Teraz hovorím Cirkvi, „Šalom. Boží pokoj.“ Pokoj! Každý skutočný Hebrej, keď sa stretáva s iným, to je „Šalom.“ Inými slovami: Dobré ráno! Boh s tebou! Boží pokoj ide s tebou! To je „Dobré ráno! Ako sa máš?“ To je prelom dňa, Cirkev. To je temnosť na ľuďoch. Ale to je „Dobré ráno“ pre Cirkev, Kristus sa zjavuje medzi nami. „Šalom. Pokoj.“ Haleluja. „Šalom.“ Keď vidíme ako dosadá temnosť, temnosť tesne pred príchodom dňa, vieme, že tam visí ranná hviezda aby uviedla prichádzajúce slnko. To je vtedy, keď svieti ranná hviezda. To sa odohráva medzi tým. To je stále temnosť práve niekoľko minút pred nástupom dňa, prichádza zatemnenie, mesiac prestáva svietiť. Temnosť pred príchodom dňa, to je preto že svetlo tlačí temnosť. Ale vychádza ranná hviezda a hovorí: „Dobré ráno. Šalom.“
To je On medzi nami, jeho Slovo je zidentifikované. Šalom. Ten veľký deň je pripravený nastúpiť, keď to ráno prechádza do večnosti, jasnej a svetlej, keď sa jeho vyvolení zhromaždia do svojho domu nad oblakmi. Keď tam budú volaní tí napísaní na zvitku, ja tam budem. Naše mená sú v jeho Knihe, budeme tam. „Šalom. Dobré ráno. Pokoj vám.“ Temnosť sa oddeľuje od svetla. Boh to spôsobuje, to robí Svetlo. Vidíte? Svetlo sa tlačí takým spôsobom, že sa až temnosť musí spolu zhromaždiť. Oni to mali možnosť prijať a neurobili to, tak sa to skoncentrovalo. A robia to tým, že dávaju dohromady cirkev a Radu cirkví a jednotia to s pohanskou temnosťou. Keď oni tak dôrazne nesúhlasia jeden s druhým, ale predsa musia ísť spolu, aby umožnili noci prísť na ľudí. Izaiáš 60/1 hovorí: „Povstaň a svieť lebo prišlo tvoje svetlo.“
1[Brat hovorí bratovi Branhamovi, že môže hovoriť do piatej alebo do šiestej. -- pozn.prekl.] Veľmi pekne za to ďakujem. [Ten brat hovorí o nejakom uzdravení prv ako brat Branham začína hovoriť. -- pozn.prekl.]
Dobré ráno, priatelia, môžete si sadnúť. Je dobre byť znovu na zadnej strane púšte. Viete my ... Myslím, že keď som tu bol posledne, nazval som toto miesto zadná strana púšte. To je miesto, kde obvykle nachádzame Pána, raz ho tam našiel Mojžiš, keď pásol svoje ovce na zadnej strane, za púšťou.
Tento muž, pred chvíľou, keď som sem išiel, uvidel som ho v spätnom zrkadle. Počul som že bol vtedy v nemocnici. Modlil som sa za neho a on tu dnes ráno sedí. Ó, to je dobre, som tak rád. On krvácal a tak sme ... Som tak rád, že ho tu dnes ráno vidím. Je mi ľúto, keď som sa dozvedel o tomto bratovi, ktorý tu bol minule s nami, že dostal rakovinu, že je v nemocnici. Vieme, že máme len jednu cestu von z tohto a to je cesta smrti. To je ... Všetci musíme prejsť tou cestou, či sme tí najspravodlivejší, či je to ten najviac svätý z pomedzi nás, odnášame jedni druhých a prechádzame ponad hrobmi ďalších. A jednako Ježiš povedal: „Ten kto verí vo mňa nikdy nezomrie.“ Ale to čo tam znamená to slovo smrť, to nie je to, čo my nazývame smrť.
2Tak ako keď Ježiš povedal o Lazárovi, povedal: „On spí.“
A oni povedali: „Dobre, tak keď spí, vyzdravie.“
3Potom Ježiš povedal, musel im to povedať v reči, ktorej rozumeli, vidíte: „Je mŕtvy.“ Povedal: „Ale teším sa kvôli vám, že som tam nebol, ale idem aby som ho zobudil.“ Vidíte?
4A vtedy povedal ten nádherný citát, ktorý máme v Písme: „Ten kto verí vo mňa má večný život; nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života. Ja som vzkriesenie a život. Ten kto verí vo mňa, aj keby zomrel, žiť bude. A ktokoľvek žije a verí vo mňa, nikdy nezomrie.“ Vidíte? Nikdy nezomrie! Nie je ... Pre kresťana v skutočnosti neexistuje smrť.
Smrť znamená „Večné odlúčenie.“
5A teraz, keď zomrieme, v tomto fyzickom tele, v ktorom sme teraz, sme oddelení jeden od druhého. Ale v skutočnosti toto telo, je to jediné, čo nám dáva poznať jeden druhého, pretože sme zviazaní v piatich zmysloch: zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch. A pokiaľ môžeme vidieť jeden druhého alebo cítiť, máme dôkaz, že sme tu. Ak ste slepí a nemôžete vidieť, tak môžete nahmatať jeden druhého alebo počuť jeden druhého. A tieto zemské zmysly nám dávajú poznať jeden druhého.
6Ale naozaj, skutočne sme nikdy nevideli jeden druhého. Vedeli ste to? Nikdy sme nevideli jeden druhého. Počujete niečo, čo hovorí tu z tela a to predstavuje to, čo je tam vo vnútri. Tak potom keď sa rozprávame jeden s druhým, nerozprávame sa s telom. To je ten duch vo vnútri, ale to telo je to, čo nám dáva poznať ducha, ktorý je vo vnútri. A tak keď sa rozprávame, môžeme rýchlo porozumieť, či sme kresťania alebo nie, pretože dochádza do obecenstva v duchu, z ktorého hovoríme. Vidíte? To vibruje od jedného k druhému a ukazuje či sme kresťania alebo nie. A tak sme sa vlastne nikdy nevideli.
7Ježiš ... „Nikto nikdy nevidel Boha, ale jednorodený Otcov nám Ho oznámil.“ Vidíte? Inými slovami, Boh sa dal poznať. Osoba Boha sa nám dala poznať v tele Pána Ježiša Krista, tak On bol vyjadreným obrazom Boha. Alebo, Boh sa vyjadril cez obraz. Vidíte? Cez obraz - cez človeka. Boh sa nám vyjadril a On bol Boh. Nie tretia osoba alebo druhá osoba; On bol tou Osobou, Boh. On sám bol Boh, identifikujúci seba samého a tak sme ho mohli cítiť.
81. Timoteja 3:16, „Bez pochybnosti, to je dôkaz, veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti, lebo Boh bol zamanifestovaný, alebo dal sa poznať v tele.“ Či to nie je nádherné? Boh! A nikdy by sme nemohli porozumieť Boha, ako sa On pohybuje cez Ohnivý Stĺp a tak ďalej, ako to On robil. Ale porozumeli sme ho, keď sa stal jedným z nás. Vidíte? Keď sa stal človekom. Potom mohol ku nám hovoriť a mohli sme ho cítiť, dotýkať sa ho, a všetko. A ako Písma jasne hovoria, že „Dotýkali sme sa Boha svojimi rukami.“ Vidíte? Svojimi rukami, dotýkali sme sa ho svojimi rukami.
9Boh je v človeku. A On sa dnes identifikuje vo svojej cirkvi. V znovuzrodenom kresťanovi, Boh sa identifikuje, že On je naďalej Bohom. A ten vonkajší svet bude poznať Boha len tak ako vidia Boha vo vás a vo mne. To je jediný spôsob ako oni budú poznať Boha, vtedy keď sme napísanými epištolami, epištolami Písma, sme čítaní od všetkých ľudí. A život, ktorý žijeme odzrkadľuje čo je vo vnútri v nás. Človek je identifikovaný skrze skutky ktoré koná. Tak naše skutky by mali byť dobré, vidíte, stále dobré, pretože reprezentujeme nášho Pána Ježiša Krista.
10Čo je to za nádherná vec, zvlášť keď starý človek ako ja tu stojí a myslí o živote ktorý vädne, ktorý pominul v minulosti a pred nami je budúcnosť Večnosti. A viem, že ak len tento život je tým, v čom skladám nádej, bol by som dnes najbiednejším človekom. Ale viem, že tento život je iba tieň toho do čoho máme prísť. To je odzrkadlenie, pretože to nemôže byť tá dokonalá vec, ktorú Boh učinil. Boh nerobí nič také čo hynie. Vidíte? Boh je večný. A preto, tento život v ktorom teraz žijeme je len odzrkadlením toho čo je pred nami. Toho skutočného, ktorý nemôže zomrieť. Tela, ktoré nemôže zahynúť. Života, ktorý nemôže byť zabraný. Vidíte? A tak Písmo má pravdu, keď hovorí, že máme večne trvajúci život, máme večný život. Nikdy nezomrieme. Vidíte? Pretože sa stávate ... Keď ste znovuzrodení, stávate sa časťou Boha. Vidíte, ste navždy, večne, nikdy neprestanete existovať. Ste časťou Boha, pretože ste jeho synom.
11No, mohol by som si zobrať iné meno a povedať, že moje meno je iné. Mohol by som si zobrať meno mojej matky, Harvey, to by mi bolo najbližšie. Vo svete, moja matka sa nazývala Harvey a tak by som si mohol zobať meno Harvey. Ale stále by krv dokázala, že som Branham. Vidíte? Pretože som časťou svojho otca. A tak dlho ako mám v sebe krv, stále budem časťou svojho otca. Vidíte? Je to tak. A keď som narodený z Ducha Božieho, som časťou Boha, to je všetko; som zidentifikovaný s Ním, vidíte, že On je môj Otec. Potom môj život má odzrkadľovať jeho; ako môj život odzrkadľuje môjho zemského otca v podobe, v ktorej bol on. Ľudia hovoria, že sa celkom podobám na otca, tak potom to je jeho obraz odzrkadlený vo mne. A tvoj otec je odzrkadlený v tebe, a tvoji rodičia. A tak, Boh náš Otec je odzrkadlený v nás, keď sme narodení a utvorení tu na Jeho obraz.
12No, začínam hovoriť a nedostanem sa ku textu toho, o čom vám chcem hovoriť.
13Stále som si cenil domové zhromaždenie, modlitebné zhromaždenie na chate ako je toto, viac ako si hádam ľudia môžu myslieť, pretože najlepšie zhromaždenia a najlepší čas obecenstva je obyčajne na malom chatovom modlitebnom zhromaždení ako je toto. Kde som cítil najbližšie Boha, keď som mal malú hŕstku veriacich, ktorí sa zišli a tam sme chválili Pána.
14No dnes ráno, predpokladám, že nás je tu tridsať- štyridsať, tridsať, hádam alebo tak nejako, rátajúc deti. Neviem. Neviem to tak dobre porátať, proste keď sa dívam je tu malá skupinka ľudí, pretože tu je ďalšia miestnosť, vidíte, v ktorej nevidím tých ľudí. No, ale keď sa takto schádzame cítim, že sa dostávame do blízkosti čo nemôžeme docieliť keď sme vonku na tých veľkých, obrovských zhromaždeniach. Môžeme sa vyjadriť. Preto dnes ráno, myslel som, že keď prídem sem, že budem hovoriť ku zhromaždeniu tu dnes ráno a ku ich milému pastorovi. Som tak rád, že tu vidím veľa svojich priateľov, Strickerových a všetkých tých, ktorých som už nejaký čas nevidel.
15A dnes ráno by som vám hovoril svoje novoročné posolstvo, ktoré som plánoval hovoriť na budúcu nedeľu popoludní v auditóriu na zhromaždení vo Phoenixe. Pretože tu, myslím, že nahrávajú pásku. Možno mi Svätý Duch dá tu lepšie myšlienky medzi skupinkou veriacich, než ako možno vo Phoenixe, viete, medzi ľuďmi, kde sú veriaci a neveriaci, a povery a všetko zmiešané spolu. A potom ak bratia nahrajú a vypustia tie pásky, bude to lepšie urobiť to takto, pretože z tadeto by ste mali lepšie pásky. Požiadal som tých chlapcov aby prv vyskúšali akustiku. A keď som sem prišiel dnes ráno, brat Terry mi povedal, že akustika je veľmi dobrá. Tak, to je dobre. Tak teraz poďme, skôr ako pristúpime ku tej vážnej záležitosti a viem ...
16Myslím, že povedali, že niekto z vás zostane na obed, že tu budeme mať spoločný obed vonku alebo v dome alebo niekde. To je veľmi dobre. Skutočne si veľmi cením, že vás vidím všetkých spolu.
17A cítim, že moje posolstvo dnes ráno je adresované cirkvi živého Boha, (Vidíte?) a verím, že toto je časťou nej, vy ktorí ste tu dnes ráno. A teraz prv ako pristúpime ku tej dôležitej časti, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy a pomodlime sa.
18Náš nebeský Otče, sme ti tak vďační, že máme možnosť obracať sa ku tebe ako ku Otcovi, lebo Otec znamená, že sme sa narodili z toho veľkého Boha, ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem. A sme takí šťastní za toto privilégium, že vo svojich srdciach môžeme rozmýšľať a potom, že sme tvoji synovia a dcéry. A potom, keď vidíme teba ako sa jasne identifikuješ v našom strede, že si naším Otcom, premieňaš naše myšlienky z vecí tohto sveta a premieňaš naše motívy a ciele a postoje a všetky naše fázy, aby sme ťa milovali a verili ti a aby sme vedeli, že tvoje zasľúbenia sú pravda.
19Zhromaždili sme sa tu dnes ráno na tomto mieste, ktoré nazývame „zadná časť púšte“ alebo ja to tak nazývam, tak myslím. Dôvod, prečo to hovorím, Pane, nie je ten, že chcem povedať niečo na túto malú skupinu ľudí, ani na nič z charakteru jeho umiestnenia, že to je malé.
20Ale snažím sa myslieť, že to bol Mojžiš, tvoj sluha, ktorý bol v zadnej časti púšte, možno len on a jeho ovce, možno jeho žena Cipora a Geršon, jeho syn, mohol byť sám. Ja neviem. Ale bolo to tam, že mali prežitie, ktoré zmenilo toho proroka, z toho prchajúceho zbabelca do služby Božej, ktorý ho ustanovil do tej práce, tam vzadu na púšti. To bolo tam, kde sa zamanifestoval ten ohnivý stĺp po prvý krát v ľudskom živote, ako vieme, ten Oheň spočíval na malom kríku v púšti a on nezhorel. Ale to bola Sláva Božia odzrkadľujúca sa cez ten krík; že Mojžiš ten prorok si vyzul svoju obuv, keď prišiel bližšie ku tomu a Boh ho poveril, aby vyslobodil národ Božích ľudí.
21Nech by to dnes znovu tak bolo, pane, v zadnej časti púšte, aby sme si teraz vyzuli svoju obuv, ako to bolo tam, zložili čiapky a všetko a položili to všetko pod kríž Kristov a povedali: „Tu som Pane, pošli mňa.“
22Požehnaj tu tohto pastora, nášho brata Isaacsona. Prosíme, aby si ho žehnal a jeho ženu a jeho deti; brata Strickera, jeho ženu a deti; a všetkých ostatných ktorí sú tu dnes ráno.
23A zhromaždili sme sa tu; nie, Pane, nie kvôli voľákej veľkej sláve, ani aby sme boli známi ako vodcovia alebo nejakí ... nejaký úradník niečoho veľkého. My sme tu proste ako pokorní veriaci. Sme tu preto lebo ťa milujeme a milujeme jeden druhého. A keď vidíme jeden druhého a keď sa spolu schádzame, zisťujeme že sa zdá akoby viacej z Boha bolo zhromaždené spolu, keď každý veriaci prichádza na jednom určitom mieste. A Ježiš povedal: „Ak budete toto robiť v mojom mene, vtedy budem vo vašom strede.“ A my vieme, že si tu.
24Hovor ku nám Pane. A ak tieto poznámky, ktoré som si tu zapísal a miesta Písma, na ktoré sa chcem odvolať, odchádzajú z cesty, dnes ráno, od tvojich myslí, ktoré nám chceš dať, aby sme o nich rozmýšľali, potom, Pane, proste to obídeme a urobíme tak, ako nám povieš. Požehnaj nás teraz, lebo toto prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
25No, pri čítaní Písma, zvykne to byť tak, že ja ... predtým, keď som nebol taký starý, že som mal dobrú pamäť. A v tých dňoch, keď som bol mladý, nekázal som dlhé kázania, možno tridsať minút alebo tak nejako, išiel som rovno ku tej jednej myšlienke a mal som to všetko v pamäti. Ale teraz, dôvod prečo teraz mám dlhé zhromaždenia, to preto že to nahrávame. Rozumiete? A táto páska, tí chlapci to tam nahrávajú, oni to zapnú v určitom čase, možno teraz, na začiatku modlitby a to ide na mnohé, mnohé miesta, prakticky okolo celého sveta. Tak dnes ráno budeme hovoriť na moje novoročné ... to čo nazývame mojím novoročným posolstvom. Snažil som sa, mal som tri vianočné posolstvá a viem, že vy tu vzadu na púšti dostávate tie pásky. A vo svojom poslednom posolstve tam v zbore, alebo v predposlednom, to bolo na tému Svetla. A ak nemáte tú pásku, som si istý, že sa z nej budete tešiť. Veľmi som sa z toho tešil, z tej inšpirácie, ktorú mi Pán dal.
26No dnes, keď je pred nami nový rok, nechcem myslieť na to, čo je za nami ale chcem sa pozrieť do budúcnosti. Vidíte? Ako povedal Pavel: „Zabúdajúc na to čo je za nami, žeňme sa do cieľu vyššieho povolania.“ A ako je to vyjadrené, ako dívanie sa dozadu cez spätné zrkadlo v aute. Dívame sa na to cez čo sme prešli, keď sa dívame do spätného zrkadla. Teraz sa nesnažíme umiestniť toto dnešné posolstvo ako dívanie sa do spätného zrkadla. To by trvalo príliš dlho, hovoriť o tých veciach, ktoré Pán vykonal. A vy všetci ste oboznámení s tými veľkými vecami, ktoré náš Pán robí, to sú tie najväčšie veci, ktoré som kedy videl vo svojom živote, ktoré sa odohrali v posledných niekoľkých mesiacoch. A, ale teraz sme vďační za to čo bolo ale teraz sa dívame dopredu. Dívame sa na to pred čo sme postavení a to je do tohto 1964 roku.
27A teraz, ak tu radi čítate, alebo, rád by som prečítal miesta Písma, pretože toto všetko je postavené na Božom Svätom Slove.
28A teraz mi nechajte tak asi hodinu a pätnásť minút na túto pásku. A keď Pán dá, budem sa snažiť zakončiť tak, aby ste mohli mať obed. Ďakujem za to, že hovoríte, že môžem kázať do šiestej večer. To bolo veľmi pekné.
29A teraz si otvorme Bibliu na dvoch miestach, tie knihy ležia blízko pri sebe. Je to v Starom zákone. Beriem text na čítanie z dvoch miest, Izaiáš 62 a Žalm 60. A teraz v Izaiášovi, to budeme čítať prvé. A v tomto sú nám pripomenuté tie veľké moci nášho Pána Boha a aký je veľký a aký mocný je náš Boh. Prepáčte to je Izaiáš 60 namiesto 62. Izaiáš 60. Dobre, teraz čítame toto, Izaiáš 60, prvý a druhý verš.
Povstaň a svieť! Lebo prišlo tvoje svetlo, a sláva Hospodinova vzišla nad tebou!
Lebo hľa, tma pokryje zem a
[veľká temnosť pokryje ľudí
-- ang. Bib. -- pozn.prekl.]mrákava národy, ale nad tebou vzíde Hospodin, ako slnko rána, a jeho sláva sa bude vidieť nad tebou.
30„Veľká temnosť na ľuďoch ...“ Toto, samozrejme, toto je prorokované o dni v ktorom teraz žijeme.
31Poďme teraz do žalmov. Zdá sa mi, že mám trochu pomiešané svoje poznámky, kde som si zapísal tie miesta Písma, keď som si to minulý večer písal a ponáhľal som sa, keď som si toto zapisoval. Žalm 62, od 1 do 8.
Len na Boha, mlčiac, očakáva moja duša; od neho je moje spasenie.
Len on je mojou skalou a mojím spasením, mojím vysokým hradom, nepohnem sa veľmi
Dokedy budete útočiť na človeka? Pobití budete všetci koľko vás je. Budete ako nachýlená stena ako navalený múr.
Len o tom sa radia ako by ho zvrhli z jeho výše. Majú radi lož. Svojimi ústy dobrorečia a vo svojom srdci zlorečia. Sélah.
Len očakávaj mlčky, moja duša, na Boha, lebo od neho je moje očakávanie.
Len on je mojou skalou a mojím spasením, mojim vysokým hradom; nepohnem sa.
Na Bohu je založená moja spása, a od neho je moja sláva; skala mojej sily, moje útočište je v Bohu.
Nadejte sa na neho každého času, ó, ľudia! Vylievajte pred ním svoje srdce. Boh nám je útočišťom! Sélah.
32No, ak ste si všimli v tom Písme, ktoré sme čítali v žalmoch, tam sa stále hovorí, „Boh je mojou skalou.“ Viete čo reprezentuje skala v Biblii? Skala tu v Biblii reprezentuje „zjavenie Božie.“ Vidíte? „Boh je mojím zjavením.“ On je ... Vidíte? Zjavenie Slova je skala.
33Pretože, Peter jedného dňa, keď sa Ježiš opýtal: „Čo hovoria ľudia, že som ja, Syn človeka?“
34A jeden z nich povedal: „Ty si ... Jeden z nich povedal - Ty si Mojžiš, alebo Eliáš, Jeremiáš, alebo jeden z prorokov.“ Ale to nebola tá otázka.
„Čo hovoríte, že kto som ja?“
35On ... Peter povedal tieto známe slová a povedal: „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha.“
36On povedal: „Požehnaný si Šimon, syn Jonášov, lebo telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach. A na tejto skale!“ Vidíte?
37A Dávid tu hovorí: „Boh je našou skalou.“ Boh je našou skalou, keď nám Boh bol zjavený. To sa stáva skalou. Vidíte? Boh je našou skalou.
38No, môj text na dnes ráno je zvláštne slovo: Šalom. Šalom v Hebrejčine znamená „pokoj“. A to je to, čo dnes ráno hovorím tejto cirkvi, „Šalom!“ To je pokoj.
39Po fínsky sa to povie Jumalan rauha, čo znamená „Boží pokoj“ na teba. Ruaha. Boh, vidíte, Boží pokoj, šalom.
40Moje novoročné posolstvo je pre cirkev, pre vyvolených v Ježišovi Kristovi, na rok 1964. Nie proste pre cirkevné skupiny; ale pre vyvolenú, pre Pani, pre Pani cirkev, pre Kristovu Nevestu. Rozumiete? To adresujem pre ňu.
41Je tu pred nami predstavený, v tých dvoch témach, ktoré sme čítali, lepšie povedané, v dvoch miestach Písma, kontrast toho jedného a druhého. V Izaiášovi je povedané: „Povstaň a svieť, lebo sláva Božia prišla nad teba. Svetlo je tu.“ A potom hneď ten ďalší verš tu hovorí: Veľká temnosť je nad týmito ľuďmi.“ A potom, keď sme v zmiešanine svetla a temnosti a potom moje oslovenie cirkvi je „šalom, pokoj,“ poďme sa podívať, čo to všetko znamená. Vidíte? Pred nami je tento rok s obojím s temnosťou a so svetlom. My sme ... svet je v jednom z najchaotickejších časov temnosti v ktorom kedy stál; a jednako stojí znovu v najpožehnanejšom svetle, ktoré kedy naň svietilo. A to je ...
42Ten rozdiel je proste taký, aký bol na počiatku, keď nad zemou bola veľká temnosť a Duch Boží sa vznášal nad vodami a riekol: „Buď svetlo.“ A Boh oddelil svetlo od temnosti. A ja verím, že my teraz žijeme znovu v tej hodine, keď Boh oddeľuje svetlo od temnosti a On ju tlačí na jednu stranu sveta, aby sa svetlo mohlo zamanifestovať. A my sme ...
43Potom, cirkev, dôvod prečo im hovorím „šalom, to preto, že to je Boží pokoj. To je to, čo vám chcem priniesť dnes ráno, do nového roku, nie obzerať sa naspäť, ale dívame sa dopredu očakávame svitanie nového dňa. Až ... je niečo veľké čo leží pred nami, tam vtedy tie roky boli radosťou, na ktoré sme očakávali, pretískanie sa, príchod veľkého Svetla. A teraz to môžeme vidieť ako sa to prelamuje cez horizont, horizontálnu ríšu, prelamuje sa to medzi smrteľnosťou a nesmrteľnosťou. Vidíme to ako sa to prelamuje medzi nebom a zemou, zo zeme zviazanej nemocou a problémami sveta do jasného svietiaceho dňa nesmrteľného života a nesmrteľného tela a nesmrteľnej zeme, ktorá nikdy nepominie. To je „Šalom,“ pre cirkev. No, to je čas Svetla, ktoré prichádza pre veriacich, ale veľká temnosť pre ľudí.
44Jedného dňa sme sa rozprávali, moja žena a ja a hovorili sme o hodine, v ktorej žijeme. No, dôvod prečo som vybral toto miesto, cítil som akoby som proste mohol prísť a hovoriť vám. Vidíte? Zdá sa že nadišiel pre ľudí čas, je to najdojímavejší čas, o ktorom by som mohol pomyslieť.
45Stále som robil to najlepšie a snažil som sa, keď som sa nezhodoval s ľuďmi v náboženských pojmoch; ale keby som potom nemohol podať ruku tomu človekovi, bez ohľadu na to, aká ostrá by mohla byť tá vec a chytiť ho za ruku a povedať: „to je vo svetle lepšieho porozumenia medzi nami,“ a stále milovať toho človeka (nie len to povedať cez ústa, ale zo srdca), potom by som vôbec nemohol niekde ísť a snažiť sa niečo hovoriť ľuďom. Pretože, vidíte, my to musíme robiť, musíme milovať toho človeka. Vidíte? A ísť medzi ľudí, medzi všetky rôzne vrstvi a medzi rôzne kulty a klany a náboženstvá a tak ďalej a snažiť sa položiť túto Bibliu a povedať „porozprávajme sa o tom nie z pohľadu tvojho vyznania alebo tvojej knihy etiky, ale z pohľadu Biblie.“ A potom ne ... Možno že niekedy je človek skutočne ostrý; ale ak mám jednu myšlienku, že nemám rád toho človeka, potom viem jedno, Duch Boží odišiel odo mňa. Ak môžem cítiť, že nemám rád toho človeka, je niečo so mnou zlé.
46Pretože Duch Kristov, keď oni ... keď ho križovali a jeho vlastný ľud vbíjal klince, a jeho vlastné stvorenie, ktoré on stvoril, vbíjalo klince do jeho ľudského tela. A predsa, so srdcom plným lásky, zvolal: „Otče, odpusť im, oni nevedia čo činia.“ Vidíte?
47A ja som prišiel ku tomu miestu. Verím, že ľudia nevedia čo robia. To prichádza do času kde ľudia, zdá sa akoby sa stali takým predmetom zla, že to až - je to dojímavé. Zdá sa akoby tam - je tam tieň temnosti, rovno nad ľuďmi, ktorý ich núti.
48Ako, napríklad, táto jedna vec. Prechádzam po celom národe a kážem, a Pán Boh identifikuje a potvrdzuje svoje Slovo a ukazuje, že to je presne tak a nikdy nedal nič povedať, čo by sa nebolo stalo presne to čo povedal, slovom volá rovno do existencie a tak ďalej, ako to On robí. A ľudia sedia a dívajú sa na to a zostávajú ďalej rovno v takom istom stave. Vidíte?
49Vidíte? Nechcem nikoho znevažovať, ale ako naše sestry, veľakrát, keď im hovorím ohľadne nosenia tých šiat a o strihaní vlasov a o drobných veciach. A muži, ako oni zostávajú vo svojich vyznaniach a slúžia pod tými- to vyznaniami a tak ďalej. A to sú dobrí ľudia. To sú fajní ľudia. Ale jednako sa zdá akoby to oni nemohli porozumieť, zdá sa akoby to nemohli pochopiť. Prečo? Na ďalší rok sa tam vraciam a namiesto toho aby boli v lepšom stave, je to horšie. Stále to ide do horšieho. Sestra, ktorá mala pred- tým pekné, dlhé vlasy, si ich ostrihala. Muž, ktorý raz vyzeral, že zastáva svoje miesto a išiel za tým, čo bolo správne; on je rovno naspäť v ... ako pes, ktorý sa navracia ku svojmu vývratku a sviňa do svojho váľania sa v blate. Vidíte? Idú rovno naspäť do toho. Zdá sa, akoby niečo udrelo našich ľudí, udrelo svet, zdá sa, že oni nie sú schopní porozumieť, niečo je zlé.
50Presne tak ako keď si dnes všimnete mužov, nenájdete v mužovi tú originálnosť. Nenájdete to v ženách. Ja teraz nehovorím o ... Hovorím o tom preto aby som sa dostal ku téme Šalom. Rozumiete?
51Ale všimnite si ženy v našom čase, nezdá sa že by sa chovali ako dámy ako voľakedy. Oni proste - akoby chceli, ale je niečo čo im to nedovoľuje. Zdá sa akoby bolo nejaké bremeno. Poviete nejakej panej, že by nemala robiť to a to a tá pani sa díva na to a verí tomu, chce tomu veriť ale je niečo čo ju tlačí iným smerom. Vidíte? Chudák, je mi jej ľúto. Je tak chytená do pavučiny Hollywoodu a do reklám v televízii, v rádiu, v novinách, na ulici, vo výkladoch s modernými šatami a tak ďalej a ako sa obliekajú iné ženy s ktorými sa stretáva. A zdá sa, že je niečo od čoho sa proste nemôžu odtiahnuť; naši mladí ľudia, naši starí ľudia, náš stredný vek.
52Zdá sa, že niečo je medzi mužmi. Nevyzerajú tak ako majú, nemajú ten mužský výraz aký mávali. Ženy nemajú ten ženský výraz, aký mávali. Zoberiete dnes muža, muži nevyzerajú statní ako voľakedy boli. To je všetko nejaké jemné ... Oni chcú nosiť červené topánky a chcú sa správať, ako ženy. To je pravda. Vyzerá to viac menej ako prevrátenosť. Ženy si chcú strihať vlasy a správať sa ako muži. a muži sa chcú správať ako ženy. Vidíte? A pritom sa môžete s nimi rozprávať a sú to milí ľudia, milí ľudia, priateľskí, spoločenskí. Čo je toho príčina? To je tá veľká temnosť nad ľuďmi, to je niečo - to ich tlačí do toho.
53Tak ako židia v tých dňoch keď Ježiš prišiel na zem. Izaiáš o tom prorokoval a povedal: „Bude tak, že budú mať oči a nebudú vidieť a uši a nebudú počuť.“ A preto sa Ježiš modlil, aby im bolo odpustené, pretože to tak muselo byť, aby sa vyplnilo Písmo.
54A to sa znovu ku nám navrátilo. Biblia hovorila o tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme a povedala, že tieto veci prídu „veľká temnosť nad ľuďmi.“ A vidíme to, že je niečo, že proste, jednoducho ľudia by chceli ale nemôžu.
55Nikodém to raz vyjadril pred Pánom: „Rabbi, my vieme, že ty si učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha, lebo nikto by nemohol robiť tie veci, ktoré ty robíš, keby nebol s ním Boh.“ Ale to bola tá temnosť, alebo slepota, nad židovskou rasou, že Mesiáš mohol prísť a zobrať si nevestu z pohanov. Oni ho museli odmietnuť.
56A to je tá veľká temnosť, ktorá je nad cirkvami a nad všetkým dnes, že nemôžu vidieť Svetlo ktoré svieti. Vidíte? Zdá sa, že je to taký veľký tlak. Zoberieme dnes nejakých známych evanjelistov, oni ustavične kričia o prebudenie a pracujú presne proti nemu; vidíte, nerozumejú, bez porozumenia..
57A ja to nehovorím za tým účelom, že sa snažím povedať: „No, my sme toto uvideli, sláva Bohu, oni v tom nie sú.“ Ja sa to nesnažím povedať v ... aby som spravil, že ľudia si budú myslieť: „No, brat Branham ty máš tú jedinú pravdu, ktorá je na svete.“ Nie, to je nesprávne. Vidíte?
58Ja to len hovorím vo Svetle tejto hodiny, v ktorej chodíme a na úžitok ľudí, ktorí sa snažia hľadať toto Svetlo. Pravda, Ježiš povedal: „Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho nepotiahne môj Otec.“ Žiadny človek to nikdy neuvidí. To je to predurčené semeno a jedine oni to prijmú. Ale my sme znovu prišli ku tomu miestu. Biblia povedala: „Vy ste svetlo sveta.“
59Prorok povedal: „Veľká temnosť nad ľuďmi,“ nad ľuďmi sveta v tomto čase. A to je presne to čo máme, veľká temnosť nad ľuďmi.
60Boh, vo svojej veľkej milosti ako som to vždy kázal a snažil sa za tým stáť, že On stále ukazuje svoje udalosti z neba, jeho veľké dôležité udalosti, prv ako sa dejú na zemi sa dejú v nebi. On odzrkadľuje seba samého. Inými slovami, prv ako Mesiáš prišiel na miesto, kde začala jeho služba, na nebi sa zjavila hviezda, ktorá viedla tých mužov na miesto kde On bol, tých mudrcov. Ako ste to počuli v mojom poslednom posolstve ako Boh jednal s tými mudrcmi a v tom dni ako ich nasmeroval vo sne a On povedal Jozefovi vo sne, ako sa má postarať o blaho jeho vlastného Syna. Pretože on mal sen, nebolo ...
61A sen to je niečo druhoradé, niečo naklonené na jednu stranu, pretože ľudia môžu mať sny, ktoré nie sú pravé. Ale tam v zemi v tých dňoch nebolo proroka. Vidíte? Tam nebolo proroka a tak Boh musel použiť to, čo mu poslúžilo. A to nás učí, že Boh môže použiť každú schopnosť a všetko čo robíme, ak je to posvätené Jemu. Ale prv to musí byť posvätené Jemu. Nech vaše premýšľanie, čo v skutočnosti odráža váš sen, vidíte, pretože to je vaše podvedomie. Ak budete pozorovať sen, budete vidieť, že to je niečo o čom ste rozmýšľali alebo niečo také. Obyčajne je to tak, vidíte. A nech je vaše rozmýšľanie o Bohu, potom, vidíte, tak to odzrkadľuje niečo pre Neho. A čokoľvek ste, nech to odzrkadľuje Jeho.
62No, hore na nebi. Všimli ste si, dívam sa na toto, na toto svetlo na obrázku z časopisu Život, ktoré tento brat, ktorý tu býva dal na stenu, to trojuholníkové svetlo.
63Práve mi niečo prišlo na myseľ. Ak niekto z vás má Lamsov preklad Biblie, ak si všimnete tam na obale, tam je trojjedinosť, trojičné svetlo, trojuholníkové svetlo ako svätožiara. A keď dr. Lamsa, priateľ, môj osobný priateľ, prekladal Bibliu, to je starý hebrejský symbol Boha, v skutočnom trojičnom spôsobe, ako On je; nie traja Bohovia, ale tri manifestácie toho istého Boha: Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. To svetlo je jeden kompletný kruh svetla v tvare trojuholníka, čo znamená, že Boh bude prebývať v troch úradoch v Otcovstve v Synovstve a v správe Ducha Svätého, všetko ten istý Boh.
64Ale všimli ste si, pred tým ako bolo zjavených sedem pečatí? Pred tým, ako sa to veľké tajomné Svetlo ukázalo na nebesiach tam nad Tucsonom a Flagstaff, tam kde sme boli, brat Fred, dvaja muži, ktorí tam boli so mnou to ráno. Keď to bolo povedané mesiace a mesiace predtým, že sa to stane. Obaja, brat Fred Sothmann a brat Gene Norman tu sedia dnes ráno, keď to ... boli tam, keď zaznel ten výbuch a nevedeli, že toto sa stane. A On ma poslal naspäť, povedal, že sa priblížil čas pre týchto Sedem Pečatí, ktoré držali tých sedem tajomstiev celej Biblie, ktoré v nej boli zapečatené týmito siedmimi pečaťami. A ako títo anjeli na svojej ceste, poslovia cirkevných vekov, to otvorili do určitej časti. Ale v siedmej hodine, ten siedmy posol, že všetky tieto tajomstvá majú byť dokonané. Vidíte? Ten siedmy zemský posol, (Vidíte?) tento anjel, o ktorom On potom hovorí, bol na zemi. Anjel znamená posol. A potom, po tomto, on videl iného Anjela zostupujúceho dole, nie zemského anjela, ktorému bolo dané posolstvo tu, ale iného mocného Anjela, ktorý prišiel z neba a nad ním bola dúha a položil svoju nohu na zem a na more a prisahal na toho, ktorý žije na veky vekov, že „Času viacej nebude.“ Vidíte? Ale prv, ako On zlomil týchto sedem pečatí aby ich zjavil, čo ukázal zázračne, On to prv ukázal na nebi.
65Toho dňa urobili fotografie po celej južnej časti Spojených Štátov a v Mexiku. Teraz je to v časopise Život, pre nich je to stále tajomstvo. Ale On to oznamuje na nebi prv ako to robí na zemi. On to stále tak robí. On prv ukazuje svoje znamenia na nebi.
66A dokonca v zverokruhu. Neidem sa vracať a učiť zverokruh, ale len vám ukazujem, že nebesia to ohlasujú. V zverokruhu nájdeme, v konštalácii hviezd, že On ohlásil celú Bibliu v konštalácii zverokruhu. Nachádzame tam, že On začal, samá prvá figúra zverokruhu je panna a posledná figúra zverokruhu je lev; to ukazuje, že Ježiš príde na zem prvý krát cez pannu, druhý krát príde ako Lev z pokolenia Júdovho. Vidíte? On tesne predtým prechádza cez skrížené ryby - raka. Vek rakoviny, v ktorom teraz žijeme. „A celé nebesia ohlasujú jeho,“ hovorí Biblia.
67No, pred niekoľkými mesiacmi som kázal sériu zhromaždení v modlitebni na tému sedem cirkevných vekov. Vy všetci ste to možno počuli. A keď som dokončil kresliť na tabuľu tých sedem cirkevných vekov, ako to Svetlo prišlo a ako to Svetlo odišlo. A hádam to máte, možno, tu niekde; ale to je medzi nami, aj tak, poznáme to. A tá zvláštna vec, posledný deň, keď bol nakreslený ten posledný cirkevný vek, tento veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý je medzi nami, prišiel dole medzi stovky ľudí, a preniesol sa dozadu na zadnú stranu modlitebni. A tam, pred týmito stovkami ľudí nakreslil tie cirkevné veky, stemňovanie a rozsvetľovanie, presne tak, ako som to nakreslil na tabuľu. Tajomne!
68No, nedávno sme mali historickú udalosť, týkajúcu sa cirkvi. V Biblii, mesiac reprezentuje cirkev, a slnko reprezentuje Krista. Lebo to nachádzame v Zjavení v 12. kapitole, žena, ktorou bola cirkev, bola nájdená s mesiacom pod svojimi nohami a na hlave slnko, dvanásť hviezd v jej korune. A to ten starý ortodoxný židovský zákon bol pod jej nohami, ona prešla cez to do svetla slnka. Dvanásť hviezd je „dvanásť apoštolov“, ktorí nám priniesli posolstvo, v Duchu Svätom. No zisťujeme, že mesiac na nebi je nato aby odrážal svetlo slnka, v čase neprítomnosti slnka. Dáva nám svetlo aby sme sa mohli pohybovať. Ale to stále ... Bez ohľadu na to ako veľmi ho on odráža, stále to nie je dokonalé svetlo, pretože to je odrážanie. A slnko svieti na mesiac, a mesiac odráža jeho svetlo v neprítomnosti slnka. Ale keď vyjde slnko, potom už mesiac nie je viac potrebný.
69A dnes cirkev odzrkadľuje svetlo neprítomného Syna Božieho. Cirkev je odzrkadlením svetla. Pretože On povedal: „Ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí. Ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo budem s vami, aj vo vás až do konca veku. Skutky, ktoré ja činím ...“ Svetlá, ktoré on manifestoval ... A nieto svetlo jedine cez Božie Slovo. Bolo ...
70Tým slnkom je Slovo Božie. Na počiatku, Boh povedal: „Buď svetlo.“ A keď to zamanifestované Slovo Božie, keď sa to Slovo Božie zamanifestovalo, bolo svetlo. Prv to Boh povedal. Čo keby sa to nezamanifestovalo? Potom by ešte nebolo svetlo. Ale keď to On povedal, a potom sa to zamanifestovalo, potvrdilo, Jeho slovo sa potvrdilo, svetlo prišlo do existencie.
71A to je ten jediný spôsob ako sa to teraz môže stať, to je vtedy, keď to Slovo je potvrdené, Božie napísané Slovo potvrdené, potom to ukazuje svetlo. To je ... Nejaká časť je osvietená, alebo daná na každý vek. Vidíme to v cirkevných vekoch, nachádzame to v starozákonných cirkevných vekoch. Zakaždým keď prišiel čas na určitú manifestáciu tej cesty, na zem prišiel prorok. A Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi, a on oživil to Slovo. A keď to Slovo bolo zidentifikované, ono odzrkadľovalo Boha. A to bol ten vek, bolo Svetlo. A to je spôsob ako Svetlo prichádza dnes.
72No, ja nemám nič proti žiadnej denominácii, proti ľuďom. Ale mám všetko, na čo len môžem pomyslieť proti tým systémom, pretože sú zlé. A prvý systém, ktorý kedy povstal, to bol rímsky systém Rímsko katolíckej cirkvi. To bola prvá organizácia, ktorá kedy bola zorganizovaná, Rímsko katolická cirkev, v Nicei v Ríme. Okolo 325 rokov po Kristovej smrti, 325, vystúpila rímska cirkevná organizácia, ktorá dala ľudí dokopy a odstránila všetko, čo sa s ňou nezhodovalo. Odtiaľ majú svoje podivné doktríny a započal sa systém, ktorý je ďaleko od Slova. A teraz tá cirkev, od toho času, odzrkadľovala presne temnosť, pretože v tom čase prechádzame cez to čo sa nazýva „Temné veky,“ okolo tisíc rokov. Je to známe všetkým historikom a tým, ktorí poznajú Bibliu a tak ďalej, ako Temné veky, vtedy Rímsko katolícka cirkev vládla nad všetkým.
73A táto rímska cirkev je „mater smilníc,“ povedala Biblia v Zjavení 17. Ona bola smilnica a mater smilníc. No, to je nemorálna, nečisto žijúca žena. Obe sú také isté, obidve rovnaké. Tak ak smilnica, to musí byť žena. A preto, všimnite si to nie je smilnica - jednotné číslo ale smilnice - množné. Vidíte? Ona je smilnica - jednotné číslo. Potom tie cirkvi sú nazvané smilnice, dcéry tej rímskej smilnici. Ona je matkou všetkých nich, matkou organizácií.
74A či to nie je divné, že v tomto dni, keď sme prešli cez všetky tieto veci a posolstvo proti organizáciám prešlo po zemi, hučalo to z jednej strany na druhú, že v tejto hodine, bolo to povedané od roku 1933, keď mi Duch Svätý dal tie videnia a ukázal mi čas konca, sedem vecí o ktorých som hovoril, a päť z nich sa už vyplnilo, dokonale, presne. Ako Nemecko a Taliansko a všetky tie vojny a tie národné veci (zriedka ku mne hovorí o takých veciach). Ale oni sa stali presne tak, ako On povedal. Ako Mussolini pôjde do Etiópie a Etiópia padne ku jeho nohám a potom do akej hanby príde a bude opľutý svojimi vlastnými ľuďmi; a znevážený, obesený dole hlavou s tou prostitútkou s ktorou žil, na ulici. Ako Amerika pôjde do vojny s Nemeckom, odohrá sa veľký boj na mieste nazvanom, veľká línia, kde bude betónové opevnenie, myslím že sa to nazýva Siegfried Line. A ďalšia sa nazývala Maginot, myslím, že to bolo vo Francúzsku. Je to tak? A Siegfried Line bola v Nemecku. A Pán mi to dal vidieť, jedenásť rokov predtým ako to postavili. A oni by nikdy nepripustili, žeby tam boli porazení, Američania, až kým takmer celá armáda bola potopená. Keď tam odišli, Nemci mali svoje delá tak vyskúšané zamierené rovno na tú flotilu, a nechali ich tam prísť a takmer ich potopili. A ja som to videl, jedenásť rokov predtým, ako boli vôbec vykopané základy na tú líniu, či čokoľvek, na tú Siegfried Line. A všetky tieto ďalšie veci, ako stroje a autá a ako sa to všetko stalo presne ako povedal, až týmto národom bude vládnuť žena, čo možno je cirkev. A potom prichádza koniec.
75No nachádzame že v tomto, vo všetkom tomto a ako som mocne kázal proti organizácii, či to nie je divné, že rímsky pápež po prvý krát opustil Rím, aby sa vydal do Jeruzalema? A keď to robí ... Jeruzalem je známy ako najstaršia cirkev na svete.
76Keď Melchisedech stretol Abraháma, keď sa vracal od porážky kráľov, on bol kráľ Jeruzalema, Kňaz, a to bol Kristus, to bol Boh; nikto iný nemohol byť Melchisedech ako sám Kristus, sám Boh, lepšie povedané, vidíte, sám Boh, pretože on bol bez otca a bez matky. Vidíte? Ježiš mal oboje otca aj matku. Vidíte? Tak tento muž bol bez otca, bez matky, bez začiatku dní a bez konca života. A ktokoľvek on je, On stále žije. A On bol Kráľ v tom čase, Sálema, čo je preložené, „Kráľ pokoja, Šalom.“ Kráľ Jeruzalema, ktorý stretol Abraháma a dal mu víno a chlieb, komúniu - večeru, po boji. Veľmi pekný obraz tam v 7. kapitole židov, nachádzame to. No, dal mu chlieb a víno, potom keď boj bol dobojovaný. Ako On ...
77To je tá prvá vec, ktorú dostaneme potom keď vojdeme do Nového Kráľovstva budeme to jesť nanovo s Ním v Kráľovstve Otca, chlieb a víno. „Nebudem piť z plodu viniča, ani jesť viacej chlieb, až kým to nebudem jesť s vami, nanovo, v Kráľovstve Otca v ten deň.“
78No, teraz keď nachádzame, že potom keď Kráľ Šalom bol v ... vyšiel z mesta, potom neskoršie zavládlo nad ním vyznanie. A stále to bolo vyznanie, ale to reprezentuje tú starú cirkev. A v Novom Zákone sme poučení, neprehliadnite toto, v Novom Zákone sme poučení, že nie sme z tohoto mesta Jeruzalema, na zemi, ale sme z nového Jeruzalema, zhora. Tak tento Jeruzalem musí byť mesiac a nie ten Nový horný Jeruzalem. Tak mesiac reprezentuje cirkev, zemskú.
79A nie je to divné, že práve pred tým ako sa pápež vydal na svoju cestu do Jeruzalema, že na nebi došlo do úplného zatmenia mesiaca, len niekoľko dní predtým ako sa on vydal na cestu. On tiež prichádza sem, viete, vidíte. No to nikdy nebolo známe. Ale čo to ukazuje? Že toto, on toto robí aby vydobil priateľstvo, keď sa stretol na druhý deň ako prišiel do Jeruzalema, stretol sa s gréckou ortodoxnou hierarchiou. A čo to odzrkadľuje? Priateľstvo, oni chcú spojiť dokopy protestantov a katolicizmus, to je to čo robia a kompletne to urobia. A Boh to pre nás odzrkadľuje na mesiaci, úplným zatmením. Skrze jeho milosť a milosrdenstvo ...
80Videl niekto z vás noviny kde boli fotografie so zatmením mesiaca? Mám to tu. Ak to nie je dokonalý obraz, vynecháva siedmy cirkevný vek, ktorý ešte nie je ... Presne tak, ako som to nakreslil skrze Ducha Svätého, cirkevné veky. Tam je ich šesť, siedmy ešte nie je zakončený. Šesť etáp zatmenia mesiaca, ako vo svojej jasnosti v prvom cirkevnom veku; temnosť v druhom, treťom, štvrtom piatom a šiestom; presne tak, ako mi to Duch Svätý dal nakresliť na tabuľu a potom to sám potvrdil na stene modlitebni, pred dvoma rokmi. Mesiac sa odráža, a veda znovu priniesla fotografie cirkevných vekov, tak ako priniesli tam to Svetlo otvorenia Pečatí, zjavenia vo veku siedmeho anjela a dali to do časopisu Život. Vo dňoch jeho služby, toho siedmeho posla, tajomstvá Božie, tie všetky tajomstvá, ktoré boli počas tých vekov, majú byť zjavené, majú sa zamanifestovať, to sa má stať v tom čase. A On to urobil! Jeho slová nezlyhávajú. Či to nie je tajomná vec? Boh kreslí na nebi to isté, čo oni majú, ten istý Boh mi dal nakresliť na tabuli a sám to potom nakreslil. On to tri krát dokonale potvrdil, a tesne predtým pápež ide do Jeruzalema.
81A tým bola cirkev, mesiac je cirkev, reprezentuje cirkev. A prv ako cirkev, ten tieň svetskosti prechádza cez mesiac. A tieň svetskosti, tieň svetskosti, svetská cirkev preletela cez to aby zatemnila celé svetlo Biblie. Svet sa dostal do toho svetla, ktoré sa odrážalo. Rozumiete? Svet vkročil do svetla mesiaca a zaclonil slnko. A odraz mesiaca, ktorý mal dávať na zem svetlo, bol zatemnený. A to sa dostavilo a nakreslilo obraz presne tak, ako to nakreslilo cez inšpiráciu, prv ako sa to stalo.
82No to, myslím sestra Simpsonová, to boli Tucsonské noviny. Neviem či sestra Simsonová vedela ... Ona to vtedy nerozumela. Povedala: „Vystrihla som pre teba nejaké obrázky a nejaké poznámky, z novín,“ dala mi ich.
83A ja som myslel niečo zvláštne. Išiel som tam a zobral som to a pozrel som sa na to. Povedal som: „Tu to je, presne, (Vidíte?) presne to čo som hľadal.“ A tam to bolo v novinách.
84Sestra Simpsonová vám môže povedať v ktorých novinách to bolo, ak chcete mať z toho výtlačok. [Sestra Simpsonová hovorí: „To je 28. Decembra. -- pozn.prekl.] Čo hovorí? [„To je večerné vydanie z 28. decembra.“] Večerné vydanie z 28. decembra.
85Vidíte? Prv ako on odišiel do Jeruzalema aby zakryl jeho svetlo, alebo akýkoľvek jeho prístup. V akom čase, pozícii alebo aké práva má aby svietilo a teraz to všetko spolu odsekáva, v poslednom veku, siedmom cirkevnom veku, kde ona odchádza do temnosti. Akú veľkú vec nám tu Pán hovorí. Vo všetkom, to nikdy nesklamalo ale to, čo Pán oznámil na nebesiach a povedal to, pozerali sme sa na to a tu to zidentifikoval a potvrdil, že je to absolútna pravda.
86Temnosť tohto Laodicejského cirkevného veku. No, keď Ježiš, ktorý je Slovo, v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku bol vonku z cirkvi, klepal na dvere, snažil sa dostať dnu. Temnosť, veľká temnosť na týchto ľuďoch. Či má Biblia pravdu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen.“ -- pozn.prekl.]
87Dokonalosť Písma, sláva jeho veľkému menu. Pápežova návšteva bola znakom cirkví, zatemňujúcich jeho zamanifestované ... Zamanifestované Svetlo sveta bola Biblia. Ježiš povedal, že On je svetlo sveta. Biblia povedala, že On je Slovo. A to zamanifestované alebo potvrdené Písmo je Svetlo. No vám to nebude dovolené robiť, keď toto prevezme kontrolu. A my to vidíme naznačené, povedané cez inšpiráciu skôr ako sa to stalo; naznačené skrze mesiac a ukazuje, že to sa deje a tu sa to deje.
88Tá hodina prišla na nás, temnosť, veľká temnosť. Veľká temnosť prišla teraz na ľudí, to je to. Čo to všetko znamená? Kde stojíme? V ktorej hodine sa nachádzame? Ako blízko sme ku tomu Príchodu? Dobre, poviete, „Keď oni všetci majú prebudenie.“
89„Neboj sa malé stádečko, zaľúbilo sa vášmu Otcovi dať vám Kráľovstvo.“ V poriadku.
90Čo to znamená? Boh začal oddeľovať Svetlo od tmy. Vidíte? Zatláča ju dozadu, ako to urobil na začiatku, aby ukázal svitanie nového dňa. Cirkevné veky zanikajú. [Brat Branham si odkašľal. -- pozn.prekl.] Prepáčte. Cirkevné veky zanikajú. Boh zatláča temnosť na určité miesto, musí to urobiť, aby zanikli tie cirkevné organizácie, zanikol svet. Svet zakrýva celú tú vec a svetskosť prevzala vládu nad všetkým. Či potom Boh nemá pravdu? Skrze svetské veci, svetské obliekanie sa a svetské správanie a svetský život, to je svet!
91Vy nie ste zo sveta, detičky. Vy ste z Neba. Toto nie je váš dom.
92Prečo by som sa mal dívať na nás na starých ľudí a snažiť sa pozrieť naspäť a znovu omladnúť? To nedokážeme. Ale dívame sa dopredu, nie naspäť. Dívame sa sem, čo bolo a chceme vedieť čo bude. A očakávame na tú hodinu, tlačíme sa do nej.
93Tak veľa dobrých, úprimných ľudí je dnes chytených do týchto vyznaní, v týchto cirkvách a organizáciách, „Majúcich formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc.“ Ako to hovorí 2. Timotejovi 3. kapitola.
94Veľká temnosť, oslepujúca Izrael bola na osvietenie Pohanov. A teraz oslepenie Pohanov je osvietením Izraela. To je práve tak ako deň a noc; na jednej strane je temnosť, druhá strana má svetlo; a potom to svetlo prichádza na túto druhú stranu. Tak mesiac prechádza cestou, ktorou prešiel a odzrkadlenie temnosti sveta zaslepuje jeho svetlo, to je odzrkadlením pre nás, že pohanský cirkevný vek je skončený. Cirkev sa pripravuje, pripravila sa na čas, to je čas na vytrhnutie. Lebo temnosť hasne nad pohanmi a skoro začne svitať nad Židmi. Slnko prešlo od východu na západ a my sme na západnom pobreží. Svetlo môže urobiť len jedno, ísť naspäť na východ, na druhú stranu. Rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Svetlo môže ísť len znovu naspäť na východ, tam kde začalo, do Izraela. Boh ich zaslepil na nejaký čas, ale temnosť teraz je vtlačená na pohanský svet, ktorá pokrýva všetko. Pohania budú šliapať Jeruzalem až kým sa neskončí čas pohanov. Ježiš tak povedal. A teraz je to skončené, veľká temnosť je na ľuďoch! Boh to odzrkadľuje na nebesiach, ako to ukázal na zemi prv ako sa to všetko stalo. Sme v tom.
95Dobrí ľudia chytení v tomto, dobrí ľudia, úprimní ľudia. Ako Mária a Jozef, oni boli veľmi úprimní. Vidíte? Mysleli si, že On je s nimi, keď nebol. Mária a Jozef, viete, keď boli hore na sviatku, Ježiš, vo veku dvanásť rokov, oni si mysleli, domnievali sa, že On je s nimi, ale nebol. Dobrí ľudia si dnes myslia to isté, oni, títo ľudia, ktorí sú organizovaní v tejto rade cirkví, tí ľudia v týchto organizáciách, oni si myslia, že robia dobre. Oni sa domnievajú, že On je s nimi, zatiaľ čo nie je. Vidíte? Mnoho ľudí si myslelo, že On bol s nimi, keď si potriasali ruky s kazateľom a zapísali svoje meno do knihy, ale nebol. Mnoho ľudí si myslelo, keď boli pofŕkaní, konfirmovaní, pokrstení v mene Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, mysleli si, že On je s nimi. To sú dobrí ľudia. Mária a Jozef boli dobrí ľudia. Ale skutočnosť bola, že On tam nebol. Nič si nenamýšľajte.
96Čo je Svetlo? Potvrdené, vypovedané Slovo Božie! Pomimo toho neexistuje Svetlo. Vidíte? Nemôžete osvietiť zem baterkou. Je potrebné Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, Syna.
97Oni boli dobrí ľudia. Všimnite si precíznosť jeho Slova, aké je ono dokonalé. Všimli ste si čo povedala Mária? Teraz pre vás drahí katolíci, ja nemám nič proti vám. Ja nemám nič proti vám. To je ten systém, v ktorom ste. A vy protestanti, to je to isté. To je ten systém!
98„Maria, matka Božia“? Nájdite si to, dvanásť ročný chlapec, jej vlastný syn ju musel opraviť. Nie je ani jedno miesto v Biblii, kde by Ježiš nazval niekedy Máriu svojou matkou. Ona nebola jeho matka. Ako by mohla byť matkou Božou? Ona bola len lonom, ktoré On použil aby prišiel na zem, aby sa zamanifestoval na zemi, cez lono. To nemá s ňou vôbec nič spoločného, ani jedno miesto Písma nikde nehovorí „matka.“
99Všimnite si ako sa Mária mýli, ale Jeho Slovo je tak dokonalé. Ona mu povedala keď ... Našla ho v chráme, dvanásťročného, diskutoval s teológmi. Udivoval ich, ako dvanásťročný chlapec; nechodil ani do školy, alebo ak áno, nemáme o tom žiadny záznam. Ale dvanásťročný chlapec miatol učených v chráme, svojou múdrosťou. Ona povedala: „Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa so slzami hľadali.“ „Tvoj otec!“ Matka sama, predstierajúc, povedala, „Tvoj otec Jozef a ja sme ťa so slzami hľadali.“
100Čo jej on povedal? „Či neviete, že ja musím byť vo veciach svojho Otca?“ Keby bol vo veciach Jozefa, staval by domy alebo by bol v tesárskej dielni. Ale On nebol Jozefov syn. „Som vo veciach svojho Otca.“ naprávam tieto denominácie a vyznania a všetko, čo počujem. Vidíte? „Ja som vo veciach svojho Otca.“ On nikdy nepripustil, že Jozef bol jeho otec. Ale Mária pripustila a On sa otočil a napravil ju.
Ona povedala: „Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa hľadali.“
101On povedal: „Ja som vo veciach svojho Otca,“ ukazujúc tým, že Jozef nebol jeho otec. Jeho Slová sú dokonalé. Vidíte?
102Ale Mária a oni sa proste domnievajú, že ... Dobre, vidíte čo to bolo, ona bola odvedená okolnosťami. Ona chcela ukázať pred tými kňazmi a pred všetkým, že ona nie je takým typom ženy. A ona, keď to robila, ona úplne vytrhla zo svojho svedectva ten základ, potom čo svedčila, že prišiel ku nej anjel a povedal - počneš a porodíš syna, nepoznajúc muža, panensky narodíš Syna.“ A tu pred vysokou radou Sanhedrinu ona hovorí: „Jozef, Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa hľadali.“
103A ten dvanásťročný chlapec povedal: „Ja som vo veciach svojho Otca.“ On ju pokarhal: „To nie je môj otec!“
104Vidíte dnes cirkev, unášanú koncilmi a vecami tohoto sveta, teraz je ona zatienená. Boh ju karhá!
105Ježiš ju nikdy nenazval „matkou“. Jedného dňa Ho prišla navštíviť na Jeho zhromaždeniach, v dome podobnom ako tento. Niekto prišiel a povedal: „Vonku za dverami čakajú na teba tvoja matka a tvoji bratia.“
106On povedal: „Kto je moja matka a moji bratia? Kto oni sú?“ Pozrel sa okolo seba na svojich učeníkov a povedal: „Tí, ktorí činia vôľu môjho Otca, to je moja matka a moji bratia, moje sestry a tak ďalej. To sú oni.“
107A na kríži, keď zomieral, povedal Jánovi, mladému učeníkovi, povedal: „Ajhľa, tvoja matka.“ „Žena, ajhľa, tvoj syn.“ „Syn, ajhľa, tvoja matka.“ Vidíte? On sám to nikdy nepovedal, to nebol jej Syn. To bol Boží Syn. Ona bola len lono.
108Toto je dom, dnes ráno ale to nie je cirkev. Cirkev je vo vás, Kristus. Duch tých smrteľníkov, ktorí tu sedia sa stretol spolu v nebeských miestach. To je Kristus, nie ten dom. Ten dom je v poriadku, on slúži svojmu účelu ale on je len použitý, ako miesto na zhromažďovanie. Mária bola len lonom, ktoré On použil aby prišiel na zem, aby sa zidentifikoval medzi ľuďmi. Nie „matka Božia,“ o nič viac, ako ani tento dom nie je cirkev Božia. To je len na to použité.
109Áno, mnoho priateľov si teraz myslí, ľudí, dobrých ľudí ako Mária a Jozef, myslia si, že On je s nimi keď toto robia. Ale tak ako sa oni vtedy tam mýli, tak sa mýlia oni teraz. Oni si mysleli, že boli s Ním, ale neboli. Ale keď boli pokrstení, ľudia si mohli myslieť, och, ja som Ho prijal, keď som Ho prijal a bol som pokrstený. To tak nie je. Až kým sa vypovedané Slovo samo neodzrkadlí!
110Ale, Vyvolení, čo teraz s tým Svetlom? Tak veľa som hovoril o temnosti, prešla polovica môjho času, je pol dvanástej. Obráťme to teraz z druhej strany; veľká temnosť je na ľuďoch, a ako je to zo Svetlom? On povedal, že veľká temnosť bude na ľuďoch, ale bude Svetlo, „Povstaň a svieť, lebo prišlo tvoje Svetlo.“ Ako môže byť temnosť a Svetlo, to musí byť oddelené. A len jedna vec to oddeľuje, zamanifestované Slovo, oddeľuje, Ono to odtláča na druhú stranu ... Tu je temnosť na zemi, ale keď zamanifestované Slovo Božie, slnko, ktoré bolo Slovom zavolané do existencie sa ukazuje, temnosť uteká na druhú stranu. A to je to, čo sa deje teraz, temnosť sa oddeľuje od Svetla. A teraz pre vyvolenú cirkev v tejto temnej hodine ... Pri čom by sme mohli zostať celé hodiny, ale myslím, že som toho povedal dosť aby ste rozumeli, čo tie Písma znamenajú, keď som povedal: „veľká temnosť na týchto ľuďoch.“
111Teraz hovorím Cirkvi, „Šalom. Boží pokoj.“ Pokoj! Každý skutočný Hebrej, keď sa stretáva s iným, to je „Šalom.“ Inými slovami: Dobré ráno! Boh s tebou! Boží pokoj ide s tebou! To je „Dobré ráno! Ako sa máš?“ To je prelom dňa, Cirkev. To je temnosť na ľuďoch. Ale to je „Dobré ráno“ pre Cirkev, Kristus sa zjavuje medzi nami. „Šalom. Pokoj.“ Haleluja. „Šalom.“
112Keď vidíme ako dosadá temnosť, temnosť tesne pred príchodom dňa, vieme, že tam visí ranná hviezda aby uviedla prichádzajúce slnko. To je vtedy, keď svieti ranná hviezda. To sa odohráva medzi tým. To je stále temnosť práve niekoľko minút pred nástupom dňa, prichádza zatemnenie, mesiac prestáva svietiť. Temnosť pred príchodom dňa, to je preto že svetlo tlačí temnosť. Ale vychádza ranná hviezda a hovorí: „Dobré ráno. Šalom.“
113To je On medzi nami, jeho Slovo je zidentifikované. Šalom. Ten veľký deň je pripravený nastúpiť, keď to ráno prechádza do večnosti, jasnej a svetlej, keď sa jeho vyvolení zhromaždia do svojho domu nad oblakmi. Keď tam budú volaní tí napísaní na zvitku, ja tam budem. Naše mená sú v jeho Knihe, budeme tam. „Šalom. Dobré ráno. Pokoj vám.“
114Temnosť sa oddeľuje od svetla. Boh to spôsobuje, to robí Svetlo. Vidíte? Svetlo sa tlačí takým spôsobom, že sa až temnosť musí spolu zhromaždiť. Oni to mali možnosť prijať a neurobili to, tak sa to skoncentrovalo. A robia to tým, že dávajú dohromady cirkev a Radu cirkví a jednotia to s pohanskou temnosťou. Keď oni tak dôrazne nesúhlasia jeden s druhým, ale predsa musia ísť spolu, aby umožnili noci prísť na ľudí.
115Izaiáš 60:1 hovorí: „Povstaň a svieť lebo prišlo tvoje svetlo.“
116Povstať a svieť, Svetlo prišlo. Slovo, Svetlo je znovu potvrdené. Svetlo je znovu potvrdené, Božie Slovo, a tak môžete vidieť Boha zamanifestovaného vo svojom zasľúbení ohľadne Svetla na tento deň, alebo Slova daného na tento vek. Vidíte? V týchto zasľúbeniach, ktoré boli dané na tento deň, v týchto zasľúbeniach, ktoré boli povedané skrze prorokov a skrze Ježiša samého. V tomto dni! „Boh za dávna ...“ Židom 1, „Boh za dávna mnohorakým spôsobom hovorieval otcom skrze prorokov, ale v tomto poslednom dni skrze svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista.“ Vidíte?
117To veľké Svetlo, ktoré sa vznášalo na púšti, ktorým bol ... keď Mojžiš opustil Egypt, pokladajúc pohanenie Kristovo za väčšie poklady, než tie Egyptské.
118Ten istý, ktorý stretol Pavla na ceste do Damašku. Veľké Svetlo, ktoré zastalo pred ním, to isté Svetlo, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp. Saul, ktorý bol Hebrejom, by nikdy neuctil žiadneho ducha ani nič, ani by ho nenazval Pánom, v tom postavení, v ktorom bol. On povedal: „Pane, kto si?“
119On povedal: „Ja som Ježiš.“ Ježiš povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu.“
120To isté Svetlo prišlo. Načo? Aby manifestovalo, aby dalo poznať ľuďom zasľúbenia, ktoré On dal na tento deň, zamanifestovalo Svetlo tohto dňa. Temnosť je zatemnená.
121Keď On prichádza ... On bol svetlom toho dňa. Mal prísť Mesiáš. A On prišiel presne tak, ako Boh povedal, že príde. A keď prišiel, čo On bol? Svetlo toho dňa. A to tak tlačilo temnosť proti nemu! Je to tak? On musel dať svoj život aby to Svetlo trvalo ďalej, mohlo svietiť. On bol tým Svetlom toho dňa. Ale prečo, prečo bol On tým Svetlom toho dňa? On bol potvrdeným Slovom, ktoré bolo vypovedané, zamanifestovalo sa. Nič viacej než ...
122Boh povedal nad tým temným, pochmúrnym, pustým, zahmleným svetom, ktorý tu stál bez svetla, On povedal: „Nech je svetlo.“ A nebolo svetla, až kým sa to Slovo nezamanifestovalo, potom bolo svetlo.
123On povedal: „Príde Spasiteľ, Mesiáš.“ To stále nebolo zamanifestované, až kým On neprišiel zamanifestovať to zasľúbenie. A keď to zasľúbenie potvrdil, povedal: „Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o mne.“
124Oni povedali: „My nevieme odkiaľ si prišiel, my sme učeníci Mojžišovi.“
125On povedal: „Keby ste boli učeníci Mojžišovi, poznali by ste ma, lebo Mojžiš písal o mne.“ Vidíte? On bol manifestáciou. On bol potvrdením Božieho Slova, ktoré bolo vypovedané cez Mojžiša.
126A dnes, v dni, v ktorom teraz žijeme, Boh prišiel na scénu potvrdiť a dokázať svoje zasľúbenia. Tak, to je Svetlo tejto hodiny, tak môžeme povstať a svietiť. Dnes znovu na nás svieti Svetlo, Slovo sa zamanifestovalo. To je Svetlo.
127Práve tak ako tam vonku svieti to slnečné svetlo, dnes ráno. To je Božie vypovedané Slovo, nič iné nemôže dať svetlo, tak ako ono. Nič to nemôže urobiť. Každé umelé svetlá sa vypália za nejaký čas, žiarovky zhasnú a tak ďalej. Ale to nikdy nesklame, lebo to je vypovedané Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo.
128Malé denominačné vyznania prasknú žiarovku, rozbijú žiarovku, vyhodia poistky a všetko možné. Ale Slovo Božie nikdy nesklame! Ono bude stále sebou, Slovom.
129Je mi ľúto že to trochu pretiahnem. Či to bude v poriadku, môžem pokračovať a dokončiť toto posolstvo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Dobre.
130Povstaň a svieť lebo prišlo na teba tvoje Svetlo. Slovo, Svetlo je potvrdené.
131Jediný spôsob ako bol Boh, Ježiš Kristus bol manifestáciou Božieho vypovedaného Slova, Svetlo tej hodiny.
132Ján Krstiteľ bol Svetlom na danú hodinu. On bol Svetlom predtým ako Ježiš bol Svetlom. Prorok Izaiáš povedal: „Hlas volajúceho na púšti, pripravte cestu Pánovu, a vyrovnajte jeho chodníky.“ To bolo vypovedané Božie Slovo, Ono tam ležalo, neprišlo ešte do života. Malachiáš, ten posledný prorok, 400 rokov predtým, ako sa to stalo, on povedal: „Hľa, ja posielam svojho sluhu pred sebou, aby pripravil cestu Pánovu.“ Tu on prichádza z púšte, bez denominácie, bez vierovyznania, bez identifikácie. Ale jeho Svetlo ho zidentifikovalo. Svetlo ho zidentifikovalo.
Oni sa opýtali: „Ty si Mesiáš?“
133On povedal: „Nie som! Ale ja som hlas volajúceho na púšti, Pripravte cestu Pánovu!“
134Ježiš povedal: „Vy ste chodili v jeho Svetle.“ On bol na chvíľu jasným svietiacim Svetlom. Prečo? Až kým nebola pripravená cesta, potom odišlo jeho Svetlo.
135Nemôžete chodiť v tom svetle, Baptisti, Toto je Svetlo na túto hodinu! Svetlo prišlo. Povstaň a svieť. Slovo, Svetlo, Slovo, zamanifestované Slovo Božie, zidentifikované je Svetlo.
136No čo s týmto novým rokom, pred ktorým stojíme? Mohli by sme viac povedať o tomto pomedzi, od temnosti do Svetla, o uvádzaní Svetla, ktoré prichádza medzi tým, ale teraz sa chceme dostať rovno do nového roku. Dobre.
137Nový rok, nový rok, čo s ním? Prináša mi nádej. Sme o jeden rok bližšie. Sme o jeden deň bližšie ako sme boli včera. Sme o jednu hodinu bližšie, než ako keď sme začali. Začal som o štvrť na jedenásť, teraz je štvrť na dvanásť. Sme o jednu hodinu bližšie! Nedívame sa naspäť, dívame sa dopredu. Vidíte? Ó! Tak veru. Nový rok neznamená obrátiť novú stranu. Och, nie.
138Ako jeden človek raz ráno; počul som to. Jeden človek vstal včas ráno a išiel a kúpil si noviny, prišiel naspäť sadol si, vyložil nohy na diván, založil si okuliare a začal čítať noviny. Jeho žena pripravovala raňajky, opýtala sa: „Jano, je niečo nového?“
139Odpovedal: „Nie. Tie isté staré veci, len noví ľudia.“ Áno. Je to tak. Vraždy, lúpeže a všetko iné, lenže teraz to vykonal niekto iný. Vidíte. To je pravda.
140Nie obrátiť novú stranu. To je, obrátiť sa do Slova, vidieť čo zasľubuje Slovo na dnes, vidieť aké má byť Svetlo na tento deň. Čo máme robiť v tomto roku to nie je ísť naspäť do vierovyznania a do takých vecí, ísť naspäť do našich starých denominácií, nie ísť naspäť do starých denominácií; ale obrátiť sa do Slova, vidieť aký druh Svetla má dnes svietiť. Ó, cirkev, obráť sa do Slova, navráť sa naspäť do Slova, šťukni správny vypínač, prestaň cvakať dookola s tými elektrickými svetlami, (Vidíte?) umelými ľuďmi vyrobenými. Obráť sa do Jeho Slova a vidz zasľúbenie na dnes. A potom uvidíš aké je to zasľúbenie a pozoruj na jeho identifikáciu. Keď je to potvrdené, potom vieš či si vo Svetle alebo nie. Vidíš aké je to zasľúbenie.
141Zmieňanie stránok alebo zmena kalendárov nezmení čas. Veľa ľudí hovorí: No, starý rok pominul, vyhoďme teraz starý decembrový kalendár a postavme ďalší, novoročný.“ To je to čo pre nich znamená nový rok.
142Pre mňa, ja chcem vedieť čo je zasľúbené na tento deň. Chcem vedieť aké je Svetlo na túto hodinu, tak budem môcť vedieť ako v ňom chodiť. Chcem vedieť kde žijem, v ktorom som veku, ako ďaleko som na ceste.
143Ako povedal Pavol, mohol by som ho znovu zacitovať: „To čo je za mnou zabúdajúc, ženiem sa za cieľom horného povolania,“ do kompletného zidentifikovania, keď všetok čas zanikne vo Večnosti keď Ježiš príde.
144Robte ako robil Dávid, položte svoju budúcnosť do Jeho rúk. Nedívajte sa na nič iné, ale položte svoju ... Dávid tu povedal, povedal: „Môj čas je v Jeho rukách.“ Všimnite si tu v žalmoch kde to čítame, v 62. „Môj čas je v Jeho rukách. On je mojou skalou.“ Čo On je? „On mi je zjavený On je zjavenou pravdou. Môj čas je v jeho rukách.“ Amen. Ó! Tu to máte.
145Môj čas patrí Jemu. Ja som Jeho. Ja som v jeho rukách pretože On drží čas. Neviem čo prinesie budúcnosť, ale viem kto drží budúcnosť. Tak, On ktorý drží budúcnosť drží mňa. Tak prečo by som mal myslieť ako ustaviť toto, to či tamto do nového roku? Proste sa dám do Jeho rúk a chodím tak ako Dávid, „môj čas je v Jeho rukách,“ vedel, že Boh drží budúcnosť. Dávid nevedel aká bude budúcnosť ale vedel, že Boh má v rukách budúcnosť. Ja neviem aká je budúcnosť, nikto z nás. Ale vieme, že On drží budúcnosť.
146Trpezlivosť. Trpezlivosť. Niektorí z nás sa stávajú takí, niektorí z nás sa stávajú takí unáhlení. Myslím, že mnoho dobrých ľudí to urobilo. Stávate sa tak veľmi unáhlení. Chcete vidieť, chcete to urobiť sami.
147A bratia kazatelia, vy viete keď to hovorím, vy ktorí počúvate túto pásku. Hovorím ku vám, nie len do tohoto malého zhromaždenia tu, ale ľuďom po celom svete.
148Mnoho ľudí vyjde, netrpezlivých; ale veria že čas je krátky, snažíte sa sami niečo urobiť. Čakajte na Pána. Trpezlivosť je cnosť. Ak môžete mať trpezlivosť, to je cnosť. To je cnosť ak ... „Tí ktorí očakávajú na Pána nadobúdajú novú silu.“ Nie tí, ktorí sa snažia predbehnúť Pána, ktorí sa snažia povedať Pánovi, „Pane, viem, že chceš aby som toto robil, sláva Bohu, ja ...“ Nerobte to. Čakajte na Pána. Biblia povedala: „Tí ktorí očakávajú na Pána nadobudnú novú silu.“
149Bohu zabralo tisíce rokov, aby vyplnil svoje zasľúbenie, týkajúce sa príchodu Spasiteľa. Ale pamätajte, On po celý čas vedel, kedy to príde. Povstalo mnoho ľudí, ktorí sa snažili byť mesiášmi. Mnoho cirkví sa snažilo vyprodukovať mesiášov. Ale Boh mal ustanovený čas pre svojho Mesiáša. On nebol unáhlený. Vidíte?
150A v priebehu tohoto času On ukázal mnoho príkladov Mesiáša. On to ukazoval po celej ceste od Adama po Mesiáša, od prvého do posledného Adama; jeden zo sveta a ten druhý z Neba, jeden zemský a druhý Nebeský, jeden prišiel dole z neba a ten druhý prišiel zo zeme. Ale zasľúbený Mesiáš, trvalo mu tisíce rokov aby to vyplnil.
151Ukázaný v Jozefovi presne aký On bude. Jozef Ho znázornil.
152Dávid Ho znázornil. Keď Dávid bol odmietnutý kráľ, vyšiel hore na kopec, pozrel sa naspäť a plakal nad Jeruzalemom ako odmietnutý kráľ, to bol Ježiš v Dávidovi. Po osemsto rokoch, stál nad Jeruzalemom ako odmietnutý kráľ, povedal: „Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť, ako sliepka svoje kurence, ale nechceli ste.“
153Pozrite sa na Jozefa, narodený medzi svojimi bratmi, patriarchami; nie ako posledný (predposledný; Benjamín bol posledný), ale tesne pred posledným, vidíte, tesne pred tým. Nenávidený od svojich bratov, milovaný od otca. Nenávideli ho pretože bol duchovným. Mohol vykladať sny a bolo to presne tak. Mohol vidieť videnia, predpovedať veci, ktoré sa mali stať. A oni ho nenávideli. Bol predaný za tridsať strieborných.
154Za čo nenávideli Ježiša? Nazývali Ho Belzebub pretože bol Slovom a Slovo mohlo rozpoznávať myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. Oni Ho nenávideli. A predali Ho za tridsať strieborných.
155On bol hodený do jamy, Jozef, pokladaný za mŕtveho. Jeho krvavý plášť bol zanechaný, ako Ježišov krvavý odev, ktorý bol sňatý z kríža, rúcho, ktoré On nosil, aby bola zidentifikovaná Jeho smrť. Ale čo urobil Boh Jozefovi? On ho vyviedol z tej jamy, postavil ho po pravici faraóna. A nikto nemohol vidieť faraóna, jedine Jozefa. A keď Jozef opustil palác, zatrúbili trúby a zaznelo volanie: „Nech sa skloní každé koleno, Jozef prichádza.“
156Tá istá vec, Ježiš. On bol zobraný zo svojej jamy, odtiaľ kde bol považovaný za mŕtveho a povstal a sedí po pravici Majestátu. „Nikto nikdy nevidel Boha iba jednorodený od Otca. A keď opustí to miesto, zaznejú trúby a každé koleno sa skloní a každý jazyk vyzná.“ Vidíte? On je Knieža prosperity. Pozrite čo vtedy urobil Egypt, to zachránilo celý svet, prišlo sucho. Tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Koleno, každé koleno sa skloní a každý jazyk vyzná, že On je Pán.
157On bol celý ukázaný v predobrazoch, ale Boh vedel presne kedy On príde. On vedel presne kedy príde. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko ich mali pred tým, On mal svojho Mesiáša. On im ukázal v predobrazoch, čo prichádza.
158Presne tak, ako nám ukázal sedem cirkevných vekov, čo príde. Presne tak, ako nám ukázal čo príde, keď tam postavil to svetlo, pri zjavení toho aby ho ukázal svetu. Keď poslal tých sedem anjelov zjaviť tých sedem poslov, ktorí boli dole v priebehu tých vekov a ukázať tie nedotiahnuté konce. Každý deň prichádzal jeden anjel a zjavoval tie nedotiahnuté konce, ktoré zanechal Luther, Wesley a letniční, všetko je v tom zastúpené. A práve v tom príklade a tieni toho veľkého Šalom, Jehovah, Jahve. Vidíte? Presne. Hodil to na oblohu a objektív fotoaparátu urobil fotografiu toho. Vidíte? Chvála Pánovi!
159Šalom! Pokoj! Netrápte sa, Ježiš je tu. Jeho veľké Svetlo prišlo ku nám a my sme za to vďační, áno, Jeho Slovo, to veľké tajomstvo. On sa dnes manifestuje, robí to isté, čo robil vtedy, presne to isté. Robí presne to isté.
160My sme stvorenia času. On je Boh Večnosti. My sa snažíme pretlačiť, snažíme sa urobiť niečo inak: „Ó toto treba urobiť.“ Pamätajte, On všetko o tom vie. To sa aj tak stane. Nech to On urobí. Len sa vydajte Jemu.
161Pozrite hore a svieťte radosťou Pánovou, aby vedeli, že ste dostali privilégium, že sa otvorili vaše oči a vidíte tento deň. Spoliehajte na Neho do budúcnosti. Videli ste Ho potvrdiť jeho Slovo v minulých dňoch. On, ktorý potvrdil svoje Slovo v minulých dňoch a spravil, že všetky tieto ostatné veci sa dejú presne do hodiny, v ktorej žijeme, všetko presne, do toho siedmeho anjelského posolstva, obojako ukázané, na nebesiach, na zemi a spravil, že trojakým spôsobom sa to dalo poznať, že v tom nemôže byť žiadny omyl, pamätajte, On zasľúbil že znovu príde. Haleluja! Slovo bude potvrdené. Božie zasľúbené Slovo, s dvetisíc rokmi čakania, On príde na čas! Nestrachujte sa, On tu bude. Tak ako potvrdil svoje Slovo v každom veku, Cirkevné Veky ukazujú to isté a zjavovanie nášho Pána skrze siedme posolstvo a tak ďalej. Boh to zjavil, zamanifestoval to a dokázal to. A medzi nami dnes, On sa tu ukázal s nami a dokázal a potvrdil svoje Slovo. Tak On bude ...
162Bude Milénium. Starí tam budú mladí naveky. Choroby prestanú a smrti viacej nebude. Budú stavať domy a budú v nich bývať. Budú sadiť vinice a jesť ich ovocie. Nebudú sadiť, aby im to zabral iný (jeho syn to nezoberie), jeho syn bude bývať pri ňom. Nebude sadiť a iný jesť z toho, nezomrie, aby to zobral niekto iný; ale on tam bude žiť. Amen! ...?... [Prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.] Vôl a baránok sa budú spolu pásť. A lev bude žrať slamu ako vôl a malé dieťa ich povedie. Nebude tam nič, čo by ublížilo. Budeme premenení z toho, čo sme teraz na tú slávnu podobu Syna Božieho, ktorý je nesmrteľný. Roky sa ho nemôžu dotknúť, vek mu nemôže nič urobiť, On je nesmrteľný Syn Boží. Tak vieme, že sme v čase konca. Sme na prelome toho. Všetky tieto veci boli dôkladne potvrdené, tak to znovu bude potvrdené.
163No, budúcnosť, On ju drží. Ako viem kedy On príde? Kedy On príde? Neviem, ale On tu bude. Je to tak. Kedy urobí tak a tak? Kedy bude kliatba odstránená zo zeme? Kedy tieto požehnané odblesky Božej lásky, stromov stojacich tu a svietiacich a kvetov a všetkého, kedy oni vyrastú nesmrteľné? Neviem, ale to bude. Kedy všetky tie odblesky túžby ľudských sŕdc žiť a nemocnice a doktori a operácie a plač a zármutok, kedy to prestane aby nastalo slávne panovanie s Ježišom na tisíc rokov, šalom? Kedy to bude? Neviem. On povedal, že to bude. Ja neviem ako to On urobí, ale jeho vypovedané Slovo bude potvrdené, keď vyjde slnko spravodlivosti s uzdravením na svojich krídlach. A tá uzdravujúca časť tam nebude telesné uzdravenie, ako si to myslíte, ako sa hovorí, že keď je niekto chorý a bude to vzaté od neho. To je to čo On robí teraz, v predobraze. Ale celé stvorenie bude zmenené! Toto smrteľné oblečie nesmrteľnosť. Tento starý vek po- skočí do mladosti. Amen. Dobre, ako sa to stane? Neviem, ale to sa stane.
164Ja sám starnem. Tento rok, ak ma Pán nechá žiť do 6. apríla, budem mať 55 rokov, starý človek. Ale nedívam sa ... Nechcem ísť naspäť a byť znovu chlapcom. Chcem sa tlačiť do tam toho cieľu, kvôli ktorému cieľu som prišiel. Teraz je to okolo tridsať rokov, čo stojím za touto kazateľňou, od chlapca, mal som asi dvadsať rokov, okolo 21, 22 rokov, snažil som sa hlásať toto posolstvo. Vložil som do toho všetku svoju silu. Keď ochabli moje ramená, moje vlasy zošediveli a vypadali, nedívam sa naspäť na to, to znovu ku nim príde. Dívam sa dopredu na úsvit dňa, o ktorom potvrdené Slovo Božie povedalo: Ani jeden vlas z vašej hlavy nezhynie a Ja to znovu vzkriesim v posledných dňoch.“ Ako to On urobí? Ja neviem. Ale dúfam ...
165Nový rok, neviem čo on prinesie ale viem, že On ho drží. To je nádej nového roku, ktorú mám. Ak On príde, Amen. Ak nepríde, ja stále budem pracovať, ak ma zachová. Proste budúcnosť zverujem Jemu. Neviem čo to je, proste to zverujem Jemu. Videli ste ho, ako potvrdzuje svoje Slovo, tak viete, že to sa stane. Jeho Slovo ...
Poviete: „Brat Branham odkiaľ to berieš?“
166No, dovoľte, že vám na chvíľu tu predstavím jednu myšlienku. Viete čo je to sympatia? Viem, že viete. To je hudba, to je dráma. Viete, oni to hrajú.
167No, vy malé deti, tak vy to budete rozumieť. Pamätáte sa v škole, myslím, že ste mali ... Ako sa volá tá ruská sympatia, oni sem tam hrajú na bubnoch, viete to sa nazýva, nie je to ... o tom malom ďateľovi, viete, ktorý išiel dole do lesov, a oni tam hrajú na flautách, udierajú na bubny a tak ďalej. A vy to všetko počujete ako prechádzate cez tú symfóniu, ako to hrajú. Zabudol som ako sa to nazýva, „Peter a vlk.“ To je ono. „Peter a vlk.“ No to je ruská symfónia. Viete, oni tam nemajú figúrky, ktoré by tam pobehovali, hrali to, ale oni to hrajú na bubnoch [Brat Branham klepe na nejaké drevo. -- pozn.prekl.] a potom [Brat Branham zaklepal na niečo inšie. -- pozn.prekl.] a vydávajú tie zvuky a všetko. To je hrané, to sa odohráva. Tak budete rozumieť čo brat Branham chce povedať. Vidíte?
168No pre vás dospelých, Písmo je Božia symfónia. Áno. Haleluja. Len Skladateľ vie, čo to skutočne znamená a On to zjavuje tým, ktorí počúvajú, ktorí sa zaujímajú, aby vedeli aká je tá dráma. Ale prv ste museli vedieť o tej symfónii. Vidíte? To nie je len niečo čo vidíte, to je zmieňanie, tie prechody Slova, tej hudby. To vrhá; Chvíľu to ide takto, určitý takt, za chvíľu sa to všetko zmieňa. Čo to je? Pre vás, ktorí by ste tomu nerozumeli alebo by ste o tom nič nevedeli, nezaujímalo by vás to, to je len hluk, to je hurhaj. Ale pre tých, ktorí o tom vedia oni to pozorujú, oni vedia, že to prichádza. Haleluja!
169Tak my máme tieto chvíle symfónií tej symfónii Božieho Slova, že celá dráma sa zmieňa. Vy ktorí sa o to zaujímate, dávate pozor na tú zmenu. Viete že sa to približuje. Počúvate ako udierajú bubny, amen, chcú povedať, že niečo sa stane. Viete že toto je zmena. Vidíte? Za niekoľko minút to prepukne do vyvrcholenia. Vidíte? A vy to pozorujte, môžete povedať kedy nastupujú bubny. Ó Bože! Ak môžete teraz počuť tie zakončovacie bubny, ak môžete počuť ohlas hudby, ktorú spieva samo nebeské Slovo: „A stane sa v posledných dňoch!“ Tú symfóniu Božiu, veľkú drámu, ktorú On hrá. To sa zmieňa, Jeho symfónia v tých prechodoch. Skladateľ a tí ktorí sa o to zaujímajú, počúvajú a očakávajú na zmenu. To je to čo toto všetko pre nás znamená, my počúvame, pozoru- jeme. V každej chvíli sa On ukáže, niečo sa stane, vidíme, že čas dobieha do konca. Vidíme, že nedávno, keď boli nakreslené tie cirkevné veky, počúvali sme. Videli sme, že to bolo presne podľa Slova, udieranie podľa Slova. Po nejakom čase, čo sa stalo? Tu On prichádza, On sám a potvrdzuje to.
170Počuli sme Slovo hovorí, že: „Vo dňoch siedmeho anjela ...“ V tom cirkevnom veku, On proste povedal, že posolstvo siedmeho anjela bude posledné posolstvo. A potom, ó, nachádzame tu v Zjavení 10, „Vo dňoch posolstva siedmeho anjela sa majú dokonať tajomstvá Božie,“ Bude strhnutá Siedma pečať. To tam má byť. Potom zrazu, keď sa to deje prichádza videnie, je povedané. „Choď do Tucsonu nastane v tom čase veľký výbuch a tak bude dôkladne rozumieť a vedieť, že je to poslané. To takmer zatrasie zemou.“ Vy všetci o tom viete. Je to na páske mesiace predtým ako sa to stalo. A tam sa to stalo! Potom sa to zjavilo na nebesiach. „Šalom!“ Čo to je? To je zmena rytmu v tej symfónii.
171Potom raz On povedal o treťom potiahnutí; ako to príde týmto jedným spôsobom, potom skrze poznanie sŕdc a potom hovorené Slovo.
172Ježiš povedal: „Väčšie veci ako tieto budete činiť; lebo Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi.“ Ján 14 „Skutky ktoré ja činím vy tiež budete činiť, väčšie ako tie lebo Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi.“ Práve ako som pred chvíľou povedal, keď sa ho Mária snažila zidentifikovať ako Jozefovho syna, On ju napravil. Jeho Slovo nemôže sklamať! On tak povedal: „Nebo i zem pominú, ale moje Slová nepominú.“
173Keď počujeme rytmus symfónie ako sa zmieňa, má nastať zmena, to je čas prechodu. Všímame si ako On začína udierať a videli sme „Skutky ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť a väčšie budete činiť.“ Väčšie. On to zasľúbil. My sme sa divili ako by to mohlo byť.
174Ale všimli ste si, keď On vykonal svoj prvý zázrak, On zobral vodu a premenil ju na víno. Je to tak? Zobral vodu, ktorá teoreticky jedného dňa mohla byť vínom, ale to bola prv voda.
175A keď nachoval päť tisíc, čo urobil? Zobral niečo čo bolo ako voda, zobral rybu, ktorá raz plávala a narodila sa z vajca a On to rozlámal a ďalšia ryba narástla do stvorenia to bolo originálne stvorenie. On zobral chlieb, ktorý bol raz pšenicou a bol semenom a stal sa z toho chlieb a lámal z tohoto chleba a to stvorenie sa len rozmnožovalo.
176Ale tam v lesoch, tam nebolo nič, z čoho by mohla byť spravená veverička. „Nech bude,“ a bola bez lámania čohokoľvek. Čo to je? Ten istý Ježiš Kristus! Vidíte? „Väčšie veci ako tieto budete činiť, lebo ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi.“ Nie zobrať niečo čo už bolo stvorené, lámať niečo z toho a rozmnožovať stvorenie, ale absolútne stvoriť. Ukazuje, že On je ten istý Jehova, ktorý stál tam vtedy a povedal: „Nech sa stane.“ a stalo sa. Jeho Slovo sa zamanifestovalo! Keď sa On stal telom na zemi, On zobral svoje originálne stvorenie, zlámal to a rozmnožil. Ale teraz v posledných dňoch, keď On znovu prichádza dole medzi nás, to isté Svetlo ktoré zostúpilo dole, povedal: „Nech je svetlo,“ vidíte, On len prehovoril a stvorenie prišlo do existencie. Väčšie ako tieto budete činiť lebo ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi. Pamätajte, my sme v týchto časoch.
177A svet nerozumie pretože to je „množstvo nezmyslov“. Pretože to nie sú Metodisti, tak Metodisti tomu nerozumejú. Pretože toto, oni nie sú Baptisti, tak Batisty tomu nerozumejú. Pretože to nie sú Katolíci, tak katolíci tomu nerozumejú. Pretože to nie sú Letniční, tak letniční tomu nerozumejú.
178Ale tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána, tí ktorí dávajú pozor! Žiadny človek z histórie v žiadnom observatóriu nevedel, že prechádzala tá Hviezda. Ale tí mudrci ju nasledovali stovky míľ po dobu dvoch rokov, oni ju pozorovali a nasledovali. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? To je pre tých, ktorí sú započúvaní do tej symfónie.
179Pamätajte, skladateľ pozná koniec od začiatku. On vie o tom všetko, preto to tu mohol napísať. Správne. No vy musíte začať s ním, vy musíte začať ... Ak chcete počúvať symfóniu, začínate s ním, ako v hudbe symfónii. Počúvate, viete čo ona vyjadruje, to bude to, o čom je tá symfónia, potom začínate počúvať tú hudbu. A viete čo to je, tak približne viete, „Tu sa odohrá tá a tá vec,, teraz sa to musí zmeniť.“ No, ale pre každého iného, kto nevie nič o tom, čo oni ... kto len vošiel a sadol si, to je len množstvo nezmyslu, štrkajúci hluk. Ale pre toho, kto vie čo to je, to je rytmus s tou hudbou, zabubnovaný podľa nôt, je to zatrúbené na trúbkach, je to zabrnkané na harfe, zahrané na husliach, takt na base, zatrúbené na trúbkach. Celá tá vec spolu je rytmus, a to tvorí drámu, že až môžete zavrieť oči a žiť v tom. Haleluja!
180Človek by mohol zavrieť svoje smrteľné oči na tie zemské veci a žiť v prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, keď vidíte jeho Slovo, ako sa vyjadruje v rytme melódii tej veľkej symfónii, v ktorej teraz žijeme, ako sa premieňa. Musíte byť v tej symfónii. Jediné čo môžete robiť, ak ste v tej symfónii, potom začnete, začínate sa dostávať do rytmu. Tak to robíte ohľadne Boha. Nepostavíte sa nabok a nedívate sa na to. Vchádzate do rytmu toho! Ako sa tam dostanete? Ste do toho narodení, do rytmu Slova, keď sa stanete časťou Slova.
181Museli ste sa stáť časťou tanca, aby ste sa dostali von z toho tanca. Musíte sa stať časťou loptovej hry, alebo niečoho čo vás zaujíma, aby ste sa dostali do tej loptovej hry.
182Musíte sa stať časťou Slova, aby ste poznali Božiu symfóniu. Jeho symfóniu, keď je to hrané, rozumiete, pochodujete v takte času. Očakávate na to: „Skutky ktoré ja činím aj vy budete činiť; väčšie ako tie budete činiť,“ v týchto posledných dňoch. Ó! Veľká premena času. Dostávame sa do rytmu, rytmu Slova. Rozpoznávame jeho zámer, hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Dostávame sa do rytmu toho, ako ... Ako to On robí. Ak sa dostanete do Slova, zisťujete ako to On robil na začiatku, potom viete ako to On robí po celý čas.
183Ako On poslal svoje Posolstvo prvý krát? Čo On robí? On sa nezaoberá s organizáciami, On to nikdy nerobil, tak to nerobí ani teraz. Tam, ak počúvate na rytmus cirkevnej rady, ste v tme. Ale ak počúvate na rytmus Slova!
184Prečo zabili Ježiša? „Ty súc človek, robíš sa Bohom.“
185Máte moje posolstvo na tému „Tri druhy veriacich.“ Ako tí jedni tam stáli a ... Tam boli tí ktorí sa robili, že tomu veria a nasledovali to nejaký čas, robili sa ako keby tomu verili. A jedného dňa im Ježiš povedal, povedal: „Čo si budete myslieť keď Syn človeka, ktorý je z neba, vystúpi naspäť do neba? Ja som prišiel z neba a idem naspäť do neba.“
186Aha, tie zástupy odišli preč a povedali: „To je tvrdá reč.“
187Potom prišli tí čo sa robili veriacimi, ktorí chodili s Ním, sedemdesiati, keď počuli niečo tvrdšie, oni nevideli, že to ... oni nepoznali tú symfóniu. Oni nepoznali zasľúbenie, že toto dieťa bol Jehova „Nazvú jeho meno Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh.“ A keď on povedal: „Keď vystúpim hore do neba, odkiaľ som prišiel!“
188„No,“ povedali, „toto je tvrdá reč. Kto tomu môže rozumieť? Vieme, že ty si len človek. Jedávame s tebou, spávame s tebou, sme s tebou v lesoch, sme s tebou pri vode. No, ty si len človek a hovoríš, že syn človeka ide naspäť odkiaľ si prišiel? Čo poviete? Toto je tvrdá reč!“ Vidíte? Oni nepoznali ten takt. Nepoznali rytmus tej symfónii Božieho Slova, že On bol Boh zamanifestovaný v tele, lebo On bol potvrdeným Svetlom Slova na tú hodinu. Oni to neporozumeli. Povedali: „Toto je tvrdá reč. Kto to môže rozumieť?“ A Odvrátili sa preč. Oni nepoznali ten takt.
189Potom si znovu všímame, tam bol Judáš, ten ktorý sa robil veriacim, alebo neveriaci, ktorý čakal kým nájde chybu. On sa potom obrátil k učeníkom, povedal to tým dvanástim a Judáš bol medzi nimi. On povedal: „Vy tiež chcete odísť?“
190Potom Peter povedal: „Ku komu by sme išli Pane? Ty si skladateľ.“ Amen. „Ty vieš ako to ide ďalej. Ty si jediný, kto má Slovo života. Kde by sme sa mali obrátiť? Nepôjdeme naspäť ku farizejom alebo k Sadúceom alebo k Herodiadom,“ alebo čokoľvek to bolo. „Ty si ten, ktorý má Slovo života. Nemáme iného miesta kde by sme išli. My sme sa zapojili do tohoto veľkého Koncertu. My sme v tomto tu, počúvame to a sme v rytme. My veríme, že ty si syn Boží, zamanifestovaný Jehova. Sme si toho istí! Nevieme čo znamenajú tieto veľké skúšky a problémy a utrpenia a to všetko a ty hovoríš, že pôjdeš tam hore a budeš obetovaný a všetko toto, to a tamto a na tretí deň, všetky tieto veci. Nerozumieme tomu. Ale sme v tom, počúvame Božiu symfóniu, sme časťou toho. A čakáme aby sme videli, čo sa deje ďalej a nasledujeme to tesne s tebou.“ Ó. To je to, čo chcem robiť. Zasľúbenie ...
191Ako On začal? Presne tak, ako to urobil na začiatku. Vidíte? On nikdy neposlal svoje posolstvo do nejakej organizácie. On nikdy neposlal svoju skupinu s posolstvom, On poslal jedného muža. Vo dňoch Noeho, to bol Noe. Vo dňoch Mojžiša to bol Mojžiš.
192Raz si jedni mysleli, že povedali: „No, ty sa robíš jediným svätým v celej skupine.“ Boh pohliadol dole na to.
193Mojžiš išiel ku Pánovi: „Urobil som toto. Čo mám robiť?“
194On povedal: „Oddeľ sa od nich. Ja sa postarám o to ostatné. Ja som ťa poslal. To je moja zodpovednosť.“ A otvoril zem a pohltila Kóracha a celú tú skupinu. Stále.
195Ján a Ježiš nemohli byť v tom istom čase. Ježiš ... Keď sa Ján pozrel, povedal: „Ja sa teraz musím menšiť a On musí rásť. On je to potvrdené Svetlo.“ Tak sa toto Svetlo bude pohybovať dopredu až on zistí, že prichádza to plné potvrdenie. Je to tak. Je to tak.
196On je taký, aký bol na začiatku. Takto začínate, takto sa začínate učiť poznávať aký je Boh. Čo On robil, keď bol tu na zemi? Aký druh života On žil? Či On s každým súhlasil, či robil kompromisy? Či išiel do nejakej organizácie? Ako sa On identifikoval? „Skúmajte Písma! Vy si myslíte ... Myslíte, že v nich máte večný život a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“ Vidíte? Tak isto je to dnes alebo v ktoromkoľvek inom čase. Keď chcete svetlo, vidíte čo Písmo hovorí pre túto hodinu. Dobre.
197Kde potom začínate? Ak je tu nejaký hriešnik, ty začínaš na kríži, keď sa pokladáš za mŕtveho s Ním. Vošiel si potom do tej veľkej drámy. Počúvaš potom, pozoruješ noty, pri to čo ich držíš v ruke, tú sympatiu. Máš v ruke noty a to ti povie o týchto veciach, kde zmeny tej hudby to začínajú odohrávať, potom vieš čo sa hrá. Keď vidíš, že Boží Duch padá na ľudí a robí určitú vec, pozrieš sa naspäť a vidíš kde to je. Vidíš či je to to, či je to, čo je na dnes. Prečo, oni mali v rukách noty tej sympatii, keď prišiel Ježiš. Samozrejme, mali.
198Vyslovujem správne to slovo, symfónia, sympatia? Dúfam. Tak potom tak som sa nad tým zamyslel. Symfónia? [Niekto v zhromaždení hovorí: „Symfónia.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Symfónia. Dobre? V poriadku.
199No, oni mali v ruke noty, ale čo chceli robiť? Oni sa snažili pozrieť naspäť na nejaký takt, ktorý už ... na časť, ktorá už bola zahraná. To je to, čo robia cirkvi dnes. Dívajú sa naspäť, vidia akú časť odohral Luther; to robia Luteráni. Oni nepoznajú tú zmenu v tej hudbe. Oni nevedia, čo Boh robí dnes, keď robí tieto veci, Luteráni. Letniční hovoria: „Ó, my to máme.“ Máte noty, podľa ktorých sa hralo pred päťdesiatimi rokmi. Vidíte? Samozrejme. Držme len toto Slovo v rukách a dávajme pozor kedy prichádza tá zmena, potom budeme vedieť, čo robíme.
200No, a začni s Ním na kríži. „Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov; a dostanete hudbu, smer,“ Vidíte? „Jeho Slovo, Ducha Svätého, ktorý manifestuje Slovo.“ Potom pokračujte ďalej v rytme Slova. Čokoľvek tá hudba hrá na tú hodinu, hrajte s ňou. Rozumiete?
201Veľa ľudí sa pýta. „Prečo?“ Pýtajú sa. Raz sa ma opýtali. „Prečo? Prečo sa musia diať tieto veci? Čo, prečo, prečo sa mi toto stalo? Prečo som začal a toto sa mi stalo a tu som mal tieto problémy a toto ma tu rozhádzalo a tu som stratil toto?“
202Niekedy som sa ja pýtal. „Prečo?“ Prečo, keď som bol len mladým kazateľom, keď som prvý krát rozpočal Boh zobral moju ženu odo mňa zobral moje dieťa, od môjho srdca? Prečo to urobil? Nevedel som. Teraz viem. Držal som len svoju ruku v jeho a neprestával som spoliehať na neho.
203On pozná každé zbiehanie udalostí. On pozná rytmus, keď sa to musí stať. On vie čo je treba aby ťa sformoval, On vie aký materiál použije. Vidíte? Niekedy vzadu na púšti Boh formuje spravodlivých ľudí za mudrcov a prorokov. Vidíte? Tam tí ľudia naberajú tvar pod tými údermi. Sú vytvarovaní aby pasovali do Slova. Keď majú v sebe všetky možné vyznania a také veci, nech prídu do Slova a Boh to z nich vytlčie, formuje ich rovno do tohoto, do veľkej symfónii jeho Slova. Vidíte? A potom vidia ako sa Slovo pohybuje dopredu.
204Boh vie kedy sa ten rytmus toho musí zmeniť. On vie ako prebieha ten rytmus. Ja neviem ako to ide, ale On vie. On vie ako to ide, ja nie. Ale dívam sa tu na to a hovorím: „Dobre, to práve prichádza.“
205„Mnoho zlého prichádza na spravodlivých ale Boh ich zo všetkého vyslobodzuje.“ Vidíte? Boh prešiel cez históriu s rytmom zasľúbenia Jeho Slova, v každom veku v tom istom rytme, vyplňujúc svoje Slovo. Tak Boh prechádzal cez históriu, celou cestou od Genesis do Zjavenia, On prechádzal cez históriu so svojím Slovom. Je to tak. S rytmom moci Ducha Svätého potvrdzujúc Svoje Slovo pre Vyvolených. Pamätajte. On nikdy nebol schopný dotknúť sa tej vonkajšej cirkvi. To sú len Vyvolení.
206Pozrite sa na tých kňazov, povedali: „Tento človek je Belzebub. On je veštec. Aha, On číta ich myšlienky.“
207Oni málo vedeli, že „Slovo je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, ktoré rozpoznáva myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci.“ A On bol Slovo.
208Ale tá prostitútka, ktorá stála pri studni toho dňa, aby nabrala vodu do vedra, ona povedala: „Vidím, že ty si prorok. My vieme, že príde Mesiáš. Nemali sme proroka stovky rokov, ale vieme že príde Mesiáš. A keď on príde, to je to čo On bude robiť.“
209On povedal: Ja som On.“ To stačilo. Prečo? Ten rytmus zaznel! Ona očakávala na tú zmenu, z cirkevnej denominácie na potvrdeného Mesiáša. A tu On stál, Mesiáš o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš: „Pán váš Boh vám vzbudí proroka ako som ja.“ Tu On je. Rytmus sa premenil, potvrdené Semeno to rozpoznalo.
210A keď skutočné Slovo Božie dopadá na vyvolených, na to Semeno a oni vidia potvrdenie Slova, oni to rozpoznávajú. Oni sa dívajú na Slovo, oni poznajú zbehnutie tých okolností, oni poznajú čas, poznajú zmenu, poznajú ten rytmus, ktorý má byť v tej hodine. Haleluja! Oni poznajú ten takt, poznajú čas, oni vedia ako to má ísť. Vidíte? Jedine tí vyvolení to vedia.
211Keď to Filip videl, nemohol to dlhšie vydržať, on vedel že to je Mesiáš. Tak išiel za svojím priateľom, oni spolu študovali Bibliu. „Natanael“, povedal „poď sa pozrieť na jedného muža. Poď, uvidíš čo sme našli, našli sme Ježiša z Nazaretu. Našli sme Ježiša z Nazaretu, to je ten prorok o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš, že príde. Našli sme ho. Našli sme ho.“
212On povedal: „Ako to môže byť? Kde je?“ Vidíte? On nebol ... On nepoznal presne ten rytmus. Oni to študovali. Ale keď tam prišiel, on mu povedal, predstavil mu Slovo.
213A keď tam prišiel, Ježiš povedal: „Hľa, Izraelita,“ ten rytmus sa začal chytať, v ten deň sa tá veľká dráma začala odohrávať tam na pódiu, alebo na zemi. Možno Ježiš stál na skale a hovoril ku ľuďom. A keď prišiel Filip s Natanaelom, pozrel sa na neho a povedal: „Hľa, Izraelita v ktorom nieto lesti.“
On povedal: „Rabbi, kedy si ma vôbec poznal?“
214On povedal: „Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“ Ó!
215On bol časťou toho. On povedal: „Ty si ten Syn Boží! Ty si ten Kráľ Izraelov.“ Nezáležalo na tom aký bol rytmus sveta, a aké zábavy mali vo svojich denomináciách, to nebola tá veľká Božia symfónia. Amen. On povedal: „Ty si ten Kráľ Izraelov! Tu to je. Vidím to. Viem to.“ Prečo? On bol Vyvolený. Vyvolené semeno to vie. To stále tak bolo v každom veku, že oni to vedeli.
216Vy poviete: „Ale Brat Branham a čo moja matka a otec, čo moja rodina, čo moja denominácia, čo oni budú robiť? Oni ma vyhodia. Je to ...?“ Ak sa nemôžeš dívať dopredu, dívaj sa hore. Nesnaž sa dívať dopredu, aj tak, daj svoju ruku do Jeho. Nechal Jeho nech ťa vedie. Dívaj sa hore, nedívaj sa dopredu. Vy poviete: „Prečo, prečo si robia iní žarty z mojich dlhých vlasov a že som prestala nosiť nohavice a že som prestala chodiť do kostola.“ Och! Trpieť za jeho meno to sú rastúce bolesti jeho milosti. Tak je. Trpieť pre jeho Slovo. Vidíte? To sú rastúce bolesti jeho milosti. Tak veru! Len pamätajte, to je milosť Božia, ktorá ti bola daná. Ó!
217Ako povedal Pavel, haleluja, on mal slabosť, niečo ho trápilo. On mal ... Diabol s ním lomcoval, rana za ranou. A pýtal Pána o radu, tri krát, aby to bolo od neho odobrané, povedal: „Pane, ja toto nechcem. Zober to odo mňa!“
218A potom jednej noci Pán ku nemu prehovoril, povedal: „Saul“ alebo „Pavel, dosť ti je moja milosť.“
219On povedal: „Budem sa chváliť svojimi slabosťami. Budem sa v tom chváliť. Viem, že Ty si uzdravovateľ. Videl som ako uzdravuješ nemoci, kriesiš mŕtvych, vyháňaš démonov, otváraš oči slepých. Ale keď som sa s tebou radil a povedal si mi, že to je tvoja milosť a ona je dostatočná, potom ten diabol, ktorý ma trápi, to sú rastúce bolesti tvojej milosti. Potom sa budem chváliť vo svojich slabostiach. Prečo? Aby som sa príliš nepovyšoval ponad množstvo zjavenia.“ Vidíte?
220Vidíte? On mal niečo čo iní učeníci nemali, on ho videl po jeho smrti, pohrabe, zmŕtvychvstaní a vystúpení do neba. On ho videl. Niekto z nich povedal: „No, ja som s ním chodil.“ Tak isto všetci, ktorí chodili po ulici. Ale potom, keď On zomrel bol pochovaný a povstal a vystúpil do neba a navrátil sa naspäť vo forme Ohnivého stĺpa, On sa rozprával s Pavlom. To bolo viacej než čo mal ktorýkoľvek z tých ostatných.. Amen.
221On povedal: „Aby som sa nepovýšil a nechcel postaviť nejaké veľké semináre a všetko možné a niečo ďalšie veľké, aby som sa nepovyšoval na skutok prevelikosti tohoto zjavenia, Boh dovolil aby ma posol satana pohlavkoval.“ Povedal: „Vtedy keď som slabý, vtedy som mocný.“ Amen. Amen. Rastúce bolesti milosti! Amen. Mohli by sme pri tom zostať dlhý čas; prešla hodina a trištvrte a znášame jeho bolesti milosti.
222Ó, On môže dovoliť, že prídeme na križovatky aby nás skúsil, aby nás zdokonalil do svojej služby. On to môže dovoliť teraz, cirkev, pri vás tu i pri tých ktorí počúvajú pásky. On môže dovoliť tie križovatky v našej službe.
223Ako to urobil pri Danielovi. Jedného dňa dal Danielovi malú križovatku. On vedel, že on bol v Babylone veľkým mužom. On to urobil, spravil, že kráľ sa obrátil proti nemu a hodil ho do jamy ľvov. To ho len zdokonalilo. Skutočne!
224Nechal, že tie hebrejské deti išli do ohnivej peci. Oni boli rozhodnutí postaviť sa na jeho Slovo!
225On môže dopustiť na nás krížové slová, nechať ich, že sa z teba smejú za to že máš dlhé vlasy, nechať ich, že sa z teba smejú, že si sa stal náboženským fanatikom alebo akokoľvek to nazývajú. To môže, oni sa môžu za to z teba smiať, to je poriadku. To je križovatka, to je malá križovatka. To je na to aby to niečo dokázalo.
226Vidíte, to jediné čo tá križovatka urobila tým Hebrejským deťom, ktoré stáli na Slove, to ich len rozviazalo z tých pút, ktoré mali na nohách.
227A niekedy sú potrebné tvrdé skúšky aby boli z nás zlámané putá sveta. Niekedy Boh nechá, že máme malú skúšku, viete, aby videl čo budeme robiť, aby vás zobral zo sveta. Alebo, inými slovami, nechá, že príde na vás malá skúška a vyrazí vás to von z organizácie a z tej predstavy, že „Metodisti sú tí jediní, baptisti, alebo letniční, alebo že to je tá jediná skupina, ktorú oni majú. Ak tomu neveríte tak, ako tomu verí moja cirkev, vôbec neveríte.“ Niekedy nechá, že sa stanú také malé skúšky. Možno vám ochorelo dieťa. Možno sa deje niečo rovno v hodine smrti, možno vám je niečo odobrané alebo niečo také. Čo to má vykonať? Odtrhnúť vás, ukázať vám niečo, otvoriť vám oči. Možno niekedy prichádzaš kritizovať. Možno počúvaš túto pásku len preto aby si to kritizoval. Možno Boh to robí aby odtrhol nejaké svetské putá, ktoré ťa zviazali.
228Ako človek, ktorý sa topí v rieke, musíte prv vytiahnuť toho človeka z rieky a potom rieku z toho človeka. Je to tak. Prv ho musíte dostať von z rieky, potom dostávate vodu von z neho. Niekedy to Boh tak musí robiť. On dovolí, že sa zbehnú udalosti, že prídeme na križovatky aby to urobil. Stojte na jeho zasľúbeniach, na Slove, lebo oni nikdy nesklamú. Budúcnosť je v jeho rukách. Stojte ako oni stáli, neodstupujte.
229Abrahám, na svojich križovatkách vedel, že Boh môže vzkriesiť jeho syna z mŕtvych, odkiaľ ho prijal na tých križovatkách. Abrahám prišiel na svoju križovatku. A potom keď spoľahol na Boha a videl všetky tie Božie zázraky. Dvadsať päť rokov čakal na toho chlapca, na zasľúbeného syna a potom mu Boh povedal aby išiel a obetoval práve to, na čo čakal. Ó, čo za čas! Ale či Abrahám zaváhal? Čítajte Rimanom 4. kapitolu, povedal, že si bol cele istý. Amen. On si bol cele istý toho, čo Boh zasľúbil, že je schopný vykonať. Amen. On dopustil na križovatku. On nám ukazoval cez Abraháma, že je schopný vzbudiť z mŕtvych.
230Abrahám povedal: „Dostanem ho ako vzkrieseného z mŕtvych.“ Sárine lono bolo mŕtve, Sárine lono bolo mŕtve; a on, jeho telo bolo mŕtve, on bol starý muž. Ona nemala žiadne mliečne žľazy aby chovala to dieťa. A oni nemali ... No, nebolo nič. A on sám bol neplodný a ona bola neplodná. Vidíte? Nemali vôbec žiadnu možnosť. A on ho dostal ako z mŕtvych, povedal: „Ak Boh môže urobiť toto, Boh ho môže vzbudiť z mŕtvych. Lebo ten istý Boh, ktorý mi povedal, že príde to dieťa a ja som na tom trval a ono prišlo, On ho môže vzbudiť z mŕtvych.“ Lebo, On robí aby všetko spolu pôsobilo na dobré tým, ktorý ho milujú. Amen.
231Boh, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, že v týchto posledných dňoch sa budú diať tieto veci, ktoré vidíme že sa dejú! Keď On zasľúbil syna a ten syn prišiel; keď On zasľúbil všetky tieto veci, ktoré vidíme v Písme a to sa stalo, vojdime do rytmu toho. On zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, že sa budú diať tieto veci a my to vidíme. On zasľúbil, že pošle Ježiša. Haleluja. Bude Milénium! Nastane nový deň. Bude deň, že slnko nebude viacej zapadať, lebo ... nebudeme ho viac potrebovať, lebo Baránok je svetlom toho mesta, do ktorého ideme. Amen.
232Svitanie nového dňa, cítim to teraz všade na sebe. Svetlo nového dňa! Svetlo dňa kde už nie je žiadna noc, nie je tam temnosť, žiadne tiene, žiadne oblaky, žiadne mračná, tmavé oblaky, žiadna polnoc, žiadne hroby ani žiadne kvety na nich, žiadne pohrebné sprievody, žiadny doktori, ani márnice. Amen. Môžem cítiť lúče jeho Svetla, ktoré svietia na moju dušu. Nový deň! Ten starý je tlačený preč.
233Ako cítim tú smrteľnú krv ako prúdi v mojom tele, cítim príval Ducha Svätého ako vchádza za tým: „Povstaň a svieť.“
234Niečo povedalo: „Billy Branham, starneš, slabneš, ochabujú ti ramená šedivejú a vypadávajú ti vlasy.“ To je pravda. A temnosť a veľká temnosť je na zemi!
235„Povstaň a svieť!“ Cítim ako tam padá ten príval Svetla slávneho evanjelia Ježiša Krista, ktorý ma učinil novým stvorením v Ňom. Očakávam na ten deň, amen, na ten nový deň. Neviem aká bude budúcnosť. Neviem čo prinesie rok 1964, či pre mňa niečo prinesie alebo nič ďalšie ale mám svoju ruku v ruke toho, ktorý drží večnosť, ktorý je večnosťou. Amen.
236Abrahám vedel, že Boh ho môže znovu vzkriesiť, tak sa spoľahol na neho.
237Tak, v tom novom roku buďte rozhodnutí stáť na Jeho Slove a na tom čo ono zasľúbilo, ako to robili iní Vyvolení v iných dňoch. Ak cítite, že ste videli svetlo Ježiša Krista, ktoré sa predralo a svieti na vás, jeho manifestáciu jeho veľkého Ducha Svätého v týchto posledných dňoch. A pamätajte, pamätajte, stojte s tým, čo On urobil, ste jeden z Vyvolených; a čo on, ten vyvolený v tých iných dňoch, ako Abrahám, keď to videl, keď to bolo všetko proti vedeckému dôkazu. Noe to videl, a to všetko bolo nezhodné s vedeckými dôkazmi. Mojžiš to videl a to všetko bolo nezhodné s vedeckými dôkazmi. Tie intelektuálne veky pominuli ale tí vyvolení, ktorí to uvideli, stáli pevne! Amen.
238A čo sa týka budúcnosti, stojme pevne na zasľúbení. Boh ho dal, je na Bohu aby to vyplnil. Ja len nasledujem ten rytmus. Keď odbíja ten čas na zemi a hovorí: „Toto je koniec Williama Branhama na zemi,“ potom pôjdem s tým rytmom. Potom s tým rytmom znovu povstanem. Haleluja. Ten, ktorý mi v tom rytme dal život, ho odoberá a znovu ho dáva. To je rytmus Boží: „Ja ho vzkriesim v posledných dňoch. Ten kto verí v mňa má večný život. Ten kto čuje moje Slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný život; a nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ Ja budem nasledovať to bitie Slova. Amen. Nie bitie môjho srdca; bitie Slova! Bez ohľadu na to čo to je, ak moje srdce nebije zhodne so Slovom, potom moje srdce nie je v poriadku. Amen. Lebo On je Slovo! Amen. Biblia nám to hovorí, Božie Slovo.
239Počúval som s Billym taký program, ktorý nedávno išiel. A to bola táto Biblická ... hodina nazvaná prorocká ... Ako sa to nazýva? Niečo o proroctve. „Hlas proroctva.“ Skutočne, to sú adventisti siedmeho dňa.. Oni mali štyri alebo päť mien. Millerovci, tak sa zo začiatku nazývali.
240To boli oni, ktorí povedali tam na zhromaždení, že ja tvrdím, že som Ježiš Kristus; že Svätý Otec je nado mnou, ten ohnivý stĺp a že ja som Ježiš Kristus. Tak sa stalo, že jeden môj priateľ tam bol na tom zhromaždení a vstal a povedal. „Budete to musieť dokázať, pretože ho tu hneď zavolám. Chcem vidieť čo len raz, že by on niečo také tvrdil.“ Takým spôsobom. Ten človek rozprával o rôznych kultoch a takých veciach, ktoré sú na zemi.
241 Oni vedia. Raz som sa s nimi pustil do rozhovoru na otázku tohoto sabatu. Oni sa držia toho starého dňa, ktorý prešiel. Duch Svätý je náš Sabat, Biblia tak povedala: „Poďte ku mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení a ja dám sabat vašej duši.“ Nie „deň“ Pavel povedal: „Vy ktorí dodržiavate dni, bojím sa o vás.“ Vidíte, je to tak. Tak veru. „Zostáva odpočinutie,“ Židom 4, božiemu ľudu, zachovávanie sabatu. Lebo my, ktorí sme vošli do jeho odpočinku, odpočinuli sme od svojich skutkov, ako Boh od svojich.
242Ale ich rečník, pred nedávnom, mali pekný program, ja nemám nič proti nim. Urobil by som všetko, čo by som mohol aby som im pomohol. Slobodne im odpúšťam čo hovorili, pretože povedali niečo, čo nebola pravda. Ale to je v poriadku. Ich náuka je proste ako náuka Svedkov Jehovových a Kresťanskej vedy a všetkých týchto ďalších kultov, viete, to je to isté. Ale všimnite si, oni sú proste ako všetky ďalšie organizácie. Myslím, že nie sú na tom horšie ako tie ostatné. Slovo má stále pravdu, ono sa samo potvrdí. Všimnite si.
243Ale keď hovoril, ten človek povedal: „Máme knihu roku.“ Tento pisateľ, ó, ako sa volá, ten rečník? Zabudol som teraz ako sa volá. On hovoril pre kresťanských obchodníkov tu hore v Seattle nedávno na Svetovom veľtrhu. A povedal, tento hlásateľ povedal: „Tento človek napísal knihu, najlepšiu knihu na tento rok.“ Nesúhlasím.
244Knihou na tento rok je Biblia! To je svetlo sveta. To je sám Boh. Našou knihou na tento rok je Biblia. Na tento rok 1964, našou knihou je Biblia. A na všetky ďalšie roky, ktoré prídu, našou knihou je Biblia. Na všetky roky, ktoré prešli, to bola kniha tých predošlých rokov, kniha tých rokov, ktoré prídu a to je kniha večnosti. To zjavuje, že to je Boh. Tak veru, ona zjavuje Boha. Každý rok, ktorý má prísť, to je kniha toho roku. Kedykoľvek počujete, že Biblia niečo hovorí, jej zasľúbenie je potvrdené, jedného dňa nastane večnosť. Biblia je tým, ktorý nám dáva toto zasľúbenie, keď počujete, že Biblia hovorí, že prichádza deň, keď príde Ježiš. A ako hovorím dnes, teraz ...
245Musím zakončiť, pretože už som tu pri tom dve hodiny.
246Pozrite, ak nám Biblia hovorí o týchto veciach ktoré majú prísť, hovorí o všetkých týchto hodinách cez ktoré sme prešli. Sú predpovedané dni Noeho. Dni všetkých týchto ostatných, ktoré Písmo predpovedalo. Dni Martina Luthera boli predpovedané, dni Wesleya. dni letničných. Táto hodina, v ktorej žijeme bola predpovedaná. Všetko sa stalo presne tak, ako to bolo. Potom keď ... Čo to je? To je hovorené Božie Slovo, ktoré Boh potvrdil, robí ju svetlom na túto hodinu. Vidíte? Presne tak ako je slnko. Keď Slovo, samo Slovo je svetlom, keď je potvrdené na ten čas do ktorého patrí. Vidíte? To je potvrdené, potom je to svetlo na danú hodinu.
247Ján bol svetlom, on bol väčším svetlom než to, ktoré mal Eliáš a tí ostatní. Eliáš ... On nebol Eliášovým svetlom, ale on bol Eliášom v inej forme, potvrdzujúc svetlo. Vidíte? On bol ... A keď prišiel Ježiš, povedal: „On bol jasným svietiacim svetlom, nejaký čas a vy ste radi chodili v jeho svetle.“ Vidíte?
248A Ján povedal: „Ja teraz musím hasnúť. Ja teraz musím odísť, moje svetlo prestalo svietiť. Ja musím odísť. On musí narastať. On je svetlo.“
249On povedal: „Ja som svetlo sveta.“ Amen. Je to tak. „Ten istý včera dnes i naveky.“ A On je stále svetlo sveta. A čo On je? „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha.“ Prečo bol On svetlo sveta? Keby On bol prišiel a povedal, že je Mesiáš a nerobil by to, čo Biblia povedala, že má robiť, potom by nebol svetlo sveta. Rozumiete? To je potvrdené Slovo, ktoré to robí svetlom sveta.
250A v tejto hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme, potvrdené slovo tejto hodiny ... Letniční, vy hovoríte: „Hovorenie v jazykoch,“ a tak ďalej. To bol deň letníc, to bolo svetlo na tú hodinu vtedy. Vidíte? Toto je iný deň. On je svetlom tejto hodiny dnes.
251Sedem cirkevných vekov, všetko zahasené, Kristus je vystrčený von. Mesiac to identifikuje, všetka tá temnosť prichádza na zem. Svetlo sa teraz tlačí, začína ukazovať čo sa bude diať. Tá vec bude zničená a svetlo vojde dovnútra a zničí to. A svätí zdedia zem, pokorní zdedia zem. Zem, mesiac temnosť bude odstránené preč. Pominie temnosť noci, temnosť so svojou smrťou a vyznaniami, a preč od Slova Božieho, prevrátené veci, ktoré oni hovoria. A zasvitne svetlo a nastane deň.
252A pamätajte, keď celá Biblia ... Počúvajte, na zakončenie. Keď celá táto Biblia bude dôkladne potvrdená, potom nastane večné Šalom, večný pokoj. Rozumiete?
253On prišiel a bolo povedané, že On bol „Pokoj na zemi, v ľuďoch zaľúbenie,“ ale svet to neprijal. Vidíte? Vidíte? On bol pokojom pre každého, kto prišiel ku nemu pre pokoj. Vidíte? Pokoj na zemi, v ľuďoch zaľúbenie, On bol tým pokojom na začiatku toho nového roku, nového Božieho dňa. Prečo? On bol tým potvrdeným svetlom toho dňa. Vidíte?
254Ale je ešte viacej Slova, ktoré má byť potvrdené. On musel potvrdiť viacej Slova. A keď je potvrdené to posledné Slovo, keď je potvrdené, potom je smrť pohltená vo víťazstvo a povstanú mŕtvi v Kristovi, nastane Milénium a to bude jeden veľký Pokoj, Šalom. Zostaňme v očakávaní na ten deň, brat sestra, na ten veľký Šalom.
255Pamätajte, Biblia je zdrojom všetkej múdrosti, a drží všetky nádeje budúcnosti. Pre cirkev, Šalom! Modlime sa.
256Táto malá skupina, ktorá je tu teraz prítomná. Zabral som dve hodiny s týmto malým novoročným posolstvom. Boli ste veľmi trpezliví. Je tu niekto dnes ráno, či vlastne dnes popoludní, kto nemá Šalom, ten Pokoj, ktorý hovoril, ktorý potvrdil Slovo Božie, keď ty a slovo ste sa stali jedno? Keď, ak Biblia hovorí jedno a ty hovoríš „nie, nedokážem tomu veriť, žeby to bola pravda,“ potom nemáš Šalom. Nemáš pokoj s Bohom, pretože jeho Slovo hovorí jedno a ty s tým nesúhlasíš.
257A keď Slovo hovorí: „Šalom, Pokoj,“ a ty máš ten pokoj, že na každé Slovo, ktoré Boh hovorí, môžeš povedať Amen a veríš tomu. A keď to vidíš potvrdené, hovoríš, „Amen, to je to Slovo!“ Ale spôsobí vyznanie, či nejaké svetlo, falošné svetlo, či svet, ktorý prebehne ako tieň v tom svetle, ktoré zasvietilo, a zatemní ti to, nejaké vyznanie, a povieš: „Nie, ja si myslím, že To bolo na niečo iné. To neznamená práve to,“ a predsa to Slovo hovorí? Nasleduješ ten tieň alebo chodíš s tým svetlom?
258Tu a na páske, ktokoľvek to bude počúvať, zamyslite sa nad tým za chvíľu. A ak je tu prítomný niekto, kto by chcel, kto nemá to Svetlo, zodvihol by si ruku a ukázal tak, že si pripravený chodiť dnes v tom svetle. A ak je niekto taký niekde tam kde pôjdu tieto pásky, a nemáš to, zodvihneš svoju ruku ku Bohu, práve tam kde si ... Vypni magnetofón na chvíľu, keď sa budeme modliť, kľakni na kolená a povedz: „Pane Bože, ja som pochyboval, robil som toto. Myslel som si, že keď cirkev hovorila, že tie veci nemôžu byť a že toto nebude. Ale vidím, že je to zasľúbené v Biblii a vidím príliš veľa vecí. Samé nebesia vydávajú o tom svedectvo. A tieto veci, ktoré sú povedané, sa presne dejú. A Boh v nebi vyhlasuje to isté. Tak, ja to chcem teraz prijať. Nech vojde do mňa Slovo Božie a nech ma vovedie do toho rytmu, aby som nepočúval čo hovorí cirkev alebo kazateľ; ale daj mi vojsť do toho rytmu Slova aby som videl čo ono hovorí. A nech ma to privedie do tejto veľkej Božej symfónii, do odbíjania jeho vôli v mojom živote.“
259Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame ti teraz každého kto kdekoľvek zodvihol ruku. A nech Duch Svätý Boží im prinesie ten rytmus Slova a jeho Pravdu, aby boli teraz sformovaní na synov a na dcéry Božie a aby odzrkadľovali Božie svetlo na zemi. Oni majú byť zamanifestovaným Slovom, tí muži a ženy majú žiť tak, ako Ježiš žil na zemi a veriť každému Božiemu Slovu a žiť ním tak, ako On žil, lebo On povedal: „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“ Nie len na niekoľkých Slovách, na časti Slova ale na „každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“
260Slovo z času Mojžiša nefungovalo v dňoch Ježiša. Slovo, Slovo vo dňoch apoštolov nefunguje v tomto dni. To je zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň. Oni sami povedali a hovorili to skrze Ducha Svätého, čo sa bude diať v týchto posledných dňoch, ako cirkvi budú naduté, vysokomyseľné, ako povstane tá smilnica a tie pobehlice budú rovno s ňou a ako oni zatemnia zem. A v tom poslednom cirkevnom veku, v Laodicei, Ježiš bude úplne odstránený z cirkvi.
261Ó Pane, daj mi zotrvať pri ňom, pri Slove. A manifestuj jeho svetlo cez všetkých nás, keď s rozhodnutím začíname tento nový rok. Nevieme čo nesie tento nový rok ale držíme sa jeho, Slova, ktorý pozná celú symfóniu od začiatku do konca. On pozná každý pohyb každú križovatku. A, Pane, my Ho len pozorujeme, neodvraciame od neho svoj zrak, od Slova. A potom keď vidíme, že sa zjavujú tieto veci, vieme, že sme rovno v rytme Slova. Udeľ to. Pane, spas každú stratenú dušu, ktorá tu je a každú, ktorá počúva tú pásku. Porúčame ich tebe, pre tvoje kráľovstvo v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
262No ...?... Som šťastný, že som tu s vami celé dopoludnie. Prepáčte. Bolo to presne ako sme začali, presne dve hodiny, od trištvrte na jedenásť do trištvrte na jednu. Povedal som Méde: „O pol druhej budem naspäť.“ No, neveríme, že môžeme prekračovať povolenú rýchlosť. Myslím, že by sme to nemali robiť. No, ďakujeme.
Chcem teraz povedať, Terry vypol svoj magnetofón, pretože to je ten, z ktorého idú tie pásky. Myslím, že vy máte svoje stále zapnuté, to je v poriadku. Pretože chcem hovoriť ku zboru. Skutočne si vás všetkých tu cením. A veľakrát myslím, že toto je pre mňa taká malá rezerva, prísť sem dozadu na púšť, ako to nazývam. Prísť z púšte, tu tou cestou a rozhliadnuť sa, vidieť túto malú skupinu tu vonku pod stromami, rovno pri rieke. A my sme teraz na východnej strane rieky. A verím, že Boh vás bude žehnať, každého jedného. Boh, Šalom bude s vami. To je jeho pokoj.
263Prepáčte, skutočne, že som vás takto držal ale zoberte si teraz tú pásku o tomto z ... Ak Pán dá, toto je to, čo mám kázať vo Phoenixe, v nedeľu popoludní, budem mať malé krátke zhromaždenia a tak ďalej. Zaumienil som si v srdci, že tohoto roku, ak Pán dá ja len sekám a trhám zo strany na stranu. A my to všetci poznáme tú identifikáciu, vieme čo je tretie potiahnutie, všetci tomu rozumieme.
Máte - budete mať tú pásku. Vidíte? A to je ... No, myslím, že to bude ležať skryté za nejaký krátky čas, až kým nepríde tá veľká hodina prenasledovania. To je vtedy ...?... To bude hovoriť. Zamanifestuje sa to. Práve tak ako tých päť priamych znakov bez chyby, dokonale. A teraz, myslím, len čakajte (Rozumiete?); len sa dívajte čo sa deje. No, ja znovu pôjdem tak isto, ďalej a ďalej, aby som našiel, krátke zhromaždenia a budeme sa snažiť aby sme mali - skončili každý večer včas. Aby sme len okolo tridsať minút hovorili o niečom, o božskom uzdravovaní, alebo niečom takom. A kedykoľvek, keď budem hotový znovu nahrať pásku, prídem buď sem, dozadu na púšť alebo do modlitebni v Jeffersonville alebo niekde, kde môžu nahrať pásku, kde budeme medzi svojimi a môžem povedať to čo chcem.
264Ale vidíte, Ježiš ... Pamätajte. Vidíte? Musím dávať pozor. Keď som videl tých ľudí proste úplne, namyslene odchádzať preč, myslím, že som sa to snažil vyjadriť dnes ráno; to je veľká temnosť, ktorá je na nich. Nemôžu si pomôcť. Ja im odpúšťam (Rozumiete?), že nepočúvajú ani nehľadia na tie veci, ktoré im Boh dal a stále to nerobia. Stále sa modlím: „Bože odpusť im.“ A myslím to tak v srdci. Nehovorím to preto, že to povedal môj Majster, ale prv to chcem cítiť v srdci, to skutočne cítim.
Neizolujem sa od ľudí. nechcem to robiť. Vidíte? Pretože som ... mám pre nich posolstvo, „Spasenie.“ A musím ísť medzi nich. Rozumiete? Idem s trojičiarmi, s Metodistami, Baptistami, Luteránmi, s Letničnými, s Adventistami siedmeho dňa a so všetkými inými, pretože hľadám spasiť to, čo bolo zahynulo, ak ich môžem priviesť, ukázal im Svetlo. A Pán bude s vami.
265Mal som tu našu prvú malú skupinu zhromaždení. Neviem či ste si pozerali ten rozpis. Ak niekto z vás ... nechám to tu; pastor vám to prečíta, kde sa môžeme stretnúť a keď Pán dá, to záleží na Pánovi ... Ja nemám pre nich žiadne vedenie, proste idem a snažím sa robiť čo môžem. A ak máte tam niekde nablízku svojich blízkych, ktorí by chceli prísť na tie zhromaždenia, napíšte im a povedzte im nech navštívia jedno z tých zhromaždení.
266Nech vás Boh žehná. Je milo vidieť vás, brat Stricker a sestra Strickerová a všetkých ostatných ľudí, ktorí sú tu. Niektorých ani neviem ako sa volajú ale poznám vás skrze svedectvo Ducha Svätého, že ste moji bratia a sestry. A milujem vás a vážim si vás. A je mi veľmi príjemné byť tu s vami.
A viem, že ste tu pripravili obed a budete mať také malé obecenstvo pri obede. Prial by som si, aby to bolo možné a mohol som tu zostať, viem že je to dobre. Viem, že máte najlepších kuchárov v kraji. Viem, že je to tak. Ale ja budem pravdepodobne musieť zostať na nejakom hamburgeri cestou domov. Ale jednako, musím ísť na stretnutie. Môj čas je vyhradený, trochu tu a trochu tam. A som si istý, že všetci rozumiete. To nie je preto, žeby som tu nechcel zostať. Boh to vie; inak by som tu neprišiel. Rozumiete?
267Niektorí hovoria: „Či pôjdeš tam a budeš kázať tridsiatym ľuďom, keď by si mohol ísť kázať to isté desať tisícom?“ Samozrejme. To nerobí žiadny rozdiel, to množstvo. Chcem vidieť kde je to prijaté. Nehádžte svoje perly pred svine. Oni sa obrátia a pošliapu ich nohami, potom sa obrátia a roztrhajú vás. Vidíte? Ale nehádžte tam svoje perly.
No, cítim, že to čo hovorím tu nie je hádzanie periel pred svine. Myslím, že to je ukazovanie deťom drahokamy, ktoré im patria. Vidíte? Vy ... Kde sa niekedy našli drahokamy? V blate a v špine.
Všimli ste si niekedy ľaliu, odkiaľ ona pochádza? Rovno zo dna mazľavej diery rybníka. A ona sa namáha dňom i nocou aby sa dostala do svetla, rozkvitá najkrajší kvet, aký je. A tým je ľalia. Ona vychádza z blata zeme a zo špiny. Tam sa nachádzajú drahokamy obalené tu v tomto zlatom štáte národa. Kde nachádzate zlato? Dole v špine. Kde nachádzate rubíny a drahokamy? V blate a v špine. Presne tak. Stade všetci pochádzame, z blata a zo špiny sveta.
268Ale títo tu ... Ja som zlatokop. Čo robí zlatokop? Hľadá zlato. Čo potom robí, leští ho, vytepáva ho a taví ho a pripravuje. Toto je zlatá baňa. Rozumiete? Po celý čas sa tu obzerám po nádherných drahokamoch. Vidíte? Nachádzam ich tu niekde v prachu a leštím ich a hovorím: „Pane, tu sú. Tu je brat. Tu je znovuzrodený kresťan. Tu je milá mladá pani. Tu je milý v strednom veku, stará žena, ó, mladá žena. Čokoľvek to je, tu sú, Pane. To oni sú tvoje klenoty. Vlož ich do svojej koruny, Pane. Oni budú svietiť na veky vekov.“ Takto.
Až sa uvidíme, Šalom. Boží pokoj s vami. Dobre, pastor, poď sem. Dobre. Nech vás Boh teraz žehná. A ja ... Vy všetci pokračujte.
1 Thank you, very much, Brother Isaacson. [Brother Isaacson begins to speak about a man that has cancer. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... Isaacson.
Good morning, friends, you may set down. Yeah. It's good to be back on the backside of the desert. You know, we... I believe, the last time I was here, I titled this place, "the backside of the desert." That's where we usually find the--the Lord, or where It was found one time when Moses was herding the sheep at the backside of the desert.
This fellow here, I picked him up, in the rearview mirror, a while ago, coming down. I heard, the other day, he was in the hospital. I was praying for him, and here he's setting here, this morning. [Someone says, "He's all right."--Ed.] Well, that's good. I'm so glad. He had a bleeding. And so, we so glad to see him in, this morning.
Sorry to hear about this brother that was with us, the last time here, that's got cancer, in the hospital. We know that we only have one avenue out of this, and that's the avenue of death. That, we all have got to walk that path, whether we the most righteous, the most holy one of us, we pack one another over the other one's grave. And yet Jesus said, "He that believeth in Me shall never die." But what the "death" is there, is not what we call death.
2Like when Jesus spoke about Lazarus, He said, "He sleepeth."
And they said, "Well, we'll... he does well if he sleeps."
3Then Jesus said, had to tell them in the language they knew, see, "He's dead." He said, "And for your sake, I'm glad I wasn't there, but I go wake him." See?
4 And that's when He made that wonderful quotation that we have in the Scripture, "He that heareth, he that believeth on Me, has everlasting Life; shall not come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life. I am the resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die." See? Never die! There's no... There's really no death to a Christian.
Death means "Eternal separation."
5And now as when we are... die, like in the physical body as we are now, we are separated from one another. But, it's really this body is the only thing that identifies us to each other, because we are bound in five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. And as long as we can see or feel one another, why, we have evidence that we're here. If you're blind and can't, and--and can't see, then you can feel one another, and we... or hear one another. And the earthly senses declare one another.
6 But, really, frankly, we have never seen each other. Did you know that? We have never seen one another. You hear something speaking out of a body here that impersonates whatever it's on the inside. So then when we talk to each other, we're--we're really not talking to the body. It's the spirit inside, but the body is the thing that identifies the spirit that's on the inside. And therefore, when we speak to each other, we are... quickly can understand right away whether we are Christians or not, because there's a fellowship in the spirit that we talk from. You see, that it vibrates to one another that whether we are Christians or not. Therefore we have never seen each other.
7 Jesus. "No man has seen God at any time, but the only begotten of the Father has declared Him." See? In other words, God was identified. The--the Person of God was identified in the Body, the Lord Jesus Christ, so He was the expressed image of God. Or, God expressing Himself through an image, see, through an image, Man. God expressed Himself to us, and He was God. Not a third person or second person; He was the Person, God. He was God Himself, identifying Himself, so we could feel Him.
8First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, that's argument, great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested, or made known, in the flesh." Isn't that wonderful? God! And we could never understand God as He moved through a Pillar of Fire, and so forth, as He did. But we understood Him when He become one of us, see, when He become Man. Then He could talk to us, and we could feel Him, handle Him, touch Him, and everything. And as the Scripture plainly says that "we have handled God," see, with our hands, touched Him with our hands.
9 God is in man. And He's identifying Himself today in His church. In the born-again Christian, God identifies Himself, that He remains God. And the outside world will only know God as they see God in you and I. That's the only way that they'll know God, is when we are written epistles, epistle of the Scripture, we are read of all men. And the life that we live reflects what's on the inside of us. A man is identified by the works that he does. So our works should be good, see, always good, because we are representing our Lord Jesus Christ.
10What a wonderful thing that is, especially when a--an old man like me stand here and--and think of the life that is fading away, that's gone in the past, and--and we're facing a future of an Eternity. And knowing if this life only is what I had hopes in, I would be a most miserable person this morning. But knowing that this life has only been a--a shadow of what we had to--to come. It's a reflection, because it can not be the perfect thing that God made. God doesn't make anything that perishes. See? God is Eternal. And, therefore, this life that we now live in, is only reflecting what is ahead of us. The real one that cannot die. The body that cannot perish. The Life that cannot be taken. See? And therefore the Scriptures is right, when It says that we have everlasting Life, we have Eternal Life. We shall never die. See, because you become... When you're borned again, you become a part of God. See, you are forever for Eternity, never to fail. You are part of God, 'cause you're His son.
11 Now, I might take another name, and say my name is some other name. I might take my mother's name, Harvey, which would be the closest to me. In the world, my mother was a Harvey, and then I might take the name of Harvey. But still the blood would prove that I am a Branham. See? Because I'm part of my father. And as long as I got blood in me, I'll still be part of my father. See, that's right. And when I'm borned of the Spirit of God, I am a part of God, that's all; I am identified with Him, see, that He is my Father. Then my life should reflect Him; as my life reflects my earthly father in the image that he was in. They say I look a whole lot like my father, so then therefore it's His image reflected in me. And your--your father reflected in you, and your parents. And, so, God our Father is reflected in us when we're borned and--and conformed here to His image.
12 Now, I start talking, never get to my text of what I was going to talk to you about.
13I have always appreciated a house meeting, cottage prayer meeting such as this, more than--than I guess people could think that I would, because the finest meetings and the finest times of fellowship is usually in a little cottage prayer meeting like this. Where I have felt the closest to God, is when just a little handful of the believers comes together, and there we worship.
14 Now this morning, I suppose we sit here, thirty, forty, thirty, I guess, or something like that, counting the children. I wouldn't know. I'm not very good on--on--on counting the numbers, just to look over a little group of people, 'cause there's other rooms here, you see, that I don't see the people in them. Now, but when we come together like this, I feel that we get a closeness that we don't get when we're out in a great, huge congregation. We, can express ourselves. That's why, this morning, that I thought, coming down here, that I would speak to the congregation here this morning, and to it's lovely little pastor. So glad to see many of my friends here, Strickers and all those that--that I haven't seen for some time.
15 And I would speak this morning to you my new-year's Message that I had planned for speaking next Sunday afternoon at the Phoenix meeting, at the auditorium. Because, in here, I thought maybe they're making tapes out there of it. That I... Maybe the Holy Spirit would give me a--a better thought here amongst just a bunch of believers, than perhaps it would be at Phoenix amongst, you know, where the belief and unbelief, and superstitions and--and everything is mixed together. And then if the brethren had, and letting the tapes out, that it would be--it would be better to do it that way, because you'd have a better tape from here. I asked the boys to check the acoustics first. And when I come in this morning, Brother Terry told me that the acoustics were fine. So, that's--that's good. So now let us first, before we approach this solemn affair, and I know...
16 I believe they said some of you are staying for lunch, going to have lunch here on the grounds or at the house, or something, together. That's very fine. I just sure appreciate seeing you all get together.
17And I feel that--that my Message this morning is addressed to the Church of the living God, see, and which I believe this is a portion of it sitting here this morning. And now before we come to that solemn part, let's bow our heads just a moment for prayer.
18 Our Heavenly Father, we are so grateful to You, that we can even be privileged to address You as our Father, for Father means that we have been begotten of the great God that created the heavens and earth. And we are so happy for this privilege, that we can think in our hearts, and, then, that we are sons and daughters of Yours. And then to see You strictly identify Yourself in the midst of us, that You are our Father, changing our thoughts from the things of the world, and changing our motives and objectives and attitudes, and every phase of us, to love You and to believe You, and--and know that Your promises are true.
19We have assembled here this morning in this place that we call "the backside of the desert," or I call it that, thinking that. Reason I say that, Lord, is not to reflect anything upon this little group of people, but, of anything that would be of a nature of being small.
20But I am trying to think that it was Moses, Your servant, was at the backside of the desert, maybe just he and his sheep, maybe his wife, Zipporah, and--and--and Gershom, his son, might have been along. I... That I do not know. But it was there that they had an experience that changed that prophet, from a runaway coward, to the service of the God who had ordained him for the job, on the backside of the desert. It was there that--that the Pillar of Fire that was made manifest for the first time in human life, that we know of, that Fire was laying back in a little desert bush, and it burnt not. But--but it was the Glory of God reflecting Itself through that bush; that Moses the prophet taking off his shoes, drawed nigh unto It, and was commissioned by God to deliver a nation of God's people.
21 May it be so again today, Lord, on the backside of the desert that we now take off, as it was, our shoes, our hats, our all, and lay it down beneath the cross of Christ, and say, "Here am I, Lord, send me."
22Bless this pastor here, our Brother Isaacson, brother. We pray that You'll bless him and his wife, and his little ones; Brother Stricker, his wife and little ones; and all the others that's represented here this morning.
23And we have assembled here; no, Lord, not for some great glory, or to be known as leaders or--or some... an official of something great. We are--we are just here as humble believers. We're here because we love You, and we love one another. And as we see each other and as we congregate together, we find that it seems to be more of God gathers together as each believer assembles himself in one certain place. And Jesus said, "If you'll do this in My Name, then I'll be in your midst." And we know that You are here.
24Speak to us, Lord. And if these little note that I got wrote out here, and Scriptures to refer to, is off of the path, this morning, of the thought that You would have us to think, then, Lord, we just omit that, and do as You tell us to do. Bless us now, for we ask this in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
25 Now, in the reading of the Scripture, it used to be that I... before I got so much age on me, that I could remember good. And in them days, I... young days, I didn't take a long message, maybe thirty minutes or something, I plowed right into one thought and kept it on my mind. But now I... reason I hold these long meetings now, is because I'm taping. See? And this tape, the boys there taping it, it will start it at a certain time, perhaps now, at the beginning of the prayer, and it goes many, many places, around the world practically. So we are now going to speak this morning on my new year's... what we call my new-year's Message. I tried, had three Christmas messages, and I know you people down here at the back of the desert gets those tapes. And on my--on my last Message up at the church, or next to my last Message, was on The Light. And if you haven't got that tape, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I enjoyed it very much, the inspiration of it, the Lord gave me.
26 Now today, as we face new year's, I--I want to think of not like the past, but I want to look to the future. See? As Paul said, "Forgetting those things that are in the past, I press towards the mark, see, of the high calling." And as it's expressed, like looking back through the mirror of a car. We are looking what we have passed, when we're looking in the rear-view mirror. Now we're not trying to place the Message today as looking through a rear-view mirror. It would take too long, see, the things that the Lord has did. And you are all acquainted with the great things that our Lord has been doing, is some of the mightiest things that I've ever seen in my life, He just--just passing in the last few months. And, but now we are thankful for what has been, but now we're looking forward. We're looking where we're headed for, and into this 1964.
27 And now if you here like to read, or--or, I'd like to read some Scriptures, because all this is based upon God's Holy Word.
28And leaves me now about an hour and fifteen minutes, for this tape. And, the Lord willing, I'll try to get it out so you can have your dinner. I thank you for telling me that I had till six o'clock tonight. That was very nice.
29Now let's turn in the Bible to two places, the books lay close together. It's in the Old Testament. I take the text for the reading, from two places, Isaiah 62 and Psalms 60. Now in Isaiah 62, we'll turn to read first. And in this, we are reminded of the great powers of our Lord God, and how--how great He is, and how mighty our God is. I am sorry, it's Isaiah 60 instead of 62. Isaiah 60. All right, now we read this, Isaiah 60:1 and 2.
Arise, and shine; for the light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
For, behold,... darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall rise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
30"Gross darkness upon the people." Of this, course, this is a prophesying of the day that we're now living.
31 Now let us turn then to Psalms. I believe that I may be a little confused where I've wrote my Scriptures down here, when in a hurry last night in writing them, writing out this. Psalms 62:1 to 8.
Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.
How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? ye shall be slain of all of you: as a bowing--bowing wall shall... be, and as a tottering fence.
They only consult to cast him down from the excellency: they delight in lies: they bless their... with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah.
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectations is from him.
He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God.
Trust in him all the times; ye people, pour out your, hearts before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
32 Now, if you noticed in the Scripture reading there in the Psalms, it kept saying, "God is my rock." Do you know what a rock represents in the Bible? A rock in the Bible, here, represents "the revelation of God." See, "God is my revelation." He is, see. The revelation of the Word is the rock.
33Cause, Peter one day when... Jesus had asked the question, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"
34And one of them said, "You are... Some of them say you are Moses, or Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." But that wasn't the question.
"Who do you say I am?"
35He, Peter spoke up, these famous words, and said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
36He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to thee, but My Father which is in Heaven. And upon this rock!" See?
37And David speaking here, "God is our rock." God is our rock when God has been revealed to us. That becomes a rock, see. God is our rock.
38 Now, my text, for this morning, is an odd word: Shalom. Shalom, in the Hebrew, means "peace." And that's what I say to the Church this morning, "Shalom!" That's peace.
39In Finnish it's called Jumalan rauha, which means "God's peace" upon you. Rauha. God, see, God's peace, shalom.
40My new-year's Message is to the Church elected in Jesus Christ, for 1964. Not--not just the church groups; but the Elect, the Lady, the Lady of--of the Church, Christ's Bride, see, that's who I'm addressing.
41We're facing here, in our two subjects that we read, the two Scriptures, rather, a very contrast, one to the other. In Isaiah, it says, "Arise, and shine, for the glory of God has come upon you. The Light is here." And then the very next verse, he says, "Gross darkness is upon this people." And then when we are in a mixtury of Light and darkness, and then my address to the Church is "shalom, peace," let's find out what it's all about, see. We are facing this year, with both darkness and Light. We are... the world is in one of the most chaotic times of darkness that it's ever stood in; and yet it's standing in, again, the most blessed Light that it ever did shine in. And there is...
42 The difference is just like it was in the beginning, when there was gross darkness upon the earth. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water and said, "Let there be light." And God separated the light from the darkness. And I believe that we are now living in that hour again, that when God is separating Light from darkness, and He's pressing it to the other side of the world, that the Light might be made manifest. And we are...
43Then, the--the Church, the reason I'd say "Shalom" to them, is because that it's God's Peace. That's what I want to bring to you this morning, for the new year's, not looking back, but we're looking forward to the breaking of a new day. Until, there is something great laying ahead of us, where the years has been the joy that we've looked forward to, the pressing, coming of the great Light. And now we can see it breaking over the horizona, horizonal realm, it's breaking between mortal and immortality. We see it breaking between heavens and earth, from an earthbound sickness and troubled world, into a bright shining day of an immortal Life and an immortal body and an immortal earth that shall never pass away. It--it's "Shalom," unto the--unto the Church. Now, it's Light time coming for the believers, but a gross darkness for the people. I...
44 The other day we was talking, the wife and I, and we were talking about the--the hour that we're living in. Now, the reason I chose this place, I felt like I could just let down and talk to you, see. See? It's, there seems to be a time that's upon the people that it's the most pathetic time that I could think about.
45I have constantly done my very best to try to, in disagreeing with man in religious terms; but if I couldn't take his hand afterwards, no matter how sharp the thing might be, and take a hold of his hands, and say "this is in the light of a better understanding between us," and still love the person (not just say it from my lips, but from my heart), then I'm no--no subject at all to go out there and to try to talk to people. Because, see, we must do that, we must love the person. See? And going amongst the people in all kinds of classes, and different cults and clans, and religions and so forth, and trying to lay the Bible down, and say "let's--let's discuss it not from your creed or from your book of ethics, but from the Bible." And then not... Maybe sometime man get up real sharp; but if I got one thought that I didn't like that person, then--then I know one thing, the Spirit of Christ has departed from me. If I--if I can feel that I don't like that person, there's something wrong with me.
46 Because the Spirit of Christ, when they... the... at--at crucifying Him, and His Own people driving the nails, and--and His very creation He created was putting the nails, that He created, back into His human flesh. And yet, with a heart full of love, He cried, "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing," you see.
47And I--I've come to that spot. I believe that people don't know what they're doing. It comes to the time to where the human being has, look like, become such a subject to evil until it--it's a pathetic thing. It seems like there--there's a shadow of darkness, just over the people, that presses them.
48 Like, for instance, this one thing. Crossing the nation around and speaking, and the Lord God identifying, vindicating His Word and showing that's exactly, and never let nothing be said unless it comes to pass exactly what He said, speaking it right into existence, and so forth, as He's been doing. And people sit and look at that, and continue right on in their same condition. See?
49See, not any disregarding, but like our sisters, many time when I speak to them about wearing those clothes, and cutting their hair, and little things. And man, how they'll continue on into their creeds, and--and serve under those creeds and things. And--and they're good people. They're fine people. But yet it seems like that they--they--they can't understand, look like they can't get it. Why? I go back the next year, and, instead of being any better, it's worse. It--it continues on. Here's a sister that once had lovely long hair, she cut it off. Here's a man that once looked like he took his stand and went out for the thing was right; he's right back in the... like a dog to its vomit, and a--and a hog to its wallow. See, goes right back out in it. It seems like there's something that has struck our people, it struck the world, that they don't seem to have the--the understanding, there's something's wrong.
50 Just like you notice man today, you don't find that genuineness in man. You don't find it in women. Now I'm not talking about... Reason I'm basing this, is get to "Shalom." See?
51But you notice the women in our day, they don't seem to have that ladylike they once had. They're just like they--they want to, but there's something won't let them do it. It seems like there's a heaviness. That, you tell a--a lady that she. should not do such-and-such a thing, and the lady looks upon That and believes That, she wants to believe That, but there's something that presses her the other way. See? Poor thing, I--I--I feel sorry for her. She's so caught in such a web of Hollywood, and the advertisements in television, radio, newspaper, on the street, in--in the store windows, with modern dress and so forth, and the way that other women meet her. And it seems to be that there is something that they just can't pull away from; our young people, our old people, our middle age.
52 There seems to be something among man. Man don't seem to be, have that masculine touch that he used to have. Women don't have that feminish touch she used to have. You take man today, man don't seem to be burly like they used to be. It's all some sort of a... They want to wear suede shoes with purple, and--and they want to act like women. Now that is true. It seems to be, more or less, like a perversion. A woman wants to cut off her hair and act like a--a man. And a man wants to act like a woman. See? And yet you can talk to them, and they're nice people to talk to, nice people, friendly, sociable people. What's caused this? It's that gross darkness upon the people, it's something that--that's pressed them into it.
53 Like the Jews was in the days that Jesus came to the earth, Isaiah had prophesied of it and said, "There would be, they would have eyes but couldn't see, and ears and couldn't hear." And that's the reason Jesus prayed their forgiveness, because it had to be that way to fulfill the Scripture.
54And it's returned again to us. The Bible has spoke of this day that we live, and said these things would come, "gross darkness upon the people." And we see it, that there's something that just, simply, the people want to but they can't.
55Nicodemus expressed it one time before the Lord, "Rabbi, we know that Thou art a Teacher come from God, for no man could do the things that you do if God wasn't with Him." But it was that darkness, or blindness, upon the Jewish race, that the Messiah might come to take from the Gentiles a Bride. They had to reject Him.
56 And that's the gross darkness that's upon the churches and things today, to fail to see the Light that's shining. See? See, there seems to be such a heavy press. We take some of the noted evangelists today, they are constantly screaming for a revival, and working right against It; see, not understanding, without understanding.
57And I don't say that in the--the motive of trying to say, "Now we've seen This, and, 'glory to God,' they--they're not in it." I'm not trying to--to say that in the... to get people to think, "Well, Brother Branham, you--you got the only Truth there is in the world." No, that is wrong. See?
58I'm only saying it in the Light of the hour that we're walking in, and for the benefit of people who are trying to seek this Light. Truly, Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him." No man will never see It. It's that predestinated Seed, and that only, is going to receive It. But we've come to that place again. The Bible said that, "You're the light of the world."
59 The prophet said, "Gross darkness upon the people," upon the people of the world at this time. And that's exactly what we've got, gross darkness upon the people.
60God, in His great mercy, as I have always preached and tried to stand for, that He always shows His--His events from heaven, His great major events, happens in heaven before it happens on earth. He reflects Himself. In other words, before Messiah came into a place where His ministry would start, there came forth a--a Star out of heaven that guided the man to the--the--the place where He was, the wise men. As you heard in my last Message how that God dealt with the--the wise men, and--and in the day that He--He turned them aside by a dream, and He told Joseph by a dream how to take care of the welfare of His Own Son. Because he had the dream, there was...
61 A dream is secondarily, something off to one side, 'cause people can have dreams that's not right. But there was no prophet in the land in that day, see, there was no prophet, therefore God had to use what He had to use with. And teaches us that--that God can use every faculty and everything that we do, if it's consecrated to Him. But it first must be consecrated to Him. Let your--your meditations, which really reflects your dream, see, 'cause it's your subconscience. If you'll watch a dream, you'll see that it's something that you been thinking of, or something like that. Usually, you see. And let your mind be on God, then, see, so it reflects something for Him. And whatever you are, let it reflect Him.
62 Now, in the heavens above. Did you notice I'm looking on this, the--the Light on the picture there out of the Life Magazine, that the brother that lives here in this home has put on his wall, that triangle of Light.
63I just happened to run across my mind. If any of you have the Lamsa Bible translation, if you'll notice over the cover of it, is a triune, trinitarian light, a three-cornered light like a halo. And when Dr. Lamsa, a friend, my personal friend, was translating the Bible, that is the old Hebrew symbol of God in the true trinitarian way that He is; not three Gods, but three manifestations of the same God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Light is one complete circle of Light in a triangle shape, which means that God will dwell in three offices, the Fatherhood, Sonship, and Holy Ghost dispensation, all the same God.
64 But did you notice before the Seven Seals was revealed, before the great mysterious Light showed forth in the heavens up here at above Tucson, Flagstaff, where we were? Brother Fred, two of the man that was... the two men was with me that morning. When, that had been told months and months ahead of time, would happen. Both Brother Fred Sothmann and Brother Gene Norman sitting here this morning, when it... was there when the blast went off, and not knowing these things would take place. And He sent me back, said that the time was at hand for these Seven Seals which held the seven mysteries of the entire Bible, was sealed in with these Seven Seals. And how these angels down along the road, messengers of the Church Ages, opened to a certain part of that. But in the seventh hour, the seventh messenger, that all these mysteries should be finished. See? The seventh earthly messenger, see, this angel that He speaks of then was on earth. An angel means "messenger." And then, after that, he saw another Angel coming down, not the earthly angel that had been given the Message here, but the (another) mighty Angel came from Heaven with a rainbow over Him, and set His foot on the land and sea, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever, "Time shall be no more." See? But before He broke forth on those Seven Seals to reveal them, that He showed miraculous, He showed it first in the heavens.
65That day they took pictures all across southern United States and Mexico. There it hangs now in the Life Magazine, still a mystery to them. But He declares it in the heavens before He does it on earth. He always does that. He shows His signs in the heavens first.
66 And even in the Zodiac. I'm not going back to teach Zodiac, but I'm just showing you the heavens declare It. In the Zodiac we find out, in the constellations of the stars, that He declared the whole Bible in the constellation of the--of the Zodiac. We find out there that He starts off, the very--very first figure in the Zodiac is the Virgin, and the last figure in the Zodiac is Leo the Lion; showing that Jesus would come first to the earth by a Virgin, He'll come the second time as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. See? He goes through the crossed fishes just before that. Cancer Age, what we're living in now. "And all the heavens declare Him," the Bible said.
67 Now, a few months ago I preached, for a series of meetings at the tabernacle, on The Seven Church Ages. You, perhaps, all have heard them. And when I finished drawing out on the blackboard the Seven Church Ages, how the Light come in and how the Light went out. And I guess you have that, perhaps, here somewhere; but it's among us, anyhow, we know. And the strange thing, on the last day when the last Church Age was drawed out, this great Pillar of Fire (which is among us) came down among hundreds of people, and took Itself back to the back wall of the tabernacle. And there, before these hundreds, drawed those Church Ages, darkening and lightening, just exactly the way I had it drawed on the board. Mysteriously!
68 Now, the other day, we've had in the event of the history of the church now... In the--the Bible, the moon represents the "church," and the sun represents "Christ." For we find that in Revelation, the 12th chapter, the woman which was the "church," she was found with the moon under her feet and the sun at her head, twelve stars in her crown. Which, the--the old Orthodox Jewish law was under her feet, she had crossed over that into the light of the sun. Twelve stars are the "twelve apostles" that brought the messages to us, now, under the Holy Spirit. Now we find that the moon in the heavens is to reflect the light of the sun, in the absence of the sun. It gives us--it gives us light to get around. But it's still... No matter how much it reflects, it's still not the perfect light, because it is reflecting. And the sun shines against the moon, and the moon reflects its light in the absence of the sun. But when the sun comes up, then the moon is not needed no more.
69And today the Church is reflecting the Light of the absent Son of God. The Church is a reflection of the Light. Because He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the age. The works that I do," Lights that He made manifest. And there's no Light except through the Word of God. There was...
70 That sun is the Word of God. In the beginning, God said, "Let there be light." And when the manifested Word of God, when the Word of God was manifested, there was light. First, God spoke it. What if it didn't manifest? Then it wasn't light yet. But when He spoke it, and then it was manifested, vindicated, His Word was a-vindicated, light come into existence.
71And that's the only way it can be done now, is when the Word is vindicated, God's written Word vindicated, then it shows Light. It's, a portion is lit, or put out for each age. We find it in the Church Ages, we find it in the Old--the Old Testament church ages. Each time that there come a time for a--a certain manifestation of the journey, there was a prophet came to the earth. And the Word came to the prophet, and he made that Word live. And when that Word was identified, it reflected God. And there was the--the age, there was the Light. And that's the way Light comes today.
72 Now, I have nothing against any denomination, people. But I have all that I can think about against the systems, because they're wrong. And the first system that ever rose up, was the--the Roman system of the Roman Catholic church. That was the first organization that ever was organized, was the Roman Catholic church, Nicaea Rome. About three hundred and twenty-five years after the death of Christ, 325, came forth the Roman church organization that put the people together and blanded out anything else that was contrary to it. That's where they got their strange doctrines and started off in a system away from the Word. And now that church, since that time, has exactly reflected darkness, because at that time we go through, what we call, "the Dark Ages," about a thousand years. It's known to all historians and Bible scholars, and so forth, as the Dark Ages, is when the Roman church controlled everything.
73And this Roman church is "the--the mother of harlots," the Bible said, in Revelation 17, "she was a whore, and the mother of harlots." Now, that is immoral, unclean living of a woman. Both of them is the same thing, both the same. So if--if harlot, it would have to be a woman. So therefore, you notice it's not harlot, but "harlots." See? She is "her," singular, "whore." Then the churches is called "harlots," daughters of the Roman whore. She is the mother of all of it, the mother of organization.
74 And is it not a strange thing, that in this day that when we have come through all these things, and the Message has crossed the earth against organization, It's blasted it from right to left, that, in this hour that's been told since 1933, when the Holy Spirit gave me that visions and showed me the end time, seven things that I spoke of, and five of them has already happened, perfectly, right on; like Germany and--and Italy and all the wars, and the national things (seldom speaks to me on those things). But they happened just exactly the way He said they'd happen. How Mussolini would go to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia would fall at his step, and then how that he'd come to a disgrace, and be spit on by his own people; and disgraced, hung upside down, with that prostitute that he lived with, on the street. How that the Americas would go to war with Germany, they'd take an awful beating at a place called, a great line where there would be concrete fortified in there, I believe it's called the Siegfried Line. And there's one called Maginot, I believe that was the French. Was that right? And the Siegfried Line was the German line. And the Lord let me see that, eleven years before it was built. And they never would admit getting a beating on it, the Americans wouldn't, till they almost sunk the complete army. When they went in there, the Germans had their guns just trained right out on that fleet, and let it get right in there, and almost sunk it. And I seen that, eleven years before the line was ever--ever a foundation was ever poured for it, or anything, the Siegfried Line. And all these other things, like machines and automobiles, and--and how everything has come right down exactly what He said, until a woman ruling this nation, which, perhaps, is the church. And then the end come.
75 Now we find that in this, all this thing and how I've blasted against organization, isn't it a strange thing that the pope of Rome would leave Rome for his first time to go back to Jerusalem? And doing this... Jerusalem is known the oldest church in all the world.
76When Melchisedec met Abraham from the slaughter of the kings, he was the King of Jerusalem, a Priest, which was Christ, it was God; no one else could be Melchisedec but Christ Himself, God Himself, rather, see, God Himself, because he was without father and without mother. See? Jesus had both father and mother, see. So this Man was without father, without mother, without beginning of days or ending of life. And whoever He was, He still lives. And He was King at that time, of Salem, which is interpreted, "King of Peace, Shalom." King of Jerusalem, who met Abraham and give him wine and bread, communion, after the battle. A very beautiful type there in the 7th chapter of Hebrews, we find it. Now, gave him bread and wine after the battle was over. As He...
77That's the first thing we'll take after we enter into the New Kingdom, we'll eat it anew with Him in the Father's Kingdom, the bread and wine. "I'll not drink the fruit of the vine, nor eat the bread anymore, until I eat it with you, anew, in the Father's Kingdom, and at that day."
78 Now, now when we find out that after King Shalom was in the... come from the city, then creed took it over, later. And it's constantly been creed, but it represents the old church. And we're taught in the New Testament, don't fail to get this, in the New Testament that we are not of this city Jerusalem, on earth, but we are from the New Jerusalem, above. So this must be the moon, Jerusalem, and not the New Jerusalem, above. So the moon representing the church, earthly.
79And isn't it strange that just before the pope took his journey to Jerusalem, that the moon in the heavens made a total blackout, just a few days before he took it, his journey. He's coming here also, you know, see. Now that's never been known, see. But what does it show? That, this, he's doing this to win fellowship as he met on the day after he come into Jerusalem, he met the Greek Orthodox hierarchy. And what does that reflect? Fellowship, they're wanting Protestants and Catholicism joining together, which they are doing and will completely do. And God reflected this to us, in the moon, of a total blackout. By His mercy and grace...
80 Did any of you see the paper where they took the pictures of the moon? I have it here. If it ain't a perfect image, leaving out the seventh age which is not yet, exactly the way I drawed by the Holy Spirit, the Church Ages. There's the six of them, the seventh is not finished yet. The six conditions of the moon, how in its brightness in the first church age; dark in the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth; just the way the Holy Spirit let me draw them on the board, and then identified them with Hisself on the wall of the tabernacle, two years ago. The moon reflects itself, and science again picks up the picture of the, Church Ages, just as they picked up that Light yonder and put it in Life Magazine, of the opening of the Seals, of the revealing in the age of the seventh angel. In the days of his ministry, the seventh messenger, the mysteries of God, which all the mysteries has been along the ages, should be revealed, made manifest, it should be at that time. And He did it! His words don't fail. Isn't that a mysterious thing? God drawing in the heavens the same thing that they hold, same God let me draw on the blackboard, and then by Himself. That's three times He's perfectly identified it, and just before the pope goes into Jerusalem.
81 Which, that was the church, the moon is the church, represents the church. And before the church, the shadow of the world crosses the moon. And the shadow of worldlyism, the shadow of worldliness, worldly church, has swept across to blackout the entire Light of the Bible. The world got in the Light of the reflection. Do you understand? The world crossed in the light of the moon, and blinded out the sun. And the reflection of the moon that's supposed to be giving light to the earth, it was blacked out. And It come in and drawed the pictures just exactly like It did, by inspiration, before it happened.
82Now that, I believe, Sister Simpson, was the Tucson paper. I don't know if Sister Simpson knew... She didn't understand it then. She said, "I cut out some pictures for you, and some notes, out of the paper," handed it to me.
83And I thought something strange. I went in there and picked it up, and looked at it, I said, "There it is, just exactly, see, just what I've been looking for." And there it was in the paper.
84 Sister Simpson might tell you what paper it's in, if you want to get a copy of it. [Sister Simpson says, "It's December the 28th."--Ed.] And--and what say? ["It's the evening edition of December the 28th."] Evening edition of December the 28th.
85See, before he went to Jerusalem to block out its Light, or what access it does have. What time, position, and what rights It has to shine, now it's cutting It off altogether, for the last age, the seventh church age where she goes into darkness. What a great thing the Lord is telling us. In everything, It's never failed but what God in the heaven has declared it and told it, looked to it, and here has identified it and a-vindicated it, that it is the absolute Truth.
86 Darkness, this Laodicea Church Age. Now when Jesus, which is the Word, in the Laodicea Church Age was on the outside of the church, knocking at the door, trying to get in. Darkness, gross darkness upon this people. Was the Bible right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
87The perfection of the Scripture, glory of His great Name. The pope's visit was a sign of the churches blackening out His manifested... The manifested Light of the world was the Bible. Jesus said He was the Light of the world. The Bible said that He is the Word. And the manifested, or the vindicated, Scripture is the Light. Now you'll not be permitted to do it when this takes a hold. And we seen it foreshadowed, told by inspiration before it happened; foreshadowed by the moon, and shows it happening, and here it is taking place.
88 The hour is upon us, darkness, gross darkness. Gross darkness on the people now, that's what it is. What does it all mean? Where we standing? What hour are we in? How close are we to the Coming? Well, you say, "When all they have a revival."
89"Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." All right.
90What does it mean? God has begin to separate the Light from the darkness, see, pressing it behind, like He did in the beginning, to show the dawn of a new day. The Church Ages are fading out. Pardon me. The Church Ages are fading out. God is pressing the darkness into a place, it has to do it, to fade out the church organizations, fade out the world. The world is covering the thing over, and worldlyism has took the whole thing. Then isn't God right? By worldly things, and worldly dressing, and worldly acting, and worldly living, it's the world!
91You are not of the world, little children. You are of Heaven. This is not your Home.
92Why should I look, to us older people, try to look back and get young again? We can't do that. But we're looking forward, not looking back. Looking here, what has been, and we want to know what's going to be. And we're looking for that hour, pressing for it.
93 So many good, sincere people today are caught away in these creeds, these churches and organizations, "having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof," as Second Timothy, 3rd chapter, says so.
94Gross darkness, blinding of Israel, was for the lightening of the Gentiles. Now the blinding of the Gentiles is the lightening of Israel. It's just like the day and night; one side has got darkness, the other side has got light; and then the light comes over on the other side. So the--the moon passing the way it did, and the reflection of the darkness of the world blinding out its light, is a reflection to us that the Gentile church age is finished. The Church is making herself ready, been making herself ready for a time, it's time for the Rapture. For darkness is fading upon the Gentiles, and dawn will soon break upon the Jews. The sun has traveled from the East to the West, and we're on the West Coast. The Light can only do one thing, go back East, on the other side. You understand, do you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Light can only go back East again, to where it began at, Israel. God blinded them for a while, but the--the darkness now is pressed upon the Gentile world that's covered the whole thing. The Gentiles will trod down Jerusalem until the Gentile dispensation will be finished. Jesus said so. And now it's finished, gross darkness upon the people! God reflecting it in the skies, as He has shown it on earth before it all happens. We're in it.
95 Good people caught in this thing, good people, sincere people. Like Mary and Joseph, they were very sincere, see, thinking He was with them, when He wasn't. Mary and Joseph, you know, when they was up to the feast, Jesus, the age of twelve, they thought, presuming, He was with them, but He wasn't. Good people today think the same thing, they, these people that's organized in this Council of Churches, these people in these organizations, they--they think they're doing a good thing. They're presuming He's with them, when they're not. See, many people think that He was with them when they shook hands with the preacher and put their name on the book, but He wasn't. Many people thought, when they were sprinkled, confirmed, baptized in name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," thinking He was with them. They're good people. Mary and Joseph was good people. But the facts was, He wasn't there! Don't presume anything.
96 What is Light? The vindicated, spoken Word of God! Outside of that, there's no Light. See? You can't lighten the earth with flashlights. It takes God's Word that's made manifest, the Son.
97They were good people. Notice the accuracy of His Word, how perfect It is. Did you notice what Mary said? Now to you dear Catholic people, I've nothing against you. I've nothing against you. It's the system that you're in. And you Protestants, the same thing. It's the systems!
98"Mary, mother of God"? Find out, a twelve-year-old Boy, of her own son, had to set her in order. There's not one time in the Bible where Jesus ever called Mary His "mother." She wasn't His mother. How could she be a mother of God? She was only a womb that He used to come to the earth, to be manifested to the earth, through the womb. There's nothing to her at all, not one Scripture ever said "mother."
99 Notice how Mary is so wrong, but His Word is so perfect. She said to Him when... She found Him in the temple, at twelve, discussing with the theologians. He astounded them, as a twelve-year-old Boy; not even in school, or, if it is, we have no record of it. But a twelve-year-old Lad confounding the--the sages in the temple, at His wisdom. She said, "Thy father and I have sought Thee with tears." "Thy father!" The mother herself, supposingly, said, "Thy father Joseph and I have sought Thee with tears."
100What did He say to her? "Know ye not that I must be about My Father's business?" If He had been about Joseph's business, He'd a-been making houses, or in a carpenter's shop. But He wasn't Joseph's son. "I'm about My Father's business," correcting these denominations and creeds and things I hear of. See? "I'm about My Father's business." He never admitted Joseph was His father. But Mary did, and He turned back around and straightened her out.
She said, "Your father and I have sought You."
101He said, "I'm about My Father's business," showing Joseph wasn't His father. His Words are perfect, see.
102 But Mary and them, just presuming that. Well, see what it was, she got carried away. She--she got... She wanted to show before these priest and things that--that--that she wasn't the type of woman. And she, in doing that, she absolutely tore the foundation out from under her testimony, after she had testified that an Angel had come to her, "And said, 'Thou shall conceive and bear a Son, knowing no man, a virgin-born Son.'" And here before the high Sanhedrin, she says, "Joseph, Your father here, and I, have sought You."
103And that twelve-year-old Boy said, "I'm about My Father's business." He rebuked her, "That isn't My Father!"
104 See the church today, carried away with councils and--and things of the world, now she's blacked out. God is rebuking her!
105Never did Jesus ever call her "mother." One day she came to visit Him at His meetings, in a house something like this. Someone come, said, "Outside the door there, Your mother and brothers wait for You."
106He said, "Who is My mother, My brothers? Who are they?" Looked around upon His disciples, and said, "They that do the will of My Father, is My mother, My brother, My sister, so forth. That's who it is."
107And at the cross, when He was dying, He said to John, the young disciple, He said, "Behold thy mother." "Woman, behold thy son." "Son, behold thy mother." See, never claimed, Himself. It wasn't her Son. It was God's Son. She was just a womb.
108This is a house this morning, but it's not the Church. The Church is in you, Christ. The spirit of the mortals that's sitting here, met together in heavenly places. It's Christ, not the house. The house is all right, it's serving its purpose, but it's only used for a meeting place. Mary was only a womb that He used to come to the earth, to be identify Himself amongst the people. Not the "mother of God," no more than this house is the Church of God. It's just used for that.
109 Yeah, many friends think now, people, good people like Mary and Joseph, think that--that He's with them in doing this. But as they were then, so are they now, mistaken. They thought they was with Him, but they wasn't. But when they was baptized, people might have thought, oh, I--I received Him when I accepted Him and was baptized. That isn't it. Till a spoken Word reflects itself!
110 But, the Elected, what about the Light now? I've been talking so much on the dark, and I got half my time up, eleven-thirty. Now let's turn it back around; gross darkness is upon the people, now what about the Light? He said gross darkness would be upon the people, but there would be Light, "Rise, and shine, for the Light has come." How can there be darkness and Light, it's got to be separated. And only one thing separates it, the Word manifested, separates, It presses it to the other side of the... Here's the darkness on the earth, but when the manifested Word of God, the sun, which it was spoken into existence by the Word, shows itself, darkness runs to the other side. And that's what's taking place now, darkness separating itself from the Light. Now to the elected Church in this dark hour... Which, we could stay on that for hours, but I think I've said enough till you understand what--what the Scripture means, when I said, "gross darkness upon this people."
111 Now I say to the Church, "Shalom. God's peace." Peace! Every true Hebrew, when he meets another one, "Shalom." Other words, "Good morning! God be with you! God's peace go with you!" It's a "Good morning! How do you do?" It's breaking day, Church. It's darkness upon the people, but it's "Good morning" to the Church. Christ is appearing among us. "Shalom. Peace." Hallelujah! "Shalom."
112When we see darkness settling, darkness just before day, we know that the morning star is hanging yonder to introduce the coming sun. It's, that's when the morning star shines. It's--it's--it's the going-between. It's always darkest just a few minutes before day, the blackout comes, the moon fails to shine. The darkest before day, is because the light is pressing the darkness. But the morning star comes out and says, "Good morning. Shalom."
113 That's Him among us, His Word being identified. Shalom. The great day is fixing to break, when the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair, when His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the sky. When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Our names are on His Book, we'll be there. "Shalom. Good morning. Peace be unto you."
114The darkness is separating itself from the Light. God's causing it, the Light's doing it. See, the Light's pressing Itself in such a way until the darkness has to congregate together. They had a chance to accept It and they wouldn't do it, so it's condensed itself. And they do that by the putting the church together, and the Council of Churches, and uniting it with the pagan darkness. When they so firmly disagree with one another, but yet they had to go together to make the night come upon the people.
115 Isaiah 60:1 says, "Arise, and shine, for the Light is come to you."
116Rise, and shine, the Light has come. The Word, Light, is vindicated again. The Light vindicated again, God's Word, so that you can see God manifested in His promise of the Light of the day, or the Word given to this age, see, these promises that's made for this day, these promises that was said by the prophets, and by Jesus Himself. In this day! "God, in sundry times..." Hebrews 1, "God, in sundry time, in divers manners spake to their fathers through the prophets, but in this last day through His Son, Jesus Christ." See?
117 The great Light that hung in the wilderness which was, that Moses forsook Egypt, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt.
118The same One that met Saul on the road down to Damascus. A great Light hung before Him, that same Light, same Pillar of Fire. Saul, being a Hebrew, would never worship any spirit or anything, or call it "Lord," in the position he was in. He said, "Lord, who are You?"
119He said, "I'm Jesus." (Jesus said, "I come from God, and I go to God.")
120That same Light has come. To what? To manifest, to--to make known to the people the promises that He's made for this day, manifested Light of the day. The darkness is darkened.
121 When He come, he was the Light of the day. There was supposed to come a Messiah. And He came just exactly like God said He did, would come. And when He did, what was He? The Light of the day. And It pressed the darkness so against Him! Is that right? He had to give His Life that the Light continue, could shine. He was the Light of the day. But why, why was He the Light of the day? He was the vindicated Word that had been spoken, made manifest. No more than...
122God said over this dark, gloomy, dismal, mossy world that stood here without light, He said "let there be light." And it wasn't light until that Word was manifested, then it was light.
123He said, "There will come a Saviour, a Messiah." It still wasn't manifested until He come to manifest that promise. And when He vindicated that promise, He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life; and They are They that testify of Me."
124They said, "We know not whence Thou comest, we are Moses' disciples."
125He said, "If you were Moses' disciples you would know Me, for Moses wrote of Me." See? He was the manifestation. He was the a-vindication of the spoken Word of God by Moses.
126 And today that we're now living in, God has come on the scene to a-vindicate and prove His promises. So, it's the Light of the hour, so we can rise and shine. The Light shines upon us again today, the Word is being made manifest. It's the Light.
127Just like that light's shining out there, the sunshine, this morning. That's God's spoken Word, there's nothing else can give light like that. There's nothing can do it. Any artificial light burns out in a little bit, and bulbs and everything else. But that never fails, for it's the spoken Word of God made manifest.
128Little denominational creeds will bust a bulb, and blow a bulb, and knock a fuse, and everything else. But the Word of God shall never fail! It'll be Itself, always, the Word.
129I'm afraid I'm going to run overtime a little bit here. Or, or it's all right to go ahead and finish this message, isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.
130 Rise, and shine, for the Light has come to you. The Word, Light, is vindicated.
131The only way, as God was, Jesus Christ was the manifestation of God's spoken Word, the Light of the hour.
132John the Baptist was the Light of the hour. He was the Light before Jesus was Light. The prophet Isaiah said, "A voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord, and make straight His path." That was the spoken Word of God, It was laying there, hadn't come to life yet. Malachi, the last prophet, four hundred years before it taken place, he said, "Behold, I send My messenger before Me, to prepare the way of the Lord." Here come one out of the wilderness, without denomination, without creed, without identification. But his Light identified him. The Word identified him.
They said, "Are you the Messiah?"
133He said, "I'm not! But I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord!'"
134Jesus said, "You did walk in his Light." He was a bright and shining Light for a while. Why? Until the way was prepared, then his Light went out.
135You can't walk in that light, you Baptists, This is the Light of the hour! The Light has come. Rise, and shine. The Word, Light. Word, the manifested Word of God (identified) is a Light.
136 Now what about the new year that we're facing? We could have more to say on this in-between, from the darkness to the Light, the introducing of the Light coming between, but now we want to get right straight to the new year. All right.
137New year, new year, what about it? Brings new hope. We're one year closer. We're one day closer than we was yesterday. We're one hour closer than we was when I started, fifteen--fifteen minutes to eleven, it's fifteen till twelve now. We're one hour closer! We don't look back, we look forward. See? Oh! Yes, sir. New year doesn't mean turning a new page. Huh-uh. No.
138 Like the man one morning; I was heard it. A man got up early and went out and picked up the paper, come back, and set down, put his feet up on the divan, put his glasses on, begin to read the paper. His wife, out getting breakfast, she said, "John, anything new?"
139Said, "No. Same old thing, just new people." Yeah. That's right. Murders, rape and everything, somebody else done it, see. True.
140 Not turn a new page. It's, turn to the Word, see what the Word promises for today, see what the Light of the day is supposed to be. What we ought to do this year is not go back to creeds and things, go back to our old denominations, not go back to old denominations; but turn to the Word, see what kind of a Light is supposed to shine today. Oh, church, turn to the Word, get back to the Word, flip the right switch, quit punching around on electric lights, see, artificial, man-made. Turn to His Word and see the promise of today. And then see what the promise is, and watch for its identification. When it's vindicated, then you know whether you're in Light or not. See what the promise is.
141Changing the pages or changing calendars doesn't change time. A lot of people say, "Well, the old year's gone, throw away the old December calendar now and put up the other one, a new year." That, that's what new year's means to them.
142To me, I want to see what's promised for the day. I want to know what the Light of the hour is, so I can know how to walk in it. I want to know where I'm living, what age I'm in, how far up the road am I.
143As Paul said, I could stand quoting again, "Forgetting those things that are in the past, now I press towards the mark, the high calling," to the complete identification, when all time will fade out into Eternity when Jesus comes.
144 Do as David did, put your future into His hands. Don't look to anything else, but put your... David said here, he said--said, "My time is in His hands." You notice here in the Psalms where we read it, in 62, "My time is in His hand. He is my rock." What is He? "He is revealed to me. He is the revealed Truth. My time is in His hands." Amen. Oh, my! There you are.
145My time belongs to Him. I am His. I'm in His hand because He holds the time. I don't know what the future holds, but I know He holds the future. So, He Who holds the future holds me. So why should I think about setting forth this, that, the other for the new year? I just put myself in His hands, walk like David did, "my time is in His hand," knew that God held the future. David didn't know what the future was, but he knowed God had the future. I don't know what the future is, none of us do. But we know He holds the future.
146 Patience. Patience. Some of us get so, some of us gets in such a hurry. I think a many a good man has done that. You get in too--too much of a hurry. You want to, see, you want to do it yourself.
147And minister brethren, you know from when I'm talking, you that's listening to this tape. I'm talking to you, not only to the little congregation here, but men around the world.
148Many men go out, impatient; but believing that the time is near, you try to do something within yourself. Wait upon the Lord. Patience is virtue. If you can have patience, it's virtue. It's virtue if you... "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Not they that try to get ahead of the Lord, they that try to tell the Lord, "Lord, I know You want me to do this, and glory to God I..." Don't do that. Wait upon the Lord. The Bible said, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."
149 God took thousands of years to fulfill His promise of a coming Saviour. But, remember, He knowed it all the time, when it was coming. There were many people rose up and tried to be messiahs. Many churches tried to produce messiahs. But God had the time set for His Messiah. He was in no hurry. See?
150And, during the time of this, He showed many types of Messiah. He showed it all the way from Adam to the Messiah, first and last Adam; one of them of the world and the other One of Heaven, one earthly and the other One Heavenly, One come down from Heaven and the other one come off the earth. But promised a Messiah, He took thousands of years to fulfill it.
151Showed in Joseph exactly what He was. Joseph portrayed Him.
152David portrayed Him. When David was a rejected king, went up on top the hill and looked back and wept over Jerusalem, as a rejected king, that was Jesus in David. Eight hundred years later, stood upon Jerusalem as a rejected King, said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen does her brood, but you would not."
153 Look at Joseph, born among his brethren, the patriarchs; not the last one (next to the last one; Benjamin was the last one), but just before the last, see, just before it. Hated of his brothers, loved of his father. He was hated because he was a spiritual man. He could interpret dreams, they were exactly right. He could see visions, foretell things that would happen. And they hated him. He was sold for thirty pieces of silver.
154What did they hate Jesus for? They called Him Beelzebub because He was the Word, and the Word can discern the thoughts that's in the hearts. They hated Him. And they sold Him for thirty pieces of silver.
155 He was throwed into a pit, Joseph was, supposingly to being dead. His bloody coat was left behind, like Jesus' bloody garment that was taken up from the cross, the robe that He wore, to identify His death. But what did God do to Joseph? He brought him up out of the pit, set him at the right hand of Pharaoh. And no man could see Pharaoh, only see Joseph. And when Joseph left the palace, trumpets blowed and a proclamation went forth, "Every knee bow, Joseph is approaching."
156The same thing, Jesus. He was taken from the pit, supposingly where He was dead, and raised up and sits at the right hand of the Majesty. "No man has seen God at any time, but the only Begotten of the Father. And when He leaves there, the trumpets will sound, and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess." See, He's the Prince of prosperity. Look what Egypt done then, it saved the whole world, a drought come on. So, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man. The knee, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to Him being.
157He was all showed in types, but God knew exactly when He would come. He knowed exactly when He come. No matter how many they had before that, He had His Messiah. He showed them in types, what was coming.
158 Just exactly like He showed us the Seven Church Ages, what would come. Just exactly what He showed us what would come when He set that Light up there, in revelation to it, to show the world. When He sent the seven Angels to reveal the seven messengers that had been down through there, and show the loose ends, each Angel coming each day and revealing the loose ends that Luther left, and Wesley left, and Pentecost left, is all represented in there. And in the very type and shadow of the great Shalom, Jehovah, Jvhu. See? Exactly. Throwed It in the skies, and there is the mechanical eye taking a picture of It. See? Thank the Lord!
159Shalom! Peace! Don't be weary, Jesus is here. His great Light has come to us, and we're thankful for It, yes, His Word, the great mystery. Here He is today manifesting Himself, doing the same as He did then, just the same. Doing the very same thing.
160 We are creatures of time. He's God of Eternity. We try to press ourself, we try to make something different, "Oh, this has got to be done." Remember, He knows all about it. It's going to happen, anyhow. Let Him do it. Just commit yourself to Him.
161Look up, and shine with joy of the Lord, to know that you've been privileged, your eyes have come open and see this day. Trust in Him for the future. You've seen Him vindicate His Word in days past. He that vindicated His Word in days past and made all these other things happen just exactly to the hour that we're living, everything exactly, to the seventh angel's Message, both showed It in heaven, on earth, and made It made known three ways so there can't be no slip-up, remember, He promised He'd come again. Hallelujah! That Word will be a-vindicated. God's promised Word, with two thousand years of waiting, He will arrive on time! Don't be weary, He'll be here. As He has a-vindicated His Word in every age, the Church Ages show the same thing, and the revealing of our Lord by the seventh Message, and so forth. God revealed it, manifested it, and proved it. And in among us today, He showed Himself here with us, and proved and a-vindicated His Word. So will He!
162 There will be a Millennium. The old will be young there for ever. Sickness will fade away and death will be no more. They shall build houses, they will inhabit them. They'll plant vineyards and eat the fruit thereof. They'll not plant and another inhabit (his son take it), his son will be living by him. He'll not plant and another eats, die off and somebody else take it; but he'll live there. Amen. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together. And the lion shall eat straw like the bullock, and a child shall lead them around. There'll be--there'll be innocence. There'll be--there'll be--there'll be nothing could hurt. We'll be changed from what we are now, to that glorious image of the Son of God Which is immortal. Years can never touch Him, age can never do anything to Him, He's the immortal Son of God. So we know that--that we're at the end time. We're at the junction. All these things thoroughly identified, so will it be identified again.
163 Now, the future, He holds it. How do I know when He's coming? When is He coming? I don't know, but He'll be here. That's right. When will He do thus and thus? When will the curse go off the earth? When will these blessed reflections of God's love, of trees standing here and shining out, and the flowers and things, when will they immortal grow? I don't know, but they will. When will all the reflection of men's hearts desiring to live, and hospitals and doctors and operations, and crying and grief, when will it all cease, to a glorious reign with Jesus of a thousand years of Shalom? When will it? I don't know. He said it would be there. I don't know how He's going to do it, but His spoken Word will be a-vindicated when the Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings. And the healing part there will not be a physical healing as you think, as saying somebody's got a sickness and it'll be taken away from them. That's what He's doing now, in type. But the whole creature will be changed! This mortal will take on immortality. This old age will jump into youth. Amen. Well, how will it be? I don't know, but it'll be there.
164 I'm getting old, myself. This year, if the Lord lets me live to see the 6th of April, I'll be fifty-five years old, an old man. But I'm not looking... I don't want to go back to be a boy again. I want to press towards that mark yonder, for what purpose I came for. About thirty-something years now I've stood behind this desk, from a little boy of twenty-something years old, about twenty-one, twenty-two years old, I've tried to proclaim this Message. And every ounce of my strength I've put to It. If my shoulders stoop and my hair turns gray and falls out, I don't look back to that, it'd come to it again. I'm looking yonder to the break of a day where the a-vindicated Word of God said "not one hair of your head shall perish, and I'll raise it up again at the last days." How is He going to do it? I don't know. But I trust the...
165 The new year, I don't know what it holds, but I know He holds it. That's the hopes of new year I have. If He comes, Amen. If He doesn't come, I'll still be working if He spares me. I just trust the future to Him. I don't know what it is, I just trust it to Him. You've seen Him a-vindicate His Word, so you know it's going to be done. His Word!
You say, "Brother Branham, how do you get that?"
166Well, let me give some thought here just a minute. Do you know what a sympathy is? I know you do. It's a music, it's a drama. See, they act it out.
167Now, you little children, so you'll understand. You remember in--in school, I believe you have a... What is that little Russian sympathy, sometimes they--they act out on the drums, you know it's called, isn't it the... about the--the little woodpecker, you know, that got down into the woods; and they had the fluttering, the beating on the drums and things. And you hear it all as you go through the symphony, as they play it. I forget the name of that, "Peter and the Wolf." That's right, "Peter and the Wolf." Now, that's a--that's a Russian sympathy. See, they don't--they don't have little--little figures flying around, play it out, but they play it on drums [Brother Branham knocks on some wood--Ed.], and then [Brother Branham knocks on something else], and make the drums and the sounds and things. It plays it out, it acts it. So, you'll understand what Brother Branham is trying to say. See?
168 Now to you adults, the Scripture is God's Symphony. Yes. Hallelujah. Only the Composer knows what it really means and He reveals it to those who are listening, who are interested in knowing what the drama is. But you'd have to know about a sympathy first, see. It's not just something you see, it's the--the changing, the junctions of the Word, of the music. It throws; sometime it's going this way for a while, a certain beat, after a while it changes all around. What is it? To you who wouldn't understand It or don't know nothing about It, not interested in It, it's just a racket, it's a fuss. But to those who know about It, they're watching for It, they know It's coming. Hallelujah!
169 So we have these times of symphonies of the Symphony of God's Word, that the whole drama changes. You who are interested, listen for that change. You know it's getting close. You hear the way the drums are beating, amen, want something to happen. You know this is a change, see, it's going to break out into a burst in a few minutes. See? And you're watching for it, you can tell the way the drums are timing. O God! If you can hear the drums of the finish now, if you can hear the echo of the music of the Heavenly Word singing Itself out, "And it shall come to pass in the last days!" The sympathy of God's great drama that He's playing, It changes Him, His sympathy at the junctions. The composer and those who are interested, listen for the change. That's what all this stuff is to us, we're listening, we're watching. Every time He appears, something happens, we see the time getting close. We see back yonder not long ago when that Church Ages was being drawed out, we were listening. We seen it was right with the Word, beating with the Word. After a while, what happened? Here He come, Himself, and vindicated it.
170 We heard the Word say that, "In the days of the seventh angel." In the Church Age, He just said, "The seventh angel's Message would be the last Message." And then, oh, we find out over here in Revelation 10, "In the days of the Message of the seventh angel, the mysteries of God should be finished," the Seventh Seal would be pulled back. It should be there. Then all at once, when it's happening, a vision broke, said, "Go to Tucson, a great noise will take place at this time so you'll be thoroughly understanding and know that it's sent. It'll just shake the earth, nearly." All of you know about it. It's on tape, months before it happened. Then it happened! Then appeared in the sky. "Shalom!" What is it? It's a-changing beats, the sympathy.
171 Then one time He said about the Third Pull; how it would come by this one way, then by knowing the heart, and then the spoken Word.
172Jesus said, "Greater things than this will you do; for I go to My Father." John 14, "The works that I do, shall you do also; greater than this, for I go unto My Father." Just as I said a while ago, when Mary tried to identify Him as Joseph's son, He corrected her. His Words cannot fail! He said so, "Heavens and earth will fail, but My Words will not."
173When we hear the sympathy beating, changing, fixing to change, it's a junction time. We notice as He begin to--to beat, and we seen, "The works that I do, shall you do also, and greater shall you do." "Greater," He promised it. We wondered how it could be.
174 But did you notice when He performed His first miracle, He took water and turned it into wine. Is that right? He took water, which potentially someday might have been wine, but it was water first.
175And when He fed five thousand, what did He do? He took something that had been like water, He took a fish that once swam and was born from an egg, and He broke it, and another fish growed onto the creation that was the original creation. He took bread that was once wheat, and was a seed and become bread, and He broke from this bread and the creation only multiplied.
176 But in the woods, there was nothing there to make a squirrel. "Let there be," and there was, without anything to break it from. What is it? The same Jesus Christ! See? "Greater things than this will you do, for I go to My Father." Not take something that's been created, break something from it and multiply a creation, but absolutely create. Showing that He's the same Jehovah that stood back there and said, "Let there be," and there was. His Word was made manifest! When He was made flesh on earth, He took His original creation, broke it back and multiplied it. But now in the last days, when He comes down among us again, the same Light that moved down, said "let there be light," see, He just speak the creation into existence. "Greater than this will you do, for I go to My Father." Remember, we're at these times.
177 And the world don't understand, because, "It's a bunch of nonsense." Because they're not Methodist, the Methodist don't understand It. Because this, they ain't the Baptist, the Baptist don't understand It. Because It's not Catholic, the Catholic don't understand It. Because It's not Pentecostal, the Pentecostal don't understand It.
178But those who wait upon the Lord, those who are looking! Not one man that we have history of any observatory, knowing that Star that passed over. But the wise man followed It for hundreds of miles, for two years, they watched It and followed It. See what I mean? It's to those who are listening to the sympathy.
179 Remember, the Composer knows the end from the beginning. He knows all about it, that's the reason He could write it here. Correctly. Now you must begin with Him, you must begin. If you want to hear a sympathy, you begin with Him like in the music at the sympathy. You listen, you know what it says, it's going to be what the symphony is, then you begin to listen at the music. And you know what it is, so you know just about, "Here's where certain-certain things take place, now it's got to change." Now, to anybody else that don't know nothing about what they're... just walked in and set down, it's just a bunch of nonsense, rattling noise. But the one who knows what it is, it's beat out with the music, drummed out with the notes, it's--it's trumpeted with the trumpets, it's strung on the harp, it's played with the violin, it's--it's beat on the bass, it's sounded by the trumpets, it's beat on the drums. The whole thing together in rhythm, and it makes the--the drama till you can close your eyes and live in it. Hallelujah!
180 Man could close his mortal eyes to earthly sight and live in the Presence of Jesus Christ, when you see His Word being beat out in the great sympathy that we're living in now, changing. You must begin in the Symphony. The only thing you can do if you're in the Symphony, then you start, you begin to get into the rhythm. That's the way you do God. You don't stand off and look at it. You get into the rhythm of It! How do you get in there? You're borned into It, into the rhythm of the Word, when you become part of that Word.
181You had to become part of the dance to get out of the dance. You have to become part of the ball game, something you're interested in, to get in the ball game.
182 You have to become part of the Word, to know God's Sympathy. His Sympathy is when It's playing, you understand, you're marching with the beat of the time. You're watching for it, "The works that I do, shall you also; greater than this shall you do," these last days. Oh, my! The great changing of the time. We get into the beat, beat of the Word. Find His purpose, the hour that we're living. Get into the rhythm of it, how does... how He does it. If you get into the Word, you find out how He did it at the beginning, then you know how He's doing it all the time.
183How did He send His Message, first? What does He do? He doesn't deal with organizations. He never did, so He doesn't do it now. That's where, if you're listening to a rhythm of that Council of Churches, you're in darkness. But if you're listening to the rhythm of the Word!
184What did they kill Jesus for? "You, being a Man, make yourself God."
185 You got my Message on The Three Types Of Believers. How that one stood there and... There was the make-believers, they followed along for a while, making out like they believed. And one day Jesus said to them, said, "What will you think when the Son of man, which is from Heaven, ascends back into Heaven? I come from Heaven, going back to Heaven."
186Why, the multitude walked away, and said, "This is a hard saying."
187Then there come the make-believers that was walking with Him, the seventy, when they got something hard, they didn't see that it... they didn't know the Sympathy. They didn't know the Promise, that this Child was Jehovah, "His Name shall be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, The mighty God." And when He said, "When I ascend up to Heaven from whence I come from!"
188"Well," they said, "this is a hard Saying. Who can understand It? We know You're just a Man. We eat with You, we sleep with You, we're in the woods with You, we're by the waters with You. Well, You're merely a Man, and say the Son of man goes back up where He comes from? What will You say? This is a hard Saying!" See, they didn't know the beat. They didn't know the rhythm of the Sympathy of God's Word, that He was God manifested in the flesh, for He was the--the vindicated Word Light of the hour. They didn't get it. They said, "This is a hard Thing. Who can understand This?" And they turned away. They didn't know the beat, see.
189 Then we notice again, there was Judas, the make-believer, or the unbeliever, that waited till he found a fault. Then He turned to the disciples, said just the twelve, and Judas was one of them, He said, "You want to go, too?"
190Then Peter said, "Who would we go to, Lord? You're the Composer." Amen. "You know how it's going on. You're the only One that has the Word of Life. Where could we turn to? We couldn't go back to be a Pharisee, or a Sadducee, or a Heridian," or whatever it might be. "You're the One that has the Word of Life. We have no other place to go. We've, we've joined ourself to this great Concert. We are in here, we're listening, and we're in the rhythm. We believe that you are the Son of God, the manifested Jehovah. We're sure of this! We don't know what these great trials and troubles, and afflictions and things, and You saying You're 'going up to be offered up,' and all this, that, the other, and 'on the third day,' all this stuff. We don't understand That. But we're in, listen to God's Sympathy, we're a part of it. And we're waiting to see what takes place next, and we're following close with You." Oh, my! That's what I want to do. Promise.
191 How did He begin? Just like He did at the beginning. See? He never did send His Message to an organization. He never sent his group a Message, He sent one man. In the days of Noah, it was Noah. In the days of Moses, it was Moses.
192There's others thought one time, that they said, "Well, you would make yourself the only holy man in the bunch." God looked down upon that.
193Moses went to the Lord, "I've done this. What, what must I do?"
194He said, "Separate yourself from them. I'll take care of the rest of it. I sent you. It's My responsibility." And He opened up the earth and swallowed up Korah and all the gain. Always.
195 John and Jesus couldn't be the same time. Jesus... When John looked up, he said, "Now I must decrease, He must increase. He's the vindicated Light." So will this Light move on until he would find the full vindication comes. That's right. That's right.
196He is as He was at the beginning. That's how you start, how you start learning what God was. What did He do when He was here on earth? What kind of a life did He live? Did He agree, was He a compromiser? Did He go to the organizations? How did He identify Himself? "Search the Scriptures! You think... In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are the Ones that testify of Me." See, that's the same thing today or any other time. When you want Light, see what the Scripture says for this hour. All right.
197 Where do you begin, then? If there's a sinner here, you begin at the cross when you reckon yourself dead with Him. You've entered in then to the--to the great drama. You're listening, then, you're watching your sheet as you hold it in your hand, the--the--the Sympathy. You--you got a sheet in your hand that would tell you these things, where the changes of the music begins to make it act out, then you see what the act is. When you see God's Spirit fall upon people and do a certain thing, you look back and see where it's at. See if it's that, if that's the thing for today. Why, they had a sheet in their hand when Jesus came, of the Sympathy. Certainly, they did.
198Am I saying that word right, symphony, sympathy? I hope so. So then I just happened to think of it. Symphony? [Someone in congregation says, "Symphony."--Ed.] Symphony. That right? All right.
199 Now, they had a sheet in their hand, but what would they do? They were trying to look back to a beat that had all... a portion had already been played out. That's what the churches do today. They look back, see what part Luther played; the Lutherans does. They don't know the change of music. They don't know what God's doing today when He does these things, the Lutherans. The Pentecost say, "Oh, we got It." You got a sheet that played out fifty years ago. See? Certainly. Let's just keep this Word in our hands, and watch when the changes come, then we'll know what we're doing.
200Now, and begin with Him at the cross. "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the Music, the Direction," see, "His Word, the Holy Ghost that manifests the Word." Then follow through with the rhythm of the Word. What ever the Music beats for that hour, beat with It. See?
201 Many people asked, "Why?" They asked. They asked, sometime they ask me, "Why? Why must these things happen? What, why, why did this happen to me? Why did I start and this happen, and I--I had this trouble here, and this upset me here, and I lost this here?"
202Sometimes I've asked, "Why?" Why, when I was just a young minister, first started out, did God take my wife right out from under me, take my baby right from beneath me, right beneath my heart? Why did He do that? I didn't know. I do now. I just held my hand in His and kept trusting.
203He knows every junction. He knows the rhythm must... when it must take place. He knows what it takes to mold you, He knows what kind of material He's going to use. See? The backside of the desert sometimes, where God molds righteous men into sages and prophets. See? See? That's where men are beat out. Men are beat out, in the Word. When they got all kind of creed and stuff in them, let them come to the Word and God beats it right out of them, molds it right into This, into the great Sympathy with, of His Word. See? And then they see the Word moving on.
204 God knows when the rhythm of it has got to change. He knows how the rhythm goes. I don't know how it goes, but He knows. He knows how it goes, I don't. But I look at it here, and I say, "Well, it's just coming."
205"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth them out of them all." See? God has moved through history with the rhythm of the promise of His Word, in each age, in the same rhythm, making His Word. That's how God moved down through history, from all the way from Genesis to Revelation, He has moved through history with His Word. That's right, with the rhythm of--of the power of the Holy Spirit vindicating His Word to the Elected. Remember, He's never been able to touch the outside church. It's only the Elected.
206 Look at them priest, said, "This man is Beelzebub. He's a fortuneteller. Why, He--He--He's reading their minds."
207Little did they know, "The Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart." And He was the Word.
208But this little prostitute standing at the well that day, to get a bucket of water, she said, "I perceive that You're a Prophet. We know the Messiah's coming. We ain't had prophets for hundreds of years, but we know the Messiah is coming. And when He comes, that's what He's going to be."
209He said, "I am He." That was enough. Why? The rhythm beat out! She was looking for that change, from a church denomination to a vindicated Messiah. And here He stood, the Messiah that Moses spoke of, "The Lord your God shall raise a Prophet like unto me." There He is. The rhythm changed, the vindicated Seed recognized It.
210 And when the real Word of God falls upon the vindicated, upon the Seed, and they see that vindication of the Word, they recognize It. They're looking at the Word, they know the junction, they know the time, they know the change, they know the beat that's supposed to be in that hour. Hallelujah! They know the beat, they know the time, they know how it's supposed to go. See, only the Elected knows It.
211When Philip saw it, he couldn't stand it any longer, He knew that was Messiah. So he went to a fellow, they had had Bible study together. "Nathanael," he said, "come, see a Man. Come, see what we found, we have found Jesus of Nazareth. We found Jesus of Nazareth, that's the Prophet that Moses spoke of that would come. We found Him. We found Him."
212He said, "How can it be? I just... Where was He?" See, he wasn't... See, he didn't know the rhythm just exactly. They had been studying. But when he got there, he told him, introduced to him the Word.
213 And when he got there, Jesus said, "Behold an Israelite," the rhythm begin to take hold, the great drama was being played out there on the platform, or on the ground, that day. Maybe Jesus standing upon a rock, talking to the people. And when Philip come up with Nathanael, He looked over to him, and said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile."
He said, "Rabbi, when did You ever know me?"
214He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." Oh, my!
215He was part of it! He said, "Thou art the Son of God! Thou art the King of Israel." No matter what the--the world beats was, and all their shindigs they had of the--of the denominations, it wasn't that great Sympathy of God. Amen. He said, "Thou art the King of Israel! There You are! I see it. I know it." Why? He was Elected. The Elected Seed knows. It's always through every age, that they know it.
216 You say, "But, Brother Branham, what about my mother and dad, what about my people, what about my denomination, what--what will they do? They'll cast me out. Is it..." If you can't look ahead, look up. Don't try to look ahead, anyhow, put your hand in His. Let Him lead you. Look up, don't look ahead. You say, "Why, why others make fun of me about my long hair, and me taking off shorts, and about me leaving the church." Huh! Suffering for His Name's sake is growing pains of His grace. Yeah. Suffering for His Word, see, is growing pains of His grace. Yes, sir! Just remember, it's the grace of God has been given to you. Oh, my!
217 Like Paul said, hallelujah, he had an infirmity, something was bothering him. He'd... The Devil would--would buffet him, blow after blow. And he consulted the Lord, three times, to take it away from him, said, "I don't want this, Lord. Take it away from me!"
218And then one night the Lord spoke to him, said Saul, or, "Paul, my grace is sufficient."
219He said, "Then I'll glory in my infirmity. I'll glory in it. I know You're the Healer. I've seen You heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils, open the eyes of the blind. But if I've consulted You, and You tell me it's Your grace is sufficient, then this devil that bothers me is--is the growing pains of Your grace. Then I'll glory in my infirmities. Why? If lest I get exalted above the abundance of the revelation." See?
220 See, he--he had something the other disciples didn't have, he saw Him after His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. He saw Him. Some of them say, "Well, I walked with Him." So did everybody on the street. But after He was dead, buried, rose, and ascended up, and returned back in the form of a Pillar of Fire, He talked to Paul. That was more than any of the rest of them had. Amen.
221He said, "Except I get exalted and want to build great big seminaries and everything else, and great big something another, lest I get--get exalted above the abundance of this revelation, God let a messenger of the Devil keep me beat down." He said, "Then when I'm weak, I'm strong." Amen. Amen. Growing pains of grace! Amen. We could stay on that a long time; an hour and forty-five minutes has passed, and--and we're suffering His grace pains.
222 Oh, He may permit crossroads. He may permit crossroads to try us, to perfect us for His service. He may permit that now, Church, both here and on tape. He may permit the crossroads for our service.
223Like He did Daniel. He give Daniel a little crossroad one day. You know, he was a great man down in Babylon. He did, He let the king turn against him and throw him in the lions' den. It only perfected him. Sure did!
224Let the Hebrew children go into the fiery furnace. They was determined to stand for His Word!
225He may permit cross words, let them laugh at you for having long hair, let them laugh at you for saying why you become a holy-roller or whatever more. It may, they may let you laugh... they may laugh at you for that, that, that, that's all right. That's a crossroad, that's a little junction. That's to prove something.
226See, the only thing that the crossroad did to the Hebrew children that stood on the Word, it only loosed them from the bands they had around their feet and legs.
227 And sometime it takes hard trials to break the bands of the world off of us. Sometimes God lets us have a little trial, you know, to see what we'll do, to take you out of the world. Or, other words, let you have a little trial and knock you out of that organization, and that idea that "the Methodist is the only one, the Baptist, or the Pentecostal, or that's--that's the only group they got. If you don't believe it like my church believe it, you don't believe at all." Sometimes He lets a little trial happen. Maybe you got a sick baby. Maybe something takes place right at the hour of death. Maybe someone taken from you, or something. What's it to do? To break you away, to show you something, open your eyes. Maybe you come to criticize, sometime. Maybe you're listening to this tape just to criticize. Maybe God's doing that to break some of the worldly bands that's got you bound down.
228Like a drowning man in the river, you have to take the man out of the river before you can get the river out of the man. That's right. You have to get him out of the river first, then you get the river out of him. Sometime God has to do it that way. He permits the junctions, crossroads to do that. Stand on His promises, the Word, for they never fail. The future, that's in His hand. Stand like they did, don't--don't give away.
229 Abraham, at his crossroads, knew that God could raise up his son from the dead, from whence he received him at the crossroads. Abraham come to his crossroad. And after he had trusted God and had seen all the miracles of God. Twenty-five years he waited on a boy, a promised son, and then God told him to go sacrifice the very thing that he had waited for. My, oh, my, what a time! But did Abraham stagger? Read Romans, the 4th chapter, said he was "fully persuaded." Amen. He was fully persuaded of what God had promised, God was able to do. Amen. He permitted the crossroad. He was showing through Abraham, to us, see, He's able to raise the dead.
230Abraham said, "I'll receive him as one from the dead." Sarah's wombs was dead, Sarah's womb was dead; and he, his body was dead, he was an old man. She had no milk veins to feed the baby. And they didn't have... Well, there was nothing. And he was sterile, himself, and she was sterile. See? There's no way at all. And he received him as one from the dead, he said, "If God can do that, God can raise him up from the dead. For the same God that told me the baby would come, and I stood and it come, He can raise him from the dead." For, He makes everything work together for the good to them that love Him. Amen.
231 God Who made the promise, in the last days these things would happen that we see happen! If He promised a son, and the son came; if He promised all these things that we see through the Scripture, and it did, let's get into the rhythm of it. He promised in the last days these things would take place, and we see it. He promised that He would send Jesus. Hallelujah. There will be a Millennium! There will be a new day. There will be a day that the sun will never go down no more, for the... we'll need it no more, for the Lamb is the Light of the City to where we're going. Amen.
232The dawning of a new day, I feel it all over me now. The Light of a new day! The Light of a day where there is no night, there is no darkness, no shadows, no skies, no--no dim, dark skies, no midnights, no graves, no flowers on the hillsides, no funeral processions, no doctors, no morgue. Amen. I--I can feel the--the rays of His Light breaking through upon my soul. The new day! The old one is pressing away.
233As I feel the mortal blood pouring through my body, I feel the surge of the Holy Ghost come in behind it, "Rise, and shine."
234 Something said, "Billy Branham, you're getting old, you're getting weak, your shoulders are dropping, your hair is turning gray and falling out." That's right. And darkness and gross darkness upon the earth!
235"But rise, and shine!" I feel falling there the surge of Light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ which has made me a new creature in Him. I look for that day, amen, for the new day. I don't know what the future is. I don't know what it holds, 1964, holds for me or nothing else, but I hold the hand of Him that holds Eternity, Who is Eternity. Amen.
236Abraham knowed that God could raise him up again, so he trusted Him.
237 So, for the new year, be determined to stay with His Word and what It's promised, like others (Elected) did in others' days. If you feel that you've seen the Light that's broke through upon you, of Jesus Christ, His manifestation of His great Holy Spirit in these last days. And, remember, remember, stay with it, what He did, you are one of the Elected; and what he, the Elected in other days, like Abraham, when he saw it, when it was all against scientific proof. Noah saw it, and it was all against scientific proof. Moses saw it, and it was all against scientific proof. These smart ages that's gone by; but the Elected who saw it, stood firm! Amen.
238 And for the future, let's stand firm on the promise. God made it, it's up to God to see it through. I'm just following the rhythm. When it beats down the time and says "this is the end of William Branham on the earth," then I'll go with the rhythm. Then I'll rise again with the rhythm. Hallelujah. The One that beat it in, beats it out, beats it in again. It's the rhythm of God, "I'll raise him up at the last days. He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life. He that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; and shall never come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." I'll follow the beating of the Word. Amen. Not the beating of my heart; the beating of the Word! No matter what it is, if my heart don't beat with the Word, then my heart's wrong. Amen. For, He is the Word! Amen. The Bible tells us that, God's Word.
239 I was listening to a program, coming up, Billy and I, a while ago. And it was this Bible... the--the hour called prophecy, the hour of... What is it called? Something about prophecy. Voice of Prophecy. Really, it's the Seventh-day Adventists. They've had four or five different names. Millerites is what they was, to begin with.
240They was the one that said, over there in a meeting, that "'I claimed to be Jesus Christ; that the--the Holy Father was over me, that Pillar of Fire, and I was Jesus Christ.'" Happened to be a friend of mine standing there at their little meeting, he raised up and said, "You'll have to prove that, 'cause I'll call him right here. I want you to see one time that he ever confessed that," see, and like that. He was talking about the different cults and things on the earth.
241They know. One time I tied in with them on this sabbath question. They got the old day that's passed by. The Holy Ghost is our Sabbath, the Bible said so, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden, I'll give you sabbath to your soul." Not a "day." Paul said, "You that keep a day, I'm afraid of you." See, that's right. Yes, sir. "There remaineth a rest," Hebrews 4, "to the people of God, a sabbath-keeping. For we which have entered into His rest, hath ceased from our works, as God did from His."
242 But their speaker, a while ago, nice program, I have nothing against them. I'd do anything I could to help them. Forgive them freely for saying it, 'cause they did say something that wasn't right. But that's all right. Their doctrine is just like Jehovah Witness and Christian Science, and all these other cults, you see, same thing. But notice, they're just like any other organization, they're no more wrong, I guess, than the rest of them. The Word's always right, see, It'll prove Itself out right. Notice.
243But as he was speaking, the man said, "We've got the book-of-the-year." This writer, oh, what is his name, the speaker of it? I forget just exactly what his name is now. He spoke for the Christian Businessmen up in Seattle here not long ago at the World's Fair. And he--he said, this announcer said, "This man has wrote the book, the most outstanding book for this year." I disagree.
244 The Book for this year is the Bible! It's the Light of the world. It's God Himself. Our Book-of-the-year is the Bible. For this 1964, our Book is the Bible. And all other years to come, our Book is the Bible. All the years that's past, It's been the Book of the years passed, the Book of the years to come, and It's the Book of Eternity. It reveals it is God. Yes, It reveals God. Every year that is to come, it's the Book-of-the-year. When--whenever you hear the Bible say anything, its promise is a-vindicated, there will come an Eternal, someday. The Bible is the One who gives us this promise, when you hear the Bible say that there's coming a day when Jesus will come. And as I say today now...
245I got to close, 'cause I--I've been here two hours, see, right at it.
246 Look, if--if the Bible tells us of these things that is to come, speaks of all these hours that--that we've passed through. The days of Noah is predicted. The days of all these others, the Scripture predicted. The days of Martin Luther was predicted, the days of Wesley, the days of Pentecostal. This hour that we're living in was predicted. Everything happened just exactly the way it was. Then when... What is it? It's the spoken Word of God, which is vindicated by God, makes it the Light of the hour. See, just like the sun is. When the Word, the Word itself, is the Light when it's vindicated for the time that it belongs to. See, it's vindicated, then it's the Light of the hour.
247 John was the Light, he--he was more Light than Elijah and them had. Elijah. He wasn't Elijah's Light, but he was Elijah in another form, a-vindicating the Light. See, he was. And when Jesus come, He said, "He was a bright and shining Light for a season. You love to walk in His Light." See?
248And John said, "Now I must dim out. I must go out now, my Light's finished shining. I must go out. He must increase. He's the Light."
249He said, "I am the Light of the world." Amen. That's right. "The same yesterday, today, and forever." And He's still the Light of the world. And what is He? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God." Why was He the Light of the world? If He'd come, said He was Messiah, and He didn't do like the Bible said the Messiah would do, then He wasn't the Light of the world. See, it's the a-vindicated Word that makes it the Light of the world.
250 And in this hour that we're living in now, the a-vindicated Word of this hour! Pentecostals, you say, "speaking in tongues," and so forth. That was the Day of Pentecost, that was the Light of the hour then. See, this is another day. He's the Light of the hour today.
251 The Seventh Church Age, all smothered out, with Christ on the outside. The moon in identifying it, all the darkness coming upon the earth. The Light pressing in now, begin to show what's going to take place. The thing will be destroyed, and the Light will come in and destroy it. And the Saints shall inherit the earth, the meek shall inherit the earth. The earth, the moon darkness will be took away. The darkness of the night will pass away, the darkness with their death and creeds, and away from the Word of God, perverted things that they're saying. And the Light will break forth upon the day.
252 And remember, when the full Bible... Listen, in closing. When this full Bible has been thoroughly a-vindicated, then there will be an Eternal Shalom, Eternal Peace. See?
253He come, and said He was "Peace on earth, good will towards man," but the world didn't receive it. See? See? He was Peace to everyone that come to Him for Peace. See? Peace on earth, good will to man, He was the Peace at that new year beginning, new day of God. For why? He was the a-vindicated Light of that day. See?
254But there's more Word to be a-vindicated. He's got to vindicate more Word. And when the last Word is vindicated, is vindicated, rather, then death is swallowed up in victory, and the dead in Christ shall rise, the Millennium will set in, and it'll be one great Peace, Shalom. Let's live for that day, brother, sister, for that one great Shalom.
255Remember, the Bible is the fountain of all wisdom, and holds all hopes of the future. To the Church, Shalom! Let us pray.
256 The little group present here now. I--I been two hours on--on this little new year's Message. You been very patient. Is there one in here this morning, or--or this afternoon, rather, that doesn't have Shalom, that Peace that spoke, that identified Word of God when you and the Word become one? When, if the Bible says one Thing, you say "no, I can't hardly believe that that's right," then you haven't Shalom. You're not at peace with God, because His Word says one Thing and you disagree with It.
257And if the Word says, "Shalom, Peace," and you have that Peace, that every Word that God says, you can punctuate it with an "amen," and you believe It. And when you see It vindicated, you say, "Amen, that is the Word!" But does a creed, a light, a false light, the world sweep across in the shadow of the light that's being reflected to darken it out, some creed, to say, "No, I--I think that--that That was for something else. That don't mean just that," and yet the Word says It? Are you following that shadow, or are you appearing with that Light?
258 Here and in the tape, whoever will listen at it, think it over just a moment. And if there's one present here that would like, that doesn't have that Light, would you raise your hand to identify yourself, that you are ready to walk in that Light today. And if there's one out in the land of where this tape shall go, that you don't have It, will you raise your hand to God right where... Turn off your recorder just in a moment when we pray, get down on your knees, and say, "Lord God, I have doubted, I--I've did this. I've thought, 'Well, because the church said them things couldn't be, and this wouldn't be.' And, but I see it's promised in the Bible, and I see too many things. The heavens even declared It, itself. And these things that are said, are happening just exactly. And God in Heaven is declaring the same thing. So, I want to receive it now. Let the Word of God come into me. And let me get into the rhythm, of not listening what the church or the preacher says; but let me get into the rhythm of the Word, and see what It says. And let It bring to me, in this great Sympathy of God, a beating out of His will in my life."
259 Our Heavenly Father, we now bring to You every hand that's up everywhere. And let the Holy Ghost of God bring to them the rhythm of the Word and Its Truth, that they are to be molded now into sons and daughters of God, and they are to be the reflecting of the Light of God upon the earth. They are to be the manifested Word, that men and women are to live the way Jesus lived, and to--to believe every Word of God and live by It like He did, for He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Not just a few of the Words, part of the Words, but "by every Word proceeding out of the mouth of God."
260The Word of Moses' time did not work in the days of Jesus' time. The Word, the Word in the days of the apostles does not work in this day. It's a promised Word for this day. They said themselves, and spoke it by the Holy Ghost, what would take place in the last days, how the churches would be heady, high-minded, how the whore would rise up and the harlots would be right with her, and how they would darken the earth. And the last church age, the Laodicea, Jesus would be completely taken from the church.
261O Lord, let me stay with Him, the Word. And manifest His Light, through all of us, as we set forth in this new year, with a determination. Not knowing what this new year holds, but we're holding to Him, the Word, that knows the whole Sympathy from the beginning to the end. He knows every move and every junction. And, Lord, we're just watching Him, keeping our eyes on Him, the Word. Then when we see these things appear, we know that we're right in the rhythm of the Word. Grant it. Save every lost soul, Lord, that here, and every one that hears the tape. We commit them to Thee, for Thy Kingdom's sake, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
262 Now, there's a... Happy to be with you all this morning. So, I have just been exactly, since starting it, exactly two hours, from a quarter to eleven, till quarter to one. I told Meda. I said, "I'll be back by one-thirty." Now, we don't believe in breaking speed laws. Don't think we should do that, you see, to do it. Now we thank you. I want to say now...
263Terry turned his tape recorder off, 'cause that's the one tape that goes out. I think you still got yours on, which is all right, see, 'cause I'm going to speak to the church.
264I certainly appreciate you all down here. And there's lots of times I think this is a little retreat for me, to come down here on the backside of the desert, as I call it. Come back through the desert, way back up in here, and look around, see this little group out here under trees, right beside of the river. And we're on the east side of the river now. And I--I--I trust that God will bless you, each and every one. God, Shalom, be with you. That's His peace.
265 And I'm sorry, really, to have held you like this, but just to get a tape of this now. When, if the Lord willing, this is what I'm to speak on, at--at Phoenix, Sunday afternoon. Then, Monday, I'm going, little, short meetings, and so forth. I purposed in my heart this year, if the Lord willing... I--I just cut and tore, from side to side. See?
266And we all know that's the identification. We know what the Third Pull is. We all, we all understand that. Now, you got, you'll have the tape. See? And I think it'll just lay dormant for a little while, until the great hour of persecution comes on. That's when it be. It'll speak. It'll be manifested just like the five straight signs without failure, perfectly. And now I think, just wait, see, to see what it done. Now I'm going back, the same again, through and through, to find out.
267Short meetings. I'm going to try to have, get out every night, early. Have just like thirty minutes, and talk on something about Divine healing or something like that. And whenever I get ready to make a tape again, I'll either run down here to the backside of the desert, or up at the tabernacle or somewhere where you can make a tape, where we be among ourselves, I can say what I wish to, like that. But, see, Jesus...
268 Remember. See? I have to watch. When I seen them people just completely, arrogantly walking away, I think I've tried to express it this morning. It's gross darkness upon them. They can't help it. I forgive them, see, for not listening. And seen the things that God has done, still they don't do it. I still pray, "God, forgive them." And I mean it from my heart. Don't say it because my Master said it, but I want to feel in my heart, first, that I really do.
269I don't isolate myself from people. I don't want to do that. See? Because I'm--I'm... I have a Message for them, "salvation." I have to go out among them. See? Now, I go out with the trinitarians, with Methodists, Baptists, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Seventh-Day Adventists, and everything else. Because, I'm seeking to save that which was lost, if I can; to bring It in, to show them the Light. And the Lord be with you.
270 I had our--our first little group of meetings here. I don't know whether you have them, or not, the schedule here. If some of you... I'll leave it laying here. Pastor will read it for you, where we're to meet at, and if the Lord willing. That is, the Lord willing. I have no leading for them, just simply going out, to try to do whatever I can. And if you got any loved ones around, in there, would like to come to one of the meetings, why, you write them a letter and tell them to attend one of these meetings.
271 God bless you. It's nice to seen you, Brother Stricker and Sister Stricker, and all the rest of you people here. Now, some of them, I don't even know your names. But I--I know you by the witness of the Holy Spirit, that you're my brothers and sisters. And--and my love and respect is for you. And it's such a great pleasure, be down here with you.
272And I know how you--you had your dinner set here, going to have a little fellowship dinner. Only wish it possible I could stick around. And--and I know it's good. I--I know you got the best cooks in the country. I know that's right. But I'll probably have to get mine on a hamburger, going up. But, anyhow, I got appointments that I have to do. My time is just allotted, little bit here and a little bit there. You all understand, I'm sure. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It isn't because I wouldn't want to stay. God knows that. I wouldn't come down here... See?
273 Someone said, "Would you go down there and preach to thirty people, when you could be preaching the same thing to ten thousand?" Certainly. That don't make any difference, the size. I want to see where It's received.
274"Cast not your pearls before swine. They turn and trample them under your feet, then will turn and rend you." See? But you don't cast your pearls there.
275And I feel that, what I say here, is not casting pearls before swine. I think it's showing, children, jewels that belong to them. See? He'll work the tool, a thousand times, in the muck and dirt.
276You ever notice a lily, where it comes from? Right out of the bottom of the slimy pit of the pond. And it toils, day and night, to get itself to the light. But when it once gets to light, blooms out, and the most beautiful flower there is anywhere. That's what a lily is. It comes up from the dirt of the earth, and the filth.
277That's where the jewels are found, wrapped up out here in this gold state of the nation. Where you find gold is down in the dirt. Where you find rubies and jewels is in muck dirt. Just exactly right. That's where we all come from, the muck and dirt from the world. But these here...
278 I'm a prospector. What does a prospector do? He hunts for gold. Then, when he does, he shines it. And he beats it out, and smelts it, and he gets it ready.
279This is the Gold mine. See? I'm looking through here, all the time, for beautiful jewels. See? Find them out here, somewhere in the dust, and polish them up. And say, "Lord, here they are. Here's a brother. Here's a born-again Christian. Here's a fine, young lady. Here's a fine, middle-aged, old woman, my, young woman, whatever it is. Here they are, Lord. They're Your jewels. Put them in Your crown, Lord. They'll shine forever and ever, like that."
Until I see you, Shalom. God's peace with you!
280All right, pastor, come here. All right. God bless you now. And I'll see you all a little later.
1[Brat hovorí bratovi Branhamovi, že môže hovoriť do piatej alebo do šiestej. -- pozn.prekl.] Veľmi pekne za to ďakujem. [Ten brat hovorí o nejakom uzdravení prv ako brat Branham začína hovoriť. -- pozn.prekl.]
Dobré ráno, priatelia, môžete si sadnúť. Je dobre byť znovu na zadnej strane púšte. Viete my ... Myslím, že keď som tu bol posledne, nazval som toto miesto zadná strana púšte. To je miesto, kde obvykle nachádzame Pána, raz ho tam našiel Mojžiš, keď pásol svoje ovce na zadnej strane, za púšťou.
Tento muž, pred chvíľou, keď som sem išiel, uvidel som ho v spätnom zrkadle. Počul som že bol vtedy v nemocnici. Modlil som sa za neho a on tu dnes ráno sedí. Ó, to je dobre, som tak rád. On krvácal a tak sme ... Som tak rád, že ho tu dnes ráno vidím. Je mi ľúto, keď som sa dozvedel o tomto bratovi, ktorý tu bol minule s nami, že dostal rakovinu, že je v nemocnici. Vieme, že máme len jednu cestu von z tohto a to je cesta smrti. To je ... Všetci musíme prejsť tou cestou, či sme tí najspravodlivejší, či je to ten najviac svätý z pomedzi nás, odnášame jedni druhých a prechádzame ponad hrobmi ďalších. A jednako Ježiš povedal: „Ten kto verí vo mňa nikdy nezomrie.“ Ale to čo tam znamená to slovo smrť, to nie je to, čo my nazývame smrť.
2Tak ako keď Ježiš povedal o Lazárovi, povedal: „On spí.“
A oni povedali: „Dobre, tak keď spí, vyzdravie.“
3Potom Ježiš povedal, musel im to povedať v reči, ktorej rozumeli, vidíte: „Je mŕtvy.“ Povedal: „Ale teším sa kvôli vám, že som tam nebol, ale idem aby som ho zobudil.“ Vidíte?
4A vtedy povedal ten nádherný citát, ktorý máme v Písme: „Ten kto verí vo mňa má večný život; nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života. Ja som vzkriesenie a život. Ten kto verí vo mňa, aj keby zomrel, žiť bude. A ktokoľvek žije a verí vo mňa, nikdy nezomrie.“ Vidíte? Nikdy nezomrie! Nie je ... Pre kresťana v skutočnosti neexistuje smrť.
Smrť znamená „Večné odlúčenie.“
5A teraz, keď zomrieme, v tomto fyzickom tele, v ktorom sme teraz, sme oddelení jeden od druhého. Ale v skutočnosti toto telo, je to jediné, čo nám dáva poznať jeden druhého, pretože sme zviazaní v piatich zmysloch: zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch. A pokiaľ môžeme vidieť jeden druhého alebo cítiť, máme dôkaz, že sme tu. Ak ste slepí a nemôžete vidieť, tak môžete nahmatať jeden druhého alebo počuť jeden druhého. A tieto zemské zmysly nám dávajú poznať jeden druhého.
6Ale naozaj, skutočne sme nikdy nevideli jeden druhého. Vedeli ste to? Nikdy sme nevideli jeden druhého. Počujete niečo, čo hovorí tu z tela a to predstavuje to, čo je tam vo vnútri. Tak potom keď sa rozprávame jeden s druhým, nerozprávame sa s telom. To je ten duch vo vnútri, ale to telo je to, čo nám dáva poznať ducha, ktorý je vo vnútri. A tak keď sa rozprávame, môžeme rýchlo porozumieť, či sme kresťania alebo nie, pretože dochádza do obecenstva v duchu, z ktorého hovoríme. Vidíte? To vibruje od jedného k druhému a ukazuje či sme kresťania alebo nie. A tak sme sa vlastne nikdy nevideli.
7Ježiš ... „Nikto nikdy nevidel Boha, ale jednorodený Otcov nám Ho oznámil.“ Vidíte? Inými slovami, Boh sa dal poznať. Osoba Boha sa nám dala poznať v tele Pána Ježiša Krista, tak On bol vyjadreným obrazom Boha. Alebo, Boh sa vyjadril cez obraz. Vidíte? Cez obraz - cez človeka. Boh sa nám vyjadril a On bol Boh. Nie tretia osoba alebo druhá osoba; On bol tou Osobou, Boh. On sám bol Boh, identifikujúci seba samého a tak sme ho mohli cítiť.
81. Timoteja 3:16, „Bez pochybnosti, to je dôkaz, veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti, lebo Boh bol zamanifestovaný, alebo dal sa poznať v tele.“ Či to nie je nádherné? Boh! A nikdy by sme nemohli porozumieť Boha, ako sa On pohybuje cez Ohnivý Stĺp a tak ďalej, ako to On robil. Ale porozumeli sme ho, keď sa stal jedným z nás. Vidíte? Keď sa stal človekom. Potom mohol ku nám hovoriť a mohli sme ho cítiť, dotýkať sa ho, a všetko. A ako Písma jasne hovoria, že „Dotýkali sme sa Boha svojimi rukami.“ Vidíte? Svojimi rukami, dotýkali sme sa ho svojimi rukami.
9Boh je v človeku. A On sa dnes identifikuje vo svojej cirkvi. V znovuzrodenom kresťanovi, Boh sa identifikuje, že On je naďalej Bohom. A ten vonkajší svet bude poznať Boha len tak ako vidia Boha vo vás a vo mne. To je jediný spôsob ako oni budú poznať Boha, vtedy keď sme napísanými epištolami, epištolami Písma, sme čítaní od všetkých ľudí. A život, ktorý žijeme odzrkadľuje čo je vo vnútri v nás. Človek je identifikovaný skrze skutky ktoré koná. Tak naše skutky by mali byť dobré, vidíte, stále dobré, pretože reprezentujeme nášho Pána Ježiša Krista.
10Čo je to za nádherná vec, zvlášť keď starý človek ako ja tu stojí a myslí o živote ktorý vädne, ktorý pominul v minulosti a pred nami je budúcnosť Večnosti. A viem, že ak len tento život je tým, v čom skladám nádej, bol by som dnes najbiednejším človekom. Ale viem, že tento život je iba tieň toho do čoho máme prísť. To je odzrkadlenie, pretože to nemôže byť tá dokonalá vec, ktorú Boh učinil. Boh nerobí nič také čo hynie. Vidíte? Boh je večný. A preto, tento život v ktorom teraz žijeme je len odzrkadlením toho čo je pred nami. Toho skutočného, ktorý nemôže zomrieť. Tela, ktoré nemôže zahynúť. Života, ktorý nemôže byť zabraný. Vidíte? A tak Písmo má pravdu, keď hovorí, že máme večne trvajúci život, máme večný život. Nikdy nezomrieme. Vidíte? Pretože sa stávate ... Keď ste znovuzrodení, stávate sa časťou Boha. Vidíte, ste navždy, večne, nikdy neprestanete existovať. Ste časťou Boha, pretože ste jeho synom.
11No, mohol by som si zobrať iné meno a povedať, že moje meno je iné. Mohol by som si zobrať meno mojej matky, Harvey, to by mi bolo najbližšie. Vo svete, moja matka sa nazývala Harvey a tak by som si mohol zobať meno Harvey. Ale stále by krv dokázala, že som Branham. Vidíte? Pretože som časťou svojho otca. A tak dlho ako mám v sebe krv, stále budem časťou svojho otca. Vidíte? Je to tak. A keď som narodený z Ducha Božieho, som časťou Boha, to je všetko; som zidentifikovaný s Ním, vidíte, že On je môj Otec. Potom môj život má odzrkadľovať jeho; ako môj život odzrkadľuje môjho zemského otca v podobe, v ktorej bol on. Ľudia hovoria, že sa celkom podobám na otca, tak potom to je jeho obraz odzrkadlený vo mne. A tvoj otec je odzrkadlený v tebe, a tvoji rodičia. A tak, Boh náš Otec je odzrkadlený v nás, keď sme narodení a utvorení tu na Jeho obraz.
12No, začínam hovoriť a nedostanem sa ku textu toho, o čom vám chcem hovoriť.
13Stále som si cenil domové zhromaždenie, modlitebné zhromaždenie na chate ako je toto, viac ako si hádam ľudia môžu myslieť, pretože najlepšie zhromaždenia a najlepší čas obecenstva je obyčajne na malom chatovom modlitebnom zhromaždení ako je toto. Kde som cítil najbližšie Boha, keď som mal malú hŕstku veriacich, ktorí sa zišli a tam sme chválili Pána.
14No dnes ráno, predpokladám, že nás je tu tridsať- štyridsať, tridsať, hádam alebo tak nejako, rátajúc deti. Neviem. Neviem to tak dobre porátať, proste keď sa dívam je tu malá skupinka ľudí, pretože tu je ďalšia miestnosť, vidíte, v ktorej nevidím tých ľudí. No, ale keď sa takto schádzame cítim, že sa dostávame do blízkosti čo nemôžeme docieliť keď sme vonku na tých veľkých, obrovských zhromaždeniach. Môžeme sa vyjadriť. Preto dnes ráno, myslel som, že keď prídem sem, že budem hovoriť ku zhromaždeniu tu dnes ráno a ku ich milému pastorovi. Som tak rád, že tu vidím veľa svojich priateľov, Strickerových a všetkých tých, ktorých som už nejaký čas nevidel.
15A dnes ráno by som vám hovoril svoje novoročné posolstvo, ktoré som plánoval hovoriť na budúcu nedeľu popoludní v auditóriu na zhromaždení vo Phoenixe. Pretože tu, myslím, že nahrávajú pásku. Možno mi Svätý Duch dá tu lepšie myšlienky medzi skupinkou veriacich, než ako možno vo Phoenixe, viete, medzi ľuďmi, kde sú veriaci a neveriaci, a povery a všetko zmiešané spolu. A potom ak bratia nahrajú a vypustia tie pásky, bude to lepšie urobiť to takto, pretože z tadeto by ste mali lepšie pásky. Požiadal som tých chlapcov aby prv vyskúšali akustiku. A keď som sem prišiel dnes ráno, brat Terry mi povedal, že akustika je veľmi dobrá. Tak, to je dobre. Tak teraz poďme, skôr ako pristúpime ku tej vážnej záležitosti a viem ...
16Myslím, že povedali, že niekto z vás zostane na obed, že tu budeme mať spoločný obed vonku alebo v dome alebo niekde. To je veľmi dobre. Skutočne si veľmi cením, že vás vidím všetkých spolu.
17A cítim, že moje posolstvo dnes ráno je adresované cirkvi živého Boha, (Vidíte?) a verím, že toto je časťou nej, vy ktorí ste tu dnes ráno. A teraz prv ako pristúpime ku tej dôležitej časti, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy a pomodlime sa.
18Náš nebeský Otče, sme ti tak vďační, že máme možnosť obracať sa ku tebe ako ku Otcovi, lebo Otec znamená, že sme sa narodili z toho veľkého Boha, ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem. A sme takí šťastní za toto privilégium, že vo svojich srdciach môžeme rozmýšľať a potom, že sme tvoji synovia a dcéry. A potom, keď vidíme teba ako sa jasne identifikuješ v našom strede, že si naším Otcom, premieňaš naše myšlienky z vecí tohto sveta a premieňaš naše motívy a ciele a postoje a všetky naše fázy, aby sme ťa milovali a verili ti a aby sme vedeli, že tvoje zasľúbenia sú pravda.
19Zhromaždili sme sa tu dnes ráno na tomto mieste, ktoré nazývame „zadná časť púšte“ alebo ja to tak nazývam, tak myslím. Dôvod, prečo to hovorím, Pane, nie je ten, že chcem povedať niečo na túto malú skupinu ľudí, ani na nič z charakteru jeho umiestnenia, že to je malé.
20Ale snažím sa myslieť, že to bol Mojžiš, tvoj sluha, ktorý bol v zadnej časti púšte, možno len on a jeho ovce, možno jeho žena Cipora a Geršon, jeho syn, mohol byť sám. Ja neviem. Ale bolo to tam, že mali prežitie, ktoré zmenilo toho proroka, z toho prchajúceho zbabelca do služby Božej, ktorý ho ustanovil do tej práce, tam vzadu na púšti. To bolo tam, kde sa zamanifestoval ten ohnivý stĺp po prvý krát v ľudskom živote, ako vieme, ten Oheň spočíval na malom kríku v púšti a on nezhorel. Ale to bola Sláva Božia odzrkadľujúca sa cez ten krík; že Mojžiš ten prorok si vyzul svoju obuv, keď prišiel bližšie ku tomu a Boh ho poveril, aby vyslobodil národ Božích ľudí.
21Nech by to dnes znovu tak bolo, pane, v zadnej časti púšte, aby sme si teraz vyzuli svoju obuv, ako to bolo tam, zložili čiapky a všetko a položili to všetko pod kríž Kristov a povedali: „Tu som Pane, pošli mňa.“
22Požehnaj tu tohto pastora, nášho brata Isaacsona. Prosíme, aby si ho žehnal a jeho ženu a jeho deti; brata Strickera, jeho ženu a deti; a všetkých ostatných ktorí sú tu dnes ráno.
23A zhromaždili sme sa tu; nie, Pane, nie kvôli voľákej veľkej sláve, ani aby sme boli známi ako vodcovia alebo nejakí ... nejaký úradník niečoho veľkého. My sme tu proste ako pokorní veriaci. Sme tu preto lebo ťa milujeme a milujeme jeden druhého. A keď vidíme jeden druhého a keď sa spolu schádzame, zisťujeme že sa zdá akoby viacej z Boha bolo zhromaždené spolu, keď každý veriaci prichádza na jednom určitom mieste. A Ježiš povedal: „Ak budete toto robiť v mojom mene, vtedy budem vo vašom strede.“ A my vieme, že si tu.
24Hovor ku nám Pane. A ak tieto poznámky, ktoré som si tu zapísal a miesta Písma, na ktoré sa chcem odvolať, odchádzajú z cesty, dnes ráno, od tvojich myslí, ktoré nám chceš dať, aby sme o nich rozmýšľali, potom, Pane, proste to obídeme a urobíme tak, ako nám povieš. Požehnaj nás teraz, lebo toto prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
25No, pri čítaní Písma, zvykne to byť tak, že ja ... predtým, keď som nebol taký starý, že som mal dobrú pamäť. A v tých dňoch, keď som bol mladý, nekázal som dlhé kázania, možno tridsať minút alebo tak nejako, išiel som rovno ku tej jednej myšlienke a mal som to všetko v pamäti. Ale teraz, dôvod prečo teraz mám dlhé zhromaždenia, to preto že to nahrávame. Rozumiete? A táto páska, tí chlapci to tam nahrávajú, oni to zapnú v určitom čase, možno teraz, na začiatku modlitby a to ide na mnohé, mnohé miesta, prakticky okolo celého sveta. Tak dnes ráno budeme hovoriť na moje novoročné ... to čo nazývame mojím novoročným posolstvom. Snažil som sa, mal som tri vianočné posolstvá a viem, že vy tu vzadu na púšti dostávate tie pásky. A vo svojom poslednom posolstve tam v zbore, alebo v predposlednom, to bolo na tému Svetla. A ak nemáte tú pásku, som si istý, že sa z nej budete tešiť. Veľmi som sa z toho tešil, z tej inšpirácie, ktorú mi Pán dal.
26No dnes, keď je pred nami nový rok, nechcem myslieť na to, čo je za nami ale chcem sa pozrieť do budúcnosti. Vidíte? Ako povedal Pavel: „Zabúdajúc na to čo je za nami, žeňme sa do cieľu vyššieho povolania.“ A ako je to vyjadrené, ako dívanie sa dozadu cez spätné zrkadlo v aute. Dívame sa na to cez čo sme prešli, keď sa dívame do spätného zrkadla. Teraz sa nesnažíme umiestniť toto dnešné posolstvo ako dívanie sa do spätného zrkadla. To by trvalo príliš dlho, hovoriť o tých veciach, ktoré Pán vykonal. A vy všetci ste oboznámení s tými veľkými vecami, ktoré náš Pán robí, to sú tie najväčšie veci, ktoré som kedy videl vo svojom živote, ktoré sa odohrali v posledných niekoľkých mesiacoch. A, ale teraz sme vďační za to čo bolo ale teraz sa dívame dopredu. Dívame sa na to pred čo sme postavení a to je do tohto 1964 roku.
27A teraz, ak tu radi čítate, alebo, rád by som prečítal miesta Písma, pretože toto všetko je postavené na Božom Svätom Slove.
28A teraz mi nechajte tak asi hodinu a pätnásť minút na túto pásku. A keď Pán dá, budem sa snažiť zakončiť tak, aby ste mohli mať obed. Ďakujem za to, že hovoríte, že môžem kázať do šiestej večer. To bolo veľmi pekné.
29A teraz si otvorme Bibliu na dvoch miestach, tie knihy ležia blízko pri sebe. Je to v Starom zákone. Beriem text na čítanie z dvoch miest, Izaiáš 62 a Žalm 60. A teraz v Izaiášovi, to budeme čítať prvé. A v tomto sú nám pripomenuté tie veľké moci nášho Pána Boha a aký je veľký a aký mocný je náš Boh. Prepáčte to je Izaiáš 60 namiesto 62. Izaiáš 60. Dobre, teraz čítame toto, Izaiáš 60, prvý a druhý verš.
Povstaň a svieť! Lebo prišlo tvoje svetlo, a sláva Hospodinova vzišla nad tebou!
Lebo hľa, tma pokryje zem a
[veľká temnosť pokryje ľudí
-- ang. Bib. -- pozn.prekl.]mrákava národy, ale nad tebou vzíde Hospodin, ako slnko rána, a jeho sláva sa bude vidieť nad tebou.
30„Veľká temnosť na ľuďoch ...“ Toto, samozrejme, toto je prorokované o dni v ktorom teraz žijeme.
31Poďme teraz do žalmov. Zdá sa mi, že mám trochu pomiešané svoje poznámky, kde som si zapísal tie miesta Písma, keď som si to minulý večer písal a ponáhľal som sa, keď som si toto zapisoval. Žalm 62, od 1 do 8.
Len na Boha, mlčiac, očakáva moja duša; od neho je moje spasenie.
Len on je mojou skalou a mojím spasením, mojím vysokým hradom, nepohnem sa veľmi
Dokedy budete útočiť na človeka? Pobití budete všetci koľko vás je. Budete ako nachýlená stena ako navalený múr.
Len o tom sa radia ako by ho zvrhli z jeho výše. Majú radi lož. Svojimi ústy dobrorečia a vo svojom srdci zlorečia. Sélah.
Len očakávaj mlčky, moja duša, na Boha, lebo od neho je moje očakávanie.
Len on je mojou skalou a mojím spasením, mojim vysokým hradom; nepohnem sa.
Na Bohu je založená moja spása, a od neho je moja sláva; skala mojej sily, moje útočište je v Bohu.
Nadejte sa na neho každého času, ó, ľudia! Vylievajte pred ním svoje srdce. Boh nám je útočišťom! Sélah.
32No, ak ste si všimli v tom Písme, ktoré sme čítali v žalmoch, tam sa stále hovorí, „Boh je mojou skalou.“ Viete čo reprezentuje skala v Biblii? Skala tu v Biblii reprezentuje „zjavenie Božie.“ Vidíte? „Boh je mojím zjavením.“ On je ... Vidíte? Zjavenie Slova je skala.
33Pretože, Peter jedného dňa, keď sa Ježiš opýtal: „Čo hovoria ľudia, že som ja, Syn človeka?“
34A jeden z nich povedal: „Ty si ... Jeden z nich povedal - Ty si Mojžiš, alebo Eliáš, Jeremiáš, alebo jeden z prorokov.“ Ale to nebola tá otázka.
„Čo hovoríte, že kto som ja?“
35On ... Peter povedal tieto známe slová a povedal: „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha.“
36On povedal: „Požehnaný si Šimon, syn Jonášov, lebo telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach. A na tejto skale!“ Vidíte?
37A Dávid tu hovorí: „Boh je našou skalou.“ Boh je našou skalou, keď nám Boh bol zjavený. To sa stáva skalou. Vidíte? Boh je našou skalou.
38No, môj text na dnes ráno je zvláštne slovo: Šalom. Šalom v Hebrejčine znamená „pokoj“. A to je to, čo dnes ráno hovorím tejto cirkvi, „Šalom!“ To je pokoj.
39Po fínsky sa to povie Jumalan rauha, čo znamená „Boží pokoj“ na teba. Ruaha. Boh, vidíte, Boží pokoj, šalom.
40Moje novoročné posolstvo je pre cirkev, pre vyvolených v Ježišovi Kristovi, na rok 1964. Nie proste pre cirkevné skupiny; ale pre vyvolenú, pre Pani, pre Pani cirkev, pre Kristovu Nevestu. Rozumiete? To adresujem pre ňu.
41Je tu pred nami predstavený, v tých dvoch témach, ktoré sme čítali, lepšie povedané, v dvoch miestach Písma, kontrast toho jedného a druhého. V Izaiášovi je povedané: „Povstaň a svieť, lebo sláva Božia prišla nad teba. Svetlo je tu.“ A potom hneď ten ďalší verš tu hovorí: Veľká temnosť je nad týmito ľuďmi.“ A potom, keď sme v zmiešanine svetla a temnosti a potom moje oslovenie cirkvi je „šalom, pokoj,“ poďme sa podívať, čo to všetko znamená. Vidíte? Pred nami je tento rok s obojím s temnosťou a so svetlom. My sme ... svet je v jednom z najchaotickejších časov temnosti v ktorom kedy stál; a jednako stojí znovu v najpožehnanejšom svetle, ktoré kedy naň svietilo. A to je ...
42Ten rozdiel je proste taký, aký bol na počiatku, keď nad zemou bola veľká temnosť a Duch Boží sa vznášal nad vodami a riekol: „Buď svetlo.“ A Boh oddelil svetlo od temnosti. A ja verím, že my teraz žijeme znovu v tej hodine, keď Boh oddeľuje svetlo od temnosti a On ju tlačí na jednu stranu sveta, aby sa svetlo mohlo zamanifestovať. A my sme ...
43Potom, cirkev, dôvod prečo im hovorím „šalom, to preto, že to je Boží pokoj. To je to, čo vám chcem priniesť dnes ráno, do nového roku, nie obzerať sa naspäť, ale dívame sa dopredu očakávame svitanie nového dňa. Až ... je niečo veľké čo leží pred nami, tam vtedy tie roky boli radosťou, na ktoré sme očakávali, pretískanie sa, príchod veľkého Svetla. A teraz to môžeme vidieť ako sa to prelamuje cez horizont, horizontálnu ríšu, prelamuje sa to medzi smrteľnosťou a nesmrteľnosťou. Vidíme to ako sa to prelamuje medzi nebom a zemou, zo zeme zviazanej nemocou a problémami sveta do jasného svietiaceho dňa nesmrteľného života a nesmrteľného tela a nesmrteľnej zeme, ktorá nikdy nepominie. To je „Šalom,“ pre cirkev. No, to je čas Svetla, ktoré prichádza pre veriacich, ale veľká temnosť pre ľudí.
44Jedného dňa sme sa rozprávali, moja žena a ja a hovorili sme o hodine, v ktorej žijeme. No, dôvod prečo som vybral toto miesto, cítil som akoby som proste mohol prísť a hovoriť vám. Vidíte? Zdá sa že nadišiel pre ľudí čas, je to najdojímavejší čas, o ktorom by som mohol pomyslieť.
45Stále som robil to najlepšie a snažil som sa, keď som sa nezhodoval s ľuďmi v náboženských pojmoch; ale keby som potom nemohol podať ruku tomu človekovi, bez ohľadu na to, aká ostrá by mohla byť tá vec a chytiť ho za ruku a povedať: „to je vo svetle lepšieho porozumenia medzi nami,“ a stále milovať toho človeka (nie len to povedať cez ústa, ale zo srdca), potom by som vôbec nemohol niekde ísť a snažiť sa niečo hovoriť ľuďom. Pretože, vidíte, my to musíme robiť, musíme milovať toho človeka. Vidíte? A ísť medzi ľudí, medzi všetky rôzne vrstvi a medzi rôzne kulty a klany a náboženstvá a tak ďalej a snažiť sa položiť túto Bibliu a povedať „porozprávajme sa o tom nie z pohľadu tvojho vyznania alebo tvojej knihy etiky, ale z pohľadu Biblie.“ A potom ne ... Možno že niekedy je človek skutočne ostrý; ale ak mám jednu myšlienku, že nemám rád toho človeka, potom viem jedno, Duch Boží odišiel odo mňa. Ak môžem cítiť, že nemám rád toho človeka, je niečo so mnou zlé.
46Pretože Duch Kristov, keď oni ... keď ho križovali a jeho vlastný ľud vbíjal klince, a jeho vlastné stvorenie, ktoré on stvoril, vbíjalo klince do jeho ľudského tela. A predsa, so srdcom plným lásky, zvolal: „Otče, odpusť im, oni nevedia čo činia.“ Vidíte?
47A ja som prišiel ku tomu miestu. Verím, že ľudia nevedia čo robia. To prichádza do času kde ľudia, zdá sa akoby sa stali takým predmetom zla, že to až - je to dojímavé. Zdá sa akoby tam - je tam tieň temnosti, rovno nad ľuďmi, ktorý ich núti.
48Ako, napríklad, táto jedna vec. Prechádzam po celom národe a kážem, a Pán Boh identifikuje a potvrdzuje svoje Slovo a ukazuje, že to je presne tak a nikdy nedal nič povedať, čo by sa nebolo stalo presne to čo povedal, slovom volá rovno do existencie a tak ďalej, ako to On robí. A ľudia sedia a dívajú sa na to a zostávajú ďalej rovno v takom istom stave. Vidíte?
49Vidíte? Nechcem nikoho znevažovať, ale ako naše sestry, veľakrát, keď im hovorím ohľadne nosenia tých šiat a o strihaní vlasov a o drobných veciach. A muži, ako oni zostávajú vo svojich vyznaniach a slúžia pod tými- to vyznaniami a tak ďalej. A to sú dobrí ľudia. To sú fajní ľudia. Ale jednako sa zdá akoby to oni nemohli porozumieť, zdá sa akoby to nemohli pochopiť. Prečo? Na ďalší rok sa tam vraciam a namiesto toho aby boli v lepšom stave, je to horšie. Stále to ide do horšieho. Sestra, ktorá mala pred- tým pekné, dlhé vlasy, si ich ostrihala. Muž, ktorý raz vyzeral, že zastáva svoje miesto a išiel za tým, čo bolo správne; on je rovno naspäť v ... ako pes, ktorý sa navracia ku svojmu vývratku a sviňa do svojho váľania sa v blate. Vidíte? Idú rovno naspäť do toho. Zdá sa, akoby niečo udrelo našich ľudí, udrelo svet, zdá sa, že oni nie sú schopní porozumieť, niečo je zlé.
50Presne tak ako keď si dnes všimnete mužov, nenájdete v mužovi tú originálnosť. Nenájdete to v ženách. Ja teraz nehovorím o ... Hovorím o tom preto aby som sa dostal ku téme Šalom. Rozumiete?
51Ale všimnite si ženy v našom čase, nezdá sa že by sa chovali ako dámy ako voľakedy. Oni proste - akoby chceli, ale je niečo čo im to nedovoľuje. Zdá sa akoby bolo nejaké bremeno. Poviete nejakej panej, že by nemala robiť to a to a tá pani sa díva na to a verí tomu, chce tomu veriť ale je niečo čo ju tlačí iným smerom. Vidíte? Chudák, je mi jej ľúto. Je tak chytená do pavučiny Hollywoodu a do reklám v televízii, v rádiu, v novinách, na ulici, vo výkladoch s modernými šatami a tak ďalej a ako sa obliekajú iné ženy s ktorými sa stretáva. A zdá sa, že je niečo od čoho sa proste nemôžu odtiahnuť; naši mladí ľudia, naši starí ľudia, náš stredný vek.
52Zdá sa, že niečo je medzi mužmi. Nevyzerajú tak ako majú, nemajú ten mužský výraz aký mávali. Ženy nemajú ten ženský výraz, aký mávali. Zoberiete dnes muža, muži nevyzerajú statní ako voľakedy boli. To je všetko nejaké jemné ... Oni chcú nosiť červené topánky a chcú sa správať, ako ženy. To je pravda. Vyzerá to viac menej ako prevrátenosť. Ženy si chcú strihať vlasy a správať sa ako muži. a muži sa chcú správať ako ženy. Vidíte? A pritom sa môžete s nimi rozprávať a sú to milí ľudia, milí ľudia, priateľskí, spoločenskí. Čo je toho príčina? To je tá veľká temnosť nad ľuďmi, to je niečo - to ich tlačí do toho.
53Tak ako židia v tých dňoch keď Ježiš prišiel na zem. Izaiáš o tom prorokoval a povedal: „Bude tak, že budú mať oči a nebudú vidieť a uši a nebudú počuť.“ A preto sa Ježiš modlil, aby im bolo odpustené, pretože to tak muselo byť, aby sa vyplnilo Písmo.
54A to sa znovu ku nám navrátilo. Biblia hovorila o tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme a povedala, že tieto veci prídu „veľká temnosť nad ľuďmi.“ A vidíme to, že je niečo, že proste, jednoducho ľudia by chceli ale nemôžu.
55Nikodém to raz vyjadril pred Pánom: „Rabbi, my vieme, že ty si učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha, lebo nikto by nemohol robiť tie veci, ktoré ty robíš, keby nebol s ním Boh.“ Ale to bola tá temnosť, alebo slepota, nad židovskou rasou, že Mesiáš mohol prísť a zobrať si nevestu z pohanov. Oni ho museli odmietnuť.
56A to je tá veľká temnosť, ktorá je nad cirkvami a nad všetkým dnes, že nemôžu vidieť Svetlo ktoré svieti. Vidíte? Zdá sa, že je to taký veľký tlak. Zoberieme dnes nejakých známych evanjelistov, oni ustavične kričia o prebudenie a pracujú presne proti nemu; vidíte, nerozumejú, bez porozumenia..
57A ja to nehovorím za tým účelom, že sa snažím povedať: „No, my sme toto uvideli, sláva Bohu, oni v tom nie sú.“ Ja sa to nesnažím povedať v ... aby som spravil, že ľudia si budú myslieť: „No, brat Branham ty máš tú jedinú pravdu, ktorá je na svete.“ Nie, to je nesprávne. Vidíte?
58Ja to len hovorím vo Svetle tejto hodiny, v ktorej chodíme a na úžitok ľudí, ktorí sa snažia hľadať toto Svetlo. Pravda, Ježiš povedal: „Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho nepotiahne môj Otec.“ Žiadny človek to nikdy neuvidí. To je to predurčené semeno a jedine oni to prijmú. Ale my sme znovu prišli ku tomu miestu. Biblia povedala: „Vy ste svetlo sveta.“
59Prorok povedal: „Veľká temnosť nad ľuďmi,“ nad ľuďmi sveta v tomto čase. A to je presne to čo máme, veľká temnosť nad ľuďmi.
60Boh, vo svojej veľkej milosti ako som to vždy kázal a snažil sa za tým stáť, že On stále ukazuje svoje udalosti z neba, jeho veľké dôležité udalosti, prv ako sa dejú na zemi sa dejú v nebi. On odzrkadľuje seba samého. Inými slovami, prv ako Mesiáš prišiel na miesto, kde začala jeho služba, na nebi sa zjavila hviezda, ktorá viedla tých mužov na miesto kde On bol, tých mudrcov. Ako ste to počuli v mojom poslednom posolstve ako Boh jednal s tými mudrcmi a v tom dni ako ich nasmeroval vo sne a On povedal Jozefovi vo sne, ako sa má postarať o blaho jeho vlastného Syna. Pretože on mal sen, nebolo ...
61A sen to je niečo druhoradé, niečo naklonené na jednu stranu, pretože ľudia môžu mať sny, ktoré nie sú pravé. Ale tam v zemi v tých dňoch nebolo proroka. Vidíte? Tam nebolo proroka a tak Boh musel použiť to, čo mu poslúžilo. A to nás učí, že Boh môže použiť každú schopnosť a všetko čo robíme, ak je to posvätené Jemu. Ale prv to musí byť posvätené Jemu. Nech vaše premýšľanie, čo v skutočnosti odráža váš sen, vidíte, pretože to je vaše podvedomie. Ak budete pozorovať sen, budete vidieť, že to je niečo o čom ste rozmýšľali alebo niečo také. Obyčajne je to tak, vidíte. A nech je vaše rozmýšľanie o Bohu, potom, vidíte, tak to odzrkadľuje niečo pre Neho. A čokoľvek ste, nech to odzrkadľuje Jeho.
62No, hore na nebi. Všimli ste si, dívam sa na toto, na toto svetlo na obrázku z časopisu Život, ktoré tento brat, ktorý tu býva dal na stenu, to trojuholníkové svetlo.
63Práve mi niečo prišlo na myseľ. Ak niekto z vás má Lamsov preklad Biblie, ak si všimnete tam na obale, tam je trojjedinosť, trojičné svetlo, trojuholníkové svetlo ako svätožiara. A keď dr. Lamsa, priateľ, môj osobný priateľ, prekladal Bibliu, to je starý hebrejský symbol Boha, v skutočnom trojičnom spôsobe, ako On je; nie traja Bohovia, ale tri manifestácie toho istého Boha: Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. To svetlo je jeden kompletný kruh svetla v tvare trojuholníka, čo znamená, že Boh bude prebývať v troch úradoch v Otcovstve v Synovstve a v správe Ducha Svätého, všetko ten istý Boh.
64Ale všimli ste si, pred tým ako bolo zjavených sedem pečatí? Pred tým, ako sa to veľké tajomné Svetlo ukázalo na nebesiach tam nad Tucsonom a Flagstaff, tam kde sme boli, brat Fred, dvaja muži, ktorí tam boli so mnou to ráno. Keď to bolo povedané mesiace a mesiace predtým, že sa to stane. Obaja, brat Fred Sothmann a brat Gene Norman tu sedia dnes ráno, keď to ... boli tam, keď zaznel ten výbuch a nevedeli, že toto sa stane. A On ma poslal naspäť, povedal, že sa priblížil čas pre týchto Sedem Pečatí, ktoré držali tých sedem tajomstiev celej Biblie, ktoré v nej boli zapečatené týmito siedmimi pečaťami. A ako títo anjeli na svojej ceste, poslovia cirkevných vekov, to otvorili do určitej časti. Ale v siedmej hodine, ten siedmy posol, že všetky tieto tajomstvá majú byť dokonané. Vidíte? Ten siedmy zemský posol, (Vidíte?) tento anjel, o ktorom On potom hovorí, bol na zemi. Anjel znamená posol. A potom, po tomto, on videl iného Anjela zostupujúceho dole, nie zemského anjela, ktorému bolo dané posolstvo tu, ale iného mocného Anjela, ktorý prišiel z neba a nad ním bola dúha a položil svoju nohu na zem a na more a prisahal na toho, ktorý žije na veky vekov, že „Času viacej nebude.“ Vidíte? Ale prv, ako On zlomil týchto sedem pečatí aby ich zjavil, čo ukázal zázračne, On to prv ukázal na nebi.
65Toho dňa urobili fotografie po celej južnej časti Spojených Štátov a v Mexiku. Teraz je to v časopise Život, pre nich je to stále tajomstvo. Ale On to oznamuje na nebi prv ako to robí na zemi. On to stále tak robí. On prv ukazuje svoje znamenia na nebi.
66A dokonca v zverokruhu. Neidem sa vracať a učiť zverokruh, ale len vám ukazujem, že nebesia to ohlasujú. V zverokruhu nájdeme, v konštalácii hviezd, že On ohlásil celú Bibliu v konštalácii zverokruhu. Nachádzame tam, že On začal, samá prvá figúra zverokruhu je panna a posledná figúra zverokruhu je lev; to ukazuje, že Ježiš príde na zem prvý krát cez pannu, druhý krát príde ako Lev z pokolenia Júdovho. Vidíte? On tesne predtým prechádza cez skrížené ryby - raka. Vek rakoviny, v ktorom teraz žijeme. „A celé nebesia ohlasujú jeho,“ hovorí Biblia.
67No, pred niekoľkými mesiacmi som kázal sériu zhromaždení v modlitebni na tému sedem cirkevných vekov. Vy všetci ste to možno počuli. A keď som dokončil kresliť na tabuľu tých sedem cirkevných vekov, ako to Svetlo prišlo a ako to Svetlo odišlo. A hádam to máte, možno, tu niekde; ale to je medzi nami, aj tak, poznáme to. A tá zvláštna vec, posledný deň, keď bol nakreslený ten posledný cirkevný vek, tento veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý je medzi nami, prišiel dole medzi stovky ľudí, a preniesol sa dozadu na zadnú stranu modlitebni. A tam, pred týmito stovkami ľudí nakreslil tie cirkevné veky, stemňovanie a rozsvetľovanie, presne tak, ako som to nakreslil na tabuľu. Tajomne!
68No, nedávno sme mali historickú udalosť, týkajúcu sa cirkvi. V Biblii, mesiac reprezentuje cirkev, a slnko reprezentuje Krista. Lebo to nachádzame v Zjavení v 12. kapitole, žena, ktorou bola cirkev, bola nájdená s mesiacom pod svojimi nohami a na hlave slnko, dvanásť hviezd v jej korune. A to ten starý ortodoxný židovský zákon bol pod jej nohami, ona prešla cez to do svetla slnka. Dvanásť hviezd je „dvanásť apoštolov“, ktorí nám priniesli posolstvo, v Duchu Svätom. No zisťujeme, že mesiac na nebi je nato aby odrážal svetlo slnka, v čase neprítomnosti slnka. Dáva nám svetlo aby sme sa mohli pohybovať. Ale to stále ... Bez ohľadu na to ako veľmi ho on odráža, stále to nie je dokonalé svetlo, pretože to je odrážanie. A slnko svieti na mesiac, a mesiac odráža jeho svetlo v neprítomnosti slnka. Ale keď vyjde slnko, potom už mesiac nie je viac potrebný.
69A dnes cirkev odzrkadľuje svetlo neprítomného Syna Božieho. Cirkev je odzrkadlením svetla. Pretože On povedal: „Ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí. Ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo budem s vami, aj vo vás až do konca veku. Skutky, ktoré ja činím ...“ Svetlá, ktoré on manifestoval ... A nieto svetlo jedine cez Božie Slovo. Bolo ...
70Tým slnkom je Slovo Božie. Na počiatku, Boh povedal: „Buď svetlo.“ A keď to zamanifestované Slovo Božie, keď sa to Slovo Božie zamanifestovalo, bolo svetlo. Prv to Boh povedal. Čo keby sa to nezamanifestovalo? Potom by ešte nebolo svetlo. Ale keď to On povedal, a potom sa to zamanifestovalo, potvrdilo, Jeho slovo sa potvrdilo, svetlo prišlo do existencie.
71A to je ten jediný spôsob ako sa to teraz môže stať, to je vtedy, keď to Slovo je potvrdené, Božie napísané Slovo potvrdené, potom to ukazuje svetlo. To je ... Nejaká časť je osvietená, alebo daná na každý vek. Vidíme to v cirkevných vekoch, nachádzame to v starozákonných cirkevných vekoch. Zakaždým keď prišiel čas na určitú manifestáciu tej cesty, na zem prišiel prorok. A Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi, a on oživil to Slovo. A keď to Slovo bolo zidentifikované, ono odzrkadľovalo Boha. A to bol ten vek, bolo Svetlo. A to je spôsob ako Svetlo prichádza dnes.
72No, ja nemám nič proti žiadnej denominácii, proti ľuďom. Ale mám všetko, na čo len môžem pomyslieť proti tým systémom, pretože sú zlé. A prvý systém, ktorý kedy povstal, to bol rímsky systém Rímsko katolíckej cirkvi. To bola prvá organizácia, ktorá kedy bola zorganizovaná, Rímsko katolická cirkev, v Nicei v Ríme. Okolo 325 rokov po Kristovej smrti, 325, vystúpila rímska cirkevná organizácia, ktorá dala ľudí dokopy a odstránila všetko, čo sa s ňou nezhodovalo. Odtiaľ majú svoje podivné doktríny a započal sa systém, ktorý je ďaleko od Slova. A teraz tá cirkev, od toho času, odzrkadľovala presne temnosť, pretože v tom čase prechádzame cez to čo sa nazýva „Temné veky,“ okolo tisíc rokov. Je to známe všetkým historikom a tým, ktorí poznajú Bibliu a tak ďalej, ako Temné veky, vtedy Rímsko katolícka cirkev vládla nad všetkým.
73A táto rímska cirkev je „mater smilníc,“ povedala Biblia v Zjavení 17. Ona bola smilnica a mater smilníc. No, to je nemorálna, nečisto žijúca žena. Obe sú také isté, obidve rovnaké. Tak ak smilnica, to musí byť žena. A preto, všimnite si to nie je smilnica - jednotné číslo ale smilnice - množné. Vidíte? Ona je smilnica - jednotné číslo. Potom tie cirkvi sú nazvané smilnice, dcéry tej rímskej smilnici. Ona je matkou všetkých nich, matkou organizácií.
74A či to nie je divné, že v tomto dni, keď sme prešli cez všetky tieto veci a posolstvo proti organizáciám prešlo po zemi, hučalo to z jednej strany na druhú, že v tejto hodine, bolo to povedané od roku 1933, keď mi Duch Svätý dal tie videnia a ukázal mi čas konca, sedem vecí o ktorých som hovoril, a päť z nich sa už vyplnilo, dokonale, presne. Ako Nemecko a Taliansko a všetky tie vojny a tie národné veci (zriedka ku mne hovorí o takých veciach). Ale oni sa stali presne tak, ako On povedal. Ako Mussolini pôjde do Etiópie a Etiópia padne ku jeho nohám a potom do akej hanby príde a bude opľutý svojimi vlastnými ľuďmi; a znevážený, obesený dole hlavou s tou prostitútkou s ktorou žil, na ulici. Ako Amerika pôjde do vojny s Nemeckom, odohrá sa veľký boj na mieste nazvanom, veľká línia, kde bude betónové opevnenie, myslím že sa to nazýva Siegfried Line. A ďalšia sa nazývala Maginot, myslím, že to bolo vo Francúzsku. Je to tak? A Siegfried Line bola v Nemecku. A Pán mi to dal vidieť, jedenásť rokov predtým ako to postavili. A oni by nikdy nepripustili, žeby tam boli porazení, Američania, až kým takmer celá armáda bola potopená. Keď tam odišli, Nemci mali svoje delá tak vyskúšané zamierené rovno na tú flotilu, a nechali ich tam prísť a takmer ich potopili. A ja som to videl, jedenásť rokov predtým, ako boli vôbec vykopané základy na tú líniu, či čokoľvek, na tú Siegfried Line. A všetky tieto ďalšie veci, ako stroje a autá a ako sa to všetko stalo presne ako povedal, až týmto národom bude vládnuť žena, čo možno je cirkev. A potom prichádza koniec.
75No nachádzame že v tomto, vo všetkom tomto a ako som mocne kázal proti organizácii, či to nie je divné, že rímsky pápež po prvý krát opustil Rím, aby sa vydal do Jeruzalema? A keď to robí ... Jeruzalem je známy ako najstaršia cirkev na svete.
76Keď Melchisedech stretol Abraháma, keď sa vracal od porážky kráľov, on bol kráľ Jeruzalema, Kňaz, a to bol Kristus, to bol Boh; nikto iný nemohol byť Melchisedech ako sám Kristus, sám Boh, lepšie povedané, vidíte, sám Boh, pretože on bol bez otca a bez matky. Vidíte? Ježiš mal oboje otca aj matku. Vidíte? Tak tento muž bol bez otca, bez matky, bez začiatku dní a bez konca života. A ktokoľvek on je, On stále žije. A On bol Kráľ v tom čase, Sálema, čo je preložené, „Kráľ pokoja, Šalom.“ Kráľ Jeruzalema, ktorý stretol Abraháma a dal mu víno a chlieb, komúniu - večeru, po boji. Veľmi pekný obraz tam v 7. kapitole židov, nachádzame to. No, dal mu chlieb a víno, potom keď boj bol dobojovaný. Ako On ...
77To je tá prvá vec, ktorú dostaneme potom keď vojdeme do Nového Kráľovstva budeme to jesť nanovo s Ním v Kráľovstve Otca, chlieb a víno. „Nebudem piť z plodu viniča, ani jesť viacej chlieb, až kým to nebudem jesť s vami, nanovo, v Kráľovstve Otca v ten deň.“
78No, teraz keď nachádzame, že potom keď Kráľ Šalom bol v ... vyšiel z mesta, potom neskoršie zavládlo nad ním vyznanie. A stále to bolo vyznanie, ale to reprezentuje tú starú cirkev. A v Novom Zákone sme poučení, neprehliadnite toto, v Novom Zákone sme poučení, že nie sme z tohoto mesta Jeruzalema, na zemi, ale sme z nového Jeruzalema, zhora. Tak tento Jeruzalem musí byť mesiac a nie ten Nový horný Jeruzalem. Tak mesiac reprezentuje cirkev, zemskú.
79A nie je to divné, že práve pred tým ako sa pápež vydal na svoju cestu do Jeruzalema, že na nebi došlo do úplného zatmenia mesiaca, len niekoľko dní predtým ako sa on vydal na cestu. On tiež prichádza sem, viete, vidíte. No to nikdy nebolo známe. Ale čo to ukazuje? Že toto, on toto robí aby vydobil priateľstvo, keď sa stretol na druhý deň ako prišiel do Jeruzalema, stretol sa s gréckou ortodoxnou hierarchiou. A čo to odzrkadľuje? Priateľstvo, oni chcú spojiť dokopy protestantov a katolicizmus, to je to čo robia a kompletne to urobia. A Boh to pre nás odzrkadľuje na mesiaci, úplným zatmením. Skrze jeho milosť a milosrdenstvo ...
80Videl niekto z vás noviny kde boli fotografie so zatmením mesiaca? Mám to tu. Ak to nie je dokonalý obraz, vynecháva siedmy cirkevný vek, ktorý ešte nie je ... Presne tak, ako som to nakreslil skrze Ducha Svätého, cirkevné veky. Tam je ich šesť, siedmy ešte nie je zakončený. Šesť etáp zatmenia mesiaca, ako vo svojej jasnosti v prvom cirkevnom veku; temnosť v druhom, treťom, štvrtom piatom a šiestom; presne tak, ako mi to Duch Svätý dal nakresliť na tabuľu a potom to sám potvrdil na stene modlitebni, pred dvoma rokmi. Mesiac sa odráža, a veda znovu priniesla fotografie cirkevných vekov, tak ako priniesli tam to Svetlo otvorenia Pečatí, zjavenia vo veku siedmeho anjela a dali to do časopisu Život. Vo dňoch jeho služby, toho siedmeho posla, tajomstvá Božie, tie všetky tajomstvá, ktoré boli počas tých vekov, majú byť zjavené, majú sa zamanifestovať, to sa má stať v tom čase. A On to urobil! Jeho slová nezlyhávajú. Či to nie je tajomná vec? Boh kreslí na nebi to isté, čo oni majú, ten istý Boh mi dal nakresliť na tabuli a sám to potom nakreslil. On to tri krát dokonale potvrdil, a tesne predtým pápež ide do Jeruzalema.
81A tým bola cirkev, mesiac je cirkev, reprezentuje cirkev. A prv ako cirkev, ten tieň svetskosti prechádza cez mesiac. A tieň svetskosti, tieň svetskosti, svetská cirkev preletela cez to aby zatemnila celé svetlo Biblie. Svet sa dostal do toho svetla, ktoré sa odrážalo. Rozumiete? Svet vkročil do svetla mesiaca a zaclonil slnko. A odraz mesiaca, ktorý mal dávať na zem svetlo, bol zatemnený. A to sa dostavilo a nakreslilo obraz presne tak, ako to nakreslilo cez inšpiráciu, prv ako sa to stalo.
82No to, myslím sestra Simpsonová, to boli Tucsonské noviny. Neviem či sestra Simsonová vedela ... Ona to vtedy nerozumela. Povedala: „Vystrihla som pre teba nejaké obrázky a nejaké poznámky, z novín,“ dala mi ich.
83A ja som myslel niečo zvláštne. Išiel som tam a zobral som to a pozrel som sa na to. Povedal som: „Tu to je, presne, (Vidíte?) presne to čo som hľadal.“ A tam to bolo v novinách.
84Sestra Simpsonová vám môže povedať v ktorých novinách to bolo, ak chcete mať z toho výtlačok. [Sestra Simpsonová hovorí: „To je 28. Decembra. -- pozn.prekl.] Čo hovorí? [„To je večerné vydanie z 28. decembra.“] Večerné vydanie z 28. decembra.
85Vidíte? Prv ako on odišiel do Jeruzalema aby zakryl jeho svetlo, alebo akýkoľvek jeho prístup. V akom čase, pozícii alebo aké práva má aby svietilo a teraz to všetko spolu odsekáva, v poslednom veku, siedmom cirkevnom veku, kde ona odchádza do temnosti. Akú veľkú vec nám tu Pán hovorí. Vo všetkom, to nikdy nesklamalo ale to, čo Pán oznámil na nebesiach a povedal to, pozerali sme sa na to a tu to zidentifikoval a potvrdil, že je to absolútna pravda.
86Temnosť tohto Laodicejského cirkevného veku. No, keď Ježiš, ktorý je Slovo, v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku bol vonku z cirkvi, klepal na dvere, snažil sa dostať dnu. Temnosť, veľká temnosť na týchto ľuďoch. Či má Biblia pravdu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen.“ -- pozn.prekl.]
87Dokonalosť Písma, sláva jeho veľkému menu. Pápežova návšteva bola znakom cirkví, zatemňujúcich jeho zamanifestované ... Zamanifestované Svetlo sveta bola Biblia. Ježiš povedal, že On je svetlo sveta. Biblia povedala, že On je Slovo. A to zamanifestované alebo potvrdené Písmo je Svetlo. No vám to nebude dovolené robiť, keď toto prevezme kontrolu. A my to vidíme naznačené, povedané cez inšpiráciu skôr ako sa to stalo; naznačené skrze mesiac a ukazuje, že to sa deje a tu sa to deje.
88Tá hodina prišla na nás, temnosť, veľká temnosť. Veľká temnosť prišla teraz na ľudí, to je to. Čo to všetko znamená? Kde stojíme? V ktorej hodine sa nachádzame? Ako blízko sme ku tomu Príchodu? Dobre, poviete, „Keď oni všetci majú prebudenie.“
89„Neboj sa malé stádečko, zaľúbilo sa vášmu Otcovi dať vám Kráľovstvo.“ V poriadku.
90Čo to znamená? Boh začal oddeľovať Svetlo od tmy. Vidíte? Zatláča ju dozadu, ako to urobil na začiatku, aby ukázal svitanie nového dňa. Cirkevné veky zanikajú. [Brat Branham si odkašľal. -- pozn.prekl.] Prepáčte. Cirkevné veky zanikajú. Boh zatláča temnosť na určité miesto, musí to urobiť, aby zanikli tie cirkevné organizácie, zanikol svet. Svet zakrýva celú tú vec a svetskosť prevzala vládu nad všetkým. Či potom Boh nemá pravdu? Skrze svetské veci, svetské obliekanie sa a svetské správanie a svetský život, to je svet!
91Vy nie ste zo sveta, detičky. Vy ste z Neba. Toto nie je váš dom.
92Prečo by som sa mal dívať na nás na starých ľudí a snažiť sa pozrieť naspäť a znovu omladnúť? To nedokážeme. Ale dívame sa dopredu, nie naspäť. Dívame sa sem, čo bolo a chceme vedieť čo bude. A očakávame na tú hodinu, tlačíme sa do nej.
93Tak veľa dobrých, úprimných ľudí je dnes chytených do týchto vyznaní, v týchto cirkvách a organizáciách, „Majúcich formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc.“ Ako to hovorí 2. Timotejovi 3. kapitola.
94Veľká temnosť, oslepujúca Izrael bola na osvietenie Pohanov. A teraz oslepenie Pohanov je osvietením Izraela. To je práve tak ako deň a noc; na jednej strane je temnosť, druhá strana má svetlo; a potom to svetlo prichádza na túto druhú stranu. Tak mesiac prechádza cestou, ktorou prešiel a odzrkadlenie temnosti sveta zaslepuje jeho svetlo, to je odzrkadlením pre nás, že pohanský cirkevný vek je skončený. Cirkev sa pripravuje, pripravila sa na čas, to je čas na vytrhnutie. Lebo temnosť hasne nad pohanmi a skoro začne svitať nad Židmi. Slnko prešlo od východu na západ a my sme na západnom pobreží. Svetlo môže urobiť len jedno, ísť naspäť na východ, na druhú stranu. Rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Svetlo môže ísť len znovu naspäť na východ, tam kde začalo, do Izraela. Boh ich zaslepil na nejaký čas, ale temnosť teraz je vtlačená na pohanský svet, ktorá pokrýva všetko. Pohania budú šliapať Jeruzalem až kým sa neskončí čas pohanov. Ježiš tak povedal. A teraz je to skončené, veľká temnosť je na ľuďoch! Boh to odzrkadľuje na nebesiach, ako to ukázal na zemi prv ako sa to všetko stalo. Sme v tom.
95Dobrí ľudia chytení v tomto, dobrí ľudia, úprimní ľudia. Ako Mária a Jozef, oni boli veľmi úprimní. Vidíte? Mysleli si, že On je s nimi, keď nebol. Mária a Jozef, viete, keď boli hore na sviatku, Ježiš, vo veku dvanásť rokov, oni si mysleli, domnievali sa, že On je s nimi, ale nebol. Dobrí ľudia si dnes myslia to isté, oni, títo ľudia, ktorí sú organizovaní v tejto rade cirkví, tí ľudia v týchto organizáciách, oni si myslia, že robia dobre. Oni sa domnievajú, že On je s nimi, zatiaľ čo nie je. Vidíte? Mnoho ľudí si myslelo, že On bol s nimi, keď si potriasali ruky s kazateľom a zapísali svoje meno do knihy, ale nebol. Mnoho ľudí si myslelo, keď boli pofŕkaní, konfirmovaní, pokrstení v mene Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, mysleli si, že On je s nimi. To sú dobrí ľudia. Mária a Jozef boli dobrí ľudia. Ale skutočnosť bola, že On tam nebol. Nič si nenamýšľajte.
96Čo je Svetlo? Potvrdené, vypovedané Slovo Božie! Pomimo toho neexistuje Svetlo. Vidíte? Nemôžete osvietiť zem baterkou. Je potrebné Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, Syna.
97Oni boli dobrí ľudia. Všimnite si precíznosť jeho Slova, aké je ono dokonalé. Všimli ste si čo povedala Mária? Teraz pre vás drahí katolíci, ja nemám nič proti vám. Ja nemám nič proti vám. To je ten systém, v ktorom ste. A vy protestanti, to je to isté. To je ten systém!
98„Maria, matka Božia“? Nájdite si to, dvanásť ročný chlapec, jej vlastný syn ju musel opraviť. Nie je ani jedno miesto v Biblii, kde by Ježiš nazval niekedy Máriu svojou matkou. Ona nebola jeho matka. Ako by mohla byť matkou Božou? Ona bola len lonom, ktoré On použil aby prišiel na zem, aby sa zamanifestoval na zemi, cez lono. To nemá s ňou vôbec nič spoločného, ani jedno miesto Písma nikde nehovorí „matka.“
99Všimnite si ako sa Mária mýli, ale Jeho Slovo je tak dokonalé. Ona mu povedala keď ... Našla ho v chráme, dvanásťročného, diskutoval s teológmi. Udivoval ich, ako dvanásťročný chlapec; nechodil ani do školy, alebo ak áno, nemáme o tom žiadny záznam. Ale dvanásťročný chlapec miatol učených v chráme, svojou múdrosťou. Ona povedala: „Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa so slzami hľadali.“ „Tvoj otec!“ Matka sama, predstierajúc, povedala, „Tvoj otec Jozef a ja sme ťa so slzami hľadali.“
100Čo jej on povedal? „Či neviete, že ja musím byť vo veciach svojho Otca?“ Keby bol vo veciach Jozefa, staval by domy alebo by bol v tesárskej dielni. Ale On nebol Jozefov syn. „Som vo veciach svojho Otca.“ naprávam tieto denominácie a vyznania a všetko, čo počujem. Vidíte? „Ja som vo veciach svojho Otca.“ On nikdy nepripustil, že Jozef bol jeho otec. Ale Mária pripustila a On sa otočil a napravil ju.
Ona povedala: „Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa hľadali.“
101On povedal: „Ja som vo veciach svojho Otca,“ ukazujúc tým, že Jozef nebol jeho otec. Jeho Slová sú dokonalé. Vidíte?
102Ale Mária a oni sa proste domnievajú, že ... Dobre, vidíte čo to bolo, ona bola odvedená okolnosťami. Ona chcela ukázať pred tými kňazmi a pred všetkým, že ona nie je takým typom ženy. A ona, keď to robila, ona úplne vytrhla zo svojho svedectva ten základ, potom čo svedčila, že prišiel ku nej anjel a povedal - počneš a porodíš syna, nepoznajúc muža, panensky narodíš Syna.“ A tu pred vysokou radou Sanhedrinu ona hovorí: „Jozef, Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa hľadali.“
103A ten dvanásťročný chlapec povedal: „Ja som vo veciach svojho Otca.“ On ju pokarhal: „To nie je môj otec!“
104Vidíte dnes cirkev, unášanú koncilmi a vecami tohoto sveta, teraz je ona zatienená. Boh ju karhá!
105Ježiš ju nikdy nenazval „matkou“. Jedného dňa Ho prišla navštíviť na Jeho zhromaždeniach, v dome podobnom ako tento. Niekto prišiel a povedal: „Vonku za dverami čakajú na teba tvoja matka a tvoji bratia.“
106On povedal: „Kto je moja matka a moji bratia? Kto oni sú?“ Pozrel sa okolo seba na svojich učeníkov a povedal: „Tí, ktorí činia vôľu môjho Otca, to je moja matka a moji bratia, moje sestry a tak ďalej. To sú oni.“
107A na kríži, keď zomieral, povedal Jánovi, mladému učeníkovi, povedal: „Ajhľa, tvoja matka.“ „Žena, ajhľa, tvoj syn.“ „Syn, ajhľa, tvoja matka.“ Vidíte? On sám to nikdy nepovedal, to nebol jej Syn. To bol Boží Syn. Ona bola len lono.
108Toto je dom, dnes ráno ale to nie je cirkev. Cirkev je vo vás, Kristus. Duch tých smrteľníkov, ktorí tu sedia sa stretol spolu v nebeských miestach. To je Kristus, nie ten dom. Ten dom je v poriadku, on slúži svojmu účelu ale on je len použitý, ako miesto na zhromažďovanie. Mária bola len lonom, ktoré On použil aby prišiel na zem, aby sa zidentifikoval medzi ľuďmi. Nie „matka Božia,“ o nič viac, ako ani tento dom nie je cirkev Božia. To je len na to použité.
109Áno, mnoho priateľov si teraz myslí, ľudí, dobrých ľudí ako Mária a Jozef, myslia si, že On je s nimi keď toto robia. Ale tak ako sa oni vtedy tam mýli, tak sa mýlia oni teraz. Oni si mysleli, že boli s Ním, ale neboli. Ale keď boli pokrstení, ľudia si mohli myslieť, och, ja som Ho prijal, keď som Ho prijal a bol som pokrstený. To tak nie je. Až kým sa vypovedané Slovo samo neodzrkadlí!
110Ale, Vyvolení, čo teraz s tým Svetlom? Tak veľa som hovoril o temnosti, prešla polovica môjho času, je pol dvanástej. Obráťme to teraz z druhej strany; veľká temnosť je na ľuďoch, a ako je to zo Svetlom? On povedal, že veľká temnosť bude na ľuďoch, ale bude Svetlo, „Povstaň a svieť, lebo prišlo tvoje Svetlo.“ Ako môže byť temnosť a Svetlo, to musí byť oddelené. A len jedna vec to oddeľuje, zamanifestované Slovo, oddeľuje, Ono to odtláča na druhú stranu ... Tu je temnosť na zemi, ale keď zamanifestované Slovo Božie, slnko, ktoré bolo Slovom zavolané do existencie sa ukazuje, temnosť uteká na druhú stranu. A to je to, čo sa deje teraz, temnosť sa oddeľuje od Svetla. A teraz pre vyvolenú cirkev v tejto temnej hodine ... Pri čom by sme mohli zostať celé hodiny, ale myslím, že som toho povedal dosť aby ste rozumeli, čo tie Písma znamenajú, keď som povedal: „veľká temnosť na týchto ľuďoch.“
111Teraz hovorím Cirkvi, „Šalom. Boží pokoj.“ Pokoj! Každý skutočný Hebrej, keď sa stretáva s iným, to je „Šalom.“ Inými slovami: Dobré ráno! Boh s tebou! Boží pokoj ide s tebou! To je „Dobré ráno! Ako sa máš?“ To je prelom dňa, Cirkev. To je temnosť na ľuďoch. Ale to je „Dobré ráno“ pre Cirkev, Kristus sa zjavuje medzi nami. „Šalom. Pokoj.“ Haleluja. „Šalom.“
112Keď vidíme ako dosadá temnosť, temnosť tesne pred príchodom dňa, vieme, že tam visí ranná hviezda aby uviedla prichádzajúce slnko. To je vtedy, keď svieti ranná hviezda. To sa odohráva medzi tým. To je stále temnosť práve niekoľko minút pred nástupom dňa, prichádza zatemnenie, mesiac prestáva svietiť. Temnosť pred príchodom dňa, to je preto že svetlo tlačí temnosť. Ale vychádza ranná hviezda a hovorí: „Dobré ráno. Šalom.“
113To je On medzi nami, jeho Slovo je zidentifikované. Šalom. Ten veľký deň je pripravený nastúpiť, keď to ráno prechádza do večnosti, jasnej a svetlej, keď sa jeho vyvolení zhromaždia do svojho domu nad oblakmi. Keď tam budú volaní tí napísaní na zvitku, ja tam budem. Naše mená sú v jeho Knihe, budeme tam. „Šalom. Dobré ráno. Pokoj vám.“
114Temnosť sa oddeľuje od svetla. Boh to spôsobuje, to robí Svetlo. Vidíte? Svetlo sa tlačí takým spôsobom, že sa až temnosť musí spolu zhromaždiť. Oni to mali možnosť prijať a neurobili to, tak sa to skoncentrovalo. A robia to tým, že dávajú dohromady cirkev a Radu cirkví a jednotia to s pohanskou temnosťou. Keď oni tak dôrazne nesúhlasia jeden s druhým, ale predsa musia ísť spolu, aby umožnili noci prísť na ľudí.
115Izaiáš 60:1 hovorí: „Povstaň a svieť lebo prišlo tvoje svetlo.“
116Povstať a svieť, Svetlo prišlo. Slovo, Svetlo je znovu potvrdené. Svetlo je znovu potvrdené, Božie Slovo, a tak môžete vidieť Boha zamanifestovaného vo svojom zasľúbení ohľadne Svetla na tento deň, alebo Slova daného na tento vek. Vidíte? V týchto zasľúbeniach, ktoré boli dané na tento deň, v týchto zasľúbeniach, ktoré boli povedané skrze prorokov a skrze Ježiša samého. V tomto dni! „Boh za dávna ...“ Židom 1, „Boh za dávna mnohorakým spôsobom hovorieval otcom skrze prorokov, ale v tomto poslednom dni skrze svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista.“ Vidíte?
117To veľké Svetlo, ktoré sa vznášalo na púšti, ktorým bol ... keď Mojžiš opustil Egypt, pokladajúc pohanenie Kristovo za väčšie poklady, než tie Egyptské.
118Ten istý, ktorý stretol Pavla na ceste do Damašku. Veľké Svetlo, ktoré zastalo pred ním, to isté Svetlo, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp. Saul, ktorý bol Hebrejom, by nikdy neuctil žiadneho ducha ani nič, ani by ho nenazval Pánom, v tom postavení, v ktorom bol. On povedal: „Pane, kto si?“
119On povedal: „Ja som Ježiš.“ Ježiš povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu.“
120To isté Svetlo prišlo. Načo? Aby manifestovalo, aby dalo poznať ľuďom zasľúbenia, ktoré On dal na tento deň, zamanifestovalo Svetlo tohto dňa. Temnosť je zatemnená.
121Keď On prichádza ... On bol svetlom toho dňa. Mal prísť Mesiáš. A On prišiel presne tak, ako Boh povedal, že príde. A keď prišiel, čo On bol? Svetlo toho dňa. A to tak tlačilo temnosť proti nemu! Je to tak? On musel dať svoj život aby to Svetlo trvalo ďalej, mohlo svietiť. On bol tým Svetlom toho dňa. Ale prečo, prečo bol On tým Svetlom toho dňa? On bol potvrdeným Slovom, ktoré bolo vypovedané, zamanifestovalo sa. Nič viacej než ...
122Boh povedal nad tým temným, pochmúrnym, pustým, zahmleným svetom, ktorý tu stál bez svetla, On povedal: „Nech je svetlo.“ A nebolo svetla, až kým sa to Slovo nezamanifestovalo, potom bolo svetlo.
123On povedal: „Príde Spasiteľ, Mesiáš.“ To stále nebolo zamanifestované, až kým On neprišiel zamanifestovať to zasľúbenie. A keď to zasľúbenie potvrdil, povedal: „Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o mne.“
124Oni povedali: „My nevieme odkiaľ si prišiel, my sme učeníci Mojžišovi.“
125On povedal: „Keby ste boli učeníci Mojžišovi, poznali by ste ma, lebo Mojžiš písal o mne.“ Vidíte? On bol manifestáciou. On bol potvrdením Božieho Slova, ktoré bolo vypovedané cez Mojžiša.
126A dnes, v dni, v ktorom teraz žijeme, Boh prišiel na scénu potvrdiť a dokázať svoje zasľúbenia. Tak, to je Svetlo tejto hodiny, tak môžeme povstať a svietiť. Dnes znovu na nás svieti Svetlo, Slovo sa zamanifestovalo. To je Svetlo.
127Práve tak ako tam vonku svieti to slnečné svetlo, dnes ráno. To je Božie vypovedané Slovo, nič iné nemôže dať svetlo, tak ako ono. Nič to nemôže urobiť. Každé umelé svetlá sa vypália za nejaký čas, žiarovky zhasnú a tak ďalej. Ale to nikdy nesklame, lebo to je vypovedané Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo.
128Malé denominačné vyznania prasknú žiarovku, rozbijú žiarovku, vyhodia poistky a všetko možné. Ale Slovo Božie nikdy nesklame! Ono bude stále sebou, Slovom.
129Je mi ľúto že to trochu pretiahnem. Či to bude v poriadku, môžem pokračovať a dokončiť toto posolstvo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Dobre.
130Povstaň a svieť lebo prišlo na teba tvoje Svetlo. Slovo, Svetlo je potvrdené.
131Jediný spôsob ako bol Boh, Ježiš Kristus bol manifestáciou Božieho vypovedaného Slova, Svetlo tej hodiny.
132Ján Krstiteľ bol Svetlom na danú hodinu. On bol Svetlom predtým ako Ježiš bol Svetlom. Prorok Izaiáš povedal: „Hlas volajúceho na púšti, pripravte cestu Pánovu, a vyrovnajte jeho chodníky.“ To bolo vypovedané Božie Slovo, Ono tam ležalo, neprišlo ešte do života. Malachiáš, ten posledný prorok, 400 rokov predtým, ako sa to stalo, on povedal: „Hľa, ja posielam svojho sluhu pred sebou, aby pripravil cestu Pánovu.“ Tu on prichádza z púšte, bez denominácie, bez vierovyznania, bez identifikácie. Ale jeho Svetlo ho zidentifikovalo. Svetlo ho zidentifikovalo.
Oni sa opýtali: „Ty si Mesiáš?“
133On povedal: „Nie som! Ale ja som hlas volajúceho na púšti, Pripravte cestu Pánovu!“
134Ježiš povedal: „Vy ste chodili v jeho Svetle.“ On bol na chvíľu jasným svietiacim Svetlom. Prečo? Až kým nebola pripravená cesta, potom odišlo jeho Svetlo.
135Nemôžete chodiť v tom svetle, Baptisti, Toto je Svetlo na túto hodinu! Svetlo prišlo. Povstaň a svieť. Slovo, Svetlo, Slovo, zamanifestované Slovo Božie, zidentifikované je Svetlo.
136No čo s týmto novým rokom, pred ktorým stojíme? Mohli by sme viac povedať o tomto pomedzi, od temnosti do Svetla, o uvádzaní Svetla, ktoré prichádza medzi tým, ale teraz sa chceme dostať rovno do nového roku. Dobre.
137Nový rok, nový rok, čo s ním? Prináša mi nádej. Sme o jeden rok bližšie. Sme o jeden deň bližšie ako sme boli včera. Sme o jednu hodinu bližšie, než ako keď sme začali. Začal som o štvrť na jedenásť, teraz je štvrť na dvanásť. Sme o jednu hodinu bližšie! Nedívame sa naspäť, dívame sa dopredu. Vidíte? Ó! Tak veru. Nový rok neznamená obrátiť novú stranu. Och, nie.
138Ako jeden človek raz ráno; počul som to. Jeden človek vstal včas ráno a išiel a kúpil si noviny, prišiel naspäť sadol si, vyložil nohy na diván, založil si okuliare a začal čítať noviny. Jeho žena pripravovala raňajky, opýtala sa: „Jano, je niečo nového?“
139Odpovedal: „Nie. Tie isté staré veci, len noví ľudia.“ Áno. Je to tak. Vraždy, lúpeže a všetko iné, lenže teraz to vykonal niekto iný. Vidíte. To je pravda.
140Nie obrátiť novú stranu. To je, obrátiť sa do Slova, vidieť čo zasľubuje Slovo na dnes, vidieť aké má byť Svetlo na tento deň. Čo máme robiť v tomto roku to nie je ísť naspäť do vierovyznania a do takých vecí, ísť naspäť do našich starých denominácií, nie ísť naspäť do starých denominácií; ale obrátiť sa do Slova, vidieť aký druh Svetla má dnes svietiť. Ó, cirkev, obráť sa do Slova, navráť sa naspäť do Slova, šťukni správny vypínač, prestaň cvakať dookola s tými elektrickými svetlami, (Vidíte?) umelými ľuďmi vyrobenými. Obráť sa do Jeho Slova a vidz zasľúbenie na dnes. A potom uvidíš aké je to zasľúbenie a pozoruj na jeho identifikáciu. Keď je to potvrdené, potom vieš či si vo Svetle alebo nie. Vidíš aké je to zasľúbenie.
141Zmieňanie stránok alebo zmena kalendárov nezmení čas. Veľa ľudí hovorí: No, starý rok pominul, vyhoďme teraz starý decembrový kalendár a postavme ďalší, novoročný.“ To je to čo pre nich znamená nový rok.
142Pre mňa, ja chcem vedieť čo je zasľúbené na tento deň. Chcem vedieť aké je Svetlo na túto hodinu, tak budem môcť vedieť ako v ňom chodiť. Chcem vedieť kde žijem, v ktorom som veku, ako ďaleko som na ceste.
143Ako povedal Pavol, mohol by som ho znovu zacitovať: „To čo je za mnou zabúdajúc, ženiem sa za cieľom horného povolania,“ do kompletného zidentifikovania, keď všetok čas zanikne vo Večnosti keď Ježiš príde.
144Robte ako robil Dávid, položte svoju budúcnosť do Jeho rúk. Nedívajte sa na nič iné, ale položte svoju ... Dávid tu povedal, povedal: „Môj čas je v Jeho rukách.“ Všimnite si tu v žalmoch kde to čítame, v 62. „Môj čas je v Jeho rukách. On je mojou skalou.“ Čo On je? „On mi je zjavený On je zjavenou pravdou. Môj čas je v jeho rukách.“ Amen. Ó! Tu to máte.
145Môj čas patrí Jemu. Ja som Jeho. Ja som v jeho rukách pretože On drží čas. Neviem čo prinesie budúcnosť, ale viem kto drží budúcnosť. Tak, On ktorý drží budúcnosť drží mňa. Tak prečo by som mal myslieť ako ustaviť toto, to či tamto do nového roku? Proste sa dám do Jeho rúk a chodím tak ako Dávid, „môj čas je v Jeho rukách,“ vedel, že Boh drží budúcnosť. Dávid nevedel aká bude budúcnosť ale vedel, že Boh má v rukách budúcnosť. Ja neviem aká je budúcnosť, nikto z nás. Ale vieme, že On drží budúcnosť.
146Trpezlivosť. Trpezlivosť. Niektorí z nás sa stávajú takí, niektorí z nás sa stávajú takí unáhlení. Myslím, že mnoho dobrých ľudí to urobilo. Stávate sa tak veľmi unáhlení. Chcete vidieť, chcete to urobiť sami.
147A bratia kazatelia, vy viete keď to hovorím, vy ktorí počúvate túto pásku. Hovorím ku vám, nie len do tohoto malého zhromaždenia tu, ale ľuďom po celom svete.
148Mnoho ľudí vyjde, netrpezlivých; ale veria že čas je krátky, snažíte sa sami niečo urobiť. Čakajte na Pána. Trpezlivosť je cnosť. Ak môžete mať trpezlivosť, to je cnosť. To je cnosť ak ... „Tí ktorí očakávajú na Pána nadobúdajú novú silu.“ Nie tí, ktorí sa snažia predbehnúť Pána, ktorí sa snažia povedať Pánovi, „Pane, viem, že chceš aby som toto robil, sláva Bohu, ja ...“ Nerobte to. Čakajte na Pána. Biblia povedala: „Tí ktorí očakávajú na Pána nadobudnú novú silu.“
149Bohu zabralo tisíce rokov, aby vyplnil svoje zasľúbenie, týkajúce sa príchodu Spasiteľa. Ale pamätajte, On po celý čas vedel, kedy to príde. Povstalo mnoho ľudí, ktorí sa snažili byť mesiášmi. Mnoho cirkví sa snažilo vyprodukovať mesiášov. Ale Boh mal ustanovený čas pre svojho Mesiáša. On nebol unáhlený. Vidíte?
150A v priebehu tohoto času On ukázal mnoho príkladov Mesiáša. On to ukazoval po celej ceste od Adama po Mesiáša, od prvého do posledného Adama; jeden zo sveta a ten druhý z Neba, jeden zemský a druhý Nebeský, jeden prišiel dole z neba a ten druhý prišiel zo zeme. Ale zasľúbený Mesiáš, trvalo mu tisíce rokov aby to vyplnil.
151Ukázaný v Jozefovi presne aký On bude. Jozef Ho znázornil.
152Dávid Ho znázornil. Keď Dávid bol odmietnutý kráľ, vyšiel hore na kopec, pozrel sa naspäť a plakal nad Jeruzalemom ako odmietnutý kráľ, to bol Ježiš v Dávidovi. Po osemsto rokoch, stál nad Jeruzalemom ako odmietnutý kráľ, povedal: „Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť, ako sliepka svoje kurence, ale nechceli ste.“
153Pozrite sa na Jozefa, narodený medzi svojimi bratmi, patriarchami; nie ako posledný (predposledný; Benjamín bol posledný), ale tesne pred posledným, vidíte, tesne pred tým. Nenávidený od svojich bratov, milovaný od otca. Nenávideli ho pretože bol duchovným. Mohol vykladať sny a bolo to presne tak. Mohol vidieť videnia, predpovedať veci, ktoré sa mali stať. A oni ho nenávideli. Bol predaný za tridsať strieborných.
154Za čo nenávideli Ježiša? Nazývali Ho Belzebub pretože bol Slovom a Slovo mohlo rozpoznávať myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. Oni Ho nenávideli. A predali Ho za tridsať strieborných.
155On bol hodený do jamy, Jozef, pokladaný za mŕtveho. Jeho krvavý plášť bol zanechaný, ako Ježišov krvavý odev, ktorý bol sňatý z kríža, rúcho, ktoré On nosil, aby bola zidentifikovaná Jeho smrť. Ale čo urobil Boh Jozefovi? On ho vyviedol z tej jamy, postavil ho po pravici faraóna. A nikto nemohol vidieť faraóna, jedine Jozefa. A keď Jozef opustil palác, zatrúbili trúby a zaznelo volanie: „Nech sa skloní každé koleno, Jozef prichádza.“
156Tá istá vec, Ježiš. On bol zobraný zo svojej jamy, odtiaľ kde bol považovaný za mŕtveho a povstal a sedí po pravici Majestátu. „Nikto nikdy nevidel Boha iba jednorodený od Otca. A keď opustí to miesto, zaznejú trúby a každé koleno sa skloní a každý jazyk vyzná.“ Vidíte? On je Knieža prosperity. Pozrite čo vtedy urobil Egypt, to zachránilo celý svet, prišlo sucho. Tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Koleno, každé koleno sa skloní a každý jazyk vyzná, že On je Pán.
157On bol celý ukázaný v predobrazoch, ale Boh vedel presne kedy On príde. On vedel presne kedy príde. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko ich mali pred tým, On mal svojho Mesiáša. On im ukázal v predobrazoch, čo prichádza.
158Presne tak, ako nám ukázal sedem cirkevných vekov, čo príde. Presne tak, ako nám ukázal čo príde, keď tam postavil to svetlo, pri zjavení toho aby ho ukázal svetu. Keď poslal tých sedem anjelov zjaviť tých sedem poslov, ktorí boli dole v priebehu tých vekov a ukázať tie nedotiahnuté konce. Každý deň prichádzal jeden anjel a zjavoval tie nedotiahnuté konce, ktoré zanechal Luther, Wesley a letniční, všetko je v tom zastúpené. A práve v tom príklade a tieni toho veľkého Šalom, Jehovah, Jahve. Vidíte? Presne. Hodil to na oblohu a objektív fotoaparátu urobil fotografiu toho. Vidíte? Chvála Pánovi!
159Šalom! Pokoj! Netrápte sa, Ježiš je tu. Jeho veľké Svetlo prišlo ku nám a my sme za to vďační, áno, Jeho Slovo, to veľké tajomstvo. On sa dnes manifestuje, robí to isté, čo robil vtedy, presne to isté. Robí presne to isté.
160My sme stvorenia času. On je Boh Večnosti. My sa snažíme pretlačiť, snažíme sa urobiť niečo inak: „Ó toto treba urobiť.“ Pamätajte, On všetko o tom vie. To sa aj tak stane. Nech to On urobí. Len sa vydajte Jemu.
161Pozrite hore a svieťte radosťou Pánovou, aby vedeli, že ste dostali privilégium, že sa otvorili vaše oči a vidíte tento deň. Spoliehajte na Neho do budúcnosti. Videli ste Ho potvrdiť jeho Slovo v minulých dňoch. On, ktorý potvrdil svoje Slovo v minulých dňoch a spravil, že všetky tieto ostatné veci sa dejú presne do hodiny, v ktorej žijeme, všetko presne, do toho siedmeho anjelského posolstva, obojako ukázané, na nebesiach, na zemi a spravil, že trojakým spôsobom sa to dalo poznať, že v tom nemôže byť žiadny omyl, pamätajte, On zasľúbil že znovu príde. Haleluja! Slovo bude potvrdené. Božie zasľúbené Slovo, s dvetisíc rokmi čakania, On príde na čas! Nestrachujte sa, On tu bude. Tak ako potvrdil svoje Slovo v každom veku, Cirkevné Veky ukazujú to isté a zjavovanie nášho Pána skrze siedme posolstvo a tak ďalej. Boh to zjavil, zamanifestoval to a dokázal to. A medzi nami dnes, On sa tu ukázal s nami a dokázal a potvrdil svoje Slovo. Tak On bude ...
162Bude Milénium. Starí tam budú mladí naveky. Choroby prestanú a smrti viacej nebude. Budú stavať domy a budú v nich bývať. Budú sadiť vinice a jesť ich ovocie. Nebudú sadiť, aby im to zabral iný (jeho syn to nezoberie), jeho syn bude bývať pri ňom. Nebude sadiť a iný jesť z toho, nezomrie, aby to zobral niekto iný; ale on tam bude žiť. Amen! ...?... [Prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.] Vôl a baránok sa budú spolu pásť. A lev bude žrať slamu ako vôl a malé dieťa ich povedie. Nebude tam nič, čo by ublížilo. Budeme premenení z toho, čo sme teraz na tú slávnu podobu Syna Božieho, ktorý je nesmrteľný. Roky sa ho nemôžu dotknúť, vek mu nemôže nič urobiť, On je nesmrteľný Syn Boží. Tak vieme, že sme v čase konca. Sme na prelome toho. Všetky tieto veci boli dôkladne potvrdené, tak to znovu bude potvrdené.
163No, budúcnosť, On ju drží. Ako viem kedy On príde? Kedy On príde? Neviem, ale On tu bude. Je to tak. Kedy urobí tak a tak? Kedy bude kliatba odstránená zo zeme? Kedy tieto požehnané odblesky Božej lásky, stromov stojacich tu a svietiacich a kvetov a všetkého, kedy oni vyrastú nesmrteľné? Neviem, ale to bude. Kedy všetky tie odblesky túžby ľudských sŕdc žiť a nemocnice a doktori a operácie a plač a zármutok, kedy to prestane aby nastalo slávne panovanie s Ježišom na tisíc rokov, šalom? Kedy to bude? Neviem. On povedal, že to bude. Ja neviem ako to On urobí, ale jeho vypovedané Slovo bude potvrdené, keď vyjde slnko spravodlivosti s uzdravením na svojich krídlach. A tá uzdravujúca časť tam nebude telesné uzdravenie, ako si to myslíte, ako sa hovorí, že keď je niekto chorý a bude to vzaté od neho. To je to čo On robí teraz, v predobraze. Ale celé stvorenie bude zmenené! Toto smrteľné oblečie nesmrteľnosť. Tento starý vek po- skočí do mladosti. Amen. Dobre, ako sa to stane? Neviem, ale to sa stane.
164Ja sám starnem. Tento rok, ak ma Pán nechá žiť do 6. apríla, budem mať 55 rokov, starý človek. Ale nedívam sa ... Nechcem ísť naspäť a byť znovu chlapcom. Chcem sa tlačiť do tam toho cieľu, kvôli ktorému cieľu som prišiel. Teraz je to okolo tridsať rokov, čo stojím za touto kazateľňou, od chlapca, mal som asi dvadsať rokov, okolo 21, 22 rokov, snažil som sa hlásať toto posolstvo. Vložil som do toho všetku svoju silu. Keď ochabli moje ramená, moje vlasy zošediveli a vypadali, nedívam sa naspäť na to, to znovu ku nim príde. Dívam sa dopredu na úsvit dňa, o ktorom potvrdené Slovo Božie povedalo: Ani jeden vlas z vašej hlavy nezhynie a Ja to znovu vzkriesim v posledných dňoch.“ Ako to On urobí? Ja neviem. Ale dúfam ...
165Nový rok, neviem čo on prinesie ale viem, že On ho drží. To je nádej nového roku, ktorú mám. Ak On príde, Amen. Ak nepríde, ja stále budem pracovať, ak ma zachová. Proste budúcnosť zverujem Jemu. Neviem čo to je, proste to zverujem Jemu. Videli ste ho, ako potvrdzuje svoje Slovo, tak viete, že to sa stane. Jeho Slovo ...
Poviete: „Brat Branham odkiaľ to berieš?“
166No, dovoľte, že vám na chvíľu tu predstavím jednu myšlienku. Viete čo je to sympatia? Viem, že viete. To je hudba, to je dráma. Viete, oni to hrajú.
167No, vy malé deti, tak vy to budete rozumieť. Pamätáte sa v škole, myslím, že ste mali ... Ako sa volá tá ruská sympatia, oni sem tam hrajú na bubnoch, viete to sa nazýva, nie je to ... o tom malom ďateľovi, viete, ktorý išiel dole do lesov, a oni tam hrajú na flautách, udierajú na bubny a tak ďalej. A vy to všetko počujete ako prechádzate cez tú symfóniu, ako to hrajú. Zabudol som ako sa to nazýva, „Peter a vlk.“ To je ono. „Peter a vlk.“ No to je ruská symfónia. Viete, oni tam nemajú figúrky, ktoré by tam pobehovali, hrali to, ale oni to hrajú na bubnoch [Brat Branham klepe na nejaké drevo. -- pozn.prekl.] a potom [Brat Branham zaklepal na niečo inšie. -- pozn.prekl.] a vydávajú tie zvuky a všetko. To je hrané, to sa odohráva. Tak budete rozumieť čo brat Branham chce povedať. Vidíte?
168No pre vás dospelých, Písmo je Božia symfónia. Áno. Haleluja. Len Skladateľ vie, čo to skutočne znamená a On to zjavuje tým, ktorí počúvajú, ktorí sa zaujímajú, aby vedeli aká je tá dráma. Ale prv ste museli vedieť o tej symfónii. Vidíte? To nie je len niečo čo vidíte, to je zmieňanie, tie prechody Slova, tej hudby. To vrhá; Chvíľu to ide takto, určitý takt, za chvíľu sa to všetko zmieňa. Čo to je? Pre vás, ktorí by ste tomu nerozumeli alebo by ste o tom nič nevedeli, nezaujímalo by vás to, to je len hluk, to je hurhaj. Ale pre tých, ktorí o tom vedia oni to pozorujú, oni vedia, že to prichádza. Haleluja!
169Tak my máme tieto chvíle symfónií tej symfónii Božieho Slova, že celá dráma sa zmieňa. Vy ktorí sa o to zaujímate, dávate pozor na tú zmenu. Viete že sa to približuje. Počúvate ako udierajú bubny, amen, chcú povedať, že niečo sa stane. Viete že toto je zmena. Vidíte? Za niekoľko minút to prepukne do vyvrcholenia. Vidíte? A vy to pozorujte, môžete povedať kedy nastupujú bubny. Ó Bože! Ak môžete teraz počuť tie zakončovacie bubny, ak môžete počuť ohlas hudby, ktorú spieva samo nebeské Slovo: „A stane sa v posledných dňoch!“ Tú symfóniu Božiu, veľkú drámu, ktorú On hrá. To sa zmieňa, Jeho symfónia v tých prechodoch. Skladateľ a tí ktorí sa o to zaujímajú, počúvajú a očakávajú na zmenu. To je to čo toto všetko pre nás znamená, my počúvame, pozoru- jeme. V každej chvíli sa On ukáže, niečo sa stane, vidíme, že čas dobieha do konca. Vidíme, že nedávno, keď boli nakreslené tie cirkevné veky, počúvali sme. Videli sme, že to bolo presne podľa Slova, udieranie podľa Slova. Po nejakom čase, čo sa stalo? Tu On prichádza, On sám a potvrdzuje to.
170Počuli sme Slovo hovorí, že: „Vo dňoch siedmeho anjela ...“ V tom cirkevnom veku, On proste povedal, že posolstvo siedmeho anjela bude posledné posolstvo. A potom, ó, nachádzame tu v Zjavení 10, „Vo dňoch posolstva siedmeho anjela sa majú dokonať tajomstvá Božie,“ Bude strhnutá Siedma pečať. To tam má byť. Potom zrazu, keď sa to deje prichádza videnie, je povedané. „Choď do Tucsonu nastane v tom čase veľký výbuch a tak bude dôkladne rozumieť a vedieť, že je to poslané. To takmer zatrasie zemou.“ Vy všetci o tom viete. Je to na páske mesiace predtým ako sa to stalo. A tam sa to stalo! Potom sa to zjavilo na nebesiach. „Šalom!“ Čo to je? To je zmena rytmu v tej symfónii.
171Potom raz On povedal o treťom potiahnutí; ako to príde týmto jedným spôsobom, potom skrze poznanie sŕdc a potom hovorené Slovo.
172Ježiš povedal: „Väčšie veci ako tieto budete činiť; lebo Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi.“ Ján 14 „Skutky ktoré ja činím vy tiež budete činiť, väčšie ako tie lebo Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi.“ Práve ako som pred chvíľou povedal, keď sa ho Mária snažila zidentifikovať ako Jozefovho syna, On ju napravil. Jeho Slovo nemôže sklamať! On tak povedal: „Nebo i zem pominú, ale moje Slová nepominú.“
173Keď počujeme rytmus symfónie ako sa zmieňa, má nastať zmena, to je čas prechodu. Všímame si ako On začína udierať a videli sme „Skutky ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť a väčšie budete činiť.“ Väčšie. On to zasľúbil. My sme sa divili ako by to mohlo byť.
174Ale všimli ste si, keď On vykonal svoj prvý zázrak, On zobral vodu a premenil ju na víno. Je to tak? Zobral vodu, ktorá teoreticky jedného dňa mohla byť vínom, ale to bola prv voda.
175A keď nachoval päť tisíc, čo urobil? Zobral niečo čo bolo ako voda, zobral rybu, ktorá raz plávala a narodila sa z vajca a On to rozlámal a ďalšia ryba narástla do stvorenia to bolo originálne stvorenie. On zobral chlieb, ktorý bol raz pšenicou a bol semenom a stal sa z toho chlieb a lámal z tohoto chleba a to stvorenie sa len rozmnožovalo.
176Ale tam v lesoch, tam nebolo nič, z čoho by mohla byť spravená veverička. „Nech bude,“ a bola bez lámania čohokoľvek. Čo to je? Ten istý Ježiš Kristus! Vidíte? „Väčšie veci ako tieto budete činiť, lebo ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi.“ Nie zobrať niečo čo už bolo stvorené, lámať niečo z toho a rozmnožovať stvorenie, ale absolútne stvoriť. Ukazuje, že On je ten istý Jehova, ktorý stál tam vtedy a povedal: „Nech sa stane.“ a stalo sa. Jeho Slovo sa zamanifestovalo! Keď sa On stal telom na zemi, On zobral svoje originálne stvorenie, zlámal to a rozmnožil. Ale teraz v posledných dňoch, keď On znovu prichádza dole medzi nás, to isté Svetlo ktoré zostúpilo dole, povedal: „Nech je svetlo,“ vidíte, On len prehovoril a stvorenie prišlo do existencie. Väčšie ako tieto budete činiť lebo ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi. Pamätajte, my sme v týchto časoch.
177A svet nerozumie pretože to je „množstvo nezmyslov“. Pretože to nie sú Metodisti, tak Metodisti tomu nerozumejú. Pretože toto, oni nie sú Baptisti, tak Batisty tomu nerozumejú. Pretože to nie sú Katolíci, tak katolíci tomu nerozumejú. Pretože to nie sú Letniční, tak letniční tomu nerozumejú.
178Ale tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána, tí ktorí dávajú pozor! Žiadny človek z histórie v žiadnom observatóriu nevedel, že prechádzala tá Hviezda. Ale tí mudrci ju nasledovali stovky míľ po dobu dvoch rokov, oni ju pozorovali a nasledovali. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? To je pre tých, ktorí sú započúvaní do tej symfónie.
179Pamätajte, skladateľ pozná koniec od začiatku. On vie o tom všetko, preto to tu mohol napísať. Správne. No vy musíte začať s ním, vy musíte začať ... Ak chcete počúvať symfóniu, začínate s ním, ako v hudbe symfónii. Počúvate, viete čo ona vyjadruje, to bude to, o čom je tá symfónia, potom začínate počúvať tú hudbu. A viete čo to je, tak približne viete, „Tu sa odohrá tá a tá vec,, teraz sa to musí zmeniť.“ No, ale pre každého iného, kto nevie nič o tom, čo oni ... kto len vošiel a sadol si, to je len množstvo nezmyslu, štrkajúci hluk. Ale pre toho, kto vie čo to je, to je rytmus s tou hudbou, zabubnovaný podľa nôt, je to zatrúbené na trúbkach, je to zabrnkané na harfe, zahrané na husliach, takt na base, zatrúbené na trúbkach. Celá tá vec spolu je rytmus, a to tvorí drámu, že až môžete zavrieť oči a žiť v tom. Haleluja!
180Človek by mohol zavrieť svoje smrteľné oči na tie zemské veci a žiť v prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, keď vidíte jeho Slovo, ako sa vyjadruje v rytme melódii tej veľkej symfónii, v ktorej teraz žijeme, ako sa premieňa. Musíte byť v tej symfónii. Jediné čo môžete robiť, ak ste v tej symfónii, potom začnete, začínate sa dostávať do rytmu. Tak to robíte ohľadne Boha. Nepostavíte sa nabok a nedívate sa na to. Vchádzate do rytmu toho! Ako sa tam dostanete? Ste do toho narodení, do rytmu Slova, keď sa stanete časťou Slova.
181Museli ste sa stáť časťou tanca, aby ste sa dostali von z toho tanca. Musíte sa stať časťou loptovej hry, alebo niečoho čo vás zaujíma, aby ste sa dostali do tej loptovej hry.
182Musíte sa stať časťou Slova, aby ste poznali Božiu symfóniu. Jeho symfóniu, keď je to hrané, rozumiete, pochodujete v takte času. Očakávate na to: „Skutky ktoré ja činím aj vy budete činiť; väčšie ako tie budete činiť,“ v týchto posledných dňoch. Ó! Veľká premena času. Dostávame sa do rytmu, rytmu Slova. Rozpoznávame jeho zámer, hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Dostávame sa do rytmu toho, ako ... Ako to On robí. Ak sa dostanete do Slova, zisťujete ako to On robil na začiatku, potom viete ako to On robí po celý čas.
183Ako On poslal svoje Posolstvo prvý krát? Čo On robí? On sa nezaoberá s organizáciami, On to nikdy nerobil, tak to nerobí ani teraz. Tam, ak počúvate na rytmus cirkevnej rady, ste v tme. Ale ak počúvate na rytmus Slova!
184Prečo zabili Ježiša? „Ty súc človek, robíš sa Bohom.“
185Máte moje posolstvo na tému „Tri druhy veriacich.“ Ako tí jedni tam stáli a ... Tam boli tí ktorí sa robili, že tomu veria a nasledovali to nejaký čas, robili sa ako keby tomu verili. A jedného dňa im Ježiš povedal, povedal: „Čo si budete myslieť keď Syn človeka, ktorý je z neba, vystúpi naspäť do neba? Ja som prišiel z neba a idem naspäť do neba.“
186Aha, tie zástupy odišli preč a povedali: „To je tvrdá reč.“
187Potom prišli tí čo sa robili veriacimi, ktorí chodili s Ním, sedemdesiati, keď počuli niečo tvrdšie, oni nevideli, že to ... oni nepoznali tú symfóniu. Oni nepoznali zasľúbenie, že toto dieťa bol Jehova „Nazvú jeho meno Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh.“ A keď on povedal: „Keď vystúpim hore do neba, odkiaľ som prišiel!“
188„No,“ povedali, „toto je tvrdá reč. Kto tomu môže rozumieť? Vieme, že ty si len človek. Jedávame s tebou, spávame s tebou, sme s tebou v lesoch, sme s tebou pri vode. No, ty si len človek a hovoríš, že syn človeka ide naspäť odkiaľ si prišiel? Čo poviete? Toto je tvrdá reč!“ Vidíte? Oni nepoznali ten takt. Nepoznali rytmus tej symfónii Božieho Slova, že On bol Boh zamanifestovaný v tele, lebo On bol potvrdeným Svetlom Slova na tú hodinu. Oni to neporozumeli. Povedali: „Toto je tvrdá reč. Kto to môže rozumieť?“ A Odvrátili sa preč. Oni nepoznali ten takt.
189Potom si znovu všímame, tam bol Judáš, ten ktorý sa robil veriacim, alebo neveriaci, ktorý čakal kým nájde chybu. On sa potom obrátil k učeníkom, povedal to tým dvanástim a Judáš bol medzi nimi. On povedal: „Vy tiež chcete odísť?“
190Potom Peter povedal: „Ku komu by sme išli Pane? Ty si skladateľ.“ Amen. „Ty vieš ako to ide ďalej. Ty si jediný, kto má Slovo života. Kde by sme sa mali obrátiť? Nepôjdeme naspäť ku farizejom alebo k Sadúceom alebo k Herodiadom,“ alebo čokoľvek to bolo. „Ty si ten, ktorý má Slovo života. Nemáme iného miesta kde by sme išli. My sme sa zapojili do tohoto veľkého Koncertu. My sme v tomto tu, počúvame to a sme v rytme. My veríme, že ty si syn Boží, zamanifestovaný Jehova. Sme si toho istí! Nevieme čo znamenajú tieto veľké skúšky a problémy a utrpenia a to všetko a ty hovoríš, že pôjdeš tam hore a budeš obetovaný a všetko toto, to a tamto a na tretí deň, všetky tieto veci. Nerozumieme tomu. Ale sme v tom, počúvame Božiu symfóniu, sme časťou toho. A čakáme aby sme videli, čo sa deje ďalej a nasledujeme to tesne s tebou.“ Ó. To je to, čo chcem robiť. Zasľúbenie ...
191Ako On začal? Presne tak, ako to urobil na začiatku. Vidíte? On nikdy neposlal svoje posolstvo do nejakej organizácie. On nikdy neposlal svoju skupinu s posolstvom, On poslal jedného muža. Vo dňoch Noeho, to bol Noe. Vo dňoch Mojžiša to bol Mojžiš.
192Raz si jedni mysleli, že povedali: „No, ty sa robíš jediným svätým v celej skupine.“ Boh pohliadol dole na to.
193Mojžiš išiel ku Pánovi: „Urobil som toto. Čo mám robiť?“
194On povedal: „Oddeľ sa od nich. Ja sa postarám o to ostatné. Ja som ťa poslal. To je moja zodpovednosť.“ A otvoril zem a pohltila Kóracha a celú tú skupinu. Stále.
195Ján a Ježiš nemohli byť v tom istom čase. Ježiš ... Keď sa Ján pozrel, povedal: „Ja sa teraz musím menšiť a On musí rásť. On je to potvrdené Svetlo.“ Tak sa toto Svetlo bude pohybovať dopredu až on zistí, že prichádza to plné potvrdenie. Je to tak. Je to tak.
196On je taký, aký bol na začiatku. Takto začínate, takto sa začínate učiť poznávať aký je Boh. Čo On robil, keď bol tu na zemi? Aký druh života On žil? Či On s každým súhlasil, či robil kompromisy? Či išiel do nejakej organizácie? Ako sa On identifikoval? „Skúmajte Písma! Vy si myslíte ... Myslíte, že v nich máte večný život a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“ Vidíte? Tak isto je to dnes alebo v ktoromkoľvek inom čase. Keď chcete svetlo, vidíte čo Písmo hovorí pre túto hodinu. Dobre.
197Kde potom začínate? Ak je tu nejaký hriešnik, ty začínaš na kríži, keď sa pokladáš za mŕtveho s Ním. Vošiel si potom do tej veľkej drámy. Počúvaš potom, pozoruješ noty, pri to čo ich držíš v ruke, tú sympatiu. Máš v ruke noty a to ti povie o týchto veciach, kde zmeny tej hudby to začínajú odohrávať, potom vieš čo sa hrá. Keď vidíš, že Boží Duch padá na ľudí a robí určitú vec, pozrieš sa naspäť a vidíš kde to je. Vidíš či je to to, či je to, čo je na dnes. Prečo, oni mali v rukách noty tej sympatii, keď prišiel Ježiš. Samozrejme, mali.
198Vyslovujem správne to slovo, symfónia, sympatia? Dúfam. Tak potom tak som sa nad tým zamyslel. Symfónia? [Niekto v zhromaždení hovorí: „Symfónia.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Symfónia. Dobre? V poriadku.
199No, oni mali v ruke noty, ale čo chceli robiť? Oni sa snažili pozrieť naspäť na nejaký takt, ktorý už ... na časť, ktorá už bola zahraná. To je to, čo robia cirkvi dnes. Dívajú sa naspäť, vidia akú časť odohral Luther; to robia Luteráni. Oni nepoznajú tú zmenu v tej hudbe. Oni nevedia, čo Boh robí dnes, keď robí tieto veci, Luteráni. Letniční hovoria: „Ó, my to máme.“ Máte noty, podľa ktorých sa hralo pred päťdesiatimi rokmi. Vidíte? Samozrejme. Držme len toto Slovo v rukách a dávajme pozor kedy prichádza tá zmena, potom budeme vedieť, čo robíme.
200No, a začni s Ním na kríži. „Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov; a dostanete hudbu, smer,“ Vidíte? „Jeho Slovo, Ducha Svätého, ktorý manifestuje Slovo.“ Potom pokračujte ďalej v rytme Slova. Čokoľvek tá hudba hrá na tú hodinu, hrajte s ňou. Rozumiete?
201Veľa ľudí sa pýta. „Prečo?“ Pýtajú sa. Raz sa ma opýtali. „Prečo? Prečo sa musia diať tieto veci? Čo, prečo, prečo sa mi toto stalo? Prečo som začal a toto sa mi stalo a tu som mal tieto problémy a toto ma tu rozhádzalo a tu som stratil toto?“
202Niekedy som sa ja pýtal. „Prečo?“ Prečo, keď som bol len mladým kazateľom, keď som prvý krát rozpočal Boh zobral moju ženu odo mňa zobral moje dieťa, od môjho srdca? Prečo to urobil? Nevedel som. Teraz viem. Držal som len svoju ruku v jeho a neprestával som spoliehať na neho.
203On pozná každé zbiehanie udalostí. On pozná rytmus, keď sa to musí stať. On vie čo je treba aby ťa sformoval, On vie aký materiál použije. Vidíte? Niekedy vzadu na púšti Boh formuje spravodlivých ľudí za mudrcov a prorokov. Vidíte? Tam tí ľudia naberajú tvar pod tými údermi. Sú vytvarovaní aby pasovali do Slova. Keď majú v sebe všetky možné vyznania a také veci, nech prídu do Slova a Boh to z nich vytlčie, formuje ich rovno do tohoto, do veľkej symfónii jeho Slova. Vidíte? A potom vidia ako sa Slovo pohybuje dopredu.
204Boh vie kedy sa ten rytmus toho musí zmeniť. On vie ako prebieha ten rytmus. Ja neviem ako to ide, ale On vie. On vie ako to ide, ja nie. Ale dívam sa tu na to a hovorím: „Dobre, to práve prichádza.“
205„Mnoho zlého prichádza na spravodlivých ale Boh ich zo všetkého vyslobodzuje.“ Vidíte? Boh prešiel cez históriu s rytmom zasľúbenia Jeho Slova, v každom veku v tom istom rytme, vyplňujúc svoje Slovo. Tak Boh prechádzal cez históriu, celou cestou od Genesis do Zjavenia, On prechádzal cez históriu so svojím Slovom. Je to tak. S rytmom moci Ducha Svätého potvrdzujúc Svoje Slovo pre Vyvolených. Pamätajte. On nikdy nebol schopný dotknúť sa tej vonkajšej cirkvi. To sú len Vyvolení.
206Pozrite sa na tých kňazov, povedali: „Tento človek je Belzebub. On je veštec. Aha, On číta ich myšlienky.“
207Oni málo vedeli, že „Slovo je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, ktoré rozpoznáva myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci.“ A On bol Slovo.
208Ale tá prostitútka, ktorá stála pri studni toho dňa, aby nabrala vodu do vedra, ona povedala: „Vidím, že ty si prorok. My vieme, že príde Mesiáš. Nemali sme proroka stovky rokov, ale vieme že príde Mesiáš. A keď on príde, to je to čo On bude robiť.“
209On povedal: Ja som On.“ To stačilo. Prečo? Ten rytmus zaznel! Ona očakávala na tú zmenu, z cirkevnej denominácie na potvrdeného Mesiáša. A tu On stál, Mesiáš o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš: „Pán váš Boh vám vzbudí proroka ako som ja.“ Tu On je. Rytmus sa premenil, potvrdené Semeno to rozpoznalo.
210A keď skutočné Slovo Božie dopadá na vyvolených, na to Semeno a oni vidia potvrdenie Slova, oni to rozpoznávajú. Oni sa dívajú na Slovo, oni poznajú zbehnutie tých okolností, oni poznajú čas, poznajú zmenu, poznajú ten rytmus, ktorý má byť v tej hodine. Haleluja! Oni poznajú ten takt, poznajú čas, oni vedia ako to má ísť. Vidíte? Jedine tí vyvolení to vedia.
211Keď to Filip videl, nemohol to dlhšie vydržať, on vedel že to je Mesiáš. Tak išiel za svojím priateľom, oni spolu študovali Bibliu. „Natanael“, povedal „poď sa pozrieť na jedného muža. Poď, uvidíš čo sme našli, našli sme Ježiša z Nazaretu. Našli sme Ježiša z Nazaretu, to je ten prorok o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš, že príde. Našli sme ho. Našli sme ho.“
212On povedal: „Ako to môže byť? Kde je?“ Vidíte? On nebol ... On nepoznal presne ten rytmus. Oni to študovali. Ale keď tam prišiel, on mu povedal, predstavil mu Slovo.
213A keď tam prišiel, Ježiš povedal: „Hľa, Izraelita,“ ten rytmus sa začal chytať, v ten deň sa tá veľká dráma začala odohrávať tam na pódiu, alebo na zemi. Možno Ježiš stál na skale a hovoril ku ľuďom. A keď prišiel Filip s Natanaelom, pozrel sa na neho a povedal: „Hľa, Izraelita v ktorom nieto lesti.“
On povedal: „Rabbi, kedy si ma vôbec poznal?“
214On povedal: „Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“ Ó!
215On bol časťou toho. On povedal: „Ty si ten Syn Boží! Ty si ten Kráľ Izraelov.“ Nezáležalo na tom aký bol rytmus sveta, a aké zábavy mali vo svojich denomináciách, to nebola tá veľká Božia symfónia. Amen. On povedal: „Ty si ten Kráľ Izraelov! Tu to je. Vidím to. Viem to.“ Prečo? On bol Vyvolený. Vyvolené semeno to vie. To stále tak bolo v každom veku, že oni to vedeli.
216Vy poviete: „Ale Brat Branham a čo moja matka a otec, čo moja rodina, čo moja denominácia, čo oni budú robiť? Oni ma vyhodia. Je to ...?“ Ak sa nemôžeš dívať dopredu, dívaj sa hore. Nesnaž sa dívať dopredu, aj tak, daj svoju ruku do Jeho. Nechal Jeho nech ťa vedie. Dívaj sa hore, nedívaj sa dopredu. Vy poviete: „Prečo, prečo si robia iní žarty z mojich dlhých vlasov a že som prestala nosiť nohavice a že som prestala chodiť do kostola.“ Och! Trpieť za jeho meno to sú rastúce bolesti jeho milosti. Tak je. Trpieť pre jeho Slovo. Vidíte? To sú rastúce bolesti jeho milosti. Tak veru! Len pamätajte, to je milosť Božia, ktorá ti bola daná. Ó!
217Ako povedal Pavel, haleluja, on mal slabosť, niečo ho trápilo. On mal ... Diabol s ním lomcoval, rana za ranou. A pýtal Pána o radu, tri krát, aby to bolo od neho odobrané, povedal: „Pane, ja toto nechcem. Zober to odo mňa!“
218A potom jednej noci Pán ku nemu prehovoril, povedal: „Saul“ alebo „Pavel, dosť ti je moja milosť.“
219On povedal: „Budem sa chváliť svojimi slabosťami. Budem sa v tom chváliť. Viem, že Ty si uzdravovateľ. Videl som ako uzdravuješ nemoci, kriesiš mŕtvych, vyháňaš démonov, otváraš oči slepých. Ale keď som sa s tebou radil a povedal si mi, že to je tvoja milosť a ona je dostatočná, potom ten diabol, ktorý ma trápi, to sú rastúce bolesti tvojej milosti. Potom sa budem chváliť vo svojich slabostiach. Prečo? Aby som sa príliš nepovyšoval ponad množstvo zjavenia.“ Vidíte?
220Vidíte? On mal niečo čo iní učeníci nemali, on ho videl po jeho smrti, pohrabe, zmŕtvychvstaní a vystúpení do neba. On ho videl. Niekto z nich povedal: „No, ja som s ním chodil.“ Tak isto všetci, ktorí chodili po ulici. Ale potom, keď On zomrel bol pochovaný a povstal a vystúpil do neba a navrátil sa naspäť vo forme Ohnivého stĺpa, On sa rozprával s Pavlom. To bolo viacej než čo mal ktorýkoľvek z tých ostatných.. Amen.
221On povedal: „Aby som sa nepovýšil a nechcel postaviť nejaké veľké semináre a všetko možné a niečo ďalšie veľké, aby som sa nepovyšoval na skutok prevelikosti tohoto zjavenia, Boh dovolil aby ma posol satana pohlavkoval.“ Povedal: „Vtedy keď som slabý, vtedy som mocný.“ Amen. Amen. Rastúce bolesti milosti! Amen. Mohli by sme pri tom zostať dlhý čas; prešla hodina a trištvrte a znášame jeho bolesti milosti.
222Ó, On môže dovoliť, že prídeme na križovatky aby nás skúsil, aby nás zdokonalil do svojej služby. On to môže dovoliť teraz, cirkev, pri vás tu i pri tých ktorí počúvajú pásky. On môže dovoliť tie križovatky v našej službe.
223Ako to urobil pri Danielovi. Jedného dňa dal Danielovi malú križovatku. On vedel, že on bol v Babylone veľkým mužom. On to urobil, spravil, že kráľ sa obrátil proti nemu a hodil ho do jamy ľvov. To ho len zdokonalilo. Skutočne!
224Nechal, že tie hebrejské deti išli do ohnivej peci. Oni boli rozhodnutí postaviť sa na jeho Slovo!
225On môže dopustiť na nás krížové slová, nechať ich, že sa z teba smejú za to že máš dlhé vlasy, nechať ich, že sa z teba smejú, že si sa stal náboženským fanatikom alebo akokoľvek to nazývajú. To môže, oni sa môžu za to z teba smiať, to je poriadku. To je križovatka, to je malá križovatka. To je na to aby to niečo dokázalo.
226Vidíte, to jediné čo tá križovatka urobila tým Hebrejským deťom, ktoré stáli na Slove, to ich len rozviazalo z tých pút, ktoré mali na nohách.
227A niekedy sú potrebné tvrdé skúšky aby boli z nás zlámané putá sveta. Niekedy Boh nechá, že máme malú skúšku, viete, aby videl čo budeme robiť, aby vás zobral zo sveta. Alebo, inými slovami, nechá, že príde na vás malá skúška a vyrazí vás to von z organizácie a z tej predstavy, že „Metodisti sú tí jediní, baptisti, alebo letniční, alebo že to je tá jediná skupina, ktorú oni majú. Ak tomu neveríte tak, ako tomu verí moja cirkev, vôbec neveríte.“ Niekedy nechá, že sa stanú také malé skúšky. Možno vám ochorelo dieťa. Možno sa deje niečo rovno v hodine smrti, možno vám je niečo odobrané alebo niečo také. Čo to má vykonať? Odtrhnúť vás, ukázať vám niečo, otvoriť vám oči. Možno niekedy prichádzaš kritizovať. Možno počúvaš túto pásku len preto aby si to kritizoval. Možno Boh to robí aby odtrhol nejaké svetské putá, ktoré ťa zviazali.
228Ako človek, ktorý sa topí v rieke, musíte prv vytiahnuť toho človeka z rieky a potom rieku z toho človeka. Je to tak. Prv ho musíte dostať von z rieky, potom dostávate vodu von z neho. Niekedy to Boh tak musí robiť. On dovolí, že sa zbehnú udalosti, že prídeme na križovatky aby to urobil. Stojte na jeho zasľúbeniach, na Slove, lebo oni nikdy nesklamú. Budúcnosť je v jeho rukách. Stojte ako oni stáli, neodstupujte.
229Abrahám, na svojich križovatkách vedel, že Boh môže vzkriesiť jeho syna z mŕtvych, odkiaľ ho prijal na tých križovatkách. Abrahám prišiel na svoju križovatku. A potom keď spoľahol na Boha a videl všetky tie Božie zázraky. Dvadsať päť rokov čakal na toho chlapca, na zasľúbeného syna a potom mu Boh povedal aby išiel a obetoval práve to, na čo čakal. Ó, čo za čas! Ale či Abrahám zaváhal? Čítajte Rimanom 4. kapitolu, povedal, že si bol cele istý. Amen. On si bol cele istý toho, čo Boh zasľúbil, že je schopný vykonať. Amen. On dopustil na križovatku. On nám ukazoval cez Abraháma, že je schopný vzbudiť z mŕtvych.
230Abrahám povedal: „Dostanem ho ako vzkrieseného z mŕtvych.“ Sárine lono bolo mŕtve, Sárine lono bolo mŕtve; a on, jeho telo bolo mŕtve, on bol starý muž. Ona nemala žiadne mliečne žľazy aby chovala to dieťa. A oni nemali ... No, nebolo nič. A on sám bol neplodný a ona bola neplodná. Vidíte? Nemali vôbec žiadnu možnosť. A on ho dostal ako z mŕtvych, povedal: „Ak Boh môže urobiť toto, Boh ho môže vzbudiť z mŕtvych. Lebo ten istý Boh, ktorý mi povedal, že príde to dieťa a ja som na tom trval a ono prišlo, On ho môže vzbudiť z mŕtvych.“ Lebo, On robí aby všetko spolu pôsobilo na dobré tým, ktorý ho milujú. Amen.
231Boh, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, že v týchto posledných dňoch sa budú diať tieto veci, ktoré vidíme že sa dejú! Keď On zasľúbil syna a ten syn prišiel; keď On zasľúbil všetky tieto veci, ktoré vidíme v Písme a to sa stalo, vojdime do rytmu toho. On zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, že sa budú diať tieto veci a my to vidíme. On zasľúbil, že pošle Ježiša. Haleluja. Bude Milénium! Nastane nový deň. Bude deň, že slnko nebude viacej zapadať, lebo ... nebudeme ho viac potrebovať, lebo Baránok je svetlom toho mesta, do ktorého ideme. Amen.
232Svitanie nového dňa, cítim to teraz všade na sebe. Svetlo nového dňa! Svetlo dňa kde už nie je žiadna noc, nie je tam temnosť, žiadne tiene, žiadne oblaky, žiadne mračná, tmavé oblaky, žiadna polnoc, žiadne hroby ani žiadne kvety na nich, žiadne pohrebné sprievody, žiadny doktori, ani márnice. Amen. Môžem cítiť lúče jeho Svetla, ktoré svietia na moju dušu. Nový deň! Ten starý je tlačený preč.
233Ako cítim tú smrteľnú krv ako prúdi v mojom tele, cítim príval Ducha Svätého ako vchádza za tým: „Povstaň a svieť.“
234Niečo povedalo: „Billy Branham, starneš, slabneš, ochabujú ti ramená šedivejú a vypadávajú ti vlasy.“ To je pravda. A temnosť a veľká temnosť je na zemi!
235„Povstaň a svieť!“ Cítim ako tam padá ten príval Svetla slávneho evanjelia Ježiša Krista, ktorý ma učinil novým stvorením v Ňom. Očakávam na ten deň, amen, na ten nový deň. Neviem aká bude budúcnosť. Neviem čo prinesie rok 1964, či pre mňa niečo prinesie alebo nič ďalšie ale mám svoju ruku v ruke toho, ktorý drží večnosť, ktorý je večnosťou. Amen.
236Abrahám vedel, že Boh ho môže znovu vzkriesiť, tak sa spoľahol na neho.
237Tak, v tom novom roku buďte rozhodnutí stáť na Jeho Slove a na tom čo ono zasľúbilo, ako to robili iní Vyvolení v iných dňoch. Ak cítite, že ste videli svetlo Ježiša Krista, ktoré sa predralo a svieti na vás, jeho manifestáciu jeho veľkého Ducha Svätého v týchto posledných dňoch. A pamätajte, pamätajte, stojte s tým, čo On urobil, ste jeden z Vyvolených; a čo on, ten vyvolený v tých iných dňoch, ako Abrahám, keď to videl, keď to bolo všetko proti vedeckému dôkazu. Noe to videl, a to všetko bolo nezhodné s vedeckými dôkazmi. Mojžiš to videl a to všetko bolo nezhodné s vedeckými dôkazmi. Tie intelektuálne veky pominuli ale tí vyvolení, ktorí to uvideli, stáli pevne! Amen.
238A čo sa týka budúcnosti, stojme pevne na zasľúbení. Boh ho dal, je na Bohu aby to vyplnil. Ja len nasledujem ten rytmus. Keď odbíja ten čas na zemi a hovorí: „Toto je koniec Williama Branhama na zemi,“ potom pôjdem s tým rytmom. Potom s tým rytmom znovu povstanem. Haleluja. Ten, ktorý mi v tom rytme dal život, ho odoberá a znovu ho dáva. To je rytmus Boží: „Ja ho vzkriesim v posledných dňoch. Ten kto verí v mňa má večný život. Ten kto čuje moje Slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný život; a nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ Ja budem nasledovať to bitie Slova. Amen. Nie bitie môjho srdca; bitie Slova! Bez ohľadu na to čo to je, ak moje srdce nebije zhodne so Slovom, potom moje srdce nie je v poriadku. Amen. Lebo On je Slovo! Amen. Biblia nám to hovorí, Božie Slovo.
239Počúval som s Billym taký program, ktorý nedávno išiel. A to bola táto Biblická ... hodina nazvaná prorocká ... Ako sa to nazýva? Niečo o proroctve. „Hlas proroctva.“ Skutočne, to sú adventisti siedmeho dňa.. Oni mali štyri alebo päť mien. Millerovci, tak sa zo začiatku nazývali.
240To boli oni, ktorí povedali tam na zhromaždení, že ja tvrdím, že som Ježiš Kristus; že Svätý Otec je nado mnou, ten ohnivý stĺp a že ja som Ježiš Kristus. Tak sa stalo, že jeden môj priateľ tam bol na tom zhromaždení a vstal a povedal. „Budete to musieť dokázať, pretože ho tu hneď zavolám. Chcem vidieť čo len raz, že by on niečo také tvrdil.“ Takým spôsobom. Ten človek rozprával o rôznych kultoch a takých veciach, ktoré sú na zemi.
241 Oni vedia. Raz som sa s nimi pustil do rozhovoru na otázku tohoto sabatu. Oni sa držia toho starého dňa, ktorý prešiel. Duch Svätý je náš Sabat, Biblia tak povedala: „Poďte ku mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení a ja dám sabat vašej duši.“ Nie „deň“ Pavel povedal: „Vy ktorí dodržiavate dni, bojím sa o vás.“ Vidíte, je to tak. Tak veru. „Zostáva odpočinutie,“ Židom 4, božiemu ľudu, zachovávanie sabatu. Lebo my, ktorí sme vošli do jeho odpočinku, odpočinuli sme od svojich skutkov, ako Boh od svojich.
242Ale ich rečník, pred nedávnom, mali pekný program, ja nemám nič proti nim. Urobil by som všetko, čo by som mohol aby som im pomohol. Slobodne im odpúšťam čo hovorili, pretože povedali niečo, čo nebola pravda. Ale to je v poriadku. Ich náuka je proste ako náuka Svedkov Jehovových a Kresťanskej vedy a všetkých týchto ďalších kultov, viete, to je to isté. Ale všimnite si, oni sú proste ako všetky ďalšie organizácie. Myslím, že nie sú na tom horšie ako tie ostatné. Slovo má stále pravdu, ono sa samo potvrdí. Všimnite si.
243Ale keď hovoril, ten človek povedal: „Máme knihu roku.“ Tento pisateľ, ó, ako sa volá, ten rečník? Zabudol som teraz ako sa volá. On hovoril pre kresťanských obchodníkov tu hore v Seattle nedávno na Svetovom veľtrhu. A povedal, tento hlásateľ povedal: „Tento človek napísal knihu, najlepšiu knihu na tento rok.“ Nesúhlasím.
244Knihou na tento rok je Biblia! To je svetlo sveta. To je sám Boh. Našou knihou na tento rok je Biblia. Na tento rok 1964, našou knihou je Biblia. A na všetky ďalšie roky, ktoré prídu, našou knihou je Biblia. Na všetky roky, ktoré prešli, to bola kniha tých predošlých rokov, kniha tých rokov, ktoré prídu a to je kniha večnosti. To zjavuje, že to je Boh. Tak veru, ona zjavuje Boha. Každý rok, ktorý má prísť, to je kniha toho roku. Kedykoľvek počujete, že Biblia niečo hovorí, jej zasľúbenie je potvrdené, jedného dňa nastane večnosť. Biblia je tým, ktorý nám dáva toto zasľúbenie, keď počujete, že Biblia hovorí, že prichádza deň, keď príde Ježiš. A ako hovorím dnes, teraz ...
245Musím zakončiť, pretože už som tu pri tom dve hodiny.
246Pozrite, ak nám Biblia hovorí o týchto veciach ktoré majú prísť, hovorí o všetkých týchto hodinách cez ktoré sme prešli. Sú predpovedané dni Noeho. Dni všetkých týchto ostatných, ktoré Písmo predpovedalo. Dni Martina Luthera boli predpovedané, dni Wesleya. dni letničných. Táto hodina, v ktorej žijeme bola predpovedaná. Všetko sa stalo presne tak, ako to bolo. Potom keď ... Čo to je? To je hovorené Božie Slovo, ktoré Boh potvrdil, robí ju svetlom na túto hodinu. Vidíte? Presne tak ako je slnko. Keď Slovo, samo Slovo je svetlom, keď je potvrdené na ten čas do ktorého patrí. Vidíte? To je potvrdené, potom je to svetlo na danú hodinu.
247Ján bol svetlom, on bol väčším svetlom než to, ktoré mal Eliáš a tí ostatní. Eliáš ... On nebol Eliášovým svetlom, ale on bol Eliášom v inej forme, potvrdzujúc svetlo. Vidíte? On bol ... A keď prišiel Ježiš, povedal: „On bol jasným svietiacim svetlom, nejaký čas a vy ste radi chodili v jeho svetle.“ Vidíte?
248A Ján povedal: „Ja teraz musím hasnúť. Ja teraz musím odísť, moje svetlo prestalo svietiť. Ja musím odísť. On musí narastať. On je svetlo.“
249On povedal: „Ja som svetlo sveta.“ Amen. Je to tak. „Ten istý včera dnes i naveky.“ A On je stále svetlo sveta. A čo On je? „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha.“ Prečo bol On svetlo sveta? Keby On bol prišiel a povedal, že je Mesiáš a nerobil by to, čo Biblia povedala, že má robiť, potom by nebol svetlo sveta. Rozumiete? To je potvrdené Slovo, ktoré to robí svetlom sveta.
250A v tejto hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme, potvrdené slovo tejto hodiny ... Letniční, vy hovoríte: „Hovorenie v jazykoch,“ a tak ďalej. To bol deň letníc, to bolo svetlo na tú hodinu vtedy. Vidíte? Toto je iný deň. On je svetlom tejto hodiny dnes.
251Sedem cirkevných vekov, všetko zahasené, Kristus je vystrčený von. Mesiac to identifikuje, všetka tá temnosť prichádza na zem. Svetlo sa teraz tlačí, začína ukazovať čo sa bude diať. Tá vec bude zničená a svetlo vojde dovnútra a zničí to. A svätí zdedia zem, pokorní zdedia zem. Zem, mesiac temnosť bude odstránené preč. Pominie temnosť noci, temnosť so svojou smrťou a vyznaniami, a preč od Slova Božieho, prevrátené veci, ktoré oni hovoria. A zasvitne svetlo a nastane deň.
252A pamätajte, keď celá Biblia ... Počúvajte, na zakončenie. Keď celá táto Biblia bude dôkladne potvrdená, potom nastane večné Šalom, večný pokoj. Rozumiete?
253On prišiel a bolo povedané, že On bol „Pokoj na zemi, v ľuďoch zaľúbenie,“ ale svet to neprijal. Vidíte? Vidíte? On bol pokojom pre každého, kto prišiel ku nemu pre pokoj. Vidíte? Pokoj na zemi, v ľuďoch zaľúbenie, On bol tým pokojom na začiatku toho nového roku, nového Božieho dňa. Prečo? On bol tým potvrdeným svetlom toho dňa. Vidíte?
254Ale je ešte viacej Slova, ktoré má byť potvrdené. On musel potvrdiť viacej Slova. A keď je potvrdené to posledné Slovo, keď je potvrdené, potom je smrť pohltená vo víťazstvo a povstanú mŕtvi v Kristovi, nastane Milénium a to bude jeden veľký Pokoj, Šalom. Zostaňme v očakávaní na ten deň, brat sestra, na ten veľký Šalom.
255Pamätajte, Biblia je zdrojom všetkej múdrosti, a drží všetky nádeje budúcnosti. Pre cirkev, Šalom! Modlime sa.
256Táto malá skupina, ktorá je tu teraz prítomná. Zabral som dve hodiny s týmto malým novoročným posolstvom. Boli ste veľmi trpezliví. Je tu niekto dnes ráno, či vlastne dnes popoludní, kto nemá Šalom, ten Pokoj, ktorý hovoril, ktorý potvrdil Slovo Božie, keď ty a slovo ste sa stali jedno? Keď, ak Biblia hovorí jedno a ty hovoríš „nie, nedokážem tomu veriť, žeby to bola pravda,“ potom nemáš Šalom. Nemáš pokoj s Bohom, pretože jeho Slovo hovorí jedno a ty s tým nesúhlasíš.
257A keď Slovo hovorí: „Šalom, Pokoj,“ a ty máš ten pokoj, že na každé Slovo, ktoré Boh hovorí, môžeš povedať Amen a veríš tomu. A keď to vidíš potvrdené, hovoríš, „Amen, to je to Slovo!“ Ale spôsobí vyznanie, či nejaké svetlo, falošné svetlo, či svet, ktorý prebehne ako tieň v tom svetle, ktoré zasvietilo, a zatemní ti to, nejaké vyznanie, a povieš: „Nie, ja si myslím, že To bolo na niečo iné. To neznamená práve to,“ a predsa to Slovo hovorí? Nasleduješ ten tieň alebo chodíš s tým svetlom?
258Tu a na páske, ktokoľvek to bude počúvať, zamyslite sa nad tým za chvíľu. A ak je tu prítomný niekto, kto by chcel, kto nemá to Svetlo, zodvihol by si ruku a ukázal tak, že si pripravený chodiť dnes v tom svetle. A ak je niekto taký niekde tam kde pôjdu tieto pásky, a nemáš to, zodvihneš svoju ruku ku Bohu, práve tam kde si ... Vypni magnetofón na chvíľu, keď sa budeme modliť, kľakni na kolená a povedz: „Pane Bože, ja som pochyboval, robil som toto. Myslel som si, že keď cirkev hovorila, že tie veci nemôžu byť a že toto nebude. Ale vidím, že je to zasľúbené v Biblii a vidím príliš veľa vecí. Samé nebesia vydávajú o tom svedectvo. A tieto veci, ktoré sú povedané, sa presne dejú. A Boh v nebi vyhlasuje to isté. Tak, ja to chcem teraz prijať. Nech vojde do mňa Slovo Božie a nech ma vovedie do toho rytmu, aby som nepočúval čo hovorí cirkev alebo kazateľ; ale daj mi vojsť do toho rytmu Slova aby som videl čo ono hovorí. A nech ma to privedie do tejto veľkej Božej symfónii, do odbíjania jeho vôli v mojom živote.“
259Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame ti teraz každého kto kdekoľvek zodvihol ruku. A nech Duch Svätý Boží im prinesie ten rytmus Slova a jeho Pravdu, aby boli teraz sformovaní na synov a na dcéry Božie a aby odzrkadľovali Božie svetlo na zemi. Oni majú byť zamanifestovaným Slovom, tí muži a ženy majú žiť tak, ako Ježiš žil na zemi a veriť každému Božiemu Slovu a žiť ním tak, ako On žil, lebo On povedal: „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“ Nie len na niekoľkých Slovách, na časti Slova ale na „každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“
260Slovo z času Mojžiša nefungovalo v dňoch Ježiša. Slovo, Slovo vo dňoch apoštolov nefunguje v tomto dni. To je zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň. Oni sami povedali a hovorili to skrze Ducha Svätého, čo sa bude diať v týchto posledných dňoch, ako cirkvi budú naduté, vysokomyseľné, ako povstane tá smilnica a tie pobehlice budú rovno s ňou a ako oni zatemnia zem. A v tom poslednom cirkevnom veku, v Laodicei, Ježiš bude úplne odstránený z cirkvi.
261Ó Pane, daj mi zotrvať pri ňom, pri Slove. A manifestuj jeho svetlo cez všetkých nás, keď s rozhodnutím začíname tento nový rok. Nevieme čo nesie tento nový rok ale držíme sa jeho, Slova, ktorý pozná celú symfóniu od začiatku do konca. On pozná každý pohyb každú križovatku. A, Pane, my Ho len pozorujeme, neodvraciame od neho svoj zrak, od Slova. A potom keď vidíme, že sa zjavujú tieto veci, vieme, že sme rovno v rytme Slova. Udeľ to. Pane, spas každú stratenú dušu, ktorá tu je a každú, ktorá počúva tú pásku. Porúčame ich tebe, pre tvoje kráľovstvo v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
262No ...?... Som šťastný, že som tu s vami celé dopoludnie. Prepáčte. Bolo to presne ako sme začali, presne dve hodiny, od trištvrte na jedenásť do trištvrte na jednu. Povedal som Méde: „O pol druhej budem naspäť.“ No, neveríme, že môžeme prekračovať povolenú rýchlosť. Myslím, že by sme to nemali robiť. No, ďakujeme.
Chcem teraz povedať, Terry vypol svoj magnetofón, pretože to je ten, z ktorého idú tie pásky. Myslím, že vy máte svoje stále zapnuté, to je v poriadku. Pretože chcem hovoriť ku zboru. Skutočne si vás všetkých tu cením. A veľakrát myslím, že toto je pre mňa taká malá rezerva, prísť sem dozadu na púšť, ako to nazývam. Prísť z púšte, tu tou cestou a rozhliadnuť sa, vidieť túto malú skupinu tu vonku pod stromami, rovno pri rieke. A my sme teraz na východnej strane rieky. A verím, že Boh vás bude žehnať, každého jedného. Boh, Šalom bude s vami. To je jeho pokoj.
263Prepáčte, skutočne, že som vás takto držal ale zoberte si teraz tú pásku o tomto z ... Ak Pán dá, toto je to, čo mám kázať vo Phoenixe, v nedeľu popoludní, budem mať malé krátke zhromaždenia a tak ďalej. Zaumienil som si v srdci, že tohoto roku, ak Pán dá ja len sekám a trhám zo strany na stranu. A my to všetci poznáme tú identifikáciu, vieme čo je tretie potiahnutie, všetci tomu rozumieme.
Máte - budete mať tú pásku. Vidíte? A to je ... No, myslím, že to bude ležať skryté za nejaký krátky čas, až kým nepríde tá veľká hodina prenasledovania. To je vtedy ...?... To bude hovoriť. Zamanifestuje sa to. Práve tak ako tých päť priamych znakov bez chyby, dokonale. A teraz, myslím, len čakajte (Rozumiete?); len sa dívajte čo sa deje. No, ja znovu pôjdem tak isto, ďalej a ďalej, aby som našiel, krátke zhromaždenia a budeme sa snažiť aby sme mali - skončili každý večer včas. Aby sme len okolo tridsať minút hovorili o niečom, o božskom uzdravovaní, alebo niečom takom. A kedykoľvek, keď budem hotový znovu nahrať pásku, prídem buď sem, dozadu na púšť alebo do modlitebni v Jeffersonville alebo niekde, kde môžu nahrať pásku, kde budeme medzi svojimi a môžem povedať to čo chcem.
264Ale vidíte, Ježiš ... Pamätajte. Vidíte? Musím dávať pozor. Keď som videl tých ľudí proste úplne, namyslene odchádzať preč, myslím, že som sa to snažil vyjadriť dnes ráno; to je veľká temnosť, ktorá je na nich. Nemôžu si pomôcť. Ja im odpúšťam (Rozumiete?), že nepočúvajú ani nehľadia na tie veci, ktoré im Boh dal a stále to nerobia. Stále sa modlím: „Bože odpusť im.“ A myslím to tak v srdci. Nehovorím to preto, že to povedal môj Majster, ale prv to chcem cítiť v srdci, to skutočne cítim.
Neizolujem sa od ľudí. nechcem to robiť. Vidíte? Pretože som ... mám pre nich posolstvo, „Spasenie.“ A musím ísť medzi nich. Rozumiete? Idem s trojičiarmi, s Metodistami, Baptistami, Luteránmi, s Letničnými, s Adventistami siedmeho dňa a so všetkými inými, pretože hľadám spasiť to, čo bolo zahynulo, ak ich môžem priviesť, ukázal im Svetlo. A Pán bude s vami.
265Mal som tu našu prvú malú skupinu zhromaždení. Neviem či ste si pozerali ten rozpis. Ak niekto z vás ... nechám to tu; pastor vám to prečíta, kde sa môžeme stretnúť a keď Pán dá, to záleží na Pánovi ... Ja nemám pre nich žiadne vedenie, proste idem a snažím sa robiť čo môžem. A ak máte tam niekde nablízku svojich blízkych, ktorí by chceli prísť na tie zhromaždenia, napíšte im a povedzte im nech navštívia jedno z tých zhromaždení.
266Nech vás Boh žehná. Je milo vidieť vás, brat Stricker a sestra Strickerová a všetkých ostatných ľudí, ktorí sú tu. Niektorých ani neviem ako sa volajú ale poznám vás skrze svedectvo Ducha Svätého, že ste moji bratia a sestry. A milujem vás a vážim si vás. A je mi veľmi príjemné byť tu s vami.
A viem, že ste tu pripravili obed a budete mať také malé obecenstvo pri obede. Prial by som si, aby to bolo možné a mohol som tu zostať, viem že je to dobre. Viem, že máte najlepších kuchárov v kraji. Viem, že je to tak. Ale ja budem pravdepodobne musieť zostať na nejakom hamburgeri cestou domov. Ale jednako, musím ísť na stretnutie. Môj čas je vyhradený, trochu tu a trochu tam. A som si istý, že všetci rozumiete. To nie je preto, žeby som tu nechcel zostať. Boh to vie; inak by som tu neprišiel. Rozumiete?
267Niektorí hovoria: „Či pôjdeš tam a budeš kázať tridsiatym ľuďom, keď by si mohol ísť kázať to isté desať tisícom?“ Samozrejme. To nerobí žiadny rozdiel, to množstvo. Chcem vidieť kde je to prijaté. Nehádžte svoje perly pred svine. Oni sa obrátia a pošliapu ich nohami, potom sa obrátia a roztrhajú vás. Vidíte? Ale nehádžte tam svoje perly.
No, cítim, že to čo hovorím tu nie je hádzanie periel pred svine. Myslím, že to je ukazovanie deťom drahokamy, ktoré im patria. Vidíte? Vy ... Kde sa niekedy našli drahokamy? V blate a v špine.
Všimli ste si niekedy ľaliu, odkiaľ ona pochádza? Rovno zo dna mazľavej diery rybníka. A ona sa namáha dňom i nocou aby sa dostala do svetla, rozkvitá najkrajší kvet, aký je. A tým je ľalia. Ona vychádza z blata zeme a zo špiny. Tam sa nachádzajú drahokamy obalené tu v tomto zlatom štáte národa. Kde nachádzate zlato? Dole v špine. Kde nachádzate rubíny a drahokamy? V blate a v špine. Presne tak. Stade všetci pochádzame, z blata a zo špiny sveta.
268Ale títo tu ... Ja som zlatokop. Čo robí zlatokop? Hľadá zlato. Čo potom robí, leští ho, vytepáva ho a taví ho a pripravuje. Toto je zlatá baňa. Rozumiete? Po celý čas sa tu obzerám po nádherných drahokamoch. Vidíte? Nachádzam ich tu niekde v prachu a leštím ich a hovorím: „Pane, tu sú. Tu je brat. Tu je znovuzrodený kresťan. Tu je milá mladá pani. Tu je milý v strednom veku, stará žena, ó, mladá žena. Čokoľvek to je, tu sú, Pane. To oni sú tvoje klenoty. Vlož ich do svojej koruny, Pane. Oni budú svietiť na veky vekov.“ Takto.
Až sa uvidíme, Šalom. Boží pokoj s vami. Dobre, pastor, poď sem. Dobre. Nech vás Boh teraz žehná. A ja ... Vy všetci pokračujte.
1 Thank you, very much, Brother Isaacson. [Brother Isaacson begins to speak about a man that has cancer. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... Isaacson.
Good morning, friends, you may set down. Yeah. It's good to be back on the backside of the desert. You know, we... I believe, the last time I was here, I titled this place, "the backside of the desert." That's where we usually find the--the Lord, or where It was found one time when Moses was herding the sheep at the backside of the desert.
This fellow here, I picked him up, in the rearview mirror, a while ago, coming down. I heard, the other day, he was in the hospital. I was praying for him, and here he's setting here, this morning. [Someone says, "He's all right."--Ed.] Well, that's good. I'm so glad. He had a bleeding. And so, we so glad to see him in, this morning.
Sorry to hear about this brother that was with us, the last time here, that's got cancer, in the hospital. We know that we only have one avenue out of this, and that's the avenue of death. That, we all have got to walk that path, whether we the most righteous, the most holy one of us, we pack one another over the other one's grave. And yet Jesus said, "He that believeth in Me shall never die." But what the "death" is there, is not what we call death.
2Like when Jesus spoke about Lazarus, He said, "He sleepeth."
And they said, "Well, we'll... he does well if he sleeps."
3Then Jesus said, had to tell them in the language they knew, see, "He's dead." He said, "And for your sake, I'm glad I wasn't there, but I go wake him." See?
4 And that's when He made that wonderful quotation that we have in the Scripture, "He that heareth, he that believeth on Me, has everlasting Life; shall not come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life. I am the resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die." See? Never die! There's no... There's really no death to a Christian.
Death means "Eternal separation."
5And now as when we are... die, like in the physical body as we are now, we are separated from one another. But, it's really this body is the only thing that identifies us to each other, because we are bound in five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. And as long as we can see or feel one another, why, we have evidence that we're here. If you're blind and can't, and--and can't see, then you can feel one another, and we... or hear one another. And the earthly senses declare one another.
6 But, really, frankly, we have never seen each other. Did you know that? We have never seen one another. You hear something speaking out of a body here that impersonates whatever it's on the inside. So then when we talk to each other, we're--we're really not talking to the body. It's the spirit inside, but the body is the thing that identifies the spirit that's on the inside. And therefore, when we speak to each other, we are... quickly can understand right away whether we are Christians or not, because there's a fellowship in the spirit that we talk from. You see, that it vibrates to one another that whether we are Christians or not. Therefore we have never seen each other.
7 Jesus. "No man has seen God at any time, but the only begotten of the Father has declared Him." See? In other words, God was identified. The--the Person of God was identified in the Body, the Lord Jesus Christ, so He was the expressed image of God. Or, God expressing Himself through an image, see, through an image, Man. God expressed Himself to us, and He was God. Not a third person or second person; He was the Person, God. He was God Himself, identifying Himself, so we could feel Him.
8First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, that's argument, great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested, or made known, in the flesh." Isn't that wonderful? God! And we could never understand God as He moved through a Pillar of Fire, and so forth, as He did. But we understood Him when He become one of us, see, when He become Man. Then He could talk to us, and we could feel Him, handle Him, touch Him, and everything. And as the Scripture plainly says that "we have handled God," see, with our hands, touched Him with our hands.
9 God is in man. And He's identifying Himself today in His church. In the born-again Christian, God identifies Himself, that He remains God. And the outside world will only know God as they see God in you and I. That's the only way that they'll know God, is when we are written epistles, epistle of the Scripture, we are read of all men. And the life that we live reflects what's on the inside of us. A man is identified by the works that he does. So our works should be good, see, always good, because we are representing our Lord Jesus Christ.
10What a wonderful thing that is, especially when a--an old man like me stand here and--and think of the life that is fading away, that's gone in the past, and--and we're facing a future of an Eternity. And knowing if this life only is what I had hopes in, I would be a most miserable person this morning. But knowing that this life has only been a--a shadow of what we had to--to come. It's a reflection, because it can not be the perfect thing that God made. God doesn't make anything that perishes. See? God is Eternal. And, therefore, this life that we now live in, is only reflecting what is ahead of us. The real one that cannot die. The body that cannot perish. The Life that cannot be taken. See? And therefore the Scriptures is right, when It says that we have everlasting Life, we have Eternal Life. We shall never die. See, because you become... When you're borned again, you become a part of God. See, you are forever for Eternity, never to fail. You are part of God, 'cause you're His son.
11 Now, I might take another name, and say my name is some other name. I might take my mother's name, Harvey, which would be the closest to me. In the world, my mother was a Harvey, and then I might take the name of Harvey. But still the blood would prove that I am a Branham. See? Because I'm part of my father. And as long as I got blood in me, I'll still be part of my father. See, that's right. And when I'm borned of the Spirit of God, I am a part of God, that's all; I am identified with Him, see, that He is my Father. Then my life should reflect Him; as my life reflects my earthly father in the image that he was in. They say I look a whole lot like my father, so then therefore it's His image reflected in me. And your--your father reflected in you, and your parents. And, so, God our Father is reflected in us when we're borned and--and conformed here to His image.
12 Now, I start talking, never get to my text of what I was going to talk to you about.
13I have always appreciated a house meeting, cottage prayer meeting such as this, more than--than I guess people could think that I would, because the finest meetings and the finest times of fellowship is usually in a little cottage prayer meeting like this. Where I have felt the closest to God, is when just a little handful of the believers comes together, and there we worship.
14 Now this morning, I suppose we sit here, thirty, forty, thirty, I guess, or something like that, counting the children. I wouldn't know. I'm not very good on--on--on counting the numbers, just to look over a little group of people, 'cause there's other rooms here, you see, that I don't see the people in them. Now, but when we come together like this, I feel that we get a closeness that we don't get when we're out in a great, huge congregation. We, can express ourselves. That's why, this morning, that I thought, coming down here, that I would speak to the congregation here this morning, and to it's lovely little pastor. So glad to see many of my friends here, Strickers and all those that--that I haven't seen for some time.
15 And I would speak this morning to you my new-year's Message that I had planned for speaking next Sunday afternoon at the Phoenix meeting, at the auditorium. Because, in here, I thought maybe they're making tapes out there of it. That I... Maybe the Holy Spirit would give me a--a better thought here amongst just a bunch of believers, than perhaps it would be at Phoenix amongst, you know, where the belief and unbelief, and superstitions and--and everything is mixed together. And then if the brethren had, and letting the tapes out, that it would be--it would be better to do it that way, because you'd have a better tape from here. I asked the boys to check the acoustics first. And when I come in this morning, Brother Terry told me that the acoustics were fine. So, that's--that's good. So now let us first, before we approach this solemn affair, and I know...
16 I believe they said some of you are staying for lunch, going to have lunch here on the grounds or at the house, or something, together. That's very fine. I just sure appreciate seeing you all get together.
17And I feel that--that my Message this morning is addressed to the Church of the living God, see, and which I believe this is a portion of it sitting here this morning. And now before we come to that solemn part, let's bow our heads just a moment for prayer.
18 Our Heavenly Father, we are so grateful to You, that we can even be privileged to address You as our Father, for Father means that we have been begotten of the great God that created the heavens and earth. And we are so happy for this privilege, that we can think in our hearts, and, then, that we are sons and daughters of Yours. And then to see You strictly identify Yourself in the midst of us, that You are our Father, changing our thoughts from the things of the world, and changing our motives and objectives and attitudes, and every phase of us, to love You and to believe You, and--and know that Your promises are true.
19We have assembled here this morning in this place that we call "the backside of the desert," or I call it that, thinking that. Reason I say that, Lord, is not to reflect anything upon this little group of people, but, of anything that would be of a nature of being small.
20But I am trying to think that it was Moses, Your servant, was at the backside of the desert, maybe just he and his sheep, maybe his wife, Zipporah, and--and--and Gershom, his son, might have been along. I... That I do not know. But it was there that they had an experience that changed that prophet, from a runaway coward, to the service of the God who had ordained him for the job, on the backside of the desert. It was there that--that the Pillar of Fire that was made manifest for the first time in human life, that we know of, that Fire was laying back in a little desert bush, and it burnt not. But--but it was the Glory of God reflecting Itself through that bush; that Moses the prophet taking off his shoes, drawed nigh unto It, and was commissioned by God to deliver a nation of God's people.
21 May it be so again today, Lord, on the backside of the desert that we now take off, as it was, our shoes, our hats, our all, and lay it down beneath the cross of Christ, and say, "Here am I, Lord, send me."
22Bless this pastor here, our Brother Isaacson, brother. We pray that You'll bless him and his wife, and his little ones; Brother Stricker, his wife and little ones; and all the others that's represented here this morning.
23And we have assembled here; no, Lord, not for some great glory, or to be known as leaders or--or some... an official of something great. We are--we are just here as humble believers. We're here because we love You, and we love one another. And as we see each other and as we congregate together, we find that it seems to be more of God gathers together as each believer assembles himself in one certain place. And Jesus said, "If you'll do this in My Name, then I'll be in your midst." And we know that You are here.
24Speak to us, Lord. And if these little note that I got wrote out here, and Scriptures to refer to, is off of the path, this morning, of the thought that You would have us to think, then, Lord, we just omit that, and do as You tell us to do. Bless us now, for we ask this in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
25 Now, in the reading of the Scripture, it used to be that I... before I got so much age on me, that I could remember good. And in them days, I... young days, I didn't take a long message, maybe thirty minutes or something, I plowed right into one thought and kept it on my mind. But now I... reason I hold these long meetings now, is because I'm taping. See? And this tape, the boys there taping it, it will start it at a certain time, perhaps now, at the beginning of the prayer, and it goes many, many places, around the world practically. So we are now going to speak this morning on my new year's... what we call my new-year's Message. I tried, had three Christmas messages, and I know you people down here at the back of the desert gets those tapes. And on my--on my last Message up at the church, or next to my last Message, was on The Light. And if you haven't got that tape, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I enjoyed it very much, the inspiration of it, the Lord gave me.
26 Now today, as we face new year's, I--I want to think of not like the past, but I want to look to the future. See? As Paul said, "Forgetting those things that are in the past, I press towards the mark, see, of the high calling." And as it's expressed, like looking back through the mirror of a car. We are looking what we have passed, when we're looking in the rear-view mirror. Now we're not trying to place the Message today as looking through a rear-view mirror. It would take too long, see, the things that the Lord has did. And you are all acquainted with the great things that our Lord has been doing, is some of the mightiest things that I've ever seen in my life, He just--just passing in the last few months. And, but now we are thankful for what has been, but now we're looking forward. We're looking where we're headed for, and into this 1964.
27 And now if you here like to read, or--or, I'd like to read some Scriptures, because all this is based upon God's Holy Word.
28And leaves me now about an hour and fifteen minutes, for this tape. And, the Lord willing, I'll try to get it out so you can have your dinner. I thank you for telling me that I had till six o'clock tonight. That was very nice.
29Now let's turn in the Bible to two places, the books lay close together. It's in the Old Testament. I take the text for the reading, from two places, Isaiah 62 and Psalms 60. Now in Isaiah 62, we'll turn to read first. And in this, we are reminded of the great powers of our Lord God, and how--how great He is, and how mighty our God is. I am sorry, it's Isaiah 60 instead of 62. Isaiah 60. All right, now we read this, Isaiah 60:1 and 2.
Arise, and shine; for the light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
For, behold,... darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall rise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
30"Gross darkness upon the people." Of this, course, this is a prophesying of the day that we're now living.
31 Now let us turn then to Psalms. I believe that I may be a little confused where I've wrote my Scriptures down here, when in a hurry last night in writing them, writing out this. Psalms 62:1 to 8.
Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.
How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? ye shall be slain of all of you: as a bowing--bowing wall shall... be, and as a tottering fence.
They only consult to cast him down from the excellency: they delight in lies: they bless their... with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah.
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectations is from him.
He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God.
Trust in him all the times; ye people, pour out your, hearts before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
32 Now, if you noticed in the Scripture reading there in the Psalms, it kept saying, "God is my rock." Do you know what a rock represents in the Bible? A rock in the Bible, here, represents "the revelation of God." See, "God is my revelation." He is, see. The revelation of the Word is the rock.
33Cause, Peter one day when... Jesus had asked the question, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"
34And one of them said, "You are... Some of them say you are Moses, or Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." But that wasn't the question.
"Who do you say I am?"
35He, Peter spoke up, these famous words, and said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
36He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to thee, but My Father which is in Heaven. And upon this rock!" See?
37And David speaking here, "God is our rock." God is our rock when God has been revealed to us. That becomes a rock, see. God is our rock.
38 Now, my text, for this morning, is an odd word: Shalom. Shalom, in the Hebrew, means "peace." And that's what I say to the Church this morning, "Shalom!" That's peace.
39In Finnish it's called Jumalan rauha, which means "God's peace" upon you. Rauha. God, see, God's peace, shalom.
40My new-year's Message is to the Church elected in Jesus Christ, for 1964. Not--not just the church groups; but the Elect, the Lady, the Lady of--of the Church, Christ's Bride, see, that's who I'm addressing.
41We're facing here, in our two subjects that we read, the two Scriptures, rather, a very contrast, one to the other. In Isaiah, it says, "Arise, and shine, for the glory of God has come upon you. The Light is here." And then the very next verse, he says, "Gross darkness is upon this people." And then when we are in a mixtury of Light and darkness, and then my address to the Church is "shalom, peace," let's find out what it's all about, see. We are facing this year, with both darkness and Light. We are... the world is in one of the most chaotic times of darkness that it's ever stood in; and yet it's standing in, again, the most blessed Light that it ever did shine in. And there is...
42 The difference is just like it was in the beginning, when there was gross darkness upon the earth. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water and said, "Let there be light." And God separated the light from the darkness. And I believe that we are now living in that hour again, that when God is separating Light from darkness, and He's pressing it to the other side of the world, that the Light might be made manifest. And we are...
43Then, the--the Church, the reason I'd say "Shalom" to them, is because that it's God's Peace. That's what I want to bring to you this morning, for the new year's, not looking back, but we're looking forward to the breaking of a new day. Until, there is something great laying ahead of us, where the years has been the joy that we've looked forward to, the pressing, coming of the great Light. And now we can see it breaking over the horizona, horizonal realm, it's breaking between mortal and immortality. We see it breaking between heavens and earth, from an earthbound sickness and troubled world, into a bright shining day of an immortal Life and an immortal body and an immortal earth that shall never pass away. It--it's "Shalom," unto the--unto the Church. Now, it's Light time coming for the believers, but a gross darkness for the people. I...
44 The other day we was talking, the wife and I, and we were talking about the--the hour that we're living in. Now, the reason I chose this place, I felt like I could just let down and talk to you, see. See? It's, there seems to be a time that's upon the people that it's the most pathetic time that I could think about.
45I have constantly done my very best to try to, in disagreeing with man in religious terms; but if I couldn't take his hand afterwards, no matter how sharp the thing might be, and take a hold of his hands, and say "this is in the light of a better understanding between us," and still love the person (not just say it from my lips, but from my heart), then I'm no--no subject at all to go out there and to try to talk to people. Because, see, we must do that, we must love the person. See? And going amongst the people in all kinds of classes, and different cults and clans, and religions and so forth, and trying to lay the Bible down, and say "let's--let's discuss it not from your creed or from your book of ethics, but from the Bible." And then not... Maybe sometime man get up real sharp; but if I got one thought that I didn't like that person, then--then I know one thing, the Spirit of Christ has departed from me. If I--if I can feel that I don't like that person, there's something wrong with me.
46 Because the Spirit of Christ, when they... the... at--at crucifying Him, and His Own people driving the nails, and--and His very creation He created was putting the nails, that He created, back into His human flesh. And yet, with a heart full of love, He cried, "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing," you see.
47And I--I've come to that spot. I believe that people don't know what they're doing. It comes to the time to where the human being has, look like, become such a subject to evil until it--it's a pathetic thing. It seems like there--there's a shadow of darkness, just over the people, that presses them.
48 Like, for instance, this one thing. Crossing the nation around and speaking, and the Lord God identifying, vindicating His Word and showing that's exactly, and never let nothing be said unless it comes to pass exactly what He said, speaking it right into existence, and so forth, as He's been doing. And people sit and look at that, and continue right on in their same condition. See?
49See, not any disregarding, but like our sisters, many time when I speak to them about wearing those clothes, and cutting their hair, and little things. And man, how they'll continue on into their creeds, and--and serve under those creeds and things. And--and they're good people. They're fine people. But yet it seems like that they--they--they can't understand, look like they can't get it. Why? I go back the next year, and, instead of being any better, it's worse. It--it continues on. Here's a sister that once had lovely long hair, she cut it off. Here's a man that once looked like he took his stand and went out for the thing was right; he's right back in the... like a dog to its vomit, and a--and a hog to its wallow. See, goes right back out in it. It seems like there's something that has struck our people, it struck the world, that they don't seem to have the--the understanding, there's something's wrong.
50 Just like you notice man today, you don't find that genuineness in man. You don't find it in women. Now I'm not talking about... Reason I'm basing this, is get to "Shalom." See?
51But you notice the women in our day, they don't seem to have that ladylike they once had. They're just like they--they want to, but there's something won't let them do it. It seems like there's a heaviness. That, you tell a--a lady that she. should not do such-and-such a thing, and the lady looks upon That and believes That, she wants to believe That, but there's something that presses her the other way. See? Poor thing, I--I--I feel sorry for her. She's so caught in such a web of Hollywood, and the advertisements in television, radio, newspaper, on the street, in--in the store windows, with modern dress and so forth, and the way that other women meet her. And it seems to be that there is something that they just can't pull away from; our young people, our old people, our middle age.
52 There seems to be something among man. Man don't seem to be, have that masculine touch that he used to have. Women don't have that feminish touch she used to have. You take man today, man don't seem to be burly like they used to be. It's all some sort of a... They want to wear suede shoes with purple, and--and they want to act like women. Now that is true. It seems to be, more or less, like a perversion. A woman wants to cut off her hair and act like a--a man. And a man wants to act like a woman. See? And yet you can talk to them, and they're nice people to talk to, nice people, friendly, sociable people. What's caused this? It's that gross darkness upon the people, it's something that--that's pressed them into it.
53 Like the Jews was in the days that Jesus came to the earth, Isaiah had prophesied of it and said, "There would be, they would have eyes but couldn't see, and ears and couldn't hear." And that's the reason Jesus prayed their forgiveness, because it had to be that way to fulfill the Scripture.
54And it's returned again to us. The Bible has spoke of this day that we live, and said these things would come, "gross darkness upon the people." And we see it, that there's something that just, simply, the people want to but they can't.
55Nicodemus expressed it one time before the Lord, "Rabbi, we know that Thou art a Teacher come from God, for no man could do the things that you do if God wasn't with Him." But it was that darkness, or blindness, upon the Jewish race, that the Messiah might come to take from the Gentiles a Bride. They had to reject Him.
56 And that's the gross darkness that's upon the churches and things today, to fail to see the Light that's shining. See? See, there seems to be such a heavy press. We take some of the noted evangelists today, they are constantly screaming for a revival, and working right against It; see, not understanding, without understanding.
57And I don't say that in the--the motive of trying to say, "Now we've seen This, and, 'glory to God,' they--they're not in it." I'm not trying to--to say that in the... to get people to think, "Well, Brother Branham, you--you got the only Truth there is in the world." No, that is wrong. See?
58I'm only saying it in the Light of the hour that we're walking in, and for the benefit of people who are trying to seek this Light. Truly, Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him." No man will never see It. It's that predestinated Seed, and that only, is going to receive It. But we've come to that place again. The Bible said that, "You're the light of the world."
59 The prophet said, "Gross darkness upon the people," upon the people of the world at this time. And that's exactly what we've got, gross darkness upon the people.
60God, in His great mercy, as I have always preached and tried to stand for, that He always shows His--His events from heaven, His great major events, happens in heaven before it happens on earth. He reflects Himself. In other words, before Messiah came into a place where His ministry would start, there came forth a--a Star out of heaven that guided the man to the--the--the place where He was, the wise men. As you heard in my last Message how that God dealt with the--the wise men, and--and in the day that He--He turned them aside by a dream, and He told Joseph by a dream how to take care of the welfare of His Own Son. Because he had the dream, there was...
61 A dream is secondarily, something off to one side, 'cause people can have dreams that's not right. But there was no prophet in the land in that day, see, there was no prophet, therefore God had to use what He had to use with. And teaches us that--that God can use every faculty and everything that we do, if it's consecrated to Him. But it first must be consecrated to Him. Let your--your meditations, which really reflects your dream, see, 'cause it's your subconscience. If you'll watch a dream, you'll see that it's something that you been thinking of, or something like that. Usually, you see. And let your mind be on God, then, see, so it reflects something for Him. And whatever you are, let it reflect Him.
62 Now, in the heavens above. Did you notice I'm looking on this, the--the Light on the picture there out of the Life Magazine, that the brother that lives here in this home has put on his wall, that triangle of Light.
63I just happened to run across my mind. If any of you have the Lamsa Bible translation, if you'll notice over the cover of it, is a triune, trinitarian light, a three-cornered light like a halo. And when Dr. Lamsa, a friend, my personal friend, was translating the Bible, that is the old Hebrew symbol of God in the true trinitarian way that He is; not three Gods, but three manifestations of the same God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Light is one complete circle of Light in a triangle shape, which means that God will dwell in three offices, the Fatherhood, Sonship, and Holy Ghost dispensation, all the same God.
64 But did you notice before the Seven Seals was revealed, before the great mysterious Light showed forth in the heavens up here at above Tucson, Flagstaff, where we were? Brother Fred, two of the man that was... the two men was with me that morning. When, that had been told months and months ahead of time, would happen. Both Brother Fred Sothmann and Brother Gene Norman sitting here this morning, when it... was there when the blast went off, and not knowing these things would take place. And He sent me back, said that the time was at hand for these Seven Seals which held the seven mysteries of the entire Bible, was sealed in with these Seven Seals. And how these angels down along the road, messengers of the Church Ages, opened to a certain part of that. But in the seventh hour, the seventh messenger, that all these mysteries should be finished. See? The seventh earthly messenger, see, this angel that He speaks of then was on earth. An angel means "messenger." And then, after that, he saw another Angel coming down, not the earthly angel that had been given the Message here, but the (another) mighty Angel came from Heaven with a rainbow over Him, and set His foot on the land and sea, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever, "Time shall be no more." See? But before He broke forth on those Seven Seals to reveal them, that He showed miraculous, He showed it first in the heavens.
65That day they took pictures all across southern United States and Mexico. There it hangs now in the Life Magazine, still a mystery to them. But He declares it in the heavens before He does it on earth. He always does that. He shows His signs in the heavens first.
66 And even in the Zodiac. I'm not going back to teach Zodiac, but I'm just showing you the heavens declare It. In the Zodiac we find out, in the constellations of the stars, that He declared the whole Bible in the constellation of the--of the Zodiac. We find out there that He starts off, the very--very first figure in the Zodiac is the Virgin, and the last figure in the Zodiac is Leo the Lion; showing that Jesus would come first to the earth by a Virgin, He'll come the second time as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. See? He goes through the crossed fishes just before that. Cancer Age, what we're living in now. "And all the heavens declare Him," the Bible said.
67 Now, a few months ago I preached, for a series of meetings at the tabernacle, on The Seven Church Ages. You, perhaps, all have heard them. And when I finished drawing out on the blackboard the Seven Church Ages, how the Light come in and how the Light went out. And I guess you have that, perhaps, here somewhere; but it's among us, anyhow, we know. And the strange thing, on the last day when the last Church Age was drawed out, this great Pillar of Fire (which is among us) came down among hundreds of people, and took Itself back to the back wall of the tabernacle. And there, before these hundreds, drawed those Church Ages, darkening and lightening, just exactly the way I had it drawed on the board. Mysteriously!
68 Now, the other day, we've had in the event of the history of the church now... In the--the Bible, the moon represents the "church," and the sun represents "Christ." For we find that in Revelation, the 12th chapter, the woman which was the "church," she was found with the moon under her feet and the sun at her head, twelve stars in her crown. Which, the--the old Orthodox Jewish law was under her feet, she had crossed over that into the light of the sun. Twelve stars are the "twelve apostles" that brought the messages to us, now, under the Holy Spirit. Now we find that the moon in the heavens is to reflect the light of the sun, in the absence of the sun. It gives us--it gives us light to get around. But it's still... No matter how much it reflects, it's still not the perfect light, because it is reflecting. And the sun shines against the moon, and the moon reflects its light in the absence of the sun. But when the sun comes up, then the moon is not needed no more.
69And today the Church is reflecting the Light of the absent Son of God. The Church is a reflection of the Light. Because He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the age. The works that I do," Lights that He made manifest. And there's no Light except through the Word of God. There was...
70 That sun is the Word of God. In the beginning, God said, "Let there be light." And when the manifested Word of God, when the Word of God was manifested, there was light. First, God spoke it. What if it didn't manifest? Then it wasn't light yet. But when He spoke it, and then it was manifested, vindicated, His Word was a-vindicated, light come into existence.
71And that's the only way it can be done now, is when the Word is vindicated, God's written Word vindicated, then it shows Light. It's, a portion is lit, or put out for each age. We find it in the Church Ages, we find it in the Old--the Old Testament church ages. Each time that there come a time for a--a certain manifestation of the journey, there was a prophet came to the earth. And the Word came to the prophet, and he made that Word live. And when that Word was identified, it reflected God. And there was the--the age, there was the Light. And that's the way Light comes today.
72 Now, I have nothing against any denomination, people. But I have all that I can think about against the systems, because they're wrong. And the first system that ever rose up, was the--the Roman system of the Roman Catholic church. That was the first organization that ever was organized, was the Roman Catholic church, Nicaea Rome. About three hundred and twenty-five years after the death of Christ, 325, came forth the Roman church organization that put the people together and blanded out anything else that was contrary to it. That's where they got their strange doctrines and started off in a system away from the Word. And now that church, since that time, has exactly reflected darkness, because at that time we go through, what we call, "the Dark Ages," about a thousand years. It's known to all historians and Bible scholars, and so forth, as the Dark Ages, is when the Roman church controlled everything.
73And this Roman church is "the--the mother of harlots," the Bible said, in Revelation 17, "she was a whore, and the mother of harlots." Now, that is immoral, unclean living of a woman. Both of them is the same thing, both the same. So if--if harlot, it would have to be a woman. So therefore, you notice it's not harlot, but "harlots." See? She is "her," singular, "whore." Then the churches is called "harlots," daughters of the Roman whore. She is the mother of all of it, the mother of organization.
74 And is it not a strange thing, that in this day that when we have come through all these things, and the Message has crossed the earth against organization, It's blasted it from right to left, that, in this hour that's been told since 1933, when the Holy Spirit gave me that visions and showed me the end time, seven things that I spoke of, and five of them has already happened, perfectly, right on; like Germany and--and Italy and all the wars, and the national things (seldom speaks to me on those things). But they happened just exactly the way He said they'd happen. How Mussolini would go to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia would fall at his step, and then how that he'd come to a disgrace, and be spit on by his own people; and disgraced, hung upside down, with that prostitute that he lived with, on the street. How that the Americas would go to war with Germany, they'd take an awful beating at a place called, a great line where there would be concrete fortified in there, I believe it's called the Siegfried Line. And there's one called Maginot, I believe that was the French. Was that right? And the Siegfried Line was the German line. And the Lord let me see that, eleven years before it was built. And they never would admit getting a beating on it, the Americans wouldn't, till they almost sunk the complete army. When they went in there, the Germans had their guns just trained right out on that fleet, and let it get right in there, and almost sunk it. And I seen that, eleven years before the line was ever--ever a foundation was ever poured for it, or anything, the Siegfried Line. And all these other things, like machines and automobiles, and--and how everything has come right down exactly what He said, until a woman ruling this nation, which, perhaps, is the church. And then the end come.
75 Now we find that in this, all this thing and how I've blasted against organization, isn't it a strange thing that the pope of Rome would leave Rome for his first time to go back to Jerusalem? And doing this... Jerusalem is known the oldest church in all the world.
76When Melchisedec met Abraham from the slaughter of the kings, he was the King of Jerusalem, a Priest, which was Christ, it was God; no one else could be Melchisedec but Christ Himself, God Himself, rather, see, God Himself, because he was without father and without mother. See? Jesus had both father and mother, see. So this Man was without father, without mother, without beginning of days or ending of life. And whoever He was, He still lives. And He was King at that time, of Salem, which is interpreted, "King of Peace, Shalom." King of Jerusalem, who met Abraham and give him wine and bread, communion, after the battle. A very beautiful type there in the 7th chapter of Hebrews, we find it. Now, gave him bread and wine after the battle was over. As He...
77That's the first thing we'll take after we enter into the New Kingdom, we'll eat it anew with Him in the Father's Kingdom, the bread and wine. "I'll not drink the fruit of the vine, nor eat the bread anymore, until I eat it with you, anew, in the Father's Kingdom, and at that day."
78 Now, now when we find out that after King Shalom was in the... come from the city, then creed took it over, later. And it's constantly been creed, but it represents the old church. And we're taught in the New Testament, don't fail to get this, in the New Testament that we are not of this city Jerusalem, on earth, but we are from the New Jerusalem, above. So this must be the moon, Jerusalem, and not the New Jerusalem, above. So the moon representing the church, earthly.
79And isn't it strange that just before the pope took his journey to Jerusalem, that the moon in the heavens made a total blackout, just a few days before he took it, his journey. He's coming here also, you know, see. Now that's never been known, see. But what does it show? That, this, he's doing this to win fellowship as he met on the day after he come into Jerusalem, he met the Greek Orthodox hierarchy. And what does that reflect? Fellowship, they're wanting Protestants and Catholicism joining together, which they are doing and will completely do. And God reflected this to us, in the moon, of a total blackout. By His mercy and grace...
80 Did any of you see the paper where they took the pictures of the moon? I have it here. If it ain't a perfect image, leaving out the seventh age which is not yet, exactly the way I drawed by the Holy Spirit, the Church Ages. There's the six of them, the seventh is not finished yet. The six conditions of the moon, how in its brightness in the first church age; dark in the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth; just the way the Holy Spirit let me draw them on the board, and then identified them with Hisself on the wall of the tabernacle, two years ago. The moon reflects itself, and science again picks up the picture of the, Church Ages, just as they picked up that Light yonder and put it in Life Magazine, of the opening of the Seals, of the revealing in the age of the seventh angel. In the days of his ministry, the seventh messenger, the mysteries of God, which all the mysteries has been along the ages, should be revealed, made manifest, it should be at that time. And He did it! His words don't fail. Isn't that a mysterious thing? God drawing in the heavens the same thing that they hold, same God let me draw on the blackboard, and then by Himself. That's three times He's perfectly identified it, and just before the pope goes into Jerusalem.
81 Which, that was the church, the moon is the church, represents the church. And before the church, the shadow of the world crosses the moon. And the shadow of worldlyism, the shadow of worldliness, worldly church, has swept across to blackout the entire Light of the Bible. The world got in the Light of the reflection. Do you understand? The world crossed in the light of the moon, and blinded out the sun. And the reflection of the moon that's supposed to be giving light to the earth, it was blacked out. And It come in and drawed the pictures just exactly like It did, by inspiration, before it happened.
82Now that, I believe, Sister Simpson, was the Tucson paper. I don't know if Sister Simpson knew... She didn't understand it then. She said, "I cut out some pictures for you, and some notes, out of the paper," handed it to me.
83And I thought something strange. I went in there and picked it up, and looked at it, I said, "There it is, just exactly, see, just what I've been looking for." And there it was in the paper.
84 Sister Simpson might tell you what paper it's in, if you want to get a copy of it. [Sister Simpson says, "It's December the 28th."--Ed.] And--and what say? ["It's the evening edition of December the 28th."] Evening edition of December the 28th.
85See, before he went to Jerusalem to block out its Light, or what access it does have. What time, position, and what rights It has to shine, now it's cutting It off altogether, for the last age, the seventh church age where she goes into darkness. What a great thing the Lord is telling us. In everything, It's never failed but what God in the heaven has declared it and told it, looked to it, and here has identified it and a-vindicated it, that it is the absolute Truth.
86 Darkness, this Laodicea Church Age. Now when Jesus, which is the Word, in the Laodicea Church Age was on the outside of the church, knocking at the door, trying to get in. Darkness, gross darkness upon this people. Was the Bible right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
87The perfection of the Scripture, glory of His great Name. The pope's visit was a sign of the churches blackening out His manifested... The manifested Light of the world was the Bible. Jesus said He was the Light of the world. The Bible said that He is the Word. And the manifested, or the vindicated, Scripture is the Light. Now you'll not be permitted to do it when this takes a hold. And we seen it foreshadowed, told by inspiration before it happened; foreshadowed by the moon, and shows it happening, and here it is taking place.
88 The hour is upon us, darkness, gross darkness. Gross darkness on the people now, that's what it is. What does it all mean? Where we standing? What hour are we in? How close are we to the Coming? Well, you say, "When all they have a revival."
89"Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." All right.
90What does it mean? God has begin to separate the Light from the darkness, see, pressing it behind, like He did in the beginning, to show the dawn of a new day. The Church Ages are fading out. Pardon me. The Church Ages are fading out. God is pressing the darkness into a place, it has to do it, to fade out the church organizations, fade out the world. The world is covering the thing over, and worldlyism has took the whole thing. Then isn't God right? By worldly things, and worldly dressing, and worldly acting, and worldly living, it's the world!
91You are not of the world, little children. You are of Heaven. This is not your Home.
92Why should I look, to us older people, try to look back and get young again? We can't do that. But we're looking forward, not looking back. Looking here, what has been, and we want to know what's going to be. And we're looking for that hour, pressing for it.
93 So many good, sincere people today are caught away in these creeds, these churches and organizations, "having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof," as Second Timothy, 3rd chapter, says so.
94Gross darkness, blinding of Israel, was for the lightening of the Gentiles. Now the blinding of the Gentiles is the lightening of Israel. It's just like the day and night; one side has got darkness, the other side has got light; and then the light comes over on the other side. So the--the moon passing the way it did, and the reflection of the darkness of the world blinding out its light, is a reflection to us that the Gentile church age is finished. The Church is making herself ready, been making herself ready for a time, it's time for the Rapture. For darkness is fading upon the Gentiles, and dawn will soon break upon the Jews. The sun has traveled from the East to the West, and we're on the West Coast. The Light can only do one thing, go back East, on the other side. You understand, do you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Light can only go back East again, to where it began at, Israel. God blinded them for a while, but the--the darkness now is pressed upon the Gentile world that's covered the whole thing. The Gentiles will trod down Jerusalem until the Gentile dispensation will be finished. Jesus said so. And now it's finished, gross darkness upon the people! God reflecting it in the skies, as He has shown it on earth before it all happens. We're in it.
95 Good people caught in this thing, good people, sincere people. Like Mary and Joseph, they were very sincere, see, thinking He was with them, when He wasn't. Mary and Joseph, you know, when they was up to the feast, Jesus, the age of twelve, they thought, presuming, He was with them, but He wasn't. Good people today think the same thing, they, these people that's organized in this Council of Churches, these people in these organizations, they--they think they're doing a good thing. They're presuming He's with them, when they're not. See, many people think that He was with them when they shook hands with the preacher and put their name on the book, but He wasn't. Many people thought, when they were sprinkled, confirmed, baptized in name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," thinking He was with them. They're good people. Mary and Joseph was good people. But the facts was, He wasn't there! Don't presume anything.
96 What is Light? The vindicated, spoken Word of God! Outside of that, there's no Light. See? You can't lighten the earth with flashlights. It takes God's Word that's made manifest, the Son.
97They were good people. Notice the accuracy of His Word, how perfect It is. Did you notice what Mary said? Now to you dear Catholic people, I've nothing against you. I've nothing against you. It's the system that you're in. And you Protestants, the same thing. It's the systems!
98"Mary, mother of God"? Find out, a twelve-year-old Boy, of her own son, had to set her in order. There's not one time in the Bible where Jesus ever called Mary His "mother." She wasn't His mother. How could she be a mother of God? She was only a womb that He used to come to the earth, to be manifested to the earth, through the womb. There's nothing to her at all, not one Scripture ever said "mother."
99 Notice how Mary is so wrong, but His Word is so perfect. She said to Him when... She found Him in the temple, at twelve, discussing with the theologians. He astounded them, as a twelve-year-old Boy; not even in school, or, if it is, we have no record of it. But a twelve-year-old Lad confounding the--the sages in the temple, at His wisdom. She said, "Thy father and I have sought Thee with tears." "Thy father!" The mother herself, supposingly, said, "Thy father Joseph and I have sought Thee with tears."
100What did He say to her? "Know ye not that I must be about My Father's business?" If He had been about Joseph's business, He'd a-been making houses, or in a carpenter's shop. But He wasn't Joseph's son. "I'm about My Father's business," correcting these denominations and creeds and things I hear of. See? "I'm about My Father's business." He never admitted Joseph was His father. But Mary did, and He turned back around and straightened her out.
She said, "Your father and I have sought You."
101He said, "I'm about My Father's business," showing Joseph wasn't His father. His Words are perfect, see.
102 But Mary and them, just presuming that. Well, see what it was, she got carried away. She--she got... She wanted to show before these priest and things that--that--that she wasn't the type of woman. And she, in doing that, she absolutely tore the foundation out from under her testimony, after she had testified that an Angel had come to her, "And said, 'Thou shall conceive and bear a Son, knowing no man, a virgin-born Son.'" And here before the high Sanhedrin, she says, "Joseph, Your father here, and I, have sought You."
103And that twelve-year-old Boy said, "I'm about My Father's business." He rebuked her, "That isn't My Father!"
104 See the church today, carried away with councils and--and things of the world, now she's blacked out. God is rebuking her!
105Never did Jesus ever call her "mother." One day she came to visit Him at His meetings, in a house something like this. Someone come, said, "Outside the door there, Your mother and brothers wait for You."
106He said, "Who is My mother, My brothers? Who are they?" Looked around upon His disciples, and said, "They that do the will of My Father, is My mother, My brother, My sister, so forth. That's who it is."
107And at the cross, when He was dying, He said to John, the young disciple, He said, "Behold thy mother." "Woman, behold thy son." "Son, behold thy mother." See, never claimed, Himself. It wasn't her Son. It was God's Son. She was just a womb.
108This is a house this morning, but it's not the Church. The Church is in you, Christ. The spirit of the mortals that's sitting here, met together in heavenly places. It's Christ, not the house. The house is all right, it's serving its purpose, but it's only used for a meeting place. Mary was only a womb that He used to come to the earth, to be identify Himself amongst the people. Not the "mother of God," no more than this house is the Church of God. It's just used for that.
109 Yeah, many friends think now, people, good people like Mary and Joseph, think that--that He's with them in doing this. But as they were then, so are they now, mistaken. They thought they was with Him, but they wasn't. But when they was baptized, people might have thought, oh, I--I received Him when I accepted Him and was baptized. That isn't it. Till a spoken Word reflects itself!
110 But, the Elected, what about the Light now? I've been talking so much on the dark, and I got half my time up, eleven-thirty. Now let's turn it back around; gross darkness is upon the people, now what about the Light? He said gross darkness would be upon the people, but there would be Light, "Rise, and shine, for the Light has come." How can there be darkness and Light, it's got to be separated. And only one thing separates it, the Word manifested, separates, It presses it to the other side of the... Here's the darkness on the earth, but when the manifested Word of God, the sun, which it was spoken into existence by the Word, shows itself, darkness runs to the other side. And that's what's taking place now, darkness separating itself from the Light. Now to the elected Church in this dark hour... Which, we could stay on that for hours, but I think I've said enough till you understand what--what the Scripture means, when I said, "gross darkness upon this people."
111 Now I say to the Church, "Shalom. God's peace." Peace! Every true Hebrew, when he meets another one, "Shalom." Other words, "Good morning! God be with you! God's peace go with you!" It's a "Good morning! How do you do?" It's breaking day, Church. It's darkness upon the people, but it's "Good morning" to the Church. Christ is appearing among us. "Shalom. Peace." Hallelujah! "Shalom."
112When we see darkness settling, darkness just before day, we know that the morning star is hanging yonder to introduce the coming sun. It's, that's when the morning star shines. It's--it's--it's the going-between. It's always darkest just a few minutes before day, the blackout comes, the moon fails to shine. The darkest before day, is because the light is pressing the darkness. But the morning star comes out and says, "Good morning. Shalom."
113 That's Him among us, His Word being identified. Shalom. The great day is fixing to break, when the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair, when His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the sky. When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Our names are on His Book, we'll be there. "Shalom. Good morning. Peace be unto you."
114The darkness is separating itself from the Light. God's causing it, the Light's doing it. See, the Light's pressing Itself in such a way until the darkness has to congregate together. They had a chance to accept It and they wouldn't do it, so it's condensed itself. And they do that by the putting the church together, and the Council of Churches, and uniting it with the pagan darkness. When they so firmly disagree with one another, but yet they had to go together to make the night come upon the people.
115 Isaiah 60:1 says, "Arise, and shine, for the Light is come to you."
116Rise, and shine, the Light has come. The Word, Light, is vindicated again. The Light vindicated again, God's Word, so that you can see God manifested in His promise of the Light of the day, or the Word given to this age, see, these promises that's made for this day, these promises that was said by the prophets, and by Jesus Himself. In this day! "God, in sundry times..." Hebrews 1, "God, in sundry time, in divers manners spake to their fathers through the prophets, but in this last day through His Son, Jesus Christ." See?
117 The great Light that hung in the wilderness which was, that Moses forsook Egypt, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt.
118The same One that met Saul on the road down to Damascus. A great Light hung before Him, that same Light, same Pillar of Fire. Saul, being a Hebrew, would never worship any spirit or anything, or call it "Lord," in the position he was in. He said, "Lord, who are You?"
119He said, "I'm Jesus." (Jesus said, "I come from God, and I go to God.")
120That same Light has come. To what? To manifest, to--to make known to the people the promises that He's made for this day, manifested Light of the day. The darkness is darkened.
121 When He come, he was the Light of the day. There was supposed to come a Messiah. And He came just exactly like God said He did, would come. And when He did, what was He? The Light of the day. And It pressed the darkness so against Him! Is that right? He had to give His Life that the Light continue, could shine. He was the Light of the day. But why, why was He the Light of the day? He was the vindicated Word that had been spoken, made manifest. No more than...
122God said over this dark, gloomy, dismal, mossy world that stood here without light, He said "let there be light." And it wasn't light until that Word was manifested, then it was light.
123He said, "There will come a Saviour, a Messiah." It still wasn't manifested until He come to manifest that promise. And when He vindicated that promise, He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life; and They are They that testify of Me."
124They said, "We know not whence Thou comest, we are Moses' disciples."
125He said, "If you were Moses' disciples you would know Me, for Moses wrote of Me." See? He was the manifestation. He was the a-vindication of the spoken Word of God by Moses.
126 And today that we're now living in, God has come on the scene to a-vindicate and prove His promises. So, it's the Light of the hour, so we can rise and shine. The Light shines upon us again today, the Word is being made manifest. It's the Light.
127Just like that light's shining out there, the sunshine, this morning. That's God's spoken Word, there's nothing else can give light like that. There's nothing can do it. Any artificial light burns out in a little bit, and bulbs and everything else. But that never fails, for it's the spoken Word of God made manifest.
128Little denominational creeds will bust a bulb, and blow a bulb, and knock a fuse, and everything else. But the Word of God shall never fail! It'll be Itself, always, the Word.
129I'm afraid I'm going to run overtime a little bit here. Or, or it's all right to go ahead and finish this message, isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.
130 Rise, and shine, for the Light has come to you. The Word, Light, is vindicated.
131The only way, as God was, Jesus Christ was the manifestation of God's spoken Word, the Light of the hour.
132John the Baptist was the Light of the hour. He was the Light before Jesus was Light. The prophet Isaiah said, "A voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord, and make straight His path." That was the spoken Word of God, It was laying there, hadn't come to life yet. Malachi, the last prophet, four hundred years before it taken place, he said, "Behold, I send My messenger before Me, to prepare the way of the Lord." Here come one out of the wilderness, without denomination, without creed, without identification. But his Light identified him. The Word identified him.
They said, "Are you the Messiah?"
133He said, "I'm not! But I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord!'"
134Jesus said, "You did walk in his Light." He was a bright and shining Light for a while. Why? Until the way was prepared, then his Light went out.
135You can't walk in that light, you Baptists, This is the Light of the hour! The Light has come. Rise, and shine. The Word, Light. Word, the manifested Word of God (identified) is a Light.
136 Now what about the new year that we're facing? We could have more to say on this in-between, from the darkness to the Light, the introducing of the Light coming between, but now we want to get right straight to the new year. All right.
137New year, new year, what about it? Brings new hope. We're one year closer. We're one day closer than we was yesterday. We're one hour closer than we was when I started, fifteen--fifteen minutes to eleven, it's fifteen till twelve now. We're one hour closer! We don't look back, we look forward. See? Oh! Yes, sir. New year doesn't mean turning a new page. Huh-uh. No.
138 Like the man one morning; I was heard it. A man got up early and went out and picked up the paper, come back, and set down, put his feet up on the divan, put his glasses on, begin to read the paper. His wife, out getting breakfast, she said, "John, anything new?"
139Said, "No. Same old thing, just new people." Yeah. That's right. Murders, rape and everything, somebody else done it, see. True.
140 Not turn a new page. It's, turn to the Word, see what the Word promises for today, see what the Light of the day is supposed to be. What we ought to do this year is not go back to creeds and things, go back to our old denominations, not go back to old denominations; but turn to the Word, see what kind of a Light is supposed to shine today. Oh, church, turn to the Word, get back to the Word, flip the right switch, quit punching around on electric lights, see, artificial, man-made. Turn to His Word and see the promise of today. And then see what the promise is, and watch for its identification. When it's vindicated, then you know whether you're in Light or not. See what the promise is.
141Changing the pages or changing calendars doesn't change time. A lot of people say, "Well, the old year's gone, throw away the old December calendar now and put up the other one, a new year." That, that's what new year's means to them.
142To me, I want to see what's promised for the day. I want to know what the Light of the hour is, so I can know how to walk in it. I want to know where I'm living, what age I'm in, how far up the road am I.
143As Paul said, I could stand quoting again, "Forgetting those things that are in the past, now I press towards the mark, the high calling," to the complete identification, when all time will fade out into Eternity when Jesus comes.
144 Do as David did, put your future into His hands. Don't look to anything else, but put your... David said here, he said--said, "My time is in His hands." You notice here in the Psalms where we read it, in 62, "My time is in His hand. He is my rock." What is He? "He is revealed to me. He is the revealed Truth. My time is in His hands." Amen. Oh, my! There you are.
145My time belongs to Him. I am His. I'm in His hand because He holds the time. I don't know what the future holds, but I know He holds the future. So, He Who holds the future holds me. So why should I think about setting forth this, that, the other for the new year? I just put myself in His hands, walk like David did, "my time is in His hand," knew that God held the future. David didn't know what the future was, but he knowed God had the future. I don't know what the future is, none of us do. But we know He holds the future.
146 Patience. Patience. Some of us get so, some of us gets in such a hurry. I think a many a good man has done that. You get in too--too much of a hurry. You want to, see, you want to do it yourself.
147And minister brethren, you know from when I'm talking, you that's listening to this tape. I'm talking to you, not only to the little congregation here, but men around the world.
148Many men go out, impatient; but believing that the time is near, you try to do something within yourself. Wait upon the Lord. Patience is virtue. If you can have patience, it's virtue. It's virtue if you... "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Not they that try to get ahead of the Lord, they that try to tell the Lord, "Lord, I know You want me to do this, and glory to God I..." Don't do that. Wait upon the Lord. The Bible said, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."
149 God took thousands of years to fulfill His promise of a coming Saviour. But, remember, He knowed it all the time, when it was coming. There were many people rose up and tried to be messiahs. Many churches tried to produce messiahs. But God had the time set for His Messiah. He was in no hurry. See?
150And, during the time of this, He showed many types of Messiah. He showed it all the way from Adam to the Messiah, first and last Adam; one of them of the world and the other One of Heaven, one earthly and the other One Heavenly, One come down from Heaven and the other one come off the earth. But promised a Messiah, He took thousands of years to fulfill it.
151Showed in Joseph exactly what He was. Joseph portrayed Him.
152David portrayed Him. When David was a rejected king, went up on top the hill and looked back and wept over Jerusalem, as a rejected king, that was Jesus in David. Eight hundred years later, stood upon Jerusalem as a rejected King, said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen does her brood, but you would not."
153 Look at Joseph, born among his brethren, the patriarchs; not the last one (next to the last one; Benjamin was the last one), but just before the last, see, just before it. Hated of his brothers, loved of his father. He was hated because he was a spiritual man. He could interpret dreams, they were exactly right. He could see visions, foretell things that would happen. And they hated him. He was sold for thirty pieces of silver.
154What did they hate Jesus for? They called Him Beelzebub because He was the Word, and the Word can discern the thoughts that's in the hearts. They hated Him. And they sold Him for thirty pieces of silver.
155 He was throwed into a pit, Joseph was, supposingly to being dead. His bloody coat was left behind, like Jesus' bloody garment that was taken up from the cross, the robe that He wore, to identify His death. But what did God do to Joseph? He brought him up out of the pit, set him at the right hand of Pharaoh. And no man could see Pharaoh, only see Joseph. And when Joseph left the palace, trumpets blowed and a proclamation went forth, "Every knee bow, Joseph is approaching."
156The same thing, Jesus. He was taken from the pit, supposingly where He was dead, and raised up and sits at the right hand of the Majesty. "No man has seen God at any time, but the only Begotten of the Father. And when He leaves there, the trumpets will sound, and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess." See, He's the Prince of prosperity. Look what Egypt done then, it saved the whole world, a drought come on. So, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man. The knee, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to Him being.
157He was all showed in types, but God knew exactly when He would come. He knowed exactly when He come. No matter how many they had before that, He had His Messiah. He showed them in types, what was coming.
158 Just exactly like He showed us the Seven Church Ages, what would come. Just exactly what He showed us what would come when He set that Light up there, in revelation to it, to show the world. When He sent the seven Angels to reveal the seven messengers that had been down through there, and show the loose ends, each Angel coming each day and revealing the loose ends that Luther left, and Wesley left, and Pentecost left, is all represented in there. And in the very type and shadow of the great Shalom, Jehovah, Jvhu. See? Exactly. Throwed It in the skies, and there is the mechanical eye taking a picture of It. See? Thank the Lord!
159Shalom! Peace! Don't be weary, Jesus is here. His great Light has come to us, and we're thankful for It, yes, His Word, the great mystery. Here He is today manifesting Himself, doing the same as He did then, just the same. Doing the very same thing.
160 We are creatures of time. He's God of Eternity. We try to press ourself, we try to make something different, "Oh, this has got to be done." Remember, He knows all about it. It's going to happen, anyhow. Let Him do it. Just commit yourself to Him.
161Look up, and shine with joy of the Lord, to know that you've been privileged, your eyes have come open and see this day. Trust in Him for the future. You've seen Him vindicate His Word in days past. He that vindicated His Word in days past and made all these other things happen just exactly to the hour that we're living, everything exactly, to the seventh angel's Message, both showed It in heaven, on earth, and made It made known three ways so there can't be no slip-up, remember, He promised He'd come again. Hallelujah! That Word will be a-vindicated. God's promised Word, with two thousand years of waiting, He will arrive on time! Don't be weary, He'll be here. As He has a-vindicated His Word in every age, the Church Ages show the same thing, and the revealing of our Lord by the seventh Message, and so forth. God revealed it, manifested it, and proved it. And in among us today, He showed Himself here with us, and proved and a-vindicated His Word. So will He!
162 There will be a Millennium. The old will be young there for ever. Sickness will fade away and death will be no more. They shall build houses, they will inhabit them. They'll plant vineyards and eat the fruit thereof. They'll not plant and another inhabit (his son take it), his son will be living by him. He'll not plant and another eats, die off and somebody else take it; but he'll live there. Amen. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together. And the lion shall eat straw like the bullock, and a child shall lead them around. There'll be--there'll be innocence. There'll be--there'll be--there'll be nothing could hurt. We'll be changed from what we are now, to that glorious image of the Son of God Which is immortal. Years can never touch Him, age can never do anything to Him, He's the immortal Son of God. So we know that--that we're at the end time. We're at the junction. All these things thoroughly identified, so will it be identified again.
163 Now, the future, He holds it. How do I know when He's coming? When is He coming? I don't know, but He'll be here. That's right. When will He do thus and thus? When will the curse go off the earth? When will these blessed reflections of God's love, of trees standing here and shining out, and the flowers and things, when will they immortal grow? I don't know, but they will. When will all the reflection of men's hearts desiring to live, and hospitals and doctors and operations, and crying and grief, when will it all cease, to a glorious reign with Jesus of a thousand years of Shalom? When will it? I don't know. He said it would be there. I don't know how He's going to do it, but His spoken Word will be a-vindicated when the Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings. And the healing part there will not be a physical healing as you think, as saying somebody's got a sickness and it'll be taken away from them. That's what He's doing now, in type. But the whole creature will be changed! This mortal will take on immortality. This old age will jump into youth. Amen. Well, how will it be? I don't know, but it'll be there.
164 I'm getting old, myself. This year, if the Lord lets me live to see the 6th of April, I'll be fifty-five years old, an old man. But I'm not looking... I don't want to go back to be a boy again. I want to press towards that mark yonder, for what purpose I came for. About thirty-something years now I've stood behind this desk, from a little boy of twenty-something years old, about twenty-one, twenty-two years old, I've tried to proclaim this Message. And every ounce of my strength I've put to It. If my shoulders stoop and my hair turns gray and falls out, I don't look back to that, it'd come to it again. I'm looking yonder to the break of a day where the a-vindicated Word of God said "not one hair of your head shall perish, and I'll raise it up again at the last days." How is He going to do it? I don't know. But I trust the...
165 The new year, I don't know what it holds, but I know He holds it. That's the hopes of new year I have. If He comes, Amen. If He doesn't come, I'll still be working if He spares me. I just trust the future to Him. I don't know what it is, I just trust it to Him. You've seen Him a-vindicate His Word, so you know it's going to be done. His Word!
You say, "Brother Branham, how do you get that?"
166Well, let me give some thought here just a minute. Do you know what a sympathy is? I know you do. It's a music, it's a drama. See, they act it out.
167Now, you little children, so you'll understand. You remember in--in school, I believe you have a... What is that little Russian sympathy, sometimes they--they act out on the drums, you know it's called, isn't it the... about the--the little woodpecker, you know, that got down into the woods; and they had the fluttering, the beating on the drums and things. And you hear it all as you go through the symphony, as they play it. I forget the name of that, "Peter and the Wolf." That's right, "Peter and the Wolf." Now, that's a--that's a Russian sympathy. See, they don't--they don't have little--little figures flying around, play it out, but they play it on drums [Brother Branham knocks on some wood--Ed.], and then [Brother Branham knocks on something else], and make the drums and the sounds and things. It plays it out, it acts it. So, you'll understand what Brother Branham is trying to say. See?
168 Now to you adults, the Scripture is God's Symphony. Yes. Hallelujah. Only the Composer knows what it really means and He reveals it to those who are listening, who are interested in knowing what the drama is. But you'd have to know about a sympathy first, see. It's not just something you see, it's the--the changing, the junctions of the Word, of the music. It throws; sometime it's going this way for a while, a certain beat, after a while it changes all around. What is it? To you who wouldn't understand It or don't know nothing about It, not interested in It, it's just a racket, it's a fuss. But to those who know about It, they're watching for It, they know It's coming. Hallelujah!
169 So we have these times of symphonies of the Symphony of God's Word, that the whole drama changes. You who are interested, listen for that change. You know it's getting close. You hear the way the drums are beating, amen, want something to happen. You know this is a change, see, it's going to break out into a burst in a few minutes. See? And you're watching for it, you can tell the way the drums are timing. O God! If you can hear the drums of the finish now, if you can hear the echo of the music of the Heavenly Word singing Itself out, "And it shall come to pass in the last days!" The sympathy of God's great drama that He's playing, It changes Him, His sympathy at the junctions. The composer and those who are interested, listen for the change. That's what all this stuff is to us, we're listening, we're watching. Every time He appears, something happens, we see the time getting close. We see back yonder not long ago when that Church Ages was being drawed out, we were listening. We seen it was right with the Word, beating with the Word. After a while, what happened? Here He come, Himself, and vindicated it.
170 We heard the Word say that, "In the days of the seventh angel." In the Church Age, He just said, "The seventh angel's Message would be the last Message." And then, oh, we find out over here in Revelation 10, "In the days of the Message of the seventh angel, the mysteries of God should be finished," the Seventh Seal would be pulled back. It should be there. Then all at once, when it's happening, a vision broke, said, "Go to Tucson, a great noise will take place at this time so you'll be thoroughly understanding and know that it's sent. It'll just shake the earth, nearly." All of you know about it. It's on tape, months before it happened. Then it happened! Then appeared in the sky. "Shalom!" What is it? It's a-changing beats, the sympathy.
171 Then one time He said about the Third Pull; how it would come by this one way, then by knowing the heart, and then the spoken Word.
172Jesus said, "Greater things than this will you do; for I go to My Father." John 14, "The works that I do, shall you do also; greater than this, for I go unto My Father." Just as I said a while ago, when Mary tried to identify Him as Joseph's son, He corrected her. His Words cannot fail! He said so, "Heavens and earth will fail, but My Words will not."
173When we hear the sympathy beating, changing, fixing to change, it's a junction time. We notice as He begin to--to beat, and we seen, "The works that I do, shall you do also, and greater shall you do." "Greater," He promised it. We wondered how it could be.
174 But did you notice when He performed His first miracle, He took water and turned it into wine. Is that right? He took water, which potentially someday might have been wine, but it was water first.
175And when He fed five thousand, what did He do? He took something that had been like water, He took a fish that once swam and was born from an egg, and He broke it, and another fish growed onto the creation that was the original creation. He took bread that was once wheat, and was a seed and become bread, and He broke from this bread and the creation only multiplied.
176 But in the woods, there was nothing there to make a squirrel. "Let there be," and there was, without anything to break it from. What is it? The same Jesus Christ! See? "Greater things than this will you do, for I go to My Father." Not take something that's been created, break something from it and multiply a creation, but absolutely create. Showing that He's the same Jehovah that stood back there and said, "Let there be," and there was. His Word was made manifest! When He was made flesh on earth, He took His original creation, broke it back and multiplied it. But now in the last days, when He comes down among us again, the same Light that moved down, said "let there be light," see, He just speak the creation into existence. "Greater than this will you do, for I go to My Father." Remember, we're at these times.
177 And the world don't understand, because, "It's a bunch of nonsense." Because they're not Methodist, the Methodist don't understand It. Because this, they ain't the Baptist, the Baptist don't understand It. Because It's not Catholic, the Catholic don't understand It. Because It's not Pentecostal, the Pentecostal don't understand It.
178But those who wait upon the Lord, those who are looking! Not one man that we have history of any observatory, knowing that Star that passed over. But the wise man followed It for hundreds of miles, for two years, they watched It and followed It. See what I mean? It's to those who are listening to the sympathy.
179 Remember, the Composer knows the end from the beginning. He knows all about it, that's the reason He could write it here. Correctly. Now you must begin with Him, you must begin. If you want to hear a sympathy, you begin with Him like in the music at the sympathy. You listen, you know what it says, it's going to be what the symphony is, then you begin to listen at the music. And you know what it is, so you know just about, "Here's where certain-certain things take place, now it's got to change." Now, to anybody else that don't know nothing about what they're... just walked in and set down, it's just a bunch of nonsense, rattling noise. But the one who knows what it is, it's beat out with the music, drummed out with the notes, it's--it's trumpeted with the trumpets, it's strung on the harp, it's played with the violin, it's--it's beat on the bass, it's sounded by the trumpets, it's beat on the drums. The whole thing together in rhythm, and it makes the--the drama till you can close your eyes and live in it. Hallelujah!
180 Man could close his mortal eyes to earthly sight and live in the Presence of Jesus Christ, when you see His Word being beat out in the great sympathy that we're living in now, changing. You must begin in the Symphony. The only thing you can do if you're in the Symphony, then you start, you begin to get into the rhythm. That's the way you do God. You don't stand off and look at it. You get into the rhythm of It! How do you get in there? You're borned into It, into the rhythm of the Word, when you become part of that Word.
181You had to become part of the dance to get out of the dance. You have to become part of the ball game, something you're interested in, to get in the ball game.
182 You have to become part of the Word, to know God's Sympathy. His Sympathy is when It's playing, you understand, you're marching with the beat of the time. You're watching for it, "The works that I do, shall you also; greater than this shall you do," these last days. Oh, my! The great changing of the time. We get into the beat, beat of the Word. Find His purpose, the hour that we're living. Get into the rhythm of it, how does... how He does it. If you get into the Word, you find out how He did it at the beginning, then you know how He's doing it all the time.
183How did He send His Message, first? What does He do? He doesn't deal with organizations. He never did, so He doesn't do it now. That's where, if you're listening to a rhythm of that Council of Churches, you're in darkness. But if you're listening to the rhythm of the Word!
184What did they kill Jesus for? "You, being a Man, make yourself God."
185 You got my Message on The Three Types Of Believers. How that one stood there and... There was the make-believers, they followed along for a while, making out like they believed. And one day Jesus said to them, said, "What will you think when the Son of man, which is from Heaven, ascends back into Heaven? I come from Heaven, going back to Heaven."
186Why, the multitude walked away, and said, "This is a hard saying."
187Then there come the make-believers that was walking with Him, the seventy, when they got something hard, they didn't see that it... they didn't know the Sympathy. They didn't know the Promise, that this Child was Jehovah, "His Name shall be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, The mighty God." And when He said, "When I ascend up to Heaven from whence I come from!"
188"Well," they said, "this is a hard Saying. Who can understand It? We know You're just a Man. We eat with You, we sleep with You, we're in the woods with You, we're by the waters with You. Well, You're merely a Man, and say the Son of man goes back up where He comes from? What will You say? This is a hard Saying!" See, they didn't know the beat. They didn't know the rhythm of the Sympathy of God's Word, that He was God manifested in the flesh, for He was the--the vindicated Word Light of the hour. They didn't get it. They said, "This is a hard Thing. Who can understand This?" And they turned away. They didn't know the beat, see.
189 Then we notice again, there was Judas, the make-believer, or the unbeliever, that waited till he found a fault. Then He turned to the disciples, said just the twelve, and Judas was one of them, He said, "You want to go, too?"
190Then Peter said, "Who would we go to, Lord? You're the Composer." Amen. "You know how it's going on. You're the only One that has the Word of Life. Where could we turn to? We couldn't go back to be a Pharisee, or a Sadducee, or a Heridian," or whatever it might be. "You're the One that has the Word of Life. We have no other place to go. We've, we've joined ourself to this great Concert. We are in here, we're listening, and we're in the rhythm. We believe that you are the Son of God, the manifested Jehovah. We're sure of this! We don't know what these great trials and troubles, and afflictions and things, and You saying You're 'going up to be offered up,' and all this, that, the other, and 'on the third day,' all this stuff. We don't understand That. But we're in, listen to God's Sympathy, we're a part of it. And we're waiting to see what takes place next, and we're following close with You." Oh, my! That's what I want to do. Promise.
191 How did He begin? Just like He did at the beginning. See? He never did send His Message to an organization. He never sent his group a Message, He sent one man. In the days of Noah, it was Noah. In the days of Moses, it was Moses.
192There's others thought one time, that they said, "Well, you would make yourself the only holy man in the bunch." God looked down upon that.
193Moses went to the Lord, "I've done this. What, what must I do?"
194He said, "Separate yourself from them. I'll take care of the rest of it. I sent you. It's My responsibility." And He opened up the earth and swallowed up Korah and all the gain. Always.
195 John and Jesus couldn't be the same time. Jesus... When John looked up, he said, "Now I must decrease, He must increase. He's the vindicated Light." So will this Light move on until he would find the full vindication comes. That's right. That's right.
196He is as He was at the beginning. That's how you start, how you start learning what God was. What did He do when He was here on earth? What kind of a life did He live? Did He agree, was He a compromiser? Did He go to the organizations? How did He identify Himself? "Search the Scriptures! You think... In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are the Ones that testify of Me." See, that's the same thing today or any other time. When you want Light, see what the Scripture says for this hour. All right.
197 Where do you begin, then? If there's a sinner here, you begin at the cross when you reckon yourself dead with Him. You've entered in then to the--to the great drama. You're listening, then, you're watching your sheet as you hold it in your hand, the--the--the Sympathy. You--you got a sheet in your hand that would tell you these things, where the changes of the music begins to make it act out, then you see what the act is. When you see God's Spirit fall upon people and do a certain thing, you look back and see where it's at. See if it's that, if that's the thing for today. Why, they had a sheet in their hand when Jesus came, of the Sympathy. Certainly, they did.
198Am I saying that word right, symphony, sympathy? I hope so. So then I just happened to think of it. Symphony? [Someone in congregation says, "Symphony."--Ed.] Symphony. That right? All right.
199 Now, they had a sheet in their hand, but what would they do? They were trying to look back to a beat that had all... a portion had already been played out. That's what the churches do today. They look back, see what part Luther played; the Lutherans does. They don't know the change of music. They don't know what God's doing today when He does these things, the Lutherans. The Pentecost say, "Oh, we got It." You got a sheet that played out fifty years ago. See? Certainly. Let's just keep this Word in our hands, and watch when the changes come, then we'll know what we're doing.
200Now, and begin with Him at the cross. "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the Music, the Direction," see, "His Word, the Holy Ghost that manifests the Word." Then follow through with the rhythm of the Word. What ever the Music beats for that hour, beat with It. See?
201 Many people asked, "Why?" They asked. They asked, sometime they ask me, "Why? Why must these things happen? What, why, why did this happen to me? Why did I start and this happen, and I--I had this trouble here, and this upset me here, and I lost this here?"
202Sometimes I've asked, "Why?" Why, when I was just a young minister, first started out, did God take my wife right out from under me, take my baby right from beneath me, right beneath my heart? Why did He do that? I didn't know. I do now. I just held my hand in His and kept trusting.
203He knows every junction. He knows the rhythm must... when it must take place. He knows what it takes to mold you, He knows what kind of material He's going to use. See? The backside of the desert sometimes, where God molds righteous men into sages and prophets. See? See? That's where men are beat out. Men are beat out, in the Word. When they got all kind of creed and stuff in them, let them come to the Word and God beats it right out of them, molds it right into This, into the great Sympathy with, of His Word. See? And then they see the Word moving on.
204 God knows when the rhythm of it has got to change. He knows how the rhythm goes. I don't know how it goes, but He knows. He knows how it goes, I don't. But I look at it here, and I say, "Well, it's just coming."
205"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth them out of them all." See? God has moved through history with the rhythm of the promise of His Word, in each age, in the same rhythm, making His Word. That's how God moved down through history, from all the way from Genesis to Revelation, He has moved through history with His Word. That's right, with the rhythm of--of the power of the Holy Spirit vindicating His Word to the Elected. Remember, He's never been able to touch the outside church. It's only the Elected.
206 Look at them priest, said, "This man is Beelzebub. He's a fortuneteller. Why, He--He--He's reading their minds."
207Little did they know, "The Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart." And He was the Word.
208But this little prostitute standing at the well that day, to get a bucket of water, she said, "I perceive that You're a Prophet. We know the Messiah's coming. We ain't had prophets for hundreds of years, but we know the Messiah is coming. And when He comes, that's what He's going to be."
209He said, "I am He." That was enough. Why? The rhythm beat out! She was looking for that change, from a church denomination to a vindicated Messiah. And here He stood, the Messiah that Moses spoke of, "The Lord your God shall raise a Prophet like unto me." There He is. The rhythm changed, the vindicated Seed recognized It.
210 And when the real Word of God falls upon the vindicated, upon the Seed, and they see that vindication of the Word, they recognize It. They're looking at the Word, they know the junction, they know the time, they know the change, they know the beat that's supposed to be in that hour. Hallelujah! They know the beat, they know the time, they know how it's supposed to go. See, only the Elected knows It.
211When Philip saw it, he couldn't stand it any longer, He knew that was Messiah. So he went to a fellow, they had had Bible study together. "Nathanael," he said, "come, see a Man. Come, see what we found, we have found Jesus of Nazareth. We found Jesus of Nazareth, that's the Prophet that Moses spoke of that would come. We found Him. We found Him."
212He said, "How can it be? I just... Where was He?" See, he wasn't... See, he didn't know the rhythm just exactly. They had been studying. But when he got there, he told him, introduced to him the Word.
213 And when he got there, Jesus said, "Behold an Israelite," the rhythm begin to take hold, the great drama was being played out there on the platform, or on the ground, that day. Maybe Jesus standing upon a rock, talking to the people. And when Philip come up with Nathanael, He looked over to him, and said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile."
He said, "Rabbi, when did You ever know me?"
214He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." Oh, my!
215He was part of it! He said, "Thou art the Son of God! Thou art the King of Israel." No matter what the--the world beats was, and all their shindigs they had of the--of the denominations, it wasn't that great Sympathy of God. Amen. He said, "Thou art the King of Israel! There You are! I see it. I know it." Why? He was Elected. The Elected Seed knows. It's always through every age, that they know it.
216 You say, "But, Brother Branham, what about my mother and dad, what about my people, what about my denomination, what--what will they do? They'll cast me out. Is it..." If you can't look ahead, look up. Don't try to look ahead, anyhow, put your hand in His. Let Him lead you. Look up, don't look ahead. You say, "Why, why others make fun of me about my long hair, and me taking off shorts, and about me leaving the church." Huh! Suffering for His Name's sake is growing pains of His grace. Yeah. Suffering for His Word, see, is growing pains of His grace. Yes, sir! Just remember, it's the grace of God has been given to you. Oh, my!
217 Like Paul said, hallelujah, he had an infirmity, something was bothering him. He'd... The Devil would--would buffet him, blow after blow. And he consulted the Lord, three times, to take it away from him, said, "I don't want this, Lord. Take it away from me!"
218And then one night the Lord spoke to him, said Saul, or, "Paul, my grace is sufficient."
219He said, "Then I'll glory in my infirmity. I'll glory in it. I know You're the Healer. I've seen You heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils, open the eyes of the blind. But if I've consulted You, and You tell me it's Your grace is sufficient, then this devil that bothers me is--is the growing pains of Your grace. Then I'll glory in my infirmities. Why? If lest I get exalted above the abundance of the revelation." See?
220 See, he--he had something the other disciples didn't have, he saw Him after His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. He saw Him. Some of them say, "Well, I walked with Him." So did everybody on the street. But after He was dead, buried, rose, and ascended up, and returned back in the form of a Pillar of Fire, He talked to Paul. That was more than any of the rest of them had. Amen.
221He said, "Except I get exalted and want to build great big seminaries and everything else, and great big something another, lest I get--get exalted above the abundance of this revelation, God let a messenger of the Devil keep me beat down." He said, "Then when I'm weak, I'm strong." Amen. Amen. Growing pains of grace! Amen. We could stay on that a long time; an hour and forty-five minutes has passed, and--and we're suffering His grace pains.
222 Oh, He may permit crossroads. He may permit crossroads to try us, to perfect us for His service. He may permit that now, Church, both here and on tape. He may permit the crossroads for our service.
223Like He did Daniel. He give Daniel a little crossroad one day. You know, he was a great man down in Babylon. He did, He let the king turn against him and throw him in the lions' den. It only perfected him. Sure did!
224Let the Hebrew children go into the fiery furnace. They was determined to stand for His Word!
225He may permit cross words, let them laugh at you for having long hair, let them laugh at you for saying why you become a holy-roller or whatever more. It may, they may let you laugh... they may laugh at you for that, that, that, that's all right. That's a crossroad, that's a little junction. That's to prove something.
226See, the only thing that the crossroad did to the Hebrew children that stood on the Word, it only loosed them from the bands they had around their feet and legs.
227 And sometime it takes hard trials to break the bands of the world off of us. Sometimes God lets us have a little trial, you know, to see what we'll do, to take you out of the world. Or, other words, let you have a little trial and knock you out of that organization, and that idea that "the Methodist is the only one, the Baptist, or the Pentecostal, or that's--that's the only group they got. If you don't believe it like my church believe it, you don't believe at all." Sometimes He lets a little trial happen. Maybe you got a sick baby. Maybe something takes place right at the hour of death. Maybe someone taken from you, or something. What's it to do? To break you away, to show you something, open your eyes. Maybe you come to criticize, sometime. Maybe you're listening to this tape just to criticize. Maybe God's doing that to break some of the worldly bands that's got you bound down.
228Like a drowning man in the river, you have to take the man out of the river before you can get the river out of the man. That's right. You have to get him out of the river first, then you get the river out of him. Sometime God has to do it that way. He permits the junctions, crossroads to do that. Stand on His promises, the Word, for they never fail. The future, that's in His hand. Stand like they did, don't--don't give away.
229 Abraham, at his crossroads, knew that God could raise up his son from the dead, from whence he received him at the crossroads. Abraham come to his crossroad. And after he had trusted God and had seen all the miracles of God. Twenty-five years he waited on a boy, a promised son, and then God told him to go sacrifice the very thing that he had waited for. My, oh, my, what a time! But did Abraham stagger? Read Romans, the 4th chapter, said he was "fully persuaded." Amen. He was fully persuaded of what God had promised, God was able to do. Amen. He permitted the crossroad. He was showing through Abraham, to us, see, He's able to raise the dead.
230Abraham said, "I'll receive him as one from the dead." Sarah's wombs was dead, Sarah's womb was dead; and he, his body was dead, he was an old man. She had no milk veins to feed the baby. And they didn't have... Well, there was nothing. And he was sterile, himself, and she was sterile. See? There's no way at all. And he received him as one from the dead, he said, "If God can do that, God can raise him up from the dead. For the same God that told me the baby would come, and I stood and it come, He can raise him from the dead." For, He makes everything work together for the good to them that love Him. Amen.
231 God Who made the promise, in the last days these things would happen that we see happen! If He promised a son, and the son came; if He promised all these things that we see through the Scripture, and it did, let's get into the rhythm of it. He promised in the last days these things would take place, and we see it. He promised that He would send Jesus. Hallelujah. There will be a Millennium! There will be a new day. There will be a day that the sun will never go down no more, for the... we'll need it no more, for the Lamb is the Light of the City to where we're going. Amen.
232The dawning of a new day, I feel it all over me now. The Light of a new day! The Light of a day where there is no night, there is no darkness, no shadows, no skies, no--no dim, dark skies, no midnights, no graves, no flowers on the hillsides, no funeral processions, no doctors, no morgue. Amen. I--I can feel the--the rays of His Light breaking through upon my soul. The new day! The old one is pressing away.
233As I feel the mortal blood pouring through my body, I feel the surge of the Holy Ghost come in behind it, "Rise, and shine."
234 Something said, "Billy Branham, you're getting old, you're getting weak, your shoulders are dropping, your hair is turning gray and falling out." That's right. And darkness and gross darkness upon the earth!
235"But rise, and shine!" I feel falling there the surge of Light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ which has made me a new creature in Him. I look for that day, amen, for the new day. I don't know what the future is. I don't know what it holds, 1964, holds for me or nothing else, but I hold the hand of Him that holds Eternity, Who is Eternity. Amen.
236Abraham knowed that God could raise him up again, so he trusted Him.
237 So, for the new year, be determined to stay with His Word and what It's promised, like others (Elected) did in others' days. If you feel that you've seen the Light that's broke through upon you, of Jesus Christ, His manifestation of His great Holy Spirit in these last days. And, remember, remember, stay with it, what He did, you are one of the Elected; and what he, the Elected in other days, like Abraham, when he saw it, when it was all against scientific proof. Noah saw it, and it was all against scientific proof. Moses saw it, and it was all against scientific proof. These smart ages that's gone by; but the Elected who saw it, stood firm! Amen.
238 And for the future, let's stand firm on the promise. God made it, it's up to God to see it through. I'm just following the rhythm. When it beats down the time and says "this is the end of William Branham on the earth," then I'll go with the rhythm. Then I'll rise again with the rhythm. Hallelujah. The One that beat it in, beats it out, beats it in again. It's the rhythm of God, "I'll raise him up at the last days. He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life. He that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; and shall never come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." I'll follow the beating of the Word. Amen. Not the beating of my heart; the beating of the Word! No matter what it is, if my heart don't beat with the Word, then my heart's wrong. Amen. For, He is the Word! Amen. The Bible tells us that, God's Word.
239 I was listening to a program, coming up, Billy and I, a while ago. And it was this Bible... the--the hour called prophecy, the hour of... What is it called? Something about prophecy. Voice of Prophecy. Really, it's the Seventh-day Adventists. They've had four or five different names. Millerites is what they was, to begin with.
240They was the one that said, over there in a meeting, that "'I claimed to be Jesus Christ; that the--the Holy Father was over me, that Pillar of Fire, and I was Jesus Christ.'" Happened to be a friend of mine standing there at their little meeting, he raised up and said, "You'll have to prove that, 'cause I'll call him right here. I want you to see one time that he ever confessed that," see, and like that. He was talking about the different cults and things on the earth.
241They know. One time I tied in with them on this sabbath question. They got the old day that's passed by. The Holy Ghost is our Sabbath, the Bible said so, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden, I'll give you sabbath to your soul." Not a "day." Paul said, "You that keep a day, I'm afraid of you." See, that's right. Yes, sir. "There remaineth a rest," Hebrews 4, "to the people of God, a sabbath-keeping. For we which have entered into His rest, hath ceased from our works, as God did from His."
242 But their speaker, a while ago, nice program, I have nothing against them. I'd do anything I could to help them. Forgive them freely for saying it, 'cause they did say something that wasn't right. But that's all right. Their doctrine is just like Jehovah Witness and Christian Science, and all these other cults, you see, same thing. But notice, they're just like any other organization, they're no more wrong, I guess, than the rest of them. The Word's always right, see, It'll prove Itself out right. Notice.
243But as he was speaking, the man said, "We've got the book-of-the-year." This writer, oh, what is his name, the speaker of it? I forget just exactly what his name is now. He spoke for the Christian Businessmen up in Seattle here not long ago at the World's Fair. And he--he said, this announcer said, "This man has wrote the book, the most outstanding book for this year." I disagree.
244 The Book for this year is the Bible! It's the Light of the world. It's God Himself. Our Book-of-the-year is the Bible. For this 1964, our Book is the Bible. And all other years to come, our Book is the Bible. All the years that's past, It's been the Book of the years passed, the Book of the years to come, and It's the Book of Eternity. It reveals it is God. Yes, It reveals God. Every year that is to come, it's the Book-of-the-year. When--whenever you hear the Bible say anything, its promise is a-vindicated, there will come an Eternal, someday. The Bible is the One who gives us this promise, when you hear the Bible say that there's coming a day when Jesus will come. And as I say today now...
245I got to close, 'cause I--I've been here two hours, see, right at it.
246 Look, if--if the Bible tells us of these things that is to come, speaks of all these hours that--that we've passed through. The days of Noah is predicted. The days of all these others, the Scripture predicted. The days of Martin Luther was predicted, the days of Wesley, the days of Pentecostal. This hour that we're living in was predicted. Everything happened just exactly the way it was. Then when... What is it? It's the spoken Word of God, which is vindicated by God, makes it the Light of the hour. See, just like the sun is. When the Word, the Word itself, is the Light when it's vindicated for the time that it belongs to. See, it's vindicated, then it's the Light of the hour.
247 John was the Light, he--he was more Light than Elijah and them had. Elijah. He wasn't Elijah's Light, but he was Elijah in another form, a-vindicating the Light. See, he was. And when Jesus come, He said, "He was a bright and shining Light for a season. You love to walk in His Light." See?
248And John said, "Now I must dim out. I must go out now, my Light's finished shining. I must go out. He must increase. He's the Light."
249He said, "I am the Light of the world." Amen. That's right. "The same yesterday, today, and forever." And He's still the Light of the world. And what is He? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God." Why was He the Light of the world? If He'd come, said He was Messiah, and He didn't do like the Bible said the Messiah would do, then He wasn't the Light of the world. See, it's the a-vindicated Word that makes it the Light of the world.
250 And in this hour that we're living in now, the a-vindicated Word of this hour! Pentecostals, you say, "speaking in tongues," and so forth. That was the Day of Pentecost, that was the Light of the hour then. See, this is another day. He's the Light of the hour today.
251 The Seventh Church Age, all smothered out, with Christ on the outside. The moon in identifying it, all the darkness coming upon the earth. The Light pressing in now, begin to show what's going to take place. The thing will be destroyed, and the Light will come in and destroy it. And the Saints shall inherit the earth, the meek shall inherit the earth. The earth, the moon darkness will be took away. The darkness of the night will pass away, the darkness with their death and creeds, and away from the Word of God, perverted things that they're saying. And the Light will break forth upon the day.
252 And remember, when the full Bible... Listen, in closing. When this full Bible has been thoroughly a-vindicated, then there will be an Eternal Shalom, Eternal Peace. See?
253He come, and said He was "Peace on earth, good will towards man," but the world didn't receive it. See? See? He was Peace to everyone that come to Him for Peace. See? Peace on earth, good will to man, He was the Peace at that new year beginning, new day of God. For why? He was the a-vindicated Light of that day. See?
254But there's more Word to be a-vindicated. He's got to vindicate more Word. And when the last Word is vindicated, is vindicated, rather, then death is swallowed up in victory, and the dead in Christ shall rise, the Millennium will set in, and it'll be one great Peace, Shalom. Let's live for that day, brother, sister, for that one great Shalom.
255Remember, the Bible is the fountain of all wisdom, and holds all hopes of the future. To the Church, Shalom! Let us pray.
256 The little group present here now. I--I been two hours on--on this little new year's Message. You been very patient. Is there one in here this morning, or--or this afternoon, rather, that doesn't have Shalom, that Peace that spoke, that identified Word of God when you and the Word become one? When, if the Bible says one Thing, you say "no, I can't hardly believe that that's right," then you haven't Shalom. You're not at peace with God, because His Word says one Thing and you disagree with It.
257And if the Word says, "Shalom, Peace," and you have that Peace, that every Word that God says, you can punctuate it with an "amen," and you believe It. And when you see It vindicated, you say, "Amen, that is the Word!" But does a creed, a light, a false light, the world sweep across in the shadow of the light that's being reflected to darken it out, some creed, to say, "No, I--I think that--that That was for something else. That don't mean just that," and yet the Word says It? Are you following that shadow, or are you appearing with that Light?
258 Here and in the tape, whoever will listen at it, think it over just a moment. And if there's one present here that would like, that doesn't have that Light, would you raise your hand to identify yourself, that you are ready to walk in that Light today. And if there's one out in the land of where this tape shall go, that you don't have It, will you raise your hand to God right where... Turn off your recorder just in a moment when we pray, get down on your knees, and say, "Lord God, I have doubted, I--I've did this. I've thought, 'Well, because the church said them things couldn't be, and this wouldn't be.' And, but I see it's promised in the Bible, and I see too many things. The heavens even declared It, itself. And these things that are said, are happening just exactly. And God in Heaven is declaring the same thing. So, I want to receive it now. Let the Word of God come into me. And let me get into the rhythm, of not listening what the church or the preacher says; but let me get into the rhythm of the Word, and see what It says. And let It bring to me, in this great Sympathy of God, a beating out of His will in my life."
259 Our Heavenly Father, we now bring to You every hand that's up everywhere. And let the Holy Ghost of God bring to them the rhythm of the Word and Its Truth, that they are to be molded now into sons and daughters of God, and they are to be the reflecting of the Light of God upon the earth. They are to be the manifested Word, that men and women are to live the way Jesus lived, and to--to believe every Word of God and live by It like He did, for He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Not just a few of the Words, part of the Words, but "by every Word proceeding out of the mouth of God."
260The Word of Moses' time did not work in the days of Jesus' time. The Word, the Word in the days of the apostles does not work in this day. It's a promised Word for this day. They said themselves, and spoke it by the Holy Ghost, what would take place in the last days, how the churches would be heady, high-minded, how the whore would rise up and the harlots would be right with her, and how they would darken the earth. And the last church age, the Laodicea, Jesus would be completely taken from the church.
261O Lord, let me stay with Him, the Word. And manifest His Light, through all of us, as we set forth in this new year, with a determination. Not knowing what this new year holds, but we're holding to Him, the Word, that knows the whole Sympathy from the beginning to the end. He knows every move and every junction. And, Lord, we're just watching Him, keeping our eyes on Him, the Word. Then when we see these things appear, we know that we're right in the rhythm of the Word. Grant it. Save every lost soul, Lord, that here, and every one that hears the tape. We commit them to Thee, for Thy Kingdom's sake, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
262 Now, there's a... Happy to be with you all this morning. So, I have just been exactly, since starting it, exactly two hours, from a quarter to eleven, till quarter to one. I told Meda. I said, "I'll be back by one-thirty." Now, we don't believe in breaking speed laws. Don't think we should do that, you see, to do it. Now we thank you. I want to say now...
263Terry turned his tape recorder off, 'cause that's the one tape that goes out. I think you still got yours on, which is all right, see, 'cause I'm going to speak to the church.
264I certainly appreciate you all down here. And there's lots of times I think this is a little retreat for me, to come down here on the backside of the desert, as I call it. Come back through the desert, way back up in here, and look around, see this little group out here under trees, right beside of the river. And we're on the east side of the river now. And I--I--I trust that God will bless you, each and every one. God, Shalom, be with you. That's His peace.
265 And I'm sorry, really, to have held you like this, but just to get a tape of this now. When, if the Lord willing, this is what I'm to speak on, at--at Phoenix, Sunday afternoon. Then, Monday, I'm going, little, short meetings, and so forth. I purposed in my heart this year, if the Lord willing... I--I just cut and tore, from side to side. See?
266And we all know that's the identification. We know what the Third Pull is. We all, we all understand that. Now, you got, you'll have the tape. See? And I think it'll just lay dormant for a little while, until the great hour of persecution comes on. That's when it be. It'll speak. It'll be manifested just like the five straight signs without failure, perfectly. And now I think, just wait, see, to see what it done. Now I'm going back, the same again, through and through, to find out.
267Short meetings. I'm going to try to have, get out every night, early. Have just like thirty minutes, and talk on something about Divine healing or something like that. And whenever I get ready to make a tape again, I'll either run down here to the backside of the desert, or up at the tabernacle or somewhere where you can make a tape, where we be among ourselves, I can say what I wish to, like that. But, see, Jesus...
268 Remember. See? I have to watch. When I seen them people just completely, arrogantly walking away, I think I've tried to express it this morning. It's gross darkness upon them. They can't help it. I forgive them, see, for not listening. And seen the things that God has done, still they don't do it. I still pray, "God, forgive them." And I mean it from my heart. Don't say it because my Master said it, but I want to feel in my heart, first, that I really do.
269I don't isolate myself from people. I don't want to do that. See? Because I'm--I'm... I have a Message for them, "salvation." I have to go out among them. See? Now, I go out with the trinitarians, with Methodists, Baptists, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Seventh-Day Adventists, and everything else. Because, I'm seeking to save that which was lost, if I can; to bring It in, to show them the Light. And the Lord be with you.
270 I had our--our first little group of meetings here. I don't know whether you have them, or not, the schedule here. If some of you... I'll leave it laying here. Pastor will read it for you, where we're to meet at, and if the Lord willing. That is, the Lord willing. I have no leading for them, just simply going out, to try to do whatever I can. And if you got any loved ones around, in there, would like to come to one of the meetings, why, you write them a letter and tell them to attend one of these meetings.
271 God bless you. It's nice to seen you, Brother Stricker and Sister Stricker, and all the rest of you people here. Now, some of them, I don't even know your names. But I--I know you by the witness of the Holy Spirit, that you're my brothers and sisters. And--and my love and respect is for you. And it's such a great pleasure, be down here with you.
272And I know how you--you had your dinner set here, going to have a little fellowship dinner. Only wish it possible I could stick around. And--and I know it's good. I--I know you got the best cooks in the country. I know that's right. But I'll probably have to get mine on a hamburger, going up. But, anyhow, I got appointments that I have to do. My time is just allotted, little bit here and a little bit there. You all understand, I'm sure. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It isn't because I wouldn't want to stay. God knows that. I wouldn't come down here... See?
273 Someone said, "Would you go down there and preach to thirty people, when you could be preaching the same thing to ten thousand?" Certainly. That don't make any difference, the size. I want to see where It's received.
274"Cast not your pearls before swine. They turn and trample them under your feet, then will turn and rend you." See? But you don't cast your pearls there.
275And I feel that, what I say here, is not casting pearls before swine. I think it's showing, children, jewels that belong to them. See? He'll work the tool, a thousand times, in the muck and dirt.
276You ever notice a lily, where it comes from? Right out of the bottom of the slimy pit of the pond. And it toils, day and night, to get itself to the light. But when it once gets to light, blooms out, and the most beautiful flower there is anywhere. That's what a lily is. It comes up from the dirt of the earth, and the filth.
277That's where the jewels are found, wrapped up out here in this gold state of the nation. Where you find gold is down in the dirt. Where you find rubies and jewels is in muck dirt. Just exactly right. That's where we all come from, the muck and dirt from the world. But these here...
278 I'm a prospector. What does a prospector do? He hunts for gold. Then, when he does, he shines it. And he beats it out, and smelts it, and he gets it ready.
279This is the Gold mine. See? I'm looking through here, all the time, for beautiful jewels. See? Find them out here, somewhere in the dust, and polish them up. And say, "Lord, here they are. Here's a brother. Here's a born-again Christian. Here's a fine, young lady. Here's a fine, middle-aged, old woman, my, young woman, whatever it is. Here they are, Lord. They're Your jewels. Put them in Your crown, Lord. They'll shine forever and ever, like that."
Until I see you, Shalom. God's peace with you!
280All right, pastor, come here. All right. God bless you now. And I'll see you all a little later.