohu malý kríž a Biblia je v druhom rohu, ale ten nápis je tu medzi tým. To je to poverenie.

        Varujem vás pred Bohom a vyvolenými anjelmi a Ježišom Kristom. To poverenie bolo, „modli sa za chorých.“ Tá otázka bola, „som nedostatočný, aby som to robil?“

 „Za týmto účelom si sa narodil. Toto je dôvod tvojho zvláštneho narodenia a života, aby si sa modlil za chorých. Ak ich privedieš k tomu, aby ti verili, a budeš úprimný, keď sa modlíš, nič neobstojí pred tvojou modlitbou, dokonca ani rakovina.“ Koľkí z vás to počas tých rokov čítali? Je to po celom svete.

57 No, povedal som, „Nedokážem to, lebo nie som dostatočný, aby som to robil. Nebudú mi veriť – som chudobný, nemám žiadne vzdelanie.“ To boli moje pochybnosti.

 On povedal, „Ako boli Mojžišovi dané dve znamenia, ktoré potvrdili, že také bolo jeho poverenie (nie 'budú ti dané')... sú ti dané dve znamenia. Jedno z nich bude cez tvoju ruku. To druhé bude to, že budeš poznať každé tajomstvo srdca a myšlienky ich mysle. A cez toto uveria, pomocou týchto dvoch znakov.“ Nuž, pamätajte. Počúvajte. Nech vám toto neunikne. To znamenie nie je tým poverením! To znamenie len poukazuje na to poverenie.

 Keď vyjdete sem na cestu a uvidíte značku, ktorá hovorí „Päť míľ do Jeffersonville,“ to ešte nie je Jeffersonville. To je len znamenie, ktoré vám hovorí o tom, že ste na správnej ceste.

58 Čo ak by Mojžiš, keď tam dolu išiel...? On mal znamenie vo svojej palici a vo svojej ruke. To znamenie tu nie je o nič väčšie ako to, ktoré bolo s Mojžišom. Čo ak by všetci Izraeliti povedali, „Vidíte, všetci vy, Egypťania, všetci Izraeliti, poďte sem. Máme tu človeka, ktorý dokáže svojou rukou robiť triky. Musíte to vidieť. Je tu človek, ktorý vie vziať palicu a premeniť ju na hada. Poďte sa pozrieť“? To bola len značka. To nebolo samotné poverenie. Oni nečakali na značku. (Bože, pomôž nám.) Oni čakali na vyslobodenie!

 A tento chudobný, chorý a ochrnutý svet čaká na vyslobodenie, pričom hľadí len na značku. Buď milostivý! Tá značka nie je ničím, iba znamením, ktoré dokazuje poverenie. Je tu tá nová služba. Práve mi to bolo zjavené. „Modli sa za chorých. Priveď ľudí do toho, aby ti verili.“ Boh od toho nikdy nemôže odísť. To je Jeho poverenie, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje alebo koľko ja zlyhám. Ja mizerne zlyhávam. Nikdy som nemal nasledovať tie znamenia; to nebola vôľa Božia, ale Boh to jednako požehnal. Ale som pripravený opustiť túto horu. Chcem prejsť cez Jordán. Chcem niesť toto poverenie. „Priveď ľudí do toho, aby ti verili.“

 Povedal som, „Oni mi nebudú veriť.“

 „Budú ti dané dve znamenia.“

59 No, problém je, že my hľadíme na to znamenie.

 „Ó, brat Branham, ty si naňho položil ruku.“

 „Ó, mali ste vidieť, čo sa tam stalo. On tam len stojí a keď je na ňom to pomazanie, tak ti povie, čo je v tvojom srdci.“ To je pravda.

 Nedávno som vstúpil do nemocnice. Boli tam lekári a nemohli zistiť, aký bol problém s určitou ženou. Keď tí doktori opustili tú miestnosť, tá pani sa prechádzala a stála pri posteli. „Povedali, že nevedia zistiť, aký je tam problém.“ Povedala, „Brat Branham, ty mi to môžeš povedať!“

 Povedal som, „Ak mi uveríš, tak môžem.“ 

 Ona povedala, „Verím.“

 A Duch Svätý povedal, „Taká a taká vec. To je presne to. Pozri sa, či to nie je to.“ Je členkou zhromaždenia Junieho Casha.

60 Ďalšia žena tu povedala, „Môj chrbát,“ povedala, „nevedia zistiť, čo to spôsobilo.“

 Povedal som, „Veríš, že som Jeho prorok?“

 Povedala, „Verím.“

 Povedal som, „Stalo sa to, že niekedy v prvej polovici júna... Oni na tebe pracujú a snažia sa ti operovať vyskočený stavec. Nie je to tak. V skutočnosti to je podráždený nerv. Dostala si to tým, že si zdvíhala náklad, keď si pracovala pre McSpaddin's Market.“

 Ona povedala, „Pamätám si, že tak to bolo! Teraz si to spomínam.“

 To ju neuzdraví. To len poukazuje na to poverenie. Prestaňte sa spoliehať na tú značku; poďme rovno do mesta! Opusťme túto horu; poďme do mesta. Prejdime cez Jordán!

61 Učinil som zle. Urobil som zle. To je ten dôvod, prečo som tieto kázne založil tak, ako som ich založil. Lebo On povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou,“ a keď tá ruka zostúpila a poukázala na presne to isté miesto Písma... Dlhú dobu som sa divil, lebo som nevedel, čo to poverenie bolo. Hľadal som za tým niečo nadprirodzené. Boh sa nemôže oddialiť od Svojho poverenia. Keď Boh dáva poverenie, ono tak musí zostať.

 Ale všetci letniční majú radi znamenia. Radi ich vidia. Biblia hovorí, „Bezbožné a cudzoložné pokolenie hľadá znamenia.“ Ale to poverenie bolo „Modli sa za chorých.“ A desaťtisíc krát tisíc ráz som sa nemohol modliť, lebo oni všetci chceli to znamenie. Všetci po tom túžili.

62 Nedávno som pracoval v službe, prišiel som do miestnosti. A jeden muž prišiel na pódium a povedal, „No, brat Branham, počkaj chvíľu. Môj prípad je iný. Ja len musím niečo vedieť.“

 Povedal som, „Nuž, lekár by ťa mohol vyšetriť.“

 „Ó, to nechcem. Chcem to vedieť hneď teraz. Môj prípad je úplne iný.“

 Povedal som, „No, nerád to robím, brat.“ Išiel som ďalej a hneď nato Duch Svätý...

 On povedal, „Chvála Pánovi! To je pravda!“

 Povedal som, „Poďte teraz ostatní, pomodlím sa za vás.“

 Keď som to urobil, viete, čo ten ďalší povedal? „Môj prípad je tak dôležitý ako ten jeho.“ Potom som mal asi šesť alebo osem ďalších a ukončili sme zhromaždenie; takmer ma to zabilo.

 Vždy som sa divil, prečo som mal pri tom takýto pocit? To bolo preto, lebo som to robil zle. To je len tá značka, ktorá poukazuje na to poverenie. To nie je to poverenie. Tá značka bola zabitá do zeme po celom svete. Všetky jazyky – v Afrike, Indii, Ázii, Európe, po celom svete – cez desaťtisíce a milióny ľudí, všetci vedia o tej značke. Som pripravený opustiť túto horu. Chcem prejsť cez Jordán. Chcem sa dostať do miesta, kde moja viera povstane do bodu, kde sa budem môcť modliť za chorých a oni budú uzdravení.

63 Sledujte. Boh to dáva priamo do lona ľudí: „Narodil si sa, aby si sa modlil za chorých. Ak ich dokážeš priviesť do toho, aby ti verili...“

 Povedal som, „Oni nebudú veriť.“

 On povedal, „Dám ti dve znamenia a cez ne uveria.“ Všimnite si, oni sa dožadovali týchto znamení, tých značiek, namiesto toho poverenia, veriac, že „bol si poslaný, aby si sa modlil.“

 No, keď sa ľudia stavajú do radu, aby sa za nich modlilo, len čo sa jeden z nich dostane do toho bodu... Nie je nič, čo s tým ja môžem robiť, až kým sa nedostanú do toho bodu. A keď sa dostanú, vtedy poviem, „Dávam ti...“

64 Hattie Wright, myslím, že je dnes ráno tu. Sedí rovno tu. Ona bola tá prvá, keď sme videli tie veveričky. Ona vedela, že to poverenie bolo o tom. A keď Boh niečo stvoril po siedmykrát, povedal som, „To je ten istý Boh, ktorý dokázal stvoriť barana pre Abraháma, aby ho presvedčil o jeho poverení; to je ten istý Boh, ktorý dokáže stvoriť veveričku, lebo to je to, čo práve teraz potrebujem.“

 A skromná Hattie Wright (sedí tu v zadnej časti budovy) so srdcom, ktoré je mimo svetských vecí, ona verila. Povedala, „Brat Branham, to nie je nič iné ako pravda!“ Ona to nepovedala len odtiaľto; Boh to prehovoril z jej srdca.

 Povedal som, „Hattie, popros, o čo chceš. Dám ti to.“

 Povedala, „Čo mám pýtať?“

 Povedal som, „Máš starého otca a matku, ktorí tu sedia. Máš postihnutú sestru (Ona stále sedí v tom vozíku). Mohla by si prosiť za ňu. Mohla by si prosiť za svoju matku či otca. Ste chudobní, nemáte žiadne peniaze. Popros, o čo chceš.“

 Ona povedala, „Nuž, neviem, o čo mám prosiť.“ Povedala, „Jednoducho neviem.“ Povedala, „Mojou najväčšou túžbou je spasenie mojich dvoch chlapcov.“

 Povedal som, „Dávam ti tvojich chlapcov v Mene Ježiša Krista.“ A obaja boli obrátení a milujú Pána Ježiša, obaja pokrstení v Jeho Meno a denne slúžia Bohu z celých svojich sŕdc.

65 Ed Daulton, ktorý tu niekde sedí (rovno tu), so svojimi deťmi, presne to isté.

 Počas kampane som videl najmenej osemsto alebo deväťsto, možno aj tisíc ľudí, ktorí prešli cez pódium počas zhromaždenia, jeden po druhom. Hneď na to som tam vyšiel a modlil sa za nich. Istotne boli uzdravení. Prišlo tam malé dievča, ktoré zomieralo s leukémiou. Vedel som, aký bol problém s tým dieťaťom, a nikdy som im nepovedal ani slovo. Ale keď tam to dieťa prišlo, povedal som, „Drahá, dávam ti túžbu tvojho srdca. Máš leukémiu, dávam ti uzdravenie v Mene Pána Ježiša.“ Obrátil som sa k publiku a povedal som, „Vyzývam kohokoľvek z vás, aby ste vzali toto dievča k doktorovi, dali ju prešetriť a zistili, či tam je čo i len stopa po leukémii.“ Prečo? To dieťa počulo. Tak ako cudzoložnica Rachab, ona verila z celého svojho srdca. Potom Boh skrze Svojho Ducha prešiel a povedal, „Je to jej.“ Pokiaľ viem, prešli cez to pódium stovky ľudí bez toho, že by niečo prijali. Ja som sa za nich len modlil.

66 Rovno naspäť k ľuďom, „Ak budeš veriť.“ To poverenie bolo dané. To je ten originál. Tá značka bola vyprodukovaná. No, ak tomu dokážete veriť, ak môžete veriť, že Boh ma poslal do tohto sveta, aby som sa modlil za chorých ľudí, potom sa za vás budem môcť modliť modlitbou viery. To je ten jediný spôsob, ktorým sa to dá.

 Boh sa nikdy nemôže oddialiť od Svojho poverenia. Ja som pri Ňom zlyhal. Prežil som asi štrnásť rokov s ničím okrem priameho rozpoznania, okolo celého sveta, až desiatky tisíce, dokonca milióny prípadov, odhadujem. Pýtam sa vás jednu vec, či to niekedy zlyhalo? Nie veru. A ak to znamenie nezlyhá, o čo viac potom to poverenie nikdy nezlyhá! Ak to znamenie – to je tá menšia časť – ak tá značka ukazuje na to mesto, ak vám úspešne ukazuje, že to mesto tam je, o čo viac tam to mesto bude, keď tam prídete! Tam je to poverenie.

67 No, moja služba sa mení. Už je zmenená. Stále tu bude rozpoznanie. Tie budú stále pokračovať, pokiaľ budem cítiť, že Boh chce, aby som ich hovoril. Ale dovtedy sa budem modliť a klásť ruky na chorých, tak, ako mi On povedal, aby som to robil, a budem vykonávať to poverenie. Dlho som na túto chvíľu čakal, ale teraz verím, že sme pripravení zaujať tú zasľúbenú zem. S takou istotou, ako že ona tam bude, budú tam čakajúce Rachaby, bude tam čakať niekto, kto bude veriť z celého svojho srdca.

 Rozumiete tomu? Každý, kto tomu dobre rozumie, nech zodvihne ruku. Koľkí z vás veria, že to je presne podľa Písma? To je presne to, čo On povedal. Toto je to poverenie; to boli tie značky, ktoré poukazovali na to poverenie.

68 Nuž, vyzývam kohokoľvek, kdekoľvek na svete, kam chodia tieto pásky, kamkoľvek sa dostanú, aby mi ukázal čo i len jeden krát, kedy mi On povedal niečo na pódiu alebo v akomkoľvek videní alebo čomkoľvek, čo nebola presne pravda a nestalo sa to presne tak, ako On povedal. Povedal každej osobe presne, aké problémy mali a všetko o nich, kam chodia a všetko o tom, čo by mali robiť. A vždy to povedalo „Tak hovorí Pán“ čomukoľvek, čo sa týkalo uzdravenia, presne tak sa to stalo. Ak poznáte niečo také, dajte mi o tom vedieť. Vyhľadám si tú pásku a zistím. Nikdy to nezlyhalo počas týchto dvanástich dlhých rokov alebo štrnástich rokov. Nikdy to nezlyhalo, lebo to nemôže zlyhať. To znamenie bolo dané Bohom. Nemôže to zlyhať.

 A pred tým, ako Boh dal to znamenie, On dal poverenie; pred tým, ako mohol byť znak, ktorý by poukazoval na poverenie. Pred tým, ako mohol byť znak, ktorý poukazuje na mesto, najprv muselo byť mesto, na ktoré by mal poukazovať. Ak ste tomu verili z celého svojho srdca, potom to príjmete. „Modlitba viery spasí chorého a Boh ho zodvihne.“

69        No, ja sám som sa silno spoliehal na tú značku. „Pane, Ty mi ukáž tieto veci pred tým, ako sa za nich budem modliť, lebo ja neviem, čo mám robiť.“ Aké kruté to bolo. Prosím zhromaždenie, aby mi odpustilo. Všetky zhromaždenia na svete, ktoré toto počúvajú na páske, odpustite mi! Mýlil som sa. Nikdy som to tak nemal vykonať. To nebolo nikdy Jeho poverenie. To bolo len znamenie, ktoré poukazovalo na to poverenie. Mal som sa všade modliť za chorých.

 No, vidíte, je to priamo naspäť v lone ľudí – ak veríte, že Boh to poveril, aby sa to stalo. Tu je to v Slove, je to presne so Slovom, to poverenie. A hovorím...

70        Nakreslím to tu s prstom – oblúk, dúha. To je tá zmluva, ktorú Boh vykonal s ľuďmi. On vykonal zmluvu s ľudskou rasou, že už viac nezničí svet vodou. Vykonal zmluvu s každým jedným zo Svojich apoštolov. Urobil zmluvu s prorokom.

 A tam nejakých pätnásť, štrnásť... asi pätnásť rokov dozadu v roku 1937, myslím, že to bolo 7. mája 1937 [1947 – pozn.prekl.], kedy Boh so mnou urobil zmluvu a povedal, „Narodil si sa do tohto sveta, aby si sa modlil za chorých – ak ich dokážeš priviesť k tomu, aby ti verili.“ Moje srdce bolo vždy pre ľudí. „Ak len privedieš tých ľudí do toho, aby ti verili, a budeš úprimný, keď sa budeš modliť, nič neobstojí pred tvojou modlitbou.“

 Hovorím to s úprimnosťou a zahanbenou tvárou. Ak je tu niekto, kto by mal mať vieru, som to ja – vidieť to, čo On urobil, odkiaľ ma priviedol, tú jamu, z ktorej som bol vyťatý; vidieť všetky tie veci, ktoré vykonal počas môjho života; vidieť to, ako som stál a niečo povedal a Boh prišiel priamo naspäť a potvrdil, že je to pravda.

71 Pred rokmi, kedy som vám povedal, že ku mne prišiel anjel ku kríku, keď som mal len tri roky, bolo to svetlo, vír, vír v kríku, ktorý mi povedal, aby som nikdy nefajčil, nepil ani nič podobné, lebo bude pre mňa práca na vykonanie, keď budem starší. Vy ste mali právo v to pochybovať. Nemali by ste pravdu, ale mohli ste v to pochybovať.

 Tuto dolu pri rieke, keď tam On zostúpil a dokázal sa, keď sme tam stáli... Mnohí z vás tu dnes ráno ste tam stáli a boli prítomní. Mnohí z vás viete, že je to pravda.

 Mnohí z vás si pamätáte, keď bolo dané to poverenie, keď On povedal, „Choď a táto služba pôjde do celého sveta a začne sa prebudenie.“ A bolo prebudenie, aké nebolo nikdy predtým. To prebudenie stále pokračuje okolo celého sveta, veľké kampane s uzdravovaním okolo celého sveta.

72        A ja, z ľudskej strany, som ako malý potkan. Nehovorím to preto, aby som zneuctil moju matku, ktorá tu sedí, alebo mŕtveho otca, ktorý už odišiel, na ktorého pohrebe som kázal za touto kazateľňou. Bol som vychovaný v hroznej rodine. Viete o tom. Nikto z nás nebol kresťanom. Môj otec pil. Boh vzal syna opilca, aby ma umyl vo Svojej krvi. Keď som išiel dolu do mesta, aby som sa s niekým porozprával, a keď som s nejakým človekom hovoril, on sa so mnou rozprával, len pokiaľ tam nebol nikto iný, s kým by sa mohol porozprávať. Niekto prišiel, ktokoľvek to bol, bez ohľadu na to, kto to bol, odvrátil sa odo mňa, lebo som bol synom opilca. A mnohí z vás tu v mojej vlastnej cirkvi viete, že to je pravda. Mal som meno, ako by som nikdy... ako nejaké zviera alebo niečo podobné. Raz sa to aj hovorilo – v meste, nejakej osobe, ktorá prišla do nášho domu – niekto jej povedal, „Čo by ste sa združovali s takou zberbou?“ Ó, Bože, s čím iným som mohol ísť okrem krvi Ježiša Krista! Nemám žiadne vzdelanie. Nemám osobnosť. Nie som ničím.

73 Nedávno som povedal svojej žene, „Pomysli na to, aké to bolo, keď so mnou nikto nehovoril, pričom ja som ľudí miloval, ale oni ma nepočúvali.“

 Pamätám si, ako som čítal knihu, keď som chodieval do školy... Nedávno som poslal svojej deti do školy; mohol som im zohnať knihy a podobne a aký som bol pri tom vďačný. Ja som chodieval do školy bez topánok, s vlasmi, ktoré mi viseli dolu ku krku, žiadne oblečenie, len starý kabát, pod ktorým som nemal ani tričko, nemal som ani malú ceruzku alebo kus papiera, na ktorý by som mohol písať. Musel som si požičať ceruzku a kúsok papiera, aby som si mohol zapísať nejaké príklady, ktoré boli na tabuli, a podobne. Nič. Bolo to zlé.

74        Pamätám si, ako som jedného dňa čítal knihu, v ktorej Abrahám Lincoln vystúpil z lode, myslím, že to bolo v New Orleanse. A ako tam stál na tej pastve, uvidel tam nejaké čierne deti, ktoré mali nohy na mieste, kde predtým celú noc ležala nejaká stará krava, roztopila mráz, ktorý bol na zemi. A on tam bol... Oni tam stáli a spievali, „Ty máš topánky, ja mám topánky a všetky Božie deti majú topánky.“

 Keď vystúpil z tej lode a pozrel sa, ako tam stál v ohrade pre býkov a stál pred ním veľký zdravý čierny muž, mal pri sebe svoju malú drobnú ženu s dieťaťom v náručí a plakali. Oni ho išli predať na dražbe, aby ho dali dokopy s väčšou ženou, aby splodili väčších otrokov.

 Lincoln takto zaťal svoje päste a udrel si jednu o druhú. Povedal, „To nie je správne!“ Povedal, „Jedného dňa to zasiahnem, aj keď to vezme môj život!“ Ono to vzalo jeho život, ale on to zasiahol. A zabil to!

75 Povedal som, „Toto pitie, tento zlý život, je to nesprávne! Jedného dňa to zasiahnem!“ Ako som to len mohol zasiahnuť s takým menom, ktoré som mal? Nikto so mnou nehovoril. To je ten dôvod, prečo som pochyboval vo svoje poverenie. Nikto sa o mňa nezaujímal. Nikto nebol nikde, len tu medzi mojimi ľuďmi.

 Skrze milosť Božiu musím opustiť svoj domov, nemôžem tu ani zostať, lebo sú ľudia, ktorí po celom svete volajú. Ľudia všetkých druhov, mocnári, monarchovia, králi, veľkí ľudia, podnikatelia, kazatelia, ktorí volajú z celého sveta. Volajú, volajú, volajú, deň čo deň, noc čo noc. Čo to urobilo? Tá krv Ježiša Krista, ktorá prečistila moju dušu. Tak ako krv Abraháma Lincolna vzala ten otrocký pás z toho černocha, tak aj Krv Ježiša Krista odo mňa vzala putá hriechu; a zobrala ma od mena, ktoré bolo nižšie ako meno zvieraťa, a dala mi meno ako synovi Jeho milosti.

76 A som pripravený ísť dnes ráno do Jordánu. Som pripravený stáť na svojom poverení. Miloval som ľudí. Staral som sa o nich. On ma stretol, videnie po videní, o ktorých ani nemám čas hovoriť (a viete, je to napísané priamo tu na zadnej strane týchto kníh), povedal, „Príliš sa prispôsobuješ ľuďom. Keď chceš kráčať so Mnou, budeš kráčať sám. Dávaš na tie znamenia príliš veľký dôraz.“

 Nevedel som, aký bol ten zvyšok, ale tá hodina prišla. Prišla tá hodina, kedy som videl, ako k Jozuovi zostúpila ruka a On povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou.“ Dnes ráno tomu verím. Od teraz, od tohto dňa slúžim Bohu vo svojom poverení. Ak On chce, aby mi ukazoval znamenia, a chce mi ukazovať videnia, môže mi ich ukázať. Ak nie, tak nikdy nebudem pred ľuďmi stáť a snažiť sa, aby ich viera niečo zo mňa vytiahla. Budem sa modliť za chorých a odovzdám ich Bohu a nechám ich tak. Ak veria tomu povereniu, Boh je rovnako verný. On ma priviedol až do tejto chvíle. Tak, ako to urobil s Mojžišom, ako to urobil s Jozuom, tak isto to urobil aj teraz.

77 Mojou pokornou modlitbou je, „Pane, odpusť mi. Dovoľ mi vstať a skúsiť to znova. Pomôž mi, Pane. Dovoľ mi viesť týchto ľudí a postaviť ich do Slova, až môžeme vyjsť k Jordánu priamo do zasľúbenej zeme, kde bude tá veľká vykúpená cirkev Božia spasená od hriechu.“ To je mojou túžbou dnes ráno. Ver tomu a ži! Ver tomu a buď uzdravený! Hovorím k vám v mene Pána. Pomodlime sa.

78        Pane Bože, Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, Autor večného života, Darca každého dobrého daru, nech Tvoja milosť a milosrdenstvo zostúpi najprv na Tvojho sluhu, Pane. Vykonal som zle v Tvojich očiach tým, že som zneužil niečo, čo bolo Božské, lebo ľudia to odo mňa tiahli, Pane. Prosím Ťa, ó, Pane Bože, naplň ma od tejto hodiny, Pane, Tvojím Duchom. Verím z celého svojho srdca. Pomôž mojej nevere.

 A keď muži a ženy prichádzajú, aby sa za nich modlilo, budem to robiť, pokiaľ mi dáš dych a život. Nech teraz veria, ako sa za nich budeme modliť, Otče. Nech toto poverenie, ktoré si mi Ty dal, nech to môžem odniesť do celého sveta. A keď sa dostanem do určitých miest, kde bola tá značka zabitá do zeme, nech vedia, že to len poukazuje na to poverenie. Nech majú vieru.

79 Pane, už nebudem viac čakať na nejaký druh znamenia alebo niečoho, aby mi to povedalo určité veci, alebo či bude táto osoba uzdravená. Pôjdem stretnúť nepriateľa s vierou vo svojom srdci. Pôjdem a vyzvem ho voči Krvi Ježiša Krista. Skrze Krv Kristovu, on nemôže obstáť.

 No, ak boli všetky tieto veci pravdivé, ktoré boli dokázané, že sú pravdivé, tak Ty uzdravíš chorých, ako sa za nich modlím, Pane. Je to Tvoje Slovo. Je to Tvoje zasľúbenie. Toto túžim robiť. Pomôž mojej nevere.

 Odpusť moje hriechy, Pane, to, že som Ťa neposlúchal. Nevedel som, čo iné mám robiť; ak by som vedel, Pane, nebolo mi to zjavené a vyjasnené. Ale teraz už je. Viem, kde stojím. Poznám svoje poverenie. Nikdy nenechám, aby sa toto Slovo oddialilo od mojich úst, vo dne či v noci. Vždy som pri tom stál, Pane, stál som pri tom – hovoril som ľuďom, že ak to nie je Slovo Božie, mám o tom pochybnosti. Ale nekázal som, ani som nerobil nič, ak by nebolo Slovo Božie.

80 Ale, Pane, už ma nebaví dupať po tej istej zemi. Ako som včera večer povedal, štyridsať rokov v púšti, tam a naspäť, tam a naspäť. Božie požehnanie, to áno. Chov oviec a detí a všetko ostatné, stáda a čriedy a podobne, Bože, Ty si to požehnal. Ale jedného dňa si povedal, „Už si bol na tejto hore dosť dlho. Teraz choď na sever smerom k Jordánu.“

 Bože, dnes ráno začínam. Opúšťam tieto značky, lebo to poukazuje na lepšiu zem. Môžem sa potknúť. Môžem prejsť cez Amalechitov, môžem prejsť cez Hetejov a Kananejov, môžem prejsť cez svoju vlastnú kritiku. Pane, budem sa len ďalej hýbať, lebo viem, že tam niekde sa nachádza zem. Niekde je v nejakom stave miesto, kde, keď sa dostaneme, tak Ty odpovieš na modlitbu a udelíš všetko, o čo prosíme, dokonca ani rakovina neobstojí pred modlitbou. Viem, že to je pravda. Verím tomu a čakám na to, Pane. A porúčam sa Tebe dnes ráno pre Tvoju službu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.


 Len ver, len ver,

 Všetko je možné, len ver;

 Len ver, len ver,

 Všetko je možné, len ver.

 Teraz, keď je táto páska vypnutá, lebo toto pôjde do celého sveta. To je zo srdca. Rozumiete tomu, cirkev?

 Boh nemôže nikdy niečo povedať a potom to vziať späť. Jeho slová sú neomylné. Jeho zasľúbenia sú pravdivé. On čakal celý tento čas na túto hodinu. Vidíte, je to modlitba viery, ktorá zachraňuje chorého, nie znamenie. Modlitba viery! „Ak môžeš veriť,“ Ježiš povedal, „Môžem. Ak môžeš, ak budeš veriť.“ No, ak mi Boh dal moc modliť sa za vás modlitbou viery a zasľúbil to a dokázal, že to je pravda, či tomu teraz veríte? To, o čo prosím, prijímam, ak tomu veríte. „Ak dokážeš priviesť ľudí do toho, aby ti verili, a budeš úprimný, keď sa budeš modliť, nič pred tvojou modlitbou neobstojí.“

82        Brat, sestra, ak som niekedy chcel byť úprimný, tak je to teraz. Po všetkých mojich chybách, ktoré som ukázal, čo som chcel... dôvod, prečo som predtým priniesol tieto posolstvá, bolo, aby Boh ukázal, že On je milostivý. Mojžiš, taký veľký človek, akým on bol, urobil svoje chyby. A potom, keď prišiel Jozua, on tiež urobil chyby. Ale Boh povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou.“

 Pozrite sa teraz, ako mi Boh pred dvomi rokmi poukazoval presne na to miesto Písma, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou. Nebudem hľadieť na tvoje chyby.“ On vedel, že táto hodina prichádzala. A teraz je tu. Vidíte, znovu späť, lebo Boh sa nikdy nemôže od toho oddialiť.

 „Vierou ste spasení.“ Koľkí z vás to viete? Bez ohľadu na to, koľko dobrých ľudí sa za vás modlilo, koľko dobrých kazateľov vám kázalo, vy musíte mať svoju vlastnú osobnú vieru pre spasenie. Je to tak? Je to vaša vlastná... Je mi jedno, koľko dobrých kázní ste počuli, do koľkých dobrých zborov patríte, je to vaša osobná viera, ktorá vás spasí. Ako hlasno vykrikuješ, ako veľmi prosíš, ako veľmi kričíš, ako veľmi tancuješ v Duchu, môžeš byť spasený len skrze svoju vieru. Je to tak? To je ten jediný spôsob, akým môžeš byť uzdravený.

83        Ak Boh dáva človeku posolstvo, kazateľovi, a kazateľ káže spasenie a podáva posolstvo, vy vidíte, že to posolstvo je pravda, Boh to potvrdzuje Svojím Slovom, že je to pravda; o čo viac by ste potom mali veriť daru uzdravenia, keď to bolo potvrdené Slovom a Anjelom, s dvomi znameniami, ktoré poukazujú na tú neomylnosť ich oboch? O čo viac by ste tomu potom mali veriť! Vidíte, a pokiaľ...

 Aby ukázal, že to nebola vždy dokonalá Božia vôľa, aby som to tak robil, to znamenie ma oslabilo. Koľkí z vás to viete? Opýtajte sa tu mojej ženy. Ona vám povie. Ona – tá, ktorú to zasiahlo viac ako kohokoľvek iného – ona to so mnou musí znášať. Nevediac, kde presne ste, a kráčate, a to a tamto a ste [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.]. Choďte chvíľu ďalej po tej ceste a zastavte.

84 No, vraciam sa z týchto posledných zhromaždení. Vzal som tých ľudí do radu. Najprv sme mali niekoľko večerov, tri večery, bez toho, že by sme rozdávali modlitebné karty. A potom tam začal byť taký zhluk, že sme museli rozdávať modlitebné karty. Niekedy som tam stál a prebiehalo päťdesiat alebo sedemdesiatpäť, možno štyridsať alebo päťdesiat rozpoznaní naraz; každý jeden večer. Je to tak, Gene, Leo, a vy, ktorí ste tu na zhromaždení? Istotne, je to pravda. A čo to urobilo? Keď ma to opustilo a išiel som domov, zabudol som, kde som, chcel som vedieť, kam som sa dostal z diaľnice.

 No, chcete mi povedať, že Boh robí niečo také človeku? Nie veru. To je človek, ktorý si to sám robí tým, že vezme značku namiesto poverenia. Zastavil som sa pod malým starým stromom na strane cesty, niekde vo Washingtone, alebo niekde v tej oblasti. Povedal som, „Pane, ak mi len dovolíš otriasť sa a prísť k sebe, aby som sa zotavil, a pomôžeš mi zistiť, čo je pravda, aby som sa mohol vysporiadať s ľuďmi a vyrovnať to poverenie...“

85 Teraz tomu rozumiem. Keď som tu nedávno sedel na strane hôr tu v Kentucky, jedného bieleho rána mi to On zjavil. A to je to. To je všetko. Teraz kráčam v Mene Pána Ježiša. To je to. 

 Ver tomu a ži! Ver tomu a budeš uzdravený! Nemôžem spôsobiť, aby tomu niekto veril. Ty tomu musíš sám veriť. Ale ja som vám povedal pravdu. Boh svedčil o tom, že to je pravda, cez Svoje Slovo, cez Svojho Anjela, cez znamenia a divy, dvanásť dlhých rokov. Ak tomu nebudú teraz veriť, tak tomu nikdy nebudú veriť. Je to tak? Ale prišla tá hodina, kedy ma už nebaví stáť na tejto hore. Chcem ísť hore k Jordánu. Chcem vstúpiť do tých plných zasľúbení. Chcem mať v sebe vieru, nie hľadieť na znamenie, nie hľadieť na niečo, čo Boh zjavil, alebo nejaký druh značky. Chcem hľadieť na Golgotu a povedať, „Vierou prichádzam, Pane Bože. Prichádzam v Mene Pána Ježiša.“

86        No, sú tu nejakí, za ktorých sa budeme dnes ráno modliť. Prichádzam sem, aby som sa stretol s tou chorobou a utrpením tvojho tela v Mene Ježiša Krista. Budem to robiť, pokiaľ odo mňa Boh vezme život. Pokiaľ mi dáva zmysel a porozumenie, tak sa budem prichádzať modliť. Nezlyhávajte v tom, čomu veríte – že keď sa za vás modlím, budete uzdravení. Tým to je vybavené. Ak tomu neveríte, potom vôbec neprichádzajte, lebo si len ublížite.

 Je to teraz na páske, je to tu. Od teraz už nebude viac rozpoznania, pokiaľ mi Boh nedá... nepovie, aby som urobil určitú vec; aby som išiel a povedal tejto osobe určitú vec, tak potom im to poviem. On povedal, aby som niečo urobil, tak to urobím.

 Ale pokiaľ tu stojím a hovorím, „No, pozrite na mňa. Veríte z celého svojho srdca. Áno, toto je ten a ten. Ty si John Doe, prišiel si odtiaľ a odtiaľ. Mal si rakovinu takúto dlhú dobu. Doktor taký a taký ti povedal, že nebudeš uzdravený. Ty si išiel a vykonal si určitú vec. Teraz to musíš vziať a napraviť to, vykonať to pred tým, ako budeš uzdravený. V poriadku, brat Doe, teraz choď a ver tomu.“ „No, ty si sestra taká a taká, prichádzaš odtiaľ a odtiaľ.“ „Prichádzaš odtiaľ a odtiaľ.“ A potom idem do toho víru, ledva viem, čo mám vôbec robiť. A hneď na to je tu ďalšie, snažím sa zistiť, na čo to hľadím. A vyjdem zo zhromaždenia a poviem, „Kde som to?“ Už viac nič také.

87        Prichádzam v Mene Pána Ježiša ako Jeho služobník. Ak vám to Boh doteraz nepotvrdil, že som vám povedal pravdu, potom nikdy nebudete veriť, že som vám povedal pravdu. Amen. Tak veru. To je pravda. Koľkí z vás chcete, aby sa za vás modlilo, zodvihnite svoje ruky. V poriadku.

 No, potrebujem Teddyho. Je Teddy stále v budove? [Niekto hovorí, „Nie, musel odísť.“ - pozn.prekl.] Musel odísť. Kto je tu klavirista, kto by pre mňa mohol zahrať tú pieseň „Jemu Len ver“? Ak budete tak dobrí, je tu niekto, kto by to mohol zahrať? Máte to... ó, máte to tu niekde na páske? Ak je tu niekto, kto by pre nás mohol zahrať „Jemu Len ver,“ nejaký klavirista, príďte sem. Muž alebo žena, na tom nezáleží, budeme radi, ak to urobíte. V poriadku, zatiaľ, čo to jemne budeš hrať, ak budeš tak dobrá, sestra.

88 No, nebudeme rozdávať modlitebné karty. Keď sme v takýchto malých zhromaždeniach, nie je to potrebné. Keď sme vo veľkých zhromaždeniach, stále musíme rozdávať modlitebné karty, ak sa modlím za päťsto ľudí. Stále to musíme robiť, lebo máme príliš veľa v... veľký dav, viete.

 Koľkí z vás veria, že toto je vôľa Božia? Ó, niečo mi dáva pocit, že to robím dobre, niečo robí... Je to preč z mojej hrude. Bolo to tam dvanásť rokov, vediac, že bolo niečo zle, brat Lee. Teraz viem, že je to už preč. Povedal som to, je to na páske a vydal som to zo seba.

89        Pamätajte, môžete byť spasení len vašou osobnou vierou. Môžete byť uzdravení len vašou osobnou vierou. Či veríte, že toto je Biblia? Božie Slovo! Či veríte, že váš pastor je muž Boží, bez ohľadu na to, do ktorej cirkvi chodíte? Ak nie, potom by ste odtiaľ mali odísť. Choďte ku človeku, ktorý je mužom Božím. Potom, ak mu veríte, a veríte, že hovorí pravdu, vtedy to prijmite. Vaša vlastná osobná viera v Krista vás spasí. Bez ohľadu na to, aký dobrý je tvoj pastor, aká zbožná, svätá je tvoja matka, aké skutočné je Slovo Božie, ako veľmi plačeš, ako veľmi sa modlíš, je to tvoja viera, ktorá ťa spasí! Vierou ste spasení.

 No, to isté sa uplatňuje. Bez ohľadu na to, ako... Božie Slovo hovorí, že On to pošle v týchto posledných dňoch. Dve kázne za sebou, priviedol som prirodzený Izrael a duchovný Izrael dokopy. Hľadáme Jozuu tohto dňa, ktorý je Duchom Svätým, aby nás priviedol do tej zeme. Musí hovoriť skrze niekoho, lebo On je Duch. Povedal som vám, čo mi On povedal. Teraz tomu verte a buďte uzdravení.

90 No, nech teraz títo na tejto strane radu, Doc, poď sem dolu. Billy Paul, kde je Billy? Poď mi sem pomôcť, Doc, ak budeš tak dobrý.

 A teraz každý jeden z vás, ktorý prechádza cez tento modlitebný rad, pamätajte, ono sa vám to vráti naspäť, pokiaľ tomu nebudete veriť z celého svojho srdca. Je to pravda. Musíte tomu veriť. No, pamätajte, vy ste tí, ktorí ste chorí. Boh to povedal vo Svojej Biblii, Boh to poslal skrze Svojho posla, Boh to dokázal skrze Svojho Anjela, teraz tomu musíte veriť.

 A teraz tí, ktorí chcete, aby sa za vás modlilo, toto hovorí Biblia, „Ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“ A to je pravda. A my tomu chceme teraz veriť z celých našich sŕdc a Boh vám udelí vaše uzdravenie.

91 Poďte teraz sem, tadiaľto a potom naspäť; nech táto strana, potom nech sa tá druhá strana vráti tak isto. Nech sa tá strana postaví tu napravo, hneď tu. Dobre. Ešte raz? [Niekto hovorí s bratom Branhamom. - pozn.prekl.] Zostúpim hneď tu. Áno, tu sa za nich budem modliť.

 No, tieto listy a vreckovky, modlil som sa za nich. Mnohí z vás, niektorí z vás možno musia ísť. Ale nezabudnite na dnes večer, tá bohoslužba je na potvrdenie, na Božské potvrdenie tej pravdivej cirkvi, vidíte?

92 Teraz, čo sa týka vás, za ktorých sa budeme modliť, či absolútne veríte, že budete uzdravení? Ak nie, tak potom neprichádzajte. Ak áno, je to vaša povinnosť sem prísť.

 No, ja nie som uzdravovateľ, ale mám dar uzdravovania. Sú na to svedkovia. Bolo dokázané, že je to pravda. Vidíte, veľmi dávno, pamätám si, ako som zvykol chodievať sem do nemocnice. Bol som len miestnym baptistickým kazateľom, len v tejto oblasti. Chodieval som do tej nemocnice. Zvykla tam byť jedna stará zdravotná sestra, žila dolu v Howardovom parku. Neviem, či stále robí v tej nemocnici. Zvykla hovoriť pacientom, „No, budete zdravý. Budete zdravá.“ Povedala, „Prichádza ten baptistický kazateľ, aby sa za vás pomodlil.“ Vidíte, bolo to jednoducho... to bol len začiatok. Tak to bolo. A teraz sa to rozšírilo z tohto miesta do celého sveta.

93 A teraz mi On dáva tieto znamenia, aby to vynahradilo moje vzdelanie. Ak by som mal také vzdelanie, aké majú niektorí z týchto kazateľov (napríklad, viem, že brat Neville alebo Dr. Vayle tu), nemusel by som to mať. Ale musím to mať, aby to vynahradilo to, čo mi chýba vo vzdelaní. Musel som mať znamenia. A rovnako, ako... Dokázalo sa, že tieto znamenia sú tak účinné ako to vzdelanie. Ale vidíte, ak nemáte tú kvalifikáciu, Boh je schopný vám ju dať iným spôsobom.

 No, majte vieru a verte. Chcem, aby každý jeden z vás dal Bohu sľub, tam, kde stojíte. Lebo ak nie, tak vám to nepomôže. Chcem, aby každý jeden z vás zahodil každý tieň pochybnosti. A keď prechádzate cez tento rad, keď sa za vás modlím, chcem, aby ste odtiaľto odišli... Nemusíte vidieť ani náznak výsledkov. Ale Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, „Videl si to? Cítil si to?“ On povedal, „Uveril si tomu? Uveril si tomu? Ak len môžete veriť...“

94        No, všimol som si toto. Modlím sa za ľudí a niektorí, ktorým nie je pri rozpoznaní nič povedané, oni odídu a hovoria, „Čo? Ja som nič nedostal. On mi nič nepovedal.“ Taká osoba potom zvyčajne naozaj nič nedostane.

 Ale niektorí prídu do radu a povedia, „Ďakujem, Pane. Verím tomu.“ To sú potom tí, od ktorých počujeme, „Vieš, brat Branham, necítil som žiaden rozdiel ani po niekoľkých dňoch (možno aj dvoch alebo troch týždňoch), ale zrazu som začal cítiť, že tá vec odo mňa odchádza.“ A ono to odišlo.

 Vy by ste mohli povedať, že veríte. Sú tri triedy ľudí, ktorí navštevujú zhromaždenia – to sú neveriaci, takzvaní veriaci a veriaci. Niektorí z nich sa tvária, že veria, „Ó, áno, ja verím.“ Ale oni neveria. Ak tomu veríte... Chcem sa vás teraz opýtať túto vec. Ak tomu veríte, je pre vás nemožné, aby ste neboli uzdravení. Počúvajte. Dovoľte mi to zopakovať. Je úplne nemožné, aby ste neboli uzdravení, ak tomu veríte.

95        V prvom rade, Slovo Božie dáva to poverenie. Či tomu veríte? Slovo Božie to najprv tak hovorí. To je ponad všetko. Po druhé, ten Anjel Pánov to dokázal, tie znamenia to potvrdili. Je to tak? No, nie je tam nikde žiadne zlyhanie.

 Nie je žiadne zlyhanie v Slove Božom, ktoré hovorí, „Raz im dám uzdravenie, ale teraz im to beriem.“ Chcem, aby mi to niekto ukázal. Ukážem vám, kde Ježiš poveril Svoju cirkev, aby sa modlili za chorých, a modlitba viery zachráni chorého. A teraz mi povedzte, kde sa píše, že už sa to viac nebude diať. Ukážte mi to v Biblii. Vidíte?

 On povedal, že v posledných dňoch bude robiť určité veci, tieto veci povstanú. Pozrite sa na to, čo sa stalo. On dodržal Svoje Slovo. No, povedal som vám, že On ma poveril. Svet o tom vie, veda o tom vie, Anjel Pánov to dokázal a výsledky dokázali, že je to pravda.

96 Žijeme v chorom svete. Za veľa sa treba modliť. Myslel som si, že určite je iný spôsob okrem...

 Brat Moore mi raz povedal... Bolo jedno malé biedne dievča, ktoré sa postihnuté plazilo cez budovu. Úbohá, drobná, snažila sa dostať tam, kde som bol ja. Pozrel som sa dolu. To dieťa začalo plakať. No, oni ju nemohli priviesť do radu, lebo nemala modlitebnú kartu. Nevediac o tom, že to bol posledný večer toho dieťaťa, a brat Moore a ostatní jej pomohli von z radu.

 Potom ďalší deň sme si sadli a prerozprávali si to. On povedal, „Brat Branham, dotklo sa ma to.“

 Povedal som, „Dotklo sa ťa to? Čo si myslíš, že to urobilo mne?“

 Vidíte, malé postihnuté dievča. To vo mne zostalo. A bolo to asi desať rokov dozadu, to malé postihnuté dievča v Illinois. Malá čierna hlávka, hnedé oči, plazila sa, s tou obrnou sa snažila vyjsť tam ku mne. A tí usporiadatelia tam dolu jej museli pomôcť a dostať ju späť na svoju stoličku. Ona sa od nej vyplazila, aby sa sem dostala. Prečo? Môžeme zobrať len niektorých. A boli takí, ktorých som musel vyradiť, ak by som ju ju tam nechal ísť bez modlitebnej karty, zranilo by to pocity tých ostatných, rozumiete. Tak veru, nemohol som to urobiť. Povedal som, „Istotne je ešte iný spôsob.“ Bodaj by som vtedy vedel to, čo viem teraz. Bolo by to inak. Istotne by to bolo inak.

97 No, každý jeden z vás, to jediné, čo vám bráni v tom, aby ste boli uzdravení, je to, že tomu neveríte.

 Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

 Náš nebeský Otče, stoja tu slepí, postihnutí, trpiaci, chorí, ľudia zomierajúci na rakovinu, vredy a nádory. Všetci tu stoja v rade, Pane. Ja som kázal Slovo. A počas dvanástich rokov si to potvrdzoval okolo sveta. Prosil som o odpustenie. A viem, že som to neurobil úmyselne; urobil som to, lebo som si myslel, že to robím dobre. Teraz k Tebe pokorne prichádzam, Pane, prosiac Ťa, aby si požehnal moje modlitby, keď sa budem modliť za týchto ľudí, aby bol každý jeden z nich uzdravený. Požehnaj ich vieru. Pomôž mojej nevere, Pane.

 A nech každý jeden dnes ráno zachytí to videnie. Nech z toho nič nestratia, ale nech to vidia pomocou Písma. A ako rozmýšľam o tom Anjelovi Pánovom tam na počiatku, ktorý povedal, „Ako boli Mojžišovi dané dva dary...“ A potom pred dvoma rokmi priniesol Bibliu; s rukou, ktorá zostúpila... ako písala na stenu v Babylone. Vyzeralo to ako ľudská ruka, ktorá ukazovala v Biblii na túto istú kapitolu, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou.“ A, Otče, tu je to dnes ráno privedené na svetlo. Ďakujeme Ti za to, Pane. Odpusť mi moje chyby.

 A teraz, ako ideme do tohto modlitebného zhromaždenia, nech moc Božia uzdraví každú chorú osobu, ktorá prechádza cez tento rad. Ja len idem ako Tvoj sluha, neprosím o žiadne špeciálne pomazanie ani nič zvláštne, len vediac to, že v mojom živote je toto poverenie. Ja ho idem vyplniť v Mene Ježiša Krista.

98 Teraz, brat Neville, postav sa sem, prosím ťa. Teraz s týmto darom... Ja nejdem pomazávať s olejom, vidíte. Ja idem urobiť len to, čo mi On povedal, aby som urobil. Ako povedalo to poverenie, „Priveď ľudí k tomu, aby ti verili, a buď úprimný.“ Či veríte? Potom som úprimný. Niečo sa musí stať!

 Brat Neville bude viesť piesne. Všetci sa ticho modlite, zatiaľ čo sa ja modlím za chorých. [Brat Neville začína spievať, „Len Ver.“]

99 Pane Ježišu, kladiem ruky na túto ženu s obličkovými kameňmi a karhám ich v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nech ide a je uzdravená. Amen. Niečo sa stalo.

 Aký je tvoj problém?

 Pane, kladiem svoje ruky na brata, ktorý má problém s prostatou, karhám moc diabla v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Musíš to mať. Ver.

 Pane, kladiem ruky na moju sestru s týmito problémami v nohách, ktoré sú napuchnuté. Karhám to napuchnutie v Mene Ježiša Krista. Choď, ver tomu, sestra, a uvidíš to.

 Pane, kladiem svoje ruky na túto sestru so srdcovým problémom a inými chorobami a karhám to v Ježišovom Mene, skrze svoje poverenie.

 Pane, karhám tento slabnúci zrak a srdcový problém v tejto žene cez moje poverenie od Boha, v Mene Ježiša. Amen. Musí to tak byť! Bude to v poriadku. Je to v poriadku. Amen. Verím tomu z celého srdca.

100 [Medzera na páske – pozn.prekl.] To je pravda, ak je to tvoj čas odísť, tak nejakým spôsobom odídeš. To je pravda. Ale pred tým, ako ti On povie, ak budeš úprimná a nebudeš v to pochybovať, budeš uzdravená. Presne tak.

 Lazár bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych. On znovu zomrel, ale bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych, aby bolo ukázané, že Boh dodržuje Svoju ponuku pre ľudí. On povedal, „Mária, či veríš tomuto? Ja som vzkriesenie a život. Ja som poverený od Boha, aby som vzkriesil mŕtvych. Či tomu veríš?“

 Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane. Verím, že Ty si Syn Boží, ktorý prišiel na svet.“

 Povedal, „Kde ste ho pochovali?“ Vidíte?

 On musel znovu zomrieť. Ale On ho vzkriesil, aby ukázal, že On je vzkriesenie a život.

 Vidíte, Boh robí tieto veci a všetko ostatné v Božskom poriadku. Ó, som tak rád, že to môžem povedať! Všetko je dokonale v poriadku. Ak môžete veriť, všetko, o čo prosíte, je vám dané. Musí to byť.

101 V poriadku, len sa ďalej modlite, zatiaľ čo ich sem privádzame. Nech ťa Boh žehná...?...

 Pane Ježišu, naša sestra je veľmi chorá, počula, ako som tu stál a kázal tieto slová. Nech táto malá záhaľčivosť a pochybnosti od nich odídu, Pane. Nech povstane a opustí túto starú horu, kde chodí len hore a dolu, a nech ide ďalej k Jordánu, Pane. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech naša sestra teraz prejde touto cestou, od tejto hodiny, veriac, že Boh uzdravuje jej telo. V Ježišovom Mene. Choď po svojej ceste a ver.

 Nech ťa Boh žehná. Pane Ježišu, daj jej túžbu jej srdca za jej dcéru a jej rodinu. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene, aby toto prijala, ako som ja ponúkol svoju modlitbu a vieru tým, že som na ňu položil ruky. Ak by som v Teba neveril, nepoložil by som na ňu svoje ruky. Ak by som vedel, že Ty to nevykonáš, tak by som sa za ňu nemodlil. Ale ja verím, Pane, a ona tiež verí a my prinášame spolu svoju vieru, veriac v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. 

102 Nech ťa Boh žehná, Pat. Pane, on chce, aby jeho drahé deti boli spasené. Má problémy s počutím. Doktor povedal, že sa mu do oka dostáva šedý zákal. On chce žiť pre Božiu slávu. Udeľ mu to, Pane, prosím to za svojho brata. Amen.

 Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nepochybuj. Ver v to, o čo si prosil.

 Pane, táto malá biedna žena tu stojí za svojho syna. Chcel by som... aby si [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] niečo, Pane, čo ho raní. Ide na transplantáciu pokožky. A ona sa modlí za jeho telo a jeho spasenie. Modlí sa za svojich milovaných. Prosila za jej vlastný nervový stav, Pane. Je na pokraji zrútenia. Bože, modlím sa, aby si jej dal túžbu jej srdca. Uzdrav ju z jej utrpenia a nech sa má dobre. V Ježišovom Mene sa modlím za ňu túto modlitbu viery. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď a ver. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

103 Pane, za spasenie jej milovaných, modlím sa, aby si jej udelil jej žiadosť v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

 Teraz ver, sestra, že si to prijala a že je to tvoje. Ak tomu veríš, musí sa to stať.

 Pre nášho brata Edgara Tylera. Nech ťa Boh žehná! V poriadku, a celú cestu z Phoenixu, Arizony. Je tam horúco?

 Táto pani tu bola uzdravená na mojom zhromaždení. Odkiaľ bola? Si z Phoenixu, pani? Nie si z... Bola si vo Phoenixe na zhromaždení.

 Čo chceš, aby On pre Teba urobil? Aby vzal od teba astmu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

 Drahý Bože, ako tento drahý brat [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] volá k našej [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] a pre bremená ľudí. Modlím sa, aby si mu udelil vyslobodenie; prišiel tu až z Phoenixu, Arizony, aby sme sa zaňho modlili, aby sa postavil do tohto radu, počul posolstvo, aby si ho povzbudil. Pane, vyzerá to ako taká veľká obeť. A aj je.

 Ale kráľovná juhu cestovala tri mesiace na chrbte ťavy cez saharskú púšť, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúna; a hľa, väčší ako Šalamún tu je. Duch Svätý tu je, väčší ako Šalamún.

 Pane, modlím sa, aby si ho uzdravil z toho utrpenia v jeho tele. Daruj mu túžbu jeho srdca. Nech kráča po ceste, ktorá bola pre neho predurčená. Nech na ňom spočinie dobrota Božia. Prosím toto požehnanie pre môjho brata v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

 Ed, ako sa budeš vracať, choď s tým. Je to tvoje. Dávam ti to. Choď a príjmi to.

104        Brat George. Mnohí z vás poznajú brata Georga Wrighta. Koľkí z vás si pamätajú ten príbeh, ako nedávno zomieral? Všetci doktori popri ňom prešli. Jeho telo bolo takto napuchnuté, mal pri srdci krvnú zrazeninu. Niekoľko lekárov to vzdalo. Išiel som sa zaňho modliť. Brat Funk (myslím, že nedávno tu bol) bol vtedy so mnou v ten večer. Sadol som si tam hore na kopec a tváril som sa, že som išiel poľovať.

 Chcem to teraz povedať tomuto zboru, musím povedať niektoré veci, ktoré sa dejú. Veľakrát premýšľam, keď som na poľovačke, ani nepoľujem. To je len výhovorka, aby som zabránil ľuďom, aby ma nasledovali. Musím tam ísť, aby som bol sám s Bohom. Nechodím tam len pre to, aby som poľoval, priatelia. Áno, poľujem, ale nie je to až také poľovanie.

 Sadol som si na kopec. No, pre neho sa zdalo, že som išiel poľovať na zajace. Išiel som dookola poza dom a držal som ruky smerom k domu a modlil som sa a modlil. On zomieral! Duch Svätý ku mne v ten večer prehovoril, „Jeden z týchto mužov pochádza z cirkvi, ktorá neverí, že uzdravovanie je správne.“

 Určitý kazateľ nedávno prišiel do jeho domu a snažil sa tam so mnou obstáť v debate. Mnohí z vás ste tam v ten večer boli. Vidíte, kde ten človek stratil rozum? A teraz sa nakoniec snaží získať Ducha Svätého. [Brat Wright hovorí, „Tam, kde hovorí, že som najlepší priateľ, akého má.“] Zamyslite sa nad tým.

105 Ten muž tam stál, aby debatoval, a povedal, „V prvom rade ti chcem povedať, že pochádzaš z diabla.“

 Povedal som, „Odpúšťam ti, lebo nevieš, o čom hovoríš.“ 

 Potom sa obrátil a povedal, „Viem, že máš Ducha Kristovho.“

 Povedal som, „Pred pár minútami som bol diabol a teraz som Kristus. Tak čo z toho nakoniec?“ A tak... Hrozné veci sa stali.

 Ten muž tam ležal a zomieral, a tento muž sa mu smial a povedal, „Choď si teraz pre svojho Božského uzdravovateľa.“

 A bol som hore v Lexingtone, Kentucky, kde bola tá žena uzdravená z rakoviny. A vo videní mi Pán ukázal, keď som sa vracal asi o piatej ráno, ukázal mi... povedal, „Podáš ruku bratovi Georgovi Wrightovi, ako prejde cez modlitebňu, a prídeš k nemu a potrasiete si ruky. A ten človek, ktorý si z neho robil žarty, si bude kopať vlastný hrob.“ Nevedel som o tom, že on zvykol kopať hroby.

106        Zavolal som sestru Wrightovú. Musí tu niekde byť. Áno. Zavolal som sestru Wrightovú a povedal som, „Tak hovorí Pán.“ Veru. To sú tie videnia, ktoré chcem odteraz vidieť; [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] Niekomu niečo poviem, ono sa to vráti. Povedal som, „Brat George bude kopať hrob toho človeka alebo teda bude pri hrobe toho človeka, ktorý si z neho robil žarty. A príde do modlitebne a ja si s ním podám ruku.“ Tá krvná zrazenina opustila brata Georga.

 A asi mesiac alebo dva potom som sa vrátil. A on vždy, takmer vždy chodil tadeto. Ale v to ráno išiel inak. Mal som publikum, povedal som, „Pozrite, pozrite, pozrite, tu prichádza, aby sme si podali ruky, presne tak, ako to bolo.“

 A tu dnes je. To bolo [Brat Wright hovorí, „deväť rokov.“ - pozn.prekl.] deväť rokov dozadu. [„Mal som deväť krvných zrazenín, ktoré všetky odišli.“] Deväť krvných zrazenín pred deviatimi rokmi!

107 Mimochodom, počujem, že sestra Hickersonová... Je tu dnes brat Hickerson? Už sa má lepšie, to je v poriadku. Ona tiež mala krvné zrazeniny, hromadu zrazenín v nohe.

 On má v ruke reumu.

 To bola jeho dcéra, sestra Hattie, ktorá tam sedela, o ktorej som svedčil, že tá nová služba po prvýkrát fungovala. Tak veru, sestra Hattie. Zaujímalo by ma, či sú tu dnes ráno jej chlapci, sú tu s tebou? [Sestra Hattie hovorí, „Sú tu vzadu.“ - pozn.prekl.]

 Kde sú tí chlapci? Obaja stoja tam vzadu. To sú jej dvaja chlapci. To je ich matka, dcéra nášho brata. Zodvihnite svoje ruky, chlapci, aby videli, kto ste. V poriadku, stoja tam vzadu. Je to ohromné, či nie, Orville? Istotne je.

108 V poriadku.

 Brat George. [Brat Wright hovorí, „Vieš, brat Bill, ja verím.“ - pozn.prekl.] Viem, že veríš. A viem, že mnohokrát som ležal v tvojej izbe v noci, pozeral som von oknom a počúval som starého drozda. Jedného dňa tam musíme ísť, brat George. Až do toho času, nech je Boh s nami. Viem, že On bude. „Áno, aj keď budem kráčať dolinou tieňa smrti, nebudem sa báť zlého. Ty si so mnou.“ V tom videní nedávno, keď som videl, ako sa tí starí ľudia premenili znovu na mladých, tak ťa jedného dňa uvidím, dokonalého.

 Náš nebeský Otče, daruj nášmu bratovi túžbu jeho srdca. Uzdrav ho z tej reumy. Už starne, Otče, a ja sa modlím, aby si mu pomohol. Pomôž sestre Wrightovej a malej Edite a celej tej rodine tam dolu. Sestra Hattie a jej deti, všetci ich milovaní. Buď s nimi, Otče. Udeľ túto túžbu, ako o to prosím v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

 [Brat George Wright hovorí, „Budem mať sedemdesiatdeväť.“] Sedemdesiat deväť. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Wright, a nech ti dá ešte mnoho dní. Chvála Pánovi.

109        Brat Daulton. Ó! Je to brat, ktorý mi je veľmi drahý. Poviem vám, čo sa stalo. Nemám na to čas, aby som to tu celé rozoberal. Jeho žena o tom vie. Povedala, že zomieral. Myslím, že to bol srdcový infarkt, je tak, sestra? A pred tým, Pán jej dal sen a prišiel výklad. A keď ho udrel ten srdcový infarkt, ona tam stála, videla to a povedala, „Odporujem tomu!“ Boh jej dal sen, že sa to tak stane, a prišiel ten výklad. A ten doktor si myslel, že ten človek zomiera, ale on je tu dnes nažive.

 Pane Ježišu, čo sa týka nášho drahého brata, on išiel dlho autom, aby sa dnes ráno dostal na toto zhromaždenie. Má problém s bedrom. Rovnako ako s autom, Pane, niektoré súčiastky sa opotrebujú, kazia sa, ale, ó, Pane, Ty buď jeho silou! Ty si našou silou. Opáš tohto postihnutého okolo jeho boku. Opáš každé slabé miesto, Pane. A daruj nášmu drahému bratovi jeho uzdravenie, ako mu žehnám v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

 Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Daulton. Tak to bude.

110 V poriadku, sestra, čo pre teba môže Pán urobiť? [Sestra hovorí s bratom Branhamom. - pozn.prekl.] Ó, sestra Daugherty! Je toto Betty? [„To som ja.“] Ó, nech Boh požehná tvoje srdce, Betty! Kto v tejto modlitebni nepozná Betty Daughertovú. Ten prvýkrát, kedy sa moja služba prejavila, bolo práve na tomto dieťati. Koľkí si pamätajú na ten kúsok látky?

 Betty mala nemoc „tanec sv.Víta“. A bola v takom stave, že už sa ani nesprávala ako človek. Žiaden lekár nevedel, čo s ňou.

 A išiel som do St. Louis. Táto cirkev zariadila peniaze a požičal som si niekoho kabát a dali mi jedenásť dolárov, aby som tam išiel a pomodlil za to malé dievča. Bola len malé dievča, asi tak ako toto dievča, ktoré tu sedí, malé dievča. A zostal som tam (Je tu brat Daugherty? Nie je.) a modlil a modlil a modlil som sa. Nikam som sa nevedel dostať. A nakoniec, ako som sedel v aute brata Daughertyho, videl som videnie, čo s nimi robiť.

 A ona dodržala to videnie presne tak, ako Pán povedal, že to bude. Myslím, že to bolo v tom čase trochu proti ich myšlienkam. Ale ona to urobila presne tak, ako Pán povedal, že to má urobiť, a Betty bola uzdravená. Po prvýkrát, čo som ju videl, ako... Povedal som, „Jeden Daugherty sa chytí jednej strany postele a brat Daugherty druhej a nech si vezme handru a umyje tvár toho dieťaťa, a tak ďalej,“ ako som pokračoval v modlitbe, „Náš Otče, ktorý si v nebesiach, nech je posvätené Tvoje Meno.“

111 A Betty teraz zasiahol šedý zákal. Pred chvíľou som sa za ňu modlil, v zadnej časti budovy v Chataque.

 Betty, drahá, preberme to naozaj podrobne. Chcem ťa chytiť za ruku. Či si úplne slepá, Betty? [„Nie.“] Vidíš len svetlo a tmu. [„To je pravda.“] Koľko máš rokov, Betty? [„Dvadsaťdva.“] Dvadsaťdva. Vtedy mala asi sedem alebo osem. Sestra Daughertyová, mala si to ťažké, že? Vieš, Betty, vždy som veril, že Boh mal pre teba niečo na vykonanie. A verím, že to je ten dôvod, prečo to je s tebou takto. A verím, že nepriateľ urobil túto zlú vec.

 No, vieš, Betty. Ak by som mal moc načiahnuť sa tam a vytiahnuť ten šedý zákal, urobil by som to. [„Áno.“] Nedokážem to.

 Ale, Betty, to, čo som ti povedal po prvýkrát, je pravda, ako tu sedím, a ty a ja sme ako brat a sestra v Kristovi. Brat Daugherty, tvoj drahý otec, jeden z najmilších bratov, akých som kedy mal. Tvoja drahá matka je tu... Žil som vo vašom dome a delili ste sa so mnou so svojím jedlom a podobne. Bola si akoby moja sestra a nemohol by som byť viac úprimný ako by som bol s Delores, ktorá sedí tam vzadu.

112        No, Boh toto zasľúbil, Betty. Chcem dať všetko... Tvoj otec je kazateľ a bola si vychovaná v rodine, ktorá sa modlí za chorých. [Nejasné slová. - pozn.prekl.] Veľakrát sa za teba modlilo. Dostalo sa to do bodu, kedy to tak trochu ide ponad hlavu, sem a tam, stráca to na hodnote. Rozumieš, čo myslím?

 No, vyrástlo z teba milé, pekné dievča, Betty. Je to škoda, že tvoje oči sú v takom stave. Je Méda stále v budove? Moja žena ťa chcela vidieť. Chcem, aby ťa videla, Betty, čo za pekné dievča z teba je. Betty, bola si pekné malé dievča. Vždy si bola dobré dievča.

 No, je niekoľko vecí v živote, v ktorých si zlyhala, Betty? No, tak, ako by doktor prešetril tvoje fyzické telo, ja sa chcem pozrieť na tvoju dušu. Či si niekedy niekde sklamala Boha, Betty? Ak áno, len Mu to vyznaj, „Pane, ak mi dovolíš vykonať to znova, urobím to inak.“

113 [Betty Daugherty hovorí s bratom Branhamom.]

 Ó, toto je zvláštna vec. Zamyslime sa nad tým takto. No, nevedel som, že Betty Daugherty bude tu na zhromaždení. Ale tá prvá v mojom rozpoznaní bola Betty Daugherty. Tu je to znovu, počas prvého zhromaždenia o tomto.

 Ona vtedy vedela, o čom som hovoril. Nechcem znovu začať to rozpoznanie, lebo v rade... Ale ona povedala to, čo mala práve povedať. Bola naplnená Duchom Svätým v St. Louis. Ako tínedžerka, ako dieťa možno vykonala veci, ktoré nemala. Ale kto taký nebol? Kto také neurobil? Ak by nebola milosť, všetci sme stratení. Ak si ochotná vyznať svoju chybu, Boh je dosť spravodlivý na to, aby ti ju odpustil.

114        Teraz zdvíham svoju vieru, Pane. Prinášam Ti toto dievča. Dávam ruky na jej oči. Karhám tento šedý zákal a verím, že ona bude znovu vidieť. Nech moc živého Boha, toho Božského, dá Betty znovu jej zrak, zatiaľ čo ponúkam túto modlitbu, keď je na mne viera. V Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Nech si znovu potrasiem ruky so svojou sestrou niekde dnes, zajtra alebo kedykoľvek to znovu bude a bude mať v očiach jasný pohľad a povie, „Brat Branham, môžem [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] vidím lepšie ako kedykoľvek pred tým...“

 [Nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] Či tomu veríš, sestra Daughertyová? Potom to tak bude!

 Pane, v Mene Ježiša, Syna Božieho, daj našej sestre túžbu jej srdca, ako tu stojí, aby od Teba počula. Nech tá moc, ktorá uzdravila Betty Daughertyovú po prvýkrát, nech aj po druhýkrát uzdraví našu sestru v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

115 Brat... [Ten brat hovorí s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.] Náš brat chce byť spasený. Či príjmeš Ježiša Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa? Či veríš, že On za teba zomrel a znovu povstal? Či si Ho teraz nárokuješ ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa?

 V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je každá otázka hriechu preč z vedomia tohto človeka. Nech náš brat [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.], nech odteraz žije ako kresťan v Mene Ježiša Krista.

 Obráť sa k publiku a povedz, „Prijímam Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa.“ Teraz je tak rád, že jeho hriechy sú odpustené Krvou Ježiša Krista! To je to, čo máme radi, amen, dvojitý liek Jeho ranami. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] Pane, daj tejto žene jej uistenie o spasení. [Nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] V Mene Ježiša Krista tomu musíš veriť. Choď a ver tomu. Nepochybuj.

116 A to je to, čo som dnes ráno dosiahol – skrze posolstvo, ktoré som mal, a veci, ktoré som poznal, nasledoval som to poverenie – viac, ako som dosiahol za posledných päť rokov, lebo som našiel centrum Božej vôle.

 No, môže to byť pre mňa ťažké prejsť z jednej služby na druhú. Ale to nie je o tom, že sa mení služba, je to o tom, že tá istá služba ide do vyššej sféry. Je to to originálne poverenie. Všetky tieto veci sú na tom stavané. Teraz je ten čas.

 Z celého svojho srdca verím za každú osobu, za ktorú som sa modlil. Verím, že budú uzdravení. A so všetkým dôkazom, ktorý mám, všetkým, čo Boh ukázal, rok čo rok, nezlyhávajúci dôkaz, že Biblia znovu žije, ako by to mohlo zlyhať? To jednoducho nemôže zlyhať.

117 No, je len jediný spôsob, ako by to mohlo zlyhať, a to je vtedy, keď tomu neveríte. Ak by tu stál Sám Ježiš a pomodlil by sa za vás a urobil by ten istý skutok, ktorý sme tu urobili my dnes ráno, nestalo by sa nič viac ako to, čo by sa stalo, keby ste mali tú istú mieru viery. Nemohlo by sa stať viac ako to, čomu by ste verili s tým istým množstvom viery. Lebo ja len reprezentujem Jeho. Som hriešnik spasený z milosti, len človek ako vy, len ľudská bytosť. Ale Boh musí mať niekde priechod. A On to dokázal Svojím Slovom. Dokázal to cez službu. Dokázal to cez Anjela Pánovho a tu to je. A teraz je to na nás, aby sme tomu verili.

 No, pamätajte, rovnako ako dieťa. Ak bolo niekde utrpenie, už to viac nevidíte. Ak bola niekde choroba, už tam viac nie je. Len ignoruj akýkoľvek symptóm, čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade s tým, o čo si prosil. Mnohokrát... Každé dieťa, ktoré prichádza k Bohu, musí byť skúšané. Sme skúšaní, aby sme videli, či veríme alebo nie. A budete mať boje a problémy, ale pamätajte, my sme na svojom pochode.

118 Nech vás Boh žehná. Milujem vás. A s pomocou Božej milosti dúfam, že On mi dovolí slúžiť Mu ako Jeho sluha mnoho a mnoho rokov do budúcnosti, to je moja modlitba. Modlite sa za mňa.

 A teraz pamätajte na dnes večer: „Päť nezlyhávajúcich potvrdení pravdivej cirkvi živého Boha.“ Dovtedy, postavme sa na chvíľu na svoje nohy.

 Ó, je tu bohoslužba s krstom? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Myslím, že je.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, bohoslužba s krstom – ľudia, čo sa majú krstiť, ste tu? Zodvihnite svoje ruky, ktokoľvek, kto sa ide dať pokrstiť. Jeden, dva, tri... Áno. Je mi to veľmi, veľmi ľúto, priatelia.

 No, rozpustím tých, ktorí musia ísť. Nech tí ostatní zostanú na krst, ak chcú. Budeme mať za chvíľu bohoslužbu s krstom.

119 Otče Bože, rozpusť tých, ktorí musia odísť, s Tvojimi požehnaniami, s Tvojím blahoslavenstvom. Nech na nich spočinie Tvoja milosť a nech Ti ďakujú za všetko, čo sa dnes ráno dosiahlo, ako sa tiahneme preč od tej hory a ideme hore. Pane, nech prejdeme cez rebrík každej sféry, až dokiaľ nedosiahneme kráľovstvo Božie. Udeľ to, Pane. Buď teraz s nami. Odpusť naše hriechy. Tí, ktorí tu teraz zostanú, aby boli pokrstení na odpustenie svojich hriechov v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nech sú tieto veci udelené.

        Zhromaždi nás opäť spolu dnes večer. Nech Tvoja moc a Tvoje požehnania spočinú na nás dnes večer. Nech je to dnes veľkolepý večer. Nech mnohí, ktorí sú zmätení, sú napravení. Udeľ to, Otče, lebo o to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. V poriadku, môžete si teraz sadnúť, ak chcete, zatiaľ čo sa pripravujeme na krst.        

1 Out again this morning... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... night's sleep. I hope that we all had it, and are feeling relaxed today.

I was just thinking as I was standing in the room, and Billy Paul put in twenty-five cents this morning. I remember standing on this same pulpit when Frankie Weber, a neighbor here... He and I went to school together. And I was about twenty-one, about twenty-two, I believe, and he was already twenty-five. And when he put in the twenty-five cents, I thought, "Oh, my, Frankie's about ready to die; he's so old. And--and now," I thought, "what will I do when I get that age, twenty-five?" And now my son's putting in twenty-five.

Just goes to show that time is fleeting and it waits on no one. We must work while it is day, for the time will come when we cannot work no longer. And I always liked Longfellow's "The Psalm of Life," "With partings, leave behind us the footprints on the sands of time." We must make footprints while we can make them, each of us. Let's not waste one day, but make every day count the best that we can for His glory.

3 Now, a couple nights ago, or two weeks ago, it has been... The Lord gives visions, as we're all sure of that here. And I had a strange vision to happen to me while I was down in Kentucky. I said to the party I was with, "something's surely fixing to happen."

I saw standing before me, about three o'clock in the morning in the room, a man, hideously dark; not like our beloved colored brethren and sisters. This man was different. His body was wrinkled iron, and he was coming with great clutching hands to get me. And in my protection was a small blade; but it was no good; it couldn't protect myself with it. So somehow, the Lord come in and helped me to get away from this hideous man. He was wrinkled iron. I could see him as he raised his hands, the great wrinkles in his skin, just like iron moving back and forth. I suppose, maybe, a hard pressing bullet would not pierce that hideous shell, like a--some animal, a tortoise or something, over him. And he was after me. I have a good idea what that was and what it means.

5 But then last Tuesday morning, about three o'clock, something else happened. I was at home. And standing before me in a room, was a Divine One that spoke words that I did not understand. And the time that He appointed is near at hand. And I did not hear Him too good, but He was a Divine One. And He said, "Seven more days, and you'll stand as Moses stood," or "will be as Moses was," or something concerning Moses. That leaves me one more day after today; that was the sixth. I don't know what that means. I know that He will work it out, whatever it is, "You will stand," or "have to stand," or "be as," or it was something pertaining to Moses. And I never thought too much about it. I told my family and told some of my loved ones, that I had saw this Divine One. Yet He spoke as a Man.

And then I noticed that my message of last evening, the Lord let me choose Moses. And this morning it's Moses and his successor. And the Scripture that I'm about to approach this morning for, is concerning Moses and Joshua. And this Scripture, Joshua the 1st chapter, has always been a very outstanding Scripture: never preached on it in my life; I'm going to try it this morning.

7 But about two years ago, I saw the Bible, in the room, come down and stand where I was at and a hand from above came down and parted the pages, turned them out, and come down Joshua 1 to the 9th verse and stopped, going slowly. I've waited for this hour to approach to when I would feel that it was God's will for me to speak concerning it.

Now, don't forget the evening services, if you are--can come and you don't have a post of duty. If you have churches that needs you, why, we certainly recommend you to your church.

This morning we're going to pray for the sick immediately after the message. And I think there following that is a baptismal service.

And tonight, the Lord willing, I want to preach on "Five Infallible Scriptural Identifications Of The Church," and our relationship with it, with the New Testament church, and our relationship with this church. And services will begin, the song service, at seven-thirty; try to be in the pulpit at eight o'clock. And we'll be through by nine-thirty, the Lord willing.

11 And then I trust that today that it will not be that none of these words that... When I come down to the commission, that no one will fail to see it, because it's very important that you lay aside everything now and think as we wait on the Holy Spirit.

Before approaching this marvelous and gracious Word, I'm going to ask that my good friend and co-worker, Doctor Lee Vayle, if he'll stand up and lead us in a word of prayer, as we open the Word. Brother Vayle. [Brother Vayle begins to pray, then blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Thank you, Brother Vayle, for that inspiring prayer to God.

13 And now, let us turn in the Scriptures. There's just so much to talk about; but yet seeing many standing around the walls and in the halls, and so forth... I believe we are facing the dawn of a new day. Now, in the Scripture reading this morning, let's turn to the 1st chapter of Joshua. And we will read from the first book of Joshua the 1st chapter, the first nine verses. And while we're making ready...

This message is being taped and will be sent to many parts of the world. I'd want the peoples of the world, to whom the Lord has given me favor, and I've found grace in your sight; I'm saying this this morning because that in the future, hoping to come into your congregations and meetings, that you might know ahead of time, what the Lord God has done, that you might know truth. And as Jesus said, "The truth shall make you free."

15 Reading from Joshua 1.

.. after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,

Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, and go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I have given to them, even to the children of Israel.

Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites,... unto the great sea towards the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.

There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper wheresoever thou goest.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest,

16 In the 5th verse and about the middle of the verse it is written: "As I Was With Moses, So I Will Be With Thee." That is what, if I should call it a text, I would like to--to wait on a few moments, and call your attention to that. "As I was with Moses, so will I be with thee."

Now, last evening we were journeying with the children of Israel, all the way from Egypt, till we got them into Kadesh. Oh, what a great lesson, what a great thing, as we typed the natural church to the spiritual church. God dealing with Israel in the natural, with the church in these days, as He's calling out of the Gentiles a people for His Name, He's dealing with them in the spiritual, as He dealt with them in the natural: just parallel one to the other. All that God did with them, and all that God did for them, and all they did in response, falls to us as an example. And we see, so far, the Word has been carried out exactly the same. How that in the natural, when they got their victory, or two, they settled down to rejoicing, and shouting, and dancing, and praising God, just the way the church did, and now has waited forty years for the opening of something else.

18 And as we think of Moses, this great servant of the Lord, how that at his birth, the place of his birth, God chose him for his work at his birth. And his life was very much difficult to be lived. Because he's a man, and he wants to live it one way, and the Spirit of God leads him another way. What foolish decisions, seemingly, that he would make. When with a foot on the throne to be heir of the world, and then take the other side to become an outcast or a wanderer, seemingly, mentally, it would be a foolish thing.

But we find a great lesson in here, that men who follow the Spirit is foolish to the world, because they're of another Kingdom, led in another way, led by the Spirit. God, let that be me and all of you, that we will follow the leading of the Spirit, regardless, watching God's promise, waiting for it to be fulfilled.

20 And that's just what Moses done. Pharaoh read the same Scriptures that Moses did. Only Pharaoh looked at it in another way. Moses looked at the same people Pharaoh did. Pharaoh saw them as slaves and as mud-daubers. Moses seen them as the called and chosen.

That's the way I want to see the church of the living God, not a bunch of fanatics or outcasts, but as the chosen of God; that I might be able to give my life, as Moses did, for this great church and for the cause.

Now, we find Moses being called, and after being commissioned, he failed his commission by trying to do it in the way that he thought was best. Therefore, it teaches us again that we can't take what we think is best, or what man thinks is best; we've got to take the way that God has said is best. Therefore, to follow the Word of the Lord is always the best: take the way God said.

24 And in his failure, we find out that he fled from the face of Pharaoh into the wilderness, where he married Jethro's daughter, Zipporah. And there after marrying her, she bore him a son, Gershom. Then he settled down, quietly and peacefully, as in sheep business.

But one day, God heard the cry of His people; God remembered that He had a covenant with those people. Not only that, but He also remembered He had a servant who He had called and had chosen, and He had a covenant with that servant. And God will never change His covenant, or change His desires, or change anything. God will always keep His promises. Although Moses had failed Him and had done that which was wrong, yet God kept His covenant. When God calls a man to do something, he must do it, just got to do it.

26 Someone asked me sometime ago, "Shall we seek our gifts now for our ministries?" some Methodist brethren who'd just received the Holy Ghost.

I said, "No, don't do that. When you do, then God can't use you." I said, "The only thing to do, is just go ahead being a Christian. If God's called you, He'll place you just exactly where you belong."

Usually, those who seek and try to get things, if God would give them something, they'd, more or less, be a stuffed shirt. Usually the man that God calls is the man that's trying to run from Him, if anything; Moses and Paul, and different ones tried to get away from the call.

29 But we find here that God in spite of all the failure that Moses had done, He still had His hand on him. And He called him to go, do His service, calling him to his commission. And what a consolation that must've been to Joshua, when he heard God say, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you."

Although if I'm trying and I fail, God won't leave me. I don't have much confidence in anybody that's too afraid to do anything. I'd rather be found a failure than too lazy to try.

31 One time it was said that the Ballard and Ballard Flour Company hired a man, and he was going to sign his name, and the man had no eraser on the end of his pencil. And Mr. Ballard said to him, said, "Why haven't you got an eraser?"

He said, "I don't make mistakes."

He said, "Then I can't use you. Because if you make mistakes--you--you don't make mistakes, you won't do nothing." That's true.

God don't hold you responsible for your mistakes. He holds you responsible for your will--willful sin. "He that sins willfully, after he has received the knowledge of the truth..." But a man that's going to do something is going to blunder; he's going to fall. He's going to make mistakes. But if he's really Divinely called, and God in his heart, he'll rise again.

34 Used to be, coming to the church here years ago, and they may be here this morning, a little man and his wife. They used to sing a song that thrilled me, goes something like this:

Forgive me, Lord, and try me one more time,

I'll be Yours if You'll be mine;

If I fall or if I fail, let me rise and try again,

Forgive me, Lord, and try me one more time.

I like that, for any good soldier's apt to get wounded or hurt. But if he's still a soldier, and got a purpose, and something to fight for, he'll rise and try again. Any good soldier of the Cross will do the same thing.

36 And to Joshua, the new commander of the army after Moses had passed on, seeing that God stayed with him in his mistakes, he held his commission up... No matter what Moses done, it was Moses' office that God respected. He was a prophet; he was above all the prophets; he was really more than any prophet they had. When his own sister laughed at him for marrying an Ethiopian girl, He called them together, and He said, "Don't you fear God?" Said, "If there be one among you who's spiritual or a prophet, I will speak to him in visions and make Myself known to him in dreams. But it's not so with Moses; I speak lip to ear with him. Don't you fear God?"

See, that's not a good thing to tramp upon God's people. You hurt Him when you do so. God had commissioned Moses; his failures meant nothing. God knowed his heart.

39 And he, one time Moses complained about having too much to do. And so God took His Spirit and divided It amongst seventy. They had no more Spirit than they had at the beginning. But only had--thing, they just had more machinery, same amount of Spirit.

God can put His entire Spirit upon a Man if He wants to, or He can scatter It amongst thousands if He wants to. One day He put His whole Spirit upon a Man called Jesus; now He's scattered It through His churches everywhere. God keeps His commission.

41 Now, Joshua, the new warrior... Only two left now, that ever left the promised land; and that was Joshua and Caleb. Now, Joshua, the new commander, to lead an army, the second to the place where a great man like Moses stood... It was no little task.

I think of a minister today that's called of God to step into the tracks where Jesus stood, what a command, what a commission. But each that's called of God is commissioned to stand in that same place. "I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the way." Each minister's called to stand where He would. "The works that I do, shall you do also." Each minister's ordained of God, is commanded to stand in the tracks of Jesus Christ and perform the duties that Jesus performed. That's quite a command.

43 And how it must've felt, when Joshua, standing there that morning, talking to God. He said, "I'll not fail thee; and as I was with Moses, so will I be with you; no man shall stand before you all the days of your life. I will destroy and divide. I'll make the way clear. Only be strong and very courageous. Be not dismayed (That's 'wearied.'). Don't be afraid. I'm with you, and I'll see you through." What a commission to be given to this new man called Joshua.

Now, there's a great lot of types here that we could go into, but we'll bypass some of them. For instance, like Moses was the church age that brought them to Sinai to their theology of last night. Moses was not permitted to take the children of Israel over into the promised land, because he had failed.

45 And the church organizations, denominations has failed. They'll not take the church over. God will raise up a new system, a interdenominational system by the power of God, that'll take the church into the promised land. Organizations and denominations has messed it up; each one after their own theology, each one after their own way of thinking. But God will take His Holy Spirit, and will raise His Joshua that'll take the church to the promise, with no denominational strings tied anywhere, but will take over His church.

Moses had failed; he was a law-giver. Joshua was called of grace, and he took the church on.

47 We find also that Joshua, knowing this commission, knowing that it laid in his hand, that God had called him for a duty that he must not fail, he walked softly before God. And when he called the people together and told them that God had commissioned him, watch the request of the people. They said, "We'll follow you as we did Moses; if we can see the same thing that followed Moses, following you. Only be strong and courageous."

That ought to be the requirement of every borned again person today. If we're requested to follow; then let's see the signs follow the believer, as Jesus said, "The things that I do, shall you do also."

And I've asked you before to be sure to let your spiritual heart be open this morning, 'cause I'm trusting that you'll catch what I'm saying. Setting with denominational people, all kinds of organizations gathered here this morning from Catholic and Protestant, and many different types, so it will be revealed to the Spirit-filled, of course.

50 Now, Joshua had to take this command. The people said, "Let God be with you as He was Moses, and we'll know that the same Spirit that led us this far can take us on."

Oh, how the church ought to look this morning to find the Spirit working amongst people, if you want a church home where the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit, that'll move amongst the people. That's the Spirit that God's raising up in the last days to take the people over into the other land, into the full promise of all the blessings of God, and to the full commission that He gave, or the promise. "The promise is unto you and to your children."

As Israel sought for that promised land, knowing that it was somewhere, because there had been somebody there before, so is the church. We know that there's a land somewhere. There is a power somewhere, because there's been others over there. We know that land lays beyond the river, where we are headed towards, this morning, trying to go into that promised land.

Joshua knew that that land was there. He went first and found out, there he could come back as a witness.

God-called ministers ought not to be so stuffed out with theology; but have visit the land to where we're going, bringing back evidence of the Divine love and power of Jesus Christ to make known to their congregations that there is a land beyond the river.

54 Now, last night, preaching, going up to Jordan... Now, when we get to that river, it divides us. It separates us. Once on the other side, something's happened to you.

Now, Joshua, in all his knowing that the command was great, but having the assurance, he could be fearless. He could be, and we'd call it reckless, as long as he was pointed the right way. He might break up against a hill that would knock him backwards, but he was headed the right way.

So can the church of the living God be reckless and fearless, in faith if we're pointed the right way. For He said, "As I was with Moses, I'll be with you. I'll not fail you nor forsake you." He never forsaken Moses. He never failed Moses. He will not fail Joshua. He will not fail us. He'll be with us.

57 And as we find Joshua to take this commission, knowing the responsibilities was leading them through lands now, that he'd have to go over into the other land. He'd have to set up the kingdom. He'd have to divide the inheritances among them. He knowed the commission was tremendous, far more than what Moses had done. Joshua had more to do than Moses had to do.

Another thing, he was to lead them along the border, amongst their brethren. And they'd already tasted blood. He had to conquer them. He had to keep them quiet as they marched on.

So is it today with this new Pentecostal group that's rising now, they've tasted denominationalism. It's so hard to keep them there.

60 Some years ago they said, "Come, Brother Branham," when the ministry first started, "we'll start a organization, build you a memorial somewhere." I'm not looking for memorials. I'm looking for the coming of the Lord.

They formed a little cult called the Latter Rain, moved up into Canada and out into California, but it fell through. 'Course it can't go. Why was it? The only thing they know; they come out of those things, and they got a little touch of it. They've got to have something they got to do.

But brother, the real church of the living God has no forms, has no creeds. It's led by the power of God that's in every individual's heart. Pass by your brethren. Don't fuss at them. We're greater than they. Don't fuss at them; just go by.

63 I want you to notice; a great thing taken place here. There was Esau, Moab, and those that we referred to last night. Many of those people, many of those were actually borderline believers. They were right on the border.

Oh, I got to stop here on something just a moment, won't take me but a minute. Many people refer the promised land to the Millennium. It is not. The promised land had wars and killings. The Millennium won't have any wars or killings. It referred to the Holy Spirit, the battlegrounds.

Justification: they left Egypt. There's three stages of their journey. They left Egypt under justification, believing the Word; they separated themselves from the Egyptians and come out. They crossed the Red Sea and killed the things behind them; which was sanctification through the Blood that kills all human desires of evil, second stage of the journey. But the third stage was when they crossed Jordan into the promised land where their inheritance laid. Their inheritance never laid in Egypt, though God blessed them in Egypt.

66 You Lutheran that believe in justification, your inheritance don't lay there if you're called. If you're just a Lutheran, that's all the farther you'll ever get.

You Methodists, and Nazarenes, and Pilgrim Holiness, and Church of God, who believe in sanctification, the killing of the evil that's in you, taking out the roots of evil, you belong across the river.

But to you men and women that there's something in you, calling out, the deep to the Deep; there's a Jordan yet to cross, and a land beyond the river.

He said, "You're going to pass by your brethren. You're going to pass by your brethren, and they're near the borderline. And if you pass by them, don't say nothing to them. I have given Esau this mountain. I have given Moab this country. And I don't want you fussing at them, proselyting. Just move through gently. You know where you're going. Don't take up their habits."

70 Moab had a false prophet, a bishop by the name of Balaam, who come down and got amongst the congregation, and tried to get them to organize and all come together, 'cause they were brethren. But they were not. They were half-brothers, not real brothers. If in your heart...

"Don't disagree with him; just go ahead, leave him alone. Pay him for what you get, if you have to pass through his country." He was predestinated to be that. If God would expected or predestinated Moab to join up with Israel, they'd have joined up. If He'd predestinated Esau to go with Israel, Esau would've jumped in and went. But He give him his inheritance on the other side of the river.

72 Or how can you try to make all the Lutherans see it, all the Baptists see it, all the Presbyterians, and Nazarenes, and Pilgrim Holiness? Don't condemn them. That's all they know. That's all that's in them.

But to you who believe (O God.), to you who know, to you that's got something in you that's calling to the Deep... If all the deep you've got's been satisfied, then stay where you are. But for me and my house, for me there's something more than what he sees. There's a land beyond the river somewhere; there's still a deep calling to the Deep. I cannot be satisfied with theology. I cannot be satisfied with a good church. I cannot be satisfied with a good campaign. I cannot be satisfied with a little healing service. There's something beyond that that's calling.

74 So just let them alone. Go on through. Don't argue with them. But we're passing to another land. They wasn't ordained to go with you. They won't walk with you. How can two walk unless they be agreed? But to those who love God, to those who go--called of God...

Well, they say, "God give us this church. God did this."

That's right. God said, "I give Esau this mountain; don't touch him. But I've got something different for you. Cross over." Amen.

That's my desire, brethren, to see my church cross over into another land, a desire to move over to the other side. If there is something in you here first calling, there'll be Something to respond to that call. Just settling down to sheep raising ain't enough for you. Go into some sort of a business is not enough for you. Just to join the church and put your name on the book, is not enough for you. Because, there's something calling, all across the ridge yonder, across the next ridge, and all across Jordan, until you fall into the arms of God yonder. A deep calling unto a Deep...

77 Joshua knowed this commission was tremendous. Did you notice there, all when Joshua started to cross Jordan, how Joshua remembered his commission? "Let not this book of the law, My Word, depart out of your mouth." In other words, "Joshua, I don't care what the tribe says, what other clergy says. Stay with this Word, for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous. No matter how many big things they do, and how many little things they do, and how many organizations they made; stay with the Word, Joshua." Oh, my. "Stay with the Word. This Word, this Word shall not depart out of your mouth." Let me read It again.

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou may observe to do according to all that--all the law, which Moses my servant has commanded thee: turn not from it from the right hand or to the left,...

78 If the Word says do a certain thing, do it. I don't care what the organization says; do it anyhow. That's the Joshua that God's waiting for. Turn not one inch, one iota. Stay right with the Word.

.. turn not from it to the right... or to the left, that thou mayest prosper...

Oh, you think you are prospering when you're building big churches, getting ten thousand added to your denomination. That's not prosperity. That don't take you one step closer to the promise. What we need is more of God, more of the Holy Ghost.

.. that thou mayest prosper wherever you go.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night,...

When you're thinking on doing something, are you taking God's Word for it? Are you finding your desire in the Word? Are you preaching that which is Bible? Are you just like many today, and too many, preaching for doctrine the commandments of men?

81 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy hand--or thy mouth;... ("Thy mouth," what you're saying. Just don't read It and walk away. Speak it. Live it. Teach it.)... but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:...

See what a Joshua of this day is going to be? See what a Joshua of the church spiritual's going to be? It's the same kind of a Joshua they had in church natural. Church spiritual has got to be the same thing.

If the Bible said, "Except a man be borned again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God," the spiritual Joshua will say amen. If the Bible said, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," the spiritual Joshua will say the same thing. He is the same. If the Bible says, the Book, the Word says that, "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem till you're endued with power from on high. After this the Holy Ghost is come on you, then you'll be witnesses of Me," the spiritual Joshua says the same thing.

86 If Peter on the day of Pentecost said, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost," the spiritual Joshua will never vary one iota, but he'll make just exactly what the Word said.

If Mark 16 said, "Go into all the world, preach the Gospel. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things, it'll not harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover," the spiritual Joshua will say the same thing. He'll meditate therein day and night to make the way prosperous.

88 I want you to notice what taken place. Joshua, when he come to his first campaign, his first time to prove that he was the real Joshua... Israel ought to have knowed that.

No doubt, the clergy had a different idea. They said, "Now, we'll just camp here until springtime, or till summertime, the Jordan will go down."

And look like God throws some of the most foolish things in front of the spiritual Joshua. Brought him there in the month of April, when the Jordan was three or four times its size. He was trying him to see if he really was the Joshua. Let everything go wrong. Let everybody else prosper. Let the others prosper. Let the men who have a form of godliness, deny the power thereof, prosper, and shove you back. But if you know where you'll stand, you'll stand. Regardless, if the whole world turns you down, you'll stand just the same. You won't vary from that Word.

93 The Jordan was three or four times its size: spooky, horrible-looking, muddy. But Joshua said, "God said within three days we're going over. And we're going over."

Now, the clergy'd say, "Now, just a minute, Joshua. We are educated men. We are smart. Many of us here are engineers from Egypt. We know how to do these things, so we'll just wait a little while until the stream clears up, then we can walk across it. Isn't that much easier?"

"I don't care what you think. God said three days we're going over. And we're going over. We're going over in three days."

Watch what Joshua did. What did he put first, the clergy? No, sir. He put the Word first. Said, "Take that ark. And all you priests stay away from it; get behind it. Don't try to lead it; let it lead you."

97 That's the trouble today. We try to get ahead of the Word, and bypass, and make the Word to fit this, and the Word to fit that. Bless your hearts. What we need today is, follow the Word.

The Word led the way. When it got to the Jordan, she opened up and they went over. His first campaign, he put first things first. He had a reason for that. He had a reason, because God had commissioned him, "Stay with the Word. Let the Word do it." Every campaign, they went forth in the battle, because God had charged him to put the ark first. After the ark went forth, what went forth then? Singing, players of instruments, before the fight took place. Hallelujah.

That's what we need today; it's what we had this morning: singers, instruments, playing music, rejoicing. Then put the Word first, read the Word. Then the battle sets in. We're bound to win, just got to win. Stay right with It, keep Its directions, and It'll keep you in the hour of trouble.

101 He had a good reason for it. Now remember, when he crossed over... Before he crossed over, he sent a spy over, two of them, to search out the land. Now, Moses had sent a whole group of them over, but they all come back confused. Watch the new ministry. He never did that. He knows where you got fifteen hundred different ideas, you got fifteen hundred confusions. But he sent two, said, "Go over there; spy out the land."

Now, we want to get down to something that I don't want you to miss. He said, "Now, when you go over..." They passed over to look the land over, to see if the promises was right, see if it was what kind of a land, and how they must go in. They crossed over. The names of the spies isn't given. But when they went into the land, they came to Jericho itself. And when they got to Jericho, what happened? They run into a prostitute, a woman of ill-fame.

103 I want to draw a picture. Maybe it isn't right, but I want to make a point by it. We have no history of Rahab. We know that she was a prostitute. Let's think she was raised in a home that was real poor, and she became ill-famed. And she's a beautiful young woman. She went into the streets to make her crippled mother and father a living; no way for her to work, only sell the morals of her body. But I can imagine, all the time, she knew that was wrong. There was something in her, told her, "Now, that's not right to do that." She knew it wasn't.

One day she heard that there was a God that was moving. Her heart begin to tremble. She found a messenger from that great move, that told her what was going to take place. What did she say? Now, Joshua had signs; Joshua had the same signs that Moses had, exactly. So when he... Rahab didn't ask to see Joshua's sign; she just heard: A type of the church, a type of the true church that's been pulled the way of prostitution. "I'm a Methodist today, a Baptist tomorrow, a Presbyterian the next day," pulled away in prostitution.

106 But all of a sudden, a little preacher enters the city and said, "There's a God that lives, that lived yesterday, and is the same today. His power is just the same. He does the same works that He did when He was here on earth." His agents are on the road.

Now, Rahab the harlot, known as a harlot, she was a type of the believer today, the real believer. She didn't say, "Now, I hear that--that Joshua can do signs, because he's the successor of Moses. I'd like to see those signs. And if I could see those signs, then I'll believe it." Well, he didn't absolutely have to show those signs, because she believed it anyhow. She wasn't a Thomas. She believed it.

108 Now, Moses, when he had signs, he went down and performed those signs, but the sign isn't the thing that took them to the promised land. It wasn't. The signs was the vindication of the commission. And Rahab believed it without seeing anything. She said, "We're all trembling."

No wonder Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know Thou art a Teacher come from God; no man could do these things 'less God was with Him. We all know it."

The world knows it today. Billy Graham calls out, "We got to get back to Pentecost." The Council of Churches calls out, "We've got to get back to prophets, to speakers with tongues, to interpreters of tongues, to Divine healing, healers in our churches, letting the Spirit of God have Its right of way." God's making His call. The people fear real godliness, and say, "Everything, our hearts are failed within us."

112 Now, she didn't have to see a sign that Joshua could do with his hand or with a stick. She believed. She said, "I heard, and I believe, and now I'm asking for mercy." Oh, how we could put a lesson right here. "I'm asking for mercy for me and my house."

Look at the Roman that night, that pulled his sword and was going to kill himself, the Philippian jailer. Paul said, "Do yourself no harm. We're all here.

Said, "What can I do to be saved?"

Said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou and thy house shall be saved.

"Why? 'Thou and thy house'?" Certainly. Thy house shall be saved with thee. Why? If you got faith enough to have yourself saved, you can have faith enough for your family to be saved. Yes, "thou and thy house."

116 Look at Rahab. Rahab said, "Have mercy upon me. Spare me. I don't want to die with these unbelievers. I don't want to die as an animal. I want to die in the arms of Jehovah. I believe your God, because He's both God of heaven and earth. He does visible things; He makes things real. I've never seen Him do it, but I believe it anyhow." See, she'd never seen Joshua; she just heard of Joshua. She'd never seen God; she'd never seen any of the works of God; she just heard. Others had seen it, and she believed by hearing it. Now, said, "I want favor for me and my father, my mother. They're both old and crippled up. I've got some brethren. I want to have faith for them."

And the spies, the preachers, said, "Yes, he's coming this a way, and we're going to take the land. Now, if you want to get them saved, get them in the house." Hallelujah. "If you believe it, go get them and get them in here, for we'll not be responsible if they're in the streets. But if you'll just get them in the house, we'll be responsible," (Hallelujah.), where that little red cord was to hang down the window. "We'll be responsible if you put them in the house."

118 Oh, brethren, if there ever was a time we ought to get our loved ones in the house, it's today, the household of faith. Get them in, for the time's coming when there's coming a shaking. Only, our fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters, are only safe in the house, 'cause God's power's going to shake the country again. It is. And only the household of faith will be saved.

Now, he said, "I'm not responsible unless you get them in the house." And she made them swear that they would not destroy her or her family. He said, "If you'll get them in, they'll be safe." She let them down out of the place, and they went.

120 This great harlot Rahab become a believer. I took her history here not long ago. After she was considered and brought into the faith, because of her belief in God, she was brought into Israelite faith, a proselyte. She courted a general in the army, of the Israelite army. Watch what God did for that woman. And they had a... They moved up in Bethlehem, and they had a son; and this son, they called him Boaz. Out of Boaz, he married Ruth, from Ruth and Boaz come Jesse; out of Jesse come David; out of David come Jesus. Hallelujah.

Why? "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of a God that's God of heaven and earth, and believing on Him." Believing what? The commission that God had given to a man named Joshua, believing that commission.

122 Joshua had faith in his own commission, as Moses had faith. Things went wrong for Moses, looked like he failed many times, but he rode through triumphantly and died on the Rock. The Angels packed him away.

God, let me go like that. Let me hold my commission, till someday when I get ready to die, I'll see the Rock laying there by me. Joshua's keeping his commission. Although he had... God hold it sacredly, because he stayed right with the Word.

Now, Rahab knowed that Joshua had this commission. Now, don't miss it. Hold those things in your heart. Joshua had the commission; Rahab recognized it before she seen anything. She knowed Joshua had the power of God that was going to take the land. She asked for mercy. God granted her mercy. Now, when Joshua came into the land, of course, we know she was spared.

125 But then another great commission Joshua had, was to divide the land with the people. Now, remember, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth." They had God's Word, "As I was with Moses, move right on out. As I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I'll not fail you. You may fail Me, but I won't fail you. But if you fail Me, My grace is sufficient; I'll bear you right back up. Just keep moving on. As long as you stay with My Word, I'll take care of you."

127 Now, he had to divide the lands, and there were twelve tribes to divide it by. Now, what if he had some picks and pets; what if he liked the tribe of Gad better than he did the tribe of--the tribe of Ephraim, the tribe of Joseph better than he did Judah? But he didn't do it that way. He divided it according to the Word revealed by the Spirit. He divided it according to tribe. And notice, he done it by the revelation, by discernment. By the discernment of God's Spirit, he did it.

Each one of those Hebrew mothers, giving birth to those babies, called their name. And each one of their name has a meaning.

Jacob, when he was born, being a twin, she called him "supplanter," Jacob. But when he got his overcoming power and wrestled with the Angel, God changed his name from Jacob to Israel, "a prince."

The name has something to do with your life. When Peter, a fisherman, had overcome by his faith in Jesus, He said, "Your name is Simon; but I'm going to call you Peter, which is 'little rock.'" It changes you. Your name has something to do with it, and your placement in life.

131 And when this great thing taken place, when each one of these Hebrew mothers in their travailing in the childbirth, called out, like "Reuben," that placed him positionally in the Palestine exactly the way that mother said and called his name. Said... I don't have it all wrote down here, but say "Reuben" meant "sheepherder," "Gad" means "cattle raiser," and "Ephraim" meant "corn raiser."

Now, by spiritual discernment, Joshua, the new leader by spiritual discernment placed each one where he belonged, divided the land just exactly.

133 A very beautiful type today of what we need a Joshua for today. The trouble today, when we are come into our promised land, Gad wants to raise sheep like Ephraim; one wants to raise something like the other. Every man wants to be the same. Let God give one man a gift of healing, every man wants a gift of healing. Ephraim and Gad, and all of them, wants to mix all up and come as one. But we are divided in our positions. All don't have the gift of wisdom; all don't prophesy; all don't speak with tongues; all are not prophets. But God has set in the church (Whew.) some that prophesy, some that speak with tongues.

We want to make them all speaking in tongues. See how the confusion is? Then you can't get nowhere. Why, the Philistines would take them over in a little bit. Sure. But when each man, by a leader, separated them by spiritual discernment and placed them into the body, there they remained and become the cream of the earth. God, give us a Joshua. God, give us back a Joshua that'll hold the commission with the Word.

That's the way God told him. "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, for thou shall meditate therein day and night," for he had a commission before him.

135 Now, what a great leader Joshua became, never losing a battle 'less something went wrong in the church. When Achan took a wedge, it wasn't Joshua's shape or faith that did it. It was he took a Babylonian garment and a wedge of gold out of the camp. And when he did, it--it hindered the whole battle.

When one member suffers, all members suffers. What God's coming to one of these days, brother, is a church without spot or wrinkle, coming to a Spirit-filled church that's Divinely love of God, so welded their heart together, that they'll walk as one.

137 The battle, of all this confusion, has got to be won. Is the Methodist right, Baptist right, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness? Nine hundred and sixty-nine different denominations, besides the Buddha and--and all the other kinds, where are we? Something's wrong. There's a wedge in the camp somewhere. Joshua cast lots.

Let me say this this morning, like Elijah on Mount Carmel, "If God be God, let Him answer as God." If the Baptist denomination be right, let's see them produce the signs of Jesus Christ. If the Nazarenes is right, let's see them produce the signs, do the things that He did. If the Pentecostal be right, let's see them do the thing that He did. Then we'll know.

139 The disciples of--of Joshua said, "We will follow you as long as we see God working with you like He did Moses."

And the disciples of Jesus Christ ought to say the same thing. "We'll work with you when we see the signs of Jesus Christ working with you. We'll do that." That's what we should do. That's what the church should say. That should be the attitude of the church, Christian church. Then you could set in order: gifts, signs, workers. If one man's a Divine healer, that has nothing to do with the one that speaks with tongues. The one that speaks with tongues has nothing to do with the gift of prophecy. See, we have different phases of this ministry.

141 Now, when God gave me my commission... I've based all this back for this one purpose. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." No man can make himself anything. God makes you what you are by His grace. We have no way of making ourself. Jesus said, "Who taking thought can add one cubit to his stature?" Who can make hisself bigger or littler by taking thought? You can't do it.

When God gave the commission, I questioned it. I said, "I'm unsufficient--or insufficient. I have no education. I cannot do these things."

Many of you people here this morning are still living here today, when He appeared down here on the river in that form of a Pillar of Fire, and stood there, and spoke back, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent forth for a forerunner of the first coming of Christ, so will your message be the forerunning of the second coming."

144 Look what it's done. That Light hanging over there, it entered the paper; it went all the way across the United States and into other nations. Doctor Lee Vayle there, was in Canada at the time. He remembers when it appeared in the Canadian paper; I believe it was, wasn't it, Lee? In the Canadian paper, "Mystic Light appears over local minister's head while baptizing."

Many people said, "It's psychology."

But one day God decided to stop the mouth of the unbelievers, 'cause it stayed with the Word. That same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel is just the same today, leading church spiritual just the same as it led it natural. He appeared again, and they took the pictures before the critics and before the examiners. Here It hangs now infallibly the truth, doing the same works, leading the people spiritually, as It led them naturally back there, staying with the Word. Now, He said what was the commission. Now, remember, God will never depart from His commission. If...

147 I'd like to draw it for you, or in a way. We'll take it like this here. Here's a little sign; that is the commission; now here's a little cross in one corner and a Bible in the other corner, but the writing is in between here. That's the commission.

I charge you before God, and the elect Angels, and Jesus Christ; the commission was, "Pray for the sick." The question was insufficient to do it.

"For this cause you were born; this is the means of your peculiar birth and life, that you are to pray for the sick. If you'll get them to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even to cancer." How many has read that through the years? It's all over the world.

150 Now, now I said, "I cannot do it, because I am insufficient to do it. They won't believe me; I'm poor. I have no education." That was me questioning.

He said, "As Moses was given two signs to a-vindicate his commission, so are (not you will), you are given two signs. One of them will be by your hand. The other one will be you'll know the very secret of their heart, the thoughts of their mind. And by this they'll believe, by these two signs." Now, remember the... Listen, don't you fail to get this. The sign is not the commission. The sign only points to the commission.

You get out here on the road and see a sign and it says, "Five miles to Jeffersonville." That isn't Jeffersonville. That's a sign to show you you're on the right road.

153 What if Moses, when he went down there, he had a sign, with a stick and with his hand. The sign here is no more the commission than it was with Moses. Well, if all the Israelites say, "Say, all you Egyptians, all the rest of you Israelites, come over here, we got a man can do a trick with his hand. You ought to see it. We got a man can take a stick and make a snake out of it. Come, see it." That was just a signpost. That wasn't the commission. They wasn't waiting for a signpost. God help us. They were waiting for a deliverance.

And this poor, sick, crippled-up world is waiting for a deliverance, and looking at a signpost. Have mercy. The signpost is nothing but a sign to prove the commission. There's the new ministry. It's just been revealed to me. "Pray for the sick. Get the people to believe you." God can never leave that. That's His commission; no matter what goes on, how much I fail. I fail miserably. I should've never went ahead with them signs; that wasn't the will of God, but God's blessed it anyhow. But I'm ready to leave this mountain. I want to go across Jordan. I want to carry the commission. "Get the people to believe you."

I said, "They won't believe me."

"There'll be added two signs."

155 Now, the trouble of it is, we've been looking at the sign. "Oh, Brother Branham (See?) you put your hand on him. Oh, you ought to see what takes place. Stand before him when the anointing is on him, and he'll tell you everything that's in your heart." That's true.

I walked into the hospital here the other day. There was the doctors, couldn't find what was wrong with the woman. When the doctors left the room, the lady walked back and she was standing on her bed. "They said they can't find me with nothing, nothing what's wrong." Said, "Brother Branham, you can tell me."

I said, "If you'll believe me, I can."

She said, "I believe."

And the Holy Spirit said, "Such-and-such a thing. That's what it is exactly. See if that ain't it." She's a member of Junie Cash's congregation.

158 Another woman there said, "My back." She said, "They can't find what done it."

I said, "Do you believe me to be His prophet?"

She said, "I do."

I said, "What happened, back yonder in the early month of June, you... They're--they're trying to work on you, and trying to operate for a slipped vertebra. It's not so. It's a pinched nerve. You got it by lifting the load, when you worked for McSpaddin's Market.

She said, "I remember when it was done. I remember it now."

That doesn't heal her. That only points to the commission. Quit leaning on the signpost; let's go on to the city. Let's get away from this mountain; let's get to the city. Let's cross Jordan.

161 I've wronged. I've done wrong. That's why I've based these sermons the way I have. 'Cause He said, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you," and when that hand come down and pointed that very same Scripture... For a long time I've wondered, because I didn't know what the commission was. I've looked for something supernatural beyond that. God cannot get away from His commission. God give the commission; that's what it must remain.

But all the Pentecostal people like signs. They like to see it. The Bible said, "A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after signs." But the commission was, "Pray for the sick." And tens of thousands times thousands, that I have failed to pray for, because they all desired the sign... They all desire it.

163 The other day, I was trying to work the ministry, got it into the room. And a man come on the platform and said, "Now, Brother Branham, wait a minute. My case is different. I've just got to know something."

I said, "Well, the doctor can examine you."

"Oh, I don't want that. I--I want to know right now. My case is so different."

I said, "Well, I hate to do this, brother." Went on into it, and the first thing you know, the Holy Spirit...?... it.

He said, "Praise the Lord. That's right."

I said, "The rest of you come on now, let me pray for you."

When I did that, you know what the next one said? "My case is just as important as his. Then I got about six or eight, and closed the meeting; like to killed me.

I've always wondered why would that do that to me? Is because I was doing it wrong. That's just the signpost pointing to the commission. It's not the commission. That signpost has been nailed down around the world. And languages, Africa, India, Asia, Europe, around the world, through tens of thousands and millions of people, they know about that signpost. I'm ready to leave this mountain. I want to go on across Jordan; I want to get into something yonder, where my faith will rise to a spot, when I pray for people, they'll be healed.

168 Watch, God puts it right back in the people's lap. "You were born to pray for sick people. If you can get them to believe..."

I said, "They won't believe."

He said, "I'll give you two signs, and by this they will believe." Notice, then these signs, they've rallied for them, the signposts, instead of the commission. "Believing that you were sent to pray."

Now, when the people comes into the line to be prayed for, as soon as one absolutely hits the spot... There's nothing I can do about it till they hit that spot. And when they do, then I say, "I give you..."

171 Hattie Wright, she--I guess she's here this morning, setting right there. She was the first one, when we seen those squirrels; and she knowed the commission about that, and when them seven straight times that God created something, I said, "That's the same God that could create a ram for Abraham to convince him of his commission, is the same God that can create a squirrel, because that's what I had need of."

And little old Hattie Wright there, setting in the back of the building, with her heart off the things of the world, she was believing; she said, "Brother Branham, that's nothing but the truth." She didn't just say it from here; God spoke out of her heart.

I said, "Hattie, ask what you will; I'll give it to you."

She said, "What must I ask?"

I said, "You got an old father and mother setting here. You got a crippled sister." She's still setting in that chair. "You could ask for her. You could ask for your mother, father. You're poor, you don't have any money. Ask what you want to."

She said, "Well, I don't know what to ask." Said, "I just don't know." She said, "My greatest desire is the salvation of my two boys."

I said, "I give you your boys, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And they both converted, loves the Lord Jesus, both been baptized in His Name, and serving God daily with all their heart.

176 Ed Daulton, setting here somewhere, right down here: about his children, the same thing.

I seen, at least, in a campaign, eight or nine hundred, maybe a thousand people cross the platform in a meeting, one by one. First thing you know, I go up and pray for them. Sure, they get well. And here come a little girl dying with leukemia. Sure, I knowed what was wrong with the child, never said a word to any of them; but when that child got there, I said, "Honey, I give you the desire of your heart. You got leukemia, and I give you your healing in the Name of the Lord Jesus." I turned to the audience, and I said, "I challenge any of you here, take that girl to a doctor, have her examined, and see if she's got one spot of leukemia." Why? That child had heard like Rahab the harlot; she believed it with all of her heart. Then God, through His Spirit, moved back and said, "That's her." Hundreds had passed over the platform without (as far as I know) receiving anything. I just prayed for them.

178 It's right back to the people, "If you will believe." The commission was given. That's the original. The signpost has been produced. Now, if you can believe that, if you will believe that God sent me into the world to pray for the sick people, I'll be able to pray the prayer of faith for you. That's the only way it can be done.

God can never get away from His commission. I've failed Him. I've had here about fourteen years with nothing but straight discernment, around and around the world, till tens of thousands of times, a million cases, I guess. I ask you one thing. Did it ever fail? No, sir. And if the signpost won't fail, how much more will the commission never fail. If the sign, that's the minor part; if the sign pointing to the city, if it doesn't fail to tell you the city's there, how much more will the city be there when you come. There's the commission.

180 Now, my ministry's changing. It's already changed. There will still be the discernment; they will still carry on just as I feel that God wants me to say them. But until then, I'll pray and lay hands on the sick as He told me to do and carry out my commission. I've waited a long time for this, but I believe now that we're ready to take the promised land. And just as sure as there will be, there'll be some Rahab's waiting; there'll be someone waiting that'll believe it with all their heart.

Can you understand? Everybody understands that well, raise your hand. How many believes that that's absolutely Scriptural? That's exactly what He said. This is the commission; these are signposts pointing to the commission.

182 Now, I challenge anybody to tell me, anywhere in the world, to these tapes, wherever they may go, show me one time that He ever failed to tell on the platform, or out in any vision or anything, but what was exactly the right thing, come to pass just as He said. Told every person just exactly what their troubles was, and all about it, and where they come, and all about what they should do. And every time it said THUS SAITH THE LORD to anything of healing, it happened that way. If you know one, let me know about it; I'll go to the tape and find out. It's never failed in these twelve long years, or fourteen years. It's never failed, because it can't fail. The sign was given by God. It can't fail.

And before God give the sign, He give the commission. Before there could be a sign to point to a commission... Before there could be a sign to point to a city, there has to be a city, first to point to. If you've believed it with all your heart, you will receive it, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up."

184 Now, I've leaned heavy on the signpost myself. "Lord, You show me about this 'fore I pray for them, 'cause I don't know what I might do." How cruel that was. I ask the congregation to forgive me. The congregations of the world, that's listening in on this tape, forgive me. I was wrong. I should've never carried it out like that. That wasn't His commission at the first place. That was a sign pointing to the commission. I should've prayed for the sick, everywhere.

Now, see, it's right back again into the laps of the people, if you will believe that God commissioned this to be done. Here it is in the Word; it's just exactly with the Word, the commission that I say...

186 I draw here with my finger a arch, a rainbow. That's a covenant God made with people. He made a covenant with the human race: He'd destroy the world no more with water. He made a covenant with each one of His apostles. He made a covenant with the prophet.

And yonder, some fifteen, fourteen, fifteen years ago (in 1937, May the 7th, 1937, I think it was), that God made a covenant with me saying, "You were born in this world to pray for sick people. If you can get them to believe you..." My heart was always been for the people. "If you'll get those people to believe you, and then be sincere when you pray, nothing will stand before your prayer."

I say this with sincerity and with a shame face. If there's anybody ought to have faith, would be me; to see what He done, where He brought me from, the ditch where I was hewed from; to see down through life, what He's done; see when I stand and say something, God will come right around and back it up, truth.

189 Years ago, when I told you there was an Angel come to me in a bush... When I was only three years old, a Light, whirlwind whirling in a bush, and told me never to smoke, drink, or anything else, there'd be a work for me to do when I got older. You had a right to doubt that; you had no right, but you could've doubted it.

Down here on the river, when He come down and proved Hisself to be that... Up where we were standing, many of you setting here this morning was standing there, present. Many of you know that to be the truth.

Many of you remember then when the commission was given, and He said, "Go, and this ministry will go into all the world; a revival will start." And there's been a revival since there's never been. The revival's still going on around the world now, great healing campaigns all over the world.

192 And me, from a person, a little rat... I don't say this no dishonor to my mother setting there, or my dead father that's gone on, whose funeral was preached at this pulpit. I was raised in a terrible family. You know it. Was none of us Christians. My father drank. And God taken a drunkard's son, would wash me in His Blood. When I'd go downtown to talk to somebody and be talking to some man, he'd only talk to me because there was nobody else to talk to; somebody would come up, say anybody, no matter who it was that come up, they'd turn away from me because I was a drunkard's son. And many of you people here in my own church knows that's the truth. Had a name like I never--or like an animal or something. Even one time it was said of the city, to a person that come to our house, said, "Would you associate with such trash as that?" Oh, but, God, what did I have to go on but the Blood of Jesus Christ. I have no education. I have no personality. I have nothing.

193 I told my wife, not long ago, "Think of what it was when nobody would talk to me. And I love people. They wouldn't listen to me." I remember reading a book, going to school...

I sent my children to school the other day; I could get them books and things; how thankful I was. I'd go to school with no shoes on, hair hanging down my neck, no clothes, a little old coat on with no shirt under it. Didn't even have a lead pencil, or a piece of paper to write on. I had to bum a lead pencil, a penny lead pencil and a piece of paper to write some problems that was on the board, or something. Nothing. It was wrong.

195 When I remember reading in a book, one day, where Abraham Lincoln got off of a--a boat down in, I believe, New Orleans. There he seen, standing in the pasture, some little Negro children with their little feet, where an old cow had laid all night, got the frost off the ground. And he was... They were standing there singing, "You got shoes, and I got shoes, and all God's children's got shoes."

When he got off the boat, he looked. Standing in the bull pen, and there stood a great big, healthy colored man standing there. His little wife with a baby on her arm, crying. They was auctioning him off to breed him with bigger women to make bigger slaves. Lincoln clutched his hands like that and hit his fists together; he said, "That's wrong." Said, "Someday I'll hit that, if it takes my life." It took his life. But he hit it and he killed it.

198 I said, "This drinking, this wrong living is wrong. Someday I'll hit it." How was I going to hit it with a name like I had? Nobody'd talk to me. That's the reason I questioned my commission. Nobody cared for me. I wasn't known nowhere, but just amongst my people here.

By the grace of God, I have to leave my home; I can't even stay there for the people around the world, calling it. Men of all kinds, potentates, monarchs, kings, great people, business men, ministers, from all over the world, calling; call, call, call, day after day, night after night. What did it? The Blood of Jesus Christ that cleansed my soul. As the blood of Abraham Lincoln took the slave belt off of a colored man, the Blood of Jesus Christ took sin's shackles from me; and took me from a name that was lower than an animal name, and put me a name as a son of His--of His grace.

200 And I'm ready to go to Jordan this morning. I'm ready to stand to my commission. I've loved people. I've catered to them. He's met me, vision after vision, which I don't have time to tell; and you know, it's wrote right here in the backs of these books. Saying, "You're catering too much to people. To walk with Me, you'll walk alone. You're putting too much emphasis on those signs."

I didn't know what the rest of it was, but the hour has come. The hour has come, when I seen the hand come down to Joshua, said, "I was with Moses. I'll be with you." I believe it this morning. From henceforth and this day on, I serve God in my commission. He wants to show me signs or wants to show me visions, He can show them to me. If He does not; never will I stand before people, trying to let their faith pull something out of me any more. I'll pray for the sick, and commit them unto God, and let them go. If they believe the commission, God is just as true. He's brought me to this far, just as He did Moses. Just as He did Joshua, so has it did the same.

202 My humble prayer is, "God, forgive me. Let me rise and try again. Help me, Lord. Let me lead this people and stand in the Word, so we can go up to Jordan, go into the promised land, where the great ransomed Church of God will be saved to sin no more." That's my desire this morning. Believe it and live. Believe it and be healed. I speak to you in the Name of the Lord. Let us pray.

203 Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, and Giver of every good gift, let Thy mercy and grace be upon Thy servant first, Lord. I have done wrong in Thy sight by misusing something that's been Divine, because the people has pulled it from me, Lord. I pray Thee, O Lord God, from this hour on, charge me, Lord, with Your Spirit. I believe with all my heart. Help Thou my unbelief.

And when men and women are coming to be prayed for, then I'll do as long as You give me breath and life. Let them now believe, as they be prayed for, Father. May this commission that Thou has given me, may I be able to pack it in all the world. And when I get to the certain places where the signpost has been nailed down, may they know that that only points to the commission. May they have faith.

205 Lord, no longer will I wait for some kind of a sign or something to tell me certain things, or whether this person's going to be well. I'll go to meet the enemy with faith in my own heart. I'll go to challenge him, against the Blood of Jesus Christ. By the Blood of Christ he cannot stand.

Now, if all these things has been right, which has been proven to be right, so will You heal the sick when I pray for them, Lord. It's Your Word. It's Your promise. This I desire to do. Help Thou my unbelief.

Forgive my sins, Lord, of disobeying You; I did not know what else to do; I--if I did, Lord, it hadn't been revealed and made clear to me. Now it is. I know where I stand. I know my commission. I'll never let this Word depart from my mouth day or night. I've always stood by It, Lord, stood by It, telling the people that if it's not the Word of God, I have doubts of it. But I wouldn't preach or do nothing except it be the Word of God.

208 But, Lord, I'm getting tired, tramping around over this same ground. Like I said last night, "Forty years in the wilderness, back and forth, back and forth." God blessing, yes, raising sheep and children, and whatevermore, and flocks, and herds, and all more. God, You've blessed them. But one day You said, "You've been on this mountain long enough. Oh, go on up north towards Jordan."

God, I'm starting this morning. I'm leaving these signposts, 'cause it's pointing towards a better land. I may stumble. And I may go through the Amalekites. I may go through the Hittites, through the Canaanites. I may have to pass through my own criticizing. Lord; I'll just keep moving on. And I know there's a land yonder somewhere; there's somewhere, some condition, some place we can get to where You'll answer prayer. And whatever we ask will be granted, not ever cancer will stand before the prayer. I know that to be the truth. That I believe and wait for, Lord. And I commit myself to Thee this morning for Your service, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

210 Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe;

Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe.


Now, the tape was turned off, 'cause this will go across the world. That's from my heart. Can you understand, church? God can never say anything and go back on it. His Words are infallible. His promises are true. All this time He's been waiting for this hour. See, it's the prayer of faith that saves the sick, not a sign. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "If thou canst believe," Jesus said, "I can. I can, if you believe." Now, if God's give me power to pray the prayer of faith over you, and has promised it, and vindicated that it's the truth, now do you believe? What I ask, I receive, if you believe it. "If you can get the people to believe, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayer."

212 Brother, sister, if I ever wanted to be sincere, it's now. After all my mistakes in showing... What I want, reason I brought these messages previously, that God shows there that He's merciful. Moses made his mistakes, a great man like him. Then when Joshua come up, he's going to make his too. But God said, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you."

Now, look at God, two years ago, pointing that Scripture right to me, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I'll not look at your mistakes." He knew that this hour was coming. Now, it's here. See? Right back again, 'cause God can never get away from it.

"By faith you're saved." How many knows that? Though many, how many good men prays over you, how many good preachers preaches to you, you've got to have your own personal faith for salvation. Is that right? It's your own. I don't care how many good sermons you hear, how many good churches you belong to; it's your own personal faith that saves you. How loud you cry, how much you beg, how much you scream, how much you dance in the Spirit; you're only saved by your faith. Is that right? That's the only way you're healed.

215 If God gives a man a message, a preacher, a preacher preaches salvation and gives a message, you see that message is the truth, God vindicates it by His Word that's the truth; then how much more ought you to believe a gift of healing, when it's been a-vindicated by the Word and by an Angel, with two signs that's pointed the infallibly of them both. How much you--should you believe. See, and as long...

To show that it wasn't exactly God's perfect will to do that, the sign always weakened me. How many knows that? Ask my wife back there. She can tell you the one; she gets it worse than everybody, has to put up with me. Not knowing hardly where you're at, and walking about, and this, that, and you're just almost... Walk, and go down the road a little piece, and stop...

217 Now, coming from these last meetings. I took those people in the line; first we'd have a couple nights, three, without giving out prayer cards. Then it got such a rally, we'd have to give out prayer cards. I would stand sometime and run fifty or seventy-five, maybe, forty or fifty discernments at one time; and each and every night. Is that right, Gene, Leo, and you that's around here, that's in the meetings? Sure, was the truth. And what did it do? When it left me, and started home, I'd forget where I was at; want to know where I had come from on the highway.

And you mean to tell me God does that to a man? No, sir. It was a man doing it to himself by taking a signpost instead of a commission. I stopped under a little old tree there on the side of the road, somewhere in Washington, or somewhere up in there. I said, "Lord, if You'll just let me shake back to myself, good again, help me to know what's true, so I can get straight once with the people, and get the commission straight."

219 I got it now. Setting down here on the mountain side of Kentucky the other day, about daylight one morning, He revealed it to me. And this is it. This is it. Now, I go in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Yes, sir....?...

Believe it and live. Believe it and get well. I can't make no one believe it. You have to believe it yourself. But I have told you the truth. God's testified that it was the truth by His Word, by His Angel, by signs and wonders for twelve long years. If they're not going to believe it now, they will never believe it. Is that right? But the hour has come, when I'm tired of staying on this mountain. I want to go up to Jordan. I want to enter into the full promises. I want to get faith within myself, not looking to a sign, not looking to something that God has revealed, or some kind of a signpost. I want to look towards Calvary and say, "By faith I come, Lord God. I'm coming in the Name of the Lord Jesus."

221 Now, there's some here to be prayed for this morning. I'm coming to meet the disease and affliction of your body, in the Name of Jesus Christ. I'll do that until God takes my life away from me. That's right. As long as He gives me sense and understanding, I'll come to pray. Don't you fail to, what you believe; that when I pray for you, you're going to get well. Settle that. If you don't believe it, then don't come at all, 'cause you'll only hurt yourself.

Now, it's on tape, and it's here. From henceforth, no more discernment until God gives me the--tells me to do a certain thing, to "Go tell this person a certain thing," then I'll go tell them. He say, "Do a certain thing"; I'll go do it.

But as far as standing there, saying, "Now, look on me, and you believe with all your heart. Yes, this So-and-so. You're John Doe, came from so-and-so. You had cancer so long. Doctor So-and-so told you you wasn't going to get well. You went and done a certain thing. Now, you have to take that back and make this right, and get this 'fore you get well. All right, Brother Doe, go ahead now, believe it. Now, you're Sister So-and-so; you come from so-and-so. You come from so-and-so." And then I go into a whirl, not knowing what to do, hardly. And first thing you know, then here's another one; I'm looking to see who I'm looking at. Then I get out of the meeting, and, "Where am I at." No more of that.

224 I'm coming in the Name of the Lord Jesus as His servant. If God hasn't proved it to you by this time, that I've told you the truth, then you'll never believe I've told you the truth. Amen. That's right. It's true. How many wants to be prayed for, raise up your hands. All right.

Now, I want Teddy... Is Teddy still in the building? He had to leave. Who is a pianist here that could play the song, "Only Believe," for me, if you will? If somebody's here that can play. Have you got it... Or, you got it taped, have you, somewhere? If anybody is here that wants to play for us, "Only Believe," some pianist, come right ahead. Male or female, doesn't matter, we'd be glad to have you. All right, now while you play it softly, if you will, sister dear.

226 Now, we're not going to give out prayer cards. When we're in little meetings like this, we don't need it. When we're in big meetings, we'll still have to give out prayer cards, if I pray for five hundred. You'd still have to, because you get too many in the--swung up into the crowd. You see?

How many believes that this is the will of God? Oh, Something just makes me feel I done right. Something makes... It's off my chest. It's been on there for twelve years, knowing there's been something wrong, Brother Lee. Now, I know it's off of there. I've said it; it's taped, and it's off of my chest now.

228 Remember, you can only be saved by your personal faith. You can only be healed by your personal faith. You believe this to be the Bible? God's Word. You believe your pastor to be a man of God, whatever church you go to? If you don't, you should leave it. Get to a man that is a man of God. Then if you believe him, believe he's telling you the truth, then accept it. Your own personal faith in Christ saves you. No matter how good your pastor is, how godly, saintly your mother is, how--how real the Word of God is, how much you cry, how much you pray; it's your faith that saves you. By faith are you saved.

Now, the same thing applies. No matter how... God's Word said that He would send this in the last days. Two straight sermons now, I brought natural Israel and spiritual Israel together. We're looking for the Joshua of this day, which is the Holy Spirit, to lead us to the land. He has to speak through somebody, because He's a Spirit. I've told you what He's told me. Now, you believe and be healed.

230 Now, let these on this side of the line... Doc, go down there. Billy Paul, where's Billy? Come up here to help Doc, if you will.

And now each one of you coming through this prayer line, remember, it's going to fall right back on you if you don't believe with all your heart. It's the Truth. You must believe it. Now, remember, it's you the one that's sick. God said it in His Bible; God sent it by His messenger; God proved it by His Angel; now you must believe it.

Now, you that wants to be prayed for, here's what the Bible said. "If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." And that's the truth. And we want to believe that with all of our heart now, and God will grant your healing.

233 Now, come around this a-way, right through here, and right back; let this side, then this other side come right back the same way. Let that side stand up on the right-hand side over here. All right. What say? [Someone talks to Brother Branham--Ed.] I'm going to step right down here (Yes, sir.), right down here to pray for them.

Now, these letters and handkerchiefs, I have prayed over. Many of you, some of you, maybe have to go. Don't forget tonight now, the service is on the a-vindication, the Divine a-vindication of the true church. See?

235 Now, to you that's being--going to be prayed for, do you absolutely believe that you're going to be healed? If you don't, don't come. If you do, it's your duty to come.

Now, I am not a healer, but I have a gift of healing. That was witnessed. It's been proved that that's the truth (See?), way back, a long time ago. I remember I used to go out at the hospital here when I was just a local Baptist preacher here locally, I'd go out at the hospital. There used to be an old nurse out there; she lived down in Howard Park. I don't know whether she's still there or not, at the hospital. She used to say to the patient, "Now, you're going to get well. Now, you're going to get well." Say, "That little Baptist preacher's coming to pray for you." See, it was just--it was beginning. It was--that was the way it was. And now it was going to scatter from local here, around the world.

237 And now, He give me these signs to make up for my education. Now, if I had the education of some of these other ministers, for instance, one I know of, maybe as Brother Neville or Doctor Vayle, some of those, I--I wouldn't have to have this. But I had to have it to make up this, to take up for what I didn't have in the way of education. I had to have signs. And just as... The signs has proved just as effective as an education would've done. But, you see, if you haven't got the qualification, God's able to give you the qualification another way.

Now, you have faith and believe. Now, I want each one of you to promise God, where you're standing. Because, if you don't, it won't help you. I want each one of you to lay aside every shadow of doubt. And when you come through the line, and I pray for you, I want you to walk out of here... You might not see one speck of results. But that... Jesus never said, "Did you see it? Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it? Did you believe it? If thou believest..."

239 Now, I've noticed this along the way. I pray for the people; some of them He wouldn't--He'd worked that discernment on; they'd go away, saying, "Huh. I didn't get anything. He never told me nothing." That person usually didn't get nothing either.

But some of them come across the line, saying, "Thank You, Lord. I believe it." They was the ones I heard from, "You know, Brother Branham, I never felt any different for several days," maybe two or three weeks, or whatmore, "but all at once, I begin to feel that thing leaving me (See?), and there it went." See. See, see?

You might say you believe. There's three classes of people that attend the meeting: that's unbelievers, make-believers, and believers. Some of them make out like they believe, "Oh, yes, I believe," but they don't. If you believe it... I want to ask you this question now. If you believe it, it's an impossibility for you not to be healed. Listen. Let me repeat that. It is totally impossible for you not to be healed, if you believe it.

242 First the Word of God came, give the commission. You believe that? The Word of God said so first. That's above everything. The second thing, the Angel of the Lord has proved it; the signs has vindicated it. Is that right? Now, not one failure, nowhere. Not one failure in the Word of God, that said, "I--I once give them healing, but now I take it away from them." I want somebody to show me that. I'll show you where Jesus commissioned His church to pray for the sick, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick. Now, you tell me where He said it wouldn't happen any more. You show me in the Bible. See?

He said, in the last days He'd do these certain things, rise up these things. Look what's come to pass. He's kept His Word. I've told you that He commissioned me; now the world knows it. Science knows it. The Angel of the Lord proves it. And results has proved that it's the truth.

245 We're living in a sick world. There's lots to be prayed for. I thought, "Surely there's some other way besides..."

Brother Moore said to me one time... There was a poor little girl crawling up to the building, crippled, poor little thing, trying to get up to where I was. I looked down at the child and started crying. Well, they couldn't bring her in the line; she didn't have a prayer card. Not knowing that was the child's last night. And Brother Moore and them helped her get out of the line.

The next day we set and talked it over. He said, "Brother Branham, that hurt me."

I said, "Hurt you? What do you think it done to me?"

See, a little crippled girl. That stuck with me. And that's been about ten years ago, a little crippled girl over in Illinois, little black head, brown eyes, crawling, a little polio trying to get up to where I was at. And the ushers down there had to help her and set her back in her seat; crawled out of her seat to get up there. Why? You can only take so many. And if I'd cut some of them out, put her in there without a prayer card, others would have hurt their feelings. See? That's right, couldn't do it. I said, "Surely there's some other way." Wish I'd have knowed then what I know now; things would been different. It sure would've been different.

250 Now, each one of you, the only thing that'll keep you from being healed, is you not believing it. Now, let's bow our heads.

Our heavenly Father, here stands blind, crippled, afflicted, sick, dying with cancer, ulcers, tumors. They're all standing here in the line, Lord. I've preached the Word, and for twelve years You've confirmed That around the world. I've asked forgiveness, and I know that I did not do it willfully; I did it because I thought that I was doing right. Now, I come, Lord, come to You humbly, asking You to bless my prayer, that when I pray for these people, every one of them will be healed. Bless their faith. Help our unbelief, Lord.

And may every one this morning really catch the vision. May they not lose none of it. But may they see it Scripturally, and think of the Angel of the Lord back there at the beginning, He said, "As Moses was given two gifts..." And then two years ago, bringing the Bible with a hand coming down, that like wrote on the walls at Babylon, a human hand, looked like, that pointed down through the Bible to this same chapter, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with thee."... And Father, here it is this morning, brought to the light. We thank Thee for this, Lord. You forgive me for my wrong.

And now, as we go into this prayer meeting, may the power of God heal every sick person that comes through the line. I go just as Your servant, not asking for any special anointing, any special anything, but knowing this, that in my life is that commission; I go to carry it out, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

254 Now, Brother Neville, if you will stand here. Now, with this gift, I'm not going to anoint with oil. See? I'm just going to do what He told me to do. And the commission said, "Get the people to believe you and be sincere." Do you believe? Then I'm sincere. Something has to happen.

Brother Neville is going to lead in songs. You all pray quietly while I pray for the sick. [Brother Neville begins singing "Only Believe." Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

256 Lord Jesus, I lay hands upon the woman with these kidney stones. And I rebuke them in the Name of Jesus Christ. May she go and be healed. Amen. Something happened.

What is your trouble? Lord, I lay my hands upon brother, this prostate gland trouble, and I rebuke this power of the devil, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You must have it. Believe.

Lord, I lay my hands upon my sister with these bad legs that's swollen up. I rebuke that swelling, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go, believe it, sister, and you'll see it.

Lord, with heart trouble and other ailments; I lay my hands upon my sister and rebuke this, in Jesus' Name, by my commission.

Lord, with failing sight and heart trouble; I rebuke it in this woman by my commission from God, in Jesus' Name. Amen. It's just got to be. It's going to be all right. Amen. I believe it with all my heart.

261 [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] That's true, if it's your time to go, you're going to go some way. That's right. But first, before He tells you, if you'll be sincere and don't doubt it, you'll get well. That's exactly right.

Lazarus was raised from the dead; he died again. But he was raised from the dead to show that God keeps His offer to people, He said, "Mary, believest thou this? I am the Resurrection and Life. I'm commissioned of God to raise the dead. You believe this?"

She said, "Yea, Lord. I believe that You are the Son of God, that's come into the world."

Said, "Where you buried him?"

He had to die again. But he raised him to show that He was the Resurrection and Life. See, God does those things, and everything's in Divine order. Oh, I'm so glad to say that. Everything is perfectly in order. If you can believe, everything you ask for is given to you. It's got to be.

266 All right, just continue praying now while we bring them forward. God bless you...?...

Lord Jesus, our sister is very sick, hearing me stand here and preaching this Word, may You--may You, for this little sluggishness of doubt, just get away from all of them, Lord. May they rise up, leave this old mountain of walking back and forth, go on to Jordan, Lord. Grant it, Lord. May our sister travel this path now from this hour on, believing that God heals her body. In Jesus' Name. Go on your road, believing.

God bless you. Lord Jesus, give to her the desire of her heart, for her daughter and her family. I pray this, in Jesus' Name, she receive this, as I offer my prayer and my faith by laying hands on her. If I didn't believe You, I wouldn't lay my hands on her. If I knew You wasn't going to it, I wouldn't pray for her. But I believe, Lord. She believes too. And we're placing our faith together, believing in Jesus' Name, Amen.

269 God bless you, Pat. Lord, for his precious children he wants saved. He's getting hard of hearing. The doctor says cataract's coming on his eye. He wants to live for God's glory. Grant it to him, Lord, as I ask for this petition for my brother. And...?... in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. Don't doubt. Believe that what you've asked for. [A lady speaks to Brother Branham for about 20 seconds--Ed.] Okay sister.

Lord, this poor little woman standing here for her son. God won't...?... something, Lord, that's hurting her. He's going for a skin graft. And she prays for his body and his salvation. She prays for her loved ones. She's asked for her own nervous condition, Lord. She's just about to break. God, I pray that You'll give her the desire of her heart. Heal her of her afflictions and make her well. In Jesus' Name, I pray this prayer of faith over her. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing it. God bless you.

273 Lord, for the salvation of her loved ones, I pray that You'll grant her request, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Believe now, sister, that you receive that, and it's yours. If you believe it, it's got to come.

For our Brother Edgar Tyler. Bless your heart...?... and all the way from Phoenix, Arizona. Is it hot out there?

That lady here was healed in my meeting. Where was she from? Are you from Phoenix, lady? You're not from... You was at the meeting in Phoenix.

What do you want Him to do for you today? Take asthma from you. God bless you, brother.

Dear God, as this precious brother...?... cry out to our...?... and to the cause of the burdens of people. I pray that You'll grant him deliverance, coming all the way from Phoenix, Arizona, to be prayed for, to stand in this line, to hear the message, to encourage him. Lord, it seems like a great sacrifice. It is. But the Queen of the South came for three months on the back of a camel through the Sahara desert to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And behold a greater than Solomon is here; the Holy Spirit is here, a greater than Solomon.

Lord, I pray that You'll heal him of this affliction of his body. Give him the desire of his heart. Let him walk in the path that's ordained for him. May the goodness of God rest upon him. I ask this blessing for my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen.

Ed, as you return, go with it. It's yours. I give it to you. Go and receive it.

282 Brother George... Most everyone knows George Wright. How many remembers the story when he was dying just recently? All the doctors passed by him. His body was swollen up like that, a blood clot in his heart. Several doctors had give him up. I went to pray for him. Brother Funk, he was here awhile ago I believe, was with me there that night. Set up on the hill down there, act like I was going hunting.

I want to say to this church now, I got to tell some things that's been going on. A lot of times you think I'm hunting; I'm not hunting. That's an excuse to keep people from following me. I have to go there to be alone with God. I'm not going out hunting, friends. Yes, I am hunting, but not--not that kind of hunting.

I set up on the hill. Now, to him I was going rabbit hunting. Went around right behind the house, and held my hands over towards the house, and prayed and prayed. Dying... The Holy Spirit spoke to me one night, "One of these men comes from a church that don't believe that healing's right." A certain minister came to his house not long ago, and tried to withstand me there on a debate. Many of you people here, were there that night. See where that man almost lost his mind? Now he's trying finally get the Holy Ghost. [Brother Wright says, "Oh, he says I'm the best friend he's got though, brother."--Ed.] Think of that.

286 A man that stood there to debate, and said, "First I want to tell you, you're of the devil."

I said, "I forgive you because you don't know what you're talking about."

So then he turned around and said, "I know you got the Spirit of Christ."

I said, "Now, I was a devil a few minutes ago, and of Christ now. Which is it? See? So now, they... Terrible things has happened.

This man laying there, dying. And this man laughed at him, said, "Now, go get your Divine healer."

And I was up at Lexington, Kentucky, where a woman was healed of cancer. And in a vision the Lord showed me, coming back, along that morning about five o'clock. He showed me that. Said, "You'll shake the hand of Brother George Wright, coming up through the Tabernacle, and walk up here and shake your hand. And the man that's made fun of him, he'll dig his grave." I didn't know it, didn't know he dug graves.

292 I called up Sister Wright. She's bound to be here somewhere. Yeah. Called up Sister Wright, I said, "I have THUS SAITH THE LORD." That's right. Them's the kind of visions I want to see from now on; then I'll tell somebody something, it comes back. I said, "Brother George will dig the grave of the man, or be at the grave of the man that's making fun of him. And he'll come in the Tabernacle, and I'll shake his hand." The blood clot left Brother George.

And about a month or two after that, I was back. And he always, nearly always, come around this a way; but that morning he come this a way, and I had already...?... Said, "Look, look, look, here he comes right here to shake, just exactly...?..."

And here he is today. That's been... [Brother Wright says, "Nine years."--Ed.] Nine years ago. ["I had nine blood clots that left."--Ed.] Nine blood clots, nine years ago.

295 By the way, I hear that Sister Hickerson... Is Brother Hickerson here today? That she's better. That's fine. She had blood clots too, a bunch of them in her limb.

Now, he's got rheumatism in his hand.

That was his daughter, Sister Hattie setting right there, on which I testified a while ago, that the new ministry worked the first time. That's right, Sister Hattie. Wonder if the boys are in this morning, are they with you?

Where's the boys at? There's both of them standing right back there at the back. There's the two boys that the mother--daughter of our... Raise your hands up, boys, so they see who you are. All right, standing back there at the back. It's wonderful isn't it? It sure is.

298 All right. Brother George. [Brother Wright says, "You know, Brother Bill, I believe."--Ed.] I know you believe. And I know, many times, I've laid there in your room at nighttime, watching out the window, listening at an old mockingbird. Someday we got to go over, Brother George. Until that time, God be with you. I know He will then. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil, for Thou art with me." In that vision here not long ago, when I seen those old people turned back young again, that's the way I'll see you someday...?...

Our heavenly Father, give to our brother the desire of his heart. Heal him of this rheumatism. He's getting old, Father, and I pray that You'll help him. Help Sister Wright and little Edith, and all the family down there. Sister Hattie and her children, all their loved ones, be with them, Father. Grant this request, as I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

[Brother George Wright says, "I will be seventy-nine."--Ed.] Seventy-nine. God bless you, Brother Wright, give you many more days. Praise the Lord.

301 Brother Daulton. My, my. Here's a brother that's been precious to me. I'll tell you what happened. I haven't got time to go through it. His wife knows. Said, "He was dying." Heart attack, was it, sister? And before the Lord had give her a dream, and the interpretation came. And when the heart attack struck him, she stood right before it and said, "I defy this." God had give her a dream that it was going to be that way, and the interpretation come. And the doctor's thinking the man was dying then, and here he is alive today.

Lord Jesus, to our precious brother, he drove a long ways to come into this meeting this morning. His hip's bad. Just like an automobile, Lord, parts are beginning to wear, go down; but, O Lord, be his strength. Thou art our Strength. Undergird this crippled place in his hip. Undergird every weak spot, Lord. And give to our precious brother his healing, as I bless him in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.

God bless you, Brother Daulton. So shall it be.

303 All right, sister, what can the Lord do for you? Why, Sister Daugherty. Is this Betty? Why, Betty, bless your heart. Who in this Tabernacle don't know Betty Daugherty. The first time my old ministry ever worked was on this child. How many remembers about the...?...

Betty had Saint Vitus' dance. And she was in such a state, that she didn't even act like a human. No doctor could do nothing for her. And I went to St. Louis. This church gave up the money, and I borrowed somebody's overcoat; and they made eleven dollars up for me to go over and pray for this little girl. She was just a little girl, about like--about like this little girl setting right here, little baby girl. And I stayed... Is Brother Daugherty here? He isn't. And prayed and prayed and prayed, I couldn't get nowhere. And finally, setting out in Brother Daugherty's car, I saw a vision of what for them to do. And she followed the vision just exactly the way the Lord said do. I believe it was a little bit against their thoughts at that time. But she done it just exactly the way the Lord said do it, and Betty was healed. The first time I saw her, how... Said, "Grandpa Daugherty at one end of the bed, Brother Daugherty at the other. And let her take a rag and wash the baby's face, and hands, and so forth." As I went down through the prayer, "Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name."

307 And Betty now has been stricken with cataracts. I got to pray for her just a--a short time ago at the back of the building at Chautauqua.

Betty, honey, let's go over this real close now. I want to hold your hand. Are you blind all the way, Betty? You can just see daylight and darkening. How old are you now, Betty? Twenty-two. She was about seven or eight...?... Sister Daugherty, you had a hard...?... You know, Betty, I've always believed that God had something for you to do. And I believe that's why it's been this a way with you. And now I believe that the enemy has did this evil thing.

Now, you know, Betty, this. If I had power to reach in there and take those cataracts and pull them out, I'd do it. I don't have it. But, Betty, what I told you the first time, that's the truth; as I set here, and you and I, as brother and sister in Christ, Brother Daugherty, your precious daddy, just as sweet a brother as I ever had, your dear mother here... I've lived in your house, and you shared your food with me, and--and everything. You've been like--like that you would have to be my sister, and I could be no more sincere than I would be with Delores setting in here.

311 Now, God promised this, Betty. I want to you to all... Your father, being a minister, you've been raised up in a family that prays for the sick...?... You've been prayed for many a time. It's got to a place where sometimes we just go over it, and back and forth. And we--we--we kind of lose the value of it. You see what I mean?

My, you've made a fine, pretty girl, Betty; it's a shame to see your eyes gone like that. Is Meda still in the building? My wife wanted to see you; I want her to see you, Betty, what a pretty girl she made. Betty, you was a pretty little girl. You've always been a good girl.

Now, is there anything down in life, that you've failed, Betty? Now, just as a doctor would look over your--your physical body, I want to look through your soul. Have you failed God anywhere, Betty? If there is, just acknowledge it to Him, "Lord, if You'll let me go over it again, I'll not--I'll do different."

314 [Sister Betty speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Now, this is a strange thing. Let's think it this a way. Now, I did not know that Betty Daugherty was going to be in this meeting. But the first one on my other discernment was Betty Daugherty. Here it is back again at the first meeting on this. She knew right then what I was speaking of. I don't want to start that discernment again, 'cause in the line. But she said what she ought to have said just now. She was filled with the Holy Ghost while at--while I was at the St. Louis. And as a teenage girl, kid, maybe she has done things she ought not done. But who hasn't? Who hasn't? If it isn't grace, we're all lost. And if you're willing to confess your wrongs, God's just to forgive your wrong.

316 I'm raising my faith now. Lord, I bring this girl to You. And I'm putting my hands over her eyes. I'm rebuking these cataracts, and believe that Betty will see again. Let the power that opened the eyes of Blind Bartimaeus give Betty her sight again, as I offer this prayer while faith is upon me. In the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, may I shake hands with my sister again, somewhere, today, tomorrow, or whenever it will be again, and them bright eyes look at me and say, "Brother Branham, I can see as good as I ever did in my life."...?... Let us believe that...?... You believe that, Sister Daugherty?...?...

Lord, in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God, give to our sister the desire of her heart, as she stands raising her hand. Let the power that healed Betty Daugherty the first time, and this also the second time, let it heal our sister, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

319 Brother... [The brother speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Our brother wants to be saved. You accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? You believe that He died for you and rose again? You now claim Him as your personal Saviour?

In the Name of Jesus Christ, let every sin question be gone from this man's conscience. May our brother be today, from now on...?... the day when...?... his life is now a Christian, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Turn to this audience and say, "I accept Jesus as my Saviour." [The man says, "I accept Jesus as my Saviour."--Ed.] I believe he's so glad his sins are forgiven by the Blood of Jesus Christ. That's what we like (Amen.), a double cure...?... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

322 And that I accomplished more this morning by the message that I've had and the things as I have knowed, I've--I've followed the commission more than I've accomplished in the last five years, because I have found the center of God's will.

Now, it may be a hard thing for me to change from one ministry to another. But it isn't changing the ministry; it's taking the same ministry in a higher sphere. It's the original commission. All these other things have been building upon that. Now's the time.

With all my heart, I'm believing for every person that I pray for. I believe they're going to be well. And with all the evidence that we have, everything that God has showed of year after year of infallible proof of the Bible living again, then how could it fail? It just can't fail.

325 Now, there's only one way to make it fail; that is, for you not to believe it. If Jesus stood here Himself, and would pray for you, and go through the same act that we have done this morning, no more would happen if you would believe with the measure of faith that--no more could happen, than what will happen, if you believe with the same measure of faith. Because I only represent Him. I'm a sinner saved by grace, just a man like you are, just a human being. But God has to have an outlet somewhere. And He's proved that by His Word; He's proved it by the ministry; He's proved it by the Angel of the Lord, and here it is. Now, it's up to us to believe it.

Now, remember, just like a child, if there's been an affliction, see it no more. If there's been a disease, it's not there no more. Just ignore any symptom, anything that's contrary to what's been asked. Many times... Every child that comes to God's got to be tried. We're tried to see if we believe that or not. And you'll have wars and troubles. But remember we're on our march.

327 God bless you. I love you. And I, by God's help, I hope He lets me serve you as His servant for many, many years to come, is my prayer. Pray for me.

And now remember tonight: "The Five Infallible A-vindications Of The True Church Of The Living God." Until then, let us stand up to our feet, just a moment.

Oh, is there a baptismal service? [Brother Neville says, "I believe there is."-- Ed.] Oh, a baptismal service? The people for baptism, are you here? Raise up your hand, anybody for baptism. One, two, three... Yes. I'm very, very sorry, friends.

Now, to those who have to go, I will dismiss them. The rest of them stay for baptism, that wants to. We have a baptismal service, just in a moment.

331 Father God, dismiss those who have to go with Your blessings, Your benediction, Your grace rest upon them, thanking You for all that's been accomplished this morning, as we're pulling away from the mountain, starting upward. Lord, may we walk up through every ladder rung, until we reach the--the Kingdom of God. Grant it, Lord. Be with us now. Forgive our sins, those who stay now to be baptized for the remission of their sins, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may these things be granted.

Gather us together again tonight. May Thy power and Thy blessings be upon us tonight. May there be a great night tonight. May many, that's confused, be straightened out tonight. Grant it, Father, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

All right, you may be seated now if you wish to, while we make ready for the baptism.

1        Znovu dnes ráno... [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] ...spánku počas noci. Dúfam, že sme sa všetci dobre vyspali a cítime sa dnes odpočinutí.

        Práve som rozmýšľal, ako som stál tu v miestnosti, a Billy Paul dnes ráno prekročil dvadsaťpäťku. Pamätám si, ako som stál za touto kazateľňou, keď Frankie Weber, sused tuto... Chodil som s ním spolu do školy. Mal som asi dvadsaťjeden alebo dvadsaťdva a on už mal dvadsaťpäť. A keď prekročil dvadsaťpäť, pomyslel som si, „Ó, Frankie sa už chystá zomrieť, je taký starý. A teraz,“ pomyslel som si, „čo budem robiť ja, keď sa dostanem do takého veku, dvadsaťpäť rokov.“ A teraz už môjmu vlastnému synovi minulo dvadsaťpäť.

        To len dokazuje, ako čas naozaj letí a na nikoho nečaká. Musíme pracovať, zatiaľ čo je deň, lebo príde čas, keď nebudeme môcť viac pracovať. A vždy sa mi páčilo Longfellowovo dielo, „Žalm života.“ „Pri odchode zanechajme za sebou stopy na piesku času.“ Musíme robiť stopy, zatiaľ čo ich môžeme robiť, každý jeden z nás. Nepremárnime ani jeden deň, ale urobme všetko pre to, aby bol každý deň na Jeho slávu.

2        Pred pár dňami alebo pred pár týždňami to bolo, Pán mi dal videnia, ako to všetci vieme. A náhodou som mal také zvláštne videnie, keď som bol dolu v Kentucky. A povedal som tým ľuďom, s ktorými som bol, „Niečo sa istotne stane.“

 Asi o tretej ráno som videl, ako v mojej izbe stál strašidelne tmavo vyzerajúci muž. Nebol ako naši milovaní čierni bratia či sestry; tento muž bol iný. Jeho telo bolo vráskavé železo a blížil sa ku mne so zovretými rukami, aby ma napadol, a ja som sa mohol brániť iba s takou malou čepeľou. Ale tá bola zbytočná, nemohla... Nemohol som sa s ňou brániť. A tak, nejako Pán prišiel ku mne a pomohol mi tomuto strašidelnému mužovi uniknúť. Bol z vráskavého železa. Videl som, ako zodvihol ruky, tie veľké vrásky na jeho koži, bolo to ako železo, ktoré sa pohybovalo hore a dolu. Odhadujem, že to ohavné telo by možno ani tvrdá rýchla guľka neprederavila (bol ako nejaké zviera, ako korytnačka alebo niečo podobné). A išiel po mne. Mal som celkom dobré tušenie, čo to bolo a čo to znamenalo.

3        Ale potom minulý utorok, asi o tretej ráno, sa stalo niečo iné. Bol som doma a v mojej izbe predo mnou stál ten Božský a hovoril slová, ktorým som nerozumel. A ten čas, ktorý On určil, sa rýchlo blíži. A nepočul som ho veľmi dobre, ale bol Božský. A povedal, „Ešte sedem dní a budeš stáť, ako stál Mojžiš,“ alebo „budeš, ako bol Mojžiš“, alebo niečo, čo sa týkalo Mojžiša. Podľa toho mi po dnešku zostáva už len jeden deň. Toto je šiesty. Neviem, čo to znamená, ale viem, že On to vypôsobí, akokoľvek to je. „Budeš stáť,“ alebo „budeš musieť stáť,“ alebo „budeš ako...“ Bolo to niečo, čo sa týkalo Mojžiša. Nikdy som o tom príliš veľa nerozmýšľal. Povedal som o tom svojej rodine a niektorým svojim milovaným, že som videl toto Božské stvorenie. Ale jednako, On hovoril ako človek.

 Ale potom som si všimol, že v mojom posolstve včera večer mi Pán dovolil vybrať Mojžiša. A dnes ráno to je Mojžiš a jeho nástupca. A to miesto Písma, ktorému sa dnes ráno budem venovať, sa týka Mojžiša a Jozuu. A toto miesto Písma, Jozua 1. kapitola, bolo vždy veľkolepé miesto Písma. Nikdy v živote som o tom nekázal; ale dnes ráno sa o to pokúsim.

4 Asi pred dvoma rokmi som videl, ako do miestnosti vstúpila Biblia a stála tam, kde som stál ja. A zhora prišla ruka a obrátila stránky; a zastavila sa pri Jozuovi 1, po 9. verš. Tam sa zastavila a išla pomaly. Čakal som, kým príde táto hodina, kedy budem cítiť, že to je Božia vôľa, aby som o tom hovoril.

 No, nezabudnite na večerné zhromaždenia, ak môžete prísť a nemáte žiadne povinnosti. Ak máte cirkvi, ktoré vás potrebujú, tak potom určite odporúčam, aby ste išli do svojho zboru.

 Dnes ráno sa hneď po tomto zhromaždení budeme modliť za chorých. A myslím, že potom bude bohoslužba s krstom.

 A dnes večer, ak Pán dá, chcem kázať o piatich nezlyhávajúcich biblických identifikáciách cirkvi a našom vzťahu s ňou – s cirkvou Nového Zákona a našom vzťahu s touto cirkvou. A služby sa začnú, služba s piesňami bude o 19:30; a ja pokúsim byť za kazateľňou okolo ôsmej. A do 21:30 by sme mali končiť, ak Pán dá.

5        A tak verím, že dnes toto nebudú slová, ktoré... Keď sa dostanem ku povereniu, dúfam, že to nikomu neunikne, lebo je to veľmi dôležité, aby ste dali všetko nabok a premýšľali, ako čakáme na Ducha Svätého.

 Pred tým, ako sa budeme venovať tomuto veľkolepému a milostivému Slovu, poprosím svojho dobrého priateľa a spolupracovníka, Dr. Lee Vayla, aby sa postavil a viedol nás slovom modlitby, ako otvoríme Slovo. Brat Vayle. [Brat Vayle sa modlí – pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem, brat Vayle, za tú inšpirujúcu modlitbu k Bohu.

6        A obráťme sa teraz do Písma. Je tak veľa vecí, o ktorých by sme mohli hovoriť, ale na druhej strane vidím, koľko nás tu stojí popri stenách a na chodbe, a tak ďalej. Verím, že čelíme svitaniu nového dňa. A tak, ako budeme dnes ráno čítať Písmo, obráťme sa do 1. kapitoly Jozuu. A budeme čítať knihu Jozuu, prvú kapitolu, prvých deväť veršov.

 Zatiaľ čo sa pripravujeme... Toto posolstvo sa nahráva a vyšle sa do mnohých častí sveta. Chcel by som, aby tie národy sveta, ku ktorým mi Boh umožnil tú príležitosť, a ak som našiel milosť vo vašich očiach... Hovorím to dnes ráno... No dúfam, že v budúcnosti, keď prídem do vašich zborov, aby ste vopred vedeli, čo Pán Boh vykonal, a aby ste poznali pravdu. A ako Ježiš povedal, „Pravda vás vyslobodí.“

7 Čítajme od Jozuu 1:

A stalo sa po smrti Mojžiša, služobníka Hospodinovho, že takto povedal Hospodin Jozuovi, synovi Núnovmu, sluhovi Mojžišovmu:

Mojžiš, môj služobník zomrel; preto teraz vstaň a prejdi cez tento Jordán, ty i všetok tento ľud, do zeme, ktorú im ja dám, synom Izraelovým. 

Každé miesto, na ktoré šľapí vaša noha, dal som vám, tak ako som hovoril Mojžišovi,

všetko od púšte a od tohoto Libanona až po veľkú rieku, po rieku Eufrates; celá zem Hetejov a všetko až po Veľké more, na západe slnka, bude vaším územím.

Nikto neobstojí pred tebou po všetky dni tvojho života. Jako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou; nezanechám ťa ani ťa neopustím.

Buď silný a pevný, lebo ty rozdelíš tomuto ľudu do dedičstva zem, o ktorej som prisahal ich otcom, že im ju dám.

Len buď silný a pevný veľmi ostríhať, aby si činil všetko podľa celého zákona, ktorý ti prikázal Mojžiš, môj služobník. Neuchýľ sa od neho ani na pravo ani na ľavo, aby si robil múdre a rozumne vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pojdeš.

Neuhne táto kniha zákona od tvojich úst, ale budeš rozmýšľať o nej vodne i v noci, aby si ostríhal a činil všetko podľa všetkého toho, čo je napísané v nej, lebo vtedy sa ti podarí tvoja cesta, a vtedy budeš robiť múdre a rozumne.

Lebo veď či som ti neprikázal: Buď silný a pevný! Netras sa ani sa nestrachuj!? Lebo s tebou je Hospodin, tvoj Bôh, vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pojdeš.

8        V piatom verši, asi v strede toho verša je napísané, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou.“ To je... Chcel by som to nazvať ako tému, chvíľu ešte počkám a potom na to upriamim vašu pozornosť. „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou.“

 No, minulý večer sme putovali so synmi Izraelovými do Egypta až po Kádeš. Ó, čo za veľká lekcia. Čo za veľká vec, ako sme prirovnali tú prirodzenú cirkev k duchovnej cirkvi: Boh koná s Izraelom v prirodzenom; s cirkvou v týchto dňoch, ako vyvoláva pohanov a ľudí pre Svoje Meno. Koná s nimi v duchovnom, ako s nimi konal v prirodzenom. Je to paralelné jedno s druhým. Všetko, čo Boh s nimi urobil, a všetko, čo Boh pre nich urobil, a všetko, čo Mu oni opätovne urobili, je to tu pre nás ako príklad. Vidíme, že doteraz bolo Slovo vykonané presne tak: ako v prirodzenom, keď mali víťazstvo alebo niekoľko víťazstiev, tak sa začali radovať, kričať, tancovať a chváliť Boha, presne tak, ako to robila aj cirkev. A teraz čakali štyridsať rokov na otvorenie niečoho iného.

9 A ako rozmýšľame o Mojžišovi, tomto veľkom sluhovi Pánovom, ako pri jeho narodení, pri mieste jeho narodenia, Boh si ho vyvolil pre svoju prácu, pri jeho narodení. A jeho život bol veľmi ťažký, lebo ako muž, on chce žiť jedným spôsobom a Duch Boží ho vedie inou cestou. Tie rozhodnutia, ktoré urobil, sa navonok zdali bláznovstvom, keď bol jednou nohou na tróne, aby zdedil svet a potom na druhej strane bol vyvrheľom a tulákom. Navonok to bola, podľa mysle, bláznivá vec.

 Ale nachádzame v tomto veľkú lekciu, že ľudia, ktorí nasledujú Ducha, sú bláznami pre svet, lebo pochádzajú z iného kráľovstva, sú vedení inou cestou, vedení Duchom. Bože, nech som to ja a všetci vy, aby sme nasledovali vedenie Ducha, bez ohľadu na všetko ostatné, len sledujúc Božie zasľúbenie a čakajúc, kým bude vyplnené.

10 A to je presne to, čo Mojžiš urobil. Faraón čítal tie isté miesta Písma, ktoré čítal Mojžiš, akurát faraón sa na to pozeral iným spôsobom. Mojžiš sa pozeral na tých istých ľudí ako faraón. Faraón ich videl ako otrokov a miesičov blata; Mojžiš ich videl ako povolaných a vyvolených.

 Tak chcem aj ja vidieť cirkev živého Boha – nie ako skupinu fanatikov a vyvrheľov, ale ako vyvolených Božích, aby som mohol odovzdať svoj život, ako to urobil Mojžiš, pre túto veľkú cirkev a túto vec.

 Teraz zisťujeme, že Mojžiš bol povolaný. A potom, ako bol poverený, on zlyhal vo svojom poverení tým, že sa snažil robiť to, čo si myslel, že je najlepšie.

 Tak znova nás to učí, že nemôžeme brať to, čo si myslíme, že je najlepšie, alebo čo si človek myslí, že je najlepšie. Musíme vziať to, čo Boh povedal, že je najlepšie. A nasledovať Slovo Pánovo je vždy tá najlepšia vec. Ísť tou cestou, ktorou Boh povedal.

11        A v tom, ako zlyhal, zisťujeme, že utiekol spred tváre faraóna na púšť, kde si vzal Jetrovu dcéru Ciporu. A potom, ako sa s ňou oženil, porodila mu syna Geršoma. A potom sa usadil, žil ticho a pokojne, ako pracoval s ovcami.

 Ale jedného dňa počul Boh výkrik Svojho ľudu. Boh sa rozpamätal, že mal s týmto ľudom zmluvu. A nielen to, ale tiež sa rozpamätal, že mal sluhu, ktorého povolal a vyvolil a mal s týmto sluhom zmluvu. A Boh nikdy Svoju zmluvu nezmení, nezmení Svoje túžby, nezmení nič. Boh vždy dodrží Svoje sľuby. Aj keď Mojžiš sklamal a urobil to, čo nebolo správne, jednako Boh Svoju zmluvu dodržal. Keď Boh povolá človeka, aby niečo urobil, on to musí urobiť, jednoducho to musí urobiť.

12        Niekto sa ma pred nejakým časom opýtal, „Máme teraz hľadať dary pre naše služby?“ Nejaký metodistický brat, ktorý práve prijal Ducha Svätého. Povedal som, „Nie, nerobte to! Keď to urobíte, potom vás Boh nemôže použiť.“ Povedal som, „Jediná vec, ktorú musíte urobiť, je ísť vpred a byť Kresťanmi. Ak vás Boh povolal, On vás umiestni presne tam, kde patríte.“

 Zvyčajne tí, ktorí hľadajú a snažia sa získať veci, ak by im Boh aj niečo dal, oni by sa nafúkli. Zvyčajne ten človek, ktorého Boh povoláva, je práve ten, ktorý sa od Neho snaží utiecť – Mojžiš a Pavol a ďalší, všetci sa snažili od toho povolania utiecť.

13        Ale zisťujeme tu, že Boh napriek všetkému tomu zlyhaniu, ktorým Mojžiš prešiel, On mal jednako na ňom Svoje ruky. A povolal ho, aby Mu konal službu. Povolal ho do tohto poverenia. A čo za utešenie to muselo byť pre Jozuu, keď počul, ako mu Boh povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou.“

 Aj keby som sa snažil a zlyhal pri tom, Boh ma neopustí. Nikdy som nemal veľa dôvery k niekomu, kto sa bál niečo urobiť. Radšej by som bol nájdený pri zlyhaní, ako by som mal byť príliš lenivý, aby som to aspoň skúsil.

14 Kedysi sa hovorilo, že firma Ballard Flour Company raz najala človeka a on sa išiel podpísať; a ten človek nemal žiadnu gumu na konci ceruzky. A pán Ballard sa ho opýtal a povedal, „Prečo nemáte žiadnu gumu?“

 Povedal, „Nerobím chyby.“

On mu povedal, „Tak potom vás nemôžem použiť. Lebo ak nerobíte chyby... Nerobíte chyby vtedy, keď nerobíte nič.“ To je pravda.

 Boh ťa nebude brať za zodpovednosť za tvoje chyby. Bude ťa bude brať za zodpovednosť za hriechy, ktoré si vedome robil. „Ten, kto vedome hreší, potom, ako prijal známosť pravdy...“ Ale človek, ktorý niečo robí, urobí chybu, zlyhá. Urobí chyby. Ale ak je Božsky povolaný a Boh je v jeho srdci, tak znovu povstane.

15        Zvykli tu pred rokmi chodiť do zboru (a oni tu môžu byť dnes ráno), jeden muž a jeho žena. Zvykli spievať pieseň, ktorá ma nadchla, ktorá hovorila niečo takéto:

 Odpusť mi, Pane, a vyskúšaj ma ešte raz,

 budem Tvoj, ak Ty budeš môj.

 Ak padnem alebo ak zlyhám,

 dovoľ mi povstať a vyskúšať to znovu.

 Odpusť mi, Pane, a vyskúšaj ma ešte raz.

 Ó, páči sa mi to. Lebo akýkoľvek dobrý vojak je náchylný na zranenie. Ale ak je stále dobrým vojakom a má určitý zámer a niečo, pre čo bojuje, tak povstane a vyskúša to znova. Akýkoľvek dobrý vojak kríža urobí to isté.

16 A Jozua, ten nový veliteľ armády, po tom, ako Mojžiš zomrel, videl, že Boh, aj pri jeho chybách, s ním zostal a dodržiaval svoje poverenie... Bez ohľadu na to, čo Mojžiš urobil, bol to Mojžišov úrad, ktorý Boh rešpektoval. On bol prorok. Bol nad všetkými prorokmi. Bol naozaj viac ako akýkoľvek prorok, ktorého mali. Keď sa mu jeho vlastná sestra smiala za to, že si vzal za ženu etiópske dievča, on ich zvolal a povedal, „Či sa nebojíte Boha?“ Povedal, „Ak je medzi vami niekto, kto je duchovný alebo prorok, prehovorím ku nemu vo videniach a dám sa mu poznať v snoch. Ale nie tak Mojžiš. S ním hovorím ústa k uchu. Či sa nebojíte Boha?“

 Vidíte, nie je dobré šliapať na Boží ľud. Keď to robíte, urážate Jeho. Boh poveril Mojžiša. Jeho zlyhania nič neznamenali – Boh poznal jeho srdce.

17        A raz sa Mojžiš sťažoval za to, že mal toho príliš veľa na robote. A tak Boh vzal jeho ducha a rozdelil ho medzi sedemdesiatich. Oni nemali o nič viac Ducha, ako mali na začiatku, ale jediné, čoho mali viac, bolo viac mašinérie. Rovnaké množstvo Ducha. Boh môže položiť celého Svojho Ducha na človeka, ak chce, alebo Ho môže roztrúsiť medzi tisíce, ak to tak chce. Jedného dňa vložil celého Svojho Ducha na človeka, ktorý sa volal Ježiš; teraz Ho roztrúsil všade medzi Svoje cirkvi. Boh dodržiava Svoje poverenie.

18        No, Jozua, ten nový bojovník... Teraz zostali len dvaja, ktorí zotrvali až po zasľúbenú zem, to bol Jozua a Kálef. A teraz bol Jozua nový veliteľom, ktorý mal viesť armádu a vstúpiť na to miesto, kde stál veľký muž ako Mojžiš. To nebola žiadna malá úloha.

 Pripomína mi to kazateľa dnes, ktorý je povolaný od Boha, aby vstúpil na cestu, kde stál Ježiš – čo za prikázanie, čo za poverenie. Ale každý, kto je povolaný od Boha, je poverený, aby stál na tom istom mieste. „Budem s tebou, dokonca v tebe, až do konca cesty.“ Každý kazateľ je povolaný, aby stál tam, kde On: „Tie skutky, ktoré ja činím, budete aj vy činiť.“ Každý kazateľ, poverený od Boha, má príkaz stáť na ceste Ježiša Krista a vykonávať povinnosti, ktoré vykonával Ježiš. To je celkom veľké prikázanie.

19        A aký to musel byť pocit, keď Jozua, ako tam stál v to ráno a hovoril s Bohom, On povedal, „Nezlyhám pri tebe; ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou; žiaden človek pred tebou neobstojí po všetky dni tvojho života. Zničím a rozdelím. Vyčistím cestu, len buď silný a odvážny. Nebuď zdesený [to znamená: neobávaj sa], lebo Ja som s tebou. Povediem ťa až do konca.“ Čo za poverenie dané tomuto novému mužovi menom Jozua.

 No, je tu veľa rôznych príkladov, do ktorých by sme mohli ísť, ale niektoré z nich preskočíme. Napríklad, ako bol Mojžiš cirkevným vekom, ktorý ich priviedol na Sinaj, do ich teológie (ako minulý večer). Mojžišovi nebolo dovolené vziať synov Izraelových do zasľúbenej zeme, lebo zlyhal.

20        A tie cirkevné organizácie, denominácie zlyhali. Oni nezaujmú cirkev! Boh vzbudí nový systém – medzidenominačný systém, skrze moc Božiu, ktorá vezme cirkev do zasľúbenej zeme. Organizácie a denominácie to pokazili, podľa svojej vlastnej teológie, každá jedna z nich podľa ich vlastného spôsobu myslenia. Ale Boh vezme Svojho Ducha Svätého a vzbudí Svojich Jozuov a oni vezmú cirkev do jej zasľúbenia bez akýchkoľvek denominačných pút. Oni zaujmú Jeho cirkev.

 Mojžiš zlyhal. On bol zákonodarcom. Jozua bol povolaný z milosti a viedol cirkev ďalej.

21        Tiež nachádzame, že Jozua poznal svoje poverenie, vedel, že to ležalo v jeho rukách, že ho Boh povolal do služby, a vedel, že nemôže zlyhať, on kráčal pokorne pred Bohom.. A keď zvolal ľudí a povedal im, že Boh ho poveril, sledujte žiadosť tých ľudí. Oni povedali, „Budeme ťa nasledovať, ako sme nasledovali Mojžiša, ak budeme vidieť, že to, čo nasledovalo Mojžiša, bude nasledovať aj teba. Len buď silný a odvážny!“

 To by mala byť požiadavka každého znovuzrodeného človeka dnes. Ak sa od nás vyžaduje, aby sme nasledovali, potom by sme mali vidieť znamenia, ktoré nasledujú toho veriaceho. Ako Ježiš povedal, „Tie veci, ktoré Ja činím, budete aj vy činiť.“

 A už som vás prosil, aby ste dnes ráno nechali svoje duchovné srdcia otvorené, lebo verím, že rozumiete, čo hovorím. Ako tu sedíme s denominačnými ľuďmi z rôznych organizácií, ktoré sú tu dnes ráno zhromaždené od katolíkov a protestantov a mnohých ďalších. Samozrejme, bude to zjavené tým, ktorí sú naplnení Duchom.

22        No, Jozua musel zobrať toto prikázanie. Ľudia mu povedali, „Nech je Boh s tebou, ako bol s Mojžišom, a my budeme vedieť, že ten Duch, ktorý nás zatiaľ viedol, nás povedie aj ďalej.“

 Ó, ako by sa cirkev dnes ráno mala pozrieť a hľadať, ako ten Duch pracuje medzi ľuďmi. Ak chcete cirkevný domov, kde Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Krista z mŕtvych, ten Duch Svätý, ktorý sa bude pohybovať medzi ľuďmi. To je ten Duch, ktorého Boh vzbudzuje v týchto posledných dňoch, aby vzal ľudí do tej druhej zeme, do plného zasľúbenia všetkých požehnaní Božích a do plného poverenia či zasľúbenia, ktoré dal. „Toto zasľúbenie patrí vám a vašim deťom.“ Ako Izrael hľadal tú zasľúbenú zem, vediac, že to niekde bolo, lebo tam už niekto bol, tak je to aj s cirkvou! Vieme, že niekde sa nachádza zem! Niekde je moc, lebo tam už boli ďalší. Vieme, že tá zem leží za riekou, kde aj dnes ráno smerujeme. Snažíme sa dostať do tej zasľúbenej zeme.

 Jozua vedel, že tá zem tam bola. Išiel tam ako prvý, aby to preskúmal a potom sa mohol vrátiť ako svedok.

 Bohom povolaní kazatelia by nemali byť tak napchatí teológiou, ale mali by navštíviť tú Zem, do ktorej smerujeme, a priniesť späť dôkaz tej moci a lásky Ježiša Krista. A dať svojim zhromaždeniam vedieť, že je zem poza riekou.

23 No, včera večer sme kázali o tom, ako išli k Jordánu. No, keď sa dostaneme k tej rieke, to nás rozdeľuje, to nás oddeľuje. Keď už ste raz na tej druhej strane, niečo sa vám stalo.

 No, Jozua uprostred tohto všetkého, vediac, že ten príkaz bol veľký; ale keďže mal uistenie, mohol byť nebojácny, mohol byť, ako by sme to nazvali, bezstarostný – pokiaľ smeroval tým správnym smerom. Mohol by sa dostať ku kopcu, ktorý by ho nútil ísť naspäť, ale on smeroval tým správnym smerom.

 A rovnako tak môže byť aj cirkev živého Boha bezstarostná a nebojácna vo viere, ak smerujeme tým správnym smerom; lebo On povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou. Nesklamem ťa ani ťa neopustím.“ On nikdy neopustil Mojžiša, On nikdy nesklamal pri Mojžišovi, On nikdy nesklame pri Jozuovi, On nikdy nesklame pri nás. On bude s nami.

24 A ako vidíme, Jozua vzal toto poverenie a vedel, akú má zodpovednosť. Viedol ich cez zeme, ktoré... Musel sa dostať na druhú zem. Musel vybudovať kráľovstvo. Musel medzi nimi rozdeliť dedičstvo. Vedel, že to poverenie bolo veľkolepé, oveľa väčšie ako to, čo urobil Mojžiš. Jozua mal toho viac na vykonanie ako Mojžiš.

 Ďalšia vec, mal ich viesť popri hranici, medzi ich bratmi. Oni už aplikovali krv. Musel ich premôcť, musel ich držať potichu, ako pochodovali ďalej.

 A tak je to dnes s touto letničnou skupinou, ktorá povstáva. Oni už ochutnali denominacionalizmus. Je tak ťažké udržať ich.

25 Pred niekoľkými rokmi povedali, „Poď, brat Branham (keď sa služba po prvýkrát začala), začneme organizáciu, postavíme ti pamätník.“ Ja nehľadám pamätník! Hľadám príchod Pánov!

 Založili nejaký malý kult, ktorý sa volal „Pozdný dážď.“ Išli do Kanady a do Kalifornie; ale bol to prepadák. Samozrejme, nemôže to tak vyjsť. Prečo to tak bolo? To jediné, čo vedia... Oni vyjdú z týchto vecí a majú tam s tým určitý kontakt. Musia mať niečo, čo musia robiť.

 Ale, brat, tá skutočná cirkev živého Boha nemá žiadne formy, žiadne vyznania. Je vedená mocou Božou, ktorá sa nachádza v srdci každého jednotlivca. Prejdi popri svojich bratoch. Nehádaj sa s nimi. Sme väčší ako oni. Nehádaj sa s nimi; len choď ďalej.

26 Chcem, aby ste si všimli túto veľkú vec, ktorá sa tu stala. Bol tu Ezau, Moáb a tí, ktorých sme včera večer spomínali. Mnohí z nich boli v skutočnosti hraniční veriaci. Boli priamo na hranici.

 Ó, musím sa tu na chvíľu zastaviť, naozaj len na minútu. Veľa ľudí pokladá za zasľúbenú zem milénium, ale nie je to tak. Zasľúbená zem mala vojny a zabíjanie; milénium nebude mať žiadne vojny ani zabíjanie. Znamená to Duch Svätý, bojové pole.

 Ospravedlnenie; oni opustili Egypt. Boli tri štádiá ich cesty. Opustili Egypt pod ospravedlnením, veriac Slovo. Oddelili sa od Egypťanov, aby išli von. Prekročili Červené more a zabili veci, ktoré boli za nimi, čo bolo posvätenie, skrze krv, ktorá zabíja všetky ľudské túžby zla – to bolo druhé štádium ich cesty. Ale tretie štádium bolo, keď prekročili Jordán do zasľúbenej zeme, kde ležalo ich dedičstvo. Ich dedičstvo nikdy neležalo v Egypte, aj keď ich v Egypte Boh požehnal.

27 Vy, Luteráni, ktorí veríte v ospravedlnenie, vaše dedičstvo tam neleží, ak ste povolaní. Ak si len luterán, to je najďalej, ako sa dostaneš.

 Vy, metodisti a nazaréni a pútnici svätosti a cirkev Božia, ktorí veríte v posvätenie, v zabitie toho zlého, ktoré je vo vás, vo vysekanie koreňov zlého, vy patríte poza tú rieku.

 Ale vy, muži a ženy, v ktorých je niečo, čo vás vyvoláva, tá hlbina po hlbine, musíte ešte prejsť tým Jordánom a dostať sa do zeme za riekou.

 Povedal, „Prejdeš popri svojich bratoch. Prejdeš popri svojich bratoch a oni sú blízko hranice. Ak prejdeš popri nich, nič im nehovor. Dal som túto horu Ezavovi. Tento kraj som dal Moábovi. A nechcem, aby si sa s nimi hádal a presviedčal ich. Len zľahka popri nich prejdi. Vieš, kam ideš. Nezačínaj s ich zvykmi.“

28        Moáb mal falošného proroka, biskupa menom Balám, ktorý prišiel a dostal sa medzi zhromaždenie a snažil sa to zorganizovať, aby sa všetci zišli spolu, lebo boli bratia. Ale oni neboli! Boli poloviční bratia, nie skutoční bratia. Ak v tvojom srdci...

 „Nehádaj sa s ním; len choď ďalej, nechaj ho na pokoji. Zaplať im za to, čo dostaneš, ak musíš prejsť cez tento kraj.“ On bol predurčený, aby tým bol. Ak by Boh očakával alebo predurčil, aby sa Moáb spojil s Izraelom, oni by sa spojili. Ak by predurčil Ezava, aby išiel s Izraelom, Ezav by skočil a išiel. Ale on mu dal jeho dedičstvo na druhej strane rieky.

29        No, ako sa môžem pokúsiť urobiť to, aby to videli všetci luteráni, všetci baptisti, všetci presbyteriáni, všetci nazaréni a pútnici svätosti? Neodsudzujte ich. To je všetko, čo vedia. Pre nich existuje len to.

 Ale vám, ktorí veríte (Ó, Bože!), vám, ktorí veríte, vám, ktorí v sebe máte niečo, čo volá po tej hlbine! Ak bola celá tá hlbina, ktorú máte, nasýtená, potom zostaňte tam, kde ste. Ale ja a môj dom, pre nás je niečo viac, ako taký človek vidí! Niekde je zem poza riekou, stále je hlbina, ktorá volá po hlbine. Nemôžem byť nasýtený teológiou. Nemôžem byť nasýtený dobrou cirkvou. Nemôžem byť nasýtený dobrou kampaňou. Nemôžem byť nasýtený nejakou bohoslužbou s uzdravovaním. Je za tým niečo, čo volá!

30 Tak ich len nechaj tak. Choď ďalej. Nehádaj sa s nimi. My prechádzame do inej zeme. Oni neboli predurčení, aby s tebou išli. Nebudú s tebou kráčať. Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu, ak sa nezhodnú? Ale tým, ktorí milujú Boha, tým, ktorí sú povolaní od Boha...

 No, oni povedia, „Boh nám dal túto cirkev. Boh urobil toto.“

 To je pravda. Boh povedal, „Dávam Ezavovi túto horu; nedotýkaj sa ho. Ale pre teba mám niečo iné. Prekroč na druhú stranu!“ Amen.

 To je moja túžba, bratia, aby som videl svoju cirkev, ako prekročí do druhej zeme, je to túžba prejsť na druhú stranu. Ak je vo vás niečo, čo volá, potom bude niečo, čo odpovie na to volanie. Len sa uspokojiť s chovaním oviec vám nestačí alebo dostať sa do nejakého biznisu vám nestačí. Len sa pridať do cirkvi a zapísať svoje meno do knihy vám nestačí; lebo je niečo, čo volá, poza tým hrebeňom hory a poza ďalším hrebeňom, až poza Jordánom, až kým sa nenájdete v náručí Božom. Hlbina, ktorá volá po hlbine.

31        Jozua vedel, že jeho poverenie bolo veľké. Všimli ste si, ako sa Jozua rozpamätal na svoje poverenie, keď začal prechádzať cez Jordán? „Nech sa táto kniha zákona (Moje Slovo) neoddiali od tvojich úst.“ Inými slovami, „Jozua, je mi jedno, čo hovorí tvoj kmeň, čo hovorí duchovenstvo, zostaň so Slovom! Lebo potom sa ti bude na tvojich cestách dariť. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko veľkých vecí ľudia robia, koľko malých vecí robia, koľko organizácií urobili, ty zostaň so Slovom, Jozua! Ó! Zostaň so Slovom. Nech toto Slovo neopustí tvoje ústa...“ Dovoľte mi znovu to prečítať:

Len buď silný a pevný veľmi ostríhať, aby si činil všetko podľa celého zákona, ktorý ti prikázal Mojžiš, môj služobník. Neuchýľ sa od neho ani na pravo ani na ľavo...

32 Ak Slovo hovorí, aby si robil istú vec, urob to! Je mi jedno, čo hovorí organizácia, jednako to urob! To je ten Jozua, na ktorého Boh čaká. Neodchýľ sa ani centimeter, ani jeden kúsok. Zostaň rovno so Slovom!

Neuchýľ sa od neho ani na pravo ani na ľavo, aby si robil múdre a rozumne...

        Ó, myslíte si, že prosperujete, keď budujete veľké cirkvi, pridávate desaťtisíce ľudí do svojej denominácie. To nie je prosperita. To vás neprivádza ani jeden krok bližšie k zasľúbeniu. To, čo potrebujeme, je viac Boha, viac Ducha Svätého!

 ...vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pôjdeš.

Neuhne táto kniha zákona od tvojich úst, ale budeš rozmýšľať o nej vodne i v noci.

        Keď rozmýšľate nad tým, že niečo urobíte, beriete k tomu Božie Slovo? Nachádzate svoju túžbu v Slove? Kážete to, čo je v Biblii? Alebo ste ako mnohí dnes, príliš mnohí, ktorí „kážu náuky a prikázania ľudí“?

33 Táto kniha zákona neuhne z tvojej ruky... Alebo z tvojich úst.

 „Tvojich úst,“ to, čo hovoríš. Nerob to tak, že to len prečítaš a odídeš preč. Prehovor to! Ži to! Uč to!

...ale budeš rozmýšľať o nej vodne i v noci, aby si ostríhal a činil všetko podľa všetkého toho, čo je napísané v nej.

        Vidíte, čo bude Jozua tohto dňa? Vidíte, čo bude Jozua duchovnej cirkvi? To je ten istý druh Jozuu, ktorého mali v tej prirodzenej cirkvi. Pri duchovnej cirkvi to musí byť to isté.

 V Biblii je povedané, „Ak sa človek neznovuzrodí, nemôže vidieť kráľovstvo Božie,“ potom ten duchovný Jozua povie, „Amen.“

 Ak Biblia hovorí, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,“ ten duchovný Jozua povie to isté. On je ten istý.

 Ak Biblia hovorí, tá Kniha, to Slovo, hovorí, „Očakávajte v meste Jeruzalem, až kým nepríjmete moc zhora. A potom na vás zostúpi Duch Svätý a potom budete Mojimi svedkami,“ ten duchovný Jozua hovorí to isté.

34 Keď Peter na deň Letníc povedal, „Čiňte pokánie a buďte pokrstení, každý jeden z vás, na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a príjmete dar Ducha Svätého,“ ten duchovný Jozua sa neodchýli ani jeden kúsok, urobí všetko to, čo hovorí Slovo.

 Ak Marek 16 povedal, „Choďte do sveta, kážte Evanjelium. Ten, kto uverí a bude pokrstený, bude spasený. Ten, kto neuverí, bude odsúdený. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria: v Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; budú brať hadov; piť smrtonosné veci a neuškodí im to,“ ten duchovný Jozua povie to isté. Bude nad tým rozmýšľať dňom a nocou, aby jeho cesty prosperovali.

35 Chcem, aby ste si všimli, čo sa stalo. Keď Jozua prišiel a dostal sa ku svojej prvej kampani, keď mal prvýkrát dokázať, že on bol tým skutočným Jozuom... Izrael to mal vedieť.

 Niet pochýb, že duchovenstvo to videlo inak. Oni povedali, „No, usadíme sa tu a budeme tu do jari alebo do leta, až kým sa hladina Jordánu nezníži.“

 Vyzerá to, ako by Boh hádzal pred Svojich duchovných Jozuov tie najšialenejšie veci.

 Priviedol ich tam v apríli, keď bol Jordán tri až štyrikrát väčší ako normálne. On ho skúšal, aby zistil, či on bol ten skutočný Jozua.

 Nech aj všetko ide zle, nech všetci ostatní prosperujú, nech bludy prosperujú. Nech tí, ktorí majú formu pobožnosti a zapierajú jej moc, prosperujú a sácajú ťa naspäť. Ale ak vieš, kde stojíš, tak obstojíš! Bez ohľadu na to, či ťa celý svet odmietne, budeš stáť rovnako. Neoddiališ sa od toho Slova.

36 Jordán bol asi tri alebo štyrikrát tak veľký, strašidelný, hrozne vyzerajúci a blatový. Ale Jozua povedal, „Boh povedal, že za tri dni prejdeme ďalej. A tak prejdeme ďalej!“

 No, duchovenstvo povedalo, „No, počkaj chvíľu, Jozua. My sme vzdelaní ľudia. Sme chytrí. Mnohí z nás tu boli v Egypte inžiniermi. Vieme, ako tieto veci chodia, takže počkáme ešte chvíľu, kým sa prameň nevyčistí, a potom môžeme cez neho prejsť. Nebude to oveľa ľahšie?“

 „Je mi jedno, čo si myslíte. Boh povedal, že za tri dni prejeme, takže prejdeme! Za tri dni cez neho prejdeme.“

 Sledujte, čo Jozua urobil. Čo dal na prvé miesto? Duchovenstvo? Nie veru. On dal Slovo na prvé miesto. Povedal, „Vezmite tú archu! A všetci vy kňazi to obchádzajte. Choďte za to. Nesnažte sa to viesť; nech to vedie vás!“

37        To je ten dnešný problém. Snažíme sa predbehnúť Slovo a obísť Ho, prispôsobiť Slovo, aby sedelo tomuto a aby Slovo sedelo tamtomu. Nech sú požehnané vaše srdcia, to, čo dnes potrebujeme, je nasledovať Slovo!

 Slovo ich viedlo na ceste. Keď sa dostali k Jordánu, on sa otvoril a oni cez neho prešli. V jeho prvej kampani on dal prvé veci na prvé miesto. Mal na to dôvod. A mal na to dôvod, lebo Boh ho poveril, „Zostaň so Slovom. Nech to Slovo vykoná.“ Počas každej kampane oni išli ďalej v boji, lebo Boh ho poveril a on dal archu na prvé miesto.

 Potom, ako išla archa, čo išlo ďalej? Spievanie, hudobníci hrali na nástrojoch pred tým, ako sa začal boj. Haleluja!

 To, čo dnes potrebujeme, je to, čo sme mali dnes ráno: speváci, nástroje, hranie hudby, radovanie sa. A potom dať Slovo na prvé miesto, čítať Slovo. Potom prichádza boj. Istotne vyhráme, musíme vyhrať. Zostaňte rovno s tým, držte ten smer a ono vás to podrží v hodine problémov.

38        On mal na to dobrý dôvod. No, pamätajte, keď prešiel ďalej na druhú stranu, pred tým, ako tam prešiel, poslal špeha, dvoch špehov, aby preskúmali zem. No, Mojžiš tam poslal celú skupinu, ale oni sa vrátili zmätení. Sledujte túto novú službu. On to tak nikdy neurobil. On vedel, že tam, kde je tisícpäťsto ideí, tam je tisícpäťsto zmätkov. A tak on poslal dvoch. Povedal, „Choďte tam a prešpehujte zem.“

 Chcem teraz zdôrazniť niečo, čo nechcem, aby vám uniklo. On povedal, „No, keď prejdeme ďalej...“ Oni prešli ďalej, aby preskúmali zem, aby zistili, či to zasľúbenie bolo pravdivé, aby zistili, či... čo za druh zeme to bol a ako tam majú vojsť. Oni prešli ďalej. Nepoznáme mená tých špehov. Ale keď prišli do zeme, prišli do samotného Jericha. A keď sa dostali do Jericha, čo sa stalo? Natrafili na prostitútku, ženu zlej povesti.

39        Chcem načrtnúť určitý obraz. Možno to tak nie je, ale chcem tým niečo povedať. Nepoznáme žiadnu históriu o Rachabi. Vieme len to, že bola prostitútka. Môžeme predpokladať, že bola vychovaná v dome, ktorý bol skutočne chudobný, a stala sa ženou zlej povesti. A bola pekná, mladá žena. Išla do ulíc, aby zarobila na živobytie pre svoju chorú matku a otca; nebol žiaden spôsob, ako mohla pracovať, len predávať svoje telo. Ale viem si predstaviť, že po celý čas vedela, že to nebolo správne. Bolo v nej niečo, čo jej hovorilo, „Nie je správne toto robiť.“ Ona vedela, že nie je.

 Jedného dňa počula, že sa v blízkosti pohyboval Boh. Jej srdce sa začalo chvieť. Našla posla toho veľkého hnutia, ktorý jej povedal, čo sa stane. Čo povedala? No, Jozua mal znamenia. Jozua mal tie isté znamenia, ktoré mal Mojžiš. A tak, keď... Rachab si nepýtala vidieť Jozuove znamenie; ona len počula.

 Je to predobraz cirkvi, obraz pravdivej cirkvi, ktorá bola zatiahnutá do prostitúcie. „Dnes som metodista, zajtra baptista a pozajtra presbyterián.“ Zatiahnutý v prostitúcii.

40 Ale zrazu do mesta vstúpil kazateľ, ktorý povedal, „Je Boh, ktorý žije, žil včera a je ten istý dnes. Jeho moc je tá istá. Činí tie isté skutky, ktoré činil, keď bol tu na zemi.“ Jeho agenti sú na ceste. 

 No, smilnica Rachab, známa ako prostitútka, ona bola predobrazom dnešného veriaceho, skutočného veriaceho. Ona nepovedala, „No, teraz počujem, že Jozua dokáže robiť znamenia, lebo je nástupcom Mojžiša. Rada by som tie znamenia videla. A ak by som len mohla tie znamenia vidieť, potom tomu budem veriť.“ No, on vôbec nemusel tie znamenia ukázať, lebo ona tomu aj tak verila. Ona nebola ako Tomáš. Ona tomu verila.

41 No, keď mal Mojžiš tie znamenia, on išiel a vykonal tie znamenia, ale to znamenie nebolo to, čo ich priviedlo do zasľúbenej zeme. To nebolo to. Tie znamenia boli len potvrdením toho poverenia.

 A Rachab tomu verila bez toho, že by niečo videla! Ona povedala, „Všetci sa trasieme.“

 Niet divu, že Nikodém povedal, „Rabbi, vieme, že si učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha; žiaden človek nedokáže činiť tieto veci, jedine, že by s ním bol Boh. Všetci to vieme.“

 Svet to dnes vie! Billy Graham vyvoláva, „Musíme sa vrátiť naspäť do Letníc.“ Rada cirkví vyvoláva, „Musíme sa vrátiť naspäť k prorokom, k tým, ktorí hovorili v jazykoch, k vykladateľom jazykov, k Božskému uzdravovaniu, uzdravovateľom v našich zboroch a len nechať, aby mal Duch Boží Svoj spôsob.“ Boh robí Svoje volanie. Ľudia sa boja skutočnej pobožnosti a povedia, „Všetko... naše srdcia v nás zlyhávajú.“

42        No, ona nemusela vidieť znamenie, ktoré Jozua dokázal robiť s rukou alebo s palicou. Ona verila. Ona povedala, „Počula som a verím a teraz prosím o milosť. [Ó, aká je v tomto lekcia.] Prosím o milosť pre seba a svoj dom.“

 Pozrite na toho Rimana, ako v ten večer vytiahol svoj meč a išiel sa zabiť, ten filipský strážca väzenia. Pavol povedal, „Neubližuj si. Všetci sme tu.“

 On povedal, „Čo mám robiť, aby som bol spasený?“

 Povedal, „Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista; a ty a tvoj dom budete spasení.“

 Prečo? „Ty a tvoj dom“? Istotne. Tvoj dom bude spasený s tebou. Prečo? Lebo ak máš dostatok viery, aby si bol sám spasený, tak môžeš mať dostatok viery aj na to, aby bola aj tvoja rodina spasená. Ty a tvoj dom!

43 Pozrite na Rachab! Rachab povedala, „Zmilujte sa nado mnou! Ušetrite ma. Nechcem zomrieť s týmito neveriacimi. Nechcem zomrieť ako zviera. Chcem zomrieť v náručí Jehovu. Verím vo vášho Boha, lebo On je Bohom neba aj zeme. On robí viditeľné veci. On robí veci skutočnými. Nikdy som nevidela, ako to robí, ale jednako tomu verím.“ Vidíte? Ona Jozuu nikdy nevidela; ona o Jozuovi len počula. Ona nikdy nevidela Boha, ona nikdy nevidela žiadne skutky Božie; ona len počula. Ostatní to videli, ale ona verila tým, že to počula. No, povedala, „Prosím o láskavosť pre mňa, môjho otca a moju matku. Obaja sú starí a zmrzačení. Mám nejakých bratov, chcem mať za nich vieru.“

 A tí špehovia, tí kazatelia povedali, „Áno, on prichádza tadiaľto a my sem prídeme a zaujmeme túto zem. A ak chceš, aby boli spasení, priveď ich do tohto domu. (Haleluja!) Ak tomu veríš, choď pre nich a priveď ich sem, lebo nebudeme za nich zodpovední ak sú na uliciach. Ale ak ich len pustíš do domu, budeme zodpovední (haleluja, tam, kde visela dolu tá červená stužka). Budeme za nich zodpovední, ak ich len dovedieš do domu.“

44 Ó, bratia, ak bol niekedy čas, kedy sme mali priviesť svojich milovaných do svojho domu, tak je to dnes – tá domácnosť viery. Priveďte ich, lebo prichádza čas, kedy príde zatrasenie. Naši otcovia, naše matky, naši bratia a sestry sú bezpeční len v tomto dome, lebo Božia moc opäť zatrasie krajinou. Tak veru. A jedine tá domácnosť viery bude spasená.

 „No,“ povedal, „Nebudem za nich zodpovedný, ak ich neprivedieš do domu.“ A ona od nich vyžiadala, aby jej prisahali, že nezničia ju ani jej rodinu. On povedal, „Ak ich privedieš, tak budú v bezpečí.“ Ona ich pustila z toho miesta a oni išli ďalej.

45 Táto veľká prostitútka Rachab sa stala veriacou. Rozprával som tu nedávno o jej histórii. Po tom, ako sa obrátila k viere (lebo kvôli jej viere v Boha bola obrátená na izraelskú vieru, bola obrátená), ona chodila s generálom armády, izraelskej armády. Sledujte, čo Boh urobil pre tú ženu. A oni mali... Presťahovali sa do Betlehema a mali syna. A tento syn, dali mu meno Boaz. Z Boaza... on si vzal za ženu Rút, z Rút a Boaza prišiel Jesse; z Jesseho prišiel Dávid; z Dávida prišiel Ježiš. Haleluja!

 Prečo? „Viera prichádza cez počutie,“ počutie Boha, ktorý je Bohom neba a zeme a veriac v Neho. Veriac v čo? V to poverenie, ktoré dal Boh mužovi menom Jozua, ktorý v to poverenie veril.

46 Jozua mal vieru vo svoje vlastné poverenie, rovnako, ako mal aj Mojžiš vieru. Situácia bola pre Mojžiša nepriaznivá, vyzeralo to, akoby zlyhal toľkokrát, ale on len išiel víťazne ďalej a zomrel na skale. A anjeli ho vzali preč.

 Bože, dovoľ mi tak odísť! Nech to svoje poverenie držím až do toho dňa, keď som pripravený zomrieť, a uvidím, ako pri mne leží tá Skala.

 Jozua dodržuje svoje poverenie. Hoci mal... Boh to bude držať v svätosti, lebo on zostával priamo so Slovom.

 No, Rachab vedela, že Jozua mal poverenie. Nech vám toto neunikne. Držte tieto veci vo svojich srdciach. Jozua mal poverenie. Rachab to rozpoznala pred tým, ako čokoľvek videla. Ona vedela, že Jozua mal moc Božiu a mal tú zem zaujať. Prosila o milosť. Boh jej udelil milosť. A vieme, samozrejme, že keď Jozua prišiel do zeme, ona bola ušetrená.

47 Ale potom ďalšie poverenie, ktoré Jozua mal, bolo rozdeliť zem medzi ľudí.

 No, pamätajte, „Táto kniha zákona sa neoddiali od tvojich úst...“ A tak on mal Božie Slovo. „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, ktorý odišiel preč. Tak, ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou. Nezlyhám pri tebe. Ty pri mne môžeš zlyhať, ale ja nezlyhám. Ale ak zlyháš pri Mne, Moja milosť je dostačujúca, Ja ťa zdvihnem hore. Len choď ďalej. Pokiaľ zostaneš s Mojím Slovom, postarám sa o teba.“

48 No, on mal tú zem rozdeliť a bolo dvanásť kmeňov, medzi ktoré to mal rozdeliť. No, čo ak by bol trochu vyberavý. Čo ak by mal radšej pokolenie Gáda viac ako pokolenie Efraima alebo pokolenie Jozefa viac ako pokolenie Júdu. Ale on to tak nerobil. On to rozdelil podľa Slova, ktoré prijal cez Ducha. On to rozdelil podľa pokolení. A všimnite si, on to robil cez zjavenie, skrze rozpoznanie. Urobil to cez rozpoznanie Božieho Ducha.

 Každá jedna z týchto hebrejských matiek, ktoré porodili tieto deti a dali im mená, volali ich podľa ich mena. A každé jedno z týchto mien malo určitý význam. 

 Keď sa narodil Jákob, on bol časťou dvojičiek a dali mu meno „pätár,“ Jákob. Ale keď získal svoju víťaziacu moc a zápasil s anjelom, Boh zmenil jeho meno z Jákoba na Izrael, „knieža.“

 Tvoje meno má niečo do činenia s tvojím životom. Keď Peter, rybár, zvíťazil skrze vieru v Ježiša, On povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon; ale dávam ti meno Peter, čo znamená 'malá skala'“. To ťa zmení. Tvoje meno s tým má niečo spoločné, s tvojím umiestnením v živote.

49        A keď sa udiala táto veľká vec, keď každá jedna z týchto hebrejských matiek, počas toho, ako rodili, dali im meno ako „Ruben,“ to mu dalo pozíciu v Palestíne, presne tak, ako to tá matka povedala a aké mu dala meno. Nemám to tu všetko zapísané, ale Ruben znamenalo „pastier oviec.“ Gád znamená „pastier dobytka.“ A Efraim znamenalo „pestovateľ kukurice.“

 No, cez duchovné rozpoznanie, Jozua, ten nový duchovný vodca, cez duchovné rozpoznanie umiestnil každého jedného z nich tam, kde patrili, presne tak rozdelil tú zem.

50 Je to veľmi pekný príklad pre dnešok. To, akého Jozuu potrebujeme na dnes. Ten dnešný problém je, že keď prídeme do svojej zasľúbenej zeme, Gád chce pásť ovce tak ako Efraim, jeden chce robiť niečo tak, ako to robí ten druhý. Každý chce byť rovnaký. Len nech Boh dá jednému človeku dar uzdravenia, hneď bude každý ďalší chcieť dar uzdravenia. Efraim a Gád a všetci ostatní to chceli zamiešať a prísť ako jeden. Ale my sme rozdelení podľa našich pozícií. Nie každý má dar múdrosti, nie každý prorokuje, nie každý hovorí v jazykoch, nie každý je prorok. Ale Boh umiestnil do cirkvi niektorých, ktorí prorokujú a niektorých, ktorí hovoria v jazykoch. Ale my chceme, aby každý hovoril v jazykoch. Vidíte, aké je v tom zmätenie? Tak sa nikam nedostanete. Filištíni ich za chvíľu premohli. Iste. Ale keď je každý človek rozdelený cez duchovné rozpoznanie vodcu a umiestnený do tela, vtedy tam zostali a stali sa smotánkou zeme! Bože, daj nám Jozuu. Bože, vráť nám Jozuu, ktorý bude držať to poverenie so Slovom.

 To je dôvod, prečo mu Boh povedal, „Táto kniha zákona sa neoddiali od tvojich úst, lebo budeš nad ňou rozmýšľať dňom a nocou,“ lebo on mal pred sebou poverenie.

51        Ó, akým veľkým vodcom sa Jozua stal, nikdy neprehral boj, pokiaľ sa niečo zlé nestalo v cirkvi. Keď Achan vzal ten klin, to nebol Jozuov spôsob alebo viera, ktorá to urobila. To bolo... On vzal z toho tábora babylonské rúcho a zlatý klin; keď to urobil, to prekazilo celý boj.

 Keď trpí jeden úd, trpia všetky údy. To, k čomu Boh dnes v týchto dňoch prichádza, brat, je cirkev, ktorá je bez vrásky a poškvrny. On prichádza k cirkvi, ktorá je naplnená Duchom a kde je tá Božská láska, ktorá tak spája ich srdcia, až kráčajú ako jeden.

52 Boj celého tohto zmätenia sa musí vyhrať. Majú metodisti pravdu, majú baptisti pravdu, presbyteriáni, letniční, nazaréni alebo Pútnici svätosti? Deväťstošesťdesiatdeväť rôznych denominácií okrem budhistov a ostatných. Kde to sme? Niečo nie je v poriadku. Niekde v tábore sa nachádza klin. Jozua hodil los.

 Dovoľte mi dnes ráno povedať ako Eliáš na hore Karmel, „Ak je Boh Bohom, nech odpovie ako Boh.“ Ak má baptistická denominácia pravdu, pozrime sa, ako bude produkovať znamenie Ježiša Krista. Ak majú pravdu nazaréni, pozrime sa, ako budú produkovať tie znamenia a činiť tie veci, ktoré On činil. Ak majú letniční pravdu, pozrime sa, či robia to, čo On robil. Potom budeme vedieť.

53 Jozuovi učeníci povedali, „Budeme ťa nasledovať, pokiaľ budeme vidieť, že Boh s tebou pracuje tak, ako pracoval s Mojžišom.“

 A učeníci Ježiša Krista by mali povedať to isté, „Budeme s tebou pracovať, pokiaľ budeme vidieť, ako sa pri tebe dejú znamenia Ježiša Krista. Urobíme to.“ To je to, čo by sme mali robiť. To je to, čo by mala cirkev povedať. To by mal byť prístup kresťanskej cirkvi. Potom by ste mali dať do poriadku dary, znamenia, skutky. Ak je jeden človek Božským uzdravovateľom, to nemá nič spoločné s tým, ktorý hovorí v jazykoch. Ten, ktorý hovorí v jazykoch, nemá nič spoločné s darom proroctva. Vidíte, máme rôzne štádia tejto služby.

54        No, keď mi Boh dal poverenie... Všetko toto som založil na tomto jednom zámere. „Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.“ Nikto nemôže zo seba nič urobiť. Boh vás činí tým, čím ste, skrze Jeho milosť. Nie je spôsob, ako by sme sa my mohli niečím urobiť. Ježiš povedal, „Kto môže sám od seba pridať lakeť k svojej postave?“ Kto sa môže urobiť väčším alebo menším sám od seba? Nedokážete to.

 Keď mi dal Boh to poverenie, zapochyboval som v to. Povedal som, „Som nedostatočný. Nemám žiadne vzdelanie. Nedokážem robiť tieto veci.“

 A mnohí z vás tu dnes ráno, ktorí tu stále žijete... Keď sa tu On zjavil dolu pri rieke v tej forme Ohnivého stĺpa a stál tam a prehovoril naspäť a povedal, „Ako bol Ján Krstiteľ poslaný ako predchodca prvého príchodu Krista, tak bude aj tvoje posolstvo predchodcom Jeho druhého príchodu.“

55 Pozrite, čo to urobilo. To svetlo tam stálo, dostalo sa na papier a prešlo naprieč Spojenými štátmi a do ďalších národov.

 Dr. Lee Vayle bol v tom čase v Kanade. Pamätá si, keď sa to objavilo v kanadských novinách, myslím, že v nich to bolo. Je to tak, Lee Vayle? V kanadských novinách, „Záhadné svetlo sa zjavilo nad hlavou miestneho kazateľa počas krstu.“

 Mnohí ľudia povedali, „To je psychológia.“

 Ale jedného dňa sa Boh rozhodol umlčať ústa neveriacich, lebo to zostávalo so Slovom. Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol synov Izraelových, je ten istý aj dnes a vedie duchovnú cirkev – je to ten istý, ktorý viedol tú prirodzenú. On sa znovu objavil a nechal sa odfotiť pred kritikmi a pred vyšetrovateľmi. Tu to teraz visí, tá nezlyhávajúca pravda, ktorá činí tie isté skutky a duchovne vedie tých ľudí tak, ako ich viedla prirodzene v tých dávnych časoch. Len zostáva so Slovom.

 No, poviete, „Čo bolo to poverenie?“ Pamätajte, Boh sa nikdy neoddiali od Svojho poverenia.

56 Rád by som vám to nejakým spôsobom znázornil. Vezmime si to takto. Tu je to malé znamenie, to je to poverenie; a tu je v jednom rohu malý kríž a Biblia je v druhom rohu, ale ten nápis je tu medzi tým. To je to poverenie.

        Varujem vás pred Bohom a vyvolenými anjelmi a Ježišom Kristom. To poverenie bolo, „modli sa za chorých.“ Tá otázka bola, „som nedostatočný, aby som to robil?“

 „Za týmto účelom si sa narodil. Toto je dôvod tvojho zvláštneho narodenia a života, aby si sa modlil za chorých. Ak ich privedieš k tomu, aby ti verili, a budeš úprimný, keď sa modlíš, nič neobstojí pred tvojou modlitbou, dokonca ani rakovina.“ Koľkí z vás to počas tých rokov čítali? Je to po celom svete.

57 No, povedal som, „Nedokážem to, lebo nie som dostatočný, aby som to robil. Nebudú mi veriť – som chudobný, nemám žiadne vzdelanie.“ To boli moje pochybnosti.

 On povedal, „Ako boli Mojžišovi dané dve znamenia, ktoré potvrdili, že také bolo jeho poverenie (nie 'budú ti dané')... sú ti dané dve znamenia. Jedno z nich bude cez tvoju ruku. To druhé bude to, že budeš poznať každé tajomstvo srdca a myšlienky ich mysle. A cez toto uveria, pomocou týchto dvoch znakov.“ Nuž, pamätajte. Počúvajte. Nech vám toto neunikne. To znamenie nie je tým poverením! To znamenie len poukazuje na to poverenie.

 Keď vyjdete sem na cestu a uvidíte značku, ktorá hovorí „Päť míľ do Jeffersonville,“ to ešte nie je Jeffersonville. To je len znamenie, ktoré vám hovorí o tom, že ste na správnej ceste.

58 Čo ak by Mojžiš, keď tam dolu išiel...? On mal znamenie vo svojej palici a vo svojej ruke. To znamenie tu nie je o nič väčšie ako to, ktoré bolo s Mojžišom. Čo ak by všetci Izraeliti povedali, „Vidíte, všetci vy, Egypťania, všetci Izraeliti, poďte sem. Máme tu človeka, ktorý dokáže svojou rukou robiť triky. Musíte to vidieť. Je tu človek, ktorý vie vziať palicu a premeniť ju na hada. Poďte sa pozrieť“? To bola len značka. To nebolo samotné poverenie. Oni nečakali na značku. (Bože, pomôž nám.) Oni čakali na vyslobodenie!

 A tento chudobný, chorý a ochrnutý svet čaká na vyslobodenie, pričom hľadí len na značku. Buď milostivý! Tá značka nie je ničím, iba znamením, ktoré dokazuje poverenie. Je tu tá nová služba. Práve mi to bolo zjavené. „Modli sa za chorých. Priveď ľudí do toho, aby ti verili.“ Boh od toho nikdy nemôže odísť. To je Jeho poverenie, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje alebo koľko ja zlyhám. Ja mizerne zlyhávam. Nikdy som nemal nasledovať tie znamenia; to nebola vôľa Božia, ale Boh to jednako požehnal. Ale som pripravený opustiť túto horu. Chcem prejsť cez Jordán. Chcem niesť toto poverenie. „Priveď ľudí do toho, aby ti verili.“

 Povedal som, „Oni mi nebudú veriť.“

 „Budú ti dané dve znamenia.“

59 No, problém je, že my hľadíme na to znamenie.

 „Ó, brat Branham, ty si naňho položil ruku.“

 „Ó, mali ste vidieť, čo sa tam stalo. On tam len stojí a keď je na ňom to pomazanie, tak ti povie, čo je v tvojom srdci.“ To je pravda.

 Nedávno som vstúpil do nemocnice. Boli tam lekári a nemohli zistiť, aký bol problém s určitou ženou. Keď tí doktori opustili tú miestnosť, tá pani sa prechádzala a stála pri posteli. „Povedali, že nevedia zistiť, aký je tam problém.“ Povedala, „Brat Branham, ty mi to môžeš povedať!“

 Povedal som, „Ak mi uveríš, tak môžem.“ 

 Ona povedala, „Verím.“

 A Duch Svätý povedal, „Taká a taká vec. To je presne to. Pozri sa, či to nie je to.“ Je členkou zhromaždenia Junieho Casha.

60 Ďalšia žena tu povedala, „Môj chrbát,“ povedala, „nevedia zistiť, čo to spôsobilo.“

 Povedal som, „Veríš, že som Jeho prorok?“

 Povedala, „Verím.“

 Povedal som, „Stalo sa to, že niekedy v prvej polovici júna... Oni na tebe pracujú a snažia sa ti operovať vyskočený stavec. Nie je to tak. V skutočnosti to je podráždený nerv. Dostala si to tým, že si zdvíhala náklad, keď si pracovala pre McSpaddin's Market.“

 Ona povedala, „Pamätám si, že tak to bolo! Teraz si to spomínam.“

 To ju neuzdraví. To len poukazuje na to poverenie. Prestaňte sa spoliehať na tú značku; poďme rovno do mesta! Opusťme túto horu; poďme do mesta. Prejdime cez Jordán!

61 Učinil som zle. Urobil som zle. To je ten dôvod, prečo som tieto kázne založil tak, ako som ich založil. Lebo On povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou,“ a keď tá ruka zostúpila a poukázala na presne to isté miesto Písma... Dlhú dobu som sa divil, lebo som nevedel, čo to poverenie bolo. Hľadal som za tým niečo nadprirodzené. Boh sa nemôže oddialiť od Svojho poverenia. Keď Boh dáva poverenie, ono tak musí zostať.

 Ale všetci letniční majú radi znamenia. Radi ich vidia. Biblia hovorí, „Bezbožné a cudzoložné pokolenie hľadá znamenia.“ Ale to poverenie bolo „Modli sa za chorých.“ A desaťtisíc krát tisíc ráz som sa nemohol modliť, lebo oni všetci chceli to znamenie. Všetci po tom túžili.

62 Nedávno som pracoval v službe, prišiel som do miestnosti. A jeden muž prišiel na pódium a povedal, „No, brat Branham, počkaj chvíľu. Môj prípad je iný. Ja len musím niečo vedieť.“

 Povedal som, „Nuž, lekár by ťa mohol vyšetriť.“

 „Ó, to nechcem. Chcem to vedieť hneď teraz. Môj prípad je úplne iný.“

 Povedal som, „No, nerád to robím, brat.“ Išiel som ďalej a hneď nato Duch Svätý...

 On povedal, „Chvála Pánovi! To je pravda!“

 Povedal som, „Poďte teraz ostatní, pomodlím sa za vás.“

 Keď som to urobil, viete, čo ten ďalší povedal? „Môj prípad je tak dôležitý ako ten jeho.“ Potom som mal asi šesť alebo osem ďalších a ukončili sme zhromaždenie; takmer ma to zabilo.

 Vždy som sa divil, prečo som mal pri tom takýto pocit? To bolo preto, lebo som to robil zle. To je len tá značka, ktorá poukazuje na to poverenie. To nie je to poverenie. Tá značka bola zabitá do zeme po celom svete. Všetky jazyky – v Afrike, Indii, Ázii, Európe, po celom svete – cez desaťtisíce a milióny ľudí, všetci vedia o tej značke. Som pripravený opustiť túto horu. Chcem prejsť cez Jordán. Chcem sa dostať do miesta, kde moja viera povstane do bodu, kde sa budem môcť modliť za chorých a oni budú uzdravení.

63 Sledujte. Boh to dáva priamo do lona ľudí: „Narodil si sa, aby si sa modlil za chorých. Ak ich dokážeš priviesť do toho, aby ti verili...“

 Povedal som, „Oni nebudú veriť.“

 On povedal, „Dám ti dve znamenia a cez ne uveria.“ Všimnite si, oni sa dožadovali týchto znamení, tých značiek, namiesto toho poverenia, veriac, že „bol si poslaný, aby si sa modlil.“

 No, keď sa ľudia stavajú do radu, aby sa za nich modlilo, len čo sa jeden z nich dostane do toho bodu... Nie je nič, čo s tým ja môžem robiť, až kým sa nedostanú do toho bodu. A keď sa dostanú, vtedy poviem, „Dávam ti...“

64 Hattie Wright, myslím, že je dnes ráno tu. Sedí rovno tu. Ona bola tá prvá, keď sme videli tie veveričky. Ona vedela, že to poverenie bolo o tom. A keď Boh niečo stvoril po siedmykrát, povedal som, „To je ten istý Boh, ktorý dokázal stvoriť barana pre Abraháma, aby ho presvedčil o jeho poverení; to je ten istý Boh, ktorý dokáže stvoriť veveričku, lebo to je to, čo práve teraz potrebujem.“

 A skromná Hattie Wright (sedí tu v zadnej časti budovy) so srdcom, ktoré je mimo svetských vecí, ona verila. Povedala, „Brat Branham, to nie je nič iné ako pravda!“ Ona to nepovedala len odtiaľto; Boh to prehovoril z jej srdca.

 Povedal som, „Hattie, popros, o čo chceš. Dám ti to.“

 Povedala, „Čo mám pýtať?“

 Povedal som, „Máš starého otca a matku, ktorí tu sedia. Máš postihnutú sestru (Ona stále sedí v tom vozíku). Mohla by si prosiť za ňu. Mohla by si prosiť za svoju matku či otca. Ste chudobní, nemáte žiadne peniaze. Popros, o čo chceš.“

 Ona povedala, „Nuž, neviem, o čo mám prosiť.“ Povedala, „Jednoducho neviem.“ Povedala, „Mojou najväčšou túžbou je spasenie mojich dvoch chlapcov.“

 Povedal som, „Dávam ti tvojich chlapcov v Mene Ježiša Krista.“ A obaja boli obrátení a milujú Pána Ježiša, obaja pokrstení v Jeho Meno a denne slúžia Bohu z celých svojich sŕdc.

65 Ed Daulton, ktorý tu niekde sedí (rovno tu), so svojimi deťmi, presne to isté.

 Počas kampane som videl najmenej osemsto alebo deväťsto, možno aj tisíc ľudí, ktorí prešli cez pódium počas zhromaždenia, jeden po druhom. Hneď na to som tam vyšiel a modlil sa za nich. Istotne boli uzdravení. Prišlo tam malé dievča, ktoré zomieralo s leukémiou. Vedel som, aký bol problém s tým dieťaťom, a nikdy som im nepovedal ani slovo. Ale keď tam to dieťa prišlo, povedal som, „Drahá, dávam ti túžbu tvojho srdca. Máš leukémiu, dávam ti uzdravenie v Mene Pána Ježiša.“ Obrátil som sa k publiku a povedal som, „Vyzývam kohokoľvek z vás, aby ste vzali toto dievča k doktorovi, dali ju prešetriť a zistili, či tam je čo i len stopa po leukémii.“ Prečo? To dieťa počulo. Tak ako cudzoložnica Rachab, ona verila z celého svojho srdca. Potom Boh skrze Svojho Ducha prešiel a povedal, „Je to jej.“ Pokiaľ viem, prešli cez to pódium stovky ľudí bez toho, že by niečo prijali. Ja som sa za nich len modlil.

66 Rovno naspäť k ľuďom, „Ak budeš veriť.“ To poverenie bolo dané. To je ten originál. Tá značka bola vyprodukovaná. No, ak tomu dokážete veriť, ak môžete veriť, že Boh ma poslal do tohto sveta, aby som sa modlil za chorých ľudí, potom sa za vás budem môcť modliť modlitbou viery. To je ten jediný spôsob, ktorým sa to dá.

 Boh sa nikdy nemôže oddialiť od Svojho poverenia. Ja som pri Ňom zlyhal. Prežil som asi štrnásť rokov s ničím okrem priameho rozpoznania, okolo celého sveta, až desiatky tisíce, dokonca milióny prípadov, odhadujem. Pýtam sa vás jednu vec, či to niekedy zlyhalo? Nie veru. A ak to znamenie nezlyhá, o čo viac potom to poverenie nikdy nezlyhá! Ak to znamenie – to je tá menšia časť – ak tá značka ukazuje na to mesto, ak vám úspešne ukazuje, že to mesto tam je, o čo viac tam to mesto bude, keď tam prídete! Tam je to poverenie.

67 No, moja služba sa mení. Už je zmenená. Stále tu bude rozpoznanie. Tie budú stále pokračovať, pokiaľ budem cítiť, že Boh chce, aby som ich hovoril. Ale dovtedy sa budem modliť a klásť ruky na chorých, tak, ako mi On povedal, aby som to robil, a budem vykonávať to poverenie. Dlho som na túto chvíľu čakal, ale teraz verím, že sme pripravení zaujať tú zasľúbenú zem. S takou istotou, ako že ona tam bude, budú tam čakajúce Rachaby, bude tam čakať niekto, kto bude veriť z celého svojho srdca.

 Rozumiete tomu? Každý, kto tomu dobre rozumie, nech zodvihne ruku. Koľkí z vás veria, že to je presne podľa Písma? To je presne to, čo On povedal. Toto je to poverenie; to boli tie značky, ktoré poukazovali na to poverenie.

68 Nuž, vyzývam kohokoľvek, kdekoľvek na svete, kam chodia tieto pásky, kamkoľvek sa dostanú, aby mi ukázal čo i len jeden krát, kedy mi On povedal niečo na pódiu alebo v akomkoľvek videní alebo čomkoľvek, čo nebola presne pravda a nestalo sa to presne tak, ako On povedal. Povedal každej osobe presne, aké problémy mali a všetko o nich, kam chodia a všetko o tom, čo by mali robiť. A vždy to povedalo „Tak hovorí Pán“ čomukoľvek, čo sa týkalo uzdravenia, presne tak sa to stalo. Ak poznáte niečo také, dajte mi o tom vedieť. Vyhľadám si tú pásku a zistím. Nikdy to nezlyhalo počas týchto dvanástich dlhých rokov alebo štrnástich rokov. Nikdy to nezlyhalo, lebo to nemôže zlyhať. To znamenie bolo dané Bohom. Nemôže to zlyhať.

 A pred tým, ako Boh dal to znamenie, On dal poverenie; pred tým, ako mohol byť znak, ktorý by poukazoval na poverenie. Pred tým, ako mohol byť znak, ktorý poukazuje na mesto, najprv muselo byť mesto, na ktoré by mal poukazovať. Ak ste tomu verili z celého svojho srdca, potom to príjmete. „Modlitba viery spasí chorého a Boh ho zodvihne.“

69        No, ja sám som sa silno spoliehal na tú značku. „Pane, Ty mi ukáž tieto veci pred tým, ako sa za nich budem modliť, lebo ja neviem, čo mám robiť.“ Aké kruté to bolo. Prosím zhromaždenie, aby mi odpustilo. Všetky zhromaždenia na svete, ktoré toto počúvajú na páske, odpustite mi! Mýlil som sa. Nikdy som to tak nemal vykonať. To nebolo nikdy Jeho poverenie. To bolo len znamenie, ktoré poukazovalo na to poverenie. Mal som sa všade modliť za chorých.

 No, vidíte, je to priamo naspäť v lone ľudí – ak veríte, že Boh to poveril, aby sa to stalo. Tu je to v Slove, je to presne so Slovom, to poverenie. A hovorím...

70        Nakreslím to tu s prstom – oblúk, dúha. To je tá zmluva, ktorú Boh vykonal s ľuďmi. On vykonal zmluvu s ľudskou rasou, že už viac nezničí svet vodou. Vykonal zmluvu s každým jedným zo Svojich apoštolov. Urobil zmluvu s prorokom.

 A tam nejakých pätnásť, štrnásť... asi pätnásť rokov dozadu v roku 1937, myslím, že to bolo 7. mája 1937 [1947 – pozn.prekl.], kedy Boh so mnou urobil zmluvu a povedal, „Narodil si sa do tohto sveta, aby si sa modlil za chorých – ak ich dokážeš priviesť k tomu, aby ti verili.“ Moje srdce bolo vždy pre ľudí. „Ak len privedieš tých ľudí do toho, aby ti verili, a budeš úprimný, keď sa budeš modliť, nič neobstojí pred tvojou modlitbou.“

 Hovorím to s úprimnosťou a zahanbenou tvárou. Ak je tu niekto, kto by mal mať vieru, som to ja – vidieť to, čo On urobil, odkiaľ ma priviedol, tú jamu, z ktorej som bol vyťatý; vidieť všetky tie veci, ktoré vykonal počas môjho života; vidieť to, ako som stál a niečo povedal a Boh prišiel priamo naspäť a potvrdil, že je to pravda.

71 Pred rokmi, kedy som vám povedal, že ku mne prišiel anjel ku kríku, keď som mal len tri roky, bolo to svetlo, vír, vír v kríku, ktorý mi povedal, aby som nikdy nefajčil, nepil ani nič podobné, lebo bude pre mňa práca na vykonanie, keď budem starší. Vy ste mali právo v to pochybovať. Nemali by ste pravdu, ale mohli ste v to pochybovať.

 Tuto dolu pri rieke, keď tam On zostúpil a dokázal sa, keď sme tam stáli... Mnohí z vás tu dnes ráno ste tam stáli a boli prítomní. Mnohí z vás viete, že je to pravda.

 Mnohí z vás si pamätáte, keď bolo dané to poverenie, keď On povedal, „Choď a táto služba pôjde do celého sveta a začne sa prebudenie.“ A bolo prebudenie, aké nebolo nikdy predtým. To prebudenie stále pokračuje okolo celého sveta, veľké kampane s uzdravovaním okolo celého sveta.

72        A ja, z ľudskej strany, som ako malý potkan. Nehovorím to preto, aby som zneuctil moju matku, ktorá tu sedí, alebo mŕtveho otca, ktorý už odišiel, na ktorého pohrebe som kázal za touto kazateľňou. Bol som vychovaný v hroznej rodine. Viete o tom. Nikto z nás nebol kresťanom. Môj otec pil. Boh vzal syna opilca, aby ma umyl vo Svojej krvi. Keď som išiel dolu do mesta, aby som sa s niekým porozprával, a keď som s nejakým človekom hovoril, on sa so mnou rozprával, len pokiaľ tam nebol nikto iný, s kým by sa mohol porozprávať. Niekto prišiel, ktokoľvek to bol, bez ohľadu na to, kto to bol, odvrátil sa odo mňa, lebo som bol synom opilca. A mnohí z vás tu v mojej vlastnej cirkvi viete, že to je pravda. Mal som meno, ako by som nikdy... ako nejaké zviera alebo niečo podobné. Raz sa to aj hovorilo – v meste, nejakej osobe, ktorá prišla do nášho domu – niekto jej povedal, „Čo by ste sa združovali s takou zberbou?“ Ó, Bože, s čím iným som mohol ísť okrem krvi Ježiša Krista! Nemám žiadne vzdelanie. Nemám osobnosť. Nie som ničím.

73 Nedávno som povedal svojej žene, „Pomysli na to, aké to bolo, keď so mnou nikto nehovoril, pričom ja som ľudí miloval, ale oni ma nepočúvali.“

 Pamätám si, ako som čítal knihu, keď som chodieval do školy... Nedávno som poslal svojej deti do školy; mohol som im zohnať knihy a podobne a aký som bol pri tom vďačný. Ja som chodieval do školy bez topánok, s vlasmi, ktoré mi viseli dolu ku krku, žiadne oblečenie, len starý kabát, pod ktorým som nemal ani tričko, nemal som ani malú ceruzku alebo kus papiera, na ktorý by som mohol písať. Musel som si požičať ceruzku a kúsok papiera, aby som si mohol zapísať nejaké príklady, ktoré boli na tabuli, a podobne. Nič. Bolo to zlé.

74        Pamätám si, ako som jedného dňa čítal knihu, v ktorej Abrahám Lincoln vystúpil z lode, myslím, že to bolo v New Orleanse. A ako tam stál na tej pastve, uvidel tam nejaké čierne deti, ktoré mali nohy na mieste, kde predtým celú noc ležala nejaká stará krava, roztopila mráz, ktorý bol na zemi. A on tam bol... Oni tam stáli a spievali, „Ty máš topánky, ja mám topánky a všetky Božie deti majú topánky.“

 Keď vystúpil z tej lode a pozrel sa, ako tam stál v ohrade pre býkov a stál pred ním veľký zdravý čierny muž, mal pri sebe svoju malú drobnú ženu s dieťaťom v náručí a plakali. Oni ho išli predať na dražbe, aby ho dali dokopy s väčšou ženou, aby splodili väčších otrokov.

 Lincoln takto zaťal svoje päste a udrel si jednu o druhú. Povedal, „To nie je správne!“ Povedal, „Jedného dňa to zasiahnem, aj keď to vezme môj život!“ Ono to vzalo jeho život, ale on to zasiahol. A zabil to!

75 Povedal som, „Toto pitie, tento zlý život, je to nesprávne! Jedného dňa to zasiahnem!“ Ako som to len mohol zasiahnuť s takým menom, ktoré som mal? Nikto so mnou nehovoril. To je ten dôvod, prečo som pochyboval vo svoje poverenie. Nikto sa o mňa nezaujímal. Nikto nebol nikde, len tu medzi mojimi ľuďmi.

 Skrze milosť Božiu musím opustiť svoj domov, nemôžem tu ani zostať, lebo sú ľudia, ktorí po celom svete volajú. Ľudia všetkých druhov, mocnári, monarchovia, králi, veľkí ľudia, podnikatelia, kazatelia, ktorí volajú z celého sveta. Volajú, volajú, volajú, deň čo deň, noc čo noc. Čo to urobilo? Tá krv Ježiša Krista, ktorá prečistila moju dušu. Tak ako krv Abraháma Lincolna vzala ten otrocký pás z toho černocha, tak aj Krv Ježiša Krista odo mňa vzala putá hriechu; a zobrala ma od mena, ktoré bolo nižšie ako meno zvieraťa, a dala mi meno ako synovi Jeho milosti.

76 A som pripravený ísť dnes ráno do Jordánu. Som pripravený stáť na svojom poverení. Miloval som ľudí. Staral som sa o nich. On ma stretol, videnie po videní, o ktorých ani nemám čas hovoriť (a viete, je to napísané priamo tu na zadnej strane týchto kníh), povedal, „Príliš sa prispôsobuješ ľuďom. Keď chceš kráčať so Mnou, budeš kráčať sám. Dávaš na tie znamenia príliš veľký dôraz.“

 Nevedel som, aký bol ten zvyšok, ale tá hodina prišla. Prišla tá hodina, kedy som videl, ako k Jozuovi zostúpila ruka a On povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou.“ Dnes ráno tomu verím. Od teraz, od tohto dňa slúžim Bohu vo svojom poverení. Ak On chce, aby mi ukazoval znamenia, a chce mi ukazovať videnia, môže mi ich ukázať. Ak nie, tak nikdy nebudem pred ľuďmi stáť a snažiť sa, aby ich viera niečo zo mňa vytiahla. Budem sa modliť za chorých a odovzdám ich Bohu a nechám ich tak. Ak veria tomu povereniu, Boh je rovnako verný. On ma priviedol až do tejto chvíle. Tak, ako to urobil s Mojžišom, ako to urobil s Jozuom, tak isto to urobil aj teraz.

77 Mojou pokornou modlitbou je, „Pane, odpusť mi. Dovoľ mi vstať a skúsiť to znova. Pomôž mi, Pane. Dovoľ mi viesť týchto ľudí a postaviť ich do Slova, až môžeme vyjsť k Jordánu priamo do zasľúbenej zeme, kde bude tá veľká vykúpená cirkev Božia spasená od hriechu.“ To je mojou túžbou dnes ráno. Ver tomu a ži! Ver tomu a buď uzdravený! Hovorím k vám v mene Pána. Pomodlime sa.

78        Pane Bože, Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, Autor večného života, Darca každého dobrého daru, nech Tvoja milosť a milosrdenstvo zostúpi najprv na Tvojho sluhu, Pane. Vykonal som zle v Tvojich očiach tým, že som zneužil niečo, čo bolo Božské, lebo ľudia to odo mňa tiahli, Pane. Prosím Ťa, ó, Pane Bože, naplň ma od tejto hodiny, Pane, Tvojím Duchom. Verím z celého svojho srdca. Pomôž mojej nevere.

 A keď muži a ženy prichádzajú, aby sa za nich modlilo, budem to robiť, pokiaľ mi dáš dych a život. Nech teraz veria, ako sa za nich budeme modliť, Otče. Nech toto poverenie, ktoré si mi Ty dal, nech to môžem odniesť do celého sveta. A keď sa dostanem do určitých miest, kde bola tá značka zabitá do zeme, nech vedia, že to len poukazuje na to poverenie. Nech majú vieru.

79 Pane, už nebudem viac čakať na nejaký druh znamenia alebo niečoho, aby mi to povedalo určité veci, alebo či bude táto osoba uzdravená. Pôjdem stretnúť nepriateľa s vierou vo svojom srdci. Pôjdem a vyzvem ho voči Krvi Ježiša Krista. Skrze Krv Kristovu, on nemôže obstáť.

 No, ak boli všetky tieto veci pravdivé, ktoré boli dokázané, že sú pravdivé, tak Ty uzdravíš chorých, ako sa za nich modlím, Pane. Je to Tvoje Slovo. Je to Tvoje zasľúbenie. Toto túžim robiť. Pomôž mojej nevere.

 Odpusť moje hriechy, Pane, to, že som Ťa neposlúchal. Nevedel som, čo iné mám robiť; ak by som vedel, Pane, nebolo mi to zjavené a vyjasnené. Ale teraz už je. Viem, kde stojím. Poznám svoje poverenie. Nikdy nenechám, aby sa toto Slovo oddialilo od mojich úst, vo dne či v noci. Vždy som pri tom stál, Pane, stál som pri tom – hovoril som ľuďom, že ak to nie je Slovo Božie, mám o tom pochybnosti. Ale nekázal som, ani som nerobil nič, ak by nebolo Slovo Božie.

80 Ale, Pane, už ma nebaví dupať po tej istej zemi. Ako som včera večer povedal, štyridsať rokov v púšti, tam a naspäť, tam a naspäť. Božie požehnanie, to áno. Chov oviec a detí a všetko ostatné, stáda a čriedy a podobne, Bože, Ty si to požehnal. Ale jedného dňa si povedal, „Už si bol na tejto hore dosť dlho. Teraz choď na sever smerom k Jordánu.“

 Bože, dnes ráno začínam. Opúšťam tieto značky, lebo to poukazuje na lepšiu zem. Môžem sa potknúť. Môžem prejsť cez Amalechitov, môžem prejsť cez Hetejov a Kananejov, môžem prejsť cez svoju vlastnú kritiku. Pane, budem sa len ďalej hýbať, lebo viem, že tam niekde sa nachádza zem. Niekde je v nejakom stave miesto, kde, keď sa dostaneme, tak Ty odpovieš na modlitbu a udelíš všetko, o čo prosíme, dokonca ani rakovina neobstojí pred modlitbou. Viem, že to je pravda. Verím tomu a čakám na to, Pane. A porúčam sa Tebe dnes ráno pre Tvoju službu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.


 Len ver, len ver,

 Všetko je možné, len ver;

 Len ver, len ver,

 Všetko je možné, len ver.

 Teraz, keď je táto páska vypnutá, lebo toto pôjde do celého sveta. To je zo srdca. Rozumiete tomu, cirkev?

 Boh nemôže nikdy niečo povedať a potom to vziať späť. Jeho slová sú neomylné. Jeho zasľúbenia sú pravdivé. On čakal celý tento čas na túto hodinu. Vidíte, je to modlitba viery, ktorá zachraňuje chorého, nie znamenie. Modlitba viery! „Ak môžeš veriť,“ Ježiš povedal, „Môžem. Ak môžeš, ak budeš veriť.“ No, ak mi Boh dal moc modliť sa za vás modlitbou viery a zasľúbil to a dokázal, že to je pravda, či tomu teraz veríte? To, o čo prosím, prijímam, ak tomu veríte. „Ak dokážeš priviesť ľudí do toho, aby ti verili, a budeš úprimný, keď sa budeš modliť, nič pred tvojou modlitbou neobstojí.“

82        Brat, sestra, ak som niekedy chcel byť úprimný, tak je to teraz. Po všetkých mojich chybách, ktoré som ukázal, čo som chcel... dôvod, prečo som predtým priniesol tieto posolstvá, bolo, aby Boh ukázal, že On je milostivý. Mojžiš, taký veľký človek, akým on bol, urobil svoje chyby. A potom, keď prišiel Jozua, on tiež urobil chyby. Ale Boh povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou.“

 Pozrite sa teraz, ako mi Boh pred dvomi rokmi poukazoval presne na to miesto Písma, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem i s tebou. Nebudem hľadieť na tvoje chyby.“ On vedel, že táto hodina prichádzala. A teraz je tu. Vidíte, znovu späť, lebo Boh sa nikdy nemôže od toho oddialiť.

 „Vierou ste spasení.“ Koľkí z vás to viete? Bez ohľadu na to, koľko dobrých ľudí sa za vás modlilo, koľko dobrých kazateľov vám kázalo, vy musíte mať svoju vlastnú osobnú vieru pre spasenie. Je to tak? Je to vaša vlastná... Je mi jedno, koľko dobrých kázní ste počuli, do koľkých dobrých zborov patríte, je to vaša osobná viera, ktorá vás spasí. Ako hlasno vykrikuješ, ako veľmi prosíš, ako veľmi kričíš, ako veľmi tancuješ v Duchu, môžeš byť spasený len skrze svoju vieru. Je to tak? To je ten jediný spôsob, akým môžeš byť uzdravený.

83        Ak Boh dáva človeku posolstvo, kazateľovi, a kazateľ káže spasenie a podáva posolstvo, vy vidíte, že to posolstvo je pravda, Boh to potvrdzuje Svojím Slovom, že je to pravda; o čo viac by ste potom mali veriť daru uzdravenia, keď to bolo potvrdené Slovom a Anjelom, s dvomi znameniami, ktoré poukazujú na tú neomylnosť ich oboch? O čo viac by ste tomu potom mali veriť! Vidíte, a pokiaľ...

 Aby ukázal, že to nebola vždy dokonalá Božia vôľa, aby som to tak robil, to znamenie ma oslabilo. Koľkí z vás to viete? Opýtajte sa tu mojej ženy. Ona vám povie. Ona – tá, ktorú to zasiahlo viac ako kohokoľvek iného – ona to so mnou musí znášať. Nevediac, kde presne ste, a kráčate, a to a tamto a ste [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.]. Choďte chvíľu ďalej po tej ceste a zastavte.

84 No, vraciam sa z týchto posledných zhromaždení. Vzal som tých ľudí do radu. Najprv sme mali niekoľko večerov, tri večery, bez toho, že by sme rozdávali modlitebné karty. A potom tam začal byť taký zhluk, že sme museli rozdávať modlitebné karty. Niekedy som tam stál a prebiehalo päťdesiat alebo sedemdesiatpäť, možno štyridsať alebo päťdesiat rozpoznaní naraz; každý jeden večer. Je to tak, Gene, Leo, a vy, ktorí ste tu na zhromaždení? Istotne, je to pravda. A čo to urobilo? Keď ma to opustilo a išiel som domov, zabudol som, kde som, chcel som vedieť, kam som sa dostal z diaľnice.

 No, chcete mi povedať, že Boh robí niečo také človeku? Nie veru. To je človek, ktorý si to sám robí tým, že vezme značku namiesto poverenia. Zastavil som sa pod malým starým stromom na strane cesty, niekde vo Washingtone, alebo niekde v tej oblasti. Povedal som, „Pane, ak mi len dovolíš otriasť sa a prísť k sebe, aby som sa zotavil, a pomôžeš mi zistiť, čo je pravda, aby som sa mohol vysporiadať s ľuďmi a vyrovnať to poverenie...“

85 Teraz tomu rozumiem. Keď som tu nedávno sedel na strane hôr tu v Kentucky, jedného bieleho rána mi to On zjavil. A to je to. To je všetko. Teraz kráčam v Mene Pána Ježiša. To je to. 

 Ver tomu a ži! Ver tomu a budeš uzdravený! Nemôžem spôsobiť, aby tomu niekto veril. Ty tomu musíš sám veriť. Ale ja som vám povedal pravdu. Boh svedčil o tom, že to je pravda, cez Svoje Slovo, cez Svojho Anjela, cez znamenia a divy, dvanásť dlhých rokov. Ak tomu nebudú teraz veriť, tak tomu nikdy nebudú veriť. Je to tak? Ale prišla tá hodina, kedy ma už nebaví stáť na tejto hore. Chcem ísť hore k Jordánu. Chcem vstúpiť do tých plných zasľúbení. Chcem mať v sebe vieru, nie hľadieť na znamenie, nie hľadieť na niečo, čo Boh zjavil, alebo nejaký druh značky. Chcem hľadieť na Golgotu a povedať, „Vierou prichádzam, Pane Bože. Prichádzam v Mene Pána Ježiša.“

86        No, sú tu nejakí, za ktorých sa budeme dnes ráno modliť. Prichádzam sem, aby som sa stretol s tou chorobou a utrpením tvojho tela v Mene Ježiša Krista. Budem to robiť, pokiaľ odo mňa Boh vezme život. Pokiaľ mi dáva zmysel a porozumenie, tak sa budem prichádzať modliť. Nezlyhávajte v tom, čomu veríte – že keď sa za vás modlím, budete uzdravení. Tým to je vybavené. Ak tomu neveríte, potom vôbec neprichádzajte, lebo si len ublížite.

 Je to teraz na páske, je to tu. Od teraz už nebude viac rozpoznania, pokiaľ mi Boh nedá... nepovie, aby som urobil určitú vec; aby som išiel a povedal tejto osobe určitú vec, tak potom im to poviem. On povedal, aby som niečo urobil, tak to urobím.

 Ale pokiaľ tu stojím a hovorím, „No, pozrite na mňa. Veríte z celého svojho srdca. Áno, toto je ten a ten. Ty si John Doe, prišiel si odtiaľ a odtiaľ. Mal si rakovinu takúto dlhú dobu. Doktor taký a taký ti povedal, že nebudeš uzdravený. Ty si išiel a vykonal si určitú vec. Teraz to musíš vziať a napraviť to, vykonať to pred tým, ako budeš uzdravený. V poriadku, brat Doe, teraz choď a ver tomu.“ „No, ty si sestra taká a taká, prichádzaš odtiaľ a odtiaľ.“ „Prichádzaš odtiaľ a odtiaľ.“ A potom idem do toho víru, ledva viem, čo mám vôbec robiť. A hneď na to je tu ďalšie, snažím sa zistiť, na čo to hľadím. A vyjdem zo zhromaždenia a poviem, „Kde som to?“ Už viac nič také.

87        Prichádzam v Mene Pána Ježiša ako Jeho služobník. Ak vám to Boh doteraz nepotvrdil, že som vám povedal pravdu, potom nikdy nebudete veriť, že som vám povedal pravdu. Amen. Tak veru. To je pravda. Koľkí z vás chcete, aby sa za vás modlilo, zodvihnite svoje ruky. V poriadku.

 No, potrebujem Teddyho. Je Teddy stále v budove? [Niekto hovorí, „Nie, musel odísť.“ - pozn.prekl.] Musel odísť. Kto je tu klavirista, kto by pre mňa mohol zahrať tú pieseň „Jemu Len ver“? Ak budete tak dobrí, je tu niekto, kto by to mohol zahrať? Máte to... ó, máte to tu niekde na páske? Ak je tu niekto, kto by pre nás mohol zahrať „Jemu Len ver,“ nejaký klavirista, príďte sem. Muž alebo žena, na tom nezáleží, budeme radi, ak to urobíte. V poriadku, zatiaľ, čo to jemne budeš hrať, ak budeš tak dobrá, sestra.

88 No, nebudeme rozdávať modlitebné karty. Keď sme v takýchto malých zhromaždeniach, nie je to potrebné. Keď sme vo veľkých zhromaždeniach, stále musíme rozdávať modlitebné karty, ak sa modlím za päťsto ľudí. Stále to musíme robiť, lebo máme príliš veľa v... veľký dav, viete.

 Koľkí z vás veria, že toto je vôľa Božia? Ó, niečo mi dáva pocit, že to robím dobre, niečo robí... Je to preč z mojej hrude. Bolo to tam dvanásť rokov, vediac, že bolo niečo zle, brat Lee. Teraz viem, že je to už preč. Povedal som to, je to na páske a vydal som to zo seba.

89        Pamätajte, môžete byť spasení len vašou osobnou vierou. Môžete byť uzdravení len vašou osobnou vierou. Či veríte, že toto je Biblia? Božie Slovo! Či veríte, že váš pastor je muž Boží, bez ohľadu na to, do ktorej cirkvi chodíte? Ak nie, potom by ste odtiaľ mali odísť. Choďte ku človeku, ktorý je mužom Božím. Potom, ak mu veríte, a veríte, že hovorí pravdu, vtedy to prijmite. Vaša vlastná osobná viera v Krista vás spasí. Bez ohľadu na to, aký dobrý je tvoj pastor, aká zbožná, svätá je tvoja matka, aké skutočné je Slovo Božie, ako veľmi plačeš, ako veľmi sa modlíš, je to tvoja viera, ktorá ťa spasí! Vierou ste spasení.

 No, to isté sa uplatňuje. Bez ohľadu na to, ako... Božie Slovo hovorí, že On to pošle v týchto posledných dňoch. Dve kázne za sebou, priviedol som prirodzený Izrael a duchovný Izrael dokopy. Hľadáme Jozuu tohto dňa, ktorý je Duchom Svätým, aby nás priviedol do tej zeme. Musí hovoriť skrze niekoho, lebo On je Duch. Povedal som vám, čo mi On povedal. Teraz tomu verte a buďte uzdravení.

90 No, nech teraz títo na tejto strane radu, Doc, poď sem dolu. Billy Paul, kde je Billy? Poď mi sem pomôcť, Doc, ak budeš tak dobrý.

 A teraz každý jeden z vás, ktorý prechádza cez tento modlitebný rad, pamätajte, ono sa vám to vráti naspäť, pokiaľ tomu nebudete veriť z celého svojho srdca. Je to pravda. Musíte tomu veriť. No, pamätajte, vy ste tí, ktorí ste chorí. Boh to povedal vo Svojej Biblii, Boh to poslal skrze Svojho posla, Boh to dokázal skrze Svojho Anjela, teraz tomu musíte veriť.

 A teraz tí, ktorí chcete, aby sa za vás modlilo, toto hovorí Biblia, „Ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“ A to je pravda. A my tomu chceme teraz veriť z celých našich sŕdc a Boh vám udelí vaše uzdravenie.

91 Poďte teraz sem, tadiaľto a potom naspäť; nech táto strana, potom nech sa tá druhá strana vráti tak isto. Nech sa tá strana postaví tu napravo, hneď tu. Dobre. Ešte raz? [Niekto hovorí s bratom Branhamom. - pozn.prekl.] Zostúpim hneď tu. Áno, tu sa za nich budem modliť.

 No, tieto listy a vreckovky, modlil som sa za nich. Mnohí z vás, niektorí z vás možno musia ísť. Ale nezabudnite na dnes večer, tá bohoslužba je na potvrdenie, na Božské potvrdenie tej pravdivej cirkvi, vidíte?

92 Teraz, čo sa týka vás, za ktorých sa budeme modliť, či absolútne veríte, že budete uzdravení? Ak nie, tak potom neprichádzajte. Ak áno, je to vaša povinnosť sem prísť.

 No, ja nie som uzdravovateľ, ale mám dar uzdravovania. Sú na to svedkovia. Bolo dokázané, že je to pravda. Vidíte, veľmi dávno, pamätám si, ako som zvykol chodievať sem do nemocnice. Bol som len miestnym baptistickým kazateľom, len v tejto oblasti. Chodieval som do tej nemocnice. Zvykla tam byť jedna stará zdravotná sestra, žila dolu v Howardovom parku. Neviem, či stále robí v tej nemocnici. Zvykla hovoriť pacientom, „No, budete zdravý. Budete zdravá.“ Povedala, „Prichádza ten baptistický kazateľ, aby sa za vás pomodlil.“ Vidíte, bolo to jednoducho... to bol len začiatok. Tak to bolo. A teraz sa to rozšírilo z tohto miesta do celého sveta.

93 A teraz mi On dáva tieto znamenia, aby to vynahradilo moje vzdelanie. Ak by som mal také vzdelanie, aké majú niektorí z týchto kazateľov (napríklad, viem, že brat Neville alebo Dr. Vayle tu), nemusel by som to mať. Ale musím to mať, aby to vynahradilo to, čo mi chýba vo vzdelaní. Musel som mať znamenia. A rovnako, ako... Dokázalo sa, že tieto znamenia sú tak účinné ako to vzdelanie. Ale vidíte, ak nemáte tú kvalifikáciu, Boh je schopný vám ju dať iným spôsobom.

 No, majte vieru a verte. Chcem, aby každý jeden z vás dal Bohu sľub, tam, kde stojíte. Lebo ak nie, tak vám to nepomôže. Chcem, aby každý jeden z vás zahodil každý tieň pochybnosti. A keď prechádzate cez tento rad, keď sa za vás modlím, chcem, aby ste odtiaľto odišli... Nemusíte vidieť ani náznak výsledkov. Ale Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, „Videl si to? Cítil si to?“ On povedal, „Uveril si tomu? Uveril si tomu? Ak len môžete veriť...“

94        No, všimol som si toto. Modlím sa za ľudí a niektorí, ktorým nie je pri rozpoznaní nič povedané, oni odídu a hovoria, „Čo? Ja som nič nedostal. On mi nič nepovedal.“ Taká osoba potom zvyčajne naozaj nič nedostane.

 Ale niektorí prídu do radu a povedia, „Ďakujem, Pane. Verím tomu.“ To sú potom tí, od ktorých počujeme, „Vieš, brat Branham, necítil som žiaden rozdiel ani po niekoľkých dňoch (možno aj dvoch alebo troch týždňoch), ale zrazu som začal cítiť, že tá vec odo mňa odchádza.“ A ono to odišlo.

 Vy by ste mohli povedať, že veríte. Sú tri triedy ľudí, ktorí navštevujú zhromaždenia – to sú neveriaci, takzvaní veriaci a veriaci. Niektorí z nich sa tvária, že veria, „Ó, áno, ja verím.“ Ale oni neveria. Ak tomu veríte... Chcem sa vás teraz opýtať túto vec. Ak tomu veríte, je pre vás nemožné, aby ste neboli uzdravení. Počúvajte. Dovoľte mi to zopakovať. Je úplne nemožné, aby ste neboli uzdravení, ak tomu veríte.

95        V prvom rade, Slovo Božie dáva to poverenie. Či tomu veríte? Slovo Božie to najprv tak hovorí. To je ponad všetko. Po druhé, ten Anjel Pánov to dokázal, tie znamenia to potvrdili. Je to tak? No, nie je tam nikde žiadne zlyhanie.

 Nie je žiadne zlyhanie v Slove Božom, ktoré hovorí, „Raz im dám uzdravenie, ale teraz im to beriem.“ Chcem, aby mi to niekto ukázal. Ukážem vám, kde Ježiš poveril Svoju cirkev, aby sa modlili za chorých, a modlitba viery zachráni chorého. A teraz mi povedzte, kde sa píše, že už sa to viac nebude diať. Ukážte mi to v Biblii. Vidíte?

 On povedal, že v posledných dňoch bude robiť určité veci, tieto veci povstanú. Pozrite sa na to, čo sa stalo. On dodržal Svoje Slovo. No, povedal som vám, že On ma poveril. Svet o tom vie, veda o tom vie, Anjel Pánov to dokázal a výsledky dokázali, že je to pravda.

96 Žijeme v chorom svete. Za veľa sa treba modliť. Myslel som si, že určite je iný spôsob okrem...

 Brat Moore mi raz povedal... Bolo jedno malé biedne dievča, ktoré sa postihnuté plazilo cez budovu. Úbohá, drobná, snažila sa dostať tam, kde som bol ja. Pozrel som sa dolu. To dieťa začalo plakať. No, oni ju nemohli priviesť do radu, lebo nemala modlitebnú kartu. Nevediac o tom, že to bol posledný večer toho dieťaťa, a brat Moore a ostatní jej pomohli von z radu.

 Potom ďalší deň sme si sadli a prerozprávali si to. On povedal, „Brat Branham, dotklo sa ma to.“

 Povedal som, „Dotklo sa ťa to? Čo si myslíš, že to urobilo mne?“

 Vidíte, malé postihnuté dievča. To vo mne zostalo. A bolo to asi desať rokov dozadu, to malé postihnuté dievča v Illinois. Malá čierna hlávka, hnedé oči, plazila sa, s tou obrnou sa snažila vyjsť tam ku mne. A tí usporiadatelia tam dolu jej museli pomôcť a dostať ju späť na svoju stoličku. Ona sa od nej vyplazila, aby sa sem dostala. Prečo? Môžeme zobrať len niektorých. A boli takí, ktorých som musel vyradiť, ak by som ju ju tam nechal ísť bez modlitebnej karty, zranilo by to pocity tých ostatných, rozumiete. Tak veru, nemohol som to urobiť. Povedal som, „Istotne je ešte iný spôsob.“ Bodaj by som vtedy vedel to, čo viem teraz. Bolo by to inak. Istotne by to bolo inak.

97 No, každý jeden z vás, to jediné, čo vám bráni v tom, aby ste boli uzdravení, je to, že tomu neveríte.

 Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

 Náš nebeský Otče, stoja tu slepí, postihnutí, trpiaci, chorí, ľudia zomierajúci na rakovinu, vredy a nádory. Všetci tu stoja v rade, Pane. Ja som kázal Slovo. A počas dvanástich rokov si to potvrdzoval okolo sveta. Prosil som o odpustenie. A viem, že som to neurobil úmyselne; urobil som to, lebo som si myslel, že to robím dobre. Teraz k Tebe pokorne prichádzam, Pane, prosiac Ťa, aby si požehnal moje modlitby, keď sa budem modliť za týchto ľudí, aby bol každý jeden z nich uzdravený. Požehnaj ich vieru. Pomôž mojej nevere, Pane.

 A nech každý jeden dnes ráno zachytí to videnie. Nech z toho nič nestratia, ale nech to vidia pomocou Písma. A ako rozmýšľam o tom Anjelovi Pánovom tam na počiatku, ktorý povedal, „Ako boli Mojžišovi dané dva dary...“ A potom pred dvoma rokmi priniesol Bibliu; s rukou, ktorá zostúpila... ako písala na stenu v Babylone. Vyzeralo to ako ľudská ruka, ktorá ukazovala v Biblii na túto istú kapitolu, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem aj s tebou.“ A, Otče, tu je to dnes ráno privedené na svetlo. Ďakujeme Ti za to, Pane. Odpusť mi moje chyby.

 A teraz, ako ideme do tohto modlitebného zhromaždenia, nech moc Božia uzdraví každú chorú osobu, ktorá prechádza cez tento rad. Ja len idem ako Tvoj sluha, neprosím o žiadne špeciálne pomazanie ani nič zvláštne, len vediac to, že v mojom živote je toto poverenie. Ja ho idem vyplniť v Mene Ježiša Krista.

98 Teraz, brat Neville, postav sa sem, prosím ťa. Teraz s týmto darom... Ja nejdem pomazávať s olejom, vidíte. Ja idem urobiť len to, čo mi On povedal, aby som urobil. Ako povedalo to poverenie, „Priveď ľudí k tomu, aby ti verili, a buď úprimný.“ Či veríte? Potom som úprimný. Niečo sa musí stať!

 Brat Neville bude viesť piesne. Všetci sa ticho modlite, zatiaľ čo sa ja modlím za chorých. [Brat Neville začína spievať, „Len Ver.“]

99 Pane Ježišu, kladiem ruky na túto ženu s obličkovými kameňmi a karhám ich v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nech ide a je uzdravená. Amen. Niečo sa stalo.

 Aký je tvoj problém?

 Pane, kladiem svoje ruky na brata, ktorý má problém s prostatou, karhám moc diabla v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Musíš to mať. Ver.

 Pane, kladiem ruky na moju sestru s týmito problémami v nohách, ktoré sú napuchnuté. Karhám to napuchnutie v Mene Ježiša Krista. Choď, ver tomu, sestra, a uvidíš to.

 Pane, kladiem svoje ruky na túto sestru so srdcovým problémom a inými chorobami a karhám to v Ježišovom Mene, skrze svoje poverenie.

 Pane, karhám tento slabnúci zrak a srdcový problém v tejto žene cez moje poverenie od Boha, v Mene Ježiša. Amen. Musí to tak byť! Bude to v poriadku. Je to v poriadku. Amen. Verím tomu z celého srdca.

100 [Medzera na páske – pozn.prekl.] To je pravda, ak je to tvoj čas odísť, tak nejakým spôsobom odídeš. To je pravda. Ale pred tým, ako ti On povie, ak budeš úprimná a nebudeš v to pochybovať, budeš uzdravená. Presne tak.

 Lazár bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych. On znovu zomrel, ale bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych, aby bolo ukázané, že Boh dodržuje Svoju ponuku pre ľudí. On povedal, „Mária, či veríš tomuto? Ja som vzkriesenie a život. Ja som poverený od Boha, aby som vzkriesil mŕtvych. Či tomu veríš?“

 Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane. Verím, že Ty si Syn Boží, ktorý prišiel na svet.“

 Povedal, „Kde ste ho pochovali?“ Vidíte?

 On musel znovu zomrieť. Ale On ho vzkriesil, aby ukázal, že On je vzkriesenie a život.

 Vidíte, Boh robí tieto veci a všetko ostatné v Božskom poriadku. Ó, som tak rád, že to môžem povedať! Všetko je dokonale v poriadku. Ak môžete veriť, všetko, o čo prosíte, je vám dané. Musí to byť.

101 V poriadku, len sa ďalej modlite, zatiaľ čo ich sem privádzame. Nech ťa Boh žehná...?...

 Pane Ježišu, naša sestra je veľmi chorá, počula, ako som tu stál a kázal tieto slová. Nech táto malá záhaľčivosť a pochybnosti od nich odídu, Pane. Nech povstane a opustí túto starú horu, kde chodí len hore a dolu, a nech ide ďalej k Jordánu, Pane. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech naša sestra teraz prejde touto cestou, od tejto hodiny, veriac, že Boh uzdravuje jej telo. V Ježišovom Mene. Choď po svojej ceste a ver.

 Nech ťa Boh žehná. Pane Ježišu, daj jej túžbu jej srdca za jej dcéru a jej rodinu. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene, aby toto prijala, ako som ja ponúkol svoju modlitbu a vieru tým, že som na ňu položil ruky. Ak by som v Teba neveril, nepoložil by som na ňu svoje ruky. Ak by som vedel, že Ty to nevykonáš, tak by som sa za ňu nemodlil. Ale ja verím, Pane, a ona tiež verí a my prinášame spolu svoju vieru, veriac v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. 

102 Nech ťa Boh žehná, Pat. Pane, on chce, aby jeho drahé deti boli spasené. Má problémy s počutím. Doktor povedal, že sa mu do oka dostáva šedý zákal. On chce žiť pre Božiu slávu. Udeľ mu to, Pane, prosím to za svojho brata. Amen.

 Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nepochybuj. Ver v to, o čo si prosil.

 Pane, táto malá biedna žena tu stojí za svojho syna. Chcel by som... aby si [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] niečo, Pane, čo ho raní. Ide na transplantáciu pokožky. A ona sa modlí za jeho telo a jeho spasenie. Modlí sa za svojich milovaných. Prosila za jej vlastný nervový stav, Pane. Je na pokraji zrútenia. Bože, modlím sa, aby si jej dal túžbu jej srdca. Uzdrav ju z jej utrpenia a nech sa má dobre. V Ježišovom Mene sa modlím za ňu túto modlitbu viery. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď a ver. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

103 Pane, za spasenie jej milovaných, modlím sa, aby si jej udelil jej žiadosť v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

 Teraz ver, sestra, že si to prijala a že je to tvoje. Ak tomu veríš, musí sa to stať.

 Pre nášho brata Edgara Tylera. Nech ťa Boh žehná! V poriadku, a celú cestu z Phoenixu, Arizony. Je tam horúco?

 Táto pani tu bola uzdravená na mojom zhromaždení. Odkiaľ bola? Si z Phoenixu, pani? Nie si z... Bola si vo Phoenixe na zhromaždení.

 Čo chceš, aby On pre Teba urobil? Aby vzal od teba astmu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

 Drahý Bože, ako tento drahý brat [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] volá k našej [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] a pre bremená ľudí. Modlím sa, aby si mu udelil vyslobodenie; prišiel tu až z Phoenixu, Arizony, aby sme sa zaňho modlili, aby sa postavil do tohto radu, počul posolstvo, aby si ho povzbudil. Pane, vyzerá to ako taká veľká obeť. A aj je.

 Ale kráľovná juhu cestovala tri mesiace na chrbte ťavy cez saharskú púšť, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúna; a hľa, väčší ako Šalamún tu je. Duch Svätý tu je, väčší ako Šalamún.

 Pane, modlím sa, aby si ho uzdravil z toho utrpenia v jeho tele. Daruj mu túžbu jeho srdca. Nech kráča po ceste, ktorá bola pre neho predurčená. Nech na ňom spočinie dobrota Božia. Prosím toto požehnanie pre môjho brata v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

 Ed, ako sa budeš vracať, choď s tým. Je to tvoje. Dávam ti to. Choď a príjmi to.

104        Brat George. Mnohí z vás poznajú brata Georga Wrighta. Koľkí z vás si pamätajú ten príbeh, ako nedávno zomieral? Všetci doktori popri ňom prešli. Jeho telo bolo takto napuchnuté, mal pri srdci krvnú zrazeninu. Niekoľko lekárov to vzdalo. Išiel som sa zaňho modliť. Brat Funk (myslím, že nedávno tu bol) bol vtedy so mnou v ten večer. Sadol som si tam hore na kopec a tváril som sa, že som išiel poľovať.

 Chcem to teraz povedať tomuto zboru, musím povedať niektoré veci, ktoré sa dejú. Veľakrát premýšľam, keď som na poľovačke, ani nepoľujem. To je len výhovorka, aby som zabránil ľuďom, aby ma nasledovali. Musím tam ísť, aby som bol sám s Bohom. Nechodím tam len pre to, aby som poľoval, priatelia. Áno, poľujem, ale nie je to až také poľovanie.

 Sadol som si na kopec. No, pre neho sa zdalo, že som išiel poľovať na zajace. Išiel som dookola poza dom a držal som ruky smerom k domu a modlil som sa a modlil. On zomieral! Duch Svätý ku mne v ten večer prehovoril, „Jeden z týchto mužov pochádza z cirkvi, ktorá neverí, že uzdravovanie je správne.“

 Určitý kazateľ nedávno prišiel do jeho domu a snažil sa tam so mnou obstáť v debate. Mnohí z vás ste tam v ten večer boli. Vidíte, kde ten človek stratil rozum? A teraz sa nakoniec snaží získať Ducha Svätého. [Brat Wright hovorí, „Tam, kde hovorí, že som najlepší priateľ, akého má.“] Zamyslite sa nad tým.

105 Ten muž tam stál, aby debatoval, a povedal, „V prvom rade ti chcem povedať, že pochádzaš z diabla.“

 Povedal som, „Odpúšťam ti, lebo nevieš, o čom hovoríš.“ 

 Potom sa obrátil a povedal, „Viem, že máš Ducha Kristovho.“

 Povedal som, „Pred pár minútami som bol diabol a teraz som Kristus. Tak čo z toho nakoniec?“ A tak... Hrozné veci sa stali.

 Ten muž tam ležal a zomieral, a tento muž sa mu smial a povedal, „Choď si teraz pre svojho Božského uzdravovateľa.“

 A bol som hore v Lexingtone, Kentucky, kde bola tá žena uzdravená z rakoviny. A vo videní mi Pán ukázal, keď som sa vracal asi o piatej ráno, ukázal mi... povedal, „Podáš ruku bratovi Georgovi Wrightovi, ako prejde cez modlitebňu, a prídeš k nemu a potrasiete si ruky. A ten človek, ktorý si z neho robil žarty, si bude kopať vlastný hrob.“ Nevedel som o tom, že on zvykol kopať hroby.

106        Zavolal som sestru Wrightovú. Musí tu niekde byť. Áno. Zavolal som sestru Wrightovú a povedal som, „Tak hovorí Pán.“ Veru. To sú tie videnia, ktoré chcem odteraz vidieť; [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] Niekomu niečo poviem, ono sa to vráti. Povedal som, „Brat George bude kopať hrob toho človeka alebo teda bude pri hrobe toho človeka, ktorý si z neho robil žarty. A príde do modlitebne a ja si s ním podám ruku.“ Tá krvná zrazenina opustila brata Georga.

 A asi mesiac alebo dva potom som sa vrátil. A on vždy, takmer vždy chodil tadeto. Ale v to ráno išiel inak. Mal som publikum, povedal som, „Pozrite, pozrite, pozrite, tu prichádza, aby sme si podali ruky, presne tak, ako to bolo.“

 A tu dnes je. To bolo [Brat Wright hovorí, „deväť rokov.“ - pozn.prekl.] deväť rokov dozadu. [„Mal som deväť krvných zrazenín, ktoré všetky odišli.“] Deväť krvných zrazenín pred deviatimi rokmi!

107 Mimochodom, počujem, že sestra Hickersonová... Je tu dnes brat Hickerson? Už sa má lepšie, to je v poriadku. Ona tiež mala krvné zrazeniny, hromadu zrazenín v nohe.

 On má v ruke reumu.

 To bola jeho dcéra, sestra Hattie, ktorá tam sedela, o ktorej som svedčil, že tá nová služba po prvýkrát fungovala. Tak veru, sestra Hattie. Zaujímalo by ma, či sú tu dnes ráno jej chlapci, sú tu s tebou? [Sestra Hattie hovorí, „Sú tu vzadu.“ - pozn.prekl.]

 Kde sú tí chlapci? Obaja stoja tam vzadu. To sú jej dvaja chlapci. To je ich matka, dcéra nášho brata. Zodvihnite svoje ruky, chlapci, aby videli, kto ste. V poriadku, stoja tam vzadu. Je to ohromné, či nie, Orville? Istotne je.

108 V poriadku.

 Brat George. [Brat Wright hovorí, „Vieš, brat Bill, ja verím.“ - pozn.prekl.] Viem, že veríš. A viem, že mnohokrát som ležal v tvojej izbe v noci, pozeral som von oknom a počúval som starého drozda. Jedného dňa tam musíme ísť, brat George. Až do toho času, nech je Boh s nami. Viem, že On bude. „Áno, aj keď budem kráčať dolinou tieňa smrti, nebudem sa báť zlého. Ty si so mnou.“ V tom videní nedávno, keď som videl, ako sa tí starí ľudia premenili znovu na mladých, tak ťa jedného dňa uvidím, dokonalého.

 Náš nebeský Otče, daruj nášmu bratovi túžbu jeho srdca. Uzdrav ho z tej reumy. Už starne, Otče, a ja sa modlím, aby si mu pomohol. Pomôž sestre Wrightovej a malej Edite a celej tej rodine tam dolu. Sestra Hattie a jej deti, všetci ich milovaní. Buď s nimi, Otče. Udeľ túto túžbu, ako o to prosím v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

 [Brat George Wright hovorí, „Budem mať sedemdesiatdeväť.“] Sedemdesiat deväť. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Wright, a nech ti dá ešte mnoho dní. Chvála Pánovi.

109        Brat Daulton. Ó! Je to brat, ktorý mi je veľmi drahý. Poviem vám, čo sa stalo. Nemám na to čas, aby som to tu celé rozoberal. Jeho žena o tom vie. Povedala, že zomieral. Myslím, že to bol srdcový infarkt, je tak, sestra? A pred tým, Pán jej dal sen a prišiel výklad. A keď ho udrel ten srdcový infarkt, ona tam stála, videla to a povedala, „Odporujem tomu!“ Boh jej dal sen, že sa to tak stane, a prišiel ten výklad. A ten doktor si myslel, že ten človek zomiera, ale on je tu dnes nažive.

 Pane Ježišu, čo sa týka nášho drahého brata, on išiel dlho autom, aby sa dnes ráno dostal na toto zhromaždenie. Má problém s bedrom. Rovnako ako s autom, Pane, niektoré súčiastky sa opotrebujú, kazia sa, ale, ó, Pane, Ty buď jeho silou! Ty si našou silou. Opáš tohto postihnutého okolo jeho boku. Opáš každé slabé miesto, Pane. A daruj nášmu drahému bratovi jeho uzdravenie, ako mu žehnám v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

 Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Daulton. Tak to bude.

110 V poriadku, sestra, čo pre teba môže Pán urobiť? [Sestra hovorí s bratom Branhamom. - pozn.prekl.] Ó, sestra Daugherty! Je toto Betty? [„To som ja.“] Ó, nech Boh požehná tvoje srdce, Betty! Kto v tejto modlitebni nepozná Betty Daughertovú. Ten prvýkrát, kedy sa moja služba prejavila, bolo práve na tomto dieťati. Koľkí si pamätajú na ten kúsok látky?

 Betty mala nemoc „tanec sv.Víta“. A bola v takom stave, že už sa ani nesprávala ako človek. Žiaden lekár nevedel, čo s ňou.

 A išiel som do St. Louis. Táto cirkev zariadila peniaze a požičal som si niekoho kabát a dali mi jedenásť dolárov, aby som tam išiel a pomodlil za to malé dievča. Bola len malé dievča, asi tak ako toto dievča, ktoré tu sedí, malé dievča. A zostal som tam (Je tu brat Daugherty? Nie je.) a modlil a modlil a modlil som sa. Nikam som sa nevedel dostať. A nakoniec, ako som sedel v aute brata Daughertyho, videl som videnie, čo s nimi robiť.

 A ona dodržala to videnie presne tak, ako Pán povedal, že to bude. Myslím, že to bolo v tom čase trochu proti ich myšlienkam. Ale ona to urobila presne tak, ako Pán povedal, že to má urobiť, a Betty bola uzdravená. Po prvýkrát, čo som ju videl, ako... Povedal som, „Jeden Daugherty sa chytí jednej strany postele a brat Daugherty druhej a nech si vezme handru a umyje tvár toho dieťaťa, a tak ďalej,“ ako som pokračoval v modlitbe, „Náš Otče, ktorý si v nebesiach, nech je posvätené Tvoje Meno.“

111 A Betty teraz zasiahol šedý zákal. Pred chvíľou som sa za ňu modlil, v zadnej časti budovy v Chataque.

 Betty, drahá, preberme to naozaj podrobne. Chcem ťa chytiť za ruku. Či si úplne slepá, Betty? [„Nie.“] Vidíš len svetlo a tmu. [„To je pravda.“] Koľko máš rokov, Betty? [„Dvadsaťdva.“] Dvadsaťdva. Vtedy mala asi sedem alebo osem. Sestra Daughertyová, mala si to ťažké, že? Vieš, Betty, vždy som veril, že Boh mal pre teba niečo na vykonanie. A verím, že to je ten dôvod, prečo to je s tebou takto. A verím, že nepriateľ urobil túto zlú vec.

 No, vieš, Betty. Ak by som mal moc načiahnuť sa tam a vytiahnuť ten šedý zákal, urobil by som to. [„Áno.“] Nedokážem to.

 Ale, Betty, to, čo som ti povedal po prvýkrát, je pravda, ako tu sedím, a ty a ja sme ako brat a sestra v Kristovi. Brat Daugherty, tvoj drahý otec, jeden z najmilších bratov, akých som kedy mal. Tvoja drahá matka je tu... Žil som vo vašom dome a delili ste sa so mnou so svojím jedlom a podobne. Bola si akoby moja sestra a nemohol by som byť viac úprimný ako by som bol s Delores, ktorá sedí tam vzadu.

112        No, Boh toto zasľúbil, Betty. Chcem dať všetko... Tvoj otec je kazateľ a bola si vychovaná v rodine, ktorá sa modlí za chorých. [Nejasné slová. - pozn.prekl.] Veľakrát sa za teba modlilo. Dostalo sa to do bodu, kedy to tak trochu ide ponad hlavu, sem a tam, stráca to na hodnote. Rozumieš, čo myslím?

 No, vyrástlo z teba milé, pekné dievča, Betty. Je to škoda, že tvoje oči sú v takom stave. Je Méda stále v budove? Moja žena ťa chcela vidieť. Chcem, aby ťa videla, Betty, čo za pekné dievča z teba je. Betty, bola si pekné malé dievča. Vždy si bola dobré dievča.

 No, je niekoľko vecí v živote, v ktorých si zlyhala, Betty? No, tak, ako by doktor prešetril tvoje fyzické telo, ja sa chcem pozrieť na tvoju dušu. Či si niekedy niekde sklamala Boha, Betty? Ak áno, len Mu to vyznaj, „Pane, ak mi dovolíš vykonať to znova, urobím to inak.“

113 [Betty Daugherty hovorí s bratom Branhamom.]

 Ó, toto je zvláštna vec. Zamyslime sa nad tým takto. No, nevedel som, že Betty Daugherty bude tu na zhromaždení. Ale tá prvá v mojom rozpoznaní bola Betty Daugherty. Tu je to znovu, počas prvého zhromaždenia o tomto.

 Ona vtedy vedela, o čom som hovoril. Nechcem znovu začať to rozpoznanie, lebo v rade... Ale ona povedala to, čo mala práve povedať. Bola naplnená Duchom Svätým v St. Louis. Ako tínedžerka, ako dieťa možno vykonala veci, ktoré nemala. Ale kto taký nebol? Kto také neurobil? Ak by nebola milosť, všetci sme stratení. Ak si ochotná vyznať svoju chybu, Boh je dosť spravodlivý na to, aby ti ju odpustil.

114        Teraz zdvíham svoju vieru, Pane. Prinášam Ti toto dievča. Dávam ruky na jej oči. Karhám tento šedý zákal a verím, že ona bude znovu vidieť. Nech moc živého Boha, toho Božského, dá Betty znovu jej zrak, zatiaľ čo ponúkam túto modlitbu, keď je na mne viera. V Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Nech si znovu potrasiem ruky so svojou sestrou niekde dnes, zajtra alebo kedykoľvek to znovu bude a bude mať v očiach jasný pohľad a povie, „Brat Branham, môžem [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] vidím lepšie ako kedykoľvek pred tým...“

 [Nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] Či tomu veríš, sestra Daughertyová? Potom to tak bude!

 Pane, v Mene Ježiša, Syna Božieho, daj našej sestre túžbu jej srdca, ako tu stojí, aby od Teba počula. Nech tá moc, ktorá uzdravila Betty Daughertyovú po prvýkrát, nech aj po druhýkrát uzdraví našu sestru v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

115 Brat... [Ten brat hovorí s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.] Náš brat chce byť spasený. Či príjmeš Ježiša Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa? Či veríš, že On za teba zomrel a znovu povstal? Či si Ho teraz nárokuješ ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa?

 V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je každá otázka hriechu preč z vedomia tohto človeka. Nech náš brat [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.], nech odteraz žije ako kresťan v Mene Ježiša Krista.

 Obráť sa k publiku a povedz, „Prijímam Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa.“ Teraz je tak rád, že jeho hriechy sú odpustené Krvou Ježiša Krista! To je to, čo máme radi, amen, dvojitý liek Jeho ranami. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] Pane, daj tejto žene jej uistenie o spasení. [Nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] V Mene Ježiša Krista tomu musíš veriť. Choď a ver tomu. Nepochybuj.

116 A to je to, čo som dnes ráno dosiahol – skrze posolstvo, ktoré som mal, a veci, ktoré som poznal, nasledoval som to poverenie – viac, ako som dosiahol za posledných päť rokov, lebo som našiel centrum Božej vôle.

 No, môže to byť pre mňa ťažké prejsť z jednej služby na druhú. Ale to nie je o tom, že sa mení služba, je to o tom, že tá istá služba ide do vyššej sféry. Je to to originálne poverenie. Všetky tieto veci sú na tom stavané. Teraz je ten čas.

 Z celého svojho srdca verím za každú osobu, za ktorú som sa modlil. Verím, že budú uzdravení. A so všetkým dôkazom, ktorý mám, všetkým, čo Boh ukázal, rok čo rok, nezlyhávajúci dôkaz, že Biblia znovu žije, ako by to mohlo zlyhať? To jednoducho nemôže zlyhať.

117 No, je len jediný spôsob, ako by to mohlo zlyhať, a to je vtedy, keď tomu neveríte. Ak by tu stál Sám Ježiš a pomodlil by sa za vás a urobil by ten istý skutok, ktorý sme tu urobili my dnes ráno, nestalo by sa nič viac ako to, čo by sa stalo, keby ste mali tú istú mieru viery. Nemohlo by sa stať viac ako to, čomu by ste verili s tým istým množstvom viery. Lebo ja len reprezentujem Jeho. Som hriešnik spasený z milosti, len človek ako vy, len ľudská bytosť. Ale Boh musí mať niekde priechod. A On to dokázal Svojím Slovom. Dokázal to cez službu. Dokázal to cez Anjela Pánovho a tu to je. A teraz je to na nás, aby sme tomu verili.

 No, pamätajte, rovnako ako dieťa. Ak bolo niekde utrpenie, už to viac nevidíte. Ak bola niekde choroba, už tam viac nie je. Len ignoruj akýkoľvek symptóm, čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade s tým, o čo si prosil. Mnohokrát... Každé dieťa, ktoré prichádza k Bohu, musí byť skúšané. Sme skúšaní, aby sme videli, či veríme alebo nie. A budete mať boje a problémy, ale pamätajte, my sme na svojom pochode.

118 Nech vás Boh žehná. Milujem vás. A s pomocou Božej milosti dúfam, že On mi dovolí slúžiť Mu ako Jeho sluha mnoho a mnoho rokov do budúcnosti, to je moja modlitba. Modlite sa za mňa.

 A teraz pamätajte na dnes večer: „Päť nezlyhávajúcich potvrdení pravdivej cirkvi živého Boha.“ Dovtedy, postavme sa na chvíľu na svoje nohy.

 Ó, je tu bohoslužba s krstom? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Myslím, že je.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, bohoslužba s krstom – ľudia, čo sa majú krstiť, ste tu? Zodvihnite svoje ruky, ktokoľvek, kto sa ide dať pokrstiť. Jeden, dva, tri... Áno. Je mi to veľmi, veľmi ľúto, priatelia.

 No, rozpustím tých, ktorí musia ísť. Nech tí ostatní zostanú na krst, ak chcú. Budeme mať za chvíľu bohoslužbu s krstom.

119 Otče Bože, rozpusť tých, ktorí musia odísť, s Tvojimi požehnaniami, s Tvojím blahoslavenstvom. Nech na nich spočinie Tvoja milosť a nech Ti ďakujú za všetko, čo sa dnes ráno dosiahlo, ako sa tiahneme preč od tej hory a ideme hore. Pane, nech prejdeme cez rebrík každej sféry, až dokiaľ nedosiahneme kráľovstvo Božie. Udeľ to, Pane. Buď teraz s nami. Odpusť naše hriechy. Tí, ktorí tu teraz zostanú, aby boli pokrstení na odpustenie svojich hriechov v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nech sú tieto veci udelené.

        Zhromaždi nás opäť spolu dnes večer. Nech Tvoja moc a Tvoje požehnania spočinú na nás dnes večer. Nech je to dnes veľkolepý večer. Nech mnohí, ktorí sú zmätení, sú napravení. Udeľ to, Otče, lebo o to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. V poriadku, môžete si teraz sadnúť, ak chcete, zatiaľ čo sa pripravujeme na krst.        

AS I WAS WITH MOSES, SO I WILL BE WITH THEE, 60-0911M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 127 min

1 Out again this morning... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... night's sleep. I hope that we all had it, and are feeling relaxed today.

I was just thinking as I was standing in the room, and Billy Paul put in twenty-five cents this morning. I remember standing on this same pulpit when Frankie Weber, a neighbor here... He and I went to school together. And I was about twenty-one, about twenty-two, I believe, and he was already twenty-five. And when he put in the twenty-five cents, I thought, "Oh, my, Frankie's about ready to die; he's so old. And--and now," I thought, "what will I do when I get that age, twenty-five?" And now my son's putting in twenty-five.

Just goes to show that time is fleeting and it waits on no one. We must work while it is day, for the time will come when we cannot work no longer. And I always liked Longfellow's "The Psalm of Life," "With partings, leave behind us the footprints on the sands of time." We must make footprints while we can make them, each of us. Let's not waste one day, but make every day count the best that we can for His glory.

3 Now, a couple nights ago, or two weeks ago, it has been... The Lord gives visions, as we're all sure of that here. And I had a strange vision to happen to me while I was down in Kentucky. I said to the party I was with, "something's surely fixing to happen."

I saw standing before me, about three o'clock in the morning in the room, a man, hideously dark; not like our beloved colored brethren and sisters. This man was different. His body was wrinkled iron, and he was coming with great clutching hands to get me. And in my protection was a small blade; but it was no good; it couldn't protect myself with it. So somehow, the Lord come in and helped me to get away from this hideous man. He was wrinkled iron. I could see him as he raised his hands, the great wrinkles in his skin, just like iron moving back and forth. I suppose, maybe, a hard pressing bullet would not pierce that hideous shell, like a--some animal, a tortoise or something, over him. And he was after me. I have a good idea what that was and what it means.

5 But then last Tuesday morning, about three o'clock, something else happened. I was at home. And standing before me in a room, was a Divine One that spoke words that I did not understand. And the time that He appointed is near at hand. And I did not hear Him too good, but He was a Divine One. And He said, "Seven more days, and you'll stand as Moses stood," or "will be as Moses was," or something concerning Moses. That leaves me one more day after today; that was the sixth. I don't know what that means. I know that He will work it out, whatever it is, "You will stand," or "have to stand," or "be as," or it was something pertaining to Moses. And I never thought too much about it. I told my family and told some of my loved ones, that I had saw this Divine One. Yet He spoke as a Man.

And then I noticed that my message of last evening, the Lord let me choose Moses. And this morning it's Moses and his successor. And the Scripture that I'm about to approach this morning for, is concerning Moses and Joshua. And this Scripture, Joshua the 1st chapter, has always been a very outstanding Scripture: never preached on it in my life; I'm going to try it this morning.

7 But about two years ago, I saw the Bible, in the room, come down and stand where I was at and a hand from above came down and parted the pages, turned them out, and come down Joshua 1 to the 9th verse and stopped, going slowly. I've waited for this hour to approach to when I would feel that it was God's will for me to speak concerning it.

Now, don't forget the evening services, if you are--can come and you don't have a post of duty. If you have churches that needs you, why, we certainly recommend you to your church.

This morning we're going to pray for the sick immediately after the message. And I think there following that is a baptismal service.

And tonight, the Lord willing, I want to preach on "Five Infallible Scriptural Identifications Of The Church," and our relationship with it, with the New Testament church, and our relationship with this church. And services will begin, the song service, at seven-thirty; try to be in the pulpit at eight o'clock. And we'll be through by nine-thirty, the Lord willing.

11 And then I trust that today that it will not be that none of these words that... When I come down to the commission, that no one will fail to see it, because it's very important that you lay aside everything now and think as we wait on the Holy Spirit.

Before approaching this marvelous and gracious Word, I'm going to ask that my good friend and co-worker, Doctor Lee Vayle, if he'll stand up and lead us in a word of prayer, as we open the Word. Brother Vayle. [Brother Vayle begins to pray, then blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Thank you, Brother Vayle, for that inspiring prayer to God.

13 And now, let us turn in the Scriptures. There's just so much to talk about; but yet seeing many standing around the walls and in the halls, and so forth... I believe we are facing the dawn of a new day. Now, in the Scripture reading this morning, let's turn to the 1st chapter of Joshua. And we will read from the first book of Joshua the 1st chapter, the first nine verses. And while we're making ready...

This message is being taped and will be sent to many parts of the world. I'd want the peoples of the world, to whom the Lord has given me favor, and I've found grace in your sight; I'm saying this this morning because that in the future, hoping to come into your congregations and meetings, that you might know ahead of time, what the Lord God has done, that you might know truth. And as Jesus said, "The truth shall make you free."

15 Reading from Joshua 1.

.. after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,

Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, and go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I have given to them, even to the children of Israel.

Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites,... unto the great sea towards the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.

There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper wheresoever thou goest.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest,

16 In the 5th verse and about the middle of the verse it is written: "As I Was With Moses, So I Will Be With Thee." That is what, if I should call it a text, I would like to--to wait on a few moments, and call your attention to that. "As I was with Moses, so will I be with thee."

Now, last evening we were journeying with the children of Israel, all the way from Egypt, till we got them into Kadesh. Oh, what a great lesson, what a great thing, as we typed the natural church to the spiritual church. God dealing with Israel in the natural, with the church in these days, as He's calling out of the Gentiles a people for His Name, He's dealing with them in the spiritual, as He dealt with them in the natural: just parallel one to the other. All that God did with them, and all that God did for them, and all they did in response, falls to us as an example. And we see, so far, the Word has been carried out exactly the same. How that in the natural, when they got their victory, or two, they settled down to rejoicing, and shouting, and dancing, and praising God, just the way the church did, and now has waited forty years for the opening of something else.

18 And as we think of Moses, this great servant of the Lord, how that at his birth, the place of his birth, God chose him for his work at his birth. And his life was very much difficult to be lived. Because he's a man, and he wants to live it one way, and the Spirit of God leads him another way. What foolish decisions, seemingly, that he would make. When with a foot on the throne to be heir of the world, and then take the other side to become an outcast or a wanderer, seemingly, mentally, it would be a foolish thing.

But we find a great lesson in here, that men who follow the Spirit is foolish to the world, because they're of another Kingdom, led in another way, led by the Spirit. God, let that be me and all of you, that we will follow the leading of the Spirit, regardless, watching God's promise, waiting for it to be fulfilled.

20 And that's just what Moses done. Pharaoh read the same Scriptures that Moses did. Only Pharaoh looked at it in another way. Moses looked at the same people Pharaoh did. Pharaoh saw them as slaves and as mud-daubers. Moses seen them as the called and chosen.

That's the way I want to see the church of the living God, not a bunch of fanatics or outcasts, but as the chosen of God; that I might be able to give my life, as Moses did, for this great church and for the cause.

Now, we find Moses being called, and after being commissioned, he failed his commission by trying to do it in the way that he thought was best. Therefore, it teaches us again that we can't take what we think is best, or what man thinks is best; we've got to take the way that God has said is best. Therefore, to follow the Word of the Lord is always the best: take the way God said.

24 And in his failure, we find out that he fled from the face of Pharaoh into the wilderness, where he married Jethro's daughter, Zipporah. And there after marrying her, she bore him a son, Gershom. Then he settled down, quietly and peacefully, as in sheep business.

But one day, God heard the cry of His people; God remembered that He had a covenant with those people. Not only that, but He also remembered He had a servant who He had called and had chosen, and He had a covenant with that servant. And God will never change His covenant, or change His desires, or change anything. God will always keep His promises. Although Moses had failed Him and had done that which was wrong, yet God kept His covenant. When God calls a man to do something, he must do it, just got to do it.

26 Someone asked me sometime ago, "Shall we seek our gifts now for our ministries?" some Methodist brethren who'd just received the Holy Ghost.

I said, "No, don't do that. When you do, then God can't use you." I said, "The only thing to do, is just go ahead being a Christian. If God's called you, He'll place you just exactly where you belong."

Usually, those who seek and try to get things, if God would give them something, they'd, more or less, be a stuffed shirt. Usually the man that God calls is the man that's trying to run from Him, if anything; Moses and Paul, and different ones tried to get away from the call.

29 But we find here that God in spite of all the failure that Moses had done, He still had His hand on him. And He called him to go, do His service, calling him to his commission. And what a consolation that must've been to Joshua, when he heard God say, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you."

Although if I'm trying and I fail, God won't leave me. I don't have much confidence in anybody that's too afraid to do anything. I'd rather be found a failure than too lazy to try.

31 One time it was said that the Ballard and Ballard Flour Company hired a man, and he was going to sign his name, and the man had no eraser on the end of his pencil. And Mr. Ballard said to him, said, "Why haven't you got an eraser?"

He said, "I don't make mistakes."

He said, "Then I can't use you. Because if you make mistakes--you--you don't make mistakes, you won't do nothing." That's true.

God don't hold you responsible for your mistakes. He holds you responsible for your will--willful sin. "He that sins willfully, after he has received the knowledge of the truth..." But a man that's going to do something is going to blunder; he's going to fall. He's going to make mistakes. But if he's really Divinely called, and God in his heart, he'll rise again.

34 Used to be, coming to the church here years ago, and they may be here this morning, a little man and his wife. They used to sing a song that thrilled me, goes something like this:

Forgive me, Lord, and try me one more time,

I'll be Yours if You'll be mine;

If I fall or if I fail, let me rise and try again,

Forgive me, Lord, and try me one more time.

I like that, for any good soldier's apt to get wounded or hurt. But if he's still a soldier, and got a purpose, and something to fight for, he'll rise and try again. Any good soldier of the Cross will do the same thing.

36 And to Joshua, the new commander of the army after Moses had passed on, seeing that God stayed with him in his mistakes, he held his commission up... No matter what Moses done, it was Moses' office that God respected. He was a prophet; he was above all the prophets; he was really more than any prophet they had. When his own sister laughed at him for marrying an Ethiopian girl, He called them together, and He said, "Don't you fear God?" Said, "If there be one among you who's spiritual or a prophet, I will speak to him in visions and make Myself known to him in dreams. But it's not so with Moses; I speak lip to ear with him. Don't you fear God?"

See, that's not a good thing to tramp upon God's people. You hurt Him when you do so. God had commissioned Moses; his failures meant nothing. God knowed his heart.

39 And he, one time Moses complained about having too much to do. And so God took His Spirit and divided It amongst seventy. They had no more Spirit than they had at the beginning. But only had--thing, they just had more machinery, same amount of Spirit.

God can put His entire Spirit upon a Man if He wants to, or He can scatter It amongst thousands if He wants to. One day He put His whole Spirit upon a Man called Jesus; now He's scattered It through His churches everywhere. God keeps His commission.

41 Now, Joshua, the new warrior... Only two left now, that ever left the promised land; and that was Joshua and Caleb. Now, Joshua, the new commander, to lead an army, the second to the place where a great man like Moses stood... It was no little task.

I think of a minister today that's called of God to step into the tracks where Jesus stood, what a command, what a commission. But each that's called of God is commissioned to stand in that same place. "I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the way." Each minister's called to stand where He would. "The works that I do, shall you do also." Each minister's ordained of God, is commanded to stand in the tracks of Jesus Christ and perform the duties that Jesus performed. That's quite a command.

43 And how it must've felt, when Joshua, standing there that morning, talking to God. He said, "I'll not fail thee; and as I was with Moses, so will I be with you; no man shall stand before you all the days of your life. I will destroy and divide. I'll make the way clear. Only be strong and very courageous. Be not dismayed (That's 'wearied.'). Don't be afraid. I'm with you, and I'll see you through." What a commission to be given to this new man called Joshua.

Now, there's a great lot of types here that we could go into, but we'll bypass some of them. For instance, like Moses was the church age that brought them to Sinai to their theology of last night. Moses was not permitted to take the children of Israel over into the promised land, because he had failed.

45 And the church organizations, denominations has failed. They'll not take the church over. God will raise up a new system, a interdenominational system by the power of God, that'll take the church into the promised land. Organizations and denominations has messed it up; each one after their own theology, each one after their own way of thinking. But God will take His Holy Spirit, and will raise His Joshua that'll take the church to the promise, with no denominational strings tied anywhere, but will take over His church.

Moses had failed; he was a law-giver. Joshua was called of grace, and he took the church on.

47 We find also that Joshua, knowing this commission, knowing that it laid in his hand, that God had called him for a duty that he must not fail, he walked softly before God. And when he called the people together and told them that God had commissioned him, watch the request of the people. They said, "We'll follow you as we did Moses; if we can see the same thing that followed Moses, following you. Only be strong and courageous."

That ought to be the requirement of every borned again person today. If we're requested to follow; then let's see the signs follow the believer, as Jesus said, "The things that I do, shall you do also."

And I've asked you before to be sure to let your spiritual heart be open this morning, 'cause I'm trusting that you'll catch what I'm saying. Setting with denominational people, all kinds of organizations gathered here this morning from Catholic and Protestant, and many different types, so it will be revealed to the Spirit-filled, of course.

50 Now, Joshua had to take this command. The people said, "Let God be with you as He was Moses, and we'll know that the same Spirit that led us this far can take us on."

Oh, how the church ought to look this morning to find the Spirit working amongst people, if you want a church home where the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit, that'll move amongst the people. That's the Spirit that God's raising up in the last days to take the people over into the other land, into the full promise of all the blessings of God, and to the full commission that He gave, or the promise. "The promise is unto you and to your children."

As Israel sought for that promised land, knowing that it was somewhere, because there had been somebody there before, so is the church. We know that there's a land somewhere. There is a power somewhere, because there's been others over there. We know that land lays beyond the river, where we are headed towards, this morning, trying to go into that promised land.

Joshua knew that that land was there. He went first and found out, there he could come back as a witness.

God-called ministers ought not to be so stuffed out with theology; but have visit the land to where we're going, bringing back evidence of the Divine love and power of Jesus Christ to make known to their congregations that there is a land beyond the river.

54 Now, last night, preaching, going up to Jordan... Now, when we get to that river, it divides us. It separates us. Once on the other side, something's happened to you.

Now, Joshua, in all his knowing that the command was great, but having the assurance, he could be fearless. He could be, and we'd call it reckless, as long as he was pointed the right way. He might break up against a hill that would knock him backwards, but he was headed the right way.

So can the church of the living God be reckless and fearless, in faith if we're pointed the right way. For He said, "As I was with Moses, I'll be with you. I'll not fail you nor forsake you." He never forsaken Moses. He never failed Moses. He will not fail Joshua. He will not fail us. He'll be with us.

57 And as we find Joshua to take this commission, knowing the responsibilities was leading them through lands now, that he'd have to go over into the other land. He'd have to set up the kingdom. He'd have to divide the inheritances among them. He knowed the commission was tremendous, far more than what Moses had done. Joshua had more to do than Moses had to do.

Another thing, he was to lead them along the border, amongst their brethren. And they'd already tasted blood. He had to conquer them. He had to keep them quiet as they marched on.

So is it today with this new Pentecostal group that's rising now, they've tasted denominationalism. It's so hard to keep them there.

60 Some years ago they said, "Come, Brother Branham," when the ministry first started, "we'll start a organization, build you a memorial somewhere." I'm not looking for memorials. I'm looking for the coming of the Lord.

They formed a little cult called the Latter Rain, moved up into Canada and out into California, but it fell through. 'Course it can't go. Why was it? The only thing they know; they come out of those things, and they got a little touch of it. They've got to have something they got to do.

But brother, the real church of the living God has no forms, has no creeds. It's led by the power of God that's in every individual's heart. Pass by your brethren. Don't fuss at them. We're greater than they. Don't fuss at them; just go by.

63 I want you to notice; a great thing taken place here. There was Esau, Moab, and those that we referred to last night. Many of those people, many of those were actually borderline believers. They were right on the border.

Oh, I got to stop here on something just a moment, won't take me but a minute. Many people refer the promised land to the Millennium. It is not. The promised land had wars and killings. The Millennium won't have any wars or killings. It referred to the Holy Spirit, the battlegrounds.

Justification: they left Egypt. There's three stages of their journey. They left Egypt under justification, believing the Word; they separated themselves from the Egyptians and come out. They crossed the Red Sea and killed the things behind them; which was sanctification through the Blood that kills all human desires of evil, second stage of the journey. But the third stage was when they crossed Jordan into the promised land where their inheritance laid. Their inheritance never laid in Egypt, though God blessed them in Egypt.

66 You Lutheran that believe in justification, your inheritance don't lay there if you're called. If you're just a Lutheran, that's all the farther you'll ever get.

You Methodists, and Nazarenes, and Pilgrim Holiness, and Church of God, who believe in sanctification, the killing of the evil that's in you, taking out the roots of evil, you belong across the river.

But to you men and women that there's something in you, calling out, the deep to the Deep; there's a Jordan yet to cross, and a land beyond the river.

He said, "You're going to pass by your brethren. You're going to pass by your brethren, and they're near the borderline. And if you pass by them, don't say nothing to them. I have given Esau this mountain. I have given Moab this country. And I don't want you fussing at them, proselyting. Just move through gently. You know where you're going. Don't take up their habits."

70 Moab had a false prophet, a bishop by the name of Balaam, who come down and got amongst the congregation, and tried to get them to organize and all come together, 'cause they were brethren. But they were not. They were half-brothers, not real brothers. If in your heart...

"Don't disagree with him; just go ahead, leave him alone. Pay him for what you get, if you have to pass through his country." He was predestinated to be that. If God would expected or predestinated Moab to join up with Israel, they'd have joined up. If He'd predestinated Esau to go with Israel, Esau would've jumped in and went. But He give him his inheritance on the other side of the river.

72 Or how can you try to make all the Lutherans see it, all the Baptists see it, all the Presbyterians, and Nazarenes, and Pilgrim Holiness? Don't condemn them. That's all they know. That's all that's in them.

But to you who believe (O God.), to you who know, to you that's got something in you that's calling to the Deep... If all the deep you've got's been satisfied, then stay where you are. But for me and my house, for me there's something more than what he sees. There's a land beyond the river somewhere; there's still a deep calling to the Deep. I cannot be satisfied with theology. I cannot be satisfied with a good church. I cannot be satisfied with a good campaign. I cannot be satisfied with a little healing service. There's something beyond that that's calling.

74 So just let them alone. Go on through. Don't argue with them. But we're passing to another land. They wasn't ordained to go with you. They won't walk with you. How can two walk unless they be agreed? But to those who love God, to those who go--called of God...

Well, they say, "God give us this church. God did this."

That's right. God said, "I give Esau this mountain; don't touch him. But I've got something different for you. Cross over." Amen.

That's my desire, brethren, to see my church cross over into another land, a desire to move over to the other side. If there is something in you here first calling, there'll be Something to respond to that call. Just settling down to sheep raising ain't enough for you. Go into some sort of a business is not enough for you. Just to join the church and put your name on the book, is not enough for you. Because, there's something calling, all across the ridge yonder, across the next ridge, and all across Jordan, until you fall into the arms of God yonder. A deep calling unto a Deep...

77 Joshua knowed this commission was tremendous. Did you notice there, all when Joshua started to cross Jordan, how Joshua remembered his commission? "Let not this book of the law, My Word, depart out of your mouth." In other words, "Joshua, I don't care what the tribe says, what other clergy says. Stay with this Word, for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous. No matter how many big things they do, and how many little things they do, and how many organizations they made; stay with the Word, Joshua." Oh, my. "Stay with the Word. This Word, this Word shall not depart out of your mouth." Let me read It again.

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou may observe to do according to all that--all the law, which Moses my servant has commanded thee: turn not from it from the right hand or to the left,...

78 If the Word says do a certain thing, do it. I don't care what the organization says; do it anyhow. That's the Joshua that God's waiting for. Turn not one inch, one iota. Stay right with the Word.

.. turn not from it to the right... or to the left, that thou mayest prosper...

Oh, you think you are prospering when you're building big churches, getting ten thousand added to your denomination. That's not prosperity. That don't take you one step closer to the promise. What we need is more of God, more of the Holy Ghost.

.. that thou mayest prosper wherever you go.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night,...

When you're thinking on doing something, are you taking God's Word for it? Are you finding your desire in the Word? Are you preaching that which is Bible? Are you just like many today, and too many, preaching for doctrine the commandments of men?

81 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy hand--or thy mouth;... ("Thy mouth," what you're saying. Just don't read It and walk away. Speak it. Live it. Teach it.)... but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:...

See what a Joshua of this day is going to be? See what a Joshua of the church spiritual's going to be? It's the same kind of a Joshua they had in church natural. Church spiritual has got to be the same thing.

If the Bible said, "Except a man be borned again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God," the spiritual Joshua will say amen. If the Bible said, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," the spiritual Joshua will say the same thing. He is the same. If the Bible says, the Book, the Word says that, "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem till you're endued with power from on high. After this the Holy Ghost is come on you, then you'll be witnesses of Me," the spiritual Joshua says the same thing.

86 If Peter on the day of Pentecost said, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost," the spiritual Joshua will never vary one iota, but he'll make just exactly what the Word said.

If Mark 16 said, "Go into all the world, preach the Gospel. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things, it'll not harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover," the spiritual Joshua will say the same thing. He'll meditate therein day and night to make the way prosperous.

88 I want you to notice what taken place. Joshua, when he come to his first campaign, his first time to prove that he was the real Joshua... Israel ought to have knowed that.

No doubt, the clergy had a different idea. They said, "Now, we'll just camp here until springtime, or till summertime, the Jordan will go down."

And look like God throws some of the most foolish things in front of the spiritual Joshua. Brought him there in the month of April, when the Jordan was three or four times its size. He was trying him to see if he really was the Joshua. Let everything go wrong. Let everybody else prosper. Let the others prosper. Let the men who have a form of godliness, deny the power thereof, prosper, and shove you back. But if you know where you'll stand, you'll stand. Regardless, if the whole world turns you down, you'll stand just the same. You won't vary from that Word.

93 The Jordan was three or four times its size: spooky, horrible-looking, muddy. But Joshua said, "God said within three days we're going over. And we're going over."

Now, the clergy'd say, "Now, just a minute, Joshua. We are educated men. We are smart. Many of us here are engineers from Egypt. We know how to do these things, so we'll just wait a little while until the stream clears up, then we can walk across it. Isn't that much easier?"

"I don't care what you think. God said three days we're going over. And we're going over. We're going over in three days."

Watch what Joshua did. What did he put first, the clergy? No, sir. He put the Word first. Said, "Take that ark. And all you priests stay away from it; get behind it. Don't try to lead it; let it lead you."

97 That's the trouble today. We try to get ahead of the Word, and bypass, and make the Word to fit this, and the Word to fit that. Bless your hearts. What we need today is, follow the Word.

The Word led the way. When it got to the Jordan, she opened up and they went over. His first campaign, he put first things first. He had a reason for that. He had a reason, because God had commissioned him, "Stay with the Word. Let the Word do it." Every campaign, they went forth in the battle, because God had charged him to put the ark first. After the ark went forth, what went forth then? Singing, players of instruments, before the fight took place. Hallelujah.

That's what we need today; it's what we had this morning: singers, instruments, playing music, rejoicing. Then put the Word first, read the Word. Then the battle sets in. We're bound to win, just got to win. Stay right with It, keep Its directions, and It'll keep you in the hour of trouble.

101 He had a good reason for it. Now remember, when he crossed over... Before he crossed over, he sent a spy over, two of them, to search out the land. Now, Moses had sent a whole group of them over, but they all come back confused. Watch the new ministry. He never did that. He knows where you got fifteen hundred different ideas, you got fifteen hundred confusions. But he sent two, said, "Go over there; spy out the land."

Now, we want to get down to something that I don't want you to miss. He said, "Now, when you go over..." They passed over to look the land over, to see if the promises was right, see if it was what kind of a land, and how they must go in. They crossed over. The names of the spies isn't given. But when they went into the land, they came to Jericho itself. And when they got to Jericho, what happened? They run into a prostitute, a woman of ill-fame.

103 I want to draw a picture. Maybe it isn't right, but I want to make a point by it. We have no history of Rahab. We know that she was a prostitute. Let's think she was raised in a home that was real poor, and she became ill-famed. And she's a beautiful young woman. She went into the streets to make her crippled mother and father a living; no way for her to work, only sell the morals of her body. But I can imagine, all the time, she knew that was wrong. There was something in her, told her, "Now, that's not right to do that." She knew it wasn't.

One day she heard that there was a God that was moving. Her heart begin to tremble. She found a messenger from that great move, that told her what was going to take place. What did she say? Now, Joshua had signs; Joshua had the same signs that Moses had, exactly. So when he... Rahab didn't ask to see Joshua's sign; she just heard: A type of the church, a type of the true church that's been pulled the way of prostitution. "I'm a Methodist today, a Baptist tomorrow, a Presbyterian the next day," pulled away in prostitution.

106 But all of a sudden, a little preacher enters the city and said, "There's a God that lives, that lived yesterday, and is the same today. His power is just the same. He does the same works that He did when He was here on earth." His agents are on the road.

Now, Rahab the harlot, known as a harlot, she was a type of the believer today, the real believer. She didn't say, "Now, I hear that--that Joshua can do signs, because he's the successor of Moses. I'd like to see those signs. And if I could see those signs, then I'll believe it." Well, he didn't absolutely have to show those signs, because she believed it anyhow. She wasn't a Thomas. She believed it.

108 Now, Moses, when he had signs, he went down and performed those signs, but the sign isn't the thing that took them to the promised land. It wasn't. The signs was the vindication of the commission. And Rahab believed it without seeing anything. She said, "We're all trembling."

No wonder Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know Thou art a Teacher come from God; no man could do these things 'less God was with Him. We all know it."

The world knows it today. Billy Graham calls out, "We got to get back to Pentecost." The Council of Churches calls out, "We've got to get back to prophets, to speakers with tongues, to interpreters of tongues, to Divine healing, healers in our churches, letting the Spirit of God have Its right of way." God's making His call. The people fear real godliness, and say, "Everything, our hearts are failed within us."

112 Now, she didn't have to see a sign that Joshua could do with his hand or with a stick. She believed. She said, "I heard, and I believe, and now I'm asking for mercy." Oh, how we could put a lesson right here. "I'm asking for mercy for me and my house."

Look at the Roman that night, that pulled his sword and was going to kill himself, the Philippian jailer. Paul said, "Do yourself no harm. We're all here.

Said, "What can I do to be saved?"

Said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou and thy house shall be saved.

"Why? 'Thou and thy house'?" Certainly. Thy house shall be saved with thee. Why? If you got faith enough to have yourself saved, you can have faith enough for your family to be saved. Yes, "thou and thy house."

116 Look at Rahab. Rahab said, "Have mercy upon me. Spare me. I don't want to die with these unbelievers. I don't want to die as an animal. I want to die in the arms of Jehovah. I believe your God, because He's both God of heaven and earth. He does visible things; He makes things real. I've never seen Him do it, but I believe it anyhow." See, she'd never seen Joshua; she just heard of Joshua. She'd never seen God; she'd never seen any of the works of God; she just heard. Others had seen it, and she believed by hearing it. Now, said, "I want favor for me and my father, my mother. They're both old and crippled up. I've got some brethren. I want to have faith for them."

And the spies, the preachers, said, "Yes, he's coming this a way, and we're going to take the land. Now, if you want to get them saved, get them in the house." Hallelujah. "If you believe it, go get them and get them in here, for we'll not be responsible if they're in the streets. But if you'll just get them in the house, we'll be responsible," (Hallelujah.), where that little red cord was to hang down the window. "We'll be responsible if you put them in the house."

118 Oh, brethren, if there ever was a time we ought to get our loved ones in the house, it's today, the household of faith. Get them in, for the time's coming when there's coming a shaking. Only, our fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters, are only safe in the house, 'cause God's power's going to shake the country again. It is. And only the household of faith will be saved.

Now, he said, "I'm not responsible unless you get them in the house." And she made them swear that they would not destroy her or her family. He said, "If you'll get them in, they'll be safe." She let them down out of the place, and they went.

120 This great harlot Rahab become a believer. I took her history here not long ago. After she was considered and brought into the faith, because of her belief in God, she was brought into Israelite faith, a proselyte. She courted a general in the army, of the Israelite army. Watch what God did for that woman. And they had a... They moved up in Bethlehem, and they had a son; and this son, they called him Boaz. Out of Boaz, he married Ruth, from Ruth and Boaz come Jesse; out of Jesse come David; out of David come Jesus. Hallelujah.

Why? "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of a God that's God of heaven and earth, and believing on Him." Believing what? The commission that God had given to a man named Joshua, believing that commission.

122 Joshua had faith in his own commission, as Moses had faith. Things went wrong for Moses, looked like he failed many times, but he rode through triumphantly and died on the Rock. The Angels packed him away.

God, let me go like that. Let me hold my commission, till someday when I get ready to die, I'll see the Rock laying there by me. Joshua's keeping his commission. Although he had... God hold it sacredly, because he stayed right with the Word.

Now, Rahab knowed that Joshua had this commission. Now, don't miss it. Hold those things in your heart. Joshua had the commission; Rahab recognized it before she seen anything. She knowed Joshua had the power of God that was going to take the land. She asked for mercy. God granted her mercy. Now, when Joshua came into the land, of course, we know she was spared.

125 But then another great commission Joshua had, was to divide the land with the people. Now, remember, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth." They had God's Word, "As I was with Moses, move right on out. As I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I'll not fail you. You may fail Me, but I won't fail you. But if you fail Me, My grace is sufficient; I'll bear you right back up. Just keep moving on. As long as you stay with My Word, I'll take care of you."

127 Now, he had to divide the lands, and there were twelve tribes to divide it by. Now, what if he had some picks and pets; what if he liked the tribe of Gad better than he did the tribe of--the tribe of Ephraim, the tribe of Joseph better than he did Judah? But he didn't do it that way. He divided it according to the Word revealed by the Spirit. He divided it according to tribe. And notice, he done it by the revelation, by discernment. By the discernment of God's Spirit, he did it.

Each one of those Hebrew mothers, giving birth to those babies, called their name. And each one of their name has a meaning.

Jacob, when he was born, being a twin, she called him "supplanter," Jacob. But when he got his overcoming power and wrestled with the Angel, God changed his name from Jacob to Israel, "a prince."

The name has something to do with your life. When Peter, a fisherman, had overcome by his faith in Jesus, He said, "Your name is Simon; but I'm going to call you Peter, which is 'little rock.'" It changes you. Your name has something to do with it, and your placement in life.

131 And when this great thing taken place, when each one of these Hebrew mothers in their travailing in the childbirth, called out, like "Reuben," that placed him positionally in the Palestine exactly the way that mother said and called his name. Said... I don't have it all wrote down here, but say "Reuben" meant "sheepherder," "Gad" means "cattle raiser," and "Ephraim" meant "corn raiser."

Now, by spiritual discernment, Joshua, the new leader by spiritual discernment placed each one where he belonged, divided the land just exactly.

133 A very beautiful type today of what we need a Joshua for today. The trouble today, when we are come into our promised land, Gad wants to raise sheep like Ephraim; one wants to raise something like the other. Every man wants to be the same. Let God give one man a gift of healing, every man wants a gift of healing. Ephraim and Gad, and all of them, wants to mix all up and come as one. But we are divided in our positions. All don't have the gift of wisdom; all don't prophesy; all don't speak with tongues; all are not prophets. But God has set in the church (Whew.) some that prophesy, some that speak with tongues.

We want to make them all speaking in tongues. See how the confusion is? Then you can't get nowhere. Why, the Philistines would take them over in a little bit. Sure. But when each man, by a leader, separated them by spiritual discernment and placed them into the body, there they remained and become the cream of the earth. God, give us a Joshua. God, give us back a Joshua that'll hold the commission with the Word.

That's the way God told him. "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, for thou shall meditate therein day and night," for he had a commission before him.

135 Now, what a great leader Joshua became, never losing a battle 'less something went wrong in the church. When Achan took a wedge, it wasn't Joshua's shape or faith that did it. It was he took a Babylonian garment and a wedge of gold out of the camp. And when he did, it--it hindered the whole battle.

When one member suffers, all members suffers. What God's coming to one of these days, brother, is a church without spot or wrinkle, coming to a Spirit-filled church that's Divinely love of God, so welded their heart together, that they'll walk as one.

137 The battle, of all this confusion, has got to be won. Is the Methodist right, Baptist right, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness? Nine hundred and sixty-nine different denominations, besides the Buddha and--and all the other kinds, where are we? Something's wrong. There's a wedge in the camp somewhere. Joshua cast lots.

Let me say this this morning, like Elijah on Mount Carmel, "If God be God, let Him answer as God." If the Baptist denomination be right, let's see them produce the signs of Jesus Christ. If the Nazarenes is right, let's see them produce the signs, do the things that He did. If the Pentecostal be right, let's see them do the thing that He did. Then we'll know.

139 The disciples of--of Joshua said, "We will follow you as long as we see God working with you like He did Moses."

And the disciples of Jesus Christ ought to say the same thing. "We'll work with you when we see the signs of Jesus Christ working with you. We'll do that." That's what we should do. That's what the church should say. That should be the attitude of the church, Christian church. Then you could set in order: gifts, signs, workers. If one man's a Divine healer, that has nothing to do with the one that speaks with tongues. The one that speaks with tongues has nothing to do with the gift of prophecy. See, we have different phases of this ministry.

141 Now, when God gave me my commission... I've based all this back for this one purpose. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." No man can make himself anything. God makes you what you are by His grace. We have no way of making ourself. Jesus said, "Who taking thought can add one cubit to his stature?" Who can make hisself bigger or littler by taking thought? You can't do it.

When God gave the commission, I questioned it. I said, "I'm unsufficient--or insufficient. I have no education. I cannot do these things."

Many of you people here this morning are still living here today, when He appeared down here on the river in that form of a Pillar of Fire, and stood there, and spoke back, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent forth for a forerunner of the first coming of Christ, so will your message be the forerunning of the second coming."

144 Look what it's done. That Light hanging over there, it entered the paper; it went all the way across the United States and into other nations. Doctor Lee Vayle there, was in Canada at the time. He remembers when it appeared in the Canadian paper; I believe it was, wasn't it, Lee? In the Canadian paper, "Mystic Light appears over local minister's head while baptizing."

Many people said, "It's psychology."

But one day God decided to stop the mouth of the unbelievers, 'cause it stayed with the Word. That same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel is just the same today, leading church spiritual just the same as it led it natural. He appeared again, and they took the pictures before the critics and before the examiners. Here It hangs now infallibly the truth, doing the same works, leading the people spiritually, as It led them naturally back there, staying with the Word. Now, He said what was the commission. Now, remember, God will never depart from His commission. If...

147 I'd like to draw it for you, or in a way. We'll take it like this here. Here's a little sign; that is the commission; now here's a little cross in one corner and a Bible in the other corner, but the writing is in between here. That's the commission.

I charge you before God, and the elect Angels, and Jesus Christ; the commission was, "Pray for the sick." The question was insufficient to do it.

"For this cause you were born; this is the means of your peculiar birth and life, that you are to pray for the sick. If you'll get them to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even to cancer." How many has read that through the years? It's all over the world.

150 Now, now I said, "I cannot do it, because I am insufficient to do it. They won't believe me; I'm poor. I have no education." That was me questioning.

He said, "As Moses was given two signs to a-vindicate his commission, so are (not you will), you are given two signs. One of them will be by your hand. The other one will be you'll know the very secret of their heart, the thoughts of their mind. And by this they'll believe, by these two signs." Now, remember the... Listen, don't you fail to get this. The sign is not the commission. The sign only points to the commission.

You get out here on the road and see a sign and it says, "Five miles to Jeffersonville." That isn't Jeffersonville. That's a sign to show you you're on the right road.

153 What if Moses, when he went down there, he had a sign, with a stick and with his hand. The sign here is no more the commission than it was with Moses. Well, if all the Israelites say, "Say, all you Egyptians, all the rest of you Israelites, come over here, we got a man can do a trick with his hand. You ought to see it. We got a man can take a stick and make a snake out of it. Come, see it." That was just a signpost. That wasn't the commission. They wasn't waiting for a signpost. God help us. They were waiting for a deliverance.

And this poor, sick, crippled-up world is waiting for a deliverance, and looking at a signpost. Have mercy. The signpost is nothing but a sign to prove the commission. There's the new ministry. It's just been revealed to me. "Pray for the sick. Get the people to believe you." God can never leave that. That's His commission; no matter what goes on, how much I fail. I fail miserably. I should've never went ahead with them signs; that wasn't the will of God, but God's blessed it anyhow. But I'm ready to leave this mountain. I want to go across Jordan. I want to carry the commission. "Get the people to believe you."

I said, "They won't believe me."

"There'll be added two signs."

155 Now, the trouble of it is, we've been looking at the sign. "Oh, Brother Branham (See?) you put your hand on him. Oh, you ought to see what takes place. Stand before him when the anointing is on him, and he'll tell you everything that's in your heart." That's true.

I walked into the hospital here the other day. There was the doctors, couldn't find what was wrong with the woman. When the doctors left the room, the lady walked back and she was standing on her bed. "They said they can't find me with nothing, nothing what's wrong." Said, "Brother Branham, you can tell me."

I said, "If you'll believe me, I can."

She said, "I believe."

And the Holy Spirit said, "Such-and-such a thing. That's what it is exactly. See if that ain't it." She's a member of Junie Cash's congregation.

158 Another woman there said, "My back." She said, "They can't find what done it."

I said, "Do you believe me to be His prophet?"

She said, "I do."

I said, "What happened, back yonder in the early month of June, you... They're--they're trying to work on you, and trying to operate for a slipped vertebra. It's not so. It's a pinched nerve. You got it by lifting the load, when you worked for McSpaddin's Market.

She said, "I remember when it was done. I remember it now."

That doesn't heal her. That only points to the commission. Quit leaning on the signpost; let's go on to the city. Let's get away from this mountain; let's get to the city. Let's cross Jordan.

161 I've wronged. I've done wrong. That's why I've based these sermons the way I have. 'Cause He said, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you," and when that hand come down and pointed that very same Scripture... For a long time I've wondered, because I didn't know what the commission was. I've looked for something supernatural beyond that. God cannot get away from His commission. God give the commission; that's what it must remain.

But all the Pentecostal people like signs. They like to see it. The Bible said, "A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after signs." But the commission was, "Pray for the sick." And tens of thousands times thousands, that I have failed to pray for, because they all desired the sign... They all desire it.

163 The other day, I was trying to work the ministry, got it into the room. And a man come on the platform and said, "Now, Brother Branham, wait a minute. My case is different. I've just got to know something."

I said, "Well, the doctor can examine you."

"Oh, I don't want that. I--I want to know right now. My case is so different."

I said, "Well, I hate to do this, brother." Went on into it, and the first thing you know, the Holy Spirit...?... it.

He said, "Praise the Lord. That's right."

I said, "The rest of you come on now, let me pray for you."

When I did that, you know what the next one said? "My case is just as important as his. Then I got about six or eight, and closed the meeting; like to killed me.

I've always wondered why would that do that to me? Is because I was doing it wrong. That's just the signpost pointing to the commission. It's not the commission. That signpost has been nailed down around the world. And languages, Africa, India, Asia, Europe, around the world, through tens of thousands and millions of people, they know about that signpost. I'm ready to leave this mountain. I want to go on across Jordan; I want to get into something yonder, where my faith will rise to a spot, when I pray for people, they'll be healed.

168 Watch, God puts it right back in the people's lap. "You were born to pray for sick people. If you can get them to believe..."

I said, "They won't believe."

He said, "I'll give you two signs, and by this they will believe." Notice, then these signs, they've rallied for them, the signposts, instead of the commission. "Believing that you were sent to pray."

Now, when the people comes into the line to be prayed for, as soon as one absolutely hits the spot... There's nothing I can do about it till they hit that spot. And when they do, then I say, "I give you..."

171 Hattie Wright, she--I guess she's here this morning, setting right there. She was the first one, when we seen those squirrels; and she knowed the commission about that, and when them seven straight times that God created something, I said, "That's the same God that could create a ram for Abraham to convince him of his commission, is the same God that can create a squirrel, because that's what I had need of."

And little old Hattie Wright there, setting in the back of the building, with her heart off the things of the world, she was believing; she said, "Brother Branham, that's nothing but the truth." She didn't just say it from here; God spoke out of her heart.

I said, "Hattie, ask what you will; I'll give it to you."

She said, "What must I ask?"

I said, "You got an old father and mother setting here. You got a crippled sister." She's still setting in that chair. "You could ask for her. You could ask for your mother, father. You're poor, you don't have any money. Ask what you want to."

She said, "Well, I don't know what to ask." Said, "I just don't know." She said, "My greatest desire is the salvation of my two boys."

I said, "I give you your boys, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And they both converted, loves the Lord Jesus, both been baptized in His Name, and serving God daily with all their heart.

176 Ed Daulton, setting here somewhere, right down here: about his children, the same thing.

I seen, at least, in a campaign, eight or nine hundred, maybe a thousand people cross the platform in a meeting, one by one. First thing you know, I go up and pray for them. Sure, they get well. And here come a little girl dying with leukemia. Sure, I knowed what was wrong with the child, never said a word to any of them; but when that child got there, I said, "Honey, I give you the desire of your heart. You got leukemia, and I give you your healing in the Name of the Lord Jesus." I turned to the audience, and I said, "I challenge any of you here, take that girl to a doctor, have her examined, and see if she's got one spot of leukemia." Why? That child had heard like Rahab the harlot; she believed it with all of her heart. Then God, through His Spirit, moved back and said, "That's her." Hundreds had passed over the platform without (as far as I know) receiving anything. I just prayed for them.

178 It's right back to the people, "If you will believe." The commission was given. That's the original. The signpost has been produced. Now, if you can believe that, if you will believe that God sent me into the world to pray for the sick people, I'll be able to pray the prayer of faith for you. That's the only way it can be done.

God can never get away from His commission. I've failed Him. I've had here about fourteen years with nothing but straight discernment, around and around the world, till tens of thousands of times, a million cases, I guess. I ask you one thing. Did it ever fail? No, sir. And if the signpost won't fail, how much more will the commission never fail. If the sign, that's the minor part; if the sign pointing to the city, if it doesn't fail to tell you the city's there, how much more will the city be there when you come. There's the commission.

180 Now, my ministry's changing. It's already changed. There will still be the discernment; they will still carry on just as I feel that God wants me to say them. But until then, I'll pray and lay hands on the sick as He told me to do and carry out my commission. I've waited a long time for this, but I believe now that we're ready to take the promised land. And just as sure as there will be, there'll be some Rahab's waiting; there'll be someone waiting that'll believe it with all their heart.

Can you understand? Everybody understands that well, raise your hand. How many believes that that's absolutely Scriptural? That's exactly what He said. This is the commission; these are signposts pointing to the commission.

182 Now, I challenge anybody to tell me, anywhere in the world, to these tapes, wherever they may go, show me one time that He ever failed to tell on the platform, or out in any vision or anything, but what was exactly the right thing, come to pass just as He said. Told every person just exactly what their troubles was, and all about it, and where they come, and all about what they should do. And every time it said THUS SAITH THE LORD to anything of healing, it happened that way. If you know one, let me know about it; I'll go to the tape and find out. It's never failed in these twelve long years, or fourteen years. It's never failed, because it can't fail. The sign was given by God. It can't fail.

And before God give the sign, He give the commission. Before there could be a sign to point to a commission... Before there could be a sign to point to a city, there has to be a city, first to point to. If you've believed it with all your heart, you will receive it, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up."

184 Now, I've leaned heavy on the signpost myself. "Lord, You show me about this 'fore I pray for them, 'cause I don't know what I might do." How cruel that was. I ask the congregation to forgive me. The congregations of the world, that's listening in on this tape, forgive me. I was wrong. I should've never carried it out like that. That wasn't His commission at the first place. That was a sign pointing to the commission. I should've prayed for the sick, everywhere.

Now, see, it's right back again into the laps of the people, if you will believe that God commissioned this to be done. Here it is in the Word; it's just exactly with the Word, the commission that I say...

186 I draw here with my finger a arch, a rainbow. That's a covenant God made with people. He made a covenant with the human race: He'd destroy the world no more with water. He made a covenant with each one of His apostles. He made a covenant with the prophet.

And yonder, some fifteen, fourteen, fifteen years ago (in 1937, May the 7th, 1937, I think it was), that God made a covenant with me saying, "You were born in this world to pray for sick people. If you can get them to believe you..." My heart was always been for the people. "If you'll get those people to believe you, and then be sincere when you pray, nothing will stand before your prayer."

I say this with sincerity and with a shame face. If there's anybody ought to have faith, would be me; to see what He done, where He brought me from, the ditch where I was hewed from; to see down through life, what He's done; see when I stand and say something, God will come right around and back it up, truth.

189 Years ago, when I told you there was an Angel come to me in a bush... When I was only three years old, a Light, whirlwind whirling in a bush, and told me never to smoke, drink, or anything else, there'd be a work for me to do when I got older. You had a right to doubt that; you had no right, but you could've doubted it.

Down here on the river, when He come down and proved Hisself to be that... Up where we were standing, many of you setting here this morning was standing there, present. Many of you know that to be the truth.

Many of you remember then when the commission was given, and He said, "Go, and this ministry will go into all the world; a revival will start." And there's been a revival since there's never been. The revival's still going on around the world now, great healing campaigns all over the world.

192 And me, from a person, a little rat... I don't say this no dishonor to my mother setting there, or my dead father that's gone on, whose funeral was preached at this pulpit. I was raised in a terrible family. You know it. Was none of us Christians. My father drank. And God taken a drunkard's son, would wash me in His Blood. When I'd go downtown to talk to somebody and be talking to some man, he'd only talk to me because there was nobody else to talk to; somebody would come up, say anybody, no matter who it was that come up, they'd turn away from me because I was a drunkard's son. And many of you people here in my own church knows that's the truth. Had a name like I never--or like an animal or something. Even one time it was said of the city, to a person that come to our house, said, "Would you associate with such trash as that?" Oh, but, God, what did I have to go on but the Blood of Jesus Christ. I have no education. I have no personality. I have nothing.

193 I told my wife, not long ago, "Think of what it was when nobody would talk to me. And I love people. They wouldn't listen to me." I remember reading a book, going to school...

I sent my children to school the other day; I could get them books and things; how thankful I was. I'd go to school with no shoes on, hair hanging down my neck, no clothes, a little old coat on with no shirt under it. Didn't even have a lead pencil, or a piece of paper to write on. I had to bum a lead pencil, a penny lead pencil and a piece of paper to write some problems that was on the board, or something. Nothing. It was wrong.

195 When I remember reading in a book, one day, where Abraham Lincoln got off of a--a boat down in, I believe, New Orleans. There he seen, standing in the pasture, some little Negro children with their little feet, where an old cow had laid all night, got the frost off the ground. And he was... They were standing there singing, "You got shoes, and I got shoes, and all God's children's got shoes."

When he got off the boat, he looked. Standing in the bull pen, and there stood a great big, healthy colored man standing there. His little wife with a baby on her arm, crying. They was auctioning him off to breed him with bigger women to make bigger slaves. Lincoln clutched his hands like that and hit his fists together; he said, "That's wrong." Said, "Someday I'll hit that, if it takes my life." It took his life. But he hit it and he killed it.

198 I said, "This drinking, this wrong living is wrong. Someday I'll hit it." How was I going to hit it with a name like I had? Nobody'd talk to me. That's the reason I questioned my commission. Nobody cared for me. I wasn't known nowhere, but just amongst my people here.

By the grace of God, I have to leave my home; I can't even stay there for the people around the world, calling it. Men of all kinds, potentates, monarchs, kings, great people, business men, ministers, from all over the world, calling; call, call, call, day after day, night after night. What did it? The Blood of Jesus Christ that cleansed my soul. As the blood of Abraham Lincoln took the slave belt off of a colored man, the Blood of Jesus Christ took sin's shackles from me; and took me from a name that was lower than an animal name, and put me a name as a son of His--of His grace.

200 And I'm ready to go to Jordan this morning. I'm ready to stand to my commission. I've loved people. I've catered to them. He's met me, vision after vision, which I don't have time to tell; and you know, it's wrote right here in the backs of these books. Saying, "You're catering too much to people. To walk with Me, you'll walk alone. You're putting too much emphasis on those signs."

I didn't know what the rest of it was, but the hour has come. The hour has come, when I seen the hand come down to Joshua, said, "I was with Moses. I'll be with you." I believe it this morning. From henceforth and this day on, I serve God in my commission. He wants to show me signs or wants to show me visions, He can show them to me. If He does not; never will I stand before people, trying to let their faith pull something out of me any more. I'll pray for the sick, and commit them unto God, and let them go. If they believe the commission, God is just as true. He's brought me to this far, just as He did Moses. Just as He did Joshua, so has it did the same.

202 My humble prayer is, "God, forgive me. Let me rise and try again. Help me, Lord. Let me lead this people and stand in the Word, so we can go up to Jordan, go into the promised land, where the great ransomed Church of God will be saved to sin no more." That's my desire this morning. Believe it and live. Believe it and be healed. I speak to you in the Name of the Lord. Let us pray.

203 Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, and Giver of every good gift, let Thy mercy and grace be upon Thy servant first, Lord. I have done wrong in Thy sight by misusing something that's been Divine, because the people has pulled it from me, Lord. I pray Thee, O Lord God, from this hour on, charge me, Lord, with Your Spirit. I believe with all my heart. Help Thou my unbelief.

And when men and women are coming to be prayed for, then I'll do as long as You give me breath and life. Let them now believe, as they be prayed for, Father. May this commission that Thou has given me, may I be able to pack it in all the world. And when I get to the certain places where the signpost has been nailed down, may they know that that only points to the commission. May they have faith.

205 Lord, no longer will I wait for some kind of a sign or something to tell me certain things, or whether this person's going to be well. I'll go to meet the enemy with faith in my own heart. I'll go to challenge him, against the Blood of Jesus Christ. By the Blood of Christ he cannot stand.

Now, if all these things has been right, which has been proven to be right, so will You heal the sick when I pray for them, Lord. It's Your Word. It's Your promise. This I desire to do. Help Thou my unbelief.

Forgive my sins, Lord, of disobeying You; I did not know what else to do; I--if I did, Lord, it hadn't been revealed and made clear to me. Now it is. I know where I stand. I know my commission. I'll never let this Word depart from my mouth day or night. I've always stood by It, Lord, stood by It, telling the people that if it's not the Word of God, I have doubts of it. But I wouldn't preach or do nothing except it be the Word of God.

208 But, Lord, I'm getting tired, tramping around over this same ground. Like I said last night, "Forty years in the wilderness, back and forth, back and forth." God blessing, yes, raising sheep and children, and whatevermore, and flocks, and herds, and all more. God, You've blessed them. But one day You said, "You've been on this mountain long enough. Oh, go on up north towards Jordan."

God, I'm starting this morning. I'm leaving these signposts, 'cause it's pointing towards a better land. I may stumble. And I may go through the Amalekites. I may go through the Hittites, through the Canaanites. I may have to pass through my own criticizing. Lord; I'll just keep moving on. And I know there's a land yonder somewhere; there's somewhere, some condition, some place we can get to where You'll answer prayer. And whatever we ask will be granted, not ever cancer will stand before the prayer. I know that to be the truth. That I believe and wait for, Lord. And I commit myself to Thee this morning for Your service, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

210 Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe;

Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe.


Now, the tape was turned off, 'cause this will go across the world. That's from my heart. Can you understand, church? God can never say anything and go back on it. His Words are infallible. His promises are true. All this time He's been waiting for this hour. See, it's the prayer of faith that saves the sick, not a sign. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "If thou canst believe," Jesus said, "I can. I can, if you believe." Now, if God's give me power to pray the prayer of faith over you, and has promised it, and vindicated that it's the truth, now do you believe? What I ask, I receive, if you believe it. "If you can get the people to believe, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayer."

212 Brother, sister, if I ever wanted to be sincere, it's now. After all my mistakes in showing... What I want, reason I brought these messages previously, that God shows there that He's merciful. Moses made his mistakes, a great man like him. Then when Joshua come up, he's going to make his too. But God said, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you."

Now, look at God, two years ago, pointing that Scripture right to me, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I'll not look at your mistakes." He knew that this hour was coming. Now, it's here. See? Right back again, 'cause God can never get away from it.

"By faith you're saved." How many knows that? Though many, how many good men prays over you, how many good preachers preaches to you, you've got to have your own personal faith for salvation. Is that right? It's your own. I don't care how many good sermons you hear, how many good churches you belong to; it's your own personal faith that saves you. How loud you cry, how much you beg, how much you scream, how much you dance in the Spirit; you're only saved by your faith. Is that right? That's the only way you're healed.

215 If God gives a man a message, a preacher, a preacher preaches salvation and gives a message, you see that message is the truth, God vindicates it by His Word that's the truth; then how much more ought you to believe a gift of healing, when it's been a-vindicated by the Word and by an Angel, with two signs that's pointed the infallibly of them both. How much you--should you believe. See, and as long...

To show that it wasn't exactly God's perfect will to do that, the sign always weakened me. How many knows that? Ask my wife back there. She can tell you the one; she gets it worse than everybody, has to put up with me. Not knowing hardly where you're at, and walking about, and this, that, and you're just almost... Walk, and go down the road a little piece, and stop...

217 Now, coming from these last meetings. I took those people in the line; first we'd have a couple nights, three, without giving out prayer cards. Then it got such a rally, we'd have to give out prayer cards. I would stand sometime and run fifty or seventy-five, maybe, forty or fifty discernments at one time; and each and every night. Is that right, Gene, Leo, and you that's around here, that's in the meetings? Sure, was the truth. And what did it do? When it left me, and started home, I'd forget where I was at; want to know where I had come from on the highway.

And you mean to tell me God does that to a man? No, sir. It was a man doing it to himself by taking a signpost instead of a commission. I stopped under a little old tree there on the side of the road, somewhere in Washington, or somewhere up in there. I said, "Lord, if You'll just let me shake back to myself, good again, help me to know what's true, so I can get straight once with the people, and get the commission straight."

219 I got it now. Setting down here on the mountain side of Kentucky the other day, about daylight one morning, He revealed it to me. And this is it. This is it. Now, I go in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Yes, sir....?...

Believe it and live. Believe it and get well. I can't make no one believe it. You have to believe it yourself. But I have told you the truth. God's testified that it was the truth by His Word, by His Angel, by signs and wonders for twelve long years. If they're not going to believe it now, they will never believe it. Is that right? But the hour has come, when I'm tired of staying on this mountain. I want to go up to Jordan. I want to enter into the full promises. I want to get faith within myself, not looking to a sign, not looking to something that God has revealed, or some kind of a signpost. I want to look towards Calvary and say, "By faith I come, Lord God. I'm coming in the Name of the Lord Jesus."

221 Now, there's some here to be prayed for this morning. I'm coming to meet the disease and affliction of your body, in the Name of Jesus Christ. I'll do that until God takes my life away from me. That's right. As long as He gives me sense and understanding, I'll come to pray. Don't you fail to, what you believe; that when I pray for you, you're going to get well. Settle that. If you don't believe it, then don't come at all, 'cause you'll only hurt yourself.

Now, it's on tape, and it's here. From henceforth, no more discernment until God gives me the--tells me to do a certain thing, to "Go tell this person a certain thing," then I'll go tell them. He say, "Do a certain thing"; I'll go do it.

But as far as standing there, saying, "Now, look on me, and you believe with all your heart. Yes, this So-and-so. You're John Doe, came from so-and-so. You had cancer so long. Doctor So-and-so told you you wasn't going to get well. You went and done a certain thing. Now, you have to take that back and make this right, and get this 'fore you get well. All right, Brother Doe, go ahead now, believe it. Now, you're Sister So-and-so; you come from so-and-so. You come from so-and-so." And then I go into a whirl, not knowing what to do, hardly. And first thing you know, then here's another one; I'm looking to see who I'm looking at. Then I get out of the meeting, and, "Where am I at." No more of that.

224 I'm coming in the Name of the Lord Jesus as His servant. If God hasn't proved it to you by this time, that I've told you the truth, then you'll never believe I've told you the truth. Amen. That's right. It's true. How many wants to be prayed for, raise up your hands. All right.

Now, I want Teddy... Is Teddy still in the building? He had to leave. Who is a pianist here that could play the song, "Only Believe," for me, if you will? If somebody's here that can play. Have you got it... Or, you got it taped, have you, somewhere? If anybody is here that wants to play for us, "Only Believe," some pianist, come right ahead. Male or female, doesn't matter, we'd be glad to have you. All right, now while you play it softly, if you will, sister dear.

226 Now, we're not going to give out prayer cards. When we're in little meetings like this, we don't need it. When we're in big meetings, we'll still have to give out prayer cards, if I pray for five hundred. You'd still have to, because you get too many in the--swung up into the crowd. You see?

How many believes that this is the will of God? Oh, Something just makes me feel I done right. Something makes... It's off my chest. It's been on there for twelve years, knowing there's been something wrong, Brother Lee. Now, I know it's off of there. I've said it; it's taped, and it's off of my chest now.

228 Remember, you can only be saved by your personal faith. You can only be healed by your personal faith. You believe this to be the Bible? God's Word. You believe your pastor to be a man of God, whatever church you go to? If you don't, you should leave it. Get to a man that is a man of God. Then if you believe him, believe he's telling you the truth, then accept it. Your own personal faith in Christ saves you. No matter how good your pastor is, how godly, saintly your mother is, how--how real the Word of God is, how much you cry, how much you pray; it's your faith that saves you. By faith are you saved.

Now, the same thing applies. No matter how... God's Word said that He would send this in the last days. Two straight sermons now, I brought natural Israel and spiritual Israel together. We're looking for the Joshua of this day, which is the Holy Spirit, to lead us to the land. He has to speak through somebody, because He's a Spirit. I've told you what He's told me. Now, you believe and be healed.

230 Now, let these on this side of the line... Doc, go down there. Billy Paul, where's Billy? Come up here to help Doc, if you will.

And now each one of you coming through this prayer line, remember, it's going to fall right back on you if you don't believe with all your heart. It's the Truth. You must believe it. Now, remember, it's you the one that's sick. God said it in His Bible; God sent it by His messenger; God proved it by His Angel; now you must believe it.

Now, you that wants to be prayed for, here's what the Bible said. "If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." And that's the truth. And we want to believe that with all of our heart now, and God will grant your healing.

233 Now, come around this a-way, right through here, and right back; let this side, then this other side come right back the same way. Let that side stand up on the right-hand side over here. All right. What say? [Someone talks to Brother Branham--Ed.] I'm going to step right down here (Yes, sir.), right down here to pray for them.

Now, these letters and handkerchiefs, I have prayed over. Many of you, some of you, maybe have to go. Don't forget tonight now, the service is on the a-vindication, the Divine a-vindication of the true church. See?

235 Now, to you that's being--going to be prayed for, do you absolutely believe that you're going to be healed? If you don't, don't come. If you do, it's your duty to come.

Now, I am not a healer, but I have a gift of healing. That was witnessed. It's been proved that that's the truth (See?), way back, a long time ago. I remember I used to go out at the hospital here when I was just a local Baptist preacher here locally, I'd go out at the hospital. There used to be an old nurse out there; she lived down in Howard Park. I don't know whether she's still there or not, at the hospital. She used to say to the patient, "Now, you're going to get well. Now, you're going to get well." Say, "That little Baptist preacher's coming to pray for you." See, it was just--it was beginning. It was--that was the way it was. And now it was going to scatter from local here, around the world.

237 And now, He give me these signs to make up for my education. Now, if I had the education of some of these other ministers, for instance, one I know of, maybe as Brother Neville or Doctor Vayle, some of those, I--I wouldn't have to have this. But I had to have it to make up this, to take up for what I didn't have in the way of education. I had to have signs. And just as... The signs has proved just as effective as an education would've done. But, you see, if you haven't got the qualification, God's able to give you the qualification another way.

Now, you have faith and believe. Now, I want each one of you to promise God, where you're standing. Because, if you don't, it won't help you. I want each one of you to lay aside every shadow of doubt. And when you come through the line, and I pray for you, I want you to walk out of here... You might not see one speck of results. But that... Jesus never said, "Did you see it? Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it? Did you believe it? If thou believest..."

239 Now, I've noticed this along the way. I pray for the people; some of them He wouldn't--He'd worked that discernment on; they'd go away, saying, "Huh. I didn't get anything. He never told me nothing." That person usually didn't get nothing either.

But some of them come across the line, saying, "Thank You, Lord. I believe it." They was the ones I heard from, "You know, Brother Branham, I never felt any different for several days," maybe two or three weeks, or whatmore, "but all at once, I begin to feel that thing leaving me (See?), and there it went." See. See, see?

You might say you believe. There's three classes of people that attend the meeting: that's unbelievers, make-believers, and believers. Some of them make out like they believe, "Oh, yes, I believe," but they don't. If you believe it... I want to ask you this question now. If you believe it, it's an impossibility for you not to be healed. Listen. Let me repeat that. It is totally impossible for you not to be healed, if you believe it.

242 First the Word of God came, give the commission. You believe that? The Word of God said so first. That's above everything. The second thing, the Angel of the Lord has proved it; the signs has vindicated it. Is that right? Now, not one failure, nowhere. Not one failure in the Word of God, that said, "I--I once give them healing, but now I take it away from them." I want somebody to show me that. I'll show you where Jesus commissioned His church to pray for the sick, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick. Now, you tell me where He said it wouldn't happen any more. You show me in the Bible. See?

He said, in the last days He'd do these certain things, rise up these things. Look what's come to pass. He's kept His Word. I've told you that He commissioned me; now the world knows it. Science knows it. The Angel of the Lord proves it. And results has proved that it's the truth.

245 We're living in a sick world. There's lots to be prayed for. I thought, "Surely there's some other way besides..."

Brother Moore said to me one time... There was a poor little girl crawling up to the building, crippled, poor little thing, trying to get up to where I was. I looked down at the child and started crying. Well, they couldn't bring her in the line; she didn't have a prayer card. Not knowing that was the child's last night. And Brother Moore and them helped her get out of the line.

The next day we set and talked it over. He said, "Brother Branham, that hurt me."

I said, "Hurt you? What do you think it done to me?"

See, a little crippled girl. That stuck with me. And that's been about ten years ago, a little crippled girl over in Illinois, little black head, brown eyes, crawling, a little polio trying to get up to where I was at. And the ushers down there had to help her and set her back in her seat; crawled out of her seat to get up there. Why? You can only take so many. And if I'd cut some of them out, put her in there without a prayer card, others would have hurt their feelings. See? That's right, couldn't do it. I said, "Surely there's some other way." Wish I'd have knowed then what I know now; things would been different. It sure would've been different.

250 Now, each one of you, the only thing that'll keep you from being healed, is you not believing it. Now, let's bow our heads.

Our heavenly Father, here stands blind, crippled, afflicted, sick, dying with cancer, ulcers, tumors. They're all standing here in the line, Lord. I've preached the Word, and for twelve years You've confirmed That around the world. I've asked forgiveness, and I know that I did not do it willfully; I did it because I thought that I was doing right. Now, I come, Lord, come to You humbly, asking You to bless my prayer, that when I pray for these people, every one of them will be healed. Bless their faith. Help our unbelief, Lord.

And may every one this morning really catch the vision. May they not lose none of it. But may they see it Scripturally, and think of the Angel of the Lord back there at the beginning, He said, "As Moses was given two gifts..." And then two years ago, bringing the Bible with a hand coming down, that like wrote on the walls at Babylon, a human hand, looked like, that pointed down through the Bible to this same chapter, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with thee."... And Father, here it is this morning, brought to the light. We thank Thee for this, Lord. You forgive me for my wrong.

And now, as we go into this prayer meeting, may the power of God heal every sick person that comes through the line. I go just as Your servant, not asking for any special anointing, any special anything, but knowing this, that in my life is that commission; I go to carry it out, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

254 Now, Brother Neville, if you will stand here. Now, with this gift, I'm not going to anoint with oil. See? I'm just going to do what He told me to do. And the commission said, "Get the people to believe you and be sincere." Do you believe? Then I'm sincere. Something has to happen.

Brother Neville is going to lead in songs. You all pray quietly while I pray for the sick. [Brother Neville begins singing "Only Believe." Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

256 Lord Jesus, I lay hands upon the woman with these kidney stones. And I rebuke them in the Name of Jesus Christ. May she go and be healed. Amen. Something happened.

What is your trouble? Lord, I lay my hands upon brother, this prostate gland trouble, and I rebuke this power of the devil, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You must have it. Believe.

Lord, I lay my hands upon my sister with these bad legs that's swollen up. I rebuke that swelling, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go, believe it, sister, and you'll see it.

Lord, with heart trouble and other ailments; I lay my hands upon my sister and rebuke this, in Jesus' Name, by my commission.

Lord, with failing sight and heart trouble; I rebuke it in this woman by my commission from God, in Jesus' Name. Amen. It's just got to be. It's going to be all right. Amen. I believe it with all my heart.

261 [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] That's true, if it's your time to go, you're going to go some way. That's right. But first, before He tells you, if you'll be sincere and don't doubt it, you'll get well. That's exactly right.

Lazarus was raised from the dead; he died again. But he was raised from the dead to show that God keeps His offer to people, He said, "Mary, believest thou this? I am the Resurrection and Life. I'm commissioned of God to raise the dead. You believe this?"

She said, "Yea, Lord. I believe that You are the Son of God, that's come into the world."

Said, "Where you buried him?"

He had to die again. But he raised him to show that He was the Resurrection and Life. See, God does those things, and everything's in Divine order. Oh, I'm so glad to say that. Everything is perfectly in order. If you can believe, everything you ask for is given to you. It's got to be.

266 All right, just continue praying now while we bring them forward. God bless you...?...

Lord Jesus, our sister is very sick, hearing me stand here and preaching this Word, may You--may You, for this little sluggishness of doubt, just get away from all of them, Lord. May they rise up, leave this old mountain of walking back and forth, go on to Jordan, Lord. Grant it, Lord. May our sister travel this path now from this hour on, believing that God heals her body. In Jesus' Name. Go on your road, believing.

God bless you. Lord Jesus, give to her the desire of her heart, for her daughter and her family. I pray this, in Jesus' Name, she receive this, as I offer my prayer and my faith by laying hands on her. If I didn't believe You, I wouldn't lay my hands on her. If I knew You wasn't going to it, I wouldn't pray for her. But I believe, Lord. She believes too. And we're placing our faith together, believing in Jesus' Name, Amen.

269 God bless you, Pat. Lord, for his precious children he wants saved. He's getting hard of hearing. The doctor says cataract's coming on his eye. He wants to live for God's glory. Grant it to him, Lord, as I ask for this petition for my brother. And...?... in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. Don't doubt. Believe that what you've asked for. [A lady speaks to Brother Branham for about 20 seconds--Ed.] Okay sister.

Lord, this poor little woman standing here for her son. God won't...?... something, Lord, that's hurting her. He's going for a skin graft. And she prays for his body and his salvation. She prays for her loved ones. She's asked for her own nervous condition, Lord. She's just about to break. God, I pray that You'll give her the desire of her heart. Heal her of her afflictions and make her well. In Jesus' Name, I pray this prayer of faith over her. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing it. God bless you.

273 Lord, for the salvation of her loved ones, I pray that You'll grant her request, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Believe now, sister, that you receive that, and it's yours. If you believe it, it's got to come.

For our Brother Edgar Tyler. Bless your heart...?... and all the way from Phoenix, Arizona. Is it hot out there?

That lady here was healed in my meeting. Where was she from? Are you from Phoenix, lady? You're not from... You was at the meeting in Phoenix.

What do you want Him to do for you today? Take asthma from you. God bless you, brother.

Dear God, as this precious brother...?... cry out to our...?... and to the cause of the burdens of people. I pray that You'll grant him deliverance, coming all the way from Phoenix, Arizona, to be prayed for, to stand in this line, to hear the message, to encourage him. Lord, it seems like a great sacrifice. It is. But the Queen of the South came for three months on the back of a camel through the Sahara desert to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And behold a greater than Solomon is here; the Holy Spirit is here, a greater than Solomon.

Lord, I pray that You'll heal him of this affliction of his body. Give him the desire of his heart. Let him walk in the path that's ordained for him. May the goodness of God rest upon him. I ask this blessing for my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen.

Ed, as you return, go with it. It's yours. I give it to you. Go and receive it.

282 Brother George... Most everyone knows George Wright. How many remembers the story when he was dying just recently? All the doctors passed by him. His body was swollen up like that, a blood clot in his heart. Several doctors had give him up. I went to pray for him. Brother Funk, he was here awhile ago I believe, was with me there that night. Set up on the hill down there, act like I was going hunting.

I want to say to this church now, I got to tell some things that's been going on. A lot of times you think I'm hunting; I'm not hunting. That's an excuse to keep people from following me. I have to go there to be alone with God. I'm not going out hunting, friends. Yes, I am hunting, but not--not that kind of hunting.

I set up on the hill. Now, to him I was going rabbit hunting. Went around right behind the house, and held my hands over towards the house, and prayed and prayed. Dying... The Holy Spirit spoke to me one night, "One of these men comes from a church that don't believe that healing's right." A certain minister came to his house not long ago, and tried to withstand me there on a debate. Many of you people here, were there that night. See where that man almost lost his mind? Now he's trying finally get the Holy Ghost. [Brother Wright says, "Oh, he says I'm the best friend he's got though, brother."--Ed.] Think of that.

286 A man that stood there to debate, and said, "First I want to tell you, you're of the devil."

I said, "I forgive you because you don't know what you're talking about."

So then he turned around and said, "I know you got the Spirit of Christ."

I said, "Now, I was a devil a few minutes ago, and of Christ now. Which is it? See? So now, they... Terrible things has happened.

This man laying there, dying. And this man laughed at him, said, "Now, go get your Divine healer."

And I was up at Lexington, Kentucky, where a woman was healed of cancer. And in a vision the Lord showed me, coming back, along that morning about five o'clock. He showed me that. Said, "You'll shake the hand of Brother George Wright, coming up through the Tabernacle, and walk up here and shake your hand. And the man that's made fun of him, he'll dig his grave." I didn't know it, didn't know he dug graves.

292 I called up Sister Wright. She's bound to be here somewhere. Yeah. Called up Sister Wright, I said, "I have THUS SAITH THE LORD." That's right. Them's the kind of visions I want to see from now on; then I'll tell somebody something, it comes back. I said, "Brother George will dig the grave of the man, or be at the grave of the man that's making fun of him. And he'll come in the Tabernacle, and I'll shake his hand." The blood clot left Brother George.

And about a month or two after that, I was back. And he always, nearly always, come around this a way; but that morning he come this a way, and I had already...?... Said, "Look, look, look, here he comes right here to shake, just exactly...?..."

And here he is today. That's been... [Brother Wright says, "Nine years."--Ed.] Nine years ago. ["I had nine blood clots that left."--Ed.] Nine blood clots, nine years ago.

295 By the way, I hear that Sister Hickerson... Is Brother Hickerson here today? That she's better. That's fine. She had blood clots too, a bunch of them in her limb.

Now, he's got rheumatism in his hand.

That was his daughter, Sister Hattie setting right there, on which I testified a while ago, that the new ministry worked the first time. That's right, Sister Hattie. Wonder if the boys are in this morning, are they with you?

Where's the boys at? There's both of them standing right back there at the back. There's the two boys that the mother--daughter of our... Raise your hands up, boys, so they see who you are. All right, standing back there at the back. It's wonderful isn't it? It sure is.

298 All right. Brother George. [Brother Wright says, "You know, Brother Bill, I believe."--Ed.] I know you believe. And I know, many times, I've laid there in your room at nighttime, watching out the window, listening at an old mockingbird. Someday we got to go over, Brother George. Until that time, God be with you. I know He will then. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil, for Thou art with me." In that vision here not long ago, when I seen those old people turned back young again, that's the way I'll see you someday...?...

Our heavenly Father, give to our brother the desire of his heart. Heal him of this rheumatism. He's getting old, Father, and I pray that You'll help him. Help Sister Wright and little Edith, and all the family down there. Sister Hattie and her children, all their loved ones, be with them, Father. Grant this request, as I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

[Brother George Wright says, "I will be seventy-nine."--Ed.] Seventy-nine. God bless you, Brother Wright, give you many more days. Praise the Lord.

301 Brother Daulton. My, my. Here's a brother that's been precious to me. I'll tell you what happened. I haven't got time to go through it. His wife knows. Said, "He was dying." Heart attack, was it, sister? And before the Lord had give her a dream, and the interpretation came. And when the heart attack struck him, she stood right before it and said, "I defy this." God had give her a dream that it was going to be that way, and the interpretation come. And the doctor's thinking the man was dying then, and here he is alive today.

Lord Jesus, to our precious brother, he drove a long ways to come into this meeting this morning. His hip's bad. Just like an automobile, Lord, parts are beginning to wear, go down; but, O Lord, be his strength. Thou art our Strength. Undergird this crippled place in his hip. Undergird every weak spot, Lord. And give to our precious brother his healing, as I bless him in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.

God bless you, Brother Daulton. So shall it be.

303 All right, sister, what can the Lord do for you? Why, Sister Daugherty. Is this Betty? Why, Betty, bless your heart. Who in this Tabernacle don't know Betty Daugherty. The first time my old ministry ever worked was on this child. How many remembers about the...?...

Betty had Saint Vitus' dance. And she was in such a state, that she didn't even act like a human. No doctor could do nothing for her. And I went to St. Louis. This church gave up the money, and I borrowed somebody's overcoat; and they made eleven dollars up for me to go over and pray for this little girl. She was just a little girl, about like--about like this little girl setting right here, little baby girl. And I stayed... Is Brother Daugherty here? He isn't. And prayed and prayed and prayed, I couldn't get nowhere. And finally, setting out in Brother Daugherty's car, I saw a vision of what for them to do. And she followed the vision just exactly the way the Lord said do. I believe it was a little bit against their thoughts at that time. But she done it just exactly the way the Lord said do it, and Betty was healed. The first time I saw her, how... Said, "Grandpa Daugherty at one end of the bed, Brother Daugherty at the other. And let her take a rag and wash the baby's face, and hands, and so forth." As I went down through the prayer, "Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name."

307 And Betty now has been stricken with cataracts. I got to pray for her just a--a short time ago at the back of the building at Chautauqua.

Betty, honey, let's go over this real close now. I want to hold your hand. Are you blind all the way, Betty? You can just see daylight and darkening. How old are you now, Betty? Twenty-two. She was about seven or eight...?... Sister Daugherty, you had a hard...?... You know, Betty, I've always believed that God had something for you to do. And I believe that's why it's been this a way with you. And now I believe that the enemy has did this evil thing.

Now, you know, Betty, this. If I had power to reach in there and take those cataracts and pull them out, I'd do it. I don't have it. But, Betty, what I told you the first time, that's the truth; as I set here, and you and I, as brother and sister in Christ, Brother Daugherty, your precious daddy, just as sweet a brother as I ever had, your dear mother here... I've lived in your house, and you shared your food with me, and--and everything. You've been like--like that you would have to be my sister, and I could be no more sincere than I would be with Delores setting in here.

311 Now, God promised this, Betty. I want to you to all... Your father, being a minister, you've been raised up in a family that prays for the sick...?... You've been prayed for many a time. It's got to a place where sometimes we just go over it, and back and forth. And we--we--we kind of lose the value of it. You see what I mean?

My, you've made a fine, pretty girl, Betty; it's a shame to see your eyes gone like that. Is Meda still in the building? My wife wanted to see you; I want her to see you, Betty, what a pretty girl she made. Betty, you was a pretty little girl. You've always been a good girl.

Now, is there anything down in life, that you've failed, Betty? Now, just as a doctor would look over your--your physical body, I want to look through your soul. Have you failed God anywhere, Betty? If there is, just acknowledge it to Him, "Lord, if You'll let me go over it again, I'll not--I'll do different."

314 [Sister Betty speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Now, this is a strange thing. Let's think it this a way. Now, I did not know that Betty Daugherty was going to be in this meeting. But the first one on my other discernment was Betty Daugherty. Here it is back again at the first meeting on this. She knew right then what I was speaking of. I don't want to start that discernment again, 'cause in the line. But she said what she ought to have said just now. She was filled with the Holy Ghost while at--while I was at the St. Louis. And as a teenage girl, kid, maybe she has done things she ought not done. But who hasn't? Who hasn't? If it isn't grace, we're all lost. And if you're willing to confess your wrongs, God's just to forgive your wrong.

316 I'm raising my faith now. Lord, I bring this girl to You. And I'm putting my hands over her eyes. I'm rebuking these cataracts, and believe that Betty will see again. Let the power that opened the eyes of Blind Bartimaeus give Betty her sight again, as I offer this prayer while faith is upon me. In the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, may I shake hands with my sister again, somewhere, today, tomorrow, or whenever it will be again, and them bright eyes look at me and say, "Brother Branham, I can see as good as I ever did in my life."...?... Let us believe that...?... You believe that, Sister Daugherty?...?...

Lord, in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God, give to our sister the desire of her heart, as she stands raising her hand. Let the power that healed Betty Daugherty the first time, and this also the second time, let it heal our sister, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

319 Brother... [The brother speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Our brother wants to be saved. You accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? You believe that He died for you and rose again? You now claim Him as your personal Saviour?

In the Name of Jesus Christ, let every sin question be gone from this man's conscience. May our brother be today, from now on...?... the day when...?... his life is now a Christian, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Turn to this audience and say, "I accept Jesus as my Saviour." [The man says, "I accept Jesus as my Saviour."--Ed.] I believe he's so glad his sins are forgiven by the Blood of Jesus Christ. That's what we like (Amen.), a double cure...?... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

322 And that I accomplished more this morning by the message that I've had and the things as I have knowed, I've--I've followed the commission more than I've accomplished in the last five years, because I have found the center of God's will.

Now, it may be a hard thing for me to change from one ministry to another. But it isn't changing the ministry; it's taking the same ministry in a higher sphere. It's the original commission. All these other things have been building upon that. Now's the time.

With all my heart, I'm believing for every person that I pray for. I believe they're going to be well. And with all the evidence that we have, everything that God has showed of year after year of infallible proof of the Bible living again, then how could it fail? It just can't fail.

325 Now, there's only one way to make it fail; that is, for you not to believe it. If Jesus stood here Himself, and would pray for you, and go through the same act that we have done this morning, no more would happen if you would believe with the measure of faith that--no more could happen, than what will happen, if you believe with the same measure of faith. Because I only represent Him. I'm a sinner saved by grace, just a man like you are, just a human being. But God has to have an outlet somewhere. And He's proved that by His Word; He's proved it by the ministry; He's proved it by the Angel of the Lord, and here it is. Now, it's up to us to believe it.

Now, remember, just like a child, if there's been an affliction, see it no more. If there's been a disease, it's not there no more. Just ignore any symptom, anything that's contrary to what's been asked. Many times... Every child that comes to God's got to be tried. We're tried to see if we believe that or not. And you'll have wars and troubles. But remember we're on our march.

327 God bless you. I love you. And I, by God's help, I hope He lets me serve you as His servant for many, many years to come, is my prayer. Pray for me.

And now remember tonight: "The Five Infallible A-vindications Of The True Church Of The Living God." Until then, let us stand up to our feet, just a moment.

Oh, is there a baptismal service? [Brother Neville says, "I believe there is."-- Ed.] Oh, a baptismal service? The people for baptism, are you here? Raise up your hand, anybody for baptism. One, two, three... Yes. I'm very, very sorry, friends.

Now, to those who have to go, I will dismiss them. The rest of them stay for baptism, that wants to. We have a baptismal service, just in a moment.

331 Father God, dismiss those who have to go with Your blessings, Your benediction, Your grace rest upon them, thanking You for all that's been accomplished this morning, as we're pulling away from the mountain, starting upward. Lord, may we walk up through every ladder rung, until we reach the--the Kingdom of God. Grant it, Lord. Be with us now. Forgive our sins, those who stay now to be baptized for the remission of their sins, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may these things be granted.

Gather us together again tonight. May Thy power and Thy blessings be upon us tonight. May there be a great night tonight. May many, that's confused, be straightened out tonight. Grant it, Father, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

All right, you may be seated now if you wish to, while we make ready for the baptism.