Božie Slovo volá do úplného oddelenia sa od nevery



Na počiatku v Genesis 1:3 nachádzame, že bola temnosť na zemi a Duch Boží sa vznášal nad vodami a povedal, „Nech je svetlo“ a bolo svetlo. A Boh videl, že to svetlo je dobré a Boh oddelil svetlo od tmy. Tak Slovo Božie od počiatku začalo oddeľovať svetlo od tmy, a tak to zostáva do tohto dňa. No, keď zem, ktorú Boh išiel použiť, zem, a ona bola v úplnej temnosti, Duch Boží prehovoril a povedal, „Nech je svetlo“ a oddelil svetlo od temnosti. A to sa odvtedy vždy deje, oddeľovanie svetla od temnosti. Božie Slovo tam na počiatku tiež oddelilo vodu od zeme. Boh prehovoril a voda sa oddelila od zeme. A tak On mal na to dôvod.

Boh nikdy nehovorí Slovo pokiaľ nemá nejaký dôvod prehovoriť to Slovo. On nie je ako ty a ja, ktorí len... alebo zvlášť ja, ktorý hovorí tak mnoho bláznivých vecí. Boh hovorí každé Slovo s nejakým významom a niečo, čo sa On snaží dosiahnuť a dosiahne to skrze Svojo Slovo a ono presne vykoná to, čo On povedal, že to vykoná.

No ak Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a nebolo by žiadne svetlo, potom to nie je... to nebolo to, čo Boh povedal, rozumiete?

Keď Boh niečo hovorí, On musí podporiť to, čo On hovorí. A keď Slovo Božie bolo potvrdené, Slovo bolo potvrdené, tak to je svetlo. No, Slovo samo nie je svetlom, pokiaľ nie je potvrdeným svetlom. Ak Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a nebolo by žiadne svetlo, potom to nebolo Božie Slovo. Ale keď sa na zemi objavilo svetlo, to ukázalo, že Slovo bolo potvrdené a to bolo Svetlo. No dnes, ak Boh dal zasľúbenie, a keď je to zasľúbenie potvrdené, potom to je Svetlo. To je Svetlo dňa, keď to Slovo je potvrdené, Slovo na tú hodinu je potvrdené.

1        ...miesta Písma, týchto pár miest Písma, ktoré som si tu zapísal, na to, čo chcem, čo by som nazval ako text. Neviem, či by som to nazval textom alebo nie. Ale len ako text, chcem vziať túto myšlienku, „Božie Slovo volá do úplného oddelenia sa od nevery.“

2        A teraz by som chcel čítať z Biblie z Genesis, z 13.kapitoly Genesis. Chceme začať čítať od 5.verša, čítať. Ja jednoducho milujem čítať Slovo. Pretože to, čo ja poviem, môže zlyhať, to je človek. Ale ak ja len čítam Slovo, to, čo On hovorí, to nemôže zlyhať. Tak potom viem, že z toho vyjde dobré. Ak by nebolo nič iné, len ako čítanie Slova. Začneme 5.veršom z 13.kapitoly.

Ale aj Lot, ktorý išiel s Abramom, mal drobný dobytok, hovädá a stány.

A nemohla ich uniesť zem, tak aby boli mohli bývať spolu, lebo mali mnoho majetku a nemohli bývať spolu.

Tak povstala zvada medzi pastiermi dobytka Abramovho a medzi pastiermi dobytka Lotovho. A Kananej a Ferezej býval vtedy v zemi.

Preto povedal Abram Lotovi: Nech nie je, prosím, rozbroja medzi mnou a medzi tebou, medzi mojimi pastiermi a medzi tvojimi pastiermi, lebo sme mužovia-bratia.

Či nie je pred tebou celá zem? Oddeľ sa, prosím, odo mňa! Ak pojdeš naľavo, ja pojdem napravo, a keď pojdeš napravo, ja pojdem naľavo.

A Lot pozdvihol svoje oči a videl celé okolie Jordána, pretože bolo celé zavlažované, predtým než zkazil Hospodin Sodomu a Gomoru; celý ten kraj bol ako zahrada Hospodinova, jako Egyptská zem, ako ideš do Coára.

A Lot si vyvolil celé okolie Jordána a Lot sa rušal od východu. A tak sa oddelili brat od brata;

Abram býval v zemi Kanaána, a Lot býval v mestách toho okolia a posunoval svoje stány až po Sodomu.

Ale Sodomänia boli zlí a hriešni, ktorí veľmi hrešili proti Hospodinovi.

A Hospodin riekol Abramovi, keď sa už bol od neho oddelil Lot: Nože pozdvihni svoje oči a vidz, od miesta, na ktorom si, na sever a na juh, na východ a na západ, k moru;

lebo celú tú zem, ktorú vidíš, dám tebe a tvojmu semenu až na veky.

3        Teraz, tá myšlienka, „Božie Slovo volá do úplného oddelenia.“ My toto poznáme len ako čítame Slovo, a ako vidíme to Slovo manifestovať sa.

4        No, na počiatku v Genesis 1:3 nachádzame, že bola temnosť na zemi a Duch Boží sa vznášal nad vodami a povedal, „Nech je svetlo“ a bolo svetlo. A Boh videl, že to svetlo je dobré a Boh oddelil svetlo od tmy. Tak Slovo Božie od počiatku začalo oddeľovať svetlo od tmy, a tak to zostáva do tohto dňa.

5        A ako som povedal minulý večer, že Ježiš, keď mal len dvanásť rokov a jeho matka urobila chybu, tá, o ktorej ľudia tvrdia, že je matka Božia, a ako tá žena povedala, že „Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa so slzami hľadali.“

6        A On, tým, že bol Slovom, rýchlo povedal, „Či neviete, že Ja musím byť vo veciach Svojho Otca?“

7        Vidíte, ona Ho vyhlasovala za Jozefovho syna, ale On nebol Jozefov syn. Ak by On bol Jozefov syn, tak by bol s ním, ale On bol so Svojím Otcom v Jeho veciach. Tak Slovo vždy napráva a vždy je správne. Slovo vždy napraví každý omyl, vždy.

8        No, keď zem, ktorú Boh išiel použiť, zem, a ona bola v úplnej temnosti, Duch Boží prehovoril a povedal, „Nech je svetlo“ a oddelil svetlo od temnosti. A to sa odvtedy vždy deje, oddeľovanie svetla od temnosti. Božie Slovo tam na počiatku tiež oddelilo vodu od zeme. Boh prehovoril a voda sa oddelila od zeme. A tak On mal na to dôvod.

9        Boh nikdy nehovorí Slovo pokiaľ nemá nejaký dôvod prehovoriť to Slovo. On nie je ako ty a ja, ktorí len... alebo zvlášť ja, ktorý hovorí tak mnoho bláznivých vecí. Boh hovorí každé Slovo s nejakým významom a niečo, čo sa On snaží dosiahnuť a dosiahne to skrze Svojo Slovo a ono presne vykoná to, čo On povedal, že to vykoná.

10        No ak Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a nebolo by žiadne svetlo, potom to nie je... to nebolo to, čo Boh povedal, rozumiete?

11        Keď Boh niečo hovorí, On musí podporiť to, čo On hovorí. A keď Slovo Božie bolo potvrdené, Slovo bolo potvrdené, tak to je svetlo. No, Slovo samo nie je svetlom, pokiaľ nie je potvrdeným svetlom.

12        Ak Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a nebolo by žiadne svetlo, potom to nebolo Božie Slovo. Ale keď sa na zemi objavilo svetlo, to ukázalo, že Slovo bolo potvrdené a to bolo Svetlo.

13        No dnes, ak Boh dal zasľúbenie, a keď je to zasľúbenie potvrdené, potom to je Svetlo. To je Svetlo dňa, keď to Slovo je potvrdené, Slovo na tú hodinu je potvrdené.

14        Potom Boh išiel mať zem, na ktorej išiel pestovať vegetáciu, a kde by On mal na zemi ľudí, a potom prehovoril a oddelil vody od mora. Potom tiež On v Genesis oddelil život od smrti.

15        No ak veríme Božiemu Slovu, Ono je pre nás Slovom života. Ale ak Slovo Božie spochybňujeme, je pre nás smrťou. Pretože Boh prehovoril, tak kto to môže poprieť, rozumiete? A ak my Slovo Božie spochybňujeme, potom sa stáva smrťou.

16        Ako Eva, no Eva spochybnila jednu malú časť Božieho Slova a čo to urobilo? Zapríčinilo to všetky tieto problémy, ktoré máme. Ak by ona bola zostala za Slovom, opevnená za Slovom, za celou zbrojou Božou a nespochybnila to, potom by sa to nikdy nebolo stalo tak, ako sa to stalo, nikdy by to nebolo takto. Ale vidíte, tam prišla smrť.

17        Potom Boh mal tiež zmierenie. Tým, že bol ku nám milostivý, On prijal zástupnú smrť za ich smrť...       

18        On tiež oddelil v záhrade Eden život od smrti a On to urobil skrze Svoje Slovo.       

19        A dnes robí to isté. Keď sme my vo veľkej temnosti, ako som o tom hovoril minulú nedeľu: temnosť na zemi a na ľuďoch veľká temnosť; uprostred všetkého tohto, On stále hovorí Svoje Slovo života ku tým, ktorí chcú veriť. A teraz nachádzame, že ak...

20        Ježiš nám ustavične hovoril, že existuje oddelenie. Nachádzame, že tá posledná vec, ktorá je ľudskej rase predpovedaná pred tým veľkým finálnym dňom, keď vystúpime do prítomnosti Božej, bude posledné oddelenie. On oddelí ovce od kozlov.

21        Boh bude oddeľovať, a On ustavične oddeľoval, oddeľoval, a to je to, čo On robí dnes večer. To je to, čo On vždy robí. Môžete to vidieť na každom zhromaždení. On oddeľuje vieru od nevery, On hovorí, On vyhlasuje Samého Seba ku tým, ktorí Mu budú veriť a budú mať vieru v Neho.       

22        No, teraz zisťujeme v Numeri, v 6.kapitole, že povolanie nazareja, povolanie nazareja bolo oddeliť sa od celého sveta ku Slovu Božiemu. To je povolanie nazareja, oddelenie.       

23        Zisťujeme, že Samson bol nazarejom pre Pána a on bol oddelený od... skrze znamenie. A toto znamenie bolo, že mal nosiť svoje vlasy dlhé so siedmimi vrkočmi. To bolo znamenie oddelenia, že bol povolaný ku nejakému účelu.

24        A ja nechcem o tomto začínať, pretože som povedal... že budem hovoriť len pár minút.

25        Ale myslím, že dnes, keď vidíme naše sestry, ako nosia dlhé vlasy, ako Biblia povedala, že by mali, myslím, že to je nazarejské znamenie, že ony chcú nasledovať Pána. Viem, že to znie plytko, ale chcem, aby to bolo jasným, rozumiete, pretože to tak je. Zdá sa, že niekto sa to snaží robiť, zadržiavať niečo, čo im Boh povedal, aby činili. Bez ohľadu na cenu, ten svet o tom musí povedať to svoje, alebo koľko posmievačov, vysmievačov alebo kritikov... to nenaruší osobu, ktorá je úplne oddelená od vecí sveta ku veciam Božím. Oni budú poslúchať Slovo a oddelia sa od vecí sveta, pretože Slovo ich oddeľuje.

26        Viem, že musia čeliť kritike. Ale ak by sme neboli kritizovaní, potom by tam niečo nebolo v poriadku. Svet vždy pozná svojich vlastných. Ale ako som povedal, že … pamätajte, kritika kvôli Slovu Božiemu, sú len rastúce bolesti Jeho milosti. To ukazuje, že si sa oddelil, aby si bol Kresťanom, aby si tak konal, aby si tak žil, aby si poslúchal každé prikázanie Božie. A to je nazarejský sľub, oddeliť sa, povolanie od Boha, ktoré ťa oddeľuje od vecí toho sveta.

27        Dnes večer verím, že každý muž alebo žena, každý chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí sú narodení z Ducha Božieho, sú nazarejom pre Pána. Pretože oni sa oddelili od tých vecí, sami seba, od tých starostí toho sveta a od čohokoľvek, čo má svet do povedania.

28        Vy žijete tu, v tomto meste, kde sú veľké školy. A my vidíme, že náš národ volá po vyššom štandarde vzdelávania, čo je v poriadku, nič proti tomu, ale vzdelanie ti nemôže dať spasenie. Nejaký vedec dokáže rozdeliť zrnko pšenice a dokáže ti povedať, koľko je v tom rôznych chemikálií, ale nedokáže nájsť ten život, ktorý tam je. Vzdelanie ťa dokáže naučiť matematiku a môže ťa naučiť históriu a čokoľvek ďalšie, ale nedokáže ti priniesť svetlo. Tvoje vzdelanie to neurobí.

29        Boh má jeden spôsob ako ti priniesť svetlo. To je vtedy, keď si pripravený oddeliť sa od všetkých vecí toho sveta a všetkých starostí tohto sveta, priľnúť jedine k Božiemu zaľúbenému Slovu.

30        Pavol bol nazarejom pre Pána. Bol oddelený od svojej ortodoxnej cirkvi ku Slovu živého Boha.

31        Áron bol nazarejom pre Pána. Bol oddelený od svojich bratov, aby niesol tie kamene narodenia, a aby bol veľkňazom.

32        Je to úplné oddelenie. My sa nemáme už viac vracať do sveta alebo mať niečo do činenia s tým svetom, ale máme ľnúť jedine ku Bohu. Ježiš si prichádza pre Nevestu, Ženu, Cirkev, ktorá je oddelená od vecí z tohoto sveta, alebo starostí toho sveta. Ona je oddelená od módy tohto moderného veku, v ktorom žijeme. Ona je oddelená od starostí tradícií cirkví. Ona je oddelená jedine ku Bohu a Boh je Slovo. A tak, ako manžel a manželka sú jedno, tak sa Nevesta a Slovo stávajú jedno, pretože Slovo žije skrze Nevestu. To je to, ako... to sú jej poverovacie listiny, to je jej identifikácia.

33        Ak by som mohol vytiahnuť nejaký titul Ph.D. alebo LL.D., a ukázať vám svoje poverovacie listiny od nejakej organizácie, alebo z nejakej školy, tá škola by tie poverovacie listiny rozpoznala.

34        Ale jediná poverovacia listina, ktorú veriaci má, je Slovo Božie žijúce v ňom, vyhlasujúce, že Ježiš Kristus žije v tej osobe. To je oddelený nazarej pre Pána, oddelený kvôli Slovu. Biblia hovorí, že Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce do... rozdeľujúce až do špiku kosti a rozlišuje myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa Ježiš mohol pozrieť na tých ľudí a prezrieť, čo si oni mysleli; On bol Slovom.

35        No, prvý Adam, ktorý sa narodil na svete, alebo nie narodil, ale bol stvorený Bohom, ten prvý Adam sa oddelil od Slova ku svojej žene. No, on mohol zostať so Slovom, ak by si to prial. Ale on sa oddelil od Slova, aby bol so svojou ženou.

36        To je presne to, čo rádový, telesný člen cirkvi robí dnes, oddeľuje sa od toho pravého, žijúceho Slova, aby držal so svojou cirkvou, kde to... Eva postavila otáznik na Slovo, či by ju Boh potrestal, alebo nie. Satan postavil otázku, Eva tomu uverila.

37        A potom, keď cirkev dnes kladie otázku na Slovo „Je On ten istý? Či On stále žije vo svojej cirkvi a koná svoje znamenia a zázraky, ktoré robil vtedy, keď bol tu na zemi, čo nám bolo tak pevne zasľúbené v sv.Jánovi 14:12?“

38        „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím, aj on bude činiť, dokonca väčšie ako tieto bude činiť, lebo Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Budú ich nasledovať!

39        Otázkou pre tých ľudí dnes je: „Či to On skutočne tak myslí?“ A keď prijmeš to, čo hovorí cirkev: „Či to On skutočne myslí“, potom kladieš samého seba do toho istého stavu, v akom bol Adam a pripájaš sa k tej žene, cirkvi tohto sveta a oddeľuješ sa od požehnaní, ktoré Boh zasľúbil každému veriacemu, ktorý sa oddelil od sveta ku Slovu. No, to je pravda.

40        My sme, my máme to privilégium žiť v tom dni, keď Slovo Božie, ktoré sme uvideli, že je udelené cez každý vek, že určité veci sa majú stať. A keď je toto udelené, niekedy sa človek diví, ako sa to stane. Profesori majú svoju vlastnú ideu. Ale v tých vekoch Boh vždy posielal svojho proroka. A Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi a potvrdzuje to Slovo tej generácii. A prorok bol vždy nazarejom, oddeleným od všetkého iného, aby poslúchal Božie Slovo.

41        Či si nepamätáte, čo povedali Peter a Ján, „Či je správne pre nás poslúchať človeka alebo Boha?“ Keď sa ich snažili spochybniť ohľadne prežitia Letníc.

42        No, keď sa ten prvý človek oddelil, ten prvý Adam, od Slova, aby išiel so svojou ženou, to spochybnilo, či Boh zachoval svoje Slovo alebo nie.

43        Čo za dokonalý typ vlažného, telesne mysliaceho veriaceho dnes, ktorý stále chce ľnúť ku tomu, čo ich tradícia hovorí, namiesto vziať to, čo Slovo hovorí. Skutočne reálny typ. On bol oddelený ku svojej žene. Telesný veriaci je oddelený od Slova ku svojej cirkvi.

44        Ale keď bol stvorený ten druhý Adam v lone ženy a prišiel na svet, On bol nazarejom ku Slovu Božiemu. On bol oddelený od sveta ku Slovu. No, Židom, 7.kapitola, 26.verš nám hovorí, že tí kňazi ustavične zomierali, ale tento Ježiš bol svätý a oddelený od hriešnikov.

45        Hriech je neveriť. Tam v Ňom nebola nikde nájdená žiadna nevera. Keď bol tu na zemi, povedal, „Kto ma môže usvedčiť z hriechu? Hriech je nevera. Ak som neučinil presne to, čo je prorokované na tento vek, ak som nesplnil požiadavky toho, čo Mesiáš má robiť, potom mi neverte. On povedal, skúmajte Písma, lebo sa domnievate, že v nich máte večný život a ony sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne,“ hovoria, kto On je.

46        Pretože to bolo prorokované už od Edenu, že príde Spasiteľ. Prorok povedal, že sa narodí z panny, a ako On bude nazvaný „Emanuel.“

47        A on bol tiež „Radca, Knieža pokoja, Mocný Boh,“ A to je to, prečo Ho obviňovali, že sa robí Bohom, a On bol Bohom, Kniežaťom pokoja, Mocným Bohom a Večným Otcom.

48        Neexistuje žiaden iný Otec okrem Neho, duchovne hovoriac. On je ten jediný Otec, Otec nás všetkých a my zisťujeme, všetci veriaci, že On je Otcom všetkých, ktorí budú veriť Jeho Slovu, lebo On bol úplne oddelený od cirkvi, od tradícií, od jeho matky, od sveta, a robil jedine to, čo sa ľúbilo Bohu.

49        No, On bol odlišnou osobou od Adama. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek spochybňoval, pre Neho Slovo, to bolo Slovo, ktoré bolo vždy prvé. A On dokázal, že to Slovo má pravdu.

50        Keď sa Mu to satan snažil vybieliť a povedal, „Je napísané...“, On povedal, „Áno, a je tiež napísané...“ On obstál pri satanovi so Slovom, pretože to je to, čo On bol, Slovo.

52        V Biblii, 1.Jána, sv.Ján, 1.kapitola, on povedal, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh, a to Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky.

53        Vždy existuje spojenie s vypovedaným Slovom Božím a Božím zasľúbením na ten deň. A keď to prichádza, je to tak neobvyklé, až to ľudia môžu sotva uchopiť, pretože my sme takí zošití do foriem a ideí z nás samých, že je pre nás ťažké uchopiť to, čo je pravda.

54        Myslím, že mnoho z toho by sa vzťahovalo na Jozefa vo dňoch Márie počas jej tehotenstva. Mala sa stať matkou a Jozef ju miloval a chcel veriť. On bol spravodlivým mužom, dobrým mužom a on chcel tomu príbehu, ktorý mu Mária hovorila, veriť, ale stále tam bola otázka, že „no, ona je dobrá žena.“ Bezpochyby mu Mária tú návštevu Gabriela vysvetlila. A on bol spravodlivým mužom z línie Dávida.

55        A pritom, čo sa jej týka, zdalo sa, že ona sa ho snaží použiť ako štít, aby to sňalo jej pohanenie, pretože, ak ona bola s ním zasnúbená, a byť takto v tomto stave nájdená, to bolo to isté ako cudzoložstvo (Deuteronomium nám tak hovorí) a bola by za ten skutok ukameňovaná. A tak sa zdalo, že ona ho používa ako štít.

56        A ten muž, dobrý muž, spravodlivý muž, Biblia hovorí, že on bol spravodlivým mužom, ale jej prípad bol taký neobvyklý, že on to nedokázal uchopiť. On sa pozrel do jej milej tváre, a tá úprimnosť a čestnosť, v ktorej mu ona porozprávala ten príbeh. A bezpochyby, že on išiel domov, alebo do svojej tesárskej dielne a povedal, „Nedokážem si predstaviť, že by mi povedala niečo zlé, ale ten prípad je taký neobvyklý.“

57        Ak by on len bol skúmal Písma, že „Panna počne!“ Vidíte, to bolo pre neho také neobvyklé, pretože to bolo mimo spôsobu jeho myslenia, ale ona bola presne v Písme.

58        A tak je to dnes, bratia, že moc vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista a Jeho zasľúbeného Slova tejto hodiny je tak neobvyklé, že dobrý človek sa na tom potkne. Je to príliš neobvyklé. Oni povedia, že mŕtvi boli vzkriesení, slepí vidia, hluchí počujú, Duch Svätý rozpoznáva myšlienky, predpovedá veci, ktoré sa idú stať, ani raz to nezlyhalo. Ó, oni to nedokážu uchopiť. Je to tak neobvyklé, že oni povedia, „No, to je telepatia, alebo to je zlý duch,“ práve tak, ako to robili v tom dni, tá neobvyklosť Božieho Slova.

59        Ale keď je človek narodený na svet, veriaci, on sa stáva nazarejom, keď sa oddeľuje od všetkého, čo je v protiklade so Slovom, úplné oddelenie! Ježiš povedal, „Prišiel som oddeliť muža od svojej ženy, roztrhať rodinu, a ten, kto nevezme svoj kríž, a nenasleduje Ma, nie je hoden, aby bol Mnou zavolaný. Oddelenie od všetkého, čohokoľvek, od cirkvi, od komunity, od vyznania, alebo od rodiny, alebo čohokoľvek, čo by stálo medzi tebou a vierou v kompletné Božie Slovo. A keď tvoja duša nezdôrazňuje každé zasľúbenie na túto hodinu s „amen“, tak niečo niekde nie je v poriadku. Potrebuješ oddelenie.

60        Tak Ježiš bol Slovom, ktoré bolo učinené telom, a On bol kompletne oddelený od hriešnikov, neveriacich, že Slovo samo kompletne plynulo a celkom cez neho tieklo, lebo On povedal, „Ja nerobím nič, čo nevidím prv robiť svojho Otca.“ Oni sa pýtali, dávali Mu ohľadne tohto otázky. On povedal, „Amen vám hovorím, že Syn nemôže činiť nič Sám, len to, čo vidí činiť Svojho Otca. A sledujte, všetko, čo On povedal, bolo dokonalé. On len, On sa na to nemusel pýtať, rozmýšľať o tom, bolo to dokonalé. A Jeho dokonalá pravda vždy oddeľovala pravdu od bludu.

61        Dokonca, ako som tam znovu citoval, jeho matka povedala, „Tvoj otec a ja...“, pred tými kňazmi, kde ona už predtým svedčila, že On bol panensky narodený Syn. Ale vo chvíľach svojho zármutku...

62        Ako mohol dvanásťročný chlapec, a my nemáme o Ňom žiaden záznam, že vôbec chodil do školy, ako mohla byť Jeho inteligencia taká veľká, že debatoval s kňazmi, múdrymi, učenými ľuďmi? A keď ona povedala, že tento Jozef bol Jeho otcom, tak rýchlo Božie Slovo... On bol oddelený, On bol Slovom, a Slovo napravilo blud. „Či neviete, že Ja musím byť vo veciach Svojho Otca?“ To nebol len ten malý dvanásťročný chlapec, to bolo Slovo Božie hovoriace cez Jeho malé detské ústa, aby napravili blud, oddelili, ako to On urobil na počiatku, temnosť od svetla, klamstvo od pravdy, smrť od života.

63        Je to oddelenie. Slovo vždy vyžaduje úplné a kompletné oddelenie, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, Ježiš povedal, „Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Moje pravdou.“

64        Cez všetky veky sa diala táto istá vec, je to oddeľovanie. On vždy oddeľuje svojich ľudí od nevery. Urobil to na počiatku, On to robí takisto dnes. Každý jeden z prorokov bol oddelený od nevery. Oni, ten dôvod, prečo to robili, je, že Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku nim.

65        No, verím, že večer niekde, možno to bolo tu v nedeľu alebo minulý večer, kde som hovoril na to slovo „vidiaci“, kde som hovoril, čo ono znamenalo v Starom Zákone. To znamenalo, že to je muž, prorok, muž, ktorý povie budúce udalosti, ktoré sa idú stať. Potom, keď sa oni presne stali, bez zlyhania, udiali sa presne, ako On povedal, potom Boh povedal, „Počúvajte toho muža, alebo počujte ho, bojte sa ho, pretože Ja som s ním.“ Potom on mal Božský výklad toho napísaného Slova, pretože to boli jeho poverovacie listiny identifikácie, že on bol Božím prorokom, a že prišlo k nemu Slovo. To je pravda.

66        Tak, oddelenie. To oddelilo Izaiáša od cirkevného sveta. To oddelilo Mojžiša od cirkevného sveta. To oddelilo všetkých veľkých prorokov počas tých vekov od cirkevného sveta. Pretože oni mali... To oddelilo Ježiša od Jeho bratov. To oddelilo apoštolov od cirkvi, ktorá bola v tom dni, od farizejov, sadúcejov, veľkých ľudí, svätých ľudí, dobrých ľudí, milých ľudí, pokorných ľudí, ľudí, ktorí mali viac ovocia ducha, ako preukázal Ježiš.

67        Ale čo boli Jeho poverovacie listiny? To, že Slovo bolo s Ním. Slovo zasľúbenia na ten deň žilo skrze Neho. On povedal, „Kto z vás Ma usvedčí od hriechu? Kto z vás môže povedať na niečo, čo som tvrdil a nestalo sa?“ Pretože On ukázal, že On bol oddeleným nazarejom Pánovým, On bol Sám Pán v tele.

68        Takisto Abrahám, on bol oddelenou osobou od sveta, keď Boh povolal Abraháma, keď mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov „Oddeľ sa od svojich príbuzných a od všetkej nevery a vyjdi do sveta, v ktorom si nikdy predtým nekráčal, a medzi ľudí, ktorých si nikdy nepoznal. Vyjdi a oddeľ sa od kohokoľvek, kto bude v protiklade ku tomu, čo veríš, aby si bol nazarejom pre Pána.“ Pretože on držal zasľúbenie syna. Musel sa oddeliť od svojho otca, od svojej matky, od svojich príbuzných.

69        A čo ho oddelilo? Nie to, že bol dobrým človekom, ale pretože veril, že Boh je schopný dodržať zasľúbenie, ktoré mu dal.

70        A o dvadsaťpäť rokov neskôr... a to dieťa stále neprišlo, Sára mala deväťdesiat a on sto. A keď ho navštívil Anjel Pánov, na ktorého sa Ježiš odvolával, že v tých posledných dňoch príde znovu. Boh v ľudskej forme si sadol pred neho a rozprával sa s ním. A Sára, ktorá mala takmer sto rokov, sa smiala v stane za ním, pretože ten Anjel povedal, „Ja ťa navštívim podľa času zasľúbenia.“

71        A ona povedala, „Ja, stará, a mala by som znova rozkoš s mojím pánom, keď on je tiež starý?“

72        A tento Muž, ktorý bol Bohom v tele, povedal, „Prečo sa Sára v stane smiala?“ No, ona vybehla von a snažila sa to poprieť. Ale on povedal, „Ale áno, smiala si sa.“ Pretože ona neverila, že by to mohla byť pravda.

73        No, všimnite si, Ježiš povedal, že to príde znovu. „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Znovu príde Duch Boží na smrteľné ľudské telo. Ten Muž jedol mäso z kozľaťa, pil mlieko z kravy, jedol maslo a chlieb v ľudskom tele. A Abrahám povedal, že On je Elohim, Boh prejavený v tele. Ježiš zasľúbil, že Boh, pred Svojím príchodom, bude znovu prejavený v ľudskom tele. To je Duch Svätý - existuje len jeden Boh, ktorý sa prejavuje, a On znovu oddeľuje Lóta od Abraháma.

74        Lót chcel svet. Boh roztrhal jeho svet a oddelil Abraháma od Lóta. Lót, súc typom znovu telesného veriaceho, ktorý si nemyslel, že tieto veci sú pravdivé, on len išiel dolu do Sodomy. A on nemal tú skutočnú guráž, postaviť sa proti tomu a nazvať to, čo bolo správne, správnym, a to, čo bolo zlé, zlým, tak išiel tam dolu.

75        Všetci títo veriaci, ako by sme mohli o nich hodiny pokračovať, všetci títo boli tak, ako trochu drobných v tvojom vrecku, v Božích rukách. Vytiahnete hŕbu drobákov. Sú tam centovky, päťcentovky, desaťcentovky, štvrťdoláre, poldoláre, dolár, všetko v minciach. No, to je to, čím je svet v Božej ruke. Sú ľudia, ktorí majú hodnotu len centovky a Boh ich môže použiť jedine v spôsobe centu. To je všetko, čo si oni môžu kúpiť. Neodmietajte ich, ak nedokážu veriť tej skutočnej pravde, neodvrhujte ich, nevykopnite ich von a nepovedzte, že oni v tom nie sú, pretože Boh tiež niekedy používa centovky.

76        Lót bol iba centovkou, Abrahám bol strieborný dolár. Tak bolo potrebných sto Lótov, aby to učinilo Abraháma. A tak bude potrebných... sto telesných veriacich nebude nikdy schopných stáť v prítomnosti skutočného Kresťana, ktorý je oddelený od telesných vecí tohto sveta, žijúci v Ježišovi Kristovi, kde Slovo môže cez neho pretekať.

77        On môže zobrať iba hodnotu centovky, to je všetko, čo má. Tak vidíte ľudí, ktorí hovoria, „Ja neverím v uzdravenie, neverím v tieto veci.“ Len poznávaš, že to je centovka, ale len ho nechaj tak, rozumiete? Len hodnota centovky, a to je všetko, čo si môže kúpiť. Nezastavujte ho, len ho nechajte tak. Pamätajte, to je len to, pokiaľ on môže ísť. Jozef bol oddelený od svojich bratov.

78        Áno, nemyslel som to tak tvrdo, ako som to povedal. Mám na mysli, že ak on len „No, ja patrím ku tomu, a to je všetko, čo veríme,“ to je len centovka, choď ďalej, rozumiete, len centovka, povedzte, „No, nech ťa Pán žehná, môj brat.“

79        Vidíte, on je meď, nikdy nemôže byť striebrom, to je všetko, tak len ho nechajte ísť ďalej. Boh ho môže použiť, ó, On to používa. Radšej by som ho videl dolu v cirkvi, ako vidieť ho niekde v bare na rohu. Vy nie? Iste, tak len to nechajte tak, Boh to môže jednako použiť. Možno nie veľmi, ale On použije, čo môže použiť, pokiaľ Ho oni len nechajú použiť ich.

80        Tak, je to taký hrubý spôsob, ako niečo vyjadriť, ale ja... no dúfam, že dostávate tú pravdu toho, čo mám na mysli v tom, toho, čo to znamená.

81        On nedokáže veriť v rozpoznanie a tie moci Božie, ktoré sú zasľúbené na tento deň.

82        Tí farizeji to tiež nedokázali. Oni nedokázali vidieť, že Ježiš je Boh. On je. „Ty sa robíš Bohom, a pritom si človek!“

83        Jedného dňa tam On stál, potom, ako rozmnožil pre nich bochníky chleba a tak ďalej, a povedal, „Ak nebudete jesť chlieb tela Syna človeka a piť Jeho Krv, nie je vo vás žiaden život.“

84        Ó, predstavujem si, že Jeho zhromaždenie od Neho odišlo preč. „Tento človek očakáva, že budeme kanibali, jesť niekoho telo? Ó, to je bláznovstvo.“ Doktori a lekári atď, povedali, „Ten človek sa zbláznil, to je všetko, čo na tom je. Kňaz má pravdu. Tamten sa zbláznil. Dať nám jesť Jeho telo?“

85        To je všetko, čo povedal, rozumiete, ale tá duchovná myseľ, možno to nedokázali porozumieť. Tí učeníci, oni nevedeli presne, čo to znamená, ale oni to jednako verili, pretože odkiaľ to prišlo? To prišlo od toho, o ktorom vedeli, že je Syn Boží.

86        Možno nie som schopný rozumieť všetko, čo je tu, ale verím tomu, je to Božie Slovo. Chcem sa oddeliť od všetkého, čo je s tým v protiklade. Stále som sa snažil takto stáť.

87        Všimnite si ďalšiu skupinu, sedemdesiatich. On ich povolal. Jedného dňa On stál, hovoril ku nim a povedal, „Syn človeka vystúpi do neba, odkiaľ prišiel.“

88        Oni povedali, „Tento človek? On nás vzal na miesto, kde sa narodil. Poznáme Jeho matku, Máriu. No, poznáme jeho bratov, poznáme všetkých. A potom tento človek ide vziať... Syn človeka prichádza... ide hore do neba, odkiaľ prišiel? On prišiel z Betlehema. Ako to urobil?“ Vidíte, On to povedal takým spôsobom, a oni už s Ním viac nekráčali. Odišli preč. Povedali, „Ó, tento človek, my vieme, že niečo s Ním nie je v poriadku.“

89        Tí učeníci boli rovno tam, oni verili. Videli zasľúbené Slovo na ten deň, potvrdené a manifestované skrze Neho. Kto mohol tvoriť okrem Boha samého, vziať chlieb a… oni vedeli, že On je Syn Boží. Či to bolo v hádankách alebo nie, či to oni rozumeli alebo nie, kráčali jednako rovno ďalej, pretože to Slovo bolo potvrdené a oni boli oddelení od všetkého, čo bolo ku tomu v protiklade.

90        Nech nám Boh pomôže, aby sme mali takú vieru. Veríme, že táto Biblia je pravdou. Možno nemám dostatok viery, aby som spôsobil, že sa všetky zasľúbenia vyplnia, ale jednako, verím tomu. Verím v tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.

91        Jozef, oddelený od svojich bratov bez príčiny. No, čo sa s nimi dialo? On nebol ochotný byť oddelený. To nebola jeho vôľa oddeliť sa, ale oni sa sami od neho oddelili, vidíte, od svojho jasného, lesknúceho sa dolára, ich hodnota centovky sa tomu nemohla rovnať. Oni vedeli, že sú patriarchovia. Oni vedeli, že Izák bol ich... alebo prepáčte, že Jákob bol ich otec. A oni vedeli, že to je pravda. Ale Jozef sa narodil, on si nemohol pomôcť, on bol duchovný, videl videnia, mohol vykladať sny a oni boli perfektne správne. Čokoľvek povedal, to bola pravda. A jeho bratia patriarchovia boli pudení závisťou a predali ho Egypťanom. Oni sa od neho oddelili, pretože oni boli len centovkami. On mal inú kvalitu.

92        Takisto je to so skutočným veriacim dnes. On má odlišnú kvalitu, oni sa oddelia, (oni tomu nerozumejú), meď od striebra.

93        Teraz zisťujeme, že oni boli pudení závisťou a predali ho. Prečo? Oni dnes robia tú istú vec. To, čo to skutočne bolo, oni povedali, že to bolo, to bolo kvôli žiarlivosti, oni sa nechceli rozpadnúť, pretože tá kvalita v nich nebola tou kvalitou, ktorá bola v ňom. A kvôli tomuto boli žiarliví, pretože oni boli centovkami a on bol dolárom. Rozumiete?

94        No, ak by centovka povedala, „Nech je požehnané meno Pánovo, tu môj brat dolár, ja to nedokážem rozmeniť tak, ako to on dokáže, ale ja urobím, čo môžem.“ To je to. Potom by sme išli ďalej spolu. Boh by svoj program zakončil.

95        Ako som vám v nedeľu kázal, tá veľká symfónia Božieho Slova je odpočítavaná. Tie zmeny a prechody sú len Božie časy zmien, tak ako dirigent pri symfónii. Keď vidíme tieto zmeny vekov a zmeny časov, pozrite sa tu dolu na tie noty a zistíte, že máme byť tu. Oni toto majú robiť. Neexistuje spôsob, že by boli od toho držaní.

96        A hudba pre človeka, ktorý nerozumie symfónii, čo je to? Je to len kopa rinčavého hluku. On tomu nerozumie. On sa o to ani nezaujíma. On si praje, „Prajem si, aby už boli ticho, aby som mohol ísť domov.“ On sa o to nezaujíma, pretože on nepozná tú symfóniu, on to nepozná.

97        Ale skladateľ pozná koniec pred začiatkom. Rozumiete? A ak dirigent nie je v tom istom duchu, ako skladateľ, nedokáže to predviesť, pretože to sa všetko deje skrze znamenia. A ak to znamenia nepotvrdzujú, ako to potom budú tí hudobníci hrať? Amen. To je to.

98        Ak trúba vydá neistý zvuk, kto môže, kto bude vedieť, ako sa pripraviť do vojny, odvety, alebo čo má robiť?

99        Pozrite sa na Slovo a vidzte, kde žijeme. Potom môžete vidieť centovky, čo oni robia. Ale môžete vidieť tých, ktorí žiaria, sledujú a poznajú Slovo, a pozorujú, ako sa tieto znamenia udejú. [Brat Branham luskol na prstoch    –    pozn.prekl]. Tam to je.

100        Ako tá malá žena pri studni, keď On povedal, „Choď pre svojho manžela.“ Ona povedala, „Žiadneho nemám.“ Povedal, „To je pravda, mala si piatich.“

101        Ona povedala, „Pane, poznávam, že si prorok. Nemali sme ich stovky rokov, ale my vieme, že Mesiáš prichádza, a že on bude prorok. To je to, čo bude robiť.“ On povedal, „Ja som On.“

102        Ó, tá symfónia odbíjala presne správne z tej nízkej polohy do tej vysokej. Ona bežala do mesta a povedala, „Poďte a vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal tie veci, ktoré som porobila. Či toto nie je práve ten Mesiáš, na ktorého sme sa tešili?“ Iste.

103        Vidíte, ona porozumela, čo tie noty v tej symfónii znamenali, ktoré oddelili vieru od nevery. Viera môže jedine... nie prísť cez cirkev. Viera prichádza cez počutie Slova Božieho, poznať, čo To je. No, nachádzame tú istú vec dnes.

104        Mnoho ľudí hľadí na dary (končíme teraz, ešte päť minút). Ľudia hľadia na dary a myslia si, „Ó, aká veľká vec.“ A snažia sa napodobniť dary. Nemôžete to robiť. Vy len... nemôžete spraviť, že centovka bude dolárom. Nemôžete spraviť, že bude desaťcentovkou, nemôžete spraviť, že bude päťcentovkou, je to centovka. Ale ak len rozpoznáte seba ako centovku a pôjdete s tými ostatnými mincami, tak Boh ťa môže použiť. Nemusíme byť schopní urobiť všetko. Tam nebol každý...

105        Keď Boh povolal Izrael z Egypta, každý jeden z nich nemusel robiť to isté, čo robil Mojžiš, ale oni tomu verili. To je pravda, oni verili Mojžišovi, pretože vedeli, že to je znamenie tej hodiny, ale Boh dokázal, že on mal Jeho Slovo. Oni povedali, „Faraón má kopije.“ Oni povedali, „Ale Mojžiš má Jeho Slovo.“

106        To je to, faraónovia môžu mať armádu, ale Mojžiš mal Slovo, pretože on bol Božím prorokom a Slovo ku nemu prišlo a bolo potvrdené, že ono bolo pravdou. To bol ten živý Boh, ktorý mohol vziať prach a vyhodiť ho a spôsobiť, že prišli blchy. Človek to nedokáže. Ako človek, ktorý tam stál a povedal, „Zajtra asi o tomto čase tam bude toto a toto.“ A bolo. Vidíte? Oni vedeli, že Mojžiš má Božie Slovo. Nezáležalo na tom, koľko kopijí a hladomorní faraón mal, a koľko tehál bolo treba urobiť, Mojžiš mal Slovo, tak oni vyštartovali na púšť.

107        Bol tam človek, Dátan, povedal, „Mojžiš si berie na seba príliš veľa, my sme všetci svätí ľudia, tak my všetci by sme mali byť schopní robiť to, čo Mojžiš.“ A Mojžiš povedal, „Bože, čo s týmto?“

108        On povedal, „Oddeľ sa. Choď od nich preč. A on otvoril zem a pohltil Dátana a jeho skupinu.

109        On oddelil svetlo od temnosti skrze potvrdenie Jeho Slova. On je tým istým Bohom dnes.

110        Na záver, minulý večer som vám hovoril, keď som sem prišiel prvýkrát, toto nie je osobné, ak si to myslíte, potom prosím vás, stiahnite si dlhé záclony na svoje srdcia, hovorím toto ľuďom, ktorí veria.

111        Bolo to hovorené a boli povedané presne veci, ktoré sa majú diať cez celý ten vek, a vy všetci ste toho svedkami, ako ste svedčili minulý večer, od toho rozpoznania a tak ďalej. A ako budú napodobňovatelia, napodobenia, a bude sa diať všetko možné.

112        Ale tá posledná vec, to má byť veľká vec, ktorá sa udeje. Sledovali sme to už roky a všetci vieme, keď sa to po prvýkrát stalo, keď stvorenie prišlo do existencie, po tretíkrát, a potom po štvrtýkrát. Minulý večer som vám povedal, ako sa to stalo piatykrát.

113        A to čaká na túto Radu cirkví, keď sa to zjednotí s protestantmi. Ak budem hovoriť v nedeľu ráno, to je to, čo chcem.... mám na mysli v sobotu ráno, to je to, o čom chcem hovoriť, rozumiete. A keď sa toto dá dokopy, potom Duch Boží vždy proti tomu pozdvihuje prápor, vidíte, sedí tu dnes večer človek, ktorý je toho svedkom.  

114        Nedávno som bol v Koloráde, túto poslednú jeseň. Chodievam tam na poľovačky. A ako obyčajne, som tam počas môjho výročia svadby. Keď sme sa moja žena a ja vzali, ušetril som si svoje päťcentovky a veci, zo svojej práce, a mal som ich v plechovke od múky. A nemal som dostatok, aby som ju vzal na svadobnú cestu a ísť poľovať, tak som to spojil dokopy a vzal som ju na svadobnú cestu na poľovačku. A tak odvtedy, to je moja hanba, odvtedy som nikdy nebol na naše výročie s ňou doma. Bol som v Koloráde.

115        Minulý večer som tu videl dvoch alebo troch kazateľov, ktorí boli tam so mnou v tábore, keď som musel ísť dolu z Aljašky a stretnúť ich na poľovačke. To boli chlapci Martina. Boli tu včera večer. Ja... oni sú tu, rovno tu. A potom, tá ďalšia osoba, zabudol som jeho meno, sedí... kde si, synak? To je pravda, a možno je tu brat Palmer, i ja... a boli sme tam hore v horách. No, ja som v Koloráde vodcom, roky som tam poľoval.

116        A vždy na naše výročie, 23.októbra prichádza... je tam jedno malé miesto, kde som vždy bral manželku na naše medové týždne, hore v horách Adirondack, a toto miesto vyzerá presne ako to, len tam to bolo... toto tu je osika, malá húština, a tam hore bola breza. A ja som tam išiel hore, dvadsiateho tretieho, a niekedy cez deň som si dal dolu klobúk a ďakoval som Pánovi za dobrú a vernú manželku, ktorá bola verná a milá po všetky tie roky a pomáhala mi, ako som chodil kázať evanjelium.

117        A v Koloráde bolo tento rok príšerne sucho, ako aj bolo po celej krajine. A zrazu tam bolo, myslím, že tam bolo pred nami dvesto mužov, alebo prepáčte, sto mužov, asi sto mužov bolo pred nami, tam hore v táboroch. A oni tam hore strieľali počas troch alebo štyroch dní. A ja som zastrelil jeleňa, toho, na ktorého som roky poľoval. Ale ja... padla hmla, nedokázal som ho vidieť. Nevedel som ho nájsť, a toho dňa som ho hľadal.

118        A na ďalší deň, telefón, alebo... bolo to v rádiu, „Prichádza víchrica, v horách počas nasledujúcej noci môže spadnúť dvadsať stôp snehu.“

119        A tak ja som bratom povedal, zavolal som ich, tiež Martinových chlapcov, povedal som „Bratia, počujete, čo hovoria správy. No, ak sa z toho chcete dostať, tak radšej choďte teraz, pretože bude príliš neskoro. Môžete tu zostať týždeň. A ja by som mal ísť, pretože na ďalší pondelok mám zhromaždenie s Obchodníkmi plného Evanjelia, s kresťanskými Obchodníkmi tam v Tucsone. Avšak vyberte si. Ak chcete zostať, som vašim vodcom, zostanem tu s vami.“ Každý jeden z nich hlasoval, „Zostaneme, zostaneme, zostaneme.“

120        Martinovi chlapci mali taký pomalý náklaďák, alebo vlastne rýchly náklaďák, oni všetci...mali sme tam pár jeleňov navyše, dali sme ich Martinovým chlapcom a im a oni išli preč. Pretože oni by sa nemohli odtiaľ dostať. To je všetko, a tak oni tu dnes večer sedia ako svedkovia.

121        A potom na ďalší deň, pomyslel som... no v ten deň nesnežilo, keď odišli. Povedal som, „Zavolám manželke a poviem jej, že som vďačný za to, že mi je milou manželkou a všetko to. To je jej výročie. A potom zajtra pôjdem hore na miesto, ak sa tam dostaneme, kvôli snehu.

122        A tak som išiel dnu a nevedel som sa jej dovolať. Vrátil som sa. A každý v meste sa pripravoval, prichádzala veľká víchrica a noviny hovorili, „V Koloráde môže spadnúť dvadsať stôp snehu,“ v ten večer.

123        Brat Tom Simpson tu niekde dnes večer sedí, alebo mal by tu byť. On bol v Kanade a bol na svojej ceste dolu a oni to obišli. Povedal, „Obíďte Kolorádo, veľká víchrica.“ Si tu, brat Simpson, kde si? Áno, sedí tam vzadu. A oni mu povedali, „Obíď Kolorádo, prichádza veľká víchrica.“

124        A tak som povedal jednej sestre, manželke iného muža, brata Evansa, nemyslím si, že brat Evans je dnes večer tu, jedine, že by práve prišiel. Si tu, brat Evans? Nemyslím, že sa tu už dostal, ale bude tu na tých zhromaždeniach. Tak som zavolal jeho manželke a povedal som, „Neviem zohnať svoju manželke, je na nákupoch.“ Povedal som, „Povedz jej, aby povedal bratovi Tonymu Stromi, ktorý bol prezidentom toho zoskupenia: „Ak tam nebudem v nedeľu, priprav iného kazateľa, pretože sa mi možno odtiaľto vôbec nepodarí dostať. Som tu s týmito mužmi.“

125        Čo sa potom udialo? V ten večer nesnežilo. Na ďalšie ráno boli oblaky veľmi nízko a boli rozhnevané. Povedal som, „No, bratia, pásol som tu roky dobytok a bol som vodcom. Keď spadne prvá malá kvapka dažďa, bežte späť do tábora tak rýchlo, ako len môžete, pretože behom pätnástich minút, zažil som to, nebudete môcť pred sebou vidieť svoju ruku, na dva alebo tri dni na ten čas, burácajúca víchrica.“ Tam je to v nadmorskej výške deväťtisíc stôp. A povedal som, „Vy, budete v tej víchrici a budete stratení a zomriete tam v horách. No, vyjdeme von...“ Umiestnil som každého z nich a ja som išiel na vrchol a povedal som, „No, ak sa ja ne... nečakajte na mňa, kým prídem, ponáhľajte sa hneď rýchlo, ako to začne, prvá malá kvapka dažďa, bežte rýchle do tábora, pretože nebudete schopní nájsť svoju cestu späť.“ Povedali, že tak urobia.

126        Šplhal som sa vysoko, všade zavýjali kojoti, a ja som vedel, že počasie sa ide zmeniť. Potom zrazu nastal veľký úder vetra a začal padať dážď so snehom. A povedal som si, „Hádam sa už každý vracia.“

127        No, stál som a obzeral som sa, pomyslel som si, „Keby som len mohol nájsť toho jeleňa predtým, ako sa vrátim späť, pretože sneh ho prikryje a nebude sa už dať nájsť až do jari.“ Tak som si pomyslel, „Tak ťažko som na toho jeleňa poľoval,  a to by bol prvý jeleň, ktorého by som takto nechal, odkedy mám túto malú pušku kalibru 55 na poľovanie.“ A pomyslel som si, „No, teraz, nemôžem zniesť, že ho tu len takto nechám.“

128        A o chvíľu začal padať veľký sneh, vyzeralo to ako chumáče, všade to padalo a začal fúkať vietor a ja som sotva mohol vidieť, ako sa dostať z vrcholu tohto kopca. A vedel som na tomto hrebeni zostať, a ak by som išiel dolu a natrafil na potok, išiel by som dolu potokom, až by som natrafil na takú malú lávku, až by som dokázal nájsť cestu, kadiaľ by som sa dostal tam, kde bol stan. To je jediný spôsob, ako ste sa mohli dostať von. Tak som si pomyslel, „Ak sa len trochu pohnem na jednu alebo druhú stranu, to stačí, nikdy ťa nenájdu, tak zomrieš rovno tam.“

129        Tak som začal ísť dolu vrchom a dostal som sa nižšie, asi o hádam tristo yardov [274 m   –   pozn.prekl.], možno štyristo, odtiaľ, kde som bol.

130        No, toto znie divne. Ale mám tu pred sebou Bibliu, nebeský Otec mi vydáva svedectvo. Takmer som utekal, snažil som sa odtiaľ dostať, vietor tam tak silno fúkal, a ja som mohol vidieť pred seba asi na dvadsať stôp, v tých húštinách, kde som bol, tie drevá, stromy a vietor fúkal a zmietal sa. A nejaký hlas povedal, „Zastav sa. Vráť sa, odkiaľ si prišiel.“

131        No, zastavil som sa, pomyslel so si, „Možno to bol iba zvuk vetra. Na nič také som nemyslel.“ A chvíľu som počkal.

132        A jeden z tých chlapcov mi urobil sendvič a bol to skutočný sendvič a ja som sa potil a pršalo. A to bol taký kus chleba s nejakým mäsom miestami. No, bol som trochu hladný, tak som ho jednako zjedol a stál som tam a zakopal som ten malý kus papiera. A tak, keď zvieratá vidia tie veci, čokoľvek, čo je z civilizácie, oni utečú preč.

133        Tak som tam trochu stál a pomyslel som si, „No, budem pokračovať.“

134        Začal som ísť ďalej. A tak jasne, ako počujete môj hlas, niečo povedalo, „Otoč sa a choď späť tam, odkiaľ si prišiel.“

135        „Ako by to mohol byť Boh a hovoril by mi, aby som sa vrátil do tej pasce smrti.“ Chvíľku som tam stál a pomyslel som si, „To je ten istý, ktorý povedal o tých veveričkách.“

136        Ten istý, o ktorom som vám povedal včera večer, o mojej manželke, ten Hlas, len ľudský hlas, Ten istý mi povedal, keď som bol malým chlapcom, „Nikdy nepi, ani nefajči...“, a tieto veci budú v posledných dňoch. Boh, ktorý mi toto hovoril, mám Bibliu na svojom srdci, čo dobré by mi to urobilo, keby som vám povedal niečo nesprávne a vedel, že posielam svoju dušu do pekla. Je to pravda. Je to neobvyklé, ale je to pravda.

137        „No,“ pomyslel som si, „Dosť dobre viem, že je treba ten Hlas poslúchnuť. Prečo by som... On má nejaký dôvod, prečo mám ísť tam hore. Možno je to môj čas ísť.“

138        Tak som sa obrátil a razil som si cestu cez tú húštinu, až som sa dostal znovu do toho sedla tam hore, možno tristo yardov, alebo o štyristo yardov, rovno tam na ten vrch, znovu tam. A tam to bolo potom tak husté, nedokázal som vidieť vôbec nič, ten vietor, a stromy len ležali a zmietali sa.

139        A vzal som svoju pušku, mal som oblečenú červenú košeľu a červenú čiapku, nasadil som si svoju pušku, chránil som ju, aby sa na nej nezaparil ďalekohľad, pretože medvede a podobne sa v takýchto chvíľach presúvajú, takisto horská puma, a ak by som na jedno také natrafil, ten ďalekohľad by bol celý zaparený. Tak som ho len takto dohora držal, nie proti mne, kde by sa to zaparilo, ale držal som od neho tú hmlu a vlhkosť od snehu a sadol som si pod strom.

140        Sedel som tam, pomyslel som si, „No, prečo On chce, aby som sem prišiel? Veľmi pochybujem, že teraz dokážem nájsť svoju cestu späť, je už tak hrozne.“ Dokázal som vidieť možno asi na desať alebo pätnásť stôp, sotva tak ďaleko, miestami ani nie päť stôp, a stále sa to stávalo drsnejším, no pomyslel som si, „No, On povedal, aby som sa vrátil. Všetko, čo viem, je len tu teraz sedieť.“ A potom sneh bol na zemi asi na jeden palec  [2,5 cm –   pozn.prekl.], alebo na jeden a pol, možno dva palce. Bol som tam asi dvadsať alebo tridsať minút a fúkalo tak silno a tiež to už išlo odfúknuť. Na chvíľu som tam len sedel.

141        Počul som Hlas, povedal, „Ja som Boh neba, ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem.“

142        Strhol som si svoj klobúk, čiapku a ticho som sedel a znovu som počúval. Pomyslel som si, „To nebol vietor.“ Ó, fúkalo, robilo to hluk.

143        A počul som to znovu, povedal, „Ja som Ten, ktorý utíšil vetry na mocnom mori. Ja som On, Stvoriteľ. Stvoril som veveričky v tvojej prítomnosti. Ja som učinil tieto veci.“ Povedal som, „Áno, Pane, verím Ti.“

144        Povedal, „Povstaň na svoje nohy.“ Postavil som sa na svoje nohy. Povedal, „Teraz prehovor ku tej búrke. Ona urobí to, čo jej povieš.“

145        No, toto je pravda. Ja, keď vás stretnem na Súde, budem sa musieť za všetko toto zodpovedať. Pomyslel som si, že On...

146        Povedal som, „Búrka, choď na svoje miesto, zastav sa, a slnko, svieť normálne počas štyroch dní.“

147        A hneď, ako som to povedal, ten dážď so snehom a krúpy, ktoré ma už išli ubiť k zemi, ihneď prestali. A behom minútky alebo dvoch, slnko začalo rovno cez to na mňa svietiť. A ja som sa pozrel dolu pozdĺž pohoria a videl som prichádzať východný vietor. Vietor prichádzal od západu. Prichádzal východný vietor, prichádzal tadiaľto, a mohol som vidieť, ako oblaky záhadne... kam oni išli, ja neviem.

148        A stál som tam pár minút, slzy mi stekali dolu po brade a boli šedivé, pomyslel som si, „Bože, ako... ja neviem, čo robiť.“

149        Pomyslel som si, „No, bol som... hádam bratia sú už všetci späť v stane a slnko všade svieti.“

150        Začal som ísť dolu vrchom a sneh sa na tom horúcom slnku všetok roztápal, z mojej horúcej košele vychádzala para, len krátka chvíľka a taký rozdiel. A začal som ísť dolu vrchom. A keď som išiel, povedal som... počul som prehovoriť Hlas, „Prečo sa neprejdeš so Mnou?“

151        Povedal som, „Pane, to najväčšie privilégium, aké som kedy mal!“ Otočil som sa a začal som sa vracať po tých stopách toho veľkého jeleňa, dolu tým panenským lesom.

152        A pomyslel som si, „No, pôjdem tam dolu, kde som vždy vzdal úctu Méde, mojej manželke.“ Išiel som asi nejakú pol hodinu alebo trištvrte. A vtedy už bol všetok sneh preč.

153        A začal som rozmýšľať, „Divím sa, prečo mi na to nikdy nič nepovedala, keď odchádzam.“ Povedal som, „Pamätám si, keď som ju tam hore po prvýkrát vzal a zodvihol som ju nad tie brvná, keď sme sa zobrali.“ Povedal som, “Teraz je šedivá.“

154        Išiel som, hmm, na tvári som mal sivú bradu, čierna a sivá zmiešaná dohromady, pomyslel som si, „Bill, nezostáva ti už veľmi veľa, starneš.“

155        A začal som ísť ďalej a pozrel som sa hore a zdalo sa, akoby som ju mohol vidieť tam stáť predo mnou so svojimi vystretými rukami, stále čiernovlasú.

156        Mal som hlavu dolu, išiel som hore na jedno malé miesto, kde sú nejaké osiky, tam je malý potôčik, a oprel som si svoju hlavu takto na lipu. A stál som tam a plakal a počul som, ako by niečo išlo „Kvak, kvap, kvap.“ Pozrel som sa dolu, boli to slzy, ktoré mi stekali z očí po brade, kvapkali na tie suché listy, kde bol asi pred tridsiatimi minútami palec snehu, a kde bola víchrica.

157        Keď som zišiel dolu z vrchu, o štyri dni neskôr, nebol odvtedy počas štyroch dní na oblohe ani jeden oblak. Išiel som a povedal som tomu chlapíkovi na benzínovej stanici, „Bolo veľmi sucho?“

158        „Áno,“ povedal, „Viete, tá najdivnejšia vec, predpovedali nám na ten deň búrku a ona sa zrazu zastavila.“

159        A potom som išiel dolu ku trati Nového Mexika, vracal som sa späť do Arizony a povedal som Billymu, môjmu synovi, povedal som mu, „Poďme sem a vidzme, či to tu bolo takto.“

160        Zastavil som sa tam, to bolo v nedeľu ráno, mal som nejaké... mal som nejaký benzín, ten človek povedal, „Tak, boli ste poľovať?“

Povedal som, „Áno.“

„Mali ste šťastie?“

161        Povedal som, „Áno, mali sme pekný čas.“ Povedal som, „Vyzerá poriadne sucho.“

162        On povedal, „Áno, je tu veľmi sucho.“ Povedal, „Predpovedali nám jedného dňa veľkú búrku,“ a povedal, „Viete, tá víchrica vlastne začala, ale nejako prestala.“ Ó, ó.

163        Stál som tam oproti tomuto stromu (na záver). Stál som tam pri tomto strome a slzy mi stekali z očí. Pomyslel som si, „Bože.“

164        Len pomyslite, ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal, „Ticho, utíš sa!“ tým vlnám, a vetry Ho poslúchali, On je stále ten istý Ježiš tu s nami, v tých lesoch, On je stále Slovo. Slovo, celá príroda musí poslúchať Jeho Slovo, lebo On je Stvoriteľom prírody. Stál som tam a slzy mi stekali po lícach.

165        A počas týchto, teraz asi piatich rokov, som vonku na poliach chodím do cirkví a kdekoľvek môžem, všetci to viete. A na mojom srdci bolo stále bremeno. Išiel som sem, prišiel som do Arizony a On mi povedal veci, ktoré mám urobiť, a ja som išiel a urobil som ich. A vyzerá to, že prebudenie skončilo. A ja som nedokázal, bol som zvedavý, čo sa deje. Vo svojom srdci som činil pokánie. Povedal som, „Pane, ak som niečo urobil, povedz mi to, dám to do poriadku.“ Po celý čas som mal bremeno, taký hrozný pocit a nedokázal som mať to víťazstvo, ktoré som chcel.

166        On urobil a ukázal mnoho veľkých vecí, čoho ste všetci svedkami. Prichádzate sem a ja vám o tom hovorím, vidíme, že to uverejnili v novinách a časopisoch atď, o tých veľkých nadprirodzených veciach, ktoré sa videli a boli vykonané.

167        Ale moje srdce bolo stále ťažké. A opieral som sa o nejaký krík, asi takto, a pomyslel som si, „Ten veľký Boh neba, to teplé slnko tam len svieti, nikde nie je ani len obláčik, a pred pár chvíľami si ty len protirečil ľudskému slovu. Príroda to urobila. Ako sa to mohlo stať, Pane? Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To bolo Jeho Slovo, ktoré si mi len dal, aby som ho prehovoril.“ Pomyslel som si, „Otče, aký som vďačný.“

168        Počul som, ako niečo ide. [Brat Branham dvakrát klope na kazateľňu – pozn.prekl.] A pozrel som sa a rovno predo mnou stáli dva alebo tri jelene a dívali sa na mňa. No, na tie jelene sa v tom poslednom týždni, keď tam boli tí poľovníci, veľa strieľalo. A ja som tu bol oblečený v červenom, každý to vie, že oni takto rýchlo utečú  [Brat Branham luskol prstami – pozn.prekl.]. Ale oni sa na mňa dívali.

169        A čo sa týka jedenia jelenieho mäsa, neexistuje lepšie. To bola veľká laň, dve veľké plne vyrastené jelenčatá, pomyslel som si, „To je presne, potrebujeme tri jelene.“

170        Niečo povedalo, „Vieš, Pán ich položil do tvojich rúk.“

171        Ale keď som bol s obchodníkmi plného Evanjelia, s bratom Claytonom, asi pred rokom, on išiel s nami, keď som chytil tú veľkú rybu, ktorá urobila rekord, v tom roku som pre ľudí zabil devätnásť losov a ja...

172        Niekedy obchodníci... prepáčte mi toto, moji bratia. Niektorí z nich sú doktori, a viete, oni nedokážu chodiť, sú tuční, viete, mnohí sú usadení za stolom, oni hovoria, „Billy, upoľuj mi jedného dvojročiaka. Upoľuj mi modrú kravu. Chcem jeleňa. Upoľuj mi srnca.“ No ja som mal jubileum, strieľal som a poľoval na jelene a rôzne zvery.

173        Ale Pán mi povedal, aby som to nerobil. A ja som Mu sľúbil, keď tam prišla tá víchrica tam v Koloráde, roky pred tým, povedal som, „Pane, povediem niekoho na poľovačke ku koristi, ale nebudem už viacej pre nikoho loviť. Jedine, že to bude akútny prípad, a že to musíme mať.

174        Ak si pamätáte, chlapci, v ten večer pred tým, ako sme odišli. Ten malý biedny brat bol tam dolu, nemal jeleňa. Ako sa volá? Palmer. Prišiel a dal mi do ruky desať dolárov ako desiatok, povedal, „Brat Branham, toto je môj desiatok, daj to do cirkvi.“ Povedal, „Upoľuješ mi jeleňa?“ Ó, ja...

175        [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]...tam stáli tie tri jelene a ja som mal túto svoju pušku na pleci. Len som si ju zošmykol z pleca, takto, pomyslel som si, „Oni odo mňa nevedia odísť, sú rovno tu. Bol som s tou puškou veľmi rýchly, „Dokážem ich všetky tri dostať, predtým ako sa stihnú otočiť.“ Vidíte? A mal som pušku, pomyslel som si, „Tu sú, hneď tu.“ Zošmykol som si pušku...

176        Potom som náhodou rozmýšľal o tom sľube. Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť, nemôžem to urobiť.“ Povedal som, „Pamätám si raz, keď jeden muž povedal tomu druhému: 'Boh dal Joába do tvojich rúk, vlastne Saula', povedal Joáb Dávidovi. Dávid povedal, 'Bože chráň, aby som sa dotkol Jeho pomazaného.“' To bol môj sľub, že to neurobím.“

177        Pomyslel som si, „Oni sú rovno tu na vrchu tohto kopca. Môžem ich kotúľať rovno dolu a vieme ich ľahko zodvihnúť. Stoja tu pekné tri jelene. Povedal som, „Nie, nemôžem to urobiť.“

178        A tu to takto prichádza, tie mladé jelene, dva vyrastené, samec a samica a matka, laň. A tu prichádzajú, kráčajú, obzerajú sa, boli veľké, tučné.

179        A trochu som tam stál a pomyslel som si, „To je neobvyklé na jeleňa a ja som tu takto v červenom.“ Pomyslel som si, „Vystraším ich.“

180        Povedal som, „Ste v mojich rukách.“ Nemohli by ste sa dostať preč, ak by ste chceli, ale ja vám neublížim, choďte“. Oni sa len jedna na druhú pozreli a približovali sa a prišli celkom blízko ku mne a hľadeli na mňa.

181        No, položil som si pušku na zem, povedal som, „Mama, vezmi si svoje maličké a choď tam do lesov, ja sa tu radujem v prítomnosti Božej a sľúbil som, že nebudem loviť pre druhých ľudí. Povedal som, „Ty si teraz zober svoje maličké a choďte do lesov, ja tiež milujem lesy. Choďte!“

182        Pozrela sa na mňa. A obe sa obzerali, všetky tri. Potom sa otočili a odišli preč a potom sa znovu vrátili.

183        A ja som povedal, „Neublížim vám.“ Povedal som, „Choďte do tých lesov. Ste v mojich rukách, nemohli by ste odísť, ale...“ Povedal som, „Ja som bol v Božích rukách a ani ja by som nemohol odísť, ale On ma ušetril. Dal som mu sľub, ušetrím vás, choďte, majte dobrý čas, tešte sa z týchto lesov. Mne sa to páči, choďte.“

184        Ešte chvíľu tam stáli a priblížili sa tak blízko, že by mohli jesť z mojich rúk, otočili sa, všetky sa na mňa pozreli, takto, a odišli preč. Zastavili sa, znovu sa obzreli späť a odišli späť do lesa. A ja som tam stál. Pomyslel som si, „To je na jelene neobvyklé. Som zvedavý, či to je kvôli tomu, že Pán Ježiš je tu, Jeho prítomnosť.“

185        A práve vtedy ku mne prehovoril Hlas, povedal, „Ty si si pamätal svoj sľub, že?“ Vedel som, že to je On. Povedal som, „Áno, Pane.“

186        On povedal, „I ja si tak pamätám svoj. Nikdy ťa neopustím, nikdy ťa nezanechám.“

187        To bremeno odišlo. Kresťanskí priatelia, odvtedy tam už nebolo. To bolo minulého októbra. Som odlišnou osobou.

188        Dodržte Bohu svoj sľub, čokoľvek, čo poviete Bohu, verte tomu. Oddeľte sa od všetkého, čo je v protiklade so Slovom. Boh bude počuť a odpovie na modlitbu. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

189        Si ochotný dnes večer oddeliť sa od všetkej nevery, aby si počul Slovo Pánovo? Ak to urobíš a budeš veriť, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky, tieto veci, ktoré On zasľúbil robiť, my vidíme, že On ich robí. Či pozdvihneš svoje ruky a povieš, „Bože, dávam ti dnes večer sľub. Verím všetkému, čo si zasľúbil. Verím každému Slovu, že už viac nebudem pochybovať.

190        Náš nebeský Otče, ty vieš, že tento príbeh je pravdivý. To bolo štvrtýkrát, a piatykrát to bolo pri mojej vzácnej manželke, keď si Ty, keď ten doktor urobil zápis, že ten veľký nádor zmizol predtým, ako sa ho dotkla jeho ruka, presne podľa toho, ako to bolo povedané.

191        Teraz, Otče, modlím sa, aby si pomohol týmto ľuďom. Uvedomujem si, že starnem, viem, že musím skoro ísť. Modlím sa, Pane, aby... nech som čestný a úprimný s mojimi bratmi, a nech som čestný a úprimný s tvojimi ľuďmi. Ak nedokážem byť s nimi, potom si nemyslím, že by som mohol byť s tebou, Pane, pretože chcem niesť svedectvo Teba. A modlím sa, aby si dal, aby Tvoje Slovo v nás dnes večer tak žilo, že nám všetkým dáš vieru. A skrze tento malý dar, ktorý...

192        Ľudia si niekedy myslia, že dar je niečo, čo je dané do našich rúk, a my ideme a presekáme si cestu. Dar nie je to, Otče. Nech môžu porozumieť, že dar, to je dať sa nabok z cesty, aby Duch Svätý mohol robiť to, čo On chce robiť.

193        Pane, nech sa teraz dáme nabok z cesty a nech ten veľký Duch Svätý príde a nech pracuje cez nás. A nech dnes večer vidíme, že zasľúbenia Ježiša Krista, že... Ten, na ktorého som sa zvlášť dnes večer odvolával, Pane, že Ten, kde Boh zostúpil dolu pred Abraháma, prejavil sa v tele a poznal tajnosti sŕdc, to bol Boh. A keď On bol učinený telom a prebýval medzi nami, On poznal tajnosti srdca. A Biblia hovorí, že „Slovo Božie je rozpoznávateľom myšlienok, ktoré sú v srdci. To je to, ako učeníci vedeli, že On je Boh.

194        Teraz Otče, či prídeš dnes večer a dáš, aby naše biedne, pokorné modlitebne boli zasvätené Tebe, že Ty spôsobíš, že budeme veriť, že to je Tvoj Duch, ktorý sa bude môcť dať poznať dnes večer medzi nami, že Ty si stále Slovom. Potom sa my oddelíme od všetkej nevery a budeme Ťa nasledovať. V Ježišovom mene, nech Ty ku nám hovoríš. Amen. [Niekto dáva napomenutie – pozn.prekl.]

195        Veľký Bože neba, buď nám milostivý, pomôž nám, môj Pane, aby sme poslúchali Tvoje prikázania, a použi nás na Tvoju česť. A my Ti ďakujeme za tieto povzbudzujúce slová. Nech sa teraz Duch Svätý pohybuje cez nás a nech potvrdí tieto slová. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

196        Majte vieru v Boha, nepochybujte. Majte veľkú odvahu. Čas Jeho príchodu sa približuje.

197        No, dnes večer, máme tu kôpku modlitebných kariet. Koľkí tu majú modlitebné karty, zodvihnite ruky. Bolo by to pre mňa ťažké ísť cez tú skupinu s rozpoznávaním, keby to Pán dal. Ale dovoľte mi len na chvíľu povedať toto: koľkí tu nemajú modlitebné karty a modlíte sa, aby vás Boh uzdravil? No, nech Pán Boh pomôže každému jednému z vás.

198        Som váš brat, Ježiš je váš Spasiteľ. Boh je naším Otcom. My sme ľudia. My nie sme z tohto sveta, keď sme narodení z Boha, my sme zhora. No, predtým, ako budeme mať modlitebný rad, modliť sa za chorých... a je tu dnes večer človek, ktorý sa tiež modlí za chorých, a sú tam kazatelia, ktorí sa modlia za chorých. Ja nechcem urobiť ten dojem, že ja som ten jediný, ktorý sa modlí sa chorých. Rozumiete? Boh ne... On nemusí použiť mňa, On by mohol použiť teba alebo kohokoľvek. Tá vec je, veriť tomu, čo On povedal, že je pravdou.

199        Ale teraz, ako som povedal, toto je potvrdenie toho, čo bolo povedané. Skloňme len na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Vy, ktorí sa modlíte a ste chorí a nemáte modlitebné karty, modlite sa a povedzte niečo ako toto: „Pane Ježišu, viem, že Biblia hovorí, že modlitba viery spasí chorého, Boh ho pozdvihne. A ona tiež hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

200        Ak je On ten istý, no, potom On bude musieť konať tak isto, konať to isté. A potom znovu, Biblia hovorí, že Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč a rozlišuje myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci, vieme, že keď Slovo je učinené telom v osobe Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, to je presne to, čo Boh urobil skrze svojho Syna. Ježiš povedal vo sv.Jánovi 14: „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy budete činiť, dokonca väčšie a viac, lebo Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi.“

201        A teraz, Biblia tiež hovorí v knihe Židom, že On je teraz Veľkňazom. Veríme tomu všetci? Istotne. „On je Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.“ Teraz, „On je.“ Nie „ja som“, „On je“. Žiaden človek nie je. „On je teraz Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.“

202        No, ak cítiš a si pripravený vykročiť a uvoľniť sa od všetkej svojej nevery a povedať, „Nech sa Ťa dotknem, Veľký Veľkňaz.“ No, ak On je Veľkňazom, a je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, On bude konať tak isto, ako konal vtedy, pretože On je ten istý.

203        Nejaká žena sa Ho raz dotkla, keď bol tu na zemi, viditeľne, svojou rukou. On cítil ten dotyk a obrátil sa a povedal, „Kto sa ma dotkol?“ A všetci z nich to popreli. Ale On rozpoznal myšlienky a našiel tú ženu, povedal jej, čo s ňou nebolo v poriadku, a jej viera ju uzdravila.

204        No, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Možno tá žena nemala modlitebnú kartu, ale ona mala vieru. A to je všetko, čo je potrebné. Maj vieru, dotkni sa toho veľkého Lekára. A skrze Božský dar, ak sa len môžem dať nabok z cesty a nechať Ducha Svätého, aby povedal, čo On chce činiť, a konať to, čo On si praje konať. A to je dar. Nielen predstava. Ak je to predstava, to nebude fungovať, ak je to skutočné, funguje to. To je to, čo povedal Ježiš. „To nie som Ja, ktorý činím tie skutky, to je môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne.“ Tak to som nemohol byť ja, On bol Synom Božím, ja som hriešnik spasený Jeho milosťou.

205        Len verte, netlačte sa. Len verte a povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, dovoľ mi dotknúť sa Tvojho rúcha.“ Modlite sa len jednoducho, len sa ďalej modlite. Všetci zostaňte tam, kde ste. Len sa modlite a verte [Br.Branham prerušuje – pozn.prekl.]

206        Len verte a neponáhľajte sa. Nesnažte sa tlačiť, len verte. No, veríte teraz všetci? Môžete veriť? Len zabudnite na všetko minulé. Pomyslite, že Ježiš toto zasľúbil. Viem, že je to neobvyklé, ale Ježiš to zasľúbil. [Br.Branham sa odmlčal – pozn.prekl.]

207        No, ak môžete, buďte na chvíľu úctiví, potom začneme modlitebný rad. Ja nehovorím, že On toto urobí, On môže. Skrze milosť Božiu som od toho uvoľnený, od môjho vlastného myslenia, nech On...

208        Teraz vy, ak cítite, že chcete zodvihnúť svoju hlavu a pozrieť sa týmto smerom a byť na modlitbe. Ako Peter a Ján povedali, „Pozri na mňa,“ nie, vlastne, „Pozri na nás,“ nemám na mysli... Len hľaďte na to, čo oni povedali.

209        No, vy ste obecenstvo. Sotva je tu niekto, koho poznám, pomimo týchto Martinových chlapcov, ktorí sedia tu. A myslím, že toto je brat Daulton, ktorý sedí dolu, nie som si istý, so svojimi farebnými okuliarmi. Budem sa ich snažiť obísť, ľudia, ktorých nepoznám.

210        No, nech teraz Ježiš Kristus príde so svojou mocou, aby ste mohli vidieť, že zasľúbenie tohto dňa, to miesto Písma, ktoré bolo predpovedané v tomto dni, dokonca v Malachiášovi 4, ono musí byť naplnené. Niečo to musí urobiť. Boh to zasľúbil.

211        Je tu nejaká pani, ktorá tu sedí. Ona ide zajtra do nemocnice. Mala nehodu, automobilovú nehodu, zranila sa, má vnútorné problémy, problém s rukou. Ty nemáš... máš modlitebnú kartu, pani? Nemáš. Či som ti úplne cudzí? Nepoznám ťa. Nepoznáme jeden druhého [Tá sestra hovorí, „Nie, pane, počula som ťa kázať“ – pozn.prekl.] Prosím? [„Počula som ťa kázať“ – pozn.prekl.] Len ma počula kázať, ale ty vieš, že ja o tebe nič neviem. Sú tie veci pravdou? Ak sú, zodvihni svoju ruku. Nech ťa Boh žehná, v poriadku. Maj vieru, nebudeš musieť ísť, tvoje problémy skončili. Čoho sa tá pani dotkla?

212        Je tu jeden muž, ktorý za ňou sedí. Môžete vidieť to svetlo? Pozrite sa na to žlto-oranžové svetlo, ako sa pohybuje. Tam je jeden muž, ktorý sedí za ňou, on sa za niečo modlí. To je ohľadom brata, ktorý je v nemocnici. Či veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvojho brata? Dá mu späť jeho zdravú myseľ a všetko a uzdraví ho? Veríš tomu? Ja som ti cudzí, je to pravda? To je potvrd... Verte, môžete mať... Čoho sa on dotkol?

213        Tu je nejaká pani, rovno tu vzadu za tým, sedí hneď tu vzadu, ona je... vidíte to svetlo, môžete to vidieť? Pozrite sa sem, pozrite. Pozrite sa, každý sa pozrite, rovno tu, taký kruh do oranžova. Rovno pod ním je jedna pani. Ona tu je, ona sa za niekoho modlí. Je to za dve deti, vnuk a pravnuk. Tá pani nie je odtiaľto, je z Kalifornie a prišla sem s modlitebnou prosbou.

214        Tak isto, niekto je s ňou, to je jej sestra. Sedí rovno tu, v tých červených šatách. Má epilepsiu, to je pravda. Je z Kalifornie a ty si ju priviedla so sebou. Tvoje meno je Mária. Ver z celého svojho srdca. Sú tie veci pravda? Zamávaj rukou, ak je to pravda. Veríš z celého svojho srdca? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Áno“ – pozn.prekl.] Potom môžeš mať to, čo si prosila. No, ktokoľvek, kto chce, sa môže tých ľudí opýtať, či ich poznám... Máš modlitebnú kartu, pani? Nemáš? Nepotrebuješ ju.

215        Tu, je tu muž, ktorý sedí rovno tu, díva sa na mňa, na konci toho radu. Má problém so svojimi kolenami. Ak bude veriť, že Boh uzdraví tie kolená, môže mať to, o čo sa modlí. Veríš tomu? V poriadku, tvoj problém s kolenami sa skončil, pane. Máš modlitebnú kartu? Nemáš modlitebnú kartu? Nepotrebuješ ju. Tak, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“

216        Sedí tu jedna pani, má ženské problémy. Veríš? Áno, tá pani... ó, ona to minie... má červený kabát. Jej meno je slečna Daily. Ver z celého svojho srdca, nech ťa Pán Ježiš Kristus uzdraví, slečna Daily.

217        Opýtajte sa, či tú pani poznám. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel, nebeský Otec vie.

Poviete, „Prečo si ju zavolal, jej meno?“

218        No, Ježiš povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon, ty si syn Jonášov.“ Je to pravda? No, či to nie je On, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen.“ - pozn.prekl]. Veríte tomu, že je to pravda? No, čo povedal Ježiš? Že toto sa objaví.

219        A pamätajte, to bol ten posledný znak, ktorý bol daný tej vyvolenej cirkvi, Abrahámovi a jeho skupine, predtým, ako sa objavil ten zasľúbený syn. Je to pravda? Boh dal Abrahámovi znamenia počas celej cesty a takisto to on dal cirkvi. Ale keď Anjel Pánov prišiel dolu, a urobil to, On zničil tých neveriacich pohanov a ten očakávaný syn, na ktorého on čakal, sa objavil, Izák.

220        Táto služba sa skoro zakončí a ten očakávaný Syn sa objaví, On sám. Cirkev prešla od ospravedlnenia cez Luteránov, posvätenia cez Wesleyovcov, do krstu Duchom Svätým skrze Letničných a teraz sa završuje do služby Štítového Kameňa, po celý čas to ukazuje rovno do tej dokonalosti, negatívny tieň sa stáva pozitívom, potom Ježiš príde, aby jedného dňa vzal svoju Cirkev, tých, ktorí veria.

221        Oddeľte sa dnes večer od nevery a verte. Urobíte to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen.“ - pozn.prekl].

222        Nech tí, ktorí majú modlitebné karty začnú... myslím, že som sa minulého večera modlil po číslo 25, je to pravda? Myslím, že tak to bolo, od čísla 1 do 25. Teraz 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, zoraďte sa rovno tu. S modlitebnými kartami číslo 1, zoraďte sa tu, urobíte to?

223        No, mávame rad s rozpoznávaním bez modlitebných kariet. Tak ľudia hovoria, že ja čítam to, čo je na modlitebných kartách, že tam bolo... Tí ľudia nemali žiadne modlitebné karty, oni sú len ľudia, ktorí tu sedia, a tak to ide. Koľkí z vás to videli, ako to išlo tak, asi pol hodinu alebo viac, tak asi a aké veci sa diali? Ale vidíte, musíme si ušetriť trochu sily. Mám ešte pred sebou tam na juhu niečo okolo štyridsať zhromaždení.

224        A teraz sa presuňte sem, vy s modlitebnými kartami, sem, presuňte sa na túto stranu. Všetci s modlitebnými kartami A, presuňte sa sem, modlitebné karty A.

225        No, tí ostatní z nás, spievajme Bohu „Jemu len ver“, urobíte to? Všetci spolu.

Jemu len ver (To je všetko, veriť čomu? Veriť Jeho Slovu)

Jemu len ver

Všetko je možné, Jemu len ver

Jemu len ver...

Pane verím, Pane...

226        [Br.Branham hovorí toto niekomu na pódiu – pozn.prekl.] Možno by som išiel sem dolu, možno je to lepšie.  Môžeme ísť sem dolu modliť sa tu za chorých? Ísť tu dolu modliť sa za tých chorých... zdá sa, že môžeme.

227        Koľkí z vás sa zaujímajú o to, aby títo ľudia boli uzdravení? No, vidíte, uzdravenie patrí Bohu, je to pravda? No, ak by tu Ježiš dnes večer stál v takomto obleku, aký mi dal, On by mal oblečený takýto istý oblek, On Sám. Ak by ste povedali, „Pane, uzdravíš ma?“

228        On by povedal, „Ja som to už urobil.“ „On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení,“ je to pravda? Vidíte, On to už urobil. To je v minulosti.

229        Poviete, „Pane, spas ma,“ On to už urobil. Nezáleží na tom, koľko kričíš alebo sa modlíš, alebo koľko sa udieraš o lavičku, to ťa nespasí, až kým neuveríš a neprijmeš, že On to už pre teba urobil. Je to pravda?

230        Je to tak isto. Ja neuzdravujem ľudí. Ja nedokážem uzdraviť ľudí, ale čo by On urobil, ak On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky? On by urobil presne to, čo urobil teraz, lebo to je to, čo On zasľúbil na ten deň. Koľkí z vás vedia, že to je to, čo On zasľúbil? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen.“ - pozn.prekl]. On to zasľúbil, tak veru, on to zasľúbil v celom Písme. Všetci si vezmite pásky o Siedmich cirkevných vekoch. A tie veci... a vidzte tie veci, ktoré sú dokázané cez Písmo, že sú pravdou.

231        No, pre vás, ktorí tu stojíte v tomto modlitebnom rade, ktorí tu stojíte, aby ste prišli do radu na rozpoznávanie. Ježiš videl jedno videnie a povedal, „Poznávam, že vyšla zo mňa cnosť,“ to znamená sila, je to pravda? Videnia, vy ste v inom svete. No, On je tu. To je On, ktorého si sa dotkol. To len identifikuje, že On je tu s nami.

232        Koľkí teraz budete veriť, keď budeme kráčať cez tento rad, aby sme sa modlili a kládli na vás ruky, a vy sa vrátite na svoje sedadlá? Veríte, že ak sa za vás pomodlím a položím na vás ruky, že budete každý jeden z vás uzdravený?

233        Veríte, že to tu bol Duch Svätý? On by to mohol len ďalej robiť. Ak chcete nechať ten rad a dať miesto ešte niekoľkým viacerým, dobre, urobíme to. Vidíte, to je to, že Duch Svätý je tu, rozumiete. To nie je... to je len na vašom myslení, či to spôsobí, že budete veriť viac.

234        Ale mnoho ľudí bolo učených, „Budú na nich klásť ruky.“ Biblia hovorí, „On posielal svoje Slovo a uzdravoval ich.“ No, to je to, čo urobil práve teraz. Potvrdil svoje Slovo, poslal ti ho, potvrdil ho, a to ich uzdravilo. Pohan povedal... Žid povedal, „Poď, polož na moju dcéru ruky a bude žiť.“

235        Riman povedal, „Nie som hoden, aby si prišiel pod moju strechu, len povedz slovo.“ Aha, to je to, čo sa snažím do vás dostať, aby ste verili.

236        Ale ak chcete, aby sme sa za vás modlili a položili na vás ruky... teraz chcem, aby ste sa, každý jeden z vás pripojili ku mne k modlitbe, ako sa budeme za týchto ľudí modliť. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

237        Pane Ježišu, modlím sa teraz za tých ľudí, oni sú si vedomí, že Ty tu stojíš. Oni vedia, že Ty si v strede ľudí. A keď títo ľudia budú dnes večer prechádzať týmto pódiom, nech neprídu len ku mne, ako ku tvojmu sluhovi, alebo ku týmto tvojim sluhom, ktorí tu sedia. Nech si uvedomia, že prichádzajú do chrámu živého Boha, že prichádzajú pod zasľúbením, ktoré On povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Keď položia svoje ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení.“ On to zasľúbil. On zasľúbil, že každý človek, ktorý bude veriť, bude spasený. A každý človek, ktorý verí, zostáva spasený. Každý jeden, ktorý verí v uzdravenie, dostáva uzdravenie. Otče, pomôž teraz našej nevere.

238        Ty si sa dnes večer zidentifikoval cez Písmo, aby si nám ukázal, že si tu. Nech sa teraz stane, že každá osoba, ktorá prechádza týmto pódiom, alebo v tomto obecenstve, nech tam nie je žiadna slabá osoba medzi nami, keď sa zakončí služba. Nech ten veľký Duch Svätý príde medzi Jeho ľudí a nech nás pomaže, každého jedného, Pane, všetkých týchto kazateľov, všetkých týchto tvojich sluhov, ktorí tu sedia, v stovkách. Otče, modlím sa, aby každá z našich modlitieb išla ku Tebe, zatiaľ čo sme v Božskej prítomnosti Tvojej Bytosti. A nech títo ľudia rozumejú, ako budú prechádzať týmto pódiom, že dnes večer je večerom ich uzdravenia, ak len môžu veriť.

239        Teraz chcem, aby sa každý jeden z vás modlil, ako budú tí ľudia prechádzať, a ja budem na každého z nich klásť ruky pre ich uzdravenie.

240        Poď, pane. Modlím sa za tohoto môjho brata. V mene Ježiša Krista, buď uzdravený.

241        Modlím sa za tohoto môjho brata. V mene Ježiša Krista, buď uzdravený.

242        Modlím sa za moju sestru, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jej uzdravenie. Amen.

243        Modlím sa za moju sestru, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jej uzdravenie.

Modlím sa za moju sestru, v Ježišovom mene, za jej uzdravenie.

Modlím sa za moju sestru, v Ježišovom mene, za jej uzdravenie.

244        Modlím sa za môjho brata, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jeho uzdravenie.

245        Modlím sa za moju sestru, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jej uzdravenie.

246        Modlím sa za môjho brata, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jeho uzdravenie.

Modlím sa za môjho brata, v Ježišovom mene, aby si ho uzdravil.

247        Kladiem svoje ruky na nášho brata, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jeho uzdravenie.

Kladiem svoje ruky na tohoto brata, v Ježišovom mene, za jeho uzdravenie.

249        Ako kladiem svoje ruky na tohto brata, prosím o jeho uzdravenie, v Ježišovom mene, kým je v Božskej Prítomnosti Tvojho pomazania.

250        Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Otče. Modlím sa v mene Ježiša Krista. [Tá sestra hovorí, „Ďakujem ti, Ježišu!“ - pozn.prekl.]

251        [Prázdne miesto na páske. -  pozn.prekl.]... V mene Ježiša Krista, nech je uzdravený.

252        Podobne, na svojho brata, Otče, kladiem svoje ruky, v Ježišovom mene, nech je uzdravený.

253        Otče Bože, v mene Ježiša Krista, kladiem ruky na moju sestru, nech je uzdravená v mene Pána Ježiša.

254        Náš Otče, kladiem ruky na tohto brata a prosím o jeho uzdravenie v Ježišovom mene, amen.

255        V mene Ježiša Krista kladiem ruky na môjho brata a prosím o jeho uzdravenie na slávu Božiu. Amen.

256        Náš nebeský Otče, kladiem ruky na môjho brata a prosím o jeho uzdravenie a spájam moju modlitbu s jeho modlitbou a s modlitbou cirkvi, ktorú si dnes večer zhromaždil. Moje ruky sú na ňom a identifikujú moju vieru v Syna Božieho, prosím o jeho uzdravenie.

257        Máme tu teraz nejaké prípady na invalidných vozíkoch, aby sme sa za nich modlili. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

258        Ježiš raz povedal, „Či viete, čo som vám učinil?“ Urobil som len to, čo mi Boh prikázal, aby bolo učinené.

259        Tak, teraz sa spolu modlime, každý jeden. Ako kladiete svoju myseľ na Boha, držte svoju modlitbu, pamätajte, verte teraz, verte s nami. Každý jeden z vás tu, ktorí ste chorí, možno si nemal modlitebnú kartu.

260        No, budeme znovu rozdávať modlitebné karty, zajtra večer o 6:30 alebo o siedmej, tak nejako, 6:30 alebo o siedmej, a tak budeme mať znovu zajtra večer modlitebný rad. Je mi ľúto, že som vás dnes večer zdržal trochu dlhšie, kvôli tomu modlitebnému radu. Nech vás Boh žehná. Skloňme teraz ešte raz svoje hlavy.

261        Ako sa modlíme, Otče, odpúšťame každému človeku jeho hriech proti nám. Ak je v nás nájdené niečo, čo sa ti nepáči, odpusť nám, Pane. Lebo je nám povedané, že máme byť „písanými epištolami Božími, čítanými všetkými ľuďmi.“ A ako sme poslúchli Tvoje prikázanie, videli sme Tvoju prítomnosť identifikovať Teba medzi nami, ľudia vystúpili na toto pódium a svedčili o svojej viere. Položili sme na nich svoje ruky, Otče. Nielen jeden z nás, ale všetci sme na svojej modlitbe na nich položili svoje ruky, veriac, že Ty uzdravíš ich telá.

262        Ty si povedal, keď si bol tu na zemi „Ak budete prosiť Otca v Mojom mene, učiním to.“ Ježišu, Synu Boží, to bolo Tvoje zasľúbenie, Pane.

263        A ten, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, zidentifikoval tu dnes večer samého Seba, aby vyplnil Svoje zasľúbenie. Tak, bolo to vykonané, tvoje prikázanie, kladenie rúk na chorých. Nech sa to teraz stane. Bolo to napísané, nech je to učinené. Nech sa moc Ježiša Krista dnes večer prelomí a oddelí každú osobu tu od akejkoľvek nevery a nech Prítomnosť Ježiša Krista, Slova, ktorý pozná myšlienky nášho srdca, nech zaujme dnes večer prvenstvo v každom srdci.

264        A my karháme satana a všetky jeho moci temnosti, všetky jeho moci nevery. Duch Boží pozdvihol prápor proti tebe, satan. Si porazenou bytosťou. Ježiš Kristus ťa porazil na Golgote.

265        On povstal na tretí deň, zvíťazil nad smrťou, nad peklom a hrobom. Vystúpil na výsosť a dal ľuďom dary. On je tu dnes nečer v Osobe, On povedal, „Malú chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás až do skonania sveta.“ Vidíme tu dnes večer Jeho prítomnosť, ako vypĺňa Jeho Slovo. Vierou veríme, že každá chorá osoba tu bude uzdravená na slávu Božiu v mene Ježiša Krista.

266        A ľud povedal „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Nech vás Boh žehná, dávam to späť bratovi.

1 ... Scriptures, to a few Scriptures that I have written out here, for what I... if I want, would call it a text. I wouldn't know whether to call it a text, or not. But just for a text, I want to take this thought: God's Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief.

2 And now I wish to read out of the Bible, over in the Book of Genesis, the 13th chapter of Genesis, and we wish to start with the 5th verse, to read. I just love to read the Word. Because, what I say could fail, that's a man. But, if I just read this Word, what He says can't fail. So then I know there'll be good come out of it, if no more than just reading the Word. The 5th verse, we begin, of the 13th chapter.

And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents.

And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together.

And there was... strife between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and... Perizzite dwelt... in the land.

And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen; for we are brethren.

Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: and if thou wilt take the left hand, then I'll go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.

And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld... the plains of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest out of Zoar.

Then Lot choose him all the plains of Jordan; and Lot journeyed eastward: and they separated themselves... one from the other.

And Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the city of the plains, and pitched his tent towards Sodom.

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

And the LORD said unto Abraham, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou... northward,... southward,... eastward,... westward:

For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give thee, and to thy seed for ever.

3 Now, the thought, of God's Word calling a total separation! We only know this by as we read the Word and see the Word manifest Itself.

4Now, in the beginning, Genesis 1:3, we find that. "There was darkness upon the earth. And the Spirit of God moved upon the water. And said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness." So the Word of God began to separate the light from the darkness, from the beginning, so does it remain till this day.

5 As I said last night, of Jesus, when He was only twelve years old. And being a mistake of His mother, who is claimed by people to be the mother of God, and how that the woman said, "Why, Thy father and I have sought Thee with tears."

6And quickly He, being the Word, said, "Knowest thou not that I must be about My Father's business?"

7See, she was declaring Him to be Joseph's son, but He wasn't Joseph's son. If He'd been Joseph's son, He'd been with him; but He was with the Father, about His business. So the Word is always corrective and always right, and the Word will correct every wrong, always.

8 Now when the earth that... God was going to use the earth, and it was in total darkness. The Spirit of God spoke out, and said, "Let there be light," and He separated the light from the darkness. And It's been doing that ever since, separating Light from darkness. God's Word also separated the water from the land, in the beginning. God spoke, and the water was separated from the land. So, that, He had a--a reason for that.

9God never speaks a Word unless He's got a reason for speaking that word. He is not like you and I, that we just... or especially myself, that speaks so many foolish things. God speaks every word with a meaning, and something that He is trying to achieve, and will achieve by His Word. And It will perform exactly what He said It will do.

10 Now, if God said, "Let there be light," and there was no light, then that--that isn't, that wasn't God said that. See?

11When God says anything, He must back up what He says. And when the Word of God has been a vindicated, the Word been a vindicated, that is Light. Now, the Word Itself isn't Light until It's a vindicated Light.

12If God said, "Let there be light," and there was no light, then it wasn't the Word of God. But when light sprung upon the earth, that showed the Word was vindicated, and it was light.

13 Now, today, if God has made a promise, and when that promise is vindicated, then that is Light. That's the Light of the day, when the Word is a vindicated, the Word for the hour is a vindicated.

14Then, God was going to have a--a earth that He was going to grow vegetation, and He'd have people upon the earth, and then He spoke and separated the waters from the sea.

Then, also, He separated, in Genesis, life from death.

15Now, if we believe the Word of God, It is the Word of Life to us; but if we question the Word of God, It's death to us. For, God has spoken, who can deny It? See? And if we question the Word of God, then It becomes death.

16 Like Eve, now, Eve questioned one little phase of God's Word, and what did it do? Caused all this trouble that we have. If she would have remained behind the Word, fortified behind the Word, the whole armor of God, and not disbelieved It, then it would have never happened the way it has, it would have never been this a way. But, you see, there came death.

17Then, God also had an atonement. Being merciful to us, He accepted a substitute death for their death, which both...

18He separated life from death, also, in the garden of Eden, and He did it by His Word.

19And today He does the same thing. When, we're in gross darkness, as I spoke on, Sunday, darkness upon the land, upon the people, and gross darkness. In the midst of all of this, He is still speaking His Word of Life to those who want to believe It. And now we find that if...

20 Jesus has constantly told us that there is a separation. And we find that the last thing that's predicted to the human race, before the great final Day when we ascend into the Presence of God, there will be a final separation. He will separate the sheep from the goats.

21God will, continually has been separating, separating, and that's what He's doing tonight. That's what He always does. You can see it in every meeting. He separates faith from unbelief. He speaks out. He declares Himself to those who will believe Him and have faith in Him.

22 Now we find out, in Numbers, the 6th chapter, that a Nazarite's call, a Nazarite call was to separate themselves from all the world, to the Word of God. That is a Nazarite call, separated.

23We find out that Samson was a Nazarite, unto the Lord, and he was separated from the... by a sign. And this sign was that he was to wear his hair long, with seven locks. It was a--a sign of separation, that he was called for a purpose.

24 And I don't want to get started on this, because I said that it... I was just going to speak a few minutes.

25But I think, today, when we see our sisters wearing long hair, as the Bible said they should, I think it's a Nazarite sign that they want to follow the Lord. And I know that sounds flat, and I--I--I want it to go home, see, because it is. It looks like somebody is trying to--to do, keep a--a something that God told them to do. No matter what the price, the world has to say about It out there, or how many scornful, or laughers, or critics, that doesn't bother a person that's totally separated from the things of the world, to the things of God. They'll obey the Word, and separate themselves from the things of the world, because the Word separates them.

26I know they stand criticism. But if we wasn't criticized, then there'd be something wrong. The world always knows its own. But as I've said, that, remember, criticism, on account of the Word of God, is only growing pains of His grace. It shows that you have separated yourself to--to be a Christian, to act like one, to live like one, to obey every Commandment of God. And it's a--it's a Nazarite vow, to separate, a call from God that separates you from the things of the world.

27 I believe, tonight, that every man and woman, every boy and girl, that's born of the Spirit of God, is a Nazarite unto the Lord; because they have separated them things, themselves, from the cares of the world and whatever the world has got to say.

28You live in this city here where there is great schools. And, and we see our nation calling for higher standard of education; which is all right, nothing to say about that, but that education cannot give you salvation. A scientist can split a grain of wheat and tell you how many different chemicals is in it, but it can't find the life that's in there. An education can learn you, or teach you mathematics, and--and it can teach you history and whatevermore, but it cannot bring Light to you. Your education will not do that.

29God has one way of bringing Light to you: that's when you're ready to separate yourself from all the things of the world, and all the--the cares of the world, and cling only to God's promised Word.

30 Paul was a Nazarite unto the Lord. He was separated from his orthodox church, to the Word of the living God.

31Aaron was a Nazarite unto the Lord. He was separated from among the brethren, to bear the birthstones and to be the high priest.

32It is a total separation. We're not to go back into the world no more, or have anything to do with the world, but cleave only unto God. Jesus is coming after a Bride, a Woman, a Church that's separated from the things of the world, or the cares of the world. She is separated from the fashions of this modern age that we live in. She is separated from the--the cares and the traditions of churches. She is separated only to God, and God is the Word. And as husband and wife is one, so does the Bride and the Word become One, for the Word is living through the Bride. That's how. That's her credentials. That's her identification.

33 If I could pull out a--a Ph.D. or LL.D., and show you my credentials from certain organization or from some school, that school would recognize that credential.

34But the only credential that a believer has is the Word of God living in him, declaring Jesus Christ lives in that person. That's a separated Nazarite unto the Lord, separated for the Word's sake. The Bible said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting to the sunder, and the marrow of the bone, and discerns the thoughts that's in the heart." That's the reason Jesus could look upon the people and perceive what they were thinking; He was the Word.

35 Now, the first Adam that was born in the world, or, not born, but created by God, the first Adam separated himself from the Word, to his wife. Now, he could have stayed with the Word if he wished to. But he separated himself from the Word, to be with his wife.

36That's exactly what the common, carnal church member does today, separates themselves from the true living Word, to hold to their church. Where the... Eve put a question upon the Word, whether God would punish or not. Satan put the question; Eve believed it.

37And then when the church today puts the question upon the Word, "Is He the same? Does He still live in His Church and perform His signs and miracles that He did when He was here on earth, which He so surely promised us in Saint John 14:12?"

38"He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; even greater than this shall he do, for I go to My Father. These signs shall follow them that believe." Shall follow them!

39The question is, to the people today, "Does He really mean it?" And when you accept what the church says, "Does He really mean it?" then you put yourself in the same condition that Adam did, and join yourself with the--the woman of the church of the--this world, and separate yourself from the blessings that God has promised to every believer that would separate himself from the world to the Word. Now, that's the Truth.

40 We are, have had the privilege of living in the day that when the Word of God that we've seen is lotted through each age, for certain things to happen. And when this is lotted, sometimes a man wonder how it's going to be done. Professors have their own idea. But in them ages, God has always sent forth His prophet. And the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet and vindicates the Word to that generation. And the prophets was always the Nazarite, separated from everything else to obey the Word of God.

41Don't you remember what Peter and John said, "Is it right for us to obey man, or God?" When they questioned them about the experience of Pentecost.

42 Now, the first man separated himself, the first Adam, from the Word, to go with his wife, that questioned whether God kept His Word or not.

43What a perfect type of the lukewarm, carnal-minded believer today, that still wants to cling with what their tradition says, instead of taking what the Word says. A very real type! He was separated, to his wife. The carnal believer is separated from the Word, to the church.

44But when the Second Adam was created, in the womb of a woman, and came to the world, He was a Nazarite to the Word of God. He was separated from the world, to the Word. Now, Hebrews, the 7th chapter, 26th verse, tells us that, that them priests continually died, but this Jesus was holy and separated from sinners.

45 Sin is "unbelief." There was no unbelief found in Him, nowhere. When He was here on earth, He said, "Who can condemn Me of sin?" Sin is "unbelief." "If I haven't done just what was prophesied for this age, if I haven't met the requirements of what Messiah is supposed to do, then don't believe Me." Said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me," tell you Who He is.

46Because, it had been prophesied, since Eden, that there would come a Saviour. The prophet said He'd be born of a virgin, and how that He would be called "Emmanuel."

47And also He was "the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace, Mighty God." And that's what they accused Him, of making Himself God. He was God, and He was "the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, and the Everlasting Father."

48There is no other Father but Him, spiritually speaking. He is the only Father, the Father of us all. And we find, all believers, He is the Father of, all who will believe His Word. For, He was completely separated from the church, from its traditions, from His mother, from the world, and only did that which pleased the Father.

49 Now, He was a different person from Adam. No matter what anybody questioned; to Him, the Word, it was the Word always first. And He proved that the Word was right.

50When Satan tried to whitewash It for Him, and said, "It's written..."

51He said, "Yes, and it's also written..." He withstood Satan, upon the Word; because that's what He was, the Word.

52In the Bible, 1st John, Saint John the 1st chapter, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

53 It's always a connection with the spoken Word of God, God's promise for the day. And when it comes, it's so unusual till people can hardly grasp it, because we're so sewed into--to forms and ideas of our own, that it's hard for us to grasp what's Truth.

54I think much of that would apply to--to Joseph, in the days of--of the--the... of Mary, in her maternity. She, she was to be mother. And Joseph loved her, and he--he wanted to believe. He was a righteous man, a good man, and he wanted to believe that story that Mary was telling him, but still there was a question, that, "Now, she's a good woman." No doubt Mary had explained to him the visit of Gabriel to her. And he was a just man, in the lineage of David.

55And yet, her, it looked like that she was trying to use him for a shield, to take off her reproach. Because, if she was engaged to him, and to be found in this condition was the same as adultery (Deuteronomy tells us so), and would be stoned for the act. And it looked like that she was using him for a shield.

56 And the man, a good man, a just man, the Bible said he was a just man. But her case was so unusual that he could not grasp it. He would look in her lovely face, and the sincerity and honesty that she would tell her story in. And no doubt but he'd go to his home, or his carpenter shop, say, "I--I just can't see how she would tell me wrong, but the case is so unusual."

57If he would have only searched the Sciptures, that, "a virgin is to conceive"! See, it was so unusual to him, because it was out of the line of his thinking, but she was exactly in the Scripture.

58And so is it today, brethren, that the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His promised Word of this hour is so unusual, good man stumble over It. It's too unusual. They say the--the dead was raised up, the blind see, the deaf hear, the Holy Spirit discerns the thoughts, foretells things that's coming to pass, never failed it one time. Oh, they--they can't, can't grasp it. It's so unusual, so they--they say, "Well, it's a telepathy, or It's a evil spirit," just like they did in that day. The unusualness of the Word of God!

59 But when a man is borned in the world, for a--a believer, he becomes a Nazarite when he separates himself from anything that's contrary to the Word. A total separation! Jesus said, "I come to separate a man from his wife, tear up a family. And he that won't take up his cross, and follow Me, is not worthy to be called Mine." A separation, from everything, anything; from church, from--from a community, from a belief, or from family, or anything that would stand between you and believing the entire Word of God. If your soul will not punctuate every promise for this hour, with an "amen," there is something wrong somewhere. You need a separation.

60 So Jesus was the Word made flesh, and He was completely separated from sinners, unbelievers, that the Word Itself flowed completely, and--and thoroughly flew through Him, that He said, "I do nothing until I see the Father do it first." They was asking, questioning Him about things. He said, "Verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." And, watch, everything that He said was perfect. Just, He had not to ask about it, think about it; it was perfect. And His perfect Truth always separated the Truth from error.

61 Even as I'll quote back again, again, His mother said, "Thy father and I," before those priests that she had already testify it was a virgin-born Son. But in the moments of her grief...

62How could a twelve-year-old Boy, and we have no record of Him even being in school, how could His intelligence be so great as to debate with the priests, sage, learned man? And why, when, she called that this Joseph was His father, quickly the Word of God... He was separated. He was the Word, and the Word corrected the error, "Know ye not that I must be about My Father's business?" That was not just that little twelve-year-old boy. That was the Word of God speaking through His little childish mouth, to correct error; separating, like He did in the beginning, darkness from light, a lie from the Truth, death from Life.

63It's a separation. Always the Word requires total and complete separation, regardless. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie; let Mine be true."

64All down through the ages, this same thing has happened. It's a separating. Always He separates His people from the unbelief. He did it at the beginning; He does it same today. Each one of the prophets was separated from unbelief. They, reason they did that, is because the Word of the Lord came to them.

65 Now, I believe in a night, somewhere, perhaps was here Sunday or last night, that I was speaking what the word "seer," in the Old Testament, meant. It meant a man, "a diviner, a man that would tell the future events that were coming to pass." And then when they come to pass exactly, without failure, come to pass exactly what he said, then God said, "Listen to this man, or hear him, fear him, for I am with him." Then he had the Divine interpretation of the written Word, for that was his credentials of identification, that he was God's prophet and the Word come to him. That's right.

66 Now, separation. It separated Isaiah from the church world. It separated Moses from the church world. It separated the... all of the great prophets, through the ages, from the church world. Because they had... It separated Jesus from His brethren. It separated the apostles from the church that was at that day, the Pharisees, Sadducees, great man, holy man, good man, fine man, humble man, man that had fruit of the Spirit more so than what Jesus exercised.

67But what was His credentials? That the Word was with Him, the Word promised of that day was living through Him. He said, "Which one of you can condemn Me of sin? Which one of you can say that what I have claimed hasn't happened?" That, for He showed that He was a separated Nazarite of the Lord. He was the Lord Himself in flesh.

68 Abraham, also, he was a separated person, from the world, when God called Abraham at seventy-five years old. "Separate yourself from your kindred and from all of the unbelief, and come out into a World that you've never walked in before, and amongst a people that you've never known before. Come out and separate yourself from anybody that would be contrary to what you're believing, that you would be a Nazarite unto the Lord." Because, he was holding a promise of a son. He had to separate from his father, from his mother, from his kindred.

69And what separated him? Not because that he was a good man, but because he believed that God was able to keep the promise He had give him.

70And when he was twenty-five years later, and the baby had never come; Sarah being ninety, he a hundred. And when the Angel of the Lord visit him; that Jesus referred to, that would come again in the last days. God, in a human form, set down before him and talked. And Sarah, being almost a hundred years old, in the tent behind Him, laughed because the Angel said, "I will visit you according to the time of promise."

71And she said, "Me being old, and would have pleasure again with my lord, seeing he is old?"

72And this Man, which was God in flesh, said, "Why did Sarah laugh, in the tent?" Now, she run out and tried to deny it. But He said, "Yes, but you did laugh," because that she didn't believe it could be right.

73 Now, notice, Jesus said that would come again. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Again the Spirit of God will come upon mortal, human flesh. That Man eat the meat of a calf, drinking the milk from the cow, and eat butter and bread, in human flesh; and Abraham said He was Elohim, God manifested in flesh. Jesus promised that God, before His coming, would be manifested in human flesh again. That's the Holy Spirit (there is only one God) manifesting Hisself, separating, again, Lot from Abraham.

74Lot wanted the world. God sep-... tore up his world, and separated Abraham and Lot. Lot, being a type, again, of a carnal believer who didn't think these things were true, he just went on down in Sodom. And he--he didn't have the real spunk to stand out, as we'd call it, and call what was right "right," and wrong "wrong," so he went down.

75 All these believers, as we could go on for hours, all these were like a bunch of change out of your pocket, in God's hands. You pull out a bunch of change. There is pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half of dollars, dollar, all in coins. Now, that's what the world is, in God's hand. There is some people that just can have a penny's worth of it, and God can only use them in a penny way. That's all they can buy. Don't reject them. If they can't believe the real Truth, don't turn them down, don't kick them out and say they're not in It, because God uses pennies sometime.

76Lot was just a penny, Abraham was a silver dollar, so it taken a hundred Lots to make an Abraham. And so will it take... A hundred carnal believers will never stand in the presence of a genuine Christian that's separated from the carnal things of the world, living in Christ Jesus, where the Word can flow through him.

77He can only take a penny's worth; that's all he's got. So you see people that say, "I don't believe in healing. I don't believe in these things," just know it's a penny, but just let him alone. See? Just a penny's worth, and so that's all he can buy. Don't stop him; just let him alone. Remember, that's just all the farther he can go.

Joseph, he was separated from his brethren.

78 Yeah, I didn't mean that hardly in that way that I said it, see. I mean, if he just, "Well, I belong to this, and that's what we believe." It's just a penny, go ahead, see; just a penny.

Say, "Well, the Lord bless you, my brother."

79See, he is copper; he can never be silver (You see?), so just let it go ahead. God can use him. Oh, He is using it. I'd rather see him down there in a church than to see a barroom standing there on the corner. Wouldn't you? Sure. So just let it alone. God can use it, anyhow; maybe not very much, but He'll use what He can use, as much as they'll let Him use.

80So that's kind of a rude way to express anything, but I... Well, I hope you get the Truth that I mean in it, what--what it's meant. See?

81 He can't believe in discernment and the powers of God that's promised for this day.

82Those Pharisees couldn't do it, either. They couldn't see Jesus being God. Oh, no. "You make yourself God; a man?"

83One day He was standing there, after He had multiplied loaves of bread, and so forth, for them, and He said, "Lest you eat the--the bread of the Son of man's body, and drink His Blood, there is no Life in you."

84Oh, I imagine, His congregation, they walked away from Him. "This Man expects us to be a cannibal, eat somebody's flesh? Oh, that's crazy!" Doctors and medical doctors, and so forth, said, "The man is insane. That's all there is. The priest is right. That man is crazy. Give us his body to eat?"

85That's all He said, see, but the spiritual mind, maybe they could not understand It. Those disciples, they didn't know just exactly what It meant, but they believed It anyhow. Because, where did It come from? It come from the One they knowed to be the Son of God.

86I might not be able to understand all that's in here, but I believe It. It's God's Word. I want to separate myself from anything that's contrary to It. I've tried to stand like that.

87 Notice another group, the seventy, He called. One day He was standing, talking to them, and He said, "The Son of man shall ascend up into Heaven from whence He come from."

88They said, "This Man? He has taken us to the place he was born. We know his mother, Mary. Why, we know his brothers. We know all. And then this Man is going to take... The Son of man is coming, going up into Heaven from whence He come from? He come from Bethlehem. How did He do that?" See, He said it in that way, see, and they walked with Him no more. They walked away. They said, "Ah, this Man, we know there is something wrong with Him."

89 Them disciples set right there. See? They believed. They had seen the promised Word for that day, vindicated and manifested by Him. Who could create, but God Himself, could take bread and... They knowed He was the Son of God. Whether it was in riddles or not, that whether they understood It or not, they walked right on, anyhow, because the Word was vindicated, and they were separated from anything contrary to It.

90God help us to have faith like that! We believe this Bible to be the Truth. I may not have faith enough to make all the promises come to pass, but I believe It, anyhow. I believe the hour that we're living.

91 Joseph, separated from his brethren, without a cause. Now, what was the matter with them? He was not willing to be separated; it wasn't his will to separate. But they separated themselves from him, see, from his bright, shiny dollar; their penny's worth couldn't stand it. They knowed they were patriarchs. They knowed that Isaac was their... or, pardon me, Jacob was their father. And they knowed that to be true. But Joseph was born... He couldn't help it. He was spiritual. He saw visions, could interpret dreams, and they were perfectly right. Whatever he said, was the truth. And his patriarch brothers, moved with envy, and sold him to the Egyptians. See, they--they separated themselves from him because they were pennies. He was of a different quality.

92So is a real believer today, he is of a different quality. They'll separate themselves, (they don't understand It), copper from silver.

93 Now we find out, they moved with envy and sold him. Why? They do the same thing today. What it really was, they said they was... It was for jealousy. They didn't want to break down, because that the quality in them were not the quality that was in him. And, because of it, they were jealous, because they were pennies and he was a dollar. See?

94Now, if the penny would say, "Blessed be the Name of the Lord! My brother, dollar here, see, I can't make the change that he does, but I'll make what I can." That's that, we'd go along then. God would get His program over.

95 As I preached to you, Sunday, the great symphony of God's Word being beat out. The changes and junctions is only God changing times, like the--the director in the symphony. When we see these changes of ages and changes of times, look down on the Sheet here, and you'll find out we're supposed to be here. They've got to do this; there is no way for them to keep from it.

96And the music, to a man that doesn't understand the symphony, what is it? It's a bunch of rattling noise. He doesn't understand it. He is not even interested. He is wishing, "I wish they'd shut up, so I could go home." He is not interested, 'cause he doesn't know the symphony. He doesn't know it.

97But the Composer knows the end from the beginning. See? And if the director isn't in the same Spirit of the Composer, he cannot act it out, because it's all done by signs. And if the sign don't vindicate It, how is the musicians going to play It? Amen! That's it.

98If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can--can, who will know how to prepare for war, retreat, or what doing?

99 Look at the Word and see where we're living, then you can see pennies, what they do. But you can see those who are glistening, watching, and knows the Word, and watching for these signs to happen. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] There it is.

100Like the little woman at the well, when He said, "Go get your husband," she said, "I have none." Said, "That's right. You got five."

101She said, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. We haven't had them for hundreds of years. But we know the Messiah is coming, and He is going to be a prophet. That's what He'll do."

He said, "I am He."

102Oh, the symphony beat went just exactly right, from the low plumb to the high. She ran into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man who has told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah that we've looked forward to?" Certainly.

103See, she understood what the sheet Music was in the symphony, that separates belief from unbelief. Faith can only... Not come by a church; faith comes by hearing the Word of God, knowing what It is. Now we find the same thing today.

104 Many people look at gifts. (In closing now, five more minutes.) People look at gifts, and they think, "Oh, what a great thing," and they try to impersonate gifts. You can't do that. You just... You can't make a--a--a penny be a dollar, you can't make it be a dime, see, can't make it a nickel. It's a penny. But if you'll just recognize yourself as a penny, and go with the rest of the change, see, God can use you. We might not be able to do all. There wasn't everybody...

105When God called Israel out of Egypt, every one of them didn't have to do the same thing Moses did, but they believed it. That's right. They believed Moses, because they knowed that it was a sign of the hour, and that God had proved that he had His Word.

They said, "Pharaoh has got spears."

He said, "But Moses has His Word."

106That's it. Pharaohs might have an army, but Moses had the Word because he was God's prophet. And the Word come to him, and had been vindicated that It was the Truth. It was the living God Who could take dust and throw it up and make fleas come. A man can't do that. As a man that stood there, and said, "Tomorrow about this time there'd be such-and-such," and it was. See? They knowed Moses had God's Word. No matter how many spears and dungeons Pharaoh had, and how many bricks to make; Moses had the Word, so they started into the wilderness.

107There was a man, Dathan, said, "Moses takes too much upon himself. We're all holy people, so we all ought to be able to do what Moses did."

And Moses said, "God, what about this?"

108He said, "Separate yourself. Get away from them." And He opened up the earth, and swallowed up Dathan and his group.

109He separated Light from darkness, by vindicating His Word. He is the same God today.

110 Closing. I was telling you, last night, when I first come here. This is not personally. If you think that, then please just pull down the curtains to your heart. I'm saying this to people who believes.

111It was spoke and told exactly what things would take place, down through the age, and you're all witnesses of that, as you witnessed last night, from the discernment, on down. And how there'd be impersoners, impersonatings, and everything take place.

112But, the last thing, was to be a great thing would take place. We've been watching for it for years. And we all know when it happened first, when a creation come into existence, the third time. And then the fourth time. Last night I told you the fifth time it happened.

113And it's waiting for this Council of Churches, when it unites, and the Protestants. If I speak Sunday morning, that's what I want... I mean Saturday morning, that's what I want to speak on, see, now. And then when this gets together, then the Spirit of God always raises a standard against them. See?

There is man setting here, tonight, who is a witness of this.

114 I was in Colorado, not long ago, this last fall. I go up there on hunting trips. And, as usually, I'm up there on my wedding anniversary. When wife and I got married, I--I had saved off my nickels and things, and from my work, and had them in a baking powder can. And I didn't have enough to take a honeymoon, and go hunting; so I just blended them together, and I took her on a hunting trip, for a honeymoon. So since then, I've, to my shame, I have never been home with her on our anniversary. I was in Colorado.

115 Last night I seen two or three ministers was here, that was with me up there in a camp, where I had to come down from Alaska and meet them, hunting. It was the Martin boys. They was here last night. I... They're here, right back there. And then that other little fellow, I forget his name, sitting... Were you there, too, sonny? That's right. And maybe is Brother Palmer here? I... And we were up in the mountains. And I'm a guide in Colorado, I've hunted in there for years.

116And every time our anniversary, twenty-third of October, comes along... There's a little place where I taken the wife on our honeymoon, up in the Adirondack Mountains, and this place looks just like it, only that was... This is quaking asps up here, the little thicket, and up there it was birch. And I walk out there, on the twenty-third, some time through the day, take off my hat and thank the Lord for a good, loyal wife that's been loyal and be kind to me through these years, and has helped me, as I'll go to preach the Gospel.

117 And it's been awful dry in Colorado this year, as it has been across the country. And all at once there was... I suppose there was two hundred man ahead of us, or a hundred man, pardon me, about a hundred man ahead of us, up above the camps. And they had been shooting up there, for four or five days. And I had shot a deer, one that I had been hunting for years. And, but I... come a fog down, and I didn't get to see him; I couldn't find him. And I had been hunting for him that day.

118And the next day, the phone or the... come in on the radio, "A blizzard coming, could dump twenty-feet of snow in these mountains overnight."

119And so I said to the brethren. I called them in. The Martin boys was there also. I said, "Brethren, you hear what the news said. Now, if you want to get out, you better go right now, because it's going to be too late. You might stay here for a week. And I should go, because next Monday I've got a meeting, Christian businessmen, Full Gospel Business Men at the chapter at Tucson. However, you make your choice. If you want to stay, I'm your guide, I'll stay here with you."

Every one of them voted, "We'll stay. We'll stay."

120The Martin boys, having a low-speed truck, or a high-speed truck, rather, they all... We had a couple of extra deer there, we give them to the Martin boys and them, and they went out; 'cause they wouldn't get out of there, that's all. So, they, they're setting here as a witness tonight.

121 And then the next day, I thought... Well, it didn't snow that day, the day they went out. I said, "I'm going to call the wife and tell her I'm thankful for her being a nice wife, and all. It's our anniversary. And then tomorrow I'll go up to the place, if we get up there, 'fore the snow."

122And so I--I went in, and I couldn't call her. I come back. And everybody in town getting ready, and the big blizzard was coming, and the paper said "could dump twenty-foot of snow in Colorado," that night.

123 Brother Tom Simpson is setting present here somewhere tonight, or should be. He was in Canada and was on his road down, and they bypassed. Said, "Bypass Colorado! Great blizzard!" Are you here, Brother Simpson? Where are you? Yes, setting back in the back here. And they told him, "Bypass Colorado. A great blizzard coming on."

124So I--I told sister, and--and another man's wife, Brother Evans'. I don't think Brother Evans is here tonight, 'less he just come in. Are you here, Brother Evans? And I don't think he has gotten here yet. He'll be here at the convention, though. So I called his wife, and I said, "I couldn't get my wife; she's gone out to the store." And I said, "Tell her to tell Brother Tony Stromei," which was the president of the chapter, "if I'm not in there Sunday, get another speaker ready, because I may not be able to get out of here at all. I'm with these men."

125 Then what taken place? The... That night it didn't snow. The next morning, the clouds was real low and angry. I said, "Now, brethren, I've herded cattle in here, for years, and guided. The first little drop of rain, take back to the camp as quick as you can, 'cause within fifteen minutes I've seen the time you couldn't see your hand before you, for two or three days, at a time, twisting blizzard." That's nine thousand feet right there. And I said, "You, you'll just be in a blizzard, and you'll be lost, and you'll die here in the mountains. Now we'll go out..." I placed each man, and I went up over the top. And I said, "Now, if I don't... Don't wait for me to come in. Hurry just as quick as it starts; the first little speck of rain, rush quickly to the camp, and because you won't be able to find your way back." They said they would do it.

126 I climbed high. Coyotes hollering everywhere, and I knew the weather was going to change. Then, all at once, a big blast of wind come, and the sleet begin to fall. And I said, "I guess everybody is headed back."

127Well, I stood and looked around. I thought, "I wish I could find that deer before I go back, because the snow will cover him up, and they won't be found no more till spring." So I thought, "I hunted so hard for that deer, and it was the first deer I ever let get by like that, since I've owned this little rifle, of fifty-five head of game with it." And I thought, "Well, now, I--I just hate to see it get away like that."

128 And just a moment, great big snow drops, looked like quarters, just a falling everywhere, and the wind started blowing, and I could hardly see how to get off the top of this peak. And I knowed to stay on this ridge. And if I went down and hit the creek, I'd go down the creek till I hit a little foot bridge, then I could feel my way up till I got to where the tent was. That's the only way you could get out. And so I thought, "If I ever make a move one way or the other, that's all, you'll never be found, so you'll die right in there."

129So I started back down the mountain, and I got down about, oh, I guess, three hundred yards, or four hundred, from where I was.

130 Now, this sounds strange. But I got a Bible laying here before me, a Heavenly Father bearing me record. I almost in a run, trying to get off, the wind was blowing so hard up there, and I could see about twenty feet in front of me, in the thickets I was in, the timber, and the wind blowing and twisting. And a Voice said, "Stop! Go back where you come from."

131Well, I stopped. I thought, "Maybe that was just the sound of that wind. I wasn't thinking about nothing like that." And I waited just a moment.

132And one of the boys had fixed me a sandwich, and I pulled it out, and it was really a sandwich; and me, raining and sweating, it was just a big lump of--of bread with some meat in, somewhere. Well, I--I was kind of hungry, so I ate it, anyhow. And I was standing there. And I buried the little piece of paper; so, an animal will see those things, and, anything that's civilization, they run and get away.

133So I stood there a little bit, and I thought, "Well, I'll just go on."

134I started on. And just as plain as you hear my voice, Something said, "Turn and go back where you come from."

135"How could that be God telling me to walk into that deathtrap?" I stood there a minute, and I thought, "That's the same One that said about them squirrels."

136The same One I told you about last night, about my wife; just a Voice, just a human Voice. The same One told me, when I was a little boy, "never drink or smoke," and these things would be in the last days. God, and me telling this with the Bible over my heart, what good would it do me to tell you something wrong and know that I'm sending my soul to hell? See? It's true. It's unusual, but it's true.

137 "Well," I thought, "I know enough to obey that Voice. Why would I... He has got some reason for me to go up there. Maybe it's my time to go."

138So I turned, and making my way through the wilderness until I got up to that saddle again, way up, maybe three hundred yards, four hundred above, right straight up the mountain, like that again. And it was so thick up there then, I couldn't see nothing; the wind, and trees just laying over and twisting.

139And I took my rifle, I had on a red shirt and a red cap, and I put the rifle, keep from smoking up the--the scope in it, because bear and stuff move in them kind of times, so does lion; and if I'd run into one, the scope all smoked up. And I just held it up like this, not against me, where it would smoke, but keep the fog out of it, and the wet from the snow. And I set down under a tree.

140 I was sitting there. I thought, "Well, why would He want me to come up here? I--I doubt very much I can find my way down now, the... getting so terrific." I could see about ten or fifteen feet, maybe, and hardly that far, sometimes not over five feet, and getting rougher all the time. Well, I--I thought, "Well, He said come back. All I know to do is set here." And the snow then about an inch, or inch and a half, maybe two inches, on the ground. It'd been about twenty or thirty minutes. And--and it was blowing so hard, it was blowing it away, too. And I just set there just a moment.

141I heard a Voice. He said, "I am the God of Heaven, Who created the heavens and earth."

142I jerked off my hat, cap, and I just set still. And I listened again. I thought, "That wasn't the wind." Oh, it was blowing, making noise.

143 And I heard It again. Said, "I am the One Who stilled the winds upon the mighty sea. I am the One, the Creator. I created squirrels in your presence. I did these things."

I said, "Yes, Lord. I believe You."

144Said, "Stand on your feet." I stood up, to my feet. He said, "Now speak to the storm. It'll do what you tell it to do."

145Now, that is true. I, when I meet you at the Judgment, I'll have all this to answer for. I thought He...

146I said, "Storm, go to your place, stop. And, sun, you shine normally for four days."

147And no more than I had said that, the sleet and hail, which was about to blow me down, just stopped. And within a moment or two, the sun was shining right down through, upon me. And I looked down across the mountains, I see a--a east wind come. The wind was coming from the west. East wind come, and was coming this way, and I could see the clouds just mysteriously... Where they went, I don't know.

148 And I stood there a few moments, tears running down through my beard, and them gray. I thought, "God, how, I don't know what to do."

149I thought, "Well, I was... I guess the brethren are all back in the tent. And the sun is shining everywhere."

150I started walking down the mountain. And the snow all drying up, with that hot sun; steam coming out of my shirt. Just a moment, or two, difference. And I started walking down the mountain. And when I did, I said...

I heard a Voice say, "Why don't you walk with Me?"

151I said, "Lord, the greatest privilege I ever had!" I turned and started back down through the big deer trails, down through that virgin forest.

152And I thought, "Well, I'll walk on down that way to where I always pay my salute to Meda, my wife." And I was going along there some, about a half hour, three-quarters, later. Snow was all dried up and gone.

153And I begin to think, "I wonder why she had never said anything to me about going." I said, "I remember when I first took her up there and lift her over them logs, when we were married." I said, "Now she is gray."

154I went, "Uhm!" The gray beard over my face, black and gray mixed together. I thought, "Bill, you ain't got much longer. You're getting old."

155 And I started moving along. And I looked up, looked like I could see her standing before me there, with her arms out, still black-headed.

156I held my head down. I was going up a little place where some quaking asps, and there's a little crook in a... I just leaned my head against the limb, like this. And I was standing there, crying, and I could hear something going, "Pat, pat, pat." And I looked down; it was the water coming from my eyes, through my beard, hitting on them dry leaves; where, about thirty minutes before, there was an inch of snow, and it blizzarding.

157 When I come down off the mountain, four days later; not one cloud in the sky, for four days later. I come in, and I said to the filling station man, "Did... been pretty dry?"

158"Yes." Said, "You know, the strangest thing, we was predicted a storm the other day, and, you know, it stopped all at once."

159And then I come on down to the New Mexico line, coming back to Arizona. And I said to Billy, my son, I said, "Let's go in here and just see if it was down this way."

160I stopped in there. It was on a Sunday morning. Got some... And I got some gasoline. And the man said, "Well, been hunting?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

"Any luck?"

161I said, "Yes, sir, we had a fine time." I said, "Looks pretty dry."

162And he said, "Yes, it's been awful dry through here." He said, "We was promised a big snow the other day." And said, "You know, the blizzard actually started, and somehow or another it quit." Oh, my! Oh, my!

163 I was standing against the side of this tree. (In closing.) Standing aside of this tree, and the tears dropping from my eyes. I thought, "God!"

164Just think, the same God that said, "Peace, be still," to the waves, and the winds obeyed Him, He is still the same Jesus is right here in the woods with us. He is still the Word. The Word, all nature has to obey His Word, for He is the Creator of nature.

I stood there, and the tears dropping off of my cheeks.

165And for about five years now, I've been off the field, just going to churches and whatever I could. You all know that. And my heart's been burdened. I'd go out here, come to Arizona. And He would tell me things to do, I'd go do it, but look like the revival is over. And I couldn't... wonder what was taking place. In my heart, I'd repent. I'd say, "Lord, if I've done anything, tell me; I'll make it right." Just burdened all the time, just a horrible feeling, and I couldn't have the victory that I wanted.

166Many great things He had done and showed, which you all are witnesses, coming here and telling you about it, seeing the papers pack it, and magazines, and so forth, about the great supernatural things that's been seen and done.

167 But my heart was still heavy. And I was leaning against the bush, just like this. And I thought, "The great God of Heaven. That warm sun shining on me, not a cloud nowhere, and a few moments ago You just--You just contradicted the man's word. Nature did it. How could it be done, Lord? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It was His Word that You just had me to speak." I thought, "Father, how grateful I am!"

168I heard something going... [Brother Branham taps twice on the pulpit--Ed.] And I looked; standing right before me was two, three deer, and they were looking at me. Now, them deer had been shot at, much, in the last week, and there was hunters in there. And here I was dressed in red; anyone knows [Brother Branham snaps his finger] that they're gone that quick. But they were looking at me.

169And, for eating deer, there could have been no better. It was a big doe, two big full-grown fawns. And I thought, "That's just right! We need three deer."

170Something said, "You know, the Lord has put them in your hands."

171 But when I was with the Full Gospel Business Men, Brother Clayton, about a year before, he went with us when I caught that big record fish. That year, for man, I killed nineteen head of elk. And I... the...

172Sometimes, businessmen... Excuse this, my brethren. Some of them are doctors, and, you know, they can't walk; and fat, you know, and many set up to a desk. They say, "Billy, get me one two-year-old. Get me a blue cow. I want a buck. Get me a--a full rack." Well, I just had a jubilee out there, shooting, getting the elk and things.

173But the Lord told me not to do that. And I promised Him, in that blizzard over there in Colorado, not... years before that. I said, "Lord, I'll lead man to the game, but no more kill game for man." No. Not 'less it's an emergency and we have to have it.

174And if you remember, boys, the night before we left. Poor little old brother down there, hadn't got a deer. What's his name? Palmer, come around, and put a ten-dollars tithes in my hand. He said, "Brother Branham, this is my tithes, put it in the church." He said, "Will you get me a deer?" Oh! I...

175 []... stood those three deer, and I had this rifle of mine on my shoulder. I just slipped my shoulder like that. I thought, "They can't get away from me. They're right here." I was too fast with the rifle. "I can get all three of them before they can turn around." See? And I had the rifle. I thought, "There they are, right." I just slipped the rifle...

176Then I happened to think of that promise. I said, "I can't do it. I can't do it." I said, "I remember one time that a man told another, 'God has put Joab in your hands, or Saul,' Joab told David. David said, 'God forbid that I would touch His anointed.' That was my promise, that I wouldn't do it."

177I thought, "They're right atop of this hill. I can roll them right down there; we can pick them up easy. Three fine deer standing there!"

I said, "No, I can't do it."

178 And here this coming up like that, of fawns, two full grown, male and female, and a mother deer. And they come, walking, looking around, great big fat fellows.

179And I stood there a little bit. And I thought, "That's unusual, for deer, and me with this red on like that." I thought, "I'll scare them."

180I said, "You're in my hands! You couldn't get away if you wanted to, but I'm not going to hurt you. Go on!" They just looked at one another, and they kept coming. And they got real close to me, looking at me.

181 Well, I set the rifle down on the ground. I said, "Mother, take your babies and go on out in the woods. I'm here enjoying myself in the Presence of God. I promised that I wouldn't kill game for other people." I said, "Now you take your babies and go on in the woods. I love that woods, too. Go on out!"

182She looked at me. And both of them looked around, all three of them. Then they turned and walked away, and then come back again.

183And I said, "I'm not going to hurt you." I said, "Go on in the woods. You're in my hands. You couldn't get away. But," I said, "I've been in God's hands, and yet I couldn't get away, either. He spared me. I made Him a promise. I'm sparing you. Go on, have a good time, enjoy this woods. I like it. You go on!"

184 They stood there a little while, and walked up close to eat out of my hands, almost; turned around and looked all at me, like that, and walked on off. Stand and looked back again, walked right on out in the woods. And I was standing there. I thought, "That's unusual, for deer. Wonder if it's because that the Lord Jesus is here, His Presence?"

185And just then a Voice spoke to me, said, "You remembered your promise, didn't you?" I knew it was Him.

I said, "Yes, Lord."

186He said, "So do I remember Mine. I'll never leave you. I'll never forsake you."

187That burden lifted. Christian friends, it hasn't been back since. That was last October. I've been a different person.

188Keep your promise to God. Whatever you say to God, you believe it. Separate yourself from anything contrary to His Word. God will hear and answer prayer.

Let us bow our heads just a moment.

189Are you willing to separate yourself, tonight, from all unbelief, to hear the Word of the Lord? If you'll do it, and believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! These things what He has promised to do, we see Him doing it. Will you raise your hands and say, "God, I make You a promise tonight. I believe everything that You promised. I believe every Word; that I'd never doubt no more"?

190 Our Heavenly Father, Thou knowest this story to be true. That was the fourth time. And then the fifth time, was with my own precious wife, when You... Last week, when that doctor writing that statement, that big tumor left before his hand touched her; just according to what I said.

191Now, Father, I pray that You'd help these people. I realize that I'm getting old. I know that I must go soon. And I pray, Lord, that, let me be honest and sincere with my brethren, let be honest and sincere with Your people. If I can't be with them, then I don't think I would be with You, Lord, because I want to bear record of You. And I pray that You'll let the Word so live in us, tonight, that You'll give all of us faith. And by this little gift that...

192People think sometimes that a gift is something that you put in your hands, and go out and cut your way through. A gift is not that, Father. May they understand that a gift is get yourself out of the way, so that the Holy Spirit can do what It wants to do.

193 Lord, let us get ourselves out of the way now, and let the great Holy Spirit come and work through us. And may we see, tonight, the promises of Jesus Christ, that... the One that I referred to especially tonight, Lord, that, that One where God came down before Abraham, manifested in flesh, and knowed the secret of the heart, It was God. And when He was made flesh and dwelt among us, He knew the secret of the heart. And the Bible says that, "The Word of God is a Discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart." That's how the disciples knowed that He was God.

194Now, Father, will You come tonight and let our poor humble tabernacles be dedicated to You, that You'll cause us to believe, that it's Your Spirit might make Itself known among us tonight, that You're still the Word. Then we'll separate ourself from all unbelief and follow You. In Jesus' Name, may You speak to us. Amen.

[Someone gives an exhortation--Ed.]

195 Great God of Heaven, be merciful unto us. Help us, O Lord, to obey Your Commandments. And use us to Thy honor. And we thank Thee for these encouraging words. Now let the Holy Spirit move through us and confirm these words. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

196Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Be of good courage. The time of His Coming is drawing close at hand.

197 Now, tonight, we've got groups of prayer cards. How many in here has prayer cards, raise up your hands. It would be hard for me to go through that group and with the discernment, if the Lord would give it. But let me just take a moment and say this, how many in here doesn't have prayer cards, and you are praying that God will heal you? Now may the Lord God help each one of you.

198I am your brother. Jesus is your Saviour. God is our Father. We are people. We are not of this world, when we're born of God, we're of Above. Now, before we have the prayer line, to pray for the sick... And there is man here on the platform, tonight, that prays for sick, too, and ministers out there that pray for sick. I don't want to leave the impression that I'm the only one who prays for the sick. See? God doesn't... He doesn't have to use me. He could--He could just use you or anybody. The thing is, to believe what He's said to be the Truth.

199 But now, as I have said this in vindication of what has been said, let us just bow our heads just a moment. You that's praying, and you're sick and do not have prayer cards, you pray and say something like this: "Lord Jesus, I know the Bible says that the prayer of faith shall save the sick; God shall raise him up. And it's also said that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

200If He is the same, well, then He'll have to act the same, do the same. And then again, the Bible said that the--the Word of God was sharper than a two-edged sword, and discerned the thoughts that was in the heart. We know that when the Word was made flesh, in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that's exactly what God did through His Son. Jesus said, in Saint John 14, "The works that I do shall you also, even greater and more, for I go to My Father."

201 And now the Bible says, also, in the Book of Hebrews, that He is the High Priest now. Do we all believe that? Certainly. "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Now, "He is." Not I am; He is. No man is. "He is now a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities."

202Now, if you feel and are ready to step out and just turn yourself loose, to your all unbelief, and saying, "Let me touch You, great High Priest!" Now, if He is the High Priest, and the same yesterday, today, and forever, He will act as He did then, because He is the same.

203 A woman touched Him one time when He was here on earth, visibly, with her hand. He felt the touch, and turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" And all of them denied it. But He discerned the thoughts, and He found the woman, told her what was wrong with her, and her faith had healed her.

204Now, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Maybe that woman didn't have a prayer card, but she had faith. And that's all that's necessary. Have faith. Touch the great Physician. And by a Divine gift, if I can just get myself out of the way, let the Holy Spirit say what He wants to do, and do what He wishes to do. And that's a gift, not just imaginary. If it's imaginary, it won't work. If it is real, it works. That's what Jesus said, "It's not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me." So, it couldn't be me. He was the Son of God; I'm a sinner, saved by His grace.

205 Just believe. Don't press. Just believe, and say, "Lord Jesus, let me touch Your garment." Just pray simple. Just keep praying. Everybody stay where you are, just pray and believe.

206Just believe, and don't be in a hurry. Don't try to press. Just believe. Now do you believe, everyone? Can you believe? Just forget all the past. Think that Jesus promised this. I know it's unusual, but Jesus promised it.

207Now, if you will, be reverent just a moment, then we'll start the prayer line. I don't say that He'll do this. He may. By the grace of God, I--I'm released from, I think, from my own thinking. May He...

208 Now you, if you feel to raise your head and just look this a way, and be in prayer. As Peter and John said, "Look on me," not, "look on us," rather, didn't mean... Just to pay attention to what they were saying.

209Now you're a audience. There is hardly anyone in here that I know, outside of--of these Martin boys setting here. And I think this is Brother Daulton setting down here, I'm not sure, with your colored glasses on. I'll try to bypass them there, people which I do not know.

210Well, now may Jesus Christ come with His power, that you might see that the promise of this day, the Scripture that was predicted of this day, even according to Malachi 4, it must be fulfilled. Something has got to do it. God has promised it.

211 There's a lady setting right out here. She is on her road to the hospital tomorrow. She's been in an accident, automobile accident. She has hurt herself, got inward troubles, bad arm. You don't have a... You have a prayer card, lady? You don't. Am I a total stranger to you? I don't know you. We don't know one another. [The sister says, "No, sir. I've heard you preach."--Ed.] Ma'am? ["I've heard you preach."] Just heard me preach, but you know I know nothing about you. Are those things the truth? If that is, raise up your hand. God bless you. All right, sir. Have faith, you won't have to go. Your trouble is over.

What did the lady touch?

212There is a man setting right behind her. Can't you see that Light? Look at that amber-colored Light moving. It's a man setting right behind her. He is praying about something; it's a brother that's in the hospital. Do you believe that God will heal your brother, give him back his right mind and everything, make him right? Do you believe that? I'm a stranger to you. Is that right? That's the con-... Believe! All right, you can have...

What did he touch?

213 Here is a lady, right back behind that, setting back here. She is... See that Light, can you see It? Look here. Look, everybody look, see right here, kind of an amber-looking Circle. Right below It is a lady. She is here, she is praying for someone. It's two children, grandson, great-grandson. The lady is not from here. She is from California, and she has come here requesting prayer.

214Also, there is somebody with her. It's her sister. She sets right back here, with that red dress on. She has epilepsy. That is true. She is from California, and you brought her with her. Your name is Mary. You believe with all your heart. Are those things true? Wave your hand if it's true. Do you believe with all your heart? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Then you can have what you've asked for. Now, anybody wants to ask the people if I knew them... Do you have a prayer card, lady? You don't? You don't need it.

215 Here, here is a man setting right back here, looking at me, on the end of the row. He's got trouble with his knees. If he'd believe that God will heal them knees, he may have what he is praying about. Do you believe it? All right, your knee trouble is over, sir. You have a prayer card? You don't have a prayer card? You don't need it.

Now, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever!"

216A lady setting here, has got female trouble. Do you believe? Yeah, the lady... Oh, my, she is going to miss it. Got a red coat. Her name is Miss Daily. Believe with all your heart. The Lord Jesus Christ make you well, Miss Daily.

217Ask if I know the lady. I never seen her in my life. The Heavenly Father knows that.

You say, "Why did you call her, her name?"

218Well, Jesus said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas." Is that right? Now, isn't that Him, the same yesterday, today, and forever? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe that to be the truth? Now, what did Jesus say? This will occur.

219 And, remember, that was the last sign that was given to the elected Church, Abraham and his bunch, before the promised son appeared. Is that right? God had give Abraham signs all along the journey, and so has He the Church. But when the Angel of the Lord come down and do that, He destroyed the unbelieving Gentiles; and the expected son, that had been waited for, appeared, Isaac.

220This ministry will end soon, and the expected Son will appear, Himself. The Church has come from justification, through the Lutheran; santification, through the Wesleyans; into the baptism of the Holy Ghost, through the Pentecostals; and now winding up to the Headstone ministry, typing all the time right into that Perfect; negative shadow becoming positive, then Jesus will come to catch His Church, someday, those who believe.

221Separate yourself from unbelief, and believe, tonight. Will you do it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

222 Let those who have prayer cards now, beginning... I believe I prayed up to twenty-five, last night. Is that right? I think that's what was set down, number one, twenty-five. Now twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, thirty, line up over here. With prayer cards number one, line up on this side over here. Will you do it now?

223Now, we have the discernment line without the prayer cards. So that people say I was reading what was on their prayer cards, there was... Them people had no prayer card. They're just people setting there, and now it goes on. How many has seen that go for a half hour at a time, or more, like that, see, and things take place! But, you see, we got to hold a little strength. I've got forty-some-odd meetings ahead of me, around down through the South.

224And now move over here, you with your prayer cards, move over on this side. All with the A prayer cards, come over on this side over here, prayer cards A.

225 Now, the rest of us, let us sing to God, Only Believe. Will you do that? All of us together.

Only... (That's all. Just believe what? Believe His Word)... only believe,

All things are possible, only believe;

Only believe...

Lord... Lord...

226[Brother Branham says the following to someone on the platform--Ed.]: Maybe if I'd step right down there, maybe it'd be better? Can we to go down there, pray for the sick? Go down here, pray for the sick? Looks like we can.

227 How many is interested in these people getting healed? Now, see, healing belongs to God. Is that right? Now, if Jesus stood here tonight, with this suit of clothes that He gave me, and was wearing this suit of clothes, Himself, the...

If you would say, "Lord, will You heal me."

228He would say, "I have already done it." "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed." Is that right? See, He has already did it; it's in past.

229You say, "Lord, save me." He has already did it. No matter how much you cry, or pray, and beat on the bench, it won't save you until you believe and accept what He's done for you. Is that right?

230Same thing it is. I do not heal people. I can't heal people. But what would He do, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever? He would do just what He did now, for that's what He promised for the day. How many knows that that's what He's promised? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He has promised it. Yes, sir. He promised it, in all the Scriptures. You all take the tapes, The Seven Church Ages, and things, see those things proven by the Scripture, that it's right.

231 Now, to you standing in this prayer line, to come down that line of discernment. Jesus saw one vision, and He said, "I perceive that virtue has gone from Me." That's strength. Is that right? Visions, you're in another world. Now, He is here. That's Him that you touched. See? Now, it just only identifies that He is here with us.

232Now how many will believe, if we'll just walk through this line, and let me pray and lay hands upon you, and you go back to your seat? Do you believe if I pray for you here, and then lay hands on you, each one of you get well?

233 Do you believe that was the Holy Spirit here? It could just keep on doing it. If you want to forfeit that line, and just keep on for some more, why, we'll do that. See, that's what, the Holy Spirit is here. See? It's not... It's just up to--to your thinking, if it'd make you believe more.

234But many people has been taught, "Lay hands on them." The Bible said, "He sent His Word and healed them." Well, that's what He did just now, confirmed His Word, sent It to you, confirmed It, and It healed them. The Gentile said...

Jew said, "Come, lay hands on my daughter, she'll live."

235The Roman said, "I am not worthy You come under my roof. Just say the word!" Uh-huh. That's what I'm trying to get you to believe, you see.

236But if you want to be prayed for, and hands laid upon you, now I want every one of you to join with me in prayer as we pray for the people.

Let us bow our heads.

237 Lord Jesus, I pray for the people now. They're aware that You're standing here. They know that You're in the midst of the people. And when these people pass over this platform tonight, may they not come, just coming by me, Your servant, or these other servants of Yours setting here. May they realize that they are coming to the temple of the living God, they're coming under a promise that God said, "These signs shall follow them that will believe. When they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." He promised that. He promised that every man that would believe would be saved, and every man that does believe gets saved. Every one that believes in healing gets healed. Father, help our unbelief now.

238You've identified Yourself here tonight, scripturally, to show us that You're here. Now let it come to pass that every person that comes across this platform, or in this audience, may there not be a feeble person among us when the service is over. May the great Holy Spirit come among His people and anoint us, every one, Lord, all these ministers, all these servants of Yours setting here, by the hundreds. Father, I pray that each of our prayers will go to You while we're in the Divine Presence of Your Being. And may these people understand, as they pass this platform, that tonight is the night of their healing, if they can believe it.

239 Now I want every one to continue in prayer as the people come by, and I'll be laying hands upon each one for their healing.

240Come, sir. I pray for this, my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.

241I pray for this, my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.

242I pray for my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen.

243I pray for my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing.

I pray for my sister, in Jesus' Name, for her healing.

I pray for my sister, in Jesus' Name, for her healing.

244I pray for my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing.

245I pray for my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing.

246I pray for my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing.

I pray for my brother, in Jesus' Name, that You'll heal him.

247I lay hands upon our brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing.

248I lay my hands upon this brother, in Jesus' Name, for his healing.

249With my hands laid upon this brother, I ask for his healing, in Jesus' Name, while he's in the Divine Presence here now of Your anointing.

250 Heal this, my sister, Father, I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name. [The sister says, "Thank You, Jesus."--Ed.]

251[]... Jesus Christ's Name, let him be healed.

252Likewise, upon my brother here, Father, I lay my hands. In Jesus' Name, let him be healed.

253Father, God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands upon my sister. Let her be healed, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

254Our Father, I lay hands upon this brother, and ask for his healing, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

255In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands upon my brother, and ask for his healing, for the glory of God. Amen.

256Our Heavenly Father, I lay hands upon my brother, and I ask for his healing. Connecting my prayer, Lord, with his prayer, and the prayer of the church that You've gathered tonight. My hands upon him, identifying my faith in the Son of God, I ask his healing. Amen.

257Now we got some wheel-chair cases here to pray for. []

258Jesus said, one time, "Know ye what I've done to you?" I've done just what God commanded to be done.

259 Now let us pray together, each one. As you put your mind upon God, hold your prayer. Remember, believe now, believe with us. Each one of you here, that's sick, and maybe you didn't have a prayer card...

260Now, we'll be giving out prayer cards again, tomorrow night, at six-thirty or seven, something like that, six-thirty or seven, so we'll have prayer line again tomorrow night. I'm sorry that I kept you a little late tonight, on account of the prayer line. May God bless you.

Now let us bow our heads again.

261 As we pray, Father, we forgive every man his sin against us. If there be found anything in us, that's unlike You, forgive us, Lord. For, we're told that we're to be "written epistles of God, read of all man." And as we have obeyed Your Commandments, seen Your Presence identifying Yourself with us; people has walked up to this platform, testifying of their faith. We've laid hands upon them, Father. Not just as one of us, but all of us together, in prayer, we've laid hands upon them, believing that You will heal their bodies.

262You said, when You were here on earth, "if you ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it." Jesus of... Son of God, that was Your promise, Lord.

263And the One that made the promise has identified Himself here tonight to fulfill His promise. So it--it's been carried out, Your Commandments, laying hands on the sick. Now, let it be done. It's been written, let it be done. Let the power of Jesus Christ break tonight, and separate every person in here, from any unbelief, and let the Presence of Jesus Christ, the Word, Who knows the thoughts of our heart, let It take preeminence tonight in every heart.

264 And we rebuke Satan and all of his powers of darkness, all of his powers of unbelief. The Spirit of God has raised up a standard against you, Satan. You are a defeated being. Jesus Christ defeated you at Calvary.

265He raised up, the third day, triumph over death, hell, and the grave. He ascended on High and give gifts to man. He is here in Person tonight. He said, "A little while and the world will see Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." We see His Presence here tonight, fulfilling His Word. By faith we believe that every sick person in here shall be healed, for the glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

266And the people said, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God bless you. Back to the brother.

1        ...miesta Písma, týchto pár miest Písma, ktoré som si tu zapísal, na to, čo chcem, čo by som nazval ako text. Neviem, či by som to nazval textom alebo nie. Ale len ako text, chcem vziať túto myšlienku, „Božie Slovo volá do úplného oddelenia sa od nevery.“

2        A teraz by som chcel čítať z Biblie z Genesis, z 13.kapitoly Genesis. Chceme začať čítať od 5.verša, čítať. Ja jednoducho milujem čítať Slovo. Pretože to, čo ja poviem, môže zlyhať, to je človek. Ale ak ja len čítam Slovo, to, čo On hovorí, to nemôže zlyhať. Tak potom viem, že z toho vyjde dobré. Ak by nebolo nič iné, len ako čítanie Slova. Začneme 5.veršom z 13.kapitoly.

Ale aj Lot, ktorý išiel s Abramom, mal drobný dobytok, hovädá a stány.

A nemohla ich uniesť zem, tak aby boli mohli bývať spolu, lebo mali mnoho majetku a nemohli bývať spolu.

Tak povstala zvada medzi pastiermi dobytka Abramovho a medzi pastiermi dobytka Lotovho. A Kananej a Ferezej býval vtedy v zemi.

Preto povedal Abram Lotovi: Nech nie je, prosím, rozbroja medzi mnou a medzi tebou, medzi mojimi pastiermi a medzi tvojimi pastiermi, lebo sme mužovia-bratia.

Či nie je pred tebou celá zem? Oddeľ sa, prosím, odo mňa! Ak pojdeš naľavo, ja pojdem napravo, a keď pojdeš napravo, ja pojdem naľavo.

A Lot pozdvihol svoje oči a videl celé okolie Jordána, pretože bolo celé zavlažované, predtým než zkazil Hospodin Sodomu a Gomoru; celý ten kraj bol ako zahrada Hospodinova, jako Egyptská zem, ako ideš do Coára.

A Lot si vyvolil celé okolie Jordána a Lot sa rušal od východu. A tak sa oddelili brat od brata;

Abram býval v zemi Kanaána, a Lot býval v mestách toho okolia a posunoval svoje stány až po Sodomu.

Ale Sodomänia boli zlí a hriešni, ktorí veľmi hrešili proti Hospodinovi.

A Hospodin riekol Abramovi, keď sa už bol od neho oddelil Lot: Nože pozdvihni svoje oči a vidz, od miesta, na ktorom si, na sever a na juh, na východ a na západ, k moru;

lebo celú tú zem, ktorú vidíš, dám tebe a tvojmu semenu až na veky.

3        Teraz, tá myšlienka, „Božie Slovo volá do úplného oddelenia.“ My toto poznáme len ako čítame Slovo, a ako vidíme to Slovo manifestovať sa.

4        No, na počiatku v Genesis 1:3 nachádzame, že bola temnosť na zemi a Duch Boží sa vznášal nad vodami a povedal, „Nech je svetlo“ a bolo svetlo. A Boh videl, že to svetlo je dobré a Boh oddelil svetlo od tmy. Tak Slovo Božie od počiatku začalo oddeľovať svetlo od tmy, a tak to zostáva do tohto dňa.

5        A ako som povedal minulý večer, že Ježiš, keď mal len dvanásť rokov a jeho matka urobila chybu, tá, o ktorej ľudia tvrdia, že je matka Božia, a ako tá žena povedala, že „Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa so slzami hľadali.“

6        A On, tým, že bol Slovom, rýchlo povedal, „Či neviete, že Ja musím byť vo veciach Svojho Otca?“

7        Vidíte, ona Ho vyhlasovala za Jozefovho syna, ale On nebol Jozefov syn. Ak by On bol Jozefov syn, tak by bol s ním, ale On bol so Svojím Otcom v Jeho veciach. Tak Slovo vždy napráva a vždy je správne. Slovo vždy napraví každý omyl, vždy.

8        No, keď zem, ktorú Boh išiel použiť, zem, a ona bola v úplnej temnosti, Duch Boží prehovoril a povedal, „Nech je svetlo“ a oddelil svetlo od temnosti. A to sa odvtedy vždy deje, oddeľovanie svetla od temnosti. Božie Slovo tam na počiatku tiež oddelilo vodu od zeme. Boh prehovoril a voda sa oddelila od zeme. A tak On mal na to dôvod.

9        Boh nikdy nehovorí Slovo pokiaľ nemá nejaký dôvod prehovoriť to Slovo. On nie je ako ty a ja, ktorí len... alebo zvlášť ja, ktorý hovorí tak mnoho bláznivých vecí. Boh hovorí každé Slovo s nejakým významom a niečo, čo sa On snaží dosiahnuť a dosiahne to skrze Svojo Slovo a ono presne vykoná to, čo On povedal, že to vykoná.

10        No ak Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a nebolo by žiadne svetlo, potom to nie je... to nebolo to, čo Boh povedal, rozumiete?

11        Keď Boh niečo hovorí, On musí podporiť to, čo On hovorí. A keď Slovo Božie bolo potvrdené, Slovo bolo potvrdené, tak to je svetlo. No, Slovo samo nie je svetlom, pokiaľ nie je potvrdeným svetlom.

12        Ak Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a nebolo by žiadne svetlo, potom to nebolo Božie Slovo. Ale keď sa na zemi objavilo svetlo, to ukázalo, že Slovo bolo potvrdené a to bolo Svetlo.

13        No dnes, ak Boh dal zasľúbenie, a keď je to zasľúbenie potvrdené, potom to je Svetlo. To je Svetlo dňa, keď to Slovo je potvrdené, Slovo na tú hodinu je potvrdené.

14        Potom Boh išiel mať zem, na ktorej išiel pestovať vegetáciu, a kde by On mal na zemi ľudí, a potom prehovoril a oddelil vody od mora. Potom tiež On v Genesis oddelil život od smrti.

15        No ak veríme Božiemu Slovu, Ono je pre nás Slovom života. Ale ak Slovo Božie spochybňujeme, je pre nás smrťou. Pretože Boh prehovoril, tak kto to môže poprieť, rozumiete? A ak my Slovo Božie spochybňujeme, potom sa stáva smrťou.

16        Ako Eva, no Eva spochybnila jednu malú časť Božieho Slova a čo to urobilo? Zapríčinilo to všetky tieto problémy, ktoré máme. Ak by ona bola zostala za Slovom, opevnená za Slovom, za celou zbrojou Božou a nespochybnila to, potom by sa to nikdy nebolo stalo tak, ako sa to stalo, nikdy by to nebolo takto. Ale vidíte, tam prišla smrť.

17        Potom Boh mal tiež zmierenie. Tým, že bol ku nám milostivý, On prijal zástupnú smrť za ich smrť...       

18        On tiež oddelil v záhrade Eden život od smrti a On to urobil skrze Svoje Slovo.       

19        A dnes robí to isté. Keď sme my vo veľkej temnosti, ako som o tom hovoril minulú nedeľu: temnosť na zemi a na ľuďoch veľká temnosť; uprostred všetkého tohto, On stále hovorí Svoje Slovo života ku tým, ktorí chcú veriť. A teraz nachádzame, že ak...

20        Ježiš nám ustavične hovoril, že existuje oddelenie. Nachádzame, že tá posledná vec, ktorá je ľudskej rase predpovedaná pred tým veľkým finálnym dňom, keď vystúpime do prítomnosti Božej, bude posledné oddelenie. On oddelí ovce od kozlov.

21        Boh bude oddeľovať, a On ustavične oddeľoval, oddeľoval, a to je to, čo On robí dnes večer. To je to, čo On vždy robí. Môžete to vidieť na každom zhromaždení. On oddeľuje vieru od nevery, On hovorí, On vyhlasuje Samého Seba ku tým, ktorí Mu budú veriť a budú mať vieru v Neho.       

22        No, teraz zisťujeme v Numeri, v 6.kapitole, že povolanie nazareja, povolanie nazareja bolo oddeliť sa od celého sveta ku Slovu Božiemu. To je povolanie nazareja, oddelenie.       

23        Zisťujeme, že Samson bol nazarejom pre Pána a on bol oddelený od... skrze znamenie. A toto znamenie bolo, že mal nosiť svoje vlasy dlhé so siedmimi vrkočmi. To bolo znamenie oddelenia, že bol povolaný ku nejakému účelu.

24        A ja nechcem o tomto začínať, pretože som povedal... že budem hovoriť len pár minút.

25        Ale myslím, že dnes, keď vidíme naše sestry, ako nosia dlhé vlasy, ako Biblia povedala, že by mali, myslím, že to je nazarejské znamenie, že ony chcú nasledovať Pána. Viem, že to znie plytko, ale chcem, aby to bolo jasným, rozumiete, pretože to tak je. Zdá sa, že niekto sa to snaží robiť, zadržiavať niečo, čo im Boh povedal, aby činili. Bez ohľadu na cenu, ten svet o tom musí povedať to svoje, alebo koľko posmievačov, vysmievačov alebo kritikov... to nenaruší osobu, ktorá je úplne oddelená od vecí sveta ku veciam Božím. Oni budú poslúchať Slovo a oddelia sa od vecí sveta, pretože Slovo ich oddeľuje.

26        Viem, že musia čeliť kritike. Ale ak by sme neboli kritizovaní, potom by tam niečo nebolo v poriadku. Svet vždy pozná svojich vlastných. Ale ako som povedal, že … pamätajte, kritika kvôli Slovu Božiemu, sú len rastúce bolesti Jeho milosti. To ukazuje, že si sa oddelil, aby si bol Kresťanom, aby si tak konal, aby si tak žil, aby si poslúchal každé prikázanie Božie. A to je nazarejský sľub, oddeliť sa, povolanie od Boha, ktoré ťa oddeľuje od vecí toho sveta.

27        Dnes večer verím, že každý muž alebo žena, každý chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí sú narodení z Ducha Božieho, sú nazarejom pre Pána. Pretože oni sa oddelili od tých vecí, sami seba, od tých starostí toho sveta a od čohokoľvek, čo má svet do povedania.

28        Vy žijete tu, v tomto meste, kde sú veľké školy. A my vidíme, že náš národ volá po vyššom štandarde vzdelávania, čo je v poriadku, nič proti tomu, ale vzdelanie ti nemôže dať spasenie. Nejaký vedec dokáže rozdeliť zrnko pšenice a dokáže ti povedať, koľko je v tom rôznych chemikálií, ale nedokáže nájsť ten život, ktorý tam je. Vzdelanie ťa dokáže naučiť matematiku a môže ťa naučiť históriu a čokoľvek ďalšie, ale nedokáže ti priniesť svetlo. Tvoje vzdelanie to neurobí.

29        Boh má jeden spôsob ako ti priniesť svetlo. To je vtedy, keď si pripravený oddeliť sa od všetkých vecí toho sveta a všetkých starostí tohto sveta, priľnúť jedine k Božiemu zaľúbenému Slovu.

30        Pavol bol nazarejom pre Pána. Bol oddelený od svojej ortodoxnej cirkvi ku Slovu živého Boha.

31        Áron bol nazarejom pre Pána. Bol oddelený od svojich bratov, aby niesol tie kamene narodenia, a aby bol veľkňazom.

32        Je to úplné oddelenie. My sa nemáme už viac vracať do sveta alebo mať niečo do činenia s tým svetom, ale máme ľnúť jedine ku Bohu. Ježiš si prichádza pre Nevestu, Ženu, Cirkev, ktorá je oddelená od vecí z tohoto sveta, alebo starostí toho sveta. Ona je oddelená od módy tohto moderného veku, v ktorom žijeme. Ona je oddelená od starostí tradícií cirkví. Ona je oddelená jedine ku Bohu a Boh je Slovo. A tak, ako manžel a manželka sú jedno, tak sa Nevesta a Slovo stávajú jedno, pretože Slovo žije skrze Nevestu. To je to, ako... to sú jej poverovacie listiny, to je jej identifikácia.

33        Ak by som mohol vytiahnuť nejaký titul Ph.D. alebo LL.D., a ukázať vám svoje poverovacie listiny od nejakej organizácie, alebo z nejakej školy, tá škola by tie poverovacie listiny rozpoznala.

34        Ale jediná poverovacia listina, ktorú veriaci má, je Slovo Božie žijúce v ňom, vyhlasujúce, že Ježiš Kristus žije v tej osobe. To je oddelený nazarej pre Pána, oddelený kvôli Slovu. Biblia hovorí, že Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce do... rozdeľujúce až do špiku kosti a rozlišuje myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa Ježiš mohol pozrieť na tých ľudí a prezrieť, čo si oni mysleli; On bol Slovom.

35        No, prvý Adam, ktorý sa narodil na svete, alebo nie narodil, ale bol stvorený Bohom, ten prvý Adam sa oddelil od Slova ku svojej žene. No, on mohol zostať so Slovom, ak by si to prial. Ale on sa oddelil od Slova, aby bol so svojou ženou.

36        To je presne to, čo rádový, telesný člen cirkvi robí dnes, oddeľuje sa od toho pravého, žijúceho Slova, aby držal so svojou cirkvou, kde to... Eva postavila otáznik na Slovo, či by ju Boh potrestal, alebo nie. Satan postavil otázku, Eva tomu uverila.

37        A potom, keď cirkev dnes kladie otázku na Slovo „Je On ten istý? Či On stále žije vo svojej cirkvi a koná svoje znamenia a zázraky, ktoré robil vtedy, keď bol tu na zemi, čo nám bolo tak pevne zasľúbené v sv.Jánovi 14:12?“

38        „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím, aj on bude činiť, dokonca väčšie ako tieto bude činiť, lebo Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Budú ich nasledovať!

39        Otázkou pre tých ľudí dnes je: „Či to On skutočne tak myslí?“ A keď prijmeš to, čo hovorí cirkev: „Či to On skutočne myslí“, potom kladieš samého seba do toho istého stavu, v akom bol Adam a pripájaš sa k tej žene, cirkvi tohto sveta a oddeľuješ sa od požehnaní, ktoré Boh zasľúbil každému veriacemu, ktorý sa oddelil od sveta ku Slovu. No, to je pravda.

40        My sme, my máme to privilégium žiť v tom dni, keď Slovo Božie, ktoré sme uvideli, že je udelené cez každý vek, že určité veci sa majú stať. A keď je toto udelené, niekedy sa človek diví, ako sa to stane. Profesori majú svoju vlastnú ideu. Ale v tých vekoch Boh vždy posielal svojho proroka. A Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi a potvrdzuje to Slovo tej generácii. A prorok bol vždy nazarejom, oddeleným od všetkého iného, aby poslúchal Božie Slovo.

41        Či si nepamätáte, čo povedali Peter a Ján, „Či je správne pre nás poslúchať človeka alebo Boha?“ Keď sa ich snažili spochybniť ohľadne prežitia Letníc.

42        No, keď sa ten prvý človek oddelil, ten prvý Adam, od Slova, aby išiel so svojou ženou, to spochybnilo, či Boh zachoval svoje Slovo alebo nie.

43        Čo za dokonalý typ vlažného, telesne mysliaceho veriaceho dnes, ktorý stále chce ľnúť ku tomu, čo ich tradícia hovorí, namiesto vziať to, čo Slovo hovorí. Skutočne reálny typ. On bol oddelený ku svojej žene. Telesný veriaci je oddelený od Slova ku svojej cirkvi.

44        Ale keď bol stvorený ten druhý Adam v lone ženy a prišiel na svet, On bol nazarejom ku Slovu Božiemu. On bol oddelený od sveta ku Slovu. No, Židom, 7.kapitola, 26.verš nám hovorí, že tí kňazi ustavične zomierali, ale tento Ježiš bol svätý a oddelený od hriešnikov.

45        Hriech je neveriť. Tam v Ňom nebola nikde nájdená žiadna nevera. Keď bol tu na zemi, povedal, „Kto ma môže usvedčiť z hriechu? Hriech je nevera. Ak som neučinil presne to, čo je prorokované na tento vek, ak som nesplnil požiadavky toho, čo Mesiáš má robiť, potom mi neverte. On povedal, skúmajte Písma, lebo sa domnievate, že v nich máte večný život a ony sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne,“ hovoria, kto On je.

46        Pretože to bolo prorokované už od Edenu, že príde Spasiteľ. Prorok povedal, že sa narodí z panny, a ako On bude nazvaný „Emanuel.“

47        A on bol tiež „Radca, Knieža pokoja, Mocný Boh,“ A to je to, prečo Ho obviňovali, že sa robí Bohom, a On bol Bohom, Kniežaťom pokoja, Mocným Bohom a Večným Otcom.

48        Neexistuje žiaden iný Otec okrem Neho, duchovne hovoriac. On je ten jediný Otec, Otec nás všetkých a my zisťujeme, všetci veriaci, že On je Otcom všetkých, ktorí budú veriť Jeho Slovu, lebo On bol úplne oddelený od cirkvi, od tradícií, od jeho matky, od sveta, a robil jedine to, čo sa ľúbilo Bohu.

49        No, On bol odlišnou osobou od Adama. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek spochybňoval, pre Neho Slovo, to bolo Slovo, ktoré bolo vždy prvé. A On dokázal, že to Slovo má pravdu.

50        Keď sa Mu to satan snažil vybieliť a povedal, „Je napísané...“, On povedal, „Áno, a je tiež napísané...“ On obstál pri satanovi so Slovom, pretože to je to, čo On bol, Slovo.

52        V Biblii, 1.Jána, sv.Ján, 1.kapitola, on povedal, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh, a to Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky.

53        Vždy existuje spojenie s vypovedaným Slovom Božím a Božím zasľúbením na ten deň. A keď to prichádza, je to tak neobvyklé, až to ľudia môžu sotva uchopiť, pretože my sme takí zošití do foriem a ideí z nás samých, že je pre nás ťažké uchopiť to, čo je pravda.

54        Myslím, že mnoho z toho by sa vzťahovalo na Jozefa vo dňoch Márie počas jej tehotenstva. Mala sa stať matkou a Jozef ju miloval a chcel veriť. On bol spravodlivým mužom, dobrým mužom a on chcel tomu príbehu, ktorý mu Mária hovorila, veriť, ale stále tam bola otázka, že „no, ona je dobrá žena.“ Bezpochyby mu Mária tú návštevu Gabriela vysvetlila. A on bol spravodlivým mužom z línie Dávida.

55        A pritom, čo sa jej týka, zdalo sa, že ona sa ho snaží použiť ako štít, aby to sňalo jej pohanenie, pretože, ak ona bola s ním zasnúbená, a byť takto v tomto stave nájdená, to bolo to isté ako cudzoložstvo (Deuteronomium nám tak hovorí) a bola by za ten skutok ukameňovaná. A tak sa zdalo, že ona ho používa ako štít.

56        A ten muž, dobrý muž, spravodlivý muž, Biblia hovorí, že on bol spravodlivým mužom, ale jej prípad bol taký neobvyklý, že on to nedokázal uchopiť. On sa pozrel do jej milej tváre, a tá úprimnosť a čestnosť, v ktorej mu ona porozprávala ten príbeh. A bezpochyby, že on išiel domov, alebo do svojej tesárskej dielne a povedal, „Nedokážem si predstaviť, že by mi povedala niečo zlé, ale ten prípad je taký neobvyklý.“

57        Ak by on len bol skúmal Písma, že „Panna počne!“ Vidíte, to bolo pre neho také neobvyklé, pretože to bolo mimo spôsobu jeho myslenia, ale ona bola presne v Písme.

58        A tak je to dnes, bratia, že moc vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista a Jeho zasľúbeného Slova tejto hodiny je tak neobvyklé, že dobrý človek sa na tom potkne. Je to príliš neobvyklé. Oni povedia, že mŕtvi boli vzkriesení, slepí vidia, hluchí počujú, Duch Svätý rozpoznáva myšlienky, predpovedá veci, ktoré sa idú stať, ani raz to nezlyhalo. Ó, oni to nedokážu uchopiť. Je to tak neobvyklé, že oni povedia, „No, to je telepatia, alebo to je zlý duch,“ práve tak, ako to robili v tom dni, tá neobvyklosť Božieho Slova.

59        Ale keď je človek narodený na svet, veriaci, on sa stáva nazarejom, keď sa oddeľuje od všetkého, čo je v protiklade so Slovom, úplné oddelenie! Ježiš povedal, „Prišiel som oddeliť muža od svojej ženy, roztrhať rodinu, a ten, kto nevezme svoj kríž, a nenasleduje Ma, nie je hoden, aby bol Mnou zavolaný. Oddelenie od všetkého, čohokoľvek, od cirkvi, od komunity, od vyznania, alebo od rodiny, alebo čohokoľvek, čo by stálo medzi tebou a vierou v kompletné Božie Slovo. A keď tvoja duša nezdôrazňuje každé zasľúbenie na túto hodinu s „amen“, tak niečo niekde nie je v poriadku. Potrebuješ oddelenie.

60        Tak Ježiš bol Slovom, ktoré bolo učinené telom, a On bol kompletne oddelený od hriešnikov, neveriacich, že Slovo samo kompletne plynulo a celkom cez neho tieklo, lebo On povedal, „Ja nerobím nič, čo nevidím prv robiť svojho Otca.“ Oni sa pýtali, dávali Mu ohľadne tohto otázky. On povedal, „Amen vám hovorím, že Syn nemôže činiť nič Sám, len to, čo vidí činiť Svojho Otca. A sledujte, všetko, čo On povedal, bolo dokonalé. On len, On sa na to nemusel pýtať, rozmýšľať o tom, bolo to dokonalé. A Jeho dokonalá pravda vždy oddeľovala pravdu od bludu.

61        Dokonca, ako som tam znovu citoval, jeho matka povedala, „Tvoj otec a ja...“, pred tými kňazmi, kde ona už predtým svedčila, že On bol panensky narodený Syn. Ale vo chvíľach svojho zármutku...

62        Ako mohol dvanásťročný chlapec, a my nemáme o Ňom žiaden záznam, že vôbec chodil do školy, ako mohla byť Jeho inteligencia taká veľká, že debatoval s kňazmi, múdrymi, učenými ľuďmi? A keď ona povedala, že tento Jozef bol Jeho otcom, tak rýchlo Božie Slovo... On bol oddelený, On bol Slovom, a Slovo napravilo blud. „Či neviete, že Ja musím byť vo veciach Svojho Otca?“ To nebol len ten malý dvanásťročný chlapec, to bolo Slovo Božie hovoriace cez Jeho malé detské ústa, aby napravili blud, oddelili, ako to On urobil na počiatku, temnosť od svetla, klamstvo od pravdy, smrť od života.

63        Je to oddelenie. Slovo vždy vyžaduje úplné a kompletné oddelenie, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, Ježiš povedal, „Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Moje pravdou.“

64        Cez všetky veky sa diala táto istá vec, je to oddeľovanie. On vždy oddeľuje svojich ľudí od nevery. Urobil to na počiatku, On to robí takisto dnes. Každý jeden z prorokov bol oddelený od nevery. Oni, ten dôvod, prečo to robili, je, že Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku nim.

65        No, verím, že večer niekde, možno to bolo tu v nedeľu alebo minulý večer, kde som hovoril na to slovo „vidiaci“, kde som hovoril, čo ono znamenalo v Starom Zákone. To znamenalo, že to je muž, prorok, muž, ktorý povie budúce udalosti, ktoré sa idú stať. Potom, keď sa oni presne stali, bez zlyhania, udiali sa presne, ako On povedal, potom Boh povedal, „Počúvajte toho muža, alebo počujte ho, bojte sa ho, pretože Ja som s ním.“ Potom on mal Božský výklad toho napísaného Slova, pretože to boli jeho poverovacie listiny identifikácie, že on bol Božím prorokom, a že prišlo k nemu Slovo. To je pravda.

66        Tak, oddelenie. To oddelilo Izaiáša od cirkevného sveta. To oddelilo Mojžiša od cirkevného sveta. To oddelilo všetkých veľkých prorokov počas tých vekov od cirkevného sveta. Pretože oni mali... To oddelilo Ježiša od Jeho bratov. To oddelilo apoštolov od cirkvi, ktorá bola v tom dni, od farizejov, sadúcejov, veľkých ľudí, svätých ľudí, dobrých ľudí, milých ľudí, pokorných ľudí, ľudí, ktorí mali viac ovocia ducha, ako preukázal Ježiš.

67        Ale čo boli Jeho poverovacie listiny? To, že Slovo bolo s Ním. Slovo zasľúbenia na ten deň žilo skrze Neho. On povedal, „Kto z vás Ma usvedčí od hriechu? Kto z vás môže povedať na niečo, čo som tvrdil a nestalo sa?“ Pretože On ukázal, že On bol oddeleným nazarejom Pánovým, On bol Sám Pán v tele.

68        Takisto Abrahám, on bol oddelenou osobou od sveta, keď Boh povolal Abraháma, keď mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov „Oddeľ sa od svojich príbuzných a od všetkej nevery a vyjdi do sveta, v ktorom si nikdy predtým nekráčal, a medzi ľudí, ktorých si nikdy nepoznal. Vyjdi a oddeľ sa od kohokoľvek, kto bude v protiklade ku tomu, čo veríš, aby si bol nazarejom pre Pána.“ Pretože on držal zasľúbenie syna. Musel sa oddeliť od svojho otca, od svojej matky, od svojich príbuzných.

69        A čo ho oddelilo? Nie to, že bol dobrým človekom, ale pretože veril, že Boh je schopný dodržať zasľúbenie, ktoré mu dal.

70        A o dvadsaťpäť rokov neskôr... a to dieťa stále neprišlo, Sára mala deväťdesiat a on sto. A keď ho navštívil Anjel Pánov, na ktorého sa Ježiš odvolával, že v tých posledných dňoch príde znovu. Boh v ľudskej forme si sadol pred neho a rozprával sa s ním. A Sára, ktorá mala takmer sto rokov, sa smiala v stane za ním, pretože ten Anjel povedal, „Ja ťa navštívim podľa času zasľúbenia.“

71        A ona povedala, „Ja, stará, a mala by som znova rozkoš s mojím pánom, keď on je tiež starý?“

72        A tento Muž, ktorý bol Bohom v tele, povedal, „Prečo sa Sára v stane smiala?“ No, ona vybehla von a snažila sa to poprieť. Ale on povedal, „Ale áno, smiala si sa.“ Pretože ona neverila, že by to mohla byť pravda.

73        No, všimnite si, Ježiš povedal, že to príde znovu. „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Znovu príde Duch Boží na smrteľné ľudské telo. Ten Muž jedol mäso z kozľaťa, pil mlieko z kravy, jedol maslo a chlieb v ľudskom tele. A Abrahám povedal, že On je Elohim, Boh prejavený v tele. Ježiš zasľúbil, že Boh, pred Svojím príchodom, bude znovu prejavený v ľudskom tele. To je Duch Svätý - existuje len jeden Boh, ktorý sa prejavuje, a On znovu oddeľuje Lóta od Abraháma.

74        Lót chcel svet. Boh roztrhal jeho svet a oddelil Abraháma od Lóta. Lót, súc typom znovu telesného veriaceho, ktorý si nemyslel, že tieto veci sú pravdivé, on len išiel dolu do Sodomy. A on nemal tú skutočnú guráž, postaviť sa proti tomu a nazvať to, čo bolo správne, správnym, a to, čo bolo zlé, zlým, tak išiel tam dolu.

75        Všetci títo veriaci, ako by sme mohli o nich hodiny pokračovať, všetci títo boli tak, ako trochu drobných v tvojom vrecku, v Božích rukách. Vytiahnete hŕbu drobákov. Sú tam centovky, päťcentovky, desaťcentovky, štvrťdoláre, poldoláre, dolár, všetko v minciach. No, to je to, čím je svet v Božej ruke. Sú ľudia, ktorí majú hodnotu len centovky a Boh ich môže použiť jedine v spôsobe centu. To je všetko, čo si oni môžu kúpiť. Neodmietajte ich, ak nedokážu veriť tej skutočnej pravde, neodvrhujte ich, nevykopnite ich von a nepovedzte, že oni v tom nie sú, pretože Boh tiež niekedy používa centovky.

76        Lót bol iba centovkou, Abrahám bol strieborný dolár. Tak bolo potrebných sto Lótov, aby to učinilo Abraháma. A tak bude potrebných... sto telesných veriacich nebude nikdy schopných stáť v prítomnosti skutočného Kresťana, ktorý je oddelený od telesných vecí tohto sveta, žijúci v Ježišovi Kristovi, kde Slovo môže cez neho pretekať.

77        On môže zobrať iba hodnotu centovky, to je všetko, čo má. Tak vidíte ľudí, ktorí hovoria, „Ja neverím v uzdravenie, neverím v tieto veci.“ Len poznávaš, že to je centovka, ale len ho nechaj tak, rozumiete? Len hodnota centovky, a to je všetko, čo si môže kúpiť. Nezastavujte ho, len ho nechajte tak. Pamätajte, to je len to, pokiaľ on môže ísť. Jozef bol oddelený od svojich bratov.

78        Áno, nemyslel som to tak tvrdo, ako som to povedal. Mám na mysli, že ak on len „No, ja patrím ku tomu, a to je všetko, čo veríme,“ to je len centovka, choď ďalej, rozumiete, len centovka, povedzte, „No, nech ťa Pán žehná, môj brat.“

79        Vidíte, on je meď, nikdy nemôže byť striebrom, to je všetko, tak len ho nechajte ísť ďalej. Boh ho môže použiť, ó, On to používa. Radšej by som ho videl dolu v cirkvi, ako vidieť ho niekde v bare na rohu. Vy nie? Iste, tak len to nechajte tak, Boh to môže jednako použiť. Možno nie veľmi, ale On použije, čo môže použiť, pokiaľ Ho oni len nechajú použiť ich.

80        Tak, je to taký hrubý spôsob, ako niečo vyjadriť, ale ja... no dúfam, že dostávate tú pravdu toho, čo mám na mysli v tom, toho, čo to znamená.

81        On nedokáže veriť v rozpoznanie a tie moci Božie, ktoré sú zasľúbené na tento deň.

82        Tí farizeji to tiež nedokázali. Oni nedokázali vidieť, že Ježiš je Boh. On je. „Ty sa robíš Bohom, a pritom si človek!“

83        Jedného dňa tam On stál, potom, ako rozmnožil pre nich bochníky chleba a tak ďalej, a povedal, „Ak nebudete jesť chlieb tela Syna človeka a piť Jeho Krv, nie je vo vás žiaden život.“

84        Ó, predstavujem si, že Jeho zhromaždenie od Neho odišlo preč. „Tento človek očakáva, že budeme kanibali, jesť niekoho telo? Ó, to je bláznovstvo.“ Doktori a lekári atď, povedali, „Ten človek sa zbláznil, to je všetko, čo na tom je. Kňaz má pravdu. Tamten sa zbláznil. Dať nám jesť Jeho telo?“

85        To je všetko, čo povedal, rozumiete, ale tá duchovná myseľ, možno to nedokázali porozumieť. Tí učeníci, oni nevedeli presne, čo to znamená, ale oni to jednako verili, pretože odkiaľ to prišlo? To prišlo od toho, o ktorom vedeli, že je Syn Boží.

86        Možno nie som schopný rozumieť všetko, čo je tu, ale verím tomu, je to Božie Slovo. Chcem sa oddeliť od všetkého, čo je s tým v protiklade. Stále som sa snažil takto stáť.

87        Všimnite si ďalšiu skupinu, sedemdesiatich. On ich povolal. Jedného dňa On stál, hovoril ku nim a povedal, „Syn človeka vystúpi do neba, odkiaľ prišiel.“

88        Oni povedali, „Tento človek? On nás vzal na miesto, kde sa narodil. Poznáme Jeho matku, Máriu. No, poznáme jeho bratov, poznáme všetkých. A potom tento človek ide vziať... Syn človeka prichádza... ide hore do neba, odkiaľ prišiel? On prišiel z Betlehema. Ako to urobil?“ Vidíte, On to povedal takým spôsobom, a oni už s Ním viac nekráčali. Odišli preč. Povedali, „Ó, tento človek, my vieme, že niečo s Ním nie je v poriadku.“

89        Tí učeníci boli rovno tam, oni verili. Videli zasľúbené Slovo na ten deň, potvrdené a manifestované skrze Neho. Kto mohol tvoriť okrem Boha samého, vziať chlieb a… oni vedeli, že On je Syn Boží. Či to bolo v hádankách alebo nie, či to oni rozumeli alebo nie, kráčali jednako rovno ďalej, pretože to Slovo bolo potvrdené a oni boli oddelení od všetkého, čo bolo ku tomu v protiklade.

90        Nech nám Boh pomôže, aby sme mali takú vieru. Veríme, že táto Biblia je pravdou. Možno nemám dostatok viery, aby som spôsobil, že sa všetky zasľúbenia vyplnia, ale jednako, verím tomu. Verím v tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.

91        Jozef, oddelený od svojich bratov bez príčiny. No, čo sa s nimi dialo? On nebol ochotný byť oddelený. To nebola jeho vôľa oddeliť sa, ale oni sa sami od neho oddelili, vidíte, od svojho jasného, lesknúceho sa dolára, ich hodnota centovky sa tomu nemohla rovnať. Oni vedeli, že sú patriarchovia. Oni vedeli, že Izák bol ich... alebo prepáčte, že Jákob bol ich otec. A oni vedeli, že to je pravda. Ale Jozef sa narodil, on si nemohol pomôcť, on bol duchovný, videl videnia, mohol vykladať sny a oni boli perfektne správne. Čokoľvek povedal, to bola pravda. A jeho bratia patriarchovia boli pudení závisťou a predali ho Egypťanom. Oni sa od neho oddelili, pretože oni boli len centovkami. On mal inú kvalitu.

92        Takisto je to so skutočným veriacim dnes. On má odlišnú kvalitu, oni sa oddelia, (oni tomu nerozumejú), meď od striebra.

93        Teraz zisťujeme, že oni boli pudení závisťou a predali ho. Prečo? Oni dnes robia tú istú vec. To, čo to skutočne bolo, oni povedali, že to bolo, to bolo kvôli žiarlivosti, oni sa nechceli rozpadnúť, pretože tá kvalita v nich nebola tou kvalitou, ktorá bola v ňom. A kvôli tomuto boli žiarliví, pretože oni boli centovkami a on bol dolárom. Rozumiete?

94        No, ak by centovka povedala, „Nech je požehnané meno Pánovo, tu môj brat dolár, ja to nedokážem rozmeniť tak, ako to on dokáže, ale ja urobím, čo môžem.“ To je to. Potom by sme išli ďalej spolu. Boh by svoj program zakončil.

95        Ako som vám v nedeľu kázal, tá veľká symfónia Božieho Slova je odpočítavaná. Tie zmeny a prechody sú len Božie časy zmien, tak ako dirigent pri symfónii. Keď vidíme tieto zmeny vekov a zmeny časov, pozrite sa tu dolu na tie noty a zistíte, že máme byť tu. Oni toto majú robiť. Neexistuje spôsob, že by boli od toho držaní.

96        A hudba pre človeka, ktorý nerozumie symfónii, čo je to? Je to len kopa rinčavého hluku. On tomu nerozumie. On sa o to ani nezaujíma. On si praje, „Prajem si, aby už boli ticho, aby som mohol ísť domov.“ On sa o to nezaujíma, pretože on nepozná tú symfóniu, on to nepozná.

97        Ale skladateľ pozná koniec pred začiatkom. Rozumiete? A ak dirigent nie je v tom istom duchu, ako skladateľ, nedokáže to predviesť, pretože to sa všetko deje skrze znamenia. A ak to znamenia nepotvrdzujú, ako to potom budú tí hudobníci hrať? Amen. To je to.

98        Ak trúba vydá neistý zvuk, kto môže, kto bude vedieť, ako sa pripraviť do vojny, odvety, alebo čo má robiť?

99        Pozrite sa na Slovo a vidzte, kde žijeme. Potom môžete vidieť centovky, čo oni robia. Ale môžete vidieť tých, ktorí žiaria, sledujú a poznajú Slovo, a pozorujú, ako sa tieto znamenia udejú. [Brat Branham luskol na prstoch    –    pozn.prekl]. Tam to je.

100        Ako tá malá žena pri studni, keď On povedal, „Choď pre svojho manžela.“ Ona povedala, „Žiadneho nemám.“ Povedal, „To je pravda, mala si piatich.“

101        Ona povedala, „Pane, poznávam, že si prorok. Nemali sme ich stovky rokov, ale my vieme, že Mesiáš prichádza, a že on bude prorok. To je to, čo bude robiť.“ On povedal, „Ja som On.“

102        Ó, tá symfónia odbíjala presne správne z tej nízkej polohy do tej vysokej. Ona bežala do mesta a povedala, „Poďte a vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal tie veci, ktoré som porobila. Či toto nie je práve ten Mesiáš, na ktorého sme sa tešili?“ Iste.

103        Vidíte, ona porozumela, čo tie noty v tej symfónii znamenali, ktoré oddelili vieru od nevery. Viera môže jedine... nie prísť cez cirkev. Viera prichádza cez počutie Slova Božieho, poznať, čo To je. No, nachádzame tú istú vec dnes.

104        Mnoho ľudí hľadí na dary (končíme teraz, ešte päť minút). Ľudia hľadia na dary a myslia si, „Ó, aká veľká vec.“ A snažia sa napodobniť dary. Nemôžete to robiť. Vy len... nemôžete spraviť, že centovka bude dolárom. Nemôžete spraviť, že bude desaťcentovkou, nemôžete spraviť, že bude päťcentovkou, je to centovka. Ale ak len rozpoznáte seba ako centovku a pôjdete s tými ostatnými mincami, tak Boh ťa môže použiť. Nemusíme byť schopní urobiť všetko. Tam nebol každý...

105        Keď Boh povolal Izrael z Egypta, každý jeden z nich nemusel robiť to isté, čo robil Mojžiš, ale oni tomu verili. To je pravda, oni verili Mojžišovi, pretože vedeli, že to je znamenie tej hodiny, ale Boh dokázal, že on mal Jeho Slovo. Oni povedali, „Faraón má kopije.“ Oni povedali, „Ale Mojžiš má Jeho Slovo.“

106        To je to, faraónovia môžu mať armádu, ale Mojžiš mal Slovo, pretože on bol Božím prorokom a Slovo ku nemu prišlo a bolo potvrdené, že ono bolo pravdou. To bol ten živý Boh, ktorý mohol vziať prach a vyhodiť ho a spôsobiť, že prišli blchy. Človek to nedokáže. Ako človek, ktorý tam stál a povedal, „Zajtra asi o tomto čase tam bude toto a toto.“ A bolo. Vidíte? Oni vedeli, že Mojžiš má Božie Slovo. Nezáležalo na tom, koľko kopijí a hladomorní faraón mal, a koľko tehál bolo treba urobiť, Mojžiš mal Slovo, tak oni vyštartovali na púšť.

107        Bol tam človek, Dátan, povedal, „Mojžiš si berie na seba príliš veľa, my sme všetci svätí ľudia, tak my všetci by sme mali byť schopní robiť to, čo Mojžiš.“ A Mojžiš povedal, „Bože, čo s týmto?“

108        On povedal, „Oddeľ sa. Choď od nich preč. A on otvoril zem a pohltil Dátana a jeho skupinu.

109        On oddelil svetlo od temnosti skrze potvrdenie Jeho Slova. On je tým istým Bohom dnes.

110        Na záver, minulý večer som vám hovoril, keď som sem prišiel prvýkrát, toto nie je osobné, ak si to myslíte, potom prosím vás, stiahnite si dlhé záclony na svoje srdcia, hovorím toto ľuďom, ktorí veria.

111        Bolo to hovorené a boli povedané presne veci, ktoré sa majú diať cez celý ten vek, a vy všetci ste toho svedkami, ako ste svedčili minulý večer, od toho rozpoznania a tak ďalej. A ako budú napodobňovatelia, napodobenia, a bude sa diať všetko možné.

112        Ale tá posledná vec, to má byť veľká vec, ktorá sa udeje. Sledovali sme to už roky a všetci vieme, keď sa to po prvýkrát stalo, keď stvorenie prišlo do existencie, po tretíkrát, a potom po štvrtýkrát. Minulý večer som vám povedal, ako sa to stalo piatykrát.

113        A to čaká na túto Radu cirkví, keď sa to zjednotí s protestantmi. Ak budem hovoriť v nedeľu ráno, to je to, čo chcem.... mám na mysli v sobotu ráno, to je to, o čom chcem hovoriť, rozumiete. A keď sa toto dá dokopy, potom Duch Boží vždy proti tomu pozdvihuje prápor, vidíte, sedí tu dnes večer človek, ktorý je toho svedkom.  

114        Nedávno som bol v Koloráde, túto poslednú jeseň. Chodievam tam na poľovačky. A ako obyčajne, som tam počas môjho výročia svadby. Keď sme sa moja žena a ja vzali, ušetril som si svoje päťcentovky a veci, zo svojej práce, a mal som ich v plechovke od múky. A nemal som dostatok, aby som ju vzal na svadobnú cestu a ísť poľovať, tak som to spojil dokopy a vzal som ju na svadobnú cestu na poľovačku. A tak odvtedy, to je moja hanba, odvtedy som nikdy nebol na naše výročie s ňou doma. Bol som v Koloráde.

115        Minulý večer som tu videl dvoch alebo troch kazateľov, ktorí boli tam so mnou v tábore, keď som musel ísť dolu z Aljašky a stretnúť ich na poľovačke. To boli chlapci Martina. Boli tu včera večer. Ja... oni sú tu, rovno tu. A potom, tá ďalšia osoba, zabudol som jeho meno, sedí... kde si, synak? To je pravda, a možno je tu brat Palmer, i ja... a boli sme tam hore v horách. No, ja som v Koloráde vodcom, roky som tam poľoval.

116        A vždy na naše výročie, 23.októbra prichádza... je tam jedno malé miesto, kde som vždy bral manželku na naše medové týždne, hore v horách Adirondack, a toto miesto vyzerá presne ako to, len tam to bolo... toto tu je osika, malá húština, a tam hore bola breza. A ja som tam išiel hore, dvadsiateho tretieho, a niekedy cez deň som si dal dolu klobúk a ďakoval som Pánovi za dobrú a vernú manželku, ktorá bola verná a milá po všetky tie roky a pomáhala mi, ako som chodil kázať evanjelium.

117        A v Koloráde bolo tento rok príšerne sucho, ako aj bolo po celej krajine. A zrazu tam bolo, myslím, že tam bolo pred nami dvesto mužov, alebo prepáčte, sto mužov, asi sto mužov bolo pred nami, tam hore v táboroch. A oni tam hore strieľali počas troch alebo štyroch dní. A ja som zastrelil jeleňa, toho, na ktorého som roky poľoval. Ale ja... padla hmla, nedokázal som ho vidieť. Nevedel som ho nájsť, a toho dňa som ho hľadal.

118        A na ďalší deň, telefón, alebo... bolo to v rádiu, „Prichádza víchrica, v horách počas nasledujúcej noci môže spadnúť dvadsať stôp snehu.“

119        A tak ja som bratom povedal, zavolal som ich, tiež Martinových chlapcov, povedal som „Bratia, počujete, čo hovoria správy. No, ak sa z toho chcete dostať, tak radšej choďte teraz, pretože bude príliš neskoro. Môžete tu zostať týždeň. A ja by som mal ísť, pretože na ďalší pondelok mám zhromaždenie s Obchodníkmi plného Evanjelia, s kresťanskými Obchodníkmi tam v Tucsone. Avšak vyberte si. Ak chcete zostať, som vašim vodcom, zostanem tu s vami.“ Každý jeden z nich hlasoval, „Zostaneme, zostaneme, zostaneme.“

120        Martinovi chlapci mali taký pomalý náklaďák, alebo vlastne rýchly náklaďák, oni všetci...mali sme tam pár jeleňov navyše, dali sme ich Martinovým chlapcom a im a oni išli preč. Pretože oni by sa nemohli odtiaľ dostať. To je všetko, a tak oni tu dnes večer sedia ako svedkovia.

121        A potom na ďalší deň, pomyslel som... no v ten deň nesnežilo, keď odišli. Povedal som, „Zavolám manželke a poviem jej, že som vďačný za to, že mi je milou manželkou a všetko to. To je jej výročie. A potom zajtra pôjdem hore na miesto, ak sa tam dostaneme, kvôli snehu.

122        A tak som išiel dnu a nevedel som sa jej dovolať. Vrátil som sa. A každý v meste sa pripravoval, prichádzala veľká víchrica a noviny hovorili, „V Koloráde môže spadnúť dvadsať stôp snehu,“ v ten večer.

123        Brat Tom Simpson tu niekde dnes večer sedí, alebo mal by tu byť. On bol v Kanade a bol na svojej ceste dolu a oni to obišli. Povedal, „Obíďte Kolorádo, veľká víchrica.“ Si tu, brat Simpson, kde si? Áno, sedí tam vzadu. A oni mu povedali, „Obíď Kolorádo, prichádza veľká víchrica.“

124        A tak som povedal jednej sestre, manželke iného muža, brata Evansa, nemyslím si, že brat Evans je dnes večer tu, jedine, že by práve prišiel. Si tu, brat Evans? Nemyslím, že sa tu už dostal, ale bude tu na tých zhromaždeniach. Tak som zavolal jeho manželke a povedal som, „Neviem zohnať svoju manželke, je na nákupoch.“ Povedal som, „Povedz jej, aby povedal bratovi Tonymu Stromi, ktorý bol prezidentom toho zoskupenia: „Ak tam nebudem v nedeľu, priprav iného kazateľa, pretože sa mi možno odtiaľto vôbec nepodarí dostať. Som tu s týmito mužmi.“

125        Čo sa potom udialo? V ten večer nesnežilo. Na ďalšie ráno boli oblaky veľmi nízko a boli rozhnevané. Povedal som, „No, bratia, pásol som tu roky dobytok a bol som vodcom. Keď spadne prvá malá kvapka dažďa, bežte späť do tábora tak rýchlo, ako len môžete, pretože behom pätnástich minút, zažil som to, nebudete môcť pred sebou vidieť svoju ruku, na dva alebo tri dni na ten čas, burácajúca víchrica.“ Tam je to v nadmorskej výške deväťtisíc stôp. A povedal som, „Vy, budete v tej víchrici a budete stratení a zomriete tam v horách. No, vyjdeme von...“ Umiestnil som každého z nich a ja som išiel na vrchol a povedal som, „No, ak sa ja ne... nečakajte na mňa, kým prídem, ponáhľajte sa hneď rýchlo, ako to začne, prvá malá kvapka dažďa, bežte rýchle do tábora, pretože nebudete schopní nájsť svoju cestu späť.“ Povedali, že tak urobia.

126        Šplhal som sa vysoko, všade zavýjali kojoti, a ja som vedel, že počasie sa ide zmeniť. Potom zrazu nastal veľký úder vetra a začal padať dážď so snehom. A povedal som si, „Hádam sa už každý vracia.“

127        No, stál som a obzeral som sa, pomyslel som si, „Keby som len mohol nájsť toho jeleňa predtým, ako sa vrátim späť, pretože sneh ho prikryje a nebude sa už dať nájsť až do jari.“ Tak som si pomyslel, „Tak ťažko som na toho jeleňa poľoval,  a to by bol prvý jeleň, ktorého by som takto nechal, odkedy mám túto malú pušku kalibru 55 na poľovanie.“ A pomyslel som si, „No, teraz, nemôžem zniesť, že ho tu len takto nechám.“

128        A o chvíľu začal padať veľký sneh, vyzeralo to ako chumáče, všade to padalo a začal fúkať vietor a ja som sotva mohol vidieť, ako sa dostať z vrcholu tohto kopca. A vedel som na tomto hrebeni zostať, a ak by som išiel dolu a natrafil na potok, išiel by som dolu potokom, až by som natrafil na takú malú lávku, až by som dokázal nájsť cestu, kadiaľ by som sa dostal tam, kde bol stan. To je jediný spôsob, ako ste sa mohli dostať von. Tak som si pomyslel, „Ak sa len trochu pohnem na jednu alebo druhú stranu, to stačí, nikdy ťa nenájdu, tak zomrieš rovno tam.“

129        Tak som začal ísť dolu vrchom a dostal som sa nižšie, asi o hádam tristo yardov [274 m   –   pozn.prekl.], možno štyristo, odtiaľ, kde som bol.

130        No, toto znie divne. Ale mám tu pred sebou Bibliu, nebeský Otec mi vydáva svedectvo. Takmer som utekal, snažil som sa odtiaľ dostať, vietor tam tak silno fúkal, a ja som mohol vidieť pred seba asi na dvadsať stôp, v tých húštinách, kde som bol, tie drevá, stromy a vietor fúkal a zmietal sa. A nejaký hlas povedal, „Zastav sa. Vráť sa, odkiaľ si prišiel.“

131        No, zastavil som sa, pomyslel so si, „Možno to bol iba zvuk vetra. Na nič také som nemyslel.“ A chvíľu som počkal.

132        A jeden z tých chlapcov mi urobil sendvič a bol to skutočný sendvič a ja som sa potil a pršalo. A to bol taký kus chleba s nejakým mäsom miestami. No, bol som trochu hladný, tak som ho jednako zjedol a stál som tam a zakopal som ten malý kus papiera. A tak, keď zvieratá vidia tie veci, čokoľvek, čo je z civilizácie, oni utečú preč.

133        Tak som tam trochu stál a pomyslel som si, „No, budem pokračovať.“

134        Začal som ísť ďalej. A tak jasne, ako počujete môj hlas, niečo povedalo, „Otoč sa a choď späť tam, odkiaľ si prišiel.“

135        „Ako by to mohol byť Boh a hovoril by mi, aby som sa vrátil do tej pasce smrti.“ Chvíľku som tam stál a pomyslel som si, „To je ten istý, ktorý povedal o tých veveričkách.“

136        Ten istý, o ktorom som vám povedal včera večer, o mojej manželke, ten Hlas, len ľudský hlas, Ten istý mi povedal, keď som bol malým chlapcom, „Nikdy nepi, ani nefajči...“, a tieto veci budú v posledných dňoch. Boh, ktorý mi toto hovoril, mám Bibliu na svojom srdci, čo dobré by mi to urobilo, keby som vám povedal niečo nesprávne a vedel, že posielam svoju dušu do pekla. Je to pravda. Je to neobvyklé, ale je to pravda.

137        „No,“ pomyslel som si, „Dosť dobre viem, že je treba ten Hlas poslúchnuť. Prečo by som... On má nejaký dôvod, prečo mám ísť tam hore. Možno je to môj čas ísť.“

138        Tak som sa obrátil a razil som si cestu cez tú húštinu, až som sa dostal znovu do toho sedla tam hore, možno tristo yardov, alebo o štyristo yardov, rovno tam na ten vrch, znovu tam. A tam to bolo potom tak husté, nedokázal som vidieť vôbec nič, ten vietor, a stromy len ležali a zmietali sa.

139        A vzal som svoju pušku, mal som oblečenú červenú košeľu a červenú čiapku, nasadil som si svoju pušku, chránil som ju, aby sa na nej nezaparil ďalekohľad, pretože medvede a podobne sa v takýchto chvíľach presúvajú, takisto horská puma, a ak by som na jedno také natrafil, ten ďalekohľad by bol celý zaparený. Tak som ho len takto dohora držal, nie proti mne, kde by sa to zaparilo, ale držal som od neho tú hmlu a vlhkosť od snehu a sadol som si pod strom.

140        Sedel som tam, pomyslel som si, „No, prečo On chce, aby som sem prišiel? Veľmi pochybujem, že teraz dokážem nájsť svoju cestu späť, je už tak hrozne.“ Dokázal som vidieť možno asi na desať alebo pätnásť stôp, sotva tak ďaleko, miestami ani nie päť stôp, a stále sa to stávalo drsnejším, no pomyslel som si, „No, On povedal, aby som sa vrátil. Všetko, čo viem, je len tu teraz sedieť.“ A potom sneh bol na zemi asi na jeden palec  [2,5 cm –   pozn.prekl.], alebo na jeden a pol, možno dva palce. Bol som tam asi dvadsať alebo tridsať minút a fúkalo tak silno a tiež to už išlo odfúknuť. Na chvíľu som tam len sedel.

141        Počul som Hlas, povedal, „Ja som Boh neba, ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem.“

142        Strhol som si svoj klobúk, čiapku a ticho som sedel a znovu som počúval. Pomyslel som si, „To nebol vietor.“ Ó, fúkalo, robilo to hluk.

143        A počul som to znovu, povedal, „Ja som Ten, ktorý utíšil vetry na mocnom mori. Ja som On, Stvoriteľ. Stvoril som veveričky v tvojej prítomnosti. Ja som učinil tieto veci.“ Povedal som, „Áno, Pane, verím Ti.“

144        Povedal, „Povstaň na svoje nohy.“ Postavil som sa na svoje nohy. Povedal, „Teraz prehovor ku tej búrke. Ona urobí to, čo jej povieš.“

145        No, toto je pravda. Ja, keď vás stretnem na Súde, budem sa musieť za všetko toto zodpovedať. Pomyslel som si, že On...

146        Povedal som, „Búrka, choď na svoje miesto, zastav sa, a slnko, svieť normálne počas štyroch dní.“

147        A hneď, ako som to povedal, ten dážď so snehom a krúpy, ktoré ma už išli ubiť k zemi, ihneď prestali. A behom minútky alebo dvoch, slnko začalo rovno cez to na mňa svietiť. A ja som sa pozrel dolu pozdĺž pohoria a videl som prichádzať východný vietor. Vietor prichádzal od západu. Prichádzal východný vietor, prichádzal tadiaľto, a mohol som vidieť, ako oblaky záhadne... kam oni išli, ja neviem.

148        A stál som tam pár minút, slzy mi stekali dolu po brade a boli šedivé, pomyslel som si, „Bože, ako... ja neviem, čo robiť.“

149        Pomyslel som si, „No, bol som... hádam bratia sú už všetci späť v stane a slnko všade svieti.“

150        Začal som ísť dolu vrchom a sneh sa na tom horúcom slnku všetok roztápal, z mojej horúcej košele vychádzala para, len krátka chvíľka a taký rozdiel. A začal som ísť dolu vrchom. A keď som išiel, povedal som... počul som prehovoriť Hlas, „Prečo sa neprejdeš so Mnou?“

151        Povedal som, „Pane, to najväčšie privilégium, aké som kedy mal!“ Otočil som sa a začal som sa vracať po tých stopách toho veľkého jeleňa, dolu tým panenským lesom.

152        A pomyslel som si, „No, pôjdem tam dolu, kde som vždy vzdal úctu Méde, mojej manželke.“ Išiel som asi nejakú pol hodinu alebo trištvrte. A vtedy už bol všetok sneh preč.

153        A začal som rozmýšľať, „Divím sa, prečo mi na to nikdy nič nepovedala, keď odchádzam.“ Povedal som, „Pamätám si, keď som ju tam hore po prvýkrát vzal a zodvihol som ju nad tie brvná, keď sme sa zobrali.“ Povedal som, “Teraz je šedivá.“

154        Išiel som, hmm, na tvári som mal sivú bradu, čierna a sivá zmiešaná dohromady, pomyslel som si, „Bill, nezostáva ti už veľmi veľa, starneš.“

155        A začal som ísť ďalej a pozrel som sa hore a zdalo sa, akoby som ju mohol vidieť tam stáť predo mnou so svojimi vystretými rukami, stále čiernovlasú.

156        Mal som hlavu dolu, išiel som hore na jedno malé miesto, kde sú nejaké osiky, tam je malý potôčik, a oprel som si svoju hlavu takto na lipu. A stál som tam a plakal a počul som, ako by niečo išlo „Kvak, kvap, kvap.“ Pozrel som sa dolu, boli to slzy, ktoré mi stekali z očí po brade, kvapkali na tie suché listy, kde bol asi pred tridsiatimi minútami palec snehu, a kde bola víchrica.

157        Keď som zišiel dolu z vrchu, o štyri dni neskôr, nebol odvtedy počas štyroch dní na oblohe ani jeden oblak. Išiel som a povedal som tomu chlapíkovi na benzínovej stanici, „Bolo veľmi sucho?“

158        „Áno,“ povedal, „Viete, tá najdivnejšia vec, predpovedali nám na ten deň búrku a ona sa zrazu zastavila.“

159        A potom som išiel dolu ku trati Nového Mexika, vracal som sa späť do Arizony a povedal som Billymu, môjmu synovi, povedal som mu, „Poďme sem a vidzme, či to tu bolo takto.“

160        Zastavil som sa tam, to bolo v nedeľu ráno, mal som nejaké... mal som nejaký benzín, ten človek povedal, „Tak, boli ste poľovať?“

Povedal som, „Áno.“

„Mali ste šťastie?“

161        Povedal som, „Áno, mali sme pekný čas.“ Povedal som, „Vyzerá poriadne sucho.“

162        On povedal, „Áno, je tu veľmi sucho.“ Povedal, „Predpovedali nám jedného dňa veľkú búrku,“ a povedal, „Viete, tá víchrica vlastne začala, ale nejako prestala.“ Ó, ó.

163        Stál som tam oproti tomuto stromu (na záver). Stál som tam pri tomto strome a slzy mi stekali z očí. Pomyslel som si, „Bože.“

164        Len pomyslite, ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal, „Ticho, utíš sa!“ tým vlnám, a vetry Ho poslúchali, On je stále ten istý Ježiš tu s nami, v tých lesoch, On je stále Slovo. Slovo, celá príroda musí poslúchať Jeho Slovo, lebo On je Stvoriteľom prírody. Stál som tam a slzy mi stekali po lícach.

165        A počas týchto, teraz asi piatich rokov, som vonku na poliach chodím do cirkví a kdekoľvek môžem, všetci to viete. A na mojom srdci bolo stále bremeno. Išiel som sem, prišiel som do Arizony a On mi povedal veci, ktoré mám urobiť, a ja som išiel a urobil som ich. A vyzerá to, že prebudenie skončilo. A ja som nedokázal, bol som zvedavý, čo sa deje. Vo svojom srdci som činil pokánie. Povedal som, „Pane, ak som niečo urobil, povedz mi to, dám to do poriadku.“ Po celý čas som mal bremeno, taký hrozný pocit a nedokázal som mať to víťazstvo, ktoré som chcel.

166        On urobil a ukázal mnoho veľkých vecí, čoho ste všetci svedkami. Prichádzate sem a ja vám o tom hovorím, vidíme, že to uverejnili v novinách a časopisoch atď, o tých veľkých nadprirodzených veciach, ktoré sa videli a boli vykonané.

167        Ale moje srdce bolo stále ťažké. A opieral som sa o nejaký krík, asi takto, a pomyslel som si, „Ten veľký Boh neba, to teplé slnko tam len svieti, nikde nie je ani len obláčik, a pred pár chvíľami si ty len protirečil ľudskému slovu. Príroda to urobila. Ako sa to mohlo stať, Pane? Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To bolo Jeho Slovo, ktoré si mi len dal, aby som ho prehovoril.“ Pomyslel som si, „Otče, aký som vďačný.“

168        Počul som, ako niečo ide. [Brat Branham dvakrát klope na kazateľňu – pozn.prekl.] A pozrel som sa a rovno predo mnou stáli dva alebo tri jelene a dívali sa na mňa. No, na tie jelene sa v tom poslednom týždni, keď tam boli tí poľovníci, veľa strieľalo. A ja som tu bol oblečený v červenom, každý to vie, že oni takto rýchlo utečú  [Brat Branham luskol prstami – pozn.prekl.]. Ale oni sa na mňa dívali.

169        A čo sa týka jedenia jelenieho mäsa, neexistuje lepšie. To bola veľká laň, dve veľké plne vyrastené jelenčatá, pomyslel som si, „To je presne, potrebujeme tri jelene.“

170        Niečo povedalo, „Vieš, Pán ich položil do tvojich rúk.“

171        Ale keď som bol s obchodníkmi plného Evanjelia, s bratom Claytonom, asi pred rokom, on išiel s nami, keď som chytil tú veľkú rybu, ktorá urobila rekord, v tom roku som pre ľudí zabil devätnásť losov a ja...

172        Niekedy obchodníci... prepáčte mi toto, moji bratia. Niektorí z nich sú doktori, a viete, oni nedokážu chodiť, sú tuční, viete, mnohí sú usadení za stolom, oni hovoria, „Billy, upoľuj mi jedného dvojročiaka. Upoľuj mi modrú kravu. Chcem jeleňa. Upoľuj mi srnca.“ No ja som mal jubileum, strieľal som a poľoval na jelene a rôzne zvery.

173        Ale Pán mi povedal, aby som to nerobil. A ja som Mu sľúbil, keď tam prišla tá víchrica tam v Koloráde, roky pred tým, povedal som, „Pane, povediem niekoho na poľovačke ku koristi, ale nebudem už viacej pre nikoho loviť. Jedine, že to bude akútny prípad, a že to musíme mať.

174        Ak si pamätáte, chlapci, v ten večer pred tým, ako sme odišli. Ten malý biedny brat bol tam dolu, nemal jeleňa. Ako sa volá? Palmer. Prišiel a dal mi do ruky desať dolárov ako desiatok, povedal, „Brat Branham, toto je môj desiatok, daj to do cirkvi.“ Povedal, „Upoľuješ mi jeleňa?“ Ó, ja...

175        [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]...tam stáli tie tri jelene a ja som mal túto svoju pušku na pleci. Len som si ju zošmykol z pleca, takto, pomyslel som si, „Oni odo mňa nevedia odísť, sú rovno tu. Bol som s tou puškou veľmi rýchly, „Dokážem ich všetky tri dostať, predtým ako sa stihnú otočiť.“ Vidíte? A mal som pušku, pomyslel som si, „Tu sú, hneď tu.“ Zošmykol som si pušku...

176        Potom som náhodou rozmýšľal o tom sľube. Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť, nemôžem to urobiť.“ Povedal som, „Pamätám si raz, keď jeden muž povedal tomu druhému: 'Boh dal Joába do tvojich rúk, vlastne Saula', povedal Joáb Dávidovi. Dávid povedal, 'Bože chráň, aby som sa dotkol Jeho pomazaného.“' To bol môj sľub, že to neurobím.“

177        Pomyslel som si, „Oni sú rovno tu na vrchu tohto kopca. Môžem ich kotúľať rovno dolu a vieme ich ľahko zodvihnúť. Stoja tu pekné tri jelene. Povedal som, „Nie, nemôžem to urobiť.“

178        A tu to takto prichádza, tie mladé jelene, dva vyrastené, samec a samica a matka, laň. A tu prichádzajú, kráčajú, obzerajú sa, boli veľké, tučné.

179        A trochu som tam stál a pomyslel som si, „To je neobvyklé na jeleňa a ja som tu takto v červenom.“ Pomyslel som si, „Vystraším ich.“

180        Povedal som, „Ste v mojich rukách.“ Nemohli by ste sa dostať preč, ak by ste chceli, ale ja vám neublížim, choďte“. Oni sa len jedna na druhú pozreli a približovali sa a prišli celkom blízko ku mne a hľadeli na mňa.

181        No, položil som si pušku na zem, povedal som, „Mama, vezmi si svoje maličké a choď tam do lesov, ja sa tu radujem v prítomnosti Božej a sľúbil som, že nebudem loviť pre druhých ľudí. Povedal som, „Ty si teraz zober svoje maličké a choďte do lesov, ja tiež milujem lesy. Choďte!“

182        Pozrela sa na mňa. A obe sa obzerali, všetky tri. Potom sa otočili a odišli preč a potom sa znovu vrátili.

183        A ja som povedal, „Neublížim vám.“ Povedal som, „Choďte do tých lesov. Ste v mojich rukách, nemohli by ste odísť, ale...“ Povedal som, „Ja som bol v Božích rukách a ani ja by som nemohol odísť, ale On ma ušetril. Dal som mu sľub, ušetrím vás, choďte, majte dobrý čas, tešte sa z týchto lesov. Mne sa to páči, choďte.“

184        Ešte chvíľu tam stáli a priblížili sa tak blízko, že by mohli jesť z mojich rúk, otočili sa, všetky sa na mňa pozreli, takto, a odišli preč. Zastavili sa, znovu sa obzreli späť a odišli späť do lesa. A ja som tam stál. Pomyslel som si, „To je na jelene neobvyklé. Som zvedavý, či to je kvôli tomu, že Pán Ježiš je tu, Jeho prítomnosť.“

185        A práve vtedy ku mne prehovoril Hlas, povedal, „Ty si si pamätal svoj sľub, že?“ Vedel som, že to je On. Povedal som, „Áno, Pane.“

186        On povedal, „I ja si tak pamätám svoj. Nikdy ťa neopustím, nikdy ťa nezanechám.“

187        To bremeno odišlo. Kresťanskí priatelia, odvtedy tam už nebolo. To bolo minulého októbra. Som odlišnou osobou.

188        Dodržte Bohu svoj sľub, čokoľvek, čo poviete Bohu, verte tomu. Oddeľte sa od všetkého, čo je v protiklade so Slovom. Boh bude počuť a odpovie na modlitbu. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

189        Si ochotný dnes večer oddeliť sa od všetkej nevery, aby si počul Slovo Pánovo? Ak to urobíš a budeš veriť, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky, tieto veci, ktoré On zasľúbil robiť, my vidíme, že On ich robí. Či pozdvihneš svoje ruky a povieš, „Bože, dávam ti dnes večer sľub. Verím všetkému, čo si zasľúbil. Verím každému Slovu, že už viac nebudem pochybovať.

190        Náš nebeský Otče, ty vieš, že tento príbeh je pravdivý. To bolo štvrtýkrát, a piatykrát to bolo pri mojej vzácnej manželke, keď si Ty, keď ten doktor urobil zápis, že ten veľký nádor zmizol predtým, ako sa ho dotkla jeho ruka, presne podľa toho, ako to bolo povedané.

191        Teraz, Otče, modlím sa, aby si pomohol týmto ľuďom. Uvedomujem si, že starnem, viem, že musím skoro ísť. Modlím sa, Pane, aby... nech som čestný a úprimný s mojimi bratmi, a nech som čestný a úprimný s tvojimi ľuďmi. Ak nedokážem byť s nimi, potom si nemyslím, že by som mohol byť s tebou, Pane, pretože chcem niesť svedectvo Teba. A modlím sa, aby si dal, aby Tvoje Slovo v nás dnes večer tak žilo, že nám všetkým dáš vieru. A skrze tento malý dar, ktorý...

192        Ľudia si niekedy myslia, že dar je niečo, čo je dané do našich rúk, a my ideme a presekáme si cestu. Dar nie je to, Otče. Nech môžu porozumieť, že dar, to je dať sa nabok z cesty, aby Duch Svätý mohol robiť to, čo On chce robiť.

193        Pane, nech sa teraz dáme nabok z cesty a nech ten veľký Duch Svätý príde a nech pracuje cez nás. A nech dnes večer vidíme, že zasľúbenia Ježiša Krista, že... Ten, na ktorého som sa zvlášť dnes večer odvolával, Pane, že Ten, kde Boh zostúpil dolu pred Abraháma, prejavil sa v tele a poznal tajnosti sŕdc, to bol Boh. A keď On bol učinený telom a prebýval medzi nami, On poznal tajnosti srdca. A Biblia hovorí, že „Slovo Božie je rozpoznávateľom myšlienok, ktoré sú v srdci. To je to, ako učeníci vedeli, že On je Boh.

194        Teraz Otče, či prídeš dnes večer a dáš, aby naše biedne, pokorné modlitebne boli zasvätené Tebe, že Ty spôsobíš, že budeme veriť, že to je Tvoj Duch, ktorý sa bude môcť dať poznať dnes večer medzi nami, že Ty si stále Slovom. Potom sa my oddelíme od všetkej nevery a budeme Ťa nasledovať. V Ježišovom mene, nech Ty ku nám hovoríš. Amen. [Niekto dáva napomenutie – pozn.prekl.]

195        Veľký Bože neba, buď nám milostivý, pomôž nám, môj Pane, aby sme poslúchali Tvoje prikázania, a použi nás na Tvoju česť. A my Ti ďakujeme za tieto povzbudzujúce slová. Nech sa teraz Duch Svätý pohybuje cez nás a nech potvrdí tieto slová. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

196        Majte vieru v Boha, nepochybujte. Majte veľkú odvahu. Čas Jeho príchodu sa približuje.

197        No, dnes večer, máme tu kôpku modlitebných kariet. Koľkí tu majú modlitebné karty, zodvihnite ruky. Bolo by to pre mňa ťažké ísť cez tú skupinu s rozpoznávaním, keby to Pán dal. Ale dovoľte mi len na chvíľu povedať toto: koľkí tu nemajú modlitebné karty a modlíte sa, aby vás Boh uzdravil? No, nech Pán Boh pomôže každému jednému z vás.

198        Som váš brat, Ježiš je váš Spasiteľ. Boh je naším Otcom. My sme ľudia. My nie sme z tohto sveta, keď sme narodení z Boha, my sme zhora. No, predtým, ako budeme mať modlitebný rad, modliť sa za chorých... a je tu dnes večer človek, ktorý sa tiež modlí za chorých, a sú tam kazatelia, ktorí sa modlia za chorých. Ja nechcem urobiť ten dojem, že ja som ten jediný, ktorý sa modlí sa chorých. Rozumiete? Boh ne... On nemusí použiť mňa, On by mohol použiť teba alebo kohokoľvek. Tá vec je, veriť tomu, čo On povedal, že je pravdou.

199        Ale teraz, ako som povedal, toto je potvrdenie toho, čo bolo povedané. Skloňme len na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Vy, ktorí sa modlíte a ste chorí a nemáte modlitebné karty, modlite sa a povedzte niečo ako toto: „Pane Ježišu, viem, že Biblia hovorí, že modlitba viery spasí chorého, Boh ho pozdvihne. A ona tiež hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

200        Ak je On ten istý, no, potom On bude musieť konať tak isto, konať to isté. A potom znovu, Biblia hovorí, že Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč a rozlišuje myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci, vieme, že keď Slovo je učinené telom v osobe Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, to je presne to, čo Boh urobil skrze svojho Syna. Ježiš povedal vo sv.Jánovi 14: „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy budete činiť, dokonca väčšie a viac, lebo Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi.“

201        A teraz, Biblia tiež hovorí v knihe Židom, že On je teraz Veľkňazom. Veríme tomu všetci? Istotne. „On je Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.“ Teraz, „On je.“ Nie „ja som“, „On je“. Žiaden človek nie je. „On je teraz Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.“

202        No, ak cítiš a si pripravený vykročiť a uvoľniť sa od všetkej svojej nevery a povedať, „Nech sa Ťa dotknem, Veľký Veľkňaz.“ No, ak On je Veľkňazom, a je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, On bude konať tak isto, ako konal vtedy, pretože On je ten istý.

203        Nejaká žena sa Ho raz dotkla, keď bol tu na zemi, viditeľne, svojou rukou. On cítil ten dotyk a obrátil sa a povedal, „Kto sa ma dotkol?“ A všetci z nich to popreli. Ale On rozpoznal myšlienky a našiel tú ženu, povedal jej, čo s ňou nebolo v poriadku, a jej viera ju uzdravila.

204        No, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Možno tá žena nemala modlitebnú kartu, ale ona mala vieru. A to je všetko, čo je potrebné. Maj vieru, dotkni sa toho veľkého Lekára. A skrze Božský dar, ak sa len môžem dať nabok z cesty a nechať Ducha Svätého, aby povedal, čo On chce činiť, a konať to, čo On si praje konať. A to je dar. Nielen predstava. Ak je to predstava, to nebude fungovať, ak je to skutočné, funguje to. To je to, čo povedal Ježiš. „To nie som Ja, ktorý činím tie skutky, to je môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne.“ Tak to som nemohol byť ja, On bol Synom Božím, ja som hriešnik spasený Jeho milosťou.

205        Len verte, netlačte sa. Len verte a povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, dovoľ mi dotknúť sa Tvojho rúcha.“ Modlite sa len jednoducho, len sa ďalej modlite. Všetci zostaňte tam, kde ste. Len sa modlite a verte [Br.Branham prerušuje – pozn.prekl.]

206        Len verte a neponáhľajte sa. Nesnažte sa tlačiť, len verte. No, veríte teraz všetci? Môžete veriť? Len zabudnite na všetko minulé. Pomyslite, že Ježiš toto zasľúbil. Viem, že je to neobvyklé, ale Ježiš to zasľúbil. [Br.Branham sa odmlčal – pozn.prekl.]

207        No, ak môžete, buďte na chvíľu úctiví, potom začneme modlitebný rad. Ja nehovorím, že On toto urobí, On môže. Skrze milosť Božiu som od toho uvoľnený, od môjho vlastného myslenia, nech On...

208        Teraz vy, ak cítite, že chcete zodvihnúť svoju hlavu a pozrieť sa týmto smerom a byť na modlitbe. Ako Peter a Ján povedali, „Pozri na mňa,“ nie, vlastne, „Pozri na nás,“ nemám na mysli... Len hľaďte na to, čo oni povedali.

209        No, vy ste obecenstvo. Sotva je tu niekto, koho poznám, pomimo týchto Martinových chlapcov, ktorí sedia tu. A myslím, že toto je brat Daulton, ktorý sedí dolu, nie som si istý, so svojimi farebnými okuliarmi. Budem sa ich snažiť obísť, ľudia, ktorých nepoznám.

210        No, nech teraz Ježiš Kristus príde so svojou mocou, aby ste mohli vidieť, že zasľúbenie tohto dňa, to miesto Písma, ktoré bolo predpovedané v tomto dni, dokonca v Malachiášovi 4, ono musí byť naplnené. Niečo to musí urobiť. Boh to zasľúbil.

211        Je tu nejaká pani, ktorá tu sedí. Ona ide zajtra do nemocnice. Mala nehodu, automobilovú nehodu, zranila sa, má vnútorné problémy, problém s rukou. Ty nemáš... máš modlitebnú kartu, pani? Nemáš. Či som ti úplne cudzí? Nepoznám ťa. Nepoznáme jeden druhého [Tá sestra hovorí, „Nie, pane, počula som ťa kázať“ – pozn.prekl.] Prosím? [„Počula som ťa kázať“ – pozn.prekl.] Len ma počula kázať, ale ty vieš, že ja o tebe nič neviem. Sú tie veci pravdou? Ak sú, zodvihni svoju ruku. Nech ťa Boh žehná, v poriadku. Maj vieru, nebudeš musieť ísť, tvoje problémy skončili. Čoho sa tá pani dotkla?

212        Je tu jeden muž, ktorý za ňou sedí. Môžete vidieť to svetlo? Pozrite sa na to žlto-oranžové svetlo, ako sa pohybuje. Tam je jeden muž, ktorý sedí za ňou, on sa za niečo modlí. To je ohľadom brata, ktorý je v nemocnici. Či veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvojho brata? Dá mu späť jeho zdravú myseľ a všetko a uzdraví ho? Veríš tomu? Ja som ti cudzí, je to pravda? To je potvrd... Verte, môžete mať... Čoho sa on dotkol?

213        Tu je nejaká pani, rovno tu vzadu za tým, sedí hneď tu vzadu, ona je... vidíte to svetlo, môžete to vidieť? Pozrite sa sem, pozrite. Pozrite sa, každý sa pozrite, rovno tu, taký kruh do oranžova. Rovno pod ním je jedna pani. Ona tu je, ona sa za niekoho modlí. Je to za dve deti, vnuk a pravnuk. Tá pani nie je odtiaľto, je z Kalifornie a prišla sem s modlitebnou prosbou.

214        Tak isto, niekto je s ňou, to je jej sestra. Sedí rovno tu, v tých červených šatách. Má epilepsiu, to je pravda. Je z Kalifornie a ty si ju priviedla so sebou. Tvoje meno je Mária. Ver z celého svojho srdca. Sú tie veci pravda? Zamávaj rukou, ak je to pravda. Veríš z celého svojho srdca? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Áno“ – pozn.prekl.] Potom môžeš mať to, čo si prosila. No, ktokoľvek, kto chce, sa môže tých ľudí opýtať, či ich poznám... Máš modlitebnú kartu, pani? Nemáš? Nepotrebuješ ju.

215        Tu, je tu muž, ktorý sedí rovno tu, díva sa na mňa, na konci toho radu. Má problém so svojimi kolenami. Ak bude veriť, že Boh uzdraví tie kolená, môže mať to, o čo sa modlí. Veríš tomu? V poriadku, tvoj problém s kolenami sa skončil, pane. Máš modlitebnú kartu? Nemáš modlitebnú kartu? Nepotrebuješ ju. Tak, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“

216        Sedí tu jedna pani, má ženské problémy. Veríš? Áno, tá pani... ó, ona to minie... má červený kabát. Jej meno je slečna Daily. Ver z celého svojho srdca, nech ťa Pán Ježiš Kristus uzdraví, slečna Daily.

217        Opýtajte sa, či tú pani poznám. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel, nebeský Otec vie.

Poviete, „Prečo si ju zavolal, jej meno?“

218        No, Ježiš povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon, ty si syn Jonášov.“ Je to pravda? No, či to nie je On, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen.“ - pozn.prekl]. Veríte tomu, že je to pravda? No, čo povedal Ježiš? Že toto sa objaví.

219        A pamätajte, to bol ten posledný znak, ktorý bol daný tej vyvolenej cirkvi, Abrahámovi a jeho skupine, predtým, ako sa objavil ten zasľúbený syn. Je to pravda? Boh dal Abrahámovi znamenia počas celej cesty a takisto to on dal cirkvi. Ale keď Anjel Pánov prišiel dolu, a urobil to, On zničil tých neveriacich pohanov a ten očakávaný syn, na ktorého on čakal, sa objavil, Izák.

220        Táto služba sa skoro zakončí a ten očakávaný Syn sa objaví, On sám. Cirkev prešla od ospravedlnenia cez Luteránov, posvätenia cez Wesleyovcov, do krstu Duchom Svätým skrze Letničných a teraz sa završuje do služby Štítového Kameňa, po celý čas to ukazuje rovno do tej dokonalosti, negatívny tieň sa stáva pozitívom, potom Ježiš príde, aby jedného dňa vzal svoju Cirkev, tých, ktorí veria.

221        Oddeľte sa dnes večer od nevery a verte. Urobíte to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen.“ - pozn.prekl].

222        Nech tí, ktorí majú modlitebné karty začnú... myslím, že som sa minulého večera modlil po číslo 25, je to pravda? Myslím, že tak to bolo, od čísla 1 do 25. Teraz 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, zoraďte sa rovno tu. S modlitebnými kartami číslo 1, zoraďte sa tu, urobíte to?

223        No, mávame rad s rozpoznávaním bez modlitebných kariet. Tak ľudia hovoria, že ja čítam to, čo je na modlitebných kartách, že tam bolo... Tí ľudia nemali žiadne modlitebné karty, oni sú len ľudia, ktorí tu sedia, a tak to ide. Koľkí z vás to videli, ako to išlo tak, asi pol hodinu alebo viac, tak asi a aké veci sa diali? Ale vidíte, musíme si ušetriť trochu sily. Mám ešte pred sebou tam na juhu niečo okolo štyridsať zhromaždení.

224        A teraz sa presuňte sem, vy s modlitebnými kartami, sem, presuňte sa na túto stranu. Všetci s modlitebnými kartami A, presuňte sa sem, modlitebné karty A.

225        No, tí ostatní z nás, spievajme Bohu „Jemu len ver“, urobíte to? Všetci spolu.

Jemu len ver (To je všetko, veriť čomu? Veriť Jeho Slovu)

Jemu len ver

Všetko je možné, Jemu len ver

Jemu len ver...

Pane verím, Pane...

226        [Br.Branham hovorí toto niekomu na pódiu – pozn.prekl.] Možno by som išiel sem dolu, možno je to lepšie.  Môžeme ísť sem dolu modliť sa tu za chorých? Ísť tu dolu modliť sa za tých chorých... zdá sa, že môžeme.

227        Koľkí z vás sa zaujímajú o to, aby títo ľudia boli uzdravení? No, vidíte, uzdravenie patrí Bohu, je to pravda? No, ak by tu Ježiš dnes večer stál v takomto obleku, aký mi dal, On by mal oblečený takýto istý oblek, On Sám. Ak by ste povedali, „Pane, uzdravíš ma?“

228        On by povedal, „Ja som to už urobil.“ „On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení,“ je to pravda? Vidíte, On to už urobil. To je v minulosti.

229        Poviete, „Pane, spas ma,“ On to už urobil. Nezáleží na tom, koľko kričíš alebo sa modlíš, alebo koľko sa udieraš o lavičku, to ťa nespasí, až kým neuveríš a neprijmeš, že On to už pre teba urobil. Je to pravda?

230        Je to tak isto. Ja neuzdravujem ľudí. Ja nedokážem uzdraviť ľudí, ale čo by On urobil, ak On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky? On by urobil presne to, čo urobil teraz, lebo to je to, čo On zasľúbil na ten deň. Koľkí z vás vedia, že to je to, čo On zasľúbil? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen.“ - pozn.prekl]. On to zasľúbil, tak veru, on to zasľúbil v celom Písme. Všetci si vezmite pásky o Siedmich cirkevných vekoch. A tie veci... a vidzte tie veci, ktoré sú dokázané cez Písmo, že sú pravdou.

231        No, pre vás, ktorí tu stojíte v tomto modlitebnom rade, ktorí tu stojíte, aby ste prišli do radu na rozpoznávanie. Ježiš videl jedno videnie a povedal, „Poznávam, že vyšla zo mňa cnosť,“ to znamená sila, je to pravda? Videnia, vy ste v inom svete. No, On je tu. To je On, ktorého si sa dotkol. To len identifikuje, že On je tu s nami.

232        Koľkí teraz budete veriť, keď budeme kráčať cez tento rad, aby sme sa modlili a kládli na vás ruky, a vy sa vrátite na svoje sedadlá? Veríte, že ak sa za vás pomodlím a položím na vás ruky, že budete každý jeden z vás uzdravený?

233        Veríte, že to tu bol Duch Svätý? On by to mohol len ďalej robiť. Ak chcete nechať ten rad a dať miesto ešte niekoľkým viacerým, dobre, urobíme to. Vidíte, to je to, že Duch Svätý je tu, rozumiete. To nie je... to je len na vašom myslení, či to spôsobí, že budete veriť viac.

234        Ale mnoho ľudí bolo učených, „Budú na nich klásť ruky.“ Biblia hovorí, „On posielal svoje Slovo a uzdravoval ich.“ No, to je to, čo urobil práve teraz. Potvrdil svoje Slovo, poslal ti ho, potvrdil ho, a to ich uzdravilo. Pohan povedal... Žid povedal, „Poď, polož na moju dcéru ruky a bude žiť.“

235        Riman povedal, „Nie som hoden, aby si prišiel pod moju strechu, len povedz slovo.“ Aha, to je to, čo sa snažím do vás dostať, aby ste verili.

236        Ale ak chcete, aby sme sa za vás modlili a položili na vás ruky... teraz chcem, aby ste sa, každý jeden z vás pripojili ku mne k modlitbe, ako sa budeme za týchto ľudí modliť. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

237        Pane Ježišu, modlím sa teraz za tých ľudí, oni sú si vedomí, že Ty tu stojíš. Oni vedia, že Ty si v strede ľudí. A keď títo ľudia budú dnes večer prechádzať týmto pódiom, nech neprídu len ku mne, ako ku tvojmu sluhovi, alebo ku týmto tvojim sluhom, ktorí tu sedia. Nech si uvedomia, že prichádzajú do chrámu živého Boha, že prichádzajú pod zasľúbením, ktoré On povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Keď položia svoje ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení.“ On to zasľúbil. On zasľúbil, že každý človek, ktorý bude veriť, bude spasený. A každý človek, ktorý verí, zostáva spasený. Každý jeden, ktorý verí v uzdravenie, dostáva uzdravenie. Otče, pomôž teraz našej nevere.

238        Ty si sa dnes večer zidentifikoval cez Písmo, aby si nám ukázal, že si tu. Nech sa teraz stane, že každá osoba, ktorá prechádza týmto pódiom, alebo v tomto obecenstve, nech tam nie je žiadna slabá osoba medzi nami, keď sa zakončí služba. Nech ten veľký Duch Svätý príde medzi Jeho ľudí a nech nás pomaže, každého jedného, Pane, všetkých týchto kazateľov, všetkých týchto tvojich sluhov, ktorí tu sedia, v stovkách. Otče, modlím sa, aby každá z našich modlitieb išla ku Tebe, zatiaľ čo sme v Božskej prítomnosti Tvojej Bytosti. A nech títo ľudia rozumejú, ako budú prechádzať týmto pódiom, že dnes večer je večerom ich uzdravenia, ak len môžu veriť.

239        Teraz chcem, aby sa každý jeden z vás modlil, ako budú tí ľudia prechádzať, a ja budem na každého z nich klásť ruky pre ich uzdravenie.

240        Poď, pane. Modlím sa za tohoto môjho brata. V mene Ježiša Krista, buď uzdravený.

241        Modlím sa za tohoto môjho brata. V mene Ježiša Krista, buď uzdravený.

242        Modlím sa za moju sestru, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jej uzdravenie. Amen.

243        Modlím sa za moju sestru, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jej uzdravenie.

Modlím sa za moju sestru, v Ježišovom mene, za jej uzdravenie.

Modlím sa za moju sestru, v Ježišovom mene, za jej uzdravenie.

244        Modlím sa za môjho brata, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jeho uzdravenie.

245        Modlím sa za moju sestru, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jej uzdravenie.

246        Modlím sa za môjho brata, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jeho uzdravenie.

Modlím sa za môjho brata, v Ježišovom mene, aby si ho uzdravil.

247        Kladiem svoje ruky na nášho brata, v mene Ježiša Krista, za jeho uzdravenie.

Kladiem svoje ruky na tohoto brata, v Ježišovom mene, za jeho uzdravenie.

249        Ako kladiem svoje ruky na tohto brata, prosím o jeho uzdravenie, v Ježišovom mene, kým je v Božskej Prítomnosti Tvojho pomazania.

250        Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Otče. Modlím sa v mene Ježiša Krista. [Tá sestra hovorí, „Ďakujem ti, Ježišu!“ - pozn.prekl.]

251        [Prázdne miesto na páske. -  pozn.prekl.]... V mene Ježiša Krista, nech je uzdravený.

252        Podobne, na svojho brata, Otče, kladiem svoje ruky, v Ježišovom mene, nech je uzdravený.

253        Otče Bože, v mene Ježiša Krista, kladiem ruky na moju sestru, nech je uzdravená v mene Pána Ježiša.

254        Náš Otče, kladiem ruky na tohto brata a prosím o jeho uzdravenie v Ježišovom mene, amen.

255        V mene Ježiša Krista kladiem ruky na môjho brata a prosím o jeho uzdravenie na slávu Božiu. Amen.

256        Náš nebeský Otče, kladiem ruky na môjho brata a prosím o jeho uzdravenie a spájam moju modlitbu s jeho modlitbou a s modlitbou cirkvi, ktorú si dnes večer zhromaždil. Moje ruky sú na ňom a identifikujú moju vieru v Syna Božieho, prosím o jeho uzdravenie.

257        Máme tu teraz nejaké prípady na invalidných vozíkoch, aby sme sa za nich modlili. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

258        Ježiš raz povedal, „Či viete, čo som vám učinil?“ Urobil som len to, čo mi Boh prikázal, aby bolo učinené.

259        Tak, teraz sa spolu modlime, každý jeden. Ako kladiete svoju myseľ na Boha, držte svoju modlitbu, pamätajte, verte teraz, verte s nami. Každý jeden z vás tu, ktorí ste chorí, možno si nemal modlitebnú kartu.

260        No, budeme znovu rozdávať modlitebné karty, zajtra večer o 6:30 alebo o siedmej, tak nejako, 6:30 alebo o siedmej, a tak budeme mať znovu zajtra večer modlitebný rad. Je mi ľúto, že som vás dnes večer zdržal trochu dlhšie, kvôli tomu modlitebnému radu. Nech vás Boh žehná. Skloňme teraz ešte raz svoje hlavy.

261        Ako sa modlíme, Otče, odpúšťame každému človeku jeho hriech proti nám. Ak je v nás nájdené niečo, čo sa ti nepáči, odpusť nám, Pane. Lebo je nám povedané, že máme byť „písanými epištolami Božími, čítanými všetkými ľuďmi.“ A ako sme poslúchli Tvoje prikázanie, videli sme Tvoju prítomnosť identifikovať Teba medzi nami, ľudia vystúpili na toto pódium a svedčili o svojej viere. Položili sme na nich svoje ruky, Otče. Nielen jeden z nás, ale všetci sme na svojej modlitbe na nich položili svoje ruky, veriac, že Ty uzdravíš ich telá.

262        Ty si povedal, keď si bol tu na zemi „Ak budete prosiť Otca v Mojom mene, učiním to.“ Ježišu, Synu Boží, to bolo Tvoje zasľúbenie, Pane.

263        A ten, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, zidentifikoval tu dnes večer samého Seba, aby vyplnil Svoje zasľúbenie. Tak, bolo to vykonané, tvoje prikázanie, kladenie rúk na chorých. Nech sa to teraz stane. Bolo to napísané, nech je to učinené. Nech sa moc Ježiša Krista dnes večer prelomí a oddelí každú osobu tu od akejkoľvek nevery a nech Prítomnosť Ježiša Krista, Slova, ktorý pozná myšlienky nášho srdca, nech zaujme dnes večer prvenstvo v každom srdci.

264        A my karháme satana a všetky jeho moci temnosti, všetky jeho moci nevery. Duch Boží pozdvihol prápor proti tebe, satan. Si porazenou bytosťou. Ježiš Kristus ťa porazil na Golgote.

265        On povstal na tretí deň, zvíťazil nad smrťou, nad peklom a hrobom. Vystúpil na výsosť a dal ľuďom dary. On je tu dnes nečer v Osobe, On povedal, „Malú chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás až do skonania sveta.“ Vidíme tu dnes večer Jeho prítomnosť, ako vypĺňa Jeho Slovo. Vierou veríme, že každá chorá osoba tu bude uzdravená na slávu Božiu v mene Ježiša Krista.

266        A ľud povedal „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Nech vás Boh žehná, dávam to späť bratovi.

GOD'S WORD CALLS FOR A TOTAL SEPARATION FROM UNBELIEF, 64-0121, Ramada Inn, Ramada Inn, Phoenix, AZ, 88 min

1 ... Scriptures, to a few Scriptures that I have written out here, for what I... if I want, would call it a text. I wouldn't know whether to call it a text, or not. But just for a text, I want to take this thought: God's Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief.

2 And now I wish to read out of the Bible, over in the Book of Genesis, the 13th chapter of Genesis, and we wish to start with the 5th verse, to read. I just love to read the Word. Because, what I say could fail, that's a man. But, if I just read this Word, what He says can't fail. So then I know there'll be good come out of it, if no more than just reading the Word. The 5th verse, we begin, of the 13th chapter.

And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents.

And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together.

And there was... strife between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and... Perizzite dwelt... in the land.

And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen; for we are brethren.

Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: and if thou wilt take the left hand, then I'll go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.

And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld... the plains of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest out of Zoar.

Then Lot choose him all the plains of Jordan; and Lot journeyed eastward: and they separated themselves... one from the other.

And Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the city of the plains, and pitched his tent towards Sodom.

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

And the LORD said unto Abraham, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou... northward,... southward,... eastward,... westward:

For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give thee, and to thy seed for ever.

3 Now, the thought, of God's Word calling a total separation! We only know this by as we read the Word and see the Word manifest Itself.

4Now, in the beginning, Genesis 1:3, we find that. "There was darkness upon the earth. And the Spirit of God moved upon the water. And said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness." So the Word of God began to separate the light from the darkness, from the beginning, so does it remain till this day.

5 As I said last night, of Jesus, when He was only twelve years old. And being a mistake of His mother, who is claimed by people to be the mother of God, and how that the woman said, "Why, Thy father and I have sought Thee with tears."

6And quickly He, being the Word, said, "Knowest thou not that I must be about My Father's business?"

7See, she was declaring Him to be Joseph's son, but He wasn't Joseph's son. If He'd been Joseph's son, He'd been with him; but He was with the Father, about His business. So the Word is always corrective and always right, and the Word will correct every wrong, always.

8 Now when the earth that... God was going to use the earth, and it was in total darkness. The Spirit of God spoke out, and said, "Let there be light," and He separated the light from the darkness. And It's been doing that ever since, separating Light from darkness. God's Word also separated the water from the land, in the beginning. God spoke, and the water was separated from the land. So, that, He had a--a reason for that.

9God never speaks a Word unless He's got a reason for speaking that word. He is not like you and I, that we just... or especially myself, that speaks so many foolish things. God speaks every word with a meaning, and something that He is trying to achieve, and will achieve by His Word. And It will perform exactly what He said It will do.

10 Now, if God said, "Let there be light," and there was no light, then that--that isn't, that wasn't God said that. See?

11When God says anything, He must back up what He says. And when the Word of God has been a vindicated, the Word been a vindicated, that is Light. Now, the Word Itself isn't Light until It's a vindicated Light.

12If God said, "Let there be light," and there was no light, then it wasn't the Word of God. But when light sprung upon the earth, that showed the Word was vindicated, and it was light.

13 Now, today, if God has made a promise, and when that promise is vindicated, then that is Light. That's the Light of the day, when the Word is a vindicated, the Word for the hour is a vindicated.

14Then, God was going to have a--a earth that He was going to grow vegetation, and He'd have people upon the earth, and then He spoke and separated the waters from the sea.

Then, also, He separated, in Genesis, life from death.

15Now, if we believe the Word of God, It is the Word of Life to us; but if we question the Word of God, It's death to us. For, God has spoken, who can deny It? See? And if we question the Word of God, then It becomes death.

16 Like Eve, now, Eve questioned one little phase of God's Word, and what did it do? Caused all this trouble that we have. If she would have remained behind the Word, fortified behind the Word, the whole armor of God, and not disbelieved It, then it would have never happened the way it has, it would have never been this a way. But, you see, there came death.

17Then, God also had an atonement. Being merciful to us, He accepted a substitute death for their death, which both...

18He separated life from death, also, in the garden of Eden, and He did it by His Word.

19And today He does the same thing. When, we're in gross darkness, as I spoke on, Sunday, darkness upon the land, upon the people, and gross darkness. In the midst of all of this, He is still speaking His Word of Life to those who want to believe It. And now we find that if...

20 Jesus has constantly told us that there is a separation. And we find that the last thing that's predicted to the human race, before the great final Day when we ascend into the Presence of God, there will be a final separation. He will separate the sheep from the goats.

21God will, continually has been separating, separating, and that's what He's doing tonight. That's what He always does. You can see it in every meeting. He separates faith from unbelief. He speaks out. He declares Himself to those who will believe Him and have faith in Him.

22 Now we find out, in Numbers, the 6th chapter, that a Nazarite's call, a Nazarite call was to separate themselves from all the world, to the Word of God. That is a Nazarite call, separated.

23We find out that Samson was a Nazarite, unto the Lord, and he was separated from the... by a sign. And this sign was that he was to wear his hair long, with seven locks. It was a--a sign of separation, that he was called for a purpose.

24 And I don't want to get started on this, because I said that it... I was just going to speak a few minutes.

25But I think, today, when we see our sisters wearing long hair, as the Bible said they should, I think it's a Nazarite sign that they want to follow the Lord. And I know that sounds flat, and I--I--I want it to go home, see, because it is. It looks like somebody is trying to--to do, keep a--a something that God told them to do. No matter what the price, the world has to say about It out there, or how many scornful, or laughers, or critics, that doesn't bother a person that's totally separated from the things of the world, to the things of God. They'll obey the Word, and separate themselves from the things of the world, because the Word separates them.

26I know they stand criticism. But if we wasn't criticized, then there'd be something wrong. The world always knows its own. But as I've said, that, remember, criticism, on account of the Word of God, is only growing pains of His grace. It shows that you have separated yourself to--to be a Christian, to act like one, to live like one, to obey every Commandment of God. And it's a--it's a Nazarite vow, to separate, a call from God that separates you from the things of the world.

27 I believe, tonight, that every man and woman, every boy and girl, that's born of the Spirit of God, is a Nazarite unto the Lord; because they have separated them things, themselves, from the cares of the world and whatever the world has got to say.

28You live in this city here where there is great schools. And, and we see our nation calling for higher standard of education; which is all right, nothing to say about that, but that education cannot give you salvation. A scientist can split a grain of wheat and tell you how many different chemicals is in it, but it can't find the life that's in there. An education can learn you, or teach you mathematics, and--and it can teach you history and whatevermore, but it cannot bring Light to you. Your education will not do that.

29God has one way of bringing Light to you: that's when you're ready to separate yourself from all the things of the world, and all the--the cares of the world, and cling only to God's promised Word.

30 Paul was a Nazarite unto the Lord. He was separated from his orthodox church, to the Word of the living God.

31Aaron was a Nazarite unto the Lord. He was separated from among the brethren, to bear the birthstones and to be the high priest.

32It is a total separation. We're not to go back into the world no more, or have anything to do with the world, but cleave only unto God. Jesus is coming after a Bride, a Woman, a Church that's separated from the things of the world, or the cares of the world. She is separated from the fashions of this modern age that we live in. She is separated from the--the cares and the traditions of churches. She is separated only to God, and God is the Word. And as husband and wife is one, so does the Bride and the Word become One, for the Word is living through the Bride. That's how. That's her credentials. That's her identification.

33 If I could pull out a--a Ph.D. or LL.D., and show you my credentials from certain organization or from some school, that school would recognize that credential.

34But the only credential that a believer has is the Word of God living in him, declaring Jesus Christ lives in that person. That's a separated Nazarite unto the Lord, separated for the Word's sake. The Bible said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting to the sunder, and the marrow of the bone, and discerns the thoughts that's in the heart." That's the reason Jesus could look upon the people and perceive what they were thinking; He was the Word.

35 Now, the first Adam that was born in the world, or, not born, but created by God, the first Adam separated himself from the Word, to his wife. Now, he could have stayed with the Word if he wished to. But he separated himself from the Word, to be with his wife.

36That's exactly what the common, carnal church member does today, separates themselves from the true living Word, to hold to their church. Where the... Eve put a question upon the Word, whether God would punish or not. Satan put the question; Eve believed it.

37And then when the church today puts the question upon the Word, "Is He the same? Does He still live in His Church and perform His signs and miracles that He did when He was here on earth, which He so surely promised us in Saint John 14:12?"

38"He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; even greater than this shall he do, for I go to My Father. These signs shall follow them that believe." Shall follow them!

39The question is, to the people today, "Does He really mean it?" And when you accept what the church says, "Does He really mean it?" then you put yourself in the same condition that Adam did, and join yourself with the--the woman of the church of the--this world, and separate yourself from the blessings that God has promised to every believer that would separate himself from the world to the Word. Now, that's the Truth.

40 We are, have had the privilege of living in the day that when the Word of God that we've seen is lotted through each age, for certain things to happen. And when this is lotted, sometimes a man wonder how it's going to be done. Professors have their own idea. But in them ages, God has always sent forth His prophet. And the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet and vindicates the Word to that generation. And the prophets was always the Nazarite, separated from everything else to obey the Word of God.

41Don't you remember what Peter and John said, "Is it right for us to obey man, or God?" When they questioned them about the experience of Pentecost.

42 Now, the first man separated himself, the first Adam, from the Word, to go with his wife, that questioned whether God kept His Word or not.

43What a perfect type of the lukewarm, carnal-minded believer today, that still wants to cling with what their tradition says, instead of taking what the Word says. A very real type! He was separated, to his wife. The carnal believer is separated from the Word, to the church.

44But when the Second Adam was created, in the womb of a woman, and came to the world, He was a Nazarite to the Word of God. He was separated from the world, to the Word. Now, Hebrews, the 7th chapter, 26th verse, tells us that, that them priests continually died, but this Jesus was holy and separated from sinners.

45 Sin is "unbelief." There was no unbelief found in Him, nowhere. When He was here on earth, He said, "Who can condemn Me of sin?" Sin is "unbelief." "If I haven't done just what was prophesied for this age, if I haven't met the requirements of what Messiah is supposed to do, then don't believe Me." Said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me," tell you Who He is.

46Because, it had been prophesied, since Eden, that there would come a Saviour. The prophet said He'd be born of a virgin, and how that He would be called "Emmanuel."

47And also He was "the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace, Mighty God." And that's what they accused Him, of making Himself God. He was God, and He was "the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, and the Everlasting Father."

48There is no other Father but Him, spiritually speaking. He is the only Father, the Father of us all. And we find, all believers, He is the Father of, all who will believe His Word. For, He was completely separated from the church, from its traditions, from His mother, from the world, and only did that which pleased the Father.

49 Now, He was a different person from Adam. No matter what anybody questioned; to Him, the Word, it was the Word always first. And He proved that the Word was right.

50When Satan tried to whitewash It for Him, and said, "It's written..."

51He said, "Yes, and it's also written..." He withstood Satan, upon the Word; because that's what He was, the Word.

52In the Bible, 1st John, Saint John the 1st chapter, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

53 It's always a connection with the spoken Word of God, God's promise for the day. And when it comes, it's so unusual till people can hardly grasp it, because we're so sewed into--to forms and ideas of our own, that it's hard for us to grasp what's Truth.

54I think much of that would apply to--to Joseph, in the days of--of the--the... of Mary, in her maternity. She, she was to be mother. And Joseph loved her, and he--he wanted to believe. He was a righteous man, a good man, and he wanted to believe that story that Mary was telling him, but still there was a question, that, "Now, she's a good woman." No doubt Mary had explained to him the visit of Gabriel to her. And he was a just man, in the lineage of David.

55And yet, her, it looked like that she was trying to use him for a shield, to take off her reproach. Because, if she was engaged to him, and to be found in this condition was the same as adultery (Deuteronomy tells us so), and would be stoned for the act. And it looked like that she was using him for a shield.

56 And the man, a good man, a just man, the Bible said he was a just man. But her case was so unusual that he could not grasp it. He would look in her lovely face, and the sincerity and honesty that she would tell her story in. And no doubt but he'd go to his home, or his carpenter shop, say, "I--I just can't see how she would tell me wrong, but the case is so unusual."

57If he would have only searched the Sciptures, that, "a virgin is to conceive"! See, it was so unusual to him, because it was out of the line of his thinking, but she was exactly in the Scripture.

58And so is it today, brethren, that the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His promised Word of this hour is so unusual, good man stumble over It. It's too unusual. They say the--the dead was raised up, the blind see, the deaf hear, the Holy Spirit discerns the thoughts, foretells things that's coming to pass, never failed it one time. Oh, they--they can't, can't grasp it. It's so unusual, so they--they say, "Well, it's a telepathy, or It's a evil spirit," just like they did in that day. The unusualness of the Word of God!

59 But when a man is borned in the world, for a--a believer, he becomes a Nazarite when he separates himself from anything that's contrary to the Word. A total separation! Jesus said, "I come to separate a man from his wife, tear up a family. And he that won't take up his cross, and follow Me, is not worthy to be called Mine." A separation, from everything, anything; from church, from--from a community, from a belief, or from family, or anything that would stand between you and believing the entire Word of God. If your soul will not punctuate every promise for this hour, with an "amen," there is something wrong somewhere. You need a separation.

60 So Jesus was the Word made flesh, and He was completely separated from sinners, unbelievers, that the Word Itself flowed completely, and--and thoroughly flew through Him, that He said, "I do nothing until I see the Father do it first." They was asking, questioning Him about things. He said, "Verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." And, watch, everything that He said was perfect. Just, He had not to ask about it, think about it; it was perfect. And His perfect Truth always separated the Truth from error.

61 Even as I'll quote back again, again, His mother said, "Thy father and I," before those priests that she had already testify it was a virgin-born Son. But in the moments of her grief...

62How could a twelve-year-old Boy, and we have no record of Him even being in school, how could His intelligence be so great as to debate with the priests, sage, learned man? And why, when, she called that this Joseph was His father, quickly the Word of God... He was separated. He was the Word, and the Word corrected the error, "Know ye not that I must be about My Father's business?" That was not just that little twelve-year-old boy. That was the Word of God speaking through His little childish mouth, to correct error; separating, like He did in the beginning, darkness from light, a lie from the Truth, death from Life.

63It's a separation. Always the Word requires total and complete separation, regardless. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie; let Mine be true."

64All down through the ages, this same thing has happened. It's a separating. Always He separates His people from the unbelief. He did it at the beginning; He does it same today. Each one of the prophets was separated from unbelief. They, reason they did that, is because the Word of the Lord came to them.

65 Now, I believe in a night, somewhere, perhaps was here Sunday or last night, that I was speaking what the word "seer," in the Old Testament, meant. It meant a man, "a diviner, a man that would tell the future events that were coming to pass." And then when they come to pass exactly, without failure, come to pass exactly what he said, then God said, "Listen to this man, or hear him, fear him, for I am with him." Then he had the Divine interpretation of the written Word, for that was his credentials of identification, that he was God's prophet and the Word come to him. That's right.

66 Now, separation. It separated Isaiah from the church world. It separated Moses from the church world. It separated the... all of the great prophets, through the ages, from the church world. Because they had... It separated Jesus from His brethren. It separated the apostles from the church that was at that day, the Pharisees, Sadducees, great man, holy man, good man, fine man, humble man, man that had fruit of the Spirit more so than what Jesus exercised.

67But what was His credentials? That the Word was with Him, the Word promised of that day was living through Him. He said, "Which one of you can condemn Me of sin? Which one of you can say that what I have claimed hasn't happened?" That, for He showed that He was a separated Nazarite of the Lord. He was the Lord Himself in flesh.

68 Abraham, also, he was a separated person, from the world, when God called Abraham at seventy-five years old. "Separate yourself from your kindred and from all of the unbelief, and come out into a World that you've never walked in before, and amongst a people that you've never known before. Come out and separate yourself from anybody that would be contrary to what you're believing, that you would be a Nazarite unto the Lord." Because, he was holding a promise of a son. He had to separate from his father, from his mother, from his kindred.

69And what separated him? Not because that he was a good man, but because he believed that God was able to keep the promise He had give him.

70And when he was twenty-five years later, and the baby had never come; Sarah being ninety, he a hundred. And when the Angel of the Lord visit him; that Jesus referred to, that would come again in the last days. God, in a human form, set down before him and talked. And Sarah, being almost a hundred years old, in the tent behind Him, laughed because the Angel said, "I will visit you according to the time of promise."

71And she said, "Me being old, and would have pleasure again with my lord, seeing he is old?"

72And this Man, which was God in flesh, said, "Why did Sarah laugh, in the tent?" Now, she run out and tried to deny it. But He said, "Yes, but you did laugh," because that she didn't believe it could be right.

73 Now, notice, Jesus said that would come again. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Again the Spirit of God will come upon mortal, human flesh. That Man eat the meat of a calf, drinking the milk from the cow, and eat butter and bread, in human flesh; and Abraham said He was Elohim, God manifested in flesh. Jesus promised that God, before His coming, would be manifested in human flesh again. That's the Holy Spirit (there is only one God) manifesting Hisself, separating, again, Lot from Abraham.

74Lot wanted the world. God sep-... tore up his world, and separated Abraham and Lot. Lot, being a type, again, of a carnal believer who didn't think these things were true, he just went on down in Sodom. And he--he didn't have the real spunk to stand out, as we'd call it, and call what was right "right," and wrong "wrong," so he went down.

75 All these believers, as we could go on for hours, all these were like a bunch of change out of your pocket, in God's hands. You pull out a bunch of change. There is pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half of dollars, dollar, all in coins. Now, that's what the world is, in God's hand. There is some people that just can have a penny's worth of it, and God can only use them in a penny way. That's all they can buy. Don't reject them. If they can't believe the real Truth, don't turn them down, don't kick them out and say they're not in It, because God uses pennies sometime.

76Lot was just a penny, Abraham was a silver dollar, so it taken a hundred Lots to make an Abraham. And so will it take... A hundred carnal believers will never stand in the presence of a genuine Christian that's separated from the carnal things of the world, living in Christ Jesus, where the Word can flow through him.

77He can only take a penny's worth; that's all he's got. So you see people that say, "I don't believe in healing. I don't believe in these things," just know it's a penny, but just let him alone. See? Just a penny's worth, and so that's all he can buy. Don't stop him; just let him alone. Remember, that's just all the farther he can go.

Joseph, he was separated from his brethren.

78 Yeah, I didn't mean that hardly in that way that I said it, see. I mean, if he just, "Well, I belong to this, and that's what we believe." It's just a penny, go ahead, see; just a penny.

Say, "Well, the Lord bless you, my brother."

79See, he is copper; he can never be silver (You see?), so just let it go ahead. God can use him. Oh, He is using it. I'd rather see him down there in a church than to see a barroom standing there on the corner. Wouldn't you? Sure. So just let it alone. God can use it, anyhow; maybe not very much, but He'll use what He can use, as much as they'll let Him use.

80So that's kind of a rude way to express anything, but I... Well, I hope you get the Truth that I mean in it, what--what it's meant. See?

81 He can't believe in discernment and the powers of God that's promised for this day.

82Those Pharisees couldn't do it, either. They couldn't see Jesus being God. Oh, no. "You make yourself God; a man?"

83One day He was standing there, after He had multiplied loaves of bread, and so forth, for them, and He said, "Lest you eat the--the bread of the Son of man's body, and drink His Blood, there is no Life in you."

84Oh, I imagine, His congregation, they walked away from Him. "This Man expects us to be a cannibal, eat somebody's flesh? Oh, that's crazy!" Doctors and medical doctors, and so forth, said, "The man is insane. That's all there is. The priest is right. That man is crazy. Give us his body to eat?"

85That's all He said, see, but the spiritual mind, maybe they could not understand It. Those disciples, they didn't know just exactly what It meant, but they believed It anyhow. Because, where did It come from? It come from the One they knowed to be the Son of God.

86I might not be able to understand all that's in here, but I believe It. It's God's Word. I want to separate myself from anything that's contrary to It. I've tried to stand like that.

87 Notice another group, the seventy, He called. One day He was standing, talking to them, and He said, "The Son of man shall ascend up into Heaven from whence He come from."

88They said, "This Man? He has taken us to the place he was born. We know his mother, Mary. Why, we know his brothers. We know all. And then this Man is going to take... The Son of man is coming, going up into Heaven from whence He come from? He come from Bethlehem. How did He do that?" See, He said it in that way, see, and they walked with Him no more. They walked away. They said, "Ah, this Man, we know there is something wrong with Him."

89 Them disciples set right there. See? They believed. They had seen the promised Word for that day, vindicated and manifested by Him. Who could create, but God Himself, could take bread and... They knowed He was the Son of God. Whether it was in riddles or not, that whether they understood It or not, they walked right on, anyhow, because the Word was vindicated, and they were separated from anything contrary to It.

90God help us to have faith like that! We believe this Bible to be the Truth. I may not have faith enough to make all the promises come to pass, but I believe It, anyhow. I believe the hour that we're living.

91 Joseph, separated from his brethren, without a cause. Now, what was the matter with them? He was not willing to be separated; it wasn't his will to separate. But they separated themselves from him, see, from his bright, shiny dollar; their penny's worth couldn't stand it. They knowed they were patriarchs. They knowed that Isaac was their... or, pardon me, Jacob was their father. And they knowed that to be true. But Joseph was born... He couldn't help it. He was spiritual. He saw visions, could interpret dreams, and they were perfectly right. Whatever he said, was the truth. And his patriarch brothers, moved with envy, and sold him to the Egyptians. See, they--they separated themselves from him because they were pennies. He was of a different quality.

92So is a real believer today, he is of a different quality. They'll separate themselves, (they don't understand It), copper from silver.

93 Now we find out, they moved with envy and sold him. Why? They do the same thing today. What it really was, they said they was... It was for jealousy. They didn't want to break down, because that the quality in them were not the quality that was in him. And, because of it, they were jealous, because they were pennies and he was a dollar. See?

94Now, if the penny would say, "Blessed be the Name of the Lord! My brother, dollar here, see, I can't make the change that he does, but I'll make what I can." That's that, we'd go along then. God would get His program over.

95 As I preached to you, Sunday, the great symphony of God's Word being beat out. The changes and junctions is only God changing times, like the--the director in the symphony. When we see these changes of ages and changes of times, look down on the Sheet here, and you'll find out we're supposed to be here. They've got to do this; there is no way for them to keep from it.

96And the music, to a man that doesn't understand the symphony, what is it? It's a bunch of rattling noise. He doesn't understand it. He is not even interested. He is wishing, "I wish they'd shut up, so I could go home." He is not interested, 'cause he doesn't know the symphony. He doesn't know it.

97But the Composer knows the end from the beginning. See? And if the director isn't in the same Spirit of the Composer, he cannot act it out, because it's all done by signs. And if the sign don't vindicate It, how is the musicians going to play It? Amen! That's it.

98If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can--can, who will know how to prepare for war, retreat, or what doing?

99 Look at the Word and see where we're living, then you can see pennies, what they do. But you can see those who are glistening, watching, and knows the Word, and watching for these signs to happen. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] There it is.

100Like the little woman at the well, when He said, "Go get your husband," she said, "I have none." Said, "That's right. You got five."

101She said, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. We haven't had them for hundreds of years. But we know the Messiah is coming, and He is going to be a prophet. That's what He'll do."

He said, "I am He."

102Oh, the symphony beat went just exactly right, from the low plumb to the high. She ran into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man who has told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah that we've looked forward to?" Certainly.

103See, she understood what the sheet Music was in the symphony, that separates belief from unbelief. Faith can only... Not come by a church; faith comes by hearing the Word of God, knowing what It is. Now we find the same thing today.

104 Many people look at gifts. (In closing now, five more minutes.) People look at gifts, and they think, "Oh, what a great thing," and they try to impersonate gifts. You can't do that. You just... You can't make a--a--a penny be a dollar, you can't make it be a dime, see, can't make it a nickel. It's a penny. But if you'll just recognize yourself as a penny, and go with the rest of the change, see, God can use you. We might not be able to do all. There wasn't everybody...

105When God called Israel out of Egypt, every one of them didn't have to do the same thing Moses did, but they believed it. That's right. They believed Moses, because they knowed that it was a sign of the hour, and that God had proved that he had His Word.

They said, "Pharaoh has got spears."

He said, "But Moses has His Word."

106That's it. Pharaohs might have an army, but Moses had the Word because he was God's prophet. And the Word come to him, and had been vindicated that It was the Truth. It was the living God Who could take dust and throw it up and make fleas come. A man can't do that. As a man that stood there, and said, "Tomorrow about this time there'd be such-and-such," and it was. See? They knowed Moses had God's Word. No matter how many spears and dungeons Pharaoh had, and how many bricks to make; Moses had the Word, so they started into the wilderness.

107There was a man, Dathan, said, "Moses takes too much upon himself. We're all holy people, so we all ought to be able to do what Moses did."

And Moses said, "God, what about this?"

108He said, "Separate yourself. Get away from them." And He opened up the earth, and swallowed up Dathan and his group.

109He separated Light from darkness, by vindicating His Word. He is the same God today.

110 Closing. I was telling you, last night, when I first come here. This is not personally. If you think that, then please just pull down the curtains to your heart. I'm saying this to people who believes.

111It was spoke and told exactly what things would take place, down through the age, and you're all witnesses of that, as you witnessed last night, from the discernment, on down. And how there'd be impersoners, impersonatings, and everything take place.

112But, the last thing, was to be a great thing would take place. We've been watching for it for years. And we all know when it happened first, when a creation come into existence, the third time. And then the fourth time. Last night I told you the fifth time it happened.

113And it's waiting for this Council of Churches, when it unites, and the Protestants. If I speak Sunday morning, that's what I want... I mean Saturday morning, that's what I want to speak on, see, now. And then when this gets together, then the Spirit of God always raises a standard against them. See?

There is man setting here, tonight, who is a witness of this.

114 I was in Colorado, not long ago, this last fall. I go up there on hunting trips. And, as usually, I'm up there on my wedding anniversary. When wife and I got married, I--I had saved off my nickels and things, and from my work, and had them in a baking powder can. And I didn't have enough to take a honeymoon, and go hunting; so I just blended them together, and I took her on a hunting trip, for a honeymoon. So since then, I've, to my shame, I have never been home with her on our anniversary. I was in Colorado.

115 Last night I seen two or three ministers was here, that was with me up there in a camp, where I had to come down from Alaska and meet them, hunting. It was the Martin boys. They was here last night. I... They're here, right back there. And then that other little fellow, I forget his name, sitting... Were you there, too, sonny? That's right. And maybe is Brother Palmer here? I... And we were up in the mountains. And I'm a guide in Colorado, I've hunted in there for years.

116And every time our anniversary, twenty-third of October, comes along... There's a little place where I taken the wife on our honeymoon, up in the Adirondack Mountains, and this place looks just like it, only that was... This is quaking asps up here, the little thicket, and up there it was birch. And I walk out there, on the twenty-third, some time through the day, take off my hat and thank the Lord for a good, loyal wife that's been loyal and be kind to me through these years, and has helped me, as I'll go to preach the Gospel.

117 And it's been awful dry in Colorado this year, as it has been across the country. And all at once there was... I suppose there was two hundred man ahead of us, or a hundred man, pardon me, about a hundred man ahead of us, up above the camps. And they had been shooting up there, for four or five days. And I had shot a deer, one that I had been hunting for years. And, but I... come a fog down, and I didn't get to see him; I couldn't find him. And I had been hunting for him that day.

118And the next day, the phone or the... come in on the radio, "A blizzard coming, could dump twenty-feet of snow in these mountains overnight."

119And so I said to the brethren. I called them in. The Martin boys was there also. I said, "Brethren, you hear what the news said. Now, if you want to get out, you better go right now, because it's going to be too late. You might stay here for a week. And I should go, because next Monday I've got a meeting, Christian businessmen, Full Gospel Business Men at the chapter at Tucson. However, you make your choice. If you want to stay, I'm your guide, I'll stay here with you."

Every one of them voted, "We'll stay. We'll stay."

120The Martin boys, having a low-speed truck, or a high-speed truck, rather, they all... We had a couple of extra deer there, we give them to the Martin boys and them, and they went out; 'cause they wouldn't get out of there, that's all. So, they, they're setting here as a witness tonight.

121 And then the next day, I thought... Well, it didn't snow that day, the day they went out. I said, "I'm going to call the wife and tell her I'm thankful for her being a nice wife, and all. It's our anniversary. And then tomorrow I'll go up to the place, if we get up there, 'fore the snow."

122And so I--I went in, and I couldn't call her. I come back. And everybody in town getting ready, and the big blizzard was coming, and the paper said "could dump twenty-foot of snow in Colorado," that night.

123 Brother Tom Simpson is setting present here somewhere tonight, or should be. He was in Canada and was on his road down, and they bypassed. Said, "Bypass Colorado! Great blizzard!" Are you here, Brother Simpson? Where are you? Yes, setting back in the back here. And they told him, "Bypass Colorado. A great blizzard coming on."

124So I--I told sister, and--and another man's wife, Brother Evans'. I don't think Brother Evans is here tonight, 'less he just come in. Are you here, Brother Evans? And I don't think he has gotten here yet. He'll be here at the convention, though. So I called his wife, and I said, "I couldn't get my wife; she's gone out to the store." And I said, "Tell her to tell Brother Tony Stromei," which was the president of the chapter, "if I'm not in there Sunday, get another speaker ready, because I may not be able to get out of here at all. I'm with these men."

125 Then what taken place? The... That night it didn't snow. The next morning, the clouds was real low and angry. I said, "Now, brethren, I've herded cattle in here, for years, and guided. The first little drop of rain, take back to the camp as quick as you can, 'cause within fifteen minutes I've seen the time you couldn't see your hand before you, for two or three days, at a time, twisting blizzard." That's nine thousand feet right there. And I said, "You, you'll just be in a blizzard, and you'll be lost, and you'll die here in the mountains. Now we'll go out..." I placed each man, and I went up over the top. And I said, "Now, if I don't... Don't wait for me to come in. Hurry just as quick as it starts; the first little speck of rain, rush quickly to the camp, and because you won't be able to find your way back." They said they would do it.

126 I climbed high. Coyotes hollering everywhere, and I knew the weather was going to change. Then, all at once, a big blast of wind come, and the sleet begin to fall. And I said, "I guess everybody is headed back."

127Well, I stood and looked around. I thought, "I wish I could find that deer before I go back, because the snow will cover him up, and they won't be found no more till spring." So I thought, "I hunted so hard for that deer, and it was the first deer I ever let get by like that, since I've owned this little rifle, of fifty-five head of game with it." And I thought, "Well, now, I--I just hate to see it get away like that."

128 And just a moment, great big snow drops, looked like quarters, just a falling everywhere, and the wind started blowing, and I could hardly see how to get off the top of this peak. And I knowed to stay on this ridge. And if I went down and hit the creek, I'd go down the creek till I hit a little foot bridge, then I could feel my way up till I got to where the tent was. That's the only way you could get out. And so I thought, "If I ever make a move one way or the other, that's all, you'll never be found, so you'll die right in there."

129So I started back down the mountain, and I got down about, oh, I guess, three hundred yards, or four hundred, from where I was.

130 Now, this sounds strange. But I got a Bible laying here before me, a Heavenly Father bearing me record. I almost in a run, trying to get off, the wind was blowing so hard up there, and I could see about twenty feet in front of me, in the thickets I was in, the timber, and the wind blowing and twisting. And a Voice said, "Stop! Go back where you come from."

131Well, I stopped. I thought, "Maybe that was just the sound of that wind. I wasn't thinking about nothing like that." And I waited just a moment.

132And one of the boys had fixed me a sandwich, and I pulled it out, and it was really a sandwich; and me, raining and sweating, it was just a big lump of--of bread with some meat in, somewhere. Well, I--I was kind of hungry, so I ate it, anyhow. And I was standing there. And I buried the little piece of paper; so, an animal will see those things, and, anything that's civilization, they run and get away.

133So I stood there a little bit, and I thought, "Well, I'll just go on."

134I started on. And just as plain as you hear my voice, Something said, "Turn and go back where you come from."

135"How could that be God telling me to walk into that deathtrap?" I stood there a minute, and I thought, "That's the same One that said about them squirrels."

136The same One I told you about last night, about my wife; just a Voice, just a human Voice. The same One told me, when I was a little boy, "never drink or smoke," and these things would be in the last days. God, and me telling this with the Bible over my heart, what good would it do me to tell you something wrong and know that I'm sending my soul to hell? See? It's true. It's unusual, but it's true.

137 "Well," I thought, "I know enough to obey that Voice. Why would I... He has got some reason for me to go up there. Maybe it's my time to go."

138So I turned, and making my way through the wilderness until I got up to that saddle again, way up, maybe three hundred yards, four hundred above, right straight up the mountain, like that again. And it was so thick up there then, I couldn't see nothing; the wind, and trees just laying over and twisting.

139And I took my rifle, I had on a red shirt and a red cap, and I put the rifle, keep from smoking up the--the scope in it, because bear and stuff move in them kind of times, so does lion; and if I'd run into one, the scope all smoked up. And I just held it up like this, not against me, where it would smoke, but keep the fog out of it, and the wet from the snow. And I set down under a tree.

140 I was sitting there. I thought, "Well, why would He want me to come up here? I--I doubt very much I can find my way down now, the... getting so terrific." I could see about ten or fifteen feet, maybe, and hardly that far, sometimes not over five feet, and getting rougher all the time. Well, I--I thought, "Well, He said come back. All I know to do is set here." And the snow then about an inch, or inch and a half, maybe two inches, on the ground. It'd been about twenty or thirty minutes. And--and it was blowing so hard, it was blowing it away, too. And I just set there just a moment.

141I heard a Voice. He said, "I am the God of Heaven, Who created the heavens and earth."

142I jerked off my hat, cap, and I just set still. And I listened again. I thought, "That wasn't the wind." Oh, it was blowing, making noise.

143 And I heard It again. Said, "I am the One Who stilled the winds upon the mighty sea. I am the One, the Creator. I created squirrels in your presence. I did these things."

I said, "Yes, Lord. I believe You."

144Said, "Stand on your feet." I stood up, to my feet. He said, "Now speak to the storm. It'll do what you tell it to do."

145Now, that is true. I, when I meet you at the Judgment, I'll have all this to answer for. I thought He...

146I said, "Storm, go to your place, stop. And, sun, you shine normally for four days."

147And no more than I had said that, the sleet and hail, which was about to blow me down, just stopped. And within a moment or two, the sun was shining right down through, upon me. And I looked down across the mountains, I see a--a east wind come. The wind was coming from the west. East wind come, and was coming this way, and I could see the clouds just mysteriously... Where they went, I don't know.

148 And I stood there a few moments, tears running down through my beard, and them gray. I thought, "God, how, I don't know what to do."

149I thought, "Well, I was... I guess the brethren are all back in the tent. And the sun is shining everywhere."

150I started walking down the mountain. And the snow all drying up, with that hot sun; steam coming out of my shirt. Just a moment, or two, difference. And I started walking down the mountain. And when I did, I said...

I heard a Voice say, "Why don't you walk with Me?"

151I said, "Lord, the greatest privilege I ever had!" I turned and started back down through the big deer trails, down through that virgin forest.

152And I thought, "Well, I'll walk on down that way to where I always pay my salute to Meda, my wife." And I was going along there some, about a half hour, three-quarters, later. Snow was all dried up and gone.

153And I begin to think, "I wonder why she had never said anything to me about going." I said, "I remember when I first took her up there and lift her over them logs, when we were married." I said, "Now she is gray."

154I went, "Uhm!" The gray beard over my face, black and gray mixed together. I thought, "Bill, you ain't got much longer. You're getting old."

155 And I started moving along. And I looked up, looked like I could see her standing before me there, with her arms out, still black-headed.

156I held my head down. I was going up a little place where some quaking asps, and there's a little crook in a... I just leaned my head against the limb, like this. And I was standing there, crying, and I could hear something going, "Pat, pat, pat." And I looked down; it was the water coming from my eyes, through my beard, hitting on them dry leaves; where, about thirty minutes before, there was an inch of snow, and it blizzarding.

157 When I come down off the mountain, four days later; not one cloud in the sky, for four days later. I come in, and I said to the filling station man, "Did... been pretty dry?"

158"Yes." Said, "You know, the strangest thing, we was predicted a storm the other day, and, you know, it stopped all at once."

159And then I come on down to the New Mexico line, coming back to Arizona. And I said to Billy, my son, I said, "Let's go in here and just see if it was down this way."

160I stopped in there. It was on a Sunday morning. Got some... And I got some gasoline. And the man said, "Well, been hunting?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

"Any luck?"

161I said, "Yes, sir, we had a fine time." I said, "Looks pretty dry."

162And he said, "Yes, it's been awful dry through here." He said, "We was promised a big snow the other day." And said, "You know, the blizzard actually started, and somehow or another it quit." Oh, my! Oh, my!

163 I was standing against the side of this tree. (In closing.) Standing aside of this tree, and the tears dropping from my eyes. I thought, "God!"

164Just think, the same God that said, "Peace, be still," to the waves, and the winds obeyed Him, He is still the same Jesus is right here in the woods with us. He is still the Word. The Word, all nature has to obey His Word, for He is the Creator of nature.

I stood there, and the tears dropping off of my cheeks.

165And for about five years now, I've been off the field, just going to churches and whatever I could. You all know that. And my heart's been burdened. I'd go out here, come to Arizona. And He would tell me things to do, I'd go do it, but look like the revival is over. And I couldn't... wonder what was taking place. In my heart, I'd repent. I'd say, "Lord, if I've done anything, tell me; I'll make it right." Just burdened all the time, just a horrible feeling, and I couldn't have the victory that I wanted.

166Many great things He had done and showed, which you all are witnesses, coming here and telling you about it, seeing the papers pack it, and magazines, and so forth, about the great supernatural things that's been seen and done.

167 But my heart was still heavy. And I was leaning against the bush, just like this. And I thought, "The great God of Heaven. That warm sun shining on me, not a cloud nowhere, and a few moments ago You just--You just contradicted the man's word. Nature did it. How could it be done, Lord? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It was His Word that You just had me to speak." I thought, "Father, how grateful I am!"

168I heard something going... [Brother Branham taps twice on the pulpit--Ed.] And I looked; standing right before me was two, three deer, and they were looking at me. Now, them deer had been shot at, much, in the last week, and there was hunters in there. And here I was dressed in red; anyone knows [Brother Branham snaps his finger] that they're gone that quick. But they were looking at me.

169And, for eating deer, there could have been no better. It was a big doe, two big full-grown fawns. And I thought, "That's just right! We need three deer."

170Something said, "You know, the Lord has put them in your hands."

171 But when I was with the Full Gospel Business Men, Brother Clayton, about a year before, he went with us when I caught that big record fish. That year, for man, I killed nineteen head of elk. And I... the...

172Sometimes, businessmen... Excuse this, my brethren. Some of them are doctors, and, you know, they can't walk; and fat, you know, and many set up to a desk. They say, "Billy, get me one two-year-old. Get me a blue cow. I want a buck. Get me a--a full rack." Well, I just had a jubilee out there, shooting, getting the elk and things.

173But the Lord told me not to do that. And I promised Him, in that blizzard over there in Colorado, not... years before that. I said, "Lord, I'll lead man to the game, but no more kill game for man." No. Not 'less it's an emergency and we have to have it.

174And if you remember, boys, the night before we left. Poor little old brother down there, hadn't got a deer. What's his name? Palmer, come around, and put a ten-dollars tithes in my hand. He said, "Brother Branham, this is my tithes, put it in the church." He said, "Will you get me a deer?" Oh! I...

175 []... stood those three deer, and I had this rifle of mine on my shoulder. I just slipped my shoulder like that. I thought, "They can't get away from me. They're right here." I was too fast with the rifle. "I can get all three of them before they can turn around." See? And I had the rifle. I thought, "There they are, right." I just slipped the rifle...

176Then I happened to think of that promise. I said, "I can't do it. I can't do it." I said, "I remember one time that a man told another, 'God has put Joab in your hands, or Saul,' Joab told David. David said, 'God forbid that I would touch His anointed.' That was my promise, that I wouldn't do it."

177I thought, "They're right atop of this hill. I can roll them right down there; we can pick them up easy. Three fine deer standing there!"

I said, "No, I can't do it."

178 And here this coming up like that, of fawns, two full grown, male and female, and a mother deer. And they come, walking, looking around, great big fat fellows.

179And I stood there a little bit. And I thought, "That's unusual, for deer, and me with this red on like that." I thought, "I'll scare them."

180I said, "You're in my hands! You couldn't get away if you wanted to, but I'm not going to hurt you. Go on!" They just looked at one another, and they kept coming. And they got real close to me, looking at me.

181 Well, I set the rifle down on the ground. I said, "Mother, take your babies and go on out in the woods. I'm here enjoying myself in the Presence of God. I promised that I wouldn't kill game for other people." I said, "Now you take your babies and go on in the woods. I love that woods, too. Go on out!"

182She looked at me. And both of them looked around, all three of them. Then they turned and walked away, and then come back again.

183And I said, "I'm not going to hurt you." I said, "Go on in the woods. You're in my hands. You couldn't get away. But," I said, "I've been in God's hands, and yet I couldn't get away, either. He spared me. I made Him a promise. I'm sparing you. Go on, have a good time, enjoy this woods. I like it. You go on!"

184 They stood there a little while, and walked up close to eat out of my hands, almost; turned around and looked all at me, like that, and walked on off. Stand and looked back again, walked right on out in the woods. And I was standing there. I thought, "That's unusual, for deer. Wonder if it's because that the Lord Jesus is here, His Presence?"

185And just then a Voice spoke to me, said, "You remembered your promise, didn't you?" I knew it was Him.

I said, "Yes, Lord."

186He said, "So do I remember Mine. I'll never leave you. I'll never forsake you."

187That burden lifted. Christian friends, it hasn't been back since. That was last October. I've been a different person.

188Keep your promise to God. Whatever you say to God, you believe it. Separate yourself from anything contrary to His Word. God will hear and answer prayer.

Let us bow our heads just a moment.

189Are you willing to separate yourself, tonight, from all unbelief, to hear the Word of the Lord? If you'll do it, and believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! These things what He has promised to do, we see Him doing it. Will you raise your hands and say, "God, I make You a promise tonight. I believe everything that You promised. I believe every Word; that I'd never doubt no more"?

190 Our Heavenly Father, Thou knowest this story to be true. That was the fourth time. And then the fifth time, was with my own precious wife, when You... Last week, when that doctor writing that statement, that big tumor left before his hand touched her; just according to what I said.

191Now, Father, I pray that You'd help these people. I realize that I'm getting old. I know that I must go soon. And I pray, Lord, that, let me be honest and sincere with my brethren, let be honest and sincere with Your people. If I can't be with them, then I don't think I would be with You, Lord, because I want to bear record of You. And I pray that You'll let the Word so live in us, tonight, that You'll give all of us faith. And by this little gift that...

192People think sometimes that a gift is something that you put in your hands, and go out and cut your way through. A gift is not that, Father. May they understand that a gift is get yourself out of the way, so that the Holy Spirit can do what It wants to do.

193 Lord, let us get ourselves out of the way now, and let the great Holy Spirit come and work through us. And may we see, tonight, the promises of Jesus Christ, that... the One that I referred to especially tonight, Lord, that, that One where God came down before Abraham, manifested in flesh, and knowed the secret of the heart, It was God. And when He was made flesh and dwelt among us, He knew the secret of the heart. And the Bible says that, "The Word of God is a Discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart." That's how the disciples knowed that He was God.

194Now, Father, will You come tonight and let our poor humble tabernacles be dedicated to You, that You'll cause us to believe, that it's Your Spirit might make Itself known among us tonight, that You're still the Word. Then we'll separate ourself from all unbelief and follow You. In Jesus' Name, may You speak to us. Amen.

[Someone gives an exhortation--Ed.]

195 Great God of Heaven, be merciful unto us. Help us, O Lord, to obey Your Commandments. And use us to Thy honor. And we thank Thee for these encouraging words. Now let the Holy Spirit move through us and confirm these words. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

196Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Be of good courage. The time of His Coming is drawing close at hand.

197 Now, tonight, we've got groups of prayer cards. How many in here has prayer cards, raise up your hands. It would be hard for me to go through that group and with the discernment, if the Lord would give it. But let me just take a moment and say this, how many in here doesn't have prayer cards, and you are praying that God will heal you? Now may the Lord God help each one of you.

198I am your brother. Jesus is your Saviour. God is our Father. We are people. We are not of this world, when we're born of God, we're of Above. Now, before we have the prayer line, to pray for the sick... And there is man here on the platform, tonight, that prays for sick, too, and ministers out there that pray for sick. I don't want to leave the impression that I'm the only one who prays for the sick. See? God doesn't... He doesn't have to use me. He could--He could just use you or anybody. The thing is, to believe what He's said to be the Truth.

199 But now, as I have said this in vindication of what has been said, let us just bow our heads just a moment. You that's praying, and you're sick and do not have prayer cards, you pray and say something like this: "Lord Jesus, I know the Bible says that the prayer of faith shall save the sick; God shall raise him up. And it's also said that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

200If He is the same, well, then He'll have to act the same, do the same. And then again, the Bible said that the--the Word of God was sharper than a two-edged sword, and discerned the thoughts that was in the heart. We know that when the Word was made flesh, in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that's exactly what God did through His Son. Jesus said, in Saint John 14, "The works that I do shall you also, even greater and more, for I go to My Father."

201 And now the Bible says, also, in the Book of Hebrews, that He is the High Priest now. Do we all believe that? Certainly. "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Now, "He is." Not I am; He is. No man is. "He is now a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities."

202Now, if you feel and are ready to step out and just turn yourself loose, to your all unbelief, and saying, "Let me touch You, great High Priest!" Now, if He is the High Priest, and the same yesterday, today, and forever, He will act as He did then, because He is the same.

203 A woman touched Him one time when He was here on earth, visibly, with her hand. He felt the touch, and turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" And all of them denied it. But He discerned the thoughts, and He found the woman, told her what was wrong with her, and her faith had healed her.

204Now, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Maybe that woman didn't have a prayer card, but she had faith. And that's all that's necessary. Have faith. Touch the great Physician. And by a Divine gift, if I can just get myself out of the way, let the Holy Spirit say what He wants to do, and do what He wishes to do. And that's a gift, not just imaginary. If it's imaginary, it won't work. If it is real, it works. That's what Jesus said, "It's not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me." So, it couldn't be me. He was the Son of God; I'm a sinner, saved by His grace.

205 Just believe. Don't press. Just believe, and say, "Lord Jesus, let me touch Your garment." Just pray simple. Just keep praying. Everybody stay where you are, just pray and believe.

206Just believe, and don't be in a hurry. Don't try to press. Just believe. Now do you believe, everyone? Can you believe? Just forget all the past. Think that Jesus promised this. I know it's unusual, but Jesus promised it.

207Now, if you will, be reverent just a moment, then we'll start the prayer line. I don't say that He'll do this. He may. By the grace of God, I--I'm released from, I think, from my own thinking. May He...

208 Now you, if you feel to raise your head and just look this a way, and be in prayer. As Peter and John said, "Look on me," not, "look on us," rather, didn't mean... Just to pay attention to what they were saying.

209Now you're a audience. There is hardly anyone in here that I know, outside of--of these Martin boys setting here. And I think this is Brother Daulton setting down here, I'm not sure, with your colored glasses on. I'll try to bypass them there, people which I do not know.

210Well, now may Jesus Christ come with His power, that you might see that the promise of this day, the Scripture that was predicted of this day, even according to Malachi 4, it must be fulfilled. Something has got to do it. God has promised it.

211 There's a lady setting right out here. She is on her road to the hospital tomorrow. She's been in an accident, automobile accident. She has hurt herself, got inward troubles, bad arm. You don't have a... You have a prayer card, lady? You don't. Am I a total stranger to you? I don't know you. We don't know one another. [The sister says, "No, sir. I've heard you preach."--Ed.] Ma'am? ["I've heard you preach."] Just heard me preach, but you know I know nothing about you. Are those things the truth? If that is, raise up your hand. God bless you. All right, sir. Have faith, you won't have to go. Your trouble is over.

What did the lady touch?

212There is a man setting right behind her. Can't you see that Light? Look at that amber-colored Light moving. It's a man setting right behind her. He is praying about something; it's a brother that's in the hospital. Do you believe that God will heal your brother, give him back his right mind and everything, make him right? Do you believe that? I'm a stranger to you. Is that right? That's the con-... Believe! All right, you can have...

What did he touch?

213 Here is a lady, right back behind that, setting back here. She is... See that Light, can you see It? Look here. Look, everybody look, see right here, kind of an amber-looking Circle. Right below It is a lady. She is here, she is praying for someone. It's two children, grandson, great-grandson. The lady is not from here. She is from California, and she has come here requesting prayer.

214Also, there is somebody with her. It's her sister. She sets right back here, with that red dress on. She has epilepsy. That is true. She is from California, and you brought her with her. Your name is Mary. You believe with all your heart. Are those things true? Wave your hand if it's true. Do you believe with all your heart? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Then you can have what you've asked for. Now, anybody wants to ask the people if I knew them... Do you have a prayer card, lady? You don't? You don't need it.

215 Here, here is a man setting right back here, looking at me, on the end of the row. He's got trouble with his knees. If he'd believe that God will heal them knees, he may have what he is praying about. Do you believe it? All right, your knee trouble is over, sir. You have a prayer card? You don't have a prayer card? You don't need it.

Now, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever!"

216A lady setting here, has got female trouble. Do you believe? Yeah, the lady... Oh, my, she is going to miss it. Got a red coat. Her name is Miss Daily. Believe with all your heart. The Lord Jesus Christ make you well, Miss Daily.

217Ask if I know the lady. I never seen her in my life. The Heavenly Father knows that.

You say, "Why did you call her, her name?"

218Well, Jesus said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas." Is that right? Now, isn't that Him, the same yesterday, today, and forever? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe that to be the truth? Now, what did Jesus say? This will occur.

219 And, remember, that was the last sign that was given to the elected Church, Abraham and his bunch, before the promised son appeared. Is that right? God had give Abraham signs all along the journey, and so has He the Church. But when the Angel of the Lord come down and do that, He destroyed the unbelieving Gentiles; and the expected son, that had been waited for, appeared, Isaac.

220This ministry will end soon, and the expected Son will appear, Himself. The Church has come from justification, through the Lutheran; santification, through the Wesleyans; into the baptism of the Holy Ghost, through the Pentecostals; and now winding up to the Headstone ministry, typing all the time right into that Perfect; negative shadow becoming positive, then Jesus will come to catch His Church, someday, those who believe.

221Separate yourself from unbelief, and believe, tonight. Will you do it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

222 Let those who have prayer cards now, beginning... I believe I prayed up to twenty-five, last night. Is that right? I think that's what was set down, number one, twenty-five. Now twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, thirty, line up over here. With prayer cards number one, line up on this side over here. Will you do it now?

223Now, we have the discernment line without the prayer cards. So that people say I was reading what was on their prayer cards, there was... Them people had no prayer card. They're just people setting there, and now it goes on. How many has seen that go for a half hour at a time, or more, like that, see, and things take place! But, you see, we got to hold a little strength. I've got forty-some-odd meetings ahead of me, around down through the South.

224And now move over here, you with your prayer cards, move over on this side. All with the A prayer cards, come over on this side over here, prayer cards A.

225 Now, the rest of us, let us sing to God, Only Believe. Will you do that? All of us together.

Only... (That's all. Just believe what? Believe His Word)... only believe,

All things are possible, only believe;

Only believe...

Lord... Lord...

226[Brother Branham says the following to someone on the platform--Ed.]: Maybe if I'd step right down there, maybe it'd be better? Can we to go down there, pray for the sick? Go down here, pray for the sick? Looks like we can.

227 How many is interested in these people getting healed? Now, see, healing belongs to God. Is that right? Now, if Jesus stood here tonight, with this suit of clothes that He gave me, and was wearing this suit of clothes, Himself, the...

If you would say, "Lord, will You heal me."

228He would say, "I have already done it." "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed." Is that right? See, He has already did it; it's in past.

229You say, "Lord, save me." He has already did it. No matter how much you cry, or pray, and beat on the bench, it won't save you until you believe and accept what He's done for you. Is that right?

230Same thing it is. I do not heal people. I can't heal people. But what would He do, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever? He would do just what He did now, for that's what He promised for the day. How many knows that that's what He's promised? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He has promised it. Yes, sir. He promised it, in all the Scriptures. You all take the tapes, The Seven Church Ages, and things, see those things proven by the Scripture, that it's right.

231 Now, to you standing in this prayer line, to come down that line of discernment. Jesus saw one vision, and He said, "I perceive that virtue has gone from Me." That's strength. Is that right? Visions, you're in another world. Now, He is here. That's Him that you touched. See? Now, it just only identifies that He is here with us.

232Now how many will believe, if we'll just walk through this line, and let me pray and lay hands upon you, and you go back to your seat? Do you believe if I pray for you here, and then lay hands on you, each one of you get well?

233 Do you believe that was the Holy Spirit here? It could just keep on doing it. If you want to forfeit that line, and just keep on for some more, why, we'll do that. See, that's what, the Holy Spirit is here. See? It's not... It's just up to--to your thinking, if it'd make you believe more.

234But many people has been taught, "Lay hands on them." The Bible said, "He sent His Word and healed them." Well, that's what He did just now, confirmed His Word, sent It to you, confirmed It, and It healed them. The Gentile said...

Jew said, "Come, lay hands on my daughter, she'll live."

235The Roman said, "I am not worthy You come under my roof. Just say the word!" Uh-huh. That's what I'm trying to get you to believe, you see.

236But if you want to be prayed for, and hands laid upon you, now I want every one of you to join with me in prayer as we pray for the people.

Let us bow our heads.

237 Lord Jesus, I pray for the people now. They're aware that You're standing here. They know that You're in the midst of the people. And when these people pass over this platform tonight, may they not come, just coming by me, Your servant, or these other servants of Yours setting here. May they realize that they are coming to the temple of the living God, they're coming under a promise that God said, "These signs shall follow them that will believe. When they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." He promised that. He promised that every man that would believe would be saved, and every man that does believe gets saved. Every one that believes in healing gets healed. Father, help our unbelief now.

238You've identified Yourself here tonight, scripturally, to show us that You're here. Now let it come to pass that every person that comes across this platform, or in this audience, may there not be a feeble person among us when the service is over. May the great Holy Spirit come among His people and anoint us, every one, Lord, all these ministers, all these servants of Yours setting here, by the hundreds. Father, I pray that each of our prayers will go to You while we're in the Divine Presence of Your Being. And may these people understand, as they pass this platform, that tonight is the night of their healing, if they can believe it.

239 Now I want every one to continue in prayer as the people come by, and I'll be laying hands upon each one for their healing.

240Come, sir. I pray for this, my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.

241I pray for this, my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.

242I pray for my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen.

243I pray for my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing.

I pray for my sister, in Jesus' Name, for her healing.

I pray for my sister, in Jesus' Name, for her healing.

244I pray for my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing.

245I pray for my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing.

246I pray for my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing.

I pray for my brother, in Jesus' Name, that You'll heal him.

247I lay hands upon our brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing.

248I lay my hands upon this brother, in Jesus' Name, for his healing.

249With my hands laid upon this brother, I ask for his healing, in Jesus' Name, while he's in the Divine Presence here now of Your anointing.

250 Heal this, my sister, Father, I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name. [The sister says, "Thank You, Jesus."--Ed.]

251[]... Jesus Christ's Name, let him be healed.

252Likewise, upon my brother here, Father, I lay my hands. In Jesus' Name, let him be healed.

253Father, God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands upon my sister. Let her be healed, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

254Our Father, I lay hands upon this brother, and ask for his healing, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

255In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands upon my brother, and ask for his healing, for the glory of God. Amen.

256Our Heavenly Father, I lay hands upon my brother, and I ask for his healing. Connecting my prayer, Lord, with his prayer, and the prayer of the church that You've gathered tonight. My hands upon him, identifying my faith in the Son of God, I ask his healing. Amen.

257Now we got some wheel-chair cases here to pray for. []

258Jesus said, one time, "Know ye what I've done to you?" I've done just what God commanded to be done.

259 Now let us pray together, each one. As you put your mind upon God, hold your prayer. Remember, believe now, believe with us. Each one of you here, that's sick, and maybe you didn't have a prayer card...

260Now, we'll be giving out prayer cards again, tomorrow night, at six-thirty or seven, something like that, six-thirty or seven, so we'll have prayer line again tomorrow night. I'm sorry that I kept you a little late tonight, on account of the prayer line. May God bless you.

Now let us bow our heads again.

261 As we pray, Father, we forgive every man his sin against us. If there be found anything in us, that's unlike You, forgive us, Lord. For, we're told that we're to be "written epistles of God, read of all man." And as we have obeyed Your Commandments, seen Your Presence identifying Yourself with us; people has walked up to this platform, testifying of their faith. We've laid hands upon them, Father. Not just as one of us, but all of us together, in prayer, we've laid hands upon them, believing that You will heal their bodies.

262You said, when You were here on earth, "if you ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it." Jesus of... Son of God, that was Your promise, Lord.

263And the One that made the promise has identified Himself here tonight to fulfill His promise. So it--it's been carried out, Your Commandments, laying hands on the sick. Now, let it be done. It's been written, let it be done. Let the power of Jesus Christ break tonight, and separate every person in here, from any unbelief, and let the Presence of Jesus Christ, the Word, Who knows the thoughts of our heart, let It take preeminence tonight in every heart.

264 And we rebuke Satan and all of his powers of darkness, all of his powers of unbelief. The Spirit of God has raised up a standard against you, Satan. You are a defeated being. Jesus Christ defeated you at Calvary.

265He raised up, the third day, triumph over death, hell, and the grave. He ascended on High and give gifts to man. He is here in Person tonight. He said, "A little while and the world will see Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." We see His Presence here tonight, fulfilling His Word. By faith we believe that every sick person in here shall be healed, for the glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

266And the people said, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God bless you. Back to the brother.