Prvý muž a prvá žena v záhrade Eden boli v dokonalej harmónii s Bohom, až tak, že Boh mohol zostúpiť dole, kedykoľvek po tom zatúžil, a hovoriť s Adamom a Evou „z úst do ucha“. No, to je dokonalá jednota: Boh a Jeho stvorenie, Boh, ktorý hovorí s Adamom a Evou „z úst do ucha“. A oni boli s Bohom v takej dokonalej harmónii, že až boli s Bohom jedno. Boh a Jeho rodina boli jedno.
Každý muž a jeho rodina, v správnej, dobrej, ušľachtilej, poslušnej rodine drží jeden s druhým: v každej rodine. A ak tam v tej rodine je niečo, čo ich od seba oddeľuje, potom to nie je v poriadku; rodina je niekde polámaná. Oni majú byť všetci jedno: otec s matkou, matka s otcom, deti s rodičmi, rodičia s deťmi, všetci v zhode. A keď to vidíte, uvidíte jeden krásny obrázok.
To je Boží zámer. A Jeho zámer, ako zvrchovaného Otca, bol, aby bol jedno so Svojou rodinou, zemskou rodinou, s Adamom a Evou. A jediný spôsob, ako mohli byť jedno s rodinou, či vlastne s Bohom, bol, že v nich bola Božia prirodzenosť. Tak ich to robilo s Božou prirodzenosťou v nich, potom jeden s druhým a s Bohom sa stali všetci jedno. Či to nie je nádherný obrázok, Boh vo Svojej rodine, zvrchovaný Otec nad všetkým! Žiadna smrť, žiaden smútok, žiadne žiale, nič také, iba neopísateľná radosť: nikdy nebyť nemocný, nikdy nemať žiaľ, len byť jedno s Bohom. Čo za obrázok! Pretože v týchto ľuďoch bola samotná Božia prirodzenosť. A preto, čo robili? Postupovali v jednej línii s Bohom a Boh s nimi, to spravilo, že boli jedno.
1Ďakujem ti, brat Orman, nech ťa Pán žehná. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Je príjemné byť tu znovu dnes ráno v modlitebni. A práve som stál tam vzadu a počúval, ako som vchádzal dnu a počul som vychádzať proroctvo skrze hovorenie v jazykoch, s výkladom. A povedal som ľuďom, že tá miestnosť je tiež plná, tak som povedal, „Neviem; nehovoril som s tým mužom.“ Bol to brat Higginbotham, ak som toho muža správne rozumel. Lebo dlhý čas, je to už niekoľko mesiacov, odkedy som mu potriasol rukou. Ale to je presne to, o čom hovorím, čo dnes ráno povedal, je to presne to, o čom hovorím. On to nevedel. Ja sám som to nevedel, až donedávna, o čom budem hovoriť. A je to presne to, čo práve vtedy povedal. A tak sme šťastní, že vieme, že sme zhromaždení v Mene Pána Ježiša a pod Jeho ochrannými krídlami.
2No, vidím, že mnohí stoja, miesto je preplnené a zapchaté a skrátka sa na to nedívame radi. A len čo to bude možné, chystáme sa to tu urobiť inak, väčšiu modlitebňu. No, chcem podať správu z Phoenixu, len v rýchlosti.
3Bol som tu minulú nedeľu večer a hovoril som na tému: Komúnia (Večera Pánova) ku... pred službou večeri Pánovej. Komúnia nie je prijímanie chleba, „komúnia“ znamená „rozprávať sa, komunikovať, rozprávať sa s niekým.“
4A teraz, dnes ráno, ak to trocha pretiahnem, no, vymeňte sa niektorí, ktorí sedíte, s tými, ktorí stoja, a bude to ocenené, nechajte ich na chvíľu sadnúť. Som znepokojený z tohto času, v ktorom žijeme. Som veľmi, veľmi znepokojený. Keď vidím diať sa veci, ktoré vidím, ako prebiehajú, niečo je vo mne pohnuté. A chcem len vziať môj čas a pokúsiť sa...
5V Posolstve dnes ráno hovorím na tému: Jednota. A chcem vziať môj čas a pokúsiť sa urobiť to tak... vyložiť to tak dokonale, ako viem. A chcem, aby ste sa modlili, keď ste sa zhromaždili.
6A teraz, chcem, aby ste si otvorili, ak máte Bibliu, a chcem, aby ste čítali so mnou, otvorte si 1. kapitolu listu Židom, najprv. A chcem čítať prvé tri verše z 1. kapitoly listu Židom a potom z Genesis (1. Mojžišova) 1:26 a 7, aby som to zviazal spolu. A žiaden človek nemôže povedať nič, čo treba povedať, ak mu to nepomôže povedať Boh. A tak je to tiež podľa Posolstva dnes ráno, o jednote ľudí a Boha. A teraz v Liste Židom v 1. kapitole čítame toto.
Kým za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval Boh otcom v prorokoch, za týchto posledných dní nám hovoril cez... v Synovi,
ktorého ustanovil za dediča všetkého, skrze ktorého učinil aj veky,
ktorý súc odbleskom jeho slávy a obrazom jeho podstaty [v anglickej Biblii King James: „vyjadreným obrazom Jeho Osoby“– pozn.prekl.] a nesúc všetko slovom svojej moci a učiniac si skrze samého seba očistenie od našich hriechov posadil sa po pravici Veličenstva na výsostiach.
7A teraz, v Genesis (1.Mojžišova), v 1. kapitole a 27; 26. a 27. verš, prečítam toto.
A Boh riekol: Učiňme človeka na svoj obraz a podľa svojej podoby, a nech vládnu nad morskými rybami a nad nebeským vtáctvom a nad hovädami a nad celou zemou a nad každým plazom, ktorý sa plazí na zemi.
A Boh stvoril človeka na svoj obraz, na obraz Boží ho stvoril, mužské a ženské pohlavie ich stvoril.
8No, skloňme len na chvíľu naše hlavy, ako sa budeme modliť. A som si istý, že je tu mnoho potrieb, v publiku takýchto rozmerov, tak možno len zodvihnime ruku k Bohu, kto má potrebu, a dajte Mu týmto najavo, že máme niečo, za čo sa chceme modliť. Nech to Boh udelí každému z vás.
9Pane, zhromaždili sme sa pod strechou tejto modlitebne a sme vďační, že máme dnes nad sebou strechu, ale zišli sme sa spolu kvôli väčšiemu účelu než toto. Cítime, že skrze zasľúbenie Božie sme sa zhromaždili pod krídlami Všemohúceho. Že On ako sliepka, ktorá zakryje svoje kuriatka, ochráni nás pred všetkým, o čo Ho prosíme, aby nás ochránil. Že On sa bude nad nami vznášať a dodávať nám výživu a dá nám dnes náš každodenný chlieb, obojako, telesne aj duchovne, aby sme mohli mať výdatnú telesnú silu, aby sme mohli kráčať po zemi, a výdatnú moc Ducha Svätého, aby sme mohli niesť Slovo Božie k hladným ľuďom. A aby sme s Tým odtiaľto mohli odísť na našich perách a v našich srdciach, s tak čerstvým Olejom pomazania, aby sme boli schopní povedať iným o dni, v ktorom žijeme, a o stave tohto času. Bože, plne Ti dôverujeme. Nezostalo žiadne iné miesto, kam by niekto mohol ísť. Cítime to tak, ako Peter v tom dni, keď Ježiš povedal, „Či i vy chcete odísť?“
10On povedal, „Pane, kam by sme išli? Ty jediný máš Slová Večného Života.“ A to je dôvod, prečo sme sa dnes ráno zhromaždili v Tvojom Mene, pretože Ty jediný máš Slová Večného Života. A modlíme sa, aby si toto dnes pre každého z nás urobil tak skutočným, že v nás budú naše srdcia horieť, naše duše budú posilnené, naše telá uzdravené, naši duchovia uzdravení, naše duše utvorené nanovo, stvorené podľa vzoru, na ktorý nás chce Boh mať.
11Otče, modlím sa, aby si dal silu tým, ktorí stoja v tých miestnostiach a okolo stien a v predsieni a naokolo. Modlím sa, aby si im dal silu. A keď viem, že toto sa nahráva na pásku a pôjde to do mnohých rozličných národov, von do krajín a kmeňov na zemi, Bože, plne Ti dôverujeme. Len nám daj silu a Slovo a pomazanie, aby to mohlo byť presne tým spôsobom, ako to chceš Ty na túto hodinu mať. Odovzdávame sa Ti teraz, naše počúvanie, náš hlas, našu pozornosť, všetko, čím sme, Ti odovzdávame, aby si sa v nás mohol pohybovať. Pracuj cez nás a manifestuj Svoju veľkú Prítomnosť s nami. Lebo o to prosíme v Mene Ježiša, Tvojho Syna. Amen.
12Slovo „Jednota“ znamená „byť s niečím jedno: jednota, spojený (zjednotený).“ A teraz, toto je naozaj téma a zaslúži si oveľa viac pozornosti, než som schopný jej venovať, a viac, než by jej mohla byť schopná venovať ktorákoľvek osoba na zemi. Ale rád by som vám o tom vyjadril moju mienku a s tým, čo nám Boh dá. No, v tomto, to je vyučovanie náuky. A pre bratov, ktorí môžu vypočuť túto pásku, verím, že to nebude útok, ale spôsobí to, že toto vezmete veľmi rozvážne, lepšie povedané s dôkladným zvážením, že to v modlitbe preštudujete, opatrne, a odvážite to na váhach Božieho Slova, aby ste videli, či to je z Boha alebo nie.
13Lebo verím, že to je spôsob, ako by sme to mali vždy robiť: zvážiť veci so Slovom, pretože Slovo je jediná Vec, ktorá je schopná zotrvať. Ježiš povedal, „Oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie.“ Preto Tomu verím a verím, že Ono je Božím programom. Verím, že To je dokončené dielo Božie zapísané v Slove. Takže, ak by bolo čokoľvek v protiklade s týmto Slovom, nemohol by to byť Boh alebo Boží plán. Verím, že Ono je tým programom. No, Duch Boží v Slove spôsobuje, že Slovo samo žije, samé sa vyjadruje. To privádza Slovo do života ako semeno.
14No, prvý muž a prvá žena v záhrade Eden boli v dokonalej harmónii s Bohom, až tak, že Boh mohol zostúpiť dole, kedykoľvek po tom zatúžil, a hovoriť s Adamom a Evou „z úst do ucha“. No, to je dokonalá jednota: Boh a Jeho stvorenie, Boh, ktorý hovorí s Adamom a Evou „z úst do ucha“. A oni boli s Bohom v takej dokonalej harmónii, že až boli s Bohom jedno. Boh a Jeho rodina boli jedno.
15Každý muž a jeho rodina, v správnej, dobrej, ušľachtilej, poslušnej rodine drží jeden s druhým: v každej rodine. A ak tam v tej rodine je niečo, čo ich od seba oddeľuje, potom to nie je v poriadku; rodina je niekde polámaná. Oni majú byť všetci jedno: otec s matkou, matka s otcom, deti s rodičmi, rodičia s deťmi, všetci v zhode. A keď to vidíte, uvidíte jeden krásny obrázok.
16To je Boží zámer. A Jeho zámer, ako zvrchovaného Otca, bol, aby bol jedno so Svojou rodinou, zemskou rodinou, s Adamom a Evou. A jediný spôsob, ako mohli byť jedno s rodinou, či vlastne s Bohom, bol, že v nich bola Božia prirodzenosť. Tak ich to robilo s Božou prirodzenosťou v nich, potom jeden s druhým a s Bohom sa stali všetci jedno. Či to nie je nádherný obrázok, Boh vo Svojej rodine, zvrchovaný Otec nad všetkým! Žiadna smrť, žiaden smútok, žiadne žiale, nič také, iba neopísateľná radosť: nikdy nebyť nemocný, nikdy nemať žiaľ, len byť jedno s Bohom. Čo za obrázok! Pretože v týchto ľuďoch bola samotná Božia prirodzenosť. A preto, čo robili? Postupovali v jednej línii s Bohom a Boh s nimi, to spravilo, že boli jedno.
17No, Ježiš sa v 17. kapitole a 11. verši Jánovho Evanjelia modlil, pre vás, ktorí si zapisujete tieto texty nedeľnej školy. Mám ich tu dnes ráno mnoho. Ján 17:11, Ježiš sa modlil, aby Cirkev a On boli jedno, ako On a Otec boli jedno. Aby Cirkev, aby sme my, ako členovia Kristovho Tela boli spolu jedno, práve tak, ako On a Otec sú jedno. A aby sme v ten deň vedeli, že On bol v Otcovi - či Otec v Ňom a On v nás, aby sme boli spoločne jedno. Čo za spojenie, čo za jednota to bude, vidieť Boha v Jeho Cirkvi, že až každý člen je skrátka dokonale v harmónii jeden s druhým a s Bohom. To je Cirkev, pre ktorú Ježiš prichádza. Vtedy bude Jeho modlitba zodpovedaná, že budeme jedno.
18A to sú jediné základy obecenstva, aké kedy Boh položil pre Seba a Svoju Cirkev, je to jednota Jeho Samého v ľuďoch. Tu sú jediné základy obecenstva. A ten jediný spôsob, ako môžete mať tieto základy, je skrze spojenie, byť s Ním navždy zjednotení. Práve tak, ako keď sa zjednotíte so svojím manželom, žena sa zjednotí so svojím manželom, to je sľub až do smrti. No, potom, keď sa zjednotíte s Bohom, to je to isté, keď sa Cirkev zjednotila s Kristom, sme spojení až do smrti. A tak teda, ak nikdy nezhrešíte alebo neurobíte niečo zlé, budete večne zjednotení s Bohom. A jedine smrť vás môže dostať preč od Boha a nie telesná smrť, ale hriech smrti. Hriech je smrť a to vás dostáva preč od Boha. A tak, byť zjednotení s Ním v Duchu Jeho Moci je večným Životom; ste večne zjednotení s Bohom. Ó, chcem sa do toho za chvíľu dostať. Večne zjednotení s večným Bohom, dokonale s Ním v harmónii, dokonale spolu zjednotení, Cirkev, ktorá všetko, oboje, Boh a Jeho Cirkev sú jedno, zjednotení spolu.
19A ak si všimnete, ako tá Eva bola zjednotená s Adamom; ona sa stala jeho časťou. Boh, všimli ste si v Genesis 1:27, On stvoril človeka mužské a ženské pohlavie, On ich stvoril. No, človek bol oboje, mužský aj ženský, keď ide o existovanie v duchu ženskosti a mužskosti. Potom Boh z jeho boku vzal rebro. Všimli ste si, že tá telesná časť bol vedľajší produkt, ale duch nie? Tá telesná časť ženy bola vedľajším produktom; potom, keď bolo stvorenie dokončené, Boh vzal z Adamovho boku rebro a utvoril ženu. Ale nie ducha, duch bol časťou Adama, lebo on bol oboje, muž a žena, duchovne hovoriac; oboje, mužský aj ženský.
20No, či nevidíte ohromný obraz? My v tele sme odlišní. Sme ako vedľajší produkt, stvorená bytosť zo svätého manželstva. Ale v Duchu sme synmi a dcérami, nie nejaký iný duch, ale Duch živého Boha. Sme na Jeho podobu, v Jeho jednote, na dokonalý obraz živého Boha, pretože sme sa stali synmi a dcérami. Nie oddelení, ale ten istý Duch, ten istý Boh, tá istá Osoba, spojení v manželstve na večnosť. Vidíte, ako to Boh naplánoval, aby sme boli, nie iní, ale Ním! Nie nejakou inou bytosťou z nejakého iného kmeňa, ale skutočný zväzok a potomstvo Všemohúceho, učinené skrze svätý zväzok. No, telo pochádza od matky a otca, ale Duch prišiel od Boha, Boh Sám Seba rozdeľuje, ako bol rozdelený Adam.
21Na deň Letníc zisťujeme, že Duch Svätý, Stĺp Ohňa, rozdeľuje Samého Seba a sadá na každého člena tej Cirkvi: Boh dáva Samého Seba dokopy. Potom s touto skupinou ľudí, ktorí sú spolu, čo to robí? Prináša to späť zjednotené Telo Pána Ježiša. Prichádza dokopy.
22A dnes v tomto veľkom oddelení, v ktorom žijeme, denominačné rozdiely a podobné veci, čo za veľká škoda, čo za hanba.
23Spojení kde? V nebeskom manželskom zväzku s večným Bohom, ste časťou Neho, časťou Boha. V tele som sa stal Branhamom, kvôli môjmu otcovi, Branhamovi. Vy ste sa stali časťou vášho otca a matky, ale v duchu sme sa stali, v zjednotení sa s Bohom časťou Boha. Z toho dôvodu nemôže duch zomrieť. „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, má večný Život. A na obraz, aký má tu na zemi a na jeho podobu, ho v posledných dňoch vzbudím.“ Nie duchovnú bytosť, lebo my budeme mať telo ako Božie oslávené Telo, oslávené Telo Pána Ježiša, povstaneme na ten obraz.
24Ježiš povedal, keď išiel k Lazárovmu hrobu, „Ja som vzkriesenie a Život. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, aj keby bol mŕtvy, predsa bude žiť. A ktokoľvek, kto žije a verí vo Mňa, nezomrie na veky.“ „Verí vo Mňa, nie o Mne, ale vo Mňa.“ Je v Ňom, a tak verí. „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás.“ V Ňom, veríme. Ó. Dúfam, že Duch Svätý to dostáva rovno do vás. No, vy ste malé stádečko; to je dôvod, prečo som sa počas týždňa modlil a prosil Boha, zvolil som túto tému, aby som vám ukázal, kde stojíme. Veriť v Ňom, nemôžete veriť v Ňom, až kým do Neho nevojdete, alebo On nevojde do vás, potom veríte v Ňom, potom máte večný život. Veríte o Ňom až kým neprijmete večný Život, potom večný Život je Boží Život vo vás, potom veríte v Ňom.
25„Vy vo Mne a Ja vo vás, aby mohli byť jedno, Otče, ako sme Ty a Ja jedno.“ Boh v Kristovi, Kristus v Cirkvi. Rozumiete? „Tak, ako sme My jedno, tak budú oni jedno.“ Ako potom môžete byť jedno? „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás...“ Rozumiete, zostať... „Moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste, čo chcete.“ Lebo to viac nie ste vy, to je Slovo, ktoré je vo vás, a Slovo je Boh.
26No, Slovo Božie je Meč. List Hebrejom, 4.kapitola tak hovorí, list Hebrejom 4:12. No, to je Meč. A meč je úplne nečinný, ak nie je použitý pomocou ruky alebo moci. A to... Ale je potrebná ruka, aby držala meč. A ruka, ktorá je potrebná, aby držala tento Meč, je ruka viery.
27No, tá ruka viery, záleží na tom, aká je silná. Táto ruka viery môže byť silná len natoľko, aby presekla malý otvor cez temnosť a povedala, „Som spasený skrze vieru.“ To je veľké preseknutie, ale potom, ak je to silnejšie ako tá ruka, ktorá narába tým Mečom, to je všetko, čo môže vysekať. Ale ak je to silná ruka, preseká sa rovno cez všetko, čo tam diabol môže položiť, a spôsobí, že každé Božie zasľúbenie zažiari v moci Jeho vzkriesenia. Ak je to silná ruka viery, „Dni zázrakov, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,“ preseká si svoju cestu. Záleží na moci tej ruky, ktorá drží ten Meč.
28A ten Meč je veľmi ostrý. V liste Hebrejom 4 je povedané, „Je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, ktorý reže aj pri vchádzaní aj pri vychádzaní a preniká až do špiku kosti a do kĺbov a rozoznáva myšlienky srdca.“ Ide poza to telesné; preniká do duchovnej sféry a berie myšlienky srdca a zjavuje ich. Duch Boží, Slovo Božie.
29No, to Slovo tam bude sekať, ak Ním narába dostatočne silná ruka, aby Ním udrela. On nájde Svoje miesto a vyseká každé zasľúbenie a dá vám ho, ak máte len dostatočne silnú ruku, v ktorej Ho držíte. Meč, zodvihnite Ho v ruke viery! Pevne To uchopte; držte si Ho a kráčajte pred tvár nepriateľa. Ako môže ten neobrezaný nepriateľ vôbec obstáť v Prítomnosti večného Boha? A tak vezmite ten Meč Slova a každé zasľúbenie vám patrí. Zodvihnite Ho v silnej ruke viery, kráčajte vpred! Ak potrebujete uzdravenie, vysekajte ho so Slovom, „Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Ak potrebujete spasenie, každé zasľúbenie v Biblii je vaše. Ono tam leží a Satan sa ho snaží ukryť; ale vezmite ten Meč a prebite sa cez temnosť, až kým nezažiari na vašu dušu Svetlo Božie a vy budete mať zasľúbenie. On to vykoná.
30Adam bol časťou – či vlastne Eva bola časťou Adama; ona bola telo z jeho tela a kosť z jeho kosti. A to je to, čím je správne zjednotenie. To je to, čím je správne zjednotenie Cirkvi: Duch z Jeho Ducha, Slovo z Jeho Slov. Nikdy sa neodchyľuje od Slova. Skutočný, pravdivý veriaci nebude robiť kompromis na žiadnom Slove. Pamätajte, to bolo len jedno Slovo, na ktorom Eva urobila kompromis: jedno Slovo. Ale skutočný veriaci nebude robiť kompromis na žiadnom Slove. To bude držať Meč viery s – lepšie povedané vo viere, Meč Slova a nárokovať si každé Božské zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh urobil. To je ono.
31Oni boli Božími vzormi pre nás, čím máme byť, oni, stále prítomní, nikdy nezlyhávajúci. Keď hovorili, Boh odpovedal. Denne na nich dozeral. Večer, keď sa ukladali na spánok, On na nich dozeral. Cez deň ich viedol, kŕmil ich, miloval ich, zhováral sa s nimi neustále po celý čas. Oni boli na Boží obraz a Boh bol v nich. To je to, čo tvorí obecenstvo. To je to, čo tvorí jednotu; to je Boh vo Svojej Cirkvi. To je jednota. Mohlo by byť mnoho povedané, mám mnoho miest, do ktorých môžem vojsť. Zjednotení s Ním, to je večný Život. A ten jediný spôsob, ako sa s Ním môžeme zjednotiť, je pristúpiť ku každému kúsku Jeho Slova. To je pravda. Vziať každé zasľúbenie a veriť Tomu.
32No, Eva bola zjednotená, až kým neporušila jedno Slovo alebo nezapochybovala o jednom Slove, že je Pravdou. To ju oddelilo. Každé Slovo, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale skrze každé Slovo.“ Takže môžeme byť v Bohu, zjednotení, pretože Adam a Eva pred úpadkom, pred neverou v Slovo boli vzorom toho, čo my môžeme byť v Ňom. Byť s Ním zjednotený, to je Život; byť od Neho oddelený, to je smrť. No, keď dodržiavame Jeho prikázania.
33Vieme, že robíme chyby, ale nemusíte sa na to pozerať. To nie sú vaše chyby, pretože ich vždy budete mať. Ale vidíte, to je dodržiavanie Jeho pravidiel, nasledovať To, čo On povedal, že treba robiť. Zakopnutia a pády s Tým nemajú do činenia ani jednu vec. Skutočný, pravdivý služobník, ak zakopne, on sa znovu postaví. Ak sa kolíše, Boh ho tiahne rovno späť na cestu, pokiaľ koná svoje povinnosti. Ale ak je pomimo postu povinností, Boh mu nie je zaviazaný. Ale tak dlho, ako je na poste svojich povinností, Boh je mu zaviazaný, vediac, že on je len muž alebo žena. On je takej osobe zaviazaný tak dlho, ako sú na poste povinností.
34No, Cirkev je teraz zasnúbená s Kristom kvôli svadbe. Svadba sa ešte neudiala; bude to na Baránkovej svadobnej hostine. A tak vidíme, že Cirkev je teraz zasnúbená, ako je muž zasnúbený so svojou ženou. Čo robí, kým sú zasnúbení? On jej udeľuje všetky druhy vecí, posiela jej darčeky, spôsobuje, aby sa cítila dobre. No, to je to, čo robí Kristus pre Svoju Cirkev. On nám posiela dary Ducha. Ako potom môžete byť zasnúbení, keď zapierate, že tie dary existujú? To sú samotné dôkazy lásky. Je to Boží znak pre Cirkev. Ježiš tak povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“
35No, držte tieto veci v mysli. Cirkev musí veriť každému Slovu, každému zasľúbeniu, každej jote a nárokujú si To pre seba a cvičia sa v Tom. Ak by som bol zasnúbený s dievčaťom a bol by som slobodný muž a poslal by som jej niečo, zásnubný prsteň, a ona by ho nenosila, potom to ukazuje, že ona mi neverí. Ona sa nechce stať mojou nevestou. A ak Kristus posiela Svojej Cirkvi dary, ktoré zasľúbil, a oni ich odmietajú a hovoria, že to nie je tak, oni nechcú byť Kristovou Nevestou. Sú zasnúbení s nejakým iným milencom, a nie s Kristom, Ženíchom. A tak skutočná Cirkev sa drží zasľúbení, drží sa všetkého a prijíma dary, ktoré Boh posiela. V poriadku.
36No, prvé ľudské bytosti sa oddelili od obecenstva, v ktorom verili Bohu, tým, že spochybnili Jeho Slovo a počúvali diablove klamstvo. No, to je prvá vec, ktorá rozdelila túto nádhernú jednotu. Hľaďte teraz, Adam a Eva v pozícii, kde nikdy nemali zomrieť, v pozícii, kde nikdy nemali zostarnúť, nikdy nemali byť chorí, nikdy nemali mať trápenie.
37Poviete, „Istotne by som si prial, aby som mohol na tom tak byť.“ Dovoľte mi... Mám pre vás novinku; ste v takej istej pozícii. Boh umiestňuje do toho každé stvorenie na zemi, do tej istej pozície.
38Aká bola dohoda? „Ak budete zachovávať Moje Slovo! Ak, Moje Slovo, ak Ho budete zachovávať, veriť Mu a konať podľa Neho!“ Ale hneď, ako Eva zapochybovala, odobrala jedno Slovo z Toho, čo Boh povedal, to rozlámalo obecenstvo v tej veľkolepej jednote. A v tej minúte, kedy cirkev neverí ktorémukoľvek jednému Slovu z Božej Biblie a umiestňuje To niekam inam, potom rozlamujú to nádherné obecenstvo, ktoré je im ponúkané, a sú oddelení. Akonáhle to urobila, v jej ľudskej bytosti sa usadila smrť, nielen v jej ľudskej, ale aj v jej duchovnej bytosti. V tej minúte, keď vyjadrila pochybnosť, rozlámala vzťah s Bohom. A žiaden človek nemôže uveriť... Tu to je. Žiaden muž, žiadna žena nemôžu uveriť diablovej lži skôr, až kým prv nezačnú pochybovať o Božej Pravde. Nikto nemôže uveriť diablovej lži skôr, až kým prv nezačne pochybovať o Božej Pravde. A tak, vidíte Evu, Adama, kde nás to dnes ráno stavia.
39Teraz sa vážne zamyslime, pretože po tomto sa už viac nebudeme môcť zamyslieť, potom, keď tento smrteľný život skončí. Teraz je čas vášho zamýšľania. Nemôžete si vybrať po tomto; musíte si vybrať teraz, lebo toto je deň výberu, keď robíte svoje rozhodnutie. No ona... Jedno Slovo, nie celé Desatoro, iba jedno Slovo, ona spochybnila Boha, pretože jej to bolo predstavené v takom svetle, že to Slovo bolo diskutabilné. Božie Slovo nemôže byť spochybňované; On myslel presne to, čo povedal. Ale ona o Tom pochybovala, pretože tak jej to bolo predstavené, „Ó, Boh to istotne tak nemyslel.“ Ale On to tak myslel. Boh tak myslí každé Slovo, ktoré hovorí. A Ono nepotrebuje žiaden osobný výklad. Je to presne tak, ako To povedal.
40Dobre, poviete, „Ako vieš o Biblii, že je v poriadku?“ Verím, že môj Boh sprevádzal túto Bibliu; On stráži Svoje Slovo. On vedel, že v posledných dňoch povstanú ateisti a neveriaci, tak Naň dával pozor. Toto je presne tak, ako To Boh myslel. Takýmto spôsobom je To teraz pre nás. No, musíme Tomu veriť. Stačí z Neho odobrať jedno Slovo a strácame naše obecenstvo, odchádzame do smrti, večného oddelenia od Boha, práve tak, ako to urobili Adam a Eva. Musíme veriť Božej Pravde.
41Dovoľte mi znova to objasniť. Nepochybujte o žiadnom Slove v Božej Biblii. Ale nehovorte len, „Áno, verím Tomu.“ Hovoríte „ale“? Nie, tam nie je žiadne „ale“. Keď Tomu veríte, tak To prijmete. Ak To kladiete nabok a hovoríte, „No, moja cirkev Tomu takto neverí,“ potom neveríte, že To je Božie Slovo, a kráčate preč pod takým istým odsúdením, pod akým odišla Eva. Oddelili ste sa od Večného, zatiaľ čo ste mali šancu byť s Ním zjednotení. No, pamätajte, To nemôže byť spochybnené, pretože to bolo jedno Slovo, ktoré..., v Božom Slove.
42A teraz, ak tam mal Boh len zopár Slov, ktoré museli ľudia poslúchať, a z tých pár Slov, keď jedno z nich bolo zle vyložené, spôsobilo smrť. Pozrite sa na Slová, ktoré máme dnes! Rozumiete? Musíme prijať každé jedno z nich, držať sa ich a vojsť do nich, ako do zasľúbení od Boha. A pravá manželka Boha to bude robiť, tá skutočne zadaná, zasnúbená. No, dúfam, že tieto malé veci idú teraz hlboko dole, a tak ich môžeme uchytiť.
43Čo bola tá prvá vec, ktorá spôsobila, že Eva neverila Božiemu Slovu? Bolo to kvôli tomu, že Satan jej zasľúbil viac múdrosti, „Budete múdri.“ No, vidíte, ľudská rasa sa stále po niečom naťahuje. A Eva sa naťahovala po väčšej múdrosti.
44No, zastavme sa len na chvíľu. Nie je to stav dnešného sveta? Chcú viac múdrosti, lepšie triedy, vyššie vzdelané, chcú niečo, čo je odlišné, väčšiu múdrosť. To je to, čo chcela Eva. Ale dovoľte mi povedať tiež toto; neexistuje žiadna múdrosť, ktorá môže prevýšiť tú Božiu, a jednako je to v tak pokornej forme, že to ľudia míňajú.
45Satan, ako som mnohokrát hovoril, on sa leskne, ale Evanjelium žiari. Ó, tam je celkom rozdiel medzi lesknutím a žiarením. Hollywood sa leskne, ale Cirkev žiari s mocou a láskou Božou. Hollywood sa leskne: To je veľký rozdiel medzi lesknutím a žiarením. Nechceme sa lesknúť. My chceme žiariť.
46Dnes... Je veľmi zlé pomyslieť na to. Ale cirkvi sa snažia opierať o svoje vlastné porozumenie tak isto, ako to urobila Eva. Ona si myslela, pretože jej to bolo tak predstavené, vyzeralo to tak skutočne. Ó, neprehliadnite to. Vyzeralo to tak skutočne, niečo, čo by mohlo byť pridané do Toho, čo Boh povedal. Vyzeralo to tak, že bude mať niečo, že Boh jej nepovedal presne, ako ďaleko môže ísť. Boh jej nedal hraničnú čiaru, ako ju ustanovil moru a ono ju nemôže prekročiť, pretože mesiac na to dáva pozor. Ona si myslela, že Satan má niečo v hlave, ako to hovorievame, že stále bude môcť byť v jednote s Bohom a ešte bude bystrejšia, bude mať lepšie vzdelanie. Ale Boh jej dal presne toľko, koľko potrebovala.
47A On dal Cirkvi to isté. To nie je skomolenina zo seminára alebo niečo, čo povedia alebo prekrútia na biblickej škole. Ale to je presne to, čo je napísané, a TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Nemôžete To zmeniť. Ale cirkvi sa opierajú o svoje vlastné porozumenie. Oni si myslia, že to je možno... že to je niečo, čo stojí na nich, a to klame.
48Musím sa tu na chvíľu zastaviť. Celý svet je založený na tom. Celá ekonómia tohto národa je založená na falošnej predstave. Poviem vám o sebe krátky vtip; nie je to vtip. Ale viete, všetci z nás milujeme svoje manželky, alebo by sme mali. A pred nejakým časom som sa tu na západe díval na program, bolo to dávno, asi pred tromi rokmi. A v mojej izbe, raz ráno, keď som vstal, a v tej izbe bol televízor. A pomyslel som si, „Vyzerá, že bude zlé počasie.“ A pomyslel som si, „No, o ôsmej majú mať správy.“ Mal som malú príručku; tam písali, o koľkej sú správy.
49Zapol som správy a keď som počúval správy, potom som si všimol, že uprostred spravodajstva to stopli, aby urobili reklamu nejakému tovaru, nejakému čistiacemu prostriedku. A povedali, „Nemusíte viac umývať váš riad, dámy. Jediná vec, ktorú urobíte, je, že ho strčíte rovno do vody a necháte ho tam pár minút vložený, vytiahnete ho a položíte ho na odkvapkávaciu dosku; všetko je umyté.“
50Pomyslel som si, „Keď prídem domov, budem hrdina.“ Zapísal som si, ako sa to volá, tento určitý výrobok. Povedal som si, „Poviem mojej žene, 'Pozri sa, čo dokážem.'“
51 A tak som šiel a kúpil som fľaštičku toho prostriedku a vystriekal som to všetko do vody, povedal som jej, že to za ňu poumývam a ona nech pokračuje v upratovaní domu. Tak som vzal detské taniere a zmietol som z nich omrvinky, a tak ďalej, boli polepené od vajca a vložil som ich do vody a pár minút som to tam nechal, vybral som ich von a položil tam. Bolo na nich presne toľko vajca, ako keď som ich tam vložil. Vidíte, stratil som... Moja žena vo mňa vtedy stratila dôveru.
52Vidíte, prečo národ, prečo tieto – tento národ dovoľuje, aby boli ľudia oklamaní? To by nemalo byť dovolené, aby to takto vraveli. To by malo byť protizákonné. Ako moderná reklama na cigarety, čo za hanba, „S plnou záťažou a bez kašľa“ a všetko také. No, to by nemalo byť dovolené. Čo to robí? Klame. V každej jednej z nich je smrť. V pití whisky je smrť: znásilnenie, vražda, šialenstvo, vo fľaške. Ale jednako sme dovolili, aby sa to umiestnilo do našich programov a reklamovalo sa to ako, „Takúto pil dedo. Viac radosti zo života“, určité druhy pivových nápojov a alkoholu. Čo to je? To je klamanie. To je kladenie niečoho pred verejnosť, aby sa tým sami zabili. A my sme povolili, aby to robili.
53A dovoľte, že to vezmem z druhej strany. A cirkvi skrze ľuďmi vytvorené dogmy, ľuďmi vytvorené vyznania predstavujú ľuďom niečo veľké, a oni za tým idú, a to je smrť. Žiadna cirkev neočistí vašu dušu. Žiadne vyznanie nedokáže očistiť vašu dušu. Vašu dušu môže očistiť iba Krv Ježiša Krista, Boží liek, On je podložený. Tak to je skrátka falošné, ale ľudia sa spoliehajú na porozumenie múdrych a skrze to zomierajú. A dnes sa ľudia spoliehajú na porozumenie vyznaní a denominácií a milióny končia svoju cestu ako prasatá na bitúnku, v bezodnej jame pekla. Čo za hanba. Máme zakázané spoliehať sa na naše vlastné porozumenia. Nemôžeme sa o to pokúšať.
54Poviete, „Nemala by byť rada ľudí schopnejšia o tom povedať viac než jedna osoba?“ Nie, ak tá jedna osoba hovorí Slovo Božie. Raz tam bolo štyristo prorokov, ktorí vystúpili pred dvoch kráľov a spoliehali sa na svoje vlastné porozumenie. Ale bol tam jeden, ktorý zostal so Slovom Božím a dokázalo sa, že mal pravdu: Micheáš. To záleží na tom, či to je Slovo Božie. Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade so Slovom, je zlé, smeruje do smrti. Žiadna múdrosť nemôže prevýšiť Božiu múdrosť. On je najchytrejší zo všetkých chytrých. On je Fontána. On je jediný zdroj múdrosti. Každé ľudské slovo je bláznovstvom a klamstvom, okrem Božieho, ak je v protiklade s Božím Slovom. No, ak ten človek hovorí Božie Slovo, potom to už viac nie je ľudské slovo; to je Božie Slovo. Rozumiete, nie je to ľudské porozumenie.
55Satan vám nasľubuje všetky rôzne zasľúbenia, ale nemá nič, čo by vám mohol dať, pretože nič nemá. On nemá žiadne spasenie. Čo je Satan? Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade so Slovom. On nemá spasenie. On nemá Svetlo. Jeho kráľovstvom je tma; koniec toho je smrť. Tma a smrť je Satanovým kráľovstvom. „Brat Branham, zopakuj to znova. Čo je Satanove kráľovstvo?“ Všetko, čo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím.
56No, to seká, ale je čas osekávania. Rozumiete? Vetva, strom, ak bude niesť ovocie, musí byť orezaný. Je čas.
57Všetko, čo je v protiklade s Božími nariadeniami, so Slovom Božím, nie je Boh. Čo to je? Čo je hriech? Prevrátená spravodlivosť. Čo je smrť? Prevrátený život. Čo je kráľovstvo Satana? Čokoľvek, čo ustanovuje niečo, čo zaujíma miesto Slova, čokoľvek, akékoľvek učenie. Jedno slovo, len jedno slovo. Môžete veriť každý kúsok. Eva verila každému kúsku z Toho, až na to jedno Slovo. To jedno Slovo úplne stačilo, že neverila. To jedno Slovo úplne postačí ku tomu, že nebudeš veriť.
58No, poďme sa na to pozrieť. Jediný spôsob, ako zostať v Božskom obecenstve, bol zachovať to Slovo. Boh povedal, „Budeš robiť toto. Toto nebudeš robiť. Budeš robiť toto a môžeš robiť toto a robiť toto. Ale toto nerob.“ No, ona neposlúchla len jeden maličký kúsok prikázania a to odštartovalo celú tú vec. Každé hladné dieťa, ktoré kedy bolo na svete, bolo tu preto, že ona toto urobila. Spôsobila každú smrteľnú bolesť, každý smútok, každý žiaľ. Práve vtedy to spôsobila. Čo za strašná vec; neveriť Božiemu Slovu. Každá osoba, ktorá vzdychá v bolestiach každej smrti, ktorá kedy bola alebo bude, ona to práve vtedy spôsobila. Každé malé nemanželské dieťa, ona to práve vtedy spôsobila, každé dieťa narodené pod – mimo manželstva. Každý hriech, ktorý bol kedy spáchaný, ona to zapríčinila práve tam, tým, že dovtedy zachovávala každé Slovo; až tu na to jedno malé miesto, nad ktorým uvažovala. Ona jednoducho... Ona to neignorovala. Poznala to, ale skrátka – bola uvedená do pokušenia, aby urobila niečo lepšie, pretože jej bolo zasľúbené, že budú ľuďmi na vyššej úrovni, že budú mať lepšiu múdrosť, že budú o Tom vedieť viac, ak to urobí. „Naši kazatelia majú lepšie vzdelanie. Máme vyššiu úroveň.“
59Na svete nie sú žiadni ľudia na vyššej úrovni ako tí, ktorí zachovávajú Božie Slovo. To sú tí najlepší. To je jediná kategória, na ktorú sa Boh díva. Len chvíľu a možno nám Boh dovolí do toho vojsť.
60Jeho kráľovstvo nemôže zasľúbiť nič, len smrť. To je všetko, čo má. On je autorom smrti. Môže zasľúbiť lži, pretože on je otcom lží. Nemôže vám dať Život. Nemôže vám dať nebo, nemá žiadne nebo, ktoré by vám mohol dať.
61Zamyslite sa nad tým! Jedno slovo, ktoré spôsobuje, že neveríte Bohu, tým, že počúvate zasľúbenie diabla alebo jeho mašinérie, jedno slovo vás posiela do trápenia. Takto to začalo. A ak Boh vo Svojom milosrdenstve, akým On je, poslal na zem túto masu pekla a to prinieslo malé hladujúce deti, všetky druhy utrpení, ľudí umierajúcich hladom a smrť na zemi, kvôli jednému slovu na začiatku. Či to nemohol prehliadnuť a zachovať svet od toho, aby nemal celú túto masu utrpenia? Či to nemohol urobiť? Potom, ak vtedy neprepáčil jedno Slovo, a vedel, že takéto budú dôsledky, o koľko viac neprepáči jedno Slovo tam, keď budú trpieť sami tí jednotlivci, ktorí neveria. Premýšľajte o tom; to je strašná vec.
62No, keď Adam a Eva počúvli diablovu lož, ten svätý obraz Boží ich opustil, ich obecenstvo s Bohom bolo rozbité. Ich obecenstvo jednoty s Bohom bolo rozbité. V tej minúte, keď počúvli diablovu lož, to rozbilo ich obecenstvo. A v tej minúte, keď vy počúvnete diablovu lož, to rozbije vaše obecenstvo. To je práve tá minúta, kedy vy odchádzate z Prítomnosti Božej, ako to urobila ona, to je vtedy, keď nevezmete Božie Slovo presne tak, ako Ono je.
63Pozrite sa teraz, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Všetci vieme, že existuje Boh. A ak je Boh so Svojím Slovom taký bezchybný a taký rezolútny, že bude súdiť ľudí podľa Svojho Slova, potom musí niekde zachovať Slovo, podľa ktorého bude súdiť ľudí. Táto Biblia je Tým. Nezabúdajte na to. Biblia je Tým, podľa čoho bude Boh súdiť ľudí, lebo Ona hovorí v Zjavení 22, „Ten, kto z Nej odoberie jedno Slovo alebo pridá do Nej jedno slovo.“
64Vidíte, nie len hovoriť, „No, chodím do zboru. Verím. Verím v Boha.“ No, každý diabol v pekle v Neho verí. Každý z nich je nábožný, každý jeden.
65Ale stačí len jedno slovo; a to hneď tam rozbíja obecenstvo. Reťaz nie je silnejšia ako jej najslabší článok. Čím väčšia je vaša slabosť v nevere v Božie Slovo; to je miesto, kde chcete vložiť nový článok, silný, ktorý má to ostatné z toho. Ak veríte, že Ježiš Kristus zachraňuje; potom tam musíte vložiť článok, ktorý verí, že On uzdravuje. Ak veríte, že On bol, musíte veriť, že On je. Haleluja. Ak veríte, že On bol a v neistote premýšľate, či On je, ten článok sa roztrhne, potom ste stratení. Rozumiete, čo tým myslím? Je to ostré, je to tvrdé, ale je to Pravda. Musíte Mu veriť, každému Slovu, všetkému, čo povedal.
66No, poviete, „No, brat Branham, čo s týmito denomináciami?“ No, teraz počúvajte. Ak sú s týmto Slovom, v poriadku. Ale ak zapierajú to Slovo, potom to nie je v poriadku; to je znova diabol. Rozumiete?
67„Čo s touto takou-a-takou cirkvou?“ Neviem, čo s tou cirkvou. Jediná vec, o ktorej viem, je toto Slovo. No, ako budete veriť cirkvi, keď je 900 a niečo rôznych denominácií a každá jedna hovorí, „Naša denominácia má presne pravdu“?
68No, kam by ste chceli ísť? Musíte niečomu veriť. No, poviete, „Verím Metodistom, Baptistom, Presbyteriánom, Luteránom, Letničným, Katolíkom,“ čokoľvek to je. Vy veríte tej organizácii a ak je ona v protiklade so Slovom, robíte to isté, čo urobila Eva. Presne tak. Robíte presne to isté, čo urobila ona, beriete Božie Slovo a robíte...
69„No, sem chodí lepšia trieda ľudí. Je to väčšia budova. Oni sú chytrejší ľudia.“ To s tým nemá nič spoločné. Satan bol omnoho chytrejší ako Eva. Ona ani nebola v obraze. Ale ona nemala byť chytrá; ona mala byť poslušná. My nemáme byť chytrí. Ježiš povedal, že deti tohto sveta alebo kráľovstvá tohto sveta sú omnoho chytrejšie, deti temnoty, ako deti Svetla. Sme prirovnaní k ovciam. Ovce sa ani nedokážu sami viesť; oni musia mať pastiera. Boh nás nechce chytrých, On chce, aby sme sa spoliehali na Jeho rozumnosť (Amen.), len tam, kam On vedie. Amen. Vidíte ten obraz? Nespoliehajte sa na vašu vlastnú rozumnosť. Príslovia 5:3. Nespoliehajte sa na vašu vlastnú rozumnosť, spoliehajte sa na Jeho rozumnosť. Nezáleží na tom, ako protichodne to vyzerá a aké veľké vyzerajú tie jasné svetlá tu vonku, nevenujte tomu žiadnu pozornosť. Len spoliehajte na Jeho rozumnosť, čo On povedal, to je Pravda.
70No, jednota v obecenstve medzi Bohom a Jeho deťmi bola rozbitá v tej minúte, keď neuverila jednému malému odstavcu, jednému malému Božiemu Slovu. Každý, kto to chápe, povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen!“ – pozn.prekl.] Nie Biblii; poviete, „Vôbec neverím Biblii. Verím polovicu z Nej.“ Ona musela veriť všetkému z Toho, každému kúsku.
71Nie len to, ale zostala rozbitá aj jednota medzi manželom a manželkou. Neverím, že nejaké manželstvo môže byť tým, čím má byť, bez jednoty medzi manželom, manželkou a Bohom. To je pravda. Oni privedú na svet deti a urobia z nich nemanželské deti, dajú im cigarety, whisky, hrajú karty pred ich očami, pijú pred nimi alkohol. Nezáleží na tom, ako sú verní svojim manželským sľubom, to je sexuálne; to je telesné. Ale tam vnútri je duch, ten duch hriešneho otca a mamy. Nezáleží na tom, akí sú oddaní svojim deťom, vyjde to na zlé.
72No, poviete, „Poznám mužov a ženy, ktorí to svoje deti neučia a neboli Kresťanmi.“ Práve to, že ich nevedú ku Kristovi, bola tá najhoršia vec, ktorú kedy mohli okrem iných urobiť: neviesť ich ku Kristovi. Rozumiete? Tak bez toho nemôžete mať správnu jednotu. Obecenstvo je rozbité.
73Potom, akonáhle bolo rozbité obecenstvo medzi Adamom a Evou... Akonáhle bolo rozbité ich obecenstvo medzi Bohom a nimi, potom bolo rozbité ich obecenstvo medzi nimi navzájom.
74Počúvajte! Kedykoľvek zbor rozbíja svoje obecenstvo, aby sa dostal do organizácie, obecenstvo veriacich je rozbité. Máme veriť jedným srdcom, jednou mysľou a byť v súlade. To je stav, v ktorom boli predtým, ako vôbec bola utvorená jednota na deň Letníc; jedno srdce, jedna myseľ a v súlade. A keď vrháte cirkev do organizácie, budete v tom mať všetky druhy úlomkov. Pretože niektoré z tých detí v tom budú veriť v Boha; budú sa držať veci, ktorá je správna; a ostatní pôjdu iným smerom. Takže nemáte žiadne obecenstvo. Áno.
75Čo? Jej myslenie sa zmenilo. Ó, áno, jej myslenie sa zmenilo. Jej obecenstvo s jej manželom nebolo v poriadku. Začali hádzať vinu jeden na druhého. Vidíte? Jej myslenie sa skutočne zmenilo. Prečo? Mala v sebe život diabla. Presne tak. Akonáhle neuverila Božiemu Slovu, prijala život diabla, pretože prijala jeho náuku.
76Môžem to rovno tu silno zdôrazniť, ale je to na páske. Som si istý, že rozumiete, zbor.
77Ona neuverila Božiemu Slovu a to ju odlúčilo od Boha, pretože hneď potom v nej bol život diabla. Ona uverila jeho lži, povedal, „Toto ovocie je dobré.“ A jedla to ovocie spolu s ním. Je to tak.
78Nezadržím to. Jednako to poviem. Skrátka nemôžem... Raz v Kalifornii; mal som na mysli v Arizone, vyučoval som v zbore. Nikdy som pod inšpiráciou nepovedal nič, čo by som kedy musel vziať späť. Prišlo za mnou tak mnoho kazateľov ohľadom semena Satana, semena hada. Ohľadne ženy, že to bolo jedenie jablka. Och. No, Kain si myslel to isté; on priniesol ovocie z poľa. Vidíte? To nebolo jablko. Ako to, že si uvedomila, že bola nahá? Prebrali sme to. V skutočnosti to bol sexuálny pomer. Istotne to tak bolo; ona si uvedomila, že bola nahá. A ona mala dieťa s hadom, ktorý nebol plazom; on bol najchytrejší zo všetkých poľných zvierat. Bol tým ďalším tvorom po človeku. Človek môže nájsť opice a šimpanzy, a tak ďalej, ale nedokážu nájsť ten článok, ktorý spája človeka a zviera dohromady. Tu on je. Boh ho preklial tak ďaleko, že sa nemôže vrátiť späť, je to tak, za ten zlý skutok, ktorý spáchal. On bol tým jediným semenom, ktoré sa mohlo zmiešať.
79No, raz som stál a kázal, bola tam v mojom obecenstve skupina Katolíkov a povedal som, „Vy, Katolíci, ktorí nazývate Ježiša, alebo lepšie povedané nazývate Máriu matkou Božou, ako môže mať Boh matku, keď je večný? On nemôže mať matku. Ježiš ani nemal nič do činenia s Máriou, ale On bol len... Ona bola inkubátor, ktorý Ho vynosil.“
80No, oni vždy verili a ja sám som mal pred rokmi o tom predstavu, že nepoškvrnené počatie bolo, že Boh ju zatienil a vložil tam do vnútra krvnú bunku, ale vajíčko prišlo od ženy. Ak to vajíčko prišlo od ženy, musela tam prísť senzácia, aby priviedla to vajíčko cez trubicu do maternice. Vidíte, čo robíte s Bohom? Snažíte sa Ho zapliesť do tej sexuálnej nečistoty. Boh, ktorý stvoril tú krvnú bunku, stvoril tiež i vajíčko. Doktor, tam musí byť oboje, mužský i ženský peľ. Je to tak.
81Tak teda, ak táto žena vyprodukovala vajíčko, ako mohol potom Dávid povedať, „Nenechám Môjmu Svätému vidieť porušenie, ani nezanechám Jeho duši v pekle“? Potom, ak v Kristovi bolo ženské vajíčko, potom tá osoba má niečo do činenia s Jeho časťou vo vzkriesení, keď to celé kompletne činí Boh. Prečo by Boh vzkriesil sexuálnu časť človeka? Vo vzkriesení, prečo nenechal Jeho telu vidieť porušenie? Pretože On bol Svätý. A ako by mohol byť Svätý, ak by bol počatý od Márie, a ten peľ by prišiel od Márie, vajíčko by prišlo dole cez trubicu do maternice? Musela by tam byť nejaká senzácia, aby priviedla to vajíčko dolu. Potom by tá žena bola...
82No, poviete, „To vajíčko tam mohlo ležať. Mohlo by to byť možné.“ Ale to, ak áno, potom sa pozrite, čo sa tu deje, potom On nebol úplným Bohom. On nebol Bohom, vzhľadom na to, že bol človekom. Ale potom, v prípade, že to tak bolo, žena v tom mala nejaký diel. A skutočné semeno, ktoré prišlo z Márie, ktoré prišlo z jej matky a jej matky a jej matky, v tom bolo pomiešané niečo ľudské, s ľudskou túžbou. Nemohlo to tak byť. Nie veru. Povedal som, „On... ona bola iba...“
83Práve tak, ako keď vezmete orlicu a necháte ju zniesť vajce a vložíte ho pod sliepku; tá sliepka vysedí to vajce; ona je iba inkubátor. Ale tam nie je ani smietka z toho orla, to je sliepka. Nie veru. Sliepka bola... Mohli by ste priviazať šteňa hore na to vtáčie vajce a to by vysedelo vtáka, to šteňa. To je tá teplota tela, ktorá spôsobí vyliahnutie toho vajca.
84A to je to isté, ako to je s Ježišom. Mária bola len inkubátor. Boh ju použil, ako to robí s každou inou ženou. Ona bola panna, nemala žiadne deti. On vošiel do panenského lona, ale Boh Stvoriteľ stvoril oboje, vajíčko i zárodok: stvoril to. A preto to bolo nepoškvrnené počatie.
85Keď som vyšiel, samozrejme, viete, tí bratia na mňa čakali. Povedali, „Brat Branham, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Pomýlil si sa. No, chytili sme ťa.“
Povedal som, „V poriadku, to je to, čo chcem, byť chytený.“
86A povedal, „Pomýlil si sa, keď si toto povedal, keď si kázal semeno hada. No, povedal si, že to vajíčko patrilo... že Boh to stvoril, to vajíčko. Čo sa stalo, my sme našli, že tu v Genesis, v 3. kapitole, Boh povedal Márii, 'Položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvojím semenom a hadovým semenom.'“
87Pomyslel som si, „Ó.“ Nikdy vo svojom živote som pod inšpiráciou nekázal nič, čo by som musel vziať späť, pretože som sa nespoliehal na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. A ak je moje porozumenie v protiklade s Božím Slovom, potom sú moje porozumenia nesprávne. To musí byť Božie Slovo. Ak nie je, nechajte to tak; nie je to v poriadku. Ale teraz to treba rozbúrať. V mojom srdci som povedal, „Nebeský Otče, pomôž mi. Neviem, čo tu mám robiť. Ten muž má Písmo; ukazuje na to svojím prstom, 'Položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvojím smenom a hadovým semenom.'“
88No, tu to je. Duch Svätý zavanul nado mnou. Verím, že Ten istý, ktorý mohol zatieniť Máriu, ktorý mohol stvoriť, On tiež môže vložiť Slovo do tvojich úst. Denne závisím na Ňom. A to je vždy Jeho Slovo. On nemôže povedať niečo, čo je v protiklade s Jeho Slovom. Potom, ak tvrdíte, že ste pomazaní a kážete proti Pravdám Božím, potom to nie je pomazanie Ducha Svätého. Pretože, keď vás zatieni Duch Svätý, On prináša tú istú vec, pretože To je Slovo.
89Počúvajte. Čo sa stalo? Povedal som, „V poriadku, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Žena nemá žiadne vajíčko. Ona nemá žiadne semeno. On teraz hovoril, On nepovedal vajíčko; On povedal, 'tvojím semenom.' A ona nemá žiadne semeno.“
90Je potrebné spojenie, aby sa vytvorilo semeno. Je to tak, doktor? Musí to tak byť. Ak tu vonku máte veľké množstvo dužiny, nemali ste v tom žiaden život a zasadili ste to tu vonku, to by nikdy nevyrástlo, ležalo by to tam a zhnilo. A nemôžete zasadiť život bez toho, aby ste mali dužinu. A tak, vidíte, celá tá vec je spojenie. Snažím sa vám teraz hovoriť o Kristovi a Cirkvi. To je spojenie. Viete, ak samotná žena je semenom, potom nepotrebuje mužské pohlavie, môže sama mať svoje dieťa. Ale ona nemôže byť – nemôže mať dieťa, kým nebola s mužom, pretože to vyžaduje dvoch spolu, aby sa vytvorilo semeno. Je to tak? Zasaďte semeno, ktoré v sebe nemá žiaden život, a dívajte sa, čo sa bude diať.
91Ako tu hovorili o tej žene, že porodila tie psy. Vidíte, to nemôže žiť. Nemôže, pretože (Rozumiete?) ten peľ sa nezmieša.
92No, všimnite si teraz toto. Žena nebola semenom. A preto On povedal, „Položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvojím semenom a hadovým semenom.“ Hovorí jej, že On Sám sa chystá dať jej Semeno, nie skrze pohlavný styk, sexuálne. On v nej išiel stvoriť Semeno. No, poviete, „Bolo to Jeho Semeno?“ Áno. Potom, keď jej ho dal, patrilo Márii. Toto je moje oko; On mi ho dal. Je to moje oko, ale On mi ho dal. Toto je moja ruka; On mi ju dal. Toto je môj hlas, ale On mi ho dal. Rozumiete? A Semeno, ktoré bolo v Márii, nemalo s Máriou nič spoločné. To bolo niečo, čo urobil Sám Boh.
93A tak, semeno, ktoré v nej potom bolo, bolo zjednotením z nezákonného aktu, čo bola smrť. Ona bola už tehotná z hadovho semena, pretože žila s... A ona sa otočila a povedala, ona sama, „Had ma zviedol.“ Presne tak. A hneď na to prišiel Kain.
94Ó, vieme, že ona povedala, že nadobudla dieťa od Boha. Iste, každé dieťa, ktoré sa narodí, nemanželsky či akokoľvek inak, musí prísť Božím pričinením. On je ten jediný, ktorý môže vytvoriť život. Istotne. Je to tak.
95Vidíte, ona už mala byť matkou. A to nikdy... jediné, čo to urobilo, že to vyjasnilo tú vec o semene hada. „Semeno, ktoré je teraz v tebe, je skrze počatie, skrze tvoj nezákonný skutok proti Môjmu Slovu, s touto vecou, ktorá tu je, a ty máš teraz hadovo semeno. Ale Ja ti dám Semeno skrze nepoškvrnené počatie a Jeho Semeno rozdrtí hadovu hlavu a jeho hlava rozdrtí pätu.“ Amen. Len nech to má Boh; ak to je Jeho Slovo, On to vykoná.
96To je dôvod, prečo musíte byť v jednote s Bohom. To je dôvod, prečo Peter na deň Letníc povedal, potom, ako Ježiš povedal, „Krstite ich v Mene Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha,“ Peter sa otočil a povedal, „Krstite ich v Mene Ježiša Krista,“ pretože Meno Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha je Pán Ježiš Kristus. Vidíte to? Je potrebná jednota.
97Pavol nikdy nevidel Petra, ale ten istý Duch Svätý v rovnakej jednote (Sláva.) spôsobil, že povedal to isté. „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého odvtedy, čo ste uverili?“
On povedal, „Neviem, či také niečo je.“
Povedal, „Ako ste boli pokrstení?“
On povedal, „Na Jána.“
98Povedal, „Musíte byť znova pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista.“ A oni prijali Ducha Svätého.
99Čo to bolo? Jednota. Hovorili to isté, čo hovorí Boh. A to je vyznanie. „Vyznať“ znamená „hovoriť to isté.“ A On je Veľkňazom nášho vyznania, aby konal na základe toho, čo On povedal. My hovoríme, že To je Pravda, a On na základe toho koná. Ó. Tak vidíte. Tu máme to počatie.
100No, sledujte, ako ona – jej jednota medzi ňou a jej manželom zostala rozlámaná. Vidíte, okamžite, akonáhle Boh povedal, „Adam, ako si to mohol urobiť?“ Namiesto toho, aby sa zastal svojej manželky, on to hodil na svoju manželku. „Žena, ktorú si mi dal.“ Rozbitá jednota. Vidíte?
101Čo urobila ona? Namiesto toho, aby milovala svojho manžela a povedala pravdu, ona zaklamala. Ona – ona mala povedať, „On je nevinný; ja som mu to dala.“ Amen. Biblia povedala, „Ona dala svojmu manželovi.“ Ona mala povedať, „Muž je nevinný. Ja som mu dala a potom jedol, ale ja som bola tá, ktorá mu to dala.“ Namiesto toho to hodila na hada, na to najbližšie, na čo sa mohla vyhovoriť.
102To je to isté, čo sa snažia robiť dnes. Rozumiete? Manžel, manželka, jednota zostala rozlámaná. Manžel a manželka, obecenstvo medzi nimi bolo rozbité; ich jednota bola rozbitá; jednota medzi nimi a Bohom zostala rozlámaná. Všetko bolo zničené. Prečo? Kvôli pochybnosti v jedno Slovo. Ó, brat! Áno, ona mala povedať pravdu. Jednota medzi ňou a jej manželom bola preč a jednota medzi nimi a Bohom bola tiež preč. A s každou cirkvou, ktorá neberie všetko z Božieho Slova, sa stane to isté. Milujem To, a vy?
103Sledujte jej prvorodeného Kaina, vrah, klamár, zvodca, závistlivý, žiarlivý na svojho brata. Jeho brat zachovával prikázanie Božie; Boh učinil zmierenie skrze zabitie obete a obetoval to za nich. Sledujte teraz tú nevedomosť toho, Satana, snaží sa niečo nahradiť. Boh, Biblia povedala, že šiel a urobil im zástery z koží; aby získal kože, niečo zomrelo. Adam sa sám snažil urobiť si nejaké zástery z figových listov. To nemohlo fungovať, rastlinný život. Život, pohybujúci sa život, musel zomrieť. A tak, On zabil nižšiu formu života a hovorí v tom, že, „Jedného dňa bude za vás daný Môj vlastný Život, skutočný Život, ktorý vás znova pritiahne do tejto jednoty.“ No, za pár minút sa do toho dostaneme, ak Boh dá. „Vidíte, tu je život baránka. No, omotajte si to okolo seba a skryte svoju nahotu.“ „Nesmiete jesť jablká?“ Nezmysel! Vidíte? „Omotajte si okolo seba tieto kože.“ On niečo musel zabiť.
104A Satanov syn... oni neprišli tak, ako to on chcel. Akokoľvek to chcete povedať, ale to bol Satanov syn, pretože tento pravý Adamov pôvod z Boha nemohol priniesť niečo také. Všimnite si potom Satanovho syna, ako sa snažil učiniť zmierenie, prišiel naspäť s tým istým, čo hovorí mnoho ľudí i dnes, s hŕstkou jabĺk a ovocia zeme, aby to obetoval ako zmierenie, ako protilátku.
105A čo urobil spravodlivý Ábel? On vedel, že to nebola žiadna taká vec ako jedenie jabĺk. To bola krv jeho matky a otca, Adamov život. A tak priniesol baránka, presne tak, ako to urobil Boh. Haleluja. On zachovával Slovo Božie a Kain mu závidel.
106Rovnako ako dnes. Poďte do tej krvavej obete, do toho Slova Božieho, presne do toho, čo Ono hovorí, stojte rovno na Tom. Mnohí z nich budú veriť v tú krvavú obeť, iste, ale hovoria niečo iné v Slove, hovoria, „Ó, nie, neverím tomu. Ó, to bolo na iný deň.“ Ten istý starý diabol, ten istý starý trik! Počkajte, až to preberieme. Všimnite si, on postupuje ďalej tak isto.
107Ale Kain vo svojich hlúpych cestách, nie až tak hlúpych, ale vo svojich chytrých cestách bol zvedený a priniesol ovocie. Adam zachovával... Ábel zachovával Slovo Božie; priniesol baránka. Boh povedal, „To je správne, Adam, zachoval si – či vlastne Ábel, zachoval si Moje Slovo.“ „Kain, vedel si, že to nebolo... Kde som Ja vzal nejaké figové listy, ako sa to snažil urobiť tvoj otec? Máš hŕstku fíg alebo hrozna alebo jabĺk alebo čokoľvek to tu máš. A teraz, tvoj otec otrhal listy zo stromu a snažil sa učiniť zmierenie a ty sa tu snažíš priniesť ovocie zo stromu.“ To nebolo to! To bola krv zo života.
108Ó, Boh to potvrdil, povedal, „Tu to je.“ A Ábel obetoval to správne. Potom on – jeho brat mu závidel. Pozrite sa, čo urobil; zabil svojho brata. Boh vzbudil iného; ako smrť, pohreb a vzkriesenie Krista. Sledujte, Boh potom, Jeho... Čo povedal Adamovi a Eve? „Choďte a množte sa a naplňte zem.“ Rozptyľuje ľudskú rasu po celej zemi, aby s nimi mohol individuálne konať, až kým ich bude môcť priviesť naspäť dokopy. Koná s ľuďmi, individuálne, s každou osobou. Ale oni to takto nechceli.
109Neprehliadnite toto zjavenie. Bože, nech sa tak stane. Kiež by ste to videli tak, ako sa ja na to dívam.
110Vidíte, nebolo to tak; Boh nekoná s osobou v skupine. Boh s vami nekoná v organizácii. On s vami koná ako s jednotlivcom, jednotlivcom. Duchom Svätým sme pokrstení individuálne. Kolektívne sme pokrstení do Tela, keď sme pokrstení Duchom Svätým. Jednotlivo, každý jeden je pokrstený Duchom Svätým, Boh koná s každým jedným. To bol Jeho zámer, rozptýliť ich po zemi, aby s nimi mohol individuálne konať.
111Ale namiesto toho... Čo sa stalo? Boh musel oddeliť Kainových ľudí od Setových ľudí. Kaina poslal preč. Oddelil ich, aby mohol konať so Svojou cirkvou. Dávajte pozor. Kain zostal oddelený. No, sledujte. Boh oddelil Evinho zlého Kaina od Adamovho svätého Seta. Ó. Či to On urobil? Skrze nezákonný skutok, táto žena žila s niekým iným a priviedla dieťa, Boh oddelil to dieťa a jeho pokolenia od tohto spravodlivého a svätého človeka a jeho detí.
112Dnes sa deje to isté, oddeľovanie... Oddelil, našiel ich, že neboli jednotní. Nemohli mať žiadnu jednotu. Môže mať noc jednotu s dňom? Či môže mať veriaci jednotu s neveriacim? Či môže mať človek, ktorý verí v celé Božie Slovo, jednotu s tými, ktorí veria iba časti z Božieho Slova? Boh chce „oddeľovačov.“
113No, Kain bol Evin syn; ona povedala, „Ja som nadobudla syna.“ Ale Set bol Adamov syn. A Boh ich oddelil, pretože nemohol dovoliť... Prečo, pretože by jeden druhého skazili. Kainove zlé deti by skazili Setove dobré deti. Presne tak.
114No, dávajte pozor. A ten istý starý diabol, ktorý spôsobil, aby Eva neverila jednému Slovu Božiemu, a povedal im, aby sa oddelili jeden od druhého a žili odlišne, každý, ten istý diabol sa dostal medzi nich a priviedol ich znova dokopy. Pochopili ste to? Ak áno, povedzte „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] On ich znova priviedol dokopy pod falošným zjednotením, skutkom – proti Božiemu plánu. Čo sa stalo? Ako to urobil? „Synovia Boží,“ povedala Biblia, Genesis, „videli ľudské dcéry.“ Synovia Boží, Setove deti, videli ľudské dcéry, Kainove deti, aké boli krásne. Och. A čo urobili? Zamilovali sa do nich. A znova sa spolu zjednotili, kvôli kráse, pretože boli krásne na pohľad.
115Tak isto je to dnes. Tu ste, bratia. Vy letniční slabosi, ktorých... Boh vás oddelil a poslal vás, aby ste boli medzidenominační. Nemôžete urobiť z Letníc denomináciu. Poslal vás von, aby ste boli Jeho ľudom. Ale vy ste uvideli veľké pekné cirkvi a ich teológiu; sami ste si narobili množstvo veľkých škôl a podobných vecí. A čo ste urobili? Zjednotili ste znova Boží ľud s organizáciou, pričom samotný základ toho je katolicizmus. Krásne, veľké cirkvi, pekne oblečení ľudia, chodí tam starosta mesta a tí ostatní, najlepšie oblečení, najlepšie vzdelaní, najvyšší teológovia, vedia, ako majú prísť na miesto, kde má každý oblečené najluxusnejšie šaty a pastor stojí tak dokonale na svojom mieste. Čo to je? Dívate sa na veci, ktoré Boh odsúdil. A vzali ste Letničnú cirkev (Bože, nech to zasiahne tú pásku.) a zjednotili ste ju do organizácie. Boh to nikdy nechcel zjednotené; On to chcel oddelené, nikdy zjednotené so svetom.
116Ten istý starý diabol, ktorý spôsobil, aby Eva neverila Slovu Božiemu, a urobil jej zle, vrátil sa rovno späť a vzal deti Seta a nechal ich, aby videli tie krásne ženy Kaina a oni sa znova zjednotili. A to neboli neveriaci. Oni neboli komunisti. Nie, nie. To boli veriaci. Povedali, „No, Pán by snáď možno niečo mohol urobiť.“ Alebo, ó, a niečo takéto. Oni boli... Mysleli si, že robia to, čo je správne. A čo musel Boh urobiť? Odstrániť celú tú vec, musel odstrániť celú tú vec. Pod falošným zjednotením! On musel zoslať potopu a zničiť celú tú skupinu. Kvôli tomu falošnému spojeniu prišiel súd. Kvôli falošnému spojeniu súd udrel Eden.
No, mal had semeno? Hanbite sa.
117Falošné spojenie priviedlo na zem súd, na Adama a Evu, v Edene. A falošné spojenie priviedlo na zem potopy Božieho súdu, pretože dcéry Kaina flirtovali so synmi Božími a oni kvôli tomu upadli a znova sa spojili. Tak vidíte. Falošné spojenie, „Nič sa nemôže stať.“ Čo urobil Boh? Zničil celú tú vec, všetkých okrem vzácneho starého Noeho a jeho rodiny.
118Oni sa potom znovu dali dokopy. Po smrti Noeho a tej duchovnej rodiny Noeho, prvé, čo zistíte, je, že ľudské deti sa znova začali dívať jeden na druhého. Čo urobili? Povedali, „No, nie sme neveriaci; my všetci veríme v Boha.“ Tak dostali za vodcu chlapíka, nejakého významného arcibiskupa, ktorý sa volal Nimrod, a postavili vežu. To neboli neveriaci. Oni verili, že je nebo. Verili, že je peklo. Verili v súdy. Ale opäť deti Božie s ľudskými dcérami a vytvorili si zjednotenie, falošne, a postavili veľkolepú mohutnú katedrálu, veľkolepú mohutnú organizáciu, a všetky ostatné miesta mali Babylonu platiť dane.
119A povedali, „Poviem vám, čo môžeme urobiť. Viete, že sme chytrí.“ Odkiaľ dostali tú múdrosť? Od diabla. Presne tak. Dostali ju od diabla, tak ako Eva. Dostali ju od diabla. A tak povedali, „Postavíme si organizáciu; budeme sa páčiť Bohu. A poviem vám, čo budeme robiť; budeme mať malé schody. Vybehneme hore a budeme spievať a radovať sa s anjelmi, a potom sa vrátime sem dole a budeme žiť tak, ako sa nám zachce.“ Ten diabol stále žije. Vidíte? To bolo proti prikázaniam Božím. Oni nedodržiavali Jeho prikázania. Čo Boh urobil? No, oni postavili vežu Bábeľ, znova falošné, a tak ich Boh zmiatol a oddelil ich.
120Boh ich znova rozdelil a poslal odtiaľ preč starého dobrého spravodlivého Abraháma, povedal, „Vezmem len teba a učiním z teba národ.“ Boh ho oddelil. „Vyjdi spomedzi nich, Abrahám, nechaj všetko za sebou.“ A Boh ho nikdy nepožehnal, až kým nenechal všetko za sebou, Lot bol tým posledným. „Vyjdi, Abrahám, oddeľ sa od tých neveriacich. A Ja ťa vezmem a učiním z teba národ. Vytvorím ľud, ktorý bude zachovávať Moje prikázania. Chystám sa im dať ďalšiu šancu.“
121Starý dobrý Abrahám išiel, aby bol pohostínom v cudzej krajine. To je to, čo každý Abrahám robí, je pohostínom v cudzej krajine. Čo? Verí zasľúbeniu, ktoré je nemožné, po ľudsky hovoriac. Čo myslíte, že by tí ich moderní Kainovi doktori v tom dni povedali? „Fíha, ó, starý človek, storočný, bude mať dieťa od deväťdesiatročnej ženy? Ó, čo za smiešna vec.“ Ale Abrahám veril Božiemu Slovu. A všetko, čo s Tým bolo v protiklade, to nazýval, akoby to ani nebolo.
122Všetky tieto falošné formy krstov, falošné senzácie, falošné nezmysly, ktoré sa dnes šíria, hovorte, „To tam nie je,“ verte Božiemu Slovu a kráčajte vpred. To je iba, aby ste sa na tom potkli, aby vás to zadržalo od dosiahnutia toho skutočného. Presne tak. Choďte rovno ďalej, deti. Božie Slovo, Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo. Nestarám sa o to, koľko falošných vecí tam diabol hádže, Boh má stále pravé Slovo a dodržuje Ho.
123Abrahám nazýval všetko protikladné nesprávnym. Rimanom 4. kapitola, ak si to zapisujete. Abrahám nazýval všetko, čo bolo v protiklade s Božím Slovom, ako by to nebolo. Presne tak. On veril v Boha, bol silný, bez ohľadu na to, aké slabé bolo jeho telo, ako to vyzeralo nemožné, že sa to nemôže stať, Abrahám tomu stále veril. No, on sa nemusel skloniť dole pri oltári a hovoriť, „Ak to hneď teraz nepríde, tak... Neviem, či mám tomu ďalej veriť alebo nie.“ Abrahám s tým zotrval 25 rokov, kým to prišlo, ale to sa stalo. Vždy to tak je.
124Z Abraháma prišiel Izák; z Izáka prišiel Jákob; z Jákoba prišli patriarchovia; od patriarchov, išli do Egypta; v Egypte vyrástol národ. Potom, keď mal Svoj národ vyrastený, keď toto dosiahol, čo urobil? Boh ich znova oddelil. Nevera a viera nemôže kráčať spolu. Nie veru. On ich znova oddelil, pre Seba. Čo im urobil, aby si bol istý, že sú správne vedení? Počúvajte teraz pozorne; nemáme teraz príliš veľa času, možno ďalších pätnásť minút. On ich dôkladne viedol. Sledujte to, On vzbudil národ, dal ich pod tútorov a pod také veci. Oni boli bití a kričali a kričali, a tak to šlo ďalej. Ale Boh sa díval dolu; On si pamätal každé zasľúbenie, ktoré dal Abrahámovi. Jedného dňa si pomyslel... Čo im urobil? Čo urobil, keď ich oddelil? Dal im zákon a dal im proroka; On im dal Ohnivý Stĺp. Čo urobil? Ó, Bože! On postavil Svoju cirkev do poriadku: Dal im Ohnivý Stĺp, Ducha, aby ich viedol, proroka, ktorý im mohol povedať pravdu z Jeho Slova. Potom boli pripravení na cestu. Nie je to nádherné?
125lšli von do púšte. Činí divy a zázraky, otvára Červené More, privoláva na faraóna pekelné rany. Ó! Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohybuje pred nimi. Amen. Viedol ich dňom i nocou. Haleluja. Prorok, verný tomu Slovu, stojí tam a udržuje ich zoradených. Amen. Potom bol pripravený vziať Svoje deti. To bolo po prvýkrát, kedy boli nazvaní cirkvou. To bolo predobrazom toho, čo On urobí v posledných dňoch. Za chvíľu sa do toho znova dostaneme. On ich vyvolal von, dal im zákon, dal im Svoje Slovo; dal im proroka; dal im znamenie; a poslal ich do púšte, oddelil ich od zvyšku sveta.
126Čo urobili? Uvideli krásne Moábske ženy, vlažnú cirkev s bohmi a bohyňami a všetkým možným. Čo urobili? Odišli za nimi, ženili sa medzi nimi. Presne tak, to je úplná pravda. Viem si predstaviť, že tie malé krásne Moábske ženy boli skutočne nádherné.
127Doma mi leží proroctvo, v jednom z týchto dní ho prečítam. A vy sa čudujete, prečo takto kritizujem ženy. Pred tridsiatimi rokmi... Mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Pred tridsiatimi rokmi, keď som vošiel do služby, On mi povedal, že situácia so ženami príde do takej nemorálnosti a v tých posledných dňoch im bude pripísané, že sú tou najviac poškvrnenou vecou na zemi. Presne tak. Ona to začala na počiatku a Satan ju používa na konci. A pozrite sa, čo sa deje, pozrite sa cez tie roky, povedal, „Ona sa bude postupne ďalej vyzliekať.“ A povedal, „Bude tam len maličká skupina, samotných vyvolených, ktorí sú predurčení a uniknú tomu.“
128Keď prišlo to videnie, bol som vtedy znepokojený. Pomyslel som si, „Ženy...“ Nalistoval som si v Biblii Izaiáša, myslím, že 5. kapitolu, a tam je povedané, „Mládnik, ktorý unikne z... Dcéry Siona budú v tom dni krásne Pánovi.“
129Raz mi jedna žena napísala otázku; povedala, „Brat Branham...“ Či vlastne nie, bol to muž, kazateľ. Možno tu dnes ráno stojí. On je z Ohia. A povedal, „Chceme hovoriť to isté, ako hovoríš ty, ale našli sme na tvojich páskach niečo, čo nie je správne.“ A tak mi Billy priniesol list. Povedal, „Niečo na tvojich páskach,“ hovorí, „je veľmi protichodné, brat Branham, k Slovu Božiemu. A my chceme hovoriť to isté.“ Povedal, „Chcem sa ťa opýtať jednu otázku; to je 1. Korinťanom, 11. kapitola, a tam je hovorené o pokrytí hlavy pre ženy a že muži nemajú mať prikrytie.“ Povedal, „Veríme tomu. Ženy by mali v zbore nosiť klobúky a muži by si v zbore mali svoje klobúky dať dolu.“ Povedal, „Veríme v ich pokrytie hlavy, a tak ďalej.“ A povedal, „Potom ďalšia otázka je, že ku nám prichádzajú ľudia a hovoria, že všetko ti hovorí Anjel Pánov. Každé slovo, ktoré povieš, je od Anjela Pánovho. A, brat Branham, je veľmi ťažké bojovať proti niečomu takému,“ povedal, „v mojom zbore.“ Povedal, „Chceme hovoriť to isté. No, brat Branham, nemyslíš si, že si sa tam trochu zmýlil?“
130Odpísal som späť, „Môj vzácny brat, nemýlim sa. 1. Korinťanom, 11. kapitola, tam je povedané, že žena má mať svoju hlavu pokrytú, a prečo. Potom v 15. verši je povedané, že jej dlhé vlasy sú jej dané ako pokrytie, nie klobúk.“ Ten katolícky duch ovládal cirkev už dosť dlho. Jej dlhé vlasy sú jej pokrytím. Či samotná príroda...
131A pozrite sa, a potom prišla naspäť otázka, niekto sa ma pred nejakým časom opýtal... Ujasním to, kým som pri tom. Povedal, „No, Biblia povedala, že ona má mať dlhé vlasy kvôli anjelom. Čo majú anjeli do činenia so ženou?“
132Povedal som, „Čo je to anjel? To je posol.“ Čo Pavol hovorí? Ak pravdivý posol, anjel od Boha prechádza okolo, radšej by ste mali mať dlhé vlasy. On tú vec odsúdi. To je pravda. Koľkí vedia, že anjel je posol? Presne tak. Posol poslaný od Boha to odsúdi. Povedal, „Radšej by ste mali mať dlhé vlasy, kvôli anjelom.“ Tí poslovia poslaní od Boha, ktorí prechádzajú okolo, odsúdia tú vec. Áno, určite, pretože skutočný posol od Boha, anjel je spojený s Bohom a Jeho Slovo nemôže zlyhať. Presne tak. Áno. Svätý Pavol tam povedal, že ak by prišiel aj anjel z neba a učil niečo iné, nech je prekliaty. Presne tak. No, zistili sme, že to je pravda; ona má mať dlhé vlasy; to je jej pokrytie.
133Ale predstavujem si, že tieto pekné Moábske ženy boli veľmi krásne; mohli byť upravené nejako tak, ako niektoré z tých dnešných moderných Jezábelí. Ale avšak, nie všetky ženy. Myslím si, že žena, ktorá je skutočná, je klenotom. Chvála Bohu za skutočné ženy. Oni sú Božie služobnice. Ale skutočná žena je ako skutočný muž; budú nasledovať Slovo Božie bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí diabol, alebo bez ohľadu na akúkoľvek falošnú vec.
134A hovoria, „Náš pastor povedal, že to je v poriadku robiť toto.“ Nestarám sa o to, čo povedal váš pastor. Ak je to v protiklade s Božím Slovom, nech je jeho slovo klamstvom a držte sa Božieho Slova. Je jedno, aká je to denominácia, alebo kým on je, ak on o tom má niečo do povedania, povedzte mu, aby sa pozrel do Slova Božieho. Presne tak.
135Ó, ako by sme mohli ísť ďalej a dívať sa, ako ich Boh oddeľuje. Budeme za chvíľu musieť zakončiť. Mám tu zopár miest Písma, ktoré chcem len obísť, aby som sa dostal – poponáhľal sa, aby som to zakončil. Potom, keď... Čo sa stalo, keď to tam On vykonal, keď tam boli tie Moábske ženy? Boh ich znova musel oddeliť. Čo urobil?
136Potom prišiel Ježiš. No, tu ku niečomu prichádzame. Potom prišiel Ježiš, vyjadrený Obraz Boha, Semeno ženy, počatý samotným Bohom. Ten veľký Architekt si Sám vybudoval telo. On si nemusel od nikoho požičať žiaden stavebný materiál, od ženy, ani od muža. On si Sám vystavil dom. Ó!
137Premýšľam o Štefanovi, keď tam v ten deň zastal a povedal, „Vy neobrezaného srdca i uší, tvrdohlaví, vždy sa protivíte Svätému Duchu; ako robili vaši otcovia, tak robíte aj vy.“ Povedal, „Šalamún Mu vystavil dom, avšak Najvyšší nebýva v domoch učinených rukami, ale telo si Mi pripravil.“
138Nemusel si nikde požičiavať žiaden stavebný materiál. V Židom, v 11. kapitole, myslím, že v 2. alebo 3. verši sa hovorí, že svet bol utvorený Slovom Božím, že veci boli učinené z vecí, ktoré sa nevidia. Boh jednoducho povedal, „Nech je,“ a bolo, On to nemusel chodiť skúmať a hovoriť, „Pán Mesiac, mohol by si Mi požičať trocha stavebného materiálu? Pani Hviezda, mohla by si Mi dať trocha kalcia?“ Boh to nerobí.
139On nemusel povedať, „Mária, požičala by si Mi vajíčko; chcem vytvoriť telo, aby Som v ňom mohol prebývať.“ Boh Stvoriteľ prehovoril a ona hneď vtedy bola matkou. Nebola matkou; bola iba ženou, ktorá nosila Jeho Semeno. Presne tak. Pamätajte, ona nebola Ježišovou matkou. Svet to tak hovorí. Nájdite mi jedno miesto Písma, kde ju kedy On nazval matkou. No, poďte naspäť do Slova. „Matka Božia,“ hanbite sa. Rozumiete?
140Jedného dňa tam boli nejakí ľudia a hovorili Mu, povedali, „Tvoja matka je vonku a hľadá Ťa.“
141On povedal, „Kto je Mojou matkou?“ Rozhliadol sa na Svojich učeníkov a povedal, „Tí, ktorí činia vôľu Môjho Otca, sú Mojou matkou.“
142On nebola Jeho matkou; bola inkubátorom. Boh mohol použiť niečo iné, ale On chcel vziať to najmenšie a ukázať, čo s tým dokáže učiniť, pozdvihnúť to a urobiť niečo z ničoho, to je Boh.
143Prišiel vyjadrený Obraz, Ježiš, Ten nepoškvrnený, Ten nádherný, najkrajší z desaťtisícov, Ľalia z Údolia, Ruža Sáronská, ó, Ranná Hviezda. Čím On bol? Kvôli čomu prišiel? Počúvajte teraz pozorne. Aby obnovil jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Ó, či to vidíš, brat?
144Všetky ich babylonské veže a všetky ich ostatné veci tam dávno nefungovali. Všetko ich ovocie zo záhrady a všetko ostatné neuspokojilo Boha. A tak Boh zostúpil dolu a bol počatý v lone ženy, skrze Samého Seba, učinil si telo a stal sa Imanuelom, Bohom s nami: ani Žid, ani pohan, ale Boh. On nebol Žid; On nebol pohan; On bol Boh. A Pohania boli pre Neho presne to isté v každom čase, On sa len snažil oddeliť Židov ako národ. On sa snažil urobiť všetko, aby to navrátil späť, a jediný spôsob, ako to mohol zaviesť, bolo prísť naspäť ku jednotlivcovi, ako to urobil na počiatku. Takto to robí dnes, koná s jednotlivcom. Nie s denomináciou, nie s organizáciou, nie so skupinou ľudí; ale s jednotlivcom. Všimnite si, aby znovu zaviedol jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom.
145On bol tou skutočnou Obeťou za hriech. Ovce, kozy, a tak ďalej, nemohli nikdy odňať hriech. Ale život... Pretože, keď je obeť zabitá a život baránka, to najnevinnejšie, nemohol prísť späť, ten život, na veriaceho, pretože on bol ľudská bytosť s dušou a ovca nemá žiadnu dušu.
146Vidíte, nič nemá dušu, okrem človeka. Boh vložil... On má formu zvieraťa, to je pravda, ale On do neho vložil dušu. To je to, čo ho urobilo odlišným od zvierat. On poznal správne od nesprávneho, keď do neho prišla jeho duša. Ale on... Pamätajte, keď Boh stvoril človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz, a potom sa stal živou dušou. Vidíte? Stal sa tým, poznajúc správne od nesprávneho.
147No, všimnite si. Ale teraz, v tomto, prišiel Ježiš a On bol Boh. Nie len to, že život jedného človeka môže prísť naspäť na druhého človeka, ale to je samotný Boží Život, ktorý z neho robí dieťa Božie, umiestňuje ho naspäť do rovnakého zjednotenia, v akom bol pred úpadkom. Teraz sa dostávame do skutočnej jednoty.
148Ľudia, niekto mi hovorí, „Brat Branham, nie si Jednotár?“ Nie tá organizácia Jednotári. Ale som v jednote s Kristom (Rozumiete?), ale nie v organizácii jednotárov.
149On splatil dlh za hriech. No, aby podľa poriadku priniesol jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Ježiš to nemohol urobiť, pokiaľ tu bol v tele z mäsa. A tak sa musel stať kompletnou Obeťou za hriech, aby odobral vinu veriaceho (Rozumiete?), odobral to preč, aby tak mohol prísť do človeka Svätý Duch a učiniť znova jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Vidíte, muselo byť niečo, aby to obnovil.
150No, čo to mohlo obnoviť? Keď je vyplnené Božie prikázanie. Mohol ho vyplniť anjel? On nemá žiadnu krv. Mohol ho vyplniť Boh? On nemal žiadnu krv. A Boh sa stal telom a krvou, aby mohol zodpovedajúcim spôsobom zaplatiť dlh a odobrať preč hriech, pretože to je ten jediný spôsob. Babylonské veže ich rozdeľujú po celej zemi, všetko ostatné, organizácie a také veci zlyhali v každom smere; oni sa zamiešali dohromady, svet a všetko ostatné; ale pri tomto išlo nastať kompletné oddelenie. Sláva!
151No, cítim sa duchovne povzbudený. No, cítim sa, že môžem teraz vziať môj text a začať hneď teraz kázať. Skrátka sa teraz zahrievam do bodu, kde môžem hneď tu začať kázať, a to je čas, aby som sa zastavil. Hm! Možno to dokončím niekedy neskôr. Jednota medzi Bohom a človekom. Rozumiete tomu? Všetci, ktorí tomu rozumiete, povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]
152Vidíte, to je ten jediný spôsob, ako mohol byť človek znovu naspäť vo svojom originálnom stave, že ten trest za hriech bol zaplatený. Čo je trest za hriech? Smrť. „Odplatou za hriech je smrť.“ A Boh povedal, „V deň, keď z neho budete jesť, v ten deň, keď vykonáte túto vec, v ten deň zomriete.“ A keď to urobil, to človeku zlámalo jeho vzťah, obecenstvo a všetko ostatné, a nemohol viac prísť späť, až kým tá cena nebola zaplatená. A nikto nebol hodný, aby to zaplatil, pretože každý upadol s ľudskou bytosťou, lebo každá bytosť je pod ľudskou bytosťou a on upadol. Sláva! Ó, brat!
153Brat Mac, nevidel som ťa tam sedieť. Nech ťa Boh žehná. My tomuto veríme, brat Mac. „Prišiel pod trest smrti.“ Brat Mac býval pastorom tu v modlitebni, keď som odišiel. Áno. Ďalší starý, dobrý Baptista, Misijný Baptista tu zdola, ktorý má Ducha Svätého. Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz, prišiel do jednoty s Bohom.
154No, keď toto vidíme. Vidíte, trest musí byť zaplatený a všimnite si, najvyššia forma zvieracieho života je ľudská bytosť, a ľudská bytosť, ona sama upadla. Tak ako môže jeden človek spasiť druhého? Na to bol potrebný Boh. A Boh, v Duchu, nemohol zomrieť. A tak, „Boh musel priniesť Samého Seba o čosi nižšie od anjelov,“ list Židom, 1. kapitola, 1. verš. Musel Sa urobiť menším od anjelov za tým účelom, aby vzal smrť, aby zaplatil trest, aby znova priniesol jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Tak mohol Duch Svätý prísť naspäť.
155Dlh hriechu bol zaplatený. Ježiš toto musel vykonať, aby poslal naspäť Ducha Svätého, aby znova zjednotil ľudí, ako to bolo v záhrade Eden. Dlh zostal zaplatený, keď Ježiš zomrel. Tým to bolo vybavené. Amen, brat. Ak by som len mohol dosiahnuť, aby to vsiaklo do vnútra. Rozumiete? Dlh je zaplatený. Haleluja Baránkovi! Dlh je zaplatený. A každý muž a žena, ktorí ma dnes ráno počúvajú, alebo ma budú počúvať na páske, váš trest je zaplatený. Nepochybujte znova v nevere v Božie Slovo. Poďte naspäť do Slova. Neverte tomu... On bol Slovom. Sláva! Cítim sa, že by som kričal, som pri tom úprimný. Trest je zaplatený. Všetko je to dokonané. Niet divu, že anjeli kričali a spievali a zneli nebeské hymny. Tak veru, stratená ovca sa našla. Bolo pre neho vykonané zmierenie, aby bol znova prinavrátený, vody oddelenia, Božie Slovo, ktoré ho obmýva od jeho neprávostí, keď Slovo zomrelo na mojom mieste a bolo znova vzkriesené a zaujalo prvenstvo v mojom živote, v mojom srdci. Amen. Trest je zaplatený. Je to dokonané. Sme vykúpení.
156Nie skrze Katolícku cirkev, hoci my sme tí správni Katolíci, apoštolskí katolíci. Tak veru. Nie Rímski Katolíci s ich dogmami, oni zapierajú toto Slovo skrze ich dogmu; celé je to vaša dogma, nie Slovo. Metodisti, Baptisti, hanbite sa, milovníci neprávosti viac ako milujúci Boha. Milovníci potešení, hľadajúci svet, potešenia, prasatá v ohrade na porážku. Diabol tam posiela svoje nástroje, aby tú vec udusil, ako to Satan urobil v záhrade Eden. „No, všetci naši kazatelia majú vzdelanie. Majú Ph.D. a LL.D.“ To nič neznamená. Ak zapierate to Slovo, stále je to trik diabla. Dokázal som vám to dnes ráno skrze Slovo; od tejto chvíle je to na vás.
157Učeníci, dokonca chodili s Ježišom, nemali žiadnu jednotu. Nemali žiadnu jednotu. Nie, oni sa dohadovali, „Kto bude biskup nad týmto. Kto je medzi nami najväčší?“ Oni ani nedokázali veriť Ježišovi. Nedokázali Mu rozumieť. „Hovoríš v hádankách. Povedz nám jasne, čo tým myslíš.“ Nebola tam žiadna jednota medzi Ježišom a učeníkmi, alebo zo strany učeníkov k Ježišovi, a navzájom medzi učeníkmi.
158Bez ohľadu na to, to ti ide niečo ukázať, brat. Počúvajte teraz pozorne; chcem, aby sa toto zarylo skutočne hlboko do vášho srdca. Rozumiete? Boh má plán. Pomimo toho plánu, nestarám sa o to, koľko múdrosti je za tým, koľko pekných budov za milióny dolárov, koľko škôl teológie, koľko svätých mužov a svätého tohto a svätého, svätého, svätého, to vôbec nič neznamená; ak je zapreté jedno Slovo z Božej Biblie, je to z diabla. No, dokázal som vám to skrze napísané Slovo Božie od Nového až po Starý zákon a prinesiem vám to ďalej až do tohto dňa, ak tu ešte chvíľu so mnou posedíte.
159Učeníci, ktorí kráčali ruka v ruke s Ježišom, usínali s Ním, jedli s Ním, dívali sa na Jeho zázraky a boli Jeho spoločníkmi, bližšie, než by mohol byť akýkoľvek brat, a jednako to nemali. Neboli spôsobilí na to, aby kázali Evanjelium. Ježiš povedal, „Nekážte viac; ani to neskúšajte. Čakajte tam hore v meste Jeruzalem. Pošlem zasľúbenie, ktoré vám bolo dané, na vás. To vás potom zjednotí.“
160„No, Otče, modlím sa, aby oni boli jedno práve tak, ako Ty a Ja sme jedno. A Ja... Ako poslal Môj Otec Mňa, aby Som kázal Evanjelium, tak posielam Ja vás.“
161A samotný Otec, ktorý poslal Syna, prišiel v Synovi. Jednota znamená byť jedno. On povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte. Ale ak Moje skutky, ktoré robím, hovoria tak hlasno, ste úplne hluchí, nemí a slepí, ak to nevidíte.“ Ó, brat, fíha! Povedal, „Vy pokrytci, tvárnosť neba viete posúdiť, ale znamenia času nedokážete rozpoznať. Ak by ste Mňa poznali, poznali by ste Môj deň. Dobre o vás hovoril Izaiáš. Máte uši a ste tak hluchí, že nedokážete počuť. Oči, a tak slepí, že nemôžete vidieť.“
162Dobre hovoril apoštol Pavol, „V posledných dňoch budú mať formu pobožnosti a zapierať jej moc,“ a Písmo za Písmom, čo sa bude diať v týchto organizáciách v posledných dňoch. Potom sa čudujú, prečo kričím proti tomu „človekom-vytvorenému“ systému diabla. Vidím tam tie vzácne deti vábené ako ovce na porážku. Vyveď ich von, Pane.
163Áno, učeníci nemali žiadnu jednotu. Nedokázali porozumieť Ježiša. Hovorili, „Ách, kto môže porozumieť tieto veci?“ Vidíte, Boh v nich ešte nebol. Boli len združení v obecenstve. Boli iba Jeho spoločníkmi. Tak je to dnes s mnohými dobrými ľuďmi. Oni nepili, neklamali, nekradli, nič také, ale nemali tú jednotu Božiu. Ešte neboli jedno s Bohom. Vidíte, nemohli byť. Ó, oni činili zázraky. Vyháňali diablov. To nie je...
164Čítal som raz o tom článok v novinách, o vyháňaní diablov. Ľudia hovoria, „Ó, brat, hovorím ti, to je to.“ To nie je to. Človek, ktorý vyháňa diablov a zapiera Božie Slovo, je klamár. Tak veru. On hovorí, že vyháňa diablov. Oni tvrdia, že to robia. On to nemôže robiť, ak nie je s Božím Slovom. Ježiš tak povedal.
165No, potom prišli Letnice; Boh ich znova učinil jedno. Ó. Potom mali jednotu s Bohom. Boh bol v nich. No, Skutky, ak si to zapisujete, Skutky 4:32, Biblia povedala, že boli jedného srdca, jednej duše a jednej mysle. Ó, brat. Prečo? Boli prinavrátení znova naspäť do originálu. Jediná vec, ktorú mali byť ochotní zanechať, bolo to staré mesto, to, v čom tu žili, staré telo nazvané mesto, alebo chrám, v ktorom tu žili, ktoré muselo zhniť, pretože muselo zomrieť a skaziť sa. Ale v duchu, v živote, v zámere, v pohľade a vo všetkom ostatnom boli jedno s Bohom.
166Ó, Adam, sklesnutý priateľu, nenechaj Satana, aby ti znova hovoril svoje klamstvá. Nenechaj, aby sa to stalo. Nenechaj Satana, aby ti hovoril, že Slovo neznamená presne to, čo hovorí. Je to tak. Slovo znamená... Áno, tu nedávno...
167Hovoril som o krste vo Meno Ježiša Krista. Je to tak, prišlo zjavenie toho. To je Pravda. Ale čo urobila skupina ľudí? Zhromaždili sa rovno tu a spravili z toho denomináciu, postavili ďalšiu babylonskú vežu. To isté, uvrhli to rovno do toho. Istotne. Luther urobil to isté. Wesley urobil to isté; John Smith urobil to isté, Alexander Campbell urobil to isté. Letniční urobili to isté. Boh koná s jednotlivcami, ktorí zachovávajú Jeho Slovo. Božím jediným plánom na privedenie veriacich k Sebe v pravdivej jednote je prijatie Ducha Svätého. Potom tu je to, ako...
168Poviete, „No, brat Branham, hovoril som v jazykoch. Vykrikoval som. Robil som toto.“ Ak stále máš ten druh ducha a zapieraš Slovo Božie, nemáš v sebe Slovo Božie; nemáš Ducha. Ak budeš sedieť a počúvať kázanú Pravdu a pozrieš si to v Biblii a vidíš, že je to Pravda, a potom to odmietaš robiť, to nie je Duch Boží. Nestarám sa o to, koľko si hovoril v jazykoch, koľko si vykrikoval, do koľkých cirkví si patril alebo koľkokrát si bol pokrstený alebo čokoľvek iné. Slovo je Pravda. To je to, čo potvrdzuje pravdu. Ak máš všetky tieto ostatné pravdy a potom ideš so Slovom (Amen.), potom vieš, že prichádzaš domov.
169Ako sa môže samotný Boh, ktorý napísal Bibliu, otočiť a nahradiť Svoje Slovo niečím iným? Vy, katolícki ľudia, ktorí hovoríte, že Peter bol pochovaný vo vašej cirkvi a že jeho duch vám dáva práva odpúšťať hriechy a podobné veci, ako by mohol Peter, Žid, vôbec vystáť to, že by mal v cirkvi modly? Ako by sa kedy mohlo Petrovi stať, že by nechcel povedať, že prišiel krst Duchom Svätým, a že on hovoril v jazykoch a všetky tie mocné veci, ktoré vykonal, ako by sa mohol otočiť späť a hovoriť, aby si vzali malú oblátku a že Boh je v tej oblátke? Ó, to je nevedomosť, duchovná nevedomosť!
170No, teraz vy, protestanti, robíte to isté, prídete a potrasiete si ruky s kazateľom a poviete, „Prijímam Ježiša ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa“ a idete späť a žijete všetkým možným druhom života, ktorý je pomimo toho, a pokračujete v živote s tým svetom. Ďalšia babylonská veža.
171Prichádzame teraz ku koncu. Dávajte pozor. Boh poslal Ducha Svätého a Duch Svätý je Boh Sám. On je Ten, ktorý učiní jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Poďme to zistiť. No, poďme... No, chcem vašu plnú pozornosť za ďalších päť minút alebo tak nejako. Dávajte pozor.
172Človek sa pod vplyvom diablovho plánu snažil udeliť cirkvi názov a tak doviesť ľudí do jednoty. Snažili sa dostať cirkev do jednoty skrze vzdelanie, viete o tom, skrze vzdelanie, skrze denomináciu. Oni sa o to práve teraz snažia, Svetová rada cirkví, pokračujú v tom, aby priviedli všetkých katolíkov a protestantov dohromady a učinili ich, aby boli jedno. Čo to je? Plán diabla.
173Poviete, „Si veľmi malý na to, aby si toto hovoril.“ Ja som veľmi malý, ale moje Božie Slovo je ohromne veľké, poviem vám. Nebesia i zem pominú, ale Ono nepominie. To je On, ktorý... On to povedal prvý. Ja iba hovorím to, čo On povedal; vyznávam Jeho Slovo.
174Je to pod diablovým vplyvom. Je to tu dokázané v Slove, rovno pred vami dnes ráno, že to je z diabla. Každá z týchto organizácií. Človek sa pod vplyvom diablovho plánu snaží pomenovaním doviesť ľudí do jednoty.
175„Poďte sa všetci pripojiť ku Zborom Božím (Assemblies of God). Pripojte sa ku Jednotárom (Oneness). Pripojte sa ku Cirkvi Božej (Church of God). Pripojte sa ku Metodistom. My všetci sme jedno.“ Vy banda pokrytcov, majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci jej moc. A Slovo Božie zatriaslo rovno pred vami a vy sa bojíte na To zaútočiť. Prečo Sa potom Boh nepreukáže, ak ste s Bohom? Prečo nečiníte skutky Božie? Ako môžete mať tú formu a chodiť okolo a zapierať Ho, dokonca nazývate pravé skutky Božie Belzebúbom? To ukazuje, vy vzdelaná skupina členov cirkví. Ježiš povedal, „Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ Presne tak! Som si istý, že rozumiete, čo mám na mysli. Istotne. Prečo na To niekto, nezaútočí? Viete, že je za Tým Boh. Boh sa bude pohybovať so Svojim Slovom.
176Človek to robí. Stavia to ďalšiu babylonskú vežu. Čo on robí? Oni sa snažia ukázať... Pozrite sa teraz do tejto Svetovej rady cirkví. Anglikáni, Rímski Katolíci, Metodisti, Presbyteriáni, Letniční a všetci z nich zjednotení dokopy, Kresťanská Veda a mnohé kulty, ktoré dokonca zapierajú panenské narodenie, ktoré zapierajú Božstvo Ježiša, robia z Neho tri osoby, snažia sa uctievať troch bohov, zapierajú panenské narodenie. Niektorí z nich zapierajú Krv. Niektorí z nich zapierajú Jeho zázraky. To zapierajú takmer všetci z nich. A potom, potom sa takto snažia zjednotiť dokopy. Ako to môžete robiť? To je ľuďmi vytvorená veža. To padne tak, ako padol Babylon.
177Ale Boh povedal, „Nie mocou, nie silou. Mojím Duchom, hovorí Pán. Takto zjednotím Svoju Cirkev. Nie skrze organizáciu, nie skrze vzdelanie, nie skrze teológov; ale skrze Môjho Ducha, hovorí Pán, privediem Moje ovce dokopy.“ Ó. A keď to On robí, čo sa deje? A Jeho zázraky budú niesť svedectvo o tom istom. Takto mohol Izrael povedať, predtým, ako sa zmiešali s Moábom. Bol tam nad nimi Ohnivý Stĺp. Tak veru. Čo On bude robiť? On bude niesť svedectvo, také isté svedectvo. Ale potom, keď sa oddelili od Boha, rozdelili svoju jednotu medzi sebou a Bohom a dostali sa do jednoty s Moábom a s nimi, víťazstvo úplne zlyhalo. Zostali na púšti ďalších 40 rokov, až kým Boh nevzbudil ďalšiu skupinu, aby cez to prešli a dokončili Jeho plán. To je presne to, čo oni urobili.
178No, pozrite sa. Ale keď Boh privádza Cirkev dokopy s Jeho Duchom, oni budú mať Jeho znamenia živého Boha medzi sebou. Aké znamenia? Keď Boh oddelil Izrael od Egypta, Boh dal Mojžišovi a Izraelu znamenie Ohnivého Stĺpu (Je to tak?), proroka. Keď oddelil Abraháma od Lóta, bol tam Anjel, ktorý ku nemu prišiel, ktorý mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky a úmysly srdca. Znamenie! Haleluja.
179No, tieto denominácie, ktoré vtrhli do tejto cirkvi, snažia sa vytvoriť jednotu ako v Egypte, ako tam dávno v Edene, a tak ďalej, pod týmto mocným vplyvom, pod ktorým sú.
180Ale pozrite sa, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Keď Boh oddelil Izrael, On im dal nadprirodzené znamenie, Ohnivý Stĺp. Dal im proroka. Čo robil Abrahámovi? Čo On robí po celý čas? Ukážte mi medzi nimi Bohom ustanoveného proroka. On dáva dokopy Svoju Cirkev skrze apoštolov, prorokov, učiteľov a evanjelistov. Haleluja. Tak vidíte. Cirkev, znova. Tak, ako vyvolal Izrael. Povedal som vám, že sa k tomu vrátim. Tak veru.
181Nie sú medzi nimi žiadni Bohom ustanovení proroci, (Nie veru.) ako boli s Izraelom a s nimi. Čo to je? Znovu nejaká diablova veža.
182No, príchod je tak bezprostredne blízko, druhý príchod Ježiša, On zjednocuje Svojich vyvolených dokopy. Verím tomu. Ó, oni prídu od východu a západu. Kde je obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly. Ó, čo to je? On má Svoju jednotu, Svoju pravdivú jednotu, ukazuje Sa medzi nimi; pomimo každej denominácie, zjednocuje Svojich vyvolených dokopy zo všetkých rôznych cirkví, odvšadiaľ, vyvádza von Svoje deti, ktoré sa zaraďujú presne do línie s Jeho Slovom. Čo?
183No, príchod Pána Ježiša je tak bezprostredne blízko, príchod súdu, On zvoláva Svojich vyvolených do jednoty s Ním Samým, s tým istým druhom služby, ktorú mal On. Viete, ako som to tu prednedávnom predstavil v cirkevných vekoch, o tej veľkej veži, ktorá bola postavená, nazývala sa pyramída, ale nikdy na ňu nebol položený ten štítový kameň. Spomeňte si, ako prišli Luteráni, potom v menšine Wesleyovci, a potom ďalej Letniční. A čo On teraz robí, vyvoláva z nich. Čo robil? Vyvolal tých vyvolených, aby utvoril Luteránov; vyvolal tých vyvolených z Luteránov, aby utvoril Wesleyovcov; vyvolal odtiaľ vyvolených, aby utvoril Letničných; teraz On vyvoláva vyvolených Letničných, aby mohol do toho prísť Štítový Kameň. Presne ten istý druh služby dopadá rovno do toho, vyvoláva Svoje deti zo všetkých denominácií a zo všetkých ciest života.
184Čo On urobil? On ku nim postavil pravého učiteľa, pravých prorokov, ktorí stáli s Jeho Slovom, s Bibliou. „Moje ovce čujú Môj Hlas,“ povedal Ježiš. Ak to bol Jeho Hlas vtedy, je to Jeho Hlas aj teraz. Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade s tým Hlasom, nie je potravou pre ovce. Nebudú to nasledovať. Ó, brat. Od východu, od západu, von z každej denominácie, von z každej organizácie, prišli od východu a západu, zhromažďujú sa dokopy.
Budeme sa hostiť s Kráľom,
jesť ako Jeho hostia,
akí požehnaní sú títo pútnici.
Hľadieť do Jeho posvätnej tváre
horiacej Božskou láskou.
Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,
ako žiariace drahokamy v Jeho korune.
Ježiš príde skoro;
naše skúšky potom budú skončené. (Haleluja.)
Čo ak by náš Pán prišiel v tejto chvíli,
pre tých, ktorí sú oslobodení od hriechu?
Prinieslo by ti to potom radosť,
alebo smútok a veľké zúfalstvo?
Ale keď príde náš Pán v sláve,
stretneme Ho v povetrí. (Haleluja. Tak veru.)
185Čo to je? S učiteľom poslaným od Boha, ku tej pravdivej Cirkvi, to zostane rovno so Slovom, nepremiestni jedinú jotu, nezáleží na tom, čo hovorí organizácia. Oni s tým nie sú spojení. Proroci; nie vytvorená viera, takzvaný, ale skutočný prorok má TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a zakaždým je to do bodky presne. To je to, čo poslal do Svojej Cirkvi. To je to, čo povedal, že bude robiť. Veria Slovu; nie vyznaniu, nie dogme, ale Slovu. A tým, že toto robia, On v nich ukazuje Samého Seba skrze potvrdzovanie Svojho Slova. Robí, že ten istý život, ktorý On raz žil, žije znova, prináša Svoje Slovo do toho, že sa vyplňuje. Ó.
186Počúvajte pozorne. 1. Korinťanom 4:20 hovorí, že Kráľovstvo Božie je Jeho Slovo pôsobiace v moci. Ak si to chcete zapísať, 1. Korinťanom 4:20. Kráľovstvo Božie je Božie Slovo pôsobiace v moci. Čo je Kráľovstvo Božie? Ono je vo vás. Kráľovstvo je vo vás. A keď tam vchádza Slovo, čo toto Slovo začína robiť? Premieňa sa na moc, spôsobuje, že Ono hovorí presne to, čo povedalo.
187Nemôžete hovoriť, „Ono hovorí toto,“ keď Ono hovorí Toto, a robí, že To funguje. Musíte hovoriť to isté, čo Ono hovorí. To robí vyznanie. Nie hovoriť, „No, tu je To trocha vyleštené, budem múdrejší, Tu budem mať lepšiu pozíciu.“
188Zostaň so Slovom. Tak vidíte. Rozumiete? A Ono spôsobuje tú moc, „Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Ježiš povedal v sv. Jánovi 14:12, „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás.“ Nie, prepáčte mi, to nebolo to, čo tam On povedal. Povedal, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude aj on činiť. Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, môžete si prosiť, čo chcete, a stane sa vám to. Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás.“
189Čo to je? Musíte zostávať so Slovom, zmariť seba samého. Som presvedčený, že mnohí z nás, priatelia, prijali Ducha Svätého, ale my skrátka do seba prijímame dosť Ducha Svätého, aby nás učinil miestom, kde nechceme klamať, nechceme kradnúť, nechceme robiť nič také. Ale Boh chce vypĺňať každé vlákno Svojej Cirkvi; On chce vypĺňať tvoje premýšľanie; On chce vypĺňať tvoju myseľ. On chce vypĺňať každý kúsoček z teba, urobiť ťa proste kompletne, úplne mŕtvym samému sebe alebo tvojmu mysleniu, skrátka tak poddaným v Bohu, že až Jeho Slová jednoducho žijú rovno cez teba. Nepoznáš nič iné okrem Božieho Slova; len zostaň rovno s Jeho Slovom; To je Život. „Moje Slová sú Život,“ povedal Ježiš. On s nimi umiestnil učiteľov, ktorí veria Biblii, prorokov, ktorí hovoria pravdu, ktorí hovoria, ukazujú to isté proroctvo, ako to vždy robili cez veky. Čo On urobil? Ukazuje sa medzi nimi, že je živý, potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. Jeho Slovo, Kráľovstvo Božie je Božie Slovo, ktoré sa stalo mocou.
190Zatiaľ čo tieto denominácie spoliehajú na ľudskú rozumnosť, na ľudských uvažovaniach... Počúvajte teraz pozorne. Oni... Nemáme spoliehať na ľudskú rozumnosť. Príslovia 3. kapitola, 5. verš, je tam povedané, „Nespoliehaj sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť.“ Vidíte? Nerobte to, nezáleží na tom, ako vyzerá Božie Slovo.
191Poviete, „No, toto vyzerá, že je to práve tak isto dobré ako tak.“
192To nie je to, čo to je. To je Božie Slovo; vezmite Ho tak, ako Ho On povedal. Eva povedala... Satan povedal Eve, „Viem, že to Boh povedal, ale v skutočnosti To neznamená to. Znamená To toto.“ A ona tomu uverila. Uverila tomu. To rozbilo jednotu; to rozbilo obecenstvo; to rozbilo ten zväzok; to rozbilo svet; to rozbilo život; to rozbilo všetko.
193A osoba, ktorá neverí v jedno Slovo z Božieho Slova, to rozbíja celé obecenstvo a všetko ostatné. Presne tak. My Tomu veríme, alebo Tomu neveríme. Zostaňme s Tým! Boh tak povedal, a tak zostaňme s tým. Musím tu veľa vecí preskočiť, pretože už uplynul čas.
194Ako v minulosti, keď človek v minulosti toto vykonal, to prinieslo na svet Boží súd. Babylonská veža, zväzok Kainových detí so Setovými deťmi priniesol súd. To vždy privádza na zem Boží súd. Rozumiete? Ó, pravá jednota s Ním sa zodvihne na súde, ponad ním, ako to urobil Noe so svojou rodinou v tom súde. Spravodlivý Noe a jeho rodina prešli ponad súdmi. Čo robili? Oni odišli.
195Brat Lee Vayle, ak toto dostaneš, tu to je. To je jediná otázka, na ktorej sa nezhodujeme; on verí, že Cirkev pôjde cez súd. Ja to tak nevidím. Neverím tomu.
196Noe nikdy nešiel cez žiadne súdy; on prešiel ponad súdmi. Abrahám nikdy nemal žiaden oheň; on bol pomimo ohňa. Izrael nebol v súdoch Izraela; bolo to oddelené preč od ohňa, pomimo súdov. Cirkev sa zvezie ponad súd, v Arche Ducha Svätého, vznesie sa zo zeme.
197Táto vec tohto Koncilu cirkví nie je nič iné, než rozruch bláznivej panny, aby bola zanechaná tu na zemi na pozbieranie, pre antikrista. Ale pravá Cirkev Božia odpláva, ako to urobil starý Noe, a pôjde do slávy s takou istotou, ako tu stojím. To je dôvod, prečo ich On zhromažďuje dokopy. To je to, čo dnes predzvestuje ten Hlas. To je to, čo Boh robí, zhromažďuje jedného z Los Angeles, jedného z Filadelfie, jedného z Georgie, a tak ďalej, zhromažďuje ich dokopy, Svojich ľudí, ktorí sú ochotní veriť Slovu živého Boha. „Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, kde bolo málo zachránených, len veľmi málo.“ V poriadku, naša Archa Ducha Svätého prepláva rovno ponad súdmi Božími, pretože my sme už odsúdení, keď sme vyznali Ježiša a On vzal náš súd.
198Tieto denominácie, no, sú tak tvrdohlavé! Sú ako Eva, ona chcela svoju múdrosť bez ohľadu na to, čo bolo Božie Slovo. Nimrod chcel svoju vežu bez ohľadu na to, či to bolo podľa Písma, alebo nie. Boli tvrdohlaví. Eva to mala lepšie vedieť. Set to mal lepšie vedieť, než aby upadli kvôli tým krásnym ženám. Izrael to mal lepšie vedieť, než aby sa dostal tam von do toho cudzoložstva. A vy takisto. Ale niektorí sú tak tvrdohlaví, či to je Písmo, alebo to nie je Písmo. „Nech je požehnaný Boh, moja matka bola Presbyteriánka. Ja budem tiež.“ Pokračuj, pokračovanie je tou jedinou vecou, ktorú potom môžeš robiť. Nech je Boh milostivý tvojej hriešnej duši. Ako tomu utečieš, keď vieš, že to je pravda? A ak vidíš Božie Slovo a stále si nemyslíš, že To je Pravda, potom niečo nie je v poriadku s tvojím duchovným rozpoznaním. Presne tak to je. Pozrite sa po celom národe a vidzte, kde sa tieto veci dejú. Sme v čase konca, priatelia. Dostali sme sa práve cez cirkevné veky a zistili sme, čo sa bude diať v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku? Či sme cez to práve neprešli? Rozumiete, čo tým myslím? Sme v čase konca.
199Boh zhromažďuje vyvolených od štyroch vetrov zeme. On povedal, že pošle anjelov a zhromaždí ich. Je to tak? Zhromaždí ich dokopy, oddelí ich od kúkoľa. Amen. Kúkoľ bude spálený, nie pšenica. Je to tak.
200Ale oni sú príliš tvrdohlaví; či to budú to mať, alebo nie, to nerobí žiaden rozdiel. Ó.
201Ale Božím vyvoleným je prikázané, aby vyšli spomedzi nich. „Oddeľte sa,“ hovorí Boh, „a Ja vás prijmem. Nedotýkajte sa ich svetských vecí a Ja vám budem Otcom alebo Bohom, a vy budete Mojimi synmi a dcérami. Nezväzujte sa do jarma s neveriacimi, ale vyjdite spomedzi toho!“ Boh chce oddelenie od sveta. On Sám chce byť s tebou zjednotený. A žiadna človekom vytvorená schéma organizácie, denominácie alebo nejaké ľuďmi vytvorené teórie nikdy neobstoja. Na to bude potrebný Boh, Duch Svätý v tebe, aby ťa zjednotil s Bohom. A ako vieš, že To máš? Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal Slovo, bude niesť svedectvo s každým Slovom; a tie isté veci, ktoré Duch Svätý robil v Starej zmluve, bude to robiť v Novej Zmluve: bude dnes robiť to isté, pretože Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A ty nie si zviazaný v jarme s organizáciami a svetom. Nie si s nimi zviazaný. Nezväzujte sa do jarma medzi nich, ale vyjdite spomedzi nich. Si zviazaný do jarma s Kristom, zviazaný s Pánom Ježišom Kristom.
202Biblia hovorí, že v posledných dňoch tu budú cirkvi, ďalšie také ako Babylonská veža; budú mať formu pobožnosti a budú zapierať Božie Slovo a moc, moc Jeho Slova. A čo je Slovo? Čo je Kráľovstvo Božie? Musíme patriť do toho Kráľovstva predtým, ako vôbec môžeme byť poddanými Kráľa. Koľkí z vás to vedia, povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] No, ako sa dostanete do Kráľovstva? Kráľovstvo Božie je Slovo Božie, ktoré sa znovu prejavilo v moci. Amen. Stalo sa mocou, berie preč hriech, dáva znamenia. Aký druh znamenia? Ak To je to isté Slovo, ktoré vyviedlo von Mojžiša, prinesie to isté znamenie.
203Tá istá vec, ktorá oddelila vlažného Lóta... No, vieme, že Lót bol vlažný a Ježiš povedal, že to bude znak času konca. Vlažný Lót tam sedel, on bol nábožný, iste, on a jeho žena. A patrili do všetkých rôznych strán a on bol starostom mesta, ó, a tam je veľa vecí, ktoré s tým išli. Bol veľmi nábožný. Mohol prijímať ako hostí evanjelistov a všetkých tých, ktorí išli okolo, v tomto smere bol v poriadku. Ale, ó, brat, on nebol tým vyvoleným.
204Pozrite sa, čo sa stalo. Prečo? Ten istý Boh, ktorý oddelil Abraháma a prišiel ku nemu a ukázal mu potvrdenie jeho oddelenia... Hm. Ó, Bože. Ako si prajem, aby som mohol – prajem si, aby som len mohol niečo urobiť, aby ste to videli. Boh ukázal Abrahámovi, v tom, že sa oddelil, On mu ukázal potvrdenie toho oddelenia, tým, že bol s ním a rovno v jeho strede. A Ježiš povedal, že to isté sa bude diať v posledných dňoch. Abrahám nebol národom; bol v menšine, ale Boh bol s ním. On ho potom oddelil. My sa máme v týchto posledných dňoch oddeliť.
205A ak dal Boh Mojžišovi znamenie, Izraelu, pomazaného proroka, Ohnivý Stĺp, dal znamenie Abrahámovi. Dal znamenie Izraelu. Dal znamenie učeníkom. To isté znamenie, zakaždým, to isté znamenie, Ohnivý Stĺp.
206Pavol, keď bol na svojej ceste do Damašku, zažiaril tam pred ním Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý mu dokonca odobral zrak, zrazil ho na kolená. Nikto iný To nevidel. Všetci stáli naokolo, nevideli To. A Hlas prehovoril, „Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“
207On povedal, „Pane, kto si?“
208Povedal, „Ja som Ježiš.“ Znamenie! A čím on bol? Apoštolom pre pohanov. Amen.
209Tu sme v čase konca, prichádzame od východu, západu, severu a juhu. Čo robíme? Pripravujeme sa na to vytrhnutie. Pripravujeme sa na... Držíme sa nepohnuteľne na pár minút, až kým každé malé vlákno je naplnené Duchom Svätým. Potom Ona pôjde hore. Ó! On volá Svoj ľud dohromady ku Sebe, v pravej jednote s Ním Samým, pretože to je Jeho jeden Duch Svätý. „Jedným Duchom sme každý jednotlivo pokrstení do jedného Tela, spoločne tvoríme Telo Ježiša Krista.“ A Ježiš Kristus žije Svojím Duchom v našich telách, kde slúži Cirkvi a robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil ako znamenie, ako vlajka pre svet, že žijeme v posledných dňoch, pripravujeme sa na vytrhnutie. Ó, milujem Ho, vy tiež?
210Mám tu ešte knihu, ale jednoducho do toho už ďalej nemôžem ísť; pretiahli sme to. Možno to vezmem niekedy inokedy.
211Sme na konci. Jednota. Ste tak jedno s Bohom? To je spôsob, ako budete musieť byť. Áno. Budeme s Ním musieť byť jedno, až... Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás. Potom Kristus, Jeho vlastná myseľ vo vás rozpozná každé Slovo, ktoré On napísal. Ona to robila v apoštoloch, správne rozdeľovala Písmo, ktoré je Pravdou (Rozumiete?), Duch Svätý. Ak to je pravda, potom On o tom bude niesť svedectvo tým, že bude prinášať to isté znamenie, ktoré dal Mojžišovi, to isté znamenie, ktoré dal Abrahámovi, to isté znamenie, ktoré urobil pri Kristovi, to isté znamenie, ktoré urobil pri Pavlovi. Sme v čase konca. On povedal, že to bude. Sme v čase konca. Cirkev sa spoločne dostáva do jednoty, jeden tu a jeden tam, tvorí...
212On povedal, „Budú dvaja na poli, jedného vezmem.“ Jedného. Pozrite sa, „Dvaja na poli,“ to je cez deň, žatva, „jedného vezmem a jedného zanechám. Budú dvaja v posteli,“ na druhej strane zemegule, „jedného vezmem a jedného zanechám,“ pri príchode Syna človeka. A to je tak bezprostredne blízko, je to tak blízko na dosah ruky.
213Nepočúvajte! Nepočúvaj, Adam! Adam! Eva, Adam, dovoľte mi zakričať na vás; nepočúvajte už viac na diablovo klamstvo. Stojte s Božím Slovom; to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Stojte s Jeho Slovom. Oddeliť sa od Toho znamená rozlámať vaše obecenstvo s Bohom, s Božou jednotou skrze Ducha Svätého. Takže, ak hovoríte, že máte Ducha Svätého a nesúhlasí to so Slovom, potom nie ste v jednote s Bohom.
214Toto je Božia jednota, keď vy – duch, ktorého máte, súhlasí s týmto Slovom a manifestuje toto Slovo a spôsobuje, že toto Slovo má moc, aby konalo rovnakým spôsobom, ako konalo tam.
215Povedzme to spoločne. Jednota [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Jednota“ – pozn.prekl.] s Bohom [„s Bohom“] znamená mať [„znamená mať“] Božieho Ducha [„Božieho Ducha“] v sebe [„v sebe“], ktorý súhlasí [„ktorý súhlasí“] so Slovom [„so Slovom“] s každým Slovom [„s každým Slovom“], s úplne celým Slovom [„s úplne celým Slovom“], a spôsobuje, že sa To [„a spôsobuje, že sa To“] manifestuje [„manifestuje“] v moci [„v moci“].
216Tak vidíte; to je jednota s Bohom. Keď tá moc účinkuje vo mne, účinkuje vo vás, sme jedno. Amen! Brat Kidd, keď moc Ducha Svätého vo mne účinkuje v tebe, nie je žiaden nesúhlas, je tam Slovo. Ono funguje. Amen. Ono To robí Tým, čím To je: Boh sa stal telom vo vás skrze Jeho Slovo, Slovo sa stalo mocou medzi vami, každé Slovo.
217Pamätajte teraz, diabol berie veľmi veľa z toho Slova, takmer 99,99 percent z Toho. 99 stotín a 99 percent z tých stotín, on Ho bude predkladať tak celkom akurát, ale potom odskočí sem, a to je to, čo hneď tam spôsobí smrť. To láme tú reťaz rovno v strede; idete dole.
218Každé Slovo. Čo povedal Ježiš? „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove.“ Nebude žiť na zopár Božích Slovách, nie na 99,99 percentách z Božieho Slova. Ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza s úst Božích, človek bude žiť na Tom.
219Satan Ho vzal tam hore a povedal, „Je napísané.“ Vidíte, práve tak, ako hovoril Eve, „Je napísané. Je napísané.“
Ježiš povedal, „A tiež je napísané...“
220On povedal, „Je napísané, 'Prikázal Svojim anjelov, aby Ťa ostríhali.' Biblia tak povedala.“ Chlapče, on je učenec. „Je napísané, 'Prikázal Svojim anjelov, aby Ťa ostríhali, aby si si neuderil Svojej nohy o kameň, a podprú Ťa.'“
221Povedal, „Tiež je napísané, 'Nebudeš pokúšať Pána svojho Boha.'“
222Oni hovorili, „Máme Písma,“ Skutky 19, „boli sme pokrstení Jánom.“
223Pavol mal niečo iné; povedal, „to už viac nefunguje.“ Vidíte? „Ján krstil iba...“ On nepochyboval v nevere v Jánovo slovo. Povedal, „Poviem vám, čo hovoril Ján. Ján povedal, že krstil na pokánie, nie na odpustenie hriechov.“ Obeť ešte nebola zabitá. Rozumiete? Povedal, „On krstil na pokánie, hovoril, že máte veriť v Toho, ktorý má prísť.“ A keď toto počuli, boli pokrstení v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Pavol, tak plný Slova, kládol na nich ruky a prišiel na nich Duch Svätý. Začali prorokovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, velebiť Boha, a čo za čas to bol. Ó. Aký veľký bol ten zbor? Dvanásti. Ó, áno. Ó, Boh nekoná s veľkými číslami; On koná v pokorných srdciach. Nech by sme mali také srdcia. Milujete Ho? Modlime sa.
224Ó, môj milovaný pútnik, díval si sa na dcéry Moába alebo si videl dcéry (Hovorím o cirkvách.) Kaina? Ako ďaleko od Slova zablúdili. Či si si, môj vzácny priateľu, či si si uvedomil, že v posledných dňoch sa majú udiať tieto veci? Všímal si si v poslednej dobe, ako je manifestované Božie Slovo? Ako utíchlo to prebudenie, ktoré raz udrelo, veľa z toho nezostalo? Čo to je? To je ticho pred búrkou. Súdy sú pripravené. Zaznamenal si tieto veci? Porovnával si Písmo za Písmom, Slovo Biblie za Slovom Biblie, dôkaz za dôkazom? Porovnával si Slovo Ježiša, keď On povedal, že diabol bude v tých posledných dňoch tak blízko tej skutočnej veci, že ak by to bolo možné, zviedol by všetkých okrem vyvolených, vyvolených. Len pomyslite, to biblické učenie bude tak blízko. „Ó, veríme v Ducha Svätého; nech je naveky požehnaný Boh. Máme Ducha Svätého; hovorili sme v jazykoch.“ A potom sa otočíte a zapierate Slovo? Áno. Zviedol by aj samotných vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.
225Ak je tu niekto, kto nie je v poriadku s Bohom, ak je tu niekto, kto je chorý, alebo postihnutý... Ležia tu vreckovky a také veci; budem sa nad nimi modliť. Nestarám sa o to, akú máte potrebu. Patrí vám každé zasľúbenie v tej Knihe. Je to vaše.
226No, priniesol som vám Slovo, priniesol som To od Genesis rovno do tohto dňa, v ktorom žijeme, len som sa dotýkal tých miest a ukazoval som vám to. Mohol by som sa okrem toho dotknúť stoviek miest, nemám čas. Ale bezpochyby v tom môžete vidieť, že tento organizačný nezmysel je mimo. Je to falošný plán diabla, snažia sa zorganizovať človeka do jednoty s ich vlastnou mysľou a rozumovaním. Keď to je Duch Svätý, skrze ktorého sme spojení s Bohom, a sme jedno. A Duch Svätý súhlasí so Slovom Božím. Rozumiete, Biblia povedala... Ježiš povedal, že oni to budú dokonca vyznávať, vidíte, „Zviedlo by to aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.“ Vidíte, kde stojíme?
227No, zoberte toto Slovo Božie do tej ruky viery. Čo potrebujete dnes ráno? Potrebujete vodný krst v Mene Ježiša Krista? Bazén je otvorený. Potrebujete krst Duchom Svätým? On sa snaží pretlačiť si do vás cestu. Potrebujete uzdravenie? No, Sám Duch Svätý, Slovo, ktoré sa stalo mocou, je rovno teraz tu, samotná moc rozpoznávania sa tu teraz díva naprieč obecenstvom a vidím, že to Svetlo krúži dokola ako žiara. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo nesprávne?
228Či som niekedy... ? Ako povedal prorok Izraelu predtým, ako dostali ľuďmi vybraného kráľa, on povedal, „Povedal som vám niekedy niečo... Bral som od vás niekedy peniaze? Prišiel som niekedy dolu a pýtal od vás peniaze, jazdil po okolí a žil vo veľkolepých palácoch, staval veľkolepé veci a bral od vás vaše peniaze? Pýtal som od vás niekedy cent?“ „Nikdy.“
229Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by Boh neuskutočnil? Hovoril som niekedy v Jeho Mene, že by to nebolo tak? Povedal som vám niekedy videnie v obecenstve, že by to nebolo presne to, tá osoba vstala, cudzinec, alebo čokoľvek bol, ale čo povedal, „To je pravda“? Povedal som vám niekedy niečo nesprávne? Potom mi teraz dovoľte povedať, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, prijmite Ducha Svätého, Ducha, ktorý vezme Slovo Božie do ich rúk viery a ide ďalej. Patrí vám celé Kráľovstvo. Je to vaše, deti.
230Prečo prichádzate z Georgie, z celej krajiny, z Ohia, z Kansasu, odvšadiaľ kvôli malému zhromaždeniu? Myslím, že páska je teraz vypnutá, takže toto môžem povedať. Rozumiete? Prečo takto prichádzate? Čo spôsobuje, že to robíte? Čo to je? Vidím ľudí z Arkansasu, zo vzdialenosti stoviek míľ.
231Minulý večer, ako som prichádzal rovno z Kansas City, stál tam malý poľský brat, prišiel, vedený, povedal, „Brat Branham, odkedy som ťa prvýkrát počul tam v Kanade pred mnohými rokmi, veci, ktoré si mohol vidieť a urobil, kontroloval som to skrz naskrz, tam a späť, hore a dole,“ a povedal, „ani jedno z toho nikdy nebolo nesprávne.“ On je pravdepodobne poľský katolík a prichádza sem, berie pásky, ide von a prehráva ich, stretáva sa s opozíciou, s kazateľmi, ktorí by mali byť so mnou a pomáhať nám, ale zapierajú toho moc, zapierajú Pravdu Slova a tvrdia, že majú Ducha Svätého.
232Nehovoril som o sebe, že som prorok. Vy ste to robili. Ale ak to tak je, potom odkiaľ prichádza Slovo Pánovo? Ako vieme, či to je pravda, alebo nie je, ak tam nie je niečo, čím by sa to dalo podložiť? To tu je Božie Slovo, napísané Slovo. A potom, ak to napísané Božie Slovo je potvrdené, potom to je Boh v tom Slove, ktorý robí, že to Slovo je pravda. Pavol povedal, „Nasledujte ma, ako nasledujem ja Krista.“
233No, ak máte potrebu na Boha kvôli chorobe, kvôli spaseniu, čo... alebo, aby ste sa zbavili... Niektoré z vás žien, ktoré nemáte dostatok milosti, aby ste si nechali narásť vlasy, niektorí z vás mužov, ktorí nemáte dostatok milosti, aby ste skoncovali s fajčením cigariet, niektorí z vás kazateľov, ktorí nemáte dostatok milosti, aby ste prijali pravdu o vodnom krste v Mene Ježiša Krista, niektorí z vás chorých ľudí, ktorí ste nemocní a chorí na smrť, prečo dnes ráno nevezmete toto Slovo? Poviem vám teraz; Ono je telom medzi nami. Vezmite to Slovo do svojej ruky.
234Tu na stene visí fotografia Anjela Pánovho, Ten istý, ktorý viedol deti Izraela, Ten istý, ktorý sa stretol s Pavlom, Ten istý, ktorý bol v Kristovi. A Ten istý Duch Svätý je vo vás, vo vás, zjednocuje vás ako jedno. Čo spôsobuje, že naše srdcia sú tiahnuté dokopy cez stovky míľ? Nie je v krajine nič tomu podobné. Oni prichádzajú ku Slovu.
235„Je prameň naplnený Krvou, ktorá vytiekla z Imanuelových žíl, kde bývajú neveriaci ponorení pod ten prúd a strácajú všetky svoje škvrny vín. Od tej doby, keď som vierou uzrel ten prúd tečúci z Tvojich rán, vykupujúca láska je mojou témou a bude, až kým nezomriem.“
236Náš nebeský Otče, leží tu kôpka vreckoviek, rukavíc; môžu byť poslané poštou. Neviem kto ich sem položil, možno Billy, možno ľudia, ktorí sú tu v obecenstve. Skrátka cítim, aby som teraz toto urobil, Pane. Nie je nič v mojich rukách, nič vo mne, ako v ľudskej bytosti. Nemôžem sa spoliehať na svoju vlastnú ľudskú rozumnosť. Nerozumiem tomu, prečo toto takto je, ale nasledujem to, čo si povedal. „Brali z Pavlovho tela vreckovky a zástery, a zlí duchovia opúšťali ľudí.“ To nebolo kvôli tomu, že bol veľkým človekom; bolo to preto, že Boh bol s ním v Slove a moci. A on sa nikdy neporadil s apoštolmi, ale keď sa spolu stretli, zistili, že to isté Evanjelium, tá istá forma krstu, všetko, čo robili, bolo to isté, bolo to úplne rovnaké.
237No, prosím, Pane, za týchto vzácnych ľudí, ktorí Ti veria, aby si ich uzdravil. Tých v obecenstve, uzdrav ich, Pane. Nech sa len rovno teraz ich viera načiahne a uchytí toho Slova a povedia, „Nádor, choroba, zlo, ty ma tiež musíš opustiť; sekám s Mečom Božím. Ja verím. Moja viera je pevná; tlačím ten Meč hlboko. Ustúp mi z cesty. Vstávam zo svojho sedadla, aby som bol zdravý.“ „Kladiem svoju ruku na môjho otca, na moju sestru a moje dieťa, na môjho suseda. Ja verím. Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Som s Tebou v jednote. Skutky, ktoré si povedal, že si činil, my budeme činiť tiež. Pane Bože, verím každému Slovu. A kráčam vpred, kráčam vpred, aby som si to nárokoval, aby som si toto dnes ráno vzal.“
238Ó, Bože, ako by som mohol premýšľať o tom, keď bola cirkev v pohybe, keď sa Mojžiš tam pri tom mori trocha vystrašil, začal kričať k Pánovi. A Pán povedal, „Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Kvôli čomu ku Mne kričíš? Hovor a choď vpred! Či som ťa Ja nepoveril do tej práce? Hovor!“ Hovoriť čo? Slovo Božie, ktoré je v tebe. „Hovor a choď vpred! Nekrič ku Mne! Choď vpred!“
239A, Pane Bože, dnes prichádzam v Mene Pána Ježiša. Prichádzam a držím tento Meč viery, nárokujem si jednotu Boha a človeka skrze Ducha Svätého, skrze milosrdenstvo a obeť Ježiša Krista, Jeho Syna. Vyzývam každého diabla, ktorý zviazal kohokoľvek v akomkoľvek smere v tejto budove, či je to chlapec alebo dievča, muž či žena. Vyzývam každú chorobu. Vyzývam každú pochybnosť. Vyzývam každý strach. Vyzývam všetko, čo je bezbožné; opustite toto obecenstvo v Mene Ježiša Krista. Vyjdite z tohto obecenstva, aby sme mohli byť jedno s Bohom a mohli slúžiť Bohu bez chorôb a strachu. Nech moc, ktorá nás urobila jedno s Bohom... Ako môže diabol vyvreskovať okolo pomazaného? Ako tam môže diabol stáť a vyvreskovať ako Goliáš? Keď Dávid prišiel do tábora a povedal, „Máte v úmysle nechať tam stáť toho neobrezaného Filištína a vyzývať armády živého Boha?“
240Ó, Bože, učiň, aby muži a ženy povstali v moci Ducha. Nech ten neobrátiteľný, ten deprimujúci diabol, ktorý škodil ľudskej rase cez celé veky, ktorý tu stojí a vyzýva cirkev živého Boha... Satan, vyjdi a odíď v Mene Ježiša Krista!
241No, vy, ktorí máte dostatok sily, aby ste držali ten Meč, teraz tí, ktorí ste dostatočne porozumeli Božiemu Slovu, aby ste si To nárokovali ako svoje osobné vlastníctvo, ktorí teraz môžete zobrať Slovo Božie do svojej ruky, držte To vo svojej ruke viery a povedzte, „Vyberám si svoju stranu s Pánom. Odteraz budem v jednote s mojím Bohom. Budem držať tento Meč Ducha v tomto Slove a odsekávať diabla, až kým nezískam každé zasľúbenie, ktoré mi Boh zasľúbil.“
242Ak tomu veríte z celého srdca, potom vás úprimne z celého srdca prosím, v Mene Ježiša Krista, postavte sa na svoje nohy a prijmite to. Myslíte to tak? Ste úprimní? Je Slovo vo vašej ruke? Je vaša ruka vašou vierou? Pozdvihnite svoju telesnú ruku ku Bohu a povedzte, „Bože, týmto, mojou zodvihnutou rukou zaväzujem celý môj život. Zaväzujem moju dušu; zaväzujem moje myslenie; zaväzujem všetko Slovu Božiemu. Nech teraz Duch Svätý vezme moju vieru a dá mi tú vec. Odsekni odo mňa každú pochybnosť. A skrze vieru prijímam to zasľúbenie, o ktoré som v tejto chvíli prosil.“
243Ak tomu veríte, povedzte teraz, „Amen“. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Povedzte znova, „Amen.“ Amen a amen a amen. Potom, ak to myslíte z celého svojho srdca, v Mene Ježiša Krista, sľubujem vám to, o čo ste prosili. Amen. Vy tomu verte z celého srdca. Nech vás Boh žehná. Brat Neville.
1 Thank you, Brother Orman. The Lord bless you.
Good morning, friends. It's nice to be here in the tabernacle again this morning. And was just standing back there listening, as I come in, and hearing the prophecy go forth in the way of speaking with tongues, with the interpretation. And I said to the folks that that room is full also, so I said, "I don't know, I haven't spoke to this man." That was Brother Higginbotham, if I've got the man right. For a long time, it's been months since I've even shook his hand. But that's exactly what I'm speaking on, what he said this morning, exactly what I'm speaking on. He didn't know it. I didn't know it myself till just a while ago, what I was going to speak on. And that's just it, what he said right then. So we are happy to know that we are assembled in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and under His protecting wings.
2 Now, I see many are standing up, place filled and jammed, and we just hate to see this. And, as soon as we can, we're going to make it different here, a bigger tabernacle. Now, I want to report from Phoenix just quickly.
3I was here last Sunday night and spoke on the subject of Communion to the... before the communion service. Communion is not taking bread, commune means "talk to, commune back, talk with someone."
4And now this morning, if I get a little too lengthy, why, someone change seats with those who are standing up, and it'll be appreciated, let them sit down for a little bit. I--I am concerned of this time that we're living in. I am very, very much concerned. When I see the things happening that I see taking place, there's something within me that's stirred. And I am wanting to just take my time and try to...
5 This morning's message I'm speaking on the subject of Oneness. And I--I want to take my time and try to make it just as... lay it out just as perfectly as I know how. And I desire your prayers as you have gathered.
6And now I want you to turn, if you have a Bible and like to read with me, to the 1st chapter of Hebrews, first. And I want to read the first three verses of the 1st chapter of Hebrews, and then Genesis 1:26 and 7, to tie that together. And no man can say anything that's worth saying unless God helps him say it. And--and that's along the Message this morning, too, of the oneness of the people and God. Now in Hebrews the 1st chapter, we read this.
God, who at sundry times... in divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in this last days spoken unto us through his... by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Who being in the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
7And now over in Genesis, the--the 1st chapter and the 27th, 26th and 27th verse, I read this.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowls of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
8 Now let's bow our heads just a moment as we pray. And I'm sure that there's many requests in the audience of this size, so perhaps we just raise up our hand to God, who has a request, and let him by this make it known that we have something that we want prayer for. God grant to each one of you.
9Lord, we have assembled under the roof of this tabernacle, and we are thankful to have the roof over us today, but our coming together was for a greater purpose than this. We feel that by the promise of God we have assembled under the wings of the Almighty. That He, as a hen would cover her chickens, would protect us from all that we are desiring Him to protect us from. That He would hover over us and nourish us and would give us today our daily bread, both physically and spiritually, that we might have the sustaining strength of body to walk about upon the earth, and the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit to bring the Word of God to a hungry people. And to leave here with It upon our lips and in our hearts, with such fresh anointing Oil that we'd be able to tell others of the day that we are living, and the condition of time. God, we are fully trusting in You. There is no other place left that no one could go to. We feel as Peter did, that day when Jesus said, "Will you go also?"
10He said, "Lord, where would we go? Thou alone has the Words of Eternal Life." And that's why we gather in Your Name this morning, because Thou alone has the Words of Eternal Life. And we pray that You'll make this so real to each of us today that our hearts will burn within us. Our souls will be strengthened, our bodies healed, our spirits healed, our souls made anew, created after the fashion that God would have us.
11 Father, I pray that You'll give strength to those who are standing in the rooms and around the walls, and in the vestibule around. I pray that You'll give them strength. And, knowing this going on tape, that'll go to many different nations, out into the lands and the tribes of the earth. And, God, we are trusting wholly in Thee. Just give us the strength and the--the Word and the anointing, that it might be just the way You would have it for this hour. We commit ourselves to Thee now, our listening, our voice, our attention, all that we are, we commit to Thee, that Thou would move in us. Work through us and manifest Your great Presence with us. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
12 The word oneness means "to be one with." Oneness, "united." And, now, this is quite a subject, and it--it deserves a lot more attention than I am able to give it, and more than most any person on earth could be able to give. But I would like to express to you my opinion of it, and, with what God will give us. Now, in this, it's teaching doctrine. And to the brethren who may hear this tape, I trust that it will not be an offense, but it will be to cause you to take this very considerably, under consideration, rather. That you would study it prayerfully, carefully, and weigh it out in the balance of God's Word, to see whether It be of God or not.
13For I believe that that's the way we should do always, weigh things with the Word, because the Word is the only Thing that will be able to remain. Jesus said, "Both heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." That's why I believe It, and to believe It to be God's program. I believe that That is the finished work of God wrote out in Word. Therefore, that if anything would be contrary to that Word, it could not be God or God's plan. I believe It is the program. Now, the Spirit of God in the Word makes the Word live Itself, act Itself out. It brings the Word to life, like a seed.
14 Now, the first man and first woman in the Garden of Eden was in perfect harmony with God, so much that God could come down at any time He desired and talk lip-to-ear with Adam and Eve. Now, that is perfect oneness, God and His creation, God speaking lip-to-ear with Adam and Eve. And they were so perfect in harmony with God till they were one with God. God and His family was one.
15Any man and his family, a correct, good, noble, obedient family is one with another, any family. And if there's something in the family that moves them apart, then it's not right, the family's broken somewhere. They should all be one, father with mother, mother with father, children with parent, parent with children, all in agreement. And, when you see that, you'll see one lovely picture.
16 That's God's purpose. And His purpose as Father, supreme, was to be one with His family, earthly family, Adam and Eve. And the only way that they could be one with the family, or with God, was because God's nature was in them. So that made them with God's nature in them, then with each other and God, they become all one. Isn't that a beautiful picture, God in His family, Father over all, supreme! No death, no sorrow, no heartaches, no nothing; just joy unspeakable; never to be sick, never to have a heartache, just one with God! What a picture! Because, the very nature of God was in these people. And therefore, what they did, they followed just in line with God, and God with them made them one.
17 Now, Jesus prayed, in John, the 17th chapter and the 11th verse, to you who put down these Sunday school texts. I have many of them this morning. John 17:11, Jesus prayed that the Church and He would be one like He and the Father were one. That the Church, we as members of the Body of Christ, would be one, together, just like He and the Father are one. And at that day we would know that He was in the Father... Father in Him, and He in us, that together we were one. What a union, a oneness that would be, to see God in His Church till every member is just perfectly in harmony with each other and God. That's the Church that Jesus is coming for. That's when His prayer will be answered, that we will be one.
18 And it is the only grounds of fellowship that God has ever laid down for Himself and His Church, is the oneness of Himself in the people. That's the only grounds of fellowship. And the only way that you can have those grounds is by a union, to be united with Him forever. Just like when you unite with your husband, the woman to unite with her husband, it is a vow until death. Now, then when you unite with God, it's the same thing that the church united with Christ, it's until death we part. And then if you never sin or do anything wrong, you'll be Eternally united with God. And only death can take you away from God, and not physical death, but the sin of death. Sin is death, and that takes you away from God. So, to be united with Him in the Spirit of His power, is Eternal Life, you're Eternally united with God. Oh, I want to get to that after a bit. United Eternally with the Eternal God, perfectly in harmony with Him, perfectly united together, a Church that all, both God and His Church, is one, united together.
19 And if you'll notice how that Eve was united with Adam, she become part of him. God, did you notice in Genesis 1:27, He created man male and female, created He them. Now, the man was a... both male and female when it come to being in the spirit of feminish and masculine. Then God took from his side a--a rib. Did you notice the body part was a by-product, but not the spirit? The body part of the woman was a by-product, after the creation had been finished, God took from the side of Adam a rib and made a woman. But not the spirit, the spirit was part of Adam, for he was both man and woman, fem-... spiritually speaking, both masculine and feminish.
20 Now, don't you see the great picture? We, in flesh, are different. We're like a by-product, a created being, by holy wedlock. But in Spirit we are sons and daughters, not some other spirit, but the Spirit of the living God. We are in His likeness, in His unity, in the perfect image of the living God, because we become sons and daughters. Not separated, but the same Spirit, the same God, the same Person, joined in wedlock to the Eternal. See how God planned it that we should be not a different, but Him! Not some other being of some other tribe, but a real union and offspring of the Almighty, done by a holy union. Now, the body comes from mother and father, but the Spirit come from God, God separating Himself as Adam was separated.
21 On the Day of Pentecost, we find the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire, separating Itself and setting upon each member of that Church, God putting Hisself together! Then with that group of people together, what does it do? Brings back the unified Body of the Lord Jesus. Coming together!
22And today in this great separation that we are living in, denominational differences and things, what a pity, what a disgrace!
23 Joined in Heavenly wedlock to the Eternal God, part of Him, part of God. In flesh I become Branham because of my father, Branham. You become part of your father and mother, but in spirit we become in union with God, is part of God. That's the reason that the spirit cannot die. "He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life. And in the image that he is here on earth, and in his likeness, I'll raise him up in the last days." Not a spirit being, for we'll have a body like God's glorious Body, the glorified Body of the Lord Jesus, raised up in That Image.
24 Jesus said, going to the grave of Lazarus, "I am the resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he be dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believeth in Me, not on Me, but in Me." Being in Him, believing! "If ye abide in Me and My Words in you." In Him, believing! Oh, my! I hope the Holy Spirit gets that right down to you. Now, you're the little flock, that's why through the week, praying and asking God, I chose this text, to show you where we stand. Believing in Him. You cannot believe in Him until you come in Him, or, He comes in you, then you're believing in Him, then you have Eternal Life. You're believing on Him until you receive Eternal Life, then Eternal Life is God's Life in you, then you're believing in Him.
25"Ye in Me, I in you. That they might be one, Father, even as You and I are one." God in Christ, Christ in the Church. See? "Just as we are one, so they be one." Then how can you be one? "If ye abide in Me, My Words in you." See, abide! "My Words in you, then ask what you will." For it isn't you no more, it's the Word that's in you, and the Word is God.
26 Now, the Word of God is a Sword. Hebrews, the 4th chapter, says so, Hebrews 4:12. Now, it is a Sword. And a sword is perfect dormant if it isn't yielded by a hand or a power. And it... but it takes a hand to hold the Sword. And take the hand that holds this Sword, is the hand of faith.
27Now, that hand of faith, it depends on how strong it is. This hand of faith might just be strong enough to cut a little hole through the darkness and say, "By faith I'm saved." That's a great cut, but, then, if that's all the stronger that hand is to yield that Sword, that's all it can cut. But, if it's a strong hand, it'll cut plumb through everything the Devil can put out there, make every promise of God shine forth in the power of His resurrection. If it's a strong hand of faith, "The days of miracles! Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever," cut its way through. It depends on the power of the hand behind the Sword.
28 And the Sword is plenty sharp. Hebrews 4, said, "It's sharper than a two-edged sword that cuts both coming and going, and even goes to the--the marrow of the bone, and in the joints, and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart." Goes beyond the physical, it goes into the spiritual realm and picks up the thoughts of the heart and reveals them. The Spirit of God, the Word of God.
29Now, that Word will cut in there if there's enough arm behind It to push It in, it'll find Its place and cut every promise out and give It to you, if you just got the strong enough arm behind It. The Sword, pick It up in an arm--an arm of faith! Grip It tight, hold onto It and walk into the face of the enemy. How can that uncircumcised enemy ever stand in the Presence of the Eternal God? So, you take the Sword of the Word, and every promise belongs to you. Pick It up in a strong hand of faith, walk forward! If you need healing, cut it out with the Word, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." If you need salvation, every promise in the Bible is yours. It's laying back in there and Satan's trying to hide it, but take the Sword and push through the darkness until the Light of God shines in upon your soul and you have the promise. He'll do it.
30 Adam was a part of, or, Eve was a part of Adam, she was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. And that's what the correct union is. And that's what the correct union of the Church is, Spirit of His Spirit, Word of His Words. Never deviating from the Word, the real true believer will not compromise on any Word. Remember, it was just one Word that Eve compromised on, one Word. But the true believer won't compromise on any Word. It'll hold the Sword of the Faith with... in faith, rather, the Sword of the Word, and claim every Divine promise God made. That's it.
31 They were God's examples to us, what we should be, them, ever present, never failing. When they spoke, God answered. He watched them, daily. Night, when they'd lay down to sleep, He watched over them. In the daytime, He guided them, fed them, loved them, communed with them constantly, all the time. They were in God's image, and God was in them. That's what makes a fellowship. That's what makes the union, is God in His Church. That's the union. Much could be said, got many places to go. United with Him, is Eternal Life. And the only way we can unite with Him is to come every bit of His Word. That's right, take every promise and believe It.
32 Now, Eve was united until she broke one Word, or, doubted one Word being true. That separated her. Every Word, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word!" So we can be in God, united, because Adam and Eve, before the fall, afore the disbelieving of the Word, was an example of what we could be in Him. To be united with Him, is Life; to be separated from Him, is death. Now, if we follow His commandments!
33 We know we make mistakes, but you mustn't look at that. It's not your mistakes, because you're always going to have them. But, you see, it's following His Rules, following what He said do. Stumble and falling doesn't have one thing to do with It. A real true servant, if he'll stumble, he'll get up again. If he wobbles, God pulls him right back in the path, as long as he's in the path of duty. But if he's off of the path of duty, God's not obligated to him. But as long as he's in the path of duty, God's obligated to him, knowing that he's just a man or a woman. He's obligated to that person as long as they're in the path of duty.
34 Now, the Church now is engaged to Christ for the wedding. The wedding has never been performed yet, it will be at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. So, we see that the Church is now engaged, like a man engaged to his wife. What does he do while they're engaged? He's just bestowing all kinds of things, sending her presents, making her feel good. Well, that's what Christ is doing to His Church. He's sending us gifts of the Spirit. How can you be engaged then when you're denying these gifts exist? It's the very love tokens. It's God's token to the Church. Jesus said so, "These signs shall follow them that believe."
35 Now, keep those things in mind. The Church must believe every Word, every promise, every iota, and claim It for themselves, and exercise themselves in It. If I was engaged to a girl, and I was a single man, and I'd send her something, an engagement ring, and she wouldn't wear it, then that shows she doesn't believe me. She--she--she doesn't want to be my bride. And if Christ sends His church the gifts that He promised, and they refuse them and say "they're not so," they don't want to be the Bride of Christ. They are espoused to some other lover, and not to Christ, the Bridegroom. So the real Church keeps the promise, and keeps all, and accepts the gifts that God sends them. All right.
36 Now, the first human beings disfellowshipped themself from believing God, by disbelieving His Word and listening to a lie of the Devil. Now, that's the first thing that disfellowshipped this wonderful union. Now look, Adam and Eve in a position to never die, in a position to never be old, to never be sick, to never have a worry.
37You say, "I sure wish I could be like that." Let me... I got news for you, you are in the same position. God places that to every creature on the earth, in the same position.
38 What was the agreement? "If you'll keep My Words! If, My Word, if you'll keep It, believe It and act upon It!" But the very first time that Eve disbelieved, took one Word away from what God said, it broke off fellowship with that great union. And the minute that the church disbelieves any one Word of God's Bible, and places It somewhere else, then they break off that wonderful fellowship that's offered to them, and to be separated. As soon as she did that, death set in her mortal beings. Not only her mortal, but her spiritual being. She broke off relationship with God, the minute she disbelieved. And no man can believe... Here it is! No man, no woman can--can believe the Devil's lie until they have disbelieved God's Truth. No one can believe the Devil's lie until they have disbelieved God's Truth. So, you see, Eve, Adam, where it places us this morning.
39 Now let's think seriously, because we never be able to think anymore after this, after this mortal life is over. Your thinking is now. You cannot choose after this, you must choose now, for this is the day of choosing, making your choice. Now she, one Word, not a whole Decalogue, just one Word, she questioned God because it was presented to her in that light, that that Word was questionable. God's Word cannot be questioned, He meant just what He said. But she questioned It because it was presented to her, "Oh, God surely didn't mean that." But He did mean that! God means every Word He says. And It doesn't need any private interpretation, It's just the way He said It.
40Well, say, "How you know about the Bible." I believe that my God has guided this Bible, He watches over His Word. He knowed that atheists and infidels would rise in the last days, so He's watched over It. This is exactly the way God meant It. It's the way It's to us now. Now we must believe It. One Word off of It, and we lose our fellowship, go off into--to death, Eternal separation from God, just as Adam and Eve did. We must believe God's Truth.
41 Let me make that again. Do not disbelieve any Word of God's Bible. But just don't say, "Yes, I believe It." Say "but"? No, there's nothing about that. You believe It, you'll accept It. If you lay It aside, say, "Well, my church don't believe It that way," then you do not believe It's God's Word, and you'll walk away under the same condemnation that Eve went away under. You separated yourself from the Eternal when you had a chance to be united with Him. Now, remember, That cannot be questioned, because It was one Word, that, in God's Word.
42 And, now, if God had just a--a few Words there that people must obey, and in them few Words one of them was misrepresented, caused death, look at the Words we got today! See? We must receive every one of them, hold onto them and enter into them as promises from God. And a true wife of God will do that, true engaged espoused-one. Now, I hope these little things go down deep now so we can catch them.
43 What was the first thing that caused Eve to disbelieve God's Word? It was because Satan promised her more wisdom, "You will be wise." Now, you see, the human race is always reaching after something. And Eve was reaching after more wisdom.
44Now let's stop just one minute. Isn't that the condition of the world today? They want more wisdom, better class, higher educated, wanting something that's different, more wisdom. That's what Eve wanted. But let me say this also, that there is no wisdom can surpass God's, yet It's in such a humble form that people miss It.
45Satan, as I have said many time, he shines, but the Gospel glows. Oh, there's quite a difference between shining and glowing. Hollywood shines, but the Church glows with the power and love of God. Hollywood shines. Quite a difference between glowing and shining. We do not want to shine. We want to glow.
46 Today, it's too bad to think this, but the churches try to lean upon their own understanding, just exactly like Eve did. She thought, because it was presented to her, it looked so real. Oh, don't fail to get this. It looked so real, something that could be added to what God said. It looked like that she'd have something that God hadn't told her just how far she could go. God hadn't give her the boundary line like He set the sea and it cannot pass because the moon watches it. He thought... She thought that Satan had something on the ball, as we say, that she could still be in union with God, and yet be smarter, she would have a better education. But God had lotted her just exactly what she had need of.
47And He's lotted to the church the same thing. That's not a twist of a seminary, or come in or twist out of a--a Bible school. But It's exactly what's written, and THUS SAITH THE LORD! Cannot change It! But the churches lean on their own understanding. They--they think maybe it's a... there's something fixed to them, and it's deceiving.
48 I'm just got to wait here a minute. The whole world's based on that. The whole economy of this nation is based upon false conception. Tell you a little joke on myself, it isn't a joke; but you know all of us love our wives, or, we should. And I was looking at a program here sometime ago out West, been a long time ago, about three years. And in my room one morning I got up, and there was a television setting in the room. And I thought, "Look like bad weather." And I thought, "Well, at eight o'clock they ought to have the news." And I got the little manual, it said news at a certain time.
49I turned the news on, and when I was hearing the news, then I noticed that in the middle of the newscast they broke off to advertise some kind of a goods, some kind of a detergent. And said, "You don't have to wash your dishes anymore, lady. The only thing you do is stick it right down in the water and let it sit there a couple minutes, raise it right up and put it on the drain board, it's all over."
50I thought, "I'm going to be a hero when I get home." I put the name of it down, this certain stuff. I said, "I'll tell my wife, 'Look what I can do!'"
51So I went and got a bottle of this such-and-such a stuff, and I squirted it all in the water. Told her to continue on sweeping the house, I'd fix it up for her. So I got the children's plate and raked out the crumbs, and so forth, and the egg sticking on it, and dropped it down in the water and let it sit a few minutes, and picked them out and set them up there. There was just as much egg on them as there was when I put in there. See, I--I'd have lost... My wife would have lost confidence in me by that time.
52 You see, why does the nation, why does these... this nation let the people be deceived? That oughtn't to be allowed to be said like that. That ought to be against the law. About the modern cigarette advertisement, what a disgrace, "Not a cough in a carload," all kind of. That oughtn't to be allowed. What is it doing? It's deceiving. There's death in every one of them. There's death in the drinking of whiskey; rape, murder, insanity, in the bottle. But yet we're allowed to put it on our programs and advertise it as "The kind that grandfather drank. More joy out of life," certain kinds of beverages of beer and alcohol. What is it? It's deceiving. It's placing something before the public to kill themselves with. And we're allowed to do it.
53 And let me turn that right back over. And the churches through man-made dogma, man-made creeds is presenting a great front to the people, and they're falling for it, which is death. No church will clean your soul. No creed can clean your soul. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse your soul, God's remedy, It's backed up. So it's just false, but people lean upon the understanding of the wise, and they die by it. And people today are leaning upon the understanding of--of creeds and denominations, and millions like slaughtered pigs are plunging their way into a bottomless pit of hell. What a shame it is. We are forbidden to lean upon our own understandings. We cannot try.
54 You say, "Oughtn't the council of man be able to say more about It than one person?" Not if that one person says the Word of God. There was four hundred prophets one time come up before two kings, and they leaned upon their own understanding. But there was one who stayed with the Word of God and it proved out he was right, Micaiah. It depends on whether it's the Word of God. Anything contrary to the Word is wrong, comes in death. No wisdom can surpass God's wisdom. He's the smartest of all smarts. He's the--He's the Fountain. He's the only resource of wisdom. Every man's word is foolishness and a lie, but God's, if it's contrary to God's. Now, if the person's saying God's Word, then it--it's not the man's word no more, it's God's Word. See, it isn't the man's understanding.
55 Satan will make you all kind of promises, but he has nothing to give you, because he don't have nothing. He don't have no salvation. What is Satan? Anything contrary to the Word. He doesn't have salvation, he doesn't have Light. His kingdom is darkness, the end thereof is death. Darkness and death is Satan's kingdom. "Brother Branham, repeat it again. What is Satan's kingdom?" Anything contrary to the Word of God.
56Now, that's cutting, but it's time for cutting. See? The branch, the tree, if it's going to bear, must be pruned. It's time.
57Anything contrary to the precepts of God, the Word of God, is not God. What is it, what is sin? Righteousness perverted. What is death? Life perverted. What is the kingdom of Satan? Anything that's setting something to take the place of the Word, anything, any teaching. One word, just one word. You might believe every bit, Eve believed every bit of It to that one Word. That one Word is all she needed to disbelieve. That one Word is all you need to disbelieve.
58 Now let's look at it. The only way to stay in Divine fellowship, was keep that Word. God said, "Thou shalt do this. Thou shalt not do this. Thou shalt do this, and you can do this and do this. But don't do this." Now, just one little piece of a commandment that she disobeyed, and started the whole thing. Because she did that, made every hungry child that was ever in the world, every pain of death, every sorrow, every heartache. She did it right then. What a horrible thing, to disbelieve God's Word. Every person that groans in pains of every death that ever was or ever will be, she did it right then. Every little unwedded child, she did it right then, every child born under... out of wedlock. Every sin that was ever committed, she caused it right there by keeping every Word right down but one little place here. She--she reasoned. She just... She didn't ignore it. She knowed it, but she just... She was enticed to do something better because she was promised a better class of people, better wisdom, know more about It if she'd do this. "Our ministers are better educated. We have a better class."
59There's no better class of people in the world than those who keep God's Word. That's the best. That's the only class that God looks at. Just a little while and maybe God will let us get into it.
60 His kingdom can promise nothing but death. That's all he has. He's the author of death. He can promise lies because he's the father of lies. He can't give you Life. He can't give you Heaven, he has no Heaven to give you.
61Think of it! One word, to disbelieve God through a promise of the Devil or his machinery, one word sends you into torment. That's the way it started. And if God, in His mercy as He is, would send this mass of hell upon the earth, and cause little hungry children, all kinds of afflictions, and starving people, and death in the earth, because one word at the beginning, could not He have looked it over and kept from having all this mass of suffering? Could He not have done it? Then if He didn't excuse one Word then, knowing that this would be the results, how much more will He not excuse one Word there when the individual is going to be the sufferer alone, who disbelieves. Think of it, it's a tremendous thing.
62 Now, when Adam and Eve listened to the lie of the Devil, the holy image of God left them, their fellowship was broken with God. Their fellowship of oneness with God was broken. The very minute they listened to the lie of the Devil, that broke their fellowship. And the very minute that you listen to the lie of the Devil, it'll break your fellowship. That's the very minute that you go out from the Presence of God, like she did, is when you failed to take God's Word just as It is.
63 Now look, I want to ask you something. We all know there's a God. And if God is so correct with His Word, and so determined that He'll judge the people by His Word, then He's got to preserve a Word somewhere to judge the people by. This Bible is It. Don't you forget that. It's the Bible that God will judge the people by, for It said in Revelation 22, "He that will take one Word away from It or add one word to It."
64See, not just say, "Well, I--I go to church. I believe. I--I--I believe God." Why, every devil in the hell believes Him. Every one of them's religious, every one.
65 But it just takes one word, that breaks the fellowship right there. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. The more your weakness is on disbelieving God's Word, there's where you want to put a new link, strong with the rest of it. If you believe Jesus Christ saves, then you must put a link in there that believes He heals. If you believe He was, you must believe He is. Hallelujah! If you believe He was, and wondering whether He is, that link will break, then you're lost. See what I mean? It's stern, it's hard, but it's the Truth. You must believe Him, every Word, everything that He said.
66 Now, you say, "Well, now, Brother Branham, what about these denominations?" Well, now listen. If they are with this Word, all right. But if they deny that Word, then it's not right, it's the Devil again. See?
67"What about this certain-certain church?" I don't know what about that church. Only thing I know about is this Word. Now, how you going to believe a church when there's nine hundred and something different denominations, and each one saying "our denomination has exactly the Truth"?
68Now where would you go to? You've got to have faith in something. Well, you say, "I have faith in the Methodist, in the Baptist, in the Presbyterian, in the Lutheran, in the Pentecostal, in the Catholic," whatever it is. You got faith in that organization, and, if it's contrary to the Word, you're doing the same thing Eve done. Exactly! You're doing exactly the same thing she did, taking God's Word and making It...
69 "Well, there's a better class of people goes here. It's a bigger building. They're smarter men." That don't have one thing to do with it. Satan's much smarter than Eve. She didn't... wasn't even in the picture. But she wasn't supposed to be smart, she was supposed to be obedient. We're not supposed to be smart. Jesus said the children of this world, or, the kingdom of this world is much smarter, the children of darkness than the children of Light. We are likened to sheep. Sheep can't even lead themselves, they've got to have a shepherd. God don't want us smart, He wants us to lean on His understanding, amen, just where He leads. Amen. You see the picture? Don't lean upon your own understanding. Proverbs 5, 3. Don't lean upon your own understanding, lean upon His understanding. No matter how contrary it seems, and how big the bright lights look out here, don't pay no attention to it. Just lean on His understanding, what He said is the Truth.
70 Now, the oneness in fellowship was broke between God and His children, the minute she disbelieved one little paragraph, one little Word of God. Everybody get that, say "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not a Bible; say, "I don't believe the Bible at all. I believe half of It." She had to believe all of It, every bit.
71Not only that, but the oneness between husband and wife was broken. I don't believe there's any marriage can be what it ought to be without a union between husband and wife and God. That's right. They'll bring up children in the world, and make them illegitimates, give them cigarettes, whiskey, play cards in their sight, drink liquor before them. No matter how loyal they are to their marriage vows, that's sexually, that's flesh. But there's a spirit in there, that spirit of a sinner papa and mama, no matter how loyal to their children, will come wrong.
72 Well, you say, "I know men and women that didn't teach their children that, and wasn't Christians." The very thing of not leading them to Christ was the wrongest thing they could ever do besides the other; not to lead them to Christ, see. So you can't have a correct union without it. The fellowship broken.
73Then as soon as the fellowship was broken between Adam and Eve... As soon as their fellowship was broke between God and them, then their fellowship between each other was broke.
74Listen! Anytime a church breaks its fellowship, to throw itself into an organization, the fellowship of the believers is broke. We've got to believe with one heart, one mind, and one accord. That's the way they was before the union was ever made on the Day of Pentecost; one heart, one mind, and one accord. And when you throw a church into an organization, you're going to get all kinds of fractions in it. Because, some of them children in there is going to believe in God, they're going to hold to the thing that's right, and the others will go the other way. So, you have no fellowship. Yes.
75 What? Her thinking changed. Oh, yes, her thinking changed. Her fellowship with her husband wasn't right. They begin to pass the buck. See? Her thinking was actually changed. Why? She had the life of the Devil in her. Exactly! As soon as she disbelieved God's Word, she accepted the life of the Devil because she accepted his teaching.
76I can make this awful strong right here, but it's on tape. I'm sure you understand, the Church.
77She disbelieved God's Word and it disassociated her from God, because in her right then was the life of the Devil. She had believed his lie, said, "The fruits is good," and she'd partake them with him. That's right.
78 I ain't going to hold This, I'm going to let It come anyhow. Just can't. The other day in California, I mean in Arizona, I was teaching in a church. I've never said nothing under inspiration that I ever had to take back. So many of the ministers got after me about the seed of Satan, the serpent's seed. "The woman, it was eating an apple." Huh! That, well, Cain thought the same thing, he brought the fruits of the field in, you see. It wasn't no apple! How did she realize she was naked? We've been through that. It was actually a sexual affair. Certainly, it was, she realized she was naked. And she had a child by the serpent, which was not a reptile, he was the most subtle of all the beasts. He was the next thing to a man. Man can find monkeys and chimpanzees--chimpanzees, and so forth, but they can't find that link that connects man and beast together. There he is. God cursed him so far he can't come back again, that's on him for this evil act that he did. He was the only seed that would mix.
79 Now, the other day, standing, preaching, there was a bunch of Catholic people in my audience, and I said, "You Catholic people that call Jesus, or, call Mary, rather, 'the mother of God,' how can God have a mother when He's Eternal? He can't have a mother. Jesus was not even anything to Mary, but He was just... she was an incubator that hatched Him."
80Well, they always believed, and I had an idea of it myself years ago, that the--the immaculate conception was that God overshadowed her and put a blood cell in there, but the egg come from the woman. If the egg come from the woman, there has to come a sensation to bring the egg through the tube to the womb. See what you do with God? You make Him in a sexual mess. God, Who created the blood cell, created the egg, also. Doctor, there has to be both male and female pollen. That's right.
81 Well, then, if this woman produced the egg, then how could David say "I'll not leave My Holy One see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell"? Then if the woman egg was in Christ, then the person's got something to do with His part in the resurrection, when it's wholly complete with God. Why did God raise up a sexual part of a person? In the resurrection, why didn't He leave His body see corruption? Because He was holy. And how could He be holy if He'd have had a conception with Mary, and the pollen had come from Mary, the egg down through the tube into the womb? There'd have had to be some sensation to bring the egg down. Then the woman would be...
82Well, you say, "The egg might have been laying there. Could have been possible." But that, if so, then look what happens here, then He wasn't altogether God. He wasn't God, inasmuch as He was human. But then if that be so, the woman had something in it. And the--the actual seed that come from Mary, which come from her mother, and her mother, and her mother, was something human mixed into it, with a human desire. Couldn't have been. No, sir. I said, "He... she was only..."
83 Just like you take the eagle and let it lay an egg, and put it under the hen, the hen will hatch the egg, she's only the incubator. But there isn't one speck about it, the eagle, that's a chicken. No, sir. The hen was the... You could tie a little pup down over the top of a--a bird egg, and it would hatch a bird, the pup would. It's the warmth of the body that hatched the egg.
84And that's the same way it is with Jesus. Mary was just the incubator. God used her like He does any other woman. She was a virgin, she had had no children. He come into a virgin womb, but God the Creator made both egg and germ, created it. Therefore, it was immaculate conception.
85 When I come out, of course, you know the brethren waiting for me. They said, "Brother Branham, I want to ask you something. You made a mistake. Now we got you caught."
I said, "All right, that's what I want, to be caught."
86And said, "You made the mistake by saying this, when you preached The Serpent's Seed. Now you say that--that the egg belonged... God created it, the egg. What happened, we find out here that in Genesis the 3rd chapter, God said to Mary, 'I will put enmity between your seed and the serpent's seed.'"
87I thought, "Oh, my!" I never preached anything in my life under inspiration I had to take back, 'cause I don't depend upon my own understanding. And if my understanding is contrary to God's Word, then my understanding's wrong. It's got to be God's Word. If it isn't, leave it alone, it's not right. But now tear It down is the thing to do. In my heart, I said, "Heavenly Father, You help me. I don't know what to do here. The man has the Scripture, he's pointing his finger at, 'I'll put enmity between your seed and the serpent's seed.'"
88 Now, here it is! The Holy Spirit moved over. I believe the same One that could overshadow Mary, that could create, He can also put a Word in your mouth. I depend on Him daily. And it's always His Word. He can't say the... something contrary to His Word. Then if you say you're anointed, and preach against the Truths of God, then it's not the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Cause, when the Holy Ghost overshadows you, He brings the same thing, 'cause It is the Word.
89 Listen. What happened? I said, "All right, I want to ask you something. The woman has no egg. She has no seed. He said now, He said not 'an egg,' He said 'thy seed.' And she had no seed."
90It takes a union to make a seed. Is that right, doctor? Has to be. If you got a whole lot of pulp out here, didn't have no life in it, and planted it out here, it--it wouldn't never come up, lay there and rot. And you couldn't plant the life without having the pulp. So, you see, the whole thing is a union. I'm trying to tell you now about Christ and the Church. It's a union. See, if the woman is the seed of herself then she doesn't need the male, she can have her baby herself. But she can't be, she can't have the baby until she's been with the male, because it takes the two together to make a seed. Is that right? Plant a seed with no life in it, see what'll happen.
91Like they got this saying this woman giving birth to these dogs here. See, it couldn't be alive. It couldn't be, 'cause, see, the pollen won't mix.
92 Now, notice this now, the--the woman was not a seed. Therefore, He said, "I will put enmity between thy seed and the serpent's seed." Telling her that He was going, Himself, to give her a seed, not through an intercourse, sexually. He was going to create in her a seed. Well, you say, "Would that be His seed?" Yes. It would belong to Mary then after He give it to her. This is my eye, He give me this. It's my eye, but He give it to me. This is my hand, He gave it to me. This is my voice, but He give it to me. See? And the seed that was, Mary... had nothing to do with Mary. It was something God did Himself.
93 So the seed that was in her then, was a union of an unlawful act, which was death. She was already pregnated with the serpent's seed, 'cause she had lived with the... And she turned and said, herself, "The serpent beguiled me." That's right. And, immediately, Cain come on.
94Oh, we know she said she got a child from God. Certainly, every child that's born, illegitimate and anything else, has to come by an act of God. He's the only One Who can make life. Certainly. That is right.
95See, she was already to be mother. And that never... only what it did, was clear up the thing of the serpent's seed. "The seed that's in you now is by concepted, your unlawful act against My Word, with this thing here, and you are now got the serpent's seed. But I'll give you a seed by immaculate conception, and His Seed shall bruise the serpent's head, and his head shall bruise the heel." Amen. Just let God have it, if it's His Word He'll bring It to pass.
96 That's the reason you've got to be in union with God. That's the reason that Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, after Jesus said "baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," Peter turned around and said "baptize them in the Name of Jesus Christ," because the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ. See that? It takes a union.
97Paul had never seen Peter, but the same Holy Ghost, in that same union (glory!), caused him to say the same thing. "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"
He said, "We don't know whether there be."
Said, "How was you baptized?"
Said, "Unto John."
98Said, "You have to be baptized over again, in the Name of Jesus Christ." And they received the Holy Ghost.
99What was it? The union, saying the same thing God says! And that's the confession. Confess means "say the same thing." And He's the High Priest of our confession, to act upon what He has said. We say It's the Truth, and He acts upon It. Oh, my! There you are. There is the conception.
100 Now watch how she--she--her union between her and her husband was broken. See, quickly, as soon as God said "Adam, how'd you do this?" Instead of taking up for his wife, he passed it on to his wife. "The woman Thou givest me." Union broke. See?
101What did she do? Instead of loving her husband and telling the Truth, she lied. She--she--she--she should have said, "He's innocent, I gave to him." Amen. The Bible said, "She gave to her husband." She should have said, "The man's innocent. I gave to him and then he did eat, but I was the one that give it to him." Instead of that, she passed it on to the serpent, closest bypass.
102 That's the same thing they try to do today. See, the husband, wife, the union broken. Husband and wife, fellowship was broken between them. The oneness of them was broken, the oneness between them and God was broken. The whole thing was marred. Why? Because one Word was disbelieved. Oh, brother, my! Yeah, she should have told the Truth. The oneness with her and her husband was gone, and the oneness of them and God was gone. And every church that doesn't take the whole of God's Word, the same thing happens. I love It, don't you?
103 Watch her firstborn, Cain, a murderer, a lie, a deceiver, jealous, jealous of his brother. His brother kept the Commandments of God, and God had made an atonement by killing an offering and offering it for them. Watch the ignorance of that now, of Satan, tried to substitute something. God, the Bible said, went and made them aprons out of skins; to get skins, something died. Adam tried to make hisself some aprons out of fig leaves. It wouldn't work, botany life. Life, moving life had to die. So He killed a lower form of life, and saying in there that "Someday My Own Life will be give for you, the real Life that'll draw in this union again." Now, we'll get to it in a few minutes, God willing. "See, here's a lamb's life. Now, you put this around you and hide your nakedness." "You mustn't eat apples"? Nonsense! See? "Put these skins around you." He had to kill something.
104 And Satan's son, they didn't come the way he wanted it, he did. Anyway you want to say it, but it was Satan's son, 'cause that purity of Adam to God could not have brought that kind of a thing. Notice then Satan's son, trying to make an atonement, come back with the same thing that most of the people say today, a bunch of apples and fruits of the land, to offer for an atonement, an antidote.
105And what did righteous Abel do? He knowed that it wasn't no such a thing as eating apples. He was the blood of his mother and daddy, the life of Adam. So he brought a lamb, just like God did. Hallelujah! He kept the Word of God, and Cain was jealous with him.
106Same thing today! Come in that blood-offering, that Word of God just exactly what It says, stay right with It. A lot of them would believe that blood-offering, sure, but say something else in the Word, they say, "Oh, no, I don't believe that. Uh-huh, that--that's for another day." Same old devil, same old trick! Wait till we get through with it. Notice, he come right down the same way.
107 But Cain, in his stupid ways, not so stupid, but in his cunning ways, deceived, and brought in fruit. Adam kept the... Abel kept the Word of God, he brought in a lamb. God said, "That's right, Adam, you've kept... Or, Abel, you've kept My Word." "Cain, you knowed it wasn't... Where did I take some fig leaves like your daddy tried to do? You got a bunch of figs or grapes or apples or whatever you got here. And now your daddy took the leaves off the tree, to try to make an atonement, and here you try to bring the fruit off the tree." It wasn't that! It was blood from life.
108 Oh, God brought it down, said, "Here it is." And Abel offered the right one. Then his brother was jealous at him. Look what he did, he killed his brother. God raised up another one; like death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Watch. God then, His... What did He tell Adam and Eve? "Go on and multiply and replenish the earth." Scatter the human race all over the earth, so He could deal with them individually till He could bring them back together. Dealing with the people, individuals, each person. But they didn't want it that way.
109Don't miss this revelation. God, let it happen. May you see it the way I'm looking at it.
110 See, it wasn't that, God don't deal with a person in a group. God don't deal with you in an organization. He deals with you as an individual, an individual. Individually we are baptized with the Holy Ghost. Collectively we are baptized into the Body when we are baptized with the Holy Ghost. Individually, each one baptized with the Holy Ghost, God dealing with each one. That was His purpose, scatter them across the earth so He could deal individually with them.
111But instead of that, what happened? God had to separate Cain's people from Seth's people. He sent Cain away. He separated them so He could deal with His church. Watch. Cain was separated. Now watch. God separated Eve's evil Cain from Adam's holy Seth. Oh! Did He do it? Through an unlawful act, this woman living with somebody else and brought a child. God separated that child and his generations from this righteous and holy man, his children.
112It's the same thing today, separating, separated, found them, they were not in unity. They could have no unity. Can night have unity with day? Can a believer have unity with an infidel? Can a man who believes in all the Word of God have a unity with them who just believes part of the Word of God? God wants separators.
113 Now, Cain was Eve's son, she said, "I have gotten a son." But Seth was Adam's son. And God separated them because he couldn't let... Why, they'd corrupt one another, Cain's evil children would corrupt Seth's good children. That's right.
114Now watch! And the same old Devil that caused Eve to disbelieve one Word of God, and told them to separate themselves from one another and to live different, each one, that same Devil got among them and brought them together again. Did you get it? Say "Amen" if you did. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He brought them together again under a false union, an act of God... against God's plan. What happened? How did he do it? "The sons of God," said the Bible, Genesis, "seen the daughters of man." The sons of God, Seth's children, saw the daughters of man, Cain's children, how pretty they were. Hum! And, what did they do, they fell for them! And they united themselves together again, because of beauty, that "they were fair to look upon."
115 Same thing today! Here you are, brethren. You Pentecostal weaklings, who God separated you and sent you out to be an interdenomination! You can't denominate pentecost. Sent you out to be His people. But you seen the big fine churches and the theology, you got yourselves a lot of big schools and things. And what did you do? You've united God's people again with organization, which, the very foundation of it is Catholicism. Pretty, big churches, fine-dressed people, the mayor of the city and all the rest of them comes, best dressed, best educated, high theologians, knows how to come to a place where everybody wears the very fanciest of clothes, and the pastor stands just so perfect in place. What is it? You're looking at the things that God condemned. And you've took the Pentecostal church (God, let it hit the tapes!) and have united it into an organization. God never did want It united, He wanted It separated; never united with the world.
116 The same old Devil that caused Eve to disbelieve the Word of God and done her evil, come right back around and took the children of Seth and let them see these pretty women of Cain, and they united again. And they was not infidels. They were not communists. No, no. They were believers. They said, "Now perhaps maybe the Lord might do something." Or, oh, this like that. They--they were... They thought that they were doing what was right. And what did God have to do? Wipe the whole thing off, had to wipe the whole thing off. Under false union! He had to send a flood and destroy the whole bunch. Judgment come on for that false union. Judgment struck Eden because of a false union.
Now, did the serpent have a seed? Shame on you.
117 A false union brought judgment on the earth, to Eve and Adam, in Eden. And a false union brought the floods of God's judgment on the earth because that the daughters of Cain flirted with the sons of God, and they fell for it and united together again. There you are. False union, "Nothing could happen." What did God do? He destroyed the whole thing, all but precious old Noah and his family. He... they got together.
118And again after that, after the death of Noah, and that spiritual family of Noah, first thing you know, the children of man begin to look to one another again. What did they do? They said, "Now, we're not infidels, we all believe in God." So they got a fellow, by a leader, some great archbishop by the name of Nimrod, and they built a tower. They wasn't infidels. They believed there was a Heaven. They believed there was a hell. They believed in judgments. But the children of God with the daughters of man, again, and they made themself a union, falsely, and built a great big cathedral, a great big organization, and all the other places was to--to Babel, was to pay tribute to it.
119 And they said, "I tell you what we can do. You know we're smart." Where'd they get that wisdom? From the Devil. That's exactly. They got it from the Devil like--like Eve did. Got it from the Devil. So they said, "We'll build ourself an organization, we'll please God. And I'll tell you what we'll do, we'll have little stairsteps. We'll run up and sing and enjoy with the angels, and come back down here and live the way we want to." That devil's still living. See? It was against the commandments of God. They didn't keep His commandments. What did God do? Well, they built a tower of Babel, false again, so God confused them and separated them.
120 God separated again and He sent out good old righteous Abraham, said, "I'll just take you and make a nation out of you." God separated them. "Come out from among them, Abraham, leave everything behind." And God never blessed him till they left everything behind, Lot was the last. "Come out, Abraham, separate yourself from them unbelievers. And I'm going to take you and make a nation out of you. I'll make a people that'll keep My commandments. I'm going to give them another chance."
121Good old Abraham went to sojourning in a strange land. That's what every Abraham does, sojourning in a strange land. What? Believing a promise that was impossible, humanly speaking. What do you think them modern Cain's doctors would have said that day? "Whew, my, an old man, hundred years old, going to have a baby by a wife, ninety? Oh, what a ridiculous thing!" But Abraham believed God's Word. And anything contrary to it, he called as though it wasn't.
122All these false baptisms, false sensations, false stuff that's going on today, say it's not there, believe God's Word and keep on going. It's only a stumbling block to keep you from reaching for the real. That's right. Move right on, children. God's Word, God keeps His Word. I don't care how many bogus things the Devil throws out there, God's still got a true Word and He keeps It.
123 Abraham called anything contrary, wrong. Romans, the 4th chapter, if you're putting it down. Abraham called anything contrary to God's Word, as though it wasn't. That's right. He believed in God, was strong, no matter how weak his body got, how impossible it seemed that it wasn't going to happen, Abraham kept on believing it. Now, he didn't have to get down at the altar and say, "If it don't come right now, I'm going to do... I don't know whether to believe it or not." Abraham stayed with it for twenty-five years before it come, but it got there. It always does.
124 Abraham, come Isaac; Isaac, come Jacob; out of Jacob come the patriarchs; out of the patriarchs, went into Egypt; in Egypt, growed a nation. Then when He got His nation growed up, His achievement, what did He do? God separated them again. Unbelief and faith can't go together. No, sir. He separated them again, for His Own. What did He do to them to be sure that they was led right? Listen close now, we haven't got too much more time now, maybe another fifteen minutes. He led them close. Watch, He raised up a nation, put them under tutors and things. They were beat and crying, and crying and going on. But God was looking down, He remembered every promise He give Abraham. One day He--He thought... What did He do to them? What did He do when He separated them? He give them a law and He give them a prophet, He give them a Pillar of Fire. What did He do? (O God!) He set His church in order. A Pillar of Fire, Spirit, to lead them, a prophet who would tell them the Truth of His Word. They were ready for the journey then. Isn't that wonderful?
125 Out into the wilderness they went, performing signs and wonders, opening up the Red Sea, calling the plagues of hell down on Pharaoh. Oh, my! A Pillar of Fire moving before them, amen, led them by the night and by the day. Hallelujah! A prophet, true to that Word, standing there keeping them lined up. Amen. He was ready to take His children then. That was the first time they was ever called a church. It was a type of what He's going to do in the last days. We'll get to that again just in a minute. He called them out, give them a law, give them His Word, and give them a prophet, He give them a sign, and He sent them into the wilderness. Separated them from the rest of the world.
126What did they do? Saw the pretty women of Moab, a lukewarm church with gods and goddesses and everything else. What did they do? Went for them, married in among them. That's right, exactly right. I imagine those pretty little Moabite women were really beautiful.
127 I got a prophecy laying at home, one of these days I'm going to read it. And you wonder why I rap at women the way I do. Thirty years ago... I've got THUS SAITH THE LORD! Thirty years ago when I entered the ministry, He told me that the strain of women would come so immoral and imputed in the last days they'd be the most defiled thing on the earth. Right! She started it at the beginning and Satan use her at the end. And look what is happening, look down through the years. Said, "She'll continue to strip herself." And said, "There'll just be a little tiny group, of the very Elected that's predestinated, will escape that."
128When that vision come, that worried me. I thought, "Women..." I turned back over in the Bible to Isaiah, I believe the 5th chapter, and It said, "The branch that has escaped from... the daughters of Zion, in that day will be beautiful to the Lord."
129 A woman wrote me a question the other day, she said, "Brother Branham!" Or, no, it was a man, minister. He may be standing here this morning. He's just from Ohio. And he said, "We want to say the same thing you do, but we found something on your tapes that's not right." So Billy brought the letter to me. Said, "Something on your tapes," says, "is very contradictory, Brother Branham, to the Word of God. And we want to--we want to say the same thing." Said, "One question I want to say to you, that's First Corinthians, the 11th chapter, and it says that about the head covering for the women, and the man not to have covering." Said, "We believe that. The women should wear hats in the church, and the man should take their hats off in the church." Said, "We believe them head coverings, and so forth." And said, "Then another question is that the people come to us and say the Angel of the Lord speaks everything to you. Every word that you speak is from the Angel of the Lord. And, Brother Branham, it's so hard to fight against something like that," said, "in my church." Said, "We want to say the same thing. Now, Brother Branham, don't you believe that you was a little in error there?"
130I wrote back, "My precious brother, I'm not in error. The First Corinthians, the 11th chapter, said a woman should have her head covered, and why. Then the 15th verse said her long hair is given to her for a covering, not a hat." That Catholic spirit's dominated the church long enough. Her long hair is her covering. Don't nature itself...
131 And look, and then the question come back, somebody asked me sometime ago... I'll explain it while I'm at it. He said, "Well, the Bible said that she should have long hair because of the angels. What's the angels got to do with a woman?"
132I said, "What is an angel? It's a messenger." What's Paul saying? If a true messenger, an angel from God comes by, you'd better have long hair. He'll condemn the thing. That's right. How many's got... knows that an angel is a messenger? Exactly right. A messenger sent from God will condemn it. Said, "You better have long hair, because of the angels." Them messengers sent from God comes by, will condemn that thing. Yes, indeedy, because, a real messenger from God, an angel is connected with God, and His Word can't fail. That's exactly right. Saint Paul said there, that if even an angel from Heaven come taught anything else, let him be accursed. That's right. Now we find out that that's true, she should have long hair, that's her covering.
133 But I imagine these pretty Moabite women were very beautiful, they might have been fixed up some like some of the modern Jezebels of today. But, however, not all women! I think a woman that's genuine is a jewel. Praise God for a real woman. You're God's handsmaids. But a real woman is like a real man, they'll follow the Word of God regardless of what the Devil says, or any false thing.
134And say, "Our pastor said it's all right to do this." I don't care what your pastor said. If it's contrary to God's Word, let his word be a lie, and keep God's Word. Care what denomination it is or what he is, if he's got anything to say about it, tell him to look into the Word of God. Exactly right.
135 Oh, how we could go on down and see God separating them. We're going to have to stop just a minute. I got some Scriptures here I want to just bypass it, to get, hurry up to get to the end. Then when... what happened when He taken place there, when the Moabite women? God had to separate them again. What did He do?
136Then came Jesus. Now where we're coming somewhere. Then came Jesus, the expressed image of God, the woman's seed, conceived by God Himself. The great Architect built Himself a body. He didn't have to borrow any timber from anybody, from the woman or man. He built Himself a house. Oh, my!
137 I think of Stephen on that day when he stood, said, "You uncircumcised in heart and ears, you stiffnecks. You always resist the Holy Ghost. Like your fathers did, so do you!" Said, "Solomon built Him a house, but howbeit the Most High don't live in houses made with hands, but a body hast Thou prepared."
138Didn't have to borrow any timbers anywhere. Hebrews, the 11th chapter, I believe in the 2nd or 3rd verse, says that "The world was framed by the Word of God, the things were made out of things that don't appear." God just said, "Let there be," and there was. He didn't have to go over and say, "Mr. Moon, would you loan Me a little timber? Mr. Star, would you let Me have some calcium?" God don't do that.
139 He didn't have to say, "Mary, you loan Me an egg, I want to make a body so I can dwell in it." God the Creator spoke, and she was a mother right then. She wasn't a mother, she was just a woman bearing His Seed. That's right. Remember, she was not Jesus' mother. The world said so. Find me one place in Scripture ever He called her mother. Now come back to the Word. "Mother of God," shame on you. See?
140One day there was some people said to Him, said, "Your mother's outside looking for You."
141He said, "Who is My mother?" Looked on His disciples, said, "They that do the will of My Father is My mother."
142She wasn't His mother, she was an incubator. God could have used something else, but He wanted to take the very lowest and show what He could do with it. Raise it up, make something out of nothing, that's God.
143The expressed image come, Jesus, the immaculate One, the lovely One, the fairest of ten thousands, the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, oh, the Morning Star. What was He? What did He come for? Listen close now. To re-establish oneness between God and man. Oh, do you see it, brother?
144 All their towers of Babel and all their other things back there didn't work. All their fruits of the gardens and everything else displeased God. So God came down and was conceived in the womb of a woman, by His Ownself, made Hisself a body, and become Immanuel, God with us; neither Jew nor Gentile, but God. He wasn't Jew, He wasn't Gentile, He was God. And the Gentiles was just as much to Him at anytime, only He tried to separate a Jew for a nation. He tried to do everything to get it back, and the only way He could establish it was come back to an individual like He was at the beginning. That's the way it is today, to an individual. Not to a denomination, not to an organization, not to a group of people; but to an individual. Notice, to re-establish oneness between God and man.
145 He was a real sin-offering. Sheep, goats, and so forth, could never take away sin. But the life... Because when the sacrifice is killed and the life of a lamb, the most innocent thing, could not come back, that life, upon the believer, because he was a human being, with a soul, and the sheep has no soul.
146See, nothing has a soul but man. God put... He's an animal form, that's true, but He put a soul on him. That's what made him different from the animals. He knowed right from wrong when his soul come on him. But he... Remember when God created man in His Own image, and then he became a living soul. See, he became that, knowing right from wrong.
147 Now notice. But now, in this, Jesus came and He was God. Not only the life of another man can come back on another man, but the very Life of God, making him a child of God, putting him back into the same union he was before the fall. Now we're getting the real oneness.
148People, somebody says to me, "Brother Branham, aren't you oneness?" Not the organization oneness. But I'm oneness with Christ, see, but not the organization oneness.
149He paid the debt of sin. Now, in order to get oneness between God and man, Jesus could not do it as long as He was here in a body of flesh. So He had to become the complete sin-offering to take away the guilt of the believer, see, take it away so that the Holy Ghost could come into man, and make man and God oneness again. See, there had to be something to re-establish.
150 Now, what could re-establish? When God's commandment is fulfilled. Could an Angel fulfill it? He has no blood. Could God have fulfilled it? He had no blood. And God became flesh and blood in order that He could pay the debt correctly and take away sin, because that's the only way. Towers of Babel separating them across the earth, everything else, organizations and things had failed in every way, they get mixed up together, the world and everything else, but this was going to be a total separation. Glory!
151Now I feel religious. Well, I feel like I can take my text now and start preaching right now. Just getting warmed up now to where I can get started right here, and it's time for me to stop. Uhm! Maybe I'll finish it later sometime, the oneness of God and man. Do you understand? All that understands, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
152 See, that the only way that man could be back in his original state again, is for that penalty of sin to be paid. The penalty of sin is what? Death. "Wages of sin is death." And God said, "The day you eat thereof, the day that you have this affair, that's the day you'll die." And when it did, it broke his relationship, fellowship and everything for man, and could not come back anymore until that penalty was paid. And nobody was worthy to pay it, because everyone fell with the human being, 'cause every creature is under the human being, and he was fallen. Glory! Oh, brother!
153 Brother Mac, I didn't see you sitting there, God bless you. We believe this, Brother Mac. "Come under the penalty of death." Brother Mac here used to be pastor here at the tabernacle when I left. Yeah. Now, another good old Baptist, Missionary Baptist down there that got the Holy Ghost. See? Notice now, become into the oneness with God.
154 Now, when we see this, see the penalty must be paid, and note, the highest form of animal life is a human being, and the human being fell, itself. So how can one human save another? It taken God. And God, in Spirit, could not die. So, "God had to bring Hisself a little lower than the Angels," Hebrews the 1st chapter, the 1st verse. Had to make Hisself lower than the Angels in order to take death, to pay the penalty, to bring the oneness between man and God again, so the Holy Ghost could come back.
155The debt of sin was paid. Jesus had to do this to send the--the--the Holy Ghost back upon, to unite people again like it was in the Garden of Eden. The debt was paid when Jesus died. That settled it. Amen, brother! If I could only get it to soak in, see. The debt is paid. Hallelujah to the Lamb! The debt is paid. And every man and woman hearing me this morning, or will hear me by the tape, your penalty is paid. Don't you disbelieve God's Word again. Come back to the Word! Don't believe it... He was the Word. Glory! I feel like shouting, honest I do. The penalty is paid. It's all over. No wonder Angels screamed and sang, the anthems of Heaven ring out. Yes, sir, the lost sheep was found! A propitiation was made for him to be restored again, the waters of separation, God's Word that washes him from his iniquity, when the Word died in my place and was resurrected again and become premanent in my life, in my heart. Amen. The penalty's paid! It's over. We are redeemed.
156 Not by a Catholic church; although we are the correct catholic, the apostolic catholic. Yes, sir. Not Roman Catholic with their dogmas, they deny this Word with their dogma; everything is your dogma, not the Word. Methodist, Baptist, shame on you, lovers of iniquity more than lovers of God. Lovers of pleasure, world seekers, pleasures, slaughtered pigs for the pen. The Devil's sending his instruments out there choking that stuff down you like Satan did in the Garden of Eden. "Well, all our ministers have got an education. They got the Ph.D., LL.D." That don't mean a thing. Deny that Word, it's still the trick of the Devil. I've proved it to you by the Word this morning, be up to you from now on.
157 The disciples, even walking with Jesus, they didn't have no oneness. They didn't have any unity. No, they argued, "Who's going to be bishop after this. Who's the greatest among us?" They couldn't even believe Jesus. They couldn't understand Him. "Thou speakest in riddles. Tell us plainly what You mean." There was no unity between Jesus and the disciples, or disciples to Jesus, and the disciples among one another.
158No matter, that goes to show you, brother. Listen close now, I want this to stick real deep down in your heart. See? God's got a plan. Outside of that plan, I don't care how much wisdom's behind it, how many fine millions of dollars of buildings, how many schools of theology, how many holy man and holy this, and holy, holy, holy, makes no difference at all, if one Word of God's Bible is denied, it's of the Devil. Now, I've proved that to you by the written Word of God, from New to Old Testament, and I'll bring her on down to the day if you'll just sit with me a few minutes.
159 The disciples who walked hand and hand with Jesus, slept with Him, eat with Him, watched His miracles, and associated with Him, close as any brother could be, and yet they didn't have it. They wasn't fit to preach the Gospel. Jesus said, "Don't you preach anymore, don't you even try. You wait up there at the city of Jerusalem. I'm going to send the promise, that's been given you, upon you. That'll unify you then."
160"Now, Father, I pray that they'll be one just as You and I are one. And I..." "As My Father has sent Me to preach the Gospel, so send I you."
161And the very Father that sent the Son, came in the Son. Unity is one. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me. But if My works that I do speak so loud, you're perfectly deaf, dumb and blind if you don't see it." Oh, brother, whew! Said, "You hypocrites! You can discern the face of the skies, but the signs of the time you can't discern. If you would have known Me, you would have known My day. Well did Isaiah speak of you. You got ears, and you're so deaf you can't hear. Eyes, and so blind you can't see!"
162Well did the Apostle Paul said, "In the last days they'd have a form of godliness and deny the Power thereof," and Scripture after Scripture, what would take place in these organizations in the last days. Then they wonder why I cry out against that man-made system of the Devil. See them precious children lured out there like sheep going to a slaughter. Bring them out, Lord!
163 Yes, disciples had no unity. They could not understand Jesus. They said, "Ah, who can understand these things?" See, God wasn't in them yet. They were just associated in fellowship. They just associated with Him. That's many a good man today. They didn't drink, lie, steal, nothing, but they didn't have that oneness of God. They wasn't one with God yet. See, they couldn't be. Oh, they done miracles. They casted out devils. That ain't a--that ain't a...
164I read an article in the paper the other day about that, about casting out devils. People say, "Oh, brother, I'm telling you, that's it." That isn't it! A man that casts out a devil and denies God's Word, is a liar. Yes, sir. He says he casts out devils. They claim they do that. He cannot do it if he's not with God's Word. Jesus said so.
165 Now, then came Pentecost, God made them one again. Oh, my! Then they had oneness with God. God was in them. Now, Acts, if you're putting it down, Acts 4:32, the Bible said that "They were with one heart, one soul, and one mind." Oh, brother. Why? They had been restored back to the original again. The only thing that they had left to be disposed of was an old city, or they lived in here, an old body called a city or a temple, that they lived in here, that had to rot, because it has to die and corrupt. But in spirit and life, and in purpose and in vision, and everything, they were one with God.
166Oh, Adam, my dejected friend, don't let Satan tell you his lie again. Don't let that happen. Don't let Satan tell you that the Word don't mean just what It says. That's right. The Word means... Yeah, here not...
167 I was talking on the Name of Jesus Christ baptism. That's right, a revelation of that come. That's the Truth. But what did a bunch of people do? Gathered it right out here and put a denomination out of it, made another tower of Babel. Same thing, throwed it right into it. Certainly. Luther done the same thing. Wesley done the same thing, John Smith done the same thing, Alexander Campbell done the same thing. Pentecost done the same thing. God deals with individuals keeping His Word. God's only plan to bring believers to Himself, in a true oneness, is receiving the Holy Ghost. Then here's how...
168You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I spoke in tongues. I shouted. I did this." If you still got that kind of a spirit and deny the Word of God, you haven't got the Word of God in you, you haven't got the Spirit. If you'll sit and hear the Truth preached, and look It up in the Bible and see It's the Truth, and then refuse to do it, that's not the Spirit of God. I don't care how much you spoke in tongues, how much you shouted, how much churches you belonged to, or how many times you was baptized, or anything else. The Word is Truth. That's what vindicates the truth. If you got all these other truths and then with the Word, amen, then you know you're coming home.
169 How can the very God that wrote the Bible turn around and substitute something else for His Word? You Catholic people who said that Peter was buried in your church, and his spirit gives you the rights to remit sins and things, how could Peter, a Jew, ever stand to have idols in the church? How could Peter ever refuse to say that the baptism of the Holy Ghost come, and he spoke in tongues, and all those powerful things he done, and turn back around and says take a little wafer, and God's in that wafer? Oh, it's ignorance, spiritual ignorance!
170Well, now, you Protestants the same thing, walk up and shake hands with the preacher, and say, "I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour," and go back and live any kind of a life out of it, and go right on living with the world. Another tower of Babel.
171 We're coming down to the end now. Watch. God sent the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is God Himself. He's the One that will make the oneness between God and man. Let's find out. Now let's. Now I want your undivided attention for the next five minutes or so. Watch.
172Man under the Devil's plan has tried to denominate the church into oneness. They have tried to denom-... educate the church into oneness, you know that, through education, through denomination. They're trying right now, the World Council of Churches, going on to try to bring all the Catholic and Protestants together and make them a one. What is it? A plan of the Devil!
173You say, "You're mighty little to say that." I'm mighty little, but my God's Word is great big, I'll tell you that. Heavens and earth will pass away, but It won't. It ain't he that says it, it's He that--He that--He that said it first. I'm just saying what He said, I'm confessing His Word.
174It's under the Devil! It's proved in the Word here, right this morning before you, that it's of the Devil. Any of those organizations are. Man, under the Devil's plan, try to denominate people to oneness.
175 "All you come join the Assemblies of God. Join the oneness. Join the Church of God. Join the Methodist. We're all one." You bunch of hypocrites, having a form of godliness and deny the Power thereof. And the Word of God shook right before you, and you're scared to attack It. Why don't God show Hisself then, if you be with God? Why don't you do the works of God? How can you have that form, and go around and deny Him, even calling the real works of God a Beelzebub? It shows, you educated bunch of church members! Jesus said, "You are of your father, the Devil!" Right! I'm sure you understand what I mean. Certainly. Why don't somebody attack It? You know God's behind It. God will move with His Word.
176 Man does that, it builds another tower of Babel. What does he do? They try to show... Look in this World Council of Churches now. The Anglican, the Roman Catholic, the Methodist, the Presbyterian, the Pentecostals, and all of them united together, Christian Science, and many of the cults that even deny the virgin birth, that deny the Deity of Jesus, make Him three people, try to worship a three gods, deny the virgin birth. Some of them deny the Blood. Some of them deny His miracles. All of them do, nearly. And then--then try to unite such as that together, how can you do it? It's a man-made tower. It'll fall like Babel did.
177 But God said, "Not by power, not by might; by My Spirit, saith the Lord. That's how I'll unite My Church. Not by organization, not by education, not by theologians; but by My Spirit, saith the Lord, I'll bring My sheep together." Oh, my! And when He does, what happens? And His signs will bear record of the same. That's how Israel could say, before they got mixed up with Moab. There was a Pillar of Fire over them. Yes, sir. What will He do? He'll bear record, the same kind of a record. But after they got disassociated and so with God, separated their oneness between them and God, and got in with Moab and them, the victory all failed. They stayed in the wilderness for forty more years, till God raised up another group to go over and complete His plan. That's exactly what they did.
178 Now look. But when God brings a church together with His Spirit, they'll have His signs of the living God among them. What kind of a signs? When God separated Israel from Egypt, God gave Moses and Israel a sign of a Pillar of Fire. That right? A prophet. When He separated Abraham from Lot, there was an Angel came to him, that could discern the thoughts and the intents of the heart. Sign! Hallelujah.
179Now these denominations that caught up in this church, trying to make a oneness like in Egypt, like down in--in Eden, and so forth, under this great influence they are.
180But, look, I want to ask you something. When God separated Israel, He give them a Supernatural sign, a Pillar of Fire. He give them a prophet. What did He do to Abraham? What does He do every time? Show me a God-appointed prophet among them. He set His church together by apostles and prophets and teachers and evangelists. Hallelujah! There you are. A church, again, like He called Israel out. I told you I'd get back to it. Yes, sir.
181No God-appointed prophets among them, no, sir, like they was with Israel and them. What is it? A devil's tower again.
182 Now, the Coming is so imminent, the Second Coming of Jesus, He's gathering His Elected together. I believe that. Oh, they'll come from the East and West. Where the carcass is, the eagles will gather. Oh, my, what is it? He's got His oneness, His true oneness, showing Hisself among them; out of every denomination, bringing His Elect together from all kinds of churches, from everywhere, bringing out His children, falling right in line with His Word. What?
183Now, the Coming of the Lord Jesus is so imminent, the coming of judgment, He's calling His Elected together in oneness with Himself, with the same kind of a ministry He had. You know how I shaped in the Church Ages, here not long ago, about the--the big tower that was built, called the pyramid, but the headstone was never put on it. Remember how the Lutherans came, then the Wesleys in the minority, and then down to Pentecost. And now what He's doing, calling from that. What did He do? He called out the Elect, to make the Lutheran; He called out the Elect, out of the Lutheran, to make the Wesleyan; He called out the Elect, out of that, to make the Pentecostals; now He's calling the Elect pentecostals out, to make the headstone to come into it. A very same kind of a ministry dropping right in on it, calling His children from all denominations and all walks of life.
184 What has He done? He has placed with them a true teacher, true prophets who stay with His Word, the Bible. "My sheep hear My Voice," said Jesus. If that was His Voice then, it's His Voice now. Anything contrary to that Voice, it's not sheep food. They won't follow it. Oh, brother. From East, from West, out of every denomination, out of every organization, they've come from the East and West, gathering together! "We'll feast with the King, to dine as His guests, how blessed these pilgrims are! Beholding His hallowed face aglow with love Divine; blest partakers of His grace, as gems in His crown to shine. Jesus is coming soon, our trials will then be over." Hallelujah! "What if our Lord this moment would come for those who are free from sin? Then would it bring you joy, or sorrow and great despair? But when our Lord in glory comes, we'll meet Him up in the air." Hallelujah! Yes, sir.
185 What is it? With God-sent teacher that'll stay right with the Word, to the real church, not move one iota no matter what an organization says. They're not connected with it. Prophets; not make-belief, so-called, but a genuine prophet has THUS SAITH THE LORD, and right on the dot every time. That's what He's sent in His church. That's what He said He would do. Believes the Word; not the creed, not the dogma, but the Word. And, by doing this, He shows Himself in them by confirming His Word, making the same life that He lived once, live over again, bringing His Word to pass. Oh, my!
186 Listen closely. First Corinthians 4:20, says, "The Kingdom of God is His Word made power." If you want to put that down, First Corinthians 4:20. The Kingdom of God is God's Word made power. What is the Kingdom of God? Is within you. The Kingdom's in you. And when the Word comes in there, what does this Word begin? It turns Itself into power, making It say just exactly what It said.
187You can't say "It says this," and It says This, and make It work. You got to say the same thing It says. That makes a confession. Not saying, "Well, It's polished up a little here, I'll have more wisdom, I'll be in better standing over here."
188You stay with the Word. There it is, see. And It makes It power. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Jesus said, in Saint John 14:12, "If ye abide in Me and My Words in you." No, I beg your pardon, that wasn't what He said there. He said, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also. If ye abide in Me and My Word in you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. If ye abide in Me and My Word in you."
189 What is it? You've got to get with the Word, get yourself killed out. I'm persuaded that many of us, friends, have received the Holy Ghost, but we just receive enough Holy Ghost in us to make us to a place where we don't want to lie, we don't want to steal, we don't want to do anything. But God wants to fill every fiber of His Church, He wants to fill your thinking and He wants to fill your mind. He wants to fill every bit of you, just make you completely, totally dead to yourself or to your thinking, just so surrendered in God till His Word's just living right through you. You don't know nothing else but God's Word, just stay right with His Word, It is Life. "My Words are Life," said Jesus. He's placed with them, teachers believing the Bible, prophets that say the Truth, that say, show the same prophecy that they've always did down through the age. What's He done? He's showing Himself alive among them, confirming His Word. His Word, the Kingdom of God is God's Word made power.
190 While, these denominations rely on human reasonings, upon human reasonings. Listen close now. They... We are not to rely upon human reasonings. Proverbs, the 3rd chapter, the 5th verse, said, "Rely not upon thy own understanding." See? Don't do it, no matter what God's Word seems like.
191You say, "Well, it seems like it's just as good this way."
192That ain't what It is. It's God's Word, take It the way He said It. Eve said... Satan said to Eve, "I know God said That, but It really don't mean that. It means this." And she believed it. She believed it. That broke up the oneness, that broke up the fellowship, that broke up the union, that broke up the world, that broke up life, that broke up everything!
193And the person that disbelieves one Word of God's Word, it breaks the whole fellowship and all. Right! We believe It or we don't believe It. Let's stay with It! God said so, and let's stay with It. Lot of things I got to skip here, 'cause it's already past time.
194 Like in past times, in past times when man done this, it brought God's judgment to the world. The tower of Babel, the union of Cain's children with Seth's children, brought judgment. It always brings God's judgment to the world. See? Oh, the true oneness with Him will rise in the judgment, above it, like Noah did in that judgment with his family. Righteous Noah and his family went above the judgments. What did they do? They went!
195Brother Lee Vayle, if you get a hold of this, here it is. That's the only question we disagree on, he believes the Church will go through the judgment. I don't see it. I don't believe it.
196Noah never went through no judgments, he went above the judgments. Abraham never had no fire, he was out of the fire. Israel wasn't in the judgments of Israel, it was separated out of the fire, out of the judgments. The Church will ride above the judgment, in the ark of the Holy Ghost, raised up from the earth.
197 This thing of this Council of Churches is nothing else in the world but a--a stir of the foolish virgin, to be left here on the earth for a picking for the antichrist. But the real Church of God will float like old Noah did, and go on into Glory just as sure as I'm standing here. That's why He's gathering them together. That's what the Voice is speaking forward today. That's what God's a-doing, is gathering one from Los Angeles, and one from Philadelphia, and one from Georgia, and so forth. Gathering them together, His people that's willing to believe the Word of the living God. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein a few was saved, just a very few." All right, our Holy Ghost ark will float right above the judgments of God, 'cause we're already judged, as we confess Jesus, and He took our judgment.
198 These denominations, though, are so headstrong! They're like Eve, she wanted her wisdom regardless of what God's Word was. Nimrod wanted his tower, regardless, Scripture or not! They were headstrong! Eve knowed better. Seth knew better than to fall for them beautiful women. Israel knowed better than to get out there in that adultery. So do you! But some are so headstrong, Scripture or not Scripture! "Bless God, my mother was Presbyterian! I'm going to be, too." Go on, go on is the only thing you can do then. God be merciful to your sinful soul. How are you going to escape it, when you know it's the truth? And if you see God's Word, and still don't think It's the Truth, then there's something wrong with your spiritual discernment. That's exactly right. Look across the nation and see where these things are happening. We're at the end time, friends. Have we just got through the Church Ages and know what's going to happen in the Laodicean Church age? Haven't we just come through that? You see what I mean? We're at the end time.
199 God's gathering the Elect from the four winds of the earth. He said He'd send angels and gather them. Is that right? Gather them together, separate them from the tares. Amen. The tares will be burnt, not the wheat. Right.
200But, they're so headstrong, they're going to have it or not, don't make any difference. Oh!
201But God's chosen Ones are commanded to come out from among them. "Be ye separated," saith God, "and I will receive you. Touch not their worldly things, and I'll be a Father to you, or God, and you'll be My sons and daughters. Yoke yourself not up with unbelievers, but come out of it!" God wants separation from the world. He wants to be unionized with you, Himself. And no man-made scheme of organization, denomination, or any man-made theories will ever stand. It'll take God, the Holy Ghost, in you, to unite you to God. And how do you know you got It? The Holy Ghost that wrote the Word will bear record with every Word; and the same things that the Holy Ghost did in the Old Testament, He will do in the New Testament; will do now just the same, because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And you're not yoked with organizations and the world. You're not yoked with them. Yoke yourself not up among them, but come out from among them! Ye are yoked to Christ. Amen. Yoked to the Lord Jesus Christ.
202 The Bible says, in the last days there'd be churches, another tower of Babel like. They'd have a form of godliness, and to deny God's Word and Power, the Power of His Word. And what is the Word? What is the Kingdom of God? We got to belong to the Kingdom before we can ever be subjects of the King. How many knows that, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, how do you get in the Kingdom? The Kingdom of God is the Word of God made back in power. Amen. Made power; taking away sin, giving signs. What kind of sign? If It's the same Word that brought Moses out, It'll bring the same sign.
203The same thing that separated lukewarm Lot. Now, we know Lot was lukewarm, and Jesus said that'll be the sign of the end time. Lukewarm Lot sitting yonder, he was religious, sure, him and his wife. And they belonged to all kinds of parties, and he was the mayor of the city, and, oh, there was a whole lot of things going on. He was very religious. He could entertain the evangelists and all of them come by, he was all right that way. But, oh, brother, he wasn't that Elected.
204 Look what happened! Why? The same God that separated and come to Abraham and showed him the vindication of his separation... Uhm! O God! How I wish I could--wish I could just could do something to let you see It. God showed Abraham, being that he had separated himself, He showed him the vindication of it, that He was with him and right in his midst. And Jesus said the same thing will take place in the last days. Not a nation was Abraham, he was in the minority, but God was with him. He had separated him then. We're supposed to separate ourselves in this last days.
205And if God gave a sign to Moses, to Israel, anointed prophet, a Pillar of Fire, gave a sign to Abraham. He--He gave a sign to Israel. He gave a sign to the disciples. Same sign, every time! Same sign, Pillar of Fire!
206Paul, when he was on his road down to Damascus, there shined a Pillar of Fire before him, that even put his eyes out, knocked him to his knees. Nobody else saw It. Everybody standing around, they didn't see It. And a Voice said, "Saul, why do you persecute Me?"
207He said, "Lord, Who are You?"
208He said, "I'm Jesus." A sign! And what was he? The apostle to the Gentiles. Amen.
209 Here we are in the end time, coming from the East and West, North and South. What are we doing? Getting ready for that Rapture. Getting ready for... Holding ourselves steady for a few minutes till every fiber is filled with the Holy Ghost. Then She'll go up. Oh, my! Calling His people together to Himself, in the true oneness with Himself, because it's His one Holy Spirit. "By one Spirit are we all individually baptized into one Body, collectively the Body of Jesus Christ." And Jesus Christ living with His Spirit in our flesh, is serving the church and doing the same things He did, as a--as a sign, as an ensign to the world, that we're in the last days, getting ready for the Rapture. Oh, I love Him, don't you?
210 I got a book here yet, but I just can't go it any longer, we're getting too late. Might pick it up some other time.
211We're in the end. Oneness. Are you so one with God? That's the way you're going to have to be. Yeah. We're going to have to be one with Him till... Let the mind that was in Christ be in you. Then Christ, His Own mind in you will recognize every Word that He wrote. It did in the apostles, rightly dividing the Scripture, which is the Truth, see, the Holy Spirit. If It is the Truth, then He'll bear record of It by bringing the same sign that He give to Moses, same sign He give to Abraham, same sign He did by Christ, same sign He did by Paul. We're in the end time. He said that that would be. We're in the end time. The Church, collectively, is getting together in a union, one here and one there, making up.
212He said, "There'll be two in a field, I'll take one." One. Look, "Two in a field," that's in the daytime, harvest, "I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in a bed," the other side of the world, "I'll take one and leave one," at the coming of the Son of man. And it's so imminent, it's so close at hand.
213 Don't! Don't, Adam! Adam! Eve, Adam, let me cry out to you, don't listen to a lie of the Devil anymore. Stay with God's Word, It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Stay with His Word. To separate from It is breaking your fellowship with God, God's oneness by the Holy Spirit. Then if you say you got the Holy Spirit and it's not in agree with the Word, then you're not oneness with God.
214This is God's oneness, when you... the--the spirit that you got agrees with this Word, and manifests this Word and makes this Word power to act the same way It did there.
215Let's say it together. Oneness [Congregation says, "Oneness"--Ed.] with God ["with God"] is to have ["is to have"] God's Spirit ["God's Spirit"] in you ["in you"] agreeing ["agreeing"] with the Word ["with the Word"], all the Word ["all the Word"], the whole Word ["the whole Word"], and to make It ["and to make It"] manifested ["manifested"] in power ["in power"].
216There you are, that's oneness with God. When that power works in me, works in you, we are one. Amen! Brother Kidd, when the power of the Holy Ghost in me works in you, there's no disagreement, the Word's there. It works. Amen. It makes It what It is, God made flesh in you by His Word. The Word made power among you, every Word!
217 Now, remember, the Devil takes a whole lot of that Word, pretty near ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent of It. Ninety-nine hundredths and ninety-nine percent of that hundredths, he'll make It just exactly right, but then he'll jump off here, and that's the one that causes death right there. That breaks the chain right in the middle, down you go.
218Every Word! What did Jesus say? "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word!" Not by a few of God's Words shall he live, not by ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent of God's Word. But by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, man shall live by That.
219Satan took Him up there and said, "It's written!" See, just like he said to Eve, "It's written! It's written!"
Jesus said, "And it's also written..."
220He said, "It's written, 'He'll give the Angels charge over Thee.' The Bible said so!" Boy, he's a scholar. "It's written, 'He'll give His Angels charge concerning Thee lest Thou dash Thy foot against a stone, and bear Thee up.'"
221He said, "It's also written, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord Thy God.'"
222 They said, "We got the Scripture," Acts 19, "we've been baptized by John."
223Paul had something else, he said, "That don't work no more." See? "John only baptized..." He didn't disbelieve John's word. He said, "I'll tell you what John said. John said he baptized unto repentance, not for remission of sins." The Sacrifice hadn't been killed, see. He said, "He baptized unto repentance, saying you should believe on Him that was to come." And when they heard this, they were baptized in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul laid his hands upon them so full of the Word, and the Holy Ghost came upon them. They begin to prophesy, speak in tongues, magnify God, and what a time! Oh, my. How big a church was it? Twelve. Yes. Oh, God don't deal in big numbers, He deals in honest hearts. Let us have that kind of a heart. Do you love Him? Let us pray.
224 Oh, my beloved wanderer, have you looked at the daughters of Moab or have you seen the daughters (I'm talking of churches) of Cain? How far off of the Word they stray! Have you, my precious friend, have you noticed in the last days that these things has come to pass? Have you been noticing recently about how the Word of God is being made manifest? How that the revival that did once strike has quietened down, there's not much left? What is it? It's a lull before the storm. The judgments are ready. Have you been denoting these things? Have you compared Scripture with Scripture, Bible Word with Bible Word, evidence with evidence? Have you compared the Word of Jesus that He said that the Devil in the last days... it'd be so close, like the real thing, till if it was possible he would deceive everyone except the Elected, the Elected One. Just think, that Scriptural teaching is going to be so close! "Oh, we believe in the Holy Ghost, bless God forever! We got the Holy Ghost, we speak in tongues." And then turn around and deny the Word? Yeah. See, will deceive the very Elected if possible.
225 If there is someone in here that's not right with God, if there's someone here that's sick or afflicted... There's handkerchiefs and things laying here, I'm going to pray over them. I don't care what you have need of. Every promise in the Book belongs to you. It's yours.
226Now, I've brought you the Word, brought It from Genesis plumb down to this day that we're living in, just hitting the places and showing you. Many hundreds of places I could have hit besides that, I don't have time. But surely, in that, you can see that this organization stuff is out. It's a false conception of the Devil, trying to organize man with the unity of their own mind and thinking. When, it's the Holy Spirit that we're joined to God as one by. And the Holy Spirit agrees with the Word of God. See, the Bible said, Jesus said that they'd even confess it, you see, "Deceive the very elected if possible." You see where we're standing?
227 Now pick up this Word of God in that hand of faith. What do you have need of this morning? You have need of water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ? The pool's open. You have need of the baptism of the Holy Ghost? He's trying to press His way into you. You have need of healing? Why, the very Holy Ghost Himself, the Word that's been made power, is right here now, the very power of discernment looking out upon this audience here now and seeing that Light whirling around like a glow. Have I ever told you anything wrong? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Have I ever?
228As--as the prophet said to Israel before they got them a man-made king, he said, "Have I ever told you anything... Have I ever took your money? Have I ever come down and begged you for money and--and ride around and live in great big palaces and build great big things and take your money from you? Have I ever asked you for a penny?" "Never."
229Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what God brought it to pass? Have I ever spoke in His Name but what it was so? Have I ever told you a vision over the audience but what was exactly the person raised up, stranger or whatever he might be, but what he said "That's the truth"? Have I ever told you anything wrong? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Then let me tell you now, THUS SAITH THE LORD, receive the Holy Ghost, the Spirit that will take the Word of God in them hands of faith, move out yonder. The whole Kingdom belongs to you. It's yours, children.
230 Why do you come from Georgia, from across the country, from Ohio, from Kansas, everywhere, for a little meeting? I think the tape's off now, so, I can say this. See? Why you coming like this? What makes you do it? What is it? I see people here from Arkansas, from hundreds of miles away.
231Last night, coming plumb in from Kansas City, a little Polish brother standing back there, come, led, said, "Brother Branham, since I first heard of you back yonder in Canada many years ago, the things that you've seen and done, I've checked them right through, right back and forth, up and down," and said, "not one of them has ever been wrong." He's probably a Polish Catholic, and here he comes, taking the tapes, going out and playing them, meeting opposition. Ministers who ought to be with me and helping us, but denying the Power thereof, denying the Truth of the Word, and claiming to have the Holy Ghost.
232I have not called myself a prophet. You've done that. But, if it is so, then where does the Word of the Lord come from? How do we know whether it's true or not unless there's something to back it up? That's God's Word here, the written Word. And then if the written Word is backed up, then it's God in that Word making that Word true. Paul said, "Follow me, as I follow Christ."
233 Now, if you've got a need of God for sickness, for salvation, what... or get rid... Some of you women that hasn't got the grace enough to let your hair grow, some of you man that hasn't got grace enough to quit smoking cigarettes, some of you preachers hasn't got grace enough to accept the truth of the water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, some of you sick people that's sick and sick to die, why don't you take this Word this morning. I'll tell you now, It's flesh among us! Take that Word in your hand.
234Here hangs a picture on the wall, of the Angel of the Lord, the same One that led the children of Israel, same One that met Paul, the same One that was in Christ. And the same Holy Spirit is in you, in you, uniting you as one. What makes our hearts draw together for hundreds of miles? There's nothing like it in the country. They're coming to the Word.
235 "There is a fountain filled with Blood, drawn from Immanuel's veins, where unbelievers plunge beneath the flood, and lose all their guilty stain. Ever since by faith I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supplied, redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die."
236 Our Heavenly Father, laying here is a bunch of handkerchiefs, gloves, they may go out in the mail. I don't know who laid them here, maybe Billy, maybe the people here in the audience. I just feel to do this now, Lord. There's nothing in my hands, nothing in me as a human being. I couldn't rely upon my own human understanding. I don't understand why this is so, but I'm following what You said. "They took from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons, and evil spirits went out of the people." It wasn't because he was a great man, it was because that God was with him in Word and power. And he never consulted the apostles, but found out when they met together that the same Gospel, the same form of baptism, the same everything that they were doing, was eye to eye the same.
237 Now I'm asking, Lord, for these precious people that's believing You, that You will heal them. Them in the audience, heal them, Lord. May their faith just reach up and get a hold of that Word right now, and say, "Tumor, sickness, evil, you might as well leave, I'm cutting with the Sword of God! I'm believing! My faith is strong. I'm pressing the Sword deep. Move out of my way! I'm rising from my seat, to be well." "I'm laying my hand upon my father, upon my sister, and my child, upon my neighbor. I'm believing. Your Word is Truth. I'm in oneness with You. The works that You said that You did, we'd do also. Lord God, I believe every Word. And I'm coming forward, coming forward to claim it, to pick it up this morning."
238 O God, how I could think when the church was on the move, when Moses got a little scared down there at the sea, he begin to cry to the Lord. And the Lord said, "Why are you crying to Me? What for you cry to Me? Speak and go forward! Haven't I commissioned you to the job? Speak!" Speak what? The Word of God. "It's in you. Speak and go forward. Don't cry unto Me. Go forward."
239And, Lord God, today I come in the Name of the Lord Jesus. I come yielding this Sword of faith, claiming the oneness of God and man by the Holy Ghost, through the mercies and sacrifice of Jesus Christ His Son. I defy every devil that's bound anybody in any way in this building, whether he be boy or girl, man or woman. I defy every sickness. I defy every doubt. I defy every fear. I defy everything that's ungodly, leave this audience in the Name of Jesus Christ! Come out of this audience, that we can be one with God and can serve God without sickness or fear. May the power that made us one with God... How can that Devil squawk hisself around the anointed? How can that devil stand out there and squawk hisself like a Goliath? When David come into the camp, and said, "You mean you let that uncircumcised Philistine stand there and defy the armies of the living God?"
240O God, make man and women rise in the power of the Spirit. Let that unconverted, that dejected devil that's harmed the human race down through the age, stand here and defy the church of the living God? Satan, come out, and leave, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
241 Now, you that's got strength enough to yield a Sword, now that you've got understanding enough in God's Word to claim It to be your personal property, who can pick up the Word of God now in your hand, hold It out in the hand of faith, and say, "I take my side with the Lord. I'll be oneness with my God, from this on. I'll yield this Sword of the Spirit in this Word, and I'll cut the Devil to every promise that God promised me."
242If you believe that with all your heart, I ask you then sincerely with all my heart, in the Name of Jesus Christ, stand to your feet and accept it. Do you mean it? Are you sincere? Is the Word in your hand? Is your hand your faith? Raise your physical hand to God, say, "God, by this, by my uplifted hand I pledge all my life. I pledge my soul, I pledge my thinking, I pledge everything to the Word of God. Let the Holy Spirit take my faith now and give to me the thing. Cut every doubt away from me. And, by faith, I receive the promise that I ask for, this moment."
243If you believe it, say, "Amen," now. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Say, "Amen," again. ["Amen."] Amen, amen, amen! Then, if you mean that with all your heart, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I promise you what you asked for. Amen. You believe it with all your heart. God bless you.
Brother Neville.
1Ďakujem ti, brat Orman, nech ťa Pán žehná. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Je príjemné byť tu znovu dnes ráno v modlitebni. A práve som stál tam vzadu a počúval, ako som vchádzal dnu a počul som vychádzať proroctvo skrze hovorenie v jazykoch, s výkladom. A povedal som ľuďom, že tá miestnosť je tiež plná, tak som povedal, „Neviem; nehovoril som s tým mužom.“ Bol to brat Higginbotham, ak som toho muža správne rozumel. Lebo dlhý čas, je to už niekoľko mesiacov, odkedy som mu potriasol rukou. Ale to je presne to, o čom hovorím, čo dnes ráno povedal, je to presne to, o čom hovorím. On to nevedel. Ja sám som to nevedel, až donedávna, o čom budem hovoriť. A je to presne to, čo práve vtedy povedal. A tak sme šťastní, že vieme, že sme zhromaždení v Mene Pána Ježiša a pod Jeho ochrannými krídlami.
2No, vidím, že mnohí stoja, miesto je preplnené a zapchaté a skrátka sa na to nedívame radi. A len čo to bude možné, chystáme sa to tu urobiť inak, väčšiu modlitebňu. No, chcem podať správu z Phoenixu, len v rýchlosti.
3Bol som tu minulú nedeľu večer a hovoril som na tému: Komúnia (Večera Pánova) ku... pred službou večeri Pánovej. Komúnia nie je prijímanie chleba, „komúnia“ znamená „rozprávať sa, komunikovať, rozprávať sa s niekým.“
4A teraz, dnes ráno, ak to trocha pretiahnem, no, vymeňte sa niektorí, ktorí sedíte, s tými, ktorí stoja, a bude to ocenené, nechajte ich na chvíľu sadnúť. Som znepokojený z tohto času, v ktorom žijeme. Som veľmi, veľmi znepokojený. Keď vidím diať sa veci, ktoré vidím, ako prebiehajú, niečo je vo mne pohnuté. A chcem len vziať môj čas a pokúsiť sa...
5V Posolstve dnes ráno hovorím na tému: Jednota. A chcem vziať môj čas a pokúsiť sa urobiť to tak... vyložiť to tak dokonale, ako viem. A chcem, aby ste sa modlili, keď ste sa zhromaždili.
6A teraz, chcem, aby ste si otvorili, ak máte Bibliu, a chcem, aby ste čítali so mnou, otvorte si 1. kapitolu listu Židom, najprv. A chcem čítať prvé tri verše z 1. kapitoly listu Židom a potom z Genesis (1. Mojžišova) 1:26 a 7, aby som to zviazal spolu. A žiaden človek nemôže povedať nič, čo treba povedať, ak mu to nepomôže povedať Boh. A tak je to tiež podľa Posolstva dnes ráno, o jednote ľudí a Boha. A teraz v Liste Židom v 1. kapitole čítame toto.
Kým za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval Boh otcom v prorokoch, za týchto posledných dní nám hovoril cez... v Synovi,
ktorého ustanovil za dediča všetkého, skrze ktorého učinil aj veky,
ktorý súc odbleskom jeho slávy a obrazom jeho podstaty [v anglickej Biblii King James: „vyjadreným obrazom Jeho Osoby“– pozn.prekl.] a nesúc všetko slovom svojej moci a učiniac si skrze samého seba očistenie od našich hriechov posadil sa po pravici Veličenstva na výsostiach.
7A teraz, v Genesis (1.Mojžišova), v 1. kapitole a 27; 26. a 27. verš, prečítam toto.
A Boh riekol: Učiňme človeka na svoj obraz a podľa svojej podoby, a nech vládnu nad morskými rybami a nad nebeským vtáctvom a nad hovädami a nad celou zemou a nad každým plazom, ktorý sa plazí na zemi.
A Boh stvoril človeka na svoj obraz, na obraz Boží ho stvoril, mužské a ženské pohlavie ich stvoril.
8No, skloňme len na chvíľu naše hlavy, ako sa budeme modliť. A som si istý, že je tu mnoho potrieb, v publiku takýchto rozmerov, tak možno len zodvihnime ruku k Bohu, kto má potrebu, a dajte Mu týmto najavo, že máme niečo, za čo sa chceme modliť. Nech to Boh udelí každému z vás.
9Pane, zhromaždili sme sa pod strechou tejto modlitebne a sme vďační, že máme dnes nad sebou strechu, ale zišli sme sa spolu kvôli väčšiemu účelu než toto. Cítime, že skrze zasľúbenie Božie sme sa zhromaždili pod krídlami Všemohúceho. Že On ako sliepka, ktorá zakryje svoje kuriatka, ochráni nás pred všetkým, o čo Ho prosíme, aby nás ochránil. Že On sa bude nad nami vznášať a dodávať nám výživu a dá nám dnes náš každodenný chlieb, obojako, telesne aj duchovne, aby sme mohli mať výdatnú telesnú silu, aby sme mohli kráčať po zemi, a výdatnú moc Ducha Svätého, aby sme mohli niesť Slovo Božie k hladným ľuďom. A aby sme s Tým odtiaľto mohli odísť na našich perách a v našich srdciach, s tak čerstvým Olejom pomazania, aby sme boli schopní povedať iným o dni, v ktorom žijeme, a o stave tohto času. Bože, plne Ti dôverujeme. Nezostalo žiadne iné miesto, kam by niekto mohol ísť. Cítime to tak, ako Peter v tom dni, keď Ježiš povedal, „Či i vy chcete odísť?“
10On povedal, „Pane, kam by sme išli? Ty jediný máš Slová Večného Života.“ A to je dôvod, prečo sme sa dnes ráno zhromaždili v Tvojom Mene, pretože Ty jediný máš Slová Večného Života. A modlíme sa, aby si toto dnes pre každého z nás urobil tak skutočným, že v nás budú naše srdcia horieť, naše duše budú posilnené, naše telá uzdravené, naši duchovia uzdravení, naše duše utvorené nanovo, stvorené podľa vzoru, na ktorý nás chce Boh mať.
11Otče, modlím sa, aby si dal silu tým, ktorí stoja v tých miestnostiach a okolo stien a v predsieni a naokolo. Modlím sa, aby si im dal silu. A keď viem, že toto sa nahráva na pásku a pôjde to do mnohých rozličných národov, von do krajín a kmeňov na zemi, Bože, plne Ti dôverujeme. Len nám daj silu a Slovo a pomazanie, aby to mohlo byť presne tým spôsobom, ako to chceš Ty na túto hodinu mať. Odovzdávame sa Ti teraz, naše počúvanie, náš hlas, našu pozornosť, všetko, čím sme, Ti odovzdávame, aby si sa v nás mohol pohybovať. Pracuj cez nás a manifestuj Svoju veľkú Prítomnosť s nami. Lebo o to prosíme v Mene Ježiša, Tvojho Syna. Amen.
12Slovo „Jednota“ znamená „byť s niečím jedno: jednota, spojený (zjednotený).“ A teraz, toto je naozaj téma a zaslúži si oveľa viac pozornosti, než som schopný jej venovať, a viac, než by jej mohla byť schopná venovať ktorákoľvek osoba na zemi. Ale rád by som vám o tom vyjadril moju mienku a s tým, čo nám Boh dá. No, v tomto, to je vyučovanie náuky. A pre bratov, ktorí môžu vypočuť túto pásku, verím, že to nebude útok, ale spôsobí to, že toto vezmete veľmi rozvážne, lepšie povedané s dôkladným zvážením, že to v modlitbe preštudujete, opatrne, a odvážite to na váhach Božieho Slova, aby ste videli, či to je z Boha alebo nie.
13Lebo verím, že to je spôsob, ako by sme to mali vždy robiť: zvážiť veci so Slovom, pretože Slovo je jediná Vec, ktorá je schopná zotrvať. Ježiš povedal, „Oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie.“ Preto Tomu verím a verím, že Ono je Božím programom. Verím, že To je dokončené dielo Božie zapísané v Slove. Takže, ak by bolo čokoľvek v protiklade s týmto Slovom, nemohol by to byť Boh alebo Boží plán. Verím, že Ono je tým programom. No, Duch Boží v Slove spôsobuje, že Slovo samo žije, samé sa vyjadruje. To privádza Slovo do života ako semeno.
14No, prvý muž a prvá žena v záhrade Eden boli v dokonalej harmónii s Bohom, až tak, že Boh mohol zostúpiť dole, kedykoľvek po tom zatúžil, a hovoriť s Adamom a Evou „z úst do ucha“. No, to je dokonalá jednota: Boh a Jeho stvorenie, Boh, ktorý hovorí s Adamom a Evou „z úst do ucha“. A oni boli s Bohom v takej dokonalej harmónii, že až boli s Bohom jedno. Boh a Jeho rodina boli jedno.
15Každý muž a jeho rodina, v správnej, dobrej, ušľachtilej, poslušnej rodine drží jeden s druhým: v každej rodine. A ak tam v tej rodine je niečo, čo ich od seba oddeľuje, potom to nie je v poriadku; rodina je niekde polámaná. Oni majú byť všetci jedno: otec s matkou, matka s otcom, deti s rodičmi, rodičia s deťmi, všetci v zhode. A keď to vidíte, uvidíte jeden krásny obrázok.
16To je Boží zámer. A Jeho zámer, ako zvrchovaného Otca, bol, aby bol jedno so Svojou rodinou, zemskou rodinou, s Adamom a Evou. A jediný spôsob, ako mohli byť jedno s rodinou, či vlastne s Bohom, bol, že v nich bola Božia prirodzenosť. Tak ich to robilo s Božou prirodzenosťou v nich, potom jeden s druhým a s Bohom sa stali všetci jedno. Či to nie je nádherný obrázok, Boh vo Svojej rodine, zvrchovaný Otec nad všetkým! Žiadna smrť, žiaden smútok, žiadne žiale, nič také, iba neopísateľná radosť: nikdy nebyť nemocný, nikdy nemať žiaľ, len byť jedno s Bohom. Čo za obrázok! Pretože v týchto ľuďoch bola samotná Božia prirodzenosť. A preto, čo robili? Postupovali v jednej línii s Bohom a Boh s nimi, to spravilo, že boli jedno.
17No, Ježiš sa v 17. kapitole a 11. verši Jánovho Evanjelia modlil, pre vás, ktorí si zapisujete tieto texty nedeľnej školy. Mám ich tu dnes ráno mnoho. Ján 17:11, Ježiš sa modlil, aby Cirkev a On boli jedno, ako On a Otec boli jedno. Aby Cirkev, aby sme my, ako členovia Kristovho Tela boli spolu jedno, práve tak, ako On a Otec sú jedno. A aby sme v ten deň vedeli, že On bol v Otcovi - či Otec v Ňom a On v nás, aby sme boli spoločne jedno. Čo za spojenie, čo za jednota to bude, vidieť Boha v Jeho Cirkvi, že až každý člen je skrátka dokonale v harmónii jeden s druhým a s Bohom. To je Cirkev, pre ktorú Ježiš prichádza. Vtedy bude Jeho modlitba zodpovedaná, že budeme jedno.
18A to sú jediné základy obecenstva, aké kedy Boh položil pre Seba a Svoju Cirkev, je to jednota Jeho Samého v ľuďoch. Tu sú jediné základy obecenstva. A ten jediný spôsob, ako môžete mať tieto základy, je skrze spojenie, byť s Ním navždy zjednotení. Práve tak, ako keď sa zjednotíte so svojím manželom, žena sa zjednotí so svojím manželom, to je sľub až do smrti. No, potom, keď sa zjednotíte s Bohom, to je to isté, keď sa Cirkev zjednotila s Kristom, sme spojení až do smrti. A tak teda, ak nikdy nezhrešíte alebo neurobíte niečo zlé, budete večne zjednotení s Bohom. A jedine smrť vás môže dostať preč od Boha a nie telesná smrť, ale hriech smrti. Hriech je smrť a to vás dostáva preč od Boha. A tak, byť zjednotení s Ním v Duchu Jeho Moci je večným Životom; ste večne zjednotení s Bohom. Ó, chcem sa do toho za chvíľu dostať. Večne zjednotení s večným Bohom, dokonale s Ním v harmónii, dokonale spolu zjednotení, Cirkev, ktorá všetko, oboje, Boh a Jeho Cirkev sú jedno, zjednotení spolu.
19A ak si všimnete, ako tá Eva bola zjednotená s Adamom; ona sa stala jeho časťou. Boh, všimli ste si v Genesis 1:27, On stvoril človeka mužské a ženské pohlavie, On ich stvoril. No, človek bol oboje, mužský aj ženský, keď ide o existovanie v duchu ženskosti a mužskosti. Potom Boh z jeho boku vzal rebro. Všimli ste si, že tá telesná časť bol vedľajší produkt, ale duch nie? Tá telesná časť ženy bola vedľajším produktom; potom, keď bolo stvorenie dokončené, Boh vzal z Adamovho boku rebro a utvoril ženu. Ale nie ducha, duch bol časťou Adama, lebo on bol oboje, muž a žena, duchovne hovoriac; oboje, mužský aj ženský.
20No, či nevidíte ohromný obraz? My v tele sme odlišní. Sme ako vedľajší produkt, stvorená bytosť zo svätého manželstva. Ale v Duchu sme synmi a dcérami, nie nejaký iný duch, ale Duch živého Boha. Sme na Jeho podobu, v Jeho jednote, na dokonalý obraz živého Boha, pretože sme sa stali synmi a dcérami. Nie oddelení, ale ten istý Duch, ten istý Boh, tá istá Osoba, spojení v manželstve na večnosť. Vidíte, ako to Boh naplánoval, aby sme boli, nie iní, ale Ním! Nie nejakou inou bytosťou z nejakého iného kmeňa, ale skutočný zväzok a potomstvo Všemohúceho, učinené skrze svätý zväzok. No, telo pochádza od matky a otca, ale Duch prišiel od Boha, Boh Sám Seba rozdeľuje, ako bol rozdelený Adam.
21Na deň Letníc zisťujeme, že Duch Svätý, Stĺp Ohňa, rozdeľuje Samého Seba a sadá na každého člena tej Cirkvi: Boh dáva Samého Seba dokopy. Potom s touto skupinou ľudí, ktorí sú spolu, čo to robí? Prináša to späť zjednotené Telo Pána Ježiša. Prichádza dokopy.
22A dnes v tomto veľkom oddelení, v ktorom žijeme, denominačné rozdiely a podobné veci, čo za veľká škoda, čo za hanba.
23Spojení kde? V nebeskom manželskom zväzku s večným Bohom, ste časťou Neho, časťou Boha. V tele som sa stal Branhamom, kvôli môjmu otcovi, Branhamovi. Vy ste sa stali časťou vášho otca a matky, ale v duchu sme sa stali, v zjednotení sa s Bohom časťou Boha. Z toho dôvodu nemôže duch zomrieť. „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, má večný Život. A na obraz, aký má tu na zemi a na jeho podobu, ho v posledných dňoch vzbudím.“ Nie duchovnú bytosť, lebo my budeme mať telo ako Božie oslávené Telo, oslávené Telo Pána Ježiša, povstaneme na ten obraz.
24Ježiš povedal, keď išiel k Lazárovmu hrobu, „Ja som vzkriesenie a Život. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, aj keby bol mŕtvy, predsa bude žiť. A ktokoľvek, kto žije a verí vo Mňa, nezomrie na veky.“ „Verí vo Mňa, nie o Mne, ale vo Mňa.“ Je v Ňom, a tak verí. „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás.“ V Ňom, veríme. Ó. Dúfam, že Duch Svätý to dostáva rovno do vás. No, vy ste malé stádečko; to je dôvod, prečo som sa počas týždňa modlil a prosil Boha, zvolil som túto tému, aby som vám ukázal, kde stojíme. Veriť v Ňom, nemôžete veriť v Ňom, až kým do Neho nevojdete, alebo On nevojde do vás, potom veríte v Ňom, potom máte večný život. Veríte o Ňom až kým neprijmete večný Život, potom večný Život je Boží Život vo vás, potom veríte v Ňom.
25„Vy vo Mne a Ja vo vás, aby mohli byť jedno, Otče, ako sme Ty a Ja jedno.“ Boh v Kristovi, Kristus v Cirkvi. Rozumiete? „Tak, ako sme My jedno, tak budú oni jedno.“ Ako potom môžete byť jedno? „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás...“ Rozumiete, zostať... „Moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste, čo chcete.“ Lebo to viac nie ste vy, to je Slovo, ktoré je vo vás, a Slovo je Boh.
26No, Slovo Božie je Meč. List Hebrejom, 4.kapitola tak hovorí, list Hebrejom 4:12. No, to je Meč. A meč je úplne nečinný, ak nie je použitý pomocou ruky alebo moci. A to... Ale je potrebná ruka, aby držala meč. A ruka, ktorá je potrebná, aby držala tento Meč, je ruka viery.
27No, tá ruka viery, záleží na tom, aká je silná. Táto ruka viery môže byť silná len natoľko, aby presekla malý otvor cez temnosť a povedala, „Som spasený skrze vieru.“ To je veľké preseknutie, ale potom, ak je to silnejšie ako tá ruka, ktorá narába tým Mečom, to je všetko, čo môže vysekať. Ale ak je to silná ruka, preseká sa rovno cez všetko, čo tam diabol môže položiť, a spôsobí, že každé Božie zasľúbenie zažiari v moci Jeho vzkriesenia. Ak je to silná ruka viery, „Dni zázrakov, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,“ preseká si svoju cestu. Záleží na moci tej ruky, ktorá drží ten Meč.
28A ten Meč je veľmi ostrý. V liste Hebrejom 4 je povedané, „Je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, ktorý reže aj pri vchádzaní aj pri vychádzaní a preniká až do špiku kosti a do kĺbov a rozoznáva myšlienky srdca.“ Ide poza to telesné; preniká do duchovnej sféry a berie myšlienky srdca a zjavuje ich. Duch Boží, Slovo Božie.
29No, to Slovo tam bude sekať, ak Ním narába dostatočne silná ruka, aby Ním udrela. On nájde Svoje miesto a vyseká každé zasľúbenie a dá vám ho, ak máte len dostatočne silnú ruku, v ktorej Ho držíte. Meč, zodvihnite Ho v ruke viery! Pevne To uchopte; držte si Ho a kráčajte pred tvár nepriateľa. Ako môže ten neobrezaný nepriateľ vôbec obstáť v Prítomnosti večného Boha? A tak vezmite ten Meč Slova a každé zasľúbenie vám patrí. Zodvihnite Ho v silnej ruke viery, kráčajte vpred! Ak potrebujete uzdravenie, vysekajte ho so Slovom, „Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Ak potrebujete spasenie, každé zasľúbenie v Biblii je vaše. Ono tam leží a Satan sa ho snaží ukryť; ale vezmite ten Meč a prebite sa cez temnosť, až kým nezažiari na vašu dušu Svetlo Božie a vy budete mať zasľúbenie. On to vykoná.
30Adam bol časťou – či vlastne Eva bola časťou Adama; ona bola telo z jeho tela a kosť z jeho kosti. A to je to, čím je správne zjednotenie. To je to, čím je správne zjednotenie Cirkvi: Duch z Jeho Ducha, Slovo z Jeho Slov. Nikdy sa neodchyľuje od Slova. Skutočný, pravdivý veriaci nebude robiť kompromis na žiadnom Slove. Pamätajte, to bolo len jedno Slovo, na ktorom Eva urobila kompromis: jedno Slovo. Ale skutočný veriaci nebude robiť kompromis na žiadnom Slove. To bude držať Meč viery s – lepšie povedané vo viere, Meč Slova a nárokovať si každé Božské zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh urobil. To je ono.
31Oni boli Božími vzormi pre nás, čím máme byť, oni, stále prítomní, nikdy nezlyhávajúci. Keď hovorili, Boh odpovedal. Denne na nich dozeral. Večer, keď sa ukladali na spánok, On na nich dozeral. Cez deň ich viedol, kŕmil ich, miloval ich, zhováral sa s nimi neustále po celý čas. Oni boli na Boží obraz a Boh bol v nich. To je to, čo tvorí obecenstvo. To je to, čo tvorí jednotu; to je Boh vo Svojej Cirkvi. To je jednota. Mohlo by byť mnoho povedané, mám mnoho miest, do ktorých môžem vojsť. Zjednotení s Ním, to je večný Život. A ten jediný spôsob, ako sa s Ním môžeme zjednotiť, je pristúpiť ku každému kúsku Jeho Slova. To je pravda. Vziať každé zasľúbenie a veriť Tomu.
32No, Eva bola zjednotená, až kým neporušila jedno Slovo alebo nezapochybovala o jednom Slove, že je Pravdou. To ju oddelilo. Každé Slovo, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale skrze každé Slovo.“ Takže môžeme byť v Bohu, zjednotení, pretože Adam a Eva pred úpadkom, pred neverou v Slovo boli vzorom toho, čo my môžeme byť v Ňom. Byť s Ním zjednotený, to je Život; byť od Neho oddelený, to je smrť. No, keď dodržiavame Jeho prikázania.
33Vieme, že robíme chyby, ale nemusíte sa na to pozerať. To nie sú vaše chyby, pretože ich vždy budete mať. Ale vidíte, to je dodržiavanie Jeho pravidiel, nasledovať To, čo On povedal, že treba robiť. Zakopnutia a pády s Tým nemajú do činenia ani jednu vec. Skutočný, pravdivý služobník, ak zakopne, on sa znovu postaví. Ak sa kolíše, Boh ho tiahne rovno späť na cestu, pokiaľ koná svoje povinnosti. Ale ak je pomimo postu povinností, Boh mu nie je zaviazaný. Ale tak dlho, ako je na poste svojich povinností, Boh je mu zaviazaný, vediac, že on je len muž alebo žena. On je takej osobe zaviazaný tak dlho, ako sú na poste povinností.
34No, Cirkev je teraz zasnúbená s Kristom kvôli svadbe. Svadba sa ešte neudiala; bude to na Baránkovej svadobnej hostine. A tak vidíme, že Cirkev je teraz zasnúbená, ako je muž zasnúbený so svojou ženou. Čo robí, kým sú zasnúbení? On jej udeľuje všetky druhy vecí, posiela jej darčeky, spôsobuje, aby sa cítila dobre. No, to je to, čo robí Kristus pre Svoju Cirkev. On nám posiela dary Ducha. Ako potom môžete byť zasnúbení, keď zapierate, že tie dary existujú? To sú samotné dôkazy lásky. Je to Boží znak pre Cirkev. Ježiš tak povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“
35No, držte tieto veci v mysli. Cirkev musí veriť každému Slovu, každému zasľúbeniu, každej jote a nárokujú si To pre seba a cvičia sa v Tom. Ak by som bol zasnúbený s dievčaťom a bol by som slobodný muž a poslal by som jej niečo, zásnubný prsteň, a ona by ho nenosila, potom to ukazuje, že ona mi neverí. Ona sa nechce stať mojou nevestou. A ak Kristus posiela Svojej Cirkvi dary, ktoré zasľúbil, a oni ich odmietajú a hovoria, že to nie je tak, oni nechcú byť Kristovou Nevestou. Sú zasnúbení s nejakým iným milencom, a nie s Kristom, Ženíchom. A tak skutočná Cirkev sa drží zasľúbení, drží sa všetkého a prijíma dary, ktoré Boh posiela. V poriadku.
36No, prvé ľudské bytosti sa oddelili od obecenstva, v ktorom verili Bohu, tým, že spochybnili Jeho Slovo a počúvali diablove klamstvo. No, to je prvá vec, ktorá rozdelila túto nádhernú jednotu. Hľaďte teraz, Adam a Eva v pozícii, kde nikdy nemali zomrieť, v pozícii, kde nikdy nemali zostarnúť, nikdy nemali byť chorí, nikdy nemali mať trápenie.
37Poviete, „Istotne by som si prial, aby som mohol na tom tak byť.“ Dovoľte mi... Mám pre vás novinku; ste v takej istej pozícii. Boh umiestňuje do toho každé stvorenie na zemi, do tej istej pozície.
38Aká bola dohoda? „Ak budete zachovávať Moje Slovo! Ak, Moje Slovo, ak Ho budete zachovávať, veriť Mu a konať podľa Neho!“ Ale hneď, ako Eva zapochybovala, odobrala jedno Slovo z Toho, čo Boh povedal, to rozlámalo obecenstvo v tej veľkolepej jednote. A v tej minúte, kedy cirkev neverí ktorémukoľvek jednému Slovu z Božej Biblie a umiestňuje To niekam inam, potom rozlamujú to nádherné obecenstvo, ktoré je im ponúkané, a sú oddelení. Akonáhle to urobila, v jej ľudskej bytosti sa usadila smrť, nielen v jej ľudskej, ale aj v jej duchovnej bytosti. V tej minúte, keď vyjadrila pochybnosť, rozlámala vzťah s Bohom. A žiaden človek nemôže uveriť... Tu to je. Žiaden muž, žiadna žena nemôžu uveriť diablovej lži skôr, až kým prv nezačnú pochybovať o Božej Pravde. Nikto nemôže uveriť diablovej lži skôr, až kým prv nezačne pochybovať o Božej Pravde. A tak, vidíte Evu, Adama, kde nás to dnes ráno stavia.
39Teraz sa vážne zamyslime, pretože po tomto sa už viac nebudeme môcť zamyslieť, potom, keď tento smrteľný život skončí. Teraz je čas vášho zamýšľania. Nemôžete si vybrať po tomto; musíte si vybrať teraz, lebo toto je deň výberu, keď robíte svoje rozhodnutie. No ona... Jedno Slovo, nie celé Desatoro, iba jedno Slovo, ona spochybnila Boha, pretože jej to bolo predstavené v takom svetle, že to Slovo bolo diskutabilné. Božie Slovo nemôže byť spochybňované; On myslel presne to, čo povedal. Ale ona o Tom pochybovala, pretože tak jej to bolo predstavené, „Ó, Boh to istotne tak nemyslel.“ Ale On to tak myslel. Boh tak myslí každé Slovo, ktoré hovorí. A Ono nepotrebuje žiaden osobný výklad. Je to presne tak, ako To povedal.
40Dobre, poviete, „Ako vieš o Biblii, že je v poriadku?“ Verím, že môj Boh sprevádzal túto Bibliu; On stráži Svoje Slovo. On vedel, že v posledných dňoch povstanú ateisti a neveriaci, tak Naň dával pozor. Toto je presne tak, ako To Boh myslel. Takýmto spôsobom je To teraz pre nás. No, musíme Tomu veriť. Stačí z Neho odobrať jedno Slovo a strácame naše obecenstvo, odchádzame do smrti, večného oddelenia od Boha, práve tak, ako to urobili Adam a Eva. Musíme veriť Božej Pravde.
41Dovoľte mi znova to objasniť. Nepochybujte o žiadnom Slove v Božej Biblii. Ale nehovorte len, „Áno, verím Tomu.“ Hovoríte „ale“? Nie, tam nie je žiadne „ale“. Keď Tomu veríte, tak To prijmete. Ak To kladiete nabok a hovoríte, „No, moja cirkev Tomu takto neverí,“ potom neveríte, že To je Božie Slovo, a kráčate preč pod takým istým odsúdením, pod akým odišla Eva. Oddelili ste sa od Večného, zatiaľ čo ste mali šancu byť s Ním zjednotení. No, pamätajte, To nemôže byť spochybnené, pretože to bolo jedno Slovo, ktoré..., v Božom Slove.
42A teraz, ak tam mal Boh len zopár Slov, ktoré museli ľudia poslúchať, a z tých pár Slov, keď jedno z nich bolo zle vyložené, spôsobilo smrť. Pozrite sa na Slová, ktoré máme dnes! Rozumiete? Musíme prijať každé jedno z nich, držať sa ich a vojsť do nich, ako do zasľúbení od Boha. A pravá manželka Boha to bude robiť, tá skutočne zadaná, zasnúbená. No, dúfam, že tieto malé veci idú teraz hlboko dole, a tak ich môžeme uchytiť.
43Čo bola tá prvá vec, ktorá spôsobila, že Eva neverila Božiemu Slovu? Bolo to kvôli tomu, že Satan jej zasľúbil viac múdrosti, „Budete múdri.“ No, vidíte, ľudská rasa sa stále po niečom naťahuje. A Eva sa naťahovala po väčšej múdrosti.
44No, zastavme sa len na chvíľu. Nie je to stav dnešného sveta? Chcú viac múdrosti, lepšie triedy, vyššie vzdelané, chcú niečo, čo je odlišné, väčšiu múdrosť. To je to, čo chcela Eva. Ale dovoľte mi povedať tiež toto; neexistuje žiadna múdrosť, ktorá môže prevýšiť tú Božiu, a jednako je to v tak pokornej forme, že to ľudia míňajú.
45Satan, ako som mnohokrát hovoril, on sa leskne, ale Evanjelium žiari. Ó, tam je celkom rozdiel medzi lesknutím a žiarením. Hollywood sa leskne, ale Cirkev žiari s mocou a láskou Božou. Hollywood sa leskne: To je veľký rozdiel medzi lesknutím a žiarením. Nechceme sa lesknúť. My chceme žiariť.
46Dnes... Je veľmi zlé pomyslieť na to. Ale cirkvi sa snažia opierať o svoje vlastné porozumenie tak isto, ako to urobila Eva. Ona si myslela, pretože jej to bolo tak predstavené, vyzeralo to tak skutočne. Ó, neprehliadnite to. Vyzeralo to tak skutočne, niečo, čo by mohlo byť pridané do Toho, čo Boh povedal. Vyzeralo to tak, že bude mať niečo, že Boh jej nepovedal presne, ako ďaleko môže ísť. Boh jej nedal hraničnú čiaru, ako ju ustanovil moru a ono ju nemôže prekročiť, pretože mesiac na to dáva pozor. Ona si myslela, že Satan má niečo v hlave, ako to hovorievame, že stále bude môcť byť v jednote s Bohom a ešte bude bystrejšia, bude mať lepšie vzdelanie. Ale Boh jej dal presne toľko, koľko potrebovala.
47A On dal Cirkvi to isté. To nie je skomolenina zo seminára alebo niečo, čo povedia alebo prekrútia na biblickej škole. Ale to je presne to, čo je napísané, a TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Nemôžete To zmeniť. Ale cirkvi sa opierajú o svoje vlastné porozumenie. Oni si myslia, že to je možno... že to je niečo, čo stojí na nich, a to klame.
48Musím sa tu na chvíľu zastaviť. Celý svet je založený na tom. Celá ekonómia tohto národa je založená na falošnej predstave. Poviem vám o sebe krátky vtip; nie je to vtip. Ale viete, všetci z nás milujeme svoje manželky, alebo by sme mali. A pred nejakým časom som sa tu na západe díval na program, bolo to dávno, asi pred tromi rokmi. A v mojej izbe, raz ráno, keď som vstal, a v tej izbe bol televízor. A pomyslel som si, „Vyzerá, že bude zlé počasie.“ A pomyslel som si, „No, o ôsmej majú mať správy.“ Mal som malú príručku; tam písali, o koľkej sú správy.
49Zapol som správy a keď som počúval správy, potom som si všimol, že uprostred spravodajstva to stopli, aby urobili reklamu nejakému tovaru, nejakému čistiacemu prostriedku. A povedali, „Nemusíte viac umývať váš riad, dámy. Jediná vec, ktorú urobíte, je, že ho strčíte rovno do vody a necháte ho tam pár minút vložený, vytiahnete ho a položíte ho na odkvapkávaciu dosku; všetko je umyté.“
50Pomyslel som si, „Keď prídem domov, budem hrdina.“ Zapísal som si, ako sa to volá, tento určitý výrobok. Povedal som si, „Poviem mojej žene, 'Pozri sa, čo dokážem.'“
51 A tak som šiel a kúpil som fľaštičku toho prostriedku a vystriekal som to všetko do vody, povedal som jej, že to za ňu poumývam a ona nech pokračuje v upratovaní domu. Tak som vzal detské taniere a zmietol som z nich omrvinky, a tak ďalej, boli polepené od vajca a vložil som ich do vody a pár minút som to tam nechal, vybral som ich von a položil tam. Bolo na nich presne toľko vajca, ako keď som ich tam vložil. Vidíte, stratil som... Moja žena vo mňa vtedy stratila dôveru.
52Vidíte, prečo národ, prečo tieto – tento národ dovoľuje, aby boli ľudia oklamaní? To by nemalo byť dovolené, aby to takto vraveli. To by malo byť protizákonné. Ako moderná reklama na cigarety, čo za hanba, „S plnou záťažou a bez kašľa“ a všetko také. No, to by nemalo byť dovolené. Čo to robí? Klame. V každej jednej z nich je smrť. V pití whisky je smrť: znásilnenie, vražda, šialenstvo, vo fľaške. Ale jednako sme dovolili, aby sa to umiestnilo do našich programov a reklamovalo sa to ako, „Takúto pil dedo. Viac radosti zo života“, určité druhy pivových nápojov a alkoholu. Čo to je? To je klamanie. To je kladenie niečoho pred verejnosť, aby sa tým sami zabili. A my sme povolili, aby to robili.
53A dovoľte, že to vezmem z druhej strany. A cirkvi skrze ľuďmi vytvorené dogmy, ľuďmi vytvorené vyznania predstavujú ľuďom niečo veľké, a oni za tým idú, a to je smrť. Žiadna cirkev neočistí vašu dušu. Žiadne vyznanie nedokáže očistiť vašu dušu. Vašu dušu môže očistiť iba Krv Ježiša Krista, Boží liek, On je podložený. Tak to je skrátka falošné, ale ľudia sa spoliehajú na porozumenie múdrych a skrze to zomierajú. A dnes sa ľudia spoliehajú na porozumenie vyznaní a denominácií a milióny končia svoju cestu ako prasatá na bitúnku, v bezodnej jame pekla. Čo za hanba. Máme zakázané spoliehať sa na naše vlastné porozumenia. Nemôžeme sa o to pokúšať.
54Poviete, „Nemala by byť rada ľudí schopnejšia o tom povedať viac než jedna osoba?“ Nie, ak tá jedna osoba hovorí Slovo Božie. Raz tam bolo štyristo prorokov, ktorí vystúpili pred dvoch kráľov a spoliehali sa na svoje vlastné porozumenie. Ale bol tam jeden, ktorý zostal so Slovom Božím a dokázalo sa, že mal pravdu: Micheáš. To záleží na tom, či to je Slovo Božie. Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade so Slovom, je zlé, smeruje do smrti. Žiadna múdrosť nemôže prevýšiť Božiu múdrosť. On je najchytrejší zo všetkých chytrých. On je Fontána. On je jediný zdroj múdrosti. Každé ľudské slovo je bláznovstvom a klamstvom, okrem Božieho, ak je v protiklade s Božím Slovom. No, ak ten človek hovorí Božie Slovo, potom to už viac nie je ľudské slovo; to je Božie Slovo. Rozumiete, nie je to ľudské porozumenie.
55Satan vám nasľubuje všetky rôzne zasľúbenia, ale nemá nič, čo by vám mohol dať, pretože nič nemá. On nemá žiadne spasenie. Čo je Satan? Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade so Slovom. On nemá spasenie. On nemá Svetlo. Jeho kráľovstvom je tma; koniec toho je smrť. Tma a smrť je Satanovým kráľovstvom. „Brat Branham, zopakuj to znova. Čo je Satanove kráľovstvo?“ Všetko, čo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím.
56No, to seká, ale je čas osekávania. Rozumiete? Vetva, strom, ak bude niesť ovocie, musí byť orezaný. Je čas.
57Všetko, čo je v protiklade s Božími nariadeniami, so Slovom Božím, nie je Boh. Čo to je? Čo je hriech? Prevrátená spravodlivosť. Čo je smrť? Prevrátený život. Čo je kráľovstvo Satana? Čokoľvek, čo ustanovuje niečo, čo zaujíma miesto Slova, čokoľvek, akékoľvek učenie. Jedno slovo, len jedno slovo. Môžete veriť každý kúsok. Eva verila každému kúsku z Toho, až na to jedno Slovo. To jedno Slovo úplne stačilo, že neverila. To jedno Slovo úplne postačí ku tomu, že nebudeš veriť.
58No, poďme sa na to pozrieť. Jediný spôsob, ako zostať v Božskom obecenstve, bol zachovať to Slovo. Boh povedal, „Budeš robiť toto. Toto nebudeš robiť. Budeš robiť toto a môžeš robiť toto a robiť toto. Ale toto nerob.“ No, ona neposlúchla len jeden maličký kúsok prikázania a to odštartovalo celú tú vec. Každé hladné dieťa, ktoré kedy bolo na svete, bolo tu preto, že ona toto urobila. Spôsobila každú smrteľnú bolesť, každý smútok, každý žiaľ. Práve vtedy to spôsobila. Čo za strašná vec; neveriť Božiemu Slovu. Každá osoba, ktorá vzdychá v bolestiach každej smrti, ktorá kedy bola alebo bude, ona to práve vtedy spôsobila. Každé malé nemanželské dieťa, ona to práve vtedy spôsobila, každé dieťa narodené pod – mimo manželstva. Každý hriech, ktorý bol kedy spáchaný, ona to zapríčinila práve tam, tým, že dovtedy zachovávala každé Slovo; až tu na to jedno malé miesto, nad ktorým uvažovala. Ona jednoducho... Ona to neignorovala. Poznala to, ale skrátka – bola uvedená do pokušenia, aby urobila niečo lepšie, pretože jej bolo zasľúbené, že budú ľuďmi na vyššej úrovni, že budú mať lepšiu múdrosť, že budú o Tom vedieť viac, ak to urobí. „Naši kazatelia majú lepšie vzdelanie. Máme vyššiu úroveň.“
59Na svete nie sú žiadni ľudia na vyššej úrovni ako tí, ktorí zachovávajú Božie Slovo. To sú tí najlepší. To je jediná kategória, na ktorú sa Boh díva. Len chvíľu a možno nám Boh dovolí do toho vojsť.
60Jeho kráľovstvo nemôže zasľúbiť nič, len smrť. To je všetko, čo má. On je autorom smrti. Môže zasľúbiť lži, pretože on je otcom lží. Nemôže vám dať Život. Nemôže vám dať nebo, nemá žiadne nebo, ktoré by vám mohol dať.
61Zamyslite sa nad tým! Jedno slovo, ktoré spôsobuje, že neveríte Bohu, tým, že počúvate zasľúbenie diabla alebo jeho mašinérie, jedno slovo vás posiela do trápenia. Takto to začalo. A ak Boh vo Svojom milosrdenstve, akým On je, poslal na zem túto masu pekla a to prinieslo malé hladujúce deti, všetky druhy utrpení, ľudí umierajúcich hladom a smrť na zemi, kvôli jednému slovu na začiatku. Či to nemohol prehliadnuť a zachovať svet od toho, aby nemal celú túto masu utrpenia? Či to nemohol urobiť? Potom, ak vtedy neprepáčil jedno Slovo, a vedel, že takéto budú dôsledky, o koľko viac neprepáči jedno Slovo tam, keď budú trpieť sami tí jednotlivci, ktorí neveria. Premýšľajte o tom; to je strašná vec.
62No, keď Adam a Eva počúvli diablovu lož, ten svätý obraz Boží ich opustil, ich obecenstvo s Bohom bolo rozbité. Ich obecenstvo jednoty s Bohom bolo rozbité. V tej minúte, keď počúvli diablovu lož, to rozbilo ich obecenstvo. A v tej minúte, keď vy počúvnete diablovu lož, to rozbije vaše obecenstvo. To je práve tá minúta, kedy vy odchádzate z Prítomnosti Božej, ako to urobila ona, to je vtedy, keď nevezmete Božie Slovo presne tak, ako Ono je.
63Pozrite sa teraz, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Všetci vieme, že existuje Boh. A ak je Boh so Svojím Slovom taký bezchybný a taký rezolútny, že bude súdiť ľudí podľa Svojho Slova, potom musí niekde zachovať Slovo, podľa ktorého bude súdiť ľudí. Táto Biblia je Tým. Nezabúdajte na to. Biblia je Tým, podľa čoho bude Boh súdiť ľudí, lebo Ona hovorí v Zjavení 22, „Ten, kto z Nej odoberie jedno Slovo alebo pridá do Nej jedno slovo.“
64Vidíte, nie len hovoriť, „No, chodím do zboru. Verím. Verím v Boha.“ No, každý diabol v pekle v Neho verí. Každý z nich je nábožný, každý jeden.
65Ale stačí len jedno slovo; a to hneď tam rozbíja obecenstvo. Reťaz nie je silnejšia ako jej najslabší článok. Čím väčšia je vaša slabosť v nevere v Božie Slovo; to je miesto, kde chcete vložiť nový článok, silný, ktorý má to ostatné z toho. Ak veríte, že Ježiš Kristus zachraňuje; potom tam musíte vložiť článok, ktorý verí, že On uzdravuje. Ak veríte, že On bol, musíte veriť, že On je. Haleluja. Ak veríte, že On bol a v neistote premýšľate, či On je, ten článok sa roztrhne, potom ste stratení. Rozumiete, čo tým myslím? Je to ostré, je to tvrdé, ale je to Pravda. Musíte Mu veriť, každému Slovu, všetkému, čo povedal.
66No, poviete, „No, brat Branham, čo s týmito denomináciami?“ No, teraz počúvajte. Ak sú s týmto Slovom, v poriadku. Ale ak zapierajú to Slovo, potom to nie je v poriadku; to je znova diabol. Rozumiete?
67„Čo s touto takou-a-takou cirkvou?“ Neviem, čo s tou cirkvou. Jediná vec, o ktorej viem, je toto Slovo. No, ako budete veriť cirkvi, keď je 900 a niečo rôznych denominácií a každá jedna hovorí, „Naša denominácia má presne pravdu“?
68No, kam by ste chceli ísť? Musíte niečomu veriť. No, poviete, „Verím Metodistom, Baptistom, Presbyteriánom, Luteránom, Letničným, Katolíkom,“ čokoľvek to je. Vy veríte tej organizácii a ak je ona v protiklade so Slovom, robíte to isté, čo urobila Eva. Presne tak. Robíte presne to isté, čo urobila ona, beriete Božie Slovo a robíte...
69„No, sem chodí lepšia trieda ľudí. Je to väčšia budova. Oni sú chytrejší ľudia.“ To s tým nemá nič spoločné. Satan bol omnoho chytrejší ako Eva. Ona ani nebola v obraze. Ale ona nemala byť chytrá; ona mala byť poslušná. My nemáme byť chytrí. Ježiš povedal, že deti tohto sveta alebo kráľovstvá tohto sveta sú omnoho chytrejšie, deti temnoty, ako deti Svetla. Sme prirovnaní k ovciam. Ovce sa ani nedokážu sami viesť; oni musia mať pastiera. Boh nás nechce chytrých, On chce, aby sme sa spoliehali na Jeho rozumnosť (Amen.), len tam, kam On vedie. Amen. Vidíte ten obraz? Nespoliehajte sa na vašu vlastnú rozumnosť. Príslovia 5:3. Nespoliehajte sa na vašu vlastnú rozumnosť, spoliehajte sa na Jeho rozumnosť. Nezáleží na tom, ako protichodne to vyzerá a aké veľké vyzerajú tie jasné svetlá tu vonku, nevenujte tomu žiadnu pozornosť. Len spoliehajte na Jeho rozumnosť, čo On povedal, to je Pravda.
70No, jednota v obecenstve medzi Bohom a Jeho deťmi bola rozbitá v tej minúte, keď neuverila jednému malému odstavcu, jednému malému Božiemu Slovu. Každý, kto to chápe, povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen!“ – pozn.prekl.] Nie Biblii; poviete, „Vôbec neverím Biblii. Verím polovicu z Nej.“ Ona musela veriť všetkému z Toho, každému kúsku.
71Nie len to, ale zostala rozbitá aj jednota medzi manželom a manželkou. Neverím, že nejaké manželstvo môže byť tým, čím má byť, bez jednoty medzi manželom, manželkou a Bohom. To je pravda. Oni privedú na svet deti a urobia z nich nemanželské deti, dajú im cigarety, whisky, hrajú karty pred ich očami, pijú pred nimi alkohol. Nezáleží na tom, ako sú verní svojim manželským sľubom, to je sexuálne; to je telesné. Ale tam vnútri je duch, ten duch hriešneho otca a mamy. Nezáleží na tom, akí sú oddaní svojim deťom, vyjde to na zlé.
72No, poviete, „Poznám mužov a ženy, ktorí to svoje deti neučia a neboli Kresťanmi.“ Práve to, že ich nevedú ku Kristovi, bola tá najhoršia vec, ktorú kedy mohli okrem iných urobiť: neviesť ich ku Kristovi. Rozumiete? Tak bez toho nemôžete mať správnu jednotu. Obecenstvo je rozbité.
73Potom, akonáhle bolo rozbité obecenstvo medzi Adamom a Evou... Akonáhle bolo rozbité ich obecenstvo medzi Bohom a nimi, potom bolo rozbité ich obecenstvo medzi nimi navzájom.
74Počúvajte! Kedykoľvek zbor rozbíja svoje obecenstvo, aby sa dostal do organizácie, obecenstvo veriacich je rozbité. Máme veriť jedným srdcom, jednou mysľou a byť v súlade. To je stav, v ktorom boli predtým, ako vôbec bola utvorená jednota na deň Letníc; jedno srdce, jedna myseľ a v súlade. A keď vrháte cirkev do organizácie, budete v tom mať všetky druhy úlomkov. Pretože niektoré z tých detí v tom budú veriť v Boha; budú sa držať veci, ktorá je správna; a ostatní pôjdu iným smerom. Takže nemáte žiadne obecenstvo. Áno.
75Čo? Jej myslenie sa zmenilo. Ó, áno, jej myslenie sa zmenilo. Jej obecenstvo s jej manželom nebolo v poriadku. Začali hádzať vinu jeden na druhého. Vidíte? Jej myslenie sa skutočne zmenilo. Prečo? Mala v sebe život diabla. Presne tak. Akonáhle neuverila Božiemu Slovu, prijala život diabla, pretože prijala jeho náuku.
76Môžem to rovno tu silno zdôrazniť, ale je to na páske. Som si istý, že rozumiete, zbor.
77Ona neuverila Božiemu Slovu a to ju odlúčilo od Boha, pretože hneď potom v nej bol život diabla. Ona uverila jeho lži, povedal, „Toto ovocie je dobré.“ A jedla to ovocie spolu s ním. Je to tak.
78Nezadržím to. Jednako to poviem. Skrátka nemôžem... Raz v Kalifornii; mal som na mysli v Arizone, vyučoval som v zbore. Nikdy som pod inšpiráciou nepovedal nič, čo by som kedy musel vziať späť. Prišlo za mnou tak mnoho kazateľov ohľadom semena Satana, semena hada. Ohľadne ženy, že to bolo jedenie jablka. Och. No, Kain si myslel to isté; on priniesol ovocie z poľa. Vidíte? To nebolo jablko. Ako to, že si uvedomila, že bola nahá? Prebrali sme to. V skutočnosti to bol sexuálny pomer. Istotne to tak bolo; ona si uvedomila, že bola nahá. A ona mala dieťa s hadom, ktorý nebol plazom; on bol najchytrejší zo všetkých poľných zvierat. Bol tým ďalším tvorom po človeku. Človek môže nájsť opice a šimpanzy, a tak ďalej, ale nedokážu nájsť ten článok, ktorý spája človeka a zviera dohromady. Tu on je. Boh ho preklial tak ďaleko, že sa nemôže vrátiť späť, je to tak, za ten zlý skutok, ktorý spáchal. On bol tým jediným semenom, ktoré sa mohlo zmiešať.
79No, raz som stál a kázal, bola tam v mojom obecenstve skupina Katolíkov a povedal som, „Vy, Katolíci, ktorí nazývate Ježiša, alebo lepšie povedané nazývate Máriu matkou Božou, ako môže mať Boh matku, keď je večný? On nemôže mať matku. Ježiš ani nemal nič do činenia s Máriou, ale On bol len... Ona bola inkubátor, ktorý Ho vynosil.“
80No, oni vždy verili a ja sám som mal pred rokmi o tom predstavu, že nepoškvrnené počatie bolo, že Boh ju zatienil a vložil tam do vnútra krvnú bunku, ale vajíčko prišlo od ženy. Ak to vajíčko prišlo od ženy, musela tam prísť senzácia, aby priviedla to vajíčko cez trubicu do maternice. Vidíte, čo robíte s Bohom? Snažíte sa Ho zapliesť do tej sexuálnej nečistoty. Boh, ktorý stvoril tú krvnú bunku, stvoril tiež i vajíčko. Doktor, tam musí byť oboje, mužský i ženský peľ. Je to tak.
81Tak teda, ak táto žena vyprodukovala vajíčko, ako mohol potom Dávid povedať, „Nenechám Môjmu Svätému vidieť porušenie, ani nezanechám Jeho duši v pekle“? Potom, ak v Kristovi bolo ženské vajíčko, potom tá osoba má niečo do činenia s Jeho časťou vo vzkriesení, keď to celé kompletne činí Boh. Prečo by Boh vzkriesil sexuálnu časť človeka? Vo vzkriesení, prečo nenechal Jeho telu vidieť porušenie? Pretože On bol Svätý. A ako by mohol byť Svätý, ak by bol počatý od Márie, a ten peľ by prišiel od Márie, vajíčko by prišlo dole cez trubicu do maternice? Musela by tam byť nejaká senzácia, aby priviedla to vajíčko dolu. Potom by tá žena bola...
82No, poviete, „To vajíčko tam mohlo ležať. Mohlo by to byť možné.“ Ale to, ak áno, potom sa pozrite, čo sa tu deje, potom On nebol úplným Bohom. On nebol Bohom, vzhľadom na to, že bol človekom. Ale potom, v prípade, že to tak bolo, žena v tom mala nejaký diel. A skutočné semeno, ktoré prišlo z Márie, ktoré prišlo z jej matky a jej matky a jej matky, v tom bolo pomiešané niečo ľudské, s ľudskou túžbou. Nemohlo to tak byť. Nie veru. Povedal som, „On... ona bola iba...“
83Práve tak, ako keď vezmete orlicu a necháte ju zniesť vajce a vložíte ho pod sliepku; tá sliepka vysedí to vajce; ona je iba inkubátor. Ale tam nie je ani smietka z toho orla, to je sliepka. Nie veru. Sliepka bola... Mohli by ste priviazať šteňa hore na to vtáčie vajce a to by vysedelo vtáka, to šteňa. To je tá teplota tela, ktorá spôsobí vyliahnutie toho vajca.
84A to je to isté, ako to je s Ježišom. Mária bola len inkubátor. Boh ju použil, ako to robí s každou inou ženou. Ona bola panna, nemala žiadne deti. On vošiel do panenského lona, ale Boh Stvoriteľ stvoril oboje, vajíčko i zárodok: stvoril to. A preto to bolo nepoškvrnené počatie.
85Keď som vyšiel, samozrejme, viete, tí bratia na mňa čakali. Povedali, „Brat Branham, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Pomýlil si sa. No, chytili sme ťa.“
Povedal som, „V poriadku, to je to, čo chcem, byť chytený.“
86A povedal, „Pomýlil si sa, keď si toto povedal, keď si kázal semeno hada. No, povedal si, že to vajíčko patrilo... že Boh to stvoril, to vajíčko. Čo sa stalo, my sme našli, že tu v Genesis, v 3. kapitole, Boh povedal Márii, 'Položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvojím semenom a hadovým semenom.'“
87Pomyslel som si, „Ó.“ Nikdy vo svojom živote som pod inšpiráciou nekázal nič, čo by som musel vziať späť, pretože som sa nespoliehal na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. A ak je moje porozumenie v protiklade s Božím Slovom, potom sú moje porozumenia nesprávne. To musí byť Božie Slovo. Ak nie je, nechajte to tak; nie je to v poriadku. Ale teraz to treba rozbúrať. V mojom srdci som povedal, „Nebeský Otče, pomôž mi. Neviem, čo tu mám robiť. Ten muž má Písmo; ukazuje na to svojím prstom, 'Položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvojím smenom a hadovým semenom.'“
88No, tu to je. Duch Svätý zavanul nado mnou. Verím, že Ten istý, ktorý mohol zatieniť Máriu, ktorý mohol stvoriť, On tiež môže vložiť Slovo do tvojich úst. Denne závisím na Ňom. A to je vždy Jeho Slovo. On nemôže povedať niečo, čo je v protiklade s Jeho Slovom. Potom, ak tvrdíte, že ste pomazaní a kážete proti Pravdám Božím, potom to nie je pomazanie Ducha Svätého. Pretože, keď vás zatieni Duch Svätý, On prináša tú istú vec, pretože To je Slovo.
89Počúvajte. Čo sa stalo? Povedal som, „V poriadku, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Žena nemá žiadne vajíčko. Ona nemá žiadne semeno. On teraz hovoril, On nepovedal vajíčko; On povedal, 'tvojím semenom.' A ona nemá žiadne semeno.“
90Je potrebné spojenie, aby sa vytvorilo semeno. Je to tak, doktor? Musí to tak byť. Ak tu vonku máte veľké množstvo dužiny, nemali ste v tom žiaden život a zasadili ste to tu vonku, to by nikdy nevyrástlo, ležalo by to tam a zhnilo. A nemôžete zasadiť život bez toho, aby ste mali dužinu. A tak, vidíte, celá tá vec je spojenie. Snažím sa vám teraz hovoriť o Kristovi a Cirkvi. To je spojenie. Viete, ak samotná žena je semenom, potom nepotrebuje mužské pohlavie, môže sama mať svoje dieťa. Ale ona nemôže byť – nemôže mať dieťa, kým nebola s mužom, pretože to vyžaduje dvoch spolu, aby sa vytvorilo semeno. Je to tak? Zasaďte semeno, ktoré v sebe nemá žiaden život, a dívajte sa, čo sa bude diať.
91Ako tu hovorili o tej žene, že porodila tie psy. Vidíte, to nemôže žiť. Nemôže, pretože (Rozumiete?) ten peľ sa nezmieša.
92No, všimnite si teraz toto. Žena nebola semenom. A preto On povedal, „Položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvojím semenom a hadovým semenom.“ Hovorí jej, že On Sám sa chystá dať jej Semeno, nie skrze pohlavný styk, sexuálne. On v nej išiel stvoriť Semeno. No, poviete, „Bolo to Jeho Semeno?“ Áno. Potom, keď jej ho dal, patrilo Márii. Toto je moje oko; On mi ho dal. Je to moje oko, ale On mi ho dal. Toto je moja ruka; On mi ju dal. Toto je môj hlas, ale On mi ho dal. Rozumiete? A Semeno, ktoré bolo v Márii, nemalo s Máriou nič spoločné. To bolo niečo, čo urobil Sám Boh.
93A tak, semeno, ktoré v nej potom bolo, bolo zjednotením z nezákonného aktu, čo bola smrť. Ona bola už tehotná z hadovho semena, pretože žila s... A ona sa otočila a povedala, ona sama, „Had ma zviedol.“ Presne tak. A hneď na to prišiel Kain.
94Ó, vieme, že ona povedala, že nadobudla dieťa od Boha. Iste, každé dieťa, ktoré sa narodí, nemanželsky či akokoľvek inak, musí prísť Božím pričinením. On je ten jediný, ktorý môže vytvoriť život. Istotne. Je to tak.
95Vidíte, ona už mala byť matkou. A to nikdy... jediné, čo to urobilo, že to vyjasnilo tú vec o semene hada. „Semeno, ktoré je teraz v tebe, je skrze počatie, skrze tvoj nezákonný skutok proti Môjmu Slovu, s touto vecou, ktorá tu je, a ty máš teraz hadovo semeno. Ale Ja ti dám Semeno skrze nepoškvrnené počatie a Jeho Semeno rozdrtí hadovu hlavu a jeho hlava rozdrtí pätu.“ Amen. Len nech to má Boh; ak to je Jeho Slovo, On to vykoná.
96To je dôvod, prečo musíte byť v jednote s Bohom. To je dôvod, prečo Peter na deň Letníc povedal, potom, ako Ježiš povedal, „Krstite ich v Mene Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha,“ Peter sa otočil a povedal, „Krstite ich v Mene Ježiša Krista,“ pretože Meno Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha je Pán Ježiš Kristus. Vidíte to? Je potrebná jednota.
97Pavol nikdy nevidel Petra, ale ten istý Duch Svätý v rovnakej jednote (Sláva.) spôsobil, že povedal to isté. „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého odvtedy, čo ste uverili?“
On povedal, „Neviem, či také niečo je.“
Povedal, „Ako ste boli pokrstení?“
On povedal, „Na Jána.“
98Povedal, „Musíte byť znova pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista.“ A oni prijali Ducha Svätého.
99Čo to bolo? Jednota. Hovorili to isté, čo hovorí Boh. A to je vyznanie. „Vyznať“ znamená „hovoriť to isté.“ A On je Veľkňazom nášho vyznania, aby konal na základe toho, čo On povedal. My hovoríme, že To je Pravda, a On na základe toho koná. Ó. Tak vidíte. Tu máme to počatie.
100No, sledujte, ako ona – jej jednota medzi ňou a jej manželom zostala rozlámaná. Vidíte, okamžite, akonáhle Boh povedal, „Adam, ako si to mohol urobiť?“ Namiesto toho, aby sa zastal svojej manželky, on to hodil na svoju manželku. „Žena, ktorú si mi dal.“ Rozbitá jednota. Vidíte?
101Čo urobila ona? Namiesto toho, aby milovala svojho manžela a povedala pravdu, ona zaklamala. Ona – ona mala povedať, „On je nevinný; ja som mu to dala.“ Amen. Biblia povedala, „Ona dala svojmu manželovi.“ Ona mala povedať, „Muž je nevinný. Ja som mu dala a potom jedol, ale ja som bola tá, ktorá mu to dala.“ Namiesto toho to hodila na hada, na to najbližšie, na čo sa mohla vyhovoriť.
102To je to isté, čo sa snažia robiť dnes. Rozumiete? Manžel, manželka, jednota zostala rozlámaná. Manžel a manželka, obecenstvo medzi nimi bolo rozbité; ich jednota bola rozbitá; jednota medzi nimi a Bohom zostala rozlámaná. Všetko bolo zničené. Prečo? Kvôli pochybnosti v jedno Slovo. Ó, brat! Áno, ona mala povedať pravdu. Jednota medzi ňou a jej manželom bola preč a jednota medzi nimi a Bohom bola tiež preč. A s každou cirkvou, ktorá neberie všetko z Božieho Slova, sa stane to isté. Milujem To, a vy?
103Sledujte jej prvorodeného Kaina, vrah, klamár, zvodca, závistlivý, žiarlivý na svojho brata. Jeho brat zachovával prikázanie Božie; Boh učinil zmierenie skrze zabitie obete a obetoval to za nich. Sledujte teraz tú nevedomosť toho, Satana, snaží sa niečo nahradiť. Boh, Biblia povedala, že šiel a urobil im zástery z koží; aby získal kože, niečo zomrelo. Adam sa sám snažil urobiť si nejaké zástery z figových listov. To nemohlo fungovať, rastlinný život. Život, pohybujúci sa život, musel zomrieť. A tak, On zabil nižšiu formu života a hovorí v tom, že, „Jedného dňa bude za vás daný Môj vlastný Život, skutočný Život, ktorý vás znova pritiahne do tejto jednoty.“ No, za pár minút sa do toho dostaneme, ak Boh dá. „Vidíte, tu je život baránka. No, omotajte si to okolo seba a skryte svoju nahotu.“ „Nesmiete jesť jablká?“ Nezmysel! Vidíte? „Omotajte si okolo seba tieto kože.“ On niečo musel zabiť.
104A Satanov syn... oni neprišli tak, ako to on chcel. Akokoľvek to chcete povedať, ale to bol Satanov syn, pretože tento pravý Adamov pôvod z Boha nemohol priniesť niečo také. Všimnite si potom Satanovho syna, ako sa snažil učiniť zmierenie, prišiel naspäť s tým istým, čo hovorí mnoho ľudí i dnes, s hŕstkou jabĺk a ovocia zeme, aby to obetoval ako zmierenie, ako protilátku.
105A čo urobil spravodlivý Ábel? On vedel, že to nebola žiadna taká vec ako jedenie jabĺk. To bola krv jeho matky a otca, Adamov život. A tak priniesol baránka, presne tak, ako to urobil Boh. Haleluja. On zachovával Slovo Božie a Kain mu závidel.
106Rovnako ako dnes. Poďte do tej krvavej obete, do toho Slova Božieho, presne do toho, čo Ono hovorí, stojte rovno na Tom. Mnohí z nich budú veriť v tú krvavú obeť, iste, ale hovoria niečo iné v Slove, hovoria, „Ó, nie, neverím tomu. Ó, to bolo na iný deň.“ Ten istý starý diabol, ten istý starý trik! Počkajte, až to preberieme. Všimnite si, on postupuje ďalej tak isto.
107Ale Kain vo svojich hlúpych cestách, nie až tak hlúpych, ale vo svojich chytrých cestách bol zvedený a priniesol ovocie. Adam zachovával... Ábel zachovával Slovo Božie; priniesol baránka. Boh povedal, „To je správne, Adam, zachoval si – či vlastne Ábel, zachoval si Moje Slovo.“ „Kain, vedel si, že to nebolo... Kde som Ja vzal nejaké figové listy, ako sa to snažil urobiť tvoj otec? Máš hŕstku fíg alebo hrozna alebo jabĺk alebo čokoľvek to tu máš. A teraz, tvoj otec otrhal listy zo stromu a snažil sa učiniť zmierenie a ty sa tu snažíš priniesť ovocie zo stromu.“ To nebolo to! To bola krv zo života.
108Ó, Boh to potvrdil, povedal, „Tu to je.“ A Ábel obetoval to správne. Potom on – jeho brat mu závidel. Pozrite sa, čo urobil; zabil svojho brata. Boh vzbudil iného; ako smrť, pohreb a vzkriesenie Krista. Sledujte, Boh potom, Jeho... Čo povedal Adamovi a Eve? „Choďte a množte sa a naplňte zem.“ Rozptyľuje ľudskú rasu po celej zemi, aby s nimi mohol individuálne konať, až kým ich bude môcť priviesť naspäť dokopy. Koná s ľuďmi, individuálne, s každou osobou. Ale oni to takto nechceli.
109Neprehliadnite toto zjavenie. Bože, nech sa tak stane. Kiež by ste to videli tak, ako sa ja na to dívam.
110Vidíte, nebolo to tak; Boh nekoná s osobou v skupine. Boh s vami nekoná v organizácii. On s vami koná ako s jednotlivcom, jednotlivcom. Duchom Svätým sme pokrstení individuálne. Kolektívne sme pokrstení do Tela, keď sme pokrstení Duchom Svätým. Jednotlivo, každý jeden je pokrstený Duchom Svätým, Boh koná s každým jedným. To bol Jeho zámer, rozptýliť ich po zemi, aby s nimi mohol individuálne konať.
111Ale namiesto toho... Čo sa stalo? Boh musel oddeliť Kainových ľudí od Setových ľudí. Kaina poslal preč. Oddelil ich, aby mohol konať so Svojou cirkvou. Dávajte pozor. Kain zostal oddelený. No, sledujte. Boh oddelil Evinho zlého Kaina od Adamovho svätého Seta. Ó. Či to On urobil? Skrze nezákonný skutok, táto žena žila s niekým iným a priviedla dieťa, Boh oddelil to dieťa a jeho pokolenia od tohto spravodlivého a svätého človeka a jeho detí.
112Dnes sa deje to isté, oddeľovanie... Oddelil, našiel ich, že neboli jednotní. Nemohli mať žiadnu jednotu. Môže mať noc jednotu s dňom? Či môže mať veriaci jednotu s neveriacim? Či môže mať človek, ktorý verí v celé Božie Slovo, jednotu s tými, ktorí veria iba časti z Božieho Slova? Boh chce „oddeľovačov.“
113No, Kain bol Evin syn; ona povedala, „Ja som nadobudla syna.“ Ale Set bol Adamov syn. A Boh ich oddelil, pretože nemohol dovoliť... Prečo, pretože by jeden druhého skazili. Kainove zlé deti by skazili Setove dobré deti. Presne tak.
114No, dávajte pozor. A ten istý starý diabol, ktorý spôsobil, aby Eva neverila jednému Slovu Božiemu, a povedal im, aby sa oddelili jeden od druhého a žili odlišne, každý, ten istý diabol sa dostal medzi nich a priviedol ich znova dokopy. Pochopili ste to? Ak áno, povedzte „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] On ich znova priviedol dokopy pod falošným zjednotením, skutkom – proti Božiemu plánu. Čo sa stalo? Ako to urobil? „Synovia Boží,“ povedala Biblia, Genesis, „videli ľudské dcéry.“ Synovia Boží, Setove deti, videli ľudské dcéry, Kainove deti, aké boli krásne. Och. A čo urobili? Zamilovali sa do nich. A znova sa spolu zjednotili, kvôli kráse, pretože boli krásne na pohľad.
115Tak isto je to dnes. Tu ste, bratia. Vy letniční slabosi, ktorých... Boh vás oddelil a poslal vás, aby ste boli medzidenominační. Nemôžete urobiť z Letníc denomináciu. Poslal vás von, aby ste boli Jeho ľudom. Ale vy ste uvideli veľké pekné cirkvi a ich teológiu; sami ste si narobili množstvo veľkých škôl a podobných vecí. A čo ste urobili? Zjednotili ste znova Boží ľud s organizáciou, pričom samotný základ toho je katolicizmus. Krásne, veľké cirkvi, pekne oblečení ľudia, chodí tam starosta mesta a tí ostatní, najlepšie oblečení, najlepšie vzdelaní, najvyšší teológovia, vedia, ako majú prísť na miesto, kde má každý oblečené najluxusnejšie šaty a pastor stojí tak dokonale na svojom mieste. Čo to je? Dívate sa na veci, ktoré Boh odsúdil. A vzali ste Letničnú cirkev (Bože, nech to zasiahne tú pásku.) a zjednotili ste ju do organizácie. Boh to nikdy nechcel zjednotené; On to chcel oddelené, nikdy zjednotené so svetom.
116Ten istý starý diabol, ktorý spôsobil, aby Eva neverila Slovu Božiemu, a urobil jej zle, vrátil sa rovno späť a vzal deti Seta a nechal ich, aby videli tie krásne ženy Kaina a oni sa znova zjednotili. A to neboli neveriaci. Oni neboli komunisti. Nie, nie. To boli veriaci. Povedali, „No, Pán by snáď možno niečo mohol urobiť.“ Alebo, ó, a niečo takéto. Oni boli... Mysleli si, že robia to, čo je správne. A čo musel Boh urobiť? Odstrániť celú tú vec, musel odstrániť celú tú vec. Pod falošným zjednotením! On musel zoslať potopu a zničiť celú tú skupinu. Kvôli tomu falošnému spojeniu prišiel súd. Kvôli falošnému spojeniu súd udrel Eden.
No, mal had semeno? Hanbite sa.
117Falošné spojenie priviedlo na zem súd, na Adama a Evu, v Edene. A falošné spojenie priviedlo na zem potopy Božieho súdu, pretože dcéry Kaina flirtovali so synmi Božími a oni kvôli tomu upadli a znova sa spojili. Tak vidíte. Falošné spojenie, „Nič sa nemôže stať.“ Čo urobil Boh? Zničil celú tú vec, všetkých okrem vzácneho starého Noeho a jeho rodiny.
118Oni sa potom znovu dali dokopy. Po smrti Noeho a tej duchovnej rodiny Noeho, prvé, čo zistíte, je, že ľudské deti sa znova začali dívať jeden na druhého. Čo urobili? Povedali, „No, nie sme neveriaci; my všetci veríme v Boha.“ Tak dostali za vodcu chlapíka, nejakého významného arcibiskupa, ktorý sa volal Nimrod, a postavili vežu. To neboli neveriaci. Oni verili, že je nebo. Verili, že je peklo. Verili v súdy. Ale opäť deti Božie s ľudskými dcérami a vytvorili si zjednotenie, falošne, a postavili veľkolepú mohutnú katedrálu, veľkolepú mohutnú organizáciu, a všetky ostatné miesta mali Babylonu platiť dane.
119A povedali, „Poviem vám, čo môžeme urobiť. Viete, že sme chytrí.“ Odkiaľ dostali tú múdrosť? Od diabla. Presne tak. Dostali ju od diabla, tak ako Eva. Dostali ju od diabla. A tak povedali, „Postavíme si organizáciu; budeme sa páčiť Bohu. A poviem vám, čo budeme robiť; budeme mať malé schody. Vybehneme hore a budeme spievať a radovať sa s anjelmi, a potom sa vrátime sem dole a budeme žiť tak, ako sa nám zachce.“ Ten diabol stále žije. Vidíte? To bolo proti prikázaniam Božím. Oni nedodržiavali Jeho prikázania. Čo Boh urobil? No, oni postavili vežu Bábeľ, znova falošné, a tak ich Boh zmiatol a oddelil ich.
120Boh ich znova rozdelil a poslal odtiaľ preč starého dobrého spravodlivého Abraháma, povedal, „Vezmem len teba a učiním z teba národ.“ Boh ho oddelil. „Vyjdi spomedzi nich, Abrahám, nechaj všetko za sebou.“ A Boh ho nikdy nepožehnal, až kým nenechal všetko za sebou, Lot bol tým posledným. „Vyjdi, Abrahám, oddeľ sa od tých neveriacich. A Ja ťa vezmem a učiním z teba národ. Vytvorím ľud, ktorý bude zachovávať Moje prikázania. Chystám sa im dať ďalšiu šancu.“
121Starý dobrý Abrahám išiel, aby bol pohostínom v cudzej krajine. To je to, čo každý Abrahám robí, je pohostínom v cudzej krajine. Čo? Verí zasľúbeniu, ktoré je nemožné, po ľudsky hovoriac. Čo myslíte, že by tí ich moderní Kainovi doktori v tom dni povedali? „Fíha, ó, starý človek, storočný, bude mať dieťa od deväťdesiatročnej ženy? Ó, čo za smiešna vec.“ Ale Abrahám veril Božiemu Slovu. A všetko, čo s Tým bolo v protiklade, to nazýval, akoby to ani nebolo.
122Všetky tieto falošné formy krstov, falošné senzácie, falošné nezmysly, ktoré sa dnes šíria, hovorte, „To tam nie je,“ verte Božiemu Slovu a kráčajte vpred. To je iba, aby ste sa na tom potkli, aby vás to zadržalo od dosiahnutia toho skutočného. Presne tak. Choďte rovno ďalej, deti. Božie Slovo, Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo. Nestarám sa o to, koľko falošných vecí tam diabol hádže, Boh má stále pravé Slovo a dodržuje Ho.
123Abrahám nazýval všetko protikladné nesprávnym. Rimanom 4. kapitola, ak si to zapisujete. Abrahám nazýval všetko, čo bolo v protiklade s Božím Slovom, ako by to nebolo. Presne tak. On veril v Boha, bol silný, bez ohľadu na to, aké slabé bolo jeho telo, ako to vyzeralo nemožné, že sa to nemôže stať, Abrahám tomu stále veril. No, on sa nemusel skloniť dole pri oltári a hovoriť, „Ak to hneď teraz nepríde, tak... Neviem, či mám tomu ďalej veriť alebo nie.“ Abrahám s tým zotrval 25 rokov, kým to prišlo, ale to sa stalo. Vždy to tak je.
124Z Abraháma prišiel Izák; z Izáka prišiel Jákob; z Jákoba prišli patriarchovia; od patriarchov, išli do Egypta; v Egypte vyrástol národ. Potom, keď mal Svoj národ vyrastený, keď toto dosiahol, čo urobil? Boh ich znova oddelil. Nevera a viera nemôže kráčať spolu. Nie veru. On ich znova oddelil, pre Seba. Čo im urobil, aby si bol istý, že sú správne vedení? Počúvajte teraz pozorne; nemáme teraz príliš veľa času, možno ďalších pätnásť minút. On ich dôkladne viedol. Sledujte to, On vzbudil národ, dal ich pod tútorov a pod také veci. Oni boli bití a kričali a kričali, a tak to šlo ďalej. Ale Boh sa díval dolu; On si pamätal každé zasľúbenie, ktoré dal Abrahámovi. Jedného dňa si pomyslel... Čo im urobil? Čo urobil, keď ich oddelil? Dal im zákon a dal im proroka; On im dal Ohnivý Stĺp. Čo urobil? Ó, Bože! On postavil Svoju cirkev do poriadku: Dal im Ohnivý Stĺp, Ducha, aby ich viedol, proroka, ktorý im mohol povedať pravdu z Jeho Slova. Potom boli pripravení na cestu. Nie je to nádherné?
125lšli von do púšte. Činí divy a zázraky, otvára Červené More, privoláva na faraóna pekelné rany. Ó! Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohybuje pred nimi. Amen. Viedol ich dňom i nocou. Haleluja. Prorok, verný tomu Slovu, stojí tam a udržuje ich zoradených. Amen. Potom bol pripravený vziať Svoje deti. To bolo po prvýkrát, kedy boli nazvaní cirkvou. To bolo predobrazom toho, čo On urobí v posledných dňoch. Za chvíľu sa do toho znova dostaneme. On ich vyvolal von, dal im zákon, dal im Svoje Slovo; dal im proroka; dal im znamenie; a poslal ich do púšte, oddelil ich od zvyšku sveta.
126Čo urobili? Uvideli krásne Moábske ženy, vlažnú cirkev s bohmi a bohyňami a všetkým možným. Čo urobili? Odišli za nimi, ženili sa medzi nimi. Presne tak, to je úplná pravda. Viem si predstaviť, že tie malé krásne Moábske ženy boli skutočne nádherné.
127Doma mi leží proroctvo, v jednom z týchto dní ho prečítam. A vy sa čudujete, prečo takto kritizujem ženy. Pred tridsiatimi rokmi... Mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Pred tridsiatimi rokmi, keď som vošiel do služby, On mi povedal, že situácia so ženami príde do takej nemorálnosti a v tých posledných dňoch im bude pripísané, že sú tou najviac poškvrnenou vecou na zemi. Presne tak. Ona to začala na počiatku a Satan ju používa na konci. A pozrite sa, čo sa deje, pozrite sa cez tie roky, povedal, „Ona sa bude postupne ďalej vyzliekať.“ A povedal, „Bude tam len maličká skupina, samotných vyvolených, ktorí sú predurčení a uniknú tomu.“
128Keď prišlo to videnie, bol som vtedy znepokojený. Pomyslel som si, „Ženy...“ Nalistoval som si v Biblii Izaiáša, myslím, že 5. kapitolu, a tam je povedané, „Mládnik, ktorý unikne z... Dcéry Siona budú v tom dni krásne Pánovi.“
129Raz mi jedna žena napísala otázku; povedala, „Brat Branham...“ Či vlastne nie, bol to muž, kazateľ. Možno tu dnes ráno stojí. On je z Ohia. A povedal, „Chceme hovoriť to isté, ako hovoríš ty, ale našli sme na tvojich páskach niečo, čo nie je správne.“ A tak mi Billy priniesol list. Povedal, „Niečo na tvojich páskach,“ hovorí, „je veľmi protichodné, brat Branham, k Slovu Božiemu. A my chceme hovoriť to isté.“ Povedal, „Chcem sa ťa opýtať jednu otázku; to je 1. Korinťanom, 11. kapitola, a tam je hovorené o pokrytí hlavy pre ženy a že muži nemajú mať prikrytie.“ Povedal, „Veríme tomu. Ženy by mali v zbore nosiť klobúky a muži by si v zbore mali svoje klobúky dať dolu.“ Povedal, „Veríme v ich pokrytie hlavy, a tak ďalej.“ A povedal, „Potom ďalšia otázka je, že ku nám prichádzajú ľudia a hovoria, že všetko ti hovorí Anjel Pánov. Každé slovo, ktoré povieš, je od Anjela Pánovho. A, brat Branham, je veľmi ťažké bojovať proti niečomu takému,“ povedal, „v mojom zbore.“ Povedal, „Chceme hovoriť to isté. No, brat Branham, nemyslíš si, že si sa tam trochu zmýlil?“
130Odpísal som späť, „Môj vzácny brat, nemýlim sa. 1. Korinťanom, 11. kapitola, tam je povedané, že žena má mať svoju hlavu pokrytú, a prečo. Potom v 15. verši je povedané, že jej dlhé vlasy sú jej dané ako pokrytie, nie klobúk.“ Ten katolícky duch ovládal cirkev už dosť dlho. Jej dlhé vlasy sú jej pokrytím. Či samotná príroda...
131A pozrite sa, a potom prišla naspäť otázka, niekto sa ma pred nejakým časom opýtal... Ujasním to, kým som pri tom. Povedal, „No, Biblia povedala, že ona má mať dlhé vlasy kvôli anjelom. Čo majú anjeli do činenia so ženou?“
132Povedal som, „Čo je to anjel? To je posol.“ Čo Pavol hovorí? Ak pravdivý posol, anjel od Boha prechádza okolo, radšej by ste mali mať dlhé vlasy. On tú vec odsúdi. To je pravda. Koľkí vedia, že anjel je posol? Presne tak. Posol poslaný od Boha to odsúdi. Povedal, „Radšej by ste mali mať dlhé vlasy, kvôli anjelom.“ Tí poslovia poslaní od Boha, ktorí prechádzajú okolo, odsúdia tú vec. Áno, určite, pretože skutočný posol od Boha, anjel je spojený s Bohom a Jeho Slovo nemôže zlyhať. Presne tak. Áno. Svätý Pavol tam povedal, že ak by prišiel aj anjel z neba a učil niečo iné, nech je prekliaty. Presne tak. No, zistili sme, že to je pravda; ona má mať dlhé vlasy; to je jej pokrytie.
133Ale predstavujem si, že tieto pekné Moábske ženy boli veľmi krásne; mohli byť upravené nejako tak, ako niektoré z tých dnešných moderných Jezábelí. Ale avšak, nie všetky ženy. Myslím si, že žena, ktorá je skutočná, je klenotom. Chvála Bohu za skutočné ženy. Oni sú Božie služobnice. Ale skutočná žena je ako skutočný muž; budú nasledovať Slovo Božie bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí diabol, alebo bez ohľadu na akúkoľvek falošnú vec.
134A hovoria, „Náš pastor povedal, že to je v poriadku robiť toto.“ Nestarám sa o to, čo povedal váš pastor. Ak je to v protiklade s Božím Slovom, nech je jeho slovo klamstvom a držte sa Božieho Slova. Je jedno, aká je to denominácia, alebo kým on je, ak on o tom má niečo do povedania, povedzte mu, aby sa pozrel do Slova Božieho. Presne tak.
135Ó, ako by sme mohli ísť ďalej a dívať sa, ako ich Boh oddeľuje. Budeme za chvíľu musieť zakončiť. Mám tu zopár miest Písma, ktoré chcem len obísť, aby som sa dostal – poponáhľal sa, aby som to zakončil. Potom, keď... Čo sa stalo, keď to tam On vykonal, keď tam boli tie Moábske ženy? Boh ich znova musel oddeliť. Čo urobil?
136Potom prišiel Ježiš. No, tu ku niečomu prichádzame. Potom prišiel Ježiš, vyjadrený Obraz Boha, Semeno ženy, počatý samotným Bohom. Ten veľký Architekt si Sám vybudoval telo. On si nemusel od nikoho požičať žiaden stavebný materiál, od ženy, ani od muža. On si Sám vystavil dom. Ó!
137Premýšľam o Štefanovi, keď tam v ten deň zastal a povedal, „Vy neobrezaného srdca i uší, tvrdohlaví, vždy sa protivíte Svätému Duchu; ako robili vaši otcovia, tak robíte aj vy.“ Povedal, „Šalamún Mu vystavil dom, avšak Najvyšší nebýva v domoch učinených rukami, ale telo si Mi pripravil.“
138Nemusel si nikde požičiavať žiaden stavebný materiál. V Židom, v 11. kapitole, myslím, že v 2. alebo 3. verši sa hovorí, že svet bol utvorený Slovom Božím, že veci boli učinené z vecí, ktoré sa nevidia. Boh jednoducho povedal, „Nech je,“ a bolo, On to nemusel chodiť skúmať a hovoriť, „Pán Mesiac, mohol by si Mi požičať trocha stavebného materiálu? Pani Hviezda, mohla by si Mi dať trocha kalcia?“ Boh to nerobí.
139On nemusel povedať, „Mária, požičala by si Mi vajíčko; chcem vytvoriť telo, aby Som v ňom mohol prebývať.“ Boh Stvoriteľ prehovoril a ona hneď vtedy bola matkou. Nebola matkou; bola iba ženou, ktorá nosila Jeho Semeno. Presne tak. Pamätajte, ona nebola Ježišovou matkou. Svet to tak hovorí. Nájdite mi jedno miesto Písma, kde ju kedy On nazval matkou. No, poďte naspäť do Slova. „Matka Božia,“ hanbite sa. Rozumiete?
140Jedného dňa tam boli nejakí ľudia a hovorili Mu, povedali, „Tvoja matka je vonku a hľadá Ťa.“
141On povedal, „Kto je Mojou matkou?“ Rozhliadol sa na Svojich učeníkov a povedal, „Tí, ktorí činia vôľu Môjho Otca, sú Mojou matkou.“
142On nebola Jeho matkou; bola inkubátorom. Boh mohol použiť niečo iné, ale On chcel vziať to najmenšie a ukázať, čo s tým dokáže učiniť, pozdvihnúť to a urobiť niečo z ničoho, to je Boh.
143Prišiel vyjadrený Obraz, Ježiš, Ten nepoškvrnený, Ten nádherný, najkrajší z desaťtisícov, Ľalia z Údolia, Ruža Sáronská, ó, Ranná Hviezda. Čím On bol? Kvôli čomu prišiel? Počúvajte teraz pozorne. Aby obnovil jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Ó, či to vidíš, brat?
144Všetky ich babylonské veže a všetky ich ostatné veci tam dávno nefungovali. Všetko ich ovocie zo záhrady a všetko ostatné neuspokojilo Boha. A tak Boh zostúpil dolu a bol počatý v lone ženy, skrze Samého Seba, učinil si telo a stal sa Imanuelom, Bohom s nami: ani Žid, ani pohan, ale Boh. On nebol Žid; On nebol pohan; On bol Boh. A Pohania boli pre Neho presne to isté v každom čase, On sa len snažil oddeliť Židov ako národ. On sa snažil urobiť všetko, aby to navrátil späť, a jediný spôsob, ako to mohol zaviesť, bolo prísť naspäť ku jednotlivcovi, ako to urobil na počiatku. Takto to robí dnes, koná s jednotlivcom. Nie s denomináciou, nie s organizáciou, nie so skupinou ľudí; ale s jednotlivcom. Všimnite si, aby znovu zaviedol jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom.
145On bol tou skutočnou Obeťou za hriech. Ovce, kozy, a tak ďalej, nemohli nikdy odňať hriech. Ale život... Pretože, keď je obeť zabitá a život baránka, to najnevinnejšie, nemohol prísť späť, ten život, na veriaceho, pretože on bol ľudská bytosť s dušou a ovca nemá žiadnu dušu.
146Vidíte, nič nemá dušu, okrem človeka. Boh vložil... On má formu zvieraťa, to je pravda, ale On do neho vložil dušu. To je to, čo ho urobilo odlišným od zvierat. On poznal správne od nesprávneho, keď do neho prišla jeho duša. Ale on... Pamätajte, keď Boh stvoril človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz, a potom sa stal živou dušou. Vidíte? Stal sa tým, poznajúc správne od nesprávneho.
147No, všimnite si. Ale teraz, v tomto, prišiel Ježiš a On bol Boh. Nie len to, že život jedného človeka môže prísť naspäť na druhého človeka, ale to je samotný Boží Život, ktorý z neho robí dieťa Božie, umiestňuje ho naspäť do rovnakého zjednotenia, v akom bol pred úpadkom. Teraz sa dostávame do skutočnej jednoty.
148Ľudia, niekto mi hovorí, „Brat Branham, nie si Jednotár?“ Nie tá organizácia Jednotári. Ale som v jednote s Kristom (Rozumiete?), ale nie v organizácii jednotárov.
149On splatil dlh za hriech. No, aby podľa poriadku priniesol jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Ježiš to nemohol urobiť, pokiaľ tu bol v tele z mäsa. A tak sa musel stať kompletnou Obeťou za hriech, aby odobral vinu veriaceho (Rozumiete?), odobral to preč, aby tak mohol prísť do človeka Svätý Duch a učiniť znova jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Vidíte, muselo byť niečo, aby to obnovil.
150No, čo to mohlo obnoviť? Keď je vyplnené Božie prikázanie. Mohol ho vyplniť anjel? On nemá žiadnu krv. Mohol ho vyplniť Boh? On nemal žiadnu krv. A Boh sa stal telom a krvou, aby mohol zodpovedajúcim spôsobom zaplatiť dlh a odobrať preč hriech, pretože to je ten jediný spôsob. Babylonské veže ich rozdeľujú po celej zemi, všetko ostatné, organizácie a také veci zlyhali v každom smere; oni sa zamiešali dohromady, svet a všetko ostatné; ale pri tomto išlo nastať kompletné oddelenie. Sláva!
151No, cítim sa duchovne povzbudený. No, cítim sa, že môžem teraz vziať môj text a začať hneď teraz kázať. Skrátka sa teraz zahrievam do bodu, kde môžem hneď tu začať kázať, a to je čas, aby som sa zastavil. Hm! Možno to dokončím niekedy neskôr. Jednota medzi Bohom a človekom. Rozumiete tomu? Všetci, ktorí tomu rozumiete, povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]
152Vidíte, to je ten jediný spôsob, ako mohol byť človek znovu naspäť vo svojom originálnom stave, že ten trest za hriech bol zaplatený. Čo je trest za hriech? Smrť. „Odplatou za hriech je smrť.“ A Boh povedal, „V deň, keď z neho budete jesť, v ten deň, keď vykonáte túto vec, v ten deň zomriete.“ A keď to urobil, to človeku zlámalo jeho vzťah, obecenstvo a všetko ostatné, a nemohol viac prísť späť, až kým tá cena nebola zaplatená. A nikto nebol hodný, aby to zaplatil, pretože každý upadol s ľudskou bytosťou, lebo každá bytosť je pod ľudskou bytosťou a on upadol. Sláva! Ó, brat!
153Brat Mac, nevidel som ťa tam sedieť. Nech ťa Boh žehná. My tomuto veríme, brat Mac. „Prišiel pod trest smrti.“ Brat Mac býval pastorom tu v modlitebni, keď som odišiel. Áno. Ďalší starý, dobrý Baptista, Misijný Baptista tu zdola, ktorý má Ducha Svätého. Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz, prišiel do jednoty s Bohom.
154No, keď toto vidíme. Vidíte, trest musí byť zaplatený a všimnite si, najvyššia forma zvieracieho života je ľudská bytosť, a ľudská bytosť, ona sama upadla. Tak ako môže jeden človek spasiť druhého? Na to bol potrebný Boh. A Boh, v Duchu, nemohol zomrieť. A tak, „Boh musel priniesť Samého Seba o čosi nižšie od anjelov,“ list Židom, 1. kapitola, 1. verš. Musel Sa urobiť menším od anjelov za tým účelom, aby vzal smrť, aby zaplatil trest, aby znova priniesol jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Tak mohol Duch Svätý prísť naspäť.
155Dlh hriechu bol zaplatený. Ježiš toto musel vykonať, aby poslal naspäť Ducha Svätého, aby znova zjednotil ľudí, ako to bolo v záhrade Eden. Dlh zostal zaplatený, keď Ježiš zomrel. Tým to bolo vybavené. Amen, brat. Ak by som len mohol dosiahnuť, aby to vsiaklo do vnútra. Rozumiete? Dlh je zaplatený. Haleluja Baránkovi! Dlh je zaplatený. A každý muž a žena, ktorí ma dnes ráno počúvajú, alebo ma budú počúvať na páske, váš trest je zaplatený. Nepochybujte znova v nevere v Božie Slovo. Poďte naspäť do Slova. Neverte tomu... On bol Slovom. Sláva! Cítim sa, že by som kričal, som pri tom úprimný. Trest je zaplatený. Všetko je to dokonané. Niet divu, že anjeli kričali a spievali a zneli nebeské hymny. Tak veru, stratená ovca sa našla. Bolo pre neho vykonané zmierenie, aby bol znova prinavrátený, vody oddelenia, Božie Slovo, ktoré ho obmýva od jeho neprávostí, keď Slovo zomrelo na mojom mieste a bolo znova vzkriesené a zaujalo prvenstvo v mojom živote, v mojom srdci. Amen. Trest je zaplatený. Je to dokonané. Sme vykúpení.
156Nie skrze Katolícku cirkev, hoci my sme tí správni Katolíci, apoštolskí katolíci. Tak veru. Nie Rímski Katolíci s ich dogmami, oni zapierajú toto Slovo skrze ich dogmu; celé je to vaša dogma, nie Slovo. Metodisti, Baptisti, hanbite sa, milovníci neprávosti viac ako milujúci Boha. Milovníci potešení, hľadajúci svet, potešenia, prasatá v ohrade na porážku. Diabol tam posiela svoje nástroje, aby tú vec udusil, ako to Satan urobil v záhrade Eden. „No, všetci naši kazatelia majú vzdelanie. Majú Ph.D. a LL.D.“ To nič neznamená. Ak zapierate to Slovo, stále je to trik diabla. Dokázal som vám to dnes ráno skrze Slovo; od tejto chvíle je to na vás.
157Učeníci, dokonca chodili s Ježišom, nemali žiadnu jednotu. Nemali žiadnu jednotu. Nie, oni sa dohadovali, „Kto bude biskup nad týmto. Kto je medzi nami najväčší?“ Oni ani nedokázali veriť Ježišovi. Nedokázali Mu rozumieť. „Hovoríš v hádankách. Povedz nám jasne, čo tým myslíš.“ Nebola tam žiadna jednota medzi Ježišom a učeníkmi, alebo zo strany učeníkov k Ježišovi, a navzájom medzi učeníkmi.
158Bez ohľadu na to, to ti ide niečo ukázať, brat. Počúvajte teraz pozorne; chcem, aby sa toto zarylo skutočne hlboko do vášho srdca. Rozumiete? Boh má plán. Pomimo toho plánu, nestarám sa o to, koľko múdrosti je za tým, koľko pekných budov za milióny dolárov, koľko škôl teológie, koľko svätých mužov a svätého tohto a svätého, svätého, svätého, to vôbec nič neznamená; ak je zapreté jedno Slovo z Božej Biblie, je to z diabla. No, dokázal som vám to skrze napísané Slovo Božie od Nového až po Starý zákon a prinesiem vám to ďalej až do tohto dňa, ak tu ešte chvíľu so mnou posedíte.
159Učeníci, ktorí kráčali ruka v ruke s Ježišom, usínali s Ním, jedli s Ním, dívali sa na Jeho zázraky a boli Jeho spoločníkmi, bližšie, než by mohol byť akýkoľvek brat, a jednako to nemali. Neboli spôsobilí na to, aby kázali Evanjelium. Ježiš povedal, „Nekážte viac; ani to neskúšajte. Čakajte tam hore v meste Jeruzalem. Pošlem zasľúbenie, ktoré vám bolo dané, na vás. To vás potom zjednotí.“
160„No, Otče, modlím sa, aby oni boli jedno práve tak, ako Ty a Ja sme jedno. A Ja... Ako poslal Môj Otec Mňa, aby Som kázal Evanjelium, tak posielam Ja vás.“
161A samotný Otec, ktorý poslal Syna, prišiel v Synovi. Jednota znamená byť jedno. On povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte. Ale ak Moje skutky, ktoré robím, hovoria tak hlasno, ste úplne hluchí, nemí a slepí, ak to nevidíte.“ Ó, brat, fíha! Povedal, „Vy pokrytci, tvárnosť neba viete posúdiť, ale znamenia času nedokážete rozpoznať. Ak by ste Mňa poznali, poznali by ste Môj deň. Dobre o vás hovoril Izaiáš. Máte uši a ste tak hluchí, že nedokážete počuť. Oči, a tak slepí, že nemôžete vidieť.“
162Dobre hovoril apoštol Pavol, „V posledných dňoch budú mať formu pobožnosti a zapierať jej moc,“ a Písmo za Písmom, čo sa bude diať v týchto organizáciách v posledných dňoch. Potom sa čudujú, prečo kričím proti tomu „človekom-vytvorenému“ systému diabla. Vidím tam tie vzácne deti vábené ako ovce na porážku. Vyveď ich von, Pane.
163Áno, učeníci nemali žiadnu jednotu. Nedokázali porozumieť Ježiša. Hovorili, „Ách, kto môže porozumieť tieto veci?“ Vidíte, Boh v nich ešte nebol. Boli len združení v obecenstve. Boli iba Jeho spoločníkmi. Tak je to dnes s mnohými dobrými ľuďmi. Oni nepili, neklamali, nekradli, nič také, ale nemali tú jednotu Božiu. Ešte neboli jedno s Bohom. Vidíte, nemohli byť. Ó, oni činili zázraky. Vyháňali diablov. To nie je...
164Čítal som raz o tom článok v novinách, o vyháňaní diablov. Ľudia hovoria, „Ó, brat, hovorím ti, to je to.“ To nie je to. Človek, ktorý vyháňa diablov a zapiera Božie Slovo, je klamár. Tak veru. On hovorí, že vyháňa diablov. Oni tvrdia, že to robia. On to nemôže robiť, ak nie je s Božím Slovom. Ježiš tak povedal.
165No, potom prišli Letnice; Boh ich znova učinil jedno. Ó. Potom mali jednotu s Bohom. Boh bol v nich. No, Skutky, ak si to zapisujete, Skutky 4:32, Biblia povedala, že boli jedného srdca, jednej duše a jednej mysle. Ó, brat. Prečo? Boli prinavrátení znova naspäť do originálu. Jediná vec, ktorú mali byť ochotní zanechať, bolo to staré mesto, to, v čom tu žili, staré telo nazvané mesto, alebo chrám, v ktorom tu žili, ktoré muselo zhniť, pretože muselo zomrieť a skaziť sa. Ale v duchu, v živote, v zámere, v pohľade a vo všetkom ostatnom boli jedno s Bohom.
166Ó, Adam, sklesnutý priateľu, nenechaj Satana, aby ti znova hovoril svoje klamstvá. Nenechaj, aby sa to stalo. Nenechaj Satana, aby ti hovoril, že Slovo neznamená presne to, čo hovorí. Je to tak. Slovo znamená... Áno, tu nedávno...
167Hovoril som o krste vo Meno Ježiša Krista. Je to tak, prišlo zjavenie toho. To je Pravda. Ale čo urobila skupina ľudí? Zhromaždili sa rovno tu a spravili z toho denomináciu, postavili ďalšiu babylonskú vežu. To isté, uvrhli to rovno do toho. Istotne. Luther urobil to isté. Wesley urobil to isté; John Smith urobil to isté, Alexander Campbell urobil to isté. Letniční urobili to isté. Boh koná s jednotlivcami, ktorí zachovávajú Jeho Slovo. Božím jediným plánom na privedenie veriacich k Sebe v pravdivej jednote je prijatie Ducha Svätého. Potom tu je to, ako...
168Poviete, „No, brat Branham, hovoril som v jazykoch. Vykrikoval som. Robil som toto.“ Ak stále máš ten druh ducha a zapieraš Slovo Božie, nemáš v sebe Slovo Božie; nemáš Ducha. Ak budeš sedieť a počúvať kázanú Pravdu a pozrieš si to v Biblii a vidíš, že je to Pravda, a potom to odmietaš robiť, to nie je Duch Boží. Nestarám sa o to, koľko si hovoril v jazykoch, koľko si vykrikoval, do koľkých cirkví si patril alebo koľkokrát si bol pokrstený alebo čokoľvek iné. Slovo je Pravda. To je to, čo potvrdzuje pravdu. Ak máš všetky tieto ostatné pravdy a potom ideš so Slovom (Amen.), potom vieš, že prichádzaš domov.
169Ako sa môže samotný Boh, ktorý napísal Bibliu, otočiť a nahradiť Svoje Slovo niečím iným? Vy, katolícki ľudia, ktorí hovoríte, že Peter bol pochovaný vo vašej cirkvi a že jeho duch vám dáva práva odpúšťať hriechy a podobné veci, ako by mohol Peter, Žid, vôbec vystáť to, že by mal v cirkvi modly? Ako by sa kedy mohlo Petrovi stať, že by nechcel povedať, že prišiel krst Duchom Svätým, a že on hovoril v jazykoch a všetky tie mocné veci, ktoré vykonal, ako by sa mohol otočiť späť a hovoriť, aby si vzali malú oblátku a že Boh je v tej oblátke? Ó, to je nevedomosť, duchovná nevedomosť!
170No, teraz vy, protestanti, robíte to isté, prídete a potrasiete si ruky s kazateľom a poviete, „Prijímam Ježiša ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa“ a idete späť a žijete všetkým možným druhom života, ktorý je pomimo toho, a pokračujete v živote s tým svetom. Ďalšia babylonská veža.
171Prichádzame teraz ku koncu. Dávajte pozor. Boh poslal Ducha Svätého a Duch Svätý je Boh Sám. On je Ten, ktorý učiní jednotu medzi Bohom a človekom. Poďme to zistiť. No, poďme... No, chcem vašu plnú pozornosť za ďalších päť minút alebo tak nejako. Dávajte pozor.
172Človek sa pod vplyvom diablovho plánu snažil udeliť cirkvi názov a tak doviesť ľudí do jednoty. Snažili sa dostať cirkev do jednoty skrze vzdelanie, viete o tom, skrze vzdelanie, skrze denomináciu. Oni sa o to práve teraz snažia, Svetová rada cirkví, pokračujú v tom, aby priviedli všetkých katolíkov a protestantov dohromady a učinili ich, aby boli jedno. Čo to je? Plán diabla.
173Poviete, „Si veľmi malý na to, aby si toto hovoril.“ Ja som veľmi malý, ale moje Božie Slovo je ohromne veľké, poviem vám. Nebesia i zem pominú, ale Ono nepominie. To je On, ktorý... On to povedal prvý. Ja iba hovorím to, čo On povedal; vyznávam Jeho Slovo.
174Je to pod diablovým vplyvom. Je to tu dokázané v Slove, rovno pred vami dnes ráno, že to je z diabla. Každá z týchto organizácií. Človek sa pod vplyvom diablovho plánu snaží pomenovaním doviesť ľudí do jednoty.
175„Poďte sa všetci pripojiť ku Zborom Božím (Assemblies of God). Pripojte sa ku Jednotárom (Oneness). Pripojte sa ku Cirkvi Božej (Church of God). Pripojte sa ku Metodistom. My všetci sme jedno.“ Vy banda pokrytcov, majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci jej moc. A Slovo Božie zatriaslo rovno pred vami a vy sa bojíte na To zaútočiť. Prečo Sa potom Boh nepreukáže, ak ste s Bohom? Prečo nečiníte skutky Božie? Ako môžete mať tú formu a chodiť okolo a zapierať Ho, dokonca nazývate pravé skutky Božie Belzebúbom? To ukazuje, vy vzdelaná skupina členov cirkví. Ježiš povedal, „Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ Presne tak! Som si istý, že rozumiete, čo mám na mysli. Istotne. Prečo na To niekto, nezaútočí? Viete, že je za Tým Boh. Boh sa bude pohybovať so Svojim Slovom.
176Človek to robí. Stavia to ďalšiu babylonskú vežu. Čo on robí? Oni sa snažia ukázať... Pozrite sa teraz do tejto Svetovej rady cirkví. Anglikáni, Rímski Katolíci, Metodisti, Presbyteriáni, Letniční a všetci z nich zjednotení dokopy, Kresťanská Veda a mnohé kulty, ktoré dokonca zapierajú panenské narodenie, ktoré zapierajú Božstvo Ježiša, robia z Neho tri osoby, snažia sa uctievať troch bohov, zapierajú panenské narodenie. Niektorí z nich zapierajú Krv. Niektorí z nich zapierajú Jeho zázraky. To zapierajú takmer všetci z nich. A potom, potom sa takto snažia zjednotiť dokopy. Ako to môžete robiť? To je ľuďmi vytvorená veža. To padne tak, ako padol Babylon.
177Ale Boh povedal, „Nie mocou, nie silou. Mojím Duchom, hovorí Pán. Takto zjednotím Svoju Cirkev. Nie skrze organizáciu, nie skrze vzdelanie, nie skrze teológov; ale skrze Môjho Ducha, hovorí Pán, privediem Moje ovce dokopy.“ Ó. A keď to On robí, čo sa deje? A Jeho zázraky budú niesť svedectvo o tom istom. Takto mohol Izrael povedať, predtým, ako sa zmiešali s Moábom. Bol tam nad nimi Ohnivý Stĺp. Tak veru. Čo On bude robiť? On bude niesť svedectvo, také isté svedectvo. Ale potom, keď sa oddelili od Boha, rozdelili svoju jednotu medzi sebou a Bohom a dostali sa do jednoty s Moábom a s nimi, víťazstvo úplne zlyhalo. Zostali na púšti ďalších 40 rokov, až kým Boh nevzbudil ďalšiu skupinu, aby cez to prešli a dokončili Jeho plán. To je presne to, čo oni urobili.
178No, pozrite sa. Ale keď Boh privádza Cirkev dokopy s Jeho Duchom, oni budú mať Jeho znamenia živého Boha medzi sebou. Aké znamenia? Keď Boh oddelil Izrael od Egypta, Boh dal Mojžišovi a Izraelu znamenie Ohnivého Stĺpu (Je to tak?), proroka. Keď oddelil Abraháma od Lóta, bol tam Anjel, ktorý ku nemu prišiel, ktorý mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky a úmysly srdca. Znamenie! Haleluja.
179No, tieto denominácie, ktoré vtrhli do tejto cirkvi, snažia sa vytvoriť jednotu ako v Egypte, ako tam dávno v Edene, a tak ďalej, pod týmto mocným vplyvom, pod ktorým sú.
180Ale pozrite sa, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Keď Boh oddelil Izrael, On im dal nadprirodzené znamenie, Ohnivý Stĺp. Dal im proroka. Čo robil Abrahámovi? Čo On robí po celý čas? Ukážte mi medzi nimi Bohom ustanoveného proroka. On dáva dokopy Svoju Cirkev skrze apoštolov, prorokov, učiteľov a evanjelistov. Haleluja. Tak vidíte. Cirkev, znova. Tak, ako vyvolal Izrael. Povedal som vám, že sa k tomu vrátim. Tak veru.
181Nie sú medzi nimi žiadni Bohom ustanovení proroci, (Nie veru.) ako boli s Izraelom a s nimi. Čo to je? Znovu nejaká diablova veža.
182No, príchod je tak bezprostredne blízko, druhý príchod Ježiša, On zjednocuje Svojich vyvolených dokopy. Verím tomu. Ó, oni prídu od východu a západu. Kde je obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly. Ó, čo to je? On má Svoju jednotu, Svoju pravdivú jednotu, ukazuje Sa medzi nimi; pomimo každej denominácie, zjednocuje Svojich vyvolených dokopy zo všetkých rôznych cirkví, odvšadiaľ, vyvádza von Svoje deti, ktoré sa zaraďujú presne do línie s Jeho Slovom. Čo?
183No, príchod Pána Ježiša je tak bezprostredne blízko, príchod súdu, On zvoláva Svojich vyvolených do jednoty s Ním Samým, s tým istým druhom služby, ktorú mal On. Viete, ako som to tu prednedávnom predstavil v cirkevných vekoch, o tej veľkej veži, ktorá bola postavená, nazývala sa pyramída, ale nikdy na ňu nebol položený ten štítový kameň. Spomeňte si, ako prišli Luteráni, potom v menšine Wesleyovci, a potom ďalej Letniční. A čo On teraz robí, vyvoláva z nich. Čo robil? Vyvolal tých vyvolených, aby utvoril Luteránov; vyvolal tých vyvolených z Luteránov, aby utvoril Wesleyovcov; vyvolal odtiaľ vyvolených, aby utvoril Letničných; teraz On vyvoláva vyvolených Letničných, aby mohol do toho prísť Štítový Kameň. Presne ten istý druh služby dopadá rovno do toho, vyvoláva Svoje deti zo všetkých denominácií a zo všetkých ciest života.
184Čo On urobil? On ku nim postavil pravého učiteľa, pravých prorokov, ktorí stáli s Jeho Slovom, s Bibliou. „Moje ovce čujú Môj Hlas,“ povedal Ježiš. Ak to bol Jeho Hlas vtedy, je to Jeho Hlas aj teraz. Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade s tým Hlasom, nie je potravou pre ovce. Nebudú to nasledovať. Ó, brat. Od východu, od západu, von z každej denominácie, von z každej organizácie, prišli od východu a západu, zhromažďujú sa dokopy.
Budeme sa hostiť s Kráľom,
jesť ako Jeho hostia,
akí požehnaní sú títo pútnici.
Hľadieť do Jeho posvätnej tváre
horiacej Božskou láskou.
Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,
ako žiariace drahokamy v Jeho korune.
Ježiš príde skoro;
naše skúšky potom budú skončené. (Haleluja.)
Čo ak by náš Pán prišiel v tejto chvíli,
pre tých, ktorí sú oslobodení od hriechu?
Prinieslo by ti to potom radosť,
alebo smútok a veľké zúfalstvo?
Ale keď príde náš Pán v sláve,
stretneme Ho v povetrí. (Haleluja. Tak veru.)
185Čo to je? S učiteľom poslaným od Boha, ku tej pravdivej Cirkvi, to zostane rovno so Slovom, nepremiestni jedinú jotu, nezáleží na tom, čo hovorí organizácia. Oni s tým nie sú spojení. Proroci; nie vytvorená viera, takzvaný, ale skutočný prorok má TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a zakaždým je to do bodky presne. To je to, čo poslal do Svojej Cirkvi. To je to, čo povedal, že bude robiť. Veria Slovu; nie vyznaniu, nie dogme, ale Slovu. A tým, že toto robia, On v nich ukazuje Samého Seba skrze potvrdzovanie Svojho Slova. Robí, že ten istý život, ktorý On raz žil, žije znova, prináša Svoje Slovo do toho, že sa vyplňuje. Ó.
186Počúvajte pozorne. 1. Korinťanom 4:20 hovorí, že Kráľovstvo Božie je Jeho Slovo pôsobiace v moci. Ak si to chcete zapísať, 1. Korinťanom 4:20. Kráľovstvo Božie je Božie Slovo pôsobiace v moci. Čo je Kráľovstvo Božie? Ono je vo vás. Kráľovstvo je vo vás. A keď tam vchádza Slovo, čo toto Slovo začína robiť? Premieňa sa na moc, spôsobuje, že Ono hovorí presne to, čo povedalo.
187Nemôžete hovoriť, „Ono hovorí toto,“ keď Ono hovorí Toto, a robí, že To funguje. Musíte hovoriť to isté, čo Ono hovorí. To robí vyznanie. Nie hovoriť, „No, tu je To trocha vyleštené, budem múdrejší, Tu budem mať lepšiu pozíciu.“
188Zostaň so Slovom. Tak vidíte. Rozumiete? A Ono spôsobuje tú moc, „Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Ježiš povedal v sv. Jánovi 14:12, „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás.“ Nie, prepáčte mi, to nebolo to, čo tam On povedal. Povedal, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude aj on činiť. Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, môžete si prosiť, čo chcete, a stane sa vám to. Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás.“
189Čo to je? Musíte zostávať so Slovom, zmariť seba samého. Som presvedčený, že mnohí z nás, priatelia, prijali Ducha Svätého, ale my skrátka do seba prijímame dosť Ducha Svätého, aby nás učinil miestom, kde nechceme klamať, nechceme kradnúť, nechceme robiť nič také. Ale Boh chce vypĺňať každé vlákno Svojej Cirkvi; On chce vypĺňať tvoje premýšľanie; On chce vypĺňať tvoju myseľ. On chce vypĺňať každý kúsoček z teba, urobiť ťa proste kompletne, úplne mŕtvym samému sebe alebo tvojmu mysleniu, skrátka tak poddaným v Bohu, že až Jeho Slová jednoducho žijú rovno cez teba. Nepoznáš nič iné okrem Božieho Slova; len zostaň rovno s Jeho Slovom; To je Život. „Moje Slová sú Život,“ povedal Ježiš. On s nimi umiestnil učiteľov, ktorí veria Biblii, prorokov, ktorí hovoria pravdu, ktorí hovoria, ukazujú to isté proroctvo, ako to vždy robili cez veky. Čo On urobil? Ukazuje sa medzi nimi, že je živý, potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. Jeho Slovo, Kráľovstvo Božie je Božie Slovo, ktoré sa stalo mocou.
190Zatiaľ čo tieto denominácie spoliehajú na ľudskú rozumnosť, na ľudských uvažovaniach... Počúvajte teraz pozorne. Oni... Nemáme spoliehať na ľudskú rozumnosť. Príslovia 3. kapitola, 5. verš, je tam povedané, „Nespoliehaj sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť.“ Vidíte? Nerobte to, nezáleží na tom, ako vyzerá Božie Slovo.
191Poviete, „No, toto vyzerá, že je to práve tak isto dobré ako tak.“
192To nie je to, čo to je. To je Božie Slovo; vezmite Ho tak, ako Ho On povedal. Eva povedala... Satan povedal Eve, „Viem, že to Boh povedal, ale v skutočnosti To neznamená to. Znamená To toto.“ A ona tomu uverila. Uverila tomu. To rozbilo jednotu; to rozbilo obecenstvo; to rozbilo ten zväzok; to rozbilo svet; to rozbilo život; to rozbilo všetko.
193A osoba, ktorá neverí v jedno Slovo z Božieho Slova, to rozbíja celé obecenstvo a všetko ostatné. Presne tak. My Tomu veríme, alebo Tomu neveríme. Zostaňme s Tým! Boh tak povedal, a tak zostaňme s tým. Musím tu veľa vecí preskočiť, pretože už uplynul čas.
194Ako v minulosti, keď človek v minulosti toto vykonal, to prinieslo na svet Boží súd. Babylonská veža, zväzok Kainových detí so Setovými deťmi priniesol súd. To vždy privádza na zem Boží súd. Rozumiete? Ó, pravá jednota s Ním sa zodvihne na súde, ponad ním, ako to urobil Noe so svojou rodinou v tom súde. Spravodlivý Noe a jeho rodina prešli ponad súdmi. Čo robili? Oni odišli.
195Brat Lee Vayle, ak toto dostaneš, tu to je. To je jediná otázka, na ktorej sa nezhodujeme; on verí, že Cirkev pôjde cez súd. Ja to tak nevidím. Neverím tomu.
196Noe nikdy nešiel cez žiadne súdy; on prešiel ponad súdmi. Abrahám nikdy nemal žiaden oheň; on bol pomimo ohňa. Izrael nebol v súdoch Izraela; bolo to oddelené preč od ohňa, pomimo súdov. Cirkev sa zvezie ponad súd, v Arche Ducha Svätého, vznesie sa zo zeme.
197Táto vec tohto Koncilu cirkví nie je nič iné, než rozruch bláznivej panny, aby bola zanechaná tu na zemi na pozbieranie, pre antikrista. Ale pravá Cirkev Božia odpláva, ako to urobil starý Noe, a pôjde do slávy s takou istotou, ako tu stojím. To je dôvod, prečo ich On zhromažďuje dokopy. To je to, čo dnes predzvestuje ten Hlas. To je to, čo Boh robí, zhromažďuje jedného z Los Angeles, jedného z Filadelfie, jedného z Georgie, a tak ďalej, zhromažďuje ich dokopy, Svojich ľudí, ktorí sú ochotní veriť Slovu živého Boha. „Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, kde bolo málo zachránených, len veľmi málo.“ V poriadku, naša Archa Ducha Svätého prepláva rovno ponad súdmi Božími, pretože my sme už odsúdení, keď sme vyznali Ježiša a On vzal náš súd.
198Tieto denominácie, no, sú tak tvrdohlavé! Sú ako Eva, ona chcela svoju múdrosť bez ohľadu na to, čo bolo Božie Slovo. Nimrod chcel svoju vežu bez ohľadu na to, či to bolo podľa Písma, alebo nie. Boli tvrdohlaví. Eva to mala lepšie vedieť. Set to mal lepšie vedieť, než aby upadli kvôli tým krásnym ženám. Izrael to mal lepšie vedieť, než aby sa dostal tam von do toho cudzoložstva. A vy takisto. Ale niektorí sú tak tvrdohlaví, či to je Písmo, alebo to nie je Písmo. „Nech je požehnaný Boh, moja matka bola Presbyteriánka. Ja budem tiež.“ Pokračuj, pokračovanie je tou jedinou vecou, ktorú potom môžeš robiť. Nech je Boh milostivý tvojej hriešnej duši. Ako tomu utečieš, keď vieš, že to je pravda? A ak vidíš Božie Slovo a stále si nemyslíš, že To je Pravda, potom niečo nie je v poriadku s tvojím duchovným rozpoznaním. Presne tak to je. Pozrite sa po celom národe a vidzte, kde sa tieto veci dejú. Sme v čase konca, priatelia. Dostali sme sa práve cez cirkevné veky a zistili sme, čo sa bude diať v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku? Či sme cez to práve neprešli? Rozumiete, čo tým myslím? Sme v čase konca.
199Boh zhromažďuje vyvolených od štyroch vetrov zeme. On povedal, že pošle anjelov a zhromaždí ich. Je to tak? Zhromaždí ich dokopy, oddelí ich od kúkoľa. Amen. Kúkoľ bude spálený, nie pšenica. Je to tak.
200Ale oni sú príliš tvrdohlaví; či to budú to mať, alebo nie, to nerobí žiaden rozdiel. Ó.
201Ale Božím vyvoleným je prikázané, aby vyšli spomedzi nich. „Oddeľte sa,“ hovorí Boh, „a Ja vás prijmem. Nedotýkajte sa ich svetských vecí a Ja vám budem Otcom alebo Bohom, a vy budete Mojimi synmi a dcérami. Nezväzujte sa do jarma s neveriacimi, ale vyjdite spomedzi toho!“ Boh chce oddelenie od sveta. On Sám chce byť s tebou zjednotený. A žiadna človekom vytvorená schéma organizácie, denominácie alebo nejaké ľuďmi vytvorené teórie nikdy neobstoja. Na to bude potrebný Boh, Duch Svätý v tebe, aby ťa zjednotil s Bohom. A ako vieš, že To máš? Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal Slovo, bude niesť svedectvo s každým Slovom; a tie isté veci, ktoré Duch Svätý robil v Starej zmluve, bude to robiť v Novej Zmluve: bude dnes robiť to isté, pretože Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A ty nie si zviazaný v jarme s organizáciami a svetom. Nie si s nimi zviazaný. Nezväzujte sa do jarma medzi nich, ale vyjdite spomedzi nich. Si zviazaný do jarma s Kristom, zviazaný s Pánom Ježišom Kristom.
202Biblia hovorí, že v posledných dňoch tu budú cirkvi, ďalšie také ako Babylonská veža; budú mať formu pobožnosti a budú zapierať Božie Slovo a moc, moc Jeho Slova. A čo je Slovo? Čo je Kráľovstvo Božie? Musíme patriť do toho Kráľovstva predtým, ako vôbec môžeme byť poddanými Kráľa. Koľkí z vás to vedia, povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] No, ako sa dostanete do Kráľovstva? Kráľovstvo Božie je Slovo Božie, ktoré sa znovu prejavilo v moci. Amen. Stalo sa mocou, berie preč hriech, dáva znamenia. Aký druh znamenia? Ak To je to isté Slovo, ktoré vyviedlo von Mojžiša, prinesie to isté znamenie.
203Tá istá vec, ktorá oddelila vlažného Lóta... No, vieme, že Lót bol vlažný a Ježiš povedal, že to bude znak času konca. Vlažný Lót tam sedel, on bol nábožný, iste, on a jeho žena. A patrili do všetkých rôznych strán a on bol starostom mesta, ó, a tam je veľa vecí, ktoré s tým išli. Bol veľmi nábožný. Mohol prijímať ako hostí evanjelistov a všetkých tých, ktorí išli okolo, v tomto smere bol v poriadku. Ale, ó, brat, on nebol tým vyvoleným.
204Pozrite sa, čo sa stalo. Prečo? Ten istý Boh, ktorý oddelil Abraháma a prišiel ku nemu a ukázal mu potvrdenie jeho oddelenia... Hm. Ó, Bože. Ako si prajem, aby som mohol – prajem si, aby som len mohol niečo urobiť, aby ste to videli. Boh ukázal Abrahámovi, v tom, že sa oddelil, On mu ukázal potvrdenie toho oddelenia, tým, že bol s ním a rovno v jeho strede. A Ježiš povedal, že to isté sa bude diať v posledných dňoch. Abrahám nebol národom; bol v menšine, ale Boh bol s ním. On ho potom oddelil. My sa máme v týchto posledných dňoch oddeliť.
205A ak dal Boh Mojžišovi znamenie, Izraelu, pomazaného proroka, Ohnivý Stĺp, dal znamenie Abrahámovi. Dal znamenie Izraelu. Dal znamenie učeníkom. To isté znamenie, zakaždým, to isté znamenie, Ohnivý Stĺp.
206Pavol, keď bol na svojej ceste do Damašku, zažiaril tam pred ním Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý mu dokonca odobral zrak, zrazil ho na kolená. Nikto iný To nevidel. Všetci stáli naokolo, nevideli To. A Hlas prehovoril, „Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“
207On povedal, „Pane, kto si?“
208Povedal, „Ja som Ježiš.“ Znamenie! A čím on bol? Apoštolom pre pohanov. Amen.
209Tu sme v čase konca, prichádzame od východu, západu, severu a juhu. Čo robíme? Pripravujeme sa na to vytrhnutie. Pripravujeme sa na... Držíme sa nepohnuteľne na pár minút, až kým každé malé vlákno je naplnené Duchom Svätým. Potom Ona pôjde hore. Ó! On volá Svoj ľud dohromady ku Sebe, v pravej jednote s Ním Samým, pretože to je Jeho jeden Duch Svätý. „Jedným Duchom sme každý jednotlivo pokrstení do jedného Tela, spoločne tvoríme Telo Ježiša Krista.“ A Ježiš Kristus žije Svojím Duchom v našich telách, kde slúži Cirkvi a robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil ako znamenie, ako vlajka pre svet, že žijeme v posledných dňoch, pripravujeme sa na vytrhnutie. Ó, milujem Ho, vy tiež?
210Mám tu ešte knihu, ale jednoducho do toho už ďalej nemôžem ísť; pretiahli sme to. Možno to vezmem niekedy inokedy.
211Sme na konci. Jednota. Ste tak jedno s Bohom? To je spôsob, ako budete musieť byť. Áno. Budeme s Ním musieť byť jedno, až... Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás. Potom Kristus, Jeho vlastná myseľ vo vás rozpozná každé Slovo, ktoré On napísal. Ona to robila v apoštoloch, správne rozdeľovala Písmo, ktoré je Pravdou (Rozumiete?), Duch Svätý. Ak to je pravda, potom On o tom bude niesť svedectvo tým, že bude prinášať to isté znamenie, ktoré dal Mojžišovi, to isté znamenie, ktoré dal Abrahámovi, to isté znamenie, ktoré urobil pri Kristovi, to isté znamenie, ktoré urobil pri Pavlovi. Sme v čase konca. On povedal, že to bude. Sme v čase konca. Cirkev sa spoločne dostáva do jednoty, jeden tu a jeden tam, tvorí...
212On povedal, „Budú dvaja na poli, jedného vezmem.“ Jedného. Pozrite sa, „Dvaja na poli,“ to je cez deň, žatva, „jedného vezmem a jedného zanechám. Budú dvaja v posteli,“ na druhej strane zemegule, „jedného vezmem a jedného zanechám,“ pri príchode Syna človeka. A to je tak bezprostredne blízko, je to tak blízko na dosah ruky.
213Nepočúvajte! Nepočúvaj, Adam! Adam! Eva, Adam, dovoľte mi zakričať na vás; nepočúvajte už viac na diablovo klamstvo. Stojte s Božím Slovom; to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Stojte s Jeho Slovom. Oddeliť sa od Toho znamená rozlámať vaše obecenstvo s Bohom, s Božou jednotou skrze Ducha Svätého. Takže, ak hovoríte, že máte Ducha Svätého a nesúhlasí to so Slovom, potom nie ste v jednote s Bohom.
214Toto je Božia jednota, keď vy – duch, ktorého máte, súhlasí s týmto Slovom a manifestuje toto Slovo a spôsobuje, že toto Slovo má moc, aby konalo rovnakým spôsobom, ako konalo tam.
215Povedzme to spoločne. Jednota [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Jednota“ – pozn.prekl.] s Bohom [„s Bohom“] znamená mať [„znamená mať“] Božieho Ducha [„Božieho Ducha“] v sebe [„v sebe“], ktorý súhlasí [„ktorý súhlasí“] so Slovom [„so Slovom“] s každým Slovom [„s každým Slovom“], s úplne celým Slovom [„s úplne celým Slovom“], a spôsobuje, že sa To [„a spôsobuje, že sa To“] manifestuje [„manifestuje“] v moci [„v moci“].
216Tak vidíte; to je jednota s Bohom. Keď tá moc účinkuje vo mne, účinkuje vo vás, sme jedno. Amen! Brat Kidd, keď moc Ducha Svätého vo mne účinkuje v tebe, nie je žiaden nesúhlas, je tam Slovo. Ono funguje. Amen. Ono To robí Tým, čím To je: Boh sa stal telom vo vás skrze Jeho Slovo, Slovo sa stalo mocou medzi vami, každé Slovo.
217Pamätajte teraz, diabol berie veľmi veľa z toho Slova, takmer 99,99 percent z Toho. 99 stotín a 99 percent z tých stotín, on Ho bude predkladať tak celkom akurát, ale potom odskočí sem, a to je to, čo hneď tam spôsobí smrť. To láme tú reťaz rovno v strede; idete dole.
218Každé Slovo. Čo povedal Ježiš? „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove.“ Nebude žiť na zopár Božích Slovách, nie na 99,99 percentách z Božieho Slova. Ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza s úst Božích, človek bude žiť na Tom.
219Satan Ho vzal tam hore a povedal, „Je napísané.“ Vidíte, práve tak, ako hovoril Eve, „Je napísané. Je napísané.“
Ježiš povedal, „A tiež je napísané...“
220On povedal, „Je napísané, 'Prikázal Svojim anjelov, aby Ťa ostríhali.' Biblia tak povedala.“ Chlapče, on je učenec. „Je napísané, 'Prikázal Svojim anjelov, aby Ťa ostríhali, aby si si neuderil Svojej nohy o kameň, a podprú Ťa.'“
221Povedal, „Tiež je napísané, 'Nebudeš pokúšať Pána svojho Boha.'“
222Oni hovorili, „Máme Písma,“ Skutky 19, „boli sme pokrstení Jánom.“
223Pavol mal niečo iné; povedal, „to už viac nefunguje.“ Vidíte? „Ján krstil iba...“ On nepochyboval v nevere v Jánovo slovo. Povedal, „Poviem vám, čo hovoril Ján. Ján povedal, že krstil na pokánie, nie na odpustenie hriechov.“ Obeť ešte nebola zabitá. Rozumiete? Povedal, „On krstil na pokánie, hovoril, že máte veriť v Toho, ktorý má prísť.“ A keď toto počuli, boli pokrstení v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Pavol, tak plný Slova, kládol na nich ruky a prišiel na nich Duch Svätý. Začali prorokovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, velebiť Boha, a čo za čas to bol. Ó. Aký veľký bol ten zbor? Dvanásti. Ó, áno. Ó, Boh nekoná s veľkými číslami; On koná v pokorných srdciach. Nech by sme mali také srdcia. Milujete Ho? Modlime sa.
224Ó, môj milovaný pútnik, díval si sa na dcéry Moába alebo si videl dcéry (Hovorím o cirkvách.) Kaina? Ako ďaleko od Slova zablúdili. Či si si, môj vzácny priateľu, či si si uvedomil, že v posledných dňoch sa majú udiať tieto veci? Všímal si si v poslednej dobe, ako je manifestované Božie Slovo? Ako utíchlo to prebudenie, ktoré raz udrelo, veľa z toho nezostalo? Čo to je? To je ticho pred búrkou. Súdy sú pripravené. Zaznamenal si tieto veci? Porovnával si Písmo za Písmom, Slovo Biblie za Slovom Biblie, dôkaz za dôkazom? Porovnával si Slovo Ježiša, keď On povedal, že diabol bude v tých posledných dňoch tak blízko tej skutočnej veci, že ak by to bolo možné, zviedol by všetkých okrem vyvolených, vyvolených. Len pomyslite, to biblické učenie bude tak blízko. „Ó, veríme v Ducha Svätého; nech je naveky požehnaný Boh. Máme Ducha Svätého; hovorili sme v jazykoch.“ A potom sa otočíte a zapierate Slovo? Áno. Zviedol by aj samotných vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.
225Ak je tu niekto, kto nie je v poriadku s Bohom, ak je tu niekto, kto je chorý, alebo postihnutý... Ležia tu vreckovky a také veci; budem sa nad nimi modliť. Nestarám sa o to, akú máte potrebu. Patrí vám každé zasľúbenie v tej Knihe. Je to vaše.
226No, priniesol som vám Slovo, priniesol som To od Genesis rovno do tohto dňa, v ktorom žijeme, len som sa dotýkal tých miest a ukazoval som vám to. Mohol by som sa okrem toho dotknúť stoviek miest, nemám čas. Ale bezpochyby v tom môžete vidieť, že tento organizačný nezmysel je mimo. Je to falošný plán diabla, snažia sa zorganizovať človeka do jednoty s ich vlastnou mysľou a rozumovaním. Keď to je Duch Svätý, skrze ktorého sme spojení s Bohom, a sme jedno. A Duch Svätý súhlasí so Slovom Božím. Rozumiete, Biblia povedala... Ježiš povedal, že oni to budú dokonca vyznávať, vidíte, „Zviedlo by to aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.“ Vidíte, kde stojíme?
227No, zoberte toto Slovo Božie do tej ruky viery. Čo potrebujete dnes ráno? Potrebujete vodný krst v Mene Ježiša Krista? Bazén je otvorený. Potrebujete krst Duchom Svätým? On sa snaží pretlačiť si do vás cestu. Potrebujete uzdravenie? No, Sám Duch Svätý, Slovo, ktoré sa stalo mocou, je rovno teraz tu, samotná moc rozpoznávania sa tu teraz díva naprieč obecenstvom a vidím, že to Svetlo krúži dokola ako žiara. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo nesprávne?
228Či som niekedy... ? Ako povedal prorok Izraelu predtým, ako dostali ľuďmi vybraného kráľa, on povedal, „Povedal som vám niekedy niečo... Bral som od vás niekedy peniaze? Prišiel som niekedy dolu a pýtal od vás peniaze, jazdil po okolí a žil vo veľkolepých palácoch, staval veľkolepé veci a bral od vás vaše peniaze? Pýtal som od vás niekedy cent?“ „Nikdy.“
229Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by Boh neuskutočnil? Hovoril som niekedy v Jeho Mene, že by to nebolo tak? Povedal som vám niekedy videnie v obecenstve, že by to nebolo presne to, tá osoba vstala, cudzinec, alebo čokoľvek bol, ale čo povedal, „To je pravda“? Povedal som vám niekedy niečo nesprávne? Potom mi teraz dovoľte povedať, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, prijmite Ducha Svätého, Ducha, ktorý vezme Slovo Božie do ich rúk viery a ide ďalej. Patrí vám celé Kráľovstvo. Je to vaše, deti.
230Prečo prichádzate z Georgie, z celej krajiny, z Ohia, z Kansasu, odvšadiaľ kvôli malému zhromaždeniu? Myslím, že páska je teraz vypnutá, takže toto môžem povedať. Rozumiete? Prečo takto prichádzate? Čo spôsobuje, že to robíte? Čo to je? Vidím ľudí z Arkansasu, zo vzdialenosti stoviek míľ.
231Minulý večer, ako som prichádzal rovno z Kansas City, stál tam malý poľský brat, prišiel, vedený, povedal, „Brat Branham, odkedy som ťa prvýkrát počul tam v Kanade pred mnohými rokmi, veci, ktoré si mohol vidieť a urobil, kontroloval som to skrz naskrz, tam a späť, hore a dole,“ a povedal, „ani jedno z toho nikdy nebolo nesprávne.“ On je pravdepodobne poľský katolík a prichádza sem, berie pásky, ide von a prehráva ich, stretáva sa s opozíciou, s kazateľmi, ktorí by mali byť so mnou a pomáhať nám, ale zapierajú toho moc, zapierajú Pravdu Slova a tvrdia, že majú Ducha Svätého.
232Nehovoril som o sebe, že som prorok. Vy ste to robili. Ale ak to tak je, potom odkiaľ prichádza Slovo Pánovo? Ako vieme, či to je pravda, alebo nie je, ak tam nie je niečo, čím by sa to dalo podložiť? To tu je Božie Slovo, napísané Slovo. A potom, ak to napísané Božie Slovo je potvrdené, potom to je Boh v tom Slove, ktorý robí, že to Slovo je pravda. Pavol povedal, „Nasledujte ma, ako nasledujem ja Krista.“
233No, ak máte potrebu na Boha kvôli chorobe, kvôli spaseniu, čo... alebo, aby ste sa zbavili... Niektoré z vás žien, ktoré nemáte dostatok milosti, aby ste si nechali narásť vlasy, niektorí z vás mužov, ktorí nemáte dostatok milosti, aby ste skoncovali s fajčením cigariet, niektorí z vás kazateľov, ktorí nemáte dostatok milosti, aby ste prijali pravdu o vodnom krste v Mene Ježiša Krista, niektorí z vás chorých ľudí, ktorí ste nemocní a chorí na smrť, prečo dnes ráno nevezmete toto Slovo? Poviem vám teraz; Ono je telom medzi nami. Vezmite to Slovo do svojej ruky.
234Tu na stene visí fotografia Anjela Pánovho, Ten istý, ktorý viedol deti Izraela, Ten istý, ktorý sa stretol s Pavlom, Ten istý, ktorý bol v Kristovi. A Ten istý Duch Svätý je vo vás, vo vás, zjednocuje vás ako jedno. Čo spôsobuje, že naše srdcia sú tiahnuté dokopy cez stovky míľ? Nie je v krajine nič tomu podobné. Oni prichádzajú ku Slovu.
235„Je prameň naplnený Krvou, ktorá vytiekla z Imanuelových žíl, kde bývajú neveriaci ponorení pod ten prúd a strácajú všetky svoje škvrny vín. Od tej doby, keď som vierou uzrel ten prúd tečúci z Tvojich rán, vykupujúca láska je mojou témou a bude, až kým nezomriem.“
236Náš nebeský Otče, leží tu kôpka vreckoviek, rukavíc; môžu byť poslané poštou. Neviem kto ich sem položil, možno Billy, možno ľudia, ktorí sú tu v obecenstve. Skrátka cítim, aby som teraz toto urobil, Pane. Nie je nič v mojich rukách, nič vo mne, ako v ľudskej bytosti. Nemôžem sa spoliehať na svoju vlastnú ľudskú rozumnosť. Nerozumiem tomu, prečo toto takto je, ale nasledujem to, čo si povedal. „Brali z Pavlovho tela vreckovky a zástery, a zlí duchovia opúšťali ľudí.“ To nebolo kvôli tomu, že bol veľkým človekom; bolo to preto, že Boh bol s ním v Slove a moci. A on sa nikdy neporadil s apoštolmi, ale keď sa spolu stretli, zistili, že to isté Evanjelium, tá istá forma krstu, všetko, čo robili, bolo to isté, bolo to úplne rovnaké.
237No, prosím, Pane, za týchto vzácnych ľudí, ktorí Ti veria, aby si ich uzdravil. Tých v obecenstve, uzdrav ich, Pane. Nech sa len rovno teraz ich viera načiahne a uchytí toho Slova a povedia, „Nádor, choroba, zlo, ty ma tiež musíš opustiť; sekám s Mečom Božím. Ja verím. Moja viera je pevná; tlačím ten Meč hlboko. Ustúp mi z cesty. Vstávam zo svojho sedadla, aby som bol zdravý.“ „Kladiem svoju ruku na môjho otca, na moju sestru a moje dieťa, na môjho suseda. Ja verím. Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Som s Tebou v jednote. Skutky, ktoré si povedal, že si činil, my budeme činiť tiež. Pane Bože, verím každému Slovu. A kráčam vpred, kráčam vpred, aby som si to nárokoval, aby som si toto dnes ráno vzal.“
238Ó, Bože, ako by som mohol premýšľať o tom, keď bola cirkev v pohybe, keď sa Mojžiš tam pri tom mori trocha vystrašil, začal kričať k Pánovi. A Pán povedal, „Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Kvôli čomu ku Mne kričíš? Hovor a choď vpred! Či som ťa Ja nepoveril do tej práce? Hovor!“ Hovoriť čo? Slovo Božie, ktoré je v tebe. „Hovor a choď vpred! Nekrič ku Mne! Choď vpred!“
239A, Pane Bože, dnes prichádzam v Mene Pána Ježiša. Prichádzam a držím tento Meč viery, nárokujem si jednotu Boha a človeka skrze Ducha Svätého, skrze milosrdenstvo a obeť Ježiša Krista, Jeho Syna. Vyzývam každého diabla, ktorý zviazal kohokoľvek v akomkoľvek smere v tejto budove, či je to chlapec alebo dievča, muž či žena. Vyzývam každú chorobu. Vyzývam každú pochybnosť. Vyzývam každý strach. Vyzývam všetko, čo je bezbožné; opustite toto obecenstvo v Mene Ježiša Krista. Vyjdite z tohto obecenstva, aby sme mohli byť jedno s Bohom a mohli slúžiť Bohu bez chorôb a strachu. Nech moc, ktorá nás urobila jedno s Bohom... Ako môže diabol vyvreskovať okolo pomazaného? Ako tam môže diabol stáť a vyvreskovať ako Goliáš? Keď Dávid prišiel do tábora a povedal, „Máte v úmysle nechať tam stáť toho neobrezaného Filištína a vyzývať armády živého Boha?“
240Ó, Bože, učiň, aby muži a ženy povstali v moci Ducha. Nech ten neobrátiteľný, ten deprimujúci diabol, ktorý škodil ľudskej rase cez celé veky, ktorý tu stojí a vyzýva cirkev živého Boha... Satan, vyjdi a odíď v Mene Ježiša Krista!
241No, vy, ktorí máte dostatok sily, aby ste držali ten Meč, teraz tí, ktorí ste dostatočne porozumeli Božiemu Slovu, aby ste si To nárokovali ako svoje osobné vlastníctvo, ktorí teraz môžete zobrať Slovo Božie do svojej ruky, držte To vo svojej ruke viery a povedzte, „Vyberám si svoju stranu s Pánom. Odteraz budem v jednote s mojím Bohom. Budem držať tento Meč Ducha v tomto Slove a odsekávať diabla, až kým nezískam každé zasľúbenie, ktoré mi Boh zasľúbil.“
242Ak tomu veríte z celého srdca, potom vás úprimne z celého srdca prosím, v Mene Ježiša Krista, postavte sa na svoje nohy a prijmite to. Myslíte to tak? Ste úprimní? Je Slovo vo vašej ruke? Je vaša ruka vašou vierou? Pozdvihnite svoju telesnú ruku ku Bohu a povedzte, „Bože, týmto, mojou zodvihnutou rukou zaväzujem celý môj život. Zaväzujem moju dušu; zaväzujem moje myslenie; zaväzujem všetko Slovu Božiemu. Nech teraz Duch Svätý vezme moju vieru a dá mi tú vec. Odsekni odo mňa každú pochybnosť. A skrze vieru prijímam to zasľúbenie, o ktoré som v tejto chvíli prosil.“
243Ak tomu veríte, povedzte teraz, „Amen“. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Povedzte znova, „Amen.“ Amen a amen a amen. Potom, ak to myslíte z celého svojho srdca, v Mene Ježiša Krista, sľubujem vám to, o čo ste prosili. Amen. Vy tomu verte z celého srdca. Nech vás Boh žehná. Brat Neville.
1 Thank you, Brother Orman. The Lord bless you.
Good morning, friends. It's nice to be here in the tabernacle again this morning. And was just standing back there listening, as I come in, and hearing the prophecy go forth in the way of speaking with tongues, with the interpretation. And I said to the folks that that room is full also, so I said, "I don't know, I haven't spoke to this man." That was Brother Higginbotham, if I've got the man right. For a long time, it's been months since I've even shook his hand. But that's exactly what I'm speaking on, what he said this morning, exactly what I'm speaking on. He didn't know it. I didn't know it myself till just a while ago, what I was going to speak on. And that's just it, what he said right then. So we are happy to know that we are assembled in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and under His protecting wings.
2 Now, I see many are standing up, place filled and jammed, and we just hate to see this. And, as soon as we can, we're going to make it different here, a bigger tabernacle. Now, I want to report from Phoenix just quickly.
3I was here last Sunday night and spoke on the subject of Communion to the... before the communion service. Communion is not taking bread, commune means "talk to, commune back, talk with someone."
4And now this morning, if I get a little too lengthy, why, someone change seats with those who are standing up, and it'll be appreciated, let them sit down for a little bit. I--I am concerned of this time that we're living in. I am very, very much concerned. When I see the things happening that I see taking place, there's something within me that's stirred. And I am wanting to just take my time and try to...
5 This morning's message I'm speaking on the subject of Oneness. And I--I want to take my time and try to make it just as... lay it out just as perfectly as I know how. And I desire your prayers as you have gathered.
6And now I want you to turn, if you have a Bible and like to read with me, to the 1st chapter of Hebrews, first. And I want to read the first three verses of the 1st chapter of Hebrews, and then Genesis 1:26 and 7, to tie that together. And no man can say anything that's worth saying unless God helps him say it. And--and that's along the Message this morning, too, of the oneness of the people and God. Now in Hebrews the 1st chapter, we read this.
God, who at sundry times... in divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in this last days spoken unto us through his... by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Who being in the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
7And now over in Genesis, the--the 1st chapter and the 27th, 26th and 27th verse, I read this.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowls of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
8 Now let's bow our heads just a moment as we pray. And I'm sure that there's many requests in the audience of this size, so perhaps we just raise up our hand to God, who has a request, and let him by this make it known that we have something that we want prayer for. God grant to each one of you.
9Lord, we have assembled under the roof of this tabernacle, and we are thankful to have the roof over us today, but our coming together was for a greater purpose than this. We feel that by the promise of God we have assembled under the wings of the Almighty. That He, as a hen would cover her chickens, would protect us from all that we are desiring Him to protect us from. That He would hover over us and nourish us and would give us today our daily bread, both physically and spiritually, that we might have the sustaining strength of body to walk about upon the earth, and the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit to bring the Word of God to a hungry people. And to leave here with It upon our lips and in our hearts, with such fresh anointing Oil that we'd be able to tell others of the day that we are living, and the condition of time. God, we are fully trusting in You. There is no other place left that no one could go to. We feel as Peter did, that day when Jesus said, "Will you go also?"
10He said, "Lord, where would we go? Thou alone has the Words of Eternal Life." And that's why we gather in Your Name this morning, because Thou alone has the Words of Eternal Life. And we pray that You'll make this so real to each of us today that our hearts will burn within us. Our souls will be strengthened, our bodies healed, our spirits healed, our souls made anew, created after the fashion that God would have us.
11 Father, I pray that You'll give strength to those who are standing in the rooms and around the walls, and in the vestibule around. I pray that You'll give them strength. And, knowing this going on tape, that'll go to many different nations, out into the lands and the tribes of the earth. And, God, we are trusting wholly in Thee. Just give us the strength and the--the Word and the anointing, that it might be just the way You would have it for this hour. We commit ourselves to Thee now, our listening, our voice, our attention, all that we are, we commit to Thee, that Thou would move in us. Work through us and manifest Your great Presence with us. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
12 The word oneness means "to be one with." Oneness, "united." And, now, this is quite a subject, and it--it deserves a lot more attention than I am able to give it, and more than most any person on earth could be able to give. But I would like to express to you my opinion of it, and, with what God will give us. Now, in this, it's teaching doctrine. And to the brethren who may hear this tape, I trust that it will not be an offense, but it will be to cause you to take this very considerably, under consideration, rather. That you would study it prayerfully, carefully, and weigh it out in the balance of God's Word, to see whether It be of God or not.
13For I believe that that's the way we should do always, weigh things with the Word, because the Word is the only Thing that will be able to remain. Jesus said, "Both heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." That's why I believe It, and to believe It to be God's program. I believe that That is the finished work of God wrote out in Word. Therefore, that if anything would be contrary to that Word, it could not be God or God's plan. I believe It is the program. Now, the Spirit of God in the Word makes the Word live Itself, act Itself out. It brings the Word to life, like a seed.
14 Now, the first man and first woman in the Garden of Eden was in perfect harmony with God, so much that God could come down at any time He desired and talk lip-to-ear with Adam and Eve. Now, that is perfect oneness, God and His creation, God speaking lip-to-ear with Adam and Eve. And they were so perfect in harmony with God till they were one with God. God and His family was one.
15Any man and his family, a correct, good, noble, obedient family is one with another, any family. And if there's something in the family that moves them apart, then it's not right, the family's broken somewhere. They should all be one, father with mother, mother with father, children with parent, parent with children, all in agreement. And, when you see that, you'll see one lovely picture.
16 That's God's purpose. And His purpose as Father, supreme, was to be one with His family, earthly family, Adam and Eve. And the only way that they could be one with the family, or with God, was because God's nature was in them. So that made them with God's nature in them, then with each other and God, they become all one. Isn't that a beautiful picture, God in His family, Father over all, supreme! No death, no sorrow, no heartaches, no nothing; just joy unspeakable; never to be sick, never to have a heartache, just one with God! What a picture! Because, the very nature of God was in these people. And therefore, what they did, they followed just in line with God, and God with them made them one.
17 Now, Jesus prayed, in John, the 17th chapter and the 11th verse, to you who put down these Sunday school texts. I have many of them this morning. John 17:11, Jesus prayed that the Church and He would be one like He and the Father were one. That the Church, we as members of the Body of Christ, would be one, together, just like He and the Father are one. And at that day we would know that He was in the Father... Father in Him, and He in us, that together we were one. What a union, a oneness that would be, to see God in His Church till every member is just perfectly in harmony with each other and God. That's the Church that Jesus is coming for. That's when His prayer will be answered, that we will be one.
18 And it is the only grounds of fellowship that God has ever laid down for Himself and His Church, is the oneness of Himself in the people. That's the only grounds of fellowship. And the only way that you can have those grounds is by a union, to be united with Him forever. Just like when you unite with your husband, the woman to unite with her husband, it is a vow until death. Now, then when you unite with God, it's the same thing that the church united with Christ, it's until death we part. And then if you never sin or do anything wrong, you'll be Eternally united with God. And only death can take you away from God, and not physical death, but the sin of death. Sin is death, and that takes you away from God. So, to be united with Him in the Spirit of His power, is Eternal Life, you're Eternally united with God. Oh, I want to get to that after a bit. United Eternally with the Eternal God, perfectly in harmony with Him, perfectly united together, a Church that all, both God and His Church, is one, united together.
19 And if you'll notice how that Eve was united with Adam, she become part of him. God, did you notice in Genesis 1:27, He created man male and female, created He them. Now, the man was a... both male and female when it come to being in the spirit of feminish and masculine. Then God took from his side a--a rib. Did you notice the body part was a by-product, but not the spirit? The body part of the woman was a by-product, after the creation had been finished, God took from the side of Adam a rib and made a woman. But not the spirit, the spirit was part of Adam, for he was both man and woman, fem-... spiritually speaking, both masculine and feminish.
20 Now, don't you see the great picture? We, in flesh, are different. We're like a by-product, a created being, by holy wedlock. But in Spirit we are sons and daughters, not some other spirit, but the Spirit of the living God. We are in His likeness, in His unity, in the perfect image of the living God, because we become sons and daughters. Not separated, but the same Spirit, the same God, the same Person, joined in wedlock to the Eternal. See how God planned it that we should be not a different, but Him! Not some other being of some other tribe, but a real union and offspring of the Almighty, done by a holy union. Now, the body comes from mother and father, but the Spirit come from God, God separating Himself as Adam was separated.
21 On the Day of Pentecost, we find the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire, separating Itself and setting upon each member of that Church, God putting Hisself together! Then with that group of people together, what does it do? Brings back the unified Body of the Lord Jesus. Coming together!
22And today in this great separation that we are living in, denominational differences and things, what a pity, what a disgrace!
23 Joined in Heavenly wedlock to the Eternal God, part of Him, part of God. In flesh I become Branham because of my father, Branham. You become part of your father and mother, but in spirit we become in union with God, is part of God. That's the reason that the spirit cannot die. "He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life. And in the image that he is here on earth, and in his likeness, I'll raise him up in the last days." Not a spirit being, for we'll have a body like God's glorious Body, the glorified Body of the Lord Jesus, raised up in That Image.
24 Jesus said, going to the grave of Lazarus, "I am the resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he be dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believeth in Me, not on Me, but in Me." Being in Him, believing! "If ye abide in Me and My Words in you." In Him, believing! Oh, my! I hope the Holy Spirit gets that right down to you. Now, you're the little flock, that's why through the week, praying and asking God, I chose this text, to show you where we stand. Believing in Him. You cannot believe in Him until you come in Him, or, He comes in you, then you're believing in Him, then you have Eternal Life. You're believing on Him until you receive Eternal Life, then Eternal Life is God's Life in you, then you're believing in Him.
25"Ye in Me, I in you. That they might be one, Father, even as You and I are one." God in Christ, Christ in the Church. See? "Just as we are one, so they be one." Then how can you be one? "If ye abide in Me, My Words in you." See, abide! "My Words in you, then ask what you will." For it isn't you no more, it's the Word that's in you, and the Word is God.
26 Now, the Word of God is a Sword. Hebrews, the 4th chapter, says so, Hebrews 4:12. Now, it is a Sword. And a sword is perfect dormant if it isn't yielded by a hand or a power. And it... but it takes a hand to hold the Sword. And take the hand that holds this Sword, is the hand of faith.
27Now, that hand of faith, it depends on how strong it is. This hand of faith might just be strong enough to cut a little hole through the darkness and say, "By faith I'm saved." That's a great cut, but, then, if that's all the stronger that hand is to yield that Sword, that's all it can cut. But, if it's a strong hand, it'll cut plumb through everything the Devil can put out there, make every promise of God shine forth in the power of His resurrection. If it's a strong hand of faith, "The days of miracles! Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever," cut its way through. It depends on the power of the hand behind the Sword.
28 And the Sword is plenty sharp. Hebrews 4, said, "It's sharper than a two-edged sword that cuts both coming and going, and even goes to the--the marrow of the bone, and in the joints, and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart." Goes beyond the physical, it goes into the spiritual realm and picks up the thoughts of the heart and reveals them. The Spirit of God, the Word of God.
29Now, that Word will cut in there if there's enough arm behind It to push It in, it'll find Its place and cut every promise out and give It to you, if you just got the strong enough arm behind It. The Sword, pick It up in an arm--an arm of faith! Grip It tight, hold onto It and walk into the face of the enemy. How can that uncircumcised enemy ever stand in the Presence of the Eternal God? So, you take the Sword of the Word, and every promise belongs to you. Pick It up in a strong hand of faith, walk forward! If you need healing, cut it out with the Word, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." If you need salvation, every promise in the Bible is yours. It's laying back in there and Satan's trying to hide it, but take the Sword and push through the darkness until the Light of God shines in upon your soul and you have the promise. He'll do it.
30 Adam was a part of, or, Eve was a part of Adam, she was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. And that's what the correct union is. And that's what the correct union of the Church is, Spirit of His Spirit, Word of His Words. Never deviating from the Word, the real true believer will not compromise on any Word. Remember, it was just one Word that Eve compromised on, one Word. But the true believer won't compromise on any Word. It'll hold the Sword of the Faith with... in faith, rather, the Sword of the Word, and claim every Divine promise God made. That's it.
31 They were God's examples to us, what we should be, them, ever present, never failing. When they spoke, God answered. He watched them, daily. Night, when they'd lay down to sleep, He watched over them. In the daytime, He guided them, fed them, loved them, communed with them constantly, all the time. They were in God's image, and God was in them. That's what makes a fellowship. That's what makes the union, is God in His Church. That's the union. Much could be said, got many places to go. United with Him, is Eternal Life. And the only way we can unite with Him is to come every bit of His Word. That's right, take every promise and believe It.
32 Now, Eve was united until she broke one Word, or, doubted one Word being true. That separated her. Every Word, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word!" So we can be in God, united, because Adam and Eve, before the fall, afore the disbelieving of the Word, was an example of what we could be in Him. To be united with Him, is Life; to be separated from Him, is death. Now, if we follow His commandments!
33 We know we make mistakes, but you mustn't look at that. It's not your mistakes, because you're always going to have them. But, you see, it's following His Rules, following what He said do. Stumble and falling doesn't have one thing to do with It. A real true servant, if he'll stumble, he'll get up again. If he wobbles, God pulls him right back in the path, as long as he's in the path of duty. But if he's off of the path of duty, God's not obligated to him. But as long as he's in the path of duty, God's obligated to him, knowing that he's just a man or a woman. He's obligated to that person as long as they're in the path of duty.
34 Now, the Church now is engaged to Christ for the wedding. The wedding has never been performed yet, it will be at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. So, we see that the Church is now engaged, like a man engaged to his wife. What does he do while they're engaged? He's just bestowing all kinds of things, sending her presents, making her feel good. Well, that's what Christ is doing to His Church. He's sending us gifts of the Spirit. How can you be engaged then when you're denying these gifts exist? It's the very love tokens. It's God's token to the Church. Jesus said so, "These signs shall follow them that believe."
35 Now, keep those things in mind. The Church must believe every Word, every promise, every iota, and claim It for themselves, and exercise themselves in It. If I was engaged to a girl, and I was a single man, and I'd send her something, an engagement ring, and she wouldn't wear it, then that shows she doesn't believe me. She--she--she doesn't want to be my bride. And if Christ sends His church the gifts that He promised, and they refuse them and say "they're not so," they don't want to be the Bride of Christ. They are espoused to some other lover, and not to Christ, the Bridegroom. So the real Church keeps the promise, and keeps all, and accepts the gifts that God sends them. All right.
36 Now, the first human beings disfellowshipped themself from believing God, by disbelieving His Word and listening to a lie of the Devil. Now, that's the first thing that disfellowshipped this wonderful union. Now look, Adam and Eve in a position to never die, in a position to never be old, to never be sick, to never have a worry.
37You say, "I sure wish I could be like that." Let me... I got news for you, you are in the same position. God places that to every creature on the earth, in the same position.
38 What was the agreement? "If you'll keep My Words! If, My Word, if you'll keep It, believe It and act upon It!" But the very first time that Eve disbelieved, took one Word away from what God said, it broke off fellowship with that great union. And the minute that the church disbelieves any one Word of God's Bible, and places It somewhere else, then they break off that wonderful fellowship that's offered to them, and to be separated. As soon as she did that, death set in her mortal beings. Not only her mortal, but her spiritual being. She broke off relationship with God, the minute she disbelieved. And no man can believe... Here it is! No man, no woman can--can believe the Devil's lie until they have disbelieved God's Truth. No one can believe the Devil's lie until they have disbelieved God's Truth. So, you see, Eve, Adam, where it places us this morning.
39 Now let's think seriously, because we never be able to think anymore after this, after this mortal life is over. Your thinking is now. You cannot choose after this, you must choose now, for this is the day of choosing, making your choice. Now she, one Word, not a whole Decalogue, just one Word, she questioned God because it was presented to her in that light, that that Word was questionable. God's Word cannot be questioned, He meant just what He said. But she questioned It because it was presented to her, "Oh, God surely didn't mean that." But He did mean that! God means every Word He says. And It doesn't need any private interpretation, It's just the way He said It.
40Well, say, "How you know about the Bible." I believe that my God has guided this Bible, He watches over His Word. He knowed that atheists and infidels would rise in the last days, so He's watched over It. This is exactly the way God meant It. It's the way It's to us now. Now we must believe It. One Word off of It, and we lose our fellowship, go off into--to death, Eternal separation from God, just as Adam and Eve did. We must believe God's Truth.
41 Let me make that again. Do not disbelieve any Word of God's Bible. But just don't say, "Yes, I believe It." Say "but"? No, there's nothing about that. You believe It, you'll accept It. If you lay It aside, say, "Well, my church don't believe It that way," then you do not believe It's God's Word, and you'll walk away under the same condemnation that Eve went away under. You separated yourself from the Eternal when you had a chance to be united with Him. Now, remember, That cannot be questioned, because It was one Word, that, in God's Word.
42 And, now, if God had just a--a few Words there that people must obey, and in them few Words one of them was misrepresented, caused death, look at the Words we got today! See? We must receive every one of them, hold onto them and enter into them as promises from God. And a true wife of God will do that, true engaged espoused-one. Now, I hope these little things go down deep now so we can catch them.
43 What was the first thing that caused Eve to disbelieve God's Word? It was because Satan promised her more wisdom, "You will be wise." Now, you see, the human race is always reaching after something. And Eve was reaching after more wisdom.
44Now let's stop just one minute. Isn't that the condition of the world today? They want more wisdom, better class, higher educated, wanting something that's different, more wisdom. That's what Eve wanted. But let me say this also, that there is no wisdom can surpass God's, yet It's in such a humble form that people miss It.
45Satan, as I have said many time, he shines, but the Gospel glows. Oh, there's quite a difference between shining and glowing. Hollywood shines, but the Church glows with the power and love of God. Hollywood shines. Quite a difference between glowing and shining. We do not want to shine. We want to glow.
46 Today, it's too bad to think this, but the churches try to lean upon their own understanding, just exactly like Eve did. She thought, because it was presented to her, it looked so real. Oh, don't fail to get this. It looked so real, something that could be added to what God said. It looked like that she'd have something that God hadn't told her just how far she could go. God hadn't give her the boundary line like He set the sea and it cannot pass because the moon watches it. He thought... She thought that Satan had something on the ball, as we say, that she could still be in union with God, and yet be smarter, she would have a better education. But God had lotted her just exactly what she had need of.
47And He's lotted to the church the same thing. That's not a twist of a seminary, or come in or twist out of a--a Bible school. But It's exactly what's written, and THUS SAITH THE LORD! Cannot change It! But the churches lean on their own understanding. They--they think maybe it's a... there's something fixed to them, and it's deceiving.
48 I'm just got to wait here a minute. The whole world's based on that. The whole economy of this nation is based upon false conception. Tell you a little joke on myself, it isn't a joke; but you know all of us love our wives, or, we should. And I was looking at a program here sometime ago out West, been a long time ago, about three years. And in my room one morning I got up, and there was a television setting in the room. And I thought, "Look like bad weather." And I thought, "Well, at eight o'clock they ought to have the news." And I got the little manual, it said news at a certain time.
49I turned the news on, and when I was hearing the news, then I noticed that in the middle of the newscast they broke off to advertise some kind of a goods, some kind of a detergent. And said, "You don't have to wash your dishes anymore, lady. The only thing you do is stick it right down in the water and let it sit there a couple minutes, raise it right up and put it on the drain board, it's all over."
50I thought, "I'm going to be a hero when I get home." I put the name of it down, this certain stuff. I said, "I'll tell my wife, 'Look what I can do!'"
51So I went and got a bottle of this such-and-such a stuff, and I squirted it all in the water. Told her to continue on sweeping the house, I'd fix it up for her. So I got the children's plate and raked out the crumbs, and so forth, and the egg sticking on it, and dropped it down in the water and let it sit a few minutes, and picked them out and set them up there. There was just as much egg on them as there was when I put in there. See, I--I'd have lost... My wife would have lost confidence in me by that time.
52 You see, why does the nation, why does these... this nation let the people be deceived? That oughtn't to be allowed to be said like that. That ought to be against the law. About the modern cigarette advertisement, what a disgrace, "Not a cough in a carload," all kind of. That oughtn't to be allowed. What is it doing? It's deceiving. There's death in every one of them. There's death in the drinking of whiskey; rape, murder, insanity, in the bottle. But yet we're allowed to put it on our programs and advertise it as "The kind that grandfather drank. More joy out of life," certain kinds of beverages of beer and alcohol. What is it? It's deceiving. It's placing something before the public to kill themselves with. And we're allowed to do it.
53 And let me turn that right back over. And the churches through man-made dogma, man-made creeds is presenting a great front to the people, and they're falling for it, which is death. No church will clean your soul. No creed can clean your soul. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse your soul, God's remedy, It's backed up. So it's just false, but people lean upon the understanding of the wise, and they die by it. And people today are leaning upon the understanding of--of creeds and denominations, and millions like slaughtered pigs are plunging their way into a bottomless pit of hell. What a shame it is. We are forbidden to lean upon our own understandings. We cannot try.
54 You say, "Oughtn't the council of man be able to say more about It than one person?" Not if that one person says the Word of God. There was four hundred prophets one time come up before two kings, and they leaned upon their own understanding. But there was one who stayed with the Word of God and it proved out he was right, Micaiah. It depends on whether it's the Word of God. Anything contrary to the Word is wrong, comes in death. No wisdom can surpass God's wisdom. He's the smartest of all smarts. He's the--He's the Fountain. He's the only resource of wisdom. Every man's word is foolishness and a lie, but God's, if it's contrary to God's. Now, if the person's saying God's Word, then it--it's not the man's word no more, it's God's Word. See, it isn't the man's understanding.
55 Satan will make you all kind of promises, but he has nothing to give you, because he don't have nothing. He don't have no salvation. What is Satan? Anything contrary to the Word. He doesn't have salvation, he doesn't have Light. His kingdom is darkness, the end thereof is death. Darkness and death is Satan's kingdom. "Brother Branham, repeat it again. What is Satan's kingdom?" Anything contrary to the Word of God.
56Now, that's cutting, but it's time for cutting. See? The branch, the tree, if it's going to bear, must be pruned. It's time.
57Anything contrary to the precepts of God, the Word of God, is not God. What is it, what is sin? Righteousness perverted. What is death? Life perverted. What is the kingdom of Satan? Anything that's setting something to take the place of the Word, anything, any teaching. One word, just one word. You might believe every bit, Eve believed every bit of It to that one Word. That one Word is all she needed to disbelieve. That one Word is all you need to disbelieve.
58 Now let's look at it. The only way to stay in Divine fellowship, was keep that Word. God said, "Thou shalt do this. Thou shalt not do this. Thou shalt do this, and you can do this and do this. But don't do this." Now, just one little piece of a commandment that she disobeyed, and started the whole thing. Because she did that, made every hungry child that was ever in the world, every pain of death, every sorrow, every heartache. She did it right then. What a horrible thing, to disbelieve God's Word. Every person that groans in pains of every death that ever was or ever will be, she did it right then. Every little unwedded child, she did it right then, every child born under... out of wedlock. Every sin that was ever committed, she caused it right there by keeping every Word right down but one little place here. She--she reasoned. She just... She didn't ignore it. She knowed it, but she just... She was enticed to do something better because she was promised a better class of people, better wisdom, know more about It if she'd do this. "Our ministers are better educated. We have a better class."
59There's no better class of people in the world than those who keep God's Word. That's the best. That's the only class that God looks at. Just a little while and maybe God will let us get into it.
60 His kingdom can promise nothing but death. That's all he has. He's the author of death. He can promise lies because he's the father of lies. He can't give you Life. He can't give you Heaven, he has no Heaven to give you.
61Think of it! One word, to disbelieve God through a promise of the Devil or his machinery, one word sends you into torment. That's the way it started. And if God, in His mercy as He is, would send this mass of hell upon the earth, and cause little hungry children, all kinds of afflictions, and starving people, and death in the earth, because one word at the beginning, could not He have looked it over and kept from having all this mass of suffering? Could He not have done it? Then if He didn't excuse one Word then, knowing that this would be the results, how much more will He not excuse one Word there when the individual is going to be the sufferer alone, who disbelieves. Think of it, it's a tremendous thing.
62 Now, when Adam and Eve listened to the lie of the Devil, the holy image of God left them, their fellowship was broken with God. Their fellowship of oneness with God was broken. The very minute they listened to the lie of the Devil, that broke their fellowship. And the very minute that you listen to the lie of the Devil, it'll break your fellowship. That's the very minute that you go out from the Presence of God, like she did, is when you failed to take God's Word just as It is.
63 Now look, I want to ask you something. We all know there's a God. And if God is so correct with His Word, and so determined that He'll judge the people by His Word, then He's got to preserve a Word somewhere to judge the people by. This Bible is It. Don't you forget that. It's the Bible that God will judge the people by, for It said in Revelation 22, "He that will take one Word away from It or add one word to It."
64See, not just say, "Well, I--I go to church. I believe. I--I--I believe God." Why, every devil in the hell believes Him. Every one of them's religious, every one.
65 But it just takes one word, that breaks the fellowship right there. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. The more your weakness is on disbelieving God's Word, there's where you want to put a new link, strong with the rest of it. If you believe Jesus Christ saves, then you must put a link in there that believes He heals. If you believe He was, you must believe He is. Hallelujah! If you believe He was, and wondering whether He is, that link will break, then you're lost. See what I mean? It's stern, it's hard, but it's the Truth. You must believe Him, every Word, everything that He said.
66 Now, you say, "Well, now, Brother Branham, what about these denominations?" Well, now listen. If they are with this Word, all right. But if they deny that Word, then it's not right, it's the Devil again. See?
67"What about this certain-certain church?" I don't know what about that church. Only thing I know about is this Word. Now, how you going to believe a church when there's nine hundred and something different denominations, and each one saying "our denomination has exactly the Truth"?
68Now where would you go to? You've got to have faith in something. Well, you say, "I have faith in the Methodist, in the Baptist, in the Presbyterian, in the Lutheran, in the Pentecostal, in the Catholic," whatever it is. You got faith in that organization, and, if it's contrary to the Word, you're doing the same thing Eve done. Exactly! You're doing exactly the same thing she did, taking God's Word and making It...
69 "Well, there's a better class of people goes here. It's a bigger building. They're smarter men." That don't have one thing to do with it. Satan's much smarter than Eve. She didn't... wasn't even in the picture. But she wasn't supposed to be smart, she was supposed to be obedient. We're not supposed to be smart. Jesus said the children of this world, or, the kingdom of this world is much smarter, the children of darkness than the children of Light. We are likened to sheep. Sheep can't even lead themselves, they've got to have a shepherd. God don't want us smart, He wants us to lean on His understanding, amen, just where He leads. Amen. You see the picture? Don't lean upon your own understanding. Proverbs 5, 3. Don't lean upon your own understanding, lean upon His understanding. No matter how contrary it seems, and how big the bright lights look out here, don't pay no attention to it. Just lean on His understanding, what He said is the Truth.
70 Now, the oneness in fellowship was broke between God and His children, the minute she disbelieved one little paragraph, one little Word of God. Everybody get that, say "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not a Bible; say, "I don't believe the Bible at all. I believe half of It." She had to believe all of It, every bit.
71Not only that, but the oneness between husband and wife was broken. I don't believe there's any marriage can be what it ought to be without a union between husband and wife and God. That's right. They'll bring up children in the world, and make them illegitimates, give them cigarettes, whiskey, play cards in their sight, drink liquor before them. No matter how loyal they are to their marriage vows, that's sexually, that's flesh. But there's a spirit in there, that spirit of a sinner papa and mama, no matter how loyal to their children, will come wrong.
72 Well, you say, "I know men and women that didn't teach their children that, and wasn't Christians." The very thing of not leading them to Christ was the wrongest thing they could ever do besides the other; not to lead them to Christ, see. So you can't have a correct union without it. The fellowship broken.
73Then as soon as the fellowship was broken between Adam and Eve... As soon as their fellowship was broke between God and them, then their fellowship between each other was broke.
74Listen! Anytime a church breaks its fellowship, to throw itself into an organization, the fellowship of the believers is broke. We've got to believe with one heart, one mind, and one accord. That's the way they was before the union was ever made on the Day of Pentecost; one heart, one mind, and one accord. And when you throw a church into an organization, you're going to get all kinds of fractions in it. Because, some of them children in there is going to believe in God, they're going to hold to the thing that's right, and the others will go the other way. So, you have no fellowship. Yes.
75 What? Her thinking changed. Oh, yes, her thinking changed. Her fellowship with her husband wasn't right. They begin to pass the buck. See? Her thinking was actually changed. Why? She had the life of the Devil in her. Exactly! As soon as she disbelieved God's Word, she accepted the life of the Devil because she accepted his teaching.
76I can make this awful strong right here, but it's on tape. I'm sure you understand, the Church.
77She disbelieved God's Word and it disassociated her from God, because in her right then was the life of the Devil. She had believed his lie, said, "The fruits is good," and she'd partake them with him. That's right.
78 I ain't going to hold This, I'm going to let It come anyhow. Just can't. The other day in California, I mean in Arizona, I was teaching in a church. I've never said nothing under inspiration that I ever had to take back. So many of the ministers got after me about the seed of Satan, the serpent's seed. "The woman, it was eating an apple." Huh! That, well, Cain thought the same thing, he brought the fruits of the field in, you see. It wasn't no apple! How did she realize she was naked? We've been through that. It was actually a sexual affair. Certainly, it was, she realized she was naked. And she had a child by the serpent, which was not a reptile, he was the most subtle of all the beasts. He was the next thing to a man. Man can find monkeys and chimpanzees--chimpanzees, and so forth, but they can't find that link that connects man and beast together. There he is. God cursed him so far he can't come back again, that's on him for this evil act that he did. He was the only seed that would mix.
79 Now, the other day, standing, preaching, there was a bunch of Catholic people in my audience, and I said, "You Catholic people that call Jesus, or, call Mary, rather, 'the mother of God,' how can God have a mother when He's Eternal? He can't have a mother. Jesus was not even anything to Mary, but He was just... she was an incubator that hatched Him."
80Well, they always believed, and I had an idea of it myself years ago, that the--the immaculate conception was that God overshadowed her and put a blood cell in there, but the egg come from the woman. If the egg come from the woman, there has to come a sensation to bring the egg through the tube to the womb. See what you do with God? You make Him in a sexual mess. God, Who created the blood cell, created the egg, also. Doctor, there has to be both male and female pollen. That's right.
81 Well, then, if this woman produced the egg, then how could David say "I'll not leave My Holy One see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell"? Then if the woman egg was in Christ, then the person's got something to do with His part in the resurrection, when it's wholly complete with God. Why did God raise up a sexual part of a person? In the resurrection, why didn't He leave His body see corruption? Because He was holy. And how could He be holy if He'd have had a conception with Mary, and the pollen had come from Mary, the egg down through the tube into the womb? There'd have had to be some sensation to bring the egg down. Then the woman would be...
82Well, you say, "The egg might have been laying there. Could have been possible." But that, if so, then look what happens here, then He wasn't altogether God. He wasn't God, inasmuch as He was human. But then if that be so, the woman had something in it. And the--the actual seed that come from Mary, which come from her mother, and her mother, and her mother, was something human mixed into it, with a human desire. Couldn't have been. No, sir. I said, "He... she was only..."
83 Just like you take the eagle and let it lay an egg, and put it under the hen, the hen will hatch the egg, she's only the incubator. But there isn't one speck about it, the eagle, that's a chicken. No, sir. The hen was the... You could tie a little pup down over the top of a--a bird egg, and it would hatch a bird, the pup would. It's the warmth of the body that hatched the egg.
84And that's the same way it is with Jesus. Mary was just the incubator. God used her like He does any other woman. She was a virgin, she had had no children. He come into a virgin womb, but God the Creator made both egg and germ, created it. Therefore, it was immaculate conception.
85 When I come out, of course, you know the brethren waiting for me. They said, "Brother Branham, I want to ask you something. You made a mistake. Now we got you caught."
I said, "All right, that's what I want, to be caught."
86And said, "You made the mistake by saying this, when you preached The Serpent's Seed. Now you say that--that the egg belonged... God created it, the egg. What happened, we find out here that in Genesis the 3rd chapter, God said to Mary, 'I will put enmity between your seed and the serpent's seed.'"
87I thought, "Oh, my!" I never preached anything in my life under inspiration I had to take back, 'cause I don't depend upon my own understanding. And if my understanding is contrary to God's Word, then my understanding's wrong. It's got to be God's Word. If it isn't, leave it alone, it's not right. But now tear It down is the thing to do. In my heart, I said, "Heavenly Father, You help me. I don't know what to do here. The man has the Scripture, he's pointing his finger at, 'I'll put enmity between your seed and the serpent's seed.'"
88 Now, here it is! The Holy Spirit moved over. I believe the same One that could overshadow Mary, that could create, He can also put a Word in your mouth. I depend on Him daily. And it's always His Word. He can't say the... something contrary to His Word. Then if you say you're anointed, and preach against the Truths of God, then it's not the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Cause, when the Holy Ghost overshadows you, He brings the same thing, 'cause It is the Word.
89 Listen. What happened? I said, "All right, I want to ask you something. The woman has no egg. She has no seed. He said now, He said not 'an egg,' He said 'thy seed.' And she had no seed."
90It takes a union to make a seed. Is that right, doctor? Has to be. If you got a whole lot of pulp out here, didn't have no life in it, and planted it out here, it--it wouldn't never come up, lay there and rot. And you couldn't plant the life without having the pulp. So, you see, the whole thing is a union. I'm trying to tell you now about Christ and the Church. It's a union. See, if the woman is the seed of herself then she doesn't need the male, she can have her baby herself. But she can't be, she can't have the baby until she's been with the male, because it takes the two together to make a seed. Is that right? Plant a seed with no life in it, see what'll happen.
91Like they got this saying this woman giving birth to these dogs here. See, it couldn't be alive. It couldn't be, 'cause, see, the pollen won't mix.
92 Now, notice this now, the--the woman was not a seed. Therefore, He said, "I will put enmity between thy seed and the serpent's seed." Telling her that He was going, Himself, to give her a seed, not through an intercourse, sexually. He was going to create in her a seed. Well, you say, "Would that be His seed?" Yes. It would belong to Mary then after He give it to her. This is my eye, He give me this. It's my eye, but He give it to me. This is my hand, He gave it to me. This is my voice, but He give it to me. See? And the seed that was, Mary... had nothing to do with Mary. It was something God did Himself.
93 So the seed that was in her then, was a union of an unlawful act, which was death. She was already pregnated with the serpent's seed, 'cause she had lived with the... And she turned and said, herself, "The serpent beguiled me." That's right. And, immediately, Cain come on.
94Oh, we know she said she got a child from God. Certainly, every child that's born, illegitimate and anything else, has to come by an act of God. He's the only One Who can make life. Certainly. That is right.
95See, she was already to be mother. And that never... only what it did, was clear up the thing of the serpent's seed. "The seed that's in you now is by concepted, your unlawful act against My Word, with this thing here, and you are now got the serpent's seed. But I'll give you a seed by immaculate conception, and His Seed shall bruise the serpent's head, and his head shall bruise the heel." Amen. Just let God have it, if it's His Word He'll bring It to pass.
96 That's the reason you've got to be in union with God. That's the reason that Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, after Jesus said "baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," Peter turned around and said "baptize them in the Name of Jesus Christ," because the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ. See that? It takes a union.
97Paul had never seen Peter, but the same Holy Ghost, in that same union (glory!), caused him to say the same thing. "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"
He said, "We don't know whether there be."
Said, "How was you baptized?"
Said, "Unto John."
98Said, "You have to be baptized over again, in the Name of Jesus Christ." And they received the Holy Ghost.
99What was it? The union, saying the same thing God says! And that's the confession. Confess means "say the same thing." And He's the High Priest of our confession, to act upon what He has said. We say It's the Truth, and He acts upon It. Oh, my! There you are. There is the conception.
100 Now watch how she--she--her union between her and her husband was broken. See, quickly, as soon as God said "Adam, how'd you do this?" Instead of taking up for his wife, he passed it on to his wife. "The woman Thou givest me." Union broke. See?
101What did she do? Instead of loving her husband and telling the Truth, she lied. She--she--she--she should have said, "He's innocent, I gave to him." Amen. The Bible said, "She gave to her husband." She should have said, "The man's innocent. I gave to him and then he did eat, but I was the one that give it to him." Instead of that, she passed it on to the serpent, closest bypass.
102 That's the same thing they try to do today. See, the husband, wife, the union broken. Husband and wife, fellowship was broken between them. The oneness of them was broken, the oneness between them and God was broken. The whole thing was marred. Why? Because one Word was disbelieved. Oh, brother, my! Yeah, she should have told the Truth. The oneness with her and her husband was gone, and the oneness of them and God was gone. And every church that doesn't take the whole of God's Word, the same thing happens. I love It, don't you?
103 Watch her firstborn, Cain, a murderer, a lie, a deceiver, jealous, jealous of his brother. His brother kept the Commandments of God, and God had made an atonement by killing an offering and offering it for them. Watch the ignorance of that now, of Satan, tried to substitute something. God, the Bible said, went and made them aprons out of skins; to get skins, something died. Adam tried to make hisself some aprons out of fig leaves. It wouldn't work, botany life. Life, moving life had to die. So He killed a lower form of life, and saying in there that "Someday My Own Life will be give for you, the real Life that'll draw in this union again." Now, we'll get to it in a few minutes, God willing. "See, here's a lamb's life. Now, you put this around you and hide your nakedness." "You mustn't eat apples"? Nonsense! See? "Put these skins around you." He had to kill something.
104 And Satan's son, they didn't come the way he wanted it, he did. Anyway you want to say it, but it was Satan's son, 'cause that purity of Adam to God could not have brought that kind of a thing. Notice then Satan's son, trying to make an atonement, come back with the same thing that most of the people say today, a bunch of apples and fruits of the land, to offer for an atonement, an antidote.
105And what did righteous Abel do? He knowed that it wasn't no such a thing as eating apples. He was the blood of his mother and daddy, the life of Adam. So he brought a lamb, just like God did. Hallelujah! He kept the Word of God, and Cain was jealous with him.
106Same thing today! Come in that blood-offering, that Word of God just exactly what It says, stay right with It. A lot of them would believe that blood-offering, sure, but say something else in the Word, they say, "Oh, no, I don't believe that. Uh-huh, that--that's for another day." Same old devil, same old trick! Wait till we get through with it. Notice, he come right down the same way.
107 But Cain, in his stupid ways, not so stupid, but in his cunning ways, deceived, and brought in fruit. Adam kept the... Abel kept the Word of God, he brought in a lamb. God said, "That's right, Adam, you've kept... Or, Abel, you've kept My Word." "Cain, you knowed it wasn't... Where did I take some fig leaves like your daddy tried to do? You got a bunch of figs or grapes or apples or whatever you got here. And now your daddy took the leaves off the tree, to try to make an atonement, and here you try to bring the fruit off the tree." It wasn't that! It was blood from life.
108 Oh, God brought it down, said, "Here it is." And Abel offered the right one. Then his brother was jealous at him. Look what he did, he killed his brother. God raised up another one; like death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Watch. God then, His... What did He tell Adam and Eve? "Go on and multiply and replenish the earth." Scatter the human race all over the earth, so He could deal with them individually till He could bring them back together. Dealing with the people, individuals, each person. But they didn't want it that way.
109Don't miss this revelation. God, let it happen. May you see it the way I'm looking at it.
110 See, it wasn't that, God don't deal with a person in a group. God don't deal with you in an organization. He deals with you as an individual, an individual. Individually we are baptized with the Holy Ghost. Collectively we are baptized into the Body when we are baptized with the Holy Ghost. Individually, each one baptized with the Holy Ghost, God dealing with each one. That was His purpose, scatter them across the earth so He could deal individually with them.
111But instead of that, what happened? God had to separate Cain's people from Seth's people. He sent Cain away. He separated them so He could deal with His church. Watch. Cain was separated. Now watch. God separated Eve's evil Cain from Adam's holy Seth. Oh! Did He do it? Through an unlawful act, this woman living with somebody else and brought a child. God separated that child and his generations from this righteous and holy man, his children.
112It's the same thing today, separating, separated, found them, they were not in unity. They could have no unity. Can night have unity with day? Can a believer have unity with an infidel? Can a man who believes in all the Word of God have a unity with them who just believes part of the Word of God? God wants separators.
113 Now, Cain was Eve's son, she said, "I have gotten a son." But Seth was Adam's son. And God separated them because he couldn't let... Why, they'd corrupt one another, Cain's evil children would corrupt Seth's good children. That's right.
114Now watch! And the same old Devil that caused Eve to disbelieve one Word of God, and told them to separate themselves from one another and to live different, each one, that same Devil got among them and brought them together again. Did you get it? Say "Amen" if you did. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He brought them together again under a false union, an act of God... against God's plan. What happened? How did he do it? "The sons of God," said the Bible, Genesis, "seen the daughters of man." The sons of God, Seth's children, saw the daughters of man, Cain's children, how pretty they were. Hum! And, what did they do, they fell for them! And they united themselves together again, because of beauty, that "they were fair to look upon."
115 Same thing today! Here you are, brethren. You Pentecostal weaklings, who God separated you and sent you out to be an interdenomination! You can't denominate pentecost. Sent you out to be His people. But you seen the big fine churches and the theology, you got yourselves a lot of big schools and things. And what did you do? You've united God's people again with organization, which, the very foundation of it is Catholicism. Pretty, big churches, fine-dressed people, the mayor of the city and all the rest of them comes, best dressed, best educated, high theologians, knows how to come to a place where everybody wears the very fanciest of clothes, and the pastor stands just so perfect in place. What is it? You're looking at the things that God condemned. And you've took the Pentecostal church (God, let it hit the tapes!) and have united it into an organization. God never did want It united, He wanted It separated; never united with the world.
116 The same old Devil that caused Eve to disbelieve the Word of God and done her evil, come right back around and took the children of Seth and let them see these pretty women of Cain, and they united again. And they was not infidels. They were not communists. No, no. They were believers. They said, "Now perhaps maybe the Lord might do something." Or, oh, this like that. They--they were... They thought that they were doing what was right. And what did God have to do? Wipe the whole thing off, had to wipe the whole thing off. Under false union! He had to send a flood and destroy the whole bunch. Judgment come on for that false union. Judgment struck Eden because of a false union.
Now, did the serpent have a seed? Shame on you.
117 A false union brought judgment on the earth, to Eve and Adam, in Eden. And a false union brought the floods of God's judgment on the earth because that the daughters of Cain flirted with the sons of God, and they fell for it and united together again. There you are. False union, "Nothing could happen." What did God do? He destroyed the whole thing, all but precious old Noah and his family. He... they got together.
118And again after that, after the death of Noah, and that spiritual family of Noah, first thing you know, the children of man begin to look to one another again. What did they do? They said, "Now, we're not infidels, we all believe in God." So they got a fellow, by a leader, some great archbishop by the name of Nimrod, and they built a tower. They wasn't infidels. They believed there was a Heaven. They believed there was a hell. They believed in judgments. But the children of God with the daughters of man, again, and they made themself a union, falsely, and built a great big cathedral, a great big organization, and all the other places was to--to Babel, was to pay tribute to it.
119 And they said, "I tell you what we can do. You know we're smart." Where'd they get that wisdom? From the Devil. That's exactly. They got it from the Devil like--like Eve did. Got it from the Devil. So they said, "We'll build ourself an organization, we'll please God. And I'll tell you what we'll do, we'll have little stairsteps. We'll run up and sing and enjoy with the angels, and come back down here and live the way we want to." That devil's still living. See? It was against the commandments of God. They didn't keep His commandments. What did God do? Well, they built a tower of Babel, false again, so God confused them and separated them.
120 God separated again and He sent out good old righteous Abraham, said, "I'll just take you and make a nation out of you." God separated them. "Come out from among them, Abraham, leave everything behind." And God never blessed him till they left everything behind, Lot was the last. "Come out, Abraham, separate yourself from them unbelievers. And I'm going to take you and make a nation out of you. I'll make a people that'll keep My commandments. I'm going to give them another chance."
121Good old Abraham went to sojourning in a strange land. That's what every Abraham does, sojourning in a strange land. What? Believing a promise that was impossible, humanly speaking. What do you think them modern Cain's doctors would have said that day? "Whew, my, an old man, hundred years old, going to have a baby by a wife, ninety? Oh, what a ridiculous thing!" But Abraham believed God's Word. And anything contrary to it, he called as though it wasn't.
122All these false baptisms, false sensations, false stuff that's going on today, say it's not there, believe God's Word and keep on going. It's only a stumbling block to keep you from reaching for the real. That's right. Move right on, children. God's Word, God keeps His Word. I don't care how many bogus things the Devil throws out there, God's still got a true Word and He keeps It.
123 Abraham called anything contrary, wrong. Romans, the 4th chapter, if you're putting it down. Abraham called anything contrary to God's Word, as though it wasn't. That's right. He believed in God, was strong, no matter how weak his body got, how impossible it seemed that it wasn't going to happen, Abraham kept on believing it. Now, he didn't have to get down at the altar and say, "If it don't come right now, I'm going to do... I don't know whether to believe it or not." Abraham stayed with it for twenty-five years before it come, but it got there. It always does.
124 Abraham, come Isaac; Isaac, come Jacob; out of Jacob come the patriarchs; out of the patriarchs, went into Egypt; in Egypt, growed a nation. Then when He got His nation growed up, His achievement, what did He do? God separated them again. Unbelief and faith can't go together. No, sir. He separated them again, for His Own. What did He do to them to be sure that they was led right? Listen close now, we haven't got too much more time now, maybe another fifteen minutes. He led them close. Watch, He raised up a nation, put them under tutors and things. They were beat and crying, and crying and going on. But God was looking down, He remembered every promise He give Abraham. One day He--He thought... What did He do to them? What did He do when He separated them? He give them a law and He give them a prophet, He give them a Pillar of Fire. What did He do? (O God!) He set His church in order. A Pillar of Fire, Spirit, to lead them, a prophet who would tell them the Truth of His Word. They were ready for the journey then. Isn't that wonderful?
125 Out into the wilderness they went, performing signs and wonders, opening up the Red Sea, calling the plagues of hell down on Pharaoh. Oh, my! A Pillar of Fire moving before them, amen, led them by the night and by the day. Hallelujah! A prophet, true to that Word, standing there keeping them lined up. Amen. He was ready to take His children then. That was the first time they was ever called a church. It was a type of what He's going to do in the last days. We'll get to that again just in a minute. He called them out, give them a law, give them His Word, and give them a prophet, He give them a sign, and He sent them into the wilderness. Separated them from the rest of the world.
126What did they do? Saw the pretty women of Moab, a lukewarm church with gods and goddesses and everything else. What did they do? Went for them, married in among them. That's right, exactly right. I imagine those pretty little Moabite women were really beautiful.
127 I got a prophecy laying at home, one of these days I'm going to read it. And you wonder why I rap at women the way I do. Thirty years ago... I've got THUS SAITH THE LORD! Thirty years ago when I entered the ministry, He told me that the strain of women would come so immoral and imputed in the last days they'd be the most defiled thing on the earth. Right! She started it at the beginning and Satan use her at the end. And look what is happening, look down through the years. Said, "She'll continue to strip herself." And said, "There'll just be a little tiny group, of the very Elected that's predestinated, will escape that."
128When that vision come, that worried me. I thought, "Women..." I turned back over in the Bible to Isaiah, I believe the 5th chapter, and It said, "The branch that has escaped from... the daughters of Zion, in that day will be beautiful to the Lord."
129 A woman wrote me a question the other day, she said, "Brother Branham!" Or, no, it was a man, minister. He may be standing here this morning. He's just from Ohio. And he said, "We want to say the same thing you do, but we found something on your tapes that's not right." So Billy brought the letter to me. Said, "Something on your tapes," says, "is very contradictory, Brother Branham, to the Word of God. And we want to--we want to say the same thing." Said, "One question I want to say to you, that's First Corinthians, the 11th chapter, and it says that about the head covering for the women, and the man not to have covering." Said, "We believe that. The women should wear hats in the church, and the man should take their hats off in the church." Said, "We believe them head coverings, and so forth." And said, "Then another question is that the people come to us and say the Angel of the Lord speaks everything to you. Every word that you speak is from the Angel of the Lord. And, Brother Branham, it's so hard to fight against something like that," said, "in my church." Said, "We want to say the same thing. Now, Brother Branham, don't you believe that you was a little in error there?"
130I wrote back, "My precious brother, I'm not in error. The First Corinthians, the 11th chapter, said a woman should have her head covered, and why. Then the 15th verse said her long hair is given to her for a covering, not a hat." That Catholic spirit's dominated the church long enough. Her long hair is her covering. Don't nature itself...
131 And look, and then the question come back, somebody asked me sometime ago... I'll explain it while I'm at it. He said, "Well, the Bible said that she should have long hair because of the angels. What's the angels got to do with a woman?"
132I said, "What is an angel? It's a messenger." What's Paul saying? If a true messenger, an angel from God comes by, you'd better have long hair. He'll condemn the thing. That's right. How many's got... knows that an angel is a messenger? Exactly right. A messenger sent from God will condemn it. Said, "You better have long hair, because of the angels." Them messengers sent from God comes by, will condemn that thing. Yes, indeedy, because, a real messenger from God, an angel is connected with God, and His Word can't fail. That's exactly right. Saint Paul said there, that if even an angel from Heaven come taught anything else, let him be accursed. That's right. Now we find out that that's true, she should have long hair, that's her covering.
133 But I imagine these pretty Moabite women were very beautiful, they might have been fixed up some like some of the modern Jezebels of today. But, however, not all women! I think a woman that's genuine is a jewel. Praise God for a real woman. You're God's handsmaids. But a real woman is like a real man, they'll follow the Word of God regardless of what the Devil says, or any false thing.
134And say, "Our pastor said it's all right to do this." I don't care what your pastor said. If it's contrary to God's Word, let his word be a lie, and keep God's Word. Care what denomination it is or what he is, if he's got anything to say about it, tell him to look into the Word of God. Exactly right.
135 Oh, how we could go on down and see God separating them. We're going to have to stop just a minute. I got some Scriptures here I want to just bypass it, to get, hurry up to get to the end. Then when... what happened when He taken place there, when the Moabite women? God had to separate them again. What did He do?
136Then came Jesus. Now where we're coming somewhere. Then came Jesus, the expressed image of God, the woman's seed, conceived by God Himself. The great Architect built Himself a body. He didn't have to borrow any timber from anybody, from the woman or man. He built Himself a house. Oh, my!
137 I think of Stephen on that day when he stood, said, "You uncircumcised in heart and ears, you stiffnecks. You always resist the Holy Ghost. Like your fathers did, so do you!" Said, "Solomon built Him a house, but howbeit the Most High don't live in houses made with hands, but a body hast Thou prepared."
138Didn't have to borrow any timbers anywhere. Hebrews, the 11th chapter, I believe in the 2nd or 3rd verse, says that "The world was framed by the Word of God, the things were made out of things that don't appear." God just said, "Let there be," and there was. He didn't have to go over and say, "Mr. Moon, would you loan Me a little timber? Mr. Star, would you let Me have some calcium?" God don't do that.
139 He didn't have to say, "Mary, you loan Me an egg, I want to make a body so I can dwell in it." God the Creator spoke, and she was a mother right then. She wasn't a mother, she was just a woman bearing His Seed. That's right. Remember, she was not Jesus' mother. The world said so. Find me one place in Scripture ever He called her mother. Now come back to the Word. "Mother of God," shame on you. See?
140One day there was some people said to Him, said, "Your mother's outside looking for You."
141He said, "Who is My mother?" Looked on His disciples, said, "They that do the will of My Father is My mother."
142She wasn't His mother, she was an incubator. God could have used something else, but He wanted to take the very lowest and show what He could do with it. Raise it up, make something out of nothing, that's God.
143The expressed image come, Jesus, the immaculate One, the lovely One, the fairest of ten thousands, the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, oh, the Morning Star. What was He? What did He come for? Listen close now. To re-establish oneness between God and man. Oh, do you see it, brother?
144 All their towers of Babel and all their other things back there didn't work. All their fruits of the gardens and everything else displeased God. So God came down and was conceived in the womb of a woman, by His Ownself, made Hisself a body, and become Immanuel, God with us; neither Jew nor Gentile, but God. He wasn't Jew, He wasn't Gentile, He was God. And the Gentiles was just as much to Him at anytime, only He tried to separate a Jew for a nation. He tried to do everything to get it back, and the only way He could establish it was come back to an individual like He was at the beginning. That's the way it is today, to an individual. Not to a denomination, not to an organization, not to a group of people; but to an individual. Notice, to re-establish oneness between God and man.
145 He was a real sin-offering. Sheep, goats, and so forth, could never take away sin. But the life... Because when the sacrifice is killed and the life of a lamb, the most innocent thing, could not come back, that life, upon the believer, because he was a human being, with a soul, and the sheep has no soul.
146See, nothing has a soul but man. God put... He's an animal form, that's true, but He put a soul on him. That's what made him different from the animals. He knowed right from wrong when his soul come on him. But he... Remember when God created man in His Own image, and then he became a living soul. See, he became that, knowing right from wrong.
147 Now notice. But now, in this, Jesus came and He was God. Not only the life of another man can come back on another man, but the very Life of God, making him a child of God, putting him back into the same union he was before the fall. Now we're getting the real oneness.
148People, somebody says to me, "Brother Branham, aren't you oneness?" Not the organization oneness. But I'm oneness with Christ, see, but not the organization oneness.
149He paid the debt of sin. Now, in order to get oneness between God and man, Jesus could not do it as long as He was here in a body of flesh. So He had to become the complete sin-offering to take away the guilt of the believer, see, take it away so that the Holy Ghost could come into man, and make man and God oneness again. See, there had to be something to re-establish.
150 Now, what could re-establish? When God's commandment is fulfilled. Could an Angel fulfill it? He has no blood. Could God have fulfilled it? He had no blood. And God became flesh and blood in order that He could pay the debt correctly and take away sin, because that's the only way. Towers of Babel separating them across the earth, everything else, organizations and things had failed in every way, they get mixed up together, the world and everything else, but this was going to be a total separation. Glory!
151Now I feel religious. Well, I feel like I can take my text now and start preaching right now. Just getting warmed up now to where I can get started right here, and it's time for me to stop. Uhm! Maybe I'll finish it later sometime, the oneness of God and man. Do you understand? All that understands, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
152 See, that the only way that man could be back in his original state again, is for that penalty of sin to be paid. The penalty of sin is what? Death. "Wages of sin is death." And God said, "The day you eat thereof, the day that you have this affair, that's the day you'll die." And when it did, it broke his relationship, fellowship and everything for man, and could not come back anymore until that penalty was paid. And nobody was worthy to pay it, because everyone fell with the human being, 'cause every creature is under the human being, and he was fallen. Glory! Oh, brother!
153 Brother Mac, I didn't see you sitting there, God bless you. We believe this, Brother Mac. "Come under the penalty of death." Brother Mac here used to be pastor here at the tabernacle when I left. Yeah. Now, another good old Baptist, Missionary Baptist down there that got the Holy Ghost. See? Notice now, become into the oneness with God.
154 Now, when we see this, see the penalty must be paid, and note, the highest form of animal life is a human being, and the human being fell, itself. So how can one human save another? It taken God. And God, in Spirit, could not die. So, "God had to bring Hisself a little lower than the Angels," Hebrews the 1st chapter, the 1st verse. Had to make Hisself lower than the Angels in order to take death, to pay the penalty, to bring the oneness between man and God again, so the Holy Ghost could come back.
155The debt of sin was paid. Jesus had to do this to send the--the--the Holy Ghost back upon, to unite people again like it was in the Garden of Eden. The debt was paid when Jesus died. That settled it. Amen, brother! If I could only get it to soak in, see. The debt is paid. Hallelujah to the Lamb! The debt is paid. And every man and woman hearing me this morning, or will hear me by the tape, your penalty is paid. Don't you disbelieve God's Word again. Come back to the Word! Don't believe it... He was the Word. Glory! I feel like shouting, honest I do. The penalty is paid. It's all over. No wonder Angels screamed and sang, the anthems of Heaven ring out. Yes, sir, the lost sheep was found! A propitiation was made for him to be restored again, the waters of separation, God's Word that washes him from his iniquity, when the Word died in my place and was resurrected again and become premanent in my life, in my heart. Amen. The penalty's paid! It's over. We are redeemed.
156 Not by a Catholic church; although we are the correct catholic, the apostolic catholic. Yes, sir. Not Roman Catholic with their dogmas, they deny this Word with their dogma; everything is your dogma, not the Word. Methodist, Baptist, shame on you, lovers of iniquity more than lovers of God. Lovers of pleasure, world seekers, pleasures, slaughtered pigs for the pen. The Devil's sending his instruments out there choking that stuff down you like Satan did in the Garden of Eden. "Well, all our ministers have got an education. They got the Ph.D., LL.D." That don't mean a thing. Deny that Word, it's still the trick of the Devil. I've proved it to you by the Word this morning, be up to you from now on.
157 The disciples, even walking with Jesus, they didn't have no oneness. They didn't have any unity. No, they argued, "Who's going to be bishop after this. Who's the greatest among us?" They couldn't even believe Jesus. They couldn't understand Him. "Thou speakest in riddles. Tell us plainly what You mean." There was no unity between Jesus and the disciples, or disciples to Jesus, and the disciples among one another.
158No matter, that goes to show you, brother. Listen close now, I want this to stick real deep down in your heart. See? God's got a plan. Outside of that plan, I don't care how much wisdom's behind it, how many fine millions of dollars of buildings, how many schools of theology, how many holy man and holy this, and holy, holy, holy, makes no difference at all, if one Word of God's Bible is denied, it's of the Devil. Now, I've proved that to you by the written Word of God, from New to Old Testament, and I'll bring her on down to the day if you'll just sit with me a few minutes.
159 The disciples who walked hand and hand with Jesus, slept with Him, eat with Him, watched His miracles, and associated with Him, close as any brother could be, and yet they didn't have it. They wasn't fit to preach the Gospel. Jesus said, "Don't you preach anymore, don't you even try. You wait up there at the city of Jerusalem. I'm going to send the promise, that's been given you, upon you. That'll unify you then."
160"Now, Father, I pray that they'll be one just as You and I are one. And I..." "As My Father has sent Me to preach the Gospel, so send I you."
161And the very Father that sent the Son, came in the Son. Unity is one. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me. But if My works that I do speak so loud, you're perfectly deaf, dumb and blind if you don't see it." Oh, brother, whew! Said, "You hypocrites! You can discern the face of the skies, but the signs of the time you can't discern. If you would have known Me, you would have known My day. Well did Isaiah speak of you. You got ears, and you're so deaf you can't hear. Eyes, and so blind you can't see!"
162Well did the Apostle Paul said, "In the last days they'd have a form of godliness and deny the Power thereof," and Scripture after Scripture, what would take place in these organizations in the last days. Then they wonder why I cry out against that man-made system of the Devil. See them precious children lured out there like sheep going to a slaughter. Bring them out, Lord!
163 Yes, disciples had no unity. They could not understand Jesus. They said, "Ah, who can understand these things?" See, God wasn't in them yet. They were just associated in fellowship. They just associated with Him. That's many a good man today. They didn't drink, lie, steal, nothing, but they didn't have that oneness of God. They wasn't one with God yet. See, they couldn't be. Oh, they done miracles. They casted out devils. That ain't a--that ain't a...
164I read an article in the paper the other day about that, about casting out devils. People say, "Oh, brother, I'm telling you, that's it." That isn't it! A man that casts out a devil and denies God's Word, is a liar. Yes, sir. He says he casts out devils. They claim they do that. He cannot do it if he's not with God's Word. Jesus said so.
165 Now, then came Pentecost, God made them one again. Oh, my! Then they had oneness with God. God was in them. Now, Acts, if you're putting it down, Acts 4:32, the Bible said that "They were with one heart, one soul, and one mind." Oh, brother. Why? They had been restored back to the original again. The only thing that they had left to be disposed of was an old city, or they lived in here, an old body called a city or a temple, that they lived in here, that had to rot, because it has to die and corrupt. But in spirit and life, and in purpose and in vision, and everything, they were one with God.
166Oh, Adam, my dejected friend, don't let Satan tell you his lie again. Don't let that happen. Don't let Satan tell you that the Word don't mean just what It says. That's right. The Word means... Yeah, here not...
167 I was talking on the Name of Jesus Christ baptism. That's right, a revelation of that come. That's the Truth. But what did a bunch of people do? Gathered it right out here and put a denomination out of it, made another tower of Babel. Same thing, throwed it right into it. Certainly. Luther done the same thing. Wesley done the same thing, John Smith done the same thing, Alexander Campbell done the same thing. Pentecost done the same thing. God deals with individuals keeping His Word. God's only plan to bring believers to Himself, in a true oneness, is receiving the Holy Ghost. Then here's how...
168You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I spoke in tongues. I shouted. I did this." If you still got that kind of a spirit and deny the Word of God, you haven't got the Word of God in you, you haven't got the Spirit. If you'll sit and hear the Truth preached, and look It up in the Bible and see It's the Truth, and then refuse to do it, that's not the Spirit of God. I don't care how much you spoke in tongues, how much you shouted, how much churches you belonged to, or how many times you was baptized, or anything else. The Word is Truth. That's what vindicates the truth. If you got all these other truths and then with the Word, amen, then you know you're coming home.
169 How can the very God that wrote the Bible turn around and substitute something else for His Word? You Catholic people who said that Peter was buried in your church, and his spirit gives you the rights to remit sins and things, how could Peter, a Jew, ever stand to have idols in the church? How could Peter ever refuse to say that the baptism of the Holy Ghost come, and he spoke in tongues, and all those powerful things he done, and turn back around and says take a little wafer, and God's in that wafer? Oh, it's ignorance, spiritual ignorance!
170Well, now, you Protestants the same thing, walk up and shake hands with the preacher, and say, "I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour," and go back and live any kind of a life out of it, and go right on living with the world. Another tower of Babel.
171 We're coming down to the end now. Watch. God sent the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is God Himself. He's the One that will make the oneness between God and man. Let's find out. Now let's. Now I want your undivided attention for the next five minutes or so. Watch.
172Man under the Devil's plan has tried to denominate the church into oneness. They have tried to denom-... educate the church into oneness, you know that, through education, through denomination. They're trying right now, the World Council of Churches, going on to try to bring all the Catholic and Protestants together and make them a one. What is it? A plan of the Devil!
173You say, "You're mighty little to say that." I'm mighty little, but my God's Word is great big, I'll tell you that. Heavens and earth will pass away, but It won't. It ain't he that says it, it's He that--He that--He that said it first. I'm just saying what He said, I'm confessing His Word.
174It's under the Devil! It's proved in the Word here, right this morning before you, that it's of the Devil. Any of those organizations are. Man, under the Devil's plan, try to denominate people to oneness.
175 "All you come join the Assemblies of God. Join the oneness. Join the Church of God. Join the Methodist. We're all one." You bunch of hypocrites, having a form of godliness and deny the Power thereof. And the Word of God shook right before you, and you're scared to attack It. Why don't God show Hisself then, if you be with God? Why don't you do the works of God? How can you have that form, and go around and deny Him, even calling the real works of God a Beelzebub? It shows, you educated bunch of church members! Jesus said, "You are of your father, the Devil!" Right! I'm sure you understand what I mean. Certainly. Why don't somebody attack It? You know God's behind It. God will move with His Word.
176 Man does that, it builds another tower of Babel. What does he do? They try to show... Look in this World Council of Churches now. The Anglican, the Roman Catholic, the Methodist, the Presbyterian, the Pentecostals, and all of them united together, Christian Science, and many of the cults that even deny the virgin birth, that deny the Deity of Jesus, make Him three people, try to worship a three gods, deny the virgin birth. Some of them deny the Blood. Some of them deny His miracles. All of them do, nearly. And then--then try to unite such as that together, how can you do it? It's a man-made tower. It'll fall like Babel did.
177 But God said, "Not by power, not by might; by My Spirit, saith the Lord. That's how I'll unite My Church. Not by organization, not by education, not by theologians; but by My Spirit, saith the Lord, I'll bring My sheep together." Oh, my! And when He does, what happens? And His signs will bear record of the same. That's how Israel could say, before they got mixed up with Moab. There was a Pillar of Fire over them. Yes, sir. What will He do? He'll bear record, the same kind of a record. But after they got disassociated and so with God, separated their oneness between them and God, and got in with Moab and them, the victory all failed. They stayed in the wilderness for forty more years, till God raised up another group to go over and complete His plan. That's exactly what they did.
178 Now look. But when God brings a church together with His Spirit, they'll have His signs of the living God among them. What kind of a signs? When God separated Israel from Egypt, God gave Moses and Israel a sign of a Pillar of Fire. That right? A prophet. When He separated Abraham from Lot, there was an Angel came to him, that could discern the thoughts and the intents of the heart. Sign! Hallelujah.
179Now these denominations that caught up in this church, trying to make a oneness like in Egypt, like down in--in Eden, and so forth, under this great influence they are.
180But, look, I want to ask you something. When God separated Israel, He give them a Supernatural sign, a Pillar of Fire. He give them a prophet. What did He do to Abraham? What does He do every time? Show me a God-appointed prophet among them. He set His church together by apostles and prophets and teachers and evangelists. Hallelujah! There you are. A church, again, like He called Israel out. I told you I'd get back to it. Yes, sir.
181No God-appointed prophets among them, no, sir, like they was with Israel and them. What is it? A devil's tower again.
182 Now, the Coming is so imminent, the Second Coming of Jesus, He's gathering His Elected together. I believe that. Oh, they'll come from the East and West. Where the carcass is, the eagles will gather. Oh, my, what is it? He's got His oneness, His true oneness, showing Hisself among them; out of every denomination, bringing His Elect together from all kinds of churches, from everywhere, bringing out His children, falling right in line with His Word. What?
183Now, the Coming of the Lord Jesus is so imminent, the coming of judgment, He's calling His Elected together in oneness with Himself, with the same kind of a ministry He had. You know how I shaped in the Church Ages, here not long ago, about the--the big tower that was built, called the pyramid, but the headstone was never put on it. Remember how the Lutherans came, then the Wesleys in the minority, and then down to Pentecost. And now what He's doing, calling from that. What did He do? He called out the Elect, to make the Lutheran; He called out the Elect, out of the Lutheran, to make the Wesleyan; He called out the Elect, out of that, to make the Pentecostals; now He's calling the Elect pentecostals out, to make the headstone to come into it. A very same kind of a ministry dropping right in on it, calling His children from all denominations and all walks of life.
184 What has He done? He has placed with them a true teacher, true prophets who stay with His Word, the Bible. "My sheep hear My Voice," said Jesus. If that was His Voice then, it's His Voice now. Anything contrary to that Voice, it's not sheep food. They won't follow it. Oh, brother. From East, from West, out of every denomination, out of every organization, they've come from the East and West, gathering together! "We'll feast with the King, to dine as His guests, how blessed these pilgrims are! Beholding His hallowed face aglow with love Divine; blest partakers of His grace, as gems in His crown to shine. Jesus is coming soon, our trials will then be over." Hallelujah! "What if our Lord this moment would come for those who are free from sin? Then would it bring you joy, or sorrow and great despair? But when our Lord in glory comes, we'll meet Him up in the air." Hallelujah! Yes, sir.
185 What is it? With God-sent teacher that'll stay right with the Word, to the real church, not move one iota no matter what an organization says. They're not connected with it. Prophets; not make-belief, so-called, but a genuine prophet has THUS SAITH THE LORD, and right on the dot every time. That's what He's sent in His church. That's what He said He would do. Believes the Word; not the creed, not the dogma, but the Word. And, by doing this, He shows Himself in them by confirming His Word, making the same life that He lived once, live over again, bringing His Word to pass. Oh, my!
186 Listen closely. First Corinthians 4:20, says, "The Kingdom of God is His Word made power." If you want to put that down, First Corinthians 4:20. The Kingdom of God is God's Word made power. What is the Kingdom of God? Is within you. The Kingdom's in you. And when the Word comes in there, what does this Word begin? It turns Itself into power, making It say just exactly what It said.
187You can't say "It says this," and It says This, and make It work. You got to say the same thing It says. That makes a confession. Not saying, "Well, It's polished up a little here, I'll have more wisdom, I'll be in better standing over here."
188You stay with the Word. There it is, see. And It makes It power. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Jesus said, in Saint John 14:12, "If ye abide in Me and My Words in you." No, I beg your pardon, that wasn't what He said there. He said, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also. If ye abide in Me and My Word in you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. If ye abide in Me and My Word in you."
189 What is it? You've got to get with the Word, get yourself killed out. I'm persuaded that many of us, friends, have received the Holy Ghost, but we just receive enough Holy Ghost in us to make us to a place where we don't want to lie, we don't want to steal, we don't want to do anything. But God wants to fill every fiber of His Church, He wants to fill your thinking and He wants to fill your mind. He wants to fill every bit of you, just make you completely, totally dead to yourself or to your thinking, just so surrendered in God till His Word's just living right through you. You don't know nothing else but God's Word, just stay right with His Word, It is Life. "My Words are Life," said Jesus. He's placed with them, teachers believing the Bible, prophets that say the Truth, that say, show the same prophecy that they've always did down through the age. What's He done? He's showing Himself alive among them, confirming His Word. His Word, the Kingdom of God is God's Word made power.
190 While, these denominations rely on human reasonings, upon human reasonings. Listen close now. They... We are not to rely upon human reasonings. Proverbs, the 3rd chapter, the 5th verse, said, "Rely not upon thy own understanding." See? Don't do it, no matter what God's Word seems like.
191You say, "Well, it seems like it's just as good this way."
192That ain't what It is. It's God's Word, take It the way He said It. Eve said... Satan said to Eve, "I know God said That, but It really don't mean that. It means this." And she believed it. She believed it. That broke up the oneness, that broke up the fellowship, that broke up the union, that broke up the world, that broke up life, that broke up everything!
193And the person that disbelieves one Word of God's Word, it breaks the whole fellowship and all. Right! We believe It or we don't believe It. Let's stay with It! God said so, and let's stay with It. Lot of things I got to skip here, 'cause it's already past time.
194 Like in past times, in past times when man done this, it brought God's judgment to the world. The tower of Babel, the union of Cain's children with Seth's children, brought judgment. It always brings God's judgment to the world. See? Oh, the true oneness with Him will rise in the judgment, above it, like Noah did in that judgment with his family. Righteous Noah and his family went above the judgments. What did they do? They went!
195Brother Lee Vayle, if you get a hold of this, here it is. That's the only question we disagree on, he believes the Church will go through the judgment. I don't see it. I don't believe it.
196Noah never went through no judgments, he went above the judgments. Abraham never had no fire, he was out of the fire. Israel wasn't in the judgments of Israel, it was separated out of the fire, out of the judgments. The Church will ride above the judgment, in the ark of the Holy Ghost, raised up from the earth.
197 This thing of this Council of Churches is nothing else in the world but a--a stir of the foolish virgin, to be left here on the earth for a picking for the antichrist. But the real Church of God will float like old Noah did, and go on into Glory just as sure as I'm standing here. That's why He's gathering them together. That's what the Voice is speaking forward today. That's what God's a-doing, is gathering one from Los Angeles, and one from Philadelphia, and one from Georgia, and so forth. Gathering them together, His people that's willing to believe the Word of the living God. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein a few was saved, just a very few." All right, our Holy Ghost ark will float right above the judgments of God, 'cause we're already judged, as we confess Jesus, and He took our judgment.
198 These denominations, though, are so headstrong! They're like Eve, she wanted her wisdom regardless of what God's Word was. Nimrod wanted his tower, regardless, Scripture or not! They were headstrong! Eve knowed better. Seth knew better than to fall for them beautiful women. Israel knowed better than to get out there in that adultery. So do you! But some are so headstrong, Scripture or not Scripture! "Bless God, my mother was Presbyterian! I'm going to be, too." Go on, go on is the only thing you can do then. God be merciful to your sinful soul. How are you going to escape it, when you know it's the truth? And if you see God's Word, and still don't think It's the Truth, then there's something wrong with your spiritual discernment. That's exactly right. Look across the nation and see where these things are happening. We're at the end time, friends. Have we just got through the Church Ages and know what's going to happen in the Laodicean Church age? Haven't we just come through that? You see what I mean? We're at the end time.
199 God's gathering the Elect from the four winds of the earth. He said He'd send angels and gather them. Is that right? Gather them together, separate them from the tares. Amen. The tares will be burnt, not the wheat. Right.
200But, they're so headstrong, they're going to have it or not, don't make any difference. Oh!
201But God's chosen Ones are commanded to come out from among them. "Be ye separated," saith God, "and I will receive you. Touch not their worldly things, and I'll be a Father to you, or God, and you'll be My sons and daughters. Yoke yourself not up with unbelievers, but come out of it!" God wants separation from the world. He wants to be unionized with you, Himself. And no man-made scheme of organization, denomination, or any man-made theories will ever stand. It'll take God, the Holy Ghost, in you, to unite you to God. And how do you know you got It? The Holy Ghost that wrote the Word will bear record with every Word; and the same things that the Holy Ghost did in the Old Testament, He will do in the New Testament; will do now just the same, because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And you're not yoked with organizations and the world. You're not yoked with them. Yoke yourself not up among them, but come out from among them! Ye are yoked to Christ. Amen. Yoked to the Lord Jesus Christ.
202 The Bible says, in the last days there'd be churches, another tower of Babel like. They'd have a form of godliness, and to deny God's Word and Power, the Power of His Word. And what is the Word? What is the Kingdom of God? We got to belong to the Kingdom before we can ever be subjects of the King. How many knows that, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, how do you get in the Kingdom? The Kingdom of God is the Word of God made back in power. Amen. Made power; taking away sin, giving signs. What kind of sign? If It's the same Word that brought Moses out, It'll bring the same sign.
203The same thing that separated lukewarm Lot. Now, we know Lot was lukewarm, and Jesus said that'll be the sign of the end time. Lukewarm Lot sitting yonder, he was religious, sure, him and his wife. And they belonged to all kinds of parties, and he was the mayor of the city, and, oh, there was a whole lot of things going on. He was very religious. He could entertain the evangelists and all of them come by, he was all right that way. But, oh, brother, he wasn't that Elected.
204 Look what happened! Why? The same God that separated and come to Abraham and showed him the vindication of his separation... Uhm! O God! How I wish I could--wish I could just could do something to let you see It. God showed Abraham, being that he had separated himself, He showed him the vindication of it, that He was with him and right in his midst. And Jesus said the same thing will take place in the last days. Not a nation was Abraham, he was in the minority, but God was with him. He had separated him then. We're supposed to separate ourselves in this last days.
205And if God gave a sign to Moses, to Israel, anointed prophet, a Pillar of Fire, gave a sign to Abraham. He--He gave a sign to Israel. He gave a sign to the disciples. Same sign, every time! Same sign, Pillar of Fire!
206Paul, when he was on his road down to Damascus, there shined a Pillar of Fire before him, that even put his eyes out, knocked him to his knees. Nobody else saw It. Everybody standing around, they didn't see It. And a Voice said, "Saul, why do you persecute Me?"
207He said, "Lord, Who are You?"
208He said, "I'm Jesus." A sign! And what was he? The apostle to the Gentiles. Amen.
209 Here we are in the end time, coming from the East and West, North and South. What are we doing? Getting ready for that Rapture. Getting ready for... Holding ourselves steady for a few minutes till every fiber is filled with the Holy Ghost. Then She'll go up. Oh, my! Calling His people together to Himself, in the true oneness with Himself, because it's His one Holy Spirit. "By one Spirit are we all individually baptized into one Body, collectively the Body of Jesus Christ." And Jesus Christ living with His Spirit in our flesh, is serving the church and doing the same things He did, as a--as a sign, as an ensign to the world, that we're in the last days, getting ready for the Rapture. Oh, I love Him, don't you?
210 I got a book here yet, but I just can't go it any longer, we're getting too late. Might pick it up some other time.
211We're in the end. Oneness. Are you so one with God? That's the way you're going to have to be. Yeah. We're going to have to be one with Him till... Let the mind that was in Christ be in you. Then Christ, His Own mind in you will recognize every Word that He wrote. It did in the apostles, rightly dividing the Scripture, which is the Truth, see, the Holy Spirit. If It is the Truth, then He'll bear record of It by bringing the same sign that He give to Moses, same sign He give to Abraham, same sign He did by Christ, same sign He did by Paul. We're in the end time. He said that that would be. We're in the end time. The Church, collectively, is getting together in a union, one here and one there, making up.
212He said, "There'll be two in a field, I'll take one." One. Look, "Two in a field," that's in the daytime, harvest, "I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in a bed," the other side of the world, "I'll take one and leave one," at the coming of the Son of man. And it's so imminent, it's so close at hand.
213 Don't! Don't, Adam! Adam! Eve, Adam, let me cry out to you, don't listen to a lie of the Devil anymore. Stay with God's Word, It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Stay with His Word. To separate from It is breaking your fellowship with God, God's oneness by the Holy Spirit. Then if you say you got the Holy Spirit and it's not in agree with the Word, then you're not oneness with God.
214This is God's oneness, when you... the--the spirit that you got agrees with this Word, and manifests this Word and makes this Word power to act the same way It did there.
215Let's say it together. Oneness [Congregation says, "Oneness"--Ed.] with God ["with God"] is to have ["is to have"] God's Spirit ["God's Spirit"] in you ["in you"] agreeing ["agreeing"] with the Word ["with the Word"], all the Word ["all the Word"], the whole Word ["the whole Word"], and to make It ["and to make It"] manifested ["manifested"] in power ["in power"].
216There you are, that's oneness with God. When that power works in me, works in you, we are one. Amen! Brother Kidd, when the power of the Holy Ghost in me works in you, there's no disagreement, the Word's there. It works. Amen. It makes It what It is, God made flesh in you by His Word. The Word made power among you, every Word!
217 Now, remember, the Devil takes a whole lot of that Word, pretty near ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent of It. Ninety-nine hundredths and ninety-nine percent of that hundredths, he'll make It just exactly right, but then he'll jump off here, and that's the one that causes death right there. That breaks the chain right in the middle, down you go.
218Every Word! What did Jesus say? "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word!" Not by a few of God's Words shall he live, not by ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent of God's Word. But by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, man shall live by That.
219Satan took Him up there and said, "It's written!" See, just like he said to Eve, "It's written! It's written!"
Jesus said, "And it's also written..."
220He said, "It's written, 'He'll give the Angels charge over Thee.' The Bible said so!" Boy, he's a scholar. "It's written, 'He'll give His Angels charge concerning Thee lest Thou dash Thy foot against a stone, and bear Thee up.'"
221He said, "It's also written, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord Thy God.'"
222 They said, "We got the Scripture," Acts 19, "we've been baptized by John."
223Paul had something else, he said, "That don't work no more." See? "John only baptized..." He didn't disbelieve John's word. He said, "I'll tell you what John said. John said he baptized unto repentance, not for remission of sins." The Sacrifice hadn't been killed, see. He said, "He baptized unto repentance, saying you should believe on Him that was to come." And when they heard this, they were baptized in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul laid his hands upon them so full of the Word, and the Holy Ghost came upon them. They begin to prophesy, speak in tongues, magnify God, and what a time! Oh, my. How big a church was it? Twelve. Yes. Oh, God don't deal in big numbers, He deals in honest hearts. Let us have that kind of a heart. Do you love Him? Let us pray.
224 Oh, my beloved wanderer, have you looked at the daughters of Moab or have you seen the daughters (I'm talking of churches) of Cain? How far off of the Word they stray! Have you, my precious friend, have you noticed in the last days that these things has come to pass? Have you been noticing recently about how the Word of God is being made manifest? How that the revival that did once strike has quietened down, there's not much left? What is it? It's a lull before the storm. The judgments are ready. Have you been denoting these things? Have you compared Scripture with Scripture, Bible Word with Bible Word, evidence with evidence? Have you compared the Word of Jesus that He said that the Devil in the last days... it'd be so close, like the real thing, till if it was possible he would deceive everyone except the Elected, the Elected One. Just think, that Scriptural teaching is going to be so close! "Oh, we believe in the Holy Ghost, bless God forever! We got the Holy Ghost, we speak in tongues." And then turn around and deny the Word? Yeah. See, will deceive the very Elected if possible.
225 If there is someone in here that's not right with God, if there's someone here that's sick or afflicted... There's handkerchiefs and things laying here, I'm going to pray over them. I don't care what you have need of. Every promise in the Book belongs to you. It's yours.
226Now, I've brought you the Word, brought It from Genesis plumb down to this day that we're living in, just hitting the places and showing you. Many hundreds of places I could have hit besides that, I don't have time. But surely, in that, you can see that this organization stuff is out. It's a false conception of the Devil, trying to organize man with the unity of their own mind and thinking. When, it's the Holy Spirit that we're joined to God as one by. And the Holy Spirit agrees with the Word of God. See, the Bible said, Jesus said that they'd even confess it, you see, "Deceive the very elected if possible." You see where we're standing?
227 Now pick up this Word of God in that hand of faith. What do you have need of this morning? You have need of water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ? The pool's open. You have need of the baptism of the Holy Ghost? He's trying to press His way into you. You have need of healing? Why, the very Holy Ghost Himself, the Word that's been made power, is right here now, the very power of discernment looking out upon this audience here now and seeing that Light whirling around like a glow. Have I ever told you anything wrong? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Have I ever?
228As--as the prophet said to Israel before they got them a man-made king, he said, "Have I ever told you anything... Have I ever took your money? Have I ever come down and begged you for money and--and ride around and live in great big palaces and build great big things and take your money from you? Have I ever asked you for a penny?" "Never."
229Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what God brought it to pass? Have I ever spoke in His Name but what it was so? Have I ever told you a vision over the audience but what was exactly the person raised up, stranger or whatever he might be, but what he said "That's the truth"? Have I ever told you anything wrong? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Then let me tell you now, THUS SAITH THE LORD, receive the Holy Ghost, the Spirit that will take the Word of God in them hands of faith, move out yonder. The whole Kingdom belongs to you. It's yours, children.
230 Why do you come from Georgia, from across the country, from Ohio, from Kansas, everywhere, for a little meeting? I think the tape's off now, so, I can say this. See? Why you coming like this? What makes you do it? What is it? I see people here from Arkansas, from hundreds of miles away.
231Last night, coming plumb in from Kansas City, a little Polish brother standing back there, come, led, said, "Brother Branham, since I first heard of you back yonder in Canada many years ago, the things that you've seen and done, I've checked them right through, right back and forth, up and down," and said, "not one of them has ever been wrong." He's probably a Polish Catholic, and here he comes, taking the tapes, going out and playing them, meeting opposition. Ministers who ought to be with me and helping us, but denying the Power thereof, denying the Truth of the Word, and claiming to have the Holy Ghost.
232I have not called myself a prophet. You've done that. But, if it is so, then where does the Word of the Lord come from? How do we know whether it's true or not unless there's something to back it up? That's God's Word here, the written Word. And then if the written Word is backed up, then it's God in that Word making that Word true. Paul said, "Follow me, as I follow Christ."
233 Now, if you've got a need of God for sickness, for salvation, what... or get rid... Some of you women that hasn't got the grace enough to let your hair grow, some of you man that hasn't got grace enough to quit smoking cigarettes, some of you preachers hasn't got grace enough to accept the truth of the water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, some of you sick people that's sick and sick to die, why don't you take this Word this morning. I'll tell you now, It's flesh among us! Take that Word in your hand.
234Here hangs a picture on the wall, of the Angel of the Lord, the same One that led the children of Israel, same One that met Paul, the same One that was in Christ. And the same Holy Spirit is in you, in you, uniting you as one. What makes our hearts draw together for hundreds of miles? There's nothing like it in the country. They're coming to the Word.
235 "There is a fountain filled with Blood, drawn from Immanuel's veins, where unbelievers plunge beneath the flood, and lose all their guilty stain. Ever since by faith I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supplied, redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die."
236 Our Heavenly Father, laying here is a bunch of handkerchiefs, gloves, they may go out in the mail. I don't know who laid them here, maybe Billy, maybe the people here in the audience. I just feel to do this now, Lord. There's nothing in my hands, nothing in me as a human being. I couldn't rely upon my own human understanding. I don't understand why this is so, but I'm following what You said. "They took from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons, and evil spirits went out of the people." It wasn't because he was a great man, it was because that God was with him in Word and power. And he never consulted the apostles, but found out when they met together that the same Gospel, the same form of baptism, the same everything that they were doing, was eye to eye the same.
237 Now I'm asking, Lord, for these precious people that's believing You, that You will heal them. Them in the audience, heal them, Lord. May their faith just reach up and get a hold of that Word right now, and say, "Tumor, sickness, evil, you might as well leave, I'm cutting with the Sword of God! I'm believing! My faith is strong. I'm pressing the Sword deep. Move out of my way! I'm rising from my seat, to be well." "I'm laying my hand upon my father, upon my sister, and my child, upon my neighbor. I'm believing. Your Word is Truth. I'm in oneness with You. The works that You said that You did, we'd do also. Lord God, I believe every Word. And I'm coming forward, coming forward to claim it, to pick it up this morning."
238 O God, how I could think when the church was on the move, when Moses got a little scared down there at the sea, he begin to cry to the Lord. And the Lord said, "Why are you crying to Me? What for you cry to Me? Speak and go forward! Haven't I commissioned you to the job? Speak!" Speak what? The Word of God. "It's in you. Speak and go forward. Don't cry unto Me. Go forward."
239And, Lord God, today I come in the Name of the Lord Jesus. I come yielding this Sword of faith, claiming the oneness of God and man by the Holy Ghost, through the mercies and sacrifice of Jesus Christ His Son. I defy every devil that's bound anybody in any way in this building, whether he be boy or girl, man or woman. I defy every sickness. I defy every doubt. I defy every fear. I defy everything that's ungodly, leave this audience in the Name of Jesus Christ! Come out of this audience, that we can be one with God and can serve God without sickness or fear. May the power that made us one with God... How can that Devil squawk hisself around the anointed? How can that devil stand out there and squawk hisself like a Goliath? When David come into the camp, and said, "You mean you let that uncircumcised Philistine stand there and defy the armies of the living God?"
240O God, make man and women rise in the power of the Spirit. Let that unconverted, that dejected devil that's harmed the human race down through the age, stand here and defy the church of the living God? Satan, come out, and leave, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
241 Now, you that's got strength enough to yield a Sword, now that you've got understanding enough in God's Word to claim It to be your personal property, who can pick up the Word of God now in your hand, hold It out in the hand of faith, and say, "I take my side with the Lord. I'll be oneness with my God, from this on. I'll yield this Sword of the Spirit in this Word, and I'll cut the Devil to every promise that God promised me."
242If you believe that with all your heart, I ask you then sincerely with all my heart, in the Name of Jesus Christ, stand to your feet and accept it. Do you mean it? Are you sincere? Is the Word in your hand? Is your hand your faith? Raise your physical hand to God, say, "God, by this, by my uplifted hand I pledge all my life. I pledge my soul, I pledge my thinking, I pledge everything to the Word of God. Let the Holy Spirit take my faith now and give to me the thing. Cut every doubt away from me. And, by faith, I receive the promise that I ask for, this moment."
243If you believe it, say, "Amen," now. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Say, "Amen," again. ["Amen."] Amen, amen, amen! Then, if you mean that with all your heart, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I promise you what you asked for. Amen. You believe it with all your heart. God bless you.
Brother Neville.