Boží Hlas v týchto posledných dňoch



A dnes, ten jeden dôvod, pre ktorý je cirkev v tom stave, v akom je, je ten, že existuje tak mnoho hlasov, tak mnoho iných hlasov, ktoré upútavajú pozornosť a odvádzajú od Božieho hlasu, až je to veľmi málo pravdepodobné, že mnohí budú počuť Boží hlas, hoci On hovorí rovno v ich strede. Oni by ho pravdepodobne ani vôbec nerozumeli, pretože pre nich by to bola cudzia vec. Oni sa tak veľmi sústredili na tie hlasy toho dňa!

A ak si to všimneme v tom mieste Písma, ktoré ste čítali, Boží hlas bol pre nich cudzí.

A dnes sa to znova stalo takým, že hlas Boží... Existuje tak mnoho iných hlasov. A potom, ak Boh zasľúbil, že nám to dá, a tie iné hlasy sú v protiklade ku Božiemu hlasu, potom to musí byť hlas nášho nepriateľa, aby nás zmiatol, aby sme nerozumeli hlas Boží, keď hovorí.

1Istotne je to privilégium byť dnes ráno znovu späť medzi týmito španielskymi ľuďmi. A som zvedavý, či Jim toto nahráva. Ó, áno, nahráva to. Stále mám tú nahrávku toho malého španielskeho chóru, ktorú nahrali, keď som tu bol predtým s bratom Garciom. A zabudol som tú malú pieseň, ktorú mi zvykli spievať. Ale, ó, ako sa mi to páčilo. A tie deti sú už teraz všetky vyrastené a ženaté a vydaté. Sem-tam od nich počujem. A keď som sem dnes ráno vošiel a videl som malého Jozefa, a to ma skutočne zasiahlo a istotne som sa potešil, že vás môžem vidieť.

2A tak, mám jedno slovo, ktoré dokážem povedať v španielčine. Chceli by ste ho počuť? „Haleluja.“ To slovo nikdy nezabudnem. Snažil som sa raz priviesť jednu hluchú ženu do toho, aby ma počula. No, možno, že toto poviem celé zle, viete, ale najlepšie, ako si to pamätám, to slovo bolo, „Oiga.“ Je to pravda? Počuješ ma. Počuť, „Oiga.“ A potom nikdy nezabudnem, „Gloria a Dios.“ To je jednoducho ohromné! Ó, mal som tú príležitosť byť dolu v hlavnom meste Mexico City a hovoriť tam. Aký som bol šťastný! A zvykol som...

3Potom, ako som bol tu, som bol vo Fínsku. A to mi vždy pripomenie, ako som hovoril tej malej fínskej žene. Vzali ma tam na miesto, ktoré nazývajú, „Betánia.“ Každý národ má nejakú svoju vlastnú ideu. (Ozýva sa vám to tam? Nie som príliš blízko tohoto? Dokážete ma dobre počuť? Ako je to?) Táto žena, bola to taká veľmi milá osoba. Ale ona bola ako ja, veľmi rada veľa hovorila. A ten prekladateľ... Ona hovorila veľmi rýchlo, a ten prekladateľ to nedokázal dostatočne rýchlo povedať, to, čo ona chcela povedať. A stála tam a celá sčervenala v tvári a povedala, „Ja som to týmto chlapíkom v Babylone zavarila.“

4Ale viete, ja som si všimol, že všetky vtáky spievajú v angličtine, psi štekajú v angličtine, nemluvňatá plačú v angličtine. Som zvedavý, čo potom s nami je. Ale každý jeden z nás si myslí, že náš jazyk bude tým jazykom v Miléniu, samozrejme. Ale my, ktorí sme prijali Ducha Svätého, to je pravda, pretože máme nebeský jazyk.

5Dnes ráno tu s nami máme brata Rowe, je to diplomat z Washingtonu. Myslím, že slúžil počas vlády piatich alebo šiestich prezidentov, siedmich prezidentov. A viete, ako sa cítim, keď tu takto stojím na tomto pódiu a hovorím, keď tu za mnou sedí takýto muž. Ale jeho svedectvo bolo pre mňa vždy takým úžasným, a zvlášť, keď on... Myslím, že bol luteránom, ak sa nemýlim, buď katolík alebo luterán, luterán. A povedal niečo o tom, ako sa plazil pod stan v letničnom zhromaždení a vstal... Nakoniec sa nejako dostal ku oltáru, a potom, keď sa tam dostal, Pán na neho zostúpil a požehnal ho tak veľmi... Myslím, že on vie hovoriť asi siedmimi jazykmi. A on skúsil jeden, „To nefungovalo,“ potom skúsil druhý, „To nefungovalo.“ A nazdávam sa, že dokáže hovoriť po španielsky tak ako vy všetci. A tak vyskúšal všetky tie jazyky a to nefungovalo. A viete, Boh bol taký dobrý, že On zostúpil a dal mu jazyk, ktorý nikdy predtým nevyskúšal a povedal, „To funguje,“ to je pravda. Myslím si, že takto to bude na tej druhej strane.

6Mám vo svojom srdci z tej malej cirkvi mnoho spomienok, myslím, že... Ó, zabudol som, kde ona je. Je to niekde tu blízko ulice Tonto. A pamätám si to. Pamätám si to slovo, „Ulica Tonto,“ kde zvykla byť tá španielska apoštolská cirkev.

7Povedal som tomu pastorovi, „Toto bude veľmi dobré miesto na prebudenecké zhromaždenie.“ Veľký priestor, nová cirkev, milí ľudia. A tak si myslím, že by to bolo v správnej línii, mať niekedy prebudenecké zhromaždenie. Modlite sa za to, príďte a majme prebudenecké zhromaždenie. Tak dúfam, že to je len zopakovanie toho, čo sme mali tam v tej inej cirkvi. Pamätám si, ako som tam na dvore stál, opieral som sa o plot, išli sme hore-dolu po uliciach a snažil som sa odtiaľ odísť a bola už noc. Istotne to bolo vzrušujúce a nedá sa na to zabudnúť. A mám tu nahrávku tých dám, tie dievčatá a bratia, ktorí spievali a urobili nahrávku. A oni sa snažili zaspievať, „Only believe,“ a nevyšlo im to správne, viete. Namiesto toho, „Only believe,“ oni vydali so seba niečo ako, „Yeonea believe.“

8A pamätám si, ako Rebeka, moja dcéra, a Sára, a ako povedali, „Oci, pusti tú nahrávku toho...“ Namiesto, aby povedali, „Španielske,“ [„Spanish“] nedokázali vysloviť to slovo, tak povedali, „Špenát,“ [„Spinach“]. Špenátové dievčatá, aby zaspievali Only believe.

9Tak pamätám si, že išli vtedy do toho zhromaždenia. Prebudenecké zhromaždenie prebiehalo a oni išli za tými zhromaždeniami po celom západnom Pobreží. A v mojom srdci sa zakotvila jedna malá vec, keď sme odišli z Kalifornie, brat Moore a ja, a brat Brown, hore v hlavnom meste. A keď som išiel v ten večer do tej budovy a tie deti tam spievali, „On sa o teba stará.“ Počuli ste to. „Cez jasné i pochmúrne dni, On sa o teba stará.“ Mnohokrát v cudzích národoch, na bojových poliach, v tom svetovom boji snažiac sa priviesť posolstvo Krista, spomínam si na tie dievčatá a chlapcov, ako mi spievali tú pieseň, „On sa o teba stará. Cez jasné dni aj tiene, On sa stále o teba stará.“ Tak to bola pre mňa veľká inšpirácia, pomoc.

10Keď som stretol vášho milého pastora, a som tak šťastný, že môžem vidieť, že cirkev žije a že tu máte túto nádhernú budovu a všetko usporiadané, máte mnoho parkovacieho miesta. Je to naozaj miestom pre ruky Ducha Svätého, ak Mu to len necháme vidieť, a budeme vedieť, že sme povolaní ku prebudeniu. A verím, že On nám ho dá.

11Tak, dnes večer budeme v zbore brata Outlaw, cirkvi Ježišovho Mena, tam na druhej strane. A brat Outlaw, verím, že v... On je tiež v apoštolskej cirkvi. A myslím, že on to nazýva jeho menom, tú cirkev, Ježišovým Menom. Myslím si, že čo sa týka vyznania viery, on je apoštolský. A tak dnes večer tam máme byť. A my teraz nehovoríme tomuto španielskemu zboru, „Choďte teraz tam,“ ale zostávajte len na svojom mieste povinnosti. A potom tam bude veľká séria zhromaždení Kresťanských Obchodníkov, začína to vo štvrtok, potom, ako sa služby zakončia v ostatných cirkvách vo štvrtok. A tieto zhromaždenia, budeme tam mať vynikajúcich rečníkov, a tak isto Oral Robert a nejaký metodistický brat, ktorý bol práve spasený, a oni tvrdia, že je veľmi mocný rečník. A som si istý, že sa budete z týchto zhromaždení tešiť. A vy, tínedžeri, oni tam tiež majú zhromaždenia pre tínedžerov, ako to už brat oznámil. Budem tam mať svoje deti, aby sa tam ku tomuto mohli dostať. A tak príďte, budeme radi, keď tam budete. Nech vás Pán všetkých žehná.

12A teraz chcem, aby sme sa obrátili do Biblie a prečítali niečo z Jeho požehnaného Slova. A na dnes ráno som vybral, iba na chvíľu, nechcem vás zdržať príliš dlho, nejaký text a jeden z nich sa nachádza v prvej Samuela a ten druhý v Izaiášovi. A rád by som najprv prečítal z Izaiáša. A ja...

13Môžete ma všade dobre počuť? Medzi týmito mikrofónmi, zdá sa, že oni sú na mňa veľmi citlivé, neviem prečo. Počujete aj tam dobre, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Dobre, dobre.

14Tak, som tak trochu zachrípnutý, samozrejme z toho, že som veľa hovoril. A odkedy som bol tu s týmito španielskymi bratmi, bolo to asi pred šestnástimi rokmi, hádam, možno pred šestnástimi alebo sedemnástimi rokmi, no, odvtedy kážem. A tak som bol vtedy unavený, povedal som, a stále som unavený, ale stále idem skrze milosť Božiu.

15Tak, obráťme sa teraz do Izaiáša 40, štyridsiata kapitola Izaiáša, a prvá kapitola, vlastne 3. kapitola v prvej Samuela. A zatiaľ čo si držíme tie miesta, kde budeme čítať Slovo, chcel by som, aby sme najprv na chvíľu sklonili svoje hlavy k modlitbe.

16Náš nebeský Otče, sme dnes tak vďační za túto výsadu, že môžeme stáť v tejto milej svätyni, ktorá je zasvätená Bohu a pre Jeho prácu. A ako vieme, že Tvoji sluhovia už stáli za týmto pódiom tu, vlastne za touto kazateľňou už mnohokrát, a so zasväteným životom do Tvojej služby.

17A toto ráno mi privádza spomienky, spomienky toho prebudeneckého zhromaždenia, ktoré vtedy len začalo, keď Duch Svätý, ktorý zostúpil dole vo forme veľkého Svetla ako Ohnivý Stĺp, a to prehovorilo, že zemou preletí posolstvo. A dnes je to história. Posolstvo zapálilo oheň skrze veľkých mužov, potom, ako to uvideli, ako Oral Roberts a Tommy Osborn a Tommy Hicks a mnohí ďalší. A skrze tie úsilia, ktoré sme dali dokopy, vidíme, že posolstvo zapálilo ohne prebudenia v každom národe pod nebom, to letničné posolstvo. Za toto Ti dávame vďaku a chválu Tebe, ó, mocný Bože.

18A tak sa dnes modlíme, aby si uspôsobil naše srdcia a pripravil ich ku tomu veľkému vytrhnutiu, ktoré sa skoro udeje, tak to veríme. A ak naše srdcia nie sú v tom stave ku tomu alebo čomukoľvek ďalšiemu, čo máš Ty pre nás odložené, modlíme sa, aby si nám odpustil naše chyby a aby si ku nám hovoril cez Tvoje Slovo. Požehnaj pastora tohoto zboru, diakonov, dôverníkov a všetkých členov. Požehnaj tento malý chór a klaviristu a hudobníkov. Všetkých spolu požehnaj tých, ktorí vstupujú cez brány na toto miesto. Nech vyjdú zakaždým zmenení, vždy trochu bližšie ku Tebe, ako boli, keď vstúpili do vnútra. Udeľ to, Otče. A nech je to tak, dokonca aj dnes ráno, lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

19Tak teraz si otvorme knihu Izaiáša, štyridsiatu kapitolu a čítame.

Potešujte, potešujte môj ľud! hovorí váš Boh.

Hovorte k srdcu Jeruzalemu a hlásajte mu, že sa doplnila jeho borba, že je odpustená jeho neprávosť, že vzal z ruky Hospodinovej dvojnásobne za všetky svoje hriechy.

Hlas volajúceho na púšti: Upravte cestu Hospodinovu, urovnajte na pustine hradskú nášmu Bohu!

Každé údolie nech je zvýšené, a každý vrch a breh nech sú znížené, a bude to, čo je krivé, rovinou a hornaté dolinou.

A zjaví sa sláva Hospodinova, a uvidia, všetci, každé telo dovedna, že ústa Hospodinove hovorili.

Teraz v knihe Samuela, prvej Samuela, tretia kapitola, chcem čítať prvý, druhý a devätnásty verš.

A mládenček Samuel posluhoval Hospodinovi pred Élim. A slovo Hospodinovo bolo vzácne v tých dňoch, a len málokde mal niekto prorocké videnie.

[„nebolo žiadneho otvoreného videnia“ – podľa angl.textu KJV – pozn.prekl.]

A stalo sa toho času, raz keď ležal Éli na svojom mieste, a jeho oči boli začali slabnúť, takže nemohol vidieť,

a lampa Božia nebola ešte vyhasla, a keď ležal Samuel v chráme Hospodinovom, kde bola truhla Božia,

že zavolal Hospodin na Samuela, ktorý odpovedal: Tu som.

A Samuel rástol, a Hospodin bol s ním a nedal padnúť niktorému jeho slovu na zem.

20Ó, to by bol dostatočný text, aby sme naňho hovorili mesiac, a mohli by sme z tohoto slávneho textu vytiahnuť tak mnoho kontextu. Ale dnes ráno máme niečo okolo dvadsať minút, aby sme sa dostali v správnom čase z nášho... Hádam nedeľná škola skončila alebo možno pokračuje teraz, ja neviem. Ale akokoľvek, chcem z toho použiť ten text, „Boží hlas v týchto posledných dňoch.“

21Je to veľmi výnimočný čas. Uvedomujeme si, že hovoríme z Písma, kde to hovorí, „Vo dňoch Samuela nebolo žiadneho otvoreného videnia.“ Preto, „Kde nie je videnia,“ hovorí Biblia, „ľudia hynú.“ Musíme mať videnie. A videnia prichádzajú ku prorokom a to je Slovo Pánovo, ktoré je ku nim vypovedané.

22A zisťujeme, že Éli nebol prorokom, Éli bol kňazom. A on starol a jeho oči sa stávali zahmlenými a nedokázal vidieť, aby sa zorientoval, a on bol veľký a ťažký muž. A on začal nechávať prácu Pánovu nedorobenú.

23A to je niečo ako dnes. Myslím si, že cirkev, organizácia a denominácie, oni boli na poli tak dlhý čas a začínajú poľavovať. A práca Pánova je zanechaná, nedorobená, Slovo pravdy, pretože cirkev sama v sebe, jej zrak sa stal zahmleným. A my dnes potrebujeme Boží hlas, aby medzi nami hovoril a priviedol nás späť.

24A tak si Éli ľahol a jeho zrak mu zlyhával. On bol kňazom. A oni nemali žiadne otvorené videnie od Pána. A aká veľká potreba to bola!

25A Boh zasľúbil vyplniť potreby určitej hodiny. On to vždy robí. A my dnes potrebujeme Boží hlas, aby sme vyplnili potrebu tejto hodiny, aby sme splnili to, čo je treba v tomto čase, v ktorom žijeme. A potom, ako to zasľúbil, my môžeme potom s istotou odpočívať, že On dodrží Svoje zasľúbenie. To je tá dôvera, ktorú má veriaci vo svojho Stvoriteľa, že On zasľúbil uspokojiť potrebu.

26A dnes, ten jeden dôvod, pre ktorý je cirkev v tom stave, v akom je, je ten, že existuje tak mnoho hlasov, tak mnoho iných hlasov, ktoré upútavajú pozornosť a odvádzajú od Božieho hlasu, až je to veľmi málo pravdepodobné, že mnohí budú počuť Boží hlas, hoci On hovorí rovno v ich strede. Oni by ho pravdepodobne ani vôbec nerozumeli, pretože pre nich by to bola cudzia vec. Oni sa tak veľmi sústredili na tie hlasy toho dňa!

27A ak si to všimneme v tom mieste Písma, ktoré ste čítali, Boží hlas bol pre nich cudzí.

28A dnes sa to znova stalo takým, že hlas Boží... Existuje tak mnoho iných hlasov. A potom, ak Boh zasľúbil, že nám to dá, a tie iné hlasy sú v protiklade ku Božiemu hlasu, potom to musí byť hlas nášho nepriateľa, aby nás zmiatol, aby sme nerozumeli hlas Boží, keď hovorí.

29A všímame si, že to bolo niečo podobné tomu, ako to bolo pri Élim a Samuelovi, ale Éli ihneď rozpoznal, že to bol Boh. A to bolo absolútne rúhanie Élimu. Pretože Boží hlas, keď hovoril k Samuelovi, mu povedal o Éliho zlých činoch, pretože on rozmaznával svojich synov a oni brali peniaze a mäso od obetí. To nebolo správne a oni robili veci nesprávne, v protiklade k Božiemu Slovu.

30A Samuel mal... Jediná vec, ktorú Samuel mohol urobiť, bolo presne takto povedať. A on sa tak trochu zdráhal urobiť to, pretože to bolo práve proti tomu miestu, do ktorého bol poslaný, aby bol v ňom vychovaný, u Éliho a v chráme. Ale Éli povedal, „Hovor,“ a on mu povedal presne to, čo sa stane, že Samuel... vlastne, „Éli ako kňaz, jeho deň skončil,“ pretože Boh prehovoril a Boh posielal Svoje posolstvo cez proroka Samuela. Mal veľmi zvláštne narodenie, bol zasvätený Pánovi už od detstva. Boh ku nemu prehovoril ako k dieťaťu a pripravoval ho pre prácu, ktorá ležala pred ním. A Éliho čas sa zakončoval.

31Na zemi dnes existuje tak mnoho hlasov, až je to absolútne ťažkou vecou, pretože to usmrcuje hlas toho nadprirodzena. Existuje toľko intelektuálnych hlasov, veľkých hlasov, mocných mužov, ktorí sú intelektuálni až vo svojom intelektuálnom stave, dokonca otrasú národmi. Oni nie sú len ľuďmi zrodenými za jednu noc, ale oni otriasajú národy, privádzajú dokopy veľké organizácie, veľké kampane a je to kvetnaté. A človek by bol trochu zmätený. Je to dosť na to, aby ich to zmiatlo, to, ako tieto veci pokračujú a prosperujú. A existujú hlasy, ktoré povstávajú a robia tieto veci a to spôsobuje, že Boží hlas je umiestňovaný niekam preč dozadu, ten pravý hlas Boží.

32„A hlas Boží,“ povedali, „Ako budeme poznať, že je to Boží hlas?“ Pretože dnes... Vtedy to bol potvrdený prorok. Tak dnes, ako budeme poznať, že je to Boží hlas, tak, že je to manifestácia Slova proroka. Toto je Boží prorok. A pravdivý Boží hlas iba privádza naspäť toho skutočného, živého, nadprirodzeného Boha, so Svojím nadprirodzeným Slovom, s nadprirodzenou manifestáciou pravdivého Slova. Potom vieme, že to je hlas Boží. Pretože... A nadpriro... Existuje toho tak mnoho v tých iných sférach, až to to nadprirodzeno takmer usmrcuje. Ale pamätajte, to zažiari, to vystúpi dopredu! Ono to urobí.

33Dnes vo svete existuje hlas politiky. Je to veľký hlas. A ľudia sú absolútne v tomto veľkom dni politiky, oni budú... Je to celé zamiešané v ich cirkvách a všetkom. A mnohokrát, ako sme to práve nedávnom videli, že ten hlas politiky je v skutočnosti silnejší ako hlas Boží v cirkvách, inak by americkí ľudia nikdy neurobili to, čo práve urobili. Rozumiete? Nikdy by to neboli urobili. Ak by bol hlas Boží zachovaný živý v cirkvi, nikdy by tie chyby neurobili. Ale hlas politiky je dnes na zemi o toľko silnejší ako hlas Boží, až ľudia zapredávajú svoje kresťanské právo prvorodenstva za špinu popularity, vzdelania a politickej moci. Je to hanba, keď to vidíme. Práve tá vec, ktorú náš národ urobil, to, čo urobil, ľudia sa obrátili späť a odhlasovali tú vec, ktorú sme zanechali v tej minulej krajine. A Plymouth Rock a Mayflower vtedy, prišli sem vtedy a ustanovili túto veľkú ekonómiu, ktorú máme. To je práve tá vec, za ktorú sme tak ťažko bojovali, aby sme z nej vyšli, a my sme sa dostali rovno späť do jej pazúrov, pretože Biblia hovorí, že to tak bude.

34A systém kňaza Éliho namiesto proroka. Prorok je Slovom. A kňaz, to bola cirkev.

35A to sa dostalo na také miesto, až sa to začalo uvoľňovať, až bolo Slovo pre ľudí cudzie. Nerozumejú to. Môžete to vypovedať a oni to nerozumejú, pretože v tom nie sú cvičení. Pavol povedal, „Ak trúba vydá neistý zvuk, kto bude vedieť, ako sa pripraviť do boja?“

36Ľudia sú trénovaní na cirkevný hlas, na cirkevnú trúbu, „My máme v našej nedeľnej škole viac ľudí ako všetci ostatní z nich.“ To neznamená vôbec nič. „My máme v našej denominácii viac ľudí, ako majú tí ostatní. My sme tá najväčšia medzi denomináciami.“ Vidíte, to je ten druh hlasu, na ktorý sú ľudia trénovaní. Na ulici vyjdú von a získajú ľudí a privedú ich dovnútra. Desiatky tisícov krát tisíce na veľkých kampaniach, oni ich privádzajú. Čo ich zaujíma? „My sme najväčšia cirkev. My máme najväčšie zhromaždenie. My máme najviac navštevovanú nedeľnú školu. Máme... Starosta mesta chodí do našej cirkvi.“ To všetko môže byť dobré, ale ak tá istá cirkev nie je trénovaná na Boží hlas, na trúbu Evanjelia, čo dobré to vykoná?

37A keď povstane nejaká vec, práve tak, ako povstala v našej vláde, čo sa deje? Cirkev nepozná hlas trúby a oni nevedia, čo majú robiť. Veľké sľuby prosperity, a prichádzajú intelektuálni obri, a oni išli rovno ponad práve tú vec, ktorú Biblia predpovedala, a oni to priniesli do vnútra. Vidíte, politický hlas! A to dokázalo, že to predbieha ten náboženský hlas, inak by to nikdy neurobili, to, čo urobili, ten hlas Evanjelia. Pretože je nám zasľúbené mnoho vecí, je nám zasľúbená prosperita a nepochybne, že to všetko dostaneme.

38Ale jednako to pre veriaceho nič neznamená. Obráťte si do Listu Židom, do jedenástej kapitoly, a počúvajte, ako tam svätý Pavol hovorí, ako oni v tých dňoch, „Putovali v ovčích kožiach a kozích kožiach, a boli opustení a nemali miesta, nemohli vstúpiť do mesta.“

39Čítal som o Nicejskom koncile, že keď tá veľká vec povstala v Nicei v Ríme, tristo rokov po smrti Krista, na veľkom Nicejskom koncile, kedy tá veľká cirkev, ktorá stála za tým, čo bolo správne, a oni chceli Bibliu. A tí rímski obrátení v tej prvej cirkvi Ríma vštepili dogmy, ako máme napríklad Vianoce.

40Vianoce, Kristus nebol o nič viac narodený dvadsiateho piateho decembra, ako som bol ja. Kopce Judey boli zasnežené a On... To je v kontraste so všetkými Biblickými proroctvami. On sa narodil na jar, tak, ako sa rodia baránky. Prečo sa narodil v maštali namiesto v dome? On bol baránok. Prečo rovno nebežal ku oltáru alebo na svoj oltár, kde bol pribitý klincami na kríž? On bol vedený na kríž. Vy ovcu vediete na porážku. On bol Baránok. Tak potom sa On narodil vtedy, keď sa rodia baránky.

41Ale vidíte, aby sa to stalo, oni tam mali narodeniny boha slnka, kedy ten solárny systém, slnko, päť dní pred dvadsiatym piatym decembrom, a až do dvadsiateho piateho decembra sa sotva vôbec hýbe slnko. To je každým dňom máličko odlišné, a potom sa to predlžuje a predlžuje a predlžuje, až to zasahuje ten najdlhší deň v júli. A potom v decembri je to najkratší deň. A potom ten krátky čas, toho dvadsiateho piateho, od dvadsiateho do dvadsiateho piateho, oni mali rímsky cirkus a oslavy narodenín boha slnka. Tak potom Jupiter, ktorý bol rímskym bohom, a oni to tam potom vštepili tým, že povedali, „Vezmeme Syna Božieho a narodeniny boha slnka, dáme to dokopy a urobíme jednu veľkú oslavu.“ Ako je to v protiklade! A, ó, mnohé vštepenia, ktoré tam oni do toho dali!

42A potom, keď tí pravdiví mužovia Boží, ktorí chceli zostať so Slovom ako Polycarp, Ireneus, Martin a tí veľkí, raní, svätí muži, ktorí chceli zostať s pravdou. A keď prišli na ten Nicejský koncil, niektorí z tích ľudí boli tak odmietnutí, až keď tí proroci prišli z púšte a nemali na sebe nič, len kus ovčej kože a sadli si tam v tom rade. Ale oni poznali Slovo Pánovo. Ale popularita, tých pätnásť dní krvavej politiky to prehlasovalo. Potom nastalo tisíc rokov temného veku, vidíte.

43 Ale Boh zasľúbil, že tá trúba znovu vydá hlas. Vždy, keď ľudia počúvajú na ten pravdivý hlas Slova, vždy skúmajte, čo robíte skrze Slovo.

44Hlas politiky. My v Amerike a v ostatnom svete máme dnes veľmi silný hlas, a to je hlas Hollywoodu. To lapilo svet. Nech len niekto vyjde z Hollywoodu s niečím, a nachádzate to v celej krajine. Vidíme, že oni udávajú vzor pre naše ženy svojím obliekaním a účesmi. Oni udávajú vzor obliekania.

45Cirkev by mala poznať ohľadne toho hlas Božej trúby! Ale existuje tak mnoho zamiešania, pretože vidíte iných tak robiť, príklady. Nikdy sa nevzorujte podľa takého druhu vzoru, pretože to zahynie. Vždy počúvajte Boží hlas, to, čo On o tom hovorí.

46A potom si všímame, že v Hollywoode, oni vyzdvihujú veci. A dovoľte mi na chvíľu ešte o tomto niečo povedať, predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej. Prednedávnom bola jedna vec, ktorá vyšla, kde jeden človek v Hollywoode... Nemám teraz nič proti tomu človeku, on je smrteľník, za ktorého zomrel Kristus, ale len, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Oni vynašli takú malú vec, ktorú nazvali, deti to zvykli volať „Hula-hoop,“ hula-hoop alebo niečo také. A keď si všimnete tú vulgárnosť a tie veci, ktoré to nasledujú, a mnohokrát pri tých malých deťoch. To je nesprávne.

47Tak teraz je Hollywood plný strelcov so zbraňami. Tak ktokoľvek, kto pozná históriu, vie, že tí ľudia tam v tých dňoch, ktorí boli bojovníkmi so zbraňami ako tí rôzni ľudia, oni neboli slušnými obyvateľmi, to boli vzbúrenci, oni boli ako Al Capone a Dillinger. V Hollywoode majú jednu hru, v televízii, ktorú nazývajú, a nazývajú to „Dym zbrane.“ A jedného dňa som v rádiu počul, že ten človek, ktorý to hrá, volá sa Arness alebo tak nejako, Arness alebo neviem, zabudol som, ako sa volá, a on mal vziať... On tam reprezentuje Matta Dillona, ktorý bol šerifom v Kansas. A Matt Dillon bol podliak. Zastrelil dvadsaťosem mužov do chrbta, nevinných ľudí, keď vyšiel von z mesta Dodge a čakal v kroví. A keď išiel okolo nejaký človek a niekto na neho zavolal a povedal mu, že tam je, a povedal mu, že tam prechádza určitý darebák a on tam potom čakal, zostával, a keď ten človek prišiel, on ho strelil do chrbta. A teraz sa on stáva „dôležitým človekom.“ No, to je absolútne vyvyšovanie hriechu. Ale malé deti našej krajiny dokážu povedať viac o Mattovi Dillonovi, ako dokážu povedať o Ježišovi Kristovi. Obchody a lacné obchody a odevy, všade visia malé hračky, zbrane s malými klobúkmi, ktoré sa dajú všade kúpiť. To je v poriadku nosiť to, ale ja vám o tom len hovorím, vidíte. Oni potom, ten komerčný svet, berú tú vec a zarábajú na tom milióny dolárov.

48Mávame to, čo nazývame „Deň svätého Patrika,“ máme to, čo nazývame týmito „náboženskými sviatkami.“ A ten komerčný svet to využil a zarábajú na tom milióny dolárov. „Deň matky,“ kopa kvetov. Veď každý deň by mal byť dňom, kedy si ctíme matku. Ona je niekde preč, je stará, choďte ju navštíviť. To bude hodné viac ako všetky kvety, ktoré jej môžete poslať, alebo čokoľvek iné. Vidíte, ale oni to využívajú. Je to hlas a my do toho rovno padáme. To skutočne nie je správne. Ale, čo budete robiť? Vidíte, my sme len...

49Snažím sa dostať k určitému bodu, aby som vám povedal niečo, čomu verím. Ten hlas je zriedkavý, hlas Boží.

50Tak zisťujeme, že oni udávajú tempo. A všimli ste si niekedy, ako sa naši mladí chlapci stali „Rickyovia a Elvisovia.“ Ak máte dieťa, ktoré sa tak volá, veľmi rýchlo to zmeňte, radšej ho nazvite číslo „jeden“ alebo „dva“ alebo niečo. Nerobte to, je to hrozné... Poviete, „Záleží na tom, čo to meno znamená?“ No, isteže na tom záleží. Tvoje meno charakterizuje tvoj život. „No, brat Branham, ty si teraz v numerológii.“ Nie, nie som! Som na tom, tak hovorí Pán! Prečo to tak bolo, keď Jakob, keď žil podľa svojho mena ako zvoditeľ, pätár, Jakob. A keď ho Boh zmenil, zmenil jeho meno. Boh zmenil Saula na Pavla, Šimona na Petra. Istotne v tom niečo je. Ricky a Elvis, mená ako to, to je moderné americké meno, ktoré vrhá to dieťa automaticky rovno do toho. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?

51Tak dúfam, že ja nie... Radšej by som sa mal stiahnuť a nie ísť príliš ďaleko tu po tejto vetve (Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?), lebo by ste to potom neporozumeli. Ale všetky tieto veci, bežná osoba im vôbec nerozumie. Oni to nedokážu uchopiť, pretože oni majú jeden trend. A to je všetko, čo počúvajú, tie hlasy.

52Existuje hlas filozofov, komunizmu, zasľubujúci niečo, pričom to nedokážu dodržať. A pritom veľké percento Američanov sú zamotaní v komunizme. Tak, bol som v komunizme, vlastne v komunistických zónach v Nemecku, vo východnej časti Berlína. Oni majú veľké domy, aby to ukázali navonok. A mali by ste vstúpiť dovnútra do nich, oni ani nie sú dokončené. Je to falošná ekonómia, oni sa snažia pred sebou len niečo tlačiť.

53A v Rusku, čo je rodiskom komunizmu... Pričom pred mnohými rokmi, keď som bol ešte len chlapec, kazateľ, povedal by som, že asi pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi, keď nacizmus, fašizmus a komunizmus povstával, povedal som, „Hovorím v Mene Pánovom! Oni všetky zakončia v komunizme,“ ale, či ste si niekedy pomysleli, že Boh nám z toho nechal východisko, ak to len príjmeme. Tam je len jedno percento v Rusku, ktoré je komunistické, jedno percento, ale oni sú to riadiace percento. Jedno percento komunizmu... Vlastne, jedno percento Ruska je komunizmus, ale oni tým riadia.

54A tá istá vec, Hollywood je jedno miesto, ale oni to riadia.

55A siedma tretina alebo dve tretiny populácie Spojených Štátov chodia do cirkvi a sú členmi cirkvi, ale oni to riadia v týchto denomináciách.

56To, čo tam komunizmus potrebuje, je hlas Boží, aby medzi nimi povstal, a Ten by to zahanbil.

57Vo Fínsku, toho dňa, keď bol ten malý chlapec vzkriesený z mŕtvych, a keď ma tam priviedli o pár metrov ďalej, kde bol tento malý chlapec vzkriesený z mŕtvych, boli tam komunistickí vojaci, Rusi, a stáli tam s ruským pozdravom a slzy im stekali dolu po lícach. Oni povedali, „My príjmeme takého Boha, ktorý dokáže vzkriesiť z mŕtvych.“ Je to zanedbanie katolíckou cirkvou a luteránskou cirkvou a všetkými tými denomináciami, a že vzali všetky tie peniaze a postavili organizácie a ľuďom nedali nič. Žijú ako tí ostatní ľudia. Oni majú...

58To, čo Rusko potrebuje, je prorok, ktorý by tam povstal na scéne so Slovom Pánovým, ktorý by im mohol zavrieť ústa. Potom by to tí, ktorí sú tými deväťdesiatimi percentami, zabrali.

59 To, čo potrebuje Amerika, je hlas proroka Božieho, ktorý sa môže postaviť a odsúdiť Hollywood, odsúdiť tieto veci v Mene Ježiša Krista, a cirkev Ducha Svätého to preberie. Existuje príliš mnoho zmätku, rozumiete, príliš mnoho hlasov, ktoré sú voči tomu v kontraste.

60Cirkev a jej hlas, každý chce viac členov. Baptisti chcú všetkých, metodisti chcú všetkých, presbyteriáni. Všetkých ich máme. A vyzerá to tak, že katolíci to zaberú všetko, a oni to zaberú. To je presne Boží hlas tejto Biblie. Oni budú panovať.

61Ale najvyšší Boh bude nakoniec panovať. Svätí to jedného dňa preberú, lebo Biblia tak hovorí. Oni to prevezmú.

62Taký hrozný zmätok hlasov! Potom, existuje hlas falošného proroka. To je hrozný hlas, to je človek, ktorý nazýva sám seba prorokom. A prorok je, samozrejme, kazateľ. Moderné slovo „Prorok“ absolútne znamená, „muž, ktorý káže pod inšpiráciou.“ Človek, ktorý povstane a nazve samého seba prorokom, a zapiera Slovo Božie a zapiera pravdu Božiu. Existuje tak mnoho hlasov!

63Len pred nejakou chvíľou tam bol jeden brat, ktorý ma smeroval sem, kam mám prísť, ale ja... Ale on sa hádam čudoval, prečo som išiel ďalej až na ulicu, a potom som sa otočil a vrátil sa. Ak si tu, brat, ja som niečo počúval a to boli naši farební priatelia, černosi. Oni tu majú chrám a nazývajú to „Eliáš Mohamed,“ alebo tak nejako, „Mladý Eliáš Mohamed.“ Povstávajú s hlasom a hovoria, že oni sú hlasom, ktorý vyvedie farebnú rasu z tohoto chaosu. A vidíte, to je práve tá istá vec, ten ich moslim je tu, ich mešita. No, či to nevidíte, že práve samotný základ toho je nesprávny?

64Farební ľudia, práve tak ako bieli ľudia, hnedí ľudia a žltí ľudia, nie späť ku Mohamedanizmu, ale naspäť ku Kristovi, ku samotným princípom, ktoré Biblia učí. Mohamedanizmus je proti Slovu. Mal som to privilégium viesť jedného času v Durbane, v Južnej Afrike, desiatky tisícov Mohamedánov ku Kristovi. Islam neprodukuje nič iné, len psychológiu. A psychológia je v poriadku, pokiaľ tá psychológia nezapiera Slovo. Ale keď psychológia zapiera Slovo, potom je tá psychológia zlá. Ona vydáva neistý zvuk. Všetko iné pominie, ale Božie Slovo, Ježiš povedal, „Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ A tak vidíte, my musíme zostať so Slovom, s tým hlasom.

65Tak mnoho mätúcich vecí. Ľudia povstanú, nepoznajú Slovo a hovoria veci, a možno to znie veľmi rozumne. Komunizmus je veľmi rozumná vec, „Všetci rovnakí. Neexistujú viac kapitalisti, všetci sú komunisti.“ Či ste sa niekedy nad tým pozastavili, že je to falošné prebudenie, komunizmus? A podľa čoho sa oni vzorujú? Ježiš povedal, „Tie dva duchy budú tak blízko, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.“ A všetko, čo diabol má, je prevrátením toho, čo Boh stvoril. Hriech je prevrátená spravodlivosť. Klamstvo je zle vyloženou pravdou. Cudzoložstvo je skutok, ktorý Boh ustanovil, ale prevrátený. Všetka nevera je prevrátením viery. Musíte zaprieť pravdu, aby ste mali prevrátenie. Vidíte? Preverte tieto hlasy a otestujte ich pomocou Slova a uvidíte, či je to pravda.

66Ó, ako by sme mohli pokračovať ďalej a ďalej o týchto hlasoch dneška, ale náš čas už pominul. Ale existuje tak mnoho hlasov, až ľudia nevedia, čo majú robiť. Metodisti budú nakoniec počuť baptistického kazateľa a pôjdu tam a chvíľu tam zostanú, a potom pôjdu k luteránom. A potom medzi letničnými majú rozličné skupiny, jeden pôjde k tomu, druhému a ten zase k tomu a potom tam a naspäť. To ukazuje, že nie ste stabilní. Počujte Jeho Hlas! Tu je to napísané na papieri, ten Hlas, ten Hlas bude potvrdením toho, ak je to pravda.

67Cirkevný svet nevie, čo robiť, politický svet je v chaose. Všetko sa zdá byť v chaose. Ľudia behajú z miesta na miesto, niečo povstáva, nejaké sako, nejaký plášť. Keď som bol v Ríme, oni tam majú devätnásť rôznych „potvrdených“ klincov, ktoré pribili do Ježišovej ruky, a existujú len tri, ale jednako oni tam majú záznam devätnástich klincov. A čo na tom záleží, kto má ten klinec? Kristus nám nikdy nezanechal klince, aby sme ich uctievali, On nám zanechal Ducha Svätého skrze Jeho Slovo! „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, že budú mať ten originálny klinec?“ „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, že budú patriť do denominácie, ktorú som rozpočal?“ On nerozpočal žiadnu. Vidíte, ako je ten hlas v protiklade?

68Ale, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; v Mojom mene budú vyháňať diablov,“ to je to Slovo. „Budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, budú brať hadov a neuškodia im. Ak by vypili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im to. Ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, zotavia sa.“ A vy pozorujte tieto veci, plus všetko ostatné z Písma dané dokopy.

69Tak, to samo osebe to ešte nepotvrdí, vôbec nie. To je to, kde sa my, letniční, dostávame na nesprávnu cestu. Či nepovedal Ježiš, „Mnohí ku Mne prídu v ten deň a povedia, 'Pane, či som nevykonal mocné veci v Tvojom mene? Či som neprorokoval v Tvojom mene? Či som neurobil všetko toto v Tvojom mene?'“ A Ježiš povie, „Odíďte odo Mňa, vy, činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal.“ Vidíte, moji bratia a moje sestry, prečo tak odsudzujem a obžalovávam túto generáciu? Vy by ste mohli hovoriť v ľudských alebo anjelských jazykoch, mohli by ste tancovať v Duchu dokola po celej cirkvi, to s tým nemá vôbec nič spoločné.

70Videl som Mohamedánov takto tancovať. Videl som v tábore čarodejníkov, ako povstali čarodejnici a hovorili v jazykoch a vykladali to a hovorili presne to, čo sa stane, a to sa tak stalo. Dokonca som videl, ako povstala ceruzka a písala v neznámych jazykoch, a iba jeden to dokázal prečítať, a to bolo z diabla. Nemôžte zakladať svoje večné miesto určenia na nejakej senzácii. Satan dokáže napodobniť ktorúkoľvek z tých senzácií. Nie... To je poznať Krista, niečo, čo mení tvoj život. Pozoruj svoj život a dávaj mu vzor zo Slova a uvidíš, na čom si. Istotne rob inventúru.

71Napriek všetkým týmto napodobňovaniam, falošným hlasom, falošným prorokom a všetkým týmto ostatným veciam, ktoré povstávajú, Ježiš jednako povedal napriek všetkému tomuto, „Ak niekto bude počuť Môj hlas a bude Ma nasledovať...“ On je Slovo. Počúvajte, to je Jeho poverenie ku nám dnes, pri všetkých týchto hlasoch. Pričom som povedal, že by to zabralo hodiny, aby som vyjasnil všetky tieto hlasy. A je to pre ľudí mätúce, je to veľká zarážajúca vec. A napokon, vy nedostávate druhú príležitosť, vy to musíte vziať teraz. Dnes večer vám už nemusí byť daná príležitosť. Zajtra vám nemusí byť daná príležitosť. To je teraz! „Keď budete počuť Môj Hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdce ako vo dňoch pokúšania (Provokovania). Teraz je ten čas. Toto je ten prijateľný čas a ak by niekto počul Môj Hlas.“ To ukazuje, že Jeho Hlas uprostred toho všetkého chaosu bude stále tam. On má stále Hlas! Prečo? Jeho Hlas, On navždy zostane. Tu to je, „Nebesia i zem pominú, ale Môj Hlas nikdy nepominie,“ Jeho Slovo.

72Vezmime niečo, povedzme na takých pár minút, ešte rýchlo. Môžete ešte tak dlho vydržať, nejakých pár minút? Dobre, budem sa ponáhľať. Vezmime príklady niektorých, ktorí počuli Jeho Hlas a poslúchli ho. Čo to v nich vypôsobilo, ako začali konať, a čo im to spôsobilo, aby tak konali. No, preskočím tu mnoho miest Písma, len aby som vám to rýchlo, priamo priniesol. Ako to zmenilo ich životy a všetkých tých, ktorí boli okolo nich, ako sa stali čudákmi, čo my nazývame „čudák.“ Každý človek, ktorý kedy veril Bohu, bol považovaný za čudáka. Pretože ak ste v trende tohoto sveta, niečo s vami potom nie je v poriadku. Aby si bol kresťanom, musíš byť čudákom. „Lebo všetci tí, ktorí žijú zbožne v Kristu Ježišovi, budú trpieť prenasledovanie od sveta. On bol na svete a svet bol učinený skrze Neho a svet Ho nepoznal.“ Teraz už rýchlo, počúvajte pozorne, ako zakončíme.

73Adam počul Jeho hlas za chládku večera a mal s Ním obecenstvo. Pre Adama nebolo žiadne odsúdenie. On počul Boží hlas a povedal, „Otče, teraz si tu líham spať.“ A on si ľahol a Eva mu bola v náručí a lev a tiger a divé zvery ležali okolo neho, nič nemohlo uškodiť, nebolo možné ochorieť, nebolo žiadnej pochybnosti, či sa ráno zobudí, či sa ešte zobudia. Adam počul Jeho hlas takým spôsobom, akým ho mal počuť.

74Ale jedného dňa počul hlas svojej manželky. Možno by som do tohto nemal vchádzať. Ale on počúvol nesprávny hlas, pritom to bola jeho manželka, ten najbližší zväzok, aký mal na zemi. Prečo nepovedal ako Jób, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá žena“? Ak by to bol povedal, tak celá ľudská rasa by teraz žila namiesto zomierania. To zmenilo kurz ľudských bytostí a času. Ale on počul Boží hlas, on s tým mal obecenstvo, ale keď sa obrátil ku... Ako vedel, že jeho manželka sa mýli? Pamätajte, bolo to príjemné.

75My si dnes myslíme, že naša organizácia, cirkev, my si myslíme, že naša prosperita dnes, že Boh sa na nás usmieva. To vyzerá dobre, vyzeralo to dobre, keď sa tam Micheáš postavil pred tých štyristo prorokov, a patrila im celá zem, a boli tam Filištíni alebo Asýrčania, a vyzeralo to dobre. Títo proroci hovorili, „Choď tam, to nám patrí. Prevezmi to!“ Ale to nebol Boží hlas. A Micheáš sa otočil a preklial ten hlas. A ako vedel, že to má urobiť? Pretože jeho videnie bolo presne v zhode so Slovom. To je jediný spôsob, ako tomu môžeme dôverovať a vidieť to dnes, to musí byť podľa Slova.

76Všimli ste si potom, že Adam, potom, ako počúvol iný hlas pomimo Božieho hlasu, svoju manželku. A cirkev počúva hlas svojej organizácie, vštepuje do toho vyznania namiesto Slova, dovolí im žiť, akokoľvek len chcú. Pokiaľ chodia do cirkvi a sú členmi určitej cirkvi, tak to je všetko, na čom záleží. To najbližšie spojenie, ktoré má veriaci na zemi, pre nich je to cirkev. Ale pre veriaceho, toho skutočného veriaceho, to najbližšie spojenie je Duch Svätý, to je Božie Slovo.

77Tak zisťujeme, že Adam si uvedomil svoj stav a on počul Boží hlas, ako znovu volá, a on bol znovu pri figových listoch. A to bol hlas odsúdenia, „Prečo si to urobil?“

78Rád by som vedel, či dnes Amerika alebo svet vo svojom náboženskom povstaní, ako sa to zdá, a Amerika to prehĺta a je prehĺtaná, a to bude čoskoro národným náboženstvom. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

79...kto predo mnou sedí? Viem, že to ide na pásky a pôjde to do celého sveta. Nahrávame to na pásky, že každé posolstvo zaberá potom celý svet vo všetkých ostatných krajinách.

80Tak ak sa pozriete a budete vidieť, stojíte vo figových listoch. Keď ten hlas Boží vyšiel, oni nevedeli, čo s tým majú urobiť. Je to mätúce, oni nevedia, čo majú robiť.

81Rýchlo. Noe počul hlas Boží. Bola to príprava na záchranu jeho života, a on nasledoval tie inštrukcie a on zostal stáť.

82Ak nejaký človek počuje ten hlas... Počúvajte teraz, skutočne dobre toto pochopte. Nemiňte to. Ak nejaký človek počuje hlas niečoho, a ak je to dokázané, že je to hlas Boží, a je to v správnom čase, tak potom to, čo vychádza z toho človeka, nebo a zem pominú, ale to Slovo nemôže pominúť.

83Noe počul ten hlas a odsúdil svet. A oni sa mu smiali do tváre, pretože jeho posolstvo nebolo v súlade s ich vedeckými úspechmi, ale jednako pršalo a zničilo to celý svet. Rozumiete? Jeho hlas, ktorý vyšiel, to semeno tam ležalo. V každom veku to bolo tak isto.

84Samuel bol „zalarmovaný“, keď počul Boží hlas, a on bol... Vyšiel vpred a odsúdil Éliho, toho človeka, ktorý ho vyživoval. Ten muž, ktorý mu bol ockom a vychovával ho a kŕmil ho.

85Bratia kazatelia, môžem? Kazatelia mnohokrát na základe tej svojej denominačnej pôdy a vyznaní a ich poverení, ktoré majú vo vrecku, práve ten ocko, práve tá organizácia, ktorá ich vyživovala a kŕmila ich a vychovala ich a umiestnila ich do pozície v cirkvi a postavila ich v zhromaždení, a vy musíte vykopnúť to, čo oni učia. Rozumiete? Aká hrozne ťažká vec by to bola pre pravdivého sluhu Božieho, počuť Boží hlas, a potom sa musieť vrátiť ku tej istej matke organizácii a povedať, „Ste odsúdení, pretože neprijímate toto Slovo,“ čo za vec!

Pre Samuela to bolo ťažké. Ale on bol prorokom a on to musel urobiť. Bez ohľadu na to, či to raní alebo nie, on to jednako musel urobiť.

86Mojžiš počul Boží hlas. Bol plný teológie. On to poznal všetko, odpredu a odzadu, ale zlyhal. A keď počul Boží hlas, Mojžiš nezostal už tým istým.

87A žiaden človek nie je nikdy tým istým. Mohol si počuť vo svojich ušiach, ako ten Hlas hovorí, ale keď to počuješ vo svojom srdci, ako ten Hlas hovorí, potom skutočne počuješ. Nevidíš to svojím okom. Ty sa dívaš svojím okom, ale vidíš svojím srdcom. Viete, ako keď niekto povie, „Ja to jednoducho nevidím,“ máš na mysli, že tomu nerozumieš. Ty to nepočuješ svojimi ušami, ty počuješ svojím srdcom. Mnohokrát vaše uši počujú pravdivý hlas Boží a to spadá, ako keď sa voda zleje po chrbte kačice. Ale keď skutočne počuješ, počuješ svojím srdcom.

88A všetka teológia, ktorú Mojžiš mal, on nepočul hlas Boží. Ale jedného dňa, Boh zavolal toho osemdesiatročného pastiera nabok na jednu stranu a prehovoril k nemu a on to uchopil. On dokázal, že bol Bohom. Prvá vec, ktorú Mojžišovi urobil, bolo, že mu potvrdil Svoje Slovo, „Idem dolu, rozpomenul som sa na to, čo som zasľúbil.“

89A toto je to, čo On zasľúbil na posledné dni, že On vzbudí ľudí z pohanov a všetky zasľúbenia.

90„Toto som zasľúbil.“ Povedal, „Mojžiš, vyzuj si svoju obuv.“ Inými slovami, ucti to. „Hoď teraz na zem svoju palicu.“ A tá suchá palica z púšte sa stala hadom a Mojžiš ju uchopil a išiel späť znovu do svojho stavu. Rozumiete? On vedel, že to bol Boh, pretože Boh povedal, Slovo Božie, to Slovo, ktoré On hovoril, povedalo, „Hoď svoju palicu, ktorú máš vo svojej ruke, na zem.“ To bolo Slovo Božie. Nesnažte sa urobiť tú istú vec, to nie je Božie Slovo pre vás, to bolo Božie Slovo pre Mojžiša. Tu je Božie Slovo pre vás! „Hoď tú palicu na zem.“ Ona sa obrátila na hada. Povedal, „Tak čo, bojíš sa jej? Chyť ho za chvost,“ a ona sa znovu premenila. To bolo Božie Slovo pre Neho. Čo On urobil? Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo.

91Mal som tu pred pár mesiacmi jeden telefonát, asi o, možno je to už asi pred rokom, asi pred rokom. Jedna pani na druhej strane telefónu, bola tam s baptistickým kazateľom a letničným kazateľom. Ona povedala, „Brat Branham, Pán ma urobil prorokyňou.“

Povedal som, „Dobre.“

92Povedala, „Vieš, povedali mi, že ty si povedal, že vydávaš svedectvo, že moja služba je od Boha.“

93No, to som nemohol urobiť, pretože to je v protiklade so Slovom. A tak som povedal, „Pani, to je omyl. Ja ťa ani nepoznám.“

94A ten baptistický kazateľ, počul som ho a počul som aj toho letničného kazateľa. Ona povedala, „Tak, budem tu mať zhromaždenie.“ A povedala, „Pán robí veľké veci.“

95Povedal som, „Som za to vďačný.“ Ona povedala... Ja som povedal, „Povedal ti On už niečo?“

Povedala, „Áno, mám v ruke veľký program.“

96Povedal som, „Vynikajúce.“ Povedal som, „Tak, a čo je tvoj program?“ Povedal som, „Čo ti Pán povedal?“

97„Povedal mi, 'Choď do Phoenixu, do Arizony, na určitý dátum, a dám ti Zlatú Baňu Strateného Holanďana, a ty potom toto zlato, ktoré tam nájdeš, vezmeš a budeš sponzorovať misionárov okolo sveta.'“ Pričom vieme, že Baňa Strateného Holanďana je len legenda. Tak, ona povedala...

98Povedal som, „Dobre, poviem ti, ako zistíš, či je to od Boha, alebo nie.“ Povedal som, „Buď tam v ten teň. A ak tam tú Baňu Strateného Holanďana nájdeš, potom je to od Boha. Ak tú Baňu Strateného Holanďana nenájdeš, potom čiň pokánie a zbav sa toho klamlivého ducha, ktorý je na tebe.“ To je to, ako zistíte, či je to od Boha, alebo nie.

99Boh povedal, „Mojžiš, hoď tú palicu na zem a ona sa obráti na hada.“ A on to urobil. On povedal, „Znovu ju zodvihni a zase bude palicou.“ A on to urobil.

100Keď Boh dáva v týchto posledných dňoch zasľúbenie služby, On to potvrdí presne tým istým spôsobom, ako On povedal, že to urobí. Potom viete, že máte ten správny hlas. Počúvate tú správnu vec, pretože je to Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené. Vidíte? Ó, ako... Ó, je mi ľúto, ja... V poriadku.

101Mojžiš konal odlišne. Pozrite, akú divnú vec urobil Mojžiš. Tak vždy, keď nasledujete Boží hlas, tak ste pre svet bláznom. Na ďalší deň našli Mojžiša, ako so svojou ženou sedí na mulici a ich malý je na jej kolenách, alebo po južansky, „dieťa je na jej kolenách,“ a oni tam išli. Tento starý muž mal bradu, ktorá mu takto visela dolu, a jeho plešina sa mu leskla a v ruke mal palicu a viedol svojho malého osla a ide rovno dolu do Egypta, tak rýchlo, ako len môže. Niekto povedal, „Mojžiš, kam ideš?“

102 „Idem dolu do Egypta, aby som ho premohol.“ Tam, kde zlyhal ako mladý človek, zlyhal ako vojnový muž, ale tu on išiel, aby to zabral. A on to dokázal. Prečo? On počul Boží hlas a videl to potvrdené na jeho deň, tie veci, ktoré mali byť v tom dni. On to uvidel.

103Pavol, taký svojský farizej, tak plný teológie ako len mohol byť, ale jedného dňa počul hlas Boží. Uvidel Ohnivý Stĺp a vedel, že tam na tom bolo niečo iné. To zmenilo jeho život. Nezáleží na tom, koľko farizejov, koľko Gamalielov alebo čokoľvek mohlo kričať na Pavla, „Mýliš sa, mýliš sa,“ Pavol počul Boží hlas, on vedel, že to je pravda.

104Peter bol nábožný tak, ako len mohol byť, zachovával tradície starších, nejedol by žiadne mäso. Nie veru. On by s tým vôbec nič nechcel mať. On skutočne zachovával tradície starších rovno do písmena. Čo sa stalo? Jedného dňa počul Boží hlas, „Nenazývaj to obecným ani nečistým, keď som to Ja očistil.“ A bol zmeneným človekom. Bol pripravený ísť, kamkoľvek ho Pán pošle.

105Pri zakončení by som mohol povedať toto. Bol raz jeden človek, ktorý bol veriacim. Bol mŕtvy už štyri dni. Bol v hrobe, páchol, hnil, ale počul Boží hlas, ako prehovoril, „Lazar, vyjdi von!“ A ak to vyviedlo toho muža von, potom, ako bol mŕtvy a hnil, čo by to malo urobiť pre cirkev, ktorá má ešte stále v sebe život? To by ich malo vzkriesiť z toho zmätku týchto všetkých hlasov, o ktorých sme hovorili, nábožné, politické, Hollywoodske a všetky tie falošné proroctvá a veci, ktoré sa rozniesli. Uprostred všetkého toho, ten pravdivý Boží hlas bude povolávať človeka, ktorý je mŕtvy v hriechu a previneniach, znovu do života. To by malo vziať odpadnutú cirkev a znovu ju zavolať do života. Istotne!

106Pamätajte, ako zakončujeme, poviem toto a potom zakončím. Ježiš povedal, „Príde čas, kedy všetci tí, ktorí sú v hroboch, budú počuť hlas Boží,“ a vy to budete počuť. Nezáleží na tom stave, v akom ste, jednako to budete počuť. A niektorí z tých, ktorí vyjdú z hrobov, prídu do odsúdenia. Oni počujú ten hlas, ale on ich odsudzuje. A ak to počujete dnes, „Dnes, po tak dlhom čase, keby ste počuli Môj hlas, nezatvrdzujte svojho srdca, ako ste to robili vo dňoch pokúšania.“ A ak vy, letniční ľudia, ak sa znovu zgrupujete do vyznaní, do svetskosti, „Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúc jej moc,“ predtým budete musieť povstať vo vzkriesení, aby ste boli odsúdení, pretože hlas Boží, ktorý k vám teraz hovorí cez Slovo, vás v ten deň odsúdi.

107Ak si len vlažným veriacim a hlas Boží dnes ráno kričí do tvojho srdca, „Si vlažným veriacim,“ radšej by si mal činiť pokánie!

108Vy, muži, ženy, chlapci alebo dievčatá, ktorí nežijete pre Krista, a hlas Boží hovorí ku vám cez Jeho Slovo, a hovorí, „Prestaň to robiť,“ radšej by si to mal prestať. Pretože jedného dňa to budeš znovu počuť, a to ťa odsúdi. Nemôžeš to zaprieť, to teraz ku tebe hovorí. A pamätaj, je to zaznamenané.

109A tí, ktorí konajú správne a počujú Jeho hlas, povstanú do spravodlivosti, do Slávy, do neba.

110 Tak budeš musieť niekedy počuť Boží hlas. Možno ku tebe dnes ráno tak slabo hovorí do tvojho srdca, že by si sa mal odvrátiť od tej cesty, po ktorej ideš, a obrátiť sa znovu ku Bohu. Pamätaj si, oni v nebi zaznamenávajú ten hlas, ktorý hovorí do tvojho srdca. A jedného dňa, keď Ježiš zavolá a všetci, ktorí sú v hroboch, všetci, dobrí aj zlí povstanú. A potom práve tento hlas ti bude naspäť šepkať, „Vo Phoenix, v Arizone, na určitom rannom nedeľnom zhromaždení, keď vás kazateľ držal tak dlho a hovoril tým hlasom, Ja som ku tebe hovoril, povedal som vám, ženám, aby ste si nechali rásť vlasy, prestali sa obliekať nemorálne, povedal som vám, mužom, aby ste prestali klamať, fajčiť, povedal som vám, kazateľom, aby ste sa obrátili do Slova Božieho.“ Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? To je pravda.

Ten tichý hlas hovorí, „Je možné to napraviť.“

111Ak by som musel prísť ako Nikodém, tak aj tak by som sa tam snažil dostať. Prišiel by som ku Nemu a vyšiel by som niekde sem von na púšť a povedal, „Pane Bože, tu som, zmeň ma teraz. Pretvaruj ma podľa Tvojej vôle.“ Navráťte sa ku Slovu. Niekde tam, kde zanedbávate Slovo, vráťte sa rovno ku tomu, pretože reťaz je tak silná, aké je jej najslabšie ohnivko. A kdekoľvek v tvojom živote, kde si opustil prikázanie Božie, aby si slúžil nejakej tradícii, to je to, kde sa tvoja reťaz zlomí, bez ohľadu na to, aký si pevný v tej ďalšej veci. Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky.

112Modlime sa. Dnes, po tak dlhom čase, Pane, Ty si povedal, že budeš hovoriť, že napíšeš Svoje zákony na dosky sŕdc. Ja neviem, čo stojí predo mnou. Jedinú vec, o ktorej viem, aby som robil, je vziať Tvoje Slovo a rozširovať ho, ono sa istotne niekde medzi skalami usadí. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si hovoril ku každej mladej osobe, ku každej osobe stredného veku, ku starej osobe, kdekoľvek je. Hovor do môjho srdca, Pane. Hovor do sŕdc týchto kazateľov. Hovor do sŕdc ľudí v obecenstve.

113Modlíme sa, Otče, aby sme dnes počuli Tvoj hlas. A my vieme, že tak, ako to bolo vo dňoch Samuela, že otvorené videnie bolo zriedkavou vecou a ľudí to zarážalo. Tak isto je to dnes, máme sny a tých, ktorí mávajú sny, máme hovoriacich a vykladačov, ale otvorené videnie, ktoré vychádza so Slovom Pánovým a napráva... Modlíme sa, nebeský Otče, aby ten hlas, ktorý volal na púšti, „Pripravte cestu Pánovu,“ aby sme verili, že Duch Svätý dnes dáva znovu ten hlas, „Pripravte sa na príchod Pánov!“ A aké zvláštne to je, pretože existuje tak mnoho hlasov, aby to umlčali a vzali preč, ale je to také milostivé v ušiach tých, ktorí to počujú. Modlím sa, aby Duch Svätý teraz konal v srdciach všetkých nás.

114A zatiaľ čo máme naše hlavy sklonené a dôverujem, že aj naše srdcia sú sklonené. Ak viete o niečom niekde, kde ste vo svojom živote neposlúchli, kde viete o nejakom mieste Písma, o ktorom viete, že je to biblické učenie, a vy ste s tým nespolupracovali, pretože niečo spôsobilo, hollywoodsky hlas ťa donútil urobiť niečo odlišné. Niektoré miesto, ktoré ste vy, kazatelia, našli umiestnené v Biblii, ktoré je skutočne pravdou, ale vy viete, že vaša organizácia by vás vyhodila, ak by ste to učili, a jednako viete, že je to absolútne pravda. Je to ku vám, ľuďom, ktorí ste vzali tú nesprávnu vec, žili zlý život. Vy, otcovia a matky, ktorí sa nesnažíte napraviť svoje deti, nesnažíte sa ich vychovávať. Môžete sa snažiť najlepšie, ako viete, oni jednako pôjdu rovno do sveta, ale vy pred nich kladiete príklad. A ak to nerobíte, Boží hlas hovorí ku vám, „Nerob to.“

115A teraz, každá hlava je sklonená a každé oko zavreté a nech Boh nebies pohliadne dolu do sŕdc tých osôb, ktoré sú hladné, a nech nájde to miesto, kde sa mýlia. A s rukou pozdvihnutou ku Bohu povedia, „Pane, skutočne túžim, aby Tvoj hlas zobral preč všetku neveru a všetky veci, ktoré nie sú ako Ty, a urob ma tým, čím ma Ty chceš mať,“ zodvihli by ste ruky? Zatiaľ čo... Nech vás Pán žehná. Nech vás Boh žehná.

116Potom to Biblia hovorí, Ježiš povedal napriek všetkým týmto iným hlasom, „Jednako, ak nejaký človek bude počuť Môj hlas...“ Nasleduj Ho a dostaneš to, čo je tvojou túžbou.

117Pane, čas ubieha. Ale Biblia hovorí, že, „Všetci, ktorí uverili, boli pokrstení.“ Modlím sa, nebeský Otče, aby každý jeden z tých, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky v tom pravdivom vyznaní, že to Slovo Božie, ktoré čítali a uvideli, že sa mýlia. Nepozrel som sa ani na polovicu z nich. Nie je to na mne, aby som sa pozrel, je to na Tebe, aby si sa pozrel, Pane. Ty poznáš motív a cieľ, ktorý je za každou rukou, ktorá je zodvihnutá. Nech si od tejto hodiny zaumienia vo svojich srdciach, „Od tohto dňa, od teraz budem brať Slovo Božie a hlas Boží a budem Ho nasledovať bez ohľadu na to, aká je cena.” A nech to nesú vo svojej mysli, ako pôjdu vpred, ako je v tej piesni básnika, „Či musel Ježiš niesť ten kríž Sám a celý svet, a celý svet by bol prepustený na slobodu? Nie, existuje kríž pre každého a je kríž pre mňa. Tento posvätený kríž ponesiem, kým ma smrť nevyslobodí.“ Potom, keď ten hlas Boží hovorí, „Ja vystúpim v Jeho spravodlivosti, pretože som nasledoval Jeho hlas, hlas Jeho Slova.“ Porúčam ich teraz Tebe, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

118Zatiaľ čo máme svoje hlavy sklonené, robte svoje vyznania, predkladajte svoju žiadosť. Som ohromený týmto malým chlapcom, ktorý tu sedí a myká hlavou. A existuje hlas pre cirkev, „Ja som Pán, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.“ To je hlas v cirkvi. A vy všetci, ktorí máte potrebu k uzdraveniu a žijete posvätený život každému Slovu Božiemu, o ktorom viete, že je pravda, a máte potrebu uzdravenia, som zvedavý, či by ste len zodvihli svoju ruku. Zodvihnite svoju ruku, „Pane, mám potrebu uzdravenia.“ V poriadku.

119Tak zachovajte ten hlas vo svojom srdci, „Ja som Pán, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.“ Pamätajte, keď je Slovo hovorené, ono sa musí vyplniť. Ježiš povedal v Markovi 11:22, „Ak poviete tejto hore, 'pohni sa,' a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že to, čo ste povedali, sa stane, môžete mať to, čo ste povedali.“

120Tak teraz každý svojím vlastným spôsobom so sklonenou hlavou urobte svoje vyznanie, „Pane, verím Tvojmu Slovu. Počujem Tvoj hlas, ako mi hovorí, že Ty si ten istý, včera, dnes a naveky.“ Zostúpim tu dolu a položím ruky na toto dieťa, pretože ono je príliš malé, aby vedelo, o čom to všetko je, vzácny malý chlapec, on je asi tak veľký a tak starý ako môj malý Jozef. A chcem, aby ste sa všetci modlili modliac sa, „Pane, počujem Tvoj hlas. Verím.“

121Nebeský Otče, prinášame toto publikum Tebe pre uzdravenie ich tela. A, Pane, tu sedí jedno úbohé malé dieťa, ono upútavalo moju pozornosť počas celého tohoto posolstva, videl som toho rodiča, ako drží tohoto malého chlapčeka. Podľa lekárskej vedy neexistuje pre toho malého chlapca žiadna nádej. Existuje hlas Boží, ktorý ide ponad všetko. A ako sa táto cirkev spája dokopy, aby urobila každé prikázanie, o ktorom viem, že má byť urobené, a to ostatné patrí Tebe, Otče. Idem dolu a kladiem ruky na toto dieťa.

122Otče Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista odsudzujem toto. Nech moc Božia, uzdravenie Božie... Nech je na ňom vidno taký rozdiel v priebehu nasledujúcich piatich minút. Nech oni všetci prídu ku Bohu pre Tvoju slávu.

123Nebeský Otče, Ty si dal zasľúbenie. To je všetko, o čom viem, že Ty si dal zasľúbenie. Bolo to vykonané, ako už bolo povedané, „Ak poviete tomuto,“ a ja hovorím ku každému diablovi, chorobe a postihnutiu, ktoré zväzuje toto publikum, ktoré zväzuje týchto ľudí, každý duch nevery, hovorím, „Odíď od tých ľudí v Mene Ježiša Krista!“ Vieme, že je napísané, a teraz to bolo povedané, nech je to tak vykonané na česť a slávu Božiu. A v Mene Ježiša Krista je o to poprosené.

124Tak vy, ktorí dokážete veriť a veríte bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, nemusí to tak byť, ale semeno tam vpadlo. To niečo malé v tebe, ten hlas. Rodičia tohoto dieťaťa, bez ohľadu na to, v akom stave je, veríte, že semeno Božie padlo do vášho srdca a ten chlapec bude uzdravený? Vy ostatní sa modlite jeden za druhého, či veríte, že to semeno Božie vpadlo do tvojho srdca, „S mojou chorobou je koniec“? Potom, modlitba viery, ktorá bola za teba modlená, ona to upevní k tomu pilieru. A ak sa satan niekedy pokúsi niečo, tak ty mu to rovno vráť, „Keď som vtedy stál v tej španielskej cirkvi v to nedeľné ráno, modlili sa za mňa modlitbu viery. A Boh zasľúbil!“ Modlitba viery zachráni chorého a Boh ho pozdvihne. To sa musí stať. Ak tomu veríte, povedzte, „Amen.“ Nech vás Boh žehná. Odovzdávam teraz službu späť bratovi Rose, nazdávam sa, že je tu brat, Jewel Rose.

1 Certainly a privilege to be back amongst these Spanish people again this morning. And I wonder if Jim's getting this. Oh, he is getting the recording. I've still got the record that the little Spanish choir made when I was here before with Brother Garcia. And I forget that little song they used to sing me. But, oh, how I liked that! And those children now are all grown and married. I hear from them now and then. And I walked in this morning and seen little Joseph, and now it really done something to me, and I was certainly happy to see you.

2And, now, I got one word I can say in Spanish. Would you like to hear it? "Hallelujah!" I'll never forget the word. I was trying to get a deaf woman to hear me one time. Now, I may say this all wrong, you see, but the best I remember it was "oiga." That right? Hear me. Hear, "oiga." And then never forget, "Gloria a Dios!" Just wonderful! Oh, I had the opportunity to be down in the capitol, Mexico City, speak with them down there. How happy I was! And I used to...

3 I was in Finland after I was here. And always remind me of speaking to a little Finnish woman. They taken me up to what they call a "bethany." Every nation has it's own idea. (Am, are you getting the rebound, I'm too close to that? Can you hear all right, how's that?) This little woman, she was a lovely little person. But she was like me, she liked to talk a whole lot. And the interpreter... she talked real fast, and--and the interpreter couldn't say it fast enough to what she wanted to say it. And she would stand and her face would get red, she said, "I've got it in for them guys at Babylon."

4But, you know, I've noticed that all the--the birds all sing in English, dogs bark in English, babies cry in English. I wonder what's the matter with us anyhow. But each one of us think that our--our language will be the Millennium language, of course. But we who have received the Holy Ghost, that is true, 'cause we have a Heavenly language.

5 We have Brother Rowe here with us this morning, a diplomat from Washington. I believe he served under five or six Presidents, seven Presidents. And you know how I feel standing this, on this platform, speak, with a man like that sitting behind me. But his testimony always was such an outstanding one to me, and especially when he... I believe he was Lutheran, if I'm not mistaken, either Catholic or Lutheran, Lutheran. And he said he... something about crawling under a tent in a Pentecostal meeting, and he got up... Finally he made his way to the altar, and, when he did, the Lord came down upon him and blessed him so much that... I think he can speak in about seven different languages. And said he tried one, "it didn't work," then tried another, "it didn't work." And I suppose he can speak Spanish same as you all can. So he--he tried all of them, and they wouldn't work. And, see, know what, God was so good, He come down and give him a language he never tried before, said, "It works!" That's right. I think that's the way it'll be on the other side.

6 Many memories I hold in my heart of the little church up, I believe it... oh, I forget where it's at. It's over here somewhere close to Tonto Street. And I remember that. I can think of the word "Tonto Street," where the Spanish Apostolic church used to be.

7I was saying to the pastor, "This would be a grand place to have a revival," plenty of room, new church, fine people. So I think it would be in line for a revival someday. You pray to that, come in and have a revival. Now, I hope it's just a repeat of that we had over at the other church. I remember standing in the yard, leaning over the fence, up and down the streets, of trying to leave there of a nighttime, it was sure was a thrill that I've never forgotten. And I've got a--a record of the little ladies, the misses and the brethren who sang and made a record. And they would try to sing "Only Believe," and they didn't get it out just right, you know. They'd say, instead of "only believe," they'd bring it out "yeonea believe," see.

8 And I remember Rebekah, my daughter, Sarah, and yet they say, "Daddy, sing, play that little record of the little..." Instead of saying "Spanish," they couldn't speak that word, said, "Spinach girls, little spinach girls singing 'Only Believe.'"

9Well, I remember they followed the meeting. The revival was on then, and they followed the meeting all the way to the West Coast. And a little thing anchored in my heart when we left California, Brother Moore and I, and Brother Brown, way up at the capitol. And when I went down through that building that night, those kids standing there singing that, "He careth for you." You've heard it. "Through sunshines or shadows, He careth for you." Many times in foreign nations, upon the battlefields of the world strife, trying to bring the Message of Christ, I'd remember those girls and boys singing that song to me, "He careth for you. Through sunshines or shadows, He still careth for you." So that's been a great inspiration, a help.

10 Meeting your fine pastor, and so happy to see that the church is alive and you've got this great beautiful building here, setting all, plenty of parking room. Just a real place in the hands of the Holy Spirit, if we can just get Him to see it and know that we are calling for a revival. He, I believe He would give one.

11 Now, tonight we're at Brother Outlaw's church, the Jesus Name church, over on the other side. And Brother Outlaw, I believe in... is Apostolic church, too. I think he just calls his name, the church, Jesus Name. I think he's apostolic in belief. And so we're to be there tonight. And now we're not saying to the Spanish church, "now come over there," because you stay at your post of duty. And then there's going to be a great rally of the Christian Business Men, beginning Thursday, after the services are closed in other churches, on Thursday. And this convention, they're going to have outstanding speakers, and so Oral Roberts, and some Methodist brother that's just got saved, and they claim he's a very forceful speaker. And I'm sure you'll enjoy these conventions. And you teen-age children, they got a rally there for the teen-agers too, as brother just announced. I'm having my children there so they can get in on this. And so now come over, we'll be glad to have you. The Lord bless you all.

12 And now I want to turn in the Bible and read some of His blessed Word. And I've chosen this morning, for just a little while, I don't want to hold you too long, some text, and one of them is found in I Samuel, the other found in Isaiah. And I'd like to read from Isaiah first. And I...

13Can you hear all right, all around? In between these mikes, they seem to be very sensitive to me, I don't know why. You hear all right out there, raise up your hand. Good, good.

14 Now, I'm just a teeny bit hoarse, of course, that's from speaking much. And since I was here with this Spanish brethren, about sixteen years ago, I guess, maybe about sixteen or seventeen years ago, well, I been preaching ever since. So I was tired then, I said, and I'm still tired, but I'm still going on by the grace of God.

15Now let's turn to Isaiah 40, the 40th chapter of Isaiah; and the 1st chapter, or the 3rd chapter of I Samuel. And while we're holding them places for the reading of the Word, I would like now for us to bow our heads just a moment for prayer.

16 Our Heavenly Father, we are grateful today for this privilege of standing in this lovely sanctuary that's dedicated to God and for His work. And as we know that Your servants has stood behind this platform here or pulpit many times, and with a dedicated life to Your service.

17And this this morning brings back memories, memories of a revival that was just starting, with the Holy Spirit that had come down in the form of a big Light, like a Pillar of Fire, and It spoke that the Message should sweep the earth. And now today that is history. The Message has caught fire through great man, after seeing It, like Oral Roberts and Tommy Osborn, and Tommy Hicks and many others. And through the efforts that we have put forth together, we see the Message has set revival fires in every nation under Heaven, of the pentecostal Message. To this we give thanks and praise to Thee, O Mighty God.

18 And now today we pray that You will condition our heart, get ready for a great Rapture that will take place soon, we believe. And if our hearts are not in condition for that or for anything else that You have in store for us, we pray You forgive us of our shortcoming, and will speak to us today through Thy Word. Bless the pastor of this church, its deacons, trustees, and all the laity, the members. Bless this little choir, and the pianist, the musicians. All together, bless them who enter the gates of this place. May they go out changed each time, a little closer to You than they were when they come in. Grant it, Father. And may that be so, even this morning, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

19 Now turning to the Book of Isaiah, the 40th chapter, we read.

Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith... God.

Speak ye comfortable words unto Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she has received of the LORD's hand double for... her sins.

The voice of him that cries in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Every valley shall be exalted, and the mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:

And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken it.

Now in the Book of Samuel, I Samuel, 3rd chapter, I want to read the 1st, 2nd, and 19th verse.

And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.

And it came to pass at the time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see;

... ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep;

That the LORD called... and he answered, Here am I.

The 19th verse

And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and He did let none of his words fall to the ground.

20 Oh, that would be enough text that we could speak on here for a month, and we could draw much context from this glorious text. But this morning, and we just have about twenty minutes to get out in proper time from our... I guess the Sunday school is over or maybe it follows this, I don't know. But, however, I want to use the text of, The Voice Of God In This Last Days.

21It's a very outstanding time. We realize that where we're speaking from in the Scriptures, that it said, "There was no open vision in the days of Samuel." Therefore, "Where there's no vision," the Bible said, "the people perish." We must have a vision. And visions comes to the prophets, and it's the Word of the Lord spoken to them.

22 And we find out that Eli was not a prophet, Eli was a priest. And he was getting old, and his eyes were going dim, and he could not see to get around, was a great heavy man. And he had begin to let the work of the Lord go undone.

23And that's something like it is of today. I think the church, the organization and denominations, they've been on the field for a long time, and they're beginning getting laxed. And the work of the Lord is being left undone, the Word of Truth, because the church, in itself, has become dim-sighted. And we need, today, the Voice of God to speak among us, bring us back.

24And, see, Eli had laid down, and the... his eyesight was failing. He was a priest. And they had no open vision from the Lord. And that great need!

25 And God has promised to meet the need of the hour. He always does that. And we need the Voice of God today, to meet the need of the hour, to meet the time that we're living in. And after He has promised it, we can rest assured that He will keep His promise. That's the confidence that the believer has in His Maker, that He promised to meet the need.

26And, today, one reason that the church is in the condition that it's in, is because there is so many voices, so many other voices to attract the church from the Voice of God, till it's very doubtful that many would hear the Voice of God though It spoke right in their midst. They perhaps wouldn't even understand It, because It would be a foreign thing to them. They have got themselves so much centered on the voices of the day!

27 And if we notice, in our Scripture reading, that the Voice of God was foreign to them.

28And it's become that way again today, that the Voice of God... There is so many other voices. And then if God promised He would give us That, and if other voices are contrary to the Voice of God, then it must be the voice of our enemy, to confuse us, that we would not understand the Voice of God when It spoke.

29And we notice it was something similar to that with Eli and with Samuel, but Eli recognized right away that it was God. And it was absolutely a--a blaspheme on Eli. Because, the Voice of God, speaking to Samuel, had told him about Eli's wrongdoings, for he had babied his sons, and they was taking money and--and the flesh from the offerings. That was not right. And they were doing things wrong, contrary to God's Word.

30 And Samuel had... only thing that Samuel could do, would speak exactly. And he was a little reluctant to do so, because it was against the very place that he was sent to be raised up in, Eli and in the temple. But Eli said, "Speak on." See? And he told him exactly what was going to happen, that Samuel... or, "Eli's day was finished, as a priest," because God had spoke, and God was sending His Message through Samuel the prophet. Very odd birth, dedicated to the Lord from a child. God spoke to him, as a child, and was preparing him for a work that laid ahead. And Eli's time was finishing up.

31 There is so many voices in the earth today, that it is absolutely a hard thing, because it deadens the Voice of the Supernatural. There is so many intellectual voices, great voices of mighty man who are intellectual, that, in their intellectual conditions, even shake the nations. They're just not over-night people, but they shake nations, bringing great organizations together, great campaigns, flowery. And a person would be a bit confused. It's enough to confuse them, of how that these things go on and prosper. And there's voices that--that raise up and do these things, and it causes the Voice of God to be placed way back somewhere, the true Voice of God.

32 "And the Voice of God," they say, "how will we know it's the Voice of God?" Because, for today... Then it was in a vindicated prophet. Now, today, how we know it's the Voice of God, because it's the manifestation of the prophet's Word. This is God's prophet. And a true Voice of God only brings back that real, living, Supernatural God, with His Supernatural Word, with the Supernatural manifestation of the True Word. Then we know that It's the Voice of God. Because, and that Super-... There's so much other in the other realms, that just almost deaden That out. But, remember, It will glisten, It'll come forth! It'll do it.

33 Now, there is a voice today in the world of politics. That's a great voice. And people, absolutely, in this great day of politics, they'll... It's all mixed up in their churches and everything. And many times, that we have just seen recently, that the voice of politics is actually stronger than the Voice of God in the churches, or the American people would have never did what they just done. See? They'd have never done it. If the Voice of God would been kept alive in the church, they'd have never made that mistakes. But the voice of politics is so much stronger in the earth today than the Voice of God, until people sold their Christian birthright for a mess of popularity, education, and political power. It's such a shame to see it. The very thing that our nation was made, what it's made on, the people turned right back around and--and voted in the thing that we left the other country. And the--and the Plymouth Rock, and Mayflower and them, come over here and--and established this great economy that we have. Is the very thing that we fought so hard to come out of, we've put ourselves right back in its clutches, because that the Bible speaks it would be that way.

34 And the system of Eli, a priest instead of a prophet. The prophet is the Word. And the priest was the church.

35And it's got in such a place till it begin to get so loose that the Word is foreign to the people. They don't get It. Then you can speak It, and they don't understand It, because they're not trained to It. Paul said, "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who will know to prepare himself for battle?"

36The people are trained to a--a--a church voice, a church trumpet, "We've got more in our Sunday school than the rest of them's got." That don't mean a thing. "We've got more in our denomination than the rest of them's got. We're the biggest amongst the denominations." See, that's the kind of a voice that the people are trained for. In the street, they go out to get the people and bring them in. Tens of thousands times thousands in great campaign, bring them in. What are they interested in? "We got the biggest church. We got the biggest congregation. We got the highest-membered Sunday school. We got the mayor of the city coming to our church." That might be all good, but if that same church isn't trained to the Voice of God, the Gospel Trumpet, what good does it do?

37 And when a thing rises just like has rose amongst our government, what's happened? The church didn't know the Voice of the Trumpet, and they didn't know what to do. The great promise of prosperity, an intellectual giant coming in, and they went right over the very thing that the Bible predicted, and brought it in. See, a political voice! And it proved that it overrode the religious Voice, or they'd have never done what they did, the Gospel Voice. Because we're promised of a lot of stuff, we're promised prosperity, and no doubt but what we'll get it.

38But, still, that doesn't mean anything to a believer. Turn over in the Book of Hebrews, at the 11th chapter, listen to that Saint Paul speak, how they, in the days, "Wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, was destitute, not a place, couldn't enter the city."

39 I was reading in the Nicaea Council, when the great issues come up at Nicaea, Rome, three hundred years after the death of Christ, in the great Nicaea Council, when the great church that stood for what was right, they wanted the Bible. And the Roman converts of the first church of Rome had injected dogmas, to say, for instance, like we have Christmas.

40Christmas, Christ was no more borned on the twenty-fifth day of--of December than I was. Why, the hills of Judaea was snowy, and He... It contrasts all other Bible prophecies. He was borned in the spring, like all lambs are born. Why was He born in a barn instead of a house? He was a Lamb. Why was He not just run up to the altar or to His altar where He was nailed to, the cross? He was led to the cross. You lead the sheep to the slaughter. He was a Lamb. Then He was born when lambs was born.

41 But, you see, to do that, they had the sun-god's birthday, which, on the solar system, the--the sun in the five days from December the twentieth unto December the twenty-fifth, there's hardly a moving at all, of the sun. lt--it varies a little each day, gets longer and longer and longer till it hits its longest day in July. And then, in December, its shortest day. And then that little time of the twenty-fifth, from the twentieth to the twenty-fifth, they had the Roman circus and the celebration of the sun-god's birthday. So then Jupiter, which was a Roman god, and then they injected it, in saying then, "We will take the Son of God and the sun-god's birthday, put that together and it be one great celebration." That's contrary! And, oh, the many injections that they placed in there!

42 And then when them true man of God who wanted to stay with the Word, like Polycarp, Irenaeus, Martin, those great, early, sainted man who wanted to stay with the Truth. And when they brought through the Nicaea Council, some of those people had been so rejected until prophets came in out of the wilderness with nothing around them but a piece of sheepskin, to sit in that council. But they knowed the Word of the Lord. But popularity, them fifteen days of bloody politics, and overrode It. Then we had a thousand years of dark age, see.

43 But God promised that that Trumpet would sound again. Always the people listens to the true Voice of the Word, always examine what you do by the Word.

44The voice of politics. And we in America and the rest of the world, have a loud speaking voice today, and that's the voice of Hollywood. It's captured the world. Let somebody come out in Hollywood with something, you find it all over the country. Now, we notice that they have set a pattern for our women, on their dress, their hair styles. They set that dress.

45 The church ought to know the Voice of the Trumpet of God on that! But there's so much confusion because you see others do so, examples. Don't never pattern yourself after that kind of an example, because it's perishable. Always hear the Voice of God, what He says about it.

46And then we notice, at Hollywood, they raise up things. And just let me speak just a moment on this before we go further. There was a--a thing come out not long ago, that a--a man in Hollywood... Nothing against the man now, he's a mortal that Christ died for, but just to show you. They invented a little thing called, the kids used to call the "hula-hoop," hula-hoop, or something. And if you ever noticed the vulgarity and things that follow that lot, in the little children. That's not right.

47 Now, Hollywood is full of--of the gunfighters. Now, anyone that knows history, knows that them people back there in them days, that was gunfighters like the--the different fellows, they wasn't decent citizens, they were renegades, they were like Al Capone and Dillinger. They got a Hollywood play they call, on--on the television, they call, "Gunsmoke." And I heard on the monitor the other day that the fellow that plays it, Arness or something, or Arness, or I forget what his name is, and he's supposed to take... He represents Matt Dillon who was a sheriff in Kansas. And Matt Dillon was as yellow as a rabbit. He shot twenty-eight man in the back, innocent people, going outside of Dodge City and waiting in a bush. And when a man come along, that somebody would call him and tell him that there was a certain villain coming through, then stay out there and, when the man come in, he'd shoot him through the back. Now we find he's "big guy" that comes down. Why, it's--it's absolutely glorifying sin. But the little children of our country can tell you more about Matt Dillon than they can tell you about Jesus Christ. The--the--the stores, the ten-cent stores, and the clothing department, is hanging full of little--little toy guns, with little hats that--that you could buy anywhere. It's all right to wear that, but I'm--I'm just telling you, you see. Then they--they, the commercial world, picks that thing up and makes millions of dollars off of it.

48 We have what we call "St. Patrick's Day," we have what we call these "religious holidays." And the commercial world has picked it up, and they make millions of dollars. "Mother's Day," bunches of flowers. Why, every day should be an honorable day to mother. She's off somewhere, old, go see her. That'll be worth more than all the flower you could send her, or anything else. See, but they pick it up. It's a voice, and--and we blend right in with it. It's really not right. But what are you going to do? See, we're--we're just...

49I'm trying to get to a point here to tell you something, what I--I believe. The Voice is rare, the Voice of God.

50 Now, we find out that they set the pace. And did you ever notice, our young boys has become "Ricky" and "Elvis." You got a child named that, change it right quick, call him number "one" or "two," or something. Don't, that's a horrible... You say, "What difference does the name mean?" Why, sure, it means something. Your name characterizes your life. "Now, Brother Branham, you're on numerology." No, I'm not! I'm on THUS SAITH THE LORD! Why was it when Jacob, he lived to his name, as--as deceiver, supplanter, Jacob. And when God changed him, He changed his name. God changed Saul to Paul, Simon to Peter. Certainly, it has something. And Ricky and Elvis, and such names as that, is the modern American name which throws a child automatically right into that. See what I mean?

51 Now, I hope I don't... I better back up and don't get too far on a limb here, (see what I mean?) that you wouldn't understand. But all these things is not even understood by the common person. They don't catch it, because they got one trend. That's all they listen to, those voices.

52There's a voice of philosophers, Communism, promising something that they cannot stay by. And yet a great percent of the American people are wrapped up in Communism. Now, I've been in Communism, Communism zones, rather, in Germany, on the east side of Berlin. They had great big houses to show the outside. You ought to walk on the inside of them, they're not even finished. It's a false economy, they're trying to push over something.

53 And, in Russia, the birthplace of Communism... Which, many years ago, when I was just a boy preacher, I'd say thirty-three years ago, when Nazism, Facism, and Communism was rising, I said, "I speak in the Name of the Lord! They'll all wind up in Communism." But, did you ever think, God has left us an avenue out, if we'd just take it. There's only one percent of Russia that's Communism, one percent, but they're the controlling percent. One percent of Communism... one percent of Russia is Communism, rather, but they control.

54 And the same thing, Hollywood's one place, but they're in control.

55About one third or two thirds of the population of the United States goes to church, and is church members, but they control in those denominations.

56What Communism needs over there is the Voice of God rise up among them, and It would put it to a shame.

57In Finland, when that little boy was raised from the dead that day, and they was bringing me three squares away, where this little fellow was raised up, the dead; Communist soldiers, Russians, standing there with the Russian salute, and the tears running down their cheeks. They said, "We will receive a God that can raise the dead." It's the negligence of the Catholic church and the Lutheran church, and all those denominations, and have taken all of the money, and building organizations, and giving the people nothing. They live like the rest of the people. There's got...

58What Russia needs is a prophet to rise on the scene with the Word of the Lord, that can--can shut the mouth. Then that ninety percent will take over.

59What America needs is a Voice of the prophet of God, who could stand up and condemn Hollywood, and condemn these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost Church will take over. Too much confusion, see, too many voices of contrast against It.

60 The church, its voice, each one wants more members. The Baptist wants it all, Methodist wants it all, Presbyterian. We all have these. And Catholic's look like is going to take it all, and they will. That's exactly the Voice of God out of this Bible. They will rule.

61But the Most High God shall finally rule. The Saints shall take over, one day, the Bible said so. They will take over.

62Such an awful lot of voices! Then there's the voice of the false prophet. That's a terrible voice, a man who calls hisself a prophet. A prophet, of course, is a preacher. The modern word "prophet" absolutely means "a man that preaches under inspiration." There is a man who stands and calls hisself a prophet, and denies the Word of God, denies the Truth of God. There's so many voices!

63 Just a few moments ago, there was a brother out there directing me where to come in up here, but I... guess he wondered why I went on up the street and turned around and come back. If you're here, brother, I was listening to something, it was our--our colored friends, the negro. They got a temple here, and they call it, "the Elijah Mohammed," or something, "young Elijah Mohammed." Raising up with a voice, and saying that they are the voice that's going to bring the--the colored race out of this chaos. That, you see, the very thing, their--their--their Moslem is here, their Mosque. Why, don't you see, that the very background of it, it's wrong!

64 The colored people, just like the white people, brown people, and yellow people, not back to back to Mohammedism, but come back to Christ, the very principles that the Bible teaches. Mohammedanism is against the Word. Now, I had the privilege of leading ten thousand Mohammedans to Christ one time at Durban, South Africa. It produces nothing but psychology. And psychology is all right as long as psychology don't deny the Word. But when psychology denies the Word, then psychology is wrong. It gives an uncertain sound. There's everything else will pass but God's Word, Jesus said so, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away." So, you see we must stay with the Word, the Voice.

65 So many confuse things! The people get up, they don't know the Word, and they say things, and maybe it sounds very reasonable. Communism is a very reasonable thing, "Everybody the same. There's no more capitalists, they're all Communists." Did you ever stop to think that that's a false revival, Communism is? And where did he pattern it all after? The... Jesus said, "The two spirits would be so close, it would deceive the Elected if possible." And everything the Devil's got, it's a perversion of what God created. Sin is--is righteousness perverted. A lie is the Truth misrepresented. Adultery is--is, an act that God ordained us to, perverted. All unbelief is the perversion of belief. You have to deny the Truth in order to take the--the perversion. See, straighten out these voices, test them by the Word and see if it's Truth.

66 Oh, how we could go on and on, on these voices of today, but our time's passed. But, so many voices that people don't know what to do. The Methodist will finally hear a Baptist preacher, they'll go over there, they'll stay there a while and then they go to Lutheran. And in the Pentecostals, they have different groups, one will run to one, and one to another, then back and forth. It shows you're not stable. Hear His Voice! Here It is, wrote on paper, the Voice, the Voice will be confirmed if It is the Truth.

67The church world don't know what to do, the political world is in chaos. Everything seems to be in chaos. Fellows run from here, something else rise up, some jacket, some coat. When I was in Rome, they got nineteen different vindicated nails that was drove in Jesus' hand; and there's only three, but yet they've got the record that nineteen different nails. Now, what difference does it make who has the nail? Christ never left us nails to worship, He left us the Holy Spirit, by His Word! "These signs shall follow them that believe, they'll have the original nail"? "They'll have... These signs shall follow them that believe, they'll belong to the denomination I started"? He started none. See how the voice is contrary?

68 But, "These signs shall follow them that believe; in My Name they shall cast out devils." There's the Word. "They shall speak with new tongues; take up serpents, that would not harm them. If they drink deadly things, it would not bother them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And you watch these things plus all the rest of the Scripture put together.

69Now, that alone will not confirm it, not at all. There's where we Pentecostals get on the wrong road. Did not Jesus say, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, "Lord, have not I done mighty things in Your Name? Have not I prophesied in Your Name? Have not I done all this in Your Name?'" And Jesus said, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity, I never knew you." Do you see, my sisters and my brothers, why I'm so condemning and indicting this generation? You might speak with tongue like men and Angels, you might dance in the Spirit all around the church, that has nothing to do with It.

70 I've seen Mohammedans dance around like that. I've heard in the doctor... witchdoctor's camp, seen the witches stand up and speak in tongues and interpret it, and tell exactly what was going to happen, and it happened that way. I've seen even a pencil raise up and write in unknown tongues, and only one there could read it, and was of the Devil. You can't base your Eternal destination upon some sensation. Satan can impersonate any of those sensations. Not... It's to know Christ, something changes in your life. Watch your life and pattern it with the Word, and see where you're at. Taking inventory, certainly.

71 In spite of all this impersonations, false voices, false prophets, all these other things that's rising up, Jesus still said, in spite of all of this, "If any man will hear My Voice and follow after Me." He is the Word. Listen, His commission to us today, in all these voices. Which, I said it would take hours to bring out all these voices. And it's confusing to the people, it's a pathetic thing. And, after all, you don't get the second chance, you got to take It now. You might not get a chance tonight. You might not get a chance tomorrow. It's now! "When you hear My Voice, harden not your heart, as in the days of provocation. Now is the time. This is the acceptable time that if any man will hear My Voice." That goes to show that His Voice would still be there in the midst of all the chaos. He's still got a Voice! Why? His Voice will ever remain. Here it is, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Voice shall not pass away," His Word.

72 Let's just take, say, another five minutes, quickly. Can you, will you stay that long, or a few minutes? Now, I'll hurry. Let's just take some who heard this Voice and obeyed It. How It made them act, what It made them to do. Now I'm going to bypass a lot of--of Scripture here, just in order to get right straight to you. How It changed their lives and all them that was about them, how they become the oddball, we call an "oddball." Every man that ever did believe God, was considered an oddball. Because, if you're in the trend of the world, there's something wrong with you. To be a Christian you have to be an oddball. "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions of the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not." Quickly now, listen close as we close.

73 Adam heard His Voice, in the cool of the evening, and had fellowship with Him. There was no condemnation to Adam. He heard the Voice of God, and he said, "Father, now I lay me down to sleep." And he laid down, and Eve on his arm, the lion, the tiger, and the wild beasts laid right around him, there was no harm, no way of getting sick, no way of wondering if he'd wake up in the morning, they're going to wake up. Adam heard His Voice in the way that he ought to have heard It.

74But one day he heard his wife's voice. I better leave that alone for a while. But he listened to the wrong voice, yet it was his wife, the closest tie he had on earth. Why didn't he, like Job, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman"? And if it would, the whole human race would be living instead of dying. It changed the course of human beings and time. But he heard a Voice of God, he had fellowship with It, but when he turned... How did he know that his wife was wrong? Remember, it was pleasant.

75 We think today that our organization, church, we think that our prosperity today is God smiling upon us. It looks good. It looked good when Micaiah stood there before the four hundred prophets, and the whole land belonged to them, and the Philistines was on it, or the Assyrians, it looked good. These prophets was telling, "Go out there, that belongs to us. Take it!" But it wasn't the Voice of God. And Micaiah turned around and cursed the voice. And how did he know to do that? Because his vision was exactly with the Word. That's the only way to trust it and see it today, it's got to be on the Word.

76 Then did you notice after Adam listened to another voice besides God's Voice, his own wife. And the church is listening to the voice of her organization, injecting into them creeds instead of the Word, letting them live any way they want to. As long as they go to church and a member of a certain church, that's all matters. Closest connection that the believer has on earth, to them, is the church. But the believer, the real believer, the closest connection is the Holy Spirit, is God's Word.

77So you find out that Adam realized his condition, and he heard the Voice of God calling again, and he was in fig leaves then. But it was a voice of condemnation, "Why have you done this?"

78 I wonder if America today, or the world in its religious uproar, as it is, and America swallowing, being swallowed up, it'll be a national religion pretty soon. []

79Who's setting before me? I know it's tapes and it'll go all over the world. We have tape programs, that every Message takes the whole world in, all other countries.

80Well, now if you'll look and see, you're just standing in fig leaves. When the true Voice of God comes out, they don't know what to do about it. It's confusing, they don't know what to do.

81Quickly, Noah heard the Voice of God. It was preparing to save his life, and he followed the instructions and he stood.

82 If a man hears the Voice... Now listen, catch this real good. Don't fail. If a man hears the voice of something, and if It's proven to be the Voice of God, and on time, and then that proceeds forth from the man, heavens and earth will pass away but that Word can't pass away.

83Noah heard the Voice, and condemned the world. And they laughed in his face because his--his Message didn't cope with their scientific achievements, but it rained and destroyed the whole world. See? His voice that went forth, the seed was laying there. Every age it's been the same way.

84Samuel, alarmed when he heard the Voice of God, that he was... go ahead to condemn Eli, the man that had nurtured him. The man that had been a daddy to him and had raised him up and fed him.

85 Minister brothers, shall I? Ministers, many time, upon their denominational grounds and creed, their credentials in their pocket, of the very pappy, the very organization that's nurtured them and fed them and brought them up and positionally put them in church, and put them in a congregation, you have to nuck' down to what they teach. See? What a horrible thing it would be for a true servant of God to hear the Voice of God and have to come back to that same mother organization, say, "You're condemned because you don't receive this Word." What a thing!

It was hard for Samuel. But he was a prophet, he had to do it. Regardless of whether it hurt or not, he had to do it anyhow.

86 Moses heard the Voice of God. He was full of theology. He knowed all the in's and out's, but it failed. He heard the Voice of God, Moses was never the same.

87And no man is never the same. You might hear in your ears the--the Voice speaking, but when you hear in your heart, the Voice speaking, see, then you're hearing. You do not see with your eye. You look with your eye, you see with your heart. You see something, say, "I just don't see it," you mean you don't understand it. You do not hear with your ears, you hear with your heart. Many times your ears hears the true Voice of God, and It falls off of you like water off of a duck's back. But when you really hear, you hear with your heart.

88 And all the theology that Moses had, he hadn't heard the Voice of God. But one day God called this eighty-year-old sheepherder over to one side and spoke to him, and he caught It. He proved that He was God. First thing He done to Moses, was vindicate His Word, "I'm going down, I remember what I promised."

89And this is what He promised for the last days. He'd raise up a people from the Gentiles, and all the promises.

90"This I've promised." Said, "Moses, take off your shoes." In other words, honor It. "Now throw down your staff." And a--a dry stick off the desert became a serpent, and Moses caught it, and went back to its condition again. See? He knew that was God, because God said, the Word of God, the Word that he was speaking, said, "Throw down the stick in your hand." That's God's Word. Don't try to do the same thing, that ain't God's Word to you, that's God's Word to Moses. Here's God's Word to you! "Throw down the stick." It turned to a serpent. Said, "Now are you afraid of it? Pick it up by the tail," and back it went again. God's Word to him. What did He do? God vindicated His Word.

91 I had a call here a few months ago, about, been, oh, it's been about a year, over a year ago. A little lady on the end of a telephone connection, with a Baptist preacher and a Pentecostal preacher. She said, "Brother Branham, the Lord has made me a prophetess."

Said, "Fine."

92Said, "You know, I'm told that you said that you--you bore record that my ministry was of God."

93Now, I couldn't do that, it's contrary to the Word. So I said, "Lady, that's an error. I don't even know you."

94And the Baptist preacher, I heard him, I heard the Pentecostal preacher. She said, "Well, I'm having a meeting here." And said, "The Lord is doing great things."

95I said, "I'm grateful for that." She said... I said, "Has He ever told you anything yet?"

Said, "Yes, I've got a great program in hand."

96I said, "Wonderful." I said, "Now, what's your program?" I said, "What did the Lord tell you?"

97"He said, 'Go to Phoenix, Arizona, on a certain-certain date, and then I'm going to give you the lost Dutchman Gold Mine, and you're going to take this gold that's found in there and you're going to sponsor missionaries around the world.'" When we all know that the lost Dutchman Mine is a legend. "So he said."

98I said, "Well, I'll tell you how to find out whether it's God or not." I said, "You be there on that day. And if it's you find the lost Dutchman Mine, then it's God. If you don't find the lost Dutchman Mine, then repent and get that lying spirit off of you." That's how to find out whether it's God or not.

99 God said, "Moses, throw down the stick, and it'll turn to a serpent." He did it. He said, "Pick it up and it'll be a stick again." He did it.

100When God makes a promise of a ministry in this last days, He'll confirm it just exactly the way He said He would do it. Then you know you got the right Voice. You're listening to the right Thing, because it's the Word being confirmed. See? Oh, how... I'm sorry, I... All right.

101 Moses acted different. Look what a--a funny thing Moses done. Now, always when you're following the Voice of God, you're crazy, to the world. The next day, found Moses, with his wife setting on a mule, and a young'n on her hip, or that's southern, "child" on her hip, and there they was. This old man with beard hanging down like this, and his bald head shining, a stick in his hand, leading a little donkey, going right down towards Egypt just as hard as he could go. Somebody said, "Moses, where you going?"

102"Going down to Egypt, to take the thing over." Wherewith he had failed as a young man, he had failed as a military man, but here he was going down to take over. And he did it. Why? He had heard the Voice of God and seen It vindicated for his day, for the things that was to be in his day. He saw it.

103 Paul, a self-styled Pharisee, just as full of theology as he could be, but one day he heard the Voice of God. He saw a Pillar of Fire, and he knowed there was something different. It changed his life. No matter how many Pharisees, how many Gamaliels or anything else could cry out to Paul, "you're wrong, you're wrong": Paul had heard the Voice of God, he knowed It was the Truth.

104Peter, religious as he could be, keeping the traditions of the elders, he would not eat any meat. No, sir. He would have nothing to do about it at all. He was really keeping the traditions of the elders, right to the Word. What happened? One day he heard the Voice of God, "Don't call that common and unclean, when I make clean." He was a changed man. He was ready to go anywhere the Lord sent him.

105 Closing, I might say this. There was a man one time who was a believer. He had been dead four days. He was in the grave, stinking, rotten, but he heard the Voice of God speak, "Lazarus, come forth!" And if It brought a man forth after being dead and rotten, what ought It to do to a church that still has life in it? It ought to resurrect them, in the mess of all of these voices that we've talked about, religious, politics, Hollywood, all the false prophecies and things that's gone out. In the midst of all of it, the true Voice of God will call a man, that's dead in sin and trespasses, to life again. It ought to take a backslidden church and call it to life again. Sure!

106 Remember, in closing, I say this, and then I'll close. Jesus said, "The time would come, when all that was in the grave would hear the Voice of God." And you're going to hear It. No matter what condition you're in, you're going to hear It anyhow. And some of them that come out of the grave, will come to condemnation. They hear the Voice, but It's condemning. And if you hear It today, "Today, after so long a time, when you hear My Voice, harden not your hearts, as you did in the days of provocation." And if you, Pentecostal people grouping yourself out in creeds again, in worldliness, "having a form of godliness and denying the Power thereof," before you have to rise in the resurrection to be condemned, because the Voice of God that speaks to you now through the Word will condemn you in that day.

107 If you're just a lukewarm believer, the Voice of God cries in your heart this morning, "you are a lukewarm believer," you'd better repent!

108You man, women, boys or girl, that's not living for Christ, and the Voice of God speaks to you through His Word and says "stop doing that," you better do it. Because you're going to hear It again one day, and It'll condemn you. You can't deny It, It's speaking to you now. And, remember, it's recorded.

109And those who does right and hears His Voice, will rise to righteousness, to Glory, to Heaven.

110 So you're going to hear the Voice of God sometime. Maybe faintly this morning It speaks in your heart, that you should turn from the way that you're going, turn back to God. Now, remember, they'll record that Voice that's speaking to your heart, in Heaven. And someday when Jesus does call, and all that's in the grave, all, right and wrong, will rise. And then this very same Voice will whisper right back to you, "In Phoenix, Arizona, on a certain Sunday morning, when the minister held you so long, speaking on the Voice, I spoke to you; told you women to let your hair grow out, quit dressing immorally; told you man to quit that lying, smoking; told you preachers to turn back to the Word of God." See what I mean? That's right.

That still Voice say, "It could be right."

111 If I had to come like Nicodemus, I'd still try to get there. I'd come to Him, and go out here in the desert somewhere, and say, "Lord God, here I am, change me now. Mold me in Your fashion." Come back to the Word. Somewhere where you see you're leaving off in the Word, come right back to that, because a chain is its strongest at its weakest link. And anywhere in your life that you've left the commandment of God off, to serve a tradition, there's where your chain will break no matter how firm you are on the other thing. Hold to God's unchanging hand.

112 Let us pray. Today, after so long a time, Lord, You said that You'd speak, You'd write Your laws upon the tables of hearts. I know not what stands before me. The only thing I know to do is take Your Word and spread It out, surely It will lodge beneath some rocks somewhere. I pray, God, that You'll speak to every young person, every middle age, old person, whatever it might be. Speak to my heart, Lord. Speak to these ministers' hearts. Speak to the congregational heart.

113We pray, Father, that today we will hear Your Voice. And we know, as it was in the days of Samuel, an open vision is a rare thing, and it startled the people. So is it today. We have dreams and dreamers, we have speakers and interpreters, but an open vision coming forth with the Word of the Lord, and corrected... We pray, Heavenly Father, that that Voice that was crying in the wilderness, "prepare the way for the Lord," that we believe the Holy Spirit gives that Voice again today, "Prepare for the Coming of the Lord!" And how odd It is, 'cause there's so many other voices to numb It and to take It out, but It's gracious in the ears of those that hear It. I pray that the Holy Spirit will now do the work in the hearts of all of us.

114 And while we have our heads bowed, and I trust our hearts bowed. If you know somewhere that you have disobeyed in your life, know some Scripture, that you know that's Bible teaching that you haven't cooperated with, because something, Hollywood voice made you do something different. Some place that you ministers has found a place in the Bible, that's actually the Truth, but you know your organization would put you out if you taught That, and you know it's absolutely Truth. To you people who take the wrong thing, live the wrong life. You fathers and mothers that's not trying to correct your children, not trying to raise them. You may try your best, and they're going right on worldly anyhow, but you're putting example before them. And if you're not doing it, the Voice of God is speaking to you, "Don't do that."

115 And now with every head bowed and all eyes closed, and may the God of Heaven look down into the hearts of that person that's hungering and find the place where they're wrong. And with a hand up to God, saying, "Lord, I truly desire for Your Voice to take out all of the unbelief, and all the things that's not like You, and make me what You'd have me to be," would you raise your hands. While you... The Lord bless. God bless you.

116Then the Bible said, Jesus said, and in spite of all these other voices, "Yet if a man shall hear My Voice." Follow after Him, you're going to get your desire.

117 Lord, time is running out. But the Bible said that, "As many as believed, were baptized." I pray, Heavenly Father, that every one of those that raised their hands in true confession, that the Word of God that they have read, and seen that they been wrong. I never looked at half of them. It's not for me to look, it's for You to look, Lord. You know the motive and objective behind the hand that raised up. Let them, from this very hour, purpose in their heart, "From this day, henceforth, I'll take the Word of God and the Voice of God, and follow It no matter what the price is." And bear in their mind, as they're going, the song of the poet, "Must Jesus bear the cross alone, and all the world go free? No, there's a cross for everyone; there's a cross for me. And this consecrated cross I'll bear, until death shall set me free." Then when the Voice of God speaks, "I'll come forth in His righteousness, for I have followed His Voice, the Voice of His Word." I commit them to You now, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

118 Now while we have our heads bowed, you making your confession and your pledge. I'm amazed at a little boy sitting here, twisting his head around. And there is a Voice for the church, "I'm the Lord Who heals all thy diseases." That's a Voice in the church. And all you who have need of healing, and you're living a consecrated life to every Word of God that you know what is right, and you have a need of healing, I wonder if you'd just raise up your hand. Raise up your hand, "Lord, I have a need of healing." All right.

119Now, keep that Voice in your heart, "I am the Lord that heals all thy diseases." Remember, when the Word is spoken, It has to come to pass. Jesus said, Mark 11:22, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said will come to pass, you can have what you said."

120 Now, each one in our own way now, bow your head, make your confession, "Lord, I believe Your Word. I hear Your Voice telling me that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever." I'm going to walk down and lay hands on this child, because he's too little to know what it's all about, precious little boy, about the size and age of my little Joseph. And I want all of you to be praying, praying, "Lord, I hear Your Voice. I believe."

121 Heavenly Father, we're bringing this audience to You for the healing of their body. And, Lord, here sets a poor little child, he's attracting my attention all along in the Message, seeing a parent sit there holding the little fellow. Through medical science, there's not a hope for the little guy. There is a Voice of God that rides over everything. And as this church joined together to make every commandment that I know how to do, the rest belongs to You, Father. I'm walking down and laying hands on that child.

122Father God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I condemn this. Let the power of God, the healing of God... May there be such a difference in him in the next five minutes. May they all come to God, for Your glory.

123Heavenly Father, You gave the promise. That's all I know, You gave the promise. It has been done, as it been said, "If you say to this," and I'm saying to every devil of sickness or affliction that's binding this audience, that's binding these people, every spirit of unbelief, I'm saying, "Depart from the people, in the Name of Jesus Christ!" Now, we know it is written, and now it's been said, let it be done, to the honor and glory of God. And in the Name of Jesus Christ it's asked.

124 Now, you that can believe, and do believe, no matter what happens, don't have to be, the seed dropped there. That little something inside of you, that Voice. Parent of this child, no matter what the condition of the child is, you believe the seed of God dropped into your heart, that that boy will get well? The rest of you is praying, one for another, do you believe that the seed of God dropped into your heart, "my sickness is finished"? Then the prayer of faith has been prayed for you, drive down that post. And if Satan ever tries, you come right back, "Standing in that Spanish church, that Sunday morning, the prayer of faith was prayed for me. And God promised!" The prayer of faith shall save the sick and God shall raise them up. It has to come to pass. Do you believe it, say, "Amen." God bless you. Now I'll turn the service back to Brother Rose, I suppose here, Brother Jewel Rose.

1Istotne je to privilégium byť dnes ráno znovu späť medzi týmito španielskymi ľuďmi. A som zvedavý, či Jim toto nahráva. Ó, áno, nahráva to. Stále mám tú nahrávku toho malého španielskeho chóru, ktorú nahrali, keď som tu bol predtým s bratom Garciom. A zabudol som tú malú pieseň, ktorú mi zvykli spievať. Ale, ó, ako sa mi to páčilo. A tie deti sú už teraz všetky vyrastené a ženaté a vydaté. Sem-tam od nich počujem. A keď som sem dnes ráno vošiel a videl som malého Jozefa, a to ma skutočne zasiahlo a istotne som sa potešil, že vás môžem vidieť.

2A tak, mám jedno slovo, ktoré dokážem povedať v španielčine. Chceli by ste ho počuť? „Haleluja.“ To slovo nikdy nezabudnem. Snažil som sa raz priviesť jednu hluchú ženu do toho, aby ma počula. No, možno, že toto poviem celé zle, viete, ale najlepšie, ako si to pamätám, to slovo bolo, „Oiga.“ Je to pravda? Počuješ ma. Počuť, „Oiga.“ A potom nikdy nezabudnem, „Gloria a Dios.“ To je jednoducho ohromné! Ó, mal som tú príležitosť byť dolu v hlavnom meste Mexico City a hovoriť tam. Aký som bol šťastný! A zvykol som...

3Potom, ako som bol tu, som bol vo Fínsku. A to mi vždy pripomenie, ako som hovoril tej malej fínskej žene. Vzali ma tam na miesto, ktoré nazývajú, „Betánia.“ Každý národ má nejakú svoju vlastnú ideu. (Ozýva sa vám to tam? Nie som príliš blízko tohoto? Dokážete ma dobre počuť? Ako je to?) Táto žena, bola to taká veľmi milá osoba. Ale ona bola ako ja, veľmi rada veľa hovorila. A ten prekladateľ... Ona hovorila veľmi rýchlo, a ten prekladateľ to nedokázal dostatočne rýchlo povedať, to, čo ona chcela povedať. A stála tam a celá sčervenala v tvári a povedala, „Ja som to týmto chlapíkom v Babylone zavarila.“

4Ale viete, ja som si všimol, že všetky vtáky spievajú v angličtine, psi štekajú v angličtine, nemluvňatá plačú v angličtine. Som zvedavý, čo potom s nami je. Ale každý jeden z nás si myslí, že náš jazyk bude tým jazykom v Miléniu, samozrejme. Ale my, ktorí sme prijali Ducha Svätého, to je pravda, pretože máme nebeský jazyk.

5Dnes ráno tu s nami máme brata Rowe, je to diplomat z Washingtonu. Myslím, že slúžil počas vlády piatich alebo šiestich prezidentov, siedmich prezidentov. A viete, ako sa cítim, keď tu takto stojím na tomto pódiu a hovorím, keď tu za mnou sedí takýto muž. Ale jeho svedectvo bolo pre mňa vždy takým úžasným, a zvlášť, keď on... Myslím, že bol luteránom, ak sa nemýlim, buď katolík alebo luterán, luterán. A povedal niečo o tom, ako sa plazil pod stan v letničnom zhromaždení a vstal... Nakoniec sa nejako dostal ku oltáru, a potom, keď sa tam dostal, Pán na neho zostúpil a požehnal ho tak veľmi... Myslím, že on vie hovoriť asi siedmimi jazykmi. A on skúsil jeden, „To nefungovalo,“ potom skúsil druhý, „To nefungovalo.“ A nazdávam sa, že dokáže hovoriť po španielsky tak ako vy všetci. A tak vyskúšal všetky tie jazyky a to nefungovalo. A viete, Boh bol taký dobrý, že On zostúpil a dal mu jazyk, ktorý nikdy predtým nevyskúšal a povedal, „To funguje,“ to je pravda. Myslím si, že takto to bude na tej druhej strane.

6Mám vo svojom srdci z tej malej cirkvi mnoho spomienok, myslím, že... Ó, zabudol som, kde ona je. Je to niekde tu blízko ulice Tonto. A pamätám si to. Pamätám si to slovo, „Ulica Tonto,“ kde zvykla byť tá španielska apoštolská cirkev.

7Povedal som tomu pastorovi, „Toto bude veľmi dobré miesto na prebudenecké zhromaždenie.“ Veľký priestor, nová cirkev, milí ľudia. A tak si myslím, že by to bolo v správnej línii, mať niekedy prebudenecké zhromaždenie. Modlite sa za to, príďte a majme prebudenecké zhromaždenie. Tak dúfam, že to je len zopakovanie toho, čo sme mali tam v tej inej cirkvi. Pamätám si, ako som tam na dvore stál, opieral som sa o plot, išli sme hore-dolu po uliciach a snažil som sa odtiaľ odísť a bola už noc. Istotne to bolo vzrušujúce a nedá sa na to zabudnúť. A mám tu nahrávku tých dám, tie dievčatá a bratia, ktorí spievali a urobili nahrávku. A oni sa snažili zaspievať, „Only believe,“ a nevyšlo im to správne, viete. Namiesto toho, „Only believe,“ oni vydali so seba niečo ako, „Yeonea believe.“

8A pamätám si, ako Rebeka, moja dcéra, a Sára, a ako povedali, „Oci, pusti tú nahrávku toho...“ Namiesto, aby povedali, „Španielske,“ [„Spanish“] nedokázali vysloviť to slovo, tak povedali, „Špenát,“ [„Spinach“]. Špenátové dievčatá, aby zaspievali Only believe.

9Tak pamätám si, že išli vtedy do toho zhromaždenia. Prebudenecké zhromaždenie prebiehalo a oni išli za tými zhromaždeniami po celom západnom Pobreží. A v mojom srdci sa zakotvila jedna malá vec, keď sme odišli z Kalifornie, brat Moore a ja, a brat Brown, hore v hlavnom meste. A keď som išiel v ten večer do tej budovy a tie deti tam spievali, „On sa o teba stará.“ Počuli ste to. „Cez jasné i pochmúrne dni, On sa o teba stará.“ Mnohokrát v cudzích národoch, na bojových poliach, v tom svetovom boji snažiac sa priviesť posolstvo Krista, spomínam si na tie dievčatá a chlapcov, ako mi spievali tú pieseň, „On sa o teba stará. Cez jasné dni aj tiene, On sa stále o teba stará.“ Tak to bola pre mňa veľká inšpirácia, pomoc.

10Keď som stretol vášho milého pastora, a som tak šťastný, že môžem vidieť, že cirkev žije a že tu máte túto nádhernú budovu a všetko usporiadané, máte mnoho parkovacieho miesta. Je to naozaj miestom pre ruky Ducha Svätého, ak Mu to len necháme vidieť, a budeme vedieť, že sme povolaní ku prebudeniu. A verím, že On nám ho dá.

11Tak, dnes večer budeme v zbore brata Outlaw, cirkvi Ježišovho Mena, tam na druhej strane. A brat Outlaw, verím, že v... On je tiež v apoštolskej cirkvi. A myslím, že on to nazýva jeho menom, tú cirkev, Ježišovým Menom. Myslím si, že čo sa týka vyznania viery, on je apoštolský. A tak dnes večer tam máme byť. A my teraz nehovoríme tomuto španielskemu zboru, „Choďte teraz tam,“ ale zostávajte len na svojom mieste povinnosti. A potom tam bude veľká séria zhromaždení Kresťanských Obchodníkov, začína to vo štvrtok, potom, ako sa služby zakončia v ostatných cirkvách vo štvrtok. A tieto zhromaždenia, budeme tam mať vynikajúcich rečníkov, a tak isto Oral Robert a nejaký metodistický brat, ktorý bol práve spasený, a oni tvrdia, že je veľmi mocný rečník. A som si istý, že sa budete z týchto zhromaždení tešiť. A vy, tínedžeri, oni tam tiež majú zhromaždenia pre tínedžerov, ako to už brat oznámil. Budem tam mať svoje deti, aby sa tam ku tomuto mohli dostať. A tak príďte, budeme radi, keď tam budete. Nech vás Pán všetkých žehná.

12A teraz chcem, aby sme sa obrátili do Biblie a prečítali niečo z Jeho požehnaného Slova. A na dnes ráno som vybral, iba na chvíľu, nechcem vás zdržať príliš dlho, nejaký text a jeden z nich sa nachádza v prvej Samuela a ten druhý v Izaiášovi. A rád by som najprv prečítal z Izaiáša. A ja...

13Môžete ma všade dobre počuť? Medzi týmito mikrofónmi, zdá sa, že oni sú na mňa veľmi citlivé, neviem prečo. Počujete aj tam dobre, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Dobre, dobre.

14Tak, som tak trochu zachrípnutý, samozrejme z toho, že som veľa hovoril. A odkedy som bol tu s týmito španielskymi bratmi, bolo to asi pred šestnástimi rokmi, hádam, možno pred šestnástimi alebo sedemnástimi rokmi, no, odvtedy kážem. A tak som bol vtedy unavený, povedal som, a stále som unavený, ale stále idem skrze milosť Božiu.

15Tak, obráťme sa teraz do Izaiáša 40, štyridsiata kapitola Izaiáša, a prvá kapitola, vlastne 3. kapitola v prvej Samuela. A zatiaľ čo si držíme tie miesta, kde budeme čítať Slovo, chcel by som, aby sme najprv na chvíľu sklonili svoje hlavy k modlitbe.

16Náš nebeský Otče, sme dnes tak vďační za túto výsadu, že môžeme stáť v tejto milej svätyni, ktorá je zasvätená Bohu a pre Jeho prácu. A ako vieme, že Tvoji sluhovia už stáli za týmto pódiom tu, vlastne za touto kazateľňou už mnohokrát, a so zasväteným životom do Tvojej služby.

17A toto ráno mi privádza spomienky, spomienky toho prebudeneckého zhromaždenia, ktoré vtedy len začalo, keď Duch Svätý, ktorý zostúpil dole vo forme veľkého Svetla ako Ohnivý Stĺp, a to prehovorilo, že zemou preletí posolstvo. A dnes je to história. Posolstvo zapálilo oheň skrze veľkých mužov, potom, ako to uvideli, ako Oral Roberts a Tommy Osborn a Tommy Hicks a mnohí ďalší. A skrze tie úsilia, ktoré sme dali dokopy, vidíme, že posolstvo zapálilo ohne prebudenia v každom národe pod nebom, to letničné posolstvo. Za toto Ti dávame vďaku a chválu Tebe, ó, mocný Bože.

18A tak sa dnes modlíme, aby si uspôsobil naše srdcia a pripravil ich ku tomu veľkému vytrhnutiu, ktoré sa skoro udeje, tak to veríme. A ak naše srdcia nie sú v tom stave ku tomu alebo čomukoľvek ďalšiemu, čo máš Ty pre nás odložené, modlíme sa, aby si nám odpustil naše chyby a aby si ku nám hovoril cez Tvoje Slovo. Požehnaj pastora tohoto zboru, diakonov, dôverníkov a všetkých členov. Požehnaj tento malý chór a klaviristu a hudobníkov. Všetkých spolu požehnaj tých, ktorí vstupujú cez brány na toto miesto. Nech vyjdú zakaždým zmenení, vždy trochu bližšie ku Tebe, ako boli, keď vstúpili do vnútra. Udeľ to, Otče. A nech je to tak, dokonca aj dnes ráno, lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

19Tak teraz si otvorme knihu Izaiáša, štyridsiatu kapitolu a čítame.

Potešujte, potešujte môj ľud! hovorí váš Boh.

Hovorte k srdcu Jeruzalemu a hlásajte mu, že sa doplnila jeho borba, že je odpustená jeho neprávosť, že vzal z ruky Hospodinovej dvojnásobne za všetky svoje hriechy.

Hlas volajúceho na púšti: Upravte cestu Hospodinovu, urovnajte na pustine hradskú nášmu Bohu!

Každé údolie nech je zvýšené, a každý vrch a breh nech sú znížené, a bude to, čo je krivé, rovinou a hornaté dolinou.

A zjaví sa sláva Hospodinova, a uvidia, všetci, každé telo dovedna, že ústa Hospodinove hovorili.

Teraz v knihe Samuela, prvej Samuela, tretia kapitola, chcem čítať prvý, druhý a devätnásty verš.

A mládenček Samuel posluhoval Hospodinovi pred Élim. A slovo Hospodinovo bolo vzácne v tých dňoch, a len málokde mal niekto prorocké videnie.

[„nebolo žiadneho otvoreného videnia“ – podľa angl.textu KJV – pozn.prekl.]

A stalo sa toho času, raz keď ležal Éli na svojom mieste, a jeho oči boli začali slabnúť, takže nemohol vidieť,

a lampa Božia nebola ešte vyhasla, a keď ležal Samuel v chráme Hospodinovom, kde bola truhla Božia,

že zavolal Hospodin na Samuela, ktorý odpovedal: Tu som.

A Samuel rástol, a Hospodin bol s ním a nedal padnúť niktorému jeho slovu na zem.

20Ó, to by bol dostatočný text, aby sme naňho hovorili mesiac, a mohli by sme z tohoto slávneho textu vytiahnuť tak mnoho kontextu. Ale dnes ráno máme niečo okolo dvadsať minút, aby sme sa dostali v správnom čase z nášho... Hádam nedeľná škola skončila alebo možno pokračuje teraz, ja neviem. Ale akokoľvek, chcem z toho použiť ten text, „Boží hlas v týchto posledných dňoch.“

21Je to veľmi výnimočný čas. Uvedomujeme si, že hovoríme z Písma, kde to hovorí, „Vo dňoch Samuela nebolo žiadneho otvoreného videnia.“ Preto, „Kde nie je videnia,“ hovorí Biblia, „ľudia hynú.“ Musíme mať videnie. A videnia prichádzajú ku prorokom a to je Slovo Pánovo, ktoré je ku nim vypovedané.

22A zisťujeme, že Éli nebol prorokom, Éli bol kňazom. A on starol a jeho oči sa stávali zahmlenými a nedokázal vidieť, aby sa zorientoval, a on bol veľký a ťažký muž. A on začal nechávať prácu Pánovu nedorobenú.

23A to je niečo ako dnes. Myslím si, že cirkev, organizácia a denominácie, oni boli na poli tak dlhý čas a začínajú poľavovať. A práca Pánova je zanechaná, nedorobená, Slovo pravdy, pretože cirkev sama v sebe, jej zrak sa stal zahmleným. A my dnes potrebujeme Boží hlas, aby medzi nami hovoril a priviedol nás späť.

24A tak si Éli ľahol a jeho zrak mu zlyhával. On bol kňazom. A oni nemali žiadne otvorené videnie od Pána. A aká veľká potreba to bola!

25A Boh zasľúbil vyplniť potreby určitej hodiny. On to vždy robí. A my dnes potrebujeme Boží hlas, aby sme vyplnili potrebu tejto hodiny, aby sme splnili to, čo je treba v tomto čase, v ktorom žijeme. A potom, ako to zasľúbil, my môžeme potom s istotou odpočívať, že On dodrží Svoje zasľúbenie. To je tá dôvera, ktorú má veriaci vo svojho Stvoriteľa, že On zasľúbil uspokojiť potrebu.

26A dnes, ten jeden dôvod, pre ktorý je cirkev v tom stave, v akom je, je ten, že existuje tak mnoho hlasov, tak mnoho iných hlasov, ktoré upútavajú pozornosť a odvádzajú od Božieho hlasu, až je to veľmi málo pravdepodobné, že mnohí budú počuť Boží hlas, hoci On hovorí rovno v ich strede. Oni by ho pravdepodobne ani vôbec nerozumeli, pretože pre nich by to bola cudzia vec. Oni sa tak veľmi sústredili na tie hlasy toho dňa!

27A ak si to všimneme v tom mieste Písma, ktoré ste čítali, Boží hlas bol pre nich cudzí.

28A dnes sa to znova stalo takým, že hlas Boží... Existuje tak mnoho iných hlasov. A potom, ak Boh zasľúbil, že nám to dá, a tie iné hlasy sú v protiklade ku Božiemu hlasu, potom to musí byť hlas nášho nepriateľa, aby nás zmiatol, aby sme nerozumeli hlas Boží, keď hovorí.

29A všímame si, že to bolo niečo podobné tomu, ako to bolo pri Élim a Samuelovi, ale Éli ihneď rozpoznal, že to bol Boh. A to bolo absolútne rúhanie Élimu. Pretože Boží hlas, keď hovoril k Samuelovi, mu povedal o Éliho zlých činoch, pretože on rozmaznával svojich synov a oni brali peniaze a mäso od obetí. To nebolo správne a oni robili veci nesprávne, v protiklade k Božiemu Slovu.

30A Samuel mal... Jediná vec, ktorú Samuel mohol urobiť, bolo presne takto povedať. A on sa tak trochu zdráhal urobiť to, pretože to bolo práve proti tomu miestu, do ktorého bol poslaný, aby bol v ňom vychovaný, u Éliho a v chráme. Ale Éli povedal, „Hovor,“ a on mu povedal presne to, čo sa stane, že Samuel... vlastne, „Éli ako kňaz, jeho deň skončil,“ pretože Boh prehovoril a Boh posielal Svoje posolstvo cez proroka Samuela. Mal veľmi zvláštne narodenie, bol zasvätený Pánovi už od detstva. Boh ku nemu prehovoril ako k dieťaťu a pripravoval ho pre prácu, ktorá ležala pred ním. A Éliho čas sa zakončoval.

31Na zemi dnes existuje tak mnoho hlasov, až je to absolútne ťažkou vecou, pretože to usmrcuje hlas toho nadprirodzena. Existuje toľko intelektuálnych hlasov, veľkých hlasov, mocných mužov, ktorí sú intelektuálni až vo svojom intelektuálnom stave, dokonca otrasú národmi. Oni nie sú len ľuďmi zrodenými za jednu noc, ale oni otriasajú národy, privádzajú dokopy veľké organizácie, veľké kampane a je to kvetnaté. A človek by bol trochu zmätený. Je to dosť na to, aby ich to zmiatlo, to, ako tieto veci pokračujú a prosperujú. A existujú hlasy, ktoré povstávajú a robia tieto veci a to spôsobuje, že Boží hlas je umiestňovaný niekam preč dozadu, ten pravý hlas Boží.

32„A hlas Boží,“ povedali, „Ako budeme poznať, že je to Boží hlas?“ Pretože dnes... Vtedy to bol potvrdený prorok. Tak dnes, ako budeme poznať, že je to Boží hlas, tak, že je to manifestácia Slova proroka. Toto je Boží prorok. A pravdivý Boží hlas iba privádza naspäť toho skutočného, živého, nadprirodzeného Boha, so Svojím nadprirodzeným Slovom, s nadprirodzenou manifestáciou pravdivého Slova. Potom vieme, že to je hlas Boží. Pretože... A nadpriro... Existuje toho tak mnoho v tých iných sférach, až to to nadprirodzeno takmer usmrcuje. Ale pamätajte, to zažiari, to vystúpi dopredu! Ono to urobí.

33Dnes vo svete existuje hlas politiky. Je to veľký hlas. A ľudia sú absolútne v tomto veľkom dni politiky, oni budú... Je to celé zamiešané v ich cirkvách a všetkom. A mnohokrát, ako sme to práve nedávnom videli, že ten hlas politiky je v skutočnosti silnejší ako hlas Boží v cirkvách, inak by americkí ľudia nikdy neurobili to, čo práve urobili. Rozumiete? Nikdy by to neboli urobili. Ak by bol hlas Boží zachovaný živý v cirkvi, nikdy by tie chyby neurobili. Ale hlas politiky je dnes na zemi o toľko silnejší ako hlas Boží, až ľudia zapredávajú svoje kresťanské právo prvorodenstva za špinu popularity, vzdelania a politickej moci. Je to hanba, keď to vidíme. Práve tá vec, ktorú náš národ urobil, to, čo urobil, ľudia sa obrátili späť a odhlasovali tú vec, ktorú sme zanechali v tej minulej krajine. A Plymouth Rock a Mayflower vtedy, prišli sem vtedy a ustanovili túto veľkú ekonómiu, ktorú máme. To je práve tá vec, za ktorú sme tak ťažko bojovali, aby sme z nej vyšli, a my sme sa dostali rovno späť do jej pazúrov, pretože Biblia hovorí, že to tak bude.

34A systém kňaza Éliho namiesto proroka. Prorok je Slovom. A kňaz, to bola cirkev.

35A to sa dostalo na také miesto, až sa to začalo uvoľňovať, až bolo Slovo pre ľudí cudzie. Nerozumejú to. Môžete to vypovedať a oni to nerozumejú, pretože v tom nie sú cvičení. Pavol povedal, „Ak trúba vydá neistý zvuk, kto bude vedieť, ako sa pripraviť do boja?“

36Ľudia sú trénovaní na cirkevný hlas, na cirkevnú trúbu, „My máme v našej nedeľnej škole viac ľudí ako všetci ostatní z nich.“ To neznamená vôbec nič. „My máme v našej denominácii viac ľudí, ako majú tí ostatní. My sme tá najväčšia medzi denomináciami.“ Vidíte, to je ten druh hlasu, na ktorý sú ľudia trénovaní. Na ulici vyjdú von a získajú ľudí a privedú ich dovnútra. Desiatky tisícov krát tisíce na veľkých kampaniach, oni ich privádzajú. Čo ich zaujíma? „My sme najväčšia cirkev. My máme najväčšie zhromaždenie. My máme najviac navštevovanú nedeľnú školu. Máme... Starosta mesta chodí do našej cirkvi.“ To všetko môže byť dobré, ale ak tá istá cirkev nie je trénovaná na Boží hlas, na trúbu Evanjelia, čo dobré to vykoná?

37A keď povstane nejaká vec, práve tak, ako povstala v našej vláde, čo sa deje? Cirkev nepozná hlas trúby a oni nevedia, čo majú robiť. Veľké sľuby prosperity, a prichádzajú intelektuálni obri, a oni išli rovno ponad práve tú vec, ktorú Biblia predpovedala, a oni to priniesli do vnútra. Vidíte, politický hlas! A to dokázalo, že to predbieha ten náboženský hlas, inak by to nikdy neurobili, to, čo urobili, ten hlas Evanjelia. Pretože je nám zasľúbené mnoho vecí, je nám zasľúbená prosperita a nepochybne, že to všetko dostaneme.

38Ale jednako to pre veriaceho nič neznamená. Obráťte si do Listu Židom, do jedenástej kapitoly, a počúvajte, ako tam svätý Pavol hovorí, ako oni v tých dňoch, „Putovali v ovčích kožiach a kozích kožiach, a boli opustení a nemali miesta, nemohli vstúpiť do mesta.“

39Čítal som o Nicejskom koncile, že keď tá veľká vec povstala v Nicei v Ríme, tristo rokov po smrti Krista, na veľkom Nicejskom koncile, kedy tá veľká cirkev, ktorá stála za tým, čo bolo správne, a oni chceli Bibliu. A tí rímski obrátení v tej prvej cirkvi Ríma vštepili dogmy, ako máme napríklad Vianoce.

40Vianoce, Kristus nebol o nič viac narodený dvadsiateho piateho decembra, ako som bol ja. Kopce Judey boli zasnežené a On... To je v kontraste so všetkými Biblickými proroctvami. On sa narodil na jar, tak, ako sa rodia baránky. Prečo sa narodil v maštali namiesto v dome? On bol baránok. Prečo rovno nebežal ku oltáru alebo na svoj oltár, kde bol pribitý klincami na kríž? On bol vedený na kríž. Vy ovcu vediete na porážku. On bol Baránok. Tak potom sa On narodil vtedy, keď sa rodia baránky.

41Ale vidíte, aby sa to stalo, oni tam mali narodeniny boha slnka, kedy ten solárny systém, slnko, päť dní pred dvadsiatym piatym decembrom, a až do dvadsiateho piateho decembra sa sotva vôbec hýbe slnko. To je každým dňom máličko odlišné, a potom sa to predlžuje a predlžuje a predlžuje, až to zasahuje ten najdlhší deň v júli. A potom v decembri je to najkratší deň. A potom ten krátky čas, toho dvadsiateho piateho, od dvadsiateho do dvadsiateho piateho, oni mali rímsky cirkus a oslavy narodenín boha slnka. Tak potom Jupiter, ktorý bol rímskym bohom, a oni to tam potom vštepili tým, že povedali, „Vezmeme Syna Božieho a narodeniny boha slnka, dáme to dokopy a urobíme jednu veľkú oslavu.“ Ako je to v protiklade! A, ó, mnohé vštepenia, ktoré tam oni do toho dali!

42A potom, keď tí pravdiví mužovia Boží, ktorí chceli zostať so Slovom ako Polycarp, Ireneus, Martin a tí veľkí, raní, svätí muži, ktorí chceli zostať s pravdou. A keď prišli na ten Nicejský koncil, niektorí z tích ľudí boli tak odmietnutí, až keď tí proroci prišli z púšte a nemali na sebe nič, len kus ovčej kože a sadli si tam v tom rade. Ale oni poznali Slovo Pánovo. Ale popularita, tých pätnásť dní krvavej politiky to prehlasovalo. Potom nastalo tisíc rokov temného veku, vidíte.

43 Ale Boh zasľúbil, že tá trúba znovu vydá hlas. Vždy, keď ľudia počúvajú na ten pravdivý hlas Slova, vždy skúmajte, čo robíte skrze Slovo.

44Hlas politiky. My v Amerike a v ostatnom svete máme dnes veľmi silný hlas, a to je hlas Hollywoodu. To lapilo svet. Nech len niekto vyjde z Hollywoodu s niečím, a nachádzate to v celej krajine. Vidíme, že oni udávajú vzor pre naše ženy svojím obliekaním a účesmi. Oni udávajú vzor obliekania.

45Cirkev by mala poznať ohľadne toho hlas Božej trúby! Ale existuje tak mnoho zamiešania, pretože vidíte iných tak robiť, príklady. Nikdy sa nevzorujte podľa takého druhu vzoru, pretože to zahynie. Vždy počúvajte Boží hlas, to, čo On o tom hovorí.

46A potom si všímame, že v Hollywoode, oni vyzdvihujú veci. A dovoľte mi na chvíľu ešte o tomto niečo povedať, predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej. Prednedávnom bola jedna vec, ktorá vyšla, kde jeden človek v Hollywoode... Nemám teraz nič proti tomu človeku, on je smrteľník, za ktorého zomrel Kristus, ale len, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Oni vynašli takú malú vec, ktorú nazvali, deti to zvykli volať „Hula-hoop,“ hula-hoop alebo niečo také. A keď si všimnete tú vulgárnosť a tie veci, ktoré to nasledujú, a mnohokrát pri tých malých deťoch. To je nesprávne.

47Tak teraz je Hollywood plný strelcov so zbraňami. Tak ktokoľvek, kto pozná históriu, vie, že tí ľudia tam v tých dňoch, ktorí boli bojovníkmi so zbraňami ako tí rôzni ľudia, oni neboli slušnými obyvateľmi, to boli vzbúrenci, oni boli ako Al Capone a Dillinger. V Hollywoode majú jednu hru, v televízii, ktorú nazývajú, a nazývajú to „Dym zbrane.“ A jedného dňa som v rádiu počul, že ten človek, ktorý to hrá, volá sa Arness alebo tak nejako, Arness alebo neviem, zabudol som, ako sa volá, a on mal vziať... On tam reprezentuje Matta Dillona, ktorý bol šerifom v Kansas. A Matt Dillon bol podliak. Zastrelil dvadsaťosem mužov do chrbta, nevinných ľudí, keď vyšiel von z mesta Dodge a čakal v kroví. A keď išiel okolo nejaký človek a niekto na neho zavolal a povedal mu, že tam je, a povedal mu, že tam prechádza určitý darebák a on tam potom čakal, zostával, a keď ten človek prišiel, on ho strelil do chrbta. A teraz sa on stáva „dôležitým človekom.“ No, to je absolútne vyvyšovanie hriechu. Ale malé deti našej krajiny dokážu povedať viac o Mattovi Dillonovi, ako dokážu povedať o Ježišovi Kristovi. Obchody a lacné obchody a odevy, všade visia malé hračky, zbrane s malými klobúkmi, ktoré sa dajú všade kúpiť. To je v poriadku nosiť to, ale ja vám o tom len hovorím, vidíte. Oni potom, ten komerčný svet, berú tú vec a zarábajú na tom milióny dolárov.

48Mávame to, čo nazývame „Deň svätého Patrika,“ máme to, čo nazývame týmito „náboženskými sviatkami.“ A ten komerčný svet to využil a zarábajú na tom milióny dolárov. „Deň matky,“ kopa kvetov. Veď každý deň by mal byť dňom, kedy si ctíme matku. Ona je niekde preč, je stará, choďte ju navštíviť. To bude hodné viac ako všetky kvety, ktoré jej môžete poslať, alebo čokoľvek iné. Vidíte, ale oni to využívajú. Je to hlas a my do toho rovno padáme. To skutočne nie je správne. Ale, čo budete robiť? Vidíte, my sme len...

49Snažím sa dostať k určitému bodu, aby som vám povedal niečo, čomu verím. Ten hlas je zriedkavý, hlas Boží.

50Tak zisťujeme, že oni udávajú tempo. A všimli ste si niekedy, ako sa naši mladí chlapci stali „Rickyovia a Elvisovia.“ Ak máte dieťa, ktoré sa tak volá, veľmi rýchlo to zmeňte, radšej ho nazvite číslo „jeden“ alebo „dva“ alebo niečo. Nerobte to, je to hrozné... Poviete, „Záleží na tom, čo to meno znamená?“ No, isteže na tom záleží. Tvoje meno charakterizuje tvoj život. „No, brat Branham, ty si teraz v numerológii.“ Nie, nie som! Som na tom, tak hovorí Pán! Prečo to tak bolo, keď Jakob, keď žil podľa svojho mena ako zvoditeľ, pätár, Jakob. A keď ho Boh zmenil, zmenil jeho meno. Boh zmenil Saula na Pavla, Šimona na Petra. Istotne v tom niečo je. Ricky a Elvis, mená ako to, to je moderné americké meno, ktoré vrhá to dieťa automaticky rovno do toho. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?

51Tak dúfam, že ja nie... Radšej by som sa mal stiahnuť a nie ísť príliš ďaleko tu po tejto vetve (Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?), lebo by ste to potom neporozumeli. Ale všetky tieto veci, bežná osoba im vôbec nerozumie. Oni to nedokážu uchopiť, pretože oni majú jeden trend. A to je všetko, čo počúvajú, tie hlasy.

52Existuje hlas filozofov, komunizmu, zasľubujúci niečo, pričom to nedokážu dodržať. A pritom veľké percento Američanov sú zamotaní v komunizme. Tak, bol som v komunizme, vlastne v komunistických zónach v Nemecku, vo východnej časti Berlína. Oni majú veľké domy, aby to ukázali navonok. A mali by ste vstúpiť dovnútra do nich, oni ani nie sú dokončené. Je to falošná ekonómia, oni sa snažia pred sebou len niečo tlačiť.

53A v Rusku, čo je rodiskom komunizmu... Pričom pred mnohými rokmi, keď som bol ešte len chlapec, kazateľ, povedal by som, že asi pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi, keď nacizmus, fašizmus a komunizmus povstával, povedal som, „Hovorím v Mene Pánovom! Oni všetky zakončia v komunizme,“ ale, či ste si niekedy pomysleli, že Boh nám z toho nechal východisko, ak to len príjmeme. Tam je len jedno percento v Rusku, ktoré je komunistické, jedno percento, ale oni sú to riadiace percento. Jedno percento komunizmu... Vlastne, jedno percento Ruska je komunizmus, ale oni tým riadia.

54A tá istá vec, Hollywood je jedno miesto, ale oni to riadia.

55A siedma tretina alebo dve tretiny populácie Spojených Štátov chodia do cirkvi a sú členmi cirkvi, ale oni to riadia v týchto denomináciách.

56To, čo tam komunizmus potrebuje, je hlas Boží, aby medzi nimi povstal, a Ten by to zahanbil.

57Vo Fínsku, toho dňa, keď bol ten malý chlapec vzkriesený z mŕtvych, a keď ma tam priviedli o pár metrov ďalej, kde bol tento malý chlapec vzkriesený z mŕtvych, boli tam komunistickí vojaci, Rusi, a stáli tam s ruským pozdravom a slzy im stekali dolu po lícach. Oni povedali, „My príjmeme takého Boha, ktorý dokáže vzkriesiť z mŕtvych.“ Je to zanedbanie katolíckou cirkvou a luteránskou cirkvou a všetkými tými denomináciami, a že vzali všetky tie peniaze a postavili organizácie a ľuďom nedali nič. Žijú ako tí ostatní ľudia. Oni majú...

58To, čo Rusko potrebuje, je prorok, ktorý by tam povstal na scéne so Slovom Pánovým, ktorý by im mohol zavrieť ústa. Potom by to tí, ktorí sú tými deväťdesiatimi percentami, zabrali.

59 To, čo potrebuje Amerika, je hlas proroka Božieho, ktorý sa môže postaviť a odsúdiť Hollywood, odsúdiť tieto veci v Mene Ježiša Krista, a cirkev Ducha Svätého to preberie. Existuje príliš mnoho zmätku, rozumiete, príliš mnoho hlasov, ktoré sú voči tomu v kontraste.

60Cirkev a jej hlas, každý chce viac členov. Baptisti chcú všetkých, metodisti chcú všetkých, presbyteriáni. Všetkých ich máme. A vyzerá to tak, že katolíci to zaberú všetko, a oni to zaberú. To je presne Boží hlas tejto Biblie. Oni budú panovať.

61Ale najvyšší Boh bude nakoniec panovať. Svätí to jedného dňa preberú, lebo Biblia tak hovorí. Oni to prevezmú.

62Taký hrozný zmätok hlasov! Potom, existuje hlas falošného proroka. To je hrozný hlas, to je človek, ktorý nazýva sám seba prorokom. A prorok je, samozrejme, kazateľ. Moderné slovo „Prorok“ absolútne znamená, „muž, ktorý káže pod inšpiráciou.“ Človek, ktorý povstane a nazve samého seba prorokom, a zapiera Slovo Božie a zapiera pravdu Božiu. Existuje tak mnoho hlasov!

63Len pred nejakou chvíľou tam bol jeden brat, ktorý ma smeroval sem, kam mám prísť, ale ja... Ale on sa hádam čudoval, prečo som išiel ďalej až na ulicu, a potom som sa otočil a vrátil sa. Ak si tu, brat, ja som niečo počúval a to boli naši farební priatelia, černosi. Oni tu majú chrám a nazývajú to „Eliáš Mohamed,“ alebo tak nejako, „Mladý Eliáš Mohamed.“ Povstávajú s hlasom a hovoria, že oni sú hlasom, ktorý vyvedie farebnú rasu z tohoto chaosu. A vidíte, to je práve tá istá vec, ten ich moslim je tu, ich mešita. No, či to nevidíte, že práve samotný základ toho je nesprávny?

64Farební ľudia, práve tak ako bieli ľudia, hnedí ľudia a žltí ľudia, nie späť ku Mohamedanizmu, ale naspäť ku Kristovi, ku samotným princípom, ktoré Biblia učí. Mohamedanizmus je proti Slovu. Mal som to privilégium viesť jedného času v Durbane, v Južnej Afrike, desiatky tisícov Mohamedánov ku Kristovi. Islam neprodukuje nič iné, len psychológiu. A psychológia je v poriadku, pokiaľ tá psychológia nezapiera Slovo. Ale keď psychológia zapiera Slovo, potom je tá psychológia zlá. Ona vydáva neistý zvuk. Všetko iné pominie, ale Božie Slovo, Ježiš povedal, „Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ A tak vidíte, my musíme zostať so Slovom, s tým hlasom.

65Tak mnoho mätúcich vecí. Ľudia povstanú, nepoznajú Slovo a hovoria veci, a možno to znie veľmi rozumne. Komunizmus je veľmi rozumná vec, „Všetci rovnakí. Neexistujú viac kapitalisti, všetci sú komunisti.“ Či ste sa niekedy nad tým pozastavili, že je to falošné prebudenie, komunizmus? A podľa čoho sa oni vzorujú? Ježiš povedal, „Tie dva duchy budú tak blízko, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.“ A všetko, čo diabol má, je prevrátením toho, čo Boh stvoril. Hriech je prevrátená spravodlivosť. Klamstvo je zle vyloženou pravdou. Cudzoložstvo je skutok, ktorý Boh ustanovil, ale prevrátený. Všetka nevera je prevrátením viery. Musíte zaprieť pravdu, aby ste mali prevrátenie. Vidíte? Preverte tieto hlasy a otestujte ich pomocou Slova a uvidíte, či je to pravda.

66Ó, ako by sme mohli pokračovať ďalej a ďalej o týchto hlasoch dneška, ale náš čas už pominul. Ale existuje tak mnoho hlasov, až ľudia nevedia, čo majú robiť. Metodisti budú nakoniec počuť baptistického kazateľa a pôjdu tam a chvíľu tam zostanú, a potom pôjdu k luteránom. A potom medzi letničnými majú rozličné skupiny, jeden pôjde k tomu, druhému a ten zase k tomu a potom tam a naspäť. To ukazuje, že nie ste stabilní. Počujte Jeho Hlas! Tu je to napísané na papieri, ten Hlas, ten Hlas bude potvrdením toho, ak je to pravda.

67Cirkevný svet nevie, čo robiť, politický svet je v chaose. Všetko sa zdá byť v chaose. Ľudia behajú z miesta na miesto, niečo povstáva, nejaké sako, nejaký plášť. Keď som bol v Ríme, oni tam majú devätnásť rôznych „potvrdených“ klincov, ktoré pribili do Ježišovej ruky, a existujú len tri, ale jednako oni tam majú záznam devätnástich klincov. A čo na tom záleží, kto má ten klinec? Kristus nám nikdy nezanechal klince, aby sme ich uctievali, On nám zanechal Ducha Svätého skrze Jeho Slovo! „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, že budú mať ten originálny klinec?“ „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, že budú patriť do denominácie, ktorú som rozpočal?“ On nerozpočal žiadnu. Vidíte, ako je ten hlas v protiklade?

68Ale, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; v Mojom mene budú vyháňať diablov,“ to je to Slovo. „Budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, budú brať hadov a neuškodia im. Ak by vypili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im to. Ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, zotavia sa.“ A vy pozorujte tieto veci, plus všetko ostatné z Písma dané dokopy.

69Tak, to samo osebe to ešte nepotvrdí, vôbec nie. To je to, kde sa my, letniční, dostávame na nesprávnu cestu. Či nepovedal Ježiš, „Mnohí ku Mne prídu v ten deň a povedia, 'Pane, či som nevykonal mocné veci v Tvojom mene? Či som neprorokoval v Tvojom mene? Či som neurobil všetko toto v Tvojom mene?'“ A Ježiš povie, „Odíďte odo Mňa, vy, činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal.“ Vidíte, moji bratia a moje sestry, prečo tak odsudzujem a obžalovávam túto generáciu? Vy by ste mohli hovoriť v ľudských alebo anjelských jazykoch, mohli by ste tancovať v Duchu dokola po celej cirkvi, to s tým nemá vôbec nič spoločné.

70Videl som Mohamedánov takto tancovať. Videl som v tábore čarodejníkov, ako povstali čarodejnici a hovorili v jazykoch a vykladali to a hovorili presne to, čo sa stane, a to sa tak stalo. Dokonca som videl, ako povstala ceruzka a písala v neznámych jazykoch, a iba jeden to dokázal prečítať, a to bolo z diabla. Nemôžte zakladať svoje večné miesto určenia na nejakej senzácii. Satan dokáže napodobniť ktorúkoľvek z tých senzácií. Nie... To je poznať Krista, niečo, čo mení tvoj život. Pozoruj svoj život a dávaj mu vzor zo Slova a uvidíš, na čom si. Istotne rob inventúru.

71Napriek všetkým týmto napodobňovaniam, falošným hlasom, falošným prorokom a všetkým týmto ostatným veciam, ktoré povstávajú, Ježiš jednako povedal napriek všetkému tomuto, „Ak niekto bude počuť Môj hlas a bude Ma nasledovať...“ On je Slovo. Počúvajte, to je Jeho poverenie ku nám dnes, pri všetkých týchto hlasoch. Pričom som povedal, že by to zabralo hodiny, aby som vyjasnil všetky tieto hlasy. A je to pre ľudí mätúce, je to veľká zarážajúca vec. A napokon, vy nedostávate druhú príležitosť, vy to musíte vziať teraz. Dnes večer vám už nemusí byť daná príležitosť. Zajtra vám nemusí byť daná príležitosť. To je teraz! „Keď budete počuť Môj Hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdce ako vo dňoch pokúšania (Provokovania). Teraz je ten čas. Toto je ten prijateľný čas a ak by niekto počul Môj Hlas.“ To ukazuje, že Jeho Hlas uprostred toho všetkého chaosu bude stále tam. On má stále Hlas! Prečo? Jeho Hlas, On navždy zostane. Tu to je, „Nebesia i zem pominú, ale Môj Hlas nikdy nepominie,“ Jeho Slovo.

72Vezmime niečo, povedzme na takých pár minút, ešte rýchlo. Môžete ešte tak dlho vydržať, nejakých pár minút? Dobre, budem sa ponáhľať. Vezmime príklady niektorých, ktorí počuli Jeho Hlas a poslúchli ho. Čo to v nich vypôsobilo, ako začali konať, a čo im to spôsobilo, aby tak konali. No, preskočím tu mnoho miest Písma, len aby som vám to rýchlo, priamo priniesol. Ako to zmenilo ich životy a všetkých tých, ktorí boli okolo nich, ako sa stali čudákmi, čo my nazývame „čudák.“ Každý človek, ktorý kedy veril Bohu, bol považovaný za čudáka. Pretože ak ste v trende tohoto sveta, niečo s vami potom nie je v poriadku. Aby si bol kresťanom, musíš byť čudákom. „Lebo všetci tí, ktorí žijú zbožne v Kristu Ježišovi, budú trpieť prenasledovanie od sveta. On bol na svete a svet bol učinený skrze Neho a svet Ho nepoznal.“ Teraz už rýchlo, počúvajte pozorne, ako zakončíme.

73Adam počul Jeho hlas za chládku večera a mal s Ním obecenstvo. Pre Adama nebolo žiadne odsúdenie. On počul Boží hlas a povedal, „Otče, teraz si tu líham spať.“ A on si ľahol a Eva mu bola v náručí a lev a tiger a divé zvery ležali okolo neho, nič nemohlo uškodiť, nebolo možné ochorieť, nebolo žiadnej pochybnosti, či sa ráno zobudí, či sa ešte zobudia. Adam počul Jeho hlas takým spôsobom, akým ho mal počuť.

74Ale jedného dňa počul hlas svojej manželky. Možno by som do tohto nemal vchádzať. Ale on počúvol nesprávny hlas, pritom to bola jeho manželka, ten najbližší zväzok, aký mal na zemi. Prečo nepovedal ako Jób, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá žena“? Ak by to bol povedal, tak celá ľudská rasa by teraz žila namiesto zomierania. To zmenilo kurz ľudských bytostí a času. Ale on počul Boží hlas, on s tým mal obecenstvo, ale keď sa obrátil ku... Ako vedel, že jeho manželka sa mýli? Pamätajte, bolo to príjemné.

75My si dnes myslíme, že naša organizácia, cirkev, my si myslíme, že naša prosperita dnes, že Boh sa na nás usmieva. To vyzerá dobre, vyzeralo to dobre, keď sa tam Micheáš postavil pred tých štyristo prorokov, a patrila im celá zem, a boli tam Filištíni alebo Asýrčania, a vyzeralo to dobre. Títo proroci hovorili, „Choď tam, to nám patrí. Prevezmi to!“ Ale to nebol Boží hlas. A Micheáš sa otočil a preklial ten hlas. A ako vedel, že to má urobiť? Pretože jeho videnie bolo presne v zhode so Slovom. To je jediný spôsob, ako tomu môžeme dôverovať a vidieť to dnes, to musí byť podľa Slova.

76Všimli ste si potom, že Adam, potom, ako počúvol iný hlas pomimo Božieho hlasu, svoju manželku. A cirkev počúva hlas svojej organizácie, vštepuje do toho vyznania namiesto Slova, dovolí im žiť, akokoľvek len chcú. Pokiaľ chodia do cirkvi a sú členmi určitej cirkvi, tak to je všetko, na čom záleží. To najbližšie spojenie, ktoré má veriaci na zemi, pre nich je to cirkev. Ale pre veriaceho, toho skutočného veriaceho, to najbližšie spojenie je Duch Svätý, to je Božie Slovo.

77Tak zisťujeme, že Adam si uvedomil svoj stav a on počul Boží hlas, ako znovu volá, a on bol znovu pri figových listoch. A to bol hlas odsúdenia, „Prečo si to urobil?“

78Rád by som vedel, či dnes Amerika alebo svet vo svojom náboženskom povstaní, ako sa to zdá, a Amerika to prehĺta a je prehĺtaná, a to bude čoskoro národným náboženstvom. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

79...kto predo mnou sedí? Viem, že to ide na pásky a pôjde to do celého sveta. Nahrávame to na pásky, že každé posolstvo zaberá potom celý svet vo všetkých ostatných krajinách.

80Tak ak sa pozriete a budete vidieť, stojíte vo figových listoch. Keď ten hlas Boží vyšiel, oni nevedeli, čo s tým majú urobiť. Je to mätúce, oni nevedia, čo majú robiť.

81Rýchlo. Noe počul hlas Boží. Bola to príprava na záchranu jeho života, a on nasledoval tie inštrukcie a on zostal stáť.

82Ak nejaký človek počuje ten hlas... Počúvajte teraz, skutočne dobre toto pochopte. Nemiňte to. Ak nejaký človek počuje hlas niečoho, a ak je to dokázané, že je to hlas Boží, a je to v správnom čase, tak potom to, čo vychádza z toho človeka, nebo a zem pominú, ale to Slovo nemôže pominúť.

83Noe počul ten hlas a odsúdil svet. A oni sa mu smiali do tváre, pretože jeho posolstvo nebolo v súlade s ich vedeckými úspechmi, ale jednako pršalo a zničilo to celý svet. Rozumiete? Jeho hlas, ktorý vyšiel, to semeno tam ležalo. V každom veku to bolo tak isto.

84Samuel bol „zalarmovaný“, keď počul Boží hlas, a on bol... Vyšiel vpred a odsúdil Éliho, toho človeka, ktorý ho vyživoval. Ten muž, ktorý mu bol ockom a vychovával ho a kŕmil ho.

85Bratia kazatelia, môžem? Kazatelia mnohokrát na základe tej svojej denominačnej pôdy a vyznaní a ich poverení, ktoré majú vo vrecku, práve ten ocko, práve tá organizácia, ktorá ich vyživovala a kŕmila ich a vychovala ich a umiestnila ich do pozície v cirkvi a postavila ich v zhromaždení, a vy musíte vykopnúť to, čo oni učia. Rozumiete? Aká hrozne ťažká vec by to bola pre pravdivého sluhu Božieho, počuť Boží hlas, a potom sa musieť vrátiť ku tej istej matke organizácii a povedať, „Ste odsúdení, pretože neprijímate toto Slovo,“ čo za vec!

Pre Samuela to bolo ťažké. Ale on bol prorokom a on to musel urobiť. Bez ohľadu na to, či to raní alebo nie, on to jednako musel urobiť.

86Mojžiš počul Boží hlas. Bol plný teológie. On to poznal všetko, odpredu a odzadu, ale zlyhal. A keď počul Boží hlas, Mojžiš nezostal už tým istým.

87A žiaden človek nie je nikdy tým istým. Mohol si počuť vo svojich ušiach, ako ten Hlas hovorí, ale keď to počuješ vo svojom srdci, ako ten Hlas hovorí, potom skutočne počuješ. Nevidíš to svojím okom. Ty sa dívaš svojím okom, ale vidíš svojím srdcom. Viete, ako keď niekto povie, „Ja to jednoducho nevidím,“ máš na mysli, že tomu nerozumieš. Ty to nepočuješ svojimi ušami, ty počuješ svojím srdcom. Mnohokrát vaše uši počujú pravdivý hlas Boží a to spadá, ako keď sa voda zleje po chrbte kačice. Ale keď skutočne počuješ, počuješ svojím srdcom.

88A všetka teológia, ktorú Mojžiš mal, on nepočul hlas Boží. Ale jedného dňa, Boh zavolal toho osemdesiatročného pastiera nabok na jednu stranu a prehovoril k nemu a on to uchopil. On dokázal, že bol Bohom. Prvá vec, ktorú Mojžišovi urobil, bolo, že mu potvrdil Svoje Slovo, „Idem dolu, rozpomenul som sa na to, čo som zasľúbil.“

89A toto je to, čo On zasľúbil na posledné dni, že On vzbudí ľudí z pohanov a všetky zasľúbenia.

90„Toto som zasľúbil.“ Povedal, „Mojžiš, vyzuj si svoju obuv.“ Inými slovami, ucti to. „Hoď teraz na zem svoju palicu.“ A tá suchá palica z púšte sa stala hadom a Mojžiš ju uchopil a išiel späť znovu do svojho stavu. Rozumiete? On vedel, že to bol Boh, pretože Boh povedal, Slovo Božie, to Slovo, ktoré On hovoril, povedalo, „Hoď svoju palicu, ktorú máš vo svojej ruke, na zem.“ To bolo Slovo Božie. Nesnažte sa urobiť tú istú vec, to nie je Božie Slovo pre vás, to bolo Božie Slovo pre Mojžiša. Tu je Božie Slovo pre vás! „Hoď tú palicu na zem.“ Ona sa obrátila na hada. Povedal, „Tak čo, bojíš sa jej? Chyť ho za chvost,“ a ona sa znovu premenila. To bolo Božie Slovo pre Neho. Čo On urobil? Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo.

91Mal som tu pred pár mesiacmi jeden telefonát, asi o, možno je to už asi pred rokom, asi pred rokom. Jedna pani na druhej strane telefónu, bola tam s baptistickým kazateľom a letničným kazateľom. Ona povedala, „Brat Branham, Pán ma urobil prorokyňou.“

Povedal som, „Dobre.“

92Povedala, „Vieš, povedali mi, že ty si povedal, že vydávaš svedectvo, že moja služba je od Boha.“

93No, to som nemohol urobiť, pretože to je v protiklade so Slovom. A tak som povedal, „Pani, to je omyl. Ja ťa ani nepoznám.“

94A ten baptistický kazateľ, počul som ho a počul som aj toho letničného kazateľa. Ona povedala, „Tak, budem tu mať zhromaždenie.“ A povedala, „Pán robí veľké veci.“

95Povedal som, „Som za to vďačný.“ Ona povedala... Ja som povedal, „Povedal ti On už niečo?“

Povedala, „Áno, mám v ruke veľký program.“

96Povedal som, „Vynikajúce.“ Povedal som, „Tak, a čo je tvoj program?“ Povedal som, „Čo ti Pán povedal?“

97„Povedal mi, 'Choď do Phoenixu, do Arizony, na určitý dátum, a dám ti Zlatú Baňu Strateného Holanďana, a ty potom toto zlato, ktoré tam nájdeš, vezmeš a budeš sponzorovať misionárov okolo sveta.'“ Pričom vieme, že Baňa Strateného Holanďana je len legenda. Tak, ona povedala...

98Povedal som, „Dobre, poviem ti, ako zistíš, či je to od Boha, alebo nie.“ Povedal som, „Buď tam v ten teň. A ak tam tú Baňu Strateného Holanďana nájdeš, potom je to od Boha. Ak tú Baňu Strateného Holanďana nenájdeš, potom čiň pokánie a zbav sa toho klamlivého ducha, ktorý je na tebe.“ To je to, ako zistíte, či je to od Boha, alebo nie.

99Boh povedal, „Mojžiš, hoď tú palicu na zem a ona sa obráti na hada.“ A on to urobil. On povedal, „Znovu ju zodvihni a zase bude palicou.“ A on to urobil.

100Keď Boh dáva v týchto posledných dňoch zasľúbenie služby, On to potvrdí presne tým istým spôsobom, ako On povedal, že to urobí. Potom viete, že máte ten správny hlas. Počúvate tú správnu vec, pretože je to Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené. Vidíte? Ó, ako... Ó, je mi ľúto, ja... V poriadku.

101Mojžiš konal odlišne. Pozrite, akú divnú vec urobil Mojžiš. Tak vždy, keď nasledujete Boží hlas, tak ste pre svet bláznom. Na ďalší deň našli Mojžiša, ako so svojou ženou sedí na mulici a ich malý je na jej kolenách, alebo po južansky, „dieťa je na jej kolenách,“ a oni tam išli. Tento starý muž mal bradu, ktorá mu takto visela dolu, a jeho plešina sa mu leskla a v ruke mal palicu a viedol svojho malého osla a ide rovno dolu do Egypta, tak rýchlo, ako len môže. Niekto povedal, „Mojžiš, kam ideš?“

102 „Idem dolu do Egypta, aby som ho premohol.“ Tam, kde zlyhal ako mladý človek, zlyhal ako vojnový muž, ale tu on išiel, aby to zabral. A on to dokázal. Prečo? On počul Boží hlas a videl to potvrdené na jeho deň, tie veci, ktoré mali byť v tom dni. On to uvidel.

103Pavol, taký svojský farizej, tak plný teológie ako len mohol byť, ale jedného dňa počul hlas Boží. Uvidel Ohnivý Stĺp a vedel, že tam na tom bolo niečo iné. To zmenilo jeho život. Nezáleží na tom, koľko farizejov, koľko Gamalielov alebo čokoľvek mohlo kričať na Pavla, „Mýliš sa, mýliš sa,“ Pavol počul Boží hlas, on vedel, že to je pravda.

104Peter bol nábožný tak, ako len mohol byť, zachovával tradície starších, nejedol by žiadne mäso. Nie veru. On by s tým vôbec nič nechcel mať. On skutočne zachovával tradície starších rovno do písmena. Čo sa stalo? Jedného dňa počul Boží hlas, „Nenazývaj to obecným ani nečistým, keď som to Ja očistil.“ A bol zmeneným človekom. Bol pripravený ísť, kamkoľvek ho Pán pošle.

105Pri zakončení by som mohol povedať toto. Bol raz jeden človek, ktorý bol veriacim. Bol mŕtvy už štyri dni. Bol v hrobe, páchol, hnil, ale počul Boží hlas, ako prehovoril, „Lazar, vyjdi von!“ A ak to vyviedlo toho muža von, potom, ako bol mŕtvy a hnil, čo by to malo urobiť pre cirkev, ktorá má ešte stále v sebe život? To by ich malo vzkriesiť z toho zmätku týchto všetkých hlasov, o ktorých sme hovorili, nábožné, politické, Hollywoodske a všetky tie falošné proroctvá a veci, ktoré sa rozniesli. Uprostred všetkého toho, ten pravdivý Boží hlas bude povolávať človeka, ktorý je mŕtvy v hriechu a previneniach, znovu do života. To by malo vziať odpadnutú cirkev a znovu ju zavolať do života. Istotne!

106Pamätajte, ako zakončujeme, poviem toto a potom zakončím. Ježiš povedal, „Príde čas, kedy všetci tí, ktorí sú v hroboch, budú počuť hlas Boží,“ a vy to budete počuť. Nezáleží na tom stave, v akom ste, jednako to budete počuť. A niektorí z tých, ktorí vyjdú z hrobov, prídu do odsúdenia. Oni počujú ten hlas, ale on ich odsudzuje. A ak to počujete dnes, „Dnes, po tak dlhom čase, keby ste počuli Môj hlas, nezatvrdzujte svojho srdca, ako ste to robili vo dňoch pokúšania.“ A ak vy, letniční ľudia, ak sa znovu zgrupujete do vyznaní, do svetskosti, „Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúc jej moc,“ predtým budete musieť povstať vo vzkriesení, aby ste boli odsúdení, pretože hlas Boží, ktorý k vám teraz hovorí cez Slovo, vás v ten deň odsúdi.

107Ak si len vlažným veriacim a hlas Boží dnes ráno kričí do tvojho srdca, „Si vlažným veriacim,“ radšej by si mal činiť pokánie!

108Vy, muži, ženy, chlapci alebo dievčatá, ktorí nežijete pre Krista, a hlas Boží hovorí ku vám cez Jeho Slovo, a hovorí, „Prestaň to robiť,“ radšej by si to mal prestať. Pretože jedného dňa to budeš znovu počuť, a to ťa odsúdi. Nemôžeš to zaprieť, to teraz ku tebe hovorí. A pamätaj, je to zaznamenané.

109A tí, ktorí konajú správne a počujú Jeho hlas, povstanú do spravodlivosti, do Slávy, do neba.

110 Tak budeš musieť niekedy počuť Boží hlas. Možno ku tebe dnes ráno tak slabo hovorí do tvojho srdca, že by si sa mal odvrátiť od tej cesty, po ktorej ideš, a obrátiť sa znovu ku Bohu. Pamätaj si, oni v nebi zaznamenávajú ten hlas, ktorý hovorí do tvojho srdca. A jedného dňa, keď Ježiš zavolá a všetci, ktorí sú v hroboch, všetci, dobrí aj zlí povstanú. A potom práve tento hlas ti bude naspäť šepkať, „Vo Phoenix, v Arizone, na určitom rannom nedeľnom zhromaždení, keď vás kazateľ držal tak dlho a hovoril tým hlasom, Ja som ku tebe hovoril, povedal som vám, ženám, aby ste si nechali rásť vlasy, prestali sa obliekať nemorálne, povedal som vám, mužom, aby ste prestali klamať, fajčiť, povedal som vám, kazateľom, aby ste sa obrátili do Slova Božieho.“ Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? To je pravda.

Ten tichý hlas hovorí, „Je možné to napraviť.“

111Ak by som musel prísť ako Nikodém, tak aj tak by som sa tam snažil dostať. Prišiel by som ku Nemu a vyšiel by som niekde sem von na púšť a povedal, „Pane Bože, tu som, zmeň ma teraz. Pretvaruj ma podľa Tvojej vôle.“ Navráťte sa ku Slovu. Niekde tam, kde zanedbávate Slovo, vráťte sa rovno ku tomu, pretože reťaz je tak silná, aké je jej najslabšie ohnivko. A kdekoľvek v tvojom živote, kde si opustil prikázanie Božie, aby si slúžil nejakej tradícii, to je to, kde sa tvoja reťaz zlomí, bez ohľadu na to, aký si pevný v tej ďalšej veci. Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky.

112Modlime sa. Dnes, po tak dlhom čase, Pane, Ty si povedal, že budeš hovoriť, že napíšeš Svoje zákony na dosky sŕdc. Ja neviem, čo stojí predo mnou. Jedinú vec, o ktorej viem, aby som robil, je vziať Tvoje Slovo a rozširovať ho, ono sa istotne niekde medzi skalami usadí. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si hovoril ku každej mladej osobe, ku každej osobe stredného veku, ku starej osobe, kdekoľvek je. Hovor do môjho srdca, Pane. Hovor do sŕdc týchto kazateľov. Hovor do sŕdc ľudí v obecenstve.

113Modlíme sa, Otče, aby sme dnes počuli Tvoj hlas. A my vieme, že tak, ako to bolo vo dňoch Samuela, že otvorené videnie bolo zriedkavou vecou a ľudí to zarážalo. Tak isto je to dnes, máme sny a tých, ktorí mávajú sny, máme hovoriacich a vykladačov, ale otvorené videnie, ktoré vychádza so Slovom Pánovým a napráva... Modlíme sa, nebeský Otče, aby ten hlas, ktorý volal na púšti, „Pripravte cestu Pánovu,“ aby sme verili, že Duch Svätý dnes dáva znovu ten hlas, „Pripravte sa na príchod Pánov!“ A aké zvláštne to je, pretože existuje tak mnoho hlasov, aby to umlčali a vzali preč, ale je to také milostivé v ušiach tých, ktorí to počujú. Modlím sa, aby Duch Svätý teraz konal v srdciach všetkých nás.

114A zatiaľ čo máme naše hlavy sklonené a dôverujem, že aj naše srdcia sú sklonené. Ak viete o niečom niekde, kde ste vo svojom živote neposlúchli, kde viete o nejakom mieste Písma, o ktorom viete, že je to biblické učenie, a vy ste s tým nespolupracovali, pretože niečo spôsobilo, hollywoodsky hlas ťa donútil urobiť niečo odlišné. Niektoré miesto, ktoré ste vy, kazatelia, našli umiestnené v Biblii, ktoré je skutočne pravdou, ale vy viete, že vaša organizácia by vás vyhodila, ak by ste to učili, a jednako viete, že je to absolútne pravda. Je to ku vám, ľuďom, ktorí ste vzali tú nesprávnu vec, žili zlý život. Vy, otcovia a matky, ktorí sa nesnažíte napraviť svoje deti, nesnažíte sa ich vychovávať. Môžete sa snažiť najlepšie, ako viete, oni jednako pôjdu rovno do sveta, ale vy pred nich kladiete príklad. A ak to nerobíte, Boží hlas hovorí ku vám, „Nerob to.“

115A teraz, každá hlava je sklonená a každé oko zavreté a nech Boh nebies pohliadne dolu do sŕdc tých osôb, ktoré sú hladné, a nech nájde to miesto, kde sa mýlia. A s rukou pozdvihnutou ku Bohu povedia, „Pane, skutočne túžim, aby Tvoj hlas zobral preč všetku neveru a všetky veci, ktoré nie sú ako Ty, a urob ma tým, čím ma Ty chceš mať,“ zodvihli by ste ruky? Zatiaľ čo... Nech vás Pán žehná. Nech vás Boh žehná.

116Potom to Biblia hovorí, Ježiš povedal napriek všetkým týmto iným hlasom, „Jednako, ak nejaký človek bude počuť Môj hlas...“ Nasleduj Ho a dostaneš to, čo je tvojou túžbou.

117Pane, čas ubieha. Ale Biblia hovorí, že, „Všetci, ktorí uverili, boli pokrstení.“ Modlím sa, nebeský Otče, aby každý jeden z tých, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky v tom pravdivom vyznaní, že to Slovo Božie, ktoré čítali a uvideli, že sa mýlia. Nepozrel som sa ani na polovicu z nich. Nie je to na mne, aby som sa pozrel, je to na Tebe, aby si sa pozrel, Pane. Ty poznáš motív a cieľ, ktorý je za každou rukou, ktorá je zodvihnutá. Nech si od tejto hodiny zaumienia vo svojich srdciach, „Od tohto dňa, od teraz budem brať Slovo Božie a hlas Boží a budem Ho nasledovať bez ohľadu na to, aká je cena.” A nech to nesú vo svojej mysli, ako pôjdu vpred, ako je v tej piesni básnika, „Či musel Ježiš niesť ten kríž Sám a celý svet, a celý svet by bol prepustený na slobodu? Nie, existuje kríž pre každého a je kríž pre mňa. Tento posvätený kríž ponesiem, kým ma smrť nevyslobodí.“ Potom, keď ten hlas Boží hovorí, „Ja vystúpim v Jeho spravodlivosti, pretože som nasledoval Jeho hlas, hlas Jeho Slova.“ Porúčam ich teraz Tebe, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

118Zatiaľ čo máme svoje hlavy sklonené, robte svoje vyznania, predkladajte svoju žiadosť. Som ohromený týmto malým chlapcom, ktorý tu sedí a myká hlavou. A existuje hlas pre cirkev, „Ja som Pán, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.“ To je hlas v cirkvi. A vy všetci, ktorí máte potrebu k uzdraveniu a žijete posvätený život každému Slovu Božiemu, o ktorom viete, že je pravda, a máte potrebu uzdravenia, som zvedavý, či by ste len zodvihli svoju ruku. Zodvihnite svoju ruku, „Pane, mám potrebu uzdravenia.“ V poriadku.

119Tak zachovajte ten hlas vo svojom srdci, „Ja som Pán, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.“ Pamätajte, keď je Slovo hovorené, ono sa musí vyplniť. Ježiš povedal v Markovi 11:22, „Ak poviete tejto hore, 'pohni sa,' a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že to, čo ste povedali, sa stane, môžete mať to, čo ste povedali.“

120Tak teraz každý svojím vlastným spôsobom so sklonenou hlavou urobte svoje vyznanie, „Pane, verím Tvojmu Slovu. Počujem Tvoj hlas, ako mi hovorí, že Ty si ten istý, včera, dnes a naveky.“ Zostúpim tu dolu a položím ruky na toto dieťa, pretože ono je príliš malé, aby vedelo, o čom to všetko je, vzácny malý chlapec, on je asi tak veľký a tak starý ako môj malý Jozef. A chcem, aby ste sa všetci modlili modliac sa, „Pane, počujem Tvoj hlas. Verím.“

121Nebeský Otče, prinášame toto publikum Tebe pre uzdravenie ich tela. A, Pane, tu sedí jedno úbohé malé dieťa, ono upútavalo moju pozornosť počas celého tohoto posolstva, videl som toho rodiča, ako drží tohoto malého chlapčeka. Podľa lekárskej vedy neexistuje pre toho malého chlapca žiadna nádej. Existuje hlas Boží, ktorý ide ponad všetko. A ako sa táto cirkev spája dokopy, aby urobila každé prikázanie, o ktorom viem, že má byť urobené, a to ostatné patrí Tebe, Otče. Idem dolu a kladiem ruky na toto dieťa.

122Otče Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista odsudzujem toto. Nech moc Božia, uzdravenie Božie... Nech je na ňom vidno taký rozdiel v priebehu nasledujúcich piatich minút. Nech oni všetci prídu ku Bohu pre Tvoju slávu.

123Nebeský Otče, Ty si dal zasľúbenie. To je všetko, o čom viem, že Ty si dal zasľúbenie. Bolo to vykonané, ako už bolo povedané, „Ak poviete tomuto,“ a ja hovorím ku každému diablovi, chorobe a postihnutiu, ktoré zväzuje toto publikum, ktoré zväzuje týchto ľudí, každý duch nevery, hovorím, „Odíď od tých ľudí v Mene Ježiša Krista!“ Vieme, že je napísané, a teraz to bolo povedané, nech je to tak vykonané na česť a slávu Božiu. A v Mene Ježiša Krista je o to poprosené.

124Tak vy, ktorí dokážete veriť a veríte bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, nemusí to tak byť, ale semeno tam vpadlo. To niečo malé v tebe, ten hlas. Rodičia tohoto dieťaťa, bez ohľadu na to, v akom stave je, veríte, že semeno Božie padlo do vášho srdca a ten chlapec bude uzdravený? Vy ostatní sa modlite jeden za druhého, či veríte, že to semeno Božie vpadlo do tvojho srdca, „S mojou chorobou je koniec“? Potom, modlitba viery, ktorá bola za teba modlená, ona to upevní k tomu pilieru. A ak sa satan niekedy pokúsi niečo, tak ty mu to rovno vráť, „Keď som vtedy stál v tej španielskej cirkvi v to nedeľné ráno, modlili sa za mňa modlitbu viery. A Boh zasľúbil!“ Modlitba viery zachráni chorého a Boh ho pozdvihne. To sa musí stať. Ak tomu veríte, povedzte, „Amen.“ Nech vás Boh žehná. Odovzdávam teraz službu späť bratovi Rose, nazdávam sa, že je tu brat, Jewel Rose.

THE VOICE OF GOD IN THIS LAST DAYS, 63-0120M, Apostolic Church, Apostolic Church, Phoenix, AZ, 80 min

1 Certainly a privilege to be back amongst these Spanish people again this morning. And I wonder if Jim's getting this. Oh, he is getting the recording. I've still got the record that the little Spanish choir made when I was here before with Brother Garcia. And I forget that little song they used to sing me. But, oh, how I liked that! And those children now are all grown and married. I hear from them now and then. And I walked in this morning and seen little Joseph, and now it really done something to me, and I was certainly happy to see you.

2And, now, I got one word I can say in Spanish. Would you like to hear it? "Hallelujah!" I'll never forget the word. I was trying to get a deaf woman to hear me one time. Now, I may say this all wrong, you see, but the best I remember it was "oiga." That right? Hear me. Hear, "oiga." And then never forget, "Gloria a Dios!" Just wonderful! Oh, I had the opportunity to be down in the capitol, Mexico City, speak with them down there. How happy I was! And I used to...

3 I was in Finland after I was here. And always remind me of speaking to a little Finnish woman. They taken me up to what they call a "bethany." Every nation has it's own idea. (Am, are you getting the rebound, I'm too close to that? Can you hear all right, how's that?) This little woman, she was a lovely little person. But she was like me, she liked to talk a whole lot. And the interpreter... she talked real fast, and--and the interpreter couldn't say it fast enough to what she wanted to say it. And she would stand and her face would get red, she said, "I've got it in for them guys at Babylon."

4But, you know, I've noticed that all the--the birds all sing in English, dogs bark in English, babies cry in English. I wonder what's the matter with us anyhow. But each one of us think that our--our language will be the Millennium language, of course. But we who have received the Holy Ghost, that is true, 'cause we have a Heavenly language.

5 We have Brother Rowe here with us this morning, a diplomat from Washington. I believe he served under five or six Presidents, seven Presidents. And you know how I feel standing this, on this platform, speak, with a man like that sitting behind me. But his testimony always was such an outstanding one to me, and especially when he... I believe he was Lutheran, if I'm not mistaken, either Catholic or Lutheran, Lutheran. And he said he... something about crawling under a tent in a Pentecostal meeting, and he got up... Finally he made his way to the altar, and, when he did, the Lord came down upon him and blessed him so much that... I think he can speak in about seven different languages. And said he tried one, "it didn't work," then tried another, "it didn't work." And I suppose he can speak Spanish same as you all can. So he--he tried all of them, and they wouldn't work. And, see, know what, God was so good, He come down and give him a language he never tried before, said, "It works!" That's right. I think that's the way it'll be on the other side.

6 Many memories I hold in my heart of the little church up, I believe it... oh, I forget where it's at. It's over here somewhere close to Tonto Street. And I remember that. I can think of the word "Tonto Street," where the Spanish Apostolic church used to be.

7I was saying to the pastor, "This would be a grand place to have a revival," plenty of room, new church, fine people. So I think it would be in line for a revival someday. You pray to that, come in and have a revival. Now, I hope it's just a repeat of that we had over at the other church. I remember standing in the yard, leaning over the fence, up and down the streets, of trying to leave there of a nighttime, it was sure was a thrill that I've never forgotten. And I've got a--a record of the little ladies, the misses and the brethren who sang and made a record. And they would try to sing "Only Believe," and they didn't get it out just right, you know. They'd say, instead of "only believe," they'd bring it out "yeonea believe," see.

8 And I remember Rebekah, my daughter, Sarah, and yet they say, "Daddy, sing, play that little record of the little..." Instead of saying "Spanish," they couldn't speak that word, said, "Spinach girls, little spinach girls singing 'Only Believe.'"

9Well, I remember they followed the meeting. The revival was on then, and they followed the meeting all the way to the West Coast. And a little thing anchored in my heart when we left California, Brother Moore and I, and Brother Brown, way up at the capitol. And when I went down through that building that night, those kids standing there singing that, "He careth for you." You've heard it. "Through sunshines or shadows, He careth for you." Many times in foreign nations, upon the battlefields of the world strife, trying to bring the Message of Christ, I'd remember those girls and boys singing that song to me, "He careth for you. Through sunshines or shadows, He still careth for you." So that's been a great inspiration, a help.

10 Meeting your fine pastor, and so happy to see that the church is alive and you've got this great beautiful building here, setting all, plenty of parking room. Just a real place in the hands of the Holy Spirit, if we can just get Him to see it and know that we are calling for a revival. He, I believe He would give one.

11 Now, tonight we're at Brother Outlaw's church, the Jesus Name church, over on the other side. And Brother Outlaw, I believe in... is Apostolic church, too. I think he just calls his name, the church, Jesus Name. I think he's apostolic in belief. And so we're to be there tonight. And now we're not saying to the Spanish church, "now come over there," because you stay at your post of duty. And then there's going to be a great rally of the Christian Business Men, beginning Thursday, after the services are closed in other churches, on Thursday. And this convention, they're going to have outstanding speakers, and so Oral Roberts, and some Methodist brother that's just got saved, and they claim he's a very forceful speaker. And I'm sure you'll enjoy these conventions. And you teen-age children, they got a rally there for the teen-agers too, as brother just announced. I'm having my children there so they can get in on this. And so now come over, we'll be glad to have you. The Lord bless you all.

12 And now I want to turn in the Bible and read some of His blessed Word. And I've chosen this morning, for just a little while, I don't want to hold you too long, some text, and one of them is found in I Samuel, the other found in Isaiah. And I'd like to read from Isaiah first. And I...

13Can you hear all right, all around? In between these mikes, they seem to be very sensitive to me, I don't know why. You hear all right out there, raise up your hand. Good, good.

14 Now, I'm just a teeny bit hoarse, of course, that's from speaking much. And since I was here with this Spanish brethren, about sixteen years ago, I guess, maybe about sixteen or seventeen years ago, well, I been preaching ever since. So I was tired then, I said, and I'm still tired, but I'm still going on by the grace of God.

15Now let's turn to Isaiah 40, the 40th chapter of Isaiah; and the 1st chapter, or the 3rd chapter of I Samuel. And while we're holding them places for the reading of the Word, I would like now for us to bow our heads just a moment for prayer.

16 Our Heavenly Father, we are grateful today for this privilege of standing in this lovely sanctuary that's dedicated to God and for His work. And as we know that Your servants has stood behind this platform here or pulpit many times, and with a dedicated life to Your service.

17And this this morning brings back memories, memories of a revival that was just starting, with the Holy Spirit that had come down in the form of a big Light, like a Pillar of Fire, and It spoke that the Message should sweep the earth. And now today that is history. The Message has caught fire through great man, after seeing It, like Oral Roberts and Tommy Osborn, and Tommy Hicks and many others. And through the efforts that we have put forth together, we see the Message has set revival fires in every nation under Heaven, of the pentecostal Message. To this we give thanks and praise to Thee, O Mighty God.

18 And now today we pray that You will condition our heart, get ready for a great Rapture that will take place soon, we believe. And if our hearts are not in condition for that or for anything else that You have in store for us, we pray You forgive us of our shortcoming, and will speak to us today through Thy Word. Bless the pastor of this church, its deacons, trustees, and all the laity, the members. Bless this little choir, and the pianist, the musicians. All together, bless them who enter the gates of this place. May they go out changed each time, a little closer to You than they were when they come in. Grant it, Father. And may that be so, even this morning, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

19 Now turning to the Book of Isaiah, the 40th chapter, we read.

Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith... God.

Speak ye comfortable words unto Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she has received of the LORD's hand double for... her sins.

The voice of him that cries in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Every valley shall be exalted, and the mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:

And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken it.

Now in the Book of Samuel, I Samuel, 3rd chapter, I want to read the 1st, 2nd, and 19th verse.

And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.

And it came to pass at the time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see;

... ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep;

That the LORD called... and he answered, Here am I.

The 19th verse

And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and He did let none of his words fall to the ground.

20 Oh, that would be enough text that we could speak on here for a month, and we could draw much context from this glorious text. But this morning, and we just have about twenty minutes to get out in proper time from our... I guess the Sunday school is over or maybe it follows this, I don't know. But, however, I want to use the text of, The Voice Of God In This Last Days.

21It's a very outstanding time. We realize that where we're speaking from in the Scriptures, that it said, "There was no open vision in the days of Samuel." Therefore, "Where there's no vision," the Bible said, "the people perish." We must have a vision. And visions comes to the prophets, and it's the Word of the Lord spoken to them.

22 And we find out that Eli was not a prophet, Eli was a priest. And he was getting old, and his eyes were going dim, and he could not see to get around, was a great heavy man. And he had begin to let the work of the Lord go undone.

23And that's something like it is of today. I think the church, the organization and denominations, they've been on the field for a long time, and they're beginning getting laxed. And the work of the Lord is being left undone, the Word of Truth, because the church, in itself, has become dim-sighted. And we need, today, the Voice of God to speak among us, bring us back.

24And, see, Eli had laid down, and the... his eyesight was failing. He was a priest. And they had no open vision from the Lord. And that great need!

25 And God has promised to meet the need of the hour. He always does that. And we need the Voice of God today, to meet the need of the hour, to meet the time that we're living in. And after He has promised it, we can rest assured that He will keep His promise. That's the confidence that the believer has in His Maker, that He promised to meet the need.

26And, today, one reason that the church is in the condition that it's in, is because there is so many voices, so many other voices to attract the church from the Voice of God, till it's very doubtful that many would hear the Voice of God though It spoke right in their midst. They perhaps wouldn't even understand It, because It would be a foreign thing to them. They have got themselves so much centered on the voices of the day!

27 And if we notice, in our Scripture reading, that the Voice of God was foreign to them.

28And it's become that way again today, that the Voice of God... There is so many other voices. And then if God promised He would give us That, and if other voices are contrary to the Voice of God, then it must be the voice of our enemy, to confuse us, that we would not understand the Voice of God when It spoke.

29And we notice it was something similar to that with Eli and with Samuel, but Eli recognized right away that it was God. And it was absolutely a--a blaspheme on Eli. Because, the Voice of God, speaking to Samuel, had told him about Eli's wrongdoings, for he had babied his sons, and they was taking money and--and the flesh from the offerings. That was not right. And they were doing things wrong, contrary to God's Word.

30 And Samuel had... only thing that Samuel could do, would speak exactly. And he was a little reluctant to do so, because it was against the very place that he was sent to be raised up in, Eli and in the temple. But Eli said, "Speak on." See? And he told him exactly what was going to happen, that Samuel... or, "Eli's day was finished, as a priest," because God had spoke, and God was sending His Message through Samuel the prophet. Very odd birth, dedicated to the Lord from a child. God spoke to him, as a child, and was preparing him for a work that laid ahead. And Eli's time was finishing up.

31 There is so many voices in the earth today, that it is absolutely a hard thing, because it deadens the Voice of the Supernatural. There is so many intellectual voices, great voices of mighty man who are intellectual, that, in their intellectual conditions, even shake the nations. They're just not over-night people, but they shake nations, bringing great organizations together, great campaigns, flowery. And a person would be a bit confused. It's enough to confuse them, of how that these things go on and prosper. And there's voices that--that raise up and do these things, and it causes the Voice of God to be placed way back somewhere, the true Voice of God.

32 "And the Voice of God," they say, "how will we know it's the Voice of God?" Because, for today... Then it was in a vindicated prophet. Now, today, how we know it's the Voice of God, because it's the manifestation of the prophet's Word. This is God's prophet. And a true Voice of God only brings back that real, living, Supernatural God, with His Supernatural Word, with the Supernatural manifestation of the True Word. Then we know that It's the Voice of God. Because, and that Super-... There's so much other in the other realms, that just almost deaden That out. But, remember, It will glisten, It'll come forth! It'll do it.

33 Now, there is a voice today in the world of politics. That's a great voice. And people, absolutely, in this great day of politics, they'll... It's all mixed up in their churches and everything. And many times, that we have just seen recently, that the voice of politics is actually stronger than the Voice of God in the churches, or the American people would have never did what they just done. See? They'd have never done it. If the Voice of God would been kept alive in the church, they'd have never made that mistakes. But the voice of politics is so much stronger in the earth today than the Voice of God, until people sold their Christian birthright for a mess of popularity, education, and political power. It's such a shame to see it. The very thing that our nation was made, what it's made on, the people turned right back around and--and voted in the thing that we left the other country. And the--and the Plymouth Rock, and Mayflower and them, come over here and--and established this great economy that we have. Is the very thing that we fought so hard to come out of, we've put ourselves right back in its clutches, because that the Bible speaks it would be that way.

34 And the system of Eli, a priest instead of a prophet. The prophet is the Word. And the priest was the church.

35And it's got in such a place till it begin to get so loose that the Word is foreign to the people. They don't get It. Then you can speak It, and they don't understand It, because they're not trained to It. Paul said, "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who will know to prepare himself for battle?"

36The people are trained to a--a--a church voice, a church trumpet, "We've got more in our Sunday school than the rest of them's got." That don't mean a thing. "We've got more in our denomination than the rest of them's got. We're the biggest amongst the denominations." See, that's the kind of a voice that the people are trained for. In the street, they go out to get the people and bring them in. Tens of thousands times thousands in great campaign, bring them in. What are they interested in? "We got the biggest church. We got the biggest congregation. We got the highest-membered Sunday school. We got the mayor of the city coming to our church." That might be all good, but if that same church isn't trained to the Voice of God, the Gospel Trumpet, what good does it do?

37 And when a thing rises just like has rose amongst our government, what's happened? The church didn't know the Voice of the Trumpet, and they didn't know what to do. The great promise of prosperity, an intellectual giant coming in, and they went right over the very thing that the Bible predicted, and brought it in. See, a political voice! And it proved that it overrode the religious Voice, or they'd have never done what they did, the Gospel Voice. Because we're promised of a lot of stuff, we're promised prosperity, and no doubt but what we'll get it.

38But, still, that doesn't mean anything to a believer. Turn over in the Book of Hebrews, at the 11th chapter, listen to that Saint Paul speak, how they, in the days, "Wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, was destitute, not a place, couldn't enter the city."

39 I was reading in the Nicaea Council, when the great issues come up at Nicaea, Rome, three hundred years after the death of Christ, in the great Nicaea Council, when the great church that stood for what was right, they wanted the Bible. And the Roman converts of the first church of Rome had injected dogmas, to say, for instance, like we have Christmas.

40Christmas, Christ was no more borned on the twenty-fifth day of--of December than I was. Why, the hills of Judaea was snowy, and He... It contrasts all other Bible prophecies. He was borned in the spring, like all lambs are born. Why was He born in a barn instead of a house? He was a Lamb. Why was He not just run up to the altar or to His altar where He was nailed to, the cross? He was led to the cross. You lead the sheep to the slaughter. He was a Lamb. Then He was born when lambs was born.

41 But, you see, to do that, they had the sun-god's birthday, which, on the solar system, the--the sun in the five days from December the twentieth unto December the twenty-fifth, there's hardly a moving at all, of the sun. lt--it varies a little each day, gets longer and longer and longer till it hits its longest day in July. And then, in December, its shortest day. And then that little time of the twenty-fifth, from the twentieth to the twenty-fifth, they had the Roman circus and the celebration of the sun-god's birthday. So then Jupiter, which was a Roman god, and then they injected it, in saying then, "We will take the Son of God and the sun-god's birthday, put that together and it be one great celebration." That's contrary! And, oh, the many injections that they placed in there!

42 And then when them true man of God who wanted to stay with the Word, like Polycarp, Irenaeus, Martin, those great, early, sainted man who wanted to stay with the Truth. And when they brought through the Nicaea Council, some of those people had been so rejected until prophets came in out of the wilderness with nothing around them but a piece of sheepskin, to sit in that council. But they knowed the Word of the Lord. But popularity, them fifteen days of bloody politics, and overrode It. Then we had a thousand years of dark age, see.

43 But God promised that that Trumpet would sound again. Always the people listens to the true Voice of the Word, always examine what you do by the Word.

44The voice of politics. And we in America and the rest of the world, have a loud speaking voice today, and that's the voice of Hollywood. It's captured the world. Let somebody come out in Hollywood with something, you find it all over the country. Now, we notice that they have set a pattern for our women, on their dress, their hair styles. They set that dress.

45 The church ought to know the Voice of the Trumpet of God on that! But there's so much confusion because you see others do so, examples. Don't never pattern yourself after that kind of an example, because it's perishable. Always hear the Voice of God, what He says about it.

46And then we notice, at Hollywood, they raise up things. And just let me speak just a moment on this before we go further. There was a--a thing come out not long ago, that a--a man in Hollywood... Nothing against the man now, he's a mortal that Christ died for, but just to show you. They invented a little thing called, the kids used to call the "hula-hoop," hula-hoop, or something. And if you ever noticed the vulgarity and things that follow that lot, in the little children. That's not right.

47 Now, Hollywood is full of--of the gunfighters. Now, anyone that knows history, knows that them people back there in them days, that was gunfighters like the--the different fellows, they wasn't decent citizens, they were renegades, they were like Al Capone and Dillinger. They got a Hollywood play they call, on--on the television, they call, "Gunsmoke." And I heard on the monitor the other day that the fellow that plays it, Arness or something, or Arness, or I forget what his name is, and he's supposed to take... He represents Matt Dillon who was a sheriff in Kansas. And Matt Dillon was as yellow as a rabbit. He shot twenty-eight man in the back, innocent people, going outside of Dodge City and waiting in a bush. And when a man come along, that somebody would call him and tell him that there was a certain villain coming through, then stay out there and, when the man come in, he'd shoot him through the back. Now we find he's "big guy" that comes down. Why, it's--it's absolutely glorifying sin. But the little children of our country can tell you more about Matt Dillon than they can tell you about Jesus Christ. The--the--the stores, the ten-cent stores, and the clothing department, is hanging full of little--little toy guns, with little hats that--that you could buy anywhere. It's all right to wear that, but I'm--I'm just telling you, you see. Then they--they, the commercial world, picks that thing up and makes millions of dollars off of it.

48 We have what we call "St. Patrick's Day," we have what we call these "religious holidays." And the commercial world has picked it up, and they make millions of dollars. "Mother's Day," bunches of flowers. Why, every day should be an honorable day to mother. She's off somewhere, old, go see her. That'll be worth more than all the flower you could send her, or anything else. See, but they pick it up. It's a voice, and--and we blend right in with it. It's really not right. But what are you going to do? See, we're--we're just...

49I'm trying to get to a point here to tell you something, what I--I believe. The Voice is rare, the Voice of God.

50 Now, we find out that they set the pace. And did you ever notice, our young boys has become "Ricky" and "Elvis." You got a child named that, change it right quick, call him number "one" or "two," or something. Don't, that's a horrible... You say, "What difference does the name mean?" Why, sure, it means something. Your name characterizes your life. "Now, Brother Branham, you're on numerology." No, I'm not! I'm on THUS SAITH THE LORD! Why was it when Jacob, he lived to his name, as--as deceiver, supplanter, Jacob. And when God changed him, He changed his name. God changed Saul to Paul, Simon to Peter. Certainly, it has something. And Ricky and Elvis, and such names as that, is the modern American name which throws a child automatically right into that. See what I mean?

51 Now, I hope I don't... I better back up and don't get too far on a limb here, (see what I mean?) that you wouldn't understand. But all these things is not even understood by the common person. They don't catch it, because they got one trend. That's all they listen to, those voices.

52There's a voice of philosophers, Communism, promising something that they cannot stay by. And yet a great percent of the American people are wrapped up in Communism. Now, I've been in Communism, Communism zones, rather, in Germany, on the east side of Berlin. They had great big houses to show the outside. You ought to walk on the inside of them, they're not even finished. It's a false economy, they're trying to push over something.

53 And, in Russia, the birthplace of Communism... Which, many years ago, when I was just a boy preacher, I'd say thirty-three years ago, when Nazism, Facism, and Communism was rising, I said, "I speak in the Name of the Lord! They'll all wind up in Communism." But, did you ever think, God has left us an avenue out, if we'd just take it. There's only one percent of Russia that's Communism, one percent, but they're the controlling percent. One percent of Communism... one percent of Russia is Communism, rather, but they control.

54 And the same thing, Hollywood's one place, but they're in control.

55About one third or two thirds of the population of the United States goes to church, and is church members, but they control in those denominations.

56What Communism needs over there is the Voice of God rise up among them, and It would put it to a shame.

57In Finland, when that little boy was raised from the dead that day, and they was bringing me three squares away, where this little fellow was raised up, the dead; Communist soldiers, Russians, standing there with the Russian salute, and the tears running down their cheeks. They said, "We will receive a God that can raise the dead." It's the negligence of the Catholic church and the Lutheran church, and all those denominations, and have taken all of the money, and building organizations, and giving the people nothing. They live like the rest of the people. There's got...

58What Russia needs is a prophet to rise on the scene with the Word of the Lord, that can--can shut the mouth. Then that ninety percent will take over.

59What America needs is a Voice of the prophet of God, who could stand up and condemn Hollywood, and condemn these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost Church will take over. Too much confusion, see, too many voices of contrast against It.

60 The church, its voice, each one wants more members. The Baptist wants it all, Methodist wants it all, Presbyterian. We all have these. And Catholic's look like is going to take it all, and they will. That's exactly the Voice of God out of this Bible. They will rule.

61But the Most High God shall finally rule. The Saints shall take over, one day, the Bible said so. They will take over.

62Such an awful lot of voices! Then there's the voice of the false prophet. That's a terrible voice, a man who calls hisself a prophet. A prophet, of course, is a preacher. The modern word "prophet" absolutely means "a man that preaches under inspiration." There is a man who stands and calls hisself a prophet, and denies the Word of God, denies the Truth of God. There's so many voices!

63 Just a few moments ago, there was a brother out there directing me where to come in up here, but I... guess he wondered why I went on up the street and turned around and come back. If you're here, brother, I was listening to something, it was our--our colored friends, the negro. They got a temple here, and they call it, "the Elijah Mohammed," or something, "young Elijah Mohammed." Raising up with a voice, and saying that they are the voice that's going to bring the--the colored race out of this chaos. That, you see, the very thing, their--their--their Moslem is here, their Mosque. Why, don't you see, that the very background of it, it's wrong!

64 The colored people, just like the white people, brown people, and yellow people, not back to back to Mohammedism, but come back to Christ, the very principles that the Bible teaches. Mohammedanism is against the Word. Now, I had the privilege of leading ten thousand Mohammedans to Christ one time at Durban, South Africa. It produces nothing but psychology. And psychology is all right as long as psychology don't deny the Word. But when psychology denies the Word, then psychology is wrong. It gives an uncertain sound. There's everything else will pass but God's Word, Jesus said so, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away." So, you see we must stay with the Word, the Voice.

65 So many confuse things! The people get up, they don't know the Word, and they say things, and maybe it sounds very reasonable. Communism is a very reasonable thing, "Everybody the same. There's no more capitalists, they're all Communists." Did you ever stop to think that that's a false revival, Communism is? And where did he pattern it all after? The... Jesus said, "The two spirits would be so close, it would deceive the Elected if possible." And everything the Devil's got, it's a perversion of what God created. Sin is--is righteousness perverted. A lie is the Truth misrepresented. Adultery is--is, an act that God ordained us to, perverted. All unbelief is the perversion of belief. You have to deny the Truth in order to take the--the perversion. See, straighten out these voices, test them by the Word and see if it's Truth.

66 Oh, how we could go on and on, on these voices of today, but our time's passed. But, so many voices that people don't know what to do. The Methodist will finally hear a Baptist preacher, they'll go over there, they'll stay there a while and then they go to Lutheran. And in the Pentecostals, they have different groups, one will run to one, and one to another, then back and forth. It shows you're not stable. Hear His Voice! Here It is, wrote on paper, the Voice, the Voice will be confirmed if It is the Truth.

67The church world don't know what to do, the political world is in chaos. Everything seems to be in chaos. Fellows run from here, something else rise up, some jacket, some coat. When I was in Rome, they got nineteen different vindicated nails that was drove in Jesus' hand; and there's only three, but yet they've got the record that nineteen different nails. Now, what difference does it make who has the nail? Christ never left us nails to worship, He left us the Holy Spirit, by His Word! "These signs shall follow them that believe, they'll have the original nail"? "They'll have... These signs shall follow them that believe, they'll belong to the denomination I started"? He started none. See how the voice is contrary?

68 But, "These signs shall follow them that believe; in My Name they shall cast out devils." There's the Word. "They shall speak with new tongues; take up serpents, that would not harm them. If they drink deadly things, it would not bother them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And you watch these things plus all the rest of the Scripture put together.

69Now, that alone will not confirm it, not at all. There's where we Pentecostals get on the wrong road. Did not Jesus say, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, "Lord, have not I done mighty things in Your Name? Have not I prophesied in Your Name? Have not I done all this in Your Name?'" And Jesus said, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity, I never knew you." Do you see, my sisters and my brothers, why I'm so condemning and indicting this generation? You might speak with tongue like men and Angels, you might dance in the Spirit all around the church, that has nothing to do with It.

70 I've seen Mohammedans dance around like that. I've heard in the doctor... witchdoctor's camp, seen the witches stand up and speak in tongues and interpret it, and tell exactly what was going to happen, and it happened that way. I've seen even a pencil raise up and write in unknown tongues, and only one there could read it, and was of the Devil. You can't base your Eternal destination upon some sensation. Satan can impersonate any of those sensations. Not... It's to know Christ, something changes in your life. Watch your life and pattern it with the Word, and see where you're at. Taking inventory, certainly.

71 In spite of all this impersonations, false voices, false prophets, all these other things that's rising up, Jesus still said, in spite of all of this, "If any man will hear My Voice and follow after Me." He is the Word. Listen, His commission to us today, in all these voices. Which, I said it would take hours to bring out all these voices. And it's confusing to the people, it's a pathetic thing. And, after all, you don't get the second chance, you got to take It now. You might not get a chance tonight. You might not get a chance tomorrow. It's now! "When you hear My Voice, harden not your heart, as in the days of provocation. Now is the time. This is the acceptable time that if any man will hear My Voice." That goes to show that His Voice would still be there in the midst of all the chaos. He's still got a Voice! Why? His Voice will ever remain. Here it is, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Voice shall not pass away," His Word.

72 Let's just take, say, another five minutes, quickly. Can you, will you stay that long, or a few minutes? Now, I'll hurry. Let's just take some who heard this Voice and obeyed It. How It made them act, what It made them to do. Now I'm going to bypass a lot of--of Scripture here, just in order to get right straight to you. How It changed their lives and all them that was about them, how they become the oddball, we call an "oddball." Every man that ever did believe God, was considered an oddball. Because, if you're in the trend of the world, there's something wrong with you. To be a Christian you have to be an oddball. "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions of the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not." Quickly now, listen close as we close.

73 Adam heard His Voice, in the cool of the evening, and had fellowship with Him. There was no condemnation to Adam. He heard the Voice of God, and he said, "Father, now I lay me down to sleep." And he laid down, and Eve on his arm, the lion, the tiger, and the wild beasts laid right around him, there was no harm, no way of getting sick, no way of wondering if he'd wake up in the morning, they're going to wake up. Adam heard His Voice in the way that he ought to have heard It.

74But one day he heard his wife's voice. I better leave that alone for a while. But he listened to the wrong voice, yet it was his wife, the closest tie he had on earth. Why didn't he, like Job, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman"? And if it would, the whole human race would be living instead of dying. It changed the course of human beings and time. But he heard a Voice of God, he had fellowship with It, but when he turned... How did he know that his wife was wrong? Remember, it was pleasant.

75 We think today that our organization, church, we think that our prosperity today is God smiling upon us. It looks good. It looked good when Micaiah stood there before the four hundred prophets, and the whole land belonged to them, and the Philistines was on it, or the Assyrians, it looked good. These prophets was telling, "Go out there, that belongs to us. Take it!" But it wasn't the Voice of God. And Micaiah turned around and cursed the voice. And how did he know to do that? Because his vision was exactly with the Word. That's the only way to trust it and see it today, it's got to be on the Word.

76 Then did you notice after Adam listened to another voice besides God's Voice, his own wife. And the church is listening to the voice of her organization, injecting into them creeds instead of the Word, letting them live any way they want to. As long as they go to church and a member of a certain church, that's all matters. Closest connection that the believer has on earth, to them, is the church. But the believer, the real believer, the closest connection is the Holy Spirit, is God's Word.

77So you find out that Adam realized his condition, and he heard the Voice of God calling again, and he was in fig leaves then. But it was a voice of condemnation, "Why have you done this?"

78 I wonder if America today, or the world in its religious uproar, as it is, and America swallowing, being swallowed up, it'll be a national religion pretty soon. []

79Who's setting before me? I know it's tapes and it'll go all over the world. We have tape programs, that every Message takes the whole world in, all other countries.

80Well, now if you'll look and see, you're just standing in fig leaves. When the true Voice of God comes out, they don't know what to do about it. It's confusing, they don't know what to do.

81Quickly, Noah heard the Voice of God. It was preparing to save his life, and he followed the instructions and he stood.

82 If a man hears the Voice... Now listen, catch this real good. Don't fail. If a man hears the voice of something, and if It's proven to be the Voice of God, and on time, and then that proceeds forth from the man, heavens and earth will pass away but that Word can't pass away.

83Noah heard the Voice, and condemned the world. And they laughed in his face because his--his Message didn't cope with their scientific achievements, but it rained and destroyed the whole world. See? His voice that went forth, the seed was laying there. Every age it's been the same way.

84Samuel, alarmed when he heard the Voice of God, that he was... go ahead to condemn Eli, the man that had nurtured him. The man that had been a daddy to him and had raised him up and fed him.

85 Minister brothers, shall I? Ministers, many time, upon their denominational grounds and creed, their credentials in their pocket, of the very pappy, the very organization that's nurtured them and fed them and brought them up and positionally put them in church, and put them in a congregation, you have to nuck' down to what they teach. See? What a horrible thing it would be for a true servant of God to hear the Voice of God and have to come back to that same mother organization, say, "You're condemned because you don't receive this Word." What a thing!

It was hard for Samuel. But he was a prophet, he had to do it. Regardless of whether it hurt or not, he had to do it anyhow.

86 Moses heard the Voice of God. He was full of theology. He knowed all the in's and out's, but it failed. He heard the Voice of God, Moses was never the same.

87And no man is never the same. You might hear in your ears the--the Voice speaking, but when you hear in your heart, the Voice speaking, see, then you're hearing. You do not see with your eye. You look with your eye, you see with your heart. You see something, say, "I just don't see it," you mean you don't understand it. You do not hear with your ears, you hear with your heart. Many times your ears hears the true Voice of God, and It falls off of you like water off of a duck's back. But when you really hear, you hear with your heart.

88 And all the theology that Moses had, he hadn't heard the Voice of God. But one day God called this eighty-year-old sheepherder over to one side and spoke to him, and he caught It. He proved that He was God. First thing He done to Moses, was vindicate His Word, "I'm going down, I remember what I promised."

89And this is what He promised for the last days. He'd raise up a people from the Gentiles, and all the promises.

90"This I've promised." Said, "Moses, take off your shoes." In other words, honor It. "Now throw down your staff." And a--a dry stick off the desert became a serpent, and Moses caught it, and went back to its condition again. See? He knew that was God, because God said, the Word of God, the Word that he was speaking, said, "Throw down the stick in your hand." That's God's Word. Don't try to do the same thing, that ain't God's Word to you, that's God's Word to Moses. Here's God's Word to you! "Throw down the stick." It turned to a serpent. Said, "Now are you afraid of it? Pick it up by the tail," and back it went again. God's Word to him. What did He do? God vindicated His Word.

91 I had a call here a few months ago, about, been, oh, it's been about a year, over a year ago. A little lady on the end of a telephone connection, with a Baptist preacher and a Pentecostal preacher. She said, "Brother Branham, the Lord has made me a prophetess."

Said, "Fine."

92Said, "You know, I'm told that you said that you--you bore record that my ministry was of God."

93Now, I couldn't do that, it's contrary to the Word. So I said, "Lady, that's an error. I don't even know you."

94And the Baptist preacher, I heard him, I heard the Pentecostal preacher. She said, "Well, I'm having a meeting here." And said, "The Lord is doing great things."

95I said, "I'm grateful for that." She said... I said, "Has He ever told you anything yet?"

Said, "Yes, I've got a great program in hand."

96I said, "Wonderful." I said, "Now, what's your program?" I said, "What did the Lord tell you?"

97"He said, 'Go to Phoenix, Arizona, on a certain-certain date, and then I'm going to give you the lost Dutchman Gold Mine, and you're going to take this gold that's found in there and you're going to sponsor missionaries around the world.'" When we all know that the lost Dutchman Mine is a legend. "So he said."

98I said, "Well, I'll tell you how to find out whether it's God or not." I said, "You be there on that day. And if it's you find the lost Dutchman Mine, then it's God. If you don't find the lost Dutchman Mine, then repent and get that lying spirit off of you." That's how to find out whether it's God or not.

99 God said, "Moses, throw down the stick, and it'll turn to a serpent." He did it. He said, "Pick it up and it'll be a stick again." He did it.

100When God makes a promise of a ministry in this last days, He'll confirm it just exactly the way He said He would do it. Then you know you got the right Voice. You're listening to the right Thing, because it's the Word being confirmed. See? Oh, how... I'm sorry, I... All right.

101 Moses acted different. Look what a--a funny thing Moses done. Now, always when you're following the Voice of God, you're crazy, to the world. The next day, found Moses, with his wife setting on a mule, and a young'n on her hip, or that's southern, "child" on her hip, and there they was. This old man with beard hanging down like this, and his bald head shining, a stick in his hand, leading a little donkey, going right down towards Egypt just as hard as he could go. Somebody said, "Moses, where you going?"

102"Going down to Egypt, to take the thing over." Wherewith he had failed as a young man, he had failed as a military man, but here he was going down to take over. And he did it. Why? He had heard the Voice of God and seen It vindicated for his day, for the things that was to be in his day. He saw it.

103 Paul, a self-styled Pharisee, just as full of theology as he could be, but one day he heard the Voice of God. He saw a Pillar of Fire, and he knowed there was something different. It changed his life. No matter how many Pharisees, how many Gamaliels or anything else could cry out to Paul, "you're wrong, you're wrong": Paul had heard the Voice of God, he knowed It was the Truth.

104Peter, religious as he could be, keeping the traditions of the elders, he would not eat any meat. No, sir. He would have nothing to do about it at all. He was really keeping the traditions of the elders, right to the Word. What happened? One day he heard the Voice of God, "Don't call that common and unclean, when I make clean." He was a changed man. He was ready to go anywhere the Lord sent him.

105 Closing, I might say this. There was a man one time who was a believer. He had been dead four days. He was in the grave, stinking, rotten, but he heard the Voice of God speak, "Lazarus, come forth!" And if It brought a man forth after being dead and rotten, what ought It to do to a church that still has life in it? It ought to resurrect them, in the mess of all of these voices that we've talked about, religious, politics, Hollywood, all the false prophecies and things that's gone out. In the midst of all of it, the true Voice of God will call a man, that's dead in sin and trespasses, to life again. It ought to take a backslidden church and call it to life again. Sure!

106 Remember, in closing, I say this, and then I'll close. Jesus said, "The time would come, when all that was in the grave would hear the Voice of God." And you're going to hear It. No matter what condition you're in, you're going to hear It anyhow. And some of them that come out of the grave, will come to condemnation. They hear the Voice, but It's condemning. And if you hear It today, "Today, after so long a time, when you hear My Voice, harden not your hearts, as you did in the days of provocation." And if you, Pentecostal people grouping yourself out in creeds again, in worldliness, "having a form of godliness and denying the Power thereof," before you have to rise in the resurrection to be condemned, because the Voice of God that speaks to you now through the Word will condemn you in that day.

107 If you're just a lukewarm believer, the Voice of God cries in your heart this morning, "you are a lukewarm believer," you'd better repent!

108You man, women, boys or girl, that's not living for Christ, and the Voice of God speaks to you through His Word and says "stop doing that," you better do it. Because you're going to hear It again one day, and It'll condemn you. You can't deny It, It's speaking to you now. And, remember, it's recorded.

109And those who does right and hears His Voice, will rise to righteousness, to Glory, to Heaven.

110 So you're going to hear the Voice of God sometime. Maybe faintly this morning It speaks in your heart, that you should turn from the way that you're going, turn back to God. Now, remember, they'll record that Voice that's speaking to your heart, in Heaven. And someday when Jesus does call, and all that's in the grave, all, right and wrong, will rise. And then this very same Voice will whisper right back to you, "In Phoenix, Arizona, on a certain Sunday morning, when the minister held you so long, speaking on the Voice, I spoke to you; told you women to let your hair grow out, quit dressing immorally; told you man to quit that lying, smoking; told you preachers to turn back to the Word of God." See what I mean? That's right.

That still Voice say, "It could be right."

111 If I had to come like Nicodemus, I'd still try to get there. I'd come to Him, and go out here in the desert somewhere, and say, "Lord God, here I am, change me now. Mold me in Your fashion." Come back to the Word. Somewhere where you see you're leaving off in the Word, come right back to that, because a chain is its strongest at its weakest link. And anywhere in your life that you've left the commandment of God off, to serve a tradition, there's where your chain will break no matter how firm you are on the other thing. Hold to God's unchanging hand.

112 Let us pray. Today, after so long a time, Lord, You said that You'd speak, You'd write Your laws upon the tables of hearts. I know not what stands before me. The only thing I know to do is take Your Word and spread It out, surely It will lodge beneath some rocks somewhere. I pray, God, that You'll speak to every young person, every middle age, old person, whatever it might be. Speak to my heart, Lord. Speak to these ministers' hearts. Speak to the congregational heart.

113We pray, Father, that today we will hear Your Voice. And we know, as it was in the days of Samuel, an open vision is a rare thing, and it startled the people. So is it today. We have dreams and dreamers, we have speakers and interpreters, but an open vision coming forth with the Word of the Lord, and corrected... We pray, Heavenly Father, that that Voice that was crying in the wilderness, "prepare the way for the Lord," that we believe the Holy Spirit gives that Voice again today, "Prepare for the Coming of the Lord!" And how odd It is, 'cause there's so many other voices to numb It and to take It out, but It's gracious in the ears of those that hear It. I pray that the Holy Spirit will now do the work in the hearts of all of us.

114 And while we have our heads bowed, and I trust our hearts bowed. If you know somewhere that you have disobeyed in your life, know some Scripture, that you know that's Bible teaching that you haven't cooperated with, because something, Hollywood voice made you do something different. Some place that you ministers has found a place in the Bible, that's actually the Truth, but you know your organization would put you out if you taught That, and you know it's absolutely Truth. To you people who take the wrong thing, live the wrong life. You fathers and mothers that's not trying to correct your children, not trying to raise them. You may try your best, and they're going right on worldly anyhow, but you're putting example before them. And if you're not doing it, the Voice of God is speaking to you, "Don't do that."

115 And now with every head bowed and all eyes closed, and may the God of Heaven look down into the hearts of that person that's hungering and find the place where they're wrong. And with a hand up to God, saying, "Lord, I truly desire for Your Voice to take out all of the unbelief, and all the things that's not like You, and make me what You'd have me to be," would you raise your hands. While you... The Lord bless. God bless you.

116Then the Bible said, Jesus said, and in spite of all these other voices, "Yet if a man shall hear My Voice." Follow after Him, you're going to get your desire.

117 Lord, time is running out. But the Bible said that, "As many as believed, were baptized." I pray, Heavenly Father, that every one of those that raised their hands in true confession, that the Word of God that they have read, and seen that they been wrong. I never looked at half of them. It's not for me to look, it's for You to look, Lord. You know the motive and objective behind the hand that raised up. Let them, from this very hour, purpose in their heart, "From this day, henceforth, I'll take the Word of God and the Voice of God, and follow It no matter what the price is." And bear in their mind, as they're going, the song of the poet, "Must Jesus bear the cross alone, and all the world go free? No, there's a cross for everyone; there's a cross for me. And this consecrated cross I'll bear, until death shall set me free." Then when the Voice of God speaks, "I'll come forth in His righteousness, for I have followed His Voice, the Voice of His Word." I commit them to You now, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

118 Now while we have our heads bowed, you making your confession and your pledge. I'm amazed at a little boy sitting here, twisting his head around. And there is a Voice for the church, "I'm the Lord Who heals all thy diseases." That's a Voice in the church. And all you who have need of healing, and you're living a consecrated life to every Word of God that you know what is right, and you have a need of healing, I wonder if you'd just raise up your hand. Raise up your hand, "Lord, I have a need of healing." All right.

119Now, keep that Voice in your heart, "I am the Lord that heals all thy diseases." Remember, when the Word is spoken, It has to come to pass. Jesus said, Mark 11:22, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said will come to pass, you can have what you said."

120 Now, each one in our own way now, bow your head, make your confession, "Lord, I believe Your Word. I hear Your Voice telling me that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever." I'm going to walk down and lay hands on this child, because he's too little to know what it's all about, precious little boy, about the size and age of my little Joseph. And I want all of you to be praying, praying, "Lord, I hear Your Voice. I believe."

121 Heavenly Father, we're bringing this audience to You for the healing of their body. And, Lord, here sets a poor little child, he's attracting my attention all along in the Message, seeing a parent sit there holding the little fellow. Through medical science, there's not a hope for the little guy. There is a Voice of God that rides over everything. And as this church joined together to make every commandment that I know how to do, the rest belongs to You, Father. I'm walking down and laying hands on that child.

122Father God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I condemn this. Let the power of God, the healing of God... May there be such a difference in him in the next five minutes. May they all come to God, for Your glory.

123Heavenly Father, You gave the promise. That's all I know, You gave the promise. It has been done, as it been said, "If you say to this," and I'm saying to every devil of sickness or affliction that's binding this audience, that's binding these people, every spirit of unbelief, I'm saying, "Depart from the people, in the Name of Jesus Christ!" Now, we know it is written, and now it's been said, let it be done, to the honor and glory of God. And in the Name of Jesus Christ it's asked.

124 Now, you that can believe, and do believe, no matter what happens, don't have to be, the seed dropped there. That little something inside of you, that Voice. Parent of this child, no matter what the condition of the child is, you believe the seed of God dropped into your heart, that that boy will get well? The rest of you is praying, one for another, do you believe that the seed of God dropped into your heart, "my sickness is finished"? Then the prayer of faith has been prayed for you, drive down that post. And if Satan ever tries, you come right back, "Standing in that Spanish church, that Sunday morning, the prayer of faith was prayed for me. And God promised!" The prayer of faith shall save the sick and God shall raise them up. It has to come to pass. Do you believe it, say, "Amen." God bless you. Now I'll turn the service back to Brother Rose, I suppose here, Brother Jewel Rose.