Duch Pravdy



1Zostaňme teraz na chvíľu stáť, ako sa pomodlíme. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

2Náš spravodlivý Nebeský Otče, ako sa k Tebe teraz blížime v tom dostatočnom Mene Pána Ježiša, chceme Ti vzdať chválu za to, čo si pre nás urobil, čo naše oči videli a naše uši počuli. Sú posledné dni záverečných scén dejín tohto sveta, keď čas odchádza do Večnosti a my vidíme svietiť Svetlá a vieme, že to nie je dlho do príchodu Pána Ježiša.

3Prosíme Ťa, Nebeský Otče, aby si na nás dnes večer pamätal. A ak je v nás dnes večer nejaké zlo, Pane, zober to preč, aby sme mohli pred Teba predstúpiť, ak by si dnes večer prišiel. Modlíme sa za chorých a núdznych.

4Modlíme sa za Tvoju Cirkev, tu i v zahraničí, po celom svete, Tvoje deti všade v každom národe, aby sme mohli umyť svoje rúcha v Krvi Baránkovej, a počuť na to volanie, „Hľa, Ženích prichádza. Vyjdite Mu v ústrety.“ Kiež by sme dokázali v tom čase, Pane, milosťou Božou a zásluhami Ježiša, v ktorého dôverujeme, rozsvietiť lampy a ísť vpred v ústrety Ženíchovi. Vezmi dnes večer Slovo Pánovo a obrež naše srdcia. Odstráň všetku neveru. Daj nám veľkú službu. V Ježišovom Mene o to prosíme. Amen.

 Môžete si sadnúť.

5Je to pekné byť tu dnes večer v tejto svätyni Pánovej, v službe. Minulý večer sme mali skutočne skvelý čas u brata Groomera. A pamätám si, že minulý rok sme mali nádherný čas.

6Mali sme všade ohromný čas. Pán nás práve požehnal nesmierne hojne, viac, ako som si kedy myslel, že by nás požehnal. Ale On je tak plný milosrdenstva a láskavosti. Je tak dobré poznať Ho. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] A keď pomyslím, „Poznať Ho, to je Život.“ Poznať Ho, to je Život.

7No, zajtra večer ideme dolu do Zhromaždenia na Central Avenue, myslím, že sa to tak volá. Brat Fuller, ďalší milý brat. A myslím, že tam dole je veľká cirkev. A dúfame, že možno budeme mať modlitebný rad, ak to bude s bratom Fullerom v poriadku. Tak sme ...

8A potom, ďalší deň ráno, máme byť, myslím, v apoštolskej cirkvi tu vo Phoenixe. A nepamätám si, kto bol ten pastor, ten brat. Bol som tam minulý rok? [Brat hovorí, „Nie, to je nová mexická cirkev, brat Branham.“ - pozn.prekl.]

9A potom v nedeľu večer v zbore nášho vzácneho brata Outlawa, v Cirkvi Ježišovho Mena. A ja a moja rodina prídeme s veľkým očakávaním a vypočujeme si nejaký dobrý spev.

10Billy Paul by to mal vedieť každý kúsok naspamäť. Prehrávali sme tú pieseň, „Ja idem hore, hore“, až toľko, že, úprimne, tá pieseň je na páske úplne vydraná. On s tým začne v kancelárii a púšťa to každý deň, keď tam pôjdem, nezáleží na tom, hrá tam „hore, hore, hore“. To je niečo! Prehrávame to a tá platňa je takmer úplne zodraná.

11Viete, mal som dnes večer taký zvláštny pocit. To, som trochu zachrípnutý. Pomyslel som si, „Ó, keby som len mohol zbadať niekoho, kto by hovoril namiesto mňa,“ a náhodou som sa tu pozrel a uvidel som Jacka Moora. Presne tak bol. Nikdy... Ó, verím, že by to bolo skvelé, brat Jack. [Brat Jack Moore to komentuje. - pozn.prekl.] Teraz to počúvajte.

12A myslím, že tu tiež vidím brata Roya Bordersa. Tak veru. Brat Noel Jones tu tiež sedí. Ó! Sme všade naokolo. Myslím, že by to mohol byť dobrý čas, možno, ak by som si trochu oddýchol, viete, a aby tam boli niektorí z týchto milých mužov, ktorí by sem prišli a hovorili za mňa, keď budem zachrípnutý, viete. Brat Jack povedal, „Pán nie je v tom zjavení.“ No, bol som unavený, keď som prišiel. A ja som bol celý ten čas trochu unavený.

13A vidím ľudí, ktorí tam stoja, a ako musia stáť, a som rád, že stojím s nimi. No, nech ťa Pán žehná.

14A my sa teraz tešíme na tieto ďalšie zhromaždenia, ktoré prídu. Potom budúci týždeň je to v letničných zboroch. Skončíme, budúcu stredu večer, o 11-tej a na Garfielde. Nemôžem si na nich len spomenúť. Verím, že v Prvých Zboroch Božích v meste. A potom začne konferencia v Ramade.

15A teraz je tu banket pre obchodníkov v hlavnom meste Arizony, v Tucsone.

16Samozrejme, všetci poznáme Phoenix, okrajové časti tohto miesta. A tak je to v poriadku. To je to hlavné miesto. To je moje domovské mesto, viete, tak a tak, hore na kopci. A potom, toto je len okrajová časť toho, no, je pekné mať vás všetkých ako susedov.

17Tak, myslím, že to bol brat Rasmussen, jedného večera, povedal niečo také na zhromaždení, a, ó, rád by to zhromaždenie roztrhol. Myslím, že sme boli v Houstone. A bol to Ramsar. To je to, čo to bolo. On povedal, v ten večer, keď prišiel Anjel Pánov, oni to odfotili a povedali, „Vy všetci, ktorí ste tu, z Dallasu,“ povedali, „vieme, že to je okraj Houstonu.“ A, ó! Texas to nemohol brať ako tu, ako niektorí z vás. Tak bolo v tom zhromaždení veľké ticho.

18No, On je mocný. A teraz, myslím, že si tu otvoríme Písmo a na chvíľu sa podelíme s malým svedectvom. Nezmenilo by to tento spôsob? Práve som do toho tak udieral, až sa hanbím na vás pozrieť. A možno vám dám trochu odpočinku a vydám nejaké svedectvo o dobrote nášho Pána.

19Poďme nájsť miesto v Jánovi, 16. kapitola svätého Jána. Kapitola 16, verš 12. Rád by som čítal z tohto miesta v Evanjeliu svätého Jána. Rád čítam Slovo, pretože Slovo je to, čo nám dáva poznať, že je to Pravda. Počnúc 12. veršom a počúvajte teraz pozorne, pretože chcem podať svedectvo.

20Potom sa pokúsime začať trochu skôr. Držal som vás tak dlho. Zajtra večer, no, zostaneme ešte pol hodinu navyše. To bude asi jedna hodina, že? [Brat Branham a zhromaždenie sa smeje. - pozn.prekl.] Tak, tak, toto začína od 12. verša.

Ešte by som vám mal mnoho čo povedať, ale teraz nemôžete zniesť.

Ale keď prijde on, ten Duch pravdy, uvedie vás do každej pravdy; lebo nebude hovoriť sám od seba, ale bude hovoriť všetko, čokoľvek počuje, aj budúce veci vám bude zvestovať.

Ten ma oslávi, pretože z môjho vezme a bude zvestovať vám.

Všetko, čo má Otec, je moje; preto som povedal, že z môjho vezme a bude zvestovať vám.

21Viete, zvlášť minulý večer sme mali z toho malú vzorku. No, my sme ľudia plného Evanjelia, veriaci vo všetky skutky Ducha Svätého. A teraz, to je jediný spôsob, ako môžeme byť plným Evanjeliom, je veriť plnému Evanjeliu, všetkému, čo Pán napísal. A verím, že my sami sme ničím. Sme ako...

22Ako som včera povedal bratovi Carlovi, keď som sa díval na strom, povedal som, „Či to nie je nádherná palma? Ale koniec koncov, nie je na nej nič, je to len kopa sopečného popola. To je všetko.“ A povedal som, „Aké je to teraz odlišné od toho eukalyptového stromu. No, čo je to eukalyptový strom? Sopečný popol, v ktorom je len život.“ Povedal som, „Koniec koncov, čo som a čo si ty? Sopečný popol, to je presne zo zeme; prach zeme, ktorý má v sebe život.“

23Ale každý život zasadil Majster Darca a On vie, ako a čo má robiť. A všetko, čo umiestnil tu na zemi, je na Jeho slávu. Hviezdy sú na Jeho slávu. Vetry sú na Jeho slávu. Kvety sú na Jeho slávu. A my sme korunou Jeho slávy.

24Ale zdá sa, že všetko Ho poslúchne, okrem človeka. Človek len vyzerá, že... On má taký čas, pretože on bol ten jediný, ktorý upadol. Všetko ostatné zostalo v pôvodnom stave. Ale človek upadol. Preto Boh s ním bojuje, aby ho prinútil robiť to, čo je správne, a aby poslúchal.

25A jedným z veľkých problémov pre Boha, počas tých rokov, ako prechádzajú dejiny cirkvi, je nájsť niekoho, koho môže úplne dostať pod Svoju kontrolu. Potrebuje len jedného muža. Vždy používal po jednom mužovi. Študovali sme to niekoľko posledných večerov: jeden muž, nie skupina. On chce len jedného. To je všetko, čo On potrebuje. Pretože dvaja muži by mali dve odlišné predstavy. On len robí jedného človeka, reprezentuje Seba skrze tú jednu osobu. Nikdy to neurobil inak ako takto. Rozumiete?

26No, On má dnes jednu Osobu a o tej Osobe sme práve čítali: Duch Svätý. On je Osoba, ktorú Boh zoslal, Ducha Ježiša Krista na zem, Ducha Božieho, aby manifestoval a ohlasoval Krista skrze Svoju Cirkev, vidíte, len aby ste pokračovali v živote Kristovom skrze Cirkev.

27No, je to taká úžasná vec, a pritom je to tak jednoduché, ak by sme sa len zastavili a premýšľali. Tlačíme sa, trasieme sa, bojíme sa, dostávame sa do pochybností a obáv, len myslíme, „No, musím sa tam tlačiť?“ To nie je to. To je len poddanie sa, uvedomenie si, že nie ste ničím, a len to, že Ho necháte, aby nad vami úplne prebral kontrolu, prebral vaše myslenie, ovládol vás.

28No, ja nechcem kráčať ku Kristovi len s prázdnou mysľou. To nemyslím. Prichádzate k Nemu vo svojej správnej mysli a v kajúcnej mysli a ste pokorní. A potom povedz, „Pane Ježišu, tu som. No, je tu napísané v Tvojom Slove, že si mal ešte mnoho vecí povedať učeníkom.“ Povedal si, „Oni ich teraz nemôžu zniesť.“ A možno to je náš dnešný prípad, my im nemôžeme porozumieť.

29Boh môže vzbudiť niečo trochu iné a my to celé odsudzujeme. Namiesto toho, aby sme hľadali v Písme, aby sme zistili, či je to správne alebo nie, len to rýchlo odhodíme, „Nič na tom nie je.“ Mali by sme skúmať tieto veci, zistiť, či sú správne alebo nie. A pamätajte, ak nebudú pravdivé, nakoniec zomrú, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Každá rastlina, ktorú Môj Nebeský Otec nezasadil, bude vykorenená.“

30Ale myslím, že to bol Gamaliel, ktorý v tom čase urobil to veľké vyhlásenie, „Ak je to od Boha, nechceme byť nájdení ako takí, čo proti Tomu bojujú. A ak to nie je od Boha, tak to každopádne vyjde navnivoč.“ Tak, študujte to a premýšľajte o tom.

31A teraz, On tu povedal, „Ale keď príde On, Duch Svätý.“

32No, niekto povedal, bolo to pred nejakým časom, povedal, „Duch Svätý je v skutočnosti tvoja duševná myseľ. Tvoja myseľ.“ To by z Ducha Svätého urobilo myšlienku.

33Ale Biblia hovorí, „Keď On...“, a „On“ je osobné zámeno. Rozumiete? Rozumiete? „Keď On,“ Osoba, Duch Svätý, Boh, „príde, On ti zjaví tieto veci, ktoré som ti povedal.“

34Potom vidíte, že neexistuje iný spôsob, ako poznať pravdu. Len skrze... Nemôžete to dostať skrze kultúru, cez seminárne skúsenosti. Dostanete to jedine skrze Ducha Svätého. On je Ten, ktorý bol poslaný, aby to zjavil.

 No, potom, On tiež povedal, „A On ti ukáže veci, ktoré prídu.“

35No, Hebrejom, v 1. kapitole, hovorí „Boh v rozličných časoch a rôznymi spôsobmi hovoril otcom skrze prorokov, ale v tomto poslednom dni skrze Svojho Syna, Krista Ježiša.“ Rozumiete? Je to Duch Svätý, ktorý preberá vlastníctvo alebo ovláda Cirkev, aby Kristus pôsobil v Cirkvi. Potom sa stanete takým, akým bol On. On sa stal takým, akým si bol, aby si sa mohol stať takým, akým bol On. Rozumiete? On sa stal tebou, aby ste sa mohli stať Ním. To je nad porozumenie. Neexistuje spôsob, ako to vysvetliť, a neskúšajte to. Len to prijmite. On to povedal, a tým je to vybavené. Len povedzte, že je to správne. Verte tomu.

36No, ako mladý kresťan som vždy robil toto vyhlásenie. Bol som rád, že sa ma Boh ujal skôr ako cirkev. Ťažko povedať, čo by som bol. Ale bol som vďačný za vedenie a za priamy kontakt, ktorým Duch Svätý zapôsobil na môj život, predtým, ako som ho kedy vydal. Lebo ako malý chlapec som vedel, že Niečo existuje. On hovoril a ja som hovoril s Ním. Odpovedal mi. A začal som si všímať, že tie veci, ktoré mi On povedal ako malému chlapcovi, že sa začali diať presne tak, ako On povedal, že sa stanú. Tak som vedel, že to musí byť pravda.

37No, teraz som starý človek. A ja som nikdy ani raz... Mohol by som zavolať svet, aby sa zastavil, a opýtať sa ľudí, „Ukážte na jednu vec, ktorú mi kedy povedal, v TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, v Mene Pánovom, čo by nebola úplná pravda a skutočnosť, čo sa stalo v tých mnoho tisíckrát, tisíc prípadoch.“ Čo...

38Na čo to hovorím? Vidíte, ukázal som, že sme ako sopečný prach. Ale to je zasľúbenie Božieho Slova. Preto nemôžem mať dôveru v seba. Nemôžete mať dôveru v seba. Ale spolu môžeme mať dôveru v Toho, kto nás ovládol. Duch Svätý nás prevzal. Musíme v to mať dôveru. A keď do toho vkladáme svoju dôveru, potom prichádzajú výsledky.

39Neprichádzalo by ani do úvahy, aby som sa teraz snažil dotknúť sa čo i len povrchu, aby som vám povedal niečo z toho, čo Duch Svätý urobil v mojom potrhanom živote, v mojich dňoch. Hovorím to s otvorenou Jeho Bibliou, Jeho Slovom. A to je to, čo On je. On je Slovo.

40Vidíte, toto Semeno prichádza do sopečného popola, ako duchovná Bytosť. Boh prichádza ako Duch a pôsobí cez popol. Takže to nie je človek. To je Boh.

41A ak by som sa mal posadiť a venovať čas tomu, aby som napísal veci, ktoré som Ho videl činiť, vydalo by to na zväzok kníh. A pomyslieť na to tu, vo veku päťdesiattri rokov, že môžem povedať pred Bohom, Jeho Cirkvou a Bibliou, v prítomnosti tejto skupiny: Ani raz som nevidel, že by to zlyhalo; bolo to zakaždým v každom detaile dokonalé.

42Výnimkou je ten deň, keď som prišiel na západ. Púšťali ste pásku, myslím, mnohí z vás, a rozumiete. Neviem čo. Čakám. Teraz som tu. Neviem prečo. Ja len čakám.

43Môže to byť môj čas, na odchod domov. Vyzerá to tak. Ak je to tak, povstane po mne niekto, kto vezme to posolstvo ďalej. Bude to zvláštna osoba, ale on po tomto vstane a vezme to posolstvo ďalej. A vy to počúvajte. Pokiaľ je to Písmo, zostaň pri ňom.

44Ak nie, teraz prichádza ďalšia časť, lebo verím, že žijeme v posledných dňoch, a som vďačný, že som žil v tomto dni. Nevymenil by som tento deň za žiaden iný. Toto je ten najslávnejší deň, aký kedy na zemi bol. Nie je žiadneho iného dňa, taký ako tento.

45Ó, čo by mohli urobiť Mojžiš, Eliáš, Pavol, Sílas, tí veľkí hrdinovia viery, v tých dňoch, ktoré prešli, vstať a zobrať si knihu dejín a pozrieť sa presne na to, o čom prorokovali, ako sa to stalo a vidieť, kde sme teraz? No, oni by ich behom hodiny dostali do väzenia. Isteže. Boli by ako nejakí divosi, ktorí bežia hore dolu po uliciach a hlásajú Evanjelium tak mocne, ako by len mohli. „Čas je blízko.“ Potom dnes večer vidíme, že veľmi zaostávame za slávou Božou.

46Ale rád by som chvíľu tomu venoval, aby som tak nejako priviedol cirkev...

47Mimochodom, rozdal Billy Paul dnes v tomto zbore modlitebné karty? Práve som prišiel z Tucsonu pred pár minútami. [Niekto hovorí, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.] Rozdal karty. No, to bude veľmi ťažké, takto sa ich snažiť vybaviť. Skúsime to.

48Nebude to trvať príliš dlho, iba dám svedectvo o tomto Písme.

49Kristus zachováva všetky Svoje slová. On musí. On to musí urobiť. Rozumiete? Ja to nemusím robiť; Som smrteľník, ktorý robí chyby. On je nesmrteľný, neomylný. On musí dodržať Svoje. Rozumiete? Ale ja nemusím dokázať dodržať to svoje. Vy nemusíte dokázať dodržať to svoje. Ale On to robí. Ó, či to do teba niečo neukladá, vediac, že On je voči Svojmu Slovu absolútne zviazaný? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

50A tento týždeň, ako sme prešli cez Bibliu o tých prorokoch a patriarchoch a ako sme zakaždým ukázali, že keď cirkev od toho odišla, Boh poslal niekoho rovno dolu a znovu s ňou zatriasol a viedol naspäť do toho Slova a dával cirkev do línie. Vždy to tak bolo. To je Božia politika. Vybral si na to mužov.

51Tak, ak by si vyvolil hviezdy, aby kázali Evanjelium, bolo by to urobené už dávno. Nikdy sa nedostali z Jeho vôle. Keby si On vybral slnko, aby to kázalo, alebo tie vetry, aby to kázali, nikdy by sa nedostali z Jeho vôle. Rozumiete?

52Ale my sme postavení na základe slobodnej morálnej vôle. Môžeme konať tak, ako chceme. A to je ten dôvod, prečo sme Ho tak zarmútili. Stále takto a takto, a ľudia chcú aplikovať vlastné cesty a odísť od Jeho cesty. Rozumiete?

53A povedal som predtým, že človek ustavične chváli Boha za to, čo urobil. A on stále hovorí, čo urobí, a v tej istej chvíli ignoruje to, čo On práve robí. Rozumiete?

54Človek povie, „Ó, Boh otvoril Červené more. Áno. Sláva Bohu! To je pravda.“ „Áno, Ježiš znovu prichádza. Haleluja! To je pravda.“ Ale hovoriť, kým je On dnes? „Ó, to bolo na iný deň.“ Rozumiete? Rozumiete? Stále je to o tom, čo On urobil, čo On bude robiť, a ignoruje sa to, čo On práve robí.

55To je ten istý stav, aký našiel Ježiš Kristus, keď prišiel na zem. Presne tak. Boh zasľúbil to, čo urobil. A tu On bol, stál pred nimi a oni Ho nepoznali. „On bol na svete a svet bol stvorený Ním a svet Ho nepoznal.“ To je pravda.

56„Ale tým, ktorí Ho prijali, dal moc stať sa synmi Božími.“ To je tá slávna časť.

57Bolo to pred nejakým časom, chcel by som vám povedať o malom videní. A ja neviem, možno som to nikdy nepovedal, možno len niekde nejakému jednotlivcovi. Ale práve som stratil jednu z najväčších osôb na zemi, moju matku.

58A milujem svoju matku. Ako som ju videl, ako odchádza od stola, keď sme boli takí chudobní, že sme nemali čo jesť! A ona... Ocko priniesol nejaký chlieb, kde on zametal nejaký obchod, alebo niečo také, a oni to poliali kávou a posypali ho cukrom. A matka sa správala, akoby nebola hladná, aby sme my deti mali čo jesť. Ó, nikdy na to nemôžem zabudnúť. Rozumiete? A mnohokrát, keď ma zobrala, a tie veci, ktoré pre mňa urobila. Ale viete, Boh je tak plný milosrdenstva. On rozumie všetkým tým veciam, keď ich musí vziať. A ja Ho za to milujem.

59Vždy to tak bolo, predtým, ako niekto z mojich ľudí zomrie, ja to vidím predtým, ako sa to stane, vo videní.

60Videl som svojho brata, keď som mal len osemnásť, devätnásť rokov. Videl som ho predtým, ako odišiel. Nebol som ani kresťanom, ale videl som to videnie, ktoré prišlo predo mňa, videl som ísť môjho brata.

 Videl som svojho otca, keď odišiel.

61Howard, mnohí z vás si pamätajú Howarda. „Howard,“ pamätáte si ma, dva roky predtým, ako sa to stalo, povedal som, „Howard, videl som tvoje miesto označené. „Si ďalší.“ Povedal som „Daj sa do poriadku, brat, lebo ty si ďalší, ktorý pôjdeš.“ A presne tak sa to stalo. A potom, tu pred nejakým časom...

62No, dúfam, že to neznie ako svätokrádež, ale len na ukázanie Božej starostlivosti. Boh je vždy zainteresovaný do maličkostí, rovnako ako do veľkých vecí. Chcem to povedať v prospech niektorých z týchto dobrých kazateľov. To môže byť... A ja sa zahŕňam do toho.

63No, chceli by sme, každý jeden, byť Billy Grahamom, ale my... A my všetci by sme chceli byť Oralom Robertsom. Ale my, my nie sme Billy Graham alebo Oral Roberts. Sme Boží služobníci na poli, do ktorého nás On umiestnil. Rozumiete? Bez ohľadu na to, aké je to malé alebo veľké, je to stále to isté v očiach Božích, vždy to isté, konať priamo na tom mieste, kde si. Vždy je to veľká vec nasledovať Pána.

64Radšej by som zvíťazil... alebo mal cirkev s päťdesiatimi ľuďmi, podľa vôle Božej, ako mať päťtisíc mimo vôle Božej. Iste. Boh môže urobiť viac s človekom vo Svojej vôli za jednu hodinu, ako by mohol urobiť s človekom mimo Jeho vôle za päťdesiat rokov. Rozumiete? On sa potkýna a potáca, akoby strieľal do tmy. Ale keď je človek skutočne vo vôli Božej a pozná svoje povolanie, mal by tam zostať.

 A teraz videnia, ako s nimi Pán Boh pracuje. Ja...

65„Keď On, Duch Svätý, príde, zjaví tieto veci, o ktorých som vám hovoril.“ No, nie je potrebné snažiť sa na to prísť iným spôsobom. On je Autorom. Určite by mal vedieť, čo napísal. Rozumiete? Biblia hovorí, že to napísal. „Dokonca aj tí ľudia v dávnych dobách, inšpirovaní Duchom Svätým, písali Slovo.“ A ak je Duch Svätý Autorom Slova, On určite vie, ako to vyložiť, lepšie ako my. Nech On urobí ten výklad. A viete, ako to On vykladá? No, nenechajte si ujsť tieto veci, ak prichádzate do služby uzdravovania. Pozrite. Toto si nenechajte ujsť. Ako to On vykladá? Týmto, potvrdením Toho, tým, že je to tak.

66To je to, čo povedal Ježiš. „Skúmajte Písma. V nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a oni hovoria o Mne, kým som. Oni hovoria o Mne. A kto Ma môže odsúdiť. Kto Ma môže obviniť z hriechu?“ Hriech je „nevera.“ „Ak nerobím skutky, ktoré boli napísané o Mne, potom Mi neverte. Ale ak konám skutky a vy Mi nemôžete veriť, potom verte tomu skutku, pretože Slovo o tom hovorilo.“ Rozumiete? To je jednoduchý sedliacky rozum.

 No, Boh, „Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.“ Vieme, že to hovorí Biblia. Tak to je.

67Je to už takmer dva roky. Bol som... Jedného rána som išiel do domu a posadil som sa na stoličku. No, zdá sa to veľmi zvláštne, že Boh do toho zahrnul zviera. Ako nejaký vzácny brat, v tom videní neba, toho malého prenesenia, ktoré som mal; Myslím, že som vám o tom raz povedal na nejakom zhromaždení. Napísal mi jedného dňa list a povedal... Hlas Obchodníkov to zverejnil. Povedal, „To bolo... tvoje videnie bolo v poriadku, brat Branham, to tvoje prenesenie. Ale počúvaj, to bolo v poriadku, až kým si nepovedal, že tvoj kôň, na ktorom si raz jazdil, prišiel a položil si hlavu na tvoje plece.“ Povedal, „V nebi nie sú žiadne kone, brat Branham. Nebo bolo stvorené pre ľudské bytosti, nie pre kone.“ No, myslel som si...

68No, obyčajne, vidíte niekoho takého, musíte všetko vysvetliť, on sa len snaží niečo nájsť a vypichnúť. Rozumiete? Boha si jednako nemôžete vysvetliť. Musíte Mu jednoducho veriť.

69Ale mohlo by ho to potešiť. Povedal som, „Brat, vôbec som nepovedal, že som bol v nebi. V tom videní som sa pýtal na Ježiša a oni povedali, že On je tam ďalej poza tým. Bol som na takom mieste ako raj. Ale ak vám to môže pomôcť, Biblia hovorí v knihe Zjavenia, že, 'Ježiš prišiel z nebies, jazdiac na bielom koni. A celé zástupy neba Ho nasledovali na bielych koňoch,' tak nejakí tam v nebi musia byť.“

70Boh sa zaujíma o všetko. On sa zaujíma o malé veci, ktoré robíte, alebo o veľké veci, ktoré robíte. Zaujíma Ho, ako sa staráte o svoje malé stádo, alebo niekto druhý, ako sa ty staráš o svoje veľké stádo. On sa zaujíma.

71Pred nejakým časom sme s mojím známym a milým bratom boli dolu na jednom mieste na rybačke. Bol som tam po tých zhromaždeniach a odpočíval som. Boli sme chytať na slimáky a chytili sme peknú zbierku rýb. A v ten večer sme umiestňovali šnúry s vlascami a minula sa nám návnada. Neskoro popoludní som vyšiel, aby som ulovil nejaké malé slnečnice [druh sladkovodnej ryby – pozn.prekl.], tieto malé rybky. Nemôžete... Tie veľké by ste mohli zjesť, ale toto je len malá návnada. Nahodil som vlasec, muškársku šnúru, chytal som ich a dával do vedra.

72A zatiaľ čo som sedel na tejto loďke, Niečo ma zasiahlo. Tento chlapec bol svedkom Jehovovým a jeho brat bol práve spasený a naplnený Duchom Svätým, a tí dvaja chlapci boli s nami. A ako som chytal tieto ryby, všetci sme chytali, Niečo ma zasiahlo. Povedal som, „Viete, nastane vzkriesenie nejakého života, nejaké malé zviera.“ No, malé zviera.

73No, mnohí z vás si pamätajú na to, keď vyšlo Slovo, ktoré povedalo, „Bude tam malý chlapec, ktorý bude vzkriesený z mŕtvych, po tom, čo bude zrazený autom.“ Brat Jack Moore je dnes večer so mnou tu; on bol vo Fínsku, keď sa to stalo. Rozumiete? Mnohí z vás si pamätáte, ako som vám to tu hovoril, vidíte, povedal som vám, aby ste si to zapísali do knihy. Všimnite si.

74A brat Wood sa otočil, brat Banks Wood, ten, ktorého chlapec bol uzdravený z obrny. A on sa otočil a povedal svojmu bratovi, „Len to sleduj. Niečo sa má stať.“ Pokračoval som v chytaní rýb. Tak sme nahodili na udice tie návnady, chytali sme.

 V ten večer sme nič nechytili.

75Na druhý deň ráno som povedal, „Bolo tam celkom dosť tých slnečníc.“

76Povedal, „Povedz, mimochodom, či si nepovedal, že tam nastane nejaké vzkriesenie života?“

 Povedal som, „Áno.“

77Poviem vám, keď som odchádzal z domu, oni boli... Moje dievčatko... My sme takí... Vy ľudia ich môžete mať, ak ich chcete, no vidíte, ale ja sa bojím mačky. A nemám rád ten poverčivý pocit v ich prítomnosti. A tak ich nemáme doma a verím, že tá mačka dokáže rozpoznať, že sa jej bojím. A tak, môj otec sa bál mačiek. A potom, moje malé dievčatá vedeli, že nemáme mať žiadne mačky. A to malé...

78Moje dievčatko kráčalo po ceste s ďalším malým dievčatkom a ona sa vrátila s veľmi smutným pohľadom na tvári a povedala, „Ocko?“

 Povedal som, „Čo chceš, drahá?“

 Povedala, „Stala sa hrozná vec.“

 Povedal som, „Čo je to?“

 Povedala, „Keby si len vedel!“

 Povedal som, „No, povedz mi to.“

79Povedala, „Niekto tu na cestu vyhodil biednu starú mačku.“ A povedala, „Ona je takmer na pokraji smrti, ledva chodí.“ A povedala, „Oci, nevadilo by ti, keby sme ju kŕmili a starali sa o ňu?“

80Povedal som, „Určite nie. Ak ju chcete kŕmiť, len buďte opatrní. Nech vás nepoškriabe.“ Povedal som, „Ukáž mi tú mačku.“

81A tak, keď priniesli tú mačku, zohnal som nejakú krabicu a, samozrejme, na druhý deň ráno sme mali kopu mačiatok.

82A potom, môj malý chlapec, keď som odchádzal, malý Jozef, díval sa na ne. Ó, on si myslel, že sú také zlaté, viete, lezú okolo, viete. A tak jednu vzal do ruky; stlačil ju príliš silno a spadla mu na betón. To maličké sa začalo obracať a obracať. Pomyslel som si, „Och!“

83A pomyslel som si, „No, to môže byť to malé mačiatko, keď sa vrátim domov.“ Pamätáte sa na prípad tej vačice. Pomyslel som si, „No, to môže byť to mačiatko.“ Tak potom sme sedeli tam vzadu v tej malej zátoke, chytali sme ryby a potom sme chytili tieto celkom veľké slnečnice, tie malé sme hodili späť.

84Brat Lyle, brat brata Banksa, chytal na udicu s veľkým háčikom a veľkým klbkom červov. Nechal tú malú slnečnicu, aby prehltla ten háčik až dole do jej malého brucha. A keď ju vytiahol hore, povedal, „No, prajem si, aby ste sa tam pozreli,“ asi takto dlhé. A on... myslím, že nemohol vytiahnuť ten háčik. Nebol tam žiaden iný spôsob; len odrezať vlasec. A on si chcel svoj háčik zachrániť. Tak z nej vytiahol žiabre, brucho a všetko, takto, a hodil ju do vody. A ona sa trikrát alebo štyrikrát zatriasla a len tam ležala. Povedal, „Prišiel si o svoju poslednú šancu, chlapče.“

85Povedal som, „Lyle, keď začne hrýzť... Vezmi si menší háčik. Keď začne hrýzť, vezmi si tento muškársky prút, čo tu leží, a keď ho začne hrýzť, zatiahni. Predtým, ako jej to vlezie dovnútra a prehltne ho celý.“ Povedal som, „V tom je tá lovecká zručnosť.“       

86„Ó,“ povedal, „Ja by som zle potiahol,“ a pokračoval. A on to niekoľkokrát skúsil a asi tri alebo štyrikrát to minul. Položil to na zem a povedal, „Nechám ju, nech to znova prehltne.“

87Tak táto malá rybka tam plávala na vode, ó, hádam, tridsať minút. A začali sa dvíhať a prichádzať vlny.

88Povedal som, „No, čoskoro budeme musieť odísť. Teraz máme nalovené vedro, takže budeme musieť odísť.“

89A zodvihol som sa, aby som to nahodil na nejaké lekná, a zatiahol to tam. Boli tam ryby s veľkým červeným bruchom. Tak som začal ťahať návnadu po tom kvete, viete, prevrátil som ju a strhol som ju do vody, ako to vy, muži a ženy, čo viete o chytaní rýb, poznáte.

90A keď som to začal robiť, zrazu cez tie kopce Niečo zostúpilo, ako keď sa valí vietor. A prišlo to na mňa. Odložil som udicu a postavil sa do člna. Rozhliadol som sa. Počul som Hlas, ktorý povedal, „Vidíš tú rybku?“ A ona tam bola, ležala tam.

91Povedal som, „Vidíš tú rybku?“ práve tak, ako to povedal. Tam mala natiahnuté plutvy a ležala pol hodiny na vode. A táto Biblia tu teraz leží otvorená. Rozumiete?

 A On povedal, „Prehovor k nej a vráť jej život.“

92A povedal som, „Malá rybka, v Mene Pána Ježiša, vraciam ti tvoj život.“

93A tí muži tam stáli a dívali sa. Tá rybička sa prevrátila na chrbát a plávala dolu vodou. Vyzerali, ako keby išli omdlieť. Lyle si umyl tvár vodou. Povedal, „Po chvíli sa zobudím.“ Povedal, „Viem, že snívam.“

 Povedal som, „Ty nesnívaš.“

94A presne v tom istom čase, myslím, že som mal na modlitebných zoznamoch tridsať alebo štyridsať spastických detí. A ako by Boh prešiel okolo tých spastických detí a vzkriesil tú malú rybku, to len ukazuje na to, že On sa zaujíma o všetko.

95Prečo by On použil Svoju moc, aby preklial figovník, keď boli v zemi tisíce malomocných? A On obišiel tých malomocných a išiel a preklial figovník. A povedal, „Nech nikto z teba neje,“ a ten figovník uschol. Použil Svoju moc, aby ukázal, že sa zaujíma o stromy. Zaujíma sa o ryby.

96Zaujíma sa o teba. Zaujíma sa o mňa. A On má záujem vidieť, ako je Jeho Slovo zamanifestované, a On závisí na nás, aby sme to vykonali, lebo my sme Jeho agenti. Nič v nás samých. To je On; poddávame sa a kráčame s Ním.

97Videl som v to ráno videnie. Videl som ležať na kraji kopca nejaké veľké zviera. Ó, malo to obrovské parohy. V tomto videní som bol na poľovačke, bolo to okolo desiatej alebo jedenástej. A ja som tam prekĺzol a zastrelil to zviera.

98A potom na ceste späť sa oproti mne postavil veľký obor, veľký grizly, a ja som ho zastrelil.

99A potom som ich videl, ako vzali tie rohy, a malá ruka sa načiahla a zobrala parožie a priložila k nemu meracie pásmo. Meralo to štyridsaťdva palcov, od vrchu koruny po hornú časť parožia, bolo to dlhé štyridsaťdva palcov. Nikdy som nevidel takéto zviera, na paroží to malo veľké hroty. A jednako, vyzeralo to ako jeleň, ale je to, ó, veľké ako dva alebo tri jelene. Nikdy som nič také nevidel.

100„No,“ povedal som, „pravdepodobne sa to jedného dňa stane. Napíšem si to.“

101Išiel som dolu do Kentucky s mojím priateľom a brat Miner Arganbright mi zavolal a povedal, „Brat Branham, si zaneprázdnený?“

102Povedal, „Nie je to tak zlé.“ Povedal som, „Bol som na svojom... Mám teraz dva týždne. Mám krátku dovolenku.“

103Povedal, „Poď so mnou do Kanady a na Aljašku. Chceme zorganizovať stretnutie obchodníkov v Anchorage a tiež tam vo Fairbanks.“

 Povedal som, „Znie to dobre, ak na to budem mať čas.“

104Povedal, „No, brat Branham, ak to urobíš, poviem ti, čo urobíme, zariadime ti pekný lov na medveďa grizlyho.“

105Pomyslel som si, „Ó, to znie dobre.“ Pomyslel som si, „Ó, tam je to videnie. Vidíte, to je to.“

106„Pekný lov medveďa grizlyho,“ povedal som, „to znie dobre. Nejdem kvôli tomu. Ale zatiaľ čo budeme tam hore a nejakí sprievodcovia ma budú chcieť vziať zadarmo do divočiny, rád pôjdem.“

 Tak on povedal, „No, oni to urobia. Máme to vybavené.“

 Povedal som, „No, teraz počkaj. Dovoľte, aby som sa za to modlil.“

107A v ten deň som išiel hore do lesa a zakaždým, keď som sa modlil, išiel som ďalej, po celý čas, úplne preč od toho. Pomyslel som si, „To je zvláštne.“ A dva dni po tom som zavolal bratovi Arganbrightovi. Povedal som, „Nie.“

108Povedal, „Brat Branham, akurát to zariaďujeme.“

109Povedal som, „Nerob to, Duch Svätý to odsúdil.“ A povedal som mu to videnie. Povedal som, „Ja neviem, brat Arganbright, ale je to zvláštne. Ale On ma nenechá ísť tam hore, a napriek tomu to znie tak, že by to bolo to miesto.“

 A on povedal, „No, všetci sme už pripravení ísť.“ A povedal som...

110Mnohí z vás teraz uvidia brata Arganbrighta. On teraz prichádza, aby sa so mnou po tomto zhromaždení pripravil na cestu do zámoria. A tak sa ho môžete na ten príbeh opýtať. Tak sme povedali...

 Povedal som, „Nie, nemôžem tam ísť. Duch Svätý mi hovorí, že nie.“

111Najlepšie je poslúchať, bez ohľadu na to, ako dobre to vyzerá. Zajtra večer budem o niečom takom kázať, ak bude Pán chcieť. Tak teraz pamätajte, bez ohľadu na to, ako dobre to vyzerá, ak v tom nie je Boh, držte sa od toho ďalej. Bez ohľadu na to, ako pôvabne to vyzerá, držte sa od toho preč. Aké prosperujúce, drž sa od toho ďalej, ak v tom nie je Boh. Držte sa od toho preč. No, budeme o tom hovoriť zajtra večer, ak bude Pán chcieť.

112No, potom, keď som išiel domov, Billy mi povedal, môj syn, povedal, „Oci, poznáš toho poľovníka, s ktorým si tam išiel poľovať minulú jar, ktorý sa volá Southwick?“

113„Ó,“ povedal som, „hore... tam pod Yukonom?“

 Povedal, „Áno.“ Povedal, „Má tu pre teba list.“

114Je to brat Eddie Byskal, ktorý je vedúcim združenia kazateľov severozápadnej krajiny tam hore, veľmi milý chlapec, môže tu byť na tomto zhromaždení. On sem tentokrát plánuje prísť. Fajn chlapík a má milú rodinu. On je teraz tam hore misionárom pri Indiánoch kmeňa Cree. A bol som s ním len minulú jeseň a potom... alebo vlastne minulé leto.

115Potom ma chcel Eddie vziať ku Budovi, ktorý bol jedným z jeho obrátených ku Kristovi. Jeho manželka bola verná letničná. Bud bol farmárom a práve nedávno vošiel. Ale tam, kde vyhnali Indiánov a umiestnili ich do rezervácie, tam mu bolo pridelené veľké územie na lov. Asi šesť... Ó, hádam má okolo tristo štvorcových míľ alebo viac, ako územie, ktoré mu pridelila kanadská vláda.

116No, na jar, keď som tam bol, išli sme po zhromaždení poľovať na medvede, ale keď sme... v máji, ale prišiel ten vietor 'chinook' a to nás odrezalo. Mali sme asi... On nikdy nepočul o ničom z tých zhromaždení a Eddie do neho stále „hustil“ ohľadne tých zhromaždení.

117A on povedal, „Nechcete mi povedať, že Boh sa dnes ukazuje a ukazuje veci, ktoré prichádzajú skôr, ako sa stanú?“

 Eddie povedal, „To je presne tak.“

118A tak so mnou stále hovoril. Povedal, „Vieš, mám brata, ktorý má epilepsiu.“ Povedal, „Ak by si sa len mohol dostať k tomu bratovi!“ Povedal, „Verím, že ak by som ho mohol dostať na jedno z tvojich zhromaždení, verím, že by bol uzdravený.“ Povedal som... Povedal, „On to má celý svoj život.“

 Povedal som, „Možno áno.“

119No, tam sa v tom ročnom období nestmieva, viete. Slnko len zapadá a... Ó, môžete, kedykoľvek, o polnoci, o jednej, môžete len stáť a čítať noviny, alebo čokoľvek, vidíte. A niekedy koncom mája slnko vôbec nezapadne. Takmer zapadne, asi na desať minút a vráti sa. A tak, kedykoľvek sme sa unavili, jednoducho sme si ľahli.

120A potom, keď sme vyšli na cestu, stretli sme skupinu Indiánov. A, ó, mám tam toho starého náčelníka. Nechali ho tam zostať, pretože mal dve deti. Pochovávajú svoje deti do kmeňa stromu, svojich blízkych. Nejaký druh náboženstva. A oni ich zavesili na strom, tak tam nechali tú rodinu. Milý starý chlapík, má okolo deväťdesiat rokov, sedel vo svojom sedle rovnako dobre ako ktorýkoľvek z jeho chlapcov.

121A tak sme na druhý deň odišli. On povedal, „Teraz tam nie je žiaden chodník. Choď hore cez hory a touto cestou.“ Ó, to bolo ďalších 160 kilometrov, aby sme sa dostali na chodník. Tak to by sme nemohli urobiť. Bolo už príliš neskoro. Vracali sme sa.

122A na ceste späť, Bud má niekoľko mladých koní a niektoré z nich sa dostali do mokrade a podobne. Ja som tam išiel a rozprával som sa s Eddiem. Bud bol na vodiacom koni a snažil sa dostať von. Mali sme dvadsaťjeden hláv. A ja som mal povraz na jednom, dostal som ho von. Hneď, ako sa dostal von, potom sa dostal dovnútra môj vlastný jazdecký kôň. A tu som bol a dostal som sa von. Bol som zablatený a všetko.... Za pár minút som sa postavil na koňa a utrel som si bahno z oblečenia, a tak som začal.

123A rovno predo mnou, cez ten vrch tam prišiel mladý muž. Pozrel som sa na neho. Presunul som sa v sedle dozadu a zastavil som koňa. Videl som, ako upadol do záchvatu, chodil stále dookola a penil a bol skutočne arogantný a všetko trhal. Potom sa stíšil. Videl som starú rozpálenú pec. Videl som, ako mu horela košeľa.

124Eddie bol asi o pol mestského bloku predo mnou a snažil sa chytiť iného koňa. Mladý kôň zbehol z chodníka, dostal sa tam a strhol zo seba postroj. A tak som tam vybehol za Eddiem. Utíšili sme toho koňa. Povedal som, „Eddie, dostal som TAK HOVORÍ PÁN za Buda.“

 Povedal, „Brat Branham, čo sa stalo?“

 Povedal som, „Videnie. Videl som jeho brata.“

 Povedal, „Ó, vezmi ho.“

125Povedal som, „Zadrž tie kone. Popoženiem svoje a pôjdem vpred, preklusáme okolo týchto koní, uvidíme, či ich dokážem dostať a zadržať na úbočí kopca.“

126Obehol som takto útes so svojím... na mojom koni. Pomkol som ho hore a dostal sa tam. A položil som ruku na sedlo. Povedal som, „Bud?“

 Povedal, „Áno, brat Branham.“

127Povedal som, „Chcem ti niečo povedať. Tvoj brat...“ a opísal som ho.

 Povedal, „Áno. Kto ti to povedal?“

 Povedal som, „Nikto. Pán mi ho len ukázal.“

 Povedal som, „Uveríš mi ako Jeho sluhovi?“

 Povedal, „Samozrejme, brat Branham.“

128Povedal som, „Pošli pre neho,“ asi 1280 kilometrov späť do civilizácie, „priveď sem svojho brata. A ten prvý raz, keď upadne do takého záchvatu...“ Povedal som, „On mal tieto záchvaty asi od dvoch rokov. Možno tomu nebudeš veriť, ale je to dedičné. Váš starý otec ich mal.“

 Povedal, „No, to je pravda, to je pravda.“

129Povedal som, „No, keď ten chlapec bude mať ten záchvat, strhnite mu z chrbta košeľu a hoďte ju do ohňa a povedz, 'Toto robím v Mene Ježiša Krista podľa Jeho Slova.' On už nikdy nebude mať ďalší záchvat, pokiaľ tomu bude veriť.“

130On len zodvihol ruky a začal kričať. Povedal, „Nikdy som to nevidel urobiť, ale ty si mi povedal, ako vyzerá môj brat, a povedal si pravdu o mojom starom otcovi.“

 Povedal som, „Tak je.“

131Potom, ako sme odišli, poslal pre svojho brata. A v to ráno išiel na trasu. Keď pricestoval autobusom, prišiel hore, prechádzal dva alebo trikrát týždenne, hore a dole po aljašskej diaľnici. On prišiel.

132A Budova žena, Lila, je len taká malá, maličká žena, veľká ako kocka mydla po tom, ako sa ňou umyla celá rodina. Taká malá... On má päť detí a milú drobnú ženu.

133A tak, Bud išiel obriadiť svoje kone, pretože pôjde na trasu, aby sme sa tam mohli vrátiť s jeho lovcami.

134Hneď, ako odišiel, no, jeho brat, ktorý si ani nestihol dať dolu svoj riadny odev, upadol do záchvatu. Oni táborili v starých kasárňach, ktoré postavili Američania, keď stavali diaľnicu. A keď... Mali starú veľkú pec na drevo. A malá Lila... On mal záchvat, keď dostal to posadnutie. A bola z neho na smrť vystrašená a išla by umývať okno alebo niečo iné, aby len odtiaľ odišla. Ale ona vyskočila a premýšľala o tom, čo bolo povedané. Bola na jednom zo zhromaždení, dole v Dawson Creek.

135Ona sa tam prirútila a postavila sa k tomuto veľkému človeku rozkročmo, plačúc, strhla mu z chrbta jeho bielu košeľu aj s gombíkmi a so všetkým, podišla k peci a povedala, „Toto robím v Mene Pána Ježiša podľa Slova Pánovho, ktoré nám bolo povedané.“ A odvtedy ho nikdy nemal. Tým to bolo vybavené.

136Poslal pre mňa, aby som prišiel na bezplatný lov. A ja vždy hľadám tie veci zadarmo, viete. Tak som si pomyslel... „No,“ povedal som, „pôjdem. Uvidím, či ma Pán pustí.“ Modlil som sa. A nič viac okrem modlitby, všetko sa to uberalo priamo tým smerom.

137Vzal som brata Freda Sothmanna. On je tu niekde na zhromaždení. Kde si, Fred? Tu to je. Áno. Je jedným z dôverníkov našej cirkvi. Brat Fred vie, že toto bolo povedané tri mesiace predtým, ako sa to stalo. Je to pravda, brat Fred? A myslím, že brat Simpson. Koľkí sú dnes večer v budove, ktorí vedia, že to bolo povedané predtým, ako sa to stalo? Zodvihnite ruky. Tu to máte. A pred cirkvou bolo povedané, čo sa presne stane. No, nevedel som, že toto je ten čas.

138A tak som išiel na aljašskú diaľnicu a brat Fred sa zastavil u priateľa, aby išiel poľovať na losov. Je to príliš ďaleko na losov. A tak, to miesto, kam sme išli, boli sme v krajine oviec. A tak sme... Vzal som kúsok kriedy alebo hliny a kreslil som na predné sklo. Povedal som, „No, brat Fred, tak ak je toto ten čas, budeš si presne pamätať, čo to bude.“ A zapamätal si to.

139Išiel som hore. V tú noc, keď sme prišli do tábora, Bud povedal, „Brat Branham!“ Objal ma a skákal hore dolu, hovoril v jazykoch a vykrikoval, viete. Povedal... A ten starý drsný kovboj tiež. A jednoducho chválil Boha. Povedal, „Vieš čo, brat Branham? Môj brat od tej doby nemal žiaden záchvat. On je úplne normálny a zdravý, už rok.“

140Povedal som, „Pokiaľ tomu bude veriť, bude to takto pokračovať.“ A povedal som, „No, povedz mu, aby vydal svoj život Kristovi a slúžil Mu po zvyšok svojich dní. 'Choď a nehreš viac, aby na neho neprišla horšia vec.' Rozumiete?“ Povedal som, „Povedz mu, aby to urobil teraz.“

141Tak som povedal, „Mám ešte jedno videnie,“ a povedal som mu o tom videní. Povedal som, „No, boli tam so mnou nejakí malí chlapíci. Boli sme na poľovačke. Boli to malí muži. A jeden z nich mal na sebe oblečenú zelenú károvanú košeľu.“

142A on povedal, „No,“ povedal, „brat Branham,“ povedal, „nemám zelenú, károvanú košeľu.“ Jeho chlapec, Blaine, osemnásťročný, povedal, že nemá žiadnu zelenú károvanú košeľu.

143Eddie Byskal, ďalší malý chlapík, váži asi päťdesiat kíl, povedal, „Ani ja nemám, brat Branham.“

 Povedal som, „No,“ povedal som, „no, to zviera...“

 Povedal, „Čo to bolo za zviera?“

 Povedal som, „Vyzeralo to ako jeleň.“

144Povedal, „Tu hore nie sú žiadne jelene. Toto je príliš vysoko.“ Povedal, „Možno to bol karibu.“

 Povedal som, „Karibu má ploché parožie.“

 Povedal, „To je pravda.“

 Povedal som, „Toto malo hroty.“

145Povedal, „No, brat Branham,“ povedal, „pôjdeme do ovčej krajiny, nie do oblasti jeleňov alebo do niečoho podobného.“

146Povedal som, „No, tak to je pravdepodobne iná výprava. Brat Arganbright... Mohlo to byť niekde na Aljaške,“ povedal som, „pretože to bol obrovský, veľký grizly.“

 Povedal, „Čo to bolo za grizlyho?“

 Povedal som, „Strieborný grizly.“ Ten je najznámejší zo všetkých.

147Povedal, „Som sprievodca. Som tu v týchto lesoch celý život. Nikdy som nevidel strieborného grizlyho.“ Povedal, „Videl som obyčajného grizlyho. Ale,“ povedal, „nikdy v živote som nevidel strieborného grizlyho, ani jedného.“

148Povedal som, „No, niekde nejaký je a ja ho idem dostať.“

 Povedal, „Poviem, že je to pravda.“ Povedal, „Poviem to.“

149O tri dni sme vyrazili. Urobili sme si tábor nad hranicou lesa.

150A, Bože, pomôž mi, ak to takto zostane až do Milénia, nechaj ma tam žiť počas Milénia. Rád sa tam kochám v tej prírode. Ó! Ktokoľvek tam nemôže vidieť Boha, je slepý, hluchý a nemý. Len Ho vidieť, ako sa odráža v tých veľkých, obrovských horách! Ó! Hlbina potom volá do hlbiny a tam hore mám skrátka nádherný čas.

151Tak sme vyšli na jeden vrch. Musíte len takto kráčať rovno, aby ste sa dostali hore. Ó, žiadne drevo, všetko, čo vidíte, je jednoducho 'karibu' mach. Videli sme asi tridsať alebo štyridsať kusov oviec. Žiadna nebola dostatočne veľká na to, aby sme ju ulovili. Boli to len malé polovičné a trojštvrťové. Chcel som odtiaľ odísť s dostatočne veľkým kusom, a tak som išiel tak ďaleko dozadu. Tak sme... Išiel som naspäť dolu.

152A na druhý deň sme sa vydali na druhú stranu a Eddie spadol do vody, keď ju začal preskakovať, mal na sebe veľké topánky.

153Keď sme vyšli na úbočie hory, Bud sa zastavil a povedal, „Daj mi svoj ďalekohľad, Billy.“ Dal som mu ďalekohľad.

154Kúsok sme kráčali a hovorili o Pánovi a kričali a bežali hore-dolu po úbočí vrchu a mali sme nádherný čas. Je dobré ísť na poľovačku, ak idete s bratmi.

155A tak zobral môj ďalekohľad. Povedal, „Brat Branham, tam je tvoj baran. Asi osem ich leží približne šesť míľ odtiaľto, rovno tam na vrchole toho druhého kopca. Pozri sa na nich. Vidíš ich spolu?“

 Zdvihol som sa. Povedal som, „Povedal by som, že presne tam sú.“

156Povedal, „No, mohli by sme sa vrátiť dolu, začať ráno o tretej.“ Povedal, „Mali by sme tam hore byť o deviatej alebo o desiatej. Tí starí barani budú oddychovať. To bude ten pravý čas.“

 Povedal som, „Čo sú zač tie ďalšie zvieratá, ktoré tam chodia?“

157Povedal, „To je karibu.“ Povedal som... Tak, šesť míľ ďaleko, viete, je ťažké povedať, ako vyzerajú.

158A potom, takmer 1000 kilometrov vzdušnou čiarou od toho miesta, tam nie je ani chodník alebo cesta. A keď narazíte na západné pobrežie, pôjdete skoro 1300 kilometrov do Vancouveru, tam nie je ani kúsok civilizácie. A ďalšia civilizácia, ktorá sa nachádza tým smerom, to je Anchorage, asi 1100 alebo 1300 kilometrov odtiaľ. Keď pôjdete naspäť touto cestou, narazíte na malé mesto Yellow knife, kde raz za rok zoženiete loď pre Eskimákov. A potom sa dostanete do Ruska. Takže ste skutočne sami. To je to, kde Boh môže odpočinúť, tam hore, od všetkých našich problémov a skúšok, do ktorých Ho dostávame. Tak rád tam idem a hovorím s Ním, keď odpočíva, vidíte, tak potom, ako to bolo včera večer na lodi.

159Tak, keď sme išli naspäť dolu a na ďalšie ráno sme začali skoro. Asi okolo ôsmej sme prešli cez porast a všetko možné, až sme sa dostali na vrchol kopca. A po ceste hore, tu išiel starý kravský karibu a pekný veľký býk. Išiel, vyštartoval do kopca a mal na sebe veľké parožie. A povedal som, „No, a tak je tu prvý divoký karibu, ktorého som kedy videl v lesoch. Nikdy predtým som nebol tak vysoko.“

 On povedal, „Áno, to je karibu.“

160Tak sme vyšli na vrch a pozreli sa. Ovce tam neboli. Tak sme s Budom išli okolo. A Eddie začal stopovať okolo a Blaine, jeho chlapec, sa obzeral, či tam nie je zver.

161A kráčali sme sem, a, ó, ja som len zakričal, „Sláva Bohu!“ Pozrel som sa tam dolu a boli tam tie veľké vrchy zasnežené snehom; žltý 'karibu' mach pod snehom. A tesne pod tým bol ihličnatý porast, ktorým bol trpasličí smrek. A keď som sa dostal trochu ďalej, tam bola červená kosodrevina. Kúsok ďalej bola žltá osika. Všetko sa zrkadlilo v jazere pod tým. Ó!

162Bud a ja sme sa len objali a tancovali sme tam dookola, jednoducho sme kričali, vykrikovali a chválili Boha. A sadli sme si objímajúc sa a chválili sme Boha. A mali sme nádherný čas, myslím, že asi dve hodiny.

163A povedal som, „Počuj, zaujímalo by ma, čo sa stalo s Eddiem?“ Volali sme ho „Kamoš.“ Tak sme sa vrátili. Začali sme ísť cez kopec. Povedal som, „Tu hore sa nemohol stratiť.“

164A povedal, „Nie. Blaine je niekde tam vzadu a on je Indián.“

165Tak sme sa poobzerali okolo a videl som tam ležať filmovú kameru. Povedal som, „Tá je Eddieho.“ Pozrel som sa späť dolu kopcom. A ja som išiel jednou cestou a on išiel inou cestou.

166A Eddie hovoril „Š-š-š-š.“ Prenasledoval toho malého býčieho karibu. A on ho chcel vziať dolu a nakŕmiť ním indiánskych priateľov, pri ktorých bol ako misionár. Tak on zastrelil toho karibu. Išli sme dole a očistili ho.

167Vrátili sme sa okolo jednej hodiny. Znovu sme našli naše osedlané kone, asi 800 metrov od miesta, kde stáli. A stáli sme tam. Povedal, „Brat Branham, rád chodíš?“

 Povedal som, „Samozrejme.“

168Povedal, „Ak vylezieme na túto horu... Tí barani išli touto cestou a možno zišli dolu do tej druhej jamy. Ak to neurobili, išli naspäť touto druhou cestou.“ Povedal, „Nechajme Eddieho a ich ísť naspäť a prejdime cez toto miesto sem dole, vezmime môjho a tvojho koňa a dopravíme toho karibu do tábora. Pôjdeme len tade hore a prídeme na to miesto. Mali by sme doraziť dnes večer okolo desiatej alebo jedenástej.“

 Povedal som, „Dobre. Urobíme to.“

169Tak sme tam stáli. Zjedli sme konzervu sardiniek, každý jednu. A zakopali sme tieto sardinky pod mach. A náš chlieb, ktorý sme mali v košeli, a bol prepotený, až to bolo všetko jedna veľká hruda. Ale to bolo dobré, keď ste hladní. A je to v poriadku. Tak sme tam stáli.

170A ja som sa len obzeral. A pozrel som sa cez ďalekohľad. Povedal som, „Bud, pozri sa sem. Čo je to tam?“

171Asi vo vzdialenosti päť kilometrov ležal ten karibu. A bolo to zvláštne. Neboli to ploché panelové parohy; boli to veľké hroty. Povedal som, „Pamätáte sa? Pozrite sa sem. Tam je to na tej rozľahlej pláni, úplne presne. A tam leží to zviera, práve tak.“ Povedal som, „Je len jedna vec, ktorá bráni tomu videniu, niekto so zelenou károvanou košeľou.“ A tam stál Eddie v zelenej károvanej košeli. Povedal som, „Myslel som si, že nemáš takú.“

172Povedal, „Moja žena mi to musela dať do batohu. Keď som včera spadol do vody, musel som si prezliecť košeľu.“ Povedal, „Nevedel som, že to tam mám, brat Branham. Je mi ľúto, že som ti povedal niečo nesprávne.“

 Povedal som, „Musel si to urobiť, synu.“

173Ó, Bud začal kričať. Povedal, „Môžeš stáť rovno tu a zastreliť ho odtiaľto na tri míle ďaleko, že, brat Branham?“

 Povedal som, „Podľa toho videnia som sa dostal rovno až k nemu.“

174Povedal, „Brat Branham, povedz, ako sa tam dostaneš?“

 Povedal som, „Neviem, ale dostanem sa tam.“

 Tak on povedal, „Akou cestou ideš?“

 Povedal som, „Obídem túto pláň.“

175Povedal, „To je bridlica.“ A ja... Povedal, „Ak sa pošmykneš, v sekunde budeš mať na sebe asi tisíc ton snehu.“

176Povedal som, „Pán sa o to postará. To je cesta, ktorou som išiel vo videní, rovno dookola.“

 Povedal, „No, pôjdem za tebou.“ Tu on ide.

177A títo chlapci povedali, „Teraz tu zostaneme, až kým neuvidíme, že dostaneš toho karibu,“ a povedali, „potom pôjdeme dolu, vezmeme kone a pôjdeme ďalej. Stretneme sa na konci poľovačky, asi, šesť alebo osem kilometrov nižšie.“

 Povedal, „V poriadku.“

178Tak sme začali ísť okolo, Bud a ja. Asi za pol hodiny sme to obišli dookola. A ten karibu ležal rovno tam, díval sa rovno na nás a vôbec nás nevidel. Musel spať. A išiel som trochu hore, vrátil som sa a prišiel som hore do vzdialenosti asi 30 metrov od neho. Tam ležal. Toto gigantické, veľké zviera, odtiaľ vstalo a ja som ho dostal.

179A keď sme tam sedeli, sťahovali sme z neho kožu, a tak ďalej, Bud povedal, „Či si povedal, že tieto rohy majú štyridsaťdva palcov?“

 Povedal som, „To je presne tak.“

180Povedal, „Brat Branham, musia merať stoštyridsaťdva,“ veľká obrovská hlava.

 Povedal som, „Nie, je to presne štyridsaťdva.“

 Povedal, „Mám tam dole zvinovací meter.“

 Povedal som, „Pochybuješ o tom?“

 Povedal, „Nie veru.“

181Povedal, „Ale počkaj chvíľu, nepovedal si mi, že dostaneš veľkého grizlyho predtým, ako zídeš dolu? Predtým, ako sa vrátiš tam, kde bol ten chlapec so zelenou košeľou, bude tam strieborný grizly?“

 Povedal som, „To je pravda.“

182Pozrel sa naspäť dolu kopcom. No, nie je tam nič tak vysoké, vôbec nič. Len mach, všetko, čo vidíte, míle a míle, len zvlnené kopce machu. Povedal, „Kde je, brat Branham?“

183Povedal som, „On ho môže poskytnúť. On tak povedal.“ Povedal som, „Či o tom pochybuješ, Bud?“

 Povedal, „Nie veru.“

184No, pri schádzaní z kopca, prichádzame takto. On chvíľu niesol pušku a ja hlavu, potom naopak. Pri schádzaní z toho kopca sme museli ísť bokom, to veľké parožie sa zabára do machu. A dostali sme sa asi na vzdialenosť jeden a pol kilometra od toho miesta. Zastavili sme sa a obzreli sa. Povedal, „Ten starý medveď by sa mal radšej ukázať, že?“

 Povedal som, „Čo ťa trápi?“

 Povedal, „Nič.“

185Išli sme ďalej, až sme narazili na malý ľadovec, ktorý križoval cestu. Sadli sme si tam a trochu sme sa ochladili. Povedal, „Brat Branham, len na to pomysli,“ povedal, „my sme sa dostali, ó, je to menej ako jeden kilometer, kým sa stretneme s tými chlapcami, a niekde medzi týmto a tamtým miestom ulovíš strieborného grizlyho.“

186Povedal som, „To je pravda, to je pravda.“ On povedal... Povedal som, „Ty o tom pochybuješ, Bud.“

187On vstal a vzal ma za ruku. Povedal, „Brat Branham, môj brat od toho dňa nikdy nemal záchvat.“ Povedal, „Boh, ktorý ti môže povedať o mojom bratovi, by ti neklamal.“

 Povedal som, „Bud, on tam bude.“

 Povedal, „Odkiaľ príde?“

188Povedal som, „Neviem, ale,“ povedal som, „Bud, mám päťdesiatdva,“ (vtedy), a povedal som, „videl som videnia už od detstva. A keď som tu videl zabitého tohto karibu a uvidíš, či jeho rohy nie sú dlhé štyridsaťdva palcov. A potom, v tom istom videní som bol na ceste naspäť dolu, kde bola tá spoločnosť, s ktorou som bol, a ja som zabil tohto strieborného medveďa grizly. “

 Povedal, „Brat Branham, vidím na vzdialenosť dvadsať míľ.“

189Povedal, „Boh ho bude musieť vytiahnuť zo zeme, alebo priviesť z neba, alebo niečo podobné.“

 Povedal som, „Neboj sa, on tam bude.“

190Išli sme asi o ďalších sto metrov ďalej. On bol tiež takmer vyčerpaný. Toto váži asi sedemdesiat kilogramov, táto trofej. A tak, ako sme išli dolu z kopca, on to položil na zem. Povedal, „Fíha, som hotový vzdať to.“

191Povedal som, „Áno.“ Potom sme prišli k malému trpasličiemu smreku, asi takto vysokému. Okolo tam lietalo pár tetrovov a samičiek ptamirganských tetrovov, a tak som na nich takto hodil niekoľko kameňov.

 Tak on povedal, „Jedol si niekedy nejakú snehuľu?“

 Povedal som, „Nie, nemyslím si.“

192Povedal, „Sú chutné. Sú tak dobré ako tetrov.“ Povedal, „Brat Branham?“ Zložil zo seba svoj veľký čierny klobúk a ovieval sa ním. Povedal, „Už je čas, aby sa ten starý medveď objavil, či nie, chlapče?“

 A povedal som, riekol som, „Bud, ty o tom pochybuješ.“

193Povedal, „Nie, nepochybujem. Ale, brat Branham, ja len nerozumiem.“

194Povedal som, „Ani ja tomu nerozumiem. Nemusím tomu rozumieť. Musím tomu veriť.“ Amen. Boh v nebi vie, že tieto veci sú pravdou. Či by som tu stál a povedal toto, keby to nebola pravda?

195Potom som sa začal obracať, aby som mu dal pušku a zodvihol som hlavu. A keď som sa otočil, povedal som, „Bud, máš ten ďalekohľad na krku. Čo je to tam hore na kraji kopca?“

196A on zdvihol ďalekohľad. Povedal, „Ó, pomôž mi,“ povedal, „ak to nie je niekoho dojná krava!“ V tej krajine nie je nič také. Povedal, „To je ten najväčší grizly, akého som kedy v živote videl. A tak mi pomôž, pozri na to žlté slnko, ktoré na neho svieti. To je strieborný grizly.“ Povedal, „Čo si myslíš, ako je ďaleko?“

197Povedal som, „Je tam hore, asi dve míle odtiaľto.“ A boli sme takmer vyčerpaní. On povedal... Povedal som, „Na čo čakáme? Poďme.“

 A on povedal, „Si si istý, že ho dostaneš?“

 Povedal som, „Istotne ho dostanem.“

 Povedal, „Čo je to za zbraň, ktorú tam používaš?“

198A povedal som, „No, to je jedno.“ Bola to taká malá zbraň, ktorú mi dal jeden brat na jednom stretnutí pred niekoľkými rokmi. Povedal som, „Malá, lacná puška kalibru .270.“ A povedal som, „V poriadku. Mám... Ja... To bude.“

199Približovali sme sa. A čím sme boli bližšie, tým väčší ten medveď vyzeral. Ó, on vyzeral ako obrovská kopa sena, ktorá tam sedela na tom machu, viete. Tam stál, veľké, mohutné, obrovské stvorenie, hlava asi takto široká, viete, a vytŕčajúce čeľuste, veľké a mohutné laby. A on takto oberal tieto malé čučoriedkové konáre, viete, jedol ich. A takto tam sedel, veľký a mohutný chlapík! Boli sme od neho asi 700 metrov.

200Povedal, „Hej, brat Branham, už si niekedy zastrelil grizlyho?“

201Povedal som, „Zastrelil som mnohých medveďov, Bud, ale nikdy predtým som nezastrelil strieborného grizlyho.“

202Povedal, „Vieš, ten strieborný grizly je najväčší bojovník zo všetkých.“

 Povedal som, „Áno, viem.“

 Povedal, „On nevie, ako zomrieť.“

 A povedal som, „No?“

203Povedal, „Ne... Ako – ako ďaleko to máš? Ako blízko sa ku nemu máš dostať?“

204No, len sa ho opýtajte. Napíšte mu list. Dám vám adresu. Povedal, „Nech mi o tom napíše ktokoľvek chce, o ktorejkoľvek z tých vecí. Dovoľte mi, aby som im to povedal.“ A tak...

 A povedal som, „No?“ Povedal som...

 Povedal, „Teraz?“

205Povedal som, „Nie, nie. Bol som bližšie ako toto, Bud. Bol som rovno hore pri ňom.“

206Povedal, „Teraz sme sa k nemu dosť priblížili. Môže sa na nás kedykoľvek vyrútiť.“

207Povedal som, „Viem to, ale,“ povedal som, „Bud,“ povedal som, „to bude v poriadku.“

208Povedal, „No, keď strelíš medveďa,“ povedal, „no, brat Branham, streľ ho do chrbta. Musíš ho zložiť, pretože on bude bojovať, a potom nemôže vstať.“

 Povedal som, „Nie, podľa toho videnia som ho strelil do srdca.“

 Povedal, „Dúfam, že si sa v tom nepomýlil.“

209Povedal som, „Nie.“ Povedal som, „Pamätám si to.“ Pretože v tom videní, ty si v jednom vedomí, a to oboje, ako sme to vysvetlili minulý večer. Ste v dvoch. Nemôžeš to zabudnúť. Rozumieš? Tak tu to máš.

210Tak sme sa priblížili asi o dvesto metrov. To bol posledný malý pahorok, cez ktorý sme išli. Povedal som, „To je teraz asi všetko. Pozri sa na neho. Nie je to krásavec?“

 Povedal, „No, asi je.“

211A povedal som, „V poriadku, Bud. No, keď tu vstanem, on príde.“ Povedal som, „Len to sleduj.“

 A povedal, „Budem sa dívať.“

212Tak som zasunul náboj do hlavne pušky, viete. A boli sme dolu pod týmto malým pahorkom. Práve, keď som vstal, tu on prichádza. Ó! Zastavil som sa, vystrelil som a znelo to, akoby ho trafilo hrachové zrno z „fľusadla“. Chlapče, to ho nezastavilo ani o trochu viac, než keby som neurobil nič. A, ó, predtým...

213Hovoríte o rýchlosti! Nikdy som nič také nevidel. On, oni by predbehli koňa, jeleňa alebo čokoľvek, viete, medveď to dokáže. On z toho kopca beží takto rovno k nám!

214A ja, predtým, ako by som mohol znovu nabiť, on padol mŕtvy, asi, ó, asi tridsať, štyridsať metrov odo mňa, celý sa pretočil; zasiahla srdce, pľúca a všetko. Bola to Noslerova guľka, tí, ktorí si vyrábate vlastné náboje, ju poznáte. Tak to ho vyhodilo do vzduchu a on spadol a prevrátil sa.

215Bud, ktorý tam stál, sa pozrel a okolo úst bol biely. Povedal, „Brat Branham, ja som ho nechcel mať na svojom lone.“

 Povedal som, „Ani ja.“

216Povedal, „Fíha.“ Povedal, „Chcem ti niečo povedať, teraz, ako je to už za nami, chlapče. Keby to nebolo jedno z tých videní, a nevidel by som predtým, že sa to vyplnilo, nikdy by som s tebou neprišiel sem, tak blízko k tomu medveďovi.“

217A ani jeden z nás ním nevedel pohnúť. Odhadujem, že vážil okolo 450 kilogramov, obor, veľký chlapík. Nemohli sme ho očistiť, museli by sme ho stiahnuť z kože. Začali sme schádzať dolu. A povedali sme... „Brat Branham?“ Zobrali sme parožie. Povedal, „Ak majú tie rohy presne 42 palcov,“ povedal, „začnem tu v záchvate behať.“

218Povedal som, „Môžeš hneď začať, pretože presne toľko budú mať.“

219Povedal, „Nikdy som nevidel... Zdá sa mi, že toto sa mi sníva.“

220A keď sme tam prišli a povedal som Eddiemu, povedal som, „No, sleduj to. Blaine tam položí ruky.“

221No, pamätajte, okolo toho parohu bola malá ruka. Pamätáte sa, brat Fred, ako som ti povedal, že to tak bude?

 A povedal som Eddiemu, „Sleduj to.“

 A tak Bud povedal, „Počkaj.“ On tam doviedol svojho koňa.

222A mali sme na sebe pach toho medveďa, viete, a tie kone všetko trhali. Viete, ako to robia, keď cítia grizlyho alebo iného medveďa. Tak som tam išiel, držal som, snažil som sa držať toho koňa, ten kôň so sedlom sa snažil uvoľniť.

223A on išiel a vzal si svoj meter a prišiel tam naproti a takto sa na mňa díval. Povedal, „Poď sem, Blaine.“ Štuchol som Eddieho. Priložil to ku tomu. Amen. A tak mi pomôžte, štyridsaťdva palcov, presne!

224No, to parožie sa zmenšilo asi o dva palce, keď vyschlo. Ten medveď grizly leží v mojej pracovni a parohy visia na stene. Človek, ktorý preparuje zvieratá, ich upravil a zavesil. Je na nich zavesený zvinovací meter, presne štyridsaťdva palcov.

225No, načo by Boh nejakému človeku hovoril niečo takéto o nejakej poľovačke?

226Keď som sa vrátil, matka bola chorá. Išiel som ju pozrieť. Povedala, „Billy?“ Vidíte, On ma povzbudzoval, pripravoval ma na niečo.

 Povedal som, „Mama, Pán ťa vždy uzdravil.“

 Povedala, „Billy, idem Domov za otcom.“

 „Ó,“ povedal som, „mama, nehovor tak.“

 Povedala „Áno, idem.“ Modlil som sa za ňu.

 A brat Fred a všetci títo svedkovia, ktorí tu sedia, to vedia.

227Potom, ďalšia vec, viete, odviedli ju do nemocnice. Lekár ani nevedel, čo nie je v poriadku. No, išiel som sa za ňu modliť. Povedala, „Synu, odchádzam.“ A teraz, moja matka bola vskutku typ mocnej ženy.

228Jedného dňa, pár dní po tom, som vošiel dnu. Ona tam stála a dívala sa rovno hore do neba. Povedala, „Billy, vidím ťa.“

 Povedal som, „No, iste, mama.“

 Povedala, „Vidím ťa tu.“

229Povedala, „Ó, ty si taký starý, Bill,“ povedala, „tvoje biele vlasy a brada len visia spolu. Máš ruku okolo kríža a načahuješ sa ku mne.“ Vtedy som dobre vedel, čo to bolo.

 No, vy, bratia tu, viete, že je to pravda.

230Na druhý deň bola nedeľa. Kázal som. Poslali mi správu, „Tvoja...“ Povedal som, „Neverím, že matka odchádza. Boh mi vždy ukázal, keď niekto z mojich ľudí odchádzal. Ale, matka, On mi nikdy nič o tom neukázal.“ Tu prichádza posolstvo. A bol som rovno takto uprostred môjho posolstva. Niekto vošiel a povedal, „Choď, choď hneď za svojou matkou. Zavolaj jej do telefónu. Teraz zomiera.“

231Povedal som, „Smrť, nechaj ju na pokoji. Slovo Božie je dôležitejšie ako to.“

232Tento muž sedí rovno tu, brat Borders. Po skončení bohoslužby som vyšiel za svojou matkou. Stretol som brata Bordersa. Povedal, „Brat Branham, ty nemáš ani meter osemdesiat, ale ja som dnes ráno videl stáť za kazateľňou muža vysokého 3 metre.“

 Povedal som, „Brat Borders, Boh sa o mamu postará vo všetkom.“

233A pár dní po tom ma zavolali do izby a ona skutočne odchádzala. Deti sa zhromaždili a stáli okolo postele. Povedal som, „Mami, naozaj ideš?“

 Povedala, „Áno.“ Potom už nemohla viac hovoriť.

234Stále som jej hovoril, „Čo pre teba znamená Ježiš, mama?“ Pamätám si, ako som ju dávno pokrstil vo vode v Jeho Mene. Povedal som, „Povedz mi, čo pre teba teraz znamená.“

 Povedala, „Viac ako život.“

235Povedal som, „Mama, ak ideš, ja som tvoj chlapec, kazateľ. Chcem to vedieť, od mojej vlastnej matky, ktorá sa ide stretnúť s Bohom. Chcem ťa tu držať za ruku, mama. “

 Povedala, „Chcem, aby si to urobil.“ Stále som ju držal.

236Nemohla hovoriť. Vyzeralo to, akoby ochrnula, jej tvár. Povedal som, „Nemôžeš viac hovoriť, mama?“ Ona nemohla urobiť... Povedal som, „Počúvaj. Je pre teba Ježiš stále ten istý?“ Mohla kývnuť hlavou.

237Potom už nemohla viac kývať hlavou. Povedal som, „Matka, je Ježiš pre teba teraz všetkým? Za chvíľku pre teba prichádza. Je pre teba všetkým?“ Nemohla sa pohnúť.

238Povedal som, „Mama, zostal ti už len jeden spôsob, ty... vidím, že žmurkáš očami. Ak pre teba Ježiš stále znamená práve to isté, čo vždy, ako v ten deň, keď som ťa pokrstil vo vode, zažmurkaj skutočne rýchlo očami.“ Zažmurkala očami a slzy jej takto stekali dolu.

239A do izby vošiel malý vanúci Vietor. Matka odišla Domov.

240Prišiel som domov, išiel som do pohrebnej služby a zobral som oblečenie. Ó, viete, ako to je. Museli ste urobiť to isté. Všetky deti plačú, jeden na jednom mieste; druhý na inom. Povedal som, „Mama bola ten spojovací článok. Už nikdy nebudeme takí istí.“ Doc a jeho rodina v tomto rohu. Jesse a jeho rodina v tom kúte. Práve nedávno sme pochovali Howarda. Povedal som, „No, sme preč, chlapci.“ Povedal som, „Budeme... Neprídeme sa navzájom pozrieť. Mama bola tým, čo nás spájalo.“ Povedal som, „Už sa viac nebudeme toľko vidieť.“

241Išiel som večer domov, potom, ako sme jej vybrali šaty. Išiel som domov.

242Pani D'Amico z Chicaga, pozná ju niekto? Ona bola veľmi milou priateľkou kampane. Dala mi Bibliu. (Prepáčte.) A bola to jedna z tých Biblií s červeným písmom, na ktorých bol zips. A keď som kázal tú kázeň, Baránok a holubica, niekto mi poslal dve holubice ako držiak. Ďalší môj brat, brat Norman, mi poslal malú holubicu a baránka, môj brat Borders mi dal baránka. Zobral som do rúk Bibliu. Méda bola v jednom rohu a plakala.

243A vy všetci obchodníci tu viete, že keď som bol na Jamajke, videl som moju svokru, povedal som vám to za stolom tam na Jamajke. Povedal som, „Niekto z mojich príbuzných zomiera, niekto, kto nemá žiadne zuby. Vidím, ako odchádza.“ Hneď za stolom tam sedel Demos Shakarian a všetci z nich. O pár hodín odvtedy moja svokra náhle zomrela, vidíte, žiadne zuby, presne tak.

244Povedal som, „Videl som jedného mladého muža pľuť krv.“ Zavolal som a povedal, „Nedovoľ Billymu...“

245Je tu niekto, kto bol v tom čase na zhromaždení na Jamajke – tam na Jamajke? Nevidím. Áno. Tam sú dvaja. Tak potom...

246A povedal som, „To musí... Billy, nechoď tam hore. Videl som jedného chlapca, ako pľuje krv.“ A bol to môj švagor. Išiel a začal krvácať, keď mu zomrela matka. To ho uvrhlo do takého šoku.

247Potom som tu v ten deň stál a vzal som si túto Bibliu. Povedal som, „Otče, ja neviem. Možno len Tvoja láska, Ty si mi ju neukázal, ako odchádza, ale som tak zlomený, Bože. Dáš mi len nejaké slovo útechy z Tvojho Slova? Povedal som, „Daj mi prečítať niečo potešujúce, niečo, čo ma uteší.“ Takto som si otvoril Bibliu. Tam to bolo veľkými červenými písmenami, „Nie je mŕtva, ale spí.“ A išiel som do izby. Išli sme spať.

248Vstal som asi o ôsmej hodine na druhý deň ráno. Okolo obeda ju mali upraviť, tak sme ju išli pozrieť. Méda išla pripraviť raňajky pre deti, malý Joe plakal. Becky v jednom rohu, stále plače, „Uvidím ešte niekedy babičku?“

249Povedal som, „Áno. Áno. Uvidíš ju. Ona je rovno oproti a odišla hore.“ Povedal som, „Ona, ešte ju uvidíme.“ A ona milovala tie malé deti, viete.

250A tak všetci plakali, „Môžeme dnes popoludní vidieť babičku?“

251Povedal som, „Môžeš vidieť telo, v ktorom žila, ale stará mama odišla hore, aby bola s vašou druhou babičkou, s ňou hore v Nebi.“

252A viete, Joe to nemohol pochopiť, môj malý chlapec. On to jednoducho nedokázal pochopiť. Povedal, „Potom sa dnes večer babka vráti dolu?“

253A povedal som, „Nie, nie. Neviem, kedy sa vráti. Ona sa vráti, keď príde Ježiš.“

254Stál som tam. A otočil som sa a vošiel do miestnosti. A keď som... Nepýtajte sa ma, aby som to vysvetlil. Nie je možné to nijako vysvetliť. Videl som samého seba, ako tam stojím, práve tak, ako sa dívam na toto obecenstvo. A ja som viedol piesne. Nikdy som to nerobil. Ja vôbec neviem spievať. Tak, a tam bol veľký, obrovský zástup ľudí.

255Na tejto strane hľadisko vyzeralo, akoby bolo vonku, ako, ó, neviem, ako by ste to nazvali, zvažujúce sa, niečo ako amfiteáter. A tie rady boli tak ďaleko vzadu, až museli byť takto zodvihnuté, tak tí, ktorí boli vzadu, museli takto pozerať. Ale rovno v strede... Len tri rady, takto. A rovno v strede sa tam akoby vlnili rady malých spastických postihnutých detí, ktoré ležali v tých radoch.

256Mal som na sebe tmavý oblek a spieval som, „Priveďte ich, priveďte ich, priveďte maličkých k Ježišovi.“ Často to spievame v zbore, zvlášť pri posvätení detí. A tam bola taká lóža, kde sedáva významná osobnosť a kazateľňa bola blízko nej. Ale ja som bol dole a viedol som piesne. A zrazu som tam stál a díval sa na seba, potom... Ó, nesnažte sa to domyslieť, pretože to nedokážete. Potom, keď som tu bol, potom sa to tu stalo. Ja neviem. Dve z nich sa spojili dokopy. A to je...

 To je dobrá vec, keď sa vaše dve veci spoja dokopy.

257Mám tam hore fotoaparát. Keď som zostupoval, nevedel som, ako fotiť. Pozrel som sa cez tú vec a, človeče, mohol som vidieť päť alebo šesť rôznych predmetov. Zaostril som objektív. Billy mi povedal, riekol, „Zaostri to a všetky sa spoja do jedného.“

258Je to dobrý nápad, robiť to, viete. Keď zaostrujete, potom vidíte veci odlišne. A použite Božie Slovo, aby ste sa zaostrili na Neho, a uvidíte, o čom hovorím. Ale najprv to zaostrite, rozumiete.

259A tak som tam stál a hľadel a vošiel som do toho videnia. A keď som tam bol, všimol som si jednu významnú osobu, ktorá prichádzala tam dozadu. A oni boli... Povedal som, „No, oni idú do lóže pre významné osobnosti.“ A tak prichádzali týmto smerom. A pomyslel som si, „No, kým tá pani príde, ešte raz zaspievam.“ Bola oblečená staromódne.

260No, niektoré z vás dám si na to spomeniete, keď nosili také sukne, ktoré im siahali dole cez vysoké šnurovacie topánky. A ony mali niečo také dlhé... Ako to nazývate tie veci, ako – ako má teraz táto dáma? Tá blúzka. Blúzka, jedna z tých vecí, a mala na sebe naozaj dlhé rukávy. Pamätáte si ich? A siahala sem hore okolo krku, s takým malým gombíkom, ktorý sa takto zapínal. Potom, veľký klobúk, obrátený nabok. A dámy v tých dňoch, ony nosili dlhé vlasy. Tak ony to takto stiahli a nasadili na to klobúk a dali do toho špendlík, viete, aby to vydržalo, lebo ony museli jazdiť sediac nabok v sedle a podobne.

261Tak táto pani prichádzala a všetci túto dámu rešpektovali. A pomyslel som si, „No, ona pôjde do miesta pre významné osoby.“

262Tak som potom povedal, „Ešte raz, všetci na tejto strane, 'Priveďte ich.' No, tu, 'Priveďte ich.' Potom všetci v strede, teraz všetci spolu, 'Priveďte maličkých k Ježišovi.'“

263Práve, ako som to povedal, táto pani už vošla do lóže. Videl som, že keď vošla do lóže, všetci sa postavili. A oni takto postupovali, uctili ju a ona ich.

264Pomyslel som si, „No, je čas, aby som kázal. Pôjdem sa modliť za tých chorých ľudí.“ Dostal som sa sem za tú kazateľňu, a tá lóža bola napravo, ó, tak blízko, ako tu sedí tento brat. A takto som sa otočil.

265Pomyslel som si, „No, teraz sa mi tá pani ukloní, tak sa jej len ukloním.“ A tak, keď som sa otočil, ona už mala takto sklonenú hlavu. Skláňal som takto hlavu. A keď som v tom istom čase zodvihol hlavu, aby som ju spoznal, bola to mama, mladá, krásna.

 Pozrel som sa na ňu. Povedal som, „Mama?“

 Povedala, „Billy.“

266A práve vtedy začali v budove blýskať blesky, burácali hromy a prichádzalo trasenie. A nejaký Hlas povedal, „Nestrachuj sa o svoju matku.“ Povedal, „Je rovnaká ako v roku 1906.“

 A povedal som, „Čo, 1906?“

 A Méda povedala, „Čo sa s tebou deje?“ Moja žena.

 Povedal som, „Miláčik, 1906, čo bolo v roku 1906?“

 Povedala, „Prečo?“

 Povedal som, „Videnie, videl som tu stáť mamu.“

 Povedala, „Čo si videl?“

 Povedal som, „Videl som mamu.“

 Povedala „Iste, Bill?“

267Povedal som, „Áno, stála rovno tu a bola pekná. A On povedal...“ Povedal som, „Bola mladou ženou.“

268Tak som išiel a vzal ten starý rodinný záznam. Viete, čím bola v roku 1906? Nevestou môjho otca. To je rok, v ktorom sa vydala. Teraz je časťou inej Nevesty, Nevesty Pána Ježiša.

269Niekto mi odniekiaľ poslal mincu. Mám ju tu vo vrecku, 1906.

270„A On, Duch Svätý, keď On príde, zjaví vám tieto veci, ktoré som povedal, a ukáže vám veci, ktoré majú prísť.“

271No, čo to je? Tá poľovačka ma len pripravovala, viete. Bol to jeden z najlepších výletov, aké som kedy mal, a On to vedel, že to bude pre mňa veľký šok. To bola láska. A brat, sestra, ak všetky tieto ostatné videnia boli dokonale správne, to, čo Duch Svätý ukázal, tak to musí byť Duch Svätý. Biblia hovorí, že, „Ak sa to stalo, potom to bol On.“

272Potom, akú máme nádej! Jedného dňa toto miesto opustíme. Vraciame sa do stavu mladého muža a ženy, aby sme nikdy viac nezomreli. Radšej by som vedel o tom, než vedieť, že budem prezidentom sveta a budem žiť milión rokov. Radšej by som bol uistený, že som v ruke Božej.

273A som rád, že dnes večer viem, že ten istý Ježiš, ktorý urobil to vyhlásenie, On je tu po dvoch tisícoch rokoch. Vidíte, to nemôže zahynúť. Je to večné. A On je dnes večer tým istým Ježišom, akým bol v deň, keď urobil toto vyhlásenie. A On vždy potvrdí to Slovo, ak tomu budeme veriť. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

274„Keď On, Duch Svätý, príde, nebude hovoriť Sám o Sebe, ale vezme veci, tie Moje,“ to je Slovo, „a ukáže vám ich. A potom, tiež vám ukáže veci, ktoré sa majú stať.“

275V knihe Židom vo 4. kapitole Biblia hovorí, „Slovo Božie je ostrejšie...“

276No, kto bol Slovom? Ježiš. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo...“

277„Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako akýkoľvek dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce až do rozdelenia a do špiku kosti a rozlišujúce myšlienky v srdci.“

278To je náš Boh. Nie sme stratení, priatelia. Sme stále v milosti Božej. Cítim, že mám hovoriť o čomkoľvek a hovoriť o minulom čase... A ako som povedal včera večer, ako sa tí učeníci snažili žiť zo zhromaždenia, ktoré mali deň predtým, a tešili sa na ďalšie, ale zabudli na samotného Stvoriteľa vetra a vĺn, ktorý ležal v lodi.

279Boh, ktorý bol tam hore v tých horách, aby tam umiestnil toho strieborného grizlyho, podľa Jeho Slova, toho, ktorý tam leží na podlahe ako dôkaz.

280No, ak chcete napísať tomu mužovi, napíšte len Budovi Southwickovi, S-o-u-t-h-w-i-c-k, Bud Southwick, Fort Saint John, Britská Kolumbia, a nechajte ho, nech vám napíše ten list. A mimochodom, ak idete na poľovačku, on je veľmi dobrý človek, s ktorým by ste mohli ísť.

281Všimnite si teraz. On o tom hovoril medzi všetkými tými poľovníkmi hore-dolu po tej ceste, až verím, že budem mať skutočné zhromaždenie, keď nabudúce pôjdem tam hore, len so sprievodcami, áno, aby videli, že tie veci sa dejú práve tak, ako to videli oni. To bolo minulý rok.

282Toto je tento rok, práve teraz. Ten istý Ježiš, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, povedal, „Nikdy ťa nezanechám ani neopustím. Budem s tebou vždy, až do konca sveta.“ Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

283S takými dôkazmi, s takou potvrdenou pravdou, zaručenou pravdou, ako sa môžeme cítiť inak, než tak, že by sme chceli prejsť tou strechou, byť vytrhnutí? Či sme nechali veci sveta, aby nás takým spôsobom otupili? Pričom vidíme také dôležité veci, ktoré sú zaručené, dokázané, že sú pravdou.

284No, každá chorá osoba, ktorá tu je, ak len budete veriť Tomu istému, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, a skrze Toho istého, ktorý odstránil epilepsiu z toho chlapca, toho muža, On je ten istý Boh, ktorý je tu teraz. Ak by som to od vás mohol vziať, urobil by som to, ale nedokážem to. On vám to už kúpil a jediné, čo musíte urobiť, je veriť tomu.

285Čo ak by ten chlapec upadol do záchvatu a tá malá žena by povedala, „No, čo s tým má spoločné košeľa?“ To by pravdepodobne nefungovalo na nikom inom. Rozumiete? Len pre neho, pretože je mu to poslané. Náman sa ponoril do rieky sedemkrát; ale niekto iný, kto by sa tam máčal, pravdepodobne by sa nedostal z toho malomocenstva. Rozumiete? Ale všimnite si. To je to, čo On hovorí, že je pravda, potvrdená, dokonalá pravda.

286No, je už neskoro na modlitebný rad. Zastavme sa na chvíľu.

287Len sa zamyslime. Je to to, čo Boh zasľúbil? To by bol skutočný Duch Svätý, ktorý by to robil. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] No, kto by povedal, že On nebol Duchom Svätým? On bol. „Ja a Môj Otec sme jedno.“ Duch Svätý bol Jeho Otcom. „Ona porodí. To Sväté, čo je v nej počaté, je z Ducha Svätého.“ Tak, Duch Svätý a Boh je ten istý Duch, a To bolo v Ňom.

288A sledujte, čo On urobil, keď sa tá žena dotkla Jeho rúcha, keď hľadel na obecenstvo a vnímal ich myšlienky. Či Slovo nehovorí, že „Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, je rozpoznávateľom myšlienok srdca“? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Či On nesľubuje vo sv. Jánovi 12, alebo vo sv. Jánovi 14:12, že „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude tiež činiť.“ [„Amen.“] Alebo, zlyhalo niekedy niečo, čo bolo pravdou?

289Potom je tu Boh. On je tu, aby spôsobil, že každá osoba, ktorá je tu, bude uzdravená. On je tu, aby zachránil každú stratenú dušu. A predtým, ako urobím zavolanie k oltáru, ako sa cítim byť vedený urobiť, zavolajme Ho. Koľkí z vás sa odovzdajú alebo povedia, „Ak môžem...“ Možno tí cudzí tu povedia, „Nikdy som nevidel ani jedno z takých zhromaždení. Počul som ľudí o týchto veciach hovoriť, ale... Naozaj som to nikdy nevidel. To by moje srdce povzbudilo, keby som mohol vidieť samotnú prítomnosť Kristovu, ktorá prichádza medzi ľudí a činí tú istú vec, ktorú On robil.“ Povzbudilo by vás to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

290Skloňme svoje hlavy pre slovo modlitby. Každé oko zatvorené. No, nech teraz Duch, ktorý nasleduje Slovo...

291No, Otče, mám to najlepšie, čo viem, poznáš moje srdce. Vediac, že títo ľudia trpia v tejto horúčave a že sa tam tlačia a stoja, ale boli veľmi trpezliví. Predstavujem si, že to bol ten istý druh davu, ktorý v ten deň stál na brehu a počúval, ako hovoríš z lode. A potom si im povedal, „Zatiahnite na hlbinu a spustite siete na lov.“ Nevideli, či tam nejaké sú. Boli tam.

292A ako boli vypovedané tie pozoruhodné slová toho apoštola, „Pane, celú noc sme hádzali sieť a nič sme nechytili, ale jednako na Tvoje Slovo spustíme sieť.“ A keď Tvoje Slovo poslúchli, sieťami zachytili množstvo rýb, až sa ich siete začali pretrhávať.

293Pane Ježišu, niet pochýb, že mnoho žien v to ráno opustilo svoje pranie, mnoho mužov opustilo svoje polia, od úrody, rybári opustili svoje siete, aby počuli Slovo Božie. Pane Ježišu, ak by si tu dnes večer bol vo fyzickej forme, je veľmi otázne, či by sa zhromaždilo o niečo viac ľudí, ako sa zhromaždilo teraz. Ale títo ľudia veria, že Ty nie si mŕtvy, ale že si bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych a že manifestuješ Svoje Slovo a zachovávaš Svoje Slovo, to Slovo, ktoré som im dnes večer čítal zo svätých Písiem.

294A ako nášmu Pánovi bola raz podaná Biblia alebo Zvitok a On prečítal a sadol si. A povedal, „Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.“

295Nech sa to znovu stane, Pane. Nech sa to stane znovu, aby sa práve v tento deň, práve v tento večer naplnilo Písmo, ktoré som čítal. A my sme všetci cez týždeň učili, že to mala byť práve tá vec, ktorá mala dokázať čas konca. A potom odídeme šťastní v srdci.

296Môže ich tu byť mnoho, Pane, ku ktorým hovoríš. Pomôž nám dnes večer poznať Tvoje Slovo, Tvoje Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené, že je Pravdou. Udeľ to, Otče.

297A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, len aby sme sa preskúmali, aby som sa upokojil od kázania. Koľkí z vás tu nie ste skutočne znovuzrodenými Kresťanmi? No, môžete chodiť do cirkvi, ale to nie je to, na čo sa pýtam. Ste... Ak nie ste znovuzrodenými Kresťanmi, ale veríte, že existuje živý Ježiš, skutočný Duch Svätý, a chceli by ste byť pred Ním teraz spomenutí. Zodvihli by ste k Nemu teraz svoju ruku, zatiaľ čo je sklonená každá hlava a oči sú zatvorené, „Pane, pamätaj na mňa.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, teba i teba. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je veľmi dobré. Sú ešte ďalší?

298No, nie je nás veľmi veľa. Ale, viete, že to je svet, ktorý hľadá veľké veci a veľké počty? Ako sme povedali minulý večer, to bol len tichý jemný hlas, ktorý upútal proroka, aby predstúpil so zakrytou tvárou.

299No, máte vieru v Boha. Môj brat, moja sestra, majte vieru v Boha. A ak náš veľký, láskavý Pán Ježiš príde tam, kde tu leží toto Slovo, Jeho vlastné Slovo, otvorené, a dokáže vám, že tento Duch Svätý, o ktorom hovorím, je Pravda! Možno ste boli mnohokrát zmätení mnohými vecami, ale to len ukazuje, že niekde je to Skutočné. A keď to On robí, chcem, aby ste sa vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, na mňa na chvíľu pozreli.

 Teraz môžete zodvihnúť svoje hlavy.

300Pane Ježišu, vezmi teraz túto službu do Svojich rúk. Ja som Tvoj sluha. A všetko to kázanie... Len jedno Slovo od Teba bude znamenať viac ako všetko, čo by sme mohli povedať za celý život; len jedno Slovo. Udeľ to teraz, Otče, ako zdieľam tieto svedectvá. Vieš, že sú pravdivé, Otče. Ty si bol Ten, ktorý si ich dal. A nikdy nesklamali. Udeľ to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

301No, koľkí ľudia tu, ktorí nemajú modlitebné karty, sú chorí? Zodvihnite ruky všade v tejto budove, ktorí nemáte modlitebné karty a ste chorí. V poriadku. A tí, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, zodvihnite ruku. Približne rovnaký počet. A všetci sú premiešaní.

302No, najprv sa chcem pozrieť na obecenstvo, aby som bol úprimný pred Bohom a pred vami. Viem, že sa tu pozerám, že tu v tomto rohu sedia moji priatelia. Brat Noel, jeho... a sestra Jones a brat Outlaw, môj syn, títo bratia tu, a brat Moore. Nepoznám tohto brata, ale videl som ho na zhromaždeniach, párkrát za sebou. Ani tohto brata nemôžem pomenovať, ale poznám ho len podľa tváre. Sestra rovno tu, sestra Williamsová. Sestra Sharritová sedí v rohu. Celkom vzadu sedia niektorí ľudia z modlitebne v Jeffersonville.

303Rovno tu sedí môj vzácny starý priateľ, deväťdesiatročný, ktorý pochádza z Ohio a jazdí po celej krajine. A ja odchádzam do Afriky a on a jeho milá manželka sa opýtali, či by mohli ísť so mnou do Afriky. Povedal, „Zaplatíme...“ Deväťdesiatročný nemecký brat, nikdy predtým nepoznal Pána. Keď som jedného večera kázal, prišiel vo svojom skvelom obleku, aby bol pokrstený. Deväťdesiatročný! Okrem...

304Myslím, že toto je brat Waldrop a sestra Waldropová, čo tam sedia. No, asi len potiaľ... a brat Borders. No, to je asi všetko.

305No, menujem ich. Tak vy, ktorí ma poznáte, nemodlite sa. Rozumiete? Modlite sa len za mňa. Rozumiete?

306Ale chcem, aby tí, ktorí ma nepoznáte, a viete, že vás nepoznám. Chcem, aby ste povedali vo svojom srdci, „Pane Ježišu, počul som o tom hovoriť. Počul som, ako to tento kazateľ dnes večer čítal z Biblie. Počul som tie svedectvá a počul som podobné veci, viete, ktoré sa stali v iných časoch. Sme tak blízko ku koncu, Pane? Sme tak blízko?“

307Pamätajte, keď sa stalo to znamenie pre Sodomu, mesto, ktoré bolo spálené, Ježiš sa na to odvolal a povedal, „Ako to bolo...“ To bol posledný znak, ktorý dostali predtým, ako bolo to mesto zničené. A Ježiš povedal, že sa to bude opakovať pri príchode Syna človeka.

308No, viete, že je to tak, ako tam bol Boh, Boh v tele! Koľkí veria, že to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril s Abrahámom? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Áno. No, Biblia hovorí, „Elohim,“ tak, to je ten veľký Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, Ten vše-dostatočný. To bol On.

309Čo On ukazoval? Bol v ľudskom tele, stál tam a jedol teľacie mäso a pil kravské mlieko a potom mohol zmiznúť z dohľadu. „Navštívim ťa v čase, ktorý som ti sľúbil.“ Rozumiete? Nazval ho jeho menom. A keď bol otočený chrbtom, povedal, „Kde je Sára?“

 Povedal, „Ona je v stane za Tebou.“

 On povedal, „Navštívim ťa podľa času života.“

310A Sára povedala, „Hmm, hmm,“ tam vzadu v stane.

311Povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“ Pamätajte, Biblia hovorí, že bola v stane za Ním. Povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“

 Sára povedala, „Ja som sa nesmiala.“

 Povedal, „Áno, smiala si sa.“ Rozumiete? To je pravda.

312Človek, ktorý tam stojí, Boh, ktorý sa predstavuje v ľudskom tele. Ježiš povedal, že to bude to isté pri príchode Syna človeka: Boh vo Svojej Cirkvi, vy, ja, zastupujúci Jeho. No, bola tam jedna malá žena...

313Keď bol Boh v Kristovi, On mal plnosť Ducha. On bol Boh. Ja som len jeden z Jeho sluhov a vy ste len jedným z Jeho sluhov. Máme Ducha podľa miery. On To mal bez miery. „V Ňom prebývala plnosť Božstva telesne.“ Vo mne je len malý dar a vo vás je Jeho dar. Ale bez ohľadu na to, ako je to málo, je to ten istý Duch.

314No, ak to je Duch Boží, bude činiť skutky Božie. Teraz sa modlite a povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, jedna malá žena sa raz dotkla Jeho rúcha.“ A my hovoríme...

315Tu v Novom Zákone, povedal v liste Židom, povedal, „On je práve teraz Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať svojimi slabosťami.“ Koľkí z vás vedia, že to je Biblia? Povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Iste. No, to musí byť pravda.

316No, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ako by ti odpovedal? Rovnako ako včera, ak je dnes tým istým.

317No, modli sa a povedz, „Pane Ježišu, dovoľ mi dotknúť sa Tvojho rúcha. A tak si dal bratovi Branhamovi malý dar, aby nás povzbudil. A on ma nepozná. (Sedím tu vzadu, a tu, a tu dolu a kdekoľvek sedím...) On ma nepozná, ale Ty ma poznáš. A dovoľ mi vidieť Tvojho veľkého Ducha, Pane. Nie, že to musím urobiť, ale len aby to pomohlo povzbudiť mňa a ostatných, pretože sme čítali Slovo. Dovoľ mi dotknúť sa Tvojho rúcha, a potom prehovoríš naspäť. Použi ma dnes večer, Pane, na tento účel. To ukáže celému publiku, že si stále nažive.“ Bolo by to nádherné, keby to On urobil?

318No, vy sa len ticho modlite, vy sami. Povedzte, „Pane, dovoľ mi dotknúť sa Tvojho rúcha.“ A ja sa vydám Duchu a potom nech Duch Svätý urobí to ostatné. Pretože teraz som hovoril, svedčil, ale už teraz nemôžem nič urobiť. Som na konci svojej cesty.

319Len sledujem obecenstvo, aby som videl, či... Musím to vidieť, viete. Chápete to.

320Vľavo po mojej ľavej strane, tam vzadu asi v strede budovy sa modlí jedna žena. Ona čoskoro zomrie, ak jej Boh nepomôže. Má rakovinu a tá rakovina je na jej prsiach. Ó, nech to neminie!

 Pomôž mi, Pane.

 Sestra, ak budeš veriť! Ó! Ona to minie.

 Pane Ježišu, pomôž nám, modlíme sa.

321Mária May. Tu to máte. Sme si navzájom cudzí, však? Nepoznám ťa. Ty ma nepoznáš. Bol to ten stav a to, čo... bola pravda všetko, čo bolo povedané? Potom ver. Bude tomu koniec. Amen.

322No, z temnosti, ktorá bola nad ňou, tam je svetlo. Práve s takou istotou, ako ten chlapec, tá epilepsia od neho odišla. Ten istý Boh, Ten, ktorý bol tam hore v severných lesoch, to je ten istý Boh, ktorý je tu. Len ďalej ver. Amen. „Ak môžeš veriť!“

323Tu je To nad jednou ženou, ktorá tu sedí predo mnou. Má niečo poškodené v chrbtici. Je to vysunutá platnička v chrbtici. Ona nie je odtiaľto. Ona je z Montany. Volá sa slečna Stubbsová. Postav sa, prijmi svoje uzdravenie v Mene Ježiša Krista.

 Nemusíte sa do toho tlačiť. Uvoľnite sa.

324Ten vysoký človek, ktorý tu sedí, díva sa na mňa, takto robí. Ver. Budeš v poriadku. Máš nervové problémy. Ak tomu veríš, Boh ťa uzdraví.

325Pani so ženskými problémami. Ver tomu a môžeš sa uzdraviť. Vráť sa domov a maj vieru v Boha. Prečo som povedal, vráť sa domov? Museli by ste sa vrátiť do Nového Mexika, aby ste sa tam dostali, pán a pani Watkinsovci. No, viete, že vás nepoznám. Amen.

326Tá pani rovno za vami s tým vredom na nohe, slečna Brownová. Uveríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Vyzeráš tak zaujato. No, vieš, že som ťa v živote nevidel. Na ľavej nohe. No, ver z celého srdca, že sa uzdravíš.

327Pani, ktorá sa snaží pohnúť a má artritídu. To ju zväzuje, je to zlé. Pani Fairheadová, ver z celého srdca a uzdravíš sa. No, vieš, že som ťa v živote nevidel. To, ó... [Sestra hovorí, „...predtým uzdravená. Predtým som bola uzdravená a viem, že ma to uzdraví.“ – pozn.prekl.] Amen. Áno.

328Teraz veríte z celého srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] No, čo On urobí? „On vezme veci, ktoré som vám povedal, a ukáže vám ich. A potom vám ukáže veci, ktoré majú prísť.“ Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? [„Amen.“] Veríte Mu? [„Amen.“]

 Teraz skloňme znovu svoje hlavy.

329No, vy, ktorí viete, že ak by sa dnes večer skončil váš život, boli by ste... neboli by ste... minuli by ste to, pretože nie ste znovuzrodení. „Ak sa človek nenarodí znovu, nemôže ani vidieť Kráľovstvo.“ Prečo neprídete rovno sem? Stojte tu a dovoľte nám modliť sa za vás, rovno tu, za chvíľu? Či prídete práve teraz do prítomnosti tohoto Ducha?

330Nikdy neuvidíte, že by sa stalo niečo väčšie, až kým neuvidíte príchod Pánov. No, pamätajte. Iste viem, o čom hovorím, inak by mi tú službu neudelil. Nenechajte to teraz prejsť pomimo. Ste úprimní?

331Prišiel by si? Ak nie, potom to leží medzi tebou a Bohom. Som nevinný. Som čistý od všetkej krvi, pretože som vám povedal pravdu. Kázal som vám Slovo. Povedal som vám, kým On je. A On, keď prišiel, On dokázal, čím vtedy bol; a On mi dáva dokazovať to, čím je teraz. On je taký istý ako vtedy. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

332Koľko je tu potom chorých, ďalších, ktorí sú tu chorí? Zodvihnite ruky.

333No, položte ruky jeden na druhého a pomodlíme sa za vás modlitbu viery.

334No, chcem sa vás niečo potichu opýtať. Ak Boh, ak môže Boh prísť a urobiť ten zázrak! Zázrak je niečo, čo sa nedá vysvetliť. No, ak sa chcete niekoho z týchto ľudí opýtať, choďte sa ich kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek opýtať. Rozumiete? Len pamätajte, to je Boh. Toto tu sú len amatérske videnia. Kto, čo to robí? Ste to vy, vy sami. Vy ste tí, ktorí to robia.

335Vidíte, keď sa tá žena dotkla Jeho rúcha, povedal, „Vyšla zo Mňa moc.“ Ale keď Mu Otec ukázal tú vec o Lazárovi a On odišiel a vrátil sa a vzkriesil Lazára z mŕtvych, nikdy nepovedal „moc.“ To bol Boh, ktorý používal Svoj vlastný dar, a to druhé bola žena, ktorá používala Boží dar.

336Ja nie som Božím darom. Ježiš Kristus je Boží Dar. Je to len dar, ktorý mi dal On, že som sa takto narodil, s podvedomím a vedomím (prvým vedomím), spolu. Nespíte; len to vidíte. Duch Svätý prichádza na podvedomie práve tak, ako do vedomia. Ak by to prišlo do vášho podvedomia, mali by ste duchovný sen. Prichádza to na mňa, nesnívam. Len sa tam dívam a vidím to. Rozumiete? A narodili sme sa tak, nemôžete zo seba urobiť niečo iné. Ste tak narodení. Rozumiete? „Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.“ Čo to má urobiť? Manifestovať Ježiša Krista. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

337Ako máte svoje ruky položené jeden na druhého, dúfam, že rovno teraz vložíte svoje srdce do Božej starostlivosti, „Pane, preskúmaj ma. Či som sa stal tak otupený vecami sveta, že nevidím túto veľkú hodinu, ktorá práve prebieha?“

338Viete, tak to bolo vždy. Prešlo to rovno cez cirkev a oni o tom vôbec nevedeli. To je história. Nenechajte to prejsť pomimo, priatelia, aby ste videli dokázané Slovo, znovu a znovu, aby ste videli, ako sa zamanifestovalo Slovo Božie, a samotná Osoba Ježiša Krista prichádza rovno medzi týchto ľudí a robí presne to, čo robil predtým.

339Nebeský Otče, teraz cítim, Pane, že Tvoje Slovo bolo prečítané. Svedectvo bolo dané. Duch Svätý zostúpil a potvrdil to Slovo a svedectvo. Teraz je to v rukách ľudí, Pane. Leží to v ich lone. Nie je nič iné, čo by som vedel povedať. A neviem o ničom inom, čo by si napísal v Slove, čo by si robil, pretože Ty si ich už uzdravil. Ide len o to, aby tomu verili. A Ty robíš takúto vec a ako môžeme ďalej pochybovať? Ako by sme mohli dopustiť, aby satan naďalej otupoval naše svedomie?

340Satan, prehlasujem toto uzdravenie nad týmito ľuďmi a hovorím ti, „Prikazujem ti, v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, vypadni odtiaľto! Vyjdi von v Mene Ježiša Krista a prepusť týchto ľudí!“

341No, ak Mu veríte, postavte sa na svoje nohy. Veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Postavte sa a vzdajte chválu Bohu. Postavte sa a verte tomu. Už o tom viac nepochybujte.

342V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech Duch Svätý prinesie týmto ľuďom radosť, moc, vzkriesenie, Život, Pane.

343Vzdajte Mu teraz chválu a chváľte Jeho sväté Meno. Milujeme Ho. Chválime Ho. Zbožňujeme Ho, Toho bezkonkurenčného, večného Syna živého Boha. V Jeho Mene prijmite Ho. On je tu. Amen.

1 Let us remain standing just a moment now while we pray. Let's bow our heads.

2Our righteous Heavenly Father, as we are approaching Thee now in that all-sufficient Name of the Lord Jesus, we want to give Thee praise for what Thou has done for us, what our eyes have seen, and our ears have heard in this last days of the closing scenes of this world's history, when time is fading into Eternity, and we see the Lights a shining, we know it's not long now until the Coming of the Lord Jesus.

3 We would ask Thee, Heavenly Father, to remember us tonight. And if there be any evil in us, take it out, Lord, tonight, that we might be presentable to Thee if You should come tonight. We pray for the sick and the needy.

4We pray for Thy Church, both here and abroad, around the world, Thy children everywhere of every nation, that we may wash our robes in the Blood of the Lamb, and listening for that call, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. Go ye out to meet Him." May we be able at that time, Lord, by the grace of God, and by the merits of Jesus Who we trust in, to trim our lamps and go forward then to meet the Bridegroom. Take the Word of the Lord tonight and circumcise our hearts. Take all unbelief out. Give us a great service. In Jesus' Name we ask it. Amen.

May be seated.

5 It's certainly nice to be back here in the... this sanctuary of the Lord, tonight, in the service. We had a most glorious time last evening up at the... Brother Groomer. And I remember last year we had a glorious time.

6We've had a great time, everywhere. The Lord has just blessed us exceedingly abundantly, more than I ever thought He would do. But He's just so full of mercy and kindness. It's just good to know Him. Isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And to think "To know Him, is Life." To know Him, is Life.

7 Now, tomorrow night, we're going to be down to Central Avenue Assembly, I believe it's called. Brother Fuller, another fine brother. And I think it's a big church down there. And we're hoping maybe that we can have a--a prayer line, if it's all right with Brother Fuller. So we...

8And then, the--the next morning, we're to be at, I believe, called the Apostolic Church here in Phoenix. And I don't remember just who the pastor, that brother, was. Was I there last year? [A brother says, "No. That's a new, Mexican church, Brother Branham."--Ed.]

9 And then Sunday night at our precious Brother Outlaw's church up here, the Jesus' Name Church. And I'm with great anticipation, and my family, to get in there and hear some of that good singing.

10Billy Paul ought to know it, every bit, by heart. We played that song, I'm Going Up, Up, until, honest, the thing is wore out, on the tape. He'll start in the office, and every time of the day when I go there, no matter, he's playing that, "Up, up, up." It's something! We've played it out, and the record is pretty near worn out.

11 You know, I kind of had a feeling tonight. That, I'm a little hoarse. I thought, "My, if I could just see somebody, would speak for me," and happened to look over here and see Jack Moore. Just exactly right. I never... Oh, I believe that would just be wonderful, Brother Jack. [Brother Jack Moore comments--Ed.] Now listen at that.

12And I believe I see Brother Roy Borders setting out here, too. Yes, sir. Brother Noel Jones setting over here. Oh, my! We're just all around, everywhere. I think it'd be a good time, maybe, if I'd rest a little bit, you know, and have some of these fine men to get up here and speak for me when I'm hoarse, you know. Brother Jack said, "The Lord is not in that revelation." Well, I was tired when I come. And I--and I been a little tired, all along.

13And I see the people standing there, and how they have to stand, and I kind of glad I stand with them. Now, the Lord bless you.

14 And we are looking forward now to these other meetings coming up. And then next week it's down to the Pentecostal Assemblies, and on up. And we wind up, next Wednesday night, at 11th and Garfield. I can't just remember them all in mind. At the, I believe, the First Assembly of God in the city. And--and then the convention starts at the Ramada.

15And now there is a banquet for the Business Men down at the--the main city of Arizona, Tucson.

16And, course, we all know that Phoenix and these places, just outskirts of that city. And that's right. That's the main place. That's my hometown, you know, so-and-so, up on the hill. And then this, just kind of the outskirts of it, why, it's nice to have you all as neighbors.

17 So, I believe it was Brother Rasmussen, one night, said something like that in a meeting, and, oh, my, like to tore the meeting up. I believe we was at--we was at Houston. And was Ramsar. That's who it was. He said, the night the Angel of the Lord came down, they took the picture, and he said, "All you people around here from--from Dallas," said, "we know that's the outskirts of Houston." And, oh, my! Texas couldn't take it like here, as some of you could. So there was a big hush over the meeting.

18Well, He is mighty good. And now I think we'll turn in the Scripture here, and just give a little testimony for a while. Wouldn't that kind of change it? I've just beat it around so hard till I'm getting ashamed to look at you. And maybe give you a little bit of rest, and give some testimony of the goodness of our Lord.

19 Let's find a place in Saint John, the 16th chapter of Saint John. And I got 16:12. I would like to read from--from that place in the Gospel of Saint John. I like to read the Word, because the Word is what makes us know that it's Truth. Beginning with the 12th verse, and listen close now, 'cause I want to give testimony.

20And then we'll try to get in just a little early. I been keeping you so late. And tomorrow night, why, we'll stay a half-hour extra. That'll make it about one o'clock, won't it? [Brother Branham and congregation laugh--Ed.] So, so, this is beginning with the 12th verse.

I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.

He shall now... glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.

All things... the Father has are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you.

21 You know, last evening, especially, we had a little sample of that. Now, we being a full Gospel people, believing in all of the operations of the Holy Spirit. And now, that's the only way we can be full Gospel, is to believe the full Gospel, all the Lord has written. And I believe that we are, ourselves, are nothing. We are just like...

22As I said to Brother Carl, yesterday, looking at a tree, I said, "Isn't that a beautiful palm tree? But, after all, there's nothing to it but a bunch of volcanic ash. That's all it is." And I said, "How different it is now from that eucalyptus tree. Well, what's a eucalyptus tree? Volcanic ash, with just a life in it." I said, "After all, what am I and what are you? Volcanic ash, that's exactly, from the earth; dust of the earth, with a life in it."

23 But each life has been planted by the master Life-giver, and He knows just how and what to do. And everything that He has placed here on earth is for His glory. The stars are for His glory. The winds are for His glory. The flowers are for His glory. And we are the crowning of His glory.

24But it seems like that everything will obey Him but man. Man just seems to... He has such a time, because that he was the only thing that fell. Everything else stayed in its original condition. But, man fell. Therefore, God has a battle with him, to get him to do what is right, and to obey.

25 And one of the great problems for God, down through the years, as the history of the church goes, is to find somebody that He can completely get in His control. He only needs one man. He's always used one man at a time. We studied that last few nights: one man, not a group. He just wants one. That's all He needs. Cause, two men would have two different ideas. He just makes one man, represents Himself through that one person. Never did He do it otherwise than that. See?

26Now, He's got one Person today, and that Person is the One we just read after: the Holy Spirit. He is the Person that God has sent forth, the Spirit of Jesus Christ into the earth, the Spirit of God, to manifest and declare Christ through His Church, see, just to continue the Life of Christ through the Church.

27 Now, it's such a marvelous thing, and--and yet it's so simple, if we would just stop and think. We press, we quiver, we--we fear, we get in flusterations and doubts, just thinking. "Well, must I press in?" It isn't that. It's just yielding, see, realizing that you're nothing, and just let Him completely take you over, take over your thinking, take over.

28Now, I don't mean to walk up to Christ with--with just a--a blank mind. I don't mean that. You come to Him in your right mind, and in a--a--a penitent mind, and humble. And then say, "Lord Jesus, here am I. Now, it's written here in Your Word, that You 'had many things yet to say to the disciples.' You said, 'They could not bear them now.'" And perhaps that's our case today, we cannot understand them.

29 God can raise up just a little something different, and altogether we denounce it. Instead of searching the Scripture to see if it's right or not, we just quickly throw it away, "There's nothing to it." We ought to search out these things, find out whether they're right or not. And remember, if they're not right, they'll finally die, for Jesus said, "Every plant that My Heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up."

30But I think it was Gamaliel that made that great statement that time, "If it be of God, we don't want to be found fighting against It. And--and if it's not of God, it'll come to naught anyhow." So, study it and think of it.

31 And now, He said in here, "But when He, the Holy Ghost, is come."

32Now, someone said, some time ago it's been, speaking, said, "The Holy Ghost is actually your mental mind. You think." That would put the Holy Spirit a thought.

33But the Bible said, "When He..." And "He" is a personal pronoun. See? See? "When He," the Person, Holy Ghost, God, "comes, He will reveal these things to you, that I've told you."

34Then, you see, there's no other way of knowing what is Truth. Only by... You cannot get it by culture, by seminary experiences. You'll only get it by the Holy Spirit. He's the One that's been sent to reveal It.

Now, then, He also said, "And He will show you things to come."

35 Now, Hebrews, the 1st chapter, said, "God in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets, but in this last day by His Son, Christ Jesus." See? It's the Holy Spirit taking over possession, or taking possession of the Church, to operate Christ in the Church. Then, you become as He was. He become as you was, so you could become as He was. See? He become you, that you might become Him. That, it's--it's above understanding. There's no way to explain it, and don't try it. Just accept it. He spoke It, and that settles it. Just say it's right. Believe It.

36 Now, as a young Christian, I've always made this statement. I was glad God got a hold of me before the church did. Hard telling what I'd have been. But I--I was thankful of the leadership and the direct contact that the Holy Spirit impressed my life with, before I ever surrendered it. For, as a little lad, I knew there was Something. He had talked, and I'd talk to Him. He talked back to me. And I begin to notice that the things that He told me, as a little lad, that they begin to happening just exactly the way He said they'd do. So I knowed it had to be true.

37 Now, I'm an old man now. And I--I have never one time... And can call the world to--to a standstill, and ask them. "Put your finger on one thing that He ever told me, in THUS SAITH THE LORD, in the Name of the Lord, but what was absolutely the truth and fact, and come to pass, out of the thousands times thousands of things." What does...

38What am I saying that for? See, I've put us all as volcanic dust. But it's the promise of God's Word. Therefore, I cannot have confidence in myself. You cannot have confidence in yourself. But, together, we can have confidence in What has taken over ourselves. The Holy Spirit has taken us over. We must have confidence in That. And as we place our confidence in That, then the results comes.

39 It would be out of reason for me to try to--to even scratch the surface of telling you some of the things that the Holy Spirit has done in my own broken-up life, my days. I say this with His Bible open, His Word. And that's what He is. He is the Word.

40See, this--this Seed here comes into the volcanic ash, in a way of a spiritual Being. God comes in as Spirit and operates through the ash. So, it's not man. It's God.

41And if I should set down, and take time to write out the things that I have seen Him do, it would make a volume of books. And to think of it here, fifty-three years old, and can say before God, His Church, and the Bible, in the presence of this group, that: I have not one time ever seen It fail; perfectly on the mark, every time.

42 Exception, of the other day when I come westward. You've played the tape, many of you, I guess, and you understand. I don't know what. I'm waiting. I'm here now. I don't know why. I'm just waiting.

43It may be my going-home time. It looks very much that way. If it is, there will rise somebody after me, that'll take the Message on. He'll be an odd person, but he'll rise after this and take the Message on. And you listen to it. As long as it's Scripture, stay with it.

44If it isn't, there is coming another portion now, for I do believe that we're living in the last days, and I am thankful that I have lived in this day. I wouldn't trade this day for no day. This is the most glorious day that's ever been on the earth. There is no other day that's ever taken this day.

45Oh, what would Moses, Elijah, Paul, Silas, those great heroes of faith, in the days gone by, could rise up and pick up a history book, and look exactly what they had prophesied about, come to pass, and see where we're at now? Why, they'd have them in jail, in a hour. Certainly. They would be like wild men, up-and-down the streets, just as hard as they could go, blasting the Gospel. "The time is at hand." Then we see, tonight, that we fall very short of the glory of God.

46 But I would like to rehearse just an instant, to kind of get the church...

47By the way, did Billy Paul give out prayer cards in this church tonight? I just come from Tucson a few minutes ago. [Someone says, "Yes."--Ed.] He--he gave out cards. Now, that's going to be an awful way of trying to bring them by. We'll try it.

48I won't take too long, just giving testimony upon this Scripture.

49That, Christ keeps all His Words. He has to. He has to do it. See? I don't have to do it; I'm a mortal, subject to mistakes. He is immortal, infallible. He has to keep His. See? But I don't have to keep mine. You don't have to keep yours. But He does. Oh, doesn't that place something in you, to know that He's--He's absolutely bound to that Word? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

50 And this week, how we have come through the Bible, with those prophets and patriarchs, and each time show that when the church got away from that, God sent someone right down and shook them right back to that Word again, lining up the church. It's always been. That's God's policy. He chose men to do so.

51Now, if He had chose the stars to preach the Gospel, it'd been done a long time ago. They'd never got out of His will. If He'd chose the--the sun to preach it, or the--the winds to preach it, they'd never have got out of His will. See?

52But we're on the basis of free moral agency. We can act the way we want to. And that's the reason that we been such a heartache to Him. Always this way, and wanting to inject our own ways, and get away from His way. See?

53And I--I have said before, man is constantly praising God for what He has done. And he's always saying what He will do. And then, at the same time, ignoring what He's doing. See?

54 Man will say, "Oh, God opened up the Red Sea. Yes. Glory to God! That's right." "Yes, Jesus is coming again. Hallelujah! That's right." But, talk about Him today? "Ah, that was for another day." See? See? Always what He has done, what He will do, and ignore what He's doing.

55That's the same conditions that Jesus Christ found when He come to the earth. Exactly. God had promised what He had did. And here He was, standing before them, and they didn't know Him. "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not." That's right.

56"But as many as did receive Him, to them gave He the power to become sons of God." That's the glorious part.

57 It was some time ago, a little vision I would like to speak to you about. And I don't know, I maybe never said it but just to an individual somewhere. But I--I just lost one of the greatest persons on this earth, to me, my mother.

58And I--I love my mother. How that I'd see her get away from the table, when we were so poor, had nothing to eat! And she... Papa would bring in some bread, where he would sweep out a store, or something, and they'd pour the coffee over it, then put sugar on top of that. And mother would act like she wasn't hungry, so that us kids could have something to eat. Oh, I--I can never forget that. See? And the many times that she'd pick me up, and the things she did for me. But, you know, God is--is just so full of mercy. He understands all those things, when He has to take them. And I--I love Him for it.

59 It's always been, that, before any of my people die, I see it before it happened, in the vision.

60I seen my brother, when I was only about eighteen, nineteen years old. I seen him before he left. I wasn't even a Christian, but I saw the vision come before me, seen my brother go.

I seen my father when he went.

61Howard, many of you remembers Howard. "Howard," you remember me, two years before it happened, I said, "Howard, I seen your place marked. You're next." I said, "Get right, brother, because you're going to go next." And he did, just exactly. And then, here some time ago...

62 Now, I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but, just to show the--the concern of God. God is always concerned in little things, the same as big things. I want to say this for the benefit of some of these fine preachers. That may be... And I throw myself in it.

63Now, we would, every one, like to be a Billy Graham, but we... And we'd every one like to be an Oral Roberts. But, we, we're not a Billy Graham or an Oral Roberts. We are God's servant in the field that He has placed us in. See? No matter how little it is, or how great, it's just the same in the sight of God, always the same, to act right in the place where you're at. Always, it's a great thing to follow the Lord.

64 I would rather win... or go and have a church with fifty people in it, in the will of God, than to go have five thousand out of the will of God. Sure. God can do more with a man in His will, in one hour, than He could with a man out of His will, in fifty years. See? He is stumbling and staggering, like shooting in the dark. But when a man is really in the will of God, and knows his calling, he should abide there.

And now, visions, how the Lord God works with them. I...

65 "When He, the Holy Ghost is come, He will reveal these things that I've talked to you about." Now, there's no need of trying to figure it out, any other way. He is the Author. He surely ought to know what He wrote. See? The Bible said He wrote it. "Even men of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, wrote the Word." And if the Holy Ghost is the Author of the Word, surely He knows how to interpret It better than we do. Let Him do the interpreting of It. And you know how, the way He interprets It? Now, don't miss these things if you're coming to a healing service. Look. Don't miss this. How does He interpret It? By this, by vindicating It, see, making It so.

66 That's what Jesus said. "Search the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life; and They are the Ones that says Who I am. They're the ones that speak of Me. And who can condemn Me. Who can accuse Me of sin?" Sin is "unbelief." "If I don't do the works that was written of Me, then don't believe Me. But if I do the works, and you can't believe Me, then believe the works, because the--the Word spoke of it." See? That's just common, everyday sense.

Now, God, "Gifts and callings are without repentance." We know the Bible says that. They do it.

67 It's been about, almost two years now. I was... One morning I was walking in the--the house, and had set down in a chair. Now, this seems very strange, that God would include an animal. Like some precious brother, on that vision of Heaven, of that little carrying-up I had; I believe I told you about it, once, or some meeting. He wrote me a letter the other day, and said... Business Men's Voice packed it. Said, "It was... your vision was all right, Brother Branham, your translation. But, listen, it was all right till you said your horse, that you once rode, come put his head on your shoulder." He said, "There is no horses in Heaven, Brother Branham. Heaven was made for human beings, not horses." Well, I thought...

68Well, usually, you see anyone like that, you have to explain everything, they're just trying to pick something. See? You can't explain God, anyhow. You got to just to believe Him.

69But it might comfort him. I said, "Brother, I never said I was in Heaven. In the vision, I asked for Jesus, and they said He is still beyond here. I was in a state like paradise. But, that it might help you, the Bible said, in the book of Revelations, that, 'Jesus came from the Heavens of heavens, riding on a white horse. And all the host of Heavens was following Him, upon white horses.' So there must be some up there in the Heavens of heaven."

70 God is interested in everything. He's interested in little things you do, or the big things you do. He's interested in how you take care of your little flock, or you other fellow take care of your big flock. He's interested.

71Some time ago a famous, fine brother of mine, we were down at a--a... fishing at a place. I was come in, off the meetings, was resting. We had been fishing with snails, and we caught a nice mess of fish. And that night we was running our trot lines, and we run out of bait. Late in the afternoon, I went out to catch some little bluegills, these little bitty fellows. Can't... The big ones you could eat them, but this is just small bait fish. I flipped the line in, fly line, was catching them, putting them in a bucket.

72And Something struck me, setting upon this boat. This boy had been a Jehovah Witness, and his brother had just got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, and so the two boys was with us. And as I was catching these fish, all of us, Something struck me. I said, "You know, there is going to be a resurrection of some life, like a little animal." Well, a little animal?

73 Now, many of you remember of the foregoing of the Word, that said, "There'd be a little boy would come back from the dead, had been struck by an automobile." Brother Jack Moore is with me tonight, who was over in Finland when that happened. See? Many of you here remember me telling it through here, see, told you to write it in your book. Notice.

74And Brother Woods turned around, Brother Banks Woods, the one his boy was healed, with polio. And he turned and said to his brother, "You just watch. Something is fixing to happen." I kept on catching the fish, you see. So we baited up our lines with the fish.

That night we caught nothing.

75The next morning I said, "There was some, quite a few, bluegill over there."

76He said, "Say, by the way, didn't you say there was going to be some kind of resurrection of life?"

I said, "Yes."

77 I tell you, when I left home, they was... My little girl... We're kind of... You people can have them if you want them, now, see, but I'm scared of a cat. And so I--I just don't like that superstitious feeling you get around them. And so we don't have them around house, and--and I believe the cat can realize that I'm afraid of him. So, my father was afraid of cats. So, then, my little girls knowed not to have any cats around there. And the little...

78My little girl walked down the lane with another little girl, and she come back, all sad-looking in the face, and she said, "Daddy?"

I said, "What do you want, honey?"

She said, "A horrible thing has been done."

I said, "What is it?"

She said, "If you just only knew!"

I said, "Well, tell me."

79She said, "Somebody has throwed out a poor old cat, down the lane here." And said, "The thing is about ready to die, can hardly walk." And said, "Daddy, do you mind if we feed it and take care of it?"

80I said, "Certainly not. If you want to feed it, just be careful. Don't let it scratch you." I said, "Let me see the cat."

81So when they brought the cat around, I got a box, and, course, the next morning we had a whole bunch of kittens.

82 And then, so, the little--the little boy of mine, when I was leaving, little Joseph, he was looking at them. Oh, he thought they were cute, you know, climbing around, you know. And--and so he gets one in his hand; he squeezed a little too tight, and he dropped it on the concrete. The little fellow begin turning around, around. I thought "Oh, my!"

83And I thought, "Well, now, that may be that little old kitten, when I go back home." You remember the opossum case. I thought, "Well, it might be that kitten." So then we were setting back in a little cove, fishing, and we was catching these pretty-good-size bluegill then, throwing the small ones back.

84 Brother Lyle, Brother Banks' brother, was fishing with a reeling pole, great big hook, and a big bunch of worms on. He let that little old bluegill swallow that hook plumb down in his little belly. And when he pulled him up, he said, "Now, I wish you'd look at there," just about that long. And he just... He couldn't take the hook out, I guess. No other way; just cut the string off. And he wanted to save his hook. So he just pulled gills, belly and all, out of him, like that, and throwed him over on the water. And he--he quivered three or four times and just laid there. He said, "You shot your last wad, little fellow."

85I said, "Lyle, when he starts to bite... Get a smaller hook than that. When he starts to bite, take this fly rod laying here, and just as he starts to bite, catch him. See? Before he gets it in and swallows it, catch in his mouth." I said, "That's the sport of catching them."

86"Ah," he said, "I'd make the wrong pull," and just went ahead. And he tried a few times, and missed about three or four. He laid the thing down, said, "I'll just let him swallow it again."

87 So this little fish floated around on the water there for a little, oh, I guess, thirty minutes. And the waves begin to get up and come in.

88I said, "Well, we'll have to leave pretty soon. We got a bucket now, so we'll have to leave."

89And I raised up, to throw it back over on some lily pads, and jerk it off. There was some of the big red-belly back there. So I started, pull the--the--the bait off of the pad, you know, flipped it over on the pad, and jerk it off, as you fellows and women know about fishing.

90And when I started to do that, all of a sudden, Something came down through them hills, just like a Wind pouring. And It went upon me. I dropped the pole, and stood up in the boat. I looked around. I heard a Voice say, "You see that little fish?" And there he was, laying there.

91I said, "You see the little fish?" just as He said it. There his little fins was stiffened out, and he was laid on the water for a half hour. And this Bible is laying open now. See?

And He said, "Speak to him, and give him back his life."

92And I said, "Little fishy, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, I give you back your life."

93And those men standing, watching. That little fish turned over on his back, and down through the water he went. They like to fainted. Lyle washed his face in water. He said, "I'll wake up after while." He said, "I--I know I'm dreaming."

I said, "You're not dreaming."

94And right on the same time, I guess I had, on prayer lists, thirty or forty spastic children. And how God would go around, from them spastic children, and bring up that little fish, it just goes to show that He is interested in everything.

95 Why would He use His power to curse a fig tree, when there were thousands of lepers in the land? And He bypassed those lepers and went over and put a curse on a fig tree. And said, "No man eat from you," and the fig tree withered. Used His power, showing that He's interested in trees. He's interested in fish.

96He's interested in you. He's interested in me. And He's interested to see His Word made manifest, and He's depending on us to do it, for we are His agents. Nothing in ourselves. It's Him; yielding ourselves and walking with Him.

97 Saw a vision that morning. I seen a large animal laying on a side of the hill. Oh, it had a mammoth set of horns. I was on a hunting trip in this vision, along about ten or eleven o'clock in the day. And I slipped over and shot the animal.

98And then on the road back, a mammoth, big grizzly bear raised right up against me, and I shot him.

99And then I seen them take the horns, and a little hand reach and get the horn, put the tape on it. It measured forty-two inches, from the top of the beam to the top of the horn, forty-two-inches high. I never seen any animal like it, great big spikes on his horns. And, yet, it looked like a deer, but it's, oh, my, make two or three deer. I never seen anything like it.

100"Well," I said, "probably it'll come to pass someday. I'll just write it down."

101 I went down in Kentucky with a friend of mine, and Brother Miner Arganbright called me, said, "Brother Branham, are you busy?"

102Said, "Not so bad." I said, "I was on my... I got two weeks now. I'm on a little vacation."

103Said, "Run up to Canada, to Alaska, with me. We want to organize a Business Men's chapter at Anchorage and also over at Fairbanks."

I said, "Sounds all right, if I can get the time to do it."

104He said, "Well, Brother Branham, if you'll do it, I tell you what, we'll give you a nice grizzly-bear hunt."

105Thought, "Oh, that sounds fine." I thought, "Oh, oh, there's the vision. See, that's it."

106 "A nice grizzly-bear hunt," I said, "that sounds good. I don't go for that. But, while we're up there, and some of the guides wants to take me out, free, I'll be glad to go."

So, he said, "Well, they, they'll do it. We got it fixed up."

I said, "Well, now wait. Let me pray over it."

107And I went up in the woods that day, and every time I prayed, farther away I got, all the time, completely away from it. I thought, "That's strange." And two days after that, I called Brother Arganbright. I said, "No."

108He said, "Brother Branham, we just getting things arranged."

109I said, "Don't do it. The Holy Spirit has condemned it." I told him the vision. I said, "I--I don't know, Brother Arganbright, but it's strange. But He won't let me go up there, and, yet, it sounds like that--that would be the place."

And he said, "Well, now, we're all set to go." And I said...

110Now, many of you will see Brother Arganbright. He's coming here now, to make ready with me, to go overseas after this meeting. And so you can ask him the story. So we said...

I said, "No. I just can't do it. The Holy Spirit tells me not."

111 It's best to obey, no matter how much, how good it looks. I'm going to preach on something like that tomorrow night, the Lord willing. So now, remember, no matter how good it looks, if God isn't in it, stay away from it. No matter how glamour it looks, stay away from it. How prosperous, stay away from it if God isn't in it. Stay away from it. Now we're going to speak on that tomorrow night, the Lord willing.

112Now, then when I went home, Billy said to me, my son, he said, "Dad, do you know that hunter that you went hunting with last spring up there, by the name of Southwick?"

113"Oh," I said, "up on the... in the... below the Yukon there?"

He said, "Yes."

Said, "He's got a letter here for--for you."

114He's Brother Eddie Byskal, which is the head of the--the ministerial association of that northwestern country up in there, a very fine boy, may be here in this meeting. He's planning on coming this a way this time. Fine little boy, and he's got a nice family. He's--he's missionary up there now to the Crees, Cree Indians. And I was just with him last fall and then, or last summer, rather.

115 Then he, Eddie, wanted to take me over to Bud's, which was one of his converts to Christ. His wife was a staunch Pentecostal. Bud was a rancher, and he just recently come in. But he had been lotted, where they drove the Indians out and put them on the reservation, a great territory for hunting. About six... Oh, I guess he got about three hundred square miles, or more, around in there, for a territory lotted to him by the Canadian government.

116 Well, that spring, when I was up there, we went bear hunting after the meeting, but when we... in May, but the chinook come and it cut us off. We had about... He had never heard of anything about the meetings, and Eddie kept pouring into him about the meeting.

117And he said, "You don't mean to tell me that, today, that God is showing Himself, and show things that's coming before it happens?"

Eddie said, "That's exactly right."

118So he kept talking to me. He said, "You know, I got a brother that's got epilepsy." Said, "If you could just only get to that brother!" Said, "I believe, if I could ever get him to one of your meetings, I believe he'd be healed." I said... Said, "He's had it all of his life."

I said, "Perhaps so."

119Well, it don't get dark up there at that time of the year, you know. The sun just goes down, and gets... Oh, you can, any time, midnight, one o'clock, you can just stand and read the newspaper, or anything, you see. And about--about the last part of May the sun never goes down. It just barely tips, about gone, about ten minutes, and comes back. So we just lay down whenever we got tired.

120 And then on the road coming out, we met the bunch of Indians. And, oh, I got the old chief back there. They let him stay there because he's had two children. They bury their children in a log, their loved ones. Some kind of a religion. And they hung them in the tree, so they just let that family stay there. Nice old fellow, past ninety years old, setting up in his saddle just as good as one of his boys.

121And so we left the next day. He said, "There's no way across now. Go up over the mountains and this way." Oh, it was another hundred miles, to cut a trail. So, we couldn't do that. It was too late. We started back.

122 And on the road back, Bud has got a string of young horses, and some of them got down in muskeg and things. And I was going along there, talking, Eddie and I. And Bud was on the lead horse, trying to get out. We had twenty-one head. And I had got a rope on one, got him out. And just soon as he got out, then my own saddle horse got in. And here I was, getting out over there. And I was muddy, you know. In a few minutes, I got up on my horse, and wiped the mud off my clothes, like that, started off.

123And right before me, across that hill there, come a young man. I looked at him. I moved back in the saddle and stopped my horse. And I seen him fall in a fit, going over and over, and frothing, and got real arrogant, and just tearing up everything. Then he quietened down. I seen an old salamander. I seen his shirt burning.

124 Eddie was about half a city block ahead of me, trying to get another horse. The young horse run off the trail, getting over in there, pulling the packs off of him, bucking off. So then I run up there to Eddie. We got the horse quiet. I said, "Eddie, I got THUS SAITH THE LORD for Bud."

He said, "Brother Branham, what happened?"

I said, "A vision. I seen his brother."

He said, "Oh, get him."

125I said, "Hold the horses back. I'll spur mine and get ahead, run around these horses, see if I can get them and hold them against the side of the hill."

126I run around the cliff, like this, with my... on my horse. Pushed him up, and got up there. And I put my hand over on the saddle. I said, "Bud?"

He said, "Yes, Brother Branham."

127I said, "I want to tell you something. Your brother..." and described him.

He said, "Yes. Who told you?"

I said, "Nobody. The Lord just showed him to me."

I said, "Will you believe me as His servant?"

He said, "Certainly, Brother Branham."

128I said, "Send down," about--about eight hundred miles back to civilization, "get your brother to come up here. And the first time he falls in one of those fits..." I said, "He's had these since about two years old. You might not believe it, but it's hereditary. Your grandfather had them."

He said, "Now, that's the truth. That's right."

129I said, "Now, when this boy has this fit, you jerk the shirt off of his back and throw it into the fire, and say, 'This I do in the Name of Jesus Christ, according to His Word.' He'll never have another one, as long as he'll believe it."

130He just raised up his hands, started screaming. He said, "I've never seen it done, but you sure told me just what my brother looked like, and told me the truth about my grandfather."

I said, "That's right."

131 After we left, he sent and got his brother. And he was going out to cut trail that morning. When, he come up on the bus, coming up; pass us, two or three times a week, up-and-down the Alaskan highway. He come over.

132And Bud's wife, Lila, is just a little bitty thing, a little woman, about big as a bar of soap after a family's washing is done from it. Just a little... Got five children, and a sweet little woman.

133And so Bud went out to fix his horses, 'cause he's going to cut trail, so we could get back in that with his hunters.

134 And as soon as he was gone, well, his brother in there, without taking his good clothes off yet, he fell in a fit. And they were camping in an old barracks, where the Americans, when they was building the highway, had it there. And when... They had a big old salamander as a stove. And little Lila... He got--he got rashal when he got them spells. And she was scared to death of him, and she would clear a window, something other, get out of the way. But she started to jump out, and she thought of what had been said. She had been in one of the meetings, down at Dawson Creek.

135She rushes over there and straddles this big fellow, jerks that shirt off his back, crying, buttons and all, his white shirt, walked over to the stove, and said, "This I do in the Name of the Lord Jesus, according to the Word of the Lord that was told to us." And he's never had one since. That settled it.

136 He had sent for me to come, a free hunt. And I'm always looking for them free things, you know. So I thought... "Well," I said, "I'll go. I'll see if the Lord lets me go." I prayed. And just no more than praying, everything moving right that way.

137I took Brother Fred Sothmann. He's here somewhere in the meeting. Where are you, Fred? There it is. Yeah. He's one of the trustees of our church. Brother Fred knows that this was told three months before it happened. Is that right, Brother Fred? And, I guess, Brother Simpson. How many is in the building tonight that knows that, before it happened, was told? Raise up your hands. There you are. And was told before the church, exactly what would happen. Well, I didn't know this to be the time.

138 So I went up to the--the Alaskan highway, and Brother Fred stopped off at a friend's, to go moose hunting. It's too far back there for moose. So we're up in sheep country, where we was going. And so we... I took a--a piece of--of chalk or dirt, and drawed on the windshield. I said, "Now, Brother Fred, so if this is the time, you'll remember exactly what it will be." And he remembers it.

139I went on up. That night when we got in the camp, Bud said, "Brother Branham!" He hugged me and jumped up-and-down, speaking in tongues and hollering, you know. He said... And that, an old rough cowboy, too. And he--he just praising God. He said, "You know what, Brother Branham? My brother hasn't had a fit from that time on. He's perfectly normal and well, year before."

140I said, "As long as he will believe it, it'll continue that way." And I said, "Now tell him to surrender his life to Christ, and serve Him the rest of his days. 'Go and sin no more, or a worse thing come upon him,' See?" I said, "Tell him to do that now."

141 So I said, "I have another vision," and I told him of the vision. I said, "Now, there was some little fellows with me. We was on a hunting trip. They were small men. And one of them had a green, plaid shirt on."

142And he said, "Well," he said, "Brother Branham," he said, "I don't have a green, plaid shirt." His boy, Blaine, eighteen, said he doesn't have no green plaid shirt.

143Eddie Byskal, another little bitty fellow, weigh about a hundred and ten pounds, he said, "I don't have one either, Brother Branham."

I said, "Well," I said, "now, the animal..."

He said, "What kind of a animal was it?"

I said, "It looked like a deer."

144He said, "There's no deer up here. This too high." He said, "Maybe it was a caribou."

I said, "A caribou has a panel."

Said, "That's right."

I said, "This had spikes."

145He said, "Well, Brother Branham," said, "we're going to sheep country, not deer country or anything like that."

146I said, "Well, it's probably another trip. Brother Arganbright... It might have been Alaska somewhere," I said, "'cause it was a mammoth, big grizzly."

He said, "What kind of a grizzly was it?"

I said, "Silver-tip." That's the most famous of all of them.

147He said, "I'm a guide. I been in these woods here all my life. I've never seen a silver-tip." Said, "I've seen a regular old grizzly. But," said, "I've never seen a silver-tip, never seen one in my life."

148I said, "Well, there is some, one somewhere, and I'm going to get him."

He said, "I'll say that's the truth." He said, "I'll say that."

149 We took off, three days later. We made camp plumb up above timberline.

150And God help me, if they stay that way till the Millennium, let me live there during the Millennium. I just love to bathe in that nature there. Oh! Anybody couldn't see God there, is--is blind, deaf, and dumb. Just to see Him reflecting Himself in those great, mammoth mountains! Oh, my! The deep calls to the deep, then, and up there just having a glorious time.

151 So we went up on one mountain. You just have to walk straight, like that, to get up it. Oh, no timber, just simply caribou moss is all you see. We seen about thirty or forty head of sheep. There wasn't none big enough to take. It was just little half-rounds, and three-quarter rounds. I--I wanted one big enough to come out of there with, so I going that far back. So we... I went back down.

152And the next day we started across, and Eddie fell in the water when he started to jump across, a big pair of shoes on.

153Going up the side of the mountain, Bud stopped and said, "Let me have your glasses, Billy." I give him glasses.

154We'd walk a piece, and talk about the Lord, and shout, and run up-and-down the side of the hill, just have a glorious time. It's good to go, hunting trip, if you go with brothers.

155 And so he took my glasses. He said, "Brother Branham, there is your ram. There's about eight of them laying about six miles, right there on top that other peak. Look at them. See them together?"

I picked up. I said, "I'll say, there they are, exactly."

156He said, "Well, we might as well go back down, start in the morning about three o'clock." Said, "We ought to be up there by nine, or from ten. The old rams will be laid down. That'll just be the time."

I said, "What's them other things walking around there?"

157Said, "That's caribou." I said... So, six miles away, you know, it's hard to tell what they look like.

158 And then, from then on, six hundred miles, the way the crow flies, there's not even a path or a trail. And when you hit the West Coast, you go about eight hundred miles to Vancouver, there's not even a speck of civilization. And the next civilizations, going this way, is Anchorage, about seven or eight hundred miles. Go back this way, you run into the little city, Yellow Knife, where you get a ship in there once a year for the Eskimos. And, next, you hit Russia. So, you're really to yourself. That's where God can take His rest, up there, from all of our troubles and trials that we put Him into. So I like to go up there and talk to Him when He's resting, you see, so then when like it was last night on the--on the ship.

159 So when we went back down, and the next morning we started early. Along about eight o'clock, we had wound through shintangle and everything, till we got to the top of the hill. And on the road up, here went an old cow caribou, and a nice-size bull. He went, started up the hill, and big panels on him. And I said, "Well, and so there is the first caribou I ever seen in the woods, wild. I've never been this high before."

He said, "Yeah. That's a caribou."

160So we went on up the hill and looked. The sheep wasn't there. So Bud and I walked around. And Eddie started slipping around, and Blaine, his boy, looking around for game.

161And we walked over here, and, oh, my, I just screamed out, "Glory to God!" I looked down there, and there was them big snow-peaked mountains; yellow caribou moss below the snow. And just below that come in the evergreen, which was the pygmy spruce. And got a little farther down, there was the buck brush, red. A little further that, was the quaking aspen, yellow. All reflecting in the lake down below it. Oh, my!

162 Bud and I just put our arms around one another, and just danced a little jig around there, just screaming and shouting, and praising God. And we set down with our arms around one another, and just praised God. And had a wonderful time, I guess, about two hours.

163And I said, "Say, wonder what become of Eddie?" We called him "the Dude." So, we went back. We started across the hill. I said, "He couldn't get lost up here."

164And said, "No. Blaine is back over there somewhere, and he's an Indian."

165So we looked around, and I seen a movie camera laying there. I said, "That was Eddie's." I looked back down the hill. And I went over this way, and he went the other way.

166And Eddie was going, "Sh-sh-sh-sh." He was stalking that little, bull caribou. And he was going to take him back down, feed him to the Indian friends that he was missionarying to. So, he shot the caribou. We went out and cleaned it out.

167 Come back, it's along about one o'clock. We found our saddle horses again, about a half a mile, away where they was standing. And we were standing there. He said, "Brother Branham, you like to walk?"

Said, "I sure do."

168He said, "If we scale this mountain... Them rams went across this way, and went down into that other hole there, maybe. If they didn't, went back this other way." Said, "Let's let Eddie and them go back, and go through this cut down here, and take my saddle horse and your saddle horse, and pack the caribou to the camp. And we'll walk just up through here and hit that place. And we ought to get in about ten or eleven o'clock tonight."

I said, "Fine. We'll do it."

169 So, we was standing there. We just eat a can of sardines, apiece, each one of us. And we buried under the moss, this sardines. And our bread, we had in our shirt, and sweated till it was all in one big lump. But it was good, when you're hungry. And it's all right. So, we stood there.

170And I was just looking around. And I looked through the glasses. I said, "Bud, looky here. What is that over there?"

171About three mile away, there laid that caribou. And it was an odd one. Wasn't panels; it was big spikes. I said, "You remember? Looky here. There is that panoramic, just exactly. And there lays that animal, just the way." I said, "There's only one thing that hinders the vision, somebody with a green, check shirt." And there stood Eddie with a green, check shirt on. I said, "I thought you didn't have one."

172 He said, "My wife must have put that in the pack. When I fell in the water, yesterday, had to change shirts." He said, "I didn't know she had it in there, Brother Branham. I'm sorry I told you something wrong."

I said, "You just had to do that, son."

173Oh, Bud begin to shout. He said, "You can stand right here and shoot him, three miles away. Can't you, Brother Branham?"

I said, "According to the vision, I was right on him."

174He said, "Brother Branham, I tell you, how you going to get over there?"

I said, "I don't know, but I'm going to get over there."

So he said, "How you going?"

I said, "Going around this panoramic."

175He said, "That's shale." And I... Said, "If you slide, you'll have about thousand of tons of snow on you, in about a second."

176I said, "The Lord will take care of that. That's the way I went, in the vision, right on around."

He said, "Well, I'm going to follow you." Here he come.

177 And these boys said, "We'll stay here now until we see you get the caribou," and they said, "then we'll--we'll go on down, take the horses and go on in. We'll meet you down at the end of the draw, about, oh, about four or five miles down."

He said, "All right."

178So we started around, Bud and I. In about a half-hour, we worked right around. And that caribou laying right there, looking right at us, and never seen us. He must have been asleep. And went up over a little cut, and come back, and come up within thirty yards of him. There he laid. This mammoth, big animal, rose up from there, and I got him.

179 And while we was setting there, taking the cape, and so forth, from it, like that, Bud said, "Did you say these horns was forty-two inches?"

I said, "That's exactly right."

180He said, "Brother Branham, they must be a hundred and forty-two," great big head.

I said, "No. It's just exactly forty-two."

Said, "I got a tape measure down there."

I said, "Do you doubt it?"

He said, "No, sir."

181He said, "But, wait a minute, didn't you tell me that you were going to get a big grizzly bear before you got back down? There'd be a silver-tip, before you got back where that boy was, the green shirt on?"

I said, "That's the truth."

182He looked back down the hill. Well, there isn't a thing that high, nothing at all. Just moss, all you see, miles and miles, just rolling hills of moss. He said, "Where is he at, Brother Branham?"

183I said, "He can provide one. He said so." I said, "Do you doubt that, Bud?"

He said, "No, sir."

184Well, coming down the hill, we come like this. He would pack the rifle a while, and I'd pack the head, then vice versa. Just have to walk sideways, coming down, them big horns just raking into the moss. And we got within about a mile of it. We stopped and looked around. He said, "That old bear better be showing up, hadn't he?"

I said, "What you--what you bothered about?"

Said, "Nothing."

185 We went on till we hit a little glacier coming across. We set down there and got cooled off a little. Said, "Brother Branham, just think of it," said, "we haven't got over about, oh, less than a half a mile till we hit them boys, and somewhere between here and there you're going to kill a silver-tip."

186I said, "That's right. That's right." He said... I said, "You're doubting that, Bud."

187 He raised up and took me by the hand. He said, "Brother Branham, my brother has never had a fit from that day to this." He said, "The God that could tell you of my brother, wouldn't lie to you."

I said, "Bud, he'll be there."

He said, "Where will he come from?"

188I said, "I don't know." I said, "Bud, I'm fifty-two," then. And I said, "I've saw visions, since a child. And when I saw this caribou here, killed, and you see if his horns isn't forty-two inches. And then, the same vision, I on my road back down to where that company was, that I was with, I killed this silver-tip bear, grizzly."

He said, "Brother Branham, I can see for twenty miles."

189He said, "God is going to have to pull him up out of the ground, or bring him down out of the skies, or something."

I said, "Don't you worry. He'll be there."

190 We went about another hundred yards. He was just about wore out too. This weigh about a hundred and fifty pound, this trophy. So, coming down the hill, and you set it down. He said, "Whew! I'm about give out."

191I said, "Yep." We come into a little pygmy, pygmy spruce then, about that high. There was a few grouse flying around, and there was ptarmigan hens, and so I throwed some rocks at them like that.

So he said, "Did you ever eat any of them ptarmigans?"

I said, "No. I don't believe so."

192He said, "They're fine. They're as good as grouse." He said, "Brother Branham?" Took off his big old black hat, fanned hisself. Said, "About time for that old bear to show up, ain't it, boy?"

And I said--I said, "Bud, you're doubting that."

193He said, "No. I'm not. But, Brother Branham, I--I--I just can't understand."

194I said, "Neither can I. It's not for me to understand. It's for me to believe." Amen. God in Heaven knows these things are true. Would I stand here and say this, it wasn't true?

195 Then I started to turn around, to give him the rifle, and me pick up the head. And as I turned, I said, "Bud, you got them glasses around your neck. What is that standing up there on the side of the hill?"

196And he throwed the glasses up. He said, "Oh, help me," said, "if it ain't somebody's milk cow!" There ain't no such thing in the country. Said, "That's the biggest grizzly I ever seen in my life. And so help me, look at that yellow sun shining on him. He's a silver-tip." Said, "How far you say he is?"

197I said, "He's about two mile up there." And we was about wore out. He said... I said, "What are we waiting on? Let's go."

And he said, "You sure of getting him?"

I said, "Sure I'm going to get him."

He said, "What's that gun you're using there?"

198And I said, "Now, never mind about that." It was a little bitty gun some brother give me in a meeting one time, several years ago. I said, "A little, cheap .270." And I said, "All right. I got... I... It's going to be."

199 We kept going a little closer. And the closer we got, the bigger that bear looked hisself. Oh, he looked like a mammoth haystack setting up there on that moss, you know. Stand, great, big, mammoth thing, head about that wide, you know, and jaws sticking out, great big paws. And he was poking up these little blueberry branches, like that, you know, eating them. And so set, great big fellow! We got about, oh, about eight hundred yards of him.

200He said, "Hey, Brother Branham, did--did you ever shoot a grizzly before?"

201I said, "I've shot many bear, Bud, but I never did shoot a silver-tip grizzly before."

202He said, "You know, the silver-tip is the biggest fighter of all of them."

I said, "Yeah, I understood that."

He said, "He don't know how to die."

And I said, "Well?"

203He said, "Don't... How--how--how far you have? How close you have to get to him with that?"

204 Now, you just ask him. Write him a letter. I'll give you the address. He said, "Let anybody write me about it, that wants to, on any of those things. Let me tell them." And so...

And I said, "Well?" I said...

He said, "Now?"

205I said, "No, no. I was closer than this, Bud. I was right up, close to him."

206He said, "We're getting pretty close now. He can charge at any time."

207I said, "I know it. But," I said, "Bud," I said, "it'll be all right."

208He said, "Now, when you shoot a bear," said, "now, Brother Branham, you shoot him in the back. You have to break him down, 'cause he'll keep on fighting, and can't get up then."

I said, "No, according to the vision, I shot him in the heart."

He said, "I hope you didn't make no mistake on that."

209I said--I said, "I didn't." I said, "I remember that." Cause, in a--in a vision, you're in--you're in one conscious, and both, as we explained it the other night. You're in two. You can't forget it. See? So there you are.

210 So we got in again, about--about two hundred and fifty yards. That was just the last little coulee we went over. I said, "That's just about it now. Look at him. Isn't he a beauty?"

He said, "Yeah, I guess he is."

211I said, "All right, Bud. Now when I raise up from here, he's coming." I said, "You just watch."

And he said, "I'll be watching."

212So I put a shell up in the barrel of the gun, you know. And we was down under this little coulee. Just as I raised up, here he come. My, my! I stopped, shot, and it just sounded like a pea-shooter hitting him. Boy, it never a bit more checked him up, than nothing. And, my, before...

213You talk about speed! I never seen anything like that. He, they would outrun a horse, deer, or anything, you know, a bear can, like that. Him coming down that hill, right towards us, like that!

214And now, 'fore I could get another shell in the gun, he dropped dead, about, oh, about thirty, forty yards from me, just turned end over end; took heart, lungs, and all, from him. It was a Nosler bullet, you hand-loaders know. So it--it blowed him up, and he fell over.

215Bud, standing there, looked over, was real white around the mouth. He said, "Brother Branham, I didn't want him on my lap."

I said, "Neither did I."

216He said, "Whew." Said, "I want to tell you, after it's over, boy. If that hadn't have been one of them visions, and I'd seen happen before, I'd have never come up here, that close to that bear, with you."

217 And neither one of us could budge him. He weighed around a thousand pounds, I guess, so, mammoth, big fellow. We couldn't clean him, we got... skin him. We started on down. And we said... "Brother Branham?" We picked up the horns. He said, "If them horns are exactly forty-two inches," said, "I'm just going to have a running fit."

218I said, "You better have it right now, then, 'cause that's what it is."

219He said, "I have never seen a--a--a... It seems to me like I'm dreaming this."

220And when we got down there, and I said to--to Eddie, I said, "Now you watch. Blaine will put his hands."

221Now, you remember, there was a little hand around that horn. Remember, Brother Fred, how I told you it would be?

And I said, "You watch it," to Eddie.

And so Bud said, "Wait." He got his horse over there.

222And we had bear on us, you know, and those horses just tearing up everything. You know how they do when they smell a grizzly or any kind of a bear. So I--I went over there, held, trying to hold the horse, the saddle horse trying to get away.

223 And he went over and got his tape measure, and come walking across there, looking at me, like that. Said, "Come here, Blaine." I punched Eddie. Put it down on this. Amen. And so help me, forty-two inches, on the nose!

224Now, them horns shrink about two inches when they dry up. That grizzly bear is laying in my den room, and the horns are hanging on the wall. The taxidermist had fixed them, and fixed them up. There is a tape measure hanging on them, forty-two inches, exactly.

225 Now, what would God tell a man something like that for, about a hunting trip?

226When I got back, mother was sick. I went to see her. She said, "Billy?" See, He was encouraging me, getting me ready for something.

I said, "Mama, the Lord has always healed you."

She said, "Billy, I'm going Home to see dad."

"Oh," I said, "mom, don't talk like that."

Said, "Yes, I am." I prayed for her.

And Brother Fred and all of these witnesses setting here know.

227Then, next thing you know, they had her in the hospital. The doctor didn't even know what was wrong. Well, I went out to pray for her. She said, "Son, I'm going." And now, my mother was kind of a powerful woman, anyhow.

228 One day, couple of days after that, I walked in. She was standing there, looking right up towards the Heavens. She said, "Billy, I see you."

I said, "Why, sure, mama." Said, "I see you right here."

229She said, "Oh, you're so old, Bill," said, "your white hair and beard just hanging together. You got your arm around the cross, reaching for me." I had a good idea then, that was it.

Now, you brethren here know that to be the truth.

230The next day was Sunday. I was preaching. They sent me word, "Your..." I said, "I do not believe that mother is going. God always shows me, my people going. But, mother, He's never showed me nothing about it." Here come a message in. And I was right in the middle of my Message, like this. Someone come in, said, "Go, go to your mother right now. Call her on the phone. She is dying, at this minute."

231I said, "Death, hold her still. The Word of God is more important than that."

232 This man setting right here, Brother Borders. After the service was over, I went out to see my mother. I met Brother Borders. He said, "Brother Branham, you're not quite six foot, but I seen a ten-foot man stand in the pulpit this morning."

I said, "Brother Borders, God will take care of all that for mama."

233And a few days after that, they called me out to the room, and she really was going. Gathered in the children, stood around the bed. I said, "Mama, are you really going?"

She said, "Yes." Then she couldn't speak no more.

234I kept telling her, "What does Jesus mean to you, mother?" I remember baptizing her in His Name, long ago, out in the water. I said, "Tell me what He means to you now."

She said, "More than life to me."

235 I said, "Mama, if you're going, I'm your boy, the... a preacher. I want to know, from my own mother who is going to meet God. I want to hold your hand here, mom."

Said, "I want you to." I kept holding it.

236She couldn't talk. Looked like she was paralyzing, her face. I said, "Can't you talk no more, mama?" She couldn't make... I said, "Listen. Is Jesus still just the same to you?" She could nod her head.

237Then she got to a place she couldn't nod her head no more. I said, "Mother, is Jesus everything to you now? He is coming for you, in a minute. Everything, to you?" She couldn't move.

238I said, "Mama, you only got one thing, to see you're batting your eyes. If Jesus still means just the same to you as He always did, the day I baptized you in the water, bat your eyes real fast." She bat her eyes, and the tears running down, like that.

239And a little Wind come, sweeping into the room. Mother went Home.

240 I come home, went out at the funeral home, picked out the clothes. Oh, you know how it is. You've had to do the same thing. The kids all crying, one down in one place; one, another. I said, "Mama was the hitch-post. We'll never be the same no more." Doc and his family in this corner. Jesse and his family in that corner. We just buried Howard, recently. I said, "Well, we're gone, boys." I said, "We'll... We won't come to see one another. Mama was our stay." I said, "We won't see one another, no much more now."

241 I went up home, nighttime, after we got her clothes picked out. I went up home.

242Mrs. Domico, anybody know her, from Chicago? Been a very dear friend of the campaign. She had give me a Bible. (Excuse me.) And it was one of those red-letter Bibles with a zipper on it. And somebody, when I preached that sermon, The Lamb And Dove, they had sent me two doves, as a holder. Another brother of mine, Brother Norman, had sent me a little dove. And a lamb, and Brother Borders give me the lamb. I picked up the Bible. Meda was over in one corner, crying.

243 And all you Business Men here know, when I was in Jamaica, seen my mother-in-law, told you at the table out there in Jamaica. I said, "Someone of my people is dying, that hasn't got any teeth. I see them going." Right at the table, Demos Shakarian and all of them setting there. Few hours from then, my mother-in-law just almost dropped dead, one time, see, no teeth, just exactly.

244I said, "I seen a young man spit blood." I called, said, "Don't let Billy..."

245Is anybody here was at the--the Jamaica meeting over there at that time at--at Jamaica? Can't see. Yeah. There is two. So then...

246And I said, "It must... Billy, don't you go up there. I seen a young fellow spit blood." And it was my brother-in-law. He went, had a hemorrhage when his mother died. It just throwed him in such a shock.

247 Then standing here that day, I picked up this Bible. I said, "Father, I don't know. Maybe just Your love, You didn't show me her going. But I'm so broke up, God. Will You just give me some word of comfort out of Your Word?" I said, "Let me just read something that's comfort, comforting to me." I just let the Bible open up like that. There it was, big red letters, "She is not dead, but sleepeth." And I went in the room. We went to sleep.

248 About eight o'clock, next morning, got up. They was going to have her fixed up, along about noon, so we go down and see her. Meda went out to get the children's breakfast, and little Joe crying. Becky in one corner, still crying, "Will I ever see grandma again?"

249I said, "Yes. Yes. You'll see her. She's just across, went upstairs." I said, "She, we'll see her again." And she loved them little kiddies, you know.

250And, so, and they was all crying, "Can we see grandma this afternoon?"

251I said, "You can see the body she lived in, but grandma has gone up to be with your other grandmother, them up in Heaven."

252And Joe couldn't understand it, my little boy, you know. He just couldn't understand it. He said, "Then will grandma come back down tonight?"

253And I said, "No, no. I don't know when she'll come back. When Jesus comes, she'll come back."

254 I was standing there. And I turned around, walk in the room. And when I did... Don't ask me to explain it. There's no way to explain it. I seen myself standing out there, just the same as I look across this audience. And I was leading songs. I never did that. I can't even sing, at all. So, and there was a great, mammoth crowd of people.

255On this side, the--the auditorium looked like it was outside, like, oh, I don't know what you would call it, kind of down a hill, and kind of like a amphitheater. And it was so far back, the lines was, till they had to be raised up like this, so the ones so far in the back had to look this way. But all right in the middle... Just three rows, like this. And right in the middle was just like windrows ricked in, of little spastic, crippled children laying in them rows.

256 I had on a dark suit, and I was singing, "Bring them in, bring them in, bring the little ones to Jesus." We sing that at church, quite a bit, especially in dedicating of children. And there was like a--a box here, where the celebrity set, and the pulpit was close to that. But I was down, leading songs. And all at once, me standing there, looking at myself, then... Oh, don't try to think it out, 'cause you can't. Then when I was here, then it become here. I don't know. Two of them went together. And it's...

That's a good thing when your two go together.

257I got a camera up there. Coming down, I didn't know how to take a picture. I looked through the thing, and, man, I could see five or six different objects. So I begin to focus it. Billy told me, said, "Focus it, and they all come to one."

258It's a good idea to do that, you know. You see things different when you go to focusing. And use God's Word for a focus on Him, and you'll--you'll see what I'm talking about. But get It in focus, first, you see.

259 So standing there, looking, and I went into that vision. And while in there, I noticed a renowned person come back at the back of the place. And they were... I said, "Well, they're coming to the celebrity box." So they come walking up this way. And I thought, "Well, I'll sing once more while that lady is coming." She was dressed old fashion.

260Now, some of you ladies will remember this, when they wore kind of skirts, like, around here, and it went way down over laced-up shoes. And they had kind of a full... What is it you call them things, like--like this lady has got on here now? That blouse. Blouse, one of those things like that, and had real full sleeves in it. You remember them? And went up around the neck here, with a little kind of a little button of a thing went in here. Then, a great big hat on, turned up on the side. And the ladies, them days, they wore long hair. So they pulled it down like this, and set a hat on it, and put a pin in it, you know, to keep it on, for they had to ride sidesaddle and things.

261 So this lady was coming up, and everybody was respecting this lady. And I thought, "Well, she'll go to the celebrity box."

262So, then, I said, "Once more, all on this side, 'Bring them in.' Now over here, 'Bring them in.' Then all in the middle, all together now, 'Bring the little ones to Jesus.'"

263Just as I said that, this lady had already entered the box. I could see, when she entered the box, everybody stood up. And they were kind of doing like this, recognizing her, and she was recognizing them.

264I thought, "Well, it's time for me to preach. I'll go praying for them sick people." I got up here on--on the pulpit, like this, and the box was right, oh, as close as this brother setting here. And I turned around, like this.

265 I thought, "Well, now, that lady will bow to me, so I'll just recognize her." And so when I turned around, she already had her head down, like this. I was putting my head down, like this. And when I raised my head up, same time, meet her, it was mama, young, pretty.

I looked at her. I said, "Mama?"

She said, "Billy."

266And just then, lightning begin to flash around in the building, thunders roared, and a shaking come. And a Voice said, "Do not fear about your mother." Said, "She is the same way she was in 1906."

And I said, "What, 1906?"

And Meda said, "What's the matter with you," my wife.

I said, "Honey, 1906, what was 1906?"

She said, "Why?"

I said, "A vision, I seen mama standing right here."

Said, "You seen what?"

I said, "I seen mama."

Said, "Sure enough, Bill?"

267 I said, "Yes. She was standing right here, and she was pretty. And He said..." I said, "She was just a young woman."

268So I went and got the old family record. You know what she was in 1906? My father's bride. That's the year she was married. Now she is part of another Bride, the Bride of the Lord Jesus.

269Someone from somewhere sent me a nickel. I got it here in my pocket, 1906.

270"And He, the Holy Ghost, when He is come, He will reveal these things to you that I have said, and will show you things to come."

271 Now, what is it? The hunting trip was only building me up, you see. One of the best trips I ever took, knowing that, this great shock. That was love. And, brother, sister, if all these other visions has been perfectly right, of what the Holy Spirit has showed, it's got to be the Holy Spirit. The Bible said, that, "If it come to pass, then it was Him."

272Then, what a hope we got! Someday we're going to leave this place. We're going back to a young man and woman, never to die no more. I'd rather know that than to know that I was going to be a president of the world and live for a million years. I'd rather know that I was in the hand of God.

273 And I'm glad to know, tonight, that that same Jesus that made that statement, He is here, after two thousand years. See, it can't perish. It's Eternal. And He's just same Jesus tonight that He was the day that He made this statement. And He will still confirm that Word, if we'll believe it. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

274"When He, the Holy Ghost, has come, He will not speak of Himself. But He will take the things, that of Mine," that's the Word, "and will show them to you. And then, also, He will show you things that is to come."

275In the book of--of Hebrews, the 4th chapter, the Bible said, "The Word of God is sharper..."

276Now, Who was the Word? Jesus. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word was made flesh. Dwell..."

277"The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to asunder, and to the marrow of the bone, and a Discerner of the thoughts in the heart."

278 That's our God. We're not lost, friends. We're still in grace of God. I--I feel, to talk of anything, and speak of a past tense... And as I said last night, as those disciples were trying to live on the meeting that they had the day before, looking forward for another, but forgot the very Creator of the wind and waves was laying in the boat.

279The God that was up there in those mountains, to place that silver-tip grizzly, according to His Word, that lays there on the floor, for evidence.

280Now, if you wish to write that man, just write Bud Southwick, S-o-u-t-h-w-i-c-k, Bud Southwick, Fort Saint John, British Columbia, and just let him write the letter back to you. And by the way, if you're taking a hunting trip, there's a good guy to go with.

281Now notice. He has told that amongst all those hunters up-and-down that road, till I believe I'm going to have a real meeting the next time I go up there, just with guides, yeah, to see those things happen just the way they do. That was last year.

282 This is this year, right now. That same Jesus that made that promise, said, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you. I'll be with you always, even to the end of the world." You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

283With such evidences, with such truth vindicated, positive truth, how can we feel any other way than like we'd just like to go through that roof, be raptured? Have we let the things of the world dull us, in such a way? Where, we see such vital things that's positive, proven to be the truth.

284 Now, each sick person in here, if you will only believe that same One that made that promise, and by the same One that took that epilepsy off of that boy, that man, He is the same God that's right here now. If I could take it off of you, I would do it, but I can't do it. He's already purchased that for you, and the only thing you have to do is to believe it.

285What if the boy would have fell in the fit, and the little woman said, "Now, what's that shirt got to do?" That probably wouldn't work on no one else. See? Just on him, 'cause it's sent to him. Naaman dipped in the river seven times; but somebody else, dipping, probably wouldn't get over their leprosy. See? But notice. It's what He says is the truth, a vindicated, perfect truth.

286 Now, it's getting late, to call even a prayer line. Let's--let's just stop that for a minute.

287Let's just think. Is that what God promised? That would be the genuine Holy Spirit that would do that. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, who would say that He wasn't the Holy Spirit? He was. "I and My Father are One." The Holy Spirit was His Father. "She shall bring forth. That Holy Thing which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." So, the Holy Ghost and God is the selfsame Spirit, and It was in Him.

288And watch what He did when a woman touched His garment, when He looked out upon the audience and perceived their thoughts. Don't the Word say, that, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Does not He promise, in Saint John 12, or Saint John 14:12, that, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also"? ["Amen."] Or, has it ever failed, but what it's the truth?

289 Then, God is here. He is here to make every person in here well. He's here to save every lost soul. And before I make an altar call, as I feel led to do, see, to make this altar call, let's just call on Him. How many of you will forfeit, or say, "If I can..." Maybe the strangers here, say, "I never seen one of those meetings. I--I've heard people talk about these things, but I--I've really never seen it. It would encourage my heart if I could see the very Presence of Christ come in among the people and do that same thing that He did." Would it encourage you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

290Let's bow our heads; a word. Every eye closed. Now let the Spirit, that follows the Word.

291 Now, Father, I have, the best that I know how, you know my heart. Knowing that these people are suffering under this heat, and that they're crowded in, standing, but they been very patient. I can imagine it was the same kind of a crowd that stood on the bank that day and heard You speaking from the boat. And then You told them, "Launch out into the deep and let down the net for the draught." Not see if there is some there. They were there.

292And how those notable words of that apostle said, "Lord, we seined all night and took nothing; but nevertheless, at Your Word we're going to let down the net." And when they obeyed Your Word, they enclosed a multitude of fishes, even till their nets begin to break.

293 Lord Jesus, no doubt that many women left their washing that morning, many men left their fields, from the crops, fishermens left their nets, to hear the Word of God. Lord Jesus, if You were here in physical form tonight, it's very doubtful that any more than what is gathered, would gather. But these people believe that You are not dead, that You raised from the dead, and You manifest Your Word and keep Your Word, the Word that I have read to them out of the holy Scriptures tonight.

294And as our Lord one time was handed a Bible, or the--the Scroll, and He read, and He set down. And He said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled."

295Let it happen again, Lord. Let it be again, that this very day, this very night, that the Scripture that I read may be fulfilled. And we're all been teaching, through the week, that that was to be the very thing that was to prove the end time. And then our hearts will go away, happy.

296There may be many here, Lord, that You're speaking to. Help us tonight to know Your Word, Your Word vindicated to be the Truth. Grant it, Father.

297 And while we have our heads bowed, just for a way of survey, to quieten myself from preaching. How many of you in here, that is not really a born-again Christian? Now, you may go to church, but that's not what I'm asking. You're... If you're not a born-again Christian, but you believe there is a living Jesus, a real Holy Spirit, and you would like to be remembered to Him now. Would you just, while every head is bowed now, and eyes closed, just raise up your hand to Him, "Lord, remember me." God bless you. God bless you, you, you. God bless you. God bless you. That's very fine. Is there others?

298Now, we're not very many in number. But, do you know, it's the world that looks for big things and large numbers? As we said last evening, it was only the little, quiet voice that attracted the prophet to come forward with his face veiled.

299 Now, you have faith in God. My brother, my sister, have faith in God. And if our great, kind Lord Jesus will come where this Word lays here, His Own Word, open, and will prove to you that this Holy Spirit, that I speak of, is the Truth! You might have been confused many times with many things, but it only goes to show that there is Real somewhere. And when He does that, I want you that raised up your hands, to come, see me, just a moment.

Now you may raise your heads.

300Lord Jesus, take this service into Your hands now. I am Your servant. And all the preaching... Just one Word from You will mean more than all we could say in a lifetime; just one Word. Grant it now, Father, as I commit this, those testimonies. You know they're true, Father. You was the One Who gave them. And never have they failed. Grant it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

301 Now, how many people in here, that does not have prayer cards, that's sick? Raise up your hands, everywhere in the building, that does not have prayer cards, and sick. All right. And those that have prayer cards, raise up your hand. Be about the same. And they're all mixed up.

302Now, to look over the audience, first, to be honest before God, before you. I know that, I'm looking over here, that some friends of mine setting in this corner here. Brother Noel, his--his... and Sister Jones, and Brother Outlaw, my son, this brother here, and Brother Moore. I don't know this brother, but I've seen him in the meetings, the last few times. I can't make this brother name out, either, but I know him just by face. Sister right here, Sister Williams. Sister Sharrit setting on the corner. Way back in the back is some people from the tabernacle at Jeffersonville.

303 Setting right here is a precious old friend of mine, ninety years old, that comes from Ohio, drives across the country. And I'm leaving for Africa, and he and his lovely wife asked if they could go to Africa with me. Said, "We'll pay..." Ninety years old, a German brother, never knew the Lord. When I preached one night, he come in with his good clothes on, to be baptized. Ninety years old! Outside of...

304I believe, oh, this is Brother Waldrop and Sister Waldrop setting there. Now, that's about as far as... and Brother Borders. Now, that's about it.

305Now, I'm calling their names. Now, if you who know me like that, don't pray. See? Pray for me. See?

306 But I want you who don't know me, and know that I don't know you. I want you to say in your heart, "Lord Jesus, I've heard this spoke of. I--I heard this minister tonight read this out of the Bible. I heard those testimony, and I've heard similar, you know, of different times this happened. Are we that close to the end, Lord? Are we that close?"

307Remember, when that sign was done to Sodom, the city that burned, Jesus referred to it, said, "As it was..." That was the last sign that they received before the city was destroyed. And Jesus said that will be the repeat in the coming of the Son of man.

308Now, you know that's right, how that, the God, God in flesh! How many believes that was God talked to Abraham? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yeah. Well, the Bible says, "Elohim," so, that, that's the--the--the great Creator of heavens and earth, the all-sufficient One. He was.

309 What was He showing? He was in a human body, stood there and eat the meat of a calf, and drank the milk from the cow, and then could vanish out of sight. "I will visit you according to the time that I promised you." See? Called him by his name. And with His back turned, said, "Where is Sarah?"

Said, "She is in the tent behind You."

Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life."

310And Sarah said... [Brother Branham makes a silent gesture--Ed.]... back in the tent.

311He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" Remember, the Bible said she was in the tent behind Him. Said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"

Sarah said, "I didn't."

Said, "Yes, you did." See? That's right.

312A Man standing there, God representing Himself in human flesh. Jesus said it would be the same thing at the coming of the Son of man: God in His Church, you, me, representing Himself. Now, there was a little woman...

313 When God was in Christ, He had the Spirit fully. He was God. I'm just one of His servants, and you're just one of His servants. We have the--the Spirit by--by measure. He had It without measure. "In Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily." In me is just a little gift, and in you is a gift, of Him. But, no matter how little it is, it's the same Spirit.

314Now, if that is the Spirit of God, It'll do the works of God. Now, you pray and say, "Lord Jesus, a little woman one time touched His garment." And we say...

315Over here in the New Testament, he said in Hebrews, he said, "He is a High Priest right now, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." How many knows that's the Bible? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. Well, that's got to be true.

316 Well, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, how would He answer you? Same as He did yesterday, if He's the same today.

317Now, you pray and say, "Lord Jesus, let me touch Your garment. And then, You give Brother Branham a little gift, to encourage us. And he don't know me. I'm setting way back here," and over here, and down here, and wherever. I'm set... He don't know me, but You know me. And let me see Your great Spirit, Lord. Not as I have to do it, but just to help encourage me and the rest of them, because we have read the Word. Let me touch Your garment, then You speak right back. Let me be used tonight, Lord, for that purpose. It'll show the whole audience that You're still alive." That be wonderful if He'd do that?

318 Now, you just kind of pray, you yourself, quietly. Say, "Lord, let me touch Your garment." I'll yield myself to the Spirit, and then may the Holy Ghost do the rest. Cause, now, I've talked, testified, but I can't do no more now. I'm at the end of my road."

319I just watch the audience, to see if I... I have to see it, you know. You understand that.

320Back to my left, way back, about middle ways back of the building, is a woman praying. She is fixing to die, if God doesn't help her. She has cancer, and the cancer is on her breast. Oh, may she not miss it!

Help me, O Lord.

Sister, if you will believe! Oh, my! She is going to miss it.

Lord Jesus, help us, we pray.

321Mary May. There you are. Are we strangers to one another? I don't know you. You don't know me. Was that the conditions, and what everything was said was true? Then, believe. It'll be over. Amen.

322 Now, from the darkness that was over her, it's light. Just as sure as that boy, the epilepsy stayed away from him. The same God, the One was up there in the north woods, is the same God here. Just keep believing. Amen. "If thou canst believe!"

323Here It is over a woman setting here in front of me. She's got something wrong in her back. It's a disc out, in her back. She, she isn't from here. She's from Montana. Her name is Miss Stubbs. Stand up, receive your healing in the Name of Jesus Christ.

You don't have to press. Relax.

324The big fellow setting here, looking at me, doing like that. Believe. You'll get well. Got nervous trouble. If you believe it, God will make you well.

325 The lady with female trouble. Believe it, and you can get well. Go back home, and have faith in God. Why did I say go back home? You'd have to go back to New Mexico, to get there, Mr. and Mrs. Watkins. Now, you know I don't know you. Amen.

326The lady right behind you, with that ulcer on the leg, Miss Brown. Will you believe that God will heal you? You look so interested. Now, you know I never seen you in my life. On the left leg. Now, you believe with all your heart, you'll get well.

327Lady trying to move, and she has arthritis. It's binding her, bad. Mrs. Fairhead, you believe with all your heart, and you'll get well. Now, you know I never seen you in my life. That, oh... [The sister says, "... healed before. I been healed before, and I know It's going to heal me."--Ed.] Amen. Yeah.

328You believe with all your heart now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, what will He do? "He will take the things that I have told you, and will show them to you. And then He will show you things that is to come." You see what I mean? ["Amen."] Do you believe Him? ["Amen."]

Now let's bow our heads again.

329 Now, you that know that if you would pass away from this life tonight, that you'd be... wouldn't be... you'd be gone, you're not born again. "Except a man be born again, he cannot even see the Kingdom." Why don't you come right here? Stand here and let us pray for you, right here, just in a minute? Will you come right now in the Presence of this Spirit?

330You'll never see anything happen greater until you see the Coming of the Lord. Now, just remember. Surely I know what I'm speaking of, or He wouldn't grant the ministry. Don't let it pass you now. Are you sincere?

331Would you come? If not, then, between you and God, it lays. I am innocent. I'm clean of all blood, because I have told you the Truth. I've preached you the Word. I've told you what He was. And He, when He come, He proved what He was then; and He lets me prove what He is now. He's the same as He was then. You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

332 Then, how many sick is in here then, other is here that's sick? Raise up your hands.

333Now put your hands over on one another, and let's pray the prayer of faith for you.

334Now I want to ask you something, quietly. If God--if God can come and do that miracle! A miracle is something that cannot be explained. Now, if you wish to question any of these people around, go question them, any time of anywhere. See? Just remember, it is God. This here is just amateur visions. Who, who, what's doing that? It's you, yourself. You're the ones doing that.

335 You see, when that woman touched His garment, He said, "Virtue went out of Me." But when the Father showed Him about Lazarus, and He went away and come back, and raised up Lazarus from the dead, He never said "virtue." That was God using His Own gift, and the other was a woman using God's gift.

336I am not God's gift. Jesus Christ is God's Gift. It's just a gift that He gave me, that I was born that way, with the subconscious and the conscious (first conscious) right together. You don't go to sleep; you just see it. The Holy Spirit comes upon the subconscious just like it does on the first conscious. If it come on your subconscious, you'd have a spiritual dream. It comes upon mine, I don't dream. I just look there and see it. See? And, we're born, you can't make yourself anything different. You are born that way. See? "Gifts and callings are without repentance." What is it to do? To manifest Jesus Christ. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

337 With your hands laid on one another, I trust that you'll put your heart in God's care right now, "Lord, search me. Have I become so numb by the things of the world, that I'm failing to see this great hour that's passing by?"

338You know, that's the way it's always been. It went right through the church, and they never knowed it. That's history. Don't let it pass, friends, to see a word proven, over and over, see the Word of God manifested, and the very Person of Jesus Christ come right in among this people and do exactly the way He did before.

339 Heavenly Father, I feel now, Lord, that Your Word was read. The testimony was given. The Holy Spirit came down and vindicated that Word and the testimony. Now it's in the hands of the people, Lord. It lays in their lap. There's nothing else that I know to say. And I don't know of anything else You wrote in the Word, that You would do, because You've already healed them. It's just to make them to believe it. And You doing a thing like this, and how can we doubt any longer? How could we permit Satan to numb our conscience any longer?

340Satan, I pronounce this healing upon these people, and say to you, "I adjure thee, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, get out of here. Come out, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and let this people go."

341Now, if you believe Him, stand on your feet. You believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Raise up to your feet then, and give God praise. Raise up and believe it. Don't doubt it no more.

342In the Name of Jesus Christ, let the Holy Spirit bring joy, power, resurrection Life to this people, Lord.

343Give Him praise now, and bless His holy Name. We love Him. We praise Him. We adore Him, the matchless One, the Eternal One, the Son of the living God. In His Name, receive Him. He's here. Amen.

1Zostaňme teraz na chvíľu stáť, ako sa pomodlíme. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

2Náš spravodlivý Nebeský Otče, ako sa k Tebe teraz blížime v tom dostatočnom Mene Pána Ježiša, chceme Ti vzdať chválu za to, čo si pre nás urobil, čo naše oči videli a naše uši počuli. Sú posledné dni záverečných scén dejín tohto sveta, keď čas odchádza do Večnosti a my vidíme svietiť Svetlá a vieme, že to nie je dlho do príchodu Pána Ježiša.

3Prosíme Ťa, Nebeský Otče, aby si na nás dnes večer pamätal. A ak je v nás dnes večer nejaké zlo, Pane, zober to preč, aby sme mohli pred Teba predstúpiť, ak by si dnes večer prišiel. Modlíme sa za chorých a núdznych.

4Modlíme sa za Tvoju Cirkev, tu i v zahraničí, po celom svete, Tvoje deti všade v každom národe, aby sme mohli umyť svoje rúcha v Krvi Baránkovej, a počuť na to volanie, „Hľa, Ženích prichádza. Vyjdite Mu v ústrety.“ Kiež by sme dokázali v tom čase, Pane, milosťou Božou a zásluhami Ježiša, v ktorého dôverujeme, rozsvietiť lampy a ísť vpred v ústrety Ženíchovi. Vezmi dnes večer Slovo Pánovo a obrež naše srdcia. Odstráň všetku neveru. Daj nám veľkú službu. V Ježišovom Mene o to prosíme. Amen.

 Môžete si sadnúť.

5Je to pekné byť tu dnes večer v tejto svätyni Pánovej, v službe. Minulý večer sme mali skutočne skvelý čas u brata Groomera. A pamätám si, že minulý rok sme mali nádherný čas.

6Mali sme všade ohromný čas. Pán nás práve požehnal nesmierne hojne, viac, ako som si kedy myslel, že by nás požehnal. Ale On je tak plný milosrdenstva a láskavosti. Je tak dobré poznať Ho. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] A keď pomyslím, „Poznať Ho, to je Život.“ Poznať Ho, to je Život.

7No, zajtra večer ideme dolu do Zhromaždenia na Central Avenue, myslím, že sa to tak volá. Brat Fuller, ďalší milý brat. A myslím, že tam dole je veľká cirkev. A dúfame, že možno budeme mať modlitebný rad, ak to bude s bratom Fullerom v poriadku. Tak sme ...

8A potom, ďalší deň ráno, máme byť, myslím, v apoštolskej cirkvi tu vo Phoenixe. A nepamätám si, kto bol ten pastor, ten brat. Bol som tam minulý rok? [Brat hovorí, „Nie, to je nová mexická cirkev, brat Branham.“ - pozn.prekl.]

9A potom v nedeľu večer v zbore nášho vzácneho brata Outlawa, v Cirkvi Ježišovho Mena. A ja a moja rodina prídeme s veľkým očakávaním a vypočujeme si nejaký dobrý spev.

10Billy Paul by to mal vedieť každý kúsok naspamäť. Prehrávali sme tú pieseň, „Ja idem hore, hore“, až toľko, že, úprimne, tá pieseň je na páske úplne vydraná. On s tým začne v kancelárii a púšťa to každý deň, keď tam pôjdem, nezáleží na tom, hrá tam „hore, hore, hore“. To je niečo! Prehrávame to a tá platňa je takmer úplne zodraná.

11Viete, mal som dnes večer taký zvláštny pocit. To, som trochu zachrípnutý. Pomyslel som si, „Ó, keby som len mohol zbadať niekoho, kto by hovoril namiesto mňa,“ a náhodou som sa tu pozrel a uvidel som Jacka Moora. Presne tak bol. Nikdy... Ó, verím, že by to bolo skvelé, brat Jack. [Brat Jack Moore to komentuje. - pozn.prekl.] Teraz to počúvajte.

12A myslím, že tu tiež vidím brata Roya Bordersa. Tak veru. Brat Noel Jones tu tiež sedí. Ó! Sme všade naokolo. Myslím, že by to mohol byť dobrý čas, možno, ak by som si trochu oddýchol, viete, a aby tam boli niektorí z týchto milých mužov, ktorí by sem prišli a hovorili za mňa, keď budem zachrípnutý, viete. Brat Jack povedal, „Pán nie je v tom zjavení.“ No, bol som unavený, keď som prišiel. A ja som bol celý ten čas trochu unavený.

13A vidím ľudí, ktorí tam stoja, a ako musia stáť, a som rád, že stojím s nimi. No, nech ťa Pán žehná.

14A my sa teraz tešíme na tieto ďalšie zhromaždenia, ktoré prídu. Potom budúci týždeň je to v letničných zboroch. Skončíme, budúcu stredu večer, o 11-tej a na Garfielde. Nemôžem si na nich len spomenúť. Verím, že v Prvých Zboroch Božích v meste. A potom začne konferencia v Ramade.

15A teraz je tu banket pre obchodníkov v hlavnom meste Arizony, v Tucsone.

16Samozrejme, všetci poznáme Phoenix, okrajové časti tohto miesta. A tak je to v poriadku. To je to hlavné miesto. To je moje domovské mesto, viete, tak a tak, hore na kopci. A potom, toto je len okrajová časť toho, no, je pekné mať vás všetkých ako susedov.

17Tak, myslím, že to bol brat Rasmussen, jedného večera, povedal niečo také na zhromaždení, a, ó, rád by to zhromaždenie roztrhol. Myslím, že sme boli v Houstone. A bol to Ramsar. To je to, čo to bolo. On povedal, v ten večer, keď prišiel Anjel Pánov, oni to odfotili a povedali, „Vy všetci, ktorí ste tu, z Dallasu,“ povedali, „vieme, že to je okraj Houstonu.“ A, ó! Texas to nemohol brať ako tu, ako niektorí z vás. Tak bolo v tom zhromaždení veľké ticho.

18No, On je mocný. A teraz, myslím, že si tu otvoríme Písmo a na chvíľu sa podelíme s malým svedectvom. Nezmenilo by to tento spôsob? Práve som do toho tak udieral, až sa hanbím na vás pozrieť. A možno vám dám trochu odpočinku a vydám nejaké svedectvo o dobrote nášho Pána.

19Poďme nájsť miesto v Jánovi, 16. kapitola svätého Jána. Kapitola 16, verš 12. Rád by som čítal z tohto miesta v Evanjeliu svätého Jána. Rád čítam Slovo, pretože Slovo je to, čo nám dáva poznať, že je to Pravda. Počnúc 12. veršom a počúvajte teraz pozorne, pretože chcem podať svedectvo.

20Potom sa pokúsime začať trochu skôr. Držal som vás tak dlho. Zajtra večer, no, zostaneme ešte pol hodinu navyše. To bude asi jedna hodina, že? [Brat Branham a zhromaždenie sa smeje. - pozn.prekl.] Tak, tak, toto začína od 12. verša.

Ešte by som vám mal mnoho čo povedať, ale teraz nemôžete zniesť.

Ale keď prijde on, ten Duch pravdy, uvedie vás do každej pravdy; lebo nebude hovoriť sám od seba, ale bude hovoriť všetko, čokoľvek počuje, aj budúce veci vám bude zvestovať.

Ten ma oslávi, pretože z môjho vezme a bude zvestovať vám.

Všetko, čo má Otec, je moje; preto som povedal, že z môjho vezme a bude zvestovať vám.

21Viete, zvlášť minulý večer sme mali z toho malú vzorku. No, my sme ľudia plného Evanjelia, veriaci vo všetky skutky Ducha Svätého. A teraz, to je jediný spôsob, ako môžeme byť plným Evanjeliom, je veriť plnému Evanjeliu, všetkému, čo Pán napísal. A verím, že my sami sme ničím. Sme ako...

22Ako som včera povedal bratovi Carlovi, keď som sa díval na strom, povedal som, „Či to nie je nádherná palma? Ale koniec koncov, nie je na nej nič, je to len kopa sopečného popola. To je všetko.“ A povedal som, „Aké je to teraz odlišné od toho eukalyptového stromu. No, čo je to eukalyptový strom? Sopečný popol, v ktorom je len život.“ Povedal som, „Koniec koncov, čo som a čo si ty? Sopečný popol, to je presne zo zeme; prach zeme, ktorý má v sebe život.“

23Ale každý život zasadil Majster Darca a On vie, ako a čo má robiť. A všetko, čo umiestnil tu na zemi, je na Jeho slávu. Hviezdy sú na Jeho slávu. Vetry sú na Jeho slávu. Kvety sú na Jeho slávu. A my sme korunou Jeho slávy.

24Ale zdá sa, že všetko Ho poslúchne, okrem človeka. Človek len vyzerá, že... On má taký čas, pretože on bol ten jediný, ktorý upadol. Všetko ostatné zostalo v pôvodnom stave. Ale človek upadol. Preto Boh s ním bojuje, aby ho prinútil robiť to, čo je správne, a aby poslúchal.

25A jedným z veľkých problémov pre Boha, počas tých rokov, ako prechádzajú dejiny cirkvi, je nájsť niekoho, koho môže úplne dostať pod Svoju kontrolu. Potrebuje len jedného muža. Vždy používal po jednom mužovi. Študovali sme to niekoľko posledných večerov: jeden muž, nie skupina. On chce len jedného. To je všetko, čo On potrebuje. Pretože dvaja muži by mali dve odlišné predstavy. On len robí jedného človeka, reprezentuje Seba skrze tú jednu osobu. Nikdy to neurobil inak ako takto. Rozumiete?

26No, On má dnes jednu Osobu a o tej Osobe sme práve čítali: Duch Svätý. On je Osoba, ktorú Boh zoslal, Ducha Ježiša Krista na zem, Ducha Božieho, aby manifestoval a ohlasoval Krista skrze Svoju Cirkev, vidíte, len aby ste pokračovali v živote Kristovom skrze Cirkev.

27No, je to taká úžasná vec, a pritom je to tak jednoduché, ak by sme sa len zastavili a premýšľali. Tlačíme sa, trasieme sa, bojíme sa, dostávame sa do pochybností a obáv, len myslíme, „No, musím sa tam tlačiť?“ To nie je to. To je len poddanie sa, uvedomenie si, že nie ste ničím, a len to, že Ho necháte, aby nad vami úplne prebral kontrolu, prebral vaše myslenie, ovládol vás.

28No, ja nechcem kráčať ku Kristovi len s prázdnou mysľou. To nemyslím. Prichádzate k Nemu vo svojej správnej mysli a v kajúcnej mysli a ste pokorní. A potom povedz, „Pane Ježišu, tu som. No, je tu napísané v Tvojom Slove, že si mal ešte mnoho vecí povedať učeníkom.“ Povedal si, „Oni ich teraz nemôžu zniesť.“ A možno to je náš dnešný prípad, my im nemôžeme porozumieť.

29Boh môže vzbudiť niečo trochu iné a my to celé odsudzujeme. Namiesto toho, aby sme hľadali v Písme, aby sme zistili, či je to správne alebo nie, len to rýchlo odhodíme, „Nič na tom nie je.“ Mali by sme skúmať tieto veci, zistiť, či sú správne alebo nie. A pamätajte, ak nebudú pravdivé, nakoniec zomrú, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Každá rastlina, ktorú Môj Nebeský Otec nezasadil, bude vykorenená.“

30Ale myslím, že to bol Gamaliel, ktorý v tom čase urobil to veľké vyhlásenie, „Ak je to od Boha, nechceme byť nájdení ako takí, čo proti Tomu bojujú. A ak to nie je od Boha, tak to každopádne vyjde navnivoč.“ Tak, študujte to a premýšľajte o tom.

31A teraz, On tu povedal, „Ale keď príde On, Duch Svätý.“

32No, niekto povedal, bolo to pred nejakým časom, povedal, „Duch Svätý je v skutočnosti tvoja duševná myseľ. Tvoja myseľ.“ To by z Ducha Svätého urobilo myšlienku.

33Ale Biblia hovorí, „Keď On...“, a „On“ je osobné zámeno. Rozumiete? Rozumiete? „Keď On,“ Osoba, Duch Svätý, Boh, „príde, On ti zjaví tieto veci, ktoré som ti povedal.“

34Potom vidíte, že neexistuje iný spôsob, ako poznať pravdu. Len skrze... Nemôžete to dostať skrze kultúru, cez seminárne skúsenosti. Dostanete to jedine skrze Ducha Svätého. On je Ten, ktorý bol poslaný, aby to zjavil.

 No, potom, On tiež povedal, „A On ti ukáže veci, ktoré prídu.“

35No, Hebrejom, v 1. kapitole, hovorí „Boh v rozličných časoch a rôznymi spôsobmi hovoril otcom skrze prorokov, ale v tomto poslednom dni skrze Svojho Syna, Krista Ježiša.“ Rozumiete? Je to Duch Svätý, ktorý preberá vlastníctvo alebo ovláda Cirkev, aby Kristus pôsobil v Cirkvi. Potom sa stanete takým, akým bol On. On sa stal takým, akým si bol, aby si sa mohol stať takým, akým bol On. Rozumiete? On sa stal tebou, aby ste sa mohli stať Ním. To je nad porozumenie. Neexistuje spôsob, ako to vysvetliť, a neskúšajte to. Len to prijmite. On to povedal, a tým je to vybavené. Len povedzte, že je to správne. Verte tomu.

36No, ako mladý kresťan som vždy robil toto vyhlásenie. Bol som rád, že sa ma Boh ujal skôr ako cirkev. Ťažko povedať, čo by som bol. Ale bol som vďačný za vedenie a za priamy kontakt, ktorým Duch Svätý zapôsobil na môj život, predtým, ako som ho kedy vydal. Lebo ako malý chlapec som vedel, že Niečo existuje. On hovoril a ja som hovoril s Ním. Odpovedal mi. A začal som si všímať, že tie veci, ktoré mi On povedal ako malému chlapcovi, že sa začali diať presne tak, ako On povedal, že sa stanú. Tak som vedel, že to musí byť pravda.

37No, teraz som starý človek. A ja som nikdy ani raz... Mohol by som zavolať svet, aby sa zastavil, a opýtať sa ľudí, „Ukážte na jednu vec, ktorú mi kedy povedal, v TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, v Mene Pánovom, čo by nebola úplná pravda a skutočnosť, čo sa stalo v tých mnoho tisíckrát, tisíc prípadoch.“ Čo...

38Na čo to hovorím? Vidíte, ukázal som, že sme ako sopečný prach. Ale to je zasľúbenie Božieho Slova. Preto nemôžem mať dôveru v seba. Nemôžete mať dôveru v seba. Ale spolu môžeme mať dôveru v Toho, kto nás ovládol. Duch Svätý nás prevzal. Musíme v to mať dôveru. A keď do toho vkladáme svoju dôveru, potom prichádzajú výsledky.

39Neprichádzalo by ani do úvahy, aby som sa teraz snažil dotknúť sa čo i len povrchu, aby som vám povedal niečo z toho, čo Duch Svätý urobil v mojom potrhanom živote, v mojich dňoch. Hovorím to s otvorenou Jeho Bibliou, Jeho Slovom. A to je to, čo On je. On je Slovo.

40Vidíte, toto Semeno prichádza do sopečného popola, ako duchovná Bytosť. Boh prichádza ako Duch a pôsobí cez popol. Takže to nie je človek. To je Boh.

41A ak by som sa mal posadiť a venovať čas tomu, aby som napísal veci, ktoré som Ho videl činiť, vydalo by to na zväzok kníh. A pomyslieť na to tu, vo veku päťdesiattri rokov, že môžem povedať pred Bohom, Jeho Cirkvou a Bibliou, v prítomnosti tejto skupiny: Ani raz som nevidel, že by to zlyhalo; bolo to zakaždým v každom detaile dokonalé.

42Výnimkou je ten deň, keď som prišiel na západ. Púšťali ste pásku, myslím, mnohí z vás, a rozumiete. Neviem čo. Čakám. Teraz som tu. Neviem prečo. Ja len čakám.

43Môže to byť môj čas, na odchod domov. Vyzerá to tak. Ak je to tak, povstane po mne niekto, kto vezme to posolstvo ďalej. Bude to zvláštna osoba, ale on po tomto vstane a vezme to posolstvo ďalej. A vy to počúvajte. Pokiaľ je to Písmo, zostaň pri ňom.

44Ak nie, teraz prichádza ďalšia časť, lebo verím, že žijeme v posledných dňoch, a som vďačný, že som žil v tomto dni. Nevymenil by som tento deň za žiaden iný. Toto je ten najslávnejší deň, aký kedy na zemi bol. Nie je žiadneho iného dňa, taký ako tento.

45Ó, čo by mohli urobiť Mojžiš, Eliáš, Pavol, Sílas, tí veľkí hrdinovia viery, v tých dňoch, ktoré prešli, vstať a zobrať si knihu dejín a pozrieť sa presne na to, o čom prorokovali, ako sa to stalo a vidieť, kde sme teraz? No, oni by ich behom hodiny dostali do väzenia. Isteže. Boli by ako nejakí divosi, ktorí bežia hore dolu po uliciach a hlásajú Evanjelium tak mocne, ako by len mohli. „Čas je blízko.“ Potom dnes večer vidíme, že veľmi zaostávame za slávou Božou.

46Ale rád by som chvíľu tomu venoval, aby som tak nejako priviedol cirkev...

47Mimochodom, rozdal Billy Paul dnes v tomto zbore modlitebné karty? Práve som prišiel z Tucsonu pred pár minútami. [Niekto hovorí, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.] Rozdal karty. No, to bude veľmi ťažké, takto sa ich snažiť vybaviť. Skúsime to.

48Nebude to trvať príliš dlho, iba dám svedectvo o tomto Písme.

49Kristus zachováva všetky Svoje slová. On musí. On to musí urobiť. Rozumiete? Ja to nemusím robiť; Som smrteľník, ktorý robí chyby. On je nesmrteľný, neomylný. On musí dodržať Svoje. Rozumiete? Ale ja nemusím dokázať dodržať to svoje. Vy nemusíte dokázať dodržať to svoje. Ale On to robí. Ó, či to do teba niečo neukladá, vediac, že On je voči Svojmu Slovu absolútne zviazaný? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

50A tento týždeň, ako sme prešli cez Bibliu o tých prorokoch a patriarchoch a ako sme zakaždým ukázali, že keď cirkev od toho odišla, Boh poslal niekoho rovno dolu a znovu s ňou zatriasol a viedol naspäť do toho Slova a dával cirkev do línie. Vždy to tak bolo. To je Božia politika. Vybral si na to mužov.

51Tak, ak by si vyvolil hviezdy, aby kázali Evanjelium, bolo by to urobené už dávno. Nikdy sa nedostali z Jeho vôle. Keby si On vybral slnko, aby to kázalo, alebo tie vetry, aby to kázali, nikdy by sa nedostali z Jeho vôle. Rozumiete?

52Ale my sme postavení na základe slobodnej morálnej vôle. Môžeme konať tak, ako chceme. A to je ten dôvod, prečo sme Ho tak zarmútili. Stále takto a takto, a ľudia chcú aplikovať vlastné cesty a odísť od Jeho cesty. Rozumiete?

53A povedal som predtým, že človek ustavične chváli Boha za to, čo urobil. A on stále hovorí, čo urobí, a v tej istej chvíli ignoruje to, čo On práve robí. Rozumiete?

54Človek povie, „Ó, Boh otvoril Červené more. Áno. Sláva Bohu! To je pravda.“ „Áno, Ježiš znovu prichádza. Haleluja! To je pravda.“ Ale hovoriť, kým je On dnes? „Ó, to bolo na iný deň.“ Rozumiete? Rozumiete? Stále je to o tom, čo On urobil, čo On bude robiť, a ignoruje sa to, čo On práve robí.

55To je ten istý stav, aký našiel Ježiš Kristus, keď prišiel na zem. Presne tak. Boh zasľúbil to, čo urobil. A tu On bol, stál pred nimi a oni Ho nepoznali. „On bol na svete a svet bol stvorený Ním a svet Ho nepoznal.“ To je pravda.

56„Ale tým, ktorí Ho prijali, dal moc stať sa synmi Božími.“ To je tá slávna časť.

57Bolo to pred nejakým časom, chcel by som vám povedať o malom videní. A ja neviem, možno som to nikdy nepovedal, možno len niekde nejakému jednotlivcovi. Ale práve som stratil jednu z najväčších osôb na zemi, moju matku.

58A milujem svoju matku. Ako som ju videl, ako odchádza od stola, keď sme boli takí chudobní, že sme nemali čo jesť! A ona... Ocko priniesol nejaký chlieb, kde on zametal nejaký obchod, alebo niečo také, a oni to poliali kávou a posypali ho cukrom. A matka sa správala, akoby nebola hladná, aby sme my deti mali čo jesť. Ó, nikdy na to nemôžem zabudnúť. Rozumiete? A mnohokrát, keď ma zobrala, a tie veci, ktoré pre mňa urobila. Ale viete, Boh je tak plný milosrdenstva. On rozumie všetkým tým veciam, keď ich musí vziať. A ja Ho za to milujem.

59Vždy to tak bolo, predtým, ako niekto z mojich ľudí zomrie, ja to vidím predtým, ako sa to stane, vo videní.

60Videl som svojho brata, keď som mal len osemnásť, devätnásť rokov. Videl som ho predtým, ako odišiel. Nebol som ani kresťanom, ale videl som to videnie, ktoré prišlo predo mňa, videl som ísť môjho brata.

 Videl som svojho otca, keď odišiel.

61Howard, mnohí z vás si pamätajú Howarda. „Howard,“ pamätáte si ma, dva roky predtým, ako sa to stalo, povedal som, „Howard, videl som tvoje miesto označené. „Si ďalší.“ Povedal som „Daj sa do poriadku, brat, lebo ty si ďalší, ktorý pôjdeš.“ A presne tak sa to stalo. A potom, tu pred nejakým časom...

62No, dúfam, že to neznie ako svätokrádež, ale len na ukázanie Božej starostlivosti. Boh je vždy zainteresovaný do maličkostí, rovnako ako do veľkých vecí. Chcem to povedať v prospech niektorých z týchto dobrých kazateľov. To môže byť... A ja sa zahŕňam do toho.

63No, chceli by sme, každý jeden, byť Billy Grahamom, ale my... A my všetci by sme chceli byť Oralom Robertsom. Ale my, my nie sme Billy Graham alebo Oral Roberts. Sme Boží služobníci na poli, do ktorého nás On umiestnil. Rozumiete? Bez ohľadu na to, aké je to malé alebo veľké, je to stále to isté v očiach Božích, vždy to isté, konať priamo na tom mieste, kde si. Vždy je to veľká vec nasledovať Pána.

64Radšej by som zvíťazil... alebo mal cirkev s päťdesiatimi ľuďmi, podľa vôle Božej, ako mať päťtisíc mimo vôle Božej. Iste. Boh môže urobiť viac s človekom vo Svojej vôli za jednu hodinu, ako by mohol urobiť s človekom mimo Jeho vôle za päťdesiat rokov. Rozumiete? On sa potkýna a potáca, akoby strieľal do tmy. Ale keď je človek skutočne vo vôli Božej a pozná svoje povolanie, mal by tam zostať.

 A teraz videnia, ako s nimi Pán Boh pracuje. Ja...

65„Keď On, Duch Svätý, príde, zjaví tieto veci, o ktorých som vám hovoril.“ No, nie je potrebné snažiť sa na to prísť iným spôsobom. On je Autorom. Určite by mal vedieť, čo napísal. Rozumiete? Biblia hovorí, že to napísal. „Dokonca aj tí ľudia v dávnych dobách, inšpirovaní Duchom Svätým, písali Slovo.“ A ak je Duch Svätý Autorom Slova, On určite vie, ako to vyložiť, lepšie ako my. Nech On urobí ten výklad. A viete, ako to On vykladá? No, nenechajte si ujsť tieto veci, ak prichádzate do služby uzdravovania. Pozrite. Toto si nenechajte ujsť. Ako to On vykladá? Týmto, potvrdením Toho, tým, že je to tak.

66To je to, čo povedal Ježiš. „Skúmajte Písma. V nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a oni hovoria o Mne, kým som. Oni hovoria o Mne. A kto Ma môže odsúdiť. Kto Ma môže obviniť z hriechu?“ Hriech je „nevera.“ „Ak nerobím skutky, ktoré boli napísané o Mne, potom Mi neverte. Ale ak konám skutky a vy Mi nemôžete veriť, potom verte tomu skutku, pretože Slovo o tom hovorilo.“ Rozumiete? To je jednoduchý sedliacky rozum.

 No, Boh, „Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.“ Vieme, že to hovorí Biblia. Tak to je.

67Je to už takmer dva roky. Bol som... Jedného rána som išiel do domu a posadil som sa na stoličku. No, zdá sa to veľmi zvláštne, že Boh do toho zahrnul zviera. Ako nejaký vzácny brat, v tom videní neba, toho malého prenesenia, ktoré som mal; Myslím, že som vám o tom raz povedal na nejakom zhromaždení. Napísal mi jedného dňa list a povedal... Hlas Obchodníkov to zverejnil. Povedal, „To bolo... tvoje videnie bolo v poriadku, brat Branham, to tvoje prenesenie. Ale počúvaj, to bolo v poriadku, až kým si nepovedal, že tvoj kôň, na ktorom si raz jazdil, prišiel a položil si hlavu na tvoje plece.“ Povedal, „V nebi nie sú žiadne kone, brat Branham. Nebo bolo stvorené pre ľudské bytosti, nie pre kone.“ No, myslel som si...

68No, obyčajne, vidíte niekoho takého, musíte všetko vysvetliť, on sa len snaží niečo nájsť a vypichnúť. Rozumiete? Boha si jednako nemôžete vysvetliť. Musíte Mu jednoducho veriť.

69Ale mohlo by ho to potešiť. Povedal som, „Brat, vôbec som nepovedal, že som bol v nebi. V tom videní som sa pýtal na Ježiša a oni povedali, že On je tam ďalej poza tým. Bol som na takom mieste ako raj. Ale ak vám to môže pomôcť, Biblia hovorí v knihe Zjavenia, že, 'Ježiš prišiel z nebies, jazdiac na bielom koni. A celé zástupy neba Ho nasledovali na bielych koňoch,' tak nejakí tam v nebi musia byť.“

70Boh sa zaujíma o všetko. On sa zaujíma o malé veci, ktoré robíte, alebo o veľké veci, ktoré robíte. Zaujíma Ho, ako sa staráte o svoje malé stádo, alebo niekto druhý, ako sa ty staráš o svoje veľké stádo. On sa zaujíma.

71Pred nejakým časom sme s mojím známym a milým bratom boli dolu na jednom mieste na rybačke. Bol som tam po tých zhromaždeniach a odpočíval som. Boli sme chytať na slimáky a chytili sme peknú zbierku rýb. A v ten večer sme umiestňovali šnúry s vlascami a minula sa nám návnada. Neskoro popoludní som vyšiel, aby som ulovil nejaké malé slnečnice [druh sladkovodnej ryby – pozn.prekl.], tieto malé rybky. Nemôžete... Tie veľké by ste mohli zjesť, ale toto je len malá návnada. Nahodil som vlasec, muškársku šnúru, chytal som ich a dával do vedra.

72A zatiaľ čo som sedel na tejto loďke, Niečo ma zasiahlo. Tento chlapec bol svedkom Jehovovým a jeho brat bol práve spasený a naplnený Duchom Svätým, a tí dvaja chlapci boli s nami. A ako som chytal tieto ryby, všetci sme chytali, Niečo ma zasiahlo. Povedal som, „Viete, nastane vzkriesenie nejakého života, nejaké malé zviera.“ No, malé zviera.

73No, mnohí z vás si pamätajú na to, keď vyšlo Slovo, ktoré povedalo, „Bude tam malý chlapec, ktorý bude vzkriesený z mŕtvych, po tom, čo bude zrazený autom.“ Brat Jack Moore je dnes večer so mnou tu; on bol vo Fínsku, keď sa to stalo. Rozumiete? Mnohí z vás si pamätáte, ako som vám to tu hovoril, vidíte, povedal som vám, aby ste si to zapísali do knihy. Všimnite si.

74A brat Wood sa otočil, brat Banks Wood, ten, ktorého chlapec bol uzdravený z obrny. A on sa otočil a povedal svojmu bratovi, „Len to sleduj. Niečo sa má stať.“ Pokračoval som v chytaní rýb. Tak sme nahodili na udice tie návnady, chytali sme.

 V ten večer sme nič nechytili.

75Na druhý deň ráno som povedal, „Bolo tam celkom dosť tých slnečníc.“

76Povedal, „Povedz, mimochodom, či si nepovedal, že tam nastane nejaké vzkriesenie života?“

 Povedal som, „Áno.“

77Poviem vám, keď som odchádzal z domu, oni boli... Moje dievčatko... My sme takí... Vy ľudia ich môžete mať, ak ich chcete, no vidíte, ale ja sa bojím mačky. A nemám rád ten poverčivý pocit v ich prítomnosti. A tak ich nemáme doma a verím, že tá mačka dokáže rozpoznať, že sa jej bojím. A tak, môj otec sa bál mačiek. A potom, moje malé dievčatá vedeli, že nemáme mať žiadne mačky. A to malé...

78Moje dievčatko kráčalo po ceste s ďalším malým dievčatkom a ona sa vrátila s veľmi smutným pohľadom na tvári a povedala, „Ocko?“

 Povedal som, „Čo chceš, drahá?“

 Povedala, „Stala sa hrozná vec.“

 Povedal som, „Čo je to?“

 Povedala, „Keby si len vedel!“

 Povedal som, „No, povedz mi to.“

79Povedala, „Niekto tu na cestu vyhodil biednu starú mačku.“ A povedala, „Ona je takmer na pokraji smrti, ledva chodí.“ A povedala, „Oci, nevadilo by ti, keby sme ju kŕmili a starali sa o ňu?“

80Povedal som, „Určite nie. Ak ju chcete kŕmiť, len buďte opatrní. Nech vás nepoškriabe.“ Povedal som, „Ukáž mi tú mačku.“

81A tak, keď priniesli tú mačku, zohnal som nejakú krabicu a, samozrejme, na druhý deň ráno sme mali kopu mačiatok.

82A potom, môj malý chlapec, keď som odchádzal, malý Jozef, díval sa na ne. Ó, on si myslel, že sú také zlaté, viete, lezú okolo, viete. A tak jednu vzal do ruky; stlačil ju príliš silno a spadla mu na betón. To maličké sa začalo obracať a obracať. Pomyslel som si, „Och!“

83A pomyslel som si, „No, to môže byť to malé mačiatko, keď sa vrátim domov.“ Pamätáte sa na prípad tej vačice. Pomyslel som si, „No, to môže byť to mačiatko.“ Tak potom sme sedeli tam vzadu v tej malej zátoke, chytali sme ryby a potom sme chytili tieto celkom veľké slnečnice, tie malé sme hodili späť.

84Brat Lyle, brat brata Banksa, chytal na udicu s veľkým háčikom a veľkým klbkom červov. Nechal tú malú slnečnicu, aby prehltla ten háčik až dole do jej malého brucha. A keď ju vytiahol hore, povedal, „No, prajem si, aby ste sa tam pozreli,“ asi takto dlhé. A on... myslím, že nemohol vytiahnuť ten háčik. Nebol tam žiaden iný spôsob; len odrezať vlasec. A on si chcel svoj háčik zachrániť. Tak z nej vytiahol žiabre, brucho a všetko, takto, a hodil ju do vody. A ona sa trikrát alebo štyrikrát zatriasla a len tam ležala. Povedal, „Prišiel si o svoju poslednú šancu, chlapče.“

85Povedal som, „Lyle, keď začne hrýzť... Vezmi si menší háčik. Keď začne hrýzť, vezmi si tento muškársky prút, čo tu leží, a keď ho začne hrýzť, zatiahni. Predtým, ako jej to vlezie dovnútra a prehltne ho celý.“ Povedal som, „V tom je tá lovecká zručnosť.“       

86„Ó,“ povedal, „Ja by som zle potiahol,“ a pokračoval. A on to niekoľkokrát skúsil a asi tri alebo štyrikrát to minul. Položil to na zem a povedal, „Nechám ju, nech to znova prehltne.“

87Tak táto malá rybka tam plávala na vode, ó, hádam, tridsať minút. A začali sa dvíhať a prichádzať vlny.

88Povedal som, „No, čoskoro budeme musieť odísť. Teraz máme nalovené vedro, takže budeme musieť odísť.“

89A zodvihol som sa, aby som to nahodil na nejaké lekná, a zatiahol to tam. Boli tam ryby s veľkým červeným bruchom. Tak som začal ťahať návnadu po tom kvete, viete, prevrátil som ju a strhol som ju do vody, ako to vy, muži a ženy, čo viete o chytaní rýb, poznáte.

90A keď som to začal robiť, zrazu cez tie kopce Niečo zostúpilo, ako keď sa valí vietor. A prišlo to na mňa. Odložil som udicu a postavil sa do člna. Rozhliadol som sa. Počul som Hlas, ktorý povedal, „Vidíš tú rybku?“ A ona tam bola, ležala tam.

91Povedal som, „Vidíš tú rybku?“ práve tak, ako to povedal. Tam mala natiahnuté plutvy a ležala pol hodiny na vode. A táto Biblia tu teraz leží otvorená. Rozumiete?

 A On povedal, „Prehovor k nej a vráť jej život.“

92A povedal som, „Malá rybka, v Mene Pána Ježiša, vraciam ti tvoj život.“

93A tí muži tam stáli a dívali sa. Tá rybička sa prevrátila na chrbát a plávala dolu vodou. Vyzerali, ako keby išli omdlieť. Lyle si umyl tvár vodou. Povedal, „Po chvíli sa zobudím.“ Povedal, „Viem, že snívam.“

 Povedal som, „Ty nesnívaš.“

94A presne v tom istom čase, myslím, že som mal na modlitebných zoznamoch tridsať alebo štyridsať spastických detí. A ako by Boh prešiel okolo tých spastických detí a vzkriesil tú malú rybku, to len ukazuje na to, že On sa zaujíma o všetko.

95Prečo by On použil Svoju moc, aby preklial figovník, keď boli v zemi tisíce malomocných? A On obišiel tých malomocných a išiel a preklial figovník. A povedal, „Nech nikto z teba neje,“ a ten figovník uschol. Použil Svoju moc, aby ukázal, že sa zaujíma o stromy. Zaujíma sa o ryby.

96Zaujíma sa o teba. Zaujíma sa o mňa. A On má záujem vidieť, ako je Jeho Slovo zamanifestované, a On závisí na nás, aby sme to vykonali, lebo my sme Jeho agenti. Nič v nás samých. To je On; poddávame sa a kráčame s Ním.

97Videl som v to ráno videnie. Videl som ležať na kraji kopca nejaké veľké zviera. Ó, malo to obrovské parohy. V tomto videní som bol na poľovačke, bolo to okolo desiatej alebo jedenástej. A ja som tam prekĺzol a zastrelil to zviera.

98A potom na ceste späť sa oproti mne postavil veľký obor, veľký grizly, a ja som ho zastrelil.

99A potom som ich videl, ako vzali tie rohy, a malá ruka sa načiahla a zobrala parožie a priložila k nemu meracie pásmo. Meralo to štyridsaťdva palcov, od vrchu koruny po hornú časť parožia, bolo to dlhé štyridsaťdva palcov. Nikdy som nevidel takéto zviera, na paroží to malo veľké hroty. A jednako, vyzeralo to ako jeleň, ale je to, ó, veľké ako dva alebo tri jelene. Nikdy som nič také nevidel.

100„No,“ povedal som, „pravdepodobne sa to jedného dňa stane. Napíšem si to.“

101Išiel som dolu do Kentucky s mojím priateľom a brat Miner Arganbright mi zavolal a povedal, „Brat Branham, si zaneprázdnený?“

102Povedal, „Nie je to tak zlé.“ Povedal som, „Bol som na svojom... Mám teraz dva týždne. Mám krátku dovolenku.“

103Povedal, „Poď so mnou do Kanady a na Aljašku. Chceme zorganizovať stretnutie obchodníkov v Anchorage a tiež tam vo Fairbanks.“

 Povedal som, „Znie to dobre, ak na to budem mať čas.“

104Povedal, „No, brat Branham, ak to urobíš, poviem ti, čo urobíme, zariadime ti pekný lov na medveďa grizlyho.“

105Pomyslel som si, „Ó, to znie dobre.“ Pomyslel som si, „Ó, tam je to videnie. Vidíte, to je to.“

106„Pekný lov medveďa grizlyho,“ povedal som, „to znie dobre. Nejdem kvôli tomu. Ale zatiaľ čo budeme tam hore a nejakí sprievodcovia ma budú chcieť vziať zadarmo do divočiny, rád pôjdem.“

 Tak on povedal, „No, oni to urobia. Máme to vybavené.“

 Povedal som, „No, teraz počkaj. Dovoľte, aby som sa za to modlil.“

107A v ten deň som išiel hore do lesa a zakaždým, keď som sa modlil, išiel som ďalej, po celý čas, úplne preč od toho. Pomyslel som si, „To je zvláštne.“ A dva dni po tom som zavolal bratovi Arganbrightovi. Povedal som, „Nie.“

108Povedal, „Brat Branham, akurát to zariaďujeme.“

109Povedal som, „Nerob to, Duch Svätý to odsúdil.“ A povedal som mu to videnie. Povedal som, „Ja neviem, brat Arganbright, ale je to zvláštne. Ale On ma nenechá ísť tam hore, a napriek tomu to znie tak, že by to bolo to miesto.“

 A on povedal, „No, všetci sme už pripravení ísť.“ A povedal som...

110Mnohí z vás teraz uvidia brata Arganbrighta. On teraz prichádza, aby sa so mnou po tomto zhromaždení pripravil na cestu do zámoria. A tak sa ho môžete na ten príbeh opýtať. Tak sme povedali...

 Povedal som, „Nie, nemôžem tam ísť. Duch Svätý mi hovorí, že nie.“

111Najlepšie je poslúchať, bez ohľadu na to, ako dobre to vyzerá. Zajtra večer budem o niečom takom kázať, ak bude Pán chcieť. Tak teraz pamätajte, bez ohľadu na to, ako dobre to vyzerá, ak v tom nie je Boh, držte sa od toho ďalej. Bez ohľadu na to, ako pôvabne to vyzerá, držte sa od toho preč. Aké prosperujúce, drž sa od toho ďalej, ak v tom nie je Boh. Držte sa od toho preč. No, budeme o tom hovoriť zajtra večer, ak bude Pán chcieť.

112No, potom, keď som išiel domov, Billy mi povedal, môj syn, povedal, „Oci, poznáš toho poľovníka, s ktorým si tam išiel poľovať minulú jar, ktorý sa volá Southwick?“

113„Ó,“ povedal som, „hore... tam pod Yukonom?“

 Povedal, „Áno.“ Povedal, „Má tu pre teba list.“

114Je to brat Eddie Byskal, ktorý je vedúcim združenia kazateľov severozápadnej krajiny tam hore, veľmi milý chlapec, môže tu byť na tomto zhromaždení. On sem tentokrát plánuje prísť. Fajn chlapík a má milú rodinu. On je teraz tam hore misionárom pri Indiánoch kmeňa Cree. A bol som s ním len minulú jeseň a potom... alebo vlastne minulé leto.

115Potom ma chcel Eddie vziať ku Budovi, ktorý bol jedným z jeho obrátených ku Kristovi. Jeho manželka bola verná letničná. Bud bol farmárom a práve nedávno vošiel. Ale tam, kde vyhnali Indiánov a umiestnili ich do rezervácie, tam mu bolo pridelené veľké územie na lov. Asi šesť... Ó, hádam má okolo tristo štvorcových míľ alebo viac, ako územie, ktoré mu pridelila kanadská vláda.

116No, na jar, keď som tam bol, išli sme po zhromaždení poľovať na medvede, ale keď sme... v máji, ale prišiel ten vietor 'chinook' a to nás odrezalo. Mali sme asi... On nikdy nepočul o ničom z tých zhromaždení a Eddie do neho stále „hustil“ ohľadne tých zhromaždení.

117A on povedal, „Nechcete mi povedať, že Boh sa dnes ukazuje a ukazuje veci, ktoré prichádzajú skôr, ako sa stanú?“

 Eddie povedal, „To je presne tak.“

118A tak so mnou stále hovoril. Povedal, „Vieš, mám brata, ktorý má epilepsiu.“ Povedal, „Ak by si sa len mohol dostať k tomu bratovi!“ Povedal, „Verím, že ak by som ho mohol dostať na jedno z tvojich zhromaždení, verím, že by bol uzdravený.“ Povedal som... Povedal, „On to má celý svoj život.“

 Povedal som, „Možno áno.“

119No, tam sa v tom ročnom období nestmieva, viete. Slnko len zapadá a... Ó, môžete, kedykoľvek, o polnoci, o jednej, môžete len stáť a čítať noviny, alebo čokoľvek, vidíte. A niekedy koncom mája slnko vôbec nezapadne. Takmer zapadne, asi na desať minút a vráti sa. A tak, kedykoľvek sme sa unavili, jednoducho sme si ľahli.

120A potom, keď sme vyšli na cestu, stretli sme skupinu Indiánov. A, ó, mám tam toho starého náčelníka. Nechali ho tam zostať, pretože mal dve deti. Pochovávajú svoje deti do kmeňa stromu, svojich blízkych. Nejaký druh náboženstva. A oni ich zavesili na strom, tak tam nechali tú rodinu. Milý starý chlapík, má okolo deväťdesiat rokov, sedel vo svojom sedle rovnako dobre ako ktorýkoľvek z jeho chlapcov.

121A tak sme na druhý deň odišli. On povedal, „Teraz tam nie je žiaden chodník. Choď hore cez hory a touto cestou.“ Ó, to bolo ďalších 160 kilometrov, aby sme sa dostali na chodník. Tak to by sme nemohli urobiť. Bolo už príliš neskoro. Vracali sme sa.

122A na ceste späť, Bud má niekoľko mladých koní a niektoré z nich sa dostali do mokrade a podobne. Ja som tam išiel a rozprával som sa s Eddiem. Bud bol na vodiacom koni a snažil sa dostať von. Mali sme dvadsaťjeden hláv. A ja som mal povraz na jednom, dostal som ho von. Hneď, ako sa dostal von, potom sa dostal dovnútra môj vlastný jazdecký kôň. A tu som bol a dostal som sa von. Bol som zablatený a všetko.... Za pár minút som sa postavil na koňa a utrel som si bahno z oblečenia, a tak som začal.

123A rovno predo mnou, cez ten vrch tam prišiel mladý muž. Pozrel som sa na neho. Presunul som sa v sedle dozadu a zastavil som koňa. Videl som, ako upadol do záchvatu, chodil stále dookola a penil a bol skutočne arogantný a všetko trhal. Potom sa stíšil. Videl som starú rozpálenú pec. Videl som, ako mu horela košeľa.

124Eddie bol asi o pol mestského bloku predo mnou a snažil sa chytiť iného koňa. Mladý kôň zbehol z chodníka, dostal sa tam a strhol zo seba postroj. A tak som tam vybehol za Eddiem. Utíšili sme toho koňa. Povedal som, „Eddie, dostal som TAK HOVORÍ PÁN za Buda.“

 Povedal, „Brat Branham, čo sa stalo?“

 Povedal som, „Videnie. Videl som jeho brata.“

 Povedal, „Ó, vezmi ho.“

125Povedal som, „Zadrž tie kone. Popoženiem svoje a pôjdem vpred, preklusáme okolo týchto koní, uvidíme, či ich dokážem dostať a zadržať na úbočí kopca.“

126Obehol som takto útes so svojím... na mojom koni. Pomkol som ho hore a dostal sa tam. A položil som ruku na sedlo. Povedal som, „Bud?“

 Povedal, „Áno, brat Branham.“

127Povedal som, „Chcem ti niečo povedať. Tvoj brat...“ a opísal som ho.

 Povedal, „Áno. Kto ti to povedal?“

 Povedal som, „Nikto. Pán mi ho len ukázal.“

 Povedal som, „Uveríš mi ako Jeho sluhovi?“

 Povedal, „Samozrejme, brat Branham.“

128Povedal som, „Pošli pre neho,“ asi 1280 kilometrov späť do civilizácie, „priveď sem svojho brata. A ten prvý raz, keď upadne do takého záchvatu...“ Povedal som, „On mal tieto záchvaty asi od dvoch rokov. Možno tomu nebudeš veriť, ale je to dedičné. Váš starý otec ich mal.“

 Povedal, „No, to je pravda, to je pravda.“

129Povedal som, „No, keď ten chlapec bude mať ten záchvat, strhnite mu z chrbta košeľu a hoďte ju do ohňa a povedz, 'Toto robím v Mene Ježiša Krista podľa Jeho Slova.' On už nikdy nebude mať ďalší záchvat, pokiaľ tomu bude veriť.“

130On len zodvihol ruky a začal kričať. Povedal, „Nikdy som to nevidel urobiť, ale ty si mi povedal, ako vyzerá môj brat, a povedal si pravdu o mojom starom otcovi.“

 Povedal som, „Tak je.“

131Potom, ako sme odišli, poslal pre svojho brata. A v to ráno išiel na trasu. Keď pricestoval autobusom, prišiel hore, prechádzal dva alebo trikrát týždenne, hore a dole po aljašskej diaľnici. On prišiel.

132A Budova žena, Lila, je len taká malá, maličká žena, veľká ako kocka mydla po tom, ako sa ňou umyla celá rodina. Taká malá... On má päť detí a milú drobnú ženu.

133A tak, Bud išiel obriadiť svoje kone, pretože pôjde na trasu, aby sme sa tam mohli vrátiť s jeho lovcami.

134Hneď, ako odišiel, no, jeho brat, ktorý si ani nestihol dať dolu svoj riadny odev, upadol do záchvatu. Oni táborili v starých kasárňach, ktoré postavili Američania, keď stavali diaľnicu. A keď... Mali starú veľkú pec na drevo. A malá Lila... On mal záchvat, keď dostal to posadnutie. A bola z neho na smrť vystrašená a išla by umývať okno alebo niečo iné, aby len odtiaľ odišla. Ale ona vyskočila a premýšľala o tom, čo bolo povedané. Bola na jednom zo zhromaždení, dole v Dawson Creek.

135Ona sa tam prirútila a postavila sa k tomuto veľkému človeku rozkročmo, plačúc, strhla mu z chrbta jeho bielu košeľu aj s gombíkmi a so všetkým, podišla k peci a povedala, „Toto robím v Mene Pána Ježiša podľa Slova Pánovho, ktoré nám bolo povedané.“ A odvtedy ho nikdy nemal. Tým to bolo vybavené.

136Poslal pre mňa, aby som prišiel na bezplatný lov. A ja vždy hľadám tie veci zadarmo, viete. Tak som si pomyslel... „No,“ povedal som, „pôjdem. Uvidím, či ma Pán pustí.“ Modlil som sa. A nič viac okrem modlitby, všetko sa to uberalo priamo tým smerom.

137Vzal som brata Freda Sothmanna. On je tu niekde na zhromaždení. Kde si, Fred? Tu to je. Áno. Je jedným z dôverníkov našej cirkvi. Brat Fred vie, že toto bolo povedané tri mesiace predtým, ako sa to stalo. Je to pravda, brat Fred? A myslím, že brat Simpson. Koľkí sú dnes večer v budove, ktorí vedia, že to bolo povedané predtým, ako sa to stalo? Zodvihnite ruky. Tu to máte. A pred cirkvou bolo povedané, čo sa presne stane. No, nevedel som, že toto je ten čas.

138A tak som išiel na aljašskú diaľnicu a brat Fred sa zastavil u priateľa, aby išiel poľovať na losov. Je to príliš ďaleko na losov. A tak, to miesto, kam sme išli, boli sme v krajine oviec. A tak sme... Vzal som kúsok kriedy alebo hliny a kreslil som na predné sklo. Povedal som, „No, brat Fred, tak ak je toto ten čas, budeš si presne pamätať, čo to bude.“ A zapamätal si to.

139Išiel som hore. V tú noc, keď sme prišli do tábora, Bud povedal, „Brat Branham!“ Objal ma a skákal hore dolu, hovoril v jazykoch a vykrikoval, viete. Povedal... A ten starý drsný kovboj tiež. A jednoducho chválil Boha. Povedal, „Vieš čo, brat Branham? Môj brat od tej doby nemal žiaden záchvat. On je úplne normálny a zdravý, už rok.“

140Povedal som, „Pokiaľ tomu bude veriť, bude to takto pokračovať.“ A povedal som, „No, povedz mu, aby vydal svoj život Kristovi a slúžil Mu po zvyšok svojich dní. 'Choď a nehreš viac, aby na neho neprišla horšia vec.' Rozumiete?“ Povedal som, „Povedz mu, aby to urobil teraz.“

141Tak som povedal, „Mám ešte jedno videnie,“ a povedal som mu o tom videní. Povedal som, „No, boli tam so mnou nejakí malí chlapíci. Boli sme na poľovačke. Boli to malí muži. A jeden z nich mal na sebe oblečenú zelenú károvanú košeľu.“

142A on povedal, „No,“ povedal, „brat Branham,“ povedal, „nemám zelenú, károvanú košeľu.“ Jeho chlapec, Blaine, osemnásťročný, povedal, že nemá žiadnu zelenú károvanú košeľu.

143Eddie Byskal, ďalší malý chlapík, váži asi päťdesiat kíl, povedal, „Ani ja nemám, brat Branham.“

 Povedal som, „No,“ povedal som, „no, to zviera...“

 Povedal, „Čo to bolo za zviera?“

 Povedal som, „Vyzeralo to ako jeleň.“

144Povedal, „Tu hore nie sú žiadne jelene. Toto je príliš vysoko.“ Povedal, „Možno to bol karibu.“

 Povedal som, „Karibu má ploché parožie.“

 Povedal, „To je pravda.“

 Povedal som, „Toto malo hroty.“

145Povedal, „No, brat Branham,“ povedal, „pôjdeme do ovčej krajiny, nie do oblasti jeleňov alebo do niečoho podobného.“

146Povedal som, „No, tak to je pravdepodobne iná výprava. Brat Arganbright... Mohlo to byť niekde na Aljaške,“ povedal som, „pretože to bol obrovský, veľký grizly.“

 Povedal, „Čo to bolo za grizlyho?“

 Povedal som, „Strieborný grizly.“ Ten je najznámejší zo všetkých.

147Povedal, „Som sprievodca. Som tu v týchto lesoch celý život. Nikdy som nevidel strieborného grizlyho.“ Povedal, „Videl som obyčajného grizlyho. Ale,“ povedal, „nikdy v živote som nevidel strieborného grizlyho, ani jedného.“

148Povedal som, „No, niekde nejaký je a ja ho idem dostať.“

 Povedal, „Poviem, že je to pravda.“ Povedal, „Poviem to.“

149O tri dni sme vyrazili. Urobili sme si tábor nad hranicou lesa.

150A, Bože, pomôž mi, ak to takto zostane až do Milénia, nechaj ma tam žiť počas Milénia. Rád sa tam kochám v tej prírode. Ó! Ktokoľvek tam nemôže vidieť Boha, je slepý, hluchý a nemý. Len Ho vidieť, ako sa odráža v tých veľkých, obrovských horách! Ó! Hlbina potom volá do hlbiny a tam hore mám skrátka nádherný čas.

151Tak sme vyšli na jeden vrch. Musíte len takto kráčať rovno, aby ste sa dostali hore. Ó, žiadne drevo, všetko, čo vidíte, je jednoducho 'karibu' mach. Videli sme asi tridsať alebo štyridsať kusov oviec. Žiadna nebola dostatočne veľká na to, aby sme ju ulovili. Boli to len malé polovičné a trojštvrťové. Chcel som odtiaľ odísť s dostatočne veľkým kusom, a tak som išiel tak ďaleko dozadu. Tak sme... Išiel som naspäť dolu.

152A na druhý deň sme sa vydali na druhú stranu a Eddie spadol do vody, keď ju začal preskakovať, mal na sebe veľké topánky.

153Keď sme vyšli na úbočie hory, Bud sa zastavil a povedal, „Daj mi svoj ďalekohľad, Billy.“ Dal som mu ďalekohľad.

154Kúsok sme kráčali a hovorili o Pánovi a kričali a bežali hore-dolu po úbočí vrchu a mali sme nádherný čas. Je dobré ísť na poľovačku, ak idete s bratmi.

155A tak zobral môj ďalekohľad. Povedal, „Brat Branham, tam je tvoj baran. Asi osem ich leží približne šesť míľ odtiaľto, rovno tam na vrchole toho druhého kopca. Pozri sa na nich. Vidíš ich spolu?“

 Zdvihol som sa. Povedal som, „Povedal by som, že presne tam sú.“

156Povedal, „No, mohli by sme sa vrátiť dolu, začať ráno o tretej.“ Povedal, „Mali by sme tam hore byť o deviatej alebo o desiatej. Tí starí barani budú oddychovať. To bude ten pravý čas.“

 Povedal som, „Čo sú zač tie ďalšie zvieratá, ktoré tam chodia?“

157Povedal, „To je karibu.“ Povedal som... Tak, šesť míľ ďaleko, viete, je ťažké povedať, ako vyzerajú.

158A potom, takmer 1000 kilometrov vzdušnou čiarou od toho miesta, tam nie je ani chodník alebo cesta. A keď narazíte na západné pobrežie, pôjdete skoro 1300 kilometrov do Vancouveru, tam nie je ani kúsok civilizácie. A ďalšia civilizácia, ktorá sa nachádza tým smerom, to je Anchorage, asi 1100 alebo 1300 kilometrov odtiaľ. Keď pôjdete naspäť touto cestou, narazíte na malé mesto Yellow knife, kde raz za rok zoženiete loď pre Eskimákov. A potom sa dostanete do Ruska. Takže ste skutočne sami. To je to, kde Boh môže odpočinúť, tam hore, od všetkých našich problémov a skúšok, do ktorých Ho dostávame. Tak rád tam idem a hovorím s Ním, keď odpočíva, vidíte, tak potom, ako to bolo včera večer na lodi.

159Tak, keď sme išli naspäť dolu a na ďalšie ráno sme začali skoro. Asi okolo ôsmej sme prešli cez porast a všetko možné, až sme sa dostali na vrchol kopca. A po ceste hore, tu išiel starý kravský karibu a pekný veľký býk. Išiel, vyštartoval do kopca a mal na sebe veľké parožie. A povedal som, „No, a tak je tu prvý divoký karibu, ktorého som kedy videl v lesoch. Nikdy predtým som nebol tak vysoko.“

 On povedal, „Áno, to je karibu.“

160Tak sme vyšli na vrch a pozreli sa. Ovce tam neboli. Tak sme s Budom išli okolo. A Eddie začal stopovať okolo a Blaine, jeho chlapec, sa obzeral, či tam nie je zver.

161A kráčali sme sem, a, ó, ja som len zakričal, „Sláva Bohu!“ Pozrel som sa tam dolu a boli tam tie veľké vrchy zasnežené snehom; žltý 'karibu' mach pod snehom. A tesne pod tým bol ihličnatý porast, ktorým bol trpasličí smrek. A keď som sa dostal trochu ďalej, tam bola červená kosodrevina. Kúsok ďalej bola žltá osika. Všetko sa zrkadlilo v jazere pod tým. Ó!

162Bud a ja sme sa len objali a tancovali sme tam dookola, jednoducho sme kričali, vykrikovali a chválili Boha. A sadli sme si objímajúc sa a chválili sme Boha. A mali sme nádherný čas, myslím, že asi dve hodiny.

163A povedal som, „Počuj, zaujímalo by ma, čo sa stalo s Eddiem?“ Volali sme ho „Kamoš.“ Tak sme sa vrátili. Začali sme ísť cez kopec. Povedal som, „Tu hore sa nemohol stratiť.“

164A povedal, „Nie. Blaine je niekde tam vzadu a on je Indián.“

165Tak sme sa poobzerali okolo a videl som tam ležať filmovú kameru. Povedal som, „Tá je Eddieho.“ Pozrel som sa späť dolu kopcom. A ja som išiel jednou cestou a on išiel inou cestou.

166A Eddie hovoril „Š-š-š-š.“ Prenasledoval toho malého býčieho karibu. A on ho chcel vziať dolu a nakŕmiť ním indiánskych priateľov, pri ktorých bol ako misionár. Tak on zastrelil toho karibu. Išli sme dole a očistili ho.

167Vrátili sme sa okolo jednej hodiny. Znovu sme našli naše osedlané kone, asi 800 metrov od miesta, kde stáli. A stáli sme tam. Povedal, „Brat Branham, rád chodíš?“

 Povedal som, „Samozrejme.“

168Povedal, „Ak vylezieme na túto horu... Tí barani išli touto cestou a možno zišli dolu do tej druhej jamy. Ak to neurobili, išli naspäť touto druhou cestou.“ Povedal, „Nechajme Eddieho a ich ísť naspäť a prejdime cez toto miesto sem dole, vezmime môjho a tvojho koňa a dopravíme toho karibu do tábora. Pôjdeme len tade hore a prídeme na to miesto. Mali by sme doraziť dnes večer okolo desiatej alebo jedenástej.“

 Povedal som, „Dobre. Urobíme to.“

169Tak sme tam stáli. Zjedli sme konzervu sardiniek, každý jednu. A zakopali sme tieto sardinky pod mach. A náš chlieb, ktorý sme mali v košeli, a bol prepotený, až to bolo všetko jedna veľká hruda. Ale to bolo dobré, keď ste hladní. A je to v poriadku. Tak sme tam stáli.

170A ja som sa len obzeral. A pozrel som sa cez ďalekohľad. Povedal som, „Bud, pozri sa sem. Čo je to tam?“

171Asi vo vzdialenosti päť kilometrov ležal ten karibu. A bolo to zvláštne. Neboli to ploché panelové parohy; boli to veľké hroty. Povedal som, „Pamätáte sa? Pozrite sa sem. Tam je to na tej rozľahlej pláni, úplne presne. A tam leží to zviera, práve tak.“ Povedal som, „Je len jedna vec, ktorá bráni tomu videniu, niekto so zelenou károvanou košeľou.“ A tam stál Eddie v zelenej károvanej košeli. Povedal som, „Myslel som si, že nemáš takú.“

172Povedal, „Moja žena mi to musela dať do batohu. Keď som včera spadol do vody, musel som si prezliecť košeľu.“ Povedal, „Nevedel som, že to tam mám, brat Branham. Je mi ľúto, že som ti povedal niečo nesprávne.“

 Povedal som, „Musel si to urobiť, synu.“

173Ó, Bud začal kričať. Povedal, „Môžeš stáť rovno tu a zastreliť ho odtiaľto na tri míle ďaleko, že, brat Branham?“

 Povedal som, „Podľa toho videnia som sa dostal rovno až k nemu.“

174Povedal, „Brat Branham, povedz, ako sa tam dostaneš?“

 Povedal som, „Neviem, ale dostanem sa tam.“

 Tak on povedal, „Akou cestou ideš?“

 Povedal som, „Obídem túto pláň.“

175Povedal, „To je bridlica.“ A ja... Povedal, „Ak sa pošmykneš, v sekunde budeš mať na sebe asi tisíc ton snehu.“

176Povedal som, „Pán sa o to postará. To je cesta, ktorou som išiel vo videní, rovno dookola.“

 Povedal, „No, pôjdem za tebou.“ Tu on ide.

177A títo chlapci povedali, „Teraz tu zostaneme, až kým neuvidíme, že dostaneš toho karibu,“ a povedali, „potom pôjdeme dolu, vezmeme kone a pôjdeme ďalej. Stretneme sa na konci poľovačky, asi, šesť alebo osem kilometrov nižšie.“

 Povedal, „V poriadku.“

178Tak sme začali ísť okolo, Bud a ja. Asi za pol hodiny sme to obišli dookola. A ten karibu ležal rovno tam, díval sa rovno na nás a vôbec nás nevidel. Musel spať. A išiel som trochu hore, vrátil som sa a prišiel som hore do vzdialenosti asi 30 metrov od neho. Tam ležal. Toto gigantické, veľké zviera, odtiaľ vstalo a ja som ho dostal.

179A keď sme tam sedeli, sťahovali sme z neho kožu, a tak ďalej, Bud povedal, „Či si povedal, že tieto rohy majú štyridsaťdva palcov?“

 Povedal som, „To je presne tak.“

180Povedal, „Brat Branham, musia merať stoštyridsaťdva,“ veľká obrovská hlava.

 Povedal som, „Nie, je to presne štyridsaťdva.“

 Povedal, „Mám tam dole zvinovací meter.“

 Povedal som, „Pochybuješ o tom?“

 Povedal, „Nie veru.“

181Povedal, „Ale počkaj chvíľu, nepovedal si mi, že dostaneš veľkého grizlyho predtým, ako zídeš dolu? Predtým, ako sa vrátiš tam, kde bol ten chlapec so zelenou košeľou, bude tam strieborný grizly?“

 Povedal som, „To je pravda.“

182Pozrel sa naspäť dolu kopcom. No, nie je tam nič tak vysoké, vôbec nič. Len mach, všetko, čo vidíte, míle a míle, len zvlnené kopce machu. Povedal, „Kde je, brat Branham?“

183Povedal som, „On ho môže poskytnúť. On tak povedal.“ Povedal som, „Či o tom pochybuješ, Bud?“

 Povedal, „Nie veru.“

184No, pri schádzaní z kopca, prichádzame takto. On chvíľu niesol pušku a ja hlavu, potom naopak. Pri schádzaní z toho kopca sme museli ísť bokom, to veľké parožie sa zabára do machu. A dostali sme sa asi na vzdialenosť jeden a pol kilometra od toho miesta. Zastavili sme sa a obzreli sa. Povedal, „Ten starý medveď by sa mal radšej ukázať, že?“

 Povedal som, „Čo ťa trápi?“

 Povedal, „Nič.“

185Išli sme ďalej, až sme narazili na malý ľadovec, ktorý križoval cestu. Sadli sme si tam a trochu sme sa ochladili. Povedal, „Brat Branham, len na to pomysli,“ povedal, „my sme sa dostali, ó, je to menej ako jeden kilometer, kým sa stretneme s tými chlapcami, a niekde medzi týmto a tamtým miestom ulovíš strieborného grizlyho.“

186Povedal som, „To je pravda, to je pravda.“ On povedal... Povedal som, „Ty o tom pochybuješ, Bud.“

187On vstal a vzal ma za ruku. Povedal, „Brat Branham, môj brat od toho dňa nikdy nemal záchvat.“ Povedal, „Boh, ktorý ti môže povedať o mojom bratovi, by ti neklamal.“

 Povedal som, „Bud, on tam bude.“

 Povedal, „Odkiaľ príde?“

188Povedal som, „Neviem, ale,“ povedal som, „Bud, mám päťdesiatdva,“ (vtedy), a povedal som, „videl som videnia už od detstva. A keď som tu videl zabitého tohto karibu a uvidíš, či jeho rohy nie sú dlhé štyridsaťdva palcov. A potom, v tom istom videní som bol na ceste naspäť dolu, kde bola tá spoločnosť, s ktorou som bol, a ja som zabil tohto strieborného medveďa grizly. “

 Povedal, „Brat Branham, vidím na vzdialenosť dvadsať míľ.“

189Povedal, „Boh ho bude musieť vytiahnuť zo zeme, alebo priviesť z neba, alebo niečo podobné.“

 Povedal som, „Neboj sa, on tam bude.“

190Išli sme asi o ďalších sto metrov ďalej. On bol tiež takmer vyčerpaný. Toto váži asi sedemdesiat kilogramov, táto trofej. A tak, ako sme išli dolu z kopca, on to položil na zem. Povedal, „Fíha, som hotový vzdať to.“

191Povedal som, „Áno.“ Potom sme prišli k malému trpasličiemu smreku, asi takto vysokému. Okolo tam lietalo pár tetrovov a samičiek ptamirganských tetrovov, a tak som na nich takto hodil niekoľko kameňov.

 Tak on povedal, „Jedol si niekedy nejakú snehuľu?“

 Povedal som, „Nie, nemyslím si.“

192Povedal, „Sú chutné. Sú tak dobré ako tetrov.“ Povedal, „Brat Branham?“ Zložil zo seba svoj veľký čierny klobúk a ovieval sa ním. Povedal, „Už je čas, aby sa ten starý medveď objavil, či nie, chlapče?“

 A povedal som, riekol som, „Bud, ty o tom pochybuješ.“

193Povedal, „Nie, nepochybujem. Ale, brat Branham, ja len nerozumiem.“

194Povedal som, „Ani ja tomu nerozumiem. Nemusím tomu rozumieť. Musím tomu veriť.“ Amen. Boh v nebi vie, že tieto veci sú pravdou. Či by som tu stál a povedal toto, keby to nebola pravda?

195Potom som sa začal obracať, aby som mu dal pušku a zodvihol som hlavu. A keď som sa otočil, povedal som, „Bud, máš ten ďalekohľad na krku. Čo je to tam hore na kraji kopca?“

196A on zdvihol ďalekohľad. Povedal, „Ó, pomôž mi,“ povedal, „ak to nie je niekoho dojná krava!“ V tej krajine nie je nič také. Povedal, „To je ten najväčší grizly, akého som kedy v živote videl. A tak mi pomôž, pozri na to žlté slnko, ktoré na neho svieti. To je strieborný grizly.“ Povedal, „Čo si myslíš, ako je ďaleko?“

197Povedal som, „Je tam hore, asi dve míle odtiaľto.“ A boli sme takmer vyčerpaní. On povedal... Povedal som, „Na čo čakáme? Poďme.“

 A on povedal, „Si si istý, že ho dostaneš?“

 Povedal som, „Istotne ho dostanem.“

 Povedal, „Čo je to za zbraň, ktorú tam používaš?“

198A povedal som, „No, to je jedno.“ Bola to taká malá zbraň, ktorú mi dal jeden brat na jednom stretnutí pred niekoľkými rokmi. Povedal som, „Malá, lacná puška kalibru .270.“ A povedal som, „V poriadku. Mám... Ja... To bude.“

199Približovali sme sa. A čím sme boli bližšie, tým väčší ten medveď vyzeral. Ó, on vyzeral ako obrovská kopa sena, ktorá tam sedela na tom machu, viete. Tam stál, veľké, mohutné, obrovské stvorenie, hlava asi takto široká, viete, a vytŕčajúce čeľuste, veľké a mohutné laby. A on takto oberal tieto malé čučoriedkové konáre, viete, jedol ich. A takto tam sedel, veľký a mohutný chlapík! Boli sme od neho asi 700 metrov.

200Povedal, „Hej, brat Branham, už si niekedy zastrelil grizlyho?“

201Povedal som, „Zastrelil som mnohých medveďov, Bud, ale nikdy predtým som nezastrelil strieborného grizlyho.“

202Povedal, „Vieš, ten strieborný grizly je najväčší bojovník zo všetkých.“

 Povedal som, „Áno, viem.“

 Povedal, „On nevie, ako zomrieť.“

 A povedal som, „No?“

203Povedal, „Ne... Ako – ako ďaleko to máš? Ako blízko sa ku nemu máš dostať?“

204No, len sa ho opýtajte. Napíšte mu list. Dám vám adresu. Povedal, „Nech mi o tom napíše ktokoľvek chce, o ktorejkoľvek z tých vecí. Dovoľte mi, aby som im to povedal.“ A tak...

 A povedal som, „No?“ Povedal som...

 Povedal, „Teraz?“

205Povedal som, „Nie, nie. Bol som bližšie ako toto, Bud. Bol som rovno hore pri ňom.“

206Povedal, „Teraz sme sa k nemu dosť priblížili. Môže sa na nás kedykoľvek vyrútiť.“

207Povedal som, „Viem to, ale,“ povedal som, „Bud,“ povedal som, „to bude v poriadku.“

208Povedal, „No, keď strelíš medveďa,“ povedal, „no, brat Branham, streľ ho do chrbta. Musíš ho zložiť, pretože on bude bojovať, a potom nemôže vstať.“

 Povedal som, „Nie, podľa toho videnia som ho strelil do srdca.“

 Povedal, „Dúfam, že si sa v tom nepomýlil.“

209Povedal som, „Nie.“ Povedal som, „Pamätám si to.“ Pretože v tom videní, ty si v jednom vedomí, a to oboje, ako sme to vysvetlili minulý večer. Ste v dvoch. Nemôžeš to zabudnúť. Rozumieš? Tak tu to máš.

210Tak sme sa priblížili asi o dvesto metrov. To bol posledný malý pahorok, cez ktorý sme išli. Povedal som, „To je teraz asi všetko. Pozri sa na neho. Nie je to krásavec?“

 Povedal, „No, asi je.“

211A povedal som, „V poriadku, Bud. No, keď tu vstanem, on príde.“ Povedal som, „Len to sleduj.“

 A povedal, „Budem sa dívať.“

212Tak som zasunul náboj do hlavne pušky, viete. A boli sme dolu pod týmto malým pahorkom. Práve, keď som vstal, tu on prichádza. Ó! Zastavil som sa, vystrelil som a znelo to, akoby ho trafilo hrachové zrno z „fľusadla“. Chlapče, to ho nezastavilo ani o trochu viac, než keby som neurobil nič. A, ó, predtým...

213Hovoríte o rýchlosti! Nikdy som nič také nevidel. On, oni by predbehli koňa, jeleňa alebo čokoľvek, viete, medveď to dokáže. On z toho kopca beží takto rovno k nám!

214A ja, predtým, ako by som mohol znovu nabiť, on padol mŕtvy, asi, ó, asi tridsať, štyridsať metrov odo mňa, celý sa pretočil; zasiahla srdce, pľúca a všetko. Bola to Noslerova guľka, tí, ktorí si vyrábate vlastné náboje, ju poznáte. Tak to ho vyhodilo do vzduchu a on spadol a prevrátil sa.

215Bud, ktorý tam stál, sa pozrel a okolo úst bol biely. Povedal, „Brat Branham, ja som ho nechcel mať na svojom lone.“

 Povedal som, „Ani ja.“

216Povedal, „Fíha.“ Povedal, „Chcem ti niečo povedať, teraz, ako je to už za nami, chlapče. Keby to nebolo jedno z tých videní, a nevidel by som predtým, že sa to vyplnilo, nikdy by som s tebou neprišiel sem, tak blízko k tomu medveďovi.“

217A ani jeden z nás ním nevedel pohnúť. Odhadujem, že vážil okolo 450 kilogramov, obor, veľký chlapík. Nemohli sme ho očistiť, museli by sme ho stiahnuť z kože. Začali sme schádzať dolu. A povedali sme... „Brat Branham?“ Zobrali sme parožie. Povedal, „Ak majú tie rohy presne 42 palcov,“ povedal, „začnem tu v záchvate behať.“

218Povedal som, „Môžeš hneď začať, pretože presne toľko budú mať.“

219Povedal, „Nikdy som nevidel... Zdá sa mi, že toto sa mi sníva.“

220A keď sme tam prišli a povedal som Eddiemu, povedal som, „No, sleduj to. Blaine tam položí ruky.“

221No, pamätajte, okolo toho parohu bola malá ruka. Pamätáte sa, brat Fred, ako som ti povedal, že to tak bude?

 A povedal som Eddiemu, „Sleduj to.“

 A tak Bud povedal, „Počkaj.“ On tam doviedol svojho koňa.

222A mali sme na sebe pach toho medveďa, viete, a tie kone všetko trhali. Viete, ako to robia, keď cítia grizlyho alebo iného medveďa. Tak som tam išiel, držal som, snažil som sa držať toho koňa, ten kôň so sedlom sa snažil uvoľniť.

223A on išiel a vzal si svoj meter a prišiel tam naproti a takto sa na mňa díval. Povedal, „Poď sem, Blaine.“ Štuchol som Eddieho. Priložil to ku tomu. Amen. A tak mi pomôžte, štyridsaťdva palcov, presne!

224No, to parožie sa zmenšilo asi o dva palce, keď vyschlo. Ten medveď grizly leží v mojej pracovni a parohy visia na stene. Človek, ktorý preparuje zvieratá, ich upravil a zavesil. Je na nich zavesený zvinovací meter, presne štyridsaťdva palcov.

225No, načo by Boh nejakému človeku hovoril niečo takéto o nejakej poľovačke?

226Keď som sa vrátil, matka bola chorá. Išiel som ju pozrieť. Povedala, „Billy?“ Vidíte, On ma povzbudzoval, pripravoval ma na niečo.

 Povedal som, „Mama, Pán ťa vždy uzdravil.“

 Povedala, „Billy, idem Domov za otcom.“

 „Ó,“ povedal som, „mama, nehovor tak.“

 Povedala „Áno, idem.“ Modlil som sa za ňu.

 A brat Fred a všetci títo svedkovia, ktorí tu sedia, to vedia.

227Potom, ďalšia vec, viete, odviedli ju do nemocnice. Lekár ani nevedel, čo nie je v poriadku. No, išiel som sa za ňu modliť. Povedala, „Synu, odchádzam.“ A teraz, moja matka bola vskutku typ mocnej ženy.

228Jedného dňa, pár dní po tom, som vošiel dnu. Ona tam stála a dívala sa rovno hore do neba. Povedala, „Billy, vidím ťa.“

 Povedal som, „No, iste, mama.“

 Povedala, „Vidím ťa tu.“

229Povedala, „Ó, ty si taký starý, Bill,“ povedala, „tvoje biele vlasy a brada len visia spolu. Máš ruku okolo kríža a načahuješ sa ku mne.“ Vtedy som dobre vedel, čo to bolo.

 No, vy, bratia tu, viete, že je to pravda.

230Na druhý deň bola nedeľa. Kázal som. Poslali mi správu, „Tvoja...“ Povedal som, „Neverím, že matka odchádza. Boh mi vždy ukázal, keď niekto z mojich ľudí odchádzal. Ale, matka, On mi nikdy nič o tom neukázal.“ Tu prichádza posolstvo. A bol som rovno takto uprostred môjho posolstva. Niekto vošiel a povedal, „Choď, choď hneď za svojou matkou. Zavolaj jej do telefónu. Teraz zomiera.“

231Povedal som, „Smrť, nechaj ju na pokoji. Slovo Božie je dôležitejšie ako to.“

232Tento muž sedí rovno tu, brat Borders. Po skončení bohoslužby som vyšiel za svojou matkou. Stretol som brata Bordersa. Povedal, „Brat Branham, ty nemáš ani meter osemdesiat, ale ja som dnes ráno videl stáť za kazateľňou muža vysokého 3 metre.“

 Povedal som, „Brat Borders, Boh sa o mamu postará vo všetkom.“

233A pár dní po tom ma zavolali do izby a ona skutočne odchádzala. Deti sa zhromaždili a stáli okolo postele. Povedal som, „Mami, naozaj ideš?“

 Povedala, „Áno.“ Potom už nemohla viac hovoriť.

234Stále som jej hovoril, „Čo pre teba znamená Ježiš, mama?“ Pamätám si, ako som ju dávno pokrstil vo vode v Jeho Mene. Povedal som, „Povedz mi, čo pre teba teraz znamená.“

 Povedala, „Viac ako život.“

235Povedal som, „Mama, ak ideš, ja som tvoj chlapec, kazateľ. Chcem to vedieť, od mojej vlastnej matky, ktorá sa ide stretnúť s Bohom. Chcem ťa tu držať za ruku, mama. “

 Povedala, „Chcem, aby si to urobil.“ Stále som ju držal.

236Nemohla hovoriť. Vyzeralo to, akoby ochrnula, jej tvár. Povedal som, „Nemôžeš viac hovoriť, mama?“ Ona nemohla urobiť... Povedal som, „Počúvaj. Je pre teba Ježiš stále ten istý?“ Mohla kývnuť hlavou.

237Potom už nemohla viac kývať hlavou. Povedal som, „Matka, je Ježiš pre teba teraz všetkým? Za chvíľku pre teba prichádza. Je pre teba všetkým?“ Nemohla sa pohnúť.

238Povedal som, „Mama, zostal ti už len jeden spôsob, ty... vidím, že žmurkáš očami. Ak pre teba Ježiš stále znamená práve to isté, čo vždy, ako v ten deň, keď som ťa pokrstil vo vode, zažmurkaj skutočne rýchlo očami.“ Zažmurkala očami a slzy jej takto stekali dolu.

239A do izby vošiel malý vanúci Vietor. Matka odišla Domov.

240Prišiel som domov, išiel som do pohrebnej služby a zobral som oblečenie. Ó, viete, ako to je. Museli ste urobiť to isté. Všetky deti plačú, jeden na jednom mieste; druhý na inom. Povedal som, „Mama bola ten spojovací článok. Už nikdy nebudeme takí istí.“ Doc a jeho rodina v tomto rohu. Jesse a jeho rodina v tom kúte. Práve nedávno sme pochovali Howarda. Povedal som, „No, sme preč, chlapci.“ Povedal som, „Budeme... Neprídeme sa navzájom pozrieť. Mama bola tým, čo nás spájalo.“ Povedal som, „Už sa viac nebudeme toľko vidieť.“

241Išiel som večer domov, potom, ako sme jej vybrali šaty. Išiel som domov.

242Pani D'Amico z Chicaga, pozná ju niekto? Ona bola veľmi milou priateľkou kampane. Dala mi Bibliu. (Prepáčte.) A bola to jedna z tých Biblií s červeným písmom, na ktorých bol zips. A keď som kázal tú kázeň, Baránok a holubica, niekto mi poslal dve holubice ako držiak. Ďalší môj brat, brat Norman, mi poslal malú holubicu a baránka, môj brat Borders mi dal baránka. Zobral som do rúk Bibliu. Méda bola v jednom rohu a plakala.

243A vy všetci obchodníci tu viete, že keď som bol na Jamajke, videl som moju svokru, povedal som vám to za stolom tam na Jamajke. Povedal som, „Niekto z mojich príbuzných zomiera, niekto, kto nemá žiadne zuby. Vidím, ako odchádza.“ Hneď za stolom tam sedel Demos Shakarian a všetci z nich. O pár hodín odvtedy moja svokra náhle zomrela, vidíte, žiadne zuby, presne tak.

244Povedal som, „Videl som jedného mladého muža pľuť krv.“ Zavolal som a povedal, „Nedovoľ Billymu...“

245Je tu niekto, kto bol v tom čase na zhromaždení na Jamajke – tam na Jamajke? Nevidím. Áno. Tam sú dvaja. Tak potom...

246A povedal som, „To musí... Billy, nechoď tam hore. Videl som jedného chlapca, ako pľuje krv.“ A bol to môj švagor. Išiel a začal krvácať, keď mu zomrela matka. To ho uvrhlo do takého šoku.

247Potom som tu v ten deň stál a vzal som si túto Bibliu. Povedal som, „Otče, ja neviem. Možno len Tvoja láska, Ty si mi ju neukázal, ako odchádza, ale som tak zlomený, Bože. Dáš mi len nejaké slovo útechy z Tvojho Slova? Povedal som, „Daj mi prečítať niečo potešujúce, niečo, čo ma uteší.“ Takto som si otvoril Bibliu. Tam to bolo veľkými červenými písmenami, „Nie je mŕtva, ale spí.“ A išiel som do izby. Išli sme spať.

248Vstal som asi o ôsmej hodine na druhý deň ráno. Okolo obeda ju mali upraviť, tak sme ju išli pozrieť. Méda išla pripraviť raňajky pre deti, malý Joe plakal. Becky v jednom rohu, stále plače, „Uvidím ešte niekedy babičku?“

249Povedal som, „Áno. Áno. Uvidíš ju. Ona je rovno oproti a odišla hore.“ Povedal som, „Ona, ešte ju uvidíme.“ A ona milovala tie malé deti, viete.

250A tak všetci plakali, „Môžeme dnes popoludní vidieť babičku?“

251Povedal som, „Môžeš vidieť telo, v ktorom žila, ale stará mama odišla hore, aby bola s vašou druhou babičkou, s ňou hore v Nebi.“

252A viete, Joe to nemohol pochopiť, môj malý chlapec. On to jednoducho nedokázal pochopiť. Povedal, „Potom sa dnes večer babka vráti dolu?“

253A povedal som, „Nie, nie. Neviem, kedy sa vráti. Ona sa vráti, keď príde Ježiš.“

254Stál som tam. A otočil som sa a vošiel do miestnosti. A keď som... Nepýtajte sa ma, aby som to vysvetlil. Nie je možné to nijako vysvetliť. Videl som samého seba, ako tam stojím, práve tak, ako sa dívam na toto obecenstvo. A ja som viedol piesne. Nikdy som to nerobil. Ja vôbec neviem spievať. Tak, a tam bol veľký, obrovský zástup ľudí.

255Na tejto strane hľadisko vyzeralo, akoby bolo vonku, ako, ó, neviem, ako by ste to nazvali, zvažujúce sa, niečo ako amfiteáter. A tie rady boli tak ďaleko vzadu, až museli byť takto zodvihnuté, tak tí, ktorí boli vzadu, museli takto pozerať. Ale rovno v strede... Len tri rady, takto. A rovno v strede sa tam akoby vlnili rady malých spastických postihnutých detí, ktoré ležali v tých radoch.

256Mal som na sebe tmavý oblek a spieval som, „Priveďte ich, priveďte ich, priveďte maličkých k Ježišovi.“ Často to spievame v zbore, zvlášť pri posvätení detí. A tam bola taká lóža, kde sedáva významná osobnosť a kazateľňa bola blízko nej. Ale ja som bol dole a viedol som piesne. A zrazu som tam stál a díval sa na seba, potom... Ó, nesnažte sa to domyslieť, pretože to nedokážete. Potom, keď som tu bol, potom sa to tu stalo. Ja neviem. Dve z nich sa spojili dokopy. A to je...

 To je dobrá vec, keď sa vaše dve veci spoja dokopy.

257Mám tam hore fotoaparát. Keď som zostupoval, nevedel som, ako fotiť. Pozrel som sa cez tú vec a, človeče, mohol som vidieť päť alebo šesť rôznych predmetov. Zaostril som objektív. Billy mi povedal, riekol, „Zaostri to a všetky sa spoja do jedného.“

258Je to dobrý nápad, robiť to, viete. Keď zaostrujete, potom vidíte veci odlišne. A použite Božie Slovo, aby ste sa zaostrili na Neho, a uvidíte, o čom hovorím. Ale najprv to zaostrite, rozumiete.

259A tak som tam stál a hľadel a vošiel som do toho videnia. A keď som tam bol, všimol som si jednu významnú osobu, ktorá prichádzala tam dozadu. A oni boli... Povedal som, „No, oni idú do lóže pre významné osobnosti.“ A tak prichádzali týmto smerom. A pomyslel som si, „No, kým tá pani príde, ešte raz zaspievam.“ Bola oblečená staromódne.

260No, niektoré z vás dám si na to spomeniete, keď nosili také sukne, ktoré im siahali dole cez vysoké šnurovacie topánky. A ony mali niečo také dlhé... Ako to nazývate tie veci, ako – ako má teraz táto dáma? Tá blúzka. Blúzka, jedna z tých vecí, a mala na sebe naozaj dlhé rukávy. Pamätáte si ich? A siahala sem hore okolo krku, s takým malým gombíkom, ktorý sa takto zapínal. Potom, veľký klobúk, obrátený nabok. A dámy v tých dňoch, ony nosili dlhé vlasy. Tak ony to takto stiahli a nasadili na to klobúk a dali do toho špendlík, viete, aby to vydržalo, lebo ony museli jazdiť sediac nabok v sedle a podobne.

261Tak táto pani prichádzala a všetci túto dámu rešpektovali. A pomyslel som si, „No, ona pôjde do miesta pre významné osoby.“

262Tak som potom povedal, „Ešte raz, všetci na tejto strane, 'Priveďte ich.' No, tu, 'Priveďte ich.' Potom všetci v strede, teraz všetci spolu, 'Priveďte maličkých k Ježišovi.'“

263Práve, ako som to povedal, táto pani už vošla do lóže. Videl som, že keď vošla do lóže, všetci sa postavili. A oni takto postupovali, uctili ju a ona ich.

264Pomyslel som si, „No, je čas, aby som kázal. Pôjdem sa modliť za tých chorých ľudí.“ Dostal som sa sem za tú kazateľňu, a tá lóža bola napravo, ó, tak blízko, ako tu sedí tento brat. A takto som sa otočil.

265Pomyslel som si, „No, teraz sa mi tá pani ukloní, tak sa jej len ukloním.“ A tak, keď som sa otočil, ona už mala takto sklonenú hlavu. Skláňal som takto hlavu. A keď som v tom istom čase zodvihol hlavu, aby som ju spoznal, bola to mama, mladá, krásna.

 Pozrel som sa na ňu. Povedal som, „Mama?“

 Povedala, „Billy.“

266A práve vtedy začali v budove blýskať blesky, burácali hromy a prichádzalo trasenie. A nejaký Hlas povedal, „Nestrachuj sa o svoju matku.“ Povedal, „Je rovnaká ako v roku 1906.“

 A povedal som, „Čo, 1906?“

 A Méda povedala, „Čo sa s tebou deje?“ Moja žena.

 Povedal som, „Miláčik, 1906, čo bolo v roku 1906?“

 Povedala, „Prečo?“

 Povedal som, „Videnie, videl som tu stáť mamu.“

 Povedala, „Čo si videl?“

 Povedal som, „Videl som mamu.“

 Povedala „Iste, Bill?“

267Povedal som, „Áno, stála rovno tu a bola pekná. A On povedal...“ Povedal som, „Bola mladou ženou.“

268Tak som išiel a vzal ten starý rodinný záznam. Viete, čím bola v roku 1906? Nevestou môjho otca. To je rok, v ktorom sa vydala. Teraz je časťou inej Nevesty, Nevesty Pána Ježiša.

269Niekto mi odniekiaľ poslal mincu. Mám ju tu vo vrecku, 1906.

270„A On, Duch Svätý, keď On príde, zjaví vám tieto veci, ktoré som povedal, a ukáže vám veci, ktoré majú prísť.“

271No, čo to je? Tá poľovačka ma len pripravovala, viete. Bol to jeden z najlepších výletov, aké som kedy mal, a On to vedel, že to bude pre mňa veľký šok. To bola láska. A brat, sestra, ak všetky tieto ostatné videnia boli dokonale správne, to, čo Duch Svätý ukázal, tak to musí byť Duch Svätý. Biblia hovorí, že, „Ak sa to stalo, potom to bol On.“

272Potom, akú máme nádej! Jedného dňa toto miesto opustíme. Vraciame sa do stavu mladého muža a ženy, aby sme nikdy viac nezomreli. Radšej by som vedel o tom, než vedieť, že budem prezidentom sveta a budem žiť milión rokov. Radšej by som bol uistený, že som v ruke Božej.

273A som rád, že dnes večer viem, že ten istý Ježiš, ktorý urobil to vyhlásenie, On je tu po dvoch tisícoch rokoch. Vidíte, to nemôže zahynúť. Je to večné. A On je dnes večer tým istým Ježišom, akým bol v deň, keď urobil toto vyhlásenie. A On vždy potvrdí to Slovo, ak tomu budeme veriť. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

274„Keď On, Duch Svätý, príde, nebude hovoriť Sám o Sebe, ale vezme veci, tie Moje,“ to je Slovo, „a ukáže vám ich. A potom, tiež vám ukáže veci, ktoré sa majú stať.“

275V knihe Židom vo 4. kapitole Biblia hovorí, „Slovo Božie je ostrejšie...“

276No, kto bol Slovom? Ježiš. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo...“

277„Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako akýkoľvek dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce až do rozdelenia a do špiku kosti a rozlišujúce myšlienky v srdci.“

278To je náš Boh. Nie sme stratení, priatelia. Sme stále v milosti Božej. Cítim, že mám hovoriť o čomkoľvek a hovoriť o minulom čase... A ako som povedal včera večer, ako sa tí učeníci snažili žiť zo zhromaždenia, ktoré mali deň predtým, a tešili sa na ďalšie, ale zabudli na samotného Stvoriteľa vetra a vĺn, ktorý ležal v lodi.

279Boh, ktorý bol tam hore v tých horách, aby tam umiestnil toho strieborného grizlyho, podľa Jeho Slova, toho, ktorý tam leží na podlahe ako dôkaz.

280No, ak chcete napísať tomu mužovi, napíšte len Budovi Southwickovi, S-o-u-t-h-w-i-c-k, Bud Southwick, Fort Saint John, Britská Kolumbia, a nechajte ho, nech vám napíše ten list. A mimochodom, ak idete na poľovačku, on je veľmi dobrý človek, s ktorým by ste mohli ísť.

281Všimnite si teraz. On o tom hovoril medzi všetkými tými poľovníkmi hore-dolu po tej ceste, až verím, že budem mať skutočné zhromaždenie, keď nabudúce pôjdem tam hore, len so sprievodcami, áno, aby videli, že tie veci sa dejú práve tak, ako to videli oni. To bolo minulý rok.

282Toto je tento rok, práve teraz. Ten istý Ježiš, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, povedal, „Nikdy ťa nezanechám ani neopustím. Budem s tebou vždy, až do konca sveta.“ Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

283S takými dôkazmi, s takou potvrdenou pravdou, zaručenou pravdou, ako sa môžeme cítiť inak, než tak, že by sme chceli prejsť tou strechou, byť vytrhnutí? Či sme nechali veci sveta, aby nás takým spôsobom otupili? Pričom vidíme také dôležité veci, ktoré sú zaručené, dokázané, že sú pravdou.

284No, každá chorá osoba, ktorá tu je, ak len budete veriť Tomu istému, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, a skrze Toho istého, ktorý odstránil epilepsiu z toho chlapca, toho muža, On je ten istý Boh, ktorý je tu teraz. Ak by som to od vás mohol vziať, urobil by som to, ale nedokážem to. On vám to už kúpil a jediné, čo musíte urobiť, je veriť tomu.

285Čo ak by ten chlapec upadol do záchvatu a tá malá žena by povedala, „No, čo s tým má spoločné košeľa?“ To by pravdepodobne nefungovalo na nikom inom. Rozumiete? Len pre neho, pretože je mu to poslané. Náman sa ponoril do rieky sedemkrát; ale niekto iný, kto by sa tam máčal, pravdepodobne by sa nedostal z toho malomocenstva. Rozumiete? Ale všimnite si. To je to, čo On hovorí, že je pravda, potvrdená, dokonalá pravda.

286No, je už neskoro na modlitebný rad. Zastavme sa na chvíľu.

287Len sa zamyslime. Je to to, čo Boh zasľúbil? To by bol skutočný Duch Svätý, ktorý by to robil. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] No, kto by povedal, že On nebol Duchom Svätým? On bol. „Ja a Môj Otec sme jedno.“ Duch Svätý bol Jeho Otcom. „Ona porodí. To Sväté, čo je v nej počaté, je z Ducha Svätého.“ Tak, Duch Svätý a Boh je ten istý Duch, a To bolo v Ňom.

288A sledujte, čo On urobil, keď sa tá žena dotkla Jeho rúcha, keď hľadel na obecenstvo a vnímal ich myšlienky. Či Slovo nehovorí, že „Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, je rozpoznávateľom myšlienok srdca“? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Či On nesľubuje vo sv. Jánovi 12, alebo vo sv. Jánovi 14:12, že „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude tiež činiť.“ [„Amen.“] Alebo, zlyhalo niekedy niečo, čo bolo pravdou?

289Potom je tu Boh. On je tu, aby spôsobil, že každá osoba, ktorá je tu, bude uzdravená. On je tu, aby zachránil každú stratenú dušu. A predtým, ako urobím zavolanie k oltáru, ako sa cítim byť vedený urobiť, zavolajme Ho. Koľkí z vás sa odovzdajú alebo povedia, „Ak môžem...“ Možno tí cudzí tu povedia, „Nikdy som nevidel ani jedno z takých zhromaždení. Počul som ľudí o týchto veciach hovoriť, ale... Naozaj som to nikdy nevidel. To by moje srdce povzbudilo, keby som mohol vidieť samotnú prítomnosť Kristovu, ktorá prichádza medzi ľudí a činí tú istú vec, ktorú On robil.“ Povzbudilo by vás to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

290Skloňme svoje hlavy pre slovo modlitby. Každé oko zatvorené. No, nech teraz Duch, ktorý nasleduje Slovo...

291No, Otče, mám to najlepšie, čo viem, poznáš moje srdce. Vediac, že títo ľudia trpia v tejto horúčave a že sa tam tlačia a stoja, ale boli veľmi trpezliví. Predstavujem si, že to bol ten istý druh davu, ktorý v ten deň stál na brehu a počúval, ako hovoríš z lode. A potom si im povedal, „Zatiahnite na hlbinu a spustite siete na lov.“ Nevideli, či tam nejaké sú. Boli tam.

292A ako boli vypovedané tie pozoruhodné slová toho apoštola, „Pane, celú noc sme hádzali sieť a nič sme nechytili, ale jednako na Tvoje Slovo spustíme sieť.“ A keď Tvoje Slovo poslúchli, sieťami zachytili množstvo rýb, až sa ich siete začali pretrhávať.

293Pane Ježišu, niet pochýb, že mnoho žien v to ráno opustilo svoje pranie, mnoho mužov opustilo svoje polia, od úrody, rybári opustili svoje siete, aby počuli Slovo Božie. Pane Ježišu, ak by si tu dnes večer bol vo fyzickej forme, je veľmi otázne, či by sa zhromaždilo o niečo viac ľudí, ako sa zhromaždilo teraz. Ale títo ľudia veria, že Ty nie si mŕtvy, ale že si bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych a že manifestuješ Svoje Slovo a zachovávaš Svoje Slovo, to Slovo, ktoré som im dnes večer čítal zo svätých Písiem.

294A ako nášmu Pánovi bola raz podaná Biblia alebo Zvitok a On prečítal a sadol si. A povedal, „Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.“

295Nech sa to znovu stane, Pane. Nech sa to stane znovu, aby sa práve v tento deň, práve v tento večer naplnilo Písmo, ktoré som čítal. A my sme všetci cez týždeň učili, že to mala byť práve tá vec, ktorá mala dokázať čas konca. A potom odídeme šťastní v srdci.

296Môže ich tu byť mnoho, Pane, ku ktorým hovoríš. Pomôž nám dnes večer poznať Tvoje Slovo, Tvoje Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené, že je Pravdou. Udeľ to, Otče.

297A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, len aby sme sa preskúmali, aby som sa upokojil od kázania. Koľkí z vás tu nie ste skutočne znovuzrodenými Kresťanmi? No, môžete chodiť do cirkvi, ale to nie je to, na čo sa pýtam. Ste... Ak nie ste znovuzrodenými Kresťanmi, ale veríte, že existuje živý Ježiš, skutočný Duch Svätý, a chceli by ste byť pred Ním teraz spomenutí. Zodvihli by ste k Nemu teraz svoju ruku, zatiaľ čo je sklonená každá hlava a oči sú zatvorené, „Pane, pamätaj na mňa.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, teba i teba. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je veľmi dobré. Sú ešte ďalší?

298No, nie je nás veľmi veľa. Ale, viete, že to je svet, ktorý hľadá veľké veci a veľké počty? Ako sme povedali minulý večer, to bol len tichý jemný hlas, ktorý upútal proroka, aby predstúpil so zakrytou tvárou.

299No, máte vieru v Boha. Môj brat, moja sestra, majte vieru v Boha. A ak náš veľký, láskavý Pán Ježiš príde tam, kde tu leží toto Slovo, Jeho vlastné Slovo, otvorené, a dokáže vám, že tento Duch Svätý, o ktorom hovorím, je Pravda! Možno ste boli mnohokrát zmätení mnohými vecami, ale to len ukazuje, že niekde je to Skutočné. A keď to On robí, chcem, aby ste sa vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, na mňa na chvíľu pozreli.

 Teraz môžete zodvihnúť svoje hlavy.

300Pane Ježišu, vezmi teraz túto službu do Svojich rúk. Ja som Tvoj sluha. A všetko to kázanie... Len jedno Slovo od Teba bude znamenať viac ako všetko, čo by sme mohli povedať za celý život; len jedno Slovo. Udeľ to teraz, Otče, ako zdieľam tieto svedectvá. Vieš, že sú pravdivé, Otče. Ty si bol Ten, ktorý si ich dal. A nikdy nesklamali. Udeľ to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

301No, koľkí ľudia tu, ktorí nemajú modlitebné karty, sú chorí? Zodvihnite ruky všade v tejto budove, ktorí nemáte modlitebné karty a ste chorí. V poriadku. A tí, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, zodvihnite ruku. Približne rovnaký počet. A všetci sú premiešaní.

302No, najprv sa chcem pozrieť na obecenstvo, aby som bol úprimný pred Bohom a pred vami. Viem, že sa tu pozerám, že tu v tomto rohu sedia moji priatelia. Brat Noel, jeho... a sestra Jones a brat Outlaw, môj syn, títo bratia tu, a brat Moore. Nepoznám tohto brata, ale videl som ho na zhromaždeniach, párkrát za sebou. Ani tohto brata nemôžem pomenovať, ale poznám ho len podľa tváre. Sestra rovno tu, sestra Williamsová. Sestra Sharritová sedí v rohu. Celkom vzadu sedia niektorí ľudia z modlitebne v Jeffersonville.

303Rovno tu sedí môj vzácny starý priateľ, deväťdesiatročný, ktorý pochádza z Ohio a jazdí po celej krajine. A ja odchádzam do Afriky a on a jeho milá manželka sa opýtali, či by mohli ísť so mnou do Afriky. Povedal, „Zaplatíme...“ Deväťdesiatročný nemecký brat, nikdy predtým nepoznal Pána. Keď som jedného večera kázal, prišiel vo svojom skvelom obleku, aby bol pokrstený. Deväťdesiatročný! Okrem...

304Myslím, že toto je brat Waldrop a sestra Waldropová, čo tam sedia. No, asi len potiaľ... a brat Borders. No, to je asi všetko.

305No, menujem ich. Tak vy, ktorí ma poznáte, nemodlite sa. Rozumiete? Modlite sa len za mňa. Rozumiete?

306Ale chcem, aby tí, ktorí ma nepoznáte, a viete, že vás nepoznám. Chcem, aby ste povedali vo svojom srdci, „Pane Ježišu, počul som o tom hovoriť. Počul som, ako to tento kazateľ dnes večer čítal z Biblie. Počul som tie svedectvá a počul som podobné veci, viete, ktoré sa stali v iných časoch. Sme tak blízko ku koncu, Pane? Sme tak blízko?“

307Pamätajte, keď sa stalo to znamenie pre Sodomu, mesto, ktoré bolo spálené, Ježiš sa na to odvolal a povedal, „Ako to bolo...“ To bol posledný znak, ktorý dostali predtým, ako bolo to mesto zničené. A Ježiš povedal, že sa to bude opakovať pri príchode Syna človeka.

308No, viete, že je to tak, ako tam bol Boh, Boh v tele! Koľkí veria, že to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril s Abrahámom? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Áno. No, Biblia hovorí, „Elohim,“ tak, to je ten veľký Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, Ten vše-dostatočný. To bol On.

309Čo On ukazoval? Bol v ľudskom tele, stál tam a jedol teľacie mäso a pil kravské mlieko a potom mohol zmiznúť z dohľadu. „Navštívim ťa v čase, ktorý som ti sľúbil.“ Rozumiete? Nazval ho jeho menom. A keď bol otočený chrbtom, povedal, „Kde je Sára?“

 Povedal, „Ona je v stane za Tebou.“

 On povedal, „Navštívim ťa podľa času života.“

310A Sára povedala, „Hmm, hmm,“ tam vzadu v stane.

311Povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“ Pamätajte, Biblia hovorí, že bola v stane za Ním. Povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“

 Sára povedala, „Ja som sa nesmiala.“

 Povedal, „Áno, smiala si sa.“ Rozumiete? To je pravda.

312Človek, ktorý tam stojí, Boh, ktorý sa predstavuje v ľudskom tele. Ježiš povedal, že to bude to isté pri príchode Syna človeka: Boh vo Svojej Cirkvi, vy, ja, zastupujúci Jeho. No, bola tam jedna malá žena...

313Keď bol Boh v Kristovi, On mal plnosť Ducha. On bol Boh. Ja som len jeden z Jeho sluhov a vy ste len jedným z Jeho sluhov. Máme Ducha podľa miery. On To mal bez miery. „V Ňom prebývala plnosť Božstva telesne.“ Vo mne je len malý dar a vo vás je Jeho dar. Ale bez ohľadu na to, ako je to málo, je to ten istý Duch.

314No, ak to je Duch Boží, bude činiť skutky Božie. Teraz sa modlite a povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, jedna malá žena sa raz dotkla Jeho rúcha.“ A my hovoríme...

315Tu v Novom Zákone, povedal v liste Židom, povedal, „On je práve teraz Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať svojimi slabosťami.“ Koľkí z vás vedia, že to je Biblia? Povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Iste. No, to musí byť pravda.

316No, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ako by ti odpovedal? Rovnako ako včera, ak je dnes tým istým.

317No, modli sa a povedz, „Pane Ježišu, dovoľ mi dotknúť sa Tvojho rúcha. A tak si dal bratovi Branhamovi malý dar, aby nás povzbudil. A on ma nepozná. (Sedím tu vzadu, a tu, a tu dolu a kdekoľvek sedím...) On ma nepozná, ale Ty ma poznáš. A dovoľ mi vidieť Tvojho veľkého Ducha, Pane. Nie, že to musím urobiť, ale len aby to pomohlo povzbudiť mňa a ostatných, pretože sme čítali Slovo. Dovoľ mi dotknúť sa Tvojho rúcha, a potom prehovoríš naspäť. Použi ma dnes večer, Pane, na tento účel. To ukáže celému publiku, že si stále nažive.“ Bolo by to nádherné, keby to On urobil?

318No, vy sa len ticho modlite, vy sami. Povedzte, „Pane, dovoľ mi dotknúť sa Tvojho rúcha.“ A ja sa vydám Duchu a potom nech Duch Svätý urobí to ostatné. Pretože teraz som hovoril, svedčil, ale už teraz nemôžem nič urobiť. Som na konci svojej cesty.

319Len sledujem obecenstvo, aby som videl, či... Musím to vidieť, viete. Chápete to.

320Vľavo po mojej ľavej strane, tam vzadu asi v strede budovy sa modlí jedna žena. Ona čoskoro zomrie, ak jej Boh nepomôže. Má rakovinu a tá rakovina je na jej prsiach. Ó, nech to neminie!

 Pomôž mi, Pane.

 Sestra, ak budeš veriť! Ó! Ona to minie.

 Pane Ježišu, pomôž nám, modlíme sa.

321Mária May. Tu to máte. Sme si navzájom cudzí, však? Nepoznám ťa. Ty ma nepoznáš. Bol to ten stav a to, čo... bola pravda všetko, čo bolo povedané? Potom ver. Bude tomu koniec. Amen.

322No, z temnosti, ktorá bola nad ňou, tam je svetlo. Práve s takou istotou, ako ten chlapec, tá epilepsia od neho odišla. Ten istý Boh, Ten, ktorý bol tam hore v severných lesoch, to je ten istý Boh, ktorý je tu. Len ďalej ver. Amen. „Ak môžeš veriť!“

323Tu je To nad jednou ženou, ktorá tu sedí predo mnou. Má niečo poškodené v chrbtici. Je to vysunutá platnička v chrbtici. Ona nie je odtiaľto. Ona je z Montany. Volá sa slečna Stubbsová. Postav sa, prijmi svoje uzdravenie v Mene Ježiša Krista.

 Nemusíte sa do toho tlačiť. Uvoľnite sa.

324Ten vysoký človek, ktorý tu sedí, díva sa na mňa, takto robí. Ver. Budeš v poriadku. Máš nervové problémy. Ak tomu veríš, Boh ťa uzdraví.

325Pani so ženskými problémami. Ver tomu a môžeš sa uzdraviť. Vráť sa domov a maj vieru v Boha. Prečo som povedal, vráť sa domov? Museli by ste sa vrátiť do Nového Mexika, aby ste sa tam dostali, pán a pani Watkinsovci. No, viete, že vás nepoznám. Amen.

326Tá pani rovno za vami s tým vredom na nohe, slečna Brownová. Uveríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Vyzeráš tak zaujato. No, vieš, že som ťa v živote nevidel. Na ľavej nohe. No, ver z celého srdca, že sa uzdravíš.

327Pani, ktorá sa snaží pohnúť a má artritídu. To ju zväzuje, je to zlé. Pani Fairheadová, ver z celého srdca a uzdravíš sa. No, vieš, že som ťa v živote nevidel. To, ó... [Sestra hovorí, „...predtým uzdravená. Predtým som bola uzdravená a viem, že ma to uzdraví.“ – pozn.prekl.] Amen. Áno.

328Teraz veríte z celého srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] No, čo On urobí? „On vezme veci, ktoré som vám povedal, a ukáže vám ich. A potom vám ukáže veci, ktoré majú prísť.“ Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? [„Amen.“] Veríte Mu? [„Amen.“]

 Teraz skloňme znovu svoje hlavy.

329No, vy, ktorí viete, že ak by sa dnes večer skončil váš život, boli by ste... neboli by ste... minuli by ste to, pretože nie ste znovuzrodení. „Ak sa človek nenarodí znovu, nemôže ani vidieť Kráľovstvo.“ Prečo neprídete rovno sem? Stojte tu a dovoľte nám modliť sa za vás, rovno tu, za chvíľu? Či prídete práve teraz do prítomnosti tohoto Ducha?

330Nikdy neuvidíte, že by sa stalo niečo väčšie, až kým neuvidíte príchod Pánov. No, pamätajte. Iste viem, o čom hovorím, inak by mi tú službu neudelil. Nenechajte to teraz prejsť pomimo. Ste úprimní?

331Prišiel by si? Ak nie, potom to leží medzi tebou a Bohom. Som nevinný. Som čistý od všetkej krvi, pretože som vám povedal pravdu. Kázal som vám Slovo. Povedal som vám, kým On je. A On, keď prišiel, On dokázal, čím vtedy bol; a On mi dáva dokazovať to, čím je teraz. On je taký istý ako vtedy. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

332Koľko je tu potom chorých, ďalších, ktorí sú tu chorí? Zodvihnite ruky.

333No, položte ruky jeden na druhého a pomodlíme sa za vás modlitbu viery.

334No, chcem sa vás niečo potichu opýtať. Ak Boh, ak môže Boh prísť a urobiť ten zázrak! Zázrak je niečo, čo sa nedá vysvetliť. No, ak sa chcete niekoho z týchto ľudí opýtať, choďte sa ich kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek opýtať. Rozumiete? Len pamätajte, to je Boh. Toto tu sú len amatérske videnia. Kto, čo to robí? Ste to vy, vy sami. Vy ste tí, ktorí to robia.

335Vidíte, keď sa tá žena dotkla Jeho rúcha, povedal, „Vyšla zo Mňa moc.“ Ale keď Mu Otec ukázal tú vec o Lazárovi a On odišiel a vrátil sa a vzkriesil Lazára z mŕtvych, nikdy nepovedal „moc.“ To bol Boh, ktorý používal Svoj vlastný dar, a to druhé bola žena, ktorá používala Boží dar.

336Ja nie som Božím darom. Ježiš Kristus je Boží Dar. Je to len dar, ktorý mi dal On, že som sa takto narodil, s podvedomím a vedomím (prvým vedomím), spolu. Nespíte; len to vidíte. Duch Svätý prichádza na podvedomie práve tak, ako do vedomia. Ak by to prišlo do vášho podvedomia, mali by ste duchovný sen. Prichádza to na mňa, nesnívam. Len sa tam dívam a vidím to. Rozumiete? A narodili sme sa tak, nemôžete zo seba urobiť niečo iné. Ste tak narodení. Rozumiete? „Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.“ Čo to má urobiť? Manifestovať Ježiša Krista. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

337Ako máte svoje ruky položené jeden na druhého, dúfam, že rovno teraz vložíte svoje srdce do Božej starostlivosti, „Pane, preskúmaj ma. Či som sa stal tak otupený vecami sveta, že nevidím túto veľkú hodinu, ktorá práve prebieha?“

338Viete, tak to bolo vždy. Prešlo to rovno cez cirkev a oni o tom vôbec nevedeli. To je história. Nenechajte to prejsť pomimo, priatelia, aby ste videli dokázané Slovo, znovu a znovu, aby ste videli, ako sa zamanifestovalo Slovo Božie, a samotná Osoba Ježiša Krista prichádza rovno medzi týchto ľudí a robí presne to, čo robil predtým.

339Nebeský Otče, teraz cítim, Pane, že Tvoje Slovo bolo prečítané. Svedectvo bolo dané. Duch Svätý zostúpil a potvrdil to Slovo a svedectvo. Teraz je to v rukách ľudí, Pane. Leží to v ich lone. Nie je nič iné, čo by som vedel povedať. A neviem o ničom inom, čo by si napísal v Slove, čo by si robil, pretože Ty si ich už uzdravil. Ide len o to, aby tomu verili. A Ty robíš takúto vec a ako môžeme ďalej pochybovať? Ako by sme mohli dopustiť, aby satan naďalej otupoval naše svedomie?

340Satan, prehlasujem toto uzdravenie nad týmito ľuďmi a hovorím ti, „Prikazujem ti, v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, vypadni odtiaľto! Vyjdi von v Mene Ježiša Krista a prepusť týchto ľudí!“

341No, ak Mu veríte, postavte sa na svoje nohy. Veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Postavte sa a vzdajte chválu Bohu. Postavte sa a verte tomu. Už o tom viac nepochybujte.

342V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech Duch Svätý prinesie týmto ľuďom radosť, moc, vzkriesenie, Život, Pane.

343Vzdajte Mu teraz chválu a chváľte Jeho sväté Meno. Milujeme Ho. Chválime Ho. Zbožňujeme Ho, Toho bezkonkurenčného, večného Syna živého Boha. V Jeho Mene prijmite Ho. On je tu. Amen.

SPIRIT OF TRUTH, 63-0118, Church Of All Nations, Church Of All Nations, Phoenix, AZ, 108 min

1 Let us remain standing just a moment now while we pray. Let's bow our heads.

2Our righteous Heavenly Father, as we are approaching Thee now in that all-sufficient Name of the Lord Jesus, we want to give Thee praise for what Thou has done for us, what our eyes have seen, and our ears have heard in this last days of the closing scenes of this world's history, when time is fading into Eternity, and we see the Lights a shining, we know it's not long now until the Coming of the Lord Jesus.

3 We would ask Thee, Heavenly Father, to remember us tonight. And if there be any evil in us, take it out, Lord, tonight, that we might be presentable to Thee if You should come tonight. We pray for the sick and the needy.

4We pray for Thy Church, both here and abroad, around the world, Thy children everywhere of every nation, that we may wash our robes in the Blood of the Lamb, and listening for that call, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. Go ye out to meet Him." May we be able at that time, Lord, by the grace of God, and by the merits of Jesus Who we trust in, to trim our lamps and go forward then to meet the Bridegroom. Take the Word of the Lord tonight and circumcise our hearts. Take all unbelief out. Give us a great service. In Jesus' Name we ask it. Amen.

May be seated.

5 It's certainly nice to be back here in the... this sanctuary of the Lord, tonight, in the service. We had a most glorious time last evening up at the... Brother Groomer. And I remember last year we had a glorious time.

6We've had a great time, everywhere. The Lord has just blessed us exceedingly abundantly, more than I ever thought He would do. But He's just so full of mercy and kindness. It's just good to know Him. Isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And to think "To know Him, is Life." To know Him, is Life.

7 Now, tomorrow night, we're going to be down to Central Avenue Assembly, I believe it's called. Brother Fuller, another fine brother. And I think it's a big church down there. And we're hoping maybe that we can have a--a prayer line, if it's all right with Brother Fuller. So we...

8And then, the--the next morning, we're to be at, I believe, called the Apostolic Church here in Phoenix. And I don't remember just who the pastor, that brother, was. Was I there last year? [A brother says, "No. That's a new, Mexican church, Brother Branham."--Ed.]

9 And then Sunday night at our precious Brother Outlaw's church up here, the Jesus' Name Church. And I'm with great anticipation, and my family, to get in there and hear some of that good singing.

10Billy Paul ought to know it, every bit, by heart. We played that song, I'm Going Up, Up, until, honest, the thing is wore out, on the tape. He'll start in the office, and every time of the day when I go there, no matter, he's playing that, "Up, up, up." It's something! We've played it out, and the record is pretty near worn out.

11 You know, I kind of had a feeling tonight. That, I'm a little hoarse. I thought, "My, if I could just see somebody, would speak for me," and happened to look over here and see Jack Moore. Just exactly right. I never... Oh, I believe that would just be wonderful, Brother Jack. [Brother Jack Moore comments--Ed.] Now listen at that.

12And I believe I see Brother Roy Borders setting out here, too. Yes, sir. Brother Noel Jones setting over here. Oh, my! We're just all around, everywhere. I think it'd be a good time, maybe, if I'd rest a little bit, you know, and have some of these fine men to get up here and speak for me when I'm hoarse, you know. Brother Jack said, "The Lord is not in that revelation." Well, I was tired when I come. And I--and I been a little tired, all along.

13And I see the people standing there, and how they have to stand, and I kind of glad I stand with them. Now, the Lord bless you.

14 And we are looking forward now to these other meetings coming up. And then next week it's down to the Pentecostal Assemblies, and on up. And we wind up, next Wednesday night, at 11th and Garfield. I can't just remember them all in mind. At the, I believe, the First Assembly of God in the city. And--and then the convention starts at the Ramada.

15And now there is a banquet for the Business Men down at the--the main city of Arizona, Tucson.

16And, course, we all know that Phoenix and these places, just outskirts of that city. And that's right. That's the main place. That's my hometown, you know, so-and-so, up on the hill. And then this, just kind of the outskirts of it, why, it's nice to have you all as neighbors.

17 So, I believe it was Brother Rasmussen, one night, said something like that in a meeting, and, oh, my, like to tore the meeting up. I believe we was at--we was at Houston. And was Ramsar. That's who it was. He said, the night the Angel of the Lord came down, they took the picture, and he said, "All you people around here from--from Dallas," said, "we know that's the outskirts of Houston." And, oh, my! Texas couldn't take it like here, as some of you could. So there was a big hush over the meeting.

18Well, He is mighty good. And now I think we'll turn in the Scripture here, and just give a little testimony for a while. Wouldn't that kind of change it? I've just beat it around so hard till I'm getting ashamed to look at you. And maybe give you a little bit of rest, and give some testimony of the goodness of our Lord.

19 Let's find a place in Saint John, the 16th chapter of Saint John. And I got 16:12. I would like to read from--from that place in the Gospel of Saint John. I like to read the Word, because the Word is what makes us know that it's Truth. Beginning with the 12th verse, and listen close now, 'cause I want to give testimony.

20And then we'll try to get in just a little early. I been keeping you so late. And tomorrow night, why, we'll stay a half-hour extra. That'll make it about one o'clock, won't it? [Brother Branham and congregation laugh--Ed.] So, so, this is beginning with the 12th verse.

I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.

He shall now... glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.

All things... the Father has are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you.

21 You know, last evening, especially, we had a little sample of that. Now, we being a full Gospel people, believing in all of the operations of the Holy Spirit. And now, that's the only way we can be full Gospel, is to believe the full Gospel, all the Lord has written. And I believe that we are, ourselves, are nothing. We are just like...

22As I said to Brother Carl, yesterday, looking at a tree, I said, "Isn't that a beautiful palm tree? But, after all, there's nothing to it but a bunch of volcanic ash. That's all it is." And I said, "How different it is now from that eucalyptus tree. Well, what's a eucalyptus tree? Volcanic ash, with just a life in it." I said, "After all, what am I and what are you? Volcanic ash, that's exactly, from the earth; dust of the earth, with a life in it."

23 But each life has been planted by the master Life-giver, and He knows just how and what to do. And everything that He has placed here on earth is for His glory. The stars are for His glory. The winds are for His glory. The flowers are for His glory. And we are the crowning of His glory.

24But it seems like that everything will obey Him but man. Man just seems to... He has such a time, because that he was the only thing that fell. Everything else stayed in its original condition. But, man fell. Therefore, God has a battle with him, to get him to do what is right, and to obey.

25 And one of the great problems for God, down through the years, as the history of the church goes, is to find somebody that He can completely get in His control. He only needs one man. He's always used one man at a time. We studied that last few nights: one man, not a group. He just wants one. That's all He needs. Cause, two men would have two different ideas. He just makes one man, represents Himself through that one person. Never did He do it otherwise than that. See?

26Now, He's got one Person today, and that Person is the One we just read after: the Holy Spirit. He is the Person that God has sent forth, the Spirit of Jesus Christ into the earth, the Spirit of God, to manifest and declare Christ through His Church, see, just to continue the Life of Christ through the Church.

27 Now, it's such a marvelous thing, and--and yet it's so simple, if we would just stop and think. We press, we quiver, we--we fear, we get in flusterations and doubts, just thinking. "Well, must I press in?" It isn't that. It's just yielding, see, realizing that you're nothing, and just let Him completely take you over, take over your thinking, take over.

28Now, I don't mean to walk up to Christ with--with just a--a blank mind. I don't mean that. You come to Him in your right mind, and in a--a--a penitent mind, and humble. And then say, "Lord Jesus, here am I. Now, it's written here in Your Word, that You 'had many things yet to say to the disciples.' You said, 'They could not bear them now.'" And perhaps that's our case today, we cannot understand them.

29 God can raise up just a little something different, and altogether we denounce it. Instead of searching the Scripture to see if it's right or not, we just quickly throw it away, "There's nothing to it." We ought to search out these things, find out whether they're right or not. And remember, if they're not right, they'll finally die, for Jesus said, "Every plant that My Heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up."

30But I think it was Gamaliel that made that great statement that time, "If it be of God, we don't want to be found fighting against It. And--and if it's not of God, it'll come to naught anyhow." So, study it and think of it.

31 And now, He said in here, "But when He, the Holy Ghost, is come."

32Now, someone said, some time ago it's been, speaking, said, "The Holy Ghost is actually your mental mind. You think." That would put the Holy Spirit a thought.

33But the Bible said, "When He..." And "He" is a personal pronoun. See? See? "When He," the Person, Holy Ghost, God, "comes, He will reveal these things to you, that I've told you."

34Then, you see, there's no other way of knowing what is Truth. Only by... You cannot get it by culture, by seminary experiences. You'll only get it by the Holy Spirit. He's the One that's been sent to reveal It.

Now, then, He also said, "And He will show you things to come."

35 Now, Hebrews, the 1st chapter, said, "God in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets, but in this last day by His Son, Christ Jesus." See? It's the Holy Spirit taking over possession, or taking possession of the Church, to operate Christ in the Church. Then, you become as He was. He become as you was, so you could become as He was. See? He become you, that you might become Him. That, it's--it's above understanding. There's no way to explain it, and don't try it. Just accept it. He spoke It, and that settles it. Just say it's right. Believe It.

36 Now, as a young Christian, I've always made this statement. I was glad God got a hold of me before the church did. Hard telling what I'd have been. But I--I was thankful of the leadership and the direct contact that the Holy Spirit impressed my life with, before I ever surrendered it. For, as a little lad, I knew there was Something. He had talked, and I'd talk to Him. He talked back to me. And I begin to notice that the things that He told me, as a little lad, that they begin to happening just exactly the way He said they'd do. So I knowed it had to be true.

37 Now, I'm an old man now. And I--I have never one time... And can call the world to--to a standstill, and ask them. "Put your finger on one thing that He ever told me, in THUS SAITH THE LORD, in the Name of the Lord, but what was absolutely the truth and fact, and come to pass, out of the thousands times thousands of things." What does...

38What am I saying that for? See, I've put us all as volcanic dust. But it's the promise of God's Word. Therefore, I cannot have confidence in myself. You cannot have confidence in yourself. But, together, we can have confidence in What has taken over ourselves. The Holy Spirit has taken us over. We must have confidence in That. And as we place our confidence in That, then the results comes.

39 It would be out of reason for me to try to--to even scratch the surface of telling you some of the things that the Holy Spirit has done in my own broken-up life, my days. I say this with His Bible open, His Word. And that's what He is. He is the Word.

40See, this--this Seed here comes into the volcanic ash, in a way of a spiritual Being. God comes in as Spirit and operates through the ash. So, it's not man. It's God.

41And if I should set down, and take time to write out the things that I have seen Him do, it would make a volume of books. And to think of it here, fifty-three years old, and can say before God, His Church, and the Bible, in the presence of this group, that: I have not one time ever seen It fail; perfectly on the mark, every time.

42 Exception, of the other day when I come westward. You've played the tape, many of you, I guess, and you understand. I don't know what. I'm waiting. I'm here now. I don't know why. I'm just waiting.

43It may be my going-home time. It looks very much that way. If it is, there will rise somebody after me, that'll take the Message on. He'll be an odd person, but he'll rise after this and take the Message on. And you listen to it. As long as it's Scripture, stay with it.

44If it isn't, there is coming another portion now, for I do believe that we're living in the last days, and I am thankful that I have lived in this day. I wouldn't trade this day for no day. This is the most glorious day that's ever been on the earth. There is no other day that's ever taken this day.

45Oh, what would Moses, Elijah, Paul, Silas, those great heroes of faith, in the days gone by, could rise up and pick up a history book, and look exactly what they had prophesied about, come to pass, and see where we're at now? Why, they'd have them in jail, in a hour. Certainly. They would be like wild men, up-and-down the streets, just as hard as they could go, blasting the Gospel. "The time is at hand." Then we see, tonight, that we fall very short of the glory of God.

46 But I would like to rehearse just an instant, to kind of get the church...

47By the way, did Billy Paul give out prayer cards in this church tonight? I just come from Tucson a few minutes ago. [Someone says, "Yes."--Ed.] He--he gave out cards. Now, that's going to be an awful way of trying to bring them by. We'll try it.

48I won't take too long, just giving testimony upon this Scripture.

49That, Christ keeps all His Words. He has to. He has to do it. See? I don't have to do it; I'm a mortal, subject to mistakes. He is immortal, infallible. He has to keep His. See? But I don't have to keep mine. You don't have to keep yours. But He does. Oh, doesn't that place something in you, to know that He's--He's absolutely bound to that Word? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

50 And this week, how we have come through the Bible, with those prophets and patriarchs, and each time show that when the church got away from that, God sent someone right down and shook them right back to that Word again, lining up the church. It's always been. That's God's policy. He chose men to do so.

51Now, if He had chose the stars to preach the Gospel, it'd been done a long time ago. They'd never got out of His will. If He'd chose the--the sun to preach it, or the--the winds to preach it, they'd never have got out of His will. See?

52But we're on the basis of free moral agency. We can act the way we want to. And that's the reason that we been such a heartache to Him. Always this way, and wanting to inject our own ways, and get away from His way. See?

53And I--I have said before, man is constantly praising God for what He has done. And he's always saying what He will do. And then, at the same time, ignoring what He's doing. See?

54 Man will say, "Oh, God opened up the Red Sea. Yes. Glory to God! That's right." "Yes, Jesus is coming again. Hallelujah! That's right." But, talk about Him today? "Ah, that was for another day." See? See? Always what He has done, what He will do, and ignore what He's doing.

55That's the same conditions that Jesus Christ found when He come to the earth. Exactly. God had promised what He had did. And here He was, standing before them, and they didn't know Him. "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not." That's right.

56"But as many as did receive Him, to them gave He the power to become sons of God." That's the glorious part.

57 It was some time ago, a little vision I would like to speak to you about. And I don't know, I maybe never said it but just to an individual somewhere. But I--I just lost one of the greatest persons on this earth, to me, my mother.

58And I--I love my mother. How that I'd see her get away from the table, when we were so poor, had nothing to eat! And she... Papa would bring in some bread, where he would sweep out a store, or something, and they'd pour the coffee over it, then put sugar on top of that. And mother would act like she wasn't hungry, so that us kids could have something to eat. Oh, I--I can never forget that. See? And the many times that she'd pick me up, and the things she did for me. But, you know, God is--is just so full of mercy. He understands all those things, when He has to take them. And I--I love Him for it.

59 It's always been, that, before any of my people die, I see it before it happened, in the vision.

60I seen my brother, when I was only about eighteen, nineteen years old. I seen him before he left. I wasn't even a Christian, but I saw the vision come before me, seen my brother go.

I seen my father when he went.

61Howard, many of you remembers Howard. "Howard," you remember me, two years before it happened, I said, "Howard, I seen your place marked. You're next." I said, "Get right, brother, because you're going to go next." And he did, just exactly. And then, here some time ago...

62 Now, I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but, just to show the--the concern of God. God is always concerned in little things, the same as big things. I want to say this for the benefit of some of these fine preachers. That may be... And I throw myself in it.

63Now, we would, every one, like to be a Billy Graham, but we... And we'd every one like to be an Oral Roberts. But, we, we're not a Billy Graham or an Oral Roberts. We are God's servant in the field that He has placed us in. See? No matter how little it is, or how great, it's just the same in the sight of God, always the same, to act right in the place where you're at. Always, it's a great thing to follow the Lord.

64 I would rather win... or go and have a church with fifty people in it, in the will of God, than to go have five thousand out of the will of God. Sure. God can do more with a man in His will, in one hour, than He could with a man out of His will, in fifty years. See? He is stumbling and staggering, like shooting in the dark. But when a man is really in the will of God, and knows his calling, he should abide there.

And now, visions, how the Lord God works with them. I...

65 "When He, the Holy Ghost is come, He will reveal these things that I've talked to you about." Now, there's no need of trying to figure it out, any other way. He is the Author. He surely ought to know what He wrote. See? The Bible said He wrote it. "Even men of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, wrote the Word." And if the Holy Ghost is the Author of the Word, surely He knows how to interpret It better than we do. Let Him do the interpreting of It. And you know how, the way He interprets It? Now, don't miss these things if you're coming to a healing service. Look. Don't miss this. How does He interpret It? By this, by vindicating It, see, making It so.

66 That's what Jesus said. "Search the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life; and They are the Ones that says Who I am. They're the ones that speak of Me. And who can condemn Me. Who can accuse Me of sin?" Sin is "unbelief." "If I don't do the works that was written of Me, then don't believe Me. But if I do the works, and you can't believe Me, then believe the works, because the--the Word spoke of it." See? That's just common, everyday sense.

Now, God, "Gifts and callings are without repentance." We know the Bible says that. They do it.

67 It's been about, almost two years now. I was... One morning I was walking in the--the house, and had set down in a chair. Now, this seems very strange, that God would include an animal. Like some precious brother, on that vision of Heaven, of that little carrying-up I had; I believe I told you about it, once, or some meeting. He wrote me a letter the other day, and said... Business Men's Voice packed it. Said, "It was... your vision was all right, Brother Branham, your translation. But, listen, it was all right till you said your horse, that you once rode, come put his head on your shoulder." He said, "There is no horses in Heaven, Brother Branham. Heaven was made for human beings, not horses." Well, I thought...

68Well, usually, you see anyone like that, you have to explain everything, they're just trying to pick something. See? You can't explain God, anyhow. You got to just to believe Him.

69But it might comfort him. I said, "Brother, I never said I was in Heaven. In the vision, I asked for Jesus, and they said He is still beyond here. I was in a state like paradise. But, that it might help you, the Bible said, in the book of Revelations, that, 'Jesus came from the Heavens of heavens, riding on a white horse. And all the host of Heavens was following Him, upon white horses.' So there must be some up there in the Heavens of heaven."

70 God is interested in everything. He's interested in little things you do, or the big things you do. He's interested in how you take care of your little flock, or you other fellow take care of your big flock. He's interested.

71Some time ago a famous, fine brother of mine, we were down at a--a... fishing at a place. I was come in, off the meetings, was resting. We had been fishing with snails, and we caught a nice mess of fish. And that night we was running our trot lines, and we run out of bait. Late in the afternoon, I went out to catch some little bluegills, these little bitty fellows. Can't... The big ones you could eat them, but this is just small bait fish. I flipped the line in, fly line, was catching them, putting them in a bucket.

72And Something struck me, setting upon this boat. This boy had been a Jehovah Witness, and his brother had just got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, and so the two boys was with us. And as I was catching these fish, all of us, Something struck me. I said, "You know, there is going to be a resurrection of some life, like a little animal." Well, a little animal?

73 Now, many of you remember of the foregoing of the Word, that said, "There'd be a little boy would come back from the dead, had been struck by an automobile." Brother Jack Moore is with me tonight, who was over in Finland when that happened. See? Many of you here remember me telling it through here, see, told you to write it in your book. Notice.

74And Brother Woods turned around, Brother Banks Woods, the one his boy was healed, with polio. And he turned and said to his brother, "You just watch. Something is fixing to happen." I kept on catching the fish, you see. So we baited up our lines with the fish.

That night we caught nothing.

75The next morning I said, "There was some, quite a few, bluegill over there."

76He said, "Say, by the way, didn't you say there was going to be some kind of resurrection of life?"

I said, "Yes."

77 I tell you, when I left home, they was... My little girl... We're kind of... You people can have them if you want them, now, see, but I'm scared of a cat. And so I--I just don't like that superstitious feeling you get around them. And so we don't have them around house, and--and I believe the cat can realize that I'm afraid of him. So, my father was afraid of cats. So, then, my little girls knowed not to have any cats around there. And the little...

78My little girl walked down the lane with another little girl, and she come back, all sad-looking in the face, and she said, "Daddy?"

I said, "What do you want, honey?"

She said, "A horrible thing has been done."

I said, "What is it?"

She said, "If you just only knew!"

I said, "Well, tell me."

79She said, "Somebody has throwed out a poor old cat, down the lane here." And said, "The thing is about ready to die, can hardly walk." And said, "Daddy, do you mind if we feed it and take care of it?"

80I said, "Certainly not. If you want to feed it, just be careful. Don't let it scratch you." I said, "Let me see the cat."

81So when they brought the cat around, I got a box, and, course, the next morning we had a whole bunch of kittens.

82 And then, so, the little--the little boy of mine, when I was leaving, little Joseph, he was looking at them. Oh, he thought they were cute, you know, climbing around, you know. And--and so he gets one in his hand; he squeezed a little too tight, and he dropped it on the concrete. The little fellow begin turning around, around. I thought "Oh, my!"

83And I thought, "Well, now, that may be that little old kitten, when I go back home." You remember the opossum case. I thought, "Well, it might be that kitten." So then we were setting back in a little cove, fishing, and we was catching these pretty-good-size bluegill then, throwing the small ones back.

84 Brother Lyle, Brother Banks' brother, was fishing with a reeling pole, great big hook, and a big bunch of worms on. He let that little old bluegill swallow that hook plumb down in his little belly. And when he pulled him up, he said, "Now, I wish you'd look at there," just about that long. And he just... He couldn't take the hook out, I guess. No other way; just cut the string off. And he wanted to save his hook. So he just pulled gills, belly and all, out of him, like that, and throwed him over on the water. And he--he quivered three or four times and just laid there. He said, "You shot your last wad, little fellow."

85I said, "Lyle, when he starts to bite... Get a smaller hook than that. When he starts to bite, take this fly rod laying here, and just as he starts to bite, catch him. See? Before he gets it in and swallows it, catch in his mouth." I said, "That's the sport of catching them."

86"Ah," he said, "I'd make the wrong pull," and just went ahead. And he tried a few times, and missed about three or four. He laid the thing down, said, "I'll just let him swallow it again."

87 So this little fish floated around on the water there for a little, oh, I guess, thirty minutes. And the waves begin to get up and come in.

88I said, "Well, we'll have to leave pretty soon. We got a bucket now, so we'll have to leave."

89And I raised up, to throw it back over on some lily pads, and jerk it off. There was some of the big red-belly back there. So I started, pull the--the--the bait off of the pad, you know, flipped it over on the pad, and jerk it off, as you fellows and women know about fishing.

90And when I started to do that, all of a sudden, Something came down through them hills, just like a Wind pouring. And It went upon me. I dropped the pole, and stood up in the boat. I looked around. I heard a Voice say, "You see that little fish?" And there he was, laying there.

91I said, "You see the little fish?" just as He said it. There his little fins was stiffened out, and he was laid on the water for a half hour. And this Bible is laying open now. See?

And He said, "Speak to him, and give him back his life."

92And I said, "Little fishy, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, I give you back your life."

93And those men standing, watching. That little fish turned over on his back, and down through the water he went. They like to fainted. Lyle washed his face in water. He said, "I'll wake up after while." He said, "I--I know I'm dreaming."

I said, "You're not dreaming."

94And right on the same time, I guess I had, on prayer lists, thirty or forty spastic children. And how God would go around, from them spastic children, and bring up that little fish, it just goes to show that He is interested in everything.

95 Why would He use His power to curse a fig tree, when there were thousands of lepers in the land? And He bypassed those lepers and went over and put a curse on a fig tree. And said, "No man eat from you," and the fig tree withered. Used His power, showing that He's interested in trees. He's interested in fish.

96He's interested in you. He's interested in me. And He's interested to see His Word made manifest, and He's depending on us to do it, for we are His agents. Nothing in ourselves. It's Him; yielding ourselves and walking with Him.

97 Saw a vision that morning. I seen a large animal laying on a side of the hill. Oh, it had a mammoth set of horns. I was on a hunting trip in this vision, along about ten or eleven o'clock in the day. And I slipped over and shot the animal.

98And then on the road back, a mammoth, big grizzly bear raised right up against me, and I shot him.

99And then I seen them take the horns, and a little hand reach and get the horn, put the tape on it. It measured forty-two inches, from the top of the beam to the top of the horn, forty-two-inches high. I never seen any animal like it, great big spikes on his horns. And, yet, it looked like a deer, but it's, oh, my, make two or three deer. I never seen anything like it.

100"Well," I said, "probably it'll come to pass someday. I'll just write it down."

101 I went down in Kentucky with a friend of mine, and Brother Miner Arganbright called me, said, "Brother Branham, are you busy?"

102Said, "Not so bad." I said, "I was on my... I got two weeks now. I'm on a little vacation."

103Said, "Run up to Canada, to Alaska, with me. We want to organize a Business Men's chapter at Anchorage and also over at Fairbanks."

I said, "Sounds all right, if I can get the time to do it."

104He said, "Well, Brother Branham, if you'll do it, I tell you what, we'll give you a nice grizzly-bear hunt."

105Thought, "Oh, that sounds fine." I thought, "Oh, oh, there's the vision. See, that's it."

106 "A nice grizzly-bear hunt," I said, "that sounds good. I don't go for that. But, while we're up there, and some of the guides wants to take me out, free, I'll be glad to go."

So, he said, "Well, they, they'll do it. We got it fixed up."

I said, "Well, now wait. Let me pray over it."

107And I went up in the woods that day, and every time I prayed, farther away I got, all the time, completely away from it. I thought, "That's strange." And two days after that, I called Brother Arganbright. I said, "No."

108He said, "Brother Branham, we just getting things arranged."

109I said, "Don't do it. The Holy Spirit has condemned it." I told him the vision. I said, "I--I don't know, Brother Arganbright, but it's strange. But He won't let me go up there, and, yet, it sounds like that--that would be the place."

And he said, "Well, now, we're all set to go." And I said...

110Now, many of you will see Brother Arganbright. He's coming here now, to make ready with me, to go overseas after this meeting. And so you can ask him the story. So we said...

I said, "No. I just can't do it. The Holy Spirit tells me not."

111 It's best to obey, no matter how much, how good it looks. I'm going to preach on something like that tomorrow night, the Lord willing. So now, remember, no matter how good it looks, if God isn't in it, stay away from it. No matter how glamour it looks, stay away from it. How prosperous, stay away from it if God isn't in it. Stay away from it. Now we're going to speak on that tomorrow night, the Lord willing.

112Now, then when I went home, Billy said to me, my son, he said, "Dad, do you know that hunter that you went hunting with last spring up there, by the name of Southwick?"

113"Oh," I said, "up on the... in the... below the Yukon there?"

He said, "Yes."

Said, "He's got a letter here for--for you."

114He's Brother Eddie Byskal, which is the head of the--the ministerial association of that northwestern country up in there, a very fine boy, may be here in this meeting. He's planning on coming this a way this time. Fine little boy, and he's got a nice family. He's--he's missionary up there now to the Crees, Cree Indians. And I was just with him last fall and then, or last summer, rather.

115 Then he, Eddie, wanted to take me over to Bud's, which was one of his converts to Christ. His wife was a staunch Pentecostal. Bud was a rancher, and he just recently come in. But he had been lotted, where they drove the Indians out and put them on the reservation, a great territory for hunting. About six... Oh, I guess he got about three hundred square miles, or more, around in there, for a territory lotted to him by the Canadian government.

116 Well, that spring, when I was up there, we went bear hunting after the meeting, but when we... in May, but the chinook come and it cut us off. We had about... He had never heard of anything about the meetings, and Eddie kept pouring into him about the meeting.

117And he said, "You don't mean to tell me that, today, that God is showing Himself, and show things that's coming before it happens?"

Eddie said, "That's exactly right."

118So he kept talking to me. He said, "You know, I got a brother that's got epilepsy." Said, "If you could just only get to that brother!" Said, "I believe, if I could ever get him to one of your meetings, I believe he'd be healed." I said... Said, "He's had it all of his life."

I said, "Perhaps so."

119Well, it don't get dark up there at that time of the year, you know. The sun just goes down, and gets... Oh, you can, any time, midnight, one o'clock, you can just stand and read the newspaper, or anything, you see. And about--about the last part of May the sun never goes down. It just barely tips, about gone, about ten minutes, and comes back. So we just lay down whenever we got tired.

120 And then on the road coming out, we met the bunch of Indians. And, oh, I got the old chief back there. They let him stay there because he's had two children. They bury their children in a log, their loved ones. Some kind of a religion. And they hung them in the tree, so they just let that family stay there. Nice old fellow, past ninety years old, setting up in his saddle just as good as one of his boys.

121And so we left the next day. He said, "There's no way across now. Go up over the mountains and this way." Oh, it was another hundred miles, to cut a trail. So, we couldn't do that. It was too late. We started back.

122 And on the road back, Bud has got a string of young horses, and some of them got down in muskeg and things. And I was going along there, talking, Eddie and I. And Bud was on the lead horse, trying to get out. We had twenty-one head. And I had got a rope on one, got him out. And just soon as he got out, then my own saddle horse got in. And here I was, getting out over there. And I was muddy, you know. In a few minutes, I got up on my horse, and wiped the mud off my clothes, like that, started off.

123And right before me, across that hill there, come a young man. I looked at him. I moved back in the saddle and stopped my horse. And I seen him fall in a fit, going over and over, and frothing, and got real arrogant, and just tearing up everything. Then he quietened down. I seen an old salamander. I seen his shirt burning.

124 Eddie was about half a city block ahead of me, trying to get another horse. The young horse run off the trail, getting over in there, pulling the packs off of him, bucking off. So then I run up there to Eddie. We got the horse quiet. I said, "Eddie, I got THUS SAITH THE LORD for Bud."

He said, "Brother Branham, what happened?"

I said, "A vision. I seen his brother."

He said, "Oh, get him."

125I said, "Hold the horses back. I'll spur mine and get ahead, run around these horses, see if I can get them and hold them against the side of the hill."

126I run around the cliff, like this, with my... on my horse. Pushed him up, and got up there. And I put my hand over on the saddle. I said, "Bud?"

He said, "Yes, Brother Branham."

127I said, "I want to tell you something. Your brother..." and described him.

He said, "Yes. Who told you?"

I said, "Nobody. The Lord just showed him to me."

I said, "Will you believe me as His servant?"

He said, "Certainly, Brother Branham."

128I said, "Send down," about--about eight hundred miles back to civilization, "get your brother to come up here. And the first time he falls in one of those fits..." I said, "He's had these since about two years old. You might not believe it, but it's hereditary. Your grandfather had them."

He said, "Now, that's the truth. That's right."

129I said, "Now, when this boy has this fit, you jerk the shirt off of his back and throw it into the fire, and say, 'This I do in the Name of Jesus Christ, according to His Word.' He'll never have another one, as long as he'll believe it."

130He just raised up his hands, started screaming. He said, "I've never seen it done, but you sure told me just what my brother looked like, and told me the truth about my grandfather."

I said, "That's right."

131 After we left, he sent and got his brother. And he was going out to cut trail that morning. When, he come up on the bus, coming up; pass us, two or three times a week, up-and-down the Alaskan highway. He come over.

132And Bud's wife, Lila, is just a little bitty thing, a little woman, about big as a bar of soap after a family's washing is done from it. Just a little... Got five children, and a sweet little woman.

133And so Bud went out to fix his horses, 'cause he's going to cut trail, so we could get back in that with his hunters.

134 And as soon as he was gone, well, his brother in there, without taking his good clothes off yet, he fell in a fit. And they were camping in an old barracks, where the Americans, when they was building the highway, had it there. And when... They had a big old salamander as a stove. And little Lila... He got--he got rashal when he got them spells. And she was scared to death of him, and she would clear a window, something other, get out of the way. But she started to jump out, and she thought of what had been said. She had been in one of the meetings, down at Dawson Creek.

135She rushes over there and straddles this big fellow, jerks that shirt off his back, crying, buttons and all, his white shirt, walked over to the stove, and said, "This I do in the Name of the Lord Jesus, according to the Word of the Lord that was told to us." And he's never had one since. That settled it.

136 He had sent for me to come, a free hunt. And I'm always looking for them free things, you know. So I thought... "Well," I said, "I'll go. I'll see if the Lord lets me go." I prayed. And just no more than praying, everything moving right that way.

137I took Brother Fred Sothmann. He's here somewhere in the meeting. Where are you, Fred? There it is. Yeah. He's one of the trustees of our church. Brother Fred knows that this was told three months before it happened. Is that right, Brother Fred? And, I guess, Brother Simpson. How many is in the building tonight that knows that, before it happened, was told? Raise up your hands. There you are. And was told before the church, exactly what would happen. Well, I didn't know this to be the time.

138 So I went up to the--the Alaskan highway, and Brother Fred stopped off at a friend's, to go moose hunting. It's too far back there for moose. So we're up in sheep country, where we was going. And so we... I took a--a piece of--of chalk or dirt, and drawed on the windshield. I said, "Now, Brother Fred, so if this is the time, you'll remember exactly what it will be." And he remembers it.

139I went on up. That night when we got in the camp, Bud said, "Brother Branham!" He hugged me and jumped up-and-down, speaking in tongues and hollering, you know. He said... And that, an old rough cowboy, too. And he--he just praising God. He said, "You know what, Brother Branham? My brother hasn't had a fit from that time on. He's perfectly normal and well, year before."

140I said, "As long as he will believe it, it'll continue that way." And I said, "Now tell him to surrender his life to Christ, and serve Him the rest of his days. 'Go and sin no more, or a worse thing come upon him,' See?" I said, "Tell him to do that now."

141 So I said, "I have another vision," and I told him of the vision. I said, "Now, there was some little fellows with me. We was on a hunting trip. They were small men. And one of them had a green, plaid shirt on."

142And he said, "Well," he said, "Brother Branham," he said, "I don't have a green, plaid shirt." His boy, Blaine, eighteen, said he doesn't have no green plaid shirt.

143Eddie Byskal, another little bitty fellow, weigh about a hundred and ten pounds, he said, "I don't have one either, Brother Branham."

I said, "Well," I said, "now, the animal..."

He said, "What kind of a animal was it?"

I said, "It looked like a deer."

144He said, "There's no deer up here. This too high." He said, "Maybe it was a caribou."

I said, "A caribou has a panel."

Said, "That's right."

I said, "This had spikes."

145He said, "Well, Brother Branham," said, "we're going to sheep country, not deer country or anything like that."

146I said, "Well, it's probably another trip. Brother Arganbright... It might have been Alaska somewhere," I said, "'cause it was a mammoth, big grizzly."

He said, "What kind of a grizzly was it?"

I said, "Silver-tip." That's the most famous of all of them.

147He said, "I'm a guide. I been in these woods here all my life. I've never seen a silver-tip." Said, "I've seen a regular old grizzly. But," said, "I've never seen a silver-tip, never seen one in my life."

148I said, "Well, there is some, one somewhere, and I'm going to get him."

He said, "I'll say that's the truth." He said, "I'll say that."

149 We took off, three days later. We made camp plumb up above timberline.

150And God help me, if they stay that way till the Millennium, let me live there during the Millennium. I just love to bathe in that nature there. Oh! Anybody couldn't see God there, is--is blind, deaf, and dumb. Just to see Him reflecting Himself in those great, mammoth mountains! Oh, my! The deep calls to the deep, then, and up there just having a glorious time.

151 So we went up on one mountain. You just have to walk straight, like that, to get up it. Oh, no timber, just simply caribou moss is all you see. We seen about thirty or forty head of sheep. There wasn't none big enough to take. It was just little half-rounds, and three-quarter rounds. I--I wanted one big enough to come out of there with, so I going that far back. So we... I went back down.

152And the next day we started across, and Eddie fell in the water when he started to jump across, a big pair of shoes on.

153Going up the side of the mountain, Bud stopped and said, "Let me have your glasses, Billy." I give him glasses.

154We'd walk a piece, and talk about the Lord, and shout, and run up-and-down the side of the hill, just have a glorious time. It's good to go, hunting trip, if you go with brothers.

155 And so he took my glasses. He said, "Brother Branham, there is your ram. There's about eight of them laying about six miles, right there on top that other peak. Look at them. See them together?"

I picked up. I said, "I'll say, there they are, exactly."

156He said, "Well, we might as well go back down, start in the morning about three o'clock." Said, "We ought to be up there by nine, or from ten. The old rams will be laid down. That'll just be the time."

I said, "What's them other things walking around there?"

157Said, "That's caribou." I said... So, six miles away, you know, it's hard to tell what they look like.

158 And then, from then on, six hundred miles, the way the crow flies, there's not even a path or a trail. And when you hit the West Coast, you go about eight hundred miles to Vancouver, there's not even a speck of civilization. And the next civilizations, going this way, is Anchorage, about seven or eight hundred miles. Go back this way, you run into the little city, Yellow Knife, where you get a ship in there once a year for the Eskimos. And, next, you hit Russia. So, you're really to yourself. That's where God can take His rest, up there, from all of our troubles and trials that we put Him into. So I like to go up there and talk to Him when He's resting, you see, so then when like it was last night on the--on the ship.

159 So when we went back down, and the next morning we started early. Along about eight o'clock, we had wound through shintangle and everything, till we got to the top of the hill. And on the road up, here went an old cow caribou, and a nice-size bull. He went, started up the hill, and big panels on him. And I said, "Well, and so there is the first caribou I ever seen in the woods, wild. I've never been this high before."

He said, "Yeah. That's a caribou."

160So we went on up the hill and looked. The sheep wasn't there. So Bud and I walked around. And Eddie started slipping around, and Blaine, his boy, looking around for game.

161And we walked over here, and, oh, my, I just screamed out, "Glory to God!" I looked down there, and there was them big snow-peaked mountains; yellow caribou moss below the snow. And just below that come in the evergreen, which was the pygmy spruce. And got a little farther down, there was the buck brush, red. A little further that, was the quaking aspen, yellow. All reflecting in the lake down below it. Oh, my!

162 Bud and I just put our arms around one another, and just danced a little jig around there, just screaming and shouting, and praising God. And we set down with our arms around one another, and just praised God. And had a wonderful time, I guess, about two hours.

163And I said, "Say, wonder what become of Eddie?" We called him "the Dude." So, we went back. We started across the hill. I said, "He couldn't get lost up here."

164And said, "No. Blaine is back over there somewhere, and he's an Indian."

165So we looked around, and I seen a movie camera laying there. I said, "That was Eddie's." I looked back down the hill. And I went over this way, and he went the other way.

166And Eddie was going, "Sh-sh-sh-sh." He was stalking that little, bull caribou. And he was going to take him back down, feed him to the Indian friends that he was missionarying to. So, he shot the caribou. We went out and cleaned it out.

167 Come back, it's along about one o'clock. We found our saddle horses again, about a half a mile, away where they was standing. And we were standing there. He said, "Brother Branham, you like to walk?"

Said, "I sure do."

168He said, "If we scale this mountain... Them rams went across this way, and went down into that other hole there, maybe. If they didn't, went back this other way." Said, "Let's let Eddie and them go back, and go through this cut down here, and take my saddle horse and your saddle horse, and pack the caribou to the camp. And we'll walk just up through here and hit that place. And we ought to get in about ten or eleven o'clock tonight."

I said, "Fine. We'll do it."

169 So, we was standing there. We just eat a can of sardines, apiece, each one of us. And we buried under the moss, this sardines. And our bread, we had in our shirt, and sweated till it was all in one big lump. But it was good, when you're hungry. And it's all right. So, we stood there.

170And I was just looking around. And I looked through the glasses. I said, "Bud, looky here. What is that over there?"

171About three mile away, there laid that caribou. And it was an odd one. Wasn't panels; it was big spikes. I said, "You remember? Looky here. There is that panoramic, just exactly. And there lays that animal, just the way." I said, "There's only one thing that hinders the vision, somebody with a green, check shirt." And there stood Eddie with a green, check shirt on. I said, "I thought you didn't have one."

172 He said, "My wife must have put that in the pack. When I fell in the water, yesterday, had to change shirts." He said, "I didn't know she had it in there, Brother Branham. I'm sorry I told you something wrong."

I said, "You just had to do that, son."

173Oh, Bud begin to shout. He said, "You can stand right here and shoot him, three miles away. Can't you, Brother Branham?"

I said, "According to the vision, I was right on him."

174He said, "Brother Branham, I tell you, how you going to get over there?"

I said, "I don't know, but I'm going to get over there."

So he said, "How you going?"

I said, "Going around this panoramic."

175He said, "That's shale." And I... Said, "If you slide, you'll have about thousand of tons of snow on you, in about a second."

176I said, "The Lord will take care of that. That's the way I went, in the vision, right on around."

He said, "Well, I'm going to follow you." Here he come.

177 And these boys said, "We'll stay here now until we see you get the caribou," and they said, "then we'll--we'll go on down, take the horses and go on in. We'll meet you down at the end of the draw, about, oh, about four or five miles down."

He said, "All right."

178So we started around, Bud and I. In about a half-hour, we worked right around. And that caribou laying right there, looking right at us, and never seen us. He must have been asleep. And went up over a little cut, and come back, and come up within thirty yards of him. There he laid. This mammoth, big animal, rose up from there, and I got him.

179 And while we was setting there, taking the cape, and so forth, from it, like that, Bud said, "Did you say these horns was forty-two inches?"

I said, "That's exactly right."

180He said, "Brother Branham, they must be a hundred and forty-two," great big head.

I said, "No. It's just exactly forty-two."

Said, "I got a tape measure down there."

I said, "Do you doubt it?"

He said, "No, sir."

181He said, "But, wait a minute, didn't you tell me that you were going to get a big grizzly bear before you got back down? There'd be a silver-tip, before you got back where that boy was, the green shirt on?"

I said, "That's the truth."

182He looked back down the hill. Well, there isn't a thing that high, nothing at all. Just moss, all you see, miles and miles, just rolling hills of moss. He said, "Where is he at, Brother Branham?"

183I said, "He can provide one. He said so." I said, "Do you doubt that, Bud?"

He said, "No, sir."

184Well, coming down the hill, we come like this. He would pack the rifle a while, and I'd pack the head, then vice versa. Just have to walk sideways, coming down, them big horns just raking into the moss. And we got within about a mile of it. We stopped and looked around. He said, "That old bear better be showing up, hadn't he?"

I said, "What you--what you bothered about?"

Said, "Nothing."

185 We went on till we hit a little glacier coming across. We set down there and got cooled off a little. Said, "Brother Branham, just think of it," said, "we haven't got over about, oh, less than a half a mile till we hit them boys, and somewhere between here and there you're going to kill a silver-tip."

186I said, "That's right. That's right." He said... I said, "You're doubting that, Bud."

187 He raised up and took me by the hand. He said, "Brother Branham, my brother has never had a fit from that day to this." He said, "The God that could tell you of my brother, wouldn't lie to you."

I said, "Bud, he'll be there."

He said, "Where will he come from?"

188I said, "I don't know." I said, "Bud, I'm fifty-two," then. And I said, "I've saw visions, since a child. And when I saw this caribou here, killed, and you see if his horns isn't forty-two inches. And then, the same vision, I on my road back down to where that company was, that I was with, I killed this silver-tip bear, grizzly."

He said, "Brother Branham, I can see for twenty miles."

189He said, "God is going to have to pull him up out of the ground, or bring him down out of the skies, or something."

I said, "Don't you worry. He'll be there."

190 We went about another hundred yards. He was just about wore out too. This weigh about a hundred and fifty pound, this trophy. So, coming down the hill, and you set it down. He said, "Whew! I'm about give out."

191I said, "Yep." We come into a little pygmy, pygmy spruce then, about that high. There was a few grouse flying around, and there was ptarmigan hens, and so I throwed some rocks at them like that.

So he said, "Did you ever eat any of them ptarmigans?"

I said, "No. I don't believe so."

192He said, "They're fine. They're as good as grouse." He said, "Brother Branham?" Took off his big old black hat, fanned hisself. Said, "About time for that old bear to show up, ain't it, boy?"

And I said--I said, "Bud, you're doubting that."

193He said, "No. I'm not. But, Brother Branham, I--I--I just can't understand."

194I said, "Neither can I. It's not for me to understand. It's for me to believe." Amen. God in Heaven knows these things are true. Would I stand here and say this, it wasn't true?

195 Then I started to turn around, to give him the rifle, and me pick up the head. And as I turned, I said, "Bud, you got them glasses around your neck. What is that standing up there on the side of the hill?"

196And he throwed the glasses up. He said, "Oh, help me," said, "if it ain't somebody's milk cow!" There ain't no such thing in the country. Said, "That's the biggest grizzly I ever seen in my life. And so help me, look at that yellow sun shining on him. He's a silver-tip." Said, "How far you say he is?"

197I said, "He's about two mile up there." And we was about wore out. He said... I said, "What are we waiting on? Let's go."

And he said, "You sure of getting him?"

I said, "Sure I'm going to get him."

He said, "What's that gun you're using there?"

198And I said, "Now, never mind about that." It was a little bitty gun some brother give me in a meeting one time, several years ago. I said, "A little, cheap .270." And I said, "All right. I got... I... It's going to be."

199 We kept going a little closer. And the closer we got, the bigger that bear looked hisself. Oh, he looked like a mammoth haystack setting up there on that moss, you know. Stand, great, big, mammoth thing, head about that wide, you know, and jaws sticking out, great big paws. And he was poking up these little blueberry branches, like that, you know, eating them. And so set, great big fellow! We got about, oh, about eight hundred yards of him.

200He said, "Hey, Brother Branham, did--did you ever shoot a grizzly before?"

201I said, "I've shot many bear, Bud, but I never did shoot a silver-tip grizzly before."

202He said, "You know, the silver-tip is the biggest fighter of all of them."

I said, "Yeah, I understood that."

He said, "He don't know how to die."

And I said, "Well?"

203He said, "Don't... How--how--how far you have? How close you have to get to him with that?"

204 Now, you just ask him. Write him a letter. I'll give you the address. He said, "Let anybody write me about it, that wants to, on any of those things. Let me tell them." And so...

And I said, "Well?" I said...

He said, "Now?"

205I said, "No, no. I was closer than this, Bud. I was right up, close to him."

206He said, "We're getting pretty close now. He can charge at any time."

207I said, "I know it. But," I said, "Bud," I said, "it'll be all right."

208He said, "Now, when you shoot a bear," said, "now, Brother Branham, you shoot him in the back. You have to break him down, 'cause he'll keep on fighting, and can't get up then."

I said, "No, according to the vision, I shot him in the heart."

He said, "I hope you didn't make no mistake on that."

209I said--I said, "I didn't." I said, "I remember that." Cause, in a--in a vision, you're in--you're in one conscious, and both, as we explained it the other night. You're in two. You can't forget it. See? So there you are.

210 So we got in again, about--about two hundred and fifty yards. That was just the last little coulee we went over. I said, "That's just about it now. Look at him. Isn't he a beauty?"

He said, "Yeah, I guess he is."

211I said, "All right, Bud. Now when I raise up from here, he's coming." I said, "You just watch."

And he said, "I'll be watching."

212So I put a shell up in the barrel of the gun, you know. And we was down under this little coulee. Just as I raised up, here he come. My, my! I stopped, shot, and it just sounded like a pea-shooter hitting him. Boy, it never a bit more checked him up, than nothing. And, my, before...

213You talk about speed! I never seen anything like that. He, they would outrun a horse, deer, or anything, you know, a bear can, like that. Him coming down that hill, right towards us, like that!

214And now, 'fore I could get another shell in the gun, he dropped dead, about, oh, about thirty, forty yards from me, just turned end over end; took heart, lungs, and all, from him. It was a Nosler bullet, you hand-loaders know. So it--it blowed him up, and he fell over.

215Bud, standing there, looked over, was real white around the mouth. He said, "Brother Branham, I didn't want him on my lap."

I said, "Neither did I."

216He said, "Whew." Said, "I want to tell you, after it's over, boy. If that hadn't have been one of them visions, and I'd seen happen before, I'd have never come up here, that close to that bear, with you."

217 And neither one of us could budge him. He weighed around a thousand pounds, I guess, so, mammoth, big fellow. We couldn't clean him, we got... skin him. We started on down. And we said... "Brother Branham?" We picked up the horns. He said, "If them horns are exactly forty-two inches," said, "I'm just going to have a running fit."

218I said, "You better have it right now, then, 'cause that's what it is."

219He said, "I have never seen a--a--a... It seems to me like I'm dreaming this."

220And when we got down there, and I said to--to Eddie, I said, "Now you watch. Blaine will put his hands."

221Now, you remember, there was a little hand around that horn. Remember, Brother Fred, how I told you it would be?

And I said, "You watch it," to Eddie.

And so Bud said, "Wait." He got his horse over there.

222And we had bear on us, you know, and those horses just tearing up everything. You know how they do when they smell a grizzly or any kind of a bear. So I--I went over there, held, trying to hold the horse, the saddle horse trying to get away.

223 And he went over and got his tape measure, and come walking across there, looking at me, like that. Said, "Come here, Blaine." I punched Eddie. Put it down on this. Amen. And so help me, forty-two inches, on the nose!

224Now, them horns shrink about two inches when they dry up. That grizzly bear is laying in my den room, and the horns are hanging on the wall. The taxidermist had fixed them, and fixed them up. There is a tape measure hanging on them, forty-two inches, exactly.

225 Now, what would God tell a man something like that for, about a hunting trip?

226When I got back, mother was sick. I went to see her. She said, "Billy?" See, He was encouraging me, getting me ready for something.

I said, "Mama, the Lord has always healed you."

She said, "Billy, I'm going Home to see dad."

"Oh," I said, "mom, don't talk like that."

Said, "Yes, I am." I prayed for her.

And Brother Fred and all of these witnesses setting here know.

227Then, next thing you know, they had her in the hospital. The doctor didn't even know what was wrong. Well, I went out to pray for her. She said, "Son, I'm going." And now, my mother was kind of a powerful woman, anyhow.

228 One day, couple of days after that, I walked in. She was standing there, looking right up towards the Heavens. She said, "Billy, I see you."

I said, "Why, sure, mama." Said, "I see you right here."

229She said, "Oh, you're so old, Bill," said, "your white hair and beard just hanging together. You got your arm around the cross, reaching for me." I had a good idea then, that was it.

Now, you brethren here know that to be the truth.

230The next day was Sunday. I was preaching. They sent me word, "Your..." I said, "I do not believe that mother is going. God always shows me, my people going. But, mother, He's never showed me nothing about it." Here come a message in. And I was right in the middle of my Message, like this. Someone come in, said, "Go, go to your mother right now. Call her on the phone. She is dying, at this minute."

231I said, "Death, hold her still. The Word of God is more important than that."

232 This man setting right here, Brother Borders. After the service was over, I went out to see my mother. I met Brother Borders. He said, "Brother Branham, you're not quite six foot, but I seen a ten-foot man stand in the pulpit this morning."

I said, "Brother Borders, God will take care of all that for mama."

233And a few days after that, they called me out to the room, and she really was going. Gathered in the children, stood around the bed. I said, "Mama, are you really going?"

She said, "Yes." Then she couldn't speak no more.

234I kept telling her, "What does Jesus mean to you, mother?" I remember baptizing her in His Name, long ago, out in the water. I said, "Tell me what He means to you now."

She said, "More than life to me."

235 I said, "Mama, if you're going, I'm your boy, the... a preacher. I want to know, from my own mother who is going to meet God. I want to hold your hand here, mom."

Said, "I want you to." I kept holding it.

236She couldn't talk. Looked like she was paralyzing, her face. I said, "Can't you talk no more, mama?" She couldn't make... I said, "Listen. Is Jesus still just the same to you?" She could nod her head.

237Then she got to a place she couldn't nod her head no more. I said, "Mother, is Jesus everything to you now? He is coming for you, in a minute. Everything, to you?" She couldn't move.

238I said, "Mama, you only got one thing, to see you're batting your eyes. If Jesus still means just the same to you as He always did, the day I baptized you in the water, bat your eyes real fast." She bat her eyes, and the tears running down, like that.

239And a little Wind come, sweeping into the room. Mother went Home.

240 I come home, went out at the funeral home, picked out the clothes. Oh, you know how it is. You've had to do the same thing. The kids all crying, one down in one place; one, another. I said, "Mama was the hitch-post. We'll never be the same no more." Doc and his family in this corner. Jesse and his family in that corner. We just buried Howard, recently. I said, "Well, we're gone, boys." I said, "We'll... We won't come to see one another. Mama was our stay." I said, "We won't see one another, no much more now."

241 I went up home, nighttime, after we got her clothes picked out. I went up home.

242Mrs. Domico, anybody know her, from Chicago? Been a very dear friend of the campaign. She had give me a Bible. (Excuse me.) And it was one of those red-letter Bibles with a zipper on it. And somebody, when I preached that sermon, The Lamb And Dove, they had sent me two doves, as a holder. Another brother of mine, Brother Norman, had sent me a little dove. And a lamb, and Brother Borders give me the lamb. I picked up the Bible. Meda was over in one corner, crying.

243 And all you Business Men here know, when I was in Jamaica, seen my mother-in-law, told you at the table out there in Jamaica. I said, "Someone of my people is dying, that hasn't got any teeth. I see them going." Right at the table, Demos Shakarian and all of them setting there. Few hours from then, my mother-in-law just almost dropped dead, one time, see, no teeth, just exactly.

244I said, "I seen a young man spit blood." I called, said, "Don't let Billy..."

245Is anybody here was at the--the Jamaica meeting over there at that time at--at Jamaica? Can't see. Yeah. There is two. So then...

246And I said, "It must... Billy, don't you go up there. I seen a young fellow spit blood." And it was my brother-in-law. He went, had a hemorrhage when his mother died. It just throwed him in such a shock.

247 Then standing here that day, I picked up this Bible. I said, "Father, I don't know. Maybe just Your love, You didn't show me her going. But I'm so broke up, God. Will You just give me some word of comfort out of Your Word?" I said, "Let me just read something that's comfort, comforting to me." I just let the Bible open up like that. There it was, big red letters, "She is not dead, but sleepeth." And I went in the room. We went to sleep.

248 About eight o'clock, next morning, got up. They was going to have her fixed up, along about noon, so we go down and see her. Meda went out to get the children's breakfast, and little Joe crying. Becky in one corner, still crying, "Will I ever see grandma again?"

249I said, "Yes. Yes. You'll see her. She's just across, went upstairs." I said, "She, we'll see her again." And she loved them little kiddies, you know.

250And, so, and they was all crying, "Can we see grandma this afternoon?"

251I said, "You can see the body she lived in, but grandma has gone up to be with your other grandmother, them up in Heaven."

252And Joe couldn't understand it, my little boy, you know. He just couldn't understand it. He said, "Then will grandma come back down tonight?"

253And I said, "No, no. I don't know when she'll come back. When Jesus comes, she'll come back."

254 I was standing there. And I turned around, walk in the room. And when I did... Don't ask me to explain it. There's no way to explain it. I seen myself standing out there, just the same as I look across this audience. And I was leading songs. I never did that. I can't even sing, at all. So, and there was a great, mammoth crowd of people.

255On this side, the--the auditorium looked like it was outside, like, oh, I don't know what you would call it, kind of down a hill, and kind of like a amphitheater. And it was so far back, the lines was, till they had to be raised up like this, so the ones so far in the back had to look this way. But all right in the middle... Just three rows, like this. And right in the middle was just like windrows ricked in, of little spastic, crippled children laying in them rows.

256 I had on a dark suit, and I was singing, "Bring them in, bring them in, bring the little ones to Jesus." We sing that at church, quite a bit, especially in dedicating of children. And there was like a--a box here, where the celebrity set, and the pulpit was close to that. But I was down, leading songs. And all at once, me standing there, looking at myself, then... Oh, don't try to think it out, 'cause you can't. Then when I was here, then it become here. I don't know. Two of them went together. And it's...

That's a good thing when your two go together.

257I got a camera up there. Coming down, I didn't know how to take a picture. I looked through the thing, and, man, I could see five or six different objects. So I begin to focus it. Billy told me, said, "Focus it, and they all come to one."

258It's a good idea to do that, you know. You see things different when you go to focusing. And use God's Word for a focus on Him, and you'll--you'll see what I'm talking about. But get It in focus, first, you see.

259 So standing there, looking, and I went into that vision. And while in there, I noticed a renowned person come back at the back of the place. And they were... I said, "Well, they're coming to the celebrity box." So they come walking up this way. And I thought, "Well, I'll sing once more while that lady is coming." She was dressed old fashion.

260Now, some of you ladies will remember this, when they wore kind of skirts, like, around here, and it went way down over laced-up shoes. And they had kind of a full... What is it you call them things, like--like this lady has got on here now? That blouse. Blouse, one of those things like that, and had real full sleeves in it. You remember them? And went up around the neck here, with a little kind of a little button of a thing went in here. Then, a great big hat on, turned up on the side. And the ladies, them days, they wore long hair. So they pulled it down like this, and set a hat on it, and put a pin in it, you know, to keep it on, for they had to ride sidesaddle and things.

261 So this lady was coming up, and everybody was respecting this lady. And I thought, "Well, she'll go to the celebrity box."

262So, then, I said, "Once more, all on this side, 'Bring them in.' Now over here, 'Bring them in.' Then all in the middle, all together now, 'Bring the little ones to Jesus.'"

263Just as I said that, this lady had already entered the box. I could see, when she entered the box, everybody stood up. And they were kind of doing like this, recognizing her, and she was recognizing them.

264I thought, "Well, it's time for me to preach. I'll go praying for them sick people." I got up here on--on the pulpit, like this, and the box was right, oh, as close as this brother setting here. And I turned around, like this.

265 I thought, "Well, now, that lady will bow to me, so I'll just recognize her." And so when I turned around, she already had her head down, like this. I was putting my head down, like this. And when I raised my head up, same time, meet her, it was mama, young, pretty.

I looked at her. I said, "Mama?"

She said, "Billy."

266And just then, lightning begin to flash around in the building, thunders roared, and a shaking come. And a Voice said, "Do not fear about your mother." Said, "She is the same way she was in 1906."

And I said, "What, 1906?"

And Meda said, "What's the matter with you," my wife.

I said, "Honey, 1906, what was 1906?"

She said, "Why?"

I said, "A vision, I seen mama standing right here."

Said, "You seen what?"

I said, "I seen mama."

Said, "Sure enough, Bill?"

267 I said, "Yes. She was standing right here, and she was pretty. And He said..." I said, "She was just a young woman."

268So I went and got the old family record. You know what she was in 1906? My father's bride. That's the year she was married. Now she is part of another Bride, the Bride of the Lord Jesus.

269Someone from somewhere sent me a nickel. I got it here in my pocket, 1906.

270"And He, the Holy Ghost, when He is come, He will reveal these things to you that I have said, and will show you things to come."

271 Now, what is it? The hunting trip was only building me up, you see. One of the best trips I ever took, knowing that, this great shock. That was love. And, brother, sister, if all these other visions has been perfectly right, of what the Holy Spirit has showed, it's got to be the Holy Spirit. The Bible said, that, "If it come to pass, then it was Him."

272Then, what a hope we got! Someday we're going to leave this place. We're going back to a young man and woman, never to die no more. I'd rather know that than to know that I was going to be a president of the world and live for a million years. I'd rather know that I was in the hand of God.

273 And I'm glad to know, tonight, that that same Jesus that made that statement, He is here, after two thousand years. See, it can't perish. It's Eternal. And He's just same Jesus tonight that He was the day that He made this statement. And He will still confirm that Word, if we'll believe it. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

274"When He, the Holy Ghost, has come, He will not speak of Himself. But He will take the things, that of Mine," that's the Word, "and will show them to you. And then, also, He will show you things that is to come."

275In the book of--of Hebrews, the 4th chapter, the Bible said, "The Word of God is sharper..."

276Now, Who was the Word? Jesus. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word was made flesh. Dwell..."

277"The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to asunder, and to the marrow of the bone, and a Discerner of the thoughts in the heart."

278 That's our God. We're not lost, friends. We're still in grace of God. I--I feel, to talk of anything, and speak of a past tense... And as I said last night, as those disciples were trying to live on the meeting that they had the day before, looking forward for another, but forgot the very Creator of the wind and waves was laying in the boat.

279The God that was up there in those mountains, to place that silver-tip grizzly, according to His Word, that lays there on the floor, for evidence.

280Now, if you wish to write that man, just write Bud Southwick, S-o-u-t-h-w-i-c-k, Bud Southwick, Fort Saint John, British Columbia, and just let him write the letter back to you. And by the way, if you're taking a hunting trip, there's a good guy to go with.

281Now notice. He has told that amongst all those hunters up-and-down that road, till I believe I'm going to have a real meeting the next time I go up there, just with guides, yeah, to see those things happen just the way they do. That was last year.

282 This is this year, right now. That same Jesus that made that promise, said, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you. I'll be with you always, even to the end of the world." You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

283With such evidences, with such truth vindicated, positive truth, how can we feel any other way than like we'd just like to go through that roof, be raptured? Have we let the things of the world dull us, in such a way? Where, we see such vital things that's positive, proven to be the truth.

284 Now, each sick person in here, if you will only believe that same One that made that promise, and by the same One that took that epilepsy off of that boy, that man, He is the same God that's right here now. If I could take it off of you, I would do it, but I can't do it. He's already purchased that for you, and the only thing you have to do is to believe it.

285What if the boy would have fell in the fit, and the little woman said, "Now, what's that shirt got to do?" That probably wouldn't work on no one else. See? Just on him, 'cause it's sent to him. Naaman dipped in the river seven times; but somebody else, dipping, probably wouldn't get over their leprosy. See? But notice. It's what He says is the truth, a vindicated, perfect truth.

286 Now, it's getting late, to call even a prayer line. Let's--let's just stop that for a minute.

287Let's just think. Is that what God promised? That would be the genuine Holy Spirit that would do that. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, who would say that He wasn't the Holy Spirit? He was. "I and My Father are One." The Holy Spirit was His Father. "She shall bring forth. That Holy Thing which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." So, the Holy Ghost and God is the selfsame Spirit, and It was in Him.

288And watch what He did when a woman touched His garment, when He looked out upon the audience and perceived their thoughts. Don't the Word say, that, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Does not He promise, in Saint John 12, or Saint John 14:12, that, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also"? ["Amen."] Or, has it ever failed, but what it's the truth?

289 Then, God is here. He is here to make every person in here well. He's here to save every lost soul. And before I make an altar call, as I feel led to do, see, to make this altar call, let's just call on Him. How many of you will forfeit, or say, "If I can..." Maybe the strangers here, say, "I never seen one of those meetings. I--I've heard people talk about these things, but I--I've really never seen it. It would encourage my heart if I could see the very Presence of Christ come in among the people and do that same thing that He did." Would it encourage you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

290Let's bow our heads; a word. Every eye closed. Now let the Spirit, that follows the Word.

291 Now, Father, I have, the best that I know how, you know my heart. Knowing that these people are suffering under this heat, and that they're crowded in, standing, but they been very patient. I can imagine it was the same kind of a crowd that stood on the bank that day and heard You speaking from the boat. And then You told them, "Launch out into the deep and let down the net for the draught." Not see if there is some there. They were there.

292And how those notable words of that apostle said, "Lord, we seined all night and took nothing; but nevertheless, at Your Word we're going to let down the net." And when they obeyed Your Word, they enclosed a multitude of fishes, even till their nets begin to break.

293 Lord Jesus, no doubt that many women left their washing that morning, many men left their fields, from the crops, fishermens left their nets, to hear the Word of God. Lord Jesus, if You were here in physical form tonight, it's very doubtful that any more than what is gathered, would gather. But these people believe that You are not dead, that You raised from the dead, and You manifest Your Word and keep Your Word, the Word that I have read to them out of the holy Scriptures tonight.

294And as our Lord one time was handed a Bible, or the--the Scroll, and He read, and He set down. And He said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled."

295Let it happen again, Lord. Let it be again, that this very day, this very night, that the Scripture that I read may be fulfilled. And we're all been teaching, through the week, that that was to be the very thing that was to prove the end time. And then our hearts will go away, happy.

296There may be many here, Lord, that You're speaking to. Help us tonight to know Your Word, Your Word vindicated to be the Truth. Grant it, Father.

297 And while we have our heads bowed, just for a way of survey, to quieten myself from preaching. How many of you in here, that is not really a born-again Christian? Now, you may go to church, but that's not what I'm asking. You're... If you're not a born-again Christian, but you believe there is a living Jesus, a real Holy Spirit, and you would like to be remembered to Him now. Would you just, while every head is bowed now, and eyes closed, just raise up your hand to Him, "Lord, remember me." God bless you. God bless you, you, you. God bless you. God bless you. That's very fine. Is there others?

298Now, we're not very many in number. But, do you know, it's the world that looks for big things and large numbers? As we said last evening, it was only the little, quiet voice that attracted the prophet to come forward with his face veiled.

299 Now, you have faith in God. My brother, my sister, have faith in God. And if our great, kind Lord Jesus will come where this Word lays here, His Own Word, open, and will prove to you that this Holy Spirit, that I speak of, is the Truth! You might have been confused many times with many things, but it only goes to show that there is Real somewhere. And when He does that, I want you that raised up your hands, to come, see me, just a moment.

Now you may raise your heads.

300Lord Jesus, take this service into Your hands now. I am Your servant. And all the preaching... Just one Word from You will mean more than all we could say in a lifetime; just one Word. Grant it now, Father, as I commit this, those testimonies. You know they're true, Father. You was the One Who gave them. And never have they failed. Grant it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

301 Now, how many people in here, that does not have prayer cards, that's sick? Raise up your hands, everywhere in the building, that does not have prayer cards, and sick. All right. And those that have prayer cards, raise up your hand. Be about the same. And they're all mixed up.

302Now, to look over the audience, first, to be honest before God, before you. I know that, I'm looking over here, that some friends of mine setting in this corner here. Brother Noel, his--his... and Sister Jones, and Brother Outlaw, my son, this brother here, and Brother Moore. I don't know this brother, but I've seen him in the meetings, the last few times. I can't make this brother name out, either, but I know him just by face. Sister right here, Sister Williams. Sister Sharrit setting on the corner. Way back in the back is some people from the tabernacle at Jeffersonville.

303 Setting right here is a precious old friend of mine, ninety years old, that comes from Ohio, drives across the country. And I'm leaving for Africa, and he and his lovely wife asked if they could go to Africa with me. Said, "We'll pay..." Ninety years old, a German brother, never knew the Lord. When I preached one night, he come in with his good clothes on, to be baptized. Ninety years old! Outside of...

304I believe, oh, this is Brother Waldrop and Sister Waldrop setting there. Now, that's about as far as... and Brother Borders. Now, that's about it.

305Now, I'm calling their names. Now, if you who know me like that, don't pray. See? Pray for me. See?

306 But I want you who don't know me, and know that I don't know you. I want you to say in your heart, "Lord Jesus, I've heard this spoke of. I--I heard this minister tonight read this out of the Bible. I heard those testimony, and I've heard similar, you know, of different times this happened. Are we that close to the end, Lord? Are we that close?"

307Remember, when that sign was done to Sodom, the city that burned, Jesus referred to it, said, "As it was..." That was the last sign that they received before the city was destroyed. And Jesus said that will be the repeat in the coming of the Son of man.

308Now, you know that's right, how that, the God, God in flesh! How many believes that was God talked to Abraham? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yeah. Well, the Bible says, "Elohim," so, that, that's the--the--the great Creator of heavens and earth, the all-sufficient One. He was.

309 What was He showing? He was in a human body, stood there and eat the meat of a calf, and drank the milk from the cow, and then could vanish out of sight. "I will visit you according to the time that I promised you." See? Called him by his name. And with His back turned, said, "Where is Sarah?"

Said, "She is in the tent behind You."

Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life."

310And Sarah said... [Brother Branham makes a silent gesture--Ed.]... back in the tent.

311He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" Remember, the Bible said she was in the tent behind Him. Said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"

Sarah said, "I didn't."

Said, "Yes, you did." See? That's right.

312A Man standing there, God representing Himself in human flesh. Jesus said it would be the same thing at the coming of the Son of man: God in His Church, you, me, representing Himself. Now, there was a little woman...

313 When God was in Christ, He had the Spirit fully. He was God. I'm just one of His servants, and you're just one of His servants. We have the--the Spirit by--by measure. He had It without measure. "In Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily." In me is just a little gift, and in you is a gift, of Him. But, no matter how little it is, it's the same Spirit.

314Now, if that is the Spirit of God, It'll do the works of God. Now, you pray and say, "Lord Jesus, a little woman one time touched His garment." And we say...

315Over here in the New Testament, he said in Hebrews, he said, "He is a High Priest right now, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." How many knows that's the Bible? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. Well, that's got to be true.

316 Well, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, how would He answer you? Same as He did yesterday, if He's the same today.

317Now, you pray and say, "Lord Jesus, let me touch Your garment. And then, You give Brother Branham a little gift, to encourage us. And he don't know me. I'm setting way back here," and over here, and down here, and wherever. I'm set... He don't know me, but You know me. And let me see Your great Spirit, Lord. Not as I have to do it, but just to help encourage me and the rest of them, because we have read the Word. Let me touch Your garment, then You speak right back. Let me be used tonight, Lord, for that purpose. It'll show the whole audience that You're still alive." That be wonderful if He'd do that?

318 Now, you just kind of pray, you yourself, quietly. Say, "Lord, let me touch Your garment." I'll yield myself to the Spirit, and then may the Holy Ghost do the rest. Cause, now, I've talked, testified, but I can't do no more now. I'm at the end of my road."

319I just watch the audience, to see if I... I have to see it, you know. You understand that.

320Back to my left, way back, about middle ways back of the building, is a woman praying. She is fixing to die, if God doesn't help her. She has cancer, and the cancer is on her breast. Oh, may she not miss it!

Help me, O Lord.

Sister, if you will believe! Oh, my! She is going to miss it.

Lord Jesus, help us, we pray.

321Mary May. There you are. Are we strangers to one another? I don't know you. You don't know me. Was that the conditions, and what everything was said was true? Then, believe. It'll be over. Amen.

322 Now, from the darkness that was over her, it's light. Just as sure as that boy, the epilepsy stayed away from him. The same God, the One was up there in the north woods, is the same God here. Just keep believing. Amen. "If thou canst believe!"

323Here It is over a woman setting here in front of me. She's got something wrong in her back. It's a disc out, in her back. She, she isn't from here. She's from Montana. Her name is Miss Stubbs. Stand up, receive your healing in the Name of Jesus Christ.

You don't have to press. Relax.

324The big fellow setting here, looking at me, doing like that. Believe. You'll get well. Got nervous trouble. If you believe it, God will make you well.

325 The lady with female trouble. Believe it, and you can get well. Go back home, and have faith in God. Why did I say go back home? You'd have to go back to New Mexico, to get there, Mr. and Mrs. Watkins. Now, you know I don't know you. Amen.

326The lady right behind you, with that ulcer on the leg, Miss Brown. Will you believe that God will heal you? You look so interested. Now, you know I never seen you in my life. On the left leg. Now, you believe with all your heart, you'll get well.

327Lady trying to move, and she has arthritis. It's binding her, bad. Mrs. Fairhead, you believe with all your heart, and you'll get well. Now, you know I never seen you in my life. That, oh... [The sister says, "... healed before. I been healed before, and I know It's going to heal me."--Ed.] Amen. Yeah.

328You believe with all your heart now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, what will He do? "He will take the things that I have told you, and will show them to you. And then He will show you things that is to come." You see what I mean? ["Amen."] Do you believe Him? ["Amen."]

Now let's bow our heads again.

329 Now, you that know that if you would pass away from this life tonight, that you'd be... wouldn't be... you'd be gone, you're not born again. "Except a man be born again, he cannot even see the Kingdom." Why don't you come right here? Stand here and let us pray for you, right here, just in a minute? Will you come right now in the Presence of this Spirit?

330You'll never see anything happen greater until you see the Coming of the Lord. Now, just remember. Surely I know what I'm speaking of, or He wouldn't grant the ministry. Don't let it pass you now. Are you sincere?

331Would you come? If not, then, between you and God, it lays. I am innocent. I'm clean of all blood, because I have told you the Truth. I've preached you the Word. I've told you what He was. And He, when He come, He proved what He was then; and He lets me prove what He is now. He's the same as He was then. You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

332 Then, how many sick is in here then, other is here that's sick? Raise up your hands.

333Now put your hands over on one another, and let's pray the prayer of faith for you.

334Now I want to ask you something, quietly. If God--if God can come and do that miracle! A miracle is something that cannot be explained. Now, if you wish to question any of these people around, go question them, any time of anywhere. See? Just remember, it is God. This here is just amateur visions. Who, who, what's doing that? It's you, yourself. You're the ones doing that.

335 You see, when that woman touched His garment, He said, "Virtue went out of Me." But when the Father showed Him about Lazarus, and He went away and come back, and raised up Lazarus from the dead, He never said "virtue." That was God using His Own gift, and the other was a woman using God's gift.

336I am not God's gift. Jesus Christ is God's Gift. It's just a gift that He gave me, that I was born that way, with the subconscious and the conscious (first conscious) right together. You don't go to sleep; you just see it. The Holy Spirit comes upon the subconscious just like it does on the first conscious. If it come on your subconscious, you'd have a spiritual dream. It comes upon mine, I don't dream. I just look there and see it. See? And, we're born, you can't make yourself anything different. You are born that way. See? "Gifts and callings are without repentance." What is it to do? To manifest Jesus Christ. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

337 With your hands laid on one another, I trust that you'll put your heart in God's care right now, "Lord, search me. Have I become so numb by the things of the world, that I'm failing to see this great hour that's passing by?"

338You know, that's the way it's always been. It went right through the church, and they never knowed it. That's history. Don't let it pass, friends, to see a word proven, over and over, see the Word of God manifested, and the very Person of Jesus Christ come right in among this people and do exactly the way He did before.

339 Heavenly Father, I feel now, Lord, that Your Word was read. The testimony was given. The Holy Spirit came down and vindicated that Word and the testimony. Now it's in the hands of the people, Lord. It lays in their lap. There's nothing else that I know to say. And I don't know of anything else You wrote in the Word, that You would do, because You've already healed them. It's just to make them to believe it. And You doing a thing like this, and how can we doubt any longer? How could we permit Satan to numb our conscience any longer?

340Satan, I pronounce this healing upon these people, and say to you, "I adjure thee, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, get out of here. Come out, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and let this people go."

341Now, if you believe Him, stand on your feet. You believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Raise up to your feet then, and give God praise. Raise up and believe it. Don't doubt it no more.

342In the Name of Jesus Christ, let the Holy Spirit bring joy, power, resurrection Life to this people, Lord.

343Give Him praise now, and bless His holy Name. We love Him. We praise Him. We adore Him, the matchless One, the Eternal One, the Son of the living God. In His Name, receive Him. He's here. Amen.