Pozri sa na Ježiša



Takto uvažuje celý tento národ. Oni si intelektuálne predstavujú Krista. To je to za čím sa obzerajú. A keď je Kristus vo vás, musíte byť vedec; musíte byť vzdelanec, pretože oni si myslia, že to je Kristus. A ďalšia vec, oni si vytvárajú svoje vlastné predstavy, čo On má byť - svoje vlastné idey - namiesto toho, aby zobrali to, čo hovorí Slovo. Takto ... keď sa oni dívajú a keby videli aj samého Ježiša, oni Ho nebudú poznať. Oni Ho nepoznali v deň Letníc. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď On bol v tele. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol v jasliach. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol na uliciach Jeruzalema. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol na kríži a On bol vyplnením toho Slova a ďalej si mysleli, že ten Mesiáš príde z neba po nejakom koridore a všetko možné a to bolo zlé, pretože to bola ich intelektuálna predstava a oni Ho nevideli - a dívali sa rovno na Neho.

Tak je to dnes. Čo vidíte, keď sa pozeráte? Niektorí sa pozerajú, aby videli - keď sa pozerajú na Neho, oni sa pozerajú, aby videli nejakého veľkého, vzdelaného zakladateľa cirkvi, niekoho, kto skutočne môže vymyslieť nejaké vyznanie, ktoré spôsobí, že všetci ľudia pôjdu za týmto vyznaním, toto či tamto - to je to, na čo oni pozerajú, keď Ho vidia.

Niektorí sa pozerajú, aby videli mýt, ako Mikuláš, keď sa pozerajú. Oni čítajú Bibliu a hovoria: "Och, to je vybájená vec. To je len niečo, čo napísal človek." To je to, čo oni ... pretože, akú mienku máte o Biblii, takú mienku máte o Ňom, vidíte.

Niekto sa pozrie, aby videl malé dieťa. Niekto sa pozrie a vidí zajaca, alebo Mikuláša. Niekto sa pozrie, aby videl nejakú historickú knihu, ktorá bola včera a nie dnes. Ale otázka znie: čo vidíš ty, keď sa ty dívaš?

1Amen. Ďakujem, Georgovi, Beky a sestre Ungrenovej, je to pekná pieseň. Je to pravda. Všetko sa mení, keď prichádza Ježiš. On proste vyháňa temnosť a rozširuje svetlo. Sme za to vďační. No, toto je prvý krát, čo Beky tu hrala v zhromaždení, tak to bola veľmi vhodná pieseň - "Keď prišiel Ježiš."

2Tak, sme vďační, že sme tu znovu dnes večer a sme tak vďační, že ste tu boli dnes ráno. A teraz, dnes večer ... Mám krátku tému, na ktorú chcem za chvíľu hovoriť; ale skôr ako začnem, chcem povedať nejaké oznámenia a niečo a som trochu zachrípnutý. Myslím, že to je len z toho, že veľa hovorím. Kážem dlhý čas, ale keď zaberiem hodinu alebo dve, je to na páskach, keď prichádzam sem naspäť, to preto, že to nahrávam a to ide do celého sveta. A tak vám ďakujem, že ste boli dnes ráno s nami takí trpezliví.

3No, je niekoľko vecí o ktorých by som sa tu rád zmienil. To je, že by som sa rád opýtal zboru, tá prvá vec, niečo čo som - čo som urobil a chcem sa dnes večer opýtať, či by som to mohol zmeniť. Nerobím Novoročné sľuby; a zajtra ráno musíme ísť domov, tak na Nový rok tu nebudeme, ale budeme na vás pamätať. Myslím, že tu bude zhromaždenie večer do Nového roku. Áno, to je dobre - strážna služba, ako to oni stále mali z večera do Nového roku. Radi by sme tu zostali, ale nedostali by sme sa potom na čas domov, aby sme dali deti do školy. A moja žena im musí vyprať šaty. Viete ako to je.

4Tak, chcem poďakovať každému jednému z vás za tie pekné veci, ktoré ste pre nás urobili cez Vianoce. A vám ženám, ktoré ste tam išli a priniesli do domu jedlo a veci pre nás, že keď sme tam prišli, všetko bolo už uvarené a pripravené na jedenie; Opravdu vám za to ďakujem. Nech vás Boh stále žehná. A zboru, za ich poukážku na oblek, na ktorú som tu mohol dostal nejaké šaty, keby som chcel. Dávajú mi tu každý rok oblek. A niektorí moji priatelia, mi práve dali oblek; tak si myslím, ak je to v poriadku, potrebujem nejaké iné veci, ako košele a nátelníky a také veci. Rád by som použil tie peniaze na to, ak s tým zbor súhlasí. Viac teraz potrebujem to, ako oblek.

5No, tento mladý muž, ktorý nám práve spieval, brat George Smith, z Tucsonu, boli sme tam v ich zbore - Novozákonná Baptistická Cirkev. Jeho otec je misionár. Myslím, že má okolo sedem zborov dole v Starom Mexiku. A oni sú tam skutočne milí ľudia. Jeho otec a matka a oni všetci sú milí ľudia a George je veľmi milý mladý muž. Bolo mi ľúto, že nám nepovedal svedectvo, prv ako si sadol na miesto, o spasiteľnej milosti Kristovej v jeho živote.

6A teraz, tie posolstvá - sľúbil som tu nedávno, že tie posolstvá (prv ako som odišiel na tie zhromaždenia), že prídem sem a prv ich tu nahrám a potom to pôjde von. To bolo kvôli nahratiu tých pások pre ľudí, potom som sem prišiel a nahral nejaké posolstvo a potom som išiel inde a kázal som to. To dalo ľuďom možnosť, aby ... ktorí nahrávajú, aby nahrali tú pásku, aby sme to zobrali so sebou, keď sme odchádzali.

7No, pripravujem sa na dlhú sériu evanjelizačných ciest, tak od teraz to už ďalej nebudem schopný tak robiť, rozumiete. A ten kto nahráva tie pásky, ich bude musieť proste nahrávať tak, ako budeme chodiť. A myslím, že nakoniec ... Nemajú oni niekedy tento týždeň, či teraz niekedy, stretnutie ohľadne nahrávania tých pások, kvôli tomu ... niečo ohľadne tých pások tento týždeň? Aj tak myslím, že brat Sothmann je tu a on zastupuje brata Maguireho. Neviem, či je tu, alebo nie. Myslím, že brat Fred je tu. Niekto povedal, že tu bude. Myslím, že oni majú stretnutie tento týždeň (možno zajtra večer, alebo niekedy) ohľadne nahrávania tých pások. Rozprávali sme o tom raz večer tam v tej izbe. Myslím, že je čas na niečo. Oni sa zídu a dohodnú sa na tom. Tak od teraz, budem pravdepodobne hovoriť vonku na tých zhromaždeniach posolstvá, ktoré som nehovoril tu v modlitebni.

8A teraz, chcem byť vďačný Bohu za to svedectvo brata Blaira. Je tu brat a sestra Blairovci, sedia tu dnes večer - sedia tu rovno pred nami - on, ktorý mal toho malého chlapca ... No pamätáte sa, keď mi Pán povedal, keď on bol ... Brat Blair bol celý v slzách, plakal. Jeho malý chlapec si takto poranil tvár, keď sa prevrátilo auto a bol na tom veľmi zle. Ale zatiaľ, čo som sa modlil, videl som toho malého chlapca zdravého. A brat Blair, samozrejme, opýtal sa ma, povedal: "brat Branham, je to Tak hovorí Pán?"

Povedal som: "Brat Blair, to je Tak hovorí Pán."

9A brat Blair je tu dnes večer a my sme naozaj vďační, že tu máme brata Blaira. A on má drobné problémy s určitou nervozitou a Satan tu nedávno nastrojil na neho veľkú pascu, snažil sa ho dostať do toho, aby mi neveril. A zatiaľ čo to Satan robil, prišiel Pán a zjavil mu to a povedal mu o tom; proste to odsekol, prv ako sa to mohlo stať. A brat Blair je fajn človek. A chcem aby ste na neho pamätali. On tak trochu váha medzi názormi na to, čo robiť. On proste nevie ako sa obrátiť a ja verím, brat Blair, že Boh ... ty si veľký Kristov sluha a On má pre teba veľa roboty, pretože svetlá začínajú slabnúť. Bol si tu dnes ráno? Dobre, to je veľmi dobre.

10No, zdá sa mi, že nabudúce vás navštívim možno krátko na jar a za ten čas možno budeme vedieť, či budeme mať tie zhromaždenia tu v Jeffersonville, alebo nie, v tom čase, keď by som mal byť v Nórsku a v škandinávskych krajinách.

11No, prv ako prečítame text ... pretože sa budeme modliť za nemocných a mnohí stoja v tých miestnostiach a okolo stien a tak ďalej a viem, že je to pre vás veľmi ťažko. A ja sám som stál mnoho krát a prechádzal som pred chvíľou okolo, idúc so svojou ženou, všimol som si tých ľudí okolo dverí a myslel som si: "Kto povedal, že evanjelium nie je stále tou najatraktívnejšou vecou na svete?" Skutočne je. Ono upútava pozornosť tých, ktorí sa oň zaujímajú. Tí, ktorí sa nezaujímajú samozrejme oni ne ... to nebude. Ale Ježiš povedal: "Keď budem povýšený od zeme, všetkých potiahnem ku sebe." Aká je to pravda.

12A keď sem prídem, je toho tak veľa, čo by som chcel povedať a musím si nejako zapísať, čo tu chcem povedať za chvíľu, lebo ... Je toho tak veľa, že zabudnem proste čo chcem povedať.

13No, dozvedel som sa, že otec brata Ungrena bol dnes ráno pokrstený v mene Ježiša Krista. Ak je tu sestra Ungrenová a oni, som si istý, že je to pre nich veľká vec, pretože to bola mnoho rokov ich neustála modlitba. A brat Ungren, kdekoľvek si, nech ťa Boh bohato žehná, môj brat. A ak to nie je správne, Boh ma v deň súdu bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. Ja viem, že je to správne. Ja to beriem na seba. To je naprosto správne, pretože to je pravda.

14Vy hovoríte: "Či je v tom nejaký rozdiel?" Pre Pavla bol. Oni sa opýtali ako oni boli pokrstení. Oni povedali, že oni už boli pokrstení skrze Jána - muža, ktorý pokrstil Ježiša. Pavol povedal, že oni musia prísť a byť znovu pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista. A ani jedna osoba v Biblii nebola nikdy pokrstená vo meno Otca, Syna A Ducha Svätého. Žiadni ľudia neboli nikdy takto pokrstení až do zorganizovania Katolíckej cirkvi na Laodicejskom Koncile, v Lao-Nicei - Ríme. Tam bola pokrstená prvá osoba, kde použili tieto tituly.

Jeden človek mi raz povedal ... Povedal som: "Dobre, ak Pán Ježiš ..." To je Jeho meno.

On povedal: "Dobre ..."

Povedal som: "Ak niekto príde ku tebe ..."

On povedal: "Nemyslím, že by bol v tom rozdiel."

Chytil som ho proste na jeho vlastnej náuke. Povedal som: "Ak niekto príde ku tebe a povie, 'ja som pokrstený vo meno ruži Sáronskej, ľalii z údolia a rannej hviezdy,' povedal by si na to Amen?"

On povedal: "To nie."

Povedal som: "Pokrstil by si ho znovu?"

On povedal: "Samozrejme."

Povedal som: "Ako by si ho pokrstil?"

On povedal: "Pokrstil by som ho vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého."

A ja som povedal: "Tak by som ho i ja pokrstil - vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého." Povedal som: "No ruža Sáronská, ľalia z údolia a hviezda ranná nie je meno."

On povedal: "To je pravda. To je titul."

Povedal som: "Tak isto Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý."

15No, pokrstil by som ich vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého; a meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého je Pán Ježiš Kristus. Presne. Tak som povedal - a on to uvidel. To bol brat Jozef Mattsson-Boze z Chicaga, najťažší človek ktorého som kedy zlomil. Myslím, že teraz keď s ním pôjdem do Afriky mám pokrstiť okolo tri alebo štyri tisíc domorodcov, znovu ich pokrstiť.

16No, tak sme vďační za svetlo evanjelia. A tak teraz, Ježiš povedal, keď bol tu na zemi: "To čo počujem, to hovorím." A teraz, chcem povedať za ďalších asi desať, alebo pätnásť minút, prv ako začnem hovoriť svoju tému, veľmi krátku tému a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých.

17Prišiel som vo svojej službe ku miestu, kde musím niečo povedať. Ježiš povedal, že to čo On počul, to bolo to, čo hovoril. A On povedal: "Nazval som vás svojimi priateľmi a priateľ hovorí svojim priateľom všetko.

18Pavol povedal v Skutkoch 20:27: "Neutiahol som sa, aby som vám nebol zvestoval celú radu Božiu." A nech sa pripojím dnes večer a poviem to isté s tým veľkým starým svätým - podľa svojej najlepšej známosti, neutiahol som sa, aby som vám nezvestoval celú radu Božiu.

19Niekto si raz púšťal jednu z tých pások. A len preto, že to niekoho nahnevalo, strelili na nich cez okno a zranili nejakú ženu. Tak možno jedného dňa spečatím svoje svedectvo, ale keď príde ten čas, potom som pripravený ísť. Až kým nastane môj čas, nič mi nemôže uškodiť, až do toho času.

20No, veríme v to isté evanjelium, tak ako je napísané v Biblii. Je to namierené. A keď je puška presne namierená a nastavená, keď ona zasiahne terč prvý krát, ona ho zasiahne i druhý krát i zakaždým.

21Ak strom, alebo haluz (vinič) vypustí letorast a ten letorast prinesie určité ovocie, keď ten vinič znovu vypustí letorast, on bude rodiť také isté ovocie.

22A keď je Ježiš vinič a my sme letorasty a tá prvá haluz - cirkev, ktorú ten vinič vypustil - oni potom za tým napísali Knihu Skutkov. Tá prvá letorast krstila vo meno Ježiša Krista. Oni mali medzi sebou živého Boha, ktorý medzi nimi robil tie isté veci, ktoré On robil, keď bol na zemi; takže si ľudia všimli na nich, hoci boli nevzdelaní a neučení - že oni boli s Ježišom, pretože Jeho život sa prejavoval cez nich.

23Ako som povedal: "Keby som mal v sebe ducha Beethovena, písal by som piesne. Keby Beethoven žil vo mne, bol by som Beethovenom, rozumiete. Keby vo mne žil Shakespeare, bol by som Shakespearom. Písal by som básne a hry a tak ďalej - keby Shakespeare žil vo mne. A keď vo mne žije Kristus, budete činiť skutky Kristove. Musí to tak byť. A čo je Kristus? Slovo. On povedal: "Ak zostanete vo Mne a moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste čo chcete a stane sa," pretože tam je to Slovo, potrebuje len svetlo; a svetlo ho oživuje.

24Tak, teraz, poviem vám teraz niečo, čo som doteraz nepovedal. To je tá vec, na ktorú sme tak dlho očakávali, alebo prinajmenej mnoho rokov - štyri alebo päť rokov, alebo možno dlhšie - tretie potiahnutie zostalo teraz potvrdené a som si istý, že všetci viete čo to je.

25No zapamätajte si, to nebude nikdy napodobené, pretože to nemôže byť, nemôže byť. No, ono existuje. A ja som upozornený na toto, že zakrátko - práve teraz v tomto čase - to sa práve stalo, tak to mohlo preukázať svoju prítomnosť medzi vami. Ale to nebude použité vo veľkej miere, až kým sa tento koncil nezačne sťahovať. A keď sa toto začne diať, keď sa to začne diať ... Letniční a iní môžu napodobniť skoro všetko čo sa dá urobiť, ale keď príde ten čas, keď nastane ten nátlak, potom budete vidieť to, čo ste videli dočasne, že to bude zamanifestované v plnosti svojej moci.

26No, ja musím pokračovať v evanjelizácii, tak ako som bol prv poverený, musím pokračovať. Tak teda, máte Slovo a viete na čo máte očakávať, ako stáť. Ja musím ďalej pokračovať v evanjelizácii; a moji priatelia, stojte pevne a kráčajte napred, pretože tá hodina sa rýchlo približuje, keď sa niečo stane.

27No, mohli ste vidieť, že sa mi prihodili nejaké drobné zvláštne veci - nič hriešne, nemám na mysli niečo také - ale myslím niečo zvláštne voči normálnemu behu. Pretože, tam kde som sa teraz dostal v mojej službe, tu sa zvažujem naspäť, pozorujem ten bod a očakávam na ten čas, kedy to bude použité. Ale to bude použité! A každý vie, že s takou istotou, ako sa preukázalo to prvé, tak sa preukázalo to druhé; a ak budete skutočne pozorne rozmýšľať, vy ktorí ste duchovní (ako hovorí Biblia, toto je pre toho, kto má múdrosť), to tretie je náležite preukázané. Vieme kde to je. Tak tretie potiahnutie je tu.

28To je tak tajomné, že nesmiem o tom veľa povedať, ako mi On povedal na začiatku. On povedal: "Toto ... nič o tom nehovor." Pamätáte sa na to, pred rokmi? To hovorí za seba. Snažil som sa vysvetliť tie iné a urobil som chybu. Toto bude tá vec, ktorá, podľa mojej mienky ... Nehovorím, že toto mi povedal Pán, toto bude tá vec, ktorá začne vieru do vytrhnutia na odchod preč, vidíte. A ja ešte nejaký čas musím zostať potichu.

29No pamätajte, (a kto počúva túto pásku) mohli ste práve vidieť takú zmenu v mojej službe, znižovanie sa naspäť ... Nie vzrastanie; znižovanie sa naspäť. Sme práve teraz v tom veku a to už nemôže ísť ďalej. Musíme čakať nejakú minútu, až kým sa toto tu nestane, aby to bolo dokončené, potom ten čas príde. Ale to sa jasne preukázalo.

30Prichádza čas v tomto národe, v ktorom tento národ bude vykonávať všetku moc, ktorú predtým mala šelma, (ktorou bol pohanský Rím, keď sa stal pápežským Rímom), že tento národ ju bude vykonávať. Zjavenie 13 to jasne vysvetľuje. Ten baránok vystúpil zo zeme. Tá druhá šelma vystúpila z vody, množstvá a zástupy ľudí. Tento baránok vystúpil tam, kde neboli žiadni ľudia.

31Baránok reprezentuje náboženstvo - Baránok Boží. A pamätajte, on hovoril ako baránok; to bol baránok a potom po nejakom čase on obdržal moc a hovoril ako drak a používal všetku moc, ktorú mal drak pred ním; a ten drak je stále Rím. Tak či nevidíte: Rímska denominácia, označená Protestantská denominácia, obraz šelmy, ktorý pôsobí mocou, ktorá bude nasilu nútiť všetkých Protestantov do únii. A budete musieť byť v tejto rade cirkví, inak nebudete môcť mať obecenstvo alebo ... No, prakticky je to tak už teraz. Nemôžete ísť do nejakej cirkvi a kázať, ak nemáte kartu obecenstva, alebo nejaký preukaz.

32A teraz ďalej, ľudia ako my, my budeme zo všetkého toho úplne vylúčení. Presne tak, pretože to nebudú môcť urobiť. To je priťahovanie; a potom, keď príde ten čas a nastane až taký nátlak, že budete vytlačení, potom pozorujte na to, čo vám chcem za chvíľu povedať. Očakávajte potom tretie potiahnutie. To bude celkom na úplne zatratených. Ale to bude pre nevestu a pre cirkev.

33No, sme bližšie, než ako sa zdá. Ja neviem kedy, ale je to skutočne, skutočne, blízko. Ja možno staviam pódium pre niekoho iného, aby naň vystúpil. Ja možno budem zobraný pred tým časom. Neviem. A ten čas môže byť tento nasledujúci týždeň, že Duch Svätý príde a prinesie Krista Ježiša. On môže prísť tento nasledujúci týždeň. On môže prísť ešte dnes večer. Ja neviem, kedy On príde. On nám to nepovedal. Ale ja verím, že sme tak blízko, že nezomriem kvôli vysokému veku. Hoci mám 54 rokov, nezomriem na vysoký vek, než On tu bude. Jedine, že budem zastrelený, zabitý, jedno, alebo druhé, nejakým spôsobom zabitý - samotný vysoký vek ma nezabije, až kým On nepríde. A ja verím, že ... Chcem povedať toto; nikdy predtým som to nepovedal, ale podľa Písma, podľa toho, čo On povedal pred tridsiatymi rokmi, pred tridsiatymi tromi rokmi tam nad riekou, (lepšie povedané v 1933 roku) čo On povedal - všetko sa stalo úplne presne. Možno ja to neurobím, ale toto posolstvo predstaví svetu Ježiša Krista. "Pretože ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predchádzal ten prvý príchod, tak toto posolstvo má predchádzať ten druhý príchod." A Ján povedal: "Ajhľa Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta." Tak toto sa s tým vo všetkom zhodovalo a viem, že ono to urobí. To posolstvo pôjde ďalej.

34No, sú určité veľké veci, ktoré sa cestou dejú. Dnes ráno som mal tu v tej izbe rozhovory a jeden mladý človek, ktorý sa nazýva Autry - on je pravdepodobne stále ešte tu dnes večer. On je zo San Antonio, z Texasu. On prišiel a opýtal sa, keď pôjdeme do Dalasu, z Kalifornii, či by sme sa nezastavili na jeden večer do ich zboru, len na jeden večer; a oni to očakávajú za deň alebo za dva, aby vedel, či budeme môcť. A on mi hovoril o - nebol som v San Antonio od toho prvého zhromaždenia.

35No, to prvé zhromaždenie, keď som prišiel do San Antonio, bol som tam, myslím, s bratom Cootsom a s Medzinárodnou Biblickou školou a zabudol som v ktorom auditóriu sme mali to zhromaždenie. Bol to môj prvý večer, alebo druhý večer, (zdá sa mi, že prvý večer) keď som išiel na pódium, niekto povstal vzadu v tej budove a hovoril v jazykoch, ako keď strieľa zo samopalu. A on potom nemal nič viac a sadol si. Za chvíľu povstal niekto na pódiu a dal výklad. Zastavil som sa nad tým, čo povedal a opýtal som toho muža: "Poznáš tohoto človeka?"

On povedal: "Nie."

Povedal som: "Ako si sem prišiel?"

On povedal: "Ľudia, pre ktorých pracujem tu boli dnes večer a oni ma priviezli." On bol kovboj.

A ja som povedal: "Čo robíš? Poznáš jeho?"

On povedal: "Nie, nikdy som ho nevidel."

A ja som povedal: "Čo si?" A on bol obchodník v tom meste. A čo oni povedali v tom ... No ja som bol vždy ... Prv, ako som to lepšie pochopil, stále som bol nedôverčivý voči hovoreniu v jazykoch. Myslel som si, mnoho z toho bolo telesného a mohlo byť; ale keď toto bolo povedané, ten výklad bol presne to, čo povedal ten anjel Pánov tam nad riekou pred jedenástymi rokmi: "Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predchádzal prvý príchod Kristov, ty si poslaný, aby si predchádzal ten druhý." A to tam bolo. Keď ten anjel, to svetlo - ktoré bolo naprosto rozpoznané, obojako, skrze cirkev, skrze Slovo, skrze vedu a všetko to potvrdilo - to svetlo sa prvý krát ukázalo na verejnosti, stálo rovno nad miestom, kde som stál, okolo druhej hodine popoludní na konci mosta, rovno tu na konci Spring Street, vo vode. No, to bolo pred mnohými, mnohými rokmi. A presne to, čo ono povedalo sa splnilo do bodky.

36Tento brat tu mi hovoril dnes ráno, on si zobral za ženu dievča tu zo zboru, dcéru sestry Noidsovej. Neviem teraz, hádam ten mladý muž ... Si tu, brat Autry? Neviem. On bol zo San Antonio. Neviem či je tu, alebo nie. Bol tu dnes ráno. A on mi hovoril, myslím, že to bol jeho starý otec, počas toho zhromaždenia, ktorý mal epilepsiu po celý život a bol tam privedený.

37To bolo to prvé, začiatok tej služby, keď ono povedalo, že ak ... to rozoznanie bolo, klásť ich ruku na moju a to čo im bolo povedané, bolo to čo im bolo. A ja som vám povedal (a mnohí sú dnes svedkovia), že sa stane, že budem poznať samotné tajomstvá ich sŕdc. Pamätáte sa na to? Povedal som vám to ešte pred tým, ako sa to stalo. Asi po piatych alebo šiestych rokoch, po prvý krát sa toto stalo v Kanade. A to sa stalo. Vtedy On povedal: "Ak zostaneš úprimný, pôjde to ďalej"; a teraz sa stala tretia vec. Stále to ide ďalej.

38A on povedal, že jeho otec bol privedený do rady, medzi ľudí za ktorých sa modlilo a bolo mu povedané o tej epilepsii a tak ďalej a bolo prosené za neho v modlitbe; a to bolo pred šestnástymi rokmi (myslím, že je to - pred okolo šestnástimi, alebo sedemnástimi) a on povedal, že od vtedy už nikdy nemal záchvat a on má skoro osemdesiat päť rokov. Od vtedy nemal viac záchvat. Čo to je? Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

39Je tu Margie Morgan? Sestra Margie Morgan - pani, ktorá bola zožraná rakovinou; zdravotná sestra. Koľkí sa pamätáte na sestru Morganovú? Ak je tu, nemôže sa dostať dovnútra. Ona bola zdravotná sestra, viete ... na zázname rakovinových prípadov v Louisville, je tá žena mŕtva okolo šestnásť, sedemnásť rokov - na zozname rakovinových prípadov v Louisville. Keď Jim Tom Robinson, advokát (Kresťanský advokát) počul o tom, on išiel do tej Baptistickej nemocnice, aby to overil a zistil, či to bola pravda, pretože jeho otec bol vo vedení, jeden z vedúcich v tej Baptistickej nemocnici; a oni vyhľadali ten prípad a tá žena mala byť mŕtva už niekoľko rokov a ona robí zdravotnú sestru tu v nemocnici v Jeffersonville. Keď tu stála, keď ju museli pridržiavať, ani nie celkom pri zmysloch - ale to bolo "Tak hovorí Pán," a ona žije.

40Ona robila zdravotnú sestru v Louisville a jeden človek tu dole - z Schimpfiho cukrárni ... Je tu dnes večer pán Schimpf? Bol by som rád, aby to porozprával, ak je tu - Sonny Schimpf; veľký zdravý muž. Mnoho krát, keď som bol ... nerád toto hovorím, ale je to pravda. Otec mi dával desať centov, keď som celý týždeň pracoval a ja som prišiel do mesta a odložil som si bicykel u brata Marka Eagana (On je tu jeden zo starších.) s Jimmy Poolom (Myslím, že jeho syn je tu dnes večer.) - Jim a ja a Ernest Fisher; a išli sme dole do mesta na nemý film, za päť centov. Zvykli sme pozerať tie staré nemé filmy. Boli sme deti, okolo osem desať roční; dávali tie s Williamom S. Hartom, (mnohí z vás mladých si ho nepamätáte) starý herec, (to boli nemé filmy) a ja som nevedel tak čítať; Musel som sa len dívať, čo prebiehalo. A musel som to všetko slabikovať a nestačil som, ale som sa díval, čo on robil; a zostalo mi ešte päť centov. Koľkí si pamätáte, keď ešte dávali zmrzlinu za cent? No dobre, mohol som si kúpiť tri zmrzliny a dva centy stáli štipľavé cukríky a bolo ich skoro pol funta. A Schimpf ich vyrábal a ja som tam chodil, sedel vzadu a pozeral Williama S. Harta.

41A tento mladý muž (trochu starší ako ja) tak ochorel, že sa ním zaoberalo päť najlepších špecialistov z Louisville, vážil okolo 45 funtov a zomieral. Slečna Morganová ho ošetrovala a on bol v takom stave ... Mal toľko rôznych vecí - z jeho pľúc nebolo nič, z jeho hrdla nebolo nič, jeho drobné ramená boli okolo len asi takto hrubé a on tam ležal a zomieral. A slečna Morganová tam pracovala a tak mu povedala: "Ja som raz mala rakovinu," a začala mu to rozprávať.

On povedal: "Čo si povedal, kto, Billy Branham? No," povedal, "Ja som mu predal mnoho štipľavých cukríkov a zmrzlín." On povedal: "Zaujímavé, či by prišiel a pomodlil sa za mňa."

42A ja som tam išiel a pomodlil som sa za Junie Schimpfa - a teraz, ak by ste sa s ním chceli porozprávať, to je Schipfova cukráreň, tu dole hneď vedľa Leovho divadla, alebo druhé dvere, dole na ulici - Schimpfova cukráreň. Všetci z vás tu viete kde to je. Ó, to je jedna z najstarších firiem v Jeffersonville. A keď tam ležal a zomieral, päť špecialistov mu dávalo len niekoľko hodín života, to bolo: "Tak hovorí Pán, nezomrieš ale znovu mi predáš štipľavé cukríky."

43Dlho ... Dozvedel som sa, že vyzdravel, ale dávno som na to zabudol; a žena a ja sme išli kúpiť nejaké cukríky, keď sme tu prišli na Vianoce. A neviem ako, že sme si spomenuli na Schimpfov obchod; pretože obyčajne chodievame až sem do týchto obchodov a kupujeme, ale zastali sme pred Schimpfovým.

Keď som vošiel dovnútra, jeho sestra sa pozrela a povedala: "Á, brat Branham." Povedala: "Pamätáš sa na Juniho?"

Povedal som: "Áno," a tam bol veľký silný zdravý muž. A ja som prišiel k pultu, pozrel som sa, díval som sa takto dole, povedal som: "vezmem si funt tých štipľavých cukríkov."

A on povedal: "Áno, pane." Jeho sestra čakala na moju ženu a tak on ich zobral a ja som povedal: "Jedával som ich už dávno tu v kine. A mal som takto sklonenú hlavu.

A on povedal: "Áno, mnohé tie deti si ich kupovali; stále ich kupujú." Povedal: "Môj otec ich vymyslel; vyrobil ich pre nich. Povedal som: "Naozaj mi chutia." Potom, keď to všetko zabalil a podal mi to, povedal: "Ešte niečo?"

A ja som povedal: "Neviem," a zodvihol som ... ó.

On povedal: "brat Branham!"

Povedal som: "Tu sú tie štipľavé cukríky, o ktorých som ti povedal 'Tak hovorí Pán' pred okolo piatymi rokmi."

Povedal: "brat Branham, ja som tak úplne uzdravený, nie je ani jediného príznaku. Trošičku slabšie počujem na jedno ucho." (Myslím, že má päťdesiat rokov). On povedal: "Trošku slabšie počujem na jedno ucho, pretože mi dali tak mnoho antibiotík, keď som tam bol." Úžasná milosť Ježiša Krista.

44Nemám teraz veľa času, aby som povedal niečo viac, ale chcem povedať toto. Koľkí si pamätáte na tie veveričky? Dobre. To miesto Písma po celý môj život bolo pre mňa hádankou, nikdy som tomu nemohol rozumieť. A ďalšie, ktorému som nerozumel, to bolo, keď Mojžiš dokázal povedať Bohu lepší spôsob, ako to urobiť, než ako vedel Boh. Keď Mojžiš povedal: "Ľudia povedia 'Váš Boh vás dokázal vyviesť, ale vás nedokázal zachovať.'" A Mojžiš sa postavil do medzery. Potom neskoršie som poznal, že Mojžiš ... že to bol Kristus v Mojžišovi, ktorý sa zastával ľudí. Tak potom ohľadne tohoto miesta Písma: (Nikdy by som o tom nekázal) "Ak ty povieš tomuto vrchu 'Pohni sa' ... " a vy poznáte ten príbeh, tak to nebudem hovoriť.

45No, trochu som vedel, do čoho to viedlo. A myslím, že brat Wood a brat Fred A ostatní sú tu, ktorí boli prítomní, keď sa to stalo, alebo hneď potom, keď sa to tam stalo. Brat Rodney a brat Charlie, z Kentucky, brat od sestry Woodovej A oni, boli prítomní, keď sa to stalo tam v Kentucky, to bolo druhý krát, keď sa to stalo. Proste jednoducho vypovedaním slova boli zavolané do existencie veci, ktoré neexistovali. Stále vypovedanie slova a podkladanie miest Písma na povzbudenie.

46Tretí krát sa to stalo pri Hattie Wright. Je tu dnes večer Hattie? To je To je Edithina ... Koľkí poznáte Hattie Wright? Brat Wood a ja sme tam sedeli, keď sa to stalo. A keď Duch Svätý povedal: "Daj jej, čo si zažiada," a my sme hovorili o tom, ako vznikli tie veveričky. A ja som povedal: "To je jedine to, že On je Jehova-jireh."

47Práve keď Abrahám potreboval barana, Boh sa postaral o toho barana. A On sa postaral o tie veveričky. On mohol vypovedaním slova stvoriť veveričku, pretože On je stvoriteľ, práve tak isto, ako mohol vypovedaním slova stvoriť barana. Abrahám o to vôbec nežiadal. On to len jednoducho išiel vykonať, ale to ukázalo, že tam bol Jehova-jireh. Keď som to ja povedal, pokorná prostá žena ... Keď sa to prvý krát stalo, to tretie potiahnutie, na ľudskej bytosti, bola to prostá, pokorná žena, ktorá zarába okolo dvesto dolárov za rok, na živobytie; to je všetko čo má zo svojho malého hospodárstva. Jej muž nežije, má dve deti, ktoré sa stali trochu neposlušné a ona prišla a doniesla z toho dvadsať dolárov na stavbu tejto modlitebni. A Méda mi v to ráno dala nejaké peniaze na nákup, dvadsať dolárov a ja som vtedy išiel, aby som jej to vrátil, zatiaľ čo som tam bol, že to nemusí platiť, ale ona to nezobrala. A keď ... Ona sedela vzadu v kúte a keď som povedal: "Jediné čo viem, že On je stále Jehova-jireh," a tá prostá Hattie povedala to správne slovo.

48Ona povedala: "To nie je nič iné, než pravda." A keď to povedala, (tu je brat Banks Wood, ktorý bol prítomný) zdalo sa, že tá izba sa rozpukne. A Duch Svätý povedal, (ten istý hlas, ktorý povedal o tých veveričkách) povedal: "Daj jej, čo si zažiada."

49Povedal som: "Sestra Hattie, ako svedok pred Bohom, toto je to. No, ak nie je v tvojej mysli žiadna pochybnosť, žiadaj si čo chceš a ak sa ti to nestane, potom som falošný prorok." Ona povedala: "brat Branham ... všetci plakali. Povedala: "Čo si mám žiadať?"

50Povedal som: "Si chudobná a bývaš tu na kopci, bez peňazí - môžeš žiadať o to. Máš chromú sestru, ktorá tu sedí, Edith, za ktorú sa roky modlíme - môžeš žiadať o jej uzdravenie." Povedal som: "Tvoj otec a matka sú starí a bezvládni - môžeš žiadať o nich. O čokoľvek požiadaš, sestra Hattie, uvidíš teraz, či sa to stane alebo nie, hneď teraz." A povedal som: "On mi práve povedal, ten istý hlas, povedal, 'Daj jej, čo si bude žiadať.' "

A ona sa pozrela dookola a povedala: "Čo mám povedať, brat Branham?"

Povedal som: "Povedz po čom túžiš. Pomysli si na svoju najväčšiu túžbu a povedz to." (A jej chlapci sa takmer chichotali a smiali.) Ona povedala: "Najväčšia túžba, akú mám, je spasenie mojich dvoch synov."

51Povedal som: "Dávam ti ich v mene Ježiša Krista," a tam sa to s nimi stalo a oni verne prichádzajú do tohoto zboru, ku večeri Pánovej; tí mládenci tam sedia, umývajú si nohy s mužmi a všetko toto. My všetci sme toho svedkovia. Ona si vyvolila to pravé. Jej matka musí zomrieť, tak isto ona; všetci, ale to o čo ona prosila bude na veky. Spasenie svojich detí. To bolo tretí krát, keď sa to stalo.

52Štvrtý krát sa to stalo (Práve som to tu vyrozprával, keď som tu bol posledne) to bolo hore na tej hore, kde zúrila tá búrka ... koľkí ste to počuli? Všetci. Dobre. Kde zúrila tá búrka a Boh je mojím sudcom ako tu stojím, išiel som dole z tej hory s Davidom Woodom (zdá sa mi, že je niekde tu) urobil mi sendvič a to bol poriadny. Myslím, že sa mi snažil vyrovnať za ten, ktorý som urobil jeho otcovi pred niekoľkými rokmi. On tam mal salámu a mäso a všetko zmiešané spolu a ja som si to dal do košeli a pršalo a stal sa z toho veľký chumáč mäsa. A schádzal som dole z toho vrchu, bola taká búrka, nemohol som vidieť pred seba, sotva na dosah ruky. A viem len jedno, obraciate sa, pretože vietor sa stále krúti. No, sú tu svedkovia toho. Jeden z nich je jeden z našich verných diakonov, je to brat Wheeler. Si tu brat Wheeler? Kde je? Rovno tu - brat Wheeler.

53Brat Mann, Metodistický kazateľ z New Alabany. Je tu ... brat Mann dnes večer? Neviem, či je tu alebo nie.

54Brat Banks Wood - si tu brat Banks? On je v tej miestnosti pri nahrávaní. No dobre a David Wood A myslím, že tam bol brat Evans Je to tak, brat Evans? Bol tam brat Evans, stojí tam pri stene. A niekoľko dní predtým, v predpovedi počasia hlásili, dva dni pred tým, že sa priženie silná smršť.

55Brat Tom Simpson je tu dnes večer, keď išiel dole z Kanady, oni mu hovorili, aby to tam obišiel, pretože nebude môcť cez to prejsť; prichádzala snehová smršť. Brat Tom, si tu? Kde si? Tu, on sedí rovno tu. A tam prichádzali tie oblaky a ja som povedal: "Bratia ... " Každý z tade utiekol, nikto tam nezostal z tých sto, alebo koľkých ľudí, ktorí tam boli. Nikto tam nebol, len naša malá skupina a ten kovboj, jazdec.

56A my sme chceli zostať. Zavolal som sestre Evansovej A povedal som jej, aby zavolala žene a povedala jej, aby povedala Tonymu, že ak neprídem, aby zohnal niekoho iného, kto by kázal na zhromaždení na raňajkách Businessmanov. A vtedy tam hore na tom vrchu som povedal: "Teraz, keď začnú padať prvé kvapky dažďa, bežte do tábora - povedal som - za desať, alebo pätnásť minút v tej búrke, nebudete vidieť pred sebou ani svoju ruku; a to na tú horu za chvíľu zosype snehu na dvadsať stôp.

57Takto ľudia ... čítate to v novinách, ako tam zostávajú a zahynú a všetko možné, ale my sme vedeli ako sa z toho dostať a oni vedeli kde sme boli; a tak sme cítili vedenie zostať. Tak na tej hore, keď začala tá búrka, začal som schádzať dole a bol som len asi pol míle od toho, kde to začalo a hlas Boží povedal: "Obráť sa a choď naspäť." A ja som išiel naspäť, ako mi On povedal.

58Po chvíli, ako som tam čakal a jedol ten sendvič, ktorý mi dal Dávid A išiel som naspäť tam hore a sadol som si. Zatiaľ čo som tam sedel a ten vietor krútil a sfukoval vrcholce stromov, ohýbal ich a studený dážď a sneh takto lietal, hlas povedal: "Ja som Boh stvorenia!" Pozrel som sa hore, pomyslel som si, kde to bolo. To bol možno vietor. On povedal: "Ja som stvoril nebesia i zem. Ja som utíšil ten mocný vietor na mori" - a ďalej hovoril. Vyskočil som a zložil som si klobúk. On povedal: "Prehovor len do tej búrky a ona prestane. Čokoľvek povieš, to sa stane."

Povedal som: "Búrka, prestaň; a slnko, ty svieť normálne za štyri dni, až kým z tadiaľto neodídeme."

59A len čo som to povedal do toho dažďu, snehu a všetko prestalo, za chvíľu mi svietilo na chrbát horúce slnko. Videl som takto fúkať vetry; prichádzali naspäť zo severu prichádzali dole ... Chcem povedať od východu, prišli od východu; prišli od západu. Tie vetry sa obrátili a prišli takto a tie mraky, ako nejaké tajomné veci sa zodvihli hore do vzduchu a za niekoľko minút svietilo slnko.

60Potom, Pán Ježiš prehovoril ku mne trochu neskoršie ohľadne mojej ženy tu dole, ako viete. Asi tam, keď som tam išiel ... Nikdy som ešte nebol doma na naše výročie. Sme spolu dvadsať dva rokov. Prvé výročie (to prvé, naša svadba) zobral som ju na poľovačku, pretože som si nemohol dovoliť ísť na poľovačku a tiež ísť na svadobnú cestu, tak som to tak nejako spojil. Tak potom, od vtedy som stále na poľovačky. Cítil som ... že som tak s ňou jednal.

61No, toto bolo štvrtý krát, keď sa to stalo. No, tu je niečo čo chcem povedať. Musím povedať úplnú pravdu. Asi pred šestnástymi rokmi som bol v Kalifornii s bratom Johnom Sharritom, a mal som zhromaždenia a Meda a ja a brat Sharrit a sestra Sharritová a iní sme boli ubytovaní v hoteli a človek menom Paul Malicki, ktorý bol veľa razy tu v tejto modlitebni, - on je bohatý Armén a jeho žena porodila dieťa vo Fresno, v Kalifornii, kde žili; a bola ... prišiel tam priviedol svoju ženu a zavolal mi do hotelu a povedal: "Môžem priviesť svoju ženu, brat Branham?" Povedal som: "Áno, môžeš." (Na druhý deň som odchádzal do Cataliny.)

62Tak, on tam priviedol svoju ženu a tá pani bola tak chorá! A vyzerala ... Povedal som: "Polož svoju ruku na moju, sestra Malicková." A povedal som: "Budeme vidieť, či nám Pán povie, čo to je." A len čo položila svoju ruku na moju, povedal som: "Ó, to je zápal žíl v nohe."

Ona povedala: "Nezdá sa mi, že by som mala nejaké príznaky."

Povedal som: "Dávaj pozor." A za dva dni ju liečili na zápal žíl.

63Ako tu Jimmy Pool, jeho malé dieťa, jedného dňa, prišiel s tým srdcovým záchvatom, oni si mysleli, že je to astmatický záchvat a ja som položil na neho svoju ruku. Povedal som: "Pozoruj ho za niekoľko dní. On má osýpky, cez to prechádza. To je horúčka. Stretol som ho ďalší večer. On povedal: "Celý je v osýpkách."

64No, hovoril som sestre Malickiej, ako je to s tou rukou. Ona povedala: "To je udivujúca vec, pozorovať to, brat Branham." Ona povedala: "Funguje to na každej ruke?"

65Povedal som: "No, ak je ten pacient na niečo chorý." Povedal som: "No tu, položil som svoju ruku na ... (mnohí z vás ste tam stáli a pozorovali to) a to nič neurobilo." Povedal som: "Tu, mojej žene nič nie je, položil som jej ruku ... pozri sem drahá, polož svoju ruku na moju." (Ona tam sedela, moja žena.) Položila svoju ruku na moju; len čo to urobila, povedal som: "Máš cystu na ľavom vaječníku. Máš ženskú chorobu."

A ona povedala: "Nič necítim."

66Povedal som: "Ale to máš." Rebeka mala dva roky - moja dcéra, ktorá tu teraz pred chvíľou hrala - ona mala dva roky. Za dva roky prišla na scénu Sára. A keď ... Ona bola cisárskym rezom a ja som poprosil doktora Dilmana (nášho doktora tam v Cordon), aby ... keď ju máš otvorenú, pozri sa na ten ľavý vaječník. On sa pozrel; povedal: "Nevidel som nič zlého." Položil som svoju ruku - stále to tam bolo.

67Za štyri roky prišiel Jozef. Prosil som ho, aby sa znovu pozrel. "Nevidel som nič zlého." Položil som svoju ruku - stále to tam bolo, tak sme proste na to zabudli.

68No toto je niečo, čo musím povedať, nerád to hovorím, ale to musí byť povedané, aby ste poznali pravdu. Vidíte a to je to, čo chcete. Stále hovorte pravdu, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje.

69Roky prešli, vôbec sme si to nevšímali. A ja toto hovorím, nie preto, že ona tu sedí, pretože to hovorím aj keď tu nie je. Vy to viete. Neverím, že by mohla byť na svete lepšia žena, než je moja žena a dúfam, že ona stále taká zostane. A ja chcem byť verným mužom a dúfam, že každý mladý muž v tejto budove, keď sa žení, berie si ženu, ako je moja. Neviem ako dlho budeme takto žiť, ale dúfam, že po všetky naše dni na zemi. Sme spolu veľmi šťastní.

70To bol Boh, ktorý mi povedal, aby som si ju zobral, práve v tom čase (ona nevedela), nesnažil som sa s ňou oženiť. Nie preto, žeby som ju nemal rád, ale pretože som myslel, že by som sa nevedel o ňu starať a ona je dobrá žena. Ja som si to proste nezaslúžil. A ona sa odišla modliť a otvorila si Bibliu ... Povedala: "Pane, nikdy predtým som to nerobila, ale daj mi miesto písma, ktoré mi pomôže. Ak mám na neho zabudnúť, zabudnem na to." Otvorila Bibliu A odišla do malej kôlni a modlila sa a keď otvorila Bibliu: Malachiáš 4 - "Hľa, ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša." To bolo pred dvadsiatymi rokmi a niečo, nevediac nič o tejto službe tohoto dňa.

71A ja som ležal tam dole pri rieke a On ma jednej noci zobudil; počul som Ho tam stáť pri dverách. On povedal: "Choď vezmi si ju a vaša svadba bude tento budúci mesiac, 23 októbra. A to bolo presne to, čo som urobil. A žijeme šťastne; z milosti Božej nepadlo medzi nami ani jedno zlé slovo. Ona je milá.

72Jedného dňa som prišiel domov a ona musela sama vychovávať tieto deti - ja som bol stále preč a slúžil na zhromaždeniach. Nie veľa žien by sa s tým dokázalo vyrovnať. Vy viete, že ... je to ťažké a potom ... Ja som prišiel domov a ona niečo povedala. Máme Jozefa a on je naozaj chlapec! A on pomohol niektorým šedinám na hlave svojej matky, tak ako i ja. Tak, on bol skutočne celý chlapec a on urobil niečo skutočne zlé a ja som jej povedal ... Ona mi povedala: "Bill, daj mu výprask." Povedal som: "Nemám teraz na to náladu."

A ona povedala: "Áno, keby si to ty musel znášať!" a zabuchla dvere rovno predo mnou.

73No, pomyslel som si, že to je v poriadku. Chudera, nemyslela to tak. A vyšiel som von umývať auto. Keď som tam vyšiel, Duchu Svätému sa to nepáčilo. On povedal: "Choď a povedz jej ..." Myslím, že je to 2. Kroník, 22. kapitola. Prv som si myslel, že sa mi to len zdalo. Ďalej som len umýval a to znovu povedalo: "Choď, povedz jej, aby si toto prečítala." A išiel som dnu, zobral som Bibliu a prečítal si to. To bolo, kde Miriam, tá prorokyňa, sa vysmiala zo svojho brata, Mojžiša, že sa oženil s etiópskym dievčaťom a Bohu sa to nepáčilo. On povedal: "Bolo by lepšie, aby jej otec napľul do tváre, než ako urobiť to."

74Tak, Miriam zostala celá malomocná. Tak prišiel Áron, povedal svojej sestre, povedal ... či prišiel a povedal svojmu bratovi, povedal: "Ona zomiera na malomocenstvo." A tak Mojžiš bežal ku oltáru, aby prosil za ňu; a keď to urobil, prišiel dole Ohnivý Stĺp - Boh. On povedal: "Choď a zavolaj ju a Árona a priveď ich sem." Áron bol tiež v tom. Tak On povedal: "Zavolaj ich, aby prišli sem."

75On povedal: "Ak je medzi vami (teraz ku nim hovorí Boh), niekto duchovný alebo prorok, Ja, Pán, sa mu dám poznať. Budem ku nemu hovoriť vo videniach a budem sa mu zjavovať skrze sny a zjavovať mu sny a tak ďalej." On povedal: "Ale môj sluha Mojžiš - nie je mu na zemi rovného." On povedal: "Ja s ním hovorím z úst do ucha." On povedal: "Nebáli ste sa Boha?" Vidíte, Bohu sa to nepáčilo.

76No keď som to videl, bežal som dovnútra a ona bola v druhej izbe. Zaklepal som na dvere, (ona sa zavrela) a povedal som jej, že chcem s ňou hovoriť. Vošiel som dovnútra a hovoril s ňou, snažil som sa jej povedať čo to bolo. Povedal som: "Drahá, ty vieš ako ťa milujem, ale Bohu sa to nepáčilo. Ty si to nemala povedať." Hneď potom pocítila bolesti v boku.

77Zobrali sme ju ku doktorovi tu v Louisville, ku Dr. Arthurovi Schoenovi a on zistil nádor na jej ľavom vaječníku, ktorý som ja zistil pätnásť, alebo šestnásť rokov predtým - nádor na jej ľavom vaječníku asi veľkosti orechu. Povedal som: "Čo s tým, doktor?"

On povedal: "Uvidíme čo sa stane. Priveďte ju znovu naspäť za niekoľko mesiacov," Za asi dva mesiace, alebo tak nejako.

Priviedli sme ju znovu. To narástlo z veľkosti orechu do veľkosti asi ako citrón. On povedal: "Lepšie bude vybrať to. On zmäkne a stane sa zhubným."

Povedal som: "No, oj!" Povedal som: "Ideme do Tucsonu. Pán ma tam poslal."

78On ju poslal ku ženskému špecialistovi, (on to nechcel mať na sebe.) Tak on mu musel povedať o mojej službe, pretože on, ten ženský špecialista, povedal: "To bude musieť ísť von." Tak on povedal ... povedali sme mu, že odchádzame do Tucsonu. On povedal: "Dobre, ja tam mám špecialistu, môjho dobrého priateľa, ja som býval v Tucsone." On povedal: "Pošlem vás ku nemu." Tak on napísal správu a poslal mu to a povedal: "Pani Branhamová je milá dáma," a tak ďalej. Poslal mu diagram, aký veľký ten nádor bol a tak ďalej, (stal sa potom z toho nádor) a povedal, aký bol veľký a povedal: "Viem ..." Myslím, že ma nazval - Božský uzdravovateľ - to bolo všetko čo vedel, ako to opísať, ale povedal: "Súhlasím ak to musí byť odstránené, odstráň to." Ale to bola skúška našej viery.

79Neprestajne sme sa modlili a čím viac sme sa modlili, tým viac ten nádor rástol, až to došlo do takého stavu, že to až vyčnievalo na jej boku. Nechali sme to v tichosti; (len niekoľko ľudí tu to vedelo) snažiac sa pozorovať, čo sa stane. Išlo to ďalej a ďalej.

80Nakoniec, keď som prišiel z Kanady, kde mi dal Pán priviesť ku Kristovi Indiánsky kmeň. Teraz na jar ich idem pokrstiť vo meno Pána Ježiša, keď Pán dá. No, prišiel som dole a to bolo v tedy, keď ona mala ísť - keď som bol v New Yorku, alebo tu - na ďalšiu operá ... na operáciu, či naposledy na prehliadku. Išiel som do New Yorku a keď som prišiel naspäť, zastavil som sa tu a išiel som ... potom, čo som tu mal zhromaždenie, to posledné zhromaždenie. Išiel som tam hore a zavolal som jej od brata Wooda; a ona povedala: "Bill, nemôžem ani zniesť, keď sa mi toho dotýkajú šaty." To vtedy už bolo takéto na jej boku. A na tú nohu na tej strane krívala. Najhorší týždeň, aký kedy mala, teraz ona tam sedí a počúva ma - najhorší týždeň, aký kedy mala.

A povedala: "Napozajtre musím ísť na tú prehliadku."

81Pomyslel som si: "Ó, Bože, ak to oni vyrežú, to nám nedovolí ísť na Vianoce domov, a ja som povedal tým ľuďom, že tam budem." A povedal som: "Čo za čas ... Ó." Rozmýšľal som: "Povedať mu, ak to bude operovať, nech je to trochu neskoršie, až po Vianociach." Potom som rozmýšľal: "To môže byť zhubný." A naspäť tu, viete, to je zlé. Dostane sa do obličiek, ak je zhubný, to vás zabije. Tak potom, rozmýšľal som: "Čo mám robiť?"

82A Méda povedala: "Dobre, no zavolaj mi," povedala ... V ten deň, keď som prišiel do Shreveportu ... (to by bolo na druhý deň potom) Keď som prišiel do Shreveportu, ona musela ísť na to vyšetrenie. A tak išla na to ... Pani Normanová išla s ňou, sestra Normanová - všetci ju poznáte; ľudia, ktorí chodia sem do zhromaždenia, ona išla s ňou ku tomu špecialistovi. A tak ona povedala: "Čakaj a po prvom zhromaždení v ... a potom znovu zavolaj, pretože je časový rozdiel (dve hodiny), potom mi zavolaj, keď prídeš naspäť po zhromaždení, poviem ti čo sa so mnou deje."

A ja som povedal: "Dobre."

83Tak som pokračoval ďalej, ráno, prv ako som odišiel, bral som Billyho a Loyce (oni obaja tu teraz sedia) a stále ... máme tam starý stolec, ktorý nám brat Palmer nedávno očalúnil a my sa stále zhromaždíme okolo toho stolca a modlíme sa, kedykoľvek sme ... stará sedačka, ako viete (podnožka), zakaždým sa zídeme tam okolo a modlíme sa, keď idem na zhromaždenie; prosíme Boha, aby nám pomohol.

84A ja som tam bol niekoľko dní a cítil som sa osamelý. Dom ... deti odišli a ona odišla. Viete, mnohý viete, že som musel raz cez to prechádzať - ísť naspäť do prázdneho domu. Len som pochoval tú ženu - Hope. A ja ... všetko to znovu. Sadol som si, rozmýšľal som: "No, budem sa modliť a potom sa zastavím pre Billyho a Loyce a pôjdeme."

85Tak keď som si kľakol, aby som sa modlil, povedal som: "Pane, chýbajú mi tu dnes ráno." Povedal som: "Prosím aby si im Ty pomohol a požehnal ich, aby sme tu znovu mohli prísť na toto miesto. A teraz ..." Povedal som: "Oni sú tam, pretože si ma tam poslal, vo videní a Ty si to vyplnil; teraz, budem čakať, aby som vedel, čo mi povieš, čo mám robiť ďalej." Povedal som: "Prosím, buď jej milostivý." A povedal som: "Pomôž mi tam na zhromaždení." Potom som ďalej ... Povedal som: "Pane, nedaj, aby bol zhubný. Nech ten doktor počká s tou operáciou až do prvého toho roku. Ja ju proste nechcem vidieť ..." Povedal som: "Pane, ona to tak nemyslela, čo urobila v to ráno. Ona to tak nemyslela." Povedal som: "Pane, nikdy nepovedala ani jedno slovo, že chodím na tie zhromaždenia, som tam mesiace, alebo čokoľvek to bolo - ani raz kvôli tomu neotvorila ani ústa. Stále mi dávala šaty do čistiarni a prala mi košele a mala všetko pripravené, aby som mohol ísť na zhromaždenia. A potom, uvažovala, ako by mohla slúžiť Bohu." Vy ženy, keď slúžite svojmu mužovi, slúžite Bohu. Ó samozrejme. A teraz ... "a potom, keď som prišiel celý unavený a ustatý; zovšadiaľ prichádzajú ľudia, chodievam von niekde na ryby, alebo na poľovačku. No, mnohé ženy by sa proti tomu postavili. Čo ona robila? Mala pre mňa pripravené šaty na poľovačku, aby som mohol ísť - nechala ma ísť." Povedal som: "Ona to tak nemyslela." A povedal som: "Ona už musela byť tri krát rezaná kvôli cisárskemu rezu," povedal som: "Pane, nerád ju vidím, že musí byť znovu rezaná."

86Práve vtedy som niečo počul v izbe. Pozrel som hore a hlas povedal: "Vstaň." Povedal: "Teraz čokoľvek povieš, tak sa stane."

87Chvíľu som počkal a povedal som: "Prv ako sa jej dotkne ruka lekára, ruka Božia odstráni preč ten nádor a viacej ho už nebude."

88Tým to pre mňa bolo vybavené. Nevolal som jej. Hneď sme išli; išiel som a zobral som Billyho a Loyce a išli sme do Shreveportu.

89Ďalší večer som jej zavolal. Ona bola šťastná, povedala: "Bill, chcem ti povedať ..." (Ona je teraz tu a môže to potvrdiť.) Musela tam dokrívať. Vošla do tej izby s tou ošetrovateľkou a pani Normanovou a obliekla si šaty (plášť) na prehliadku. Prišiel doktor a ona ledva dokázala vyliezť na stôl; ten nádor tam tak veľmi vyčnieval. A keď ona ... Doktor prišiel a rozprával sa s ňou a podišiel bližšie, aby odkryl tú plachtu a dotkol sa jej a prv ako sa jej dotkol, to zmizlo; a doktor nevedel na ktorej strane to bolo.

90On povedal: "Počkajte chvíľku!" S tými nakreslenými diagramami a všetkými tými obrázkami a všetkým možným, nemohol nájsť po ňom ani stopu. Vyšetroval ju znovu a znovu. Povedal: "Možno to nedokážem zistiť, ale pani Branhamová, ten nádor tam nie je." A ona od vtedy nemá žiadny príznak toho.

91Čo to bolo? Všimnite si, presne tak, ako to bolo povedané: "Prv ako sa toho môže dotknúť ruka lekára." Zlomok sekundy a jeho ruka by sa toho dotkla. Aké dokonalé je Slovo Pánove!

92No, tam je moja žena a my sme obaja pred Bohom. Ale prv, ako sa vôbec ruka lekára mohla dotknúť jej tela, ako sa takto ku nej načahoval, niečo sa stalo. Nádor zmizol. A oni nemohli ... On povedal - myslím, že toto, či nie drahá? "Chcem vás uistiť, pani Branhamová - je to tak, ako to on povedal? Je to tak - že ten nádor tam nie je. Nemáte žiadny nádor." Čo to bolo? Presne podľa Slova Pánovho, ktoré bolo vypovedané. Amen.

93To je piaty krát. Päť je číslo milosti. Tiež číslo v-i-e-r-y. Nemám viac v mysli pochybnosť. Viem čo je tretie potiahnutie a viem, čo ono robí. No buďte úctiví; buďte potichu. Zakrátko príde hodina, kde Boh bude pre nás robiť veľké veci.

94No, skloňme svoje hlavy v modlitbe. Pane Ježišu, videl som to na iných ľuďoch, ale keď to prišlo na moju drahú ženu - potom to bolo v mojom dome, Pane. Díval som sa na to svojimi vlastnými očami, cítil som to svojimi vlastnými rukami a Pane, pred šestnástymi rokmi si to tiež Ty dal najavo a zjavil si to. Keď je niečo vypovedané, musí sa to stať. Ty si mi to vtedy ukázal, Pane, spoliehajúc na to čo si urobil pre ľudí a dal si mi to poznať, tak že som im mohol pomôcť. Ty si spravil, že sa to vyplnilo v mojom vlastnom dome. To bolo prvé potiahnutie. A teraz tretie potiahnutie potvrdilo prvé potiahnutie.

95Sme vďační, Otče. Odpusť nám naše nedostatky. Sme prostí ľudia. Nie sme vzdelaní - viac, alebo menej sme neučení - ale sme tak vďační, že máme veľkého všemohúceho Boha, ktorý dohliada a stará sa o nás, lebo my nevieme, ako sa starať o seba. Porúčame sa Tebe.

96Teraz Otče, prosím, aby si mi pomohol a v tomto treťom potiahnutí, nech, ó Pane, ako si o tom hovoril už niekoľko posledných rokov a ukazoval si to v znameniach, na horách a tak ďalej a stále si na to upozorňoval. No, dával som pozor, aby som videl, čo to je, až kým to nebolo úplne potvrdené. Prosím teraz Otče, aby si mi pomohol, aby som mal toto vo väčšej vážnosti, než ako to bolo predtým. A nech Tebe bude chvála, z poza tejto istej kazateľni, kde bolo oznámené to prvé, druhé a teraz to tretie. A to čo si povedal sa stalo; presne to, čo si povedal. My Ti veríme, Pane Bože.

97Pomôž každému jednému z nás odhodiť preč našu neveru a naše povery, aby sme mohli stáť v prítomnosti živého Boha; vediac, že ten istý Boh, ktorý odstránil ten nádor z mojej ženy, ktorá tu teraz sedí - je to potvrdené skrze najvyššiu lekársku vedu, ktorú máme v kraji, ktorá to vyšetrila, potom pozreli a urobili snímok; a teraz je to preč.

98Ty si Boh a nie je iného okrem Teba. A my Ťa milujeme, pretože Ty si nám dal stať sa Tvojimi sluhami. Nech by sme Ti slúžili úctivo a čestne po všetky dni nášho života. Daj to, Pane. Nech ja i moja rodina, i všetci títo ľudia môžeme byť svietiacimi svetlami, slanou soľou, ktorá spôsobí smäd v iných, aby milovali tohoto Ježiša, ktorý tak veľa pre nás urobil.

99No, pomôž mi Pane, keď otváram Slovo, aby som prečítal z neho krátky text a potom sa modlil za chorých. Hovor ku nám a uzdrav chorých, prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen. Či by ste ... mám čas? Ak sa naozaj poponáhľam pri tomto texte tu - chcem, aby ste teraz čítali, (alebo si poznačili, alebo čokoľvek chcete). Prvé miesto nájdeme v knihe Numeri 21: 5-19. A chceme čítať toto:

A ľud vravel proti Bohu a Mojžišovi: Prečo ste nás vyviedli hore z Egypta? Aby sme pomreli tu na púšti? Lebo niet ani chleba, ani vody. A naša duša si už zošklivila ten ničomný chlieb

(anjelsky pokrm).

A Hospodin poslal na ľud jedovatých hadov ohnivých, ktorí štípali ľud, takže zomrelo množstvo ľudu z Izraela.

Preto prišiel ľud k Mojžišovi a vraveli:

(Vyznanie, Dávajte pozor.)

Zhrešili sme, ...

(Vidíte? To je prvá vec na ceste za uzdravením, najprv je vyznanie.)

Zhrešili sme, keď sme hovorili proti Hospodinovi i proti tebe. Modli sa Hospodinovi, aby odstránil od nás hada. A Mojžiš sa modlil za ľud.

A Hospodin riekol Mojžišovi: Sprav si takého ohnivého hada a vystav ho na tyč. A stane sa, že každý, kto je uštipnutý, keď ho uvidí, bude žiť.

Vtedy spravil Mojžiš medeného hada a vystavil ho na tyč. A bolo tak, že keď uštipol had niekoho, a keď pozrel uštipnutý na medeného hada, žil.

A teraz ešte chcem čítať Písmo zo Zachariáša z 12 kapitoly, 10. verš.

A vylejem na dom Dávidov a na obyvateľov Jeruzalema Ducha milosti a pokorných prosieb, a obrátia svoj zreteľ ku mne, ku tomu, ktorého prebodli a budú nariekať nad ním, ako niekto narieka nad svojím jediným, a budú horko žalostiť nad ním, ako niekto žalostí nad svojím prvorodeným.

100Teraz za tému, chcem zobrať toto: "Pozri sa na Ježiša"; odvráť sa od tohoto sveta a pozri sa na Ježiša. Mojžiš spravil toho hada a tu ten prorok neskoršie hovorí o tom - čo sa stane; pozerať sa na Ježiša.

101Biblia povedala v Izaiášovi 45:22 - nachádzame, že Boh povedal: "Obráťte zreteľ ku mne ... všetky končiny zeme." A teraz, keď zem prišla do svojho konca, alebo ten zemský systém prišiel do svojho konca, nech ľudia obrátia zreteľ na Neho.

102No môžete povedať: "Počujeme toto hovoriť generáciu za generáciou. Počujeme to už dlhý čas." To je pravda. A to sa už káže dlhý čas. Mnohí kazatelia kážu na tento istý text - tisíce z nich. Ale tu je to, čo sa vás chcem opýtať dnes večer, za týchto ďalších niekoľko minút: Ale keď sa pozriete ... Jedná sa o to: Čo vidíte, keď sa pozriete? Čo vidíte, keď sa dívate? To záleží len na tom, čo chcete vidieť.

103No On povedal: "Obráťte zreteľ ku mne ... všetky končiny zeme." Mojžiš zodvihol toho hada, a každý kto sa pozrel bol uzdravený. No, to záleží na tom, čo hľadáte.

104Videl som tento posledný deň prísť ľudí na zhromaždenia, mohli vysedieť v zhromaždení len asi jednu alebo dve minúty. To bolo všetko čo mohli zniesť. Oni to nemohli zniesť.

105Nikdy nezabudnem ... Dúfam, že toto nepadá na nikoho z Iowa. Keď som mal zhromaždenie vo Waterloo ... Brat Lee Vayle - on tam bol v to ráno, neviem či je tu dnes večer, alebo nie. Si tu, Lee? Bol tu dnes ráno. Áno, tam vzadu v nahrávacej ... tam vzadu. No dobre.

106Brat Lee a ja sme urobili všetko, čo sme mohli, dali sme tomu kazateľskému združeniu zadarmo raňajky, len aby prišli a mohli sme ku ním hovoriť. Brat Lee Vayle, je samozrejme vzdelaný, doktor teológii. On si skutočne zaslúži svoju hodnosť. A tak ja som sa ho snažil prehovoriť, aby hovoril pred tými Luteránmi, Presbyteriánmi, a tak ďalej; ale on povedal: "Nie, oni očakávajú na teba, že budeš hovoriť."

107Dobre, išiel som tam a začal kázať na svoju tému, pred tými kazateľmi, potom keď sa všetci najedli. Kázal som na tému: "Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu." Len čo som prečítal to miesto Písma, asi dvaja sa pozreli - odišli von dvermi. Keď som začal hovoriť, ako Pavol vo svojom čase, s tou zvláštnou službou - a teraz on stál pred Agripom a povedal, že nebol tomu neposlušný - vstali ďalší dvaja, alebo traja. A za chvíľu som prišiel ku miestu, kde som mohol povedať niečo na tú tému, sedeli tam len traja, alebo štyria. Oni všetci vstali a odišli.

108Dôvod toho je toto: Niekto prichádza na zhromaždenie, keď počujú o nejakom evanjelistovi - to, ako sa on oblieka, je pre tých ľudí dôležité. Ak on nenosí ten patričný druh oblečenia, niektorí z nich - počul som hovoriť raz psychológa - Dr. Narramore, fajn človek, Kresťan, jeho program vysielajú po celý čas tam v KAIR - on povedal: "To, podľa čoho môžeme povedať na niekoho, že je nenormálny, je to, keď sa neoblieka náležite ku svojmu postaveniu." Viete, ako sa on ukazuje pred verejnosťou. To je znak, že je nenormálny.

109No, potom ja som po celý svoj život blázon, pretože nosím montérky a všetko možné, vidíte. Tak - inými slovami, aby som sa hodil na svoje postavenie musím sa obliekať ako duchovný, aby som mohol byť duchovný. Nemyslím, že Ježiš sa obliekal ako duchovný. On sa obliekal ako obyčajný človek. On išiel medzi ľudí, to vôbec nebolo v obliekaní.

110Ale to je len ... vidíte, ako to ... to robia ľudské predstavy. Čo ak tento človek, alebo som zvedavý, čo by si ten doktor myslel o tomto: keď jeden prorok v Biblii mal rozkázané, aby si vyzliekol svoje šaty a nahý chodil pred ľuďmi. On by bol teraz naozaj blázon, či nie? Ale Boh mu povedal, aby to urobil.

111Iný musel ležať na svojom boku za 340 mesiacov (Tak sa mi vidí) ležať na svojom boku - na jednom boku; potom sa obrátiť na druhý bok a jesť hrniec šošovici, ktorý si tam pripravil; musel ísť a uvariť si toto, dať to dokopy a jesť to po celý čas - načiahnuť sa nabrať do hrsti a jesť, ležiac na svojom boku, na znak.

112Ó, ako ďaleko sa môžu ľudia dostať od pravého Slova Božieho. Oni sa stávajú tak vzdelaní, až vzdelajú samých seba preč od Boha. Keď niekto hovorí o tom, že má vzdelanie, ja viem, že to len ukazuje, ako ďaleko je od Boha. Doktorský stupeň (nehovorím toto proti Dr. Vaylemu, pretože on nie je ten typ), ale obyčajne, keď niekto dosiahne doktorát; to mne len hovorí, že on je až tak vzdialený od Boha - ak sa nedokáže držať Slova a Boha.

113No, zisťujeme, že niektorí prichádzajú počúvať to, ako hovoríte. Keď prídu aby sa pozreli - hovoríte o Božskom uzdravovaní a o Pánovi. Ak ten človek nie je typickým, vzdelaným géniusom, ľudia proste nemôžu vydržať, počúvať ho, keď nesprávne vyslovuje slová, ako his a hain't a tomu podobné. Oni hneď ... oni ne ... oni si proste myslia, že to je ďaleko od Boha. A keď Ježiš hovoril tak jednoduchým jazykom, že až dodnes to robí neporozumenie medzi tými profesormi, pretože oni sa to snažia vykladať podľa vzdelania a jazyka na ten čas a to bol jazyk, akým sa hovorilo na ulici. Tak preto ... Aha, dokonca tu v našich Spojených štátoch je veľký rozdiel. Volal som z Floridy do New Yorku a musel som si zohnať ženu tu v St. Loius, aby prekladala medzi týmto južným dievčaťom a severným dievčaťom. Taký je rozdiel. Skutočne.

114Je to v tom, že ľudia sa dívajú na takéto veci - na rečnenie, namiesto Slova. To že sa to Slovo zamanifestovalo je dôkazom, že je to pravda. Vidíte? Slovo sa zamanifestovalo. Oni sa vôbec nebudú dívať na to. Musíte mať vzdelanie, aby ste vedeli ... ísť na seminár a učiť sa, ako sa máte ukláňať, ako máte stáť na jednom mieste a všetko - to by celkom udusilo nejakého kazateľa, ktorý je skutočne naplnený Duchom Svätým. No, to je intelektuálne.

115Takto uvažuje celý tento národ. Oni si intelektuálne predstavujú Krista. To je to za čím sa obzerajú. A keď je Kristus vo vás, musíte byť vedec; musíte byť vzdelanec, pretože oni si myslia, že to je Kristus.

116A ďalšia vec, oni si vytvárajú svoje vlastné predstavy, čo On má byť - svoje vlastné idey - namiesto toho, aby zobrali to, čo hovorí Slovo. Takto ... keď sa oni dívajú a keby videli aj samého Ježiša, oni Ho nebudú poznať. Oni Ho nepoznali v deň Letníc. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď On bol v tele. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol v jasliach. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol na uliciach Jeruzalema. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol na kríži a On bol vyplnením toho Slova a ďalej si mysleli, že ten Mesiáš príde z neba po nejakom koridore a všetko možné a to bolo zlé, pretože to bola ich intelektuálna predstava a oni Ho nevideli - a dívali sa rovno na Neho.

117Tak je to dnes. Čo vidíte, keď sa pozeráte? Niektorí sa pozerajú, aby videli - keď sa pozerajú na Neho, oni sa pozerajú, aby videli nejakého veľkého, vzdelaného zakladateľa cirkvi, niekoho, kto skutočne môže vymyslieť nejaké vyznanie, ktoré spôsobí, že všetci ľudia pôjdu za týmto vyznaním, toto či tamto - to je to, na čo oni pozerajú, keď Ho vidia.

118Niektorí sa pozerajú, aby videli mýt, ako Mikuláš, keď sa pozerajú. Oni čítajú Bibliu a hovoria: "Och, to je vybájená vec. To je len niečo, čo napísal človek." To je to, čo oni ... pretože, akú mienku máte o Biblii, takú mienku máte o Ňom, vidíte.

119Niekto sa pozrie, aby videl malé dieťa. Niekto sa pozrie a vidí zajaca, alebo Mikuláša. Niekto sa pozrie, aby videl nejakú historickú knihu, ktorá bola včera a nie dnes. Ale otázka znie: čo vidíš ty, keď sa ty dívaš?

120Tak mnohí z vás, ktorí tvrdia, že majú Ducha Svätého, sa pozrú a vidia druhú osobu trojice, keď o tom v Biblii nie je ani len zmienka. Neexistuje taká vec. Slovo trojica sa nikde v Biblii nenachádza. Ale predsa, keď sa pozeráte na Ježiša, pokladáte Ho za tretiu osobu, alebo za druhú osobu trojice. A to je dôvod, že sa nikde nedostanete. Viete čo On povedal? - "Ja som Boh a nie je iného okrem Mňa."

121To záleží od toho, na čo sa pozeráte. Ak chcete mať nejakého malého poslíčka, nejakého starého muža s bradou a tak ďalej - ak sa takto dívate na Ježiša, ako že je nejaká iná osoba ako Boh, pozeráte sa zle. Nevidíte to.

122Tu pred nedávnom, mal som ďalekohľad. Snažil som sa pozorovať nejakú antilopu, antilopu vonku v teréne a môj syn sa mi ju snažil ukázať. On je trochu mladší. Tak on povedal: "Zober si ten ďalekohľad, Ocko, tam stojí antilopa, rovno tam."

Povedal som: "Môžem ju vidieť holým okom."

123On povedal: "Vezmi si tento ďalekohľad." Keď som sa pozrel videl som asi desať antilop - ale ten ďalekohľad bol rozladený. A keď som ho nastavil, všetkých desať sa stali jednou. A keď vy nastavíte svoju myseľ do Božieho Slova, tí traja budú jedným. Ale vaše náboženské okuliare sa rozladili, keď sa snažíte urobiť z Neho troch. On je jeden.

124Ale to záleží na tom, na čo sa pozeráte. Čo vidíte, keď sa pozeráte? Pamätajte, vy Ho môžete vidieť len vtedy, keď sa pozeráte na Neho skrze Slovo. Nemôžete sa pozerať na Neho skrze nejakú učebnicu. Nemôžete sa pozerať na Neho skrze vyznanie. Budete v tých vyznaniach vidieť dvoch, alebo troch bohov a všetko možné. Ale pozrite sa na Neho cez Slovo a uvidíte, že On je Emanuel - Boh, ktorý sa medzi nami stal telom. On povedal: "Ja som Boh a okrem Mňa, nie je žiadneho iného." On je Boh.

125Izaiáš sa raz pozrel, (ten prorok) a keď videl Ježiša (moja téma je: "Pozeraj sa na Ježiša" - "Pozri sa na Ježiša"), keď Izaiáš odvrátil svoj pohľad od sveta, aby videl Jeho, on povedal: "Vidím Radcu, Knieža Pokoja, Silného Boha, Otca Večnosti." Toto je to, na čo sa Izaiáš pozrel a videl.

126Daniel stál jedného dňa, keď videl koniec pohanských kráľovstiev. On videl ten obraz, ktorý videl Nabuchodonozor vo sne. On videl, ako každé kráľovstvo bude nasledovať jedno za druhým, ako oni prídu. A keď sa pozrel, aby videl, čo všetko sa stane na konci - keď uvidel Ježiša - On bol kameň, ktorý sa odtrhol z hory bez zásahu rúk a rozdrvil pohanské kráľovstvá.

127Nabuchodonozor hodil troch Hebrejských mládencov do horiacej pece, ktorí verili v Boha a stáli na Jeho Slove. Aj keby museli kvôli tomu zomrieť, aj tak zostanú verní - jednalo sa len o maličkosť, trochu inak skloniť svoje kolená. Ale keď sa on pozrel a videl Ježiša, On bol ten štvrtý muž, ktorý bol v tej horiacej peci a to zadržalo všetku žiaru od Jeho poslušných sluhov. To je to, čo videl Nabuchodonozor.

128Ezechiel sa jedného dňa pozrel, aby Ho videl a On bol koleso v strede kolesa, ktoré bolo v strede vo vzduchu. On bol tou hlavou toho kolesa, do ktorej bol upevnený každý špic. Amen! To veľké koleso bežiace skrze vieru, ale to malé koleso otáčajúce sa mocou Pánovou. To je ten, ktorého videl Ezechiel, keď sa pozrel.

129Ján Krstiteľ sa pozrel, jedného dňa a keď to urobil uvidel holubicu a hlas, ktorý hovoril: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." To je to, čo on videl. Potom on videl, že Ježiš a Boh, že je to tá istá osoba, pretože Duch prišiel dole z neba, ako holubica a hovoril: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." To je to čo on videl. Všimnite si, takto sa On dával poznávať.

130Noe, keď sa on pozrel, aby Ho videl, Noe videl spravodlivý súd Boží prichádzajúci na ľudí tohoto sveta, ktorí odmietli Jeho Slovo. To je to, čo videl Noe, keď sa pozrel.

131Mojžiš, keď sa on pozrel, on videl horiaci krík. Ohnivý stĺp, ktorý zostúpil do toho kríka a keď Mojžiš prišiel bližšie ku tomu, On povedal: "Vyzuj svoju obuv, lebo JA SOM."

132No, keby ste zvážili to slovo, JA SOM. To je minulý čas, prítomný čas a budúci čas. JA SOM - večný, vidíte. JA SOM; on videl toho JA SOM. To je to, čo on videl v tom horiacom kríku.

133Izrael sa pozrel na toho mosadzného hada, ktorého spravil Mojžiš a videl utrpenia Kristove, za súd, za chorých, lebo vieme, že ten had hovoril o zmierení. Ježiš bol tým zmierením. "Ako Mojžiš vyvýšil mosadzného hada na púšti, tak musí byť vyvýšený Syn človeka" - za tým istým účelom. Prečo? Oni zhrešili a ochoreli. To bolo na to, aby boli odňaté ich hriechy a ich nemoci a preto bol Ježiš ranený za naše prestúpenia; Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení. Odstráňte od Krista Božské uzdravenie - rozdeľujete zmierenie na polovicu, na dvoje.

134Čo vidíte v Ňom, keď sa dívate? Vidíte to? Vidíte, že On bol ranený za naše prestúpenia. Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení. Keď sa pozriete, môžete to vidieť, alebo môžete vidieť len jednu stranu zmierenia? Či môžete vidieť obe strany, keď sa pozeráte?

135Ak sa na to dívate cez vierovyznanie, oni vám povedia: "Dni uzdravovania pominuli." Ale keď sa dívate na to cez Slovo, budete vidieť, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

136Učeníci sa pozreli na Neho, keď boli v ťažkostiach na mori a oni videli, ako prichádza jediná pomoc, ktorá im mohla pomôcť.

137Marta sa pozrela na Neho v čase smrti a ona videla, že On je vzkriesenie i život. Amen! V čase smrti, Marta videla, keď sa na Neho pozrela - On bol odmietnutý od jej ľudí; On bol odstrčený. Dokonca, ona poslala pre Neho a On neprišiel ku jej bratovi; ale keď On nakoniec prišiel a ona vyšla a padla k Jeho nohám, tak sa ona mohla pozrieť na Neho a zistila, že On je oboje, vzkriesenie i život. Amen!

138Jairus uvidel to isté - tajný veriaci: nejaký Presbyterián, Metodista, Baptista, ktorý skutočne veril, ale nemohol tam ísť, pretože jeho denominácia by mu to nedovolila, bol by vylúčený. Ale jeho jediná dcéruška zomierala a on musel ísť. Ale keď Ho našiel, on poznal, že On je vzkriesenie i život. Keď on poslal pre Neho, posol prišiel a povedal: "Neunúvaj Majstra, pretože dievča už zomrelo." A jeho srdce skoro puklo, ale On povedal: "Či som ti nepovedal, že ak budeš veriť uvidíš slávu Božiu?" Jairus zistil, že On môže vzkriesiť z mŕtvych, keď sa pozrel na Ježiša.

Hladní sa pozreli na Neho a našli posilňujúcu potravu pre život. To bolo telesné. Duchovne hladný sa môže pozrieť na Neho a môže sa presvedčiť, že On je chlieb života. Ten zomierajúci lotor sa pozrel, aby videl čo by mohol vidieť a našiel v Ježišovi svoje odpustenie. "Spomeň si na mňa, Pane, keď prídeš do svojho kráľovstva," Ježiš povedal: "Dnes budeš so mnou v raji." Toto on videl v hodine svojej smrti.

139Chorý sa pozrel na Neho a videl uzdravovateľa. Slepý sa pozrel a mohol vidieť.

140To záleží na tom, na čo sa teraz dívate. Na čo sa dívate? Peter a Natanael sa pozreli a videli zasľúbené Slovo ich proroka, Mojžiša, ktoré sa vyplnilo. "Pán váš Boh vám vzbudí proroka ako mňa a jeho sa budú ľudia držať; a všetci, ktorí mu nebudú veriť a nebudú počúvať toho proroka, budú vyťatí z pomedzi ľudu."

141A keď Peter prišiel do Jeho prítomnosti, Ježiš povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon a ty si syn Jonášov." On hneď vedel, keď sa prvý krát pozrel na Ježiša, že to je vyplnenie toho, čo Slovo o Ňom hovorilo. Amen.

142Som zvedavý, či ste vy uvideli to isté, keď ste sa prvý krát na Neho pozreli? Som zvedavý či sa to zasľúbené Slovo zamanifestovalo pred vami, keď ste sa pozreli na Neho?

143Natanael, len čo prišiel do prítomnosti Ježiša, mal trochu pochybnosti; nachádzame, že Filip išiel a povedal mu: "Poď a pozri koho sme našli."

A Natanael prišiel a opýtal sa: "Ktorý je On?"

On povedal: "Možno, že to je ten tam, ktorý sa modlí za chorých." On sa tam pretlačil, aby sa mohol pozrieť na Neho.

A keď sa pozrel Ježiš povedal: "Hľa Izraelita, v ktorom nieto ľsti."

On povedal: "Rabi, kedy si ma vôbec poznal?"

On povedal: "Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa."

144Čo potom Natanael uvidel? On uvidel, že to bol Kráľ Izraela. On povedal: "Ty si Syn Boží. Ty si Kráľ Izraelov." To je to, čo on videl, keď sa pozrel. On porozumel tomu Písmu, ktoré bolo pred ním prinesené do svetla. On to videl; to isté Písmo, ktoré povedal ten pomazaný prorok Mojžiš: "On bude prorok ako ja."

145Žena pri studni, ona sa raz pozrela a čo uvidela? Ona to povedala v meste. Ona povedala: "Poďte vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila. Či to nie je Mesiáš?" Keď sa prvý krát pozrela na Ježiša Krista, ona uvidela Mesiáša.

146Ľudia sa dnes môžu pozerať na to isté a nazývať to mentálnou telepatiou. Budú to nazývať špiritizmom; budú to nazývať rôznymi diablovými menami, ako len môžu, pretože nevedia čo hľadajú. Amen. Oni nerozumejú. Hľadajú nejaké vyznanie. Hľadajú nejakého géniusa, aby dal cirkev do poriadku. Hľadajú viacej členov a nevidia požehnaného Pána Ježiša Krista vo Svojom potvrdenom Slove. Tak veru.

147To záleží na tom, čo hľadáte. Ak hľadáte vyplnenie zasľúbenia na tento deň, uvidíte ho; ale ak hľadáte nejakého vzdelanca, alebo niečo, čo oni stále hľadajú - nejakého veľkého zakladateľa, nejakého historika, nejakú inú osobu, niečo ďalšie - neuvidíte to. Ale keď sa pozriete na Neho cez Slovo, Slovo dá jasné svedectvo, kto On je!

148On vyzýval ľudí vo Svojom čase, aby urobili to isté. Oni Ho nemohli vidieť. On povedal: "Vy slepí vodcovia slepých. Vy tvrdíte, že Mojžiš je váš prorok. Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa. Mojžiš písal o Mne." A oni boli príliš slepí, aby to videli. Dívali sa rovno na to a boli príliš slepí, aby to videli.

149Vidíte, hovorím chvíľu v súvislosti s tým svetlom (čo som hovoril) dnes ráno. Oni hľadia a nevedia čo hľadajú, pretože majú zlú predstavu o tom, čo sa snažia nájsť. Ako budete vedieť, čo chcete nájsť, ak neviete čo hľadáte?

150Ako pôjdete hľadať tekvicu a nikdy ste žiadnu nevideli a nikdy ste o žiadnej nepočuli? Ako pôjdete hľadať dyňu, ak neviete, že existuje také niečo a ako ona vyzerá? Mohli by ste nájsť vedro a nazdať sa že je to dyňa. Mohli by ste nájsť niečo iné. Mohli by ste nájsť tehlu a myslieť si, že je to dyňa. Ale vy musíte vedieť, čo hľadáte. A jediný spôsob, ako kedy budete vedieť, čo hľadáte ... Ak hľadáte Ježiša, budete sa dívať do Slova, lebo On je Slovo. "Oni sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Skúmajte Písma." "Vy tvrdíte, že ste ... že veríte prorokom, ale vy ste zo svojho otca diabla. Vaši otcovia, ktorí tvrdili, keď Boh ku ním posielal prorokov, on ich priviedol do hrobu. Oni zabíjali prorokov. Každého, ktorý prišiel," povedal Ježiš, "Ktorého z nich vaši otcovia neukameňovali? A vy budete robiť skutky vašich otcov." Amen! Spravodliví ľudia, svätí ľudia, človek na ktorého by ste nemohli ukázať prstom a predsa ich On nazval hadmi a diablami. Čo hľadáte? Ak hľadáte nejakú nábožnú osobu ... Niektorí ľudia si myslia, že pretože Duch Svätý pracuje cez vás, vy musíte byť nejaký dlho ... nábožný človek, ktorý ide okolo a ani ... To nie je Duch Svätý. Boh nejedná takto skrze anjelov, ani neočakáva že sú; Boh pracuje cez človeka. Biblia povedala: "Eliáš bol človek, ktorý trpel podobným ako my." Ale vy ste nemohli byť s ním, kým ste neuvideli Ježiša.

151Peter a Ján pri bráne zvanej Krásna a keď ich oni tam priviedli kvôli uzdraveniu toho človeka, oni poznali, že oni boli neučení, prostí, ale oni tiež poznali, že oni boli s Ježišom, pretože Jeho život sa prejavoval cez nich.

152No, to záleží na tom, čo hľadáte. Tá žena čítala Bibliu. Ona vedela, že má prísť Mesiáš a ona vedela, čo Mesiáš bude robiť. A len čo jej Ježiš povedal: "Daj mi napiť." Ona povedala: "To nie je zvykom." On bol len obyčajný človek. No, keby tam On bol sedel s veľkým turbanom a mal na sebe všetky možné ornamenty, nejakého svätého človeka, no tá žena by povedala: "No, to je kňaz," a išla by ďalej, alebo: "To je nejaký rabi," a išla by ďalej.

153Kazateľ, jedno alebo druhé - videl som človeka, ktorý prišiel dnes jesť, tam kde som išiel ja jesť a ten človek vošiel dnu; on mal na sebe toľko krížov a všetkého možného - to je niekedy dobré, že to tí ľudia majú. Ja myslím, že máte žiť život. Nemusíte mať mnoho kňazského oblečenia, aby ste dokázali čo ste. Niekedy oni pijú a tak sa správajú a fajčia a robia všetko možné, že musia nosiť kňazské oblečenie, aby bolo poznať, či sú kazatelia, alebo nie. Je to tak. Hovorím vám, že tým kňazským oblečením pre človeka, ktoré má nosiť, je krst Duchom Svätým. To vás bude legitimovať, ako chodíte s Ježišom.

154No, vidíme, že to záleží od toho čo hľadáte: Dobre oblečený, dobre upravený, určitý druh turbanu. Nikdy Ho neuvidíte, pretože On bol len obyčajný človek. Boh jedná s človekom. Ježiš bol človek. Boh bol v tom človeku a On bol Boh.

155No, vidíme, že táto žena, keď ona uvidela tento tajomný znak, že jej On mohol povedať, čo ona urobila, čo bolo zlé, alebo čo bolo v jej srdci, ona hneď potom poznala, že to bol Mesiáš. Tak, keď sa ona pozrela na Ježiša, ona videla Mesiáša - Mesiáša.

156Aké boli skutky Mesiáša? Bude poznať tajomstvá sŕdc. Postrehli ste to správne? Som zvedavý či budete rozumieť. Ak by ste Ho hľadali dnes večer, čo by ste hľadali? On bude ten istý. Mesiáš je Slovo - Slovo. A Biblia hovorí v Židom vo 4. kapitole že: "Božie Slovo je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce do rozdelenia špikov a schopné posúdiť myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci." A keď ona poznala, že Mesiáš má byť manifestáciou toho Slovo a že jej dokáže povedať čo s ňou nie je v poriadku, ona poznala, že to bol Mesiáš. Nie podľa toho, ako je oblečený; nie koľko On mal vzdelania; ale skrze znak, ktorý jej ukázal - On bol Mesiáš. Keď ona videla Ježiša, ona videla Mesiáša.

157Boh v človeku, ako zasľúbil na ten pomazaný vek. Ale viete čo? Mnohí z nich v tom istom veku, o ktorom som hovoril, nikdy toto nevideli. Mnohí z nich to nevideli. Tak isto je to dnes.

158Mnohí nepoznali Mojžiša - mnohí nepoznali Eliáša. Mnohí ne ... Oni ich vôbec nepoznali, až kým oni nepomreli. Potom, oni to poznali. Ten neveriaci videl vo dňoch Noeho len - na čo sa ten neveriaci díval? Povedal som vám čo videl veriaci; pozrime sa teraz, čo videl neveriaci.

159Vo dňoch Noeho, čo videl ten neveriaci tam, keď sa oni dívali? Oni videli nejakého fanatika motajúceho sa okolo tak zvaného člna. To je všetko, čo oni videli - nejakého bláznivého starého človeka s dlhou bielou bradou, ktorý stratil rozum a proti vedeckým výskumom a dôkazom, povedal: "Tam hore je voda."

160No, biedny starý človek, bolo im ho ľúto. Prešli okolo neho. "On zanedlho bude vyhlásený za blázna. On stratil rozum." Ale on mal Slovo Pánovo. On to ďalej staval a Boh predkladal očividný dôkaz, že prichádza potopa. To bol pre nich znak.

161Tí, ktorí neverili Noeho rozprávaniu, odchádzali ďalej do tmy a skončili smrťou vo vode a v hrobe pekla.

162Faraón - on sa raz pozeral. Čo videl? Čo videl faraón? On videl nejakého fanatika, tak zvaného proroka, s mnohými tak zvanými požiadavkami na vyslobodenie. To je všetko čo videl - človeka máchajúceho sa v blate, otroka, ktorý stál medzi tými ľuďmi a hovoril, že je poslaný od Boha robiť zázraky. Aha, oni si mysleli, že ten človek stratil ... Povedali: "Choďte nechajte ho fantazírovať. On zanedlho bude vyhlásený za blázna." Ale on mal "Tak hovorí Pán". Veriaci: Áron, Jozue a mnohí z nich videli v Mojžišovi Boha. A skutky Božie, ktoré Mojžiš činil. To bol dôvod, že oni poznali, že Boh bol v ňom. Oni sa pozreli a videli v Mojžišovi Boha.

163Ten bohatý človek sa pozrel a videl presne kto On bol, ale on Ho odmietol nasledovať, pretože on príliš miloval veci tohoto sveta, než aby nasledoval Ježiša. Koľkí bohatí ľudia toho typu, budú počúvať túto pásku. Nemusí to byť stále bohatý v peniazoch; nie, vy môžete byť bohatí v žiadostiach, bohatí v rozkošiach tohoto života.

164Koľkí mužovia ... Koľko mladých dievčat, koľko mladých chlapcov nepredá svoju popularitu kráľovnej sexu, či nejakého Rikiho s bendžom alebo s gitarou, ktorý tam ide a vystupuje v nejakom rock'n'role, alebo na nejakom tanci, kde môže hrať: Koľkí z nich sa dožadujú veľkej popularity a odmietnu, keď sedia rovno na zhromaždení a vidia pohybovať sa ruku Božiu a ohlasovať Jeho Slovo? Koľkí to urobia?

165On si vybral svoju denomináciu, on podľa nej dokázal žiť. Ježiš pre jeho denomináciu bol fanatik, tak on musel buď prijať to, čo povedal Ježiš, alebo musel prijať - prečo on nešiel ku svojmu kňazovi a neopýtal sa: "Čo mám robiť, aby som mal večný život?" On vedel, že kňaz o tom nič nevie. Tak on prišiel ku Ježišovi a opýtal sa: "Čo mám robiť?"

Ježiš povedal: "Zachovávaj prikázania." Hodil mu to naspäť.

On povedal: "Toto robím."

On povedal: "Zachovávaj prikázania."

166Potom on stále nemal večný život a on vedel, že ho nemá. Môžete zachovávať všetky prikázania a predsa nemáte večný život.

Tak Ježiš povedal: "No, ak chceš robiť to pravé, choď predaj čo máš a daj to chudobným; poď nasleduj Ma." To bolo na neho príliš veľa.

167Vidíme, že on sa pozrel a videl, kto On bol, ale jednako to odmietol prijať a jeho ďalší pohľad bol v pekle, obrátil hore pohľad a videl Lazára v lone Abrahámovom.

168Pilát sa raz pozrel, keď Ho priviedli. On Ho nikdy predtým nevidel - Jeho ruky boli zviazané; po chrbte Mu stekala krv, na hlave mal tŕňovú korunu. Pilát sa pozrel a bol presvedčený; pretože po ulici pricválal kôň a zoskočil z neho jazdec a pribehol a povedal: "Tu ti tvoja žena posiela dopis."

169A on sa pozrel na to a ona povedala: "Pilát, môj milovaný muž, nemaj nič s tým spravodlivým mužom. Pretože dnes vo sne som mnoho kvôli Nemu vytrpela."

On sa triasol, jeho kolená sa tĺkli o seba a on povedal: "Ak si ty ten Syn Boží, ak si ty ten Kráľ, prečo neprehovoríš. Ty si Kráľ Izraela?"

On povedal: "Ty si to povedal."

Povedal: "Povedz nám pravdu."

On povedal: "Kvôli tomuto koncu som sa narodil." A Pilát sa divil. On by ... každý, by bol prosil a nariekal pri jeho nohách. On povedal: "Ja mám moc dať ťa zabiť, alebo mám moc prepustiť ťa."

On povedal: "Nemal by si žiadnu moc, keby ti nebola daná od Môjho Otca."

170Tak veru, on bol presvedčený, že to bol viac ako človek. On bol úplne presvedčený, že to bol viac, ako človek. Skutočne. Ale čo? Jeho politika a popularita bola príliš veľká. Vidíte? On Ho odmietol. Jeho popularita bola príliš veľká. Politika - jeho postavenie v živote, bolo príliš veľké, aby prijal tohoto fanatika.

171Som zvedavý koľko Pilátov bude toto počúvať? Tá tvoja pozícia v nejakej denominácii bude príliš veľká, aby si prijal skutočného Pána Ježiša, stojaceho na tom postavení, na ktorom je dnes.

172Ten rímsky vojak pri kríži sa pozrel na Ježiša. Potom čo zem sa nervovo zrútila - triasla sa, až skaly hučali na vrchoch; a slnko zašlo v strede dňa a zatmelo sa - hviezdy nevyšli, aby dali svojho svetla. A zem chrlila skaly a triasla sa. Kľukaté blesky lietali po oblohe a roztrhli chrámovú oponu od vrchu dole. A ľudia behali a kričali - oni nevedeli čo sa stalo. Ten rímsky vojak, ktorý Ho tam pomohol pribíjať, ktorý mu svojím mečom prerazil srdce, on sa potom pozrel, ale to bolo príliš neskoro. On sa pozrel a uveril, ale to bolo pre neho príliš neskoro veriť. To čo urobil spečatilo jeho osud. On kopijou prepichol Spasiteľovo srdce. Bolo príliš neskoro.

173Som zvedavý koľko Rimanov urobilo dnes to isté a urobia to isté. Jedného dňa sa môžete pozrieť, ale to môže byť príliš neskoro.

174Mnohí, ktorí žijú dnes prídu v ten deň a bude s nimi tak isto. Oni vedeli.

175Tu brat Wood včera (hovorím toto, len preto, že to je v tomto posolstve), tu dole v Sliderovej spoločnosti. Pracuje tam nejaký rímsko-katolík. On išiel kúpiť nejaký cement tu pre cirkev a keď ho kúpil, on mu povedal, na čo to chce. a ten rímsko-katolík povedal: "To je brat Branham?"

On povedal: "Jedno poviem - keď sa on modlí, Boh odpovedá."

176To je potom divné, vediac to; vidiac to potvrdenie, že to je opravdu evanjelium - nie ja, žiadny človek, reprezentujúci Krista - to je Slovo o ktorom hovoríme - nie človek.

177Čo chcem týmto povedať: Že oni vidia jasne potvrdené Slovo, ako videl Pilát a tí ostatní, ako ten rímsky vojak, ale či budete čakať príliš dlho, aby ste s tým niečo urobili? On mal použiť tú kopiju inak. Dvere budú zavrené, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho; a potom je príliš neskoro.

178Jedného dňa sa môžete prebudiť a povedať: "Chcem sa dostať von z tohoto zamiešania." Nečakaj príliš dlho. Radšej sa pozri teraz a ži.

179Luther odvrátil svoj pohľad od Katolíckej denominácie. Čo uvidel? Ohnivý stĺp. On uvidel nezávislú cirkev. Wesley odvrátil svoj pohľad od Anglikánskej denominácii. On uvidel to isté. Letniční odvrátili svoj pohľad od tých denominácií. Čo sa z toho stalo? Veľký mocný ľud.

180Čo každý jeden z nich urobil? Keď tí zakladatelia, Luther A Wesley a ostatní, keď sa oni pozreli a uvideli, čo oni robia a vyšli z toho; ich deti, ktoré prišli po nich; pozreli sa odkiaľ vyšli z denominácie - a zaviedli tú skupinu ľudí rovno naspäť do toho istého zamiešania, z ktorého vyšli!

181Na čo sa pozeráte? Tí zakladatelia sa pozerali správne, ale tí ľudia, ktorí išli za nimi sa pozreli naspäť odkiaľ vyšli tí zakladatelia a urobili presne to, proti čomu boli tí zakladatelia - ten pomazanec Boží.

182Viete, musím sa ponáhľať, pretože sa mám ešte modliť za chorých a viem, že mnohí musíte cestovať.

183Jedného dňa som sa ja pozrel. Uvidel som Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom. Uvidel som tú Alfu a Omegu. Nevidel som žiadnych troch, štyroch, či piatych; videl som jedného. Uvidel som Jeho, ako svojho Spasiteľa. Uvidel som Jeho - Slovo. Uvidel som Jeho - život. Uvidel som Jeho - mocného Boha. Uvidel som v Ňom Boha. Uvidel som ohnivý Stĺp. Videl som v Ňom presne to, čo Biblia povedala, že je. Videl som, že On je Alfa i Omega; že On je ohnivý Stĺp; On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Videl som, že ten ohnivý Stĺp povedal Jánovi: "Nikdy vás neopustím ... (ako On tam povedal v Jánovi), Nikdy vás neopustím."

Brat, moja mienka dnes večer ... spievam tú pieseň:

Pozri sa a ži, môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži;

Pretože to je zapísané v Jeho Slove, Haleluja!

To je len to, pozri sa a ži.

184Pozri! Čo vidíš? Vidíš vyslobodenie? Vidíš čo On je? Pozri sa do Slova a pozri sa čo On bol, potom sa pozri do toho istého Slova a uvidíš, že On je dnes ten istý, aký bol vtedy. On je ten, koho predstavoval ten mosadzný had na púšti. Za tým istým účelom - kvôli hriechu a nemoci.

185Judáš sa jedného dňa pozrel a keď sa pozrel, potom keď sa poriadne na Neho pozrel - on sa pred tým díval len na pokladnicu, na mešec peňazí, ktoré mali - ale jedného dňa, keď sa pozrel a videl Ježiša, viete čo on uvidel? On uvidel, že bol vinný. On uvidel, že sa nehodí aby žil a obesil sa.

186Jedno ráno, jedno z tých najväčších rán v celej histórii času. Hovorím toto už na záver. V Jeruzaleme sa niečo stalo; zrazu prišla do vezenia skupina vojakov. Môžem počuť hrkotať reťaze; na ulici počuť ťahať kopiju.

187Kto je to tam? Barabáš - on je pripravený na smrť; on je zlodej; on nie je dobrý, on je zbojník, on je vrah; on má zomrieť.

Viete, to prvé, čo si on povedal: "No, toto tam je všetko kvôli mne. Dne ráno budem popravený."

Viete to prvé, čo sa stalo, ten strážca otvoril dvere: "Vyjdi von, Barabáš."

On vyšiel a povedal si: "No, myslím, že toto je koniec."

On povedal: "Barabáš, si úplne voľný." "Čo? Čo som? Som úplne voľný?"

Povedal: "Ako môžem byť voľný?"

On povedal: "Poď sem, Barabáš, pozri sa tam. Vidíš tam zomierať toho muža? On zaujal tvoje miesto."

188Som zvedavý, či my všetci dnes večer by sme sa mohli pozrieť a vidieť to, čo videl Barabáš? Niekoho, kto zastáva naše miesto. On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti: Kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na Neho a Jeho sinavicou som ja bol uzdravený; vy ste boli uzdravení. Zaujímavé či my, vinníci, ktorí sme mali byť nemocní, môžeme vidieť v Ňom nášho vysloboditeľa? Vy, ktorí ste mali ísť do pekla; vidíte v Ňom svoju slobodu - svoje prejdenie do neba. Zaujímavé, či môžete vidieť to, čo videl Barabáš toho dňa? On povedal: "Chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte."

189Ó, cirkev, potom keď On povedal: "Vy Ma uvidíte," to znamená, že vy Ho znovu môžete vidieť. "Vy Ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami, i vo vás, do konca sveta."

190Ako Ho vidíte? V Slove. On je Slovo. Pozri sa na Slovo a viď, čo hovorí to zasľúbenie, pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

191Tým čím On bol, keď chodil po Galilei, tým istým je On dnes v Jeffersonville, tým istým je On v Branham Tabernacle.

192Čo chcete vidieť? Zakladateľa? Denominačného človeka? To v Ježišovi nikdy neuvidíte. Pozeráte sa a chcete uvidieť nejakého veľkého kňaza ...? To v Ježišovi nikdy neuvidíte. Nie. Ako vidíte Ježiša? Skrze Slovo Božie, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, pretože On bol zamanifestovaným Slovom Božím. To čo On bol vtedy, to je On dnes večer a bude naveky. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Trochu som to skrátil.

193Pane Ježišu, to je moja modlitba, daj mi odvrátiť svoj pohľad od tých starostí o život. Pane, viem že sme len obyčajní ľudia, nevzdelaní. Nemáme veľa z týchto svetských vecí, ale milujeme Teba, Pane. A hovorím za týchto ľudí. Oni by nesedeli takto na mieste a nemačkali by sa a netlačili v zástupoch a nesedeli, páliac sa v horúčosti, alebo mrznúc na zime a nestáli by a neprinášali svoje deti a tých chorých a postihnutých, nechodili, aby sem prišli vidieť niečo iné, okrem Teba.

194Títo ľudia, Pane, by nikdy neprišli, aby videli človeka. Na ulici je mnoho ľudí; oni všetci vyzerajú podobne; ale oni prišli, aby videli toho muža - toho muža Božieho, toho Ježiša z Nazaretu, v tele, ktorý je Boh.

195No, Otče, Ty si nám povedal, že: "Chvíľu a svet Ťa viacej neuvidí." Bez ohľadu na to, koľko sa oni dívajú, oni to nikdy neuvidia. Ale Ty si povedal: "Vy Ma uvidíte - opravdiví veriaci - pretože Ja budem s vami, i vo vás, až do konca sveta." Ty si nám zasľúbil, ak sa pozrieme, budeme vidieť. A ja prosím dnes večer, aby si nám znovu dnes večer vyplnil to písmo - aby sme sa mohli pozrieť a vidieť Ježiša, ktorý sa nám dáva poznávať tak isto, ako to stále robil - vyplňujúc Svoje Slovo.

196Od teraz, Pane - a ja som povedal pred týmto a ja som opravdu povedal tieto veci zo svojho srdca o tých potiahnutiach a Ty si mi povedal; a teraz, akokoľvek tajomne to môže vyzerať, keby sme len mohli uštipnúť svoje vnútorné svedomie a vidieť, že tieto veci nemohli byť predpovedané tak dokonale, ako sú, ak by to nepochádzalo od Boha.

197Ako sme mohli vidieť diať sa tú prvú vec? Ako sa mohla diať tá druhá? Ako sa mohla diať tá tretia? Ako sme tu mohli stáť, mesiace pred tým, ako sa to stalo a povedať čo sa stane v Tucsone, že bude otvorených sedem pečatí a budú prinesené tie tajomstvá a zjavené tie skryté veci Božie, ktoré boli skryté od počiatku času; a vidieť to obojako dokázané, prinesením svedectva, vedecky potvrdené.

198Pane, Ty si naša záchrana i sila. Ty si všetko čo máme. A ja Ti ďakujem, Pane, za to že som časťou tohoto Tvojho veľkého usporiadania. Ďakujem Ti, že som členom Tvojho tela, spolu s mnohými tu, ktorí sú členmi toho tela - mnohí, po celom svete v rôznych cirkvách, ktorí sú členmi toho tajomného Kristovho tela.

199Zakaždým, keď sa pozrieme, vidíme Ho; vidíme Ho, keď vtáci spievajú; vidíme Ho, keď vychádza slnko, alebo keď zapadá; počujeme Ho v piesňach; pozorujeme Ho v Jeho ľude; vidíme Ho potvrdzovať Jeho Slovo. Ó, Pane, Ty si náš Boh. Skoro ráno Ťa budeme vzývať. Ty si náš milostivý Otec. Odpusť nám naše viny.

200Pane, sme v čase konca. Vidím, že dvere budú zanedlho zavreté - dvere príležitosti - a kým je denné svetlo a ja stále môžem ísť na niektoré z týchto miest, Pane, pomôž mi ísť.

202A ak kladiem základ, na ktorom bude stavať iný, daj, Pane, aby sa to zakrátko stalo. Aby sa to Slovo mohlo vyplniť. Túžbou v našich srdciach je vidieť vyplnené Tvoje Slovo. Milujeme Ťa. Veríme Ti. Medzi ľuďmi, ktorí neveria, pochybujú, generácia, ktorú dnes máme, Pane Bože, my stále veríme, že Tvoje Slovo nikdy nesklame. My veríme, že nebo i zem pominú, ale ono nikdy nepominie. My statočne stojíme za ním.

203Teraz, Otče, pre túto malú skupinku, ktorá čaká: Je tu mnoho chorých a možno sú tu nespasení - ľudia ktorí sú spasení a ešte neboli naplnení Svätým Duchom. Pane Bože, nech by si Ty prišiel tak na scénu podľa zasľúbenia Tvojho Slova, aby sa ľudia mohli pozrieť a vidieť Ježiša a potom sa skloniť a odovzdať Mu svoje životy. Nech chorý sa môže pozrieť a vidieť, že je nemožné, aby to robilo niečo iné, ako Boh; pretože to je Jeho zasľúbené Slovo. Čo sme dnes povedali, obidve posolstvá, nech to teraz môže byť potvrdené.

204Všetko je to v Tvojich rukách, Pane a ja som v Tvojich rukách a to zhromaždenie je v Tvojich rukách. Pracuj cez nás, Pane, na slávu Tvojho veľkého mena. Ó, Ty večný, udeľ toto na slávu Božiu. Amen.

205Viem, že je teplo a chcem sa teraz snažiť, modliť za chorých; a keby ste mi dali len okolo pätnásť, dvadsať minút - neviem koľko kariet rozdali, ale budeme sa proste modliť za chorých. No, Billy mi povedal, že rozdal ... koľko? Dobre. No, začnime. On povedal, že rozdal od jedna do sto. Koľkí tu majú modlitebné karty, zodvihnite ruky, modlitebné karty. Dosť veľa. Budeme sa snažiť zobrať všetkých, koľkých budeme schopní, ak budeme môcť. Teraz nemôžeme mať pri nich všetkých rozpoznanie, viete, tak budeme sa len modliť a každý ... koľkí tu nemajú modlitebnú kartu a jednako ste chorí, zodvihnite ruky. Mnohí.

206No, pozrite. Čo to je? No, ja viem, možno je trochu neskoro na zostavovanie - okolo pätnásť minút - ale chcem povedať toto jedno. To môže byť rozdiel medzi tráviť tu večnosť v nebi, alebo v pekle, vidíte. Pozrite; buďte úctiví; dávajte na chvíľu pozor; počúvajte Slovo a vidzte, či je On stále Kristus. No, každá osoba tu, ma pravdepodobne pozná, a mnohí z vás, ktorých ja nepoznám, pretože ja nie som tu dosť dlho, aby som vás poznal. A mnohí z vás nie sú z tohoto mesta. Koľkí ste pomimo tohoto mesta? Zodvihnite ruky. Vidíte.

No, opýtal som sa raz niekoho tu v meste: "Prídeš?"

Povedal: "Netreba aby sme my prišli." Povedal: "Je tak veľa tých, ktorí prišli z iných miest, my sa tam nemôžeme dostať."

Ale to je v poriadku. My pre nich pripravíme spôsob, aby sa sem dostali. Prichádzajte aj tak. Všimnite si: Oni mali príležitosť, skôr ako vy.

207No, pamätajte. No, ja som len váš brat. Som si istý, že to rozumiete. Ja som človek; On je Boh. Ale Boh môže pracovať len, a stále pracoval, a pracoval len cez človeka. No pozrite sa dnes večer - nie na mňa, alebo na nejakú inú osobu - ale pozrite sa na Ježiša Krista. No pozrite dnes večer na Písmo - čo ono zasľúbilo. Koľkí z vás ... Môžem ukázať rôzne miesta Písma - ale koľkí budú proste veriť Židom 13:8? že "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera ..." A koľkí veria Jánovi 14:12? "Skutky, ktoré ja činím aj vy budete činiť." Koľkí veria, že On zasľúbil, že tie isté veci, ktoré On robil, ako rozpoznávanie myšlienok srdca, sa znovu v posledných dňoch vráti, tesne pred Jeho príchodom? Vy to všetci viete. No dobre. Ó, o koľko viac - stovky a stovky miest Písma; ale poznáme to.

208Pozrite sa teraz, nepozerajte sa, aby ste videli nejakého kazateľa; nepozerajte sa, aby ste videli nejakého pastora; pozrite sa, aby ste videli Ježiša. Nevidzte človeka; vidzte Ježiša. Keď sa dívate, vidzte Jeho. Keby som vám mohol pomôcť, pomohol by som vám; ale nemôžem. Nemôžem vám pomôcť; ja som len váš brat, ale On je náš Pán. Pozrite sa na Neho a verte. No dobre.

No začnime s kartou číslo ... Dobre, začneme od čísla jedna. Koľko ... Číslo jedna, kto má modlitebnú kartu číslo jedna? Zodvihnite ruku. Kde je? [Niekto hovorí: "Rovno tam vzadu." – pozn.prekl.] Myslíš tvoja ... ["Ona stojí." – pozn.prekl.] Bola? Ó, prepáčte. Dobre. Číslo jedna, poď sem hore pani, dobre ... Skade chcete aby išli, z tadeto? Dobre, poď rovno sem, ak môžeš chodiť. Ak bude teraz niekto volaný, kto je chromý, niekto z nás vám sem pomôže prísť. Číslo jedna. Číslo dva, kto má modlitebnú kartu dva? Zodvihnite ruku, čím skôr. Kde je? Nevidím. Kde? Prepáčte, ne ... Hneď tu, pani. Číslo tri, vstanete, alebo niečo? Dobre, číslo tri. Číslo štyri. Modlitebná karta číslo štyri, zodvihol by si ruku? Kde je? Nevidím. Modlitebná karta číslo štyri. Čo hovorí? Číslo štyri. Číslo päť. Kto má číslo päť, zodvihol by si ruku? Nevidím. Číslo päť. Číslo šesť. Číslo šesť. Rýchlo, hneď, číslo šesť. Dobre. Sedem. Ty máš sedem? Dobre. To je dobre. Osem. Osem, rýchlo teraz. Zodvihni ruku. Dobre, osem. To je fajn, pane. Deväť. Deväť, kde je? Číslo deväť. Dobre. Číslo desať. Desať, dobre, hneď tu. Desať. Jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť štrnásť, pätnásť.

A nechceme volať príliš veľa, aby ste sa ... Viete, robíme to preto ... To je len lístok na ktorom je číslo, viete a vy prídete podľa toho čísla. To je nato, aby išli zaradom.

Pätnásť. Modlitebná karta pätnásť. Dobre. Šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť, devätnásť, dvadsať, dvadsať jeden, dvadsať dva, dvadsať tri, dvadsať štyri, dvadsať päť.

Nech prídu, poďte teraz zaradom, dvadsať päť, kým sa postavíte do rady. Stavajte sa teraz podľa svojich čísel. Dobre. Nepoďte všetci naraz. Poďte tu okolo, ak chcete, ak ste tam a poďte. No dvadsať ... Čo sme zavolali, dvadsať päť. Dobre, nech oddychuje dvadsať päťka za chvíľu. Dobre. No, ak nechceš príliš dlho stáť, keď budeš vidieť, že to postupuje, potom príď s nimi; dvadsať päť, dvadsať šesť, dvadsať sedem. No dobre, čakajte, nech tá rada ide trochu dole, nemusíte tak veľa stáť, tak dlho.

No, skloňme svoje hlavy.

209Ó, priatelia, čo teraz? Kde sme teraz? - teraz sme na konci. Sme v čase, keď sa niečo musí stať. Musí byť povedané: "Áno," alebo "Nie." Musí sa ukázať či má Boh pravdu, alebo nie.

210 No, dnes som kázal dve kázne, ostro, snažil som sa vám povedať čo On je; povedať vám, že čas sa končí; čo On je; čo On bol. A teraz, keď sa dívame, dnes večer, pozrime sa na Neho.

211A teraz, každá osoba, v mene Ježiša Krista, seďte teraz na svojom mieste; nechoďte hore dole. Seďte potichu, až kým nebudete zavolaní. Nech malé deti ... No, keď som povedal: "Skloňte hlavy," rýchlo to urobte, drahí, pretože zlé veci opúšťajú - také, ako rakovina a nemoci - a to vychádza von medzi ľudí a vojde do druhých. Všetci ktorí to veria a poznajú, že je to podľa Písma povedzte "Amen"!

212Nachádzame v Biblii, že zlí duchovia vyšli z jedného a vošli do druhého, keď boli vyhnaní, oni sa snažia nájsť miesto. A koľkokrát som videl na zhromaždení ... Ľudia prišli na zhromaždenie úplne zdraví a v poriadku; sedeli tam a kritizovali a deň alebo dva dni potom, boli nájdení úplne slepí, alebo napadnutí rakovinou, porazení (vidíte), pretože oni boli neveriaci. Ja nie som za nich zodpovedný, len za veriacich.

213Mnohí z nich odišli do ústavou pred mnohými rokmi a stále sú tam. No, Niektorí zomreli. Len preto, že boli arogantní, neveriaci. Nie je tu teraz miesto pre neveriaceho. To je miesto pre veriacich. Majte vieru v Boha!

214Nebeský Otče, teraz, to zhromaždenie je Tvoje. Ono bolo po celý čas. No, ja môžem hovoriť Tvoje Slovo, ale teraz, od teraz, ja nemôžem hovoriť; Ty si ten, ktorý teraz hovorí, Pane. Nech je to známe, že Tvoj sluha im povedal pravdu. Nech ľudia tu - možno mnohí sú tu chorí, ktorí nie sú ani v rade, ale Ty si stále tu, Pane. Ty ich tam môžeš uzdraviť, práve tak, ako môžeš uzdraviť kdekoľvek. Nech sa potvrdí Tvoje Slovo; prosím v mene Ježiša. Amen.

215No, ak budem môcť na chvíľu obrátiť celú vašu pozornosť. Chcem sa pozrieť cez túto modlitebnú radu - zdá sa mi, že nepoznám ani jednu osobu! Či všetci, ktorí ste v modlitebnej rade ste pre mňa neznámi, viete, že vás nepoznám? Zodvihnite ruky, ak je to tak. Sú! Koľkí z vás vedia, že ja o vás nič neviem? Zodvihnite ruky - tam. Skutočne! Deväťdesiat päť percent ľudí tu, ja ne ... To je pravda.

216No, tu je žena - nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ona je pre mňa úplne neznáma. No, ona je tu možno kvôli nemoci; možno, že je tu - možno niečo urobila. Možno je tu kvôli financiám; možno sú to domáce problémy; možno je tu kvôli niečomu inému; ja neviem. Nemám potuchu, ale tu je presný obraz, ktorý je v ev, Jána, vo 4. kapitole: Muž a žena sa stretli prvý krát. A nieto pochýb, že tá mladá žena, ktorá stretla Ježiša, On bol od nej oveľa starší, pretože hovorili, že vyzerá na päťdesiat cez päťdesiat a možno ona bola len mladá pekná žena, ktorá tam bola pri studni, len mladé dievča.

217A tu znovu dnes večer, sa stretli dvaja ľudia, mladý a starý, bez toho, že by sa poznali. A ona tu teraz stojí. Je nejaký dôvod, kvôli ktorému je tu. Ja neviem, ona tu môže stáť, ako podvodník. Ona tu môže stáť a hovoriť niečo, čo je ... a len sa dívať, čo sa stane. Ak je to tak, len pozorujte, čo sa stane.

218No, ja nepoznám tú pani; nikdy som ju nevidel. Ona práve pred chvíľou zodvihla ruku, že ma nepozná a ja držím svoju ruku, že ja nepoznám ju; nikdy som ju nevidel. Dobre teraz, ak ja - ako človek, by som musel povedať: "Pani, čo je vám. Čo tu robíte, čo potrebujete?"

219Ona by povedala: "Pán Branham, som tu kvôli rakovine; mám TBC, mám nádor; alebo nemám peniaze, môj muž ma opustil; alebo nie som vydatá a môj priateľ urobil tak ..."

220Ona by mi to musela povedať. "Dobre," ja by som povedal, "v poriadku, budem sa za teba modliť, položím na teba svoje ruky a poviem, 'Pane Bože, daj tejto žene to, čo potrebuje. Amen. Ježišu, urob to.'" A môže odísť. Dobre, myslím ak ona tomu verí, bola by v poriadku. To je v poriadku, to bola služba za mnoho, mnoho rokov.

221Ale bolo zasľúbené, že v posledných dňoch, že ako ten anjel - Boh prebýval v ľudskom tele, ktorý prišiel práve pred tým, keď bola spálená Sodoma a On sa posadil otočený chrbtom ku stanu, kde bola Sára a povedal Abrahámovi, čo si ona v tom stane myslí - Boh, v ľudskom tele, majúci na sebe ľudský odev. A to je jediný spôsob, ako to dnes Boh môže robiť, keď On vojde do vášho tela. To ukazuje, že to je Boh zjavený v ľudskom tele.

Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

222Máme posla, Billyho Grahama a tých tam dole v Sodome, ale tá vyvolená cirkev prijala posolstvo a posla. No, ak táto pani - ak Duch Svätý, (nehovorím, že On to bude robiť), ale ak On príde a povie mi kvôli čomu tu stojíš - alebo, čo potrebuješ, alebo niečo, čo si urobila, alebo niečo, čo máš urobiť. Dobre ty budeš vedieť, že to musí pochádzať z nejakého nadprirodzeného zdroja, pretože my stojíme len tu. Bolo by to tak, či nie?

223Potom budeš vedieť, že to musí pochádzať z nadprirodzenej sily, ak Biblia povedala, že Ježiš robil to isté a zasľúbil, že to znovu bude robiť v posledných dňoch, potom by si uverila, že to je On. Koľkí z vás by to tak isto verili? Potom by ste videli Ježiša. Videli by ste Jeho Slovo. No, vy hovoríte: "Či je On Slovo" - Biblia hovorí, že On je Slovo. A Biblia hovorí, že Slovo rozpoznáva myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. Je to tak? Potom to bude Slovo hovorené ústami človeka, ktoré rozpoznáva myšlienky - no, ja to nedokážem. Ja to nemám ako urobiť, vidíte; pretože ja ju nepoznám, ale On ju pozná a On je Slovo.

224A On je Ten, ktorý môže zobrať našich dvoch duchov, (ako to bolo s tou ženou pri studni a s Ním) a zmiešať to, potom to nechá a ukáže mi presne kvôli čomu je tu, čo urobila, alebo čo chce, či čokoľvek. Potom to môžem hovoriť a povedať to - potom to záleží na nej.

225No vy hovoríte: "brat Branham, môžeš ju uzdraviť?" Nie, nie. Ja to nemôžem; On to už urobil. Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení, ale to je len nato, aby to vzbudilo jej vieru, aby jej dať vedieť, že keď On vie, čo ona bola a čo chce; On vie ako jej to dať a čo sa s ňou potom stane. Je to tak? No, každý tomu verí.

226A teraz, pristupujte s opravdivou vážnosťou a vy tam, ktorí teraz nemáte modlitebnú kartu, modlite sa. No, pamätajte, Ježiš jedného dňa prešiel cez zástup ľudí a obyčajná žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. A On sa otočil a povedal: "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" A pozrel sa okolo, až ju našiel a povedal jej, že mala krvotok a jej krvotok vtedy prestal, vidíte.

227No, Biblia povedala, že On, teraz, je najvyšším kňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotknúť tým, že súcití s našimi slabosťami. Je to tak? Dívam sa tu na brata Waya ako tu sedí pri svojej žene. Len nedávno tento muž tu stál, keď som kázal, (ako keď Pavol raz kázal celú noc) a tento muž padol mŕtvy rovno tu v obecenstve a Duch Svätý ho znovu priviedol naspäť do života. On je svedok, vidíte, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

228 Koľkí ste nevideli brata Waya; chceli by ste ho vidieť? Zodvihnite ruky. Nikdy ste ho nevideli - brat Way, vstal by si? Tu je človek - padol mŕtvy, asi tam kde práve teraz sedí. Tu je jeho žena, vyučená zdravotná sestra, stojí rovno tu. On nemal žiadny pulz, jeho oči sa prevrátili a bol tmavý do tvári - infarkt.

229Doktor mu povedal, že je chorý na srdce. Skrze rozpoznanie som to zistil ešte predtým, nedávno som mu povedal, že je chorý na srdce. A potom, zrazu, jeho srdce zastalo a padol na zem a tam ležal - úplne mŕtvy. To je okolo šesť alebo osem krát, čo som videl Pána Ježiša navrátiť mŕtvemu život.

230Videl som Ho to robiť a On to môže urobiť dnes večer. Teraz tu beriem každého ducha pod svoju kontrolu, na slávu Božiu, v mene Ježiša Krista. Buďte úctiví, dávajte pozor. Chcem ku tebe hovoriť, pani, ja kážem, vieš. Len aby som zachytiť tvojho ducha, to je presne to, čo robím, vidíš.

231V tebe je niečo - život, inak by si tu nestála. Bola by si len ležiacou mŕtvou formou a nemala by si v sebe žiadny život. Ale preto, že je to tak, je v tom tele život, on tebou vládne. A teraz, dokonca tvoje myšlienky a to, čo si myslíš, slová, ktoré hovoríš a všetko, to je to čím žiješ. To je to čo si, to sú tvoje slová, tvoje myšlienky a čokoľvek si.

232No, my sme tu a veríme - teraz, Duch Svätý, ako Ježiš povedal tej žene: "Prines mi napiť." A keď ona priniesla - ona povedala: "No, ty by si si to nemal odo mňa pýtať. Ja som Samaritánka. Ty si Žid. My nemáme takéto zvyky medzi sebou; nerozprávame sa medzi sebou." No, ale samozrejme, my sme obidvaja pohania. A my tu len stojíme a veríme Bohu. No, ak Jeho Duch príde ku mne skrze dar a bude ti môcť povedať, čo - to ty vieš, či je to pravda alebo nie, pretože ty si žila tú časť života, potom máš dar, veriť tomu. A keď tomu budeš veriť a On ti o tom povie, potom je s tým všetkým koniec a to na každého tu zaúčinkuje.

233No, každý v naprostej vážnosti. A tá pani trpí na niečo vo svojom hrdle - má choré hrdlo. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. No, Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Je to tak. To je to, kvôli čomu tu je, aby som sa modlil za jej hrdlo. No, hneď, len čo som to povedal, (alebo tesne predtým) ona bola ... ona poznala, že niečo je blízko. Niečo prišlo veľmi blízko. Mohli ste vidieť na nej to vzrušenie, veľmi príjemný pocit, ako ...

234To svetlo, ktoré ste videli na tej fotografii ... Kde si, George? To svetlo, ktoré bolo na tej fotografii visí práve teraz rovno nad tou ženou. To je iná dimenzia. Ona je veriaca - nepretvaruje sa za veriacu; ona je veriaca. No, keď si veriaca, ty veríš, že ja som jeho sluha, prorok? Musí to tak byť, aby som to vedel. Veríš, že On ti môže povedať ďalšie veci, ktoré máš na srdci? Dobre. Tu je niečo, čo máš na srdci, je to niekto za koho sa modlíš, dieťa. Veríš, že On mi môže povedať čo mu je?

235Ono má vírus. Je to tak? Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať kto si? Ty si Pani Walkerová. Ti nie si odtiaľto; ty si z Južnej Georgii. Choď domov zdravá. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil. Tvoje dieťa, netráp sa oň, je to preč. Boh ťa žehnaj, sestra.

236Ako sa máš? No, tu je druhá žena. Ja ju nepoznám, nikdy som ju nevidel. Ona je proste len žena, ktorá tu stojí. No pozrite, kážem spolu už asi od ôsmej a teraz je desať. To sú dve hodiny, čo som tu. To jedno rozpoznanie ma oslabí viac, ako dve hodiny kázania. Vidíte, to je ... vidíte. Vy hovoríte: "Ty chceš povedať, že ..." Ó, áno. Tá žena, ktorá sa dotkla lemu Jeho rúcha, On povedal: "Cítim, že vyšla zo Mňa moc" - sila. Je to tak? To je to, čo to spôsobilo.

237No, tu je žena, ktorú som nikdy nevidel. Billy tam išiel, (ak ste si niečo všimli) a zobral toho chlapca, ktorý je tu s nami, Georga. On je Baptista. Chcem aby videl, že to, o čom hovoríme je Boh. Jeho otec, jeho rodina, sú milí ľudia. Oni sú v Mexicu - misionári. Fajn človek. A jeho otec je tiež chorý. Ja len čakám na neho, že príde. No, len sa dobre dívaj George. No, táto pani, ja ju nepoznám. Nikdy som ju nevidel. Myslím, že sme si navzájom cudzí. Nepoznáme sa. Ale teraz, Duch Svätý, tá ľúbeznosť Ježiša, je prítomný; všetci sme toho svedkovia.

238No, ak mi Pán Ježiš zjaví niečo o tebe ... No, keby som ťa mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to, ale ja nemôžem urobiť to, čo On už urobil. To jediné, keby On stál tu dnes večer v tomto obleku, ktorý mi On dal - no, On by ťa nemohol uzdraviť, pretože On to už urobil. Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení. Vidíte? Ale to jediné, čo by urobil, že by sa ukázal cez Slovo, ktoré zasľúbil a dal vám vidieť, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A On zasľúbil, že to urobí.

239No, ak ma On použije, aby som ti povedal kvôli čomu si tu, použiješ tú vieru, ktorú máš v Neho, aby si verila, že dostaneš to, čo ... kvôli čomu si tu? S celého svojho srdca ... No dobre. Nech to Pán učiní. Vidím tú pani, že má niečo - vyšetrenie ukázalo, že to je pruh. [Tá sestra hovorí: "To je pravda." – pozn.prekl.] Je to tak. ["Áno, áno." – pozn.prekl.] Je to pravda - pruh.

240Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten pruh? ["Áno verím ako len môžem." – pozn.prekl.] Nech ťa Boh žehná. No, ty nie si odtiaľto - bolo to dosť posvätenie dostať sa sem. [Áno, bolo."] Bolo! [Chvála Pánovi!"] Ty si z Tenessee. ["Áno."] Je to tak. Pani Harnessová. ["Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Vráť sa domov, nepochybuj. Budeš uzdravená, keď budeš veriť.

241Ako sa máš, pani? My sme si navzájom cudzí. Nikdy v živote som ťa nevidel, pokiaľ viem. Možno niekde na zhromaždení a ty si ma možno videla, ale ťa nepoznám, Boh ťa pozná. Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha a že Slovo, ktoré som kázal je pravda? Dobre, tak som ti cudzí a slovo, ktoré som kázal, ty mu veríš. Jediné čo viem, že niekto z nich ti dal kartu, niekto z usporiadateľov, alebo môj syn, či niekto ti dal kartu. Tvoje číslo bolo zavolané a ty si tu, to je všetko čo viem. Ale ty si chorá na nervy a to ťa veľmi trápi. Máš so sebou niekoho. Áno, niekoho za koho sa modlíš, to je tvoj muž. A On má duchovný problém, cez ktorý sa nemôže dostať ... a máš dieťa, ktoré je tiež choré. Ty nie si odtiaľto, ale si prišla zo severu. Si z Kanady, z Alberty, je to tak. Veríš mi, že som Boží prorok a veríš, že čo ti hovorím je pravda? Choď domov a dostaneš o čo si prosila. Ver. Nech ťa Boh žehná pani.

242Ja som ti cudzí, ty si mne cudzia. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha, z celého svojho srdca? No ja ťa nepoznám, neviem nič o tebe. Keby som ťa mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som tak, ale nemôžem. Ja nie som uzdravovateľ, ja som len človek, ale On je Boh. Ja som len trochu zmätený, pretože nejaká staršia žena stojí medzi mnou a tebou. To je niekto za koho sa modlíš. ["Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Áno, to je tvoja matka. ["Áno, je. Áno."] A ona má vysoký tlak. [Áno, má."] A ty máš infekciu obličiek. ["Áno."] Je to tak. ["To je pravda."] Veríš tomu? ["Áno, verím." – pozn.prekl.] Tvoja matka nie je tu, ale keď pôjdeš za ňou, vezmi tú šatku, ktorú máš okolo krku a polož ju na svoju matku a nepochybuj a ten vysoký tlak ju opustí a tvoja infekcia pominie. Choď a ver.

243Veríte teraz? [Zhromaždenie volá: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Z celého svojho srdca? ["Amen."] No, vidíte dívam sa po publiku a vyzerá, začína sa to tam javiť ako hmla. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] "Tieto veci, ktoré Ja robím vy tiež budete robiť." On tu urobil viac, dnes večer, než ... toho druhu, než urobil po celý život. Je to tak.

244Teraz táto pani tu. Mladá žena, nepoznám ju, ona mi je neznáma, ale veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha? Moment. Nejaký muž prišiel predo mňa, niekto v obecenstve. Len moment teraz. Niekto v obecenstve. To hneď potom odišlo; To svetlo odišlo z tadeto. A stál pri ňom nejaký muž. No, niekde v obecenstve. Netráp sa; buď dobrej nádeje. Pozrime sa znovu na túto ženu.

245Ak teraz Pán Boh ... toto je šiesta, či siedma, či koľká, ktorá prešla cez túto radu pri rozpoznaní. A ak mi Pán Ježiš zjaví pre túto ženu, čokoľvek nie je s ňou v poriadku, spôsobí to, že vy ostatní bude veriť z celého svojho srdca? Budete môcť prijať Krista na tom základe? Jeden krát by to malo dokázať. Tri krát je potvrdenie a toto je desiatky tisíc krát a ani raz to nesklamalo. Ty nie si tu kvôli sebe. Ty si tu kvôli mužovi a vidím ho, ako sedí so sklonenou hlavou. Fajčí cigaretu a ty sa modlíš, aby sa zbavil tých cigariet. Nech ti Pán Boh dá o čo prosíš, sestra. Choď a ver z celého svojho srdca a nech ten diabol toho návyku opustí tvojho muža v mene Pána Ježiša.

246Tvoje problémy sú v tvojom chrbte. Veríš že Boh to uzdraví? Veríš? ["Áno verím." – pozn.prekl.] Dobre, choď a povedz: "Ďakujem ti Pane." Túto ženu poznám. Myslím, že to je dcéra pani Neeseovej. Je to tak? ["Áno."] Myslel som si to. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Tá bolesť v chrbte ťa teraz opustí a ty môžeš ísť a byť zdravá.

247Veríš že Boh môže uzdraviť ten zápal kĺbov a uzdraviť ťa? Choď a povedz Mu, že Mu veríš. Ver len z celého svojho srdca.

248Ako sa máš, pane. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tvoj chorý žalúdok a uzdraviť ťa? ["Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Dobre, potom choď a povedz: "Ďakujem Pane, teraz budem zdravý," a budeš zdravý.

249Ďalší prípad zápalu kĺbov a tiež vek. Veríš, že ťa Boh uzdraví, keď položím na teba ruky? ["Už ma mnohokrát uzdravil, cez teba, keď si na mňa položil ruky, brat." – pozn.prekl.] Počuli ste to? Pane požehnaj moju sestru a daj jej znovu dnes vyslobodenie. Amen. Len Mu ver.

250Choré srdce, chorý žalúdok, veríš, že Boh to môže uzdraviť? Dobre, choď v mene Pána Ježiša a On ťa uzdraví. Ako sa máš mládenec? Astma. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť astmu? ["Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Choď ver tomu, On to urobí. Je to všetko preč.

251Cukrovka. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tvoju krv a uzdraviť ťa? Choď a ver Mu a On to urobí.

252Veríš z celého svojho srdca, že keby som ti nič nepovedal a len položil na teba ruky, veríš, že Duch Svätý je tu, aby ťa uzdravil? Tak to urobím, poď sem. V mene Ježiša Krista, nech ide a je uzdravená.

253Poď pani. Keby som ti nič nepovedal budeš veriť, že Boh ťa uzdraví z tej ženskej nemoci? Prepáč mi, už som to povedal. Choď, nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď a ver, buď zdravá.

254Veríš pane z celého svojho srdca? Boh uzdraví choré srdce, či nie? ["Áno."] Uzdravuje ľudí. Som si istý, že to robí. On je Boh, veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Veríte z celého svojho srdca? Majte vieru v Boha!

255Nejaký muž tu vonku urobil niečo, práve pred niekoľkými minútami. Chcem to zistiť. Jeho krv; niekto ... Stalo sa niečo ako nehoda, alebo niečo - to bolo krvácanie. To bolo niekde, ten muž tu stál; práve som sa modlil. Áno je to tak. To je muž, ktorý se ... Aha, to je J. T. Parnell. Poznám toho chlapca. Ty máš vnútorné krvácanie J. T. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Dobre, potom to prestane. Ver z celého svojho srdca.

256Táto pani, ktorá sedí rovno tu, díva sa sem, sedí tam pri bratovi Gromsleyovi. Je pri nej svetlo. Ty s bielym golierom. Mária, ja ťa nepoznám, ale to je tvoje meno. Máš duchovné ťažkosti a tiež si veľmi nervózna. Zabudni na to, to všetko bude v poriadku. Ver z celého svojho srdca. Maj vieru v Boha. Keď len môžeš veriť.

257Pani, ktorá sedí rovno vzadu, tam v zadnej rade, tam na kraji, tam, ona je z Michigan - má ženskú chorobu. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Potom môžeš mať to, o čo prosíš. Veríš tomu? Amen. Zodvihni svoju ruku a povedz: "Prijímam to." Dobre, môžeš ísť domov a byť uzdravená. Ja nepoznám tú pani, ale Boh ju pozná.

258A čo ty tu na tomto vozíku? Ty si jediný mrzák, či niekto na vozíku. Ja som ti cudzí, nepoznám ťa, Boh ťa pozná. Ale hovorím ti teraz, si zatienený na smrť. Máš rakovinu. Prišiel si z ďaleka, prišiel si sem z Cincinati. Tvoje meno je pán Hock. Ver z celého svojho srdca. Ak tam zostaneš sedieť, zomrieš. Prijmi Ježiša Krista a buď uzdravený. Veríš Mu? Potom vstaň na svoje nohy a prijmi to, prijmi Ježiša Krista.

259Koľkí Mu tu v tejto chvíli veria? Veríte z celého svojho srdca? Potom nech každý jeden z vás hneď teraz vstane, vstaňte. A teraz modlite sa svojím vlastným spôsobom. Položte svoje ruky na niekoho vedľa vás. Kde je sestra Brownová? Ona tu sedela, je chorá na ... jedného dňa mi zatelefonovala a nemohla zodvihnúť svoje ruky. Videl som, že v jej krvi bolo niečo zlé, keď som ju stretol na druhý deň mala cukrovku. Kde je? Ona tu bola s pani Dauchovou pred chvíľou. Dobre, sestra Brownová, dnes večer chcem, aby si verila z celého svojho srdca. Ja viem, že vieš, čo ti je, ale chcem aby si verila. Ty si sem prišla z nemocnice, aby sme sa za teba modlili. Ja sa teraz modlím. Ver, budeš zdravá.

260Margie maj vieru v Boha. To prestane, hneď teraz, bude tomu koniec. On môže uzdraviť cukrovku, On ťa môže uzdraviť, z tej choroby v tvojom žalúdku. Teraz každý položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého a len tam za chvíľu držte svoje ruky. Len položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého, držte ich tam.

261Aha bude jedenásť hodín a mnohí z týchto ľudí musia ísť do Tennessee a na rôzne miesta. Skutočne Pán Boh dokázal. Čo ste dnes večer videli? Videli ste človeka, alebo ste videli Ježiša? Ježiša potvrdzujúceho svoje Slovo. Tieto vreckovky, ktoré tu ležia, zatiaľ kým je na mne toto pomazanie, kladiem svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky a modlím sa, aby Všemohúci Boh ... Je povedané, že z tela Pavlovho brali vreckovky a zástery. Tu sú tí, ktorí boli mŕtvi a boli vzkriesení. Tu sú tí, ktorí mali nehody, boli domačkaní, sú uzdravení. Je ...

262Vidím tu stáť pani Wilsonovú, ktorá nedávno, pred niekoľkými rokmi, krvácala na smrť s TBC. Ona je tu dnes večer. Doktori je nedali iba niekoľko hodín života. Ona tu dnes večer stojí. Všade tu dookola chromí, slepí, zmrzačení, na invalidskích kreslách a všetko, oni tu dnes večer stoja, ako živé trofeje. Ako je to? Ježiš Kristus žije, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

263Ten človek, ktorý práve vydával svedectvo, myslím pred nejakým časom, že mal epilepsiu a mal ju po všetky tie roky a všetko. A raz na zhromaždení a to je okolo, takmer pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, on od vtedy viac nemal záchvat. To je jeden z desať tisícov. On je uzdravovateľ. Amen. On uzdravuje. Nebuďte teraz rozrušení, len s prostou detskou vierou, pozrite sa na Golgotu. Zavrite svoje oči a zabudnite, že ste v tejto modlitebni. Zavrite oči a zabudnite, že je niekto okolo vás a pozrite sa na Ježiša a vidzte. Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zapísané v Slove. Haleluja!

Treba sa len pozrieť a žiť.

Ó, pozri sa a ži, môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zapísané v Slove. Haleluja!

Treba sa len pozrieť a žiť.

264Zavrite svoje oči na človeka. Zavrite svoje oči na tie veci okolo vás a pozrite sa na svoju vieru, na Ježiša Krista a vedzte, že On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, jeho sinavicou ste zostali uzdravení.

265Pane Ježišu, keď sa títo ľudia modlia a majú položené svoje ruky jeden na druhom a uvedomujeme si, že stojíme v prítomnosti živého, zmŕtvychvstalého Ježiša Krista vo forme Ducha Svätého. Ktorý nám zjavuje tajomstvá našich sŕdc, dáva nám poznávať naše túžby a zasľubuje nám, že nám dá naše žiadosti, ak len budeme veriť.

266Mužovia a ženy majú svoje ruky jeden na druhom a modlia sa, pretože sme spoluobyvateľmi kráľovstva Božieho. Sme spolubratia a sestry Ježiša Krista.

267A Satan my prichádzame ku tebe s výzvou v mene Pána Ježiša. On je ten meč, On je ten, ktorý odsekáva nemoci, On je ten, ktorý odtína pochybnosť, On je víťaz. Teraz ťa vyzývame v mene Ježiša Krista, aby si vyšiel z týchto ľudí, Satan. Slovo Božie sa zamanifestovalo. Ono obrezáva, odníma pochybnosť, odníma chorobu a prináša dokonalé vyslobodenie. Modlíme sa, aby Duch Svätý padol na týchto ľudí a dal im moc viery, aby verili, že prítomnosť všemohúceho Krista je teraz tu. Udeľ to, Pane.

268Odsudzujem každú chorobu, odsudzujem všetky nemoci, odsudzujem všetku neveru v mene Ježiša Krista. Nech Duch Svätý uctí, čo som povedal a preženie sa cez túto budovu a vyslobodí každú osobu v božskej prítomnosti. Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky a chváľte Ho. Ohlasujem vás za zdravých a uzdravených v mene Ježiša Krista.

1 Amen. Thank you, George, Becky, and Sister Ungren, that fine song! That's true, "All is change when Jesus comes." He just shuts out the darkness, and scatters the Light, and we are thankful for that. Now, that was Becky's first time to play in church here, so very appropriate song, When Jesus Came.

2So we are grateful to be here again, tonight, and so thankful for the... your fine attendance this morning. And now tonight, is, I've got a little subject I want to talk on, in a few moments; but just before that, I've got some announcements to make, and things.

3And I just a tiny bit hoarse. I think it's just the over-speaking. I preached a long time. But when I take these, hour or two, tapes, and when I come back here, it's because that I am taping that for around the world. And so I thank you for being so patient with us this morning.

4 And now there is a few things I would like to make mention of right here. That is, that, I--I would like to ask the church, the first thing, something that I have--have done, and I--I want to ask if I can change that, tonight. We're not...

5I don't make new year's vows. Then I'm... we've got to go home tomorrow, so we won't be here for new year's, to... but we'll be remembering you. And I believe there will be a meeting here, new year's night. Yeah, that's right, a--a watch service, as they always have on new year's night. We'd like to stay, but we just can't get back in time then to--to get the kiddies in school. And my wife has got to wash up their clothes; you know how it is.

6 So I want to thank each one of you for your fine things that you did for us through Christmas. And you women who went up there and put food in the house, and things, for us, that when we got there--there, stuff was already cooked and was ready to eat. I certainly thank you for that. May God ever bless you.

7And the church, for their little ticket, that I could go over here and--and get some clothes if I wanted them, for a suit. They give me a suit each year. And some kind friends of mine just got me a suit. So I think, if it's all right, I need some other things like shirts and undershirts, and things, I'd like to take the money up in that if it's all right with the church. I need that better than I... worse than I do the suit, right at the time.

8 And now, this young fellow that just sang for us, Brother George Smith, from down in Tucson, we've been going up to their church up there, the New Testament Baptist church. His father is a missionary. I think he has about seven churches down in Old Mexico. And there is certainly some fine people there. And his father and mother, and all of them, are fine people. And George is a very fine young man. I was just sorry that he didn't give us a word of testimony before he sat down, of the saving grace of Christ in his life.

9 And now, the--the Messages, I promised here not long ago, that the Messages, before I went out in the meetings, I'd come here and tape them first and then go out. That was because of getting the tapes to the people. Then I'd come here and tape a Message, and then go out and preach It. That would give the people a chance, to--to the tape makers, to make the tape and take it with us as we went. Now I'm fixing to leave on a great string of evangelistic tour, so I--I won't be able to do that from now on, see, and the one who takes the tapes will just have to get them as we go along.

10And I think, after all, aren't they having a meeting on tapes this week? Or, something or other about, something about the tapes this week. Anyhow, I think Brother Sothmann is here, and he represents Brother Maguire. I don't know whether he is here or not. I think Brother Fred is here. Somebody said he was here. And he... I think they're having a meeting this week, maybe tomorrow night, or sometime, about the tapes. We was talking about it the other night, in the room there. I think the time is up for something, that they take and make arrangements about it.

11So, from now on, I'll probably just speak Messages that I haven't touched here at the tabernacle, out in the meetings.

12 And now I have, want to be grateful to God for that testimony of Brother Blair. Happens to be that Brother and Sister Blair is sitting right here tonight, sitting right here before us, the one that had the little boy. And I remember when the Lord told me, when he was... Brother Blair, all tore up, weeping. And his little boy had got crushed in the face like this, of a turned-over car, and he was very bad. But while I was a--a praying, I saw the little fellow all right. And Brother Blair, course, asked me, said, "Brother Branham, is this THUS SAITH THE LORD?"

I said, "Brother Blair, Blair, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

13And Brother Blair is here tonight. And we are certainly thankful to have Brother Blair with us. And he has been suffering with a--a little trouble of nervousness. And Satan give him a great rap, here not long ago, to try to get him to disbelieve me. And while Satan was doing that, the Lord came right around and revealed it to him; and told him about it, just to cut it off before the time come for this. And Brother Blair is a fine man. And I want you to remember him. He is kind of halt between opinions on what to do. He doesn't know just how to turn. And I trust, Brother Blair, that God... You're a great servant of Christ, and He has got plenty for you to do, 'cause the Lights are getting dim. Were you here this morning? Uh-huh. Well, that's very fine.

14 Now--now, I suppose, the next time I get to see you, may be up in the Spring, a little bit. And by that time, maybe we'll know whether we're going to hold the--the meetings, or not, here at Jeffersonville, during the time that I should a-been in Norway and in the Scandinavian countries. Now just before we take a text...

15 Cause, we got a prayer line coming up, and many are standing, the rooms, and around the walls, and so forth, and I know, you, it's very hard on you. And I stood, a many time, myself. And I passed by, a while ago, bringing the wife down, I noticed the people around the doors. And I thought, "Who says the Gospel still isn't the most attractive thing there is in the world?" Sure is. It's, It attracts those who are interested in It. Those who are not interested, of course, they don't. They, It won't be. But, Jesus, "If I," said, "if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all man unto Me." How true that is!

16 And when I get here, there is just so much to say, and I have to kind of jot down what I'm going to say here, for a while. Or I... There is so much to say, you just forget what you're going to say.

17 Now, I understand that Brother Ungren's father was baptized this morning, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And if Sister Ungren and them are here, I am sure that's a great thing to them, because that's been their constant payer for many years. And Brother Ungren, wherever you are, God richly bless you, my brother.

18And if that isn't correct, God make me answer for it at the Day of the Judgment. See? I know it's correct. I--I'll take the blame for that. That's exactly right, because it is the Truth.

You say, "Does it make any difference?"

19It did to Paul. They asked how they had been baptized. They said they had already been baptized by John, the man that baptized Jesus. Paul said they had to come and be rebaptized, again, in the Name of "Jesus Christ." And not one person in the Bible was ever baptized in the Name of "the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

20No people was ever baptized like that till the organizing of the Catholic church at the Lao-... Lao-Nicaea, Lao-Nicene Council at Lao-Nicaea, Rome. That's where the first person was ever baptized, using the titles.

21 A fellow said to me the other day. I said, "Well, if... The 'Lord Jesus,' that's His Name." He said... "Well," I said, "if a fellow come to you..."

He said, "I don't think it makes any difference."

22I just caught him in his own doctrine. I said, "If a man come to you and said, 'I am baptized in the Name of the Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, and the Morning Star,' would you say 'amen' to that?"

He said, "No, sir."

I said, "How would you... Would you rebaptize him?

Said, "Yes, sir."

I said, "How would you baptize him?"

He said, "I would baptize him in the Name of 'the Father, Son, Holy Ghost.'"

23And I said, "That's the way I would baptize him, yeah, in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." I said, "Now, 'Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, and Morning Star' is no name."

He said, "That's right. It's a title."

24I said, "So is 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.' Now I would baptize him in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; and the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is 'the Lord Jesus Christ.' Exactly. So I say..." And he saw it.

25It was Brother Joseph Mattsson-Boze, of Chicago, the hardest fellow I've ever had to break through, with it. And I suppose I've got around three or four thousand natives to baptize now, when I get over in Africa with him, and to be baptized over again.

26 Now, so we are grateful for the Gospel Light. And so now, Jesus said, when He was here on earth, "I, what I hear, that I speak." And now I'm going to say... just for our next, about ten minutes, or fifteen, just before I take my text, and a very short text, and then we'll have the prayer line. I have come to a place in my ministry, to where I'm... I've got to--to say something. And I...

27Jesus said it. That what He heard, that was what He spoke. And He said, "I called you My friends, and a friend tells his friends all things."

28Paul said, in Acts 20:27, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel of God." See?

29And may I join in, tonight, and say the same thing with that great saint of old. To the best of my knowledge, I have not... I have not shunned, but declared to you the whole Counsel of God.

30 Someone was playing one of the tapes, the other day. And just because it made somebody angry, they shot at them through the window, and a woman wounded.

31So perhaps someday I'll seal my testimony. But when that time comes and it's... I'm ready to go. Until my time comes, there is nothing going to hurt me until that time. See?

32 Now, we believe in the same Gospel, just the way the Bible is written. It's zeroed. And--and if the gun is exactly zeroed, and in tune; if it strikes the target the first time, it'll strike it the second time, and every time.

33If a tree, or a limb, vine, puts out a branch, and that branch bears a certain fruit; the next time the--the vine puts out a branch, it'll bear the same kind of fruit.

34And if Jesus is the Vine, and we are the branches; and the first Branch, Church, that that Vine put out, they wrote a Book of Acts behind it. And that first Branch baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. And they had the living God among them, that did the same things among them that He did when He was on earth. Therefore, the people taken notice to them, though ignorant and unlearned, that they had been with Jesus, because His Life was through them.

35 As I have said, if I had the spirit of--of Beethoven in me, I would write songs. If Beet-... if I... If Beethoven lived in me, I would be Beethoven. See?

36If Shakespeare lived in me, I'd be Shakespeare. I--I'd write poems, and--and--and plays, and so forth, if Shakespeare lived in me.

37And if Christ lives in me, the works of Christ you'll do. Right. It's got to be. And what is Christ? The Word. He said, "If ye abide in Me, My Word in you, then ask what you will; it'll be done." Because, the Word is there, just needs the Light; and the Light makes It live.

38 So now I am going to say something to you, now, that I haven't said all along. And, that is, the thing that we have looked forward to for so long (for at least many years, four or five years, or maybe longer), the Third Pull, has now been vindicated, and I'm sure you all know what it is.

39Now remember, there'll never be an impersonation of that, 'cause it can't be. See, it cannot be. Now it's in existent. And I have... I am warned of this, that soon... Right at this time now it's just happened, so it could identify its presence among you, see, but it will not be used in a great way until this Council begins to tighten up. And when it does, when that does... The Pentecostals, and so forth, can almost impersonate anything can be done. But when that time comes, when the squeeze comes down, then you'll see, what you've seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power. See? See? See? See?

40 Now I must continue in evangelism. Just as I was commissioned, first, I must continue on. Therefore, you've had the Word, and you know what to look for, how to stand. I must continue on in evangelism. And, friends of mine, keep still, and just keep moving on, for the hour is approaching swiftly, see, that when something is going to be done.

41Now, you might see some little odd things happen for me. Nothing sinful; I don't mean that. But, I mean, something odd to what the regular trend. Because, where I reached to now, in the ministry, I am dropping back here, watching that spot and waiting for the time to use it. But, it's going to be used.

42And everyone knows that, for, as certain as the First was identified, so has the Second been identified. And if you'll think real closely, you who are spiritual. As the Bible said, "Here is to him that has wisdom." The Third is properly identified. See? We know where it is. So, the Third Pull is here.

43 It is so sacred, that, I mustn't say much about it. As He told me in the beginning, said, "This, say nothing of it." You remember that, years ago? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It speaks for itself. See? But you... I've tried to explain the others, and I made a mistake. This will be the thing, that, to my opinion... I don't say the Lord tells me this. This will be a thing that will start the Rapturing faith, for the going away. See? See? And it...

44I must lay quiet for just a little while. Now remember, and who is listening to this tape, you might see such a change in my ministry right away, dropping back, not going up; dropping back. We're right at the age now, and it can't be, can't go any further. We have to wait just a minute until this happens over here, to catch up, then the time comes. But, it's thoroughly identified.

45 There is coming a time upon, in this nation, to where this nation is going to exercise all the power that the beast had before it, which was pagan Rome when it become papal Rome, see, that this nation will do that.

46Revelations 13 plainly explains it. "The lamb come up out of the earth. The other beast come up out of water," thickness and multitudes of people. This lamb come up where there were no people. A lamb represents a religion. The Lamb of God... And, remember, it spoke like a lamb. It was a lamb.

47And then, after a while, it be-... received power, and spoke like a dragon; and exercised all the--the dragon, power the dragon had before him. And the dragon is "Rome," always. So don't you see? Roman denomination; "a mark," Protestant denomination; "a image unto the beast," making a power that'll force all Protestants, like a union. You'll have to be into this Council of Churches, or you won't be able to have fellowship. Or to--to...

48 Well, it's--it's practically that way now. You can't go to a church and preach unless you have a fellowship card or some identification. And now, on persons like ourselves, we're going to be cut out of all that, altogether, that's exactly, 'cause they won't be able to do it.

49It's tightening. And then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you're pressed out, then watch what I'm fixing to tell you in a few minutes. Watch the Third Pull then, see, and it'll be absolutely to the total lost, but it--it will be for the Bride and the Church.

50Now we are closer than it seems to be. I don't know when, but it's real, real close. I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. I don't know. And that time may be this coming week, that the Holy Spirit will come with... and bring Christ Jesus. He may come this next week. He may come yet tonight. I don't know when He will come. He doesn't tell us that.

51But I do believe, that we are so close, that I would never die with old age. Yet, at fifty-four years old, I'll never die with old age, until He's here. See? Unless I'm shot, killed, or something other, some way killed, just old age wouldn't kill me, until He's come. And I believe that.

52And I want to say this. I've never said it before. But according to Scripture, according to what He said thirty years ago; thirty-three years ago on the river down there, in 1933, rather; what He said, everything has happened just exactly. I may not do it, but this Message will introduce Jesus Christ to the world. For, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming, so is the Message to forerun the second Coming." And John said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." See? So, it's, it paralleled it in every way. And I know it will, the Message will go on.

53 Now, there's been some great things take place along the road. This morning I was having interviews in the room here. And a--a young fellow, by the name of Autry, he is probably still in here tonight. He is from San Antonio, Texas. He come to ask if... when we was going to Dallas, coming from California; if we could drop in one night at their tabernacle, just for one night. And they're looking it up, in the next day or two, to see if we can do that. And he was telling me about... I had never been to San Antonio since that first meeting.

54Now, the first meeting, when I come to San Antonio. I was there, I think, with Brother Coot and the--and the International Bible School. And I forget the auditorium we had the service in. And it was either my first night or second night, I think the first night, when I was walking to the platform, someone raised up in the building, way back in the back, and spoke with tongues, like a--a machine gun firing. And he had no more than sat down, just a moment or two, till one raised on the platform and give the interpretation.

55And I stopped, at what he said. And I said to the man, "Do you know this man?"

He said, "No, sir." And he said...

I said, "How did you come here?"

56He said, "The people that I work for, was at... was here tonight, and they brought me." He's a... was a cowboy.

And I said, "What do you do?" He said... "Do you know him?"

57He said, "No, sir. I never seen him."

58 And I said, "What are you?" And he was a--a merchant in the city.

59And what they said in the--the... Now, I was always, before I learned better, I was a little skeptic of speaking in tongues; I thought a lot of it was flesh, and it might be. But when this was said, that interpretation was exactly what the Angel of the Lord said down on the river, eleven years before that, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, you're sent to forerun the second." See?

60And there it was, when that Angel, that Light that's been thoroughly identified. Both by the church, by the Word, by science, and everything, has identify it. That Light, for Its first time to appear in public, standing right over where I was; at about two o'clock in the afternoon, at the foot of the bridge right there, right down here at the foot of Spring Street, in the water. Now, that's been many, many years ago. And exactly what It said, has come to pass, to the dot.

61 This brother here was telling me, this morning. He married a girl out of the church here, Sister Noyes' daughter. And I don't know, I guess the young man... Are you here, Brother Autry? I don't know. He was from San Antonio. I don't know whether he is here or not. He was here this morning. And he was telling me. I believe it was his grandfather, during that meeting, had been an epileptic all of his life, and was brought there.

62That was the First, beginning of the ministry, when It said that, and the discernment was putting their hands upon mine, and what would be said would be what it was. And I told you, and many are witnesses tonight, that it would come to pass that I would know the very secret of their heart. You remember that, before it ever happened? About five or six years later, that taken place; in up in Canada, for its first time, and that happened. Then He said, "If you'll keep being sincere, it'll just keep going." And now the Third thing has taken place, see, just constantly moving on.

63And he said his father was brought in the line, and told of this epilepsy, and so forth, and a prayer prayed for him. And that's been sixteen years ago, I think it is, about sixteen or seventeen years ago. And he says he never has had a seizure of it since. And he's pretty near eighty-five years old, and never had a seizure since. What is it? "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

64 Is Margie Morgan in the building? Sister Margie Morgan, a lady that was eaten up with cancer; a nurse. How many remembers Sister Morgan? If she is here, she can't get in. She was nursing. You see, on the cancer list in Louisville, the woman has been dead for about sixteen, seventeen years, on the cancer list in Louisville.

65When Jim Tom Robertson, the attorney, Christian attorney, heard about it, he went to the Baptist Hospital, to check and see if it was right, 'cause his father is on the board, trustee at the Baptist Hospital. And they looked up the case, and the woman was supposed to have been dead, years ago. And she is nursing here at the Jeffersonville, in the hospital. When she stood right here, when they had to hold her up, not even in her own mind. But it was THUS SAITH THE LORD, and she is a living. She went to nursing, in Louisville.

66 And a fellow down here, Schimpff's Candy place. Is Mr. Schimpff here tonight? I'd like for him to tell it, if he is here. Sonny Schimpff, great healthy man. Many times when I used to...

67I hate to say this, but it's the truth. Pop used to give me a dime if I worked all week, and I'd came to town and park my bicycle around at Brother Mike Egan's place, one of the trustees here. With Jimmy Poole, I think his son is here tonight; Jim and I, and Earnest Fisher, and we would go down town, and go to the picture show for a nickel, and we used to see the old still pictures. We was little kids, and wanted to, about eight, ten years old. We had that William S. Hart. Many of you guys don't remember him, the old actor. Still pictures; and I couldn't read. I'd just have to watch what was going on. And it would have to spell it all out, and I couldn't make it, but I'd watch what he was doing.

68And I'd have an extra nickel. And how many remembers getting a penny ice cream cone? All right. I could get three ice cream cones, and two-pennies worth of red hots. I couldn't hold the ice cream cone, so I would eat them. And get me two-pennies worth of red hots, it would be almost a half a pound of them things. And Schimpff's made them. And I'd go in there, and sit back and watch William S. Hart.

69 And this young fellow, a little older than I, stricken down with a disease, that five noted specialists of Louisville passed him by, weighing about forty-five pounds, and was dying. Mrs. Morgan was nursing him. And he was in such a condition! He had so many things; his lungs was gone, his throat was gone. His little arms was just about that big around, and he was lying there, dying.

70And Mrs. Morgan was hired to come on the job. So she said to him, "I was once the cancer patient," and began to tell him.

71He said, "Who did you say, Billy Branham? Why," he said, "I've sold him a many a bunch of red hots and ice cream cones." He said, "Wonder if he'd come pray for me?" And I went over to pray for Junie Schimpff.

72And now if you would like to talk to him, it's Schimpff's Candy down here, right next door, or second door from LeRose Theatre, down the street. Schimpff's Candy, all of you here know where that's at. My, it's one of the oldest establish in Jeffersonville.

73And while lying there, dying, with five specialists giving him just hours to live. It was THUS SAITH THE LORD, "You'll not die; but you'll sell me again red hots, over the counter." Long...

74 I knowed he got well, but long had I forgotten that. And wife and I was going down to buy some candy, when we got here at Christmas. And how, I don't know, that we ever thought of Schimpff's. Cause, usually, go over here to some of these drugstores and pick it up, but we stopped in front of Schimpff's.

75When I went in, his sister looked, and she said, "Well, Brother Branham." She said, "You remember Junie?"

76I said, "Yes." And there, a great big, strong, healthy-looking fellow.

77And I walked over to the counter, looked at it, looked down like this. I said, "I'll take a pound of those red hots."

78And he said, "Yes, sir." So, his sister was waiting on my wife. And, so, he got them out.

79And I said, "I used to eat them, a long time ago, over here in the picture show"; keep my head down.

And he said, "Yeah," said, "many of the kids buy that." "They still buy," I said.

He said, "My father made that, fixed up that formula." I said, "I really like them."

80Now, after he got it all fixed out and hand it to me, said, "Is there anything else?"

And I said, "I don't know," and raised up. Oh, my! He said, "Brother Branham!"

81I said, "Here is the red hots, that, I told you, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD,' about five years ago."

82He said, "Brother Branham, I am so completely healed, there is not even one effect. I'm a tiny bit hard hearing in one ear." I guess he is in his fifties. He said, "I'm a tiny bit hard hearing in one ear, because they give me so much antibiotic when I was in there." Amazing grace of Jesus Christ!

83 Now I haven't got much time now to say something else, but I--I--I want to make this statement.

84How many remembers about the squirrels? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. That was a puzzling Scripture, in my life, that I--I never could understand that.

85And there was another one that puzzled me, that was when Moses could tell God a better way than God knowed how to do anything, when Moses said, "The people will say, 'Your God was able to bring you out, but not able to keep you,'" and Moses threw hisself in the breach. Then later I found out that, Moses, that was Christ in Moses, standing for the people. See?

86 So then on this Scripture, that I never would preach on it, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved.'" And you know the story, so I'll bypass that. Now, little did I know what that was leading to. And I think that Brother Woods and Brother Fred, and them, are here in the building, which was present when that happened, or right after it happened there.

87And Brother Rodney and Brother Charlie, from down in Kentucky, Sister Wood's brother and them was present when it happened down in Kentucky, which was the second time it happened. Just simply speaking into existence, things that wasn't. See? Speaking, all time, and backing up the Scriptures, encouraging.

88The third time it happened was Hattie Wright. Is Hattie here tonight? That's Edith's... How many knows Hattie Wright? Brother Woods and I were sitting there when it happened, and when the Holy Spirit said, "Give her what she wants," and we was talking about that, how them squirrels come into existence.

89 And I said, "Is, only thing it is, He is Jehovah-Jireh. Just when Abraham needed a ram, God provided that ram. And He provided the squirrels. He can speak a squirrel just into existence, because He is creator, just the same as He could speak the ram. Abraham never asked for it. He was just simply going on to do it, but it showed that Jehovah-Jireh was there."

90When I said that, a humble little woman... For the first time this ever happened, the Third Pull, upon a human being, was a little, humble woman.

91That, making about two hundred dollars a year, for her living, all she got out of her little farm. Her husband dead; two children that had turned kind of wild. And come and donated twenty dollars, of that, to the building of this Tabernacle. And Meda had give me some money that morning for groceries, twenty dollars, and I was going to give it back to her that day, while I was down there, so that she wouldn't have to pay it. But she wouldn't take it. And when...

92She was sitting back in the corner, and when I said, "Only thing I know, is, He is still Jehovah-Jireh."

93 And little Hattie said the right word. She said, "That's nothing but the Truth."

94And when she said that, Brother Banks Woods here is one that was present, that room felt like it was coming apart. And the Holy Spirit said, the same Voice that spoke about the squirrels, said, "Give her what she asks for."

95And I said, "Sister Hattie, as a witness before God, this is it. Now, if there is any doubt in your mind, you ask what you want to, and if it ain't laid in your lap, then I'm a false prophet."

96She said, "Brother Branham." Everybody was crying. Said, "What shall I ask?"

97I said, "You are poor, and you live on the hill over there, with no money; you might ask for that. You got a little, crippled sister sitting here, Edith, that we prayed for, for years; you might ask for her healing." I said, "Your father and mother is old and broke down; you might ask for them. Whatever you ask for, Sister Hattie, see now if it happens or not, right now." And I said, "He has just told me, the same Voice, said, 'Give her what she asks for.'"

98 And she looked around, said, "What shall I say, Brother Branham?"

99I said, "Say what your desire is. Think of your greatest desire, and say it."

100And her boys was even snickering and laughing. And she said, "The greatest desire I have is the salvation of my two sons."

101I said, "I give them to you, in the Name of Jesus Christ," and there they went.

102And they been faithful in this church, with communion, them little fellows sitting there washing feet with the man, and things like that. We all are witness of that.

103She had a real choice. Her mother has to die, so does she, all of them. But what she asked will be Eternal, and the salvation of her children. That was the third time it happened.

104 The fourth time it happened, I just explained it here the last time I was here, was up on the mountain where that storm raging. How many heard it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, all of you. All right. Where the storm raging. And God being my Judge standing here, going down the mountain when...

105David Wood, he is here somewhere, I guess, that made me a sandwich, and it was quite a one! I think he was trying to get even with me for the one I made for his daddy, a few years ago. He had bologna, and--and meat and everything mixed together. And I put it in my shirt, and it rained, and just got it just a big wad of dough.

106And I was coming down the mountain. It was so stormy, I couldn't even see my hand before me, hardly. And I know, just one thing, you're turned around, 'cause that wind is just whirling.

Now there is witnesses here, to that.

107One of them is one of our faithful deacons, which is Brother Wheeler. Are you here, Brother Wheeler? Where is he at? Yeah, right here, Brother Wheeler.

108 Brother Mann, a Methodist preacher from New Albany. Is he, Brother Mann, in tonight? I don't know whether he is or not.

109Brother Banks Woods. Are you here, Brother Banks? He is in the recording room. All right. And--and David Woods.

110And Brother Evans was there, I believe. Is that right, Brother Evans? Brother Evans, standing against the wall, was there.

111And how they had broadcast for days, two days before that, "A mighty blizzard was sweeping the land."

112 Brother Tom Simpson is here tonight. When coming down out of Canada, they asked him to bypass there 'cause he couldn't get through, "A blizzard was coming." Brother Tom, are you here? Where are you? Here he is, sitting right here.

And there the clouds come up. And I said, "Brethren..."

113Everybody rushed out. There was nobody back there, out of a hundred and something man back there, there was nobody back there but our little group and the cowboy, the rider. And we was going to stay.

114 I called Sister Evans, and had her to call the wife and tell her to tell Tony, "If I didn't get out, get somebody else to hold the breakfast for the Business Men."

115And up on the mountain that--that day, I said, "Now when it, first little rain starts, or anything, take for the camp." I said, "Within ten or fifteen minutes you can't see your hands before you, one of them blizzards, and it'll dump twenty foot of snow just in a little bit, over the mountain."

116And that's how people, you read it in the paper, how they're back there and perish, and everything. But we knew how to get out, and they knowed where we was at, and so we felt led to stay.

117And so up on the mountain, when that blizzard started, I started going down. And I was just about half a mile from where I started, and the Voice of God said, "Turn and go back."

118 And I went back as He told me, after waiting for a while and eating that sandwich that David give me, and went back up there and sat down.

119And while I was sitting there, and that wind twisting and blowing, the tree tops leaning way over, and the sleet and snow a-flying like that, a Voice said, "I am the God of creation."

120I looked up, and I thought, "Where was that? That was the wind, maybe."

121He said, "I created the heavens and earth. I stilled the mighty winds upon the seas," and went on talking.

I jumped up and took off my hat.

122And He said, "Just speak to the storm, and it'll cease. Whatever you say, that's what will happen."

123 And I said, "Storm, you cease. And, sun, you shine normally for four days, till we are out of here."

124And I no more than said it, until the sleet, snow and everything stopped. In a moment or two, the hot sun was shining on my back. I seen the winds blowing like this, come back from the North, coming down... I mean from the East, coming from the East. It was coming from the West; the winds changed and came back this way. And the clouds, like a mystic thing, lifting up into the air, and the sun was shining in a few minutes.

125 Then the Lord Jesus spoke to me a little later on, about my wife down there, as you know, about where I went up there. I've never been home on a anniversary yet, and we've been married twenty-two years. The first anniversary, the first, our wedding, why, I took her on a hunting trip. Cause, I couldn't afford to take the hunting trip, and--and--and go on a honeymoon, too, so I--I kind of put it together. And so, then, and I've been hunting ever since. I felt the way I'd treat her.

Now, that was the fourth time it happened.

126 Now here is something I--I want to say, and I must tell exactly the truth. About sixteen years ago I was in California with Brother John Sharrit, and I was having a meeting. And Meda and I, and Brother Sharrit and Sister Sharrit, and them, were staying in a hotel. And a man named Paul Melikian, who stood right here in this Tabernacle many time; he's a wealthy Armenian. And his wife had give birth to a child up at Fresno, California, where they lived; and was come down, brought his wife down, and called me at the hotel, and said, "Can I bring my wife up, Brother Branham?"

I said, "Yes, you may." Next day, I was going to Catalina.

127So he brought his wife up, and the little lady was so sick! And she looked... I said, "Put your hand on mine, Sister Melikian," I said, "we'll see if the Lord will tell us." And as soon as she laid her hands upon me, I said, "Oh, it's milk leg."

She said, "I don't seem to have any symptoms."

128I said, "You watch." In two days, they was doctoring her for milk leg.

129 Like little Jimmy Poole here, his little baby. The other day he come in with that heart attack, they thought, and it was an asthmatic attack. And I put my hand on him. I said, "Watch him for a couple of days; he's got measles. It's coming through. It's the fever." I met him last night. He said he's broke out, all over, in measles. See?

130 Now, I was talking to Sister Melikian, with the hand. She said, "That's amazing thing, to watch that, Brother Branham." She said, "Does that work on every hand?"

131I said, "Well, if there's something wrong with the patient." I said, "Now here, I'll put my hand on," many of you stood and watched it, and it didn't do it. I said, "Here, there is nothing wrong with my wife, put her hand..."

132"Look here, honey, put your hand on mine." She is sitting there, my wife. She put her hand on mine. As soon as it did, I said, "You have a cyst on the left ovary. You do have female trouble."

And she said, "I don't feel any different."

133 I said, "But you have it." Becky was two years old. My daughter that just played, a while ago, she was two years old.

134Two more years, Sarah come on the scene, and when... She was with caesarean. And I asked Doctor Dillman, our doctor down in--in Corydon, to, "When you have her open, look at that left ovary," and he did.

He said, "There is nothing wrong, that I saw." I put my hand; it was still there.

135Four years later come Joseph. I asked him to look again. "Nothing wrong, as I seen." Put my hand; it was still there. So we just forgot about it.

136Now this is something that I have to say. I don't like to say it, but it just has to make the truth, see, and that's what you want. Always tell the truth, no matter what takes place.

Years had passed, we had never noticed it.

137 And I say this, not because she is sitting there, because I say it when she is not there. And you know that. I don't believe there could be a better wife in the world than my wife, and I hope she always remains that way. And I want to be a loyal husband, and I hope that every young man in this building, when he gets married, gets a wife like my wife. I don't know how long we'll live that way, but I hope the rest of our days on earth. We've been very happy together. God was the one who told me to marry her.

138 At the same time, her not knowing, I was trying not to marry her; not because I didn't love her, but because I didn't think I was able to make a living for her. And she was a fine woman, and I just didn't deserve that.

139And she went out to pray, and opened up the Bible. And guess... She said, "Lord, I've never did this before, but give me a Scripture that'll help me. If I got to forget him, I've got to forget it." Opened the Bible...

140And she went out in a little shed and prayed. And when she opened the Bible up, "Malachi 4. Behold, I send unto you Elijah the prophet before the..." That was--that was twenty something years ago, knowing nothing about the ministry of this day. And I was... couldn't be...

141I was lying down on the river there. And He woke--woke me up, one night, and I heard Him standing there by the door. He said, "Go get her, and your wedding shall be this coming October, the twenty-third." And that's just exactly what I did. And we've lived happy. By the grace of God, we've never had one word. She's been a sweetheart.

142 One day I come in. And she has had to raise these children by herself; me gone in the ministry. Not many women would put up with that; you know that, they would be hard. And then I come in, and she said something or the other. We got Joseph back there, and he's a... He sure is a boy! And he helped put some of the gray hair in his mother's head, as well as I did. So he was really all boy, and he had done something real bad. And I said to her... She said to me, "Bill, give him a licking."

I said, "I just ain't got the nerve." See?

143And she said, "Yes, if you had to put up with it," and she slammed the door right in my face.

144 "Well," I thought, "that's all right. Poor little fellow didn't mean that."

145I just went on out to wash my car. And when I got out there, the Holy Spirit didn't like it; He said, "Go tell her," I believe it's Second Chronicles, 22nd chapter. I didn't. I thought, at first, I just imagined that. I just kept on washing. And It said it again, "Go tell her to read this."

146And I went in and got the Bible, and read it. It was where Mo-... or Miriam, the prophetess, made fun of her brother, Moses, for marrying an Ethiopian girl, and God didn't like it. And He said, "It had been better that her father spit in her face, than--than to--to a-done that."

147 So, Miriam broke out with leprosy, all over. And so Aaron come, told his sister, said... or come told his brother, said, "She is dying, with leprosy."

148And so Moses run in to intercede for her, at the altar. And when he did, the Pillar of Fire come down, God. He said, "Go call her and Aaron, and bring them here." And Aaron was in it, too. So He said, "Call them and come here."

149He said, "If there be one among you," God speaking now to them, "that is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him. I'll speak to him in visions, and reveal Myself to him by dreams, and--and reveal dreams, and so forth." He said, "But My servant, Moses, there is no one in the land like him." He said, "I speak with him from lip to ear." He said, "Didn't you fear God?" See, God didn't like it.

150 Well, when I seen that, I run in. And she was in the other room. I knocked on the door. She had shut herself up. And I told her I want to speak to her. And I went in there and talked to her, tried to tell her what it was. I said, "Sweetheart, you know how I love you, but God didn't like that. You oughtn't to a-said that." Immediately after that, she took a trouble in her side.

151We took her over to the doctor here in Louisville, Doctor Arthur Schoen, and he found a tumor on the left ovary, that I had found fifteen or sixteen years before. "Tumor on the left ovary, about the size of a walnut."

I said, "What about it, doctor?"

152He said, "Let's see what happens. Bring her back again in a few months, about two months or something."

153We took her back. It had growed, from a walnut to about the size of a lemon. Said, "Better come out; if that gets soft and turn malignant."

154And I said, "Well, my," I said, "we're--we're going to Tucson. The Lord has sent me out to Tucson."

155 He sent her up to a female specialist; he didn't want it on his hands. So he must have told him about my ministry, 'cause he... The female specialist said, "It'll have to come out." So he said... We told him we were going to--to Tucson. He said, "Well, I've got a specialist there, a dear friend of mine. I used to live in Tucson." He said, "I'm going to send you to him."

156So he wrote a note and sent it to him, and said, "Mrs. Branham is a nice lady," and went on like that. Said... Sent her the diagram of how big the tumor was, and so forth. It had turned tumor then; and said how big it was. And said, "I know..." You know, he knowed he... I think he thought, called me a "Divine healer." That's all he knowed how to put it. But said, "I have agreed that--that it could come out, and it should. If it has to be taken out, take it out."

157 But it was testing our faith. And constantly we prayed. And more we prayed, the bigger the tumor growed, till it got to a place till it was sticking out on her side. We kept it quiet; a few of the people here knew it; trying to see what would happen. On and on it went.

Finally, when I come down from Canada, from where I left...

158The Lord let me lead that tribe of Indians to Christ. I'm going back to baptize them, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, this Spring, the Lord willing.

159Now, come down, and it was time for her to go, when I was in New York... or down here to have another opera-... to have the operation, or be examined for the last time. I went on to New York. And when I came back, I stopped in here, and went up... After I had the meeting here, the last meeting, I went up there and called her from Brother Wood's.

160And she said, "Bill, I can't even stand my clothes to touch it." It was just way out like this on her side then. And her leg on that side, she could just hobble along, and the worse week she had ever had. Now she is sitting there, listening at me. The worst week she had ever had. And she said, "I've got to go, day after tomorrow, for that examination."

161 I thought, "O God, if they cut it out, that'll keep us from going home at Christmas, and I done told the people I'd be there." And I said, "What a time! Oh, my!" I thought.

162"Tell him, if he's going to operate, well, 'Let it go a little longer, till after Christmas.'"

163Then I got to thinking, "It might be malignant." And back over here, you know, that's a bad thing, run back into the kidneys. If it straight, goes malignant, it'll kill you. So then I thought, "What can I do?"

And Meda said, "Well, now, you call me," said.

164The day that I got in Shreveport, which would be the day after that, when I got in Shreveport, she had to go for the examination. And so she went to the... Mrs. Norman was going, Sister Norman; all of you know her, the people that comes here to the Tabernacle. She was going with her, and to this specialist. And so she said, "Wait till you have your first night, at--at... and then come back." Cause, the difference, two hours in time. "Then call me when you come back, after the meeting, I'll tell you what I've got to do."

And I said, "All right." So, I went on.

165 And the next morning, before I left, I was going to get Billy and Loyce. They are both sitting present. And always...

166We got an old stool there that Brother Palmer covered for us, here not long ago, and we always get around that stool and pray, whenever we're... Oh, Ottoman, like, you know, footstool. Whenever we get around there and pray, when I'm going on a meeting, we ask God to help us.

167And I had been up there, a couple days, and I was--I was lonesome. The house; the kids gone, and her gone. You know, many of you know I had to go through that one time, go back to an empty house; only, I buried that wife, Hope. And now it all over again. And I got down, I thought, "Well, I'll pray and then go pick up Billy and Loyce, and go on."

168 So as I got down to pray, I said, "Lord, I miss them this morning, around here." I said, "I pray that You will help them and bless them. May we come back to this place again. And now," I said, "they're out there because that You sent me there on a vision, and You fulfilled it. Now I'm wanting to wait, to see what You're going to tell me to do next." I said, "I pray for... Be merciful to her." And I said, "Help me in the meeting down there." And then I kept... I said, "Lord, don't let it be malignant. And let that doctor wait till after the first of the year, to take it out. I--I just hate to see her..."

169I said, "Lord, she didn't mean what she did that morning. She didn't mean that." I said, "Lord, not one time has she ever said one word about me going in the meetings, staying months, or whatever it was. Not one time has she ever opened her mouth about it. She has always sent my clothes to the cleaners, and washed my shirts, and had everything ready to go in the meeting. Then, she wonders how she can serve God."

170You women, as you serve your husband, you serve God, of course.

171"And now, and then when I come in, all tired and wore out, people coming from everywhere. I'd have to go out somewhere on a fishing trip, or a hunting trip. Why, many women would have blowed up at that. What'd she do? Got my hunting clothes ready for me to go; let me go." I said, "Lord, she didn't mean that." And I said, "She's had to be cut open three times, on account of she was caesarean." And I said I... "Lord, I--I hate to see her have to do it again."

172 And just then I heard something in the room. I looked up. And a Voice said, "Stand up." Said, "Now whatever you say, that's the way it'll be."

173I waited just a minute. I said, "Before the doctor's hand shall touch her, the hand of God shall take the tumor away, and it won't even be found."

174That settled it, to me. I never called her. We went right on, went and got Billy and Loyce, and went to Shreveport.

175The next night I called her. She was happy. She said, "Bill, I want to tell you!"

176Now here she is, and she can verify this. Had to hobble her way over there; went in the room with the nurse and Mrs. Norman, and put her clothes on for... the gown, for the examination. The doctor came out, and she could hardly get on the table; the tumor hanging up there, so big. And when she... The doctor come in and was talking to her. And he came over, to raise back the sheet to touch her, and, just before he touched her, it left.

177 And the doctor didn't know which side it was on. He said, "Wait a minute!" With the drawed diagrams and all the pictures, and everything else, he couldn't find one trace of it. He examined her, over and over. He said, "I might not be able to explain it, but, Mrs. Branham, that tumor isn't there." And she has never had one symptom of it, since.

178What was it? Notice, just exactly the way It said, "Before the doctor's hand can touch it." One split second, and his hand would have touched it. How perfect is the Word of the Lord!

179Now, there is my wife, and we're both before God. But before the doctor's hand could even touch her body, on the road coming to her like that, something happened, the tumor left. And they couldn't, he--he said... I believe it was, wasn't it, sweetheart? "I want to reassure you, Mrs. Branham," (Is that right, the way he said it? That's right.) "that that tumor isn't there. You don't have any tumor."

180What was it? Just exactly according to the Word of the Lord, that was...?... Amen. That's the fifth time. Five is the number of grace, a number of f-a-i-t-h, too.

181There is no more doubt in my mind. I know what the Third Pull is, and I know what it does. Now be reverent, just keep quiet, the hour will soon arrive where God is going to do some great things for us.

Now let us bow our heads for a word of prayer.

182 Lord Jesus, I had seen it upon other people, but when it come to my own precious wife, it was in my home, then, Lord. I looked at it with my own eyes, felt it with my own hands. And I... fif-... sixteen years before that, it was also, Lord, known and revealed by You. When anything is spoken, it must be done. You were showing me, Lord, then, that, my confidence in what You had done for the people, and would let me know, so I could help them. You brought it to pass in my own home. That was the First Pull. And now the Third Pull confirmed the First Pull.

183We are thankful, Father. Forgive us of our shortcomings. We are a small people. We are uneducated, more or less, an illiterate people. But we are so thankful that we have a great omnipotent God Who watches over and cares for us, for we don't know how to care for ourselves. We commit ourselves to You.

184 Now, Father, I pray that You will help me. And in this Third Pull, may, O Lord, as You've been speaking for the last couple of years about it, showing it on... marking on mountains, and so forth, and bringing it on up. Now, I was watching to see what it was until it was completely confirmed. Now I pray, Father, that You'll help me to be more reverent, with this, than it was before, and may You get glory. As, right over this same pulpit, where the First was said, the Second, and now the Third, and what You have said has come to pass exactly what You said. We believe You, Lord God.

185Help every one of us to throw away our disbelief and our superstitions, that we might stand in the Presence of the living God, knowing that, the same God that took that tumor from my wife that is sitting present now; verified by some of the highest medical science we got in the country, who examined it, and then looked, and pictured it; and now it's gone. You are God and there is none other besides You.

186 And we love You because that You have--You have let us become Your servants. And may we serve You with reverence and honor, all the days of our life. Grant it, Lord. May I be able, and my family, and all these people, be able to be shining Lights, salty salt that will cul-... create a thirst in others, to love this Jesus that has done so much for us.

187Now as I open the Word, to read It for a little text, and then pray for the sick, help me, Lord. Speak to us, and heal the sick, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

188 Would you, have I got time just for a... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If I hurry real quick on... some text here, I want you to read now, or mark down, or whatever you wish to do. The first one is found in the Book of Numbers, 21:5 to 19, and we want to--to read this.

And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our souls loatheth this light bread, Angels' food.

And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. Therefore the Lord...

Therefore the people came to Moses, and said,...

189Confession! Watch, "We have sinned!" See, that's the first thing for healing, confession first.

... We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he may take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: that it shall be, come--come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

190 Now, also, I wish to read a Scripture out of Zechariah, the 12th chapter, the 10th verse.

And I will pour out upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

191Now for a text, I'm going to take this: Look Away To Jesus. Look away from the world, to Jesus. Moses made the serpent; and here the prophet, later, was speaking of it, what would happen, looking away to--to Jesus.

192The Bible said, in Isaiah 45:22. We find that God said, "Look unto Me, all the ends of the earth." And now when the earth has come to its end, or the system of the earth has come to its ends, let the people look unto Him.

193 Now you might say, "We have heard this, generation after generation. We've heard this for a long time." That is true, and it's been preached for a long time. Many ministers has took this same text, thousands of them.

194But here is the thing I want to ask you, tonight, for these next few minutes. But when you look, the question is--is, what do you see when you look? What do you see when you do look? That only depends on what you're looking for. See? Now He said, "Look unto Me, all the ends of the earth." Moses lifted the serpent up, and, ever who looked, got healed. Now, it depends on what you're looking for.

195 I have seen people come into the meetings, in this last day, could only be able to sit in the meeting for just about one or two minutes. That's all they could stand. See, they couldn't stand it.

196I'll never forget, I hope this don't reflect on anybody from Iowa, when I had the meeting at Waterloo.

197Brother Lee Vayle, he was here this morning. I don't know whether he's here tonight or not. Are you here, Lee? He was here this morning. Yes, back over in the recording, back here. All right.

198 Brother Lee and I done everything we could. And give the ministerial association a breakfast, free, just to come down and speak to them. Brother Lee Vayle, of course, is a scholar and--and a Doctor of Divinity, that he really earned his degree. And so I tried to get him to speak before these Lutheran, Presbyterians, and so forth, but he said, "No, they're looking to you to do it."

199Well, I went down and took my text, before these ministers, after they had all got through eating. I took my text: I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision. No more than I had read the Scripture, about two looked, out the door they went. So as I started to say, "As Paul in his day, with a odd ministry, and now he stands before Agrippa and said that he wasn't disobedient to it," about two or three more got up. And by time I got to where I could say something about the text, there was just about three or four sitting there. They had all got up and gone.

200 The reason of it, is, is this. Some come to a meeting, when they hear of an evangelist, the way he dresses has something to do with the people. If he don't wear the right kind of clothes, some of them...

201I heard a--a psychologist say, the other day; Doctor Narramore, a fine man, Christian man, his program is on KAIR there, all the time. He said, "The way to tell that a man was losing his mind, is when he didn't dress according to his disposition." You know, to how he has to appear before the public, that was a sign that he was losing his mind.

202Well, then, I've been crazy all my life then, see, 'cause I wear overalls and everything, see. So, fitting to my position, I must dress like a clergyman, in other words, to--to be a clergyman.

203I don't think Jesus dressed like a clergyman. He dressed like a ordinary man. He went in among man, and it wasn't nothing dressing.

204 But that's just, see, how that the ideas of man. It doesn't... How about if this man, or, I wonder what the doctor would think of this, when a prophet in the Bible was commanded to strip off his clothes and walk naked before the people? He really would a-been crazy, wouldn't he now? But God told him to do it.

205Another one had to lay on his side for three hundred and forty... Months, I believe it was, lying on his side, one side; and then turned over the other side. And eat a pot of lentil that he had made there; had to go and seethe this stuff and make it up, together, and eat it all that time; reach over and get a handful and eat, lying on his side, for a sign. See?

206 Oh, how far people can get from, really, Word of God. They just get so educated till they educate themself away from God. When a man talks about he's got a education, I know that's just how far he is from God; see, a doctor's degree. Not saying this against Doctor Vayle, 'cause he isn't that type. But, usually, when a man gets a doctor's degree, that just means, to me, he's that much farther from God, see, unless he can hold hisself to the Word and to God.

207 Now, we find out that some comes to hear the way you speak, when they come to look. You talk about Divine healing and the Lord; if a man isn't typical, an educated genius, the people just can't stand to hear him use words as "his'n, hain't," and--and words like... They just... They don't. They think that that's way away from God.

208And when Jesus spoke such simple language, until, today, it's got the professors confused, for they try to interpret it according to the scholarships and the language of that day, and it was street language. Therefore...

209Why, there is so much difference even here in our United States! I called from Florida, to New York, and had to get a woman over here, too, at St. Louis, to translate between this southern girl and the northern girl. That's how much difference there was. See? Certainly.

210 Now the thing of it is, that people look for those things, speeches, instead of the Word. The Word being manifested is the evidence that It's right. See, the Word being manifested! They will never look at That. You've got to have an intellectual conception, to know, go at the seminary and learn how to bow, how to stand in one place, and all. Oh, that would choke a minister, to death, that was really filled with the Holy Spirit. See? Now, that's intellectual.

211And that's the way that this whole nation has got. It's got an intellectual conception of Christ. That's what they look for. "And if Christ is in you, you've got to be a scholar, you got to be an intellectual," 'cause that's what they think Christ is.

212 And another time, another thing, they form their own 'pinions of what He ought to be, their own idea, instead of taking what the Word said. That's the way when they look, and even see Jesus Himself, they fail to recognize Him. They did it on the Day of Pentecost. They did it when It was in flesh. They did it when He was in the manger. They did it when He was on the streets of Jerusalem. They did it when He was on the cross. And He was the fulfillment of that Word. And, yet, they had the Messiah coming down on a corridor out of Heaven, and everything else, and was wrong, because it was their intellectual conception. And they failed to see Him, and, looking right at Him. So is it today!

213 What do you see when you look? Some look to see, when they look at Him, they look to see some great intellectual church founder, somebody who can really produce a creed that will cause all the people to fall for this creed, something another. That's what they look when they see Him.

214Some look to see a myth, like Santa Claus, when they look. They read the Bible, and say, "Ah, that's a mythical thing. It's just something that man wrote. That's what, they, 'cause when they..." What opinion you take of the Bible, is what you take of Him. See?

215Some look to see a baby. Some look and see a--a rabbit or a Santa Claus. Some look to see some historical book that was yesterday and not today.

But, the question is, what do you see when you look?

216 So many of you, that claim to have the Holy Ghost, look and see the second person of a trinity. When, it's not even mentioned in the Bible. There is no such a thing. The word trinity is not even in the lids of the Bible. But, yet, when you look at Jesus, you regard Him as the third person or the second person of a trinity, and that's the reason you don't get nowhere.

217You know what He said? "I am God, and there is none other besides Me." See?

218Depends on what you're looking at. If you want to put some little mascot boy, an old man with beard, and so forth; if that's the way you look at Jesus as being some different person from God, you're looking wrong. You don't see It.

219 Here not long ago, I had a pair of field glasses. I was trying to watch some antelope, or an antelope over in a field. And my son was trying to show me, and he is quite a bit younger. So he said, "Take them glasses, daddy! There stands the antelope, right out there!"

I said, "I can see him with my natural eye."

He said, "Take these glasses."

220When I looked, I seen about ten antelopes, but the glasses was out of focus. And when I went to focus them in, all ten of them become one.

221And if you will focus your mind to God's Word, the three will be One. See? But your ecclesiastical glasses get out of focus when you try to make Him three. He is One. See?

222 But it depends on what you are looking at. What do you see when you do look? Remember, you can only see Him as you look at Him through the Word. You can't look at Him through a textbook. You can't look at Him through a creed. You will see two or three gods, and everything else, in them creeds. But look at Him through the Word, and you'll see that He is "Emmanuel, 'God made flesh among us.'" He said, "I am God, and besides Me there is none other." He is God.

223 Isaiah looked one time, the prophet, and when he seen Jesus... My subject is, "looking to Jesus." Look Away To Jesus. When Isaiah looked away from the world, to see Him, he said, "I see a Counselor, a Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father." That's what Isaiah looked away and saw.

224Daniel, one time, was standing when he saw the--the ending of the Gentile kingdoms. He saw the image that Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed. He saw how each one would succeed the other, as they come down. And when he looked to see what was all going to happen at the end, when he saw Jesus, He was "a Stone hewed out of the mountain, without hands," that crushed the Gentile kingdoms.

225 Nebuchadnezzar throwed three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, that believed in God and stood on His Word. If they had to die for It, they was going to stand, anyhow; just a little thing, of bowing their knee some other way. But when he looked away and saw Jesus, He was "the fourth man" that was in the fiery furnace, and it kept all the heat off of His obedient servants. That's what Nebuchadnezzar saw.

226Ezekiel looked away to see Him one day, and He was "a Wheel in the middle of the wheel," way up in the middle of the air. He was the Hub to the wheel, where every spoke is fastened to. Amen! The big wheel run by faith, but the little Wheel turned by the Power of the Lord. That's who Ezekiel saw when he looked away.

227 John the Baptist looked away one day, and, when he did, he saw a Dove; and a Voice, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." That's what he saw. Then, he saw Jesus and God being the same Person, 'cause the Spirit come down from Heaven like a Dove, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell." That's what he saw. Notice, He identifies Himself in that way.

228Noah, when he looked away to see Him, Noah saw the just judgments of God coming upon a people of this world who had rejected His Word. That's what Noah said when he looked away.

229Moses, when he looked away, he saw a bush on fire. A Pillar of Fire had brought Itself back into a bush, and, when Moses drawed close to It, He said, "Take off your shoes, for, 'I AM.'" Now, if you would weigh that word, "I AM," it's past tense, present tense, and future tense. "I AM," Eternal! See? "I AM," he saw the "I AM." That's what he saw in the burning bush.

230 Israel looked at the brass serpent that Moses made, and saw the suffering of Christ for the judgment for the sick, for we know that the serpent spoke of the Atonement.

231Jesus was that Atonement. "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up," for the same purpose. See? Why? They had sinned, and had got sick; that was for the taking away their sins and for their sickness. And that's what, "Jesus was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed." Take Divine healing away from Christ, you cut half the Atonement, in two. See?

232What do you see in Him when you look? Do you see that? Do you see that, "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed"? When you look away, can you see that, or can you just see one side of the Atonement? Can you see both sides of it when you look?

If you look at it through the creed, they'll tell you, "The days of healing is passed."

But if you look at it through the Word, you'll see, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." See?

233 The disciples looked to Him when they were in a troubled sea, and they saw the only help that could help them, coming.

234Martha looked to Him in the time of death, and she saw that He was "the resurrection and the Life." Amen! In time of death, Martha saw, when she looked at Him... He had been rejected by her people; He had been turned down; even, she had sent for Him, and He did not come to her brother. But when finally He come, and she went and fell down so she could look at Him, she found out that He was both "resurrection and Life." Amen!

235Jairus did the same thing, a secret believer; a little Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, that really believed, but couldn't get around, on account of his denomination wouldn't let him, because he would be excommunicated. But his only little daughter lay at the point of death, and he had to go. But when he found Him, he found out that He was the resurrection and Life.

236When he sent for Him, a runner come and said, "Don't trouble the Master, for the girl is already dead." He... And his little heart almost failed.

237But He said, "Did not I say, 'If you'll only believe, you'll see the Glory of God'?" Jairus found out that He could raise up the dead, when he looked at Jesus.

238 The hungry looked to Him, and found sustaining food for life. That was natural. The hungry, spiritual, can look to Him and find out He's the Bread of Life.

239The dying thief looked to see what he could see, and he found, in Jesus, his pardon. "Remember me, Lord, when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom." Jesus said, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." That's what he saw in the hour of his death.

240The sick looked to Him, and saw the Healer. The blind looked, and could see.

Depends on what you're looking at now. What are you look?

241Peter and Nathanael looked, and seen the promised Word of their prophet, Moses, made manifest. "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me, and to Him the people shall cling. And all that don't believe Him, and hear that Prophet, will be cut off from the people."

242 And when Peter walked up into His Presence, Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." He knew right then, when he looked the first time on Jesus, that there was the fulfillment of what the Word of God said He would be. Amen.

243I wonder if you found the same thing when you looked at Him for the first time? I wonder if the promised Word manifest Itself to you when you looked at Him?

244 Nathanael, as soon as he come into the Presence of Jesus, a little bit in doubt... We find out that Philip had went and told him, "Come, see Who we found."

And Nathanael come, and he said, "Which one is He?"

He said, "Probably it's the one up there praying for the sick."

245He pressed his way through till he get a look at Him. And when he looked, Jesus said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You ever know me?"

246He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

247Then what did Nathanael find? He found out that there was the King of Israel. He said, "Thou art the Son of God. You are the King of Israel." That's what he saw when he looked. He got the interpretation of the Scripture, brought to light before him. He saw it, the same Scripture that the anointed prophet Moses had said, "He will be a Prophet likened unto me."

248 The woman at the well, she got a look one time, and what did she see? She expressed it in the city. She said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" When she took her first look at Jesus Christ, she saw the Messiah.

249People can look at the same thing today, and call It "mental telepathy." They'll call It "spiritualism." They'll call It any kind of a devil name they can call It, because they don't know what they're looking for. Amen. They don't understand. They're looking for a creed. They're looking for a genius to set the church in order. They're looking for more members, and fail to see the blessed Lord Jesus Christ in His identified Word. Right.

250 Depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for the fulfillment of the promise of today, you'll see it. But, if you're looking for some intellectual, or something that they've always looked for, some great founder, some historian, some other person, something else, you'll fail to see It. But when you look at Him through the Word, the Word declares Who He is.

251He challenged the people of His day to do the same. They couldn't see Him. He said, "You blind leaders of the blind. You claim Moses to be your prophet. If you would a-knowed Moses, you would know Me. Moses wrote about Me." And they were too blind to see It. Looking right at It, and too blind to see It.

252I'm dove-tailing that "glare," this morning, for a few minutes, you see. They're looking, and don't know what they're looking for, because they've got the wrong conception of what they're trying to find. How would you know what you wanted to find, if you didn't know what you was looking for?

253 How would you go hunt for a pumpkin, and you had never seen one and never heard of one? How would you go find a watermelon, if you never knowed there was such a thing, and how it looked? Why, you could find a tub, and think it was a watermelon. You could find something else, you could find a block, and think it was a watermelon.

254But you've got to know what you're looking for. And the only way that you'll ever know what you're going to, what you're looking for; if you're looking for Jesus, you will look to the Word, for He is the Word. "They are They that testify of Me. Search the Scriptures."

255"You claim you're... are the believers of the prophets, but you're of your father the devil. Your fathers, who claim; when God sent the prophets to them, he put them in the grave. They--they kill the prophets. Every one that come," Jesus said, "which one of them your fathers didn't stone? And the works of your father you'll do." Amen! Righteous men, holy men, a man that you couldn't put a finger on, and yet He called them "serpents and devils." See?

256What you looking for? If you're looking for some pious person? Some people thinks that because the Holy Spirit worked through you, you'd have to be some long, pious fellow, walk around and not even... That's not the Holy Spirit. God don't deal through angels like that, or supposed to be. God deals through men. The Bible said, "Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are," but you couldn't be with him till you seen Jesus.

257 Peter and John, at the gate called Beautiful. And when they pulled them up there about healing that man, "They had perceived that they were ignorant, unlearned, but they also perceived that they had been with Jesus," see, because His Life was reflecting through them.

Now, depends on what you're looking for.

258 The woman had read the Bible. She knowed there was a coming Messiah, and she knowed what that Messiah would do. And as soon as Jesus said to her, "Bring me a drink."

She said, "It's not customary." He's just a ordinary man.

259Now, if He had been sitting there with a great big turban on, and all kinds of ornaments over Him, of--of some holy person, why, the woman would have said, "Well, there's a priest," and went on. Or, "There is some kind of a rabbi," went on.

260 Minister, something another; I seen a man come to eat, today, where I went to eat. And that fellow come in, he--he had enough crosses and things on him; it's a good thing sometimes them fellows have that. I think you ought to live a life. You don't have to have a lot of clergy clothes, to prove what you are. Sometimes they drink, and carry on so much, and smoke cigarettes, and everything, they have to wear clergy clothes to even know whether they're a minister or not. That's right.

261I tell you, the clergy clothes for a man to wear is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That'll identify you as being with Jesus!...?...

262Now, we find out, that depends on what you're looking for. A well-dressed, well-groomed, some kind of a turban; you'll never see Him, because He was just an ordinary man. God deals with man. Jesus was a man; God was in the man, and He was God.

263 Now, we find out that this woman, when she saw this mysterious sign, that He could tell her what she had done that was wrong, or what was on her heart, she knew right then that was the Messiah. So, when she looked at Jesus, she saw the Messiah.

264The Messiah, what was the works of the Messiah? Would know the secret of the heart. Did that catch you right? I wonder if you'll understand. If you'd look for Him, tonight, what would you look for? He would be the same. The Messiah is the Word, the Word! And the Bible said, in Hebrew the 4th chapter, that, "The Word of God is quicker, more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting even to asunder of bone, and a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."

265And when she knowed that Messiah was to be that Word made manifest, and could tell her what was wrong with her, she knowed that was Messiah. Not how He's dressed, not how much education He had; but, by the sign that He showed her, He was Messiah. When she saw Jesus, she saw the Messiah; God in a Man, as promised for that anointed age.

266 But you know what? Many, of them same ages that I have spoken of, never seen that thing. Many of them didn't see it. Same today. Many didn't recognize Moses. Many didn't recognize Elijah. Many didn't rec-... They never recognize them till they're gone, then they recognize it.

267The unbeliever seen, in the days of Noah, only what did the unbelief look at? I've told you what the believer saw, now let's see what the unbelievers saw. In the days of Noah, what did the unbelievers saw--see back there when they looked? They saw "a fanatic, blundering around on a so-called boat." That's all they saw. "Some crazy old man with long white whiskers, that had lost his mind, and, against scientific research and proof, said, 'There's water up there.' Why, the poor old fellow!" They felt sorry for him. "Pass him by; he, he'll be declared insane soon. He's lost his mind."

268 But he had the Word of the Lord. He was building away, on it, and God was showing evidence that the flood was coming. It was a sign to them. Them who did not believe Noah's story wandered on into darkness, and ended up in death, in the water, and a grave of hell.

269Pharaoh, he looked one time. What did he saw, what saw Pharaoh? He seen "a fanatic, so-called prophet, with many so-called claims of deliverance." That's all he saw; a mud-dauber, a slave standing up amongst the people, and saying himself was sent of God to perform miracles. Why, they thought the fellow had lost... Said, "Go, let him rave on. He'll... They'll declare him 'insane,' after a while."

270But he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. The believers, Aaron, Joshua, and many of them, seen God in Moses. And the works of God, Moses done, that's the reason they knowed God was in him. They looked and saw God in Moses.

271 The rich man looked and seen exactly Who He was. See? But he refused to follow Him, because he loved the things of the world, too much, to follow Jesus.

272How many a rich man will listen at this tape, of that type! Don't have to be always rich in money; no, you can be rich in lust, rich in pleasures of this life. How many man, how many young girls, and how many young boys, will not sell out their popularity of some sex queen, or some Ricky with a banjo or a guitar, going out and entertaining some rock-and-roll, or some dance that he is able to do! How many of them will claim their riches of popularity, and refuse, when they sit right in the meetings and watch the Hand of God move and declare His Word! How many will do it!

273 He chose his denomination. He could live by it. "Jesus was a fanatic," to his denomination. So he had to either take what Jesus said, or either he had to take...

274Why didn't he go to his priest, and say, "What can I do to have Eternal Life?" He knowed the priest knowed nothing about It.

So he come to Jesus, and said, "What can I do?"

275Jesus said, "Keep the commandments." Throwed it right back in his lap.

He said, "I've done this."

276He said, "Keep the commandments." Then, he still didn't have Eternal Life, and he knowed he didn't. You can keep all the commandments, and you haven't got Eternal Life, yet.

277So Jesus said, "Now if you want to do what's right, go sell what you got, and give it to the poor. Come, follow Me."

278But that was too much for him. See? We find out that he looked and seen Who He was, but yet refused to take it. And his next look was in hell, looking a way up and seeing Lazarus in the bosoms of Abraham.

279 Pilate looked, one time, when they brought Him. He had never seen Him before. His hands tied; blood running out of His back; a crown of thorns on His head. Pilate looked, and was convinced.

280Because, a horse come galloping down the street, and a rider jumped off, and run over and said, "Here's, the wife has sent you a letter."

281And he looked at it, and she said, "Pilate, my beloved husband, have nothing to do with that just Man, for today I've suffered many things in a dream because of Him."

282He trembled. His knees beat together. And he said, "If You are the Son of God, if You're the King, why don't You speak out? Are You the King of Israel?"

He said, "You have said it."

Said, "Tell us truth."

283He said, "To this end I was born." And Pilate marveled. He...

284All, everybody, was begging and crying at his feet. He said, "I have power to kill You, or I have power to release You."

285He said, "You have power of nothing, 'less it be give to you of My Father." Whew!

286 Sir, he was convinced that That was more than a man. He was thoroughly convinced that It was more than a man. Certainly, he was. But (what?) his politics and popularity was too great. See, he turned Him down. His popularity was too great. The politics, his position in life, was too great, to accept this fanatic.

287Wonder how many Pilates will be listening to this, that your position in some denomination will be too great, to accept the real Lord Jesus standing in the position that He is today.

The Roman soldier, at the cross, looked on Jesus.

288 After the earth had had a nervous prostration, shook till the rocks wrung out of the mountains. And the sun went down in the middle of the day, and turned dark. The stars didn't come out to give its light. And the earth burst forth with rocks and an earthquake. And the zig-zag lightning swept the skies; and ripped the temple veil from the top to the bottom. And, the people running and screaming, they didn't know what had taken place.

289And that Roman soldier that helped nail Him there, had punched the sword through His heart, then he looked, but it was too late. He looked and believed, but it was too late for him to believe. What he had done had sealed his doom; he had run the spear through the Saviour's heart. It was too late.

290 I wonder how many Romans today has done the same thing, and will do the same thing. You might look, someday, but it might look too late. Many of today will come in that day and be the same way. They have known.

291Brother Woods here; yesterday. Saying this just because it's in this Message. Down here at the Slider Company, a Roman Catholic sitting there. He went down to get some concrete for the church here, and, when he did, he told him where he wanted it for. And the Roman Catholic said, "Is that Brother Branham?"


292He said, "I'll say one thing; when he prays, God answers." See?

293Wonder then, knowing it, seeing the vindication that it's truly the Gospel, not me; any man representing Christ. It's the Word we're talking about, not man.

294What am I trying to say? Is this, that, they see the clearly a vindicated Word, like Pilate and the rest of them did, like the Roman soldier, but are you going to wait too late to do anything about it? He should have used the spear the other way. The doors will be closed, like it was in the days of Noah, and then it's too late. You might wake up some morning, and say, "I intend to get out of this mess." Don't wait too long. You had better look and live now.

295 Luther looked away from the Catholic denomination. What did he see? A Pillar of Fire. He saw an independent church.

296Wesley looked away from the Anglican denomination. He saw the same thing.

297The Pentecost looked away from all the denominations. And what did it become? A great, mighty people.

298What did each one of them do? When the founders, Luther, and Wesley, and them, and when they looked away and saw what they did and started out; their children, coming behind them, looked back to where they come from, out of the denomination, and took that group of people right back into the same mess that they came out of.

299What are you looking at? The founders look right. But the people, following them, looked back to what the founders come out of, and done exactly what the founders was against; the anointed one of God.

300You know, I got to hurry, 'cause I got a prayer line coming, and I know many of you has to travel.

301 One day I took a look. I saw the Word made flesh. I saw the Alpha and Omega. I never seen any three, four, or five; I saw One. I saw Him as my Saviour. I saw Him, the Word. I saw Him, the Light. I saw Him, the Mighty God. I seen God in Him. I saw the Pillar of Fire. I saw, in Him, exactly what the Bible said He was. I saw that He was the Alpha and Omega, that He was the Pillar of Fire. He was the same yesterday, today, and forever. I saw that the Pillar of Fire said, to John, "His never-failing Presence." As he said in John's, over there, "And His never-failing Presence will never leave you." Brother, my opinion tonight, sing that song:

"Look and live," my brother, live,

Look to Jesus now and live;

For it's recorded in His Word, hallelujah!

It's only that you "look and live."

302 Look! What do you see? Do you see deliverance? Do you see what He is? Look through the Word and see what He was, then you look through the same Word and see He's the same today as He was then. He is the antitype of the brass serpent in the wilderness, for the same cause, sin and sickness.

303 Judas took a look, one day. And when he looked, after he had took a real look at Him... He had only been looking at the treasure, before that, the pot of money they had. But one day when he looked and seen Jesus, you know what he seen? He seen he was guilty. He seen that he wasn't fit to live, and he hung hisself.

304One morning, one of the greatest mornings in the all history of time. In closing, I'm saying this. There's something happening in the Jerusalem, and all at once a bunch of soldiers came down to the--to the jail. I can hear the jingle of the--the chains; hear the dragging of the spear on the street.

305 Who is back in there? Barabbas. He is ready to die. He's a thief. He is no good. He's a robber. He's a murderer. He is going to die.

306First thing you know, he said, "Well, this is all of it for me. I'll be executed this morning."

307The first thing you know, the guard opened the door, "Step out, Barabbas."

He stepped out and said, "Well, I guess this is the end."

He said, "Barabbas, you're absolutely free."

"What? I'm what? I'm..."

"Absolutely free! You're free," I said.

Said, "How can I be free?"

308He said, "Well, come here, Barabbas, look up there. You see that Man dying up there? He took your place."

309 I wonder if we all, tonight, could look and see what Barabbas saw, someone taking our place? "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes," I was healed, you were healed. Wonder if we, the guilty ones, who should be sick, can see in Him our deliverance? You who should go to hell; see in Him your freedom, your pass to Heaven. Wonder if you can see what Barabbas saw on that day?

310He said, "A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." Oh, church! Then, if He said, "You shall see Me," it's proof that you can look again. "You'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." When? How do you see Him? At the Word. He is the Word. Look at the Word and see what the promise is, for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

311 What He was when He walked in Galilee, is the same thing He is tonight in Jeffersonville, the same thing He is at the Branham Tabernacle. What do you look to see, a founder, a denominational man? You'll never see it in Jesus. Do you look to see some great priestly? You'll never see it in Jesus. No. How do you see Jesus? By the Word of God being made manifest, because He was the manifested Word of God. What He was then, He is tonight, and will be forever.

312Let's bow our heads just a moment. I'll cut this off kind of short.

313 Lord Jesus, is my prayer, let me look away from the cares of life. Lord, I--I know we're just a common people, uneducated. We have not much of this world's goods, but we love You, Lord.

314And I speak for this people. They would not sit in a place like this, and squeeze and mash, and around in the crowds; and sit, burning up, in the--the heat; or freezing in the cold, and stand in the... and bringing their children and them, sick and the afflicted, coming around; if they come here to see anything else besides You. Those people, Lord, would never come to see a man. There is plenty of man on the street; they all look alike.

315 But they come to see that Man, that Man of God, that Jesus of Nazareth of flesh, being God. Now, Father, You have told us that, "A little while, and the world would not see You no more," no matter how much they look, they'll never see It. But You said, "Ye shall see Me," the true believer, "because I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." You have promised us, if we look, we would see. And I pray, tonight, that You'll fulfill that Scripture to us again tonight, that we might look and see Jesus making Himself known to us, in the same way that He always has, fulfilling His Word, from henceforth, Lord.

316And I made a statement, before this, and I truly said these things from my heart, about the Pulls, and You told me. And now, as mysterious as it may seem, if we could only pinch our inner conscience, and see that those things could not be foretold, perfectly as they are, unless it did come from God.

317 How could we see that First thing take place? How could the Second take place? How could the Third take place? How could we stand here, months before it happened, and tell what would take place in Tucson? And would open up the Seven Seals, and bring back the mystery, and reveal the hidden things of God, that's been hid since the beginning of time. And to see it, both testified, witnessed, scientifically proven!

318Lord, You're our refuge and strength. You are all that we have. And I thank You, for, Lord, being a part of this great economy of Yours. I thank You, for being a member of Your Body, along with many here who are members of that Body, many all out through the world in different churches, that are members of that mythical Body of Christ.

319 Every time we look, we see Him! See Him when the birds sings. See Him when the sun rises, or when it sets. Hear Him in the songs. Watch Him in His people. See Him a vindicating His Word.

320O Lord, You're our God. Early will we call upon Thee. Thou art our merciful Father. Forgive us of our wrongs.

321Lord, we're at the end time. I see the doors will soon be closed, the doors of opportunity. And while it is daylight and I can still get into some of these places, Lord, help me to go. I'm getting old; give me strength. Renew my youth, Lord. Help me, that I might do something out there, now, that I'm waiting for this great time to come, that will be here. Help me, Lord, as I go out, that I might be able, under some way, to catch that last predestinated Seed, that will bring back the Lord Jesus. Help, O God!

322 And if I'm laying a foundation that another shall stand upon, grant, Lord, that soon it'll happen, that the Word might be fulfilled.

323Our hearts' desire is to see Your Word fulfill. We love You. We believe You. In the midst of an unbelieving, doubting people, a generation of--of--of what we got today, Lord God, we still believe that Your Word will never fail. We believe, that, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but It shall never fail." We stand gallantly for That.

324Now, Father, to this little group that's waited. There is many sick in here. And there may be a unsaved in here. People that been saved, and yet hasn't been filled with the Holy Ghost. Lord God, may You come so on the scene, by Your Word of promise, that the people will look and see Jesus, and then bow down and give their hearts to Him. May the sick look and see that it's impossible for anything else to be doing it, only God, because it is His Word promise.

325What we have said today, both Messages, may it be confirmed now. It's all in Your hands, Lord. And I'm in Your hands. And the--the congregation is in Your hands. Work through us, Lord, to honor Your great Name. O Eternal One, grant this for the glory of God. Amen.

326 I know it's hot, and I want to try to pray for the sick now. And if you'll just give me about fifteen, twenty minutes, I don't know how many cards they got give out, but we're just going to start and pray for the sick.

327Now, Billy told me that he give out, what was it? [Someone says, "One to a hundred."--Ed.] A hun-... What, what? [Someone answers.] All right. Well, let's start. He said he give out from one to a hundred. How many has prayer cards here? Raise up your hands; prayer cards. Well, there's quite a number. We'll try to get to everything that we possibly can, if we can. Now, we can't have discernment on all them, you know, so we'll just pray. And, everybody, how many here doesn't have a prayer card, and yet you're sick? Raise up your hand. Many.

328 Now, look. What is it? Now, I know, we may be a--a teeny bit late off of schedule, about fifteen minutes, but I want to say this one thing. It might be the difference between, here, spending Eternity in Heaven or Hell. See? Look, be reverent and watch, a minute, listen at the Word, and see if He still remains Christ.

329Now, every person here probably knows me. And many of you I don't know, because I don't get here long enough to know you. And many of you are out of town. How many is out-of-town people, raise your hands. See?

330Now, I asked somebody down town, the other day, I said, "Do you ever come up?"

331Said, "There is no need of us coming." Said, "There is so many from out of town, that gets there, we can't get in." See?

332But that's--that's okay. We'll fix a way for them to get in. You come, anyhow. Notice, they had a chance before you did. Yeah.

333 Now remember, now, I am just your brother. I sure you understand that. I am a man; He is God. But God only can work, and always has worked, and only worked, through man. Now look tonight, not to me or to any other person, but look to Jesus Christ.

334Now look tonight at the Scripture, what It promised. How many of you... I can just give all kinds of Scriptures, but how many will just believe Hebrews 13:8, that, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday..."? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And how many believes John 14:12, "The works that I do shall you also"? ["Amen."] See? How many believes that He promised that the very things that He did, in the way of "discerning of thoughts in the heart," would return again in the last day just before His Coming? ["Amen."] Uh-huh. Sure. We all know it. All right. Oh, how many more, hundreds and hundreds of Scriptures, but we know it!

335 Now look. Don't look to see a minister. Don't look to see a pastor. Look to see Jesus. Don't see the man; see Jesus. When you look, see Him. If I could help you, I would do it, but I can't. I can't help you; I'm just your brother. But, He is your Lord, look to Him and believe. All right.

336Now let's start with prayer card number... Well, we'll start from number one. How many... Number one, who has prayer card number one? Raise your hand. Where is it? [Someone says, "Right back over there."--Ed.] You mean your... ["She is standing."] Was that? Oh, I'm sorry. All right. Number one, come up here, lady, right... Which way do you want to bring them, this way? All right, come right here, if--if you can walk. If anybody is called now, that's crippled, some of us help bring you up. Number one.

337 Number two, who has prayer card two? Raise your hand, quickly as you can. Number two, where is it? I don't see it. Where? I'm sorry, I--I can't... Right over here, lady.

338Number three, will you stand up, or something? That's right, number three.

339Number four. Prayer card number four, would you raise your hand? Where is it? I don't see it. Prayer card number four. What say? Number four.

340Number five. Who has number five, would you raise your hand? I don't see it. Number five.

341Number six. Number six. Quickly, right quick, number six. All right.

Seven. You, seven? All right. That's right.

342Eight. Eight, real quick now. Raise up, right quick. All right, eight. That's fine, sir.

Nine. Nine, where's it at? Number nine. All right.

Number ten. Ten, all right, ten, right over here. Ten.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

343And won't call too many, so you get... See, reason we do this... It's just a card with a number on it, see, and you just come by this number. That keeps them lined up.

Fifteen. Prayer card fifteen. All right.

344Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five.

345Let them come, line up now, twenty-five, till you get your line build up. Just get up now according to your numbers. That's right. Don't come all at once. Come around the other way, if you will, if you're over that way, and come. Now twenty-...

346What did we call, twenty-five? [Someone says, "Twenty-five."--Ed.] All right, let's rest on twenty-five, just for a minute. All right.

347Now I say, if you don't want to stand too long, when you see that coming down, then you get right in with them; twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven. Just, well, wait, let the line get down a little, you won't have to stand too much, too long.

Now let's bow our heads.

348 Oh, friends, now what? Now where are we at? Now we're at the--the end. We're at the time where something has to be done, said "yes" or "no." God has got to be found right or wrong.

349Now, today I've preached two sermons, hard, trying to tell you what He is, tell you the time is closing; what He is, what He was. And now when we look, tonight, let's look at Him.

350Now, every person, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, keep your seat now. Don't stir around. Sit real still until you're called. Let the little children...

351Now, if I happen to say, "Bow your head," do it right quick, honey, 'cause evil things leave, such as cancer and diseases, and it goes out amongst the people, and gets into others. All that believe that, and know it's the Scripture, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We find, in the Bible, that evil spirits went from one to the other, when they was cast out. And they try to find a place.

352 And how many times have we seen it in the meeting! People come to the meeting, perfectly healthy and well, sit there and criticize; and, a day or two after that, be found totally blind, or stricken with a cancer, paralyzed. See, because they were unbelievers. I'm not responsible for them; only for the believers. Many of them went in the institution, many years ago, and still there, some went to their grave, just because of being arrogant, unbelieving.

353There is no place for an unbeliever now. It's a place for believers. Have faith in God!

354 Heavenly Father, now the meeting is Yours; it's been Yours, all the time. Now, I can speak on Your Word; but now, from now on, I can't speak. You're the One Who speaks now, Lord. Let it be known that Your servant has told them the Truth. May people here, maybe many are here sick, and won't even be in the prayer line, but You're still here, Lord. You can heal out there, just as You can heal anywhere. Let Thy Word be made known, in Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

355 Now if I can get your undivided attention for just a moment. I want to look down this prayer line. I don't really believe I know one person. Are you, in this prayer line, all strangers to me, you know that I don't know you? Raise up your hands if you are. They are. How many out there knows that I don't know nothing about you? Raise up your hands, out there, see. Sure, ninety-five percent of the people here, I don't. That's true.

356 Now here is a little woman, I never seen her in my life. She is a total stranger to me. Now, she may be here for sickness. She may be here... Maybe she has done something. Maybe she is here for finances. Maybe it's domestic trouble. Maybe she is here for someone else. I don't know. I have no idea.

357But here is exactly a picture that's in Saint John, the 4th chapter, a man and a woman meets for the first time. And no doubt, that, the young woman that met Jesus, He was much older than her, because, "He," they said, "He looked to be fifty, or over fifty," and probably just a young beautiful woman that was out there at the well, was just a young girl. And here again, tonight, two people meet, young and old, without knowing one another.

358 And now she stands there. There is some reason she is there. I don't know. She might be standing there, as a deceiver. She might be standing there, saying something, when it isn't, just to see what will happen. If it is, you watch what happens. See? See?

359Now, I don't know the lady; I've never seen her. She just held her hand, a while ago, that I was a stranger to her. And I hold my hand, she is a stranger to me. I never seen her. Well, now if I...

360Just as a man, I'd have to say, "Lady, what is the matter with you? What are you doing here? What do you want?"

361And she would say, "Mister Branham, I'm--I'm here because I--I suffer with a--a cancer. I suffer with TB. I suffer with a tumor." Or, "I'm out of money. I... My husband left me." Or, "I'm not married, and my boyfriend did so." She would have to tell me.

362"Well," I would say, "all right, I'll--I'll--I'll pray for you; and lay my hands upon you, and say, 'Lord God, give this woman what she wants. Amen. Jesus, do it!'" Let her go away. Well, I guess, if she believed that, she'd get well. That's all right. That's been a ministry for many, many years.

363 But it was promised, in the last days, that as the Angel, God, was dwelling in a human body that come up just before Sodom burned, and He sit with His back turned to the tent where Sarah was, and told Abraham what she was thinking in the tent; God, in a human flesh, wearing human clothes.

364And that's the only way God can do it today, is when He gets in your flesh, see, showing that God would be manifested in human flesh.

365Jesus said, "As it was at the days of Sodom, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man." We have a messenger, Billy Graham and them down there in Sodom, but the elected Church received a Message and a messenger.

366 Now, if this little lady... if the Holy Spirit... Don't say He'll do it, if He would come and tell me what you're standing here for, or--or what you want, or something you've done, or something you're about to do. Why, you would know it'd have to come from some supernatural source, 'cause we're just standing here, see. That would be right, wouldn't it? Then you would know it had to come from a supernatural force. And if the Bible said that Jesus did that same thing, and promised to do it again in the last days, then you would believe it was Him. How many would believe the same thing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then you would see Jesus. You would see His Word.

Now you say, "Is He the Word?"

367The Bible says He is the Word. And the Bible said that the Word discerns the thoughts that's in the heart. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then it will be the Word spoken through human lips, discerning the thoughts.

368Now, I can't. I have no way of doing it, see, 'cause I don't know her; but He does, and He is the Word.

369And He is the One that can take our two spirits, like the woman at the well, and Him, and blend it; and then go away and show me just what she's here for, what she's done, or what she wants, or something. Then I can speak it and say it, and then it's up to her.

370Now you say, "Brother Branham, can you heal her?" No, no. I can't do that. He's already done it. By His stripes we were healed.

371But that's just to raise her faith, to let her know, that, if He knows what she has been and what she is wanting, He knows--He knows how to give it and what she will be afterwards. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, everybody believes that? ["Amen."]

372 Now be real reverent. And you people out there now, without prayer cards, you pray.

373Now, remember, Jesus passed through a group one day, and a little woman touched His garment. And He turned around, said, "Who touched Me?" And He looked all over the congregation till He found her, and told her she had a blood issue. And her blood stopped at that time. See?

374Now, the Bible said that He now is "the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right?

375I'm looking out here at Brother Way, sitting here by his wife. Just recently that man was standing here while I was preaching, just like Paul was preaching all night one night, and this man dropped dead right in the audience. And the Holy Spirit brought him right back to life again. He is a witness, see, that, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

376 How many never did see Brother Way, and would like to see him; raise up your hands, never did see him. Brother Way, would you stand up? Here is the man, dropped dead about where he is sitting right now. Here is his wife, a registered nurse, standing right there. He had no pulse, gone; his eyes turned back, and he was black in his face; heart attack.

377Doctor told him he had heart trouble. Before that, I had found it on discernment, not long ago, and told him that he had heart trouble. And then, all at once, his heart stopped, and down he went. And there he was, lying there, perfectly gone.

378That's about six or eight times that I've seen the Lord Jesus bring back the dead. I seen Him do it, and He can do it tonight.

379 Now I take every spirit, in here, under my control, for the glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Be reverent. Watch.

380I want to talk to you, lady. I've been preaching, you see. And just to catch your spirit, that's exactly what I'm doing. See?

381There's something in you, a life, or you wouldn't be standing there; you'd be just a form, laying dead, and you'd have no life in you. But, being that there is a life in that flesh, it controls you. See? And now even your thoughts and what you think, the words you say, and everything, is what you live by. See? That's what you are, is your words, your thoughts, and whatever you are.

Now, we are, we are here, believing. Now the Holy Spirit...

Like Jesus told the woman, "Bring Me a drink."

382 And, when she brought, she said, "Why, You, You shouldn't ask me that. I'm a--I'm a Samaritan. You're... You are a Jew. We don't have no customs with each other, no--no way, words with each other."

383Now, but, course, we are both Gentile. And we're standing here just believing on God. Now, if His Spirit comes by me for a gift, and can tell you what; that you know whether it's right or not, 'cause you've lived that part of the life. Then, then you have a gift, to believe it. And if you will believe it, and He will tell you about it, then it's all over. And it'll work on everyone here. Now, everybody real reverent.

384 And the lady suffers with something wrong in her throat. It's a throat condition. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, I've never seen her in my life. That's right. That's what she's here for, for me to pray for her throat.

385Now, right then, as soon as I said that, or just before, she was... She knew that there was Something near her. Something come near her, right then. You could see the emotion upon her, a real sweet feeling, like, struck.

386That Light that you see in the picture. Where you at, George? That Light that was in the picture, is hanging right over the woman, right now. See, it's another dimension. She is a believer, not a make-believer. She's a believer.

387Now, being that you are a believer, you believe me to be His servant and prophet? Have to be, to know that. [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Do you believe He could tell you other things that's on your heart? ["Yes, sir."] All right.

388 Here is something that's on your heart. It's somebody you're praying for; child. You believe He can tell me what's wrong with it? It's got a virus. Is that right? [The sister says, "That's right. Yes."--Ed.] Do you believe God can tell me who you are? ["Yes, sir."] You're Mrs. Walker. ["Right."] You're not from here. ["No."] You're from the South. ["Right."] Georgia. ["Right."] You're going home, well. Jesus Christ has healed you and your child. Don't worry about it. It's over. God bless you, sister.

389How do you do? Now here is another woman. I don't know her, never seen her. She's just a woman standing there. Now look, I've been preaching, all together, since about eight o'clock, and it's ten now. That's two hours I been here. That one discernment weakened me more than that two hours of preaching. See? That's... See?

You say, "You mean to say that?" Oh, yes.

390That woman that touched the hem of His garment. He said, "I perceive that virtue has gone out of Me," strength. Is that right? That's what it does.

Now, here is a woman that I have never seen.

391 Billy went over there, if you noticed something, and picked up that boy that we have here with us, George. He is a Baptist boy. I want him to see that what we're talking about is God. His father is, family, is a nice people. They're in Mexico, missionary, fine man. And his father is sick, too. I'm just waiting for him to come. Now just watch close, George.

392Now, this lady, I--I--I don't know her. I--I never seen her. I suppose we're strangers to one another. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] We don't know each other.

393But now, the Holy Spirit, the sweetness of Jesus being present, we are all witnessing that. Now if the Lord Jesus will reveal to me something about you...

394Now, if I could heal you, I'd do it, but I can't do what He's already done. The only thing, if He was standing here tonight with this suit on, that He gave me, well, now, He--He couldn't heal you, because He's already done it. "By His stripes we were healed." See? But the only thing He would, to declare Hisself by the Word that He promised, and make you see that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And He promised to do it.

395 Now if He will use me to tell you what you're here for, will you use the faith that you have, in Him, to believe that you receive what you have... are here for? With all your heart? [The sister says, "Yes, I will."] All right, may the Lord grant it.

396I see the lady has something wrong. An examination shows it is a--a ruptured stomach. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] That's right. ["That's right."] It's true, yes, sir, a ruptured stomach. ["It is."] Do you believe that God can heal that rupture? ["Yes, sir. I believe all I can believe."] You, all you--you... ["With all I can believe."] God bless you. ["God can heal my stomach."]

397Now, you're not from here. [The sister says, "No, sir."--Ed.] Been quite a sacrifice to get here. ["Yes, it has."] It was. ["Praise the Lord!"] Yeah. Yeah. You're from Tennessee. ["Yes, sir."] That's right. Mrs. Hart. ["That's right."] Return back; don't doubt. You'll be healed, if thou canst believe.

398 How do you do, lady? We are strangers to one another. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] I've never seen you in my life, as would know of. I might have, somewhere in a meeting, and you might have seen me, but I don't know you. God knows you. Do you believe in me to be His servant, and the word that I have preached is the Truth? Well, being that I am strange to you; and the Word, that I have preached, you have believed on.

399The only thing, it's, some of them give you a card; either one of the ushers, or my son, or somebody gave you a card. You're number was called, and here you are. That's all I know.

400But you are here, suffering from a nervous condition. It bothers you bad. You have someone with you. You have someone you're praying for. It's a... It's your husband. And he has a spiritual problem that he just can't get over with. And you have a child that's sick, too. You're not from here, but you come from the North. You're from Canada, from Alberta. That is right. You believe me as being God's prophet, and believe that what I tell you is the Truth, go home and you'll receive what you've gotten. Yes. Believe. God bless you, lady.

401 I am a stranger to you. You're a stranger to me. I don't know you. But God does know you. You believe me to be His servant? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] With all your heart? I don't know you, nothing of you. If I could heal you, I'd do so, but I--I can't. ["Amen."] I am not a healer. I am just a man. But He is God. I just a bit confused, because there's an older woman standing between me and you. It's somebody you're praying for. ["Yes."] Yeah. It's your mother. ["Yes, it is. Yes."] And she suffers with a--a high blood pressure. ["Yes, she does."] And you have a--a kidney infection. ["Yes, sir."] That is right. ["That's true."] Do you believe that? ["Yes, I do."]

402Your mother isn't here. [The sister says, "No."--Ed.] But when you go to her, take that scarf that's around your neck, and put it on your mother, and don't doubt, and the high blood pressure will leave her, and your infection will be gone. Go, believe now.

403You believe now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] With all your heart? ["Amen."] Now, you see, I look out across the audience, and just looks like it's just--it's just beginning to get kind of misty, like, out there.

404 "These things that I do shall you do also." He's done more right here, tonight, than He... of that type, than He did in the entire journey on life. That's right.

Now, this one lady here, young woman. I don't know her, she's a stranger to me. But do you believe me to be His servant? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Now just a moment.

405A man come before me, somebody in the audience. Now just a moment. Somebody in the audience. It left here just then; that Light left here. And there was a man standing by It, and somewhere in the audience. Just don't weary; just be of a good courage.

406Let's go back again and see to the woman. Now if the Lord God... This is six or seven, or something another, that's passed through the line, under discernment. And if the Lord Jesus will reveal to me, to this woman, whatever is wrong with her, would it make the rest of you believe with all your heart? Could you accept Christ upon them basis? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? One time ought to prove it. Three times is a confirmation. And this is tens of thousands of times, without one time being wrong.

407You're not here for yourself. You're here for a man. And I see him setting with his head down. He is smoking a cigarette, and you're praying that the cigarettes will leave him. That's... May the Lord God give you your request, sister. Go, believing with all your heart, and may that devil of habit leave your husband, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

408 Your trouble is in your back. Do you believe God will make it well? You do? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] All right. Go, say, "Thank You, Lord."

409I know this woman, I believe it's Mrs. Neece's daughter. Isn't that right? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] I thought it was. God bless you. The old back trouble will leave you now and you can go and be well.

410Do you believe God can heal that arthritis and make you well? Go tell Him you believe Him. Just believe with all your heart.

411How do you do, sir? Do you believe God can heal that stomach trouble and make you well? [The brother says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, then go, say, "Thank the Lord, I'm--I'm going to be well now." And--and you'll--you'll be well.

412Another arthritis case, and age, too. You believe that God will make you well if I lay hands upon you? [The sister says, "He has many times, with you, by laying your hands on me, brother."--Ed.] Did you hear that? [Congregation says, "Amen."] The Lord bless my sister, and give her deliverance again tonight. Amen. Just believe Him.

413Heart trouble, stomach trouble. [The sister says, "Yes."] Do you believe God can heal it? All right. Go, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, may He make you well.

414 How do you do, young fellow? Asthmatic condition. Do you believe that God can heal asthma? [The brother says, "Yes."] Go, believe it; He'll do it. All right.

415Diabetic condition. Do you believe that God can heal your blood and make you well? Go, believe Him, and He'll do it. You believe it with all your heart?

416What if I didn't say nothing to you; just laid my hands on you; do you believe the Holy Ghost is here to make you well? [The patient says, "Yes."] That's the way to do it. Come here. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may he go and be healed. Amen.

417Come, lady. If I didn't say nothing to you, do you believe God would heal you with that female troub-... No, excuse me, He already said it. Go ahead. God bless you. Go, go, believing, then, be made well.

418You believe, sir, with all your heart? God heals heart trouble doesn't He? [The brother says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Makes man well. I'm sure He does.

419He, He is God. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe it with all your heart? ["Amen."] Have faith in God!

420 Some man out here did something, just a few minutes ago. I want to find that. It was blood. Somebody like an accident, or something that happened. It was--it was bleeding. It was somewhere. The man was standing here. Now just pray. Yes, it is. It's the man sit-... Why, it's J. T. Parnell. I know the boy. You're bleeding inside, J. T. Do you believe God will make you well? All right, it'll stop then, J. T. Believe with all your heart.

421The little lady sitting right here, looking right across, sitting there by Brother Grimsley. There is a Light by her. You, little white collar. Mary, I don't know you, but that's your name. You're bothered with a spiritual trouble, and also you're real nervous. Forget it; it's all going to be all right. Believe with all your heart. Have faith in God. If thou can only believe.

422This little lady sitting right back up there in the back row, over on the side over there, she is from Michigan, suffering with a female trouble. Do you believe God will make you well? You can have what you ask for, then. You believe it? Amen. Raise up your hand, say, "I accept it." All right, you can go home and get well. I don't know the lady, but God does know her.

423 What about you here on this cot? You're the only crippled man, or man on a cot. I'm a stranger to you. I don't know you. God knows you. But, I say now, you're shadowed to death. You have cancer. You've come from a long ways. You come from Cincinnati, here. Your name is Mr. Hawk. Believe with all your heart. If you set there, you die. Accept Jesus Christ and be healed. You believe Him? Then stand up on your feet, out of that stretcher, and accept Jesus Christ.

424How many in here believes Him, at this minute? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe with all your heart? ["Amen."] Then let's, every one of you, stand up right now. Stand up. Now in your own way, the way you pray, you lay your hand on somebody next to you.

425 Where is Sister Brown? She been setting here, suffering with that. The other day she called me on the phone, and she couldn't raise her hands up. I seen it was something wrong in her blood. When I met her the other day... She has got diabetes. Where is she? She was here with Mrs. Dauch, a while ago. All right, Sister Brown. Tonight, I want you to believe with all your heart. I know you know what's wrong with you, but I want you to believe. You've come out of the hospital, to come here, see, to be prayed for. I'm praying for you now. Believe. You're going to be well.

426Margie, have faith in God. It's going to quit right now. It's going to end. He can heal diabetes, He can heal you of that sickness in your stomach.

427 Now each one lay your hands on one another, and just hold your hands there just for a minute. Just lay your hands on one another, hold... See, it's going on eleven o'clock, and many of these people has got to drive to Tennessee and different places.

428Surely, the Lord God has proved. What did you see, tonight? Did you see a man or did you see Jesus, Jesus confirming His Word?

429These handkerchiefs laying here, while this anointing is upon me, I have my hands laid upon these handkerchiefs, praying that God Almighty... They said, "They took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs, or aprons."

430Here is those who were dead, and has been raised up. There is those here who were in accidents, smashed up, are healed. There is...

431I see Mrs. Wilson standing here, that, not long ago, she was hemorrhaging to death, with TB, years ago. Here she is tonight, the doctors didn't give her but just hours to live. Here she stands tonight.

432All around, through here, lame, blind, crippled, in wheel chairs and everything, there stand tonight as living trophies. Why is it? Jesus Christ lives, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

433 That man that just testified, a while ago, of him, down there, that had epilepsy, that had it all them years, and everything, and just one time in the meeting. And that's been around, almost twenty years ago; he's never had a seizure since. That's one of the ten thousands.

434He's a healer. Amen. He heals. Now, don't be excited. Just, with child-like faith, look away to Calvary. Close your eyes and forget you're in this Tabernacle. Close your eyes and forget there is anybody around you, and look to Jesus and see. Look to Jesus now and live.

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah!

It's only that we "look and live."

Oh, "look and live," my brother, live,

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah!

It's only that you "look and live."

435Close your eyes to man. Close your eyes to the things around you. And look through your faith, to Jesus Christ, and know, that, "He was wounded for your transgressions; by His stripes you were healed."

436 Lord Jesus, as these people are praying, and, they have their hands upon each other. And we are... realize that we're standing in the Presence of the living, resurrected Jesus Christ, in the form of the Holy Spirit, revealing to us the secrets of our hearts, making known to us our desires, and promising us that He would give us our desires if we would only believe.

437Men and women have their hands on one another. They are praying, because we are fellow citizens of the Kingdom of God. We are fellow brethren and sisters of Jesus Christ.

438And, Satan, we come to you in the challenge of the Name of the Lord Jesus. He is the Sword. He is the One who cuts away the sickness. He is the One who cuts away the doubt. He is the Conqueror. Now we challenge you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you come out of this people, Satan!

439The Word of God is made manifest. It circumcises, takes away doubt, takes away sickness, and brings perfect deliverance. We pray that the Holy Ghost will fall upon this people, and give to them the power of faith to believe that the Presence of the omnipotent Christ is here now. Grant it, Lord.

440I condemn every sickness. I condemn all diseases. I condemn all unbelief. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the Holy Ghost honor what I've said, and sweep through this building and deliver every person in Divine Presence.

441Raise up your hands now and praise Him. I pronounce you well and healed, in the Name of Jesus Christ!

1Amen. Ďakujem, Georgovi, Beky a sestre Ungrenovej, je to pekná pieseň. Je to pravda. Všetko sa mení, keď prichádza Ježiš. On proste vyháňa temnosť a rozširuje svetlo. Sme za to vďační. No, toto je prvý krát, čo Beky tu hrala v zhromaždení, tak to bola veľmi vhodná pieseň - "Keď prišiel Ježiš."

2Tak, sme vďační, že sme tu znovu dnes večer a sme tak vďační, že ste tu boli dnes ráno. A teraz, dnes večer ... Mám krátku tému, na ktorú chcem za chvíľu hovoriť; ale skôr ako začnem, chcem povedať nejaké oznámenia a niečo a som trochu zachrípnutý. Myslím, že to je len z toho, že veľa hovorím. Kážem dlhý čas, ale keď zaberiem hodinu alebo dve, je to na páskach, keď prichádzam sem naspäť, to preto, že to nahrávam a to ide do celého sveta. A tak vám ďakujem, že ste boli dnes ráno s nami takí trpezliví.

3No, je niekoľko vecí o ktorých by som sa tu rád zmienil. To je, že by som sa rád opýtal zboru, tá prvá vec, niečo čo som - čo som urobil a chcem sa dnes večer opýtať, či by som to mohol zmeniť. Nerobím Novoročné sľuby; a zajtra ráno musíme ísť domov, tak na Nový rok tu nebudeme, ale budeme na vás pamätať. Myslím, že tu bude zhromaždenie večer do Nového roku. Áno, to je dobre - strážna služba, ako to oni stále mali z večera do Nového roku. Radi by sme tu zostali, ale nedostali by sme sa potom na čas domov, aby sme dali deti do školy. A moja žena im musí vyprať šaty. Viete ako to je.

4Tak, chcem poďakovať každému jednému z vás za tie pekné veci, ktoré ste pre nás urobili cez Vianoce. A vám ženám, ktoré ste tam išli a priniesli do domu jedlo a veci pre nás, že keď sme tam prišli, všetko bolo už uvarené a pripravené na jedenie; Opravdu vám za to ďakujem. Nech vás Boh stále žehná. A zboru, za ich poukážku na oblek, na ktorú som tu mohol dostal nejaké šaty, keby som chcel. Dávajú mi tu každý rok oblek. A niektorí moji priatelia, mi práve dali oblek; tak si myslím, ak je to v poriadku, potrebujem nejaké iné veci, ako košele a nátelníky a také veci. Rád by som použil tie peniaze na to, ak s tým zbor súhlasí. Viac teraz potrebujem to, ako oblek.

5No, tento mladý muž, ktorý nám práve spieval, brat George Smith, z Tucsonu, boli sme tam v ich zbore - Novozákonná Baptistická Cirkev. Jeho otec je misionár. Myslím, že má okolo sedem zborov dole v Starom Mexiku. A oni sú tam skutočne milí ľudia. Jeho otec a matka a oni všetci sú milí ľudia a George je veľmi milý mladý muž. Bolo mi ľúto, že nám nepovedal svedectvo, prv ako si sadol na miesto, o spasiteľnej milosti Kristovej v jeho živote.

6A teraz, tie posolstvá - sľúbil som tu nedávno, že tie posolstvá (prv ako som odišiel na tie zhromaždenia), že prídem sem a prv ich tu nahrám a potom to pôjde von. To bolo kvôli nahratiu tých pások pre ľudí, potom som sem prišiel a nahral nejaké posolstvo a potom som išiel inde a kázal som to. To dalo ľuďom možnosť, aby ... ktorí nahrávajú, aby nahrali tú pásku, aby sme to zobrali so sebou, keď sme odchádzali.

7No, pripravujem sa na dlhú sériu evanjelizačných ciest, tak od teraz to už ďalej nebudem schopný tak robiť, rozumiete. A ten kto nahráva tie pásky, ich bude musieť proste nahrávať tak, ako budeme chodiť. A myslím, že nakoniec ... Nemajú oni niekedy tento týždeň, či teraz niekedy, stretnutie ohľadne nahrávania tých pások, kvôli tomu ... niečo ohľadne tých pások tento týždeň? Aj tak myslím, že brat Sothmann je tu a on zastupuje brata Maguireho. Neviem, či je tu, alebo nie. Myslím, že brat Fred je tu. Niekto povedal, že tu bude. Myslím, že oni majú stretnutie tento týždeň (možno zajtra večer, alebo niekedy) ohľadne nahrávania tých pások. Rozprávali sme o tom raz večer tam v tej izbe. Myslím, že je čas na niečo. Oni sa zídu a dohodnú sa na tom. Tak od teraz, budem pravdepodobne hovoriť vonku na tých zhromaždeniach posolstvá, ktoré som nehovoril tu v modlitebni.

8A teraz, chcem byť vďačný Bohu za to svedectvo brata Blaira. Je tu brat a sestra Blairovci, sedia tu dnes večer - sedia tu rovno pred nami - on, ktorý mal toho malého chlapca ... No pamätáte sa, keď mi Pán povedal, keď on bol ... Brat Blair bol celý v slzách, plakal. Jeho malý chlapec si takto poranil tvár, keď sa prevrátilo auto a bol na tom veľmi zle. Ale zatiaľ, čo som sa modlil, videl som toho malého chlapca zdravého. A brat Blair, samozrejme, opýtal sa ma, povedal: "brat Branham, je to Tak hovorí Pán?"

Povedal som: "Brat Blair, to je Tak hovorí Pán."

9A brat Blair je tu dnes večer a my sme naozaj vďační, že tu máme brata Blaira. A on má drobné problémy s určitou nervozitou a Satan tu nedávno nastrojil na neho veľkú pascu, snažil sa ho dostať do toho, aby mi neveril. A zatiaľ čo to Satan robil, prišiel Pán a zjavil mu to a povedal mu o tom; proste to odsekol, prv ako sa to mohlo stať. A brat Blair je fajn človek. A chcem aby ste na neho pamätali. On tak trochu váha medzi názormi na to, čo robiť. On proste nevie ako sa obrátiť a ja verím, brat Blair, že Boh ... ty si veľký Kristov sluha a On má pre teba veľa roboty, pretože svetlá začínajú slabnúť. Bol si tu dnes ráno? Dobre, to je veľmi dobre.

10No, zdá sa mi, že nabudúce vás navštívim možno krátko na jar a za ten čas možno budeme vedieť, či budeme mať tie zhromaždenia tu v Jeffersonville, alebo nie, v tom čase, keď by som mal byť v Nórsku a v škandinávskych krajinách.

11No, prv ako prečítame text ... pretože sa budeme modliť za nemocných a mnohí stoja v tých miestnostiach a okolo stien a tak ďalej a viem, že je to pre vás veľmi ťažko. A ja sám som stál mnoho krát a prechádzal som pred chvíľou okolo, idúc so svojou ženou, všimol som si tých ľudí okolo dverí a myslel som si: "Kto povedal, že evanjelium nie je stále tou najatraktívnejšou vecou na svete?" Skutočne je. Ono upútava pozornosť tých, ktorí sa oň zaujímajú. Tí, ktorí sa nezaujímajú samozrejme oni ne ... to nebude. Ale Ježiš povedal: "Keď budem povýšený od zeme, všetkých potiahnem ku sebe." Aká je to pravda.

12A keď sem prídem, je toho tak veľa, čo by som chcel povedať a musím si nejako zapísať, čo tu chcem povedať za chvíľu, lebo ... Je toho tak veľa, že zabudnem proste čo chcem povedať.

13No, dozvedel som sa, že otec brata Ungrena bol dnes ráno pokrstený v mene Ježiša Krista. Ak je tu sestra Ungrenová a oni, som si istý, že je to pre nich veľká vec, pretože to bola mnoho rokov ich neustála modlitba. A brat Ungren, kdekoľvek si, nech ťa Boh bohato žehná, môj brat. A ak to nie je správne, Boh ma v deň súdu bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. Ja viem, že je to správne. Ja to beriem na seba. To je naprosto správne, pretože to je pravda.

14Vy hovoríte: "Či je v tom nejaký rozdiel?" Pre Pavla bol. Oni sa opýtali ako oni boli pokrstení. Oni povedali, že oni už boli pokrstení skrze Jána - muža, ktorý pokrstil Ježiša. Pavol povedal, že oni musia prísť a byť znovu pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista. A ani jedna osoba v Biblii nebola nikdy pokrstená vo meno Otca, Syna A Ducha Svätého. Žiadni ľudia neboli nikdy takto pokrstení až do zorganizovania Katolíckej cirkvi na Laodicejskom Koncile, v Lao-Nicei - Ríme. Tam bola pokrstená prvá osoba, kde použili tieto tituly.

Jeden človek mi raz povedal ... Povedal som: "Dobre, ak Pán Ježiš ..." To je Jeho meno.

On povedal: "Dobre ..."

Povedal som: "Ak niekto príde ku tebe ..."

On povedal: "Nemyslím, že by bol v tom rozdiel."

Chytil som ho proste na jeho vlastnej náuke. Povedal som: "Ak niekto príde ku tebe a povie, 'ja som pokrstený vo meno ruži Sáronskej, ľalii z údolia a rannej hviezdy,' povedal by si na to Amen?"

On povedal: "To nie."

Povedal som: "Pokrstil by si ho znovu?"

On povedal: "Samozrejme."

Povedal som: "Ako by si ho pokrstil?"

On povedal: "Pokrstil by som ho vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého."

A ja som povedal: "Tak by som ho i ja pokrstil - vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého." Povedal som: "No ruža Sáronská, ľalia z údolia a hviezda ranná nie je meno."

On povedal: "To je pravda. To je titul."

Povedal som: "Tak isto Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý."

15No, pokrstil by som ich vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého; a meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého je Pán Ježiš Kristus. Presne. Tak som povedal - a on to uvidel. To bol brat Jozef Mattsson-Boze z Chicaga, najťažší človek ktorého som kedy zlomil. Myslím, že teraz keď s ním pôjdem do Afriky mám pokrstiť okolo tri alebo štyri tisíc domorodcov, znovu ich pokrstiť.

16No, tak sme vďační za svetlo evanjelia. A tak teraz, Ježiš povedal, keď bol tu na zemi: "To čo počujem, to hovorím." A teraz, chcem povedať za ďalších asi desať, alebo pätnásť minút, prv ako začnem hovoriť svoju tému, veľmi krátku tému a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých.

17Prišiel som vo svojej službe ku miestu, kde musím niečo povedať. Ježiš povedal, že to čo On počul, to bolo to, čo hovoril. A On povedal: "Nazval som vás svojimi priateľmi a priateľ hovorí svojim priateľom všetko.

18Pavol povedal v Skutkoch 20:27: "Neutiahol som sa, aby som vám nebol zvestoval celú radu Božiu." A nech sa pripojím dnes večer a poviem to isté s tým veľkým starým svätým - podľa svojej najlepšej známosti, neutiahol som sa, aby som vám nezvestoval celú radu Božiu.

19Niekto si raz púšťal jednu z tých pások. A len preto, že to niekoho nahnevalo, strelili na nich cez okno a zranili nejakú ženu. Tak možno jedného dňa spečatím svoje svedectvo, ale keď príde ten čas, potom som pripravený ísť. Až kým nastane môj čas, nič mi nemôže uškodiť, až do toho času.

20No, veríme v to isté evanjelium, tak ako je napísané v Biblii. Je to namierené. A keď je puška presne namierená a nastavená, keď ona zasiahne terč prvý krát, ona ho zasiahne i druhý krát i zakaždým.

21Ak strom, alebo haluz (vinič) vypustí letorast a ten letorast prinesie určité ovocie, keď ten vinič znovu vypustí letorast, on bude rodiť také isté ovocie.

22A keď je Ježiš vinič a my sme letorasty a tá prvá haluz - cirkev, ktorú ten vinič vypustil - oni potom za tým napísali Knihu Skutkov. Tá prvá letorast krstila vo meno Ježiša Krista. Oni mali medzi sebou živého Boha, ktorý medzi nimi robil tie isté veci, ktoré On robil, keď bol na zemi; takže si ľudia všimli na nich, hoci boli nevzdelaní a neučení - že oni boli s Ježišom, pretože Jeho život sa prejavoval cez nich.

23Ako som povedal: "Keby som mal v sebe ducha Beethovena, písal by som piesne. Keby Beethoven žil vo mne, bol by som Beethovenom, rozumiete. Keby vo mne žil Shakespeare, bol by som Shakespearom. Písal by som básne a hry a tak ďalej - keby Shakespeare žil vo mne. A keď vo mne žije Kristus, budete činiť skutky Kristove. Musí to tak byť. A čo je Kristus? Slovo. On povedal: "Ak zostanete vo Mne a moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste čo chcete a stane sa," pretože tam je to Slovo, potrebuje len svetlo; a svetlo ho oživuje.

24Tak, teraz, poviem vám teraz niečo, čo som doteraz nepovedal. To je tá vec, na ktorú sme tak dlho očakávali, alebo prinajmenej mnoho rokov - štyri alebo päť rokov, alebo možno dlhšie - tretie potiahnutie zostalo teraz potvrdené a som si istý, že všetci viete čo to je.

25No zapamätajte si, to nebude nikdy napodobené, pretože to nemôže byť, nemôže byť. No, ono existuje. A ja som upozornený na toto, že zakrátko - práve teraz v tomto čase - to sa práve stalo, tak to mohlo preukázať svoju prítomnosť medzi vami. Ale to nebude použité vo veľkej miere, až kým sa tento koncil nezačne sťahovať. A keď sa toto začne diať, keď sa to začne diať ... Letniční a iní môžu napodobniť skoro všetko čo sa dá urobiť, ale keď príde ten čas, keď nastane ten nátlak, potom budete vidieť to, čo ste videli dočasne, že to bude zamanifestované v plnosti svojej moci.

26No, ja musím pokračovať v evanjelizácii, tak ako som bol prv poverený, musím pokračovať. Tak teda, máte Slovo a viete na čo máte očakávať, ako stáť. Ja musím ďalej pokračovať v evanjelizácii; a moji priatelia, stojte pevne a kráčajte napred, pretože tá hodina sa rýchlo približuje, keď sa niečo stane.

27No, mohli ste vidieť, že sa mi prihodili nejaké drobné zvláštne veci - nič hriešne, nemám na mysli niečo také - ale myslím niečo zvláštne voči normálnemu behu. Pretože, tam kde som sa teraz dostal v mojej službe, tu sa zvažujem naspäť, pozorujem ten bod a očakávam na ten čas, kedy to bude použité. Ale to bude použité! A každý vie, že s takou istotou, ako sa preukázalo to prvé, tak sa preukázalo to druhé; a ak budete skutočne pozorne rozmýšľať, vy ktorí ste duchovní (ako hovorí Biblia, toto je pre toho, kto má múdrosť), to tretie je náležite preukázané. Vieme kde to je. Tak tretie potiahnutie je tu.

28To je tak tajomné, že nesmiem o tom veľa povedať, ako mi On povedal na začiatku. On povedal: "Toto ... nič o tom nehovor." Pamätáte sa na to, pred rokmi? To hovorí za seba. Snažil som sa vysvetliť tie iné a urobil som chybu. Toto bude tá vec, ktorá, podľa mojej mienky ... Nehovorím, že toto mi povedal Pán, toto bude tá vec, ktorá začne vieru do vytrhnutia na odchod preč, vidíte. A ja ešte nejaký čas musím zostať potichu.

29No pamätajte, (a kto počúva túto pásku) mohli ste práve vidieť takú zmenu v mojej službe, znižovanie sa naspäť ... Nie vzrastanie; znižovanie sa naspäť. Sme práve teraz v tom veku a to už nemôže ísť ďalej. Musíme čakať nejakú minútu, až kým sa toto tu nestane, aby to bolo dokončené, potom ten čas príde. Ale to sa jasne preukázalo.

30Prichádza čas v tomto národe, v ktorom tento národ bude vykonávať všetku moc, ktorú predtým mala šelma, (ktorou bol pohanský Rím, keď sa stal pápežským Rímom), že tento národ ju bude vykonávať. Zjavenie 13 to jasne vysvetľuje. Ten baránok vystúpil zo zeme. Tá druhá šelma vystúpila z vody, množstvá a zástupy ľudí. Tento baránok vystúpil tam, kde neboli žiadni ľudia.

31Baránok reprezentuje náboženstvo - Baránok Boží. A pamätajte, on hovoril ako baránok; to bol baránok a potom po nejakom čase on obdržal moc a hovoril ako drak a používal všetku moc, ktorú mal drak pred ním; a ten drak je stále Rím. Tak či nevidíte: Rímska denominácia, označená Protestantská denominácia, obraz šelmy, ktorý pôsobí mocou, ktorá bude nasilu nútiť všetkých Protestantov do únii. A budete musieť byť v tejto rade cirkví, inak nebudete môcť mať obecenstvo alebo ... No, prakticky je to tak už teraz. Nemôžete ísť do nejakej cirkvi a kázať, ak nemáte kartu obecenstva, alebo nejaký preukaz.

32A teraz ďalej, ľudia ako my, my budeme zo všetkého toho úplne vylúčení. Presne tak, pretože to nebudú môcť urobiť. To je priťahovanie; a potom, keď príde ten čas a nastane až taký nátlak, že budete vytlačení, potom pozorujte na to, čo vám chcem za chvíľu povedať. Očakávajte potom tretie potiahnutie. To bude celkom na úplne zatratených. Ale to bude pre nevestu a pre cirkev.

33No, sme bližšie, než ako sa zdá. Ja neviem kedy, ale je to skutočne, skutočne, blízko. Ja možno staviam pódium pre niekoho iného, aby naň vystúpil. Ja možno budem zobraný pred tým časom. Neviem. A ten čas môže byť tento nasledujúci týždeň, že Duch Svätý príde a prinesie Krista Ježiša. On môže prísť tento nasledujúci týždeň. On môže prísť ešte dnes večer. Ja neviem, kedy On príde. On nám to nepovedal. Ale ja verím, že sme tak blízko, že nezomriem kvôli vysokému veku. Hoci mám 54 rokov, nezomriem na vysoký vek, než On tu bude. Jedine, že budem zastrelený, zabitý, jedno, alebo druhé, nejakým spôsobom zabitý - samotný vysoký vek ma nezabije, až kým On nepríde. A ja verím, že ... Chcem povedať toto; nikdy predtým som to nepovedal, ale podľa Písma, podľa toho, čo On povedal pred tridsiatymi rokmi, pred tridsiatymi tromi rokmi tam nad riekou, (lepšie povedané v 1933 roku) čo On povedal - všetko sa stalo úplne presne. Možno ja to neurobím, ale toto posolstvo predstaví svetu Ježiša Krista. "Pretože ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predchádzal ten prvý príchod, tak toto posolstvo má predchádzať ten druhý príchod." A Ján povedal: "Ajhľa Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta." Tak toto sa s tým vo všetkom zhodovalo a viem, že ono to urobí. To posolstvo pôjde ďalej.

34No, sú určité veľké veci, ktoré sa cestou dejú. Dnes ráno som mal tu v tej izbe rozhovory a jeden mladý človek, ktorý sa nazýva Autry - on je pravdepodobne stále ešte tu dnes večer. On je zo San Antonio, z Texasu. On prišiel a opýtal sa, keď pôjdeme do Dalasu, z Kalifornii, či by sme sa nezastavili na jeden večer do ich zboru, len na jeden večer; a oni to očakávajú za deň alebo za dva, aby vedel, či budeme môcť. A on mi hovoril o - nebol som v San Antonio od toho prvého zhromaždenia.

35No, to prvé zhromaždenie, keď som prišiel do San Antonio, bol som tam, myslím, s bratom Cootsom a s Medzinárodnou Biblickou školou a zabudol som v ktorom auditóriu sme mali to zhromaždenie. Bol to môj prvý večer, alebo druhý večer, (zdá sa mi, že prvý večer) keď som išiel na pódium, niekto povstal vzadu v tej budove a hovoril v jazykoch, ako keď strieľa zo samopalu. A on potom nemal nič viac a sadol si. Za chvíľu povstal niekto na pódiu a dal výklad. Zastavil som sa nad tým, čo povedal a opýtal som toho muža: "Poznáš tohoto človeka?"

On povedal: "Nie."

Povedal som: "Ako si sem prišiel?"

On povedal: "Ľudia, pre ktorých pracujem tu boli dnes večer a oni ma priviezli." On bol kovboj.

A ja som povedal: "Čo robíš? Poznáš jeho?"

On povedal: "Nie, nikdy som ho nevidel."

A ja som povedal: "Čo si?" A on bol obchodník v tom meste. A čo oni povedali v tom ... No ja som bol vždy ... Prv, ako som to lepšie pochopil, stále som bol nedôverčivý voči hovoreniu v jazykoch. Myslel som si, mnoho z toho bolo telesného a mohlo byť; ale keď toto bolo povedané, ten výklad bol presne to, čo povedal ten anjel Pánov tam nad riekou pred jedenástymi rokmi: "Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predchádzal prvý príchod Kristov, ty si poslaný, aby si predchádzal ten druhý." A to tam bolo. Keď ten anjel, to svetlo - ktoré bolo naprosto rozpoznané, obojako, skrze cirkev, skrze Slovo, skrze vedu a všetko to potvrdilo - to svetlo sa prvý krát ukázalo na verejnosti, stálo rovno nad miestom, kde som stál, okolo druhej hodine popoludní na konci mosta, rovno tu na konci Spring Street, vo vode. No, to bolo pred mnohými, mnohými rokmi. A presne to, čo ono povedalo sa splnilo do bodky.

36Tento brat tu mi hovoril dnes ráno, on si zobral za ženu dievča tu zo zboru, dcéru sestry Noidsovej. Neviem teraz, hádam ten mladý muž ... Si tu, brat Autry? Neviem. On bol zo San Antonio. Neviem či je tu, alebo nie. Bol tu dnes ráno. A on mi hovoril, myslím, že to bol jeho starý otec, počas toho zhromaždenia, ktorý mal epilepsiu po celý život a bol tam privedený.

37To bolo to prvé, začiatok tej služby, keď ono povedalo, že ak ... to rozoznanie bolo, klásť ich ruku na moju a to čo im bolo povedané, bolo to čo im bolo. A ja som vám povedal (a mnohí sú dnes svedkovia), že sa stane, že budem poznať samotné tajomstvá ich sŕdc. Pamätáte sa na to? Povedal som vám to ešte pred tým, ako sa to stalo. Asi po piatych alebo šiestych rokoch, po prvý krát sa toto stalo v Kanade. A to sa stalo. Vtedy On povedal: "Ak zostaneš úprimný, pôjde to ďalej"; a teraz sa stala tretia vec. Stále to ide ďalej.

38A on povedal, že jeho otec bol privedený do rady, medzi ľudí za ktorých sa modlilo a bolo mu povedané o tej epilepsii a tak ďalej a bolo prosené za neho v modlitbe; a to bolo pred šestnástymi rokmi (myslím, že je to - pred okolo šestnástimi, alebo sedemnástimi) a on povedal, že od vtedy už nikdy nemal záchvat a on má skoro osemdesiat päť rokov. Od vtedy nemal viac záchvat. Čo to je? Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

39Je tu Margie Morgan? Sestra Margie Morgan - pani, ktorá bola zožraná rakovinou; zdravotná sestra. Koľkí sa pamätáte na sestru Morganovú? Ak je tu, nemôže sa dostať dovnútra. Ona bola zdravotná sestra, viete ... na zázname rakovinových prípadov v Louisville, je tá žena mŕtva okolo šestnásť, sedemnásť rokov - na zozname rakovinových prípadov v Louisville. Keď Jim Tom Robinson, advokát (Kresťanský advokát) počul o tom, on išiel do tej Baptistickej nemocnice, aby to overil a zistil, či to bola pravda, pretože jeho otec bol vo vedení, jeden z vedúcich v tej Baptistickej nemocnici; a oni vyhľadali ten prípad a tá žena mala byť mŕtva už niekoľko rokov a ona robí zdravotnú sestru tu v nemocnici v Jeffersonville. Keď tu stála, keď ju museli pridržiavať, ani nie celkom pri zmysloch - ale to bolo "Tak hovorí Pán," a ona žije.

40Ona robila zdravotnú sestru v Louisville a jeden človek tu dole - z Schimpfiho cukrárni ... Je tu dnes večer pán Schimpf? Bol by som rád, aby to porozprával, ak je tu - Sonny Schimpf; veľký zdravý muž. Mnoho krát, keď som bol ... nerád toto hovorím, ale je to pravda. Otec mi dával desať centov, keď som celý týždeň pracoval a ja som prišiel do mesta a odložil som si bicykel u brata Marka Eagana (On je tu jeden zo starších.) s Jimmy Poolom (Myslím, že jeho syn je tu dnes večer.) - Jim a ja a Ernest Fisher; a išli sme dole do mesta na nemý film, za päť centov. Zvykli sme pozerať tie staré nemé filmy. Boli sme deti, okolo osem desať roční; dávali tie s Williamom S. Hartom, (mnohí z vás mladých si ho nepamätáte) starý herec, (to boli nemé filmy) a ja som nevedel tak čítať; Musel som sa len dívať, čo prebiehalo. A musel som to všetko slabikovať a nestačil som, ale som sa díval, čo on robil; a zostalo mi ešte päť centov. Koľkí si pamätáte, keď ešte dávali zmrzlinu za cent? No dobre, mohol som si kúpiť tri zmrzliny a dva centy stáli štipľavé cukríky a bolo ich skoro pol funta. A Schimpf ich vyrábal a ja som tam chodil, sedel vzadu a pozeral Williama S. Harta.

41A tento mladý muž (trochu starší ako ja) tak ochorel, že sa ním zaoberalo päť najlepších špecialistov z Louisville, vážil okolo 45 funtov a zomieral. Slečna Morganová ho ošetrovala a on bol v takom stave ... Mal toľko rôznych vecí - z jeho pľúc nebolo nič, z jeho hrdla nebolo nič, jeho drobné ramená boli okolo len asi takto hrubé a on tam ležal a zomieral. A slečna Morganová tam pracovala a tak mu povedala: "Ja som raz mala rakovinu," a začala mu to rozprávať.

On povedal: "Čo si povedal, kto, Billy Branham? No," povedal, "Ja som mu predal mnoho štipľavých cukríkov a zmrzlín." On povedal: "Zaujímavé, či by prišiel a pomodlil sa za mňa."

42A ja som tam išiel a pomodlil som sa za Junie Schimpfa - a teraz, ak by ste sa s ním chceli porozprávať, to je Schipfova cukráreň, tu dole hneď vedľa Leovho divadla, alebo druhé dvere, dole na ulici - Schimpfova cukráreň. Všetci z vás tu viete kde to je. Ó, to je jedna z najstarších firiem v Jeffersonville. A keď tam ležal a zomieral, päť špecialistov mu dávalo len niekoľko hodín života, to bolo: "Tak hovorí Pán, nezomrieš ale znovu mi predáš štipľavé cukríky."

43Dlho ... Dozvedel som sa, že vyzdravel, ale dávno som na to zabudol; a žena a ja sme išli kúpiť nejaké cukríky, keď sme tu prišli na Vianoce. A neviem ako, že sme si spomenuli na Schimpfov obchod; pretože obyčajne chodievame až sem do týchto obchodov a kupujeme, ale zastali sme pred Schimpfovým.

Keď som vošiel dovnútra, jeho sestra sa pozrela a povedala: "Á, brat Branham." Povedala: "Pamätáš sa na Juniho?"

Povedal som: "Áno," a tam bol veľký silný zdravý muž. A ja som prišiel k pultu, pozrel som sa, díval som sa takto dole, povedal som: "vezmem si funt tých štipľavých cukríkov."

A on povedal: "Áno, pane." Jeho sestra čakala na moju ženu a tak on ich zobral a ja som povedal: "Jedával som ich už dávno tu v kine. A mal som takto sklonenú hlavu.

A on povedal: "Áno, mnohé tie deti si ich kupovali; stále ich kupujú." Povedal: "Môj otec ich vymyslel; vyrobil ich pre nich. Povedal som: "Naozaj mi chutia." Potom, keď to všetko zabalil a podal mi to, povedal: "Ešte niečo?"

A ja som povedal: "Neviem," a zodvihol som ... ó.

On povedal: "brat Branham!"

Povedal som: "Tu sú tie štipľavé cukríky, o ktorých som ti povedal 'Tak hovorí Pán' pred okolo piatymi rokmi."

Povedal: "brat Branham, ja som tak úplne uzdravený, nie je ani jediného príznaku. Trošičku slabšie počujem na jedno ucho." (Myslím, že má päťdesiat rokov). On povedal: "Trošku slabšie počujem na jedno ucho, pretože mi dali tak mnoho antibiotík, keď som tam bol." Úžasná milosť Ježiša Krista.

44Nemám teraz veľa času, aby som povedal niečo viac, ale chcem povedať toto. Koľkí si pamätáte na tie veveričky? Dobre. To miesto Písma po celý môj život bolo pre mňa hádankou, nikdy som tomu nemohol rozumieť. A ďalšie, ktorému som nerozumel, to bolo, keď Mojžiš dokázal povedať Bohu lepší spôsob, ako to urobiť, než ako vedel Boh. Keď Mojžiš povedal: "Ľudia povedia 'Váš Boh vás dokázal vyviesť, ale vás nedokázal zachovať.'" A Mojžiš sa postavil do medzery. Potom neskoršie som poznal, že Mojžiš ... že to bol Kristus v Mojžišovi, ktorý sa zastával ľudí. Tak potom ohľadne tohoto miesta Písma: (Nikdy by som o tom nekázal) "Ak ty povieš tomuto vrchu 'Pohni sa' ... " a vy poznáte ten príbeh, tak to nebudem hovoriť.

45No, trochu som vedel, do čoho to viedlo. A myslím, že brat Wood a brat Fred A ostatní sú tu, ktorí boli prítomní, keď sa to stalo, alebo hneď potom, keď sa to tam stalo. Brat Rodney a brat Charlie, z Kentucky, brat od sestry Woodovej A oni, boli prítomní, keď sa to stalo tam v Kentucky, to bolo druhý krát, keď sa to stalo. Proste jednoducho vypovedaním slova boli zavolané do existencie veci, ktoré neexistovali. Stále vypovedanie slova a podkladanie miest Písma na povzbudenie.

46Tretí krát sa to stalo pri Hattie Wright. Je tu dnes večer Hattie? To je To je Edithina ... Koľkí poznáte Hattie Wright? Brat Wood a ja sme tam sedeli, keď sa to stalo. A keď Duch Svätý povedal: "Daj jej, čo si zažiada," a my sme hovorili o tom, ako vznikli tie veveričky. A ja som povedal: "To je jedine to, že On je Jehova-jireh."

47Práve keď Abrahám potreboval barana, Boh sa postaral o toho barana. A On sa postaral o tie veveričky. On mohol vypovedaním slova stvoriť veveričku, pretože On je stvoriteľ, práve tak isto, ako mohol vypovedaním slova stvoriť barana. Abrahám o to vôbec nežiadal. On to len jednoducho išiel vykonať, ale to ukázalo, že tam bol Jehova-jireh. Keď som to ja povedal, pokorná prostá žena ... Keď sa to prvý krát stalo, to tretie potiahnutie, na ľudskej bytosti, bola to prostá, pokorná žena, ktorá zarába okolo dvesto dolárov za rok, na živobytie; to je všetko čo má zo svojho malého hospodárstva. Jej muž nežije, má dve deti, ktoré sa stali trochu neposlušné a ona prišla a doniesla z toho dvadsať dolárov na stavbu tejto modlitebni. A Méda mi v to ráno dala nejaké peniaze na nákup, dvadsať dolárov a ja som vtedy išiel, aby som jej to vrátil, zatiaľ čo som tam bol, že to nemusí platiť, ale ona to nezobrala. A keď ... Ona sedela vzadu v kúte a keď som povedal: "Jediné čo viem, že On je stále Jehova-jireh," a tá prostá Hattie povedala to správne slovo.

48Ona povedala: "To nie je nič iné, než pravda." A keď to povedala, (tu je brat Banks Wood, ktorý bol prítomný) zdalo sa, že tá izba sa rozpukne. A Duch Svätý povedal, (ten istý hlas, ktorý povedal o tých veveričkách) povedal: "Daj jej, čo si zažiada."

49Povedal som: "Sestra Hattie, ako svedok pred Bohom, toto je to. No, ak nie je v tvojej mysli žiadna pochybnosť, žiadaj si čo chceš a ak sa ti to nestane, potom som falošný prorok." Ona povedala: "brat Branham ... všetci plakali. Povedala: "Čo si mám žiadať?"

50Povedal som: "Si chudobná a bývaš tu na kopci, bez peňazí - môžeš žiadať o to. Máš chromú sestru, ktorá tu sedí, Edith, za ktorú sa roky modlíme - môžeš žiadať o jej uzdravenie." Povedal som: "Tvoj otec a matka sú starí a bezvládni - môžeš žiadať o nich. O čokoľvek požiadaš, sestra Hattie, uvidíš teraz, či sa to stane alebo nie, hneď teraz." A povedal som: "On mi práve povedal, ten istý hlas, povedal, 'Daj jej, čo si bude žiadať.' "

A ona sa pozrela dookola a povedala: "Čo mám povedať, brat Branham?"

Povedal som: "Povedz po čom túžiš. Pomysli si na svoju najväčšiu túžbu a povedz to." (A jej chlapci sa takmer chichotali a smiali.) Ona povedala: "Najväčšia túžba, akú mám, je spasenie mojich dvoch synov."

51Povedal som: "Dávam ti ich v mene Ježiša Krista," a tam sa to s nimi stalo a oni verne prichádzajú do tohoto zboru, ku večeri Pánovej; tí mládenci tam sedia, umývajú si nohy s mužmi a všetko toto. My všetci sme toho svedkovia. Ona si vyvolila to pravé. Jej matka musí zomrieť, tak isto ona; všetci, ale to o čo ona prosila bude na veky. Spasenie svojich detí. To bolo tretí krát, keď sa to stalo.

52Štvrtý krát sa to stalo (Práve som to tu vyrozprával, keď som tu bol posledne) to bolo hore na tej hore, kde zúrila tá búrka ... koľkí ste to počuli? Všetci. Dobre. Kde zúrila tá búrka a Boh je mojím sudcom ako tu stojím, išiel som dole z tej hory s Davidom Woodom (zdá sa mi, že je niekde tu) urobil mi sendvič a to bol poriadny. Myslím, že sa mi snažil vyrovnať za ten, ktorý som urobil jeho otcovi pred niekoľkými rokmi. On tam mal salámu a mäso a všetko zmiešané spolu a ja som si to dal do košeli a pršalo a stal sa z toho veľký chumáč mäsa. A schádzal som dole z toho vrchu, bola taká búrka, nemohol som vidieť pred seba, sotva na dosah ruky. A viem len jedno, obraciate sa, pretože vietor sa stále krúti. No, sú tu svedkovia toho. Jeden z nich je jeden z našich verných diakonov, je to brat Wheeler. Si tu brat Wheeler? Kde je? Rovno tu - brat Wheeler.

53Brat Mann, Metodistický kazateľ z New Alabany. Je tu ... brat Mann dnes večer? Neviem, či je tu alebo nie.

54Brat Banks Wood - si tu brat Banks? On je v tej miestnosti pri nahrávaní. No dobre a David Wood A myslím, že tam bol brat Evans Je to tak, brat Evans? Bol tam brat Evans, stojí tam pri stene. A niekoľko dní predtým, v predpovedi počasia hlásili, dva dni pred tým, že sa priženie silná smršť.

55Brat Tom Simpson je tu dnes večer, keď išiel dole z Kanady, oni mu hovorili, aby to tam obišiel, pretože nebude môcť cez to prejsť; prichádzala snehová smršť. Brat Tom, si tu? Kde si? Tu, on sedí rovno tu. A tam prichádzali tie oblaky a ja som povedal: "Bratia ... " Každý z tade utiekol, nikto tam nezostal z tých sto, alebo koľkých ľudí, ktorí tam boli. Nikto tam nebol, len naša malá skupina a ten kovboj, jazdec.

56A my sme chceli zostať. Zavolal som sestre Evansovej A povedal som jej, aby zavolala žene a povedala jej, aby povedala Tonymu, že ak neprídem, aby zohnal niekoho iného, kto by kázal na zhromaždení na raňajkách Businessmanov. A vtedy tam hore na tom vrchu som povedal: "Teraz, keď začnú padať prvé kvapky dažďa, bežte do tábora - povedal som - za desať, alebo pätnásť minút v tej búrke, nebudete vidieť pred sebou ani svoju ruku; a to na tú horu za chvíľu zosype snehu na dvadsať stôp.

57Takto ľudia ... čítate to v novinách, ako tam zostávajú a zahynú a všetko možné, ale my sme vedeli ako sa z toho dostať a oni vedeli kde sme boli; a tak sme cítili vedenie zostať. Tak na tej hore, keď začala tá búrka, začal som schádzať dole a bol som len asi pol míle od toho, kde to začalo a hlas Boží povedal: "Obráť sa a choď naspäť." A ja som išiel naspäť, ako mi On povedal.

58Po chvíli, ako som tam čakal a jedol ten sendvič, ktorý mi dal Dávid A išiel som naspäť tam hore a sadol som si. Zatiaľ čo som tam sedel a ten vietor krútil a sfukoval vrcholce stromov, ohýbal ich a studený dážď a sneh takto lietal, hlas povedal: "Ja som Boh stvorenia!" Pozrel som sa hore, pomyslel som si, kde to bolo. To bol možno vietor. On povedal: "Ja som stvoril nebesia i zem. Ja som utíšil ten mocný vietor na mori" - a ďalej hovoril. Vyskočil som a zložil som si klobúk. On povedal: "Prehovor len do tej búrky a ona prestane. Čokoľvek povieš, to sa stane."

Povedal som: "Búrka, prestaň; a slnko, ty svieť normálne za štyri dni, až kým z tadiaľto neodídeme."

59A len čo som to povedal do toho dažďu, snehu a všetko prestalo, za chvíľu mi svietilo na chrbát horúce slnko. Videl som takto fúkať vetry; prichádzali naspäť zo severu prichádzali dole ... Chcem povedať od východu, prišli od východu; prišli od západu. Tie vetry sa obrátili a prišli takto a tie mraky, ako nejaké tajomné veci sa zodvihli hore do vzduchu a za niekoľko minút svietilo slnko.

60Potom, Pán Ježiš prehovoril ku mne trochu neskoršie ohľadne mojej ženy tu dole, ako viete. Asi tam, keď som tam išiel ... Nikdy som ešte nebol doma na naše výročie. Sme spolu dvadsať dva rokov. Prvé výročie (to prvé, naša svadba) zobral som ju na poľovačku, pretože som si nemohol dovoliť ísť na poľovačku a tiež ísť na svadobnú cestu, tak som to tak nejako spojil. Tak potom, od vtedy som stále na poľovačky. Cítil som ... že som tak s ňou jednal.

61No, toto bolo štvrtý krát, keď sa to stalo. No, tu je niečo čo chcem povedať. Musím povedať úplnú pravdu. Asi pred šestnástymi rokmi som bol v Kalifornii s bratom Johnom Sharritom, a mal som zhromaždenia a Meda a ja a brat Sharrit a sestra Sharritová a iní sme boli ubytovaní v hoteli a človek menom Paul Malicki, ktorý bol veľa razy tu v tejto modlitebni, - on je bohatý Armén a jeho žena porodila dieťa vo Fresno, v Kalifornii, kde žili; a bola ... prišiel tam priviedol svoju ženu a zavolal mi do hotelu a povedal: "Môžem priviesť svoju ženu, brat Branham?" Povedal som: "Áno, môžeš." (Na druhý deň som odchádzal do Cataliny.)

62Tak, on tam priviedol svoju ženu a tá pani bola tak chorá! A vyzerala ... Povedal som: "Polož svoju ruku na moju, sestra Malicková." A povedal som: "Budeme vidieť, či nám Pán povie, čo to je." A len čo položila svoju ruku na moju, povedal som: "Ó, to je zápal žíl v nohe."

Ona povedala: "Nezdá sa mi, že by som mala nejaké príznaky."

Povedal som: "Dávaj pozor." A za dva dni ju liečili na zápal žíl.

63Ako tu Jimmy Pool, jeho malé dieťa, jedného dňa, prišiel s tým srdcovým záchvatom, oni si mysleli, že je to astmatický záchvat a ja som položil na neho svoju ruku. Povedal som: "Pozoruj ho za niekoľko dní. On má osýpky, cez to prechádza. To je horúčka. Stretol som ho ďalší večer. On povedal: "Celý je v osýpkách."

64No, hovoril som sestre Malickiej, ako je to s tou rukou. Ona povedala: "To je udivujúca vec, pozorovať to, brat Branham." Ona povedala: "Funguje to na každej ruke?"

65Povedal som: "No, ak je ten pacient na niečo chorý." Povedal som: "No tu, položil som svoju ruku na ... (mnohí z vás ste tam stáli a pozorovali to) a to nič neurobilo." Povedal som: "Tu, mojej žene nič nie je, položil som jej ruku ... pozri sem drahá, polož svoju ruku na moju." (Ona tam sedela, moja žena.) Položila svoju ruku na moju; len čo to urobila, povedal som: "Máš cystu na ľavom vaječníku. Máš ženskú chorobu."

A ona povedala: "Nič necítim."

66Povedal som: "Ale to máš." Rebeka mala dva roky - moja dcéra, ktorá tu teraz pred chvíľou hrala - ona mala dva roky. Za dva roky prišla na scénu Sára. A keď ... Ona bola cisárskym rezom a ja som poprosil doktora Dilmana (nášho doktora tam v Cordon), aby ... keď ju máš otvorenú, pozri sa na ten ľavý vaječník. On sa pozrel; povedal: "Nevidel som nič zlého." Položil som svoju ruku - stále to tam bolo.

67Za štyri roky prišiel Jozef. Prosil som ho, aby sa znovu pozrel. "Nevidel som nič zlého." Položil som svoju ruku - stále to tam bolo, tak sme proste na to zabudli.

68No toto je niečo, čo musím povedať, nerád to hovorím, ale to musí byť povedané, aby ste poznali pravdu. Vidíte a to je to, čo chcete. Stále hovorte pravdu, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje.

69Roky prešli, vôbec sme si to nevšímali. A ja toto hovorím, nie preto, že ona tu sedí, pretože to hovorím aj keď tu nie je. Vy to viete. Neverím, že by mohla byť na svete lepšia žena, než je moja žena a dúfam, že ona stále taká zostane. A ja chcem byť verným mužom a dúfam, že každý mladý muž v tejto budove, keď sa žení, berie si ženu, ako je moja. Neviem ako dlho budeme takto žiť, ale dúfam, že po všetky naše dni na zemi. Sme spolu veľmi šťastní.

70To bol Boh, ktorý mi povedal, aby som si ju zobral, práve v tom čase (ona nevedela), nesnažil som sa s ňou oženiť. Nie preto, žeby som ju nemal rád, ale pretože som myslel, že by som sa nevedel o ňu starať a ona je dobrá žena. Ja som si to proste nezaslúžil. A ona sa odišla modliť a otvorila si Bibliu ... Povedala: "Pane, nikdy predtým som to nerobila, ale daj mi miesto písma, ktoré mi pomôže. Ak mám na neho zabudnúť, zabudnem na to." Otvorila Bibliu A odišla do malej kôlni a modlila sa a keď otvorila Bibliu: Malachiáš 4 - "Hľa, ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša." To bolo pred dvadsiatymi rokmi a niečo, nevediac nič o tejto službe tohoto dňa.

71A ja som ležal tam dole pri rieke a On ma jednej noci zobudil; počul som Ho tam stáť pri dverách. On povedal: "Choď vezmi si ju a vaša svadba bude tento budúci mesiac, 23 októbra. A to bolo presne to, čo som urobil. A žijeme šťastne; z milosti Božej nepadlo medzi nami ani jedno zlé slovo. Ona je milá.

72Jedného dňa som prišiel domov a ona musela sama vychovávať tieto deti - ja som bol stále preč a slúžil na zhromaždeniach. Nie veľa žien by sa s tým dokázalo vyrovnať. Vy viete, že ... je to ťažké a potom ... Ja som prišiel domov a ona niečo povedala. Máme Jozefa a on je naozaj chlapec! A on pomohol niektorým šedinám na hlave svojej matky, tak ako i ja. Tak, on bol skutočne celý chlapec a on urobil niečo skutočne zlé a ja som jej povedal ... Ona mi povedala: "Bill, daj mu výprask." Povedal som: "Nemám teraz na to náladu."

A ona povedala: "Áno, keby si to ty musel znášať!" a zabuchla dvere rovno predo mnou.

73No, pomyslel som si, že to je v poriadku. Chudera, nemyslela to tak. A vyšiel som von umývať auto. Keď som tam vyšiel, Duchu Svätému sa to nepáčilo. On povedal: "Choď a povedz jej ..." Myslím, že je to 2. Kroník, 22. kapitola. Prv som si myslel, že sa mi to len zdalo. Ďalej som len umýval a to znovu povedalo: "Choď, povedz jej, aby si toto prečítala." A išiel som dnu, zobral som Bibliu a prečítal si to. To bolo, kde Miriam, tá prorokyňa, sa vysmiala zo svojho brata, Mojžiša, že sa oženil s etiópskym dievčaťom a Bohu sa to nepáčilo. On povedal: "Bolo by lepšie, aby jej otec napľul do tváre, než ako urobiť to."

74Tak, Miriam zostala celá malomocná. Tak prišiel Áron, povedal svojej sestre, povedal ... či prišiel a povedal svojmu bratovi, povedal: "Ona zomiera na malomocenstvo." A tak Mojžiš bežal ku oltáru, aby prosil za ňu; a keď to urobil, prišiel dole Ohnivý Stĺp - Boh. On povedal: "Choď a zavolaj ju a Árona a priveď ich sem." Áron bol tiež v tom. Tak On povedal: "Zavolaj ich, aby prišli sem."

75On povedal: "Ak je medzi vami (teraz ku nim hovorí Boh), niekto duchovný alebo prorok, Ja, Pán, sa mu dám poznať. Budem ku nemu hovoriť vo videniach a budem sa mu zjavovať skrze sny a zjavovať mu sny a tak ďalej." On povedal: "Ale môj sluha Mojžiš - nie je mu na zemi rovného." On povedal: "Ja s ním hovorím z úst do ucha." On povedal: "Nebáli ste sa Boha?" Vidíte, Bohu sa to nepáčilo.

76No keď som to videl, bežal som dovnútra a ona bola v druhej izbe. Zaklepal som na dvere, (ona sa zavrela) a povedal som jej, že chcem s ňou hovoriť. Vošiel som dovnútra a hovoril s ňou, snažil som sa jej povedať čo to bolo. Povedal som: "Drahá, ty vieš ako ťa milujem, ale Bohu sa to nepáčilo. Ty si to nemala povedať." Hneď potom pocítila bolesti v boku.

77Zobrali sme ju ku doktorovi tu v Louisville, ku Dr. Arthurovi Schoenovi a on zistil nádor na jej ľavom vaječníku, ktorý som ja zistil pätnásť, alebo šestnásť rokov predtým - nádor na jej ľavom vaječníku asi veľkosti orechu. Povedal som: "Čo s tým, doktor?"

On povedal: "Uvidíme čo sa stane. Priveďte ju znovu naspäť za niekoľko mesiacov," Za asi dva mesiace, alebo tak nejako.

Priviedli sme ju znovu. To narástlo z veľkosti orechu do veľkosti asi ako citrón. On povedal: "Lepšie bude vybrať to. On zmäkne a stane sa zhubným."

Povedal som: "No, oj!" Povedal som: "Ideme do Tucsonu. Pán ma tam poslal."

78On ju poslal ku ženskému špecialistovi, (on to nechcel mať na sebe.) Tak on mu musel povedať o mojej službe, pretože on, ten ženský špecialista, povedal: "To bude musieť ísť von." Tak on povedal ... povedali sme mu, že odchádzame do Tucsonu. On povedal: "Dobre, ja tam mám špecialistu, môjho dobrého priateľa, ja som býval v Tucsone." On povedal: "Pošlem vás ku nemu." Tak on napísal správu a poslal mu to a povedal: "Pani Branhamová je milá dáma," a tak ďalej. Poslal mu diagram, aký veľký ten nádor bol a tak ďalej, (stal sa potom z toho nádor) a povedal, aký bol veľký a povedal: "Viem ..." Myslím, že ma nazval - Božský uzdravovateľ - to bolo všetko čo vedel, ako to opísať, ale povedal: "Súhlasím ak to musí byť odstránené, odstráň to." Ale to bola skúška našej viery.

79Neprestajne sme sa modlili a čím viac sme sa modlili, tým viac ten nádor rástol, až to došlo do takého stavu, že to až vyčnievalo na jej boku. Nechali sme to v tichosti; (len niekoľko ľudí tu to vedelo) snažiac sa pozorovať, čo sa stane. Išlo to ďalej a ďalej.

80Nakoniec, keď som prišiel z Kanady, kde mi dal Pán priviesť ku Kristovi Indiánsky kmeň. Teraz na jar ich idem pokrstiť vo meno Pána Ježiša, keď Pán dá. No, prišiel som dole a to bolo v tedy, keď ona mala ísť - keď som bol v New Yorku, alebo tu - na ďalšiu operá ... na operáciu, či naposledy na prehliadku. Išiel som do New Yorku a keď som prišiel naspäť, zastavil som sa tu a išiel som ... potom, čo som tu mal zhromaždenie, to posledné zhromaždenie. Išiel som tam hore a zavolal som jej od brata Wooda; a ona povedala: "Bill, nemôžem ani zniesť, keď sa mi toho dotýkajú šaty." To vtedy už bolo takéto na jej boku. A na tú nohu na tej strane krívala. Najhorší týždeň, aký kedy mala, teraz ona tam sedí a počúva ma - najhorší týždeň, aký kedy mala.

A povedala: "Napozajtre musím ísť na tú prehliadku."

81Pomyslel som si: "Ó, Bože, ak to oni vyrežú, to nám nedovolí ísť na Vianoce domov, a ja som povedal tým ľuďom, že tam budem." A povedal som: "Čo za čas ... Ó." Rozmýšľal som: "Povedať mu, ak to bude operovať, nech je to trochu neskoršie, až po Vianociach." Potom som rozmýšľal: "To môže byť zhubný." A naspäť tu, viete, to je zlé. Dostane sa do obličiek, ak je zhubný, to vás zabije. Tak potom, rozmýšľal som: "Čo mám robiť?"

82A Méda povedala: "Dobre, no zavolaj mi," povedala ... V ten deň, keď som prišiel do Shreveportu ... (to by bolo na druhý deň potom) Keď som prišiel do Shreveportu, ona musela ísť na to vyšetrenie. A tak išla na to ... Pani Normanová išla s ňou, sestra Normanová - všetci ju poznáte; ľudia, ktorí chodia sem do zhromaždenia, ona išla s ňou ku tomu špecialistovi. A tak ona povedala: "Čakaj a po prvom zhromaždení v ... a potom znovu zavolaj, pretože je časový rozdiel (dve hodiny), potom mi zavolaj, keď prídeš naspäť po zhromaždení, poviem ti čo sa so mnou deje."

A ja som povedal: "Dobre."

83Tak som pokračoval ďalej, ráno, prv ako som odišiel, bral som Billyho a Loyce (oni obaja tu teraz sedia) a stále ... máme tam starý stolec, ktorý nám brat Palmer nedávno očalúnil a my sa stále zhromaždíme okolo toho stolca a modlíme sa, kedykoľvek sme ... stará sedačka, ako viete (podnožka), zakaždým sa zídeme tam okolo a modlíme sa, keď idem na zhromaždenie; prosíme Boha, aby nám pomohol.

84A ja som tam bol niekoľko dní a cítil som sa osamelý. Dom ... deti odišli a ona odišla. Viete, mnohý viete, že som musel raz cez to prechádzať - ísť naspäť do prázdneho domu. Len som pochoval tú ženu - Hope. A ja ... všetko to znovu. Sadol som si, rozmýšľal som: "No, budem sa modliť a potom sa zastavím pre Billyho a Loyce a pôjdeme."

85Tak keď som si kľakol, aby som sa modlil, povedal som: "Pane, chýbajú mi tu dnes ráno." Povedal som: "Prosím aby si im Ty pomohol a požehnal ich, aby sme tu znovu mohli prísť na toto miesto. A teraz ..." Povedal som: "Oni sú tam, pretože si ma tam poslal, vo videní a Ty si to vyplnil; teraz, budem čakať, aby som vedel, čo mi povieš, čo mám robiť ďalej." Povedal som: "Prosím, buď jej milostivý." A povedal som: "Pomôž mi tam na zhromaždení." Potom som ďalej ... Povedal som: "Pane, nedaj, aby bol zhubný. Nech ten doktor počká s tou operáciou až do prvého toho roku. Ja ju proste nechcem vidieť ..." Povedal som: "Pane, ona to tak nemyslela, čo urobila v to ráno. Ona to tak nemyslela." Povedal som: "Pane, nikdy nepovedala ani jedno slovo, že chodím na tie zhromaždenia, som tam mesiace, alebo čokoľvek to bolo - ani raz kvôli tomu neotvorila ani ústa. Stále mi dávala šaty do čistiarni a prala mi košele a mala všetko pripravené, aby som mohol ísť na zhromaždenia. A potom, uvažovala, ako by mohla slúžiť Bohu." Vy ženy, keď slúžite svojmu mužovi, slúžite Bohu. Ó samozrejme. A teraz ... "a potom, keď som prišiel celý unavený a ustatý; zovšadiaľ prichádzajú ľudia, chodievam von niekde na ryby, alebo na poľovačku. No, mnohé ženy by sa proti tomu postavili. Čo ona robila? Mala pre mňa pripravené šaty na poľovačku, aby som mohol ísť - nechala ma ísť." Povedal som: "Ona to tak nemyslela." A povedal som: "Ona už musela byť tri krát rezaná kvôli cisárskemu rezu," povedal som: "Pane, nerád ju vidím, že musí byť znovu rezaná."

86Práve vtedy som niečo počul v izbe. Pozrel som hore a hlas povedal: "Vstaň." Povedal: "Teraz čokoľvek povieš, tak sa stane."

87Chvíľu som počkal a povedal som: "Prv ako sa jej dotkne ruka lekára, ruka Božia odstráni preč ten nádor a viacej ho už nebude."

88Tým to pre mňa bolo vybavené. Nevolal som jej. Hneď sme išli; išiel som a zobral som Billyho a Loyce a išli sme do Shreveportu.

89Ďalší večer som jej zavolal. Ona bola šťastná, povedala: "Bill, chcem ti povedať ..." (Ona je teraz tu a môže to potvrdiť.) Musela tam dokrívať. Vošla do tej izby s tou ošetrovateľkou a pani Normanovou a obliekla si šaty (plášť) na prehliadku. Prišiel doktor a ona ledva dokázala vyliezť na stôl; ten nádor tam tak veľmi vyčnieval. A keď ona ... Doktor prišiel a rozprával sa s ňou a podišiel bližšie, aby odkryl tú plachtu a dotkol sa jej a prv ako sa jej dotkol, to zmizlo; a doktor nevedel na ktorej strane to bolo.

90On povedal: "Počkajte chvíľku!" S tými nakreslenými diagramami a všetkými tými obrázkami a všetkým možným, nemohol nájsť po ňom ani stopu. Vyšetroval ju znovu a znovu. Povedal: "Možno to nedokážem zistiť, ale pani Branhamová, ten nádor tam nie je." A ona od vtedy nemá žiadny príznak toho.

91Čo to bolo? Všimnite si, presne tak, ako to bolo povedané: "Prv ako sa toho môže dotknúť ruka lekára." Zlomok sekundy a jeho ruka by sa toho dotkla. Aké dokonalé je Slovo Pánove!

92No, tam je moja žena a my sme obaja pred Bohom. Ale prv, ako sa vôbec ruka lekára mohla dotknúť jej tela, ako sa takto ku nej načahoval, niečo sa stalo. Nádor zmizol. A oni nemohli ... On povedal - myslím, že toto, či nie drahá? "Chcem vás uistiť, pani Branhamová - je to tak, ako to on povedal? Je to tak - že ten nádor tam nie je. Nemáte žiadny nádor." Čo to bolo? Presne podľa Slova Pánovho, ktoré bolo vypovedané. Amen.

93To je piaty krát. Päť je číslo milosti. Tiež číslo v-i-e-r-y. Nemám viac v mysli pochybnosť. Viem čo je tretie potiahnutie a viem, čo ono robí. No buďte úctiví; buďte potichu. Zakrátko príde hodina, kde Boh bude pre nás robiť veľké veci.

94No, skloňme svoje hlavy v modlitbe. Pane Ježišu, videl som to na iných ľuďoch, ale keď to prišlo na moju drahú ženu - potom to bolo v mojom dome, Pane. Díval som sa na to svojimi vlastnými očami, cítil som to svojimi vlastnými rukami a Pane, pred šestnástymi rokmi si to tiež Ty dal najavo a zjavil si to. Keď je niečo vypovedané, musí sa to stať. Ty si mi to vtedy ukázal, Pane, spoliehajúc na to čo si urobil pre ľudí a dal si mi to poznať, tak že som im mohol pomôcť. Ty si spravil, že sa to vyplnilo v mojom vlastnom dome. To bolo prvé potiahnutie. A teraz tretie potiahnutie potvrdilo prvé potiahnutie.

95Sme vďační, Otče. Odpusť nám naše nedostatky. Sme prostí ľudia. Nie sme vzdelaní - viac, alebo menej sme neučení - ale sme tak vďační, že máme veľkého všemohúceho Boha, ktorý dohliada a stará sa o nás, lebo my nevieme, ako sa starať o seba. Porúčame sa Tebe.

96Teraz Otče, prosím, aby si mi pomohol a v tomto treťom potiahnutí, nech, ó Pane, ako si o tom hovoril už niekoľko posledných rokov a ukazoval si to v znameniach, na horách a tak ďalej a stále si na to upozorňoval. No, dával som pozor, aby som videl, čo to je, až kým to nebolo úplne potvrdené. Prosím teraz Otče, aby si mi pomohol, aby som mal toto vo väčšej vážnosti, než ako to bolo predtým. A nech Tebe bude chvála, z poza tejto istej kazateľni, kde bolo oznámené to prvé, druhé a teraz to tretie. A to čo si povedal sa stalo; presne to, čo si povedal. My Ti veríme, Pane Bože.

97Pomôž každému jednému z nás odhodiť preč našu neveru a naše povery, aby sme mohli stáť v prítomnosti živého Boha; vediac, že ten istý Boh, ktorý odstránil ten nádor z mojej ženy, ktorá tu teraz sedí - je to potvrdené skrze najvyššiu lekársku vedu, ktorú máme v kraji, ktorá to vyšetrila, potom pozreli a urobili snímok; a teraz je to preč.

98Ty si Boh a nie je iného okrem Teba. A my Ťa milujeme, pretože Ty si nám dal stať sa Tvojimi sluhami. Nech by sme Ti slúžili úctivo a čestne po všetky dni nášho života. Daj to, Pane. Nech ja i moja rodina, i všetci títo ľudia môžeme byť svietiacimi svetlami, slanou soľou, ktorá spôsobí smäd v iných, aby milovali tohoto Ježiša, ktorý tak veľa pre nás urobil.

99No, pomôž mi Pane, keď otváram Slovo, aby som prečítal z neho krátky text a potom sa modlil za chorých. Hovor ku nám a uzdrav chorých, prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen. Či by ste ... mám čas? Ak sa naozaj poponáhľam pri tomto texte tu - chcem, aby ste teraz čítali, (alebo si poznačili, alebo čokoľvek chcete). Prvé miesto nájdeme v knihe Numeri 21: 5-19. A chceme čítať toto:

A ľud vravel proti Bohu a Mojžišovi: Prečo ste nás vyviedli hore z Egypta? Aby sme pomreli tu na púšti? Lebo niet ani chleba, ani vody. A naša duša si už zošklivila ten ničomný chlieb

(anjelsky pokrm).

A Hospodin poslal na ľud jedovatých hadov ohnivých, ktorí štípali ľud, takže zomrelo množstvo ľudu z Izraela.

Preto prišiel ľud k Mojžišovi a vraveli:

(Vyznanie, Dávajte pozor.)

Zhrešili sme, ...

(Vidíte? To je prvá vec na ceste za uzdravením, najprv je vyznanie.)

Zhrešili sme, keď sme hovorili proti Hospodinovi i proti tebe. Modli sa Hospodinovi, aby odstránil od nás hada. A Mojžiš sa modlil za ľud.

A Hospodin riekol Mojžišovi: Sprav si takého ohnivého hada a vystav ho na tyč. A stane sa, že každý, kto je uštipnutý, keď ho uvidí, bude žiť.

Vtedy spravil Mojžiš medeného hada a vystavil ho na tyč. A bolo tak, že keď uštipol had niekoho, a keď pozrel uštipnutý na medeného hada, žil.

A teraz ešte chcem čítať Písmo zo Zachariáša z 12 kapitoly, 10. verš.

A vylejem na dom Dávidov a na obyvateľov Jeruzalema Ducha milosti a pokorných prosieb, a obrátia svoj zreteľ ku mne, ku tomu, ktorého prebodli a budú nariekať nad ním, ako niekto narieka nad svojím jediným, a budú horko žalostiť nad ním, ako niekto žalostí nad svojím prvorodeným.

100Teraz za tému, chcem zobrať toto: "Pozri sa na Ježiša"; odvráť sa od tohoto sveta a pozri sa na Ježiša. Mojžiš spravil toho hada a tu ten prorok neskoršie hovorí o tom - čo sa stane; pozerať sa na Ježiša.

101Biblia povedala v Izaiášovi 45:22 - nachádzame, že Boh povedal: "Obráťte zreteľ ku mne ... všetky končiny zeme." A teraz, keď zem prišla do svojho konca, alebo ten zemský systém prišiel do svojho konca, nech ľudia obrátia zreteľ na Neho.

102No môžete povedať: "Počujeme toto hovoriť generáciu za generáciou. Počujeme to už dlhý čas." To je pravda. A to sa už káže dlhý čas. Mnohí kazatelia kážu na tento istý text - tisíce z nich. Ale tu je to, čo sa vás chcem opýtať dnes večer, za týchto ďalších niekoľko minút: Ale keď sa pozriete ... Jedná sa o to: Čo vidíte, keď sa pozriete? Čo vidíte, keď sa dívate? To záleží len na tom, čo chcete vidieť.

103No On povedal: "Obráťte zreteľ ku mne ... všetky končiny zeme." Mojžiš zodvihol toho hada, a každý kto sa pozrel bol uzdravený. No, to záleží na tom, čo hľadáte.

104Videl som tento posledný deň prísť ľudí na zhromaždenia, mohli vysedieť v zhromaždení len asi jednu alebo dve minúty. To bolo všetko čo mohli zniesť. Oni to nemohli zniesť.

105Nikdy nezabudnem ... Dúfam, že toto nepadá na nikoho z Iowa. Keď som mal zhromaždenie vo Waterloo ... Brat Lee Vayle - on tam bol v to ráno, neviem či je tu dnes večer, alebo nie. Si tu, Lee? Bol tu dnes ráno. Áno, tam vzadu v nahrávacej ... tam vzadu. No dobre.

106Brat Lee a ja sme urobili všetko, čo sme mohli, dali sme tomu kazateľskému združeniu zadarmo raňajky, len aby prišli a mohli sme ku ním hovoriť. Brat Lee Vayle, je samozrejme vzdelaný, doktor teológii. On si skutočne zaslúži svoju hodnosť. A tak ja som sa ho snažil prehovoriť, aby hovoril pred tými Luteránmi, Presbyteriánmi, a tak ďalej; ale on povedal: "Nie, oni očakávajú na teba, že budeš hovoriť."

107Dobre, išiel som tam a začal kázať na svoju tému, pred tými kazateľmi, potom keď sa všetci najedli. Kázal som na tému: "Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu." Len čo som prečítal to miesto Písma, asi dvaja sa pozreli - odišli von dvermi. Keď som začal hovoriť, ako Pavol vo svojom čase, s tou zvláštnou službou - a teraz on stál pred Agripom a povedal, že nebol tomu neposlušný - vstali ďalší dvaja, alebo traja. A za chvíľu som prišiel ku miestu, kde som mohol povedať niečo na tú tému, sedeli tam len traja, alebo štyria. Oni všetci vstali a odišli.

108Dôvod toho je toto: Niekto prichádza na zhromaždenie, keď počujú o nejakom evanjelistovi - to, ako sa on oblieka, je pre tých ľudí dôležité. Ak on nenosí ten patričný druh oblečenia, niektorí z nich - počul som hovoriť raz psychológa - Dr. Narramore, fajn človek, Kresťan, jeho program vysielajú po celý čas tam v KAIR - on povedal: "To, podľa čoho môžeme povedať na niekoho, že je nenormálny, je to, keď sa neoblieka náležite ku svojmu postaveniu." Viete, ako sa on ukazuje pred verejnosťou. To je znak, že je nenormálny.

109No, potom ja som po celý svoj život blázon, pretože nosím montérky a všetko možné, vidíte. Tak - inými slovami, aby som sa hodil na svoje postavenie musím sa obliekať ako duchovný, aby som mohol byť duchovný. Nemyslím, že Ježiš sa obliekal ako duchovný. On sa obliekal ako obyčajný človek. On išiel medzi ľudí, to vôbec nebolo v obliekaní.

110Ale to je len ... vidíte, ako to ... to robia ľudské predstavy. Čo ak tento človek, alebo som zvedavý, čo by si ten doktor myslel o tomto: keď jeden prorok v Biblii mal rozkázané, aby si vyzliekol svoje šaty a nahý chodil pred ľuďmi. On by bol teraz naozaj blázon, či nie? Ale Boh mu povedal, aby to urobil.

111Iný musel ležať na svojom boku za 340 mesiacov (Tak sa mi vidí) ležať na svojom boku - na jednom boku; potom sa obrátiť na druhý bok a jesť hrniec šošovici, ktorý si tam pripravil; musel ísť a uvariť si toto, dať to dokopy a jesť to po celý čas - načiahnuť sa nabrať do hrsti a jesť, ležiac na svojom boku, na znak.

112Ó, ako ďaleko sa môžu ľudia dostať od pravého Slova Božieho. Oni sa stávajú tak vzdelaní, až vzdelajú samých seba preč od Boha. Keď niekto hovorí o tom, že má vzdelanie, ja viem, že to len ukazuje, ako ďaleko je od Boha. Doktorský stupeň (nehovorím toto proti Dr. Vaylemu, pretože on nie je ten typ), ale obyčajne, keď niekto dosiahne doktorát; to mne len hovorí, že on je až tak vzdialený od Boha - ak sa nedokáže držať Slova a Boha.

113No, zisťujeme, že niektorí prichádzajú počúvať to, ako hovoríte. Keď prídu aby sa pozreli - hovoríte o Božskom uzdravovaní a o Pánovi. Ak ten človek nie je typickým, vzdelaným géniusom, ľudia proste nemôžu vydržať, počúvať ho, keď nesprávne vyslovuje slová, ako his a hain't a tomu podobné. Oni hneď ... oni ne ... oni si proste myslia, že to je ďaleko od Boha. A keď Ježiš hovoril tak jednoduchým jazykom, že až dodnes to robí neporozumenie medzi tými profesormi, pretože oni sa to snažia vykladať podľa vzdelania a jazyka na ten čas a to bol jazyk, akým sa hovorilo na ulici. Tak preto ... Aha, dokonca tu v našich Spojených štátoch je veľký rozdiel. Volal som z Floridy do New Yorku a musel som si zohnať ženu tu v St. Loius, aby prekladala medzi týmto južným dievčaťom a severným dievčaťom. Taký je rozdiel. Skutočne.

114Je to v tom, že ľudia sa dívajú na takéto veci - na rečnenie, namiesto Slova. To že sa to Slovo zamanifestovalo je dôkazom, že je to pravda. Vidíte? Slovo sa zamanifestovalo. Oni sa vôbec nebudú dívať na to. Musíte mať vzdelanie, aby ste vedeli ... ísť na seminár a učiť sa, ako sa máte ukláňať, ako máte stáť na jednom mieste a všetko - to by celkom udusilo nejakého kazateľa, ktorý je skutočne naplnený Duchom Svätým. No, to je intelektuálne.

115Takto uvažuje celý tento národ. Oni si intelektuálne predstavujú Krista. To je to za čím sa obzerajú. A keď je Kristus vo vás, musíte byť vedec; musíte byť vzdelanec, pretože oni si myslia, že to je Kristus.

116A ďalšia vec, oni si vytvárajú svoje vlastné predstavy, čo On má byť - svoje vlastné idey - namiesto toho, aby zobrali to, čo hovorí Slovo. Takto ... keď sa oni dívajú a keby videli aj samého Ježiša, oni Ho nebudú poznať. Oni Ho nepoznali v deň Letníc. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď On bol v tele. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol v jasliach. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol na uliciach Jeruzalema. Oni Ho nepoznali, keď bol na kríži a On bol vyplnením toho Slova a ďalej si mysleli, že ten Mesiáš príde z neba po nejakom koridore a všetko možné a to bolo zlé, pretože to bola ich intelektuálna predstava a oni Ho nevideli - a dívali sa rovno na Neho.

117Tak je to dnes. Čo vidíte, keď sa pozeráte? Niektorí sa pozerajú, aby videli - keď sa pozerajú na Neho, oni sa pozerajú, aby videli nejakého veľkého, vzdelaného zakladateľa cirkvi, niekoho, kto skutočne môže vymyslieť nejaké vyznanie, ktoré spôsobí, že všetci ľudia pôjdu za týmto vyznaním, toto či tamto - to je to, na čo oni pozerajú, keď Ho vidia.

118Niektorí sa pozerajú, aby videli mýt, ako Mikuláš, keď sa pozerajú. Oni čítajú Bibliu a hovoria: "Och, to je vybájená vec. To je len niečo, čo napísal človek." To je to, čo oni ... pretože, akú mienku máte o Biblii, takú mienku máte o Ňom, vidíte.

119Niekto sa pozrie, aby videl malé dieťa. Niekto sa pozrie a vidí zajaca, alebo Mikuláša. Niekto sa pozrie, aby videl nejakú historickú knihu, ktorá bola včera a nie dnes. Ale otázka znie: čo vidíš ty, keď sa ty dívaš?

120Tak mnohí z vás, ktorí tvrdia, že majú Ducha Svätého, sa pozrú a vidia druhú osobu trojice, keď o tom v Biblii nie je ani len zmienka. Neexistuje taká vec. Slovo trojica sa nikde v Biblii nenachádza. Ale predsa, keď sa pozeráte na Ježiša, pokladáte Ho za tretiu osobu, alebo za druhú osobu trojice. A to je dôvod, že sa nikde nedostanete. Viete čo On povedal? - "Ja som Boh a nie je iného okrem Mňa."

121To záleží od toho, na čo sa pozeráte. Ak chcete mať nejakého malého poslíčka, nejakého starého muža s bradou a tak ďalej - ak sa takto dívate na Ježiša, ako že je nejaká iná osoba ako Boh, pozeráte sa zle. Nevidíte to.

122Tu pred nedávnom, mal som ďalekohľad. Snažil som sa pozorovať nejakú antilopu, antilopu vonku v teréne a môj syn sa mi ju snažil ukázať. On je trochu mladší. Tak on povedal: "Zober si ten ďalekohľad, Ocko, tam stojí antilopa, rovno tam."

Povedal som: "Môžem ju vidieť holým okom."

123On povedal: "Vezmi si tento ďalekohľad." Keď som sa pozrel videl som asi desať antilop - ale ten ďalekohľad bol rozladený. A keď som ho nastavil, všetkých desať sa stali jednou. A keď vy nastavíte svoju myseľ do Božieho Slova, tí traja budú jedným. Ale vaše náboženské okuliare sa rozladili, keď sa snažíte urobiť z Neho troch. On je jeden.

124Ale to záleží na tom, na čo sa pozeráte. Čo vidíte, keď sa pozeráte? Pamätajte, vy Ho môžete vidieť len vtedy, keď sa pozeráte na Neho skrze Slovo. Nemôžete sa pozerať na Neho skrze nejakú učebnicu. Nemôžete sa pozerať na Neho skrze vyznanie. Budete v tých vyznaniach vidieť dvoch, alebo troch bohov a všetko možné. Ale pozrite sa na Neho cez Slovo a uvidíte, že On je Emanuel - Boh, ktorý sa medzi nami stal telom. On povedal: "Ja som Boh a okrem Mňa, nie je žiadneho iného." On je Boh.

125Izaiáš sa raz pozrel, (ten prorok) a keď videl Ježiša (moja téma je: "Pozeraj sa na Ježiša" - "Pozri sa na Ježiša"), keď Izaiáš odvrátil svoj pohľad od sveta, aby videl Jeho, on povedal: "Vidím Radcu, Knieža Pokoja, Silného Boha, Otca Večnosti." Toto je to, na čo sa Izaiáš pozrel a videl.

126Daniel stál jedného dňa, keď videl koniec pohanských kráľovstiev. On videl ten obraz, ktorý videl Nabuchodonozor vo sne. On videl, ako každé kráľovstvo bude nasledovať jedno za druhým, ako oni prídu. A keď sa pozrel, aby videl, čo všetko sa stane na konci - keď uvidel Ježiša - On bol kameň, ktorý sa odtrhol z hory bez zásahu rúk a rozdrvil pohanské kráľovstvá.

127Nabuchodonozor hodil troch Hebrejských mládencov do horiacej pece, ktorí verili v Boha a stáli na Jeho Slove. Aj keby museli kvôli tomu zomrieť, aj tak zostanú verní - jednalo sa len o maličkosť, trochu inak skloniť svoje kolená. Ale keď sa on pozrel a videl Ježiša, On bol ten štvrtý muž, ktorý bol v tej horiacej peci a to zadržalo všetku žiaru od Jeho poslušných sluhov. To je to, čo videl Nabuchodonozor.

128Ezechiel sa jedného dňa pozrel, aby Ho videl a On bol koleso v strede kolesa, ktoré bolo v strede vo vzduchu. On bol tou hlavou toho kolesa, do ktorej bol upevnený každý špic. Amen! To veľké koleso bežiace skrze vieru, ale to malé koleso otáčajúce sa mocou Pánovou. To je ten, ktorého videl Ezechiel, keď sa pozrel.

129Ján Krstiteľ sa pozrel, jedného dňa a keď to urobil uvidel holubicu a hlas, ktorý hovoril: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." To je to, čo on videl. Potom on videl, že Ježiš a Boh, že je to tá istá osoba, pretože Duch prišiel dole z neba, ako holubica a hovoril: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." To je to čo on videl. Všimnite si, takto sa On dával poznávať.

130Noe, keď sa on pozrel, aby Ho videl, Noe videl spravodlivý súd Boží prichádzajúci na ľudí tohoto sveta, ktorí odmietli Jeho Slovo. To je to, čo videl Noe, keď sa pozrel.

131Mojžiš, keď sa on pozrel, on videl horiaci krík. Ohnivý stĺp, ktorý zostúpil do toho kríka a keď Mojžiš prišiel bližšie ku tomu, On povedal: "Vyzuj svoju obuv, lebo JA SOM."

132No, keby ste zvážili to slovo, JA SOM. To je minulý čas, prítomný čas a budúci čas. JA SOM - večný, vidíte. JA SOM; on videl toho JA SOM. To je to, čo on videl v tom horiacom kríku.

133Izrael sa pozrel na toho mosadzného hada, ktorého spravil Mojžiš a videl utrpenia Kristove, za súd, za chorých, lebo vieme, že ten had hovoril o zmierení. Ježiš bol tým zmierením. "Ako Mojžiš vyvýšil mosadzného hada na púšti, tak musí byť vyvýšený Syn človeka" - za tým istým účelom. Prečo? Oni zhrešili a ochoreli. To bolo na to, aby boli odňaté ich hriechy a ich nemoci a preto bol Ježiš ranený za naše prestúpenia; Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení. Odstráňte od Krista Božské uzdravenie - rozdeľujete zmierenie na polovicu, na dvoje.

134Čo vidíte v Ňom, keď sa dívate? Vidíte to? Vidíte, že On bol ranený za naše prestúpenia. Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení. Keď sa pozriete, môžete to vidieť, alebo môžete vidieť len jednu stranu zmierenia? Či môžete vidieť obe strany, keď sa pozeráte?

135Ak sa na to dívate cez vierovyznanie, oni vám povedia: "Dni uzdravovania pominuli." Ale keď sa dívate na to cez Slovo, budete vidieť, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

136Učeníci sa pozreli na Neho, keď boli v ťažkostiach na mori a oni videli, ako prichádza jediná pomoc, ktorá im mohla pomôcť.

137Marta sa pozrela na Neho v čase smrti a ona videla, že On je vzkriesenie i život. Amen! V čase smrti, Marta videla, keď sa na Neho pozrela - On bol odmietnutý od jej ľudí; On bol odstrčený. Dokonca, ona poslala pre Neho a On neprišiel ku jej bratovi; ale keď On nakoniec prišiel a ona vyšla a padla k Jeho nohám, tak sa ona mohla pozrieť na Neho a zistila, že On je oboje, vzkriesenie i život. Amen!

138Jairus uvidel to isté - tajný veriaci: nejaký Presbyterián, Metodista, Baptista, ktorý skutočne veril, ale nemohol tam ísť, pretože jeho denominácia by mu to nedovolila, bol by vylúčený. Ale jeho jediná dcéruška zomierala a on musel ísť. Ale keď Ho našiel, on poznal, že On je vzkriesenie i život. Keď on poslal pre Neho, posol prišiel a povedal: "Neunúvaj Majstra, pretože dievča už zomrelo." A jeho srdce skoro puklo, ale On povedal: "Či som ti nepovedal, že ak budeš veriť uvidíš slávu Božiu?" Jairus zistil, že On môže vzkriesiť z mŕtvych, keď sa pozrel na Ježiša.

Hladní sa pozreli na Neho a našli posilňujúcu potravu pre život. To bolo telesné. Duchovne hladný sa môže pozrieť na Neho a môže sa presvedčiť, že On je chlieb života. Ten zomierajúci lotor sa pozrel, aby videl čo by mohol vidieť a našiel v Ježišovi svoje odpustenie. "Spomeň si na mňa, Pane, keď prídeš do svojho kráľovstva," Ježiš povedal: "Dnes budeš so mnou v raji." Toto on videl v hodine svojej smrti.

139Chorý sa pozrel na Neho a videl uzdravovateľa. Slepý sa pozrel a mohol vidieť.

140To záleží na tom, na čo sa teraz dívate. Na čo sa dívate? Peter a Natanael sa pozreli a videli zasľúbené Slovo ich proroka, Mojžiša, ktoré sa vyplnilo. "Pán váš Boh vám vzbudí proroka ako mňa a jeho sa budú ľudia držať; a všetci, ktorí mu nebudú veriť a nebudú počúvať toho proroka, budú vyťatí z pomedzi ľudu."

141A keď Peter prišiel do Jeho prítomnosti, Ježiš povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon a ty si syn Jonášov." On hneď vedel, keď sa prvý krát pozrel na Ježiša, že to je vyplnenie toho, čo Slovo o Ňom hovorilo. Amen.

142Som zvedavý, či ste vy uvideli to isté, keď ste sa prvý krát na Neho pozreli? Som zvedavý či sa to zasľúbené Slovo zamanifestovalo pred vami, keď ste sa pozreli na Neho?

143Natanael, len čo prišiel do prítomnosti Ježiša, mal trochu pochybnosti; nachádzame, že Filip išiel a povedal mu: "Poď a pozri koho sme našli."

A Natanael prišiel a opýtal sa: "Ktorý je On?"

On povedal: "Možno, že to je ten tam, ktorý sa modlí za chorých." On sa tam pretlačil, aby sa mohol pozrieť na Neho.

A keď sa pozrel Ježiš povedal: "Hľa Izraelita, v ktorom nieto ľsti."

On povedal: "Rabi, kedy si ma vôbec poznal?"

On povedal: "Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa."

144Čo potom Natanael uvidel? On uvidel, že to bol Kráľ Izraela. On povedal: "Ty si Syn Boží. Ty si Kráľ Izraelov." To je to, čo on videl, keď sa pozrel. On porozumel tomu Písmu, ktoré bolo pred ním prinesené do svetla. On to videl; to isté Písmo, ktoré povedal ten pomazaný prorok Mojžiš: "On bude prorok ako ja."

145Žena pri studni, ona sa raz pozrela a čo uvidela? Ona to povedala v meste. Ona povedala: "Poďte vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila. Či to nie je Mesiáš?" Keď sa prvý krát pozrela na Ježiša Krista, ona uvidela Mesiáša.

146Ľudia sa dnes môžu pozerať na to isté a nazývať to mentálnou telepatiou. Budú to nazývať špiritizmom; budú to nazývať rôznymi diablovými menami, ako len môžu, pretože nevedia čo hľadajú. Amen. Oni nerozumejú. Hľadajú nejaké vyznanie. Hľadajú nejakého géniusa, aby dal cirkev do poriadku. Hľadajú viacej členov a nevidia požehnaného Pána Ježiša Krista vo Svojom potvrdenom Slove. Tak veru.

147To záleží na tom, čo hľadáte. Ak hľadáte vyplnenie zasľúbenia na tento deň, uvidíte ho; ale ak hľadáte nejakého vzdelanca, alebo niečo, čo oni stále hľadajú - nejakého veľkého zakladateľa, nejakého historika, nejakú inú osobu, niečo ďalšie - neuvidíte to. Ale keď sa pozriete na Neho cez Slovo, Slovo dá jasné svedectvo, kto On je!

148On vyzýval ľudí vo Svojom čase, aby urobili to isté. Oni Ho nemohli vidieť. On povedal: "Vy slepí vodcovia slepých. Vy tvrdíte, že Mojžiš je váš prorok. Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa. Mojžiš písal o Mne." A oni boli príliš slepí, aby to videli. Dívali sa rovno na to a boli príliš slepí, aby to videli.

149Vidíte, hovorím chvíľu v súvislosti s tým svetlom (čo som hovoril) dnes ráno. Oni hľadia a nevedia čo hľadajú, pretože majú zlú predstavu o tom, čo sa snažia nájsť. Ako budete vedieť, čo chcete nájsť, ak neviete čo hľadáte?

150Ako pôjdete hľadať tekvicu a nikdy ste žiadnu nevideli a nikdy ste o žiadnej nepočuli? Ako pôjdete hľadať dyňu, ak neviete, že existuje také niečo a ako ona vyzerá? Mohli by ste nájsť vedro a nazdať sa že je to dyňa. Mohli by ste nájsť niečo iné. Mohli by ste nájsť tehlu a myslieť si, že je to dyňa. Ale vy musíte vedieť, čo hľadáte. A jediný spôsob, ako kedy budete vedieť, čo hľadáte ... Ak hľadáte Ježiša, budete sa dívať do Slova, lebo On je Slovo. "Oni sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Skúmajte Písma." "Vy tvrdíte, že ste ... že veríte prorokom, ale vy ste zo svojho otca diabla. Vaši otcovia, ktorí tvrdili, keď Boh ku ním posielal prorokov, on ich priviedol do hrobu. Oni zabíjali prorokov. Každého, ktorý prišiel," povedal Ježiš, "Ktorého z nich vaši otcovia neukameňovali? A vy budete robiť skutky vašich otcov." Amen! Spravodliví ľudia, svätí ľudia, človek na ktorého by ste nemohli ukázať prstom a predsa ich On nazval hadmi a diablami. Čo hľadáte? Ak hľadáte nejakú nábožnú osobu ... Niektorí ľudia si myslia, že pretože Duch Svätý pracuje cez vás, vy musíte byť nejaký dlho ... nábožný človek, ktorý ide okolo a ani ... To nie je Duch Svätý. Boh nejedná takto skrze anjelov, ani neočakáva že sú; Boh pracuje cez človeka. Biblia povedala: "Eliáš bol človek, ktorý trpel podobným ako my." Ale vy ste nemohli byť s ním, kým ste neuvideli Ježiša.

151Peter a Ján pri bráne zvanej Krásna a keď ich oni tam priviedli kvôli uzdraveniu toho človeka, oni poznali, že oni boli neučení, prostí, ale oni tiež poznali, že oni boli s Ježišom, pretože Jeho život sa prejavoval cez nich.

152No, to záleží na tom, čo hľadáte. Tá žena čítala Bibliu. Ona vedela, že má prísť Mesiáš a ona vedela, čo Mesiáš bude robiť. A len čo jej Ježiš povedal: "Daj mi napiť." Ona povedala: "To nie je zvykom." On bol len obyčajný človek. No, keby tam On bol sedel s veľkým turbanom a mal na sebe všetky možné ornamenty, nejakého svätého človeka, no tá žena by povedala: "No, to je kňaz," a išla by ďalej, alebo: "To je nejaký rabi," a išla by ďalej.

153Kazateľ, jedno alebo druhé - videl som človeka, ktorý prišiel dnes jesť, tam kde som išiel ja jesť a ten človek vošiel dnu; on mal na sebe toľko krížov a všetkého možného - to je niekedy dobré, že to tí ľudia majú. Ja myslím, že máte žiť život. Nemusíte mať mnoho kňazského oblečenia, aby ste dokázali čo ste. Niekedy oni pijú a tak sa správajú a fajčia a robia všetko možné, že musia nosiť kňazské oblečenie, aby bolo poznať, či sú kazatelia, alebo nie. Je to tak. Hovorím vám, že tým kňazským oblečením pre človeka, ktoré má nosiť, je krst Duchom Svätým. To vás bude legitimovať, ako chodíte s Ježišom.

154No, vidíme, že to záleží od toho čo hľadáte: Dobre oblečený, dobre upravený, určitý druh turbanu. Nikdy Ho neuvidíte, pretože On bol len obyčajný človek. Boh jedná s človekom. Ježiš bol človek. Boh bol v tom človeku a On bol Boh.

155No, vidíme, že táto žena, keď ona uvidela tento tajomný znak, že jej On mohol povedať, čo ona urobila, čo bolo zlé, alebo čo bolo v jej srdci, ona hneď potom poznala, že to bol Mesiáš. Tak, keď sa ona pozrela na Ježiša, ona videla Mesiáša - Mesiáša.

156Aké boli skutky Mesiáša? Bude poznať tajomstvá sŕdc. Postrehli ste to správne? Som zvedavý či budete rozumieť. Ak by ste Ho hľadali dnes večer, čo by ste hľadali? On bude ten istý. Mesiáš je Slovo - Slovo. A Biblia hovorí v Židom vo 4. kapitole že: "Božie Slovo je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce do rozdelenia špikov a schopné posúdiť myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci." A keď ona poznala, že Mesiáš má byť manifestáciou toho Slovo a že jej dokáže povedať čo s ňou nie je v poriadku, ona poznala, že to bol Mesiáš. Nie podľa toho, ako je oblečený; nie koľko On mal vzdelania; ale skrze znak, ktorý jej ukázal - On bol Mesiáš. Keď ona videla Ježiša, ona videla Mesiáša.

157Boh v človeku, ako zasľúbil na ten pomazaný vek. Ale viete čo? Mnohí z nich v tom istom veku, o ktorom som hovoril, nikdy toto nevideli. Mnohí z nich to nevideli. Tak isto je to dnes.

158Mnohí nepoznali Mojžiša - mnohí nepoznali Eliáša. Mnohí ne ... Oni ich vôbec nepoznali, až kým oni nepomreli. Potom, oni to poznali. Ten neveriaci videl vo dňoch Noeho len - na čo sa ten neveriaci díval? Povedal som vám čo videl veriaci; pozrime sa teraz, čo videl neveriaci.

159Vo dňoch Noeho, čo videl ten neveriaci tam, keď sa oni dívali? Oni videli nejakého fanatika motajúceho sa okolo tak zvaného člna. To je všetko, čo oni videli - nejakého bláznivého starého človeka s dlhou bielou bradou, ktorý stratil rozum a proti vedeckým výskumom a dôkazom, povedal: "Tam hore je voda."

160No, biedny starý človek, bolo im ho ľúto. Prešli okolo neho. "On zanedlho bude vyhlásený za blázna. On stratil rozum." Ale on mal Slovo Pánovo. On to ďalej staval a Boh predkladal očividný dôkaz, že prichádza potopa. To bol pre nich znak.

161Tí, ktorí neverili Noeho rozprávaniu, odchádzali ďalej do tmy a skončili smrťou vo vode a v hrobe pekla.

162Faraón - on sa raz pozeral. Čo videl? Čo videl faraón? On videl nejakého fanatika, tak zvaného proroka, s mnohými tak zvanými požiadavkami na vyslobodenie. To je všetko čo videl - človeka máchajúceho sa v blate, otroka, ktorý stál medzi tými ľuďmi a hovoril, že je poslaný od Boha robiť zázraky. Aha, oni si mysleli, že ten človek stratil ... Povedali: "Choďte nechajte ho fantazírovať. On zanedlho bude vyhlásený za blázna." Ale on mal "Tak hovorí Pán". Veriaci: Áron, Jozue a mnohí z nich videli v Mojžišovi Boha. A skutky Božie, ktoré Mojžiš činil. To bol dôvod, že oni poznali, že Boh bol v ňom. Oni sa pozreli a videli v Mojžišovi Boha.

163Ten bohatý človek sa pozrel a videl presne kto On bol, ale on Ho odmietol nasledovať, pretože on príliš miloval veci tohoto sveta, než aby nasledoval Ježiša. Koľkí bohatí ľudia toho typu, budú počúvať túto pásku. Nemusí to byť stále bohatý v peniazoch; nie, vy môžete byť bohatí v žiadostiach, bohatí v rozkošiach tohoto života.

164Koľkí mužovia ... Koľko mladých dievčat, koľko mladých chlapcov nepredá svoju popularitu kráľovnej sexu, či nejakého Rikiho s bendžom alebo s gitarou, ktorý tam ide a vystupuje v nejakom rock'n'role, alebo na nejakom tanci, kde môže hrať: Koľkí z nich sa dožadujú veľkej popularity a odmietnu, keď sedia rovno na zhromaždení a vidia pohybovať sa ruku Božiu a ohlasovať Jeho Slovo? Koľkí to urobia?

165On si vybral svoju denomináciu, on podľa nej dokázal žiť. Ježiš pre jeho denomináciu bol fanatik, tak on musel buď prijať to, čo povedal Ježiš, alebo musel prijať - prečo on nešiel ku svojmu kňazovi a neopýtal sa: "Čo mám robiť, aby som mal večný život?" On vedel, že kňaz o tom nič nevie. Tak on prišiel ku Ježišovi a opýtal sa: "Čo mám robiť?"

Ježiš povedal: "Zachovávaj prikázania." Hodil mu to naspäť.

On povedal: "Toto robím."

On povedal: "Zachovávaj prikázania."

166Potom on stále nemal večný život a on vedel, že ho nemá. Môžete zachovávať všetky prikázania a predsa nemáte večný život.

Tak Ježiš povedal: "No, ak chceš robiť to pravé, choď predaj čo máš a daj to chudobným; poď nasleduj Ma." To bolo na neho príliš veľa.

167Vidíme, že on sa pozrel a videl, kto On bol, ale jednako to odmietol prijať a jeho ďalší pohľad bol v pekle, obrátil hore pohľad a videl Lazára v lone Abrahámovom.

168Pilát sa raz pozrel, keď Ho priviedli. On Ho nikdy predtým nevidel - Jeho ruky boli zviazané; po chrbte Mu stekala krv, na hlave mal tŕňovú korunu. Pilát sa pozrel a bol presvedčený; pretože po ulici pricválal kôň a zoskočil z neho jazdec a pribehol a povedal: "Tu ti tvoja žena posiela dopis."

169A on sa pozrel na to a ona povedala: "Pilát, môj milovaný muž, nemaj nič s tým spravodlivým mužom. Pretože dnes vo sne som mnoho kvôli Nemu vytrpela."

On sa triasol, jeho kolená sa tĺkli o seba a on povedal: "Ak si ty ten Syn Boží, ak si ty ten Kráľ, prečo neprehovoríš. Ty si Kráľ Izraela?"

On povedal: "Ty si to povedal."

Povedal: "Povedz nám pravdu."

On povedal: "Kvôli tomuto koncu som sa narodil." A Pilát sa divil. On by ... každý, by bol prosil a nariekal pri jeho nohách. On povedal: "Ja mám moc dať ťa zabiť, alebo mám moc prepustiť ťa."

On povedal: "Nemal by si žiadnu moc, keby ti nebola daná od Môjho Otca."

170Tak veru, on bol presvedčený, že to bol viac ako človek. On bol úplne presvedčený, že to bol viac, ako človek. Skutočne. Ale čo? Jeho politika a popularita bola príliš veľká. Vidíte? On Ho odmietol. Jeho popularita bola príliš veľká. Politika - jeho postavenie v živote, bolo príliš veľké, aby prijal tohoto fanatika.

171Som zvedavý koľko Pilátov bude toto počúvať? Tá tvoja pozícia v nejakej denominácii bude príliš veľká, aby si prijal skutočného Pána Ježiša, stojaceho na tom postavení, na ktorom je dnes.

172Ten rímsky vojak pri kríži sa pozrel na Ježiša. Potom čo zem sa nervovo zrútila - triasla sa, až skaly hučali na vrchoch; a slnko zašlo v strede dňa a zatmelo sa - hviezdy nevyšli, aby dali svojho svetla. A zem chrlila skaly a triasla sa. Kľukaté blesky lietali po oblohe a roztrhli chrámovú oponu od vrchu dole. A ľudia behali a kričali - oni nevedeli čo sa stalo. Ten rímsky vojak, ktorý Ho tam pomohol pribíjať, ktorý mu svojím mečom prerazil srdce, on sa potom pozrel, ale to bolo príliš neskoro. On sa pozrel a uveril, ale to bolo pre neho príliš neskoro veriť. To čo urobil spečatilo jeho osud. On kopijou prepichol Spasiteľovo srdce. Bolo príliš neskoro.

173Som zvedavý koľko Rimanov urobilo dnes to isté a urobia to isté. Jedného dňa sa môžete pozrieť, ale to môže byť príliš neskoro.

174Mnohí, ktorí žijú dnes prídu v ten deň a bude s nimi tak isto. Oni vedeli.

175Tu brat Wood včera (hovorím toto, len preto, že to je v tomto posolstve), tu dole v Sliderovej spoločnosti. Pracuje tam nejaký rímsko-katolík. On išiel kúpiť nejaký cement tu pre cirkev a keď ho kúpil, on mu povedal, na čo to chce. a ten rímsko-katolík povedal: "To je brat Branham?"

On povedal: "Jedno poviem - keď sa on modlí, Boh odpovedá."

176To je potom divné, vediac to; vidiac to potvrdenie, že to je opravdu evanjelium - nie ja, žiadny človek, reprezentujúci Krista - to je Slovo o ktorom hovoríme - nie človek.

177Čo chcem týmto povedať: Že oni vidia jasne potvrdené Slovo, ako videl Pilát a tí ostatní, ako ten rímsky vojak, ale či budete čakať príliš dlho, aby ste s tým niečo urobili? On mal použiť tú kopiju inak. Dvere budú zavrené, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho; a potom je príliš neskoro.

178Jedného dňa sa môžete prebudiť a povedať: "Chcem sa dostať von z tohoto zamiešania." Nečakaj príliš dlho. Radšej sa pozri teraz a ži.

179Luther odvrátil svoj pohľad od Katolíckej denominácie. Čo uvidel? Ohnivý stĺp. On uvidel nezávislú cirkev. Wesley odvrátil svoj pohľad od Anglikánskej denominácii. On uvidel to isté. Letniční odvrátili svoj pohľad od tých denominácií. Čo sa z toho stalo? Veľký mocný ľud.

180Čo každý jeden z nich urobil? Keď tí zakladatelia, Luther A Wesley a ostatní, keď sa oni pozreli a uvideli, čo oni robia a vyšli z toho; ich deti, ktoré prišli po nich; pozreli sa odkiaľ vyšli z denominácie - a zaviedli tú skupinu ľudí rovno naspäť do toho istého zamiešania, z ktorého vyšli!

181Na čo sa pozeráte? Tí zakladatelia sa pozerali správne, ale tí ľudia, ktorí išli za nimi sa pozreli naspäť odkiaľ vyšli tí zakladatelia a urobili presne to, proti čomu boli tí zakladatelia - ten pomazanec Boží.

182Viete, musím sa ponáhľať, pretože sa mám ešte modliť za chorých a viem, že mnohí musíte cestovať.

183Jedného dňa som sa ja pozrel. Uvidel som Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom. Uvidel som tú Alfu a Omegu. Nevidel som žiadnych troch, štyroch, či piatych; videl som jedného. Uvidel som Jeho, ako svojho Spasiteľa. Uvidel som Jeho - Slovo. Uvidel som Jeho - život. Uvidel som Jeho - mocného Boha. Uvidel som v Ňom Boha. Uvidel som ohnivý Stĺp. Videl som v Ňom presne to, čo Biblia povedala, že je. Videl som, že On je Alfa i Omega; že On je ohnivý Stĺp; On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Videl som, že ten ohnivý Stĺp povedal Jánovi: "Nikdy vás neopustím ... (ako On tam povedal v Jánovi), Nikdy vás neopustím."

Brat, moja mienka dnes večer ... spievam tú pieseň:

Pozri sa a ži, môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži;

Pretože to je zapísané v Jeho Slove, Haleluja!

To je len to, pozri sa a ži.

184Pozri! Čo vidíš? Vidíš vyslobodenie? Vidíš čo On je? Pozri sa do Slova a pozri sa čo On bol, potom sa pozri do toho istého Slova a uvidíš, že On je dnes ten istý, aký bol vtedy. On je ten, koho predstavoval ten mosadzný had na púšti. Za tým istým účelom - kvôli hriechu a nemoci.

185Judáš sa jedného dňa pozrel a keď sa pozrel, potom keď sa poriadne na Neho pozrel - on sa pred tým díval len na pokladnicu, na mešec peňazí, ktoré mali - ale jedného dňa, keď sa pozrel a videl Ježiša, viete čo on uvidel? On uvidel, že bol vinný. On uvidel, že sa nehodí aby žil a obesil sa.

186Jedno ráno, jedno z tých najväčších rán v celej histórii času. Hovorím toto už na záver. V Jeruzaleme sa niečo stalo; zrazu prišla do vezenia skupina vojakov. Môžem počuť hrkotať reťaze; na ulici počuť ťahať kopiju.

187Kto je to tam? Barabáš - on je pripravený na smrť; on je zlodej; on nie je dobrý, on je zbojník, on je vrah; on má zomrieť.

Viete, to prvé, čo si on povedal: "No, toto tam je všetko kvôli mne. Dne ráno budem popravený."

Viete to prvé, čo sa stalo, ten strážca otvoril dvere: "Vyjdi von, Barabáš."

On vyšiel a povedal si: "No, myslím, že toto je koniec."

On povedal: "Barabáš, si úplne voľný." "Čo? Čo som? Som úplne voľný?"

Povedal: "Ako môžem byť voľný?"

On povedal: "Poď sem, Barabáš, pozri sa tam. Vidíš tam zomierať toho muža? On zaujal tvoje miesto."

188Som zvedavý, či my všetci dnes večer by sme sa mohli pozrieť a vidieť to, čo videl Barabáš? Niekoho, kto zastáva naše miesto. On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti: Kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na Neho a Jeho sinavicou som ja bol uzdravený; vy ste boli uzdravení. Zaujímavé či my, vinníci, ktorí sme mali byť nemocní, môžeme vidieť v Ňom nášho vysloboditeľa? Vy, ktorí ste mali ísť do pekla; vidíte v Ňom svoju slobodu - svoje prejdenie do neba. Zaujímavé, či môžete vidieť to, čo videl Barabáš toho dňa? On povedal: "Chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte."

189Ó, cirkev, potom keď On povedal: "Vy Ma uvidíte," to znamená, že vy Ho znovu môžete vidieť. "Vy Ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami, i vo vás, do konca sveta."

190Ako Ho vidíte? V Slove. On je Slovo. Pozri sa na Slovo a viď, čo hovorí to zasľúbenie, pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

191Tým čím On bol, keď chodil po Galilei, tým istým je On dnes v Jeffersonville, tým istým je On v Branham Tabernacle.

192Čo chcete vidieť? Zakladateľa? Denominačného človeka? To v Ježišovi nikdy neuvidíte. Pozeráte sa a chcete uvidieť nejakého veľkého kňaza ...? To v Ježišovi nikdy neuvidíte. Nie. Ako vidíte Ježiša? Skrze Slovo Božie, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, pretože On bol zamanifestovaným Slovom Božím. To čo On bol vtedy, to je On dnes večer a bude naveky. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Trochu som to skrátil.

193Pane Ježišu, to je moja modlitba, daj mi odvrátiť svoj pohľad od tých starostí o život. Pane, viem že sme len obyčajní ľudia, nevzdelaní. Nemáme veľa z týchto svetských vecí, ale milujeme Teba, Pane. A hovorím za týchto ľudí. Oni by nesedeli takto na mieste a nemačkali by sa a netlačili v zástupoch a nesedeli, páliac sa v horúčosti, alebo mrznúc na zime a nestáli by a neprinášali svoje deti a tých chorých a postihnutých, nechodili, aby sem prišli vidieť niečo iné, okrem Teba.

194Títo ľudia, Pane, by nikdy neprišli, aby videli človeka. Na ulici je mnoho ľudí; oni všetci vyzerajú podobne; ale oni prišli, aby videli toho muža - toho muža Božieho, toho Ježiša z Nazaretu, v tele, ktorý je Boh.

195No, Otče, Ty si nám povedal, že: "Chvíľu a svet Ťa viacej neuvidí." Bez ohľadu na to, koľko sa oni dívajú, oni to nikdy neuvidia. Ale Ty si povedal: "Vy Ma uvidíte - opravdiví veriaci - pretože Ja budem s vami, i vo vás, až do konca sveta." Ty si nám zasľúbil, ak sa pozrieme, budeme vidieť. A ja prosím dnes večer, aby si nám znovu dnes večer vyplnil to písmo - aby sme sa mohli pozrieť a vidieť Ježiša, ktorý sa nám dáva poznávať tak isto, ako to stále robil - vyplňujúc Svoje Slovo.

196Od teraz, Pane - a ja som povedal pred týmto a ja som opravdu povedal tieto veci zo svojho srdca o tých potiahnutiach a Ty si mi povedal; a teraz, akokoľvek tajomne to môže vyzerať, keby sme len mohli uštipnúť svoje vnútorné svedomie a vidieť, že tieto veci nemohli byť predpovedané tak dokonale, ako sú, ak by to nepochádzalo od Boha.

197Ako sme mohli vidieť diať sa tú prvú vec? Ako sa mohla diať tá druhá? Ako sa mohla diať tá tretia? Ako sme tu mohli stáť, mesiace pred tým, ako sa to stalo a povedať čo sa stane v Tucsone, že bude otvorených sedem pečatí a budú prinesené tie tajomstvá a zjavené tie skryté veci Božie, ktoré boli skryté od počiatku času; a vidieť to obojako dokázané, prinesením svedectva, vedecky potvrdené.

198Pane, Ty si naša záchrana i sila. Ty si všetko čo máme. A ja Ti ďakujem, Pane, za to že som časťou tohoto Tvojho veľkého usporiadania. Ďakujem Ti, že som členom Tvojho tela, spolu s mnohými tu, ktorí sú členmi toho tela - mnohí, po celom svete v rôznych cirkvách, ktorí sú členmi toho tajomného Kristovho tela.

199Zakaždým, keď sa pozrieme, vidíme Ho; vidíme Ho, keď vtáci spievajú; vidíme Ho, keď vychádza slnko, alebo keď zapadá; počujeme Ho v piesňach; pozorujeme Ho v Jeho ľude; vidíme Ho potvrdzovať Jeho Slovo. Ó, Pane, Ty si náš Boh. Skoro ráno Ťa budeme vzývať. Ty si náš milostivý Otec. Odpusť nám naše viny.

200Pane, sme v čase konca. Vidím, že dvere budú zanedlho zavreté - dvere príležitosti - a kým je denné svetlo a ja stále môžem ísť na niektoré z týchto miest, Pane, pomôž mi ísť.

202A ak kladiem základ, na ktorom bude stavať iný, daj, Pane, aby sa to zakrátko stalo. Aby sa to Slovo mohlo vyplniť. Túžbou v našich srdciach je vidieť vyplnené Tvoje Slovo. Milujeme Ťa. Veríme Ti. Medzi ľuďmi, ktorí neveria, pochybujú, generácia, ktorú dnes máme, Pane Bože, my stále veríme, že Tvoje Slovo nikdy nesklame. My veríme, že nebo i zem pominú, ale ono nikdy nepominie. My statočne stojíme za ním.

203Teraz, Otče, pre túto malú skupinku, ktorá čaká: Je tu mnoho chorých a možno sú tu nespasení - ľudia ktorí sú spasení a ešte neboli naplnení Svätým Duchom. Pane Bože, nech by si Ty prišiel tak na scénu podľa zasľúbenia Tvojho Slova, aby sa ľudia mohli pozrieť a vidieť Ježiša a potom sa skloniť a odovzdať Mu svoje životy. Nech chorý sa môže pozrieť a vidieť, že je nemožné, aby to robilo niečo iné, ako Boh; pretože to je Jeho zasľúbené Slovo. Čo sme dnes povedali, obidve posolstvá, nech to teraz môže byť potvrdené.

204Všetko je to v Tvojich rukách, Pane a ja som v Tvojich rukách a to zhromaždenie je v Tvojich rukách. Pracuj cez nás, Pane, na slávu Tvojho veľkého mena. Ó, Ty večný, udeľ toto na slávu Božiu. Amen.

205Viem, že je teplo a chcem sa teraz snažiť, modliť za chorých; a keby ste mi dali len okolo pätnásť, dvadsať minút - neviem koľko kariet rozdali, ale budeme sa proste modliť za chorých. No, Billy mi povedal, že rozdal ... koľko? Dobre. No, začnime. On povedal, že rozdal od jedna do sto. Koľkí tu majú modlitebné karty, zodvihnite ruky, modlitebné karty. Dosť veľa. Budeme sa snažiť zobrať všetkých, koľkých budeme schopní, ak budeme môcť. Teraz nemôžeme mať pri nich všetkých rozpoznanie, viete, tak budeme sa len modliť a každý ... koľkí tu nemajú modlitebnú kartu a jednako ste chorí, zodvihnite ruky. Mnohí.

206No, pozrite. Čo to je? No, ja viem, možno je trochu neskoro na zostavovanie - okolo pätnásť minút - ale chcem povedať toto jedno. To môže byť rozdiel medzi tráviť tu večnosť v nebi, alebo v pekle, vidíte. Pozrite; buďte úctiví; dávajte na chvíľu pozor; počúvajte Slovo a vidzte, či je On stále Kristus. No, každá osoba tu, ma pravdepodobne pozná, a mnohí z vás, ktorých ja nepoznám, pretože ja nie som tu dosť dlho, aby som vás poznal. A mnohí z vás nie sú z tohoto mesta. Koľkí ste pomimo tohoto mesta? Zodvihnite ruky. Vidíte.

No, opýtal som sa raz niekoho tu v meste: "Prídeš?"

Povedal: "Netreba aby sme my prišli." Povedal: "Je tak veľa tých, ktorí prišli z iných miest, my sa tam nemôžeme dostať."

Ale to je v poriadku. My pre nich pripravíme spôsob, aby sa sem dostali. Prichádzajte aj tak. Všimnite si: Oni mali príležitosť, skôr ako vy.

207No, pamätajte. No, ja som len váš brat. Som si istý, že to rozumiete. Ja som človek; On je Boh. Ale Boh môže pracovať len, a stále pracoval, a pracoval len cez človeka. No pozrite sa dnes večer - nie na mňa, alebo na nejakú inú osobu - ale pozrite sa na Ježiša Krista. No pozrite dnes večer na Písmo - čo ono zasľúbilo. Koľkí z vás ... Môžem ukázať rôzne miesta Písma - ale koľkí budú proste veriť Židom 13:8? že "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera ..." A koľkí veria Jánovi 14:12? "Skutky, ktoré ja činím aj vy budete činiť." Koľkí veria, že On zasľúbil, že tie isté veci, ktoré On robil, ako rozpoznávanie myšlienok srdca, sa znovu v posledných dňoch vráti, tesne pred Jeho príchodom? Vy to všetci viete. No dobre. Ó, o koľko viac - stovky a stovky miest Písma; ale poznáme to.

208Pozrite sa teraz, nepozerajte sa, aby ste videli nejakého kazateľa; nepozerajte sa, aby ste videli nejakého pastora; pozrite sa, aby ste videli Ježiša. Nevidzte človeka; vidzte Ježiša. Keď sa dívate, vidzte Jeho. Keby som vám mohol pomôcť, pomohol by som vám; ale nemôžem. Nemôžem vám pomôcť; ja som len váš brat, ale On je náš Pán. Pozrite sa na Neho a verte. No dobre.

No začnime s kartou číslo ... Dobre, začneme od čísla jedna. Koľko ... Číslo jedna, kto má modlitebnú kartu číslo jedna? Zodvihnite ruku. Kde je? [Niekto hovorí: "Rovno tam vzadu." – pozn.prekl.] Myslíš tvoja ... ["Ona stojí." – pozn.prekl.] Bola? Ó, prepáčte. Dobre. Číslo jedna, poď sem hore pani, dobre ... Skade chcete aby išli, z tadeto? Dobre, poď rovno sem, ak môžeš chodiť. Ak bude teraz niekto volaný, kto je chromý, niekto z nás vám sem pomôže prísť. Číslo jedna. Číslo dva, kto má modlitebnú kartu dva? Zodvihnite ruku, čím skôr. Kde je? Nevidím. Kde? Prepáčte, ne ... Hneď tu, pani. Číslo tri, vstanete, alebo niečo? Dobre, číslo tri. Číslo štyri. Modlitebná karta číslo štyri, zodvihol by si ruku? Kde je? Nevidím. Modlitebná karta číslo štyri. Čo hovorí? Číslo štyri. Číslo päť. Kto má číslo päť, zodvihol by si ruku? Nevidím. Číslo päť. Číslo šesť. Číslo šesť. Rýchlo, hneď, číslo šesť. Dobre. Sedem. Ty máš sedem? Dobre. To je dobre. Osem. Osem, rýchlo teraz. Zodvihni ruku. Dobre, osem. To je fajn, pane. Deväť. Deväť, kde je? Číslo deväť. Dobre. Číslo desať. Desať, dobre, hneď tu. Desať. Jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť štrnásť, pätnásť.

A nechceme volať príliš veľa, aby ste sa ... Viete, robíme to preto ... To je len lístok na ktorom je číslo, viete a vy prídete podľa toho čísla. To je nato, aby išli zaradom.

Pätnásť. Modlitebná karta pätnásť. Dobre. Šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť, devätnásť, dvadsať, dvadsať jeden, dvadsať dva, dvadsať tri, dvadsať štyri, dvadsať päť.

Nech prídu, poďte teraz zaradom, dvadsať päť, kým sa postavíte do rady. Stavajte sa teraz podľa svojich čísel. Dobre. Nepoďte všetci naraz. Poďte tu okolo, ak chcete, ak ste tam a poďte. No dvadsať ... Čo sme zavolali, dvadsať päť. Dobre, nech oddychuje dvadsať päťka za chvíľu. Dobre. No, ak nechceš príliš dlho stáť, keď budeš vidieť, že to postupuje, potom príď s nimi; dvadsať päť, dvadsať šesť, dvadsať sedem. No dobre, čakajte, nech tá rada ide trochu dole, nemusíte tak veľa stáť, tak dlho.

No, skloňme svoje hlavy.

209Ó, priatelia, čo teraz? Kde sme teraz? - teraz sme na konci. Sme v čase, keď sa niečo musí stať. Musí byť povedané: "Áno," alebo "Nie." Musí sa ukázať či má Boh pravdu, alebo nie.

210 No, dnes som kázal dve kázne, ostro, snažil som sa vám povedať čo On je; povedať vám, že čas sa končí; čo On je; čo On bol. A teraz, keď sa dívame, dnes večer, pozrime sa na Neho.

211A teraz, každá osoba, v mene Ježiša Krista, seďte teraz na svojom mieste; nechoďte hore dole. Seďte potichu, až kým nebudete zavolaní. Nech malé deti ... No, keď som povedal: "Skloňte hlavy," rýchlo to urobte, drahí, pretože zlé veci opúšťajú - také, ako rakovina a nemoci - a to vychádza von medzi ľudí a vojde do druhých. Všetci ktorí to veria a poznajú, že je to podľa Písma povedzte "Amen"!

212Nachádzame v Biblii, že zlí duchovia vyšli z jedného a vošli do druhého, keď boli vyhnaní, oni sa snažia nájsť miesto. A koľkokrát som videl na zhromaždení ... Ľudia prišli na zhromaždenie úplne zdraví a v poriadku; sedeli tam a kritizovali a deň alebo dva dni potom, boli nájdení úplne slepí, alebo napadnutí rakovinou, porazení (vidíte), pretože oni boli neveriaci. Ja nie som za nich zodpovedný, len za veriacich.

213Mnohí z nich odišli do ústavou pred mnohými rokmi a stále sú tam. No, Niektorí zomreli. Len preto, že boli arogantní, neveriaci. Nie je tu teraz miesto pre neveriaceho. To je miesto pre veriacich. Majte vieru v Boha!

214Nebeský Otče, teraz, to zhromaždenie je Tvoje. Ono bolo po celý čas. No, ja môžem hovoriť Tvoje Slovo, ale teraz, od teraz, ja nemôžem hovoriť; Ty si ten, ktorý teraz hovorí, Pane. Nech je to známe, že Tvoj sluha im povedal pravdu. Nech ľudia tu - možno mnohí sú tu chorí, ktorí nie sú ani v rade, ale Ty si stále tu, Pane. Ty ich tam môžeš uzdraviť, práve tak, ako môžeš uzdraviť kdekoľvek. Nech sa potvrdí Tvoje Slovo; prosím v mene Ježiša. Amen.

215No, ak budem môcť na chvíľu obrátiť celú vašu pozornosť. Chcem sa pozrieť cez túto modlitebnú radu - zdá sa mi, že nepoznám ani jednu osobu! Či všetci, ktorí ste v modlitebnej rade ste pre mňa neznámi, viete, že vás nepoznám? Zodvihnite ruky, ak je to tak. Sú! Koľkí z vás vedia, že ja o vás nič neviem? Zodvihnite ruky - tam. Skutočne! Deväťdesiat päť percent ľudí tu, ja ne ... To je pravda.

216No, tu je žena - nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ona je pre mňa úplne neznáma. No, ona je tu možno kvôli nemoci; možno, že je tu - možno niečo urobila. Možno je tu kvôli financiám; možno sú to domáce problémy; možno je tu kvôli niečomu inému; ja neviem. Nemám potuchu, ale tu je presný obraz, ktorý je v ev, Jána, vo 4. kapitole: Muž a žena sa stretli prvý krát. A nieto pochýb, že tá mladá žena, ktorá stretla Ježiša, On bol od nej oveľa starší, pretože hovorili, že vyzerá na päťdesiat cez päťdesiat a možno ona bola len mladá pekná žena, ktorá tam bola pri studni, len mladé dievča.

217A tu znovu dnes večer, sa stretli dvaja ľudia, mladý a starý, bez toho, že by sa poznali. A ona tu teraz stojí. Je nejaký dôvod, kvôli ktorému je tu. Ja neviem, ona tu môže stáť, ako podvodník. Ona tu môže stáť a hovoriť niečo, čo je ... a len sa dívať, čo sa stane. Ak je to tak, len pozorujte, čo sa stane.

218No, ja nepoznám tú pani; nikdy som ju nevidel. Ona práve pred chvíľou zodvihla ruku, že ma nepozná a ja držím svoju ruku, že ja nepoznám ju; nikdy som ju nevidel. Dobre teraz, ak ja - ako človek, by som musel povedať: "Pani, čo je vám. Čo tu robíte, čo potrebujete?"

219Ona by povedala: "Pán Branham, som tu kvôli rakovine; mám TBC, mám nádor; alebo nemám peniaze, môj muž ma opustil; alebo nie som vydatá a môj priateľ urobil tak ..."

220Ona by mi to musela povedať. "Dobre," ja by som povedal, "v poriadku, budem sa za teba modliť, položím na teba svoje ruky a poviem, 'Pane Bože, daj tejto žene to, čo potrebuje. Amen. Ježišu, urob to.'" A môže odísť. Dobre, myslím ak ona tomu verí, bola by v poriadku. To je v poriadku, to bola služba za mnoho, mnoho rokov.

221Ale bolo zasľúbené, že v posledných dňoch, že ako ten anjel - Boh prebýval v ľudskom tele, ktorý prišiel práve pred tým, keď bola spálená Sodoma a On sa posadil otočený chrbtom ku stanu, kde bola Sára a povedal Abrahámovi, čo si ona v tom stane myslí - Boh, v ľudskom tele, majúci na sebe ľudský odev. A to je jediný spôsob, ako to dnes Boh môže robiť, keď On vojde do vášho tela. To ukazuje, že to je Boh zjavený v ľudskom tele.

Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

222Máme posla, Billyho Grahama a tých tam dole v Sodome, ale tá vyvolená cirkev prijala posolstvo a posla. No, ak táto pani - ak Duch Svätý, (nehovorím, že On to bude robiť), ale ak On príde a povie mi kvôli čomu tu stojíš - alebo, čo potrebuješ, alebo niečo, čo si urobila, alebo niečo, čo máš urobiť. Dobre ty budeš vedieť, že to musí pochádzať z nejakého nadprirodzeného zdroja, pretože my stojíme len tu. Bolo by to tak, či nie?

223Potom budeš vedieť, že to musí pochádzať z nadprirodzenej sily, ak Biblia povedala, že Ježiš robil to isté a zasľúbil, že to znovu bude robiť v posledných dňoch, potom by si uverila, že to je On. Koľkí z vás by to tak isto verili? Potom by ste videli Ježiša. Videli by ste Jeho Slovo. No, vy hovoríte: "Či je On Slovo" - Biblia hovorí, že On je Slovo. A Biblia hovorí, že Slovo rozpoznáva myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. Je to tak? Potom to bude Slovo hovorené ústami človeka, ktoré rozpoznáva myšlienky - no, ja to nedokážem. Ja to nemám ako urobiť, vidíte; pretože ja ju nepoznám, ale On ju pozná a On je Slovo.

224A On je Ten, ktorý môže zobrať našich dvoch duchov, (ako to bolo s tou ženou pri studni a s Ním) a zmiešať to, potom to nechá a ukáže mi presne kvôli čomu je tu, čo urobila, alebo čo chce, či čokoľvek. Potom to môžem hovoriť a povedať to - potom to záleží na nej.

225No vy hovoríte: "brat Branham, môžeš ju uzdraviť?" Nie, nie. Ja to nemôžem; On to už urobil. Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení, ale to je len nato, aby to vzbudilo jej vieru, aby jej dať vedieť, že keď On vie, čo ona bola a čo chce; On vie ako jej to dať a čo sa s ňou potom stane. Je to tak? No, každý tomu verí.

226A teraz, pristupujte s opravdivou vážnosťou a vy tam, ktorí teraz nemáte modlitebnú kartu, modlite sa. No, pamätajte, Ježiš jedného dňa prešiel cez zástup ľudí a obyčajná žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. A On sa otočil a povedal: "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" A pozrel sa okolo, až ju našiel a povedal jej, že mala krvotok a jej krvotok vtedy prestal, vidíte.

227No, Biblia povedala, že On, teraz, je najvyšším kňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotknúť tým, že súcití s našimi slabosťami. Je to tak? Dívam sa tu na brata Waya ako tu sedí pri svojej žene. Len nedávno tento muž tu stál, keď som kázal, (ako keď Pavol raz kázal celú noc) a tento muž padol mŕtvy rovno tu v obecenstve a Duch Svätý ho znovu priviedol naspäť do života. On je svedok, vidíte, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

228 Koľkí ste nevideli brata Waya; chceli by ste ho vidieť? Zodvihnite ruky. Nikdy ste ho nevideli - brat Way, vstal by si? Tu je človek - padol mŕtvy, asi tam kde práve teraz sedí. Tu je jeho žena, vyučená zdravotná sestra, stojí rovno tu. On nemal žiadny pulz, jeho oči sa prevrátili a bol tmavý do tvári - infarkt.

229Doktor mu povedal, že je chorý na srdce. Skrze rozpoznanie som to zistil ešte predtým, nedávno som mu povedal, že je chorý na srdce. A potom, zrazu, jeho srdce zastalo a padol na zem a tam ležal - úplne mŕtvy. To je okolo šesť alebo osem krát, čo som videl Pána Ježiša navrátiť mŕtvemu život.

230Videl som Ho to robiť a On to môže urobiť dnes večer. Teraz tu beriem každého ducha pod svoju kontrolu, na slávu Božiu, v mene Ježiša Krista. Buďte úctiví, dávajte pozor. Chcem ku tebe hovoriť, pani, ja kážem, vieš. Len aby som zachytiť tvojho ducha, to je presne to, čo robím, vidíš.

231V tebe je niečo - život, inak by si tu nestála. Bola by si len ležiacou mŕtvou formou a nemala by si v sebe žiadny život. Ale preto, že je to tak, je v tom tele život, on tebou vládne. A teraz, dokonca tvoje myšlienky a to, čo si myslíš, slová, ktoré hovoríš a všetko, to je to čím žiješ. To je to čo si, to sú tvoje slová, tvoje myšlienky a čokoľvek si.

232No, my sme tu a veríme - teraz, Duch Svätý, ako Ježiš povedal tej žene: "Prines mi napiť." A keď ona priniesla - ona povedala: "No, ty by si si to nemal odo mňa pýtať. Ja som Samaritánka. Ty si Žid. My nemáme takéto zvyky medzi sebou; nerozprávame sa medzi sebou." No, ale samozrejme, my sme obidvaja pohania. A my tu len stojíme a veríme Bohu. No, ak Jeho Duch príde ku mne skrze dar a bude ti môcť povedať, čo - to ty vieš, či je to pravda alebo nie, pretože ty si žila tú časť života, potom máš dar, veriť tomu. A keď tomu budeš veriť a On ti o tom povie, potom je s tým všetkým koniec a to na každého tu zaúčinkuje.

233No, každý v naprostej vážnosti. A tá pani trpí na niečo vo svojom hrdle - má choré hrdlo. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. No, Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Je to tak. To je to, kvôli čomu tu je, aby som sa modlil za jej hrdlo. No, hneď, len čo som to povedal, (alebo tesne predtým) ona bola ... ona poznala, že niečo je blízko. Niečo prišlo veľmi blízko. Mohli ste vidieť na nej to vzrušenie, veľmi príjemný pocit, ako ...

234To svetlo, ktoré ste videli na tej fotografii ... Kde si, George? To svetlo, ktoré bolo na tej fotografii visí práve teraz rovno nad tou ženou. To je iná dimenzia. Ona je veriaca - nepretvaruje sa za veriacu; ona je veriaca. No, keď si veriaca, ty veríš, že ja som jeho sluha, prorok? Musí to tak byť, aby som to vedel. Veríš, že On ti môže povedať ďalšie veci, ktoré máš na srdci? Dobre. Tu je niečo, čo máš na srdci, je to niekto za koho sa modlíš, dieťa. Veríš, že On mi môže povedať čo mu je?

235Ono má vírus. Je to tak? Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať kto si? Ty si Pani Walkerová. Ti nie si odtiaľto; ty si z Južnej Georgii. Choď domov zdravá. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil. Tvoje dieťa, netráp sa oň, je to preč. Boh ťa žehnaj, sestra.

236Ako sa máš? No, tu je druhá žena. Ja ju nepoznám, nikdy som ju nevidel. Ona je proste len žena, ktorá tu stojí. No pozrite, kážem spolu už asi od ôsmej a teraz je desať. To sú dve hodiny, čo som tu. To jedno rozpoznanie ma oslabí viac, ako dve hodiny kázania. Vidíte, to je ... vidíte. Vy hovoríte: "Ty chceš povedať, že ..." Ó, áno. Tá žena, ktorá sa dotkla lemu Jeho rúcha, On povedal: "Cítim, že vyšla zo Mňa moc" - sila. Je to tak? To je to, čo to spôsobilo.

237No, tu je žena, ktorú som nikdy nevidel. Billy tam išiel, (ak ste si niečo všimli) a zobral toho chlapca, ktorý je tu s nami, Georga. On je Baptista. Chcem aby videl, že to, o čom hovoríme je Boh. Jeho otec, jeho rodina, sú milí ľudia. Oni sú v Mexicu - misionári. Fajn človek. A jeho otec je tiež chorý. Ja len čakám na neho, že príde. No, len sa dobre dívaj George. No, táto pani, ja ju nepoznám. Nikdy som ju nevidel. Myslím, že sme si navzájom cudzí. Nepoznáme sa. Ale teraz, Duch Svätý, tá ľúbeznosť Ježiša, je prítomný; všetci sme toho svedkovia.

238No, ak mi Pán Ježiš zjaví niečo o tebe ... No, keby som ťa mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to, ale ja nemôžem urobiť to, čo On už urobil. To jediné, keby On stál tu dnes večer v tomto obleku, ktorý mi On dal - no, On by ťa nemohol uzdraviť, pretože On to už urobil. Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení. Vidíte? Ale to jediné, čo by urobil, že by sa ukázal cez Slovo, ktoré zasľúbil a dal vám vidieť, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A On zasľúbil, že to urobí.

239No, ak ma On použije, aby som ti povedal kvôli čomu si tu, použiješ tú vieru, ktorú máš v Neho, aby si verila, že dostaneš to, čo ... kvôli čomu si tu? S celého svojho srdca ... No dobre. Nech to Pán učiní. Vidím tú pani, že má niečo - vyšetrenie ukázalo, že to je pruh. [Tá sestra hovorí: "To je pravda." – pozn.prekl.] Je to tak. ["Áno, áno." – pozn.prekl.] Je to pravda - pruh.

240Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten pruh? ["Áno verím ako len môžem." – pozn.prekl.] Nech ťa Boh žehná. No, ty nie si odtiaľto - bolo to dosť posvätenie dostať sa sem. [Áno, bolo."] Bolo! [Chvála Pánovi!"] Ty si z Tenessee. ["Áno."] Je to tak. Pani Harnessová. ["Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Vráť sa domov, nepochybuj. Budeš uzdravená, keď budeš veriť.

241Ako sa máš, pani? My sme si navzájom cudzí. Nikdy v živote som ťa nevidel, pokiaľ viem. Možno niekde na zhromaždení a ty si ma možno videla, ale ťa nepoznám, Boh ťa pozná. Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha a že Slovo, ktoré som kázal je pravda? Dobre, tak som ti cudzí a slovo, ktoré som kázal, ty mu veríš. Jediné čo viem, že niekto z nich ti dal kartu, niekto z usporiadateľov, alebo môj syn, či niekto ti dal kartu. Tvoje číslo bolo zavolané a ty si tu, to je všetko čo viem. Ale ty si chorá na nervy a to ťa veľmi trápi. Máš so sebou niekoho. Áno, niekoho za koho sa modlíš, to je tvoj muž. A On má duchovný problém, cez ktorý sa nemôže dostať ... a máš dieťa, ktoré je tiež choré. Ty nie si odtiaľto, ale si prišla zo severu. Si z Kanady, z Alberty, je to tak. Veríš mi, že som Boží prorok a veríš, že čo ti hovorím je pravda? Choď domov a dostaneš o čo si prosila. Ver. Nech ťa Boh žehná pani.

242Ja som ti cudzí, ty si mne cudzia. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha, z celého svojho srdca? No ja ťa nepoznám, neviem nič o tebe. Keby som ťa mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som tak, ale nemôžem. Ja nie som uzdravovateľ, ja som len človek, ale On je Boh. Ja som len trochu zmätený, pretože nejaká staršia žena stojí medzi mnou a tebou. To je niekto za koho sa modlíš. ["Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Áno, to je tvoja matka. ["Áno, je. Áno."] A ona má vysoký tlak. [Áno, má."] A ty máš infekciu obličiek. ["Áno."] Je to tak. ["To je pravda."] Veríš tomu? ["Áno, verím." – pozn.prekl.] Tvoja matka nie je tu, ale keď pôjdeš za ňou, vezmi tú šatku, ktorú máš okolo krku a polož ju na svoju matku a nepochybuj a ten vysoký tlak ju opustí a tvoja infekcia pominie. Choď a ver.

243Veríte teraz? [Zhromaždenie volá: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Z celého svojho srdca? ["Amen."] No, vidíte dívam sa po publiku a vyzerá, začína sa to tam javiť ako hmla. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] "Tieto veci, ktoré Ja robím vy tiež budete robiť." On tu urobil viac, dnes večer, než ... toho druhu, než urobil po celý život. Je to tak.

244Teraz táto pani tu. Mladá žena, nepoznám ju, ona mi je neznáma, ale veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha? Moment. Nejaký muž prišiel predo mňa, niekto v obecenstve. Len moment teraz. Niekto v obecenstve. To hneď potom odišlo; To svetlo odišlo z tadeto. A stál pri ňom nejaký muž. No, niekde v obecenstve. Netráp sa; buď dobrej nádeje. Pozrime sa znovu na túto ženu.

245Ak teraz Pán Boh ... toto je šiesta, či siedma, či koľká, ktorá prešla cez túto radu pri rozpoznaní. A ak mi Pán Ježiš zjaví pre túto ženu, čokoľvek nie je s ňou v poriadku, spôsobí to, že vy ostatní bude veriť z celého svojho srdca? Budete môcť prijať Krista na tom základe? Jeden krát by to malo dokázať. Tri krát je potvrdenie a toto je desiatky tisíc krát a ani raz to nesklamalo. Ty nie si tu kvôli sebe. Ty si tu kvôli mužovi a vidím ho, ako sedí so sklonenou hlavou. Fajčí cigaretu a ty sa modlíš, aby sa zbavil tých cigariet. Nech ti Pán Boh dá o čo prosíš, sestra. Choď a ver z celého svojho srdca a nech ten diabol toho návyku opustí tvojho muža v mene Pána Ježiša.

246Tvoje problémy sú v tvojom chrbte. Veríš že Boh to uzdraví? Veríš? ["Áno verím." – pozn.prekl.] Dobre, choď a povedz: "Ďakujem ti Pane." Túto ženu poznám. Myslím, že to je dcéra pani Neeseovej. Je to tak? ["Áno."] Myslel som si to. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Tá bolesť v chrbte ťa teraz opustí a ty môžeš ísť a byť zdravá.

247Veríš že Boh môže uzdraviť ten zápal kĺbov a uzdraviť ťa? Choď a povedz Mu, že Mu veríš. Ver len z celého svojho srdca.

248Ako sa máš, pane. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tvoj chorý žalúdok a uzdraviť ťa? ["Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Dobre, potom choď a povedz: "Ďakujem Pane, teraz budem zdravý," a budeš zdravý.

249Ďalší prípad zápalu kĺbov a tiež vek. Veríš, že ťa Boh uzdraví, keď položím na teba ruky? ["Už ma mnohokrát uzdravil, cez teba, keď si na mňa položil ruky, brat." – pozn.prekl.] Počuli ste to? Pane požehnaj moju sestru a daj jej znovu dnes vyslobodenie. Amen. Len Mu ver.

250Choré srdce, chorý žalúdok, veríš, že Boh to môže uzdraviť? Dobre, choď v mene Pána Ježiša a On ťa uzdraví. Ako sa máš mládenec? Astma. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť astmu? ["Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Choď ver tomu, On to urobí. Je to všetko preč.

251Cukrovka. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tvoju krv a uzdraviť ťa? Choď a ver Mu a On to urobí.

252Veríš z celého svojho srdca, že keby som ti nič nepovedal a len položil na teba ruky, veríš, že Duch Svätý je tu, aby ťa uzdravil? Tak to urobím, poď sem. V mene Ježiša Krista, nech ide a je uzdravená.

253Poď pani. Keby som ti nič nepovedal budeš veriť, že Boh ťa uzdraví z tej ženskej nemoci? Prepáč mi, už som to povedal. Choď, nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď a ver, buď zdravá.

254Veríš pane z celého svojho srdca? Boh uzdraví choré srdce, či nie? ["Áno."] Uzdravuje ľudí. Som si istý, že to robí. On je Boh, veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Veríte z celého svojho srdca? Majte vieru v Boha!

255Nejaký muž tu vonku urobil niečo, práve pred niekoľkými minútami. Chcem to zistiť. Jeho krv; niekto ... Stalo sa niečo ako nehoda, alebo niečo - to bolo krvácanie. To bolo niekde, ten muž tu stál; práve som sa modlil. Áno je to tak. To je muž, ktorý se ... Aha, to je J. T. Parnell. Poznám toho chlapca. Ty máš vnútorné krvácanie J. T. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Dobre, potom to prestane. Ver z celého svojho srdca.

256Táto pani, ktorá sedí rovno tu, díva sa sem, sedí tam pri bratovi Gromsleyovi. Je pri nej svetlo. Ty s bielym golierom. Mária, ja ťa nepoznám, ale to je tvoje meno. Máš duchovné ťažkosti a tiež si veľmi nervózna. Zabudni na to, to všetko bude v poriadku. Ver z celého svojho srdca. Maj vieru v Boha. Keď len môžeš veriť.

257Pani, ktorá sedí rovno vzadu, tam v zadnej rade, tam na kraji, tam, ona je z Michigan - má ženskú chorobu. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Potom môžeš mať to, o čo prosíš. Veríš tomu? Amen. Zodvihni svoju ruku a povedz: "Prijímam to." Dobre, môžeš ísť domov a byť uzdravená. Ja nepoznám tú pani, ale Boh ju pozná.

258A čo ty tu na tomto vozíku? Ty si jediný mrzák, či niekto na vozíku. Ja som ti cudzí, nepoznám ťa, Boh ťa pozná. Ale hovorím ti teraz, si zatienený na smrť. Máš rakovinu. Prišiel si z ďaleka, prišiel si sem z Cincinati. Tvoje meno je pán Hock. Ver z celého svojho srdca. Ak tam zostaneš sedieť, zomrieš. Prijmi Ježiša Krista a buď uzdravený. Veríš Mu? Potom vstaň na svoje nohy a prijmi to, prijmi Ježiša Krista.

259Koľkí Mu tu v tejto chvíli veria? Veríte z celého svojho srdca? Potom nech každý jeden z vás hneď teraz vstane, vstaňte. A teraz modlite sa svojím vlastným spôsobom. Položte svoje ruky na niekoho vedľa vás. Kde je sestra Brownová? Ona tu sedela, je chorá na ... jedného dňa mi zatelefonovala a nemohla zodvihnúť svoje ruky. Videl som, že v jej krvi bolo niečo zlé, keď som ju stretol na druhý deň mala cukrovku. Kde je? Ona tu bola s pani Dauchovou pred chvíľou. Dobre, sestra Brownová, dnes večer chcem, aby si verila z celého svojho srdca. Ja viem, že vieš, čo ti je, ale chcem aby si verila. Ty si sem prišla z nemocnice, aby sme sa za teba modlili. Ja sa teraz modlím. Ver, budeš zdravá.

260Margie maj vieru v Boha. To prestane, hneď teraz, bude tomu koniec. On môže uzdraviť cukrovku, On ťa môže uzdraviť, z tej choroby v tvojom žalúdku. Teraz každý položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého a len tam za chvíľu držte svoje ruky. Len položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého, držte ich tam.

261Aha bude jedenásť hodín a mnohí z týchto ľudí musia ísť do Tennessee a na rôzne miesta. Skutočne Pán Boh dokázal. Čo ste dnes večer videli? Videli ste človeka, alebo ste videli Ježiša? Ježiša potvrdzujúceho svoje Slovo. Tieto vreckovky, ktoré tu ležia, zatiaľ kým je na mne toto pomazanie, kladiem svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky a modlím sa, aby Všemohúci Boh ... Je povedané, že z tela Pavlovho brali vreckovky a zástery. Tu sú tí, ktorí boli mŕtvi a boli vzkriesení. Tu sú tí, ktorí mali nehody, boli domačkaní, sú uzdravení. Je ...

262Vidím tu stáť pani Wilsonovú, ktorá nedávno, pred niekoľkými rokmi, krvácala na smrť s TBC. Ona je tu dnes večer. Doktori je nedali iba niekoľko hodín života. Ona tu dnes večer stojí. Všade tu dookola chromí, slepí, zmrzačení, na invalidskích kreslách a všetko, oni tu dnes večer stoja, ako živé trofeje. Ako je to? Ježiš Kristus žije, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

263Ten človek, ktorý práve vydával svedectvo, myslím pred nejakým časom, že mal epilepsiu a mal ju po všetky tie roky a všetko. A raz na zhromaždení a to je okolo, takmer pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, on od vtedy viac nemal záchvat. To je jeden z desať tisícov. On je uzdravovateľ. Amen. On uzdravuje. Nebuďte teraz rozrušení, len s prostou detskou vierou, pozrite sa na Golgotu. Zavrite svoje oči a zabudnite, že ste v tejto modlitebni. Zavrite oči a zabudnite, že je niekto okolo vás a pozrite sa na Ježiša a vidzte. Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zapísané v Slove. Haleluja!

Treba sa len pozrieť a žiť.

Ó, pozri sa a ži, môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zapísané v Slove. Haleluja!

Treba sa len pozrieť a žiť.

264Zavrite svoje oči na človeka. Zavrite svoje oči na tie veci okolo vás a pozrite sa na svoju vieru, na Ježiša Krista a vedzte, že On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, jeho sinavicou ste zostali uzdravení.

265Pane Ježišu, keď sa títo ľudia modlia a majú položené svoje ruky jeden na druhom a uvedomujeme si, že stojíme v prítomnosti živého, zmŕtvychvstalého Ježiša Krista vo forme Ducha Svätého. Ktorý nám zjavuje tajomstvá našich sŕdc, dáva nám poznávať naše túžby a zasľubuje nám, že nám dá naše žiadosti, ak len budeme veriť.

266Mužovia a ženy majú svoje ruky jeden na druhom a modlia sa, pretože sme spoluobyvateľmi kráľovstva Božieho. Sme spolubratia a sestry Ježiša Krista.

267A Satan my prichádzame ku tebe s výzvou v mene Pána Ježiša. On je ten meč, On je ten, ktorý odsekáva nemoci, On je ten, ktorý odtína pochybnosť, On je víťaz. Teraz ťa vyzývame v mene Ježiša Krista, aby si vyšiel z týchto ľudí, Satan. Slovo Božie sa zamanifestovalo. Ono obrezáva, odníma pochybnosť, odníma chorobu a prináša dokonalé vyslobodenie. Modlíme sa, aby Duch Svätý padol na týchto ľudí a dal im moc viery, aby verili, že prítomnosť všemohúceho Krista je teraz tu. Udeľ to, Pane.

268Odsudzujem každú chorobu, odsudzujem všetky nemoci, odsudzujem všetku neveru v mene Ježiša Krista. Nech Duch Svätý uctí, čo som povedal a preženie sa cez túto budovu a vyslobodí každú osobu v božskej prítomnosti. Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky a chváľte Ho. Ohlasujem vás za zdravých a uzdravených v mene Ježiša Krista.

LOOK AWAY TO JESUS, 63-1229E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 129 min

1 Amen. Thank you, George, Becky, and Sister Ungren, that fine song! That's true, "All is change when Jesus comes." He just shuts out the darkness, and scatters the Light, and we are thankful for that. Now, that was Becky's first time to play in church here, so very appropriate song, When Jesus Came.

2So we are grateful to be here again, tonight, and so thankful for the... your fine attendance this morning. And now tonight, is, I've got a little subject I want to talk on, in a few moments; but just before that, I've got some announcements to make, and things.

3And I just a tiny bit hoarse. I think it's just the over-speaking. I preached a long time. But when I take these, hour or two, tapes, and when I come back here, it's because that I am taping that for around the world. And so I thank you for being so patient with us this morning.

4 And now there is a few things I would like to make mention of right here. That is, that, I--I would like to ask the church, the first thing, something that I have--have done, and I--I want to ask if I can change that, tonight. We're not...

5I don't make new year's vows. Then I'm... we've got to go home tomorrow, so we won't be here for new year's, to... but we'll be remembering you. And I believe there will be a meeting here, new year's night. Yeah, that's right, a--a watch service, as they always have on new year's night. We'd like to stay, but we just can't get back in time then to--to get the kiddies in school. And my wife has got to wash up their clothes; you know how it is.

6 So I want to thank each one of you for your fine things that you did for us through Christmas. And you women who went up there and put food in the house, and things, for us, that when we got there--there, stuff was already cooked and was ready to eat. I certainly thank you for that. May God ever bless you.

7And the church, for their little ticket, that I could go over here and--and get some clothes if I wanted them, for a suit. They give me a suit each year. And some kind friends of mine just got me a suit. So I think, if it's all right, I need some other things like shirts and undershirts, and things, I'd like to take the money up in that if it's all right with the church. I need that better than I... worse than I do the suit, right at the time.

8 And now, this young fellow that just sang for us, Brother George Smith, from down in Tucson, we've been going up to their church up there, the New Testament Baptist church. His father is a missionary. I think he has about seven churches down in Old Mexico. And there is certainly some fine people there. And his father and mother, and all of them, are fine people. And George is a very fine young man. I was just sorry that he didn't give us a word of testimony before he sat down, of the saving grace of Christ in his life.

9 And now, the--the Messages, I promised here not long ago, that the Messages, before I went out in the meetings, I'd come here and tape them first and then go out. That was because of getting the tapes to the people. Then I'd come here and tape a Message, and then go out and preach It. That would give the people a chance, to--to the tape makers, to make the tape and take it with us as we went. Now I'm fixing to leave on a great string of evangelistic tour, so I--I won't be able to do that from now on, see, and the one who takes the tapes will just have to get them as we go along.

10And I think, after all, aren't they having a meeting on tapes this week? Or, something or other about, something about the tapes this week. Anyhow, I think Brother Sothmann is here, and he represents Brother Maguire. I don't know whether he is here or not. I think Brother Fred is here. Somebody said he was here. And he... I think they're having a meeting this week, maybe tomorrow night, or sometime, about the tapes. We was talking about it the other night, in the room there. I think the time is up for something, that they take and make arrangements about it.

11So, from now on, I'll probably just speak Messages that I haven't touched here at the tabernacle, out in the meetings.

12 And now I have, want to be grateful to God for that testimony of Brother Blair. Happens to be that Brother and Sister Blair is sitting right here tonight, sitting right here before us, the one that had the little boy. And I remember when the Lord told me, when he was... Brother Blair, all tore up, weeping. And his little boy had got crushed in the face like this, of a turned-over car, and he was very bad. But while I was a--a praying, I saw the little fellow all right. And Brother Blair, course, asked me, said, "Brother Branham, is this THUS SAITH THE LORD?"

I said, "Brother Blair, Blair, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

13And Brother Blair is here tonight. And we are certainly thankful to have Brother Blair with us. And he has been suffering with a--a little trouble of nervousness. And Satan give him a great rap, here not long ago, to try to get him to disbelieve me. And while Satan was doing that, the Lord came right around and revealed it to him; and told him about it, just to cut it off before the time come for this. And Brother Blair is a fine man. And I want you to remember him. He is kind of halt between opinions on what to do. He doesn't know just how to turn. And I trust, Brother Blair, that God... You're a great servant of Christ, and He has got plenty for you to do, 'cause the Lights are getting dim. Were you here this morning? Uh-huh. Well, that's very fine.

14 Now--now, I suppose, the next time I get to see you, may be up in the Spring, a little bit. And by that time, maybe we'll know whether we're going to hold the--the meetings, or not, here at Jeffersonville, during the time that I should a-been in Norway and in the Scandinavian countries. Now just before we take a text...

15 Cause, we got a prayer line coming up, and many are standing, the rooms, and around the walls, and so forth, and I know, you, it's very hard on you. And I stood, a many time, myself. And I passed by, a while ago, bringing the wife down, I noticed the people around the doors. And I thought, "Who says the Gospel still isn't the most attractive thing there is in the world?" Sure is. It's, It attracts those who are interested in It. Those who are not interested, of course, they don't. They, It won't be. But, Jesus, "If I," said, "if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all man unto Me." How true that is!

16 And when I get here, there is just so much to say, and I have to kind of jot down what I'm going to say here, for a while. Or I... There is so much to say, you just forget what you're going to say.

17 Now, I understand that Brother Ungren's father was baptized this morning, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And if Sister Ungren and them are here, I am sure that's a great thing to them, because that's been their constant payer for many years. And Brother Ungren, wherever you are, God richly bless you, my brother.

18And if that isn't correct, God make me answer for it at the Day of the Judgment. See? I know it's correct. I--I'll take the blame for that. That's exactly right, because it is the Truth.

You say, "Does it make any difference?"

19It did to Paul. They asked how they had been baptized. They said they had already been baptized by John, the man that baptized Jesus. Paul said they had to come and be rebaptized, again, in the Name of "Jesus Christ." And not one person in the Bible was ever baptized in the Name of "the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

20No people was ever baptized like that till the organizing of the Catholic church at the Lao-... Lao-Nicaea, Lao-Nicene Council at Lao-Nicaea, Rome. That's where the first person was ever baptized, using the titles.

21 A fellow said to me the other day. I said, "Well, if... The 'Lord Jesus,' that's His Name." He said... "Well," I said, "if a fellow come to you..."

He said, "I don't think it makes any difference."

22I just caught him in his own doctrine. I said, "If a man come to you and said, 'I am baptized in the Name of the Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, and the Morning Star,' would you say 'amen' to that?"

He said, "No, sir."

I said, "How would you... Would you rebaptize him?

Said, "Yes, sir."

I said, "How would you baptize him?"

He said, "I would baptize him in the Name of 'the Father, Son, Holy Ghost.'"

23And I said, "That's the way I would baptize him, yeah, in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." I said, "Now, 'Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, and Morning Star' is no name."

He said, "That's right. It's a title."

24I said, "So is 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.' Now I would baptize him in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; and the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is 'the Lord Jesus Christ.' Exactly. So I say..." And he saw it.

25It was Brother Joseph Mattsson-Boze, of Chicago, the hardest fellow I've ever had to break through, with it. And I suppose I've got around three or four thousand natives to baptize now, when I get over in Africa with him, and to be baptized over again.

26 Now, so we are grateful for the Gospel Light. And so now, Jesus said, when He was here on earth, "I, what I hear, that I speak." And now I'm going to say... just for our next, about ten minutes, or fifteen, just before I take my text, and a very short text, and then we'll have the prayer line. I have come to a place in my ministry, to where I'm... I've got to--to say something. And I...

27Jesus said it. That what He heard, that was what He spoke. And He said, "I called you My friends, and a friend tells his friends all things."

28Paul said, in Acts 20:27, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel of God." See?

29And may I join in, tonight, and say the same thing with that great saint of old. To the best of my knowledge, I have not... I have not shunned, but declared to you the whole Counsel of God.

30 Someone was playing one of the tapes, the other day. And just because it made somebody angry, they shot at them through the window, and a woman wounded.

31So perhaps someday I'll seal my testimony. But when that time comes and it's... I'm ready to go. Until my time comes, there is nothing going to hurt me until that time. See?

32 Now, we believe in the same Gospel, just the way the Bible is written. It's zeroed. And--and if the gun is exactly zeroed, and in tune; if it strikes the target the first time, it'll strike it the second time, and every time.

33If a tree, or a limb, vine, puts out a branch, and that branch bears a certain fruit; the next time the--the vine puts out a branch, it'll bear the same kind of fruit.

34And if Jesus is the Vine, and we are the branches; and the first Branch, Church, that that Vine put out, they wrote a Book of Acts behind it. And that first Branch baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. And they had the living God among them, that did the same things among them that He did when He was on earth. Therefore, the people taken notice to them, though ignorant and unlearned, that they had been with Jesus, because His Life was through them.

35 As I have said, if I had the spirit of--of Beethoven in me, I would write songs. If Beet-... if I... If Beethoven lived in me, I would be Beethoven. See?

36If Shakespeare lived in me, I'd be Shakespeare. I--I'd write poems, and--and--and plays, and so forth, if Shakespeare lived in me.

37And if Christ lives in me, the works of Christ you'll do. Right. It's got to be. And what is Christ? The Word. He said, "If ye abide in Me, My Word in you, then ask what you will; it'll be done." Because, the Word is there, just needs the Light; and the Light makes It live.

38 So now I am going to say something to you, now, that I haven't said all along. And, that is, the thing that we have looked forward to for so long (for at least many years, four or five years, or maybe longer), the Third Pull, has now been vindicated, and I'm sure you all know what it is.

39Now remember, there'll never be an impersonation of that, 'cause it can't be. See, it cannot be. Now it's in existent. And I have... I am warned of this, that soon... Right at this time now it's just happened, so it could identify its presence among you, see, but it will not be used in a great way until this Council begins to tighten up. And when it does, when that does... The Pentecostals, and so forth, can almost impersonate anything can be done. But when that time comes, when the squeeze comes down, then you'll see, what you've seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power. See? See? See? See?

40 Now I must continue in evangelism. Just as I was commissioned, first, I must continue on. Therefore, you've had the Word, and you know what to look for, how to stand. I must continue on in evangelism. And, friends of mine, keep still, and just keep moving on, for the hour is approaching swiftly, see, that when something is going to be done.

41Now, you might see some little odd things happen for me. Nothing sinful; I don't mean that. But, I mean, something odd to what the regular trend. Because, where I reached to now, in the ministry, I am dropping back here, watching that spot and waiting for the time to use it. But, it's going to be used.

42And everyone knows that, for, as certain as the First was identified, so has the Second been identified. And if you'll think real closely, you who are spiritual. As the Bible said, "Here is to him that has wisdom." The Third is properly identified. See? We know where it is. So, the Third Pull is here.

43 It is so sacred, that, I mustn't say much about it. As He told me in the beginning, said, "This, say nothing of it." You remember that, years ago? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It speaks for itself. See? But you... I've tried to explain the others, and I made a mistake. This will be the thing, that, to my opinion... I don't say the Lord tells me this. This will be a thing that will start the Rapturing faith, for the going away. See? See? And it...

44I must lay quiet for just a little while. Now remember, and who is listening to this tape, you might see such a change in my ministry right away, dropping back, not going up; dropping back. We're right at the age now, and it can't be, can't go any further. We have to wait just a minute until this happens over here, to catch up, then the time comes. But, it's thoroughly identified.

45 There is coming a time upon, in this nation, to where this nation is going to exercise all the power that the beast had before it, which was pagan Rome when it become papal Rome, see, that this nation will do that.

46Revelations 13 plainly explains it. "The lamb come up out of the earth. The other beast come up out of water," thickness and multitudes of people. This lamb come up where there were no people. A lamb represents a religion. The Lamb of God... And, remember, it spoke like a lamb. It was a lamb.

47And then, after a while, it be-... received power, and spoke like a dragon; and exercised all the--the dragon, power the dragon had before him. And the dragon is "Rome," always. So don't you see? Roman denomination; "a mark," Protestant denomination; "a image unto the beast," making a power that'll force all Protestants, like a union. You'll have to be into this Council of Churches, or you won't be able to have fellowship. Or to--to...

48 Well, it's--it's practically that way now. You can't go to a church and preach unless you have a fellowship card or some identification. And now, on persons like ourselves, we're going to be cut out of all that, altogether, that's exactly, 'cause they won't be able to do it.

49It's tightening. And then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you're pressed out, then watch what I'm fixing to tell you in a few minutes. Watch the Third Pull then, see, and it'll be absolutely to the total lost, but it--it will be for the Bride and the Church.

50Now we are closer than it seems to be. I don't know when, but it's real, real close. I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. I don't know. And that time may be this coming week, that the Holy Spirit will come with... and bring Christ Jesus. He may come this next week. He may come yet tonight. I don't know when He will come. He doesn't tell us that.

51But I do believe, that we are so close, that I would never die with old age. Yet, at fifty-four years old, I'll never die with old age, until He's here. See? Unless I'm shot, killed, or something other, some way killed, just old age wouldn't kill me, until He's come. And I believe that.

52And I want to say this. I've never said it before. But according to Scripture, according to what He said thirty years ago; thirty-three years ago on the river down there, in 1933, rather; what He said, everything has happened just exactly. I may not do it, but this Message will introduce Jesus Christ to the world. For, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming, so is the Message to forerun the second Coming." And John said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." See? So, it's, it paralleled it in every way. And I know it will, the Message will go on.

53 Now, there's been some great things take place along the road. This morning I was having interviews in the room here. And a--a young fellow, by the name of Autry, he is probably still in here tonight. He is from San Antonio, Texas. He come to ask if... when we was going to Dallas, coming from California; if we could drop in one night at their tabernacle, just for one night. And they're looking it up, in the next day or two, to see if we can do that. And he was telling me about... I had never been to San Antonio since that first meeting.

54Now, the first meeting, when I come to San Antonio. I was there, I think, with Brother Coot and the--and the International Bible School. And I forget the auditorium we had the service in. And it was either my first night or second night, I think the first night, when I was walking to the platform, someone raised up in the building, way back in the back, and spoke with tongues, like a--a machine gun firing. And he had no more than sat down, just a moment or two, till one raised on the platform and give the interpretation.

55And I stopped, at what he said. And I said to the man, "Do you know this man?"

He said, "No, sir." And he said...

I said, "How did you come here?"

56He said, "The people that I work for, was at... was here tonight, and they brought me." He's a... was a cowboy.

And I said, "What do you do?" He said... "Do you know him?"

57He said, "No, sir. I never seen him."

58 And I said, "What are you?" And he was a--a merchant in the city.

59And what they said in the--the... Now, I was always, before I learned better, I was a little skeptic of speaking in tongues; I thought a lot of it was flesh, and it might be. But when this was said, that interpretation was exactly what the Angel of the Lord said down on the river, eleven years before that, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, you're sent to forerun the second." See?

60And there it was, when that Angel, that Light that's been thoroughly identified. Both by the church, by the Word, by science, and everything, has identify it. That Light, for Its first time to appear in public, standing right over where I was; at about two o'clock in the afternoon, at the foot of the bridge right there, right down here at the foot of Spring Street, in the water. Now, that's been many, many years ago. And exactly what It said, has come to pass, to the dot.

61 This brother here was telling me, this morning. He married a girl out of the church here, Sister Noyes' daughter. And I don't know, I guess the young man... Are you here, Brother Autry? I don't know. He was from San Antonio. I don't know whether he is here or not. He was here this morning. And he was telling me. I believe it was his grandfather, during that meeting, had been an epileptic all of his life, and was brought there.

62That was the First, beginning of the ministry, when It said that, and the discernment was putting their hands upon mine, and what would be said would be what it was. And I told you, and many are witnesses tonight, that it would come to pass that I would know the very secret of their heart. You remember that, before it ever happened? About five or six years later, that taken place; in up in Canada, for its first time, and that happened. Then He said, "If you'll keep being sincere, it'll just keep going." And now the Third thing has taken place, see, just constantly moving on.

63And he said his father was brought in the line, and told of this epilepsy, and so forth, and a prayer prayed for him. And that's been sixteen years ago, I think it is, about sixteen or seventeen years ago. And he says he never has had a seizure of it since. And he's pretty near eighty-five years old, and never had a seizure since. What is it? "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

64 Is Margie Morgan in the building? Sister Margie Morgan, a lady that was eaten up with cancer; a nurse. How many remembers Sister Morgan? If she is here, she can't get in. She was nursing. You see, on the cancer list in Louisville, the woman has been dead for about sixteen, seventeen years, on the cancer list in Louisville.

65When Jim Tom Robertson, the attorney, Christian attorney, heard about it, he went to the Baptist Hospital, to check and see if it was right, 'cause his father is on the board, trustee at the Baptist Hospital. And they looked up the case, and the woman was supposed to have been dead, years ago. And she is nursing here at the Jeffersonville, in the hospital. When she stood right here, when they had to hold her up, not even in her own mind. But it was THUS SAITH THE LORD, and she is a living. She went to nursing, in Louisville.

66 And a fellow down here, Schimpff's Candy place. Is Mr. Schimpff here tonight? I'd like for him to tell it, if he is here. Sonny Schimpff, great healthy man. Many times when I used to...

67I hate to say this, but it's the truth. Pop used to give me a dime if I worked all week, and I'd came to town and park my bicycle around at Brother Mike Egan's place, one of the trustees here. With Jimmy Poole, I think his son is here tonight; Jim and I, and Earnest Fisher, and we would go down town, and go to the picture show for a nickel, and we used to see the old still pictures. We was little kids, and wanted to, about eight, ten years old. We had that William S. Hart. Many of you guys don't remember him, the old actor. Still pictures; and I couldn't read. I'd just have to watch what was going on. And it would have to spell it all out, and I couldn't make it, but I'd watch what he was doing.

68And I'd have an extra nickel. And how many remembers getting a penny ice cream cone? All right. I could get three ice cream cones, and two-pennies worth of red hots. I couldn't hold the ice cream cone, so I would eat them. And get me two-pennies worth of red hots, it would be almost a half a pound of them things. And Schimpff's made them. And I'd go in there, and sit back and watch William S. Hart.

69 And this young fellow, a little older than I, stricken down with a disease, that five noted specialists of Louisville passed him by, weighing about forty-five pounds, and was dying. Mrs. Morgan was nursing him. And he was in such a condition! He had so many things; his lungs was gone, his throat was gone. His little arms was just about that big around, and he was lying there, dying.

70And Mrs. Morgan was hired to come on the job. So she said to him, "I was once the cancer patient," and began to tell him.

71He said, "Who did you say, Billy Branham? Why," he said, "I've sold him a many a bunch of red hots and ice cream cones." He said, "Wonder if he'd come pray for me?" And I went over to pray for Junie Schimpff.

72And now if you would like to talk to him, it's Schimpff's Candy down here, right next door, or second door from LeRose Theatre, down the street. Schimpff's Candy, all of you here know where that's at. My, it's one of the oldest establish in Jeffersonville.

73And while lying there, dying, with five specialists giving him just hours to live. It was THUS SAITH THE LORD, "You'll not die; but you'll sell me again red hots, over the counter." Long...

74 I knowed he got well, but long had I forgotten that. And wife and I was going down to buy some candy, when we got here at Christmas. And how, I don't know, that we ever thought of Schimpff's. Cause, usually, go over here to some of these drugstores and pick it up, but we stopped in front of Schimpff's.

75When I went in, his sister looked, and she said, "Well, Brother Branham." She said, "You remember Junie?"

76I said, "Yes." And there, a great big, strong, healthy-looking fellow.

77And I walked over to the counter, looked at it, looked down like this. I said, "I'll take a pound of those red hots."

78And he said, "Yes, sir." So, his sister was waiting on my wife. And, so, he got them out.

79And I said, "I used to eat them, a long time ago, over here in the picture show"; keep my head down.

And he said, "Yeah," said, "many of the kids buy that." "They still buy," I said.

He said, "My father made that, fixed up that formula." I said, "I really like them."

80Now, after he got it all fixed out and hand it to me, said, "Is there anything else?"

And I said, "I don't know," and raised up. Oh, my! He said, "Brother Branham!"

81I said, "Here is the red hots, that, I told you, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD,' about five years ago."

82He said, "Brother Branham, I am so completely healed, there is not even one effect. I'm a tiny bit hard hearing in one ear." I guess he is in his fifties. He said, "I'm a tiny bit hard hearing in one ear, because they give me so much antibiotic when I was in there." Amazing grace of Jesus Christ!

83 Now I haven't got much time now to say something else, but I--I--I want to make this statement.

84How many remembers about the squirrels? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. That was a puzzling Scripture, in my life, that I--I never could understand that.

85And there was another one that puzzled me, that was when Moses could tell God a better way than God knowed how to do anything, when Moses said, "The people will say, 'Your God was able to bring you out, but not able to keep you,'" and Moses threw hisself in the breach. Then later I found out that, Moses, that was Christ in Moses, standing for the people. See?

86 So then on this Scripture, that I never would preach on it, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved.'" And you know the story, so I'll bypass that. Now, little did I know what that was leading to. And I think that Brother Woods and Brother Fred, and them, are here in the building, which was present when that happened, or right after it happened there.

87And Brother Rodney and Brother Charlie, from down in Kentucky, Sister Wood's brother and them was present when it happened down in Kentucky, which was the second time it happened. Just simply speaking into existence, things that wasn't. See? Speaking, all time, and backing up the Scriptures, encouraging.

88The third time it happened was Hattie Wright. Is Hattie here tonight? That's Edith's... How many knows Hattie Wright? Brother Woods and I were sitting there when it happened, and when the Holy Spirit said, "Give her what she wants," and we was talking about that, how them squirrels come into existence.

89 And I said, "Is, only thing it is, He is Jehovah-Jireh. Just when Abraham needed a ram, God provided that ram. And He provided the squirrels. He can speak a squirrel just into existence, because He is creator, just the same as He could speak the ram. Abraham never asked for it. He was just simply going on to do it, but it showed that Jehovah-Jireh was there."

90When I said that, a humble little woman... For the first time this ever happened, the Third Pull, upon a human being, was a little, humble woman.

91That, making about two hundred dollars a year, for her living, all she got out of her little farm. Her husband dead; two children that had turned kind of wild. And come and donated twenty dollars, of that, to the building of this Tabernacle. And Meda had give me some money that morning for groceries, twenty dollars, and I was going to give it back to her that day, while I was down there, so that she wouldn't have to pay it. But she wouldn't take it. And when...

92She was sitting back in the corner, and when I said, "Only thing I know, is, He is still Jehovah-Jireh."

93 And little Hattie said the right word. She said, "That's nothing but the Truth."

94And when she said that, Brother Banks Woods here is one that was present, that room felt like it was coming apart. And the Holy Spirit said, the same Voice that spoke about the squirrels, said, "Give her what she asks for."

95And I said, "Sister Hattie, as a witness before God, this is it. Now, if there is any doubt in your mind, you ask what you want to, and if it ain't laid in your lap, then I'm a false prophet."

96She said, "Brother Branham." Everybody was crying. Said, "What shall I ask?"

97I said, "You are poor, and you live on the hill over there, with no money; you might ask for that. You got a little, crippled sister sitting here, Edith, that we prayed for, for years; you might ask for her healing." I said, "Your father and mother is old and broke down; you might ask for them. Whatever you ask for, Sister Hattie, see now if it happens or not, right now." And I said, "He has just told me, the same Voice, said, 'Give her what she asks for.'"

98 And she looked around, said, "What shall I say, Brother Branham?"

99I said, "Say what your desire is. Think of your greatest desire, and say it."

100And her boys was even snickering and laughing. And she said, "The greatest desire I have is the salvation of my two sons."

101I said, "I give them to you, in the Name of Jesus Christ," and there they went.

102And they been faithful in this church, with communion, them little fellows sitting there washing feet with the man, and things like that. We all are witness of that.

103She had a real choice. Her mother has to die, so does she, all of them. But what she asked will be Eternal, and the salvation of her children. That was the third time it happened.

104 The fourth time it happened, I just explained it here the last time I was here, was up on the mountain where that storm raging. How many heard it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, all of you. All right. Where the storm raging. And God being my Judge standing here, going down the mountain when...

105David Wood, he is here somewhere, I guess, that made me a sandwich, and it was quite a one! I think he was trying to get even with me for the one I made for his daddy, a few years ago. He had bologna, and--and meat and everything mixed together. And I put it in my shirt, and it rained, and just got it just a big wad of dough.

106And I was coming down the mountain. It was so stormy, I couldn't even see my hand before me, hardly. And I know, just one thing, you're turned around, 'cause that wind is just whirling.

Now there is witnesses here, to that.

107One of them is one of our faithful deacons, which is Brother Wheeler. Are you here, Brother Wheeler? Where is he at? Yeah, right here, Brother Wheeler.

108 Brother Mann, a Methodist preacher from New Albany. Is he, Brother Mann, in tonight? I don't know whether he is or not.

109Brother Banks Woods. Are you here, Brother Banks? He is in the recording room. All right. And--and David Woods.

110And Brother Evans was there, I believe. Is that right, Brother Evans? Brother Evans, standing against the wall, was there.

111And how they had broadcast for days, two days before that, "A mighty blizzard was sweeping the land."

112 Brother Tom Simpson is here tonight. When coming down out of Canada, they asked him to bypass there 'cause he couldn't get through, "A blizzard was coming." Brother Tom, are you here? Where are you? Here he is, sitting right here.

And there the clouds come up. And I said, "Brethren..."

113Everybody rushed out. There was nobody back there, out of a hundred and something man back there, there was nobody back there but our little group and the cowboy, the rider. And we was going to stay.

114 I called Sister Evans, and had her to call the wife and tell her to tell Tony, "If I didn't get out, get somebody else to hold the breakfast for the Business Men."

115And up on the mountain that--that day, I said, "Now when it, first little rain starts, or anything, take for the camp." I said, "Within ten or fifteen minutes you can't see your hands before you, one of them blizzards, and it'll dump twenty foot of snow just in a little bit, over the mountain."

116And that's how people, you read it in the paper, how they're back there and perish, and everything. But we knew how to get out, and they knowed where we was at, and so we felt led to stay.

117And so up on the mountain, when that blizzard started, I started going down. And I was just about half a mile from where I started, and the Voice of God said, "Turn and go back."

118 And I went back as He told me, after waiting for a while and eating that sandwich that David give me, and went back up there and sat down.

119And while I was sitting there, and that wind twisting and blowing, the tree tops leaning way over, and the sleet and snow a-flying like that, a Voice said, "I am the God of creation."

120I looked up, and I thought, "Where was that? That was the wind, maybe."

121He said, "I created the heavens and earth. I stilled the mighty winds upon the seas," and went on talking.

I jumped up and took off my hat.

122And He said, "Just speak to the storm, and it'll cease. Whatever you say, that's what will happen."

123 And I said, "Storm, you cease. And, sun, you shine normally for four days, till we are out of here."

124And I no more than said it, until the sleet, snow and everything stopped. In a moment or two, the hot sun was shining on my back. I seen the winds blowing like this, come back from the North, coming down... I mean from the East, coming from the East. It was coming from the West; the winds changed and came back this way. And the clouds, like a mystic thing, lifting up into the air, and the sun was shining in a few minutes.

125 Then the Lord Jesus spoke to me a little later on, about my wife down there, as you know, about where I went up there. I've never been home on a anniversary yet, and we've been married twenty-two years. The first anniversary, the first, our wedding, why, I took her on a hunting trip. Cause, I couldn't afford to take the hunting trip, and--and--and go on a honeymoon, too, so I--I kind of put it together. And so, then, and I've been hunting ever since. I felt the way I'd treat her.

Now, that was the fourth time it happened.

126 Now here is something I--I want to say, and I must tell exactly the truth. About sixteen years ago I was in California with Brother John Sharrit, and I was having a meeting. And Meda and I, and Brother Sharrit and Sister Sharrit, and them, were staying in a hotel. And a man named Paul Melikian, who stood right here in this Tabernacle many time; he's a wealthy Armenian. And his wife had give birth to a child up at Fresno, California, where they lived; and was come down, brought his wife down, and called me at the hotel, and said, "Can I bring my wife up, Brother Branham?"

I said, "Yes, you may." Next day, I was going to Catalina.

127So he brought his wife up, and the little lady was so sick! And she looked... I said, "Put your hand on mine, Sister Melikian," I said, "we'll see if the Lord will tell us." And as soon as she laid her hands upon me, I said, "Oh, it's milk leg."

She said, "I don't seem to have any symptoms."

128I said, "You watch." In two days, they was doctoring her for milk leg.

129 Like little Jimmy Poole here, his little baby. The other day he come in with that heart attack, they thought, and it was an asthmatic attack. And I put my hand on him. I said, "Watch him for a couple of days; he's got measles. It's coming through. It's the fever." I met him last night. He said he's broke out, all over, in measles. See?

130 Now, I was talking to Sister Melikian, with the hand. She said, "That's amazing thing, to watch that, Brother Branham." She said, "Does that work on every hand?"

131I said, "Well, if there's something wrong with the patient." I said, "Now here, I'll put my hand on," many of you stood and watched it, and it didn't do it. I said, "Here, there is nothing wrong with my wife, put her hand..."

132"Look here, honey, put your hand on mine." She is sitting there, my wife. She put her hand on mine. As soon as it did, I said, "You have a cyst on the left ovary. You do have female trouble."

And she said, "I don't feel any different."

133 I said, "But you have it." Becky was two years old. My daughter that just played, a while ago, she was two years old.

134Two more years, Sarah come on the scene, and when... She was with caesarean. And I asked Doctor Dillman, our doctor down in--in Corydon, to, "When you have her open, look at that left ovary," and he did.

He said, "There is nothing wrong, that I saw." I put my hand; it was still there.

135Four years later come Joseph. I asked him to look again. "Nothing wrong, as I seen." Put my hand; it was still there. So we just forgot about it.

136Now this is something that I have to say. I don't like to say it, but it just has to make the truth, see, and that's what you want. Always tell the truth, no matter what takes place.

Years had passed, we had never noticed it.

137 And I say this, not because she is sitting there, because I say it when she is not there. And you know that. I don't believe there could be a better wife in the world than my wife, and I hope she always remains that way. And I want to be a loyal husband, and I hope that every young man in this building, when he gets married, gets a wife like my wife. I don't know how long we'll live that way, but I hope the rest of our days on earth. We've been very happy together. God was the one who told me to marry her.

138 At the same time, her not knowing, I was trying not to marry her; not because I didn't love her, but because I didn't think I was able to make a living for her. And she was a fine woman, and I just didn't deserve that.

139And she went out to pray, and opened up the Bible. And guess... She said, "Lord, I've never did this before, but give me a Scripture that'll help me. If I got to forget him, I've got to forget it." Opened the Bible...

140And she went out in a little shed and prayed. And when she opened the Bible up, "Malachi 4. Behold, I send unto you Elijah the prophet before the..." That was--that was twenty something years ago, knowing nothing about the ministry of this day. And I was... couldn't be...

141I was lying down on the river there. And He woke--woke me up, one night, and I heard Him standing there by the door. He said, "Go get her, and your wedding shall be this coming October, the twenty-third." And that's just exactly what I did. And we've lived happy. By the grace of God, we've never had one word. She's been a sweetheart.

142 One day I come in. And she has had to raise these children by herself; me gone in the ministry. Not many women would put up with that; you know that, they would be hard. And then I come in, and she said something or the other. We got Joseph back there, and he's a... He sure is a boy! And he helped put some of the gray hair in his mother's head, as well as I did. So he was really all boy, and he had done something real bad. And I said to her... She said to me, "Bill, give him a licking."

I said, "I just ain't got the nerve." See?

143And she said, "Yes, if you had to put up with it," and she slammed the door right in my face.

144 "Well," I thought, "that's all right. Poor little fellow didn't mean that."

145I just went on out to wash my car. And when I got out there, the Holy Spirit didn't like it; He said, "Go tell her," I believe it's Second Chronicles, 22nd chapter. I didn't. I thought, at first, I just imagined that. I just kept on washing. And It said it again, "Go tell her to read this."

146And I went in and got the Bible, and read it. It was where Mo-... or Miriam, the prophetess, made fun of her brother, Moses, for marrying an Ethiopian girl, and God didn't like it. And He said, "It had been better that her father spit in her face, than--than to--to a-done that."

147 So, Miriam broke out with leprosy, all over. And so Aaron come, told his sister, said... or come told his brother, said, "She is dying, with leprosy."

148And so Moses run in to intercede for her, at the altar. And when he did, the Pillar of Fire come down, God. He said, "Go call her and Aaron, and bring them here." And Aaron was in it, too. So He said, "Call them and come here."

149He said, "If there be one among you," God speaking now to them, "that is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him. I'll speak to him in visions, and reveal Myself to him by dreams, and--and reveal dreams, and so forth." He said, "But My servant, Moses, there is no one in the land like him." He said, "I speak with him from lip to ear." He said, "Didn't you fear God?" See, God didn't like it.

150 Well, when I seen that, I run in. And she was in the other room. I knocked on the door. She had shut herself up. And I told her I want to speak to her. And I went in there and talked to her, tried to tell her what it was. I said, "Sweetheart, you know how I love you, but God didn't like that. You oughtn't to a-said that." Immediately after that, she took a trouble in her side.

151We took her over to the doctor here in Louisville, Doctor Arthur Schoen, and he found a tumor on the left ovary, that I had found fifteen or sixteen years before. "Tumor on the left ovary, about the size of a walnut."

I said, "What about it, doctor?"

152He said, "Let's see what happens. Bring her back again in a few months, about two months or something."

153We took her back. It had growed, from a walnut to about the size of a lemon. Said, "Better come out; if that gets soft and turn malignant."

154And I said, "Well, my," I said, "we're--we're going to Tucson. The Lord has sent me out to Tucson."

155 He sent her up to a female specialist; he didn't want it on his hands. So he must have told him about my ministry, 'cause he... The female specialist said, "It'll have to come out." So he said... We told him we were going to--to Tucson. He said, "Well, I've got a specialist there, a dear friend of mine. I used to live in Tucson." He said, "I'm going to send you to him."

156So he wrote a note and sent it to him, and said, "Mrs. Branham is a nice lady," and went on like that. Said... Sent her the diagram of how big the tumor was, and so forth. It had turned tumor then; and said how big it was. And said, "I know..." You know, he knowed he... I think he thought, called me a "Divine healer." That's all he knowed how to put it. But said, "I have agreed that--that it could come out, and it should. If it has to be taken out, take it out."

157 But it was testing our faith. And constantly we prayed. And more we prayed, the bigger the tumor growed, till it got to a place till it was sticking out on her side. We kept it quiet; a few of the people here knew it; trying to see what would happen. On and on it went.

Finally, when I come down from Canada, from where I left...

158The Lord let me lead that tribe of Indians to Christ. I'm going back to baptize them, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, this Spring, the Lord willing.

159Now, come down, and it was time for her to go, when I was in New York... or down here to have another opera-... to have the operation, or be examined for the last time. I went on to New York. And when I came back, I stopped in here, and went up... After I had the meeting here, the last meeting, I went up there and called her from Brother Wood's.

160And she said, "Bill, I can't even stand my clothes to touch it." It was just way out like this on her side then. And her leg on that side, she could just hobble along, and the worse week she had ever had. Now she is sitting there, listening at me. The worst week she had ever had. And she said, "I've got to go, day after tomorrow, for that examination."

161 I thought, "O God, if they cut it out, that'll keep us from going home at Christmas, and I done told the people I'd be there." And I said, "What a time! Oh, my!" I thought.

162"Tell him, if he's going to operate, well, 'Let it go a little longer, till after Christmas.'"

163Then I got to thinking, "It might be malignant." And back over here, you know, that's a bad thing, run back into the kidneys. If it straight, goes malignant, it'll kill you. So then I thought, "What can I do?"

And Meda said, "Well, now, you call me," said.

164The day that I got in Shreveport, which would be the day after that, when I got in Shreveport, she had to go for the examination. And so she went to the... Mrs. Norman was going, Sister Norman; all of you know her, the people that comes here to the Tabernacle. She was going with her, and to this specialist. And so she said, "Wait till you have your first night, at--at... and then come back." Cause, the difference, two hours in time. "Then call me when you come back, after the meeting, I'll tell you what I've got to do."

And I said, "All right." So, I went on.

165 And the next morning, before I left, I was going to get Billy and Loyce. They are both sitting present. And always...

166We got an old stool there that Brother Palmer covered for us, here not long ago, and we always get around that stool and pray, whenever we're... Oh, Ottoman, like, you know, footstool. Whenever we get around there and pray, when I'm going on a meeting, we ask God to help us.

167And I had been up there, a couple days, and I was--I was lonesome. The house; the kids gone, and her gone. You know, many of you know I had to go through that one time, go back to an empty house; only, I buried that wife, Hope. And now it all over again. And I got down, I thought, "Well, I'll pray and then go pick up Billy and Loyce, and go on."

168 So as I got down to pray, I said, "Lord, I miss them this morning, around here." I said, "I pray that You will help them and bless them. May we come back to this place again. And now," I said, "they're out there because that You sent me there on a vision, and You fulfilled it. Now I'm wanting to wait, to see what You're going to tell me to do next." I said, "I pray for... Be merciful to her." And I said, "Help me in the meeting down there." And then I kept... I said, "Lord, don't let it be malignant. And let that doctor wait till after the first of the year, to take it out. I--I just hate to see her..."

169I said, "Lord, she didn't mean what she did that morning. She didn't mean that." I said, "Lord, not one time has she ever said one word about me going in the meetings, staying months, or whatever it was. Not one time has she ever opened her mouth about it. She has always sent my clothes to the cleaners, and washed my shirts, and had everything ready to go in the meeting. Then, she wonders how she can serve God."

170You women, as you serve your husband, you serve God, of course.

171"And now, and then when I come in, all tired and wore out, people coming from everywhere. I'd have to go out somewhere on a fishing trip, or a hunting trip. Why, many women would have blowed up at that. What'd she do? Got my hunting clothes ready for me to go; let me go." I said, "Lord, she didn't mean that." And I said, "She's had to be cut open three times, on account of she was caesarean." And I said I... "Lord, I--I hate to see her have to do it again."

172 And just then I heard something in the room. I looked up. And a Voice said, "Stand up." Said, "Now whatever you say, that's the way it'll be."

173I waited just a minute. I said, "Before the doctor's hand shall touch her, the hand of God shall take the tumor away, and it won't even be found."

174That settled it, to me. I never called her. We went right on, went and got Billy and Loyce, and went to Shreveport.

175The next night I called her. She was happy. She said, "Bill, I want to tell you!"

176Now here she is, and she can verify this. Had to hobble her way over there; went in the room with the nurse and Mrs. Norman, and put her clothes on for... the gown, for the examination. The doctor came out, and she could hardly get on the table; the tumor hanging up there, so big. And when she... The doctor come in and was talking to her. And he came over, to raise back the sheet to touch her, and, just before he touched her, it left.

177 And the doctor didn't know which side it was on. He said, "Wait a minute!" With the drawed diagrams and all the pictures, and everything else, he couldn't find one trace of it. He examined her, over and over. He said, "I might not be able to explain it, but, Mrs. Branham, that tumor isn't there." And she has never had one symptom of it, since.

178What was it? Notice, just exactly the way It said, "Before the doctor's hand can touch it." One split second, and his hand would have touched it. How perfect is the Word of the Lord!

179Now, there is my wife, and we're both before God. But before the doctor's hand could even touch her body, on the road coming to her like that, something happened, the tumor left. And they couldn't, he--he said... I believe it was, wasn't it, sweetheart? "I want to reassure you, Mrs. Branham," (Is that right, the way he said it? That's right.) "that that tumor isn't there. You don't have any tumor."

180What was it? Just exactly according to the Word of the Lord, that was...?... Amen. That's the fifth time. Five is the number of grace, a number of f-a-i-t-h, too.

181There is no more doubt in my mind. I know what the Third Pull is, and I know what it does. Now be reverent, just keep quiet, the hour will soon arrive where God is going to do some great things for us.

Now let us bow our heads for a word of prayer.

182 Lord Jesus, I had seen it upon other people, but when it come to my own precious wife, it was in my home, then, Lord. I looked at it with my own eyes, felt it with my own hands. And I... fif-... sixteen years before that, it was also, Lord, known and revealed by You. When anything is spoken, it must be done. You were showing me, Lord, then, that, my confidence in what You had done for the people, and would let me know, so I could help them. You brought it to pass in my own home. That was the First Pull. And now the Third Pull confirmed the First Pull.

183We are thankful, Father. Forgive us of our shortcomings. We are a small people. We are uneducated, more or less, an illiterate people. But we are so thankful that we have a great omnipotent God Who watches over and cares for us, for we don't know how to care for ourselves. We commit ourselves to You.

184 Now, Father, I pray that You will help me. And in this Third Pull, may, O Lord, as You've been speaking for the last couple of years about it, showing it on... marking on mountains, and so forth, and bringing it on up. Now, I was watching to see what it was until it was completely confirmed. Now I pray, Father, that You'll help me to be more reverent, with this, than it was before, and may You get glory. As, right over this same pulpit, where the First was said, the Second, and now the Third, and what You have said has come to pass exactly what You said. We believe You, Lord God.

185Help every one of us to throw away our disbelief and our superstitions, that we might stand in the Presence of the living God, knowing that, the same God that took that tumor from my wife that is sitting present now; verified by some of the highest medical science we got in the country, who examined it, and then looked, and pictured it; and now it's gone. You are God and there is none other besides You.

186 And we love You because that You have--You have let us become Your servants. And may we serve You with reverence and honor, all the days of our life. Grant it, Lord. May I be able, and my family, and all these people, be able to be shining Lights, salty salt that will cul-... create a thirst in others, to love this Jesus that has done so much for us.

187Now as I open the Word, to read It for a little text, and then pray for the sick, help me, Lord. Speak to us, and heal the sick, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

188 Would you, have I got time just for a... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If I hurry real quick on... some text here, I want you to read now, or mark down, or whatever you wish to do. The first one is found in the Book of Numbers, 21:5 to 19, and we want to--to read this.

And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our souls loatheth this light bread, Angels' food.

And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. Therefore the Lord...

Therefore the people came to Moses, and said,...

189Confession! Watch, "We have sinned!" See, that's the first thing for healing, confession first.

... We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he may take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: that it shall be, come--come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

190 Now, also, I wish to read a Scripture out of Zechariah, the 12th chapter, the 10th verse.

And I will pour out upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

191Now for a text, I'm going to take this: Look Away To Jesus. Look away from the world, to Jesus. Moses made the serpent; and here the prophet, later, was speaking of it, what would happen, looking away to--to Jesus.

192The Bible said, in Isaiah 45:22. We find that God said, "Look unto Me, all the ends of the earth." And now when the earth has come to its end, or the system of the earth has come to its ends, let the people look unto Him.

193 Now you might say, "We have heard this, generation after generation. We've heard this for a long time." That is true, and it's been preached for a long time. Many ministers has took this same text, thousands of them.

194But here is the thing I want to ask you, tonight, for these next few minutes. But when you look, the question is--is, what do you see when you look? What do you see when you do look? That only depends on what you're looking for. See? Now He said, "Look unto Me, all the ends of the earth." Moses lifted the serpent up, and, ever who looked, got healed. Now, it depends on what you're looking for.

195 I have seen people come into the meetings, in this last day, could only be able to sit in the meeting for just about one or two minutes. That's all they could stand. See, they couldn't stand it.

196I'll never forget, I hope this don't reflect on anybody from Iowa, when I had the meeting at Waterloo.

197Brother Lee Vayle, he was here this morning. I don't know whether he's here tonight or not. Are you here, Lee? He was here this morning. Yes, back over in the recording, back here. All right.

198 Brother Lee and I done everything we could. And give the ministerial association a breakfast, free, just to come down and speak to them. Brother Lee Vayle, of course, is a scholar and--and a Doctor of Divinity, that he really earned his degree. And so I tried to get him to speak before these Lutheran, Presbyterians, and so forth, but he said, "No, they're looking to you to do it."

199Well, I went down and took my text, before these ministers, after they had all got through eating. I took my text: I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision. No more than I had read the Scripture, about two looked, out the door they went. So as I started to say, "As Paul in his day, with a odd ministry, and now he stands before Agrippa and said that he wasn't disobedient to it," about two or three more got up. And by time I got to where I could say something about the text, there was just about three or four sitting there. They had all got up and gone.

200 The reason of it, is, is this. Some come to a meeting, when they hear of an evangelist, the way he dresses has something to do with the people. If he don't wear the right kind of clothes, some of them...

201I heard a--a psychologist say, the other day; Doctor Narramore, a fine man, Christian man, his program is on KAIR there, all the time. He said, "The way to tell that a man was losing his mind, is when he didn't dress according to his disposition." You know, to how he has to appear before the public, that was a sign that he was losing his mind.

202Well, then, I've been crazy all my life then, see, 'cause I wear overalls and everything, see. So, fitting to my position, I must dress like a clergyman, in other words, to--to be a clergyman.

203I don't think Jesus dressed like a clergyman. He dressed like a ordinary man. He went in among man, and it wasn't nothing dressing.

204 But that's just, see, how that the ideas of man. It doesn't... How about if this man, or, I wonder what the doctor would think of this, when a prophet in the Bible was commanded to strip off his clothes and walk naked before the people? He really would a-been crazy, wouldn't he now? But God told him to do it.

205Another one had to lay on his side for three hundred and forty... Months, I believe it was, lying on his side, one side; and then turned over the other side. And eat a pot of lentil that he had made there; had to go and seethe this stuff and make it up, together, and eat it all that time; reach over and get a handful and eat, lying on his side, for a sign. See?

206 Oh, how far people can get from, really, Word of God. They just get so educated till they educate themself away from God. When a man talks about he's got a education, I know that's just how far he is from God; see, a doctor's degree. Not saying this against Doctor Vayle, 'cause he isn't that type. But, usually, when a man gets a doctor's degree, that just means, to me, he's that much farther from God, see, unless he can hold hisself to the Word and to God.

207 Now, we find out that some comes to hear the way you speak, when they come to look. You talk about Divine healing and the Lord; if a man isn't typical, an educated genius, the people just can't stand to hear him use words as "his'n, hain't," and--and words like... They just... They don't. They think that that's way away from God.

208And when Jesus spoke such simple language, until, today, it's got the professors confused, for they try to interpret it according to the scholarships and the language of that day, and it was street language. Therefore...

209Why, there is so much difference even here in our United States! I called from Florida, to New York, and had to get a woman over here, too, at St. Louis, to translate between this southern girl and the northern girl. That's how much difference there was. See? Certainly.

210 Now the thing of it is, that people look for those things, speeches, instead of the Word. The Word being manifested is the evidence that It's right. See, the Word being manifested! They will never look at That. You've got to have an intellectual conception, to know, go at the seminary and learn how to bow, how to stand in one place, and all. Oh, that would choke a minister, to death, that was really filled with the Holy Spirit. See? Now, that's intellectual.

211And that's the way that this whole nation has got. It's got an intellectual conception of Christ. That's what they look for. "And if Christ is in you, you've got to be a scholar, you got to be an intellectual," 'cause that's what they think Christ is.

212 And another time, another thing, they form their own 'pinions of what He ought to be, their own idea, instead of taking what the Word said. That's the way when they look, and even see Jesus Himself, they fail to recognize Him. They did it on the Day of Pentecost. They did it when It was in flesh. They did it when He was in the manger. They did it when He was on the streets of Jerusalem. They did it when He was on the cross. And He was the fulfillment of that Word. And, yet, they had the Messiah coming down on a corridor out of Heaven, and everything else, and was wrong, because it was their intellectual conception. And they failed to see Him, and, looking right at Him. So is it today!

213 What do you see when you look? Some look to see, when they look at Him, they look to see some great intellectual church founder, somebody who can really produce a creed that will cause all the people to fall for this creed, something another. That's what they look when they see Him.

214Some look to see a myth, like Santa Claus, when they look. They read the Bible, and say, "Ah, that's a mythical thing. It's just something that man wrote. That's what, they, 'cause when they..." What opinion you take of the Bible, is what you take of Him. See?

215Some look to see a baby. Some look and see a--a rabbit or a Santa Claus. Some look to see some historical book that was yesterday and not today.

But, the question is, what do you see when you look?

216 So many of you, that claim to have the Holy Ghost, look and see the second person of a trinity. When, it's not even mentioned in the Bible. There is no such a thing. The word trinity is not even in the lids of the Bible. But, yet, when you look at Jesus, you regard Him as the third person or the second person of a trinity, and that's the reason you don't get nowhere.

217You know what He said? "I am God, and there is none other besides Me." See?

218Depends on what you're looking at. If you want to put some little mascot boy, an old man with beard, and so forth; if that's the way you look at Jesus as being some different person from God, you're looking wrong. You don't see It.

219 Here not long ago, I had a pair of field glasses. I was trying to watch some antelope, or an antelope over in a field. And my son was trying to show me, and he is quite a bit younger. So he said, "Take them glasses, daddy! There stands the antelope, right out there!"

I said, "I can see him with my natural eye."

He said, "Take these glasses."

220When I looked, I seen about ten antelopes, but the glasses was out of focus. And when I went to focus them in, all ten of them become one.

221And if you will focus your mind to God's Word, the three will be One. See? But your ecclesiastical glasses get out of focus when you try to make Him three. He is One. See?

222 But it depends on what you are looking at. What do you see when you do look? Remember, you can only see Him as you look at Him through the Word. You can't look at Him through a textbook. You can't look at Him through a creed. You will see two or three gods, and everything else, in them creeds. But look at Him through the Word, and you'll see that He is "Emmanuel, 'God made flesh among us.'" He said, "I am God, and besides Me there is none other." He is God.

223 Isaiah looked one time, the prophet, and when he seen Jesus... My subject is, "looking to Jesus." Look Away To Jesus. When Isaiah looked away from the world, to see Him, he said, "I see a Counselor, a Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father." That's what Isaiah looked away and saw.

224Daniel, one time, was standing when he saw the--the ending of the Gentile kingdoms. He saw the image that Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed. He saw how each one would succeed the other, as they come down. And when he looked to see what was all going to happen at the end, when he saw Jesus, He was "a Stone hewed out of the mountain, without hands," that crushed the Gentile kingdoms.

225 Nebuchadnezzar throwed three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, that believed in God and stood on His Word. If they had to die for It, they was going to stand, anyhow; just a little thing, of bowing their knee some other way. But when he looked away and saw Jesus, He was "the fourth man" that was in the fiery furnace, and it kept all the heat off of His obedient servants. That's what Nebuchadnezzar saw.

226Ezekiel looked away to see Him one day, and He was "a Wheel in the middle of the wheel," way up in the middle of the air. He was the Hub to the wheel, where every spoke is fastened to. Amen! The big wheel run by faith, but the little Wheel turned by the Power of the Lord. That's who Ezekiel saw when he looked away.

227 John the Baptist looked away one day, and, when he did, he saw a Dove; and a Voice, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." That's what he saw. Then, he saw Jesus and God being the same Person, 'cause the Spirit come down from Heaven like a Dove, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell." That's what he saw. Notice, He identifies Himself in that way.

228Noah, when he looked away to see Him, Noah saw the just judgments of God coming upon a people of this world who had rejected His Word. That's what Noah said when he looked away.

229Moses, when he looked away, he saw a bush on fire. A Pillar of Fire had brought Itself back into a bush, and, when Moses drawed close to It, He said, "Take off your shoes, for, 'I AM.'" Now, if you would weigh that word, "I AM," it's past tense, present tense, and future tense. "I AM," Eternal! See? "I AM," he saw the "I AM." That's what he saw in the burning bush.

230 Israel looked at the brass serpent that Moses made, and saw the suffering of Christ for the judgment for the sick, for we know that the serpent spoke of the Atonement.

231Jesus was that Atonement. "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up," for the same purpose. See? Why? They had sinned, and had got sick; that was for the taking away their sins and for their sickness. And that's what, "Jesus was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed." Take Divine healing away from Christ, you cut half the Atonement, in two. See?

232What do you see in Him when you look? Do you see that? Do you see that, "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed"? When you look away, can you see that, or can you just see one side of the Atonement? Can you see both sides of it when you look?

If you look at it through the creed, they'll tell you, "The days of healing is passed."

But if you look at it through the Word, you'll see, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." See?

233 The disciples looked to Him when they were in a troubled sea, and they saw the only help that could help them, coming.

234Martha looked to Him in the time of death, and she saw that He was "the resurrection and the Life." Amen! In time of death, Martha saw, when she looked at Him... He had been rejected by her people; He had been turned down; even, she had sent for Him, and He did not come to her brother. But when finally He come, and she went and fell down so she could look at Him, she found out that He was both "resurrection and Life." Amen!

235Jairus did the same thing, a secret believer; a little Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, that really believed, but couldn't get around, on account of his denomination wouldn't let him, because he would be excommunicated. But his only little daughter lay at the point of death, and he had to go. But when he found Him, he found out that He was the resurrection and Life.

236When he sent for Him, a runner come and said, "Don't trouble the Master, for the girl is already dead." He... And his little heart almost failed.

237But He said, "Did not I say, 'If you'll only believe, you'll see the Glory of God'?" Jairus found out that He could raise up the dead, when he looked at Jesus.

238 The hungry looked to Him, and found sustaining food for life. That was natural. The hungry, spiritual, can look to Him and find out He's the Bread of Life.

239The dying thief looked to see what he could see, and he found, in Jesus, his pardon. "Remember me, Lord, when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom." Jesus said, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." That's what he saw in the hour of his death.

240The sick looked to Him, and saw the Healer. The blind looked, and could see.

Depends on what you're looking at now. What are you look?

241Peter and Nathanael looked, and seen the promised Word of their prophet, Moses, made manifest. "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me, and to Him the people shall cling. And all that don't believe Him, and hear that Prophet, will be cut off from the people."

242 And when Peter walked up into His Presence, Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." He knew right then, when he looked the first time on Jesus, that there was the fulfillment of what the Word of God said He would be. Amen.

243I wonder if you found the same thing when you looked at Him for the first time? I wonder if the promised Word manifest Itself to you when you looked at Him?

244 Nathanael, as soon as he come into the Presence of Jesus, a little bit in doubt... We find out that Philip had went and told him, "Come, see Who we found."

And Nathanael come, and he said, "Which one is He?"

He said, "Probably it's the one up there praying for the sick."

245He pressed his way through till he get a look at Him. And when he looked, Jesus said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You ever know me?"

246He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

247Then what did Nathanael find? He found out that there was the King of Israel. He said, "Thou art the Son of God. You are the King of Israel." That's what he saw when he looked. He got the interpretation of the Scripture, brought to light before him. He saw it, the same Scripture that the anointed prophet Moses had said, "He will be a Prophet likened unto me."

248 The woman at the well, she got a look one time, and what did she see? She expressed it in the city. She said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" When she took her first look at Jesus Christ, she saw the Messiah.

249People can look at the same thing today, and call It "mental telepathy." They'll call It "spiritualism." They'll call It any kind of a devil name they can call It, because they don't know what they're looking for. Amen. They don't understand. They're looking for a creed. They're looking for a genius to set the church in order. They're looking for more members, and fail to see the blessed Lord Jesus Christ in His identified Word. Right.

250 Depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for the fulfillment of the promise of today, you'll see it. But, if you're looking for some intellectual, or something that they've always looked for, some great founder, some historian, some other person, something else, you'll fail to see It. But when you look at Him through the Word, the Word declares Who He is.

251He challenged the people of His day to do the same. They couldn't see Him. He said, "You blind leaders of the blind. You claim Moses to be your prophet. If you would a-knowed Moses, you would know Me. Moses wrote about Me." And they were too blind to see It. Looking right at It, and too blind to see It.

252I'm dove-tailing that "glare," this morning, for a few minutes, you see. They're looking, and don't know what they're looking for, because they've got the wrong conception of what they're trying to find. How would you know what you wanted to find, if you didn't know what you was looking for?

253 How would you go hunt for a pumpkin, and you had never seen one and never heard of one? How would you go find a watermelon, if you never knowed there was such a thing, and how it looked? Why, you could find a tub, and think it was a watermelon. You could find something else, you could find a block, and think it was a watermelon.

254But you've got to know what you're looking for. And the only way that you'll ever know what you're going to, what you're looking for; if you're looking for Jesus, you will look to the Word, for He is the Word. "They are They that testify of Me. Search the Scriptures."

255"You claim you're... are the believers of the prophets, but you're of your father the devil. Your fathers, who claim; when God sent the prophets to them, he put them in the grave. They--they kill the prophets. Every one that come," Jesus said, "which one of them your fathers didn't stone? And the works of your father you'll do." Amen! Righteous men, holy men, a man that you couldn't put a finger on, and yet He called them "serpents and devils." See?

256What you looking for? If you're looking for some pious person? Some people thinks that because the Holy Spirit worked through you, you'd have to be some long, pious fellow, walk around and not even... That's not the Holy Spirit. God don't deal through angels like that, or supposed to be. God deals through men. The Bible said, "Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are," but you couldn't be with him till you seen Jesus.

257 Peter and John, at the gate called Beautiful. And when they pulled them up there about healing that man, "They had perceived that they were ignorant, unlearned, but they also perceived that they had been with Jesus," see, because His Life was reflecting through them.

Now, depends on what you're looking for.

258 The woman had read the Bible. She knowed there was a coming Messiah, and she knowed what that Messiah would do. And as soon as Jesus said to her, "Bring me a drink."

She said, "It's not customary." He's just a ordinary man.

259Now, if He had been sitting there with a great big turban on, and all kinds of ornaments over Him, of--of some holy person, why, the woman would have said, "Well, there's a priest," and went on. Or, "There is some kind of a rabbi," went on.

260 Minister, something another; I seen a man come to eat, today, where I went to eat. And that fellow come in, he--he had enough crosses and things on him; it's a good thing sometimes them fellows have that. I think you ought to live a life. You don't have to have a lot of clergy clothes, to prove what you are. Sometimes they drink, and carry on so much, and smoke cigarettes, and everything, they have to wear clergy clothes to even know whether they're a minister or not. That's right.

261I tell you, the clergy clothes for a man to wear is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That'll identify you as being with Jesus!...?...

262Now, we find out, that depends on what you're looking for. A well-dressed, well-groomed, some kind of a turban; you'll never see Him, because He was just an ordinary man. God deals with man. Jesus was a man; God was in the man, and He was God.

263 Now, we find out that this woman, when she saw this mysterious sign, that He could tell her what she had done that was wrong, or what was on her heart, she knew right then that was the Messiah. So, when she looked at Jesus, she saw the Messiah.

264The Messiah, what was the works of the Messiah? Would know the secret of the heart. Did that catch you right? I wonder if you'll understand. If you'd look for Him, tonight, what would you look for? He would be the same. The Messiah is the Word, the Word! And the Bible said, in Hebrew the 4th chapter, that, "The Word of God is quicker, more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting even to asunder of bone, and a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."

265And when she knowed that Messiah was to be that Word made manifest, and could tell her what was wrong with her, she knowed that was Messiah. Not how He's dressed, not how much education He had; but, by the sign that He showed her, He was Messiah. When she saw Jesus, she saw the Messiah; God in a Man, as promised for that anointed age.

266 But you know what? Many, of them same ages that I have spoken of, never seen that thing. Many of them didn't see it. Same today. Many didn't recognize Moses. Many didn't recognize Elijah. Many didn't rec-... They never recognize them till they're gone, then they recognize it.

267The unbeliever seen, in the days of Noah, only what did the unbelief look at? I've told you what the believer saw, now let's see what the unbelievers saw. In the days of Noah, what did the unbelievers saw--see back there when they looked? They saw "a fanatic, blundering around on a so-called boat." That's all they saw. "Some crazy old man with long white whiskers, that had lost his mind, and, against scientific research and proof, said, 'There's water up there.' Why, the poor old fellow!" They felt sorry for him. "Pass him by; he, he'll be declared insane soon. He's lost his mind."

268 But he had the Word of the Lord. He was building away, on it, and God was showing evidence that the flood was coming. It was a sign to them. Them who did not believe Noah's story wandered on into darkness, and ended up in death, in the water, and a grave of hell.

269Pharaoh, he looked one time. What did he saw, what saw Pharaoh? He seen "a fanatic, so-called prophet, with many so-called claims of deliverance." That's all he saw; a mud-dauber, a slave standing up amongst the people, and saying himself was sent of God to perform miracles. Why, they thought the fellow had lost... Said, "Go, let him rave on. He'll... They'll declare him 'insane,' after a while."

270But he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. The believers, Aaron, Joshua, and many of them, seen God in Moses. And the works of God, Moses done, that's the reason they knowed God was in him. They looked and saw God in Moses.

271 The rich man looked and seen exactly Who He was. See? But he refused to follow Him, because he loved the things of the world, too much, to follow Jesus.

272How many a rich man will listen at this tape, of that type! Don't have to be always rich in money; no, you can be rich in lust, rich in pleasures of this life. How many man, how many young girls, and how many young boys, will not sell out their popularity of some sex queen, or some Ricky with a banjo or a guitar, going out and entertaining some rock-and-roll, or some dance that he is able to do! How many of them will claim their riches of popularity, and refuse, when they sit right in the meetings and watch the Hand of God move and declare His Word! How many will do it!

273 He chose his denomination. He could live by it. "Jesus was a fanatic," to his denomination. So he had to either take what Jesus said, or either he had to take...

274Why didn't he go to his priest, and say, "What can I do to have Eternal Life?" He knowed the priest knowed nothing about It.

So he come to Jesus, and said, "What can I do?"

275Jesus said, "Keep the commandments." Throwed it right back in his lap.

He said, "I've done this."

276He said, "Keep the commandments." Then, he still didn't have Eternal Life, and he knowed he didn't. You can keep all the commandments, and you haven't got Eternal Life, yet.

277So Jesus said, "Now if you want to do what's right, go sell what you got, and give it to the poor. Come, follow Me."

278But that was too much for him. See? We find out that he looked and seen Who He was, but yet refused to take it. And his next look was in hell, looking a way up and seeing Lazarus in the bosoms of Abraham.

279 Pilate looked, one time, when they brought Him. He had never seen Him before. His hands tied; blood running out of His back; a crown of thorns on His head. Pilate looked, and was convinced.

280Because, a horse come galloping down the street, and a rider jumped off, and run over and said, "Here's, the wife has sent you a letter."

281And he looked at it, and she said, "Pilate, my beloved husband, have nothing to do with that just Man, for today I've suffered many things in a dream because of Him."

282He trembled. His knees beat together. And he said, "If You are the Son of God, if You're the King, why don't You speak out? Are You the King of Israel?"

He said, "You have said it."

Said, "Tell us truth."

283He said, "To this end I was born." And Pilate marveled. He...

284All, everybody, was begging and crying at his feet. He said, "I have power to kill You, or I have power to release You."

285He said, "You have power of nothing, 'less it be give to you of My Father." Whew!

286 Sir, he was convinced that That was more than a man. He was thoroughly convinced that It was more than a man. Certainly, he was. But (what?) his politics and popularity was too great. See, he turned Him down. His popularity was too great. The politics, his position in life, was too great, to accept this fanatic.

287Wonder how many Pilates will be listening to this, that your position in some denomination will be too great, to accept the real Lord Jesus standing in the position that He is today.

The Roman soldier, at the cross, looked on Jesus.

288 After the earth had had a nervous prostration, shook till the rocks wrung out of the mountains. And the sun went down in the middle of the day, and turned dark. The stars didn't come out to give its light. And the earth burst forth with rocks and an earthquake. And the zig-zag lightning swept the skies; and ripped the temple veil from the top to the bottom. And, the people running and screaming, they didn't know what had taken place.

289And that Roman soldier that helped nail Him there, had punched the sword through His heart, then he looked, but it was too late. He looked and believed, but it was too late for him to believe. What he had done had sealed his doom; he had run the spear through the Saviour's heart. It was too late.

290 I wonder how many Romans today has done the same thing, and will do the same thing. You might look, someday, but it might look too late. Many of today will come in that day and be the same way. They have known.

291Brother Woods here; yesterday. Saying this just because it's in this Message. Down here at the Slider Company, a Roman Catholic sitting there. He went down to get some concrete for the church here, and, when he did, he told him where he wanted it for. And the Roman Catholic said, "Is that Brother Branham?"


292He said, "I'll say one thing; when he prays, God answers." See?

293Wonder then, knowing it, seeing the vindication that it's truly the Gospel, not me; any man representing Christ. It's the Word we're talking about, not man.

294What am I trying to say? Is this, that, they see the clearly a vindicated Word, like Pilate and the rest of them did, like the Roman soldier, but are you going to wait too late to do anything about it? He should have used the spear the other way. The doors will be closed, like it was in the days of Noah, and then it's too late. You might wake up some morning, and say, "I intend to get out of this mess." Don't wait too long. You had better look and live now.

295 Luther looked away from the Catholic denomination. What did he see? A Pillar of Fire. He saw an independent church.

296Wesley looked away from the Anglican denomination. He saw the same thing.

297The Pentecost looked away from all the denominations. And what did it become? A great, mighty people.

298What did each one of them do? When the founders, Luther, and Wesley, and them, and when they looked away and saw what they did and started out; their children, coming behind them, looked back to where they come from, out of the denomination, and took that group of people right back into the same mess that they came out of.

299What are you looking at? The founders look right. But the people, following them, looked back to what the founders come out of, and done exactly what the founders was against; the anointed one of God.

300You know, I got to hurry, 'cause I got a prayer line coming, and I know many of you has to travel.

301 One day I took a look. I saw the Word made flesh. I saw the Alpha and Omega. I never seen any three, four, or five; I saw One. I saw Him as my Saviour. I saw Him, the Word. I saw Him, the Light. I saw Him, the Mighty God. I seen God in Him. I saw the Pillar of Fire. I saw, in Him, exactly what the Bible said He was. I saw that He was the Alpha and Omega, that He was the Pillar of Fire. He was the same yesterday, today, and forever. I saw that the Pillar of Fire said, to John, "His never-failing Presence." As he said in John's, over there, "And His never-failing Presence will never leave you." Brother, my opinion tonight, sing that song:

"Look and live," my brother, live,

Look to Jesus now and live;

For it's recorded in His Word, hallelujah!

It's only that you "look and live."

302 Look! What do you see? Do you see deliverance? Do you see what He is? Look through the Word and see what He was, then you look through the same Word and see He's the same today as He was then. He is the antitype of the brass serpent in the wilderness, for the same cause, sin and sickness.

303 Judas took a look, one day. And when he looked, after he had took a real look at Him... He had only been looking at the treasure, before that, the pot of money they had. But one day when he looked and seen Jesus, you know what he seen? He seen he was guilty. He seen that he wasn't fit to live, and he hung hisself.

304One morning, one of the greatest mornings in the all history of time. In closing, I'm saying this. There's something happening in the Jerusalem, and all at once a bunch of soldiers came down to the--to the jail. I can hear the jingle of the--the chains; hear the dragging of the spear on the street.

305 Who is back in there? Barabbas. He is ready to die. He's a thief. He is no good. He's a robber. He's a murderer. He is going to die.

306First thing you know, he said, "Well, this is all of it for me. I'll be executed this morning."

307The first thing you know, the guard opened the door, "Step out, Barabbas."

He stepped out and said, "Well, I guess this is the end."

He said, "Barabbas, you're absolutely free."

"What? I'm what? I'm..."

"Absolutely free! You're free," I said.

Said, "How can I be free?"

308He said, "Well, come here, Barabbas, look up there. You see that Man dying up there? He took your place."

309 I wonder if we all, tonight, could look and see what Barabbas saw, someone taking our place? "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes," I was healed, you were healed. Wonder if we, the guilty ones, who should be sick, can see in Him our deliverance? You who should go to hell; see in Him your freedom, your pass to Heaven. Wonder if you can see what Barabbas saw on that day?

310He said, "A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." Oh, church! Then, if He said, "You shall see Me," it's proof that you can look again. "You'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." When? How do you see Him? At the Word. He is the Word. Look at the Word and see what the promise is, for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

311 What He was when He walked in Galilee, is the same thing He is tonight in Jeffersonville, the same thing He is at the Branham Tabernacle. What do you look to see, a founder, a denominational man? You'll never see it in Jesus. Do you look to see some great priestly? You'll never see it in Jesus. No. How do you see Jesus? By the Word of God being made manifest, because He was the manifested Word of God. What He was then, He is tonight, and will be forever.

312Let's bow our heads just a moment. I'll cut this off kind of short.

313 Lord Jesus, is my prayer, let me look away from the cares of life. Lord, I--I know we're just a common people, uneducated. We have not much of this world's goods, but we love You, Lord.

314And I speak for this people. They would not sit in a place like this, and squeeze and mash, and around in the crowds; and sit, burning up, in the--the heat; or freezing in the cold, and stand in the... and bringing their children and them, sick and the afflicted, coming around; if they come here to see anything else besides You. Those people, Lord, would never come to see a man. There is plenty of man on the street; they all look alike.

315 But they come to see that Man, that Man of God, that Jesus of Nazareth of flesh, being God. Now, Father, You have told us that, "A little while, and the world would not see You no more," no matter how much they look, they'll never see It. But You said, "Ye shall see Me," the true believer, "because I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." You have promised us, if we look, we would see. And I pray, tonight, that You'll fulfill that Scripture to us again tonight, that we might look and see Jesus making Himself known to us, in the same way that He always has, fulfilling His Word, from henceforth, Lord.

316And I made a statement, before this, and I truly said these things from my heart, about the Pulls, and You told me. And now, as mysterious as it may seem, if we could only pinch our inner conscience, and see that those things could not be foretold, perfectly as they are, unless it did come from God.

317 How could we see that First thing take place? How could the Second take place? How could the Third take place? How could we stand here, months before it happened, and tell what would take place in Tucson? And would open up the Seven Seals, and bring back the mystery, and reveal the hidden things of God, that's been hid since the beginning of time. And to see it, both testified, witnessed, scientifically proven!

318Lord, You're our refuge and strength. You are all that we have. And I thank You, for, Lord, being a part of this great economy of Yours. I thank You, for being a member of Your Body, along with many here who are members of that Body, many all out through the world in different churches, that are members of that mythical Body of Christ.

319 Every time we look, we see Him! See Him when the birds sings. See Him when the sun rises, or when it sets. Hear Him in the songs. Watch Him in His people. See Him a vindicating His Word.

320O Lord, You're our God. Early will we call upon Thee. Thou art our merciful Father. Forgive us of our wrongs.

321Lord, we're at the end time. I see the doors will soon be closed, the doors of opportunity. And while it is daylight and I can still get into some of these places, Lord, help me to go. I'm getting old; give me strength. Renew my youth, Lord. Help me, that I might do something out there, now, that I'm waiting for this great time to come, that will be here. Help me, Lord, as I go out, that I might be able, under some way, to catch that last predestinated Seed, that will bring back the Lord Jesus. Help, O God!

322 And if I'm laying a foundation that another shall stand upon, grant, Lord, that soon it'll happen, that the Word might be fulfilled.

323Our hearts' desire is to see Your Word fulfill. We love You. We believe You. In the midst of an unbelieving, doubting people, a generation of--of--of what we got today, Lord God, we still believe that Your Word will never fail. We believe, that, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but It shall never fail." We stand gallantly for That.

324Now, Father, to this little group that's waited. There is many sick in here. And there may be a unsaved in here. People that been saved, and yet hasn't been filled with the Holy Ghost. Lord God, may You come so on the scene, by Your Word of promise, that the people will look and see Jesus, and then bow down and give their hearts to Him. May the sick look and see that it's impossible for anything else to be doing it, only God, because it is His Word promise.

325What we have said today, both Messages, may it be confirmed now. It's all in Your hands, Lord. And I'm in Your hands. And the--the congregation is in Your hands. Work through us, Lord, to honor Your great Name. O Eternal One, grant this for the glory of God. Amen.

326 I know it's hot, and I want to try to pray for the sick now. And if you'll just give me about fifteen, twenty minutes, I don't know how many cards they got give out, but we're just going to start and pray for the sick.

327Now, Billy told me that he give out, what was it? [Someone says, "One to a hundred."--Ed.] A hun-... What, what? [Someone answers.] All right. Well, let's start. He said he give out from one to a hundred. How many has prayer cards here? Raise up your hands; prayer cards. Well, there's quite a number. We'll try to get to everything that we possibly can, if we can. Now, we can't have discernment on all them, you know, so we'll just pray. And, everybody, how many here doesn't have a prayer card, and yet you're sick? Raise up your hand. Many.

328 Now, look. What is it? Now, I know, we may be a--a teeny bit late off of schedule, about fifteen minutes, but I want to say this one thing. It might be the difference between, here, spending Eternity in Heaven or Hell. See? Look, be reverent and watch, a minute, listen at the Word, and see if He still remains Christ.

329Now, every person here probably knows me. And many of you I don't know, because I don't get here long enough to know you. And many of you are out of town. How many is out-of-town people, raise your hands. See?

330Now, I asked somebody down town, the other day, I said, "Do you ever come up?"

331Said, "There is no need of us coming." Said, "There is so many from out of town, that gets there, we can't get in." See?

332But that's--that's okay. We'll fix a way for them to get in. You come, anyhow. Notice, they had a chance before you did. Yeah.

333 Now remember, now, I am just your brother. I sure you understand that. I am a man; He is God. But God only can work, and always has worked, and only worked, through man. Now look tonight, not to me or to any other person, but look to Jesus Christ.

334Now look tonight at the Scripture, what It promised. How many of you... I can just give all kinds of Scriptures, but how many will just believe Hebrews 13:8, that, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday..."? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And how many believes John 14:12, "The works that I do shall you also"? ["Amen."] See? How many believes that He promised that the very things that He did, in the way of "discerning of thoughts in the heart," would return again in the last day just before His Coming? ["Amen."] Uh-huh. Sure. We all know it. All right. Oh, how many more, hundreds and hundreds of Scriptures, but we know it!

335 Now look. Don't look to see a minister. Don't look to see a pastor. Look to see Jesus. Don't see the man; see Jesus. When you look, see Him. If I could help you, I would do it, but I can't. I can't help you; I'm just your brother. But, He is your Lord, look to Him and believe. All right.

336Now let's start with prayer card number... Well, we'll start from number one. How many... Number one, who has prayer card number one? Raise your hand. Where is it? [Someone says, "Right back over there."--Ed.] You mean your... ["She is standing."] Was that? Oh, I'm sorry. All right. Number one, come up here, lady, right... Which way do you want to bring them, this way? All right, come right here, if--if you can walk. If anybody is called now, that's crippled, some of us help bring you up. Number one.

337 Number two, who has prayer card two? Raise your hand, quickly as you can. Number two, where is it? I don't see it. Where? I'm sorry, I--I can't... Right over here, lady.

338Number three, will you stand up, or something? That's right, number three.

339Number four. Prayer card number four, would you raise your hand? Where is it? I don't see it. Prayer card number four. What say? Number four.

340Number five. Who has number five, would you raise your hand? I don't see it. Number five.

341Number six. Number six. Quickly, right quick, number six. All right.

Seven. You, seven? All right. That's right.

342Eight. Eight, real quick now. Raise up, right quick. All right, eight. That's fine, sir.

Nine. Nine, where's it at? Number nine. All right.

Number ten. Ten, all right, ten, right over here. Ten.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

343And won't call too many, so you get... See, reason we do this... It's just a card with a number on it, see, and you just come by this number. That keeps them lined up.

Fifteen. Prayer card fifteen. All right.

344Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five.

345Let them come, line up now, twenty-five, till you get your line build up. Just get up now according to your numbers. That's right. Don't come all at once. Come around the other way, if you will, if you're over that way, and come. Now twenty-...

346What did we call, twenty-five? [Someone says, "Twenty-five."--Ed.] All right, let's rest on twenty-five, just for a minute. All right.

347Now I say, if you don't want to stand too long, when you see that coming down, then you get right in with them; twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven. Just, well, wait, let the line get down a little, you won't have to stand too much, too long.

Now let's bow our heads.

348 Oh, friends, now what? Now where are we at? Now we're at the--the end. We're at the time where something has to be done, said "yes" or "no." God has got to be found right or wrong.

349Now, today I've preached two sermons, hard, trying to tell you what He is, tell you the time is closing; what He is, what He was. And now when we look, tonight, let's look at Him.

350Now, every person, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, keep your seat now. Don't stir around. Sit real still until you're called. Let the little children...

351Now, if I happen to say, "Bow your head," do it right quick, honey, 'cause evil things leave, such as cancer and diseases, and it goes out amongst the people, and gets into others. All that believe that, and know it's the Scripture, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We find, in the Bible, that evil spirits went from one to the other, when they was cast out. And they try to find a place.

352 And how many times have we seen it in the meeting! People come to the meeting, perfectly healthy and well, sit there and criticize; and, a day or two after that, be found totally blind, or stricken with a cancer, paralyzed. See, because they were unbelievers. I'm not responsible for them; only for the believers. Many of them went in the institution, many years ago, and still there, some went to their grave, just because of being arrogant, unbelieving.

353There is no place for an unbeliever now. It's a place for believers. Have faith in God!

354 Heavenly Father, now the meeting is Yours; it's been Yours, all the time. Now, I can speak on Your Word; but now, from now on, I can't speak. You're the One Who speaks now, Lord. Let it be known that Your servant has told them the Truth. May people here, maybe many are here sick, and won't even be in the prayer line, but You're still here, Lord. You can heal out there, just as You can heal anywhere. Let Thy Word be made known, in Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

355 Now if I can get your undivided attention for just a moment. I want to look down this prayer line. I don't really believe I know one person. Are you, in this prayer line, all strangers to me, you know that I don't know you? Raise up your hands if you are. They are. How many out there knows that I don't know nothing about you? Raise up your hands, out there, see. Sure, ninety-five percent of the people here, I don't. That's true.

356 Now here is a little woman, I never seen her in my life. She is a total stranger to me. Now, she may be here for sickness. She may be here... Maybe she has done something. Maybe she is here for finances. Maybe it's domestic trouble. Maybe she is here for someone else. I don't know. I have no idea.

357But here is exactly a picture that's in Saint John, the 4th chapter, a man and a woman meets for the first time. And no doubt, that, the young woman that met Jesus, He was much older than her, because, "He," they said, "He looked to be fifty, or over fifty," and probably just a young beautiful woman that was out there at the well, was just a young girl. And here again, tonight, two people meet, young and old, without knowing one another.

358 And now she stands there. There is some reason she is there. I don't know. She might be standing there, as a deceiver. She might be standing there, saying something, when it isn't, just to see what will happen. If it is, you watch what happens. See? See?

359Now, I don't know the lady; I've never seen her. She just held her hand, a while ago, that I was a stranger to her. And I hold my hand, she is a stranger to me. I never seen her. Well, now if I...

360Just as a man, I'd have to say, "Lady, what is the matter with you? What are you doing here? What do you want?"

361And she would say, "Mister Branham, I'm--I'm here because I--I suffer with a--a cancer. I suffer with TB. I suffer with a tumor." Or, "I'm out of money. I... My husband left me." Or, "I'm not married, and my boyfriend did so." She would have to tell me.

362"Well," I would say, "all right, I'll--I'll--I'll pray for you; and lay my hands upon you, and say, 'Lord God, give this woman what she wants. Amen. Jesus, do it!'" Let her go away. Well, I guess, if she believed that, she'd get well. That's all right. That's been a ministry for many, many years.

363 But it was promised, in the last days, that as the Angel, God, was dwelling in a human body that come up just before Sodom burned, and He sit with His back turned to the tent where Sarah was, and told Abraham what she was thinking in the tent; God, in a human flesh, wearing human clothes.

364And that's the only way God can do it today, is when He gets in your flesh, see, showing that God would be manifested in human flesh.

365Jesus said, "As it was at the days of Sodom, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man." We have a messenger, Billy Graham and them down there in Sodom, but the elected Church received a Message and a messenger.

366 Now, if this little lady... if the Holy Spirit... Don't say He'll do it, if He would come and tell me what you're standing here for, or--or what you want, or something you've done, or something you're about to do. Why, you would know it'd have to come from some supernatural source, 'cause we're just standing here, see. That would be right, wouldn't it? Then you would know it had to come from a supernatural force. And if the Bible said that Jesus did that same thing, and promised to do it again in the last days, then you would believe it was Him. How many would believe the same thing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then you would see Jesus. You would see His Word.

Now you say, "Is He the Word?"

367The Bible says He is the Word. And the Bible said that the Word discerns the thoughts that's in the heart. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then it will be the Word spoken through human lips, discerning the thoughts.

368Now, I can't. I have no way of doing it, see, 'cause I don't know her; but He does, and He is the Word.

369And He is the One that can take our two spirits, like the woman at the well, and Him, and blend it; and then go away and show me just what she's here for, what she's done, or what she wants, or something. Then I can speak it and say it, and then it's up to her.

370Now you say, "Brother Branham, can you heal her?" No, no. I can't do that. He's already done it. By His stripes we were healed.

371But that's just to raise her faith, to let her know, that, if He knows what she has been and what she is wanting, He knows--He knows how to give it and what she will be afterwards. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, everybody believes that? ["Amen."]

372 Now be real reverent. And you people out there now, without prayer cards, you pray.

373Now, remember, Jesus passed through a group one day, and a little woman touched His garment. And He turned around, said, "Who touched Me?" And He looked all over the congregation till He found her, and told her she had a blood issue. And her blood stopped at that time. See?

374Now, the Bible said that He now is "the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right?

375I'm looking out here at Brother Way, sitting here by his wife. Just recently that man was standing here while I was preaching, just like Paul was preaching all night one night, and this man dropped dead right in the audience. And the Holy Spirit brought him right back to life again. He is a witness, see, that, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

376 How many never did see Brother Way, and would like to see him; raise up your hands, never did see him. Brother Way, would you stand up? Here is the man, dropped dead about where he is sitting right now. Here is his wife, a registered nurse, standing right there. He had no pulse, gone; his eyes turned back, and he was black in his face; heart attack.

377Doctor told him he had heart trouble. Before that, I had found it on discernment, not long ago, and told him that he had heart trouble. And then, all at once, his heart stopped, and down he went. And there he was, lying there, perfectly gone.

378That's about six or eight times that I've seen the Lord Jesus bring back the dead. I seen Him do it, and He can do it tonight.

379 Now I take every spirit, in here, under my control, for the glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Be reverent. Watch.

380I want to talk to you, lady. I've been preaching, you see. And just to catch your spirit, that's exactly what I'm doing. See?

381There's something in you, a life, or you wouldn't be standing there; you'd be just a form, laying dead, and you'd have no life in you. But, being that there is a life in that flesh, it controls you. See? And now even your thoughts and what you think, the words you say, and everything, is what you live by. See? That's what you are, is your words, your thoughts, and whatever you are.

Now, we are, we are here, believing. Now the Holy Spirit...

Like Jesus told the woman, "Bring Me a drink."

382 And, when she brought, she said, "Why, You, You shouldn't ask me that. I'm a--I'm a Samaritan. You're... You are a Jew. We don't have no customs with each other, no--no way, words with each other."

383Now, but, course, we are both Gentile. And we're standing here just believing on God. Now, if His Spirit comes by me for a gift, and can tell you what; that you know whether it's right or not, 'cause you've lived that part of the life. Then, then you have a gift, to believe it. And if you will believe it, and He will tell you about it, then it's all over. And it'll work on everyone here. Now, everybody real reverent.

384 And the lady suffers with something wrong in her throat. It's a throat condition. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, I've never seen her in my life. That's right. That's what she's here for, for me to pray for her throat.

385Now, right then, as soon as I said that, or just before, she was... She knew that there was Something near her. Something come near her, right then. You could see the emotion upon her, a real sweet feeling, like, struck.

386That Light that you see in the picture. Where you at, George? That Light that was in the picture, is hanging right over the woman, right now. See, it's another dimension. She is a believer, not a make-believer. She's a believer.

387Now, being that you are a believer, you believe me to be His servant and prophet? Have to be, to know that. [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Do you believe He could tell you other things that's on your heart? ["Yes, sir."] All right.

388 Here is something that's on your heart. It's somebody you're praying for; child. You believe He can tell me what's wrong with it? It's got a virus. Is that right? [The sister says, "That's right. Yes."--Ed.] Do you believe God can tell me who you are? ["Yes, sir."] You're Mrs. Walker. ["Right."] You're not from here. ["No."] You're from the South. ["Right."] Georgia. ["Right."] You're going home, well. Jesus Christ has healed you and your child. Don't worry about it. It's over. God bless you, sister.

389How do you do? Now here is another woman. I don't know her, never seen her. She's just a woman standing there. Now look, I've been preaching, all together, since about eight o'clock, and it's ten now. That's two hours I been here. That one discernment weakened me more than that two hours of preaching. See? That's... See?

You say, "You mean to say that?" Oh, yes.

390That woman that touched the hem of His garment. He said, "I perceive that virtue has gone out of Me," strength. Is that right? That's what it does.

Now, here is a woman that I have never seen.

391 Billy went over there, if you noticed something, and picked up that boy that we have here with us, George. He is a Baptist boy. I want him to see that what we're talking about is God. His father is, family, is a nice people. They're in Mexico, missionary, fine man. And his father is sick, too. I'm just waiting for him to come. Now just watch close, George.

392Now, this lady, I--I--I don't know her. I--I never seen her. I suppose we're strangers to one another. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] We don't know each other.

393But now, the Holy Spirit, the sweetness of Jesus being present, we are all witnessing that. Now if the Lord Jesus will reveal to me something about you...

394Now, if I could heal you, I'd do it, but I can't do what He's already done. The only thing, if He was standing here tonight with this suit on, that He gave me, well, now, He--He couldn't heal you, because He's already done it. "By His stripes we were healed." See? But the only thing He would, to declare Hisself by the Word that He promised, and make you see that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And He promised to do it.

395 Now if He will use me to tell you what you're here for, will you use the faith that you have, in Him, to believe that you receive what you have... are here for? With all your heart? [The sister says, "Yes, I will."] All right, may the Lord grant it.

396I see the lady has something wrong. An examination shows it is a--a ruptured stomach. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] That's right. ["That's right."] It's true, yes, sir, a ruptured stomach. ["It is."] Do you believe that God can heal that rupture? ["Yes, sir. I believe all I can believe."] You, all you--you... ["With all I can believe."] God bless you. ["God can heal my stomach."]

397Now, you're not from here. [The sister says, "No, sir."--Ed.] Been quite a sacrifice to get here. ["Yes, it has."] It was. ["Praise the Lord!"] Yeah. Yeah. You're from Tennessee. ["Yes, sir."] That's right. Mrs. Hart. ["That's right."] Return back; don't doubt. You'll be healed, if thou canst believe.

398 How do you do, lady? We are strangers to one another. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] I've never seen you in my life, as would know of. I might have, somewhere in a meeting, and you might have seen me, but I don't know you. God knows you. Do you believe in me to be His servant, and the word that I have preached is the Truth? Well, being that I am strange to you; and the Word, that I have preached, you have believed on.

399The only thing, it's, some of them give you a card; either one of the ushers, or my son, or somebody gave you a card. You're number was called, and here you are. That's all I know.

400But you are here, suffering from a nervous condition. It bothers you bad. You have someone with you. You have someone you're praying for. It's a... It's your husband. And he has a spiritual problem that he just can't get over with. And you have a child that's sick, too. You're not from here, but you come from the North. You're from Canada, from Alberta. That is right. You believe me as being God's prophet, and believe that what I tell you is the Truth, go home and you'll receive what you've gotten. Yes. Believe. God bless you, lady.

401 I am a stranger to you. You're a stranger to me. I don't know you. But God does know you. You believe me to be His servant? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] With all your heart? I don't know you, nothing of you. If I could heal you, I'd do so, but I--I can't. ["Amen."] I am not a healer. I am just a man. But He is God. I just a bit confused, because there's an older woman standing between me and you. It's somebody you're praying for. ["Yes."] Yeah. It's your mother. ["Yes, it is. Yes."] And she suffers with a--a high blood pressure. ["Yes, she does."] And you have a--a kidney infection. ["Yes, sir."] That is right. ["That's true."] Do you believe that? ["Yes, I do."]

402Your mother isn't here. [The sister says, "No."--Ed.] But when you go to her, take that scarf that's around your neck, and put it on your mother, and don't doubt, and the high blood pressure will leave her, and your infection will be gone. Go, believe now.

403You believe now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] With all your heart? ["Amen."] Now, you see, I look out across the audience, and just looks like it's just--it's just beginning to get kind of misty, like, out there.

404 "These things that I do shall you do also." He's done more right here, tonight, than He... of that type, than He did in the entire journey on life. That's right.

Now, this one lady here, young woman. I don't know her, she's a stranger to me. But do you believe me to be His servant? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Now just a moment.

405A man come before me, somebody in the audience. Now just a moment. Somebody in the audience. It left here just then; that Light left here. And there was a man standing by It, and somewhere in the audience. Just don't weary; just be of a good courage.

406Let's go back again and see to the woman. Now if the Lord God... This is six or seven, or something another, that's passed through the line, under discernment. And if the Lord Jesus will reveal to me, to this woman, whatever is wrong with her, would it make the rest of you believe with all your heart? Could you accept Christ upon them basis? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? One time ought to prove it. Three times is a confirmation. And this is tens of thousands of times, without one time being wrong.

407You're not here for yourself. You're here for a man. And I see him setting with his head down. He is smoking a cigarette, and you're praying that the cigarettes will leave him. That's... May the Lord God give you your request, sister. Go, believing with all your heart, and may that devil of habit leave your husband, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

408 Your trouble is in your back. Do you believe God will make it well? You do? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] All right. Go, say, "Thank You, Lord."

409I know this woman, I believe it's Mrs. Neece's daughter. Isn't that right? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] I thought it was. God bless you. The old back trouble will leave you now and you can go and be well.

410Do you believe God can heal that arthritis and make you well? Go tell Him you believe Him. Just believe with all your heart.

411How do you do, sir? Do you believe God can heal that stomach trouble and make you well? [The brother says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, then go, say, "Thank the Lord, I'm--I'm going to be well now." And--and you'll--you'll be well.

412Another arthritis case, and age, too. You believe that God will make you well if I lay hands upon you? [The sister says, "He has many times, with you, by laying your hands on me, brother."--Ed.] Did you hear that? [Congregation says, "Amen."] The Lord bless my sister, and give her deliverance again tonight. Amen. Just believe Him.

413Heart trouble, stomach trouble. [The sister says, "Yes."] Do you believe God can heal it? All right. Go, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, may He make you well.

414 How do you do, young fellow? Asthmatic condition. Do you believe that God can heal asthma? [The brother says, "Yes."] Go, believe it; He'll do it. All right.

415Diabetic condition. Do you believe that God can heal your blood and make you well? Go, believe Him, and He'll do it. You believe it with all your heart?

416What if I didn't say nothing to you; just laid my hands on you; do you believe the Holy Ghost is here to make you well? [The patient says, "Yes."] That's the way to do it. Come here. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may he go and be healed. Amen.

417Come, lady. If I didn't say nothing to you, do you believe God would heal you with that female troub-... No, excuse me, He already said it. Go ahead. God bless you. Go, go, believing, then, be made well.

418You believe, sir, with all your heart? God heals heart trouble doesn't He? [The brother says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Makes man well. I'm sure He does.

419He, He is God. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe it with all your heart? ["Amen."] Have faith in God!

420 Some man out here did something, just a few minutes ago. I want to find that. It was blood. Somebody like an accident, or something that happened. It was--it was bleeding. It was somewhere. The man was standing here. Now just pray. Yes, it is. It's the man sit-... Why, it's J. T. Parnell. I know the boy. You're bleeding inside, J. T. Do you believe God will make you well? All right, it'll stop then, J. T. Believe with all your heart.

421The little lady sitting right here, looking right across, sitting there by Brother Grimsley. There is a Light by her. You, little white collar. Mary, I don't know you, but that's your name. You're bothered with a spiritual trouble, and also you're real nervous. Forget it; it's all going to be all right. Believe with all your heart. Have faith in God. If thou can only believe.

422This little lady sitting right back up there in the back row, over on the side over there, she is from Michigan, suffering with a female trouble. Do you believe God will make you well? You can have what you ask for, then. You believe it? Amen. Raise up your hand, say, "I accept it." All right, you can go home and get well. I don't know the lady, but God does know her.

423 What about you here on this cot? You're the only crippled man, or man on a cot. I'm a stranger to you. I don't know you. God knows you. But, I say now, you're shadowed to death. You have cancer. You've come from a long ways. You come from Cincinnati, here. Your name is Mr. Hawk. Believe with all your heart. If you set there, you die. Accept Jesus Christ and be healed. You believe Him? Then stand up on your feet, out of that stretcher, and accept Jesus Christ.

424How many in here believes Him, at this minute? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe with all your heart? ["Amen."] Then let's, every one of you, stand up right now. Stand up. Now in your own way, the way you pray, you lay your hand on somebody next to you.

425 Where is Sister Brown? She been setting here, suffering with that. The other day she called me on the phone, and she couldn't raise her hands up. I seen it was something wrong in her blood. When I met her the other day... She has got diabetes. Where is she? She was here with Mrs. Dauch, a while ago. All right, Sister Brown. Tonight, I want you to believe with all your heart. I know you know what's wrong with you, but I want you to believe. You've come out of the hospital, to come here, see, to be prayed for. I'm praying for you now. Believe. You're going to be well.

426Margie, have faith in God. It's going to quit right now. It's going to end. He can heal diabetes, He can heal you of that sickness in your stomach.

427 Now each one lay your hands on one another, and just hold your hands there just for a minute. Just lay your hands on one another, hold... See, it's going on eleven o'clock, and many of these people has got to drive to Tennessee and different places.

428Surely, the Lord God has proved. What did you see, tonight? Did you see a man or did you see Jesus, Jesus confirming His Word?

429These handkerchiefs laying here, while this anointing is upon me, I have my hands laid upon these handkerchiefs, praying that God Almighty... They said, "They took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs, or aprons."

430Here is those who were dead, and has been raised up. There is those here who were in accidents, smashed up, are healed. There is...

431I see Mrs. Wilson standing here, that, not long ago, she was hemorrhaging to death, with TB, years ago. Here she is tonight, the doctors didn't give her but just hours to live. Here she stands tonight.

432All around, through here, lame, blind, crippled, in wheel chairs and everything, there stand tonight as living trophies. Why is it? Jesus Christ lives, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

433 That man that just testified, a while ago, of him, down there, that had epilepsy, that had it all them years, and everything, and just one time in the meeting. And that's been around, almost twenty years ago; he's never had a seizure since. That's one of the ten thousands.

434He's a healer. Amen. He heals. Now, don't be excited. Just, with child-like faith, look away to Calvary. Close your eyes and forget you're in this Tabernacle. Close your eyes and forget there is anybody around you, and look to Jesus and see. Look to Jesus now and live.

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah!

It's only that we "look and live."

Oh, "look and live," my brother, live,

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah!

It's only that you "look and live."

435Close your eyes to man. Close your eyes to the things around you. And look through your faith, to Jesus Christ, and know, that, "He was wounded for your transgressions; by His stripes you were healed."

436 Lord Jesus, as these people are praying, and, they have their hands upon each other. And we are... realize that we're standing in the Presence of the living, resurrected Jesus Christ, in the form of the Holy Spirit, revealing to us the secrets of our hearts, making known to us our desires, and promising us that He would give us our desires if we would only believe.

437Men and women have their hands on one another. They are praying, because we are fellow citizens of the Kingdom of God. We are fellow brethren and sisters of Jesus Christ.

438And, Satan, we come to you in the challenge of the Name of the Lord Jesus. He is the Sword. He is the One who cuts away the sickness. He is the One who cuts away the doubt. He is the Conqueror. Now we challenge you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you come out of this people, Satan!

439The Word of God is made manifest. It circumcises, takes away doubt, takes away sickness, and brings perfect deliverance. We pray that the Holy Ghost will fall upon this people, and give to them the power of faith to believe that the Presence of the omnipotent Christ is here now. Grant it, Lord.

440I condemn every sickness. I condemn all diseases. I condemn all unbelief. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the Holy Ghost honor what I've said, and sweep through this building and deliver every person in Divine Presence.

441Raise up your hands now and praise Him. I pronounce you well and healed, in the Name of Jesus Christ!