Ak je Boh s nami kde sú všetky jeho zázraky



To je tá otázka, ktorú mal Gedeon, "Áno, kde je Boh? Ak je Boh, ak je Boh s nami, potom mi dovoľ vidieť, kde je Jeho znamenie. Bolo nám povedané, že On ich vykonáva. A ak táto veľká úloha leží predo mnou..." Možno ten starý muž, ktorý tam stál, a On vyzeral ako starý Muž. Biblia povedala, že On mal palicu vo Svojej ruke. Čítajte ďalej 6. kapitolu, keď prídete domov, alebo niekedy zajtra. On mal vo Svojej ruke palicu: starý Muž, vyzeral tak, sedel pod stromom. A On ho nazval udatným mužom. A On povedal, že Boh ide urobiť túto vec. A povedal, "Boh s tebou." On povedal, "Potom kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak ten nadprirodzený Boh je tu, kde sú tie nadprirodzené skutky Božie?"

To by ľahko mohlo byť povedané dnes večer v našich cirkvách. "Kde je ten Boh, ktorý raz žil? Či On zomrel? Zomrel? Či On niečo robí? Je na výlete?" Nie veru.

On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A ak my povieme, že sme z Boha, potom vidzme, kde Boh je. Vidzme znamenia Božie. Ak táto modlitebňa stojí za Boha, nech vidíme Boha, ako sa medzi nami pohybuje. Nech vidíme duše rodiace sa do Kráľovstva. Nech vidíme napravené životy. Nech vidíme chorých, slepých, hluchých, nech vidíme, ako sa dejú Jeho mocné skutky. Boha v našom strede...

1Ďakujem ti, brat Neville. Dobrý večer, priatelia. Znovu naspäť... Nikdy som to tak nemal, ale dnes ráno som zabral štyri hodiny. Je to hanba. Potom, čo som hovoril štyri hodiny, by ste mali byť zo mňa tak unavení, že by ste ma mali vyhnať z pódia. [zhromaždenie hovorí "Nie!" Brat brata Branhama Doc vraví, "To mi pripomína, Bill. Niekto mi dnes povedal, že ti vždy zostane veľa vecí, do ktorých sa nikdy nedostaneš." – pozn.prekl.] Je to tak. ["Ale dnes večer môžeš mať toľko času, koľko len chceš." Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen." Doc hovorí, "Tak, nemusíš nič z toho vypustiť." – pozn.prekl.] Mám tu poznačenú asi polovicu Biblie. [Niekto hovorí, "Máš na kázanie celú noc."] Máme tu niekoľko vzácnych bratov; chceme ich počuť.

3Koľkí sa tešili zo služby dnes ráno, o... [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] V skutočnosti, štyri hodiny. Neviem, kam išla tá páska.

Po zhromaždení mi volala moja sestra a povedala, "To nemohlo byť pre nikoho iného." Povedala, "To muselo byť pre mňa. Povedala, "Povedala som," svojmu mužovi, "Junior," povedala, "čo si ty o tom myslíš?" "Ó," on povedal, "Počul som od brata Branhama i niečo lepšie než toto." Ona povedala, "Potom som si bola istá, že to všetko bolo pre mňa," povedala. Verím, že je znova tu, alebo by som to na ňu povedal, ale nechám to tak. Delores, kde si? Nie je tu. No, tak to poviem. Ona povedala, "Bola som vinná toho, že som trochu, vieš, make-up, trochu strihania." Povedala, "Je s tým koniec." Ona si uvedomila, že ešte nie je mŕtva. Vidíte? Vy musíte zomrieť, tak nazval som to posolstvom na nový rok. Nech Pán udelí Svoje požehnania.

6Tak je to pekné, dnes večer, vidieť tu tak mnohých. Brata Grahama Snellinga. Ja som práve vchádzal v tom čase, aby som ho počul, ako končí tú starú pieseň, "A budeme bývať na vrchu Sion."

7Myslím, že tu nie je nikto, kto by si pamätal Rabbiho Lawsona. Pamätá si ho niekto? Áno, dvaja alebo traja z vás, brat Graham, ktorý... Brat Slaughter, ktorý spôsobil, že som začal rozmýšľať o bratovi Lawsonovi. Pamätáte si, ako on zvykol spievať? Malý chlapík, volal som ho "rabbi", pretože on nosil malý placatý, čierny klobúk. On bol letničný kazateľ. Ale mal veľké žltohnedé okuliare a ja som povedal, "Vyzeráš ako rabbi." A tak sme ho vždy volali Rabbi Lawson, skvelý brat. A on bol tak starý, chodil zhrbený; jazdil autom a jeho kolená tuhli. Zavesil si svoju barlu, alebo svoju palicu na chodenie na túto stranu. Sadol som si na stoličku. A keď sa dostal do toho, "Tie kolesá smrteľného života sa zastavia," on zodvihol tú starú palicu ponad svoje ramená a zahákol ju okolo môjho krku a takto ma vyviedol von, takto, položil svoje ruky okolo mňa a "potom budeme bývať na vrchu Sion."

8Poznal tu niekto ďalší Rabbiho Lawsona? Len málo z vás. Chcem teraz povedať toto. Stala sa mu divná vec. On bol naozaj malý kazateľ, skvelý brat. A on nemal žiadne veľké poverenia; to nebola jeho misia. Ale ja verím, že on žil verne tomu, čo mu bolo zverené; to je tá hlavná vec.

9A jeho manželka si myslela, že on nezarábal dosť peňazí, zatiaľ čo kázal, tak on si chcel zohnať nejakú prácu. Po celý čas študoval Bibliu. Tak jedného dňa sa ona tak na neho nahnevala; ona jednoducho schmatla tú Bibliu rovno z jeho lona, zobrala ju, zapálila v peci a hodila ju do pece a spálila ju. A o pár mesiacov vešala nejaké vianočné svetlá a chytil sa jej oheň z vianočného stromčeka a spálil ju rovno na tom istom mieste. Vidíte, zožnete to, čo zasejete. "Nedotýkajte sa mojich pomazaných; neškoďte mojim prorokom.“ Vidíte?

10Premýšľajte o Slove Božom, tí ľudia, ktorí tam mali tú nehodu, a potom sa Satan snažil zničiť ich... Ja ich vidím vzadu, ako tam vstávajú a nechávajú, aby niekto potom vošiel. Ich príves a všetko, čo tam mali, zhorelo do tla. Bol som tam. Tá jediná vec, ktorá zostala, myslím, že to bola stará požehnaná Biblia, a myslím, že moja kniha a kniha brata Osborna. Všetko v ich prívese zhorelo na popol. Zodvihol som tú Bibliu; z vonku bola trochu začmudená. Povedal som tej sestre a bratovi, že jedného dňa, ak Pán dá, ja by som to rád zobral tu z tejto kazateľne a kázal na text, „Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ Keď sa to všetko skončí, to Slovo je stále tam. Či to nie je nádherné, ako sa Boh stará o Svoje Slovo? A potom nech to Slovo je vo vás, On sa postará o vás. Je to tak.

11V čase záplav som tu jedného večera kázal, zodvihol som svoju Bibliu. Počas noci sa prevalila záplava vysoká takmer 37 stôp [11,28m — pozn.prekl.], ako sa valila cez túto modlitebňu, vzala túto kazateľňu, zodvihla ju; vtedy tam nebol žiaden ďalší strop, a postavilo ju to rovno naproti stropu. To Slovo bolo pod tou kazateľňou a namiesto toho, aby sa potopilo, ono plávalo, zobralo ho to hore ku tomu stropu. A ja som tu vesloval v loďke všade naokolo. A potom, keď tie vody opadli, ono pristálo dolu a ležalo rovno tu otvorené v tej istej kapitole, z ktorej som čítal, po tej záplave. „Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie.“ Je to pravda. On je nádherný. Však?

12Úprimne, chcem, aby ste odtiaľto mohli odísť skutočne rýchlo, pretože oni majú tak veľa dobrých kazateľov. Rozmýšľal som, že by som ich všetkých zavolal na pódium, ale nemáme pre nich dosť stoličiek. Pretože odkedy som prišiel sem do posluchárne, som ich zopár uvidel, ktorí zrejme majú nejaké posolstvo na dnes večer. Chceme počuť od nášho pastora a od ďalších, posolstvo, ktoré majú na svojich srdciach dnes večer. A ja budem skutočne stručný a pokúsim sa povedať niečo malé.

13A potom, dnes večer niečo začíname, alebo niečo sa dnes večer deje, ak Boh dá, čo sme nikdy neurobili za celý svoj život. Len som jedného večera o tom rozmýšľal a zavolal som bratovi Neville, a on myslel, že to je dobrý nápad. Namiesto všetkého toho rozruchu a pískania na píšťaly, a vykrikovania a takého zachovávania sa a pitia a novoročného hýrenia a tak ďalej, my prídeme ku oltáru a budeme mať o polnoci večeru Pánovu, s … A každý jeden z nás, ako počúvame tie slová dnes večer od týchto rôznych kazateľov, buďme skutočne úctiví.

14No, minulú nedeľu večer som vyhlásil vianočné posolstvo. A potom som povedal cirkvi, ľuďom z Georgie a z ďalších miest „Nechoďte k nám,“ pretože to by vyradilo ich deti z vianoc. Oni sú... Oni sa na to tešia; oni sú jednoducho deti. A ja by som vám poslal tie pásky. No, vy, ktorí by ste neprišli, tie pásky pôjdu na moje náklady. Len to oznámte bratovi Woodovi a ostatným, a ja sa o to pre vás postarám a dostanete tú pásku.

15A teraz, dnes večer chcem len najprv povedať túto jednu vec, predtým, ako budem čítať môj text. A zrejme, pri kázaní budeme takmer do polnoci. A potom pôjdeme do asi pätnásť, dvadsať minút pred dvanástou, vyjdeme von a vezmeme ten nekvasený chlieb, Večeru Pánovu, paschálneho baránka, a dáme to sem, ten nekvasený chlieb, a potom vzdáme vďaku Bohu a budeme stáť pri oltári so sklonenými hlavami a srdciami a prijmeme večeru Pánovu. A myslím, že tá miestnosť je plná nahrávacích zariadení a tak ďalej. Neviem, či sme... Čo povedať? Oni budú vonku v tom čase, tak my nevynecháme ani umývanie nôh. A zajtra je pondelok a niektorí z vás ľudí z pomimo mesta máte veľa času na to, aby ste odišli domov. A dôverujem, že Boh vás požehná.

17A toto bude zrejme naposledy čo som s vami, až kým sa nevrátim zo západu. Idem do Arizony, zrejme najprv do Luisiany, potom do Arizony a Kalifornie. A potom hneď, ako sa vrátim, dúfam, že budem znovu s vami. Až do vtedy, modlite sa.

Nikdy som si nerobil žiaden cestovný plán. Verím, že dnes večer uvidím na zhromaždení brata Bordersa. Vyvolal som ho dnes ráno. A on robí záznamy a raz mi ukázal jednu knihu, v ktorej boli pozvania rôzneho druhu. Ale nejako, v tomto čase mi Duch Svätý povedal, „Choď na jedno miesto. A keď tam skončíš, Ja ti poviem, kam odtiaľ ísť.“ Vidíte, takto som vedený, čo robiť ďalej. Tak musíme byť veľmi blízko tej línie, keď On to začína robiť (Vidíte?), jednoducho vedieť, kdekoľvek niekto volá a čaká.

19Nie kvôli novoročnému predsavzatiu, pretože my ich nerobíme: oni nespravia nič dobré, porušíte ich. Videl som môjho otca vyhadzovať na nový rok večer krabičku tabaku a díval sa, kam ju vyhodil, aby si ju mohol na druhý deň zobrať. Vidíte? A tak to chodí. Nerobme predsavzatia. Prosme o milosrdenstvo a milosť, prosme o Božie milosrdenstvo.

20A ak ja nebudem mať viacej možnosť udeliť večeru Pánovu, možno v zhone v tom čase. Ja... Túto jednu vec túžim robiť; jedna z mojich túžob je, vidieť cirkev bez poškvrny a bez vrásky, aby Duch Svätý... Brat Graham, toto je túžba môjho srdca, vidieť cirkev, ktorá je tak naplnená Bohom, až v nej nikde nemôže zostať hriech, Duch Boží, ktorý ju vyvoláva, kdekoľvek to je. Chcem to vidieť. Jedna vec, po ktorej túžim, to jedno veľké videnie od Pána, ktoré som vždy túžil mať od Pána, On mi ho dal jedného rána asi o desiatej hodine. A to uspokojilo moju túžbu. Roky a roky, odkedy som kazateľom, som to túžil vidieť, a nakoniec sa to stalo. No, ja som veľmi vďačný Bohu. Nič som o tom nepovedal, len som si to zapísal. A ja viem, že to je presne to, za čo som prosil po celý ten čas.

22A teraz, modlím sa a dôverujem Bohu... A dnes večer, nad touto kazateľňou, zasväcujem nanovo svoj život Jemu. Veľkou túžbou v mojom živote je byť pokornejší pred Bohom a pred Jeho ľudom. Vediac, že to je jednou z mojich hlavných chýb, že pristupujem ku verejnosti takým spôsobom, to zobralo mnohých odo mňa, ktorí tu zvykli byť. Dôverujem, že Boh mi navráti tú radosť, ktorú som raz mal. Nie, že by som stratil svoju radosť, nie; ale mám na mysli, že ja chcem toho viac, viac, viac pokory slúžiť Pánovi. Tento nadchádzajúci rok som sľúbil Bohu, ak mi On dovolí žiť a dá mi zdravie a silu, že sa budem snažiť byť služobníkom Božím a bratom pre ľudí z celého môjho srdca. Nech vás teraz Boh žehná. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

23Ako ten svet, Otče, ktorý sa točí okolo rovníka, ako je nám povedané, teraz sa to začne znova hýbať naspäť od najkratšieho dňa roku ku najdlhšiemu. Len krátky čas a tie píšťaly budú pískať, ľudia budú vykrikovať, zvonce budú zvoniť; a starý rok je preč a nový prichádza. A, Otče, ďakujeme Ti, že si nám dovolil vidieť tento rok 1961. A prosíme, aby si nám odpustil všetky naše hriechy, ktoré sme spáchali počas tohto roku. A ak bola jedna vec, ktorú sme urobili, ktorá bola dobrá, nech je Tvoje Meno zvelebené. Pretože to sme neboli my, nehodní, ale to si bol Ty, Duch Svätý, ktorý nakoniec vložil Svoju cestu do nášho života, napriek nášmu vzdorovitému stavu, a urobil si niečo, čo zvelebilo Boha. My sme vďační, že On to urobil. A, Otče, my sme sa dnes večer modlili, aby nás On zakaždým odtlačil na bok a nech vôľa Božia je uskutočnená v našich životoch.

24A dnes večer, ako naše sesterské zbory, ich pastori tu sedia, náš brat Graham a bratia z rozličných častí krajiny: Utica, Sellesburg a Georgetown, kdekoľvek to môže byť... Drahé duše zhromaždené spolu z mnohých, dokonca štátov, dnes večer, aby nám pomohli v tomto veľkom jubileu tu, ktoré oslavujeme, a obrátili sme sa do času spievania piesní, modlitby a počúvania Slova Božieho. Naplň každé srdce. Zober každú pochybnosť. Zober každý strach. A nech sa Duch Svätý pohne do našich sŕdc a zasadí to Slovo. Nech sme tou pôdou, do ktorej to Slovo vpadne, aby to prinieslo ovocie v tomto nadchádzajúcom roku. Udeľ to Pane.

25Pomôž mi teraz, to je môj čas, los padol v tomto čase na mňa aby som hovoril. Modlím sa aby si pomazal tie slová, ktoré budú povedané. A nech ony môžu vyjsť pod pomazaním Ducha Svätého, s očakávaním, Pane, že to privedie ľudí, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú, ku Tebe; a tých, ktorí sú tam, nech oni majú viac viery slúžiť Ti. Udeľ to Pane. A pomôž môjmu hlasu, zatiaľ čo som prechladnutý a unavený zo štvorhodinového posolstva dnes ráno, modlím sa aby si mi pomohol. Pomôž nám všetkým a drž nás pre tú nadchádzajúcu službu a večeru Pánovu.

26Požehnaj tento zbor a jeho pastora, nášho brata Neville, jeho dôverníkov a diakonov, a nech Ti oni slúžia tento rok šľachetnejšie než kedykoľvek predtým. Vďaka Ti za ich službu a statočnosť, ako oni stáli pri mne, keď som potreboval niekoho, aby stál pri mne. Brat Neville a brat Roy Roberson a všetci tí vzácni bratia, ktorí stáli pri nás v čase problémov a pod vedením Ducha Svätého učinili rozhodnutia najlepšie, ako vedeli. A tie rozhodnutia, ktoré oni urobili, boli potvrdené, že boli v Tvojej vôli, pretože Ty si požehnal ich rozhodnutia. Bože, pokračuj v tom, aby si bol s nimi. Pomôž nám teraz všetkým spolu. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

27No, pre vás, ktorí si značíte texty; a dôverujem, že sa budete za mňa modliť... A na krátku chvíľu, rád by som upútal vašu pozornosť ku porcii Slova nájdenej v Knihe Sudcov v 6. kapitole, počnúc od 7. verša. Chcel by som, aby ste ticho počúvali a počúvali to Slovo.

28Počujete ma tam vzadu? Zodvihnite svoje ruky, ak áno. Výborne. A ak sa oni dívajú, ktokoľvek to je, kto sem zapája tento mikrofón, bude pozorovať, ako to funguje. Sú zapnuté pásky?

29Sudcov 6. kapitola, 7. verš. No počúvajte pozorne, pretože ja sa budem na toto odvolávať na malú chvíľu.

A stalo sa, keď kričali synovia Izraelovi k Hospodinovi pre Madiana,

že Hospodin poslal muža proroka k synom Izraelovým a riekol im: Takto hovorí Hospodin, Bôh Izraelov: Ja som vás vyviedol hore z Egypta a vyviedol som vás z domu sluhov

a vytrhnul som vás z ruky Egypťanov i z ruky všetkých, ktorí vás utiskovali, zahnal som ich zpred vašej tvári a dal som vám ich zem.

A povedal som vám: Ja som Hospodin, váš Bôh. Nebudete sa báť bohov Amorejov, v ktorých zemi bývate. Ale ste neposlúchli môjho hlasu.

A anjel Hospodinov prišiel a posadil sa pod dubom, ktorý je v Ofre, ktorá patrí Joasovi Abiezerskému. A Gedeon, jeho syn, palicou mlátil pšenicu v preši, aby s tým utiekol pred Madianmi.

A ukázal sa mu anjel Hospodinov a riekol mu: Hospodin s tebou, udatný mužu!

Na to mu povedal Gedeon: Ó, môj pane, ak je Hospodin s nami, prečo prišlo na nás všetko toto? A kde sú všetky jeho zázraky, o ktorých nám rozprávali naši otcovia, keď nám vraveli: Či nás vraj nevyviedol Hospodin hore z Egypta? A teraz nás opustil Hospodin a vydal nás do ruky Madiana.

A Hospodin pozrel na neho a riekol: Idi v tejto svojej sile a zachrániš Izraela vytrhnúc ho z ruky Madiana. Hľaď, poslal som ťa.

30Ak sa bude páčiť Bohu, rád by som odtiaľ zobral text, verím, asi zo 14. verša, kde je povedané, „Ak je Boh s nami, kde sú potom všetky tie zázraky?“

31No, my sme všetci oboznámení so Sudcami Izraela. A čo oni vykonali Izraelitom; Filištíncom, Madiancom, Amorejom a všetkým tým ostatným, ktorí prišli ako kobylky, jednoducho požrali to, čo oni mali, a zobrali to a išli ďalej. Ale všimli ste si, oni to nemohli urobiť, až kým najprv Izrael neodpadol od Boha. Diabol na vás nemôže položiť svoju nohu tak, aby vám uškodil, až kým vy najprv neodstúpite od Boha. Musíte v prvom rade pamätať na toto. Skúmajte, keď sa čokoľvek deje, hľaďte, či ste vo viere, alebo nie, hľaďte, či ste na tom správnom mieste s Bohom; potom pamätajte, diabol vám nemôže uškodiť; vy ste v Kristovi.

33A toto miesto tu, ktoré sme práve opustili... Pred pár rokmi to boli prorokyňa Deborah a Barák. A ako ona prorokovala a povedala im, čo robiť, a to bolo presne tak. Barák, ten veľký bojovník... A ako oni zložili pieseň na ten triumf nad nepriateľom. Ale hneď, ako sa odchýlili, odišli znovu rovno do tých istých starých koľají.

34Ak to nie je obraz dnešnej cirkvi, hneď, ako sa to dostane z jedného zamiešania, ide to do druhého. Ale prišiel čas konať. A teraz je to to isté; prišiel čas konať. Prišiel čas, keď hra na cirkev u Boha skončila. Hra na cirkev skončila. Musíme vojsť do práce. A ja dôverujem, že ten istý Boh položí toto na srdcia ľudí dnes večer, že je čas prestať sa hrať na cirkev, prestať sa hrať na náboženstvo, hrať sa na spravodlivosť, a že teraz je čas konať.

35Ako som dnes ráno hovoril na tému, čo bolo to nové narodenie, a ako my ku tomu prichádzame, iste to stále vpadá do vášho srdca. No prišiel čas konať na základe toho, čo viete, že je pravda. Nemôžete konať s vierou, až kým najprv neviete, čo robíte. Najprv musíte vedieť, čo robíte, pred tým, ako by ste mohli mať vieru do toho, aby ste to vykonali.

36Raz mi niekto povedal, známy doktor, ktorý hovoril o zázraku, ktorý sa stal medzi—jednej chorej osobe. A on mi povedal, „Kazateľ, neveríš, že ak by si povedal tým ľuďom, aby išli von a dotkli sa stromu alebo stĺpu, že by sa stala tá istá vec?“ Povedal som, „Nie, pane.“ Povedal som, „Pretože nemôžeš mať vieru z toho, že sa dotkneš stromu alebo stĺpu.“ Viera nie je taká voľná. Ona musí byť založená na nejakom významnom fakte. Musíš vedieť niečo ohľadom toho, v čo máš vieru, pred tým, ako v to môžeš mať vieru. Tak my najprv musíme vedieť ako a čo: to, čo Boh túži, aký je Boží plán, a ako pristúpiť ku Bohu skrze ten plán. A potom môžeme smelo vykročiť ku trónu milosti a prosiť o to, čo je ten zasľúbený plán pre nás.

39No, oni sa hrali na cirkev. Hneď ako vyšli z jedného zamiešania... Boh ich vyslobodil. Potom namiesto toho, aby skutočne išli napred a slúžili Bohu, vidiac Jeho mocnú ruku, oni sa vykrútili znovu naspäť do vecí toho sveta. A tak prišiel čas, keď Boh zvolal dosť. A to musí tak byť. A ja si myslím, že teraz je čas zvolať dosť. My sme prekrútili Slovo Božie, aby pasovalo každej organizácii, ktorá je na svete, každému plánu, ktorý kedy človek naplánoval, aby ho vykonal. Pokrútili sme Slovo tým spôsobom, a pokrútili sme Slovo tamtým spôsobom a pokrútili sme ho nejako inak, aby to pasovalo nejakému plánu. Ale prišiel čas to zastaviť; zastaviť vaše hranie sa na cirkev. Prišiel čas, keď ľudia hovoria, „Ak môžete len dostať dosť Ducha na to, aby ste tancovali v Duchu; ak Ho môžete obdržať dosť na to, aby ste videli svetlá pred vašimi očami; alebo senzáciu, že niečo prebehne po vašom chrbte, alebo nejaké chvenie, nejaká triaška, nejaká emócia; dostali ste to.“ Niečo ste obdržali; ale ja by som nehovoril, čo ste mali, až kým by som nevidel, aký druh ovocia z toho vyrástol. Ako sme cez to išli dnes ráno, že nemôžete očakávať, že namiesto malého dieťaťa sa narodí hneď dospelý človek. Ono musí do toho dorásť. A my rastieme do Krista do tej plnej postavy. Niečo... Nie, že niekto sa dnes večer obráti a zajtra ide kázať evanjelium. My rastieme do mužnosti, do postavy Kristovej.

42No, zisťujeme, že keď sa Boží ľud dostáva do ťažkostí, Boh im vždy posiela proroka s pravdivým Slovom, aby ich vyviedol von. Boží ľud sa nikdy v žiadnom čase nedostal do problémov, kedy by im Boh nebol poslal Svoje Slovo. A Jeho Slovo, ako sme to mali dnes ráno, prichádza ku prorokom. A ako to otestujete? Tým, že zistíte, či je to podľa Slova. Ak to je podľa Slova, vtedy sa Božie Slovo stáva živým. No, mnohí možno povedia, „Toto je prorok našej cirkvi.“ „Toto je prorok našej cirkvi.“ A obaja si protirečia, jeden druhému, niekde niečo nie je v poriadku. My všetci musíme hovoriť tú istú vec. Potom musíme hovoriť, nie proti, ale presne s týmto Slovom. To je to, ako je otestovaný pravdivý prorok, či on má Slovo. Biblia povedala, „Ak ich svedectvo nie je podľa zákona a prorokov, nie je v nich žiadne Svetlo.“ Je to tak. Musí to byť podľa Slova.

45A Boh vždy, v každom prípade, posiela ľuďom pravdivého služobníka a pravdivého proroka, aby priniesol pravdivé Slovo Božie. A Slovo Božie je to, čo vždy ľudí vyslobodzuje. Tak, ak by sme išli naspäť a čítali by sme 7. až 10. verš, zistíme tam, v tomto 7. až 10. verši, že Izrael sa odvrátil od Boha a odišiel znova naspäť do sveta. A on prišiel odnikiaľ, dokonca ani neuvádza jeho meno... Nemyslím si, že prorok sa zaujímal o svoje meno. On sa zaujímal o jedno; Boh ho pomazal. To pre neho nerobilo žiaden rozdiel, či on bol zaradený ako jeden z ich denominácií, alebo niečo iné, či bol biskup alebo arcibiskup. Tá jediná vec, o ktorú sa on zaujímal, bolo posolstvo, ktoré bolo na jeho srdci. A on volal ľudí naspäť ku pokániu a porozumeniu toho, že ich Boh bol Bohom moci a Bohom vyslobodenia, Bohom zázrakov, ktorý ich vytrhol z ruky Egypťanov, otvoril Červené more a kŕmil ich na púšti, a Boh moci, ktorý mohol zobrať zem niekoho iného a dať ju im. Amen. To bol pravý prorok. On bol pomazaný a on bol hlasom Božím pre tých ľudí. On povedal, že to musí tak byť, pretože oni boli v problémoch.

47Títo Madiánci a Amorejci a tak ďalej, prišli všetci a zjedli celú ich zem. A tak ten nepriateľ urobil výzvu a museli sa s ním stretnúť. Ich armády to nemohli urobiť a ich kňazi to nemohli urobiť a ich cirkvi to nemohli urobiť. Tak to vyžadovalo Slovo Božie, aby sa stretlo s jeho výzvou. Nepriateľ dnes hovorí. Ten nepriateľ sa snaží povedať, že dni zázrakov pominuli, že nie je žiadna taká vec ako krst Duchom Svätým, a toto je len emócia, je to len vypracované.“ Tak ten nepriateľ urobil výzvu a jeho výzve je potrebné čeliť. Ten jediný spôsob, ako my môžeme čeliť výzve tohto dňa, keď denominácie volajú ľudí a vovádzajú ich do tejto organizácie, do tamtej, dovolia tým ženám strihať si vlasy a nosiť make-up; a mužom žiť každým druhom života, žiť ako dôverníci a diakoni a pastori v cirkvi, pretože oni majú nejaké Ph.D. alebo LL.D. to je požiadavka. Ježiš nikdy nepožadoval od človeka, aby to mal. Ježišova požiadavka bola, „Čakajte v meste Jeruzaleme, až kým budete odiati mocou z výsosti, potom Mi budete svedkami.“ To čelí jeho výzve. To čelilo nepriateľovej výzve. To čelilo v tom dni. To čelí v tomto dni.

50No, chcem, aby ste si všimli. Od 7. do 10. verša vidíme, že prichádza prorok. Od 1. do 7. vidíme, že ľudia odpadajú. A od 7. do 10. vidíme prichádzať proroka, a ako dáva ľuďom nápravu. Všimnite si, my nevieme, odkiaľ on prišiel; on nikdy nepovedal, že tam bol človek, alebo farizej, ktorý by bol na chvíľu kňazom. Neukazuje jeho pôvod. Tí proroci, oni povstávajú odnikiaľ.

51Pozrite na Eliáša. Eliáš bol ten posledný a ten šiesty z tých veľkých prorokov, mocných prorokov. Nevieme nič o jeho pôvode. Nevieme, do akej školy chodil. Nevieme, z akej bol rodiny. Tá jediná vec, ktorú vieme, je, že Boh bol s ním. A on vystúpil a on odišiel práve tak tajomne, ako vystúpil. Vyšiel z púšte, odnikiaľ, a išiel naspäť na púšť a bol vychvátený vo veternom voze a vzatý Ohňom do neba. On prišiel tajomne a on tajomne odišiel. Nemal žiaden teologický pôvod. Nevieme, odkiaľ prišiel, kto bol jeho otec, kto bola jeho matka, kto boli jeho bratia a sestry. Tá jediná vec, ktorú vieme; on bol mužom Božím. Boh ho zobral odnikiaľ a použil ho a vzal ho niekde: do Jeho prítomnosti. On bol muž Boží.

52A tu prichádza prorok na tú hodinu a dáva im Slovo Pánovo. Pamätajte, on im nikdy nedal nejakú človekom zostrojenú teológiu. On povedal, „Ja som Pán, ktorý som vás vyviedol z Egypta, ukázal som vám Svoju mocnú ruku, ukázal Som vám Svoju moc.“ Predstavujem si, že Gedeon tam sedel a počúval ho. „Ja som Boh, ktorý urobil tieto veci. A Ja som to všetko urobil pre vás a jednako ste neposlúchli Moje prikázania. V tom všetkom ste to nevykonali.“

53No, chcem aby ste si všimli ďalšiu vec, ktorá vás môže povzbudiť. Hneď po posolstve proroka sa zjavil na scéne Pán. Amen. Hneď, ako vypovedal svoje posolstvo sa Pán zjavil pod stromom. Pán prišiel po posolstve proroka, ako sedel pod stromom. Prorok vydal... Ľudia odpadli, dostali sa do svojich izmov. Boh poslal svojho proroka. Zakrátko na to, ako prorok vyhlásil svoje posolstvo, Pán nasledoval prorokovo posolstvo, aby ich vyslobodil.

54Ó, žijeme vo veľkom čase. Hneď, ako prorok opustil scénu, čo sa stalo? Pán prišiel na scénu. Hneď, ako Ján odišiel zo scény, Pán prišiel na scénu. Je to veľmi divné, ako Boh pracuje, ale On to robí, robí to záhadným spôsobom.

55Čítame tu v Písme, kde Gedeon, vystrašený, vonku v preši, mlátil si pšenicu, aby mal dosť, pred tým, ako by ho našli Filištíni alebo Madiánci. On a jeho otec, tam vonku, aby získali trochu jedla na zimu, mlátili to potajomky, aby ich nemohli nájsť. Pretože oni tam prišli ako kobylky a zobrali všetko, čo mali.

56To je to, ako to robí diabol. Začali sme s malou cirkvou, všetko išlo fajn. (Koľkí kazatelia nevedia, že toto je pravda?) Práve v tom čase, keď všetko ide dobre, príde nejaký podvodník rovno medzi tú skupinu a roztrhá ju na kusy (Je to tak), odtrhne ten zbor od nejakého muža, ak to môže urobiť. Vidíte, to je diabol. Prišli ako kobylky a zobrali to, čo im bolo dané. No, potom...

57Gedeon bol pravdaže biblickým mužom. Keď mu Anjel Pánov povedal... A ak si všimnete, to tam nebol Anjel Pánov. Tam je povedané, „A Pán,“ veľkým P-Á-N. To nebol Anjel. To bol Boh. To bola teofánia v človeku vo forme Boha, tak, ako sa zjavil Abrahámovi vzadu na púšti a vyzeral ako človek. Tak preto, on bol Poslom, On bol ten Anjel Pánov. A On sa mu zjavil. A On povedal, „Ty udatný muž,“ povedal, že ho ide zobrať a skrze neho vyslobodiť Izrael.

60A Gedeon sa opýtal tú otázku. Aký biblický muž to bol. To je ten druh muža, ku ktorému Boh prichádza, niekto, kto vie. Gedeon povedal, „Ak je Boh s nami, ak Ty si tým poslom, kde sú potom tie zázraky, o ktorých nám hovorili proroci?“ On vedel, že kdekoľvek Boh išiel, Jeho zázraky Ho nasledovali. On vedel, že kdekoľvek by Boh bol, tam by boli zázraky. A ako môžete očakávať, že dnes bude Boh pracovať medzi ľuďmi, ktorí neveria v zázraky? Ako to môže byť? A On ho nazval udatným mužom. Povedal, „No, skrze toto ty vyslobodíš Izrael.“ No, to vyzeralo ako muž, ktorý tam sedel, a to bol Muž. A on sa pozrel na Neho a povedal, „Nie, môj Pane, ak je Boh s nami, potom prečo máme všetky tieto problémy? A kde sú tie zázraky, o ktorých nám hovorili? Kde sú tie veci, ktoré Boh zvykol robiť?“

64No, existuje dobrý spôsob, ako sa spoľahnúť na to, či ten posol je pravý alebo nie. Ak on má formu pobožnosti, on bude zapierať tú moc, ktorá robí tie zázraky. Ak je poslom od Boha, on o tom nebude len hovoriť, ale on to prejaví, a ukáže, že Boh, o ktorom on hovorí, je s ním.

On povedal, „Ak by bol Boh...?...s nami, kde sú všetky Jeho mocné zázraky? Pretože my rozumieme...“ Počúvajte, ako bol Gedeon biblicky založený. Alebo inak, on povedal, „Ak... My rozumieme, že Boh je veľkým Bohom mocných skutkov. On je veľký Boh zázrakov. A ak On je za nás, a ak On je s nami, a On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, kde môžem vidieť Jeho zázraky? Kde môžem vidieť tohto Boha v akcii? Kde On je, ak je za nás?“

66Ten udatný muž mohol poukázať naspäť do Slova a vedieť, že to je tak, pretože on vedel toto, že Boh je nadprirodzená bytosť. A kdekoľvek je nadprirodzená bytosť, On bude robiť nadprirodzené znamenia, pretože to nadprirodzené je v Ňom. Nemôžete sa od toho dostať preč.

Ako môžete stáť tvárou v tvár vetru, bez toho, že by ten vietor na vás fúkal? Ako môžete vojsť do vody bez toho, že by ste sa zamokrili? Voda je mokrá. To je jej chemická vlastnosť. Ona je mokrá. A keď vstúpite do vody, zamokríte sa. Je to tak. A keď sa dostanete do prítomnosti Božej, do toho nadprirodzena, tam budú nadprirodzené znamenia a nadprirodzené skutky nadprirodzeného Boha.

69Preto on povedal, „Kde sú tie skutky, kde sú tie zázraky, ak je Boh s nami?“ Sláva. To je to. Vidíte, kde je Boh, tam sú zázraky. Kde je Boh, tam je znak Boží. Vidíte? A Gedeon, veľmi biblicky založený, povedal, „Kde sú tieto veci?“ Inými slovami, takto: „Ja som človek, možno päťdesiatročný,“ on by povedal. „ A ja som ich počul hovoriť o Bohu, ktorý činil zázraky. A išiel som do cirkvi a veril som tým kňazom. A veril som tým prorokom. A veril som napísanému Slovu, všetkým tým zvitkom. A čítal som v tých zvitkoch, kde Boh, keď On prišiel medzi svoj ľud, niečo sa stalo.“ A Gedeon len nevedel, kto bol ten muž, ktorý to sedel pod tým dubom. Amen. To je všetko, čo on vedel; To bol muž. On povedal, „No, ak je Boh s nami, kde sú všetky Jeho zázraky? Chceme ich vidieť.“ Aké biblické to je. Pretože tam, kde je to nadprirodzené, tam bude Boh so Svojimi znameniami. Kde je Boh, tam je znamenie Božie s Bohom. Vieme to. Ak je On vo Svojom ľude, oni budú vykonávať Jeho znamenia. Presne tak.

73 To je tá otázka, ktorú mal Gedeon, "Áno, kde je Boh? Ak je Boh, ak je Boh s nami, potom mi dovoľ vidieť, kde je Jeho znamenie. Bolo nám povedané, že On ich vykonáva. A ak táto veľká úloha leží predo mnou..." Možno ten starý muž, ktorý tam stál, a On vyzeral ako starý Muž. Biblia povedala, že On mal palicu vo Svojej ruke. Čítajte ďalej 6. kapitolu, keď prídete domov, alebo niekedy zajtra. On mal vo Svojej ruke palicu: starý Muž, vyzeral tak, sediaci pod stromom. A On ho nazval udatným mužom. A On povedal, že Boh ide urobiť túto vec. A povedal, "Boh s tebou." On povedal, "Potom kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak ten nadprirodzený Boh je tu, kde sú tie nadprirodzené skutky Božie?"

77To by ľahko mohlo byť povedané dnes večer v našich cirkvách. "Kde je ten Boh, ktorý raz žil? Či On zomrel? Zomrel? Či On niečo robí? Je na výlete?" Nie veru.

On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A ak my povieme, že sme z Boha, potom vidzme, kde Boh je. Vidzme znamenia Božie. Ak táto modlitebňa stojí za Boha, nech vidíme Boha, ako sa medzi nami pohybuje. Nech vidíme duše rodiace sa do Kráľovstva. Nech vidíme napravené životy. Nech vidíme chorých, slepých, hluchých, nech vidíme, ako sa dejú Jeho mocné skutky. Boha v našom strede...

"Ak je Boh za nás, kde sú všetky Jeho zázraky?" On sa opýtal tú otázku.

80No, ak je Boh s Jeho ľudom a v Jeho ľude, on nemôže--tá osoba si nemôže pomôcť v tom, aby nerobila tú istú vec, ktorú robil Boh. Pretože to nie je viac tá osoba; to je Boh v tom človeku. Ak ten človek hreší, potom Boh tam nie je. Ak on miluje svet, potom Boh tam nie je. A my vieme, že Boh nemá žiaden diel v hriechu. No, dám vám na toto Písmo, za chvíľu.

Ježiš, keď On bol na zemi, Jeho sa spýtali tú istú otázku. Oni chceli vedieť, "Ty, súc človekom, a robíš sa Bohom?"

Keď On uzdravil toho ochrnutého človeka, On povedal, "Tvoje hriechy sú ti odpustené."

On povedal, "No, počkaj chvíľu. Ty si človek a odpúšťaš hriechy?"

On povedal, "Aby ste vedeli, že Syn človeka má moc na zemi odpúšťať hriechy alebo uzdravovať; čo je ľahšie, 'Vezmi svoje ležisko a choď,' alebo--alebo povedať, 'Tvoje hriechy sú ti odpustené'? A potom On prehovoril ku tomu človekovi a on vstal a odišiel. A farizeovia sa Ho vypytovali.

85A Ježiš povedal, "Ak neveríte mne, verte tým znameniam, ktoré Ja robím." Vidíte, im bolo povedané, že tam bude prorok, ako Mojžiš, povstane, a to bude Mesiáš. A On povedal, "Ak nečiním skutky môjho Otca, potom mi neverte; Ja sa mýlim. Ale ak robím skutky Môjho Otca a vy Mi neveríte, potom verte tým skutkom. Čo robia tie skutky? Oni vám povedia, kto Som. Oni svedčia o Mne. Oni sú Mojím svedkom. Nie mojimi odporúčajúcimi listinami, že patrím do Presbyteriánskej cirkvi, alebo letničnej, môžem ukázať svoju kartu obecenstva; ale tie skutky, ktoré Ja robím, tie znamenia Božie, znamenia Mesiáša, oni sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne."

86Ježiš povedal, v sv. Jánovi 14:12, ak si zapisujete miesta Písma, sv. Ján 14:12, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť.“ Amen. Čo je to, bratia? Ak je Boh za nás, kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak je Boh v nás, čo sa s nami potom deje? Niekde niečo nie je v poriadku. Áno. Ježiš povedal, „Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, tomu, čo hovorím, pozorujte to, čo svedčí za Mňa, pretože ony sú tie, ktoré vydávajú svedectvo o Mne. Pán, váš Boh, povedal, že povstane prorok ako Mojžiš. A ktokoľvek by nepočúval na toho proroka, bude vyťatý spomedzi ľudu. Mesiáš mal mať znak, ktorý by Ho nasledoval. A ak Ma ten znak Mesiáša nenasleduje,“ povedal Ježiš, tak veľa slovami, „potom Mi neverte. Ale ak ten Mesiášsky znak svedčí o Mne, potom verte tomu znaku. Pretože ak by ste si mysleli, že Ja sa mýlim, ten znak je v poriadku, pretože on je podľa Písma.“ Halleluja.

89To je to, kde sa chcel dostať Gedeon. To je to, kde Gedeon stál. „Ó, ak tu je Boh, ktorý je s nami, my chceme vidieť ten znak, že On je Boh, že On je ten istý Boh, pretože On bude robiť tie isté znamenia.“ Čo Boh urobil? Gedeon povedal, „Počkaj, prinesiem nejakú obeť.“ A on išiel a zabil teľa alebo baránka a uvaril ho. Priniesol chlieb a priniesol toho baránka a položil to dolu. A ten Anjel povedal, „Počkám tu.“ Vyskúšaj všetky tie veci. Otestuj ich Slovom. A on povedal, „Počkám tu,“ možno dve alebo tri hodiny. Gedeon prišiel s tou polievkou a s chlebom a mäsom. A ten Anjel povedal, „Porozumieš to skrze toto. Toto to potvrdí.“

On vylial ten vývar na zem ako liatu obeť. A vzal ten chlieb a to mäso a položil to na tú skalu, na ktorej mlátieval. A vzal palicu do Svojej ruky ako nejaký starý Muž, nejakú palicu a dotkol sa toho. A keď sa toho dotkol, vyšiel dym a tá obeť bola strávená. Čo to bolo? On ho zobral naspäť do Písma, aby potvrdil, kým On bol.

95Ten istý Boh bol s Eliášom na vrchu Karmel, ten istý, o ktorom som hovoril dnes ráno. Keď položíte svoju dušu na Jeho medený oltár súdu, čo sa stane? Ak On je ten istý Boh, On prijme tú obeť. Ty si to obetoval v úprimnosti na Jeho oltári, On strávi tú obeť a ten svet bude z teba von. Len dym z toho vyjde. Tá obeť bude preč. Áno.

96„Ak Ty si Boh a Ty si Bohom tej Biblie, o ktorom naši otcovia hovorili, že vykonával zázraky, dovoľ mi vidieť vykonať Ťa zázrak, alebo dovoľ mi vidieť nejaký druh zázraku, aby som vedel, že sa Boh stretol so mnou.“

97No, nech poviem toto. Ak Boh stále zostáva Bohom, ak Boh je tým istým Bohom, ktorým On bol v dávnych dňoch, ty nemusíš ísť a potriasť si ruku s kazateľom, nemusíš si ísť zapísať svoje meno do nejakej knihy. Tie veci sú v poriadku; nič proti tomu. Potom ideš a stávaš sa členom cirkvi so svojím menom v knihe; a oni ti dajú list a ty si ho zložíš. Hneď, ako tam niečo nie je v poriadku, ty vybuchneš ako neviem čo, a ideš do inej cirkvi. A hneď, ako tam nie je niečo v poriadku, potom ideš do ďalšej cirkvi. Vidíš, už rovno na začiatku si nepostupoval správne. Ak Boh zostáva Bohom, polož svoju hriešnu dušu na Jeho oltár a On sa jej dotkne Svojím Slovom a Svojou mocou. A ten svet bude z teba von, a potom budeš novým stvorením, ak On zostáva Bohom.

98On bol Bohom Starej Zmluvy. On bol Bohom Novej Zmluvy. On je ten istý Boh dnes: včera, dnes a naveky.

A potom viete, dolu vo svojom srdci, že sa udial nadprirodzený skutok skrze nadprirodzenú Bytosť. Keď si bol raz opilcom a fajčil si a klamal; a vy ženy ste milovali ten svet tak veľmi, že ste nosili make-up a vaše dlhé–vlastne krátke vlasy a robili ste rôzne veci; a zisťujete, že niečo sa deje a ani všetci diabli v pekle vás nemôžu doviesť do toho, aby ste to robili znovu. Niečo sa stalo, Boh... Udial sa zázrak. Čo On urobil? Zmenil tvoje zlé srdce, zmenil tvoje túžby, zmenil tvoju povahu. Nadprirodzené Slovo, skrze nadprirodzeného Boha, učinilo zo stvorenia času stvorenie večnosti. Amen. Zobralo z vás ten svet a umiestnilo do vás Krista, nádej slávy. A ste naplnení Jeho Duchom a pripravení stretnúť Ho.

101Ak Boh je Bohom, kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak je Boh s nami, kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak je Boh s metodistickou cirkvou, prečo všetky tie ženy majú ostrihané vlasy? Ak je Boh s baptistickou cirkvou, prečo potom pastor fajčí cigarety, mnohí z nich? Prečo oni stále zapierajú moc Božiu do uzdravenia nemocných a vzkriesenia z mŕtvych a do hovorenia v jazykoch a výkladu jazykov a dary a proroctva? Prečo to stále zapierajú, ak Boh starej zmluvy a Boh novej zmluvy je stále ten istý Boh? Ak Boh novej zmluvy, Duch Svätý, je stále ten Boh, na ktorého si robia nárok letniční, prečo nezvalia svoje múry rozdelenia a hádania sa jeden s druhým a nestanú sa znovuzrodenými kresťanmi? Iste. Nie. Ani nebudú hovoriť jeden s druhým. Vidíte, tá obeť nebola strávená. Oni idú skrze senzácie; oni to robili počas tých vekov. Pod modlami mali senzácie.

103Ale Boh tej Biblie, to je ten Boh, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, spaľuje ten svet a všetky rozdiely, robí nás novými stvoreniami v Kristovi. Áno. Ježiš povedal, „Oni svedčia a hovoria vám, kto Som.“ Tá vec ohľadom toho je, ten dôvod, že my máme všetky tieto veci je, pretože stále dovoľujeme denominačným rozdielom, vyznaniam, zbytočným rozruchom, popularite a diablom toho sveta, aby nás oslepili na tú skutočnú pravdu Božiu. Je to tak.

105Mnoho ľudí bolo podvedených v prijatí Ducha Svätého; ako som povedal, oni dnes majú učenia ako Eliášove plášte a všetky tieto iné veci, zamanifestovaní synovia Boží a všetky tieto rôzne izmy a tak ďalej, dnes na svete. Ľudia tam slepo padajú a idú cez nejaký druh senzácie, povstávajú s arogantným duchom, ľahostajní, malicherní, prchkí. To nie je Duch Boží. Stále sa správajú neriadne, nevedia, čo je to cirkevný poriadok, nevedia, ako sa správať v Dome Božom, žiadna slušnosť, nie, len drzosť, žiaden cit ku Bohu, všetko o čom rozmýšľajú, je „moja cirkev.“ To ukazuje, že oni prijali cirkevného ducha a nie Ducha Božieho, pretože to z vás všetko vytlčie, vypáli. Iste. Vidíte, oni hovoria, „Kde On je?“ To je...“Dostávame sa rovno do...“

106Ale pozrite, ak oblaky zatieňujú slnko, to slnko vždy svieti. Tá jediná vec, ktorá to zdržuje od toho, aby ono na vás svietilo, sú oblaky. A ak dáte preč oblaky, to slnko bude svietiť. Amen.

Brat, odíďme preč od všetkých našich hriechov a našich pochybností a našich frustrácií, ten Syn svieti odo dňa Letníc. Duch Svätý je práve taký veľký ako vždy bol. Ale naše denominácie zavalili Slovo Božie tým, že hovoria, „To je pre nejaký iný deň. Ó, to bude. Božské uzdravenie bude v Miléniu.“ Alebo, „Božské uzdravenie bolo tam voľakedy. To nie je na dnes.“

108Ako On môže byť ten istý včera, dnes i naveky a Božské uzdravenie tu stále nie je? Ako môže tá moc, ako môže... Biblia stavia do poriadku, „Najprv apoštoli, proroci, učitelia, evanjelisti, pastori, na potvrdenie, že to Evanjelium stále žije.“ A Boh ich posiela rovno medzi nás a my sa od toho odvraciame. Boh nezlyháva, to sú ľudia, ktorí zlyhali.

„Kde sú potom tie zázraky medzi nami? Kde sú? Boh hovoril s týmto mužom, pripravujúc ho na to, aby išiel.

Odstráňte tie oblaky, to slnko stále svieti. Je to tak. Keď sú preč pochybnosti a veci sú dané do poriadku, zázraky tam budú práve tak isto, ako je tam slnko.

Slnko, na príkaz Boží, svieti každý deň. Ono je tam, pretože Boh prikázal, aby tam bolo. A tak dlho, ako je deň a noc, slnko tam bude visieť. Iste. Vy ho nevidíte po celý čas, pretože ho zakryli oblaky; hmla, mraky, vysoké alebo nízke, oni ho zakrývajú. Ale ono je vždy tam. Vidíte?

112A tá jediná vec, ktorú chcete urobiť, aby ste dnes videli zázraky, ak chcete vidieť zázrak Boží, len dajte preč všetky svoje pochybnosti. Dajte preč všetky svoje vyznania, dajte preč všetku vašu denominačnosť, a ten Syn svieti automaticky. To je príkaz Boží, pretože To povedalo, „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Tak, pokiaľ On je tam naveky, On je tam. Nie je žiadna pochybnosť ohľadom toho, On je tam. Kde sú tie zázraky? Čo bráni zázrakom? Boh poslal Krista, Kristus žije naveky! Kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení spolu v Mojom Mene, Ja budem v ich strede.“ Amen. „Hľa, ja som stále s vami až do skončenia sveta.“ Tu On je, Jeho zasľúbenie.

114Čo sa potom deje? Dovolili sme oblakom pochybnosti, nenásytnosti, prchkosti, sebeckosti, denomináciám a iným veciam, aby sa na nás prevalili, prevalili a zobrali nás preč od Slova, hovoriac, „oni boli niekde inde,“ zapierajú Krista, zapierajúc krst Pánov, Duchom Svätým, zapierajúc kresťanský krst na Meno Ježiša Krista a iné veci, všetky druhy takých vecí, že až naše vyznania nás odlomili preč od Biblie. Ale v ...

115Nie je to divná vec, zázrak, že pred tvárou toho všetkého, brat Way, pred tvárou všetkých tých denominácií, pred tvárou kritikov, tá Biblia zostáva stále tá istá? Ako to vždy prekonalo búrku? Boh ustanovil, že bude súdiť každého človeka skrze tú Bibliu. A Biblia je Slovo a to Slovo je Kristus. Každý jeden, každý človek bude súdený skrze To. Dajte preč tie oblaky, čo sa potom deje, to slnko je rovno tam; to je tá jediná vec, ktorú dnes musíte urobiť. Nehovorte, „Ó, Ježiš, príď a uzdrav ma. Ó, Ježiš, daj mi Ducha Svätého.“ Len dajte preč tie oblaky. On je už tam. On prišiel pred tisíc deväťsto rokmi a On je stále tam. A On tam vždy bude. „Ja žijem naveky, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Je to tak.

117No, Gedeon a tí ľudia tam, pred tým, ako mohli uvidieť, alebo vôbec mohli ísť, aby videli tieto zázraky Božie, tam bola požiadavka, ktorá musela byť vyplnená. Vyplnená, aby uvideli moc zázrakov, oni museli veriť. Oni tiež museli veriť a poslúchať Slovo proroka, aby videli zázraky Božie. No, pamätajte, predtým, ako mohli uvidieť zázraky, oni museli poslúchnuť to, čo prorok povedal.

A predtým, ako my môžeme vidieť zázraky Božie, musíme poslúchnuť to, čo ten prorok povedal. Biblia je pre nás prorokom. Je to tak.

119Ak nejaký človek, bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi nazýva samého seba Božím prorokom baptistov, metodistov, letničných, čímkoľvek on môže byť, akokoľvek nazýva samého seba, ak toto Slovo nie je v ňom živé, on nie je prorokom. On môže byť prorokom, ale falošným. Skutoční proroci hovoria o tomto pravdivom Slove a potom stavajú Boha ako presne toho istého Boha, tá istá moc, tie isté Slová, všetko to isté, to pravdivé Slovo.

No, oni museli veriť. Museli veriť prorockému Slovu a poslúchať ho pred tým, ako mohli uvidieť Božie zázraky.

A dnes sem nemôžete ísť pod nejakým falošným vypracovaním, hovoriac, že „Ježiš nie je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky; dni zázrakov pominuli; a neexistuje niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým,“ a očakávať, že uvidíte Božie zázraky. Musíte to poslúchnuť! A keď to poslúchate, Boh sa stará o to ostatné.

122Ak by ste mohli zmiesť všetky tie oblaky preč, to slnko je vždy tam. Ono tam jednoducho visí. Slnko sa nehýbe, tak nám bolo povedané. Slnko zostáva na tom istom mieste.

A Kristus zostáva. A to je pravda. My odchádzame od Neho, ale On zostáva. Je to tak. Tá jediná vec, ktorú vy musíte urobiť, je obrátiť sa a postaviť sa raz tvárou v tvár pred Ním, a uvidíte, čo sa stane. Postaviť sa tvárou v tvár pred Kristom, nie postaviť sa pred cirkev, nie postaviť sa pred vyznanie, nie postaviť sa tvárou v tvár titulom; tvárou v tvár Kristovi. Vidíte, nie tvárou v tvár semináru, tvárou v tvár Slovu. Kristus je tým Slovom. Isteže je. Je to presne tak.

124Poslúchnite Slovo. Pre nás... Oni museli poslúchnuť Slovo. A čo sa nás týka, my musíme poslúchnuť to Slovo. Ak by ste to radi vedeli, mám tu napísané miesto Písma, ktoré povedalo, „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, proste si, čo chcete.“ Vidíte? Čo to bolo? Ak Božie Slovo je v nás a zostáva tam, Ono hovorí samo za Seba. „Proste si, čo chcete, a bude vám to dané.“ No, nachádza sa to v Jánovi 15:7, ak si to chcete zapísať. Vidíte, Ježiš povedal, „Ak zostanete vo Mne, Moje Slová zostanú vo vás.“

Nie dnes tak, zajtra, nasledujúci deň niečo iné, a odpadnutie, a tu hore a dole a tam dole, to ukazuje, že si v prvom rade ešte nič neobdržal.

127Ó, vy poviete, „Hovoril som v jazykoch.“ Fajn, ale ešte stále si nič neobdržal. Vidíte? Poviete, „Tancoval som v Duchu.“ V poriadku, ale ja stále neviem, v akom duchu si tancoval. Vidíte?

Ak si jeden deň v jednej veci a ďalší týždeň v niečom ďalšom; a potom príde nejaký malý ďateľ, ktorý ďobe na dutom strome, ty bežíš za ním a tam za ďalším, beháš od jednej misie k druhej, nevediac, kam patríš, vtedy Kristus nezostáva v tebe. Jeho Slovo tam nie je. Pretože ono je stabilné; ty sa nikdy neobraciaš ku temnosti.

129Ako som jedného dňa kázal na tému „Paradox,“ keď Józua zastavil slnko. Becky, ktorá je tam vzadu, povedala, „Ocko, on nemohol zastaviť slnko,“ povedala, „musel by sa zastaviť svet. On zastavil svet.“

Povedal som, „On zastavil slnko.“ Boh nerobí žiadne chyby vo Svojej Biblii. Povedala, „Ako on mohol zastaviť slnko, slnko sa vôbec nehýbe? Slnko stále stojí.“

Povedal som, „Ale tá strela tam, to nebolo to, o čom On hovoril. Toto slnko, ktoré putovalo a vytváralo svetlo na zemi, To je to slnko, ktoré On zastavil.“ Neviem, čo Boh urobil, aby sa to stalo, ale On zastavil slnko. Slnko išlo týmto smerom, to slnko na zemi, ten odraz slnka. Tá strela tam, nemohli–nedovideli sme jej milión míľ, alebo milióny míľ. Ale ten odraz slnka, ktorý putoval po zemi od rána do večera, to bolo to, čomu Józua prikázal, aby stálo potichu; a to sa zastavilo. Paradox, to je niečo, čo je neuveriteľné a jednako je to pravdou. Tak, že to je neuveriteľné, ale jednako pravdivé.

134Ako môže Boh zobrať hriešnika, arogantného, výbušného, večne nespokojného človeka a urobiť z neho svätého Božieho? Ako On môže zobrať ženu, ktorá má tak nízke mravy, až dokonca psi na ulici sa ku nej neotočia; a urobiť z nej svätú Božiu? Neviem vám to povedať. Ale On to urobil. To je paradox. Iste je. Všetky Božie veľké skutky sú paradox.

„Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, proste si, čo chcete, a bude vám to dané.“ Sv. Ján 14 alebo Sv. Ján 15, prepáčte, Sv. Ján 15:7. V poriadku.

136Naspäť do Genezis na chvíľu. Noe musel vyplniť tie požiadavky. Noe musel veriť Božiemu Slovu a konať na základe Toho, predtým, ako mohol vidieť Boží zázrak. Je to tak. Noe, ten veľký prorok z Genezis, musel veriť Božiemu Slovu a konať na Jeho základe, predtým ako videl Boží zázrak. Nikdy predtým nepršalo, viete, nebol žiaden dážď.

A čo si myslíte? Oni nám hovoria, že ten vek bol väčším vekom, než ten, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, vo vede. My nemôžeme znova vybudovať pyramídu alebo sfingu. Nemáme ten spôsob, ako mumifikovať; nemôžeme to spraviť, aby to tak skôrnatelo. Nemôžeme zafarbiť oblečenie tak, aby to vydržalo, tak, ako to oni robili tam. My dokonca ani nemáme tamtie veci. A to je niečo, čo naša moderná veda nemôže nájsť. Ale oni to mali.

138My nemáme takých technikov, ako mali oni. Tá veľká pyramída v Egypte je tak dokonale v centre zeme, že bez ohľadu na to, kde sa nachádza slnko, nie je okolo nej žiaden tieň. Nemohli by sme postavať takú stavbu, ako je toto. Nevieme, ako to urobiť. Ani by sme nemohli postaviť nejakú pyramídu. A tam, okolo tých vrcholových kameňov tam, ktoré ležia takmer v polovičnej výške, akú má mestský blok vo vzduchu, tam sú kamene, ktoré vážia miliardy ton, vlastne stovky ton, ktoré tam visia. Všetky stroje, ktoré máme na svete, by ich tam nemohli zodvihnúť.

Povedali mi, že to by bolo potrebných šestnásť plošinových vozov, aby na to vyložili nohu sfingy. Ako ju tam dostali? Ako sa to udialo? Oni boli chytrí, vedci.

140A čo myslíte, že oni povedali tomu človekovi, fanatik, predpokladali, že je prorokom, ktorý povedal, „Prichádza voda z oblakov“? Môžem ich počuť, ako hovoria, „Zoberieme naše zariadenia a vystrelíme rovno do hviezd, a tam nie je ani kvapka vody medzi priestorom tu a tam. Kde ona je?“

Noe mohol prísť s týmto naspäť, „Boh mi povedal, že bude pršať.“ To je dostatočné. To vybavilo tú vec. Boh povedal, že sa to stane, tak to je to, čo sa stane. V poriadku. (Musím sa ponáhľať; iní bratia čakajú.) Áno, Noe povedal, „Bude pršať.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„To je Slovo Pánovo. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“

„Čo ohľadom toho urobíš, Noe, jednoducho pôjdeš a budeš o tom kázať?“

„Nie. Ja sa na to pripravím.“ Vidíte?

„Ó, to by bol zázrak. Dni zázrakov pominuli.“

„Len vydržte, uvidíte to za chvíľu.“ Tak veru.

A čo on urobil? Vybudoval archu pred tým, ako spadol dážď. Čo on robil? Konal na základe zasľúbenia. Amen. Cítim sa teraz tak trochu ako letničný, cítim sa nábožne.

145Áno, vezmite Boha za Jeho Slovo; konajte podľa zasľúbenia, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje; je na Bohu, aby urobil ten zvyšok. Len začnite udierať do tých oblakov. Odložte každú tiaž, ktorá vás tak ľahko obkľučuje. Zložte všetky svoje pochybnosti, svoje strachy, svoje denominácie, svoje vyznania, a všetko, čo je proti Slovu. Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Len odložte svoje vyznania nabok; odložte nabok svoje denominácie; odložte všetky svoje pochybnosti; všetky svoje frustrácie, a len choďte napred. Prvá vec, viete, vy pohnete ten posledný klát a On tam bude stáť. Stretnete Ho.

146Noe povedal, „Keď postavím tú archu, On príde. Začne pršať.“

„V tom dni, keď postavíš tú archu?“

„Ak bude treba čakať päťdesiat rokov, ja budem sedieť v arche, a budem na to čakať. Ono to prichádza, pretože Boh tak povedal.“

Vidíte, prvá vec, on sa sám musel pripraviť. On vedel, že Boh bol Bohom zázrakov, tak on nemohol v Neho pochybovať. Boh ku nemu prehovoril a on to vedel. Keď Boh hovorí ku tebe zo Svojho Slova, ty to vieš vo svojom srdci. Keď celý svet od teba odišiel a tie veci toho sveta sú mŕtve, ty to vieš. Keď, ak miluješ svet alebo veci toho sveta, ty stále vieš vo svojom srdci, že nie si v poriadku. To je pravda. Tak, keď je to všetko preč, potom tam nie je nič iné do vykonania, len stretnúť Boha. On tam bude stáť. On zostáva.

150Ako to slnko, s-l-n-k-o [v angličtine: “sun“], tak ten S-y-n [v angličtine: “Son“] zostáva práve taký istý včera, dnes a naveky. To s-l-n-k-o, ktoré svieti, je to isté slnko, ktoré svietilo v Genesis, to isté slnko, ktoré svietilo na Eliáša na tej hore, to isté slnko, ktoré zapadlo v deň ukrižovania. Halleluja. Ono zostáva to isté. A ten istý Syn Boží je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ten istý v moci, ten istý v láske, ten istý v znameniach.

Čo je dnes znakom kresťana? Ó, on ide do cirkvi, zapíše svoje meno do knihy, on má list. To nie je ten znak, o ktorom Ježiš povedal.

On povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. V mojom mene budú vyháňať diablov, hovoriť novými jazykmi. Ak zoberú hadov alebo vypijú niečo smrtonosné, neublíži im to. Ak položia svoje ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení.“

Ak je Boh s nami, kde sú Jeho znamenia? Iste, choďte naspäť do Slova; znamenia sa postarajú sami o seba, hneď, ako sa dostaneme naspäť do Slova.

154 Noe, predtým, ako videl zázraky Božie, ako sa Gedeon chcel ohľadom toho dopytovať, on musel najprv konať podľa Slova Božieho. Gedeon musel konať podľa Slova Božieho. Každý jeden musí konať podľa Slova Božieho. Predtým, ako by som kedy mohol povedať, že je Boh, ja som musel konať na základe Jeho zasľúbenia, potom sa On zamanifestoval. Ak chcete uzdravenie, verte Mu; konajte na základe Jeho Slova; to sa udeje.

Mojžiš, predtým, ako on mohol vidieť Božie zázraky, musel konať na základe Božieho Slova. On vedel, že počul povedať svoju matku, že jeho narodenie bolo zvláštne; on bol ukrytý v trstinách. Ona mu povedala, že Boh ho povolal a vybral. A on rozmýšľal, „No, ja som dobrý vojak, môžem jednoducho sem vyjsť a zabiť tohto Egypťana a ukryť ho v prachu. A môžem urobiť čokoľvek chcem. To je všetko, čo treba.“ Ale vidíte, to bolo to, čo sa on snažil urobiť. To bol jeho nápad. On nikdy predtým nevidel Boha vykonať zázrak, skrze ktorý by ho podržal, ako prechádzal cez ten čas. Ale jedného dňa, potom, čo mal osemdesiat rokov, on pásol ovce, zostupoval pažiťou, možno po ceste, kde behávali ovce. A ten starý pastier, ako tam išiel s krivou palicou v ruke, narážal po strane tej cestičky; možno trochu chabý, osemdesiatročný s bradou po pás, možno, šedivý ako tie ovce, ktoré pásol. A niečo uvidel. Ó, Bože. To bolo pre neho tajomné.

159 Dúfam, že vám dnes večer niečo ukážem. A my tu máme pripravený bazén s vodou. On videl niečo, čo nikdy predtým nevidel. A on povedal, „Bude lepšie, keď to preskúmam.“ Tak on sa obrátil a Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku nemu. Sláva. Halleluja. Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku nemu. No, predtým, ako mohol ísť, on musel konať na základe Slova Pánovho. A pamätajte, Slovo Pánovo vždy činí zázraky. On povedal, „Odkiaľ poznám, že Ty si so mnou, a že si ma poslal?“

Povedal, „Čo máš vo svojej ruke?“

On povedal, „Suchú palicu.“

„Hoď ju na zem,“ prvý príkaz, ktorý Boh dáva Mojžišovi. „Ak chceš vedieť, že Ja som Boh; zober palicu do svojej ruky, hoď ju na zem.“

Gedeon povedal, „Kde sú zázraky Božie?“

On povedal, „Polož ten chlieb na oltár; Ja ti ukážem, kto je Boh.“ A On sa toho dotkol Svojou palicou; a ten dym vystúpil, a on–bolo to strávené.

164 Mojžiš povedal, „Čo poviem, že kto ma poslal? Ako poznám, že Ty si Boh?

On povedal, „Čo máš vo svojej ruke? Ja som Stvoriteľ života. Ja som Boh, ktorý činí zázraky.“ A pred tým, ako Mojžiš mohol vidieť Božiu moc, ktorá vykonala všetky tie veci, on musel najprv poslúchnuť Boha. Hodil tú palicu na zem; premenila sa na hada. Ó. Čo? Je... Prv prichádza poslušnosť, pred tým, ako vidíte Jeho zázraky.

166 Tie takzvané cirkvi, ktoré sú dnes v tých krajinách, oni hovoria, „No, kde sú všetky tie zázraky? Dáme tisíc dolárov každému, kto dovolí–vyprodukuje zázrak.“ Ty biedny, schátralý, odpadnutý, dvakrát mŕtvy, vykorenený, ako ty kedy uvidíš zázrak, ak sa ním sám nestaneš? Sláva. Zázrak Božej milosti je to, že On berie neveriaceho pochybovača a naplní ho Duchom Svätým... Ježiš povedal, „Ak sa človek znovu nenarodí, on dokonca ani nemôže vidieť Kráľovstvo Božie.“ Ak chceš vidieť zázrak, staň sa zázrakom. Nech Boh najprv na tebe pracuje. On musí vykonať generálnu opravu, musí dať na tvoje oči iné šošovky, pretože si slepý, mŕtvy v hriechu a previneniach, duchovne slepý, dvojnásobne mŕtvy. Je to tak. Boh ti musí dať Život, dotknúť sa tvojich očí tak, aby si mohol vidieť, vykonať zázrak, a urobiť ťa zázrakom, a potom môžeš vidieť Boha, ktorý činí zázraky. To je tá prvá vec.

168 Mojžiš Mu musel veriť. Mojžiš musel konať podľa toho, konať na základe toho, čo povedalo Božie Slovo. On chcel vidieť, či to bol Boh alebo nie. On povedal, „No, Mojžiš, konaj podľa toho, čo ti Ja hovorím.“

Počúvaj tu dnes večer, brat, sestra. Ak chceš vedieť, kto je Boh, konaj podľa toho, čo On Tu hovorí. „Čiňte pokánie každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť v Meno Ježiša Krista a stanete sa zázrakom.“ To je Jeho zasľúbenie. To je to, čo On povedal. Konajte podľa Jeho Slova. „A prijmete dar Svätého Ducha; pretože to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti.“ Ó, to je len pre apoštolov. „ A všetkým na široko-ďaleko, ktorých- a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh.“ To je to, pre koho je to zasľúbenie.

170 Konajte podľa Jeho Slova a uvidíte skutočný zázrak. Niečo sa stane, keď budete konať na základe Jeho Slova. Tak, ako Gedeon konal, on urobil to, čo mu On povedal, aby urobil. Tak, ako Noe konal, on urobil to, čo mu On povedal, aby urobil. Tak, ako Mojžiš konal, on urobil to, čo mu On povedal, aby urobil.

Povedal, „Hoď svoju palicu na zem.“ Inými slovami, „Zbav sa všetkého, čo ťa obklopuje.“ Amen, „Dovoľ mi to mať.“

Povieš, „Mám hroznú povahu.“ Daj to Bohu; On vie ako to utíšiť. „Som veľmi žiadostivý.“ On vie, ako to zobrať preč. Vidíte? Len to polož do Jeho rúk a pozoruj, aký zázrak On môže vykonať. Je to tak. V poriadku.

174Mojžiš musel konať na základe Božieho Slova, predtým—alebo, poslúchnuť Slovo Božie pred tým, ako mohol vidieť Božie zázraky. Ale po tom, čo to on raz uvidel, brat, tam nebolo nič, čo by ho potom mohlo zastaviť. Vidím ho, na druhý deň s Ciporou, ako sedia na tej mulici, a malý Geršon na jeho—skôr na jej boku, brada mu takto visela. Brat, tá tvár sa usmievala, tie oči poskakovali smerom ku oblohe. Od pastiera ku mocnému mužovi Božiemu, udatný muž, ktorý ide dolu, aby vyslobodil. Pozrite sa na Gedeona. Čo sa stalo? Áno, tak, išiel dolu s krivou palicou, aby zabral celý národ. On to urobil. Iste, urobil to. Boh mu to povedal.

175 Bez ohľadu na to, aké nereálne sa to zdá, vy len robte to, čo vám Boh hovorí, aby ste robili. Zistíte, že Jeho Slovo je stále to isté. Len dajte preč tie oblaky; Syn už svieti.

176Józua, ó, ten veľký premožiteľ, ó, ten následník Mojžiša, muž, ktorého Boh miloval, mocný bojovník, muž, ktorého Boh miloval, Boh mu povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou.“ Ale pred tým, ako tie múry spadli, Józua pochodoval podľa príkazu toho Hlavného Kapitána: trinásťkrát pred tým, ako Božia moc udrela tú vec. On pochodoval okolo toho múru a trúbil na trúbu, podľa Slova Božieho, ktoré mu povedal ten Hlavný Kapitán tam, kde ho On stretol. On pochodoval podľa Slova Božieho. Čo on urobil? On konal na základe Slova predtým, ako uvidel zázrak.

177Vy viete, len trúbiť na trúbu, to nestrasie dolu múr, na ktorom môžete závodiť na vozoch: trúbenie na trúbu. Ale Boh povedal, „Len pochodujte okolo tých múrov, sedemkrát, a ten posledný deň pochodujte sedem—a trinásťkrát. A ako pôjdete okolo toho múru posledný krát, nech kňazi idú popredu s truhlou zmluvy a trúbia na trúbu. A keď tá trúba bude znieť, tie múry spadnú.“ Čo oni robili? On videl zázrak Boží, potom, čo konal podľa Slova Božieho. Kde sú vaše zázraky? Najprv konajte na základe Slova.

Ako mohli tie múry spadnúť a jeden malý dom by zostal stáť, dom prostitútky? Pretože ona konala podľa Slova Božieho. Prečo tí ostatní zomreli a ona žila? Ona konala na základe Slova Božieho a videla zázrak Boží. To je spôsob, ako to nájsť; konaj na základe Slova.

179Tie hebrejské deti v ohnivej peci, čo oni urobili pred tým, ako uvideli zázrak Boží? Oni konali podľa Slova Božieho. Oni vedeli, že On bol Boh. Oni vedeli, že On bol Boh, ktorý ich vyviedol z Egypta. Oni vedeli, že oni boli—On bol ten istý Boh, ktorý vždy bol, že On musel byť tým Bohom, ktorý činí zázraky. A On im dal poverenie, aby sa nesklonili modlám. On sa nemení. „Zostaňte so Slovom. Neskloňte sa pred modlami.“

Čo oni povedali? „Náš Boh je mocný vyslobodiť nás z tejto ohnivej pece. Ale jednako, my budeme konať podľa Slova Božieho.“ Tam to bolo. Čo sa stalo? Potom oni uvideli zázrak Boží, že Boh mohol odolať tomu ohňu.

182Si chorý? Konaj podľa Jeho Slova, uvidíš, či On uzdravuje. Ak si hriešnik a chceš byť naplnený Duchom Svätým, príď, čiň pokánie a daj sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista a konaj podľa Jeho Slova, uvidíš čo sa stane. Ak máš stále v sebe svet; a vy ženy stále nosíte krátke vlasy, stále sa maľujete; vy mužovia ste stále výbušní a robíte zbytočný rozruch okolo vašich denominácií; ak chcete zistiť, či je On stále Bohom, konajte podľa toho a položte sa na Jeho oltár, uvidíte, čo sa stane. On je Boh. Najprv musíte konať na základe Jeho Slova.

183Pred tým, ako Daniel videl zázrak Boží, ktorý ho mohol vyslobodiť z jamy levov, tá prvá vec, ktorú on urobil, bolo to, že konal na základe Božieho Slova. Vyšlo to vyhlásenie, „Ak by sa nejaký človek modlil inému bohu okrem tejto modly počas toľkých a toľkých dní, bude hodený do jamy s levmi.“ Žiaden človek sa nemohol modliť ku žiadnemu inému bohu, len ku kráľovi; on musel byť bohom (Vidíte?) počas tridsiatich dní.

Ale čo urobil Daniel? On konal podľa Slova Božieho. Pretože keď Šalamún zasväcoval chrám, on sa modlil; povedal, „Pane, ak Tvoj ľud bude v problémoch na ktoromkoľvek mieste a pozrie sa ku tomuto svätému chrámu, vtedy Ty vypočuj z neba.“ Je to tak.

186Daniel najprv konal. Tá hrozba bola, „Pôjdeš do jamy s levmi.“ Ale Daniel konal na základe Slova Božieho. On vedel, že Boh je stále Bohom, práve tak, ako konal Gedeon; on vedel, že Boh, ak On je stále Bohom, potom kde sú Jeho zázraky? A Daniel vedel, že on bol prorokom; on vedel, že miluje Boha. On vedel, že je Jeho služobníkom, a on vedel, že Boh je schopný ho vyslobodiť od tých levov. Ale ak on bol v problémoch, pod hrozbou, on obrátil svoju tvár smerom ku chrámu a modlil sa tri razy za deň, presne tak...?... On konal podľa Slova Božieho a Boh ho naplnil tak veľmi Duchom Svätým, až ho tie levy nemohli zjesť. Je to tak. Tak je to. On najprv konal na základe Božieho Slova.

187Jonáš v bruchu veľryby, konal najprv podľa Slova Božieho. On vedel, že telesne je po ňom. Jeho ruky boli zviazané; jeho nohy boli zviazané. Tento kazateľ pre pohanov bol vyhodený z lode do brucha veľryby a dolu na dno mora. No, v akom stave on bol. Ale on sa najprv obrátil na dne tej veľryby, okolo krku mal omotané morské riasy, kde, táto veľryba jedla tieto riasy a veci, aby dodala do svojho tela vitamíny, svoje vitamínové pilulky, a potom tam mala kazateľa. Ale tento kazateľ prišiel ku sebe. Halleluja.

Ó, brat, kazateľ, príď ku sebe dnes večer. Zbav sa tých starých vyznaní a vecí a príď naspäť ku živému Bohu a živému Slovu.

189On prišiel ku sebe; on sa obracal. Nemôžete skryť svätého od jeho modlitby. On sa obracal a pozrel sa; všade bolo brucho veľryby, všade naokolo: východ, sever, západ a juh. A on si uvedomil, že bol v bruchu veľryby a na dne mora a búrka bola na mori. Všetka nádej bola preč, keď bol na lodi; a teraz je v bruchu veľryby, oveľa ďalej od nádeje než kedykoľvek predtým. A keď už mohol vidieť iba brucho veľryby, on povedal, „Ony sú klamné márnosti. Ja im viac neverím. Ale ja sa pozriem smerom k Tvojmu svätému chrámu, Pane.“ Pozerať sa na svätý chrám, to nebolo pozerať sa dolu; on povedal, „On je tam hore, tak ja sa budem dívať tým smerom.“

190 A potom on videl Boží zázrak. Kyslík nejako prišiel do tej veľryby. On počas troch dní dýchal normálne a odpočinul si a jazdil, tak, že mohol putovať štyridsať dní cez to skazené mesto tam a kázať Evanjelium. Boh to všetko osviežil nejakým novým kyslíkom z neba. To nemohlo prísť z tej veľryby a to nemohlo prísť z toho mora, to muselo prísť od Boha.

Ó, dýchni na nás dnes večer, Pane, ten Kyslík Slova Božieho v moci Jeho vzkriesenia, aby sme mohli zostať živí v tomto poslednom bezbožnom dni. Dýchaj na nás, ó, Duchu Svätý. To je to, brat. Dýchaj, Pane, naplň nás Kyslíkom.

192Ako som vám povedal dnes o tej kačke. Hneď ako ona zacítila vodu, nebolo tam nič, čo by ju mohlo od toho zadržať; všetko to kvokanie tej sliepky a všetko ďalšie, ona išla rovno do vody, pretože ona bola kačka.

No, ak niekto z vás má kačaciu náturu, máme tu veľký bazén. Vidíte? Ak to môžete zacítiť, ak ste zachytili ten závan, že Boh zostáva Bohom, ak ste zachytili ten závan z neba dnes večer, že Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo a On je Bohom, ktorý činí zázraky, a ešte ste neprijali Ducha Svätého, zavoňajte tú vodu, to je tá prvá vec, ktorú On povedal, že treba urobiť. Isteže. Čiňte pokánie zo dna svojho srdca a položte sa ako obeť na oltári a budete strávení preč od sveta a znovuzrodení z Ducha; a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista; On vás naplní Svätým Duchom. Choďte cez ten správny proces, nechoďte a nepotraste si ruky s kazateľom a nezapisujte svoje meno do knihy; ale zomrite a buďte tak mŕtvi, že ten svet už viac nepoznáte.

194Ábel zomrel so svojím baránkom na tom istom oltári. A ten jediný spôsob, ako sa dostanete do poriadku s Bohom je, že zomriete na oltári s Kristom, až kým všetko okolo vás sa stane tmavým. Zomrite tam. A keď znovu povstanete, budete novým stvorením v Kristovi. Určite.

Jonáš musel najprv veriť Božiemu Slovu a konať podľa neho. No, on zrejme ležal tvárou dolu, keď zostupoval do brucha tej veľryby, pretože oni ho hodili, jednoducho zletel rovno do brucha veľryby. Tá veľryba povedala, „No, pôjdeme teraz na dno mora.“

A ja som zvedavý, čo si tá veľryba myslela počas tých troch dní, odohrávala sa smiešna vec. No, vidíte, stavba tej veľryby, ona si to necenila. Ani denominačné cirkvi si to necenia. Ale, ó, ako to Jonáš miloval. Iste to miloval. Iste, on to miloval, pretože to bol čerstvý vzduch, ktorým na neho vial Boh; on zostal na žive. Boh na nás vanie čerstvý vzduch.

197Ak Jonáš mohol vykonať taký zázrak skrze to, že veril Slovu Božiemu naproti prirodzenému chrámu, kde môže človek nakoniec odpadnúť, Šalamún, ho vybudoval, ale prosil Boha v modlitbe, aby vždy požehnal toho, kto sa pozrel na ten chrám, a aby ho vyslobodil z ich problémov, kdekoľvek oni boli; a Jonáš mohol veriť, za týchto okolností, o koľko viac môžeme my veriť dnes večer, keď sa pozrieme do neba, kde, nie odpadlík, nie človek, ktorý zomrel a zostal v hrobe, ako Jonáš alebo ako Šalamún bol vtedy; ale živý Boh, ktorý sedí po pravici Majestátu, všetka moc a autorita a kázanie Slova a zoslanie Ducha Svätého ako svedka toho, čo On vykonal. Amen. Verte Slovu Božiemu, uvidíte zázraky Božie. Ale najprv tomu musíte veriť. Určite. Áno.

198 Gedeon, potom, čo uvidel tohto Návštevníka, ako sedel pod stromom, a Gedeon najprv v Neho tak trochu pochyboval. On povedal, „Ak Boh zostáva Bohom, ak je Boh s nami, kde sú Jeho zázraky?“ A toto a toto, ten Návštevník sedel pod stromom, čo On urobil? Keď sa On dotkol tej obete svojou palicou, ktorú mal v ruke, ona bola strávená. A on vedel, že to bolo konanie Boha, tak on potom vedel, že ten Návštevník pod tým stromom, ktorý vyzeral ako starý muž, ktorý tam sedel, bolo Slovo učinené telom. Halleluja. To bolo živé Slovo. On vedel, že to bolo živé Slovo, pretože To konalo a žilo v prítomnom čase. Sláva Bohu, brat.

199Letniční sú fajn, ale to je namaľovaný oheň, ak si to ty sám neprijal. Nie minulý čas, prítomný čas, na čo je dobrý Boh histórie, ak On nie je ten istý dnes? Ako som často vravieval, čo dobré to spraví, keď dáš svojmu kanárikovi vitamíny, aby mu rástli krídla, a dáš ho do klietky a držíš ho tam? Na čo sa dá použiť učenie, že existuje mocný Boh a potom odopierať ľuďom to privilégium slúžiť Mu Amen. Iste. Nezmysel. Prečo máte všetky tieto semináre naokolo ako veľký inkubátor na liahnutie kazateľov? Vidíte?

Vždy som cítil ľútosť nad kurčaťom z inkubátora; ono skutočne nemalo žiadnu matku. Nikdy nevedelo, odkiaľ prišlo. Nebolo nikoho, kto by mu bol matkou, ono prišlo automaticky. Tak je to s kazateľom zo seminára, ktorý pozná iba teológiu. On môže byť tak chytrý a uhladený, ako len nejaký učenec môže byť; môže byť schopný kázať v rozličných jazykoch; ale ak on nevie, kto je jeho Rodič...

203 Ako som pred nedávnom povedal; ak je nejaká ignorantská vec, tak je to mul. On nevie, kto je jeho otec alebo mama. On je skrížený (Vidíte?); On nevie, kto, čo je otec, mama. On nevie, kam patrí. To je ako niektorý z týchto hybridných kresťanov, takzvaných, vypestovaných denomináciami. Ale dobrý čistokrvný kôň má rodokmeň; on vie, o čom to všetko je.

A dobrý čistokrvný kresťan vie, kde je Boží sklad. Oni vedia, že sú narodení zo Slova. Slovo je učinené telom v nich. Každé Slovo, ktoré Boh hovorí, oni nie sú s Ním v rozpore; oni hovoria, „Je to tak. Amen a amen.“ Oni Ho zakaždým potvrdzujú s tým „amen,“.

„Amen. Amen.“ Niečo v nich potvrdzuje Jeho samého.

„Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a na veky.“


„Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré ja robím, aj on bude robiť.“


„Choďte do celého sveta, kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa a dá sa pokrstiť, bude spasený. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“


Tá stará sliepka povedala, „Kvok-kvok-kvok, dni zázrakov pominuli.“

Ale, „Kač-kač-kač, ja cítim vodu.“...?...

Tak je to správne. Vidíte? Prečo? Vy dávate Boha do skúšky. Vidíte, to je to. Boh najprv, konajte na základe Jeho Slova a uvidíte, či to je správne. To je pravda.

208Ján Krstiteľ nasledoval rovno líniu svojich povinností. Keď bol len chlapcom, nemáme o tom veľa zaznamenané. Jeho otec bol dobrý človek, ale neveril Bohu. Boh išiel... bol rozhodnutý priviesť ho cez Alžbetu, toto dieťa. Tak On jej povedal podľa... Že ona počne to dieťa. A on o tom pochyboval a On ho udrel nemotou. Môžem si predstaviť srdce rodičov Jána Krstiteľa, Alžbetu a Zachariáša, že bolo trochu zarmútené, pretože oni vedeli, že sú starí. A toto zasľúbené dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo, pri ktorom Boh vykonal zázrak a priviedol toto dieťa na svet, keď oni boli starí a pokročilí vekom. Oni vedeli, že ich srdcia boli zarmútené, pretože nemohli žiť dosť dlho na to, aby ho videli vykonávať jeho veľké dielo Božie. Ale oni ho pre tú vec zasvätili. Sláva Bohu. Niekde poza hviezdami a mesiacom, oni mohli pozrieť dolu a vidieť to. Oni nikdy nevideli tohto malého chlapca... Oni zomreli. Oni zomreli, keď on bol iba dieťa, mladý človek, chlapec; on odišiel zo svojho domu a išiel na púšť. Tam on bol vychovaný pod mocou Božou.

210Boh mu povedal, „Ty si hlas volajúceho na púšti. Ja ťa posielam. Choď a volaj.“

Ako musel Ján čakať každý deň, ako on naháňal hadov na skalách a kopal do kameňov. Ó, ja nemôžem čakať.“

„Na čo čakáš, Ján?“

„Ja len chcem počuť Jeho poverenie; to je všetko. Hadi, practe sa z cesty.“ Oni sa ukrývali medzi skalami. To je ten dôvod, že keď tí farizeji vyšli, on povedal, „Ó, vy plemä vreteníc, ktorí sa ukrývate medzi skalami.“

213Ja dnes večer hovorím to isté. Vy pokolenie vreteníc, ukryte sa vo vode!. Amen. Vy viete, o čom hovorím. Tieto pásky... Toto sa nahráva, pôjde to do celého sveta. Choďte do tej vody, ak chcete vidieť zázraky Božie. Ján s tým rovno pokračoval, prišiel tam dobre vyzerajúci človek; on povedal, „Možno to je On.“ Pozrel sa. „Nie, to nie je On. Nie.“

„Boh mi dal zasľúbenie.“

„Ján, ty vravíš, že Mesiáš dnes žije?“


„Kde je?“

„On je niekde na zemi. Ja neviem, kde je, ale ja Ho spoznám, keď On príde.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„Boh mi povedal, na čo mám očakávať.“

216„Ako vieš, že budeš uzdravený keď sa za teba modlili?“ Boh mi povedal, na čo mám očakávať . „Ako vieš, že prijmeš Ducha Svätého?“ Nasledoval som Jeho Slovo. On mi povedal, na čo mám očakávať. Viem, čo má prísť ako ďalšie. Vidíte? Viete, čo prichádza ako ďalšie? Ak poslúchnete Božie Slovo, ako ďalšie prichádza Jeho zasľúbenie. On nemôže klamať; On je Boh.

„Čo je to ďalšie?“

Ján povedal, „Ja Ho uvidím, keď príde.“

Oni povedali, „Ó, pozrite na tohto človeka, ktorý tu prichádza, on má na hlave korunu, to musí byť Mesiáš, ktorý jazdí na tých koňoch.“

Povedal, „To nie je On.“

Podišiel rovno ku nemu, povedal, „Nepatrí sa ti mať manželku svojho brata.“ Oni vedeli, že niečo tam nebolo v poriadku? Podišiel ku nemu a povedal mu to. To bol Herodes. Vidíte? A, ó, to spravilo, že jeho manželka z toho tak šalela, ona ho nenávidela po zbytok svojho života. Vidíte?

219Ján stále hľadel. On povedal, „Ó, ja Ho spoznám, keď On príde.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„Boh mi povedal, že uvidím znak, a to bude znak Mesiáša. Rozpoznám Mesiáša, pretože tam bude znak Mesiáša.“

Boh pozná Svoju cirkev. On povedal, „Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať.“ Nie „Oni patria ku Metodistom, Baptistom alebo Letničným.“ Ale, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ On pozná veriacich.

Dnes niekedy poviete, „Si veriaci?“

„Ó, ja som Metodista.“ Dobre, to potom ukazuje že ty nie si veriaci. „Ó, ja som Letničný.“ To stále ukazuje, že ty nie si veriaci. Keď si veriaci, veríš Bohu. Každý to vie; si zapečatený Kráľovstvom Božím; a pečať je na oboch stranách tej strany, oboje prichádzanie i odchádzanie. Vidíte, môžete im povedať.

224V poriadku. On povedal, „Spoznám Ho, keď príde, pretože tam bude znak. Uvidím ten Mesiášsky znak.“ A jedného dňa sa on pozrel. Ó, brat. On to očakával; to je to, ako to rozpoznal. [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu — pozn.prekl.] Dúfam, že to vpadá. Očakávate to? Očakávate, že niečo sa udeje? Potom poznajte Písma.

226No všetci tí kňazi, ktorí tam stáli dookola, boli päťkrát chytrejší než Ján. Nemáme žiaden záznam, že by on kde chodil do školy čo len jeden deň. Ale tam stáli kňazi, ktorých pra-pra-pra-pra prastarí otcovia boli kňazmi. Tam stáli mužovia, ktorí poznali každý kúsok toho zvitku, všetkých prorokov a Genezis a všetko ohľadom toho. Ale vidíte, Ján vyhliadal znak, Mesiáša. On vedel, že ak to bol Boh, bude tam okolo toho niečo nadprirodzené. Je to tak.

Tak je to dnes. Ak si kresťanom, je niečo nadprirodzené, čo ťa zasiahlo. Ak nezasiahlo, si zvedený. Stále žiješ ten istý život, ktorý si raz žil, stále miluješ tie isté veci, ktoré si tam najprv miloval, stále ich miluješ, si zvedený (Je to tak.), nie syn alebo dcéra Božia.

228Potom zisťujeme, že Ján tam jedného dňa stál, a oni hovoria v jednom malom príbehu o Ňom, je povedané, že Ján bol na jednej strane rieky; oni ho podporovali na druhej strane. To je spôsob, ako oni činia služobníkovi Božiemu: odstupujú od neho z každej denominácie, z každej organizácie, zo všetkého ďalšieho. On nemal kazateľňu, za ktorú by sa postavil; ale on bol po kolená v blate. Nemal na sebe smoking, ani golier okolo krku. Nie veru. On mal kus ovčej kože omotanej dookola, vyzeral zrejme ako divoký muž, ktorý tam stál.

229A tí kňazi povedali, „Chceš mi povedať, že príde taký čas, keď tento veľký chrám, naša veľká organizácia spadne?“

On povedal, „Iste, že spadne.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„Ako čítaš to Písmo? Prichádza Mesiáš a ten Mesiáš zruší ustavičnú obeť. Daniel tak povedal. Prorok tak povedal.“ Halleluja. Ó, cítim sa stále viac nábožne. (Musím sa zastaviť.)

„Ako to vieš?“

„Prorok tak povedal.“

To je to, ako Micheáš vedel, že nemohol požehnať Achaba; Eliáš ho preklial. To je všetko. On musel zostať so Slovom. Vy chcete vidieť skutky Božie, musíte nasledovať Slovo Božie. On vedel, že to sa nemohlo stať.

232Tak čo sa potom stalo? On chcel vidieť skutky Božie. Ján povedal, „Spoznám Ho, keď príde.“

Jedného dňa tam stál a povedal, „Áno, príde taký čas, že ustavičná obeť bude zrušená. Mesiáš bude tou ustavičnou obeťou.

A dajú na to miesto pustošiacu ohavnosť.“

„Rabbi, odkiaľ to máš? To je v protiklade k nášmu vyznaniu.“ Ale to nie je v protiklade k Slovu Božiemu. Tam je prorok, pretože Slovo Pánovo bolo s tým prorokom. Je to tak.

A on povedal to, „Hľa, tam stojí Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta.“ Obyčajný, malý, človek so zhrbenými ramenami stojí tam, kráča dolu ku rieke, kráča spolu s Lazarom, len obyčajný Človek, oblečený ako obyčajný človek: žiaden kňaz, žiaden turban, žiadna koruna, nič; len biedny Chlapec, tesár, kráča dolu možno s rukami plnými triesok; zostupuje.

„Chceš mi povedať...“

„Čo? Nemôžeš Ho vidieť? Tam...“ „Hľa“ znamená, „pozri sa hore, v úcte.“

„Tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta.“

237Niektorí z nich povedali, „No, vieš, kto toto je? To je syn tesára. No, my vieme, že ten chlapík nie je prorok.“ Ale On bol. On bol. On vedel. „On nevie, o čom hovorí.“ Áno, on vedel. „Ako mu on môže povedať niečo odlišné, než ako tí ostatní. Mesiáš bude odlišný. Ako to spoznáme?“ Ján videl niečo, čo oni nevideli: závisí to od toho, na čo sa dívate.

Čo vidíš dnes večer? Vidíš veľkého populárneho človeka vo veľkej denominácii a všetko ti padá do lona, alebo pôjdeš cestou s tými pohŕdnutými Pánovými, ktorých je málo? Vidíš Bibliu? Vidíš Božie Slovo? Ak si znovuzrodený, uvidíš to. Dovtedy to nemôžeš vidieť.

239Tu On prichádza. Povedal, „Ten, ktorý mi povedal na púšti...“ Ó, brat. „Ten, ktorý mi povedal, aby som volal. Kričal som tu šesť mesiacov, po celom Aenone, tu všade, hore a dolu pri tomto Jordáne, brodiac sa v tomto blate, vadil som sa s vami kazateľmi, kopal som do vašich denominácií, šliapal som na vaše boľavé prsty. Ale tá Vec je tu; vidím Ju.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„Ten istý, ktorý mi povedal, aby som bol hlasom volajúcim na púšti, Boh, ktorý ma vzbudil pre ten účel, povedal, 'na koho uvidíš zostupovať Ducha...'“

Ján Ho poznal. Čo on urobil, On najprv kázal Slovo, poslúchol to Slovo a videl znamenie Božie. A pamätajte, nie je žiaden záznam, že nejaká iná osoba, ktorá tam stála, by to videla. Ján to videl sám. To závisí od toho, čo očakávate. Prečo? Ján poslúchal Slovo. Kňazi a tí ostatní neposlúchali Slovo. Ján poslúchal Slovo, svoje poverenie a on to videl. (Budeme sa ponáhľať; musíme.)

242Marta pri hrobe, ona stretla Slovo Božie. Ona Mu verila. Pred tým, ako mohla uvidieť Boží zázrak, musela veriť Slovu Božiemu, konať podľa Neho. Ona povedala, „Pane, ak by si tu bol, môj brat by nezomrel.“

On povedal, „Marta, Ja som vzkriesenie a Život. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, aj keby zomrel, bude žiť. A ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nezomrie naveky. Veríš tomu?“

Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane.“ Tu to máte: konanie. „Ja verím.“

„Čomu veríš, Marta?“

„Že Ty si ten Kristus, ktorý mal prísť na svet.“

Povedal, „Kde ste ho pochovali?“

Išli tam ku hrobu a On tam stál. (Povedal, „Chcem vidieť, či ona skutočne verí, že Ja som to Slovo.“) Povedal, „Odvaľte ten kameň.“ Ona išla a konala podľa Slova. Ona musela uvidieť smrť obrátenú na život. A ten jediný spôsob, ktorým kedy budete schopní uvidieť smrť obrátenú na život, je zobrať Jeho Slovo a konať na jeho základe. Ak si hriešnik, zober Jeho Slovo a konaj podľa neho, potom uvidíš zázrak Boží. Staneš sa zázrakom Božím. Ak si chorý, zober Slovo Božie. Doktor povie, „Zomrieš.“ Vezmi Slovo Božie a konaj na jeho základe, to prinesie nový život.

249Ó. Prepáčte, že vás tak dlho zdržujem. Už len chvíľu, potom zakončím. Vidíte, len chvíľu... Čestne, zakončím. Mrzí ma, že som zabral bratov čas. Vidíte, len nechať na to tie dve hodiny. Pozrite sa.

Tá žena pri studni. Ona bola hriešnica. Ona mala päť manželov. Jedného dňa tam vyšla, aby si nabrala nejakú vodu. Začala ťahať vodu a začula nejakého človeka povedať, „Žena, daj sa Mi napiť.“

Pozrela sa dookola a povedala, „Nepatrí sa Židom rozprávať so Samaritánmi. Ja som žena zo Samárie. A to nie je zvykom. Prečo sa so mnou rozprávaš?“

On povedal, „Ale ak by si poznala toho, kto s tebou hovorí, ty by si Mňa poprosila, aby som ti dal napiť.“

„Prečo,“ ona povedala, „tá studňa je hlboká a Ty nemáš nič, čím by si ju nabral.“

Povedala, „Ako naberieš tú vodu?“

A On povedal, „Voda, ktorú Ja dávam, bude fontánou Vody, gejzírom, ktorý vyviera v duši.“

255Ona povedala, „No, počkaj chvíľu. Ty si Žid, Vy uctievate v Jeruzaleme a naši otcovia uctievajú na tomto vrchu,“ a tak ďalej.

On povedal, „Ver Mi. Prichádza hodina a je teraz, keď nebudete uctievať ani v Jeruzaleme, ani na tomto vrchu. Ale Boh je Duch, a tí, ktorí Ho uctievajú, Ho musia uctievať v Duchu.“

Niet pochýb, že tá žena povedala, „No, počkaj chvíľu. Kto je vlastne tento človek?“ On jej chcel dať poznať, kto On bol, pretože ona Ho musela predstaviť tým Samaritánom. „Kto je to?“ Ona povedala...

On s ňou zopár minút hovoril. Povedal, „Žena, choď a priveď svojho manžela.“

Ale ona povedala, „No, On si počína chytro.“ Vidíte? Ona povedala, „Nemám žiadneho manžela.“ Ó, ó.

Potom tá palica bola položená na tú obeť. Vidíte, niečo sa stalo. Čo sa stalo? Ona uvidela zázrak Boží. On povedal, „Ty si povedala pravdu. Pretože si mala piatich, a ten, s ktorým žiješ teraz, nie je tvoj manžel, tak ty si povedala pravdu.“

261Ona sa obrátila. Vedela, že Boh bol pre ľudí mŕtvy počas rokov; ich kňazi a rabíni a tak ďalej, oni hovorili o Bohu. Ale v Biblii bolo zasľúbené, že On príde.

Ona povedala, „Pane, ja rozpoznávam, že Ty si prorok. (Vidíte?) My vieme, že Mesiáš príde.“ („No, dovoľ mi uistiť sa.“) „My vieme, že Mesiáš príde.“ („Opýtam sa Ho toto a uvidím, aké je Jeho slovo; človek, ktorý nepozná Boha, mi to nemôže povedať.“) „My vieme, že príde Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus. A keď On príde, toto je tá vec, ktorú On urobí, keď príde. My Ho očakávame.“

On povedal, „Ja som On.“

To stačilo. To stačilo. Ona bežala do mesta. Povedala, „Poďte, vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila.“

Pred tým, ako mohla priniesť to posolstvo, ona najprv musela uvidieť zázrak Boží. Pred tým, ako mohla uvidieť zázrak Boží, ona musela zobrať Boha za Jeho Slovo. Je to presne tak. Ó, ako by sme mohli ísť ďalej. Vezmime ďalší.

265Letnice... Po tom, čo oni chodili so Slovom, po tom, čo videli to Slovo, po tom, čo oni uverili tomu Slovu, ale pred tým, ako mohli uvidieť zázrak Letníc, oni museli poslúchnuť to Slovo. Vidíte? „Choďte do mesta Jeruzalema,“ povedalo to Slovo, „a čakajte tam, až kým budete odiati mocou z výsosti.“

No, čo ak by prešiel ôsmy deň a Matúš by sa pozrel na Mareka a povedal by, „Viete čo? Mal som jedného dňa taký malý divný pocit, to musel byť Duch Svätý. On nám povedal, aby sme tu čakali. Vidíte, to muselo byť to.“

Ó, čakajme ďalší deň.

267Prichádza deviaty deň. „No, teraz, On nám povedal pred deviatimi dňami, aby sme sem prišli. Iste, či neveríte, že sme to prijali? Verím, že sme to dostali, keď sme Mu uverili. Nemyslíte si to?“ Ó, vy dobrí Baptisti. Vidíte?

Povedal, „Ja verím. Verím, že to máme, pretože On nám povedal, aby sme sem prišli. A viete čo ja verím? Verím, že hneď, ako sme sem prišli, my sme poslúchli to, čo On povedal.“

Ale čo On povedal? On nepovedal, „Keď prídete tam hore, dostanete to.“

On nepovedal, „Čakajte päť dní, alebo deväť dní.“ On povedal, „Až kým...“ To je to.

„Tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána, nadobúdajú novej sily.“ Vidíte?

269Čo máš urobiť? Vezmi Jeho Slovo, konaj na jeho základe, a stoj rovno s ním. Každý deň, s Tým šliap satanovi na päty. „Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. To sa musí stať. Ty konáš podľa Slova (Vidíš?); potom uvidíš zázrak Boží. Je to tak. Ale najprv musíš na základe toho konať. Oni išli tam hore a poslúchli Slovo, zostali tam. Prišiel deviaty deň. Môžem počuť Petra, ako hovorí, „Viete čo, čo si myslíte, bratia?“

Možno Marek povstal a povedal, „Viete čo? Bratia, len to prijmime vierou, pretože sme poslušní.“ Nie, vy neposlúchate plne.

273Poviete, „Bol som pokrstený v mene Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého.“ To nie je plná poslušnosť. Vidíte? Poviete, „Vstúpil som do cirkvi.“ To nie je poslušnosť. Vidíte? „Povedal som z pamäti Apoštolské Vyznanie.“ To stále nie je poslušnosť. „Ó, brat, prestal som klamať a kradnúť. Nechcem robiť nič také.“ To stále nie je poslušnosť. To musí byť narodenie. Niečo sa tam musí stať. Musíš zomrieť a Niečo sa musí v tebe narodiť. Ó, po tak mnohých dňoch, čo oni čakali; prešlo deväť dní. Oni povedali, „Jednoducho to prijmime a pokračujme v našej službe. Svet tam vonku zomiera; prečo by sme mali ešte čakať?“

276Môžem počuť Petra, ako hovorí, „Ale viete, Niečo mi hovorí, že to ešte nie je v poriadku. To nie je presne tá poslušnosť Slovu. Vidíte, ak očakávame, že uvidíme ten zázrak, ktorý nám Boh zasľúbil, ohľadom poslania Zasľúbenia od Otca na nás, my musíme čakať tu, až kým sa niečo nestane. Pretože Písmo povedalo, že to príde v tejto forme; Joel povedal, 'Vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. Na svojich služobníkov a služobnice vylejem zo Svojho Ducha. Ukážem znamenia a divy na nebi a na zemi.' Prorok Izaiáš povedal, 'A so zajakavými rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť ku tomuto ľudu, a toto je deň sabatu, do ktorého oni vojdu. Avšak nechceli počuť.' No, bratia, my nemôžeme vyjsť odtiaľto takto, bez toho, že by sme vôbec nič neprežili. Vidíte? Musíme niečo mať, pretože On povedal, 'Čakajte tu, až kým nebudete odiati do moci z výsosti.' No, ja nemám o nič viac moci, než keď som sem prišiel. Bol som tu po celú noc; bol som tu ďalšiu noc; bol som tu deväť nocí; som práve taký istý, ako keď som sem prišiel. A On nám povedal, že prijmeme moc, tak len ďalej čakajme.“

277Potom zrazu, keď oni plne poslúchli Slovo Božie, potom uvideli zázrak Letníc. Oni videli Oheň, ktorý zostúpil do budovy. Ten stĺp ohňa prišiel dolu medzi tých ľudí; a veľké jazyky ako rozdelené jazyky zostúpili na každého jedného z nich. A oni boli naplnení Svätým Duchom a začali hovoriť inými jazykmi, ako im Duch dával vyslovovať.

Niečo sa stalo. Kedy? Keď oni urobili svoje rozhodnutie, že to prijali? Nie. Keď plne poslúchli Slovo Božie, oni uvideli zázrak Letníc. Tak je to dnes; musíte urobiť tú istú vec.

279No priatelia, ja na tomto skutočne zakončím. Nejdem otočiť ďalšiu stranu. V poriadku, ďalší sa pripraví, keď toto poviem. No, hoci som nazvaný všetkým možným zlým, „náboženský fanatik, Letničný, rozbíjač cirkví, pokrytec, Belzebub, snílek,“ a sme nazvaní všetkými možnými menami. Ale čo oni robia, ako ťa volajú? „Snílek, Belzebub, falošný prorok, Jedine Ježiš (Jesus Only),“ všetkými ďalšími možnými menami, všetkými zlými menami... Ale skrze to, že veríme pravdivému Slovu Božiemu, Jeho pravdivému prorokovi toho Slova, čo robíme? Vidíme veci, ktoré vidíme.

281Ó, prídu od Východu a Západu,

Prídu z ďalekých krajín;

Aby sa hostili s naším Kráľom, aby stolovali ako Jeho hostia;

Aký požehnaní sú títo pútnici!

Hľadiac na Jeho svätú tvár;

Planúcu Božskou láskou;

Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti;

Budú svietiť ako klenoty v Jeho korune.

Ježiš skoro príde;

Naše skúšky sa zakončia;

Ó, čo ak by náš Pán mal prísť v tejto chvíli;

Pre tých, ktorí sú voľní od hriechu?

Ó, potom ti to prinesie radosť;

Alebo smútok a hlboké zúfalstvo?

Keď náš Pán príde v sláve;

Stretneme ho v povetrí.

282Prečo? My konáme na základe Jeho Slova. Amen. Volajte to, ako chcete. My vidíme znak Mesiáša v našom strede. Vidíme Stĺp Ohňa: nemôžete to zaprieť. Nech nás volajú, ako chcú. Boh je tu. Veda To odfotila. Prečo? Poslušnosť Jeho Slovu. Nikdy v minulosti sa to nestalo, ale jednako to mechanické oko kamery hovorí, že to je On, Svetlo narazilo na ten objektív. Prečo? Zober najprv Slovo Božie. Nech ťa tie denominácie vykopnú, ak chcú. Nech sa ti všetci obrátia chrbtom, ak chcú. Ale konaj podľa Slova Božieho, ak chceš vidieť zázrak Boží.

283Ježiš zasľúbil, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Ten anjel zostúpil, Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, obrátený chrbtom ku stanu a povedal, predstierajúc, že nevie, kým je Abrahám, povedal, „Abrahám.“ Nie Abram; On zmenil jeho meno pár dní pred tým. „Kde je tvoja žena Sárah? Nie S-á-r-a-j, S-á-r-a-h. „Kde je tvoja žena, Sára?“ Nazval ho jeho otcovským menom a ju menom kňažná...

Ó. Kto to bol? Abrahám vedel rovno vtedy, Kto to bol.

On povedal, „Ona je v stane za tebou.“

On povedal, „Ja ťa navštívim, Abrahám. ('Ja,') Ja ťa navštívim, podľa Môjho zasľúbenia, ktoré ti dávam, pretože ty si čakal teraz všetky tieto roky. Čakal si na to dvadsaťpäť rokov. Zostal si rovno s tým Slovom, konal si podľa toho Slova. Zaprel si dokonca, že patríš na zem. Stal si sa pútnikom a cudzincom. Hľadáš Mesto, ktoré má prísť, ktorého Staviteľom a Učiniteľom je Boh. Zasľúbil som ti, že skrze toto dieťa, ktoré príde, budeš otcom mnohých národov. Zasľúbil som to. Ty si konal na základe toho Slova; teraz uvidíš zázrak Boží.“

„Ako to uvidím, môj Pane?“

„Kde je Sára, tvoja žena?“

„V stane za Tebou.“

Povedal, „Ja ťa navštívim podľa času života.“

A Sára sa v sebe zasmiala, povedala, „Ako môžem ja, stará žena, a môj pán je tiež starý, či budem mať znovu rozkoš?“

On povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“

On konal na základe Slova Božieho. On videl zázrak Boží. Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Vidíte, konajte podľa Slova Božieho a uvidíte zázrak Boží.

289Čo to bolo? Keď sme tu zastali pred nedávnom a kázali Cirkevné veky a priniesli sme ich, a malý znak, ktorý je tam, nakreslili sme ich tu na tabuľu. A rovno v tejto posluchárni, pred viac ľuďmi, než ako tu teraz sedia, hneď, ako som dohovoril, zažiarilo Svetlo, a išlo tam dozadu a zavesilo sa na tú stenu. A prišiel nad to tieň, zatiaľ čo sa každý na to díval, a vymeral tie cirkevné veky presne tak, ako sú tam. Koľkí sú tu teraz, ktorí tu boli v ten deň, zodvihnite svoju ruku ako …?... Ktorí ste sa na to dívali svojimi vlastnými očami, čo to bolo? Najprv, uverenie Slovu Božiemu, kázanie Slova, prijatie Božieho Slova; a my sme uvideli zázrak Boží potvrdzujúci to Slovo, že je správne.

Ó, Ježiš skoro príde; (všetci spolu)

Naše skúšky sa zakončia.

Ó, čo ak by náš Pán mal prísť v tejto chvíli;

Pre tých, ktorí sú voľní od hriechu?

Ó, vtedy by ti to prinieslo radosť;

Alebo smútok a a hlboké zúfalstvo?

Keď náš Pán príde v sláve;

Stretneme Ho hore v povetrí.

290Amen. Prečo? My veríme Jeho Slovu, udržujeme ten Olej v lampe, ozdobenej a horiacej, nech vaše Svetlo tak svietilo, aby iní ľudia mohli vidieť vaše dobré skutky, vaše ovocie, aby oslavovali Otca, ktorý je v nebi. A čo sa stane? Keď veríme Slovu Božiemu a konáme na základe Slova Božieho, stretneme Ho v povetrí: bez tieňa pochybnosti. Nech vás Boh žehná. Skončím asi v jednej tretine. Zakončím to niekedy inokedy, ak Pán dovolí. „Ak je Boh s nami, kde sú Jeho zázraky?“ Vidíte? Veríte tomu?

292Ó, Bože, dovoľ nám vidieť nadchádzajúci rok. Nech vidíme nadchádzajúci rok, až tak, že naše srdcia nebudú uspokojené s cirkevnou denomináciou, alebo vyznaním, s potrasením rúk, alebo takzvaným náboženstvom. Nech nie sme uspokojení až kým nepocítime zázraky činiacu moc v tom, že Boh vezme-- v našich vlastných srdciach, vezme preč ten svet a vyformuje Krista. No, nie že dnes večer a zajtra začne robiť niečo iné, ale rásť v Ňom, do Jeho postavy. My rastieme v Ňom, až kým sa stretneme s Ním. Skloňme naše hlavy.

Miesto, miesto, áno, je miesto;

Je miesto pre mňa pri tej Fontáne;

Miesto, miesto, áno je miesto;

Je miesto pre mňa pri tej Fontáne.

293Náš Nebeský Otče, s pokorou duše a ducha, môj hlas je zachrípnutý a týchto zopár posekaných alebo potrhaných slov, Pane, modlím sa, aby si ich zobral a zaplátal ich spolu, keď neviem, ako to urobiť, ale hovorím len to, čo mi prišlo na myseľ. Umiestni to v srdci každej osoby a dovoľ im vidieť a veriť tomu, s tým postojom, ako to bolo predložené. A, Otče, to spôsobí, že o tom budú uvažovať; to ku nim privedie Krista. Požehnaj nás dnes večer, Otče. My očakávame, pri tom, ako konáme na základe Božieho Slova.

Požehnaj týchto bratov, Pane. Odpusť mi, Otče, že som zabral niečo z ich času. Modlím sa, aby Si ich pomazal Duchom Svätým v takej miere, že moc Božia zostúpi a prejde touto budovou tu a hriešnici prídu ku oltáru a preplačú si svoju cestu ku Golgote a chorí budú uzdravení a udejú sa veľké znamenia a divy a my uvidíme zázraky činiacu moc Živého Boha. Očakávame na to, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

295Chvála Pánovi. Milujete Ho? Ak je Boh s nami, nech vidíme Jeho znak. Kde je ten znak Mesiáša, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Ak ten Mesiáš je ten istý, On bude mať ten istý znak. Kde On je? Ku ktorej organizácii patrí? Ku ktorej organizácii môžeme ísť a pripojiť sa a nájsť Mesiáša, Jeho znak? Do ktorého domu môžeme vojsť, aby sme to našli? Premýšľajte o tom.

Prepáč, brat Neville... [Prichádzajú jazyky a výklad. — pozn.prekl.] Amen.

Chvála Ti, Ježišu. Požehnaný Ježišu. Vďaka Ti, Pane. Vďaka Ti.

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Good evening, friends. Back again... I never got but four hours in this morning. That's a shame. After speaking four hours, you ought to be so tired of me, you'd run me out of the platform. [Congregation says, "No!" Brother Branham's brother, Doc, says, "That reminds me, Bill. Someone said today that you're always has got a bunch of this things left over, that you never get to."--Ed.] Yes, sir. ["But tonight, honey, you can just have all the time that you want to." Congregation says, "Amen." Doc says, "So you don't have to miss none of it."] I got about half the Bible wrote out here. [Someone says, "You got the whole night to preach."] We got several precious brothers here; we want to hear them.

3 How many enjoyed the service this morning, of the... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Actually, four hours. I don't know what that tape went to.

My sister called me up after the service, and she said, "It must not have been to nobody else." Said, "It must've been just to me. Said, "I said," to her husband, "Junior," said, "what'd you think?" "Oh," he said, "I heard Brother Branham do better than that." She said, "Then I was sure it all come to me," she said.

I believe she's back there, or I would tell it on her, but I'll just let it go. Delores, where you at? She isn't here. Well, I'll tell it then. She said, "I been guilty of using just a little bit of, you know, makeup, cutting just a little bit." Said, "That's--that's over." She realized she wasn't dead yet. You see? You got to die, so titling it the message of--for the New Year's. May the Lord grant His blessings.

6 So nice, tonight, to see so many in. Brother Graham Snelling, I just got in in time to hear him closing out that old song, "And We Shall Go To Dwell On Zion's Hill."

I guess there's nobody in here ever remembers little Rabbi Lawson. Anybody remember him? Yeah, two or three of you, Brother Graham that... Brother Slaughter, that made me think of Brother Lawson. You remember how he used to sing? Little, bitty fellow, I called him "rabbi" because he wore a little, flat, black hat. He was a Pentecostal preacher. But great big tortoise-shell glasses, and I said, "You look just like a rabbi." And so we always called him Rabbi Lawson, a wonderful little brother. And he--he was so old, he'd come stooping in; he got run over by a car, and stiffened up his knees. He'd hang his crutch, or his walking cane on this side here. I'd set down in a chair. And when he'd get over there to that part, "The wheels of mortal life shall all stand still," he'd pick up that old cane, reach over his shoulder, and hook it right around my neck, and bring me out, up like this, put his arm around me, and "then we shall go to dwell on Zion's hill."

8 Any--anybody else in here ever knowed Rabbi Lawson? Just a few of you. I want to say this then. A strange thing happened to him. He was a real little preacher, fine brother. And he--he didn't have no big charges; that wasn't his mission. But I believe he lived true to what he was put in charge over; that's the main thing.

And his wife thought he wasn't making enough money, preaching, so he--wanted him to get a job. He studied the Bible all the time. So one day she got so angry with him; she just grabbed the Bible right out of his lap, took It over, and raised up the stove, and stuck it in the stove, and burned It. A few months after that, she was putting up some Christmas lights, fire of the Christmas tree caught her and burnt her up, right in the same place. See, you reap what you sow. "Touch not My anointed; do My prophets no harm. See?

10 Thing about the Word of God, them people that had the accident out there, and then Satan tried to destroy their... I just see them raise up back there just then to let someone in. Their trailer, practically everything in that room burnt to a crisp. I was out there. The only thing that existed, I think, was a blessed old Bible, and I think my book and Brother Osborn's. Everything was burnt to a crisp in their trailer. I picked up the Bible; it's just smoked a little on the outside. I told the sister and brother that someday, the Lord willing, I'd like to take that from the pulpit here, and preach on the text, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not." When it's all gone, the Word is still there. Isn't it wonderful how God cares for His Word? And then let that Word be in you, He'll take care of you. That's right.

11 During the time of the flood, I was preaching here one night, left my Bible. The '37 flood came overnight almost, as it swept through the Tabernacle, picked up this same pulpit, raised it right up; there was no other ceiling in here then, and set it right against the ceiling. The Word being under the pulpit, instead of it sinking it floated, took it right up to the ceiling. And I rowed all around over here in a boat. And then when the waters went down, it came down and was laying right here at the same chapter I was reading out of, after the flood. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not." That's right. He's wonderful. Isn't He?

12 Honestly, I--I want to get away from here real quick, because they got so many fine ministers. I thought I'd call them all to the platform, but we haven't got seats for them. Because I've seen several since I've come here in the audience, that perhaps has a message tonight. We want to hear from our pastor, from different ones, the--the message they have on their hearts for tonight. And I'll just be real brief, and try to say a little something.

13 And then we're starting something tonight, or something happening tonight, if God willing, that we have never did since I've--in my lifetime. Just thought of it the other day, and called Brother Neville, and he thought it was a grand idea. Instead of all the commotion of blowing whistles, and hollering, and carrying on, and drinking, and the New Year's carousing, and so forth like that, we're going to come to the altar and take communion at the midnight, with... And each one of us, as we listen to the words tonight from these different ministers, let us be real reverent.

14 Now, last Sunday night I gave a Christmas message. And then I said to the church to the people from Georgia and the different places, "Don't come," 'cause it would knock their children out of Christmas. They're... They look for it; they're just children. And I would get the tapes for you. Now, you that didn't get to come, the--the tape's at my expense. Just let Brother Wood and them know, and I'll--I'll take care of it for you, and get the tape.

15 And now, tonight, I just want to first say this one thing before I read my text. And probably, in preaching, we'll be right up almost to midnight. And then we're going to about fifteen, twenty minutes before twelve, we're coming out and bring the kosher out, the--the Lord's Supper, the paschal lamb, and set it out here, the kosher, and then give thanks to God, and stand at the altar, with bowed heads and hearts, and take the communion of the Lord. And I think the room is full of recorders in there, and so forth. I don't know whether we're... What say? They'll be out by that time, so we won't have to omit feet-washing too. And tomorrow is Monday, and some of the people from out of town, have plenty of time to go home. And trusting that God will bless you now.

17 And this will probably be the last time I'll get to be with you, until I come back from out west. I'm going out to Arizona, perhaps going to Louisiana first, then on to Arizona and California. And then as soon as I get back, I hope to be with you again. Until that time, pray.

I never made any itinerary. I believe I see Brother Borders tonight in the meeting. I called attention for him this morning. And he keeps a record, and he presented a book to me the other day of all kinds of invitations. But somehow, during this time, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Go one place. And when you're finished there, I'll tell you where to go from there." See, just lead right on like that, what to do next. So we must be pretty close to the line, when He starts doing that (You see?), just know wherever somebody is calling and waiting.

19 Not for New Year's resolution, 'cause we don't make them: don't do no good, you break them. I seen my daddy throw that plug of tobacco away every New Year's night to watch where he throwed it, so he could get it the next day. See? And that's about the way it goes. Let's not make resolutions. Let's ask for mercy and grace, ask for God's mercy.

20 And if I don't get a chance any more to the giving of the communion, probably in a hurry at that time. I... This is one thing I desire to do; one of my desires is to see a Church without spot or without wrinkle, that the Holy Spirit... Brother Graham, this has been the longing of my heart, to see a Church that's so filled with God until sin can't abide in it anywhere, the Spirit of God calling it right out, wherever it is. I want to see that.

And one thing that I desire, the one great vision from the Lord that I've always desired to have from the Lord, He give it to me the other morning about ten o'clock in the morning. And that satisfied my desire. For years and years, since I've been a minister, I've longed to see that, and it finally come to pass. Now, I'm very grateful to God. I haven't said nothing about it, just got it wrote down. And I know it's just exactly what I've been asking for all the time.

22 And now, I pray and trust to God... And tonight, anew, I dedicate my life to Him over His pulpit. That one great desire in my life is to be more humble before God and before His people. Knowing that that's one of my major mistakes, is having to deal with the public in such a way, it's took a lot out of me, that used to be there. I trust that God will restore again that joy that I once had. Not as I lost my joy, no; but I mean I want more of it, more, more humility to serve the Lord. This coming year, I promised God, if He'll let me live, and give me health and strength, I will try to be a servant to God, and a brother to men, with all my heart.

God bless you now. Let us bow our heads just a moment.

23 As the world, Father, rocks around the equator, as we're told, now it will start again now moving back towards--from the shortest day of the year to the longest. Just a short time, and the whistles will be blowing, the people will be screaming, the bells will be ringing; and the old year is gone, and a new year comes on. And, Father, we thank Thee, that Thou has let us see this year of 1961. And we pray You forgive us for all of our sins that we committed through this year. And if there has been one thing that we have did that has been good, Thy Name be praised. For it was not us, the unworthy, but it was Thee, the Holy Spirit that finally pushed Its way into our life, over our rebellion condition, and did something that magnified God. We're grateful that He did it. And, Father, we'd prayed tonight that He'd press us aside every time, and let the will of God be done in our lives.

24 And tonight, as our sister churches, their pastors are setting here, our Brother Graham, and brethren from different parts of the country: Utica, Sellersburg, and Georgetown, wherever it may be... Precious souls has gathered together from many, even States, tonight to help us in this great jubilee here that we are celebrating, and has turned the time to the singing of songs, praying a prayer, and of listening to the Word of God. Fill every heart. Move back every doubt. Take away every fear. Take away all weary. And let the Holy Spirit move into our hearts, and plant the Word. Let us be the field that the Word will fall in, that'll bring forth fruits in the coming year. Grant it, Lord.

25 Help me now, as it's my time, the lot falls to me at this time to speak. I pray that You'll anoint the words that is said. And may they go out under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, with expectations, Lord, to bringing people that doesn't know You, to You; and those that are there, may they have more faith to serve Thee. Grant it, Lord. And help my voice, as having a bad cold, and being tired from a four-hour message this morning, I pray that You'll help me. Help all of us, and condition us now for the coming service and the communion.

Bless this church and its pastor, our Brother Neville, its trustees and its deacons, and may they serve more gallant this year than any time before. Thank You for their service and their gallantry, how they stood by me when I needed someone to stand by me. Brother Neville and Brother Roy Roberson, and all the precious brethren who stood by us in the times of trouble, and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, made decisions in the best that they knowed how. And the decisions that they have made, has been proven to be in Your will, for You have blessed their decisions. God, continue to be with them. Help us all together now. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

27 Now, to you who take texts; and trusting that you'll be praying for me... And for a few moments, I'd like to call your attention to a portion of Scripture found in the Book of Judges at the 6th chapter, beginning at the 7th verse. I would that you would listen quietly, and listen to the Word.

Can you hear me in the back, all right? Raise up your hands if you can. Fine. And if they watch, ever who engineers this microphone, will watch that it carries on. Is the tapes coming in?

29 Judges the 6th chapter, the 7th verse. Now, listen close, 'cause I'm going to refer to this in a few moments.

And it came to pass, when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD because of the Midianites,

That the LORD sent a prophet unto the children of Israel, which said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I brought you up out of Egypt... brought you forth out of the house of bondage;

I delivered you out of the hands of the Egyptians, and out of the hands of all that oppressed you... drave them out from before you, and gave you their land;

And I said unto you, I am the LORD your God; fear not the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but you have not obeyed my voice.

And there came an angel of the LORD, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah:... pertaineth unto Joash the Abrezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianite.

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him. The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.

And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles, which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us out of Egypt? but now the LORD has forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

And the LORD looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hands of the Midians: have not I sent thee?

If it be so pleasing to God, I wish to take a text there, upon, I believe the--about the 14th verse, where It said, "If God Be With Us, Then Where Is All The Miracles?"

31 Now, we are all acquainted with the Judges of Israel. And how that they had done the Israelites; the Philistines, the Midianites, the Amorites, and all the different ones had come in like locusts and just eat up what they had, and take it out, and go on. But did you notice, they could not do that until Israel first fell away from God.

The devil can't set a foot on you to hurt you, until first you get away from God. You must first remember that. Check when anything happens, see if you're in the faith or not, see that if you're right up to place with God; then remember, the devil can do you no harm; you're in Christ.

33 And this place here, we had just left the... A few years before this had been the prophetess Deborah, and Barak. And how that she had prophesied and told them what to do, and it was just exactly right. Barak, the great warrior... And how that they made a song, of the triumph over the enemy. But as soon as they got out of the twist, right straight back into the rut they went again.

If that isn't the picture of the church today, just as soon as it gets out of one twist right into another one it goes. But time had come for action. And that's the same now; the time has come for action. The time had come when playing church had come to a halt with God. There's no more playing church. We must get down to business. And I trust that that same God will place this upon the heart of the people tonight, that it's time for a halt of playing church, playing religious, playing righteous, and now it's time for action.

As I was speaking this morning upon the subject of what the new birth was, and how we come to it, surely that still sinks in your heart. Now, the time has come to act upon what you know to be the truth. You cannot act with faith until first you know what you're doing. You've got to first know what you are doing before you can have faith to do it.

36 Someone said to me one time, a noted doctor was talking about a miracle that had happened among--a sick person. And he said to me, "Preacher, don't you believe, if you told them people to go out and touch a tree or a post, the same thing would take place?"

I said, "No, sir." I said, "Because you cannot have faith in touching a tree or a post." Faith is not that loose. It's got to be based upon some noted fact. You've got to know something about what you are having faith in, before you can have faith in it. So we first must know how and what: what God's desire is, what God's plan is, and how to approach God by that plan. And then we can walk up boldly to the throne of grace, and plead what the plan is promised us.

39 Now, they had been playing church. Just soon as they got out of one twist... God delivered them. Then instead of really going on and serving God, seeing His mighty hand, they twisted right back out into the things of the world again. And so the time had come when God called a halt. And it must be that way.

And I think it's time to call a halt now. We have twisted the Word of God to fit every organization there is in the world, every plan that every man has schemed to do. We've twisted the Word to make It this way, and twisted the Word to make It that way, and twisted It some other way to make It to fit a plan. But the time has come to halt; stop your playing church. The time has come when people says, "If you can just get enough Spirit to dance in the Spirit; if you can get enough to see lights before your eyes; or a sensation to run down your back, or some quiver, some shake, some emotion; you've got It." You've got something; but I wouldn't say just what you had, till I seen what kind of fruit it growed.

As we went through it, this morning, you can't expect a baby to be borned a man. It's got to grow to it. And we grow in Christ to the full stature. Something... Not somebody get converted tonight, and tomorrow go to preach the Gospel. We grow up into manhood, into the stature of Christ.

42 Now, we find that when God's people gets in trouble, God always sends them a prophet with the true Word to bring them out. It's never a time that God's people ever gets in trouble, unless God sends them His Word. And His Word, as we had this morning, come to the prophets. And how you test it, is to find out whether it is according to the Word. If it's according to the Word, then God's Word becomes alive.

Now, many might say, "This is the prophet of our church." "This is the prophet of our church." And two of them contrary, one to the other one, something's got to be wrong.

We all must speak the same thing. Then we must speak, not contrary, but exactly with this Word. That's how a true prophet is tested, whether he's got the Word. The Bible said, "If their testimony is not according to the law and prophets, there's no Light in them." That's right. It's got to be according to the Word.

45 And God always, in every case, sends the people a true servant, a true prophet that'll bring the true Word of God. And the Word of God is what delivers the people always.

Now, if we'd go back and read the 7th to the 10th verse, we find out in there, in this 7th to the 10th verse, that Israel had turned away from God and had gone back into the world again. And there came out of nowhere, don't even give his name... I don't guess the prophet was interested in his name. He was interested in one thing; God had anointed him. He didn't make any difference whether he was classed a--one of their denominations, or something else, whether he was a bishop or an archbishop. The only thing that he was interested in was that message on his heart. And he called the people back to repentance and a understanding that their God was a God of might and a God of deliverance, God of miracles, that snatched them out of the hands of the Egyptians, opened up the Red Sea, and fed them in the wilderness, and the God of might Who could take the land from someone else and give it to them. Amen. That was a true prophet. He was anointed, and he was the voice of God to them people. He spoke that it must be so because they were in trouble.

47 These Midianites, and Amorites, and so forth, had all come over and eat up all their land. And so the enemy had challenged, and he must be met. Their armies couldn't do it, and their priests couldn't do it, and their churches couldn't do it. So it took the Word of God to meet his challenge.

The enemy speaks today. The enemy tries to say that the days of miracles is past, that there is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and this is only emotion, it's only a workup." So the enemy has challenged, and his challenge must be met. The only way we can meet the challenge of the day, when the denominations call the people away and--and put them in this organization, that organization, let them--women cut their hair and wear makeup; and men live all kinds of lives, live as trustees and deacons, and pastors in the church, because they got some Ph.D. or LL.D. is the requirement. Jesus never did require a man to have that.

Jesus' requirement was, "Wait in the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high, then you are a witness to Me." That meets his challenge. That met the enemy's challenge. That met it in that day. It'll meet it in this day.

50 Now, I want you to notice. In 7 to 10 we see the prophet coming. From 1 to 7 we see the people falling away. And from 7 to 10 we see the prophet coming and giving the people the remedy. Notice, we don't know where he come from; he never said there was a man, or a Pharisee, who had been a priest for a while. It never give his backgrounds. Them prophets, they rise up from nowhere.

51 Look at Elijah. Elijah was the last, and the sixth, of the great prophets, of the mighty prophets. What we know about his background is nothing. We don't know what school he went to. We don't know what kind of a family he was out of. The only thing we know, that God was with him. And he come forth, and he left just about as mysterious as he come forth. He come out of the wilderness from nowhere, and went back in the wilderness, and caught up in a chariot of wind, and took up into the heavens by Fire. He come mysteriously, and he left mysteriously. He had no theological backgrounds. We don't know where he come from, who his father was, who his mother was, who his brothers and sisters was. The only thing we know; he was a man of God. God taken him out of nowhere, and used him, and took him back into somewhere: in His Presence. He was a man of God.

52 And here comes a prophet out for that hour and gave them the Word of the Lord. Remember, He never give them some man-made theology. He said, "I am the Lord that brought you out of Egypt, show My mighty hand, showed My power." I'd imagine Gideon was setting right there listening at him. "I am the God that did these things. And I've done all this for you, and yet you've not obeyed My commandments. In all this, you have not done it."

53 Now, I want you to notice another thing that might encourage you. Immediately after that prophet's message, the Lord appeared on the scene. Amen. As soon as he gave his message, the Lord appeared under a tree. The Lord came after the message of the prophet, setting under a tree. The prophet gave... The people fell away, got off in their isms. God sent His prophet. Soon as the prophet got through with his message, the Lord followed the prophet's message for deliverance.

Oh, we are living in a grand time. Immediately when the prophet went off the scene, what happened? The Lord came on the scene. As soon as John went off the scene, the Lord came on the scene. Very strange how God works, but He does it, works in mysterious way.

55 We read the Scripture here, where Gideon, scared, out by the winepress, thrashing out enough wheat, before the Philistines or the Midianites found him. Him and his daddy, out there getting a little grub for their winter's food, thrashing it out secretly, so they couldn't find them. 'Cause they just come in like grasshoppers and took all they had.

56 That's the way the devil does. We get a little church started, everything going fine. (How many preachers don't know this to be the truth?) Just about the time everything's going along fine, some old impostor will come right amongst that group and tear it to pieces (That's right.), snatch the church right from a man, if he can do it. See, that's the devil. Come in like grasshoppers and take out what's been given. Now, when...

57 Gideon certainly was a Scriptural man. When the Angel of the Lord said to him... And if you notice, it wasn't the Angel of the Lord here. It said, "And the Lord," capital L-O-R-D. It was not an Angel. It was God. It was a--a theophany in a man, in the form of God, like appeared to Abraham back in the wilderness, and looked like a man. So therefore, being a Messenger, He was the Angel of the Lord.

And He appeared to him. And He said, "Thou mighty man of valor," said He's going to take him, and deliver Israel by him.

60 And Gideon asked that question. What a Scriptural man that was. That's the kind of man that God comes to, somebody who knows. Gideon said, "If God is with us, if You are the Messenger, then where is the miracles that the prophet told us about?" He knowed everywhere God went, His miracles followed Him. He knowed that wherever God would be, miracles would be there.

And how can you expect God today to work in amongst people who doesn't even believe in miracles? How can it be?

And He called him a mighty man of valor. Said, "Now, by this, you're going to deliver Israel."

Now, that looked like a man setting there, and it was a Man. And he looked at Him, and he said, "Nay, my Lord, if God is with us, then why is all this trouble upon us? And where is the miracles that we're told about? Where is the things that God used to do?"

64 Now, there is a good way to trust whether the messenger's right or not. If he has a form of godliness, he will deny that power to do those miracles. If he's a messenger from God, he'll not only speak of it, but he'll have it to produce it, and to show that the God that he talks about is with him and in him.

He said, "If God was...?... us, where is all of His mighty miracles? 'Cause we understand..." Listen how Scriptural Gideon was. In otherwise, he said, "If... We understand that God is a great God of mighty workings. He's a great God of miracles. And if He is for us, and if He is with us, and He's the same yesterday, today and forever, where can I see His miracles? Where can I see this God in action? Where's He at, if He's for us?"

66 The mighty man of valor could refer back to the old Word and know It's right, because he knowed this, that God is a supernatural Being. And wherever a supernatural Being is, He'll do supernatural signs, because the supernatural is in Him. You just can't get out of it.

How can you stand in the face of wind, without having wind blowing? How can you get in water, without being wet? Water's wet. That's the chemical of it. It's wet. And when you get in water, you're going to get wet. Right.

And when you get in the Presence of God, the supernatural, there's going to be supernatural signs and supernatural workings of a supernatural God.

69 Therefore, he said, "Where is the working, where is the miracles, if God be with us?" Glory. That's it. See, where God is, miracles are. Where God is, the sign of God is there. See?

And Gideon, very Scriptural, said, "Where is these things?" In other words, like this: "I am a man, maybe of fifty years old," he'd say. "And I've have heard them talk about a God that worked miracles. And I've went to church, and I've believed the priests. And I believe the prophets. And I believe the written Word, all the scrolls. And I read in the scrolls where God, when He come among His people something taken place." And Gideon didn't know but what that was a man setting there under this oak tree. Amen. That's all he knowed; He was a man. He said, "Now, if God is with us, where is His miracles at? We want to see them."

How Scriptural that is. For where the supernatural is, God and His sign would be with Him. Where God is, the sign of God is with God. We know that. If He's in His people, they will do His signs. Just exactly.

73 That was the question that Gideon had, "Yea, where is God? If there is a God, if there is God with us, then let me see where His sign is. We told that He does perform them. And if this great task lays before me..."

Maybe the old Man standing there, and He looked like an old Man. The Bible said He had a staff in His hand. Read on, the 6th chapter when you go home or tomorrow sometime.

He had a staff in His hand: an old Man, looked like, setting under a tree. And He called him the mighty man of valor. And He said that God was going to do this thing. And He said, "God is with you."

He said, "Then where is His miracles? If the supernatural God is here, where is the supernatural works of God?"

77 That could be easily said tonight amongst our churches. "Where is that God that once lived? Did He die? Is He gone? Is He pursuing? Is He off on a trip?" No, sir.

He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And if we say we are of God, then let's see where God is. Let's see the signs of God. If this Tabernacle stands for God, let's see God moving among us. Let's see souls being born in the Kingdom. Let's see lives be straightened up. Let's see the sick, and the blind, the deaf, let's see His mighty works being performed. God in our midst...

"If God be for us, where is His miracles at?" He asked the question.

80 Now, if God is with His people, and in His people, he cannot--that person cannot help but do the same thing that God did. Because it's not the person any more; it's God in the man. If that man sins, then God's not in there. If he loves the world, then God's not in there. And we know that God has no dealings with sin. Now, I'll give you a Scripture for this, just in a moment.

Jesus, when He was on earth, He was asked the same question. They wanted to know, "You, being a Man, and make Yourself God?"

When He healed the man with the palsy, He said, "Thy sins be forgiven thee."

He said, "Now, wait a minute. You, being a Man, and forgive sins?"

He said, "That you might know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins or to heal; which is the easier, 'Take up your bed and walk,' or--or say, 'Thy sins be forgiven you'?" And then He spoke to the man, and he got up and walked away. And the Pharisees questioned Him.

85 And Jesus said, "If you don't believe Me, believe the signs that I do." See, they were told that there'd be a Prophet, like Moses, raise up, and He would be the Messiah. And He said, "If I do not do the works of My Father, then don't believe Me; I'm wrong. But if I do the works of My Father, and you don't believe Me, then believe the works. What does the works do? They tell you Who I am. They testify of Me. They're My witness. Not My credentials, that I belong to the Presbyterian church, or the Pentecostal, I can show My fellowship card; but the works that I do, the signs of God, the signs of the Messiah, they're the one that testify of Me."

86 Jesus said, in St. John 14:12, if you was going to put the Scripture down, St. John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Amen.

What is it, brethren? If God be for us, where is His miracles? If God be in us, what's the matter with us then? Something wrong somewhere. Yes.

Jesus said, "If you can't believe Me, what I say, watch what testifies for Me, for they're the one that gives witness of Me. The Lord your God said there'd be a prophet rise up like Moses. And whosoever shall not hear this Prophet, would be cut off from amongst the people. Messiah was to have a sign following Him. And if that sign of the Messiah don't follow Me," said Jesus, in so many words, "then don't believe Me. But if the Messiahic sign testifies of Me, then believe the sign. 'Cause if you'd think I'm wrong, the sign is right because it's Scriptural." Hallelujah.

89 That's where Gideon wanted to get to. That's where Gideon was standing. "Oh, if there be a God that's with us, we want to see the sign that He is a God, that He is the same God, because He'll do the same signs." What did God do?

Gideon said, "Wait, and I'll go get some, an offering." And he went out and killed a cow, or a lamb, and he boiled it. He brought bread, and he brought the lamb, and set it down.

And the Angel said, "I'll wait here." Prove all things. Test it by the Word. And he said, "I'll wait here," maybe two or three hours.

Gideon come with the broth, and with the bread, and with the meat. And the Angel said, "Now, you'll understand by this. This will prove it."

He poured the broth out upon the ground for a drink offering. And he took the bread and the meat and laid it on a rock where he was thrashing at. And took the stick from His hand, like an old Man, a staff, and touched it. And when He touched it, the smoke went out, and the sacrifice was consumed. What was it? He took him back to the Scripture to prove what He was.

95 The same God was with Elijah on Mount Carmel, same One I talked of this morning. When you lay your soul upon His brass altar of judgment, what takes place? If He's the same God, He'll take the sacrifice. You've offered it in sincerity upon His altar, He'll consume that sacrifice, and the world will be gone out of you. Just the smoke will fall away. The sacrifice will be gone. Yes.

"If You be God, and You're the God of the Bible that our fathers tell that performed miracles, let me see You perform a miracle, or let me see some sort of a miracle, that I know that God has met with me."

97 Now, may I say this. If God still remains God, if God is the same God He was in the days gone by, you don't have to go up and shake hands with the preacher, you don't have to go up put your name on a book. Them things are all right; nothing against it. Then you go back and become a church member, with your name on a book; and they give you a letter, and you pack it. As soon as something goes wrong there, you blow up like I don't know what, and you take it over to the next church. And as soon as something goes wrong over there, then you'll take it to the next church. You see, you haven't done right in the first place. If God remains God, lay your sinful soul on His altar, and He'll touch it with His Word and His power. And the world will be gone from you, and then you'll be a new creature, if He remains God.

98 He was God of the Old Testament. He was God of the New Testament. He's the same God today: yesterday, today, and forever.

And you know then, down in your heart, that a supernatural work has been done by a supernatural Being. When you once drank, and smoked, and lied; and you women loved the world so much, you kept wearing your makeup, and your long--or short hair, and doing other things you did; and you find out that something happens, and all the devils in hell couldn't make you do it again. Something happened, a God... A miracle was performed. What did He do? Changed your vile heart, changed your desires, changed your nature. A supernatural Word, by a supernatural God, made a creature of time to a creature of eternity. Amen. Took the world out of you, and put Christ in you, the hope of glory. And you're filled with His Spirit and ready to meet Him.

101 If God be God, where is His miracles? If God's with us, where is His miracles? If God is with the Methodist church, why is all the women still wearing bobbed hair? If God is with the Baptist church, then why does the pastor still smoke cigarettes, many of them? Why do they still deny the power of the--of God to heal the sick, and to raise the dead, and to speak in tongues, and interpret tongues, and gifts of prophecy? Why do they still deny it, if the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament's still the same God? If the God of the New Testament, the Holy Ghost, is still the God the Pentecostals claim, why don't they break down their walls of partition, and fussing at one another, and become borned again Christians? Sure. No. One won't even speak to the other one. See, the sacrifice hasn't been consumed. They go through sensations; they've done that all their--all through the ages. Under idols they done sensations.

103 But the God of the--of the Bible, that's the God, same yesterday, today, and forever, burns up the world and all the difference, makes us new creatures in Christ. Yes. Jesus said, "These testify and tell you Who I am."

The thing of it is, the reason we got all these things, is because we still let denominational differences, creeds, fusses, popularity, and devils of the world blind us from the real Truth of God. That's right.

105 Many person has been deceived in receiving the Holy Ghost; as I said, they've got doctrines today like Elijah's garments, and--and all these other things, manifested Sons of God, and all these different isms, and so forth, in the world today. People fall blindly on there, and go through some kind of a sensation, raise back up with a arrogant spirit, indifferent, fussy, high-tempered. That's not the Spirit of God. Still continue right on out of order, don't know what church order is, don't know how to behave themself in the house of God, no manners, no, just no audacity at all, no--no feelings towards God, all they think about is "my church." It shows they received a church spirit, and not the Spirit of God, 'cause It knocks all that out of you, burns it up. Sure.

See, they say, "Where is He?" That's... "We got a right to..."

106 But look, if the clouds are hanging over the sun, the sun is always shining. The only thing that keeps it from shining on you is clouds. And if you'd get rid of the clouds, the sun will be shining. Amen.

Brother, get away from all of our sin, and our doubts, and our flusterations, the Son's been shining since the day of Pentecost. The Holy Ghost is just as great today as It ever was. But our denominations has smothered over the Word of God, in saying, "It's for some other day. Oh, that'll... Divine healing, will be in the Millennium." Or, "Divine healing was back there. It isn't pertaining to today."

108 How can He be the same yesterday, today, and forever, and still Divine healing gone? How can the power, how can... The Bible set in order, "First apostles, prophets teachers, evangelists, pastors, for a vindication that the Gospel still lives." And God sends them right among us, and we turn our back on it. God doesn't fail, it's the people's failed.

"Where is the miracles then among us? Where are they at?" God was talking to this man, getting him ready to go out.

Move the clouds out, the sun's always shining. That's right. When doubts are gone, and things are made right, miracles will be there just as sure as the sun's there.

The sun, by the command of God, shines every day. It's there because God commanded it there. And as long as there is day and night, the sun will hang there. Sure. Not all the time you see it, because clouds has it covered up; fog, clouds, low or high, covers it up. But it's always there. See?

112 And the only thing you want to do to see miracles today, if you want to see the miracle of God, just move all your doubt away. Move all your creeds away, move all your denominationals away, and there the Son's automatically shining. It's a Commandment of God, for It said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." So, as long as He's to be there forever, He's there. No question about it, He's there. Where is the miracles? What's hindering the miracles? God sent Christ, Christ is alive forevermore! "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name, I'll be in their midst." Amen. "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world." There He is, His promise.

114 What's the matter then? We've let the clouds of doubt, greed, temper, selfishness, denominations, and other things, break in on us, break in and take us away from the Word, say, "them was somewhere else," denying Christ, denying the baptism of the--of the Lord, of the Holy Ghost, denying the Christian baptism of the Name of Jesus Christ, other things, all kinds of things, that our creeds has broke us away from the Bible. But in a...

115 Isn't it a strange thing, a miracle, that in the face of all of it, Brother Way, in the face of all the denominations, in the face of all the critics, the Bible still remains the same? How did It ever weather the storm? God is determined to judge every man by the Bible. And the Bible is the Word, and the Word is Christ. Everyone, every man will be judged by That.

Take the clouds away, then what happens, the sun's right there; the only thing you have to do today. Say not, "O Jesus, come and heal me. O Jesus, give me the Holy Ghost." Just take the clouds away. He's already there. He come nineteen hundred years ago, and He's still there. And He'll always be there. "I'm alive forevermore, the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's right.

117 Now, Gideon and those people there, before they could see, or could ever go, see these miracles of God, there was a condition that had to be met. To meet, to see the power of miracles, they had to believe. They also had to believe and obey the prophet's Word to see the miracles of God. Now, remember, before that they could see the miracles, they had to obey what the prophet said.

And before we can see the miracles of God, we've got to obey what the prophet's said. The Bible is the Prophet to us. That's right.

119 If a man, no matter how much he calls himself God's prophet of the Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, whatever he may be, whatever he calls hisself, if this Word isn't living in him, he isn't a prophet. He might be a prophet, but a false one. True prophets speak of this true Word, and then that puts God just exactly the same God, the same power, the same Words, the same everything, the true Word.

Now, they had to believe. They had to believe the prophet's Word and obey It, before they could see God's miracles.

And today, you can't go here under false makeup, saying that "Jesus is not the same yesterday, today, and forever; the days of miracles is past; and there is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost," and expect to see God's miracles. You've got to obey It. And when you obey It, God takes care of the rest.

122 If you could brush all the clouds back, the sun's already there. It just hangs there. The sun doesn't move, we're told. The sun remains in the same place.

And Christ remains. And that's right. We move away from Him, but He remains. That's right. The only thing you have to do is turn yourself back around and face Him once, and you see what takes place. Face Christ, not face the church, not face a creed, not face the titles; face the Christ. See, not face the seminary, face the Word. Christ is the Word. Sure, It is. That's exactly.

124 Obey the Word. To us... They had to obey the Word. And to us we've got to obey the Word. If you'd like to know that, I've got a Scripture wrote here, said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word's in you, ask what you will." See? What was it? If God's Word is in us and abides in there, It just speaks for Itself. "Ask what you will, and it'll be given to you." Now, that's found in John 15:7, if you want to mark it down. See, Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me, My Words abide in you."

Not today one thing, tomorrow, next day, something else, and backslid, and over here, and down here, and down there, it shows you never got nothing to begin with.

127 Oh, you say, "I spoke in tongues." Fine, but still you never got nothing. See? You say, "I danced in the Spirit." All right, but still I don't know what kind of spirit you danced in. See?

If you're in one thing one day, and the next week, another thing else; and the next little pecker-wood comes along, pecks on a hollow tree, you run after it and the next one over here, mission-trotting, don't know where you do belong, then Christ don't abide in you. His Words isn't there. Because It's stable; you never turn to darkness.

129 As I preached the other day on "A Paradox," when Joshua stopped the sun. Becky back there, said, "Daddy, he couldn't stop the sun," said, "the world would stop. He stopped the world."

I said, "He stopped the sun." God don't make any mistakes in His Bible.

Said, "How could He stop the sun, the sun don't even run? The sun stands still."

I said, "But that--that missile out there, wasn't what He was talking about. This sun that was traveling and making it light across the earth, that's the sun He stopped." I don't know what God did to bring it to pass, but He stopped the sun. The sun was going this way, the sun on the earth, the reflection of the sun. That missile out there, we could--didn't see in a million miles of it, or millions of miles. But the reflection of the sun that was traveling across the earth from day to night, that's what Joshua commanded to stand still; and it stopped. A paradox is something that's unbelievable, yet true. So that's unbelievable, but yet true.

134 How can God take a sinner, arrogant, high-tempered, fussy man, and make a saint of God out of him? How can He take a woman that's so low, till the dogs won't even turn to her on the street, and make a saint of God out of her? I can't tell you. But He did it. It's a paradox. Sure is. All God's great works are a paradox.

"If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, and it'll be done unto you." St. John 14 or St. John 15, pardon me, St. John 15:7. All right.

136 Back to Genesis just for a moment. Noah had to meet the conditions. Noah had to believe God's Word and act upon It, before he could see God's miracle. That's right. Noah, the great prophet of Genesis, had to believe God's Word and act upon It, before he seen God's miracle. It'd never rained, you know, never had been no rain.

And what do you think? They tell us that that age was a greater age than we live in now in science. We cannot build the pyramid again, or the sphinx. We do not have the ways of making a mummy; we can't make it petrify like that. We cannot put coloring in cloth to last, like they did back there. We don't even have those things. And that's something that our modern science can't even find. But they had it.

138 We don't have--we don't have engineers like they had. That great pyramid in Egypt is so perfect in the center of the earth, no matter where the sun is, there's never a shadow around it. We couldn't put up a structure like that. We don't know how to do it. Neither could we build a pyramid. And up in there, up around the capstones and in there, laying almost a half a city block high in the air, there's stones that weighs billions of tons, hundreds of tons, rather, hanging up in there. All the machines we got in the world couldn't lift them up there.

They tell me it would take sixteen flatcars to load the leg of the sphinx on it. How'd they get it in there? How did it happen? They were smart, scientists.

140 And what do you think they said to a man, a fanatic, supposed to be a prophet, that said, "There's water coming out of the skies"?

I can hear them say, "We take our instruments and shoot plumb into the stars, and there's not a drop of water between here and there. Where's it at?"

Noah could come back with this, "God told me it's going to rain." That's enough. That settles it. God said it was going to happen, so that's just what's going to happen. All right. (I must hurry; other brethren waiting.) Yes, Noah, he said, "It's going to rain."

"How do you know?"

"It's the Word of the Lord. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

"What are you going to do about it, Noah, just walk around and preach about it?"

"No, sir. I'm going to make ready for it." See?

"Oh, that would be a miracle. The days of miracles is past."

"Just hold on, you'll see it after while." Yes, sir.

And what did he do? He built the ark before the rain fell. What was he doing? Acting on the promise. Amen. I feel kind of Pentecostal right now, feel religious.

145 Yes, take God at His Word; act upon the promise, regardless of what takes place; it's up to God to do the rest of it. Just start knocking the clouds. Lay aside every weight that so easily besets you. Lay aside all your doubts, your fears, your denominations, your creeds, and anything that's contrary to the Word. Jesus Christ is just the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just lay your creeds aside; lay your denominations aside; lay all your doubts aside;,all your flusterations aside, and just keep on. First thing you know, you'll--you'll move the last chunk, and He'll be standing there. You'll meet Him.

146 Noah said, "When I get the ark built, He'll come. The rain will start falling."

"The day that you get the ark built?"

"If it waits fifty years, I'll be setting in the ark, waiting for it. It's coming, 'cause God said so."

See, first thing, he had to prepare himself. He knowed that God was a God of miracles, so he couldn't doubt Him. God had spoke to him, and he knowed it. When God speaks to you out of His Word, in your heart you know it. When all the world's gone from you, and the things of the world is dead, you know it. When, if you love the world or the things of the world, you still know in your heart you're not right. It's true. So when everything's gone, then there's nothing else to do but meet God. He'll be standing there. He remains.

150 As the sun, s-u-n, so does the S-o-n remain just the same yesterday, today, and forever. That s-u-n that shines, is the same sun that shined in Genesis, the same sun that shined on Elijah on that mountain, the same sun that went down on the day of the crucifixion. Hallelujah. It remains the same. And the same Son of God, is the same yesterday, today, and forever, the same in power, the same in love, the same in signs.

What is today a sign of a Christian? Oh, he goes to church, puts his name on a book, he has a letter. That's not the sign Jesus said.

He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues. If they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it'll not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

If God be with us, where's His signs? Sure, get back to His Word; signs will take care of itself as soon as we get back to the Word.

154 Noah, before he saw the miracles of God, like Gideon wanted to question about, he had to first act upon the Word of God. Gideon had to act upon the Word of God. Everybody else has to act upon the Word of God. Before I could ever say that there was a God, I had to act upon His promise, then He manifested Himself. If you want healing, believe Him; act upon His Word; it'll come to pass.

Moses, before he ever could see God's miracles, he had to first act on God's Word. He knowed he'd heard his mother say he was born an odd birth; he was hid in the bulrushes. She told him that God had called him and chose him. And he thought, "Well, me being a fine military man, I can just go out here and slay--slay this Egyptian and hide him in the dust. And I can do whatever I want to. That's all it takes." But, you see, that's what he was trying to do. That was his idea. He'd never seen that God perform, perform the miracle to keep him through that time.

But one day, after he was eighty years old, he was herding sheep, going down a pasture, maybe a path where the sheep had been running. And the old herdsman going along there, with a crooked stick in his hand, beating along side of the trail; maybe a little lame, at eighty years old, whiskers hanging down to his waistline, perhaps, gray as the sheep that he was herding. And he saw something. O God. It was mysterious to him.

159 I hope I can show you something tonight. And we got a pool of water here ready.

He saw something he'd never saw before. And he said, "I better investigate It." So he turned aside, and the Word of the Lord came to him. Glory. Hallelujah. The Word of the Lord came to him. Now, before he could go, he had to act upon the Word of the Lord.

And remember, the Word of the Lord always performs miracles. He said, "Where will I know that You're with me and sent me?"

Said, "What's in your hand?"

He said, "A dry stick."

"Throw it on the ground," the first command God give Moses. "If you want to know that I'm God; you got a stick in your hand, throw it on the ground."

Gideon said, "Where is the miracles of God?"

He said, "Lay that bread on the altar; I'll show you Who God is." And He touched it with His staff; and the smoke went up, and he--it was consumed.

164 Moses said, "Who will I say that sent me? How do I know that You're God?"

He said, "What you got in your hand? I'm the Creator of life. I'm the miracle-working God." And before Moses could ever see the power of God that performed all the things, first he had to obey God. He throwed the stick on the ground; it become a snake. Whew. Oh, my. What? Is... Obedience comes first, before you see His miracles.

166 These so-called churches around the countries today, say, "Well, where is all the miracles? We'll give a thousand dollars for anybody that'll permit--will produce a miracle." You, poor, deliberated, backslidden, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, how are you ever going to see a miracle until you become one? Glory. A miracle of God's grace to take an unbelieving doubter and fill him with the Holy Ghost... Jesus said, "Except a man be borned again, he can't even see the Kingdom of God." If you want to see a miracle, become one. Let God work on you first. He's got some overhauling to do, some different lenses to put over your eyes, because you're blind, dead in sin and trespasses, spiritually blind, double dead. That's right. God has to give you Life, touch your eyes so you can see, perform a miracle, and make you a miracle, and then you can see the miracle-working God. That's the first thing.

168 Moses had to believe Him. Moses had to act upon It, act upon what God's Word said. He wanted to see whether that was God or not. He said, "Well, Moses, act upon what I tell you."

Now, listen here tonight, brother, sister. If you want to know Who God is, just act upon what He says Here. "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and you'll become a miracle." That's His promise. That's what He said. Act on His Word. "And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you and to your children." Oh, that's just for the apostles. "And them that's far off, and even as many as the Lord our God shall call." That's where the promise is to.

170 Act upon His Word, and you'll see a real miracle. Something will take place when you act upon His Word. Like Gideon did, he did what He told him to do. Like Noah did, he did what He told him to do. Like Moses did, he did what He told him to do.

Said, "Throw down your stick." In other words, "Get rid of everything's around you." Amen, "Let Me have it."

Say, "I got an awful temper." Give it to God; He knows how to quieten it. "I got a lot of lust." He knows how to take it away. See? Just put it in His hands and watch what a miracle can do. That's right. All right.

174 Moses had to work on the Word of God, before--or, obey the Word of God before he could see God's miracles. But after he once saw it, brother, there's nothing going to stop him then. I see him, the next day with Zipporah setting on this mule, and--and--and little Gershom on his hip--on her hip, rather, whiskers hanging down like that. Brother, that face was smiling, them eyes a-dancing up towards the sky. From a sheepherder to a mighty man of God, a man of valor, going down to deliver. Look at Gideon. What happened? Yes, sir, going down with a crooked stick to take over a nation. He did it. Sure, he did. God told him to.

No matter how unreal it seems, you just do what God tells you to do. You'll find out that His Word is still the same. Just get the clouds back; the Son's already shining.

176 Joshua, oh, that great conqueror, oh, the successor of Moses, a man that God loved, a mighty warrior, a man that God loved, God told him, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you." But before the walls fell, Joshua marched according to the Chief Captain's orders: around the wall thirteen times before the power of God ever struck the thing. He marched around the wall and sounded the trumpet, according to the Word of God that the Chief Captain told him out there when He met Him. He marched according to the Word of God. What did he do? He acted upon the Word before he saw the miracle.

177 You know, just to sound a trumpet don't shake down a wall that you can run chariot races around: sounding a trumpet. But God said, "Just--just march around the walls, seven times, and the last day, march seven--and thirteen times. And as you go around the wall, at the last time, let the priests go before, with the ark, and sound the trumpet. And when the trumpet sounds, the walls will shake down." What'd they do? He saw the miracle of God, after he acted on the Word of God. Where is your miracles? Act on His Word first.

How could the walls be shook down, and leave one little house standing, a harlot's house? Because she acted on the Word of God. Why did the rest of them die and she lived? She acted on the Word of God, and she saw the miracle of God. That's the way to find it; act on the Word.

179 The Hebrew children at the fiery furnace, what did they do before they saw the miracle of God? They acted on the Word of God. They knowed He was God. They knowed He was the God that had brought them up out of Egypt. They--they knowed that they was--He was the same God that always was, that He had to be the miracle-working God.

And He had give them a commission not to bow to idols. He don't change. "Stay with My Word. Don't you bow to idols."

What did they say? "Our God is able to deliver us from this fiery furnace. But nevertheless, we're going to act upon His Word." There it was. What happened? Then they saw the miracle of God, that God could withstand the fire.

182 You're sick? Act upon His Word, see if He heals. If you're a sinner, and wants to be filled with the Holy Ghost, come, repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and act upon His Word, see what happens. If you still got the world in you; and you women still wearing short hair, you still wearing makeup; you men still with tempers, and fussing about your denominations; if you want to find out if He is still God, act upon It, and lay yourself upon His altar, see what takes place. He's God. You have to act on His Word first.

183 Daniel, before he saw the miracle of God could deliver him from the lions' den, the first thing he did was act upon the Word of God.

The proclamation went forth, "If any man prays to any other god besides this idol for so many days, he'll be throwed in the lions' den." No man could pray to any other god but to the king; he had to be god (See?) for thirty days.

But what did Daniel do? He acted upon the Word of God. 'Cause when Solomon dedicated the temple, he prayed; he said, "Lord, if Thy people be in trouble anywhere and will look to this holy temple, then You hear from heaven." That's right.

186 Daniel acted, first. The threat was, "You're going into the lions' den." But Daniel acted on the Word of God. He knowed that God was still God, just like Gideon did; he knowed that God, if He was still God, then where is His miracles? And Daniel knew he was a prophet; he knowed he loved God. He knowed he was His servant, and he knowed God was able to deliver him from them lions. But if he was in trouble, under a threat, he turned his face towards the temple and prayed three times a day, just exactly...?... He acted upon the Word of God, and God filled him so full of the Holy Ghost till the lions couldn't eat him. That's right. That's right. He acted first upon the Word of God.

187 Jonah, in the belly of the whale, acted first upon the Word of God. He knowed he was gone, as far as physical. His hands was bound; his feet was bound. This preacher to the Gentiles was throwed out of the ship into the whale's belly, and down to the bottom of the sea. Now, what a condition he's in. But first he turned hisself over in the bottom of the whale, seaweeds was wrapped around his neck, where, the--the whale had been eating these weeds and things to--to put vitamins in his body, his vitamin pills, and then he got a preacher in there. But this preacher came to himself. Hallelujah.

Oh, brother, preacher, come to yourself tonight. Get away from them old creeds and things, and come back to a living God to a living Word.

189 He came to himself; he rolled over. You can't hide a saint from his prayer. He turned over, and he looked; everywhere was whale's belly all around him: east, north, west, and south. And he realized that he was in the whale's belly, and down in the bottom of the sea, and a storm on the sea. All hopes was gone when he was in the ship; and now he's in the whale's belly, farther away from hope than ever. And when only he could see the belly of the whale, he said, "They're lying vanities. I won't believe them any more. But I'll look towards Your holy temple, Lord." The holy temple wasn't looking down; he said, "It's up there, so I'm looking towards it."

190 And then he seen God's miracle. Somehow, oxygen came into the whale. He just breathed normally for three days, and took a nice little rest and ride, so he could take this forty day's journey across the wicked city down there to preach the Gospel. Got all freshened up with some new oxygen out of heaven. It couldn't come out of the whale, and it couldn't come out of the sea, so it had to come from God.

Oh, breathe on us tonight, Lord, that Oxygen of the Word of God in the power of His resurrection, that we can stay alive in this last wicked day. Breathe upon us, O Holy Spirit. That's it, brother. Breathe, Lord, fill us with Oxygen.

192 Like I told you this morning about the duck. As soon as he smelt the water, there wasn't nothing could keep him away from it; all the cluckings of the hen, and everything else, he went straight to water, because he was a duck.

Now, if there is any of you got duck nature, we got a great big pool back here. See? If you can smell, if you've got a whiff that God remains God, if you've got a whiff from heaven tonight, that God keeps His Word, and He's a miracle-working God, and you haven't received the Holy Ghost yet, smell the water, the first thing He said do. Certainly. Repent from the bottom of your heart, and lay yourself as a sacrifice on the altar, and you'll be consumed of the world, and borned again of the Spirit; and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ; He'll fill you with the Holy Ghost. Go through the right process, not come shake hands with the preacher and put your name on the book; but die so dead that you don't know the world no more.

194 Abel died on the same altar with his lamb. And the only way you're ever going to get right with God is die on the altar with Christ until everything becomes blackened around you. Die there. And when you raise again, you'll be a new creature in Christ. Sure.

Jonah had to believe God's Word and act on It first. Now, he was probably laying with his face down, when he went down in the whale's belly, 'cause they just pitched him over, just scooted right down the whale's belly. The whale said, "Well, we'll go down to the bottom of the sea now."

And I wonder what that whale thought in those three days, a funny thing was going on. Now, you see, the building of the whale, didn't appreciate it. Neither does the church denominational organization appreciate it. But, oh, how Jonah loved it. Sure, he did. Sure, he loved it, because it was fresh air that God was fanning on him; he was staying alive. God, fan the fresh Air on us.

197 If Jonah could perform a miracle like that by believing the Word of God to a natural temple, where a man that finally backslid, Solomon, had built, but asked God in prayer to bless ever who looked to that temple, and deliver them out of their troubles, wherever they was; and Jonah could believe, under those conditions, how much more can we believe tonight to look to heaven, where, not a backslider, not a man that died and stayed in the grave like Jonah--or like Solomon was at then; but a living God Who sets at the right hand of the Majesty, all power and authority, and preaching the Word and sending forth the Holy Ghost as a witness that He did. Amen. Believe the Word of God, you'll see the miracles of God. But you have to believe It first. Certainly was. Yeah.

198 Gideon, after he had seen this Visitor setting under the tree, and Gideon kinda questioned Him at first. He said, "If God still remains God, if God be with us, where's His miracles?" And this--and this Visitor setting under the tree, what did He do? When He touched that sacrifice with His stick that He had in His hand, it was consumed. And he knowed that was the action of God, so he knowed then that the Visitor under the tree, that looked like an old Man setting there, was the Word made flesh. Hallelujah. It was the living Word. He knowed that that was the living Word, because It was acting and living in present tense. Glory to God, brother.

199 Pentecostal's fine, but it's a painted fire if you haven't received It yourself. Not a past tense, a present tense, what good is a God of history if He isn't the same God today? As I've often said, what good does it do to give your canary bird vitamins to make his wings grow, and put him in a cage and keep him there? What's the use of teaching that there is a God of power, and then denying the people of the privilege of serving Him? Amen. Certainly. Nonsense.

Why you got all these seminaries around like a big incubator, hatching out preachers? See?

I always felt sorry for an incubator chicken; he really didn't have any mammy. He never knowed where he come from. Nobody to mother him, he come out mechanically. That's about the way with a seminary preacher that only knows theology. He might be as smart and polished as any scholar could be; he might be able to preach in many different languages; but if he don't know who his Parent is...

203 As I said not long ago; if any thing is a ignorant thing, is a mule. He don't know who's papa or mama is. He's a hybrid thing (See?); he don't know who, what papa, mama. He don't know where he belongs. That's like some of these hybrid Christians, so-called, bred in by denominations. But a good thoroughbred horse is pedigreed; he knows what it's all about.

And a good thoroughbred Christian knows where the Storehouse of God is. They know that they're borned of the Word. The Word is made flesh in them. Every Word that God says, they don't differen with It; they say, "It's right. Amen, and amen." They punctuate It with an "amen," every time. "Amen. Amen." Something in them punctuates It Himself.

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."


"He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also."


"Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved. These signs shall follow them that believe."


The old hen said, "Cluck-cluck-cluck, the days of miracles is past."

But, "Honk-honk-honk, I smell the water."...?...

That's right. See? Why? You are putting God to the test. See, that's it. God first, act upon His Word, and see if It's right. That's true.

208 John the Baptist was following right along his line of duty. When just a--a boy, we don't have much record. His father was a fine man, but disbelieved God. God was going to... determined to bring it through Elisabeth, this baby. So He told her according... She would conceive this child. And he doubted it, and He struck him dumb. I'd imagine the heart of John the Baptist's parents, Elisabeth and Zacharias, was kind of grieved, because they knowed they were old. And this promised child that had been born, that God had performed a miracle and had brought this child into the world, when they were old and past age. They knowed that their hearts were grieved, because they couldn't live long enough to see him perform his great work of God. But they dedicated him to it. Glory to God. Somewhere beyond the stars and moon, they could look down and see it. They'd never see this little boy... They died. They died when he was just a child yet, a young fellow, a boy; he left his home and went into the wilderness. There he was brought up under the power of God.

210 God told him, "You're the voice of one crying in the wilderness. I'm sending you forth. Go, and cry."

How John must've waited each day, as he run the snakes in the rocks and kicking the stones. Oh, I can't wait."

"What are you waiting on, John?"

"Just I want to hear His commission; that's all. Get out of the way, snakes." They'd take for the rocks. That's the reason them Pharisees come out, he said, "Oh, you generation of vipers, take for the rocks."

213 I say the same thing tonight. You generation of vipers, take for the water. Amen. You know what I'm talking about. These tapes... This is taped, it'll go all over the world. Take for the water if you want to see God's miracles.

John following right along, a fine-looking fellow come up; he said, "Maybe that's Him." He looked. "No, that's not Him. No."

"God gave me a promise."

"John, you say the Messiah's alive today?"


"Where's He at?"

"Here on earth somewhere. I don't know where He is, but I'll know Him when He comes."

"How do you know?"

"God told me what to look for."

216 "How do you know you're going to get healed when you're prayed for?" God told me what to look for. "How do you know you're going to receive the Holy Ghost?" I followed His Word. He told me what to look for. I know what's coming next. See? Do you know what's coming next? If you'll obey God's Word, His promise comes next. He can't lie; He's God.

"What's next?"

John said, "I'll see Him when He comes."

They said, "Oh, look at this fellow coming here, that--he's got a crown on his head, that must be the Messiah driving those horses."

Said, "That's not Him."

Walked right up to him, said, "It's not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." They knowed there was something wrong there? Walked up to him and told him. That was Herod. You see? And, oh, it made his wife so mad, she hated him as long as she lived. See?

219 John kept looking. He said, "Oh, I'll know Him when He comes."

"How do you know?"

"God told me I'd see a sign, and it would be a Messiahic sign. I'll know the Messiah because the Messiah sign will be there."

God knows His Church. He said, "These signs shall follow them." Not "They'll belong to the Methodists, Baptists, or Pentecostals." But, "These signs shall follow them that believe." He knows believers.

Sometime you say today, "Are you a believer?"

"Oh, I'm Methodist." Well, that shows you're not a believer then. See? "I'm Pentecostal." That still shows you're not a believer. When you're a believer, you believe God. Everybody knows it; you are sealed by the Kingdom of God; and a seal's on both sides of the page, both coming and going. See, you can tell them.

224 All right. He said, "I'll know Him when He comes, because there'll be a sign. I'll see the Messiahic sign." And one day he looked. Oh, brother. Why? He was looking for It; that's how he recognized It. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] I hope that sinks in. Are you looking for It? Are you watching for something to take place? Then know the Scriptures.

226 Now, all them priests standing around there was five times smarter than John. We don't have record where he went to school one day. But there stood priests, that their great-great-great-great-grandfathers were priests. There stood men there that knowed every inch of that scroll, all the prophets and Genesis, and all about it. But, you see, John was looking for a sign, a Messiah. He knowed if that was God, there'd be something supernatural about it. That's right.

So is it today. If you're a Christian, there's something supernatural struck you. If it didn't strike, you're deceived. You still live the same life you once lived, still love the same things you still loved at the first, you still love them, you're deceived (That's right.), not a son or daughter of God.

228 Then we find out John was standing there one day, and they say a--reading in the--a--a little story of Him, said that John was on one side of the river; they done backed him up on the other side. That's the way they do a servant of God: back him out of every denomination, every organization, everything else. He didn't have a pulpit to stand in; but he was in mud up to his knees. He didn't have a tuxedo suit on, his collar turned around either. No, sir. He had a piece of sheepskin draped around him, probably looked like a wild man standing out there.

229 And them priests said, "Do you mean to tell me that there'll come a time when this great temple, our great organization, will fall?"

He said, "Sure, it will."

"How do you know it?"

"How do you read the Scripture? There's coming a Messiah, and that Messiah will take away the daily sacrifice. Daniel said so. The prophet said so." Hallelujah. Oh, I feel more religious all the time. (I got to stop.)

"How do you know it?"

"The prophet said so."

That's how Micaiah knew that he couldn't bless Ahab; Elijah done cursed him. That's all. He had to stay with the Word. You want to see the works of God, you have to follow the Word of God. He knowed it couldn't happen.

232 So what happened then? He wanted to see the works of God. John said, "I'll know Him when He comes."

One day he was standing there, he said, "Yes, there'll come a time that the daily sacrifice will be taken away. The Messiah will be the daily Sacrifice. And the abomination that maketh desolations will set in."

"Rabbi, where do you get that? That's contrary to our creed." But It's not contrary to God's Word. There's a prophet, because the Word of the Lord was with that prophet. That's right.

And he said that, "Behold, there stands the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." An ordinary, little, stoop-shouldered Fellow standing there, come walking down towards the river, walking along with Lazarus, just an ordinary Man, dressed like ordinary men: no priest, no turban, no crown, no nothing; just a poor Boy, Carpenter, come walking down with His hands full of splinters, maybe; come walking down.

"Do you mean to tell me..."

"What? Can't you see Him? There..." "Behold" means, "look up to, esteem." "There's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

237 Some of them said, "Well, you know Who that is? That's that carpenter's son. Now, we know that guy's not no prophet." But He was. He was. He knowed. "Why? He don't know what he's talking about." Yes, he did. "How can he tell him any different from any other men. The Messiah will be different. How will we know it?" John saw something they didn't: depends on what you're looking at.

What do you see tonight? Do you see a great popular man in a great denomination and everything fall into your lap, or do you take the way with the Lord's despised few? Do you see the Bible? Do you see God's Word? If you're born again, you'll see It. Until you are, you can't see It.

239 Here He come. He said, "He that told me, in the wilderness..." Oh, brother. "He that told me to cry. I've been crying here for six months, plumb up in the Aenon, everywhere here, up-and-down this Jordan, wading this mud, fussing with you preaches--preachers, kicking your denominations around, stepping on your sore toes. But the Thing is here; I see It."

"How do you know?"

"The same One told me to be a voice crying in the wilderness, God had raised me up for that purpose, said, 'upon Whom I shall see the Spirit...'"

John knew Him. What did he do? He preached the Word first, obeyed the Word, and he saw the sign of God. And remember, it's not recorded that any other person standing there saw It. John saw It alone. It depends on what you're looking for. Why? John was obeying the Word. Priests and them wasn't obeying the Word. John was obeying the Word, his commission, and he saw It. (We'll hurry quickly; got to.)

242 Martha at the grave, she had met the Word of God. She believed It. Before she could see the miracle of God, she had to believe the Word of God and act upon It. She said, "Lord, if you would've been here, my brother had not died."

He said, "Martha, I am the Resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die. Believest thou this?"

She said, "Yea, Lord." There you are: acting. "I believe."

"What do you believe, Martha?"

"That Thou art the Christ that was to come into the world."

Said, "Where you buried him?"

Got down there at the grave, and there He was standing there. (Said, "I want to see if she really believes that I am the Word.") Said, "Take away the stone." She went to acting on the Word. She had to to see death turned to life. And the only way you'll ever be able to see death turned to life, is take His Word and act upon It.

If you're a sinner, take His Word and act upon It, then you'll see the miracle of God. You become a miracle of God. If you're sick, take the Word of God. Doctor says, "You're going to die." Take the Word of God and act upon It, that'll bring new life.

249 Oh, my. Sorry to keep you so long. Just a couple more, then I'll quit. See, just a couple more... Honest, I will. I'm sorry to take my brothers' time. See, just leaves them two hours for it. Look.

The woman at the well. She was a sinner. She had five husbands. She come out there one day to get some water. She started to draw the water, and she heard a Man say, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

She looked around, and she said, "It's not customary for Jews to speak to Samaritans. I'm a woman of Samaria. And it's not customary. Why would You speak to me?"

He said, "But if you knew Who you was talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink."

"Why," she said, "the well's deep, and You have nothing to draw with." Said, "How--how--how You going to get a drink?"

And He said, "The Water that I give, will be a fountain of Water, a gusher, bubbling up in the soul."

255 She said, "Now, wait a minute. You're a Jew, You worship at Jerusalem, and our fathers worship at this mountain," and so forth.

He said, "Believe Me. The hour is coming, and now is, when you neither worship at Jerusalem or in this mountain. But God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in the Spirit."

No doubt the little woman said, "Now, wait a minute. Who is this Fellow anyhow?" He wanted her to know Who He was, because she had to introduce Him to the Samaritans. "Who is He?" She said...

He talked to her a few minutes. He said, "Woman, go get your husband and come here."

But she said, "Now, He's acting smart." See? She said, "I don't have any husband." Oh, oh.

Then the stick went on the sacrifice. See, something happened. What happened? She seen the miracle of God. Said, "You've said the truth. Because you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband, so you told the truth."

261 She turned. She knowed that God to the people had been dead for years; their priests and rabbis, and so forth, they talked about a God. But was promised in the Bible that there was coming One.

She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. (See?) We know that the Messiah cometh." ("Now, let me be sure of this.") "We know that Messiah cometh." ("I'll ask Him this, and I'll see what His word is; a man can't tell me that, that don't know God.") "We know that Messiah cometh Who is called the Christ. And when He comes, this is the thing that He'll do when He comes. We're looking for Him."

He said, "I'm He."

That was enough. That was enough. She run into the city. She said, "Come, see a Man that told me the things that I have done."

Before she could bring that message, she had to first see the miracle of God. Before she could see the miracle of God, she had to take God at His Word. That's exactly right. Oh, my, how we could go on. Let's get another one.

265 Pentecost... After they had walked with the Word, after they had seen the Word, after they had believed the Word, but before they could see the miracle of Pentecost, they had to obey the Word. See? "Go up to the city of Jerusalem," said the Word, "and wait there until you're endued with power from on high."

Now, what if eight days passed, Matthew looked over to Mark, and said, "You know what? I had a little funny feeling the other day, that must have been the Holy Ghost. He told us to wait up here. See, that must have been It."

"Oh, let's wait another day."

267 The ninth day comes on. "Well, now, He told us to go up here, nine days ago. Surely, don't you believe we've received It? I believe we got It when we believed Him. Don't you think so?" Oh, you good Baptists. See? Said, "I believe. I believe we got It, because He told us to come up here. And you know what I believe? I believe, as soon as we got up here, we obeyed what He said."

But what did He say? He didn't say, "When you get up there, you'll get It." He didn't say, "Wait five days, or nine days." He said, "Until..." That's it. "They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength." See?

269 What do you do? Take His Word, act on It, and stay right with It. Each day, stand toe-to-toe with Satan with It. "It's written. It's written. It's written. It's written. It's written. It's written. It's written. It's got to come to pass. You're acting upon the Word (See?); then you'll see the miracle of God. That's right. But first you have to act on It.

They went up there and they obeyed the Word, they stayed there. The ninth day come. I can hear Peter say, "You know what, what do you brethren think?"

Mark might've raised up and said, "You know what? Brethren, let's just accept It by faith, because we're obeying." No, you're not fully obeying.

273 You said, "I was baptized in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." That--that ain't fully obeying. See? You say, "I joined the church." That's not obeying. See? "I repeat the Apostles' Creed." That still isn't obeying It. "Oh, brother, I quit my lying and stealing. I don't do anything mean." That still ain't obeying. It's got to be a birth. There's got to be something happen. You've got to die, and Something be born in you.

Oh, after so many days they waited; nine days passed. They said, "Let's just accept It, and go on with our ministry. The world is a-dying out there; why should we wait any longer?"

276 I can hear Peter say, "But you know, Something tells me that it ain't right yet. That ain't just exactly obeying the Word. See, if we expect to see the miracle that God promised us, of sending the Promise of the Father upon us, we've got to wait here until something happens. Because the Scripture said that it would come in this form; Joel said, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Upon my handsmaids and maid servants will I pour out of My Spirit. I'll show signs and wonders in the heavens and in the earth.' Isaiah the prophet said, 'And with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people, and this is the sabbath day that they should enter in. For all this, they would not hear it.' Now, brethren, we couldn't walk out here like that, without even seeing any experience at all. See? We've got to have something, because He said, 'Wait here until you're endued with power.' Now, I haven't got any more power than I did when I come in here. I've been here all night; I've been here the next night; I've been here nine nights; I'm just the same as I was when I come in here. And He told us we would receive power, so let's just keep on waiting."

277 Then all of a sudden when they fully obeyed the Word of God, then they saw the miracle of Pentecost. They saw Fire fall in the building. That Pillar of Fire come down in amongst the people; and big licks like cloven tongues set upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and begin to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Something happened. When? When they--when they made their decision to--that they'd already received It? No. When they fully obeyed the Word of God, they saw the miracle of Pentecost. So is it today; you got to do the same thing.

279 Now, friends, I really will close on this one. I ain't going to turn another page. All right, next man get ready when I say this.

Now, although called everything that can be called, bad, "holy-roller, Pentecostal, church-breaker, hypocrite, Beelzebub, dreamer," everything that can be called, we're called. But what do they do, call you what? "Dreamer, Beelzebub, false prophet, Jesus Only," everything else that can be called, everything bad that could be called... But by believing the true Word of God, His true prophet of the Word, what do we do? We see the things that we see.

281 Oh, they'll come from the East and West,

They'll come from the lands afar,

To feast with our King, to dine as His guests;

How blessed these pilgrims are!

Beholding His hallowed face

Aglow with love Divine;

Blessed partakers of His grace,

As gems in His crown to shine.

Jesus is coming soon,

Our trials will then be o'er,

Oh, what if our Lord this moment should come

For those who are free from sin?

Oh, then would it bring you joy,

Or sorrow and deep despair?

When our Lord in glory comes,

We'll meet Him up in the air.

282 Why? We're acting upon His Word. Amen. Call anything you want to. We see the sign of the Messiah in our midst. We see a Pillar of Fire: can't deny it. Call us anything they want to. God's here. Science has took the picture of It. Why? Obeying His Word. It's never been done in history, but yet the mechanical eye of the camera says it's Him, there's a Light struck the lens. Why? Taking God's Word first. Let the denominations kick you out, if they want to. Let them all turn their back on you, if you want to. But act upon the Word of God, if you want to see the miracles of God.

283 Jesus promised, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

That Angel came down, God manifested in a human body, turned His back to the tent and said to--not knowing who Abraham was, pretendingly, said, "Abraham." Not Abram; He'd just changed his name a couple days before that. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Not S-a-r-a-i, S-a-r-a-h. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Called him by his fatherly name, and her by her princess name... Oh. Who was He? Abraham knowed right then Who that was.

He said, "She's in the tent, behind You."

He said, "I'm going to visit you, Abraham. ('I,') I'm going to visit you according to My promise that I give you, because you've waited now all these years. Twenty-five years you've waited for it. You stayed right with the Word, acting upon the Word. You denied that you even belong on the earth. You've become a pilgrim and a stranger. You're seeking a City to come, Whose Builder and Maker is God. I promised you that through this child that would be brought forth, that he'd--you'd be a father of many nations. I've promised it. You've acted on the Word; now you're going to see the miracle of God."

"How will I see it, my Lord?"

"Where is Sarah, thy wife?"

"In the tent behind You."

Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life."

And Sarah laughed within herself, said, "How can me, an old woman, and my lord old too, ever have pleasure again?"

He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"

He'd acted upon the Word of God. He was seeing the miracle of God.

Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, act upon the Word of God, and you'll see the miracle of God.

289 What was it? When we stood here not long ago preaching the Church Ages, and brought them down, and that little sign that's over there, drawed them here on the board. And right in this audience, before more people than setting in here now, just as soon as I got through speaking, a Light glowed down, and went back yonder and hung on that wall. And a shadow came over it, while everybody looking at it, and measured off those church ages just exactly the way they're there. How many's here now that was here that day, raise your hand as a...?... Looking at it with your own eyes, what was it? First, believing the Word of God, preaching the Word of God, receiving the Word of God; and we saw the miracle of God confirming the Word that It was right.

Oh, Jesus is coming soon, (all together)

Our trials will then be o'er.

Oh, what if our Lord this moment should come

For those who are free from sin?

Oh, then would it bring you joy,

Or sorrow and deep despair?

When our Lord in glory comes,

We'll meet Him up in the air.

290 Amen. Why? We are believing on His Word, keeping the Oil in the lamp, it trimmed and burning, letting your Light so shine that other men could see your good works, your fruits, glorify the Father which is in heaven. And what will happen? Believing the Word of God, and acting upon the Word of God, we'll meet Him up in the air: not a shadow of doubt.

God bless you. I'm going to quit about one-third through. I'll finish it some other time, the Lord willing. "If God is with us, where is His miracles?" See? Do you believe it?

292 O God, let us see a--a coming year. Let us see a coming year, till our hearts will not be satisfied with a church denomination, or a creed, with a handshake, or a so-called, religion. Let us not be satisfied till we feel the miracle working power in God taking the--in our own hearts, taking the world out, and forming Christ. Now, not tonight, and tomorrow start doing something else, but grow in Him, up to His stature. We grow up to Him, until we meet Him. Let's bow our heads.

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for me;

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for me.

293 Our heavenly Father, with humbleness of soul and spirit, hoarse in my voice, and these few cut up or broke up words, Lord, I pray that You'll take them and patch them together, not knowing how to do it, but just saying what come in my mind. Place it down in the heart of every person, and let them see and believe it, with the attitude that it was presented. And, Father, it'll make reasonings for them; it'll bring Christ to them. Bless us tonight, Father. We wait, acting upon the Word of God.

Bless these brothers, Lord. Forgive me, Father, for taking some of their time. I pray that You'll anoint them with the Holy Ghost in such a way, that the power of God will fall through the building here, and sinners may come to the altar, and--and weep their way to Calvary, and that sick will be healed, and great signs and wonders will be done, and we'll see the miracle working power of the living God. We wait for that, Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

295 Praise the Lord. You love Him? If God be with us, let's see His sign. Where is the sign of the Messiah that's the same yesterday, today, and forever? If that Messiah is the same, He'll have the same sign. Where is He at? What organization does He belong to? What organization can we go join up with and find the Messiah, His sign? What house can we enter to find it? Think of it.

Sorry, Brother Neville... [Tongues and interpretation come forth--Ed.] Amen. Praise Jesus. Blessed Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Thank You.

1Ďakujem ti, brat Neville. Dobrý večer, priatelia. Znovu naspäť... Nikdy som to tak nemal, ale dnes ráno som zabral štyri hodiny. Je to hanba. Potom, čo som hovoril štyri hodiny, by ste mali byť zo mňa tak unavení, že by ste ma mali vyhnať z pódia. [zhromaždenie hovorí "Nie!" Brat brata Branhama Doc vraví, "To mi pripomína, Bill. Niekto mi dnes povedal, že ti vždy zostane veľa vecí, do ktorých sa nikdy nedostaneš." – pozn.prekl.] Je to tak. ["Ale dnes večer môžeš mať toľko času, koľko len chceš." Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen." Doc hovorí, "Tak, nemusíš nič z toho vypustiť." – pozn.prekl.] Mám tu poznačenú asi polovicu Biblie. [Niekto hovorí, "Máš na kázanie celú noc."] Máme tu niekoľko vzácnych bratov; chceme ich počuť.

3Koľkí sa tešili zo služby dnes ráno, o... [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] V skutočnosti, štyri hodiny. Neviem, kam išla tá páska.

Po zhromaždení mi volala moja sestra a povedala, "To nemohlo byť pre nikoho iného." Povedala, "To muselo byť pre mňa. Povedala, "Povedala som," svojmu mužovi, "Junior," povedala, "čo si ty o tom myslíš?" "Ó," on povedal, "Počul som od brata Branhama i niečo lepšie než toto." Ona povedala, "Potom som si bola istá, že to všetko bolo pre mňa," povedala. Verím, že je znova tu, alebo by som to na ňu povedal, ale nechám to tak. Delores, kde si? Nie je tu. No, tak to poviem. Ona povedala, "Bola som vinná toho, že som trochu, vieš, make-up, trochu strihania." Povedala, "Je s tým koniec." Ona si uvedomila, že ešte nie je mŕtva. Vidíte? Vy musíte zomrieť, tak nazval som to posolstvom na nový rok. Nech Pán udelí Svoje požehnania.

6Tak je to pekné, dnes večer, vidieť tu tak mnohých. Brata Grahama Snellinga. Ja som práve vchádzal v tom čase, aby som ho počul, ako končí tú starú pieseň, "A budeme bývať na vrchu Sion."

7Myslím, že tu nie je nikto, kto by si pamätal Rabbiho Lawsona. Pamätá si ho niekto? Áno, dvaja alebo traja z vás, brat Graham, ktorý... Brat Slaughter, ktorý spôsobil, že som začal rozmýšľať o bratovi Lawsonovi. Pamätáte si, ako on zvykol spievať? Malý chlapík, volal som ho "rabbi", pretože on nosil malý placatý, čierny klobúk. On bol letničný kazateľ. Ale mal veľké žltohnedé okuliare a ja som povedal, "Vyzeráš ako rabbi." A tak sme ho vždy volali Rabbi Lawson, skvelý brat. A on bol tak starý, chodil zhrbený; jazdil autom a jeho kolená tuhli. Zavesil si svoju barlu, alebo svoju palicu na chodenie na túto stranu. Sadol som si na stoličku. A keď sa dostal do toho, "Tie kolesá smrteľného života sa zastavia," on zodvihol tú starú palicu ponad svoje ramená a zahákol ju okolo môjho krku a takto ma vyviedol von, takto, položil svoje ruky okolo mňa a "potom budeme bývať na vrchu Sion."

8Poznal tu niekto ďalší Rabbiho Lawsona? Len málo z vás. Chcem teraz povedať toto. Stala sa mu divná vec. On bol naozaj malý kazateľ, skvelý brat. A on nemal žiadne veľké poverenia; to nebola jeho misia. Ale ja verím, že on žil verne tomu, čo mu bolo zverené; to je tá hlavná vec.

9A jeho manželka si myslela, že on nezarábal dosť peňazí, zatiaľ čo kázal, tak on si chcel zohnať nejakú prácu. Po celý čas študoval Bibliu. Tak jedného dňa sa ona tak na neho nahnevala; ona jednoducho schmatla tú Bibliu rovno z jeho lona, zobrala ju, zapálila v peci a hodila ju do pece a spálila ju. A o pár mesiacov vešala nejaké vianočné svetlá a chytil sa jej oheň z vianočného stromčeka a spálil ju rovno na tom istom mieste. Vidíte, zožnete to, čo zasejete. "Nedotýkajte sa mojich pomazaných; neškoďte mojim prorokom.“ Vidíte?

10Premýšľajte o Slove Božom, tí ľudia, ktorí tam mali tú nehodu, a potom sa Satan snažil zničiť ich... Ja ich vidím vzadu, ako tam vstávajú a nechávajú, aby niekto potom vošiel. Ich príves a všetko, čo tam mali, zhorelo do tla. Bol som tam. Tá jediná vec, ktorá zostala, myslím, že to bola stará požehnaná Biblia, a myslím, že moja kniha a kniha brata Osborna. Všetko v ich prívese zhorelo na popol. Zodvihol som tú Bibliu; z vonku bola trochu začmudená. Povedal som tej sestre a bratovi, že jedného dňa, ak Pán dá, ja by som to rád zobral tu z tejto kazateľne a kázal na text, „Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ Keď sa to všetko skončí, to Slovo je stále tam. Či to nie je nádherné, ako sa Boh stará o Svoje Slovo? A potom nech to Slovo je vo vás, On sa postará o vás. Je to tak.

11V čase záplav som tu jedného večera kázal, zodvihol som svoju Bibliu. Počas noci sa prevalila záplava vysoká takmer 37 stôp [11,28m — pozn.prekl.], ako sa valila cez túto modlitebňu, vzala túto kazateľňu, zodvihla ju; vtedy tam nebol žiaden ďalší strop, a postavilo ju to rovno naproti stropu. To Slovo bolo pod tou kazateľňou a namiesto toho, aby sa potopilo, ono plávalo, zobralo ho to hore ku tomu stropu. A ja som tu vesloval v loďke všade naokolo. A potom, keď tie vody opadli, ono pristálo dolu a ležalo rovno tu otvorené v tej istej kapitole, z ktorej som čítal, po tej záplave. „Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie.“ Je to pravda. On je nádherný. Však?

12Úprimne, chcem, aby ste odtiaľto mohli odísť skutočne rýchlo, pretože oni majú tak veľa dobrých kazateľov. Rozmýšľal som, že by som ich všetkých zavolal na pódium, ale nemáme pre nich dosť stoličiek. Pretože odkedy som prišiel sem do posluchárne, som ich zopár uvidel, ktorí zrejme majú nejaké posolstvo na dnes večer. Chceme počuť od nášho pastora a od ďalších, posolstvo, ktoré majú na svojich srdciach dnes večer. A ja budem skutočne stručný a pokúsim sa povedať niečo malé.

13A potom, dnes večer niečo začíname, alebo niečo sa dnes večer deje, ak Boh dá, čo sme nikdy neurobili za celý svoj život. Len som jedného večera o tom rozmýšľal a zavolal som bratovi Neville, a on myslel, že to je dobrý nápad. Namiesto všetkého toho rozruchu a pískania na píšťaly, a vykrikovania a takého zachovávania sa a pitia a novoročného hýrenia a tak ďalej, my prídeme ku oltáru a budeme mať o polnoci večeru Pánovu, s … A každý jeden z nás, ako počúvame tie slová dnes večer od týchto rôznych kazateľov, buďme skutočne úctiví.

14No, minulú nedeľu večer som vyhlásil vianočné posolstvo. A potom som povedal cirkvi, ľuďom z Georgie a z ďalších miest „Nechoďte k nám,“ pretože to by vyradilo ich deti z vianoc. Oni sú... Oni sa na to tešia; oni sú jednoducho deti. A ja by som vám poslal tie pásky. No, vy, ktorí by ste neprišli, tie pásky pôjdu na moje náklady. Len to oznámte bratovi Woodovi a ostatným, a ja sa o to pre vás postarám a dostanete tú pásku.

15A teraz, dnes večer chcem len najprv povedať túto jednu vec, predtým, ako budem čítať môj text. A zrejme, pri kázaní budeme takmer do polnoci. A potom pôjdeme do asi pätnásť, dvadsať minút pred dvanástou, vyjdeme von a vezmeme ten nekvasený chlieb, Večeru Pánovu, paschálneho baránka, a dáme to sem, ten nekvasený chlieb, a potom vzdáme vďaku Bohu a budeme stáť pri oltári so sklonenými hlavami a srdciami a prijmeme večeru Pánovu. A myslím, že tá miestnosť je plná nahrávacích zariadení a tak ďalej. Neviem, či sme... Čo povedať? Oni budú vonku v tom čase, tak my nevynecháme ani umývanie nôh. A zajtra je pondelok a niektorí z vás ľudí z pomimo mesta máte veľa času na to, aby ste odišli domov. A dôverujem, že Boh vás požehná.

17A toto bude zrejme naposledy čo som s vami, až kým sa nevrátim zo západu. Idem do Arizony, zrejme najprv do Luisiany, potom do Arizony a Kalifornie. A potom hneď, ako sa vrátim, dúfam, že budem znovu s vami. Až do vtedy, modlite sa.

Nikdy som si nerobil žiaden cestovný plán. Verím, že dnes večer uvidím na zhromaždení brata Bordersa. Vyvolal som ho dnes ráno. A on robí záznamy a raz mi ukázal jednu knihu, v ktorej boli pozvania rôzneho druhu. Ale nejako, v tomto čase mi Duch Svätý povedal, „Choď na jedno miesto. A keď tam skončíš, Ja ti poviem, kam odtiaľ ísť.“ Vidíte, takto som vedený, čo robiť ďalej. Tak musíme byť veľmi blízko tej línie, keď On to začína robiť (Vidíte?), jednoducho vedieť, kdekoľvek niekto volá a čaká.

19Nie kvôli novoročnému predsavzatiu, pretože my ich nerobíme: oni nespravia nič dobré, porušíte ich. Videl som môjho otca vyhadzovať na nový rok večer krabičku tabaku a díval sa, kam ju vyhodil, aby si ju mohol na druhý deň zobrať. Vidíte? A tak to chodí. Nerobme predsavzatia. Prosme o milosrdenstvo a milosť, prosme o Božie milosrdenstvo.

20A ak ja nebudem mať viacej možnosť udeliť večeru Pánovu, možno v zhone v tom čase. Ja... Túto jednu vec túžim robiť; jedna z mojich túžob je, vidieť cirkev bez poškvrny a bez vrásky, aby Duch Svätý... Brat Graham, toto je túžba môjho srdca, vidieť cirkev, ktorá je tak naplnená Bohom, až v nej nikde nemôže zostať hriech, Duch Boží, ktorý ju vyvoláva, kdekoľvek to je. Chcem to vidieť. Jedna vec, po ktorej túžim, to jedno veľké videnie od Pána, ktoré som vždy túžil mať od Pána, On mi ho dal jedného rána asi o desiatej hodine. A to uspokojilo moju túžbu. Roky a roky, odkedy som kazateľom, som to túžil vidieť, a nakoniec sa to stalo. No, ja som veľmi vďačný Bohu. Nič som o tom nepovedal, len som si to zapísal. A ja viem, že to je presne to, za čo som prosil po celý ten čas.

22A teraz, modlím sa a dôverujem Bohu... A dnes večer, nad touto kazateľňou, zasväcujem nanovo svoj život Jemu. Veľkou túžbou v mojom živote je byť pokornejší pred Bohom a pred Jeho ľudom. Vediac, že to je jednou z mojich hlavných chýb, že pristupujem ku verejnosti takým spôsobom, to zobralo mnohých odo mňa, ktorí tu zvykli byť. Dôverujem, že Boh mi navráti tú radosť, ktorú som raz mal. Nie, že by som stratil svoju radosť, nie; ale mám na mysli, že ja chcem toho viac, viac, viac pokory slúžiť Pánovi. Tento nadchádzajúci rok som sľúbil Bohu, ak mi On dovolí žiť a dá mi zdravie a silu, že sa budem snažiť byť služobníkom Božím a bratom pre ľudí z celého môjho srdca. Nech vás teraz Boh žehná. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

23Ako ten svet, Otče, ktorý sa točí okolo rovníka, ako je nám povedané, teraz sa to začne znova hýbať naspäť od najkratšieho dňa roku ku najdlhšiemu. Len krátky čas a tie píšťaly budú pískať, ľudia budú vykrikovať, zvonce budú zvoniť; a starý rok je preč a nový prichádza. A, Otče, ďakujeme Ti, že si nám dovolil vidieť tento rok 1961. A prosíme, aby si nám odpustil všetky naše hriechy, ktoré sme spáchali počas tohto roku. A ak bola jedna vec, ktorú sme urobili, ktorá bola dobrá, nech je Tvoje Meno zvelebené. Pretože to sme neboli my, nehodní, ale to si bol Ty, Duch Svätý, ktorý nakoniec vložil Svoju cestu do nášho života, napriek nášmu vzdorovitému stavu, a urobil si niečo, čo zvelebilo Boha. My sme vďační, že On to urobil. A, Otče, my sme sa dnes večer modlili, aby nás On zakaždým odtlačil na bok a nech vôľa Božia je uskutočnená v našich životoch.

24A dnes večer, ako naše sesterské zbory, ich pastori tu sedia, náš brat Graham a bratia z rozličných častí krajiny: Utica, Sellesburg a Georgetown, kdekoľvek to môže byť... Drahé duše zhromaždené spolu z mnohých, dokonca štátov, dnes večer, aby nám pomohli v tomto veľkom jubileu tu, ktoré oslavujeme, a obrátili sme sa do času spievania piesní, modlitby a počúvania Slova Božieho. Naplň každé srdce. Zober každú pochybnosť. Zober každý strach. A nech sa Duch Svätý pohne do našich sŕdc a zasadí to Slovo. Nech sme tou pôdou, do ktorej to Slovo vpadne, aby to prinieslo ovocie v tomto nadchádzajúcom roku. Udeľ to Pane.

25Pomôž mi teraz, to je môj čas, los padol v tomto čase na mňa aby som hovoril. Modlím sa aby si pomazal tie slová, ktoré budú povedané. A nech ony môžu vyjsť pod pomazaním Ducha Svätého, s očakávaním, Pane, že to privedie ľudí, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú, ku Tebe; a tých, ktorí sú tam, nech oni majú viac viery slúžiť Ti. Udeľ to Pane. A pomôž môjmu hlasu, zatiaľ čo som prechladnutý a unavený zo štvorhodinového posolstva dnes ráno, modlím sa aby si mi pomohol. Pomôž nám všetkým a drž nás pre tú nadchádzajúcu službu a večeru Pánovu.

26Požehnaj tento zbor a jeho pastora, nášho brata Neville, jeho dôverníkov a diakonov, a nech Ti oni slúžia tento rok šľachetnejšie než kedykoľvek predtým. Vďaka Ti za ich službu a statočnosť, ako oni stáli pri mne, keď som potreboval niekoho, aby stál pri mne. Brat Neville a brat Roy Roberson a všetci tí vzácni bratia, ktorí stáli pri nás v čase problémov a pod vedením Ducha Svätého učinili rozhodnutia najlepšie, ako vedeli. A tie rozhodnutia, ktoré oni urobili, boli potvrdené, že boli v Tvojej vôli, pretože Ty si požehnal ich rozhodnutia. Bože, pokračuj v tom, aby si bol s nimi. Pomôž nám teraz všetkým spolu. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

27No, pre vás, ktorí si značíte texty; a dôverujem, že sa budete za mňa modliť... A na krátku chvíľu, rád by som upútal vašu pozornosť ku porcii Slova nájdenej v Knihe Sudcov v 6. kapitole, počnúc od 7. verša. Chcel by som, aby ste ticho počúvali a počúvali to Slovo.

28Počujete ma tam vzadu? Zodvihnite svoje ruky, ak áno. Výborne. A ak sa oni dívajú, ktokoľvek to je, kto sem zapája tento mikrofón, bude pozorovať, ako to funguje. Sú zapnuté pásky?

29Sudcov 6. kapitola, 7. verš. No počúvajte pozorne, pretože ja sa budem na toto odvolávať na malú chvíľu.

A stalo sa, keď kričali synovia Izraelovi k Hospodinovi pre Madiana,

že Hospodin poslal muža proroka k synom Izraelovým a riekol im: Takto hovorí Hospodin, Bôh Izraelov: Ja som vás vyviedol hore z Egypta a vyviedol som vás z domu sluhov

a vytrhnul som vás z ruky Egypťanov i z ruky všetkých, ktorí vás utiskovali, zahnal som ich zpred vašej tvári a dal som vám ich zem.

A povedal som vám: Ja som Hospodin, váš Bôh. Nebudete sa báť bohov Amorejov, v ktorých zemi bývate. Ale ste neposlúchli môjho hlasu.

A anjel Hospodinov prišiel a posadil sa pod dubom, ktorý je v Ofre, ktorá patrí Joasovi Abiezerskému. A Gedeon, jeho syn, palicou mlátil pšenicu v preši, aby s tým utiekol pred Madianmi.

A ukázal sa mu anjel Hospodinov a riekol mu: Hospodin s tebou, udatný mužu!

Na to mu povedal Gedeon: Ó, môj pane, ak je Hospodin s nami, prečo prišlo na nás všetko toto? A kde sú všetky jeho zázraky, o ktorých nám rozprávali naši otcovia, keď nám vraveli: Či nás vraj nevyviedol Hospodin hore z Egypta? A teraz nás opustil Hospodin a vydal nás do ruky Madiana.

A Hospodin pozrel na neho a riekol: Idi v tejto svojej sile a zachrániš Izraela vytrhnúc ho z ruky Madiana. Hľaď, poslal som ťa.

30Ak sa bude páčiť Bohu, rád by som odtiaľ zobral text, verím, asi zo 14. verša, kde je povedané, „Ak je Boh s nami, kde sú potom všetky tie zázraky?“

31No, my sme všetci oboznámení so Sudcami Izraela. A čo oni vykonali Izraelitom; Filištíncom, Madiancom, Amorejom a všetkým tým ostatným, ktorí prišli ako kobylky, jednoducho požrali to, čo oni mali, a zobrali to a išli ďalej. Ale všimli ste si, oni to nemohli urobiť, až kým najprv Izrael neodpadol od Boha. Diabol na vás nemôže položiť svoju nohu tak, aby vám uškodil, až kým vy najprv neodstúpite od Boha. Musíte v prvom rade pamätať na toto. Skúmajte, keď sa čokoľvek deje, hľaďte, či ste vo viere, alebo nie, hľaďte, či ste na tom správnom mieste s Bohom; potom pamätajte, diabol vám nemôže uškodiť; vy ste v Kristovi.

33A toto miesto tu, ktoré sme práve opustili... Pred pár rokmi to boli prorokyňa Deborah a Barák. A ako ona prorokovala a povedala im, čo robiť, a to bolo presne tak. Barák, ten veľký bojovník... A ako oni zložili pieseň na ten triumf nad nepriateľom. Ale hneď, ako sa odchýlili, odišli znovu rovno do tých istých starých koľají.

34Ak to nie je obraz dnešnej cirkvi, hneď, ako sa to dostane z jedného zamiešania, ide to do druhého. Ale prišiel čas konať. A teraz je to to isté; prišiel čas konať. Prišiel čas, keď hra na cirkev u Boha skončila. Hra na cirkev skončila. Musíme vojsť do práce. A ja dôverujem, že ten istý Boh položí toto na srdcia ľudí dnes večer, že je čas prestať sa hrať na cirkev, prestať sa hrať na náboženstvo, hrať sa na spravodlivosť, a že teraz je čas konať.

35Ako som dnes ráno hovoril na tému, čo bolo to nové narodenie, a ako my ku tomu prichádzame, iste to stále vpadá do vášho srdca. No prišiel čas konať na základe toho, čo viete, že je pravda. Nemôžete konať s vierou, až kým najprv neviete, čo robíte. Najprv musíte vedieť, čo robíte, pred tým, ako by ste mohli mať vieru do toho, aby ste to vykonali.

36Raz mi niekto povedal, známy doktor, ktorý hovoril o zázraku, ktorý sa stal medzi—jednej chorej osobe. A on mi povedal, „Kazateľ, neveríš, že ak by si povedal tým ľuďom, aby išli von a dotkli sa stromu alebo stĺpu, že by sa stala tá istá vec?“ Povedal som, „Nie, pane.“ Povedal som, „Pretože nemôžeš mať vieru z toho, že sa dotkneš stromu alebo stĺpu.“ Viera nie je taká voľná. Ona musí byť založená na nejakom významnom fakte. Musíš vedieť niečo ohľadom toho, v čo máš vieru, pred tým, ako v to môžeš mať vieru. Tak my najprv musíme vedieť ako a čo: to, čo Boh túži, aký je Boží plán, a ako pristúpiť ku Bohu skrze ten plán. A potom môžeme smelo vykročiť ku trónu milosti a prosiť o to, čo je ten zasľúbený plán pre nás.

39No, oni sa hrali na cirkev. Hneď ako vyšli z jedného zamiešania... Boh ich vyslobodil. Potom namiesto toho, aby skutočne išli napred a slúžili Bohu, vidiac Jeho mocnú ruku, oni sa vykrútili znovu naspäť do vecí toho sveta. A tak prišiel čas, keď Boh zvolal dosť. A to musí tak byť. A ja si myslím, že teraz je čas zvolať dosť. My sme prekrútili Slovo Božie, aby pasovalo každej organizácii, ktorá je na svete, každému plánu, ktorý kedy človek naplánoval, aby ho vykonal. Pokrútili sme Slovo tým spôsobom, a pokrútili sme Slovo tamtým spôsobom a pokrútili sme ho nejako inak, aby to pasovalo nejakému plánu. Ale prišiel čas to zastaviť; zastaviť vaše hranie sa na cirkev. Prišiel čas, keď ľudia hovoria, „Ak môžete len dostať dosť Ducha na to, aby ste tancovali v Duchu; ak Ho môžete obdržať dosť na to, aby ste videli svetlá pred vašimi očami; alebo senzáciu, že niečo prebehne po vašom chrbte, alebo nejaké chvenie, nejaká triaška, nejaká emócia; dostali ste to.“ Niečo ste obdržali; ale ja by som nehovoril, čo ste mali, až kým by som nevidel, aký druh ovocia z toho vyrástol. Ako sme cez to išli dnes ráno, že nemôžete očakávať, že namiesto malého dieťaťa sa narodí hneď dospelý človek. Ono musí do toho dorásť. A my rastieme do Krista do tej plnej postavy. Niečo... Nie, že niekto sa dnes večer obráti a zajtra ide kázať evanjelium. My rastieme do mužnosti, do postavy Kristovej.

42No, zisťujeme, že keď sa Boží ľud dostáva do ťažkostí, Boh im vždy posiela proroka s pravdivým Slovom, aby ich vyviedol von. Boží ľud sa nikdy v žiadnom čase nedostal do problémov, kedy by im Boh nebol poslal Svoje Slovo. A Jeho Slovo, ako sme to mali dnes ráno, prichádza ku prorokom. A ako to otestujete? Tým, že zistíte, či je to podľa Slova. Ak to je podľa Slova, vtedy sa Božie Slovo stáva živým. No, mnohí možno povedia, „Toto je prorok našej cirkvi.“ „Toto je prorok našej cirkvi.“ A obaja si protirečia, jeden druhému, niekde niečo nie je v poriadku. My všetci musíme hovoriť tú istú vec. Potom musíme hovoriť, nie proti, ale presne s týmto Slovom. To je to, ako je otestovaný pravdivý prorok, či on má Slovo. Biblia povedala, „Ak ich svedectvo nie je podľa zákona a prorokov, nie je v nich žiadne Svetlo.“ Je to tak. Musí to byť podľa Slova.

45A Boh vždy, v každom prípade, posiela ľuďom pravdivého služobníka a pravdivého proroka, aby priniesol pravdivé Slovo Božie. A Slovo Božie je to, čo vždy ľudí vyslobodzuje. Tak, ak by sme išli naspäť a čítali by sme 7. až 10. verš, zistíme tam, v tomto 7. až 10. verši, že Izrael sa odvrátil od Boha a odišiel znova naspäť do sveta. A on prišiel odnikiaľ, dokonca ani neuvádza jeho meno... Nemyslím si, že prorok sa zaujímal o svoje meno. On sa zaujímal o jedno; Boh ho pomazal. To pre neho nerobilo žiaden rozdiel, či on bol zaradený ako jeden z ich denominácií, alebo niečo iné, či bol biskup alebo arcibiskup. Tá jediná vec, o ktorú sa on zaujímal, bolo posolstvo, ktoré bolo na jeho srdci. A on volal ľudí naspäť ku pokániu a porozumeniu toho, že ich Boh bol Bohom moci a Bohom vyslobodenia, Bohom zázrakov, ktorý ich vytrhol z ruky Egypťanov, otvoril Červené more a kŕmil ich na púšti, a Boh moci, ktorý mohol zobrať zem niekoho iného a dať ju im. Amen. To bol pravý prorok. On bol pomazaný a on bol hlasom Božím pre tých ľudí. On povedal, že to musí tak byť, pretože oni boli v problémoch.

47Títo Madiánci a Amorejci a tak ďalej, prišli všetci a zjedli celú ich zem. A tak ten nepriateľ urobil výzvu a museli sa s ním stretnúť. Ich armády to nemohli urobiť a ich kňazi to nemohli urobiť a ich cirkvi to nemohli urobiť. Tak to vyžadovalo Slovo Božie, aby sa stretlo s jeho výzvou. Nepriateľ dnes hovorí. Ten nepriateľ sa snaží povedať, že dni zázrakov pominuli, že nie je žiadna taká vec ako krst Duchom Svätým, a toto je len emócia, je to len vypracované.“ Tak ten nepriateľ urobil výzvu a jeho výzve je potrebné čeliť. Ten jediný spôsob, ako my môžeme čeliť výzve tohto dňa, keď denominácie volajú ľudí a vovádzajú ich do tejto organizácie, do tamtej, dovolia tým ženám strihať si vlasy a nosiť make-up; a mužom žiť každým druhom života, žiť ako dôverníci a diakoni a pastori v cirkvi, pretože oni majú nejaké Ph.D. alebo LL.D. to je požiadavka. Ježiš nikdy nepožadoval od človeka, aby to mal. Ježišova požiadavka bola, „Čakajte v meste Jeruzaleme, až kým budete odiati mocou z výsosti, potom Mi budete svedkami.“ To čelí jeho výzve. To čelilo nepriateľovej výzve. To čelilo v tom dni. To čelí v tomto dni.

50No, chcem, aby ste si všimli. Od 7. do 10. verša vidíme, že prichádza prorok. Od 1. do 7. vidíme, že ľudia odpadajú. A od 7. do 10. vidíme prichádzať proroka, a ako dáva ľuďom nápravu. Všimnite si, my nevieme, odkiaľ on prišiel; on nikdy nepovedal, že tam bol človek, alebo farizej, ktorý by bol na chvíľu kňazom. Neukazuje jeho pôvod. Tí proroci, oni povstávajú odnikiaľ.

51Pozrite na Eliáša. Eliáš bol ten posledný a ten šiesty z tých veľkých prorokov, mocných prorokov. Nevieme nič o jeho pôvode. Nevieme, do akej školy chodil. Nevieme, z akej bol rodiny. Tá jediná vec, ktorú vieme, je, že Boh bol s ním. A on vystúpil a on odišiel práve tak tajomne, ako vystúpil. Vyšiel z púšte, odnikiaľ, a išiel naspäť na púšť a bol vychvátený vo veternom voze a vzatý Ohňom do neba. On prišiel tajomne a on tajomne odišiel. Nemal žiaden teologický pôvod. Nevieme, odkiaľ prišiel, kto bol jeho otec, kto bola jeho matka, kto boli jeho bratia a sestry. Tá jediná vec, ktorú vieme; on bol mužom Božím. Boh ho zobral odnikiaľ a použil ho a vzal ho niekde: do Jeho prítomnosti. On bol muž Boží.

52A tu prichádza prorok na tú hodinu a dáva im Slovo Pánovo. Pamätajte, on im nikdy nedal nejakú človekom zostrojenú teológiu. On povedal, „Ja som Pán, ktorý som vás vyviedol z Egypta, ukázal som vám Svoju mocnú ruku, ukázal Som vám Svoju moc.“ Predstavujem si, že Gedeon tam sedel a počúval ho. „Ja som Boh, ktorý urobil tieto veci. A Ja som to všetko urobil pre vás a jednako ste neposlúchli Moje prikázania. V tom všetkom ste to nevykonali.“

53No, chcem aby ste si všimli ďalšiu vec, ktorá vás môže povzbudiť. Hneď po posolstve proroka sa zjavil na scéne Pán. Amen. Hneď, ako vypovedal svoje posolstvo sa Pán zjavil pod stromom. Pán prišiel po posolstve proroka, ako sedel pod stromom. Prorok vydal... Ľudia odpadli, dostali sa do svojich izmov. Boh poslal svojho proroka. Zakrátko na to, ako prorok vyhlásil svoje posolstvo, Pán nasledoval prorokovo posolstvo, aby ich vyslobodil.

54Ó, žijeme vo veľkom čase. Hneď, ako prorok opustil scénu, čo sa stalo? Pán prišiel na scénu. Hneď, ako Ján odišiel zo scény, Pán prišiel na scénu. Je to veľmi divné, ako Boh pracuje, ale On to robí, robí to záhadným spôsobom.

55Čítame tu v Písme, kde Gedeon, vystrašený, vonku v preši, mlátil si pšenicu, aby mal dosť, pred tým, ako by ho našli Filištíni alebo Madiánci. On a jeho otec, tam vonku, aby získali trochu jedla na zimu, mlátili to potajomky, aby ich nemohli nájsť. Pretože oni tam prišli ako kobylky a zobrali všetko, čo mali.

56To je to, ako to robí diabol. Začali sme s malou cirkvou, všetko išlo fajn. (Koľkí kazatelia nevedia, že toto je pravda?) Práve v tom čase, keď všetko ide dobre, príde nejaký podvodník rovno medzi tú skupinu a roztrhá ju na kusy (Je to tak), odtrhne ten zbor od nejakého muža, ak to môže urobiť. Vidíte, to je diabol. Prišli ako kobylky a zobrali to, čo im bolo dané. No, potom...

57Gedeon bol pravdaže biblickým mužom. Keď mu Anjel Pánov povedal... A ak si všimnete, to tam nebol Anjel Pánov. Tam je povedané, „A Pán,“ veľkým P-Á-N. To nebol Anjel. To bol Boh. To bola teofánia v človeku vo forme Boha, tak, ako sa zjavil Abrahámovi vzadu na púšti a vyzeral ako človek. Tak preto, on bol Poslom, On bol ten Anjel Pánov. A On sa mu zjavil. A On povedal, „Ty udatný muž,“ povedal, že ho ide zobrať a skrze neho vyslobodiť Izrael.

60A Gedeon sa opýtal tú otázku. Aký biblický muž to bol. To je ten druh muža, ku ktorému Boh prichádza, niekto, kto vie. Gedeon povedal, „Ak je Boh s nami, ak Ty si tým poslom, kde sú potom tie zázraky, o ktorých nám hovorili proroci?“ On vedel, že kdekoľvek Boh išiel, Jeho zázraky Ho nasledovali. On vedel, že kdekoľvek by Boh bol, tam by boli zázraky. A ako môžete očakávať, že dnes bude Boh pracovať medzi ľuďmi, ktorí neveria v zázraky? Ako to môže byť? A On ho nazval udatným mužom. Povedal, „No, skrze toto ty vyslobodíš Izrael.“ No, to vyzeralo ako muž, ktorý tam sedel, a to bol Muž. A on sa pozrel na Neho a povedal, „Nie, môj Pane, ak je Boh s nami, potom prečo máme všetky tieto problémy? A kde sú tie zázraky, o ktorých nám hovorili? Kde sú tie veci, ktoré Boh zvykol robiť?“

64No, existuje dobrý spôsob, ako sa spoľahnúť na to, či ten posol je pravý alebo nie. Ak on má formu pobožnosti, on bude zapierať tú moc, ktorá robí tie zázraky. Ak je poslom od Boha, on o tom nebude len hovoriť, ale on to prejaví, a ukáže, že Boh, o ktorom on hovorí, je s ním.

On povedal, „Ak by bol Boh...?...s nami, kde sú všetky Jeho mocné zázraky? Pretože my rozumieme...“ Počúvajte, ako bol Gedeon biblicky založený. Alebo inak, on povedal, „Ak... My rozumieme, že Boh je veľkým Bohom mocných skutkov. On je veľký Boh zázrakov. A ak On je za nás, a ak On je s nami, a On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, kde môžem vidieť Jeho zázraky? Kde môžem vidieť tohto Boha v akcii? Kde On je, ak je za nás?“

66Ten udatný muž mohol poukázať naspäť do Slova a vedieť, že to je tak, pretože on vedel toto, že Boh je nadprirodzená bytosť. A kdekoľvek je nadprirodzená bytosť, On bude robiť nadprirodzené znamenia, pretože to nadprirodzené je v Ňom. Nemôžete sa od toho dostať preč.

Ako môžete stáť tvárou v tvár vetru, bez toho, že by ten vietor na vás fúkal? Ako môžete vojsť do vody bez toho, že by ste sa zamokrili? Voda je mokrá. To je jej chemická vlastnosť. Ona je mokrá. A keď vstúpite do vody, zamokríte sa. Je to tak. A keď sa dostanete do prítomnosti Božej, do toho nadprirodzena, tam budú nadprirodzené znamenia a nadprirodzené skutky nadprirodzeného Boha.

69Preto on povedal, „Kde sú tie skutky, kde sú tie zázraky, ak je Boh s nami?“ Sláva. To je to. Vidíte, kde je Boh, tam sú zázraky. Kde je Boh, tam je znak Boží. Vidíte? A Gedeon, veľmi biblicky založený, povedal, „Kde sú tieto veci?“ Inými slovami, takto: „Ja som človek, možno päťdesiatročný,“ on by povedal. „ A ja som ich počul hovoriť o Bohu, ktorý činil zázraky. A išiel som do cirkvi a veril som tým kňazom. A veril som tým prorokom. A veril som napísanému Slovu, všetkým tým zvitkom. A čítal som v tých zvitkoch, kde Boh, keď On prišiel medzi svoj ľud, niečo sa stalo.“ A Gedeon len nevedel, kto bol ten muž, ktorý to sedel pod tým dubom. Amen. To je všetko, čo on vedel; To bol muž. On povedal, „No, ak je Boh s nami, kde sú všetky Jeho zázraky? Chceme ich vidieť.“ Aké biblické to je. Pretože tam, kde je to nadprirodzené, tam bude Boh so Svojimi znameniami. Kde je Boh, tam je znamenie Božie s Bohom. Vieme to. Ak je On vo Svojom ľude, oni budú vykonávať Jeho znamenia. Presne tak.

73 To je tá otázka, ktorú mal Gedeon, "Áno, kde je Boh? Ak je Boh, ak je Boh s nami, potom mi dovoľ vidieť, kde je Jeho znamenie. Bolo nám povedané, že On ich vykonáva. A ak táto veľká úloha leží predo mnou..." Možno ten starý muž, ktorý tam stál, a On vyzeral ako starý Muž. Biblia povedala, že On mal palicu vo Svojej ruke. Čítajte ďalej 6. kapitolu, keď prídete domov, alebo niekedy zajtra. On mal vo Svojej ruke palicu: starý Muž, vyzeral tak, sediaci pod stromom. A On ho nazval udatným mužom. A On povedal, že Boh ide urobiť túto vec. A povedal, "Boh s tebou." On povedal, "Potom kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak ten nadprirodzený Boh je tu, kde sú tie nadprirodzené skutky Božie?"

77To by ľahko mohlo byť povedané dnes večer v našich cirkvách. "Kde je ten Boh, ktorý raz žil? Či On zomrel? Zomrel? Či On niečo robí? Je na výlete?" Nie veru.

On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A ak my povieme, že sme z Boha, potom vidzme, kde Boh je. Vidzme znamenia Božie. Ak táto modlitebňa stojí za Boha, nech vidíme Boha, ako sa medzi nami pohybuje. Nech vidíme duše rodiace sa do Kráľovstva. Nech vidíme napravené životy. Nech vidíme chorých, slepých, hluchých, nech vidíme, ako sa dejú Jeho mocné skutky. Boha v našom strede...

"Ak je Boh za nás, kde sú všetky Jeho zázraky?" On sa opýtal tú otázku.

80No, ak je Boh s Jeho ľudom a v Jeho ľude, on nemôže--tá osoba si nemôže pomôcť v tom, aby nerobila tú istú vec, ktorú robil Boh. Pretože to nie je viac tá osoba; to je Boh v tom človeku. Ak ten človek hreší, potom Boh tam nie je. Ak on miluje svet, potom Boh tam nie je. A my vieme, že Boh nemá žiaden diel v hriechu. No, dám vám na toto Písmo, za chvíľu.

Ježiš, keď On bol na zemi, Jeho sa spýtali tú istú otázku. Oni chceli vedieť, "Ty, súc človekom, a robíš sa Bohom?"

Keď On uzdravil toho ochrnutého človeka, On povedal, "Tvoje hriechy sú ti odpustené."

On povedal, "No, počkaj chvíľu. Ty si človek a odpúšťaš hriechy?"

On povedal, "Aby ste vedeli, že Syn človeka má moc na zemi odpúšťať hriechy alebo uzdravovať; čo je ľahšie, 'Vezmi svoje ležisko a choď,' alebo--alebo povedať, 'Tvoje hriechy sú ti odpustené'? A potom On prehovoril ku tomu človekovi a on vstal a odišiel. A farizeovia sa Ho vypytovali.

85A Ježiš povedal, "Ak neveríte mne, verte tým znameniam, ktoré Ja robím." Vidíte, im bolo povedané, že tam bude prorok, ako Mojžiš, povstane, a to bude Mesiáš. A On povedal, "Ak nečiním skutky môjho Otca, potom mi neverte; Ja sa mýlim. Ale ak robím skutky Môjho Otca a vy Mi neveríte, potom verte tým skutkom. Čo robia tie skutky? Oni vám povedia, kto Som. Oni svedčia o Mne. Oni sú Mojím svedkom. Nie mojimi odporúčajúcimi listinami, že patrím do Presbyteriánskej cirkvi, alebo letničnej, môžem ukázať svoju kartu obecenstva; ale tie skutky, ktoré Ja robím, tie znamenia Božie, znamenia Mesiáša, oni sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne."

86Ježiš povedal, v sv. Jánovi 14:12, ak si zapisujete miesta Písma, sv. Ján 14:12, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť.“ Amen. Čo je to, bratia? Ak je Boh za nás, kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak je Boh v nás, čo sa s nami potom deje? Niekde niečo nie je v poriadku. Áno. Ježiš povedal, „Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, tomu, čo hovorím, pozorujte to, čo svedčí za Mňa, pretože ony sú tie, ktoré vydávajú svedectvo o Mne. Pán, váš Boh, povedal, že povstane prorok ako Mojžiš. A ktokoľvek by nepočúval na toho proroka, bude vyťatý spomedzi ľudu. Mesiáš mal mať znak, ktorý by Ho nasledoval. A ak Ma ten znak Mesiáša nenasleduje,“ povedal Ježiš, tak veľa slovami, „potom Mi neverte. Ale ak ten Mesiášsky znak svedčí o Mne, potom verte tomu znaku. Pretože ak by ste si mysleli, že Ja sa mýlim, ten znak je v poriadku, pretože on je podľa Písma.“ Halleluja.

89To je to, kde sa chcel dostať Gedeon. To je to, kde Gedeon stál. „Ó, ak tu je Boh, ktorý je s nami, my chceme vidieť ten znak, že On je Boh, že On je ten istý Boh, pretože On bude robiť tie isté znamenia.“ Čo Boh urobil? Gedeon povedal, „Počkaj, prinesiem nejakú obeť.“ A on išiel a zabil teľa alebo baránka a uvaril ho. Priniesol chlieb a priniesol toho baránka a položil to dolu. A ten Anjel povedal, „Počkám tu.“ Vyskúšaj všetky tie veci. Otestuj ich Slovom. A on povedal, „Počkám tu,“ možno dve alebo tri hodiny. Gedeon prišiel s tou polievkou a s chlebom a mäsom. A ten Anjel povedal, „Porozumieš to skrze toto. Toto to potvrdí.“

On vylial ten vývar na zem ako liatu obeť. A vzal ten chlieb a to mäso a položil to na tú skalu, na ktorej mlátieval. A vzal palicu do Svojej ruky ako nejaký starý Muž, nejakú palicu a dotkol sa toho. A keď sa toho dotkol, vyšiel dym a tá obeť bola strávená. Čo to bolo? On ho zobral naspäť do Písma, aby potvrdil, kým On bol.

95Ten istý Boh bol s Eliášom na vrchu Karmel, ten istý, o ktorom som hovoril dnes ráno. Keď položíte svoju dušu na Jeho medený oltár súdu, čo sa stane? Ak On je ten istý Boh, On prijme tú obeť. Ty si to obetoval v úprimnosti na Jeho oltári, On strávi tú obeť a ten svet bude z teba von. Len dym z toho vyjde. Tá obeť bude preč. Áno.

96„Ak Ty si Boh a Ty si Bohom tej Biblie, o ktorom naši otcovia hovorili, že vykonával zázraky, dovoľ mi vidieť vykonať Ťa zázrak, alebo dovoľ mi vidieť nejaký druh zázraku, aby som vedel, že sa Boh stretol so mnou.“

97No, nech poviem toto. Ak Boh stále zostáva Bohom, ak Boh je tým istým Bohom, ktorým On bol v dávnych dňoch, ty nemusíš ísť a potriasť si ruku s kazateľom, nemusíš si ísť zapísať svoje meno do nejakej knihy. Tie veci sú v poriadku; nič proti tomu. Potom ideš a stávaš sa členom cirkvi so svojím menom v knihe; a oni ti dajú list a ty si ho zložíš. Hneď, ako tam niečo nie je v poriadku, ty vybuchneš ako neviem čo, a ideš do inej cirkvi. A hneď, ako tam nie je niečo v poriadku, potom ideš do ďalšej cirkvi. Vidíš, už rovno na začiatku si nepostupoval správne. Ak Boh zostáva Bohom, polož svoju hriešnu dušu na Jeho oltár a On sa jej dotkne Svojím Slovom a Svojou mocou. A ten svet bude z teba von, a potom budeš novým stvorením, ak On zostáva Bohom.

98On bol Bohom Starej Zmluvy. On bol Bohom Novej Zmluvy. On je ten istý Boh dnes: včera, dnes a naveky.

A potom viete, dolu vo svojom srdci, že sa udial nadprirodzený skutok skrze nadprirodzenú Bytosť. Keď si bol raz opilcom a fajčil si a klamal; a vy ženy ste milovali ten svet tak veľmi, že ste nosili make-up a vaše dlhé–vlastne krátke vlasy a robili ste rôzne veci; a zisťujete, že niečo sa deje a ani všetci diabli v pekle vás nemôžu doviesť do toho, aby ste to robili znovu. Niečo sa stalo, Boh... Udial sa zázrak. Čo On urobil? Zmenil tvoje zlé srdce, zmenil tvoje túžby, zmenil tvoju povahu. Nadprirodzené Slovo, skrze nadprirodzeného Boha, učinilo zo stvorenia času stvorenie večnosti. Amen. Zobralo z vás ten svet a umiestnilo do vás Krista, nádej slávy. A ste naplnení Jeho Duchom a pripravení stretnúť Ho.

101Ak Boh je Bohom, kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak je Boh s nami, kde sú Jeho zázraky? Ak je Boh s metodistickou cirkvou, prečo všetky tie ženy majú ostrihané vlasy? Ak je Boh s baptistickou cirkvou, prečo potom pastor fajčí cigarety, mnohí z nich? Prečo oni stále zapierajú moc Božiu do uzdravenia nemocných a vzkriesenia z mŕtvych a do hovorenia v jazykoch a výkladu jazykov a dary a proroctva? Prečo to stále zapierajú, ak Boh starej zmluvy a Boh novej zmluvy je stále ten istý Boh? Ak Boh novej zmluvy, Duch Svätý, je stále ten Boh, na ktorého si robia nárok letniční, prečo nezvalia svoje múry rozdelenia a hádania sa jeden s druhým a nestanú sa znovuzrodenými kresťanmi? Iste. Nie. Ani nebudú hovoriť jeden s druhým. Vidíte, tá obeť nebola strávená. Oni idú skrze senzácie; oni to robili počas tých vekov. Pod modlami mali senzácie.

103Ale Boh tej Biblie, to je ten Boh, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, spaľuje ten svet a všetky rozdiely, robí nás novými stvoreniami v Kristovi. Áno. Ježiš povedal, „Oni svedčia a hovoria vám, kto Som.“ Tá vec ohľadom toho je, ten dôvod, že my máme všetky tieto veci je, pretože stále dovoľujeme denominačným rozdielom, vyznaniam, zbytočným rozruchom, popularite a diablom toho sveta, aby nás oslepili na tú skutočnú pravdu Božiu. Je to tak.

105Mnoho ľudí bolo podvedených v prijatí Ducha Svätého; ako som povedal, oni dnes majú učenia ako Eliášove plášte a všetky tieto iné veci, zamanifestovaní synovia Boží a všetky tieto rôzne izmy a tak ďalej, dnes na svete. Ľudia tam slepo padajú a idú cez nejaký druh senzácie, povstávajú s arogantným duchom, ľahostajní, malicherní, prchkí. To nie je Duch Boží. Stále sa správajú neriadne, nevedia, čo je to cirkevný poriadok, nevedia, ako sa správať v Dome Božom, žiadna slušnosť, nie, len drzosť, žiaden cit ku Bohu, všetko o čom rozmýšľajú, je „moja cirkev.“ To ukazuje, že oni prijali cirkevného ducha a nie Ducha Božieho, pretože to z vás všetko vytlčie, vypáli. Iste. Vidíte, oni hovoria, „Kde On je?“ To je...“Dostávame sa rovno do...“

106Ale pozrite, ak oblaky zatieňujú slnko, to slnko vždy svieti. Tá jediná vec, ktorá to zdržuje od toho, aby ono na vás svietilo, sú oblaky. A ak dáte preč oblaky, to slnko bude svietiť. Amen.

Brat, odíďme preč od všetkých našich hriechov a našich pochybností a našich frustrácií, ten Syn svieti odo dňa Letníc. Duch Svätý je práve taký veľký ako vždy bol. Ale naše denominácie zavalili Slovo Božie tým, že hovoria, „To je pre nejaký iný deň. Ó, to bude. Božské uzdravenie bude v Miléniu.“ Alebo, „Božské uzdravenie bolo tam voľakedy. To nie je na dnes.“

108Ako On môže byť ten istý včera, dnes i naveky a Božské uzdravenie tu stále nie je? Ako môže tá moc, ako môže... Biblia stavia do poriadku, „Najprv apoštoli, proroci, učitelia, evanjelisti, pastori, na potvrdenie, že to Evanjelium stále žije.“ A Boh ich posiela rovno medzi nás a my sa od toho odvraciame. Boh nezlyháva, to sú ľudia, ktorí zlyhali.

„Kde sú potom tie zázraky medzi nami? Kde sú? Boh hovoril s týmto mužom, pripravujúc ho na to, aby išiel.

Odstráňte tie oblaky, to slnko stále svieti. Je to tak. Keď sú preč pochybnosti a veci sú dané do poriadku, zázraky tam budú práve tak isto, ako je tam slnko.

Slnko, na príkaz Boží, svieti každý deň. Ono je tam, pretože Boh prikázal, aby tam bolo. A tak dlho, ako je deň a noc, slnko tam bude visieť. Iste. Vy ho nevidíte po celý čas, pretože ho zakryli oblaky; hmla, mraky, vysoké alebo nízke, oni ho zakrývajú. Ale ono je vždy tam. Vidíte?

112A tá jediná vec, ktorú chcete urobiť, aby ste dnes videli zázraky, ak chcete vidieť zázrak Boží, len dajte preč všetky svoje pochybnosti. Dajte preč všetky svoje vyznania, dajte preč všetku vašu denominačnosť, a ten Syn svieti automaticky. To je príkaz Boží, pretože To povedalo, „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Tak, pokiaľ On je tam naveky, On je tam. Nie je žiadna pochybnosť ohľadom toho, On je tam. Kde sú tie zázraky? Čo bráni zázrakom? Boh poslal Krista, Kristus žije naveky! Kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení spolu v Mojom Mene, Ja budem v ich strede.“ Amen. „Hľa, ja som stále s vami až do skončenia sveta.“ Tu On je, Jeho zasľúbenie.

114Čo sa potom deje? Dovolili sme oblakom pochybnosti, nenásytnosti, prchkosti, sebeckosti, denomináciám a iným veciam, aby sa na nás prevalili, prevalili a zobrali nás preč od Slova, hovoriac, „oni boli niekde inde,“ zapierajú Krista, zapierajúc krst Pánov, Duchom Svätým, zapierajúc kresťanský krst na Meno Ježiša Krista a iné veci, všetky druhy takých vecí, že až naše vyznania nás odlomili preč od Biblie. Ale v ...

115Nie je to divná vec, zázrak, že pred tvárou toho všetkého, brat Way, pred tvárou všetkých tých denominácií, pred tvárou kritikov, tá Biblia zostáva stále tá istá? Ako to vždy prekonalo búrku? Boh ustanovil, že bude súdiť každého človeka skrze tú Bibliu. A Biblia je Slovo a to Slovo je Kristus. Každý jeden, každý človek bude súdený skrze To. Dajte preč tie oblaky, čo sa potom deje, to slnko je rovno tam; to je tá jediná vec, ktorú dnes musíte urobiť. Nehovorte, „Ó, Ježiš, príď a uzdrav ma. Ó, Ježiš, daj mi Ducha Svätého.“ Len dajte preč tie oblaky. On je už tam. On prišiel pred tisíc deväťsto rokmi a On je stále tam. A On tam vždy bude. „Ja žijem naveky, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Je to tak.

117No, Gedeon a tí ľudia tam, pred tým, ako mohli uvidieť, alebo vôbec mohli ísť, aby videli tieto zázraky Božie, tam bola požiadavka, ktorá musela byť vyplnená. Vyplnená, aby uvideli moc zázrakov, oni museli veriť. Oni tiež museli veriť a poslúchať Slovo proroka, aby videli zázraky Božie. No, pamätajte, predtým, ako mohli uvidieť zázraky, oni museli poslúchnuť to, čo prorok povedal.

A predtým, ako my môžeme vidieť zázraky Božie, musíme poslúchnuť to, čo ten prorok povedal. Biblia je pre nás prorokom. Je to tak.

119Ak nejaký človek, bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi nazýva samého seba Božím prorokom baptistov, metodistov, letničných, čímkoľvek on môže byť, akokoľvek nazýva samého seba, ak toto Slovo nie je v ňom živé, on nie je prorokom. On môže byť prorokom, ale falošným. Skutoční proroci hovoria o tomto pravdivom Slove a potom stavajú Boha ako presne toho istého Boha, tá istá moc, tie isté Slová, všetko to isté, to pravdivé Slovo.

No, oni museli veriť. Museli veriť prorockému Slovu a poslúchať ho pred tým, ako mohli uvidieť Božie zázraky.

A dnes sem nemôžete ísť pod nejakým falošným vypracovaním, hovoriac, že „Ježiš nie je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky; dni zázrakov pominuli; a neexistuje niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým,“ a očakávať, že uvidíte Božie zázraky. Musíte to poslúchnuť! A keď to poslúchate, Boh sa stará o to ostatné.

122Ak by ste mohli zmiesť všetky tie oblaky preč, to slnko je vždy tam. Ono tam jednoducho visí. Slnko sa nehýbe, tak nám bolo povedané. Slnko zostáva na tom istom mieste.

A Kristus zostáva. A to je pravda. My odchádzame od Neho, ale On zostáva. Je to tak. Tá jediná vec, ktorú vy musíte urobiť, je obrátiť sa a postaviť sa raz tvárou v tvár pred Ním, a uvidíte, čo sa stane. Postaviť sa tvárou v tvár pred Kristom, nie postaviť sa pred cirkev, nie postaviť sa pred vyznanie, nie postaviť sa tvárou v tvár titulom; tvárou v tvár Kristovi. Vidíte, nie tvárou v tvár semináru, tvárou v tvár Slovu. Kristus je tým Slovom. Isteže je. Je to presne tak.

124Poslúchnite Slovo. Pre nás... Oni museli poslúchnuť Slovo. A čo sa nás týka, my musíme poslúchnuť to Slovo. Ak by ste to radi vedeli, mám tu napísané miesto Písma, ktoré povedalo, „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, proste si, čo chcete.“ Vidíte? Čo to bolo? Ak Božie Slovo je v nás a zostáva tam, Ono hovorí samo za Seba. „Proste si, čo chcete, a bude vám to dané.“ No, nachádza sa to v Jánovi 15:7, ak si to chcete zapísať. Vidíte, Ježiš povedal, „Ak zostanete vo Mne, Moje Slová zostanú vo vás.“

Nie dnes tak, zajtra, nasledujúci deň niečo iné, a odpadnutie, a tu hore a dole a tam dole, to ukazuje, že si v prvom rade ešte nič neobdržal.

127Ó, vy poviete, „Hovoril som v jazykoch.“ Fajn, ale ešte stále si nič neobdržal. Vidíte? Poviete, „Tancoval som v Duchu.“ V poriadku, ale ja stále neviem, v akom duchu si tancoval. Vidíte?

Ak si jeden deň v jednej veci a ďalší týždeň v niečom ďalšom; a potom príde nejaký malý ďateľ, ktorý ďobe na dutom strome, ty bežíš za ním a tam za ďalším, beháš od jednej misie k druhej, nevediac, kam patríš, vtedy Kristus nezostáva v tebe. Jeho Slovo tam nie je. Pretože ono je stabilné; ty sa nikdy neobraciaš ku temnosti.

129Ako som jedného dňa kázal na tému „Paradox,“ keď Józua zastavil slnko. Becky, ktorá je tam vzadu, povedala, „Ocko, on nemohol zastaviť slnko,“ povedala, „musel by sa zastaviť svet. On zastavil svet.“

Povedal som, „On zastavil slnko.“ Boh nerobí žiadne chyby vo Svojej Biblii. Povedala, „Ako on mohol zastaviť slnko, slnko sa vôbec nehýbe? Slnko stále stojí.“

Povedal som, „Ale tá strela tam, to nebolo to, o čom On hovoril. Toto slnko, ktoré putovalo a vytváralo svetlo na zemi, To je to slnko, ktoré On zastavil.“ Neviem, čo Boh urobil, aby sa to stalo, ale On zastavil slnko. Slnko išlo týmto smerom, to slnko na zemi, ten odraz slnka. Tá strela tam, nemohli–nedovideli sme jej milión míľ, alebo milióny míľ. Ale ten odraz slnka, ktorý putoval po zemi od rána do večera, to bolo to, čomu Józua prikázal, aby stálo potichu; a to sa zastavilo. Paradox, to je niečo, čo je neuveriteľné a jednako je to pravdou. Tak, že to je neuveriteľné, ale jednako pravdivé.

134Ako môže Boh zobrať hriešnika, arogantného, výbušného, večne nespokojného človeka a urobiť z neho svätého Božieho? Ako On môže zobrať ženu, ktorá má tak nízke mravy, až dokonca psi na ulici sa ku nej neotočia; a urobiť z nej svätú Božiu? Neviem vám to povedať. Ale On to urobil. To je paradox. Iste je. Všetky Božie veľké skutky sú paradox.

„Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, proste si, čo chcete, a bude vám to dané.“ Sv. Ján 14 alebo Sv. Ján 15, prepáčte, Sv. Ján 15:7. V poriadku.

136Naspäť do Genezis na chvíľu. Noe musel vyplniť tie požiadavky. Noe musel veriť Božiemu Slovu a konať na základe Toho, predtým, ako mohol vidieť Boží zázrak. Je to tak. Noe, ten veľký prorok z Genezis, musel veriť Božiemu Slovu a konať na Jeho základe, predtým ako videl Boží zázrak. Nikdy predtým nepršalo, viete, nebol žiaden dážď.

A čo si myslíte? Oni nám hovoria, že ten vek bol väčším vekom, než ten, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, vo vede. My nemôžeme znova vybudovať pyramídu alebo sfingu. Nemáme ten spôsob, ako mumifikovať; nemôžeme to spraviť, aby to tak skôrnatelo. Nemôžeme zafarbiť oblečenie tak, aby to vydržalo, tak, ako to oni robili tam. My dokonca ani nemáme tamtie veci. A to je niečo, čo naša moderná veda nemôže nájsť. Ale oni to mali.

138My nemáme takých technikov, ako mali oni. Tá veľká pyramída v Egypte je tak dokonale v centre zeme, že bez ohľadu na to, kde sa nachádza slnko, nie je okolo nej žiaden tieň. Nemohli by sme postavať takú stavbu, ako je toto. Nevieme, ako to urobiť. Ani by sme nemohli postaviť nejakú pyramídu. A tam, okolo tých vrcholových kameňov tam, ktoré ležia takmer v polovičnej výške, akú má mestský blok vo vzduchu, tam sú kamene, ktoré vážia miliardy ton, vlastne stovky ton, ktoré tam visia. Všetky stroje, ktoré máme na svete, by ich tam nemohli zodvihnúť.

Povedali mi, že to by bolo potrebných šestnásť plošinových vozov, aby na to vyložili nohu sfingy. Ako ju tam dostali? Ako sa to udialo? Oni boli chytrí, vedci.

140A čo myslíte, že oni povedali tomu človekovi, fanatik, predpokladali, že je prorokom, ktorý povedal, „Prichádza voda z oblakov“? Môžem ich počuť, ako hovoria, „Zoberieme naše zariadenia a vystrelíme rovno do hviezd, a tam nie je ani kvapka vody medzi priestorom tu a tam. Kde ona je?“

Noe mohol prísť s týmto naspäť, „Boh mi povedal, že bude pršať.“ To je dostatočné. To vybavilo tú vec. Boh povedal, že sa to stane, tak to je to, čo sa stane. V poriadku. (Musím sa ponáhľať; iní bratia čakajú.) Áno, Noe povedal, „Bude pršať.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„To je Slovo Pánovo. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“

„Čo ohľadom toho urobíš, Noe, jednoducho pôjdeš a budeš o tom kázať?“

„Nie. Ja sa na to pripravím.“ Vidíte?

„Ó, to by bol zázrak. Dni zázrakov pominuli.“

„Len vydržte, uvidíte to za chvíľu.“ Tak veru.

A čo on urobil? Vybudoval archu pred tým, ako spadol dážď. Čo on robil? Konal na základe zasľúbenia. Amen. Cítim sa teraz tak trochu ako letničný, cítim sa nábožne.

145Áno, vezmite Boha za Jeho Slovo; konajte podľa zasľúbenia, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje; je na Bohu, aby urobil ten zvyšok. Len začnite udierať do tých oblakov. Odložte každú tiaž, ktorá vás tak ľahko obkľučuje. Zložte všetky svoje pochybnosti, svoje strachy, svoje denominácie, svoje vyznania, a všetko, čo je proti Slovu. Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Len odložte svoje vyznania nabok; odložte nabok svoje denominácie; odložte všetky svoje pochybnosti; všetky svoje frustrácie, a len choďte napred. Prvá vec, viete, vy pohnete ten posledný klát a On tam bude stáť. Stretnete Ho.

146Noe povedal, „Keď postavím tú archu, On príde. Začne pršať.“

„V tom dni, keď postavíš tú archu?“

„Ak bude treba čakať päťdesiat rokov, ja budem sedieť v arche, a budem na to čakať. Ono to prichádza, pretože Boh tak povedal.“

Vidíte, prvá vec, on sa sám musel pripraviť. On vedel, že Boh bol Bohom zázrakov, tak on nemohol v Neho pochybovať. Boh ku nemu prehovoril a on to vedel. Keď Boh hovorí ku tebe zo Svojho Slova, ty to vieš vo svojom srdci. Keď celý svet od teba odišiel a tie veci toho sveta sú mŕtve, ty to vieš. Keď, ak miluješ svet alebo veci toho sveta, ty stále vieš vo svojom srdci, že nie si v poriadku. To je pravda. Tak, keď je to všetko preč, potom tam nie je nič iné do vykonania, len stretnúť Boha. On tam bude stáť. On zostáva.

150Ako to slnko, s-l-n-k-o [v angličtine: “sun“], tak ten S-y-n [v angličtine: “Son“] zostáva práve taký istý včera, dnes a naveky. To s-l-n-k-o, ktoré svieti, je to isté slnko, ktoré svietilo v Genesis, to isté slnko, ktoré svietilo na Eliáša na tej hore, to isté slnko, ktoré zapadlo v deň ukrižovania. Halleluja. Ono zostáva to isté. A ten istý Syn Boží je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ten istý v moci, ten istý v láske, ten istý v znameniach.

Čo je dnes znakom kresťana? Ó, on ide do cirkvi, zapíše svoje meno do knihy, on má list. To nie je ten znak, o ktorom Ježiš povedal.

On povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. V mojom mene budú vyháňať diablov, hovoriť novými jazykmi. Ak zoberú hadov alebo vypijú niečo smrtonosné, neublíži im to. Ak položia svoje ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení.“

Ak je Boh s nami, kde sú Jeho znamenia? Iste, choďte naspäť do Slova; znamenia sa postarajú sami o seba, hneď, ako sa dostaneme naspäť do Slova.

154 Noe, predtým, ako videl zázraky Božie, ako sa Gedeon chcel ohľadom toho dopytovať, on musel najprv konať podľa Slova Božieho. Gedeon musel konať podľa Slova Božieho. Každý jeden musí konať podľa Slova Božieho. Predtým, ako by som kedy mohol povedať, že je Boh, ja som musel konať na základe Jeho zasľúbenia, potom sa On zamanifestoval. Ak chcete uzdravenie, verte Mu; konajte na základe Jeho Slova; to sa udeje.

Mojžiš, predtým, ako on mohol vidieť Božie zázraky, musel konať na základe Božieho Slova. On vedel, že počul povedať svoju matku, že jeho narodenie bolo zvláštne; on bol ukrytý v trstinách. Ona mu povedala, že Boh ho povolal a vybral. A on rozmýšľal, „No, ja som dobrý vojak, môžem jednoducho sem vyjsť a zabiť tohto Egypťana a ukryť ho v prachu. A môžem urobiť čokoľvek chcem. To je všetko, čo treba.“ Ale vidíte, to bolo to, čo sa on snažil urobiť. To bol jeho nápad. On nikdy predtým nevidel Boha vykonať zázrak, skrze ktorý by ho podržal, ako prechádzal cez ten čas. Ale jedného dňa, potom, čo mal osemdesiat rokov, on pásol ovce, zostupoval pažiťou, možno po ceste, kde behávali ovce. A ten starý pastier, ako tam išiel s krivou palicou v ruke, narážal po strane tej cestičky; možno trochu chabý, osemdesiatročný s bradou po pás, možno, šedivý ako tie ovce, ktoré pásol. A niečo uvidel. Ó, Bože. To bolo pre neho tajomné.

159 Dúfam, že vám dnes večer niečo ukážem. A my tu máme pripravený bazén s vodou. On videl niečo, čo nikdy predtým nevidel. A on povedal, „Bude lepšie, keď to preskúmam.“ Tak on sa obrátil a Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku nemu. Sláva. Halleluja. Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku nemu. No, predtým, ako mohol ísť, on musel konať na základe Slova Pánovho. A pamätajte, Slovo Pánovo vždy činí zázraky. On povedal, „Odkiaľ poznám, že Ty si so mnou, a že si ma poslal?“

Povedal, „Čo máš vo svojej ruke?“

On povedal, „Suchú palicu.“

„Hoď ju na zem,“ prvý príkaz, ktorý Boh dáva Mojžišovi. „Ak chceš vedieť, že Ja som Boh; zober palicu do svojej ruky, hoď ju na zem.“

Gedeon povedal, „Kde sú zázraky Božie?“

On povedal, „Polož ten chlieb na oltár; Ja ti ukážem, kto je Boh.“ A On sa toho dotkol Svojou palicou; a ten dym vystúpil, a on–bolo to strávené.

164 Mojžiš povedal, „Čo poviem, že kto ma poslal? Ako poznám, že Ty si Boh?

On povedal, „Čo máš vo svojej ruke? Ja som Stvoriteľ života. Ja som Boh, ktorý činí zázraky.“ A pred tým, ako Mojžiš mohol vidieť Božiu moc, ktorá vykonala všetky tie veci, on musel najprv poslúchnuť Boha. Hodil tú palicu na zem; premenila sa na hada. Ó. Čo? Je... Prv prichádza poslušnosť, pred tým, ako vidíte Jeho zázraky.

166 Tie takzvané cirkvi, ktoré sú dnes v tých krajinách, oni hovoria, „No, kde sú všetky tie zázraky? Dáme tisíc dolárov každému, kto dovolí–vyprodukuje zázrak.“ Ty biedny, schátralý, odpadnutý, dvakrát mŕtvy, vykorenený, ako ty kedy uvidíš zázrak, ak sa ním sám nestaneš? Sláva. Zázrak Božej milosti je to, že On berie neveriaceho pochybovača a naplní ho Duchom Svätým... Ježiš povedal, „Ak sa človek znovu nenarodí, on dokonca ani nemôže vidieť Kráľovstvo Božie.“ Ak chceš vidieť zázrak, staň sa zázrakom. Nech Boh najprv na tebe pracuje. On musí vykonať generálnu opravu, musí dať na tvoje oči iné šošovky, pretože si slepý, mŕtvy v hriechu a previneniach, duchovne slepý, dvojnásobne mŕtvy. Je to tak. Boh ti musí dať Život, dotknúť sa tvojich očí tak, aby si mohol vidieť, vykonať zázrak, a urobiť ťa zázrakom, a potom môžeš vidieť Boha, ktorý činí zázraky. To je tá prvá vec.

168 Mojžiš Mu musel veriť. Mojžiš musel konať podľa toho, konať na základe toho, čo povedalo Božie Slovo. On chcel vidieť, či to bol Boh alebo nie. On povedal, „No, Mojžiš, konaj podľa toho, čo ti Ja hovorím.“

Počúvaj tu dnes večer, brat, sestra. Ak chceš vedieť, kto je Boh, konaj podľa toho, čo On Tu hovorí. „Čiňte pokánie každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť v Meno Ježiša Krista a stanete sa zázrakom.“ To je Jeho zasľúbenie. To je to, čo On povedal. Konajte podľa Jeho Slova. „A prijmete dar Svätého Ducha; pretože to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti.“ Ó, to je len pre apoštolov. „ A všetkým na široko-ďaleko, ktorých- a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh.“ To je to, pre koho je to zasľúbenie.

170 Konajte podľa Jeho Slova a uvidíte skutočný zázrak. Niečo sa stane, keď budete konať na základe Jeho Slova. Tak, ako Gedeon konal, on urobil to, čo mu On povedal, aby urobil. Tak, ako Noe konal, on urobil to, čo mu On povedal, aby urobil. Tak, ako Mojžiš konal, on urobil to, čo mu On povedal, aby urobil.

Povedal, „Hoď svoju palicu na zem.“ Inými slovami, „Zbav sa všetkého, čo ťa obklopuje.“ Amen, „Dovoľ mi to mať.“

Povieš, „Mám hroznú povahu.“ Daj to Bohu; On vie ako to utíšiť. „Som veľmi žiadostivý.“ On vie, ako to zobrať preč. Vidíte? Len to polož do Jeho rúk a pozoruj, aký zázrak On môže vykonať. Je to tak. V poriadku.

174Mojžiš musel konať na základe Božieho Slova, predtým—alebo, poslúchnuť Slovo Božie pred tým, ako mohol vidieť Božie zázraky. Ale po tom, čo to on raz uvidel, brat, tam nebolo nič, čo by ho potom mohlo zastaviť. Vidím ho, na druhý deň s Ciporou, ako sedia na tej mulici, a malý Geršon na jeho—skôr na jej boku, brada mu takto visela. Brat, tá tvár sa usmievala, tie oči poskakovali smerom ku oblohe. Od pastiera ku mocnému mužovi Božiemu, udatný muž, ktorý ide dolu, aby vyslobodil. Pozrite sa na Gedeona. Čo sa stalo? Áno, tak, išiel dolu s krivou palicou, aby zabral celý národ. On to urobil. Iste, urobil to. Boh mu to povedal.

175 Bez ohľadu na to, aké nereálne sa to zdá, vy len robte to, čo vám Boh hovorí, aby ste robili. Zistíte, že Jeho Slovo je stále to isté. Len dajte preč tie oblaky; Syn už svieti.

176Józua, ó, ten veľký premožiteľ, ó, ten následník Mojžiša, muž, ktorého Boh miloval, mocný bojovník, muž, ktorého Boh miloval, Boh mu povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou.“ Ale pred tým, ako tie múry spadli, Józua pochodoval podľa príkazu toho Hlavného Kapitána: trinásťkrát pred tým, ako Božia moc udrela tú vec. On pochodoval okolo toho múru a trúbil na trúbu, podľa Slova Božieho, ktoré mu povedal ten Hlavný Kapitán tam, kde ho On stretol. On pochodoval podľa Slova Božieho. Čo on urobil? On konal na základe Slova predtým, ako uvidel zázrak.

177Vy viete, len trúbiť na trúbu, to nestrasie dolu múr, na ktorom môžete závodiť na vozoch: trúbenie na trúbu. Ale Boh povedal, „Len pochodujte okolo tých múrov, sedemkrát, a ten posledný deň pochodujte sedem—a trinásťkrát. A ako pôjdete okolo toho múru posledný krát, nech kňazi idú popredu s truhlou zmluvy a trúbia na trúbu. A keď tá trúba bude znieť, tie múry spadnú.“ Čo oni robili? On videl zázrak Boží, potom, čo konal podľa Slova Božieho. Kde sú vaše zázraky? Najprv konajte na základe Slova.

Ako mohli tie múry spadnúť a jeden malý dom by zostal stáť, dom prostitútky? Pretože ona konala podľa Slova Božieho. Prečo tí ostatní zomreli a ona žila? Ona konala na základe Slova Božieho a videla zázrak Boží. To je spôsob, ako to nájsť; konaj na základe Slova.

179Tie hebrejské deti v ohnivej peci, čo oni urobili pred tým, ako uvideli zázrak Boží? Oni konali podľa Slova Božieho. Oni vedeli, že On bol Boh. Oni vedeli, že On bol Boh, ktorý ich vyviedol z Egypta. Oni vedeli, že oni boli—On bol ten istý Boh, ktorý vždy bol, že On musel byť tým Bohom, ktorý činí zázraky. A On im dal poverenie, aby sa nesklonili modlám. On sa nemení. „Zostaňte so Slovom. Neskloňte sa pred modlami.“

Čo oni povedali? „Náš Boh je mocný vyslobodiť nás z tejto ohnivej pece. Ale jednako, my budeme konať podľa Slova Božieho.“ Tam to bolo. Čo sa stalo? Potom oni uvideli zázrak Boží, že Boh mohol odolať tomu ohňu.

182Si chorý? Konaj podľa Jeho Slova, uvidíš, či On uzdravuje. Ak si hriešnik a chceš byť naplnený Duchom Svätým, príď, čiň pokánie a daj sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista a konaj podľa Jeho Slova, uvidíš čo sa stane. Ak máš stále v sebe svet; a vy ženy stále nosíte krátke vlasy, stále sa maľujete; vy mužovia ste stále výbušní a robíte zbytočný rozruch okolo vašich denominácií; ak chcete zistiť, či je On stále Bohom, konajte podľa toho a položte sa na Jeho oltár, uvidíte, čo sa stane. On je Boh. Najprv musíte konať na základe Jeho Slova.

183Pred tým, ako Daniel videl zázrak Boží, ktorý ho mohol vyslobodiť z jamy levov, tá prvá vec, ktorú on urobil, bolo to, že konal na základe Božieho Slova. Vyšlo to vyhlásenie, „Ak by sa nejaký človek modlil inému bohu okrem tejto modly počas toľkých a toľkých dní, bude hodený do jamy s levmi.“ Žiaden človek sa nemohol modliť ku žiadnemu inému bohu, len ku kráľovi; on musel byť bohom (Vidíte?) počas tridsiatich dní.

Ale čo urobil Daniel? On konal podľa Slova Božieho. Pretože keď Šalamún zasväcoval chrám, on sa modlil; povedal, „Pane, ak Tvoj ľud bude v problémoch na ktoromkoľvek mieste a pozrie sa ku tomuto svätému chrámu, vtedy Ty vypočuj z neba.“ Je to tak.

186Daniel najprv konal. Tá hrozba bola, „Pôjdeš do jamy s levmi.“ Ale Daniel konal na základe Slova Božieho. On vedel, že Boh je stále Bohom, práve tak, ako konal Gedeon; on vedel, že Boh, ak On je stále Bohom, potom kde sú Jeho zázraky? A Daniel vedel, že on bol prorokom; on vedel, že miluje Boha. On vedel, že je Jeho služobníkom, a on vedel, že Boh je schopný ho vyslobodiť od tých levov. Ale ak on bol v problémoch, pod hrozbou, on obrátil svoju tvár smerom ku chrámu a modlil sa tri razy za deň, presne tak...?... On konal podľa Slova Božieho a Boh ho naplnil tak veľmi Duchom Svätým, až ho tie levy nemohli zjesť. Je to tak. Tak je to. On najprv konal na základe Božieho Slova.

187Jonáš v bruchu veľryby, konal najprv podľa Slova Božieho. On vedel, že telesne je po ňom. Jeho ruky boli zviazané; jeho nohy boli zviazané. Tento kazateľ pre pohanov bol vyhodený z lode do brucha veľryby a dolu na dno mora. No, v akom stave on bol. Ale on sa najprv obrátil na dne tej veľryby, okolo krku mal omotané morské riasy, kde, táto veľryba jedla tieto riasy a veci, aby dodala do svojho tela vitamíny, svoje vitamínové pilulky, a potom tam mala kazateľa. Ale tento kazateľ prišiel ku sebe. Halleluja.

Ó, brat, kazateľ, príď ku sebe dnes večer. Zbav sa tých starých vyznaní a vecí a príď naspäť ku živému Bohu a živému Slovu.

189On prišiel ku sebe; on sa obracal. Nemôžete skryť svätého od jeho modlitby. On sa obracal a pozrel sa; všade bolo brucho veľryby, všade naokolo: východ, sever, západ a juh. A on si uvedomil, že bol v bruchu veľryby a na dne mora a búrka bola na mori. Všetka nádej bola preč, keď bol na lodi; a teraz je v bruchu veľryby, oveľa ďalej od nádeje než kedykoľvek predtým. A keď už mohol vidieť iba brucho veľryby, on povedal, „Ony sú klamné márnosti. Ja im viac neverím. Ale ja sa pozriem smerom k Tvojmu svätému chrámu, Pane.“ Pozerať sa na svätý chrám, to nebolo pozerať sa dolu; on povedal, „On je tam hore, tak ja sa budem dívať tým smerom.“

190 A potom on videl Boží zázrak. Kyslík nejako prišiel do tej veľryby. On počas troch dní dýchal normálne a odpočinul si a jazdil, tak, že mohol putovať štyridsať dní cez to skazené mesto tam a kázať Evanjelium. Boh to všetko osviežil nejakým novým kyslíkom z neba. To nemohlo prísť z tej veľryby a to nemohlo prísť z toho mora, to muselo prísť od Boha.

Ó, dýchni na nás dnes večer, Pane, ten Kyslík Slova Božieho v moci Jeho vzkriesenia, aby sme mohli zostať živí v tomto poslednom bezbožnom dni. Dýchaj na nás, ó, Duchu Svätý. To je to, brat. Dýchaj, Pane, naplň nás Kyslíkom.

192Ako som vám povedal dnes o tej kačke. Hneď ako ona zacítila vodu, nebolo tam nič, čo by ju mohlo od toho zadržať; všetko to kvokanie tej sliepky a všetko ďalšie, ona išla rovno do vody, pretože ona bola kačka.

No, ak niekto z vás má kačaciu náturu, máme tu veľký bazén. Vidíte? Ak to môžete zacítiť, ak ste zachytili ten závan, že Boh zostáva Bohom, ak ste zachytili ten závan z neba dnes večer, že Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo a On je Bohom, ktorý činí zázraky, a ešte ste neprijali Ducha Svätého, zavoňajte tú vodu, to je tá prvá vec, ktorú On povedal, že treba urobiť. Isteže. Čiňte pokánie zo dna svojho srdca a položte sa ako obeť na oltári a budete strávení preč od sveta a znovuzrodení z Ducha; a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista; On vás naplní Svätým Duchom. Choďte cez ten správny proces, nechoďte a nepotraste si ruky s kazateľom a nezapisujte svoje meno do knihy; ale zomrite a buďte tak mŕtvi, že ten svet už viac nepoznáte.

194Ábel zomrel so svojím baránkom na tom istom oltári. A ten jediný spôsob, ako sa dostanete do poriadku s Bohom je, že zomriete na oltári s Kristom, až kým všetko okolo vás sa stane tmavým. Zomrite tam. A keď znovu povstanete, budete novým stvorením v Kristovi. Určite.

Jonáš musel najprv veriť Božiemu Slovu a konať podľa neho. No, on zrejme ležal tvárou dolu, keď zostupoval do brucha tej veľryby, pretože oni ho hodili, jednoducho zletel rovno do brucha veľryby. Tá veľryba povedala, „No, pôjdeme teraz na dno mora.“

A ja som zvedavý, čo si tá veľryba myslela počas tých troch dní, odohrávala sa smiešna vec. No, vidíte, stavba tej veľryby, ona si to necenila. Ani denominačné cirkvi si to necenia. Ale, ó, ako to Jonáš miloval. Iste to miloval. Iste, on to miloval, pretože to bol čerstvý vzduch, ktorým na neho vial Boh; on zostal na žive. Boh na nás vanie čerstvý vzduch.

197Ak Jonáš mohol vykonať taký zázrak skrze to, že veril Slovu Božiemu naproti prirodzenému chrámu, kde môže človek nakoniec odpadnúť, Šalamún, ho vybudoval, ale prosil Boha v modlitbe, aby vždy požehnal toho, kto sa pozrel na ten chrám, a aby ho vyslobodil z ich problémov, kdekoľvek oni boli; a Jonáš mohol veriť, za týchto okolností, o koľko viac môžeme my veriť dnes večer, keď sa pozrieme do neba, kde, nie odpadlík, nie človek, ktorý zomrel a zostal v hrobe, ako Jonáš alebo ako Šalamún bol vtedy; ale živý Boh, ktorý sedí po pravici Majestátu, všetka moc a autorita a kázanie Slova a zoslanie Ducha Svätého ako svedka toho, čo On vykonal. Amen. Verte Slovu Božiemu, uvidíte zázraky Božie. Ale najprv tomu musíte veriť. Určite. Áno.

198 Gedeon, potom, čo uvidel tohto Návštevníka, ako sedel pod stromom, a Gedeon najprv v Neho tak trochu pochyboval. On povedal, „Ak Boh zostáva Bohom, ak je Boh s nami, kde sú Jeho zázraky?“ A toto a toto, ten Návštevník sedel pod stromom, čo On urobil? Keď sa On dotkol tej obete svojou palicou, ktorú mal v ruke, ona bola strávená. A on vedel, že to bolo konanie Boha, tak on potom vedel, že ten Návštevník pod tým stromom, ktorý vyzeral ako starý muž, ktorý tam sedel, bolo Slovo učinené telom. Halleluja. To bolo živé Slovo. On vedel, že to bolo živé Slovo, pretože To konalo a žilo v prítomnom čase. Sláva Bohu, brat.

199Letniční sú fajn, ale to je namaľovaný oheň, ak si to ty sám neprijal. Nie minulý čas, prítomný čas, na čo je dobrý Boh histórie, ak On nie je ten istý dnes? Ako som často vravieval, čo dobré to spraví, keď dáš svojmu kanárikovi vitamíny, aby mu rástli krídla, a dáš ho do klietky a držíš ho tam? Na čo sa dá použiť učenie, že existuje mocný Boh a potom odopierať ľuďom to privilégium slúžiť Mu Amen. Iste. Nezmysel. Prečo máte všetky tieto semináre naokolo ako veľký inkubátor na liahnutie kazateľov? Vidíte?

Vždy som cítil ľútosť nad kurčaťom z inkubátora; ono skutočne nemalo žiadnu matku. Nikdy nevedelo, odkiaľ prišlo. Nebolo nikoho, kto by mu bol matkou, ono prišlo automaticky. Tak je to s kazateľom zo seminára, ktorý pozná iba teológiu. On môže byť tak chytrý a uhladený, ako len nejaký učenec môže byť; môže byť schopný kázať v rozličných jazykoch; ale ak on nevie, kto je jeho Rodič...

203 Ako som pred nedávnom povedal; ak je nejaká ignorantská vec, tak je to mul. On nevie, kto je jeho otec alebo mama. On je skrížený (Vidíte?); On nevie, kto, čo je otec, mama. On nevie, kam patrí. To je ako niektorý z týchto hybridných kresťanov, takzvaných, vypestovaných denomináciami. Ale dobrý čistokrvný kôň má rodokmeň; on vie, o čom to všetko je.

A dobrý čistokrvný kresťan vie, kde je Boží sklad. Oni vedia, že sú narodení zo Slova. Slovo je učinené telom v nich. Každé Slovo, ktoré Boh hovorí, oni nie sú s Ním v rozpore; oni hovoria, „Je to tak. Amen a amen.“ Oni Ho zakaždým potvrdzujú s tým „amen,“.

„Amen. Amen.“ Niečo v nich potvrdzuje Jeho samého.

„Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a na veky.“


„Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré ja robím, aj on bude robiť.“


„Choďte do celého sveta, kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa a dá sa pokrstiť, bude spasený. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“


Tá stará sliepka povedala, „Kvok-kvok-kvok, dni zázrakov pominuli.“

Ale, „Kač-kač-kač, ja cítim vodu.“...?...

Tak je to správne. Vidíte? Prečo? Vy dávate Boha do skúšky. Vidíte, to je to. Boh najprv, konajte na základe Jeho Slova a uvidíte, či to je správne. To je pravda.

208Ján Krstiteľ nasledoval rovno líniu svojich povinností. Keď bol len chlapcom, nemáme o tom veľa zaznamenané. Jeho otec bol dobrý človek, ale neveril Bohu. Boh išiel... bol rozhodnutý priviesť ho cez Alžbetu, toto dieťa. Tak On jej povedal podľa... Že ona počne to dieťa. A on o tom pochyboval a On ho udrel nemotou. Môžem si predstaviť srdce rodičov Jána Krstiteľa, Alžbetu a Zachariáša, že bolo trochu zarmútené, pretože oni vedeli, že sú starí. A toto zasľúbené dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo, pri ktorom Boh vykonal zázrak a priviedol toto dieťa na svet, keď oni boli starí a pokročilí vekom. Oni vedeli, že ich srdcia boli zarmútené, pretože nemohli žiť dosť dlho na to, aby ho videli vykonávať jeho veľké dielo Božie. Ale oni ho pre tú vec zasvätili. Sláva Bohu. Niekde poza hviezdami a mesiacom, oni mohli pozrieť dolu a vidieť to. Oni nikdy nevideli tohto malého chlapca... Oni zomreli. Oni zomreli, keď on bol iba dieťa, mladý človek, chlapec; on odišiel zo svojho domu a išiel na púšť. Tam on bol vychovaný pod mocou Božou.

210Boh mu povedal, „Ty si hlas volajúceho na púšti. Ja ťa posielam. Choď a volaj.“

Ako musel Ján čakať každý deň, ako on naháňal hadov na skalách a kopal do kameňov. Ó, ja nemôžem čakať.“

„Na čo čakáš, Ján?“

„Ja len chcem počuť Jeho poverenie; to je všetko. Hadi, practe sa z cesty.“ Oni sa ukrývali medzi skalami. To je ten dôvod, že keď tí farizeji vyšli, on povedal, „Ó, vy plemä vreteníc, ktorí sa ukrývate medzi skalami.“

213Ja dnes večer hovorím to isté. Vy pokolenie vreteníc, ukryte sa vo vode!. Amen. Vy viete, o čom hovorím. Tieto pásky... Toto sa nahráva, pôjde to do celého sveta. Choďte do tej vody, ak chcete vidieť zázraky Božie. Ján s tým rovno pokračoval, prišiel tam dobre vyzerajúci človek; on povedal, „Možno to je On.“ Pozrel sa. „Nie, to nie je On. Nie.“

„Boh mi dal zasľúbenie.“

„Ján, ty vravíš, že Mesiáš dnes žije?“


„Kde je?“

„On je niekde na zemi. Ja neviem, kde je, ale ja Ho spoznám, keď On príde.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„Boh mi povedal, na čo mám očakávať.“

216„Ako vieš, že budeš uzdravený keď sa za teba modlili?“ Boh mi povedal, na čo mám očakávať . „Ako vieš, že prijmeš Ducha Svätého?“ Nasledoval som Jeho Slovo. On mi povedal, na čo mám očakávať. Viem, čo má prísť ako ďalšie. Vidíte? Viete, čo prichádza ako ďalšie? Ak poslúchnete Božie Slovo, ako ďalšie prichádza Jeho zasľúbenie. On nemôže klamať; On je Boh.

„Čo je to ďalšie?“

Ján povedal, „Ja Ho uvidím, keď príde.“

Oni povedali, „Ó, pozrite na tohto človeka, ktorý tu prichádza, on má na hlave korunu, to musí byť Mesiáš, ktorý jazdí na tých koňoch.“

Povedal, „To nie je On.“

Podišiel rovno ku nemu, povedal, „Nepatrí sa ti mať manželku svojho brata.“ Oni vedeli, že niečo tam nebolo v poriadku? Podišiel ku nemu a povedal mu to. To bol Herodes. Vidíte? A, ó, to spravilo, že jeho manželka z toho tak šalela, ona ho nenávidela po zbytok svojho života. Vidíte?

219Ján stále hľadel. On povedal, „Ó, ja Ho spoznám, keď On príde.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„Boh mi povedal, že uvidím znak, a to bude znak Mesiáša. Rozpoznám Mesiáša, pretože tam bude znak Mesiáša.“

Boh pozná Svoju cirkev. On povedal, „Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať.“ Nie „Oni patria ku Metodistom, Baptistom alebo Letničným.“ Ale, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ On pozná veriacich.

Dnes niekedy poviete, „Si veriaci?“

„Ó, ja som Metodista.“ Dobre, to potom ukazuje že ty nie si veriaci. „Ó, ja som Letničný.“ To stále ukazuje, že ty nie si veriaci. Keď si veriaci, veríš Bohu. Každý to vie; si zapečatený Kráľovstvom Božím; a pečať je na oboch stranách tej strany, oboje prichádzanie i odchádzanie. Vidíte, môžete im povedať.

224V poriadku. On povedal, „Spoznám Ho, keď príde, pretože tam bude znak. Uvidím ten Mesiášsky znak.“ A jedného dňa sa on pozrel. Ó, brat. On to očakával; to je to, ako to rozpoznal. [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu — pozn.prekl.] Dúfam, že to vpadá. Očakávate to? Očakávate, že niečo sa udeje? Potom poznajte Písma.

226No všetci tí kňazi, ktorí tam stáli dookola, boli päťkrát chytrejší než Ján. Nemáme žiaden záznam, že by on kde chodil do školy čo len jeden deň. Ale tam stáli kňazi, ktorých pra-pra-pra-pra prastarí otcovia boli kňazmi. Tam stáli mužovia, ktorí poznali každý kúsok toho zvitku, všetkých prorokov a Genezis a všetko ohľadom toho. Ale vidíte, Ján vyhliadal znak, Mesiáša. On vedel, že ak to bol Boh, bude tam okolo toho niečo nadprirodzené. Je to tak.

Tak je to dnes. Ak si kresťanom, je niečo nadprirodzené, čo ťa zasiahlo. Ak nezasiahlo, si zvedený. Stále žiješ ten istý život, ktorý si raz žil, stále miluješ tie isté veci, ktoré si tam najprv miloval, stále ich miluješ, si zvedený (Je to tak.), nie syn alebo dcéra Božia.

228Potom zisťujeme, že Ján tam jedného dňa stál, a oni hovoria v jednom malom príbehu o Ňom, je povedané, že Ján bol na jednej strane rieky; oni ho podporovali na druhej strane. To je spôsob, ako oni činia služobníkovi Božiemu: odstupujú od neho z každej denominácie, z každej organizácie, zo všetkého ďalšieho. On nemal kazateľňu, za ktorú by sa postavil; ale on bol po kolená v blate. Nemal na sebe smoking, ani golier okolo krku. Nie veru. On mal kus ovčej kože omotanej dookola, vyzeral zrejme ako divoký muž, ktorý tam stál.

229A tí kňazi povedali, „Chceš mi povedať, že príde taký čas, keď tento veľký chrám, naša veľká organizácia spadne?“

On povedal, „Iste, že spadne.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„Ako čítaš to Písmo? Prichádza Mesiáš a ten Mesiáš zruší ustavičnú obeť. Daniel tak povedal. Prorok tak povedal.“ Halleluja. Ó, cítim sa stále viac nábožne. (Musím sa zastaviť.)

„Ako to vieš?“

„Prorok tak povedal.“

To je to, ako Micheáš vedel, že nemohol požehnať Achaba; Eliáš ho preklial. To je všetko. On musel zostať so Slovom. Vy chcete vidieť skutky Božie, musíte nasledovať Slovo Božie. On vedel, že to sa nemohlo stať.

232Tak čo sa potom stalo? On chcel vidieť skutky Božie. Ján povedal, „Spoznám Ho, keď príde.“

Jedného dňa tam stál a povedal, „Áno, príde taký čas, že ustavičná obeť bude zrušená. Mesiáš bude tou ustavičnou obeťou.

A dajú na to miesto pustošiacu ohavnosť.“

„Rabbi, odkiaľ to máš? To je v protiklade k nášmu vyznaniu.“ Ale to nie je v protiklade k Slovu Božiemu. Tam je prorok, pretože Slovo Pánovo bolo s tým prorokom. Je to tak.

A on povedal to, „Hľa, tam stojí Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta.“ Obyčajný, malý, človek so zhrbenými ramenami stojí tam, kráča dolu ku rieke, kráča spolu s Lazarom, len obyčajný Človek, oblečený ako obyčajný človek: žiaden kňaz, žiaden turban, žiadna koruna, nič; len biedny Chlapec, tesár, kráča dolu možno s rukami plnými triesok; zostupuje.

„Chceš mi povedať...“

„Čo? Nemôžeš Ho vidieť? Tam...“ „Hľa“ znamená, „pozri sa hore, v úcte.“

„Tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta.“

237Niektorí z nich povedali, „No, vieš, kto toto je? To je syn tesára. No, my vieme, že ten chlapík nie je prorok.“ Ale On bol. On bol. On vedel. „On nevie, o čom hovorí.“ Áno, on vedel. „Ako mu on môže povedať niečo odlišné, než ako tí ostatní. Mesiáš bude odlišný. Ako to spoznáme?“ Ján videl niečo, čo oni nevideli: závisí to od toho, na čo sa dívate.

Čo vidíš dnes večer? Vidíš veľkého populárneho človeka vo veľkej denominácii a všetko ti padá do lona, alebo pôjdeš cestou s tými pohŕdnutými Pánovými, ktorých je málo? Vidíš Bibliu? Vidíš Božie Slovo? Ak si znovuzrodený, uvidíš to. Dovtedy to nemôžeš vidieť.

239Tu On prichádza. Povedal, „Ten, ktorý mi povedal na púšti...“ Ó, brat. „Ten, ktorý mi povedal, aby som volal. Kričal som tu šesť mesiacov, po celom Aenone, tu všade, hore a dolu pri tomto Jordáne, brodiac sa v tomto blate, vadil som sa s vami kazateľmi, kopal som do vašich denominácií, šliapal som na vaše boľavé prsty. Ale tá Vec je tu; vidím Ju.“

„Ako to vieš?“

„Ten istý, ktorý mi povedal, aby som bol hlasom volajúcim na púšti, Boh, ktorý ma vzbudil pre ten účel, povedal, 'na koho uvidíš zostupovať Ducha...'“

Ján Ho poznal. Čo on urobil, On najprv kázal Slovo, poslúchol to Slovo a videl znamenie Božie. A pamätajte, nie je žiaden záznam, že nejaká iná osoba, ktorá tam stála, by to videla. Ján to videl sám. To závisí od toho, čo očakávate. Prečo? Ján poslúchal Slovo. Kňazi a tí ostatní neposlúchali Slovo. Ján poslúchal Slovo, svoje poverenie a on to videl. (Budeme sa ponáhľať; musíme.)

242Marta pri hrobe, ona stretla Slovo Božie. Ona Mu verila. Pred tým, ako mohla uvidieť Boží zázrak, musela veriť Slovu Božiemu, konať podľa Neho. Ona povedala, „Pane, ak by si tu bol, môj brat by nezomrel.“

On povedal, „Marta, Ja som vzkriesenie a Život. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, aj keby zomrel, bude žiť. A ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nezomrie naveky. Veríš tomu?“

Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane.“ Tu to máte: konanie. „Ja verím.“

„Čomu veríš, Marta?“

„Že Ty si ten Kristus, ktorý mal prísť na svet.“

Povedal, „Kde ste ho pochovali?“

Išli tam ku hrobu a On tam stál. (Povedal, „Chcem vidieť, či ona skutočne verí, že Ja som to Slovo.“) Povedal, „Odvaľte ten kameň.“ Ona išla a konala podľa Slova. Ona musela uvidieť smrť obrátenú na život. A ten jediný spôsob, ktorým kedy budete schopní uvidieť smrť obrátenú na život, je zobrať Jeho Slovo a konať na jeho základe. Ak si hriešnik, zober Jeho Slovo a konaj podľa neho, potom uvidíš zázrak Boží. Staneš sa zázrakom Božím. Ak si chorý, zober Slovo Božie. Doktor povie, „Zomrieš.“ Vezmi Slovo Božie a konaj na jeho základe, to prinesie nový život.

249Ó. Prepáčte, že vás tak dlho zdržujem. Už len chvíľu, potom zakončím. Vidíte, len chvíľu... Čestne, zakončím. Mrzí ma, že som zabral bratov čas. Vidíte, len nechať na to tie dve hodiny. Pozrite sa.

Tá žena pri studni. Ona bola hriešnica. Ona mala päť manželov. Jedného dňa tam vyšla, aby si nabrala nejakú vodu. Začala ťahať vodu a začula nejakého človeka povedať, „Žena, daj sa Mi napiť.“

Pozrela sa dookola a povedala, „Nepatrí sa Židom rozprávať so Samaritánmi. Ja som žena zo Samárie. A to nie je zvykom. Prečo sa so mnou rozprávaš?“

On povedal, „Ale ak by si poznala toho, kto s tebou hovorí, ty by si Mňa poprosila, aby som ti dal napiť.“

„Prečo,“ ona povedala, „tá studňa je hlboká a Ty nemáš nič, čím by si ju nabral.“

Povedala, „Ako naberieš tú vodu?“

A On povedal, „Voda, ktorú Ja dávam, bude fontánou Vody, gejzírom, ktorý vyviera v duši.“

255Ona povedala, „No, počkaj chvíľu. Ty si Žid, Vy uctievate v Jeruzaleme a naši otcovia uctievajú na tomto vrchu,“ a tak ďalej.

On povedal, „Ver Mi. Prichádza hodina a je teraz, keď nebudete uctievať ani v Jeruzaleme, ani na tomto vrchu. Ale Boh je Duch, a tí, ktorí Ho uctievajú, Ho musia uctievať v Duchu.“

Niet pochýb, že tá žena povedala, „No, počkaj chvíľu. Kto je vlastne tento človek?“ On jej chcel dať poznať, kto On bol, pretože ona Ho musela predstaviť tým Samaritánom. „Kto je to?“ Ona povedala...

On s ňou zopár minút hovoril. Povedal, „Žena, choď a priveď svojho manžela.“

Ale ona povedala, „No, On si počína chytro.“ Vidíte? Ona povedala, „Nemám žiadneho manžela.“ Ó, ó.

Potom tá palica bola položená na tú obeť. Vidíte, niečo sa stalo. Čo sa stalo? Ona uvidela zázrak Boží. On povedal, „Ty si povedala pravdu. Pretože si mala piatich, a ten, s ktorým žiješ teraz, nie je tvoj manžel, tak ty si povedala pravdu.“

261Ona sa obrátila. Vedela, že Boh bol pre ľudí mŕtvy počas rokov; ich kňazi a rabíni a tak ďalej, oni hovorili o Bohu. Ale v Biblii bolo zasľúbené, že On príde.

Ona povedala, „Pane, ja rozpoznávam, že Ty si prorok. (Vidíte?) My vieme, že Mesiáš príde.“ („No, dovoľ mi uistiť sa.“) „My vieme, že Mesiáš príde.“ („Opýtam sa Ho toto a uvidím, aké je Jeho slovo; človek, ktorý nepozná Boha, mi to nemôže povedať.“) „My vieme, že príde Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus. A keď On príde, toto je tá vec, ktorú On urobí, keď príde. My Ho očakávame.“

On povedal, „Ja som On.“

To stačilo. To stačilo. Ona bežala do mesta. Povedala, „Poďte, vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila.“

Pred tým, ako mohla priniesť to posolstvo, ona najprv musela uvidieť zázrak Boží. Pred tým, ako mohla uvidieť zázrak Boží, ona musela zobrať Boha za Jeho Slovo. Je to presne tak. Ó, ako by sme mohli ísť ďalej. Vezmime ďalší.

265Letnice... Po tom, čo oni chodili so Slovom, po tom, čo videli to Slovo, po tom, čo oni uverili tomu Slovu, ale pred tým, ako mohli uvidieť zázrak Letníc, oni museli poslúchnuť to Slovo. Vidíte? „Choďte do mesta Jeruzalema,“ povedalo to Slovo, „a čakajte tam, až kým budete odiati mocou z výsosti.“

No, čo ak by prešiel ôsmy deň a Matúš by sa pozrel na Mareka a povedal by, „Viete čo? Mal som jedného dňa taký malý divný pocit, to musel byť Duch Svätý. On nám povedal, aby sme tu čakali. Vidíte, to muselo byť to.“

Ó, čakajme ďalší deň.

267Prichádza deviaty deň. „No, teraz, On nám povedal pred deviatimi dňami, aby sme sem prišli. Iste, či neveríte, že sme to prijali? Verím, že sme to dostali, keď sme Mu uverili. Nemyslíte si to?“ Ó, vy dobrí Baptisti. Vidíte?

Povedal, „Ja verím. Verím, že to máme, pretože On nám povedal, aby sme sem prišli. A viete čo ja verím? Verím, že hneď, ako sme sem prišli, my sme poslúchli to, čo On povedal.“

Ale čo On povedal? On nepovedal, „Keď prídete tam hore, dostanete to.“

On nepovedal, „Čakajte päť dní, alebo deväť dní.“ On povedal, „Až kým...“ To je to.

„Tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána, nadobúdajú novej sily.“ Vidíte?

269Čo máš urobiť? Vezmi Jeho Slovo, konaj na jeho základe, a stoj rovno s ním. Každý deň, s Tým šliap satanovi na päty. „Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. Je napísané. To sa musí stať. Ty konáš podľa Slova (Vidíš?); potom uvidíš zázrak Boží. Je to tak. Ale najprv musíš na základe toho konať. Oni išli tam hore a poslúchli Slovo, zostali tam. Prišiel deviaty deň. Môžem počuť Petra, ako hovorí, „Viete čo, čo si myslíte, bratia?“

Možno Marek povstal a povedal, „Viete čo? Bratia, len to prijmime vierou, pretože sme poslušní.“ Nie, vy neposlúchate plne.

273Poviete, „Bol som pokrstený v mene Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého.“ To nie je plná poslušnosť. Vidíte? Poviete, „Vstúpil som do cirkvi.“ To nie je poslušnosť. Vidíte? „Povedal som z pamäti Apoštolské Vyznanie.“ To stále nie je poslušnosť. „Ó, brat, prestal som klamať a kradnúť. Nechcem robiť nič také.“ To stále nie je poslušnosť. To musí byť narodenie. Niečo sa tam musí stať. Musíš zomrieť a Niečo sa musí v tebe narodiť. Ó, po tak mnohých dňoch, čo oni čakali; prešlo deväť dní. Oni povedali, „Jednoducho to prijmime a pokračujme v našej službe. Svet tam vonku zomiera; prečo by sme mali ešte čakať?“

276Môžem počuť Petra, ako hovorí, „Ale viete, Niečo mi hovorí, že to ešte nie je v poriadku. To nie je presne tá poslušnosť Slovu. Vidíte, ak očakávame, že uvidíme ten zázrak, ktorý nám Boh zasľúbil, ohľadom poslania Zasľúbenia od Otca na nás, my musíme čakať tu, až kým sa niečo nestane. Pretože Písmo povedalo, že to príde v tejto forme; Joel povedal, 'Vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. Na svojich služobníkov a služobnice vylejem zo Svojho Ducha. Ukážem znamenia a divy na nebi a na zemi.' Prorok Izaiáš povedal, 'A so zajakavými rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť ku tomuto ľudu, a toto je deň sabatu, do ktorého oni vojdu. Avšak nechceli počuť.' No, bratia, my nemôžeme vyjsť odtiaľto takto, bez toho, že by sme vôbec nič neprežili. Vidíte? Musíme niečo mať, pretože On povedal, 'Čakajte tu, až kým nebudete odiati do moci z výsosti.' No, ja nemám o nič viac moci, než keď som sem prišiel. Bol som tu po celú noc; bol som tu ďalšiu noc; bol som tu deväť nocí; som práve taký istý, ako keď som sem prišiel. A On nám povedal, že prijmeme moc, tak len ďalej čakajme.“

277Potom zrazu, keď oni plne poslúchli Slovo Božie, potom uvideli zázrak Letníc. Oni videli Oheň, ktorý zostúpil do budovy. Ten stĺp ohňa prišiel dolu medzi tých ľudí; a veľké jazyky ako rozdelené jazyky zostúpili na každého jedného z nich. A oni boli naplnení Svätým Duchom a začali hovoriť inými jazykmi, ako im Duch dával vyslovovať.

Niečo sa stalo. Kedy? Keď oni urobili svoje rozhodnutie, že to prijali? Nie. Keď plne poslúchli Slovo Božie, oni uvideli zázrak Letníc. Tak je to dnes; musíte urobiť tú istú vec.

279No priatelia, ja na tomto skutočne zakončím. Nejdem otočiť ďalšiu stranu. V poriadku, ďalší sa pripraví, keď toto poviem. No, hoci som nazvaný všetkým možným zlým, „náboženský fanatik, Letničný, rozbíjač cirkví, pokrytec, Belzebub, snílek,“ a sme nazvaní všetkými možnými menami. Ale čo oni robia, ako ťa volajú? „Snílek, Belzebub, falošný prorok, Jedine Ježiš (Jesus Only),“ všetkými ďalšími možnými menami, všetkými zlými menami... Ale skrze to, že veríme pravdivému Slovu Božiemu, Jeho pravdivému prorokovi toho Slova, čo robíme? Vidíme veci, ktoré vidíme.

281Ó, prídu od Východu a Západu,

Prídu z ďalekých krajín;

Aby sa hostili s naším Kráľom, aby stolovali ako Jeho hostia;

Aký požehnaní sú títo pútnici!

Hľadiac na Jeho svätú tvár;

Planúcu Božskou láskou;

Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti;

Budú svietiť ako klenoty v Jeho korune.

Ježiš skoro príde;

Naše skúšky sa zakončia;

Ó, čo ak by náš Pán mal prísť v tejto chvíli;

Pre tých, ktorí sú voľní od hriechu?

Ó, potom ti to prinesie radosť;

Alebo smútok a hlboké zúfalstvo?

Keď náš Pán príde v sláve;

Stretneme ho v povetrí.

282Prečo? My konáme na základe Jeho Slova. Amen. Volajte to, ako chcete. My vidíme znak Mesiáša v našom strede. Vidíme Stĺp Ohňa: nemôžete to zaprieť. Nech nás volajú, ako chcú. Boh je tu. Veda To odfotila. Prečo? Poslušnosť Jeho Slovu. Nikdy v minulosti sa to nestalo, ale jednako to mechanické oko kamery hovorí, že to je On, Svetlo narazilo na ten objektív. Prečo? Zober najprv Slovo Božie. Nech ťa tie denominácie vykopnú, ak chcú. Nech sa ti všetci obrátia chrbtom, ak chcú. Ale konaj podľa Slova Božieho, ak chceš vidieť zázrak Boží.

283Ježiš zasľúbil, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Ten anjel zostúpil, Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, obrátený chrbtom ku stanu a povedal, predstierajúc, že nevie, kým je Abrahám, povedal, „Abrahám.“ Nie Abram; On zmenil jeho meno pár dní pred tým. „Kde je tvoja žena Sárah? Nie S-á-r-a-j, S-á-r-a-h. „Kde je tvoja žena, Sára?“ Nazval ho jeho otcovským menom a ju menom kňažná...

Ó. Kto to bol? Abrahám vedel rovno vtedy, Kto to bol.

On povedal, „Ona je v stane za tebou.“

On povedal, „Ja ťa navštívim, Abrahám. ('Ja,') Ja ťa navštívim, podľa Môjho zasľúbenia, ktoré ti dávam, pretože ty si čakal teraz všetky tieto roky. Čakal si na to dvadsaťpäť rokov. Zostal si rovno s tým Slovom, konal si podľa toho Slova. Zaprel si dokonca, že patríš na zem. Stal si sa pútnikom a cudzincom. Hľadáš Mesto, ktoré má prísť, ktorého Staviteľom a Učiniteľom je Boh. Zasľúbil som ti, že skrze toto dieťa, ktoré príde, budeš otcom mnohých národov. Zasľúbil som to. Ty si konal na základe toho Slova; teraz uvidíš zázrak Boží.“

„Ako to uvidím, môj Pane?“

„Kde je Sára, tvoja žena?“

„V stane za Tebou.“

Povedal, „Ja ťa navštívim podľa času života.“

A Sára sa v sebe zasmiala, povedala, „Ako môžem ja, stará žena, a môj pán je tiež starý, či budem mať znovu rozkoš?“

On povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“

On konal na základe Slova Božieho. On videl zázrak Boží. Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Vidíte, konajte podľa Slova Božieho a uvidíte zázrak Boží.

289Čo to bolo? Keď sme tu zastali pred nedávnom a kázali Cirkevné veky a priniesli sme ich, a malý znak, ktorý je tam, nakreslili sme ich tu na tabuľu. A rovno v tejto posluchárni, pred viac ľuďmi, než ako tu teraz sedia, hneď, ako som dohovoril, zažiarilo Svetlo, a išlo tam dozadu a zavesilo sa na tú stenu. A prišiel nad to tieň, zatiaľ čo sa každý na to díval, a vymeral tie cirkevné veky presne tak, ako sú tam. Koľkí sú tu teraz, ktorí tu boli v ten deň, zodvihnite svoju ruku ako …?... Ktorí ste sa na to dívali svojimi vlastnými očami, čo to bolo? Najprv, uverenie Slovu Božiemu, kázanie Slova, prijatie Božieho Slova; a my sme uvideli zázrak Boží potvrdzujúci to Slovo, že je správne.

Ó, Ježiš skoro príde; (všetci spolu)

Naše skúšky sa zakončia.

Ó, čo ak by náš Pán mal prísť v tejto chvíli;

Pre tých, ktorí sú voľní od hriechu?

Ó, vtedy by ti to prinieslo radosť;

Alebo smútok a a hlboké zúfalstvo?

Keď náš Pán príde v sláve;

Stretneme Ho hore v povetrí.

290Amen. Prečo? My veríme Jeho Slovu, udržujeme ten Olej v lampe, ozdobenej a horiacej, nech vaše Svetlo tak svietilo, aby iní ľudia mohli vidieť vaše dobré skutky, vaše ovocie, aby oslavovali Otca, ktorý je v nebi. A čo sa stane? Keď veríme Slovu Božiemu a konáme na základe Slova Božieho, stretneme Ho v povetrí: bez tieňa pochybnosti. Nech vás Boh žehná. Skončím asi v jednej tretine. Zakončím to niekedy inokedy, ak Pán dovolí. „Ak je Boh s nami, kde sú Jeho zázraky?“ Vidíte? Veríte tomu?

292Ó, Bože, dovoľ nám vidieť nadchádzajúci rok. Nech vidíme nadchádzajúci rok, až tak, že naše srdcia nebudú uspokojené s cirkevnou denomináciou, alebo vyznaním, s potrasením rúk, alebo takzvaným náboženstvom. Nech nie sme uspokojení až kým nepocítime zázraky činiacu moc v tom, že Boh vezme-- v našich vlastných srdciach, vezme preč ten svet a vyformuje Krista. No, nie že dnes večer a zajtra začne robiť niečo iné, ale rásť v Ňom, do Jeho postavy. My rastieme v Ňom, až kým sa stretneme s Ním. Skloňme naše hlavy.

Miesto, miesto, áno, je miesto;

Je miesto pre mňa pri tej Fontáne;

Miesto, miesto, áno je miesto;

Je miesto pre mňa pri tej Fontáne.

293Náš Nebeský Otče, s pokorou duše a ducha, môj hlas je zachrípnutý a týchto zopár posekaných alebo potrhaných slov, Pane, modlím sa, aby si ich zobral a zaplátal ich spolu, keď neviem, ako to urobiť, ale hovorím len to, čo mi prišlo na myseľ. Umiestni to v srdci každej osoby a dovoľ im vidieť a veriť tomu, s tým postojom, ako to bolo predložené. A, Otče, to spôsobí, že o tom budú uvažovať; to ku nim privedie Krista. Požehnaj nás dnes večer, Otče. My očakávame, pri tom, ako konáme na základe Božieho Slova.

Požehnaj týchto bratov, Pane. Odpusť mi, Otče, že som zabral niečo z ich času. Modlím sa, aby Si ich pomazal Duchom Svätým v takej miere, že moc Božia zostúpi a prejde touto budovou tu a hriešnici prídu ku oltáru a preplačú si svoju cestu ku Golgote a chorí budú uzdravení a udejú sa veľké znamenia a divy a my uvidíme zázraky činiacu moc Živého Boha. Očakávame na to, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

295Chvála Pánovi. Milujete Ho? Ak je Boh s nami, nech vidíme Jeho znak. Kde je ten znak Mesiáša, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Ak ten Mesiáš je ten istý, On bude mať ten istý znak. Kde On je? Ku ktorej organizácii patrí? Ku ktorej organizácii môžeme ísť a pripojiť sa a nájsť Mesiáša, Jeho znak? Do ktorého domu môžeme vojsť, aby sme to našli? Premýšľajte o tom.

Prepáč, brat Neville... [Prichádzajú jazyky a výklad. — pozn.prekl.] Amen.

Chvála Ti, Ježišu. Požehnaný Ježišu. Vďaka Ti, Pane. Vďaka Ti.

IF GOD BE WITH US, THEN WHERE IS ALL THE MIRACLES?, 61-1231E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 121 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Good evening, friends. Back again... I never got but four hours in this morning. That's a shame. After speaking four hours, you ought to be so tired of me, you'd run me out of the platform. [Congregation says, "No!" Brother Branham's brother, Doc, says, "That reminds me, Bill. Someone said today that you're always has got a bunch of this things left over, that you never get to."--Ed.] Yes, sir. ["But tonight, honey, you can just have all the time that you want to." Congregation says, "Amen." Doc says, "So you don't have to miss none of it."] I got about half the Bible wrote out here. [Someone says, "You got the whole night to preach."] We got several precious brothers here; we want to hear them.

3 How many enjoyed the service this morning, of the... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Actually, four hours. I don't know what that tape went to.

My sister called me up after the service, and she said, "It must not have been to nobody else." Said, "It must've been just to me. Said, "I said," to her husband, "Junior," said, "what'd you think?" "Oh," he said, "I heard Brother Branham do better than that." She said, "Then I was sure it all come to me," she said.

I believe she's back there, or I would tell it on her, but I'll just let it go. Delores, where you at? She isn't here. Well, I'll tell it then. She said, "I been guilty of using just a little bit of, you know, makeup, cutting just a little bit." Said, "That's--that's over." She realized she wasn't dead yet. You see? You got to die, so titling it the message of--for the New Year's. May the Lord grant His blessings.

6 So nice, tonight, to see so many in. Brother Graham Snelling, I just got in in time to hear him closing out that old song, "And We Shall Go To Dwell On Zion's Hill."

I guess there's nobody in here ever remembers little Rabbi Lawson. Anybody remember him? Yeah, two or three of you, Brother Graham that... Brother Slaughter, that made me think of Brother Lawson. You remember how he used to sing? Little, bitty fellow, I called him "rabbi" because he wore a little, flat, black hat. He was a Pentecostal preacher. But great big tortoise-shell glasses, and I said, "You look just like a rabbi." And so we always called him Rabbi Lawson, a wonderful little brother. And he--he was so old, he'd come stooping in; he got run over by a car, and stiffened up his knees. He'd hang his crutch, or his walking cane on this side here. I'd set down in a chair. And when he'd get over there to that part, "The wheels of mortal life shall all stand still," he'd pick up that old cane, reach over his shoulder, and hook it right around my neck, and bring me out, up like this, put his arm around me, and "then we shall go to dwell on Zion's hill."

8 Any--anybody else in here ever knowed Rabbi Lawson? Just a few of you. I want to say this then. A strange thing happened to him. He was a real little preacher, fine brother. And he--he didn't have no big charges; that wasn't his mission. But I believe he lived true to what he was put in charge over; that's the main thing.

And his wife thought he wasn't making enough money, preaching, so he--wanted him to get a job. He studied the Bible all the time. So one day she got so angry with him; she just grabbed the Bible right out of his lap, took It over, and raised up the stove, and stuck it in the stove, and burned It. A few months after that, she was putting up some Christmas lights, fire of the Christmas tree caught her and burnt her up, right in the same place. See, you reap what you sow. "Touch not My anointed; do My prophets no harm. See?

10 Thing about the Word of God, them people that had the accident out there, and then Satan tried to destroy their... I just see them raise up back there just then to let someone in. Their trailer, practically everything in that room burnt to a crisp. I was out there. The only thing that existed, I think, was a blessed old Bible, and I think my book and Brother Osborn's. Everything was burnt to a crisp in their trailer. I picked up the Bible; it's just smoked a little on the outside. I told the sister and brother that someday, the Lord willing, I'd like to take that from the pulpit here, and preach on the text, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not." When it's all gone, the Word is still there. Isn't it wonderful how God cares for His Word? And then let that Word be in you, He'll take care of you. That's right.

11 During the time of the flood, I was preaching here one night, left my Bible. The '37 flood came overnight almost, as it swept through the Tabernacle, picked up this same pulpit, raised it right up; there was no other ceiling in here then, and set it right against the ceiling. The Word being under the pulpit, instead of it sinking it floated, took it right up to the ceiling. And I rowed all around over here in a boat. And then when the waters went down, it came down and was laying right here at the same chapter I was reading out of, after the flood. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not." That's right. He's wonderful. Isn't He?

12 Honestly, I--I want to get away from here real quick, because they got so many fine ministers. I thought I'd call them all to the platform, but we haven't got seats for them. Because I've seen several since I've come here in the audience, that perhaps has a message tonight. We want to hear from our pastor, from different ones, the--the message they have on their hearts for tonight. And I'll just be real brief, and try to say a little something.

13 And then we're starting something tonight, or something happening tonight, if God willing, that we have never did since I've--in my lifetime. Just thought of it the other day, and called Brother Neville, and he thought it was a grand idea. Instead of all the commotion of blowing whistles, and hollering, and carrying on, and drinking, and the New Year's carousing, and so forth like that, we're going to come to the altar and take communion at the midnight, with... And each one of us, as we listen to the words tonight from these different ministers, let us be real reverent.

14 Now, last Sunday night I gave a Christmas message. And then I said to the church to the people from Georgia and the different places, "Don't come," 'cause it would knock their children out of Christmas. They're... They look for it; they're just children. And I would get the tapes for you. Now, you that didn't get to come, the--the tape's at my expense. Just let Brother Wood and them know, and I'll--I'll take care of it for you, and get the tape.

15 And now, tonight, I just want to first say this one thing before I read my text. And probably, in preaching, we'll be right up almost to midnight. And then we're going to about fifteen, twenty minutes before twelve, we're coming out and bring the kosher out, the--the Lord's Supper, the paschal lamb, and set it out here, the kosher, and then give thanks to God, and stand at the altar, with bowed heads and hearts, and take the communion of the Lord. And I think the room is full of recorders in there, and so forth. I don't know whether we're... What say? They'll be out by that time, so we won't have to omit feet-washing too. And tomorrow is Monday, and some of the people from out of town, have plenty of time to go home. And trusting that God will bless you now.

17 And this will probably be the last time I'll get to be with you, until I come back from out west. I'm going out to Arizona, perhaps going to Louisiana first, then on to Arizona and California. And then as soon as I get back, I hope to be with you again. Until that time, pray.

I never made any itinerary. I believe I see Brother Borders tonight in the meeting. I called attention for him this morning. And he keeps a record, and he presented a book to me the other day of all kinds of invitations. But somehow, during this time, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Go one place. And when you're finished there, I'll tell you where to go from there." See, just lead right on like that, what to do next. So we must be pretty close to the line, when He starts doing that (You see?), just know wherever somebody is calling and waiting.

19 Not for New Year's resolution, 'cause we don't make them: don't do no good, you break them. I seen my daddy throw that plug of tobacco away every New Year's night to watch where he throwed it, so he could get it the next day. See? And that's about the way it goes. Let's not make resolutions. Let's ask for mercy and grace, ask for God's mercy.

20 And if I don't get a chance any more to the giving of the communion, probably in a hurry at that time. I... This is one thing I desire to do; one of my desires is to see a Church without spot or without wrinkle, that the Holy Spirit... Brother Graham, this has been the longing of my heart, to see a Church that's so filled with God until sin can't abide in it anywhere, the Spirit of God calling it right out, wherever it is. I want to see that.

And one thing that I desire, the one great vision from the Lord that I've always desired to have from the Lord, He give it to me the other morning about ten o'clock in the morning. And that satisfied my desire. For years and years, since I've been a minister, I've longed to see that, and it finally come to pass. Now, I'm very grateful to God. I haven't said nothing about it, just got it wrote down. And I know it's just exactly what I've been asking for all the time.

22 And now, I pray and trust to God... And tonight, anew, I dedicate my life to Him over His pulpit. That one great desire in my life is to be more humble before God and before His people. Knowing that that's one of my major mistakes, is having to deal with the public in such a way, it's took a lot out of me, that used to be there. I trust that God will restore again that joy that I once had. Not as I lost my joy, no; but I mean I want more of it, more, more humility to serve the Lord. This coming year, I promised God, if He'll let me live, and give me health and strength, I will try to be a servant to God, and a brother to men, with all my heart.

God bless you now. Let us bow our heads just a moment.

23 As the world, Father, rocks around the equator, as we're told, now it will start again now moving back towards--from the shortest day of the year to the longest. Just a short time, and the whistles will be blowing, the people will be screaming, the bells will be ringing; and the old year is gone, and a new year comes on. And, Father, we thank Thee, that Thou has let us see this year of 1961. And we pray You forgive us for all of our sins that we committed through this year. And if there has been one thing that we have did that has been good, Thy Name be praised. For it was not us, the unworthy, but it was Thee, the Holy Spirit that finally pushed Its way into our life, over our rebellion condition, and did something that magnified God. We're grateful that He did it. And, Father, we'd prayed tonight that He'd press us aside every time, and let the will of God be done in our lives.

24 And tonight, as our sister churches, their pastors are setting here, our Brother Graham, and brethren from different parts of the country: Utica, Sellersburg, and Georgetown, wherever it may be... Precious souls has gathered together from many, even States, tonight to help us in this great jubilee here that we are celebrating, and has turned the time to the singing of songs, praying a prayer, and of listening to the Word of God. Fill every heart. Move back every doubt. Take away every fear. Take away all weary. And let the Holy Spirit move into our hearts, and plant the Word. Let us be the field that the Word will fall in, that'll bring forth fruits in the coming year. Grant it, Lord.

25 Help me now, as it's my time, the lot falls to me at this time to speak. I pray that You'll anoint the words that is said. And may they go out under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, with expectations, Lord, to bringing people that doesn't know You, to You; and those that are there, may they have more faith to serve Thee. Grant it, Lord. And help my voice, as having a bad cold, and being tired from a four-hour message this morning, I pray that You'll help me. Help all of us, and condition us now for the coming service and the communion.

Bless this church and its pastor, our Brother Neville, its trustees and its deacons, and may they serve more gallant this year than any time before. Thank You for their service and their gallantry, how they stood by me when I needed someone to stand by me. Brother Neville and Brother Roy Roberson, and all the precious brethren who stood by us in the times of trouble, and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, made decisions in the best that they knowed how. And the decisions that they have made, has been proven to be in Your will, for You have blessed their decisions. God, continue to be with them. Help us all together now. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

27 Now, to you who take texts; and trusting that you'll be praying for me... And for a few moments, I'd like to call your attention to a portion of Scripture found in the Book of Judges at the 6th chapter, beginning at the 7th verse. I would that you would listen quietly, and listen to the Word.

Can you hear me in the back, all right? Raise up your hands if you can. Fine. And if they watch, ever who engineers this microphone, will watch that it carries on. Is the tapes coming in?

29 Judges the 6th chapter, the 7th verse. Now, listen close, 'cause I'm going to refer to this in a few moments.

And it came to pass, when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD because of the Midianites,

That the LORD sent a prophet unto the children of Israel, which said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I brought you up out of Egypt... brought you forth out of the house of bondage;

I delivered you out of the hands of the Egyptians, and out of the hands of all that oppressed you... drave them out from before you, and gave you their land;

And I said unto you, I am the LORD your God; fear not the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but you have not obeyed my voice.

And there came an angel of the LORD, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah:... pertaineth unto Joash the Abrezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianite.

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him. The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.

And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles, which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us out of Egypt? but now the LORD has forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

And the LORD looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hands of the Midians: have not I sent thee?

If it be so pleasing to God, I wish to take a text there, upon, I believe the--about the 14th verse, where It said, "If God Be With Us, Then Where Is All The Miracles?"

31 Now, we are all acquainted with the Judges of Israel. And how that they had done the Israelites; the Philistines, the Midianites, the Amorites, and all the different ones had come in like locusts and just eat up what they had, and take it out, and go on. But did you notice, they could not do that until Israel first fell away from God.

The devil can't set a foot on you to hurt you, until first you get away from God. You must first remember that. Check when anything happens, see if you're in the faith or not, see that if you're right up to place with God; then remember, the devil can do you no harm; you're in Christ.

33 And this place here, we had just left the... A few years before this had been the prophetess Deborah, and Barak. And how that she had prophesied and told them what to do, and it was just exactly right. Barak, the great warrior... And how that they made a song, of the triumph over the enemy. But as soon as they got out of the twist, right straight back into the rut they went again.

If that isn't the picture of the church today, just as soon as it gets out of one twist right into another one it goes. But time had come for action. And that's the same now; the time has come for action. The time had come when playing church had come to a halt with God. There's no more playing church. We must get down to business. And I trust that that same God will place this upon the heart of the people tonight, that it's time for a halt of playing church, playing religious, playing righteous, and now it's time for action.

As I was speaking this morning upon the subject of what the new birth was, and how we come to it, surely that still sinks in your heart. Now, the time has come to act upon what you know to be the truth. You cannot act with faith until first you know what you're doing. You've got to first know what you are doing before you can have faith to do it.

36 Someone said to me one time, a noted doctor was talking about a miracle that had happened among--a sick person. And he said to me, "Preacher, don't you believe, if you told them people to go out and touch a tree or a post, the same thing would take place?"

I said, "No, sir." I said, "Because you cannot have faith in touching a tree or a post." Faith is not that loose. It's got to be based upon some noted fact. You've got to know something about what you are having faith in, before you can have faith in it. So we first must know how and what: what God's desire is, what God's plan is, and how to approach God by that plan. And then we can walk up boldly to the throne of grace, and plead what the plan is promised us.

39 Now, they had been playing church. Just soon as they got out of one twist... God delivered them. Then instead of really going on and serving God, seeing His mighty hand, they twisted right back out into the things of the world again. And so the time had come when God called a halt. And it must be that way.

And I think it's time to call a halt now. We have twisted the Word of God to fit every organization there is in the world, every plan that every man has schemed to do. We've twisted the Word to make It this way, and twisted the Word to make It that way, and twisted It some other way to make It to fit a plan. But the time has come to halt; stop your playing church. The time has come when people says, "If you can just get enough Spirit to dance in the Spirit; if you can get enough to see lights before your eyes; or a sensation to run down your back, or some quiver, some shake, some emotion; you've got It." You've got something; but I wouldn't say just what you had, till I seen what kind of fruit it growed.

As we went through it, this morning, you can't expect a baby to be borned a man. It's got to grow to it. And we grow in Christ to the full stature. Something... Not somebody get converted tonight, and tomorrow go to preach the Gospel. We grow up into manhood, into the stature of Christ.

42 Now, we find that when God's people gets in trouble, God always sends them a prophet with the true Word to bring them out. It's never a time that God's people ever gets in trouble, unless God sends them His Word. And His Word, as we had this morning, come to the prophets. And how you test it, is to find out whether it is according to the Word. If it's according to the Word, then God's Word becomes alive.

Now, many might say, "This is the prophet of our church." "This is the prophet of our church." And two of them contrary, one to the other one, something's got to be wrong.

We all must speak the same thing. Then we must speak, not contrary, but exactly with this Word. That's how a true prophet is tested, whether he's got the Word. The Bible said, "If their testimony is not according to the law and prophets, there's no Light in them." That's right. It's got to be according to the Word.

45 And God always, in every case, sends the people a true servant, a true prophet that'll bring the true Word of God. And the Word of God is what delivers the people always.

Now, if we'd go back and read the 7th to the 10th verse, we find out in there, in this 7th to the 10th verse, that Israel had turned away from God and had gone back into the world again. And there came out of nowhere, don't even give his name... I don't guess the prophet was interested in his name. He was interested in one thing; God had anointed him. He didn't make any difference whether he was classed a--one of their denominations, or something else, whether he was a bishop or an archbishop. The only thing that he was interested in was that message on his heart. And he called the people back to repentance and a understanding that their God was a God of might and a God of deliverance, God of miracles, that snatched them out of the hands of the Egyptians, opened up the Red Sea, and fed them in the wilderness, and the God of might Who could take the land from someone else and give it to them. Amen. That was a true prophet. He was anointed, and he was the voice of God to them people. He spoke that it must be so because they were in trouble.

47 These Midianites, and Amorites, and so forth, had all come over and eat up all their land. And so the enemy had challenged, and he must be met. Their armies couldn't do it, and their priests couldn't do it, and their churches couldn't do it. So it took the Word of God to meet his challenge.

The enemy speaks today. The enemy tries to say that the days of miracles is past, that there is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and this is only emotion, it's only a workup." So the enemy has challenged, and his challenge must be met. The only way we can meet the challenge of the day, when the denominations call the people away and--and put them in this organization, that organization, let them--women cut their hair and wear makeup; and men live all kinds of lives, live as trustees and deacons, and pastors in the church, because they got some Ph.D. or LL.D. is the requirement. Jesus never did require a man to have that.

Jesus' requirement was, "Wait in the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high, then you are a witness to Me." That meets his challenge. That met the enemy's challenge. That met it in that day. It'll meet it in this day.

50 Now, I want you to notice. In 7 to 10 we see the prophet coming. From 1 to 7 we see the people falling away. And from 7 to 10 we see the prophet coming and giving the people the remedy. Notice, we don't know where he come from; he never said there was a man, or a Pharisee, who had been a priest for a while. It never give his backgrounds. Them prophets, they rise up from nowhere.

51 Look at Elijah. Elijah was the last, and the sixth, of the great prophets, of the mighty prophets. What we know about his background is nothing. We don't know what school he went to. We don't know what kind of a family he was out of. The only thing we know, that God was with him. And he come forth, and he left just about as mysterious as he come forth. He come out of the wilderness from nowhere, and went back in the wilderness, and caught up in a chariot of wind, and took up into the heavens by Fire. He come mysteriously, and he left mysteriously. He had no theological backgrounds. We don't know where he come from, who his father was, who his mother was, who his brothers and sisters was. The only thing we know; he was a man of God. God taken him out of nowhere, and used him, and took him back into somewhere: in His Presence. He was a man of God.

52 And here comes a prophet out for that hour and gave them the Word of the Lord. Remember, He never give them some man-made theology. He said, "I am the Lord that brought you out of Egypt, show My mighty hand, showed My power." I'd imagine Gideon was setting right there listening at him. "I am the God that did these things. And I've done all this for you, and yet you've not obeyed My commandments. In all this, you have not done it."

53 Now, I want you to notice another thing that might encourage you. Immediately after that prophet's message, the Lord appeared on the scene. Amen. As soon as he gave his message, the Lord appeared under a tree. The Lord came after the message of the prophet, setting under a tree. The prophet gave... The people fell away, got off in their isms. God sent His prophet. Soon as the prophet got through with his message, the Lord followed the prophet's message for deliverance.

Oh, we are living in a grand time. Immediately when the prophet went off the scene, what happened? The Lord came on the scene. As soon as John went off the scene, the Lord came on the scene. Very strange how God works, but He does it, works in mysterious way.

55 We read the Scripture here, where Gideon, scared, out by the winepress, thrashing out enough wheat, before the Philistines or the Midianites found him. Him and his daddy, out there getting a little grub for their winter's food, thrashing it out secretly, so they couldn't find them. 'Cause they just come in like grasshoppers and took all they had.

56 That's the way the devil does. We get a little church started, everything going fine. (How many preachers don't know this to be the truth?) Just about the time everything's going along fine, some old impostor will come right amongst that group and tear it to pieces (That's right.), snatch the church right from a man, if he can do it. See, that's the devil. Come in like grasshoppers and take out what's been given. Now, when...

57 Gideon certainly was a Scriptural man. When the Angel of the Lord said to him... And if you notice, it wasn't the Angel of the Lord here. It said, "And the Lord," capital L-O-R-D. It was not an Angel. It was God. It was a--a theophany in a man, in the form of God, like appeared to Abraham back in the wilderness, and looked like a man. So therefore, being a Messenger, He was the Angel of the Lord.

And He appeared to him. And He said, "Thou mighty man of valor," said He's going to take him, and deliver Israel by him.

60 And Gideon asked that question. What a Scriptural man that was. That's the kind of man that God comes to, somebody who knows. Gideon said, "If God is with us, if You are the Messenger, then where is the miracles that the prophet told us about?" He knowed everywhere God went, His miracles followed Him. He knowed that wherever God would be, miracles would be there.

And how can you expect God today to work in amongst people who doesn't even believe in miracles? How can it be?

And He called him a mighty man of valor. Said, "Now, by this, you're going to deliver Israel."

Now, that looked like a man setting there, and it was a Man. And he looked at Him, and he said, "Nay, my Lord, if God is with us, then why is all this trouble upon us? And where is the miracles that we're told about? Where is the things that God used to do?"

64 Now, there is a good way to trust whether the messenger's right or not. If he has a form of godliness, he will deny that power to do those miracles. If he's a messenger from God, he'll not only speak of it, but he'll have it to produce it, and to show that the God that he talks about is with him and in him.

He said, "If God was...?... us, where is all of His mighty miracles? 'Cause we understand..." Listen how Scriptural Gideon was. In otherwise, he said, "If... We understand that God is a great God of mighty workings. He's a great God of miracles. And if He is for us, and if He is with us, and He's the same yesterday, today and forever, where can I see His miracles? Where can I see this God in action? Where's He at, if He's for us?"

66 The mighty man of valor could refer back to the old Word and know It's right, because he knowed this, that God is a supernatural Being. And wherever a supernatural Being is, He'll do supernatural signs, because the supernatural is in Him. You just can't get out of it.

How can you stand in the face of wind, without having wind blowing? How can you get in water, without being wet? Water's wet. That's the chemical of it. It's wet. And when you get in water, you're going to get wet. Right.

And when you get in the Presence of God, the supernatural, there's going to be supernatural signs and supernatural workings of a supernatural God.

69 Therefore, he said, "Where is the working, where is the miracles, if God be with us?" Glory. That's it. See, where God is, miracles are. Where God is, the sign of God is there. See?

And Gideon, very Scriptural, said, "Where is these things?" In other words, like this: "I am a man, maybe of fifty years old," he'd say. "And I've have heard them talk about a God that worked miracles. And I've went to church, and I've believed the priests. And I believe the prophets. And I believe the written Word, all the scrolls. And I read in the scrolls where God, when He come among His people something taken place." And Gideon didn't know but what that was a man setting there under this oak tree. Amen. That's all he knowed; He was a man. He said, "Now, if God is with us, where is His miracles at? We want to see them."

How Scriptural that is. For where the supernatural is, God and His sign would be with Him. Where God is, the sign of God is with God. We know that. If He's in His people, they will do His signs. Just exactly.

73 That was the question that Gideon had, "Yea, where is God? If there is a God, if there is God with us, then let me see where His sign is. We told that He does perform them. And if this great task lays before me..."

Maybe the old Man standing there, and He looked like an old Man. The Bible said He had a staff in His hand. Read on, the 6th chapter when you go home or tomorrow sometime.

He had a staff in His hand: an old Man, looked like, setting under a tree. And He called him the mighty man of valor. And He said that God was going to do this thing. And He said, "God is with you."

He said, "Then where is His miracles? If the supernatural God is here, where is the supernatural works of God?"

77 That could be easily said tonight amongst our churches. "Where is that God that once lived? Did He die? Is He gone? Is He pursuing? Is He off on a trip?" No, sir.

He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And if we say we are of God, then let's see where God is. Let's see the signs of God. If this Tabernacle stands for God, let's see God moving among us. Let's see souls being born in the Kingdom. Let's see lives be straightened up. Let's see the sick, and the blind, the deaf, let's see His mighty works being performed. God in our midst...

"If God be for us, where is His miracles at?" He asked the question.

80 Now, if God is with His people, and in His people, he cannot--that person cannot help but do the same thing that God did. Because it's not the person any more; it's God in the man. If that man sins, then God's not in there. If he loves the world, then God's not in there. And we know that God has no dealings with sin. Now, I'll give you a Scripture for this, just in a moment.

Jesus, when He was on earth, He was asked the same question. They wanted to know, "You, being a Man, and make Yourself God?"

When He healed the man with the palsy, He said, "Thy sins be forgiven thee."

He said, "Now, wait a minute. You, being a Man, and forgive sins?"

He said, "That you might know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins or to heal; which is the easier, 'Take up your bed and walk,' or--or say, 'Thy sins be forgiven you'?" And then He spoke to the man, and he got up and walked away. And the Pharisees questioned Him.

85 And Jesus said, "If you don't believe Me, believe the signs that I do." See, they were told that there'd be a Prophet, like Moses, raise up, and He would be the Messiah. And He said, "If I do not do the works of My Father, then don't believe Me; I'm wrong. But if I do the works of My Father, and you don't believe Me, then believe the works. What does the works do? They tell you Who I am. They testify of Me. They're My witness. Not My credentials, that I belong to the Presbyterian church, or the Pentecostal, I can show My fellowship card; but the works that I do, the signs of God, the signs of the Messiah, they're the one that testify of Me."

86 Jesus said, in St. John 14:12, if you was going to put the Scripture down, St. John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Amen.

What is it, brethren? If God be for us, where is His miracles? If God be in us, what's the matter with us then? Something wrong somewhere. Yes.

Jesus said, "If you can't believe Me, what I say, watch what testifies for Me, for they're the one that gives witness of Me. The Lord your God said there'd be a prophet rise up like Moses. And whosoever shall not hear this Prophet, would be cut off from amongst the people. Messiah was to have a sign following Him. And if that sign of the Messiah don't follow Me," said Jesus, in so many words, "then don't believe Me. But if the Messiahic sign testifies of Me, then believe the sign. 'Cause if you'd think I'm wrong, the sign is right because it's Scriptural." Hallelujah.

89 That's where Gideon wanted to get to. That's where Gideon was standing. "Oh, if there be a God that's with us, we want to see the sign that He is a God, that He is the same God, because He'll do the same signs." What did God do?

Gideon said, "Wait, and I'll go get some, an offering." And he went out and killed a cow, or a lamb, and he boiled it. He brought bread, and he brought the lamb, and set it down.

And the Angel said, "I'll wait here." Prove all things. Test it by the Word. And he said, "I'll wait here," maybe two or three hours.

Gideon come with the broth, and with the bread, and with the meat. And the Angel said, "Now, you'll understand by this. This will prove it."

He poured the broth out upon the ground for a drink offering. And he took the bread and the meat and laid it on a rock where he was thrashing at. And took the stick from His hand, like an old Man, a staff, and touched it. And when He touched it, the smoke went out, and the sacrifice was consumed. What was it? He took him back to the Scripture to prove what He was.

95 The same God was with Elijah on Mount Carmel, same One I talked of this morning. When you lay your soul upon His brass altar of judgment, what takes place? If He's the same God, He'll take the sacrifice. You've offered it in sincerity upon His altar, He'll consume that sacrifice, and the world will be gone out of you. Just the smoke will fall away. The sacrifice will be gone. Yes.

"If You be God, and You're the God of the Bible that our fathers tell that performed miracles, let me see You perform a miracle, or let me see some sort of a miracle, that I know that God has met with me."

97 Now, may I say this. If God still remains God, if God is the same God He was in the days gone by, you don't have to go up and shake hands with the preacher, you don't have to go up put your name on a book. Them things are all right; nothing against it. Then you go back and become a church member, with your name on a book; and they give you a letter, and you pack it. As soon as something goes wrong there, you blow up like I don't know what, and you take it over to the next church. And as soon as something goes wrong over there, then you'll take it to the next church. You see, you haven't done right in the first place. If God remains God, lay your sinful soul on His altar, and He'll touch it with His Word and His power. And the world will be gone from you, and then you'll be a new creature, if He remains God.

98 He was God of the Old Testament. He was God of the New Testament. He's the same God today: yesterday, today, and forever.

And you know then, down in your heart, that a supernatural work has been done by a supernatural Being. When you once drank, and smoked, and lied; and you women loved the world so much, you kept wearing your makeup, and your long--or short hair, and doing other things you did; and you find out that something happens, and all the devils in hell couldn't make you do it again. Something happened, a God... A miracle was performed. What did He do? Changed your vile heart, changed your desires, changed your nature. A supernatural Word, by a supernatural God, made a creature of time to a creature of eternity. Amen. Took the world out of you, and put Christ in you, the hope of glory. And you're filled with His Spirit and ready to meet Him.

101 If God be God, where is His miracles? If God's with us, where is His miracles? If God is with the Methodist church, why is all the women still wearing bobbed hair? If God is with the Baptist church, then why does the pastor still smoke cigarettes, many of them? Why do they still deny the power of the--of God to heal the sick, and to raise the dead, and to speak in tongues, and interpret tongues, and gifts of prophecy? Why do they still deny it, if the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament's still the same God? If the God of the New Testament, the Holy Ghost, is still the God the Pentecostals claim, why don't they break down their walls of partition, and fussing at one another, and become borned again Christians? Sure. No. One won't even speak to the other one. See, the sacrifice hasn't been consumed. They go through sensations; they've done that all their--all through the ages. Under idols they done sensations.

103 But the God of the--of the Bible, that's the God, same yesterday, today, and forever, burns up the world and all the difference, makes us new creatures in Christ. Yes. Jesus said, "These testify and tell you Who I am."

The thing of it is, the reason we got all these things, is because we still let denominational differences, creeds, fusses, popularity, and devils of the world blind us from the real Truth of God. That's right.

105 Many person has been deceived in receiving the Holy Ghost; as I said, they've got doctrines today like Elijah's garments, and--and all these other things, manifested Sons of God, and all these different isms, and so forth, in the world today. People fall blindly on there, and go through some kind of a sensation, raise back up with a arrogant spirit, indifferent, fussy, high-tempered. That's not the Spirit of God. Still continue right on out of order, don't know what church order is, don't know how to behave themself in the house of God, no manners, no, just no audacity at all, no--no feelings towards God, all they think about is "my church." It shows they received a church spirit, and not the Spirit of God, 'cause It knocks all that out of you, burns it up. Sure.

See, they say, "Where is He?" That's... "We got a right to..."

106 But look, if the clouds are hanging over the sun, the sun is always shining. The only thing that keeps it from shining on you is clouds. And if you'd get rid of the clouds, the sun will be shining. Amen.

Brother, get away from all of our sin, and our doubts, and our flusterations, the Son's been shining since the day of Pentecost. The Holy Ghost is just as great today as It ever was. But our denominations has smothered over the Word of God, in saying, "It's for some other day. Oh, that'll... Divine healing, will be in the Millennium." Or, "Divine healing was back there. It isn't pertaining to today."

108 How can He be the same yesterday, today, and forever, and still Divine healing gone? How can the power, how can... The Bible set in order, "First apostles, prophets teachers, evangelists, pastors, for a vindication that the Gospel still lives." And God sends them right among us, and we turn our back on it. God doesn't fail, it's the people's failed.

"Where is the miracles then among us? Where are they at?" God was talking to this man, getting him ready to go out.

Move the clouds out, the sun's always shining. That's right. When doubts are gone, and things are made right, miracles will be there just as sure as the sun's there.

The sun, by the command of God, shines every day. It's there because God commanded it there. And as long as there is day and night, the sun will hang there. Sure. Not all the time you see it, because clouds has it covered up; fog, clouds, low or high, covers it up. But it's always there. See?

112 And the only thing you want to do to see miracles today, if you want to see the miracle of God, just move all your doubt away. Move all your creeds away, move all your denominationals away, and there the Son's automatically shining. It's a Commandment of God, for It said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." So, as long as He's to be there forever, He's there. No question about it, He's there. Where is the miracles? What's hindering the miracles? God sent Christ, Christ is alive forevermore! "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name, I'll be in their midst." Amen. "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world." There He is, His promise.

114 What's the matter then? We've let the clouds of doubt, greed, temper, selfishness, denominations, and other things, break in on us, break in and take us away from the Word, say, "them was somewhere else," denying Christ, denying the baptism of the--of the Lord, of the Holy Ghost, denying the Christian baptism of the Name of Jesus Christ, other things, all kinds of things, that our creeds has broke us away from the Bible. But in a...

115 Isn't it a strange thing, a miracle, that in the face of all of it, Brother Way, in the face of all the denominations, in the face of all the critics, the Bible still remains the same? How did It ever weather the storm? God is determined to judge every man by the Bible. And the Bible is the Word, and the Word is Christ. Everyone, every man will be judged by That.

Take the clouds away, then what happens, the sun's right there; the only thing you have to do today. Say not, "O Jesus, come and heal me. O Jesus, give me the Holy Ghost." Just take the clouds away. He's already there. He come nineteen hundred years ago, and He's still there. And He'll always be there. "I'm alive forevermore, the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's right.

117 Now, Gideon and those people there, before they could see, or could ever go, see these miracles of God, there was a condition that had to be met. To meet, to see the power of miracles, they had to believe. They also had to believe and obey the prophet's Word to see the miracles of God. Now, remember, before that they could see the miracles, they had to obey what the prophet said.

And before we can see the miracles of God, we've got to obey what the prophet's said. The Bible is the Prophet to us. That's right.

119 If a man, no matter how much he calls himself God's prophet of the Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, whatever he may be, whatever he calls hisself, if this Word isn't living in him, he isn't a prophet. He might be a prophet, but a false one. True prophets speak of this true Word, and then that puts God just exactly the same God, the same power, the same Words, the same everything, the true Word.

Now, they had to believe. They had to believe the prophet's Word and obey It, before they could see God's miracles.

And today, you can't go here under false makeup, saying that "Jesus is not the same yesterday, today, and forever; the days of miracles is past; and there is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost," and expect to see God's miracles. You've got to obey It. And when you obey It, God takes care of the rest.

122 If you could brush all the clouds back, the sun's already there. It just hangs there. The sun doesn't move, we're told. The sun remains in the same place.

And Christ remains. And that's right. We move away from Him, but He remains. That's right. The only thing you have to do is turn yourself back around and face Him once, and you see what takes place. Face Christ, not face the church, not face a creed, not face the titles; face the Christ. See, not face the seminary, face the Word. Christ is the Word. Sure, It is. That's exactly.

124 Obey the Word. To us... They had to obey the Word. And to us we've got to obey the Word. If you'd like to know that, I've got a Scripture wrote here, said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word's in you, ask what you will." See? What was it? If God's Word is in us and abides in there, It just speaks for Itself. "Ask what you will, and it'll be given to you." Now, that's found in John 15:7, if you want to mark it down. See, Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me, My Words abide in you."

Not today one thing, tomorrow, next day, something else, and backslid, and over here, and down here, and down there, it shows you never got nothing to begin with.

127 Oh, you say, "I spoke in tongues." Fine, but still you never got nothing. See? You say, "I danced in the Spirit." All right, but still I don't know what kind of spirit you danced in. See?

If you're in one thing one day, and the next week, another thing else; and the next little pecker-wood comes along, pecks on a hollow tree, you run after it and the next one over here, mission-trotting, don't know where you do belong, then Christ don't abide in you. His Words isn't there. Because It's stable; you never turn to darkness.

129 As I preached the other day on "A Paradox," when Joshua stopped the sun. Becky back there, said, "Daddy, he couldn't stop the sun," said, "the world would stop. He stopped the world."

I said, "He stopped the sun." God don't make any mistakes in His Bible.

Said, "How could He stop the sun, the sun don't even run? The sun stands still."

I said, "But that--that missile out there, wasn't what He was talking about. This sun that was traveling and making it light across the earth, that's the sun He stopped." I don't know what God did to bring it to pass, but He stopped the sun. The sun was going this way, the sun on the earth, the reflection of the sun. That missile out there, we could--didn't see in a million miles of it, or millions of miles. But the reflection of the sun that was traveling across the earth from day to night, that's what Joshua commanded to stand still; and it stopped. A paradox is something that's unbelievable, yet true. So that's unbelievable, but yet true.

134 How can God take a sinner, arrogant, high-tempered, fussy man, and make a saint of God out of him? How can He take a woman that's so low, till the dogs won't even turn to her on the street, and make a saint of God out of her? I can't tell you. But He did it. It's a paradox. Sure is. All God's great works are a paradox.

"If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, and it'll be done unto you." St. John 14 or St. John 15, pardon me, St. John 15:7. All right.

136 Back to Genesis just for a moment. Noah had to meet the conditions. Noah had to believe God's Word and act upon It, before he could see God's miracle. That's right. Noah, the great prophet of Genesis, had to believe God's Word and act upon It, before he seen God's miracle. It'd never rained, you know, never had been no rain.

And what do you think? They tell us that that age was a greater age than we live in now in science. We cannot build the pyramid again, or the sphinx. We do not have the ways of making a mummy; we can't make it petrify like that. We cannot put coloring in cloth to last, like they did back there. We don't even have those things. And that's something that our modern science can't even find. But they had it.

138 We don't have--we don't have engineers like they had. That great pyramid in Egypt is so perfect in the center of the earth, no matter where the sun is, there's never a shadow around it. We couldn't put up a structure like that. We don't know how to do it. Neither could we build a pyramid. And up in there, up around the capstones and in there, laying almost a half a city block high in the air, there's stones that weighs billions of tons, hundreds of tons, rather, hanging up in there. All the machines we got in the world couldn't lift them up there.

They tell me it would take sixteen flatcars to load the leg of the sphinx on it. How'd they get it in there? How did it happen? They were smart, scientists.

140 And what do you think they said to a man, a fanatic, supposed to be a prophet, that said, "There's water coming out of the skies"?

I can hear them say, "We take our instruments and shoot plumb into the stars, and there's not a drop of water between here and there. Where's it at?"

Noah could come back with this, "God told me it's going to rain." That's enough. That settles it. God said it was going to happen, so that's just what's going to happen. All right. (I must hurry; other brethren waiting.) Yes, Noah, he said, "It's going to rain."

"How do you know?"

"It's the Word of the Lord. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

"What are you going to do about it, Noah, just walk around and preach about it?"

"No, sir. I'm going to make ready for it." See?

"Oh, that would be a miracle. The days of miracles is past."

"Just hold on, you'll see it after while." Yes, sir.

And what did he do? He built the ark before the rain fell. What was he doing? Acting on the promise. Amen. I feel kind of Pentecostal right now, feel religious.

145 Yes, take God at His Word; act upon the promise, regardless of what takes place; it's up to God to do the rest of it. Just start knocking the clouds. Lay aside every weight that so easily besets you. Lay aside all your doubts, your fears, your denominations, your creeds, and anything that's contrary to the Word. Jesus Christ is just the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just lay your creeds aside; lay your denominations aside; lay all your doubts aside;,all your flusterations aside, and just keep on. First thing you know, you'll--you'll move the last chunk, and He'll be standing there. You'll meet Him.

146 Noah said, "When I get the ark built, He'll come. The rain will start falling."

"The day that you get the ark built?"

"If it waits fifty years, I'll be setting in the ark, waiting for it. It's coming, 'cause God said so."

See, first thing, he had to prepare himself. He knowed that God was a God of miracles, so he couldn't doubt Him. God had spoke to him, and he knowed it. When God speaks to you out of His Word, in your heart you know it. When all the world's gone from you, and the things of the world is dead, you know it. When, if you love the world or the things of the world, you still know in your heart you're not right. It's true. So when everything's gone, then there's nothing else to do but meet God. He'll be standing there. He remains.

150 As the sun, s-u-n, so does the S-o-n remain just the same yesterday, today, and forever. That s-u-n that shines, is the same sun that shined in Genesis, the same sun that shined on Elijah on that mountain, the same sun that went down on the day of the crucifixion. Hallelujah. It remains the same. And the same Son of God, is the same yesterday, today, and forever, the same in power, the same in love, the same in signs.

What is today a sign of a Christian? Oh, he goes to church, puts his name on a book, he has a letter. That's not the sign Jesus said.

He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues. If they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it'll not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

If God be with us, where's His signs? Sure, get back to His Word; signs will take care of itself as soon as we get back to the Word.

154 Noah, before he saw the miracles of God, like Gideon wanted to question about, he had to first act upon the Word of God. Gideon had to act upon the Word of God. Everybody else has to act upon the Word of God. Before I could ever say that there was a God, I had to act upon His promise, then He manifested Himself. If you want healing, believe Him; act upon His Word; it'll come to pass.

Moses, before he ever could see God's miracles, he had to first act on God's Word. He knowed he'd heard his mother say he was born an odd birth; he was hid in the bulrushes. She told him that God had called him and chose him. And he thought, "Well, me being a fine military man, I can just go out here and slay--slay this Egyptian and hide him in the dust. And I can do whatever I want to. That's all it takes." But, you see, that's what he was trying to do. That was his idea. He'd never seen that God perform, perform the miracle to keep him through that time.

But one day, after he was eighty years old, he was herding sheep, going down a pasture, maybe a path where the sheep had been running. And the old herdsman going along there, with a crooked stick in his hand, beating along side of the trail; maybe a little lame, at eighty years old, whiskers hanging down to his waistline, perhaps, gray as the sheep that he was herding. And he saw something. O God. It was mysterious to him.

159 I hope I can show you something tonight. And we got a pool of water here ready.

He saw something he'd never saw before. And he said, "I better investigate It." So he turned aside, and the Word of the Lord came to him. Glory. Hallelujah. The Word of the Lord came to him. Now, before he could go, he had to act upon the Word of the Lord.

And remember, the Word of the Lord always performs miracles. He said, "Where will I know that You're with me and sent me?"

Said, "What's in your hand?"

He said, "A dry stick."

"Throw it on the ground," the first command God give Moses. "If you want to know that I'm God; you got a stick in your hand, throw it on the ground."

Gideon said, "Where is the miracles of God?"

He said, "Lay that bread on the altar; I'll show you Who God is." And He touched it with His staff; and the smoke went up, and he--it was consumed.

164 Moses said, "Who will I say that sent me? How do I know that You're God?"

He said, "What you got in your hand? I'm the Creator of life. I'm the miracle-working God." And before Moses could ever see the power of God that performed all the things, first he had to obey God. He throwed the stick on the ground; it become a snake. Whew. Oh, my. What? Is... Obedience comes first, before you see His miracles.

166 These so-called churches around the countries today, say, "Well, where is all the miracles? We'll give a thousand dollars for anybody that'll permit--will produce a miracle." You, poor, deliberated, backslidden, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, how are you ever going to see a miracle until you become one? Glory. A miracle of God's grace to take an unbelieving doubter and fill him with the Holy Ghost... Jesus said, "Except a man be borned again, he can't even see the Kingdom of God." If you want to see a miracle, become one. Let God work on you first. He's got some overhauling to do, some different lenses to put over your eyes, because you're blind, dead in sin and trespasses, spiritually blind, double dead. That's right. God has to give you Life, touch your eyes so you can see, perform a miracle, and make you a miracle, and then you can see the miracle-working God. That's the first thing.

168 Moses had to believe Him. Moses had to act upon It, act upon what God's Word said. He wanted to see whether that was God or not. He said, "Well, Moses, act upon what I tell you."

Now, listen here tonight, brother, sister. If you want to know Who God is, just act upon what He says Here. "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and you'll become a miracle." That's His promise. That's what He said. Act on His Word. "And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you and to your children." Oh, that's just for the apostles. "And them that's far off, and even as many as the Lord our God shall call." That's where the promise is to.

170 Act upon His Word, and you'll see a real miracle. Something will take place when you act upon His Word. Like Gideon did, he did what He told him to do. Like Noah did, he did what He told him to do. Like Moses did, he did what He told him to do.

Said, "Throw down your stick." In other words, "Get rid of everything's around you." Amen, "Let Me have it."

Say, "I got an awful temper." Give it to God; He knows how to quieten it. "I got a lot of lust." He knows how to take it away. See? Just put it in His hands and watch what a miracle can do. That's right. All right.

174 Moses had to work on the Word of God, before--or, obey the Word of God before he could see God's miracles. But after he once saw it, brother, there's nothing going to stop him then. I see him, the next day with Zipporah setting on this mule, and--and--and little Gershom on his hip--on her hip, rather, whiskers hanging down like that. Brother, that face was smiling, them eyes a-dancing up towards the sky. From a sheepherder to a mighty man of God, a man of valor, going down to deliver. Look at Gideon. What happened? Yes, sir, going down with a crooked stick to take over a nation. He did it. Sure, he did. God told him to.

No matter how unreal it seems, you just do what God tells you to do. You'll find out that His Word is still the same. Just get the clouds back; the Son's already shining.

176 Joshua, oh, that great conqueror, oh, the successor of Moses, a man that God loved, a mighty warrior, a man that God loved, God told him, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you." But before the walls fell, Joshua marched according to the Chief Captain's orders: around the wall thirteen times before the power of God ever struck the thing. He marched around the wall and sounded the trumpet, according to the Word of God that the Chief Captain told him out there when He met Him. He marched according to the Word of God. What did he do? He acted upon the Word before he saw the miracle.

177 You know, just to sound a trumpet don't shake down a wall that you can run chariot races around: sounding a trumpet. But God said, "Just--just march around the walls, seven times, and the last day, march seven--and thirteen times. And as you go around the wall, at the last time, let the priests go before, with the ark, and sound the trumpet. And when the trumpet sounds, the walls will shake down." What'd they do? He saw the miracle of God, after he acted on the Word of God. Where is your miracles? Act on His Word first.

How could the walls be shook down, and leave one little house standing, a harlot's house? Because she acted on the Word of God. Why did the rest of them die and she lived? She acted on the Word of God, and she saw the miracle of God. That's the way to find it; act on the Word.

179 The Hebrew children at the fiery furnace, what did they do before they saw the miracle of God? They acted on the Word of God. They knowed He was God. They knowed He was the God that had brought them up out of Egypt. They--they knowed that they was--He was the same God that always was, that He had to be the miracle-working God.

And He had give them a commission not to bow to idols. He don't change. "Stay with My Word. Don't you bow to idols."

What did they say? "Our God is able to deliver us from this fiery furnace. But nevertheless, we're going to act upon His Word." There it was. What happened? Then they saw the miracle of God, that God could withstand the fire.

182 You're sick? Act upon His Word, see if He heals. If you're a sinner, and wants to be filled with the Holy Ghost, come, repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and act upon His Word, see what happens. If you still got the world in you; and you women still wearing short hair, you still wearing makeup; you men still with tempers, and fussing about your denominations; if you want to find out if He is still God, act upon It, and lay yourself upon His altar, see what takes place. He's God. You have to act on His Word first.

183 Daniel, before he saw the miracle of God could deliver him from the lions' den, the first thing he did was act upon the Word of God.

The proclamation went forth, "If any man prays to any other god besides this idol for so many days, he'll be throwed in the lions' den." No man could pray to any other god but to the king; he had to be god (See?) for thirty days.

But what did Daniel do? He acted upon the Word of God. 'Cause when Solomon dedicated the temple, he prayed; he said, "Lord, if Thy people be in trouble anywhere and will look to this holy temple, then You hear from heaven." That's right.

186 Daniel acted, first. The threat was, "You're going into the lions' den." But Daniel acted on the Word of God. He knowed that God was still God, just like Gideon did; he knowed that God, if He was still God, then where is His miracles? And Daniel knew he was a prophet; he knowed he loved God. He knowed he was His servant, and he knowed God was able to deliver him from them lions. But if he was in trouble, under a threat, he turned his face towards the temple and prayed three times a day, just exactly...?... He acted upon the Word of God, and God filled him so full of the Holy Ghost till the lions couldn't eat him. That's right. That's right. He acted first upon the Word of God.

187 Jonah, in the belly of the whale, acted first upon the Word of God. He knowed he was gone, as far as physical. His hands was bound; his feet was bound. This preacher to the Gentiles was throwed out of the ship into the whale's belly, and down to the bottom of the sea. Now, what a condition he's in. But first he turned hisself over in the bottom of the whale, seaweeds was wrapped around his neck, where, the--the whale had been eating these weeds and things to--to put vitamins in his body, his vitamin pills, and then he got a preacher in there. But this preacher came to himself. Hallelujah.

Oh, brother, preacher, come to yourself tonight. Get away from them old creeds and things, and come back to a living God to a living Word.

189 He came to himself; he rolled over. You can't hide a saint from his prayer. He turned over, and he looked; everywhere was whale's belly all around him: east, north, west, and south. And he realized that he was in the whale's belly, and down in the bottom of the sea, and a storm on the sea. All hopes was gone when he was in the ship; and now he's in the whale's belly, farther away from hope than ever. And when only he could see the belly of the whale, he said, "They're lying vanities. I won't believe them any more. But I'll look towards Your holy temple, Lord." The holy temple wasn't looking down; he said, "It's up there, so I'm looking towards it."

190 And then he seen God's miracle. Somehow, oxygen came into the whale. He just breathed normally for three days, and took a nice little rest and ride, so he could take this forty day's journey across the wicked city down there to preach the Gospel. Got all freshened up with some new oxygen out of heaven. It couldn't come out of the whale, and it couldn't come out of the sea, so it had to come from God.

Oh, breathe on us tonight, Lord, that Oxygen of the Word of God in the power of His resurrection, that we can stay alive in this last wicked day. Breathe upon us, O Holy Spirit. That's it, brother. Breathe, Lord, fill us with Oxygen.

192 Like I told you this morning about the duck. As soon as he smelt the water, there wasn't nothing could keep him away from it; all the cluckings of the hen, and everything else, he went straight to water, because he was a duck.

Now, if there is any of you got duck nature, we got a great big pool back here. See? If you can smell, if you've got a whiff that God remains God, if you've got a whiff from heaven tonight, that God keeps His Word, and He's a miracle-working God, and you haven't received the Holy Ghost yet, smell the water, the first thing He said do. Certainly. Repent from the bottom of your heart, and lay yourself as a sacrifice on the altar, and you'll be consumed of the world, and borned again of the Spirit; and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ; He'll fill you with the Holy Ghost. Go through the right process, not come shake hands with the preacher and put your name on the book; but die so dead that you don't know the world no more.

194 Abel died on the same altar with his lamb. And the only way you're ever going to get right with God is die on the altar with Christ until everything becomes blackened around you. Die there. And when you raise again, you'll be a new creature in Christ. Sure.

Jonah had to believe God's Word and act on It first. Now, he was probably laying with his face down, when he went down in the whale's belly, 'cause they just pitched him over, just scooted right down the whale's belly. The whale said, "Well, we'll go down to the bottom of the sea now."

And I wonder what that whale thought in those three days, a funny thing was going on. Now, you see, the building of the whale, didn't appreciate it. Neither does the church denominational organization appreciate it. But, oh, how Jonah loved it. Sure, he did. Sure, he loved it, because it was fresh air that God was fanning on him; he was staying alive. God, fan the fresh Air on us.

197 If Jonah could perform a miracle like that by believing the Word of God to a natural temple, where a man that finally backslid, Solomon, had built, but asked God in prayer to bless ever who looked to that temple, and deliver them out of their troubles, wherever they was; and Jonah could believe, under those conditions, how much more can we believe tonight to look to heaven, where, not a backslider, not a man that died and stayed in the grave like Jonah--or like Solomon was at then; but a living God Who sets at the right hand of the Majesty, all power and authority, and preaching the Word and sending forth the Holy Ghost as a witness that He did. Amen. Believe the Word of God, you'll see the miracles of God. But you have to believe It first. Certainly was. Yeah.

198 Gideon, after he had seen this Visitor setting under the tree, and Gideon kinda questioned Him at first. He said, "If God still remains God, if God be with us, where's His miracles?" And this--and this Visitor setting under the tree, what did He do? When He touched that sacrifice with His stick that He had in His hand, it was consumed. And he knowed that was the action of God, so he knowed then that the Visitor under the tree, that looked like an old Man setting there, was the Word made flesh. Hallelujah. It was the living Word. He knowed that that was the living Word, because It was acting and living in present tense. Glory to God, brother.

199 Pentecostal's fine, but it's a painted fire if you haven't received It yourself. Not a past tense, a present tense, what good is a God of history if He isn't the same God today? As I've often said, what good does it do to give your canary bird vitamins to make his wings grow, and put him in a cage and keep him there? What's the use of teaching that there is a God of power, and then denying the people of the privilege of serving Him? Amen. Certainly. Nonsense.

Why you got all these seminaries around like a big incubator, hatching out preachers? See?

I always felt sorry for an incubator chicken; he really didn't have any mammy. He never knowed where he come from. Nobody to mother him, he come out mechanically. That's about the way with a seminary preacher that only knows theology. He might be as smart and polished as any scholar could be; he might be able to preach in many different languages; but if he don't know who his Parent is...

203 As I said not long ago; if any thing is a ignorant thing, is a mule. He don't know who's papa or mama is. He's a hybrid thing (See?); he don't know who, what papa, mama. He don't know where he belongs. That's like some of these hybrid Christians, so-called, bred in by denominations. But a good thoroughbred horse is pedigreed; he knows what it's all about.

And a good thoroughbred Christian knows where the Storehouse of God is. They know that they're borned of the Word. The Word is made flesh in them. Every Word that God says, they don't differen with It; they say, "It's right. Amen, and amen." They punctuate It with an "amen," every time. "Amen. Amen." Something in them punctuates It Himself.

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."


"He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also."


"Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved. These signs shall follow them that believe."


The old hen said, "Cluck-cluck-cluck, the days of miracles is past."

But, "Honk-honk-honk, I smell the water."...?...

That's right. See? Why? You are putting God to the test. See, that's it. God first, act upon His Word, and see if It's right. That's true.

208 John the Baptist was following right along his line of duty. When just a--a boy, we don't have much record. His father was a fine man, but disbelieved God. God was going to... determined to bring it through Elisabeth, this baby. So He told her according... She would conceive this child. And he doubted it, and He struck him dumb. I'd imagine the heart of John the Baptist's parents, Elisabeth and Zacharias, was kind of grieved, because they knowed they were old. And this promised child that had been born, that God had performed a miracle and had brought this child into the world, when they were old and past age. They knowed that their hearts were grieved, because they couldn't live long enough to see him perform his great work of God. But they dedicated him to it. Glory to God. Somewhere beyond the stars and moon, they could look down and see it. They'd never see this little boy... They died. They died when he was just a child yet, a young fellow, a boy; he left his home and went into the wilderness. There he was brought up under the power of God.

210 God told him, "You're the voice of one crying in the wilderness. I'm sending you forth. Go, and cry."

How John must've waited each day, as he run the snakes in the rocks and kicking the stones. Oh, I can't wait."

"What are you waiting on, John?"

"Just I want to hear His commission; that's all. Get out of the way, snakes." They'd take for the rocks. That's the reason them Pharisees come out, he said, "Oh, you generation of vipers, take for the rocks."

213 I say the same thing tonight. You generation of vipers, take for the water. Amen. You know what I'm talking about. These tapes... This is taped, it'll go all over the world. Take for the water if you want to see God's miracles.

John following right along, a fine-looking fellow come up; he said, "Maybe that's Him." He looked. "No, that's not Him. No."

"God gave me a promise."

"John, you say the Messiah's alive today?"


"Where's He at?"

"Here on earth somewhere. I don't know where He is, but I'll know Him when He comes."

"How do you know?"

"God told me what to look for."

216 "How do you know you're going to get healed when you're prayed for?" God told me what to look for. "How do you know you're going to receive the Holy Ghost?" I followed His Word. He told me what to look for. I know what's coming next. See? Do you know what's coming next? If you'll obey God's Word, His promise comes next. He can't lie; He's God.

"What's next?"

John said, "I'll see Him when He comes."

They said, "Oh, look at this fellow coming here, that--he's got a crown on his head, that must be the Messiah driving those horses."

Said, "That's not Him."

Walked right up to him, said, "It's not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." They knowed there was something wrong there? Walked up to him and told him. That was Herod. You see? And, oh, it made his wife so mad, she hated him as long as she lived. See?

219 John kept looking. He said, "Oh, I'll know Him when He comes."

"How do you know?"

"God told me I'd see a sign, and it would be a Messiahic sign. I'll know the Messiah because the Messiah sign will be there."

God knows His Church. He said, "These signs shall follow them." Not "They'll belong to the Methodists, Baptists, or Pentecostals." But, "These signs shall follow them that believe." He knows believers.

Sometime you say today, "Are you a believer?"

"Oh, I'm Methodist." Well, that shows you're not a believer then. See? "I'm Pentecostal." That still shows you're not a believer. When you're a believer, you believe God. Everybody knows it; you are sealed by the Kingdom of God; and a seal's on both sides of the page, both coming and going. See, you can tell them.

224 All right. He said, "I'll know Him when He comes, because there'll be a sign. I'll see the Messiahic sign." And one day he looked. Oh, brother. Why? He was looking for It; that's how he recognized It. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] I hope that sinks in. Are you looking for It? Are you watching for something to take place? Then know the Scriptures.

226 Now, all them priests standing around there was five times smarter than John. We don't have record where he went to school one day. But there stood priests, that their great-great-great-great-grandfathers were priests. There stood men there that knowed every inch of that scroll, all the prophets and Genesis, and all about it. But, you see, John was looking for a sign, a Messiah. He knowed if that was God, there'd be something supernatural about it. That's right.

So is it today. If you're a Christian, there's something supernatural struck you. If it didn't strike, you're deceived. You still live the same life you once lived, still love the same things you still loved at the first, you still love them, you're deceived (That's right.), not a son or daughter of God.

228 Then we find out John was standing there one day, and they say a--reading in the--a--a little story of Him, said that John was on one side of the river; they done backed him up on the other side. That's the way they do a servant of God: back him out of every denomination, every organization, everything else. He didn't have a pulpit to stand in; but he was in mud up to his knees. He didn't have a tuxedo suit on, his collar turned around either. No, sir. He had a piece of sheepskin draped around him, probably looked like a wild man standing out there.

229 And them priests said, "Do you mean to tell me that there'll come a time when this great temple, our great organization, will fall?"

He said, "Sure, it will."

"How do you know it?"

"How do you read the Scripture? There's coming a Messiah, and that Messiah will take away the daily sacrifice. Daniel said so. The prophet said so." Hallelujah. Oh, I feel more religious all the time. (I got to stop.)

"How do you know it?"

"The prophet said so."

That's how Micaiah knew that he couldn't bless Ahab; Elijah done cursed him. That's all. He had to stay with the Word. You want to see the works of God, you have to follow the Word of God. He knowed it couldn't happen.

232 So what happened then? He wanted to see the works of God. John said, "I'll know Him when He comes."

One day he was standing there, he said, "Yes, there'll come a time that the daily sacrifice will be taken away. The Messiah will be the daily Sacrifice. And the abomination that maketh desolations will set in."

"Rabbi, where do you get that? That's contrary to our creed." But It's not contrary to God's Word. There's a prophet, because the Word of the Lord was with that prophet. That's right.

And he said that, "Behold, there stands the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." An ordinary, little, stoop-shouldered Fellow standing there, come walking down towards the river, walking along with Lazarus, just an ordinary Man, dressed like ordinary men: no priest, no turban, no crown, no nothing; just a poor Boy, Carpenter, come walking down with His hands full of splinters, maybe; come walking down.

"Do you mean to tell me..."

"What? Can't you see Him? There..." "Behold" means, "look up to, esteem." "There's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

237 Some of them said, "Well, you know Who that is? That's that carpenter's son. Now, we know that guy's not no prophet." But He was. He was. He knowed. "Why? He don't know what he's talking about." Yes, he did. "How can he tell him any different from any other men. The Messiah will be different. How will we know it?" John saw something they didn't: depends on what you're looking at.

What do you see tonight? Do you see a great popular man in a great denomination and everything fall into your lap, or do you take the way with the Lord's despised few? Do you see the Bible? Do you see God's Word? If you're born again, you'll see It. Until you are, you can't see It.

239 Here He come. He said, "He that told me, in the wilderness..." Oh, brother. "He that told me to cry. I've been crying here for six months, plumb up in the Aenon, everywhere here, up-and-down this Jordan, wading this mud, fussing with you preaches--preachers, kicking your denominations around, stepping on your sore toes. But the Thing is here; I see It."

"How do you know?"

"The same One told me to be a voice crying in the wilderness, God had raised me up for that purpose, said, 'upon Whom I shall see the Spirit...'"

John knew Him. What did he do? He preached the Word first, obeyed the Word, and he saw the sign of God. And remember, it's not recorded that any other person standing there saw It. John saw It alone. It depends on what you're looking for. Why? John was obeying the Word. Priests and them wasn't obeying the Word. John was obeying the Word, his commission, and he saw It. (We'll hurry quickly; got to.)

242 Martha at the grave, she had met the Word of God. She believed It. Before she could see the miracle of God, she had to believe the Word of God and act upon It. She said, "Lord, if you would've been here, my brother had not died."

He said, "Martha, I am the Resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die. Believest thou this?"

She said, "Yea, Lord." There you are: acting. "I believe."

"What do you believe, Martha?"

"That Thou art the Christ that was to come into the world."

Said, "Where you buried him?"

Got down there at the grave, and there He was standing there. (Said, "I want to see if she really believes that I am the Word.") Said, "Take away the stone." She went to acting on the Word. She had to to see death turned to life. And the only way you'll ever be able to see death turned to life, is take His Word and act upon It.

If you're a sinner, take His Word and act upon It, then you'll see the miracle of God. You become a miracle of God. If you're sick, take the Word of God. Doctor says, "You're going to die." Take the Word of God and act upon It, that'll bring new life.

249 Oh, my. Sorry to keep you so long. Just a couple more, then I'll quit. See, just a couple more... Honest, I will. I'm sorry to take my brothers' time. See, just leaves them two hours for it. Look.

The woman at the well. She was a sinner. She had five husbands. She come out there one day to get some water. She started to draw the water, and she heard a Man say, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

She looked around, and she said, "It's not customary for Jews to speak to Samaritans. I'm a woman of Samaria. And it's not customary. Why would You speak to me?"

He said, "But if you knew Who you was talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink."

"Why," she said, "the well's deep, and You have nothing to draw with." Said, "How--how--how You going to get a drink?"

And He said, "The Water that I give, will be a fountain of Water, a gusher, bubbling up in the soul."

255 She said, "Now, wait a minute. You're a Jew, You worship at Jerusalem, and our fathers worship at this mountain," and so forth.

He said, "Believe Me. The hour is coming, and now is, when you neither worship at Jerusalem or in this mountain. But God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in the Spirit."

No doubt the little woman said, "Now, wait a minute. Who is this Fellow anyhow?" He wanted her to know Who He was, because she had to introduce Him to the Samaritans. "Who is He?" She said...

He talked to her a few minutes. He said, "Woman, go get your husband and come here."

But she said, "Now, He's acting smart." See? She said, "I don't have any husband." Oh, oh.

Then the stick went on the sacrifice. See, something happened. What happened? She seen the miracle of God. Said, "You've said the truth. Because you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband, so you told the truth."

261 She turned. She knowed that God to the people had been dead for years; their priests and rabbis, and so forth, they talked about a God. But was promised in the Bible that there was coming One.

She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. (See?) We know that the Messiah cometh." ("Now, let me be sure of this.") "We know that Messiah cometh." ("I'll ask Him this, and I'll see what His word is; a man can't tell me that, that don't know God.") "We know that Messiah cometh Who is called the Christ. And when He comes, this is the thing that He'll do when He comes. We're looking for Him."

He said, "I'm He."

That was enough. That was enough. She run into the city. She said, "Come, see a Man that told me the things that I have done."

Before she could bring that message, she had to first see the miracle of God. Before she could see the miracle of God, she had to take God at His Word. That's exactly right. Oh, my, how we could go on. Let's get another one.

265 Pentecost... After they had walked with the Word, after they had seen the Word, after they had believed the Word, but before they could see the miracle of Pentecost, they had to obey the Word. See? "Go up to the city of Jerusalem," said the Word, "and wait there until you're endued with power from on high."

Now, what if eight days passed, Matthew looked over to Mark, and said, "You know what? I had a little funny feeling the other day, that must have been the Holy Ghost. He told us to wait up here. See, that must have been It."

"Oh, let's wait another day."

267 The ninth day comes on. "Well, now, He told us to go up here, nine days ago. Surely, don't you believe we've received It? I believe we got It when we believed Him. Don't you think so?" Oh, you good Baptists. See? Said, "I believe. I believe we got It, because He told us to come up here. And you know what I believe? I believe, as soon as we got up here, we obeyed what He said."

But what did He say? He didn't say, "When you get up there, you'll get It." He didn't say, "Wait five days, or nine days." He said, "Until..." That's it. "They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength." See?

269 What do you do? Take His Word, act on It, and stay right with It. Each day, stand toe-to-toe with Satan with It. "It's written. It's written. It's written. It's written. It's written. It's written. It's written. It's got to come to pass. You're acting upon the Word (See?); then you'll see the miracle of God. That's right. But first you have to act on It.

They went up there and they obeyed the Word, they stayed there. The ninth day come. I can hear Peter say, "You know what, what do you brethren think?"

Mark might've raised up and said, "You know what? Brethren, let's just accept It by faith, because we're obeying." No, you're not fully obeying.

273 You said, "I was baptized in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." That--that ain't fully obeying. See? You say, "I joined the church." That's not obeying. See? "I repeat the Apostles' Creed." That still isn't obeying It. "Oh, brother, I quit my lying and stealing. I don't do anything mean." That still ain't obeying. It's got to be a birth. There's got to be something happen. You've got to die, and Something be born in you.

Oh, after so many days they waited; nine days passed. They said, "Let's just accept It, and go on with our ministry. The world is a-dying out there; why should we wait any longer?"

276 I can hear Peter say, "But you know, Something tells me that it ain't right yet. That ain't just exactly obeying the Word. See, if we expect to see the miracle that God promised us, of sending the Promise of the Father upon us, we've got to wait here until something happens. Because the Scripture said that it would come in this form; Joel said, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Upon my handsmaids and maid servants will I pour out of My Spirit. I'll show signs and wonders in the heavens and in the earth.' Isaiah the prophet said, 'And with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people, and this is the sabbath day that they should enter in. For all this, they would not hear it.' Now, brethren, we couldn't walk out here like that, without even seeing any experience at all. See? We've got to have something, because He said, 'Wait here until you're endued with power.' Now, I haven't got any more power than I did when I come in here. I've been here all night; I've been here the next night; I've been here nine nights; I'm just the same as I was when I come in here. And He told us we would receive power, so let's just keep on waiting."

277 Then all of a sudden when they fully obeyed the Word of God, then they saw the miracle of Pentecost. They saw Fire fall in the building. That Pillar of Fire come down in amongst the people; and big licks like cloven tongues set upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and begin to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Something happened. When? When they--when they made their decision to--that they'd already received It? No. When they fully obeyed the Word of God, they saw the miracle of Pentecost. So is it today; you got to do the same thing.

279 Now, friends, I really will close on this one. I ain't going to turn another page. All right, next man get ready when I say this.

Now, although called everything that can be called, bad, "holy-roller, Pentecostal, church-breaker, hypocrite, Beelzebub, dreamer," everything that can be called, we're called. But what do they do, call you what? "Dreamer, Beelzebub, false prophet, Jesus Only," everything else that can be called, everything bad that could be called... But by believing the true Word of God, His true prophet of the Word, what do we do? We see the things that we see.

281 Oh, they'll come from the East and West,

They'll come from the lands afar,

To feast with our King, to dine as His guests;

How blessed these pilgrims are!

Beholding His hallowed face

Aglow with love Divine;

Blessed partakers of His grace,

As gems in His crown to shine.

Jesus is coming soon,

Our trials will then be o'er,

Oh, what if our Lord this moment should come

For those who are free from sin?

Oh, then would it bring you joy,

Or sorrow and deep despair?

When our Lord in glory comes,

We'll meet Him up in the air.

282 Why? We're acting upon His Word. Amen. Call anything you want to. We see the sign of the Messiah in our midst. We see a Pillar of Fire: can't deny it. Call us anything they want to. God's here. Science has took the picture of It. Why? Obeying His Word. It's never been done in history, but yet the mechanical eye of the camera says it's Him, there's a Light struck the lens. Why? Taking God's Word first. Let the denominations kick you out, if they want to. Let them all turn their back on you, if you want to. But act upon the Word of God, if you want to see the miracles of God.

283 Jesus promised, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

That Angel came down, God manifested in a human body, turned His back to the tent and said to--not knowing who Abraham was, pretendingly, said, "Abraham." Not Abram; He'd just changed his name a couple days before that. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Not S-a-r-a-i, S-a-r-a-h. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Called him by his fatherly name, and her by her princess name... Oh. Who was He? Abraham knowed right then Who that was.

He said, "She's in the tent, behind You."

He said, "I'm going to visit you, Abraham. ('I,') I'm going to visit you according to My promise that I give you, because you've waited now all these years. Twenty-five years you've waited for it. You stayed right with the Word, acting upon the Word. You denied that you even belong on the earth. You've become a pilgrim and a stranger. You're seeking a City to come, Whose Builder and Maker is God. I promised you that through this child that would be brought forth, that he'd--you'd be a father of many nations. I've promised it. You've acted on the Word; now you're going to see the miracle of God."

"How will I see it, my Lord?"

"Where is Sarah, thy wife?"

"In the tent behind You."

Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life."

And Sarah laughed within herself, said, "How can me, an old woman, and my lord old too, ever have pleasure again?"

He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"

He'd acted upon the Word of God. He was seeing the miracle of God.

Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, act upon the Word of God, and you'll see the miracle of God.

289 What was it? When we stood here not long ago preaching the Church Ages, and brought them down, and that little sign that's over there, drawed them here on the board. And right in this audience, before more people than setting in here now, just as soon as I got through speaking, a Light glowed down, and went back yonder and hung on that wall. And a shadow came over it, while everybody looking at it, and measured off those church ages just exactly the way they're there. How many's here now that was here that day, raise your hand as a...?... Looking at it with your own eyes, what was it? First, believing the Word of God, preaching the Word of God, receiving the Word of God; and we saw the miracle of God confirming the Word that It was right.

Oh, Jesus is coming soon, (all together)

Our trials will then be o'er.

Oh, what if our Lord this moment should come

For those who are free from sin?

Oh, then would it bring you joy,

Or sorrow and deep despair?

When our Lord in glory comes,

We'll meet Him up in the air.

290 Amen. Why? We are believing on His Word, keeping the Oil in the lamp, it trimmed and burning, letting your Light so shine that other men could see your good works, your fruits, glorify the Father which is in heaven. And what will happen? Believing the Word of God, and acting upon the Word of God, we'll meet Him up in the air: not a shadow of doubt.

God bless you. I'm going to quit about one-third through. I'll finish it some other time, the Lord willing. "If God is with us, where is His miracles?" See? Do you believe it?

292 O God, let us see a--a coming year. Let us see a coming year, till our hearts will not be satisfied with a church denomination, or a creed, with a handshake, or a so-called, religion. Let us not be satisfied till we feel the miracle working power in God taking the--in our own hearts, taking the world out, and forming Christ. Now, not tonight, and tomorrow start doing something else, but grow in Him, up to His stature. We grow up to Him, until we meet Him. Let's bow our heads.

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for me;

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for me.

293 Our heavenly Father, with humbleness of soul and spirit, hoarse in my voice, and these few cut up or broke up words, Lord, I pray that You'll take them and patch them together, not knowing how to do it, but just saying what come in my mind. Place it down in the heart of every person, and let them see and believe it, with the attitude that it was presented. And, Father, it'll make reasonings for them; it'll bring Christ to them. Bless us tonight, Father. We wait, acting upon the Word of God.

Bless these brothers, Lord. Forgive me, Father, for taking some of their time. I pray that You'll anoint them with the Holy Ghost in such a way, that the power of God will fall through the building here, and sinners may come to the altar, and--and weep their way to Calvary, and that sick will be healed, and great signs and wonders will be done, and we'll see the miracle working power of the living God. We wait for that, Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

295 Praise the Lord. You love Him? If God be with us, let's see His sign. Where is the sign of the Messiah that's the same yesterday, today, and forever? If that Messiah is the same, He'll have the same sign. Where is He at? What organization does He belong to? What organization can we go join up with and find the Messiah, His sign? What house can we enter to find it? Think of it.

Sorry, Brother Neville... [Tongues and interpretation come forth--Ed.] Amen. Praise Jesus. Blessed Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Thank You.