Vypustiť tlak




Vypustiť tlak

No, ak chcete konať správne, som dnes večer veľmi šťastný, že vám môžem povedať, že existuje útočištné mesto. To je Ježiš Kristus. Ak nechcete konať zlé, nepriateľ je za vami, potom je tu cesta úniku a ten únik je Ježiš Kristus. Existuje miesto, kam môžete prísť a vypustiť paru. Ale ak milujete hrešiť a nechcete Boha, potom sa vás nepriateľ chystá niekde dostihnúť. Nemáte... Nemôžte prísť ku Kristovi, pretože to nechcete.

A keď tento človek príde ku Kristovi, tomuto útočištnému miestu... Keď človek vošiel dnu, v Starej Zmluve; prvá vec, musel tam prísť zo svojej slobodnej vôle. A to je spôsob, ako máte prísť ku Kristovi. Ďalšia vec, musíte byť spokojný, keď ste tam. Nemôžete každý deň postávať a plakať, „Rád by som sa odtiaľto dostal von. Rád by som sa odtiaľto dostal von.“ Vystrčili by vás von. Musíte svojvoľne chcieť zostať. Musí to byť tak, že chcete v tom meste zostať.

A keď prídete ku Kristovi, nemôžete sa obzerať späť do sveta. Biblia povedala, „Nikto položivší svoju ruku na pluh a obzerajúci sa naspäť nie je hodný orania.“ Teraz, to je miesto, kde mnoho takzvaných kresťanov robí chybu. Vidíte, oni sa správajú, akoby orali, ale keď príde prvá malá vec, hneď sa kvôli tomu rozčuľujú.

1Ďakujem ti, brat Ruddell. Som tak šťastný, že mám syna v Evanjeliu. [Brat niečo hovorí – pozn.prekl.] No, v poriadku. To je dobre. Áno, istotne si brata Ruddella vážim.

A verím, že Pavel mal kedysi syna menom Timotej. Nazval ho v Evanjeliu svojim synom.

2No, nie som si istý, je toto Flossy Ford? [Sestra Flossy hovorí, “Áno.” – pozn.prekl.] No teda! Flossy, ja...Už je to dlho. Áno to je. Spomínam si, keď som bol chlapec, jej brat Lloyd a ja sme zvykli spolu behávať po okolí. A ona zvykla piecť veľké koláče, viete, a my sme tam prišli a jedli sme, až dokiaľ sme toho mali po krk.

3Spomínam si, že ma raz pozvali, nech prídem, Lloyd to urobil. A my... Flossy mala napečené. Bola v tom čase len dieťa. Upiekla veľký koláč a my sme skrátka jedli, až sme nemohli jesť. Pomyslel som si, „No, ostanem celú noc s Lloydom.“ Trochu sa zotmelo, viete, a pochopil som, že som jednoducho musel ísť domov. A tak som vyštartoval a bežal som dolu ulicou, vystrašený na smrť, a snažil som sa dostať domov.

4A pamätám si jej otca. Predpokladám, že tvoja matka ešte žije. No, to je v poriadku. A od ich dní tou riekou pretieklo veľa vody. Áno. Tak sme tu, obaja ľudia stredného veku, starí rodičia. No, ale existuje Zem, kde nikdy nezostarneme. Vidíte? Som tak rád, Flossy, že viem, že očakávaš tú Zem a istotne To nájdeš.

5A Jim, ako sa má Jim? On je…Áno, spomínam si na to. Jim, to je jej manžel. A dobre si naňho pamätám. A poznal som niekoľko ich detí. Trocha do tej doby, kým som sa dostal na pole, keď sa vzali a ich deti dospievali. A viete,  trocha sme sa navzájom od seba vzdialili.

6Vidím občas brata Lloyda, ako na neho pokrikuje dolu na ulici. Oni ma mnohokrát uhostili. A ja som... ako skutočný brat a sestra.

7No, som tak rád, že to prvé potiahnutie brata Ruddella bolo tu na tomto mieste; obrátenie, prvý krok, prestavanie motorestu na dom Pánov. To je veľmi dobré.

8A samozrejme, viete, ako niekedy môžete niečo predvídať, viete, tak, to je potom lepšie. Tak sme mohli predpokladať, že tam v tom chlapcovi niečo bolo. A on bol hanblivý. Jeho otec a ja sme tam pred rokmi zvykli spoločne pracovať. A viem, že jeho otec bol taký, "vstať a začať pracovať", a bol snaživý, tak prečo by to nemohlo byť v tom chlapcovi? Viem, že mal drahú matku. A tak, bol splodený správne, teda tam muselo byť za ním niečo dobré, viete. Tá túžba v jeho srdci, slúžiť Pánovi! Keď hlbina volá po Hlbine, tam má byť Hlbina, ktorá na to volanie odpovie. A som tak rád, že brat Ruddell ide vpred.

9Táto skvelá skupina ľudí, ktorí sú tu. A je to pre mňa dnes večer veľké privilégium, prísť sem a hovoriť k tejto skupine svätých, ktorí tu dočasne prebývajú. My nie sme... Toto nie je naše trvalé miesto, viete. My sme pútnici. Veru. My nie sme doma.

10Spomínam si, sestra Ruddellová, ako ste sem spolu prišli a sedeli tam. A on mal svoju hlavu sklonenú dolu. A mali ste veľkú dôveru. Istotne. Ona verila, že by mohol kázať Evanjelium. A tak, s takou dobrou ženou a otcom a matkou a so všetkými, ktorí sa zaňho modlili, sa muselo bratovi Ruddellovi niečo stať. Tak tu to je. A modlím sa, brat Ruddell, nech práve toto bude stále miesto pre teba, kde vyskočíš do najvyššej výšky, na slávu Evanjelia.

11Viem, že brat a sestra Ruddellová a Max tam, sa budú cítiť dnes večer ohľadom toho šťastní. Ako rád by som videl Billy Paula stáť za kazateľňou. A dúfam, že budem jedného dňa nažive a uvidím stáť Jozefa za kazateľňou. A to je ozaj skvelé.

12Naše námahy a ťažkosti, ktoré máme vtedy, keď vychovávame deti cez obdobie puberty a ďalšie veci, to spôsobuje, že sa potom cítime úžasne. Pozrite sa späť a vidzte šediny vo vlasoch svojho otca a ďalšie veci. Pamätajte, umiestnili ich tam niektoré z vašich zlých skutkov. A to je pravda.

13No, je to dobré byť tu. A som len trocha zachrípnutý. Bol som kázať. Brat Gene Goad a ja sme si urobili včera malý výlet a išli dolu. A ryby brali. A tak sme mali výborný čas a prišli sme neskoro. A vyšli sme na vodu a bola trochu zima, ale spolieham, že to som mnou strpíte.

14No, sme rozhodnutí odísť na letnú kampaň, asi 90-dňovú kampaň. Očakávame, že budeme späť, posledného augusta až prvého septembra. A teraz ideme preč. Tento týždeň začínam v Green Bay, v Michigane, prídem späť do Chicaga na nedeľné popoludnie, na zhromaždenie na strednej škole. Chystám sa hovoriť na konferencii Kresťanských Obchodníkov v Green Bay, vo Wisconsine. A potom odtiaľ do Chicaga. A potom v pondelok som v Chicagu na obvyklé zhromaždenie, misionárske zhromaždenie pre brata Josepha Boze. A potom návrat domov, pôjdem až na juh, do Southern Pines, v Severnej Karolíne, a dolu do Južnej Karolíny. Potom ďalej do Cow Palace v South Gate, v Los Angeles. Mám niečo cez štyridsať Jednotárskych cirkví, ktoré sponzorujú tieto zhromaždenia. Je to po prvýkrát, kedy Jednotári sponzorovali moje zhromaždenie.

15Potom odtiaľ zhora z Kalifornie cez Oregon do Kanady. A odtiaľ do Anchorage na Alijašku. A potom túto jeseň znova späť tam, kam sa chystá brat Joseph Boze, do Keni, Tanganiky a Durbanu, v Afrike, v Južnej Afrike, aby pripravil zhromaždenia na neskôr, na jeseň.

16No, či mám vedenie ísť na niektoré z týchto miest, to nemôžem povedať. Ale mám pocit, že mám povinnosť siať niekde Semeno, robiť všetko, čo môžem pre Kráľovstvo.

17A teraz, len znova skloňme naše hlavy pre ďalšie slovo modlitby. Nie, že by sme sa neboli za to modlili, ale rád by som len poprosil Pána, aby mi tu teraz pomohol, že by mi pre vás poskytol pár Slov.

18Náš Nebeský Otče, my teraz pristupujeme k Tvojmu trónu milosti v Mene Pána Ježiša, ktorý nám dáva povolenie a ponuku prísť a dostať veci, o ktoré prosíme, ako sa približujeme. No, my vôbec neprosíme o to, aby sme stáli na Tvojom súde. Ale chceme stáť na Tróne Milosti, aby sme mohli získať milosť, vyznávame, že sme hriešni. A nie je v nás žiadna neporušenosť. Ale predkladáme sami seba, Pane. Nemôžeme nič ponúknuť, iba modlitbu nášho Pána Ježiša a ponuku, ktorú On povedal tu, „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí Tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný Život a nepríde na Súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ My tomu veríme. On nám povedal, aby sme prišli a prosili o čokoľvek v Jeho Mene a bude nám to dané. Veríme tomu.

19Na základe našej viery prichádzame a prosíme, aby si požehnal tento zbor a nášho láskavého brata, brata Ruddella, a jeho rodinu a všetky rodiny, ktoré sú tu zastúpené.

20Ako som sa obzeral a videl tu dnes večer pani Morrissovú a premýšľal o dávnych časoch, Bože, ako som jej povedal, že veľa vody pretieklo dolu riekou a mnoho nebezpečenstiev, námah a nástrah. Ty si nás už cez ne preniesol, Pane, a naša dôvera je v Teba, že prejdeme na koniec cesty, v Tebe.

21Požehnaj toto miesto. Umiestni sem Tvoje Meno, Pane, a daj im to najlepšie, čo je udelené pre toto miesto. Nech zlo, ako sa tu dnes večer brat modlil, tento mladý muž, modlil sa, aby si vzal preč všetky prekážky. Udeľ to, Pane. Odpovedz na jeho modlitbu.

22Uzdrav nemocných, ktorí sú medzi nami. Daj spasenie týmto dušiam, ktoré sú hladné a smädné po spravodlivosti. A teraz, Pane, posväť hlas a snahu Tvojho neužitočného sluhu. A požehnaj Tvoje Slovo a nech sa nenavráti prázdne. Ale nech to je tak, že to vyplní účel, pre ktorý je to poslané. Nech Svätý Duch dnes večer vezme veci Božie a povzbudí naše srdcia, od najväčšieho k najmenšiemu. V Mene Ježiša Krista o to prosíme. Amen.

23No, dnes ráno som kázal dlhý čas. A nevedel som, že kážem. Len som trocha učil lekciu nedeľnej školy. Jedného dňa som učil šesť hodín. Som si istý, že dnes večer to nebude také zlé.

24Ale mám tu iba malý text, tak rád by som prečítal niečo z Písma, pretože viem, že Jeho Slová nezlyhajú. Moje môžu. Moje to môžu urobiť. A budem sa snažiť držať moje slovo priamo s Jeho a vziať Jeho Slovo; vezmem moje slovo k vytvoreniu kontextu okolo Jeho Slova, zatiaľ čo to použijeme ako tému.

25Chcem dnes večer čítať dve miesta. Chcem čítať v Knihe Prísloví v 18. Kapitole a 10. verš ako prvé miesto. A ďalšie miesto chcem čítať Izaiáša 32:2. Teraz v Prísloviach 18:10.

Meno Hospodinovo je pevnou vežou, do nej sa utečie spravedlivý a bude vyvýšený.

26A v Knihe Izaiáša, 32. kapitola, 1. a 2. verš.

Hľa, kráľ bude kraľovať podľa spravedlivosti, a čo do kniežat, budú vládnuť podľa spravedlivého súdu,

a každý bude

[v angl. KJV preklade: „a človek bude...“ - pozn. prekl.]

jako skrýša pred vetrom a jako úkryt pred prívalom, ako potoky vody v suchom kraji, ako tôňa ozrutnej skaly vo vypráhlej zemi.

27A teraz chcem z tohto textu, použiť toto ako tému, vypustiť... Vypustiť tlak. To je zvláštna téma, “Vypustiť tlak.” Vybral som toto, pretože predtým, ako prichádzam na zhromaždenie, vždy sa snažím modliť a snažím sa hľadať Pána. Nestojím pred nejakým zhromaždením, malým alebo veľkým, jednou (osobou) alebo miliónom, nestojím tu preto, aby ma bolo vidieť alebo počuť, ale som tu z toho dôvodu, aby som urobil niečo, čo oslávi môjho Pána, vidiac potrebu ľudí.

28A neprišiel by som sem, aby ma bolo počuť, pretože nie som veľmi vhodný na počúvanie; mám zlý hlas a som nevzdelaný človek. A nikdy nezostávam pri svojej téme; preskakujem všade, z Genezis do Zjavenia. A nie som výrečný rečník, ale milujem Pána. A nemôžem milovať Krista, pokiaľ prv nemilujem Jeho ľudí. Vidíte? Musím milovať Jeho ľudí. Tak, ak milujem Jeho ľudí, potom milujem Jeho.

29A potom chcem byť ako On. Chcem, aby moje ciele boli rovnaké, ako mal On, a to bolo, vždy sa snažiť robiť dobro, niekomu pomôcť.

30A vidím tento deň, v ktorom žijeme, a viem, že tento zbor tu má znamenitého pastora.

31No, nehovorím to ako lichotenie. Hovorím to zo svojho srdca. Keby som povedal niečo iné, bol by som pokrytec. A verím, že tento zbor má pastora, ktorý bude stáť na Pravde, bez ohľadu na to, čo prichádza alebo príde. Verím tomu. To je moja dôvera v môjho syna. A ja tomu verím. A ja... A on je smelý, ako sa len smelým dá byť. A vy... Verím, že on je šľachetný, svätý muž, poslaný od Boha, so službou pre tento posledný deň. A on káže tú istú porciu Slova, ktorú kážem ja, to je od Genezis do Zjavenia, presne tak, ako je To napísané. A to sa mi páči. Bez kompromisov, len zostať priamo so Slovom, a to sa mi páči.

32Ale potom som si pomyslel, s človekom ako tento, ktorý kvôli mne odišiel spoza svojej kazateľne, je ešte mladý muž... čo by som mohol povedať, aby to pomohlo jeho zhromaždeniu? Pretože to je dôvod, prečo chcel, aby som prišiel. On je pastier a on dozerá na svoje ovce. A on bude možno rozmýšľať trochu teraz niečo zmeniť, aby tak mohol byť pomocou svojim ľuďom. A on sa o vás zaujíma. On sa zaujíma o vaše blaho. Dňom i nocou, pôjde kedykoľvek, kamkoľvek pomôcť, urobí všetko, čo môže. No, to je skutočný sluha Boží.

33A ako povedal, on povedal, že ma trápil, alebo obťažoval alebo otravoval, alebo také niečo. On to nerobí. To robí, že ho milujem omnoho viac, keď sa stále pýta, pretože, milujem to, pretože on má dôveryhodnosť. To ukazuje, že by ma nepriviedol hore pred svoje ovce, ak by som mal v úmysle im ublížiť. Nie. Žiaden pastier by to neurobil. Pretože, on by mal premýšľať, či budem robiť to, čo je správne. A to je... on... To je veľké privilégium, ktoré mi preukazuje, keď ma žiada, aby som prišiel. A páči sa mi jeho úmysel, to je „Vytrvať, pokiaľ sa to nestane.“ To je muž viery, a to sa mi páči.

34Tak potom som premýšľal, „O čom by som mohol hovoriť ku tomuto zhromaždeniu?“ Pomyslel som si, „No, pravdepodobne sú vo všetkom dobre vytrénovaní, niet o tom pochýb.“ Ale dnes je tu na ľuďoch tlak. A tento tlak nemá obmedzenia alebo nejaké denominačné hranice. To nemá vekovú hranicu. To neberie ohľad na žiadnu osobu. Je to na mladých i starých, dobrých i zlých. Je to na každom: tlak.

35Žijeme v neurotickom veku, všade sú nervové napätia. Každý sa tu náhli a beží tam a letí tam. Je to jednoducho taký druh veku. A viem, že tento zbor tým bude zasiahnutý, tak, ako je to tým všade zasiahnuté. Modlitebne sú tým zasiahnuté, všade na celom svete.

36To je deň tlaku. Rýchlo, rýchlo; rýchlo, rýchlo; ponáhľať sa a potom čakať. Šoférovať 90 míľ [asi 145 km – pozn.prekl.] za hodinu na to, aby ste sa dostali domov na večeru, a potom čakať dve hodiny, kým bude hotová. To je pravda. Taká je doba. A v tomto náhlení a rýchlosti, to vás dostane do nervového napätia. Manželka povie niečo trochu protikladné, chcete odletieť preč: podráždenosť. Manžel niečo povie, dupneš nohou a povieš mu, aby šiel do izby. Vidíte? „No, manžel môj, nechcem sa s tebou teraz rozprávať. Odíď tam.“

37„Žena moja, ó, som tak nervózny.“ Vidíte? Prečo? Čo sa deje? Vidíte?

38To všetko dohromady, toto napätie sa stupňuje a potom následky toho sú: robenie niečoho zlého a nevhodné správanie. To je pravda. No, to spôsobí, že chudobní budú konať takým spôsobom. To spôsobí, že stredná trieda bude konať takým spôsobom. To spôsobí, že bohatí budú konať takým spôsobom. To spôsobí, že zlí budú konať takým spôsobom. To spôsobí, že celkom dobrí budú konať takým spôsobom. A to spôsobí, že dobrí budú konať takým spôsobom. Pretože, to je napätie, stúpajúca para. Chcete to vypustiť niekam von. Vidíte? Ak to neurobíte, vyhodíte ten kotol do povetria.

39No, zistili sme toto. Ako pokračuje deň, stupňuje sa to. Môžete hovoriť so svojím šéfom, ak pracujete, „Ó, tak a tak!“ A ak hovoríte na dieťatko, „Poď sem!“

„Mama! Som...“ Vidíte?

Tak vidíte. To sa stupňuje. Óh! Ó! Vidíte? Cítite sa, akoby ste šli... hlava vám ide odpadnúť. Ja viem. Stretávam sa s tým každý deň, tak viem, čo to znamená. To sa stupňuje. Bol som...

40Raz večer som o tomto premýšľal. Bol som v istej nemocnici. A náš pastor, myslel som si, že je nemocný, ale bol len prepracovaný. Bežal, bežal, bežal, bežal, kým sa jednoducho nevyčerpal. A niektorý z nich povedal, zavolali, volali tam dolu do kancelárie a prosili ma, či by som nevybavil jeho telefonáty. No, po celý deň som bol s pracovnými povinnosťami a s kazateľmi z rôznych miest. Povedal som, „Áno.“ No, šiel som vybaviť jeho telefonáty.

41A šiel som do istej nemocnice. A dali mi meno tej ženy a číslo izby, kde bola. Išiel som hore do tej izby. A prišiel som ku nejakej pani, a to bolo asi pätnásť-dvadsať minút predtým, ako začal čas pre návštevníkov. Tak som prišiel a povedal tej pani, že som kazateľ a chcel by som vidieť istú, istú ženu. Pozrela sa mi do tváre. A niečo robila. Najprv sa otočila a povedala, „Čo chcete?“

Povedal som, „Chcel by som vidieť istú ženu, ktorá je na tomto oddelení.“

Povedala, „Neviem.“

Povedal som, „No, dostal som číslo určitého miesta a myslel som, že by som sa mohol prv spýtať.“

Povedala, „No, ak máte číslo, choďte sa tam pozrieť.“

„Ďakujem vám.“

Išiel som tam dolu a zaklopal na dvere oddelenia. Povedal som, „Je tam vnútri pani Tá-a-tá?“


No, vrátil som sa späť a pozrel sa na svoju navštívenku. To je miesto, kde to je. Tak som sa vrátil späť a tá pani tam stála. Povedal som, „Bolo to nesprávne číslo.“

„Čo ste hovorili, aké bolo jej meno?“ Odpovedal som. Povedala, „Ona nie je na tomto poschodí.“

„Ďakujem vám.“ Povedal som, „V tom prípade idem na horné poschodie.“

Tak som šiel hore do inej miestnosti. A prišiel som ku... Najprv tam sedel za stolom lekár, a sedel tam, škriabal sa na hlave. Povedal, „Dobrý deň.“ Iba zdvihol pohľad nahor a dal ho dolu. No, pomyslel som si, „Radšej ho nebudem rušiť.“

Tak som šiel dolu radom trocha ďalej a našiel som tú pani za stolom, sestričku. Povedal som, „Prepáčte.“

Povedala, „Čo chceli?“

A povedal som, „Je tam hore pani tá-a-tá?“

A povedala, „Neviem.“ A povedal som...Povedala...

Povedal som, „Mal som mať číslo izby 321 alebo 221.“

A povedal som, „Išiel som do tej izby a nebol tam nikto.

A tá pani povedala, „Tu dole nie je nikto s takým menom, tak,“ povedala, „možno to bolo hore na poschodí.“

A povedala, „No, tak prečo nejdete do dve... teda do 321.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem vám.“

Išiel som dolu do 321, ja...alebo dvesto-dvadsať-... 321. Povedal som, „Je tam vnútri pani Tá-a-tá?“


Pani, ktorá tam sedela, povedala, „Bola na druhej strane miestnosti, na druhej strane miestnosti, tam na druhej strane, tridsať-jeden.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem vám, pani.“

Prešiel som na druhú stranu, povedal som, „Je tu pani Tá-a-tá?“

„Nie. Presunuli ju preč. Je na dolnom poschodí.“

41bPomyslel som si, „Ó!“

Išiel som znova späť na dolné poschodie. Ja... A ona... Dali mi číslo izby. A prišiel som na dolné poschodie a prezrel som si všetky... Bál som sa ísť znova k tomu istému stolu. Tak som hľadal všade hore a dole, snažiac sa nájsť číslo tej izby. A hľadal som a nemohol som to nájsť. V tej nemocnici sú také dlhé chodby na rôzne smery a tiež „slepé“ chodby. Tak, prichádzal tam tento lekár, so svojimi stetoskopmi a taškou v ruke. A nikdy som nevidel muža, ktorý bol štyri stopy vysoký [asi 120 cm — pozn.prekl.] a štyri stopy široký, ale on presne pasoval ku... no, išiel tade. Povedal som, „Dobrý večer, pane. Mohli by ste mi povedať, kde je tá-a-tá izba?“

Povedal, „Týmto smerom hore a tadeto von.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem vám za vaše informácie.“ To je pravda. Povedal, „Týmto smerom hore a tadeto von.“

A povedal som, „Ďakujem vám!“ Pomyslel som si, „Ešte som sa nikde nedostal.“

42Obzrel som sa a tam znova za stolom stála, taká milo-vyzerajúca pani. Podišiel som ku nej a povedal, „Dobrý večer.“

Povedala, „Dobrý večer.“

43Povedal som, „Pani, som celkom zmätený.“ A povedal som jej svoj príbeh. Povedal som, „Niekde tu je pani, ktorá ide ráno na operáciu a je na pokraji smrti. Som kazateľ a náš pastor, tam hore, nemohol vybaviť svoje telefonáty a dali mi toto číslo.“

Povedala, „Len chvíľku, brat Branham, zistím to.“


„No, vďaka Pánovi.“

Nechala všetko tak a išla tam zistiť...

„Ó,“ povedala, „Áno, brat Branham, ona je v tej-a-tej izbe, na ľavej strane, rovno tam.“

44 Povedal som, „Ďakujem vám veľmi pekne.“ Otočil som sa a pozrel sa.

45Pomyslel som si, „To je to, vypúšťanie pary,“ každý človek. Stáva sa to jednoducho neurotickým vekom. Každý je prepracovaný. Nemá žiaden čas. A narastá to do takého miesta, že to rozbíja veci. Spôsobuje to, že ľudia majú znepriatelené vzťahy, keď sa hádajú a povedia veci, ktoré nechcú povedať.

46No, každý je za to zodpovedný. Ja som vinný. Všetci ste vinní. Robíme pod tlakom veci, ktoré by sme inak nerobili, tak dnes je tam nadbytočný narastajúci tlak. Verím... Predtým, ako pôjdem ďalej, mohol by som povedať toto. Verím, že je to nepriateľ, ktorý zostupuje dole a tlačí. Verím, že je to diabol.

47A vieme, že Príchod Pánov je na dosah ruky. A Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch, „Diabol bude obchádzať ako revúci lev.“ A ak vás môže dostať pod tlak, ponáhľať sa, náhliť sa za niečím, budete robiť rozhodnutia, ktoré by ste neurobili, ak by ste si sadli a premysleli si to.

48Asi pred tromi rokmi som bol na loveckej výprave a mal som indiánskeho sprievodcu. A ja poľujem naozaj rýchlo. To len, to som jednoducho ja, vidíte, jeden z tých tvorcov tlaku.

49A tak som lovil s tým indiánom a zoskočil som z koňa. A bol tam hore na kopci nejaký los a začal som ísť kde to zatáčalo. Ten starý Indián bol odo mňa starší asi o desať rokov. Išiel za mnou a len dychčal. Povedal som, „Poďme, náčelník. Poďme!“

Povedal, „To je príliš rýchlo! Príliš rýchlo!“

Pomyslel som si, „Ó, dobre!“ Povedal som, „Poďme pomalšie..“

50Povedal, „To je príliš rýchlo!“ Spomalil som. „To je príliš rýchlo! Príliš rýchlo!“ Spomalil som na chôdzu. „Príliš rýchlo!“ Ó!

Povedal som, „Náčelník, los je až tam hore!“

Povedal, „Jeho nechať tam. On bol narodený tam.“

Povedal som, „Myslím, že to je pravda.“

„On tam zostať, on bol narodený tam.“ Povedal, „Kazateľ loviť príliš rýchlo, vydesiť všetku zver preč.“ Povedal, „Robiť ako Indián. Raz urobiť krok, deväťkrát pozorovať.“

51No, zaujímalo by ma, akú rýchlosť by som mal zaradiť, aby som sa dostal na také miesto? No, utekal som hore až na ten vrch. Povedal, „Raz urobiť krok, potom deväťkrát pozorovať. Obzeral sa na všetko deväťkrát, skôr než urobil ďalší krok.“ Ó! Ale vidíte, nebol v žiadnom zhone. Premýšľal som nad tým.

52A moja vzácna stará matka, ktorá je dnes večer v Sláve; niekto povedal, „Prečo na sebe dnes nemáš biely kvet na znak toho, že tvoja matka je mŕtva?“

53Povedal som, „Moja matka nie je mŕtva. Moja matka žije.“ A potom, ak by som nosil červený, potom by ľudia hovorili, „Myslel som, že tvoja matka zomrela.“

A tak, aby neboli popletení a nestúpala viac para, jednoducho som to všetko nechal tak. Vidíte? Nie je mŕtva. Spí. Ona je s Kristom.

54Nuž, je to nervózny neurotický vek, v ktorom žijeme! A viete, v tom všetkom, lekári na to nemajú riešenie, pretože sú tým tiež zasiahnutí. Nemajú na to odpoveď. Nevedia, čo majú robiť.

Poviete, „Ó, doktor, asi mi praskne hlava. Neviem, čo mám robiť. Ja...“

„No,“ odpovedal by, „Mne tiež. No, nedá sa robiť nič.“

Mohol by vám dať liek na upokojenie. Keď to stráca účinok, potom ste nervózny viac, ako ste boli predtým; ako keď opilec pije ďalší pohárik, aby premohol stav opitosti. Vidíte? Tak, nemôžete to zvládnuť. Nie je tam riešenie. Oni ho nemajú.

55Ale Boh má riešenie. Toto je to, čo chceme vziať, a hovoriť o tom, ako dostať riešenie. Boh má riešenie. On je to riešenie. Kristus je riešením na každý problém, ktorý máme. No, teraz ideme hovoriť o Ňom.

56No, v Starej Zmluve, tam bola doba, keď mohol človek zadávna zvýšiť svoj tlak a bolo to vtedy, keď urobil niečo zlé. Ak prelial nevinnú krv, no, potom bol na úteku. Pretože akonáhle ten človek, ktorého zabil, alebo mu ublížil; ten človek, čo vykonal zlé, niektorí z jeho ľudu by ho hľadali, pokiaľ by ho nenašli, a boli by ho tam zabili. „Bolo to oko za oko a zub za zub.“ A vidíte, ten človek nemal miesta, kde by sa zastavil. Ak by urobil niečo neúmyselne, ľudia by tomu samozrejme neverili. No, musel sa stiahnuť preč. Pretože, akonáhle to urobil, tak príbuzní toho muža alebo ženy, kohokoľvek, kto to bol, ho začali prenasledovať. A keď ho našli, „Bolo to oko za oko a zub za zub.“ To bol spôsob, akým žili.

57A tak, nemohol sa nikde zastaviť. Bol utečencom. Nevedel, čo má robiť, a bol na úteku. Výborný predobraz na dnes. Myslím si, že toto je to, čo spôsobuje tak mnoho tlaku. Sme na úteku. To je to, čo sa dnes deje so svetom, oni vedia, že sú zlí. Vedia, že Príchod Pánov je na dosah ruky a tlak narastá. A sú na úteku; motorest, hazardné hry, prepych, hriech, nemorálny úpadok a čokoľvek, čo poskytne ventiláciu toho tlaku. Počúvanie televízie, špinavých vtipov, čokoľvek poskytne ventiláciu. Sú na úteku. Niečo sa ide stať. Vedia to, a idú sa upiť na smrť, s pôžitkami a so všetkým možným, ako sú na úteku.

58Vedia, že sa tam niečo ide stať. Svet o tom rozpráva. Vieme to, že niečo sa ide stať. Tento svet môže byť do svitania vyhodený do vzduchu. Každý národ je pod tlakom. Prečo?

59Raz som bol v Afrike a sledoval som kŕmenie oviec. Bol tam baránok, ó, stredne veľký baránok. A ten malý tvor jedol veľmi pokojne a všetci okrem neho boli nepokojní. A odhryzol si kúsok; obzeral sa okolo seba. Odhryzol si kúsok. A tak bol pokojný. Pozoroval som ho. Vyzeral taký pokojný. Pomyslel som si, „Nie je to tam nádherné? Pozrite sa na to malé stvorenie.“ Pastier, ktorý na ne dával pozor, išiel späť do ohrady; domorodec, farebný.

60A sledoval som toho malého tvora. A po chvíli začal byť nepokojný. Pomyslel som si, „Čo sa deje s týmto malým baránkom?“ Sledoval som ho, samozrejme, cez ďalekohľad. A zostal taký nervózny. Pozeral týmto smerom a tamtým smerom. Začal bečať. Nevedel, čo má robiť. Pomyslel som si, „Čo tak náhle dostalo tohto malého tvora do takého rozrušenia?“

61No, bol na malej pastvine. Ale smerom poza tým som si všimol niečo, čo sa dvíhalo a znova klesalo nadol, asi pol míle od neho. Na dohľad bol v burinách dobre ukrytý lev. A ten malý tvor, niečo v ňom bolo utvorené tak, že vedel, že tam niekde bolo nebezpečenstvo. Nemohol to vidieť. Ale ten lev zavetril baránka a musel byť teraz rýchly, aby ho ulovil, kým by ho pastier dostal odtiaľ preč.

62Tak potom, ako som ho sledoval, napätie rástlo. A poloha toho leva bola na dohľad, skutočne blízko. Napriek tomu, že ten baránok nemohol toho leva vidieť, tam bolo jednako niečo vo vnútri v ňom, čo mu povedalo, že nebezpečenstvo bolo na dosah ruky.

63To je spôsob, ako je to dnes, že je niečo vo vnútri, v ľuďoch, čo zapríčiňuje, že vedia, že niečo sa ide stať. Vieme to. Kresťania to vedia. Svet to vie. Alkoholik to vie. Gambler [hazardný hráč – pozn.prekl] to vie. Obchodníci, vlády, U.N. [OSN – pozn.prekl.], všetci z nich vedia to, že sa niečo ide stať. To vytvára napätie.

64Ženy, matky, jednu cigaretu za druhou! Pozorujem ich, keď chodia do školy. Jazdia tade cez našu poľnú cestu. Musím dávať pozor na moje deti a psa. Na zóne, kde je povolených 20 míľ za hodinu [asi 31km/h – pozn.prekl.]; 70 míľ za hodinu [asi 112km/h – pozn.prekl.], ženy berú svoje deti do školy. Cigareta v ruke, visí von z jedného okna, rozčuľujú sa so svojimi deťmi a tam dolu potom pískajú brzdy alebo kolesá a nechávajú na ulici pneumatiky. A tu prídu znova. Videl som, ako jedna neurotická matka preletela cez cestu ako vietor s piatimi malými deťmi. Kam ide? Čo sa deje? Možno začína nejaký televízny program a ona ho chce vidieť.

65Ale to je ono, napätie. Tam je niečo, čo to spôsobuje. Oni to nezvykli robiť. Niečo sa blíži. Smrť a zánik je na ceste sem. To nie je príliš ďaleko. Niečo sa blíži.

66No, v Starej Zmluve Boh v niektorých tých problémoch videl, že boli urobené nešťastnou náhodou. A tak, ak ste nevedomí a nevinní, Boh pre vás urobí východisko.

67No, ak človek zabil človeka plne úmyselne a zámerne, bol stratený. Nemohol na toto miesto prísť. Ale ak to urobil nechtiac, nemal v pláne to urobiť, potom existovalo útočištné mesto. Jedno bolo Rámoth-Gileád. A štyri miesta, domnievam sa, že Jozue ustanovil tieto útočištné mestá.

68No, človek mohol prísť do tohto útočištného mesta, ak nechtiac urobil niečo zlé. Nemal v pláne to urobiť. Mohol prísť do útočištného mesta a ísť ku bráne. Strážnik brány sa ho spýtal, prečo prichádza, čo je zámerom jeho príchodu. Potom bol jeho prípad prešetrený. A keď bol jeho prípad pri bráne prešetrený a človek bol uznaný nevinným, neurobil to zámerne, potom bol ten muž vzatý do mesta ako miesta útočišťa. Potom ho nepriateľ nemohol dostať.

A ak klamal a urobil zlé a prišiel do útočištného mesta, prechodne bol držaný pri rohoch oltára a jeho nepriatelia mali výsadu a právo strhnúť ho z toho oltáru a zabiť ho, tak veru, pretože bol vinný, urobil to úmyselne a musel byť potrestaný.

69No, bolo tam niečo, čo s tým išlo. Samozrejme, ten človek bude nervózny, ó, možno pôjde po vás tucet mužov. Niekde bude, pri každej skale, pri každom kopci, pri každom kroví, nepriateľ, niekto pripravený a stojaci proti nemu. Bol nervózny. A potom, keď sa raz dostal do toho mesta, mohol vypustiť tlak. Bol v bezpečí. Bol v poriadku, pretože mu bolo poskytnuté miesto, ktoré bolo pre neho pripravené. Božia určená cesta pre toho nevinného človeka, aby nebol zabitý, ale oslobodený od vraždy, pretože to urobil nechtiac, no, ak to nemal v pláne urobiť.

70No, ak mal v pláne spraviť to, no, musel ostať ponechaný okolnostiam. Ale nebola tam pre neho šanca, ak to urobil zámerne.

71A dnes sú tu dve skupiny ľudí. Môžem povedať toto. Sú tu dnes na svete muži a ženy, brat Ruddell, ktorí skutočne nechcú robiť tieto veci, ktoré robia. Sú tu dnes na svete muži a ženy, ktorí nechcú hrešiť. Je mi ich ľúto. Nechcú robiť nič zlé, ale robia to. Sú k tomu hnaní. No, pre takúto osobu, ktorá chce konať správne, existuje miesto. Existuje miesto, kde sa dá vypustiť ten tlak. To je pravda. Ale sú takí, ktorí sa o to vôbec nestarajú.

72Jedného dňa mi brat Hickerson vybavil mi priepustku od dozorcu federálnej väznice v La Grange, v Kentucky, aby som tam mohol ísť na rybačku. A stretol som jedného farebného chlapca tam od Louisville. A povedal mi... Povedal som, „Čo tu robí taký milý a inteligentný muž ako ty?“

73Povedal, „No,“ povedal, „reverend, poviem ti, ako sa to stalo.“ Povedal, „Nebola to chyba nikoho iného, iba moja.“ Povedal, „Kedysi som patril Pánovi.“ Volal sa Biskup [anglicky – Bishop - pozn.prekl.] Povedal, „Volali ma ‘Svätý Biskup,’ pretože som slúžil Pánovi.“ Povedal, „Ja a moja žena máme malé dievčatko.“ A povedal, „Raz som to jednoducho nemohol vydržať a tak som skrátka išiel so svetom, odišiel som preč od Pána.“ Povedal, „Mal som kresťanského otca i matku.“ A povedal, „Slúžil som štyri roky v zámorí, v Kórei,“ v koľkých bitkách bol, ocenenia a podobné veci. Povedal „Ale tam vonku sme robili rôzne veci, ako tancovanie a tak ďalej. Dal som sa dokopy s nesprávnou spoločnosťou.“

74„A jedného dňa prišli dvaja chlapci a povedali, ‘Biskup, chceme ísť pre nejaké potraviny hore do Quaker Maid. Vybehneš tam hore s nami?’”

Povedal, „Moja žena ma práve volala na večeru. A povedal som... Povedal, volala mi tam a povedala, ‘Zlatko, nechoď s nimi. Tí chlapci nie sú dobrí. Musíme sa od nich dostať preč, dostať sa znova naspäť do zboru.’”

A povedal, „No,“ povedal, „Povedal som, 'Strašne ich nechcem vziať...‘ Tí chlapci chcú potraviny.’ Povedal som, 'Nedokážem ich nevziať'. Áno, povedal som, ‘Dám im svoje auto.’”

„Povedala, ‘Nerob to. Rozbijú ho na kusy.’ A povedala, ‘Odvez ich tam hore a potom sa vráť späť.’”

75Povedal, „Odviezol som ich tam hore a zastavil na parkovisku.“ Povedal, „Sedel som tam a čakal. A zrazu sa rozozvučal alarm a všetko možné. A títo chlapci pribehli, každý s revolverom v ruke. A ja som pred nimi zabuchol dvere auta. Povedal som, ‘Nedostanete sa sem.’” A jeden z nich ho treskol po hlave a namieril na neho revolver. Povedal, „Nedostanete ma.“

„Namieril na mňa revolver a povedal, 'Ak nechceš mať v sebe dieru a byť tu von vyhodený, tak štartuj.'“

76Povedal, „Nemôžete nikam ísť. Budete chytení. Počujte, chlapci, povedzte im, že som v tom bol nevinne. Nemal som to v pláne. Sedel som tu. Som nezúčastnená strana.“ A práve vtedy ich polícia dostala.

77Prešetrovali ten prípad. Povedal, „Najprv som si pomyslel, že mám nešťastie na žalobcu, pretože povedal...“ Tu sú otázky, ktoré sa pýtal. „Je toto auto vaše?“

Povedal, „Áno, pane. Ale ja...“

78Povedal, „Odpovedajte na moje otázky.“ Ó, brat, diabol má spôsob, akým to robí. Povedal, „Odpovedajte na moje otázky.“ Povedal, „Je toto auto vaše?“

Povedal, „Áno pane.“

„Je toto číslo vášho preukazu?“

„Áno, pane.“

Povedal, „Boli ste tam hore v tom čase?“

Povedal, „No, poviem vám...“

Povedal, „Odpovedajte na moje otázky.“

Povedal, „Áno pane.“

79Povedal, „Tak vidíte.“ A kvôli nepriamym dôkazom mu dali desať rokov a tých chlapcov poslali na doživotie.

80No, povedal, „Vidíš, brat, jednoducho som sa dostal do nesprávnej spoločnosti. Nikto nie je na vine, iba ja.“ A to je pravda. No, on má desať rokov, aby tam vnútri vypustil tlak. Modlil som sa za neho. Brat Wood tam a ja, sedeli sme vonku pri vode. A vzal som toho chlapca za ruku a modlil sa za neho, vonku pri vode, aby mu dal Boh podmienečné prepustenie. A stále sa za neho modlím, aby to Boh spravil.

81Čo to je? Tlak, nevinný, nevinný človek. No, ten muž by mal dostať šancu.

82No, ak chcete konať správne, som dnes večer veľmi šťastný, že vám môžem povedať, že existuje útočištné mesto. To je Ježiš Kristus. Ak nechcete konať zlé, nepriateľ je za vami, potom je tu cesta úniku a ten únik je Ježiš Kristus. Existuje miesto, kam môžete prísť a vypustiť paru. Ale ak milujete hrešiť a nechcete Boha, potom sa vás nepriateľ chystá niekde dostihnúť. Nemáte... Nemôžte prísť ku Kristovi, pretože to nechcete.

83A keď tento človek príde ku Kristovi, tomuto útočištnému miestu... Keď človek vošiel dnu, v Starej Zmluve; prvá vec, musel tam prísť zo svojej slobodnej vôle. A to je spôsob, ako máte prísť ku Kristovi.

84Ďalšia vec, musíte byť spokojný, keď ste tam. Nemôžete každý deň postávať a plakať, „Rád by som sa odtiaľto dostal von. Rád by som sa odtiaľto dostal von.“ Vystrčili by vás von. Musíte svojvoľne chcieť zostať. Musí to byť tak, že chcete v tom meste zostať.

85A keď prídete ku Kristovi, nemôžete sa obzerať späť do sveta. Biblia povedala, „Nikto položivší svoju ruku na pluh a obzerajúci sa naspäť nie je hodný orania.“ Teraz, to je miesto, kde mnoho takzvaných kresťanov robí chybu. Vidíte, oni sa správajú, akoby orali, ale keď príde prvá malá vec, hneď sa kvôli tomu rozčuľujú.

86Jedného dňa som mal s týmto skúsenosť, ako všetci viete. A ďakujem vám za vaše modlitby. Ako som lovil a rybárčil a strieľal na terče a podobné veci, vždy som chcel pušku typu Weatherby Magnum. No, niektorí z mojich priateľov by ju pre mňa mohli kúpiť. Viem, že ľudia by to pre mňa radi urobili, ak by som to len spomenul. Úprimne povedané, dvaja alebo traja to chceli urobiť. Ale nemohol som sa na to dívať, že by dali tak mnoho peňazí za pušku, keď poznám misionárov, ktorí nemajú ani topánky. Nemohol som to urobiť. A brat Wilson dal Billy Paulovi malú .257 Roberts [typ pušky – pozn.prekl.] A brat, môj priateľ povedal, „Brat Branham, Weatherby, môže túto zbraň prevŕtať a môžem to mať urobené za lacnú cenu, ak ma necháš urobiť to pre teba.“ No, nechal som ho to spraviť.

87Vrátil som sa, vložil som do tej zbrane nábojnicu a šiel som strieľať a tá vec mi explodovala v rukách. A hlaveň vymrštilo takmer na vzdialenosť 50 yardov [asi 45m – pozn.prekl.], západku odhodilo dozadu smerom za mňa. A je to zázrak, že ma to skrátka neroztrhlo na polovicu. Tam bolo asi 5 alebo 6 ton tlaku, takto blízko pri mne.

88No, doktori povedali, „Jediné čo viem, je, že dobrý Pán tam sedel, aby ochránil Svojho sluhu.“

89No, vec, ktorú som mal na mysli, tu je to miesto, kde to prichádza. Ak by to bola od začiatku Weatherby Magnum! Čo sa stalo? V tej puške bola chyba. Hlaveň bola vyvŕtaná príliš voľne. To je to, čo sa deje s mnohými z nás pri našom obrátení, priestor našej hlavne je vyvŕtaný voľne.

90A teraz, ak by to od začiatku bola Weatherby, z čistej ocele, ktorá bola liata, aby sa vyrobila hlaveň, to by mohlo byť vyvŕtané a prerobené na Weatherby Magnum.

To by neexplodovalo. Ale pretože sa to skúšalo prerobiť (obrátiť) [„converted“ - „obrátiť“ a „prerobiť“ pušku – brat Branham používa to isté slovo –- pozn.prekl.] na niečo, čo to v skutočnosti nebolo, tak to explodovalo. A tak, každý človek zistí tú istú vec, keď vyznáva, že je Kresťanom, ak nedostal správny štart od nového Narodenia, on niekde exploduje. Je na tom priveľký tlak. Nevydrží to. On nakoniec niekde exploduje.

91Keď sa ľudia snažia imitovať službu niekoho, službu, do ktorej neboli povolaní, nakoniec to exploduje. Musíte byť (do toho) ustanovení Bohom.

Musí to byť Boh, nie nejaké potrasenie rukou, nie nejaký dojímavý príbeh, ale to príde na základe preliatej Krvi Kristovej a vašej viery v to, čo Boh pre vás vykonal skrze Ježiša Krista. Ak nie, niekde explodujete. Niekto vám stúpi na prsty na nohách a vy sa rozutekáte. Vidíte? Vidíte, to je stúpanie tlaku, po celý čas a čoskoro to exploduje.

92Človek musí chcieť zostať v útočisku. Nemôže tam ísť a sťažovať sa. Musí chcieť zostať bez toho, aby sa na to sťažoval. Vonku zomrie. Vnútri je v bezpečí.

93No, chcem niečo povedať ľuďom tu, ak nie ste Kresťania. Prišiel som do toho útočištného Mesta asi pred tridsaťjeden rokmi. A brat, nikdy som nechcel odísť preč. Ó, prišiel som do Krista. Všetko, po čom som túžil, bolo Tu. Nechcem odísť preč. Denne sa modlím, „Ó, Bože, som tu taký šťastný. Len ma nechaj zostať.“ Nikdy nechcem odísť a viem, že On ma nikdy neopustí. Viem, že On vás nikdy neopustí. A ak sa tlak stáva obrovským, potom On je naším ventilom a tak sa kvôli tomu nemusíme znepokojovať.

94Ak ste všetci natlakovaní a neviete, kam smerujete, čo sa s vami stane po smrti? A viete, že raz zomriete. Musíte to urobiť. Potom vec, ku ktorej máte prísť, je prísť ku Kristovi, Útočisku, a vypustiť tlak. Tým to bude vybavené raz a navždy.

95Bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, Kristus je naším Útočiskom. A keď prídeme k Nemu, môžeme vypustiť tlak. Môžete sa prestať znepokojovať, „No, ak zomriem, čo sa so mnou stane? Čo sa stane s manželkou? Čo sa stane s manželom? Čo sa stane s deťmi?“ Len poďte ku Kristovi a vypustite tlak. No, On nám dáva všetky veci. Všetky veci sú naše, vďaka Kristovi, a tak len vypustite tlak, to je jediný možný spôsob, ako to môžete urobiť.

96Niekto vám môže dať milión dolárov. To by zvýšilo tlak. Mohli by ste sa pripojiť do cirkvi, a to by stále zvýšilo tlak. Pretože Metodisti vám povedia, že oni sú praví, „A Baptisti sú nesprávni.“ A Baptisti povedia, „Oni sú nesprávni a my sme praví.“ Tak to len buduje viac tlaku, pretože neviete, kde stojíte.

97Ale ak raz prídete ku Kristovi, môžete vypustiť tlak, pretože potom je to všetko na konci, jednoducho tým to je vybavené. Je to Božie pripravené bezpečné miesto, kde Boh povedal, „Meno Pánovo je pevnou vežou, do Nej sa utečú spravedliví a sú v bezpečí.“

V čase choroby, keď udrie choroba a doktor povie, „Nie je tu nič viac, čo by som s tým mohol spraviť,“ nenechajte si zvýšiť tlak. Vypustite tlak. Zavolajte svojho pastora. Nechajte ho pomazať vás olejom a modliť sa nad vami. „Modlitba viery uzdraví chorého.“ Vypustite tlak. Rozumiete?

98On je naše Útočisko. Pokiaľ ste v tomto Útočisku, máte právo na čokoľvek, čo v tom Útočisku je. A Kristus je naším Útočiskom a všetko, čo budete potrebovať, je v Ňom. Amen. V chorobe si nenechajte zvýšiť tlak. Vypustite tlak.

99Poviete, „No, brat Branham, neviem, či....“ Nehovorte „neviem, či...“. Len vypustite ten tlak von. Odovzdajte svoj stav Bohu a choďte ďalej, ako by to bolo už vybavené. Nenechajte si zvýšiť tlak. To umožňuje vypustiť tlak.

100„No,“ poviete, „Som taký znepokojený, brat Branham. Ja proste neviem.“

Vypustite tlak. Amen. V tom útočištnom Meste, On vezme vaše starosti a tak ich nemusíte mať. „Zložte svoje starosti na Neho, lebo On sa o vás postará.“ Netrápte sa kvôli svojim starostiam. To je Jeho záležitosť.

101Pred pár rokmi som tu v desať-centovom obchode stretol jednu ženu. Mala asi šesťdesiat rokov a vyzerala na tridsať. Povedal som, „Ako to robíš, sestra?

102Povedala, „Brat Branham, mám dvoch synov, ktorí sú doktori a sú starší ako ty.“ A skutočne, úprimne povedané, nevyzerala na viac, než tridsať rokov. Povedala, „Bolo to takto. Keď som prišla ku Kristovi, keď som mala dvanásť rokov, sadla som si a premýšľala o tom. Skúmala som iné náboženstvá. Ale keď som raz našla pravdu,“ povedala, „prišla som ku Kristovi a zložila svoju starosť, svoju dušu, svoje všetko na Neho.“ A povedala, „Nikdy viac som odvtedy nemala starosti.“ Povedala, „No, On zasľúbil, že sa postará o všetky moje problémy,“ a povedala, „ak On nie je dosť veľký na to, aby to urobil, viem, že ja nie som dostatočne veľká, aby som to zvládla, a tak, aký význam má moje znepokojovanie sa?“ Vidíte? To je ono.

103Kristus zasľúbil, že vezme všetky naše starosti. „Zložte svoje starosti na Neho.“ Tak kvôli čomu sa znepokojujete? Starosti zvyšujú tlak. Tlak sa zväčšuje. A tak, len zložte svoje starosti na Neho a prestaňte sa znepokojovať. V poriadku.

104N o, „No,“ poviete, „ako to mám urobiť?“ Len verte Jeho zasľúbeniu, že to bude robiť dokonca v čase smrti, keď príde do miestnosti anjel smrti. „Ó, brat Branham, viem, že budem nervózny.“ Ó, nie. Ty si v Útočisku. Nie, nie. Viete, že idete zomrieť; musíte nejakým spôsobom odísť, a tak sa len dostaňte do Útočiska, cíťte sa bezpečne. V poriadku. Ste v bezpečí tak dlho, pokiaľ ste v Útočisku. A pamätajte, On za vás zomrel. On sa o vás stará. On za vás zomrel.

105Teraz sa poďme pozrieť. Poviete, „Brat Branham, myslíš si, že keď bude anjel smrti klopať na dvere, že predsa len nebudeš plný pary, rozrušený?“ Nie, ani trochu. „No, ako to urobíš?“ Poďte do Útočiska. To je všetko. „No,“ poviete, „Brat Branham...“

106No, počkajte teraz chvíľu. Vezmime Izrael dolu v Egypte. Nadišiel tam čas, keď Boh povedal, „Chystám sa cez túto zem poslať anjela smrti a vezmem si každého jedného z najstarších (synov) spomedzi rodiny, okrem tých, ktorí majú na dverách krv,“ tá veľká noc Pesachu.

107No, tu je Izrael, zasľúbený ľud idúci do zasľúbenej zeme. A oni... To bol večer Pesachu. Anjel smrti bol v zemi. A počujeme krik pochádzajúci z ulice. Pozrieme von. Dve veľké čierne krídla mávajú dolu ulicou. Myslíte si, že celý Izrael bol rozrušený? Nie, veru.

108Smrť bola pri dverách. Malý chlapec sa pozrel von z okna. Bol najstarším z rodiny. Vidí toho veľkého čierneho anjela. Vyzerá von a povedal, „Oci, miluješ ma?“

„Samozrejme, synu, milujem ťa.“

„No, oci, nie som tvoj prvorodený?“

„Áno, si, synu.“

„Pozri sa tamto, oci. Ten anjel dostal toho malého chlapca. Poznal som ho. Hrával som sa s ním. Ó, oci, tu on prichádza smerom k nášmu domu.“

„Ale, synu, vidíš to na tej zárubni?“ Haleluja!

„Oci, dostane ma?“

„Nie, veru, synu. Nemôže ťa dostať.“


109„To je Jeho zasľúbenie. ‘Keď uvidím Krv, preskočím vás.’ Choď naspäť a zober si svoje hračky a začni sa hrať, synu. Nie je dôvod znepokojovať sa. Sme v Božom Útočisku. Vypusti tlak.“

110Izrael mohol sedieť vzadu a čítať si Bibliu, kým zvyšok z nich kričal a stúpal im tlak. Izrael odpočíval. Prečo? Smrť priamo pri dverách, a čo na tom záležalo? Nemohlo ich to zraniť.

111A tak, keď príde smrť k našim dverám, sláva Bohu, ak je Božia požiadavka, tá Krv, na prahu môjho srdca, čo na tom záleží? Nemôže ma to rozrušiť.

112Lekár hovorí, že zajtra zomriete, čo na tom záleží? Tá Krv je na mieste. Tak či tak musíte zomrieť. Ale ak bola použitá táto Krv, čaká ma vzkriesenie. Amen.

113Izrael mohol byť pokojný, pre nich nenarastal tlak, pretože vedeli, že ten anjel smrti na nich nemôže udrieť. Boli pod krvou. To bola Božia pripravená cesta.

114Teraz dávajte pozor. Poviete, „Môžem si tým byť istý?“ No, kresťania, tu sme. „Môžem si tým byť istý?“ Hovoril som o tom minulú nedeľu večer.

115No, Izrael bol zasľúbeným ľudom pod zmluvou, Božím ľudom. Mali zasľúbenú zem, ktorá oplývala mliekom a medom. A jednako, nikto z nich nikdy tú zem nevidel. Nikto z nich tam nikdy nebol. Ale mali to zasľúbené. Vidíte? Nikdy tam neboli. Nevedeli o tej zemi nič, ale mali tú zem zasľúbenú. A vyšli zo svojho otroctva pomocou ruky Božej, prostredníctvom Jeho proroka. A putovali a vyznávali, že sú pútnici a cudzinci, a išli do zeme, ktorú nikdy nevideli alebo nikto z nich nikdy nevidel. Premýšľajte o tom.

A tak, priblížili sa k hranici. Bol medzi nimi veľký bojovník, ktorý sa volal Jozue. Jozue sa... znamená „Jehova Spasiteľ.“ A Jozue išiel cez Jordán do zasľúbenej zeme a vrátil sa späť s dôkazom toho, že to bola dobrá zem. Kúpili strapec hrozna; bolo na to treba dvoch, aby to odniesli. Bolo to presne to, čo Boh povedal, že to bude. Oplývalo to mliekom a medom. To by malo každému z nich spôsobiť radosť. Prečo? Jozue priniesol späť dôkaz z tej zeme, o ktorej nikto nič nevedel a ktorú im zasľúbil Boh dať. Vidíte? Pretože mali zasľúbenú zem a boli na svojej ceste do nej.

116No, raz bola ľudská rasa v pasci a prišiel tam na zem Niekto, kto sa volal Ježiš Kristus. Ježiš znamená „Jehova Spasiteľ.“ A On prišiel dolu k Jordánu smrti. Prešiel cez Jordán v smrti a v to Veľkonočné ráno vstal z mŕtvych, s dôkazom toho, že človek môže žiť po tom, čo zomrie. Haleluja! Smrť nie je koniec. Ježiš dokázal to, že človek môže žiť po tom, čo zomrie.

117On stál pred nimi a predtým, ako odišiel, povedal, „V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám to. A idem a pripravím miesto. Pôjdem tam a pripravím miesto a vrátim sa späť a poberiem si vás k Sebe; tam, kde som Ja, tam môžete byť tiež.“ Na Veľkonočné ráno, po... Zomrel, že až mesiac, hviezdy a slnko sa za seba hanbili. Zomrel, až rímsky vojak prebodol kopijou Jeho srdce a voda a krv sa oddelili. Bol najmŕtvejší z mŕtvych. Išiel do hrobu ako každý človek. „Jeho duša išla do pekla,“ tak povedala Biblia.

Ale na Veľkonočné ráno prišiel naspäť zo smrti, pekla a hrobu a povedal, „Som Ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy, a Som živý naveky a mám kľúče smrti i pekla. Som Človek.“

Povedali, „On je duch.“

Povedal, „Dajte mi rybu a chlieb.“ A jedol rybu a chlieb.

118Bol to Muž, ktorý zomrel a prišiel do tej Zeme a vrátil sa späť s dôkazom, že človek môže po smrti žiť. Čo nám môže urobiť smrť? Amen. Vypustite tlak.

119No, nie len to, ale On nám dáva zasľúbenie. Čo to bolo? Dáva nám zálohu nášho dedičstva. Povedal, „Teraz toto dokážem každému veriacemu. Teraz tu kráčate dolu v nevere. Neveríte Slovu. Kráčate v hriechu a svetských veciach. Ale kto verí vo Mňa, má Večný Život, Život, ktorý nemôže zomrieť.“

120Všimnite si teraz. Keď obdržíme Jeho Ducha. My, ktorí sme boli raz mŕtvi v hriechu a prestúpeniach, On nám dáva nové Narodenie, nový život. Čo On robí? On... Zomrieme a sme pochovaní v Ježišovi. Sme vzkriesení v Duchu, zo svetských vecí do Nebeských vecí. A dnes večer, „Sedíme spolu v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi.“

121Koľko kresťanov, ktorí tu sú, stále miluje svet? Ak to robíš, nie si kresťanom. Si vyznávačom Kresťanstva a nie vlastníkom Kresťanstva. [v angl. slovná hračka „professor“ (vyznávač) a „possessor“ (vlastník) - pozn.prekl.] Lebo keď človek raz okúsi Krista, je mŕtvy veciam tohto sveta a v žiadnom prípade nemá nijakú túžbu vrátiť sa do toho naspäť.

122Čo to robí? „Život,“ povedal Pavel, „ktorý som raz žil, už viac nežijem. Predsa žijem, nie ja, ale Kristus vo mne.“ Prečo? On ho vzkriesil z tej nízkej úrovne svetského hriechu hore na miesto, kde sa my sami môžeme obzrieť späť a vidieť, odkiaľ sme prišli. Sláva! Pozrite sa späť a vidzte, kde sme kedysi žili. Teraz žijeme odlišne. Čo to je? To je istota, že sme mŕtvi a naše životy sú skryté v Kristovi, skrze Boha a sme zapečatení Svätým Duchom a sme vzkriesení nad tie veci. Potom sme nažive s tým istým dôkazom, že On sa vrátil späť, aby nám to dokázal.

123Tá Zem je nádherná a toto je záloha. Toto je záloha nášho spasenia. Sú to prvé peniaze, ktoré držia zmluvu. Sláva! To drží Božiu zmluvu, „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová, ktorý verí Tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má Večný Život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Vypusti tlak, brat. Tak veru. Amen. Porozumeli ste tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - pozn.prekl.]

124Hľaďte, ako Eliáš, ten veľký prorok, predobraz Krista. Elizeus, predobraz Cirkvi, mal dvojitú porciu Ducha, ktorá prišla na proroka. Jedného dňa šiel k Jordánu; predobraz na tento deň, táto vláda a podobné veci, ktoré teraz máme; Achab, Jezábeľ a tak ďalej. Ak si pamätáte moju kázeň o Jezábeli. Všimnite si, z akého dôvodu Elizeus nasledoval Eliáša.

Amen. Kam ho vzal? K Jordánu; do Rámoth-Gileádu, hore do školy prorokov a dolu k Jordánu. To je spôsob, akým vás vedie On. Cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie a smrť, aby ste obdržali Život. Amen. Nie do denominácie alebo do nejakého vyznania. Ale do smrti svojho vlastného ducha a do znovuzrodenia. A Elizeus...

125Eliáš udrel tú vodu, prešiel cez Jordán a Elizeus ho nasledoval. A keď sa Elizeus znova navrátil späť do zeme na druhú stranu, vrátil sa späť s dvojitou porciou (Ducha).

Dnes nasledujeme Ježiša cez Jeho smrť, pohreb a krst... vlastne smrť, pohreb a vzkriesenie, cez krst. Veríme Mu. Odumreli sme veciam sveta, vyznávame, že sme ničím, boli sme pokrstení v Jeho Meno, pochovaní s Ním v krste a vstali sme s Ním z mŕtvych vo vzkriesení. Náš duch žije ponad vecami tohto sveta. Potom sme v Kristovi. Máme teraz jednu porciu (Ducha).

126Keď sa vrátime spoza prekročenej smrteľnej hranice Jordánu, budeme mať druhú porciu. Telá, ktoré teraz máme, s duchmi, ktorých máme, sú Zálohou, Svätý Duch, ktorý nemôže zomrieť, pretože To je časť Boha. A telá, v ktorých žijeme... “Ten, kto je Moje telo a pije Moju Krv, má Večný Život a Ja ho vzkriesim v posledný deň.“ Amen. Vypustite paru.

127Čo na tom záleží, že udrú atómové bomby alebo čokoľvek... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]... o tejto jednej veci, že máme Večný Život skrze Ježiša Krista nášho Pána. Tak, prečo by sme sa mali zaujímať o to, čo má do povedania svet. Prečo by sme sa mali starať o ten tlak. Nerobí to pre nás žiaden rozdiel. Prečo? Pretože môžeme vypustiť tlak.

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

Príď tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná;

Svieti okolo nás dňom i...

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

Ježiš, Svetlo sveta.

128Teraz so sklonenými hlavami, pozdvihnime svoje ruky.

Kráčame vo Svetle, je to nádherné Svetlo,

Príď tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná;

Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou,

Ježiš, Svetlo sveta.

129Náš Nebeský Otče, Satan prehral boj. Byť len trpezlivý. Nenechať si zvýšiť paru. Ako tu stojím a kážem na tému „vypustiť paru“, a potom si Satan myslí, že by ma mohol zmietnuť spoza kazateľne a dostať ma preč od tohto oltárneho zavolania. Nie, Pane. V mojom srdci bolo niečo horiace, čo hovorilo, „Niekto tam je. Niekto tam hľadá tú Skalu.“ Ďakujeme Ti, Pane, za víťazstvo. Keď táto posledná osoba prikráčala ku oltáru, prišli svetlá. On videl, že prehral, a tak by sa mohol rovno na mieste vzdať.

130Dnes večer tu stojí to číslo milosti, päť vzácnych duší. Päť: J-e-ž-i-š, v-i-e-r-a, milosť, m-i-l-o-s-ť [anglicky: g-r-a-c-e – pozn.prekl.] Ó, Bože, Ty si Boh. Ty nikdy nezlyháš. Ty si vždy pravdivý.

131Pozerám sa, ako tu na boku stojí dcéra sestry Wilson. Pamätám si to malé dievča. Pamätám si na ten večer v New Markete pred mnohými rokmi. Pamätám sa na to, tam dolu v ten večer, Pane.

132Tu po jej strane stojí dáma, ktorá sem prišla z New Yorku, aby s nami pobudla.

133Tu stojí tento mladý muž a mladá žena, práve v tomto zlomovom bode, keď svet tam vonku robí všetok druh nemorálnych tancov a činností. Oni išli hľadať tú Skalu.

134Na konci oltára stojí mladý muž, jeho ruky sú zodvihnuté a chce nájsť tú Skalu. Ježiš, Ty si tou Skalou. A povedal si, „Kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení v Mojom Mene, budem Ja v ich strede.“ Potom, tá Skala je priamo tu.

135Môže to vyzerať veľmi zvláštne, Otče, veľmi jednoducho. Robíš veci takými jednoduchými, aby sme neurobili chybu. Ale pretože sa zodvihli zo svojho miesta a prišli na pozvanie; preto, že Satan ich chcel zadržať od toho, aby to urobili, predložil všetku snahu, ktorú mohol, pokúšal sa urobiť to, ale prehral. No, ako Tvoj sluha, položím na nich ruky a vyslovím Tvoje požehnanie. A, Bože, nech to má výsledky. Preto, že sú otvorení a úprimní k nasledovaniu vedenia Ducha, a ja robím to isté.

136No, prosím, aby duša tejto mojej sestry nikdy nezahynula, aby jej bola daná tá túžba jej srdca po večnom živote, skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.

137Kladiem ruku na moju sestru a viem, že ju sužujú mnohé trápenia. Viem, že sa modlí za svojho drahého chlapca. Poznám otca, ako mu dnes večer slzy stekajú po lícach, ako odovzdal ten malý kúsok desiatku. A dnes ráno, keď sme sa modlili a odovzdali toho chlapca Pánu Bohu. Táto matka a otec milujú to dieťa. A, Bože, chcú miesto, kde by len mohli vypustiť paru a vedieť, že všetko je v poriadku. Otče, my to odovzdávame Tebe. Ty to udelíš. Nemáme strach. Daj jej tú istotu práve teraz, Otče, modlím sa skrze Ježišovo Meno.

138A Otče, tento mladý muž a mladá žena prišli spolu a tak kladiem na nich ruky. Prišli vypustiť paru. Mladý pár, ako je tento, pekní mladí ľudia, vieme, že sú veľkou návnadou pre Diabla, ak by ich len mohol používať. Ale boli uchmatnutí ako kus horiaceho dreva. Prišli, pretože chcú nájsť to útočisko. Chcú sa dostať do miesta, kde môžu skrátka vypustiť paru, vypustiť tlak, utíšiť sa pred Bohom a vedieť, že On je Boh. Modlím sa, Otče, aby si im tú požehnanú istotu dal práve teraz. Nech každá malá šupka práve teraz odpadne.

139Tento mladý človek tu, Pane, ktorý stojí a má zodvihnuté ruky, ten úplne posledný. A akonáhle vstal a prišiel, svetlá sa rozsvietili. To bolo číslo, ktoré si Ty chcel, to bolo Tvoje zavolanie. „Všetko, čo Mi dáva Otec, príde ku mne.“ Jediná vec, ktorú musíme spraviť, je držať tam Slovo, a tí, ktorých Otec určil do Života, prídu. A on teraz prišiel. Chce nájsť tú medzeru, Pane, aby si mohol na chvíľu sadnúť a odpočinúť si. Modlím sa, Otče, aby si ho práve teraz viedol do tej medzery.

140Nech sú všetky putá zlámané. Nech všetko, každý nepriateľ, ktorý trápi niektorých z nich, nech to od nich odpadne priamo teraz; nech tá malá vec, malá podráždenosť, malé čokoľvek to je, malá náladovosť, tie malé starosti, tá nevera, ten malý zakorenený hriech. Pane, ako ich brat a Tvoj služobník, prihováram sa za nich, ako tu stojím medzi životom a smrťou. Bože, nárokujem si ich duše. Požadujem ich víťazstvo, v poslušnosti k zavolaniu ku oltáru. A vieme, že Satan sa to snažil zastaviť. Ale nárokujeme si ich, robím to teraz ako Tvoj služobník. A odovzdávam ich dnes večer Ježišovi Kristovi ako trofeje Jeho milosti, trofeje Prítomnosti Svätého Ducha, ktorý ich zavolal v ťažkých podmienkach a priniesol ich ku Skale. Nech teraz vypustia tlak a vedia, že Ježiš povedal toto, „Žiaden človek nemôže prísť, ak som ho Ja nezavolal. A všetkým, ktorí prídu, dám im Večný Život a vzkriesim ich v posledný deň.“ Tým je to vybavené, Pane. Odovzdávam ich teraz Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

141Nech vás Boh žehná, ako tu stojíte. Ako sa vrátite na svoje miesta, choďte a vedzte, že všetko, po čom ste túžili, a každý zakorenený hriech a veci, ktoré boli zlé, sú pod Krvou. Je to ukončené. Veríš tomu? Veríš tomu? Veríš tomu, brat? Veríš tomu, sestra? Veríš tomu? Potom, to nebude; to už bolo vykonané. V poriadku. To je minulý čas.

142Nech vás Boh žehná, to najlepšie v živote a vo Večnom Živote je to, čo teraz vlastníte. Vyšplhali ste sa ponad hriech. Hriech je pod vašimi nohami. Na čo by mi to bolo dobré, ako tu stojím, keby som vám povedal niečo nesprávne. Bol by som považovaný za podvodníka do konca cesty. Rozumiete? Obdržali ste Večný Život, pretože ste uverili v Pána Ježiša Krista. Teraz odložte stranou každý hriech a všetky okovy a choďte slobodní. Vypustite paru. Ste kresťania. Povstali ste nad hriechom. Máte závdavok svojej Večnej spásy, pretože Kristus vás prijal.

143No, nepovedal On, „Žiaden človek nemôže prísť ku Mne, iba ak by ho potiahol Môj Otec. A všetkým, ktorí prídu, dám im Večný Život a vzkriesim ich v posledných dňoch?“ [Piati pri oltári hovoria, “Amen.” - pozn.prekl.] Potom je to vybavené. Amen. Je po všetkom. Nech vás teraz Boh žehná, a nech je ku vám štedrý. Milujete Ho, vy tam? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

lebo On prv miloval mňa,

a vykúpil mi spasenie,

na Golgote.

144Koľkí z vás cítia, že tlak je preč? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - pozn.prekl.]

Zakotvil som svoju dušu v nebeskom odpočinku,

nebudem sa viac plaviť po rozbúrenom mori;

Môže duť najbúrlivejšia víchrica;

V Ježišovi som naveky bezpečný.

145Ako v príbehu Charlesa Wesleyho, jedného dňa mal vo svojom útočisku na pobreží malú chatrč. On študoval. Pán ho tam dolu viedol. On študoval. Ó, Boh ho pudil do tvorby jednej piesne. A nemohol dostať nič, čím by začal. Mohol s niečím začať a inšpirácia ho opustila. A tak sa prechádzal dolu po morskom brehu, počúval vlny a nazdával sa, že by mohol nájsť nejakú inšpiráciu v úderoch vĺn. Naraz prišla búrka.

Nič sa nedeje náhodou. Všetko je určené Bohom. Nezáleží na tom, čo sa stane, všetko spolu pôsobí na dobré.

146A vydal sa na cestu ku svojmu malému zrubu. Keď to urobil, vetry začali duť. Pomyslel si, „Ó, predtým, ako sa tam dostanem, odfúkne ma z tohto pobrežia.“ A vytiahol svoj kabát a začal bežať a niečo vletelo do jeho lona. Pozrel sa späť a bol to malý vrabec, ktorý šiel do útočiska. Len ho držal vo svojom lone, pokiaľ búrka neskončila a nevyšlo slnko. Posadil toho malého tvora na svoj prst a nechal ho odletieť preč. A on odletel preč a potom ho udrela inšpirácia.

Skala Vekov, moje útočisko,

dovoľ mi ukryť sa v Tebe.

147Ó, milujem to! Skala Vekov, tá Skala v krajine trápenia, Úkryt v čase búrky. Vidíte? Tá Skala v krajine trápenia, skry ma v Tebe. Skry ma, ó, Skala Vekov, moje útočisko. Ohromne inšpirovaní spisovatelia piesní a vecí, z ktorých sa dnes tak radujeme!

Poviete, „Sú tieto piesne inšpirované?“

148Ježiš na ne poukázal, keď bol tu na zemi, povedal, „Či nie je napísané v Žalmoch, kde Dávid povedal tú-a-tú vec?“ Samozrejme, sú inšpirované. Tak, ako kázanie a všetko ostatné, je to inšpirované.

149Som tak šťastný, že mám Útočisko. Nemám žiadne iné útočisko. Áno.

Moja nádej nie je postavená na ničom menšom,

Ako na Ježišovej Krvi a spravodlivosti;

Keď všetko okolo mojej duše povoľuje;

Potom On je všetkou mojou nádejou a zakotvením.

Lebo na Kristovi, pevnej Skale stojím,

Všetko ostatné je potápajúci sa piesok,

nezáleží na tom, čo to je.

150Nech vás Boh žehná. Teraz váš pastor, brat Ruddell. Je mi to ľúto, Satan zhasol svetlá, ale Boh má v každom prípade víťazstvo. Amen.

1 Thank you, Brother Ruddell. I am so happy to know I got a son in the Gospel. [A brother says something--Ed.] Yeah. Well, fine. That's good. Yes, I certainly appreciate Brother Ruddell. And I--I believe Paul once had a son called Timothy. He called him his son in the Gospel.

2And if I'm not sure, this Flossy Ford, used to be? [Sister Flossy says, "Yes."--Ed.] My, goodness! Flossy, I... Been a long time. Yes, it has. I remember, when I was a boy, her brother, Lloyd, and I used to run around together. And she used to bake big cakes, you know, and we'd come up there and eat till we was just about sick, with it.

3 I remember one time they asked me come up, Lloyd did. And we... Flossy had baked. She was just a kid then. She had baked a big cake, and--and we just eat till we couldn't eat. I thought, "Now, I'm going to stay all night with Lloyd." Kind of got getting dark, you know, and I--I made out I just had to go home. And so I--I took off and run down the road, and scared to death, trying to go home.

4And I--I remember her father. Your mother is still living, I suppose. Well, that's fine. And been a lot of water went down that river since them days. Yes. Here we are now, both middle-aged people, grandparents. Well, but, there is a Land where we'll never grow old. See? I'm so glad to know, Flossy, that you're looking for that Land, and assurance you'll find It.

5And Jim, how is Jim? Is he... Yes, I remember that. Jim, that's her husband. And I remember him well. And I knowed a few of the children. We kind of, by that time, I had got on the field, when they were married, and their children growing up. And we kind of got away, you know, from one another.

6I see Brother Lloyd once in a while, holler at him down, on the street. They've cooked me a many a meal. And I've... like real brother and sister.

7 Now, I'm so glad to see that Brother Ruddell's first push was here in this place; to convert, starting out, converting a roadhouse into the house of the Lord. That's very fine.

8And, of course, you know, if sometimes if you can foresee anything, you know, and--and then that makes it better. So we could foresee there was something in this boy. And he was bashful. His dad and I, there, used to work together years ago. And I knowed his daddy was an up-and-at-it and a go-getter, so why shouldn't that be in the boy? I know he had a darling mother. So, he was sired right, so there had to something good behind him, you see. And that longing in his heart, to serve the Lord! When the deep calls to the Deep, there's got to be a Deep to respond to that call. And I'm so glad to see Brother Ruddell going on.

9 This wonderful bunch of people up here. And it's a grand privilege to me, tonight, to come up here, and to speak to this bunch of saints that are sojourning here. We are not... This is not our abiding place, you know. We are pilgrims. We are. We're not at home.

10I remember, Sister Ruddell, how you'd come with him and set there. And he would hold his head down. And you had a lot of confidence. They sure did. She believed he'd--he'd preach the Gospel. And so with a good wife like that, and a father and mother, and all praying for him, something had to happen, Brother Ruddell. So here it is. And I pray, Brother Ruddell, that this will just be a--a standing place for you, where you spring to the highest of heights, for the glory of the Gospel.

11 I know that Brother and Sister Ruddell, Max there, would feel real happy about it, tonight. How I'd like to see Billy Paul stand in the pulpit. And I hope to live someday to see Joseph standing in the pulpit. And that's mighty fine.

12Our toils and troubles then that we have, raising young children through the teen-age and things, that makes us feel fine then. Look back and see the gray in your daddy's hair, and things. Remember, some of your--some of your wrongdoings put them there. And that--that's right.

13 Well, it's good to be here. And I'm just a little bit hoarse. I been preaching. Brother Gene Goad and I took a little trip, yesterday, and went down. And the fish was biting. And--and so we had a good time, come in late. And we kind of got out on the water, and little bit a cold, but I trust you bear with me.

14Now, we are fixing to leave on a summer's campaign, about ninety-day campaign. Expect to be back again in last of August, first of September. And we're going over now. This--this week, I begin in Green Bay, Michigan, come back to Chicago for Sunday afternoon, at the high school, at a convention. I'm going to speak the original convention of the Christian Business Men in Green Bay, Wisconsin. And then, from there, to Chicago. And then Monday, I'm in Chicago, at a--a conventional meeting, a missionary rally for Brother Joseph Boze. And then return home, to go up to south, Southern Pines, North Carolina, and down into South Carolina. Then over to the Cow Palace at South Gate, Los Angeles. Got forty some odd Oneness churches sponsoring that meetings. First time the Oneness ever sponsored my meeting.

15Then from on--on up, California through Oregon, on into Canada. And from there, in to Anchorage, Alaska. And then back again in this fall, where Brother Joseph Boze is going to Kenya, Tanganyika, Urban, in Africa, South Africa, to set up meetings for later on in the fall.

16Now, to say I have a leading to go to any of these places, I do not. But I feel that it ought to be sowing Seed somewhere, doing whatever I can for the Kingdom.

17 And now let us just bow our heads again for another word of prayer. Not that we haven't been prayed for, but I'd just like to ask the Lord to help me here now, that would provide some Words for you.

18Our Heavenly Father, we are now approaching Thy throne of grace, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Who has give us the permission and bid us to come, and we would be granted the things that we ask for, as we approach. Now, we would not ask, at all, to stand in Your judgment. But we want to stand at the Mercy Seat, so that we can obtain mercy, confessing that we are wrong. And there's no soundness in us. But we present ourselves, Lord. Nothing we can offer, just the prayer of our Lord Jesus, and the bidding, that He said this, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me has everlasting Life, and shall not come to the Judgment, but has passed from death to Life." We believe that. He told us to come, ask anything in His Name, it would be granted. We believe that.

19 Upon the basis of our faith, we come, asking that You bless this church, and our gracious brother, Brother Ruddell, and his family, and all the families that's represented here.

20As I looked over and see Mrs. Morris here, tonight, and to think of the days gone by. And, God, as I've said to her, lots of water has went down the river, and many dangers, toils, and snares. You've already brought us through them, Lord, and our trust is in You, that we go to the end of the road, in Thee.

21Bless this place. Place Your Name in here, Lord, and give to them the very best that's lotted for this place. May evil, as a brother prayed, tonight, here, this young man, prayed that You'd take away all hindrances. Grant it, Lord. Answer his prayer.

22Heal the sick that's among us. Give salvation to the soul of those that's hungering and thirsting for righteousness. And now, Lord, sanctify the voice and the--and the effort of Your unprofitable servant. And bless Thy Word, and may It not return void. But be, may It be so, that It will accomplish that which It is purposed for. May the Holy Spirit take the things of God, tonight, and encourage our hearts, from the greatest to the least. In the Name of Jesus Christ we ask it. Amen.

23 Now, this morning, I preached a long time. And I didn't know about preaching. I was just kind of teaching a Sunday school lesson. One day, I taught six hours. Won't be that bad, tonight, I'm sure.

24But I just got a little text here, that I would like to read some Scripture, because I know His Words won't fail. Mine's may. Mine may do it. And I'm going to try to keep my word right with His, and take His Word; take my word, to build a context around His Word, as we use for a text.

25 I want to read two places, tonight. I want to read in the Book of Proverbs, in the 18th chapter, and the 10th verse, for one place. And another place, I want to read Isaiah 32:2. Now in Proverbs 18:10.

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe.

26And in the Book of Isaiah, 32nd chapter, 1st and 2nd verses.

Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, a prince shall rule in judgment.

And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as a shadow of a great rock in a weary land.

27 And now from a text, I want to use this as a text, let... Letting Off The Pressure. That's an odd text, "Letting off pressure." I chose this because that, before coming to a meeting, I always try to pray, and to try to seek the Lord. Not to stand before any congregation, small or great, one to a million, would be to stand there not to be seen or to be heard, but to do something to glorify my Lord, therefore, seeing the need of the people.

28And I wouldn't come here to be heard, because I'm not much to listen to; bad voice, not an educated man. And never stay with my text; skip all over, from Genesis to Revelations. And I'm--I'm not a--a--a eloquent speaker, but I do love the Lord. And I--I can't love Christ until first I love His people. See? I've got to love His people. So if I love His people, then I love Him.

29 And then I want to be like He did. I want to--to make my objectives the same objectives He had, and, that was, always trying to do good, to help somebody.

30And seeing this day that we live in, and knowing that this church here has a grand pastor.

31Now, I don't say that flattery. I say it from my heart. If I said anything different, I'd--I'd be a hypocrite. And I--I believe that this church has a pastor that would stand on Truth, regardless of what come or went. I believe that. That's my confidence in my--my son. And I--I believe that. And I... And he's a fearless as fearless can be. And you... I believe he's an honorable, holy man, sent from God, with a ministry for this last day. And he preaches the same portion of the Word that I preach, that's from Genesis to Revelations, just the way It's wrote. And I like that. No compromising, just stay right with the Word, and I like that.

32 But then I thought, with a man like that, for me to walk in behind his pulpit, yet a young man, what could I say that would help his congregation? Because, that's why he wanted me to come up. He's a shepherd, and he's watching his sheep. And he would think maybe now, to kind of change around a little, he might be something to help his people. And he's interested in you. He's interested in your welfare. Day and night, he'll go any time, anywhere, help do anything that he can. Well, that's--that's a real servant of God.

33 And as he said, he said he plagued me, or bothered me, or pestered me, or something. He doesn't do that. That makes me love him that much more, when he keeps asking, 'cause, that, I love that, 'cause he's got confidence. It shows he wouldn't bring me up before his sheep if I thought I was going to hurt them. Nope. No shepherd would do that. Because, he'd think I would do what was right. And it's a... he... It's a great privilege he pays me when he does ask me to come. And I like his--his objectives, that's "Hang on till it happens." That's a--a man of faith, and I like that.

34So then I thought, "What would I speak to this congregation?" I thought, "Well, they're probably trained right in everything, no doubt." But there is a pressure on the people today. And that pressure has no limitation, or any denominational lines. It has no age line. It has no respect of person. It's on young and old, good and bad. It's on everybody: pressure.

35 We are living in a neurotic age, nervous tension. Everybody is racing here, and going there, and going nowhere. It's just to that kind of an age. And I know this church would be plagued with it, as everywhere is plagued with it. Tabernacle is plagued with it, everywhere, the whole world.

36It's a day of pressure. Hurry, hurry; hurry, hurry; hurry up and wait. Drive ninety miles an hour, and then to get home for supper, and wait two hours till it gets ready. That's right. It's--it's a time. And in that rushing and speeding, it gets you to a nervous tension. The wife say something a little contrary, you want to fly off: temper. Husband say something, you'll pat your foot and tell him to get in the room. See? "Well, now, husband, I don't want no words with you. Go out there."

37"Wife, oh, I'm so nervous." See? Why? What's the matter? See?

38 All this, together, this tension building up, then the results of it is: doing something wrong, and acting out of place. That's right. Now, it'll make the poor act that way. It'll make the middle-class act that way. It'll make the rich act that way. It'll make the wrong act that way. It'll make the pretty good act that way. And it'll make the good act that way. Because, it's tension, steam, built up. Got to blow it out somewhere. See? You don't, you blow the boiler up.

39Now, we find that. It builds up as the day goes. You talk to your boss, if you're working, "Oh, so-and-so!" And if you speak to the kiddie, "Come in here!"

"Mama! I'm..." See?

There you are. It builds it up. Oooh! My! See? You feel like you're going to... head is going to come off. I know. I'm with it, every day, so I--I know what it means. It builds up. I was...

40 Thought of this, the other night. I was at a certain hospital. And our pastor, I thought he was sick, but he had just wore out. Run, run, run, run, till he just exhausted. And some of them said, called up, they called in the office down there, asked if I'd make his calls. Well, I had been with business acts all day, and ministers from different places. I said, "Yes." Well, I went to make his calls.

41 And I went to certain hospital. And they give me a woman's name, and a--and a number where she was at. I goes up to this room. I went over to the lady. And it--it was about fifteen, twenty minutes before receiving time for visitors. So I went over and told the lady I was a minister and would like to see certain-certain woman. She looked me in the face. And she was doing something. She turned around, first, and said, "What do you want?"

I said, "I would like to know where a certain-certain lady is in this ward."

She said, "I don't know."

I said, "Well, I was given a number, a certain place, and I thought I'd ask first."

Said, "Well, if you got a number, go see it."

"Thank you."

I goes down there and set at the door of the ward. I said, "Is there a lady in here, name So-and-so?"


Well, I went back and looked at my ticket. That's where it said. So I goes back, and the lady was standing there. I said, "That was the wrong number."

"What'd you say her name was?" I said. Said, "She is not on this floor."

"Thank you." I said, "I'll go upstairs then."

So, I goes up to the next room. And I went to the... First, there was a doctor setting at the desk, and setting there, scratching his head. Said, "How do you do?" He just looked up, looked down.

Well, I thought, "I better leave him alone."

So I went on down the row a little farther, and I found a lady at the desk, a nurse. Said, "Pardon me."

Said, "What do you want?"

And I said, "Is there a lady up here by a certain-certain name?"

And she said, "I don't know." And I said... She said...

I said, "I was supposed to have a--a room number 321 or 221." And I said, "I went to that room, and there was no one there. And the lady said, 'There's no one down here named that, so,' said, 'maybe it was upstairs.'"

And she said, "Well, then why don't you go to two... 321 then."

Said, "Thank you."

I goes down to 321, I... or two-twenty-... 321. I said, "Is there a lady in here named So-and-so?"


There's a lady laying there, said, "She was across the room, across the room over on--on the other, thirty-one."

Said, "Thank you, lady."

I walked over, I said, "Is lady So-and-so here?"

"No. They moved her out. She is downstairs."

41b I thought, "Oh, my!"

I goes back downstairs again. I--I... And she... They did give me the room number. And I went downstairs, and I looked all... I was afraid to go to that desk again. So I looked all up-and-down, trying to find that room number. And I--I looked, and I couldn't find it.

They got little wings and things cut up in this hospital. So here come this doctor walking down, with his stethoscopes in his hand, and satchel. And I never did see a man was four foot tall and four foot wide, but he just about matched the... He was walking along there. I said, "Good evening, sir. Could you tell me where room number so-and-so was at?"

He said, "Up this way and out that way."

I said, "Thank you for your information." That's the truth. He said, "Up this way and out that way."

And I said, "Thank you!" I thought, "I haven't got anywhere yet."

42 I looked back and there was a kind of kind-looking lady standing at the desk again. I walked over to her, and I said, "Good evening."

She said, "How do you do?"

43I said, "Lady, I'm all confused." And I told her my story. I said, "There's a lady here somewhere that's going to surgery in the morning, and she's near death. I'm a minister, and our pastor up there couldn't make his calls, and they give me this number."

She said, "Just a moment, Brother Branham, I'll find out." She...

"Well, I thank--thank the Lord."

She laid down everything and walked over there, and got...

"Oh," she said, "yes, Brother Branham, she is in room so-and-so, to your left, right there."

44I said, "Thank you, very much." I turned around and looked.

45 I thought, "That's it, letting off the steam," everybody. It's just becoming a--a neurotic age. Everybody is all built up. Haven't got no time. And that builds up to a place that it breaks up things. It causes people to have hard feelings, when they snap them off, and--and say things you don't mean to say.

46Now, everybody is guilty of it. I'm guilty. You're all guilty. We, we do things under pressure that we wouldn't do otherwise, so there's a--there's an excess pressure built up today. I believe... Before I go any further, I might say this. I believe it's the enemy coming down and pressing. I believe it's the Devil.

47And we know the Coming of the Lord is at hand. And the Bible said, in the last days, that, "The Devil would go about like a roaring lion." And if he could get you under pressure, hurrying, running over something, you will make decisions that you wouldn't make if you'd set down and think it over.

48 About three years ago, I was on a hunting trip, and I had an Indian guide. And I--I hunt real fast. It's just, that's just me, you see, one of them pressure-builders.

49So I--I was hunting with the Indian, and I jumped off the horse. And there was some elk up on the mountain, and I started around the bend. The old Indian was about ten years older than me. He was just a puffing, coming behind me. I said, "Come on, chief. Come on!"

Said, "Too fast! Too fast!"

I thought, "Oh, well!" I said, "Come on, and start."

50He said, "It's too fast!" I slowed down, next gear. "Too fast!" I got down to a walk. "Too fast!" Oh, my!

I said, "Chief, the elk is up there!"

He said, "Him stay there. He were born there."

I said, "I guess that's right."

"He stay there, he were born there." He said, "Preacher hunt too fast, scare all the game away." Said, "Do like Indian. Walk'em once, look'em nine times."

51 Well, I wonder what kind of a gear I'd have to get in, to get down there? Where, I was on a run, up the mountain. He said, "Walk'em once, then look'em nine times. Look all around, over everything, nine times, before he'd make another step." Oh, my! But, you see, he's in no hurry. I thought of that.

52And my precious old mother, that's in Glory tonight; someone said, "Why don't you wear a white flower today, meaning your mother is dead?"

53I said, "My mother is not dead. My mother is living."

And then I'd wear a red one, and then people say, "I thought your mother died."

So to keep from confusing them, and building up more steam, I just left it all off. See? She's not dead. She's asleep. She's with Christ.

54 And then the nervous neurotic age that we're living in! And you know, in all of this, the doctors don't have the answer, 'cause they're plagued with it, too. They don't have the answer. They don't know what to do.

You say, "Oh, doctor, I--I--I'm just about to blow my head. I don't know what to do. I..."

"Well," he'd say, "I am too. Well, there is nothing you can do." He would give you a tranquilizer. When that wears off, you're more nervous than you was in the first place; like a drunk man, taking an extra drink, to get over his drunkenness. You see? So you--you can't do it. There's no answer. They don't have it.

55But, God has the answer. That's what we want to take, talk about, to have the answer. God has got the answer. He is the Answer. Christ is the Answer to every problem we got. Now, we're going to talk about Him now.

56 Now, in the Old Testament, there was a time when a man could build up pressure way back there, and that was when he done something wrong. If he shed innocent blood, well, then he was on the run. Because, as soon as that man that he killed, or the wrong he did; that man he did the wrong to, some of his people would hunt him till they found him, and there he'd kill him. "It was a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye." And, you see, a man had no place to stop.

If he done something accidentally, and, of course, the people wouldn't believe it. Well, he had to take off. Because just as soon as--as he did this, then the--the relatives of this man, or woman, whoever it was, they started hunting him. And when they found him, "It was tooth for tooth, and eye for eye." That's the way they lived.

57 And so he couldn't stop nowhere. He was a fugitive. He didn't know what to do, and he was on the run.

A very type of today. I think that's what's causing so much pressure. We're on the run. That's what's the matter with the world, knowing they're wrong. Knowing the Coming of the Lord is at hand, and the pressure is building up. And they're on the run; roadhouse, gambling den, luxury, sin, immoral decay, anything, to give vent. Listen at television, dirty jokes, anything, give vent. They're on the run. There's something fixing to happen. They know it, and they're drinking themselves to death, with pleasures and everything else, on the run.

58They know there's something fixing to happen. The world speaks of it. We know that something is fixing to happen. This world may be blowed up before daylight. Every nation is under tension. Why?

59 One time I was in Africa, and I was watching a sheep feeding. It was a lamb, oh, a middle-grown sheep. And the little fellow was eating very peaceful, and all at once he got restless. And he would take a bite; he'd look around. He'd take a bite. When, he was peaceful. I was watching him. He looked just as calm. I thought, "Isn't that peaceful out there? Look at that little fellow." The shepherd that had been watching them had gone to the corral, back; native, colored.

60And I watched this little fellow. And after while he got nervous. I thought, "What's the matter with that little guy?" I was watching him, course, through binoculars. And he got so nervous. He'd look this way and that way. He started bleating. He didn't know what to do. I thought, "What made the little fellow get so excited, all at once?"

61 Now, he was in a little pasture field. But way over behind there, I noticed something raise up and let down again, about a half a mile from him. Hid good in the weeds, a lion slipping up. And that little fellow, something in him was building to a place that he knowed there was danger somewhere. He couldn't see it. But the lion had smelled the sheep, and he had to get quick now to get him, before the shepherd got him, got him out of the way.

62So then, watching him, tension had built. And in the distance this lion was slipping up, real easy. Yet, the--the sheep couldn't see the lion, but there's just something inside of him that told him that danger was at hand.

63That's the way it is today, that there is something inside of people, that let's them know something is fixing to happen. We know it. The Christian knows it. The world knows it. The drunkard knows it. The gambler knows it. The businessman, the governments, the U.N., all of them know that something is fixing to happen. It's built a tension.

64 Women, mothers, just one cigarette after another! I watch them come to the school. They drive through our lane there. I have to watch my kids and my dog. On a twenty-mile zone; seventy miles an hour, women taking their children to school. Cigarette in their hand, hanging out one door, fussing with their kids, and down there and squeak the brakes, then, or the wheels, and laying tires on the street. And here they come back again. I seen the wind blow four or five little kids plumb off the road, the other day, of some neurotic mother. Where is she going? What's the matter? Certain television program on, maybe comes on, she wanted to see.

65But, that's it, tension. There is something causing it. They used to, didn't do that. Something is approaching. Death and destruction is on its road here. It isn't very far away. Something is approaching.

66 Now, in the Old Testament, God seeing, in some of this trouble, was accidentally done. So, if you're innocent, and not guilty, God makes a way for you.

67Now, if a man killed a man, just deliberately, premeditated, he was lost. He could not come to this place. But if he did it accidentally, he didn't mean to do it, then there was a city of refuge. One was at Ramoth-Gilead. And four places, I think, Joshua placed these cities of refuge.

68Now, now, the people could come to this city of refuge if accidentally he done something wrong. He didn't mean to. He would come to the city of refuge, and go to the gate. The gatekeeper would ask him why he coming, what was his idea of coming. Then his case was pleaded. And when his case was pleaded at the gate, and the man be found innocent, he did it not willfully, then the man was taken into the city, as a place of refuge. Then the enemy could not get him.

And if he lied and done wrong, and come into the city of refuge, though he was holding to the altar horns, his enemy had the privilege and right to drag him from that altar and kill him, yes, sir, because he was guilty, premeditated, and he had to be punished.

69 Now, there was something went with that. Course, that man would be nervous, my, maybe, a dozen men behind you. Somewhere, every rock, every hill, every bush, the enemy, somebody was standing ready for him. He was nervous. And then when he once got into the city, he could let off the pressure. He was safe. He was all right, 'cause there was a provided place made for him. God's provided way for that innocent man, not to be slain, but could be exempted from the slaying, because he did it accidentally, now, if he didn't mean to do it.

70Now, if he meant to do it, well, he--he had to stand the circumstances. But there's no chance for him if he did it willfully.

71 And there's two classes of people today. May I say this. There is men and women in the world today, Brother Ruddell, that really don't want to do these things they're doing. There's men and women in the world today, that don't want to sin. I feel sorry for them. They don't want to do anything wrong, but they do it. They're drove to it. Now, there's a place for that person that wants to do right. There's a place to let off that pressure. It's true. But there's some that doesn't care.

72 The other day, a brother, Hickerson, got me a pass from the warden of the federal prison in... at La Grange, Kentucky, to go in, go fishing. And I met a colored boy back there from Louisville. And he told me... I said, "A fine-looking, intelligent man like you, what are you doing in here?"

73He said, "Well," said, "reverend, here is what it was." Said, "It's nobody's fault but mine." Said, "I--I--I once belonged to the Lord." His name was Bishop. He said, "They call me 'Holy Bishop' because that I serve the Lord." He said, "Me and my wife, we--we got a little girl." And said, "One time I just couldn't stand it, so I just went with the world, went away from the Lord." Said, "I had a Christian father and mother." And said, "I served four years overseas, in Korea," how many battles he was in, citations and things. He said, "But out there the thing we done is just go to dances and so forth. I got mixed with the wrong crowd."

74 "And one day, two boys come by and said, 'Bishop, we want to go up to Quaker Maid, get some groceries. Will you run us up there?'"

Said, "My wife had just called me to dinner. And I said... Said, she called me in there, said, 'Honey, don't you go with them. There's no good in them guys. We got to get away from them, get back to church again.'"

And he said, "Well," said, "I said, 'I hate for them... The boys wants groceries.' Said, 'I hate not to take them.' Yeah, said, 'I'll let them have my car.'"

"Said, 'Don't you do it. They'll tear it to pieces.' And said, 'Run them up there, and then come back then.'"

75Said, "I run them up there, and stopped in the parking lot." Said, "I was setting there, waiting. And all at once, the alarms went off, and everything. And here come these boys, each with pistols in their hand. And I shut the door. I said, 'You're not getting in here.'" And one of them whacked him across the head, and jerked him back up, throwed this gun. He said, "You're not taking me."

Throwed the gun in, said, "If you don't want a hole through you! And we'll throw you out here, take off."

76 He said, "You can't go nowhere. You're going to get caught. You boys tell them that I was free. I--I didn't mean this. I--I was setting here. I'm an innocent party." And about that time the police had them.

77They pleaded the case. He said, "I first thought evil of the prosecutor, because he said..." Here is the questions he said. "Is this your car?"

He said, "Yes, sir. But I..."

78He said, "Answer my questions." Oh, brother, the Devil has a way of doing it. Said, "Answer my questions." Said, "Is this your car?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

"Is that your license number?"

"Yes, sir."

He said, "Was you up there in that lot?"

He said, "Well, I tell you..."

He said, "Answer my questions."

He said, "Yes, sir."

79He said, "There you are." And on circumstantial evidence, they give him ten years, sent the other boys for life.

80Now, he said, "See, brother, I just got in the wrong crowd. It's nobody to blame but me." And that's right. Now, he has got ten years, to let off the pressure in. I prayed for him. Brother Wood there, and I, we was setting out on the water. And took the boy by the hand, and prayed for him, out on the water, that God would give him a parole. And I'm still praying for him, that God will.

81What is it? Pressure, innocent, a man innocent. Now, that man should have a chance.

82 Now, if you want to do right, I'm so glad, tonight, to tell you that there is a city of refuge. That's Jesus Christ. If you don't want to do wrong, the enemy is after you, then there is a way of escape, and that escape is Jesus Christ. There's a place where you can come and let off the steam. But if you're love to sin, and you don't want God, then the enemy is going to overtake you somewhere. You have no... You can't come to Christ, because you don't want to.

83And when this man comes to Christ, this place of refuge. When a man come in, in the Old Testament; the first thing, he had to come upon his own free will. And that's the way you have to come to Christ.

84 Another thing, you must be satisfied while you're there. You don't... You can't hang around every day, crying, "I'd like to get out of here. I'd like to get out of here." They'd put you out. You must willfully want to stay. It must be that you must want to stay in that city.

85And when you come to Christ, you can't look back to the world. The Bible said, "He that puts his hand on the plow, and turns to look back, is not worthy of plowing." Now there is where so many so-called Christians make their mistake. See, they act like they're going to plow, but the first little thing comes along, they blow up, about it.

86 The other day I had an experience of that, as you all know. And I thank you for your prayers. As I hunt, and fish, and shoot targets, and things, I've always wanted a Weatherby magnum rifle. Well, some of my friends would have bought it for me. I know people, if I'd just have mentioned it, they'd have gladly done it. Frankly, two or three wanted to do it. But I couldn't see them put that much money in a rifle, when I know missionaries ain't got shoes on their feet. I couldn't do that. And Brother Wilson give Billy Paul a little.257 Roberts. And a brother, friend of mine said, "Brother Branham, Weatherby can bore that gun, I can have it done for cheap price, if you'll let me do it for you." Well, I let him do it.

87Come back, put a shell in the gun, and went to shoot it, and the thing blowed up in my hands. And the barrel went almost to the fifty-yard line, the bolt way back behind me. And it's a wonder it just didn't cut me half in two. There was about five or six tons of pressure that close to me.

88Well, the doctors said, "The only thing I know, that the good Lord was setting there to protect His servant."

89 Now, the thing that I'm thinking of, here is where it comes. If that would have been a Weatherby magnum, to start with! What was the matter? There was a flaw in the rifle. The head space was bored too loose. That's what's the matter with a lot of us in our conversion, our head space is bored to loose.

90And--and, now, if that would have been a Weatherby, from the very beginning, from the very steel that was poured, to make the barrel, it would have been bored out and made a Weatherby magnum. It would not have blowed up. But because it was tried to be converted to something that it really wasn't, then it blowed up.

And so will every man find the same thing, that professes to be a Christian, that doesn't get the right start from the new Birth, he'll blow up somewhere. There's too much pressure on it. It won't stand it. He'll find hisself blowed up somewhere.

91 People trying to impersonate somebody's ministry, that hasn't been called to it, finally it's going to blow up. You've got to be ordained of God.

It's got to be God, not some hand shake, some sentimental story, but it's coming upon the basis of the shed Blood of Christ, and your faith in what God did for you through Jesus Christ. If not, you're going to blow up somewhere. Somebody will step on your toes, and away you go. See? See, it's a pressure building up, all the time, and soon it'll blow up.

92 The man must want to stay in the refuge. He can't go in there complaining. He must want to stay, no complainings about it. Outside, he dies. Inside, he is safe.

93Well, I want to say something, the people here, if you're not a Christian. I come to this city of Refuge, about thirty-one years ago. And, brother, I've never wanted to go out. Oh, I come into Christ. Everything that I longed for was in Here. I don't want to go out. I pray daily, "O God, I'm so happy here. Just let me stay." I never want to leave, and I know He will never leave me. I know He will never leave you. And the pressure gets great, if it does, then He is our Outlet, so we don't have to--to worry about it.

94If you're all pressured up, and don't know where you're going, what's going to happen to you after death? And you know you're going to die sometime. You've got it to do. Then the thing to come, is come to Christ, the Refuge, and let off the pressure. Settle it, once for all.

95 No matter what takes place, Christ is our Refuge. And when we come to Him, we can let off the pressure. You can quit worrying about, "Well, if I die, what's going to happen to me? What's going to happen to the wife? What's going to happen to the husband? What's going to happen to the children?" Just come to Christ, and let off the pressure. All. He give us all things. All things are ours, by Christ, so just let the pressure off, the only one way you can do it.

96Somebody might give you a million dollars. It would build up pressure.

You might join a church, and it would still build up pressure. Cause, the Methodists will tell you they're right, "And the Baptist is wrong." And the Baptist say, "They're wrong, and we're right." So it just builds up more pressure, 'cause you don't where you're standing.

97 But if you ever come to Christ, you can let off the pressure, 'cause it's all over then, just settle it down. It's God's provided place of safety, where God said, "The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower, the righteous run into It and are safe."

In a time of sickness, when sickness strikes, and the doctor says, "There's nothing else I can do about it," don't build up pressure.

Let off the pressure. Call your pastor. Let him anoint you in oil and pray over you. "Prayer of faith shall save the sick." Let off the pressure. See?

98He's our Refuge. While you're in this Refuge, you got--you got right to anything that's in the Refuge. And Christ is our Refuge, and everything you have need of is in Him. Amen.

In sickness, don't build up pressure. Let off pressure.

99 You say, "Well, I--I wonder, Brother Branham." You don't wonder. You just let the pressure off. Commit your case to God, and go on as if it was all over. Don't build up pressure. It lets off pressure.

100"Well," you say, "I am so worried, Brother Branham. I just don't know."

Let off the pressure. Amen. In the city of Refuge, He took your worry, so you--you don't have to have it. "Cast your cares on Him, for He careth for you." Don't you worry about your cares. That's His business.

101 I met a woman, here some years ago in a ten-cent store. She was about sixty years old, looked about thirty years old. I said, "How do you do it, sister?"

102She said, "Brother Branham, I've got two sons that's doctors, that's older than you are." And honest to goodness, she--she didn't look over thirty years old. She said, "Here is what it was. When I come to Christ, when I was about twelve years old, I set down and thought about it. I studied other religions. But when I found the true one," she said, "I come to Christ, and took my case, my soul, my all, to Him." And she said, "I've never had a worry since." Said, "Now, He promised to take care of all my troubles," and said, "if He's not big enough to do it, I know I'm not big enough to do it, so what's the use of me worrying about it?" See? That's it.

103Christ promised that He'd take all your cares. "Cast your cares on Him." So what are you worried about? Worry builds up pressure. Pressure blows up. So just cast your cares on Him, and quit worrying. All right.

104 Now, "Well," you say, "how I do it?" Just trust His promise. He made a promise that He would do it, even in the time of death, when the death angel comes into the room. "Oh, Brother Branham, I know I'll be nervous." Oh, no. You're in the Refuge. No, no. You know you're going to die; you got to go some way, so just get into the Refuge, feel safe. That's right. You're safe as long as you're in the Refuge. Remember, He died for you. He cares for you. He died for you.

105Now let's take a look. You say, "Brother Branham, you mean, when the death angel is knocking at the door, you're still not to get steamed up?" No, not a bit. "Well, how do you do that?" Come to the Refuge. That's all. "Well," you say, "Brother Branham..."

106 Well, now wait a minute. Let's take Israel, down in Egypt. There come a time where God said, "I'm going to send the death angel through the land, and I'm going to take every one of the elders of the family, unless there's blood on the door," that great night of the passover.

107Now, here is Israel, a promised people going to a promised land. And they... It's the night of the passover. The death angel is in the land. And we hear a scream coming from down the street. We look out. Two big, black wings are waving down the street. You think Israel was all excited? No, sir.

108Death was at the door. The little boy looked out the window. He is the oldest of the family. He sees that big black angel. He looks and said, "Daddy, do you love me?"

"Sure, son, I love you."

"Well, Daddy, am I not your first born?"

"Yes, you are, son."

"Look at there, daddy. That angel got that little boy. I knowed him. I played with him. Oh, daddy, here he comes, towards the house."

"But, son, you see on that doorpost?" Hallelujah!

"Daddy, will he get me?"

"No, sir, son. He can't get you."


109"That's His promise. 'When I see the Blood, I'll pass over you.' Go back and get your toys, and start playing, son. There is no need of worrying. We're in God's refuge. Let off the steam."

110 Israel could set back and read the Bible, while the rest of them was screaming and building up steam. Israel was relaxed. Why? Death right at the door, what difference did it make? It can't hurt them.

111So when death comes to our door, glory to God, as long as God's requirement, the Blood, has been placed on the lintel of my heart post, what difference does it make? It can't bother me.

112The doctor says you're going to die tomorrow, what difference does it make? The Blood is on the post. You got to die, anyhow. But if that Blood has been applied, I've got a resurrection coming. Amen.

113 Israel could be calm, no building up steam for them, 'cause they knowed that the death angel couldn't strike them. They were under the blood. It was God's provided way.

114Now notice. Say, "Can I be assured of that?" Now, Christians, here we are. "Can I be assured of that?" I spoke on it, last Sunday night.

115Now, Israel was a promised, covenant people, God's people. They had been promised a land that was flowing with milk and honey. So they--they had never seen that land. Not a one of them ever been there. But they had a promise of it. See? They never been over there. They didn't know nothing about the land, but they were promised that land. And they come out of their slavery, by the hand of God through His prophet, and was so-journeying, professing that they were pilgrims and strangers, and was going to a land that they never seen, or none of them had ever seen it. Think of it.

So they come close to the borderline. There was a great warrior among them, named Joshua. Joshua takes... means "Jehovah Saviour." And Joshua went over the Jordan, into the promised land, and come back with the evidence that it was a good land. They brought a bunch of grapes; it taken two men to pack. It was just exactly what God said it was. It was flowing in milk and honey. That should have made every one of them rejoice. Why? Joshua brought back the evidence of a land that nobody knowed nothing about, that God had promised to give them. See? Cause, they were had a promise to a land, and was on their road to it.

116 Now, one day the human race was in a trap, and there come Someone to the earth, by the Name of Jesus Christ. Jesus means "Jehovah Saviour." And He went down to the Jordan of death. Went over the Jordan, in death, and rose up on Easter morning, with the evidence that a man can live after he dies. Hallelujah! Death is not the end. Jesus proved it, that a man can live after he dies.

117He stood before them, and He said, before He left. He said, "In My Father's house is many mansions. If it wasn't so, I would have told you. And I'll go and prepare a place. I'll go over and fix up a place, and return back, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." On Easter morning, after...

He died, till the moon and stars and sun was ashamed of themselves. He died, till the Roman soldier pierced His heart with a--with a spear, and water and blood had separated. He was the deadest of the dead. He went to the grave, like any man did. "His soul went to hell," as the Bible said.

But on Easter morning, He came back from death, hell, and the grave, and said, "I am He that was dead, and I am alive forevermore, and have the keys of death and hell. I'm a Man."

They said, "He's a spirit."

Said, "Give Me a fish sandwich." And He eat fish and bread.

118He was a Man that died and went to the Land, and returned back with the evidence that a man can live after death. What's death got to do with us? Amen. Let off the pressure.

119 Now, not only that, but He give us the promise. What was it? He give us the earnest of our inheritance. He said, "Now to prove this to every believer. Now you're walking down here in unbelief. You don't believe the Word. You're walking in sin and the things of the world. But He that believeth on Me has Eternal Life, a Life that can't die."

120Notice now. When we receive His Spirit, we who are once dead in sin and trespasses, He gives us new Birth, new Life. What does He do? He... We die and are buried in Jesus. We raise in the Spirit, from the worldly things, unto the Heavenly things. And tonight, "We are setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus."

121 How many Christians in here still love the world? If you do, you're not a Christian. You are a professor of Christianity, and not a possessor. For when a man once tastes of Christ, he's dead to the things of the world, and by no means he has any desire to go back into that.

122What does it do? "The life," Paul said, "that I once lived, I live no more. Yet I live, not me, but Christ in me." Why? He raised him from this low level of worldly sin, up to a place that we ourselves can look back and see where we come from. Glory! Look back and see where we once lived. Now we live different. What is it? It's the assurance that we are dead, and our lives are hid in Christ, through God, and are sealed by the Holy Ghost, and raised above those things. Then we are alive, with the same evidence that He come back with, to prove to us.

123 The Land is glorious and this is the down payment. This is the earnest of our salvation. It's the first money that holds the contract. Glory! It holds God's contract, "He that heareth My Words, that believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life and shall not come into condemnation, but has passed from death unto Life." Let off the pressure, brother. Yes, sir. Amen. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

124Looky, as Elijah that great prophet, a type of Christ. Elisha, the type of the Church, which, a double portion of the Spirit come upon the prophet. He walked to the Jordan one day; a type of this day, this government and things we have now; Ahab, Jezebel, and so forth. As you remember, my Jezebel sermon. Notice when Elisha following Elijah, for a reason. Amen. Where did he take him? To Jordan; to Ramoth-Gilead, up to the school of the prophets, and down to Jordan. That's the way He takes you. Through justification, sanctification, and die out, to receive Life. Amen. Not to a denomination or some creed. But to death to your spirit, so you can be born again. And Elisha...

125 Elijah struck that water, walked across Jordan, and Elisha followed him. And when Elisha returned back to the land again, on the other side, he come back with a double portion.

Today, we follow Jesus to His death, burial and baptism... death, burial, and resurrection, rather, through baptism. We believe Him. We're die out to the things of the world, confess that we're nothing, baptized in His Name, buried with Him in baptism, raised with Him in resurrection. Our spirits live up above the things of the world. Then we're in Christ. Now we got one portion.

126When we return from across the death line of Jordan, we'll have another portion. The bodies that we now have, with spirits that we have, have the Earnest, the Holy Spirit that can't die, because It's part of God. And the bodies that we live in... "He that eats My flesh and drinks My Blood has everlasting Life, and I'll raise him up at the last day." Amen. Let off the steam.

127 What difference does it make, atomic bombs or anything else strike? Let them do whatever... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... of this one thing, that we have Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So what do we care about what the world has got to say. What do we care about pressure. Don't make any difference to us. Why? Because we can let off the steam.



Come where the dew drops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and... [Blank.spot.on.tape.]

Jesus, the Light of the world.

128Now with our heads bowed, let's raise our hands.

We'll walk in the Light, beautiful Light,

Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Jesus, the Light of the world.

129 Our Heavenly Father, Satan has lost the battle. Just be patient. Don't build up a steam. Standing here, preaching on "letting off the steam," and then Satan thought he could run me from the pulpit, get me out of this altar call. No, Lord. In my heart there was something burning, saying, "There's somebody here. There's somebody hunting for that Rock." We thank You, Father, for the victory. When that last person walked to the altar, the lights come on. He seen he had lost, so he might as well give up the battle.

130Here stands, tonight, that number of grace, five precious souls. Five: J-e-s-u-s, f-a-i-t-h, grace, g-r-a-c-e. O God, You are God. You never fail. You're always right.

131 I'm looking, standing here on the side here, Sister Wilson's daughter. I can remember that little girl. I remember when You called her. I remember the night at New Market, long years ago. Down there that night, I remember, Lord.

132Here stands by her side, a lady, coming down from New York, to sojourn with us.

133Here stands a young man and a young woman, just at this turning point, when the world is out here doing all kinds of immoral dances and carrying on. They've walked, hunting for that Rock.

134At the end of the altar stands a young fellow, his hands raised, he--he wants to find the Rock. Jesus, You are that Rock. And You said this, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I'll be in their midst." Then, that Rock is right here.

135 It may seem very strange, Father, very simple. You make things so simple, so that we won't error. But because that they raised out of their seat and come on the invitation; because, that, Satan tried to keep them from doing it, every effort he could put forth, he tried to do it, but he lost. Now, as Your servant, I'm going to lay my hands upon them, and pronounce Your blessings. And, God, may it follow. Because that they are honest and sincere to follow the leading of the Spirit, I do the same.

136Now, I ask that the soul of my sister shall never perish, that the desire of her heart for Eternal Life will be granted to her, through Jesus Christ's Name.

137 I lay my hand upon my sister, and know that many trials has beset her. I know she prays for her darling boy. I know the father, as the tears run down his cheeks, tonight, as he passed that little piece of tithing. And this morning, when we prayed and committed the boy to the Lord God. This mother and father love the child. And, God, they want a place where they can just let off the steam and know that everything is all right. Father, we've committed it to You. You will grant it. We have no fear. Give her that assurance just now, Father, through Jesus' Name I pray.

138 And, Father, this young man and young woman come together, so I lay my hands upon them. They've come to let off the steam. A young couple like this, handsome young people, we know they're a very bait for the Devil if he could only use them. But they've been snatched, like a firebrand. They come because they want to find that shelter. They want to get to the place where they can just let off the steam, let off the pressure, quieten themselves before God, and know that He is God. I pray, Father, that You'll give them that blessed assurance just now. May every little scale be beat off, right now.

139 This young fellow here, Lord, that stands with his hands up, that very last one. And as soon as he rose and come up, the lights come on. That was the number You wanted, that was Your call. "All that the Father has give Me will come." The only thing we have to do is hold the Word there, and them the Father has ordained to Life will follow. And now he come. He wants to find that cleft, Lord, so he can set down and rest a little while. I pray, God, that You'll lead him to that cleft right now.

140 May every shackle be broken. May everything, every opposition that's bothered any of these, may it fall from them just now; may that little thing, little temper, little whatever-it-is, little temperamental, that little worry, that doubt, that little besetting sin. Lord, as their brother, and Your servant, I intercede for them, as standing between the living and the dead. God, I claim their souls. I claim their victory, in obedience to the altar call. And we know that Satan tried to stop it. But we claim them, I do now, as Your servant. And I present them to Jesus Christ, as the trophies of His grace, the trophies of the Presence of the Holy Spirit, tonight, Who called them under difficult conditions, and brought them to the Rock. May they let down the pressure now, and know that Jesus said, that, "No man can come until I have called him. And all that does come, I'll give them Eternal Life, and raise them up at the last day." It's settled, Lord. I present them to You now, in the Name of the Jesus Christ. Amen.

141 God bless you, as you stand there. As you return to your seats, go and know that everything that you desired, and every besetting sin and thing that was wrong, is under the Blood. It's finished. Do you believe it? Do you believe it? Do you believe it, brother? Do you believe it, sister? Do you believe it? Then, it--it not shall be; it has been done. That's right. It's a past tense.

142God bless you, the very best in life and Eternal Life, which you now possess. You have climbed in, above sin. Sin is under your feet. What good would it do me, stand here, tell you something wrong? I'd be counted a deceiver at the end of the road. See? You've received Eternal Life, because you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Now laying aside every sin and every shackle, go free. Let off the steam. You're a Christian. You've raised above sin. You've got the earnest of your Eternal salvation because Christ has received you.

143 Now, didn't He say, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that comes, I will give Eternal Life and raise up at the last days"? [The five at the altar say, "Amen."--Ed.] Then it's settled. Amen. It's all over. God bless you now, be gracious to you.

Do you love Him, out there? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

144How many feels the pressure all gone? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest,

I'll sail the wild seas no more;

The tempest may sweep over the wild stormy deep,

But in Jesus I'm safe evermore.

145 As the story of Charles Wesley, on his retreat down by the seaside one day, he had a little shack. He was studying. The Lord led him down there. He was studying. Oh, God was moving on him, for a song. And he couldn't--he couldn't get nothing to start on. He would start on something, the inspiration would leave him. So he went walking down along the seashore, listening at the waves, and thought he could find some inspiration, the waves lapping. All at once, a storm came up.

Nothing happens by chance. Everything is ordained of God. No matter what happens, all things are going to work together for good.

146 And he started towards his little cabin. When he did, the winds got to blowing. He thought, "Oh, I'll be blown off this, the--the shore, before I get there." And he pulled up his coat, and started run, and something flew into his bosom. He looked back, and it was a little sparrow, come for refuge. He just held it in his bosom until the storm was over, and the sun come out. He set the little fellow upon his finger, and he let him fly away. And he flew away, and then the inspiration struck him.

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in Thee.

147Oh, I like that! Rock of Ages, that Rock in a weary land, a Shelter in the time of storm. See? That Rock in a weary land, hide Thou me. Hide me, O Rock of Ages, cleft for me. The great inspired writers of the songs and the things that we so enjoy today!

You say, "Are those songs inspired?"

148 Jesus referred to them when He was here on earth, said, "Is not it written in the Psalms, David said certain-certain thing?" Sure, they're inspired. Just like preaching or anything else, it's inspired.

149I'm so glad that I have a Refuge. Other refuge have I none. Yeah.

My hopes is built on nothing less

Than Jesus' Blood and righteousness;

When all around my soul gives way,

Then He's all my hope and stay.

For on Christ, the solid Rock, I stand,

All other grounds is sinking sand, no matter what it is.

150God bless you. Your pastor now, Brother Ruddell. Sorry, Satan turned them lights out, but God got the victory, anyhow. Amen.

1Ďakujem ti, brat Ruddell. Som tak šťastný, že mám syna v Evanjeliu. [Brat niečo hovorí – pozn.prekl.] No, v poriadku. To je dobre. Áno, istotne si brata Ruddella vážim.

A verím, že Pavel mal kedysi syna menom Timotej. Nazval ho v Evanjeliu svojim synom.

2No, nie som si istý, je toto Flossy Ford? [Sestra Flossy hovorí, “Áno.” – pozn.prekl.] No teda! Flossy, ja...Už je to dlho. Áno to je. Spomínam si, keď som bol chlapec, jej brat Lloyd a ja sme zvykli spolu behávať po okolí. A ona zvykla piecť veľké koláče, viete, a my sme tam prišli a jedli sme, až dokiaľ sme toho mali po krk.

3Spomínam si, že ma raz pozvali, nech prídem, Lloyd to urobil. A my... Flossy mala napečené. Bola v tom čase len dieťa. Upiekla veľký koláč a my sme skrátka jedli, až sme nemohli jesť. Pomyslel som si, „No, ostanem celú noc s Lloydom.“ Trochu sa zotmelo, viete, a pochopil som, že som jednoducho musel ísť domov. A tak som vyštartoval a bežal som dolu ulicou, vystrašený na smrť, a snažil som sa dostať domov.

4A pamätám si jej otca. Predpokladám, že tvoja matka ešte žije. No, to je v poriadku. A od ich dní tou riekou pretieklo veľa vody. Áno. Tak sme tu, obaja ľudia stredného veku, starí rodičia. No, ale existuje Zem, kde nikdy nezostarneme. Vidíte? Som tak rád, Flossy, že viem, že očakávaš tú Zem a istotne To nájdeš.

5A Jim, ako sa má Jim? On je…Áno, spomínam si na to. Jim, to je jej manžel. A dobre si naňho pamätám. A poznal som niekoľko ich detí. Trocha do tej doby, kým som sa dostal na pole, keď sa vzali a ich deti dospievali. A viete,  trocha sme sa navzájom od seba vzdialili.

6Vidím občas brata Lloyda, ako na neho pokrikuje dolu na ulici. Oni ma mnohokrát uhostili. A ja som... ako skutočný brat a sestra.

7No, som tak rád, že to prvé potiahnutie brata Ruddella bolo tu na tomto mieste; obrátenie, prvý krok, prestavanie motorestu na dom Pánov. To je veľmi dobré.

8A samozrejme, viete, ako niekedy môžete niečo predvídať, viete, tak, to je potom lepšie. Tak sme mohli predpokladať, že tam v tom chlapcovi niečo bolo. A on bol hanblivý. Jeho otec a ja sme tam pred rokmi zvykli spoločne pracovať. A viem, že jeho otec bol taký, "vstať a začať pracovať", a bol snaživý, tak prečo by to nemohlo byť v tom chlapcovi? Viem, že mal drahú matku. A tak, bol splodený správne, teda tam muselo byť za ním niečo dobré, viete. Tá túžba v jeho srdci, slúžiť Pánovi! Keď hlbina volá po Hlbine, tam má byť Hlbina, ktorá na to volanie odpovie. A som tak rád, že brat Ruddell ide vpred.

9Táto skvelá skupina ľudí, ktorí sú tu. A je to pre mňa dnes večer veľké privilégium, prísť sem a hovoriť k tejto skupine svätých, ktorí tu dočasne prebývajú. My nie sme... Toto nie je naše trvalé miesto, viete. My sme pútnici. Veru. My nie sme doma.

10Spomínam si, sestra Ruddellová, ako ste sem spolu prišli a sedeli tam. A on mal svoju hlavu sklonenú dolu. A mali ste veľkú dôveru. Istotne. Ona verila, že by mohol kázať Evanjelium. A tak, s takou dobrou ženou a otcom a matkou a so všetkými, ktorí sa zaňho modlili, sa muselo bratovi Ruddellovi niečo stať. Tak tu to je. A modlím sa, brat Ruddell, nech práve toto bude stále miesto pre teba, kde vyskočíš do najvyššej výšky, na slávu Evanjelia.

11Viem, že brat a sestra Ruddellová a Max tam, sa budú cítiť dnes večer ohľadom toho šťastní. Ako rád by som videl Billy Paula stáť za kazateľňou. A dúfam, že budem jedného dňa nažive a uvidím stáť Jozefa za kazateľňou. A to je ozaj skvelé.

12Naše námahy a ťažkosti, ktoré máme vtedy, keď vychovávame deti cez obdobie puberty a ďalšie veci, to spôsobuje, že sa potom cítime úžasne. Pozrite sa späť a vidzte šediny vo vlasoch svojho otca a ďalšie veci. Pamätajte, umiestnili ich tam niektoré z vašich zlých skutkov. A to je pravda.

13No, je to dobré byť tu. A som len trocha zachrípnutý. Bol som kázať. Brat Gene Goad a ja sme si urobili včera malý výlet a išli dolu. A ryby brali. A tak sme mali výborný čas a prišli sme neskoro. A vyšli sme na vodu a bola trochu zima, ale spolieham, že to som mnou strpíte.

14No, sme rozhodnutí odísť na letnú kampaň, asi 90-dňovú kampaň. Očakávame, že budeme späť, posledného augusta až prvého septembra. A teraz ideme preč. Tento týždeň začínam v Green Bay, v Michigane, prídem späť do Chicaga na nedeľné popoludnie, na zhromaždenie na strednej škole. Chystám sa hovoriť na konferencii Kresťanských Obchodníkov v Green Bay, vo Wisconsine. A potom odtiaľ do Chicaga. A potom v pondelok som v Chicagu na obvyklé zhromaždenie, misionárske zhromaždenie pre brata Josepha Boze. A potom návrat domov, pôjdem až na juh, do Southern Pines, v Severnej Karolíne, a dolu do Južnej Karolíny. Potom ďalej do Cow Palace v South Gate, v Los Angeles. Mám niečo cez štyridsať Jednotárskych cirkví, ktoré sponzorujú tieto zhromaždenia. Je to po prvýkrát, kedy Jednotári sponzorovali moje zhromaždenie.

15Potom odtiaľ zhora z Kalifornie cez Oregon do Kanady. A odtiaľ do Anchorage na Alijašku. A potom túto jeseň znova späť tam, kam sa chystá brat Joseph Boze, do Keni, Tanganiky a Durbanu, v Afrike, v Južnej Afrike, aby pripravil zhromaždenia na neskôr, na jeseň.

16No, či mám vedenie ísť na niektoré z týchto miest, to nemôžem povedať. Ale mám pocit, že mám povinnosť siať niekde Semeno, robiť všetko, čo môžem pre Kráľovstvo.

17A teraz, len znova skloňme naše hlavy pre ďalšie slovo modlitby. Nie, že by sme sa neboli za to modlili, ale rád by som len poprosil Pána, aby mi tu teraz pomohol, že by mi pre vás poskytol pár Slov.

18Náš Nebeský Otče, my teraz pristupujeme k Tvojmu trónu milosti v Mene Pána Ježiša, ktorý nám dáva povolenie a ponuku prísť a dostať veci, o ktoré prosíme, ako sa približujeme. No, my vôbec neprosíme o to, aby sme stáli na Tvojom súde. Ale chceme stáť na Tróne Milosti, aby sme mohli získať milosť, vyznávame, že sme hriešni. A nie je v nás žiadna neporušenosť. Ale predkladáme sami seba, Pane. Nemôžeme nič ponúknuť, iba modlitbu nášho Pána Ježiša a ponuku, ktorú On povedal tu, „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí Tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný Život a nepríde na Súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ My tomu veríme. On nám povedal, aby sme prišli a prosili o čokoľvek v Jeho Mene a bude nám to dané. Veríme tomu.

19Na základe našej viery prichádzame a prosíme, aby si požehnal tento zbor a nášho láskavého brata, brata Ruddella, a jeho rodinu a všetky rodiny, ktoré sú tu zastúpené.

20Ako som sa obzeral a videl tu dnes večer pani Morrissovú a premýšľal o dávnych časoch, Bože, ako som jej povedal, že veľa vody pretieklo dolu riekou a mnoho nebezpečenstiev, námah a nástrah. Ty si nás už cez ne preniesol, Pane, a naša dôvera je v Teba, že prejdeme na koniec cesty, v Tebe.

21Požehnaj toto miesto. Umiestni sem Tvoje Meno, Pane, a daj im to najlepšie, čo je udelené pre toto miesto. Nech zlo, ako sa tu dnes večer brat modlil, tento mladý muž, modlil sa, aby si vzal preč všetky prekážky. Udeľ to, Pane. Odpovedz na jeho modlitbu.

22Uzdrav nemocných, ktorí sú medzi nami. Daj spasenie týmto dušiam, ktoré sú hladné a smädné po spravodlivosti. A teraz, Pane, posväť hlas a snahu Tvojho neužitočného sluhu. A požehnaj Tvoje Slovo a nech sa nenavráti prázdne. Ale nech to je tak, že to vyplní účel, pre ktorý je to poslané. Nech Svätý Duch dnes večer vezme veci Božie a povzbudí naše srdcia, od najväčšieho k najmenšiemu. V Mene Ježiša Krista o to prosíme. Amen.

23No, dnes ráno som kázal dlhý čas. A nevedel som, že kážem. Len som trocha učil lekciu nedeľnej školy. Jedného dňa som učil šesť hodín. Som si istý, že dnes večer to nebude také zlé.

24Ale mám tu iba malý text, tak rád by som prečítal niečo z Písma, pretože viem, že Jeho Slová nezlyhajú. Moje môžu. Moje to môžu urobiť. A budem sa snažiť držať moje slovo priamo s Jeho a vziať Jeho Slovo; vezmem moje slovo k vytvoreniu kontextu okolo Jeho Slova, zatiaľ čo to použijeme ako tému.

25Chcem dnes večer čítať dve miesta. Chcem čítať v Knihe Prísloví v 18. Kapitole a 10. verš ako prvé miesto. A ďalšie miesto chcem čítať Izaiáša 32:2. Teraz v Prísloviach 18:10.

Meno Hospodinovo je pevnou vežou, do nej sa utečie spravedlivý a bude vyvýšený.

26A v Knihe Izaiáša, 32. kapitola, 1. a 2. verš.

Hľa, kráľ bude kraľovať podľa spravedlivosti, a čo do kniežat, budú vládnuť podľa spravedlivého súdu,

a každý bude

[v angl. KJV preklade: „a človek bude...“ - pozn. prekl.]

jako skrýša pred vetrom a jako úkryt pred prívalom, ako potoky vody v suchom kraji, ako tôňa ozrutnej skaly vo vypráhlej zemi.

27A teraz chcem z tohto textu, použiť toto ako tému, vypustiť... Vypustiť tlak. To je zvláštna téma, “Vypustiť tlak.” Vybral som toto, pretože predtým, ako prichádzam na zhromaždenie, vždy sa snažím modliť a snažím sa hľadať Pána. Nestojím pred nejakým zhromaždením, malým alebo veľkým, jednou (osobou) alebo miliónom, nestojím tu preto, aby ma bolo vidieť alebo počuť, ale som tu z toho dôvodu, aby som urobil niečo, čo oslávi môjho Pána, vidiac potrebu ľudí.

28A neprišiel by som sem, aby ma bolo počuť, pretože nie som veľmi vhodný na počúvanie; mám zlý hlas a som nevzdelaný človek. A nikdy nezostávam pri svojej téme; preskakujem všade, z Genezis do Zjavenia. A nie som výrečný rečník, ale milujem Pána. A nemôžem milovať Krista, pokiaľ prv nemilujem Jeho ľudí. Vidíte? Musím milovať Jeho ľudí. Tak, ak milujem Jeho ľudí, potom milujem Jeho.

29A potom chcem byť ako On. Chcem, aby moje ciele boli rovnaké, ako mal On, a to bolo, vždy sa snažiť robiť dobro, niekomu pomôcť.

30A vidím tento deň, v ktorom žijeme, a viem, že tento zbor tu má znamenitého pastora.

31No, nehovorím to ako lichotenie. Hovorím to zo svojho srdca. Keby som povedal niečo iné, bol by som pokrytec. A verím, že tento zbor má pastora, ktorý bude stáť na Pravde, bez ohľadu na to, čo prichádza alebo príde. Verím tomu. To je moja dôvera v môjho syna. A ja tomu verím. A ja... A on je smelý, ako sa len smelým dá byť. A vy... Verím, že on je šľachetný, svätý muž, poslaný od Boha, so službou pre tento posledný deň. A on káže tú istú porciu Slova, ktorú kážem ja, to je od Genezis do Zjavenia, presne tak, ako je To napísané. A to sa mi páči. Bez kompromisov, len zostať priamo so Slovom, a to sa mi páči.

32Ale potom som si pomyslel, s človekom ako tento, ktorý kvôli mne odišiel spoza svojej kazateľne, je ešte mladý muž... čo by som mohol povedať, aby to pomohlo jeho zhromaždeniu? Pretože to je dôvod, prečo chcel, aby som prišiel. On je pastier a on dozerá na svoje ovce. A on bude možno rozmýšľať trochu teraz niečo zmeniť, aby tak mohol byť pomocou svojim ľuďom. A on sa o vás zaujíma. On sa zaujíma o vaše blaho. Dňom i nocou, pôjde kedykoľvek, kamkoľvek pomôcť, urobí všetko, čo môže. No, to je skutočný sluha Boží.

33A ako povedal, on povedal, že ma trápil, alebo obťažoval alebo otravoval, alebo také niečo. On to nerobí. To robí, že ho milujem omnoho viac, keď sa stále pýta, pretože, milujem to, pretože on má dôveryhodnosť. To ukazuje, že by ma nepriviedol hore pred svoje ovce, ak by som mal v úmysle im ublížiť. Nie. Žiaden pastier by to neurobil. Pretože, on by mal premýšľať, či budem robiť to, čo je správne. A to je... on... To je veľké privilégium, ktoré mi preukazuje, keď ma žiada, aby som prišiel. A páči sa mi jeho úmysel, to je „Vytrvať, pokiaľ sa to nestane.“ To je muž viery, a to sa mi páči.

34Tak potom som premýšľal, „O čom by som mohol hovoriť ku tomuto zhromaždeniu?“ Pomyslel som si, „No, pravdepodobne sú vo všetkom dobre vytrénovaní, niet o tom pochýb.“ Ale dnes je tu na ľuďoch tlak. A tento tlak nemá obmedzenia alebo nejaké denominačné hranice. To nemá vekovú hranicu. To neberie ohľad na žiadnu osobu. Je to na mladých i starých, dobrých i zlých. Je to na každom: tlak.

35Žijeme v neurotickom veku, všade sú nervové napätia. Každý sa tu náhli a beží tam a letí tam. Je to jednoducho taký druh veku. A viem, že tento zbor tým bude zasiahnutý, tak, ako je to tým všade zasiahnuté. Modlitebne sú tým zasiahnuté, všade na celom svete.

36To je deň tlaku. Rýchlo, rýchlo; rýchlo, rýchlo; ponáhľať sa a potom čakať. Šoférovať 90 míľ [asi 145 km – pozn.prekl.] za hodinu na to, aby ste sa dostali domov na večeru, a potom čakať dve hodiny, kým bude hotová. To je pravda. Taká je doba. A v tomto náhlení a rýchlosti, to vás dostane do nervového napätia. Manželka povie niečo trochu protikladné, chcete odletieť preč: podráždenosť. Manžel niečo povie, dupneš nohou a povieš mu, aby šiel do izby. Vidíte? „No, manžel môj, nechcem sa s tebou teraz rozprávať. Odíď tam.“

37„Žena moja, ó, som tak nervózny.“ Vidíte? Prečo? Čo sa deje? Vidíte?

38To všetko dohromady, toto napätie sa stupňuje a potom následky toho sú: robenie niečoho zlého a nevhodné správanie. To je pravda. No, to spôsobí, že chudobní budú konať takým spôsobom. To spôsobí, že stredná trieda bude konať takým spôsobom. To spôsobí, že bohatí budú konať takým spôsobom. To spôsobí, že zlí budú konať takým spôsobom. To spôsobí, že celkom dobrí budú konať takým spôsobom. A to spôsobí, že dobrí budú konať takým spôsobom. Pretože, to je napätie, stúpajúca para. Chcete to vypustiť niekam von. Vidíte? Ak to neurobíte, vyhodíte ten kotol do povetria.

39No, zistili sme toto. Ako pokračuje deň, stupňuje sa to. Môžete hovoriť so svojím šéfom, ak pracujete, „Ó, tak a tak!“ A ak hovoríte na dieťatko, „Poď sem!“

„Mama! Som...“ Vidíte?

Tak vidíte. To sa stupňuje. Óh! Ó! Vidíte? Cítite sa, akoby ste šli... hlava vám ide odpadnúť. Ja viem. Stretávam sa s tým každý deň, tak viem, čo to znamená. To sa stupňuje. Bol som...

40Raz večer som o tomto premýšľal. Bol som v istej nemocnici. A náš pastor, myslel som si, že je nemocný, ale bol len prepracovaný. Bežal, bežal, bežal, bežal, kým sa jednoducho nevyčerpal. A niektorý z nich povedal, zavolali, volali tam dolu do kancelárie a prosili ma, či by som nevybavil jeho telefonáty. No, po celý deň som bol s pracovnými povinnosťami a s kazateľmi z rôznych miest. Povedal som, „Áno.“ No, šiel som vybaviť jeho telefonáty.

41A šiel som do istej nemocnice. A dali mi meno tej ženy a číslo izby, kde bola. Išiel som hore do tej izby. A prišiel som ku nejakej pani, a to bolo asi pätnásť-dvadsať minút predtým, ako začal čas pre návštevníkov. Tak som prišiel a povedal tej pani, že som kazateľ a chcel by som vidieť istú, istú ženu. Pozrela sa mi do tváre. A niečo robila. Najprv sa otočila a povedala, „Čo chcete?“

Povedal som, „Chcel by som vidieť istú ženu, ktorá je na tomto oddelení.“

Povedala, „Neviem.“

Povedal som, „No, dostal som číslo určitého miesta a myslel som, že by som sa mohol prv spýtať.“

Povedala, „No, ak máte číslo, choďte sa tam pozrieť.“

„Ďakujem vám.“

Išiel som tam dolu a zaklopal na dvere oddelenia. Povedal som, „Je tam vnútri pani Tá-a-tá?“


No, vrátil som sa späť a pozrel sa na svoju navštívenku. To je miesto, kde to je. Tak som sa vrátil späť a tá pani tam stála. Povedal som, „Bolo to nesprávne číslo.“

„Čo ste hovorili, aké bolo jej meno?“ Odpovedal som. Povedala, „Ona nie je na tomto poschodí.“

„Ďakujem vám.“ Povedal som, „V tom prípade idem na horné poschodie.“

Tak som šiel hore do inej miestnosti. A prišiel som ku... Najprv tam sedel za stolom lekár, a sedel tam, škriabal sa na hlave. Povedal, „Dobrý deň.“ Iba zdvihol pohľad nahor a dal ho dolu. No, pomyslel som si, „Radšej ho nebudem rušiť.“

Tak som šiel dolu radom trocha ďalej a našiel som tú pani za stolom, sestričku. Povedal som, „Prepáčte.“

Povedala, „Čo chceli?“

A povedal som, „Je tam hore pani tá-a-tá?“

A povedala, „Neviem.“ A povedal som...Povedala...

Povedal som, „Mal som mať číslo izby 321 alebo 221.“

A povedal som, „Išiel som do tej izby a nebol tam nikto.

A tá pani povedala, „Tu dole nie je nikto s takým menom, tak,“ povedala, „možno to bolo hore na poschodí.“

A povedala, „No, tak prečo nejdete do dve... teda do 321.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem vám.“

Išiel som dolu do 321, ja...alebo dvesto-dvadsať-... 321. Povedal som, „Je tam vnútri pani Tá-a-tá?“


Pani, ktorá tam sedela, povedala, „Bola na druhej strane miestnosti, na druhej strane miestnosti, tam na druhej strane, tridsať-jeden.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem vám, pani.“

Prešiel som na druhú stranu, povedal som, „Je tu pani Tá-a-tá?“

„Nie. Presunuli ju preč. Je na dolnom poschodí.“

41bPomyslel som si, „Ó!“

Išiel som znova späť na dolné poschodie. Ja... A ona... Dali mi číslo izby. A prišiel som na dolné poschodie a prezrel som si všetky... Bál som sa ísť znova k tomu istému stolu. Tak som hľadal všade hore a dole, snažiac sa nájsť číslo tej izby. A hľadal som a nemohol som to nájsť. V tej nemocnici sú také dlhé chodby na rôzne smery a tiež „slepé“ chodby. Tak, prichádzal tam tento lekár, so svojimi stetoskopmi a taškou v ruke. A nikdy som nevidel muža, ktorý bol štyri stopy vysoký [asi 120 cm — pozn.prekl.] a štyri stopy široký, ale on presne pasoval ku... no, išiel tade. Povedal som, „Dobrý večer, pane. Mohli by ste mi povedať, kde je tá-a-tá izba?“

Povedal, „Týmto smerom hore a tadeto von.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem vám za vaše informácie.“ To je pravda. Povedal, „Týmto smerom hore a tadeto von.“

A povedal som, „Ďakujem vám!“ Pomyslel som si, „Ešte som sa nikde nedostal.“

42Obzrel som sa a tam znova za stolom stála, taká milo-vyzerajúca pani. Podišiel som ku nej a povedal, „Dobrý večer.“

Povedala, „Dobrý večer.“

43Povedal som, „Pani, som celkom zmätený.“ A povedal som jej svoj príbeh. Povedal som, „Niekde tu je pani, ktorá ide ráno na operáciu a je na pokraji smrti. Som kazateľ a náš pastor, tam hore, nemohol vybaviť svoje telefonáty a dali mi toto číslo.“

Povedala, „Len chvíľku, brat Branham, zistím to.“


„No, vďaka Pánovi.“

Nechala všetko tak a išla tam zistiť...

„Ó,“ povedala, „Áno, brat Branham, ona je v tej-a-tej izbe, na ľavej strane, rovno tam.“

44 Povedal som, „Ďakujem vám veľmi pekne.“ Otočil som sa a pozrel sa.

45Pomyslel som si, „To je to, vypúšťanie pary,“ každý človek. Stáva sa to jednoducho neurotickým vekom. Každý je prepracovaný. Nemá žiaden čas. A narastá to do takého miesta, že to rozbíja veci. Spôsobuje to, že ľudia majú znepriatelené vzťahy, keď sa hádajú a povedia veci, ktoré nechcú povedať.

46No, každý je za to zodpovedný. Ja som vinný. Všetci ste vinní. Robíme pod tlakom veci, ktoré by sme inak nerobili, tak dnes je tam nadbytočný narastajúci tlak. Verím... Predtým, ako pôjdem ďalej, mohol by som povedať toto. Verím, že je to nepriateľ, ktorý zostupuje dole a tlačí. Verím, že je to diabol.

47A vieme, že Príchod Pánov je na dosah ruky. A Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch, „Diabol bude obchádzať ako revúci lev.“ A ak vás môže dostať pod tlak, ponáhľať sa, náhliť sa za niečím, budete robiť rozhodnutia, ktoré by ste neurobili, ak by ste si sadli a premysleli si to.

48Asi pred tromi rokmi som bol na loveckej výprave a mal som indiánskeho sprievodcu. A ja poľujem naozaj rýchlo. To len, to som jednoducho ja, vidíte, jeden z tých tvorcov tlaku.

49A tak som lovil s tým indiánom a zoskočil som z koňa. A bol tam hore na kopci nejaký los a začal som ísť kde to zatáčalo. Ten starý Indián bol odo mňa starší asi o desať rokov. Išiel za mnou a len dychčal. Povedal som, „Poďme, náčelník. Poďme!“

Povedal, „To je príliš rýchlo! Príliš rýchlo!“

Pomyslel som si, „Ó, dobre!“ Povedal som, „Poďme pomalšie..“

50Povedal, „To je príliš rýchlo!“ Spomalil som. „To je príliš rýchlo! Príliš rýchlo!“ Spomalil som na chôdzu. „Príliš rýchlo!“ Ó!

Povedal som, „Náčelník, los je až tam hore!“

Povedal, „Jeho nechať tam. On bol narodený tam.“

Povedal som, „Myslím, že to je pravda.“

„On tam zostať, on bol narodený tam.“ Povedal, „Kazateľ loviť príliš rýchlo, vydesiť všetku zver preč.“ Povedal, „Robiť ako Indián. Raz urobiť krok, deväťkrát pozorovať.“

51No, zaujímalo by ma, akú rýchlosť by som mal zaradiť, aby som sa dostal na také miesto? No, utekal som hore až na ten vrch. Povedal, „Raz urobiť krok, potom deväťkrát pozorovať. Obzeral sa na všetko deväťkrát, skôr než urobil ďalší krok.“ Ó! Ale vidíte, nebol v žiadnom zhone. Premýšľal som nad tým.

52A moja vzácna stará matka, ktorá je dnes večer v Sláve; niekto povedal, „Prečo na sebe dnes nemáš biely kvet na znak toho, že tvoja matka je mŕtva?“

53Povedal som, „Moja matka nie je mŕtva. Moja matka žije.“ A potom, ak by som nosil červený, potom by ľudia hovorili, „Myslel som, že tvoja matka zomrela.“

A tak, aby neboli popletení a nestúpala viac para, jednoducho som to všetko nechal tak. Vidíte? Nie je mŕtva. Spí. Ona je s Kristom.

54Nuž, je to nervózny neurotický vek, v ktorom žijeme! A viete, v tom všetkom, lekári na to nemajú riešenie, pretože sú tým tiež zasiahnutí. Nemajú na to odpoveď. Nevedia, čo majú robiť.

Poviete, „Ó, doktor, asi mi praskne hlava. Neviem, čo mám robiť. Ja...“

„No,“ odpovedal by, „Mne tiež. No, nedá sa robiť nič.“

Mohol by vám dať liek na upokojenie. Keď to stráca účinok, potom ste nervózny viac, ako ste boli predtým; ako keď opilec pije ďalší pohárik, aby premohol stav opitosti. Vidíte? Tak, nemôžete to zvládnuť. Nie je tam riešenie. Oni ho nemajú.

55Ale Boh má riešenie. Toto je to, čo chceme vziať, a hovoriť o tom, ako dostať riešenie. Boh má riešenie. On je to riešenie. Kristus je riešením na každý problém, ktorý máme. No, teraz ideme hovoriť o Ňom.

56No, v Starej Zmluve, tam bola doba, keď mohol človek zadávna zvýšiť svoj tlak a bolo to vtedy, keď urobil niečo zlé. Ak prelial nevinnú krv, no, potom bol na úteku. Pretože akonáhle ten človek, ktorého zabil, alebo mu ublížil; ten človek, čo vykonal zlé, niektorí z jeho ľudu by ho hľadali, pokiaľ by ho nenašli, a boli by ho tam zabili. „Bolo to oko za oko a zub za zub.“ A vidíte, ten človek nemal miesta, kde by sa zastavil. Ak by urobil niečo neúmyselne, ľudia by tomu samozrejme neverili. No, musel sa stiahnuť preč. Pretože, akonáhle to urobil, tak príbuzní toho muža alebo ženy, kohokoľvek, kto to bol, ho začali prenasledovať. A keď ho našli, „Bolo to oko za oko a zub za zub.“ To bol spôsob, akým žili.

57A tak, nemohol sa nikde zastaviť. Bol utečencom. Nevedel, čo má robiť, a bol na úteku. Výborný predobraz na dnes. Myslím si, že toto je to, čo spôsobuje tak mnoho tlaku. Sme na úteku. To je to, čo sa dnes deje so svetom, oni vedia, že sú zlí. Vedia, že Príchod Pánov je na dosah ruky a tlak narastá. A sú na úteku; motorest, hazardné hry, prepych, hriech, nemorálny úpadok a čokoľvek, čo poskytne ventiláciu toho tlaku. Počúvanie televízie, špinavých vtipov, čokoľvek poskytne ventiláciu. Sú na úteku. Niečo sa ide stať. Vedia to, a idú sa upiť na smrť, s pôžitkami a so všetkým možným, ako sú na úteku.

58Vedia, že sa tam niečo ide stať. Svet o tom rozpráva. Vieme to, že niečo sa ide stať. Tento svet môže byť do svitania vyhodený do vzduchu. Každý národ je pod tlakom. Prečo?

59Raz som bol v Afrike a sledoval som kŕmenie oviec. Bol tam baránok, ó, stredne veľký baránok. A ten malý tvor jedol veľmi pokojne a všetci okrem neho boli nepokojní. A odhryzol si kúsok; obzeral sa okolo seba. Odhryzol si kúsok. A tak bol pokojný. Pozoroval som ho. Vyzeral taký pokojný. Pomyslel som si, „Nie je to tam nádherné? Pozrite sa na to malé stvorenie.“ Pastier, ktorý na ne dával pozor, išiel späť do ohrady; domorodec, farebný.

60A sledoval som toho malého tvora. A po chvíli začal byť nepokojný. Pomyslel som si, „Čo sa deje s týmto malým baránkom?“ Sledoval som ho, samozrejme, cez ďalekohľad. A zostal taký nervózny. Pozeral týmto smerom a tamtým smerom. Začal bečať. Nevedel, čo má robiť. Pomyslel som si, „Čo tak náhle dostalo tohto malého tvora do takého rozrušenia?“

61No, bol na malej pastvine. Ale smerom poza tým som si všimol niečo, čo sa dvíhalo a znova klesalo nadol, asi pol míle od neho. Na dohľad bol v burinách dobre ukrytý lev. A ten malý tvor, niečo v ňom bolo utvorené tak, že vedel, že tam niekde bolo nebezpečenstvo. Nemohol to vidieť. Ale ten lev zavetril baránka a musel byť teraz rýchly, aby ho ulovil, kým by ho pastier dostal odtiaľ preč.

62Tak potom, ako som ho sledoval, napätie rástlo. A poloha toho leva bola na dohľad, skutočne blízko. Napriek tomu, že ten baránok nemohol toho leva vidieť, tam bolo jednako niečo vo vnútri v ňom, čo mu povedalo, že nebezpečenstvo bolo na dosah ruky.

63To je spôsob, ako je to dnes, že je niečo vo vnútri, v ľuďoch, čo zapríčiňuje, že vedia, že niečo sa ide stať. Vieme to. Kresťania to vedia. Svet to vie. Alkoholik to vie. Gambler [hazardný hráč – pozn.prekl] to vie. Obchodníci, vlády, U.N. [OSN – pozn.prekl.], všetci z nich vedia to, že sa niečo ide stať. To vytvára napätie.

64Ženy, matky, jednu cigaretu za druhou! Pozorujem ich, keď chodia do školy. Jazdia tade cez našu poľnú cestu. Musím dávať pozor na moje deti a psa. Na zóne, kde je povolených 20 míľ za hodinu [asi 31km/h – pozn.prekl.]; 70 míľ za hodinu [asi 112km/h – pozn.prekl.], ženy berú svoje deti do školy. Cigareta v ruke, visí von z jedného okna, rozčuľujú sa so svojimi deťmi a tam dolu potom pískajú brzdy alebo kolesá a nechávajú na ulici pneumatiky. A tu prídu znova. Videl som, ako jedna neurotická matka preletela cez cestu ako vietor s piatimi malými deťmi. Kam ide? Čo sa deje? Možno začína nejaký televízny program a ona ho chce vidieť.

65Ale to je ono, napätie. Tam je niečo, čo to spôsobuje. Oni to nezvykli robiť. Niečo sa blíži. Smrť a zánik je na ceste sem. To nie je príliš ďaleko. Niečo sa blíži.

66No, v Starej Zmluve Boh v niektorých tých problémoch videl, že boli urobené nešťastnou náhodou. A tak, ak ste nevedomí a nevinní, Boh pre vás urobí východisko.

67No, ak človek zabil človeka plne úmyselne a zámerne, bol stratený. Nemohol na toto miesto prísť. Ale ak to urobil nechtiac, nemal v pláne to urobiť, potom existovalo útočištné mesto. Jedno bolo Rámoth-Gileád. A štyri miesta, domnievam sa, že Jozue ustanovil tieto útočištné mestá.

68No, človek mohol prísť do tohto útočištného mesta, ak nechtiac urobil niečo zlé. Nemal v pláne to urobiť. Mohol prísť do útočištného mesta a ísť ku bráne. Strážnik brány sa ho spýtal, prečo prichádza, čo je zámerom jeho príchodu. Potom bol jeho prípad prešetrený. A keď bol jeho prípad pri bráne prešetrený a človek bol uznaný nevinným, neurobil to zámerne, potom bol ten muž vzatý do mesta ako miesta útočišťa. Potom ho nepriateľ nemohol dostať.

A ak klamal a urobil zlé a prišiel do útočištného mesta, prechodne bol držaný pri rohoch oltára a jeho nepriatelia mali výsadu a právo strhnúť ho z toho oltáru a zabiť ho, tak veru, pretože bol vinný, urobil to úmyselne a musel byť potrestaný.

69No, bolo tam niečo, čo s tým išlo. Samozrejme, ten človek bude nervózny, ó, možno pôjde po vás tucet mužov. Niekde bude, pri každej skale, pri každom kopci, pri každom kroví, nepriateľ, niekto pripravený a stojaci proti nemu. Bol nervózny. A potom, keď sa raz dostal do toho mesta, mohol vypustiť tlak. Bol v bezpečí. Bol v poriadku, pretože mu bolo poskytnuté miesto, ktoré bolo pre neho pripravené. Božia určená cesta pre toho nevinného človeka, aby nebol zabitý, ale oslobodený od vraždy, pretože to urobil nechtiac, no, ak to nemal v pláne urobiť.

70No, ak mal v pláne spraviť to, no, musel ostať ponechaný okolnostiam. Ale nebola tam pre neho šanca, ak to urobil zámerne.

71A dnes sú tu dve skupiny ľudí. Môžem povedať toto. Sú tu dnes na svete muži a ženy, brat Ruddell, ktorí skutočne nechcú robiť tieto veci, ktoré robia. Sú tu dnes na svete muži a ženy, ktorí nechcú hrešiť. Je mi ich ľúto. Nechcú robiť nič zlé, ale robia to. Sú k tomu hnaní. No, pre takúto osobu, ktorá chce konať správne, existuje miesto. Existuje miesto, kde sa dá vypustiť ten tlak. To je pravda. Ale sú takí, ktorí sa o to vôbec nestarajú.

72Jedného dňa mi brat Hickerson vybavil mi priepustku od dozorcu federálnej väznice v La Grange, v Kentucky, aby som tam mohol ísť na rybačku. A stretol som jedného farebného chlapca tam od Louisville. A povedal mi... Povedal som, „Čo tu robí taký milý a inteligentný muž ako ty?“

73Povedal, „No,“ povedal, „reverend, poviem ti, ako sa to stalo.“ Povedal, „Nebola to chyba nikoho iného, iba moja.“ Povedal, „Kedysi som patril Pánovi.“ Volal sa Biskup [anglicky – Bishop - pozn.prekl.] Povedal, „Volali ma ‘Svätý Biskup,’ pretože som slúžil Pánovi.“ Povedal, „Ja a moja žena máme malé dievčatko.“ A povedal, „Raz som to jednoducho nemohol vydržať a tak som skrátka išiel so svetom, odišiel som preč od Pána.“ Povedal, „Mal som kresťanského otca i matku.“ A povedal, „Slúžil som štyri roky v zámorí, v Kórei,“ v koľkých bitkách bol, ocenenia a podobné veci. Povedal „Ale tam vonku sme robili rôzne veci, ako tancovanie a tak ďalej. Dal som sa dokopy s nesprávnou spoločnosťou.“

74„A jedného dňa prišli dvaja chlapci a povedali, ‘Biskup, chceme ísť pre nejaké potraviny hore do Quaker Maid. Vybehneš tam hore s nami?’”

Povedal, „Moja žena ma práve volala na večeru. A povedal som... Povedal, volala mi tam a povedala, ‘Zlatko, nechoď s nimi. Tí chlapci nie sú dobrí. Musíme sa od nich dostať preč, dostať sa znova naspäť do zboru.’”

A povedal, „No,“ povedal, „Povedal som, 'Strašne ich nechcem vziať...‘ Tí chlapci chcú potraviny.’ Povedal som, 'Nedokážem ich nevziať'. Áno, povedal som, ‘Dám im svoje auto.’”

„Povedala, ‘Nerob to. Rozbijú ho na kusy.’ A povedala, ‘Odvez ich tam hore a potom sa vráť späť.’”

75Povedal, „Odviezol som ich tam hore a zastavil na parkovisku.“ Povedal, „Sedel som tam a čakal. A zrazu sa rozozvučal alarm a všetko možné. A títo chlapci pribehli, každý s revolverom v ruke. A ja som pred nimi zabuchol dvere auta. Povedal som, ‘Nedostanete sa sem.’” A jeden z nich ho treskol po hlave a namieril na neho revolver. Povedal, „Nedostanete ma.“

„Namieril na mňa revolver a povedal, 'Ak nechceš mať v sebe dieru a byť tu von vyhodený, tak štartuj.'“

76Povedal, „Nemôžete nikam ísť. Budete chytení. Počujte, chlapci, povedzte im, že som v tom bol nevinne. Nemal som to v pláne. Sedel som tu. Som nezúčastnená strana.“ A práve vtedy ich polícia dostala.

77Prešetrovali ten prípad. Povedal, „Najprv som si pomyslel, že mám nešťastie na žalobcu, pretože povedal...“ Tu sú otázky, ktoré sa pýtal. „Je toto auto vaše?“

Povedal, „Áno, pane. Ale ja...“

78Povedal, „Odpovedajte na moje otázky.“ Ó, brat, diabol má spôsob, akým to robí. Povedal, „Odpovedajte na moje otázky.“ Povedal, „Je toto auto vaše?“

Povedal, „Áno pane.“

„Je toto číslo vášho preukazu?“

„Áno, pane.“

Povedal, „Boli ste tam hore v tom čase?“

Povedal, „No, poviem vám...“

Povedal, „Odpovedajte na moje otázky.“

Povedal, „Áno pane.“

79Povedal, „Tak vidíte.“ A kvôli nepriamym dôkazom mu dali desať rokov a tých chlapcov poslali na doživotie.

80No, povedal, „Vidíš, brat, jednoducho som sa dostal do nesprávnej spoločnosti. Nikto nie je na vine, iba ja.“ A to je pravda. No, on má desať rokov, aby tam vnútri vypustil tlak. Modlil som sa za neho. Brat Wood tam a ja, sedeli sme vonku pri vode. A vzal som toho chlapca za ruku a modlil sa za neho, vonku pri vode, aby mu dal Boh podmienečné prepustenie. A stále sa za neho modlím, aby to Boh spravil.

81Čo to je? Tlak, nevinný, nevinný človek. No, ten muž by mal dostať šancu.

82No, ak chcete konať správne, som dnes večer veľmi šťastný, že vám môžem povedať, že existuje útočištné mesto. To je Ježiš Kristus. Ak nechcete konať zlé, nepriateľ je za vami, potom je tu cesta úniku a ten únik je Ježiš Kristus. Existuje miesto, kam môžete prísť a vypustiť paru. Ale ak milujete hrešiť a nechcete Boha, potom sa vás nepriateľ chystá niekde dostihnúť. Nemáte... Nemôžte prísť ku Kristovi, pretože to nechcete.

83A keď tento človek príde ku Kristovi, tomuto útočištnému miestu... Keď človek vošiel dnu, v Starej Zmluve; prvá vec, musel tam prísť zo svojej slobodnej vôle. A to je spôsob, ako máte prísť ku Kristovi.

84Ďalšia vec, musíte byť spokojný, keď ste tam. Nemôžete každý deň postávať a plakať, „Rád by som sa odtiaľto dostal von. Rád by som sa odtiaľto dostal von.“ Vystrčili by vás von. Musíte svojvoľne chcieť zostať. Musí to byť tak, že chcete v tom meste zostať.

85A keď prídete ku Kristovi, nemôžete sa obzerať späť do sveta. Biblia povedala, „Nikto položivší svoju ruku na pluh a obzerajúci sa naspäť nie je hodný orania.“ Teraz, to je miesto, kde mnoho takzvaných kresťanov robí chybu. Vidíte, oni sa správajú, akoby orali, ale keď príde prvá malá vec, hneď sa kvôli tomu rozčuľujú.

86Jedného dňa som mal s týmto skúsenosť, ako všetci viete. A ďakujem vám za vaše modlitby. Ako som lovil a rybárčil a strieľal na terče a podobné veci, vždy som chcel pušku typu Weatherby Magnum. No, niektorí z mojich priateľov by ju pre mňa mohli kúpiť. Viem, že ľudia by to pre mňa radi urobili, ak by som to len spomenul. Úprimne povedané, dvaja alebo traja to chceli urobiť. Ale nemohol som sa na to dívať, že by dali tak mnoho peňazí za pušku, keď poznám misionárov, ktorí nemajú ani topánky. Nemohol som to urobiť. A brat Wilson dal Billy Paulovi malú .257 Roberts [typ pušky – pozn.prekl.] A brat, môj priateľ povedal, „Brat Branham, Weatherby, môže túto zbraň prevŕtať a môžem to mať urobené za lacnú cenu, ak ma necháš urobiť to pre teba.“ No, nechal som ho to spraviť.

87Vrátil som sa, vložil som do tej zbrane nábojnicu a šiel som strieľať a tá vec mi explodovala v rukách. A hlaveň vymrštilo takmer na vzdialenosť 50 yardov [asi 45m – pozn.prekl.], západku odhodilo dozadu smerom za mňa. A je to zázrak, že ma to skrátka neroztrhlo na polovicu. Tam bolo asi 5 alebo 6 ton tlaku, takto blízko pri mne.

88No, doktori povedali, „Jediné čo viem, je, že dobrý Pán tam sedel, aby ochránil Svojho sluhu.“

89No, vec, ktorú som mal na mysli, tu je to miesto, kde to prichádza. Ak by to bola od začiatku Weatherby Magnum! Čo sa stalo? V tej puške bola chyba. Hlaveň bola vyvŕtaná príliš voľne. To je to, čo sa deje s mnohými z nás pri našom obrátení, priestor našej hlavne je vyvŕtaný voľne.

90A teraz, ak by to od začiatku bola Weatherby, z čistej ocele, ktorá bola liata, aby sa vyrobila hlaveň, to by mohlo byť vyvŕtané a prerobené na Weatherby Magnum.

To by neexplodovalo. Ale pretože sa to skúšalo prerobiť (obrátiť) [„converted“ - „obrátiť“ a „prerobiť“ pušku – brat Branham používa to isté slovo –- pozn.prekl.] na niečo, čo to v skutočnosti nebolo, tak to explodovalo. A tak, každý človek zistí tú istú vec, keď vyznáva, že je Kresťanom, ak nedostal správny štart od nového Narodenia, on niekde exploduje. Je na tom priveľký tlak. Nevydrží to. On nakoniec niekde exploduje.

91Keď sa ľudia snažia imitovať službu niekoho, službu, do ktorej neboli povolaní, nakoniec to exploduje. Musíte byť (do toho) ustanovení Bohom.

Musí to byť Boh, nie nejaké potrasenie rukou, nie nejaký dojímavý príbeh, ale to príde na základe preliatej Krvi Kristovej a vašej viery v to, čo Boh pre vás vykonal skrze Ježiša Krista. Ak nie, niekde explodujete. Niekto vám stúpi na prsty na nohách a vy sa rozutekáte. Vidíte? Vidíte, to je stúpanie tlaku, po celý čas a čoskoro to exploduje.

92Človek musí chcieť zostať v útočisku. Nemôže tam ísť a sťažovať sa. Musí chcieť zostať bez toho, aby sa na to sťažoval. Vonku zomrie. Vnútri je v bezpečí.

93No, chcem niečo povedať ľuďom tu, ak nie ste Kresťania. Prišiel som do toho útočištného Mesta asi pred tridsaťjeden rokmi. A brat, nikdy som nechcel odísť preč. Ó, prišiel som do Krista. Všetko, po čom som túžil, bolo Tu. Nechcem odísť preč. Denne sa modlím, „Ó, Bože, som tu taký šťastný. Len ma nechaj zostať.“ Nikdy nechcem odísť a viem, že On ma nikdy neopustí. Viem, že On vás nikdy neopustí. A ak sa tlak stáva obrovským, potom On je naším ventilom a tak sa kvôli tomu nemusíme znepokojovať.

94Ak ste všetci natlakovaní a neviete, kam smerujete, čo sa s vami stane po smrti? A viete, že raz zomriete. Musíte to urobiť. Potom vec, ku ktorej máte prísť, je prísť ku Kristovi, Útočisku, a vypustiť tlak. Tým to bude vybavené raz a navždy.

95Bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, Kristus je naším Útočiskom. A keď prídeme k Nemu, môžeme vypustiť tlak. Môžete sa prestať znepokojovať, „No, ak zomriem, čo sa so mnou stane? Čo sa stane s manželkou? Čo sa stane s manželom? Čo sa stane s deťmi?“ Len poďte ku Kristovi a vypustite tlak. No, On nám dáva všetky veci. Všetky veci sú naše, vďaka Kristovi, a tak len vypustite tlak, to je jediný možný spôsob, ako to môžete urobiť.

96Niekto vám môže dať milión dolárov. To by zvýšilo tlak. Mohli by ste sa pripojiť do cirkvi, a to by stále zvýšilo tlak. Pretože Metodisti vám povedia, že oni sú praví, „A Baptisti sú nesprávni.“ A Baptisti povedia, „Oni sú nesprávni a my sme praví.“ Tak to len buduje viac tlaku, pretože neviete, kde stojíte.

97Ale ak raz prídete ku Kristovi, môžete vypustiť tlak, pretože potom je to všetko na konci, jednoducho tým to je vybavené. Je to Božie pripravené bezpečné miesto, kde Boh povedal, „Meno Pánovo je pevnou vežou, do Nej sa utečú spravedliví a sú v bezpečí.“

V čase choroby, keď udrie choroba a doktor povie, „Nie je tu nič viac, čo by som s tým mohol spraviť,“ nenechajte si zvýšiť tlak. Vypustite tlak. Zavolajte svojho pastora. Nechajte ho pomazať vás olejom a modliť sa nad vami. „Modlitba viery uzdraví chorého.“ Vypustite tlak. Rozumiete?

98On je naše Útočisko. Pokiaľ ste v tomto Útočisku, máte právo na čokoľvek, čo v tom Útočisku je. A Kristus je naším Útočiskom a všetko, čo budete potrebovať, je v Ňom. Amen. V chorobe si nenechajte zvýšiť tlak. Vypustite tlak.

99Poviete, „No, brat Branham, neviem, či....“ Nehovorte „neviem, či...“. Len vypustite ten tlak von. Odovzdajte svoj stav Bohu a choďte ďalej, ako by to bolo už vybavené. Nenechajte si zvýšiť tlak. To umožňuje vypustiť tlak.

100„No,“ poviete, „Som taký znepokojený, brat Branham. Ja proste neviem.“

Vypustite tlak. Amen. V tom útočištnom Meste, On vezme vaše starosti a tak ich nemusíte mať. „Zložte svoje starosti na Neho, lebo On sa o vás postará.“ Netrápte sa kvôli svojim starostiam. To je Jeho záležitosť.

101Pred pár rokmi som tu v desať-centovom obchode stretol jednu ženu. Mala asi šesťdesiat rokov a vyzerala na tridsať. Povedal som, „Ako to robíš, sestra?

102Povedala, „Brat Branham, mám dvoch synov, ktorí sú doktori a sú starší ako ty.“ A skutočne, úprimne povedané, nevyzerala na viac, než tridsať rokov. Povedala, „Bolo to takto. Keď som prišla ku Kristovi, keď som mala dvanásť rokov, sadla som si a premýšľala o tom. Skúmala som iné náboženstvá. Ale keď som raz našla pravdu,“ povedala, „prišla som ku Kristovi a zložila svoju starosť, svoju dušu, svoje všetko na Neho.“ A povedala, „Nikdy viac som odvtedy nemala starosti.“ Povedala, „No, On zasľúbil, že sa postará o všetky moje problémy,“ a povedala, „ak On nie je dosť veľký na to, aby to urobil, viem, že ja nie som dostatočne veľká, aby som to zvládla, a tak, aký význam má moje znepokojovanie sa?“ Vidíte? To je ono.

103Kristus zasľúbil, že vezme všetky naše starosti. „Zložte svoje starosti na Neho.“ Tak kvôli čomu sa znepokojujete? Starosti zvyšujú tlak. Tlak sa zväčšuje. A tak, len zložte svoje starosti na Neho a prestaňte sa znepokojovať. V poriadku.

104N o, „No,“ poviete, „ako to mám urobiť?“ Len verte Jeho zasľúbeniu, že to bude robiť dokonca v čase smrti, keď príde do miestnosti anjel smrti. „Ó, brat Branham, viem, že budem nervózny.“ Ó, nie. Ty si v Útočisku. Nie, nie. Viete, že idete zomrieť; musíte nejakým spôsobom odísť, a tak sa len dostaňte do Útočiska, cíťte sa bezpečne. V poriadku. Ste v bezpečí tak dlho, pokiaľ ste v Útočisku. A pamätajte, On za vás zomrel. On sa o vás stará. On za vás zomrel.

105Teraz sa poďme pozrieť. Poviete, „Brat Branham, myslíš si, že keď bude anjel smrti klopať na dvere, že predsa len nebudeš plný pary, rozrušený?“ Nie, ani trochu. „No, ako to urobíš?“ Poďte do Útočiska. To je všetko. „No,“ poviete, „Brat Branham...“

106No, počkajte teraz chvíľu. Vezmime Izrael dolu v Egypte. Nadišiel tam čas, keď Boh povedal, „Chystám sa cez túto zem poslať anjela smrti a vezmem si každého jedného z najstarších (synov) spomedzi rodiny, okrem tých, ktorí majú na dverách krv,“ tá veľká noc Pesachu.

107No, tu je Izrael, zasľúbený ľud idúci do zasľúbenej zeme. A oni... To bol večer Pesachu. Anjel smrti bol v zemi. A počujeme krik pochádzajúci z ulice. Pozrieme von. Dve veľké čierne krídla mávajú dolu ulicou. Myslíte si, že celý Izrael bol rozrušený? Nie, veru.

108Smrť bola pri dverách. Malý chlapec sa pozrel von z okna. Bol najstarším z rodiny. Vidí toho veľkého čierneho anjela. Vyzerá von a povedal, „Oci, miluješ ma?“

„Samozrejme, synu, milujem ťa.“

„No, oci, nie som tvoj prvorodený?“

„Áno, si, synu.“

„Pozri sa tamto, oci. Ten anjel dostal toho malého chlapca. Poznal som ho. Hrával som sa s ním. Ó, oci, tu on prichádza smerom k nášmu domu.“

„Ale, synu, vidíš to na tej zárubni?“ Haleluja!

„Oci, dostane ma?“

„Nie, veru, synu. Nemôže ťa dostať.“


109„To je Jeho zasľúbenie. ‘Keď uvidím Krv, preskočím vás.’ Choď naspäť a zober si svoje hračky a začni sa hrať, synu. Nie je dôvod znepokojovať sa. Sme v Božom Útočisku. Vypusti tlak.“

110Izrael mohol sedieť vzadu a čítať si Bibliu, kým zvyšok z nich kričal a stúpal im tlak. Izrael odpočíval. Prečo? Smrť priamo pri dverách, a čo na tom záležalo? Nemohlo ich to zraniť.

111A tak, keď príde smrť k našim dverám, sláva Bohu, ak je Božia požiadavka, tá Krv, na prahu môjho srdca, čo na tom záleží? Nemôže ma to rozrušiť.

112Lekár hovorí, že zajtra zomriete, čo na tom záleží? Tá Krv je na mieste. Tak či tak musíte zomrieť. Ale ak bola použitá táto Krv, čaká ma vzkriesenie. Amen.

113Izrael mohol byť pokojný, pre nich nenarastal tlak, pretože vedeli, že ten anjel smrti na nich nemôže udrieť. Boli pod krvou. To bola Božia pripravená cesta.

114Teraz dávajte pozor. Poviete, „Môžem si tým byť istý?“ No, kresťania, tu sme. „Môžem si tým byť istý?“ Hovoril som o tom minulú nedeľu večer.

115No, Izrael bol zasľúbeným ľudom pod zmluvou, Božím ľudom. Mali zasľúbenú zem, ktorá oplývala mliekom a medom. A jednako, nikto z nich nikdy tú zem nevidel. Nikto z nich tam nikdy nebol. Ale mali to zasľúbené. Vidíte? Nikdy tam neboli. Nevedeli o tej zemi nič, ale mali tú zem zasľúbenú. A vyšli zo svojho otroctva pomocou ruky Božej, prostredníctvom Jeho proroka. A putovali a vyznávali, že sú pútnici a cudzinci, a išli do zeme, ktorú nikdy nevideli alebo nikto z nich nikdy nevidel. Premýšľajte o tom.

A tak, priblížili sa k hranici. Bol medzi nimi veľký bojovník, ktorý sa volal Jozue. Jozue sa... znamená „Jehova Spasiteľ.“ A Jozue išiel cez Jordán do zasľúbenej zeme a vrátil sa späť s dôkazom toho, že to bola dobrá zem. Kúpili strapec hrozna; bolo na to treba dvoch, aby to odniesli. Bolo to presne to, čo Boh povedal, že to bude. Oplývalo to mliekom a medom. To by malo každému z nich spôsobiť radosť. Prečo? Jozue priniesol späť dôkaz z tej zeme, o ktorej nikto nič nevedel a ktorú im zasľúbil Boh dať. Vidíte? Pretože mali zasľúbenú zem a boli na svojej ceste do nej.

116No, raz bola ľudská rasa v pasci a prišiel tam na zem Niekto, kto sa volal Ježiš Kristus. Ježiš znamená „Jehova Spasiteľ.“ A On prišiel dolu k Jordánu smrti. Prešiel cez Jordán v smrti a v to Veľkonočné ráno vstal z mŕtvych, s dôkazom toho, že človek môže žiť po tom, čo zomrie. Haleluja! Smrť nie je koniec. Ježiš dokázal to, že človek môže žiť po tom, čo zomrie.

117On stál pred nimi a predtým, ako odišiel, povedal, „V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám to. A idem a pripravím miesto. Pôjdem tam a pripravím miesto a vrátim sa späť a poberiem si vás k Sebe; tam, kde som Ja, tam môžete byť tiež.“ Na Veľkonočné ráno, po... Zomrel, že až mesiac, hviezdy a slnko sa za seba hanbili. Zomrel, až rímsky vojak prebodol kopijou Jeho srdce a voda a krv sa oddelili. Bol najmŕtvejší z mŕtvych. Išiel do hrobu ako každý človek. „Jeho duša išla do pekla,“ tak povedala Biblia.

Ale na Veľkonočné ráno prišiel naspäť zo smrti, pekla a hrobu a povedal, „Som Ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy, a Som živý naveky a mám kľúče smrti i pekla. Som Človek.“

Povedali, „On je duch.“

Povedal, „Dajte mi rybu a chlieb.“ A jedol rybu a chlieb.

118Bol to Muž, ktorý zomrel a prišiel do tej Zeme a vrátil sa späť s dôkazom, že človek môže po smrti žiť. Čo nám môže urobiť smrť? Amen. Vypustite tlak.

119No, nie len to, ale On nám dáva zasľúbenie. Čo to bolo? Dáva nám zálohu nášho dedičstva. Povedal, „Teraz toto dokážem každému veriacemu. Teraz tu kráčate dolu v nevere. Neveríte Slovu. Kráčate v hriechu a svetských veciach. Ale kto verí vo Mňa, má Večný Život, Život, ktorý nemôže zomrieť.“

120Všimnite si teraz. Keď obdržíme Jeho Ducha. My, ktorí sme boli raz mŕtvi v hriechu a prestúpeniach, On nám dáva nové Narodenie, nový život. Čo On robí? On... Zomrieme a sme pochovaní v Ježišovi. Sme vzkriesení v Duchu, zo svetských vecí do Nebeských vecí. A dnes večer, „Sedíme spolu v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi.“

121Koľko kresťanov, ktorí tu sú, stále miluje svet? Ak to robíš, nie si kresťanom. Si vyznávačom Kresťanstva a nie vlastníkom Kresťanstva. [v angl. slovná hračka „professor“ (vyznávač) a „possessor“ (vlastník) - pozn.prekl.] Lebo keď človek raz okúsi Krista, je mŕtvy veciam tohto sveta a v žiadnom prípade nemá nijakú túžbu vrátiť sa do toho naspäť.

122Čo to robí? „Život,“ povedal Pavel, „ktorý som raz žil, už viac nežijem. Predsa žijem, nie ja, ale Kristus vo mne.“ Prečo? On ho vzkriesil z tej nízkej úrovne svetského hriechu hore na miesto, kde sa my sami môžeme obzrieť späť a vidieť, odkiaľ sme prišli. Sláva! Pozrite sa späť a vidzte, kde sme kedysi žili. Teraz žijeme odlišne. Čo to je? To je istota, že sme mŕtvi a naše životy sú skryté v Kristovi, skrze Boha a sme zapečatení Svätým Duchom a sme vzkriesení nad tie veci. Potom sme nažive s tým istým dôkazom, že On sa vrátil späť, aby nám to dokázal.

123Tá Zem je nádherná a toto je záloha. Toto je záloha nášho spasenia. Sú to prvé peniaze, ktoré držia zmluvu. Sláva! To drží Božiu zmluvu, „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová, ktorý verí Tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má Večný Život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Vypusti tlak, brat. Tak veru. Amen. Porozumeli ste tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - pozn.prekl.]

124Hľaďte, ako Eliáš, ten veľký prorok, predobraz Krista. Elizeus, predobraz Cirkvi, mal dvojitú porciu Ducha, ktorá prišla na proroka. Jedného dňa šiel k Jordánu; predobraz na tento deň, táto vláda a podobné veci, ktoré teraz máme; Achab, Jezábeľ a tak ďalej. Ak si pamätáte moju kázeň o Jezábeli. Všimnite si, z akého dôvodu Elizeus nasledoval Eliáša.

Amen. Kam ho vzal? K Jordánu; do Rámoth-Gileádu, hore do školy prorokov a dolu k Jordánu. To je spôsob, akým vás vedie On. Cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie a smrť, aby ste obdržali Život. Amen. Nie do denominácie alebo do nejakého vyznania. Ale do smrti svojho vlastného ducha a do znovuzrodenia. A Elizeus...

125Eliáš udrel tú vodu, prešiel cez Jordán a Elizeus ho nasledoval. A keď sa Elizeus znova navrátil späť do zeme na druhú stranu, vrátil sa späť s dvojitou porciou (Ducha).

Dnes nasledujeme Ježiša cez Jeho smrť, pohreb a krst... vlastne smrť, pohreb a vzkriesenie, cez krst. Veríme Mu. Odumreli sme veciam sveta, vyznávame, že sme ničím, boli sme pokrstení v Jeho Meno, pochovaní s Ním v krste a vstali sme s Ním z mŕtvych vo vzkriesení. Náš duch žije ponad vecami tohto sveta. Potom sme v Kristovi. Máme teraz jednu porciu (Ducha).

126Keď sa vrátime spoza prekročenej smrteľnej hranice Jordánu, budeme mať druhú porciu. Telá, ktoré teraz máme, s duchmi, ktorých máme, sú Zálohou, Svätý Duch, ktorý nemôže zomrieť, pretože To je časť Boha. A telá, v ktorých žijeme... “Ten, kto je Moje telo a pije Moju Krv, má Večný Život a Ja ho vzkriesim v posledný deň.“ Amen. Vypustite paru.

127Čo na tom záleží, že udrú atómové bomby alebo čokoľvek... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]... o tejto jednej veci, že máme Večný Život skrze Ježiša Krista nášho Pána. Tak, prečo by sme sa mali zaujímať o to, čo má do povedania svet. Prečo by sme sa mali starať o ten tlak. Nerobí to pre nás žiaden rozdiel. Prečo? Pretože môžeme vypustiť tlak.

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

Príď tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná;

Svieti okolo nás dňom i...

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

Ježiš, Svetlo sveta.

128Teraz so sklonenými hlavami, pozdvihnime svoje ruky.

Kráčame vo Svetle, je to nádherné Svetlo,

Príď tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná;

Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou,

Ježiš, Svetlo sveta.

129Náš Nebeský Otče, Satan prehral boj. Byť len trpezlivý. Nenechať si zvýšiť paru. Ako tu stojím a kážem na tému „vypustiť paru“, a potom si Satan myslí, že by ma mohol zmietnuť spoza kazateľne a dostať ma preč od tohto oltárneho zavolania. Nie, Pane. V mojom srdci bolo niečo horiace, čo hovorilo, „Niekto tam je. Niekto tam hľadá tú Skalu.“ Ďakujeme Ti, Pane, za víťazstvo. Keď táto posledná osoba prikráčala ku oltáru, prišli svetlá. On videl, že prehral, a tak by sa mohol rovno na mieste vzdať.

130Dnes večer tu stojí to číslo milosti, päť vzácnych duší. Päť: J-e-ž-i-š, v-i-e-r-a, milosť, m-i-l-o-s-ť [anglicky: g-r-a-c-e – pozn.prekl.] Ó, Bože, Ty si Boh. Ty nikdy nezlyháš. Ty si vždy pravdivý.

131Pozerám sa, ako tu na boku stojí dcéra sestry Wilson. Pamätám si to malé dievča. Pamätám si na ten večer v New Markete pred mnohými rokmi. Pamätám sa na to, tam dolu v ten večer, Pane.

132Tu po jej strane stojí dáma, ktorá sem prišla z New Yorku, aby s nami pobudla.

133Tu stojí tento mladý muž a mladá žena, práve v tomto zlomovom bode, keď svet tam vonku robí všetok druh nemorálnych tancov a činností. Oni išli hľadať tú Skalu.

134Na konci oltára stojí mladý muž, jeho ruky sú zodvihnuté a chce nájsť tú Skalu. Ježiš, Ty si tou Skalou. A povedal si, „Kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení v Mojom Mene, budem Ja v ich strede.“ Potom, tá Skala je priamo tu.

135Môže to vyzerať veľmi zvláštne, Otče, veľmi jednoducho. Robíš veci takými jednoduchými, aby sme neurobili chybu. Ale pretože sa zodvihli zo svojho miesta a prišli na pozvanie; preto, že Satan ich chcel zadržať od toho, aby to urobili, predložil všetku snahu, ktorú mohol, pokúšal sa urobiť to, ale prehral. No, ako Tvoj sluha, položím na nich ruky a vyslovím Tvoje požehnanie. A, Bože, nech to má výsledky. Preto, že sú otvorení a úprimní k nasledovaniu vedenia Ducha, a ja robím to isté.

136No, prosím, aby duša tejto mojej sestry nikdy nezahynula, aby jej bola daná tá túžba jej srdca po večnom živote, skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.

137Kladiem ruku na moju sestru a viem, že ju sužujú mnohé trápenia. Viem, že sa modlí za svojho drahého chlapca. Poznám otca, ako mu dnes večer slzy stekajú po lícach, ako odovzdal ten malý kúsok desiatku. A dnes ráno, keď sme sa modlili a odovzdali toho chlapca Pánu Bohu. Táto matka a otec milujú to dieťa. A, Bože, chcú miesto, kde by len mohli vypustiť paru a vedieť, že všetko je v poriadku. Otče, my to odovzdávame Tebe. Ty to udelíš. Nemáme strach. Daj jej tú istotu práve teraz, Otče, modlím sa skrze Ježišovo Meno.

138A Otče, tento mladý muž a mladá žena prišli spolu a tak kladiem na nich ruky. Prišli vypustiť paru. Mladý pár, ako je tento, pekní mladí ľudia, vieme, že sú veľkou návnadou pre Diabla, ak by ich len mohol používať. Ale boli uchmatnutí ako kus horiaceho dreva. Prišli, pretože chcú nájsť to útočisko. Chcú sa dostať do miesta, kde môžu skrátka vypustiť paru, vypustiť tlak, utíšiť sa pred Bohom a vedieť, že On je Boh. Modlím sa, Otče, aby si im tú požehnanú istotu dal práve teraz. Nech každá malá šupka práve teraz odpadne.

139Tento mladý človek tu, Pane, ktorý stojí a má zodvihnuté ruky, ten úplne posledný. A akonáhle vstal a prišiel, svetlá sa rozsvietili. To bolo číslo, ktoré si Ty chcel, to bolo Tvoje zavolanie. „Všetko, čo Mi dáva Otec, príde ku mne.“ Jediná vec, ktorú musíme spraviť, je držať tam Slovo, a tí, ktorých Otec určil do Života, prídu. A on teraz prišiel. Chce nájsť tú medzeru, Pane, aby si mohol na chvíľu sadnúť a odpočinúť si. Modlím sa, Otče, aby si ho práve teraz viedol do tej medzery.

140Nech sú všetky putá zlámané. Nech všetko, každý nepriateľ, ktorý trápi niektorých z nich, nech to od nich odpadne priamo teraz; nech tá malá vec, malá podráždenosť, malé čokoľvek to je, malá náladovosť, tie malé starosti, tá nevera, ten malý zakorenený hriech. Pane, ako ich brat a Tvoj služobník, prihováram sa za nich, ako tu stojím medzi životom a smrťou. Bože, nárokujem si ich duše. Požadujem ich víťazstvo, v poslušnosti k zavolaniu ku oltáru. A vieme, že Satan sa to snažil zastaviť. Ale nárokujeme si ich, robím to teraz ako Tvoj služobník. A odovzdávam ich dnes večer Ježišovi Kristovi ako trofeje Jeho milosti, trofeje Prítomnosti Svätého Ducha, ktorý ich zavolal v ťažkých podmienkach a priniesol ich ku Skale. Nech teraz vypustia tlak a vedia, že Ježiš povedal toto, „Žiaden človek nemôže prísť, ak som ho Ja nezavolal. A všetkým, ktorí prídu, dám im Večný Život a vzkriesim ich v posledný deň.“ Tým je to vybavené, Pane. Odovzdávam ich teraz Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

141Nech vás Boh žehná, ako tu stojíte. Ako sa vrátite na svoje miesta, choďte a vedzte, že všetko, po čom ste túžili, a každý zakorenený hriech a veci, ktoré boli zlé, sú pod Krvou. Je to ukončené. Veríš tomu? Veríš tomu? Veríš tomu, brat? Veríš tomu, sestra? Veríš tomu? Potom, to nebude; to už bolo vykonané. V poriadku. To je minulý čas.

142Nech vás Boh žehná, to najlepšie v živote a vo Večnom Živote je to, čo teraz vlastníte. Vyšplhali ste sa ponad hriech. Hriech je pod vašimi nohami. Na čo by mi to bolo dobré, ako tu stojím, keby som vám povedal niečo nesprávne. Bol by som považovaný za podvodníka do konca cesty. Rozumiete? Obdržali ste Večný Život, pretože ste uverili v Pána Ježiša Krista. Teraz odložte stranou každý hriech a všetky okovy a choďte slobodní. Vypustite paru. Ste kresťania. Povstali ste nad hriechom. Máte závdavok svojej Večnej spásy, pretože Kristus vás prijal.

143No, nepovedal On, „Žiaden človek nemôže prísť ku Mne, iba ak by ho potiahol Môj Otec. A všetkým, ktorí prídu, dám im Večný Život a vzkriesim ich v posledných dňoch?“ [Piati pri oltári hovoria, “Amen.” - pozn.prekl.] Potom je to vybavené. Amen. Je po všetkom. Nech vás teraz Boh žehná, a nech je ku vám štedrý. Milujete Ho, vy tam? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

lebo On prv miloval mňa,

a vykúpil mi spasenie,

na Golgote.

144Koľkí z vás cítia, že tlak je preč? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.” - pozn.prekl.]

Zakotvil som svoju dušu v nebeskom odpočinku,

nebudem sa viac plaviť po rozbúrenom mori;

Môže duť najbúrlivejšia víchrica;

V Ježišovi som naveky bezpečný.

145Ako v príbehu Charlesa Wesleyho, jedného dňa mal vo svojom útočisku na pobreží malú chatrč. On študoval. Pán ho tam dolu viedol. On študoval. Ó, Boh ho pudil do tvorby jednej piesne. A nemohol dostať nič, čím by začal. Mohol s niečím začať a inšpirácia ho opustila. A tak sa prechádzal dolu po morskom brehu, počúval vlny a nazdával sa, že by mohol nájsť nejakú inšpiráciu v úderoch vĺn. Naraz prišla búrka.

Nič sa nedeje náhodou. Všetko je určené Bohom. Nezáleží na tom, čo sa stane, všetko spolu pôsobí na dobré.

146A vydal sa na cestu ku svojmu malému zrubu. Keď to urobil, vetry začali duť. Pomyslel si, „Ó, predtým, ako sa tam dostanem, odfúkne ma z tohto pobrežia.“ A vytiahol svoj kabát a začal bežať a niečo vletelo do jeho lona. Pozrel sa späť a bol to malý vrabec, ktorý šiel do útočiska. Len ho držal vo svojom lone, pokiaľ búrka neskončila a nevyšlo slnko. Posadil toho malého tvora na svoj prst a nechal ho odletieť preč. A on odletel preč a potom ho udrela inšpirácia.

Skala Vekov, moje útočisko,

dovoľ mi ukryť sa v Tebe.

147Ó, milujem to! Skala Vekov, tá Skala v krajine trápenia, Úkryt v čase búrky. Vidíte? Tá Skala v krajine trápenia, skry ma v Tebe. Skry ma, ó, Skala Vekov, moje útočisko. Ohromne inšpirovaní spisovatelia piesní a vecí, z ktorých sa dnes tak radujeme!

Poviete, „Sú tieto piesne inšpirované?“

148Ježiš na ne poukázal, keď bol tu na zemi, povedal, „Či nie je napísané v Žalmoch, kde Dávid povedal tú-a-tú vec?“ Samozrejme, sú inšpirované. Tak, ako kázanie a všetko ostatné, je to inšpirované.

149Som tak šťastný, že mám Útočisko. Nemám žiadne iné útočisko. Áno.

Moja nádej nie je postavená na ničom menšom,

Ako na Ježišovej Krvi a spravodlivosti;

Keď všetko okolo mojej duše povoľuje;

Potom On je všetkou mojou nádejou a zakotvením.

Lebo na Kristovi, pevnej Skale stojím,

Všetko ostatné je potápajúci sa piesok,

nezáleží na tom, čo to je.

150Nech vás Boh žehná. Teraz váš pastor, brat Ruddell. Je mi to ľúto, Satan zhasol svetlá, ale Boh má v každom prípade víťazstvo. Amen.

LETTING OFF THE PRESSURE, 62-0513E, Gospel Tabernacle, Gospel Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 73 min

1 Thank you, Brother Ruddell. I am so happy to know I got a son in the Gospel. [A brother says something--Ed.] Yeah. Well, fine. That's good. Yes, I certainly appreciate Brother Ruddell. And I--I believe Paul once had a son called Timothy. He called him his son in the Gospel.

2And if I'm not sure, this Flossy Ford, used to be? [Sister Flossy says, "Yes."--Ed.] My, goodness! Flossy, I... Been a long time. Yes, it has. I remember, when I was a boy, her brother, Lloyd, and I used to run around together. And she used to bake big cakes, you know, and we'd come up there and eat till we was just about sick, with it.

3 I remember one time they asked me come up, Lloyd did. And we... Flossy had baked. She was just a kid then. She had baked a big cake, and--and we just eat till we couldn't eat. I thought, "Now, I'm going to stay all night with Lloyd." Kind of got getting dark, you know, and I--I made out I just had to go home. And so I--I took off and run down the road, and scared to death, trying to go home.

4And I--I remember her father. Your mother is still living, I suppose. Well, that's fine. And been a lot of water went down that river since them days. Yes. Here we are now, both middle-aged people, grandparents. Well, but, there is a Land where we'll never grow old. See? I'm so glad to know, Flossy, that you're looking for that Land, and assurance you'll find It.

5And Jim, how is Jim? Is he... Yes, I remember that. Jim, that's her husband. And I remember him well. And I knowed a few of the children. We kind of, by that time, I had got on the field, when they were married, and their children growing up. And we kind of got away, you know, from one another.

6I see Brother Lloyd once in a while, holler at him down, on the street. They've cooked me a many a meal. And I've... like real brother and sister.

7 Now, I'm so glad to see that Brother Ruddell's first push was here in this place; to convert, starting out, converting a roadhouse into the house of the Lord. That's very fine.

8And, of course, you know, if sometimes if you can foresee anything, you know, and--and then that makes it better. So we could foresee there was something in this boy. And he was bashful. His dad and I, there, used to work together years ago. And I knowed his daddy was an up-and-at-it and a go-getter, so why shouldn't that be in the boy? I know he had a darling mother. So, he was sired right, so there had to something good behind him, you see. And that longing in his heart, to serve the Lord! When the deep calls to the Deep, there's got to be a Deep to respond to that call. And I'm so glad to see Brother Ruddell going on.

9 This wonderful bunch of people up here. And it's a grand privilege to me, tonight, to come up here, and to speak to this bunch of saints that are sojourning here. We are not... This is not our abiding place, you know. We are pilgrims. We are. We're not at home.

10I remember, Sister Ruddell, how you'd come with him and set there. And he would hold his head down. And you had a lot of confidence. They sure did. She believed he'd--he'd preach the Gospel. And so with a good wife like that, and a father and mother, and all praying for him, something had to happen, Brother Ruddell. So here it is. And I pray, Brother Ruddell, that this will just be a--a standing place for you, where you spring to the highest of heights, for the glory of the Gospel.

11 I know that Brother and Sister Ruddell, Max there, would feel real happy about it, tonight. How I'd like to see Billy Paul stand in the pulpit. And I hope to live someday to see Joseph standing in the pulpit. And that's mighty fine.

12Our toils and troubles then that we have, raising young children through the teen-age and things, that makes us feel fine then. Look back and see the gray in your daddy's hair, and things. Remember, some of your--some of your wrongdoings put them there. And that--that's right.

13 Well, it's good to be here. And I'm just a little bit hoarse. I been preaching. Brother Gene Goad and I took a little trip, yesterday, and went down. And the fish was biting. And--and so we had a good time, come in late. And we kind of got out on the water, and little bit a cold, but I trust you bear with me.

14Now, we are fixing to leave on a summer's campaign, about ninety-day campaign. Expect to be back again in last of August, first of September. And we're going over now. This--this week, I begin in Green Bay, Michigan, come back to Chicago for Sunday afternoon, at the high school, at a convention. I'm going to speak the original convention of the Christian Business Men in Green Bay, Wisconsin. And then, from there, to Chicago. And then Monday, I'm in Chicago, at a--a conventional meeting, a missionary rally for Brother Joseph Boze. And then return home, to go up to south, Southern Pines, North Carolina, and down into South Carolina. Then over to the Cow Palace at South Gate, Los Angeles. Got forty some odd Oneness churches sponsoring that meetings. First time the Oneness ever sponsored my meeting.

15Then from on--on up, California through Oregon, on into Canada. And from there, in to Anchorage, Alaska. And then back again in this fall, where Brother Joseph Boze is going to Kenya, Tanganyika, Urban, in Africa, South Africa, to set up meetings for later on in the fall.

16Now, to say I have a leading to go to any of these places, I do not. But I feel that it ought to be sowing Seed somewhere, doing whatever I can for the Kingdom.

17 And now let us just bow our heads again for another word of prayer. Not that we haven't been prayed for, but I'd just like to ask the Lord to help me here now, that would provide some Words for you.

18Our Heavenly Father, we are now approaching Thy throne of grace, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Who has give us the permission and bid us to come, and we would be granted the things that we ask for, as we approach. Now, we would not ask, at all, to stand in Your judgment. But we want to stand at the Mercy Seat, so that we can obtain mercy, confessing that we are wrong. And there's no soundness in us. But we present ourselves, Lord. Nothing we can offer, just the prayer of our Lord Jesus, and the bidding, that He said this, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me has everlasting Life, and shall not come to the Judgment, but has passed from death to Life." We believe that. He told us to come, ask anything in His Name, it would be granted. We believe that.

19 Upon the basis of our faith, we come, asking that You bless this church, and our gracious brother, Brother Ruddell, and his family, and all the families that's represented here.

20As I looked over and see Mrs. Morris here, tonight, and to think of the days gone by. And, God, as I've said to her, lots of water has went down the river, and many dangers, toils, and snares. You've already brought us through them, Lord, and our trust is in You, that we go to the end of the road, in Thee.

21Bless this place. Place Your Name in here, Lord, and give to them the very best that's lotted for this place. May evil, as a brother prayed, tonight, here, this young man, prayed that You'd take away all hindrances. Grant it, Lord. Answer his prayer.

22Heal the sick that's among us. Give salvation to the soul of those that's hungering and thirsting for righteousness. And now, Lord, sanctify the voice and the--and the effort of Your unprofitable servant. And bless Thy Word, and may It not return void. But be, may It be so, that It will accomplish that which It is purposed for. May the Holy Spirit take the things of God, tonight, and encourage our hearts, from the greatest to the least. In the Name of Jesus Christ we ask it. Amen.

23 Now, this morning, I preached a long time. And I didn't know about preaching. I was just kind of teaching a Sunday school lesson. One day, I taught six hours. Won't be that bad, tonight, I'm sure.

24But I just got a little text here, that I would like to read some Scripture, because I know His Words won't fail. Mine's may. Mine may do it. And I'm going to try to keep my word right with His, and take His Word; take my word, to build a context around His Word, as we use for a text.

25 I want to read two places, tonight. I want to read in the Book of Proverbs, in the 18th chapter, and the 10th verse, for one place. And another place, I want to read Isaiah 32:2. Now in Proverbs 18:10.

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe.

26And in the Book of Isaiah, 32nd chapter, 1st and 2nd verses.

Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, a prince shall rule in judgment.

And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as a shadow of a great rock in a weary land.

27 And now from a text, I want to use this as a text, let... Letting Off The Pressure. That's an odd text, "Letting off pressure." I chose this because that, before coming to a meeting, I always try to pray, and to try to seek the Lord. Not to stand before any congregation, small or great, one to a million, would be to stand there not to be seen or to be heard, but to do something to glorify my Lord, therefore, seeing the need of the people.

28And I wouldn't come here to be heard, because I'm not much to listen to; bad voice, not an educated man. And never stay with my text; skip all over, from Genesis to Revelations. And I'm--I'm not a--a--a eloquent speaker, but I do love the Lord. And I--I can't love Christ until first I love His people. See? I've got to love His people. So if I love His people, then I love Him.

29 And then I want to be like He did. I want to--to make my objectives the same objectives He had, and, that was, always trying to do good, to help somebody.

30And seeing this day that we live in, and knowing that this church here has a grand pastor.

31Now, I don't say that flattery. I say it from my heart. If I said anything different, I'd--I'd be a hypocrite. And I--I believe that this church has a pastor that would stand on Truth, regardless of what come or went. I believe that. That's my confidence in my--my son. And I--I believe that. And I... And he's a fearless as fearless can be. And you... I believe he's an honorable, holy man, sent from God, with a ministry for this last day. And he preaches the same portion of the Word that I preach, that's from Genesis to Revelations, just the way It's wrote. And I like that. No compromising, just stay right with the Word, and I like that.

32 But then I thought, with a man like that, for me to walk in behind his pulpit, yet a young man, what could I say that would help his congregation? Because, that's why he wanted me to come up. He's a shepherd, and he's watching his sheep. And he would think maybe now, to kind of change around a little, he might be something to help his people. And he's interested in you. He's interested in your welfare. Day and night, he'll go any time, anywhere, help do anything that he can. Well, that's--that's a real servant of God.

33 And as he said, he said he plagued me, or bothered me, or pestered me, or something. He doesn't do that. That makes me love him that much more, when he keeps asking, 'cause, that, I love that, 'cause he's got confidence. It shows he wouldn't bring me up before his sheep if I thought I was going to hurt them. Nope. No shepherd would do that. Because, he'd think I would do what was right. And it's a... he... It's a great privilege he pays me when he does ask me to come. And I like his--his objectives, that's "Hang on till it happens." That's a--a man of faith, and I like that.

34So then I thought, "What would I speak to this congregation?" I thought, "Well, they're probably trained right in everything, no doubt." But there is a pressure on the people today. And that pressure has no limitation, or any denominational lines. It has no age line. It has no respect of person. It's on young and old, good and bad. It's on everybody: pressure.

35 We are living in a neurotic age, nervous tension. Everybody is racing here, and going there, and going nowhere. It's just to that kind of an age. And I know this church would be plagued with it, as everywhere is plagued with it. Tabernacle is plagued with it, everywhere, the whole world.

36It's a day of pressure. Hurry, hurry; hurry, hurry; hurry up and wait. Drive ninety miles an hour, and then to get home for supper, and wait two hours till it gets ready. That's right. It's--it's a time. And in that rushing and speeding, it gets you to a nervous tension. The wife say something a little contrary, you want to fly off: temper. Husband say something, you'll pat your foot and tell him to get in the room. See? "Well, now, husband, I don't want no words with you. Go out there."

37"Wife, oh, I'm so nervous." See? Why? What's the matter? See?

38 All this, together, this tension building up, then the results of it is: doing something wrong, and acting out of place. That's right. Now, it'll make the poor act that way. It'll make the middle-class act that way. It'll make the rich act that way. It'll make the wrong act that way. It'll make the pretty good act that way. And it'll make the good act that way. Because, it's tension, steam, built up. Got to blow it out somewhere. See? You don't, you blow the boiler up.

39Now, we find that. It builds up as the day goes. You talk to your boss, if you're working, "Oh, so-and-so!" And if you speak to the kiddie, "Come in here!"

"Mama! I'm..." See?

There you are. It builds it up. Oooh! My! See? You feel like you're going to... head is going to come off. I know. I'm with it, every day, so I--I know what it means. It builds up. I was...

40 Thought of this, the other night. I was at a certain hospital. And our pastor, I thought he was sick, but he had just wore out. Run, run, run, run, till he just exhausted. And some of them said, called up, they called in the office down there, asked if I'd make his calls. Well, I had been with business acts all day, and ministers from different places. I said, "Yes." Well, I went to make his calls.

41 And I went to certain hospital. And they give me a woman's name, and a--and a number where she was at. I goes up to this room. I went over to the lady. And it--it was about fifteen, twenty minutes before receiving time for visitors. So I went over and told the lady I was a minister and would like to see certain-certain woman. She looked me in the face. And she was doing something. She turned around, first, and said, "What do you want?"

I said, "I would like to know where a certain-certain lady is in this ward."

She said, "I don't know."

I said, "Well, I was given a number, a certain place, and I thought I'd ask first."

Said, "Well, if you got a number, go see it."

"Thank you."

I goes down there and set at the door of the ward. I said, "Is there a lady in here, name So-and-so?"


Well, I went back and looked at my ticket. That's where it said. So I goes back, and the lady was standing there. I said, "That was the wrong number."

"What'd you say her name was?" I said. Said, "She is not on this floor."

"Thank you." I said, "I'll go upstairs then."

So, I goes up to the next room. And I went to the... First, there was a doctor setting at the desk, and setting there, scratching his head. Said, "How do you do?" He just looked up, looked down.

Well, I thought, "I better leave him alone."

So I went on down the row a little farther, and I found a lady at the desk, a nurse. Said, "Pardon me."

Said, "What do you want?"

And I said, "Is there a lady up here by a certain-certain name?"

And she said, "I don't know." And I said... She said...

I said, "I was supposed to have a--a room number 321 or 221." And I said, "I went to that room, and there was no one there. And the lady said, 'There's no one down here named that, so,' said, 'maybe it was upstairs.'"

And she said, "Well, then why don't you go to two... 321 then."

Said, "Thank you."

I goes down to 321, I... or two-twenty-... 321. I said, "Is there a lady in here named So-and-so?"


There's a lady laying there, said, "She was across the room, across the room over on--on the other, thirty-one."

Said, "Thank you, lady."

I walked over, I said, "Is lady So-and-so here?"

"No. They moved her out. She is downstairs."

41b I thought, "Oh, my!"

I goes back downstairs again. I--I... And she... They did give me the room number. And I went downstairs, and I looked all... I was afraid to go to that desk again. So I looked all up-and-down, trying to find that room number. And I--I looked, and I couldn't find it.

They got little wings and things cut up in this hospital. So here come this doctor walking down, with his stethoscopes in his hand, and satchel. And I never did see a man was four foot tall and four foot wide, but he just about matched the... He was walking along there. I said, "Good evening, sir. Could you tell me where room number so-and-so was at?"

He said, "Up this way and out that way."

I said, "Thank you for your information." That's the truth. He said, "Up this way and out that way."

And I said, "Thank you!" I thought, "I haven't got anywhere yet."

42 I looked back and there was a kind of kind-looking lady standing at the desk again. I walked over to her, and I said, "Good evening."

She said, "How do you do?"

43I said, "Lady, I'm all confused." And I told her my story. I said, "There's a lady here somewhere that's going to surgery in the morning, and she's near death. I'm a minister, and our pastor up there couldn't make his calls, and they give me this number."

She said, "Just a moment, Brother Branham, I'll find out." She...

"Well, I thank--thank the Lord."

She laid down everything and walked over there, and got...

"Oh," she said, "yes, Brother Branham, she is in room so-and-so, to your left, right there."

44I said, "Thank you, very much." I turned around and looked.

45 I thought, "That's it, letting off the steam," everybody. It's just becoming a--a neurotic age. Everybody is all built up. Haven't got no time. And that builds up to a place that it breaks up things. It causes people to have hard feelings, when they snap them off, and--and say things you don't mean to say.

46Now, everybody is guilty of it. I'm guilty. You're all guilty. We, we do things under pressure that we wouldn't do otherwise, so there's a--there's an excess pressure built up today. I believe... Before I go any further, I might say this. I believe it's the enemy coming down and pressing. I believe it's the Devil.

47And we know the Coming of the Lord is at hand. And the Bible said, in the last days, that, "The Devil would go about like a roaring lion." And if he could get you under pressure, hurrying, running over something, you will make decisions that you wouldn't make if you'd set down and think it over.

48 About three years ago, I was on a hunting trip, and I had an Indian guide. And I--I hunt real fast. It's just, that's just me, you see, one of them pressure-builders.

49So I--I was hunting with the Indian, and I jumped off the horse. And there was some elk up on the mountain, and I started around the bend. The old Indian was about ten years older than me. He was just a puffing, coming behind me. I said, "Come on, chief. Come on!"

Said, "Too fast! Too fast!"

I thought, "Oh, well!" I said, "Come on, and start."

50He said, "It's too fast!" I slowed down, next gear. "Too fast!" I got down to a walk. "Too fast!" Oh, my!

I said, "Chief, the elk is up there!"

He said, "Him stay there. He were born there."

I said, "I guess that's right."

"He stay there, he were born there." He said, "Preacher hunt too fast, scare all the game away." Said, "Do like Indian. Walk'em once, look'em nine times."

51 Well, I wonder what kind of a gear I'd have to get in, to get down there? Where, I was on a run, up the mountain. He said, "Walk'em once, then look'em nine times. Look all around, over everything, nine times, before he'd make another step." Oh, my! But, you see, he's in no hurry. I thought of that.

52And my precious old mother, that's in Glory tonight; someone said, "Why don't you wear a white flower today, meaning your mother is dead?"

53I said, "My mother is not dead. My mother is living."

And then I'd wear a red one, and then people say, "I thought your mother died."

So to keep from confusing them, and building up more steam, I just left it all off. See? She's not dead. She's asleep. She's with Christ.

54 And then the nervous neurotic age that we're living in! And you know, in all of this, the doctors don't have the answer, 'cause they're plagued with it, too. They don't have the answer. They don't know what to do.

You say, "Oh, doctor, I--I--I'm just about to blow my head. I don't know what to do. I..."

"Well," he'd say, "I am too. Well, there is nothing you can do." He would give you a tranquilizer. When that wears off, you're more nervous than you was in the first place; like a drunk man, taking an extra drink, to get over his drunkenness. You see? So you--you can't do it. There's no answer. They don't have it.

55But, God has the answer. That's what we want to take, talk about, to have the answer. God has got the answer. He is the Answer. Christ is the Answer to every problem we got. Now, we're going to talk about Him now.

56 Now, in the Old Testament, there was a time when a man could build up pressure way back there, and that was when he done something wrong. If he shed innocent blood, well, then he was on the run. Because, as soon as that man that he killed, or the wrong he did; that man he did the wrong to, some of his people would hunt him till they found him, and there he'd kill him. "It was a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye." And, you see, a man had no place to stop.

If he done something accidentally, and, of course, the people wouldn't believe it. Well, he had to take off. Because just as soon as--as he did this, then the--the relatives of this man, or woman, whoever it was, they started hunting him. And when they found him, "It was tooth for tooth, and eye for eye." That's the way they lived.

57 And so he couldn't stop nowhere. He was a fugitive. He didn't know what to do, and he was on the run.

A very type of today. I think that's what's causing so much pressure. We're on the run. That's what's the matter with the world, knowing they're wrong. Knowing the Coming of the Lord is at hand, and the pressure is building up. And they're on the run; roadhouse, gambling den, luxury, sin, immoral decay, anything, to give vent. Listen at television, dirty jokes, anything, give vent. They're on the run. There's something fixing to happen. They know it, and they're drinking themselves to death, with pleasures and everything else, on the run.

58They know there's something fixing to happen. The world speaks of it. We know that something is fixing to happen. This world may be blowed up before daylight. Every nation is under tension. Why?

59 One time I was in Africa, and I was watching a sheep feeding. It was a lamb, oh, a middle-grown sheep. And the little fellow was eating very peaceful, and all at once he got restless. And he would take a bite; he'd look around. He'd take a bite. When, he was peaceful. I was watching him. He looked just as calm. I thought, "Isn't that peaceful out there? Look at that little fellow." The shepherd that had been watching them had gone to the corral, back; native, colored.

60And I watched this little fellow. And after while he got nervous. I thought, "What's the matter with that little guy?" I was watching him, course, through binoculars. And he got so nervous. He'd look this way and that way. He started bleating. He didn't know what to do. I thought, "What made the little fellow get so excited, all at once?"

61 Now, he was in a little pasture field. But way over behind there, I noticed something raise up and let down again, about a half a mile from him. Hid good in the weeds, a lion slipping up. And that little fellow, something in him was building to a place that he knowed there was danger somewhere. He couldn't see it. But the lion had smelled the sheep, and he had to get quick now to get him, before the shepherd got him, got him out of the way.

62So then, watching him, tension had built. And in the distance this lion was slipping up, real easy. Yet, the--the sheep couldn't see the lion, but there's just something inside of him that told him that danger was at hand.

63That's the way it is today, that there is something inside of people, that let's them know something is fixing to happen. We know it. The Christian knows it. The world knows it. The drunkard knows it. The gambler knows it. The businessman, the governments, the U.N., all of them know that something is fixing to happen. It's built a tension.

64 Women, mothers, just one cigarette after another! I watch them come to the school. They drive through our lane there. I have to watch my kids and my dog. On a twenty-mile zone; seventy miles an hour, women taking their children to school. Cigarette in their hand, hanging out one door, fussing with their kids, and down there and squeak the brakes, then, or the wheels, and laying tires on the street. And here they come back again. I seen the wind blow four or five little kids plumb off the road, the other day, of some neurotic mother. Where is she going? What's the matter? Certain television program on, maybe comes on, she wanted to see.

65But, that's it, tension. There is something causing it. They used to, didn't do that. Something is approaching. Death and destruction is on its road here. It isn't very far away. Something is approaching.

66 Now, in the Old Testament, God seeing, in some of this trouble, was accidentally done. So, if you're innocent, and not guilty, God makes a way for you.

67Now, if a man killed a man, just deliberately, premeditated, he was lost. He could not come to this place. But if he did it accidentally, he didn't mean to do it, then there was a city of refuge. One was at Ramoth-Gilead. And four places, I think, Joshua placed these cities of refuge.

68Now, now, the people could come to this city of refuge if accidentally he done something wrong. He didn't mean to. He would come to the city of refuge, and go to the gate. The gatekeeper would ask him why he coming, what was his idea of coming. Then his case was pleaded. And when his case was pleaded at the gate, and the man be found innocent, he did it not willfully, then the man was taken into the city, as a place of refuge. Then the enemy could not get him.

And if he lied and done wrong, and come into the city of refuge, though he was holding to the altar horns, his enemy had the privilege and right to drag him from that altar and kill him, yes, sir, because he was guilty, premeditated, and he had to be punished.

69 Now, there was something went with that. Course, that man would be nervous, my, maybe, a dozen men behind you. Somewhere, every rock, every hill, every bush, the enemy, somebody was standing ready for him. He was nervous. And then when he once got into the city, he could let off the pressure. He was safe. He was all right, 'cause there was a provided place made for him. God's provided way for that innocent man, not to be slain, but could be exempted from the slaying, because he did it accidentally, now, if he didn't mean to do it.

70Now, if he meant to do it, well, he--he had to stand the circumstances. But there's no chance for him if he did it willfully.

71 And there's two classes of people today. May I say this. There is men and women in the world today, Brother Ruddell, that really don't want to do these things they're doing. There's men and women in the world today, that don't want to sin. I feel sorry for them. They don't want to do anything wrong, but they do it. They're drove to it. Now, there's a place for that person that wants to do right. There's a place to let off that pressure. It's true. But there's some that doesn't care.

72 The other day, a brother, Hickerson, got me a pass from the warden of the federal prison in... at La Grange, Kentucky, to go in, go fishing. And I met a colored boy back there from Louisville. And he told me... I said, "A fine-looking, intelligent man like you, what are you doing in here?"

73He said, "Well," said, "reverend, here is what it was." Said, "It's nobody's fault but mine." Said, "I--I--I once belonged to the Lord." His name was Bishop. He said, "They call me 'Holy Bishop' because that I serve the Lord." He said, "Me and my wife, we--we got a little girl." And said, "One time I just couldn't stand it, so I just went with the world, went away from the Lord." Said, "I had a Christian father and mother." And said, "I served four years overseas, in Korea," how many battles he was in, citations and things. He said, "But out there the thing we done is just go to dances and so forth. I got mixed with the wrong crowd."

74 "And one day, two boys come by and said, 'Bishop, we want to go up to Quaker Maid, get some groceries. Will you run us up there?'"

Said, "My wife had just called me to dinner. And I said... Said, she called me in there, said, 'Honey, don't you go with them. There's no good in them guys. We got to get away from them, get back to church again.'"

And he said, "Well," said, "I said, 'I hate for them... The boys wants groceries.' Said, 'I hate not to take them.' Yeah, said, 'I'll let them have my car.'"

"Said, 'Don't you do it. They'll tear it to pieces.' And said, 'Run them up there, and then come back then.'"

75Said, "I run them up there, and stopped in the parking lot." Said, "I was setting there, waiting. And all at once, the alarms went off, and everything. And here come these boys, each with pistols in their hand. And I shut the door. I said, 'You're not getting in here.'" And one of them whacked him across the head, and jerked him back up, throwed this gun. He said, "You're not taking me."

Throwed the gun in, said, "If you don't want a hole through you! And we'll throw you out here, take off."

76 He said, "You can't go nowhere. You're going to get caught. You boys tell them that I was free. I--I didn't mean this. I--I was setting here. I'm an innocent party." And about that time the police had them.

77They pleaded the case. He said, "I first thought evil of the prosecutor, because he said..." Here is the questions he said. "Is this your car?"

He said, "Yes, sir. But I..."

78He said, "Answer my questions." Oh, brother, the Devil has a way of doing it. Said, "Answer my questions." Said, "Is this your car?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

"Is that your license number?"

"Yes, sir."

He said, "Was you up there in that lot?"

He said, "Well, I tell you..."

He said, "Answer my questions."

He said, "Yes, sir."

79He said, "There you are." And on circumstantial evidence, they give him ten years, sent the other boys for life.

80Now, he said, "See, brother, I just got in the wrong crowd. It's nobody to blame but me." And that's right. Now, he has got ten years, to let off the pressure in. I prayed for him. Brother Wood there, and I, we was setting out on the water. And took the boy by the hand, and prayed for him, out on the water, that God would give him a parole. And I'm still praying for him, that God will.

81What is it? Pressure, innocent, a man innocent. Now, that man should have a chance.

82 Now, if you want to do right, I'm so glad, tonight, to tell you that there is a city of refuge. That's Jesus Christ. If you don't want to do wrong, the enemy is after you, then there is a way of escape, and that escape is Jesus Christ. There's a place where you can come and let off the steam. But if you're love to sin, and you don't want God, then the enemy is going to overtake you somewhere. You have no... You can't come to Christ, because you don't want to.

83And when this man comes to Christ, this place of refuge. When a man come in, in the Old Testament; the first thing, he had to come upon his own free will. And that's the way you have to come to Christ.

84 Another thing, you must be satisfied while you're there. You don't... You can't hang around every day, crying, "I'd like to get out of here. I'd like to get out of here." They'd put you out. You must willfully want to stay. It must be that you must want to stay in that city.

85And when you come to Christ, you can't look back to the world. The Bible said, "He that puts his hand on the plow, and turns to look back, is not worthy of plowing." Now there is where so many so-called Christians make their mistake. See, they act like they're going to plow, but the first little thing comes along, they blow up, about it.

86 The other day I had an experience of that, as you all know. And I thank you for your prayers. As I hunt, and fish, and shoot targets, and things, I've always wanted a Weatherby magnum rifle. Well, some of my friends would have bought it for me. I know people, if I'd just have mentioned it, they'd have gladly done it. Frankly, two or three wanted to do it. But I couldn't see them put that much money in a rifle, when I know missionaries ain't got shoes on their feet. I couldn't do that. And Brother Wilson give Billy Paul a little.257 Roberts. And a brother, friend of mine said, "Brother Branham, Weatherby can bore that gun, I can have it done for cheap price, if you'll let me do it for you." Well, I let him do it.

87Come back, put a shell in the gun, and went to shoot it, and the thing blowed up in my hands. And the barrel went almost to the fifty-yard line, the bolt way back behind me. And it's a wonder it just didn't cut me half in two. There was about five or six tons of pressure that close to me.

88Well, the doctors said, "The only thing I know, that the good Lord was setting there to protect His servant."

89 Now, the thing that I'm thinking of, here is where it comes. If that would have been a Weatherby magnum, to start with! What was the matter? There was a flaw in the rifle. The head space was bored too loose. That's what's the matter with a lot of us in our conversion, our head space is bored to loose.

90And--and, now, if that would have been a Weatherby, from the very beginning, from the very steel that was poured, to make the barrel, it would have been bored out and made a Weatherby magnum. It would not have blowed up. But because it was tried to be converted to something that it really wasn't, then it blowed up.

And so will every man find the same thing, that professes to be a Christian, that doesn't get the right start from the new Birth, he'll blow up somewhere. There's too much pressure on it. It won't stand it. He'll find hisself blowed up somewhere.

91 People trying to impersonate somebody's ministry, that hasn't been called to it, finally it's going to blow up. You've got to be ordained of God.

It's got to be God, not some hand shake, some sentimental story, but it's coming upon the basis of the shed Blood of Christ, and your faith in what God did for you through Jesus Christ. If not, you're going to blow up somewhere. Somebody will step on your toes, and away you go. See? See, it's a pressure building up, all the time, and soon it'll blow up.

92 The man must want to stay in the refuge. He can't go in there complaining. He must want to stay, no complainings about it. Outside, he dies. Inside, he is safe.

93Well, I want to say something, the people here, if you're not a Christian. I come to this city of Refuge, about thirty-one years ago. And, brother, I've never wanted to go out. Oh, I come into Christ. Everything that I longed for was in Here. I don't want to go out. I pray daily, "O God, I'm so happy here. Just let me stay." I never want to leave, and I know He will never leave me. I know He will never leave you. And the pressure gets great, if it does, then He is our Outlet, so we don't have to--to worry about it.

94If you're all pressured up, and don't know where you're going, what's going to happen to you after death? And you know you're going to die sometime. You've got it to do. Then the thing to come, is come to Christ, the Refuge, and let off the pressure. Settle it, once for all.

95 No matter what takes place, Christ is our Refuge. And when we come to Him, we can let off the pressure. You can quit worrying about, "Well, if I die, what's going to happen to me? What's going to happen to the wife? What's going to happen to the husband? What's going to happen to the children?" Just come to Christ, and let off the pressure. All. He give us all things. All things are ours, by Christ, so just let the pressure off, the only one way you can do it.

96Somebody might give you a million dollars. It would build up pressure.

You might join a church, and it would still build up pressure. Cause, the Methodists will tell you they're right, "And the Baptist is wrong." And the Baptist say, "They're wrong, and we're right." So it just builds up more pressure, 'cause you don't where you're standing.

97 But if you ever come to Christ, you can let off the pressure, 'cause it's all over then, just settle it down. It's God's provided place of safety, where God said, "The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower, the righteous run into It and are safe."

In a time of sickness, when sickness strikes, and the doctor says, "There's nothing else I can do about it," don't build up pressure.

Let off the pressure. Call your pastor. Let him anoint you in oil and pray over you. "Prayer of faith shall save the sick." Let off the pressure. See?

98He's our Refuge. While you're in this Refuge, you got--you got right to anything that's in the Refuge. And Christ is our Refuge, and everything you have need of is in Him. Amen.

In sickness, don't build up pressure. Let off pressure.

99 You say, "Well, I--I wonder, Brother Branham." You don't wonder. You just let the pressure off. Commit your case to God, and go on as if it was all over. Don't build up pressure. It lets off pressure.

100"Well," you say, "I am so worried, Brother Branham. I just don't know."

Let off the pressure. Amen. In the city of Refuge, He took your worry, so you--you don't have to have it. "Cast your cares on Him, for He careth for you." Don't you worry about your cares. That's His business.

101 I met a woman, here some years ago in a ten-cent store. She was about sixty years old, looked about thirty years old. I said, "How do you do it, sister?"

102She said, "Brother Branham, I've got two sons that's doctors, that's older than you are." And honest to goodness, she--she didn't look over thirty years old. She said, "Here is what it was. When I come to Christ, when I was about twelve years old, I set down and thought about it. I studied other religions. But when I found the true one," she said, "I come to Christ, and took my case, my soul, my all, to Him." And she said, "I've never had a worry since." Said, "Now, He promised to take care of all my troubles," and said, "if He's not big enough to do it, I know I'm not big enough to do it, so what's the use of me worrying about it?" See? That's it.

103Christ promised that He'd take all your cares. "Cast your cares on Him." So what are you worried about? Worry builds up pressure. Pressure blows up. So just cast your cares on Him, and quit worrying. All right.

104 Now, "Well," you say, "how I do it?" Just trust His promise. He made a promise that He would do it, even in the time of death, when the death angel comes into the room. "Oh, Brother Branham, I know I'll be nervous." Oh, no. You're in the Refuge. No, no. You know you're going to die; you got to go some way, so just get into the Refuge, feel safe. That's right. You're safe as long as you're in the Refuge. Remember, He died for you. He cares for you. He died for you.

105Now let's take a look. You say, "Brother Branham, you mean, when the death angel is knocking at the door, you're still not to get steamed up?" No, not a bit. "Well, how do you do that?" Come to the Refuge. That's all. "Well," you say, "Brother Branham..."

106 Well, now wait a minute. Let's take Israel, down in Egypt. There come a time where God said, "I'm going to send the death angel through the land, and I'm going to take every one of the elders of the family, unless there's blood on the door," that great night of the passover.

107Now, here is Israel, a promised people going to a promised land. And they... It's the night of the passover. The death angel is in the land. And we hear a scream coming from down the street. We look out. Two big, black wings are waving down the street. You think Israel was all excited? No, sir.

108Death was at the door. The little boy looked out the window. He is the oldest of the family. He sees that big black angel. He looks and said, "Daddy, do you love me?"

"Sure, son, I love you."

"Well, Daddy, am I not your first born?"

"Yes, you are, son."

"Look at there, daddy. That angel got that little boy. I knowed him. I played with him. Oh, daddy, here he comes, towards the house."

"But, son, you see on that doorpost?" Hallelujah!

"Daddy, will he get me?"

"No, sir, son. He can't get you."


109"That's His promise. 'When I see the Blood, I'll pass over you.' Go back and get your toys, and start playing, son. There is no need of worrying. We're in God's refuge. Let off the steam."

110 Israel could set back and read the Bible, while the rest of them was screaming and building up steam. Israel was relaxed. Why? Death right at the door, what difference did it make? It can't hurt them.

111So when death comes to our door, glory to God, as long as God's requirement, the Blood, has been placed on the lintel of my heart post, what difference does it make? It can't bother me.

112The doctor says you're going to die tomorrow, what difference does it make? The Blood is on the post. You got to die, anyhow. But if that Blood has been applied, I've got a resurrection coming. Amen.

113 Israel could be calm, no building up steam for them, 'cause they knowed that the death angel couldn't strike them. They were under the blood. It was God's provided way.

114Now notice. Say, "Can I be assured of that?" Now, Christians, here we are. "Can I be assured of that?" I spoke on it, last Sunday night.

115Now, Israel was a promised, covenant people, God's people. They had been promised a land that was flowing with milk and honey. So they--they had never seen that land. Not a one of them ever been there. But they had a promise of it. See? They never been over there. They didn't know nothing about the land, but they were promised that land. And they come out of their slavery, by the hand of God through His prophet, and was so-journeying, professing that they were pilgrims and strangers, and was going to a land that they never seen, or none of them had ever seen it. Think of it.

So they come close to the borderline. There was a great warrior among them, named Joshua. Joshua takes... means "Jehovah Saviour." And Joshua went over the Jordan, into the promised land, and come back with the evidence that it was a good land. They brought a bunch of grapes; it taken two men to pack. It was just exactly what God said it was. It was flowing in milk and honey. That should have made every one of them rejoice. Why? Joshua brought back the evidence of a land that nobody knowed nothing about, that God had promised to give them. See? Cause, they were had a promise to a land, and was on their road to it.

116 Now, one day the human race was in a trap, and there come Someone to the earth, by the Name of Jesus Christ. Jesus means "Jehovah Saviour." And He went down to the Jordan of death. Went over the Jordan, in death, and rose up on Easter morning, with the evidence that a man can live after he dies. Hallelujah! Death is not the end. Jesus proved it, that a man can live after he dies.

117He stood before them, and He said, before He left. He said, "In My Father's house is many mansions. If it wasn't so, I would have told you. And I'll go and prepare a place. I'll go over and fix up a place, and return back, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." On Easter morning, after...

He died, till the moon and stars and sun was ashamed of themselves. He died, till the Roman soldier pierced His heart with a--with a spear, and water and blood had separated. He was the deadest of the dead. He went to the grave, like any man did. "His soul went to hell," as the Bible said.

But on Easter morning, He came back from death, hell, and the grave, and said, "I am He that was dead, and I am alive forevermore, and have the keys of death and hell. I'm a Man."

They said, "He's a spirit."

Said, "Give Me a fish sandwich." And He eat fish and bread.

118He was a Man that died and went to the Land, and returned back with the evidence that a man can live after death. What's death got to do with us? Amen. Let off the pressure.

119 Now, not only that, but He give us the promise. What was it? He give us the earnest of our inheritance. He said, "Now to prove this to every believer. Now you're walking down here in unbelief. You don't believe the Word. You're walking in sin and the things of the world. But He that believeth on Me has Eternal Life, a Life that can't die."

120Notice now. When we receive His Spirit, we who are once dead in sin and trespasses, He gives us new Birth, new Life. What does He do? He... We die and are buried in Jesus. We raise in the Spirit, from the worldly things, unto the Heavenly things. And tonight, "We are setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus."

121 How many Christians in here still love the world? If you do, you're not a Christian. You are a professor of Christianity, and not a possessor. For when a man once tastes of Christ, he's dead to the things of the world, and by no means he has any desire to go back into that.

122What does it do? "The life," Paul said, "that I once lived, I live no more. Yet I live, not me, but Christ in me." Why? He raised him from this low level of worldly sin, up to a place that we ourselves can look back and see where we come from. Glory! Look back and see where we once lived. Now we live different. What is it? It's the assurance that we are dead, and our lives are hid in Christ, through God, and are sealed by the Holy Ghost, and raised above those things. Then we are alive, with the same evidence that He come back with, to prove to us.

123 The Land is glorious and this is the down payment. This is the earnest of our salvation. It's the first money that holds the contract. Glory! It holds God's contract, "He that heareth My Words, that believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life and shall not come into condemnation, but has passed from death unto Life." Let off the pressure, brother. Yes, sir. Amen. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

124Looky, as Elijah that great prophet, a type of Christ. Elisha, the type of the Church, which, a double portion of the Spirit come upon the prophet. He walked to the Jordan one day; a type of this day, this government and things we have now; Ahab, Jezebel, and so forth. As you remember, my Jezebel sermon. Notice when Elisha following Elijah, for a reason. Amen. Where did he take him? To Jordan; to Ramoth-Gilead, up to the school of the prophets, and down to Jordan. That's the way He takes you. Through justification, sanctification, and die out, to receive Life. Amen. Not to a denomination or some creed. But to death to your spirit, so you can be born again. And Elisha...

125 Elijah struck that water, walked across Jordan, and Elisha followed him. And when Elisha returned back to the land again, on the other side, he come back with a double portion.

Today, we follow Jesus to His death, burial and baptism... death, burial, and resurrection, rather, through baptism. We believe Him. We're die out to the things of the world, confess that we're nothing, baptized in His Name, buried with Him in baptism, raised with Him in resurrection. Our spirits live up above the things of the world. Then we're in Christ. Now we got one portion.

126When we return from across the death line of Jordan, we'll have another portion. The bodies that we now have, with spirits that we have, have the Earnest, the Holy Spirit that can't die, because It's part of God. And the bodies that we live in... "He that eats My flesh and drinks My Blood has everlasting Life, and I'll raise him up at the last day." Amen. Let off the steam.

127 What difference does it make, atomic bombs or anything else strike? Let them do whatever... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... of this one thing, that we have Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So what do we care about what the world has got to say. What do we care about pressure. Don't make any difference to us. Why? Because we can let off the steam.



Come where the dew drops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and... [Blank.spot.on.tape.]

Jesus, the Light of the world.

128Now with our heads bowed, let's raise our hands.

We'll walk in the Light, beautiful Light,

Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Jesus, the Light of the world.

129 Our Heavenly Father, Satan has lost the battle. Just be patient. Don't build up a steam. Standing here, preaching on "letting off the steam," and then Satan thought he could run me from the pulpit, get me out of this altar call. No, Lord. In my heart there was something burning, saying, "There's somebody here. There's somebody hunting for that Rock." We thank You, Father, for the victory. When that last person walked to the altar, the lights come on. He seen he had lost, so he might as well give up the battle.

130Here stands, tonight, that number of grace, five precious souls. Five: J-e-s-u-s, f-a-i-t-h, grace, g-r-a-c-e. O God, You are God. You never fail. You're always right.

131 I'm looking, standing here on the side here, Sister Wilson's daughter. I can remember that little girl. I remember when You called her. I remember the night at New Market, long years ago. Down there that night, I remember, Lord.

132Here stands by her side, a lady, coming down from New York, to sojourn with us.

133Here stands a young man and a young woman, just at this turning point, when the world is out here doing all kinds of immoral dances and carrying on. They've walked, hunting for that Rock.

134At the end of the altar stands a young fellow, his hands raised, he--he wants to find the Rock. Jesus, You are that Rock. And You said this, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I'll be in their midst." Then, that Rock is right here.

135 It may seem very strange, Father, very simple. You make things so simple, so that we won't error. But because that they raised out of their seat and come on the invitation; because, that, Satan tried to keep them from doing it, every effort he could put forth, he tried to do it, but he lost. Now, as Your servant, I'm going to lay my hands upon them, and pronounce Your blessings. And, God, may it follow. Because that they are honest and sincere to follow the leading of the Spirit, I do the same.

136Now, I ask that the soul of my sister shall never perish, that the desire of her heart for Eternal Life will be granted to her, through Jesus Christ's Name.

137 I lay my hand upon my sister, and know that many trials has beset her. I know she prays for her darling boy. I know the father, as the tears run down his cheeks, tonight, as he passed that little piece of tithing. And this morning, when we prayed and committed the boy to the Lord God. This mother and father love the child. And, God, they want a place where they can just let off the steam and know that everything is all right. Father, we've committed it to You. You will grant it. We have no fear. Give her that assurance just now, Father, through Jesus' Name I pray.

138 And, Father, this young man and young woman come together, so I lay my hands upon them. They've come to let off the steam. A young couple like this, handsome young people, we know they're a very bait for the Devil if he could only use them. But they've been snatched, like a firebrand. They come because they want to find that shelter. They want to get to the place where they can just let off the steam, let off the pressure, quieten themselves before God, and know that He is God. I pray, Father, that You'll give them that blessed assurance just now. May every little scale be beat off, right now.

139 This young fellow here, Lord, that stands with his hands up, that very last one. And as soon as he rose and come up, the lights come on. That was the number You wanted, that was Your call. "All that the Father has give Me will come." The only thing we have to do is hold the Word there, and them the Father has ordained to Life will follow. And now he come. He wants to find that cleft, Lord, so he can set down and rest a little while. I pray, God, that You'll lead him to that cleft right now.

140 May every shackle be broken. May everything, every opposition that's bothered any of these, may it fall from them just now; may that little thing, little temper, little whatever-it-is, little temperamental, that little worry, that doubt, that little besetting sin. Lord, as their brother, and Your servant, I intercede for them, as standing between the living and the dead. God, I claim their souls. I claim their victory, in obedience to the altar call. And we know that Satan tried to stop it. But we claim them, I do now, as Your servant. And I present them to Jesus Christ, as the trophies of His grace, the trophies of the Presence of the Holy Spirit, tonight, Who called them under difficult conditions, and brought them to the Rock. May they let down the pressure now, and know that Jesus said, that, "No man can come until I have called him. And all that does come, I'll give them Eternal Life, and raise them up at the last day." It's settled, Lord. I present them to You now, in the Name of the Jesus Christ. Amen.

141 God bless you, as you stand there. As you return to your seats, go and know that everything that you desired, and every besetting sin and thing that was wrong, is under the Blood. It's finished. Do you believe it? Do you believe it? Do you believe it, brother? Do you believe it, sister? Do you believe it? Then, it--it not shall be; it has been done. That's right. It's a past tense.

142God bless you, the very best in life and Eternal Life, which you now possess. You have climbed in, above sin. Sin is under your feet. What good would it do me, stand here, tell you something wrong? I'd be counted a deceiver at the end of the road. See? You've received Eternal Life, because you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Now laying aside every sin and every shackle, go free. Let off the steam. You're a Christian. You've raised above sin. You've got the earnest of your Eternal salvation because Christ has received you.

143 Now, didn't He say, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that comes, I will give Eternal Life and raise up at the last days"? [The five at the altar say, "Amen."--Ed.] Then it's settled. Amen. It's all over. God bless you now, be gracious to you.

Do you love Him, out there? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

144How many feels the pressure all gone? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest,

I'll sail the wild seas no more;

The tempest may sweep over the wild stormy deep,

But in Jesus I'm safe evermore.

145 As the story of Charles Wesley, on his retreat down by the seaside one day, he had a little shack. He was studying. The Lord led him down there. He was studying. Oh, God was moving on him, for a song. And he couldn't--he couldn't get nothing to start on. He would start on something, the inspiration would leave him. So he went walking down along the seashore, listening at the waves, and thought he could find some inspiration, the waves lapping. All at once, a storm came up.

Nothing happens by chance. Everything is ordained of God. No matter what happens, all things are going to work together for good.

146 And he started towards his little cabin. When he did, the winds got to blowing. He thought, "Oh, I'll be blown off this, the--the shore, before I get there." And he pulled up his coat, and started run, and something flew into his bosom. He looked back, and it was a little sparrow, come for refuge. He just held it in his bosom until the storm was over, and the sun come out. He set the little fellow upon his finger, and he let him fly away. And he flew away, and then the inspiration struck him.

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in Thee.

147Oh, I like that! Rock of Ages, that Rock in a weary land, a Shelter in the time of storm. See? That Rock in a weary land, hide Thou me. Hide me, O Rock of Ages, cleft for me. The great inspired writers of the songs and the things that we so enjoy today!

You say, "Are those songs inspired?"

148 Jesus referred to them when He was here on earth, said, "Is not it written in the Psalms, David said certain-certain thing?" Sure, they're inspired. Just like preaching or anything else, it's inspired.

149I'm so glad that I have a Refuge. Other refuge have I none. Yeah.

My hopes is built on nothing less

Than Jesus' Blood and righteousness;

When all around my soul gives way,

Then He's all my hope and stay.

For on Christ, the solid Rock, I stand,

All other grounds is sinking sand, no matter what it is.

150God bless you. Your pastor now, Brother Ruddell. Sorry, Satan turned them lights out, but God got the victory, anyhow. Amen.