Večerný posol



Boh vždy rátal charakter, nie členov. A dnes to robíme presne naopak. Počítame čísla, pozeráme sa na dobré oblečenie, ako dobre platíme, namiesto charakteru. Eliezer sa poriadne zapotil, kým našiel charakter. Presne tak. A koho dostal? A on dôveroval Bohu. Charakter na čo? Charakter pre Izáka, nevestu, ktorej je Nevesta typom. Viete to. To bolo prirodzené semeno Abraháma; toto je kráľovské semeno Abraháma. No, ak Eliezer, posol, ktorý hľadal nevestu, sa snažil nájsť charakter, ak tento človek príde, ten posol na posledný deň, on sa bude snažiť nájsť nevestu pre Krista, nebude hľadať denominačné členstvo. Bude hľadať charakter, ktorý je ochotný.

Sledujte! Ponajprv dobrý charakter, a potom, aby sa pripravila na stretnutie s Izákom. Potom, ako našiel charakter, snažil sa ju priviesť k tomu, aby dostatočne dlho dokázala počúvať jeho posolstvo o Izákovi.

To je ten posol na posledné dni, večerné svetlo, najprv nájsť tú cirkev (kde budú veriť v posolstvo?) Hľadať ju. Dokážete rozpoznať, o čom hovorím? Ísť po tú cirkev, ktorá ťa vpustí dnu, ktorá ti nezavrie dvere hneď pred nosom. A potom, keď sa tam dostaneš, potom si našiel charakter. A ak ona len vydrží natoľko, aby jej on povedal, ako tá nevesta musí byť oblečená! Ona musí byť odiata. Stáť v pokoji! Ak by mohla dostať...

Pozrite sa na Rebeku, ako počúvala každé jedno slovo, jej srdce tĺklo. Ona… On jej to hovoril. Potom si povedal, „Keď som sa už toľko spotil, kam mám ísť, aby som našiel charakter? A potom, keď nájdem charakter, tak ju dostanem do toho, aby vydržala dosť času na to, aby sa pripravila na stretnutie s ním. Ó, to je ohromujúce! (Keby sme len mali ešte viac času.) Aby sa pripravila; aby vydržala počúvať jeho posolstvo. Eliezer jej nehovoril o sebe, ale on hovoril o tom, ktorý ho poslal. A on mal dary, ktorými mohol dokázať, že bol od neho poslaný. Amen! On ju chcel týmito vecami odiať. Viete, ako to zariadil.

1 Ďakujem veľmi pekne. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Môžete si sadnúť.

2 Môj syn bol dnes so mnou a povedal, „Oci, keby sme len videli tento zbor ešte predtým, než sme začali stavať náš; je to nádherné miesto.“ A hovoril... Povedal, „Ešte som nevidel kazateľa, ale ak je tak milý človek ako jeho žena, istotne je to príjemný človek.“ Takže sme radi, že tu môžeme byť.

3 A teším sa na zhromaždenie dnes večer, že Boh na nás vyleje svoje požehnania a pomôže nám.

4 Nuž, my sme... Práve som sem prišiel a počul som brata Williamsa, myslím, že to bol on, a hovoril o niečom, čo sa deje v Ramade. Tuším sa robili nejaké oznamy alebo niečo také. Zvyčajne takéto veci vybavujú ešte predtým, ako sa sem dostanem. A istotne sa tešíme na chválebný čas na tejto konferencii. Moja úloha na tomto mieste je skôr sa tu poprechádzať, postretávať sa s bratmi, mať obecenstvo medzi ľuďmi a modliť sa, aby nám Boh dal ten správny druh prebudenia, aby sme mohli ísť rovno do Ramady na chválebné zhromaždenie. A tak sa snažíme až do toho času navštíviť všetky zbory, ktoré len vieme. A sme z toho požehnaní. Máme nádherný čas, keď môžeme mať obecenstvo medzi bratmi.

5 Ja som zvyčajne... Každý vie, že nie som ktovieakým kazateľom, som tu tak trochu ako rezervná pneumatika. Ale moja služba je modliť sa za chorých. A posledné večery sme tu mali tak plno, že tu ledva nájdeme miesto, aby sme mohli niečo také robiť. Ale pokúsime sa, pokiaľ... keď sa nám podarí dostať sa na nejaké miesta, kde budeme môcť rozdať nejaké modlitebné karty a priviesť sem ľudí a pomodliť sa za nich. Ale keďže máme každý deň jedno večerné zhromaždenie, nechceme robiť to, že by sme na nich tlačili, aby išli až ďalší večer, a potom zase inokedy, každý večer im niečo hovoriť, najlepšie, ako to ja viem urobiť, je... na česť a slávu Ježiša Krista, ktorého všetci milujeme a ktorému veríme a okolo ktorého máme obecenstvo.

6 Asi ste počuli o tej nehode tu za rohom, stalo sa to len pred chvíľou. Neviem, či tam ten človek zomrel, alebo ktokoľvek to už bol, prešlo ho auto. Pred chvíľou sme sa tam zastavili na slovo modlitby. A asi dva bloky odtiaľto bol niekto, ktorého to prešlo a ešte aj prehodilo na druhú stranu ulice. Bol to nejaký veľký človek. Prišli tam policajti, ale sa mi zdá, že tam ešte neprišla sanitka. Musia to... Ak nezomrel, tak myslím, že to do neho narazilo na tejto strane a prehodilo až po dvere na druhej strane, musel to byť hrozný zásah. Viete, je to...

7 Bohu musíme slúžiť každú minútu. Nevieme, kedy sa tieto veci môžu stať. Možno si myslíme, že to nemôžeme byť my, ale veľmi ľahko môžeme. Myslím, že Ježiš povedal, „Buďte pripravení, lebo neviete, ktorú minútu, či hodinu budete zavolaní.“ A potom pôjdeme do miesta, kde nepoznajú žiadne nehody ani problémy. Sme istotne radi, že je také miesto zasľúbené.

8        Viete, tá myšlienka, dnes večer, že vidíme, že túžime ísť na také miesto, ukazuje, že také miesto naozaj existuje. Rozumiete? My poznáme všetky tie negatívne veci, všetky tiene, ale prv musí byť niečo, z čoho môže byť tieň. Tieň je odraz. Takže ak existuje taký život, to dokazuje, že sú to len tiene, ale je niekde skutočný život, ktorý to odráža. Všimnite si strom, aký je strom nádherný. Ale viete čo? Toto je len ten negatívny druh tieňa stromu života, ktorý je v nebi.

9 A tak viete, keď Boh prišiel na zem, keď najprv nechal, aby sa rodili mláďatá, možno prvá vec, ktorá sa zrodila, bola žubrienka, ako to vedci zvyknú hovoriť. Ďalšia vec mohla byť nejaká... Verím v pravdivú kresťanskú evolúciu, ale neverím, že to všetko prišlo z jednej jedinej bunky. Verím, že to jednoducho... Boh stvoril žubrienku, potom stvoril rybu, a potom stvoril niečo iné. A jednoducho... Verím, že to všetko išlo postupne, nie z tej istej bunky, ale vždy to bolo iné stvorenie.

10 A tak nakoniec to prechádzalo do vyspelejších druhov a po chvíli to bol odraz toho, ktorý plodil tie mláďatá, čo bol Sám Boh. A aby som dokázal, že to je pravda, keď sa Boh stal telom v Ježišovi Kristovi, bol to človek. Vidíte? Nie nejaký anjel, ale človek. A tak to dokazuje, že to vyjadrilo Jeho.

11 Ó, táto Biblia je plná vzácnych zlatých hrudiek. Ja len... Rád to skúmam, vy nie? Len sa do toho ponoriť, striasť zo seba všetok ten prach a pozrieť sa na to tak, ako to je. Ako tie drahokamy, vy, ľudia tu v Arizone, to dobre poznáte, vzácne klenoty pochádzajú z prachu zeme, odtiaľ pochádzajú. A Božie drahokamy tiež pochádzajú z prachu. A sme šťastní, že On nám dal to privilégium, že môžeme využiť Jeho čistiareň a dať preč všetok odpad.

12 Viete, ako sa to zvyklo robievať? Vy, Arizončania, to samozrejme viete... keď mali taviareň rudy, ako pri tom rafinovali zlato. Hovorí sa, že to zlato zobrali a tepali. Starí Indiáni to tak robievali, že to tepali. Jednoducho to obrátili a tepali to a tepali, až dokiaľ odtiaľ nevybili všetok odpad. A ten spôsob, ako to robili s tým chalkorytom a všetkým, čo je v tom, bezpochyby v tom ten zlatotepec videl svoj obraz. Keď v tom mohol vidieť samého seba, potom vedel, že sa to vyčisťuje, keď to odrážalo jeho vlastný obraz.

13 A viete, ja si myslím, že Boh to tak dnes chce so Svojou cirkvou, vymlátiť odtiaľ všetok svet, až dokiaľ nežije v každom jednom z nás vyjadrenie Ježiša Krista. Potom sme pripravení na Jeho... On sa vtedy zobrazuje cez nás, keď zložíme nabok každý ľahko obkľučujúci hriech, aby sme mohli bežať beh o závod, ktorý leží pred nami, a pozerali sa na vzor, na Autora a Dokonávateľa našej viery, Ježiša Krista. Akí sme za to šťastní!

14 Zvyčajne každý večer poviem... Povedal som bratovi Carlovi Williamsovi, „Brat Carl, tí ľudia ma tu už viac nechcú počúvať, stále hore dolu, držíme ich tu do druhej-tretej v noci...“

 „Ale no tak,“ povedal.

15 Takže si cením vašu trpezlivosť, že ste ma tu opäť pozvali. A tak každý večer...

16 Pred chvíľou som sa rozprával so svojou ženou dolu v... Ona je teraz v Tucsone a ja som jej povedal, „Aké je tam počasie?“

17 „Otepľuje sa,“ povedala. „Dodržiavaš svoj program každý deň?“

 Povedal som, „Presne tak, asi do desiatej-jedenástej každý večer.“

18 Povedal som jej, „Trochu si odpočiniem, keď pôjdem tentokrát do Arizony na toto malé zhromaždenie. Navštívim tie cirkvi, tých bratov. Nejdem tých ľudí trápiť. Len tam pôjdem, nechám ich spievať, radovať sa. Trochu sa pritom obmedzím, zhustím svoje poznámky na takých pätnásť, dvadsať minút, poviem, 'Amen' a pôjde sa domov.“

 Povedala, „A dodržuješ to?“

19 Povedal som, „Áno, drahá, dodržujem ten bežný program, do troch hodín.“ Sú tu veľmi milí ľudia; majú veľa trpezlivosti.

20 Nuž, skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy, ako pristúpime ku Nemu. Som si istý, že v takomto milom publiku ľudí, ktorí veria a hlavne... Vidím, že sú tu dve ležadlá, ľudia, ktorí sú chorí a sú v potrebe, viem, že majú nejaké potreby. Bez pochyby je tu veľa takých, ktorí majú potreby. Ale ak pozdvihnete svoje ruky a dáte to tým na známosť... A ja v modlitbe, prejdem a pomodlím sa za ľudí na týchto ležadlách, zatiaľ čo tu sme, tak si buďte istí, že to obdržíte. Ak sa niečo stane... Oni mali dostatok viery na to, aby sem prišli, a tak chcem, aby ste sa všetci modlili spolu so mnou.

21 Náš Nebeský Otče, dávame teraz na bok každú myšlienku, očisťujeme svoje mysle a prichádzame do Tvojej prítomnosti na očistenie svojich duší. A prinášame pred sebou Krv Pána Ježiša. Vyznávame, že nie sme hodni žiadneho požehnania, ktoré nám dávaš, ale pretože On zomrel, aby sme my mohli obdržať tieto požehnania, a povedal nám, aby sme smelo prichádzali pred Tvoj trón, preto máme prístup skrze milosť nášho Pána Ježiša, ktorý prišiel na zem ako Emanuel a vzal miesto hriešnika. On sa stal nami, aby sme sa my mohli stať Ním.

22        Čo za výmena, Pane! Hriešny, peklom zviazaný život, ktorý sme mali, vediac, že prišiel Niekto, kto vzal ten život na Seba a obmyl naše hriechy skrze preliatie Svojho vlastného života. Je to viac, ako len môžu naše srdcia pomyslieť, Pane. Ale popritom všetkom, On učinil spôsob, ako vziať naše neprávosti a uzdraviť každého jedného z nás pre svoje rany. Sme tak vďační, že On zasľúbil, že nás zachová, zatiaľ čo Mu my budeme slúžiť.

23 A tak dnes večer, Otče, je tu veľa potrieb, ktoré boli... sú tu ľudia, ktorí majú svoje ruky pozdvihnuté. A vieme, že Ty budeš brať ohľad na každého jedného z nich vediac, čo leží za tými rukami, v ich srdciach.

24 A tak prosím, Pane, aby si pamätal na Svoje Slovo dnes večer, ako Ho budeme čítať a uvažovať nad tým, ako nad takou malou lekciou, niečo ako nedeľná škola, aby sme toto miesto dnes večer opustili a mali to cítenie vo svojich srdciach, že sme bližšie k Tebe, aby sme boli lepší, ako keď sme sem prišli. To je dôvod, prečo sme tu, aby sme priniesli prebudenie po celej krajine, nie len vediac, kedy sa začne, ale s očakávaniami k tomu, Pane. Prinášame každé ľudské úsilie, aké len môžeme, aby sme priniesli prebudenie, ktoré privedie mužov, ženy, chlapcov a dievčatá k spásnej známosti Krista.

25        Chceme Ti poďakovať za túto cirkev, za milého pastora a jeho rodinu, za všetkých diakonov a dôverníkov a za každého, ktorý ju nejakým spôsobom reprezentuje. Chceme Ti poďakovať za tých, ktorí za tým tak usilovne stáli. A, Pane, modlíme sa, aby na nich spočinuli požehnania Božie. Požehnaj každé úsilie. Nech je toto stanica, Pane, kde všetci, ktorí prichádzajú z údolia sem, môžu prísť a nájsť odpočinok. Udeľ to, Otče. Nech sú vypočuté modlitby pastora za chorých. Nech sú vypočuté jeho modlitby za spasenie za všetkých, ktorí sú v okruhoch Evanjelia. Nech Tvoje požehnania spočinú na ňom. A nech tejto cirkvi nechýba žiaden duchovný dar a nech je toto miesto príkladom pre všetky cirkvi v tejto oblasti. Udeľ to, Pane.

26 A teraz, Otče, tí, ktorí tu dnes večer ležia na ležadlách, ktorí si nemôžu sadnúť a tešiť sa zo zhromaždenia, sú to tí, ktorí nemali to privilégium. A ešte tu dnes večer neboli prinesení. Ó, Bože, buď milostivý! Pomyslím na to, „Čo keby to bola moja žena alebo môj brat alebo niekto z príbuzných, ktorého veľmi dobre poznám?“ Ale je to niekto iný a ja sa modlím, Otče, aby sa Milosť Božia so svojou mocou načiahla dolu a priviedla im dnes večer Božské vyslobodenie a vytrhnutie z týchto lehátok. Nech už tu takto viac neležia po tomto zhromaždení. Nech tu tie ležadlá nechajú za sebou. Nech tá moc, ktorá vzkriesila Ježiša z mŕtvych, oživí tieto telá do nového zdravia a sily. Udeľ to, náš Otče. My vieme, že si to zasľúbil.

27        Preto je napísané v Písmach, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak budú vkladať ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“

28 A tak, Otče, nech tu nie je nikto taký, ako budú na seba vkladať ruky, a ja tam dolu pôjdem na pamiatku tvojho poverenia. A, Bože, očakávam, že mi pošlú list, že sa tak stalo, lebo o to prosím v Mene Ježiša Krista.

29 [Brat Branham ide dolu a modlí sa za ľudí na ležadlách, zatiaľ čo zhromaždenie spieva pieseň „Jemu len ver“ štyrikrát, potom sa brat Branham vracia a spieva. – pozn.prekl.]

        Pane, verím, ó, Pane, verím,

 všetko je možné, Pane, verím;

 Pane, verím, Pane, verím;

 všetko je možné, Pane, verím.

A obe tie ženy mali výrastky, jedna rakovinu. Možno rýchlo poviem toto svedectvo, ak budem musieť niečo skrátiť z toho, čo poviem. Predtým, ako som odišiel z domu, posledný prípad, ktorý som pred odchodom mal, bol celkom pozoruhodný, bola žena, ktorá sa volala Dyer... zabudol som teraz jej meno. Bol to Dr. Dyer z Louisville. A Dr. James Dyer, špecialista na výrastky z Louisville.

30 Jeho dcéra hrala na klavíri v cirkvi The Open Door, kde je pastorom Dr. Cobbles; obrovská židovská synagóga. A sám ten človek patril do Cirkvi Kristovej, denominačnej cirkvi Kristovej a bol obrátený a uveril plnému Evanjeliu, veľmi milý človek. A ona hrala na mojom zhromaždení, ktoré som vtedy v Louisville mal v Memorial Auditorium. A bola nadchnutá všetkým tým, čo sa tam stalo, a chcela o tom povedať otcovi.

31 On povedal, „To je len psychológia. Tí ľudia sú stále tak chorí, ako vždy boli.“ Jednoducho tomu neveril.

32 Nakoniec opustila cirkev a vydala sa za chlapca z baptistického semináru a on sa nakoniec vzdal svojej viery. Vyúčal sa za kazateľa, aby to robil spôsobom, akým to robia baptisti. A tak oni... Nakoniec to zanechal, nechcel kázať. A oni sa presťahovali k jeho rodine do Rockfordu, Illinois.

33 Nakoniec ona, Jean, začala mať nejaké ženské problémy. A tak išla ku otcovi na vyšetrenie, vrátila sa do Louisville, kvôli tomu vyšetreniu. A keď ju vyšetrili, zistilo sa, že má nádor na vaječníku, nachádzalo sa to na ženských orgánoch. Jej otec to odstránil, bola to taká väčšia operácia a museli ten nádor odstrániť. A nakoniec... Dali jej nejaký röntgen a terapiu.

34 A tak, keď oni... keď sa vrátila domov, problémy pokračovali.

35 Asi o rok nato ju zavolali na ďalšie vyšetrenie a museli jej chirurgicky vybrať maternicu. A keď to robili, jej otec s doktorom Humesom, čo je jeden z najlepších doktorov na juhu, ju operovali, zašlo to tak ďaleko, že tá rakovina prenikla až do hrubého čreva. A tak ju na chvíľu nechali. Opäť vyskúšali röntgenové liečenia a nezdalo sa, že by to pomáhalo, tak ju vzali späť do nemocnice. Nemohli jej dať už žiadne ďalšie preháňadlo, aby sa jej črevo pohlo, tak to museli umyť klystírom. To urobili preto, aby sa do čriev viac nedostávala voda.

36 A jej manžel bol takpovediac jedným z mojich kritikov. A tak jedného dňa tam prišiel, vzal jednu knihu a začal čítať. (Aj môj syn a brat Sothmann, to je jeden z dôverníkov, tí sú tu tiež niekde.) A on pár dní ležal na prahu dverí do zboru, až dokiaľ... Ja som bol preč na zhromaždení. A keď som sa vrátil, tak som sa na ňu prišiel pozrieť. A on mi povedal, „Ona ani nevie, že má rakovinu.“ Povedal, „Len choď k nej, pohovor s ňou a pomodli sa za ňu.“

37 A tak, keď som ju uvidel, ona povedala, „Brat Branham,“ povedala, „môj manžel už príjme Božské uzdravenie,“ hovorí, „nevedela som ho prehovoriť, aby si pozrel jednu z tých kníh, a teraz hltá stranu za stranou každý jeden deň.“

38 Povedal som, „Rozumiem tomu, Jean.“ A povedal som, „Teraz, Jean, porozprávajme sa a zistime, čo nám povie Pán.“ V miestnosti nebol nikto, zdravotná sestra odišla. A tak sme sa trochu zhovárali a o chvíľu prišlo videnie. Ona má asi štyridsať rokov, predtým ešte nemala šedivé vlasy, ale teraz vyzerala o dosť staršia a mala už šedivé vlasy. Povedal som, „Jean, ty si bola na zhromaždeniach.“

 „Áno, brat Branham.“

39 Povedal som, „Oni to od teba držali a povedali mi, nech ti to nehovorím, ale máš rakovinu.“ A povedal som, „Tvoj otec a... Tvoj manžel povedal, 'Nič jej o tom nehovor.' Ale ty máš rakovinu, Jean. Ale chcem ti to teraz povedať, pretože si bola na zhromaždeniach. Videnie nikdy nezlyhalo. A teraz ti hovorím, Jean, je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!“

40 Musíte si byť ohľadom toho naozaj istí, vidíte... že to je Pán. Nie len nejaký dojem; musíte to vidieť.

 A potom som povedal, „Budeš žiť. Oni sú...“

41 Ona povedala, „Brat Branham, bola som voči tomu podozrievavá.“ A povedala, „Bola som vychovaná v dome, kde bol môj otec lekár. Mala som v to pochybnosti.“ Povedala, „Myslela som si, že to tak jednoducho je.“ Pomodlili sme sa.

42 Na ďalší deň, na druhý deň nato ju mali vziať na kolonostómiu. Viete, to znamená, že odrežú črevo, na bok jej dajú také vrecko a ten pacient jednoducho... až dokiaľ nezomrie, dokiaľ ho rakovina nezabije, vyprázdňuje črevo do vrecka. A keď bola pripravená a nachystaná na operačný stôl, začala sa divne cítiť. A zavolal zdravotnú sestru, aby prišla a pomohla jej na toaletu. A keď tam prišla, vedela všetko dokonale vylúčiť. Jej manžel sa s tým ledva vedel vyrovnať. A na druhý deň... Už ju nebrali. Na druhý deň, hneď po raňajkách, ďalšie vylučovanie bolo úplne v poriadku. A tak...

43 Jej doktor mi zavolal. Popri všetkom plači a vzlykaní hovoril, „Ja to jednoducho nerozumiem, nevieme nájsť ani jeden symptóm ničoho. Všetko je preč.“

44 No, moje drahé sestry, nemám jediný dôvod, aby som tu stál ako sluha Kristov a povedal niečo nesprávne, lebo by som v ten deň bol súdený ako vyhnanec a pokrytec.

45 A tak s otvoreným Božím Slovom, už som sa nemodlil za Jean viac ako za vás, vidíte. Jednoducho sme odtiaľ odišli vediac, že modlitba viery bola vypovedaná. Tým to je hneď vybavené. Božie Slovo tak povedalo, vidíte, „Modlitba viery uzdraví chorého.“

46  A tak ten istý Boh, ktorý uzdravil dcéru doktora Dyera, Jeanu, nepamätám si už jej meno. Ale ten človek skutočne prijal celé Evanjelium. Pri poslednej kázni tu v našom zbore sedel hneď tu a všetko to vnímal, bral s nami komúniu a podobne, baptistický študent prišiel k Pánovi, aby bol pokrstený Duchom Svätým. A to len dokazuje, že Boh stále zostáva Bohom.

47 A ten doktor, jej otec, milý človek, on ešte nikdy predtým nevidel, že by sa niečo také stalo.

48 Boh má čas na všetko. Obaja ste veriaci. Takže niekedy sa tieto veci dejú na dobré. Viete, Biblia hovorí, „Oni spolu pôsobia na dobré.“

49 Pamätáte si na všetky skúšky Jóba? To nebol Boh, ktorý karhal Jóba, ale to bol Boh, ktorý schvaľoval svojho sluhu. Takže to všetko pôsobilo na dobré. Takže kniha Jóba bola napísaná pre všetky generácie na svedectvo. Boh to vypôsobí na dobré.

50 Len pamätajte, modlil som sa z celého srdca modlitbu viery. Keď tomu veríte, to je všetko, tak sa to stane, len sledujte výsledky.

51 A tak, aby som sa dostal hneď od posolstva, (mnohí z vás tu stoja), mám malé večerné posolstvo.

52 Majte na pamäti, že tu v Ramade, tentokrát tu bude veľa výborných rečníkov na tejto konferencii v Ramade, obchodníkov, viete... tu v Ramade. Takže sa uistite, že tu budete môcť byť na týchto zhromaždeniach. Brat Oral Roberts tu bude na večernom bankete.

53 A tak, viete, ja som trochu časťou Tucsonu. Budem podporovať Tucson. V pondelok večer tu budeme, a tak, keď tu už sme, tak pôjdeme aj tam. A budete musieť... Budete to tu so mnou musieť trochu vydržať, lebo vtedy budem kázať ja. Takže ak budete môcť, prídite v utorok... alebo v pondelok večer do Ramada Motel, v Ramada Inn, v Tucsone. A Phoenix je samozrejme na okraji Tucsonu. Všetci to tam poznáme, takže sa prídite pozrieť, ako sa žije ľuďom na horách.

54 Otočme si teraz v našich Bibliách do Zachariáša 14, 6. a 7. kapitola, chcel by som prečítať... Chcel by som z toho vytiahnuť malý kontext na to, čo chcem dnes hovoriť.


A stane sa toho dňa, že nebude svetla; bude šero a chlad.

A bude to jeden deň, ktorý je známy Hospodinovi; nebude to deň ani to nebude noc; ale stane sa, že v čas večera bude svetlo.

55        A tak by som chcel z tohto vziať, Večerný Posol, ako text; Večerný Posol. Samozrejme, môžeme mať v tomto dni veľa poslov, má byť v tomto dni veľa poslov, o ktorých On hovoril, ale raz príde večerné posolstvo. A tak sa na to chceme pozrieť, trochu ako v nedeľnej škole, hovoriť o tom.

56 A tak všetci vieme, o čom tu Zachariáš hovoril, lebo povedal, „Príde deň, ktorý nebude Pánom považovaný ani za deň ani za noc; ale v čase večera bude svetlo.“ Ak vieme, že to nie je deň ani noc, musí to byť taký pochmúrny deň, trochu hmlistý.

57 A vieme, že civilizácia cestovala z východu na západ. Tá najstaršia civilizácia, ktorú máme, je Čína. A civilizácia cestovala z východu na západ, lebo nasledovala slnko, a teraz sme sa dostali až sem na západ. Ak pôjdeme zase ďalej, dostaneme sa späť na východ. Vidíte? Takže sme na konci cesty.

58 My, ako cirkev, veríme, že Evanjelium je už takmer dokončené. Veríme, že tí veľkí poslovia počas všetkých týchto vekov a v týchto posledných dňoch, posledné stovky rokov bojovali o tieto veľké veci; ospravedlnenie vierou, Luther; posvätenie, Wesley; krst Duchom Svätým cez letničných. Veríme, že všetky tieto elementy vytvárajú kompletné úplné Telo, ako prirodzené, tak aj duchovné.

59 Keď sa dieťa normálne narodí, čo sa stane najprv? Prvá vec, ktorá prichádza, je voda; ďalšia je krv a tá ďalšia je život.

60 1. Jána 5:7 hovorí, „Sú traja, ktorí svedčia na nebi, Otec, Slovo a Duch Svätý; a títo traja sú jedno.“ Oni sú jedno; nemôžete mať Otca bez toho, že by ste mali Syna, a nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, že by ste mali Ducha Svätého. Vidíte? Oni sú jedno. „Ale sú traja, ktorí svedčia na zemi, voda, krv a Duch; a tí traja sa zhodujú v jedno.“ Oni nie sú jedno, ale sa zhodujú na jednom. Rozumiete?

61        Takže, môžete byť ospravedlnení bez toho, aby ste boli posvätení; môžete byť posvätení bez toho, aby ste mali Ducha Svätého. Vidíte? Duch Svätý je vnútorná prítomnosť Kristovej moci v Duchu. Takže vidíme, že prirodzené je obrazom na duchovné, takže cirkev je teraz vo svojej úplnej zrelosti: ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým. Doma sme práve prechádzali cez sedem cirkevných vekov a ukázali sme to cez typy, bolo to nádherné.

62 A len tak mimochodom, počul niekto tie pásky o cirkevných vekoch? Naposledy, keď som načrtol tie cirkevné veky na tabuľu, a náš Nebeský Otec vie, že toto je pravda, keď som to dokončil najlepšie, ako som len vedel pod inšpiráciou, ktorú mi Boh dal; ten Anjel Pánov, ktorého vidíte na obrázku (mnohí z vás tú fotku videli, to svetlo, že?), ten Anjel zostúpil priamo do tej miestnosti asi pred tristo alebo štyristo ľuďmi, prešlo to popri stene (takto ako svetlo) a nakreslilo to tie cirkevné veky. Všetci sme tam stáli a hľadeli na to, sledovali, ako to kreslí prvý cirkevný vek, druhý, tretí, štvrtý, piaty, šiesty a siedmy.

63 Sedia tu niektorí ľudia, ktorí to môžu dosvedčiť. Pozdvihnite svoje ruky, ak to je pravda. Biblia hovorí, „V ústach dvoch alebo troch svedkoch.“

64 Každý tam sedel, niektorí kričali, vykrikovali a povedal som, „Tam to je! Chceli ste to vidieť, a tu tu máte, môžete hľadieť priamo na to.“ O jedenástej počas dňa, stálo to tam rovno na stene, nakreslilo to tie cirkevné veky presne s takými mierami Ducha a tiež temnosti, aby to ukázalo, že ten Duch bol vytlačený, prešiel cez Vek temnoty a vrátil sa späť, presne tak, ako som to aj ja nakreslil. Máme z toho fotky, všetko to bolo nakreslené na stene. Presne tak to tam bolo. Musel to byť práve ten Duch Pánov, ktorý bol teraz uspokojený, že to je hotové, lebo On sa vrátil a potvrdil to, že to je pravda.

65 A my žijeme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, v bohatom cirkevnom veku, ktorý si myslí, že nič nepotrebuje, a nevedia, že sú nahí, biedni a slepí; a nevedia o tom, vidíte? Všetky tieto veci sú predobrazom.

66 Nuž, to isté slnko, ktoré svieti... ktoré vychádza na východe, je to isté slnko, ktoré zapadá na západe. A tak zastavme sa teraz na chvíľu, aby sme dali tomuto posolstvu trochu pozadie. Vieme, že slnko, to jest s-l-n-k-o, slnečná sústava. Ale S-y-n Boží zostúpil v jase Božom a svetle Božom na východe. A teraz nám uplynulo dvetisíc rokov, podľa Pána, On povedal, „Bude čas, kedy nebude dňa ani noci, len taký chmúrny deň, ale v čase večera bude svetlo.“

67 Teraz, ak si všimnete, Duch Svätý padol najprv na ľudí z východu. A potom sme mali čas, kedy sa len pripájali k cirkvám a len malé nedotiahnuté konce a malé záležitosti, za ktoré sa bojovalo. Ale potom v čase večera na západnej pologuli bude svetlo. A my sme teraz práve v tom čase! Civilizácia prišla ako veľký prúd z východu, ktorý zachytáva hriech hneď, ako príde, a zasiahol západné pobrežie ako zvukovú bariéru a teraz upadol a v tejto chvíli to najporušenejšie miesto, ktoré poznám, je práve západné pobrežie. Čokoľvek vás napadne, oni to tam majú: hriech, porušenie, rozvod, sobáše, Hollywood, samotná diera do pekla! Presne tak.

68 Verím v skutočnú biblickú svätosť. A neverím v žiadne toto porušenie a zhnité veci, ktoré predkladajú ako príklad pred ľudí a nazývajú to Hollywood. Vždy som bol proti tomu. A myslím si, že človek, ktorý má v sebe Ducha Božieho, bude tiež proti tomu, pretože Duch Boží mu bude svedčiť, že to nie je správne.

69 Myslím si, že to je jeden z... Kedysi zvykli naše ženy chodievať do Paríža, aby si brali príklad z francúzskych nahých modeliek, a dnes prichádzajú oni sem, aby si brali príklad z nás. Vidíte? Hollywood vládne svetu. A všetka táto móda nahoty, ktorú tu dnes máme, čo je ešte viac ako vo Francúzsku (pomyslite na to!), opilci, bitkári, nemorálne miesta, v tomto ich Hollywood všetkých schová do vrecka.

70 A všetky naše televízie, všetko, čo tu je necenzurované, tie špinavé vtipy a zhnitá korupcia, snažia sa to všade vtlačiť. A ľudia a diabol... Pred rokmi by sme my, raní letniční, neposielali naše deti na filmové predstavenia, ale teraz sa tu dostal diabol a dal nám to priamo pred nás do domu. Vidíte? On priviedol späť tie filmové predstavenia.

71 Je to vôbec hrozné pomyslieť, že svet sa dostal do takejto porušenosti, lebo všetka táto zberba, vidíte, dostalo sa to sem, len čo prišla civilizácia.

72 Ale celý ten čas… V jednom z týchto dní budem kázať, ak Pán dá, za pár dní, na Odpočítavanie ku štartu. Viete, obiehalo to, takže viete, čo sa tam stalo. Boh bol niečo so svojou cirkvou v tom čase schopný urobiť, aj napriek tomu, že sa diali všetky tieto veci. A teraz sme v čase konca, vďaka Pánovi!

73 Každý vek mal svoje posolstvo a svojho posla. Boh na to dozeral. Dokonca aj v cirkevných vekoch zisťujeme, že každý jeden mal svojho posla a každý žil v tom čase, v ktorom mal, a potom odišiel; a len čo odišiel, prišiel zase ďalší; a takto to prichádza až do siedmeho cirkevného veku; každá hviezda, každý anjel cirkvi, každý posol.

74 A zisťujeme, že v poslednom cirkevnom veku, v Zjavení 10 má byť zvuk trúby, a bolo tam sedem hlasov, ktoré zazneli pri… Nebolo im dovolené nič písať. Ale bolo to zapečatené na zadnej strane knihy, tých sedem Pečatí bolo zapečatených na zadnej strane Knihy. A po tom, čo je tá Kniha napísaná, je zapečatená so Siedmimi Pečaťami. Ale nikto nevie, čo znamenajú, čím sú. Ale je povedané, „Vo dňoch siedmeho anjela zaznie posolstvo,“ to je zemský anjel.

75 Pretože tento anjel prišiel z neba; a tento bol na zemi; anjel je posol, posol k danému veku.

76 A potom si všímame, že On dal svoje… mal nad hlavou dúhu, zodvihol svoju ruku a prisahal na Toho, ktorý žije na veky, že viacej času nebude (keď zaznelo týchto sedem hlasov, keď sedem Hromov vydalo svoje hlasy). A On im povedal, „Nepíš, ale zapečať to.“ A zisťujeme, že to bolo na zadnej strane Knihy.

77 „Ale keď siedmy anjel dokončí toto posolstvo, jeho prorokovanie na ten deň, potom sa dokoná tajomstvo Božie,“ každý vie, že to Biblia hovorí. „Tajomstvo Božie,“ to, čím Boh je, a všetky veci týkajúce sa krstu a podobne, všetko to bude v tom dni dané na poriadok.

78 Každý posol mal svoje posolstvo, každý vek mal svoje posolstvo a svojho posla. A je veľmi pozoruhodné, že každý posol… A z cirkevných vekov sme zistili (a dnes večer sa ešte vrátime do Starého Zákona a zistíme, že to je to isté), že Boh posiela posla na posledný vek v čase konca; vždy v čase konca, nikdy nie na začiatku. Vždy na konci!

79 Nuž, len čo sa vytratil Lutherov vek, prišiel Wesley. A keď sa vytratilo Wesleyho posvätenie, prišiel letničný vek. Vidíte? Ten posol vždy otvára nové posolstvo rovno na konci starého. V každom veku to tak bolo. Vieme, že to je pravda.

80 Toto sa v Biblii opakovalo po celý čas. Nachádzame to v svätých Písmach, vždy to tak bolo, že na konci starého veku, a keď prichádzal nový, ten starý sa vytratí a príde nový, Boh posiela Svojho posla.

81 A ako vždy, zakaždým, keď prichádza posol, on vždy volá ľudí späť do Slova, a to nikdy nezlyháva. Pamätajte, toto je kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista, nemôže k tomu byť nič pridané a nič z toho odobrané. Je to kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista. A jediný spôsob, akým si kedy môžeme byť istí, je ten, že vždy, keď medzi nami povstane niečo, čo je v protiklade k tomuto zjaveniu, vieme, že to je nesprávne. Vidíte? Je to „Späť do Slova!“ Vždy to je volanie späť.

82 A v každom jednom prípade v Písme, v každom jednom prípade Boh používa proroka, aby zavolal ten vek naspäť, vždy to tak je. Nikdy to nezlyhá, On vždy posiela proroka! Ale prečo to robí? Preto, lebo Biblia hovorí, „Je to prorok, ku ktorému prichádza Slovo Božie,“ on je zjavovateľ Slova.

83 Nuž, dúfam, že ma nechápete zle. Rozumiete? Nechcem, aby ma niekto zle chápal, ale chcem byť úprimný a verný svojmu povolaniu. Chceme to tak robiť.

 Takže Boh vždy používa proroka, človeka. A ak používate skupinu ľudí, dostávate rôzne idey; vidíte, jeden človek, nie dvaja ľudia. On nikdy nemal na zemi dvoch veľkých prorokov v tom istom čase. On berie len jedného, aby mohol toho druhého využiť na iný vek, na iné posolstvo. On nikdy nemá dvoch, On má jedného v jednom čase.

84 A nekonečný Boh nikdy nemení Svoj program, On musí vždy zostať s tým, s čím začal. To je dôvod, prečo môžeme mať dôveru v to, čo On hovorí. On sa nemôže meniť. Ak spasil jedného človeka na základe jeho viery v Boha, tým istým spôsobom musí spasiť aj ďalšieho človeka.

85 Keď Boh stvoril miesto, kde mohol mať obecenstvo so Svojím stvorením, Adam sa snažil vytvoriť svoju vlastnú cestu a urobil sebe a svojej žene figové listy ako zástery. Boh to zavrhol. A Boh urobil Svoje vlastné rozhodnutie o tom, na akom základe bude pristupovať k človeku a mať s ním obecenstvo, a to bola preliata krv. A On to nikdy nemení.

86 A my si môžeme medzi metodistami a baptistami podávať ruky. Ale na základe toho, že sme metodisti a baptisti, nemáme medzi sebou nič spoločné, ja sa môžem zhodovať s baptistom a vy zase s metodistom alebo naopak. Ale existuje jeden základ, na ktorom sa zhodujú všetci veriaci, a to je preliata Krv. To je miesto, kde sa stretávame a dávame nabok všetky tieto veci. Takže my nemôžeme všetci prísť do jednej organizácie, nemôžeme to robiť.

87 Tieto malé organizácie, myslím, že Boh v tom bol, vo všetkom tom. Ale ľudia… lebo my sme iní. Každý človek má iné vnímanie, každá osoba sa na veci pozerá inak, žiadne dve mysle na svete nie sú také isté. Žiadni dvaja ľudia na svete nie sú dokonale rovnakí; tak to hovoria; nemajú presne také isté nosy, také isté odtlačky prstov. Vidíte, sme inak stvorení, preto by sme mali mať rôzne skupiny.

88 Ale Boh vždy koná s jednotlivcom. On ťa nespasí len preto, že si metodista; On ťa nespasí len preto, že si baptista; On ťa nespasí len preto, že si letničný. On ťa spasí preto, lebo s tebou osobne konal! A ty si spasený na základe toho, že si to prijal. A tak preto s tebou Boh koná, On s tebou nekoná podľa Svojej cirkvi, On s tebou koná ako s jednotlivcom.

89 A preto Boh posielal Svojich prorokov. Jeho poslovia Zmluvy, On hovoril k jednému človeku a ten človek musel priniesť posolstvo. Ostatní išli po ňom a prinášali to isté posolstvo. Ale muselo byť jedno kontrolné miesto. Boh to vždy mal. A ja som rád, že On dnes večer jedno má, a to je samozrejme Duch Svätý, všetci to vieme. Nie je to nejaká skupina, ale Duch Svätý je Božím hlavným stanom, to je Boží posol na danú hodinu.

90 A ten prorok, ku ktorému to Slovo prichádza, ak je on tým pravdivým prorokom Slova, Boh vždy potvrdí Svoje Slovo skrze toho proroka.

91 Nuž, bolo veľa falošných prorokov, mali sme ich tu po celé veky. Keď sa vrátime do Starého Zákona, vidíme, ako povstávali a hovorili v Mene Pánovom a nebolo to správne. Boh s tým nemal nič spoločné. On nikdy nič nepotvrdí, ak to nie je Jeho vlastné Slovo. On si tak nepočína. Vidíte?

92 Majte to na pamäti, Boh potvrdzuje len Svoje Slovo! A len pravdivý prorok je… Jediný spôsob, akým môžete rozoznať, či je pravdivý alebo nie, je pomocou Slova. Tak ho treba posudzovať.

93 Nuž teraz, ak si všimnete, ako to bolo v dňoch Micheáša, povstalo tam štyristo hebrejských prorokov pred Achabom a Jozafatom a povedali, „Tak hovorí Pán, ’Choď tam a bude sa ti dariť.’“ Fundamentálne mali pravdu. Potom bol Micheáš povolaný na scénu, ten, ktorého všetci nenávideli. A teraz to vyzeralo, akoby všetkých štyristo (nemám na mysli prorokov Bála), ale židovských prorokov, povstalo v jednej zhode a povedali, „Choď do Rámod-Gileádu, Pán ťa tam požehná a bude sa ti dariť.“ A tí ľudia neboli pokrytci, istotne boli inšpirovaní! Ale ich…

94 A tak, prečo by potom prišiel na scénu tento jeden chlapík menom Micheáš, ktorý bol synom Jimlu, prišiel a prorokoval v protiklade s tým, čo oni hovorili? To si vyžadovalo poriadnu guráž, skutočné presvedčenie. Vidíte? Ale ako on vedel, že mal pravdu? Ak by ste tam vy stáli, akoby ste to vedeli? Jediný spôsob, akým by sa to dalo, by bolo vziať to, čo ten človek hovorí, a porovnať to so Slovom. Vidíte? Nuž, Micheáš bol presne zhodne so Slovom Pánovým, preklial Achaba a Jezábeľ. Vidíte? A ako sa mohol Boh obrátiť a požehnať to, nad čím bola vyslovená kliatba? Vidíte, tak by to nefungovalo.

95 A teraz zisťujeme, že Boh potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. Slovo proroka, ak on je prorok, potom to je… on hovorí presne podľa Slova. Biblia hovorí na jednom mieste, „Ak nehovoria podľa zákona a prorokov, nie je v nich svetla.“ Potom zavolá… Potom tento posol vyvolá tých vyvolaných. On má pravdu na základe Božieho Slova, dokazuje, že to je pravda.

 Všimnite si, vezmeme pár príkladov, dobre počúvajte.

96 Noe bol Božím svedkom pre predpotopný čas konca. A teraz sa pozrite, v akom protiklade bolo jeho slovo s predpotopným svetom. Ten človek bol považovaný za úplne chorého. Veď jeho... Ale on mal presne Slovo Pánovo. Nuž, Boh povedal, že nebude tolerovať hriech, tak On… keď ľudia začali hrešiť, Boh zostúpil a Noe kázal posolstvo času konca. Kedy to bolo? Presne pred časom konca povstal tento posol. Boh poslal tohto proroka s posolstvom na čas konca. A bol to on, ktorému sa smiali, robili si z neho žarty, vysmievali sa mu a on zachránil len členov svojho domu. Tak je. Nikto mu neveril. Ale on mal posolstvo času konca. A tak všetci, ktorí neverili, boli odsúdení, a tí, ktorí verili posolstvu, boli spasení, zachránení. Boh im dal život a oni boli zachránení, a tí, ktorí neverili, boli stratení.

97 Teraz robím na niečo príklad. Všimnite si, že Boh toto urobil trikrát.

98 A trojka je dokonalé číslo Božie. Boh je zdokonalený v troch, v Otcovi, Synovi a v Duchu Svätom, ospravedlnenie, posvätenie a krst Duchom Svätým. On je zdokonalený, pretože trojka je Jeho dokonalosťou. Päťka je číslom milosti. Sedmička je… Dvanástka je číslom uctievania. Štyridsiatka je číslom prenasledovania. A päťdesiatka je jubileum, uctievanie. Letnice znamenajú päťdesiat. A štyridsať dní bol Mojžiš pokúšaný, štyridsať dní bol Kristus pokúšaný, vidíte. Všetky tieto typy. Boh je zdokonalený v troch.

99 Sú tri zničenia. Jedno z nich bolo, keď Noe išiel do archy; druhé bolo, keď Lot vyšiel zo Sodomy. Sledujte, Ježiš ich spomínal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a vo dňoch Lota, tak bude vo dňoch Syna človeka.“ Sledujte! Jeden vstúpil, druhý vyšiel a ďalší išiel hore. Vstúpil, vystúpil, ide hore! To je poriadok Pánov. Vidíte, Ježiš sa odvolával na tých dvoch prorokov. Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, Abrahám bol prorok, tak to bude vo dňoch Syna človeka. Vidíte, odvolával sa na to.

100 Nuž, Mojžiš, ďalší prorok na konci egyptského veku. Dozvedáme sa, že keď Boh išiel vyslobodiť Svoj ľud a Egypťania ich tak veľmi prenasledovali a postavili nad nich otrokárov a pánov. A hneď pred ich zničením, Boh, ako to vždy robí, poslal proroka so Slovom Pánovým. Pamätajte, ten prorok presne identifikoval to, čo Boh (stovky rokov pred tým, asi štyristo alebo tak nejako ) zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že jeho semeno bude prebývať v cudzej zemi, ale že On ich odtiaľ vyvedie mocnou rukou. Viete, pri horiacom kríku, kde sa Mojžiš stretol s Bohom a On mu povedal, „Počul som nárek Môjho ľudu, videl som ich utrpenie a spomenul som si na Svoju zmluvu.“ Pamätanie na Slovo!

101 Majte to na pamäti, On vždy pamätá na Svoje Slovo! Vidíte? On nezlyháva, On musí zakaždým urobiť to isté. Dôvod, prečo hovorím tieto veci, je ten, aby sme na to pamätali a mysleli na to. Dokonca aj vy, ľudia, ktorí ste chorí; všimli ste si, že aj ja som chorý.

102 Takže všimnite si, vy, všetci ľudia musíte pamätať na toto, že Boh sa nemení! On je nemenný Boh. Časy sa menia, ľudia sa menia. Boh je nekonečný, On sa nemení! Jeho… On musí zostať ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On musí vždy zostať takým, aký je. A ak my veríme, že toto je Slovo Božie, môžeme zložiť svoju dôveru na všetko, čo povedal. Vidíte?

103 A tak vidíte, ako jeho posolstvo prichádza, ako On posiela Svoje posolstvo, On to nemôže zmeniť, nikdy to neurobil. Vždy musí zostať tým istým. To je spôsob, akým to vždy robí. A tak teraz pamätajte, kedy to robí? Tesne pred zničením, rovno na konci veku. To je ten čas, kedy posiela svoje posolstvo, aby vyvolal Svoj ľud, (oni to majú vždy pomiešané), a tu prichádzajú.

104 A tak vo dňoch Mojžiša, veriaci boli spasení a neveriaci zahynuli.

105 Ten, ktorý uveril Mojžišovmu posolstvu od Boha, nuž, oni by to neurobili, pokiaľ by Mojžiš nebol potvrdený od Boha a pokiaľ by nebolo dokázané, že Božie Slovo bolo s ním. To z neho robilo proroka. On tam prišiel a povedal, „Zajtra, asi o takomto čase, uvidíte, že sa stane toto a toto.“ A na druhý deň sa to stalo. To bolo všetko. Akýkoľvek pravdivý prorok Boží, ktorý hovorí v Mene Pánovom, to urobí. „A stane sa, že toto a toto sa udeje. Idem k faraónovi, ale on sa zatvrdne, bude mať zatvrdené srdce. Povie, že nás prepustí, ale neurobí to.“ A presne tak sa to stalo. Vidíte? Prečo? Potom ľudia vedeli, že tento človek bol poslaný Bohom. A potom začali vidieť, že Boh ho žehná, a oni ho uctili, a keď to urobili, začali sa diať veľké veci.

106 A ľudia, ktorí sa smiali a robili si z toho žarty a nechceli prijať to posolstvo, tí zahynuli s tými ostatnými neveriacimi.

107 Ale veriaci, ktorí vyšli a vstúpili do zasľúbenej zeme, oni išli pod pomazaným posolstvom posla. Bolo to posolstvo vyslobodenia, že Boh zasľúbil, že privedie Svoj ľud do zeme pretekajúcej mliekom a medom. A presne tak sa to stalo, pretože Boh to už povedal a Mojžiš prišiel a bol potvrdený, že je poslom na ten deň.

 Z tohto to vidím úplne jasne.

108 Dobre, a potom sa dozvedáme, že Mojžiš bol správne identifikovaný.

109 A potom pri zmene veku prišiel čas na… medzi zákonom a milosťou. Musel prísť čas, kedy mal prísť tento Mesiáš, o ktorom bolo písané, že príde. A zisťujeme, že čas, kedy ľudia prekrútili zákon, všetko to dali pod nejakú veľkú skupinu niečoho a mali všetky druhy tradícií ľudí, ktoré do toho vložili. A pri zmene času prišiel Ježiš, ďalší prorok, Boh-prorok.

 No, poviete, „On nebol prorok.“

110 Biblia hovorí, že bol. „Pán, váš Boh, vzbudí proroka takého ako ja.“ On bol Boh-prorok, na sklonku času medzi zákonom a milosťou, o ktorom On hovoril po všetky tie roky. Potom, čo dal zákon Mojžišovi na sklonku času, keď povedal, že sa tak stane, potom sa vrátil do milosti. A poslal proroka, ktorý o tom čase prorokoval. No, veriaci, On si ich zhromaždil; neveriaci v tom dni zahynuli. Všetci tí, ktorí v neho verili, boli spasení; a tí, ktorí neverili jeho posolstvu, boli zatratení.

111 To je presne to, čo sa udialo vo dňoch Noeho; to je to, čo sa stalo vo dňoch Lota; to je to, čo sa stalo vo všetkých ďalších dňoch, vo dňoch Mojžiša; presne to sa stalo vo dňoch Ježiša Krista. Lebo oni pohrdli posolstvom a zahynuli a tí, ktorí tomu posolstvu uverili, boli zachránení.

112 A potom prichádza cirkevné časové zriadenie. Žili sme dávno v čase Noeho, v predpotopnom čase; prichádzame do zriadenia zákona; potom v čase milosti, cirkev. A teraz sa končí časové zriadenie cirkvi. Všetci to vieme.

113 A tak, ak Boh robil to a to v tamtom čase, v tých ďalších dvoch časoch musí zostať tým istým a urobiť to isté v tomto časovom zriadení, lebo On povedal, že to urobí. Skrze to Slovo to dokážem za pár minút, že On povedal, že tak učiní. On nemôže meniť Svoj program, On je Boh. Všimnite si, čo robil v tých časoch.

114 A my teraz prichádzame do času konca cirkevného zriadenia. To je to, čo som dnes večer čítal, „...v čase večera bude svetlo.“

115 Mali sme veľa chmúrnych časov, ale príde svetlo. Ten istý Syn, ktorý prišiel a zmenil čas, príde opäť! A to bude zo zeme do Slávy. My pôjdeme s Ním. Raz sme prišli, potom sme odišli a tentokrát ideme hore! Vidíte? Dobre; dovnútra, von a hore. Prichádzame do času konca. A my nie len prichádzame, my sme už dorazili. Sme v čase konca!

116 Čo Boh v tomto čase konca nachádza? Boh v tomto čase konca nachádza presne to, čo nachádzal aj v ďalších časoch konca, a to je nevera! Vždy to tak bolo, vždy keď On príde, nachádza neveru. Zisťuje, že ten program, ktorý predložil ľuďom…

117 Dávno v čase Noeho, ak by žili podľa Jeho nariadení, obetovali obete… Oni od toho odišli. Keď On prišiel, tak to našiel v takomto stave, všetko to zle fungovalo.

118 To isté urobil, keď prišiel na zem, našiel ľudí a farizejov, a tak ďalej, všetci podľa zákona. Čo oni robili? Nebola v tom žiadna úprimnosť, len išli vpred, robili to, ako uznali za vhodné, „Pokiaľ je človek členom cirkvi, viac nepotrebuje.“ To je to, čo On našiel.

119 A to je presne to, čo opäť nachádza! Nachádza to isté, ľudia sa nemenia. Takže ak On poslal Svoj program a ľudia Mu v tom čase neverili a zahynuli, alebo verili a žili, (jedna z týchto dvoch vecí), tak to musí byť aj na konci tohto času. Musí to byť tak isto. Nie…

120 Vždy to bol veľký boj pre posla, aby oddelil staré od nového. Vždy to bol pre posla boj, keď prišiel, oddeliť staré od nového, hoci posolstvo musí byť vždy podľa Písma, každý z nich predpovedal, že ten nasledujúci príde.

121 Vezmime si teraz napríklad Ježiša. Aké to pre Neho muselo byť ťažké, prísť a zmeniť posolstvo zo zákona na milosť. Jednako Biblia hovorila, že tak sa to stane, „Príde Mesiáš a denná obeť bude odobraná.“ Vieme, že to bolo skrze prorokov prorokované. Aká veľká vec pre Neho to bola, urobiť také niečo. Ale dozvedáme sa, že On to urobil. A ten, ktorý… On to urobil, lebo Písmo tak povedalo bez ohľadu na to, že veriaci toho dňa (takzvaní veriaci) s Ním vôbec nesúhlasili.

122 Pozrite na tých farizejov, sadúcejov, oni mali svoje vlastné tradície a nikto ich od toho neodvrátil. Bolo to niečo, čomu verili, ich matky tomu verili, ich otcovia tomu verili, ich starí otcovia, staré matky tomu verili a Mojžiš tak povedal! Ale ten istý Mojžiš, ktorý dal zákon, bol aj ten, ktorý povedal, že tento človek príde, a oni to nedokázali rozpoznať, lebo celé pravdivé Slovo Božie mali zamiešané v tradíciách a vynechávali ten hlavný princíp. Muselo to tak byť.

123 Všimnite si, každý jeden predpovedal, že príde ten nasledujúci. Každý jeden z týchto poslov, potom, čo vydali svoje posolstvo, predpovedali, že príde niekto druhý. A ľudia vždy brali posolstvo toho dňa, ktorý mali, oni to vybudovali.

124 Rozoberme si to ešte trochu hlbšie, pozrime sa na Luthera. Keď Luther kázal ospravedlnenie vierou, on bol poslom, anjelom toho cirkevného veku, v poriadku, Sardského cirkevného veku. A teraz si všimnite, že keď on kázal, on dával luteránov na poriadok. A potom to luteráni rozširovali ďalej. A keď prišiel Wesley vo filadelfskom cirkevnom veku s posolstvom posvätenia, pre Luthera to bolo ťažké vidieť. Tí luteráni tomu neverili.

125 A keď nakoniec Wesley prišiel k Pútnikom svätosti a slobodným metodistom, a tak ďalej, a hovoril im o posvätení, potom prišlo letničné posolstvo, a pre metodistov bolo ťažké tomu uveriť. Istotne. Vidíte, to je…

126 Jednako jeden hovorí o tom druhom, keď hovoríme podľa Písma. Enoch hovoril o prichádzajúcom zničení skrze svoje vytrhnutie, Boh si ho vzal domov; on bol svedkom. Abrahám hovoril o Mojžišovi. A Mojžiš hovoril o Mesiášovi. Vidíte, oni každý jeden hovorili o tom druhom. Mesiáš hovoril o tomto čase, povedal, čo sa bude diať!

 Poviete, „Ó, brat Branham!“

127 Ó, áno, tak to On robil! Mám tu zapísaných veľa miest Písma, ale spomeniem asi len dve alebo tri. Vezmime Matúša 24. Poďme do Matúša, 24. kapitola, a prečítajme, čo On hovoril, že sa stane, ako budú „národy povstávať proti národom.“ Ale pamätajte, keď tam prišiel, povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ On to predpovedal, predvídal, že tieto veci sa stanú!

128 On povedal, „Keď sa všetky tieto veci budú diať, ešte nebude ten čas,“ a tak ďalej. Ale povedal, „Naučte sa z podobenstva o figovníku, ktorý, keď je mladý a vydáva konáre ako všetky stromy, potom viete, že leto sa blíži. Tak isto, keď uvidíte, že sa tieto veci budú diať, vedzte, že čas je nablízku, hneď pri dverách.“ Ale keď uvidíte čo? Ako klíči figovník a všetky ostatné stromy začnú klíčiť, to bude znamenie. A Izrael bol vždy figovník.

129 Joel o tom dokonca prorokoval, „Čo zostalo po húseniciach, požrali kobylky, celé to požrali. Ale Boh zasľúbil, ’Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.’“ A On to urobí. Ale ešte pred tým, ako to môže prinavrátiť späť do svojho duchovného stavu, pohanská cirkev musí byť vzatá. On ich tu nebude mať dvoch v tom istom čase. No, nemôžete takto prekrúcať Písma. Vidíte? On nikdy nemal dvoch svedkov v tom istom čase, hlavných svedkov, a On nikdy, nikdy… On nemá dve cirkvi v tom istom čase.

130 Všimnite si, ak musí byť prvá vzatá pohanská cirkev, pre Židov, potom sa ukončí Danielových sedemdesiat týždňov. Tri a pol roka Mesiáš prorokoval a potom bol vyťatý, Knieža v strede sedemdesiateho týždňa. A potom zostáva obdobie tri a pol roka. A zisťujeme, že dvaja proroci zo Zjavenia (On nikdy nemení Svoj systém), zo Zjavenia 11, oni prichádzajú a prorokujú k Židom. A v tom čase už bude cirkev vzatá.

131 A vidíme Izrael, po prvýkrát za niekoľko stoviek rokov, takmer… vyše dve tisíc rokov, teraz sa z nich stáva národ; majú vlastnú armádu, vlastné peniaze. Izrael je vo svojej domovine; je svojím vlastným národom, majú vlastnú vlajku a patria do OSN. Oni sú národom! Je to jedno z najväčších znamení, na ktoré môžeme v tejto chvíli pomyslieť, Izrael vo svojej domovine. A Ježiš povedal, „Táto generácia, ktorá uvidí, ako sa Izrael navráti do svojej domoviny, nepominie, pokiaľ sa všetko nenaplní.“ Vidíte, On hovoril o tomto dni.

132 Dovoľte mi tu podať ďalší príklad. V 2. Timotejovi 3 hovoril o čase konca, povedal, „Budú pyšní, vysokomyseľní, viac milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha.“ To zavládne nad cirkevným svetom, „milujúci rozkoše viac ako milujúci Boha,“ zostanú doma a budú sledovať televízny program predtým, ako pôjdu v stredu večer na modlitebné zhromaždenie.

 Poviete, „To sú baptisti.“

133 To sú letniční! Istotne. Tak veru. Ó! „Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše“; dajte im Slovo rovno pod nos, oni sa na to ani nepozrú. „Milujúci rozkoše viac ako milujúci Boha“; povedzte ženám, aby si nestrihali vlasy, a oni si ich jednako strihajú. „Milujúci rozkoše viac ako milujúci Boha, nezmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, pohŕdači toho, čo je dobré. Majúci...“

 Poviete, „To sú ateisti.“ Nie! Nie veru!

134 „Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc,“ tá moc, ktorá ťa môže vytrhnúť z tohto terajšieho strašidelného svetového systému. „...zapierajúc jej moc; takých sa stráň.“ Neber ohľad na to, čo hovoria ostatní ľudia, si to ty ako jednotlivec pred Bohom, musíš sa za to zodpovedať. Bez ohľadu na to, či táto žena robí toto alebo robí tamto, alebo či tento muž to robí alebo nie, alebo či to hovorí tento kazateľ alebo tamten; si to len ty a Boh. Majúci formu podľa tradície, ale zapierajúc jej moc; takých sa stráň. Či nežijeme v tom dni? Pravdaže, žijeme!

135 Pozrite sa opäť na posledný cirkevný vek. Duch Svätý, Sám Ježiš povedal, „Ja, Ježiš, som poslal Svojho anjela, aby svedčil o týchto veciach.“ V Zjavení, v tretej kapitole, hovoril o tomto cirkevnom veku, Ježiš dával svedectvo toho, čo sa udeje v týchto posledných dňoch, povedal, „Cirkev zbohatne, Laodicea bude vlažná,“ dokážu skákať, len keď im do toho hrá nejaká hudba alebo niekto vykrikuje. Tak je. Ale je to na míle vzdialené svedectvu a životu, ktorý ťa vyčistí.

136 Ja ne… Za nič na svete by som vám neublížil, ale nedávno som mal videnie, ako som bol v Božom raji. Nemôžem vám povedať nič iné, iba pravdu. Bože, pomôž nám, kazateľom, byť v týchto veciach úprimní a hovoriť pravdu!

137 Vidíte, chladní, Biblia povedala, že oni takí budú, čo znamená, že to tak je. Ak to bolo tak dokonale s Lutherom, tak dokonale vo Filadelfskom cirkevnom veku s Wesleym, musí to hovoriť a byť dokonale… Tak to bolo vypovedané a presne tak to bude v Laodicei.

138 Bohatí, nemajúci potrebu! Môžeme vložiť miliardy dolárov na budovy, môžeme dať nabok všetku svetskú zábavu, môžeme stavať tie najprepracovanejšie cirkevné budovy. To je všetko v poriadku, nič proti tomu, je to v poriadku.

139 Ale snažím sa povedať, že keď im začne byť hovorené posolstvo, oni to nechcú. „Si cvok! Si fanatik! Mal si žiť pred päťdesiatimi rokmi.“ Vidíte? „Ó, mali by ste vedieť, že by som nemal takého pastora.“ Ale jednako to je tvoj pastor! Jezábeľ by nikdy nepripustila, že Eliáš bol jej pastor, ale on istotne bol. Určite bol. Bol poslaný ako príklad, ako posol k izraelskému národu. A dnes ten vzácny Duch Svätý a Božie Slovo je Poslom pre cirkev, aby ju napravil a priviedol ľudí späť do Slova. Hovoríme o tom, ale nezdá sa, že by sa niečo pohlo. Všetko je dnes také zamiešané.

140 Počul som niekoho povedať vo svojom svedectve, „Vyzdvihnite Ho,“ ale ako Ho vyzdvihnete? Ó, zase tie izmy! Niekto povedal, „Sleduj a modli sa, to znamená, že keď sa modlíš, musíš mať jedno oko otvorené a pozerať sa tým druhým. Sleduj a modli sa.“ Sledovať znamená dávať pozor na príchod Pánov a modliť sa. Vidíte, oni to len prevracajú.

141 A tak čo robíme? Vezmeme si nejakú vlastnú tradíciu (a potom, ak…) už či to je založené na Bohu alebo nie. A hneď prvá vec, len čo s tým začneme, zistíme, že hneď nás nasleduje nejaká malá skupina a my ich vedieme preč od hlavného tela cirkvi. Tak je. Namiesto toho, aby sme sa modlili a snažili sa tú vec vyriešiť, nech sa celé telo pohne vpred, my robíme tieto veci bez ohľadu na to, či to je konštruktívne alebo nie. Ak máte pravdu, tak zostávajte s pravdou. Presne tak. Ale nech to je najprv Biblická pravda! Všimnite si…. Tento Laodicejský vek.

142 A tí proroci, bol to Duch Svätý, ktorý hovoril skrze Pavla, čo bol Mesiáš. To nebol Pavol, to bol Kristus! „Boh v rôznych časoch a rôznymi spôsobmi hovoril k otcom cez prorokov, v tomto poslednom dni, skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Židom 1, všimnite si, Duch Svätý, Kristus, Evanjelium, ktorého centrom je Kristus, Slovo, ktorého centrom je Kristus. A ak je Kristus centrom a je potvr… Boh potvrdí, že to je pravda.

143 To je dôvod, prečo vy, letniční ľudia, prijímate Ducha Svätého vo viere metod… v tvári metodistického posvätenia, lebo ste išli presne podľa Slova.

144 To je dôvod, prečo boli metodisti posvätení, keď tomu luteráni neverili, vy ste boli so Slovom.

145 Tak ste boli vy, luteráni, spasení, ospravedlnení, lebo váš posol kázal ospravedlnenie a protestoval proti katolíckej cirkvi, ktorá bola materou ich všetkých. Oni len verili v cirkev; vy ste sa navrátili do Biblie, vzali tú Biblickú pravdu a toho ste sa držali.

146 A potom prišiel Wesley s inou pravdou a on sa držal toho; potom prišli letniční s ďalšou pravdou a tí sa držali toho; a ak sa toho môžete držať a vidieť, že to je správne, prečo to nevezmete celé, ak bolo dokázané, že to je pravda? Verte tomu celému!

147 No, ak teraz vidíme týchto poslov, potom vieme… Vidíme Krista, toho veľkého Boha-proroka, ktorý predpovedal, že tieto veci sa budú v posledných dňoch diať. Čo to robí? Uvádza to čas úrody. Je to ohlásenie času, kedy má byť úroda zožatá, čo sa stane v týchto posledných dňoch. Vidíte to?

148 Nuž, tieto veci sa budú diať v posledných dňoch. My vieme, aký druh úrody hľadáme. Hľadáme cirkev, ktorá raz mala svetlo, odvrátila sa od toho, išla za leskom sveta, všetko vycibrené (je to tak?), prijímali akýchkoľvek členov a čokoľvek a nazývali ich letničnými, krstili kohokoľvek.

149 Voda nespasí človeka. Na to treba Krv Ježiša Krista. Vo vode nie je žiaden život. Život prichádza do krvnej bunky; chce to posvätenie, aby bol ten život očistený, treba zabiť túžbu po hriechu; potom Duch Svätý prichádza do tých čistých nádob a dáva ich nabok pre službu. Oltár posvätil nádobu, ale to… ale bolo to to, čím bola naplnená, čo ju ustanovilo do služby. Bola daná nabok pre službu, a teraz musí byť daná do služby. A Duch Svätý dáva cirkev do služby. Kedysi som mal rád túto malú pieseň:

 Boli zhromaždení v hornej sieni,

 všetci sa modliac v Jeho Mene,

 Boli pokrstení Duchom Svätým, 

 a prišla moc do služby; (Áno.)

A ďalej sa spieva:

 To, čo pre nich učinil,

 to isté urobí aj pre teba.

150 Tá úroda; proroci; zastavili sme sa, keď sme hovorili o Kristovi. Vráťme sa ešte trochu naspäť.

151 Prorok Izaiáš, ako on svedčil a prorokoval o čase konca. On povedal, „Celé telo bude plné zhnitých rán, každý stôl bude plný zvratkov!“ A muži a ženy dnes vezmú komúniu, pričom žijú s dvoma alebo troma ženami alebo dvoma či troma mužmi, (tak je) všetky možné druhy… fajčenie cigariet a všetko možné; dostáva sa to do cirkvi, a oni sa pritom zúčastňujú komúnie!

152 No, mohol by som do toho ísť ešte trochu hlbšie, ale asi chvíľu počkám, možno ešte teraz nie je čas. Cítil som sa, akoby ma niečo nútilo ohľadom toho, čo mám ísť povedať. Ale… Môžete čítať medzi riadkami. Viete, čo Biblia hovorí, čo sa patrí a čo nie.

153 Keď vidíme, ako sa dejú všetky tieto veci, a národ, veda hovorí, že to je… pred štyrmi alebo piatimi rokmi, „Tri minúty do polnoci.“ Izrael je vo svojej domovine. Cirkev je v Laodicei. Ó! Čo to hľadáme? Čo sa deje?

154 Hľadáme večerné svetlo. Ó, zaujímalo by ma, že keby prišlo, či by sme ho rozpoznali? Alebo či by sme to nechali prejsť ponad svoje hlavy, ako to bolo v ostatných vekoch? Nikdy to nezistili, až dokiaľ to dávno neodišlo.

155 Pamätajte, že tí nábožní ľudia boli tí, ktorí zabili prorokov, ktorí k nim boli poslaní. Ježiš tak povedal. Povedal, „Vy pokrytci! Ozdobujete hroby prorokov, ale boli to vaši otcovia, ktorí ich tam dali a postavili tie pomníky.“

156 Pozrite sa na rímskokatolícku cirkev, ozdobili hrobku sv. Patrika, ozdobili hrobku Johanny z Arku. Zabili tú ženu a upálili ako čarodejnicu, lebo bola duchovná, lebo videla videnia. Upálil ju na hranici ako čarodejnicu. A o dvesto rokov nato vykopali telá kňazov a ich telá hodili do rieky, aby činili pokánie, lebo vedeli, že ona bola služobníčkou Krista. Ale v tom dni predtým nevedeli, kým bola, cirkev ju obchádzala.

157 A ono to pôjde priamo ponad hlavy ľudí a nikdy to nerozpoznajú.

158 Tak isto Ježiš, oni nevedeli, že On bol Synom Božím, až dokiaľ nebol mŕtvy a pochovaný a nevstal z mŕtvych. Či ich Peter neobviňoval na Letnice? „Vy, ľudia, s bezbožnými rukami ste vzali život Kniežaťa Života a zabili ste… zabili ste Ho!“

159 Ó, blikajúce červené svetlo znamenia Jeho príchodu je tu! Amen! Sme na konci. Amen. To blikajúce červené znamenie je všade, všade je napísané, „Ichabod.“ Čas ide ku koncu. Čas za chvíľu vyprší!

160 Veda prišla k svojmu koncu. Tak je. Už teraz vynašli niečo, čím môžu celý svet vyhodiť do povetria, každý sa bojí toho druhého. Sme v čase konca.

161 Civilizácia, dostalo sa to do miesta, kde ľudia… Obracia sa to hore nohami. Ľudia sa nesprávajú ako civilizovaní. Vedeli by ste si predstaviť človeka, ktorý by chcel byť bítnikom, ktorému by takto ovísali fúzy, s trojštvrťovými nohavicami, akoby sa tak prechádzal po školskom dvore (to bude inteligencia tohto sveta, ktorá po tomto príde, ak tam vôbec nejaká bude), a bude brať štrnásťročné dievčatá von na ulicu?

162 Dnes v mojom moteli ležala matka, ktorá nemala dosť oblečenia, aby doň zabalila mušketu, a jej manžel tam ležal na studenom vetre. Oni si myslia, že ich telo je také nádherné, že ho musia ukazovať. Či si neuvedomujete, že to je z diabla? Tak je. Vyzliekajú si oblečenie, len chorí ľudia robia niečo také. Legion to urobil, lebo bol šialený. Všimnite si! My to tu máme, ale oni tomu hovoria akýsi „štýl,“ ktorý sa nazýva „moderný.“ My tomu hovoríme „diabol!“ Mám tu Bibliu, s ktorou môžem dokázať, že to je diabol. Je to posadnutie diablom, posadnutie démonom (nie utláčanie). Posadnutie, ono vás to vlastní! Tak je. A povedať im o tom? Hneď sa rozčúlia. Nechcú s tým mať nič spoločné! Nie veru. Majú svoje vlastné idey, skončia až v márnici a nikdy to nepokarhajú. Sexuálna vyzývavosť sa už praktizuje v školách a dokonca aj v cirkvách a pastori sa to boja pokarhať, ledva niečo proti tomu povedia.

163 Nedávno som počul kazateľa, ktorý povedal, „Keď vynašli tieto modré veci na oči a červené pery, urobili svet o niečo krajší.“ Kazateľ Evanjelia, ktorý za kazateľňou urobí takéto vyhlásenie, potrebuje rýchlu cestu na Golgotu. Presne tak, pričom to Biblia odsudzuje!

164 Jedna letničná skupina povedala jednej sestre, ktorá na to miesto prišla s plačom, lebo mala vlasy vzadu na hlave takto urobené, dlhé vlasy, povedali jej, „Táto tvoja rezerva ti už asi spľasla.“ Povedali, „Musíš si tie vlasy ostrihať, lebo Biblia povedala, že… v Izaiášovi, v piatej kapitole, že tam mali kruhy ako mesiac.“ Ako môže Biblia hovoriť, že „keď žena robí veci, ktoré sa nepatria,“ nepatrí sa jej žiť, keď si strihá vlasy, čím dokazuje, že zneucťuje svoju hlavu, a potom jej dlhé vlasy... [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] Ako môžete povedať, že Biblia hovorí niečo také? Čo sa deje s našimi letničnými ženami? Príliš často pozeráte televíziu! Veľa hľadíte na svet a nemáte dosť záujmu o Božie Slovo. Biblia to hovorí. To je to, čo Biblia hovorí. To nie som ja, to je Biblia!

165 Ó, sexuálna vyzývavosť! Jedna žena mi prednedávnom povedala, keď som hovoril o nosení šortiek, ona povedala, „Ja nosím len také voľnejšie nohavice.“

166 Povedal som, „To je ešte horšie.“ Ty… Biblia tak povedala a On sa nikdy nemení.

167 Poviete, „To sú baptisti.“ To sú letniční. Hovorím ku vám. Tak je. To je pravda.

168 Ale čo sa deje? Čo sa deje? Niekto tomu raz dal priestor. Jeden môj starý priateľ, ktorý je kazateľom, zvykol hovorievať:

 Spustili sme závory, spustili sme závory:

 Robili sme kompromis s hriechom;

 Spustili sme závory, ovce sa dostali von,

 Ale ako sa dovnútra dostali kozly?

169 Čo sa deje? Keď spustíte závory, závory Božieho Slova! Pamätajte, bol to Boží program, aby opevnil Svoju cirkev skrze Svoje Slovo na počiatku.

170 A keď Eva rozumovala, povedala, „Nuž, či to nie je rozumnejšie, mohla by som žiť rovnako dobre, ak nie lepšie,“ a už to bolo.

171 To bol vždy ten dôvod, prečo sa to stalo. To bol dôvod, prečo jej bolo zakázané, aby stála za kazateľňou. Vidíte, ono to spustilo závory. To bolo miesto, kde vyrástli cirkevné korene, na Letnice, to boli prvé korene. Nie je na to žiadne miesto Písma. Vidíte? A tak, čo potom urobíte? Získate také isté zamiešanie, ktoré bolo tam v Edene. Všimnite si, keď sa dostaneme do Slova, poviete o tom…

172 Nikto tomu nemôže odporovať! Vyzývam kohokoľvek, aby to povedal. Kázal som na semeno hada a veľa ľudí to rozhnevalo. Vyzval som niektorých ľudí, aby sa so mnou prišli o tom porozprávať. Zatiaľ sa mi žiadni neozvali.

173 Nedávno v Chicagu, máte z toho pásky, mysleli si, že ma tam nachytajú do nejakej pasce. Mali tam celú kazateľskú asociáciu Chicaga, brat… bol tam Tommy Hicks a brat Carlson tam bol tiež. A dva dni pred tým ma Pán v noci zobudil a povedal, „Choď a postav sa k tamtomu oknu.“ Išiel som a bola búrka. On povedal, „Teraz majú pre teba prichystanú pascu.“ Povedal, „Dnes pri raňajkách sa ničoho neboj. Len choď a Ja budem s tebou.“ A toto hovorím v Mene Pánovom. Môžete sa ich opýtať a zistiť. Je to na páske, vopred som to predpovedal. On povedal, „Neboj sa ísť, ale choď tam a obstojíš,“ povedal, „budem s tebou.“

174 A na druhý deň som stretol brata Carlsona, ktorý bol hlavou toho zboru, a Tommyho Hicksa. A On mi povedal, že ich tam stretnem a pôjdeme na miesto zvané „Town and Country“ na raňajky. Sadol som si tam presne tak, ako bolo povedané. Povedal som, „Brat Hicks, ty si doktorom teológie a ideme sa tu stretnúť s veľkou skupinou kazateľov, ich asociácia v Chicagu, mohol by si tam ísť a hovoriť za mňa? Urobil som pre teba veľa vecí.“ Len som ho skúšal.

 On povedal, „Ó, to nemôžem urobiť, brat Branham.“

175 Povedal som, „Nuž, a prečo nie?“ Povedal som, „Ja by som pre teba urobil čokoľvek, tak prečo to ty pre mňa neurobíš?“

176 On povedal, „Ó, to predsa nemôžem urobiť, brat Branham, s tým by nesúhlasili.“

 Brat Carlson povedal, „Nie, nesúhlasili.“

177 Povedal som, „Vieš čo?“ Povedal som, „Niečo ti poviem, je to preto, lebo ty vieš, že oni majú pre mňa nachystanú otázku, ktorou ma chcú dostať do pasce.“ A povedal som, „Ty o tom vieš.“ Nuž, toto je na páske. Ak si chcete tú pásku zohnať, môžete ju dostať. Poznáte týchto ľudí. A tak som povedal, „Včera v noci som mal videnie, ako tu dnes ráno budem sedieť a ako toto Tommy odmietne.“ Povedal som, „A teraz dávaj pozor, vy máte prenajatú tú hotelovú izbu.“


 „Prenájom je už zaplatený.“

 „Áno,“ povedal brat Carlson.

178 „Ale to miesto nedostanete. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!“


179 „Pôjdete na nejaké iné miesto. Tamto je zelená izba; my pôjdeme do hnedej izby. Ja budem v rohu; doktor Mead bude sedieť napravo odo mňa; a ten starý čierny kazateľ so svojou ženou budú sedieť naľavo,“ presne tak to bude. A povedal som, „A teraz sledujte. Videli ste, ako Boh uzdravil chorých, ale teraz Ho sledujte v boji!“ Povedal som, „On je veľký, úžasný.“ Povedal som, „Sledujte tie otázky a ako budú umlčané.“

 A keď sme sa tam v to ráno dostali…

180 Ak chcete tú pásku… Jim, ty to máš, nekúpil si to? Presne tu, priamo tu, môžete mať tú pásku, ak ju chcete po zhromaždení.

181 Povedal som, „Čo máte proti mne? Čo sa s vami deje, chlapi?“

182 Brat Carlson povedal, „Nuž, brat Branham mi pred dvoma dňami povedal, že my…“ A keďže nedostali tú budovu, tak to zrušili. Nemohli im to nechať, lebo nejaká hudobná kapela to mala zarezervované a oni nevedeli, že na to mali zálohu, tak to museli tým obchodníkom zrušiť. Zrejme ste o tom aj vy počuli, aspoň tu brat Williams. A on povedal, „Brat Branham mi povedal, kde presne bude každá osoba sedieť, a povedal mi presne, čo sa stane.“ Povedal, „Jedna vec,“ povedal, „Ja… mnohí z nás nemusia súhlasiť s bratom Branhamom ohľadom jeho posolstva, ale,“ povedal, „musíme pripustiť jednu vec, že on sa to nebojí povedať,“ a potom povedal, „nemá ohľadom toho žiaden strach.“ Povedal, „Takže, nech sa páči, brat Branham.“

183 Povedal som, „Takže, ešte prv, ako začneme, chcem, ak by sa našiel niekto, kto nesúhlasí ohľadom niečoho, čo som povedal, aby vzal svoju Bibliu a postavil sa tu po mojom boku.“ A to bola tá najtichšia skupina ľudí, akú ste kedy videli. Povedal som, „Ak to nemáte čím dokázať, tak mi dajte pokoj! Áno. Bratia, ja som tu na to, aby som vám pomohol, ale musíme sa vrátiť ku faktom, ktoré sú v Biblii.“

184 Povedali, „Prečo nenecháš tie ženy tak? Ľudia veria, že si vidiaci Boží.“

 Povedal som, „To som nikdy nepovedal.“

185 On povedal, „Ale ľudia tomu veria.“ Povedal, „Prečo nenecháš tie ženy tak?“ Povedal, „A neprestaneš im hovoriť o tom, ako sa majú obliekať, ako si strihať vlasy a veci, ktoré by mali robiť. Prečo ich nenecháš na pokoji? Prečo ich neučíš, ako prijímať dary a urobiť niečo pre slávu Božiu?“

186 Povedal som, „Ako ich mám naučiť algebru, keď ešte nepoznajú abecedu?“ Tak je. Musíte začať od začiatku.

 Bože, buď nám milostivý. Tak veru.

187 Sme tu, v čase konca! Červené svetlo bliká! Príchod Pána je nablízku. Tak veru. Počúvajte! Posolstvo času konca by malo spĺňať podmienky času konca. Keď sú vedľa, posolstvo by ich malo priviesť späť. Posolstvo času konca musí vždy spĺňať podmienky času konca. V celom Písme. Bude sa to musieť stať teraz, volanie späť do originálneho Slova. Ó! Ako to robili iní poslovia vo svojich dňoch, toto posolstvo musí robiť to isté. Je nám to zasľúbené! Boh to zasľúbil vo Svojom Slove! Malachiáš 4 hovorí, že to tak bude, „A prinavráti vieru detí späť na otcov.“ Je to zasľúbené a my žijeme práve v tom dni!

188 Ó, vždy to tak bývalo, že to bola skupina nejakých vodcov, ktorí ľudí poplietli. Nie je to toľko o ľuďoch; sú to tí vodcovia, ktorí ich dostávajú do zamiešania. A teraz…

 Poviete, „Ó, brat Branham!“

189 Počkajte chvíľu, musíme toto potvrdiť s Písmom. Ak to nie je v Písme, tak to nie je pravda. Skrze ich slová múdrosti, v ich vodcovstve, ktorému chýbala inšpirácia, v slovách svetskej múdrosti… Nejaký génius to môže dať dokopy, ale či si myslíte, že satan v tom tiež nie je génius? Či on nepristúpil priamo k Ježišovi a nedal mu dôvod a dokonca aj zacitoval Písmo? Presne to urobil. On je v tom génius. Ale Ježiš sa s ním nikdy nehádal, On povedal, „Ale je tiež napísané! Prac sa odo Mňa, satan.“ Tak veru, neinšpirované vedenie.

190 Pozrite sa na Kóracha, v čase, keď Boh poslal Mojžiša s posolstvom a Kórach a Dátan si mysleli, že… Prišli k Mojžišovi a povedali, „No, počkaj chvíľu, všetko berieš len na seba! Myslíš si, že si tu jediný dôležitý; že len na tebe záleží. Hovoríme ti, že tu sú aj iní svätí ľudia!“ Mojžiš nepovedal, že oni nie sú svätí. Ale on mal poverenie, ktoré musel vyplniť. A oni si zorganizovali skupinu, ktorá išla proti Mojžišovi.

191 A Boh mu povedal, „Choď tam a postav sa ku dverám.“ Tí ľudia mali v ruke kadidlo a viete, čo to kadidlo urobilo. Boh otvoril zem a pohltil ich. A mali tam oheň z oltára. Aj keď mali oheň v kadidle, bez ohľadu na to, ako fundamentálne to bolo, nedokázali rozpoznať posolstvo.

192 Boh povedal, „Posielam ťa tam dolu, Mojžiš, aby si to urobil. Priveď ich sem.“

193 Vidíte, oni to nedokázali rozpoznať. Mojžiš bol na nich „príliš priamy.“ Rovnako ako Eliáš na tých prorokov, bol na nich priamy, aby zostali so Slovom.

194 To je dôvod, prečo sa vy, letniční ľudia, musíte oddeliť od zvyšku sveta, zostať priamo so Slovom. Nevracajte sa do toho, z čoho ste práve vyšli, tak chodíte len zo strany na stranu! Nedvíhajte svoju kotvu z Golgoty. Držte sa Božieho Slova, lebo, „Na tejto skale vybudujem Svoju Cirkev,“ zostaňte s tým.

195 No, Dátan a tí ostatní si mysleli, že sú… že to mohol byť nejaký iný človek. Vidíte, to je ľudská inteligencia, ktorá sa snaží narušiť Boží plán nejakými vlastnými ideami. To je pravda. Ľudská inteligencia sa snaží vštepiť svoje myšlienky do Slova Božieho. Tak to fungovať nebude! Nebude to fungovať. Nikdy to nefungovalo a nikdy nebude.

196 Pozrite sa na Ježiša, ako tam stál. Povedal, „Kto z vás Ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Kto z vás Mi môže dokázať, že som urobil niečo, čo nie je dokonale v zhode s tým, čo Písma hovoria, že budem robiť? Ja tvrdím, že som Mesiáš. A ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, tak Mi neverte. Ale ak činím skutky Môjho Otca a nemôžete Mi veriť, tak verte skutkom, ktoré činím, lebo tie svedčia o Mne.“ Presne tak. A oni tomu nemohli uveriť, oni chceli mať svoje spôsoby.

197 Možno to tak nemyslia a nechcú sa mýliť. Nemyslia… Nemyslím si, že ľudia to tak mienia. V týchto veľkých denominačných cirkvách nachádzam milých ľudí. Milí ľudia. Ale ako to aj jeden právnik povedal v rádiu, keď som sem išiel, „Je to zvláštne, ako môžu kňazi stáť za kazateľňami a vidieť, ako tieto časy prichádzajú, a nevzbudiť to spravodlivé rozhorčenie kvôli hriechom tohto sveta!“ A čo to znamená, keď sa právnik musí postaviť a toto povedať! „Ako členovia cirkvi investujú peniaze na všetky rôzne zoo a parky a podobne a nevedia sponzorovať program misionárom, ktorí nesú Evanjelium do celého sveta.“

198 Keď hladní misionári, ktorí nemajú ani topánky na nohách… Haleluja. Žiadna denominácia, ktorá by ich podporovala, lebo stoja na Slove Božom. Nie je nič, čo by sa za nich postavilo. A keď ich niečo podporuje, čo z toho potom majú? Nejaká veľká skupina dogmy. Skutočný, pravdivý misionár, ktorého nasledujú znamenia, sa musí spoľahnúť na nejakú ženu z práčovne, ktorá mu nechá nejaké peniaze. Všimnite si, tak to je.

199 Možno to nemienia… Nuž, ale čo sa s nimi deje? Sú slepí. Ježiš tak povedal. Pamätajte, majte na pamäti, Ježiš povedal to isté. Zdá sa to, že dnes…

200 No, počúvajte, dúfam, že to neznie kriticky. Keď zdôrazňujem pravdu, necíťte to tak, že kritizujem. Len sa snažím… Ja milujem… A ak vy… Som horlivý za cirkev. Toto je pravdepodobne cirkev Zborov Božích, alebo čokoľvek to je, neviem, čo to presne je. To pre mňa nerobí žiaden rozdiel. Je to cirkev Božia. To je to, čím to je, verím, že to je cirkev Božia. Nuž, my by sme všetci takí mali byť, nie denominačná cirkev Božia, mali by sme byť kresťania srdcom. Cirkev Božia prebýva medzi stenami, nie v mene.

201 No, dnes sa na to príliš kladie dôraz, ľudí zaujíma len nejaké členstvo. No, pozrite sa na baptistov, ako majú prebudenie. Ó, oni ho veru mali. V roku 1944 mali slogan, „O milión viac v roku 1944.“ Posolstvo Billyho Grahama sa rozširovalo. Ó, istotne, bola z toho veľká vec. Metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, bolo to veľké, ale čo z toho máme?

202 Ježiš povedal farizejom, „Vy ste slepí vodcovia slepých. Robíte, čo môžete, aby ste jedného človeka obrátili, ale potom je z neho dvojnásobný syn pekla, ako bol na začiatku.“ A to je to, čo dnes máme.

203 Billy Graham, keď som bol na jeho raňajkách v Louisville, Kentucky, prišiel tam a viete, aký to je striktný evanjelista, povedal, „Ja… Pavol povedal… Tu je príklad.“ Povedal, „Pavol išiel do mesta, obrátil jedného človeka, a potom sa o rok vrátil a popri tom jednom mal ďalších tridsať.“ Povedal, „Čo sa deje?“ A obdivoval som prístup takého evanjelistu. Ukázal prstom a asi tristo mužov, ktorí tam sedeli, tým povedal, „To ste vy, leniví kazatelia.“ Povedal, „Sedávate vo svojich kanceláriách s nohami na stole, zavoláte človeku telefónom a pýtate sa ho, či by neprišiel a nestal sa členom vašej cirkvi. Vy by ste mali tých ľudí navštevovať.“

204 Ja som tam sedel a pomyslel som si, „(Ó, Bože!). Vieš, evanjelista Billy, si veľký človek. Ja som len dieťa. Ale dovoľ, nech ti niečo poviem.“ Keby som sa vtedy len mohol otočiť a toto povedať; ale obdivujem toho brata, myslím, že je sluhom Božím. Ale rád by som bol býval povedal, „Billy, kde bol nejaký kazateľ, ktorý išiel za tým Pavlovým obráteným?“ Čo sa stalo? Pavol mu nielenže dovolil, aby zodvihol ruku a urobil svoje rozhodnutie, on ho vzal do krstu Duchom Svätým, zapálil jeho dušu a on odvtedy nemohol byť ticho.

205 To je to, čo sa dnes deje, je to členstvo. Áno. Členovia, veľká príslušnosť, veľké nedeľné školy, platiť veľké sumy niekomu, ktorý dokáže privádzať ľudí z iných cirkví, ktorá ich má najviac. Viete, to je farizejstvo! A potom sa tým chváliť, „Minulú nedeľu sme ich porazili.“ Ak ste sa dostali do miesta, kde musíte z cirkvi Božej robiť preteky, potom je čas zatvoriť dvere a ísť domov.

206 Cirkev Božia je živým článkom Božím tu na zemi, ktorá manifestuje Ježiša Krista. Ja viem, že to nie je populárne, a ani nečakajte, že bude. My čakáme, že to bude správne.

207 Chvastať sa tým… Ale viete, tie veľké hluky nemali vplyv na proroka Eliáša. On počul oheň a dym a hromy a blesky a krv a olej a všetko možné, jeho to vôbec netrápilo. Viete, Amerika vždy hľadá niečo veľké, čo má okolo seba veľké haló. Ale Boh má stále ten tichý jemný hlas, ktorý zaujal toho proroka.

208 Viete, jeden vagón raz vyšiel na pole a buchotal a robil veľa hluku, ako išiel na to pole. A keď sa vracal, tak prechádzal cez tie isté hrbole, ale nevydal žiaden zvuk, lebo bol plne naložený dobrými vecami.

209 Ale my odpočívame so svojimi prežitiami len na nejakom hluku. Ako to môžeme robiť, ako môžeme také veci robiť? Ó! A potom tam strčíme lesk Hollywoodu, nechávame ženy za kazateľňami s tými obtiahnutými sexy oblečeniami, ako tancujú v duchu. Ja teda neviem, čo je to za ducha!

210 Nechcem teraz znieť ako kritik. Milujem vás. A ak nie, tak ma Boh bude súdiť, ak mám nejaký iný cieľ ako to. Vidíte?

211 Ale rozumiete tomu. To je to, kam sa dostali letniční. „My toho máme viac ako ten brat na rohu.“ Ó! „My toho máme viac ako zbory, lebo my sme Jednotári alebo trojičiari, a my sme zase...“ ó, toto, tamto, všetky rôzne pomenovania, aké si dávajú. Ó, brat, to pre Boha nič neznamená. On sa zaoberá jednotlivcom. Tak veru.

212 Všimnite si, veľký hluk, ale proroka to nezaujalo. Tomu prorokovi nezáležalo na veľkom hluku. Ale keď počul ten tichý jemný hlas, vedel, že to bolo Slovo, tak zakryl svoju tvár a vyšiel von.

213 Viete, slnko môže vypariť viac vody za pätnásť minút bez akéhokoľvek zvuku, viac ako… A my robíme viac hluku, keď čerpáme galón vody, ako slnko robí milión stoviek litrov. Tak je. My vždy hľadáme niečo veľké, okolo čoho je veľké „hurá“ a nejaká veľká senzácia. A keď ide o to, aby sme vzali Slovo, tu prichádza problém. Vidíte? Keď k nim prídete, povedia, „No, chvála Bohu, poviem ti…“

214 Nedávno som tu stretol človeka… Nehovorím to preto, aby to znelo svätokrádežne, odpustite mi, ak si myslím, že to je svätokrádežné. Bol som na stanovom zhromaždení a kazateľ, letničný kazateľ priviedol svoju ženu, aby tam hrala na klavíri. A keď ma predstavil svojej žene, aby som pravdu povedal, takmer som omdlel. Tá žena mala naozaj krátke vlasy, kučeravé, a mala veľké náušnice, množstvo manikúry na perách, alebo ako to volajú, namaľované nechty. Vyzeralo, akoby bola… Vyzeralo to hrozne; veľké, dlhé pazúry a podobne. Vyzerala sexy; malé, drobné šaty, nepresahovalo jej to ani kolená, keď si sadla. A tak som tam tak trochu stál a povedal, „Brat, dotknem sa ťa, ak ti niečo poviem?“

215 On povedal, „No, určite nie.“ Príjemný človek, a ona vyzerala ako príjemná žena.

 Povedal som, „Tvrdíš, že tvoja žena je 'svätá'?“

 „Áno,“ odpovedal.

216 Povedal som, „Odpusť ten výraz, ale podľa mňa vyzerá ako 'stratená'.“ [Brat Branham používa slovnú hračku, podobnosť výslovnosti slov „saint“ (svätá) a „haint“ (stratená duša, strašidlo) – pozn.prekl.] Povedal som, „Veru tak, alebo niečo dosť podobné.“ Povedal som...

217 On povedal, „Čo tým chceš povedať, brat Branham?“ „Ó,“ on povedal, „ty si zo starej školy.“

218 Povedal som, „Ja som zo školy Písma. Tak veru, škola Písma.“ Neverím, že svätý človek takto koná, nemôžem to uznať, keď to Biblia odsudzuje. Vidíte?

219 V poriadku, zdá sa, že vždy počujeme o tom, ako „mali štyridsať ľudí s 'rozhodnutiami',“ „štyridsať ľudí s 'rozhodnutiami',“ „my sme mali tristo ľudí s 'rozhodnutiami'.“ No, to sú len vyznania. Vyznania sú „kamene.“ Tak to je, lebo Peter na základe svojho vyznania dostal meno „kameň, malá skala.“ Peter, jeho vyznanie. Nuž, kamene sú dobré, ale akú majú hodnotu v tej budove, pokiaľ tam nie je skutočne dobrý murár s ostrým nástrojom Slova, aby ich orezal a urobil z nich synov Božích? Na čo je dobré len vyznanie?

220 To je dôvod, prečo sa môžete vrátiť a neviete nájsť ani tridsiatich z tridsaťtisíc. Vy len vyberiete kamene z prachu a tam ich chcete použiť, ale oni ešte nepasujú do chrámu. Musia byť opracované, premerané Slovom Božím, umiestnené na správne miesto, spolu usporiadané, založené na základe apoštolskej náuky Ježiša Krista, toho náhlavného kameňa. A On povedal, „Ten, kto vo Mňa verí, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude aj on činiť.“ Tak veru.

221 Ako môžeme byť cirkvou, keď pohŕdame jeden druhým? On povedal, „Preto budú všetci vidieť, že vy ste mojimi učeníkmi, keď budete milovať jeden druhého.“ Keď sa chceme obrátiť na iné náboženstvo a rozdeliť sa len kvôli nejakému denominačnému rozdielu… Neviním za to ľudí, viním za to denomináciu. Tak je. Vôbec nie ľudí. Vidíte? Ó, je to tak zlé, a jednako...

222 Musíte mať tento ostrý nástroj, Slovo Božie, aby to z nich učinilo synov Božích v tej stavbe. Ó! Mojou modlitbou je, „Bože, poponáhľaj sa s Malachiášom 4. Daj nám posolstvo na posledný deň. Daj nám niekoho, pošli niečo, čo by zachránilo túto letničnú cirkev.“

223 Akého posla by nám Boh v týchto posledných dňoch poslal? Poviem vám toto, môj brat a sestra, ako váš brat a spoluslužobník, ktorý len čaká, kedy ten čas príde, on by bol tým istým druhom posla, aký prichádzal v predošlých vekoch. Ten istý druh! On by priviedol cirkev späť do Slova. Bože, nech tomu dáme nejaký základ, pred tým, než to sem príde. Pred tým, ako to príde, nech tam je ten základ a otesané kamene, pripravený za ním stáť plece pri pleci, keď ho Boh pošle, lebo On zasľúbil, že to urobí.

224 No, ja viem, ja cítim, že to ide. A pamätajte, s tým malým darom, ktorý mám, viem zachytiť rozpoznanie ducha, vidíte. No, vy tomu odporujete, keď som povedal Malachiáš 4. Ale dovoľte, nech vám niečo poviem, „Ježiš povedal, ’Ak to dokážete prijať, toto je ten Eliáš, o ktorom bolo hovorené.’“

225 Ale ak sa len pozriete na to, čo povedal v sv. Matúšovi, v jedenástej kapitole a šiestom verši, „Ak to dokážete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom bolo hovorené, ’Ja posielam svojho posla pred svojou tvárou.’“ To bol Malachiáš 3, nie Malachiáš 4.

226 A zase v Malachiášovi 4 povedal, „Prv, ako príde tento deň, zem bude spálená a ľudia budú po nej kráčať; bude zhorená ako strnisko.“ Tak veru. On vtedy hovoril o poslovi pred Jeho tvárou, ktorým bol Eliáš.

227 Ja neverím vo všetky tieto veci, ktoré v dnešnej dobe lietajú ohľadne Eliášovho plášťa a podobne. Všetci tí pokrytci musia samozrejme prísť, aby prevrátili tú skutočnú vec, keď ona príde. Ale dovoľte, nech vám len poviem, že povstane posol na konci tohto letničného veku a on tieto veci zakončí. Bude to človek, jednotlivec. Nie skupina, nie denominácia; ale človek. Vždy to tak bolo a Boh nemôže meniť Svoj program, On je večný Boh.

228 Pamätajte, ak ten posol Ján bol poslom z Malachiáša 4, potom Písma zlyhali, lebo hovoria, že… „Zem bude spálená ako strnisko a spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných.“ Tak si to prečítajte a zistite, či to tak nie je. Vidíte? Ale Ježiš to nikdy nepovedal, On sa odvolával na Malachiáša 3, „Ja pošlem Svojho posla pred Mojou tvárou, aby predo Mnou pripravil cestu.“ Presne tak to je.

229 A teraz pamätajte, tento druhý má prísť na to, aby prinavrátil vieru synov späť na otcov, prinavrátiť vieru synov späť na vieru otcov, originálna Biblia.

230 To je presne to, čo urobil Mojžiš. Presne to urobil Ježiš. Presne to urobil každý jeden posol, ktorý vystupoval v Biblii, na konci toho času, oni prinavrátili posolstvo. Ľudia skrze organizácie a podobné veci, to celé pomiešali, v tých dňoch.

231 Dnes urobili to isté! Takže my hľadáme posla. Bože, pošli nám ho! Či si myslíte, že ho príjmeme? Nie veru! Istotne to bude cvok a fanatik, ale Boh ho potvrdí. Skutoční veriaci, tí, ktorí sú predurčení do večného života, Ježiš povedal, „Všetkých, ktorých Mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu a nikto ku Mne nemôže prísť, ak ho Môj Otec prv nepotiahne. A všetci tí, ktorých Mi Otec dal,“ (minulý čas) „tí prídu.“ Presne tak, oni boli...

232 Ja neverím v toto baptistické učenie o večnej bezpečnosti. Ja to určitým spôsobom verím, ale tiež verím, že vy ste v bezpečí, pokiaľ ste v Cirkvi. Ale keď sa dostanete pomimo krvi Ježiša Krista, už nie ste v bezpečí. Ja mám bezpečie pred dažďom, len dokiaľ som vnútri.

233 A keď ste pokrstení do Ducha Svätého a hovoríte, že máte Ducha Svätého, ako potom môžete zapierať Božie Slovo? Hovoríte, že ste uverili a prijali Ducha Svätého, ako potom môžete hovoriť, že Slovo nie je pravdou? Potom, ako to môže byť ten istý Duch Svätý, keď On bol práve tým, kto napísal Bibliu? Žeby Duch Svätý zaprel Svoje vlastné Slovo a povedal, „Mýlil som sa a ty máš pravdu?“ Nie, tak to Boh nerobí. Nie veru.

234 Ostrý meč! (Pane, pošli nám veľké posolstvo.) To je to, čo hľadáme. Potom, samozrejme, keď On prichádza, aby napravil a orezal tie kamene, aby pasovali do stavby, čo sa potom deje? Mnohí z nich neobstoja v teste Slova. Budú milovať svoju organizáciu viac ako Slovo Božie, hoci to Slovo bude v tom človeku potvrdené. On bude prorokom, ktorý príde v Mene Pánovom, a on bude tým, ktorý príde na zem. Tak tomu verím.

 Ó, každý hovorí, „Bude to skupina ľudí.“

235 Chcem, aby mi niekto ukázal miesto v Biblii, kde to bola skupina ľudí; Boh by tak porušil Svoje vlastné Slovo, On to nemôže urobiť. Nie veru. On to zasľúbil. Bude to jeden človek. A s ním budú samozrejme aj ďalší, tisíc, celá cirkev veriacich bude stáť za ním, všade.

236 Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, mnohí z nich nebudú spasení, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho.“ Či to viete? Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, (spočítajte ich) tak to bude aj dnes.

237 „Nebo a zem pominú, ale moje Slovo nepominie.“ Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? Ó, brat, bude lepšie, ak si urobíme dôkladnú inventúru, je to neskôr, ako si myslíme. Možno sa jedného dňa zobudíme a zistíme, že sme niečo premeškali. Dávajte pozor! Buďte pozorní, modlite sa, hľadajte to, nenechajte, aby vám to prešlo ponad hlavy. A pamätajte, že keď je kázané Božie Slovo, Boh je k tomu Slovu zaviazaný a On Ho potvrdí.

238 Viete, čo tu On povedal, že čo sa stalo vo dňoch Lota? On povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota.“ Čo sa tam stalo hneď pred tým, ako padol oheň? Čo sa opäť stane tesne pred tým, ako padne oheň, čo za posolstvo cirkev dostane? Teraz nie Sodoma, vyvolená cirkev. Vždy to boli traja: boli tam Sodomania; a bol tam Lot a jeho skupina, formálna cirkev; a potom tam bol Abrahám, vyvolený. Všetci traja dostali posolstvo, áno, ale skrze rôznych poslov. Sledujte, čo za posolstvo bolo dané vyvolenej cirkvi, čo On urobil Abrahámovi. Ježiš povedal, „Tak bude i vo dňoch Syna človeka.“ No, my to nemôžeme poprieť, to je presne to, čo Ježiš povedal. Takže samozrejme to tak bude.

239 No, mnohí… keď Ježiš prišiel a priniesol test, povedal, „Hľadajte v Písmach, lebo v nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a sú to ony, čo svedčia o Mne,“ mohli obstáť v tom teste? Nie. A každý vie, že všetky skaly vyznania, ktoré neobstoja v teste Slova, sú hodené na kopu. Prasknuté, deravé, tie neobstoja v skúške. Ó, človeče, potom budeš hodený na smetisko! Boh vždy rátal charakter namiesto čísiel.

240 Už končím, je mi ľúto, že som vás tu celý tento čas držal, nechcel som to urobiť. Dovoľte mi, ešte na minútu alebo dve, aby som poznamenal ešte jednu vec, potom už zakončím, len chvíľku. Dúfam, že som povedal niečo, čím som vám mohol pomôcť, vidíte, aby som vás priviedol k tomu, aby ste to študovali. Vidíte?

241 Boh vždy rátal charakter, nie členov. A dnes to robíme presne naopak. Počítame čísla, pozeráme sa na dobré oblečenie, ako dobre platíme, namiesto charakteru.

242 Eliezer sa poriadne zapotil, kým našiel charakter. Presne tak. A koho dostal? A on dôveroval Bohu. Charakter na čo? Charakter pre Izáka, nevestu, ktorej je Nevesta typom. Viete to. To bolo prirodzené semeno Abraháma; toto je kráľovské semeno Abraháma. No, ak Eliezer, posol, ktorý hľadal nevestu, sa snažil nájsť charakter, ak tento človek príde, ten posol na posledný deň, on sa bude snažiť nájsť nevestu pre Krista, nebude hľadať denominačné členstvo. Bude hľadať charakter, ktorý je ochotný.

243 Sledujte! Ponajprv dobrý charakter, a potom, aby sa pripravila na stretnutie s Izákom. Potom, ako našiel charakter, snažil sa ju priviesť k tomu, aby dostatočne dlho dokázala počúvať jeho posolstvo o Izákovi.

244 To je ten posol na posledné dni, večerné svetlo, najprv nájsť tú cirkev (kde budú veriť v posolstvo?) Hľadať ju. Dokážete rozpoznať, o čom hovorím? Ísť po tú cirkev, ktorá ťa vpustí dnu, ktorá ti nezavrie dvere hneď pred nosom. A potom, keď sa tam dostaneš, potom si našiel charakter. A ak ona len vydrží natoľko, aby jej on povedal, ako tá nevesta musí byť oblečená! Ona musí byť odiata. Stáť v pokoji! Ak by mohla dostať...

245 Pozrite sa na Rebeku, ako počúvala každé jedno slovo, jej srdce tĺklo. Ona… On jej to hovoril. Potom si povedal, „Keď som sa už toľko spotil, kam mám ísť, aby som našiel charakter? A potom, keď nájdem charakter, tak ju dostanem do toho, aby vydržala dosť času na to, aby sa pripravila na stretnutie s ním. Ó, to je ohromujúce! (Keby sme len mali ešte viac času.) Aby sa pripravila; aby vydržala počúvať jeho posolstvo. Eliezer jej nehovoril o sebe, ale on hovoril o tom, ktorý ho poslal. A on mal dary, ktorými mohol dokázať, že bol od neho poslaný. Amen! On ju chcel týmito vecami odiať. Viete, ako to zariadil.

246 Ak by som ju len mohol dostať do toho, aby si umyla tvár! Vidíte? Viete, niečo ma núti to nepovedať, takže radšej budem ticho. Jednako si myslím, že som už povedal dosť, viete, o čom hovorím. A teraz len počúvajte a dávajte pozor.

247 Všimnite si, posol na čas konca, jeho úlohou bude pripraviť svätých, pripraviť Nevestu pre Ženícha. To bude jeho posolstvo. A najprv sa musíte naučiť abecedu, aby ste sa potom mohli učiť algebru. Keď sú aj tie ďalšie Pečate zozadu otvorené, oni budú zjavené len im. Tak veru. Najprv sa naučte abecedu. Čo je abeceda? „Vždy ver Kristovi,“ [angl. - Always Believe Christ – ABC – pozn.prekl.], (nie svojmu vyznaniu), Kristovi. Vidíte? Ver tomu, čo On hovorí, nie tomu, čo hovorí niekto iný.

248 Ak je to v protiklade, ak ti človek povie, „Pre vás, ženy, to je úplne v poriadku, ak si budete strihať vlasy,“ hneď vtedy viete, že klame. Biblia hovorí, že to nie je správne. Ak on hovorí, „Môžeš byť diakonom, aj keď máš stále štyri alebo päť manželiek,“ vtedy klame. To je v protiklade so Slovom. Vidíte? Všetky tieto veci, o ktorých hovoríme, porovnajte to všetko so Slovom a zistite, či to je podľa Slova.

249 On privedie cirkev späť do Slova. A tak čo má tento posol z Malachiáša 4 urobiť? Prinavrátiť originálnu vieru, vieru vzkriesenia. Oni videli Ježiša potom, ako bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych, videli, ako medzi nimi pôsobí.

250 Oni neboli málovravní ľudia. Oni išli a kázali Slovo. Ó, kázali dlho, Pavol raz kázal celú noc. Jeden človek vypadol z budovy a zabil sa. Jeho telo tam ležalo, ale bol privedený späť do života. Vidíte? On len ďalej kázal.

251 No, všimnite si teraz, že oni boli iní ľudia ako tí s Ph., LL, a všetky možné univerzitné tituly, neviem, ako to voláte. Čo to robí? Oddeľuje to posla a… alebo skôr posolstvo skrze posla oddelí veriacich od neveriacich. Niektorí sa na to dajú, iní nie. Niektorí luteráni… niektorí katolíci sa vydali smerom Luthera, niektorí nie. Niektorí luteráni sa vydali smerom metodistov, niektorí nie. Niektorí sa pridajú k letničným, niektorí nie. Niektorí pôjdu za večerným svetlom, niektorí nie.

252 Ako budete vedieť, či to je večerné svetlo alebo nie? Otestujte to Slovom (nie len jedným slovom, ale s celým Slovom dohromady), zistite, či to je pravda alebo nie. Ó, čo v tom je? Potom, ak toto posolstvo nesie potvrdenie Božie, že On robí to, čo povedal, že bude robiť, a je to v línii so Slovom, potom je Slovo potvrdené, ako bolo v predošlých časoch a predošlých prorokoch.

253 Všimnite si, kedy posolstvo… Všimnite si, kedy je posolstvo ľuďmi odmietané, a zdá sa, že posol je kompletne porazený, nemôže nájsť žiadne dvere, nenachádza miesto.

254 Tak to bolo aj s naším Pánom. Pamätajte, keď bol… Ó, keď uzdravoval chorých, tí mladí proroci, „Ó! On je skvelý chlapík!“ „Ahoj, Rabbi, ako sa máš?“ Ale jedného dňa si sadol a začal im hovoriť pravdu. Našiel priazeň v cirkvi a s ľuďmi. Tisíce Ho nasledovali. Mal okolo Seba sedemdesiat kazateľov okrem Svojich dvanástich. Ale jedného dňa, keď rozmnožil tie bochníky chleba, aby dokázal, že bol Boh, lebo len Boh vedel spôsobiť, že chlieb padal z neba. On rozmnožil chleby. A hneď nato… Kráčal po vode, konal zázraky a veľa vecí bolo urobených, ktoré dokazovali, kým bol.

255 A potom, keď to urobil, sadol si a začal k ľuďom hovoriť veľmi striktne. Potom sa ľudia odvrátili. A tí sedemdesiati povedali, „Hmmm. Kto to môže počúvať? To sú tvrdé slová. Tí úplne zhadzuješ to, o čom sme si my niečo mysleli. A kto si vôbec Ty, aby si nám tieto veci hovoril?“ A odišli preč.

256 Potom sa Ježiš obrátil ku Svojej malej skupinke ako vo dňoch Noeho, ako vo dňoch Sodomy a povedal, „Aj vy chcete ísť?“

257 Potom Peter prehovoril tie veľké slová, „Pane, kde by sme išli?“ (Ó, Bože, pomôž nám!)

258 Všimnite si, že práve vtedy, keď je posolstvo odmietnuté a zdá sa, že posol je úplne premožený, práve to je ten čas, keď Boh vstupuje na scénu a jeho posolstvo sa končí.

259 Noe, (už budem končiť), Noe kázal vo dverách svojej archy stodvadsať rokov, až dokiaľ sa mu nevysmievali, a potom Noe vstúpil do archy mysliac si, že… že to bude všetko v poriadku. Boh zavrel dvere. A ľudia tam čakali, aby videli, čo sa bude diať. Sedem dní tam sedel a pretrpel to a na siedmy deň prišiel dážď.

260 Mojžiš, v čom sa nachádzal? Priamo vo výkone služby, viedol ľud. Červené more sa mu dostalo do cesty. On bol na konci svojej cesty. A bolo to práve vtedy, keď prišiel Boh s východným vetrom a rozdelil more, práve na konci cesty.

261 Bol to Daniel, ktorý stál na svojom posolstve, „Nebudem sa poškvrňovať s týmto kráľovým svetom.“ On zostával verný Bohu. Bol priamo na konci cesty, zdalo sa, že už nastal koniec jeho času, že ho hodia do jamy levovej. A potom na scénu vstúpil Boh.

262 A v jedno ráno, tam dolu v Babylone… Amen! Môžem sa pozrieť hore do neba a vidím trón a ako okolo neho stoja anjeli. Dívam sa dolu do Babylonu a vidím tam horiacu pec. Vidím, ako tam stoja traja mládenci, hovoria, „Náš Boh je schopný nás vyslobodiť.“ Vidíte? „Ale my sa vášmu obrazu nepokloníme, lebo je to v protiklade so Slovom.“ Vidíte? „My na tom stojíme.“

263 „V poriadku,“ povedal kráľ, „vyjdite tam hore po schodoch a budete upálení.“ Veľkí urastení chlapi, mali na nich priložené konce svojich kopijí, išli tam hore schod za schodom, stále to bolo horúcejšie a horúcejšie.

264 Vidím, ako tam na jednej strane toho trónu stojí anjel a ako chytil meč a vytasil ho a povedal, „Otče, pozri sa sem, čo sa tu deje! Dovoľ mi, ja som Gabriel, nech tam dolu zostúpim a zmením tú scénu.“

265 „Vlož svoj meč späť do pošvy, Gabriel. Videl som to.“

266 Tu prichádza ďalší a hovorí, „Otče, ja som Wormwood, ja viem ničiť vodou. V predpotopnom veku človek zhrešil a zle zaobchádzal s tvojím ľudom a ja som obrátil celý svet na vodu. Dnes ráno by som zmyl Babylon z mapy. Pusti ma tam.“

267 „Viem, že by si to urobil, Wormwood, si verný anjel. Vidíte? Ale nemôžem ťa tam pustiť, toto je Moja práca. Idem tam Sám.“

 „Videl si ich tu?“

268 „Sledoval som ich celú noc. Vypočul som ich modlitebné zhromaždenie. Videl som, ako stoja za Mojím Slovom. Budem tam včas.“ Ó! Môžem Ho vidieť, ako povstáva a kráľovské rúcha padajú okolo Neho a povie, „Poď sem, východný vietor, severný, južný, západný. Poď tam pod tie mračná, poveziem sa na tebe dnes ráno ako na voze, idem dolu do Babylona, idem zmeniť situáciu.“ Ó, brat, On tam bol presne načas!

269 On bdie aj nad vrabcom a ja viem, že bdie aj nado mnou. On stále bdie dnes večer, bdie nado mnou. Bdie nad tebou. Dáva pozor, či budeme stáť, alebo neobstojíme, aké rozhodnutia urobíme, či budeme stáť verne so Slovom, alebo Ho opustíme. Je neskôr, ako si myslíte.

270 Jakob na svojej ceste domov, bol inšpirovaný ísť späť domov, mal sa s ním stretnúť jeho brat. Ó, ale jednej noci zápasil s Bohom. Bál sa stretnúť so svojím bratom, ale na druhé ráno to bolo nebojácne krívajúce knieža. „Nepotrebujem Ezava ani jeho armádu,“ Boh vstúpil na scénu. Vidíte, On to robí zvláštnym spôsobom.

271 Ježiš, odmietnutý, potom, ako bol potvrdený, že je Synom Božím, povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, neverte Mi.“ On bol Svetlom toho dňa (On je stále Svetlom!), vstúpil na scénu. A ľudia, pokiaľ On… pokiaľ robil tie zázraky s chlebom a rybami a bochníkmi, ľudia Ho nasledovali. Ale keď im začal hovoriť o pravde Slova, to ich rozdelilo, oni mali svoje vlastné tradície, ktorých sa držali. Bolo to v protiklade, ale jednako viete, že On stál presne s Písmom. Ale zaslepené oči toho sveta to nemohli vidieť; ani teraz to nemôžu, ani vtedy to nevideli, celý svet. Čo sa stalo? Zdalo sa, že bol porazený.

272 Keď si všimnete, práve od toho času Ho opustila popularita. Kedy? Keď im začal hovoriť o Slove. Keď mohol ísť s davmi a mať zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním a kampane, každý za Ním chcel ísť, „Ó, Rabbi, poď sem!“ a, „Rabbi, poď sem!“ Ale keď sa začala Jeho náuka; „Ó, Tvoje učenie robí medzi ľuďmi rozruch.“ Ó! „No, už Ťa viac nemôžeme mať v našej cirkvi, Rabbi, lebo Ty proste mätieš ľudí, Tvoje učenie je úplne v protiklade s tým, čo veríme.“ Ono sa to nezmenilo. Nie veru. „Nemôžeme Ťa tu mať, Rabbi!“ Ale jednako On bol potvrdený, preukázaný skrze Písma, kým bol, a oni tomu jednako nemohli veriť.

273 A nakoniec On išiel až do poslednej chvíle, keď si satan myslel, „Teraz Ho mám,“ ukrižoval Ho na kríži. Dolu, dolu, dolu, dolu, až dokiaľ si mysleli, že Ho majú, dali Ho do hrobu. Ale to bol ten čas, keď Boh vstúpil na scénu. A On z toho hrobu povstal! Prečo?

274 Presne to isté, Pavol povedal, „Všetci… Démas ma opustil. Všetci ma opustili kvôli Slovu.“ Ja neverím, že Démas začal chodievať do nočných klubov a podobne. Ale Démas chcel ísť, Démas bol bohatý človek. A on chcel ísť s tou populárnejšou skupinou, a tak odišiel rovnako ako takmer všetci ostatní. A potom Pavol povedal, „Všetci ma opustili.“ Prečo? Jeho služba, on prichádzal na jej vrchol, prichádzalo to na koniec.

275 Jeho túžbou bolo byť mučeníkom, lebo bol to on, kto zabil Štefana, bol svedkom jeho smrti a schválil ju. Chcel zomrieť. Keď… Agabus, ten známy prorok pri ňom stál a povedal mu, aby nešiel do Jeruzalema, on povedal, „Ja viem, že nemám ísť. Ale nie som len ochotný tam ísť, ale byť zviazaný v reťaziach v Jeruzaleme, ale som pripravený ísť a zomrieť za Pána Ježiša.“ Čo to bolo? On pečatil svoju službu.

276 Ó, cirkev živého Boha, mohli by sme o tom hovoriť celý večer. Ako zapečatíme naše posolstvo? Ako to urobíme? Bože, pomôž nám vziať toto Slovo, stáť pevne. Dovoľ mi zomrieť pre Slovo; žiť cez Slovo, zomrieť cez Slovo. Rozšír svetlo, lebo v čase večera bude svetlo. My sme v tej hodine, priatelia. Ďalej tomu verme, ako skloníme naše hlavy.

277 Prv by som sa chcel ospravedlniť za to, že som vás tu celý tento čas držal, takmer dve hodiny, hodina a štyridsaťpäť minút, myslím, že tak presne. Dúfam, že to nikoho nezranilo. Nie sme tu na to, aby sme pohoršovali. Ak je to v našom srdci a našej duši, potom sa mýlime, ak my kazatelia hovoríme tieto veci, moji bratia tuto, títo Duchom naplnení ľudia. Vidíte?

278 Keď som bol spasený a povedal som svojmu baptistickému pastorovi, že som prijal Ducha Svätého a podobne, tieto… anjel Pánov mi povedal, čo mám robiť, on povedal, „Musel si mať nočnú moru, Billy.“

 Povedal som, „Dr. Davis, videl som anjela.“

279 On povedal, „Ó, nezmysel!“ Povedal, „To je z diabla.“ Vidíte? Ó, ako ma to zranilo! On povedal, „Chceš mi povedať, že budeš kázať kráľom a monarchom?“

 Povedal som, „Tak to On povedal.“

 On povedal, „So vzdelaním siedmich rokov základnej školy?“

 Povedal som, „Tak to On povedal.“

280 On povedal, „Čo si myslíš, kto ťa bude počúvať? Ísť kázať Božské uzdravenie v takomto veku, pri všetkých vypracovaných lekárskych výskumoch a podobne?“

 Povedal som, „Nezáleží mi na tom, koľko Goliášov tu stojí.“

 On povedal, „Kto si myslíš, že ťa bude počúvať?“

281 Povedal som, „Ak ma Boh posiela, musí byť niekto, kto bude počúvať.“

282 O vás ľuďoch som vtedy ešte nevedel. A keď som k vám prišiel, bolo to, akoby som si dával na ruku rukavicu, tak sme si spolu sadli. Mám vás rád. Milujem vás. Milujem svojich bratov pastorov. Myslíte si, že by presbyterián, metodista alebo luterán takto otvoril svoju cirkev ako tento brat dnes večer a usadil nás tu a nechal kázať posolstvo tohto typu? Nie veru, určite nie. Toto sú veľkorysí ľudia, ktorí veria v pravdu. Zhodnite sa s nimi na Slove a vyhýbajte sa veciam tohto sveta.

283 Sestry, nechajte si narásť vlasy. Oblečte si pekné a slušné oblečenie. Hanba vám, vy, ktoré si maľujete tváre. V Písme máte viac proti maľovaniu tváre ako proti strihaniu vlasov. Tak je. Nerobte to. Naozaj to nerobte. Biblia hovorí, že to je zneuctením pre ženu, ktorá to robí. Vlasy sú jej slávou. No, poviete, „To je len taká maličkosť.“ To je v poriadku, takže dajme najprv do poriadku tieto maličkosti, a potom môžeme hovoriť o väčších veciach. Začnime správne.

284 A teraz, bratia. Ó! Dovoľte, aby som niečo ľuďom povedal. Pane, môj brat, ak nechávaš svoju ženu, aby robila niečo také, potom sa za teba hanbím, za to, že tvrdíš, že či človek naplnený Duchom. Mal by si sa hanbiť, nechať svoju ženu ísť takto von.

285 A potom je tak sexy oblečená a podobne, a viete pritom, že Biblia hovorí, Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie na ženu s túžbou vo svojom srdci, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo“?

286 Poviete, „No, počkaj, brat, na chvíľu, ja som nevinný.“ Ja tiež verím, že si, moja sestra, nevinná v tom prirodzenom skutku. Ale ak sa odhalíš a hriešnik sa na teba pozrie a ty si sa takto odhalila, kto je vinný? Ty sa odhaľuješ. Potom v deň Súdu, keď sa ten hriešnik bude zodpovedať za spáchanie cudzoložstva, s kým to potom spáchal vo svojom srdci? S tebou! Prečo? Lebo si sa odhalila. Presne to je pravda.

287 Či to neurobíš, sestra, prosím, v Ježišovom Mene, mohol by si sa aj ty, ako brat, napraviť?

288 Brat, hanbi sa za to, že takto vedieš svoj dom, daj ho do poriadku. Mám v teba nádej ako v človeka.

289 Pastori, ktorí dovoľujete ľuďom vstupovať, beriete diakonov a všetko možné, ktorí žijú s dvomi alebo tromi ženami, a podobné veci, či sa za to nehanbíte, kazatelia? Či sa nehanbíte za tieto veci? A beriete si tu členov, ktorí žijú v cudzoložstve, fajčia cigarety, robia všetko toto a ani slovo o tom neprehovoríte za kazateľňou. Hanba vám! Modlím sa za vás, bratia.

290 Nech vás Boh žehná. Ďakujem vám za trpezlivosť, že ste to tu so mnou vydržali. No, zaujímalo by ma...

291 Večerné svetlo nadišlo. Večerné svetlo je tu, ide to späť do Slova.

292 A teraz so svojimi hlavami a srdciami sklonenými, položte si túto otázku, „Či sa zhodujem s týmto Slovom? Naozaj sa zhodujem?“

293 Mojou modlitbou z tohto pódia je, „Ó, Bože, odsekni odo mňa všetko, čo nie je od Teba. Ó, Bože, vezmi to odo mňa.“ Sme tu priamo na konci cesty.

294 V poriadku, boli by ste natoľko úprimní, aby ste zodvihli svoje ruky a povedali, „Bože, odsekni odo mňa všetko, čo nie je z Teba. Tvor ma, Pane, formuj ma a tvor ma“? Nech vás Pán žehná.

295 Ak tu je niekto, kto na tom nie je správne, a je hriešnik a nejakým spôsobom sa tu dnes večer dostal, nikdy neprijal Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, alebo odpadlík, alebo niečo podobné, ktorý sa chce navrátiť, ste pozvaní postaviť sa tu k oltáru. Ak veríte, že Boh by vypočul moje modlitby za chorých, verím, že ma vypočuje. A vy a ja, ako vložíme svoju vieru v tú obeť, Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, a vypovieme modlitbu, verím, že Boh to vypočuje. Ste pozvaní prísť sem a postaviť sa na modlitbu.

297 Náš Nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti toto publikum, tieto potrhané slová, ktoré boli také zdĺhavé, Pane. Mnohí sa už dokonca unavili a išli domov a možno sa niektorí cítili trochu zle a, Pane, ja jednoducho nedokážem povedať, kto tam je po celý čas v tom publiku. A, napokon, Otče, je to Tvoje Slovo a Ty poznáš moje srdce. Tak... a ja som... Beda mi, ak by som to nerobil. A ja to musím robiť, Pane. Tak sa teraz modlím, aby teraz ľudia, ktorí majú porozumenie Slova, jasne porozumeli a som si istý, že tí, ktorých si povolal do Života, porozumejú, že tieto veci neprosím kvôli ničomu inému na svete, iba kvôli srdciam plných lásky pre Boha a Jeho Cirkev.

 Otče, asi každá ruka je na tomto mieste zodvihnutá na obriezku, aby bolo odťaté všetko, čo tam nepatrí. Bože, pomôž nám všetkým. Ja stojím priamo s nimi, Pane. Ja som jedným z nich, čakám na príchod toho radostného dňa milénia, kedy bude hriech a hanba navždy zničená. A, Otče, zatiaľ, čo sme tu na tomto svete, vieme, že sme poddaní týmto veciam. Sme náklonní ku chybám, náklonní ku hriechu, stále tu chodíme, ale jednako to netúžime robiť. Ako Biblia hovorí, „Neustávajte, keď ste naprávaní.“ Ale modlím sa, Otče, aby ma karhanie Slova sekalo tak tvrdo ako všetkých ostatných. A modlím sa, Otče, aby to aj oni tak porozumeli.

298 Modlím sa, aby si ich teraz požehnal. A nech toto, ako sme sa predtým modlili, Pane, vediac a hľadiac na to, o čo prosíme, lebo nechceme prosiť o nesprávne veci, nechceme prosiť o niečo len preto, aby sme hovorili nejaké slová, pretože hovoríme ku Tebe.

299 Modlím sa k Tebe, aby si požehnal tohto nášho brata, ktorý mi tu dnes večer otvoril dvere, aby som sem mohol prísť. Modlím sa, aby si požehnal jeho zbor a každého jedného člena, Pane, len… Nech je tento zbor majákom, miestom, kde prúdia dary Božie a všetko ide hladko.

300 Požehnaj každého kazateľa, ktorý tu sedí, ich zbory. A nech tu je také zatrasenie a zvuk stromu moruše Ducha Božieho naprieč Phoenixom a nech to privedie cirkvi späť do obecenstva a veľkého prebudenia, aby kazatelia nemuseli kázať pre slávu Božiu; ale aby sa mohli každé popoludnie zhromaždiť samotní svätí kričiac a modliac sa a svedčiac o posolstve, jednoducho skutočné vyliatie Ducha, kde sa zhromaždí celé mesto a budú počúvať. Udeľ to teraz.

301 Uzdrav chorých v našom strede, Pane. Udeľ im Božské vyslobodenie, Otče, skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.

302 A teraz s našimi hlavami sklonenými, ak je tu niekto, kto sa túži teraz postaviť k oltáru, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené hlavy a budeme hmkať jednu pieseň, starú oslavnú pieseň Evanjelia. Budeme to hmkať. A zatiaľ čo to budeme robiť, ak je tu niekto, kto má túžbu, aby sme sa za neho modlili, aby mal hlbšie prežitie, aby prijal Ducha Svätého, alebo ak už ste spasení, ale ešte nie posvätení, alebo akokoľvek to už je, radi to urobíme, zatiaľ čo budeme hmkať túto pieseň, Milujem Ho. A ak Ho naozaj milujete, majme teraz úctu k Jeho Slovu.

 Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

 Lebo On prv miloval mňa,

 A vykúpil moje spasenie

 na Golgotskom kríži.

303 Zatiaľ čo sem prichádzajú, chcem, aby si tu každý zaujal svoje miesto. V poriadku, sestra.

 Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho

 Lebo On…

 (Poďte sem teraz, okolo oltáru, vy, ktorí tu chcete prísť) ...Ma,

 a vykúpil moje spasenie

 na kríži Golgoty.

304 Prečo sem niektoré vy, sestry s krátkymi vlasmi, neprídete a nezaviažete sa Bohu? Chcete, aby som vám to prečítal z Biblie? V poriadku. Prečo neprídete a nepoviete, „Pane, chcem byť na poriadku vo všetkých veciach a chcem začať správne. Chcem sa dostať na tú správnu cestu a zostať na nej. Dám ti tu dnes večer sľub, Pane. Odteraz to bude len rásť“?

305 Biblia hovorí, že je hanba pre muža, aby mal dlhé vlasy, potom vyzerá ako žena. Boh uzavrel dve zmluvy, jednu s Adamom a druhú s Evou. On ich inak obliekol. Oni sú iní, celkom odlišní. Vždy to tak bolo. V Biblii sa nachádzajú dve zmluvy. Raz by som chcel kázať na tú dvojitú zmluvu, niekedy, aby som vám ukázal, aký bol medzi nimi rozdiel. Ó, je to ohromné. Je to dokonca aj v prípade manželstva a rozvodu, ak by ste len vedeli, aká je ohľadom toho pravda, vybavilo by to celú situáciu. Tak veru. Dobre, a teraz… Poďte sem.

 Milujem Ho…

 (Potrebuješ Ducha Svätého? Poďte sem a postavte sa dookola.)

 Lebo On prv miloval mňa


 Chcete s Ním bližšie kráčať? Poďte sem a sľúbte Mu to, postavte sa k Nemu a dodržte to. Nebude to nanič dobré, ak urobíte ten sľub a nedodržíte ho.


 Len sem príďte a zaviažte sa tým sľubom, Boh to vyplní. Vy len držte svoj sľub.

306 Poprosím svojich bratov kazateľov, aby ste zišli sem dole a postavili sa sem dookola, postavili sa okolo týchto drahých ľudí, zatiaľ čo sa tu budeme modliť a hovoriť jeden k druhému, opýtajte sa na ich potreby, zatiaľ čo tu sme.

307 Všetci buďte tak úctiví, ako len viete. No, Boh vás uctí, buďte naozaj úctiví, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme. Môžete sem priamo prísť a postaviť sa za týchto ľudí, ktorí tu stoja pre modlitbu. 

 Na kríži Golgoty.

308 No, zatiaľ čo… kazatelia sa zhromažďujú na oboch stranách:

 Milujem Ho, Ja…

Rád to vidím, kazatelia rôznych organizácií, všetci v jednom; to je pod krvou.

 Lebo On prv miloval mňa

 a vykúpil mi spasenie

 na kríži Golgotskom. (Ó!)

309 A teraz poďte sem, bratia, priamo k tej osobe, pri ktorej stojíte, položte na ňu ruku a opýtajte sa jej, čo od Boha chce. Nie je to nádherný čas? Viete, keď toto vidím, pozriem sa tu, kazatelia z rôznych cirkví, ako tu spolu dookola stoja. Sestry, ktoré tu boli na lehátkách, sú preč. Chvála Pánovi. Som za to tak vďačný, ako tu stojíme v Mene Pánovom.

310 A teraz nech každý jeden skloní svoju hlavu. Každý jeden z vás vo svojom srdci, len na chvíľu hovorte s Bohom, ako by ste hovorili so mnou; akoby ste prišli a povedali, „Prepáč, brat Branham. Urobil som to zle, odpustil by si mi to? Sľúbim ti, brat Branham, že to nikdy znovu neurobím.“ A teraz v tom len zmeňte moje meno na Meno Pána Ježiša Krista.

311 A ak potrebujete uzdravenie, ako by ste prišli a povedali, „Brat Branham, som na mizine, nemám dnes nič na večeru a viem, že keby si mal dolár, že by si mi jeden dal.“ No, vy nemusíte Bohu hovoriť, „Ak máš Moc Uzdravenia.“ On ju má. Vidíte? Tak by ste to hovorili mne, „Ak to máš.“ Ale Jemu nemusíte hovoriť, „Ak máš.“ On má! Vidíte? A tak vy poviete, „Brat Branham, dal by si mi dolár? Potrebujem niečo na jedenie.“ No, samozrejme, ja by som to urobil, dobre to viete. Ak by som to mal, tak by som vám to kedykoľvek dal. Bol by som hrozného srdca, ak by som to neurobil. A keď ja, krutý a hriešny človek, by som bol tak dobrosrdečný k vám, aký je potom Boh?

312 „Ak vy súc zlí viete, ako dávať dobré dary, o koľko viac dá nebeský Otec Ducha tým, ktorí o to prosia.“ „Ak by ste poprosili o rybu, dal by vám hada? Ak by ste poprosili o chlieb, dal by vám kameň?“ Istotne nie!

313 Ak by ste ho len prosili takým spôsobom s vierou veriac, že to od Neho dostanete o miliónkrát skôr, ako by ste to dostali odo mňa. A vy viete, že by som vám pomohol, urobil by som, čo by som mohol. A títo bratia takisto, vybrali by sme každý cent z vrecka, aby sme vám pomohli. Urobili by sme, čo by sa dalo. Ale toto je niečo, čomu musíte veriť skrze vieru.

314 A ak teraz veríte, že to príjmete, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme a zatiaľ čo sa vy, ako publikum, modlíte, verím, že Boh zostúpi a uctí našu modlitbu. A presne v tú chvíľu, kedy sa cítite, že to máte, že Boh ide odpovedať na vašu modlitbu, potom uzatvárate zmluvu, „Pane, učinil som zle, už to viac neurobím. Zodvihnem svoju ruku, sľubujem, že to už neurobím,“ Boh vás bude brať za slovo. A vy to len tak verte a tak to bude. A potom len zodvihnite svoje ruky a ďakujte Mu, „Pane, vyplnil som svoj sľub. A ja viem, že on patrí Tebe, Ty si zasľúbil, že to odpovieš, a Ty nemôžeš zlyhať.“

315 Nebeský Otče, my, tvoji služobníci, stojíme nad touto skupinou, ktorá sem prišla, lebo potrebuje tvoje požehnania a tvoju pozornosť v tomto čase. Otče, oni sú trofeje tohto posolstva, času večerného svetla. Mnohí z nich, Pane, to vyznávajú. Niektorí z nich sú v zúfalej potrebe. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si sa od nikoho z nich neodvracal, lebo Ty dodržíš Svoje Slovo. Prinášam Tvoje Slovo na Tvoju pamiatku, Pane, ako to robil Peter a učeníci, keď sa modlili v Skutkoch 4, ako povedali, „Pane, pamätaj na Slovo! Prečo pohania zúria a ľudia si predstavujú márne veci?“

316 A teraz, Otče, prinášame Tvoje Slovo. Ty si povedal, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, má večný život. Ten, kto prichádza ku Mne, toho žiadnym spôsobom nevyženiem von. Ten, kto počuje Moje slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“

317 Ó, dajme Bohu na známosť naše žiadosti a On nám odpovie. On je hojne… „Ten, ktorý vyzná svoje hriechy, bude mať ospravedlnenie. Ten, kto ukrýva svoje hriechy, nebude prosperovať.“ A my vyznávame svoje chyby. Ja vyznávam chyby týchto ľudí. Vyznávam svoje vlastné prestúpenia, prosím o milosť. Prosím o uzdravenie. Prosím o milosť. Prosím, aby si vylial Ducha Svätého, Pane, v tejto chvíli na týchto čakajúcich ľudí, aby boli ich životy premenené v tvárniacej forme Božej, a nech sú vytvarované na obraz Syna Božieho, aby ten Duch, ktorý oživil Jeho, aby prišiel do ich tela a urobil z nich synov a dcéry Božie. Udeľ to, Pane.

318 My veríme, že si prítomný. Veríme, že uctíš Svoje Slovo. Veríme, že uctíš úsilie Slova. A teraz zošli tieto požehnania na týchto ľudí, ako čakajú na Tvoju prítomnosť, aby si ich navštívil tu na oltári. V Ježišovom Mene.

319 A teraz, ak veríte a veríte, že ste to prijali, zodvihnite svoje ruky k Bohu. Ak to príjmete ako modlitbu viery a ako svoj sľub, že sa teraz obrátite k Bohu, zodvihnite svoje ruky.

320 Povstaňte všetci, celé publikum. Každý jeden povstaňte na svoje nohy, kto sa chce Bohu zaviazať sľubom a povedať, „Verím tomu, prijímam to. Verím tomu.“

321        Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky a vzdajte Mu chválu a všetko bude na poriadku. Sláva Bohu! Ďakujem Ti, Pane Ježišu, za tvoju dobrotu a milosť a za všetko, čo si pre nás vykonal, Pane. Vzdávame Ti chválu skrze Ježiša Krista.

1 Thank you, very much. The Lord bless you.

You may be seated.

2My son was up today, and he said, "Dad, I wish we'd seen that church before we started building ours, it's such a pretty place." And he talked about... Said, "I have never met the minister yet, but if he's as nice a person as his wife, certainly is a nice person." So we're happy to be here.

3And I--I'm looking forward to the--the meeting tonight, that God a-pouring out His blessings upon us and helping us.

4 Now we're... I just got in, and I heard a Brother Williams, I believe, saying something about being at the Ramada. And I guess the announcements has done been made, of about that. Usually they take care of that before I get in. And we're certainly looking forward to a great time down at the convention. And my part here is just kind of going around and meeting the brethren and fellowshipping amongst the people, and praying that God will give us a--a right kind of a stir, and then we can go right straight into the Ramada in a great meeting. And so we're trying to visit all the churches that possibly can, until that time. And we're having a great time. We certainly are having a wonderful time with the fellowship of among our brethren.

5 And usually I'm... Anybody knows I'm not much of a preacher, I'm just kind of a spare tire. But I--I... My ministry is praying for the sick. And I... We have been so crowded of nights, and things, till we can hardly get enough room to do so. And we're going to try if we... when we get into places where we can, in here, to give out some cards and bring the people in and pray for them. But having one night meeting at a time, what you wouldn't get tonight and then they'd press them plumb down somewhere else the next night, and way back over somewhere else, so that way I've just kind of made a--a little--a little talk each night for the people, and best that I can to kind of... to the honor and glory of Jesus Christ, and to Whom we all love and believe, and our fellowshipping together.

6 I guess you heard the accident on the corner, just a few moments ago. I don't know whether the man was killed, or ever who it was, the car come through. We just stopped, just a word of prayer, a few moments ago. About two blocks above here there was someone had been hit sideways and knocked all the way up in the street. And a large person was covered over out there. And the cops was there, but I don't think the ambulance had ever gotten there yet. They must... If it wasn't killed, it certainly was... Hit on this side and knocked all the way through the door on the other side, so it must have been a terrific blow. You know, it just...

7 We must serve God every minute. We don't know what time--we don't know what time that those things could happen. Maybe we think it won't be us, but you know it can be, you know. So, I believe Jesus said, "Be prepared, for we don't know what minute or hour that we may be called on." And then we'll go to a place where they don't have accidents, and no troubles. We are so glad there's a place like that in promise.

8You know, the very thought, tonight, of--of seeing that we would long for a place like that, that shows there is a place like that. See? And we know that all negatives, all shadows, there has to be something to make a shadow. A shadow is a reflection. So if there's a life like this, it proves that it's a shadow, then there's a real life somewhere it's reflecting of. See? You notice a tree, how beautiful a tree is. And you know what that is? It's the negative type of the shadow of the Tree of Life in Heaven.

9 Now, you know, when God came to the earth, when He was brooding over the earth at the beginning, and maybe the first thing did come up was a--a polliwog, as the scientists try to say. Next thing might have been something... I believe in true Christian evolution, but I don't believe it all come from a single cell. I believe it just... God made a polliwog, and then He made a fish, and then He made something else. And just... I believe in coming up, not by the same cell, but a different creature all the time.

10And finally He kept on, coming higher specie, and after a while it reflected the One that was doing the brooding, which was God. Now, to prove that's right, when God was made flesh it was Jesus Christ, a man. See? So, not an Angel, a man. So it goes to show that it reflected Him.

11 And, oh, this old Bible is full of them gracious old nuggets. I just... I like to just prospect (don't you?) and just go in there and shake all the dust off of It, and look at It and see what It is. How the jewels, you people know here in Arizona, the great jewels come from the dust of the earth. That's where they come from. And God's jewels are brought up from the dust, too. And He... We're so happy that He gives us the privilege of going into His great refinery, and all the dross taken out.

12You know how they used to? Course, you Arizona people know how they... before they had the smelter, how they used to refine gold. We're told that they took the gold and beat it. The old Indians used to do that, beat it. And just turn it over, and beat it and beat it, until they got all the dross beat out of it. And the way they knew that all of it was out (all the pyrite and stuff that's in it, all that), when they knowed it out, the beater seen his reflection in it, he could see himself. Then he knew it was coming clear, when it reflect his own image.

13 And, you know, I think God wants to do His Church that way, just beat all the world out until the reflection of Jesus Christ lives in each one of us and we reflect His Life. Then we're ready then for His... He reflects Himself through us at that time, when we get... lay aside every weight and the sin that that does so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us, looking to the Example, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, Jesus Christ. So happy for That!

14 Now, usually I say each night... I said to Brother Carl Williams, I said, "Brother Carl, them people don't want to hear me again, up and down through them valleys, keeping them till two or three hours at night."

He said, "Well, well, come on."

15So I appreciate your patience in--in inviting me back again. And now each night...

16I talked to my wife a while ago, down... She's at Tucson now, and I said, "How's the weather?"

17She said, "Warming up." And she said, "Are you keeping on schedule?"

I said, "Just exactly, around ten or eleven each night."

18I said to her, "I'm going to get some rest when I go out to Arizona this time on this little meeting. I'm going to those churches, those brethren. I'm not going to punish those people, I'm going to just go in there and I'm going to let the singing be done, the jubilee. I'm going to limit myself, put my notes down to about fifteen, twenty minutes, say 'Amen' and go home."

She said, "Are you on schedule?"

19I said, "Yes, honey, I am; regular schedule, up to three hours." Very fine people; lot of patience.

20 Well, let's bow our heads just a moment now as we approach Him. Now, I'm sure that in a fine audience of people like this who believes, and especially... I see two cots laying here, the people that's sick and needy, I know they have special requests. No doubt but what there's many others that has these requests. If so, just raise up your hands and just let it be known as you lift your hand. And now in prayer I'm going to go over and pray for these people in these cots, while--while we're here, so we be sure to get it. If something take place... They was faithful enough to be brought in here, I want you all to pray with me.

21 Our Heavenly Father, we are laying aside now every other thought, cleansing our minds, and we're coming in Thy Presence for the cleansing of our soul. And we bring before us the Blood of the Lord Jesus. We're confessing that we're not worthy of any blessing that You would give us, but because that He died that we might obtain these blessings, and have told us to come boldly before the Throne, that we have access to these blessings through the grace of our Lord Jesus, Who came to the earth, Emmanuel, and taken the place of the sinner. He became we, oh, that we might become He.

22What an exchange, Lord! A sinful, hell-bound life that we had, and to know that One came and taken that life upon Himself, and purged our sins by the shed Blood of His Own Life. It's more than our hearts could even think about, Lord. And then, besides all of that, He made a way to take away our iniquity and to heal us by His stripes. We're so thankful that He promised that He would keep us well while we served Him.

23 And now tonight, Father, there is many requests has been... with their hands raised up. We know that Thou will regard each one of them, knowing what's beneath the hand, in the heart.

24And I ask, Lord, that You will remember the Word tonight as we read It; and meditate upon It as a little lesson, like a Sunday school, that we might leave here tonight and--and have this within our hearts, that we feel like that we would be closer to You, going out, than we were when we come in. That's why we are here, that it might bring a revival around the country, not knowing just when it might start, but with expectations looking forward to it, Lord. We are placing forth every human effort that we know how to bring a revival that brings man and women, boys and girls, to a saving knowledge of Christ.

25 We want to thank You for this church, for its fine pastor and his family, and for all the deacons, trustees, and for all that it represents. We thank You for those who are gallant to stand by. And, Lord, we just pray the blessings of God rest upon them. Bless every effort. May this be a station, Lord, where all the valley here can come in and find rest. Grant it, Father. May the prayers of the pastor be answered for the sick. May his prayers be answered for salvation, for all that goes within--in the Gospel range. May Your blessings be upon him. And may the church be short of no spiritual gift, may it be a place, an example church to all the community. Grant it, Lord.

26 Now, Father, laying upon the cots here tonight, that cannot sit up and enjoy the meeting, are those who have not this privilege. And they've been packed in here some way, tonight. O God, have mercy! I think, "What if that was my wife or my brother, or somebody that was a relative, that I knew real well?" It's somebody's, and I pray, Father, that the grace of God, with His power, will reach down in Divine deliverance for them tonight, and deliver them from these cots. May they not be in these cots any longer than this meeting tonight. May, when they leave, the cots be left behind. May the power, that raised up Jesus from the dead, quicken their bodies to new health and strength again. Grant it, our Father. Now, we know that You promised to do it.

27Therefore, it is written in the Scriptures, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

28Now, Father, that there may not be nobody in their reach, while others can reach each other, I'll walk down in commemoration of this commandment. And, God, I'm going to expect to have a letter from them, that it was done, for I go in the Name of Jesus Christ.

29 [Brother Branham goes down and prays for those on cots while congregation sings Only Believe four times, then he returns and sings--Ed.]

Lord, I believe, O Lord, I believe,

All things are possible, Lord, I believe;

Lord, I believe, Lord, I believe,

All things are possible, Lord, I believe.

See that, both of the ladies had growths, cancer on one.

30 And I just might quickly give this little testimony, if I have to cut some of my talking short. Just before leaving home, the last case I had before leaving, that was an outstanding case, there was a lady and her name is Dyer; she was, I forget her name now. It was Doctor Dyer, out of Louisville. A James, Doctor James Dyer, a specialist on growths, and so forth, in Louisville.

31His daughter played the piano in the church of The Open Door, which Doctor Cobbles is pastor; just a (oh) great mammoth old Jewish synagogue. And the man himself belonged to the Church of Christ, denominational Church of Christ, and was converted into believing the gospel of the full Gospel, a very fine man. And she played in my meeting when I had it in Louisville, at the Memorial Auditorium. And she was amazed to see what taken place, and tried to tell her father about it.

32He said, "It's just psychology. Those people is just as sick as they ever was." And so--so he wouldn't believe It.

33 Finally she weaned away from the church, she married a boy from the Baptist seminary, and he finally got away from his belief. He was trained to be a minister, and as the Baptist do it that way. And so they... Finally he got away, didn't want to preach. And they moved over to his people at Rockford, Illinois.

34Finally she, Jean, begin to have some female trouble. She went to her father for examination, came back to Louisville for examination. And, when they did, they found what's called the "chocolate tumor," it's in the female glands. Removing that, her father, with a major operation, and he must have spilt some of the--the tumor in her. And finally... And they give her some deep X-ray and--and therapy.

35And so then when they... when she went back home, and she continued to have trouble.

36About a year later they brought her back for another examination, and they had a complete hysterectomy. And when doing so, the father, with Doctor Humes, which is one of the major doctors of the South, operated, and it was too far, the cancer had already wrapped into the colon. So they left her there then for a while. Then he tried X-ray treatments again, and they seen it didn't do no good, so they just taken her back to the hospital to... They couldn't give her any more laxative to make her bowel move, so they tried to wash her with enema. And that got so the water wouldn't go into the bowel anymore.

37 So then her husband was kind of one of my critics. And so finally one day he come down there and picked up the book and begin to read it. (And my son here and Brother Sothmann, he's one of the trustees, is in here somewhere.) And he just laid on the church doorsteps, why, for about a couple days, until... I--I was away in a meeting. Coming back I--I went over to see her. And he told me, said, "Now, she doesn't know she has cancer." Said, "Just go and talk to her and pray with her."

38And so when I seen her, she said, "Brother Branham," she said, "my husband is going to accept Divine healing," says, "'cause I couldn't get him to look at one of the books, now he reads page after page to me every day, one of the books."

39 And I said, "I understand that, Jean." And I said, "Now, Jean, let us talk and see what the Lord will say." No one in the room, the nurse dismissed herself. And so we talked a little while, and after a while there came a vision. I... She's about forty years old, not gray yet, but she was much older and gray. I said, "Jean, now, you've been in the meetings."

"Yes, Brother Branham."

40I said, "They've kept it from you, and told me not to say it, but you have cancer." And I said, "Your father and... Or your husband said, 'Don't say nothing about it.' But you have cancer, Jean. But, now, I want to tell you, because you've been in the meetings. A vision has never failed. Now I'm going to tell you, Jean, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD! See?" See?

41 Now, you want to be real sure of that, see, that the... that it is the Lord. Not impression; you see it. See?

And then I said, "You're going to live. They're... He..."

42She said, "Brother Branham, I suspicioned that all along." And she said, "Being raised in a home with my father being a doctor," said, "I--I--I suspicioned it." Said, "I thought that all along, that's just what it was." We prayed.

43The next day, the second day after that, they were going to take her up for a colostomy. That's, you know, they cut the intestine and put a bag on the side and then the patient just... until they die, the cancer finally kills them, empty the bowel out in a bag. And just when they had her ready, and already prepped and ready for the operation table, she felt real strange. And they... she called for the nurse to come and help her to the--the bathroom. And, when she did, she had a complete normal elimination. And her--her husband just couldn't hardly get over it. And the second day... They didn't take her up. The second day, normally, just after breakfast, another complete elimination. So she...

44Her doctor called up. Between sobs and crying, he said, "I just can't understand, we can't even find one symptom of it at all. It's gone."

45 Now, now, my precious sisters, I have no reason to stand here as a servant of Christ and say something wrong, because I'd be judged at that day, and a castaway, as a hypocrite.

46Now, with God's Word open, I prayed no more for Jean and no sincerely than I did for you, see. We just drove down that little post, knowing that the prayer of faith had been prayed. That settles it right there. God's Word said so, see, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick."

47 Now, the same God that healed Doctor Dyer's daughter, which is Jean... I don't know what her name is now. But that man has certainly embraced the full Gospel. The last sermon at the church, here he was sitting right there taking it all in, taking communion with us, and everything else, a Baptist student had come to the Lord for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now, it just goes to show that God remains God.

48And the doctor, her father, lovely man, but he just had never seen anything like that happen.

49Now, God has a time for all things. And from believing, you're both believers. So sometimes these things happen for good. You know, the Bible said, "They work together for good."

50Now, remember Job, all of his trials? Now, that wasn't God chastening Job, but it was God approving His servant. So it all worked for good, you see. And then the Book of Job was wrote for all generations, for a testimony. Now, God's working it for good.

51Just remember, I have prayed, with all my heart, the prayer of faith. You believe it, and there, that'll be it, that'll be the case, just--just watch for the results.

52 Now, to get straight in the--the message, (many are standing), a little message for the evening.

53And--and just remember now, there at the--at the Ramada, there's going to be some very fine speakers at this Ramada convention this time, the Business Men, so you... down at the Ramada. So you be sure to try to attend this meeting. Brother Oral Roberts is going to be there for the night of the banquet.

54And, now, I'm kind of a little part of Tucson, I'm going to hold up for Tucson. We got one down there, too, next Monday night, so if you happen to be around there, well, you come down there also. And you'll have to... might suffer a little time with me, 'cause I'm supposed to speak that one. So you come down if you can next Tuesday... next Monday night at the Ramada Motel, the Ramada Inn, at Tucson. And, course, we all know that Phoenix is just the outskirts of Tucson. We all know that, you see, so--so come down and see how the mountain folks live.

55 Now let us turn in our Bibles to Zechariah 14, the 6th and 7th chapter, I wish to read for a... to draw from this a little context of the text that I wish to take.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:

But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that in the evening time it shall be light.

56Now I wish to draw from this, The Evening Messenger, for a con-... for a text: The Evening Messenger. Course, we can have messengers all through the day, and there has been messengers all through this day that He has spoke of, but there's coming an evening Message. And we want to look at that tonight and kind of in a way like Sunday school, talk on it a while.

57 Now, we all know what Zechariah here was speaking of, because that he said, "There will come a day that will be considered to the Lord, neither day nor night; but in the evening it shall be Light." Now, if we knew that it wasn't day nor night, it would have to be kind of a--a--a dismal day, kind of a foggy day.

58And we all know that civilization has traveled from east to the west. The oldest civilization we have is China. And civilization has traveled from east to west, because it's followed the sun, and now we have got all the way to the West Coast. If we go any further, we're back East again, see. So we're at the end of the road.

59 We believe, as the Church, that the Gospel has been just about completed. We believe that the great messengers through the ages has, in these last days, last several hundred years, has fought for these great things; the justification by faith, Luther; sanctification, by Wesley; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, by the Pentecostals. We believe that those elements goes to make up the complete body, like the natural and the spiritual.

60When a baby's born normally, what's the first thing? The first thing it breaks, is water; the next thing, is blood; and the next thing, is life.

61 First John 5:7 said, "There are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." They are One; you can't have the Father without having Son, you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. See, they are One. "But there are three bear record in earth, the water, the blood, and the Spirit: and they agree in one." They're not one, but they agree in one. See?

62Now, you can be justified without being sanctified; you can be sanctified without having the Holy Ghost. See? The Holy Ghost is the indwelling Presence of Christ's power, in the Spirit. Now, we see that the natural types the spiritual, so the Church is in its complete maturity now: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit. We just come through the Seven Church Ages, at home, typing that out beautifully.

63 And, by the way, has anybody ever heard them tapes on the church ages? On the last time I had those ages drawed out there on the blackboard, and the Heavenly Father knows this is true, when I completed it with the best I could, under the inspiration that God would give me, that Angel of the Lord that you see in the picture (many have seen that picture, haven't you, that Light?), It came right down in the room, before about three hundred or four hundred people, went right over on the side of the wall (as a Light like that) and drawed those church ages by Itself. We all stood there looking at It, watched It draw the first church age, the second, third, and fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh.

64 Now, there's people sitting here that's a witness of that. Raise up your hand if that's so. The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses."

65Everyone sitting there, screaming and everything else, I said, "There! Now, you've wanted to see It, everybody can look right at It." Eleven o'clock in the day, standing right there on the wall, and drawed off those church ages, just which much Spirit, and then the darkness to show that the Spirit was smothered out and went through the Dark Age and come right back down again, just the way I had it drawed. And we got it, pictures of it, and everything drawed, hanging on the wall. And there it was just exactly. It must have been that the Spirit of the Lord was satisfied that that was completed, 'cause He come back and vindicated that that was right.

66And we're living in the Laodicean Church Age, the rich church age that thinks they have need of nothing, and don't know that they're naked, miserable, blind; and don't know it, see. Now, all those, typing.

67 Now, the same sun that shines in the... rises in the East is the same sun that sets in the West. Now, let's just stop a minute to background this message. We know that the sun, that's s-u-n, the solar system. But the S-o-n of God came down, in the brilliance of God and the Light of God, in the East. And we've had two thousand years now, considered by the Lord, He said, "It'd be a time that wouldn't be day nor night, just kind of a dismal day; but in the evening time it shall be Light."

68 Now, if you notice, the Holy Spirit fell on the Eastern people first. Then we've had a time of just church-joining and little ends to be picked up, and little causes to be fought for. But then in the evening time, on the Western hemisphere, it shall be Light. And we're at that time now! Civilization's come like a great rift from the East, picking up sin all the time as it come, and she's hit the West Coast like a sound barrier, and she's fallen back, and the most corruptible place that I know of is on the West Coast. Anything that you want to think of, they got it, sin, corruption, divorce, marrying, Hollywood, the very hole of hell! That's exactly right.

69 I believe in genuine Bible holiness. And I do not believe in this corruption and rotten stuff that sets an example before our people, called Hollywood. And I've always been against it. And I think a man that has the Spirit of God in him would be against it, because the Spirit of God would testify that "it's wrong" to him.

70Now I think that's one of the... We used to go over to Paris to get naked models for to strip our women, now Paris comes over here to get ours. See? Hollywood leads the world. And the nude fashions that we have of today, beyond France (just think of that!), that drunken, brawling, immoral place, and yet Hollywood beats that altogether.

71And all of our televisions, the everything they have on it is uncensored, just dirty jokes, and rotten corruption, just waded into everything. And the people, the Devil... Wouldn't let us send our children to--to the picture shows years ago, we early Pentecostals, but now the Devil slipped one over and put it right in the house on us. You see? So he just brought the picture show right in.

72 Now, and it's--it's such a--a dreadful thing to--to think that the world has got in this corruption, because all the riffraff, you see, and just floated in this way, coming with civilization.

73But all the time... I'm going to preach one of these days, the Lord willing, in a few days, on The Countdown. You know, I--I know you orbited, and so we--we just see there what's taking place. God's been able to do something with His Church, too, all the time, you see, while these things are going on. And now we're at the end time, thank the Lord!

74 Each age has had its message and messenger. God has seen to that. Every... Even in the church ages, we find out that each one had a messenger, and each one lived their age; and another one come in, and that one went out; and another one come in; on down to the seventh church age; each star, each angel of the church, each messenger.

75And we find out, at the last church age, over in Revelation 10, there is to be a trumpet sound, and there was seven voices uttered at... They was not permitted to write. But it was sealed on the back side of the Book, the seven seals was on the back side of the Book. After the Book is written, then It's sealed back there with seven seals. Now, no one knows what they are. But It said, "In the days of the seventh angel sounding forth his Message," that's earthly angel, now.

76Because this Angel came down from Heaven; and this was on earth; angel is "a messenger," a messenger to the age.

77 And then we notice that He put His... had a rainbow over His head and raised up His hand and swore by Him that lives for ever and ever, that time should be no more (when these seven voices uttered, seven thunders uttered their voices). And He told them, "Don't write, but seal It." And we found it was on the back side of the Book.

78"But when the seventh angel had finished his Message, his prophesying of the day, then the mystery of God should be finished," everybody knows the Bible says that. "The mystery of God, what God is, Who God is, and all about the way into the baptism and things, that should all be settled in that day.

79 Each messenger has had his message, and the--the message and the messenger of the age. And it is most remarkable that each messenger... We even found in the church ages (and tonight we'll go back in the Old Testament and find that it's the same thing) that God sends the messenger of that age at the end of the time; always at the end, never at the beginning. At the end!

80Now, as Luther's age faded out, then Wesley come in. And when Wesley's sanctification faded out, Pentecostal age come in. See? Its always the messenger opens up the new message at the end of the old. It's each age that that's been done. We know that to be the truth.

81 This is repeated each time through the Bible. We find that in the sacred Scriptures, all the way through, that just at the ending of the old age and the new one coming in, that age fades out and a new age comes in, God sends the messenger.

82And as always--always, every time that a messenger comes, it's always a call back to the Word, never fails. Remember, This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, there cannot be nothing added to It or taken from It. It's the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. And the only way that we can ever be sure: if anything rises among us that's contrary to this revelation, then it's wrong. See? It's "Back to the Word!" and always calling back.

83 And in every case in the Scripture, every case, God uses a prophet to call that age back, always. Makes... No, not one time to fail, He always sends a--a prophet! And now why does He do that? Is because the Bible says, "It's the prophet that the Word of God comes to," the revealer of the Word.

84Now, I--I--I hope that I'm not misunderstood. See? I don't mean to be misunderstood, but I mean to be honest and faithful to the call. We want to be that.

85 Now, God always uses a--a prophet, a man. If you use a bunch of man, you get different ideas; see, each man, two man. Never did He have two major prophets on the earth at one time. He takes one, so the other one can take its place for another day, another message. He never has two, He has one at a time.

86And the infinite God never changes His program, He must always stay with what He started with. That's the reason we can have confidence in what He says, He cannot change. If He saved a man on the basis of his faith in God, the next man will have to be saved the same way.

87 When God made a place where He could fellowship with His creature, Adam tried to make a way himself, and made fig leaves for him and his wife, to make aprons. God rejected it. And God decided on what program or what basis He would meet man and fellowship with him, and that was the shed blood. And He's never changed it.

88Now, as Methodist to Baptist, we can shake one another's hands. But on basis by being Methodist and Baptist we have no things in common, I'm pulling for the Baptist and you're pulling for the Methodist, or vice versa. But there's one basis where all believers can meet, that's under the shed Blood. That's where we meet and lay aside all these things. So we cannot all come into one organization, we cannot do that.

89 These little organizations, I think God's been in it, the whole thing. But people... 'cause we're different. Each man sees different, each person sees different, no two minds is exactly the same. No two people is perfectly the same, they claim; no two noses, no two thumbprints. See, we're made different, that way we should have different groups.

90But God always works with an individual. He don't save you because you're Methodist; He doesn't save you because you're Baptist; He doesn't save you 'cause you're Pentecostal. He saves you because He has dealt personally with you! And you're saved on that basis, that you have accepted It. So therefore God could deal with you. He doesn't deal with you in the order of His church, He deals with you as an individual.

91Therefore when God sent forth His prophets, His messengers of the Testament, He spoke to one man, and that man had to bring the Message. Others went from him, everywhere, bringing the same Message. But there had to be one headquarters. God has always had it. I'm thankful He has got it tonight; that's the Holy Ghost, of course, we all know. Now, not some group, but the Holy Spirit is God's Headquarters. That's God's Messenger of the hour.

92 Now, what is, to the prophet that the Word always come, if they are a true prophet of the Word, God vindicates His Word by that prophet.

93Now, there's been many false prophets, we've had them all through the ages. We go back to the Old Testament, see them raise up and speak in the Name of the Lord, and it was--wasn't right. God would have nothing to do with it. He never vindicates nothing but His Own Word. Anyway, He wouldn't run His business like that. See?

94You just remember, God only vindicates His Word! And only a true prophet is... And the only way you can tell whether he's true or not, is by the Word. That's the way to judge him.

95 Now if you notice, like in the days when--when Micaiah, there stood up four hundred Hebrew prophets, before Ahab and Jehoshaphat, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'Go on up and prosper.'" Fundamentally they were right. Then Micaiah was called on the scene, the one that they all hated. Now, it looked like if... Four hundred (I--I don't mean prophets of Baalim) Hebrew prophets stood up with one accord, and said, "Go on up to Ramoth-gilead, the Lord will bless you and you'll prosper." And those man wasn't hypocrites, they were absolutely inspired! But their...

96 Then why would this one little fellow come in by the name of--of Micaiah, who was the son of Imlah, and come back and prophesy contrary to them? Now, that taken nerve, it taken conviction. See? But how did he know he was right? If you were standing there, how would you know it? The only way you can do, is take what the man says and compare it with the Word. See? Now, Micaiah was exactly on the Word, because Elijah, that great prophet who had the Word of the Lord, had just cursed Ahab and Jezebel and all. See? And how could God turn around and bless what the curse was on? See, so it just couldn't work.

97 Now, we find out that God vindicates His Word. The prophet's word, if he is a prophet, then it's... he's speaking according to the Word. The Bible said in one place, said, "If they speak not according to the law and prophets, there's no Light in them." Then call... Then this messenger calls out the called-out Ones. He is right by the Word of God, proves that he's right.

Notice, notice, now we'll call a few characters in and listen.

98 Noah was God's witness for the antediluvian end time. Now, look how contrary his message was to the whole antediluvian world. Why, the man was considered an insane man. Why, his... But, yet, he had exactly the Word of the Lord. Now, God had spoke He "couldn't tolerate sin," so He... when the people begin to sin, then God come down and Noah preached the end-time message. When was it? Just before the end time, this messenger arose. God sent forth this prophet with the message for the end time. And he was laughed at, ridiculed, made fun of, and only the saving of his own household did he save. That's right. No one would believe him. But he had the end-time message. Now, all that did not believe were condemned, and the ones that did believe the message was saved. God gave them Life and they were saved, and the ones that did not believe It was lost.

99 Now, I'm typing something. Notice God, how He's done this three times.

100And three is the perfect number of God. God is perfected in three, like, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," and "justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost." He's perfected, 'cause three is His "perfection." Five is the number of "grace." Seven is... The number of "worship," twelve. Forty is the number of--of "persecution." And fifty is "jubilee," worship. "Pentecost" means fifty. And, forty days Moses was tempted, forty days Christ was tempted, you see. And all those type. Now, God is perfect in three.

101 There's three destructions. One of them, when Noah went in the ark; second time, Lot came out of--of Sodom. Watch, Jesus referred to them, "As it was in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Watch! One went in, the other one come out, and the next goes up. Uh-huh. See? Uh-huh. Goes in, comes out, goes up! Now, that's the order of the Lord. See, Jesus referred to them two prophets. "As it was in the days of Noah," see, "and as it was in the days of Lot," Abraham being the prophet, "as it was, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, referring back to them.

102 Now, Moses, another prophet, at the end of the Egyptian age. We find out that when God was going to deliver His people, and Egyptians had persecuted them so bad, and made taskmasters over them, masters over them, rather. And so then just before their destruction, God, as always, He sent a prophet with the Word of the Lord. Remember, the prophet was exactly identifying what God (hundreds of years before that, four hundred and something years before that) had promised Abraham, that his seed would sojourn in a strange land, but He would bring them out with a mighty hand. You know, at the burning bush when Moses met God, and He said to him, "I have heard the groans of My people, I've seen their afflictions, and I remember My covenant." Remembering His Word!

103Remember, He still remembers His Word! See? He don't fail, He must do the same thing every time. Reason I'm saying these things, so we can back it in your mind and think. Even you people that's been sick; you noticed I said "been" sick.

104 Now, notice now, you people all must remember this, that God cannot change! He's the unchangeable God. Times change, people change. God is infinite, He cannot change! His... He must remain the same, yesterday, today, forever, He must always remain. And if we believe This to be the Word of God, we can put our confidence on anything that He said. See?

105Now, you see there how His message comes, how He sends His message. He can't change that, He's always done it. He has to always remain the same. That's the way He'll always do it. Now, remember, when does He do it? Just before the destructions, just at the end of the age. That's when He sends His message to call out His people, (they always get them mixed up), and here they come.

106 Now, in the days of Moses, the believers were saved, the unbelievers perished.

107The one who believed Moses' message from God, now, they would not have done it unless Moses would have been a-vindicated of God and proving that God's Word was with him. That made him a prophet. He got out there and he said, "Tomorrow, about this time, you'll see such-and-such take place." Tomorrow, it took place. That was all. Any true prophet of God that speaks in the Name of the Lord will do it. "And it'll come to pass that so-and-so will take place. I'm going up to Pharaoh, but he'll harden, have a hardened heart. He'll say he'll let us go but he won't do it." And, it come to pass. See? Why? Then the people knew this man was sent from God. And then they begin to see that God blessed him, and they honored him and, when they did, great things taken place.

108 And the people who laughed and made fun and would not accept his message, they perished with the rest of the unbelievers.

109But the believers went out and entered into the promised land, they went under the anointed message of the messenger. It was a message of deliverance, that God promised He would bring His people to a land flowing with milk and honey. And it happened, because God had already said so, and Moses come and was a-vindicated as the messenger of that day.

Now, that brings it pretty plain to us.

110 All right, then we find out that Moses was correctly identified.

111And then at the change of the age, the time come for... between law and grace. There had to come a time that this spoken Messiah was to come. We find out that the time that the people had twisted the law, made it all under a great group of something, and had all kinds of--of traditions of man, they had injected into it. At the changing of the time came Jesus, another prophet, God-prophet.

Now, you say, "He wasn't a prophet."

112The Bible said He was. "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." He was the God-prophet, at the changing of time between law and grace, that He had spoke of for all these years. After He had give the law to Moses, then at the change of the time, when He said it would be done, then He come back to grace. And He sent a Prophet prophesying of the time. Now--now, the believers, He gathered them; the unbelievers perished in his day. All who believed on Him was saved; all that did not believe His message was lost.

113 That's exactly what took place in the days of Noah; that's what took place in the days of Lot; that's what took place in the other days, the days of Moses; that's what taken place in the days of Jesus Christ. For they despised the message and perished, and those who believed the message was lost... or was saved.

114Now, now, then comes the church dispensation in. We lived back in Noah's time, the antediluvian; we come into the dispensation of law; then in the dispensation of grace, the church. And now the church dispensation is ending. We all know that.

115Now, if God did thus-and-thus in that dispensation, in those other two dispensations, He has to remain the same and do the same in this dispensation, 'cause He said He would do it. I'll prove it in a few minutes, by the Word, that He said He would do it. Now, He cannot change His program, He's God. Notice what He did in them dispensations.

116 Now we come to the church dispensation's end time. That's what I read tonight:

... it shall be Light in the evening time.

117We've had plenty of dismal time, but there shall come Light. The same Son that came and changed the dispensation then, comes again! That's going to be from earth to Glory. We'll go in that. One time we went in, the other time we went out, and this time we're going up! See? All right: in, out, up. We're coming to the end time. And we're not only coming, we've already arrived. We are at the end time!

118What does God find in this end time? God finds in this end time just exactly what He found in other end times, unbelief! He's always been that, He, when He comes, He--He finds unbelief. He finds that the program that He laid down to the people...

119 Back there in Noah's time, if they would a-lived after His ordinances, offered the sacrifices... They got away from it. When He come, He found this, that thing operating wrong.

120The same thing He did when He come on earth, He found the people and the Pharisees, and so forth, after the law. What was they doing? Just no sincerity in it at all, just go ahead and slop it through any old way, and "Just as long as they joined the church, and that's all they needed." And that's what He found.

121And that's what He's found again! He finds the same thing, people doesn't change. So if He sent His program and the people disbelieved it there and they perished, they believed it and lived, (now, on those two), it's got to be the same on this time. It's got to be the same. No...

122It's always been a fight for the messenger to separate the old from the new. It's always been that fight, for--for the messenger coming in to separate old from new, though always the message must be Scriptural, now, for each has foretold of the other to come.

123 Now, let's take, for instance, Jesus. How hard it was, Him to come in and change the message from law to grace. Yet the Bible said it would come that way, "There'd come a--a Messiah, and the daily sacrifice would be taken away." And we know it was prophesied through the prophets. What a great thing it was for Him to do that. But we find that He did it. And the one... He did it because the Scripture said, and the believers of that day (so-called believers) absolutely would not agree with Him.

124Look at those Pharisees, Sadducees, they had their own traditions and no one's going to shake them from it. That's what they believed, their mother believed that, their daddy believed that, and their grandpa, grandma believed that, and "Moses said so!" But the same Moses that give the law was the same Moses said this Guy would come, and they failed to recognize it because they had got the true Word of God in traditions and had left off the main principle of it. And it had to be that way.

125 Notice, each one foretold the other one would come. Each one of the messengers, after the message, foretold it would come. Now, but the people always takes the message of the day that they've had, they set it up.

126Let's break it down, a little bit farther home, let's look at Luther. When Luther preached justification by faith, he was the messenger, the angel of that church age, all right, of the Sardis Church Age. Now, notice, when he preached, he set the Lutherans in order. Now, then, here went Luther spreading on. And when Wesley come in, the Philadelphian Church Age, with the message of sanctification, why, it was hard for Luther to see that. Them Lutherans wouldn't believe it.

127 And then when Wesley got them all settled down to the Pilgrim Holiness and Free Methodist, and so forth, on sanctification, and along came the Pentecostal message, why, it was hard for a Methodist to believe that. Uh-huh, sure, it was. See, it's a...

128Yet one speaks of the other one, Scripturally speaking. Enoch told of the coming destructions, by his rapture, God taking him home; he was a witness. Abraham told them of Moses. And Moses told of the Messiah. See, they keep telling, one to the other. Messiah told of this time, telling what this would be!

You say, "Ah, Brother Branham!"

129 Oh, yes, He did! Let's just... I got many Scriptures wrote down here, and I'll just refer to two or three of them. Let's take Matthew 24. Now let's take Matthew, the 24th chapter, and read what He told there would take place, how "Nations would rise against nation." But, remember, then He gets down there and He says, "As it was in the days of Noah, and as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." He foretold it, He predicted these things would happen!

130He said, "Now, when all this was happening, the time's not yet," so forth. But said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree, when it's young and puts forth branches, and all the other trees, then you know that summer is nigh. Likewise, when you see this come to pass, know the time is nigh, even at the door." Now, when you see what? The fig tree budding, and all the other trees begin to bud, it was a sign. And Israel has always been the fig tree.

131 Joel even prophesied of it, "What the palmerworm left, the caterpillar eaten and taken the thing down. But God promised, 'I will restore, saith the Lord.'" And He will do it. But before He can restore that back in its spiritual state, the Gentile church has to be taken out. He won't have two of them at the same time. Now, you can't make the Scriptures twist themselves like that. See? He never had two witnesses the same time, major witnesses, and He never had--He never... He don't have two Churches at the same time.

132 Notice, if the Gentile church has to be taken away first, for the Jews, then the end of the Seventy weeks of Daniel takes place. The three and a half years Messiah prophesied, and then He was cut off, the Prince, in the middle of the seventieth week. And, then, there's three and a half weeks left yet. And we find out two prophets of Revelation (He never changes His coat again), of Revelation 11, comes down and prophesies to the Jews. Now, the Church will be taken away at that time.

133And we see Israel, the first time for several hundreds of years, almost over two thousand years, is now become a nation; her own army, her own money. Israel is in the homeland; her own nation, own flag, belonging to the United Nations. She is a nation! Why, it's one of the greatest signs that we could think of, right now, Israel in her homeland. And Jesus said, "This generation that sees Israel go back to her homeland shall not pass until all has been fulfilled." See, He spoke of this day.

134 Let me just give another. In Second Timothy 3, He spoke of the church at the end time, said, "They would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." Take the church world, over, "lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God," stay home and watch a television program before attending prayer meeting on Wednesday night.

You say, "That's Baptist."

135That's Pentecostals! Sure! Yes, sir. Oh! "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure"; put the Word right under their nose, they won't look at It. Uh-huh. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God"; tell the women they shouldn't bob their hair, they bob it anyhow. Uh-huh. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are right. Having..."

You say, "That's atheists." No!

136"Having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof," the Power that can deliver you from this haunt, present world system. "... Power thereof; from such turn away." Don't care what the rest of the people says, it's you as an individual before God, you've got to answer. No matter what this woman does or that woman does, or, this man does or that man does, or, this preacher says or that preacher says; it's you and God. "Having a form," after tradition, "but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away." Are we living in that day? We sure are!

137 Look again in the last church age. The Holy Spirit, Jesus Himself, "I Jesus sent My angel to testify of these things." And Revelation, the 3rd chapter, speaking of this church age, Jesus giving testimony of what will take place in the last days, He said, "The church will become rich, Laodicea, lukewarm," can just jump around enough when the music's playing to shout. See? That's right. But for a testimony and a life that'll clean up, it's far from it.

138 I don't... I wouldn't hurt you for nothing, but I had a vision not long ago of being in the Paradise of God. I cannot but tell you the Truth. God, help us ministers to be honest in these things and tell the Truth!

139See, "...?... cold," the Bible said they would be that way, so they're going to be that way. If it struck it perfect with Luther, it struck it perfect with... in the Philadelphian Age with Wesley, it's got to speak it and be perfect... It has spoke it, and it will be exactly that way in the Laodicea.

140"'Rich, need of nothing!'" We can put billions of dollars in buildings, we can put everything that every--that every... worldly amusement, we can build the finest churches. That's all right, nothing, that's perfectly all right.

141 But I'm trying to say, then when the Message begins to swing over them, they don't want you. "You're a crackpot! You're a fanatic! You ought to have lived fifty years ago." See? Oh, you might think that, "I wouldn't have such as a pastor." It's your pastor, anyhow! Jezebel would never admit that that Elijah was her pastor, but he sure was. He certainly was. He was sent, an example, a messenger to the nation of Israel. And today the precious Holy Spirit and God's Word is a Messenger to the church, to straighten them out and to bring them back to the Word. We speak of It, but you see no one move. Uh-huh, see, we get those things so mixed up.

142 I heard someone, like in testimony, say, "'Lift Him up,' how do you lift Him up?" And, oh, just get little isms! Somebody said, "'Watch and pray,' that means keep one eye open when you pray, look with the other one. 'Watch and pray.'" (Why, watch means "watch for the coming of the Lord," and pray up.) See, it's just turning the thing around.

143Therefore, in that, what do we do? We make up a little tradition of our own (and then if...) whether it's God constructed or not. And we go out, the first thing you know, we've got a little group following us, and pulling them away from the main body of the church. That's right. Instead of coming in and praying and solving the thing out, and let the body move on, we do those things whether it constructed or not. If you've got Truth, then stay with Truth. That's exactly right. But let it be Bible Truth first! Notice, by the... this Laodicean age.

144 And the prophets, or the Holy Spirit speaking through Paul, which was the Messiah. Wasn't Paul, it was Christ! "God, in sundry times and divers manners spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last day by Jesus Christ," Hebrews 1, notice, the Holy Spirit, Christ, Christ-centered Gospel, Christ-centered Word. And if It is Christ-centered, and been vindi-... God will vindicate It to be the Truth.

145That's the reason you Pentecostal people receive the Holy Ghost in the faith of the Method-... face of the Methodist sanctification, because you was exactly on the Word.

146That's the reason you Methodist got sanctified when the Lutherans didn't believe in it, you were on the Word.

147That's how you Lutherans got saved, justified, because your messenger preached justification, and protested the Catholic church which was an off brand of all. They just believed in the church; you come back to the Bible, and you took that Bible truth and held to it.

148And then along come Wesley with another truth, and held to it; along come the Pentecost with another truth, and held to it; then if you can hold to that and see it's right, why not take the whole thing that's been proved right? Believe it all!

149 Now, when we see these messengers, we know then. We see Christ, the great God-prophet foretelling these things to happen in the last days. What's it doing? Introducing the crop time. It's introducing the time that the crop is going to be harvested, what will be in the last days. You see it?

150Now, these things will be in the last days. We know what kind of a crop we're looking for. We're looking for a church that once had Light, turned away from It, went to the glamour of the world, all polished up (is that right?), getting away, taking in any kind of a member, and anything, and calling it Pentecostals, baptize anything.

151Water don't save a man. It takes the Blood of Jesus Christ. There's no Life in water. Life comes in the Blood cell; takes sanctification to cleanse that life, to kill the desire of sin; then the Holy Spirit comes into that clean vessels and sets it aside in work, service. The altar sanctified the vessel, but the... its filling is what put it in service. It was set aside for service, now it's got to be put in service. And the Holy Ghost puts the church in service. I used to like that little song:

They were gathered in the upper room,

All praying in His Name,

They were baptized with the Holy Ghost,

And power for service came. Yes.

And the rest of it says:

What He did for them that day

He can do for you the same. Sure.

152 The crop; the prophets; we stopped there on Christ. Now we just go back a little bit.

153Isaiah, the prophet, how he testified, prophesied of the end time. He said, "The whole body would become full of putrefied sores, every table would be full of vomit!" Why, man and women today, they take the communion, living with two or three wives, or two or three husbands, (right) all kinds of... smoking cigarettes, and all those things; coming into the church, taking communion!

154Now, I could go just a little lower than that, but I'll just wait a while, maybe just ain't right then. I felt just a little checked on what I was going to say. But I... You can read between the lines. You know what the Bible says, what the common and uncommon things are.

155 All these things we see happening then, and the nation... science says it's... four or five years ago, "It's three minutes till midnight." Israel's in her homeland. The church is in the Laodicea. Oh, my! What are we looking for? What's the matter?

156We're looking for the evening Light. Oh, I wonder, if It would come, if we'd recognize It? Or would It skip over the top of our heads like it has back in other ages? They never know it till it's done too far gone.

157You remember, those religious people was the one who killed the prophets that was sent to them. Jesus said so. He said, "You hypocrites!" Said, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers put them in there and then build their tomb."

158 Look at the Roman Catholic church, garnished the tomb of Saint Patrick, garnishing the tomb of--of Joan of Arc. They killed that woman, and burnt her as a witch, because she was spiritual, because she seen visions. They burnt her at the stake, as a witch. Two hundred years later they dug up the priests body and throwed them in the river, to do penance, knowing that she was a servant of Christ. But, in the day, they didn't know who she was, while the church was passing through.

159And It'll go right over the top of people and they'll never recognize It.

160Jesus, they didn't know He was the Son of God till He was dead and buried and rose again. Didn't Peter indict them on the Day of Pentecost? "You man with wicked hands have taken the Prince of Life, and slew It, slayed Him!"

161 Oh, the flashing red signal of His coming is down! Amen! We're at the end. Amen. That flashing red signal is everywhere, everywhere, "Ichabod," wrote on. The time is ended. Time's run out!

162Science has come to their end. That's right. They've invented something now that they can blow the whole world up, every one's afraid of the other one. They're at the end time.

163Civilization, it's got to a place the people... the pinnacle is swinging backward. People don't act like civilized people. Could you imagine a man wanting to be a beatnik, with his whiskers hanging down like this, and his britches hanging off his hips, slopping down through the schoolyard like that (the intelligence of the world that is to come after this, if there is anymore of it), taking little fourteen-year-old girls out, them out on the street?

164 Today, in my motel, there laid a mother out there with not enough clothes on to wad a musket shotgun, and her husband laying out there the same way, and that cold wind. They think their body's so pretty they have to show it. Don't you realize that's the Devil? That's right. Stripping their clothes, only the insane does that. Legion did it because he was crazy. Notice! And we have that, but that's called "style," that's called "modern." We call it "The Devil!" I got the Bible to prove that it's the Devil. It's devil possession, demon possession (not oppression). Possession, he's got you! That's right. Tell them about it? They'll blow up. They want nothing to do with It! No, sir. They got their own ideas, because at their morgue they go to they never rebuke it. Sex appeal is practiced in schools and in churches, and pastors are afraid to rebuke it, very seldom anything.

165 Heard a minister the other day, said, "When they invented this blue stuff for the eyes, and--and red lips, they made a prettier world." A minister of the Gospel, in the pulpit, would make a remark like that, he needs a trip to Calvary. That's exactly right, when the Bible condemns it!

166And a Pentecostal group told a sister that (come to the place, crying) because she had her hair done up on the back of her head, with long hair, said, "Your spare tire might get deflated." Said, "You must cut that hair off, because that the Bible said she had... in Isaiah, 5th chapter, had round tires like a moon." Now, how can the Bible say that "a woman does an uncommon thing," she's not fit to live with when she cuts her hair, she proves that she dishonors her head, and then long hair...?... How can you make the Bible say something like that? Well, what's the matter with our Pentecostal women? You've seen too much television! You've seen too much of the world, and not enough of God's Word interests you. Now, the Bible said that. That's what the Bible said. That's not me, now, that's the Bible!

167 Oh, sex appeal! A lady said to me not long ago, I was going on about them wearing these shorts, said, "I--I wear slacks."

168I said, "That's worse." You... The Bible said so. He cannot change.

169You say, "That's the Baptist." That's the Pentecostals. I'm talking to you. That's right. That's true.

170But what's the matter? What's the matter? Somebody let down the bars somewhere. An old preacher friend of mine used to say:

We let down the bars, we let down the bars,

We compromised with sin;

We let down the bars, the sheep got out,

But how did the goats get in?

171What's the matter? When you let down the bars, the bars of God's Word! Remember, it was God's program to fortify His Church by His Word, at the beginning.

172 And when Eve reasoned and said, "Well, now, isn't it reasonable, I could live just as good," that did it.

173And that's always did it. That's the reason she was forbidden to be a preacher. See, it just let down the bars. That's where (the church) the grass roots of it hatched out, in Pentecost, and that's the grass roots. There's no Scripture for it. See? Now, what do you do then? You get the same conglomeration that you got back there in Eden. Notice, now, then when we come to the Word, you say about It...

174Nobody can withstand That! I challenge anybody to say it. Preached on The Seed Of The Serpent, so many blowed up about it. I've asked some man to come face me down in it. I don't find them.

175 At the Chicago not long ago, you got the tapes, they thought they had trapped me into something. They had the whole Greater Ministerial Association of Chicago, Brother what's... and Tommy Hicks and Brother Carlson was there. And two nights before that, the Lord woke me up at night, said, "Go stand by that window." I went, and it was storming. He said, "Now, they've got a trap set for you." He said, "At this breakfast, don't you be afraid. Go on, I'll be with you." Now, this is in the Name of the Lord. You can ask them and find out. It's on tapes, foretold beforehand: Said, "Now, don't be afraid to go, but go stand," said, "I'll be with you."

176 And the next day I met Brother Carlson, the head of the chapter there, and Tommy Hicks. And He told me I'd meet them and we'd go to a place called "Town and Country" for breakfast. I set down there just exactly. I said, "Brother Hicks, you are a doctor of divinity and we're going to meet a great group of ministers here, their association of Chicago, why don't you go and speak for me? I've done a lot of things for you." I was just testing him.

He said, "Oh, I couldn't do that, Brother Branham."

177I said; "Well, why don't you go on?" I said, "I'd do anything for you, now why don't you just do that for me?"

178He said, "Oh, I couldn't do it, Brother Branham. They wouldn't stand still for that."

Brother Carlson said, "No, they wouldn't."

179I said, "You know why." I said, "Let me tell you something, is because that you, both of you, know that they've got a question trap set for me." And I said, "You've got it." Now, this is on tape. If you want the tape, we can have it. And you know all these man. So I said, "Night before last, I saw a vision that we would sit here this morning and Tommy would turn this down." I said, "Now watch, you're--you've got that hotel room rented."


"The rent paid on it."

"Yes," Brother Carlson.

180"But you're not going to get to keep it. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD!"


181"You're going to go into some other place. That's a--that's a green room; we're going into a brown room. I'm going to be in the corner; Doctor Mead will sit to my right; and that old colored minister and his wife will sit over here at the left," just the way it would be like that. And I said, "You watch now, just come along. You've seen God heal the sick, watch Him in battle one time!" I said, "He's great, marvelous." I said, "Just watch the questions and see how hushed it is."

And when we got there that morning...

182 If you want the tape... Jim, you got it, haven't you brought it? Right here, right here, you can have the tape if you want it, at the meeting.

183I said, "What you got against me? What's the matter with you fellows?"

184Brother Carlson said, "Well, Brother Branham told me two days ago that we'd have..." And they didn't get the building, they canceled it. They couldn't let them have it because some musical bunch had got it and they didn't know they had the deposit on it, then they had to cancel out the Business Men. And you probably heard the message of it, Brother Williams here, and here, also. And--and--and he said, "Brother Branham told me exactly where every person would be sitting, and told me exactly what would take place." Said, "One thing," said, "I... a whole lot of us may disagree with Brother Branham on his Message, but" said "we'll have to admit one thing, he's not a-scared to tell It," so--so then said, "fearless with It." Said, "Now, here you are, Brother Branham."

185I said, "Now, before we start, I want some man, on something that I've said, to take that Bible and stand here by my side." And that was the most silent group you ever heard. I said, "Then, if you can't support it, then keep off my back! Yes. Brothers, I'm here to put my shoulders with you, but we've got to come back to Bible facts."

186Said, "Why don't--why don't you leave off them women? Oh, yeah, you're a... people believe you to be a--a seer of God."

I said, "I never said that."

187He said, "But the people believe that." Said, "Why don't you why don't you keep off them women?" Said, "And quit telling them about the way they should dress and cut their hair and the things they should use. Why don't you keep off of them? Why don't you teach them how to receive gifts and--and do something for the glory of God?"

188I said, "How in the world can I teach them algebra when they won't even learn their ABC's?" That's right. You've got to come back to the foundation start.

God, have mercy on us now. Yes, sir.

189 Here we are, end time! Red light down, flashing! Coming of the Lord is at hand. Yes, sir. Listen! The end-time Message should meet end-time conditions. Where they've got off, the Message ought to bring it back. Always, end-time Message meets end-time conditions. All the way through the Scripture. It'll have to do it this time, a call back to the original Word. Oh, my! Like other messengers did in the day, this Message will have to be the same. We are promised that! God promised it in His Word! Malachi 4, said it would happen, "And restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers." Promised it, and we're living in that day!

190Oh, it's been always, each time, a group of leaders that gets the people all mixed up. It's not so much the people; it's the leaders that get them mixed up. Now let's...

You say, "Oh, Brother Branham!"

191 Well, now, just a minute now, we got to make this Scriptural. If it isn't Scripture, then it is no good. By their words of wisdom, in their uninspired leadership, words of worldly wisdom, they... Why, there's some of those genius can set that together, but you think that Satan isn't a genius at it, too? Did not he, well, approach Jesus Christ and give Him a reason, and even quoted the Scripture to Him? He did it! He's a genius at it. But Jesus never argued with him, He said, "It is written, also! Get thee behind Me, Satan." Yes, uninspired leadership.

192 Look at Korah, in the days when God sent Moses with the message, and Korah and Dathan thought, come up to Moses, and said, "Now, just a minute, you take too much on yourself! You think you're the only pebble on the beach; the duck in the puddle, you're the only one. I'll let you know there's other people are holy, too!" Moses didn't say they wasn't holy. But he had a commission, he had to carry it out. And they organized a group and was coming against Moses.

193And God told him, "Go stand yonder in the door." Those man had the censer in their hand, and you know what that censer would a-done. God opened up the earth and swallowed them up. And they had fire from the altar, in it. With the fire in the censer, as fundamental as it was, they failed to recognize the message.

194God said, "I send you, Moses, down there to do this. You bring them over here."

195See, they failed to recognize it. Moses was "too straight" with them. Like Elijah was, to the School of the Prophets, "too straight," stayed with the Word.

196That's what's you Pentecostal people, had to separate yourself from the rest of the world, straight with the Word. Now don't fade back into the very thing that you come out of, you're drifting! Don't cut your anchor from Calvary. Hold on to God's Word, for "Upon this rock I'll build My Church," stay with It.

197 Now, Dathan and they thought they was... there could be other man. See, that's human intelligence trying to inject their ideas into the plan of God. That's a good one. Human intelligence trying to inject their ideas in the Word of God. It won't work! It will not work. It never has worked and it never will work.

198Look at Jesus when He was standing there, said, "Which one of you can condemn Me of sin? Which one of you can show that I haven't done exactly what the Scriptures said I would do? I claim to be the Messiah. And if I don't do the works of My Father, then don't, believe Me not. But if I do the works and you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, they testify of Me." Exactly. And they couldn't believe it, they wanted their own ways.

199 They may not mean to do this and be wrong. They don't mean... I don't believe man mean to do that. I find fine people out in those big denominational churches. I find fine man. But it's as the lawyer said on the radio, coming down here, "The strange thing, that how clergymen could stand in the pulpit, and see these times come, and not get the righteous indignation stirred up, of the sins of the world!" And when a lawyer has to stand up and say that! "And how the laity could use their money on all kinds of zoos and parks, and things, and not sponsor the program of missionaries, to take the world the Gospel."

200When hungry missionaries, not shoes on their feet... Hallelujah. No denomination to back them up, because their stand for the Word of God. Nothing to back them up. You get them with something to back them up over there, then what have they got? A big bunch of dogma. A real, true missionary, signs following, have to depend on some washwoman to save them a few pennies. Notice, there it is.

201They may not mean to do... Well, but what's the matter with them? They're blind. Jesus said so. Remember, remember, Jesus said that same thing. And it seems like, today...

202 Now listen, I hope I'm not critical. When you're making a Truth, don't--don't feel I'm criticizing. I'm just trying to... I--I love... And if you don't... I--I'm zealous of the Church. This, they probably is Assembly of God church, or whatever it is, or--or I--I don't know what it is. What... Don't make any difference to me. It's a church of God. That's what it is, I believe, is a church of God. Well, now, we all ought to be that, not the denomination church of God, but we got to be Christians in heart. The Church of God dwells within the walls, not the name, so forth.

203 Now, today it's too much on this, that membership is all that counts to the people. Now, look at the Baptist having a revival. Oh, they've had one. They had a slogan in '44, "A million more in '44." Billy Graham's messages going forth. Why, sure, it's made a great thing. The Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, it's been a great thing, but what have we got?

204Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You blind leaders of the blind. You compass seas to make one proselyte, and he's twofold child more of hell than he was when he started." And that's what we got today.

205 Billy Graham, when I attended his breakfast in Louisville, Kentucky, come up there, as stern as the evangelist was, he said, "I go... Paul said... Here's the example." Said, "Paul went into a city and made one convert, he come back a year later and had thirty from that one." Said, "I go into the city and make thirty thousand converts, and come back in a year and can't find thirty." He said, "What's the matter?" And I admired the evangelist's approach. He stuck his finger out there, about three hundred man sitting there, he said, "It's you lazy bunch of preachers." He said, "You sit in the office with your feet up on the desk, and call a man up on the telephone, and ask him to come down and--and join your church. You ought to go visit him."

206 I set there, I thought, "(O God!) You know, Evangelist Billy, you're a great man. I'm a--I'm a dummy. But let me ask you something." I wished I could turn around and said this; but I--I--I admire the brother, think he's a servant of God. But I'd just like to have said this, "Then, Billy, what kind of a preacher did Paul have to follow up his one?" What happened? Paul don't only let him raise up his hand to make a decision, he took him on to the baptism of the Holy Ghost, set his soul afire, and he couldn't hold his peace.

207 That's what's the matter today, it's membership. Yes. []... members, big membership, big Sunday school classes, pay prizes for somebody that can proselyte and bring somebody else from some other church over, see who had the most. You know, that's Phariseeism! And then make a big brag about it, "We beat them last Sunday." If you've got to a place where you have to make the church of God a rat race, then it's time to close the doors and go home.

208Church of God is a living article of God on earth, manifesting Jesus Christ. I know It's not popular, you can't expect to be. We expect to be right.

209 Make a big brag about it... But, did you know, the big noises didn't affect the prophet Elijah. He heard the fire and smoke go by, and the thundering and lightning, and the blood and oil, and everything else, it never bothered him. You know, America's always looking for some big thing with a lot of noise in it. But God is "a still small Voice" that attract the prophet.

210 You know, a wagon once went out in the field, and it's a-bumping, making a lot of noise when it went out in the field. And when it come back, it come over the same bumps and never made a bit of noise, it was loaded with good things. See? Yeah.

211But we are resting our experience upon a bunch of noise. How can we do that, how can we do those things like that? Oh, my! And then stick the glamour of Hollywood in, have women up on the pulpit, with clothes so tight and sexy-looking, dancing in the spirit. I don't know what kind of a spirit it is!

212I don't mean to be critical now, I--I'm--I'm... I--I love you. If I don't, then God will judge me if I've got any other objective than that. See?

213But you get that, see. That's where Pentecostals drifted to. "We got more than brother on the corner had." Oh! "We got more than the Assemblies, because we're the Oneness, or we're the Trinitarians, and we're the..." oh, this, that, or the other, all--all the different brands that they have, you see. Oh, brother, that don't mean that to God. He deals with an individual. Right.

214 Notice, big noises, but it didn't attract the prophet. The prophet didn't care about the big noises. But when he heard that still small Voice, he knew that was the Word, he veiled his face and come walking out.

215You know, the sun can draw more water in fifteen minutes, without any noise at all, than more than all... And we make more noise drawing a gallon of water than the sun does a million barrels. That's right. We're always looking for something that's got big and a lot of "hurrah," and a lot of racket to it. And when it comes down to the fact of taking the Word, then here comes the thing up. See? Come, and they say, "Well, bless God, I tell you..."

216 I met a man here not long ago... I don't say this to be sacrilegious, please forgive me if I'm a-thinking it's making it sacrilegious. I was at a tent meeting and, the minister, a Pentecostal minister brought his wife over to play the piano. And when he introduced me to his wife, honestly, I almost fainted. The woman had real short hair, curled up, and she had great, big earrings, and enough manicure on her lips, or whatever the stuff is, fingernails painted. Looked like she was a... It was horrible-looking; great, big long claws, and like that. And sexy-looking; little, bitty, short dress on, she couldn't even put it over her knees when she set down. Well, I stood there a little bit, and I said, "Brother, will I hurt your feelings if I say something?"

217He said, "Why, certainly not." Nice man, and she seemed to be a nice woman.

I said, "Do you say your wife is a saint?"

Said, "Yes."

218I said, "Excuse the expression, but she looks like a haint to me." I said, "That's true, or something like that." I said...

219He said, "What do you mean, Brother Branham?" "Oh," he said, "you're of the old school."

220I said, "I'm of the school of the Scripture. That's right, the school of the Scripture." I don't believe that a saint acts like that, I just can't do it, when the Bible so condemns it. See?

221 All right, seems, every time, everything we hear of, "they had forty decisions," "forty-four decisions," "we had three hundred decisions." Well, that's confession. Confessions is "stones." That's right, 'cause Peter, upon his confession, was called "stone, little rock." Peter, his confession. Now, stones is all right, but what good or what value is a stone to a building if there isn't a true stone mason there with a sharp tool of the Word to cut them and make them sons of God? See? What good is a confession?

222That's the reason you come back and can't find thirty out of thirty thousand. You just roll the stones out of the dust, and roll them out there, and they're not fit for the temple yet. They've got to be cut, measured up to the Word of God, placed in there, joined together, built upon the foundation of the apostles' Doctrine, Jesus Christ the Cornerstone. And He said, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." That's right.

223 How can we be the Church when we despise one another? He said, "This will all man know you're My disciples, when you have love one for the other." When we proselyte and break up, and for denominational difference... I don't lay it onto the people, I lay it onto the denomination. That's right. Not the people at all. See? Oh, it's so bad, yet I...

224You have to have this sharp tool, the Word of God, to shape them into the Sons of the Building. Oh, my! My prayer is, "God, hurry up with Malachi 4. Give us the Message in the last days. Give us someone, send something to save this Pentecostal church."

225 What kind of a messenger would God send us for this last days? I'll tell you this, my brother, sister, as your brother and fellow servant looking for that time to come, he would be the same kind of a messenger that come to the other time. The same kind! He would bring the church back to the Word. God, let us lay a foundation for it before it gets here. Before he comes, let us put a foundation out and be stones, cut, ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with him when God sends him, because He promised He'd do it.

226 Now, I know, I feel that coming back. And, remember, with a little gift I can catch discernment of spirit, see. Now, you're resenting that, when I said Malachi 4. But let me tell you something you said, "Jesus said, 'If you can receive it, this is the Elijah that was spoke of.'"

227But if you see what He said in--in--in Saint Matthew, the 11th chapter and the 6th verse, "If you can receive it, this is he who was spoke, and said, 'I send My messenger before My face.'" That was Malachi 3, not Malachi 4.

228For, in Malachi 4, He said, "Before this day come, the earth would be burned and the people would walk out upon it; be burnt like a stubble." That's right. He was talking then of the messenger before His face, which was an Elisha. That's...

229 I don't believe in all this here stuff going around today about Elijah's robe and all that stuff. I... All them phonies has to come, of course, to upset the real thing when it does come. But, let me tell you, there will rise a messenger at the end of this Pentecostal age and wind up the thing. It will be a man. Not a group, not a denomination; but a man. It's always been, and God cannot change His program, He's the Eternal God.

230 Remember, if that messenger (John) was the messenger of Malachi 4, then the Scriptures failed, for It said It would... "The earth would be burnt as a stubble, and the righteous would walk out upon the ashes of the wicked." So read It, and see if that isn't right. See? But Jesus never said that, He referred to Malachi 3, "I'll send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way for Me." That's exactly right.

231Now, but remember, this other one was to restore the faith of the children back to the fathers, restore the faith of the children back to the Faith of the fathers, the original Bible.

232That's exactly what Moses done. That's exactly what Jesus done. That's what exactly every messenger done down through the Bible, at the end time of that dispensation, they restored back the message. The people, through organizations and things, got all scrupled up and everything, in them days.

233 They've done the same thing today! So we're looking for a messenger. (God, send him!) Do you think we'll receive him? No, sir! He'll be "a crank and a fanatic," sure enough, but God will prove him. The real believer, them predestinated to Eternal Life, Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come, and no man can come unless My Father draws him. And all the Father hath" (past time) "given Me, they'll come." That's right, they were...

234I don't believe in this here Baptist teaching of--of Eternal security. I believe it in a way, but I believe you're secure as long as you're in the Church. But you get out of the... out from under the Blood of Jesus Christ, you're not secure. I'm secure from the rain as long as I'm in here.

235And when you are baptized into the Holy Ghost and say you got the Holy Ghost, and then deny God's Word? Say you believed and received the Holy Ghost, and then deny that the Word is true? Then how can that be the Holy Ghost when He was the One that wrote the Bible? The Holy Ghost deny His Own Word, say, "I--I was wrong, you are right"? No, that ain't God. No, sir.

236 Sharp Sword! (Lord, send us a great Message.) That's what we're looking for. Then, of course, when he comes to fix those stones and to cut them out for the building, what will happen? Many of them won't stand the Word test. They'll love their organization better than they love the Word of God, although that Word be vindicated by that man. He'll be a prophet that'll come in the Name of the Lord, and he'll be the one that'll come upon the earth. I believe it.

Oh, everybody says, "It'll be a group of people."

237I want somebody to show me in the Bible where it'll be a group of people; God would break His Own Word, He can't do that. No, sir. He promised this. It'll be a one man. And then there'll be others with him, of course, thousands, the whole Church believers will be with him, everywhere.

238 Like it was in the days of Noah, there won't be too many of them saved, because Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah." Do you know that? "As it was in the days of Lot," (count them) "so shall it be."

239"Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will not." See what I mean? Oh, brother, we better take inventory, it might be really later than we think. Might be we'd wake up someday and see that we've missed something. Be careful! Watch, pray, search, seek, don't let It pass over you. And, remember, when God's Word is preached, God's obligated to that Word and will vindicate It.

240 Know what He said there, what happened in the days of Lot? He said, "As it was in the days of Lot." What happened there just before the fire fell? What would happen again just before the fire falls, what kind of a message the Church would get? Not Sodom now, the elect Church. Just keep them threes: there's the Sodomites; and there was Lot and his group, the formal church; there was Abraham, the Elected. All three of them got a message, yes, by different messengers. Watch what kind went to the elected Church, what He did to Abraham. Jesus said, "So shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Now, we can't deny that, that's exactly what Jesus said. So, of course it'll be that way.

241 Now, many... when Jesus come and brought the test and said, "Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me," could they stand the test? No. And anyone knows, all confessions of rocks that can't stand the Word test is throwed into the heap. It's cracked, water broke, it won't stand the test. Oh, man, then be sent to the scrap heap! God has always counted character instead of numbers.

242I'm closing. I'm sorry I've kept you all this time, I didn't aim to do this. Let me just a--a moment, two, make this last remark, then I'll quit just in a minute. I hope I--I--I have said something to help you, see, to get you to study. See?

243 God has always counted character, not members. And today we do vice versa. We count members, good dress, well payers, instead of character. Uh-huh.

244Eliezer sweated it out, until he found character. That's right. Who would he get? And he trusted God. Character for what? Character for Isaac, the bride, which the Church is type of. You know that. That was the natural seed of Abraham; this is the royal Seed of Abraham. Well, if Eliezer, the messenger hunting the bride and trying to find character, if that man is come, a messenger of the last day, trying to find the Bride for Christ, he will not look for a denominational membership. He will look for character that's willing.

245Watch! Good character first, then to get her ready to meet Isaac. After he found the character, then get her stand still long enough to listen to his message of Isaac.

246 That's the messenger of the last days, the evening Light, is first find that Church (where will they believe the Message?), hunt it. Can you read what I'm talking about? Hunt where that Church is that'll even let you come in, that won't close the door in your face. And then when you do there, then you've found character. Now if she will stand still long enough to tell her how that Bride's got to be dressed! She's got to be clothed. Stand still! If she could get...

247 Look at the little Rebekah listening to every word, her little heart was beating. She... He--he was telling her. Now, you've sweated it out, "Where will I go?" until I find the character. Then when I find the character, then make her stand still long enough to get her ready to go to meet him. Oh, my, what a striking thing! (Wish we had a little more time on that clock.) Get her ready; stand still to listen to his message of him. Eliezer wasn't speaking of hisself, but he was speaking of the one he was sent from. And he had the gifts to prove that he was sent from him. Amen! He wanted to clothe her with these things. You know how he fixed her up.

248If I could just get her to wash her face! See? You know, I--I just felt checked on that, so I better keep still. Anyhow, I've said enough, you know what I'm talking about. Now, listen, just stand still.

249 Notice, the end-time messenger, his job will be to get the saints ready, the Bride ready for the Bridegroom. That will be his Message. Now you want to learn ABC's so you can study algebra later? When these other seals on the back is opened they'll only be revealed to them. That's right. Learn ABC first. What is ABC? "Always Believe Christ," (not your creed), Christ. See? Believe what He says, not what somebody else says.

250If it's contrary, if a man tells you "It's all right for you to cut your hair, women," you know he's lying. The Bible says it's wrong. If he says "You can be deacon and still have four or five wives," he's lying. That's contrary to the Word. See? All these other things that we speak of, call it to the Word and see if it's the Word right.

251 Bring back the church to the Word. Now, what is this messenger of Malachi 4 to do? Restore back the original Faith, the resurrection Faith. That, they seen Jesus after He had raised from the dead, seen Him working among them.

252They were men of few words. They went forth and preached the Word. Oh, they preached long, Paul preached all night one time. See? A man fell out of the building, killed himself. He laid his body over him, brought him back to life again, see. See? See, kept on preaching.

253 Now, notice they were different man than what the Ph., L.L., Q.U.S.T., and ever what you want to call it, is today. What? Separates the messenger and... The Message, rather, by the messenger, will separate the believers from unbelievers. Some of them will line to It, and some won't. Some of the Lutheran... Some of the Catholic lined to Luther, some didn't. Some of the Lutherans lined to Methodist, some didn't. Some lines to Pentecost, and some won't. Some will line with the evening Light, some won't.

254How you going to know whether it's evening Light or not? Test it with the Word (not just one Word, all the Word put together), see whether it's right or not. Oh, what is it in? Then if this Message bears forth the vindication of God performing what He said He would do, and it's lined with the Word, then the Word is vindicated like other times and other prophetics did.

255 Notice when the Message... when... Notice when the Message is rejected by the people, and the messenger seems to be completely defeated, he can't get another door, he can't get a place.

256Like our Lord was. Remember, when He was... Oh, when He was healing the sick, the young prophet, "Oh, my! He's a great Fellow!" "Hello, Rabbi, how you doing?" But one day He set down and begin to tell them the Truth. He found favor with the church, the people. Thousands followed Him. He had seventy ministers around Him, besides the twelve. But one day after He had turned the bread in... or turned the... multiplied the loaves, to prove that He was God, 'cause only God rained the bread down out of Heaven. Yeah. See? He multiplied the loaves. And immediately after that... He had walked on the water, performed miracles, and done the things that He had done, to prove that He was.

257And then, when He did, He set down and begin to strictly tell the people. The people turned away. And the seventy said, "Uh! Who can hear This? That's a hard saying. You tear down what we really thought was something else. Now, who are You to tell us these things?" And they walked away.

258Then Jesus turned to His little group, like in the days of Noah, like in the days of Sodom, said, "You want to go, too?"

259Then Peter said those great words, "Lord, where would we go?" (God, help us.)

260 Notice when the Message is rejected and the messenger seems to be defeated, that's when God steps on the scene, his Message is over.

261Noah, (closing now), Noah preached in the door of his ark for a hundred and twenty years, till, when finally they laughed him to scorn, Noah stepped in the ark thinking that the... it would just be all right. God closed the door. And the people hung around to see what was going to happen. Seven days he set there and sweated it out, and on the seventh day the rain come. Uh-huh.

262Moses, what was he in? The very line of duty, leading the people. The Red Sea got in his way. He was at the end of his road. It was then that God came with the East wind and parted the sea, at the end of the road.

263 It was Daniel, standing on his message, "I'll not defile myself with this king's world." Standing true to God, was right down at the end of his road, seemed like the end of his time had come, they throwed him in the lions' den. God stepped on the scene.

264And one morning, way down in Babylon... Amen! I can look up at Heaven, I can see a--a Throne, Angels standing around. Look down here in Babylon, I can see a--a burning furnace. I can see three children standing there, saying, "Our God is able to deliver us." See? "But we're not bowing to your image, because it's contrary to the Word." See? "We're standing here."

265 "All right," said the king, "walk up the steps, you're going to be burned." Great husky man, on the end of this spear, here they come up the steps, step by step, hotter and hotter.

266I can see an Angel standing over, one, on the side of the Throne, grabbed a sword and pulled it out, said, "Father, look down there, what's going on! Let me go down, I'm Gabriel, I'll change the scene."

267"Put your sword back in the sheath, Gabriel. I've watched it."

268Here comes another up, said, "Father, I'm Wormwood, I'm the destroyer with the water. In the antediluvian time, man sinned and mistreated Your people, and I--I turned the whole world into a globe of water. I'll wash Babylon off the map this morning. Let me go."

269"I know you could, Wormwood, you're a faithful Angel. See? But, I can't let you go, this is My job. I'm going, Myself."

"Here, you seen them?"

270"I've watched them all night. I heard their prayer meeting. I seen their stand for My Word. I'll be there on time." Oh, my! I can see Him raise up and His kingly garments fall around Him, like that, and say, "Come here, East wind, North, South, West. Step over under that thunderhead yonder, I'm going to ride you as a chariot this morning. I'm going down into Babylon, I'm going to change the scene." Oh, brother, He was right there on time!

271His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. He's still watching tonight, watching me, He's watching you. He's watched whether we'll stand or not stand, what decisions we will make, whether we'll stand true to the Word or get away from It. It's later than you think.

272 Jacob, on his road home, inspired to go back home, his brother was meeting him. Oh, but one night he wrestled with God. He was scared to meet his brother, but the next morning he was a fearless, limping prince. "I don't need Esau nor his army, neither one," God stepped on the scene. See, He does in peculiar way.

273 Jesus, rejected, after being the vindicated Son of God, said, "If I do not the works of My Father, don't believe Me." He was the Light of the day (He's still the Light!), stepped on the scene. And the people, as long as He could... bread and fishes and loaves, they followed Him. But when He begin to tell them the Truth of the Word, that separated them, they had their own traditions they held onto. It was contrary, yet you know He was exactly with the Scripture. But the blinded eyes of the world couldn't see It; neither do they now, neither have they in any age, I mean, as a whole. What happened? It looked like He was defeated.

274 You notice, from that very time, His popularity left Him. When? When He begin to tell them the Word. When He could go and have--and have healing services and campaigns, everybody wanted Him, "O Rabbi, come over here!" and, Rabbi, come here!" But when His Doctrine got started; "Oh, Your Teaching disturbs our people." Oh, goodness! "Oh, I can't have You in my church no more, Rabbi, because, why, You confuse our people, Your teaching is so contrary to what we believe." It hasn't changed. See? It's not. Yeah. "Can't have You, Rabbi!" Yet Him being a-vindicated, proven by the Scriptures Who He was, yet they couldn't believe It.

275Finally He went on till the last moment, when Satan thought "I've got Him," he crucified Him on the cross. Down, down, down, down, until finally they thought that they had Him, put Him in the grave. But that's when God stepped on the scene. Up from the grave He arose! Why?

276 The same thing, Paul, he said, "All... Demas has forsaken me. All men forsaken me for the Word." I don't believe Demas went to nightclubs and things. But Demas wanted to go, Demas was a rich man. And he wanted to go with the popular group, and so he went off there where all the rest of them did. And then Paul said, "All men has forsaken me." Why? His ministry, he was coming to the capstone of it, coming down to the end.

277His desire was to be a martyr because he had killed Stephen, he witnessed his death and sanctioned it. He wanted to die. When the... Agabus, that noted prophet, stood by him and told him not to go up to Jerusalem, he said, "I know not to go. But I'm not only willing to go, to go in chains and bound, to Jerusalem, but I'm ready to go and die for the Lord Jesus." What was it? He was sealing his ministry.

278 O Church of the living God, we could talk all night. How we going to seal our Message? How we going to do it? God, help us to take this Word, stand gallant. Let me die by the Word; live by the Word, die by the Word. Scatter the Light, for it shall be Light in the evening time. We're in that hour, friends. Let's believe It, as we bow our heads.

279First, I'm apologizing for keeping you all this time, right at two hours, an hour and forty-five minutes, I think, exact. I hope that nothing has hurt. We're not to offend. That, if that's in our--if that's in our heart and soul, then we're wrong, ourselves, if we ministers just say those things, my brethren here, these Holy-Ghost-filled man. See?

280 When I got saved and I told my Baptist pastor that I had received the Holy Ghost, and all this stuff, these... and the Angel of the Lord told me what to do, he said, "You must have had a nightmare, Billy."

I said, "Doctor Davis, I saw an Angel."

281He said, "Oh, nonsense!" Said, "That's--that's of the Devil." See? Oh, my, how it hurt me! He said, "You're going to preach to kings and potentates?"

I said, "That's what He said."

He said, "With a seventh-grade education?"

I said, "That's what He said."

282He said, "Who do you think will listen? Going out to preach Divine healing in a day like this, and all the fine medical research and things?"

I said, "I can't help how many Goliaths stand there."

He said, "Who do you think will hear you?"

283I said, "If God is sending me, there'll be somebody to hear me."

284 I didn't know about you people then. And when I come to you, it was just like putting a glove on a hand, I fit right with you. I love you. I love you. I love my pastor brothers. You think a Presbyterian, Methodist, or Lutheran, would open up their church like this brother has tonight, for us to set here and preach this kind of a message? No, sir, not at all. These are gallant man who believe the Truth. Now line up with the Word with them, see, stay away from the things of the world.

285Sisters, let your hair grow. Put your dresses on, nice and neat. Shame on you. Take that paint off of your face. See? You got more Scripture to wear paint than you have to cut your hair. That's right. Don't do it. Don't do it. The Bible said it's a dishonorable thing for a woman to do it. The hair is her glory. Now you say, "That's a little thing." That's all right, let's get the little things out of the way and then we can talk about big things. Let's get started right.

286 Now, brethren. Oh, my! Let me say one thing to the man. Mister, my brother, if you will let your wife do a thing like that, I'm ashamed of you, and claim to be a Spirit-filled man. Shame on you, let your wife go on the street.

287And your dress all sexy and everything like that, and do you know the Bible said, Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her"?

288You say, "Now wait a minute, my brother, I'm innocent." I believe you are too, my sister, you're innocent in the natural act. But if you present yourself and the sinner looks at you, and you presented yourself like that, who's guilty? You are, for presenting yourself. Then at the day of the Judgment, when that sinner answers for the adultery, who did he commit it with in his heart? You! Why? Because you presented yourself. Now, that's just the Truth.

289Won't you, won't you, sister, please, in Jesus' Name, may I ask you as your brother, straighten up?

290Brother, shame on you for conducting your house like that, straighten up. I--I got better hopes of you as a man. See?

291 Pastors who let them people come in, take deacons and everything else and jobs like that, with two or three living wives, and things, aren't you ashamed, minister? Aren't you ashamed of those things? And take them members in there when they're living in adultery, and smoking cigarettes, and doing all, and never even mention it from the platform. Shame on you! I--I--I pray for you, brother.

292God bless you. Thank you for your patience of bearing with me. Now, I wonder...

293The evening Light has come. The evening Light are here, back to the Word.

294 Now, with your heads bowed, your hearts bowed, ask yourself this question, "Do I measure up to this Word? Do I?"

295My prayer is, from the platform, "O God, cut everything from me that's not like You. O God, take away from me." We're down here at the end of the road.

296All right, would you be that sincere to raise your hands and say, "God, cut from me everything that's not like You. Make me, Lord, mold me and make me"? The Lord bless you.

297If there's anybody that isn't right, and is a sinner and has drifted in here tonight, and never accepted Christ as Saviour, or a backslider or something, and wants to come back, you're invited to come stand here at the altar. If you believe that God would hear my prayers for the sick, I believe He'd hear me. And you and I together as we place our faith upon the Sacrifice, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and offer prayer, I believe God will hear. You're invited to come and stand for prayer.

298 Now, our Heavenly Father, we give to You this audience, these broken up words that's been lengthy, Lord. Even many has gotten tired and weary and has gone home, and maybe some felt a little bad, and, Lord, I--I just can't tell who's in the audience all the time. And, after all, Father, It's Your Word and You know my heart. So... and I'm... Woe is me if I don't do it. And I--I must do it, Lord. So I pray now that the people who has understanding of the Word will understand clearly, and I'm sure those that You've called to Life will, that it's not anything in the world but a heart full of love for God and His Church that I plead these things.

299Father, practically every hand in here went up for a circumcision, to be cut away all the surplus that doesn't belong there. God, help us all. I stand right with them, Lord. I'm one of them, I'm watching for the coming of that glad Millennium day when sin and shame shall be destroyed forever. And, Father, while we're in this world we know that we're subject to these things, we're subject to mistakes, we're subject to sin, we're still walking, and yet we don't desire to do it. As the Bible said, "Faint not when you are reproved." But I pray, Father, that the reproving of the Word cuts me just as hard as it cuts the rest of them. And I pray, Father, that they'll understand it that way.

300 I pray that You'll bless them now. And may this, as we prayed before, Lord, knowing and watching what we ask for, because we don't want to ask amiss, we don't want to ask something that's just to make up words, because we're talking to You.

301I ask You to bless our little brother here that opened his door for me to come in tonight. I pray that You'll bless his church and may every one of his members, Lord, just... May this be a lighthouse, a place where the gifts of God are flowing and everything just running smoothly.

302Bless every minister that's sitting here, their churches. And may there be such a shaking, or a sounding in the mulberry tree, of the Spirit of God crossing Phoenix, and bringing the churches to fellowship and to--and to a great revival, that the ministers won't be able to preach, for the Glory of God; but when the saints come together early in the afternoon, the crying and praying and testifying and messages, just a real pouring of the Spirit, when the whole city will be attracted to come, listen. Grant it now.

303Heal the sick in our midst, Lord. Give to them Divine deliverance, Father, through Jesus Christ's Name.

304 Now with our heads bowed, if there's any here that desires to stand right around the altar now, and while we have our heads bowed, and we're just going to hum a little song, a--a--a good, old Gospel song. And we want to hum that. And when we do, if there's anybody desires for us to pray for you, to a--a deeper experience, to receive the Holy Ghost, or you're saved and haven't been sanctified yet, or whatever, we'll be glad to do that while we hum this little song, I Love Him. And if you do love Him, let's respect His Word now.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

305While they're coming, I want each one take their place here now. All right, sister.

... love Him, I love Him

Because He...

Come on now, around the altar, you that wants to come now.

... me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's...

306 Why don't some of you sisters with short hair come up here and pledge to God? You want me to read it for you out of the Bible? All right. Why don't you come, say, "Lord, I want to be right in all things, and I want to start right. And I want to get on the right road and stay there. I'm going to make a pledge to You tonight, Lord. It's going to grow out from now on"?

307The Bible said it's a shame for a man to have long hair, looks like a woman. God made two covenants, one with Adam and one with Eve. He dressed them different. They're different, altogether. They've always been different. There's two covenants right on down through the Bible. I'd like to preach on that double covenant one night, sometime, show you what the difference is. Oh, my, it's tremendous. It's even in your marriage and divorce case, if you only knew the truth on that, would settle the whole matter. That's right. All right, again now, while we be sure now. Come, won't you?

I love Him,...

You need the Holy Spirit? Come on up, stand around.

Because He first loved me


You want a closer walk with Him? Come, make a vow, stand by Him and keep it. It won't do no good to make the vow unless you keep it.


You can come make your vow. God has to fill it. You just hold your vow.

308 Now I'm going to ask my minister brothers if you'll walk down now around here, stand right around these precious people while we pray right here, speak to each one, ask their needs now as while we're here.

309Everyone just as reverent as you can be. Now, God will honor you, just be real reverent till this prayer is made. You can come right around now, in here, around, up and behind these people that's standing here for prayer.

On Calvary's tree.

310Now again, while there are ministers are gathering on both sides.

I love Him, I...

I like to see that, ministers of different organizations, all in one now; that's under the Blood.

Cause He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree. (My!)

311Now walk up brothers, right to your person you're standing by, put your hand upon them and ask them what they're wanting from God. This a wonderful time? You know, when I see this, look here, ministers of different churches, standing around together. The sisters that was on the cots is up, out, gone. Praise the Lord. So thankful for that, standing in the Name of the Lord.

312 Now, let the audience now, everybody bow your head. Each one of you now, in your heart, just talk to God like you would talk to me; like you'd come up and say, "Brother Branham, I--I..." If you've done something wrong, say, "I'm sorry, Brother Branham. I--I did this, will you forgive me for it? I'll make a promise to you, Brother Branham, I'll never do that against you again." Now just change from my name, from me, to your Lord Jesus Christ.

313And if you need healing, like if you'd come say, "Brother Branham, I--I am broke, I didn't have any supper tonight, and, yeah, I know if you had a dollar you would give it to me." Now, see, you don't have to say to God, "If You've got healing power." He has it, see. You'd have to say to me, "If you've got it." But to Him you don't have to say, "If You have." He has! See? So you say, like, "Brother Branham, would you give me a dollar? I--I--I need something to eat." Why, of course I would, you know that. If I had it I'd give it to you, anytime. I would have a horrible heart if I didn't. And me, being a cruel, sinful man, and would be that good-hearted to somebody like you, what would God be?

314 "If you being evil know how to give good gifts, how much more will your Heavenly Father give them the Spirit, that ask for It." "If you'd ask for a fish, would He give you a serpent? Ask for bread, would He give you a stone?" Certainly not!

315Why, if you'd just ask Him in that way, with faith, believing that, you would get it from Him a million times quicker than you'd get anything from me. And. you know I'd help you, I'd do anything I could. Any of these brothers would, we'd dig every penny out of our pocket to help you. We'd do anything we could. But this is something you've got to believe by faith.

316Now, you believe that you'll receive it while we pray, and you pray, and the audience pray, and I believe God will come down and honor our prayer. And the very minute that you feel that you have It, that God's going to answer your prayer, then you made a covenant, "Lord, I did wrong, I won't do it no more. I'll raise my hand, I promise You I won't," God will take you at your word. And you just believe it that way and it'll all be over. Then just raise up your hands and thank Him, "Lord, I've made my vow. And I know that it's Yours, and You promised to answer it, and You can't fail."

317 Heavenly Father, we, Your servants, stand over this group that has come forward needing Your blessings and Your attention at this time. Father, they are trophies of the Message, the evening Light time. Many of them, Lord, are confessing. Some of them are desperately in need. I pray, God, that in Jesus' Name that You will not turn one of them away, because You'll keep Your Word. I'm bringing Your Word to Your remembrance, Lord, as Peter did and the disciples when they prayed in Acts 4, they said, "Lord, remember the Word! Why do the heathens rage and the people imagine a vain thing?"

318 Now, Father, we bring Your Word. You said, "He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life. He that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. He that heareth My words and believeth on Him that sent has Eternal Life, and shall not come to the Judgment but has passed from death unto Life."

319Oh, make our requests known to God, and He will answer us. He's abundantly... "He that will confess his sins shall have pardon. He that hides his sin shall not prosper." And we confess our wrongs. I confess the wrongs of the people. I confess my own wrongs. I ask for mercy. I ask for healing. I ask for grace. I ask that You'll pour out the Holy Ghost, Lord, right now upon these waiting people, that their lives will be changed in the molding block of God, and will be shaped in the image of the Son of God, that the Spirit that quickened Him, that will come into their body and make them sons and daughters of God. Grant it, Lord.

320We believe that You are present. We believe that You'll honor Your Word. We believe You'll honor the efforts of the Word. Now send these blessings upon these people as they're waiting for Your Presence to visit them here at the altar. In Jesus' Name.

321 Now, if you believe, and believe you received, raise up your hand to God. If you accept it as a prayer of faith and your vow as you now turn to God, raise up your hands.

322And let the audience stand. Everybody, stand, that wants to make a pledge to God, now say, "I believe It. I accept It. I believe It."

323Now raise your hands and give Him praise and it'll all be over. Glory to God! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your goodness and Your mercy, and for all that You have done for us, Lord. We give Thee praise through Jesus Christ.

1 Ďakujem veľmi pekne. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Môžete si sadnúť.

2 Môj syn bol dnes so mnou a povedal, „Oci, keby sme len videli tento zbor ešte predtým, než sme začali stavať náš; je to nádherné miesto.“ A hovoril... Povedal, „Ešte som nevidel kazateľa, ale ak je tak milý človek ako jeho žena, istotne je to príjemný človek.“ Takže sme radi, že tu môžeme byť.

3 A teším sa na zhromaždenie dnes večer, že Boh na nás vyleje svoje požehnania a pomôže nám.

4 Nuž, my sme... Práve som sem prišiel a počul som brata Williamsa, myslím, že to bol on, a hovoril o niečom, čo sa deje v Ramade. Tuším sa robili nejaké oznamy alebo niečo také. Zvyčajne takéto veci vybavujú ešte predtým, ako sa sem dostanem. A istotne sa tešíme na chválebný čas na tejto konferencii. Moja úloha na tomto mieste je skôr sa tu poprechádzať, postretávať sa s bratmi, mať obecenstvo medzi ľuďmi a modliť sa, aby nám Boh dal ten správny druh prebudenia, aby sme mohli ísť rovno do Ramady na chválebné zhromaždenie. A tak sa snažíme až do toho času navštíviť všetky zbory, ktoré len vieme. A sme z toho požehnaní. Máme nádherný čas, keď môžeme mať obecenstvo medzi bratmi.

5 Ja som zvyčajne... Každý vie, že nie som ktovieakým kazateľom, som tu tak trochu ako rezervná pneumatika. Ale moja služba je modliť sa za chorých. A posledné večery sme tu mali tak plno, že tu ledva nájdeme miesto, aby sme mohli niečo také robiť. Ale pokúsime sa, pokiaľ... keď sa nám podarí dostať sa na nejaké miesta, kde budeme môcť rozdať nejaké modlitebné karty a priviesť sem ľudí a pomodliť sa za nich. Ale keďže máme každý deň jedno večerné zhromaždenie, nechceme robiť to, že by sme na nich tlačili, aby išli až ďalší večer, a potom zase inokedy, každý večer im niečo hovoriť, najlepšie, ako to ja viem urobiť, je... na česť a slávu Ježiša Krista, ktorého všetci milujeme a ktorému veríme a okolo ktorého máme obecenstvo.

6 Asi ste počuli o tej nehode tu za rohom, stalo sa to len pred chvíľou. Neviem, či tam ten človek zomrel, alebo ktokoľvek to už bol, prešlo ho auto. Pred chvíľou sme sa tam zastavili na slovo modlitby. A asi dva bloky odtiaľto bol niekto, ktorého to prešlo a ešte aj prehodilo na druhú stranu ulice. Bol to nejaký veľký človek. Prišli tam policajti, ale sa mi zdá, že tam ešte neprišla sanitka. Musia to... Ak nezomrel, tak myslím, že to do neho narazilo na tejto strane a prehodilo až po dvere na druhej strane, musel to byť hrozný zásah. Viete, je to...

7 Bohu musíme slúžiť každú minútu. Nevieme, kedy sa tieto veci môžu stať. Možno si myslíme, že to nemôžeme byť my, ale veľmi ľahko môžeme. Myslím, že Ježiš povedal, „Buďte pripravení, lebo neviete, ktorú minútu, či hodinu budete zavolaní.“ A potom pôjdeme do miesta, kde nepoznajú žiadne nehody ani problémy. Sme istotne radi, že je také miesto zasľúbené.

8        Viete, tá myšlienka, dnes večer, že vidíme, že túžime ísť na také miesto, ukazuje, že také miesto naozaj existuje. Rozumiete? My poznáme všetky tie negatívne veci, všetky tiene, ale prv musí byť niečo, z čoho môže byť tieň. Tieň je odraz. Takže ak existuje taký život, to dokazuje, že sú to len tiene, ale je niekde skutočný život, ktorý to odráža. Všimnite si strom, aký je strom nádherný. Ale viete čo? Toto je len ten negatívny druh tieňa stromu života, ktorý je v nebi.

9 A tak viete, keď Boh prišiel na zem, keď najprv nechal, aby sa rodili mláďatá, možno prvá vec, ktorá sa zrodila, bola žubrienka, ako to vedci zvyknú hovoriť. Ďalšia vec mohla byť nejaká... Verím v pravdivú kresťanskú evolúciu, ale neverím, že to všetko prišlo z jednej jedinej bunky. Verím, že to jednoducho... Boh stvoril žubrienku, potom stvoril rybu, a potom stvoril niečo iné. A jednoducho... Verím, že to všetko išlo postupne, nie z tej istej bunky, ale vždy to bolo iné stvorenie.

10 A tak nakoniec to prechádzalo do vyspelejších druhov a po chvíli to bol odraz toho, ktorý plodil tie mláďatá, čo bol Sám Boh. A aby som dokázal, že to je pravda, keď sa Boh stal telom v Ježišovi Kristovi, bol to človek. Vidíte? Nie nejaký anjel, ale človek. A tak to dokazuje, že to vyjadrilo Jeho.

11 Ó, táto Biblia je plná vzácnych zlatých hrudiek. Ja len... Rád to skúmam, vy nie? Len sa do toho ponoriť, striasť zo seba všetok ten prach a pozrieť sa na to tak, ako to je. Ako tie drahokamy, vy, ľudia tu v Arizone, to dobre poznáte, vzácne klenoty pochádzajú z prachu zeme, odtiaľ pochádzajú. A Božie drahokamy tiež pochádzajú z prachu. A sme šťastní, že On nám dal to privilégium, že môžeme využiť Jeho čistiareň a dať preč všetok odpad.

12 Viete, ako sa to zvyklo robievať? Vy, Arizončania, to samozrejme viete... keď mali taviareň rudy, ako pri tom rafinovali zlato. Hovorí sa, že to zlato zobrali a tepali. Starí Indiáni to tak robievali, že to tepali. Jednoducho to obrátili a tepali to a tepali, až dokiaľ odtiaľ nevybili všetok odpad. A ten spôsob, ako to robili s tým chalkorytom a všetkým, čo je v tom, bezpochyby v tom ten zlatotepec videl svoj obraz. Keď v tom mohol vidieť samého seba, potom vedel, že sa to vyčisťuje, keď to odrážalo jeho vlastný obraz.

13 A viete, ja si myslím, že Boh to tak dnes chce so Svojou cirkvou, vymlátiť odtiaľ všetok svet, až dokiaľ nežije v každom jednom z nás vyjadrenie Ježiša Krista. Potom sme pripravení na Jeho... On sa vtedy zobrazuje cez nás, keď zložíme nabok každý ľahko obkľučujúci hriech, aby sme mohli bežať beh o závod, ktorý leží pred nami, a pozerali sa na vzor, na Autora a Dokonávateľa našej viery, Ježiša Krista. Akí sme za to šťastní!

14 Zvyčajne každý večer poviem... Povedal som bratovi Carlovi Williamsovi, „Brat Carl, tí ľudia ma tu už viac nechcú počúvať, stále hore dolu, držíme ich tu do druhej-tretej v noci...“

 „Ale no tak,“ povedal.

15 Takže si cením vašu trpezlivosť, že ste ma tu opäť pozvali. A tak každý večer...

16 Pred chvíľou som sa rozprával so svojou ženou dolu v... Ona je teraz v Tucsone a ja som jej povedal, „Aké je tam počasie?“

17 „Otepľuje sa,“ povedala. „Dodržiavaš svoj program každý deň?“

 Povedal som, „Presne tak, asi do desiatej-jedenástej každý večer.“

18 Povedal som jej, „Trochu si odpočiniem, keď pôjdem tentokrát do Arizony na toto malé zhromaždenie. Navštívim tie cirkvi, tých bratov. Nejdem tých ľudí trápiť. Len tam pôjdem, nechám ich spievať, radovať sa. Trochu sa pritom obmedzím, zhustím svoje poznámky na takých pätnásť, dvadsať minút, poviem, 'Amen' a pôjde sa domov.“

 Povedala, „A dodržuješ to?“

19 Povedal som, „Áno, drahá, dodržujem ten bežný program, do troch hodín.“ Sú tu veľmi milí ľudia; majú veľa trpezlivosti.

20 Nuž, skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy, ako pristúpime ku Nemu. Som si istý, že v takomto milom publiku ľudí, ktorí veria a hlavne... Vidím, že sú tu dve ležadlá, ľudia, ktorí sú chorí a sú v potrebe, viem, že majú nejaké potreby. Bez pochyby je tu veľa takých, ktorí majú potreby. Ale ak pozdvihnete svoje ruky a dáte to tým na známosť... A ja v modlitbe, prejdem a pomodlím sa za ľudí na týchto ležadlách, zatiaľ čo tu sme, tak si buďte istí, že to obdržíte. Ak sa niečo stane... Oni mali dostatok viery na to, aby sem prišli, a tak chcem, aby ste sa všetci modlili spolu so mnou.

21 Náš Nebeský Otče, dávame teraz na bok každú myšlienku, očisťujeme svoje mysle a prichádzame do Tvojej prítomnosti na očistenie svojich duší. A prinášame pred sebou Krv Pána Ježiša. Vyznávame, že nie sme hodni žiadneho požehnania, ktoré nám dávaš, ale pretože On zomrel, aby sme my mohli obdržať tieto požehnania, a povedal nám, aby sme smelo prichádzali pred Tvoj trón, preto máme prístup skrze milosť nášho Pána Ježiša, ktorý prišiel na zem ako Emanuel a vzal miesto hriešnika. On sa stal nami, aby sme sa my mohli stať Ním.

22        Čo za výmena, Pane! Hriešny, peklom zviazaný život, ktorý sme mali, vediac, že prišiel Niekto, kto vzal ten život na Seba a obmyl naše hriechy skrze preliatie Svojho vlastného života. Je to viac, ako len môžu naše srdcia pomyslieť, Pane. Ale popritom všetkom, On učinil spôsob, ako vziať naše neprávosti a uzdraviť každého jedného z nás pre svoje rany. Sme tak vďační, že On zasľúbil, že nás zachová, zatiaľ čo Mu my budeme slúžiť.

23 A tak dnes večer, Otče, je tu veľa potrieb, ktoré boli... sú tu ľudia, ktorí majú svoje ruky pozdvihnuté. A vieme, že Ty budeš brať ohľad na každého jedného z nich vediac, čo leží za tými rukami, v ich srdciach.

24 A tak prosím, Pane, aby si pamätal na Svoje Slovo dnes večer, ako Ho budeme čítať a uvažovať nad tým, ako nad takou malou lekciou, niečo ako nedeľná škola, aby sme toto miesto dnes večer opustili a mali to cítenie vo svojich srdciach, že sme bližšie k Tebe, aby sme boli lepší, ako keď sme sem prišli. To je dôvod, prečo sme tu, aby sme priniesli prebudenie po celej krajine, nie len vediac, kedy sa začne, ale s očakávaniami k tomu, Pane. Prinášame každé ľudské úsilie, aké len môžeme, aby sme priniesli prebudenie, ktoré privedie mužov, ženy, chlapcov a dievčatá k spásnej známosti Krista.

25        Chceme Ti poďakovať za túto cirkev, za milého pastora a jeho rodinu, za všetkých diakonov a dôverníkov a za každého, ktorý ju nejakým spôsobom reprezentuje. Chceme Ti poďakovať za tých, ktorí za tým tak usilovne stáli. A, Pane, modlíme sa, aby na nich spočinuli požehnania Božie. Požehnaj každé úsilie. Nech je toto stanica, Pane, kde všetci, ktorí prichádzajú z údolia sem, môžu prísť a nájsť odpočinok. Udeľ to, Otče. Nech sú vypočuté modlitby pastora za chorých. Nech sú vypočuté jeho modlitby za spasenie za všetkých, ktorí sú v okruhoch Evanjelia. Nech Tvoje požehnania spočinú na ňom. A nech tejto cirkvi nechýba žiaden duchovný dar a nech je toto miesto príkladom pre všetky cirkvi v tejto oblasti. Udeľ to, Pane.

26 A teraz, Otče, tí, ktorí tu dnes večer ležia na ležadlách, ktorí si nemôžu sadnúť a tešiť sa zo zhromaždenia, sú to tí, ktorí nemali to privilégium. A ešte tu dnes večer neboli prinesení. Ó, Bože, buď milostivý! Pomyslím na to, „Čo keby to bola moja žena alebo môj brat alebo niekto z príbuzných, ktorého veľmi dobre poznám?“ Ale je to niekto iný a ja sa modlím, Otče, aby sa Milosť Božia so svojou mocou načiahla dolu a priviedla im dnes večer Božské vyslobodenie a vytrhnutie z týchto lehátok. Nech už tu takto viac neležia po tomto zhromaždení. Nech tu tie ležadlá nechajú za sebou. Nech tá moc, ktorá vzkriesila Ježiša z mŕtvych, oživí tieto telá do nového zdravia a sily. Udeľ to, náš Otče. My vieme, že si to zasľúbil.

27        Preto je napísané v Písmach, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak budú vkladať ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“

28 A tak, Otče, nech tu nie je nikto taký, ako budú na seba vkladať ruky, a ja tam dolu pôjdem na pamiatku tvojho poverenia. A, Bože, očakávam, že mi pošlú list, že sa tak stalo, lebo o to prosím v Mene Ježiša Krista.

29 [Brat Branham ide dolu a modlí sa za ľudí na ležadlách, zatiaľ čo zhromaždenie spieva pieseň „Jemu len ver“ štyrikrát, potom sa brat Branham vracia a spieva. – pozn.prekl.]

        Pane, verím, ó, Pane, verím,

 všetko je možné, Pane, verím;

 Pane, verím, Pane, verím;

 všetko je možné, Pane, verím.

A obe tie ženy mali výrastky, jedna rakovinu. Možno rýchlo poviem toto svedectvo, ak budem musieť niečo skrátiť z toho, čo poviem. Predtým, ako som odišiel z domu, posledný prípad, ktorý som pred odchodom mal, bol celkom pozoruhodný, bola žena, ktorá sa volala Dyer... zabudol som teraz jej meno. Bol to Dr. Dyer z Louisville. A Dr. James Dyer, špecialista na výrastky z Louisville.

30 Jeho dcéra hrala na klavíri v cirkvi The Open Door, kde je pastorom Dr. Cobbles; obrovská židovská synagóga. A sám ten človek patril do Cirkvi Kristovej, denominačnej cirkvi Kristovej a bol obrátený a uveril plnému Evanjeliu, veľmi milý človek. A ona hrala na mojom zhromaždení, ktoré som vtedy v Louisville mal v Memorial Auditorium. A bola nadchnutá všetkým tým, čo sa tam stalo, a chcela o tom povedať otcovi.

31 On povedal, „To je len psychológia. Tí ľudia sú stále tak chorí, ako vždy boli.“ Jednoducho tomu neveril.

32 Nakoniec opustila cirkev a vydala sa za chlapca z baptistického semináru a on sa nakoniec vzdal svojej viery. Vyúčal sa za kazateľa, aby to robil spôsobom, akým to robia baptisti. A tak oni... Nakoniec to zanechal, nechcel kázať. A oni sa presťahovali k jeho rodine do Rockfordu, Illinois.

33 Nakoniec ona, Jean, začala mať nejaké ženské problémy. A tak išla ku otcovi na vyšetrenie, vrátila sa do Louisville, kvôli tomu vyšetreniu. A keď ju vyšetrili, zistilo sa, že má nádor na vaječníku, nachádzalo sa to na ženských orgánoch. Jej otec to odstránil, bola to taká väčšia operácia a museli ten nádor odstrániť. A nakoniec... Dali jej nejaký röntgen a terapiu.

34 A tak, keď oni... keď sa vrátila domov, problémy pokračovali.

35 Asi o rok nato ju zavolali na ďalšie vyšetrenie a museli jej chirurgicky vybrať maternicu. A keď to robili, jej otec s doktorom Humesom, čo je jeden z najlepších doktorov na juhu, ju operovali, zašlo to tak ďaleko, že tá rakovina prenikla až do hrubého čreva. A tak ju na chvíľu nechali. Opäť vyskúšali röntgenové liečenia a nezdalo sa, že by to pomáhalo, tak ju vzali späť do nemocnice. Nemohli jej dať už žiadne ďalšie preháňadlo, aby sa jej črevo pohlo, tak to museli umyť klystírom. To urobili preto, aby sa do čriev viac nedostávala voda.

36 A jej manžel bol takpovediac jedným z mojich kritikov. A tak jedného dňa tam prišiel, vzal jednu knihu a začal čítať. (Aj môj syn a brat Sothmann, to je jeden z dôverníkov, tí sú tu tiež niekde.) A on pár dní ležal na prahu dverí do zboru, až dokiaľ... Ja som bol preč na zhromaždení. A keď som sa vrátil, tak som sa na ňu prišiel pozrieť. A on mi povedal, „Ona ani nevie, že má rakovinu.“ Povedal, „Len choď k nej, pohovor s ňou a pomodli sa za ňu.“

37 A tak, keď som ju uvidel, ona povedala, „Brat Branham,“ povedala, „môj manžel už príjme Božské uzdravenie,“ hovorí, „nevedela som ho prehovoriť, aby si pozrel jednu z tých kníh, a teraz hltá stranu za stranou každý jeden deň.“

38 Povedal som, „Rozumiem tomu, Jean.“ A povedal som, „Teraz, Jean, porozprávajme sa a zistime, čo nám povie Pán.“ V miestnosti nebol nikto, zdravotná sestra odišla. A tak sme sa trochu zhovárali a o chvíľu prišlo videnie. Ona má asi štyridsať rokov, predtým ešte nemala šedivé vlasy, ale teraz vyzerala o dosť staršia a mala už šedivé vlasy. Povedal som, „Jean, ty si bola na zhromaždeniach.“

 „Áno, brat Branham.“

39 Povedal som, „Oni to od teba držali a povedali mi, nech ti to nehovorím, ale máš rakovinu.“ A povedal som, „Tvoj otec a... Tvoj manžel povedal, 'Nič jej o tom nehovor.' Ale ty máš rakovinu, Jean. Ale chcem ti to teraz povedať, pretože si bola na zhromaždeniach. Videnie nikdy nezlyhalo. A teraz ti hovorím, Jean, je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!“

40 Musíte si byť ohľadom toho naozaj istí, vidíte... že to je Pán. Nie len nejaký dojem; musíte to vidieť.

 A potom som povedal, „Budeš žiť. Oni sú...“

41 Ona povedala, „Brat Branham, bola som voči tomu podozrievavá.“ A povedala, „Bola som vychovaná v dome, kde bol môj otec lekár. Mala som v to pochybnosti.“ Povedala, „Myslela som si, že to tak jednoducho je.“ Pomodlili sme sa.

42 Na ďalší deň, na druhý deň nato ju mali vziať na kolonostómiu. Viete, to znamená, že odrežú črevo, na bok jej dajú také vrecko a ten pacient jednoducho... až dokiaľ nezomrie, dokiaľ ho rakovina nezabije, vyprázdňuje črevo do vrecka. A keď bola pripravená a nachystaná na operačný stôl, začala sa divne cítiť. A zavolal zdravotnú sestru, aby prišla a pomohla jej na toaletu. A keď tam prišla, vedela všetko dokonale vylúčiť. Jej manžel sa s tým ledva vedel vyrovnať. A na druhý deň... Už ju nebrali. Na druhý deň, hneď po raňajkách, ďalšie vylučovanie bolo úplne v poriadku. A tak...

43 Jej doktor mi zavolal. Popri všetkom plači a vzlykaní hovoril, „Ja to jednoducho nerozumiem, nevieme nájsť ani jeden symptóm ničoho. Všetko je preč.“

44 No, moje drahé sestry, nemám jediný dôvod, aby som tu stál ako sluha Kristov a povedal niečo nesprávne, lebo by som v ten deň bol súdený ako vyhnanec a pokrytec.

45 A tak s otvoreným Božím Slovom, už som sa nemodlil za Jean viac ako za vás, vidíte. Jednoducho sme odtiaľ odišli vediac, že modlitba viery bola vypovedaná. Tým to je hneď vybavené. Božie Slovo tak povedalo, vidíte, „Modlitba viery uzdraví chorého.“

46  A tak ten istý Boh, ktorý uzdravil dcéru doktora Dyera, Jeanu, nepamätám si už jej meno. Ale ten človek skutočne prijal celé Evanjelium. Pri poslednej kázni tu v našom zbore sedel hneď tu a všetko to vnímal, bral s nami komúniu a podobne, baptistický študent prišiel k Pánovi, aby bol pokrstený Duchom Svätým. A to len dokazuje, že Boh stále zostáva Bohom.

47 A ten doktor, jej otec, milý človek, on ešte nikdy predtým nevidel, že by sa niečo také stalo.

48 Boh má čas na všetko. Obaja ste veriaci. Takže niekedy sa tieto veci dejú na dobré. Viete, Biblia hovorí, „Oni spolu pôsobia na dobré.“

49 Pamätáte si na všetky skúšky Jóba? To nebol Boh, ktorý karhal Jóba, ale to bol Boh, ktorý schvaľoval svojho sluhu. Takže to všetko pôsobilo na dobré. Takže kniha Jóba bola napísaná pre všetky generácie na svedectvo. Boh to vypôsobí na dobré.

50 Len pamätajte, modlil som sa z celého srdca modlitbu viery. Keď tomu veríte, to je všetko, tak sa to stane, len sledujte výsledky.

51 A tak, aby som sa dostal hneď od posolstva, (mnohí z vás tu stoja), mám malé večerné posolstvo.

52 Majte na pamäti, že tu v Ramade, tentokrát tu bude veľa výborných rečníkov na tejto konferencii v Ramade, obchodníkov, viete... tu v Ramade. Takže sa uistite, že tu budete môcť byť na týchto zhromaždeniach. Brat Oral Roberts tu bude na večernom bankete.

53 A tak, viete, ja som trochu časťou Tucsonu. Budem podporovať Tucson. V pondelok večer tu budeme, a tak, keď tu už sme, tak pôjdeme aj tam. A budete musieť... Budete to tu so mnou musieť trochu vydržať, lebo vtedy budem kázať ja. Takže ak budete môcť, prídite v utorok... alebo v pondelok večer do Ramada Motel, v Ramada Inn, v Tucsone. A Phoenix je samozrejme na okraji Tucsonu. Všetci to tam poznáme, takže sa prídite pozrieť, ako sa žije ľuďom na horách.

54 Otočme si teraz v našich Bibliách do Zachariáša 14, 6. a 7. kapitola, chcel by som prečítať... Chcel by som z toho vytiahnuť malý kontext na to, čo chcem dnes hovoriť.


A stane sa toho dňa, že nebude svetla; bude šero a chlad.

A bude to jeden deň, ktorý je známy Hospodinovi; nebude to deň ani to nebude noc; ale stane sa, že v čas večera bude svetlo.

55        A tak by som chcel z tohto vziať, Večerný Posol, ako text; Večerný Posol. Samozrejme, môžeme mať v tomto dni veľa poslov, má byť v tomto dni veľa poslov, o ktorých On hovoril, ale raz príde večerné posolstvo. A tak sa na to chceme pozrieť, trochu ako v nedeľnej škole, hovoriť o tom.

56 A tak všetci vieme, o čom tu Zachariáš hovoril, lebo povedal, „Príde deň, ktorý nebude Pánom považovaný ani za deň ani za noc; ale v čase večera bude svetlo.“ Ak vieme, že to nie je deň ani noc, musí to byť taký pochmúrny deň, trochu hmlistý.

57 A vieme, že civilizácia cestovala z východu na západ. Tá najstaršia civilizácia, ktorú máme, je Čína. A civilizácia cestovala z východu na západ, lebo nasledovala slnko, a teraz sme sa dostali až sem na západ. Ak pôjdeme zase ďalej, dostaneme sa späť na východ. Vidíte? Takže sme na konci cesty.

58 My, ako cirkev, veríme, že Evanjelium je už takmer dokončené. Veríme, že tí veľkí poslovia počas všetkých týchto vekov a v týchto posledných dňoch, posledné stovky rokov bojovali o tieto veľké veci; ospravedlnenie vierou, Luther; posvätenie, Wesley; krst Duchom Svätým cez letničných. Veríme, že všetky tieto elementy vytvárajú kompletné úplné Telo, ako prirodzené, tak aj duchovné.

59 Keď sa dieťa normálne narodí, čo sa stane najprv? Prvá vec, ktorá prichádza, je voda; ďalšia je krv a tá ďalšia je život.

60 1. Jána 5:7 hovorí, „Sú traja, ktorí svedčia na nebi, Otec, Slovo a Duch Svätý; a títo traja sú jedno.“ Oni sú jedno; nemôžete mať Otca bez toho, že by ste mali Syna, a nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, že by ste mali Ducha Svätého. Vidíte? Oni sú jedno. „Ale sú traja, ktorí svedčia na zemi, voda, krv a Duch; a tí traja sa zhodujú v jedno.“ Oni nie sú jedno, ale sa zhodujú na jednom. Rozumiete?

61        Takže, môžete byť ospravedlnení bez toho, aby ste boli posvätení; môžete byť posvätení bez toho, aby ste mali Ducha Svätého. Vidíte? Duch Svätý je vnútorná prítomnosť Kristovej moci v Duchu. Takže vidíme, že prirodzené je obrazom na duchovné, takže cirkev je teraz vo svojej úplnej zrelosti: ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým. Doma sme práve prechádzali cez sedem cirkevných vekov a ukázali sme to cez typy, bolo to nádherné.

62 A len tak mimochodom, počul niekto tie pásky o cirkevných vekoch? Naposledy, keď som načrtol tie cirkevné veky na tabuľu, a náš Nebeský Otec vie, že toto je pravda, keď som to dokončil najlepšie, ako som len vedel pod inšpiráciou, ktorú mi Boh dal; ten Anjel Pánov, ktorého vidíte na obrázku (mnohí z vás tú fotku videli, to svetlo, že?), ten Anjel zostúpil priamo do tej miestnosti asi pred tristo alebo štyristo ľuďmi, prešlo to popri stene (takto ako svetlo) a nakreslilo to tie cirkevné veky. Všetci sme tam stáli a hľadeli na to, sledovali, ako to kreslí prvý cirkevný vek, druhý, tretí, štvrtý, piaty, šiesty a siedmy.

63 Sedia tu niektorí ľudia, ktorí to môžu dosvedčiť. Pozdvihnite svoje ruky, ak to je pravda. Biblia hovorí, „V ústach dvoch alebo troch svedkoch.“

64 Každý tam sedel, niektorí kričali, vykrikovali a povedal som, „Tam to je! Chceli ste to vidieť, a tu tu máte, môžete hľadieť priamo na to.“ O jedenástej počas dňa, stálo to tam rovno na stene, nakreslilo to tie cirkevné veky presne s takými mierami Ducha a tiež temnosti, aby to ukázalo, že ten Duch bol vytlačený, prešiel cez Vek temnoty a vrátil sa späť, presne tak, ako som to aj ja nakreslil. Máme z toho fotky, všetko to bolo nakreslené na stene. Presne tak to tam bolo. Musel to byť práve ten Duch Pánov, ktorý bol teraz uspokojený, že to je hotové, lebo On sa vrátil a potvrdil to, že to je pravda.

65 A my žijeme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, v bohatom cirkevnom veku, ktorý si myslí, že nič nepotrebuje, a nevedia, že sú nahí, biedni a slepí; a nevedia o tom, vidíte? Všetky tieto veci sú predobrazom.

66 Nuž, to isté slnko, ktoré svieti... ktoré vychádza na východe, je to isté slnko, ktoré zapadá na západe. A tak zastavme sa teraz na chvíľu, aby sme dali tomuto posolstvu trochu pozadie. Vieme, že slnko, to jest s-l-n-k-o, slnečná sústava. Ale S-y-n Boží zostúpil v jase Božom a svetle Božom na východe. A teraz nám uplynulo dvetisíc rokov, podľa Pána, On povedal, „Bude čas, kedy nebude dňa ani noci, len taký chmúrny deň, ale v čase večera bude svetlo.“

67 Teraz, ak si všimnete, Duch Svätý padol najprv na ľudí z východu. A potom sme mali čas, kedy sa len pripájali k cirkvám a len malé nedotiahnuté konce a malé záležitosti, za ktoré sa bojovalo. Ale potom v čase večera na západnej pologuli bude svetlo. A my sme teraz práve v tom čase! Civilizácia prišla ako veľký prúd z východu, ktorý zachytáva hriech hneď, ako príde, a zasiahol západné pobrežie ako zvukovú bariéru a teraz upadol a v tejto chvíli to najporušenejšie miesto, ktoré poznám, je práve západné pobrežie. Čokoľvek vás napadne, oni to tam majú: hriech, porušenie, rozvod, sobáše, Hollywood, samotná diera do pekla! Presne tak.

68 Verím v skutočnú biblickú svätosť. A neverím v žiadne toto porušenie a zhnité veci, ktoré predkladajú ako príklad pred ľudí a nazývajú to Hollywood. Vždy som bol proti tomu. A myslím si, že človek, ktorý má v sebe Ducha Božieho, bude tiež proti tomu, pretože Duch Boží mu bude svedčiť, že to nie je správne.

69 Myslím si, že to je jeden z... Kedysi zvykli naše ženy chodievať do Paríža, aby si brali príklad z francúzskych nahých modeliek, a dnes prichádzajú oni sem, aby si brali príklad z nás. Vidíte? Hollywood vládne svetu. A všetka táto móda nahoty, ktorú tu dnes máme, čo je ešte viac ako vo Francúzsku (pomyslite na to!), opilci, bitkári, nemorálne miesta, v tomto ich Hollywood všetkých schová do vrecka.

70 A všetky naše televízie, všetko, čo tu je necenzurované, tie špinavé vtipy a zhnitá korupcia, snažia sa to všade vtlačiť. A ľudia a diabol... Pred rokmi by sme my, raní letniční, neposielali naše deti na filmové predstavenia, ale teraz sa tu dostal diabol a dal nám to priamo pred nás do domu. Vidíte? On priviedol späť tie filmové predstavenia.

71 Je to vôbec hrozné pomyslieť, že svet sa dostal do takejto porušenosti, lebo všetka táto zberba, vidíte, dostalo sa to sem, len čo prišla civilizácia.

72 Ale celý ten čas… V jednom z týchto dní budem kázať, ak Pán dá, za pár dní, na Odpočítavanie ku štartu. Viete, obiehalo to, takže viete, čo sa tam stalo. Boh bol niečo so svojou cirkvou v tom čase schopný urobiť, aj napriek tomu, že sa diali všetky tieto veci. A teraz sme v čase konca, vďaka Pánovi!

73 Každý vek mal svoje posolstvo a svojho posla. Boh na to dozeral. Dokonca aj v cirkevných vekoch zisťujeme, že každý jeden mal svojho posla a každý žil v tom čase, v ktorom mal, a potom odišiel; a len čo odišiel, prišiel zase ďalší; a takto to prichádza až do siedmeho cirkevného veku; každá hviezda, každý anjel cirkvi, každý posol.

74 A zisťujeme, že v poslednom cirkevnom veku, v Zjavení 10 má byť zvuk trúby, a bolo tam sedem hlasov, ktoré zazneli pri… Nebolo im dovolené nič písať. Ale bolo to zapečatené na zadnej strane knihy, tých sedem Pečatí bolo zapečatených na zadnej strane Knihy. A po tom, čo je tá Kniha napísaná, je zapečatená so Siedmimi Pečaťami. Ale nikto nevie, čo znamenajú, čím sú. Ale je povedané, „Vo dňoch siedmeho anjela zaznie posolstvo,“ to je zemský anjel.

75 Pretože tento anjel prišiel z neba; a tento bol na zemi; anjel je posol, posol k danému veku.

76 A potom si všímame, že On dal svoje… mal nad hlavou dúhu, zodvihol svoju ruku a prisahal na Toho, ktorý žije na veky, že viacej času nebude (keď zaznelo týchto sedem hlasov, keď sedem Hromov vydalo svoje hlasy). A On im povedal, „Nepíš, ale zapečať to.“ A zisťujeme, že to bolo na zadnej strane Knihy.

77 „Ale keď siedmy anjel dokončí toto posolstvo, jeho prorokovanie na ten deň, potom sa dokoná tajomstvo Božie,“ každý vie, že to Biblia hovorí. „Tajomstvo Božie,“ to, čím Boh je, a všetky veci týkajúce sa krstu a podobne, všetko to bude v tom dni dané na poriadok.

78 Každý posol mal svoje posolstvo, každý vek mal svoje posolstvo a svojho posla. A je veľmi pozoruhodné, že každý posol… A z cirkevných vekov sme zistili (a dnes večer sa ešte vrátime do Starého Zákona a zistíme, že to je to isté), že Boh posiela posla na posledný vek v čase konca; vždy v čase konca, nikdy nie na začiatku. Vždy na konci!

79 Nuž, len čo sa vytratil Lutherov vek, prišiel Wesley. A keď sa vytratilo Wesleyho posvätenie, prišiel letničný vek. Vidíte? Ten posol vždy otvára nové posolstvo rovno na konci starého. V každom veku to tak bolo. Vieme, že to je pravda.

80 Toto sa v Biblii opakovalo po celý čas. Nachádzame to v svätých Písmach, vždy to tak bolo, že na konci starého veku, a keď prichádzal nový, ten starý sa vytratí a príde nový, Boh posiela Svojho posla.

81 A ako vždy, zakaždým, keď prichádza posol, on vždy volá ľudí späť do Slova, a to nikdy nezlyháva. Pamätajte, toto je kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista, nemôže k tomu byť nič pridané a nič z toho odobrané. Je to kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista. A jediný spôsob, akým si kedy môžeme byť istí, je ten, že vždy, keď medzi nami povstane niečo, čo je v protiklade k tomuto zjaveniu, vieme, že to je nesprávne. Vidíte? Je to „Späť do Slova!“ Vždy to je volanie späť.

82 A v každom jednom prípade v Písme, v každom jednom prípade Boh používa proroka, aby zavolal ten vek naspäť, vždy to tak je. Nikdy to nezlyhá, On vždy posiela proroka! Ale prečo to robí? Preto, lebo Biblia hovorí, „Je to prorok, ku ktorému prichádza Slovo Božie,“ on je zjavovateľ Slova.

83 Nuž, dúfam, že ma nechápete zle. Rozumiete? Nechcem, aby ma niekto zle chápal, ale chcem byť úprimný a verný svojmu povolaniu. Chceme to tak robiť.

 Takže Boh vždy používa proroka, človeka. A ak používate skupinu ľudí, dostávate rôzne idey; vidíte, jeden človek, nie dvaja ľudia. On nikdy nemal na zemi dvoch veľkých prorokov v tom istom čase. On berie len jedného, aby mohol toho druhého využiť na iný vek, na iné posolstvo. On nikdy nemá dvoch, On má jedného v jednom čase.

84 A nekonečný Boh nikdy nemení Svoj program, On musí vždy zostať s tým, s čím začal. To je dôvod, prečo môžeme mať dôveru v to, čo On hovorí. On sa nemôže meniť. Ak spasil jedného človeka na základe jeho viery v Boha, tým istým spôsobom musí spasiť aj ďalšieho človeka.

85 Keď Boh stvoril miesto, kde mohol mať obecenstvo so Svojím stvorením, Adam sa snažil vytvoriť svoju vlastnú cestu a urobil sebe a svojej žene figové listy ako zástery. Boh to zavrhol. A Boh urobil Svoje vlastné rozhodnutie o tom, na akom základe bude pristupovať k človeku a mať s ním obecenstvo, a to bola preliata krv. A On to nikdy nemení.

86 A my si môžeme medzi metodistami a baptistami podávať ruky. Ale na základe toho, že sme metodisti a baptisti, nemáme medzi sebou nič spoločné, ja sa môžem zhodovať s baptistom a vy zase s metodistom alebo naopak. Ale existuje jeden základ, na ktorom sa zhodujú všetci veriaci, a to je preliata Krv. To je miesto, kde sa stretávame a dávame nabok všetky tieto veci. Takže my nemôžeme všetci prísť do jednej organizácie, nemôžeme to robiť.

87 Tieto malé organizácie, myslím, že Boh v tom bol, vo všetkom tom. Ale ľudia… lebo my sme iní. Každý človek má iné vnímanie, každá osoba sa na veci pozerá inak, žiadne dve mysle na svete nie sú také isté. Žiadni dvaja ľudia na svete nie sú dokonale rovnakí; tak to hovoria; nemajú presne také isté nosy, také isté odtlačky prstov. Vidíte, sme inak stvorení, preto by sme mali mať rôzne skupiny.

88 Ale Boh vždy koná s jednotlivcom. On ťa nespasí len preto, že si metodista; On ťa nespasí len preto, že si baptista; On ťa nespasí len preto, že si letničný. On ťa spasí preto, lebo s tebou osobne konal! A ty si spasený na základe toho, že si to prijal. A tak preto s tebou Boh koná, On s tebou nekoná podľa Svojej cirkvi, On s tebou koná ako s jednotlivcom.

89 A preto Boh posielal Svojich prorokov. Jeho poslovia Zmluvy, On hovoril k jednému človeku a ten človek musel priniesť posolstvo. Ostatní išli po ňom a prinášali to isté posolstvo. Ale muselo byť jedno kontrolné miesto. Boh to vždy mal. A ja som rád, že On dnes večer jedno má, a to je samozrejme Duch Svätý, všetci to vieme. Nie je to nejaká skupina, ale Duch Svätý je Božím hlavným stanom, to je Boží posol na danú hodinu.

90 A ten prorok, ku ktorému to Slovo prichádza, ak je on tým pravdivým prorokom Slova, Boh vždy potvrdí Svoje Slovo skrze toho proroka.

91 Nuž, bolo veľa falošných prorokov, mali sme ich tu po celé veky. Keď sa vrátime do Starého Zákona, vidíme, ako povstávali a hovorili v Mene Pánovom a nebolo to správne. Boh s tým nemal nič spoločné. On nikdy nič nepotvrdí, ak to nie je Jeho vlastné Slovo. On si tak nepočína. Vidíte?

92 Majte to na pamäti, Boh potvrdzuje len Svoje Slovo! A len pravdivý prorok je… Jediný spôsob, akým môžete rozoznať, či je pravdivý alebo nie, je pomocou Slova. Tak ho treba posudzovať.

93 Nuž teraz, ak si všimnete, ako to bolo v dňoch Micheáša, povstalo tam štyristo hebrejských prorokov pred Achabom a Jozafatom a povedali, „Tak hovorí Pán, ’Choď tam a bude sa ti dariť.’“ Fundamentálne mali pravdu. Potom bol Micheáš povolaný na scénu, ten, ktorého všetci nenávideli. A teraz to vyzeralo, akoby všetkých štyristo (nemám na mysli prorokov Bála), ale židovských prorokov, povstalo v jednej zhode a povedali, „Choď do Rámod-Gileádu, Pán ťa tam požehná a bude sa ti dariť.“ A tí ľudia neboli pokrytci, istotne boli inšpirovaní! Ale ich…

94 A tak, prečo by potom prišiel na scénu tento jeden chlapík menom Micheáš, ktorý bol synom Jimlu, prišiel a prorokoval v protiklade s tým, čo oni hovorili? To si vyžadovalo poriadnu guráž, skutočné presvedčenie. Vidíte? Ale ako on vedel, že mal pravdu? Ak by ste tam vy stáli, akoby ste to vedeli? Jediný spôsob, akým by sa to dalo, by bolo vziať to, čo ten človek hovorí, a porovnať to so Slovom. Vidíte? Nuž, Micheáš bol presne zhodne so Slovom Pánovým, preklial Achaba a Jezábeľ. Vidíte? A ako sa mohol Boh obrátiť a požehnať to, nad čím bola vyslovená kliatba? Vidíte, tak by to nefungovalo.

95 A teraz zisťujeme, že Boh potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. Slovo proroka, ak on je prorok, potom to je… on hovorí presne podľa Slova. Biblia hovorí na jednom mieste, „Ak nehovoria podľa zákona a prorokov, nie je v nich svetla.“ Potom zavolá… Potom tento posol vyvolá tých vyvolaných. On má pravdu na základe Božieho Slova, dokazuje, že to je pravda.

 Všimnite si, vezmeme pár príkladov, dobre počúvajte.

96 Noe bol Božím svedkom pre predpotopný čas konca. A teraz sa pozrite, v akom protiklade bolo jeho slovo s predpotopným svetom. Ten človek bol považovaný za úplne chorého. Veď jeho... Ale on mal presne Slovo Pánovo. Nuž, Boh povedal, že nebude tolerovať hriech, tak On… keď ľudia začali hrešiť, Boh zostúpil a Noe kázal posolstvo času konca. Kedy to bolo? Presne pred časom konca povstal tento posol. Boh poslal tohto proroka s posolstvom na čas konca. A bol to on, ktorému sa smiali, robili si z neho žarty, vysmievali sa mu a on zachránil len členov svojho domu. Tak je. Nikto mu neveril. Ale on mal posolstvo času konca. A tak všetci, ktorí neverili, boli odsúdení, a tí, ktorí verili posolstvu, boli spasení, zachránení. Boh im dal život a oni boli zachránení, a tí, ktorí neverili, boli stratení.

97 Teraz robím na niečo príklad. Všimnite si, že Boh toto urobil trikrát.

98 A trojka je dokonalé číslo Božie. Boh je zdokonalený v troch, v Otcovi, Synovi a v Duchu Svätom, ospravedlnenie, posvätenie a krst Duchom Svätým. On je zdokonalený, pretože trojka je Jeho dokonalosťou. Päťka je číslom milosti. Sedmička je… Dvanástka je číslom uctievania. Štyridsiatka je číslom prenasledovania. A päťdesiatka je jubileum, uctievanie. Letnice znamenajú päťdesiat. A štyridsať dní bol Mojžiš pokúšaný, štyridsať dní bol Kristus pokúšaný, vidíte. Všetky tieto typy. Boh je zdokonalený v troch.

99 Sú tri zničenia. Jedno z nich bolo, keď Noe išiel do archy; druhé bolo, keď Lot vyšiel zo Sodomy. Sledujte, Ježiš ich spomínal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a vo dňoch Lota, tak bude vo dňoch Syna človeka.“ Sledujte! Jeden vstúpil, druhý vyšiel a ďalší išiel hore. Vstúpil, vystúpil, ide hore! To je poriadok Pánov. Vidíte, Ježiš sa odvolával na tých dvoch prorokov. Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, Abrahám bol prorok, tak to bude vo dňoch Syna človeka. Vidíte, odvolával sa na to.

100 Nuž, Mojžiš, ďalší prorok na konci egyptského veku. Dozvedáme sa, že keď Boh išiel vyslobodiť Svoj ľud a Egypťania ich tak veľmi prenasledovali a postavili nad nich otrokárov a pánov. A hneď pred ich zničením, Boh, ako to vždy robí, poslal proroka so Slovom Pánovým. Pamätajte, ten prorok presne identifikoval to, čo Boh (stovky rokov pred tým, asi štyristo alebo tak nejako ) zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že jeho semeno bude prebývať v cudzej zemi, ale že On ich odtiaľ vyvedie mocnou rukou. Viete, pri horiacom kríku, kde sa Mojžiš stretol s Bohom a On mu povedal, „Počul som nárek Môjho ľudu, videl som ich utrpenie a spomenul som si na Svoju zmluvu.“ Pamätanie na Slovo!

101 Majte to na pamäti, On vždy pamätá na Svoje Slovo! Vidíte? On nezlyháva, On musí zakaždým urobiť to isté. Dôvod, prečo hovorím tieto veci, je ten, aby sme na to pamätali a mysleli na to. Dokonca aj vy, ľudia, ktorí ste chorí; všimli ste si, že aj ja som chorý.

102 Takže všimnite si, vy, všetci ľudia musíte pamätať na toto, že Boh sa nemení! On je nemenný Boh. Časy sa menia, ľudia sa menia. Boh je nekonečný, On sa nemení! Jeho… On musí zostať ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On musí vždy zostať takým, aký je. A ak my veríme, že toto je Slovo Božie, môžeme zložiť svoju dôveru na všetko, čo povedal. Vidíte?

103 A tak vidíte, ako jeho posolstvo prichádza, ako On posiela Svoje posolstvo, On to nemôže zmeniť, nikdy to neurobil. Vždy musí zostať tým istým. To je spôsob, akým to vždy robí. A tak teraz pamätajte, kedy to robí? Tesne pred zničením, rovno na konci veku. To je ten čas, kedy posiela svoje posolstvo, aby vyvolal Svoj ľud, (oni to majú vždy pomiešané), a tu prichádzajú.

104 A tak vo dňoch Mojžiša, veriaci boli spasení a neveriaci zahynuli.

105 Ten, ktorý uveril Mojžišovmu posolstvu od Boha, nuž, oni by to neurobili, pokiaľ by Mojžiš nebol potvrdený od Boha a pokiaľ by nebolo dokázané, že Božie Slovo bolo s ním. To z neho robilo proroka. On tam prišiel a povedal, „Zajtra, asi o takomto čase, uvidíte, že sa stane toto a toto.“ A na druhý deň sa to stalo. To bolo všetko. Akýkoľvek pravdivý prorok Boží, ktorý hovorí v Mene Pánovom, to urobí. „A stane sa, že toto a toto sa udeje. Idem k faraónovi, ale on sa zatvrdne, bude mať zatvrdené srdce. Povie, že nás prepustí, ale neurobí to.“ A presne tak sa to stalo. Vidíte? Prečo? Potom ľudia vedeli, že tento človek bol poslaný Bohom. A potom začali vidieť, že Boh ho žehná, a oni ho uctili, a keď to urobili, začali sa diať veľké veci.

106 A ľudia, ktorí sa smiali a robili si z toho žarty a nechceli prijať to posolstvo, tí zahynuli s tými ostatnými neveriacimi.

107 Ale veriaci, ktorí vyšli a vstúpili do zasľúbenej zeme, oni išli pod pomazaným posolstvom posla. Bolo to posolstvo vyslobodenia, že Boh zasľúbil, že privedie Svoj ľud do zeme pretekajúcej mliekom a medom. A presne tak sa to stalo, pretože Boh to už povedal a Mojžiš prišiel a bol potvrdený, že je poslom na ten deň.

 Z tohto to vidím úplne jasne.

108 Dobre, a potom sa dozvedáme, že Mojžiš bol správne identifikovaný.

109 A potom pri zmene veku prišiel čas na… medzi zákonom a milosťou. Musel prísť čas, kedy mal prísť tento Mesiáš, o ktorom bolo písané, že príde. A zisťujeme, že čas, kedy ľudia prekrútili zákon, všetko to dali pod nejakú veľkú skupinu niečoho a mali všetky druhy tradícií ľudí, ktoré do toho vložili. A pri zmene času prišiel Ježiš, ďalší prorok, Boh-prorok.

 No, poviete, „On nebol prorok.“

110 Biblia hovorí, že bol. „Pán, váš Boh, vzbudí proroka takého ako ja.“ On bol Boh-prorok, na sklonku času medzi zákonom a milosťou, o ktorom On hovoril po všetky tie roky. Potom, čo dal zákon Mojžišovi na sklonku času, keď povedal, že sa tak stane, potom sa vrátil do milosti. A poslal proroka, ktorý o tom čase prorokoval. No, veriaci, On si ich zhromaždil; neveriaci v tom dni zahynuli. Všetci tí, ktorí v neho verili, boli spasení; a tí, ktorí neverili jeho posolstvu, boli zatratení.

111 To je presne to, čo sa udialo vo dňoch Noeho; to je to, čo sa stalo vo dňoch Lota; to je to, čo sa stalo vo všetkých ďalších dňoch, vo dňoch Mojžiša; presne to sa stalo vo dňoch Ježiša Krista. Lebo oni pohrdli posolstvom a zahynuli a tí, ktorí tomu posolstvu uverili, boli zachránení.

112 A potom prichádza cirkevné časové zriadenie. Žili sme dávno v čase Noeho, v predpotopnom čase; prichádzame do zriadenia zákona; potom v čase milosti, cirkev. A teraz sa končí časové zriadenie cirkvi. Všetci to vieme.

113 A tak, ak Boh robil to a to v tamtom čase, v tých ďalších dvoch časoch musí zostať tým istým a urobiť to isté v tomto časovom zriadení, lebo On povedal, že to urobí. Skrze to Slovo to dokážem za pár minút, že On povedal, že tak učiní. On nemôže meniť Svoj program, On je Boh. Všimnite si, čo robil v tých časoch.

114 A my teraz prichádzame do času konca cirkevného zriadenia. To je to, čo som dnes večer čítal, „...v čase večera bude svetlo.“

115 Mali sme veľa chmúrnych časov, ale príde svetlo. Ten istý Syn, ktorý prišiel a zmenil čas, príde opäť! A to bude zo zeme do Slávy. My pôjdeme s Ním. Raz sme prišli, potom sme odišli a tentokrát ideme hore! Vidíte? Dobre; dovnútra, von a hore. Prichádzame do času konca. A my nie len prichádzame, my sme už dorazili. Sme v čase konca!

116 Čo Boh v tomto čase konca nachádza? Boh v tomto čase konca nachádza presne to, čo nachádzal aj v ďalších časoch konca, a to je nevera! Vždy to tak bolo, vždy keď On príde, nachádza neveru. Zisťuje, že ten program, ktorý predložil ľuďom…

117 Dávno v čase Noeho, ak by žili podľa Jeho nariadení, obetovali obete… Oni od toho odišli. Keď On prišiel, tak to našiel v takomto stave, všetko to zle fungovalo.

118 To isté urobil, keď prišiel na zem, našiel ľudí a farizejov, a tak ďalej, všetci podľa zákona. Čo oni robili? Nebola v tom žiadna úprimnosť, len išli vpred, robili to, ako uznali za vhodné, „Pokiaľ je človek členom cirkvi, viac nepotrebuje.“ To je to, čo On našiel.

119 A to je presne to, čo opäť nachádza! Nachádza to isté, ľudia sa nemenia. Takže ak On poslal Svoj program a ľudia Mu v tom čase neverili a zahynuli, alebo verili a žili, (jedna z týchto dvoch vecí), tak to musí byť aj na konci tohto času. Musí to byť tak isto. Nie…

120 Vždy to bol veľký boj pre posla, aby oddelil staré od nového. Vždy to bol pre posla boj, keď prišiel, oddeliť staré od nového, hoci posolstvo musí byť vždy podľa Písma, každý z nich predpovedal, že ten nasledujúci príde.

121 Vezmime si teraz napríklad Ježiša. Aké to pre Neho muselo byť ťažké, prísť a zmeniť posolstvo zo zákona na milosť. Jednako Biblia hovorila, že tak sa to stane, „Príde Mesiáš a denná obeť bude odobraná.“ Vieme, že to bolo skrze prorokov prorokované. Aká veľká vec pre Neho to bola, urobiť také niečo. Ale dozvedáme sa, že On to urobil. A ten, ktorý… On to urobil, lebo Písmo tak povedalo bez ohľadu na to, že veriaci toho dňa (takzvaní veriaci) s Ním vôbec nesúhlasili.

122 Pozrite na tých farizejov, sadúcejov, oni mali svoje vlastné tradície a nikto ich od toho neodvrátil. Bolo to niečo, čomu verili, ich matky tomu verili, ich otcovia tomu verili, ich starí otcovia, staré matky tomu verili a Mojžiš tak povedal! Ale ten istý Mojžiš, ktorý dal zákon, bol aj ten, ktorý povedal, že tento človek príde, a oni to nedokázali rozpoznať, lebo celé pravdivé Slovo Božie mali zamiešané v tradíciách a vynechávali ten hlavný princíp. Muselo to tak byť.

123 Všimnite si, každý jeden predpovedal, že príde ten nasledujúci. Každý jeden z týchto poslov, potom, čo vydali svoje posolstvo, predpovedali, že príde niekto druhý. A ľudia vždy brali posolstvo toho dňa, ktorý mali, oni to vybudovali.

124 Rozoberme si to ešte trochu hlbšie, pozrime sa na Luthera. Keď Luther kázal ospravedlnenie vierou, on bol poslom, anjelom toho cirkevného veku, v poriadku, Sardského cirkevného veku. A teraz si všimnite, že keď on kázal, on dával luteránov na poriadok. A potom to luteráni rozširovali ďalej. A keď prišiel Wesley vo filadelfskom cirkevnom veku s posolstvom posvätenia, pre Luthera to bolo ťažké vidieť. Tí luteráni tomu neverili.

125 A keď nakoniec Wesley prišiel k Pútnikom svätosti a slobodným metodistom, a tak ďalej, a hovoril im o posvätení, potom prišlo letničné posolstvo, a pre metodistov bolo ťažké tomu uveriť. Istotne. Vidíte, to je…

126 Jednako jeden hovorí o tom druhom, keď hovoríme podľa Písma. Enoch hovoril o prichádzajúcom zničení skrze svoje vytrhnutie, Boh si ho vzal domov; on bol svedkom. Abrahám hovoril o Mojžišovi. A Mojžiš hovoril o Mesiášovi. Vidíte, oni každý jeden hovorili o tom druhom. Mesiáš hovoril o tomto čase, povedal, čo sa bude diať!

 Poviete, „Ó, brat Branham!“

127 Ó, áno, tak to On robil! Mám tu zapísaných veľa miest Písma, ale spomeniem asi len dve alebo tri. Vezmime Matúša 24. Poďme do Matúša, 24. kapitola, a prečítajme, čo On hovoril, že sa stane, ako budú „národy povstávať proti národom.“ Ale pamätajte, keď tam prišiel, povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ On to predpovedal, predvídal, že tieto veci sa stanú!

128 On povedal, „Keď sa všetky tieto veci budú diať, ešte nebude ten čas,“ a tak ďalej. Ale povedal, „Naučte sa z podobenstva o figovníku, ktorý, keď je mladý a vydáva konáre ako všetky stromy, potom viete, že leto sa blíži. Tak isto, keď uvidíte, že sa tieto veci budú diať, vedzte, že čas je nablízku, hneď pri dverách.“ Ale keď uvidíte čo? Ako klíči figovník a všetky ostatné stromy začnú klíčiť, to bude znamenie. A Izrael bol vždy figovník.

129 Joel o tom dokonca prorokoval, „Čo zostalo po húseniciach, požrali kobylky, celé to požrali. Ale Boh zasľúbil, ’Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.’“ A On to urobí. Ale ešte pred tým, ako to môže prinavrátiť späť do svojho duchovného stavu, pohanská cirkev musí byť vzatá. On ich tu nebude mať dvoch v tom istom čase. No, nemôžete takto prekrúcať Písma. Vidíte? On nikdy nemal dvoch svedkov v tom istom čase, hlavných svedkov, a On nikdy, nikdy… On nemá dve cirkvi v tom istom čase.

130 Všimnite si, ak musí byť prvá vzatá pohanská cirkev, pre Židov, potom sa ukončí Danielových sedemdesiat týždňov. Tri a pol roka Mesiáš prorokoval a potom bol vyťatý, Knieža v strede sedemdesiateho týždňa. A potom zostáva obdobie tri a pol roka. A zisťujeme, že dvaja proroci zo Zjavenia (On nikdy nemení Svoj systém), zo Zjavenia 11, oni prichádzajú a prorokujú k Židom. A v tom čase už bude cirkev vzatá.

131 A vidíme Izrael, po prvýkrát za niekoľko stoviek rokov, takmer… vyše dve tisíc rokov, teraz sa z nich stáva národ; majú vlastnú armádu, vlastné peniaze. Izrael je vo svojej domovine; je svojím vlastným národom, majú vlastnú vlajku a patria do OSN. Oni sú národom! Je to jedno z najväčších znamení, na ktoré môžeme v tejto chvíli pomyslieť, Izrael vo svojej domovine. A Ježiš povedal, „Táto generácia, ktorá uvidí, ako sa Izrael navráti do svojej domoviny, nepominie, pokiaľ sa všetko nenaplní.“ Vidíte, On hovoril o tomto dni.

132 Dovoľte mi tu podať ďalší príklad. V 2. Timotejovi 3 hovoril o čase konca, povedal, „Budú pyšní, vysokomyseľní, viac milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha.“ To zavládne nad cirkevným svetom, „milujúci rozkoše viac ako milujúci Boha,“ zostanú doma a budú sledovať televízny program predtým, ako pôjdu v stredu večer na modlitebné zhromaždenie.

 Poviete, „To sú baptisti.“

133 To sú letniční! Istotne. Tak veru. Ó! „Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše“; dajte im Slovo rovno pod nos, oni sa na to ani nepozrú. „Milujúci rozkoše viac ako milujúci Boha“; povedzte ženám, aby si nestrihali vlasy, a oni si ich jednako strihajú. „Milujúci rozkoše viac ako milujúci Boha, nezmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, pohŕdači toho, čo je dobré. Majúci...“

 Poviete, „To sú ateisti.“ Nie! Nie veru!

134 „Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc,“ tá moc, ktorá ťa môže vytrhnúť z tohto terajšieho strašidelného svetového systému. „...zapierajúc jej moc; takých sa stráň.“ Neber ohľad na to, čo hovoria ostatní ľudia, si to ty ako jednotlivec pred Bohom, musíš sa za to zodpovedať. Bez ohľadu na to, či táto žena robí toto alebo robí tamto, alebo či tento muž to robí alebo nie, alebo či to hovorí tento kazateľ alebo tamten; si to len ty a Boh. Majúci formu podľa tradície, ale zapierajúc jej moc; takých sa stráň. Či nežijeme v tom dni? Pravdaže, žijeme!

135 Pozrite sa opäť na posledný cirkevný vek. Duch Svätý, Sám Ježiš povedal, „Ja, Ježiš, som poslal Svojho anjela, aby svedčil o týchto veciach.“ V Zjavení, v tretej kapitole, hovoril o tomto cirkevnom veku, Ježiš dával svedectvo toho, čo sa udeje v týchto posledných dňoch, povedal, „Cirkev zbohatne, Laodicea bude vlažná,“ dokážu skákať, len keď im do toho hrá nejaká hudba alebo niekto vykrikuje. Tak je. Ale je to na míle vzdialené svedectvu a životu, ktorý ťa vyčistí.

136 Ja ne… Za nič na svete by som vám neublížil, ale nedávno som mal videnie, ako som bol v Božom raji. Nemôžem vám povedať nič iné, iba pravdu. Bože, pomôž nám, kazateľom, byť v týchto veciach úprimní a hovoriť pravdu!

137 Vidíte, chladní, Biblia povedala, že oni takí budú, čo znamená, že to tak je. Ak to bolo tak dokonale s Lutherom, tak dokonale vo Filadelfskom cirkevnom veku s Wesleym, musí to hovoriť a byť dokonale… Tak to bolo vypovedané a presne tak to bude v Laodicei.

138 Bohatí, nemajúci potrebu! Môžeme vložiť miliardy dolárov na budovy, môžeme dať nabok všetku svetskú zábavu, môžeme stavať tie najprepracovanejšie cirkevné budovy. To je všetko v poriadku, nič proti tomu, je to v poriadku.

139 Ale snažím sa povedať, že keď im začne byť hovorené posolstvo, oni to nechcú. „Si cvok! Si fanatik! Mal si žiť pred päťdesiatimi rokmi.“ Vidíte? „Ó, mali by ste vedieť, že by som nemal takého pastora.“ Ale jednako to je tvoj pastor! Jezábeľ by nikdy nepripustila, že Eliáš bol jej pastor, ale on istotne bol. Určite bol. Bol poslaný ako príklad, ako posol k izraelskému národu. A dnes ten vzácny Duch Svätý a Božie Slovo je Poslom pre cirkev, aby ju napravil a priviedol ľudí späť do Slova. Hovoríme o tom, ale nezdá sa, že by sa niečo pohlo. Všetko je dnes také zamiešané.

140 Počul som niekoho povedať vo svojom svedectve, „Vyzdvihnite Ho,“ ale ako Ho vyzdvihnete? Ó, zase tie izmy! Niekto povedal, „Sleduj a modli sa, to znamená, že keď sa modlíš, musíš mať jedno oko otvorené a pozerať sa tým druhým. Sleduj a modli sa.“ Sledovať znamená dávať pozor na príchod Pánov a modliť sa. Vidíte, oni to len prevracajú.

141 A tak čo robíme? Vezmeme si nejakú vlastnú tradíciu (a potom, ak…) už či to je založené na Bohu alebo nie. A hneď prvá vec, len čo s tým začneme, zistíme, že hneď nás nasleduje nejaká malá skupina a my ich vedieme preč od hlavného tela cirkvi. Tak je. Namiesto toho, aby sme sa modlili a snažili sa tú vec vyriešiť, nech sa celé telo pohne vpred, my robíme tieto veci bez ohľadu na to, či to je konštruktívne alebo nie. Ak máte pravdu, tak zostávajte s pravdou. Presne tak. Ale nech to je najprv Biblická pravda! Všimnite si…. Tento Laodicejský vek.

142 A tí proroci, bol to Duch Svätý, ktorý hovoril skrze Pavla, čo bol Mesiáš. To nebol Pavol, to bol Kristus! „Boh v rôznych časoch a rôznymi spôsobmi hovoril k otcom cez prorokov, v tomto poslednom dni, skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Židom 1, všimnite si, Duch Svätý, Kristus, Evanjelium, ktorého centrom je Kristus, Slovo, ktorého centrom je Kristus. A ak je Kristus centrom a je potvr… Boh potvrdí, že to je pravda.

143 To je dôvod, prečo vy, letniční ľudia, prijímate Ducha Svätého vo viere metod… v tvári metodistického posvätenia, lebo ste išli presne podľa Slova.

144 To je dôvod, prečo boli metodisti posvätení, keď tomu luteráni neverili, vy ste boli so Slovom.

145 Tak ste boli vy, luteráni, spasení, ospravedlnení, lebo váš posol kázal ospravedlnenie a protestoval proti katolíckej cirkvi, ktorá bola materou ich všetkých. Oni len verili v cirkev; vy ste sa navrátili do Biblie, vzali tú Biblickú pravdu a toho ste sa držali.

146 A potom prišiel Wesley s inou pravdou a on sa držal toho; potom prišli letniční s ďalšou pravdou a tí sa držali toho; a ak sa toho môžete držať a vidieť, že to je správne, prečo to nevezmete celé, ak bolo dokázané, že to je pravda? Verte tomu celému!

147 No, ak teraz vidíme týchto poslov, potom vieme… Vidíme Krista, toho veľkého Boha-proroka, ktorý predpovedal, že tieto veci sa budú v posledných dňoch diať. Čo to robí? Uvádza to čas úrody. Je to ohlásenie času, kedy má byť úroda zožatá, čo sa stane v týchto posledných dňoch. Vidíte to?

148 Nuž, tieto veci sa budú diať v posledných dňoch. My vieme, aký druh úrody hľadáme. Hľadáme cirkev, ktorá raz mala svetlo, odvrátila sa od toho, išla za leskom sveta, všetko vycibrené (je to tak?), prijímali akýchkoľvek členov a čokoľvek a nazývali ich letničnými, krstili kohokoľvek.

149 Voda nespasí človeka. Na to treba Krv Ježiša Krista. Vo vode nie je žiaden život. Život prichádza do krvnej bunky; chce to posvätenie, aby bol ten život očistený, treba zabiť túžbu po hriechu; potom Duch Svätý prichádza do tých čistých nádob a dáva ich nabok pre službu. Oltár posvätil nádobu, ale to… ale bolo to to, čím bola naplnená, čo ju ustanovilo do služby. Bola daná nabok pre službu, a teraz musí byť daná do služby. A Duch Svätý dáva cirkev do služby. Kedysi som mal rád túto malú pieseň:

 Boli zhromaždení v hornej sieni,

 všetci sa modliac v Jeho Mene,

 Boli pokrstení Duchom Svätým, 

 a prišla moc do služby; (Áno.)

A ďalej sa spieva:

 To, čo pre nich učinil,

 to isté urobí aj pre teba.

150 Tá úroda; proroci; zastavili sme sa, keď sme hovorili o Kristovi. Vráťme sa ešte trochu naspäť.

151 Prorok Izaiáš, ako on svedčil a prorokoval o čase konca. On povedal, „Celé telo bude plné zhnitých rán, každý stôl bude plný zvratkov!“ A muži a ženy dnes vezmú komúniu, pričom žijú s dvoma alebo troma ženami alebo dvoma či troma mužmi, (tak je) všetky možné druhy… fajčenie cigariet a všetko možné; dostáva sa to do cirkvi, a oni sa pritom zúčastňujú komúnie!

152 No, mohol by som do toho ísť ešte trochu hlbšie, ale asi chvíľu počkám, možno ešte teraz nie je čas. Cítil som sa, akoby ma niečo nútilo ohľadom toho, čo mám ísť povedať. Ale… Môžete čítať medzi riadkami. Viete, čo Biblia hovorí, čo sa patrí a čo nie.

153 Keď vidíme, ako sa dejú všetky tieto veci, a národ, veda hovorí, že to je… pred štyrmi alebo piatimi rokmi, „Tri minúty do polnoci.“ Izrael je vo svojej domovine. Cirkev je v Laodicei. Ó! Čo to hľadáme? Čo sa deje?

154 Hľadáme večerné svetlo. Ó, zaujímalo by ma, že keby prišlo, či by sme ho rozpoznali? Alebo či by sme to nechali prejsť ponad svoje hlavy, ako to bolo v ostatných vekoch? Nikdy to nezistili, až dokiaľ to dávno neodišlo.

155 Pamätajte, že tí nábožní ľudia boli tí, ktorí zabili prorokov, ktorí k nim boli poslaní. Ježiš tak povedal. Povedal, „Vy pokrytci! Ozdobujete hroby prorokov, ale boli to vaši otcovia, ktorí ich tam dali a postavili tie pomníky.“

156 Pozrite sa na rímskokatolícku cirkev, ozdobili hrobku sv. Patrika, ozdobili hrobku Johanny z Arku. Zabili tú ženu a upálili ako čarodejnicu, lebo bola duchovná, lebo videla videnia. Upálil ju na hranici ako čarodejnicu. A o dvesto rokov nato vykopali telá kňazov a ich telá hodili do rieky, aby činili pokánie, lebo vedeli, že ona bola služobníčkou Krista. Ale v tom dni predtým nevedeli, kým bola, cirkev ju obchádzala.

157 A ono to pôjde priamo ponad hlavy ľudí a nikdy to nerozpoznajú.

158 Tak isto Ježiš, oni nevedeli, že On bol Synom Božím, až dokiaľ nebol mŕtvy a pochovaný a nevstal z mŕtvych. Či ich Peter neobviňoval na Letnice? „Vy, ľudia, s bezbožnými rukami ste vzali život Kniežaťa Života a zabili ste… zabili ste Ho!“

159 Ó, blikajúce červené svetlo znamenia Jeho príchodu je tu! Amen! Sme na konci. Amen. To blikajúce červené znamenie je všade, všade je napísané, „Ichabod.“ Čas ide ku koncu. Čas za chvíľu vyprší!

160 Veda prišla k svojmu koncu. Tak je. Už teraz vynašli niečo, čím môžu celý svet vyhodiť do povetria, každý sa bojí toho druhého. Sme v čase konca.

161 Civilizácia, dostalo sa to do miesta, kde ľudia… Obracia sa to hore nohami. Ľudia sa nesprávajú ako civilizovaní. Vedeli by ste si predstaviť človeka, ktorý by chcel byť bítnikom, ktorému by takto ovísali fúzy, s trojštvrťovými nohavicami, akoby sa tak prechádzal po školskom dvore (to bude inteligencia tohto sveta, ktorá po tomto príde, ak tam vôbec nejaká bude), a bude brať štrnásťročné dievčatá von na ulicu?

162 Dnes v mojom moteli ležala matka, ktorá nemala dosť oblečenia, aby doň zabalila mušketu, a jej manžel tam ležal na studenom vetre. Oni si myslia, že ich telo je také nádherné, že ho musia ukazovať. Či si neuvedomujete, že to je z diabla? Tak je. Vyzliekajú si oblečenie, len chorí ľudia robia niečo také. Legion to urobil, lebo bol šialený. Všimnite si! My to tu máme, ale oni tomu hovoria akýsi „štýl,“ ktorý sa nazýva „moderný.“ My tomu hovoríme „diabol!“ Mám tu Bibliu, s ktorou môžem dokázať, že to je diabol. Je to posadnutie diablom, posadnutie démonom (nie utláčanie). Posadnutie, ono vás to vlastní! Tak je. A povedať im o tom? Hneď sa rozčúlia. Nechcú s tým mať nič spoločné! Nie veru. Majú svoje vlastné idey, skončia až v márnici a nikdy to nepokarhajú. Sexuálna vyzývavosť sa už praktizuje v školách a dokonca aj v cirkvách a pastori sa to boja pokarhať, ledva niečo proti tomu povedia.

163 Nedávno som počul kazateľa, ktorý povedal, „Keď vynašli tieto modré veci na oči a červené pery, urobili svet o niečo krajší.“ Kazateľ Evanjelia, ktorý za kazateľňou urobí takéto vyhlásenie, potrebuje rýchlu cestu na Golgotu. Presne tak, pričom to Biblia odsudzuje!

164 Jedna letničná skupina povedala jednej sestre, ktorá na to miesto prišla s plačom, lebo mala vlasy vzadu na hlave takto urobené, dlhé vlasy, povedali jej, „Táto tvoja rezerva ti už asi spľasla.“ Povedali, „Musíš si tie vlasy ostrihať, lebo Biblia povedala, že… v Izaiášovi, v piatej kapitole, že tam mali kruhy ako mesiac.“ Ako môže Biblia hovoriť, že „keď žena robí veci, ktoré sa nepatria,“ nepatrí sa jej žiť, keď si strihá vlasy, čím dokazuje, že zneucťuje svoju hlavu, a potom jej dlhé vlasy... [nejasné slová – pozn.prekl.] Ako môžete povedať, že Biblia hovorí niečo také? Čo sa deje s našimi letničnými ženami? Príliš často pozeráte televíziu! Veľa hľadíte na svet a nemáte dosť záujmu o Božie Slovo. Biblia to hovorí. To je to, čo Biblia hovorí. To nie som ja, to je Biblia!

165 Ó, sexuálna vyzývavosť! Jedna žena mi prednedávnom povedala, keď som hovoril o nosení šortiek, ona povedala, „Ja nosím len také voľnejšie nohavice.“

166 Povedal som, „To je ešte horšie.“ Ty… Biblia tak povedala a On sa nikdy nemení.

167 Poviete, „To sú baptisti.“ To sú letniční. Hovorím ku vám. Tak je. To je pravda.

168 Ale čo sa deje? Čo sa deje? Niekto tomu raz dal priestor. Jeden môj starý priateľ, ktorý je kazateľom, zvykol hovorievať:

 Spustili sme závory, spustili sme závory:

 Robili sme kompromis s hriechom;

 Spustili sme závory, ovce sa dostali von,

 Ale ako sa dovnútra dostali kozly?

169 Čo sa deje? Keď spustíte závory, závory Božieho Slova! Pamätajte, bol to Boží program, aby opevnil Svoju cirkev skrze Svoje Slovo na počiatku.

170 A keď Eva rozumovala, povedala, „Nuž, či to nie je rozumnejšie, mohla by som žiť rovnako dobre, ak nie lepšie,“ a už to bolo.

171 To bol vždy ten dôvod, prečo sa to stalo. To bol dôvod, prečo jej bolo zakázané, aby stála za kazateľňou. Vidíte, ono to spustilo závory. To bolo miesto, kde vyrástli cirkevné korene, na Letnice, to boli prvé korene. Nie je na to žiadne miesto Písma. Vidíte? A tak, čo potom urobíte? Získate také isté zamiešanie, ktoré bolo tam v Edene. Všimnite si, keď sa dostaneme do Slova, poviete o tom…

172 Nikto tomu nemôže odporovať! Vyzývam kohokoľvek, aby to povedal. Kázal som na semeno hada a veľa ľudí to rozhnevalo. Vyzval som niektorých ľudí, aby sa so mnou prišli o tom porozprávať. Zatiaľ sa mi žiadni neozvali.

173 Nedávno v Chicagu, máte z toho pásky, mysleli si, že ma tam nachytajú do nejakej pasce. Mali tam celú kazateľskú asociáciu Chicaga, brat… bol tam Tommy Hicks a brat Carlson tam bol tiež. A dva dni pred tým ma Pán v noci zobudil a povedal, „Choď a postav sa k tamtomu oknu.“ Išiel som a bola búrka. On povedal, „Teraz majú pre teba prichystanú pascu.“ Povedal, „Dnes pri raňajkách sa ničoho neboj. Len choď a Ja budem s tebou.“ A toto hovorím v Mene Pánovom. Môžete sa ich opýtať a zistiť. Je to na páske, vopred som to predpovedal. On povedal, „Neboj sa ísť, ale choď tam a obstojíš,“ povedal, „budem s tebou.“

174 A na druhý deň som stretol brata Carlsona, ktorý bol hlavou toho zboru, a Tommyho Hicksa. A On mi povedal, že ich tam stretnem a pôjdeme na miesto zvané „Town and Country“ na raňajky. Sadol som si tam presne tak, ako bolo povedané. Povedal som, „Brat Hicks, ty si doktorom teológie a ideme sa tu stretnúť s veľkou skupinou kazateľov, ich asociácia v Chicagu, mohol by si tam ísť a hovoriť za mňa? Urobil som pre teba veľa vecí.“ Len som ho skúšal.

 On povedal, „Ó, to nemôžem urobiť, brat Branham.“

175 Povedal som, „Nuž, a prečo nie?“ Povedal som, „Ja by som pre teba urobil čokoľvek, tak prečo to ty pre mňa neurobíš?“

176 On povedal, „Ó, to predsa nemôžem urobiť, brat Branham, s tým by nesúhlasili.“

 Brat Carlson povedal, „Nie, nesúhlasili.“

177 Povedal som, „Vieš čo?“ Povedal som, „Niečo ti poviem, je to preto, lebo ty vieš, že oni majú pre mňa nachystanú otázku, ktorou ma chcú dostať do pasce.“ A povedal som, „Ty o tom vieš.“ Nuž, toto je na páske. Ak si chcete tú pásku zohnať, môžete ju dostať. Poznáte týchto ľudí. A tak som povedal, „Včera v noci som mal videnie, ako tu dnes ráno budem sedieť a ako toto Tommy odmietne.“ Povedal som, „A teraz dávaj pozor, vy máte prenajatú tú hotelovú izbu.“


 „Prenájom je už zaplatený.“

 „Áno,“ povedal brat Carlson.

178 „Ale to miesto nedostanete. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!“


179 „Pôjdete na nejaké iné miesto. Tamto je zelená izba; my pôjdeme do hnedej izby. Ja budem v rohu; doktor Mead bude sedieť napravo odo mňa; a ten starý čierny kazateľ so svojou ženou budú sedieť naľavo,“ presne tak to bude. A povedal som, „A teraz sledujte. Videli ste, ako Boh uzdravil chorých, ale teraz Ho sledujte v boji!“ Povedal som, „On je veľký, úžasný.“ Povedal som, „Sledujte tie otázky a ako budú umlčané.“

 A keď sme sa tam v to ráno dostali…

180 Ak chcete tú pásku… Jim, ty to máš, nekúpil si to? Presne tu, priamo tu, môžete mať tú pásku, ak ju chcete po zhromaždení.

181 Povedal som, „Čo máte proti mne? Čo sa s vami deje, chlapi?“

182 Brat Carlson povedal, „Nuž, brat Branham mi pred dvoma dňami povedal, že my…“ A keďže nedostali tú budovu, tak to zrušili. Nemohli im to nechať, lebo nejaká hudobná kapela to mala zarezervované a oni nevedeli, že na to mali zálohu, tak to museli tým obchodníkom zrušiť. Zrejme ste o tom aj vy počuli, aspoň tu brat Williams. A on povedal, „Brat Branham mi povedal, kde presne bude každá osoba sedieť, a povedal mi presne, čo sa stane.“ Povedal, „Jedna vec,“ povedal, „Ja… mnohí z nás nemusia súhlasiť s bratom Branhamom ohľadom jeho posolstva, ale,“ povedal, „musíme pripustiť jednu vec, že on sa to nebojí povedať,“ a potom povedal, „nemá ohľadom toho žiaden strach.“ Povedal, „Takže, nech sa páči, brat Branham.“

183 Povedal som, „Takže, ešte prv, ako začneme, chcem, ak by sa našiel niekto, kto nesúhlasí ohľadom niečoho, čo som povedal, aby vzal svoju Bibliu a postavil sa tu po mojom boku.“ A to bola tá najtichšia skupina ľudí, akú ste kedy videli. Povedal som, „Ak to nemáte čím dokázať, tak mi dajte pokoj! Áno. Bratia, ja som tu na to, aby som vám pomohol, ale musíme sa vrátiť ku faktom, ktoré sú v Biblii.“

184 Povedali, „Prečo nenecháš tie ženy tak? Ľudia veria, že si vidiaci Boží.“

 Povedal som, „To som nikdy nepovedal.“

185 On povedal, „Ale ľudia tomu veria.“ Povedal, „Prečo nenecháš tie ženy tak?“ Povedal, „A neprestaneš im hovoriť o tom, ako sa majú obliekať, ako si strihať vlasy a veci, ktoré by mali robiť. Prečo ich nenecháš na pokoji? Prečo ich neučíš, ako prijímať dary a urobiť niečo pre slávu Božiu?“

186 Povedal som, „Ako ich mám naučiť algebru, keď ešte nepoznajú abecedu?“ Tak je. Musíte začať od začiatku.

 Bože, buď nám milostivý. Tak veru.

187 Sme tu, v čase konca! Červené svetlo bliká! Príchod Pána je nablízku. Tak veru. Počúvajte! Posolstvo času konca by malo spĺňať podmienky času konca. Keď sú vedľa, posolstvo by ich malo priviesť späť. Posolstvo času konca musí vždy spĺňať podmienky času konca. V celom Písme. Bude sa to musieť stať teraz, volanie späť do originálneho Slova. Ó! Ako to robili iní poslovia vo svojich dňoch, toto posolstvo musí robiť to isté. Je nám to zasľúbené! Boh to zasľúbil vo Svojom Slove! Malachiáš 4 hovorí, že to tak bude, „A prinavráti vieru detí späť na otcov.“ Je to zasľúbené a my žijeme práve v tom dni!

188 Ó, vždy to tak bývalo, že to bola skupina nejakých vodcov, ktorí ľudí poplietli. Nie je to toľko o ľuďoch; sú to tí vodcovia, ktorí ich dostávajú do zamiešania. A teraz…

 Poviete, „Ó, brat Branham!“

189 Počkajte chvíľu, musíme toto potvrdiť s Písmom. Ak to nie je v Písme, tak to nie je pravda. Skrze ich slová múdrosti, v ich vodcovstve, ktorému chýbala inšpirácia, v slovách svetskej múdrosti… Nejaký génius to môže dať dokopy, ale či si myslíte, že satan v tom tiež nie je génius? Či on nepristúpil priamo k Ježišovi a nedal mu dôvod a dokonca aj zacitoval Písmo? Presne to urobil. On je v tom génius. Ale Ježiš sa s ním nikdy nehádal, On povedal, „Ale je tiež napísané! Prac sa odo Mňa, satan.“ Tak veru, neinšpirované vedenie.

190 Pozrite sa na Kóracha, v čase, keď Boh poslal Mojžiša s posolstvom a Kórach a Dátan si mysleli, že… Prišli k Mojžišovi a povedali, „No, počkaj chvíľu, všetko berieš len na seba! Myslíš si, že si tu jediný dôležitý; že len na tebe záleží. Hovoríme ti, že tu sú aj iní svätí ľudia!“ Mojžiš nepovedal, že oni nie sú svätí. Ale on mal poverenie, ktoré musel vyplniť. A oni si zorganizovali skupinu, ktorá išla proti Mojžišovi.

191 A Boh mu povedal, „Choď tam a postav sa ku dverám.“ Tí ľudia mali v ruke kadidlo a viete, čo to kadidlo urobilo. Boh otvoril zem a pohltil ich. A mali tam oheň z oltára. Aj keď mali oheň v kadidle, bez ohľadu na to, ako fundamentálne to bolo, nedokázali rozpoznať posolstvo.

192 Boh povedal, „Posielam ťa tam dolu, Mojžiš, aby si to urobil. Priveď ich sem.“

193 Vidíte, oni to nedokázali rozpoznať. Mojžiš bol na nich „príliš priamy.“ Rovnako ako Eliáš na tých prorokov, bol na nich priamy, aby zostali so Slovom.

194 To je dôvod, prečo sa vy, letniční ľudia, musíte oddeliť od zvyšku sveta, zostať priamo so Slovom. Nevracajte sa do toho, z čoho ste práve vyšli, tak chodíte len zo strany na stranu! Nedvíhajte svoju kotvu z Golgoty. Držte sa Božieho Slova, lebo, „Na tejto skale vybudujem Svoju Cirkev,“ zostaňte s tým.

195 No, Dátan a tí ostatní si mysleli, že sú… že to mohol byť nejaký iný človek. Vidíte, to je ľudská inteligencia, ktorá sa snaží narušiť Boží plán nejakými vlastnými ideami. To je pravda. Ľudská inteligencia sa snaží vštepiť svoje myšlienky do Slova Božieho. Tak to fungovať nebude! Nebude to fungovať. Nikdy to nefungovalo a nikdy nebude.

196 Pozrite sa na Ježiša, ako tam stál. Povedal, „Kto z vás Ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Kto z vás Mi môže dokázať, že som urobil niečo, čo nie je dokonale v zhode s tým, čo Písma hovoria, že budem robiť? Ja tvrdím, že som Mesiáš. A ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, tak Mi neverte. Ale ak činím skutky Môjho Otca a nemôžete Mi veriť, tak verte skutkom, ktoré činím, lebo tie svedčia o Mne.“ Presne tak. A oni tomu nemohli uveriť, oni chceli mať svoje spôsoby.

197 Možno to tak nemyslia a nechcú sa mýliť. Nemyslia… Nemyslím si, že ľudia to tak mienia. V týchto veľkých denominačných cirkvách nachádzam milých ľudí. Milí ľudia. Ale ako to aj jeden právnik povedal v rádiu, keď som sem išiel, „Je to zvláštne, ako môžu kňazi stáť za kazateľňami a vidieť, ako tieto časy prichádzajú, a nevzbudiť to spravodlivé rozhorčenie kvôli hriechom tohto sveta!“ A čo to znamená, keď sa právnik musí postaviť a toto povedať! „Ako členovia cirkvi investujú peniaze na všetky rôzne zoo a parky a podobne a nevedia sponzorovať program misionárom, ktorí nesú Evanjelium do celého sveta.“

198 Keď hladní misionári, ktorí nemajú ani topánky na nohách… Haleluja. Žiadna denominácia, ktorá by ich podporovala, lebo stoja na Slove Božom. Nie je nič, čo by sa za nich postavilo. A keď ich niečo podporuje, čo z toho potom majú? Nejaká veľká skupina dogmy. Skutočný, pravdivý misionár, ktorého nasledujú znamenia, sa musí spoľahnúť na nejakú ženu z práčovne, ktorá mu nechá nejaké peniaze. Všimnite si, tak to je.

199 Možno to nemienia… Nuž, ale čo sa s nimi deje? Sú slepí. Ježiš tak povedal. Pamätajte, majte na pamäti, Ježiš povedal to isté. Zdá sa to, že dnes…

200 No, počúvajte, dúfam, že to neznie kriticky. Keď zdôrazňujem pravdu, necíťte to tak, že kritizujem. Len sa snažím… Ja milujem… A ak vy… Som horlivý za cirkev. Toto je pravdepodobne cirkev Zborov Božích, alebo čokoľvek to je, neviem, čo to presne je. To pre mňa nerobí žiaden rozdiel. Je to cirkev Božia. To je to, čím to je, verím, že to je cirkev Božia. Nuž, my by sme všetci takí mali byť, nie denominačná cirkev Božia, mali by sme byť kresťania srdcom. Cirkev Božia prebýva medzi stenami, nie v mene.

201 No, dnes sa na to príliš kladie dôraz, ľudí zaujíma len nejaké členstvo. No, pozrite sa na baptistov, ako majú prebudenie. Ó, oni ho veru mali. V roku 1944 mali slogan, „O milión viac v roku 1944.“ Posolstvo Billyho Grahama sa rozširovalo. Ó, istotne, bola z toho veľká vec. Metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, bolo to veľké, ale čo z toho máme?

202 Ježiš povedal farizejom, „Vy ste slepí vodcovia slepých. Robíte, čo môžete, aby ste jedného človeka obrátili, ale potom je z neho dvojnásobný syn pekla, ako bol na začiatku.“ A to je to, čo dnes máme.

203 Billy Graham, keď som bol na jeho raňajkách v Louisville, Kentucky, prišiel tam a viete, aký to je striktný evanjelista, povedal, „Ja… Pavol povedal… Tu je príklad.“ Povedal, „Pavol išiel do mesta, obrátil jedného človeka, a potom sa o rok vrátil a popri tom jednom mal ďalších tridsať.“ Povedal, „Čo sa deje?“ A obdivoval som prístup takého evanjelistu. Ukázal prstom a asi tristo mužov, ktorí tam sedeli, tým povedal, „To ste vy, leniví kazatelia.“ Povedal, „Sedávate vo svojich kanceláriách s nohami na stole, zavoláte človeku telefónom a pýtate sa ho, či by neprišiel a nestal sa členom vašej cirkvi. Vy by ste mali tých ľudí navštevovať.“

204 Ja som tam sedel a pomyslel som si, „(Ó, Bože!). Vieš, evanjelista Billy, si veľký človek. Ja som len dieťa. Ale dovoľ, nech ti niečo poviem.“ Keby som sa vtedy len mohol otočiť a toto povedať; ale obdivujem toho brata, myslím, že je sluhom Božím. Ale rád by som bol býval povedal, „Billy, kde bol nejaký kazateľ, ktorý išiel za tým Pavlovým obráteným?“ Čo sa stalo? Pavol mu nielenže dovolil, aby zodvihol ruku a urobil svoje rozhodnutie, on ho vzal do krstu Duchom Svätým, zapálil jeho dušu a on odvtedy nemohol byť ticho.

205 To je to, čo sa dnes deje, je to členstvo. Áno. Členovia, veľká príslušnosť, veľké nedeľné školy, platiť veľké sumy niekomu, ktorý dokáže privádzať ľudí z iných cirkví, ktorá ich má najviac. Viete, to je farizejstvo! A potom sa tým chváliť, „Minulú nedeľu sme ich porazili.“ Ak ste sa dostali do miesta, kde musíte z cirkvi Božej robiť preteky, potom je čas zatvoriť dvere a ísť domov.

206 Cirkev Božia je živým článkom Božím tu na zemi, ktorá manifestuje Ježiša Krista. Ja viem, že to nie je populárne, a ani nečakajte, že bude. My čakáme, že to bude správne.

207 Chvastať sa tým… Ale viete, tie veľké hluky nemali vplyv na proroka Eliáša. On počul oheň a dym a hromy a blesky a krv a olej a všetko možné, jeho to vôbec netrápilo. Viete, Amerika vždy hľadá niečo veľké, čo má okolo seba veľké haló. Ale Boh má stále ten tichý jemný hlas, ktorý zaujal toho proroka.

208 Viete, jeden vagón raz vyšiel na pole a buchotal a robil veľa hluku, ako išiel na to pole. A keď sa vracal, tak prechádzal cez tie isté hrbole, ale nevydal žiaden zvuk, lebo bol plne naložený dobrými vecami.

209 Ale my odpočívame so svojimi prežitiami len na nejakom hluku. Ako to môžeme robiť, ako môžeme také veci robiť? Ó! A potom tam strčíme lesk Hollywoodu, nechávame ženy za kazateľňami s tými obtiahnutými sexy oblečeniami, ako tancujú v duchu. Ja teda neviem, čo je to za ducha!

210 Nechcem teraz znieť ako kritik. Milujem vás. A ak nie, tak ma Boh bude súdiť, ak mám nejaký iný cieľ ako to. Vidíte?

211 Ale rozumiete tomu. To je to, kam sa dostali letniční. „My toho máme viac ako ten brat na rohu.“ Ó! „My toho máme viac ako zbory, lebo my sme Jednotári alebo trojičiari, a my sme zase...“ ó, toto, tamto, všetky rôzne pomenovania, aké si dávajú. Ó, brat, to pre Boha nič neznamená. On sa zaoberá jednotlivcom. Tak veru.

212 Všimnite si, veľký hluk, ale proroka to nezaujalo. Tomu prorokovi nezáležalo na veľkom hluku. Ale keď počul ten tichý jemný hlas, vedel, že to bolo Slovo, tak zakryl svoju tvár a vyšiel von.

213 Viete, slnko môže vypariť viac vody za pätnásť minút bez akéhokoľvek zvuku, viac ako… A my robíme viac hluku, keď čerpáme galón vody, ako slnko robí milión stoviek litrov. Tak je. My vždy hľadáme niečo veľké, okolo čoho je veľké „hurá“ a nejaká veľká senzácia. A keď ide o to, aby sme vzali Slovo, tu prichádza problém. Vidíte? Keď k nim prídete, povedia, „No, chvála Bohu, poviem ti…“

214 Nedávno som tu stretol človeka… Nehovorím to preto, aby to znelo svätokrádežne, odpustite mi, ak si myslím, že to je svätokrádežné. Bol som na stanovom zhromaždení a kazateľ, letničný kazateľ priviedol svoju ženu, aby tam hrala na klavíri. A keď ma predstavil svojej žene, aby som pravdu povedal, takmer som omdlel. Tá žena mala naozaj krátke vlasy, kučeravé, a mala veľké náušnice, množstvo manikúry na perách, alebo ako to volajú, namaľované nechty. Vyzeralo, akoby bola… Vyzeralo to hrozne; veľké, dlhé pazúry a podobne. Vyzerala sexy; malé, drobné šaty, nepresahovalo jej to ani kolená, keď si sadla. A tak som tam tak trochu stál a povedal, „Brat, dotknem sa ťa, ak ti niečo poviem?“

215 On povedal, „No, určite nie.“ Príjemný človek, a ona vyzerala ako príjemná žena.

 Povedal som, „Tvrdíš, že tvoja žena je 'svätá'?“

 „Áno,“ odpovedal.

216 Povedal som, „Odpusť ten výraz, ale podľa mňa vyzerá ako 'stratená'.“ [Brat Branham používa slovnú hračku, podobnosť výslovnosti slov „saint“ (svätá) a „haint“ (stratená duša, strašidlo) – pozn.prekl.] Povedal som, „Veru tak, alebo niečo dosť podobné.“ Povedal som...

217 On povedal, „Čo tým chceš povedať, brat Branham?“ „Ó,“ on povedal, „ty si zo starej školy.“

218 Povedal som, „Ja som zo školy Písma. Tak veru, škola Písma.“ Neverím, že svätý človek takto koná, nemôžem to uznať, keď to Biblia odsudzuje. Vidíte?

219 V poriadku, zdá sa, že vždy počujeme o tom, ako „mali štyridsať ľudí s 'rozhodnutiami',“ „štyridsať ľudí s 'rozhodnutiami',“ „my sme mali tristo ľudí s 'rozhodnutiami'.“ No, to sú len vyznania. Vyznania sú „kamene.“ Tak to je, lebo Peter na základe svojho vyznania dostal meno „kameň, malá skala.“ Peter, jeho vyznanie. Nuž, kamene sú dobré, ale akú majú hodnotu v tej budove, pokiaľ tam nie je skutočne dobrý murár s ostrým nástrojom Slova, aby ich orezal a urobil z nich synov Božích? Na čo je dobré len vyznanie?

220 To je dôvod, prečo sa môžete vrátiť a neviete nájsť ani tridsiatich z tridsaťtisíc. Vy len vyberiete kamene z prachu a tam ich chcete použiť, ale oni ešte nepasujú do chrámu. Musia byť opracované, premerané Slovom Božím, umiestnené na správne miesto, spolu usporiadané, založené na základe apoštolskej náuky Ježiša Krista, toho náhlavného kameňa. A On povedal, „Ten, kto vo Mňa verí, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude aj on činiť.“ Tak veru.

221 Ako môžeme byť cirkvou, keď pohŕdame jeden druhým? On povedal, „Preto budú všetci vidieť, že vy ste mojimi učeníkmi, keď budete milovať jeden druhého.“ Keď sa chceme obrátiť na iné náboženstvo a rozdeliť sa len kvôli nejakému denominačnému rozdielu… Neviním za to ľudí, viním za to denomináciu. Tak je. Vôbec nie ľudí. Vidíte? Ó, je to tak zlé, a jednako...

222 Musíte mať tento ostrý nástroj, Slovo Božie, aby to z nich učinilo synov Božích v tej stavbe. Ó! Mojou modlitbou je, „Bože, poponáhľaj sa s Malachiášom 4. Daj nám posolstvo na posledný deň. Daj nám niekoho, pošli niečo, čo by zachránilo túto letničnú cirkev.“

223 Akého posla by nám Boh v týchto posledných dňoch poslal? Poviem vám toto, môj brat a sestra, ako váš brat a spoluslužobník, ktorý len čaká, kedy ten čas príde, on by bol tým istým druhom posla, aký prichádzal v predošlých vekoch. Ten istý druh! On by priviedol cirkev späť do Slova. Bože, nech tomu dáme nejaký základ, pred tým, než to sem príde. Pred tým, ako to príde, nech tam je ten základ a otesané kamene, pripravený za ním stáť plece pri pleci, keď ho Boh pošle, lebo On zasľúbil, že to urobí.

224 No, ja viem, ja cítim, že to ide. A pamätajte, s tým malým darom, ktorý mám, viem zachytiť rozpoznanie ducha, vidíte. No, vy tomu odporujete, keď som povedal Malachiáš 4. Ale dovoľte, nech vám niečo poviem, „Ježiš povedal, ’Ak to dokážete prijať, toto je ten Eliáš, o ktorom bolo hovorené.’“

225 Ale ak sa len pozriete na to, čo povedal v sv. Matúšovi, v jedenástej kapitole a šiestom verši, „Ak to dokážete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom bolo hovorené, ’Ja posielam svojho posla pred svojou tvárou.’“ To bol Malachiáš 3, nie Malachiáš 4.

226 A zase v Malachiášovi 4 povedal, „Prv, ako príde tento deň, zem bude spálená a ľudia budú po nej kráčať; bude zhorená ako strnisko.“ Tak veru. On vtedy hovoril o poslovi pred Jeho tvárou, ktorým bol Eliáš.

227 Ja neverím vo všetky tieto veci, ktoré v dnešnej dobe lietajú ohľadne Eliášovho plášťa a podobne. Všetci tí pokrytci musia samozrejme prísť, aby prevrátili tú skutočnú vec, keď ona príde. Ale dovoľte, nech vám len poviem, že povstane posol na konci tohto letničného veku a on tieto veci zakončí. Bude to človek, jednotlivec. Nie skupina, nie denominácia; ale človek. Vždy to tak bolo a Boh nemôže meniť Svoj program, On je večný Boh.

228 Pamätajte, ak ten posol Ján bol poslom z Malachiáša 4, potom Písma zlyhali, lebo hovoria, že… „Zem bude spálená ako strnisko a spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných.“ Tak si to prečítajte a zistite, či to tak nie je. Vidíte? Ale Ježiš to nikdy nepovedal, On sa odvolával na Malachiáša 3, „Ja pošlem Svojho posla pred Mojou tvárou, aby predo Mnou pripravil cestu.“ Presne tak to je.

229 A teraz pamätajte, tento druhý má prísť na to, aby prinavrátil vieru synov späť na otcov, prinavrátiť vieru synov späť na vieru otcov, originálna Biblia.

230 To je presne to, čo urobil Mojžiš. Presne to urobil Ježiš. Presne to urobil každý jeden posol, ktorý vystupoval v Biblii, na konci toho času, oni prinavrátili posolstvo. Ľudia skrze organizácie a podobné veci, to celé pomiešali, v tých dňoch.

231 Dnes urobili to isté! Takže my hľadáme posla. Bože, pošli nám ho! Či si myslíte, že ho príjmeme? Nie veru! Istotne to bude cvok a fanatik, ale Boh ho potvrdí. Skutoční veriaci, tí, ktorí sú predurčení do večného života, Ježiš povedal, „Všetkých, ktorých Mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu a nikto ku Mne nemôže prísť, ak ho Môj Otec prv nepotiahne. A všetci tí, ktorých Mi Otec dal,“ (minulý čas) „tí prídu.“ Presne tak, oni boli...

232 Ja neverím v toto baptistické učenie o večnej bezpečnosti. Ja to určitým spôsobom verím, ale tiež verím, že vy ste v bezpečí, pokiaľ ste v Cirkvi. Ale keď sa dostanete pomimo krvi Ježiša Krista, už nie ste v bezpečí. Ja mám bezpečie pred dažďom, len dokiaľ som vnútri.

233 A keď ste pokrstení do Ducha Svätého a hovoríte, že máte Ducha Svätého, ako potom môžete zapierať Božie Slovo? Hovoríte, že ste uverili a prijali Ducha Svätého, ako potom môžete hovoriť, že Slovo nie je pravdou? Potom, ako to môže byť ten istý Duch Svätý, keď On bol práve tým, kto napísal Bibliu? Žeby Duch Svätý zaprel Svoje vlastné Slovo a povedal, „Mýlil som sa a ty máš pravdu?“ Nie, tak to Boh nerobí. Nie veru.

234 Ostrý meč! (Pane, pošli nám veľké posolstvo.) To je to, čo hľadáme. Potom, samozrejme, keď On prichádza, aby napravil a orezal tie kamene, aby pasovali do stavby, čo sa potom deje? Mnohí z nich neobstoja v teste Slova. Budú milovať svoju organizáciu viac ako Slovo Božie, hoci to Slovo bude v tom človeku potvrdené. On bude prorokom, ktorý príde v Mene Pánovom, a on bude tým, ktorý príde na zem. Tak tomu verím.

 Ó, každý hovorí, „Bude to skupina ľudí.“

235 Chcem, aby mi niekto ukázal miesto v Biblii, kde to bola skupina ľudí; Boh by tak porušil Svoje vlastné Slovo, On to nemôže urobiť. Nie veru. On to zasľúbil. Bude to jeden človek. A s ním budú samozrejme aj ďalší, tisíc, celá cirkev veriacich bude stáť za ním, všade.

236 Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, mnohí z nich nebudú spasení, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho.“ Či to viete? Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, (spočítajte ich) tak to bude aj dnes.

237 „Nebo a zem pominú, ale moje Slovo nepominie.“ Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? Ó, brat, bude lepšie, ak si urobíme dôkladnú inventúru, je to neskôr, ako si myslíme. Možno sa jedného dňa zobudíme a zistíme, že sme niečo premeškali. Dávajte pozor! Buďte pozorní, modlite sa, hľadajte to, nenechajte, aby vám to prešlo ponad hlavy. A pamätajte, že keď je kázané Božie Slovo, Boh je k tomu Slovu zaviazaný a On Ho potvrdí.

238 Viete, čo tu On povedal, že čo sa stalo vo dňoch Lota? On povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota.“ Čo sa tam stalo hneď pred tým, ako padol oheň? Čo sa opäť stane tesne pred tým, ako padne oheň, čo za posolstvo cirkev dostane? Teraz nie Sodoma, vyvolená cirkev. Vždy to boli traja: boli tam Sodomania; a bol tam Lot a jeho skupina, formálna cirkev; a potom tam bol Abrahám, vyvolený. Všetci traja dostali posolstvo, áno, ale skrze rôznych poslov. Sledujte, čo za posolstvo bolo dané vyvolenej cirkvi, čo On urobil Abrahámovi. Ježiš povedal, „Tak bude i vo dňoch Syna človeka.“ No, my to nemôžeme poprieť, to je presne to, čo Ježiš povedal. Takže samozrejme to tak bude.

239 No, mnohí… keď Ježiš prišiel a priniesol test, povedal, „Hľadajte v Písmach, lebo v nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a sú to ony, čo svedčia o Mne,“ mohli obstáť v tom teste? Nie. A každý vie, že všetky skaly vyznania, ktoré neobstoja v teste Slova, sú hodené na kopu. Prasknuté, deravé, tie neobstoja v skúške. Ó, človeče, potom budeš hodený na smetisko! Boh vždy rátal charakter namiesto čísiel.

240 Už končím, je mi ľúto, že som vás tu celý tento čas držal, nechcel som to urobiť. Dovoľte mi, ešte na minútu alebo dve, aby som poznamenal ešte jednu vec, potom už zakončím, len chvíľku. Dúfam, že som povedal niečo, čím som vám mohol pomôcť, vidíte, aby som vás priviedol k tomu, aby ste to študovali. Vidíte?

241 Boh vždy rátal charakter, nie členov. A dnes to robíme presne naopak. Počítame čísla, pozeráme sa na dobré oblečenie, ako dobre platíme, namiesto charakteru.

242 Eliezer sa poriadne zapotil, kým našiel charakter. Presne tak. A koho dostal? A on dôveroval Bohu. Charakter na čo? Charakter pre Izáka, nevestu, ktorej je Nevesta typom. Viete to. To bolo prirodzené semeno Abraháma; toto je kráľovské semeno Abraháma. No, ak Eliezer, posol, ktorý hľadal nevestu, sa snažil nájsť charakter, ak tento človek príde, ten posol na posledný deň, on sa bude snažiť nájsť nevestu pre Krista, nebude hľadať denominačné členstvo. Bude hľadať charakter, ktorý je ochotný.

243 Sledujte! Ponajprv dobrý charakter, a potom, aby sa pripravila na stretnutie s Izákom. Potom, ako našiel charakter, snažil sa ju priviesť k tomu, aby dostatočne dlho dokázala počúvať jeho posolstvo o Izákovi.

244 To je ten posol na posledné dni, večerné svetlo, najprv nájsť tú cirkev (kde budú veriť v posolstvo?) Hľadať ju. Dokážete rozpoznať, o čom hovorím? Ísť po tú cirkev, ktorá ťa vpustí dnu, ktorá ti nezavrie dvere hneď pred nosom. A potom, keď sa tam dostaneš, potom si našiel charakter. A ak ona len vydrží natoľko, aby jej on povedal, ako tá nevesta musí byť oblečená! Ona musí byť odiata. Stáť v pokoji! Ak by mohla dostať...

245 Pozrite sa na Rebeku, ako počúvala každé jedno slovo, jej srdce tĺklo. Ona… On jej to hovoril. Potom si povedal, „Keď som sa už toľko spotil, kam mám ísť, aby som našiel charakter? A potom, keď nájdem charakter, tak ju dostanem do toho, aby vydržala dosť času na to, aby sa pripravila na stretnutie s ním. Ó, to je ohromujúce! (Keby sme len mali ešte viac času.) Aby sa pripravila; aby vydržala počúvať jeho posolstvo. Eliezer jej nehovoril o sebe, ale on hovoril o tom, ktorý ho poslal. A on mal dary, ktorými mohol dokázať, že bol od neho poslaný. Amen! On ju chcel týmito vecami odiať. Viete, ako to zariadil.

246 Ak by som ju len mohol dostať do toho, aby si umyla tvár! Vidíte? Viete, niečo ma núti to nepovedať, takže radšej budem ticho. Jednako si myslím, že som už povedal dosť, viete, o čom hovorím. A teraz len počúvajte a dávajte pozor.

247 Všimnite si, posol na čas konca, jeho úlohou bude pripraviť svätých, pripraviť Nevestu pre Ženícha. To bude jeho posolstvo. A najprv sa musíte naučiť abecedu, aby ste sa potom mohli učiť algebru. Keď sú aj tie ďalšie Pečate zozadu otvorené, oni budú zjavené len im. Tak veru. Najprv sa naučte abecedu. Čo je abeceda? „Vždy ver Kristovi,“ [angl. - Always Believe Christ – ABC – pozn.prekl.], (nie svojmu vyznaniu), Kristovi. Vidíte? Ver tomu, čo On hovorí, nie tomu, čo hovorí niekto iný.

248 Ak je to v protiklade, ak ti človek povie, „Pre vás, ženy, to je úplne v poriadku, ak si budete strihať vlasy,“ hneď vtedy viete, že klame. Biblia hovorí, že to nie je správne. Ak on hovorí, „Môžeš byť diakonom, aj keď máš stále štyri alebo päť manželiek,“ vtedy klame. To je v protiklade so Slovom. Vidíte? Všetky tieto veci, o ktorých hovoríme, porovnajte to všetko so Slovom a zistite, či to je podľa Slova.

249 On privedie cirkev späť do Slova. A tak čo má tento posol z Malachiáša 4 urobiť? Prinavrátiť originálnu vieru, vieru vzkriesenia. Oni videli Ježiša potom, ako bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych, videli, ako medzi nimi pôsobí.

250 Oni neboli málovravní ľudia. Oni išli a kázali Slovo. Ó, kázali dlho, Pavol raz kázal celú noc. Jeden človek vypadol z budovy a zabil sa. Jeho telo tam ležalo, ale bol privedený späť do života. Vidíte? On len ďalej kázal.

251 No, všimnite si teraz, že oni boli iní ľudia ako tí s Ph., LL, a všetky možné univerzitné tituly, neviem, ako to voláte. Čo to robí? Oddeľuje to posla a… alebo skôr posolstvo skrze posla oddelí veriacich od neveriacich. Niektorí sa na to dajú, iní nie. Niektorí luteráni… niektorí katolíci sa vydali smerom Luthera, niektorí nie. Niektorí luteráni sa vydali smerom metodistov, niektorí nie. Niektorí sa pridajú k letničným, niektorí nie. Niektorí pôjdu za večerným svetlom, niektorí nie.

252 Ako budete vedieť, či to je večerné svetlo alebo nie? Otestujte to Slovom (nie len jedným slovom, ale s celým Slovom dohromady), zistite, či to je pravda alebo nie. Ó, čo v tom je? Potom, ak toto posolstvo nesie potvrdenie Božie, že On robí to, čo povedal, že bude robiť, a je to v línii so Slovom, potom je Slovo potvrdené, ako bolo v predošlých časoch a predošlých prorokoch.

253 Všimnite si, kedy posolstvo… Všimnite si, kedy je posolstvo ľuďmi odmietané, a zdá sa, že posol je kompletne porazený, nemôže nájsť žiadne dvere, nenachádza miesto.

254 Tak to bolo aj s naším Pánom. Pamätajte, keď bol… Ó, keď uzdravoval chorých, tí mladí proroci, „Ó! On je skvelý chlapík!“ „Ahoj, Rabbi, ako sa máš?“ Ale jedného dňa si sadol a začal im hovoriť pravdu. Našiel priazeň v cirkvi a s ľuďmi. Tisíce Ho nasledovali. Mal okolo Seba sedemdesiat kazateľov okrem Svojich dvanástich. Ale jedného dňa, keď rozmnožil tie bochníky chleba, aby dokázal, že bol Boh, lebo len Boh vedel spôsobiť, že chlieb padal z neba. On rozmnožil chleby. A hneď nato… Kráčal po vode, konal zázraky a veľa vecí bolo urobených, ktoré dokazovali, kým bol.

255 A potom, keď to urobil, sadol si a začal k ľuďom hovoriť veľmi striktne. Potom sa ľudia odvrátili. A tí sedemdesiati povedali, „Hmmm. Kto to môže počúvať? To sú tvrdé slová. Tí úplne zhadzuješ to, o čom sme si my niečo mysleli. A kto si vôbec Ty, aby si nám tieto veci hovoril?“ A odišli preč.

256 Potom sa Ježiš obrátil ku Svojej malej skupinke ako vo dňoch Noeho, ako vo dňoch Sodomy a povedal, „Aj vy chcete ísť?“

257 Potom Peter prehovoril tie veľké slová, „Pane, kde by sme išli?“ (Ó, Bože, pomôž nám!)

258 Všimnite si, že práve vtedy, keď je posolstvo odmietnuté a zdá sa, že posol je úplne premožený, práve to je ten čas, keď Boh vstupuje na scénu a jeho posolstvo sa končí.

259 Noe, (už budem končiť), Noe kázal vo dverách svojej archy stodvadsať rokov, až dokiaľ sa mu nevysmievali, a potom Noe vstúpil do archy mysliac si, že… že to bude všetko v poriadku. Boh zavrel dvere. A ľudia tam čakali, aby videli, čo sa bude diať. Sedem dní tam sedel a pretrpel to a na siedmy deň prišiel dážď.

260 Mojžiš, v čom sa nachádzal? Priamo vo výkone služby, viedol ľud. Červené more sa mu dostalo do cesty. On bol na konci svojej cesty. A bolo to práve vtedy, keď prišiel Boh s východným vetrom a rozdelil more, práve na konci cesty.

261 Bol to Daniel, ktorý stál na svojom posolstve, „Nebudem sa poškvrňovať s týmto kráľovým svetom.“ On zostával verný Bohu. Bol priamo na konci cesty, zdalo sa, že už nastal koniec jeho času, že ho hodia do jamy levovej. A potom na scénu vstúpil Boh.

262 A v jedno ráno, tam dolu v Babylone… Amen! Môžem sa pozrieť hore do neba a vidím trón a ako okolo neho stoja anjeli. Dívam sa dolu do Babylonu a vidím tam horiacu pec. Vidím, ako tam stoja traja mládenci, hovoria, „Náš Boh je schopný nás vyslobodiť.“ Vidíte? „Ale my sa vášmu obrazu nepokloníme, lebo je to v protiklade so Slovom.“ Vidíte? „My na tom stojíme.“

263 „V poriadku,“ povedal kráľ, „vyjdite tam hore po schodoch a budete upálení.“ Veľkí urastení chlapi, mali na nich priložené konce svojich kopijí, išli tam hore schod za schodom, stále to bolo horúcejšie a horúcejšie.

264 Vidím, ako tam na jednej strane toho trónu stojí anjel a ako chytil meč a vytasil ho a povedal, „Otče, pozri sa sem, čo sa tu deje! Dovoľ mi, ja som Gabriel, nech tam dolu zostúpim a zmením tú scénu.“

265 „Vlož svoj meč späť do pošvy, Gabriel. Videl som to.“

266 Tu prichádza ďalší a hovorí, „Otče, ja som Wormwood, ja viem ničiť vodou. V predpotopnom veku človek zhrešil a zle zaobchádzal s tvojím ľudom a ja som obrátil celý svet na vodu. Dnes ráno by som zmyl Babylon z mapy. Pusti ma tam.“

267 „Viem, že by si to urobil, Wormwood, si verný anjel. Vidíte? Ale nemôžem ťa tam pustiť, toto je Moja práca. Idem tam Sám.“

 „Videl si ich tu?“

268 „Sledoval som ich celú noc. Vypočul som ich modlitebné zhromaždenie. Videl som, ako stoja za Mojím Slovom. Budem tam včas.“ Ó! Môžem Ho vidieť, ako povstáva a kráľovské rúcha padajú okolo Neho a povie, „Poď sem, východný vietor, severný, južný, západný. Poď tam pod tie mračná, poveziem sa na tebe dnes ráno ako na voze, idem dolu do Babylona, idem zmeniť situáciu.“ Ó, brat, On tam bol presne načas!

269 On bdie aj nad vrabcom a ja viem, že bdie aj nado mnou. On stále bdie dnes večer, bdie nado mnou. Bdie nad tebou. Dáva pozor, či budeme stáť, alebo neobstojíme, aké rozhodnutia urobíme, či budeme stáť verne so Slovom, alebo Ho opustíme. Je neskôr, ako si myslíte.

270 Jakob na svojej ceste domov, bol inšpirovaný ísť späť domov, mal sa s ním stretnúť jeho brat. Ó, ale jednej noci zápasil s Bohom. Bál sa stretnúť so svojím bratom, ale na druhé ráno to bolo nebojácne krívajúce knieža. „Nepotrebujem Ezava ani jeho armádu,“ Boh vstúpil na scénu. Vidíte, On to robí zvláštnym spôsobom.

271 Ježiš, odmietnutý, potom, ako bol potvrdený, že je Synom Božím, povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, neverte Mi.“ On bol Svetlom toho dňa (On je stále Svetlom!), vstúpil na scénu. A ľudia, pokiaľ On… pokiaľ robil tie zázraky s chlebom a rybami a bochníkmi, ľudia Ho nasledovali. Ale keď im začal hovoriť o pravde Slova, to ich rozdelilo, oni mali svoje vlastné tradície, ktorých sa držali. Bolo to v protiklade, ale jednako viete, že On stál presne s Písmom. Ale zaslepené oči toho sveta to nemohli vidieť; ani teraz to nemôžu, ani vtedy to nevideli, celý svet. Čo sa stalo? Zdalo sa, že bol porazený.

272 Keď si všimnete, práve od toho času Ho opustila popularita. Kedy? Keď im začal hovoriť o Slove. Keď mohol ísť s davmi a mať zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním a kampane, každý za Ním chcel ísť, „Ó, Rabbi, poď sem!“ a, „Rabbi, poď sem!“ Ale keď sa začala Jeho náuka; „Ó, Tvoje učenie robí medzi ľuďmi rozruch.“ Ó! „No, už Ťa viac nemôžeme mať v našej cirkvi, Rabbi, lebo Ty proste mätieš ľudí, Tvoje učenie je úplne v protiklade s tým, čo veríme.“ Ono sa to nezmenilo. Nie veru. „Nemôžeme Ťa tu mať, Rabbi!“ Ale jednako On bol potvrdený, preukázaný skrze Písma, kým bol, a oni tomu jednako nemohli veriť.

273 A nakoniec On išiel až do poslednej chvíle, keď si satan myslel, „Teraz Ho mám,“ ukrižoval Ho na kríži. Dolu, dolu, dolu, dolu, až dokiaľ si mysleli, že Ho majú, dali Ho do hrobu. Ale to bol ten čas, keď Boh vstúpil na scénu. A On z toho hrobu povstal! Prečo?

274 Presne to isté, Pavol povedal, „Všetci… Démas ma opustil. Všetci ma opustili kvôli Slovu.“ Ja neverím, že Démas začal chodievať do nočných klubov a podobne. Ale Démas chcel ísť, Démas bol bohatý človek. A on chcel ísť s tou populárnejšou skupinou, a tak odišiel rovnako ako takmer všetci ostatní. A potom Pavol povedal, „Všetci ma opustili.“ Prečo? Jeho služba, on prichádzal na jej vrchol, prichádzalo to na koniec.

275 Jeho túžbou bolo byť mučeníkom, lebo bol to on, kto zabil Štefana, bol svedkom jeho smrti a schválil ju. Chcel zomrieť. Keď… Agabus, ten známy prorok pri ňom stál a povedal mu, aby nešiel do Jeruzalema, on povedal, „Ja viem, že nemám ísť. Ale nie som len ochotný tam ísť, ale byť zviazaný v reťaziach v Jeruzaleme, ale som pripravený ísť a zomrieť za Pána Ježiša.“ Čo to bolo? On pečatil svoju službu.

276 Ó, cirkev živého Boha, mohli by sme o tom hovoriť celý večer. Ako zapečatíme naše posolstvo? Ako to urobíme? Bože, pomôž nám vziať toto Slovo, stáť pevne. Dovoľ mi zomrieť pre Slovo; žiť cez Slovo, zomrieť cez Slovo. Rozšír svetlo, lebo v čase večera bude svetlo. My sme v tej hodine, priatelia. Ďalej tomu verme, ako skloníme naše hlavy.

277 Prv by som sa chcel ospravedlniť za to, že som vás tu celý tento čas držal, takmer dve hodiny, hodina a štyridsaťpäť minút, myslím, že tak presne. Dúfam, že to nikoho nezranilo. Nie sme tu na to, aby sme pohoršovali. Ak je to v našom srdci a našej duši, potom sa mýlime, ak my kazatelia hovoríme tieto veci, moji bratia tuto, títo Duchom naplnení ľudia. Vidíte?

278 Keď som bol spasený a povedal som svojmu baptistickému pastorovi, že som prijal Ducha Svätého a podobne, tieto… anjel Pánov mi povedal, čo mám robiť, on povedal, „Musel si mať nočnú moru, Billy.“

 Povedal som, „Dr. Davis, videl som anjela.“

279 On povedal, „Ó, nezmysel!“ Povedal, „To je z diabla.“ Vidíte? Ó, ako ma to zranilo! On povedal, „Chceš mi povedať, že budeš kázať kráľom a monarchom?“

 Povedal som, „Tak to On povedal.“

 On povedal, „So vzdelaním siedmich rokov základnej školy?“

 Povedal som, „Tak to On povedal.“

280 On povedal, „Čo si myslíš, kto ťa bude počúvať? Ísť kázať Božské uzdravenie v takomto veku, pri všetkých vypracovaných lekárskych výskumoch a podobne?“

 Povedal som, „Nezáleží mi na tom, koľko Goliášov tu stojí.“

 On povedal, „Kto si myslíš, že ťa bude počúvať?“

281 Povedal som, „Ak ma Boh posiela, musí byť niekto, kto bude počúvať.“

282 O vás ľuďoch som vtedy ešte nevedel. A keď som k vám prišiel, bolo to, akoby som si dával na ruku rukavicu, tak sme si spolu sadli. Mám vás rád. Milujem vás. Milujem svojich bratov pastorov. Myslíte si, že by presbyterián, metodista alebo luterán takto otvoril svoju cirkev ako tento brat dnes večer a usadil nás tu a nechal kázať posolstvo tohto typu? Nie veru, určite nie. Toto sú veľkorysí ľudia, ktorí veria v pravdu. Zhodnite sa s nimi na Slove a vyhýbajte sa veciam tohto sveta.

283 Sestry, nechajte si narásť vlasy. Oblečte si pekné a slušné oblečenie. Hanba vám, vy, ktoré si maľujete tváre. V Písme máte viac proti maľovaniu tváre ako proti strihaniu vlasov. Tak je. Nerobte to. Naozaj to nerobte. Biblia hovorí, že to je zneuctením pre ženu, ktorá to robí. Vlasy sú jej slávou. No, poviete, „To je len taká maličkosť.“ To je v poriadku, takže dajme najprv do poriadku tieto maličkosti, a potom môžeme hovoriť o väčších veciach. Začnime správne.

284 A teraz, bratia. Ó! Dovoľte, aby som niečo ľuďom povedal. Pane, môj brat, ak nechávaš svoju ženu, aby robila niečo také, potom sa za teba hanbím, za to, že tvrdíš, že či človek naplnený Duchom. Mal by si sa hanbiť, nechať svoju ženu ísť takto von.

285 A potom je tak sexy oblečená a podobne, a viete pritom, že Biblia hovorí, Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie na ženu s túžbou vo svojom srdci, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo“?

286 Poviete, „No, počkaj, brat, na chvíľu, ja som nevinný.“ Ja tiež verím, že si, moja sestra, nevinná v tom prirodzenom skutku. Ale ak sa odhalíš a hriešnik sa na teba pozrie a ty si sa takto odhalila, kto je vinný? Ty sa odhaľuješ. Potom v deň Súdu, keď sa ten hriešnik bude zodpovedať za spáchanie cudzoložstva, s kým to potom spáchal vo svojom srdci? S tebou! Prečo? Lebo si sa odhalila. Presne to je pravda.

287 Či to neurobíš, sestra, prosím, v Ježišovom Mene, mohol by si sa aj ty, ako brat, napraviť?

288 Brat, hanbi sa za to, že takto vedieš svoj dom, daj ho do poriadku. Mám v teba nádej ako v človeka.

289 Pastori, ktorí dovoľujete ľuďom vstupovať, beriete diakonov a všetko možné, ktorí žijú s dvomi alebo tromi ženami, a podobné veci, či sa za to nehanbíte, kazatelia? Či sa nehanbíte za tieto veci? A beriete si tu členov, ktorí žijú v cudzoložstve, fajčia cigarety, robia všetko toto a ani slovo o tom neprehovoríte za kazateľňou. Hanba vám! Modlím sa za vás, bratia.

290 Nech vás Boh žehná. Ďakujem vám za trpezlivosť, že ste to tu so mnou vydržali. No, zaujímalo by ma...

291 Večerné svetlo nadišlo. Večerné svetlo je tu, ide to späť do Slova.

292 A teraz so svojimi hlavami a srdciami sklonenými, položte si túto otázku, „Či sa zhodujem s týmto Slovom? Naozaj sa zhodujem?“

293 Mojou modlitbou z tohto pódia je, „Ó, Bože, odsekni odo mňa všetko, čo nie je od Teba. Ó, Bože, vezmi to odo mňa.“ Sme tu priamo na konci cesty.

294 V poriadku, boli by ste natoľko úprimní, aby ste zodvihli svoje ruky a povedali, „Bože, odsekni odo mňa všetko, čo nie je z Teba. Tvor ma, Pane, formuj ma a tvor ma“? Nech vás Pán žehná.

295 Ak tu je niekto, kto na tom nie je správne, a je hriešnik a nejakým spôsobom sa tu dnes večer dostal, nikdy neprijal Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, alebo odpadlík, alebo niečo podobné, ktorý sa chce navrátiť, ste pozvaní postaviť sa tu k oltáru. Ak veríte, že Boh by vypočul moje modlitby za chorých, verím, že ma vypočuje. A vy a ja, ako vložíme svoju vieru v tú obeť, Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, a vypovieme modlitbu, verím, že Boh to vypočuje. Ste pozvaní prísť sem a postaviť sa na modlitbu.

297 Náš Nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti toto publikum, tieto potrhané slová, ktoré boli také zdĺhavé, Pane. Mnohí sa už dokonca unavili a išli domov a možno sa niektorí cítili trochu zle a, Pane, ja jednoducho nedokážem povedať, kto tam je po celý čas v tom publiku. A, napokon, Otče, je to Tvoje Slovo a Ty poznáš moje srdce. Tak... a ja som... Beda mi, ak by som to nerobil. A ja to musím robiť, Pane. Tak sa teraz modlím, aby teraz ľudia, ktorí majú porozumenie Slova, jasne porozumeli a som si istý, že tí, ktorých si povolal do Života, porozumejú, že tieto veci neprosím kvôli ničomu inému na svete, iba kvôli srdciam plných lásky pre Boha a Jeho Cirkev.

 Otče, asi každá ruka je na tomto mieste zodvihnutá na obriezku, aby bolo odťaté všetko, čo tam nepatrí. Bože, pomôž nám všetkým. Ja stojím priamo s nimi, Pane. Ja som jedným z nich, čakám na príchod toho radostného dňa milénia, kedy bude hriech a hanba navždy zničená. A, Otče, zatiaľ, čo sme tu na tomto svete, vieme, že sme poddaní týmto veciam. Sme náklonní ku chybám, náklonní ku hriechu, stále tu chodíme, ale jednako to netúžime robiť. Ako Biblia hovorí, „Neustávajte, keď ste naprávaní.“ Ale modlím sa, Otče, aby ma karhanie Slova sekalo tak tvrdo ako všetkých ostatných. A modlím sa, Otče, aby to aj oni tak porozumeli.

298 Modlím sa, aby si ich teraz požehnal. A nech toto, ako sme sa predtým modlili, Pane, vediac a hľadiac na to, o čo prosíme, lebo nechceme prosiť o nesprávne veci, nechceme prosiť o niečo len preto, aby sme hovorili nejaké slová, pretože hovoríme ku Tebe.

299 Modlím sa k Tebe, aby si požehnal tohto nášho brata, ktorý mi tu dnes večer otvoril dvere, aby som sem mohol prísť. Modlím sa, aby si požehnal jeho zbor a každého jedného člena, Pane, len… Nech je tento zbor majákom, miestom, kde prúdia dary Božie a všetko ide hladko.

300 Požehnaj každého kazateľa, ktorý tu sedí, ich zbory. A nech tu je také zatrasenie a zvuk stromu moruše Ducha Božieho naprieč Phoenixom a nech to privedie cirkvi späť do obecenstva a veľkého prebudenia, aby kazatelia nemuseli kázať pre slávu Božiu; ale aby sa mohli každé popoludnie zhromaždiť samotní svätí kričiac a modliac sa a svedčiac o posolstve, jednoducho skutočné vyliatie Ducha, kde sa zhromaždí celé mesto a budú počúvať. Udeľ to teraz.

301 Uzdrav chorých v našom strede, Pane. Udeľ im Božské vyslobodenie, Otče, skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.

302 A teraz s našimi hlavami sklonenými, ak je tu niekto, kto sa túži teraz postaviť k oltáru, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené hlavy a budeme hmkať jednu pieseň, starú oslavnú pieseň Evanjelia. Budeme to hmkať. A zatiaľ čo to budeme robiť, ak je tu niekto, kto má túžbu, aby sme sa za neho modlili, aby mal hlbšie prežitie, aby prijal Ducha Svätého, alebo ak už ste spasení, ale ešte nie posvätení, alebo akokoľvek to už je, radi to urobíme, zatiaľ čo budeme hmkať túto pieseň, Milujem Ho. A ak Ho naozaj milujete, majme teraz úctu k Jeho Slovu.

 Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

 Lebo On prv miloval mňa,

 A vykúpil moje spasenie

 na Golgotskom kríži.

303 Zatiaľ čo sem prichádzajú, chcem, aby si tu každý zaujal svoje miesto. V poriadku, sestra.

 Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho

 Lebo On…

 (Poďte sem teraz, okolo oltáru, vy, ktorí tu chcete prísť) ...Ma,

 a vykúpil moje spasenie

 na kríži Golgoty.

304 Prečo sem niektoré vy, sestry s krátkymi vlasmi, neprídete a nezaviažete sa Bohu? Chcete, aby som vám to prečítal z Biblie? V poriadku. Prečo neprídete a nepoviete, „Pane, chcem byť na poriadku vo všetkých veciach a chcem začať správne. Chcem sa dostať na tú správnu cestu a zostať na nej. Dám ti tu dnes večer sľub, Pane. Odteraz to bude len rásť“?

305 Biblia hovorí, že je hanba pre muža, aby mal dlhé vlasy, potom vyzerá ako žena. Boh uzavrel dve zmluvy, jednu s Adamom a druhú s Evou. On ich inak obliekol. Oni sú iní, celkom odlišní. Vždy to tak bolo. V Biblii sa nachádzajú dve zmluvy. Raz by som chcel kázať na tú dvojitú zmluvu, niekedy, aby som vám ukázal, aký bol medzi nimi rozdiel. Ó, je to ohromné. Je to dokonca aj v prípade manželstva a rozvodu, ak by ste len vedeli, aká je ohľadom toho pravda, vybavilo by to celú situáciu. Tak veru. Dobre, a teraz… Poďte sem.

 Milujem Ho…

 (Potrebuješ Ducha Svätého? Poďte sem a postavte sa dookola.)

 Lebo On prv miloval mňa


 Chcete s Ním bližšie kráčať? Poďte sem a sľúbte Mu to, postavte sa k Nemu a dodržte to. Nebude to nanič dobré, ak urobíte ten sľub a nedodržíte ho.


 Len sem príďte a zaviažte sa tým sľubom, Boh to vyplní. Vy len držte svoj sľub.

306 Poprosím svojich bratov kazateľov, aby ste zišli sem dole a postavili sa sem dookola, postavili sa okolo týchto drahých ľudí, zatiaľ čo sa tu budeme modliť a hovoriť jeden k druhému, opýtajte sa na ich potreby, zatiaľ čo tu sme.

307 Všetci buďte tak úctiví, ako len viete. No, Boh vás uctí, buďte naozaj úctiví, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme. Môžete sem priamo prísť a postaviť sa za týchto ľudí, ktorí tu stoja pre modlitbu. 

 Na kríži Golgoty.

308 No, zatiaľ čo… kazatelia sa zhromažďujú na oboch stranách:

 Milujem Ho, Ja…

Rád to vidím, kazatelia rôznych organizácií, všetci v jednom; to je pod krvou.

 Lebo On prv miloval mňa

 a vykúpil mi spasenie

 na kríži Golgotskom. (Ó!)

309 A teraz poďte sem, bratia, priamo k tej osobe, pri ktorej stojíte, položte na ňu ruku a opýtajte sa jej, čo od Boha chce. Nie je to nádherný čas? Viete, keď toto vidím, pozriem sa tu, kazatelia z rôznych cirkví, ako tu spolu dookola stoja. Sestry, ktoré tu boli na lehátkách, sú preč. Chvála Pánovi. Som za to tak vďačný, ako tu stojíme v Mene Pánovom.

310 A teraz nech každý jeden skloní svoju hlavu. Každý jeden z vás vo svojom srdci, len na chvíľu hovorte s Bohom, ako by ste hovorili so mnou; akoby ste prišli a povedali, „Prepáč, brat Branham. Urobil som to zle, odpustil by si mi to? Sľúbim ti, brat Branham, že to nikdy znovu neurobím.“ A teraz v tom len zmeňte moje meno na Meno Pána Ježiša Krista.

311 A ak potrebujete uzdravenie, ako by ste prišli a povedali, „Brat Branham, som na mizine, nemám dnes nič na večeru a viem, že keby si mal dolár, že by si mi jeden dal.“ No, vy nemusíte Bohu hovoriť, „Ak máš Moc Uzdravenia.“ On ju má. Vidíte? Tak by ste to hovorili mne, „Ak to máš.“ Ale Jemu nemusíte hovoriť, „Ak máš.“ On má! Vidíte? A tak vy poviete, „Brat Branham, dal by si mi dolár? Potrebujem niečo na jedenie.“ No, samozrejme, ja by som to urobil, dobre to viete. Ak by som to mal, tak by som vám to kedykoľvek dal. Bol by som hrozného srdca, ak by som to neurobil. A keď ja, krutý a hriešny človek, by som bol tak dobrosrdečný k vám, aký je potom Boh?

312 „Ak vy súc zlí viete, ako dávať dobré dary, o koľko viac dá nebeský Otec Ducha tým, ktorí o to prosia.“ „Ak by ste poprosili o rybu, dal by vám hada? Ak by ste poprosili o chlieb, dal by vám kameň?“ Istotne nie!

313 Ak by ste ho len prosili takým spôsobom s vierou veriac, že to od Neho dostanete o miliónkrát skôr, ako by ste to dostali odo mňa. A vy viete, že by som vám pomohol, urobil by som, čo by som mohol. A títo bratia takisto, vybrali by sme každý cent z vrecka, aby sme vám pomohli. Urobili by sme, čo by sa dalo. Ale toto je niečo, čomu musíte veriť skrze vieru.

314 A ak teraz veríte, že to príjmete, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme a zatiaľ čo sa vy, ako publikum, modlíte, verím, že Boh zostúpi a uctí našu modlitbu. A presne v tú chvíľu, kedy sa cítite, že to máte, že Boh ide odpovedať na vašu modlitbu, potom uzatvárate zmluvu, „Pane, učinil som zle, už to viac neurobím. Zodvihnem svoju ruku, sľubujem, že to už neurobím,“ Boh vás bude brať za slovo. A vy to len tak verte a tak to bude. A potom len zodvihnite svoje ruky a ďakujte Mu, „Pane, vyplnil som svoj sľub. A ja viem, že on patrí Tebe, Ty si zasľúbil, že to odpovieš, a Ty nemôžeš zlyhať.“

315 Nebeský Otče, my, tvoji služobníci, stojíme nad touto skupinou, ktorá sem prišla, lebo potrebuje tvoje požehnania a tvoju pozornosť v tomto čase. Otče, oni sú trofeje tohto posolstva, času večerného svetla. Mnohí z nich, Pane, to vyznávajú. Niektorí z nich sú v zúfalej potrebe. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si sa od nikoho z nich neodvracal, lebo Ty dodržíš Svoje Slovo. Prinášam Tvoje Slovo na Tvoju pamiatku, Pane, ako to robil Peter a učeníci, keď sa modlili v Skutkoch 4, ako povedali, „Pane, pamätaj na Slovo! Prečo pohania zúria a ľudia si predstavujú márne veci?“

316 A teraz, Otče, prinášame Tvoje Slovo. Ty si povedal, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, má večný život. Ten, kto prichádza ku Mne, toho žiadnym spôsobom nevyženiem von. Ten, kto počuje Moje slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“

317 Ó, dajme Bohu na známosť naše žiadosti a On nám odpovie. On je hojne… „Ten, ktorý vyzná svoje hriechy, bude mať ospravedlnenie. Ten, kto ukrýva svoje hriechy, nebude prosperovať.“ A my vyznávame svoje chyby. Ja vyznávam chyby týchto ľudí. Vyznávam svoje vlastné prestúpenia, prosím o milosť. Prosím o uzdravenie. Prosím o milosť. Prosím, aby si vylial Ducha Svätého, Pane, v tejto chvíli na týchto čakajúcich ľudí, aby boli ich životy premenené v tvárniacej forme Božej, a nech sú vytvarované na obraz Syna Božieho, aby ten Duch, ktorý oživil Jeho, aby prišiel do ich tela a urobil z nich synov a dcéry Božie. Udeľ to, Pane.

318 My veríme, že si prítomný. Veríme, že uctíš Svoje Slovo. Veríme, že uctíš úsilie Slova. A teraz zošli tieto požehnania na týchto ľudí, ako čakajú na Tvoju prítomnosť, aby si ich navštívil tu na oltári. V Ježišovom Mene.

319 A teraz, ak veríte a veríte, že ste to prijali, zodvihnite svoje ruky k Bohu. Ak to príjmete ako modlitbu viery a ako svoj sľub, že sa teraz obrátite k Bohu, zodvihnite svoje ruky.

320 Povstaňte všetci, celé publikum. Každý jeden povstaňte na svoje nohy, kto sa chce Bohu zaviazať sľubom a povedať, „Verím tomu, prijímam to. Verím tomu.“

321        Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky a vzdajte Mu chválu a všetko bude na poriadku. Sláva Bohu! Ďakujem Ti, Pane Ježišu, za tvoju dobrotu a milosť a za všetko, čo si pre nás vykonal, Pane. Vzdávame Ti chválu skrze Ježiša Krista.

THE EVENING MESSENGER, 63-0116, Pentecostal Church Of God, Pentecostal Church Of God, Mesa, AZ, 134 min

1 Thank you, very much. The Lord bless you.

You may be seated.

2My son was up today, and he said, "Dad, I wish we'd seen that church before we started building ours, it's such a pretty place." And he talked about... Said, "I have never met the minister yet, but if he's as nice a person as his wife, certainly is a nice person." So we're happy to be here.

3And I--I'm looking forward to the--the meeting tonight, that God a-pouring out His blessings upon us and helping us.

4 Now we're... I just got in, and I heard a Brother Williams, I believe, saying something about being at the Ramada. And I guess the announcements has done been made, of about that. Usually they take care of that before I get in. And we're certainly looking forward to a great time down at the convention. And my part here is just kind of going around and meeting the brethren and fellowshipping amongst the people, and praying that God will give us a--a right kind of a stir, and then we can go right straight into the Ramada in a great meeting. And so we're trying to visit all the churches that possibly can, until that time. And we're having a great time. We certainly are having a wonderful time with the fellowship of among our brethren.

5 And usually I'm... Anybody knows I'm not much of a preacher, I'm just kind of a spare tire. But I--I... My ministry is praying for the sick. And I... We have been so crowded of nights, and things, till we can hardly get enough room to do so. And we're going to try if we... when we get into places where we can, in here, to give out some cards and bring the people in and pray for them. But having one night meeting at a time, what you wouldn't get tonight and then they'd press them plumb down somewhere else the next night, and way back over somewhere else, so that way I've just kind of made a--a little--a little talk each night for the people, and best that I can to kind of... to the honor and glory of Jesus Christ, and to Whom we all love and believe, and our fellowshipping together.

6 I guess you heard the accident on the corner, just a few moments ago. I don't know whether the man was killed, or ever who it was, the car come through. We just stopped, just a word of prayer, a few moments ago. About two blocks above here there was someone had been hit sideways and knocked all the way up in the street. And a large person was covered over out there. And the cops was there, but I don't think the ambulance had ever gotten there yet. They must... If it wasn't killed, it certainly was... Hit on this side and knocked all the way through the door on the other side, so it must have been a terrific blow. You know, it just...

7 We must serve God every minute. We don't know what time--we don't know what time that those things could happen. Maybe we think it won't be us, but you know it can be, you know. So, I believe Jesus said, "Be prepared, for we don't know what minute or hour that we may be called on." And then we'll go to a place where they don't have accidents, and no troubles. We are so glad there's a place like that in promise.

8You know, the very thought, tonight, of--of seeing that we would long for a place like that, that shows there is a place like that. See? And we know that all negatives, all shadows, there has to be something to make a shadow. A shadow is a reflection. So if there's a life like this, it proves that it's a shadow, then there's a real life somewhere it's reflecting of. See? You notice a tree, how beautiful a tree is. And you know what that is? It's the negative type of the shadow of the Tree of Life in Heaven.

9 Now, you know, when God came to the earth, when He was brooding over the earth at the beginning, and maybe the first thing did come up was a--a polliwog, as the scientists try to say. Next thing might have been something... I believe in true Christian evolution, but I don't believe it all come from a single cell. I believe it just... God made a polliwog, and then He made a fish, and then He made something else. And just... I believe in coming up, not by the same cell, but a different creature all the time.

10And finally He kept on, coming higher specie, and after a while it reflected the One that was doing the brooding, which was God. Now, to prove that's right, when God was made flesh it was Jesus Christ, a man. See? So, not an Angel, a man. So it goes to show that it reflected Him.

11 And, oh, this old Bible is full of them gracious old nuggets. I just... I like to just prospect (don't you?) and just go in there and shake all the dust off of It, and look at It and see what It is. How the jewels, you people know here in Arizona, the great jewels come from the dust of the earth. That's where they come from. And God's jewels are brought up from the dust, too. And He... We're so happy that He gives us the privilege of going into His great refinery, and all the dross taken out.

12You know how they used to? Course, you Arizona people know how they... before they had the smelter, how they used to refine gold. We're told that they took the gold and beat it. The old Indians used to do that, beat it. And just turn it over, and beat it and beat it, until they got all the dross beat out of it. And the way they knew that all of it was out (all the pyrite and stuff that's in it, all that), when they knowed it out, the beater seen his reflection in it, he could see himself. Then he knew it was coming clear, when it reflect his own image.

13 And, you know, I think God wants to do His Church that way, just beat all the world out until the reflection of Jesus Christ lives in each one of us and we reflect His Life. Then we're ready then for His... He reflects Himself through us at that time, when we get... lay aside every weight and the sin that that does so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us, looking to the Example, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, Jesus Christ. So happy for That!

14 Now, usually I say each night... I said to Brother Carl Williams, I said, "Brother Carl, them people don't want to hear me again, up and down through them valleys, keeping them till two or three hours at night."

He said, "Well, well, come on."

15So I appreciate your patience in--in inviting me back again. And now each night...

16I talked to my wife a while ago, down... She's at Tucson now, and I said, "How's the weather?"

17She said, "Warming up." And she said, "Are you keeping on schedule?"

I said, "Just exactly, around ten or eleven each night."

18I said to her, "I'm going to get some rest when I go out to Arizona this time on this little meeting. I'm going to those churches, those brethren. I'm not going to punish those people, I'm going to just go in there and I'm going to let the singing be done, the jubilee. I'm going to limit myself, put my notes down to about fifteen, twenty minutes, say 'Amen' and go home."

She said, "Are you on schedule?"

19I said, "Yes, honey, I am; regular schedule, up to three hours." Very fine people; lot of patience.

20 Well, let's bow our heads just a moment now as we approach Him. Now, I'm sure that in a fine audience of people like this who believes, and especially... I see two cots laying here, the people that's sick and needy, I know they have special requests. No doubt but what there's many others that has these requests. If so, just raise up your hands and just let it be known as you lift your hand. And now in prayer I'm going to go over and pray for these people in these cots, while--while we're here, so we be sure to get it. If something take place... They was faithful enough to be brought in here, I want you all to pray with me.

21 Our Heavenly Father, we are laying aside now every other thought, cleansing our minds, and we're coming in Thy Presence for the cleansing of our soul. And we bring before us the Blood of the Lord Jesus. We're confessing that we're not worthy of any blessing that You would give us, but because that He died that we might obtain these blessings, and have told us to come boldly before the Throne, that we have access to these blessings through the grace of our Lord Jesus, Who came to the earth, Emmanuel, and taken the place of the sinner. He became we, oh, that we might become He.

22What an exchange, Lord! A sinful, hell-bound life that we had, and to know that One came and taken that life upon Himself, and purged our sins by the shed Blood of His Own Life. It's more than our hearts could even think about, Lord. And then, besides all of that, He made a way to take away our iniquity and to heal us by His stripes. We're so thankful that He promised that He would keep us well while we served Him.

23 And now tonight, Father, there is many requests has been... with their hands raised up. We know that Thou will regard each one of them, knowing what's beneath the hand, in the heart.

24And I ask, Lord, that You will remember the Word tonight as we read It; and meditate upon It as a little lesson, like a Sunday school, that we might leave here tonight and--and have this within our hearts, that we feel like that we would be closer to You, going out, than we were when we come in. That's why we are here, that it might bring a revival around the country, not knowing just when it might start, but with expectations looking forward to it, Lord. We are placing forth every human effort that we know how to bring a revival that brings man and women, boys and girls, to a saving knowledge of Christ.

25 We want to thank You for this church, for its fine pastor and his family, and for all the deacons, trustees, and for all that it represents. We thank You for those who are gallant to stand by. And, Lord, we just pray the blessings of God rest upon them. Bless every effort. May this be a station, Lord, where all the valley here can come in and find rest. Grant it, Father. May the prayers of the pastor be answered for the sick. May his prayers be answered for salvation, for all that goes within--in the Gospel range. May Your blessings be upon him. And may the church be short of no spiritual gift, may it be a place, an example church to all the community. Grant it, Lord.

26 Now, Father, laying upon the cots here tonight, that cannot sit up and enjoy the meeting, are those who have not this privilege. And they've been packed in here some way, tonight. O God, have mercy! I think, "What if that was my wife or my brother, or somebody that was a relative, that I knew real well?" It's somebody's, and I pray, Father, that the grace of God, with His power, will reach down in Divine deliverance for them tonight, and deliver them from these cots. May they not be in these cots any longer than this meeting tonight. May, when they leave, the cots be left behind. May the power, that raised up Jesus from the dead, quicken their bodies to new health and strength again. Grant it, our Father. Now, we know that You promised to do it.

27Therefore, it is written in the Scriptures, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

28Now, Father, that there may not be nobody in their reach, while others can reach each other, I'll walk down in commemoration of this commandment. And, God, I'm going to expect to have a letter from them, that it was done, for I go in the Name of Jesus Christ.

29 [Brother Branham goes down and prays for those on cots while congregation sings Only Believe four times, then he returns and sings--Ed.]

Lord, I believe, O Lord, I believe,

All things are possible, Lord, I believe;

Lord, I believe, Lord, I believe,

All things are possible, Lord, I believe.

See that, both of the ladies had growths, cancer on one.

30 And I just might quickly give this little testimony, if I have to cut some of my talking short. Just before leaving home, the last case I had before leaving, that was an outstanding case, there was a lady and her name is Dyer; she was, I forget her name now. It was Doctor Dyer, out of Louisville. A James, Doctor James Dyer, a specialist on growths, and so forth, in Louisville.

31His daughter played the piano in the church of The Open Door, which Doctor Cobbles is pastor; just a (oh) great mammoth old Jewish synagogue. And the man himself belonged to the Church of Christ, denominational Church of Christ, and was converted into believing the gospel of the full Gospel, a very fine man. And she played in my meeting when I had it in Louisville, at the Memorial Auditorium. And she was amazed to see what taken place, and tried to tell her father about it.

32He said, "It's just psychology. Those people is just as sick as they ever was." And so--so he wouldn't believe It.

33 Finally she weaned away from the church, she married a boy from the Baptist seminary, and he finally got away from his belief. He was trained to be a minister, and as the Baptist do it that way. And so they... Finally he got away, didn't want to preach. And they moved over to his people at Rockford, Illinois.

34Finally she, Jean, begin to have some female trouble. She went to her father for examination, came back to Louisville for examination. And, when they did, they found what's called the "chocolate tumor," it's in the female glands. Removing that, her father, with a major operation, and he must have spilt some of the--the tumor in her. And finally... And they give her some deep X-ray and--and therapy.

35And so then when they... when she went back home, and she continued to have trouble.

36About a year later they brought her back for another examination, and they had a complete hysterectomy. And when doing so, the father, with Doctor Humes, which is one of the major doctors of the South, operated, and it was too far, the cancer had already wrapped into the colon. So they left her there then for a while. Then he tried X-ray treatments again, and they seen it didn't do no good, so they just taken her back to the hospital to... They couldn't give her any more laxative to make her bowel move, so they tried to wash her with enema. And that got so the water wouldn't go into the bowel anymore.

37 So then her husband was kind of one of my critics. And so finally one day he come down there and picked up the book and begin to read it. (And my son here and Brother Sothmann, he's one of the trustees, is in here somewhere.) And he just laid on the church doorsteps, why, for about a couple days, until... I--I was away in a meeting. Coming back I--I went over to see her. And he told me, said, "Now, she doesn't know she has cancer." Said, "Just go and talk to her and pray with her."

38And so when I seen her, she said, "Brother Branham," she said, "my husband is going to accept Divine healing," says, "'cause I couldn't get him to look at one of the books, now he reads page after page to me every day, one of the books."

39 And I said, "I understand that, Jean." And I said, "Now, Jean, let us talk and see what the Lord will say." No one in the room, the nurse dismissed herself. And so we talked a little while, and after a while there came a vision. I... She's about forty years old, not gray yet, but she was much older and gray. I said, "Jean, now, you've been in the meetings."

"Yes, Brother Branham."

40I said, "They've kept it from you, and told me not to say it, but you have cancer." And I said, "Your father and... Or your husband said, 'Don't say nothing about it.' But you have cancer, Jean. But, now, I want to tell you, because you've been in the meetings. A vision has never failed. Now I'm going to tell you, Jean, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD! See?" See?

41 Now, you want to be real sure of that, see, that the... that it is the Lord. Not impression; you see it. See?

And then I said, "You're going to live. They're... He..."

42She said, "Brother Branham, I suspicioned that all along." And she said, "Being raised in a home with my father being a doctor," said, "I--I--I suspicioned it." Said, "I thought that all along, that's just what it was." We prayed.

43The next day, the second day after that, they were going to take her up for a colostomy. That's, you know, they cut the intestine and put a bag on the side and then the patient just... until they die, the cancer finally kills them, empty the bowel out in a bag. And just when they had her ready, and already prepped and ready for the operation table, she felt real strange. And they... she called for the nurse to come and help her to the--the bathroom. And, when she did, she had a complete normal elimination. And her--her husband just couldn't hardly get over it. And the second day... They didn't take her up. The second day, normally, just after breakfast, another complete elimination. So she...

44Her doctor called up. Between sobs and crying, he said, "I just can't understand, we can't even find one symptom of it at all. It's gone."

45 Now, now, my precious sisters, I have no reason to stand here as a servant of Christ and say something wrong, because I'd be judged at that day, and a castaway, as a hypocrite.

46Now, with God's Word open, I prayed no more for Jean and no sincerely than I did for you, see. We just drove down that little post, knowing that the prayer of faith had been prayed. That settles it right there. God's Word said so, see, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick."

47 Now, the same God that healed Doctor Dyer's daughter, which is Jean... I don't know what her name is now. But that man has certainly embraced the full Gospel. The last sermon at the church, here he was sitting right there taking it all in, taking communion with us, and everything else, a Baptist student had come to the Lord for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now, it just goes to show that God remains God.

48And the doctor, her father, lovely man, but he just had never seen anything like that happen.

49Now, God has a time for all things. And from believing, you're both believers. So sometimes these things happen for good. You know, the Bible said, "They work together for good."

50Now, remember Job, all of his trials? Now, that wasn't God chastening Job, but it was God approving His servant. So it all worked for good, you see. And then the Book of Job was wrote for all generations, for a testimony. Now, God's working it for good.

51Just remember, I have prayed, with all my heart, the prayer of faith. You believe it, and there, that'll be it, that'll be the case, just--just watch for the results.

52 Now, to get straight in the--the message, (many are standing), a little message for the evening.

53And--and just remember now, there at the--at the Ramada, there's going to be some very fine speakers at this Ramada convention this time, the Business Men, so you... down at the Ramada. So you be sure to try to attend this meeting. Brother Oral Roberts is going to be there for the night of the banquet.

54And, now, I'm kind of a little part of Tucson, I'm going to hold up for Tucson. We got one down there, too, next Monday night, so if you happen to be around there, well, you come down there also. And you'll have to... might suffer a little time with me, 'cause I'm supposed to speak that one. So you come down if you can next Tuesday... next Monday night at the Ramada Motel, the Ramada Inn, at Tucson. And, course, we all know that Phoenix is just the outskirts of Tucson. We all know that, you see, so--so come down and see how the mountain folks live.

55 Now let us turn in our Bibles to Zechariah 14, the 6th and 7th chapter, I wish to read for a... to draw from this a little context of the text that I wish to take.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:

But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that in the evening time it shall be light.

56Now I wish to draw from this, The Evening Messenger, for a con-... for a text: The Evening Messenger. Course, we can have messengers all through the day, and there has been messengers all through this day that He has spoke of, but there's coming an evening Message. And we want to look at that tonight and kind of in a way like Sunday school, talk on it a while.

57 Now, we all know what Zechariah here was speaking of, because that he said, "There will come a day that will be considered to the Lord, neither day nor night; but in the evening it shall be Light." Now, if we knew that it wasn't day nor night, it would have to be kind of a--a--a dismal day, kind of a foggy day.

58And we all know that civilization has traveled from east to the west. The oldest civilization we have is China. And civilization has traveled from east to west, because it's followed the sun, and now we have got all the way to the West Coast. If we go any further, we're back East again, see. So we're at the end of the road.

59 We believe, as the Church, that the Gospel has been just about completed. We believe that the great messengers through the ages has, in these last days, last several hundred years, has fought for these great things; the justification by faith, Luther; sanctification, by Wesley; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, by the Pentecostals. We believe that those elements goes to make up the complete body, like the natural and the spiritual.

60When a baby's born normally, what's the first thing? The first thing it breaks, is water; the next thing, is blood; and the next thing, is life.

61 First John 5:7 said, "There are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." They are One; you can't have the Father without having Son, you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. See, they are One. "But there are three bear record in earth, the water, the blood, and the Spirit: and they agree in one." They're not one, but they agree in one. See?

62Now, you can be justified without being sanctified; you can be sanctified without having the Holy Ghost. See? The Holy Ghost is the indwelling Presence of Christ's power, in the Spirit. Now, we see that the natural types the spiritual, so the Church is in its complete maturity now: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit. We just come through the Seven Church Ages, at home, typing that out beautifully.

63 And, by the way, has anybody ever heard them tapes on the church ages? On the last time I had those ages drawed out there on the blackboard, and the Heavenly Father knows this is true, when I completed it with the best I could, under the inspiration that God would give me, that Angel of the Lord that you see in the picture (many have seen that picture, haven't you, that Light?), It came right down in the room, before about three hundred or four hundred people, went right over on the side of the wall (as a Light like that) and drawed those church ages by Itself. We all stood there looking at It, watched It draw the first church age, the second, third, and fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh.

64 Now, there's people sitting here that's a witness of that. Raise up your hand if that's so. The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses."

65Everyone sitting there, screaming and everything else, I said, "There! Now, you've wanted to see It, everybody can look right at It." Eleven o'clock in the day, standing right there on the wall, and drawed off those church ages, just which much Spirit, and then the darkness to show that the Spirit was smothered out and went through the Dark Age and come right back down again, just the way I had it drawed. And we got it, pictures of it, and everything drawed, hanging on the wall. And there it was just exactly. It must have been that the Spirit of the Lord was satisfied that that was completed, 'cause He come back and vindicated that that was right.

66And we're living in the Laodicean Church Age, the rich church age that thinks they have need of nothing, and don't know that they're naked, miserable, blind; and don't know it, see. Now, all those, typing.

67 Now, the same sun that shines in the... rises in the East is the same sun that sets in the West. Now, let's just stop a minute to background this message. We know that the sun, that's s-u-n, the solar system. But the S-o-n of God came down, in the brilliance of God and the Light of God, in the East. And we've had two thousand years now, considered by the Lord, He said, "It'd be a time that wouldn't be day nor night, just kind of a dismal day; but in the evening time it shall be Light."

68 Now, if you notice, the Holy Spirit fell on the Eastern people first. Then we've had a time of just church-joining and little ends to be picked up, and little causes to be fought for. But then in the evening time, on the Western hemisphere, it shall be Light. And we're at that time now! Civilization's come like a great rift from the East, picking up sin all the time as it come, and she's hit the West Coast like a sound barrier, and she's fallen back, and the most corruptible place that I know of is on the West Coast. Anything that you want to think of, they got it, sin, corruption, divorce, marrying, Hollywood, the very hole of hell! That's exactly right.

69 I believe in genuine Bible holiness. And I do not believe in this corruption and rotten stuff that sets an example before our people, called Hollywood. And I've always been against it. And I think a man that has the Spirit of God in him would be against it, because the Spirit of God would testify that "it's wrong" to him.

70Now I think that's one of the... We used to go over to Paris to get naked models for to strip our women, now Paris comes over here to get ours. See? Hollywood leads the world. And the nude fashions that we have of today, beyond France (just think of that!), that drunken, brawling, immoral place, and yet Hollywood beats that altogether.

71And all of our televisions, the everything they have on it is uncensored, just dirty jokes, and rotten corruption, just waded into everything. And the people, the Devil... Wouldn't let us send our children to--to the picture shows years ago, we early Pentecostals, but now the Devil slipped one over and put it right in the house on us. You see? So he just brought the picture show right in.

72 Now, and it's--it's such a--a dreadful thing to--to think that the world has got in this corruption, because all the riffraff, you see, and just floated in this way, coming with civilization.

73But all the time... I'm going to preach one of these days, the Lord willing, in a few days, on The Countdown. You know, I--I know you orbited, and so we--we just see there what's taking place. God's been able to do something with His Church, too, all the time, you see, while these things are going on. And now we're at the end time, thank the Lord!

74 Each age has had its message and messenger. God has seen to that. Every... Even in the church ages, we find out that each one had a messenger, and each one lived their age; and another one come in, and that one went out; and another one come in; on down to the seventh church age; each star, each angel of the church, each messenger.

75And we find out, at the last church age, over in Revelation 10, there is to be a trumpet sound, and there was seven voices uttered at... They was not permitted to write. But it was sealed on the back side of the Book, the seven seals was on the back side of the Book. After the Book is written, then It's sealed back there with seven seals. Now, no one knows what they are. But It said, "In the days of the seventh angel sounding forth his Message," that's earthly angel, now.

76Because this Angel came down from Heaven; and this was on earth; angel is "a messenger," a messenger to the age.

77 And then we notice that He put His... had a rainbow over His head and raised up His hand and swore by Him that lives for ever and ever, that time should be no more (when these seven voices uttered, seven thunders uttered their voices). And He told them, "Don't write, but seal It." And we found it was on the back side of the Book.

78"But when the seventh angel had finished his Message, his prophesying of the day, then the mystery of God should be finished," everybody knows the Bible says that. "The mystery of God, what God is, Who God is, and all about the way into the baptism and things, that should all be settled in that day.

79 Each messenger has had his message, and the--the message and the messenger of the age. And it is most remarkable that each messenger... We even found in the church ages (and tonight we'll go back in the Old Testament and find that it's the same thing) that God sends the messenger of that age at the end of the time; always at the end, never at the beginning. At the end!

80Now, as Luther's age faded out, then Wesley come in. And when Wesley's sanctification faded out, Pentecostal age come in. See? Its always the messenger opens up the new message at the end of the old. It's each age that that's been done. We know that to be the truth.

81 This is repeated each time through the Bible. We find that in the sacred Scriptures, all the way through, that just at the ending of the old age and the new one coming in, that age fades out and a new age comes in, God sends the messenger.

82And as always--always, every time that a messenger comes, it's always a call back to the Word, never fails. Remember, This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, there cannot be nothing added to It or taken from It. It's the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. And the only way that we can ever be sure: if anything rises among us that's contrary to this revelation, then it's wrong. See? It's "Back to the Word!" and always calling back.

83 And in every case in the Scripture, every case, God uses a prophet to call that age back, always. Makes... No, not one time to fail, He always sends a--a prophet! And now why does He do that? Is because the Bible says, "It's the prophet that the Word of God comes to," the revealer of the Word.

84Now, I--I--I hope that I'm not misunderstood. See? I don't mean to be misunderstood, but I mean to be honest and faithful to the call. We want to be that.

85 Now, God always uses a--a prophet, a man. If you use a bunch of man, you get different ideas; see, each man, two man. Never did He have two major prophets on the earth at one time. He takes one, so the other one can take its place for another day, another message. He never has two, He has one at a time.

86And the infinite God never changes His program, He must always stay with what He started with. That's the reason we can have confidence in what He says, He cannot change. If He saved a man on the basis of his faith in God, the next man will have to be saved the same way.

87 When God made a place where He could fellowship with His creature, Adam tried to make a way himself, and made fig leaves for him and his wife, to make aprons. God rejected it. And God decided on what program or what basis He would meet man and fellowship with him, and that was the shed blood. And He's never changed it.

88Now, as Methodist to Baptist, we can shake one another's hands. But on basis by being Methodist and Baptist we have no things in common, I'm pulling for the Baptist and you're pulling for the Methodist, or vice versa. But there's one basis where all believers can meet, that's under the shed Blood. That's where we meet and lay aside all these things. So we cannot all come into one organization, we cannot do that.

89 These little organizations, I think God's been in it, the whole thing. But people... 'cause we're different. Each man sees different, each person sees different, no two minds is exactly the same. No two people is perfectly the same, they claim; no two noses, no two thumbprints. See, we're made different, that way we should have different groups.

90But God always works with an individual. He don't save you because you're Methodist; He doesn't save you because you're Baptist; He doesn't save you 'cause you're Pentecostal. He saves you because He has dealt personally with you! And you're saved on that basis, that you have accepted It. So therefore God could deal with you. He doesn't deal with you in the order of His church, He deals with you as an individual.

91Therefore when God sent forth His prophets, His messengers of the Testament, He spoke to one man, and that man had to bring the Message. Others went from him, everywhere, bringing the same Message. But there had to be one headquarters. God has always had it. I'm thankful He has got it tonight; that's the Holy Ghost, of course, we all know. Now, not some group, but the Holy Spirit is God's Headquarters. That's God's Messenger of the hour.

92 Now, what is, to the prophet that the Word always come, if they are a true prophet of the Word, God vindicates His Word by that prophet.

93Now, there's been many false prophets, we've had them all through the ages. We go back to the Old Testament, see them raise up and speak in the Name of the Lord, and it was--wasn't right. God would have nothing to do with it. He never vindicates nothing but His Own Word. Anyway, He wouldn't run His business like that. See?

94You just remember, God only vindicates His Word! And only a true prophet is... And the only way you can tell whether he's true or not, is by the Word. That's the way to judge him.

95 Now if you notice, like in the days when--when Micaiah, there stood up four hundred Hebrew prophets, before Ahab and Jehoshaphat, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'Go on up and prosper.'" Fundamentally they were right. Then Micaiah was called on the scene, the one that they all hated. Now, it looked like if... Four hundred (I--I don't mean prophets of Baalim) Hebrew prophets stood up with one accord, and said, "Go on up to Ramoth-gilead, the Lord will bless you and you'll prosper." And those man wasn't hypocrites, they were absolutely inspired! But their...

96 Then why would this one little fellow come in by the name of--of Micaiah, who was the son of Imlah, and come back and prophesy contrary to them? Now, that taken nerve, it taken conviction. See? But how did he know he was right? If you were standing there, how would you know it? The only way you can do, is take what the man says and compare it with the Word. See? Now, Micaiah was exactly on the Word, because Elijah, that great prophet who had the Word of the Lord, had just cursed Ahab and Jezebel and all. See? And how could God turn around and bless what the curse was on? See, so it just couldn't work.

97 Now, we find out that God vindicates His Word. The prophet's word, if he is a prophet, then it's... he's speaking according to the Word. The Bible said in one place, said, "If they speak not according to the law and prophets, there's no Light in them." Then call... Then this messenger calls out the called-out Ones. He is right by the Word of God, proves that he's right.

Notice, notice, now we'll call a few characters in and listen.

98 Noah was God's witness for the antediluvian end time. Now, look how contrary his message was to the whole antediluvian world. Why, the man was considered an insane man. Why, his... But, yet, he had exactly the Word of the Lord. Now, God had spoke He "couldn't tolerate sin," so He... when the people begin to sin, then God come down and Noah preached the end-time message. When was it? Just before the end time, this messenger arose. God sent forth this prophet with the message for the end time. And he was laughed at, ridiculed, made fun of, and only the saving of his own household did he save. That's right. No one would believe him. But he had the end-time message. Now, all that did not believe were condemned, and the ones that did believe the message was saved. God gave them Life and they were saved, and the ones that did not believe It was lost.

99 Now, I'm typing something. Notice God, how He's done this three times.

100And three is the perfect number of God. God is perfected in three, like, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," and "justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost." He's perfected, 'cause three is His "perfection." Five is the number of "grace." Seven is... The number of "worship," twelve. Forty is the number of--of "persecution." And fifty is "jubilee," worship. "Pentecost" means fifty. And, forty days Moses was tempted, forty days Christ was tempted, you see. And all those type. Now, God is perfect in three.

101 There's three destructions. One of them, when Noah went in the ark; second time, Lot came out of--of Sodom. Watch, Jesus referred to them, "As it was in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Watch! One went in, the other one come out, and the next goes up. Uh-huh. See? Uh-huh. Goes in, comes out, goes up! Now, that's the order of the Lord. See, Jesus referred to them two prophets. "As it was in the days of Noah," see, "and as it was in the days of Lot," Abraham being the prophet, "as it was, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, referring back to them.

102 Now, Moses, another prophet, at the end of the Egyptian age. We find out that when God was going to deliver His people, and Egyptians had persecuted them so bad, and made taskmasters over them, masters over them, rather. And so then just before their destruction, God, as always, He sent a prophet with the Word of the Lord. Remember, the prophet was exactly identifying what God (hundreds of years before that, four hundred and something years before that) had promised Abraham, that his seed would sojourn in a strange land, but He would bring them out with a mighty hand. You know, at the burning bush when Moses met God, and He said to him, "I have heard the groans of My people, I've seen their afflictions, and I remember My covenant." Remembering His Word!

103Remember, He still remembers His Word! See? He don't fail, He must do the same thing every time. Reason I'm saying these things, so we can back it in your mind and think. Even you people that's been sick; you noticed I said "been" sick.

104 Now, notice now, you people all must remember this, that God cannot change! He's the unchangeable God. Times change, people change. God is infinite, He cannot change! His... He must remain the same, yesterday, today, forever, He must always remain. And if we believe This to be the Word of God, we can put our confidence on anything that He said. See?

105Now, you see there how His message comes, how He sends His message. He can't change that, He's always done it. He has to always remain the same. That's the way He'll always do it. Now, remember, when does He do it? Just before the destructions, just at the end of the age. That's when He sends His message to call out His people, (they always get them mixed up), and here they come.

106 Now, in the days of Moses, the believers were saved, the unbelievers perished.

107The one who believed Moses' message from God, now, they would not have done it unless Moses would have been a-vindicated of God and proving that God's Word was with him. That made him a prophet. He got out there and he said, "Tomorrow, about this time, you'll see such-and-such take place." Tomorrow, it took place. That was all. Any true prophet of God that speaks in the Name of the Lord will do it. "And it'll come to pass that so-and-so will take place. I'm going up to Pharaoh, but he'll harden, have a hardened heart. He'll say he'll let us go but he won't do it." And, it come to pass. See? Why? Then the people knew this man was sent from God. And then they begin to see that God blessed him, and they honored him and, when they did, great things taken place.

108 And the people who laughed and made fun and would not accept his message, they perished with the rest of the unbelievers.

109But the believers went out and entered into the promised land, they went under the anointed message of the messenger. It was a message of deliverance, that God promised He would bring His people to a land flowing with milk and honey. And it happened, because God had already said so, and Moses come and was a-vindicated as the messenger of that day.

Now, that brings it pretty plain to us.

110 All right, then we find out that Moses was correctly identified.

111And then at the change of the age, the time come for... between law and grace. There had to come a time that this spoken Messiah was to come. We find out that the time that the people had twisted the law, made it all under a great group of something, and had all kinds of--of traditions of man, they had injected into it. At the changing of the time came Jesus, another prophet, God-prophet.

Now, you say, "He wasn't a prophet."

112The Bible said He was. "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." He was the God-prophet, at the changing of time between law and grace, that He had spoke of for all these years. After He had give the law to Moses, then at the change of the time, when He said it would be done, then He come back to grace. And He sent a Prophet prophesying of the time. Now--now, the believers, He gathered them; the unbelievers perished in his day. All who believed on Him was saved; all that did not believe His message was lost.

113 That's exactly what took place in the days of Noah; that's what took place in the days of Lot; that's what took place in the other days, the days of Moses; that's what taken place in the days of Jesus Christ. For they despised the message and perished, and those who believed the message was lost... or was saved.

114Now, now, then comes the church dispensation in. We lived back in Noah's time, the antediluvian; we come into the dispensation of law; then in the dispensation of grace, the church. And now the church dispensation is ending. We all know that.

115Now, if God did thus-and-thus in that dispensation, in those other two dispensations, He has to remain the same and do the same in this dispensation, 'cause He said He would do it. I'll prove it in a few minutes, by the Word, that He said He would do it. Now, He cannot change His program, He's God. Notice what He did in them dispensations.

116 Now we come to the church dispensation's end time. That's what I read tonight:

... it shall be Light in the evening time.

117We've had plenty of dismal time, but there shall come Light. The same Son that came and changed the dispensation then, comes again! That's going to be from earth to Glory. We'll go in that. One time we went in, the other time we went out, and this time we're going up! See? All right: in, out, up. We're coming to the end time. And we're not only coming, we've already arrived. We are at the end time!

118What does God find in this end time? God finds in this end time just exactly what He found in other end times, unbelief! He's always been that, He, when He comes, He--He finds unbelief. He finds that the program that He laid down to the people...

119 Back there in Noah's time, if they would a-lived after His ordinances, offered the sacrifices... They got away from it. When He come, He found this, that thing operating wrong.

120The same thing He did when He come on earth, He found the people and the Pharisees, and so forth, after the law. What was they doing? Just no sincerity in it at all, just go ahead and slop it through any old way, and "Just as long as they joined the church, and that's all they needed." And that's what He found.

121And that's what He's found again! He finds the same thing, people doesn't change. So if He sent His program and the people disbelieved it there and they perished, they believed it and lived, (now, on those two), it's got to be the same on this time. It's got to be the same. No...

122It's always been a fight for the messenger to separate the old from the new. It's always been that fight, for--for the messenger coming in to separate old from new, though always the message must be Scriptural, now, for each has foretold of the other to come.

123 Now, let's take, for instance, Jesus. How hard it was, Him to come in and change the message from law to grace. Yet the Bible said it would come that way, "There'd come a--a Messiah, and the daily sacrifice would be taken away." And we know it was prophesied through the prophets. What a great thing it was for Him to do that. But we find that He did it. And the one... He did it because the Scripture said, and the believers of that day (so-called believers) absolutely would not agree with Him.

124Look at those Pharisees, Sadducees, they had their own traditions and no one's going to shake them from it. That's what they believed, their mother believed that, their daddy believed that, and their grandpa, grandma believed that, and "Moses said so!" But the same Moses that give the law was the same Moses said this Guy would come, and they failed to recognize it because they had got the true Word of God in traditions and had left off the main principle of it. And it had to be that way.

125 Notice, each one foretold the other one would come. Each one of the messengers, after the message, foretold it would come. Now, but the people always takes the message of the day that they've had, they set it up.

126Let's break it down, a little bit farther home, let's look at Luther. When Luther preached justification by faith, he was the messenger, the angel of that church age, all right, of the Sardis Church Age. Now, notice, when he preached, he set the Lutherans in order. Now, then, here went Luther spreading on. And when Wesley come in, the Philadelphian Church Age, with the message of sanctification, why, it was hard for Luther to see that. Them Lutherans wouldn't believe it.

127 And then when Wesley got them all settled down to the Pilgrim Holiness and Free Methodist, and so forth, on sanctification, and along came the Pentecostal message, why, it was hard for a Methodist to believe that. Uh-huh, sure, it was. See, it's a...

128Yet one speaks of the other one, Scripturally speaking. Enoch told of the coming destructions, by his rapture, God taking him home; he was a witness. Abraham told them of Moses. And Moses told of the Messiah. See, they keep telling, one to the other. Messiah told of this time, telling what this would be!

You say, "Ah, Brother Branham!"

129 Oh, yes, He did! Let's just... I got many Scriptures wrote down here, and I'll just refer to two or three of them. Let's take Matthew 24. Now let's take Matthew, the 24th chapter, and read what He told there would take place, how "Nations would rise against nation." But, remember, then He gets down there and He says, "As it was in the days of Noah, and as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." He foretold it, He predicted these things would happen!

130He said, "Now, when all this was happening, the time's not yet," so forth. But said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree, when it's young and puts forth branches, and all the other trees, then you know that summer is nigh. Likewise, when you see this come to pass, know the time is nigh, even at the door." Now, when you see what? The fig tree budding, and all the other trees begin to bud, it was a sign. And Israel has always been the fig tree.

131 Joel even prophesied of it, "What the palmerworm left, the caterpillar eaten and taken the thing down. But God promised, 'I will restore, saith the Lord.'" And He will do it. But before He can restore that back in its spiritual state, the Gentile church has to be taken out. He won't have two of them at the same time. Now, you can't make the Scriptures twist themselves like that. See? He never had two witnesses the same time, major witnesses, and He never had--He never... He don't have two Churches at the same time.

132 Notice, if the Gentile church has to be taken away first, for the Jews, then the end of the Seventy weeks of Daniel takes place. The three and a half years Messiah prophesied, and then He was cut off, the Prince, in the middle of the seventieth week. And, then, there's three and a half weeks left yet. And we find out two prophets of Revelation (He never changes His coat again), of Revelation 11, comes down and prophesies to the Jews. Now, the Church will be taken away at that time.

133And we see Israel, the first time for several hundreds of years, almost over two thousand years, is now become a nation; her own army, her own money. Israel is in the homeland; her own nation, own flag, belonging to the United Nations. She is a nation! Why, it's one of the greatest signs that we could think of, right now, Israel in her homeland. And Jesus said, "This generation that sees Israel go back to her homeland shall not pass until all has been fulfilled." See, He spoke of this day.

134 Let me just give another. In Second Timothy 3, He spoke of the church at the end time, said, "They would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." Take the church world, over, "lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God," stay home and watch a television program before attending prayer meeting on Wednesday night.

You say, "That's Baptist."

135That's Pentecostals! Sure! Yes, sir. Oh! "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure"; put the Word right under their nose, they won't look at It. Uh-huh. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God"; tell the women they shouldn't bob their hair, they bob it anyhow. Uh-huh. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are right. Having..."

You say, "That's atheists." No!

136"Having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof," the Power that can deliver you from this haunt, present world system. "... Power thereof; from such turn away." Don't care what the rest of the people says, it's you as an individual before God, you've got to answer. No matter what this woman does or that woman does, or, this man does or that man does, or, this preacher says or that preacher says; it's you and God. "Having a form," after tradition, "but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away." Are we living in that day? We sure are!

137 Look again in the last church age. The Holy Spirit, Jesus Himself, "I Jesus sent My angel to testify of these things." And Revelation, the 3rd chapter, speaking of this church age, Jesus giving testimony of what will take place in the last days, He said, "The church will become rich, Laodicea, lukewarm," can just jump around enough when the music's playing to shout. See? That's right. But for a testimony and a life that'll clean up, it's far from it.

138 I don't... I wouldn't hurt you for nothing, but I had a vision not long ago of being in the Paradise of God. I cannot but tell you the Truth. God, help us ministers to be honest in these things and tell the Truth!

139See, "...?... cold," the Bible said they would be that way, so they're going to be that way. If it struck it perfect with Luther, it struck it perfect with... in the Philadelphian Age with Wesley, it's got to speak it and be perfect... It has spoke it, and it will be exactly that way in the Laodicea.

140"'Rich, need of nothing!'" We can put billions of dollars in buildings, we can put everything that every--that every... worldly amusement, we can build the finest churches. That's all right, nothing, that's perfectly all right.

141 But I'm trying to say, then when the Message begins to swing over them, they don't want you. "You're a crackpot! You're a fanatic! You ought to have lived fifty years ago." See? Oh, you might think that, "I wouldn't have such as a pastor." It's your pastor, anyhow! Jezebel would never admit that that Elijah was her pastor, but he sure was. He certainly was. He was sent, an example, a messenger to the nation of Israel. And today the precious Holy Spirit and God's Word is a Messenger to the church, to straighten them out and to bring them back to the Word. We speak of It, but you see no one move. Uh-huh, see, we get those things so mixed up.

142 I heard someone, like in testimony, say, "'Lift Him up,' how do you lift Him up?" And, oh, just get little isms! Somebody said, "'Watch and pray,' that means keep one eye open when you pray, look with the other one. 'Watch and pray.'" (Why, watch means "watch for the coming of the Lord," and pray up.) See, it's just turning the thing around.

143Therefore, in that, what do we do? We make up a little tradition of our own (and then if...) whether it's God constructed or not. And we go out, the first thing you know, we've got a little group following us, and pulling them away from the main body of the church. That's right. Instead of coming in and praying and solving the thing out, and let the body move on, we do those things whether it constructed or not. If you've got Truth, then stay with Truth. That's exactly right. But let it be Bible Truth first! Notice, by the... this Laodicean age.

144 And the prophets, or the Holy Spirit speaking through Paul, which was the Messiah. Wasn't Paul, it was Christ! "God, in sundry times and divers manners spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last day by Jesus Christ," Hebrews 1, notice, the Holy Spirit, Christ, Christ-centered Gospel, Christ-centered Word. And if It is Christ-centered, and been vindi-... God will vindicate It to be the Truth.

145That's the reason you Pentecostal people receive the Holy Ghost in the faith of the Method-... face of the Methodist sanctification, because you was exactly on the Word.

146That's the reason you Methodist got sanctified when the Lutherans didn't believe in it, you were on the Word.

147That's how you Lutherans got saved, justified, because your messenger preached justification, and protested the Catholic church which was an off brand of all. They just believed in the church; you come back to the Bible, and you took that Bible truth and held to it.

148And then along come Wesley with another truth, and held to it; along come the Pentecost with another truth, and held to it; then if you can hold to that and see it's right, why not take the whole thing that's been proved right? Believe it all!

149 Now, when we see these messengers, we know then. We see Christ, the great God-prophet foretelling these things to happen in the last days. What's it doing? Introducing the crop time. It's introducing the time that the crop is going to be harvested, what will be in the last days. You see it?

150Now, these things will be in the last days. We know what kind of a crop we're looking for. We're looking for a church that once had Light, turned away from It, went to the glamour of the world, all polished up (is that right?), getting away, taking in any kind of a member, and anything, and calling it Pentecostals, baptize anything.

151Water don't save a man. It takes the Blood of Jesus Christ. There's no Life in water. Life comes in the Blood cell; takes sanctification to cleanse that life, to kill the desire of sin; then the Holy Spirit comes into that clean vessels and sets it aside in work, service. The altar sanctified the vessel, but the... its filling is what put it in service. It was set aside for service, now it's got to be put in service. And the Holy Ghost puts the church in service. I used to like that little song:

They were gathered in the upper room,

All praying in His Name,

They were baptized with the Holy Ghost,

And power for service came. Yes.

And the rest of it says:

What He did for them that day

He can do for you the same. Sure.

152 The crop; the prophets; we stopped there on Christ. Now we just go back a little bit.

153Isaiah, the prophet, how he testified, prophesied of the end time. He said, "The whole body would become full of putrefied sores, every table would be full of vomit!" Why, man and women today, they take the communion, living with two or three wives, or two or three husbands, (right) all kinds of... smoking cigarettes, and all those things; coming into the church, taking communion!

154Now, I could go just a little lower than that, but I'll just wait a while, maybe just ain't right then. I felt just a little checked on what I was going to say. But I... You can read between the lines. You know what the Bible says, what the common and uncommon things are.

155 All these things we see happening then, and the nation... science says it's... four or five years ago, "It's three minutes till midnight." Israel's in her homeland. The church is in the Laodicea. Oh, my! What are we looking for? What's the matter?

156We're looking for the evening Light. Oh, I wonder, if It would come, if we'd recognize It? Or would It skip over the top of our heads like it has back in other ages? They never know it till it's done too far gone.

157You remember, those religious people was the one who killed the prophets that was sent to them. Jesus said so. He said, "You hypocrites!" Said, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers put them in there and then build their tomb."

158 Look at the Roman Catholic church, garnished the tomb of Saint Patrick, garnishing the tomb of--of Joan of Arc. They killed that woman, and burnt her as a witch, because she was spiritual, because she seen visions. They burnt her at the stake, as a witch. Two hundred years later they dug up the priests body and throwed them in the river, to do penance, knowing that she was a servant of Christ. But, in the day, they didn't know who she was, while the church was passing through.

159And It'll go right over the top of people and they'll never recognize It.

160Jesus, they didn't know He was the Son of God till He was dead and buried and rose again. Didn't Peter indict them on the Day of Pentecost? "You man with wicked hands have taken the Prince of Life, and slew It, slayed Him!"

161 Oh, the flashing red signal of His coming is down! Amen! We're at the end. Amen. That flashing red signal is everywhere, everywhere, "Ichabod," wrote on. The time is ended. Time's run out!

162Science has come to their end. That's right. They've invented something now that they can blow the whole world up, every one's afraid of the other one. They're at the end time.

163Civilization, it's got to a place the people... the pinnacle is swinging backward. People don't act like civilized people. Could you imagine a man wanting to be a beatnik, with his whiskers hanging down like this, and his britches hanging off his hips, slopping down through the schoolyard like that (the intelligence of the world that is to come after this, if there is anymore of it), taking little fourteen-year-old girls out, them out on the street?

164 Today, in my motel, there laid a mother out there with not enough clothes on to wad a musket shotgun, and her husband laying out there the same way, and that cold wind. They think their body's so pretty they have to show it. Don't you realize that's the Devil? That's right. Stripping their clothes, only the insane does that. Legion did it because he was crazy. Notice! And we have that, but that's called "style," that's called "modern." We call it "The Devil!" I got the Bible to prove that it's the Devil. It's devil possession, demon possession (not oppression). Possession, he's got you! That's right. Tell them about it? They'll blow up. They want nothing to do with It! No, sir. They got their own ideas, because at their morgue they go to they never rebuke it. Sex appeal is practiced in schools and in churches, and pastors are afraid to rebuke it, very seldom anything.

165 Heard a minister the other day, said, "When they invented this blue stuff for the eyes, and--and red lips, they made a prettier world." A minister of the Gospel, in the pulpit, would make a remark like that, he needs a trip to Calvary. That's exactly right, when the Bible condemns it!

166And a Pentecostal group told a sister that (come to the place, crying) because she had her hair done up on the back of her head, with long hair, said, "Your spare tire might get deflated." Said, "You must cut that hair off, because that the Bible said she had... in Isaiah, 5th chapter, had round tires like a moon." Now, how can the Bible say that "a woman does an uncommon thing," she's not fit to live with when she cuts her hair, she proves that she dishonors her head, and then long hair...?... How can you make the Bible say something like that? Well, what's the matter with our Pentecostal women? You've seen too much television! You've seen too much of the world, and not enough of God's Word interests you. Now, the Bible said that. That's what the Bible said. That's not me, now, that's the Bible!

167 Oh, sex appeal! A lady said to me not long ago, I was going on about them wearing these shorts, said, "I--I wear slacks."

168I said, "That's worse." You... The Bible said so. He cannot change.

169You say, "That's the Baptist." That's the Pentecostals. I'm talking to you. That's right. That's true.

170But what's the matter? What's the matter? Somebody let down the bars somewhere. An old preacher friend of mine used to say:

We let down the bars, we let down the bars,

We compromised with sin;

We let down the bars, the sheep got out,

But how did the goats get in?

171What's the matter? When you let down the bars, the bars of God's Word! Remember, it was God's program to fortify His Church by His Word, at the beginning.

172 And when Eve reasoned and said, "Well, now, isn't it reasonable, I could live just as good," that did it.

173And that's always did it. That's the reason she was forbidden to be a preacher. See, it just let down the bars. That's where (the church) the grass roots of it hatched out, in Pentecost, and that's the grass roots. There's no Scripture for it. See? Now, what do you do then? You get the same conglomeration that you got back there in Eden. Notice, now, then when we come to the Word, you say about It...

174Nobody can withstand That! I challenge anybody to say it. Preached on The Seed Of The Serpent, so many blowed up about it. I've asked some man to come face me down in it. I don't find them.

175 At the Chicago not long ago, you got the tapes, they thought they had trapped me into something. They had the whole Greater Ministerial Association of Chicago, Brother what's... and Tommy Hicks and Brother Carlson was there. And two nights before that, the Lord woke me up at night, said, "Go stand by that window." I went, and it was storming. He said, "Now, they've got a trap set for you." He said, "At this breakfast, don't you be afraid. Go on, I'll be with you." Now, this is in the Name of the Lord. You can ask them and find out. It's on tapes, foretold beforehand: Said, "Now, don't be afraid to go, but go stand," said, "I'll be with you."

176 And the next day I met Brother Carlson, the head of the chapter there, and Tommy Hicks. And He told me I'd meet them and we'd go to a place called "Town and Country" for breakfast. I set down there just exactly. I said, "Brother Hicks, you are a doctor of divinity and we're going to meet a great group of ministers here, their association of Chicago, why don't you go and speak for me? I've done a lot of things for you." I was just testing him.

He said, "Oh, I couldn't do that, Brother Branham."

177I said; "Well, why don't you go on?" I said, "I'd do anything for you, now why don't you just do that for me?"

178He said, "Oh, I couldn't do it, Brother Branham. They wouldn't stand still for that."

Brother Carlson said, "No, they wouldn't."

179I said, "You know why." I said, "Let me tell you something, is because that you, both of you, know that they've got a question trap set for me." And I said, "You've got it." Now, this is on tape. If you want the tape, we can have it. And you know all these man. So I said, "Night before last, I saw a vision that we would sit here this morning and Tommy would turn this down." I said, "Now watch, you're--you've got that hotel room rented."


"The rent paid on it."

"Yes," Brother Carlson.

180"But you're not going to get to keep it. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD!"


181"You're going to go into some other place. That's a--that's a green room; we're going into a brown room. I'm going to be in the corner; Doctor Mead will sit to my right; and that old colored minister and his wife will sit over here at the left," just the way it would be like that. And I said, "You watch now, just come along. You've seen God heal the sick, watch Him in battle one time!" I said, "He's great, marvelous." I said, "Just watch the questions and see how hushed it is."

And when we got there that morning...

182 If you want the tape... Jim, you got it, haven't you brought it? Right here, right here, you can have the tape if you want it, at the meeting.

183I said, "What you got against me? What's the matter with you fellows?"

184Brother Carlson said, "Well, Brother Branham told me two days ago that we'd have..." And they didn't get the building, they canceled it. They couldn't let them have it because some musical bunch had got it and they didn't know they had the deposit on it, then they had to cancel out the Business Men. And you probably heard the message of it, Brother Williams here, and here, also. And--and--and he said, "Brother Branham told me exactly where every person would be sitting, and told me exactly what would take place." Said, "One thing," said, "I... a whole lot of us may disagree with Brother Branham on his Message, but" said "we'll have to admit one thing, he's not a-scared to tell It," so--so then said, "fearless with It." Said, "Now, here you are, Brother Branham."

185I said, "Now, before we start, I want some man, on something that I've said, to take that Bible and stand here by my side." And that was the most silent group you ever heard. I said, "Then, if you can't support it, then keep off my back! Yes. Brothers, I'm here to put my shoulders with you, but we've got to come back to Bible facts."

186Said, "Why don't--why don't you leave off them women? Oh, yeah, you're a... people believe you to be a--a seer of God."

I said, "I never said that."

187He said, "But the people believe that." Said, "Why don't you why don't you keep off them women?" Said, "And quit telling them about the way they should dress and cut their hair and the things they should use. Why don't you keep off of them? Why don't you teach them how to receive gifts and--and do something for the glory of God?"

188I said, "How in the world can I teach them algebra when they won't even learn their ABC's?" That's right. You've got to come back to the foundation start.

God, have mercy on us now. Yes, sir.

189 Here we are, end time! Red light down, flashing! Coming of the Lord is at hand. Yes, sir. Listen! The end-time Message should meet end-time conditions. Where they've got off, the Message ought to bring it back. Always, end-time Message meets end-time conditions. All the way through the Scripture. It'll have to do it this time, a call back to the original Word. Oh, my! Like other messengers did in the day, this Message will have to be the same. We are promised that! God promised it in His Word! Malachi 4, said it would happen, "And restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers." Promised it, and we're living in that day!

190Oh, it's been always, each time, a group of leaders that gets the people all mixed up. It's not so much the people; it's the leaders that get them mixed up. Now let's...

You say, "Oh, Brother Branham!"

191 Well, now, just a minute now, we got to make this Scriptural. If it isn't Scripture, then it is no good. By their words of wisdom, in their uninspired leadership, words of worldly wisdom, they... Why, there's some of those genius can set that together, but you think that Satan isn't a genius at it, too? Did not he, well, approach Jesus Christ and give Him a reason, and even quoted the Scripture to Him? He did it! He's a genius at it. But Jesus never argued with him, He said, "It is written, also! Get thee behind Me, Satan." Yes, uninspired leadership.

192 Look at Korah, in the days when God sent Moses with the message, and Korah and Dathan thought, come up to Moses, and said, "Now, just a minute, you take too much on yourself! You think you're the only pebble on the beach; the duck in the puddle, you're the only one. I'll let you know there's other people are holy, too!" Moses didn't say they wasn't holy. But he had a commission, he had to carry it out. And they organized a group and was coming against Moses.

193And God told him, "Go stand yonder in the door." Those man had the censer in their hand, and you know what that censer would a-done. God opened up the earth and swallowed them up. And they had fire from the altar, in it. With the fire in the censer, as fundamental as it was, they failed to recognize the message.

194God said, "I send you, Moses, down there to do this. You bring them over here."

195See, they failed to recognize it. Moses was "too straight" with them. Like Elijah was, to the School of the Prophets, "too straight," stayed with the Word.

196That's what's you Pentecostal people, had to separate yourself from the rest of the world, straight with the Word. Now don't fade back into the very thing that you come out of, you're drifting! Don't cut your anchor from Calvary. Hold on to God's Word, for "Upon this rock I'll build My Church," stay with It.

197 Now, Dathan and they thought they was... there could be other man. See, that's human intelligence trying to inject their ideas into the plan of God. That's a good one. Human intelligence trying to inject their ideas in the Word of God. It won't work! It will not work. It never has worked and it never will work.

198Look at Jesus when He was standing there, said, "Which one of you can condemn Me of sin? Which one of you can show that I haven't done exactly what the Scriptures said I would do? I claim to be the Messiah. And if I don't do the works of My Father, then don't, believe Me not. But if I do the works and you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, they testify of Me." Exactly. And they couldn't believe it, they wanted their own ways.

199 They may not mean to do this and be wrong. They don't mean... I don't believe man mean to do that. I find fine people out in those big denominational churches. I find fine man. But it's as the lawyer said on the radio, coming down here, "The strange thing, that how clergymen could stand in the pulpit, and see these times come, and not get the righteous indignation stirred up, of the sins of the world!" And when a lawyer has to stand up and say that! "And how the laity could use their money on all kinds of zoos and parks, and things, and not sponsor the program of missionaries, to take the world the Gospel."

200When hungry missionaries, not shoes on their feet... Hallelujah. No denomination to back them up, because their stand for the Word of God. Nothing to back them up. You get them with something to back them up over there, then what have they got? A big bunch of dogma. A real, true missionary, signs following, have to depend on some washwoman to save them a few pennies. Notice, there it is.

201They may not mean to do... Well, but what's the matter with them? They're blind. Jesus said so. Remember, remember, Jesus said that same thing. And it seems like, today...

202 Now listen, I hope I'm not critical. When you're making a Truth, don't--don't feel I'm criticizing. I'm just trying to... I--I love... And if you don't... I--I'm zealous of the Church. This, they probably is Assembly of God church, or whatever it is, or--or I--I don't know what it is. What... Don't make any difference to me. It's a church of God. That's what it is, I believe, is a church of God. Well, now, we all ought to be that, not the denomination church of God, but we got to be Christians in heart. The Church of God dwells within the walls, not the name, so forth.

203 Now, today it's too much on this, that membership is all that counts to the people. Now, look at the Baptist having a revival. Oh, they've had one. They had a slogan in '44, "A million more in '44." Billy Graham's messages going forth. Why, sure, it's made a great thing. The Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, it's been a great thing, but what have we got?

204Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You blind leaders of the blind. You compass seas to make one proselyte, and he's twofold child more of hell than he was when he started." And that's what we got today.

205 Billy Graham, when I attended his breakfast in Louisville, Kentucky, come up there, as stern as the evangelist was, he said, "I go... Paul said... Here's the example." Said, "Paul went into a city and made one convert, he come back a year later and had thirty from that one." Said, "I go into the city and make thirty thousand converts, and come back in a year and can't find thirty." He said, "What's the matter?" And I admired the evangelist's approach. He stuck his finger out there, about three hundred man sitting there, he said, "It's you lazy bunch of preachers." He said, "You sit in the office with your feet up on the desk, and call a man up on the telephone, and ask him to come down and--and join your church. You ought to go visit him."

206 I set there, I thought, "(O God!) You know, Evangelist Billy, you're a great man. I'm a--I'm a dummy. But let me ask you something." I wished I could turn around and said this; but I--I--I admire the brother, think he's a servant of God. But I'd just like to have said this, "Then, Billy, what kind of a preacher did Paul have to follow up his one?" What happened? Paul don't only let him raise up his hand to make a decision, he took him on to the baptism of the Holy Ghost, set his soul afire, and he couldn't hold his peace.

207 That's what's the matter today, it's membership. Yes. []... members, big membership, big Sunday school classes, pay prizes for somebody that can proselyte and bring somebody else from some other church over, see who had the most. You know, that's Phariseeism! And then make a big brag about it, "We beat them last Sunday." If you've got to a place where you have to make the church of God a rat race, then it's time to close the doors and go home.

208Church of God is a living article of God on earth, manifesting Jesus Christ. I know It's not popular, you can't expect to be. We expect to be right.

209 Make a big brag about it... But, did you know, the big noises didn't affect the prophet Elijah. He heard the fire and smoke go by, and the thundering and lightning, and the blood and oil, and everything else, it never bothered him. You know, America's always looking for some big thing with a lot of noise in it. But God is "a still small Voice" that attract the prophet.

210 You know, a wagon once went out in the field, and it's a-bumping, making a lot of noise when it went out in the field. And when it come back, it come over the same bumps and never made a bit of noise, it was loaded with good things. See? Yeah.

211But we are resting our experience upon a bunch of noise. How can we do that, how can we do those things like that? Oh, my! And then stick the glamour of Hollywood in, have women up on the pulpit, with clothes so tight and sexy-looking, dancing in the spirit. I don't know what kind of a spirit it is!

212I don't mean to be critical now, I--I'm--I'm... I--I love you. If I don't, then God will judge me if I've got any other objective than that. See?

213But you get that, see. That's where Pentecostals drifted to. "We got more than brother on the corner had." Oh! "We got more than the Assemblies, because we're the Oneness, or we're the Trinitarians, and we're the..." oh, this, that, or the other, all--all the different brands that they have, you see. Oh, brother, that don't mean that to God. He deals with an individual. Right.

214 Notice, big noises, but it didn't attract the prophet. The prophet didn't care about the big noises. But when he heard that still small Voice, he knew that was the Word, he veiled his face and come walking out.

215You know, the sun can draw more water in fifteen minutes, without any noise at all, than more than all... And we make more noise drawing a gallon of water than the sun does a million barrels. That's right. We're always looking for something that's got big and a lot of "hurrah," and a lot of racket to it. And when it comes down to the fact of taking the Word, then here comes the thing up. See? Come, and they say, "Well, bless God, I tell you..."

216 I met a man here not long ago... I don't say this to be sacrilegious, please forgive me if I'm a-thinking it's making it sacrilegious. I was at a tent meeting and, the minister, a Pentecostal minister brought his wife over to play the piano. And when he introduced me to his wife, honestly, I almost fainted. The woman had real short hair, curled up, and she had great, big earrings, and enough manicure on her lips, or whatever the stuff is, fingernails painted. Looked like she was a... It was horrible-looking; great, big long claws, and like that. And sexy-looking; little, bitty, short dress on, she couldn't even put it over her knees when she set down. Well, I stood there a little bit, and I said, "Brother, will I hurt your feelings if I say something?"

217He said, "Why, certainly not." Nice man, and she seemed to be a nice woman.

I said, "Do you say your wife is a saint?"

Said, "Yes."

218I said, "Excuse the expression, but she looks like a haint to me." I said, "That's true, or something like that." I said...

219He said, "What do you mean, Brother Branham?" "Oh," he said, "you're of the old school."

220I said, "I'm of the school of the Scripture. That's right, the school of the Scripture." I don't believe that a saint acts like that, I just can't do it, when the Bible so condemns it. See?

221 All right, seems, every time, everything we hear of, "they had forty decisions," "forty-four decisions," "we had three hundred decisions." Well, that's confession. Confessions is "stones." That's right, 'cause Peter, upon his confession, was called "stone, little rock." Peter, his confession. Now, stones is all right, but what good or what value is a stone to a building if there isn't a true stone mason there with a sharp tool of the Word to cut them and make them sons of God? See? What good is a confession?

222That's the reason you come back and can't find thirty out of thirty thousand. You just roll the stones out of the dust, and roll them out there, and they're not fit for the temple yet. They've got to be cut, measured up to the Word of God, placed in there, joined together, built upon the foundation of the apostles' Doctrine, Jesus Christ the Cornerstone. And He said, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." That's right.

223 How can we be the Church when we despise one another? He said, "This will all man know you're My disciples, when you have love one for the other." When we proselyte and break up, and for denominational difference... I don't lay it onto the people, I lay it onto the denomination. That's right. Not the people at all. See? Oh, it's so bad, yet I...

224You have to have this sharp tool, the Word of God, to shape them into the Sons of the Building. Oh, my! My prayer is, "God, hurry up with Malachi 4. Give us the Message in the last days. Give us someone, send something to save this Pentecostal church."

225 What kind of a messenger would God send us for this last days? I'll tell you this, my brother, sister, as your brother and fellow servant looking for that time to come, he would be the same kind of a messenger that come to the other time. The same kind! He would bring the church back to the Word. God, let us lay a foundation for it before it gets here. Before he comes, let us put a foundation out and be stones, cut, ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with him when God sends him, because He promised He'd do it.

226 Now, I know, I feel that coming back. And, remember, with a little gift I can catch discernment of spirit, see. Now, you're resenting that, when I said Malachi 4. But let me tell you something you said, "Jesus said, 'If you can receive it, this is the Elijah that was spoke of.'"

227But if you see what He said in--in--in Saint Matthew, the 11th chapter and the 6th verse, "If you can receive it, this is he who was spoke, and said, 'I send My messenger before My face.'" That was Malachi 3, not Malachi 4.

228For, in Malachi 4, He said, "Before this day come, the earth would be burned and the people would walk out upon it; be burnt like a stubble." That's right. He was talking then of the messenger before His face, which was an Elisha. That's...

229 I don't believe in all this here stuff going around today about Elijah's robe and all that stuff. I... All them phonies has to come, of course, to upset the real thing when it does come. But, let me tell you, there will rise a messenger at the end of this Pentecostal age and wind up the thing. It will be a man. Not a group, not a denomination; but a man. It's always been, and God cannot change His program, He's the Eternal God.

230 Remember, if that messenger (John) was the messenger of Malachi 4, then the Scriptures failed, for It said It would... "The earth would be burnt as a stubble, and the righteous would walk out upon the ashes of the wicked." So read It, and see if that isn't right. See? But Jesus never said that, He referred to Malachi 3, "I'll send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way for Me." That's exactly right.

231Now, but remember, this other one was to restore the faith of the children back to the fathers, restore the faith of the children back to the Faith of the fathers, the original Bible.

232That's exactly what Moses done. That's exactly what Jesus done. That's what exactly every messenger done down through the Bible, at the end time of that dispensation, they restored back the message. The people, through organizations and things, got all scrupled up and everything, in them days.

233 They've done the same thing today! So we're looking for a messenger. (God, send him!) Do you think we'll receive him? No, sir! He'll be "a crank and a fanatic," sure enough, but God will prove him. The real believer, them predestinated to Eternal Life, Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come, and no man can come unless My Father draws him. And all the Father hath" (past time) "given Me, they'll come." That's right, they were...

234I don't believe in this here Baptist teaching of--of Eternal security. I believe it in a way, but I believe you're secure as long as you're in the Church. But you get out of the... out from under the Blood of Jesus Christ, you're not secure. I'm secure from the rain as long as I'm in here.

235And when you are baptized into the Holy Ghost and say you got the Holy Ghost, and then deny God's Word? Say you believed and received the Holy Ghost, and then deny that the Word is true? Then how can that be the Holy Ghost when He was the One that wrote the Bible? The Holy Ghost deny His Own Word, say, "I--I was wrong, you are right"? No, that ain't God. No, sir.

236 Sharp Sword! (Lord, send us a great Message.) That's what we're looking for. Then, of course, when he comes to fix those stones and to cut them out for the building, what will happen? Many of them won't stand the Word test. They'll love their organization better than they love the Word of God, although that Word be vindicated by that man. He'll be a prophet that'll come in the Name of the Lord, and he'll be the one that'll come upon the earth. I believe it.

Oh, everybody says, "It'll be a group of people."

237I want somebody to show me in the Bible where it'll be a group of people; God would break His Own Word, He can't do that. No, sir. He promised this. It'll be a one man. And then there'll be others with him, of course, thousands, the whole Church believers will be with him, everywhere.

238 Like it was in the days of Noah, there won't be too many of them saved, because Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah." Do you know that? "As it was in the days of Lot," (count them) "so shall it be."

239"Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will not." See what I mean? Oh, brother, we better take inventory, it might be really later than we think. Might be we'd wake up someday and see that we've missed something. Be careful! Watch, pray, search, seek, don't let It pass over you. And, remember, when God's Word is preached, God's obligated to that Word and will vindicate It.

240 Know what He said there, what happened in the days of Lot? He said, "As it was in the days of Lot." What happened there just before the fire fell? What would happen again just before the fire falls, what kind of a message the Church would get? Not Sodom now, the elect Church. Just keep them threes: there's the Sodomites; and there was Lot and his group, the formal church; there was Abraham, the Elected. All three of them got a message, yes, by different messengers. Watch what kind went to the elected Church, what He did to Abraham. Jesus said, "So shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Now, we can't deny that, that's exactly what Jesus said. So, of course it'll be that way.

241 Now, many... when Jesus come and brought the test and said, "Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me," could they stand the test? No. And anyone knows, all confessions of rocks that can't stand the Word test is throwed into the heap. It's cracked, water broke, it won't stand the test. Oh, man, then be sent to the scrap heap! God has always counted character instead of numbers.

242I'm closing. I'm sorry I've kept you all this time, I didn't aim to do this. Let me just a--a moment, two, make this last remark, then I'll quit just in a minute. I hope I--I--I have said something to help you, see, to get you to study. See?

243 God has always counted character, not members. And today we do vice versa. We count members, good dress, well payers, instead of character. Uh-huh.

244Eliezer sweated it out, until he found character. That's right. Who would he get? And he trusted God. Character for what? Character for Isaac, the bride, which the Church is type of. You know that. That was the natural seed of Abraham; this is the royal Seed of Abraham. Well, if Eliezer, the messenger hunting the bride and trying to find character, if that man is come, a messenger of the last day, trying to find the Bride for Christ, he will not look for a denominational membership. He will look for character that's willing.

245Watch! Good character first, then to get her ready to meet Isaac. After he found the character, then get her stand still long enough to listen to his message of Isaac.

246 That's the messenger of the last days, the evening Light, is first find that Church (where will they believe the Message?), hunt it. Can you read what I'm talking about? Hunt where that Church is that'll even let you come in, that won't close the door in your face. And then when you do there, then you've found character. Now if she will stand still long enough to tell her how that Bride's got to be dressed! She's got to be clothed. Stand still! If she could get...

247 Look at the little Rebekah listening to every word, her little heart was beating. She... He--he was telling her. Now, you've sweated it out, "Where will I go?" until I find the character. Then when I find the character, then make her stand still long enough to get her ready to go to meet him. Oh, my, what a striking thing! (Wish we had a little more time on that clock.) Get her ready; stand still to listen to his message of him. Eliezer wasn't speaking of hisself, but he was speaking of the one he was sent from. And he had the gifts to prove that he was sent from him. Amen! He wanted to clothe her with these things. You know how he fixed her up.

248If I could just get her to wash her face! See? You know, I--I just felt checked on that, so I better keep still. Anyhow, I've said enough, you know what I'm talking about. Now, listen, just stand still.

249 Notice, the end-time messenger, his job will be to get the saints ready, the Bride ready for the Bridegroom. That will be his Message. Now you want to learn ABC's so you can study algebra later? When these other seals on the back is opened they'll only be revealed to them. That's right. Learn ABC first. What is ABC? "Always Believe Christ," (not your creed), Christ. See? Believe what He says, not what somebody else says.

250If it's contrary, if a man tells you "It's all right for you to cut your hair, women," you know he's lying. The Bible says it's wrong. If he says "You can be deacon and still have four or five wives," he's lying. That's contrary to the Word. See? All these other things that we speak of, call it to the Word and see if it's the Word right.

251 Bring back the church to the Word. Now, what is this messenger of Malachi 4 to do? Restore back the original Faith, the resurrection Faith. That, they seen Jesus after He had raised from the dead, seen Him working among them.

252They were men of few words. They went forth and preached the Word. Oh, they preached long, Paul preached all night one time. See? A man fell out of the building, killed himself. He laid his body over him, brought him back to life again, see. See? See, kept on preaching.

253 Now, notice they were different man than what the Ph., L.L., Q.U.S.T., and ever what you want to call it, is today. What? Separates the messenger and... The Message, rather, by the messenger, will separate the believers from unbelievers. Some of them will line to It, and some won't. Some of the Lutheran... Some of the Catholic lined to Luther, some didn't. Some of the Lutherans lined to Methodist, some didn't. Some lines to Pentecost, and some won't. Some will line with the evening Light, some won't.

254How you going to know whether it's evening Light or not? Test it with the Word (not just one Word, all the Word put together), see whether it's right or not. Oh, what is it in? Then if this Message bears forth the vindication of God performing what He said He would do, and it's lined with the Word, then the Word is vindicated like other times and other prophetics did.

255 Notice when the Message... when... Notice when the Message is rejected by the people, and the messenger seems to be completely defeated, he can't get another door, he can't get a place.

256Like our Lord was. Remember, when He was... Oh, when He was healing the sick, the young prophet, "Oh, my! He's a great Fellow!" "Hello, Rabbi, how you doing?" But one day He set down and begin to tell them the Truth. He found favor with the church, the people. Thousands followed Him. He had seventy ministers around Him, besides the twelve. But one day after He had turned the bread in... or turned the... multiplied the loaves, to prove that He was God, 'cause only God rained the bread down out of Heaven. Yeah. See? He multiplied the loaves. And immediately after that... He had walked on the water, performed miracles, and done the things that He had done, to prove that He was.

257And then, when He did, He set down and begin to strictly tell the people. The people turned away. And the seventy said, "Uh! Who can hear This? That's a hard saying. You tear down what we really thought was something else. Now, who are You to tell us these things?" And they walked away.

258Then Jesus turned to His little group, like in the days of Noah, like in the days of Sodom, said, "You want to go, too?"

259Then Peter said those great words, "Lord, where would we go?" (God, help us.)

260 Notice when the Message is rejected and the messenger seems to be defeated, that's when God steps on the scene, his Message is over.

261Noah, (closing now), Noah preached in the door of his ark for a hundred and twenty years, till, when finally they laughed him to scorn, Noah stepped in the ark thinking that the... it would just be all right. God closed the door. And the people hung around to see what was going to happen. Seven days he set there and sweated it out, and on the seventh day the rain come. Uh-huh.

262Moses, what was he in? The very line of duty, leading the people. The Red Sea got in his way. He was at the end of his road. It was then that God came with the East wind and parted the sea, at the end of the road.

263 It was Daniel, standing on his message, "I'll not defile myself with this king's world." Standing true to God, was right down at the end of his road, seemed like the end of his time had come, they throwed him in the lions' den. God stepped on the scene.

264And one morning, way down in Babylon... Amen! I can look up at Heaven, I can see a--a Throne, Angels standing around. Look down here in Babylon, I can see a--a burning furnace. I can see three children standing there, saying, "Our God is able to deliver us." See? "But we're not bowing to your image, because it's contrary to the Word." See? "We're standing here."

265 "All right," said the king, "walk up the steps, you're going to be burned." Great husky man, on the end of this spear, here they come up the steps, step by step, hotter and hotter.

266I can see an Angel standing over, one, on the side of the Throne, grabbed a sword and pulled it out, said, "Father, look down there, what's going on! Let me go down, I'm Gabriel, I'll change the scene."

267"Put your sword back in the sheath, Gabriel. I've watched it."

268Here comes another up, said, "Father, I'm Wormwood, I'm the destroyer with the water. In the antediluvian time, man sinned and mistreated Your people, and I--I turned the whole world into a globe of water. I'll wash Babylon off the map this morning. Let me go."

269"I know you could, Wormwood, you're a faithful Angel. See? But, I can't let you go, this is My job. I'm going, Myself."

"Here, you seen them?"

270"I've watched them all night. I heard their prayer meeting. I seen their stand for My Word. I'll be there on time." Oh, my! I can see Him raise up and His kingly garments fall around Him, like that, and say, "Come here, East wind, North, South, West. Step over under that thunderhead yonder, I'm going to ride you as a chariot this morning. I'm going down into Babylon, I'm going to change the scene." Oh, brother, He was right there on time!

271His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. He's still watching tonight, watching me, He's watching you. He's watched whether we'll stand or not stand, what decisions we will make, whether we'll stand true to the Word or get away from It. It's later than you think.

272 Jacob, on his road home, inspired to go back home, his brother was meeting him. Oh, but one night he wrestled with God. He was scared to meet his brother, but the next morning he was a fearless, limping prince. "I don't need Esau nor his army, neither one," God stepped on the scene. See, He does in peculiar way.

273 Jesus, rejected, after being the vindicated Son of God, said, "If I do not the works of My Father, don't believe Me." He was the Light of the day (He's still the Light!), stepped on the scene. And the people, as long as He could... bread and fishes and loaves, they followed Him. But when He begin to tell them the Truth of the Word, that separated them, they had their own traditions they held onto. It was contrary, yet you know He was exactly with the Scripture. But the blinded eyes of the world couldn't see It; neither do they now, neither have they in any age, I mean, as a whole. What happened? It looked like He was defeated.

274 You notice, from that very time, His popularity left Him. When? When He begin to tell them the Word. When He could go and have--and have healing services and campaigns, everybody wanted Him, "O Rabbi, come over here!" and, Rabbi, come here!" But when His Doctrine got started; "Oh, Your Teaching disturbs our people." Oh, goodness! "Oh, I can't have You in my church no more, Rabbi, because, why, You confuse our people, Your teaching is so contrary to what we believe." It hasn't changed. See? It's not. Yeah. "Can't have You, Rabbi!" Yet Him being a-vindicated, proven by the Scriptures Who He was, yet they couldn't believe It.

275Finally He went on till the last moment, when Satan thought "I've got Him," he crucified Him on the cross. Down, down, down, down, until finally they thought that they had Him, put Him in the grave. But that's when God stepped on the scene. Up from the grave He arose! Why?

276 The same thing, Paul, he said, "All... Demas has forsaken me. All men forsaken me for the Word." I don't believe Demas went to nightclubs and things. But Demas wanted to go, Demas was a rich man. And he wanted to go with the popular group, and so he went off there where all the rest of them did. And then Paul said, "All men has forsaken me." Why? His ministry, he was coming to the capstone of it, coming down to the end.

277His desire was to be a martyr because he had killed Stephen, he witnessed his death and sanctioned it. He wanted to die. When the... Agabus, that noted prophet, stood by him and told him not to go up to Jerusalem, he said, "I know not to go. But I'm not only willing to go, to go in chains and bound, to Jerusalem, but I'm ready to go and die for the Lord Jesus." What was it? He was sealing his ministry.

278 O Church of the living God, we could talk all night. How we going to seal our Message? How we going to do it? God, help us to take this Word, stand gallant. Let me die by the Word; live by the Word, die by the Word. Scatter the Light, for it shall be Light in the evening time. We're in that hour, friends. Let's believe It, as we bow our heads.

279First, I'm apologizing for keeping you all this time, right at two hours, an hour and forty-five minutes, I think, exact. I hope that nothing has hurt. We're not to offend. That, if that's in our--if that's in our heart and soul, then we're wrong, ourselves, if we ministers just say those things, my brethren here, these Holy-Ghost-filled man. See?

280 When I got saved and I told my Baptist pastor that I had received the Holy Ghost, and all this stuff, these... and the Angel of the Lord told me what to do, he said, "You must have had a nightmare, Billy."

I said, "Doctor Davis, I saw an Angel."

281He said, "Oh, nonsense!" Said, "That's--that's of the Devil." See? Oh, my, how it hurt me! He said, "You're going to preach to kings and potentates?"

I said, "That's what He said."

He said, "With a seventh-grade education?"

I said, "That's what He said."

282He said, "Who do you think will listen? Going out to preach Divine healing in a day like this, and all the fine medical research and things?"

I said, "I can't help how many Goliaths stand there."

He said, "Who do you think will hear you?"

283I said, "If God is sending me, there'll be somebody to hear me."

284 I didn't know about you people then. And when I come to you, it was just like putting a glove on a hand, I fit right with you. I love you. I love you. I love my pastor brothers. You think a Presbyterian, Methodist, or Lutheran, would open up their church like this brother has tonight, for us to set here and preach this kind of a message? No, sir, not at all. These are gallant man who believe the Truth. Now line up with the Word with them, see, stay away from the things of the world.

285Sisters, let your hair grow. Put your dresses on, nice and neat. Shame on you. Take that paint off of your face. See? You got more Scripture to wear paint than you have to cut your hair. That's right. Don't do it. Don't do it. The Bible said it's a dishonorable thing for a woman to do it. The hair is her glory. Now you say, "That's a little thing." That's all right, let's get the little things out of the way and then we can talk about big things. Let's get started right.

286 Now, brethren. Oh, my! Let me say one thing to the man. Mister, my brother, if you will let your wife do a thing like that, I'm ashamed of you, and claim to be a Spirit-filled man. Shame on you, let your wife go on the street.

287And your dress all sexy and everything like that, and do you know the Bible said, Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her"?

288You say, "Now wait a minute, my brother, I'm innocent." I believe you are too, my sister, you're innocent in the natural act. But if you present yourself and the sinner looks at you, and you presented yourself like that, who's guilty? You are, for presenting yourself. Then at the day of the Judgment, when that sinner answers for the adultery, who did he commit it with in his heart? You! Why? Because you presented yourself. Now, that's just the Truth.

289Won't you, won't you, sister, please, in Jesus' Name, may I ask you as your brother, straighten up?

290Brother, shame on you for conducting your house like that, straighten up. I--I got better hopes of you as a man. See?

291 Pastors who let them people come in, take deacons and everything else and jobs like that, with two or three living wives, and things, aren't you ashamed, minister? Aren't you ashamed of those things? And take them members in there when they're living in adultery, and smoking cigarettes, and doing all, and never even mention it from the platform. Shame on you! I--I--I pray for you, brother.

292God bless you. Thank you for your patience of bearing with me. Now, I wonder...

293The evening Light has come. The evening Light are here, back to the Word.

294 Now, with your heads bowed, your hearts bowed, ask yourself this question, "Do I measure up to this Word? Do I?"

295My prayer is, from the platform, "O God, cut everything from me that's not like You. O God, take away from me." We're down here at the end of the road.

296All right, would you be that sincere to raise your hands and say, "God, cut from me everything that's not like You. Make me, Lord, mold me and make me"? The Lord bless you.

297If there's anybody that isn't right, and is a sinner and has drifted in here tonight, and never accepted Christ as Saviour, or a backslider or something, and wants to come back, you're invited to come stand here at the altar. If you believe that God would hear my prayers for the sick, I believe He'd hear me. And you and I together as we place our faith upon the Sacrifice, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and offer prayer, I believe God will hear. You're invited to come and stand for prayer.

298 Now, our Heavenly Father, we give to You this audience, these broken up words that's been lengthy, Lord. Even many has gotten tired and weary and has gone home, and maybe some felt a little bad, and, Lord, I--I just can't tell who's in the audience all the time. And, after all, Father, It's Your Word and You know my heart. So... and I'm... Woe is me if I don't do it. And I--I must do it, Lord. So I pray now that the people who has understanding of the Word will understand clearly, and I'm sure those that You've called to Life will, that it's not anything in the world but a heart full of love for God and His Church that I plead these things.

299Father, practically every hand in here went up for a circumcision, to be cut away all the surplus that doesn't belong there. God, help us all. I stand right with them, Lord. I'm one of them, I'm watching for the coming of that glad Millennium day when sin and shame shall be destroyed forever. And, Father, while we're in this world we know that we're subject to these things, we're subject to mistakes, we're subject to sin, we're still walking, and yet we don't desire to do it. As the Bible said, "Faint not when you are reproved." But I pray, Father, that the reproving of the Word cuts me just as hard as it cuts the rest of them. And I pray, Father, that they'll understand it that way.

300 I pray that You'll bless them now. And may this, as we prayed before, Lord, knowing and watching what we ask for, because we don't want to ask amiss, we don't want to ask something that's just to make up words, because we're talking to You.

301I ask You to bless our little brother here that opened his door for me to come in tonight. I pray that You'll bless his church and may every one of his members, Lord, just... May this be a lighthouse, a place where the gifts of God are flowing and everything just running smoothly.

302Bless every minister that's sitting here, their churches. And may there be such a shaking, or a sounding in the mulberry tree, of the Spirit of God crossing Phoenix, and bringing the churches to fellowship and to--and to a great revival, that the ministers won't be able to preach, for the Glory of God; but when the saints come together early in the afternoon, the crying and praying and testifying and messages, just a real pouring of the Spirit, when the whole city will be attracted to come, listen. Grant it now.

303Heal the sick in our midst, Lord. Give to them Divine deliverance, Father, through Jesus Christ's Name.

304 Now with our heads bowed, if there's any here that desires to stand right around the altar now, and while we have our heads bowed, and we're just going to hum a little song, a--a--a good, old Gospel song. And we want to hum that. And when we do, if there's anybody desires for us to pray for you, to a--a deeper experience, to receive the Holy Ghost, or you're saved and haven't been sanctified yet, or whatever, we'll be glad to do that while we hum this little song, I Love Him. And if you do love Him, let's respect His Word now.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

305While they're coming, I want each one take their place here now. All right, sister.

... love Him, I love Him

Because He...

Come on now, around the altar, you that wants to come now.

... me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's...

306 Why don't some of you sisters with short hair come up here and pledge to God? You want me to read it for you out of the Bible? All right. Why don't you come, say, "Lord, I want to be right in all things, and I want to start right. And I want to get on the right road and stay there. I'm going to make a pledge to You tonight, Lord. It's going to grow out from now on"?

307The Bible said it's a shame for a man to have long hair, looks like a woman. God made two covenants, one with Adam and one with Eve. He dressed them different. They're different, altogether. They've always been different. There's two covenants right on down through the Bible. I'd like to preach on that double covenant one night, sometime, show you what the difference is. Oh, my, it's tremendous. It's even in your marriage and divorce case, if you only knew the truth on that, would settle the whole matter. That's right. All right, again now, while we be sure now. Come, won't you?

I love Him,...

You need the Holy Spirit? Come on up, stand around.

Because He first loved me


You want a closer walk with Him? Come, make a vow, stand by Him and keep it. It won't do no good to make the vow unless you keep it.


You can come make your vow. God has to fill it. You just hold your vow.

308 Now I'm going to ask my minister brothers if you'll walk down now around here, stand right around these precious people while we pray right here, speak to each one, ask their needs now as while we're here.

309Everyone just as reverent as you can be. Now, God will honor you, just be real reverent till this prayer is made. You can come right around now, in here, around, up and behind these people that's standing here for prayer.

On Calvary's tree.

310Now again, while there are ministers are gathering on both sides.

I love Him, I...

I like to see that, ministers of different organizations, all in one now; that's under the Blood.

Cause He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree. (My!)

311Now walk up brothers, right to your person you're standing by, put your hand upon them and ask them what they're wanting from God. This a wonderful time? You know, when I see this, look here, ministers of different churches, standing around together. The sisters that was on the cots is up, out, gone. Praise the Lord. So thankful for that, standing in the Name of the Lord.

312 Now, let the audience now, everybody bow your head. Each one of you now, in your heart, just talk to God like you would talk to me; like you'd come up and say, "Brother Branham, I--I..." If you've done something wrong, say, "I'm sorry, Brother Branham. I--I did this, will you forgive me for it? I'll make a promise to you, Brother Branham, I'll never do that against you again." Now just change from my name, from me, to your Lord Jesus Christ.

313And if you need healing, like if you'd come say, "Brother Branham, I--I am broke, I didn't have any supper tonight, and, yeah, I know if you had a dollar you would give it to me." Now, see, you don't have to say to God, "If You've got healing power." He has it, see. You'd have to say to me, "If you've got it." But to Him you don't have to say, "If You have." He has! See? So you say, like, "Brother Branham, would you give me a dollar? I--I--I need something to eat." Why, of course I would, you know that. If I had it I'd give it to you, anytime. I would have a horrible heart if I didn't. And me, being a cruel, sinful man, and would be that good-hearted to somebody like you, what would God be?

314 "If you being evil know how to give good gifts, how much more will your Heavenly Father give them the Spirit, that ask for It." "If you'd ask for a fish, would He give you a serpent? Ask for bread, would He give you a stone?" Certainly not!

315Why, if you'd just ask Him in that way, with faith, believing that, you would get it from Him a million times quicker than you'd get anything from me. And. you know I'd help you, I'd do anything I could. Any of these brothers would, we'd dig every penny out of our pocket to help you. We'd do anything we could. But this is something you've got to believe by faith.

316Now, you believe that you'll receive it while we pray, and you pray, and the audience pray, and I believe God will come down and honor our prayer. And the very minute that you feel that you have It, that God's going to answer your prayer, then you made a covenant, "Lord, I did wrong, I won't do it no more. I'll raise my hand, I promise You I won't," God will take you at your word. And you just believe it that way and it'll all be over. Then just raise up your hands and thank Him, "Lord, I've made my vow. And I know that it's Yours, and You promised to answer it, and You can't fail."

317 Heavenly Father, we, Your servants, stand over this group that has come forward needing Your blessings and Your attention at this time. Father, they are trophies of the Message, the evening Light time. Many of them, Lord, are confessing. Some of them are desperately in need. I pray, God, that in Jesus' Name that You will not turn one of them away, because You'll keep Your Word. I'm bringing Your Word to Your remembrance, Lord, as Peter did and the disciples when they prayed in Acts 4, they said, "Lord, remember the Word! Why do the heathens rage and the people imagine a vain thing?"

318 Now, Father, we bring Your Word. You said, "He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life. He that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. He that heareth My words and believeth on Him that sent has Eternal Life, and shall not come to the Judgment but has passed from death unto Life."

319Oh, make our requests known to God, and He will answer us. He's abundantly... "He that will confess his sins shall have pardon. He that hides his sin shall not prosper." And we confess our wrongs. I confess the wrongs of the people. I confess my own wrongs. I ask for mercy. I ask for healing. I ask for grace. I ask that You'll pour out the Holy Ghost, Lord, right now upon these waiting people, that their lives will be changed in the molding block of God, and will be shaped in the image of the Son of God, that the Spirit that quickened Him, that will come into their body and make them sons and daughters of God. Grant it, Lord.

320We believe that You are present. We believe that You'll honor Your Word. We believe You'll honor the efforts of the Word. Now send these blessings upon these people as they're waiting for Your Presence to visit them here at the altar. In Jesus' Name.

321 Now, if you believe, and believe you received, raise up your hand to God. If you accept it as a prayer of faith and your vow as you now turn to God, raise up your hands.

322And let the audience stand. Everybody, stand, that wants to make a pledge to God, now say, "I believe It. I accept It. I believe It."

323Now raise your hands and give Him praise and it'll all be over. Glory to God! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your goodness and Your mercy, and for all that You have done for us, Lord. We give Thee praise through Jesus Christ.