Toto je veľmi nezvyčajná scéna, ktorú vidíme dnes ráno v našom prečítanom Písme. Je nezvyčajná v mnohých spôsoboch, pretože to je... Jedno z najviac dojímavých Písiem, ktoré sú v Biblii, je toto Písmo tu, pretože hovorí o veku, v ktorom žijeme. Hovorí, kam je v tomto veku Ježiš Kristus vystrčený, z Jeho vlastnej cirkvi a stojí klopúc na dvere a snaží sa dostať späť dnu. A bohatstvo a radosti tohto sveta Ho vyhnali z cirkvi, až kým sa cirkev nestala celkom vlažnou... Je to veľmi dojímavý obraz. Zo všetkých iných cirkví, v tomto cirkevnom veku... Ja som práve cez ne v mojom zbore prechádzal; a vracajúc sa teraz späť, začiatok sedemnástej, berúc týchto sedem pečatí. A teraz v tom nachádzame, že všetky iné cirkvi v tých cirkevných vekoch prijali, ale posledný cirkevný vek, Laodicejský, Kristus bol zobraný od ľudí. A oni Ho vystrčili von z cirkvi a On sa po tom snažil dostať späť, bol vonku a klopal na dvere. Stali sa slepými. Veľmi nezvyčajné.
Teraz, viete, že vo vnútri dverí ľudského srdca máme malé skryté priehradky? Ach, nechceme to priznať, ale je to pravda. Iste, máme malé tajné priehradky. Tak veru. Radi to voláme... My Ho privítame v našom srdci, ale nechceme Ho spraviť naším Pánom. Nechceme ísť do pekla, tak „Ježiš, vstúp do dverí, nech nejdem do pekla - ale nemôžeš byť mojím Pánom.“ Teraz, „Pán“ je vlastníctvo. To znamená, že keď si Ho nechal vojsť dnu ako Pána, On vládne všetkému. On je doma.
Keď prídem k tvojmu domu a zaklopem na dvere, ak ma tam nechceš, povedz, „Choď preč od mojich dverí.“ Cenil by som si ťa viac, ako keby si ma nechal vojsť krok cez dvere a povedal, „Nehrab sa mi tu. Len tam stoj. No, čo chceš?“ Cítil by som sa vítaný? Mohol by som vysvetliť svoju návštevu u vás? Určite nie. A to je spôsob, aká je dnes cirkev, priateľu. To je spôsob, akými sa stávajú ľudia. „Poď dnu, Pane, ale to je všetko. Povedz mi, čo chceš,“ vidíte. Ach, nie! To je to, kde sme sa dostali do problémov.
1Ďakujem ti, brat, brat Tony, tebe a všetkým priateľom, spolupútnikom a cudzincom! Viete, my si nenárokujeme, že sme... Prepáčte.
2[Brat za kazateľňou podáva správu o Božej odpovedi na modlitbu brata Branhama pred tromi rokmi v Tulse, Oklahoma, kedy bolo mnoho duší spasených počas služby toho brata v Brazílii toho roku. Tento brat prosil br.Branhama, aby sa pomodlil za úspech na týchto kampaniach - pozn.prekl.]
3Boh ti žehnaj, brat. Rád počujem takéto správy o tom, že sú duše zachraňované. To je tá hlavná vec. A my sme šťastní, že sme tu a vidíme okolo tak mnoho našich priateľov z rozdielnych častí krajiny. A tento brat tu prichádza teraz do mesta. Ja rozumiem toto ráno, že jeho výbava je už zložená tu pre veľké prebudenecké zhromaždenie. A ja sa istotne modlím, brat, že On ti dá veľké prebudenie a mnoho duší tu v meste.
A som rád dnes ráno, že vidím veľa mojich priateľov služobníkov. Brat Outlaw tam (práve som si ho všimol, keď som sa nadvihol) z Phoenixu, a som veľmi šťastný, že ťa tam dole vidím, brat Outlaw. Vy, bratia z Jericha, prichádzajúci sem hore do Jeruzalema navštíviť nás, my sme vždy šťastní, že ich máme dnes ráno. A tak...
2 Poslal som jedného k bratovi Williamsovi nedávno, hore pri Phoenixe. „Vieš,“ povedal som, „Tuscon, bývam tu teraz, vieš. Tak musím sa tak trochu oneskoriť pre toto miesto, vidíš, tam na hore; a hľadieť na Jericho a vidieť našich bratov. Prečo, my vždy...“
3 A brat Carl hovoril o takom množstve dochádzajúcich stovky míľ z Phoenixu sem dole. Koľko vás tu je z Jeffersonville, Indiana? Vstaňte. Všetci tuto okolo. To je okolo 2100 míľ. Ó, Carl!
Som tak rád, že tu môžem byť a užívať si toto vnútorné Svetlo Slnka. Vidíte, my hovoríme o tomto meste ako o meste slnka. To je to, čo je zvonku; ale, ó, tento Syn vo vnútri! Ó, toto je to, z čoho sa teším.
4 Užíval som si tento týždeň tieto požehnania a chodenie na prebudenia brata Bethanyho tuto na Prvom Zhromaždení Božom. A určite oceňujem tohto udatného vojaka kríža, jeho výborné kázanie. Znamenalo to pre mňa tak mnoho tento týždeň. Povedal som, „Brat Bethany a ja máme veľa spoločných vecí - najmä spôsob, akým si češeme vlasy, brat Bethany.“ Je to tak... Som rád, že môžeme vždy rozpoznať jeden druhého, všade, kde sme.
5 Tak sme vďační za túto možnosť byť tu s bratom Tonym. Nemôžem vysloviť to meno, a tak ho jednoducho volám „brat Tony.“ Prepáčte mi. Petra nazývajú „Peter“ a Paula „Paul,“ a tak toto je Tony. Ja im vždy hovorím, aby ma jednoducho volali „brat Bill.“ To je to, čo ja... mám rád to meno „brat Bill“. Alebo „brat“, akýmkoľvek spôsobom, spojený s tebou, byť bratom.
6 Vychutnal som si tieto raňajky. Jediná vec, ktorej tam nebolo dosť, bola melasa. Spotreboval som ju. A požičal som si od svojho syna a došla nám a požičal som od jedného brata. On mal extra tanier a stále som nemal dosť melasy. Viete, ja som baptista. Ja neverím v pofŕkanie. Mám rád ich skutočne pokrstiť a mám rád mnoho melasy. Mal som túto misku cukru a príliš veľa ho tam neostalo. Musel som ich trochu pocukrovať, viete.
7 Pamätáte tam dole na juhu (dole v... Verím, že to bolo v Alabame), bol som s baptistickými misionármi. Bol som tam dole majúc tam prebudenie. A bol som vonku na malej zakrytej verande. A bola tam jedna stará farebná sestra. Ona povedala... Viete, tú noc som kázal tvrdo a pomaly som sa nemohol nasledujúce ráno zobudiť. A ona ma zavolala a pamätám sa, že som sa dosť dlho preberal, kým som ju počul povedať, „Hej, kazateľ!“ Povedala, „Zlatko, no tak! Upiekla som tie palacinky už štvrtýkrát!“ Štyrikrát tie palacinky zohrievala. Chutili mi.
8 Len taký malý príbeh, čo poznám. Máme tu teraz obecenstvo, viete. Starý brat Bosworth... koľkí ste poznali doktora Boswortha? On bol môj výborný starý priateľ. Raz mi povedal, „Brat Branham, vieš, čo je obecenstvo?“
A ja som povedal, „Myslím, že viem, Doktor.“
On povedal, „To sú dvaja priatelia na jednej lodi.“ Tak, to je spôsob, to je blízke obecenstvo- blízke, nie uzavreté, blízke obecenstvo jeden s druhým.
9 Pamätám sa, jedného dňa (mysliac o palacinkách - my na juhu ich voláme palacinky, brat Bethany), tak my... Bol som na malom rybárskom výlete hore na severe New Hampshire. To je domov tých dravcov a pstruhov so štvoruhlastými chvostami.
A mal som na chrbte malý stan. Zbalil som sa tak na jeden a pol dňovú cestu, išiel som na miesto, kde by sa všetci tí jemne chodiaci priatelia nedostali. Tak, bol som tam a chytal som pstruhy. Ó, čo za čas som mal! A taký maličký stan... A deň predtým, malý rybník, ó, tam ležal poriadne veľký pstruh a ja som chytal, ako som len vedel. A jedného som chytil... keby som ho zabil, tak by som ho zobral a zjedol, ale obyčajne ho pustím naspäť, ak ho to príliš neporanilo.
10A vždy sa mi zachytila muška na takej vŕbe, ktorá bola za mnou. A pomyslel som si, „Zajtra ráno prídem zavčasu a zoberiem sekeru a pôjdem dole a zotnem tú vŕbu, pretože vždy sa mi v nej zachytí návnada. Tak som vstal skoro a pomyslel si, „No, mohol by som chytiť jedného alebo dvoch pstruhov na raňajky.“ Bol som sám. A zobral som svoju starú sekerku a zišiel dole a zoťal tú malú vŕbu a chytil som si zopár rýb.
11 A bol som na ceste späť a začul som nejaký hluk - a to bola stará medvedica. Na tom mieste ich bolo plno. Bola čierna. Mala dve mláďatá. A ona vošla do môjho stanu a oni ho roztrhali. Nič z neho nezostalo. To bolo iba... Nejde o to, čo zjedia, ale čo všetko zničia. Oni len započujú niečo lomoziť, oni na to jednoducho skočia, veď viete. A moja stará rúra z pece bola rozbitá a, no, neostávalo mi nič iné, len sa vrátiť.
12 A keď ma tá stará medvedica uvidela prichádzať, utiekla a zavolala na svoje mláďatá a jedno z nich prišlo. To druhé neprišlo. Nuž, zaujímalo ma, prečo neprišlo. No, mal som starú hrdzavú pištoľ niekde tam v stane, ale na tej pištoli bol teraz medveď. Tak ja som aj tak nechcel tú starú medvedicu zastreliť a nechať v lese siroty. Tak, bol som si istý... Ak stretnete medvedicu s mláďatami, ona vás podriape, veď viete. Ju to nejako nahnevá, keď idete ku jej mláďaťu, myslí si, že by ste mu mohli ublížiť.
Tak tento malý kamarát sedel, iba také mladé medvedie mláďa. Vyzeralo byť... pravdepodobne vážil dvadsať libier, pätnásť, dvadsať libier. Oni práve nedávno vstali zo zimného spánku. A ten malý kamarát bol ku mne otočený chrbtom. On bol práve celý otočený chrbtom, takto. „Nuž,“ pomyslel som si, „čo tohto malého drobca tak zaujíma?“ A tá stará medvedica a ďalšie mláďa boli tam vonku, a ona sa stále krútila okolo neho a on jej nevenoval ani trošku pozornosti. Pomyslel som si, „Čo je s tým drobcom?“ A ja som šiel za strom, na ktorý by som sa mohol dostať, ak by ona išla za mnou. Pomyslel som si, „Musím vidieť, čo toho malého drobca tak fascinuje.“ Oni zvyčajne utečú. Tak ja som tam chodil okolo, pozorujúc ju, až kým som sa nedostal z druhej strany. A boli by ste prekvapení, čo sa dialo.
13 Ten drobec zobral moju nádobu s melasou a... malá polovica galónového vedierka [1 galón =cca 3,8 l] plná melasy. A on dal z toho dole vrchnák (a oni rozhodne milujú sladkosti, viete) a on nevedel, ako to má vypiť. Tak on do toho ponoril svoju malú labku a lízal, takto, viete, keď ju vytiahol. A on nemohol... Ja som na neho zakričal. Povedal som, „Choď preč odtiaľ!“ A on sa otočil. Nevedel otvoriť oči - mal v nich melasu, viete, a díval sa na mňa. On vyčistil tú nádobu, ako sa dalo. A ja som iba stál a smial sa. Vždy nemáte fotoaparát - viete, aby ste urobili takú fotku. A tam on bol. A ako on olízal tú... viete, tá nádoba bola naozaj dobre vyčistená, on išiel ku tej matke a svojmu malému bratovi a teraz oni olizovali jeho.
14 Tak som si pomyslel, „To je ako dobré staré Letničné zhromaždenie - keď ponoríme naše ruky až po lakte do nádoby s medom, a potom ideme a povieme to niekomu inému. Necháme ich olizovať to z nás na chvíľu, viete. Len lízanie dobrého zhromaždenia, viete. To je to, čo som myslel, že ten malý medveď mal. Nuž, nebolo pre neho žiadne odsúdenie, kým lízal melasu, viete. Tak to je ten spôsob, ako sa cítime na dobrom, staromódnom zhromaždení. Nie je tam žiadna naškrobenosť, nie je tam nič, ale jednoducho len sedieť a lízať. To je všetko.
15 V Biblii, viete, pastier nosil po svojom boku kapsu. A veľakrát v nej mohol nosiť trochu medu. A keď našiel ovcu, ktorá bola chorá, ten pastier by prešiel a dal by trochu medu na vápencový kameň. A ovca má tiež rada niečo sladké, viete. Tak ona pôjde, tá ovca, a bude ten kameň oblizovať. Ona oblizovala med, ale počas lízania medu ona dostáva vápnik a vápnik jej pomáha vyliečiť sa.
16 Ja tu mám nádobu plnú medu a idem ho položiť na tú skalu, Ježiša Krista, a vy, ovce, len to teraz začnite lízať. Som si istý, že to vylieči všetky naše bolesti, ak len budeme olizovať tú Skalu Vekov a On sa určite postará o to ostatné. On je naším Uzdravovateľom fyzických i duchovných trápení. On je tou Ľaliou z údolia. A v ľalii nachádzame ópium a ópium vyrieši všetky veci. Ono vás jednoducho omámi, a to je ten spôsob, akým Duch Svätý prichádza. To vás dovádza do bezstarostného stavu, keď sa nestaráte o to, kto sedí okolo vás alebo niečo také; musíš vypustiť paru. To je to.
17 ...pamätám si jedno malé dievča, ktoré raz bolo naplnené Duchom Svätým. Bola tiež metodistka. A ona vydávala svedectvo. A ja nikdy nezabudnem na to jednoduché vyjadrenie (o nič horšie, než robím ja), a ona povedala, „Nuž, ja chcem chváliť Pána za tohto Ducha Svätého.“ Ona povedala, „Ak by to bolo ešte o niečo lepšie, praskla by som.“
18Mám rád tieto konferenčné zhromaždenia Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. A viete, ja som bol ordinovaný pred pár rokmi (okolo 35 rokov dozadu) v Misijnej Baptistickej Cirkvi. Tam som sa snažil byť oddaným služobníkom Evanjelia a všetkému, čo som poznal, že bolo správne, počas tých rokov. A potom, ako prišlo to veľké videnie...
A ja som nikdy predtým nepočul o takom niečom, ako sú letniční. Počul som ich hovoriť, že v centre mesta bola jedna skupina fanatikov, ktorí sa váľajú po zemi, tečú im na zem sliny, všetko. Nuž, nikdy som tomu nevenoval žiadnu pozornosť. Ale keď ma Boh povolal, prišiel som medzi nich, a len som... Vyzeralo to, akoby bolo niečo v mojom srdci túžiace po niečom, je to ako nasadiť si rukavicu na studenú ruku. Ja... to je práve tá správna vec a ja som sa z toho skutočne tešil.
19Keď prídem medzi tých bratov, zistil som, že medzi nimi to bolo ako medzi nami, baptistami: oni boli podelení do tak mnohých rôznych organizácií. Ó, oni boli všetkými rôznymi druhmi. A niektorí z nich jazdili na jednohrbej ťave a niektorí na dvojhrbej a niektorí na trojhrbej a niektorí na úplne bezhrbej. Ale viete, ja som si pomyslel, „Ja sa nepripojím k žiadnej tej skupine, pretože by som bol zidentifikovaný len s tou určitou skupinou. Tak ja len budem stáť medzi nimi a poviem, „Sme bratmi.“
20Ja verím, že to bol Jakub, ktorý vykopal studňu a Filištínci ho od nej vyhnali. To najlepšie z mojej pamäti, on ju nazval „Zlomyseľnosť“ alebo niečo také. Potom vykopal ďalšiu. On povedal, že ho Filištínci od nej odohnali, tak ju nazval „Spor.“ Vykopal ďalšiu. Povedal, „Je tam miesto pre nás všetkých.“ A to je, v čo ja verím. Tam je miesto pre nás všetkých.
21A teraz, ja... jediná vec, ku ktorej som sa pripojil, odkedy som bol v hnutí plného Evanjelia... Som jeden z vás a myslím, že to je najbližšia vec k nebu, ktorá tam je. Ak existuje niečo bližšie, pokúšal by som sa to nájsť. Ale toto je to, čo som našiel a mám to rád a budem s tým stáť, dokým nepríde niečo lepšie. A očakávam, že príde niečo lepšie. Ako povedal Peter v dni Letníc, povedal, „Toto je to...“ A ak toto nie je „to“, potom ja sa budem držať tohto, dokým „to“ nepríde. Potom ja sa len budem držať tohto, pretože je to veľmi dobré.
22 A potom som prišiel na to, že títo Kresťanskí Obchodníci – Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia stáli tak nejako rovnakým spôsobom v medzere medzi veľkými, skvelými organizáciami cirkví, pokúšajúc sa premostiť niečo, čo bolo... vytvoriť spoločenstvo zápasiac... nesnažiac sa rozbiť žiadne z ich organizácií alebo zlúčiť všetky do jednej, ale len priniesť spoločenstvo. A toto je ten dôvod, pre ktorý som sa pripojil. A to je jediná organizácia, ku ktorej patrím, je to toto, títo Obchodníci plného Evanjelia, pretože to je snaženie sa robiť to, čo si myslím, že je... bola by to veľká služba Bohu a jeho cirkvi priniesť medzi nás pocit, že nie sme rozdelení. My sme bratia a všetci sme obdržali rovnakého Ducha Svätého.
23 Teraz, keď ti Boh dáva Ducha Svätého, On dáva ďalšiemu človeku Ducha Svätého. Ako hromada Branhamových – mám deväť bratov, a niektorý je tučný a nízky, vysoký a tenký a ja som pán Stredný. Tak oni... odlišní jeden od druhého, niektorí s blond vlasmi, niektorí s čiernymi vlasmi, niektorí kompletne bez vlasov. A tak ja som stále pán Stredný. Tak... ale vo vnútri, tam sme bratia. Zvykli sme chodievať von na zadný dvor a biť sa medzi sebou. Ale keď sme prišli na predný dvor a niekto skočil do niektorého Branhama, och! Och! To bolo potom veľmi zle.
Tak, toto je spôsob, akým si myslím, že by sme sa mali všetci cítiť, vidíte. Niekedy Boh robí veci, ktoré my... nemusia vyzerať práve správne v našich očiach. Ale jednak, ak to robí Boh, povedzme na to jednoducho, „Amen“. Boh to robí akýmkoľvek spôsobom. A my sa tešíme na čas, keď...
24 Minulý nedeľný večer som sedel na zhromaždení brata Bethanyho (kázal na tému znamenia šelmy) a ten muž tam udrel ústrednú myšlienku, ktorá rozochvela môjho ducha. Povedal, že práve cestou dole tam čaká niečo väčšie, niečo na ten spôsob, niečo, čo sa Boh chystá urobiť. Ja tomu verím, ukončiť túto vec a uchvátiť cirkev do slávy. Aké úžasné! Teraz nebuďme len takí záhaľčiví, že budeme...
25 Pamätajte, Boh nikdy nemení Svoje cesty. On zostáva... pretože Jeho Slovo... On je Slovo a Jeho Slovo nemôže zlyhať. On je nekonečný. Preto, ak Boh robí v niečom rozhodnutie, to musí navždy zostať tak. On nemôže ísť späť a povedať, „Pomýlil som sa.“ Vidíte, ja to môžem urobiť. Vy to môžete urobiť. Ale Boh nemôže, pretože On je nekonečný, vidíte. Jeho prvé rozhodnutie je večné.
26 Keď Boh dal človeku najlepšie opevnenie, aké mohol mať pre jeho... udržať ho vo vnútri, uzavrieť ho vo vnútri. Boh dal človeku Svoje Slovo v záhrade Eden – Svoje Slovo. A Eva urobila tú neuváženú, definitívnu, obrovskú... jednu z najneuváženejších vecí, aké kedy urobila, alebo aké kedy mohla urobiť, bolo to rozumovanie s Božím Slovom. Nerozumujme; len verme. Teraz, Boh nikdy nevyžadoval nič iné, len veriť Jeho Slovu. Toto je správne – Jeho Slovo. Musíme za tým stáť.
27Niečo sem len trochu vsuniem. Viete, že jedného dňa Biblia predpovedala príchod veľkého proroka, ktorý mal zhromaždiť spolu Izrael. A keď prišiel, viete, že prešiel rovno medzi ľuďmi a oni o tom nevedeli? A potom Ježiš hovoril jedného dňa učeníkom a povedal, „Syn človeka ide hore do Jeruzalema...,“ atď.
Oni povedali, „Prečo hovoria zákonníci,“ (inými slovami, pisatelia Písma), „prečo zákonníci hovoria, že najprv musí prísť Eliáš a prinavrátiť všetky veci?“
28 On povedal, „Hovorím vám, Eliáš, pravda, príde prv. Ale ja hovorím, že Eliáš už prišiel a vy ste to nevedeli,“ vidíte. On prešiel presne okolo; oni o tom nevedeli. Takisto Syn človeka. Oni pochopili, že On hovoril o Jánovi Krstiteľovi. Vidíte teraz, on bol len podivínom niekde dole pri rieke, divoký muž pokúšajúci sa utopiť ľudí v rieke, a tak ďalej, naozaj divné posolstvo. Ale to bol Boží predchodca. A to sa stalo, a oni o tom ani nevedeli.
29Ježiš prišiel. Predpokladám, že jedna tretina Židov nikdy o Jánovi nepočula. Predpokladám, že keď bol Ježiš na zemi, nie príliš veľa Židov... len jedna stotina obyvateľov zeme vedela, že On bol tu. On prišiel a odišiel.
30Zbor... Vy, katolícki ľudia, ako aj vy sa pokúšate vyhlásiť Sv. Patrika – ktokoľvek, kto poznal Sv. Patrika... On bol asi rovnako katolíkom, rímskym katolíkom, ako som ja. Ale pozrite sa na Johanku z Arku, to malé sväté dievča, ktoré videlo videnia, a tak ďalej. Čo ste urobili? Spálili ste ju na hranici ako čarodejnicu. Bola preč predtým, ako ste sa dozvedeli, že bola svätá, vidíte.
31Viete čo? Nebolo by to hrozné, keby... Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo za dní Noeho, tak bude za príchodu Syna človeka,“ kde bolo zachránených osem duší skrze vodu. Čo ak by dnes prišlo vytrhnutie a vzalo dvoch z Tucsonu a jedného z Phoenixu a okolo sveta – ako to celkové vytrhnutie bude - a tí, ktorí povstanú z mŕtvych, pôjdu Ho stretnúť v povetrí a budú vzatí preč, záhadná vec? A potom, v jednom z týchto dní súd spadne na zem.
Hovoríte, „Nuž, nemalo byť najprv vytrhnutie?“ Už to prišlo a vy ste o tom nevedeli. Pomyslite, koľko ľudí dnes zmizne na svete a nebude o tom dokonca ani slovo. Nebudete o tom nič vedieť. Dnes bude na svete chýbať päťsto ľudí a nebudete o tom nič vedieť. Žijeme v strašnom čase. Majme naše lampy pripravené.
Ja nehovorím, že to bude tak. Ja hovorím, čo ak by to tak bolo? Potom súd udiera a vytrhnutie je preč, vidíte. On už prišiel a vy ste to nevedeli.
Tak keď sa zhromažďujeme na týchto zhromaždeniach, zhromažďujme sa pre jeden účel – to je slúžiť Bohu. Vložme naše životy do práce. Čo dobrého nám to urobí niečo napodobňovať? Prečo berieme náhradu, keď celé nebo je plné pravej letničnej moci a požehnaní? Prečo by sme mali prijímať náhradu?
Nemôžeš Božie požehnania vyčerpať. Pros o hojnosť. Môžeš si predstaviť malú rybku, okolo pol palca dlhú, tam vonku v strede oceánu, ktorá hovorí, „Radšej by som mala piť z tejto vody striedmo. Môžem ju vyčerpať.“? Nuž, znie to hlúpo. Potom je to hlúpejšie než to, myslieť si, že by si mohol vyčerpať Božiu dobrotu.
32Ja... pozeral som sa pred chvíľou... je to pocta vidieť toho starého muža, otca a matku Carla Williamsa – po prvýkrát som mal to privilégium vidieť ich, ako viem – vstaňte. Myslím, okolo osemdesiatročných, nejako tak, a ako sa Boh staral o tento starý pár. Oni by mohli vyzerať ako Carlov brat, nie jeho otec. A Tony povedal, že jeho matka tam vonku vyšla z toho auta a zatvorila dvere a kráčala ako malý vojak tam na druhú stranu. Ó, ó! Aký bol a je k nám Boh vždy dobrý!
Teraz, ak nie si členom týchto Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia, vy, ľudia... Ako baptista, hovorím k vám, baptistom. Ako metodista, ja som metodista.
33Raz som kázal dole v Arkansase a bol starý muž na barlách a on bol uzdravený. On predával na ulici ceruzky. A on stál tú noc a on stál práve celé to zhromaždenie. To bolo okolo, och, myslím si, že päť alebo šesť tisíc ľudí zhromaždených tam v Robinsonovom Pamätnom Auditóriu [angl. Robinson Memorial Auditorium – pozn.prekl]. A on (na Malej Skale), a povedal, „Sláva Bohu, že ma uzdravil!“ Ťažko by ste mohli kázať. A on sa okamžite postavil a povedal, „Hej, brat Branham, chcem ti niečo povedať.“
Teraz, on mal práve úplne svoje vlastné gastronomické jubileum. Tak on mal práve dobrý čas. Bol uzdravený, a to znamenalo pre neho všetko. A tak povedal, „Vieš...“ Stalo sa, že bol nazarénom. A povedal, „Vieš, počul som ťa hovoriť a bol som si istý, že si bol nazarénom.“ On povedal... potom povedal, „Ja som tiež...“ Povedal, „Potom som počul, že niekto povedal, že si bol baptistom.“ Povedal, „Väčšina tvojich ľudí tu sú letniční. Nechápem to.“
34Ja som povedal, „Ó, to je veľmi jednoduché.“ Povedal som, „Ja som letničný nazarejský baptista.“ Tak je to. My sme Kresťania, narodení z Jeho Ducha, obmytí v Jeho Krvi, čakajúci na príchod nášho Pána. Pán vám žehnaj.
Ak si obchodník alebo čokoľvek, dovoľ mi povedať ti niečo. Príď. Staň sa spoluúčastníkom. Nie len spriateliť sa so skupinou ľudí, s ktorými si môžeš podať ruky, ale maj to, čo majú oni: Svätého Ducha. To prináša skutočné spoločenstvo.
35Viete, nemôžete nič vyrobiť. Nevyžaduje sa od teba, aby si niečo vyrobil. Od cirkvi sa nevyžaduje, aby niečo vyprodukovala alebo vyrobila ovocie. Ty máš prinášať ovocie. Nemôžeš povedať ovci, „Vyrob vlnu.“ Dovoľ mu len stať sa ovcou a prinesie vlnu. To je to, aký je ten problém na tom – my sa snažíme niečo vyrobiť. Nevyrábaj to. Buď... Len dostaň to vnútro do poriadku.
36Môžeš si predstaviť čierneho vtáka, ako hore sedí a vkladá si pávie perie do svojich krídel a hovorí, „Pozrite, ja som páv.“? On sa pokúša niečo do toho vložiť, čo nikdy nevyrástlo z toho vnútra. A my nachádzame príliš mnoho toho medzi našimi letničnými skupinami. Buďme skutoční, originálni, znovuzrodení letniční. Hovorím teraz, to je jediná vec, ktorú som kedy po tejto strane neba našiel, ktorá mi dáva tú istotu, že moje hriechy sú preč a som znovu narodený z Božieho Ducha. Potom máš niečo, kotvu v sebe, ktorá drží.
Dobre, ja som sa nesnažil vziať vám tak veľa času. Viem, že musíte ísť. Som trochu jedným z tých zdĺhavých spoločníkov. Trvá mi to asi hodinu, kým začnem, a potom kážem okolo dvoch hodín. Potom mi to trvá asi tri hodiny, kým skončím. A tak, predsa len nebudem tak radikálnym dnes ráno. Tak my si vážime váš príchod.
37A ja bývam teraz tu v Tucsone, tu v starom dobrom Jeruzaleme. Budem raz alebo dva razy dolu, brat Tony, ak Pán dovolí, pomôcť nejako a navštíviť všetkých vás – všetkých prebudenia. Vám, slúžiacim bratom, ja som sem nikdy neprišiel, aby som postavil zbor. Ja sem prichádzam, aby som pomohol, čo je už postavené, prispieť mojim ťahom všetkému, čím vám môžem pomôcť, bratia, získať duše tu, v Tucsone; nikdy nezačínať niekde zhromaždenie, dokiaľ to nie je spoločné zhromaždenie alebo niečo, čo by sme mohli mať spolu. Nikdy som neprišiel vytvoriť žiadnu cirkev. Nie veru! Máme ich spústu. Čo potrebujeme, je naplniť ich znovuzrodenými kresťanmi. Tak veru!
Tak ja som tu, aby som priložil svoju ruku k dielu a pomohol každým spôsobom, akým môžem, a každým dverám, ktoré sú otvorené, vydať to svedectvo o spásonosnej milosti nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, a naplnení Jeho Duchom, ktorý ma zachováva všetky tieto roky. Teraz, veľakrát... Videl som Tonyho pred chvíľou povedať, „Musel som si napísať, brat Branham, čo som chcel povedať.“ Ja tiež. Viete, keď sa stávate trochu starými, už nemyslíte tak, ako ste zvykli kedysi.
38Niekto na druhý deň povedal, povedal, „Brat Branham, koľko máš rokov?“
„Ó,“ povedal som, „minul som dvadsaťpäť.“
Povedal som, „Minul som ich druhý krát.“ Tak, už nie som viac dieťa. To je ten dôvod, že strácame v strede vlasy, brat. To je pravda. To je pravda.
Dobre, každý miluje Pána? Ó, nádherné! A teraz, odložme každé malé bremeno a každú malú starosť. A som zvedavý, či to nebude teraz príliš nepohodlné, sedeli sme tu dlho, keď by sme len mohli povstať, iba na chvíľu, k modlitbe. A teraz, kým stojíme, prečítam kapitolu alebo verš z Biblie, kým vy pozorne počúvate, ak budete. Budem čítať z knihy Zjavenia Ježiša Krista, začínajúc štrnástym veršom tretej kapitoly:
A anjelovi zboru Laodičanov napíš: Toto hovorí Ameň, ten verný a pravdivý svedok, počiatok stvorenia Božieho:
Znám tvoje skutky, že nie si ani studený ani horúci. Bárs by si bol studený alebo horúci!
Takto, že si vlažný, ani studený ani horúci, vypľujem ťa zo svojich úst.
Lebo hovoríš: Som bohatý a zbohatnul som a nepotrebujem nikoho, a nevieš, že si ty biedny a mizerný na poľutovanie a chudobný i slepý i nahý.
Radím ti, aby si si kúpil odo mňa zlata prečisteného v ohni, aby si zbohatol, a biele rúcho, aby si sa odial, aby sa neukázala hanba tvojej nahoty, a kollýrium pomazať svoje oči, aby si videl.
Ja všetkých, ktorých milujem, karhám a otcovsky trescem. Rozhorli sa tedy a učiň pokánie.
Hľa, stojím pri dveriach a klepem. Keby niekto počul môj hlas a otvoril by dvere, vojdem k nemu a budem večerať s ním a on so mnou.
Tomu, kto zvíťazí, dám sedieť so sebou na svojom tróne, jako som i ja zvíťazil a sedím so svojím Otcom na jeho tróne.
Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí sborom!
S našimi hlavami sklonenými a našimi srdciami, modlime sa. Pane Ježišu, ďakujeme Ti dnes ráno, náš láskavý a majestátny Bože, ktorý si priniesol späť Pána Ježiša zo smrti a predstavil nám Ho dnes ráno vo forme Ducha Svätého; to presviedča naše srdcia na bližšie kráčanie s Ním, to, ako vidíme, že ten deň sa tiahne ku koncu... Ten deň času teraz čoskoro prechádza do večnosti. Blížime sa k tým brehom. Môžeme počuť tie príboje. Ó, Bože, toto je nebezpečná hodina – ako sme tu čítali, tento posledný cirkevný vek, Laodicea – kde sa tam približujeme k brehu. A bohatstvo a veci tohto sveta oslepujú oči ľudí. Ó, modlíme sa, Bože, aby sa naša kotva zachytila na Skale Vekov a čakala na svitanie. Daj nám to, Pane.
Požehnaj toto hnutie od Boha, nazvané skupina Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. Modlíme sa, aby si požehnal túto istú skupinu tu v Tucsone. Nech to rastie, dokým táto Ramada bude musieť zložiť tieto steny a rozšíriť tento stan, aby udržal znovuzrodených kresťanov, ktorí budú prichádzať dnu. Udeľ to. Požehnaj toho brata, ktorý prichádza s tým prebudením so stanom do mesta. Nech je to nástroj, ktorý pomôže priviesť duše do týchto zborov a do kráľovstva Božieho. Požehnaj brata Bethany v Prvom Zhromaždení [angl. The First Assembly – pozn.prekl.], ako on pokračuje svoju veľkú prácu tam hore, pre kráľovstvo Božie, Pane. Ako sa modlíme, aby si Ty s ním pokračoval a so zbormi, po celej krajine!
Teraz, ako čakáme na Teba, nech nám dá Duch Svätý výklad a prinesie ten kontext toho textu do svetla, pretože to prosíme v Ježišovom mene. Amen.
Môžete si sadnúť. Zastavili ste sa niekedy, aby ste sa na chvíľu zamysleli, že toto by mohlo byť naše posledné stretnutie sa spolu? Viete, že tu môže byť niekto z nás, ak prídeme späť na ďalší deň zhromaždení, my... bude niekto z nás chýbať? My nevieme, čo sa stane. A tak, toto môže byť náš poslednýkrát v skupine, ako je táto, a ako sme združení a jeme spolu na tejto zemi.
39Ale pamätajte si, prichádza čas, kedy sa stretneme znovu, nie na raňajkách, ale na večeri, ó, kde bude tá veľká hostina Božia, a svadba Baránkova, a veľké stoličky sú roztiahnuté od neba k nebu a vykúpení všetkých vekov budú sedieť za stolom oproti jeden druhému. To bude nádherný deň! Čakám na to.
Teraz chcem vziať nejaký text, aby som k vám dnes ráno hovoril, iba na niekoľko minút. Nebudem vás držať dlhšie, iba toľko, koľko budem môcť. Chcem hovoriť... Mal som zopár miest Písma a mám tu napísaných niekoľko poznámok, z ktorých by som chcel hovoriť na niekoľko minút na tému „Dvere vo Dverách“.
40 Teraz, toto je veľmi nezvyčajná scéna, ktorú vidíme dnes ráno v našom prečítanom Písme. Je nezvyčajná v mnohých spôsoboch, pretože to je... Jedno z najviac dojímavých Písiem, ktoré sú v Biblii, je toto Písmo tu, pretože hovorí o veku, v ktorom žijeme. Hovorí, kam je v tomto veku Ježiš Kristus vystrčený, z Jeho vlastnej cirkvi a stojí klopúc na dvere a snaží sa dostať späť dnu. A bohatstvo a radosti tohto sveta Ho vyhnali z cirkvi, až kým sa cirkev nestala celkom vlažnou... Je to veľmi dojímavý obraz. Zo všetkých iných cirkví, v tomto cirkevnom veku... Ja som práve cez ne v mojom zbore prechádzal; a vracajúc sa teraz späť, začiatok sedemnástej, berúc týchto sedem pečatí. A teraz v tom nachádzame, že všetky iné cirkvi v tých cirkevných vekoch prijali, ale posledný cirkevný vek, Laodicejský, Kristus bol zobraný od ľudí. A oni Ho vystrčili von z cirkvi a On sa po tom snažil dostať späť, bol vonku a klopal na dvere. Stali sa slepými. Veľmi nezvyčajné.
[Kološanom 2:2]
41 Ale viete, niekedy sú to nezvyčajné veci, v ktorých sa zjavuje Boh. Boh sa zjavuje v nezvyčajnosti, pretože Boh je nezvyčajný. On robí nezvyčajné veci. On sa zjavuje v nezvyčajný čas. A On je videný v nezvyčajný čas, keď... čase, v ktorom by ste nečakali, že by ste... On tam bude. Predsa len tam je. Veľmi nezvyčajné. „On pracuje záhadnými spôsobmi,“ Biblia hovorí, „ako koná Svoje divy.“ A tak to Ho robí nezvyčajným.
42 A to je ten spôsob... my sa dostaneme do obvyklého smeru vecí a minieme Boha. Je to nezvyčajnosť, ktorá mnohokrát privádza Boha - nezvyčajné veci, niečo... Stávame sa tak zviazaní určitou náukou, alebo niečím, čomu sa snažíme slúžiť, a potom, ak všetko nejde presne podľa toho, ako si myslíme, že by malo, potom to odmietame. „Nie je to od Boha.“ Robíme obrovskú chybu.
43 Boh sa zjavuje, a potom ukrýva v tej istej veci, v ktorej sa zjavil, všimnite si to. On sa v niečom zjaví a odíde a skryje sa. Ako semeno. Zjavuje sa v krásnom kvete, potom ho nechá zhniť. Ale On sa skrýva, aby mohol zase prísť. A Boh to tak robí. On je veľmi nezvyčajný. Nezvyčajný čas, nezvyčajný spôsob, a niekedy v malých veciach.
44 Mnohokrát neúspešne hľadáme Boha, pretože to je... myslíme, že je to príliš malé. Premýšľal som o tom pred pár minútami, keď sme hovorili o veľkosti tejto skupiny obchodníkov, alebo o tom, aký máme malý zástup. No, mal som tú česť hovoriť k veľkým zástupom. V Bombaji, Indii, som mal 500 000 na jednom zhromaždení. V Afrike, Južnej Afrike, okolo... možno 250 000 na jednom zhromaždení. Ale kde som zistil, že to bolo najpríjemnejšie a najpožehnanejšie, to bolo, keď sme mali malé chatové modlitebné stretnutia. Boh je na nezvyčajnom mieste a v neobvyklých veciach.
45 Pripomína mi, (že tento Kanaďan tu hovoril pred chvíľou o mojich dobrých priateľoch z Kanady), pred nejakým časom... Kráľ George, za ktorého som mal tú česť sa modliť, ako viete, že mal sklerózu multiplex - Pán ho uzdravil. A on prišiel do Kanady, ešte keď trpel na tú sklerózu. A on bol galantný muž. A keď prišiel dole do Vancouvera, zavreli všetky školy, aby mohli ísť von a zobrať svoje... Dali im malú britskú vlajku, aby mávali na počesť Kráľa, koruny, ako bude prechádzať okolo.
46 A môj dobrý priateľ, brat Ern Baxter, keď sme to počúvali vo vysielaní, ako sa to dialo - on a jeho krásna kráľovná sediaca tam... A sedeli sme v miestnosti a nikdy na to nezabudnem. Ern bol tak rozrušený, že vyskočil zo stoličky a rozprestrel svoje ruky a objal ma a začal plakať. A ja som povedal, „Prečo si taký rozrušený, brat Baxter?“
On povedal, „Brat Branham, to je môj kráľ!“
Myslel som si, „Ak to mohlo urobiť Kanaďana cítiť sa takto, keď vedel, že okolo prechádza jeho kráľ, čo by to malo robiť so znovuzrodenou cirkvou, keď prechádza Ježiš?“
Mal tam vtedy ešte sklerózu multiplex a sedel vo svojom voze (jeho automobile), a sedel vzpriamene, aj keď povedal, že strašne trpel kvôli tým vredom a jeho chrbát ho tak veľmi trápil.
47 A učitelia vyhnali všetkých tých malých kamarátov, aby išli mávať tými vlajkami. A potom, čo sprievod skončil, deti sa pravdaže mali vrátiť do školy. A keď sa vrátili do tej školy, všetci prišli späť, okrem jedného malého dievčatka. A učiteľka sa zľakla, keď kontrolovala zoznam žiakov a jedno malé dievča tam nebolo. Tak povedala, „Musím ju ísť hľadať”; vzala deti a odišli do ulíc hľadať to malé dieťa. A po chvíli učiteľka našla tú malú kamarátku stáť vedľa telegrafného stĺpu a srdcervúco plakať.
A ako plakala, a... učiteľka povedala, „Čo sa stalo, srdiečko?” Povedala, „Nepodarilo sa ti zamávať vlajkou na kráľa?”
Ona povedala, „Áno, mávala som vlajkou na kráľa.”
Ona povedala, „Podarilo sa ti uvidieť kráľa?”
„Áno, videla som kráľa.”
„Nuž,” povedala, „potom kvôli čomu plačeš?”
Ona povedala, „Viete, ja som taká malá. Videla som kráľa, ale on nevidel mňa.”
48 No, to môže byť tak s kráľom Georgeom alebo ktorýmkoľvek iným kráľom, ale nie je to tak s Kráľom Ježišom. Nezáleží na tom, aké malé zhromaždenie ti dal, aby si mu bol pastorom, aká malá práca sa to zdá byť - hoci len hovoriť k rozvážačovi mlieka alebo doručovateľovi novín – On to uvidí. Nemôžeš urobiť nič pre Ježiša bez toho, aby to On nevedel. Musíte pamätať, On vie o každej malej veci, ktorú robíte, a On vám dá všetko uznanie za to, čo ste boli poverení urobiť. Nezáleží, aká malá vec to je, urobte to akokoľvek. Ak chcete mávať svojou malou vlajkou, mávajte. On je v tej neobyčajnej veci. On môže získať dušu.
49 Domnievam sa, že to bol Dwight Moody – alebo sa mýlim? Nemusel to byť on. Jedna stará sestra mala na srdci bremeno, ona chcela získať dušu pre Krista. Jej zamestnanie bolo pranie šiat. Myslím, že to bolo pred stopäťdesiatimi rokmi. A ona si odkladala peniaze, kým nemala našetrené tri doláre a prenajala si starú stajňu pre kone za dolár týždenne. A ona tam išla a upratala ju, a vzala svoju lavicu na pranie a urobila oltár, a postavila kazateľňu a mydlová pena bola stále na tej starej lavici na pranie. Získala nejaké traktáty a začala ich rozdávať. Toto boli tie skoršie dni tu v Amerike.
50 A každý pozrúc sa na to, zahodil to. Zhodou okolností ona bola metodistkou. A tak, oni to zahadzovali. A v tej dobe boli metodisti ako letniční, boli hromadou fanatikov. Ležali tam v budovách školy, a padali pod mocou Božou, a liali si vodu na svoju tvár a... Nehovorte mi - bol som priamo na tých zhromaždeniach, vidíte. A keby ich jednoducho nechali tak, namiesto toho, aby ich priviedli naspäť - proste ich nechať ísť ďalej - boli by letniční, vidíte.
Ale potom, táto stará chudinka rozdávala tieto traktáty, a, ó, všetci ich hádzali na ulicu, a to bolo... Ona stála, plakala, pretože ju odmietli, zatiaľ čo sa ona tak veľmi snažila priviesť kazateľa do mesta, aby mali prebudenie. A kazateľ sa tam mal tej noci objaviť. Ona odchádzala preč, a tam bol malý chlapec s (dole na juhu to voláme galluses [angl.slangový výraz pre traky – pozn.prekl.]) svojho otca, viete, mal na sebe traky, strapaté vlasy mu viseli na krku, pristúpil a povedal, „Hej, slečna, čo to rozdávate?“
A povedala, „To je traktát, zlatko.“ Povedala...
A on povedal, „No, neviem čítať.“ Hovorí, „Čo to hovorí?“
A povedala, „No, budeme mať zhromaždenie tam v starej stajni pre kone dnes večer.“
On povedal, „Ďakujem vám. Môžem si jeden vziať?“
Povedala, „Áno.“ A dal si ho do vrecka.
51 Keď sa v ten večer konalo to zhromaždenie, viete, kto tam bol? Váš verný starý pastor a tá dáma. To sú všetci, ktorí boli na tom zhromaždení. Statočný starý vojak, či tam bol jeden alebo tisíc, on vzal svoj text, postavil sa tam a kázal tej dáme – práve tak verne, ako by bol kázal desiatkam tisícom. A kto sa potácal dlho vo dverách asi od začiatku kázne, ten malý známy strapatý chlapec. Tú noc sa ocitol pri oltári. Ak sa nemýlim, bol to malý Dwight Moody, ktorý priviedol pol milióna duší ku Kristovi. Vidíte? Ó! Ako mnoho veľkých zhromaždení a vecí sa deje! Vidíte, Boh je v tých nezvyčajných veciach. Boh sa objavuje neobvykle. Potrebujete si to zapamätať.
52 Nemôžem si teraz spomenúť na toho umelca, ktorý namaľoval tento obraz Ježiša, ako klope na dvere. On je nejaký grécky umelec. Len si teraz nemôžem spomenúť na meno toho muža. On strávil prakticky celý život maľovaním tohto obrazu. A vidíte, predtým, ako to mohlo byť zavesené v Sieni slávy, muselo to najprv prejsť cez Sieň kritikov. Musel to urobiť každý významný obraz. Musel čeliť kritikom.
53 Ó, ja si želám, aby som mal to niečo, čo treba dnes ráno predložiť pred týmito poslucháčmi. Uvedomujete si, Letniční, ako sme ochladli, že Boh nás dnes vedie cez Sieň kritikov? Cirkev musí ísť cez sieň kritikov predtým, ako pôjde do Siene Slávy ako Nevesta. Iste. Dokážete to zniesť? Ste pripravení prísť k Písmu a stáť odvážne s vaším svedectvom v láske Kristovej? Alebo sa vrátite späť a budete chodiť s tým svetom, ako povedala Biblia, „Démas ma opustil milujúc tento terajší svet.“? To je to, kde dnes stojí cirkev – vážená na váhe. A to je ten dôvod, prečo sa stáva Laodiceou.
54 Tento obraz, ako ho namaľoval ten maliar, keď to prechádzalo cez Sieň kritikov, nenašli žiadnu chybu. Nakoniec prišiel veľký kritik a povedal, „Na tom obraze je jedna chyba.“ Povedal, „To je pravda, Ježiš s lampášom v ruke prichádzajúc v noci v temnote hriechu. To je dobrý obraz. Jeho výraz očakávania na niekoho, aby prišiel ku dverám, kým klope,“ povedal. „To je nádherné. A ten pohľad do Jeho tváre, ako túži počuť niečo z vnútra... Ale, pane, na tých dverách nie je žiadna kľučka. Ak On prišiel, ako sa Ježiš dostane dovnútra, keď na tých dverách nie je žiadna kľučka?“
55 „Ó,“ povedal umelec, „Ja som to tak namaľoval, pretože kľučka je vo vnútri. Ježiš nemôže vojsť len tak Sám od Seba; musí to byť tvojím želaním dovoliť Mu vojsť. „Hľa, Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem. Ak ktokoľvek bude počuť Môj hlas a vojde... dovolí Mi vojsť, vojdem a budem s ním večerať a on so Mnou.“ To je ten obraz, na ktorý sa teraz pozeráme.
Prečo človek klope na dvere? Kvôli čomu človek klope na dvere? Snaží sa získať vstup. Snaží sa vojsť dnu. Tam... možno vám chce niečo povedať, alebo vám možno chce povedať o nejakom obchode alebo niečom. Alebo vám chce možno niečo dať. Je nejaký dôvod, lebo inak by neklopal na tie dvere, rozumiete. My by sme len... normálnou ľudskou slušnosťou by bolo otvoriť dvere a zistiť, čo ten človek chce. To je jednoducho len ľudským zvykom urobiť to – otvoriť dvere, opýtať sa toho človeka, „Kto si? Čo chceš?“
On chce... možno ťa chce len navštíviť, len si sadnúť a povedať, „Som tvoj priateľ. Rád by som sa s tebou dnes ráno na chvíľu porozprával.“ Potom si sadni, ak je to priateľ. Porozprávaj sa s ním. Ak je nejakou osobou, ktorá od teba niečo chce, mohol by si to prediskutovať, rozumieš. Počas života veľa významných ľudí zaklopalo na dvere.
Nuž, potom, ako ideš ku dverám, celé to závisí od toho, kto klope na dvere. Musíš vedieť, kto to klope. Ale mal by si ísť aspoň ku tým dverám. Tá základná slušná vec, ktorá sa má urobiť, je zistiť, kto je pri dverách. Ísť tam, keď niekto klope, povedať, „Kto je to?“ Otvoriť dvere. „Kto si? Čo si praješ?“ Ó, veľa... môže to byť nejaká významná osoba. Čo ak je to významná osoba? Bolo by to veľkou cťou pre teba, ak by si otvoril dvere pre niekoho, kto je významným človekom.
56 Čo myslíte, čo by sa stalo pred pár rokmi, keď bol Adolf Hitler vodca Nemecka? Čo si myslíte o malom chlapíkovi žijúcom dole v aleji alebo niekde dole na ulici, ak by on jedno ráno počul klopanie na dvere, viete; a išiel ku dverám, a – tento malý nemecký vojak stojaci tam – a tam stojí Adolf Hitler pri dverách? Prečo, on bol v tom čase najvýznamnejším človekom v Nemecku, vidíte. Určite. Prečo, on bol významným mužom.
Viete, čo by ten malý vojak urobil? On by takmer omdlel. Stál by v pozore ukazujúc svoj nemecký pozdrav, hovoriac, „Veľký vodca Nemecka, vstúp do môjho skromného domu. Čokoľvek, čo si tu želáš, čokoľvek, čo tvoj sluha môže urobiť, len mi daj vedieť. Rád to urobím.“
Ó, čo za pocta! Viete čo? Všetky noviny v Nemecku by mali ten článok o veľkom Adolfovi Hitlerovi, ktorý prišiel do domu obyčajného vojaka a zaklopal na dvere a pýtal si niečo. Ten Hitler by sa pýtal vojaka na niečo, prišiel by do jeho domu a uctil by ho. Tak, čo za veľká vec by to bola.
57 Čo v... ak si bol v Taliansku vo dňoch Mussolíniho. A... Mussolíni bol diktátor Ríma, Talianska. A čo keby nejaký chudobný človek dolu na ulici počul jedno ráno klopanie na dvere a pri dverách by stál Mussolíni? Ó! Ich srdcia by sa zachveli. Tak, „Veľký diktátor, veľký vážený pane, vstúp do môjho domu.“ Chveje sa a trasie, „Čo môžem urobiť? Je tu niečo, čo by si si želal? Je tu niečo, čo môže tvoj sluha pre teba urobiť?“ Ó, bola by to veľká pocta pre každého Rimana mať Mussolíniho vo svojom dome.
58 Alebo čo ak by prišla Kráľovná Anglicka dnes sem do Tucsonu, pristála by tu na letisku, a prišla by sem do jedného z našich domovov, jedného z našich...? Sme len obyčajnými ľuďmi. A ak by Kráľovná Anglicka prišla z Anglicka, celú tú cestu cez to more, pristála by tu na letisku a prišla by taxíkom a prišla a zaklopala na tvoje dvere a ty, čestná dáma alebo džentlmen, prišli by ste ku dverám a povedali, „Teší ma.“ A tam by ona stála, len ako obyčajná žena. A povedali by ste, „Teší ma. Kto si?“
„Som Kráľovnou Anglicka,“ a identifikovala by sa.
Ó! Čo za pocta! Čo za rešpekt! Všetky noviny v Tucsone, v Spojených Štátoch... Bolo by to v národných novinách, že veľká Kráľovná Anglicka prešla celú tú cestu do Tucsonu, Arizony, a navštívila ťa, chudobného človeka. Kráľovnej by to dodalo hodnosť, že sa ponížila, aby prišla ku mojim alebo tvojim dverám! Prečo, vieš čo by si povedal? Hoci ona nie je... nie si pod jej vládou, ale ona je významnou osobnosťou. Je najvýznamnejšou kráľovnou sveta, keď prichádza do národného... Je najvýznamnejšou národnou kráľovnou na svete.
Prečo, povedal by si, „Úctyhodná Kráľovná, vstúp do môjho domu. Ak tu je čokoľvek, čo si chceš zobrať, čokoľvek, čo chceš robiť, len sa cíť ako doma.“ No, samozrejme. A všetky noviny by o tom hovorili.
59 Alebo dokonca dnes ráno, ak by náš prezident, Kennedy, prišiel ku tvojim dverám... Ó, možno nesúhlasíš s jeho politikou, ale aj tak by si mu dovolil vstúpiť dnu. Prečo? Nie preto, že on je možno len človekom, ale preto, kým on je. Je prezidentom Spojených Štátov. My by sme... možno s ním nesúhlasíme (ja by som) v politike, ale aj tak by si bol poctený, že prezident Kennedy prišiel ku tvojim dverám.
Čo ak si urobil špeciálny výlet, aby prišiel ku tvojim dverám? No, to by bolo všade v novinách. „Pokorný pán Kennedy, prezident Spojených Štátov, priletel do Tucsonu, Arizony, aby prišiel ku dverám Johna Doeho.“ Aká veľká pocta by to pre neho bola, a aká pocta pre teba! Prečo, ty by si ho v žiadnom prípade neodmietol. Určite nie! Určite by si ho prijal, pretože je významným mužom.
60 Ale či je niekto významnejší, než Ježiš? A On je odmietaný pri viac dverách než všetci títo diktátori a králi a potentáti tohto sveta. Áno, „Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem: ak niekto bude počuť Môj hlas a otvorí dvere, vojdem a budem večerať s ním.“
Ó, toto tiché klopanie, ktoré počujeme na dverách. Ježiš veľakrát klope na dvere našich sŕdc. To je to, kde je dnes Cirkev. To tiché klopanie – počuješ ho práve teraz bezpochyby. Čo to je? To je Ježiš a snaží sa vojsť, získať prístup do dverí tvojho srdca. Má... chce s tebou na chvíľu hovoriť.
61 A ak by ste uctili prezidenta, čo potom Ježiša? Ak by ste v žiadnom prípade neposlali preč prezidenta, ako potom môžete poslať preč Ježiša? Prezident je len človek - on musí zomrieť. Ale Ježiš je váš Boh! On je váš Sudca. Nielen to, ale ten istý, ktorý je tvojím Sudcom, je teraz tvojím Spasiteľom.
[1.Jána 2:25]
Teraz, prezident ťa môže chcieť povolať do armády. On by ťa mohol povolať urobiť niečo, čo by bolo hrozné urobiť. On by ťa mohol povolať alebo vziať ti niečo – vziať ti tvoje deti alebo niečo, aby boli jeho poddanými alebo niečo. Môže urobiť niečo také. Ale Ježiš to nechce; On vám chce niečo dať. To je dôvod, prečo klope. Má niečo pre teba. Nie je nič, čo by mohlo byť väčšie než to, čo ti On chce dať: Ducha Svätého. On ti chce dať večný život.
62 Čo keby prezident povedal, „Urobím... Prišiel som po teba (a mám právomoc robiť tak) a urobím ťa prezidentom Spojených národov.“? Raz sa toho budete musieť vzdať. Čo keby ťa Kráľovná chcela urobiť Anglickou Kráľovnou a ty by si nosil korunu. Museli by sme sa toho vzdať.
Ale Ježiš nám dáva korunu života, ktorej sa nikdy nevzdáme, nezničiteľnú korunu Jeho slávy. Nemusíme sa jej vzdať. On nám ju dáva. To je požehnanie. To je Duch Svätý, s ktorým chce korunovať náš život.
63 Ako by sme mohli byť tak ľahostajní a odmietnuť to? Aká neuvážená vec, ktorú cirkev robí! Ako unáhlení sa môžu ľudia stať robiac takú chybu, ako je odmietnuť počuť to klopanie na dvere. Ako nerozumné by to bolo pre každého muža alebo ženu prítomnú dnes ráno odísť preč od toho klopania - večného života.
64 A pozeráme a vidíme, ako sa formujú mraky súdu, ako počujeme vedu, ktorá hovorí, že sú tri minúty do polnoci. A prakticky, dve z tých minút už prešli – bolo to pred niekoľkými rokmi. A vidíme rozptýlenú cirkev.
Vidíme všetko, ako ide napred tak, ako to je, a denominácie sa stávajú denomináciami, chladnutie.
A dni prebudenia vyzerajú, ako by sa takmer skončili. Musíme jednoducho čeliť pravde.
Ó, máme veľa hluku, určite. Udierajú na piano, skáču hore a dole. Ženy si strihajú vlasy, a maľujú oči namodro, a vystrájajú, a muži im to dovolia robiť. To je v rozpore s Písmami. Tak ohavný pohľad, aký dnes vidíme dokonca aj na našich uliciach!
65 Včera som vzal svoje deti... Chceli ísť dole, aby videli prechádzať okolo rodeo sprievod. Moje malé deti... môj otec bol jazdec a ja som už tiež trochu jazdil a jednoducho je to v nich, že majú radi kone. A oni chceli tie kone vidieť. A keď som sa zastavil na ulici, prišlo mi v mojom najvnútornejšom bytí celkom zle a obrátil som sa späť, keď som videl, ako dnes ľudia... Snažia sa žiť v minulosti, snažia sa žiť niečo, čo bolo.
66 Sme v meniacom sa svete. Neustále sa mení. V mojej krajine (Som Kentačan, viete, podľa narodenia. To je... všetci moji ľudia tam žijú, prakticky.) a oni majú Renfro údolie. Snažia sa napodobňovať ľudí, žijúcich v horách a zapaľujú petrolejové lampy a varia na peciach na drevo a nosia oblečenie, ako nosili prví osadníci. Sú v meniacom sa svete snažiac sa žiť v... Oni sú v modernej dobe a snažia sa vrátiť späť a žiť niečo iné, čo bolo. Čo núti človeka robiť to? Pretože on by to mal robiť.
67 Ale potom sa im snažíte priniesť Evanjelium, ktoré sa nikdy nemení, oni to nechcú. Chcú niečo moderné a najnovšie, niekto, kto ich bude potľapkávať po chrbte a nechá ich prejsť iba tým, že sa pripoja do cirkvi a žijú, akýmkoľvek spôsobom chcú. Ale keď príde na to, naozaj ísť späť do Evanjelia, nechcú to. A presne tá vec v nich, ktorá túži vrátiť sa, je Evanjelium, a oni sa to snažia uspokojiť vrátením sa tých prirodzených vecí späť a odmietajú duchovné veci. Vidíte, ako diabol ľuďom prevracia Evanjelium?
[5 Moj. 22:5]
68 Nechcem byť neúctivý ku sestrám, ale keby v tých skorších časoch žena prešla cez mesto tak, ako som videl nejaké včera, s párom nohavíc na... Ako sa tá dáma do nich vôbec dostala – vyzeralo to, akoby koža bola na vonkajšej strane. Čudoval som sa, ako si ich tá žena vôbec navliekla. Vykračuje si dole ulicou, keď Biblia hovorí, že obliecť si odev, ktorý náleží mužovi, je ohavnosťou v Božích očiach.
A s tou modrou farbou na viečkach, ak by prechádzala cez pohraničné mesto, tak by ju dal lekár do nemocnice a izoloval by mesto od tej choroby, ktorou sa tá žena nakazila predtým, ako zomrela. To je pravda. Taká choroba!
69 A potom sa snažíte vrátiť a žiť niečo; potom odmietate to klopanie staromódneho Evanjelia Svätého Ducha, a ako to bolo v deň Letníc s rovnakým znakmi, ktoré v sebe malo, aby nás očistilo a urobilo z nás nové stvorenia. Žijeme v tieňoch a cirkev je v Laodicejskom veku, bohatá, nemá potrebu ničoho.
Teraz, my letniční, nemôžeme príliš veľa kričať na baptistov a metodistov, pretože hrniec nemôže hovoriť na kanvicu, že je čierna [on je tiež čierny (príslovie) – pozn.prekl.], viete. Tak sme... urobili to isté. To je pravda.
70 A, „Hľa, stojím pri dverách a klopem a ak niekto...“ Teraz, pamätajte si, že Biblia hovorí, že On bol von z cirkvi v tomto veku snažiac sa dostať dnu. Teraz nemôžete pochybovať o Božom Slove, vidíte. On sa snažil dostať dnu, prosiac vojsť dnu „Ak by niekto otvoril dvere a pustil ma dnu (ó), Ja vojdem a budem večerať s ním,“ vidíte. On má niečo, o čom chce s tebou hovoriť, nejaké záležitosti alebo plán spásy. Chce sa s tebou rozprávať. Ale možno, že si sa stal tak učený, a tak tvrdý, ľahostajný, až Ho nechceš počuť hovoriť. To je pravda. „Hľa, stojím pri dverách... ”
Môžete povedať, „Ó, brat Branham, teraz na chvíľku počkaj. Ja som Mu už dovolil vojsť.“ No, možno si urobil iba to. Ale možno to je všetko, čo si urobil - len si Mu dovolil vojsť. Vidíte, mnoho ľudí ne... Obávajú sa samotnej myšlienky na peklo, a vedia, že tam idú bez Krista. A povedia, „No, dovolím Mu vojsť. Iste, pred tridsiatimi rokmi, dvadsiatimi rokmi.“ Ale to môže byť jednoducho všetko, čo ste urobili.
Čo ak by som prišiel do vášho domu a zaklopal na dvere a povedali by ste, „Vojdi dnu, brat Branham (vošiel by som), ale len stoj tu. Nechoď sem, preskúmať to tu, a hrabať sa tu v mojom dome,“ vidíte.
71 Teraz, viete, že vo vnútri dverí ľudského srdca máme malé skryté priehradky? Ach, nechceme to priznať, ale je to pravda. Iste, máme malé tajné priehradky. Tak veru. Radi to voláme... My Ho privítame v našom srdci, ale nechceme Ho spraviť naším Pánom. Nechceme ísť do pekla, tak „Ježiš, vstúp do dverí, nech nejdem do pekla - ale nemôžeš byť mojím Pánom.“ Teraz, „Pán“ je vlastníctvo. To znamená, že keď si Ho nechal vojsť dnu ako Pána, On vládne všetkému. On je doma.
Keď prídem k tvojmu domu a zaklopem na dvere, ak ma tam nechceš, povedz, „Choď preč od mojich dverí.“ Cenil by som si ťa viac, ako keby si ma nechal vojsť krok cez dvere a povedal, „Nehrab sa mi tu. Len tam stoj. No, čo chceš?“ Cítil by som sa vítaný? Mohol by som vysvetliť svoju návštevu u vás? Určite nie. A to je spôsob, aká je dnes cirkev, priateľu. To je spôsob, akými sa stávajú ľudia. „Poď dnu, Pane, ale to je všetko. Povedz mi, čo chceš,“ vidíte. Ach, nie! To je to, kde sme sa dostali do problémov.
72 Musíme Ho privítať. „Pane, vojdi do môjho domu. Ak je niečo... Ak je tu niečo, čo si želáš, vezmi si to. Som Tvoj, Ty si môj. Ty si ma poctil. Ten veľký Kráľ, Stvoriteľ neba i zeme zaklopal na moje dvere a ja chcem, aby si vošiel. Pane, buď mojím Pánom. Použi ma. Urob so mnou, čokoľvek Ty chceš. Akákoľvek zlá vec, ktorá je vo mne, odkry každé tajomstvo, ktoré je v mojom srdci. Vojdi do každých dverí. Preskúmaj ma, Pane. Zisti, čo je vo mne zlé. A čokoľvek je zlé, ukáž mi to, Pane. Vyhoď to von dverami! Ja Ťa chcem mať tu dnu. Ja Ťa vítam, aby si bol mojím Pánom. Ešte som nemal to požehnanie, Pane. Očisti ma teraz.“
73 Ak Ho nebudem môcť urobiť mojím úplným Pánom, nikdy pre Neho neotvorím dvere. Ak On nemôže byť Pánom... Ja nechcem, aby bol len Spasiteľom, ak nemôže byť Pánom. Ak ja... Každý chce spasiteľa, ale oni nechcú pána. Chcú niečo, kde sa môžu ukryť pred tým celým večným odsúdením pekla, a potom môžu žiť akýmkoľvek spôsobom, ktorým chcú, robiť, čo chcú.
74 Viete, len kráčajme okolo tej budovy srdca. Strpíte ma ďalších desať minút? Pozrite. Všimnite si. Kráčajme okolo toho srdca na chvíľu. Prvou vecou, keď vstupuješ do ľudského srdca, na pravej strane ako vchádzaš, sú tam malé dvere a sú nazvané „môj súkromný život“. Teraz, vy nechcete nikoho, aby tam vošiel.
„Teraz, ak chcem urobiť čokoľvek, to je moja vec. Ja sa pripojím k cirkvi a pôjdem tam dole. Ale, kazateľ, nehovor mi, čo mám robiť!“ Ó, áno. „Nuž, ja viem, že Biblia to hovorí, ale ja tomu neverím.“ Ó, vidíte? A potom si ešte myslíte, že Ježiš by ostal v takom srdci, ako je to? Určite nie. On vchádza dnu, aby bol Pánom. Vchádza... On... Ten súkromný život, ó, to je veľkou vecou. Nuž, vy viete, že my chceme náš vlastný súkromný život. „Ak chceme priateľský pohárik so susedom, to je naša vec. Ak si my, ženy, chceme strihať naše vlasy, to je čo... to je naším vlastným americkým privilégiom. Ak chceme nosiť šortky, to je naša vec. Ak my, muži, chceme mať priateľské prípitky, a ak to chceme dovoliť našim ženám, nie je to tvojou vecou hovoriť nám jedno slovo.“
Ale Evanjelium povedalo, „Nerobte to!“ Teraz, koho slová sú pravdou? Božie Slovo je pravdou.
75 Ó, samozrejme, my chceme Ježiša. Určite. My si myslíme, že ho máme, a všetko ako to. Ale zaujímalo by ma, ak by to vytrhnutie minulo a boli by sme tu jedného dňa ponechaní, potom by sme sa čudovali, kde je to všetko – ak by to prišlo skutočne tajne, viete. A to je to, ako to príde – ako zlodej v noci. Vy budete... Deväťdesiatdeväť z každého pol milióna, z každého milióna, nikdy nebude vedieť, že to vytrhnutie nastalo. Bude po tom; a oni dokonca nebudú nič o tom vedieť. Ježiš tak povedal. Takže to to robí pravdivým. Určite. Príde to ako zlodej v noci a bude ukradnutá.
76 Ako tá kniha, ktorú som raz čítal. Kto bol ten muž? Rómeo a Júlia alebo niečo také, vidíte – on prišiel a zobral si ju v noci. To je ten spôsob, ako to urobí Ježiš. Keď si svet leňoší v spánku (ako povedala Biblia, Laodicejský vek), On vojde dnu a vezme si tú nevestu.
77 Potom všetci tí, ktorí budú vzkriesení, počas všetkých tých vekov, ktorí žili počas tých vekov, oni všetci vojdú do neba v neveste. Potom príde súd. Cirkev povie, „Dobre, počkajte chvíľu. Myslím, že tu mala byť nevesta, príchod Pánov a nevesta.“ Je už dávno po tom. Nič ste o tom nevedeli. To prichádza tajomne.
78 Prečo? Hovoríme, „Ó, patrím do tej cirkvi. Som metodista, som baptista, som letničný.“ To neznamená nič pre Boha. To je nič viac, ako doktor, ktorý povie, že máš rakovinu a je v pokročilom štádiu. A to nemá nič do činenia s tou chorobou – je to len jej pomenovanie. Je to diabol, rakovina. Ak by si povedal, „To je holubica. To je jastrab. To je... nejaký druh supa.“ To nemá nič do činenia s tou... tou chorobou. To ju nevylieči. To ju nezabije, len hovorí, čím to je.
Len povedz... Povieš, „Som kresťan. Som...“ Možno len podľa vyznania. Vidíte, naše životy hovoria tak hlasno, že naše svedectvo dokonca ani nepočuť – naše životy, naše skutky, naše správanie sa navzájom medzi nami.
„Oni tu idú mať prebudenie.“
„Kto ho má?“
„Ach, nebudeme s tým mať nič do činenia.“ A možno tam Boh má pre nás posolstvo.
„Kto to má?“
„Prvé Zhromaždenie, Druhé Zhromaždenie alebo Ježišove Meno alebo Zbor Boží alebo niečo.“
„Ó, dobre, my nie sme v tej skupine.“
79 My sme bratia! Dovolí si niekto rozdeliť dedičstvo Božie? Oni dostali Ducha Svätého tak, ako si ho dostal aj ty. Urobili tú istú vec, ktorú si urobil aj ty, keď si Ho dostal. Samozrejme. Ale vidíte, prečo mám rád týchto Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia? Dávajú cestu, kde môžem vyjadriť tieto veci, vidíte. Hovorí, „To je to. Sme bratia. Nie sme rozdelení – 'všetci sme jedno telo', ako povedal básnik.“
Teraz, tie malé dvere môjho vlastného súkromného života. „Nuž, to je v poriadku. Budem členom tvojej cirkvi. Pripojím sa k Obchodníkom Plného Evanjelia. Ale teraz mi nehovor, že mám prijať toho Svätého Ducha a takto sa správať,“ vidíte. To je ten vlastný súkromný život. Keď to robíš, nikdy nebudeš mať Vodcovstvo Ježiša. On sa len rovno otočí preč a odíde dverami von. Čo by si urobil v prípade, ako je tento, ak by niekto... ak by si išiel k nejakému domu a oni by povedali, „Stoj tu pri dverách. Povedz, čo chceš.“
Povedali by ste, „Ďakujem,“ a vyšiel by dverami von. Tak by urobil aj Ježiš. Určite. To je ten dôvod, prečo je cirkev ponechaná sediaca chladná, vidíte, to je práve ten spôsob, ako to je.
80 Nikdy nedovoľte Obchodníkom Plného Evanjelia dostať sa kedykoľvek do tohto štádia. Keď počujete posolstvo a počujete klopanie, otvorte a povedzte, „Pane, o čom je to všetko?“ Keď vidíte muža... Máme veľa napodobňovateľov, ale keď vidíte pravého... Čo znamená napodobňovateľ? Čo znamená falošný dolár, keď zdvihnete nejaký dolár, ktorý je falošný? To znamená, že to bolo vyrobené zo skutočného dolára. Musí existovať pravý dolár, aby mohol byť vyrobený ten falošný. Tak existuje skutočný Duch Svätý, skutočná sila spasenia, skutočná láska Božia. Áno, neber nič menej. Nie, veru. Nerob to.
V poriadku – tie dvere súkromia. Musím sa poponáhľať s tými dverami.
Existujú tiež malé dvere pýchy. Ó! To sú zlé dvere. My by sme radšej o tých dverách nehovorili príliš dlho. Ale vy chcete stáť v tých starých dverách a hovoriť, „Teraz mi nič nehovor,“ vidíte. „No, mám svoju vlastnú hrdosť.“ Určite, ale nemali by ste to robiť.
81 Nedávno som tu kázal o Baránkovi a holubici. A baránok... vidíte, baránok, ovca, neprodukuje nič, len jednu vec: vlnu. To je to, čo on produkuje. A on sa vzdáva svojich práv. Môžete vziať ovcu a zvaliť a zviazať ju, takto a celú ju ostrihať. Bude tam len ležať. Ona sa vzdáva svojich práv. Napokon, ona si nechala narásť vlnu. Patrí jej, ale ona sa toho vzdáva.
82 Keď poviete človeku, že sa musí znovuzrodiť, že musí byť očistený od hriešneho života, musí skončiť so svojimi klamstvami, kradnutím, podvádzaním, a presviedčaním na vieru a pokračovať v tom, chlapče, niektorí z nich vybuchnú ako balón. Teraz, vidíte, to je koza, vidíte. On rozpúta búrku, ale skutočný baránok sa zrieka svojho práva.
Povedal som raz našim dámam o... nie že by som bol proti dámam. Sú to naše sestry. Ale ja som horlivý za túto cirkev. Keď vidím svetskosť ako Sodoma, ako do toho vchádza, potom musím proti tomu kričať. Tam je niečo vo vnútri, že moje srdce krváca a kričím, „Neobliekajte sa podľa Marilyn Monroe alebo niektorých z týchto žien tam. Robte ako Sára v Biblii, vidíte.“
Nesnažte sa byť pán nejaký alebo iný, behať po pódiu a vyvádzať, a snažiť sa obliekať ako nejaká škatuľa a vykračovať si. Ne... Dostali sme príliš veľa Hollywoodskeho „šoumenstva“ do Letníc. To je pravda. Potrebujeme Ducha Svätého. Teraz ma možno nemáte radi, možno nebudete chcieť, aby som prišiel znova. Ale to je príležitosť hovoriť pravdu, a to je pravda. Skúste to. Zistite, či to nie je tak.
Nejaká dáma povedala, „Je to moje vlastné americké privilégium.“
Povedal som, „Ale ty sa ho zriekneš.“
83 Pred nejakým časom, manželka a ja sme išli do potravín v Indiane, a videli sme zvláštnu vec – nejaká pani mala na sebe sukňu. Bolo to veľmi zvláštne.
Povedala, „Miláčik, nespieva veľa z nich, ľudí, v zboroch?“
„Dobre, prečo...?“
Povedal som, „No, vidíš, miláčik, oni nie sú z nášho kráľovstva.“
Povedala... Povedal som, „... z nášho kráľovstva.“ Povedal som, „Nie, bol som misionár, mnohokrát po celom svete. Nájdem... Idem do Nemecka, nájdem nemeckého ducha. Idem do Fínska, tam je iný duch. Idem do Austrálie, tam je iný duch. Prídem do Ameriky, tam je iný duch. Je to národný duch a všetky z nich sú z diabla. Ježiš tak povedal. Kráľovstvá tohto sveta sú diablove. Ovláda každé jedno z nich. Teraz, Ježiš tak povedal. Tak vidíš, to je ten národný duch.“
„No,“ povedala, „nie sme Američania?“
Povedal som, „Nie, drahá. Potenciálne sme.“
Povedala, „Čo sme?“
Povedal som...
„No, nemali by sme robiť ako Američania?“
84 Povedal som, „Nie, nie tá opitá, bitkárska, hanebná skupina. Nie, drahá. Sme narodení z nebeského Ducha. Prišli sme odtiaľ, kde je čistá rýdza svätosť, kde sú anjeli a spravodlivosť pred Bohom,“ povedal som, „Žijeme tu ako národ, určite. To je pravda. To je náš národ, čo sa tu snažíme... Ale naše... 'Príď kráľovstvo tvoje, buď vôľa tvoja na zemi, ako je v nebi.' Preto, keď sme narodení zhora a všetky hriechy sú presunuté rovno dole do priepasti, to je Duch Boží, ktorý prichádza – Stvoriteľ - do nášho srdca, a On usmerňuje náš charakter. Neklameme, nekradneme, nepodvádzame. Úprimní, bezúhonní, chodíme ako občania neba, pretože nimi sme, ak sme narodení z Ducha Božieho.“
A tak mnohí z nás sa stávajú zmätenými a používajú nejaké malé izmy a senzácie a veci, a nazývajú to Duchom Božím. To je dôvod, prečo sme tak váhaví, ako sme dnes - celý cirkevný systém. Je to hrozné. A napriek tomu všetkému, Ježiš stále stojí pri dverách. Vyhodený von, ale ešte...
85 Ešte jedny dvere by som chcel otvoriť - dvere viery - potom skončím. Je ich okolo tucet, ktoré som si tu zapísal, ale tie preskočím. Dvere viery. Poviete, „Prišli by ste dole k Obchodníkom Plného Evanjelia?“
„Plného Evanjelia... ”
„To je proti mojej viere.“
Existuje len jedna viera. To je pravda. „Jedna viera, jeden Pán, jeden krst.“ To je pravda. „No, to je proti mojej viere.“
[Ján 1:1,14]
86 Možno nechcete Ježiša, aby sa postavil v tých dverách vašej viery. Máte svoju vieru postavenú na nejakých učeniach nejakej cirkvi, nejakej denominácie. A to je tam, kde je vaša viera uzavretá sama v miestnosti. A nechcete pustiť Ježiša dnu, ktorý je Slovom. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo,“ povedal Svätý Ján 1. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bolo Boh... a to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ On je večným Slovom.
A tvoja viera... Hovoríte, že dni zázrakov pominuli a neexistuje nič také ako hovorenie v jazykoch a prorokovanie, a tie nezmysly, ktoré sa dnes v Letničných cirkvách dejú. Neexistuje nič také, ako toto. Možno ste zanechali nejaké vyznanie viery vo dverách vašej viery. Ak by ste tie dvere otvorili a nechali Slovo Božie vstúpiť dnu, aby sa stalo vaším Pánom... „Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí to vyznanie viery. Ak tak hovorí Biblia, si mojím Pánom.“
[Luk. 4:41, Ján3:3]
87 Musíte byť znovuzrodení, a keď ste znovuzrodení, potom musíte byť naplnení Duchom Svätým. Bez ohľadu na vyznania viery, čo je... Nič z toho. Poviete, „No, verím, že Ježiš je Syn Boží.“ Diabol verí to isté. Musíte byť znovuzrodení. Každý sa bojí toho nového narodenia. Ach, ja viem, že hovoríte o sebe, že ste boli znovuzrodení, ale myslím si, že náš život niekedy hovorí tak hlasno, že naše svedectvo nie je počuť, rozumiete.
88 Pôrod je neporiadok, nestarám sa o to, kde to je. Prepáčte za tento výraz, ale ak je pôrod v chlieviku, je to neporiadok. Ak je to v stajni pre kravy, to je neporiadok. Ak je v nemocničnej izbe, to je neporiadok. Ak je pri oltári, to je neporiadok. To urobí, že vyhniješ svojmu vlastnému mysleniu. To urobí, že všetko zahodíš. Veci, ktoré ste kedysi milovali celým svojím srdcom, vzdáte sa ich, aby ste dovolili tomu tichému klopaniu... Nestarám sa o to, či to je misia niekde na rohu.
89 My ľudia tu vonku veríme veľkým veciam, my Američania. Chceme veľké klobúky, veľké autá a veľké denominácie, viac v učení a viac v denominácii. Všetko, čo chceme, sú veľké veci; a Boh je za malým, tichým hlasom.
My chceme veľa hrmotu a hluku. Nejaký farmár raz vzal voz a išiel na pole. A keď išiel, to udieralo a hrmotalo a robilo veľa hluku. A keď išiel naspäť, prechádzal cez tie isté hrbole a dokonca sa ani nepohol. Bol naložený dobrým tovarom.
My chceme učenie. „Naša denominácia je najväčšia. Máme toto... Chvála Bohu, porazili sme túto skupinu tuto. Porazili sme túto skupinu tuto v platení peňazí, dávaní zlata a vo všetkom inom. A kto privedie najviac ľudí do cirkvi?“ Nič proti tomu. To je všetko v poriadku. Ale tu je to, čo sa snažím povedať – to ešte nie je to! To je v poriadku priviesť ľudí do cirkvi. Áno. Ale Ježiš povedal, keď nejaký človek vyšiel von a priviedol nového prívrženca viery, povedal, čím sa stal? Dvojnásobné dieťa plné pekla viac než na začiatku.
90 Počúvame programy Billy Grahama... kde nemám nič čo povedať proti tomu veľkému evanjelistovi. Určite nie. On je muž Boží a Boh ho používa. Ale kde on je? Dolu v Sodome. Pamätáte si ten typ? Išli tam dvaja anjeli dolu do Sodomy, predobraz, ktorý Ježiš povedal, by bol taký istý, ako pri Jeho príchode. Ale jeden ostal s Abrahámom, tou vybranou cirkvou, povolanou. Pozerajte, čo obaja anjeli urobili, potom budete mať to posolstvo.
91 Nie je to zvláštna vec, tých dvoch poslov – presne, čo Boh povedal v posledných dňoch – nikdy nebol žiaden človek tam dolu na poli, v tých všetkých dňoch Moodyho, Sankeya, Finneya, Knoxa, Kalvína, počas tých dní, nikdy nebol nikto, ktorý by mal meno končiace sa na h-a-m (G-r-a-h-a-m), až do tohto dňa. Vidíte toho posla do tej formálnej cirkvi? Vidíte, otec národov.
92 Teraz, cirkev duchovne nebola taká na začiatku – Letnične zobrazená. Sledujte toho posla, ktorý prišiel do tej cirkvi. On si sadol a rozprával sa s Abrahámom. Povedal, „Kde je tvoja žena, Sárah?“ On ho nazval Abrahámom, ktorého meno bolo Abram. Povedal, „Kde je tvoja žena, Sárah?“ Jej meno bolo S-á-r-a; teraz je to S-á-r-a-h. On ju nazval S-á-r-a-h.
Povedal, „Ona je v stane za tebou.“
93 On povedal, „Ja (osobné zámeno) ťa navštívim podľa času života.“ A Sára... On povedal, „Prečo sa Sára zasmiala, keď som to povedal?“ Tam On je.
Prečo by to bolo? My musíme mať Ducha, ako je ten, navštevujúc cirkev – prorockého ducha, ducha rozoznávania. A keď to prichádza, ľudia to odmietajú. Prečo? Je to Laodicea. My sme stále spojení s vyznaniami viery a vecami, až to nemôžeme akceptovať. To je pravda. „Stojím vo dverách a klopem. Ak ktokoľvek počuje môj hlas...“
„Ó, moja viera neprijíma to... tie veci.“
Potom máš zlú vieru. Viera... Viere, skutočná originálna Božia viera bude potvrdzovať každé zasľúbenie Božie s „Amen,“ pravdivý Duch Svätý. Prečo? Duch Svätý napísal Bibliu. Hovorí to tak. Muži dávna, pohnutí Duchom Svätým, napísali Bibliu. Ako by potom mohol byť vo vás Duch Svätý a zapreli by ste to? Nemôžete to urobiť. Formy pobožnosti, povedal prorok, a zapierali by moc, ktorá oslobodí mužov a ženy od hriechu a vecí tohto sveta. Bože, zmiluj sa nad nami. Ó! Nejaká nábožná viera, ktorú máš, ktorá zapiera Slovo Božie, choď preč od toho. Nech je Slovo Božie pravdou. Tak veru.
94 Všimnite si. On povedal, „Nevieš, že si nahý, mizerný, chudobný, úbohý a slepý, a nevieš o tom?“ To je tá mizerná časť. (Hneď budeme končiť.) Chcem, aby ste to pochopili, „nevieš o tom“. Ak si teraz videl nejakého muža kráčajúceho dolu touto hlavnou ulicou – Stone Street (Kamennou ulicou) alebo nejakou z týchto hlavných ulíc, a ten muž bol taký chudobný, že nemal žiadne oblečenie a bol mizerný, úbohý a bez akéhokoľvek oblečenia, nahý; alebo nejakú ženu, úplne nahú, slepú, a nevedela o tom...
Nuž, ak by to vedela, alebo ak by to on vedel, snažili by sa niekam dostať, kde by našli nejaké oblečenie. Ale ak o tom nevedia, potom choď a snaž sa im to povedať, oni povedia, „Staraj sa o seba.“
95 Nuž, to je presne to, čo povedal Ježiš Kristus, aká bude Letničná cirkev v posledných dňoch – vlažná a bude bohatá. Sme asi tak bohatými, ako ktokoľvek z nich. Boli sme, keď sme boli na misii, mali sme spasenie. Teraz sme povstali s veľkými pozíciami, ako táto, s väčším počtom a s veľkými dobrými vecami. A kde sa nachádzame? Presne ako ostatní z nich. A Ježiš tak povedal.
96 Ale v strede toho všetkého, On stále klope. „Ak ktokoľvek (individuálne) bude počuť Môj hlas a otvorí dvere, Ja vojdem a budem večerať s ním a on so Mnou.“ To je to, kam sme sa dostali – nahí, slepí. Slepí! Skutočne slepí, duchovne slepí. Nemohol by si im nič povedať.
Viete, my sme boli vychovaní strašne chudobne dolu v Kentucky. Môj starý otec bol poľovník a skutočne dobre známy poľovník. Zvykol poľovať na mývaly. Neviem, či vy ľudia tu... nie je dosť vody v Arizone, aby ste mohli mať mývalov, domnievam sa, ale oni majú... Tam dolu majú mývalov. Lovili mývalov. Koľko z vás vie, čo je to lovenie mývalov? Dobre, pozrite sa na kentačanov. Ó! V poriadku. Nuž, cítim sa, akoby som si mohol dať dolu oblek a ešte trochu kázať. Cítil som sa trochu ako poviazaný, ale teraz sa cítim celkom dobre.
Ó! Koľko z vás vie, čo je to slamený matrac? Hm, hm. Dobre, chcem vám poďakovať. Nakoniec sa cítim ako doma. Áno, to je dobre. Môj kukuričný chlieb, kukuričná kaša pod mojim čiernookým hráškom, repa – jedli ste to už niekedy? Ó! To je...Teraz sa máme dobre. Áno, veru tak, to je dobré!
97 A starý otec niekedy chytal mývalov, robil z nich masť. A čo oni mali... malú plechovku. My sme si nechávali tú malú plechovku od kypriaceho prášku. Mama mala jednu, s ktorou vykrajovala koláčiky, k plechovkou z kypriaceho prášku. A ona robila vynikajúce, veľké koláčiky. Mohol si si zobrať z vrchu a spodok sa odlepil. A natrieť melasou, a kúsok domáceho masla – bolo to skutočne dobré. Bolo by to dobré práve teraz. Tak nejako som dnes ráno preskočil na moje melasy, tak viete, že niečo také by sa naozaj dobre hodilo.
98 A mama zvykla brať tú masť z mývalov a to bol všeliek v našom dome – to, a mastička Barbed Wire Liniment. A ona... My sme si zobrali šálku a oni nám naliali tú starú mastičku Barbed Wire Liniment a natierali. A potom, keď sme sa cítili zle, vzali sme tú mývaliu masť.
99 A mali sme jednu malú izbu a bolo tam podkrovie. Museli sme vyjsť hore schodmi ako tieto, zábradlie vyrobené zo stromčekov. A my, deti sme spávali hore na slamených matracoch. A tam nad tým slameným matracom bola perina. A potom, šindle boli položené vo svetle mesiaca, a tak... Bola tam diera a mohol cez to prefúknuť sneh, tak tam dávala kúsok plachty ponad nás, aby sa sneh nedostal počas noci na naše tváre, na túto skupinku malých Branhamovcov. A my sme boli dvaja pri nohách, dvaja pri hlave a dvaja v strede. Jednoducho sme mali všetky spôsoby spania – váľania sa tam ako malé prasiatka a udržujúc teplo jeden druhému.
Raz za čas jeden z nás vyšiel spopod tej plachty, keď fúkal studený vietor, a my sme ochoreli. A dostalo sa to do našich očí a poznáte to, keď sa ten nepríjemný hnis dostane do vašich očí. Mama to volala „hnis“. Povedala, „Dostať hnis do očí.“ Nuž, ja som sa ráno prebudil a mama zavolala, „Billy, poď dolu. Je čas ísť do školy.“ A ja som povedal, „Mami, mám ten hnis v očiach. Nevidím.“ Humpy, môj brat, zobudil sa (volá sa Edward, my sme ho volali Humpy len zo žartu), a povedal, „Mám v očiach ten hnis.“
Počul som, ako tá stará mývalia masť buchla na peci. Ona to priniesla celé rozmrazené. Potom mama vyšla hore schodmi a šúchala a masírovala tie oči. A verte alebo nie, hnis zmizol. Mývalia masť bola všeliekom na hnisavé oči.
100 Poviem vám, v cirkvi prišlo studené obdobie a mývalia masť vôbec nebude fungovať. Ale Ježiš povedal, „Radím vám kúpiť si očnú masť“ – Ducha Svätého. Dostali ste... stali ste sa tak slepými, aká je cirkev, až nedokáže vidieť Boha; vidí len tie organizácie. Vidí len to, čo môže vidieť pred sebou. Nikdy nepozerá tam na ten skorý príchod Pána. Mývalia masť už tomu nikdy nepomôže, ale masť Ducha Svätého otvorí vaše oči a budete si môcť uvedomiť, že prítomnosť Ježiša Krista... A On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On je Boh a môže namastiť vaše oči Svojím Duchom Svätým.
Zabudneš, či si metodistom, baptistom alebo jednotárom alebo dvojičiarom alebo trojičiarom alebo Cirkvou Božou alebo nazarénom alebo pútnikom svätosti. Budeš Kresťanom narodeným nanovo z kráľovstva Božieho.
101 Budete niečo... Nebudete sa musieť pokúšať hovoriť, „No, musím urobiť toto.“ Existuje vo vás niečo, čo vás núti urobiť to. Nutkanie vo vašom srdci vás pohne k modlitbe. Božská láska prúdi do tvojej najvnútornejšej bytosti, až dokým nedokážeš obsedieť. Modlitebné stretnutia z vás len tak tečú, ako voda z artézskej studne.
102 Zvykol som prechádzať... Keď som bol počas niekoľkých rokov horárom, prechádzal som vedľa veľkého starého prameňa. Ten len tak bublal, takto. Raz som sa tam posadil vedľa toho prameňa a povedal som, „Prečo si tak šťastný?“ Ach, tá voda bola výborná! Napil som sa vody a povedal som,
„Prečo si tak šťastný? Si šťastný, lebo z teba pijú králiky?“
Ak by on mohol hovoriť, povedal by, „Nie.“
„Pretože jelene z teba pijú?“
„Pretože ja z teba pijem?“
„Prečo si tak šťastný? Prečo si takto bubleš?“
Ak by mohol hovoriť, povedal by, „To nie ja si takto bublem, brat Branham. To je niečo za mnou, čo ma tlačí, núti neustále bublať.“
[Filipanom 1:21]
103 My ženieme sami seba, aby sme robili tie veci; ale keď je tam Duch Svätý, robíme to Božskou láskou. „Pre mňa žiť je Kristus a zomrieť je zisk,“ povedal Pavol. Samozrejme. Teraz, nech jeho pomazanie hojivou masťou príde na naše oči. Na záver... Nechcem vás tu držať všetkých, až kým budete celkom unavení. To je prvýkrát, alebo druhýkrát, čo som s vami. Odpusťte mi, ak som bol príliš zdĺhavý. Dovoľte mi zakončiť povediac...
104 Dole na juhu, mali sme starého letničného farebného brata tam dole, ktorý... On bol naozaj skutočným služobníkom Kristovým. Bola tam istá stará čierna sestra, ktorá prišla do cirkvi. A ona bola naplnená Duchom Svätým a mala taký výborný charakter. A ona mala manžela, on bol starý dobrý chlapík. Jeho meno bolo... oni ho volali Gabriel. My sme ho volali Gabe, skrátene.
A tak, nijako sme ho nemohli dostať do poriadku s cirkvou. On jednoducho nechcel prísť do cirkvi. Povedal, že... Ach, chlapci dolu pri biliardovej herni, kam on chodil, povedali, že je to banda svätých povaľačov [hanlivá prezývka pre letničných - pozn. prekl.], a nič iné. A jediná vec, ktorú Gabe musel urobiť, bolo v nedeľu ráno si zobrať svoje biliardové tágo a ísť do biliardovej herne, alebo niečo také, a ísť sa baviť s chlapcami.
Ale jeho manželka bola skutočná oddaná svätá. A ona chodila do cirkvi a modlila sa a tiež jej pastor a všetci sa modlili za Gabea, pretože naozaj dolu v jeho srdci bol dobrým človekom. A on tam mal malé podnikanie, malý... na rohu, malé čistenie obuvi. On leštil topánky, aby získal dostatok peňazí na hranie biliardu, a on hral biliard. Tak on sa jednoducho nechcel dať do poriadku s Evanjeliom.
A pastor... Starý Gabe veľmi rád lovil. Tak pastor bol tiež lovec, tak zobral Gabea a šli loviť. Tak jedného dňa, po celodennom plahočení sa cez divočinu a močiare, boli to popoludnie na ceste domov. A mali toľko diviny, že ju ledva mohli uniesť. Mali králikov a vtákov všade na sebe idúc ďalej, a prišli ku starej známej ceste, ako prichádzali. Vyšli na vrchol kopca a šli dolu do malého mesta tam dolu.
105 Bolo to v sobotu a zapadalo slnko. A pastor sa poobzeral okolo seba. Nepočul povedať Gabea nič už dlhší čas. A on sa rozhliadal dookola a Gabe sa díval cez jeho ramená smerom k západu slnka, ako zachádzalo za západný horizont. A pastor sa obzrel späť a všimol si, že Gabe nič nehovoril, iba sa pozeral späť, ako išiel vpred.
A tak pastor išiel pár minút, a po chvíli pristála na jeho ramene veľká čierna ruka. A keď sa prekvapene otočil, starý Gabe mu hľadel do tváre so slzami tečúcimi po lícach, odkvapkávali dole, takto. On povedal, „Pastor, ráno ma nájdeš práve tam na tej lavičke prosebníkov.“ Povedal, „Potom pôjdem rovno späť a sadnem si hneď po boku svojej vernej manželky, a tam sa chystám zotrvať v tej cirkvi, až kým ma Boh nezavolá domov.“ A pastor sa, samozrejme, v úžase otočil. Povedal, „Gabe, ja som chcel, a čakal, a túžil, a roky sa za toto modlil.“ On povedal, „Gabe, je to vyriešené?“
On povedal, „Áno, pastor, je to vyriešené. Ale chcem tiež toho Ducha Svätého. A ráno pôjdem tam k lavičke prosebníkov, a buď ho tam dostanem, alebo práve tam zomriem.“
On povedal, „Gabe, vážim si to.“ Povedal, „Ale chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, Gabe. Čo za kázeň som kázal, ktorá ťa k tomu inšpirovala. Chcel by som vedieť, ktorú kázeň som kázal, o čom som kázal. Alebo ktorú pieseň spieval zbor, ktorá ťa inšpirovala, aby si urobil toto skvelé rozhodnutie, Gabe?“
106 A starý černoch pozrel na pastora a povedal, „Pastor,“ povedal, „ja si skutočne vážim každú kázeň, ktorú si kázal.“ On povedal, „Vážim si všetko, čo si povedal, pastor.“ On povedal, „A oceňujem každú výbornú pieseň, ktorú spieval zbor. Ale,“ povedal, „pastor, to nebolo to.“ On povedal, „Vieš, pozeral som sa na to slnko, ako tam zapadá.“ Vedel si, že moje a tvoje slnko tiež zapadá? Že svetlo našich tiel nás opúšťa?“
107 To je pravda. To je pravda tu dnes ráno, ľudia. Slnko zapadá – zapadá vo vašom živote a v mojom, a zapadá čas civilizácie, a ona sa končí. A On stojí pri dverách - klope, túži, čaká. To malé klopanie, niečo dolu v tvojom srdci, čo hovorí, „To som Ja. Otvor už.“ - to je On. Gabe to začul a obrátil sa.
108 Povedal ďalšiu vec. „Pastor,“ povedal, „vieš, ja som zlý strelec.“ On povedal, „Nevedel som zasiahnuť nič. Vieš, že som nevedel. A len sa pozri na ten úlovok – dosť, aby to vydržalo mne a mojej žene celý budúci týždeň.“ A povedal, „Vieš, že ja neviem trafiť nič, ale,“ povedal, „On mi to dal.“ Povedal, „Začal som o tom premýšľať, že On ma musí milovať, lebo by nebol ku mne tak dobrý.“
109 Uvedomili ste si to niekedy? Dnes v Indii, malé deti, viem, ležia na ulici, a ich malé brušká sú nafúknuté, ich malé ďasná spustené takto, hladujú až k smrti; nejaká malá matka prosí, aby ste zobrali toho jedného, a je tam tisíc ďalších. Popoludní prichádzajú a berú ich na nosidlá alebo niečo také, a odnášajú ich na salamander [výhrevná pec, ktorá sa používa na vysúšanie mokrých stavieb – pozn.prekl.] a hádžu ich dnu. Tam nie je žiaden Ján 14. Čokoľvek na zjedenie, tráva zo zeme, kôra zo stromu, alebo čokoľvek, čo môžu urobiť. Vyhadzujeme v našich smetiakoch dosť nato, aby sme ich nakŕmili.
[Zjavenie 3:20]
110 Sedíme tu dnes ráno platiac okolo dolár a pol za trochu jedla tu. A máme dobré oblečenie, jazdíme na peknom automobile, bývame v peknom dome. Vy, podnikatelia tu, vaše firmy prekvitajú, ako vás počujem svedčiť. Boh je ku vám dobrý. Nemôžete si to uvedomiť? Prečo? On vás miluje. Viete čo? A to je dôvod, že to klopanie prichádza. „Stojím pri dverách a klopem, a ak by ktokoľvek počul môj hlas a otvoril dvere, Ja vojdem dnu a budem s ním večerať a on so Mnou.“
Teraz, ten tichý, jemný hlas, ktorý klope na dvere tvojho srdca, mohol už klopať toľkokrát, až to môže byť teraz počuť veľmi slabo. Ale buďme jednoducho úprimní, len úprimní k Bohu a k sebe, len jednu minútu. To tiché klopanie tam dolu, ktoré hovorí, „Mal by som radšej obmedziť svoje cesty. Mal by som byť iný. Mal by som sa dať do poriadku. Viem, že je vo mne niečo. Som... pozrite, preskúmal som svoj život s týmto Slovom a vidím, že sa v mnohých veciach mýlim.“ Rozhliadnite sa okolo a pozrite, aký dobrý... Je to Jeho dobrota, ktorá klope na dvere.
[Zjavenie 3:20]
111 Bez ohľadu na to, čo sme urobili, ako veľmi sme zhrešili, koľkokrát sme to odmietli, koľkokrát sme povedali, že to urobíme neskôr. On je stále uprostred toho všetkého a klope. „A ak by akýkoľvek muž alebo žena otvorili svoje srdce, vojdem dnu a budem s nimi večerať.“ Pozrime sa, čo chce toto ráno, urobíte to, zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy?
Ó, môj Ježišu, milujem Ťa, milujem Ťa. Ach, pre milosť, milovať Ťa viac, Pane! „Čo je to malé niečo, čo mi v mojom srdci stále hovorí, že musím prísť o niečo bližšie k Ježišovi? Čo je to?“ Chcete tomu dnes ráno otvoriť dvere? Teraz s každou hlavou sklonenou a každým okom zatvoreným, prosím, dolu vo svojom srdci buďte skutočne úprimní, len na chvíľu. Máte to tiché klopanie na vašich dverách (budem sa o chvíľu modliť), a úprimne by ste chceli vedieť, čo je tá malá vec vo vašom živote, že by ste Ho chceli nechať... Chceli by ste, aby On dnes ráno vstúpil?
Povedzte, „Brat Branham, modli sa, aby som mal vieru a milosť otvoriť len svoje srdce a nechať Ho vojsť. Chcem vedieť, čo to klope na moje dvere. Viem, že tam je niečo, čo klope. Možno je to bližšie chodenie, možno je to iná služba, možno je to vzdať sa, možno je to obdržanie Ducha Svätého. Zodvihli by ste svoju ruku k Bohu a povedali „Tu som, Pane.“? Boh ťa žehnaj. To je ono, práve všade. „Ja mám to malé klopanie na dvere môjho srdca.“ Myslím, že je to asi šesťdesiat alebo sedemdesiat percent ľudí.
S našimi hlavami sklonenými – teraz, náš nebeský Otče, „Je fontána,“ ako básnik povedal, „ktorá je naplnená Krvou vytekajúcou z Emanuelových žíl, kde hriešnici ponorení do toho prúdu strácajú všetky svoje trestuhodné škvrny. Ten hynúci zlodej sa radoval, že vidí tú fontánu vo svojom dni, a tam môžem ja, tiež biedny ako on, zmyť všetky moje hriechy. “
Teraz, Otče, sme vďační za týchto ľudí. A niektorí z nich možno... bez pochýb, vyznali kresťanstvo už dávno, ale oni majú skutočné presvedčenie, dostatočné nato, aby zodvihli svoje ruky. Čo, Pane, ak nemali dokonca ani rozhodnutie zdvihnúť svoje ruky? Potom minuli vykúpenie. Myslite na to miesto: že putujúca duša by mohla putovať von do tmy, a biedne slepá a nevie o tom; a počuje klopanie od Boha, a zarmucuje Ho toľkokrát, až nakoniec nikdy znova nezaklope. A zoberú učenie, alebo niečo, a žijú podľa toho zvyšok svojich dní - aby sa našli sklamaní v ten deň súdu.
Som vďačný, Pane, za týchto ľudí, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky a povedali, „Buď mi milostivý, Pane. Príď do môjho srdca, Pane Ježišu, a zjav mi samého Seba. A ja Ti vydám svoj život. Tu som. Ak je vo mne čokoľvek, čo nie je v poriadku, Pane... A ja sa pozerám na svoj vlastný život a vidím, že je tam veľa toho, čo je zlé. Potom, vezmi ma do Tvojho veľkého formovacieho domu a preformuj ma, a vezmi odo mňa všetko, čo je svetské a bezbožné.
112 „A ďakujem Ti, Pane, že som sa nedostal na miesto, kedy by som prekročil tú líniu, ktorá môže... kde ju prekročíš a nikdy sa už nemôžeš vrátiť späť – zarmútiť Ducha Božieho poslednýkrát, a kde už nie je vôbec žiaden spôsob, ako sa vrátiť späť.“ Ako Judáš Iškariotský a oni, predal svojho Pána za tridsať strieborných. A my dnes robíme, pre popularitu a starosti sveta a náboženské organizácie a denominácie a vyznania viery - my Ho predávame za čokoľvek.
Ach, Pane, zmiluj sa nad poctivými srdcami. Žiadam za tých, Pane. Ach, so všetkým, čo je vo mne, žiadam o Božie milosrdenstvo, a vypočuj ma, Pane, vypočuj ma. A nech táto veľká túžba, s vierou vediac, že to je Boh, ktorý prehovoril do ich sŕdc... Je to Boh, ktorý robí tieto veci. Nech sa dvere srdca otvoria práve teraz a Ježiš vojde a stane sa Pánom situácie, berúc celý svet von a urobí z nich nové stvorenie v Kristovi Ježišovi.
Uzdrav tých, ktorí sú chorí, Pane. Cítim, že je tu toľko utrpenia, modlím sa za nich, Otče, aby sa teraz ten veľký Lekár dotkol tiež ich fyzického bytia, a urobil z toho Svoj domov - Jeho príbytok – kde môže natiahnuť svoje ruky na volanie (malé jemné volanie srdca), a veľký Lekár bude vykonávať tú prácu. Udeľ to, Pane. Vypočuj nás dnes. Žehnaj všetkých prítomných. Prosíme o to v mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.
Teraz s našimi hlavami sklonenými, skutočne pokorne, jemne, spievajme túto starú pieseň cirkvi, „Milujem Ho, milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa.“ A teraz ver v to, o čo si žiadal, že to malé tiché klopanie, ktoré bolo v tvojom srdci, Ježiš vojde teraz dnu. Potichu, spievajúc to:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
pretože On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
[2 Korinťanom 5:17, Galaťanom 6:15]
113 Teraz, so sklonenými hlavami, vy, ktorí Ho chcete prijať ako Pána vo svojom srdci, „Pane, vezmi teraz všetko preč. A od tejto hodiny sa zasväcujem Tebe, nad týmto stolom konferenciou, Pane, že Ťa stretnem znovu na tej veľkej svadobnej večeri. Zasväcujem svoj život dnes ráno pre Teba, tak mi pomôž, môj Pane. Ak som ešte neprijal Ducha Svätého, budem prosiť, dokiaľ skutočný Duch Svätý nevojde a neobmyje môj život, neurobí ma novým stvorením v Kristu Ježišovi. Sľubujem Ti dnes, Pane, ako sa teraz zasväcujem Tebe, nad týmto stolom. V mene Krista to sľubujem urobiť, pozdvihujúc svoju ruku.“ Teraz, pozdvihnite svoje ruky a spievajte teraz so zatvorenými očami.
Milujem Ho
(Posvätíte sami seba teraz?),
milujem Ho,
lebo On prv...
Bože, buď milostivý. Otče, pozri sa na tieto ruky a daj to, v Ježišovom mene.
a vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
Teraz chcem, aby ste sa načiahli ponad stôl a potriasli si s niekým ruky. Povedzte, „Boh ti žehnaj, pútnik. Som rád, že tu môžem dnes ráno byť spolu s tebou.“ To je pravda. Každý, jednoducho zamiešaný – metodista, baptista, katolík, presbyterián. Boh ti žehnaj, Boh ti žehnaj. Tie posolstvá sú niekedy orezávajúce a tvrdé a my ne... my sa chceme pri nich cítiť dobre. Teraz, Boh ti žehnaj, brat. Boh ti žehnaj. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra. Boh ti žehnaj, môj brat. Boh buď s tebou. Boh ti žehnaj. Dobre. Boh ti žehnaj, brat Tony. Teraz, stojme na chvíľu.
S našimi rukami a srdciami k Bohu, nášmu Otcovi, všetky vyznania viery, teraz všetky viery... Teraz, keď si sa modlil, pamätaj si, že Ježiš povedal, že keď sa modlíš, ver, že dostaneš to, za čo si sa modlil, a bude ti to dané. Veríš v to? Povedz, „Amen. Verím, že dostanem to, za čo som prosil. Zasvätil som svoj život Ježišovi Kristovi a od tohto dňa naďalej (skutočne to myslím, Bože) budem kráčať pred Tebou, až sa to stane takou realitou, že budem cele ukrytý v Kristovi Ježišovi.“
Je tu teraz vedúci piesní? Začnime teraz ten starý milý chválospev, „Moja viera pozerá na Teba, Ty, Baránok z Golgoty, Spasiteľ Boží.“ Mohla by nám dať sestra pri klavíri ten tón. Koľkí z vás poznajú ten chválospev? Zdvihnite... No, zaspievajme to teraz na plné hrdlo. „Moja viera pozerá na Teba, Ty, Baránok z Golgoty.“ Teraz všetci spolu.
Moja viera pozerá na Teba,
Ty, Baránok z Golgoty,
ó, Spasiteľ Boží,
vyslyš ma teraz, keď sa modlím,
daj preč všetky moje hriechy.
Ó, dovoľ mi od tohto dňa
byť cele Tvoj!
Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.
Keď je život tmavým bludiskom, ja kráčam,
a smútok sa okolo mňa rozprestiera,
(Pamätajte si, teraz sa stretnete so svetom)
buď Ty mojím Vodcom; (počúvajte!)
rozkáž tme obrátiť sa na deň,
zmy všetky moje slzy,
nedovoľ mi nikdy
zablúdiť od Teba preč.
(Hmkajme to.)
1 Thank you very much, brother, Brother Tony, and to all the friends, pilgrim travelers, strangers! You know, we don't claim to be a... Pardon me.
2[A brother at the pulpit gives a report about God answering Brother Branham's prayer three years ago in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and many souls were saved during his ministry in Brazil that year--Ed.]
3God bless you, brother. I--I like to hear those reports of when souls get saved, you know. That's the--the main thing. And we're happy to be here and see so many of our friends around from different parts of the country. And this brother here is coming now to the city, I understand, this morning, that his equipment is already unloaded here for a--for a great revival. I certainly pray, brother, that He will give you a great revival and many souls here in the city.
4And I'm glad this morning to see many of my minister friends. Brother Outlaw there, I just noticed him when I raised up, from Phoenix. And I'm very happy to see you down here, brother, Brother Outlaw. You brethren from Jericho coming up here to Jerusalem, to visit us. We're always happy to have them. That's right, Tony.
5 And so--and so I got that one off, up to Brother Williams, not long ago, up at Phoenix. "You know," I said, "Tucson, I live here now, you know. So I have to kind of hold up for this place, you see, up on the mountain here, and look down to Jericho and see our brethren. Why, we always..."
6And Brother Carl was talking about so many coming a hundred miles, from Phoenix down here. How many is here from Jeffersonville, Indiana? Stand up. All around, over here. That's about twenty-one hundred miles. Oh, Carl!
7 So glad to be here and enjoy this wonderful inside Son-shine. See, we talk about this being the city of the sun. That's the outside. But, oh, this inside Son, my, that's what I enjoy.
8I've been enjoying these blessings this week, and attending the revival of Brother Bethany here, over at the First Assemblies of God. And I certainly appreciate this gallant soldier of the cross, his fine preaching. It's been so much to me, this week. I said, "Brother Bethany and I have many things in common, especially the way we part our hair, Brother Bethany." It's so, then, we can always recognize one another, wherever we are.
9So we are grateful for this opportunity to be here with Brother Tony. I can't say that name, and so I just call him "Brother Tony." You excuse me. They called Peter, "Peter," and Paul, "Paul," and so this is Tony. I always tell them, "Just call me, 'Brother Bill.'" That's what I... I like that name, "Brother Bill," or "Brother," anyhow, to be associated with--with you, to be a brother.
10 Enjoyed that breakfast! The only thing, there wasn't enough molasses. I--I--I run out. And I borrowed from my son, and run out with him, and borrowed from their brother. He had an extra plate, and still I didn't have enough molasses. You know, I'm a Baptist. I don't believe in sprinkling. I like to really baptize them. I like plenty, plenty molasses. I got the sugar bowl, and there isn't too much left in it. I had to sugar them up a little, you know.
11 Remember down in the south, down, I believe it was Alabama, I was with the--the Missionary Baptist people. I was down there, holding a revival. And I was in a little, old screened-in porch, on the outside. And there was an old colored sister. She said... You know, I had preached hard that night, and I couldn't hardly get up the next morning. And she called me, and I remember getting awake long enough to hear her say, "Hey, parson." She said, "Honey, come on. I done cooked your flapjacks four times, already, this morning." Four times she cooked them flapjacks! I--I like them. Just a little story, I know. We're just here in a fellowship, you know.
12 Old Brother Bosworth, how many ever knowed Dr. Bosworth? He was a great old friend of mine. He said to me, one time, he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?"
I said, "I--I think so, doctor."
13He said, "It's two fellows in one ship." You know, that's just here, where they... And so that's the way. That's close communion; close, not closed; close communion with one another.
14 Remember, one day, thinking about flapjacks. We call them "flapjacks," in the South, Brother Bethany. So we... I was on a little fishing trip, up in northern New Hampshire. It's the home of them cutthroat and square-tailed trout. And I had had a little tent on my back. I had packed back, about a day-and-a-half journey, where all the soft-footed fellows couldn't get. So I was back there catching trout. Oh, what a time I was having! And a little pup tent. And the day before, a little hole of water, oh, there was just fine big trout laying in there, and I was just catching just as fast. And I'd catch one... If I killed it, then I--I'd take it and eat it. But, ordinarily, I'd turn him loose, if it didn't hurt him too bad.
15And I'd always catch my fly on a little bunch of moose willow behind me. And I thought, "Next morning, early, I'm going to take my ax and go down there and cut that moose willow down," 'cause I'd catch my little Coachman in that--in that moose willow. So I got up early, and I thought, "Well, I might catch a trout or two for breakfast." And I was by myself. And I took my little old ax and went down and cut down this little moose willow and caught me a couple fish, was on the road back.
16 And I heard a noise. It was an old sow bear. The place was full of them up there. Was a black bear. She had two cubs. And she had got into my tent. They had tore it down. There was nothing left. It just... It isn't what they eat; it's what they destroy. They just hear anything rattle, they--they jump on it, you know. And my old stovepipe was beat up, and, well, nothing to do but go back.
17And when the old sow mother bear saw me come up, she run off and cooed to her cubs, and one of them come. The other one didn't come. Well, I wondered why he didn't go. Well, I--I had an old rusty pistol laying there in the tent, but the bear was on the pistol. So I wouldn't want to shoot the old bear, anyhow, and leave two orphans in the woods. So I... And I sure... You take an old mother bear with some cubs, she'll actually scratch you, you know. She--she kind of gets a little upset when you go to think you're going to bother those cubs.
18 So this little fellow was setting, and just a young tot of a bear. Looked be probably weigh twenty pounds; fifteen, twenty pounds. Was early, they just been out of hibernation a little while. And the little guy had his back turned to me, just all humped up, like that. "Well," I thought, "what's that little fellow so interested in?" And the old mother bear and the other little cub was out there, and she kept cooing to him, and he wouldn't pay a bit of attention to her.
19I thought, "What's the matter with that little fellow?" I got me a tree in line, where I could get into if she got after me. So I thought, "I've got to see what's got that little fellow so fascinated." Usually they'll run. So I kept moving around, watching her, till I got around sideways. And you would be surprised what was happening.
20 That little guy had got my bucket of molasses, and--and a little half a gallon bucket full of molasses. And he had got the lid off of it. And they love sweet, anyhow, you know. He didn't know how to drink it. So he just took his little paw and dipped it down in and licked, like that, you know, when he brought it up. And he--he couldn't... I hollered at him. I said, "Get out of there." And he turned. He couldn't get his eyes open, molasses in his eyes, you know, looking at, you know. And he had sopped that bucket out just as clean as it could be.
21And I just stood and laughed. And anytime, then don't have a camera, you know, to get that picture. And there he was. And then after he got through licking the, you know, the bucket out, real good, he went over to the old mother and little brother, and they licked him.
22 So--so I thought, "That's like a good old pentecostal meeting, when we get our hands in the honey jar, plumb up to the elbows. And then go out, tell somebody else, let them lick a while off of us, you know. Just a licking-good meeting, you know. That's what I thought that little bear was having.
23Now, there's no condemnation to him, as long as he was licking molasses, you know. So that's the way we feel in a good old-fashion meeting. There's no starch. There's no nothing, but just simply set and lick. That's all.
24 In the Bible, you know, the shepherd carried a scrip bag on his side. And many times, in there, he would carry little bits of honey. And when he got a sheep that was sick, the shepherd would go over, squeeze out a little, this honey, on a limestone rock. And the sheep like something sweet, too, you know. So he'd go over, the sheep would, and go to licking on that rock. He was licking the honey, but while licking the honey he got the limestone, and the limestone helped to heal him.
25I've got a whole scrip bag full here of honey, and I'm going to put it on that Rock, Christ Jesus, and you sheep just start licking now. I'm sure it'll--it'll cure all of our ails if we'll just lick on the Rock of ages, and He will certainly take care of the rest. He is our Healer of physical and spiritual discomforts. He is the Lily of the Valley. And in the lily we find opium, and opium settles all matters. It just puts you in a daze, and that's the way the Holy Ghost comes. It puts you in a carefree condition where you don't care who is setting around or nothing about it. You got to let off the steam then. That's it.
26Remember a little girl one time got filled with the Holy Ghost. She was a little Methodist, too. And she was giving a testimony. And I never will forget the rude expression, no worse than what I make. And she said, "Well, I want to praise the Lord for this Holy Ghost." She said, "If it was any better, I'd bust."
27 I like this Full Gospel Business Men convention and meetings. And you know, I was ordained a few years ago, about thirty-five years ago, in the Missionary Baptist church. And there I tried to be a loyal minister to the Gospel, and to all that I knowed that was right, for years. And then after the great vision came...
28And I had never heard of such a thing as Pentecost. I heard them say there was a bunch of holy-rollers downtown, slobbering on the floor, everything. Well, I just never paid any attention to that. But when God called me, I come among them, and I have just... Seemed like that what was in my heart, craving for something, it's just like fitting a glove on a cold hand. It's just the right thing, and I have really enjoyed it.
29 When I come among the brethren, I found that among them it was like we Baptists. They were broke up in so many different organizations! My, they were all different kinds. And some of them was riding a one-hump camel, and some a two-hump, and some a three-hump, and some no humps at all. But, you know, I thought, "I won't join any certain group, because I'd be identified just with that certain group. So I'll just stand between them and say, 'We're brethren.'"
30I believe it was Jacob dug a well, and the Philistines run him away from it. Best of my memory, he called it "Malice," or something. Then he dug another one, and he said the Philistines run him away from it, so he called it "Strife." He dug another one. He said, "There's room for us all." And that's what I believe. There's room for us all.
31 And now I, only thing that I've joined since I been in the full Gospel move, I'm one of you. And I think it's the closest thing to Heaven that there is. If there's anything closer, I'll try to find it. But this is what I've found, and I like this. I'll stay with this till something better comes. And I'm looking for something better to come. Like Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "This is that." And if this isn't That, then I'll keep this till That comes. So, then I'll just hold on to this, 'cause this is very good.
32 And then I found out that this Christian Business Men, Full Gospel Business Men, was standing kind of in the same way, in the breach, between the great, fine organizations of the churches, trying to--to bridge of something, that was, make fellowship, contending, not trying to break up any of their organizations, or make all come into one, but just to bring a fellowship. And that's the reason I joined. And it's the only organization I belong to is this, this Full Gospel Business Men, because it's--it's trying to do what I think is a... would be a great service to God and His Church, to bring a feeling among us, that we're not separated. We are brothers, and we all received the same Holy Spirit. Now, God give you the Holy Spirit; He give the next man the Holy Spirit.
33 Like the bunch of Branhams, I've got nine brothers, and there are some fat and short, tall and slim, and I'm Mr. In-between. So they--they different ones, some blond-headed, and some black-headed, and some none at all. And so I'm still Mr. In-between. So, but, in there, we--we are brothers. We used to get out in the--in the back yard and fight one another. But when we got in the front yard and somebody jumped on a Branham. Oh, oh. It was just too bad.
34And so that's the way I think we all should feel, you see. Sometimes God does things that we... might not just seem just right in our eyes. But, yet, if it's God doing it, let's just say "amen" to it. God does it, anyhow. See? And we are--are looking forward to a time.
35 I was setting in Brother Bethany's service last Sunday night, preaching on the mark of the beast, and the man struck a keynote there that sent my soul thrilling. He said that just down the road there is something greater waiting, something on that order there, something that God is fixing to do. I believe it, too, to wind this thing up and send the Church into Glory. How marvelous! Now let's not just be so slothful now, that we'll...
36Remember, God never changes His ways. He remains, because His Word. He is the Word, and His Word cannot fail. He is infinite. Therefore if God makes a decision on something, it must ever remain that way. He can't go back and say, "I was wrong." See? I can do that; you can do it. But, God can't, because He's infinite. See? His first decision is Eternal.
37When God gave man the best fortification He could have for His, to bind him in, to close him in, God gave man His Word in the garden of Eden, His Word. And Eve made that rashal, final, great... one of the most rashal things she ever did, or ever could have done, was to reason with God's Word. We don't reason; we just believe It. Now, God has never appropriated anything else but believe His Word. That's right. His Word, we must stay behind It.
38 Now just a little drop here. You know one day the Bible had foretold of a great coming prophet that was going to gather Israel together. And when He come, you know He passed right through the people and they didn't know it? And then one day Jesus was speaking to His disciples, said, "The Son of man is going up to Jerusalem," and so forth.
39They said, "Why did the scribes..." Otherwise, the writers of the Scriptures. "Why did the scribes say that Elias must first come and restore all things?"
40He said, "I say unto you, truly Elias will first come. But I say that Elias is already come and you didn't know it. See, he went right through; they didn't know it. Likewise the Son of man." They understood He spoke of John the Baptist. Now, see, he was just a crank down on the river somewhere, a wild man, trying to drown people in water, so forth, a real strange message. But that was God's forerunner. "And it went through, and they didn't even know." Jesus came.... I guess one third of the Jews never heard of John.
41 I guess when Jesus, on earth, not too many of the Jews, and one hundredth of the population of the earth, ever knew He was here. He was come and gone.
42The church, you Catholic people, as well as you try to claim Saint Patrick. Anybody who knowed Saint Patrick, he was about as much Catholic, Roman Catholic, as I am. So, but look, look at Joan of Arc, that sainted little girl who saw visions and so forth. What did you do? You burned her to the stake, for a witch. She was gone before you knowed she was a saint. See? You know what, wouldn't that be horrible?
43 And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls were saved by water."
44What if today the Rapture came? And He took two from Tucson, and one from Phoenix, and around the world, as the universal Rapture will be. And the ones that rises from the dead will go to meet Him in the air, and steal away, a mysterious thing. And then one of these days judgment drops upon the earth. You say, "Well, wasn't there supposed to be a Rapture first?"
"It's already come, and you knew it not."
45Think how many people will disappear in the world today, and there won't even be a word. You'll know nothing about it. There'll be five hundred people in the world today will come up missing, and you won't know nothing about it.
46We're living in a terrific time. Let us have our lamps trimmed. I don't say it'll be that way. I'm saying, what if it was? Then the judgment strikes and the Rapture is gone. See?
"He's already come, and you knew it not."
47 So when we gather in these meetings, let's gather, we, for one purpose, that's to serve God. Let's put our lives to business. What good does it do us to impersonate something? Why will we accept a substitute when the whole skies are full of genuine, pentecostal power and blessings? Why should we accept a substitute? You won't exhaust God's blessings. Ask abundantly.
48Could you imagine a little fish, about half-inch long, out there in the middle of the ocean, saying, "I'd better drink of this water sparingly. I might run out"? Now, that sounds silly. Well, it's more sillier than that, think you could exhaust God's goodness.
49 I, looking a while ago, and an honor to see that aged man, Carl Williams' father and mother; the first time I had the privilege of seeing them, as I know of, stand up. And think, about eighty years old, something like that, and how God has kept that old couple. They could look like Carl's brother, not his father. And Tony said his mother got out of the car out there, and slammed the door, and walked like a little soldier across it. My, my! See? How good God has been to us!
50Now, if you're not a--if you're not a member of this Full Gospel Business Men, you men. As a Baptist, I speak to you Baptists. As a Methodist, I am a Methodist.
51 And one time I was preaching down in Arkansas and I'd... Been an old man on crutches, and he had been healed. He sold pencils out on the street. And he was standing up that night, and he was just taking the whole meeting. It was about, oh, I guess five or six thousand people gathered there at the Robinson Memorial Auditorium, and he... at Little Rock. And he said, "Praise God for healing me." You couldn't hardly preach. And directly he stood up. He said, "Hey, Brother Branham, I want to say something to you."
52Now, he was just having a gastronomical jubilee all of his own. So he--he was just having him a good time. He had been healed and that meant everything to him. And so he said, "You know..." Happened to be, he was a Nazarene. And he said, "You know, I heard you speak, and I was sure you was a Nazarene." He said, then he said, "I also..." He said, "Then I heard somebody say you was a Baptist." He said, "And the most of your people here is Pentecostal. I don't understand that."
53I said, "Oh, that's very easy." I said, "I'm a Pentecostal Nazarene Baptist." That's it. That's right.
54We are Christians, born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood, looking for the Coming of our Lord. Lord bless you.
55 If you are a businessman or whatmore, let me say something to you. Come in. Come, fellowship. Don't only just fellowship with a bunch of men you can shake their hands, but get what they got, the Holy Spirit. That brings the real fellowship.
56You know, you can't manufacture nothing. You're not asked to manufacture anything. The Church is not asked to produce or to manufacture fruit. You're to bear fruit. See? You couldn't say--say to a sheep, "Manufacture wool." Just let him become a sheep, and he'll bear wool. That's what the trouble of it is, we try to manufacture something. Don't manufacture it. Be, just get the inside right.
57Could you imagine a black bird setting up there and putting peacock feathers in his wings, and saying, "See, I'm a peacock." He's trying to put something in that never growed from the inside out. And we're finding too much of that among our Pentecostal groups. Let's be real, genuine, born-again pentecostals. I'll say now, it's the only thing that I've ever found, this side of Heaven, that give me the assurance that my sins are gone, and I am born of the Spirit of God. Then you have something, an anchor in you, that holds.
58 Well, I didn't aim to take so much of your time. I know you got to go. And I'm kind of one of these here long-winded fellows. It takes me about an hour to get started, and then I preach about two hours, then it takes me about three hours to get stopped. And so I--I'm not going to be that radical, this morning, though. So we appreciate your coming.
59And I'm living here in Tucson now, here in good old Jerusalem. And I'll be down a time or two, Brother Tony, if the Lord willing, to help around, and attend all you-all's revivals. To you minister brothers, I never come here to build no church. I come here to help what's already built, to put in my pull to everything that I can, to help you brethren to win souls here in Tucson, never to start a meeting nowhere, or not 'less it's a cooperative meeting or something that we could get together. I never come to start no church. No, sir. We got plenty of them. What we need is to pack them out with born-again Christians. Yes, sir.
60 So I'm here to put my shoulders to the wheel, and help in every way that I can, and everywhere that I can, and every door that's open, to give the testimony of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the filling of His Spirit that's kept me all these years. Now, lots of times...
61I seen Tony, a while ago, said, "I have to write down, Brother Branham, what I wanted to say." So do I. You know when you get kind of old, you don't think of just like you used to.
62Someone said, other day, said, "Brother Branham, how old are you?"
"Oh," I said, "I passed twenty-five."
"How much?"
I said, "I passed it the second time."
63So, I'm no more kid. That's the reason we part our hair in the middle, brother. That's right. That's right.
64 Well, everybody love the Lord? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, wonderful! Now, let's lay aside every little weight and every little care now.
65And I wonder, if it wouldn't inconvenience too much now, being we been setting a long time, if we could just stand just a moment for prayer.
66And now while you're standing, I'm going to read a chapter, or a verse, out of the Bible, while you listen attentively, if you will. I'm going to read from the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, beginning with the 14th verse of the 3rd chapter.
And unto the angel of the church of... Laodicea write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
I know thy works,... thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm,... neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest, I am rich,... increased in goods,... have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind, and naked:
I counsel of thee to buy of me gold tried in... fire,... thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
To him that overcometh will I give to set... grant to set with me on my throne, even as I have also overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
67 With our heads bowed, and our hearts, let us pray.
68Lord Jesus, we thank Thee this morning, our gracious and noble God, that brought again the Lord Jesus from the dead, and has presented Him to us this morning, in the form of the Holy Spirit, that's wooing our hearts as for a close walk with Him. That, as we see the day drawing to a close, the day of time is soon fading out now into Eternity. We're nearing the shores. We can hear the breakers. O God, this is a dangerous hour, as we read here, this last church age, the Laodicea, where that we're nearing the shore. And the riches and things of this world has blinded the eyes of the people. Oh, we pray, God, that our anchor will catch a hold of the Rock of ages, and wait for the dawn. Grant it, Lord.
69 Bless this move of God, called the Full Gospel Business Men's chapter. We pray that You'll bless this certain chapter here at Tucson. May it grow until this Ramada will have to take down these walls and spread its tent, to hold the born-again Christians that will come in. Grant it.
70Bless the brother that's coming with the revival, with a tent to the city. May it be an instrument to help bring in souls to these churches and--and to the Kingdom of God.
71Bless Brother Bethany, up at the First Assembly, as he carries on his great work up there for the Kingdom of God, Lord. How we pray that You'll continue with him and with the churches throughout the country.
72Now as we wait upon Thee, may the Holy Spirit give us the interpretation, and bring the context of the text, to light, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
73 Did you ever stop to think, just a moment, that this could be our last time ever meeting together? Do you know there may be some of us here, if we come back again the next meeting day, we be, some of us, missing? We don't know what will happen. And then this may be our last time to set in a group like this, and associate and eat together, on this earth.
74But remember, there is coming a time where we'll meet again, and not at a--not at a breakfast, but at a supper, oh, where the great banquet of God, and the marriage of the Lamb, and the great chairs are stretched from sky to sky, and the redeemed of all ages set across the table from one another. That'll be a glorious time. I'm looking for that.
75 Now, I want to take a text this morning, to speak to you, just for a few minutes now. I won't hold you no longer than I possibly can. I want to talk. I've got a few Scriptures and notes wrote here, that I'd like to speak from, for a few minutes, on the subject of: A Door In A Door.
76Now, this is a very unusual setting, that we see this morning, in our Scripture reading. It's unusual in many ways. Because, it's one of the most pathetic Scriptures that there is in the Bible, is this Scripture here, for it's speaking of this age that we're living in. It's speaking where, in this age, Jesus Christ has been put out of His Own church, and standing, knocking at the door, trying to get back in. And riches-ness and pleasures of the world has drove Him from the church, until the church just becomes a lukewarm. It's a very pathetic picture, of all the other churches in the church ages.
77I just got through going through them at my church. And returning back now, beginning the 17th, to take the Seven Seals.
78And now, in this, we find that all the other churches in the church ages had accepted. But the last church age, the Laodicea, Christ had been taken from the people. And they had put Him out of the church, and He was trying to get back, after being taken out, knocking at the door. Become blind...
79 Very unusual, but, you know, sometimes it's unusual things that God appears in. God appears in the unusual because God is unusual. He does unusual things. He appears at unusual times. And He is seen at unusual times, when times you wouldn't think that you would, He'd be there, yet He's there. Very unusual. "He works in mysterious ways," the Bible said, "His wonders to perform." Therefore, that makes Him unusual.
80And that's the way. We get into a usual trend of things, and we miss God. It's the unusual that brings God many times, the unusual things. Something, we get so tied up into a certain creed, or something that we're trying to serve. And then if everything doesn't come just according to the way we think It should, then we--we offset It. "It's--It's not--It's not of God." We make a mighty mistake.
81 God shows Himself, and then hides Himself in the same thing that He shows Himself in. See? He'll show Himself in something, then withdraw and hide Himself.
82Like the seed, He shows Hisself in a pretty flower, then He lets it rot. But He's hiding Himself, order to come forth again. And God does it that way. He is very unusual, unusual times, unusual ways, and, sometimes, little things.
83We--we--we fail to find God many times because it's, we think, it's too small.
84I was thinking on that a few minutes ago, when we were talking about the smallness of the chapter, or how small a crowd we had. Now, it's been my privilege to speak to some great crowds. Bombay, India, I had five hundred thousand, one meeting. Africa, South Africa, about, maybe two hundred and fifty thousand at one meeting. But where I have found the sweetest and blest of all, was when we had little cottage prayer meetings. God is in the unusual place and in the unusual things.
85 Reminds me, being that this Canadian here was speaking a few moments ago, about my fine friends from Canada. Some time ago the King George that I had the privilege of praying for, as you know, that had the multiple sclerosis. The Lord healed him. And he came to Canada when he was suffering yet with this sclerosis. And he was a gallant man. And all the schools turned out when he came down through Vancouver, so that--that they could go out and take their... Give them a little, British flag, and--and--and wave, to honor the King, the crown, as he passed by.
86 And a good friend of mine, Brother Ern Baxter, as we were listening to it on the broadcast as it came through, him and his lovely queen setting there. And we were setting in the room, and I'll never forget it. Ern got so overcome that he jumped up out of the chair and threw his arms around me, started weeping. I said, "What's the excitement all about, Brother Baxter?"
He said, "Brother Branham, that's my king."
87I thought, "If it could make a Canadian feel that way, to know his king was passing by, what ought it to do to a born-again Church, when Jesus starts by?"
88There, yet, with his multiple sclerosis, set in his chariot, his automobile, and set up straight, though he said he was suffering terrifically from ulcers, and his back bothering him so bad.
89 And the teachers turned all the little fellows out, to go and wave these flags. And after the--the parade was over, why, the children was supposed to return to school. And as they returned, in a certain school, all come back but one little girl. And the teacher got alarmed when she called the roll and the little girl wasn't there. So she said, "I must go find her," and--and took the children. And in the streets they went, hunting for this certain little child. And after while, the teacher herself found the little fellow, standing by the side of a telegraph pole, just crying her little heart out.
90And as she was weeping, and the teacher said, "What's the matter, honey?" Said, "Did you not get to wave your flag at the king?"
She said, "Yes, I waved my flag at the king."
She said, "Did you get to see the king?"
"Yes, I--I--I saw the king."
"Well," said, "then what are you crying about?"
91She said, "You know, I'm so little. I saw the king, but he didn't see me."
92Now, that might be so, with King George or any other king, but it isn't so with King Jesus. No matter how little a congregation He's give you to pastor; how small the work seems to be, just to speak to the milkman or the newsboy; He will see it. You can't do nothing for Jesus 'less He knows it. You must remember, He knows every little thing you do, and He will give you all credit, for that's what you've been detailed to do. No matter how small it is, do it, anyhow. If you want to wave your little flag, wave it. He's in that unusual thing. He might win a soul.
93 I believe it was Dwight Moody. Or am I mistaken? It might not have been. An old sister had a burden on her heart, that she wanted to win a soul to Christ. And she was a washwoman. Been a hundred and fifty years ago, I guess. And she saved her money until she got three dollars saved up. And she rented an old livery stable for a dollar for the week. And she went down there, cleaned it out herself. And took her wash bench and made an altar, and put a pulpit up. And--and the suds still on the old wash bench. And--and she got some tracts and begin to pass it out. That was the early days here in America. And everybody would look at it, throw it down. She happened to be a Methodist. And so they would throw--throw it down.
94 And the Methodists then were like Pentecostals has been: a bunch of fanatics. They'd lay in the school houses, and fall out, under the power of God, and pour water on their face. And don't tell me; I've been right in the meetings. See? And if they'd just let them alone, instead of bringing them back, just let them go on, they'd have been pentecostals. You see?
95But, then, this poor old woman passing out these tracts, and, no, everybody would throw them on the street. And there was a... She was standing, crying, because they rejected her, while she had tried so hard to bring a minister to the city, to have the revival. And the minister was to appear that night. She was going away. And there was a little old boy with his daddy's... Down in the South, we call it "galluses," you know. Suspenders on, ragged hair hanging down his neck, walked up and said, "Hey, lady, what are you giving away?"
And she said, "It's a tract, honey," she said.
"Well," he said, "I can't read." Says, "What does it say?"
96And said, "Well, we're going to have a meeting down at the old livery stable tonight."
He said, "Thank you. Can I have one?" he said.
"Yes." And he put it in his pocket.
97 When the meeting took place that night, you know who was there? Your loyal old pastor, and the lady. That's all was at the meeting. The gallant old soldier, whether there was one or a thousand, he took his text, stood there and preached to the lady, just as loyal as he would if he was preaching to ten thousand. Who staggered in the door, along about the beginning of the sermon, but this little old ragged-hair boy. That night he found himself at the altar. If I'm not mistaken, that was little Dwight Moody, that sent a half a million souls to Christ. See? Oh, my! How many big meetings and flowery things was going on! See?
98God is in the unusual things. God appears unusual. You want to remember that.
99 Now, I can't think of the artist that painted this picture, of Jesus knocking at the door. He's some Greek artist. I just can't think of the man's name at the time. But he had spent practically a lifetime, painting this picture. And, you see, before it can be hung in the hall of fame, it has to go through the hall of critics first. Any great picture must do that. It must face the critics.
100 Oh, I wish I had the--the something that it takes to throw that before this audience this morning. Do you realize, Pentecostal people, as we cool off, that God taken us through the hall of critics today? The Church has to go through the hall of critics before It can go in the hall of fame, as a Bride. Sure. Can you stand it? Are you ready to come up with the Scripture, and stand gallant to your testimony in the love of Christ? Are you taking back, going out with the world? Like the Bible said, "Demas forsaken me, loving this present world." There is where the church is standing today, weighed in the balance. That's the reason, becomes Laodicea.
101 This picture, as the artist painted it, when it went to the hall of critics they could find nothing wrong. And finally a great critic came up, and he said, "There is one thing wrong with your picture." He said, "It's true, Jesus with the lantern in His hand, coming by night in the darkness of sin. That's a good picture. His expression with the expectations of somebody to come to the door when He's knocking," said, "that's wonderful. And the look upon His face, as He is longing to hear from the inside. But, sir, there is no latch on the door. If He did come, how could Jesus get in, because there's no latch on the door?"
102"Oh," said the artist, "I painted it thus, for the latch is on the inside. Jesus cannot come in just by His will. It's got to be your will to let Him in."
103"Lo, I stand at the door and knock. If any man will hear My Voice, and come in, let Me in, I will come in and will sup with him, and he with Me."
104 That's the picture we're looking at now. What does a man knock on a door for? What makes a man knock at a door? He is trying to gain entrance. He's trying to come in. There, maybe there is something he wants to talk to you about, or maybe he wants to speak to you about some business or something. Or--or, maybe he wants to give you something. There is some reason, or he wouldn't be knocking at the door. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] See? We'd only... The human decency would be only to open the door and see what the person wants. That's only just the human thing to do: open the door, ask the man, "Who are you? What do you want?"
105He wants, maybe, he wants to visit with you, just to set down, say, "I'm your friend. I'd like to speak with you just a while this morning." Then set down, if he's a friend, talk with him. If he's some person that wants something out of you, you could talk it over. See?
106 Many great people has knocked at doors, down through life. Now, a whole lot of it depends, after you go to the door, who it is knocking. You got to know who that is doing the knocking. But you should, at least, go to the door. That's the only decent thing to do, is find out who is there at the door. Go there, if somebody is knocking, say, "Who is it?" Open the door. "Who are you? What do you wish?" Oh, many--many, it might be some great person. What if it's a great person? It'd be a great honor to you, if you opened the door for somebody that was a great person.
107 What do you think would have happened, a few years ago, when Adolf Hitler was the Fuehrer of Germany? What do you think of a little fellow living down in the alley, or down the street somewhere, if he heard a knock on the door some morning, you know. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And he went to the door, and this little German footman standing there, and there stood Adolf Hitler standing at the door? Why, he was the greatest man in Germany at one time. See? Certainly. Why, he was a great man.
108You know what that little footman would have done? He'd have almost fainted. He would have stood at attention, throwed his German salute up, said, "Great Fuehrer of Germany, enter into my humble home. Anything here that you desire, anything that your servant can do, just let me know. I'll gladly do it." Oh, what a honor!
109You know what? Every newspaper in Germany would have packed that article, of great Adolf Hitler going down to a common soldier's house, and knocked at the door and asked for something. That Hitler would ask a footman for something, would come to his home, and--and honor his home, well, what a great thing that would have been! What, and the...
110 If you'd been in Italy, and in the days of Mussolini. And Mussolini was the dictator of--of--of Rome, of Italy. And what if some poor person down on the street would have heard a knock at the door some morning? [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And there had stood Mussolini at the door. Oh, my! Their hearts would have quivered, "Well, great dictator, great honored sir, enter into my home." Quivering and shaking, "What, what could I do? Is there anything here that--that you would desire? Is there something your servant could do for you?" Oh, it would have been a great honor to any Roman to have had Mussolini at his house.
111 Or what if the queen of England, today, would come here into Tucson, and land out here in an airport, and would come to one of our homes here? One of our... We're just common people. And if the queen of England would come from England, all the way across the sea, land out here at the airport, at the--at the airport and would be brought in by taxicab, and come and knock at your door. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And you, an honorable lady or gentleman, would walk to the door and say, "How do you do?" And there she stood there, just as an ordinary woman. And you would say, "How do you do? Who are you?"
112"I am the queen of England," and would identify herself. Oh, my, what an honor! What a respects!
113Every newspaper through Tucson, out through the United States, it'd be on national news, that the great queen of England come all the way to Tucson, Arizona, and visit you, a poor person. The dignity it would add to the queen, to humble herself to come to my door or your door. Well, you know what she would say? Though she's not... You're not under her domain, but yet she's a great person. She's the greatest queen in the world. When it comes to national, she is the greatest national queen in the world. Why, you'd have said, "Honorable queen, enter into my home. If there's anything here that you wish to take, anything you want to do, just make yourself welcome." Why, sure. And all the papers would have packed it.
114 Or even this morning, if our president, Kennedy, would come to your door. Oh, you might disagree with him, of politics, but still you would let him in. Why? Not because he's maybe just a man, but it's because who he is. He's the president of our United States. Yet, we would, might disagree with him (I would) in politics. But, yet, you'd be honored to have President Kennedy to come to your door.
115What if he made a special trip to come to your door? Why, it would be on news everywhere. "The humble Mr. Kennedy, president of the United States, flew to Tucson, Arizona, to come to John Doe's door." What a great honor it would be to him, and what an honor to you. Why, you would by no means turn him away. Certainly not. You'd certainly receive him, 'cause he's a great man.
116 But who is any greater than Jesus? And He is turned away from more doors than all the dictators and kings and potentates of the world. Yes. "I stand at the door and knock; and if any man will hear My Voice and open the door, I'll come in and will sup with him."
117Oh, these little knocks that we get at the door. Many times, Jesus knocks at our heart's door. That's where the church is today. Those little knocks, you feel it, no doubt, right now. What is it? It's Jesus, trying to come in, gain entrance to your heart's door. He's... wants to talk with you a little while.
118And if you would honor the president, what about Jesus? If you would, by no means, turn away the president, how then could you turn away Jesus? The president is just a man; he's got to die. But Jesus is your God. He's your Judge. Not only that, but the same One, is your Judge, is now your Saviour.
119 Now, the president might want to summons you to Army. He might summons you to--to do something that would be horrible to do. He might summons you, or take something from you, take your children or something, to be his servants or something. He might do something like that.
120But Jesus don't want that. He wants to give you something. That's the reason He knocks. He's got something for you. There's nothing that could be greater than what He's wanting to give you: the Holy Spirit. He's wanting to give you Eternal Life.
121 What if the president would say, "I'll make... I come to take you, and I have the authority to do so, and make you the president of the United States"? You--you have to give it up sometime. What if the queen wanted to make you queen of England, and you wear the crown? It, you'd have to give it up.
122But Jesus gives us a crown of Life, that we never give up, incorruptible crown of His Glory. And we don't have to give It up. He gives It to us. It's a blessing. It's the Holy Spirit, that He wants to crown our life with.
123How could we be so indifferent, to turn It away? What rashal things that the church does! How rashal can the people get, to make such a mistake, as to refuse to listen to that knock at the door. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] How--how insane it would be for any man or woman, present this morning, to get away from that knock, Eternal Life!
124 And we look and see the clouds of judgment forming, to hear science say, "It's three minutes till midnight." And practically two of those minutes are gone. That was several years ago.
125And we see the church scattered. We see everything going on, the way it is, and denomination begin to come denomination, the cooling off. And revival days is almost, seems to be, over. We might as well face the truth. Oh, we have a lot of noise, sure, beat the piano, jump up-and-down. Women bob off their hair, and blue eyes, and carry on, and men letting them do it! That's contrary to the Scripture.
126 Such a sickening sight as we even see on our streets today! I took my children yesterday, want to go down to see the rodeo parade go by; my little kids. My father was a rider, and I--I've done a little riding, and it's just in them to like horses. And they wanted to see the horses. And when I stopped on the street, I got sick at my innermost being and turned back, to see how, people today, they're trying to live in the past, trying to live something that was.
127We're in a changing world. It's constantly changing. In my country, I'm a Kentuckian, you know, by birth. That's, all my people live there, practically. And they have the Renfro Valley. They try to imitate hillbillies, and--and burn kerosene lamps, and--and cook by--by wood stove, and wear clothing like the--the early frontiers wore. They're--they're in a changing world, trying to--to--to live in a--in a... You're in a modern time, trying to go back and live to something different that was. What makes a man do that? Because he's supposed to do that.
128 But then you try to bring them a Gospel that never changes, they don't want that. They want something modern and up-to-date, somebody that'll pat them on the back and let them get by just by joining church, and living any way they want to. But when it comes to really go back to the Gospel, they don't want it. And that very thing in them that hungers to go back, is the Gospel. And they try to satisfy it with taking the natural things back, and refusing the spiritual things. See how the Devil vice versa's the--the Gospel to the people?
129No disregards to my sisters, but if, in the early days, a woman would have come through town like I seen some yesterday, with a pair of trousers on! How the lady ever got into them, just looked like the skin was on the outside. I wondered how the woman got her foot in them. Walking down the street! When, the Bible said, "She that'll put on a garment that pertains to a man is an abomination in the sight of God."
130And with that blue, all the back of her eyes, if she'd have went through a frontier town, the old doctor would have put her in the hospital, and quarantined the town, of a disease, that, "A woman cankered before she died." That's right. Such a disease!
131 And then you try to go back and live something, then refuse the knock of the old-fashion Gospel of the Holy Ghost, and like it was on the Day of Pentecost with the same attributes that it had in it, to cleanse us and make us new creatures. We're living in the shadows, and the church is in that Laodicean age, "Rich, have need of nothing." Now, we Pentecostals can't holler too much at the Baptists and Methodists, 'cause pot can't call kettle black, you know. So we're done the same thing. Now, that's right.
132 "And, lo, I stand at the door and knock, and if any man..." Now, remember, the Bible said He was outside the church, in this age, trying to get in. Now, you can't dispute God's Word. See? He was trying to get in, begging to come in. "Any man will open the door, let Me in, oh, I will come in and sup with him." See? He's got something He wants to talk over with you, some business, or a plan of salvation. He wants to speak to you. But maybe you've become so creeded and so hard, indifferent, till you don't want to hear Him talk. That's right. "Lo, I stand at the..."
133You say, "Oh, Brother Branham, now wait just a minute. I've already let Him in." Well, maybe you did just that. But maybe that's all you did do, just let Him in. You see, many people don't... They fear the very thoughts of hell, and they know they're going there without Christ. See? And they'll say, "Well, I let Him in, sure, thirty years ago, twenty years ago." But that might be just all you did.
134 What if I come to your house, and knocked at the door, you said, "Step in, Brother Branham"? I step in. "But you stand right here. Don't you go to investing around, rooting around in my house." See?
135Now, do you know, inside the door of the human heart we got little secret compartments? Oh, we don't want to admit it, but it's the truth. Sure, we got little secret compartments. Yes, sir. We like to call... We welcome, in our heart, but we don't want to make Him our Lord. We don't want to go to hell, so, "Jesus, You step in the door, so I won't go to hell, but You can't be my Lord."
136Now, Lord is "ownership." That means, when you let Him in as Lord, He controls everything. He is home.
137When I come to your house and I knocked at the door, if you don't want me, say, "Get away from my door," I'd appreciate you more. If you'd let me step in the door, say, "Now don't go to rooting around. You stand right there. Now, what do you want?" See? Would I feel welcome? Could I explain my visit to you? Certainly not.
138And that's the way the church is today, friend. That's the way the people are getting. "Come in, Lord, but now, that, that's all. Tell me what You want." See? Oh, no. That's--that's where we get in trouble.
139 We must welcome Him. "Lord, come into my house. If there's anything, if there's anything in here that You want, help Yourself. I'm Yours. You are mine. You honor me. The great King, the Creator of heavens and earth, has knocked at my door. And I want You to come in, Lord. Lord, be my Lord. Take me. May You do me anything You want to. Any bad thing that's in me, discover every secret that's in my heart. Go in every door. Search me out, Lord, see what's wrong with me. And whatever is wrong, show me, Lord. Throw it out the door. I want You in here. I welcomed You in, to be my Lord. I haven't got that blessing, Lord. Clean me now."
140If I can't make Him my full Lord, I'll never open the door to Him, if He can't be Lord. I just don't want Him to be Saviour, if He can't be Lord. If I... Everybody wants a Saviour, but they don't want a Lord. They want something, that they can escape all the damnation of hell, and then they can live any way they want to, do what they want to.
141 You know, let's just walk around the building of the heart. Will you stand me another ten minutes? Look. Notice. Let's walk around the heart just a minute.
142The first thing, as you go into the human heart, on the right side as you go in, there's a little door there, and it's called "my private life." Now, you don't want nobody fooling in that. "Now, if I want to do anything, that's my business. I'll join church, and I'll go down there. But, preacher, don't you tell me what I got to do." Oh, yeah. See? "Now, I know the Bible says That, but I don't believe It." Oh, boy! See? Then, you think Jesus would ever stay in a heart like that? Certainly not. He comes in to be Lord. He comes in, He that...
143And that--that private life, oh, that's a great thing. Now, you know we want our own private life. "If we want a social drink with the neighbor, that's our business. If we women would want to cut our hair, that's what... That's our own American privilege. If we want to wear shorts, that's our business." Well, that's true. "If we men want to take a sociable drink, and if we want to let our wife do that, you ain't got no business saying one word to us."
144But the Gospel said, "Don't do it." Now, whose word is right? See? God's Word is right.
145 Say, "Oh, sure, we want--we want Jesus." Certainly. We think we got Him, and all like that.
146But I wonder if that Rapture could pass, and we'd be left alone one day, then wonder where it's all at, if it'd come by real secretly, you know. And that's what it's coming, like a thief in the night. You'll... Ninety-nine out of every half a million, every million, will never know the Rapture takes place. It'll be gone and they won't even know nothing about it. Jesus said so. So that makes it right. See? Certainly. It'll come like a thief in the night, and be stoled away.
147Like that book I read one time. What was that guy? Romeo and Juliet, or something like that, see, he come and got her at nighttime.
148 That's the way Jesus do. When the world is just lolling in sleep, like the Bible said, the Laodicean age, He will slip in and get that Bride. Then, all them that's resurrected, down through them ages, had been down the ages, they'll all go to Heaven in the Bride.
149Then the judgments will come. The church will say, "Well, wait a minute. I thought there was supposed to be a Bride, a Coming of the Lord and the Bride."
150"It's been gone for a long time. See? You knew nothing about it. See? It come secretly."
151Why? We say, "Oh, I belong to the church. I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm Pentecostal." That don't mean one thing to God.
152It's no more than a doctor saying, "You got cancer, its advanced stage." And that--that don't have nothing to do with the disease. That's just naming it. It's a devil see, "cancer." If you'd say, "That's a dove. That's a buzzard. That's some sort of a vulture." That--that, that ain't got anything to do, what... And, see, that don't cure it. That don't kill it. It just says what it is.
153 Just say, you say, "I'm--I'm a Christian. I'm a..." Only by profession, maybe. See, our--our lives speak so loud that our testimony is not even heard; our lives, our action, our morals among us.
"They're going to have a revival over here."
"Who is having it?"
"The Baptists."
154"Ah, we'll have nothing to do with that." And maybe God has got a message there for us.
"Who is having it?"
155"The First Assembly, the Second Assembly, or the--or the Jesus' Name, or the--or the Church of God, or--or something."
"Oh, well, we--we, we're not in that group."
156We are brethren. Dare anybody to separate the heritage of God? They got the Holy Ghost like you got It, done the same things you did when you got It. Sure.
157But you see why I like this Full Gospel Business Men? It gives an avenue, that I express these things, see, say, "This is It." We are brethren. "We are not divided. All one Body are we," see, as the poet said.
158 Now, "That little door of my own, my own private life, now, that's all right. I'll be a member of your church. I'll join the Full Gospel Business Men. But, now, don't go to telling me I have to receive this Holy Ghost and carry on like that." See? That's that own private life. See? You'll never get the Lordship of Jesus doing that. He'll just turn right around and walk out the door.
159What would you do in a case like that, if somebody, if you went to a home, and they said, "Stand here at the door. State your business"? Well, you'd say, "Thank you," turn out the door. So would Jesus. Certainly. That's the reason the church is left, setting cold, see, just the way it is. Don't let the Full Gospel Business Men ever get in that stage.
160 When you hear a Message, and hear a knock [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.], open up and say, "Lord, what is This all about?" When you see a man... We have a lot of impersonators. But when you see a genuine!
161What does an impersonator mean? What does a bogus dollar mean, when you pick up a dollar that's bogus? It means it was made off of a real one. There's got to be a real one, to make that a bogus.
162So there is a real Holy Spirit, a real power of salvation, a real God of love. Yes. Don't take nothing less. No, sir, don't do it. All right. That private door...
I'll have to hurry through these doors.
163 There's a little door of pride, too. Oh, my! That's a bad one. We better not stay at that door too long. But you want to stand in that own door, and say, "Now, don't you go to telling me nothing. See? Why, I have my own pride." Certainly, but you shouldn't do it.
164I preached here, not long ago, on The Lamb And Dove. And the lamb, you see, a lamb, a sheep, doesn't produce but one thing, that's wool. That's what he produces. And he forfeits his rights. You can take a sheep and throw him up, and put the--the--the shank hold on him, like that, and shear him all over. He'll just lay there. He forfeits his rights. After all, he growed the wool. It belongs to him, but he forfeits it.
165When you tell a man that he's got to be born again, he's got to be cleaned up, from a life of sin. He, he's got to quit his lying, stealing, cheating, and--and proselyting, and carrying on. Boy, some of them blow up like a balloon; now, see, that's a goat, see, he'll kick up a storm. But a real lamb will forfeit their right.
166 I said to our ladies one time, about... Not as I got against the ladies; they're our sisters. But I'm zealous of this Church. When I see the worldliness like Sodom coming into it, then I have to cry out against it. There is something inside that my heart bleeds, and I cry out. Don't fashion after Marilyn Monroe or some of these women there. Do like Sarah in the Bible. See? Don't try to be Mr. Some Something, another, run over the platform and carry on, and try to dress like some bandbox, and stot and care. Don't. We got too much Hollywood showmanism in Pentecost. That's right. We need the Holy Ghost. Now, you might not love me, you might not want me back again. But this is an opportunity to speak Truth, and this is Truth. Try It, find out if It's not so.
Some lady said, "It's my own American privilege."
I said, "But you'll forfeit that."
167 Some time ago, wife and I were going to the grocery in Indiana, and we seen a strange thing, a lady had on a skirt. It was very odd. She said, "Honey, don't--don't them people sing in choirs?"
I said, "Yeah. Yeah."
"Well, why?"
168I said, "Well, you see, honey, they, they're not of our Kingdom," said, I said, "of our Kingdom." I said, "No."
169I've been a missionary, many times around the world. I find, I go into Germany, I find a German spirit. I go into Finland, there is a different spirit. I go into Australia, there is another spirit. I come to America, there is another spirit. It's a national spirit, and all of them are of the Devil. Jesus said so. The kingdoms of this world is the Devil's. He controls every one of them. Now, Jesus said so.
"So, you see, it's that national spirit."
"Well," she said, "aren't we Americans?"
I said, "No, sir. Potentially, we are."
170Said, "What are you?" I said... "Well, shouldn't we do as Americans?"
171I said, "No, not this drunken, brawling, disgraceful group. No, sir. We are born of a Heavenly Spirit. We come from where pure, unadulterated holiness, where Angels and righteousness is before God." I said, "We live here as a nation, sure. That's right. This is our nation, what we're here, trying. But our, 'Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.'"
172Therefore, when we are born of Above, and all the sin is moved plumb from across the chasm, it's the Spirit of God that comes in, the Creator, into our heart, and He conducts our character. We don't lie, steal, cheat. Honest, upright, walk like citizens of Heaven, for we are that if we are born of the Spirit of God.
173 And so many of us gets confused, and--and just use little isms and sensations and things, and call that the Spirit of God. That's the reason we're so scrupled up as we are today, the whole church system. It's terrible. And in spite of all that, Jesus still stands at the door, put out.
174 But, yet, one more door I'd like to open, the door of faith, then I'll close. There's just about a dozen I got wrote down here, but I'm going to skip them. The door of faith.
175You say, "Would you come down to the Full Gospel Business Men?"
"The what?"
"The full Gospel."
"That's against my faith."
176There's only one Faith. That's right. "One Faith, one Lord, one baptism." That's right.
"Why, it's against my faith."
177Maybe you don't want Jesus to stand in that door of your faith. You've got your faith built on some creed of some church, some denomination. And that's where your faith is closed up to itself, in a room, and you wouldn't let Jesus come, which is the Word.
178"In the beginning was the Word," said Saint John 1. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." He is the Eternal Word.
179 And you, your faith, that--that says, that, "The days of miracles is past. And there is no such a thing as speaking with tongues, and prophesying. And this nonsense that the church or the pentecostals carry on, today, there is no such a thing as that." Maybe you let some creed hold back in the door of your faith.
180If you'd open that door and let the Word of God come in, to be your Lord, say, "I don't care what the creed says. If the Bible says so, You're my Lord."
181You must be born again. And when you're born again, then you must be filled with the Holy Ghost. No matter what creed, what is, nothing about it.
182You say, "Well, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God." The Devil believes the same thing.
183You've got to be born again. Everybody is afraid of that new Birth. Oh, I know you call yourself, that you've got new Birth. But I think our lives sometimes speak so loud that our testimony can't be heard. See?
184 A birth is a mess, I don't care where it's at. Excuse this expression, but if a birth is in a pigpen, it's a mess. If it's in a cow barn, it's a mess. If it's in a hospital room, it's a mess. And if it's at the altar, it's a mess. It'll make you rot, in your own thinking. It'll make you throw away everything that's... Things that you once cherished with all your heart, you'll give it up to let that little still knock. I don't care if it's a mission on the corner.
185We people out here believe in big things. We Americans, we want big hats, and--and big automobiles, and big denominations, more in the creed, and more in the denomination. All we want is big things; and God is after small, still voices. A lot of racket and noise is what we want.
186 A farmer took a wagon one time, went out in the field. And when he did, it bumped and rattled and made a lot of noise. When it come back, it crossed the same bumps and never even moved. It was loaded with good things.
187We want the creed. "Our denomination is the biggest. We got this. Glory to God, we beat this bunch over here. We beat this bunch over here, in paying money, and giving stars, and everything else, of who will bring in the most to the church." Nothing against that. That's all right. But, here is what I'm trying to say, that's not It, yet. That's all right, get people in church. Yes.
188But Jesus said, "When a man went out and proselyted and brought in one," said, "what'd he become? A twofold child more of hell than he was when he started."
189 We hear, on the Billy Graham programs. Which, nothing to say against this great evangelist. Certainly not. He's a man of God, and God is using him. But where is he at? Down in Sodom. You remember the type? There was two Angels went down in Sodom, a type that Jesus said would be the same thing at His Coming.
190But One stayed with Abraham, the elected Church, called-out. Watch what both Angels done, then you got the Message.
191Isn't it a strange thing, of those two messengers? Exactly what God said, in the last days, there's never been a man out there in that field, of all the days of Moody, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin, all the way down, there's never been a one that had a name ending with h-a-m, G-r-a-h-a-m, till this day. See the messenger to the church formal, see, "father of nations."
192 Now, the Church spiritual was not in there, in the beginning. Pentecostal, typed, watch that messenger come to that Church. He set and talked to Abraham. He said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?" And called him "Abraham." Which, his name was Abram. Said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?" Her name was S-a-r-r-a, now it's S-a-r-a-h. He called S-a-r-a-h.
Said, "She's in the tent, behind You. Behind You."
193He said, "I," personal pronoun, "am going to visit you, according to the time of life." And Sarah... He said, "Why did Sarah laugh when I said that?" There He is.
194Why would it be? We got to have a spirit like that visit the Church, a spirit of prophetic, a spirit of discernment. And when it comes in, the people refuse it. Why? It's a Laodicea. We're so documated with creeds and things till we can't accept it. That's right. See? "I stand at the door and knock. Any man hears My Voice..."
195"Oh, my faith don't accept those Things." Then you've got the wrong faith.
196The faith, you know, the real genuine Faith of God, will punctuate every promise of God with an "amen," a genuine Holy Spirit. Because why? The Holy Spirit wrote the Bible. It says so. "Men of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, wrote the Bible." See? Then how could the Holy Spirit be in you, and deny It? Can't do it.
197"Forms of godliness," the prophet said, "and would deny the power thereof," to liberate men and women from sin and things of the world. God have mercy on us. Oh! Some religious faith that you have, that denies the Word of God, get away from it. Let God's Word be right. Yes, sir.
198 Notice. He said, "Be... Knowest thou not that thou art naked, miserable, poor, wretched, and blind? And don't know it." There's the miserable part. Now we're going to close. I want you to get this, "Don't know it."
199Now, if you seen a man coming down here at the main street, Stone Street, or some of these main streets, and that man was so poor he didn't have any clothes, and he was miserable, wretched, and no clothes on, naked; or a woman, completely nude, and blind; and didn't know it. Now, if she knew it, or he knew it, they'd try to find somewhere to get in, get some clothes. But when they don't know it, then you go try to tell them, they say, "Mind your own business."
200 Now that's exactly what Jesus Christ said that the Pentecostal church would be in the last days, "lukewarm," and would be "rich." We're about as rich as any of them. Used to be, when we was down in the mission, we had salvation. Now we've got up with the big ranks like this, and more numbers, and great fine things, and where we at? Just like the rest of them. And Jesus said so.
201But in the midst of all that, He continues to knock. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] "If any man (individual) will hear My Voice, and will open the door, I'll come in. And I'll sup with him, and he with Me."
202That's where we get. "Naked, blind." Blind, actually blind, spiritually blind. You couldn't tell them nothing.
203 You know, we was raised awful poor, down in Kentucky. My grandfather was a hunter, and a--a real well-known hunter. And he used to coon hunt. I don't know whether you people out here... Not enough water in Arizona to have coons, I guess. But they--they have, down there, they had coons. They hunted coons.
204How many knows what a coon hunter is? Well, look at the Kentuckians in here. My! All right. Well, I feel like I could take off my coat now and preach a little while. I was kind of bound up a little, but I feel pretty good now. My!
205How many knows what a straw tick is? Hum! Hum! Well, Tony, thank you. I got back home, at last. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yes. That's fine. My!
206Corn bread, hominy, grits, oh, my, black-eyed peas, and turnip greens! You ever eat any? Oh, my! That's, now, we're fine now. Yes, sir. That's good.
207 And grandpa used to catch coons, and he would render the fat off of them. And what... They had a little can. We used to keep that little baking powder can.
208Mom had one she cut biscuits with, the... with a baking powder can. And she would make them great big biscuits. You could pick up the top, and the bottom would drop off; and put sorghum molasses in there, and a hunk of homemade butter. It was really good. It'd go good right now. And I kind of got skimped up on molasses this morning. So, you know, and something like that would really go good.
209And mama used to take this coon grease, and it--it was the cure-all at our house, that and barbed wire liniment. And she... We'd get a cut, and they'd pour that old barbed wire liniment in us, and turpentine. And then when we'd get something wrong, we'd take coon grease.
210And we had one little room, and there's a--a loft. We had to go up a--a stairs, like this. The banister is made out of saplings. And us kids would sleep up there on a straw tick. And then above the straw tick was a feather bed, feather tick. And then the clapboard shingles was put on in the light of the moon, and so it would make a hole. And--and the snow would blow through, so she'd put a piece of canvas over the top of us, to keep the snow from getting in our faces at night, this bunch of little Branhams. And we would be two at the foot, and two in the head, and two in the middle. We just had all kinds of ways of sleeping, wallow in there like little pigs, and kept one another warm.
211 Once in a while, one of us would get out from under that canvas, when the cold wind was blowing, and we'd get a cold, and we'd get it in our eyes. And, you know, that sticky stuff gets in your eyes. Mama called it, "Matter." Said, "Getting matter in your eyes."
212Well, I'd wake up at morning. And mom would say, "Billy, come on down. Time to go to school."
And I'd say, "Mom, I got matter in my eyes. I can't see."
213And, Humpy, my brother, he would wake up. Edward was his name, and we called him Humpy, just for fun. And he would say, "I got matter in my eyes."
214I'd hear the old coon grease can hit the stove. She'd get it all thawed out. Then mama would come up the steps, and she would rub and massage those eyes. And, believe it or not, the matter would go out. The coon grease was a cure-all for mattered eyes.
215 But, I tell you, there has come a cold spell across the church, and coon grease will never work. But Jesus said, "I counsel of you to buy eye salve," the Holy Spirit. You are becoming so blind, the church is, until it--it can't see God. It only sees its organization. It only sees that what it can see in front of us. It never looks out yonder to the soon Coming of the Lord. Coon grease will never do that any good.
216 But the salve of the Holy Spirit will open your eyes, and you can realize that, the Presence of Jesus Christ. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is God, and He can salve your eyes with His Holy Spirit. You'll forget whether you were Methodist, or a Baptist, or a Oneness, or a Twoness, or a Threeness, or Church of God, or a Nazarene, or a Pilgrim Holiness. You'll be a Christian, born again, of the Kingdom of God.
217You'd be something. You won't have to try to say, "Well, I must do this." There is something in you that propels you to do it. The compulsion in your heart swings you to prayer. Love Divine flows into your innermost beings, until you can't set still. Prayer meetings just flows from you, like the water from an artesian well.
218 I used to pass, when I was game warden for several years, I'd pass by a big old spring. And it would be bubbling up like that. I--I set down, that spring one day, and I said, "What are you so happy about?" Oh, the water was delicious. And I'd--I'd take a drink of water. I said, "What are you so happy about? Are you happy because that rabbits drink from you?"
If he could talk, he'd have said, "No."
"Because deers drink from you?"
"Because I drink from you?"
219"Why are you so happy? What makes you bubble like that?"
220If he could have spoke, he'd have said, "It's not me bubbling, Brother Branham. It's something behind me, pushing me, making me bubble constantly."
221We drive ourselves to do things. But when the Holy Spirit is in there, by Divine love we do it. "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain," said Paul. Sure. Now let His salve Anointing come to your eyes.
222 In closing, I don't mean to hold you all here till you get so tired. Be my first time, or second time, with you, forgive me if I've went too long. Let me close, then, saying this.
223Down in the South, we had an old Pentecostal colored brother down there, that he was really a real servant of Christ. There was a certain old Negro sister that came to the church. And she was filled with the Holy Ghost, and such a great character she was. And she had a husband; he was a good old fellow. His name was... They called him Gabriel. And we just called him Gabe, for short.
224And so we could never get him to line up with the church. He--he just didn't want to come to church. He said that. Oh, and the boys down around the poolroom where he hung out, said, "That was a bunch of holy-rollers, and nothing to them." And the only thing Gabe had to do was, on Sunday morning, get his pool cue and go down to the poolroom, or something, and go around with the boys.
225 But his wife was a real devout saint. And she'd go to the church, and she would pray, and have the pastor and all to pray for Gabe. Because, really, down in his heart, he was a good man. And he run a little business down there, a little on the corner, little shoe-shine business. He'd shine shoes, and get enough money to play pool. Why, he went and played pool. So he just didn't want to line up with the Gospel. And the pastor...
226Old Gabe liked to hunt a lot. So, the pastor was a hunter, too, so he'd take Gabe and go hunting. So, one day, after all-day's tramping through the wilderness and sloughs, they was on the road home that afternoon. And--and they had so much game they could just barely tote it. Had the rabbits and the birds, all over them, going along. And they come around an old familiar path as they come up. Come up the top of the hill, then went down into the little city down there. It was on Saturday, and the sun was going down.
227 And the pastor happened to look around. He hadn't heard old Gabe say nothing for quite a while. And he watched around. And Gabe was looking over his shoulders, towards the--the sun setting, as it was going across the western horizon. And the pastor looked back. He noticed Gabe wasn't saying nothing, but looking back as he walked. And so the pastor walked on for a few minutes.
228And after while, a big black hand laid on his shoulder. And when he turned, in surprise, old Gabe was looking him in the face, with tears running down his cheeks, dripping off like this. He says, "Pastor, in the morning you is going to find me right up there at that mourner's bench." Said, "Then I is coming right back from there, and take a seat by the side of my faithful wife. And then I is going to remain in that church until God calls me home."
229 And the pastor, of course, turned around in amazement. He said, "Gabe, I wanted, and waited, and longed, and prayed, for years, for this." He said, "Gabe, is it settled?"
230He said, "Yes, pastor, it's settled. But I wants that Holy Ghost, too. And I is coming up the mourner's bench in the morning, and I is going to get it, or I is going to die right there."
231Said, "Gabe, I--I appreciate this." Said, "But I want to ask you something, Gabe. What sermon did I preach, that inspired you to do this? I'd like to know what sermon I preached, what I preached on. Or, what hymn did the choir sing, that--that inspired you to make this great decision, Gabe?"
232And the old Negro looked at the pastor, and he said, "Pastor," he said, "I sure appreciate every sermon you preached." He said, "I--I appreciate everything that you've said, pastor." He said, "And I appreciate every fine hymn the choir sang. But," said, "pastor, it wasn't that." He said, "You know, I was looking at that sun going down yonder. Did you know that my and your sun, too, is going down, the light of our body is leaving?" And that's true.
233 It's true here this morning, men. The sun is setting, setting in your life and in mine. And it's setting on time, in civilization. She is finished. And He stands at the door, [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] knocking, longing, waiting. That little knock, something down in your heart that says, "It's I. Open up now." That's Him. Gabe had listened to that, and he turned around.
234He said another thing. "Pastor," he said, "you know I'm a bad shot." He said, "I couldn't hit nothing. You know I couldn't. And just looky here at the game, enough to last me and my wife all next week." And said, "You know, I can't hit nothing, but," said, "He gave it to me." Said, "I just happened to think: He must love me, or He wouldn't be so good to me." Did you ever realize that?
235 In India, today, the little children, I know, laying on the street, and their little bellies swelled up, their little gums down like this, starving to death. The little mother begging to take this one, and there is thousands more. Of an afternoon, they come by and pick up, in the stretchers and things, and take them to the salamander and throw them in. There's no "John 14." Eat anything, grass from the ground, bark from the tree, or anything that they can do.
236 We rake off enough, in our garbage cans, to feed them. We sit here this morning, paying about a dollar and a half for a little bit of food here. And we got good clothes. We drive a nice automobile. We live in a nice home. You businessmen here, your businesses are plushing, as I hear you testify. God is good to you. Can't you realize that?
237Why, He loves you. You know that? And that's the reason that knock comes, "I stand at the door and knock." [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And if any man will hear My voice, and open the door, I'll come in to him, and sup with him, and he with Me."
238 Now, that still, little Voice that knocks at your heart's door, it might knock so many times till it may be very faint right now. But let's just be honest, just honest with God and ourselves, for just one minute. That little knock, way down there, that said, "I better curb my ways. I'd better be different. I'd better straighten up. I know there's things in me. I look here, I examine my life with this Word, and I see I'm wrong in many things." Look around, see how good; it's His goodness that knocks at the door.
239No matter what we done, how much we've sinned, how much we've turned It away, how much we said, "Later on we'll do it," He is still, in the midst of all that, knocking. [Brother Branham knocked on the pulpit--Ed.] "And if any man or woman will just open your heart, I'll come in and sup."
240Let's see what He wants this morning, will you, while we bow our heads? []
241 "Oh, my Jesus, I love Thee, I love Thee. Oh, for grace to love You more, Lord."
242"What is that little something keeps telling me, in my heart, that, 'I must come a little closer to Jesus'? What is that?" Do you want to open the door to That, this morning?
243Now, with every head bowed, and every eye closed, please. Down in your heart, be real honest, just one minute.
244You have such a little knock at your door. I'm going to pray, just a moment. And, sincerely, you'd like to know what that little mysterious something in your life is, that you'd like to let--let in. Would you want Him to come in, this morning? Say, "Brother Branham, pray that I'll have the faith and grace just to open my heart and let It come in. I want to know what This is, knocking at my door. I know there is something knocking there. Maybe it's a closer walk. Maybe it's a different ministry. Maybe it's to surrender myself. Maybe it's to receive the Holy Spirit."
245 Would you raise up your hand to God, and say, "Here I am, Lord." God bless you. That's it. Oh, it's just everywhere. "I have a little knocking at my heart's door." I guess, sixty or seventy percent of the people.
With our heads bowed.
246Now, our Heavenly Father, "There is a Fountain," as the poet said, "that's filled with Blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins, where sinners plunged beneath the Flood lose all their guilty stain. That dying thief rejoiced to see that Fountain in his day, and there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away."
247Now, Father, we're grateful for these people. And some of them may, no doubt, has professed Christianity a long time, but they've got the--the real conviction enough to raise their hands. What, Lord, if they didn't even have the conviction to raise their hands? Then they are past redemption. Think of that place, that a wandering soul could wander out into darkness, and miserably blind and doesn't know it. And they hear the knock of God, and grieve It so many times until finally It never knocks again. And they pick up a creed or something, and live by it the rest of their days, to find themselves disappointed at that Day of the Judgment.
248 I'm grateful, Lord, for these people who would raise their hands and say, "Be merciful to me, Lord. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and reveal Yourself to me today. And I'll give You my life. Here am I. If there's anything in me that's not right, Lord... And I look at my own life, and I see that there is plenty that's wrong, then take me into Your great molding house and--and mold me, and take from me all that's worldly and ungodly. And I thank You, Lord, that I haven't got to the place that I've crossed that line, that can, where you cross and can never return again; grieve the Spirit of God the last time, and now there's no way at, all back." Like Judas Iscariot and them, sold his Lord for thirty pieces of silver. And we do today, for popularity, and the cares of the world, and religious organizations and denominations, and creeds. We just sell Him for anything.
249 O Lord, have mercy to honest hearts. I plead for those, Lord. Oh, with all that's in me, I ask for Divine mercy. And hear me, Lord, hear me. And may this great desire, with faith, and know that it's God that spoke to their hearts. It's God that does these things. And may the heart's door come open just now, and Jesus walk in and become Lord of the situation, taking all the world out and making them new creatures in Christ Jesus.
250Heal those that are sick, Lord. Perceiving that there is so much suffering, I pray for them, Father, that now the great Physician will touch their physical being, also, and make it His home, His dwelling place, where He can reach forth His hands just at the call. The little, light call of the heart, and the great Physician is on the job. Grant it, Lord. Hear us today. Bless all that's present. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.
251 Now, with our heads bowed, real humbly, softly, let's sing this old hymn of the church, "I love Him, I love Him because He first loved me." And believe now that what you have asked, that that little still knock that was at your heart, Jesus will come in now. Quietly, as we sing it.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
252 Now, with our heads bowed. You that want to accept Him as Lord in your heart, "Lord, take away everything now. And from this hour, I'm making a consecration to You over this table, Lord, that I'll meet You again at that great Wedding Supper. I'm consecrating my life to You, this morning, so help me, my Lord. If I haven't received the Holy Spirit yet, I'm going to seek until the real Holy Spirit comes in and cleanse my life, makes me a new creature in Christ Jesus. I promise You today, Lord, as I make a consecration to You over this table. In the Name of Christ, I promise to do it, as I raise my hands."
253Now, you raise your hands, and sing with your eyes closed now. "I..." Will you consecrate yourself now?
I love Him
Because He...
254God, be merciful. Father, look upon these hands, and grant it, in Jesus' Name.
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
255 Now I want you to reach across the table and shake hands with somebody. Say, "God bless you, pilgrim. Glad to be here with you, this morning." That's right. Everybody just mix up, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian. "God bless you. God bless you." The Messages sometime are cutting and hard, and we--we want to--to feel good about It.
256Now, God bless you, brother. God bless you. God bless you, sister. God bless you, my brother, God be with you. God bless you. Fine. Bless you, Brother Tony.
257 Now let us stand just a minute, with our hands and hearts to God, our Father.
258All--all creeds, all--all, now believing. Now, when you have prayed, remember, Jesus said, "When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for, and it shall be given unto you." Do you believe it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "I believe that I receive that what I've asked for. I consecrated my life to Jesus Christ. And from this day, henceforth, I really mean it, God. I'll walk before You until it becomes such a reality, till I'm hid altogether in Christ Jesus."
259 Now, is the song leader here? Let's start that gracious old hymn, "My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine." Wonder if the sister on the piano would give us that key. How many knows the hymn? Raise, now, let's sing that to the top of our voice, "My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary." All together now.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
O Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my sin away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine.
Let's bow our heads now.
While life's dark maze I tread,
And grief around me spread,
Remember, you're going to meet the world now.
Be Thou my Guide; (Listen.)
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wash all my fears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
260Let's hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begin to hum My Faith Looks Up To Thee--Ed.]
1Ďakujem ti, brat, brat Tony, tebe a všetkým priateľom, spolupútnikom a cudzincom! Viete, my si nenárokujeme, že sme... Prepáčte.
2[Brat za kazateľňou podáva správu o Božej odpovedi na modlitbu brata Branhama pred tromi rokmi v Tulse, Oklahoma, kedy bolo mnoho duší spasených počas služby toho brata v Brazílii toho roku. Tento brat prosil br.Branhama, aby sa pomodlil za úspech na týchto kampaniach - pozn.prekl.]
3Boh ti žehnaj, brat. Rád počujem takéto správy o tom, že sú duše zachraňované. To je tá hlavná vec. A my sme šťastní, že sme tu a vidíme okolo tak mnoho našich priateľov z rozdielnych častí krajiny. A tento brat tu prichádza teraz do mesta. Ja rozumiem toto ráno, že jeho výbava je už zložená tu pre veľké prebudenecké zhromaždenie. A ja sa istotne modlím, brat, že On ti dá veľké prebudenie a mnoho duší tu v meste.
A som rád dnes ráno, že vidím veľa mojich priateľov služobníkov. Brat Outlaw tam (práve som si ho všimol, keď som sa nadvihol) z Phoenixu, a som veľmi šťastný, že ťa tam dole vidím, brat Outlaw. Vy, bratia z Jericha, prichádzajúci sem hore do Jeruzalema navštíviť nás, my sme vždy šťastní, že ich máme dnes ráno. A tak...
2 Poslal som jedného k bratovi Williamsovi nedávno, hore pri Phoenixe. „Vieš,“ povedal som, „Tuscon, bývam tu teraz, vieš. Tak musím sa tak trochu oneskoriť pre toto miesto, vidíš, tam na hore; a hľadieť na Jericho a vidieť našich bratov. Prečo, my vždy...“
3 A brat Carl hovoril o takom množstve dochádzajúcich stovky míľ z Phoenixu sem dole. Koľko vás tu je z Jeffersonville, Indiana? Vstaňte. Všetci tuto okolo. To je okolo 2100 míľ. Ó, Carl!
Som tak rád, že tu môžem byť a užívať si toto vnútorné Svetlo Slnka. Vidíte, my hovoríme o tomto meste ako o meste slnka. To je to, čo je zvonku; ale, ó, tento Syn vo vnútri! Ó, toto je to, z čoho sa teším.
4 Užíval som si tento týždeň tieto požehnania a chodenie na prebudenia brata Bethanyho tuto na Prvom Zhromaždení Božom. A určite oceňujem tohto udatného vojaka kríža, jeho výborné kázanie. Znamenalo to pre mňa tak mnoho tento týždeň. Povedal som, „Brat Bethany a ja máme veľa spoločných vecí - najmä spôsob, akým si češeme vlasy, brat Bethany.“ Je to tak... Som rád, že môžeme vždy rozpoznať jeden druhého, všade, kde sme.
5 Tak sme vďační za túto možnosť byť tu s bratom Tonym. Nemôžem vysloviť to meno, a tak ho jednoducho volám „brat Tony.“ Prepáčte mi. Petra nazývajú „Peter“ a Paula „Paul,“ a tak toto je Tony. Ja im vždy hovorím, aby ma jednoducho volali „brat Bill.“ To je to, čo ja... mám rád to meno „brat Bill“. Alebo „brat“, akýmkoľvek spôsobom, spojený s tebou, byť bratom.
6 Vychutnal som si tieto raňajky. Jediná vec, ktorej tam nebolo dosť, bola melasa. Spotreboval som ju. A požičal som si od svojho syna a došla nám a požičal som od jedného brata. On mal extra tanier a stále som nemal dosť melasy. Viete, ja som baptista. Ja neverím v pofŕkanie. Mám rád ich skutočne pokrstiť a mám rád mnoho melasy. Mal som túto misku cukru a príliš veľa ho tam neostalo. Musel som ich trochu pocukrovať, viete.
7 Pamätáte tam dole na juhu (dole v... Verím, že to bolo v Alabame), bol som s baptistickými misionármi. Bol som tam dole majúc tam prebudenie. A bol som vonku na malej zakrytej verande. A bola tam jedna stará farebná sestra. Ona povedala... Viete, tú noc som kázal tvrdo a pomaly som sa nemohol nasledujúce ráno zobudiť. A ona ma zavolala a pamätám sa, že som sa dosť dlho preberal, kým som ju počul povedať, „Hej, kazateľ!“ Povedala, „Zlatko, no tak! Upiekla som tie palacinky už štvrtýkrát!“ Štyrikrát tie palacinky zohrievala. Chutili mi.
8 Len taký malý príbeh, čo poznám. Máme tu teraz obecenstvo, viete. Starý brat Bosworth... koľkí ste poznali doktora Boswortha? On bol môj výborný starý priateľ. Raz mi povedal, „Brat Branham, vieš, čo je obecenstvo?“
A ja som povedal, „Myslím, že viem, Doktor.“
On povedal, „To sú dvaja priatelia na jednej lodi.“ Tak, to je spôsob, to je blízke obecenstvo- blízke, nie uzavreté, blízke obecenstvo jeden s druhým.
9 Pamätám sa, jedného dňa (mysliac o palacinkách - my na juhu ich voláme palacinky, brat Bethany), tak my... Bol som na malom rybárskom výlete hore na severe New Hampshire. To je domov tých dravcov a pstruhov so štvoruhlastými chvostami.
A mal som na chrbte malý stan. Zbalil som sa tak na jeden a pol dňovú cestu, išiel som na miesto, kde by sa všetci tí jemne chodiaci priatelia nedostali. Tak, bol som tam a chytal som pstruhy. Ó, čo za čas som mal! A taký maličký stan... A deň predtým, malý rybník, ó, tam ležal poriadne veľký pstruh a ja som chytal, ako som len vedel. A jedného som chytil... keby som ho zabil, tak by som ho zobral a zjedol, ale obyčajne ho pustím naspäť, ak ho to príliš neporanilo.
10A vždy sa mi zachytila muška na takej vŕbe, ktorá bola za mnou. A pomyslel som si, „Zajtra ráno prídem zavčasu a zoberiem sekeru a pôjdem dole a zotnem tú vŕbu, pretože vždy sa mi v nej zachytí návnada. Tak som vstal skoro a pomyslel si, „No, mohol by som chytiť jedného alebo dvoch pstruhov na raňajky.“ Bol som sám. A zobral som svoju starú sekerku a zišiel dole a zoťal tú malú vŕbu a chytil som si zopár rýb.
11 A bol som na ceste späť a začul som nejaký hluk - a to bola stará medvedica. Na tom mieste ich bolo plno. Bola čierna. Mala dve mláďatá. A ona vošla do môjho stanu a oni ho roztrhali. Nič z neho nezostalo. To bolo iba... Nejde o to, čo zjedia, ale čo všetko zničia. Oni len započujú niečo lomoziť, oni na to jednoducho skočia, veď viete. A moja stará rúra z pece bola rozbitá a, no, neostávalo mi nič iné, len sa vrátiť.
12 A keď ma tá stará medvedica uvidela prichádzať, utiekla a zavolala na svoje mláďatá a jedno z nich prišlo. To druhé neprišlo. Nuž, zaujímalo ma, prečo neprišlo. No, mal som starú hrdzavú pištoľ niekde tam v stane, ale na tej pištoli bol teraz medveď. Tak ja som aj tak nechcel tú starú medvedicu zastreliť a nechať v lese siroty. Tak, bol som si istý... Ak stretnete medvedicu s mláďatami, ona vás podriape, veď viete. Ju to nejako nahnevá, keď idete ku jej mláďaťu, myslí si, že by ste mu mohli ublížiť.
Tak tento malý kamarát sedel, iba také mladé medvedie mláďa. Vyzeralo byť... pravdepodobne vážil dvadsať libier, pätnásť, dvadsať libier. Oni práve nedávno vstali zo zimného spánku. A ten malý kamarát bol ku mne otočený chrbtom. On bol práve celý otočený chrbtom, takto. „Nuž,“ pomyslel som si, „čo tohto malého drobca tak zaujíma?“ A tá stará medvedica a ďalšie mláďa boli tam vonku, a ona sa stále krútila okolo neho a on jej nevenoval ani trošku pozornosti. Pomyslel som si, „Čo je s tým drobcom?“ A ja som šiel za strom, na ktorý by som sa mohol dostať, ak by ona išla za mnou. Pomyslel som si, „Musím vidieť, čo toho malého drobca tak fascinuje.“ Oni zvyčajne utečú. Tak ja som tam chodil okolo, pozorujúc ju, až kým som sa nedostal z druhej strany. A boli by ste prekvapení, čo sa dialo.
13 Ten drobec zobral moju nádobu s melasou a... malá polovica galónového vedierka [1 galón =cca 3,8 l] plná melasy. A on dal z toho dole vrchnák (a oni rozhodne milujú sladkosti, viete) a on nevedel, ako to má vypiť. Tak on do toho ponoril svoju malú labku a lízal, takto, viete, keď ju vytiahol. A on nemohol... Ja som na neho zakričal. Povedal som, „Choď preč odtiaľ!“ A on sa otočil. Nevedel otvoriť oči - mal v nich melasu, viete, a díval sa na mňa. On vyčistil tú nádobu, ako sa dalo. A ja som iba stál a smial sa. Vždy nemáte fotoaparát - viete, aby ste urobili takú fotku. A tam on bol. A ako on olízal tú... viete, tá nádoba bola naozaj dobre vyčistená, on išiel ku tej matke a svojmu malému bratovi a teraz oni olizovali jeho.
14 Tak som si pomyslel, „To je ako dobré staré Letničné zhromaždenie - keď ponoríme naše ruky až po lakte do nádoby s medom, a potom ideme a povieme to niekomu inému. Necháme ich olizovať to z nás na chvíľu, viete. Len lízanie dobrého zhromaždenia, viete. To je to, čo som myslel, že ten malý medveď mal. Nuž, nebolo pre neho žiadne odsúdenie, kým lízal melasu, viete. Tak to je ten spôsob, ako sa cítime na dobrom, staromódnom zhromaždení. Nie je tam žiadna naškrobenosť, nie je tam nič, ale jednoducho len sedieť a lízať. To je všetko.
15 V Biblii, viete, pastier nosil po svojom boku kapsu. A veľakrát v nej mohol nosiť trochu medu. A keď našiel ovcu, ktorá bola chorá, ten pastier by prešiel a dal by trochu medu na vápencový kameň. A ovca má tiež rada niečo sladké, viete. Tak ona pôjde, tá ovca, a bude ten kameň oblizovať. Ona oblizovala med, ale počas lízania medu ona dostáva vápnik a vápnik jej pomáha vyliečiť sa.
16 Ja tu mám nádobu plnú medu a idem ho položiť na tú skalu, Ježiša Krista, a vy, ovce, len to teraz začnite lízať. Som si istý, že to vylieči všetky naše bolesti, ak len budeme olizovať tú Skalu Vekov a On sa určite postará o to ostatné. On je naším Uzdravovateľom fyzických i duchovných trápení. On je tou Ľaliou z údolia. A v ľalii nachádzame ópium a ópium vyrieši všetky veci. Ono vás jednoducho omámi, a to je ten spôsob, akým Duch Svätý prichádza. To vás dovádza do bezstarostného stavu, keď sa nestaráte o to, kto sedí okolo vás alebo niečo také; musíš vypustiť paru. To je to.
17 ...pamätám si jedno malé dievča, ktoré raz bolo naplnené Duchom Svätým. Bola tiež metodistka. A ona vydávala svedectvo. A ja nikdy nezabudnem na to jednoduché vyjadrenie (o nič horšie, než robím ja), a ona povedala, „Nuž, ja chcem chváliť Pána za tohto Ducha Svätého.“ Ona povedala, „Ak by to bolo ešte o niečo lepšie, praskla by som.“
18Mám rád tieto konferenčné zhromaždenia Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. A viete, ja som bol ordinovaný pred pár rokmi (okolo 35 rokov dozadu) v Misijnej Baptistickej Cirkvi. Tam som sa snažil byť oddaným služobníkom Evanjelia a všetkému, čo som poznal, že bolo správne, počas tých rokov. A potom, ako prišlo to veľké videnie...
A ja som nikdy predtým nepočul o takom niečom, ako sú letniční. Počul som ich hovoriť, že v centre mesta bola jedna skupina fanatikov, ktorí sa váľajú po zemi, tečú im na zem sliny, všetko. Nuž, nikdy som tomu nevenoval žiadnu pozornosť. Ale keď ma Boh povolal, prišiel som medzi nich, a len som... Vyzeralo to, akoby bolo niečo v mojom srdci túžiace po niečom, je to ako nasadiť si rukavicu na studenú ruku. Ja... to je práve tá správna vec a ja som sa z toho skutočne tešil.
19Keď prídem medzi tých bratov, zistil som, že medzi nimi to bolo ako medzi nami, baptistami: oni boli podelení do tak mnohých rôznych organizácií. Ó, oni boli všetkými rôznymi druhmi. A niektorí z nich jazdili na jednohrbej ťave a niektorí na dvojhrbej a niektorí na trojhrbej a niektorí na úplne bezhrbej. Ale viete, ja som si pomyslel, „Ja sa nepripojím k žiadnej tej skupine, pretože by som bol zidentifikovaný len s tou určitou skupinou. Tak ja len budem stáť medzi nimi a poviem, „Sme bratmi.“
20Ja verím, že to bol Jakub, ktorý vykopal studňu a Filištínci ho od nej vyhnali. To najlepšie z mojej pamäti, on ju nazval „Zlomyseľnosť“ alebo niečo také. Potom vykopal ďalšiu. On povedal, že ho Filištínci od nej odohnali, tak ju nazval „Spor.“ Vykopal ďalšiu. Povedal, „Je tam miesto pre nás všetkých.“ A to je, v čo ja verím. Tam je miesto pre nás všetkých.
21A teraz, ja... jediná vec, ku ktorej som sa pripojil, odkedy som bol v hnutí plného Evanjelia... Som jeden z vás a myslím, že to je najbližšia vec k nebu, ktorá tam je. Ak existuje niečo bližšie, pokúšal by som sa to nájsť. Ale toto je to, čo som našiel a mám to rád a budem s tým stáť, dokým nepríde niečo lepšie. A očakávam, že príde niečo lepšie. Ako povedal Peter v dni Letníc, povedal, „Toto je to...“ A ak toto nie je „to“, potom ja sa budem držať tohto, dokým „to“ nepríde. Potom ja sa len budem držať tohto, pretože je to veľmi dobré.
22 A potom som prišiel na to, že títo Kresťanskí Obchodníci – Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia stáli tak nejako rovnakým spôsobom v medzere medzi veľkými, skvelými organizáciami cirkví, pokúšajúc sa premostiť niečo, čo bolo... vytvoriť spoločenstvo zápasiac... nesnažiac sa rozbiť žiadne z ich organizácií alebo zlúčiť všetky do jednej, ale len priniesť spoločenstvo. A toto je ten dôvod, pre ktorý som sa pripojil. A to je jediná organizácia, ku ktorej patrím, je to toto, títo Obchodníci plného Evanjelia, pretože to je snaženie sa robiť to, čo si myslím, že je... bola by to veľká služba Bohu a jeho cirkvi priniesť medzi nás pocit, že nie sme rozdelení. My sme bratia a všetci sme obdržali rovnakého Ducha Svätého.
23 Teraz, keď ti Boh dáva Ducha Svätého, On dáva ďalšiemu človeku Ducha Svätého. Ako hromada Branhamových – mám deväť bratov, a niektorý je tučný a nízky, vysoký a tenký a ja som pán Stredný. Tak oni... odlišní jeden od druhého, niektorí s blond vlasmi, niektorí s čiernymi vlasmi, niektorí kompletne bez vlasov. A tak ja som stále pán Stredný. Tak... ale vo vnútri, tam sme bratia. Zvykli sme chodievať von na zadný dvor a biť sa medzi sebou. Ale keď sme prišli na predný dvor a niekto skočil do niektorého Branhama, och! Och! To bolo potom veľmi zle.
Tak, toto je spôsob, akým si myslím, že by sme sa mali všetci cítiť, vidíte. Niekedy Boh robí veci, ktoré my... nemusia vyzerať práve správne v našich očiach. Ale jednak, ak to robí Boh, povedzme na to jednoducho, „Amen“. Boh to robí akýmkoľvek spôsobom. A my sa tešíme na čas, keď...
24 Minulý nedeľný večer som sedel na zhromaždení brata Bethanyho (kázal na tému znamenia šelmy) a ten muž tam udrel ústrednú myšlienku, ktorá rozochvela môjho ducha. Povedal, že práve cestou dole tam čaká niečo väčšie, niečo na ten spôsob, niečo, čo sa Boh chystá urobiť. Ja tomu verím, ukončiť túto vec a uchvátiť cirkev do slávy. Aké úžasné! Teraz nebuďme len takí záhaľčiví, že budeme...
25 Pamätajte, Boh nikdy nemení Svoje cesty. On zostáva... pretože Jeho Slovo... On je Slovo a Jeho Slovo nemôže zlyhať. On je nekonečný. Preto, ak Boh robí v niečom rozhodnutie, to musí navždy zostať tak. On nemôže ísť späť a povedať, „Pomýlil som sa.“ Vidíte, ja to môžem urobiť. Vy to môžete urobiť. Ale Boh nemôže, pretože On je nekonečný, vidíte. Jeho prvé rozhodnutie je večné.
26 Keď Boh dal človeku najlepšie opevnenie, aké mohol mať pre jeho... udržať ho vo vnútri, uzavrieť ho vo vnútri. Boh dal človeku Svoje Slovo v záhrade Eden – Svoje Slovo. A Eva urobila tú neuváženú, definitívnu, obrovskú... jednu z najneuváženejších vecí, aké kedy urobila, alebo aké kedy mohla urobiť, bolo to rozumovanie s Božím Slovom. Nerozumujme; len verme. Teraz, Boh nikdy nevyžadoval nič iné, len veriť Jeho Slovu. Toto je správne – Jeho Slovo. Musíme za tým stáť.
27Niečo sem len trochu vsuniem. Viete, že jedného dňa Biblia predpovedala príchod veľkého proroka, ktorý mal zhromaždiť spolu Izrael. A keď prišiel, viete, že prešiel rovno medzi ľuďmi a oni o tom nevedeli? A potom Ježiš hovoril jedného dňa učeníkom a povedal, „Syn človeka ide hore do Jeruzalema...,“ atď.
Oni povedali, „Prečo hovoria zákonníci,“ (inými slovami, pisatelia Písma), „prečo zákonníci hovoria, že najprv musí prísť Eliáš a prinavrátiť všetky veci?“
28 On povedal, „Hovorím vám, Eliáš, pravda, príde prv. Ale ja hovorím, že Eliáš už prišiel a vy ste to nevedeli,“ vidíte. On prešiel presne okolo; oni o tom nevedeli. Takisto Syn človeka. Oni pochopili, že On hovoril o Jánovi Krstiteľovi. Vidíte teraz, on bol len podivínom niekde dole pri rieke, divoký muž pokúšajúci sa utopiť ľudí v rieke, a tak ďalej, naozaj divné posolstvo. Ale to bol Boží predchodca. A to sa stalo, a oni o tom ani nevedeli.
29Ježiš prišiel. Predpokladám, že jedna tretina Židov nikdy o Jánovi nepočula. Predpokladám, že keď bol Ježiš na zemi, nie príliš veľa Židov... len jedna stotina obyvateľov zeme vedela, že On bol tu. On prišiel a odišiel.
30Zbor... Vy, katolícki ľudia, ako aj vy sa pokúšate vyhlásiť Sv. Patrika – ktokoľvek, kto poznal Sv. Patrika... On bol asi rovnako katolíkom, rímskym katolíkom, ako som ja. Ale pozrite sa na Johanku z Arku, to malé sväté dievča, ktoré videlo videnia, a tak ďalej. Čo ste urobili? Spálili ste ju na hranici ako čarodejnicu. Bola preč predtým, ako ste sa dozvedeli, že bola svätá, vidíte.
31Viete čo? Nebolo by to hrozné, keby... Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo za dní Noeho, tak bude za príchodu Syna človeka,“ kde bolo zachránených osem duší skrze vodu. Čo ak by dnes prišlo vytrhnutie a vzalo dvoch z Tucsonu a jedného z Phoenixu a okolo sveta – ako to celkové vytrhnutie bude - a tí, ktorí povstanú z mŕtvych, pôjdu Ho stretnúť v povetrí a budú vzatí preč, záhadná vec? A potom, v jednom z týchto dní súd spadne na zem.
Hovoríte, „Nuž, nemalo byť najprv vytrhnutie?“ Už to prišlo a vy ste o tom nevedeli. Pomyslite, koľko ľudí dnes zmizne na svete a nebude o tom dokonca ani slovo. Nebudete o tom nič vedieť. Dnes bude na svete chýbať päťsto ľudí a nebudete o tom nič vedieť. Žijeme v strašnom čase. Majme naše lampy pripravené.
Ja nehovorím, že to bude tak. Ja hovorím, čo ak by to tak bolo? Potom súd udiera a vytrhnutie je preč, vidíte. On už prišiel a vy ste to nevedeli.
Tak keď sa zhromažďujeme na týchto zhromaždeniach, zhromažďujme sa pre jeden účel – to je slúžiť Bohu. Vložme naše životy do práce. Čo dobrého nám to urobí niečo napodobňovať? Prečo berieme náhradu, keď celé nebo je plné pravej letničnej moci a požehnaní? Prečo by sme mali prijímať náhradu?
Nemôžeš Božie požehnania vyčerpať. Pros o hojnosť. Môžeš si predstaviť malú rybku, okolo pol palca dlhú, tam vonku v strede oceánu, ktorá hovorí, „Radšej by som mala piť z tejto vody striedmo. Môžem ju vyčerpať.“? Nuž, znie to hlúpo. Potom je to hlúpejšie než to, myslieť si, že by si mohol vyčerpať Božiu dobrotu.
32Ja... pozeral som sa pred chvíľou... je to pocta vidieť toho starého muža, otca a matku Carla Williamsa – po prvýkrát som mal to privilégium vidieť ich, ako viem – vstaňte. Myslím, okolo osemdesiatročných, nejako tak, a ako sa Boh staral o tento starý pár. Oni by mohli vyzerať ako Carlov brat, nie jeho otec. A Tony povedal, že jeho matka tam vonku vyšla z toho auta a zatvorila dvere a kráčala ako malý vojak tam na druhú stranu. Ó, ó! Aký bol a je k nám Boh vždy dobrý!
Teraz, ak nie si členom týchto Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia, vy, ľudia... Ako baptista, hovorím k vám, baptistom. Ako metodista, ja som metodista.
33Raz som kázal dole v Arkansase a bol starý muž na barlách a on bol uzdravený. On predával na ulici ceruzky. A on stál tú noc a on stál práve celé to zhromaždenie. To bolo okolo, och, myslím si, že päť alebo šesť tisíc ľudí zhromaždených tam v Robinsonovom Pamätnom Auditóriu [angl. Robinson Memorial Auditorium – pozn.prekl]. A on (na Malej Skale), a povedal, „Sláva Bohu, že ma uzdravil!“ Ťažko by ste mohli kázať. A on sa okamžite postavil a povedal, „Hej, brat Branham, chcem ti niečo povedať.“
Teraz, on mal práve úplne svoje vlastné gastronomické jubileum. Tak on mal práve dobrý čas. Bol uzdravený, a to znamenalo pre neho všetko. A tak povedal, „Vieš...“ Stalo sa, že bol nazarénom. A povedal, „Vieš, počul som ťa hovoriť a bol som si istý, že si bol nazarénom.“ On povedal... potom povedal, „Ja som tiež...“ Povedal, „Potom som počul, že niekto povedal, že si bol baptistom.“ Povedal, „Väčšina tvojich ľudí tu sú letniční. Nechápem to.“
34Ja som povedal, „Ó, to je veľmi jednoduché.“ Povedal som, „Ja som letničný nazarejský baptista.“ Tak je to. My sme Kresťania, narodení z Jeho Ducha, obmytí v Jeho Krvi, čakajúci na príchod nášho Pána. Pán vám žehnaj.
Ak si obchodník alebo čokoľvek, dovoľ mi povedať ti niečo. Príď. Staň sa spoluúčastníkom. Nie len spriateliť sa so skupinou ľudí, s ktorými si môžeš podať ruky, ale maj to, čo majú oni: Svätého Ducha. To prináša skutočné spoločenstvo.
35Viete, nemôžete nič vyrobiť. Nevyžaduje sa od teba, aby si niečo vyrobil. Od cirkvi sa nevyžaduje, aby niečo vyprodukovala alebo vyrobila ovocie. Ty máš prinášať ovocie. Nemôžeš povedať ovci, „Vyrob vlnu.“ Dovoľ mu len stať sa ovcou a prinesie vlnu. To je to, aký je ten problém na tom – my sa snažíme niečo vyrobiť. Nevyrábaj to. Buď... Len dostaň to vnútro do poriadku.
36Môžeš si predstaviť čierneho vtáka, ako hore sedí a vkladá si pávie perie do svojich krídel a hovorí, „Pozrite, ja som páv.“? On sa pokúša niečo do toho vložiť, čo nikdy nevyrástlo z toho vnútra. A my nachádzame príliš mnoho toho medzi našimi letničnými skupinami. Buďme skutoční, originálni, znovuzrodení letniční. Hovorím teraz, to je jediná vec, ktorú som kedy po tejto strane neba našiel, ktorá mi dáva tú istotu, že moje hriechy sú preč a som znovu narodený z Božieho Ducha. Potom máš niečo, kotvu v sebe, ktorá drží.
Dobre, ja som sa nesnažil vziať vám tak veľa času. Viem, že musíte ísť. Som trochu jedným z tých zdĺhavých spoločníkov. Trvá mi to asi hodinu, kým začnem, a potom kážem okolo dvoch hodín. Potom mi to trvá asi tri hodiny, kým skončím. A tak, predsa len nebudem tak radikálnym dnes ráno. Tak my si vážime váš príchod.
37A ja bývam teraz tu v Tucsone, tu v starom dobrom Jeruzaleme. Budem raz alebo dva razy dolu, brat Tony, ak Pán dovolí, pomôcť nejako a navštíviť všetkých vás – všetkých prebudenia. Vám, slúžiacim bratom, ja som sem nikdy neprišiel, aby som postavil zbor. Ja sem prichádzam, aby som pomohol, čo je už postavené, prispieť mojim ťahom všetkému, čím vám môžem pomôcť, bratia, získať duše tu, v Tucsone; nikdy nezačínať niekde zhromaždenie, dokiaľ to nie je spoločné zhromaždenie alebo niečo, čo by sme mohli mať spolu. Nikdy som neprišiel vytvoriť žiadnu cirkev. Nie veru! Máme ich spústu. Čo potrebujeme, je naplniť ich znovuzrodenými kresťanmi. Tak veru!
Tak ja som tu, aby som priložil svoju ruku k dielu a pomohol každým spôsobom, akým môžem, a každým dverám, ktoré sú otvorené, vydať to svedectvo o spásonosnej milosti nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, a naplnení Jeho Duchom, ktorý ma zachováva všetky tieto roky. Teraz, veľakrát... Videl som Tonyho pred chvíľou povedať, „Musel som si napísať, brat Branham, čo som chcel povedať.“ Ja tiež. Viete, keď sa stávate trochu starými, už nemyslíte tak, ako ste zvykli kedysi.
38Niekto na druhý deň povedal, povedal, „Brat Branham, koľko máš rokov?“
„Ó,“ povedal som, „minul som dvadsaťpäť.“
Povedal som, „Minul som ich druhý krát.“ Tak, už nie som viac dieťa. To je ten dôvod, že strácame v strede vlasy, brat. To je pravda. To je pravda.
Dobre, každý miluje Pána? Ó, nádherné! A teraz, odložme každé malé bremeno a každú malú starosť. A som zvedavý, či to nebude teraz príliš nepohodlné, sedeli sme tu dlho, keď by sme len mohli povstať, iba na chvíľu, k modlitbe. A teraz, kým stojíme, prečítam kapitolu alebo verš z Biblie, kým vy pozorne počúvate, ak budete. Budem čítať z knihy Zjavenia Ježiša Krista, začínajúc štrnástym veršom tretej kapitoly:
A anjelovi zboru Laodičanov napíš: Toto hovorí Ameň, ten verný a pravdivý svedok, počiatok stvorenia Božieho:
Znám tvoje skutky, že nie si ani studený ani horúci. Bárs by si bol studený alebo horúci!
Takto, že si vlažný, ani studený ani horúci, vypľujem ťa zo svojich úst.
Lebo hovoríš: Som bohatý a zbohatnul som a nepotrebujem nikoho, a nevieš, že si ty biedny a mizerný na poľutovanie a chudobný i slepý i nahý.
Radím ti, aby si si kúpil odo mňa zlata prečisteného v ohni, aby si zbohatol, a biele rúcho, aby si sa odial, aby sa neukázala hanba tvojej nahoty, a kollýrium pomazať svoje oči, aby si videl.
Ja všetkých, ktorých milujem, karhám a otcovsky trescem. Rozhorli sa tedy a učiň pokánie.
Hľa, stojím pri dveriach a klepem. Keby niekto počul môj hlas a otvoril by dvere, vojdem k nemu a budem večerať s ním a on so mnou.
Tomu, kto zvíťazí, dám sedieť so sebou na svojom tróne, jako som i ja zvíťazil a sedím so svojím Otcom na jeho tróne.
Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí sborom!
S našimi hlavami sklonenými a našimi srdciami, modlime sa. Pane Ježišu, ďakujeme Ti dnes ráno, náš láskavý a majestátny Bože, ktorý si priniesol späť Pána Ježiša zo smrti a predstavil nám Ho dnes ráno vo forme Ducha Svätého; to presviedča naše srdcia na bližšie kráčanie s Ním, to, ako vidíme, že ten deň sa tiahne ku koncu... Ten deň času teraz čoskoro prechádza do večnosti. Blížime sa k tým brehom. Môžeme počuť tie príboje. Ó, Bože, toto je nebezpečná hodina – ako sme tu čítali, tento posledný cirkevný vek, Laodicea – kde sa tam približujeme k brehu. A bohatstvo a veci tohto sveta oslepujú oči ľudí. Ó, modlíme sa, Bože, aby sa naša kotva zachytila na Skale Vekov a čakala na svitanie. Daj nám to, Pane.
Požehnaj toto hnutie od Boha, nazvané skupina Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. Modlíme sa, aby si požehnal túto istú skupinu tu v Tucsone. Nech to rastie, dokým táto Ramada bude musieť zložiť tieto steny a rozšíriť tento stan, aby udržal znovuzrodených kresťanov, ktorí budú prichádzať dnu. Udeľ to. Požehnaj toho brata, ktorý prichádza s tým prebudením so stanom do mesta. Nech je to nástroj, ktorý pomôže priviesť duše do týchto zborov a do kráľovstva Božieho. Požehnaj brata Bethany v Prvom Zhromaždení [angl. The First Assembly – pozn.prekl.], ako on pokračuje svoju veľkú prácu tam hore, pre kráľovstvo Božie, Pane. Ako sa modlíme, aby si Ty s ním pokračoval a so zbormi, po celej krajine!
Teraz, ako čakáme na Teba, nech nám dá Duch Svätý výklad a prinesie ten kontext toho textu do svetla, pretože to prosíme v Ježišovom mene. Amen.
Môžete si sadnúť. Zastavili ste sa niekedy, aby ste sa na chvíľu zamysleli, že toto by mohlo byť naše posledné stretnutie sa spolu? Viete, že tu môže byť niekto z nás, ak prídeme späť na ďalší deň zhromaždení, my... bude niekto z nás chýbať? My nevieme, čo sa stane. A tak, toto môže byť náš poslednýkrát v skupine, ako je táto, a ako sme združení a jeme spolu na tejto zemi.
39Ale pamätajte si, prichádza čas, kedy sa stretneme znovu, nie na raňajkách, ale na večeri, ó, kde bude tá veľká hostina Božia, a svadba Baránkova, a veľké stoličky sú roztiahnuté od neba k nebu a vykúpení všetkých vekov budú sedieť za stolom oproti jeden druhému. To bude nádherný deň! Čakám na to.
Teraz chcem vziať nejaký text, aby som k vám dnes ráno hovoril, iba na niekoľko minút. Nebudem vás držať dlhšie, iba toľko, koľko budem môcť. Chcem hovoriť... Mal som zopár miest Písma a mám tu napísaných niekoľko poznámok, z ktorých by som chcel hovoriť na niekoľko minút na tému „Dvere vo Dverách“.
40 Teraz, toto je veľmi nezvyčajná scéna, ktorú vidíme dnes ráno v našom prečítanom Písme. Je nezvyčajná v mnohých spôsoboch, pretože to je... Jedno z najviac dojímavých Písiem, ktoré sú v Biblii, je toto Písmo tu, pretože hovorí o veku, v ktorom žijeme. Hovorí, kam je v tomto veku Ježiš Kristus vystrčený, z Jeho vlastnej cirkvi a stojí klopúc na dvere a snaží sa dostať späť dnu. A bohatstvo a radosti tohto sveta Ho vyhnali z cirkvi, až kým sa cirkev nestala celkom vlažnou... Je to veľmi dojímavý obraz. Zo všetkých iných cirkví, v tomto cirkevnom veku... Ja som práve cez ne v mojom zbore prechádzal; a vracajúc sa teraz späť, začiatok sedemnástej, berúc týchto sedem pečatí. A teraz v tom nachádzame, že všetky iné cirkvi v tých cirkevných vekoch prijali, ale posledný cirkevný vek, Laodicejský, Kristus bol zobraný od ľudí. A oni Ho vystrčili von z cirkvi a On sa po tom snažil dostať späť, bol vonku a klopal na dvere. Stali sa slepými. Veľmi nezvyčajné.
[Kološanom 2:2]
41 Ale viete, niekedy sú to nezvyčajné veci, v ktorých sa zjavuje Boh. Boh sa zjavuje v nezvyčajnosti, pretože Boh je nezvyčajný. On robí nezvyčajné veci. On sa zjavuje v nezvyčajný čas. A On je videný v nezvyčajný čas, keď... čase, v ktorom by ste nečakali, že by ste... On tam bude. Predsa len tam je. Veľmi nezvyčajné. „On pracuje záhadnými spôsobmi,“ Biblia hovorí, „ako koná Svoje divy.“ A tak to Ho robí nezvyčajným.
42 A to je ten spôsob... my sa dostaneme do obvyklého smeru vecí a minieme Boha. Je to nezvyčajnosť, ktorá mnohokrát privádza Boha - nezvyčajné veci, niečo... Stávame sa tak zviazaní určitou náukou, alebo niečím, čomu sa snažíme slúžiť, a potom, ak všetko nejde presne podľa toho, ako si myslíme, že by malo, potom to odmietame. „Nie je to od Boha.“ Robíme obrovskú chybu.
43 Boh sa zjavuje, a potom ukrýva v tej istej veci, v ktorej sa zjavil, všimnite si to. On sa v niečom zjaví a odíde a skryje sa. Ako semeno. Zjavuje sa v krásnom kvete, potom ho nechá zhniť. Ale On sa skrýva, aby mohol zase prísť. A Boh to tak robí. On je veľmi nezvyčajný. Nezvyčajný čas, nezvyčajný spôsob, a niekedy v malých veciach.
44 Mnohokrát neúspešne hľadáme Boha, pretože to je... myslíme, že je to príliš malé. Premýšľal som o tom pred pár minútami, keď sme hovorili o veľkosti tejto skupiny obchodníkov, alebo o tom, aký máme malý zástup. No, mal som tú česť hovoriť k veľkým zástupom. V Bombaji, Indii, som mal 500 000 na jednom zhromaždení. V Afrike, Južnej Afrike, okolo... možno 250 000 na jednom zhromaždení. Ale kde som zistil, že to bolo najpríjemnejšie a najpožehnanejšie, to bolo, keď sme mali malé chatové modlitebné stretnutia. Boh je na nezvyčajnom mieste a v neobvyklých veciach.
45 Pripomína mi, (že tento Kanaďan tu hovoril pred chvíľou o mojich dobrých priateľoch z Kanady), pred nejakým časom... Kráľ George, za ktorého som mal tú česť sa modliť, ako viete, že mal sklerózu multiplex - Pán ho uzdravil. A on prišiel do Kanady, ešte keď trpel na tú sklerózu. A on bol galantný muž. A keď prišiel dole do Vancouvera, zavreli všetky školy, aby mohli ísť von a zobrať svoje... Dali im malú britskú vlajku, aby mávali na počesť Kráľa, koruny, ako bude prechádzať okolo.
46 A môj dobrý priateľ, brat Ern Baxter, keď sme to počúvali vo vysielaní, ako sa to dialo - on a jeho krásna kráľovná sediaca tam... A sedeli sme v miestnosti a nikdy na to nezabudnem. Ern bol tak rozrušený, že vyskočil zo stoličky a rozprestrel svoje ruky a objal ma a začal plakať. A ja som povedal, „Prečo si taký rozrušený, brat Baxter?“
On povedal, „Brat Branham, to je môj kráľ!“
Myslel som si, „Ak to mohlo urobiť Kanaďana cítiť sa takto, keď vedel, že okolo prechádza jeho kráľ, čo by to malo robiť so znovuzrodenou cirkvou, keď prechádza Ježiš?“
Mal tam vtedy ešte sklerózu multiplex a sedel vo svojom voze (jeho automobile), a sedel vzpriamene, aj keď povedal, že strašne trpel kvôli tým vredom a jeho chrbát ho tak veľmi trápil.
47 A učitelia vyhnali všetkých tých malých kamarátov, aby išli mávať tými vlajkami. A potom, čo sprievod skončil, deti sa pravdaže mali vrátiť do školy. A keď sa vrátili do tej školy, všetci prišli späť, okrem jedného malého dievčatka. A učiteľka sa zľakla, keď kontrolovala zoznam žiakov a jedno malé dievča tam nebolo. Tak povedala, „Musím ju ísť hľadať”; vzala deti a odišli do ulíc hľadať to malé dieťa. A po chvíli učiteľka našla tú malú kamarátku stáť vedľa telegrafného stĺpu a srdcervúco plakať.
A ako plakala, a... učiteľka povedala, „Čo sa stalo, srdiečko?” Povedala, „Nepodarilo sa ti zamávať vlajkou na kráľa?”
Ona povedala, „Áno, mávala som vlajkou na kráľa.”
Ona povedala, „Podarilo sa ti uvidieť kráľa?”
„Áno, videla som kráľa.”
„Nuž,” povedala, „potom kvôli čomu plačeš?”
Ona povedala, „Viete, ja som taká malá. Videla som kráľa, ale on nevidel mňa.”
48 No, to môže byť tak s kráľom Georgeom alebo ktorýmkoľvek iným kráľom, ale nie je to tak s Kráľom Ježišom. Nezáleží na tom, aké malé zhromaždenie ti dal, aby si mu bol pastorom, aká malá práca sa to zdá byť - hoci len hovoriť k rozvážačovi mlieka alebo doručovateľovi novín – On to uvidí. Nemôžeš urobiť nič pre Ježiša bez toho, aby to On nevedel. Musíte pamätať, On vie o každej malej veci, ktorú robíte, a On vám dá všetko uznanie za to, čo ste boli poverení urobiť. Nezáleží, aká malá vec to je, urobte to akokoľvek. Ak chcete mávať svojou malou vlajkou, mávajte. On je v tej neobyčajnej veci. On môže získať dušu.
49 Domnievam sa, že to bol Dwight Moody – alebo sa mýlim? Nemusel to byť on. Jedna stará sestra mala na srdci bremeno, ona chcela získať dušu pre Krista. Jej zamestnanie bolo pranie šiat. Myslím, že to bolo pred stopäťdesiatimi rokmi. A ona si odkladala peniaze, kým nemala našetrené tri doláre a prenajala si starú stajňu pre kone za dolár týždenne. A ona tam išla a upratala ju, a vzala svoju lavicu na pranie a urobila oltár, a postavila kazateľňu a mydlová pena bola stále na tej starej lavici na pranie. Získala nejaké traktáty a začala ich rozdávať. Toto boli tie skoršie dni tu v Amerike.
50 A každý pozrúc sa na to, zahodil to. Zhodou okolností ona bola metodistkou. A tak, oni to zahadzovali. A v tej dobe boli metodisti ako letniční, boli hromadou fanatikov. Ležali tam v budovách školy, a padali pod mocou Božou, a liali si vodu na svoju tvár a... Nehovorte mi - bol som priamo na tých zhromaždeniach, vidíte. A keby ich jednoducho nechali tak, namiesto toho, aby ich priviedli naspäť - proste ich nechať ísť ďalej - boli by letniční, vidíte.
Ale potom, táto stará chudinka rozdávala tieto traktáty, a, ó, všetci ich hádzali na ulicu, a to bolo... Ona stála, plakala, pretože ju odmietli, zatiaľ čo sa ona tak veľmi snažila priviesť kazateľa do mesta, aby mali prebudenie. A kazateľ sa tam mal tej noci objaviť. Ona odchádzala preč, a tam bol malý chlapec s (dole na juhu to voláme galluses [angl.slangový výraz pre traky – pozn.prekl.]) svojho otca, viete, mal na sebe traky, strapaté vlasy mu viseli na krku, pristúpil a povedal, „Hej, slečna, čo to rozdávate?“
A povedala, „To je traktát, zlatko.“ Povedala...
A on povedal, „No, neviem čítať.“ Hovorí, „Čo to hovorí?“
A povedala, „No, budeme mať zhromaždenie tam v starej stajni pre kone dnes večer.“
On povedal, „Ďakujem vám. Môžem si jeden vziať?“
Povedala, „Áno.“ A dal si ho do vrecka.
51 Keď sa v ten večer konalo to zhromaždenie, viete, kto tam bol? Váš verný starý pastor a tá dáma. To sú všetci, ktorí boli na tom zhromaždení. Statočný starý vojak, či tam bol jeden alebo tisíc, on vzal svoj text, postavil sa tam a kázal tej dáme – práve tak verne, ako by bol kázal desiatkam tisícom. A kto sa potácal dlho vo dverách asi od začiatku kázne, ten malý známy strapatý chlapec. Tú noc sa ocitol pri oltári. Ak sa nemýlim, bol to malý Dwight Moody, ktorý priviedol pol milióna duší ku Kristovi. Vidíte? Ó! Ako mnoho veľkých zhromaždení a vecí sa deje! Vidíte, Boh je v tých nezvyčajných veciach. Boh sa objavuje neobvykle. Potrebujete si to zapamätať.
52 Nemôžem si teraz spomenúť na toho umelca, ktorý namaľoval tento obraz Ježiša, ako klope na dvere. On je nejaký grécky umelec. Len si teraz nemôžem spomenúť na meno toho muža. On strávil prakticky celý život maľovaním tohto obrazu. A vidíte, predtým, ako to mohlo byť zavesené v Sieni slávy, muselo to najprv prejsť cez Sieň kritikov. Musel to urobiť každý významný obraz. Musel čeliť kritikom.
53 Ó, ja si želám, aby som mal to niečo, čo treba dnes ráno predložiť pred týmito poslucháčmi. Uvedomujete si, Letniční, ako sme ochladli, že Boh nás dnes vedie cez Sieň kritikov? Cirkev musí ísť cez sieň kritikov predtým, ako pôjde do Siene Slávy ako Nevesta. Iste. Dokážete to zniesť? Ste pripravení prísť k Písmu a stáť odvážne s vaším svedectvom v láske Kristovej? Alebo sa vrátite späť a budete chodiť s tým svetom, ako povedala Biblia, „Démas ma opustil milujúc tento terajší svet.“? To je to, kde dnes stojí cirkev – vážená na váhe. A to je ten dôvod, prečo sa stáva Laodiceou.
54 Tento obraz, ako ho namaľoval ten maliar, keď to prechádzalo cez Sieň kritikov, nenašli žiadnu chybu. Nakoniec prišiel veľký kritik a povedal, „Na tom obraze je jedna chyba.“ Povedal, „To je pravda, Ježiš s lampášom v ruke prichádzajúc v noci v temnote hriechu. To je dobrý obraz. Jeho výraz očakávania na niekoho, aby prišiel ku dverám, kým klope,“ povedal. „To je nádherné. A ten pohľad do Jeho tváre, ako túži počuť niečo z vnútra... Ale, pane, na tých dverách nie je žiadna kľučka. Ak On prišiel, ako sa Ježiš dostane dovnútra, keď na tých dverách nie je žiadna kľučka?“
55 „Ó,“ povedal umelec, „Ja som to tak namaľoval, pretože kľučka je vo vnútri. Ježiš nemôže vojsť len tak Sám od Seba; musí to byť tvojím želaním dovoliť Mu vojsť. „Hľa, Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem. Ak ktokoľvek bude počuť Môj hlas a vojde... dovolí Mi vojsť, vojdem a budem s ním večerať a on so Mnou.“ To je ten obraz, na ktorý sa teraz pozeráme.
Prečo človek klope na dvere? Kvôli čomu človek klope na dvere? Snaží sa získať vstup. Snaží sa vojsť dnu. Tam... možno vám chce niečo povedať, alebo vám možno chce povedať o nejakom obchode alebo niečom. Alebo vám chce možno niečo dať. Je nejaký dôvod, lebo inak by neklopal na tie dvere, rozumiete. My by sme len... normálnou ľudskou slušnosťou by bolo otvoriť dvere a zistiť, čo ten človek chce. To je jednoducho len ľudským zvykom urobiť to – otvoriť dvere, opýtať sa toho človeka, „Kto si? Čo chceš?“
On chce... možno ťa chce len navštíviť, len si sadnúť a povedať, „Som tvoj priateľ. Rád by som sa s tebou dnes ráno na chvíľu porozprával.“ Potom si sadni, ak je to priateľ. Porozprávaj sa s ním. Ak je nejakou osobou, ktorá od teba niečo chce, mohol by si to prediskutovať, rozumieš. Počas života veľa významných ľudí zaklopalo na dvere.
Nuž, potom, ako ideš ku dverám, celé to závisí od toho, kto klope na dvere. Musíš vedieť, kto to klope. Ale mal by si ísť aspoň ku tým dverám. Tá základná slušná vec, ktorá sa má urobiť, je zistiť, kto je pri dverách. Ísť tam, keď niekto klope, povedať, „Kto je to?“ Otvoriť dvere. „Kto si? Čo si praješ?“ Ó, veľa... môže to byť nejaká významná osoba. Čo ak je to významná osoba? Bolo by to veľkou cťou pre teba, ak by si otvoril dvere pre niekoho, kto je významným človekom.
56 Čo myslíte, čo by sa stalo pred pár rokmi, keď bol Adolf Hitler vodca Nemecka? Čo si myslíte o malom chlapíkovi žijúcom dole v aleji alebo niekde dole na ulici, ak by on jedno ráno počul klopanie na dvere, viete; a išiel ku dverám, a – tento malý nemecký vojak stojaci tam – a tam stojí Adolf Hitler pri dverách? Prečo, on bol v tom čase najvýznamnejším človekom v Nemecku, vidíte. Určite. Prečo, on bol významným mužom.
Viete, čo by ten malý vojak urobil? On by takmer omdlel. Stál by v pozore ukazujúc svoj nemecký pozdrav, hovoriac, „Veľký vodca Nemecka, vstúp do môjho skromného domu. Čokoľvek, čo si tu želáš, čokoľvek, čo tvoj sluha môže urobiť, len mi daj vedieť. Rád to urobím.“
Ó, čo za pocta! Viete čo? Všetky noviny v Nemecku by mali ten článok o veľkom Adolfovi Hitlerovi, ktorý prišiel do domu obyčajného vojaka a zaklopal na dvere a pýtal si niečo. Ten Hitler by sa pýtal vojaka na niečo, prišiel by do jeho domu a uctil by ho. Tak, čo za veľká vec by to bola.
57 Čo v... ak si bol v Taliansku vo dňoch Mussolíniho. A... Mussolíni bol diktátor Ríma, Talianska. A čo keby nejaký chudobný človek dolu na ulici počul jedno ráno klopanie na dvere a pri dverách by stál Mussolíni? Ó! Ich srdcia by sa zachveli. Tak, „Veľký diktátor, veľký vážený pane, vstúp do môjho domu.“ Chveje sa a trasie, „Čo môžem urobiť? Je tu niečo, čo by si si želal? Je tu niečo, čo môže tvoj sluha pre teba urobiť?“ Ó, bola by to veľká pocta pre každého Rimana mať Mussolíniho vo svojom dome.
58 Alebo čo ak by prišla Kráľovná Anglicka dnes sem do Tucsonu, pristála by tu na letisku, a prišla by sem do jedného z našich domovov, jedného z našich...? Sme len obyčajnými ľuďmi. A ak by Kráľovná Anglicka prišla z Anglicka, celú tú cestu cez to more, pristála by tu na letisku a prišla by taxíkom a prišla a zaklopala na tvoje dvere a ty, čestná dáma alebo džentlmen, prišli by ste ku dverám a povedali, „Teší ma.“ A tam by ona stála, len ako obyčajná žena. A povedali by ste, „Teší ma. Kto si?“
„Som Kráľovnou Anglicka,“ a identifikovala by sa.
Ó! Čo za pocta! Čo za rešpekt! Všetky noviny v Tucsone, v Spojených Štátoch... Bolo by to v národných novinách, že veľká Kráľovná Anglicka prešla celú tú cestu do Tucsonu, Arizony, a navštívila ťa, chudobného človeka. Kráľovnej by to dodalo hodnosť, že sa ponížila, aby prišla ku mojim alebo tvojim dverám! Prečo, vieš čo by si povedal? Hoci ona nie je... nie si pod jej vládou, ale ona je významnou osobnosťou. Je najvýznamnejšou kráľovnou sveta, keď prichádza do národného... Je najvýznamnejšou národnou kráľovnou na svete.
Prečo, povedal by si, „Úctyhodná Kráľovná, vstúp do môjho domu. Ak tu je čokoľvek, čo si chceš zobrať, čokoľvek, čo chceš robiť, len sa cíť ako doma.“ No, samozrejme. A všetky noviny by o tom hovorili.
59 Alebo dokonca dnes ráno, ak by náš prezident, Kennedy, prišiel ku tvojim dverám... Ó, možno nesúhlasíš s jeho politikou, ale aj tak by si mu dovolil vstúpiť dnu. Prečo? Nie preto, že on je možno len človekom, ale preto, kým on je. Je prezidentom Spojených Štátov. My by sme... možno s ním nesúhlasíme (ja by som) v politike, ale aj tak by si bol poctený, že prezident Kennedy prišiel ku tvojim dverám.
Čo ak si urobil špeciálny výlet, aby prišiel ku tvojim dverám? No, to by bolo všade v novinách. „Pokorný pán Kennedy, prezident Spojených Štátov, priletel do Tucsonu, Arizony, aby prišiel ku dverám Johna Doeho.“ Aká veľká pocta by to pre neho bola, a aká pocta pre teba! Prečo, ty by si ho v žiadnom prípade neodmietol. Určite nie! Určite by si ho prijal, pretože je významným mužom.
60 Ale či je niekto významnejší, než Ježiš? A On je odmietaný pri viac dverách než všetci títo diktátori a králi a potentáti tohto sveta. Áno, „Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem: ak niekto bude počuť Môj hlas a otvorí dvere, vojdem a budem večerať s ním.“
Ó, toto tiché klopanie, ktoré počujeme na dverách. Ježiš veľakrát klope na dvere našich sŕdc. To je to, kde je dnes Cirkev. To tiché klopanie – počuješ ho práve teraz bezpochyby. Čo to je? To je Ježiš a snaží sa vojsť, získať prístup do dverí tvojho srdca. Má... chce s tebou na chvíľu hovoriť.
61 A ak by ste uctili prezidenta, čo potom Ježiša? Ak by ste v žiadnom prípade neposlali preč prezidenta, ako potom môžete poslať preč Ježiša? Prezident je len človek - on musí zomrieť. Ale Ježiš je váš Boh! On je váš Sudca. Nielen to, ale ten istý, ktorý je tvojím Sudcom, je teraz tvojím Spasiteľom.
[1.Jána 2:25]
Teraz, prezident ťa môže chcieť povolať do armády. On by ťa mohol povolať urobiť niečo, čo by bolo hrozné urobiť. On by ťa mohol povolať alebo vziať ti niečo – vziať ti tvoje deti alebo niečo, aby boli jeho poddanými alebo niečo. Môže urobiť niečo také. Ale Ježiš to nechce; On vám chce niečo dať. To je dôvod, prečo klope. Má niečo pre teba. Nie je nič, čo by mohlo byť väčšie než to, čo ti On chce dať: Ducha Svätého. On ti chce dať večný život.
62 Čo keby prezident povedal, „Urobím... Prišiel som po teba (a mám právomoc robiť tak) a urobím ťa prezidentom Spojených národov.“? Raz sa toho budete musieť vzdať. Čo keby ťa Kráľovná chcela urobiť Anglickou Kráľovnou a ty by si nosil korunu. Museli by sme sa toho vzdať.
Ale Ježiš nám dáva korunu života, ktorej sa nikdy nevzdáme, nezničiteľnú korunu Jeho slávy. Nemusíme sa jej vzdať. On nám ju dáva. To je požehnanie. To je Duch Svätý, s ktorým chce korunovať náš život.
63 Ako by sme mohli byť tak ľahostajní a odmietnuť to? Aká neuvážená vec, ktorú cirkev robí! Ako unáhlení sa môžu ľudia stať robiac takú chybu, ako je odmietnuť počuť to klopanie na dvere. Ako nerozumné by to bolo pre každého muža alebo ženu prítomnú dnes ráno odísť preč od toho klopania - večného života.
64 A pozeráme a vidíme, ako sa formujú mraky súdu, ako počujeme vedu, ktorá hovorí, že sú tri minúty do polnoci. A prakticky, dve z tých minút už prešli – bolo to pred niekoľkými rokmi. A vidíme rozptýlenú cirkev.
Vidíme všetko, ako ide napred tak, ako to je, a denominácie sa stávajú denomináciami, chladnutie.
A dni prebudenia vyzerajú, ako by sa takmer skončili. Musíme jednoducho čeliť pravde.
Ó, máme veľa hluku, určite. Udierajú na piano, skáču hore a dole. Ženy si strihajú vlasy, a maľujú oči namodro, a vystrájajú, a muži im to dovolia robiť. To je v rozpore s Písmami. Tak ohavný pohľad, aký dnes vidíme dokonca aj na našich uliciach!
65 Včera som vzal svoje deti... Chceli ísť dole, aby videli prechádzať okolo rodeo sprievod. Moje malé deti... môj otec bol jazdec a ja som už tiež trochu jazdil a jednoducho je to v nich, že majú radi kone. A oni chceli tie kone vidieť. A keď som sa zastavil na ulici, prišlo mi v mojom najvnútornejšom bytí celkom zle a obrátil som sa späť, keď som videl, ako dnes ľudia... Snažia sa žiť v minulosti, snažia sa žiť niečo, čo bolo.
66 Sme v meniacom sa svete. Neustále sa mení. V mojej krajine (Som Kentačan, viete, podľa narodenia. To je... všetci moji ľudia tam žijú, prakticky.) a oni majú Renfro údolie. Snažia sa napodobňovať ľudí, žijúcich v horách a zapaľujú petrolejové lampy a varia na peciach na drevo a nosia oblečenie, ako nosili prví osadníci. Sú v meniacom sa svete snažiac sa žiť v... Oni sú v modernej dobe a snažia sa vrátiť späť a žiť niečo iné, čo bolo. Čo núti človeka robiť to? Pretože on by to mal robiť.
67 Ale potom sa im snažíte priniesť Evanjelium, ktoré sa nikdy nemení, oni to nechcú. Chcú niečo moderné a najnovšie, niekto, kto ich bude potľapkávať po chrbte a nechá ich prejsť iba tým, že sa pripoja do cirkvi a žijú, akýmkoľvek spôsobom chcú. Ale keď príde na to, naozaj ísť späť do Evanjelia, nechcú to. A presne tá vec v nich, ktorá túži vrátiť sa, je Evanjelium, a oni sa to snažia uspokojiť vrátením sa tých prirodzených vecí späť a odmietajú duchovné veci. Vidíte, ako diabol ľuďom prevracia Evanjelium?
[5 Moj. 22:5]
68 Nechcem byť neúctivý ku sestrám, ale keby v tých skorších časoch žena prešla cez mesto tak, ako som videl nejaké včera, s párom nohavíc na... Ako sa tá dáma do nich vôbec dostala – vyzeralo to, akoby koža bola na vonkajšej strane. Čudoval som sa, ako si ich tá žena vôbec navliekla. Vykračuje si dole ulicou, keď Biblia hovorí, že obliecť si odev, ktorý náleží mužovi, je ohavnosťou v Božích očiach.
A s tou modrou farbou na viečkach, ak by prechádzala cez pohraničné mesto, tak by ju dal lekár do nemocnice a izoloval by mesto od tej choroby, ktorou sa tá žena nakazila predtým, ako zomrela. To je pravda. Taká choroba!
69 A potom sa snažíte vrátiť a žiť niečo; potom odmietate to klopanie staromódneho Evanjelia Svätého Ducha, a ako to bolo v deň Letníc s rovnakým znakmi, ktoré v sebe malo, aby nás očistilo a urobilo z nás nové stvorenia. Žijeme v tieňoch a cirkev je v Laodicejskom veku, bohatá, nemá potrebu ničoho.
Teraz, my letniční, nemôžeme príliš veľa kričať na baptistov a metodistov, pretože hrniec nemôže hovoriť na kanvicu, že je čierna [on je tiež čierny (príslovie) – pozn.prekl.], viete. Tak sme... urobili to isté. To je pravda.
70 A, „Hľa, stojím pri dverách a klopem a ak niekto...“ Teraz, pamätajte si, že Biblia hovorí, že On bol von z cirkvi v tomto veku snažiac sa dostať dnu. Teraz nemôžete pochybovať o Božom Slove, vidíte. On sa snažil dostať dnu, prosiac vojsť dnu „Ak by niekto otvoril dvere a pustil ma dnu (ó), Ja vojdem a budem večerať s ním,“ vidíte. On má niečo, o čom chce s tebou hovoriť, nejaké záležitosti alebo plán spásy. Chce sa s tebou rozprávať. Ale možno, že si sa stal tak učený, a tak tvrdý, ľahostajný, až Ho nechceš počuť hovoriť. To je pravda. „Hľa, stojím pri dverách... ”
Môžete povedať, „Ó, brat Branham, teraz na chvíľku počkaj. Ja som Mu už dovolil vojsť.“ No, možno si urobil iba to. Ale možno to je všetko, čo si urobil - len si Mu dovolil vojsť. Vidíte, mnoho ľudí ne... Obávajú sa samotnej myšlienky na peklo, a vedia, že tam idú bez Krista. A povedia, „No, dovolím Mu vojsť. Iste, pred tridsiatimi rokmi, dvadsiatimi rokmi.“ Ale to môže byť jednoducho všetko, čo ste urobili.
Čo ak by som prišiel do vášho domu a zaklopal na dvere a povedali by ste, „Vojdi dnu, brat Branham (vošiel by som), ale len stoj tu. Nechoď sem, preskúmať to tu, a hrabať sa tu v mojom dome,“ vidíte.
71 Teraz, viete, že vo vnútri dverí ľudského srdca máme malé skryté priehradky? Ach, nechceme to priznať, ale je to pravda. Iste, máme malé tajné priehradky. Tak veru. Radi to voláme... My Ho privítame v našom srdci, ale nechceme Ho spraviť naším Pánom. Nechceme ísť do pekla, tak „Ježiš, vstúp do dverí, nech nejdem do pekla - ale nemôžeš byť mojím Pánom.“ Teraz, „Pán“ je vlastníctvo. To znamená, že keď si Ho nechal vojsť dnu ako Pána, On vládne všetkému. On je doma.
Keď prídem k tvojmu domu a zaklopem na dvere, ak ma tam nechceš, povedz, „Choď preč od mojich dverí.“ Cenil by som si ťa viac, ako keby si ma nechal vojsť krok cez dvere a povedal, „Nehrab sa mi tu. Len tam stoj. No, čo chceš?“ Cítil by som sa vítaný? Mohol by som vysvetliť svoju návštevu u vás? Určite nie. A to je spôsob, aká je dnes cirkev, priateľu. To je spôsob, akými sa stávajú ľudia. „Poď dnu, Pane, ale to je všetko. Povedz mi, čo chceš,“ vidíte. Ach, nie! To je to, kde sme sa dostali do problémov.
72 Musíme Ho privítať. „Pane, vojdi do môjho domu. Ak je niečo... Ak je tu niečo, čo si želáš, vezmi si to. Som Tvoj, Ty si môj. Ty si ma poctil. Ten veľký Kráľ, Stvoriteľ neba i zeme zaklopal na moje dvere a ja chcem, aby si vošiel. Pane, buď mojím Pánom. Použi ma. Urob so mnou, čokoľvek Ty chceš. Akákoľvek zlá vec, ktorá je vo mne, odkry každé tajomstvo, ktoré je v mojom srdci. Vojdi do každých dverí. Preskúmaj ma, Pane. Zisti, čo je vo mne zlé. A čokoľvek je zlé, ukáž mi to, Pane. Vyhoď to von dverami! Ja Ťa chcem mať tu dnu. Ja Ťa vítam, aby si bol mojím Pánom. Ešte som nemal to požehnanie, Pane. Očisti ma teraz.“
73 Ak Ho nebudem môcť urobiť mojím úplným Pánom, nikdy pre Neho neotvorím dvere. Ak On nemôže byť Pánom... Ja nechcem, aby bol len Spasiteľom, ak nemôže byť Pánom. Ak ja... Každý chce spasiteľa, ale oni nechcú pána. Chcú niečo, kde sa môžu ukryť pred tým celým večným odsúdením pekla, a potom môžu žiť akýmkoľvek spôsobom, ktorým chcú, robiť, čo chcú.
74 Viete, len kráčajme okolo tej budovy srdca. Strpíte ma ďalších desať minút? Pozrite. Všimnite si. Kráčajme okolo toho srdca na chvíľu. Prvou vecou, keď vstupuješ do ľudského srdca, na pravej strane ako vchádzaš, sú tam malé dvere a sú nazvané „môj súkromný život“. Teraz, vy nechcete nikoho, aby tam vošiel.
„Teraz, ak chcem urobiť čokoľvek, to je moja vec. Ja sa pripojím k cirkvi a pôjdem tam dole. Ale, kazateľ, nehovor mi, čo mám robiť!“ Ó, áno. „Nuž, ja viem, že Biblia to hovorí, ale ja tomu neverím.“ Ó, vidíte? A potom si ešte myslíte, že Ježiš by ostal v takom srdci, ako je to? Určite nie. On vchádza dnu, aby bol Pánom. Vchádza... On... Ten súkromný život, ó, to je veľkou vecou. Nuž, vy viete, že my chceme náš vlastný súkromný život. „Ak chceme priateľský pohárik so susedom, to je naša vec. Ak si my, ženy, chceme strihať naše vlasy, to je čo... to je naším vlastným americkým privilégiom. Ak chceme nosiť šortky, to je naša vec. Ak my, muži, chceme mať priateľské prípitky, a ak to chceme dovoliť našim ženám, nie je to tvojou vecou hovoriť nám jedno slovo.“
Ale Evanjelium povedalo, „Nerobte to!“ Teraz, koho slová sú pravdou? Božie Slovo je pravdou.
75 Ó, samozrejme, my chceme Ježiša. Určite. My si myslíme, že ho máme, a všetko ako to. Ale zaujímalo by ma, ak by to vytrhnutie minulo a boli by sme tu jedného dňa ponechaní, potom by sme sa čudovali, kde je to všetko – ak by to prišlo skutočne tajne, viete. A to je to, ako to príde – ako zlodej v noci. Vy budete... Deväťdesiatdeväť z každého pol milióna, z každého milióna, nikdy nebude vedieť, že to vytrhnutie nastalo. Bude po tom; a oni dokonca nebudú nič o tom vedieť. Ježiš tak povedal. Takže to to robí pravdivým. Určite. Príde to ako zlodej v noci a bude ukradnutá.
76 Ako tá kniha, ktorú som raz čítal. Kto bol ten muž? Rómeo a Júlia alebo niečo také, vidíte – on prišiel a zobral si ju v noci. To je ten spôsob, ako to urobí Ježiš. Keď si svet leňoší v spánku (ako povedala Biblia, Laodicejský vek), On vojde dnu a vezme si tú nevestu.
77 Potom všetci tí, ktorí budú vzkriesení, počas všetkých tých vekov, ktorí žili počas tých vekov, oni všetci vojdú do neba v neveste. Potom príde súd. Cirkev povie, „Dobre, počkajte chvíľu. Myslím, že tu mala byť nevesta, príchod Pánov a nevesta.“ Je už dávno po tom. Nič ste o tom nevedeli. To prichádza tajomne.
78 Prečo? Hovoríme, „Ó, patrím do tej cirkvi. Som metodista, som baptista, som letničný.“ To neznamená nič pre Boha. To je nič viac, ako doktor, ktorý povie, že máš rakovinu a je v pokročilom štádiu. A to nemá nič do činenia s tou chorobou – je to len jej pomenovanie. Je to diabol, rakovina. Ak by si povedal, „To je holubica. To je jastrab. To je... nejaký druh supa.“ To nemá nič do činenia s tou... tou chorobou. To ju nevylieči. To ju nezabije, len hovorí, čím to je.
Len povedz... Povieš, „Som kresťan. Som...“ Možno len podľa vyznania. Vidíte, naše životy hovoria tak hlasno, že naše svedectvo dokonca ani nepočuť – naše životy, naše skutky, naše správanie sa navzájom medzi nami.
„Oni tu idú mať prebudenie.“
„Kto ho má?“
„Ach, nebudeme s tým mať nič do činenia.“ A možno tam Boh má pre nás posolstvo.
„Kto to má?“
„Prvé Zhromaždenie, Druhé Zhromaždenie alebo Ježišove Meno alebo Zbor Boží alebo niečo.“
„Ó, dobre, my nie sme v tej skupine.“
79 My sme bratia! Dovolí si niekto rozdeliť dedičstvo Božie? Oni dostali Ducha Svätého tak, ako si ho dostal aj ty. Urobili tú istú vec, ktorú si urobil aj ty, keď si Ho dostal. Samozrejme. Ale vidíte, prečo mám rád týchto Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia? Dávajú cestu, kde môžem vyjadriť tieto veci, vidíte. Hovorí, „To je to. Sme bratia. Nie sme rozdelení – 'všetci sme jedno telo', ako povedal básnik.“
Teraz, tie malé dvere môjho vlastného súkromného života. „Nuž, to je v poriadku. Budem členom tvojej cirkvi. Pripojím sa k Obchodníkom Plného Evanjelia. Ale teraz mi nehovor, že mám prijať toho Svätého Ducha a takto sa správať,“ vidíte. To je ten vlastný súkromný život. Keď to robíš, nikdy nebudeš mať Vodcovstvo Ježiša. On sa len rovno otočí preč a odíde dverami von. Čo by si urobil v prípade, ako je tento, ak by niekto... ak by si išiel k nejakému domu a oni by povedali, „Stoj tu pri dverách. Povedz, čo chceš.“
Povedali by ste, „Ďakujem,“ a vyšiel by dverami von. Tak by urobil aj Ježiš. Určite. To je ten dôvod, prečo je cirkev ponechaná sediaca chladná, vidíte, to je práve ten spôsob, ako to je.
80 Nikdy nedovoľte Obchodníkom Plného Evanjelia dostať sa kedykoľvek do tohto štádia. Keď počujete posolstvo a počujete klopanie, otvorte a povedzte, „Pane, o čom je to všetko?“ Keď vidíte muža... Máme veľa napodobňovateľov, ale keď vidíte pravého... Čo znamená napodobňovateľ? Čo znamená falošný dolár, keď zdvihnete nejaký dolár, ktorý je falošný? To znamená, že to bolo vyrobené zo skutočného dolára. Musí existovať pravý dolár, aby mohol byť vyrobený ten falošný. Tak existuje skutočný Duch Svätý, skutočná sila spasenia, skutočná láska Božia. Áno, neber nič menej. Nie, veru. Nerob to.
V poriadku – tie dvere súkromia. Musím sa poponáhľať s tými dverami.
Existujú tiež malé dvere pýchy. Ó! To sú zlé dvere. My by sme radšej o tých dverách nehovorili príliš dlho. Ale vy chcete stáť v tých starých dverách a hovoriť, „Teraz mi nič nehovor,“ vidíte. „No, mám svoju vlastnú hrdosť.“ Určite, ale nemali by ste to robiť.
81 Nedávno som tu kázal o Baránkovi a holubici. A baránok... vidíte, baránok, ovca, neprodukuje nič, len jednu vec: vlnu. To je to, čo on produkuje. A on sa vzdáva svojich práv. Môžete vziať ovcu a zvaliť a zviazať ju, takto a celú ju ostrihať. Bude tam len ležať. Ona sa vzdáva svojich práv. Napokon, ona si nechala narásť vlnu. Patrí jej, ale ona sa toho vzdáva.
82 Keď poviete človeku, že sa musí znovuzrodiť, že musí byť očistený od hriešneho života, musí skončiť so svojimi klamstvami, kradnutím, podvádzaním, a presviedčaním na vieru a pokračovať v tom, chlapče, niektorí z nich vybuchnú ako balón. Teraz, vidíte, to je koza, vidíte. On rozpúta búrku, ale skutočný baránok sa zrieka svojho práva.
Povedal som raz našim dámam o... nie že by som bol proti dámam. Sú to naše sestry. Ale ja som horlivý za túto cirkev. Keď vidím svetskosť ako Sodoma, ako do toho vchádza, potom musím proti tomu kričať. Tam je niečo vo vnútri, že moje srdce krváca a kričím, „Neobliekajte sa podľa Marilyn Monroe alebo niektorých z týchto žien tam. Robte ako Sára v Biblii, vidíte.“
Nesnažte sa byť pán nejaký alebo iný, behať po pódiu a vyvádzať, a snažiť sa obliekať ako nejaká škatuľa a vykračovať si. Ne... Dostali sme príliš veľa Hollywoodskeho „šoumenstva“ do Letníc. To je pravda. Potrebujeme Ducha Svätého. Teraz ma možno nemáte radi, možno nebudete chcieť, aby som prišiel znova. Ale to je príležitosť hovoriť pravdu, a to je pravda. Skúste to. Zistite, či to nie je tak.
Nejaká dáma povedala, „Je to moje vlastné americké privilégium.“
Povedal som, „Ale ty sa ho zriekneš.“
83 Pred nejakým časom, manželka a ja sme išli do potravín v Indiane, a videli sme zvláštnu vec – nejaká pani mala na sebe sukňu. Bolo to veľmi zvláštne.
Povedala, „Miláčik, nespieva veľa z nich, ľudí, v zboroch?“
„Dobre, prečo...?“
Povedal som, „No, vidíš, miláčik, oni nie sú z nášho kráľovstva.“
Povedala... Povedal som, „... z nášho kráľovstva.“ Povedal som, „Nie, bol som misionár, mnohokrát po celom svete. Nájdem... Idem do Nemecka, nájdem nemeckého ducha. Idem do Fínska, tam je iný duch. Idem do Austrálie, tam je iný duch. Prídem do Ameriky, tam je iný duch. Je to národný duch a všetky z nich sú z diabla. Ježiš tak povedal. Kráľovstvá tohto sveta sú diablove. Ovláda každé jedno z nich. Teraz, Ježiš tak povedal. Tak vidíš, to je ten národný duch.“
„No,“ povedala, „nie sme Američania?“
Povedal som, „Nie, drahá. Potenciálne sme.“
Povedala, „Čo sme?“
Povedal som...
„No, nemali by sme robiť ako Američania?“
84 Povedal som, „Nie, nie tá opitá, bitkárska, hanebná skupina. Nie, drahá. Sme narodení z nebeského Ducha. Prišli sme odtiaľ, kde je čistá rýdza svätosť, kde sú anjeli a spravodlivosť pred Bohom,“ povedal som, „Žijeme tu ako národ, určite. To je pravda. To je náš národ, čo sa tu snažíme... Ale naše... 'Príď kráľovstvo tvoje, buď vôľa tvoja na zemi, ako je v nebi.' Preto, keď sme narodení zhora a všetky hriechy sú presunuté rovno dole do priepasti, to je Duch Boží, ktorý prichádza – Stvoriteľ - do nášho srdca, a On usmerňuje náš charakter. Neklameme, nekradneme, nepodvádzame. Úprimní, bezúhonní, chodíme ako občania neba, pretože nimi sme, ak sme narodení z Ducha Božieho.“
A tak mnohí z nás sa stávajú zmätenými a používajú nejaké malé izmy a senzácie a veci, a nazývajú to Duchom Božím. To je dôvod, prečo sme tak váhaví, ako sme dnes - celý cirkevný systém. Je to hrozné. A napriek tomu všetkému, Ježiš stále stojí pri dverách. Vyhodený von, ale ešte...
85 Ešte jedny dvere by som chcel otvoriť - dvere viery - potom skončím. Je ich okolo tucet, ktoré som si tu zapísal, ale tie preskočím. Dvere viery. Poviete, „Prišli by ste dole k Obchodníkom Plného Evanjelia?“
„Plného Evanjelia... ”
„To je proti mojej viere.“
Existuje len jedna viera. To je pravda. „Jedna viera, jeden Pán, jeden krst.“ To je pravda. „No, to je proti mojej viere.“
[Ján 1:1,14]
86 Možno nechcete Ježiša, aby sa postavil v tých dverách vašej viery. Máte svoju vieru postavenú na nejakých učeniach nejakej cirkvi, nejakej denominácie. A to je tam, kde je vaša viera uzavretá sama v miestnosti. A nechcete pustiť Ježiša dnu, ktorý je Slovom. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo,“ povedal Svätý Ján 1. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bolo Boh... a to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ On je večným Slovom.
A tvoja viera... Hovoríte, že dni zázrakov pominuli a neexistuje nič také ako hovorenie v jazykoch a prorokovanie, a tie nezmysly, ktoré sa dnes v Letničných cirkvách dejú. Neexistuje nič také, ako toto. Možno ste zanechali nejaké vyznanie viery vo dverách vašej viery. Ak by ste tie dvere otvorili a nechali Slovo Božie vstúpiť dnu, aby sa stalo vaším Pánom... „Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí to vyznanie viery. Ak tak hovorí Biblia, si mojím Pánom.“
[Luk. 4:41, Ján3:3]
87 Musíte byť znovuzrodení, a keď ste znovuzrodení, potom musíte byť naplnení Duchom Svätým. Bez ohľadu na vyznania viery, čo je... Nič z toho. Poviete, „No, verím, že Ježiš je Syn Boží.“ Diabol verí to isté. Musíte byť znovuzrodení. Každý sa bojí toho nového narodenia. Ach, ja viem, že hovoríte o sebe, že ste boli znovuzrodení, ale myslím si, že náš život niekedy hovorí tak hlasno, že naše svedectvo nie je počuť, rozumiete.
88 Pôrod je neporiadok, nestarám sa o to, kde to je. Prepáčte za tento výraz, ale ak je pôrod v chlieviku, je to neporiadok. Ak je to v stajni pre kravy, to je neporiadok. Ak je v nemocničnej izbe, to je neporiadok. Ak je pri oltári, to je neporiadok. To urobí, že vyhniješ svojmu vlastnému mysleniu. To urobí, že všetko zahodíš. Veci, ktoré ste kedysi milovali celým svojím srdcom, vzdáte sa ich, aby ste dovolili tomu tichému klopaniu... Nestarám sa o to, či to je misia niekde na rohu.
89 My ľudia tu vonku veríme veľkým veciam, my Američania. Chceme veľké klobúky, veľké autá a veľké denominácie, viac v učení a viac v denominácii. Všetko, čo chceme, sú veľké veci; a Boh je za malým, tichým hlasom.
My chceme veľa hrmotu a hluku. Nejaký farmár raz vzal voz a išiel na pole. A keď išiel, to udieralo a hrmotalo a robilo veľa hluku. A keď išiel naspäť, prechádzal cez tie isté hrbole a dokonca sa ani nepohol. Bol naložený dobrým tovarom.
My chceme učenie. „Naša denominácia je najväčšia. Máme toto... Chvála Bohu, porazili sme túto skupinu tuto. Porazili sme túto skupinu tuto v platení peňazí, dávaní zlata a vo všetkom inom. A kto privedie najviac ľudí do cirkvi?“ Nič proti tomu. To je všetko v poriadku. Ale tu je to, čo sa snažím povedať – to ešte nie je to! To je v poriadku priviesť ľudí do cirkvi. Áno. Ale Ježiš povedal, keď nejaký človek vyšiel von a priviedol nového prívrženca viery, povedal, čím sa stal? Dvojnásobné dieťa plné pekla viac než na začiatku.
90 Počúvame programy Billy Grahama... kde nemám nič čo povedať proti tomu veľkému evanjelistovi. Určite nie. On je muž Boží a Boh ho používa. Ale kde on je? Dolu v Sodome. Pamätáte si ten typ? Išli tam dvaja anjeli dolu do Sodomy, predobraz, ktorý Ježiš povedal, by bol taký istý, ako pri Jeho príchode. Ale jeden ostal s Abrahámom, tou vybranou cirkvou, povolanou. Pozerajte, čo obaja anjeli urobili, potom budete mať to posolstvo.
91 Nie je to zvláštna vec, tých dvoch poslov – presne, čo Boh povedal v posledných dňoch – nikdy nebol žiaden človek tam dolu na poli, v tých všetkých dňoch Moodyho, Sankeya, Finneya, Knoxa, Kalvína, počas tých dní, nikdy nebol nikto, ktorý by mal meno končiace sa na h-a-m (G-r-a-h-a-m), až do tohto dňa. Vidíte toho posla do tej formálnej cirkvi? Vidíte, otec národov.
92 Teraz, cirkev duchovne nebola taká na začiatku – Letnične zobrazená. Sledujte toho posla, ktorý prišiel do tej cirkvi. On si sadol a rozprával sa s Abrahámom. Povedal, „Kde je tvoja žena, Sárah?“ On ho nazval Abrahámom, ktorého meno bolo Abram. Povedal, „Kde je tvoja žena, Sárah?“ Jej meno bolo S-á-r-a; teraz je to S-á-r-a-h. On ju nazval S-á-r-a-h.
Povedal, „Ona je v stane za tebou.“
93 On povedal, „Ja (osobné zámeno) ťa navštívim podľa času života.“ A Sára... On povedal, „Prečo sa Sára zasmiala, keď som to povedal?“ Tam On je.
Prečo by to bolo? My musíme mať Ducha, ako je ten, navštevujúc cirkev – prorockého ducha, ducha rozoznávania. A keď to prichádza, ľudia to odmietajú. Prečo? Je to Laodicea. My sme stále spojení s vyznaniami viery a vecami, až to nemôžeme akceptovať. To je pravda. „Stojím vo dverách a klopem. Ak ktokoľvek počuje môj hlas...“
„Ó, moja viera neprijíma to... tie veci.“
Potom máš zlú vieru. Viera... Viere, skutočná originálna Božia viera bude potvrdzovať každé zasľúbenie Božie s „Amen,“ pravdivý Duch Svätý. Prečo? Duch Svätý napísal Bibliu. Hovorí to tak. Muži dávna, pohnutí Duchom Svätým, napísali Bibliu. Ako by potom mohol byť vo vás Duch Svätý a zapreli by ste to? Nemôžete to urobiť. Formy pobožnosti, povedal prorok, a zapierali by moc, ktorá oslobodí mužov a ženy od hriechu a vecí tohto sveta. Bože, zmiluj sa nad nami. Ó! Nejaká nábožná viera, ktorú máš, ktorá zapiera Slovo Božie, choď preč od toho. Nech je Slovo Božie pravdou. Tak veru.
94 Všimnite si. On povedal, „Nevieš, že si nahý, mizerný, chudobný, úbohý a slepý, a nevieš o tom?“ To je tá mizerná časť. (Hneď budeme končiť.) Chcem, aby ste to pochopili, „nevieš o tom“. Ak si teraz videl nejakého muža kráčajúceho dolu touto hlavnou ulicou – Stone Street (Kamennou ulicou) alebo nejakou z týchto hlavných ulíc, a ten muž bol taký chudobný, že nemal žiadne oblečenie a bol mizerný, úbohý a bez akéhokoľvek oblečenia, nahý; alebo nejakú ženu, úplne nahú, slepú, a nevedela o tom...
Nuž, ak by to vedela, alebo ak by to on vedel, snažili by sa niekam dostať, kde by našli nejaké oblečenie. Ale ak o tom nevedia, potom choď a snaž sa im to povedať, oni povedia, „Staraj sa o seba.“
95 Nuž, to je presne to, čo povedal Ježiš Kristus, aká bude Letničná cirkev v posledných dňoch – vlažná a bude bohatá. Sme asi tak bohatými, ako ktokoľvek z nich. Boli sme, keď sme boli na misii, mali sme spasenie. Teraz sme povstali s veľkými pozíciami, ako táto, s väčším počtom a s veľkými dobrými vecami. A kde sa nachádzame? Presne ako ostatní z nich. A Ježiš tak povedal.
96 Ale v strede toho všetkého, On stále klope. „Ak ktokoľvek (individuálne) bude počuť Môj hlas a otvorí dvere, Ja vojdem a budem večerať s ním a on so Mnou.“ To je to, kam sme sa dostali – nahí, slepí. Slepí! Skutočne slepí, duchovne slepí. Nemohol by si im nič povedať.
Viete, my sme boli vychovaní strašne chudobne dolu v Kentucky. Môj starý otec bol poľovník a skutočne dobre známy poľovník. Zvykol poľovať na mývaly. Neviem, či vy ľudia tu... nie je dosť vody v Arizone, aby ste mohli mať mývalov, domnievam sa, ale oni majú... Tam dolu majú mývalov. Lovili mývalov. Koľko z vás vie, čo je to lovenie mývalov? Dobre, pozrite sa na kentačanov. Ó! V poriadku. Nuž, cítim sa, akoby som si mohol dať dolu oblek a ešte trochu kázať. Cítil som sa trochu ako poviazaný, ale teraz sa cítim celkom dobre.
Ó! Koľko z vás vie, čo je to slamený matrac? Hm, hm. Dobre, chcem vám poďakovať. Nakoniec sa cítim ako doma. Áno, to je dobre. Môj kukuričný chlieb, kukuričná kaša pod mojim čiernookým hráškom, repa – jedli ste to už niekedy? Ó! To je...Teraz sa máme dobre. Áno, veru tak, to je dobré!
97 A starý otec niekedy chytal mývalov, robil z nich masť. A čo oni mali... malú plechovku. My sme si nechávali tú malú plechovku od kypriaceho prášku. Mama mala jednu, s ktorou vykrajovala koláčiky, k plechovkou z kypriaceho prášku. A ona robila vynikajúce, veľké koláčiky. Mohol si si zobrať z vrchu a spodok sa odlepil. A natrieť melasou, a kúsok domáceho masla – bolo to skutočne dobré. Bolo by to dobré práve teraz. Tak nejako som dnes ráno preskočil na moje melasy, tak viete, že niečo také by sa naozaj dobre hodilo.
98 A mama zvykla brať tú masť z mývalov a to bol všeliek v našom dome – to, a mastička Barbed Wire Liniment. A ona... My sme si zobrali šálku a oni nám naliali tú starú mastičku Barbed Wire Liniment a natierali. A potom, keď sme sa cítili zle, vzali sme tú mývaliu masť.
99 A mali sme jednu malú izbu a bolo tam podkrovie. Museli sme vyjsť hore schodmi ako tieto, zábradlie vyrobené zo stromčekov. A my, deti sme spávali hore na slamených matracoch. A tam nad tým slameným matracom bola perina. A potom, šindle boli položené vo svetle mesiaca, a tak... Bola tam diera a mohol cez to prefúknuť sneh, tak tam dávala kúsok plachty ponad nás, aby sa sneh nedostal počas noci na naše tváre, na túto skupinku malých Branhamovcov. A my sme boli dvaja pri nohách, dvaja pri hlave a dvaja v strede. Jednoducho sme mali všetky spôsoby spania – váľania sa tam ako malé prasiatka a udržujúc teplo jeden druhému.
Raz za čas jeden z nás vyšiel spopod tej plachty, keď fúkal studený vietor, a my sme ochoreli. A dostalo sa to do našich očí a poznáte to, keď sa ten nepríjemný hnis dostane do vašich očí. Mama to volala „hnis“. Povedala, „Dostať hnis do očí.“ Nuž, ja som sa ráno prebudil a mama zavolala, „Billy, poď dolu. Je čas ísť do školy.“ A ja som povedal, „Mami, mám ten hnis v očiach. Nevidím.“ Humpy, môj brat, zobudil sa (volá sa Edward, my sme ho volali Humpy len zo žartu), a povedal, „Mám v očiach ten hnis.“
Počul som, ako tá stará mývalia masť buchla na peci. Ona to priniesla celé rozmrazené. Potom mama vyšla hore schodmi a šúchala a masírovala tie oči. A verte alebo nie, hnis zmizol. Mývalia masť bola všeliekom na hnisavé oči.
100 Poviem vám, v cirkvi prišlo studené obdobie a mývalia masť vôbec nebude fungovať. Ale Ježiš povedal, „Radím vám kúpiť si očnú masť“ – Ducha Svätého. Dostali ste... stali ste sa tak slepými, aká je cirkev, až nedokáže vidieť Boha; vidí len tie organizácie. Vidí len to, čo môže vidieť pred sebou. Nikdy nepozerá tam na ten skorý príchod Pána. Mývalia masť už tomu nikdy nepomôže, ale masť Ducha Svätého otvorí vaše oči a budete si môcť uvedomiť, že prítomnosť Ježiša Krista... A On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On je Boh a môže namastiť vaše oči Svojím Duchom Svätým.
Zabudneš, či si metodistom, baptistom alebo jednotárom alebo dvojičiarom alebo trojičiarom alebo Cirkvou Božou alebo nazarénom alebo pútnikom svätosti. Budeš Kresťanom narodeným nanovo z kráľovstva Božieho.
101 Budete niečo... Nebudete sa musieť pokúšať hovoriť, „No, musím urobiť toto.“ Existuje vo vás niečo, čo vás núti urobiť to. Nutkanie vo vašom srdci vás pohne k modlitbe. Božská láska prúdi do tvojej najvnútornejšej bytosti, až dokým nedokážeš obsedieť. Modlitebné stretnutia z vás len tak tečú, ako voda z artézskej studne.
102 Zvykol som prechádzať... Keď som bol počas niekoľkých rokov horárom, prechádzal som vedľa veľkého starého prameňa. Ten len tak bublal, takto. Raz som sa tam posadil vedľa toho prameňa a povedal som, „Prečo si tak šťastný?“ Ach, tá voda bola výborná! Napil som sa vody a povedal som,
„Prečo si tak šťastný? Si šťastný, lebo z teba pijú králiky?“
Ak by on mohol hovoriť, povedal by, „Nie.“
„Pretože jelene z teba pijú?“
„Pretože ja z teba pijem?“
„Prečo si tak šťastný? Prečo si takto bubleš?“
Ak by mohol hovoriť, povedal by, „To nie ja si takto bublem, brat Branham. To je niečo za mnou, čo ma tlačí, núti neustále bublať.“
[Filipanom 1:21]
103 My ženieme sami seba, aby sme robili tie veci; ale keď je tam Duch Svätý, robíme to Božskou láskou. „Pre mňa žiť je Kristus a zomrieť je zisk,“ povedal Pavol. Samozrejme. Teraz, nech jeho pomazanie hojivou masťou príde na naše oči. Na záver... Nechcem vás tu držať všetkých, až kým budete celkom unavení. To je prvýkrát, alebo druhýkrát, čo som s vami. Odpusťte mi, ak som bol príliš zdĺhavý. Dovoľte mi zakončiť povediac...
104 Dole na juhu, mali sme starého letničného farebného brata tam dole, ktorý... On bol naozaj skutočným služobníkom Kristovým. Bola tam istá stará čierna sestra, ktorá prišla do cirkvi. A ona bola naplnená Duchom Svätým a mala taký výborný charakter. A ona mala manžela, on bol starý dobrý chlapík. Jeho meno bolo... oni ho volali Gabriel. My sme ho volali Gabe, skrátene.
A tak, nijako sme ho nemohli dostať do poriadku s cirkvou. On jednoducho nechcel prísť do cirkvi. Povedal, že... Ach, chlapci dolu pri biliardovej herni, kam on chodil, povedali, že je to banda svätých povaľačov [hanlivá prezývka pre letničných - pozn. prekl.], a nič iné. A jediná vec, ktorú Gabe musel urobiť, bolo v nedeľu ráno si zobrať svoje biliardové tágo a ísť do biliardovej herne, alebo niečo také, a ísť sa baviť s chlapcami.
Ale jeho manželka bola skutočná oddaná svätá. A ona chodila do cirkvi a modlila sa a tiež jej pastor a všetci sa modlili za Gabea, pretože naozaj dolu v jeho srdci bol dobrým človekom. A on tam mal malé podnikanie, malý... na rohu, malé čistenie obuvi. On leštil topánky, aby získal dostatok peňazí na hranie biliardu, a on hral biliard. Tak on sa jednoducho nechcel dať do poriadku s Evanjeliom.
A pastor... Starý Gabe veľmi rád lovil. Tak pastor bol tiež lovec, tak zobral Gabea a šli loviť. Tak jedného dňa, po celodennom plahočení sa cez divočinu a močiare, boli to popoludnie na ceste domov. A mali toľko diviny, že ju ledva mohli uniesť. Mali králikov a vtákov všade na sebe idúc ďalej, a prišli ku starej známej ceste, ako prichádzali. Vyšli na vrchol kopca a šli dolu do malého mesta tam dolu.
105 Bolo to v sobotu a zapadalo slnko. A pastor sa poobzeral okolo seba. Nepočul povedať Gabea nič už dlhší čas. A on sa rozhliadal dookola a Gabe sa díval cez jeho ramená smerom k západu slnka, ako zachádzalo za západný horizont. A pastor sa obzrel späť a všimol si, že Gabe nič nehovoril, iba sa pozeral späť, ako išiel vpred.
A tak pastor išiel pár minút, a po chvíli pristála na jeho ramene veľká čierna ruka. A keď sa prekvapene otočil, starý Gabe mu hľadel do tváre so slzami tečúcimi po lícach, odkvapkávali dole, takto. On povedal, „Pastor, ráno ma nájdeš práve tam na tej lavičke prosebníkov.“ Povedal, „Potom pôjdem rovno späť a sadnem si hneď po boku svojej vernej manželky, a tam sa chystám zotrvať v tej cirkvi, až kým ma Boh nezavolá domov.“ A pastor sa, samozrejme, v úžase otočil. Povedal, „Gabe, ja som chcel, a čakal, a túžil, a roky sa za toto modlil.“ On povedal, „Gabe, je to vyriešené?“
On povedal, „Áno, pastor, je to vyriešené. Ale chcem tiež toho Ducha Svätého. A ráno pôjdem tam k lavičke prosebníkov, a buď ho tam dostanem, alebo práve tam zomriem.“
On povedal, „Gabe, vážim si to.“ Povedal, „Ale chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, Gabe. Čo za kázeň som kázal, ktorá ťa k tomu inšpirovala. Chcel by som vedieť, ktorú kázeň som kázal, o čom som kázal. Alebo ktorú pieseň spieval zbor, ktorá ťa inšpirovala, aby si urobil toto skvelé rozhodnutie, Gabe?“
106 A starý černoch pozrel na pastora a povedal, „Pastor,“ povedal, „ja si skutočne vážim každú kázeň, ktorú si kázal.“ On povedal, „Vážim si všetko, čo si povedal, pastor.“ On povedal, „A oceňujem každú výbornú pieseň, ktorú spieval zbor. Ale,“ povedal, „pastor, to nebolo to.“ On povedal, „Vieš, pozeral som sa na to slnko, ako tam zapadá.“ Vedel si, že moje a tvoje slnko tiež zapadá? Že svetlo našich tiel nás opúšťa?“
107 To je pravda. To je pravda tu dnes ráno, ľudia. Slnko zapadá – zapadá vo vašom živote a v mojom, a zapadá čas civilizácie, a ona sa končí. A On stojí pri dverách - klope, túži, čaká. To malé klopanie, niečo dolu v tvojom srdci, čo hovorí, „To som Ja. Otvor už.“ - to je On. Gabe to začul a obrátil sa.
108 Povedal ďalšiu vec. „Pastor,“ povedal, „vieš, ja som zlý strelec.“ On povedal, „Nevedel som zasiahnuť nič. Vieš, že som nevedel. A len sa pozri na ten úlovok – dosť, aby to vydržalo mne a mojej žene celý budúci týždeň.“ A povedal, „Vieš, že ja neviem trafiť nič, ale,“ povedal, „On mi to dal.“ Povedal, „Začal som o tom premýšľať, že On ma musí milovať, lebo by nebol ku mne tak dobrý.“
109 Uvedomili ste si to niekedy? Dnes v Indii, malé deti, viem, ležia na ulici, a ich malé brušká sú nafúknuté, ich malé ďasná spustené takto, hladujú až k smrti; nejaká malá matka prosí, aby ste zobrali toho jedného, a je tam tisíc ďalších. Popoludní prichádzajú a berú ich na nosidlá alebo niečo také, a odnášajú ich na salamander [výhrevná pec, ktorá sa používa na vysúšanie mokrých stavieb – pozn.prekl.] a hádžu ich dnu. Tam nie je žiaden Ján 14. Čokoľvek na zjedenie, tráva zo zeme, kôra zo stromu, alebo čokoľvek, čo môžu urobiť. Vyhadzujeme v našich smetiakoch dosť nato, aby sme ich nakŕmili.
[Zjavenie 3:20]
110 Sedíme tu dnes ráno platiac okolo dolár a pol za trochu jedla tu. A máme dobré oblečenie, jazdíme na peknom automobile, bývame v peknom dome. Vy, podnikatelia tu, vaše firmy prekvitajú, ako vás počujem svedčiť. Boh je ku vám dobrý. Nemôžete si to uvedomiť? Prečo? On vás miluje. Viete čo? A to je dôvod, že to klopanie prichádza. „Stojím pri dverách a klopem, a ak by ktokoľvek počul môj hlas a otvoril dvere, Ja vojdem dnu a budem s ním večerať a on so Mnou.“
Teraz, ten tichý, jemný hlas, ktorý klope na dvere tvojho srdca, mohol už klopať toľkokrát, až to môže byť teraz počuť veľmi slabo. Ale buďme jednoducho úprimní, len úprimní k Bohu a k sebe, len jednu minútu. To tiché klopanie tam dolu, ktoré hovorí, „Mal by som radšej obmedziť svoje cesty. Mal by som byť iný. Mal by som sa dať do poriadku. Viem, že je vo mne niečo. Som... pozrite, preskúmal som svoj život s týmto Slovom a vidím, že sa v mnohých veciach mýlim.“ Rozhliadnite sa okolo a pozrite, aký dobrý... Je to Jeho dobrota, ktorá klope na dvere.
[Zjavenie 3:20]
111 Bez ohľadu na to, čo sme urobili, ako veľmi sme zhrešili, koľkokrát sme to odmietli, koľkokrát sme povedali, že to urobíme neskôr. On je stále uprostred toho všetkého a klope. „A ak by akýkoľvek muž alebo žena otvorili svoje srdce, vojdem dnu a budem s nimi večerať.“ Pozrime sa, čo chce toto ráno, urobíte to, zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy?
Ó, môj Ježišu, milujem Ťa, milujem Ťa. Ach, pre milosť, milovať Ťa viac, Pane! „Čo je to malé niečo, čo mi v mojom srdci stále hovorí, že musím prísť o niečo bližšie k Ježišovi? Čo je to?“ Chcete tomu dnes ráno otvoriť dvere? Teraz s každou hlavou sklonenou a každým okom zatvoreným, prosím, dolu vo svojom srdci buďte skutočne úprimní, len na chvíľu. Máte to tiché klopanie na vašich dverách (budem sa o chvíľu modliť), a úprimne by ste chceli vedieť, čo je tá malá vec vo vašom živote, že by ste Ho chceli nechať... Chceli by ste, aby On dnes ráno vstúpil?
Povedzte, „Brat Branham, modli sa, aby som mal vieru a milosť otvoriť len svoje srdce a nechať Ho vojsť. Chcem vedieť, čo to klope na moje dvere. Viem, že tam je niečo, čo klope. Možno je to bližšie chodenie, možno je to iná služba, možno je to vzdať sa, možno je to obdržanie Ducha Svätého. Zodvihli by ste svoju ruku k Bohu a povedali „Tu som, Pane.“? Boh ťa žehnaj. To je ono, práve všade. „Ja mám to malé klopanie na dvere môjho srdca.“ Myslím, že je to asi šesťdesiat alebo sedemdesiat percent ľudí.
S našimi hlavami sklonenými – teraz, náš nebeský Otče, „Je fontána,“ ako básnik povedal, „ktorá je naplnená Krvou vytekajúcou z Emanuelových žíl, kde hriešnici ponorení do toho prúdu strácajú všetky svoje trestuhodné škvrny. Ten hynúci zlodej sa radoval, že vidí tú fontánu vo svojom dni, a tam môžem ja, tiež biedny ako on, zmyť všetky moje hriechy. “
Teraz, Otče, sme vďační za týchto ľudí. A niektorí z nich možno... bez pochýb, vyznali kresťanstvo už dávno, ale oni majú skutočné presvedčenie, dostatočné nato, aby zodvihli svoje ruky. Čo, Pane, ak nemali dokonca ani rozhodnutie zdvihnúť svoje ruky? Potom minuli vykúpenie. Myslite na to miesto: že putujúca duša by mohla putovať von do tmy, a biedne slepá a nevie o tom; a počuje klopanie od Boha, a zarmucuje Ho toľkokrát, až nakoniec nikdy znova nezaklope. A zoberú učenie, alebo niečo, a žijú podľa toho zvyšok svojich dní - aby sa našli sklamaní v ten deň súdu.
Som vďačný, Pane, za týchto ľudí, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky a povedali, „Buď mi milostivý, Pane. Príď do môjho srdca, Pane Ježišu, a zjav mi samého Seba. A ja Ti vydám svoj život. Tu som. Ak je vo mne čokoľvek, čo nie je v poriadku, Pane... A ja sa pozerám na svoj vlastný život a vidím, že je tam veľa toho, čo je zlé. Potom, vezmi ma do Tvojho veľkého formovacieho domu a preformuj ma, a vezmi odo mňa všetko, čo je svetské a bezbožné.
112 „A ďakujem Ti, Pane, že som sa nedostal na miesto, kedy by som prekročil tú líniu, ktorá môže... kde ju prekročíš a nikdy sa už nemôžeš vrátiť späť – zarmútiť Ducha Božieho poslednýkrát, a kde už nie je vôbec žiaden spôsob, ako sa vrátiť späť.“ Ako Judáš Iškariotský a oni, predal svojho Pána za tridsať strieborných. A my dnes robíme, pre popularitu a starosti sveta a náboženské organizácie a denominácie a vyznania viery - my Ho predávame za čokoľvek.
Ach, Pane, zmiluj sa nad poctivými srdcami. Žiadam za tých, Pane. Ach, so všetkým, čo je vo mne, žiadam o Božie milosrdenstvo, a vypočuj ma, Pane, vypočuj ma. A nech táto veľká túžba, s vierou vediac, že to je Boh, ktorý prehovoril do ich sŕdc... Je to Boh, ktorý robí tieto veci. Nech sa dvere srdca otvoria práve teraz a Ježiš vojde a stane sa Pánom situácie, berúc celý svet von a urobí z nich nové stvorenie v Kristovi Ježišovi.
Uzdrav tých, ktorí sú chorí, Pane. Cítim, že je tu toľko utrpenia, modlím sa za nich, Otče, aby sa teraz ten veľký Lekár dotkol tiež ich fyzického bytia, a urobil z toho Svoj domov - Jeho príbytok – kde môže natiahnuť svoje ruky na volanie (malé jemné volanie srdca), a veľký Lekár bude vykonávať tú prácu. Udeľ to, Pane. Vypočuj nás dnes. Žehnaj všetkých prítomných. Prosíme o to v mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.
Teraz s našimi hlavami sklonenými, skutočne pokorne, jemne, spievajme túto starú pieseň cirkvi, „Milujem Ho, milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa.“ A teraz ver v to, o čo si žiadal, že to malé tiché klopanie, ktoré bolo v tvojom srdci, Ježiš vojde teraz dnu. Potichu, spievajúc to:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
pretože On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
[2 Korinťanom 5:17, Galaťanom 6:15]
113 Teraz, so sklonenými hlavami, vy, ktorí Ho chcete prijať ako Pána vo svojom srdci, „Pane, vezmi teraz všetko preč. A od tejto hodiny sa zasväcujem Tebe, nad týmto stolom konferenciou, Pane, že Ťa stretnem znovu na tej veľkej svadobnej večeri. Zasväcujem svoj život dnes ráno pre Teba, tak mi pomôž, môj Pane. Ak som ešte neprijal Ducha Svätého, budem prosiť, dokiaľ skutočný Duch Svätý nevojde a neobmyje môj život, neurobí ma novým stvorením v Kristu Ježišovi. Sľubujem Ti dnes, Pane, ako sa teraz zasväcujem Tebe, nad týmto stolom. V mene Krista to sľubujem urobiť, pozdvihujúc svoju ruku.“ Teraz, pozdvihnite svoje ruky a spievajte teraz so zatvorenými očami.
Milujem Ho
(Posvätíte sami seba teraz?),
milujem Ho,
lebo On prv...
Bože, buď milostivý. Otče, pozri sa na tieto ruky a daj to, v Ježišovom mene.
a vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
Teraz chcem, aby ste sa načiahli ponad stôl a potriasli si s niekým ruky. Povedzte, „Boh ti žehnaj, pútnik. Som rád, že tu môžem dnes ráno byť spolu s tebou.“ To je pravda. Každý, jednoducho zamiešaný – metodista, baptista, katolík, presbyterián. Boh ti žehnaj, Boh ti žehnaj. Tie posolstvá sú niekedy orezávajúce a tvrdé a my ne... my sa chceme pri nich cítiť dobre. Teraz, Boh ti žehnaj, brat. Boh ti žehnaj. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra. Boh ti žehnaj, môj brat. Boh buď s tebou. Boh ti žehnaj. Dobre. Boh ti žehnaj, brat Tony. Teraz, stojme na chvíľu.
S našimi rukami a srdciami k Bohu, nášmu Otcovi, všetky vyznania viery, teraz všetky viery... Teraz, keď si sa modlil, pamätaj si, že Ježiš povedal, že keď sa modlíš, ver, že dostaneš to, za čo si sa modlil, a bude ti to dané. Veríš v to? Povedz, „Amen. Verím, že dostanem to, za čo som prosil. Zasvätil som svoj život Ježišovi Kristovi a od tohto dňa naďalej (skutočne to myslím, Bože) budem kráčať pred Tebou, až sa to stane takou realitou, že budem cele ukrytý v Kristovi Ježišovi.“
Je tu teraz vedúci piesní? Začnime teraz ten starý milý chválospev, „Moja viera pozerá na Teba, Ty, Baránok z Golgoty, Spasiteľ Boží.“ Mohla by nám dať sestra pri klavíri ten tón. Koľkí z vás poznajú ten chválospev? Zdvihnite... No, zaspievajme to teraz na plné hrdlo. „Moja viera pozerá na Teba, Ty, Baránok z Golgoty.“ Teraz všetci spolu.
Moja viera pozerá na Teba,
Ty, Baránok z Golgoty,
ó, Spasiteľ Boží,
vyslyš ma teraz, keď sa modlím,
daj preč všetky moje hriechy.
Ó, dovoľ mi od tohto dňa
byť cele Tvoj!
Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.
Keď je život tmavým bludiskom, ja kráčam,
a smútok sa okolo mňa rozprestiera,
(Pamätajte si, teraz sa stretnete so svetom)
buď Ty mojím Vodcom; (počúvajte!)
rozkáž tme obrátiť sa na deň,
zmy všetky moje slzy,
nedovoľ mi nikdy
zablúdiť od Teba preč.
(Hmkajme to.)
1 Thank you very much, brother, Brother Tony, and to all the friends, pilgrim travelers, strangers! You know, we don't claim to be a... Pardon me.
2[A brother at the pulpit gives a report about God answering Brother Branham's prayer three years ago in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and many souls were saved during his ministry in Brazil that year--Ed.]
3God bless you, brother. I--I like to hear those reports of when souls get saved, you know. That's the--the main thing. And we're happy to be here and see so many of our friends around from different parts of the country. And this brother here is coming now to the city, I understand, this morning, that his equipment is already unloaded here for a--for a great revival. I certainly pray, brother, that He will give you a great revival and many souls here in the city.
4And I'm glad this morning to see many of my minister friends. Brother Outlaw there, I just noticed him when I raised up, from Phoenix. And I'm very happy to see you down here, brother, Brother Outlaw. You brethren from Jericho coming up here to Jerusalem, to visit us. We're always happy to have them. That's right, Tony.
5 And so--and so I got that one off, up to Brother Williams, not long ago, up at Phoenix. "You know," I said, "Tucson, I live here now, you know. So I have to kind of hold up for this place, you see, up on the mountain here, and look down to Jericho and see our brethren. Why, we always..."
6And Brother Carl was talking about so many coming a hundred miles, from Phoenix down here. How many is here from Jeffersonville, Indiana? Stand up. All around, over here. That's about twenty-one hundred miles. Oh, Carl!
7 So glad to be here and enjoy this wonderful inside Son-shine. See, we talk about this being the city of the sun. That's the outside. But, oh, this inside Son, my, that's what I enjoy.
8I've been enjoying these blessings this week, and attending the revival of Brother Bethany here, over at the First Assemblies of God. And I certainly appreciate this gallant soldier of the cross, his fine preaching. It's been so much to me, this week. I said, "Brother Bethany and I have many things in common, especially the way we part our hair, Brother Bethany." It's so, then, we can always recognize one another, wherever we are.
9So we are grateful for this opportunity to be here with Brother Tony. I can't say that name, and so I just call him "Brother Tony." You excuse me. They called Peter, "Peter," and Paul, "Paul," and so this is Tony. I always tell them, "Just call me, 'Brother Bill.'" That's what I... I like that name, "Brother Bill," or "Brother," anyhow, to be associated with--with you, to be a brother.
10 Enjoyed that breakfast! The only thing, there wasn't enough molasses. I--I--I run out. And I borrowed from my son, and run out with him, and borrowed from their brother. He had an extra plate, and still I didn't have enough molasses. You know, I'm a Baptist. I don't believe in sprinkling. I like to really baptize them. I like plenty, plenty molasses. I got the sugar bowl, and there isn't too much left in it. I had to sugar them up a little, you know.
11 Remember down in the south, down, I believe it was Alabama, I was with the--the Missionary Baptist people. I was down there, holding a revival. And I was in a little, old screened-in porch, on the outside. And there was an old colored sister. She said... You know, I had preached hard that night, and I couldn't hardly get up the next morning. And she called me, and I remember getting awake long enough to hear her say, "Hey, parson." She said, "Honey, come on. I done cooked your flapjacks four times, already, this morning." Four times she cooked them flapjacks! I--I like them. Just a little story, I know. We're just here in a fellowship, you know.
12 Old Brother Bosworth, how many ever knowed Dr. Bosworth? He was a great old friend of mine. He said to me, one time, he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?"
I said, "I--I think so, doctor."
13He said, "It's two fellows in one ship." You know, that's just here, where they... And so that's the way. That's close communion; close, not closed; close communion with one another.
14 Remember, one day, thinking about flapjacks. We call them "flapjacks," in the South, Brother Bethany. So we... I was on a little fishing trip, up in northern New Hampshire. It's the home of them cutthroat and square-tailed trout. And I had had a little tent on my back. I had packed back, about a day-and-a-half journey, where all the soft-footed fellows couldn't get. So I was back there catching trout. Oh, what a time I was having! And a little pup tent. And the day before, a little hole of water, oh, there was just fine big trout laying in there, and I was just catching just as fast. And I'd catch one... If I killed it, then I--I'd take it and eat it. But, ordinarily, I'd turn him loose, if it didn't hurt him too bad.
15And I'd always catch my fly on a little bunch of moose willow behind me. And I thought, "Next morning, early, I'm going to take my ax and go down there and cut that moose willow down," 'cause I'd catch my little Coachman in that--in that moose willow. So I got up early, and I thought, "Well, I might catch a trout or two for breakfast." And I was by myself. And I took my little old ax and went down and cut down this little moose willow and caught me a couple fish, was on the road back.
16 And I heard a noise. It was an old sow bear. The place was full of them up there. Was a black bear. She had two cubs. And she had got into my tent. They had tore it down. There was nothing left. It just... It isn't what they eat; it's what they destroy. They just hear anything rattle, they--they jump on it, you know. And my old stovepipe was beat up, and, well, nothing to do but go back.
17And when the old sow mother bear saw me come up, she run off and cooed to her cubs, and one of them come. The other one didn't come. Well, I wondered why he didn't go. Well, I--I had an old rusty pistol laying there in the tent, but the bear was on the pistol. So I wouldn't want to shoot the old bear, anyhow, and leave two orphans in the woods. So I... And I sure... You take an old mother bear with some cubs, she'll actually scratch you, you know. She--she kind of gets a little upset when you go to think you're going to bother those cubs.
18 So this little fellow was setting, and just a young tot of a bear. Looked be probably weigh twenty pounds; fifteen, twenty pounds. Was early, they just been out of hibernation a little while. And the little guy had his back turned to me, just all humped up, like that. "Well," I thought, "what's that little fellow so interested in?" And the old mother bear and the other little cub was out there, and she kept cooing to him, and he wouldn't pay a bit of attention to her.
19I thought, "What's the matter with that little fellow?" I got me a tree in line, where I could get into if she got after me. So I thought, "I've got to see what's got that little fellow so fascinated." Usually they'll run. So I kept moving around, watching her, till I got around sideways. And you would be surprised what was happening.
20 That little guy had got my bucket of molasses, and--and a little half a gallon bucket full of molasses. And he had got the lid off of it. And they love sweet, anyhow, you know. He didn't know how to drink it. So he just took his little paw and dipped it down in and licked, like that, you know, when he brought it up. And he--he couldn't... I hollered at him. I said, "Get out of there." And he turned. He couldn't get his eyes open, molasses in his eyes, you know, looking at, you know. And he had sopped that bucket out just as clean as it could be.
21And I just stood and laughed. And anytime, then don't have a camera, you know, to get that picture. And there he was. And then after he got through licking the, you know, the bucket out, real good, he went over to the old mother and little brother, and they licked him.
22 So--so I thought, "That's like a good old pentecostal meeting, when we get our hands in the honey jar, plumb up to the elbows. And then go out, tell somebody else, let them lick a while off of us, you know. Just a licking-good meeting, you know. That's what I thought that little bear was having.
23Now, there's no condemnation to him, as long as he was licking molasses, you know. So that's the way we feel in a good old-fashion meeting. There's no starch. There's no nothing, but just simply set and lick. That's all.
24 In the Bible, you know, the shepherd carried a scrip bag on his side. And many times, in there, he would carry little bits of honey. And when he got a sheep that was sick, the shepherd would go over, squeeze out a little, this honey, on a limestone rock. And the sheep like something sweet, too, you know. So he'd go over, the sheep would, and go to licking on that rock. He was licking the honey, but while licking the honey he got the limestone, and the limestone helped to heal him.
25I've got a whole scrip bag full here of honey, and I'm going to put it on that Rock, Christ Jesus, and you sheep just start licking now. I'm sure it'll--it'll cure all of our ails if we'll just lick on the Rock of ages, and He will certainly take care of the rest. He is our Healer of physical and spiritual discomforts. He is the Lily of the Valley. And in the lily we find opium, and opium settles all matters. It just puts you in a daze, and that's the way the Holy Ghost comes. It puts you in a carefree condition where you don't care who is setting around or nothing about it. You got to let off the steam then. That's it.
26Remember a little girl one time got filled with the Holy Ghost. She was a little Methodist, too. And she was giving a testimony. And I never will forget the rude expression, no worse than what I make. And she said, "Well, I want to praise the Lord for this Holy Ghost." She said, "If it was any better, I'd bust."
27 I like this Full Gospel Business Men convention and meetings. And you know, I was ordained a few years ago, about thirty-five years ago, in the Missionary Baptist church. And there I tried to be a loyal minister to the Gospel, and to all that I knowed that was right, for years. And then after the great vision came...
28And I had never heard of such a thing as Pentecost. I heard them say there was a bunch of holy-rollers downtown, slobbering on the floor, everything. Well, I just never paid any attention to that. But when God called me, I come among them, and I have just... Seemed like that what was in my heart, craving for something, it's just like fitting a glove on a cold hand. It's just the right thing, and I have really enjoyed it.
29 When I come among the brethren, I found that among them it was like we Baptists. They were broke up in so many different organizations! My, they were all different kinds. And some of them was riding a one-hump camel, and some a two-hump, and some a three-hump, and some no humps at all. But, you know, I thought, "I won't join any certain group, because I'd be identified just with that certain group. So I'll just stand between them and say, 'We're brethren.'"
30I believe it was Jacob dug a well, and the Philistines run him away from it. Best of my memory, he called it "Malice," or something. Then he dug another one, and he said the Philistines run him away from it, so he called it "Strife." He dug another one. He said, "There's room for us all." And that's what I believe. There's room for us all.
31 And now I, only thing that I've joined since I been in the full Gospel move, I'm one of you. And I think it's the closest thing to Heaven that there is. If there's anything closer, I'll try to find it. But this is what I've found, and I like this. I'll stay with this till something better comes. And I'm looking for something better to come. Like Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "This is that." And if this isn't That, then I'll keep this till That comes. So, then I'll just hold on to this, 'cause this is very good.
32 And then I found out that this Christian Business Men, Full Gospel Business Men, was standing kind of in the same way, in the breach, between the great, fine organizations of the churches, trying to--to bridge of something, that was, make fellowship, contending, not trying to break up any of their organizations, or make all come into one, but just to bring a fellowship. And that's the reason I joined. And it's the only organization I belong to is this, this Full Gospel Business Men, because it's--it's trying to do what I think is a... would be a great service to God and His Church, to bring a feeling among us, that we're not separated. We are brothers, and we all received the same Holy Spirit. Now, God give you the Holy Spirit; He give the next man the Holy Spirit.
33 Like the bunch of Branhams, I've got nine brothers, and there are some fat and short, tall and slim, and I'm Mr. In-between. So they--they different ones, some blond-headed, and some black-headed, and some none at all. And so I'm still Mr. In-between. So, but, in there, we--we are brothers. We used to get out in the--in the back yard and fight one another. But when we got in the front yard and somebody jumped on a Branham. Oh, oh. It was just too bad.
34And so that's the way I think we all should feel, you see. Sometimes God does things that we... might not just seem just right in our eyes. But, yet, if it's God doing it, let's just say "amen" to it. God does it, anyhow. See? And we are--are looking forward to a time.
35 I was setting in Brother Bethany's service last Sunday night, preaching on the mark of the beast, and the man struck a keynote there that sent my soul thrilling. He said that just down the road there is something greater waiting, something on that order there, something that God is fixing to do. I believe it, too, to wind this thing up and send the Church into Glory. How marvelous! Now let's not just be so slothful now, that we'll...
36Remember, God never changes His ways. He remains, because His Word. He is the Word, and His Word cannot fail. He is infinite. Therefore if God makes a decision on something, it must ever remain that way. He can't go back and say, "I was wrong." See? I can do that; you can do it. But, God can't, because He's infinite. See? His first decision is Eternal.
37When God gave man the best fortification He could have for His, to bind him in, to close him in, God gave man His Word in the garden of Eden, His Word. And Eve made that rashal, final, great... one of the most rashal things she ever did, or ever could have done, was to reason with God's Word. We don't reason; we just believe It. Now, God has never appropriated anything else but believe His Word. That's right. His Word, we must stay behind It.
38 Now just a little drop here. You know one day the Bible had foretold of a great coming prophet that was going to gather Israel together. And when He come, you know He passed right through the people and they didn't know it? And then one day Jesus was speaking to His disciples, said, "The Son of man is going up to Jerusalem," and so forth.
39They said, "Why did the scribes..." Otherwise, the writers of the Scriptures. "Why did the scribes say that Elias must first come and restore all things?"
40He said, "I say unto you, truly Elias will first come. But I say that Elias is already come and you didn't know it. See, he went right through; they didn't know it. Likewise the Son of man." They understood He spoke of John the Baptist. Now, see, he was just a crank down on the river somewhere, a wild man, trying to drown people in water, so forth, a real strange message. But that was God's forerunner. "And it went through, and they didn't even know." Jesus came.... I guess one third of the Jews never heard of John.
41 I guess when Jesus, on earth, not too many of the Jews, and one hundredth of the population of the earth, ever knew He was here. He was come and gone.
42The church, you Catholic people, as well as you try to claim Saint Patrick. Anybody who knowed Saint Patrick, he was about as much Catholic, Roman Catholic, as I am. So, but look, look at Joan of Arc, that sainted little girl who saw visions and so forth. What did you do? You burned her to the stake, for a witch. She was gone before you knowed she was a saint. See? You know what, wouldn't that be horrible?
43 And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls were saved by water."
44What if today the Rapture came? And He took two from Tucson, and one from Phoenix, and around the world, as the universal Rapture will be. And the ones that rises from the dead will go to meet Him in the air, and steal away, a mysterious thing. And then one of these days judgment drops upon the earth. You say, "Well, wasn't there supposed to be a Rapture first?"
"It's already come, and you knew it not."
45Think how many people will disappear in the world today, and there won't even be a word. You'll know nothing about it. There'll be five hundred people in the world today will come up missing, and you won't know nothing about it.
46We're living in a terrific time. Let us have our lamps trimmed. I don't say it'll be that way. I'm saying, what if it was? Then the judgment strikes and the Rapture is gone. See?
"He's already come, and you knew it not."
47 So when we gather in these meetings, let's gather, we, for one purpose, that's to serve God. Let's put our lives to business. What good does it do us to impersonate something? Why will we accept a substitute when the whole skies are full of genuine, pentecostal power and blessings? Why should we accept a substitute? You won't exhaust God's blessings. Ask abundantly.
48Could you imagine a little fish, about half-inch long, out there in the middle of the ocean, saying, "I'd better drink of this water sparingly. I might run out"? Now, that sounds silly. Well, it's more sillier than that, think you could exhaust God's goodness.
49 I, looking a while ago, and an honor to see that aged man, Carl Williams' father and mother; the first time I had the privilege of seeing them, as I know of, stand up. And think, about eighty years old, something like that, and how God has kept that old couple. They could look like Carl's brother, not his father. And Tony said his mother got out of the car out there, and slammed the door, and walked like a little soldier across it. My, my! See? How good God has been to us!
50Now, if you're not a--if you're not a member of this Full Gospel Business Men, you men. As a Baptist, I speak to you Baptists. As a Methodist, I am a Methodist.
51 And one time I was preaching down in Arkansas and I'd... Been an old man on crutches, and he had been healed. He sold pencils out on the street. And he was standing up that night, and he was just taking the whole meeting. It was about, oh, I guess five or six thousand people gathered there at the Robinson Memorial Auditorium, and he... at Little Rock. And he said, "Praise God for healing me." You couldn't hardly preach. And directly he stood up. He said, "Hey, Brother Branham, I want to say something to you."
52Now, he was just having a gastronomical jubilee all of his own. So he--he was just having him a good time. He had been healed and that meant everything to him. And so he said, "You know..." Happened to be, he was a Nazarene. And he said, "You know, I heard you speak, and I was sure you was a Nazarene." He said, then he said, "I also..." He said, "Then I heard somebody say you was a Baptist." He said, "And the most of your people here is Pentecostal. I don't understand that."
53I said, "Oh, that's very easy." I said, "I'm a Pentecostal Nazarene Baptist." That's it. That's right.
54We are Christians, born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood, looking for the Coming of our Lord. Lord bless you.
55 If you are a businessman or whatmore, let me say something to you. Come in. Come, fellowship. Don't only just fellowship with a bunch of men you can shake their hands, but get what they got, the Holy Spirit. That brings the real fellowship.
56You know, you can't manufacture nothing. You're not asked to manufacture anything. The Church is not asked to produce or to manufacture fruit. You're to bear fruit. See? You couldn't say--say to a sheep, "Manufacture wool." Just let him become a sheep, and he'll bear wool. That's what the trouble of it is, we try to manufacture something. Don't manufacture it. Be, just get the inside right.
57Could you imagine a black bird setting up there and putting peacock feathers in his wings, and saying, "See, I'm a peacock." He's trying to put something in that never growed from the inside out. And we're finding too much of that among our Pentecostal groups. Let's be real, genuine, born-again pentecostals. I'll say now, it's the only thing that I've ever found, this side of Heaven, that give me the assurance that my sins are gone, and I am born of the Spirit of God. Then you have something, an anchor in you, that holds.
58 Well, I didn't aim to take so much of your time. I know you got to go. And I'm kind of one of these here long-winded fellows. It takes me about an hour to get started, and then I preach about two hours, then it takes me about three hours to get stopped. And so I--I'm not going to be that radical, this morning, though. So we appreciate your coming.
59And I'm living here in Tucson now, here in good old Jerusalem. And I'll be down a time or two, Brother Tony, if the Lord willing, to help around, and attend all you-all's revivals. To you minister brothers, I never come here to build no church. I come here to help what's already built, to put in my pull to everything that I can, to help you brethren to win souls here in Tucson, never to start a meeting nowhere, or not 'less it's a cooperative meeting or something that we could get together. I never come to start no church. No, sir. We got plenty of them. What we need is to pack them out with born-again Christians. Yes, sir.
60 So I'm here to put my shoulders to the wheel, and help in every way that I can, and everywhere that I can, and every door that's open, to give the testimony of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the filling of His Spirit that's kept me all these years. Now, lots of times...
61I seen Tony, a while ago, said, "I have to write down, Brother Branham, what I wanted to say." So do I. You know when you get kind of old, you don't think of just like you used to.
62Someone said, other day, said, "Brother Branham, how old are you?"
"Oh," I said, "I passed twenty-five."
"How much?"
I said, "I passed it the second time."
63So, I'm no more kid. That's the reason we part our hair in the middle, brother. That's right. That's right.
64 Well, everybody love the Lord? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, wonderful! Now, let's lay aside every little weight and every little care now.
65And I wonder, if it wouldn't inconvenience too much now, being we been setting a long time, if we could just stand just a moment for prayer.
66And now while you're standing, I'm going to read a chapter, or a verse, out of the Bible, while you listen attentively, if you will. I'm going to read from the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, beginning with the 14th verse of the 3rd chapter.
And unto the angel of the church of... Laodicea write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
I know thy works,... thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm,... neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest, I am rich,... increased in goods,... have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind, and naked:
I counsel of thee to buy of me gold tried in... fire,... thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
To him that overcometh will I give to set... grant to set with me on my throne, even as I have also overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
67 With our heads bowed, and our hearts, let us pray.
68Lord Jesus, we thank Thee this morning, our gracious and noble God, that brought again the Lord Jesus from the dead, and has presented Him to us this morning, in the form of the Holy Spirit, that's wooing our hearts as for a close walk with Him. That, as we see the day drawing to a close, the day of time is soon fading out now into Eternity. We're nearing the shores. We can hear the breakers. O God, this is a dangerous hour, as we read here, this last church age, the Laodicea, where that we're nearing the shore. And the riches and things of this world has blinded the eyes of the people. Oh, we pray, God, that our anchor will catch a hold of the Rock of ages, and wait for the dawn. Grant it, Lord.
69 Bless this move of God, called the Full Gospel Business Men's chapter. We pray that You'll bless this certain chapter here at Tucson. May it grow until this Ramada will have to take down these walls and spread its tent, to hold the born-again Christians that will come in. Grant it.
70Bless the brother that's coming with the revival, with a tent to the city. May it be an instrument to help bring in souls to these churches and--and to the Kingdom of God.
71Bless Brother Bethany, up at the First Assembly, as he carries on his great work up there for the Kingdom of God, Lord. How we pray that You'll continue with him and with the churches throughout the country.
72Now as we wait upon Thee, may the Holy Spirit give us the interpretation, and bring the context of the text, to light, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
73 Did you ever stop to think, just a moment, that this could be our last time ever meeting together? Do you know there may be some of us here, if we come back again the next meeting day, we be, some of us, missing? We don't know what will happen. And then this may be our last time to set in a group like this, and associate and eat together, on this earth.
74But remember, there is coming a time where we'll meet again, and not at a--not at a breakfast, but at a supper, oh, where the great banquet of God, and the marriage of the Lamb, and the great chairs are stretched from sky to sky, and the redeemed of all ages set across the table from one another. That'll be a glorious time. I'm looking for that.
75 Now, I want to take a text this morning, to speak to you, just for a few minutes now. I won't hold you no longer than I possibly can. I want to talk. I've got a few Scriptures and notes wrote here, that I'd like to speak from, for a few minutes, on the subject of: A Door In A Door.
76Now, this is a very unusual setting, that we see this morning, in our Scripture reading. It's unusual in many ways. Because, it's one of the most pathetic Scriptures that there is in the Bible, is this Scripture here, for it's speaking of this age that we're living in. It's speaking where, in this age, Jesus Christ has been put out of His Own church, and standing, knocking at the door, trying to get back in. And riches-ness and pleasures of the world has drove Him from the church, until the church just becomes a lukewarm. It's a very pathetic picture, of all the other churches in the church ages.
77I just got through going through them at my church. And returning back now, beginning the 17th, to take the Seven Seals.
78And now, in this, we find that all the other churches in the church ages had accepted. But the last church age, the Laodicea, Christ had been taken from the people. And they had put Him out of the church, and He was trying to get back, after being taken out, knocking at the door. Become blind...
79 Very unusual, but, you know, sometimes it's unusual things that God appears in. God appears in the unusual because God is unusual. He does unusual things. He appears at unusual times. And He is seen at unusual times, when times you wouldn't think that you would, He'd be there, yet He's there. Very unusual. "He works in mysterious ways," the Bible said, "His wonders to perform." Therefore, that makes Him unusual.
80And that's the way. We get into a usual trend of things, and we miss God. It's the unusual that brings God many times, the unusual things. Something, we get so tied up into a certain creed, or something that we're trying to serve. And then if everything doesn't come just according to the way we think It should, then we--we offset It. "It's--It's not--It's not of God." We make a mighty mistake.
81 God shows Himself, and then hides Himself in the same thing that He shows Himself in. See? He'll show Himself in something, then withdraw and hide Himself.
82Like the seed, He shows Hisself in a pretty flower, then He lets it rot. But He's hiding Himself, order to come forth again. And God does it that way. He is very unusual, unusual times, unusual ways, and, sometimes, little things.
83We--we--we fail to find God many times because it's, we think, it's too small.
84I was thinking on that a few minutes ago, when we were talking about the smallness of the chapter, or how small a crowd we had. Now, it's been my privilege to speak to some great crowds. Bombay, India, I had five hundred thousand, one meeting. Africa, South Africa, about, maybe two hundred and fifty thousand at one meeting. But where I have found the sweetest and blest of all, was when we had little cottage prayer meetings. God is in the unusual place and in the unusual things.
85 Reminds me, being that this Canadian here was speaking a few moments ago, about my fine friends from Canada. Some time ago the King George that I had the privilege of praying for, as you know, that had the multiple sclerosis. The Lord healed him. And he came to Canada when he was suffering yet with this sclerosis. And he was a gallant man. And all the schools turned out when he came down through Vancouver, so that--that they could go out and take their... Give them a little, British flag, and--and--and wave, to honor the King, the crown, as he passed by.
86 And a good friend of mine, Brother Ern Baxter, as we were listening to it on the broadcast as it came through, him and his lovely queen setting there. And we were setting in the room, and I'll never forget it. Ern got so overcome that he jumped up out of the chair and threw his arms around me, started weeping. I said, "What's the excitement all about, Brother Baxter?"
He said, "Brother Branham, that's my king."
87I thought, "If it could make a Canadian feel that way, to know his king was passing by, what ought it to do to a born-again Church, when Jesus starts by?"
88There, yet, with his multiple sclerosis, set in his chariot, his automobile, and set up straight, though he said he was suffering terrifically from ulcers, and his back bothering him so bad.
89 And the teachers turned all the little fellows out, to go and wave these flags. And after the--the parade was over, why, the children was supposed to return to school. And as they returned, in a certain school, all come back but one little girl. And the teacher got alarmed when she called the roll and the little girl wasn't there. So she said, "I must go find her," and--and took the children. And in the streets they went, hunting for this certain little child. And after while, the teacher herself found the little fellow, standing by the side of a telegraph pole, just crying her little heart out.
90And as she was weeping, and the teacher said, "What's the matter, honey?" Said, "Did you not get to wave your flag at the king?"
She said, "Yes, I waved my flag at the king."
She said, "Did you get to see the king?"
"Yes, I--I--I saw the king."
"Well," said, "then what are you crying about?"
91She said, "You know, I'm so little. I saw the king, but he didn't see me."
92Now, that might be so, with King George or any other king, but it isn't so with King Jesus. No matter how little a congregation He's give you to pastor; how small the work seems to be, just to speak to the milkman or the newsboy; He will see it. You can't do nothing for Jesus 'less He knows it. You must remember, He knows every little thing you do, and He will give you all credit, for that's what you've been detailed to do. No matter how small it is, do it, anyhow. If you want to wave your little flag, wave it. He's in that unusual thing. He might win a soul.
93 I believe it was Dwight Moody. Or am I mistaken? It might not have been. An old sister had a burden on her heart, that she wanted to win a soul to Christ. And she was a washwoman. Been a hundred and fifty years ago, I guess. And she saved her money until she got three dollars saved up. And she rented an old livery stable for a dollar for the week. And she went down there, cleaned it out herself. And took her wash bench and made an altar, and put a pulpit up. And--and the suds still on the old wash bench. And--and she got some tracts and begin to pass it out. That was the early days here in America. And everybody would look at it, throw it down. She happened to be a Methodist. And so they would throw--throw it down.
94 And the Methodists then were like Pentecostals has been: a bunch of fanatics. They'd lay in the school houses, and fall out, under the power of God, and pour water on their face. And don't tell me; I've been right in the meetings. See? And if they'd just let them alone, instead of bringing them back, just let them go on, they'd have been pentecostals. You see?
95But, then, this poor old woman passing out these tracts, and, no, everybody would throw them on the street. And there was a... She was standing, crying, because they rejected her, while she had tried so hard to bring a minister to the city, to have the revival. And the minister was to appear that night. She was going away. And there was a little old boy with his daddy's... Down in the South, we call it "galluses," you know. Suspenders on, ragged hair hanging down his neck, walked up and said, "Hey, lady, what are you giving away?"
And she said, "It's a tract, honey," she said.
"Well," he said, "I can't read." Says, "What does it say?"
96And said, "Well, we're going to have a meeting down at the old livery stable tonight."
He said, "Thank you. Can I have one?" he said.
"Yes." And he put it in his pocket.
97 When the meeting took place that night, you know who was there? Your loyal old pastor, and the lady. That's all was at the meeting. The gallant old soldier, whether there was one or a thousand, he took his text, stood there and preached to the lady, just as loyal as he would if he was preaching to ten thousand. Who staggered in the door, along about the beginning of the sermon, but this little old ragged-hair boy. That night he found himself at the altar. If I'm not mistaken, that was little Dwight Moody, that sent a half a million souls to Christ. See? Oh, my! How many big meetings and flowery things was going on! See?
98God is in the unusual things. God appears unusual. You want to remember that.
99 Now, I can't think of the artist that painted this picture, of Jesus knocking at the door. He's some Greek artist. I just can't think of the man's name at the time. But he had spent practically a lifetime, painting this picture. And, you see, before it can be hung in the hall of fame, it has to go through the hall of critics first. Any great picture must do that. It must face the critics.
100 Oh, I wish I had the--the something that it takes to throw that before this audience this morning. Do you realize, Pentecostal people, as we cool off, that God taken us through the hall of critics today? The Church has to go through the hall of critics before It can go in the hall of fame, as a Bride. Sure. Can you stand it? Are you ready to come up with the Scripture, and stand gallant to your testimony in the love of Christ? Are you taking back, going out with the world? Like the Bible said, "Demas forsaken me, loving this present world." There is where the church is standing today, weighed in the balance. That's the reason, becomes Laodicea.
101 This picture, as the artist painted it, when it went to the hall of critics they could find nothing wrong. And finally a great critic came up, and he said, "There is one thing wrong with your picture." He said, "It's true, Jesus with the lantern in His hand, coming by night in the darkness of sin. That's a good picture. His expression with the expectations of somebody to come to the door when He's knocking," said, "that's wonderful. And the look upon His face, as He is longing to hear from the inside. But, sir, there is no latch on the door. If He did come, how could Jesus get in, because there's no latch on the door?"
102"Oh," said the artist, "I painted it thus, for the latch is on the inside. Jesus cannot come in just by His will. It's got to be your will to let Him in."
103"Lo, I stand at the door and knock. If any man will hear My Voice, and come in, let Me in, I will come in and will sup with him, and he with Me."
104 That's the picture we're looking at now. What does a man knock on a door for? What makes a man knock at a door? He is trying to gain entrance. He's trying to come in. There, maybe there is something he wants to talk to you about, or maybe he wants to speak to you about some business or something. Or--or, maybe he wants to give you something. There is some reason, or he wouldn't be knocking at the door. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] See? We'd only... The human decency would be only to open the door and see what the person wants. That's only just the human thing to do: open the door, ask the man, "Who are you? What do you want?"
105He wants, maybe, he wants to visit with you, just to set down, say, "I'm your friend. I'd like to speak with you just a while this morning." Then set down, if he's a friend, talk with him. If he's some person that wants something out of you, you could talk it over. See?
106 Many great people has knocked at doors, down through life. Now, a whole lot of it depends, after you go to the door, who it is knocking. You got to know who that is doing the knocking. But you should, at least, go to the door. That's the only decent thing to do, is find out who is there at the door. Go there, if somebody is knocking, say, "Who is it?" Open the door. "Who are you? What do you wish?" Oh, many--many, it might be some great person. What if it's a great person? It'd be a great honor to you, if you opened the door for somebody that was a great person.
107 What do you think would have happened, a few years ago, when Adolf Hitler was the Fuehrer of Germany? What do you think of a little fellow living down in the alley, or down the street somewhere, if he heard a knock on the door some morning, you know. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And he went to the door, and this little German footman standing there, and there stood Adolf Hitler standing at the door? Why, he was the greatest man in Germany at one time. See? Certainly. Why, he was a great man.
108You know what that little footman would have done? He'd have almost fainted. He would have stood at attention, throwed his German salute up, said, "Great Fuehrer of Germany, enter into my humble home. Anything here that you desire, anything that your servant can do, just let me know. I'll gladly do it." Oh, what a honor!
109You know what? Every newspaper in Germany would have packed that article, of great Adolf Hitler going down to a common soldier's house, and knocked at the door and asked for something. That Hitler would ask a footman for something, would come to his home, and--and honor his home, well, what a great thing that would have been! What, and the...
110 If you'd been in Italy, and in the days of Mussolini. And Mussolini was the dictator of--of--of Rome, of Italy. And what if some poor person down on the street would have heard a knock at the door some morning? [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And there had stood Mussolini at the door. Oh, my! Their hearts would have quivered, "Well, great dictator, great honored sir, enter into my home." Quivering and shaking, "What, what could I do? Is there anything here that--that you would desire? Is there something your servant could do for you?" Oh, it would have been a great honor to any Roman to have had Mussolini at his house.
111 Or what if the queen of England, today, would come here into Tucson, and land out here in an airport, and would come to one of our homes here? One of our... We're just common people. And if the queen of England would come from England, all the way across the sea, land out here at the airport, at the--at the airport and would be brought in by taxicab, and come and knock at your door. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And you, an honorable lady or gentleman, would walk to the door and say, "How do you do?" And there she stood there, just as an ordinary woman. And you would say, "How do you do? Who are you?"
112"I am the queen of England," and would identify herself. Oh, my, what an honor! What a respects!
113Every newspaper through Tucson, out through the United States, it'd be on national news, that the great queen of England come all the way to Tucson, Arizona, and visit you, a poor person. The dignity it would add to the queen, to humble herself to come to my door or your door. Well, you know what she would say? Though she's not... You're not under her domain, but yet she's a great person. She's the greatest queen in the world. When it comes to national, she is the greatest national queen in the world. Why, you'd have said, "Honorable queen, enter into my home. If there's anything here that you wish to take, anything you want to do, just make yourself welcome." Why, sure. And all the papers would have packed it.
114 Or even this morning, if our president, Kennedy, would come to your door. Oh, you might disagree with him, of politics, but still you would let him in. Why? Not because he's maybe just a man, but it's because who he is. He's the president of our United States. Yet, we would, might disagree with him (I would) in politics. But, yet, you'd be honored to have President Kennedy to come to your door.
115What if he made a special trip to come to your door? Why, it would be on news everywhere. "The humble Mr. Kennedy, president of the United States, flew to Tucson, Arizona, to come to John Doe's door." What a great honor it would be to him, and what an honor to you. Why, you would by no means turn him away. Certainly not. You'd certainly receive him, 'cause he's a great man.
116 But who is any greater than Jesus? And He is turned away from more doors than all the dictators and kings and potentates of the world. Yes. "I stand at the door and knock; and if any man will hear My Voice and open the door, I'll come in and will sup with him."
117Oh, these little knocks that we get at the door. Many times, Jesus knocks at our heart's door. That's where the church is today. Those little knocks, you feel it, no doubt, right now. What is it? It's Jesus, trying to come in, gain entrance to your heart's door. He's... wants to talk with you a little while.
118And if you would honor the president, what about Jesus? If you would, by no means, turn away the president, how then could you turn away Jesus? The president is just a man; he's got to die. But Jesus is your God. He's your Judge. Not only that, but the same One, is your Judge, is now your Saviour.
119 Now, the president might want to summons you to Army. He might summons you to--to do something that would be horrible to do. He might summons you, or take something from you, take your children or something, to be his servants or something. He might do something like that.
120But Jesus don't want that. He wants to give you something. That's the reason He knocks. He's got something for you. There's nothing that could be greater than what He's wanting to give you: the Holy Spirit. He's wanting to give you Eternal Life.
121 What if the president would say, "I'll make... I come to take you, and I have the authority to do so, and make you the president of the United States"? You--you have to give it up sometime. What if the queen wanted to make you queen of England, and you wear the crown? It, you'd have to give it up.
122But Jesus gives us a crown of Life, that we never give up, incorruptible crown of His Glory. And we don't have to give It up. He gives It to us. It's a blessing. It's the Holy Spirit, that He wants to crown our life with.
123How could we be so indifferent, to turn It away? What rashal things that the church does! How rashal can the people get, to make such a mistake, as to refuse to listen to that knock at the door. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] How--how insane it would be for any man or woman, present this morning, to get away from that knock, Eternal Life!
124 And we look and see the clouds of judgment forming, to hear science say, "It's three minutes till midnight." And practically two of those minutes are gone. That was several years ago.
125And we see the church scattered. We see everything going on, the way it is, and denomination begin to come denomination, the cooling off. And revival days is almost, seems to be, over. We might as well face the truth. Oh, we have a lot of noise, sure, beat the piano, jump up-and-down. Women bob off their hair, and blue eyes, and carry on, and men letting them do it! That's contrary to the Scripture.
126 Such a sickening sight as we even see on our streets today! I took my children yesterday, want to go down to see the rodeo parade go by; my little kids. My father was a rider, and I--I've done a little riding, and it's just in them to like horses. And they wanted to see the horses. And when I stopped on the street, I got sick at my innermost being and turned back, to see how, people today, they're trying to live in the past, trying to live something that was.
127We're in a changing world. It's constantly changing. In my country, I'm a Kentuckian, you know, by birth. That's, all my people live there, practically. And they have the Renfro Valley. They try to imitate hillbillies, and--and burn kerosene lamps, and--and cook by--by wood stove, and wear clothing like the--the early frontiers wore. They're--they're in a changing world, trying to--to--to live in a--in a... You're in a modern time, trying to go back and live to something different that was. What makes a man do that? Because he's supposed to do that.
128 But then you try to bring them a Gospel that never changes, they don't want that. They want something modern and up-to-date, somebody that'll pat them on the back and let them get by just by joining church, and living any way they want to. But when it comes to really go back to the Gospel, they don't want it. And that very thing in them that hungers to go back, is the Gospel. And they try to satisfy it with taking the natural things back, and refusing the spiritual things. See how the Devil vice versa's the--the Gospel to the people?
129No disregards to my sisters, but if, in the early days, a woman would have come through town like I seen some yesterday, with a pair of trousers on! How the lady ever got into them, just looked like the skin was on the outside. I wondered how the woman got her foot in them. Walking down the street! When, the Bible said, "She that'll put on a garment that pertains to a man is an abomination in the sight of God."
130And with that blue, all the back of her eyes, if she'd have went through a frontier town, the old doctor would have put her in the hospital, and quarantined the town, of a disease, that, "A woman cankered before she died." That's right. Such a disease!
131 And then you try to go back and live something, then refuse the knock of the old-fashion Gospel of the Holy Ghost, and like it was on the Day of Pentecost with the same attributes that it had in it, to cleanse us and make us new creatures. We're living in the shadows, and the church is in that Laodicean age, "Rich, have need of nothing." Now, we Pentecostals can't holler too much at the Baptists and Methodists, 'cause pot can't call kettle black, you know. So we're done the same thing. Now, that's right.
132 "And, lo, I stand at the door and knock, and if any man..." Now, remember, the Bible said He was outside the church, in this age, trying to get in. Now, you can't dispute God's Word. See? He was trying to get in, begging to come in. "Any man will open the door, let Me in, oh, I will come in and sup with him." See? He's got something He wants to talk over with you, some business, or a plan of salvation. He wants to speak to you. But maybe you've become so creeded and so hard, indifferent, till you don't want to hear Him talk. That's right. "Lo, I stand at the..."
133You say, "Oh, Brother Branham, now wait just a minute. I've already let Him in." Well, maybe you did just that. But maybe that's all you did do, just let Him in. You see, many people don't... They fear the very thoughts of hell, and they know they're going there without Christ. See? And they'll say, "Well, I let Him in, sure, thirty years ago, twenty years ago." But that might be just all you did.
134 What if I come to your house, and knocked at the door, you said, "Step in, Brother Branham"? I step in. "But you stand right here. Don't you go to investing around, rooting around in my house." See?
135Now, do you know, inside the door of the human heart we got little secret compartments? Oh, we don't want to admit it, but it's the truth. Sure, we got little secret compartments. Yes, sir. We like to call... We welcome, in our heart, but we don't want to make Him our Lord. We don't want to go to hell, so, "Jesus, You step in the door, so I won't go to hell, but You can't be my Lord."
136Now, Lord is "ownership." That means, when you let Him in as Lord, He controls everything. He is home.
137When I come to your house and I knocked at the door, if you don't want me, say, "Get away from my door," I'd appreciate you more. If you'd let me step in the door, say, "Now don't go to rooting around. You stand right there. Now, what do you want?" See? Would I feel welcome? Could I explain my visit to you? Certainly not.
138And that's the way the church is today, friend. That's the way the people are getting. "Come in, Lord, but now, that, that's all. Tell me what You want." See? Oh, no. That's--that's where we get in trouble.
139 We must welcome Him. "Lord, come into my house. If there's anything, if there's anything in here that You want, help Yourself. I'm Yours. You are mine. You honor me. The great King, the Creator of heavens and earth, has knocked at my door. And I want You to come in, Lord. Lord, be my Lord. Take me. May You do me anything You want to. Any bad thing that's in me, discover every secret that's in my heart. Go in every door. Search me out, Lord, see what's wrong with me. And whatever is wrong, show me, Lord. Throw it out the door. I want You in here. I welcomed You in, to be my Lord. I haven't got that blessing, Lord. Clean me now."
140If I can't make Him my full Lord, I'll never open the door to Him, if He can't be Lord. I just don't want Him to be Saviour, if He can't be Lord. If I... Everybody wants a Saviour, but they don't want a Lord. They want something, that they can escape all the damnation of hell, and then they can live any way they want to, do what they want to.
141 You know, let's just walk around the building of the heart. Will you stand me another ten minutes? Look. Notice. Let's walk around the heart just a minute.
142The first thing, as you go into the human heart, on the right side as you go in, there's a little door there, and it's called "my private life." Now, you don't want nobody fooling in that. "Now, if I want to do anything, that's my business. I'll join church, and I'll go down there. But, preacher, don't you tell me what I got to do." Oh, yeah. See? "Now, I know the Bible says That, but I don't believe It." Oh, boy! See? Then, you think Jesus would ever stay in a heart like that? Certainly not. He comes in to be Lord. He comes in, He that...
143And that--that private life, oh, that's a great thing. Now, you know we want our own private life. "If we want a social drink with the neighbor, that's our business. If we women would want to cut our hair, that's what... That's our own American privilege. If we want to wear shorts, that's our business." Well, that's true. "If we men want to take a sociable drink, and if we want to let our wife do that, you ain't got no business saying one word to us."
144But the Gospel said, "Don't do it." Now, whose word is right? See? God's Word is right.
145 Say, "Oh, sure, we want--we want Jesus." Certainly. We think we got Him, and all like that.
146But I wonder if that Rapture could pass, and we'd be left alone one day, then wonder where it's all at, if it'd come by real secretly, you know. And that's what it's coming, like a thief in the night. You'll... Ninety-nine out of every half a million, every million, will never know the Rapture takes place. It'll be gone and they won't even know nothing about it. Jesus said so. So that makes it right. See? Certainly. It'll come like a thief in the night, and be stoled away.
147Like that book I read one time. What was that guy? Romeo and Juliet, or something like that, see, he come and got her at nighttime.
148 That's the way Jesus do. When the world is just lolling in sleep, like the Bible said, the Laodicean age, He will slip in and get that Bride. Then, all them that's resurrected, down through them ages, had been down the ages, they'll all go to Heaven in the Bride.
149Then the judgments will come. The church will say, "Well, wait a minute. I thought there was supposed to be a Bride, a Coming of the Lord and the Bride."
150"It's been gone for a long time. See? You knew nothing about it. See? It come secretly."
151Why? We say, "Oh, I belong to the church. I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm Pentecostal." That don't mean one thing to God.
152It's no more than a doctor saying, "You got cancer, its advanced stage." And that--that don't have nothing to do with the disease. That's just naming it. It's a devil see, "cancer." If you'd say, "That's a dove. That's a buzzard. That's some sort of a vulture." That--that, that ain't got anything to do, what... And, see, that don't cure it. That don't kill it. It just says what it is.
153 Just say, you say, "I'm--I'm a Christian. I'm a..." Only by profession, maybe. See, our--our lives speak so loud that our testimony is not even heard; our lives, our action, our morals among us.
"They're going to have a revival over here."
"Who is having it?"
"The Baptists."
154"Ah, we'll have nothing to do with that." And maybe God has got a message there for us.
"Who is having it?"
155"The First Assembly, the Second Assembly, or the--or the Jesus' Name, or the--or the Church of God, or--or something."
"Oh, well, we--we, we're not in that group."
156We are brethren. Dare anybody to separate the heritage of God? They got the Holy Ghost like you got It, done the same things you did when you got It. Sure.
157But you see why I like this Full Gospel Business Men? It gives an avenue, that I express these things, see, say, "This is It." We are brethren. "We are not divided. All one Body are we," see, as the poet said.
158 Now, "That little door of my own, my own private life, now, that's all right. I'll be a member of your church. I'll join the Full Gospel Business Men. But, now, don't go to telling me I have to receive this Holy Ghost and carry on like that." See? That's that own private life. See? You'll never get the Lordship of Jesus doing that. He'll just turn right around and walk out the door.
159What would you do in a case like that, if somebody, if you went to a home, and they said, "Stand here at the door. State your business"? Well, you'd say, "Thank you," turn out the door. So would Jesus. Certainly. That's the reason the church is left, setting cold, see, just the way it is. Don't let the Full Gospel Business Men ever get in that stage.
160 When you hear a Message, and hear a knock [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.], open up and say, "Lord, what is This all about?" When you see a man... We have a lot of impersonators. But when you see a genuine!
161What does an impersonator mean? What does a bogus dollar mean, when you pick up a dollar that's bogus? It means it was made off of a real one. There's got to be a real one, to make that a bogus.
162So there is a real Holy Spirit, a real power of salvation, a real God of love. Yes. Don't take nothing less. No, sir, don't do it. All right. That private door...
I'll have to hurry through these doors.
163 There's a little door of pride, too. Oh, my! That's a bad one. We better not stay at that door too long. But you want to stand in that own door, and say, "Now, don't you go to telling me nothing. See? Why, I have my own pride." Certainly, but you shouldn't do it.
164I preached here, not long ago, on The Lamb And Dove. And the lamb, you see, a lamb, a sheep, doesn't produce but one thing, that's wool. That's what he produces. And he forfeits his rights. You can take a sheep and throw him up, and put the--the--the shank hold on him, like that, and shear him all over. He'll just lay there. He forfeits his rights. After all, he growed the wool. It belongs to him, but he forfeits it.
165When you tell a man that he's got to be born again, he's got to be cleaned up, from a life of sin. He, he's got to quit his lying, stealing, cheating, and--and proselyting, and carrying on. Boy, some of them blow up like a balloon; now, see, that's a goat, see, he'll kick up a storm. But a real lamb will forfeit their right.
166 I said to our ladies one time, about... Not as I got against the ladies; they're our sisters. But I'm zealous of this Church. When I see the worldliness like Sodom coming into it, then I have to cry out against it. There is something inside that my heart bleeds, and I cry out. Don't fashion after Marilyn Monroe or some of these women there. Do like Sarah in the Bible. See? Don't try to be Mr. Some Something, another, run over the platform and carry on, and try to dress like some bandbox, and stot and care. Don't. We got too much Hollywood showmanism in Pentecost. That's right. We need the Holy Ghost. Now, you might not love me, you might not want me back again. But this is an opportunity to speak Truth, and this is Truth. Try It, find out if It's not so.
Some lady said, "It's my own American privilege."
I said, "But you'll forfeit that."
167 Some time ago, wife and I were going to the grocery in Indiana, and we seen a strange thing, a lady had on a skirt. It was very odd. She said, "Honey, don't--don't them people sing in choirs?"
I said, "Yeah. Yeah."
"Well, why?"
168I said, "Well, you see, honey, they, they're not of our Kingdom," said, I said, "of our Kingdom." I said, "No."
169I've been a missionary, many times around the world. I find, I go into Germany, I find a German spirit. I go into Finland, there is a different spirit. I go into Australia, there is another spirit. I come to America, there is another spirit. It's a national spirit, and all of them are of the Devil. Jesus said so. The kingdoms of this world is the Devil's. He controls every one of them. Now, Jesus said so.
"So, you see, it's that national spirit."
"Well," she said, "aren't we Americans?"
I said, "No, sir. Potentially, we are."
170Said, "What are you?" I said... "Well, shouldn't we do as Americans?"
171I said, "No, not this drunken, brawling, disgraceful group. No, sir. We are born of a Heavenly Spirit. We come from where pure, unadulterated holiness, where Angels and righteousness is before God." I said, "We live here as a nation, sure. That's right. This is our nation, what we're here, trying. But our, 'Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.'"
172Therefore, when we are born of Above, and all the sin is moved plumb from across the chasm, it's the Spirit of God that comes in, the Creator, into our heart, and He conducts our character. We don't lie, steal, cheat. Honest, upright, walk like citizens of Heaven, for we are that if we are born of the Spirit of God.
173 And so many of us gets confused, and--and just use little isms and sensations and things, and call that the Spirit of God. That's the reason we're so scrupled up as we are today, the whole church system. It's terrible. And in spite of all that, Jesus still stands at the door, put out.
174 But, yet, one more door I'd like to open, the door of faith, then I'll close. There's just about a dozen I got wrote down here, but I'm going to skip them. The door of faith.
175You say, "Would you come down to the Full Gospel Business Men?"
"The what?"
"The full Gospel."
"That's against my faith."
176There's only one Faith. That's right. "One Faith, one Lord, one baptism." That's right.
"Why, it's against my faith."
177Maybe you don't want Jesus to stand in that door of your faith. You've got your faith built on some creed of some church, some denomination. And that's where your faith is closed up to itself, in a room, and you wouldn't let Jesus come, which is the Word.
178"In the beginning was the Word," said Saint John 1. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." He is the Eternal Word.
179 And you, your faith, that--that says, that, "The days of miracles is past. And there is no such a thing as speaking with tongues, and prophesying. And this nonsense that the church or the pentecostals carry on, today, there is no such a thing as that." Maybe you let some creed hold back in the door of your faith.
180If you'd open that door and let the Word of God come in, to be your Lord, say, "I don't care what the creed says. If the Bible says so, You're my Lord."
181You must be born again. And when you're born again, then you must be filled with the Holy Ghost. No matter what creed, what is, nothing about it.
182You say, "Well, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God." The Devil believes the same thing.
183You've got to be born again. Everybody is afraid of that new Birth. Oh, I know you call yourself, that you've got new Birth. But I think our lives sometimes speak so loud that our testimony can't be heard. See?
184 A birth is a mess, I don't care where it's at. Excuse this expression, but if a birth is in a pigpen, it's a mess. If it's in a cow barn, it's a mess. If it's in a hospital room, it's a mess. And if it's at the altar, it's a mess. It'll make you rot, in your own thinking. It'll make you throw away everything that's... Things that you once cherished with all your heart, you'll give it up to let that little still knock. I don't care if it's a mission on the corner.
185We people out here believe in big things. We Americans, we want big hats, and--and big automobiles, and big denominations, more in the creed, and more in the denomination. All we want is big things; and God is after small, still voices. A lot of racket and noise is what we want.
186 A farmer took a wagon one time, went out in the field. And when he did, it bumped and rattled and made a lot of noise. When it come back, it crossed the same bumps and never even moved. It was loaded with good things.
187We want the creed. "Our denomination is the biggest. We got this. Glory to God, we beat this bunch over here. We beat this bunch over here, in paying money, and giving stars, and everything else, of who will bring in the most to the church." Nothing against that. That's all right. But, here is what I'm trying to say, that's not It, yet. That's all right, get people in church. Yes.
188But Jesus said, "When a man went out and proselyted and brought in one," said, "what'd he become? A twofold child more of hell than he was when he started."
189 We hear, on the Billy Graham programs. Which, nothing to say against this great evangelist. Certainly not. He's a man of God, and God is using him. But where is he at? Down in Sodom. You remember the type? There was two Angels went down in Sodom, a type that Jesus said would be the same thing at His Coming.
190But One stayed with Abraham, the elected Church, called-out. Watch what both Angels done, then you got the Message.
191Isn't it a strange thing, of those two messengers? Exactly what God said, in the last days, there's never been a man out there in that field, of all the days of Moody, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin, all the way down, there's never been a one that had a name ending with h-a-m, G-r-a-h-a-m, till this day. See the messenger to the church formal, see, "father of nations."
192 Now, the Church spiritual was not in there, in the beginning. Pentecostal, typed, watch that messenger come to that Church. He set and talked to Abraham. He said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?" And called him "Abraham." Which, his name was Abram. Said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?" Her name was S-a-r-r-a, now it's S-a-r-a-h. He called S-a-r-a-h.
Said, "She's in the tent, behind You. Behind You."
193He said, "I," personal pronoun, "am going to visit you, according to the time of life." And Sarah... He said, "Why did Sarah laugh when I said that?" There He is.
194Why would it be? We got to have a spirit like that visit the Church, a spirit of prophetic, a spirit of discernment. And when it comes in, the people refuse it. Why? It's a Laodicea. We're so documated with creeds and things till we can't accept it. That's right. See? "I stand at the door and knock. Any man hears My Voice..."
195"Oh, my faith don't accept those Things." Then you've got the wrong faith.
196The faith, you know, the real genuine Faith of God, will punctuate every promise of God with an "amen," a genuine Holy Spirit. Because why? The Holy Spirit wrote the Bible. It says so. "Men of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, wrote the Bible." See? Then how could the Holy Spirit be in you, and deny It? Can't do it.
197"Forms of godliness," the prophet said, "and would deny the power thereof," to liberate men and women from sin and things of the world. God have mercy on us. Oh! Some religious faith that you have, that denies the Word of God, get away from it. Let God's Word be right. Yes, sir.
198 Notice. He said, "Be... Knowest thou not that thou art naked, miserable, poor, wretched, and blind? And don't know it." There's the miserable part. Now we're going to close. I want you to get this, "Don't know it."
199Now, if you seen a man coming down here at the main street, Stone Street, or some of these main streets, and that man was so poor he didn't have any clothes, and he was miserable, wretched, and no clothes on, naked; or a woman, completely nude, and blind; and didn't know it. Now, if she knew it, or he knew it, they'd try to find somewhere to get in, get some clothes. But when they don't know it, then you go try to tell them, they say, "Mind your own business."
200 Now that's exactly what Jesus Christ said that the Pentecostal church would be in the last days, "lukewarm," and would be "rich." We're about as rich as any of them. Used to be, when we was down in the mission, we had salvation. Now we've got up with the big ranks like this, and more numbers, and great fine things, and where we at? Just like the rest of them. And Jesus said so.
201But in the midst of all that, He continues to knock. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] "If any man (individual) will hear My Voice, and will open the door, I'll come in. And I'll sup with him, and he with Me."
202That's where we get. "Naked, blind." Blind, actually blind, spiritually blind. You couldn't tell them nothing.
203 You know, we was raised awful poor, down in Kentucky. My grandfather was a hunter, and a--a real well-known hunter. And he used to coon hunt. I don't know whether you people out here... Not enough water in Arizona to have coons, I guess. But they--they have, down there, they had coons. They hunted coons.
204How many knows what a coon hunter is? Well, look at the Kentuckians in here. My! All right. Well, I feel like I could take off my coat now and preach a little while. I was kind of bound up a little, but I feel pretty good now. My!
205How many knows what a straw tick is? Hum! Hum! Well, Tony, thank you. I got back home, at last. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yes. That's fine. My!
206Corn bread, hominy, grits, oh, my, black-eyed peas, and turnip greens! You ever eat any? Oh, my! That's, now, we're fine now. Yes, sir. That's good.
207 And grandpa used to catch coons, and he would render the fat off of them. And what... They had a little can. We used to keep that little baking powder can.
208Mom had one she cut biscuits with, the... with a baking powder can. And she would make them great big biscuits. You could pick up the top, and the bottom would drop off; and put sorghum molasses in there, and a hunk of homemade butter. It was really good. It'd go good right now. And I kind of got skimped up on molasses this morning. So, you know, and something like that would really go good.
209And mama used to take this coon grease, and it--it was the cure-all at our house, that and barbed wire liniment. And she... We'd get a cut, and they'd pour that old barbed wire liniment in us, and turpentine. And then when we'd get something wrong, we'd take coon grease.
210And we had one little room, and there's a--a loft. We had to go up a--a stairs, like this. The banister is made out of saplings. And us kids would sleep up there on a straw tick. And then above the straw tick was a feather bed, feather tick. And then the clapboard shingles was put on in the light of the moon, and so it would make a hole. And--and the snow would blow through, so she'd put a piece of canvas over the top of us, to keep the snow from getting in our faces at night, this bunch of little Branhams. And we would be two at the foot, and two in the head, and two in the middle. We just had all kinds of ways of sleeping, wallow in there like little pigs, and kept one another warm.
211 Once in a while, one of us would get out from under that canvas, when the cold wind was blowing, and we'd get a cold, and we'd get it in our eyes. And, you know, that sticky stuff gets in your eyes. Mama called it, "Matter." Said, "Getting matter in your eyes."
212Well, I'd wake up at morning. And mom would say, "Billy, come on down. Time to go to school."
And I'd say, "Mom, I got matter in my eyes. I can't see."
213And, Humpy, my brother, he would wake up. Edward was his name, and we called him Humpy, just for fun. And he would say, "I got matter in my eyes."
214I'd hear the old coon grease can hit the stove. She'd get it all thawed out. Then mama would come up the steps, and she would rub and massage those eyes. And, believe it or not, the matter would go out. The coon grease was a cure-all for mattered eyes.
215 But, I tell you, there has come a cold spell across the church, and coon grease will never work. But Jesus said, "I counsel of you to buy eye salve," the Holy Spirit. You are becoming so blind, the church is, until it--it can't see God. It only sees its organization. It only sees that what it can see in front of us. It never looks out yonder to the soon Coming of the Lord. Coon grease will never do that any good.
216 But the salve of the Holy Spirit will open your eyes, and you can realize that, the Presence of Jesus Christ. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is God, and He can salve your eyes with His Holy Spirit. You'll forget whether you were Methodist, or a Baptist, or a Oneness, or a Twoness, or a Threeness, or Church of God, or a Nazarene, or a Pilgrim Holiness. You'll be a Christian, born again, of the Kingdom of God.
217You'd be something. You won't have to try to say, "Well, I must do this." There is something in you that propels you to do it. The compulsion in your heart swings you to prayer. Love Divine flows into your innermost beings, until you can't set still. Prayer meetings just flows from you, like the water from an artesian well.
218 I used to pass, when I was game warden for several years, I'd pass by a big old spring. And it would be bubbling up like that. I--I set down, that spring one day, and I said, "What are you so happy about?" Oh, the water was delicious. And I'd--I'd take a drink of water. I said, "What are you so happy about? Are you happy because that rabbits drink from you?"
If he could talk, he'd have said, "No."
"Because deers drink from you?"
"Because I drink from you?"
219"Why are you so happy? What makes you bubble like that?"
220If he could have spoke, he'd have said, "It's not me bubbling, Brother Branham. It's something behind me, pushing me, making me bubble constantly."
221We drive ourselves to do things. But when the Holy Spirit is in there, by Divine love we do it. "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain," said Paul. Sure. Now let His salve Anointing come to your eyes.
222 In closing, I don't mean to hold you all here till you get so tired. Be my first time, or second time, with you, forgive me if I've went too long. Let me close, then, saying this.
223Down in the South, we had an old Pentecostal colored brother down there, that he was really a real servant of Christ. There was a certain old Negro sister that came to the church. And she was filled with the Holy Ghost, and such a great character she was. And she had a husband; he was a good old fellow. His name was... They called him Gabriel. And we just called him Gabe, for short.
224And so we could never get him to line up with the church. He--he just didn't want to come to church. He said that. Oh, and the boys down around the poolroom where he hung out, said, "That was a bunch of holy-rollers, and nothing to them." And the only thing Gabe had to do was, on Sunday morning, get his pool cue and go down to the poolroom, or something, and go around with the boys.
225 But his wife was a real devout saint. And she'd go to the church, and she would pray, and have the pastor and all to pray for Gabe. Because, really, down in his heart, he was a good man. And he run a little business down there, a little on the corner, little shoe-shine business. He'd shine shoes, and get enough money to play pool. Why, he went and played pool. So he just didn't want to line up with the Gospel. And the pastor...
226Old Gabe liked to hunt a lot. So, the pastor was a hunter, too, so he'd take Gabe and go hunting. So, one day, after all-day's tramping through the wilderness and sloughs, they was on the road home that afternoon. And--and they had so much game they could just barely tote it. Had the rabbits and the birds, all over them, going along. And they come around an old familiar path as they come up. Come up the top of the hill, then went down into the little city down there. It was on Saturday, and the sun was going down.
227 And the pastor happened to look around. He hadn't heard old Gabe say nothing for quite a while. And he watched around. And Gabe was looking over his shoulders, towards the--the sun setting, as it was going across the western horizon. And the pastor looked back. He noticed Gabe wasn't saying nothing, but looking back as he walked. And so the pastor walked on for a few minutes.
228And after while, a big black hand laid on his shoulder. And when he turned, in surprise, old Gabe was looking him in the face, with tears running down his cheeks, dripping off like this. He says, "Pastor, in the morning you is going to find me right up there at that mourner's bench." Said, "Then I is coming right back from there, and take a seat by the side of my faithful wife. And then I is going to remain in that church until God calls me home."
229 And the pastor, of course, turned around in amazement. He said, "Gabe, I wanted, and waited, and longed, and prayed, for years, for this." He said, "Gabe, is it settled?"
230He said, "Yes, pastor, it's settled. But I wants that Holy Ghost, too. And I is coming up the mourner's bench in the morning, and I is going to get it, or I is going to die right there."
231Said, "Gabe, I--I appreciate this." Said, "But I want to ask you something, Gabe. What sermon did I preach, that inspired you to do this? I'd like to know what sermon I preached, what I preached on. Or, what hymn did the choir sing, that--that inspired you to make this great decision, Gabe?"
232And the old Negro looked at the pastor, and he said, "Pastor," he said, "I sure appreciate every sermon you preached." He said, "I--I appreciate everything that you've said, pastor." He said, "And I appreciate every fine hymn the choir sang. But," said, "pastor, it wasn't that." He said, "You know, I was looking at that sun going down yonder. Did you know that my and your sun, too, is going down, the light of our body is leaving?" And that's true.
233 It's true here this morning, men. The sun is setting, setting in your life and in mine. And it's setting on time, in civilization. She is finished. And He stands at the door, [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] knocking, longing, waiting. That little knock, something down in your heart that says, "It's I. Open up now." That's Him. Gabe had listened to that, and he turned around.
234He said another thing. "Pastor," he said, "you know I'm a bad shot." He said, "I couldn't hit nothing. You know I couldn't. And just looky here at the game, enough to last me and my wife all next week." And said, "You know, I can't hit nothing, but," said, "He gave it to me." Said, "I just happened to think: He must love me, or He wouldn't be so good to me." Did you ever realize that?
235 In India, today, the little children, I know, laying on the street, and their little bellies swelled up, their little gums down like this, starving to death. The little mother begging to take this one, and there is thousands more. Of an afternoon, they come by and pick up, in the stretchers and things, and take them to the salamander and throw them in. There's no "John 14." Eat anything, grass from the ground, bark from the tree, or anything that they can do.
236 We rake off enough, in our garbage cans, to feed them. We sit here this morning, paying about a dollar and a half for a little bit of food here. And we got good clothes. We drive a nice automobile. We live in a nice home. You businessmen here, your businesses are plushing, as I hear you testify. God is good to you. Can't you realize that?
237Why, He loves you. You know that? And that's the reason that knock comes, "I stand at the door and knock." [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And if any man will hear My voice, and open the door, I'll come in to him, and sup with him, and he with Me."
238 Now, that still, little Voice that knocks at your heart's door, it might knock so many times till it may be very faint right now. But let's just be honest, just honest with God and ourselves, for just one minute. That little knock, way down there, that said, "I better curb my ways. I'd better be different. I'd better straighten up. I know there's things in me. I look here, I examine my life with this Word, and I see I'm wrong in many things." Look around, see how good; it's His goodness that knocks at the door.
239No matter what we done, how much we've sinned, how much we've turned It away, how much we said, "Later on we'll do it," He is still, in the midst of all that, knocking. [Brother Branham knocked on the pulpit--Ed.] "And if any man or woman will just open your heart, I'll come in and sup."
240Let's see what He wants this morning, will you, while we bow our heads? []
241 "Oh, my Jesus, I love Thee, I love Thee. Oh, for grace to love You more, Lord."
242"What is that little something keeps telling me, in my heart, that, 'I must come a little closer to Jesus'? What is that?" Do you want to open the door to That, this morning?
243Now, with every head bowed, and every eye closed, please. Down in your heart, be real honest, just one minute.
244You have such a little knock at your door. I'm going to pray, just a moment. And, sincerely, you'd like to know what that little mysterious something in your life is, that you'd like to let--let in. Would you want Him to come in, this morning? Say, "Brother Branham, pray that I'll have the faith and grace just to open my heart and let It come in. I want to know what This is, knocking at my door. I know there is something knocking there. Maybe it's a closer walk. Maybe it's a different ministry. Maybe it's to surrender myself. Maybe it's to receive the Holy Spirit."
245 Would you raise up your hand to God, and say, "Here I am, Lord." God bless you. That's it. Oh, it's just everywhere. "I have a little knocking at my heart's door." I guess, sixty or seventy percent of the people.
With our heads bowed.
246Now, our Heavenly Father, "There is a Fountain," as the poet said, "that's filled with Blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins, where sinners plunged beneath the Flood lose all their guilty stain. That dying thief rejoiced to see that Fountain in his day, and there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away."
247Now, Father, we're grateful for these people. And some of them may, no doubt, has professed Christianity a long time, but they've got the--the real conviction enough to raise their hands. What, Lord, if they didn't even have the conviction to raise their hands? Then they are past redemption. Think of that place, that a wandering soul could wander out into darkness, and miserably blind and doesn't know it. And they hear the knock of God, and grieve It so many times until finally It never knocks again. And they pick up a creed or something, and live by it the rest of their days, to find themselves disappointed at that Day of the Judgment.
248 I'm grateful, Lord, for these people who would raise their hands and say, "Be merciful to me, Lord. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and reveal Yourself to me today. And I'll give You my life. Here am I. If there's anything in me that's not right, Lord... And I look at my own life, and I see that there is plenty that's wrong, then take me into Your great molding house and--and mold me, and take from me all that's worldly and ungodly. And I thank You, Lord, that I haven't got to the place that I've crossed that line, that can, where you cross and can never return again; grieve the Spirit of God the last time, and now there's no way at, all back." Like Judas Iscariot and them, sold his Lord for thirty pieces of silver. And we do today, for popularity, and the cares of the world, and religious organizations and denominations, and creeds. We just sell Him for anything.
249 O Lord, have mercy to honest hearts. I plead for those, Lord. Oh, with all that's in me, I ask for Divine mercy. And hear me, Lord, hear me. And may this great desire, with faith, and know that it's God that spoke to their hearts. It's God that does these things. And may the heart's door come open just now, and Jesus walk in and become Lord of the situation, taking all the world out and making them new creatures in Christ Jesus.
250Heal those that are sick, Lord. Perceiving that there is so much suffering, I pray for them, Father, that now the great Physician will touch their physical being, also, and make it His home, His dwelling place, where He can reach forth His hands just at the call. The little, light call of the heart, and the great Physician is on the job. Grant it, Lord. Hear us today. Bless all that's present. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.
251 Now, with our heads bowed, real humbly, softly, let's sing this old hymn of the church, "I love Him, I love Him because He first loved me." And believe now that what you have asked, that that little still knock that was at your heart, Jesus will come in now. Quietly, as we sing it.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
252 Now, with our heads bowed. You that want to accept Him as Lord in your heart, "Lord, take away everything now. And from this hour, I'm making a consecration to You over this table, Lord, that I'll meet You again at that great Wedding Supper. I'm consecrating my life to You, this morning, so help me, my Lord. If I haven't received the Holy Spirit yet, I'm going to seek until the real Holy Spirit comes in and cleanse my life, makes me a new creature in Christ Jesus. I promise You today, Lord, as I make a consecration to You over this table. In the Name of Christ, I promise to do it, as I raise my hands."
253Now, you raise your hands, and sing with your eyes closed now. "I..." Will you consecrate yourself now?
I love Him
Because He...
254God, be merciful. Father, look upon these hands, and grant it, in Jesus' Name.
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
255 Now I want you to reach across the table and shake hands with somebody. Say, "God bless you, pilgrim. Glad to be here with you, this morning." That's right. Everybody just mix up, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian. "God bless you. God bless you." The Messages sometime are cutting and hard, and we--we want to--to feel good about It.
256Now, God bless you, brother. God bless you. God bless you, sister. God bless you, my brother, God be with you. God bless you. Fine. Bless you, Brother Tony.
257 Now let us stand just a minute, with our hands and hearts to God, our Father.
258All--all creeds, all--all, now believing. Now, when you have prayed, remember, Jesus said, "When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for, and it shall be given unto you." Do you believe it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "I believe that I receive that what I've asked for. I consecrated my life to Jesus Christ. And from this day, henceforth, I really mean it, God. I'll walk before You until it becomes such a reality, till I'm hid altogether in Christ Jesus."
259 Now, is the song leader here? Let's start that gracious old hymn, "My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine." Wonder if the sister on the piano would give us that key. How many knows the hymn? Raise, now, let's sing that to the top of our voice, "My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary." All together now.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
O Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my sin away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine.
Let's bow our heads now.
While life's dark maze I tread,
And grief around me spread,
Remember, you're going to meet the world now.
Be Thou my Guide; (Listen.)
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wash all my fears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
260Let's hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begin to hum My Faith Looks Up To Thee--Ed.]