Boh je svojím vlastným vykladačom



Tak, všetko, čím sme my dnes, je zobrazenie Jeho atribútov. V Bohu... Najprv, On dokonca ani nebol Bohom. Boh, my Ho nazývame „Ten Večný“. On nebol Bohom, pretože Boh (to slovo) znamená „objekt uctievania“, a tam nebolo nič, čo by Ho mohlo uctievať. Takže On bol Ten Večný, hlavná Fontána všetkej inteligencie. A v tejto Fontáne všetkej inteligencie nebol žiaden atóm, molekula, nič. Svetlo, nikde, hviezdy, mesiac, nič. Boh, ktorého poznáme ako Boha, veľký Duch, ktorý bol Večný (nikdy nezačal, nikdy nekončí), On bol tam. A v ňom boli atribúty: Atribúty Boha, atribúty Otca, atribúty Syna, atribúty Spasiteľa, atribúty Uzdraviteľa. Všetky tieto atribúty boli v ňom. A teraz On... tieto veci, ktoré boli odvtedy rozvinuté, sú len Jeho zamanifestované atribúty.

To, čo tým myslím, „atribúty“, to boli Jeho „myšlienky“. A slovo je „vyjadrená myšlienka.“ A vtedy, to boli Jeho myšlienky. A keď povedal, „Nech je,“ tak bolo. „Nech je,“ a bolo. A teraz, pamätajte, vy Kresťania ste boli Jeho myšlienkami predtým, ako bol svet. A vy ste manifestáciou Jeho myslenia. Predtým, ako bol svet, boli ste v Kristovi, (amen) v Bohu na začiatku. To vás činí, rozumiete, Jeho poddanými. A celá tá vec je Boh Sám, robiaci sa hmatateľným, že Ho môžu ľudia vidieť a tak ďalej. A to je to, čo Boh je, celá vec.

1Náš Nebeský Otče, jedno Slovo od teba znamená viac, ako by mohol niekto niečo urobiť alebo povedať, lebo ľudia čakajú, aby Ťa videli. A ďakujeme Ti, pretože sú tu takí, ktorí sú pod očakávaniami; hľadajú, aby sa niečo stalo. A keď sú ľudia smädní po niečom, Hlbina volá po Hlbine a musí existovať ďalšia Hlbina, ktorá odpovedá na to volanie. A to je to, prečo sme tu dnes večer, pretože to bolo na srdciach týchto kazateľov a ľudí, aby nás zavolali a spolu Ťa prosili o priazeň a požehnanie veriac, že Ty uzdravíš chorých a zachrániš stratených a urobíš Tvoje Slovo zamanifestované.

2A modlíme sa, Nebeský Otče, aby si nám to udelil, ako pokorne očakávame na Teba, noc čo noc. Nech je tu také vyliatie Ducha Svätého, a nech je každá osoba slepá na všetko ostatné naokolo, okrem Boha. A nech sa tu vydierajú výkriky medzi ľuďmi, smädnými po Tebe, dokiaľ neprejde cez túto krajinu prebudenie, a nech sú zbory naplnené ľuďmi, hriešnikmi kričiacimi k Bohu pre milosť, a nech Svätý Duch uzdraví chorých, urobí chromých chodiacimi, a nech kriesi z mŕtvych a nech udelí všetky tieto veci, ako si zasľúbil v Tvojom Slove.

3Príď, Pane Ježišu, a vyplň Svoje zasľúbenie. Príď k nám dnes večer. Veríme, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, a Tvoje zasľúbenia nezlyhajú. Aj nebesia a Zem oboje zlyhajú, ale Tvoje Slovo nezlyhá. Nech je naše porozumenie otvorené. Nech Svätý Duch príde a naplní neplodnú zem. Nech je naše porozumenie otvorené pre Ducha a Božiu Moc dnes večer, keď zamanifestuješ Svoje zasľúbenia cez nás. O to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

4Tak, dnes večer, vy. ktorí sledujete text, otvorme si v Biblii knihu 2. Petra, a začnime s 15. veršom. Chcem hovoriť na toto miesto Písma na chvíľu.

A budem sa aj po každé snažiť o to, aby ste po mojom odchode mali jako rozpomínať sa na to.

Lebo sme neišli za chytrácky vymyslenými bájkami, keď sme vám oznámili moc a príchod nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, ale jako takí, ktorí sme boli očitými svedkami jeho veličenstva.

5Páči sa mi to „očití svedkovia“. Nie nejaká bájka. Sme očitými svedkami toho, o čom hovoríme.

Lebo dostanúc od Boha Otca česť a slávu, keď sniesla na neho velebná sláva taký hlas: Toto je ten môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mne zaľúbilo.

A ten hlas, ktorý sa sniesol s neba, sme my počuli, keď sme s ním boli na tom svätom vrchu.

Aj máme pevnejšie slovo prorocké, a dobre robíte, že máte naň obrátený svoj pozor ako na sviecu, svietiacu na šerom mieste, dokiaľ by sa nerozvidnel deň, a nevzišla dennica vo vašich srdciach,

vediac najprv to, že niktoré proroctvo Písma nedeje sa z vlastného rozlúštenia budúcnosti.

Lebo nikdy nebolo proroctvo vynesené vôľou človeka, ale Svätým Duchom súc nesení hovorili svätí Boží ľudia.

6Nech Boh pridá požehnania do čítania Jeho Slova. Teraz, chcem vziať tieto slová ako titul: Boh je svojím vlastným Vykladačom.

7Žijeme v dni zmätenia. Žijeme v dni, keď muži a ženy ledva vedia, čo majú robiť. Zdá sa, že vo všetkom je chaos. Vyzerá to tak, že na všetko sa môžeme pozrieť rôznymi spôsobmi. To je satan, ktorý to robí.

8No, Boh nemôže ľudí súdiť spravodlivo, správne, pokiaľ nie je nejaký štandard, podľa ktorého by Boh súdil. A Biblia hovorí, že On bude súdiť všetkých Ježišom Kristom, a Ježiš Kristus je Slovo. V sv. Jánovi, v 1.kapitole, hovorí:

Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.

A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami...

9Tak, všetko, čím sme my dnes, je zobrazenie Jeho atribútov. V Bohu... Najprv, On dokonca ani nebol Bohom. Boh, my Ho nazývame „Ten Večný“. On nebol Bohom, pretože Boh (to slovo) znamená „objekt uctievania“, a tam nebolo nič, čo by Ho mohlo uctievať. Takže On bol Ten Večný, hlavná Fontána všetkej inteligencie. A v tejto Fontáne všetkej inteligencie nebol žiaden atóm, molekula, nič. Svetlo, nikde, hviezdy, mesiac, nič. Boh, ktorého poznáme ako Boha, veľký Duch, ktorý bol Večný (nikdy nezačal, nikdy nekončí), On bol tam. A v ňom boli atribúty: Atribúty Boha, atribúty Otca, atribúty Syna, atribúty Spasiteľa, atribúty Uzdraviteľa. Všetky tieto atribúty boli v ňom. A teraz On... tieto veci, ktoré boli odvtedy rozvinuté, sú len Jeho zamanifestované atribúty.

10To, čo tým myslím, „atribúty“, to boli Jeho „myšlienky“. A slovo je „vyjadrená myšlienka.“ A vtedy, to boli Jeho myšlienky. A keď povedal, „Nech je,“ tak bolo. „Nech je,“ a bolo.

11A teraz, pamätajte, vy Kresťania ste boli Jeho myšlienkami predtým, ako bol svet. A vy ste manifestáciou Jeho myslenia. Predtým, ako bol svet, boli ste v Kristovi, (amen) v Bohu na začiatku. To vás činí, rozumiete, Jeho poddanými. A celá tá vec je Boh Sám, robiaci sa hmatateľným, že Ho môžu ľudia vidieť a tak ďalej. A to je to, čo Boh je, celá vec.

12Potom ľudia povedia, „Výklad...“ Hovoril som o tom nedávno na zhromaždení, nie veľmi dávno, prišiel ku mne jeden človek a povedal, „Brat Branham, mal si zlý výklad. Nevykladáš to správne.“

13Teraz, počujte... Môžete ísť k Metodistom a povedia, „Baptisti to nevykladajú správne.“ Baptista povie, „Letniční to nevykladajú správne.“ Letniční povedia „Jednotári to nevykladajú správne.“ Tamtí povedia, „Zbory to zle vykladajú.“ A každý jeden hovorí, že ten druhý to nevykladá správne.

14Boh je Svojím vlastným Vykladačom! Nepotrebuje nikoho, aby to za Neho vykladal. On robí vlastný výklad. Kde je ten, kto dokáže vykladať Boha? Boh je Svojím vlastným Vykladačom!

15Teraz, Peter tu hovorí, zisťujeme to, že na začiatku Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo svetlo, to je výklad toho. Keď Boh niečo povie, a potom to prejaví, to je Boží výklad, že Jeho Slovo má pravdu. Vidíte? Keď povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ to bolo v Jeho mysliach prv, ako bola taká vec, ako je svetlo. Keď povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ svetlo vyskočilo na oblohu, to je ten výklad. Nikto to nemôže vyložiť, lebo Boh povedal, „nech je tak,“ a tak bolo. Keď Boh hovoril a to sa zamanifestovalo, to je výklad Jeho Slova. Prečo to človek nemôže vidieť? Prečo to ľudia nevidia?

16Keď Boh zasľúbi a povie... Na začiatku v Genesis, On udelil Svoje Slovo na každý vek, ako Ono prichádzalo od začiatku do konca. A počas všetkých týchto vekov, cirkevný svet mal všetky tieto veci zmiešané s tradíciami, a tak ďalej, a Boh vždy posielal na scénu, počas Starého zákona a Nového, prorokov! A Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi. A ako to robí? Manifestuje to Slovo Božie. Božia manifestácia, ktorá hovorila, či to je správne alebo nesprávne. Nikto to nemôže vyložiť, lebo Slovo to vykladá samé. Boh to tak zasľúbil a tu sa tak stalo!

17Čo k tomu treba dodať? Kto je ten hriešny človek, ktorý by sa pokúšal povedať (keď Boh niečo zasľúbil a tak sa to stalo), že výklad toho je nesprávny? To je Boh Sám, robiaci svoj vlastný výklad, vysvetlenie. Nepotrebuje nikoho, aby Ho vykladal, On vykladá Sám Seba, manifestujúc to, čo zasľúbil, že urobí.

18Ó, ak by to len cirkvi mohli vidieť, vidieť tie zasľúbenia, ktoré boli udeľované na každý vek! Všetky ostatné veky, Boh poslal na scénu (dokonca počas siedmich cirkevných vekov) a manifestoval všetko, čo zasľúbil učiniť. Všetko. Nie je žiadna vec, ktorá by zostala nedokončená. Tak je! Čo povedal, že urobí, to urobil.

19Lebo keď Boh povedal, naspäť v Izaiášovi, povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. A teraz, kto to môže vykladať? Boh robí výklad. Povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. Teraz, čo ste... nemôžete... Nemôže byť nič povedané, lebo Boh povedal, že počne, a ona počala. Ale cirkvi boli príliš slepé na to, aby to videli. Vidíte, to bola ich vlastná myšlienka o tom. Bolo to príliš odlišné od toho, čo oni očakávali.

20Peter sa tu naspäť zmieňoval, povedal, „Boh manifestuje Krista Svojím Slovom, povedal, „Toto je môj Milovaný Syn.“ Tí veriaci tam stáli. A Kristus bol manifestáciou Božou. Vždy prejavoval Krista Svojím Slovom, pretože Kristus je Slovo. On Ho vždy manifestuje.

21Keď povedal... vo dňoch Noacha, Kristus bol v Noachovi. Veríte tomu? Noach povedal, „Bude pršať, bude dážď a Zem bude zničená.“ Pršalo. To nepotrebovalo žiaden výklad. Pršalo, pretože Boh bol v Noachovi, povediac, „Bude pršať.“ On bol prorokom a tým dôkazom bolo, že to, čo povedal, sa vyplnilo. Tak to nepotrebovali vykladať.

22Niektorí z nich stojaci okolo, povedali, „Tento muž nevie, o čom hovorí.“

23Ale Boh vždy zasľúbil, „Ak bude niekedy medzi vami niekto, kto je duchovný, alebo prorok, a čo hovorí, sa stane, počúvajte ho.“ Je to tak, lebo je to pravda. Musí to byť v súlade so Slovom Božím. A Noach bol v súlade so Slovom Božím. A keď prorokoval, že bude pršať, tak pršalo. Nepotrebovalo to žiaden výklad, lebo to bolo presne tak.

24Izaiáš povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. To bolo hrozne nezvyčajné. Lebo to bolo mnoho stoviek rokov neskôr, keď panna počala.

25Bolo to príliš nezvyčajné, dokiaľ dobrý muž menom Jozef, jej manžel, „súc spravodlivý a nechcúc jej urobiť potupu...“ Ten dobrý muž v tých dňoch, musel to byť Jozef, ktorý bol s Máriou zasnúbený.

26Ona bola zasnúbená. V tom dni, porušiť niečo také, bolo to isté ako spáchať cudzoložstvo. Samozrejme, Jozefovi sa zdalo, že Mária sa ho pokúšala použiť ako blokádu, alebo ako štít pre jej chybu, pretože tu bola nájdená ako matka, nevydatá, len zasnúbená. A za takýto skutok sa kameňovalo k smrti; tak to bolo podľa zákona.

27A Jozef, jej manžel, bol spravodlivým mužom, veľmi spravodlivý človek. Veril v Boha. A keď sa ona naňho pozrela s jej nádhernými a mäkkými očami, a povedala, „Jozef, Archanjel Gabriel ma navštívil a povedal mi, že počnem, nepoznajúc muža.“

28Teraz, ak by sa bol Jozef pozrel späť do Písma, že prorok povedal, že počne! Bol to len Boží výklad Jeho vlastného Slova! Vidíte? Ale bolo to príliš nezvyčajné.

29To je to, čo sa dialo v každom veku. Slovo Božie je pre ľudí cudzie. Je príliš nezvyčajné. Boh vždy robil nezvyčajné veci. Bolo to neobyčajné, čokoľvek Boh robil. Je to proti systematike tohto sveta, oni dostali veci spôsobom, akým si mysleli, že by to malo byť. Ale Boh prichádza a robí to neobvyklým.

30“Ako by mohla táto panna počať?“ On bol úprimný, hľadal Boha ohľadne toho.

31 A potom k nemu Boh prehovoril vo sne a povedal, „Jozefe, synu Dávidov, neboj sa prijať Máriu, svoju manželku, lebo to, čo je v nej splodené, je zo Svätého Ducha. Boh ju zatienil. To je to, čo urobil.“

32Všimli ste si niekedy, ako tam Boh konal s Jozefom? Druhoradým, vedľajším spôsobom, cez sen. No, my vieme, že sú sny; veríme v sny. Ja verím v sny. Boh vždy konal s ľuďmi v snoch. Ale sny sú druhoradé, môžu byť pravdivé alebo nesprávne, pokiaľ to nie je vyložené. Ale on nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. Bol to Boh Sám, hovoriaci priamo k Jozefovi, pretože v tých dňoch nebol v zemi prorok, ktorý by to vyložil. Štyristo rokov predtým nebol žiaden prorok. Takže ďalší najlepší, o ktorého blaho sa Boh staral - blaho Jeho vlastného Syna, hovoril k Jozefovi cez sen a bez výkladu. Povedal, „Tá žena je tá pravá. Tá Svätá Vec, ktorá je v nej splodená, je Syn Boží.“ Nebolo treba žiaden výklad.

33Boh svoj výklad podáva do čestných a úprimných sŕdc, mužov a žien, ktorí vidia veci tajomne, ak si čestný a úprimný a budeš veriť, Boh má spôsob ako ti to vyložiť. Najprv zisti, či je to zasľúbenie. Ak by sa len Jozef vrátil z tradícií a pozrel by sa do Biblie a zistil, že Izaiáš povedal, že sa to tak stane.

34A všetky veci, o ktorých hovoríme, a Jeho narodenie, a všetko to bolo povedané cez Písma „svätými prorokmi,“ ako Peter povedal. A nikto nemá právo dať tomu nejaký osobný výklad. Je to tak, ako Boh povedal, že sa to stane. On bol manifestáciou Slova Božieho, zasľúbeného na ten deň. Boh povedal, že tak bude, a tak bolo. Tým je to vybavené.

35Ježiš povedal, keď bol na zemi, ľudia nemohli Jeho službu porozumieť, bolo to také veľké, tie javy boli mimoriadne. Nemohli Ho porozumieť. On povedal, „Hľadajte v Písmach!“ (Dúfam, že vás tu tým nejako neohlušujem, tým, že narážam do toho.) „Hľadajte v Písmach, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“ Vidíte? „Ony sú tie, ktoré hovoria, kým Som.“

36Vidíte, Boh udelil Slovo. V tom dni to bola manifestácia Božia, Boh (Emanuel) s nami, „Nazvú jeho meno: Predivný, Radca, Silný Boh, Udatný Hrdina, Otec Večnosti, Knieža Pokoja.“ A Jeho meno sa bude nazývať Emanuel, „Boh s nami“. Boh bol v Dávidovi, Boh bol v Mojžišovi. Boh! To je Boh manifestujúci sa cez všetky tie veky. Ale tento vek, „Panna počne a porodí syna a On bude Bohom s nami.“

37To je dôvod, prečo ho ukrižovali, lebo sa robil Bohom a tiež porušoval sobotu. Ale On bol Bohom soboty, On bol Boh. A nebol len nejaký obyčajný človek, alebo obyčajný prorok (áno, bol obyčajným mužom a obyčajným prorokom), ale on bol Boh-prorok. A on bol vyplnením Slova, presne tak, ako Boh povedal, že to urobí. Povedal, „Ktorí z vás ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Hľadajte v Písmach! V nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o mne.“ Ale ich tradície, oni žili v lesku iného veku.

38Kázal som pred pár týždňami, „Žiť v lesku“. Lesk je „zdanie,“ ktoré slnko odráža a je to falošné. A hocijaký lesk iného veku je falošný odraz. Ľudia vždy kráčajú v niečom, čo sa stalo pred rokmi. Lutheráni kráčajú v lutheránskom lesku. Lutherovo slnečné svetlo bolo v poriadku v tom čase. Wesleyho bolo dobré v jeho dni. Letniční boli v poriadku v tom čase. Ale my ideme hore rebríkom, žijeme v inom veku! Ideme vpred a nemôžeme sa obzrieť späť.

39Keď sa usadíme vo veciach, myslíme si, že sme to dokázali, že sme dotiahli naše tradície do konca; to bolo v poriadku v tom dni, ale my ideme vpred! Hľadajte v Písmach a pozrite sa, čo je zasľúbené pre tento deň, potom vieme, na čom sme, a vieme povedať, kde stojíme.

40Luther; mohli by ste sa pozrieť do Písma a vidieť Sardský vek, mohli by ste vidieť presne, čo bolo zasľúbené. Pozrite sa, aký typ jazdca išiel, pozrite sa, čo ho stretlo, presne „prefíkanosť človeka,“ a reformáciu. Sledujte Wesleyho, a tak ďalej. Ako to išlo cez vek Letničných a cez celý ten vek, pozrite sa, ako to išlo. Pozrite sa do Písma a uvidíte, na čom sme. To je ten dôvod, prečo Ježiš povedal, „Hľadajte v Písmach!“

41Pozrite sa, na čom sme! Verím, že sme práve v čase Príchodu Syna Božieho. Verím, že žijeme vo veku, keď On môže hocikedy prísť. Verím, že Písmo to vyhlasuje, že sme v posledných hodinách histórie tohto sveta. Môžem vidieť veci, ako sa formujú. Pozrite sa na Ekumenickú radu, ako vedie všetky cirkvi do toho, do znamenia šelmy. A pozrite sa na Rímsku ríšu, čo robí, a zvyšok z nich. Pozrite, ako sa všetci spájajú dohromady, zabraňujúc Svetlu, zhasínajúc Evanjelium. Každý ku tomu bude musieť patriť a kráčať v ich svetle alebo vôbec nekráčať. Vidíte, sme v čase konca. Nič tu pre nás neostáva, len sa držať Boha a veriť Jeho Slovu. To Slovo je vždy pravdou.

42Laodicejský cirkevný vek je jediný zo všetkých, v ktorom je Kristus vystrčený z cirkvi. Je vonku a klope. Čo sa stalo? Ekumenická Rada je to, čo ho tam vystrčilo. Biblia hovorí, že bude vonku, a práve je. Čomu to zabraňuje? Slovu. A On je Slovom. On bol vždy Slovom a stále je ním aj dnes večer! On je Slovom.

43Biblia hovorí, „Slovo Božie je živé a účinné a ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný.“ Židom, 4.kapitola, „je rozpoznávateľom a preniká až do rozdelenia duše a ducha.“ Slovo! Mali vedieť, kým On bol, keď im to Ježiš vtedy hovoril.

44Sledujte, čo urobil jedného dňa, keď tam stál, na začiatku Jeho služby. Bol muž, ktorý k nemu prišiel, menom Šimon, Šimon Peter. A keď sa Peter naňho pozrel a uvidel Ho, Ježiš mu riekol, „Ty si Šimon, syn Jonášov.“ (Mal vedieť, že Mojžiš povedal, „Hospodin, váš Boh, vzbudí proroka ako mňa a toho musíte počúvať.“) A tu bol muž, ktorého v živote nevidel, povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonášov.“ Ó, vedel, že už viac nemôže... Nemali proroka stovky rokov a tu bol Muž, ktorý mu povedal, kto je. Niet divu, že to prijal!

45Filip, v tom čase, išiel a našiel Natanaela pod stromom, a priviedol ho k Ježišovi. Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, opravdivý Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“

On povedal, „Rabbi, odkiaľ ma poznáš?“

46On odpovedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým fíkom, videl som ťa.“

47On povedal, „Rabbi, Ty si Syn Boží! Ty si Kráľ Izraela.“ On vedel, že bol. Čo? Nepotrebovalo to žiadne vykladanie, Jehova tak povedal!

48Ale tu stáli tí, ktorí tomu neverili. Povedali, „Tento muž je Belzebub. To, čo robí, sú len nejaké triky. Je to len nejaký veštec, alebo niečo.“

49Ježiš sa na nich pozrel a povedal, „Keď budete hovoriť proti Synovi človeka, bude vám to odpustené. Ale keď príde Svätý Duch činiac tie isté veci, nebude vám to odpustené, ani v tomto veku ani v tom, ktorý príde.“ On prorokoval o našom dni, o dni, kedy by sme to mali vidieť. Lebo On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

Pamätajte, to bol Ježiš, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi.

50Bol to Ježiš, ktorý bol v Dávidovi. Keď Dávid, syn... Dávid vyšiel na vrch, odmietnutý kráľ a plakal nad Jeruzalemom, to nebolo nič iné, ako Kristus v ňom. A okolo osemsto rokov neskôr sa Syn Dávidov postavil na Olivový vrch a pozrel dolu na Jeruzalem a plakal povediac, „Ó, Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, koľko ráz som chcel zhromaždiť tvoje deti tak, ako sliepka svoje kurence pod svoje krídla! A nechceli ste!“

51Keď bol Jozef vo väzení, to bol Ježiš. Keď bol predaný za tridsať strieborných, to bol Ježiš. Keď sa stal Putifarovým mužom, to bol Ježiš. Keď sa stal faraonovou pravou rukou. A keď odišiel, každý... trúby zneli a každý musel skloniť koleno, to bol Ježiš. Nikto nemohol prísť k faraónovi, len skrze Jozefa; nikto nemohol prísť k Bohu, len skrze Ježiša. To bol Ježiš; Slovo, ktoré bolo prorokované, bolo naplnené, hovorené v tieňoch a príkladoch.

52Keď bol Ježiš tu na zemi, robil tú istú vec, čo proroci. To je to, prečo vedeli, že On je Božou manifestáciou Jeho Slova. Nebolo treba, aby to bolo vyložené.

53Keď to Natanael videl, padol a povedal, „Ty si Kráľ Izraela, Syn Boží, Kráľ Izraelov. Poznáme Ťa, nikto iný tieto skutky nemôže činiť.“

54Nikodém prišiel v noci, povedal tú istú vec farizejom. Ale, vidíte, boli príliš posadnutí svojou ekumenickou radou tak, že to nemohli prijať. On vysvetlil, čo povedali, keď povedal, „Rabbi, my...“ Kto je to „my“? Ich rada! „Vieme, že Ty si učiteľom, ktorý prišiel od Boha, lebo nikto nemôže činiť tieto veci, jedine, že by bol Boh s ním.“ Oni to rozpoznali. Vedeli, kým On bol, lenže boli príliš zviazaní vo svojich veciach.

55A Boh v posledných štyridsiatich rokoch potriasol týmto národom cez krst Svätým Duchom, a muži a ženy sú stále vonku, lebo sú príliš zviazaní vo svojich veciach. Žijú v žiare iného dňa. Čo sa stalo? Každý chce byť Metodista, Baptista, Presbyterián, Luterán, alebo niečo. Vidíte, to je žiara.

56Oni žijú v žiare Mojžišovho dňa. Čo on povedal? Povedal... Oni povedali, „My sme Mojžišovými učeníkmi.“

57On im povedal, „Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa. Mojžiš písal o Mne!“

58Ak by ste boli poznali Luthera, poznali by ste tento vek! Ak by ste poznali Metodistov, poznali by ste tento vek! Lebo Kristus písal o tomto veku. Slovo, súc naplnené, muselo byť naplnené v tomto veku. Nebolo tam treba, aby to niekto vyložil, Boh robí svoj vlastný výklad. Boh vykladá Samého Seba, lebo On je jediný, ktorý to môže vyložiť. Božie zasľúbenia vždy poukazujú na to, čo povedal, to je ten výklad.

59Teraz, Ježiš, Ježiš povedal v Jánovi, 14. kapitola, 12. verš, „Ten, kto verí vo mňa, tie veci, ktoré ja činím, aj on bude činiť.“ Povedal to? To je pravda. To nepotrebuje žiadne vykladanie. Keď niekto robí tie skutky, to je Boh. Istotne!

60Tiež tu povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ Ježiš to povedal. Povedal to? Istotne to povedal. To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad.

Poviete, „Dobre, to znamenalo...“

61To znamenalo presne to, čo povedal! „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ A čo vo dňoch Lóta? Vráťme sa na chvíľu a zistime, čo sa dialo.

62Vo dňoch Lóta boli tri triedy ľudí: veriaci, takzvaní veriaci a neveriaci. To isté je v každej skupine.

Zisťujeme, že Sodomania boli neveriaci.

Lót bol takzvaný veriaci.

63Abrahám bol veriaci. On bol jediný, ktorému bola potvrdená zmluva. On bol ten, ktorý čakal na zasľúbeného syna. Bol jediný, ktorý to očakával. Amen. (Nehovorím „amen“ sebe. Amen znamená „Tak je!“) A to je pravda. Abrahám nebol v Sodome. Abrahám bol hore, von zo Sodomy. On je typom duchovnej cirkvi dneška.

64Lót je typom denominačnej cirkvi už dolu v Sodome. Sledujte, čo Biblia povedala, „Hriechy Sodomy denne trápili jeho spravodlivú dušu.“ Prečo nemal dosť odvahy, aby sa proti tomu postavil? V cirkvi je dnes veľa dobrých ľudí, ktorí vyhľadávajú a sledujú ženy v šortkách, a muži, ktorí robia tie veci, a ich členovia hrajú v nedeľu golf a majú piknik párty a plávanie a všetky tieto veci, namiesto navštívenia zboru. V stredu večer sedia doma, pozerajú televíziu namiesto toho, aby išli do cirkvi. Chcú na to niečo povedať, ale výbor by ich vyhodil. Čo sa deje? Je to znova Lót, ako hľadá okno, aby sa pozrel von na hriech a bál sa nazvať hriech „hriechom“!

65Abrahám nebol v ich špine, bol von z toho. Bol typom duchovnej cirkvi. A teraz, sledujte, čo sa stalo na konci, pred tým, ako padol oheň. Títo tu boli pohania. To naznačovalo dnešný pád ohňa na pohanský svet, keď kráľovstvá budú rozbité a budú spálené. „Nebesia budú v ohni,“ povedal Pán, „a budú rozpálené ohňom.“ To bol tieň toho.

66Poďme si ich vyobraziť. Tu je Abrahám už vonku, nie v Sodome, bol von zo Sodomy. A Lót bol stále tam.

67Zvláštna vec, jedného horúceho rána, okolo jedenástej to muselo byť, videl prichádzať troch mužov, obyčajných mužov, ako kráčajú dolu po ceste. Abrahám sedel odpočívajúc pod dubom, napoludnie, pravdepodobne bol unavený, lebo bol v to ráno s davom ľudí. A videl prichádzať troch mužov. A na týchto mužoch bolo niečo, čo mu bolo povedomé. Ó!

68Na Bohu je vždy niečo, keď prichádza medzi ľudí, čo im je povedomé. Oni to vedeli. Niečo im hovorilo, že je tam potvrdenie.

69Abrahám bežal rýchlo, a povedal, „Dovoľte, prosím, nech sa donesie trochu vody, a umyte svoje nohy. A donesiem kúsok chleba; potom pôjdete ďalej.“ Otočil sa a utekal ku čriede a zabil teľa a mal tam sluhu, aby to pripravil. Prišiel do stanu a Sára zamiesila nejakú múku, urobila také a také jedlo, urobila chlieb, pár koláčov v kozube. Priniesla im to a obslúžila ich. Ako tam sedel a jedol, všimol si, že ten Muž sa pozerá smerom na Sodomu. A povedal...

70Dvaja z nich, pamätáte si, išli dolu do Sodomy. Dvaja išli do Sodomy. Neprehliadnite toto, prosím. Zmieňujem sa o tom, čo Ježiš povedal. Dvaja z nich išli dolu do Sodomy, aby vyniesli Lóta a tých, čo boli pripravení odtiaľ odísť. A tí dvaja, ktorí išli dolu, išli a kázali. (A bol jeden, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom a sledoval znak, ktorý urobil.) Oni tam dolu dostali znak, tam bolo... Sodomania boli ranení slepotou. Kázanie Evanjelia vždy zaslepuje neveriaceho. A všimnite si, čo to urobilo.

71Teraz, jeden zostal s Abrahámom a urobil pred Abrahámom znak.

72Teraz, všimli ste si niekedy, vy historici, skúmajte Písmo, skúmajte históriu, že nikdy nebol čas v cirkevných vekoch, kedy by človek išiel do čisto formálnej cirkvi von zo sveta, von z denominácií, že nebol nikdy predtým muž, ktorého meno by sa končilo na Abrahám, h-a-m. Ale dnes jedného máme, G-r-a-h-a-m. Tak je. Idúci dole a volajúci ich von. On tým iste robí úžasnú prácu. Graham, Billy Graham. Boží služobník von medzi denomináciami, politikmi, a tak ďalej, hovoriaci proti tomu.

73Ďalší deň, keď chceli, aby kandidoval za prezidenta, on to rozhodne odmietol. Nech ho Boh za to žehná. Tie ich whisky spoločnosti, nikdy sa na nič také nedal... Minuli by miliardy dolárov, pretože oni by ich i tak produkovali, tieto cigaretové spoločnosti a podobné veci. Vidíte, on je tu ako Boží posol pre Sodomanov. Tak je to.

74Ale pamätajte, tam bol jeden, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom hore, nie ako tí, ktorí išli dole kázať ako moderní evanjelisti. Všimnite si, tam bol jeden, ktorý s ním zostal. Dvaja z nich išli tou cestou a on zostal s Abrahámom. A ten, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom, mu dal znak.

75A teraz, sledujte, jeho meno bolo predtým „Abram“ a jeho žena bola predtým „Sáraj“, len deň-dva predtým. Boh sa mu zjavil a povedal mu, „Mením teraz tvoje meno z Abram na Abrahám.“ (Vidíte, G-r-a-h-a-m je šesť písmen.) Ale A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem, sedem písmen; h-a-m, končiace sa na h-a-m.

76Teraz tam hore v duchovnej cirkvi bol jeden s Abrahámom, a všimnite si, čo povedal. Povedal, „Abrahám“ (nie „Abram“) „Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena (nie S-á-r-a-j) Sára? Kde je tvoja žena Sára?“

77Sledujte, čo povedal, „Ona je v stane za tebou.“

78A povedal, „Navštívim ťa. Idem ťa navštíviť.“ Vidíte to osobné zámeno, jeden, podľa zasľúbenia, ktoré urobil. To bol Boh. Povedal, „Idem ťa navštíviť.“

79A Sára, (spôsobom, ktorý by sme všetci porozumeli) sa zasmiala sama v sebe a riekla: „Ja, stará žena, môj pán má sto rokov (ktorým bol Abrahám), tiež je starý, kedysi sme bývali mladými ľuďmi.“ Povedala, „Ó, už viac nemôžeme mať také potešenia, ja som stará a on tiež.“ A povedala, „Nemôžeme to mať.“ A povedala, „Ako? To už sa nemôže stať!“

80A ten Muž (Boh v ľudskom tele) povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala a pochybovala hovoriac tieto veci?“ V stane za ním.

81Teraz sledujte, či to nie je tá istá služba, akú mal Ježiš Kristus! Pozrel sa na ľudí a prezrel ich myšlienky. Povedal Petrovi, kto je a povedal meno jeho otca. Tak isto Natanael.

82Povedal tej žene, ako povedala... On povedal, „Podaj mi vodu,“ alebo, „Prines mi piť.“

83Ona povedala, „Pane, to nie je zvykom pre teba hovoriť so Samaritánkou... vy, Židia, hovoriť so Samaritánmi. My navzájom nekomunikujeme.“

84Povedal, „Ale ak by si vedela, kto k tebe hovorí, ty by si pýtala odo Mňa piť.“ Rozhovor pokračoval. On povedal, „Iď, zavolaj svojho muža a poď sem!“

Ona povedala, „Nemám muža.“

Povedal, „Dobre si povedala, lebo si mala päť.“

Ona povedala, „Pane!“

85Pozrite sa na ten rozdiel medzi ňou a medzi tými kňazmi toho dňa, ten koncil, ktorý žil v žiare iného veku. Oni povedali, „Toto je diabol!“ Museli niečo ľuďom odpovedať, lebo si to vyžadovalo.

86Ale to, čo urobila táto malá chudobná žena, to predurčilo to semeno ležiace v jej srdci... Bola chorá a unavená z tých nezmyslov, chodievala von na ulice ako prostitútka. Ale keď toto uvidela, povedala, „Pane, vidím, že si ty prorok. Nemali sme proroka štyristo rokov a bolo nám povedané, že keď príde Mesiáš, bude robiť tieto veci.“ Ó! To semeno, ktoré tam ležalo, vyskočilo do života! Prečo? Nepotrebovalo to žiaden výklad.

87Ježiš povedal, „Ja som to, ktorý hovorím s tebou.“ To nepotrebovalo žiadne vysvetlenie. On urobil zázrak a to svedčilo o tom, že je tým Mesiášom, amen, a On niesol záznam presne o tom, čo Boh zasľúbil. („Hospodin váš Boh vzbudí proroka ako mňa“ – povedal Mojžiš.) Čo to bolo? Potvrdenie Písma!

88Ona vybehla do mesta, a povedala, „Poďte, vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som porobila, či nie je on Kristus? Či to nie je On? Povedal mi všetko, čo som urobila.“

89Teraz, všimnite si, Ježiš, to bol On, ktorý bol hore v tom mužovi, ktorý sa otočil chrbtom k stanu a povedal, na čo Sára myslela, vnútri toho stanu.

90Slovo Božie, v Židom, 4. kapitola, to... Hovorí toto, „Lebo Slovo Božie je živé a účinné a ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný, a prenikajúce až do rozdelenia duše a ducha, kĺbov a špikov a spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky a mysle srdca.“ To je Slovo! A za každým, keď prorok prišiel, prišiel so Slovom a on bol Slovom pre ten vek. A čo to urobilo? Prorok, ktorý rozpoznal myšlienky, ktoré boli v srdci.

91Cez Ježiša sa to dialo, lebo On bol plnosťou Slova.

92A Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude vo dňoch Syna človeka.“ Duch Boží príde na zem v ľudských bytostiach, Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele (Amen! Vidíte to?), a bude robiť tú istú vec, ktorú Boh robil v ľudskom tele v Sodome. Pamätajte, oni čakali na zasľúbeného syna. A presne po tom zasľúbený syn prišiel. To bol posledný znak, ktorý Sodoma a Abrahámova skupina videli predtým, ako zasľúbený syn prišiel. Všimli ste si to? A teraz, duchovná cirkev prišla ku tej hodine.

93Niekto povedal, „Brat Branham, povedal si, že 'to bol Boh'?“

94Biblia hovorí, „To bol Boh!“ To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. On je Elohim. Tak ho Abrahám nazval. Každý čitateľ Biblie to vie. Elohim, „Jeden Všedostačujúci“. On bol prvý, On bol posledný; začiatok a koniec. Elohim! Abrahám ho nazval, „Elohim.“ Boh (s veľkými písmenami v hebrejčine), Elohim, tak, ako na začiatku, „Boh,“ Elohim.

95On bol Elohim zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, ako nosí ľudské oblečenie, ako je ľudské jedlo. Amen! Znak, ktorý bol v posledných dňoch, že Boh sa znova objaví medzi ľuďmi v ľudskom tele! Amen! Ježiš povedal, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. A ako bolo za dní Sodomy, tak bude za príchodu Syna človeka.“ Amen! To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad; to potrebuje manifestáciu, to je to, čo to potrebuje. Amen! Veríte tomu?

Skloňme naše hlavy:

96Náš Nebeský Otče, dávame ti tvoje zasľúbenie dnes večer, že si povedal tieto veci. Ty si ich zasľúbil. Nie je nikto, kto by mohol urobiť Tvoje Slovo živým, jedine Ty. Ty si povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo svetlo. Nikto to nemusel vykladať, bolo to prejavené.

97Ako sme citovali Izaiáša, proroka, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala; to nepotrebovalo žiadnu manifestáciu, ona počala. Tak sa to stalo.

98Ty si povedal, keď prišiel a bol narodený v Betleheme, „Z teba, Betlehem, Judea. Či nie si najmenší medzi všetkými kniežatami Júdovými, v Izraeli? Ale z teba mi vyjde Vládca môjho ľudu.“

99Tie veci, ktoré On urobil, ako kričal na kríži, ako bol odsúdený s prepichnutými nohami a rukami; bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti; kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.

100Ako Dávid povedal, „Lebo nezanecháš mojej duše v ríši smrti; nedáš svojmu svätému, aby videl porušenie.“ A na tretí deň, predtým ako sedemdesiatdva hodín mohlo skaziť Jeho telo, Slovo Božie povedalo, „On vstane z mŕtvych.“ (Oni povedali, že Jeho telo bolo ukradnuté; stále tomu veria.) Ale my veríme, Pane, Tvojmu Slovu! Ono bolo zamanifestované. Ježiš Kristus vstal a povedal, „Ja... hľa, Ja som s vami po všetky dni až do skonania sveta.“

101A my veríme, že si tu dnes večer. Veríme, že si ako Ježiš Kristus dnes večer, tu, ako si vždy bol. A ty len hľadáš oči, ruky, nohy, ústa, duše, telá, aby si zamanifestoval samého seba. Bože, posväť nás dnes večer, aby sme videli živého Ježiša Krista žijúceho medzi nami. Nech príde! Potom sa stane to, ako ten hlad tých Grékov, ktorí prišli v ten deň, a povedali, „Pane, chceme vidieť Ježiša.“ A On k nim prišiel, aby Ho videli. Ó, aké vzrušenie to muselo byť, keď sa naňho pozreli!

102A, Bože, Ty si ten istý aj dnes. A Ty si zasľúbil, že keď budeme hladovať, uvidíme Ťa. „Ešte krátku chvíľu, a svet ma viacej neuvidí, „ (neveriaci); „ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do skonania sveta.“ My vieme, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

103Pane, Slovo bolo vypovedané, bolo napísané, teraz nech je vykonané, pre Slávu Božiu, a aby to ukázalo, že Ty dodržuješ svoje zasľúbenia. Amen. Nech vás Pán žehná.

104Idem vyvolať modlitebný rad. Myslím, že Billy povedal, že rozdá modlitebné karty, od jedna do sto, alebo tak nejako. Nie je tu práve. Je... Aká je modlitebná karta číslo... Pozrite sa niekto na druhú stranu.... Malo by to byť číslo a písmeno (A,B,C,D, alebo... ) Čo je to, A? V poriadku.

105Zoberme A, číslo jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť. Postavte sa. A, číslo jeden, číslo dva, číslo tri, číslo štyri. Jeden, dva, tri. Modlitebné... Možno sa nemôžu postaviť. Ak sa nemôžu, niekto sa pozrite na susedovu kartu, môže mať kartu a nemôže sa postaviť. Teraz rýchlo. Tu je to, štyri. Päť, modlitebná karta, číslo päť. Šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, jedenásť, dvanásť. Vystúpte sem hore, ako hovorím vaše čísla. Číslo jeden, dva, tri, vyjdite sem hore. Modlitebná karta číslo jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, jedenásť, zaujmite svoje miesta. Jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásť, šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť, devätnásť, dvadsať, dvadsaťjeden, dvadsaťdva, dvadsaťtri, dvadsaťštyri, dvadsaťpäť. Niekto, kto nemôže...

106Vidím mladého muža na vozíčku tam bokom. Ak bolo tvoje číslo vyvolané, synu, a nemôžeš sa dostať... dobre, len drž svoju ruku, uvidíme, možno sa tu dostaneš. Vidíte?

107Koľkí z vás tu nemáte modlitebné karty a ste chorí? Nech vidím vaše ruky, kdekoľvek. Tu, zdvihnite svoje ruky. Veríte? Ako vás sem nosia, veríte, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Koľkí z vás? Sledujte to, kazatelia; nehovorí Písmo dnes, bratia, že On je Veľkňazom, ktorý môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí? Je to pravda? Koľkí to veria, zdvihnite svoje ruky? On je Veľkňazom, ktorý môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí.

108Potom, ak Biblia hovorí, „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,“ koľkí tomu veria? Potom, ako by dnes konal? Konal by tak, ako včera. Je to pravda? Kde je On dnes večer? Sediaci na pravej strane svojho Veličenstva, Jeho tela; Svätý Duch je tu v tejto budove, aby Ho urobil známym.

109Všimnite si, pozrite sa. Čo sa stalo, keď sa niekto dotkol Jeho rúcha, tá žena jedného dňa? Ona nemala modlitebnú kartu, povedali by sme, ale dotkla sa Jeho rúcha. A keď sa Ho dotkla, Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, „Kto sa Ma to dotkol?“

110Peter mu vyčítal, a povedal, „Pane, to takto neznie rozumne. Každý sa Ťa snaží dotknúť. Prečo hovoríš, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?““

111Povedal, „Dotkol sa Ma niekto, lebo som poznal, že vyšla odo Mňa moc.“ Koľkí to viete? Cnosť, čo znamená „sila,“ vyšla z Neho. „Vyšla odo Mňa moc, niekto sa Ma dotkol iným typom dotyku.“ A otočil sa a pozrel na publikum, dokiaľ nenašiel ten kanál viery.

112Každý naňho vzkladal ruky hovoriac, „Rabbi, veríme Ti.“ A všetko toto.

113Ale bol tam niekto, kto Mu skutočne uveril. A ona sa dotkla lemu Jeho rúcha a verila, že bola uzdravená, pretože povedala vo svojom srdci, že to, čo urobí, sa stane.

114On sa otočil dookola a pozrel sa na ľudí, dokiaľ ju nenašiel, a povedal jej, že jej krvotok sa zastavil a že je uzdravená. Je to pravda? To je ten spôsob, akým to On robí medzi ľuďmi.

115Teraz, tvrdím, že nie je mŕtvy, ale je taký živý dnes, aký vždy bol. A Biblia povedala, Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“

116Teraz, pozrite, bez ohľadu na to, aký typ daru má Boh tu hore, musí tam byť tiež ten, ktorý na to odpovedá. On išiel do mesta, Biblia povedala, „Bolo tam veľa vecí, ktoré nemohol urobiť, kvôli ich nevere.“ Je to pravda? Tá istá vec dnes. Musíte Mu veriť. Len Mu musíte veriť. Je len jediný spôsob, akým to môžete robiť.

117Je modlitebný rad pripravený? Teraz buďte všetci úctiví, ešte asi desať minút. Neviem, či sa dostanem tadiaľto, stojí tu asi dvadsaťpäť alebo tridsať ľudí. Ale teraz, v modlitebnom rade, každý jeden z vás tu v modlitebnom rade, ktorí vedia, že som pre vás cudzí a neviem o vás nič, zdvihnite svoje ruky. Každý jeden v modlitebnom rade.

118Teraz vy, ľudia, ktorí viete, že neviem o vás nič, zdvihnite svoje ruky. Vidíte? Teraz, to je to, čo sa vám snažím povedať, priatelia, vidíte. Teraz, tu to je. Všetci títo kazatelia, tu na pódiu... Kristus urobil toto zasľúbenie. Vidíte, to bolo napísané. Kedy sa to stalo? V posledných dňoch, tesne pred príchodom Pánovým. Je to pravda? Vtedy sa to malo stať.

119To je Slovo, ktoré je dnes prorokované. Nie Lutherovo svetlo; nie Wesleyho svetlo, ani nie letničné svetlo. To už je preč. Luther je v poriadku; metodista je v poriadku; baptista je v poriadku; všetci títo, letniční, oni všetci sú milí. Tu sedia všetky tieto typy ľudí. A to nie sú jednotlivci. Čo ak....

120Nikdy ste nemohli povedať metodistovi niečo o Lutherovi, pretože on verí v posvätenie, a Luther nie. Vidíte?

121Nikdy ste nemohli povedať letničnému, že „posvätenie je všetko,“ on videl obnovenie tých darov. On tomu nejde veriť. Vidíte? A to je posledný cirkevný vek, ktorý máme, a Biblia hovorí, že už nebude viac cirkevných vekov.

122Ale bude zhromažďovanie ľudí, vidíte, a tu sme. Teraz, pamätajte, posledný znak. Sme ľudia vyhliadajúci zasľúbeného Syna? Zdvihnite svoje ruky. Veríte, že ste semenom Abraháma cez to, že ste v Kristovi? Zdvihnite svoje ruky. Potom, semeno Abraháma, príjmite váš znak! To nie je vonku v Babylone, to nie je vonku v tom denominačnom svete. Je to medzi vami, tými, ktorí nepatria do tej skupiny tam vonku. Verte tomu!

123Tu je žena, je pre mňa úplne cudzia, asi toho istého veku. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. Ak by som tú ženu mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to, ak je chorá. Neviem o nej nič. Vy ste ju videli pred pár minútami dvíhať ruku. Ja som ju nikdy nevidel. Ona je len žena stojaca tu.

124Dnes prišli tu dole a priniesli hromadu modlitebných kariet, zmiešaných, a rozdali to ľuďom. Jeden tu dostal číslo jeden, tam vzadu číslo desať, číslo pätnásť, číslo sedem, číslo... len takto. Ony sú vždy zamiešané pred vami, každý deň. A keď sú vyvolané, sú tak všade okolo. Vidíte? Nemusíte mať modlitebnú kartu, len tam seďte a verte. Prečo...

125Uštipni sa dnes večer, zisti, v akej hodine teraz žijeme. Vidíte? Teraz, už je takmer koniec, takmer koniec.

126Tak, ak Boh Abrahámov vzkriesil Ježiša Krista z mŕtvych, a ten Ježiš zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch, rovnaké znaky ako Abrahám..., že Anjel (čo bol Boh v ľudskom tele) urobil pred Abrahámom predtým, ako prišiel zasľúbený syn. Ježiš povedal, že tá istá vec sa stane dnes.

127Teraz, vidíme vedcov a denominácie, a všetkých týchto a skupinu, v ktorej sú. Vidíme Billyho Grahama, tam dolu a Orala Robertsa a všetkých tých ľudí tam; tých letničných poslov a denominačných poslov tam, vidíme, ako to všetko ide, uskutočnenie toho znaku. Billy Graham, teológ do bodky, v čo denominácia verí. Oral Roberts, uzdravovateľ do bodky, tak ako letniční.

128Ale pozrite sa tu, je tu niečo zasľúbené pre semeno Abraháma. Oni sú dole medzi denomináciami; je niečo mimo denomináciami, čo sa má stať, zhromažďovanie ľudí. Necháme to tak ísť do zajtra večera.

129Sledujte, nepoznám tú ženu, otočím sa k nej chrbtom. Ak tej žene niečo Pán Boh povie, možno je to niečo rodinné, možno finančné, možno je chorá; ja neviem. Ona bude vedieť, či to je pravda alebo nie.

130Ak On bude robiť tú istú vec dnes večer, ktorú robil vtedy, budete veriť, že Boh, ktorého Ježiš Kristus zasľúbil, bude tu v posledných dňoch? Koľkí z vás veria, že žijeme ako v Sodome, keď celý svet je v stave Sodomy? Koľkí z vás veria, že to, čo som tu dnes večer povedal, je pravda? Potom, deti a semeno Abraháma, verte Bohu!

131Teraz, to vám dostane z hlavy to, že sa snažím povedať niečo tejto žene, hľadiac jej do tváre, alebo že mám všetky tie veci o telepatii alebo o čomkoľvek, čo si o tom chcete myslieť. Každý, kto vie o telepatii, by mal mať vedieť viac ako také niečo. Rozumiete? Videli ste niekedy telepatov kážucich Evanjelium? Videli ste niekedy špiritistov, ako kážu Evanjelium, robia znaky a divy, vyhlasujú Ježiša Krista? Nie.

132Vidíte, to je len... je to ľudská myseľ. Vidíte, oni sú slepí. Veríte, že môžu byť slepí? Biblia hovorí, že budú. Je to pravda? „Zradní, náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, pohŕdajúci tými, ktorí sú dobrí, majúci tvárnosť pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc. „

133Nepovedal Ježiš v Matúšovi 24:24, že „Dva duchy v posledných dňoch takmer zvedú aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné“? Ale to nie je možné. Oni boli na začiatku v Božích myšlienkach a sú časťou Boha.

134Teraz, Boh Abrahámov, Izákov a Jakobov, nech je dnes večer známe, že hovorím o Tebe pravdu. Si to Ty, Pane. Nechaj, aby sa tvoji služobníci dali pokorne nabok od svojich myšlienok, aby si Ty mohol použiť naše telá na Tvoju chválu. V Mene Ježiša, Syna Božieho. Amen.

135Čo je to dar? Nie niečo, čo rozsekáš a otočíš. Nie. Nie. Je to schopnosť dať seba nabok z cesty, aby ťa Boh mohol použiť. A dar je len, keď sa dáš nabok z cesty, potom ťa Boh môže použiť.

136Tá pani za mnou ide rýchlo zomrieť, pokiaľ nebude uzdravená. Za tú dámu sa práve nedávno modlil iný muž. Dostala rakovinu. A tá rakovina je v jej prsníkoch a tiež v pľúcach. A nedávno sa za ňu modlili a ona sa snaží prijať to s vierou, že je uzdravená. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN! Je to tak, pani? [Tá žena hovorí, „Áno, istotne to je pravda.“ - pozn. prekl.] Ak je, zamávaj rukou na publikum. Boh Abrahámov stále žije! V poriadku, choď a ver, čomu veríš, a budeš v poriadku. Amen.

Veríš? Povieš, „A čo publikum?“

137Táto žena, sedí tu s jej... na konci radu, druhá pani, tam napravo. Keď som sa tam otočil, videl som niečo, nejakú vec okolo jej ruky, krvný tlak pumpujúci. Má vysoký krvný tlak. Je to tak, pani? Zdvihni svoju ruku. Ak veríš, tvoj krvný tlak pôjde dole. Boh Abrahámov je stále na scéne. On je presne tým, čím bol, Slovo Božie na scéne!

138Ako sa máš? Teraz už veríš? Maj vieru v Boha! Vyzerá, že to je dieťa. Boh pozná tvoje srdce, mladá pani, ja nie. Veríš, že Boh je schopný zjaviť mi, čo je tvoj problém? Budeš Mu veriť, ak ti to poviem? To nie je kvôli tebe, je to kvôli niečomu inému, kvôli tvojmu bratovi. Je to s ním vážne a je v meste tu na severe v Tulare. A je v nemocnici a má leukémiu a doktori to vzdali. Nechávajú ho zomrieť. Nie je takmer žiadna šanca. Tak je. Veríš? [Tá žena kričí a odpovedá, „Áno.“] V poriadku. Čo máš v ruke? Vezmi to a polož to na neho. A nepochybuj v to. Ver! Amen.

139Veríš? Nikdy vo svojom živote som túto pani nevidel. Ale Boh zostáva Bohom. Teraz, povedz mi, či to ľudská bytosť dokáže urobiť. To nerobí ľudská bytosť. Je to ten Boh, ktorého zasľúbil Ježiš Kristus, že tu bude v tých posledných dňoch a preukáže Samého Seba (len pred Semenom Abraháma), ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy.

140Viete, nepoznám túto pani, sme si navzájom cudzí, hádam je toto naše prvé stretnutie v živote. Veríš mi, že som Jeho služobník? Veríš, že toto je Slovo? A vieš, že ak... Toto Slovo je stále rozpoznávateľom myšlienok a úmyslov srdca. Je to tak? Slovo je tiež Uzdraviteľom, ak Mu veríš. Veríš? Si zatienená tmavým tieňom. Je to rakovina. A veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, kde je tá rakovina? Je v spodných črevách, ako doktor povedal. Veríš, že budeš uzdravená? Choď, nepochybuj a Boh ťa dá do poriadku. Amen.

141Verí každý z vás? Presne to, čo On zasľúbil robiť. Majte vieru v Boha, nepochybujte!

142Sme si navzájom cudzí. Nepoznám ťa. Ak sa nepoznáme, nech to publikum vie, zdvihni ruku. Nikdy som túto ženu nevidel.

143Veríte všetci, čo ste tu? Veríte, že to je Ježiš Kristus? Čo to je? Je to Jeho Slovo. Keď to títo ľudia zavrhnú, nezavrhujú človeka, zavrhujú Slovo. Je to Slovo, ktoré bolo vonku a nemohlo sa dostať dnu.

144Teraz, táto pani je pre mňa cudzia. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Boh je Uzdravovateľ. Nemusí to byť ale uzdravenie, môže to byť čokoľvek iné, ale ak mi Boh objasní, čo je tvoja ťažkosť, budeš mi veriť? Prvá vec, za ktorú chceš modlitbu, je problém s uchom. Nemôžeš počuť na jedno ucho. To je pravda. Tak je. A potom máš zlozvyk a chceš sa toho zlozvyku zbaviť, to je fajčenie cigariet. Teraz daj svoj prst do tvojho zdravého ucha, áno, do toho dobrého ucha. V poriadku. Teraz ver, choď na svojej ceste a ne..., a ak budeš veriť, tiež nebudeš fajčiť žiadne cigarety. Choď a Pán ťa bude žehnať.

Vidíte, čo sa stalo. Nie je On skutočný?

145Nepoznám ťa, sme si neznámi. V živote som ťa nevidel, ale Boh ťa pozná. Ak mi Boh môže povedať niečo o tebe, budeš veriť?

146Bude veriť celé publikum? Každý z vás pozná tú ženu? Poznáte ju každý? V poriadku, budete vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie. To by to malo vybaviť, to by malo povedať pravdu.

147Teraz vidíte, čo sa stalo za posledných pár minút, ja sa potácam a všetko začína byť pre mňa slepé. Vidíte, viem to rozoznať. Vidíte, je to Svätý Duch, nie som to ja. Je to zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň! Nikdy to nebolo odo dňa apoštolov, nikdy to odvtedy nebolo. Ale keď bolo povedané, „Tak bude pred príchodom Syna človeka. Tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ Neveriaci tomu neveria, od nich sa neočakáva, že tomu budú veriť. Ale veriaci tomu veria!

148Teraz, ak to Svätý Duch zjaví, koľkí z vás budú celým srdcom veriť? Zdvihnite svoje ruky?

149Máš niečo poškodené. Mal si autonehodu a máš uvoľnené niektoré stavce v krčnej chrbtici. Tiež máš uvoľnené obličky. Je to pravda, však? Veríš? Budeš v poriadku. Chvála Pánovi!

150Veríš, že Boh uzdravuje problémy s obličkami? Potom kráčaj vpred a prijmi uzdravenie.

151Príďte, pani. Pozri sa na to takto. Veríš, že Boh uzdravuje srdcový problém? Dobre, kráčaj na svojej ceste a ver, vtedy bude tvoje srdce v poriadku.

152Poď sem. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tvoj chrbát, dať ho do poriadku? Choď a ver tomu.

Len ver Bohu, to je všetko, čo musíš urobiť!

153Príďte sem, pani. Veríš, že Boh uzdravuje žalúdočné problémy? Choď, zjedz večeru a ver celým srdcom.

154Poď. Veríš, že Boh dokáže uzdraviť artritídu? Potom choď, ver a rob... a Boh ťa dá do poriadku.

155No poď. Veríš celým svojím srdcom? Veríš? Znova je to artritída. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Potom choď, ver tomu a hovor, „Ďakujem Ti, Pane.“

Koľkí z vás tu veria? Veríte?

156Táto pani, čo tu sedí v červených šatách so zdvihnutou rukou, trpí na vysoký krvný tlak. Veríš, že ťa Boh uzdraví? Veríš? Dobre. Potom polož svoje ruky na tú pani vedľa teba a povedz jej, že jej hlas bude čoskoro v poriadku. Amen.

Tu to je. Amen. Veríš? Maj vieru!

157Tu je muž, čo tu sedí, má krvácanie. Veríte, pane, sediaci tu? Áno, máš silné krvácanie. Veríš, že to bude uzdravené?

158Pani vedľa teba má tiež krvácanie a má aj problém s chrbtom. Veríš, že Boh ťa ide uzdraviť? Veríš? Zdvihni ruku a prijmi to. Ver.

159Tá pani vedľa teba má problém s nohami a s bokom. Veríš, že To je pravda? Veríš, že budeš uzdravená? V poriadku, zdvihni ruku, a povedz, „Prijímam to.“

160Pani vedľa nej má infekčné ochorenie. Veríš, že Boh uzdraví tú infekciu, mladá pani s okuliarmi? Zdvihni ruku, povedz, „Prijímam to.“ V poriadku, ver tomu.

161Žena vedľa nej má problém s obličkami. Veríš, že Boh uzdravuje obličkové ťažkosti? V poriadku, zdvihni ruku, prijmi to.

162Malé dievča vedľa nej má strumu (zväčšená štítna žľaza). Veríš, že Boh uzdraví strumu? Zdvihni svoju ruku, prijmi to.

163Koľkí z vás veria celým svojím srdcom? Postavte sa na nohy a prijmite to. Postavte sa v prítomnosti Boha Abrahámovho, Izákovho a Jakobovho.

164V Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, nech Svätý Duch vpadne teraz do tejto budovy a uzdraví každú osobu v Božskej Prítomnosti!

1 Our Heavenly Father, a Word from You would mean more than all man at anytime could do or say, because people are waiting to see You. And we thank Thee because that there is those who are under expectation, they are looking for something to happen. And when the people are thirsting for something, the deep calling to the Deep, there must be a Deep to respond to that call. And that's why we're here tonight, because it was upon these ministers' hearts, and the people, to call us together to ask You for favors and blessings, believing that You'll heal the sick and save the lost, and will make manifest Your Word.

2And we pray, Heavenly Father, that You'll grant this to us as we humbly wait upon You, night after night. May there be such a--a pouring of the Holy Spirit, and may every person be blind to anything else around them except God. May there be such a great cry go out among the people, thirsting for God, till there'll come a revival throughout the country here and every church will be packed full of people, sinners crying out for God to have mercy, and--and the Holy Spirit healing the sick, making the lame to walk, and raising up the dead, and granting these things that's been promised in Thy Word.

3Come, Lord Jesus, and fulfill Thy promise. Come to us tonight. We believe that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, that Your promises cannot fail. Both heavens and earth will fail but Your Word will not fail. May our understanding be open. May the Holy Spirit come and lay the fallow ground. May our understanding be open to the Spirit and power of God tonight, that He might manifest His promised Words through us. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

4 Now, tonight, you who watch the text, let's turn in the Bible to the Book of Second Peter, and begin with the 15th verse, just for a way of speaking on the Scripture for a few moments.

Moreover I will endeavour that you may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.

For we have not followed cunningly devices, fables, when we made known unto you the power and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

5I love that, "eyewitnesses." Not some fable. We are witness of what we're talking about.

For he received from God the Father honour and glory, and there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you may do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shineth in... dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

For the prophecy came not in old times by the will of man: but holy man of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

6May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now, I'm going to take this for a subject: God Is His Own Interpreter.

7 We are living in a day of confusion. We're living in a day that when man and women hardly know what to do. Everything, it--it seems to be in a turmoil. Everything, it seems to be there's so many different ways to look. That's Satan, to do that.

8Now, God cannot judge a people righteously, aright, unless there be some standard that He has to judge them by. And the Bible says that He'll judge all man by Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is the Word. In Saint John, the 1st chapter, It said:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

9 Now, all we are today is the display of His attributes. In God... First He was not even God, God, we would just call Him "the Eternal One." He wasn't God, because the word (English word) God means "object of worship" and there was nothing to worship Him. So He was the Eternal One, the--the main Fountain of all intelligence. And in this Fountain of all intelligence there was not an atom, molecule, or nothing, light nowhere, star, moon, nothing else. God, what we know as God, the great Spirit that was Eternal (never did begin, never did end), He was there. And in Him was attributes: it was attributes to be God, then His attributes to be a Father, attributes to be a Son, attributes to be a Saviour, attributes to be a Healer. All these attributes was in Him. And now He... These things that has unfolded since then are just His attributes being made manifest.

10 What I mean, attributes was His "thoughts." And a--a word is "a thought expressed." And then that was in His thinking. And when He said, "Let there be," and there was. "Let there be," and there was.

11And now, remember, you Christians were His thoughts before there was a world. And you are the manifestation of His thinking. Before there even was a world, you were in Christ, (amen) in God in the beginning. That makes you, then, you see, His subjects. And the whole thing is God, Himself, materializing Himself tangible so He could be handled, seen, and--and so forth. And that's what God is, the whole thing.

12 Then people say, "The interpretation..." I was speaking here not long ago in a meeting, a man said to me, he said, "Brother Branham, you have the wrong interpretation. You don't interpret That right."

13Now, we hear... They go to the Methodist, and they say "The Baptist don't interpret right." The Baptist say, "The Pentecostals don't." The Pentecostal says that "The--the Oneness don't." The Oneness says, "The Assemblies don't." And each one says the other one don't.

14God is His Own Interpreter! He don't need anybody to interpret for Him. He does His Own interpreting. Who is the man that can interpret God? God is His Own Interpreter.

15 Now, Peter speaking here, we find out that in the beginning when God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, that's the interpretation to it. When God said anything and it was manifested, then that's God's interpretation that His Word's right. See? When He said, "Let there be light," that was in His thinking first before there was such a thing as light. When He said, "Let there be light," light sprung into the skies, that's the interpretation. Nobody has to interpret that, for God said so and there it was. When God speaks and it's manifested, that's the interpretation of His Word. Why can't men see that? Why don't people see that?

16 When God makes a promise and God says... In--in the beginning, in Genesis, He lotted His Word to each age as It come down from the beginning to the end. And, down through these ages, the church world has got all these things all mixed up by traditions, and so forth, and God always sends on the scene, down through the Old Testament and New, prophets! And the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet. And how does It do it? It manifests the Word of God. God's manifestation, that tells whether it's right or wrong. Nobody has to interpret It, the Word interprets Itself. God promised it and there it happens!

17What good does it do to say anything else about It? Who is the sinful man that would try to say (when God made a promise and God does it) that that interpretation is wrong? That's God Himself doing His Own interpretation, interpreting. He don't need anybody to interpret Him, He interprets Himself by manifesting what He promised that He would do.

18Oh, if the church could only see that and see the promises that's lotted for each age! All other ages, God has sent on the scene (even down through the seven church ages) and has manifested everything that He promised to do. Everything, there's not one thing left undone. Exactly! What He said He would do, that He did.

19 Because when God said, in back there in Isaiah, He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. Now, who--who can interpret that? God done the interpretation. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she conceived. Now, what are you... you can't... Nothing can be said about that, because God said she would and she did it. But the church was too blind then to see it. See, they had their own idea of it. It was too--too different than what they was expecting.

20Peter here was referring back, he said, "God manifested Christ by His Word, He said, 'This is My beloved Son.'" These believers were standing there. And Christ was the manifestation of God. He always manifested Christ by His Word, because Christ is the Word. He manifests always.

21 When He said... In the days of Noah, Christ was in Noah. Do you believe that? Noah said, "It's going to rain. There'll be a rain, the earth will be destroyed." It rained. That didn't need any interpretation. It rained because God, in Noah, said, "It's going to rain." He was a prophet, and the evidence was that what he said come to pass. So they don't need to interpret that.

22Some of them might, around, said, "This man don't know what he's talking about."

23But God had always promised, "If there be one among you who is spiritual, or prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then hear it." That's right, because it's true. It must be in accordance with the Word. And Noah was in accordance with the Word. When he prophesied it's going to rain, and it rained. That didn't need any interpretation for that, because it did just that.

24Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. Now, that was awful unusual. For, see, it was many hundred years later before this virgin conceived.

25 It was so unusual until a good man by the name of Joseph, her husband, "being a just man and was not willing to make her a public example..." That good man in those days, how it must have been with Joseph when he was engaged, espoused to Mary.

26She was espoused. In that day, to break that, was just the same as committing adultery. And, of course, to Joseph, it seemed like that Mary was trying to use him for a blockade, or make him be a shield for her wrong, 'cause here she was found to be a mother, not being married, only engaged. A trick like that, would be stoned to death; it had to be, by the law.

27And Joseph, her husband, was a just man, a very just man. He believed God. And when she'd look at him with those lovely, big soft eyes, and say, "Joseph, Gabriel the Archangel visit me and told me that I was going to conceive, knowing no man."

28Now, if Joseph would have just looked back in the Scripture, the prophet said she'd do that! It was only God interpreting His Own Word! See? But it was too unusual.

29 That's what's the matter in any age. The Word of God is foreign to people; It's too unusual. God always does the unusual. It's unusual anywhere God is. It's against the systematics of the world, because that they've got things the way that they think it should be. But God comes in and does the unusual.

30"How could this virgin conceive?" He was honest, he sought God about it.

31And then God spoke to him in a dream, and said, "Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. God has overshadowed her. This is what's done it."

32 Did you ever notice how God dealt with Joseph there? In a secondary way, in the way of a dream. Now, we know there's dreams, we believe in dreams. I believe in dreams. Been... God's always dealt with people in dreams. But dreams is secondarily, see, it could be right or wrong unless it's interpreted. But he didn't need any interpretation. It was God Himself speaking directly to Joseph, because there wasn't a prophet in the land in them days to interpret. There hadn't had a prophet for four hundred years. So the next best, that God cared for the welfare, fare of His Own son, was speak to Joseph through a dream and without interpretation. He said, "The woman is right. That Holy Thing which is conceived in her is the Son of God." Didn't need any interpretation.

33 God does His Own interpreting to honest, sincere hearts, men and women that looks upon the--the thing that's mysterious, if you're honest and sincere and will believe, God has a way of interpreting it to you. First, find out if it's a promise. If Joseph had just a-went back and got away from the traditions and went back to the Bible, and find out, Isaiah said she was going to do that.

34And the things that was spoke of, and His birth, and all about it was spoke by the Scriptures, "by the holy prophets," as Peter said. And no man has a right to put any private interpretation to that. It's just exactly what God said would take place. He was the manifestation of the Word of God promised for that day. God said it, so there it was. That settled it.

35 Jesus said... When He was on earth, when they couldn't understand His ministry, it was too great, too phenomena, (they couldn't), phenomenal, rather. They couldn't understand Him. He said, "Search the Scriptures!" (I hope I'm not deafening you out there, blasting into that.) "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are they that testify of Me." See? "They are the Ones who tell you Who I am."

36 See, God lotted the Word. That day was to be the manifestation of God, God (Emmanuel) with us, "His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. And His Name shall be called Emmanuel, 'God with us.'" God was in David. God was in Moses. God! That's God all the way through, manifesting Himself for that age. But this age, "A virgin shall conceive and she'll bring forth a Son, and He will be God with us."

37That's what they crucified Him for, making Himself God, and also for breaking the Sabbath. He was--He was God over the Sabbath, and He was God. And He was not just an ordinary man or an ordinary prophet (yet He was an ordinary Man and a Prophet), but He was the God-Prophet. And He was the fulfilling of the Word, exactly what God said He would do. Said, "Which one of you can condemn Me of sin? Search the Scriptures! In them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they which testify of Me." But their traditions, they was living in a glare of another age.

38 As I was preaching a few weeks ago, "Living in a glare." A glare is "a mirage," the sun reflecting itself, and it's false. And any glare of another age is a false reflection. The people always are walking in something that happened years ago. The Lutheran are walking in a Lutheran glare. Luther's sunlight was fine in his day; Wesley was good in his day; the Pentecostal was good in its day. We're going on up the ladder, we're living in another age! We're going on, on, we can't keep looking back.

39When we get ourselves settled down in things, we think we got it all made, we get our traditions wrapped up; and that was all right for that day, but we're moving on! Search the Scriptures and see what's promised for today, then we'll know where we're at, then we can tell where we're standing.

40 Luther; you could look in the Scripture and see in that--in that Sardis age, you can see exactly what was promised. Look what kind of a rider went forth, look what went to meet him, exactly, "the cunningness of man," reformation. Watch Wesley, and so forth. As it come on down into the Pentecostal age, and down through that age, watch how it's traveled. Look at the Scriptures and see where we're at. That's the reason Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures!"

41See where we're at! I believe we're at the Coming of the Son of God right now. I believe we're at the age of the--the very hour that He might appear at any time. I believe the Scriptures declare that, that we're in the last hours of the history of this world. I can see things as they're shaping. See this Ecumenical Council leading all the churches into it, into the mark of the beast. And see the Roman Empire and what it's doing, and all the rest of them. See them getting together, shutting out the Light, shutting off the Gospel. Everybody will have to belong to it and walk in their lights or you won't walk at all. See, we're at the end time. There's nothing left for us but to hold on to God and believe His Word. The Word is always right.

42 In the Laodicea church age, that was the only church age, of all of them, that Christ was put on the outside of the church. He was on the outside, knocking. What's happened? This Ecumenical Council is what's going to put Him out. The Bible said He was to be on the outside, and He is. It shuts out what? The Word. And He is the Word, He's always been the Word, and He's still the Word tonight! He is the Word.

43The Bible said, "The Word is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword," Hebrews, the 4th chapter, "a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." The Word was! They should have knowed Who He was when Jesus said that in that day.

44 Watch what He did. One day He was standing there, the first beginning of His ministry. There was a man came to Him, by the name of Simon, Simon Peter. And when Peter looked upon Him and--and saw Him, Jesus said to him, "Your name is Simon and you're the son of Jonas." (He should have knowed that Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me, and Him you must hear.") And here was a Man that had never seen him in his life, said, "Your name is Simon and you're the son of Jonas." Why, he knowed right then that that could be no more... They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years, and here was a Man telling him who he was. No wonder he could receive it!

45 Philip, at that time, went and--and found Nathanael under a tree, and brought him back to Jesus. Jesus said "Behold an Israelite in whom there's no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You ever know me?"

46He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

47He said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God! You're the King of Israel." He knowed that was! What? It didn't need any interpretation, Jehovah said that!

48 There stood those there who didn't believe it. They said, "This Man is Beelzebub. He's got--He's got some kind of a trick He's pulling. He--He's a fortune-teller, or something."

49Jesus looked at them, and said, "Why, you speak that against the Son of man, it'll be forgiven you. But when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, speak against That, it'll never be forgiven you, in this world or the world to come." He was prophesying of our day, the day that we should see. For He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Remember, it was Jesus Christ that was in Moses.

50 It was Jesus Christ that was in David. When David, the son of... David went up on the mountain, a rejected king, and wept over Jerusalem, that was nothing but Christ in him. For about eight hundred years later, the Son of David set up over the Mount of Olives and looked down upon Jerusalem and wept, and said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood, but you would not!"

51When Joseph was in prison, that was Jesus. When he was sold for pretty near thirty pieces of silver, that was Jesus. When he was made Potiphar's man, that was Jesus. When he set at the right hand of Pharaoh. And when he left, everybody... the trumpet sound, and everybody had to bow a knee, that was Jesus. No man could come to Pharaoh only through--through Joseph; no man can come through God, only by Jesus. It was Jesus, the Word prophesied being fulfilled, spoke in shadows and types.

52When Jesus was here on earth, He did the same thing the prophets did, that's why they knowed that He was God's manifestation of His Word. It didn't need to be interpreted.

53When Nathanael saw this, he fell down, said, "Thou art the King of Israel, the Son of God, the King of Israel. We know You, no man could do this."

54 Nicodemus came by night, said the same thing for the Pharisees. But, you see, they were so hooked up in their Ecumenical Council that they could not accept It. He expressed what they said, said, "Rabbi, we..." Who's "we"? Their council! "We know that Thou art a teacher come from God, 'cause no man could do these things 'less God be with Him." They recognized It, they knowed It was, but they were so hooked into it.

55And God, in the past forty years, has shook this nation with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and man and women are still outside of It because they're hooked into a same thing, living in a glare of another day. What's the matter? Everyone wants to be a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or something. See, it's a glare.

56 They were living in the glare of Moses' day. What did he say? He said... They said, "We're Moses' disciples."

57He said, "If you had knowed Moses, you'd knowed Me. Moses wrote of Me!"

58If you had knowed Luther, you'd know this age! If you had knowed Methodist, you'd know this age! For Christ wrote of this age! The Words that's being fulfilled has to be fulfilled in this age. It doesn't need somebody to interpret It, God does His Own interpreting. God interprets Hisself, because He's the only One that can interpret It. God's promises always vindicates what He said, and that's the interpretation.

59 Now, Jesus, (to save time), Jesus said, in Saint John, the 14th chapter, the 12th verse, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Did He say it? That's right. That don't need any interpreting. When somebody does that work, that's God. Certainly!

60He also said in there, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Jesus said that. Did He say it? Certainly, He said it! That needs no interpreting.

They say, "Well, that meant..."

61It meant just exactly what He said! "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." What about the days of Lot? Let's go back just for a moment, find out what they were doing.

62 There were three classes of people in the days of Lot: believer, make-believer, and unbeliever. That's in every crowd, the same thing.

We find out that the Sodomites was the unbeliever.

Lot was the make-believer.

63Abraham was the believer. He was the one the covenant was confirmed to. He was the one that was looking for a promised son. He was the one who was expecting it. Amen. (I'm not "amening" myself. Amen means "So be it!") And that's right. Abraham was not in Sodom. Abraham was up and out of Sodom. He's a type of the spiritual Church today.

64 Lot is a type of the denominational church down in Sodom yet. Watch, the Bible said that, "The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily." Why didn't he have nerve enough to stand out against it? There's a-many a-good man sitting in a church today, looking out and seeing women with shorts on and man doing these things, and their members going, playing golf on Sunday, and picnic parties, and swimming and things, instead of attending church. Sitting home on Wednesday night, watching television, instead of attending church. They feel like saying something about it, but the board would put them out. What's the matter? It's Lot again, looking out of his window and seeing the sin, and afraid to call sin "sin"!

65 Abraham wasn't in their mess, he was out of it. He was a type of the spiritual Church. Now watch what happened just at the end time, just before the fire fell. And those were Gentiles. It foreshadowed the fire falling on the Gentile world today, when the kingdoms will be broke up and they'll be burnt. "Heavens will be on fire," saith the Lord, "and they'll burn with fervent heat." That was a shadow of it.

66Now let's picture them. Here's Abraham already out, not in Sodom, he was out of Sodom. Lot was still in Sodom.

67Strange thing, one hot morning, along about eleven o'clock it must have been, he saw three man coming, ordinary man, walking down the road, the path. Abraham was sitting under the oak, resting himself. He had been out, probably with the herds that morning, come in, almost noontime. And he saw three man coming. And there was something about those man, that rung a bell. Oh, my!

68 There's always something about God, when It comes among the people, It rings a bell. They know It. There's something tells them, there's a vindication there.

69Abraham run quickly, and said, "My Lord, come by and let me get a little water, fetch it and wash Your feet, and give You a morsel of bread, and then You can go on, on Your road." So He turned aside. He run in the herd and got a calf and killed it, had a servant to dress it. Went in the tent, down below him, and got Sarah to knead some flour, make some, or some meal, make some bread, and make the cakes on the hearth. Brought them out and served. While he was sitting there, eating, they begin to notice, this Man kept looking down towards Sodom. And He said...

70 Two of them, remember, went down in Sodom. Two went to Sodom. Please don't miss this. I'm referring to what Jesus said. Two of them went to Sodom to bring out Lot and what was ready to be brought out down there. And them two that went down there, went down and preached. (And there was One stayed back with Abraham. Watch the sign He done.) They got a sign down there, there was... the Sodomites was smitten blind. Preaching the Gospel is always blinding to the unbeliever. And notice what done it.

71 Now, there's One standing back here and done the sign before Abraham.

72Now, did you ever notice, any historian, follow the Scriptures, follow the history, there has never been a time in the church ages where a man ever went to the nominal churches out there in the world, out there in the denominations, there's never been a man that his name end like Abraham, h-a-m, before. But today they got one, G-r-a-h-a-m. That's right. Going down there, calling them out. He's doing a wonderful job by it. Graham, Billy Graham, God's servant out there amongst the denominations, politicians, and so forth, smashing at it.

73The other day when they wanted him to run for President, he flatly turned it down. God, bless him for it. Why, them whiskey companies, he'd a-never got to first base as it would been. They'd have spent billions of dollars, because he would a-put them out anyhow, those cigarette companies and things like that. See, he's out there as God's messenger to Sodomites. That's exactly.

74 But remember, there was One who stayed up there with Abraham, another Man, not them two that went down there like a modern evangelists that went down there to preach. Notice, there was One stayed up there. Two went down that way, and One stayed here with Abraham. And the One that stayed with Abraham give him a sign.

75Now watch, his name had been "Abram" and his wife had been "Sarai," just a day or two before that. God had appeared to him and told him, "I'm changing your name now from Abram to Abraham." (See, G-r-a-h-a-m is six letters, man.) But A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven, seven letters; h-a-m, ending with an h-a-m.

76Now, up here in the Church spiritual, there was One up there to Abraham, and notice what He said. He said, "Abraham," (not "Abram") "Abraham, where is thy wife" (not "S-a-r-r-a") "S-a-r-a-h? Where is thy wife Sarah?"

77Watch what he said, "She's in the tent behind You."

78And He said, "I'll visit you. I'm going to visit you." See that personal pronoun, the One, according to the promise that He had made. That was God! He said, "I'm going to visit you."

79And Sarah, (in a way that we'd all understand) laughed up her sleeve, to herself, she said, "Me, an old woman, hundred years old, my lord" (which was Abraham) "old also, past time of life of that as young folks." Said, "Why, we could not have pleasures like that anymore, I'm old and he's old." And said, "We couldn't have that." And said, "How? These things couldn't be!"

80And the--the Man (God in human flesh) said, "Why did Sarah laugh and doubt, saying these things?" In the tent, behind Him.

81 Now watch, if that isn't the same ministry that Jesus Christ had! He looked out upon the audience and perceived their thought. He told Peter who he was and what his father's name was. Told Nathanael.

82Told the woman at the well, when she said... He said, "Go get Me a drink," or "Bring Me a drink."

83She said, "Sir, it's not custom for You to talk to... you Jews talk to Samaritans. We have no dealings with one another."

84He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. The conversation went on. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I have no husband."

He said, "You've said well, for you've had five."

She said, "Sir!"

85 Look at the difference between that and them--and them priests of that day, that council living in the glare of another day. They said, "This is the Devil!" They had to answer their congregation to something, 'cause it required that.

86But what did this poor little woman, that predestinated Seed laying in her heart... She had been sick and tired of that stuff, she had went on the streets as a prostitute. But when she seen That, she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet. We haven't had one for four hundred years, and we are told that when the Messiah cometh that's the things that He'll do." Oh, my! That Seed laying there jumped to life! Why? It didn't need no interpreting.

87 Jesus said, "I am He that speaks to you." That didn't need no interpreting. He had done the miracle and had testified that He was that Messiah, amen, and bore record exactly what God had promised ("The Lord your God shall raise a Prophet like me," said Moses). What was it? A vindication of the Scripture!

88She run into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Christ? Isn't this Him? He told me what I've done."

89 Now notice, Jesus, that was Him up there in that Man that had His back turned to the tent and told what Sarah was thinking about inside the tent.

90The Word of God says, in Hebrews, the 4th chapter, that... He says this, "The Word of God is more powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting to the asunder of the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." It's the Word! And every time that a prophet came, he come with the Word, and he was the Word for that age. And what did it do? A prophesier who discerned the thoughts that was in the heart.

91It done it in Jesus Christ because He was the fulness of the Word.

92 And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." The Spirit of God would come upon the earth in a form of human beings, God manifested in human flesh (Amen! Do you see it?), and would do the same thing that God did in human flesh at Sodom. Remember, they were waiting for a promised son. And, right after that, the promised son came. That was the last sign that Sodom and Abraham's group saw before the promised son arrived. Did you notice that? And now the Church spiritual has come to that hour.

93Somebody said, "Brother Branham, did you say 'that was God'?"

94The Bible said, It was God! It don't need no interpreting. He's Elohim. That's what Abraham called Him. Any Bible reader knows that. Elohim, "the all-sufficient One." He was the First, the Last; the Beginning, the End. Elohim! Abraham called Him "Elohim." God (in capital letters in the Hebrew), Elohim; just like in the beginning, "God," Elohim.

95He was Elohim manifested in human flesh, wearing human clothes, eating human's food. Amen! A sign that in the last days that God will appear again among His people in human flesh! Amen! Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also. And as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Amen! That don't need no interpreting; it needs manifestation, that's what it needs. Amen. Do you believe that?

Let's bow our heads.

96 Our Heavenly Father, we give to You Thy promise tonight that You said these things. You promised them. There's no one can make Your Word live but You. You said, "Let there be light," and there was light. No one has to interpret that, it was manifested.

97As we quoted Isaiah, the prophet, "A virgin shall conceive," she did; doesn't need any manifestation, she did it. That's what happened.

98You said, when He come He'd be born in Bethlehem, "Out of Bethlehem, Judaea. Art thou not the least among all the princes of Judah, of Israel? But out of thee shall come the Ruler of My people."

99The things that He would do, what He would cry at the cross, how He'd be condemned, pierced His feet and His hands; "He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquity; chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we were healed."

100 How that David said, "I'll not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." And on the third day, before the seventy-two hours could set in to corrupt His body, the Word of God said, "He'll raise up." (They said they stole His body away; they still believe it.) But we believe, Lord, Your Word! It was manifested. Jesus Christ raised up and He said, "I'll... Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world."

101We believe that You're here tonight. We believe that You're just as much Jesus Christ tonight, here, as You ever was. And You're only looking for eyes, arms, legs, mouth, souls, bodies, that You can use to manifest Yourself. God, sanctify us tonight, that we might see the living Jesus Christ living among us. Let Him come! Then will come to pass, like the hunger of those Greeks who came that day, and said, "Sir, we would see Jesus." And they got to see Him. Oh, what a thrill it must have been when they looked upon Him!

102God, You're the same today. And You promised that if we hungered we could see You. "A little while, and the world won't see Me" (the unbeliever); "but yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." We know that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever.

103Lord, the Words has been said, it's been written, now let it be done, for the Glory of God, to show that He keeps His Word. Amen. God bless you.

104 I'm going to call the prayer line. I believe Billy said he give out prayer cards, one to a hundred, or something like that. He isn't here just now. Is... What is prayer card number... Somebody look on your back of your... It'd--it'd be a number and a--and a letter (A, B, C, D, or...). What is it, A? All right.

105Let's have A, number one, two, three, four, five. Just start standing up like this. A, number one, number two, number three, number four. Four, I didn't see it stand up. Prayer card number four. One, two, three. Prayer... Maybe they can't get up. If they can't, somebody look at your neighbor's card, he may have a card and he can't stand up. Quickly now. There it is, four. Five, prayer card number five. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Just start coming up here now as your numbers are called. Number one, two, three, just come right out this way. Prayer card number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, just take your places. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five. There's anybody can't...

106 I see a young man in a wheelchair back there. If your number's called, son, and--and if you can't get... well, just hold your hand, we'll see that you get here. See?

107How many in here doesn't have a prayer card and yet you're sick? Let's see your hands, anywhere. Right here, that's right, put your hands up. Do you believe? While they're getting them together, do you believe This, that He's the same yesterday and forever? How many? Watch these ministers; doesn't the Scripture say today, brethren, that He's a High Priest that could be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? Is that right? How many believes that, raise your hand? He's a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.

108Then if the Bible says, "He's the same yesterday and forever," how many believes that? Then how would He act today? He'd have to act like He did yesterday. Is that right? Where's He at tonight? Sitting on the right hand of the Majesty, His body; the Holy Spirit is here in the building, to make Him known.

109 Notice, now look. What happened when somebody touched His garment back there, a woman one day? She didn't have a prayer card, we'd say, but she touched His garment. And when she touched His garment, Jesus turned around and said, "Who touched Me?"

110Peter rebuked Him, and said, "Why, Lord, that doesn't sound just sensible like. Why, everybody's trying to touch You. Why say, 'Who touched Me?'"

111He said, "But I perceive that I got weak." How many knows that? Virtue, which means "strength," went from Him. "I got weak, somebody touched Me with a different kind of a touch." And He turned around and looked to the audience until He found where that channel of faith.

112Everybody was putting their arms around Him, "O Rabbi, we believe You," and all this.

113But there was somebody really believed It. And she touched His garment and believed that she was healed, because she said in her heart if she could do it that's what would happen.

114 He turned around and looked upon the audience till He found her, and He said... told her her blood issue had stopped and she was healed. Is that right? Now, that's the way He did, in the audience of the people.

115Now, I'm claiming that He is not dead, He's just as much alive today as He ever was. And the Bible said, Jesus said, Himself, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

116Now look, no matter what kind of a gift that God has up here, there's got to be one down there, too, to respond to it. He went into a city, the Bible said, "There was many things He could not do because of their unbelief." Is that right? Same thing today. You've got to believe Him. You've just got to believe Him. That's the only way you can.

117 Is the prayer line ready? Now, everybody reverent for just about ten minutes. Don't know whether I'll get through there, I got about twenty-five or thirty standing there. But now, in the prayer line, each one of you out there in the prayer line that knows that I am a stranger to you, and I don't know nothing about you, raise up your hand. Each one in the prayer line.

118Now all in the audience, that knows that I know nothing about you, raise up your hand. Now, now, here's what I'm trying to say, friend, see. Now, here it is. All these ministers up here on the platform. And Christ made this promise. See, it's been written. When was it to come to pass? In the last days, just before the Coming of the Lord. Is that right? It was to come to pass then.

119 Now, that's the Word that's prophesied today. Not Luther's light; not Wesley's light; and not even the Pentecostal light. It's gone up, on up the road now. Now, Luther's all right; Methodist is all right; Baptist is all right; all them, Pentecostal, fine. There's all kinds sitting here tonight. It ain't--it ain't--it ain't the individuals. What if the...

120You couldn't never tell a Methodist anything about Luther, 'cause he believes in sanctification and Luther don't. See?

121You never tell a Pentecost that "sanctification's all of it," he's seen the restoration of the gifts. He ain't going to believe that. No, he's got more than that. See? And that's the last church age that we had, and the Bible says there'll be no more church ages.

122But there's to be a gathering of the people, see, and here we are. Now, remember, the last sign. Are we people looking for a promised son? Raise up your hand. Do you believe you are the Seed of Abraham by being in Christ? Raise up your hand. Then, Seed of Abraham, receive your sign! It isn't out in Babylon, it isn't out there in denominational world. It's here among you, those who are not in that mess out there. Believe it!

123 Here's a woman, she's a total stranger to me, somewhere around the same age. I never seen the woman in my life. If I could heal that woman I would do it, if she's sick. I don't know nothing about her. Did you see her raise her hand a few minutes ago. I--I never seen her. She's just a woman standing there.

124Today they come down here and brought a bunch of prayer cards, mixed them all up and give them to the people. One got number one here, and number ten back there, number fifteen, number seven, number... just like that. They're all mixed up, right before you, every day. And when they're called, they're just called all around from everywhere. See? And, now, you don't even have to have a prayer card, just sit there and believe. Why can't...

125Pinch yourself, tonight, find out the hour we're living in. See? Now, it's just about over, too, friend. Just about over!

126Now, if the God of Abraham raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, and that Jesus promised that in the last days the same signs that Abraham... that the Angel (which was God in human flesh) done before Abraham, just before the promised son arrived, Jesus said the same thing would take place today.

127 Now, we see the atomics and the denominations, and all those, and the mess that they're in. We see a Billy Graham down yonder, and Oral Roberts, and all them people out there; the Pentecostal messenger and the denominational messenger down there, we see all that going on, carrying out the sign. Billy Graham, a theologian to the dot, what the denomination believes in. Oral Roberts, a healer to the dot, just exactly what the Pentecost...

128But looky here, there's something else promised to the Seed of Abraham. There they are down in amongst them denominations; there's something out of the denominations supposed to happen, gathering the people. We'll leave it go till tomorrow night.

129 Watch, I don't know that woman. I'll turn my back to her. If the Lord God will say something to that woman, maybe it's--it's domestic, maybe it's financial, maybe it's sick; I don't know. She'll know whether it's the truth or not.

130If He'll do the same thing tonight that He did then, would you believe the God that Jesus Christ promised would be here in the last days? How many believes that we're living like in Sodom, when the whole world is gone into a Sodomite condition? How many of you believes what I've told you tonight's the Truth? Then, children and Seed of Abraham, believe God!

131 Now, so it'll get it out of your mind that I'm trying to say something to the woman, looking her in the face, or get all the things about telepathy or whatever you want to know. Anybody that knows about telepathy should have better sense than that. See? See? Did you ever see a telepathist preaching the Gospel? Did you ever see a spiritualist preaching the Gospel, doing signs and wonders, proclaiming Jesus Christ the same? No.

132See, it's just... it's people's mind. See, they're blind. Do you believe they can be blind? The Bible said they would be. Is that right? "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, despisers of those that are good, having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof."

133Didn't Jesus say, in Saint Matthew 24:24, that "The two spirits in the last days would almost deceive the very Elected, if it was possible"? But it isn't possible. They were in God's thoughts at the beginning, and they're a part of God.

134 Now, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, let it be known tonight that I'm telling the Truth about You. It's You, Lord. Humbly let Your servants be able to get their own thoughts out of the way, that You can use our bodies for Your Glory. In Jesus' Name, the Son of God. Amen.

135 What is a gift? Not something you take and chop and turn. No, no. It's knowing how to get yourself out of the way that God can use you. A gift is only getting yourself out, then God uses it.

136The lady behind me is going to die right away if she isn't healed. The lady behind me has just been prayed for by another man, recently. She's got cancer. The cancer is in her breast and also in her lungs. And she was just recently prayed for, and she's trying to accept it by faith that she's healed. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD! Is that true, lady? [The lady says, "Yes, it sure is true."--Ed.] If it is, wave--wave your hand to the audience. The God of Abraham still lives! All right, go believe what you believe and you'll get well. Amen.

You believe? You say, "What about the audience?"

137 This woman sitting here with her... on the end of the row, second lady right there. When I turned around just there I seen something, a thing around her arm, blood pressure pumping. She's got high blood pressure. Is that right, lady? Raise up your hand. If you believe, your blood pressure will go down. The God of Abraham is still on the scene. He's just exactly what it was, the Word of God for this day!

138 How do you do? You believe now? Have faith in God! Seemed to be just a child. God knows your heart, young lady, I don't. Do you believe Gods able to reveal to me what's wrong? Will you believe Him if I will? It's not for you, it's for somebody else, that's your brother. And he's very serious and he's in a city north here, Tulare. And he's in a hospital, and he's got leukemia, and the doctors give him up to die. There's no hopes at all. That's right. Do you believe? [The lady, crying, says, "Yes."--Ed.] All right. What you got in your hand? Take that and lay it on him. And don't doubt it. Believe! Amen.

139Do you believe? I never seen the lady in my life. But God remains God! Now, tell me a human being can do that? It isn't in the making of a human being to do it. It's the God that Jesus Christ promised that would be here in the last days and would vindicate Hisself (just before the Seed of Abraham) as it was in the days of Sodom.

140 Now here, I don't know the lady, we're strangers to one another, I guess our first time meeting in life. Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe this to be the Word? And you know that if... This Word is still a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Is that right? The Word is a Healer, also, if you can believe It. You do? You're shadowed, too, with a dark shadow. It's cancer. And you believe that God can tell me where that cancer is? It's in the lower intestines, so the doctor says. Do you believe now that you'll be healed? Go, and don't doubt at all, and God will make you well. Amen.

141You believe, everybody? Just exactly what He promised to do! Have faith in God, don't doubt.

142We're strangers to one another. I don't know you. If we're strangers, let the audience know that, we hold our hands. I never seen the woman in my life.

143Do you believe out there? You believe it's Jesus Christ? What is it? It's His Word. When these people reject It, they're not rejecting a man, they're rejecting the Word. It's the Word that was on the outside, couldn't get back in.

144 Now, the lady's a stranger to me. I've never seen her in my life. God's a Healer. It might not be for healing, might be for something else, but if God will explain to me what's your trouble, will you believe me? The first thing you want prayer for, is, you got a bad ear. One of your ears, you can't hear out of it. That's right. That's true. And then you got a habit, and you want to get rid of that habit, it's smoking cigarettes. Put your finger in your good ear now, all right, your good ear. All right. Now believe God and go on your road, and don't... and you won't smoke any more cigarettes either if you'll believe. Go, and the Lord bless you.

You see what happened. Isn't He real?

145I don't know you, we're strangers to one another. I've never seen you in my life, but God knows you. If God can tell me something about you, will you believe?

146Will the whole audience believe? Anybody out there know the woman? Anybody in the audience know the woman? All right, you know whether this to be true or not. This should settle it. This should tell the truth.

147 Now you can see what's happened just in the last few minutes. See? It's just... I'm staggering. See? It's just everything becoming blind to me. See, It's discerning-. See, It's the Holy Spirit. It's not me. It's the Word promised for this day. It's never been since the days of the apostles, it never has been. But where it was said, "In just before the coming of the Son of man. As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Unbelievers don't believe It. They're not expected to believe It. But believers believe It!

148 Now, if the Holy Spirit will reveal this, how many will believe with all your heart, you'll raise your hand?

149You got some damage. You've had a car accident, it's pulled some vertebraes loose in your neck. You also got a kidney pulled loose. That's right, isn't it? You believe? You'll be all right. Praise the Lord.

150You believe God heals kidney trouble? Then go ahead and accept your healing.

151Come, lady. Look this way. You believe God heals heart trouble? All right, go on your road and believe, and your heart'll get all right.

152Come here. You believe God can heal your back, make you well? Go on and believe it then.

Just believe God, that's all you have to do!

153Come, lady. You believe God heals stomach trouble? Go, eat your supper, believe with all your heart.

154 Come. You believe God can heal arthritis? Then go, believe, and make... and God will make you well.

155All right, come. You believe with all your heart? You believe? Arthritis, again. Do you believe that God can make you well? Go on, believe It, say, "Thank You, Lord."

How many believes out there? Do you believe?

156This lady sitting here with a red dress on, raising up her hand right here, suffering with high blood pressure. You believe God can make you well? You do? All right. Lay your hands over on that lady next to you down there, and tell her her voice is going to get all right. Amen.

There it is. Amen. Do you believe? Have faith!

157 Here's a man sitting here, is having hemorrhages. Do you believe, sir, sitting right here? Yes, you got a hemorrhage. You believe it'll heal?

158The lady next to you has hemorrhages also, and she has a back trouble. You believe God's going to heal you? You do? Raise your hand and accept it. Believe.

159This lady next to you has trouble with her legs and with her hip. Do you believe that that's right, lady? You believe that you'll be healed? Well, raise up your hand, say, "I accept it."

160All right, the lady next to her has infection. You believe that God will heal the infection, young lady with the glasses on? Raise up your hand, say, "I accept it." All right, believe it.

161 The lady next to her has kidney trouble. Do you believe God will heal the kidney trouble, lady? All right, raise up your hand, accept it.

162The little girl next to her has a goiter. You believe that God will heal the goiter there? Raise up your hand, accept it.

163How many believes with all your heart? Then stand up on your feet and accept it. Raise up in the Presence of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob.

164In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ may the Holy Ghost fall into the building now and heal every person in Divine Presence!

1Náš Nebeský Otče, jedno Slovo od teba znamená viac, ako by mohol niekto niečo urobiť alebo povedať, lebo ľudia čakajú, aby Ťa videli. A ďakujeme Ti, pretože sú tu takí, ktorí sú pod očakávaniami; hľadajú, aby sa niečo stalo. A keď sú ľudia smädní po niečom, Hlbina volá po Hlbine a musí existovať ďalšia Hlbina, ktorá odpovedá na to volanie. A to je to, prečo sme tu dnes večer, pretože to bolo na srdciach týchto kazateľov a ľudí, aby nás zavolali a spolu Ťa prosili o priazeň a požehnanie veriac, že Ty uzdravíš chorých a zachrániš stratených a urobíš Tvoje Slovo zamanifestované.

2A modlíme sa, Nebeský Otče, aby si nám to udelil, ako pokorne očakávame na Teba, noc čo noc. Nech je tu také vyliatie Ducha Svätého, a nech je každá osoba slepá na všetko ostatné naokolo, okrem Boha. A nech sa tu vydierajú výkriky medzi ľuďmi, smädnými po Tebe, dokiaľ neprejde cez túto krajinu prebudenie, a nech sú zbory naplnené ľuďmi, hriešnikmi kričiacimi k Bohu pre milosť, a nech Svätý Duch uzdraví chorých, urobí chromých chodiacimi, a nech kriesi z mŕtvych a nech udelí všetky tieto veci, ako si zasľúbil v Tvojom Slove.

3Príď, Pane Ježišu, a vyplň Svoje zasľúbenie. Príď k nám dnes večer. Veríme, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, a Tvoje zasľúbenia nezlyhajú. Aj nebesia a Zem oboje zlyhajú, ale Tvoje Slovo nezlyhá. Nech je naše porozumenie otvorené. Nech Svätý Duch príde a naplní neplodnú zem. Nech je naše porozumenie otvorené pre Ducha a Božiu Moc dnes večer, keď zamanifestuješ Svoje zasľúbenia cez nás. O to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

4Tak, dnes večer, vy. ktorí sledujete text, otvorme si v Biblii knihu 2. Petra, a začnime s 15. veršom. Chcem hovoriť na toto miesto Písma na chvíľu.

A budem sa aj po každé snažiť o to, aby ste po mojom odchode mali jako rozpomínať sa na to.

Lebo sme neišli za chytrácky vymyslenými bájkami, keď sme vám oznámili moc a príchod nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, ale jako takí, ktorí sme boli očitými svedkami jeho veličenstva.

5Páči sa mi to „očití svedkovia“. Nie nejaká bájka. Sme očitými svedkami toho, o čom hovoríme.

Lebo dostanúc od Boha Otca česť a slávu, keď sniesla na neho velebná sláva taký hlas: Toto je ten môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mne zaľúbilo.

A ten hlas, ktorý sa sniesol s neba, sme my počuli, keď sme s ním boli na tom svätom vrchu.

Aj máme pevnejšie slovo prorocké, a dobre robíte, že máte naň obrátený svoj pozor ako na sviecu, svietiacu na šerom mieste, dokiaľ by sa nerozvidnel deň, a nevzišla dennica vo vašich srdciach,

vediac najprv to, že niktoré proroctvo Písma nedeje sa z vlastného rozlúštenia budúcnosti.

Lebo nikdy nebolo proroctvo vynesené vôľou človeka, ale Svätým Duchom súc nesení hovorili svätí Boží ľudia.

6Nech Boh pridá požehnania do čítania Jeho Slova. Teraz, chcem vziať tieto slová ako titul: Boh je svojím vlastným Vykladačom.

7Žijeme v dni zmätenia. Žijeme v dni, keď muži a ženy ledva vedia, čo majú robiť. Zdá sa, že vo všetkom je chaos. Vyzerá to tak, že na všetko sa môžeme pozrieť rôznymi spôsobmi. To je satan, ktorý to robí.

8No, Boh nemôže ľudí súdiť spravodlivo, správne, pokiaľ nie je nejaký štandard, podľa ktorého by Boh súdil. A Biblia hovorí, že On bude súdiť všetkých Ježišom Kristom, a Ježiš Kristus je Slovo. V sv. Jánovi, v 1.kapitole, hovorí:

Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.

A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami...

9Tak, všetko, čím sme my dnes, je zobrazenie Jeho atribútov. V Bohu... Najprv, On dokonca ani nebol Bohom. Boh, my Ho nazývame „Ten Večný“. On nebol Bohom, pretože Boh (to slovo) znamená „objekt uctievania“, a tam nebolo nič, čo by Ho mohlo uctievať. Takže On bol Ten Večný, hlavná Fontána všetkej inteligencie. A v tejto Fontáne všetkej inteligencie nebol žiaden atóm, molekula, nič. Svetlo, nikde, hviezdy, mesiac, nič. Boh, ktorého poznáme ako Boha, veľký Duch, ktorý bol Večný (nikdy nezačal, nikdy nekončí), On bol tam. A v ňom boli atribúty: Atribúty Boha, atribúty Otca, atribúty Syna, atribúty Spasiteľa, atribúty Uzdraviteľa. Všetky tieto atribúty boli v ňom. A teraz On... tieto veci, ktoré boli odvtedy rozvinuté, sú len Jeho zamanifestované atribúty.

10To, čo tým myslím, „atribúty“, to boli Jeho „myšlienky“. A slovo je „vyjadrená myšlienka.“ A vtedy, to boli Jeho myšlienky. A keď povedal, „Nech je,“ tak bolo. „Nech je,“ a bolo.

11A teraz, pamätajte, vy Kresťania ste boli Jeho myšlienkami predtým, ako bol svet. A vy ste manifestáciou Jeho myslenia. Predtým, ako bol svet, boli ste v Kristovi, (amen) v Bohu na začiatku. To vás činí, rozumiete, Jeho poddanými. A celá tá vec je Boh Sám, robiaci sa hmatateľným, že Ho môžu ľudia vidieť a tak ďalej. A to je to, čo Boh je, celá vec.

12Potom ľudia povedia, „Výklad...“ Hovoril som o tom nedávno na zhromaždení, nie veľmi dávno, prišiel ku mne jeden človek a povedal, „Brat Branham, mal si zlý výklad. Nevykladáš to správne.“

13Teraz, počujte... Môžete ísť k Metodistom a povedia, „Baptisti to nevykladajú správne.“ Baptista povie, „Letniční to nevykladajú správne.“ Letniční povedia „Jednotári to nevykladajú správne.“ Tamtí povedia, „Zbory to zle vykladajú.“ A každý jeden hovorí, že ten druhý to nevykladá správne.

14Boh je Svojím vlastným Vykladačom! Nepotrebuje nikoho, aby to za Neho vykladal. On robí vlastný výklad. Kde je ten, kto dokáže vykladať Boha? Boh je Svojím vlastným Vykladačom!

15Teraz, Peter tu hovorí, zisťujeme to, že na začiatku Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo svetlo, to je výklad toho. Keď Boh niečo povie, a potom to prejaví, to je Boží výklad, že Jeho Slovo má pravdu. Vidíte? Keď povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ to bolo v Jeho mysliach prv, ako bola taká vec, ako je svetlo. Keď povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ svetlo vyskočilo na oblohu, to je ten výklad. Nikto to nemôže vyložiť, lebo Boh povedal, „nech je tak,“ a tak bolo. Keď Boh hovoril a to sa zamanifestovalo, to je výklad Jeho Slova. Prečo to človek nemôže vidieť? Prečo to ľudia nevidia?

16Keď Boh zasľúbi a povie... Na začiatku v Genesis, On udelil Svoje Slovo na každý vek, ako Ono prichádzalo od začiatku do konca. A počas všetkých týchto vekov, cirkevný svet mal všetky tieto veci zmiešané s tradíciami, a tak ďalej, a Boh vždy posielal na scénu, počas Starého zákona a Nového, prorokov! A Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi. A ako to robí? Manifestuje to Slovo Božie. Božia manifestácia, ktorá hovorila, či to je správne alebo nesprávne. Nikto to nemôže vyložiť, lebo Slovo to vykladá samé. Boh to tak zasľúbil a tu sa tak stalo!

17Čo k tomu treba dodať? Kto je ten hriešny človek, ktorý by sa pokúšal povedať (keď Boh niečo zasľúbil a tak sa to stalo), že výklad toho je nesprávny? To je Boh Sám, robiaci svoj vlastný výklad, vysvetlenie. Nepotrebuje nikoho, aby Ho vykladal, On vykladá Sám Seba, manifestujúc to, čo zasľúbil, že urobí.

18Ó, ak by to len cirkvi mohli vidieť, vidieť tie zasľúbenia, ktoré boli udeľované na každý vek! Všetky ostatné veky, Boh poslal na scénu (dokonca počas siedmich cirkevných vekov) a manifestoval všetko, čo zasľúbil učiniť. Všetko. Nie je žiadna vec, ktorá by zostala nedokončená. Tak je! Čo povedal, že urobí, to urobil.

19Lebo keď Boh povedal, naspäť v Izaiášovi, povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. A teraz, kto to môže vykladať? Boh robí výklad. Povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. Teraz, čo ste... nemôžete... Nemôže byť nič povedané, lebo Boh povedal, že počne, a ona počala. Ale cirkvi boli príliš slepé na to, aby to videli. Vidíte, to bola ich vlastná myšlienka o tom. Bolo to príliš odlišné od toho, čo oni očakávali.

20Peter sa tu naspäť zmieňoval, povedal, „Boh manifestuje Krista Svojím Slovom, povedal, „Toto je môj Milovaný Syn.“ Tí veriaci tam stáli. A Kristus bol manifestáciou Božou. Vždy prejavoval Krista Svojím Slovom, pretože Kristus je Slovo. On Ho vždy manifestuje.

21Keď povedal... vo dňoch Noacha, Kristus bol v Noachovi. Veríte tomu? Noach povedal, „Bude pršať, bude dážď a Zem bude zničená.“ Pršalo. To nepotrebovalo žiaden výklad. Pršalo, pretože Boh bol v Noachovi, povediac, „Bude pršať.“ On bol prorokom a tým dôkazom bolo, že to, čo povedal, sa vyplnilo. Tak to nepotrebovali vykladať.

22Niektorí z nich stojaci okolo, povedali, „Tento muž nevie, o čom hovorí.“

23Ale Boh vždy zasľúbil, „Ak bude niekedy medzi vami niekto, kto je duchovný, alebo prorok, a čo hovorí, sa stane, počúvajte ho.“ Je to tak, lebo je to pravda. Musí to byť v súlade so Slovom Božím. A Noach bol v súlade so Slovom Božím. A keď prorokoval, že bude pršať, tak pršalo. Nepotrebovalo to žiaden výklad, lebo to bolo presne tak.

24Izaiáš povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. To bolo hrozne nezvyčajné. Lebo to bolo mnoho stoviek rokov neskôr, keď panna počala.

25Bolo to príliš nezvyčajné, dokiaľ dobrý muž menom Jozef, jej manžel, „súc spravodlivý a nechcúc jej urobiť potupu...“ Ten dobrý muž v tých dňoch, musel to byť Jozef, ktorý bol s Máriou zasnúbený.

26Ona bola zasnúbená. V tom dni, porušiť niečo také, bolo to isté ako spáchať cudzoložstvo. Samozrejme, Jozefovi sa zdalo, že Mária sa ho pokúšala použiť ako blokádu, alebo ako štít pre jej chybu, pretože tu bola nájdená ako matka, nevydatá, len zasnúbená. A za takýto skutok sa kameňovalo k smrti; tak to bolo podľa zákona.

27A Jozef, jej manžel, bol spravodlivým mužom, veľmi spravodlivý človek. Veril v Boha. A keď sa ona naňho pozrela s jej nádhernými a mäkkými očami, a povedala, „Jozef, Archanjel Gabriel ma navštívil a povedal mi, že počnem, nepoznajúc muža.“

28Teraz, ak by sa bol Jozef pozrel späť do Písma, že prorok povedal, že počne! Bol to len Boží výklad Jeho vlastného Slova! Vidíte? Ale bolo to príliš nezvyčajné.

29To je to, čo sa dialo v každom veku. Slovo Božie je pre ľudí cudzie. Je príliš nezvyčajné. Boh vždy robil nezvyčajné veci. Bolo to neobyčajné, čokoľvek Boh robil. Je to proti systematike tohto sveta, oni dostali veci spôsobom, akým si mysleli, že by to malo byť. Ale Boh prichádza a robí to neobvyklým.

30“Ako by mohla táto panna počať?“ On bol úprimný, hľadal Boha ohľadne toho.

31 A potom k nemu Boh prehovoril vo sne a povedal, „Jozefe, synu Dávidov, neboj sa prijať Máriu, svoju manželku, lebo to, čo je v nej splodené, je zo Svätého Ducha. Boh ju zatienil. To je to, čo urobil.“

32Všimli ste si niekedy, ako tam Boh konal s Jozefom? Druhoradým, vedľajším spôsobom, cez sen. No, my vieme, že sú sny; veríme v sny. Ja verím v sny. Boh vždy konal s ľuďmi v snoch. Ale sny sú druhoradé, môžu byť pravdivé alebo nesprávne, pokiaľ to nie je vyložené. Ale on nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. Bol to Boh Sám, hovoriaci priamo k Jozefovi, pretože v tých dňoch nebol v zemi prorok, ktorý by to vyložil. Štyristo rokov predtým nebol žiaden prorok. Takže ďalší najlepší, o ktorého blaho sa Boh staral - blaho Jeho vlastného Syna, hovoril k Jozefovi cez sen a bez výkladu. Povedal, „Tá žena je tá pravá. Tá Svätá Vec, ktorá je v nej splodená, je Syn Boží.“ Nebolo treba žiaden výklad.

33Boh svoj výklad podáva do čestných a úprimných sŕdc, mužov a žien, ktorí vidia veci tajomne, ak si čestný a úprimný a budeš veriť, Boh má spôsob ako ti to vyložiť. Najprv zisti, či je to zasľúbenie. Ak by sa len Jozef vrátil z tradícií a pozrel by sa do Biblie a zistil, že Izaiáš povedal, že sa to tak stane.

34A všetky veci, o ktorých hovoríme, a Jeho narodenie, a všetko to bolo povedané cez Písma „svätými prorokmi,“ ako Peter povedal. A nikto nemá právo dať tomu nejaký osobný výklad. Je to tak, ako Boh povedal, že sa to stane. On bol manifestáciou Slova Božieho, zasľúbeného na ten deň. Boh povedal, že tak bude, a tak bolo. Tým je to vybavené.

35Ježiš povedal, keď bol na zemi, ľudia nemohli Jeho službu porozumieť, bolo to také veľké, tie javy boli mimoriadne. Nemohli Ho porozumieť. On povedal, „Hľadajte v Písmach!“ (Dúfam, že vás tu tým nejako neohlušujem, tým, že narážam do toho.) „Hľadajte v Písmach, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“ Vidíte? „Ony sú tie, ktoré hovoria, kým Som.“

36Vidíte, Boh udelil Slovo. V tom dni to bola manifestácia Božia, Boh (Emanuel) s nami, „Nazvú jeho meno: Predivný, Radca, Silný Boh, Udatný Hrdina, Otec Večnosti, Knieža Pokoja.“ A Jeho meno sa bude nazývať Emanuel, „Boh s nami“. Boh bol v Dávidovi, Boh bol v Mojžišovi. Boh! To je Boh manifestujúci sa cez všetky tie veky. Ale tento vek, „Panna počne a porodí syna a On bude Bohom s nami.“

37To je dôvod, prečo ho ukrižovali, lebo sa robil Bohom a tiež porušoval sobotu. Ale On bol Bohom soboty, On bol Boh. A nebol len nejaký obyčajný človek, alebo obyčajný prorok (áno, bol obyčajným mužom a obyčajným prorokom), ale on bol Boh-prorok. A on bol vyplnením Slova, presne tak, ako Boh povedal, že to urobí. Povedal, „Ktorí z vás ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Hľadajte v Písmach! V nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o mne.“ Ale ich tradície, oni žili v lesku iného veku.

38Kázal som pred pár týždňami, „Žiť v lesku“. Lesk je „zdanie,“ ktoré slnko odráža a je to falošné. A hocijaký lesk iného veku je falošný odraz. Ľudia vždy kráčajú v niečom, čo sa stalo pred rokmi. Lutheráni kráčajú v lutheránskom lesku. Lutherovo slnečné svetlo bolo v poriadku v tom čase. Wesleyho bolo dobré v jeho dni. Letniční boli v poriadku v tom čase. Ale my ideme hore rebríkom, žijeme v inom veku! Ideme vpred a nemôžeme sa obzrieť späť.

39Keď sa usadíme vo veciach, myslíme si, že sme to dokázali, že sme dotiahli naše tradície do konca; to bolo v poriadku v tom dni, ale my ideme vpred! Hľadajte v Písmach a pozrite sa, čo je zasľúbené pre tento deň, potom vieme, na čom sme, a vieme povedať, kde stojíme.

40Luther; mohli by ste sa pozrieť do Písma a vidieť Sardský vek, mohli by ste vidieť presne, čo bolo zasľúbené. Pozrite sa, aký typ jazdca išiel, pozrite sa, čo ho stretlo, presne „prefíkanosť človeka,“ a reformáciu. Sledujte Wesleyho, a tak ďalej. Ako to išlo cez vek Letničných a cez celý ten vek, pozrite sa, ako to išlo. Pozrite sa do Písma a uvidíte, na čom sme. To je ten dôvod, prečo Ježiš povedal, „Hľadajte v Písmach!“

41Pozrite sa, na čom sme! Verím, že sme práve v čase Príchodu Syna Božieho. Verím, že žijeme vo veku, keď On môže hocikedy prísť. Verím, že Písmo to vyhlasuje, že sme v posledných hodinách histórie tohto sveta. Môžem vidieť veci, ako sa formujú. Pozrite sa na Ekumenickú radu, ako vedie všetky cirkvi do toho, do znamenia šelmy. A pozrite sa na Rímsku ríšu, čo robí, a zvyšok z nich. Pozrite, ako sa všetci spájajú dohromady, zabraňujúc Svetlu, zhasínajúc Evanjelium. Každý ku tomu bude musieť patriť a kráčať v ich svetle alebo vôbec nekráčať. Vidíte, sme v čase konca. Nič tu pre nás neostáva, len sa držať Boha a veriť Jeho Slovu. To Slovo je vždy pravdou.

42Laodicejský cirkevný vek je jediný zo všetkých, v ktorom je Kristus vystrčený z cirkvi. Je vonku a klope. Čo sa stalo? Ekumenická Rada je to, čo ho tam vystrčilo. Biblia hovorí, že bude vonku, a práve je. Čomu to zabraňuje? Slovu. A On je Slovom. On bol vždy Slovom a stále je ním aj dnes večer! On je Slovom.

43Biblia hovorí, „Slovo Božie je živé a účinné a ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný.“ Židom, 4.kapitola, „je rozpoznávateľom a preniká až do rozdelenia duše a ducha.“ Slovo! Mali vedieť, kým On bol, keď im to Ježiš vtedy hovoril.

44Sledujte, čo urobil jedného dňa, keď tam stál, na začiatku Jeho služby. Bol muž, ktorý k nemu prišiel, menom Šimon, Šimon Peter. A keď sa Peter naňho pozrel a uvidel Ho, Ježiš mu riekol, „Ty si Šimon, syn Jonášov.“ (Mal vedieť, že Mojžiš povedal, „Hospodin, váš Boh, vzbudí proroka ako mňa a toho musíte počúvať.“) A tu bol muž, ktorého v živote nevidel, povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonášov.“ Ó, vedel, že už viac nemôže... Nemali proroka stovky rokov a tu bol Muž, ktorý mu povedal, kto je. Niet divu, že to prijal!

45Filip, v tom čase, išiel a našiel Natanaela pod stromom, a priviedol ho k Ježišovi. Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, opravdivý Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“

On povedal, „Rabbi, odkiaľ ma poznáš?“

46On odpovedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým fíkom, videl som ťa.“

47On povedal, „Rabbi, Ty si Syn Boží! Ty si Kráľ Izraela.“ On vedel, že bol. Čo? Nepotrebovalo to žiadne vykladanie, Jehova tak povedal!

48Ale tu stáli tí, ktorí tomu neverili. Povedali, „Tento muž je Belzebub. To, čo robí, sú len nejaké triky. Je to len nejaký veštec, alebo niečo.“

49Ježiš sa na nich pozrel a povedal, „Keď budete hovoriť proti Synovi človeka, bude vám to odpustené. Ale keď príde Svätý Duch činiac tie isté veci, nebude vám to odpustené, ani v tomto veku ani v tom, ktorý príde.“ On prorokoval o našom dni, o dni, kedy by sme to mali vidieť. Lebo On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

Pamätajte, to bol Ježiš, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi.

50Bol to Ježiš, ktorý bol v Dávidovi. Keď Dávid, syn... Dávid vyšiel na vrch, odmietnutý kráľ a plakal nad Jeruzalemom, to nebolo nič iné, ako Kristus v ňom. A okolo osemsto rokov neskôr sa Syn Dávidov postavil na Olivový vrch a pozrel dolu na Jeruzalem a plakal povediac, „Ó, Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, koľko ráz som chcel zhromaždiť tvoje deti tak, ako sliepka svoje kurence pod svoje krídla! A nechceli ste!“

51Keď bol Jozef vo väzení, to bol Ježiš. Keď bol predaný za tridsať strieborných, to bol Ježiš. Keď sa stal Putifarovým mužom, to bol Ježiš. Keď sa stal faraonovou pravou rukou. A keď odišiel, každý... trúby zneli a každý musel skloniť koleno, to bol Ježiš. Nikto nemohol prísť k faraónovi, len skrze Jozefa; nikto nemohol prísť k Bohu, len skrze Ježiša. To bol Ježiš; Slovo, ktoré bolo prorokované, bolo naplnené, hovorené v tieňoch a príkladoch.

52Keď bol Ježiš tu na zemi, robil tú istú vec, čo proroci. To je to, prečo vedeli, že On je Božou manifestáciou Jeho Slova. Nebolo treba, aby to bolo vyložené.

53Keď to Natanael videl, padol a povedal, „Ty si Kráľ Izraela, Syn Boží, Kráľ Izraelov. Poznáme Ťa, nikto iný tieto skutky nemôže činiť.“

54Nikodém prišiel v noci, povedal tú istú vec farizejom. Ale, vidíte, boli príliš posadnutí svojou ekumenickou radou tak, že to nemohli prijať. On vysvetlil, čo povedali, keď povedal, „Rabbi, my...“ Kto je to „my“? Ich rada! „Vieme, že Ty si učiteľom, ktorý prišiel od Boha, lebo nikto nemôže činiť tieto veci, jedine, že by bol Boh s ním.“ Oni to rozpoznali. Vedeli, kým On bol, lenže boli príliš zviazaní vo svojich veciach.

55A Boh v posledných štyridsiatich rokoch potriasol týmto národom cez krst Svätým Duchom, a muži a ženy sú stále vonku, lebo sú príliš zviazaní vo svojich veciach. Žijú v žiare iného dňa. Čo sa stalo? Každý chce byť Metodista, Baptista, Presbyterián, Luterán, alebo niečo. Vidíte, to je žiara.

56Oni žijú v žiare Mojžišovho dňa. Čo on povedal? Povedal... Oni povedali, „My sme Mojžišovými učeníkmi.“

57On im povedal, „Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa. Mojžiš písal o Mne!“

58Ak by ste boli poznali Luthera, poznali by ste tento vek! Ak by ste poznali Metodistov, poznali by ste tento vek! Lebo Kristus písal o tomto veku. Slovo, súc naplnené, muselo byť naplnené v tomto veku. Nebolo tam treba, aby to niekto vyložil, Boh robí svoj vlastný výklad. Boh vykladá Samého Seba, lebo On je jediný, ktorý to môže vyložiť. Božie zasľúbenia vždy poukazujú na to, čo povedal, to je ten výklad.

59Teraz, Ježiš, Ježiš povedal v Jánovi, 14. kapitola, 12. verš, „Ten, kto verí vo mňa, tie veci, ktoré ja činím, aj on bude činiť.“ Povedal to? To je pravda. To nepotrebuje žiadne vykladanie. Keď niekto robí tie skutky, to je Boh. Istotne!

60Tiež tu povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ Ježiš to povedal. Povedal to? Istotne to povedal. To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad.

Poviete, „Dobre, to znamenalo...“

61To znamenalo presne to, čo povedal! „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ A čo vo dňoch Lóta? Vráťme sa na chvíľu a zistime, čo sa dialo.

62Vo dňoch Lóta boli tri triedy ľudí: veriaci, takzvaní veriaci a neveriaci. To isté je v každej skupine.

Zisťujeme, že Sodomania boli neveriaci.

Lót bol takzvaný veriaci.

63Abrahám bol veriaci. On bol jediný, ktorému bola potvrdená zmluva. On bol ten, ktorý čakal na zasľúbeného syna. Bol jediný, ktorý to očakával. Amen. (Nehovorím „amen“ sebe. Amen znamená „Tak je!“) A to je pravda. Abrahám nebol v Sodome. Abrahám bol hore, von zo Sodomy. On je typom duchovnej cirkvi dneška.

64Lót je typom denominačnej cirkvi už dolu v Sodome. Sledujte, čo Biblia povedala, „Hriechy Sodomy denne trápili jeho spravodlivú dušu.“ Prečo nemal dosť odvahy, aby sa proti tomu postavil? V cirkvi je dnes veľa dobrých ľudí, ktorí vyhľadávajú a sledujú ženy v šortkách, a muži, ktorí robia tie veci, a ich členovia hrajú v nedeľu golf a majú piknik párty a plávanie a všetky tieto veci, namiesto navštívenia zboru. V stredu večer sedia doma, pozerajú televíziu namiesto toho, aby išli do cirkvi. Chcú na to niečo povedať, ale výbor by ich vyhodil. Čo sa deje? Je to znova Lót, ako hľadá okno, aby sa pozrel von na hriech a bál sa nazvať hriech „hriechom“!

65Abrahám nebol v ich špine, bol von z toho. Bol typom duchovnej cirkvi. A teraz, sledujte, čo sa stalo na konci, pred tým, ako padol oheň. Títo tu boli pohania. To naznačovalo dnešný pád ohňa na pohanský svet, keď kráľovstvá budú rozbité a budú spálené. „Nebesia budú v ohni,“ povedal Pán, „a budú rozpálené ohňom.“ To bol tieň toho.

66Poďme si ich vyobraziť. Tu je Abrahám už vonku, nie v Sodome, bol von zo Sodomy. A Lót bol stále tam.

67Zvláštna vec, jedného horúceho rána, okolo jedenástej to muselo byť, videl prichádzať troch mužov, obyčajných mužov, ako kráčajú dolu po ceste. Abrahám sedel odpočívajúc pod dubom, napoludnie, pravdepodobne bol unavený, lebo bol v to ráno s davom ľudí. A videl prichádzať troch mužov. A na týchto mužoch bolo niečo, čo mu bolo povedomé. Ó!

68Na Bohu je vždy niečo, keď prichádza medzi ľudí, čo im je povedomé. Oni to vedeli. Niečo im hovorilo, že je tam potvrdenie.

69Abrahám bežal rýchlo, a povedal, „Dovoľte, prosím, nech sa donesie trochu vody, a umyte svoje nohy. A donesiem kúsok chleba; potom pôjdete ďalej.“ Otočil sa a utekal ku čriede a zabil teľa a mal tam sluhu, aby to pripravil. Prišiel do stanu a Sára zamiesila nejakú múku, urobila také a také jedlo, urobila chlieb, pár koláčov v kozube. Priniesla im to a obslúžila ich. Ako tam sedel a jedol, všimol si, že ten Muž sa pozerá smerom na Sodomu. A povedal...

70Dvaja z nich, pamätáte si, išli dolu do Sodomy. Dvaja išli do Sodomy. Neprehliadnite toto, prosím. Zmieňujem sa o tom, čo Ježiš povedal. Dvaja z nich išli dolu do Sodomy, aby vyniesli Lóta a tých, čo boli pripravení odtiaľ odísť. A tí dvaja, ktorí išli dolu, išli a kázali. (A bol jeden, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom a sledoval znak, ktorý urobil.) Oni tam dolu dostali znak, tam bolo... Sodomania boli ranení slepotou. Kázanie Evanjelia vždy zaslepuje neveriaceho. A všimnite si, čo to urobilo.

71Teraz, jeden zostal s Abrahámom a urobil pred Abrahámom znak.

72Teraz, všimli ste si niekedy, vy historici, skúmajte Písmo, skúmajte históriu, že nikdy nebol čas v cirkevných vekoch, kedy by človek išiel do čisto formálnej cirkvi von zo sveta, von z denominácií, že nebol nikdy predtým muž, ktorého meno by sa končilo na Abrahám, h-a-m. Ale dnes jedného máme, G-r-a-h-a-m. Tak je. Idúci dole a volajúci ich von. On tým iste robí úžasnú prácu. Graham, Billy Graham. Boží služobník von medzi denomináciami, politikmi, a tak ďalej, hovoriaci proti tomu.

73Ďalší deň, keď chceli, aby kandidoval za prezidenta, on to rozhodne odmietol. Nech ho Boh za to žehná. Tie ich whisky spoločnosti, nikdy sa na nič také nedal... Minuli by miliardy dolárov, pretože oni by ich i tak produkovali, tieto cigaretové spoločnosti a podobné veci. Vidíte, on je tu ako Boží posol pre Sodomanov. Tak je to.

74Ale pamätajte, tam bol jeden, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom hore, nie ako tí, ktorí išli dole kázať ako moderní evanjelisti. Všimnite si, tam bol jeden, ktorý s ním zostal. Dvaja z nich išli tou cestou a on zostal s Abrahámom. A ten, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom, mu dal znak.

75A teraz, sledujte, jeho meno bolo predtým „Abram“ a jeho žena bola predtým „Sáraj“, len deň-dva predtým. Boh sa mu zjavil a povedal mu, „Mením teraz tvoje meno z Abram na Abrahám.“ (Vidíte, G-r-a-h-a-m je šesť písmen.) Ale A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem, sedem písmen; h-a-m, končiace sa na h-a-m.

76Teraz tam hore v duchovnej cirkvi bol jeden s Abrahámom, a všimnite si, čo povedal. Povedal, „Abrahám“ (nie „Abram“) „Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena (nie S-á-r-a-j) Sára? Kde je tvoja žena Sára?“

77Sledujte, čo povedal, „Ona je v stane za tebou.“

78A povedal, „Navštívim ťa. Idem ťa navštíviť.“ Vidíte to osobné zámeno, jeden, podľa zasľúbenia, ktoré urobil. To bol Boh. Povedal, „Idem ťa navštíviť.“

79A Sára, (spôsobom, ktorý by sme všetci porozumeli) sa zasmiala sama v sebe a riekla: „Ja, stará žena, môj pán má sto rokov (ktorým bol Abrahám), tiež je starý, kedysi sme bývali mladými ľuďmi.“ Povedala, „Ó, už viac nemôžeme mať také potešenia, ja som stará a on tiež.“ A povedala, „Nemôžeme to mať.“ A povedala, „Ako? To už sa nemôže stať!“

80A ten Muž (Boh v ľudskom tele) povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala a pochybovala hovoriac tieto veci?“ V stane za ním.

81Teraz sledujte, či to nie je tá istá služba, akú mal Ježiš Kristus! Pozrel sa na ľudí a prezrel ich myšlienky. Povedal Petrovi, kto je a povedal meno jeho otca. Tak isto Natanael.

82Povedal tej žene, ako povedala... On povedal, „Podaj mi vodu,“ alebo, „Prines mi piť.“

83Ona povedala, „Pane, to nie je zvykom pre teba hovoriť so Samaritánkou... vy, Židia, hovoriť so Samaritánmi. My navzájom nekomunikujeme.“

84Povedal, „Ale ak by si vedela, kto k tebe hovorí, ty by si pýtala odo Mňa piť.“ Rozhovor pokračoval. On povedal, „Iď, zavolaj svojho muža a poď sem!“

Ona povedala, „Nemám muža.“

Povedal, „Dobre si povedala, lebo si mala päť.“

Ona povedala, „Pane!“

85Pozrite sa na ten rozdiel medzi ňou a medzi tými kňazmi toho dňa, ten koncil, ktorý žil v žiare iného veku. Oni povedali, „Toto je diabol!“ Museli niečo ľuďom odpovedať, lebo si to vyžadovalo.

86Ale to, čo urobila táto malá chudobná žena, to predurčilo to semeno ležiace v jej srdci... Bola chorá a unavená z tých nezmyslov, chodievala von na ulice ako prostitútka. Ale keď toto uvidela, povedala, „Pane, vidím, že si ty prorok. Nemali sme proroka štyristo rokov a bolo nám povedané, že keď príde Mesiáš, bude robiť tieto veci.“ Ó! To semeno, ktoré tam ležalo, vyskočilo do života! Prečo? Nepotrebovalo to žiaden výklad.

87Ježiš povedal, „Ja som to, ktorý hovorím s tebou.“ To nepotrebovalo žiadne vysvetlenie. On urobil zázrak a to svedčilo o tom, že je tým Mesiášom, amen, a On niesol záznam presne o tom, čo Boh zasľúbil. („Hospodin váš Boh vzbudí proroka ako mňa“ – povedal Mojžiš.) Čo to bolo? Potvrdenie Písma!

88Ona vybehla do mesta, a povedala, „Poďte, vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som porobila, či nie je on Kristus? Či to nie je On? Povedal mi všetko, čo som urobila.“

89Teraz, všimnite si, Ježiš, to bol On, ktorý bol hore v tom mužovi, ktorý sa otočil chrbtom k stanu a povedal, na čo Sára myslela, vnútri toho stanu.

90Slovo Božie, v Židom, 4. kapitola, to... Hovorí toto, „Lebo Slovo Božie je živé a účinné a ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný, a prenikajúce až do rozdelenia duše a ducha, kĺbov a špikov a spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky a mysle srdca.“ To je Slovo! A za každým, keď prorok prišiel, prišiel so Slovom a on bol Slovom pre ten vek. A čo to urobilo? Prorok, ktorý rozpoznal myšlienky, ktoré boli v srdci.

91Cez Ježiša sa to dialo, lebo On bol plnosťou Slova.

92A Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude vo dňoch Syna človeka.“ Duch Boží príde na zem v ľudských bytostiach, Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele (Amen! Vidíte to?), a bude robiť tú istú vec, ktorú Boh robil v ľudskom tele v Sodome. Pamätajte, oni čakali na zasľúbeného syna. A presne po tom zasľúbený syn prišiel. To bol posledný znak, ktorý Sodoma a Abrahámova skupina videli predtým, ako zasľúbený syn prišiel. Všimli ste si to? A teraz, duchovná cirkev prišla ku tej hodine.

93Niekto povedal, „Brat Branham, povedal si, že 'to bol Boh'?“

94Biblia hovorí, „To bol Boh!“ To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. On je Elohim. Tak ho Abrahám nazval. Každý čitateľ Biblie to vie. Elohim, „Jeden Všedostačujúci“. On bol prvý, On bol posledný; začiatok a koniec. Elohim! Abrahám ho nazval, „Elohim.“ Boh (s veľkými písmenami v hebrejčine), Elohim, tak, ako na začiatku, „Boh,“ Elohim.

95On bol Elohim zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, ako nosí ľudské oblečenie, ako je ľudské jedlo. Amen! Znak, ktorý bol v posledných dňoch, že Boh sa znova objaví medzi ľuďmi v ľudskom tele! Amen! Ježiš povedal, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. A ako bolo za dní Sodomy, tak bude za príchodu Syna človeka.“ Amen! To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad; to potrebuje manifestáciu, to je to, čo to potrebuje. Amen! Veríte tomu?

Skloňme naše hlavy:

96Náš Nebeský Otče, dávame ti tvoje zasľúbenie dnes večer, že si povedal tieto veci. Ty si ich zasľúbil. Nie je nikto, kto by mohol urobiť Tvoje Slovo živým, jedine Ty. Ty si povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo svetlo. Nikto to nemusel vykladať, bolo to prejavené.

97Ako sme citovali Izaiáša, proroka, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala; to nepotrebovalo žiadnu manifestáciu, ona počala. Tak sa to stalo.

98Ty si povedal, keď prišiel a bol narodený v Betleheme, „Z teba, Betlehem, Judea. Či nie si najmenší medzi všetkými kniežatami Júdovými, v Izraeli? Ale z teba mi vyjde Vládca môjho ľudu.“

99Tie veci, ktoré On urobil, ako kričal na kríži, ako bol odsúdený s prepichnutými nohami a rukami; bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti; kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.

100Ako Dávid povedal, „Lebo nezanecháš mojej duše v ríši smrti; nedáš svojmu svätému, aby videl porušenie.“ A na tretí deň, predtým ako sedemdesiatdva hodín mohlo skaziť Jeho telo, Slovo Božie povedalo, „On vstane z mŕtvych.“ (Oni povedali, že Jeho telo bolo ukradnuté; stále tomu veria.) Ale my veríme, Pane, Tvojmu Slovu! Ono bolo zamanifestované. Ježiš Kristus vstal a povedal, „Ja... hľa, Ja som s vami po všetky dni až do skonania sveta.“

101A my veríme, že si tu dnes večer. Veríme, že si ako Ježiš Kristus dnes večer, tu, ako si vždy bol. A ty len hľadáš oči, ruky, nohy, ústa, duše, telá, aby si zamanifestoval samého seba. Bože, posväť nás dnes večer, aby sme videli živého Ježiša Krista žijúceho medzi nami. Nech príde! Potom sa stane to, ako ten hlad tých Grékov, ktorí prišli v ten deň, a povedali, „Pane, chceme vidieť Ježiša.“ A On k nim prišiel, aby Ho videli. Ó, aké vzrušenie to muselo byť, keď sa naňho pozreli!

102A, Bože, Ty si ten istý aj dnes. A Ty si zasľúbil, že keď budeme hladovať, uvidíme Ťa. „Ešte krátku chvíľu, a svet ma viacej neuvidí, „ (neveriaci); „ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do skonania sveta.“ My vieme, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

103Pane, Slovo bolo vypovedané, bolo napísané, teraz nech je vykonané, pre Slávu Božiu, a aby to ukázalo, že Ty dodržuješ svoje zasľúbenia. Amen. Nech vás Pán žehná.

104Idem vyvolať modlitebný rad. Myslím, že Billy povedal, že rozdá modlitebné karty, od jedna do sto, alebo tak nejako. Nie je tu práve. Je... Aká je modlitebná karta číslo... Pozrite sa niekto na druhú stranu.... Malo by to byť číslo a písmeno (A,B,C,D, alebo... ) Čo je to, A? V poriadku.

105Zoberme A, číslo jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť. Postavte sa. A, číslo jeden, číslo dva, číslo tri, číslo štyri. Jeden, dva, tri. Modlitebné... Možno sa nemôžu postaviť. Ak sa nemôžu, niekto sa pozrite na susedovu kartu, môže mať kartu a nemôže sa postaviť. Teraz rýchlo. Tu je to, štyri. Päť, modlitebná karta, číslo päť. Šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, jedenásť, dvanásť. Vystúpte sem hore, ako hovorím vaše čísla. Číslo jeden, dva, tri, vyjdite sem hore. Modlitebná karta číslo jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, jedenásť, zaujmite svoje miesta. Jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásť, šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť, devätnásť, dvadsať, dvadsaťjeden, dvadsaťdva, dvadsaťtri, dvadsaťštyri, dvadsaťpäť. Niekto, kto nemôže...

106Vidím mladého muža na vozíčku tam bokom. Ak bolo tvoje číslo vyvolané, synu, a nemôžeš sa dostať... dobre, len drž svoju ruku, uvidíme, možno sa tu dostaneš. Vidíte?

107Koľkí z vás tu nemáte modlitebné karty a ste chorí? Nech vidím vaše ruky, kdekoľvek. Tu, zdvihnite svoje ruky. Veríte? Ako vás sem nosia, veríte, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Koľkí z vás? Sledujte to, kazatelia; nehovorí Písmo dnes, bratia, že On je Veľkňazom, ktorý môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí? Je to pravda? Koľkí to veria, zdvihnite svoje ruky? On je Veľkňazom, ktorý môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí.

108Potom, ak Biblia hovorí, „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,“ koľkí tomu veria? Potom, ako by dnes konal? Konal by tak, ako včera. Je to pravda? Kde je On dnes večer? Sediaci na pravej strane svojho Veličenstva, Jeho tela; Svätý Duch je tu v tejto budove, aby Ho urobil známym.

109Všimnite si, pozrite sa. Čo sa stalo, keď sa niekto dotkol Jeho rúcha, tá žena jedného dňa? Ona nemala modlitebnú kartu, povedali by sme, ale dotkla sa Jeho rúcha. A keď sa Ho dotkla, Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, „Kto sa Ma to dotkol?“

110Peter mu vyčítal, a povedal, „Pane, to takto neznie rozumne. Každý sa Ťa snaží dotknúť. Prečo hovoríš, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?““

111Povedal, „Dotkol sa Ma niekto, lebo som poznal, že vyšla odo Mňa moc.“ Koľkí to viete? Cnosť, čo znamená „sila,“ vyšla z Neho. „Vyšla odo Mňa moc, niekto sa Ma dotkol iným typom dotyku.“ A otočil sa a pozrel na publikum, dokiaľ nenašiel ten kanál viery.

112Každý naňho vzkladal ruky hovoriac, „Rabbi, veríme Ti.“ A všetko toto.

113Ale bol tam niekto, kto Mu skutočne uveril. A ona sa dotkla lemu Jeho rúcha a verila, že bola uzdravená, pretože povedala vo svojom srdci, že to, čo urobí, sa stane.

114On sa otočil dookola a pozrel sa na ľudí, dokiaľ ju nenašiel, a povedal jej, že jej krvotok sa zastavil a že je uzdravená. Je to pravda? To je ten spôsob, akým to On robí medzi ľuďmi.

115Teraz, tvrdím, že nie je mŕtvy, ale je taký živý dnes, aký vždy bol. A Biblia povedala, Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“

116Teraz, pozrite, bez ohľadu na to, aký typ daru má Boh tu hore, musí tam byť tiež ten, ktorý na to odpovedá. On išiel do mesta, Biblia povedala, „Bolo tam veľa vecí, ktoré nemohol urobiť, kvôli ich nevere.“ Je to pravda? Tá istá vec dnes. Musíte Mu veriť. Len Mu musíte veriť. Je len jediný spôsob, akým to môžete robiť.

117Je modlitebný rad pripravený? Teraz buďte všetci úctiví, ešte asi desať minút. Neviem, či sa dostanem tadiaľto, stojí tu asi dvadsaťpäť alebo tridsať ľudí. Ale teraz, v modlitebnom rade, každý jeden z vás tu v modlitebnom rade, ktorí vedia, že som pre vás cudzí a neviem o vás nič, zdvihnite svoje ruky. Každý jeden v modlitebnom rade.

118Teraz vy, ľudia, ktorí viete, že neviem o vás nič, zdvihnite svoje ruky. Vidíte? Teraz, to je to, čo sa vám snažím povedať, priatelia, vidíte. Teraz, tu to je. Všetci títo kazatelia, tu na pódiu... Kristus urobil toto zasľúbenie. Vidíte, to bolo napísané. Kedy sa to stalo? V posledných dňoch, tesne pred príchodom Pánovým. Je to pravda? Vtedy sa to malo stať.

119To je Slovo, ktoré je dnes prorokované. Nie Lutherovo svetlo; nie Wesleyho svetlo, ani nie letničné svetlo. To už je preč. Luther je v poriadku; metodista je v poriadku; baptista je v poriadku; všetci títo, letniční, oni všetci sú milí. Tu sedia všetky tieto typy ľudí. A to nie sú jednotlivci. Čo ak....

120Nikdy ste nemohli povedať metodistovi niečo o Lutherovi, pretože on verí v posvätenie, a Luther nie. Vidíte?

121Nikdy ste nemohli povedať letničnému, že „posvätenie je všetko,“ on videl obnovenie tých darov. On tomu nejde veriť. Vidíte? A to je posledný cirkevný vek, ktorý máme, a Biblia hovorí, že už nebude viac cirkevných vekov.

122Ale bude zhromažďovanie ľudí, vidíte, a tu sme. Teraz, pamätajte, posledný znak. Sme ľudia vyhliadajúci zasľúbeného Syna? Zdvihnite svoje ruky. Veríte, že ste semenom Abraháma cez to, že ste v Kristovi? Zdvihnite svoje ruky. Potom, semeno Abraháma, príjmite váš znak! To nie je vonku v Babylone, to nie je vonku v tom denominačnom svete. Je to medzi vami, tými, ktorí nepatria do tej skupiny tam vonku. Verte tomu!

123Tu je žena, je pre mňa úplne cudzia, asi toho istého veku. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. Ak by som tú ženu mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to, ak je chorá. Neviem o nej nič. Vy ste ju videli pred pár minútami dvíhať ruku. Ja som ju nikdy nevidel. Ona je len žena stojaca tu.

124Dnes prišli tu dole a priniesli hromadu modlitebných kariet, zmiešaných, a rozdali to ľuďom. Jeden tu dostal číslo jeden, tam vzadu číslo desať, číslo pätnásť, číslo sedem, číslo... len takto. Ony sú vždy zamiešané pred vami, každý deň. A keď sú vyvolané, sú tak všade okolo. Vidíte? Nemusíte mať modlitebnú kartu, len tam seďte a verte. Prečo...

125Uštipni sa dnes večer, zisti, v akej hodine teraz žijeme. Vidíte? Teraz, už je takmer koniec, takmer koniec.

126Tak, ak Boh Abrahámov vzkriesil Ježiša Krista z mŕtvych, a ten Ježiš zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch, rovnaké znaky ako Abrahám..., že Anjel (čo bol Boh v ľudskom tele) urobil pred Abrahámom predtým, ako prišiel zasľúbený syn. Ježiš povedal, že tá istá vec sa stane dnes.

127Teraz, vidíme vedcov a denominácie, a všetkých týchto a skupinu, v ktorej sú. Vidíme Billyho Grahama, tam dolu a Orala Robertsa a všetkých tých ľudí tam; tých letničných poslov a denominačných poslov tam, vidíme, ako to všetko ide, uskutočnenie toho znaku. Billy Graham, teológ do bodky, v čo denominácia verí. Oral Roberts, uzdravovateľ do bodky, tak ako letniční.

128Ale pozrite sa tu, je tu niečo zasľúbené pre semeno Abraháma. Oni sú dole medzi denomináciami; je niečo mimo denomináciami, čo sa má stať, zhromažďovanie ľudí. Necháme to tak ísť do zajtra večera.

129Sledujte, nepoznám tú ženu, otočím sa k nej chrbtom. Ak tej žene niečo Pán Boh povie, možno je to niečo rodinné, možno finančné, možno je chorá; ja neviem. Ona bude vedieť, či to je pravda alebo nie.

130Ak On bude robiť tú istú vec dnes večer, ktorú robil vtedy, budete veriť, že Boh, ktorého Ježiš Kristus zasľúbil, bude tu v posledných dňoch? Koľkí z vás veria, že žijeme ako v Sodome, keď celý svet je v stave Sodomy? Koľkí z vás veria, že to, čo som tu dnes večer povedal, je pravda? Potom, deti a semeno Abraháma, verte Bohu!

131Teraz, to vám dostane z hlavy to, že sa snažím povedať niečo tejto žene, hľadiac jej do tváre, alebo že mám všetky tie veci o telepatii alebo o čomkoľvek, čo si o tom chcete myslieť. Každý, kto vie o telepatii, by mal mať vedieť viac ako také niečo. Rozumiete? Videli ste niekedy telepatov kážucich Evanjelium? Videli ste niekedy špiritistov, ako kážu Evanjelium, robia znaky a divy, vyhlasujú Ježiša Krista? Nie.

132Vidíte, to je len... je to ľudská myseľ. Vidíte, oni sú slepí. Veríte, že môžu byť slepí? Biblia hovorí, že budú. Je to pravda? „Zradní, náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, pohŕdajúci tými, ktorí sú dobrí, majúci tvárnosť pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc. „

133Nepovedal Ježiš v Matúšovi 24:24, že „Dva duchy v posledných dňoch takmer zvedú aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné“? Ale to nie je možné. Oni boli na začiatku v Božích myšlienkach a sú časťou Boha.

134Teraz, Boh Abrahámov, Izákov a Jakobov, nech je dnes večer známe, že hovorím o Tebe pravdu. Si to Ty, Pane. Nechaj, aby sa tvoji služobníci dali pokorne nabok od svojich myšlienok, aby si Ty mohol použiť naše telá na Tvoju chválu. V Mene Ježiša, Syna Božieho. Amen.

135Čo je to dar? Nie niečo, čo rozsekáš a otočíš. Nie. Nie. Je to schopnosť dať seba nabok z cesty, aby ťa Boh mohol použiť. A dar je len, keď sa dáš nabok z cesty, potom ťa Boh môže použiť.

136Tá pani za mnou ide rýchlo zomrieť, pokiaľ nebude uzdravená. Za tú dámu sa práve nedávno modlil iný muž. Dostala rakovinu. A tá rakovina je v jej prsníkoch a tiež v pľúcach. A nedávno sa za ňu modlili a ona sa snaží prijať to s vierou, že je uzdravená. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN! Je to tak, pani? [Tá žena hovorí, „Áno, istotne to je pravda.“ - pozn. prekl.] Ak je, zamávaj rukou na publikum. Boh Abrahámov stále žije! V poriadku, choď a ver, čomu veríš, a budeš v poriadku. Amen.

Veríš? Povieš, „A čo publikum?“

137Táto žena, sedí tu s jej... na konci radu, druhá pani, tam napravo. Keď som sa tam otočil, videl som niečo, nejakú vec okolo jej ruky, krvný tlak pumpujúci. Má vysoký krvný tlak. Je to tak, pani? Zdvihni svoju ruku. Ak veríš, tvoj krvný tlak pôjde dole. Boh Abrahámov je stále na scéne. On je presne tým, čím bol, Slovo Božie na scéne!

138Ako sa máš? Teraz už veríš? Maj vieru v Boha! Vyzerá, že to je dieťa. Boh pozná tvoje srdce, mladá pani, ja nie. Veríš, že Boh je schopný zjaviť mi, čo je tvoj problém? Budeš Mu veriť, ak ti to poviem? To nie je kvôli tebe, je to kvôli niečomu inému, kvôli tvojmu bratovi. Je to s ním vážne a je v meste tu na severe v Tulare. A je v nemocnici a má leukémiu a doktori to vzdali. Nechávajú ho zomrieť. Nie je takmer žiadna šanca. Tak je. Veríš? [Tá žena kričí a odpovedá, „Áno.“] V poriadku. Čo máš v ruke? Vezmi to a polož to na neho. A nepochybuj v to. Ver! Amen.

139Veríš? Nikdy vo svojom živote som túto pani nevidel. Ale Boh zostáva Bohom. Teraz, povedz mi, či to ľudská bytosť dokáže urobiť. To nerobí ľudská bytosť. Je to ten Boh, ktorého zasľúbil Ježiš Kristus, že tu bude v tých posledných dňoch a preukáže Samého Seba (len pred Semenom Abraháma), ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy.

140Viete, nepoznám túto pani, sme si navzájom cudzí, hádam je toto naše prvé stretnutie v živote. Veríš mi, že som Jeho služobník? Veríš, že toto je Slovo? A vieš, že ak... Toto Slovo je stále rozpoznávateľom myšlienok a úmyslov srdca. Je to tak? Slovo je tiež Uzdraviteľom, ak Mu veríš. Veríš? Si zatienená tmavým tieňom. Je to rakovina. A veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, kde je tá rakovina? Je v spodných črevách, ako doktor povedal. Veríš, že budeš uzdravená? Choď, nepochybuj a Boh ťa dá do poriadku. Amen.

141Verí každý z vás? Presne to, čo On zasľúbil robiť. Majte vieru v Boha, nepochybujte!

142Sme si navzájom cudzí. Nepoznám ťa. Ak sa nepoznáme, nech to publikum vie, zdvihni ruku. Nikdy som túto ženu nevidel.

143Veríte všetci, čo ste tu? Veríte, že to je Ježiš Kristus? Čo to je? Je to Jeho Slovo. Keď to títo ľudia zavrhnú, nezavrhujú človeka, zavrhujú Slovo. Je to Slovo, ktoré bolo vonku a nemohlo sa dostať dnu.

144Teraz, táto pani je pre mňa cudzia. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Boh je Uzdravovateľ. Nemusí to byť ale uzdravenie, môže to byť čokoľvek iné, ale ak mi Boh objasní, čo je tvoja ťažkosť, budeš mi veriť? Prvá vec, za ktorú chceš modlitbu, je problém s uchom. Nemôžeš počuť na jedno ucho. To je pravda. Tak je. A potom máš zlozvyk a chceš sa toho zlozvyku zbaviť, to je fajčenie cigariet. Teraz daj svoj prst do tvojho zdravého ucha, áno, do toho dobrého ucha. V poriadku. Teraz ver, choď na svojej ceste a ne..., a ak budeš veriť, tiež nebudeš fajčiť žiadne cigarety. Choď a Pán ťa bude žehnať.

Vidíte, čo sa stalo. Nie je On skutočný?

145Nepoznám ťa, sme si neznámi. V živote som ťa nevidel, ale Boh ťa pozná. Ak mi Boh môže povedať niečo o tebe, budeš veriť?

146Bude veriť celé publikum? Každý z vás pozná tú ženu? Poznáte ju každý? V poriadku, budete vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie. To by to malo vybaviť, to by malo povedať pravdu.

147Teraz vidíte, čo sa stalo za posledných pár minút, ja sa potácam a všetko začína byť pre mňa slepé. Vidíte, viem to rozoznať. Vidíte, je to Svätý Duch, nie som to ja. Je to zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň! Nikdy to nebolo odo dňa apoštolov, nikdy to odvtedy nebolo. Ale keď bolo povedané, „Tak bude pred príchodom Syna človeka. Tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ Neveriaci tomu neveria, od nich sa neočakáva, že tomu budú veriť. Ale veriaci tomu veria!

148Teraz, ak to Svätý Duch zjaví, koľkí z vás budú celým srdcom veriť? Zdvihnite svoje ruky?

149Máš niečo poškodené. Mal si autonehodu a máš uvoľnené niektoré stavce v krčnej chrbtici. Tiež máš uvoľnené obličky. Je to pravda, však? Veríš? Budeš v poriadku. Chvála Pánovi!

150Veríš, že Boh uzdravuje problémy s obličkami? Potom kráčaj vpred a prijmi uzdravenie.

151Príďte, pani. Pozri sa na to takto. Veríš, že Boh uzdravuje srdcový problém? Dobre, kráčaj na svojej ceste a ver, vtedy bude tvoje srdce v poriadku.

152Poď sem. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tvoj chrbát, dať ho do poriadku? Choď a ver tomu.

Len ver Bohu, to je všetko, čo musíš urobiť!

153Príďte sem, pani. Veríš, že Boh uzdravuje žalúdočné problémy? Choď, zjedz večeru a ver celým srdcom.

154Poď. Veríš, že Boh dokáže uzdraviť artritídu? Potom choď, ver a rob... a Boh ťa dá do poriadku.

155No poď. Veríš celým svojím srdcom? Veríš? Znova je to artritída. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Potom choď, ver tomu a hovor, „Ďakujem Ti, Pane.“

Koľkí z vás tu veria? Veríte?

156Táto pani, čo tu sedí v červených šatách so zdvihnutou rukou, trpí na vysoký krvný tlak. Veríš, že ťa Boh uzdraví? Veríš? Dobre. Potom polož svoje ruky na tú pani vedľa teba a povedz jej, že jej hlas bude čoskoro v poriadku. Amen.

Tu to je. Amen. Veríš? Maj vieru!

157Tu je muž, čo tu sedí, má krvácanie. Veríte, pane, sediaci tu? Áno, máš silné krvácanie. Veríš, že to bude uzdravené?

158Pani vedľa teba má tiež krvácanie a má aj problém s chrbtom. Veríš, že Boh ťa ide uzdraviť? Veríš? Zdvihni ruku a prijmi to. Ver.

159Tá pani vedľa teba má problém s nohami a s bokom. Veríš, že To je pravda? Veríš, že budeš uzdravená? V poriadku, zdvihni ruku, a povedz, „Prijímam to.“

160Pani vedľa nej má infekčné ochorenie. Veríš, že Boh uzdraví tú infekciu, mladá pani s okuliarmi? Zdvihni ruku, povedz, „Prijímam to.“ V poriadku, ver tomu.

161Žena vedľa nej má problém s obličkami. Veríš, že Boh uzdravuje obličkové ťažkosti? V poriadku, zdvihni ruku, prijmi to.

162Malé dievča vedľa nej má strumu (zväčšená štítna žľaza). Veríš, že Boh uzdraví strumu? Zdvihni svoju ruku, prijmi to.

163Koľkí z vás veria celým svojím srdcom? Postavte sa na nohy a prijmite to. Postavte sa v prítomnosti Boha Abrahámovho, Izákovho a Jakobovho.

164V Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, nech Svätý Duch vpadne teraz do tejto budovy a uzdraví každú osobu v Božskej Prítomnosti!

GOD IS HIS OWN INTERPRETER, 64-0205, Kern County Fairgrounds, Kern County Fairgrounds, Bakersfield, CA, 56 min

1 Our Heavenly Father, a Word from You would mean more than all man at anytime could do or say, because people are waiting to see You. And we thank Thee because that there is those who are under expectation, they are looking for something to happen. And when the people are thirsting for something, the deep calling to the Deep, there must be a Deep to respond to that call. And that's why we're here tonight, because it was upon these ministers' hearts, and the people, to call us together to ask You for favors and blessings, believing that You'll heal the sick and save the lost, and will make manifest Your Word.

2And we pray, Heavenly Father, that You'll grant this to us as we humbly wait upon You, night after night. May there be such a--a pouring of the Holy Spirit, and may every person be blind to anything else around them except God. May there be such a great cry go out among the people, thirsting for God, till there'll come a revival throughout the country here and every church will be packed full of people, sinners crying out for God to have mercy, and--and the Holy Spirit healing the sick, making the lame to walk, and raising up the dead, and granting these things that's been promised in Thy Word.

3Come, Lord Jesus, and fulfill Thy promise. Come to us tonight. We believe that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, that Your promises cannot fail. Both heavens and earth will fail but Your Word will not fail. May our understanding be open. May the Holy Spirit come and lay the fallow ground. May our understanding be open to the Spirit and power of God tonight, that He might manifest His promised Words through us. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

4 Now, tonight, you who watch the text, let's turn in the Bible to the Book of Second Peter, and begin with the 15th verse, just for a way of speaking on the Scripture for a few moments.

Moreover I will endeavour that you may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.

For we have not followed cunningly devices, fables, when we made known unto you the power and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

5I love that, "eyewitnesses." Not some fable. We are witness of what we're talking about.

For he received from God the Father honour and glory, and there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you may do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shineth in... dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

For the prophecy came not in old times by the will of man: but holy man of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

6May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now, I'm going to take this for a subject: God Is His Own Interpreter.

7 We are living in a day of confusion. We're living in a day that when man and women hardly know what to do. Everything, it--it seems to be in a turmoil. Everything, it seems to be there's so many different ways to look. That's Satan, to do that.

8Now, God cannot judge a people righteously, aright, unless there be some standard that He has to judge them by. And the Bible says that He'll judge all man by Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is the Word. In Saint John, the 1st chapter, It said:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

9 Now, all we are today is the display of His attributes. In God... First He was not even God, God, we would just call Him "the Eternal One." He wasn't God, because the word (English word) God means "object of worship" and there was nothing to worship Him. So He was the Eternal One, the--the main Fountain of all intelligence. And in this Fountain of all intelligence there was not an atom, molecule, or nothing, light nowhere, star, moon, nothing else. God, what we know as God, the great Spirit that was Eternal (never did begin, never did end), He was there. And in Him was attributes: it was attributes to be God, then His attributes to be a Father, attributes to be a Son, attributes to be a Saviour, attributes to be a Healer. All these attributes was in Him. And now He... These things that has unfolded since then are just His attributes being made manifest.

10 What I mean, attributes was His "thoughts." And a--a word is "a thought expressed." And then that was in His thinking. And when He said, "Let there be," and there was. "Let there be," and there was.

11And now, remember, you Christians were His thoughts before there was a world. And you are the manifestation of His thinking. Before there even was a world, you were in Christ, (amen) in God in the beginning. That makes you, then, you see, His subjects. And the whole thing is God, Himself, materializing Himself tangible so He could be handled, seen, and--and so forth. And that's what God is, the whole thing.

12 Then people say, "The interpretation..." I was speaking here not long ago in a meeting, a man said to me, he said, "Brother Branham, you have the wrong interpretation. You don't interpret That right."

13Now, we hear... They go to the Methodist, and they say "The Baptist don't interpret right." The Baptist say, "The Pentecostals don't." The Pentecostal says that "The--the Oneness don't." The Oneness says, "The Assemblies don't." And each one says the other one don't.

14God is His Own Interpreter! He don't need anybody to interpret for Him. He does His Own interpreting. Who is the man that can interpret God? God is His Own Interpreter.

15 Now, Peter speaking here, we find out that in the beginning when God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, that's the interpretation to it. When God said anything and it was manifested, then that's God's interpretation that His Word's right. See? When He said, "Let there be light," that was in His thinking first before there was such a thing as light. When He said, "Let there be light," light sprung into the skies, that's the interpretation. Nobody has to interpret that, for God said so and there it was. When God speaks and it's manifested, that's the interpretation of His Word. Why can't men see that? Why don't people see that?

16 When God makes a promise and God says... In--in the beginning, in Genesis, He lotted His Word to each age as It come down from the beginning to the end. And, down through these ages, the church world has got all these things all mixed up by traditions, and so forth, and God always sends on the scene, down through the Old Testament and New, prophets! And the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet. And how does It do it? It manifests the Word of God. God's manifestation, that tells whether it's right or wrong. Nobody has to interpret It, the Word interprets Itself. God promised it and there it happens!

17What good does it do to say anything else about It? Who is the sinful man that would try to say (when God made a promise and God does it) that that interpretation is wrong? That's God Himself doing His Own interpretation, interpreting. He don't need anybody to interpret Him, He interprets Himself by manifesting what He promised that He would do.

18Oh, if the church could only see that and see the promises that's lotted for each age! All other ages, God has sent on the scene (even down through the seven church ages) and has manifested everything that He promised to do. Everything, there's not one thing left undone. Exactly! What He said He would do, that He did.

19 Because when God said, in back there in Isaiah, He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. Now, who--who can interpret that? God done the interpretation. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she conceived. Now, what are you... you can't... Nothing can be said about that, because God said she would and she did it. But the church was too blind then to see it. See, they had their own idea of it. It was too--too different than what they was expecting.

20Peter here was referring back, he said, "God manifested Christ by His Word, He said, 'This is My beloved Son.'" These believers were standing there. And Christ was the manifestation of God. He always manifested Christ by His Word, because Christ is the Word. He manifests always.

21 When He said... In the days of Noah, Christ was in Noah. Do you believe that? Noah said, "It's going to rain. There'll be a rain, the earth will be destroyed." It rained. That didn't need any interpretation. It rained because God, in Noah, said, "It's going to rain." He was a prophet, and the evidence was that what he said come to pass. So they don't need to interpret that.

22Some of them might, around, said, "This man don't know what he's talking about."

23But God had always promised, "If there be one among you who is spiritual, or prophet, and what he says comes to pass, then hear it." That's right, because it's true. It must be in accordance with the Word. And Noah was in accordance with the Word. When he prophesied it's going to rain, and it rained. That didn't need any interpretation for that, because it did just that.

24Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. Now, that was awful unusual. For, see, it was many hundred years later before this virgin conceived.

25 It was so unusual until a good man by the name of Joseph, her husband, "being a just man and was not willing to make her a public example..." That good man in those days, how it must have been with Joseph when he was engaged, espoused to Mary.

26She was espoused. In that day, to break that, was just the same as committing adultery. And, of course, to Joseph, it seemed like that Mary was trying to use him for a blockade, or make him be a shield for her wrong, 'cause here she was found to be a mother, not being married, only engaged. A trick like that, would be stoned to death; it had to be, by the law.

27And Joseph, her husband, was a just man, a very just man. He believed God. And when she'd look at him with those lovely, big soft eyes, and say, "Joseph, Gabriel the Archangel visit me and told me that I was going to conceive, knowing no man."

28Now, if Joseph would have just looked back in the Scripture, the prophet said she'd do that! It was only God interpreting His Own Word! See? But it was too unusual.

29 That's what's the matter in any age. The Word of God is foreign to people; It's too unusual. God always does the unusual. It's unusual anywhere God is. It's against the systematics of the world, because that they've got things the way that they think it should be. But God comes in and does the unusual.

30"How could this virgin conceive?" He was honest, he sought God about it.

31And then God spoke to him in a dream, and said, "Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. God has overshadowed her. This is what's done it."

32 Did you ever notice how God dealt with Joseph there? In a secondary way, in the way of a dream. Now, we know there's dreams, we believe in dreams. I believe in dreams. Been... God's always dealt with people in dreams. But dreams is secondarily, see, it could be right or wrong unless it's interpreted. But he didn't need any interpretation. It was God Himself speaking directly to Joseph, because there wasn't a prophet in the land in them days to interpret. There hadn't had a prophet for four hundred years. So the next best, that God cared for the welfare, fare of His Own son, was speak to Joseph through a dream and without interpretation. He said, "The woman is right. That Holy Thing which is conceived in her is the Son of God." Didn't need any interpretation.

33 God does His Own interpreting to honest, sincere hearts, men and women that looks upon the--the thing that's mysterious, if you're honest and sincere and will believe, God has a way of interpreting it to you. First, find out if it's a promise. If Joseph had just a-went back and got away from the traditions and went back to the Bible, and find out, Isaiah said she was going to do that.

34And the things that was spoke of, and His birth, and all about it was spoke by the Scriptures, "by the holy prophets," as Peter said. And no man has a right to put any private interpretation to that. It's just exactly what God said would take place. He was the manifestation of the Word of God promised for that day. God said it, so there it was. That settled it.

35 Jesus said... When He was on earth, when they couldn't understand His ministry, it was too great, too phenomena, (they couldn't), phenomenal, rather. They couldn't understand Him. He said, "Search the Scriptures!" (I hope I'm not deafening you out there, blasting into that.) "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are they that testify of Me." See? "They are the Ones who tell you Who I am."

36 See, God lotted the Word. That day was to be the manifestation of God, God (Emmanuel) with us, "His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. And His Name shall be called Emmanuel, 'God with us.'" God was in David. God was in Moses. God! That's God all the way through, manifesting Himself for that age. But this age, "A virgin shall conceive and she'll bring forth a Son, and He will be God with us."

37That's what they crucified Him for, making Himself God, and also for breaking the Sabbath. He was--He was God over the Sabbath, and He was God. And He was not just an ordinary man or an ordinary prophet (yet He was an ordinary Man and a Prophet), but He was the God-Prophet. And He was the fulfilling of the Word, exactly what God said He would do. Said, "Which one of you can condemn Me of sin? Search the Scriptures! In them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they which testify of Me." But their traditions, they was living in a glare of another age.

38 As I was preaching a few weeks ago, "Living in a glare." A glare is "a mirage," the sun reflecting itself, and it's false. And any glare of another age is a false reflection. The people always are walking in something that happened years ago. The Lutheran are walking in a Lutheran glare. Luther's sunlight was fine in his day; Wesley was good in his day; the Pentecostal was good in its day. We're going on up the ladder, we're living in another age! We're going on, on, we can't keep looking back.

39When we get ourselves settled down in things, we think we got it all made, we get our traditions wrapped up; and that was all right for that day, but we're moving on! Search the Scriptures and see what's promised for today, then we'll know where we're at, then we can tell where we're standing.

40 Luther; you could look in the Scripture and see in that--in that Sardis age, you can see exactly what was promised. Look what kind of a rider went forth, look what went to meet him, exactly, "the cunningness of man," reformation. Watch Wesley, and so forth. As it come on down into the Pentecostal age, and down through that age, watch how it's traveled. Look at the Scriptures and see where we're at. That's the reason Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures!"

41See where we're at! I believe we're at the Coming of the Son of God right now. I believe we're at the age of the--the very hour that He might appear at any time. I believe the Scriptures declare that, that we're in the last hours of the history of this world. I can see things as they're shaping. See this Ecumenical Council leading all the churches into it, into the mark of the beast. And see the Roman Empire and what it's doing, and all the rest of them. See them getting together, shutting out the Light, shutting off the Gospel. Everybody will have to belong to it and walk in their lights or you won't walk at all. See, we're at the end time. There's nothing left for us but to hold on to God and believe His Word. The Word is always right.

42 In the Laodicea church age, that was the only church age, of all of them, that Christ was put on the outside of the church. He was on the outside, knocking. What's happened? This Ecumenical Council is what's going to put Him out. The Bible said He was to be on the outside, and He is. It shuts out what? The Word. And He is the Word, He's always been the Word, and He's still the Word tonight! He is the Word.

43The Bible said, "The Word is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword," Hebrews, the 4th chapter, "a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." The Word was! They should have knowed Who He was when Jesus said that in that day.

44 Watch what He did. One day He was standing there, the first beginning of His ministry. There was a man came to Him, by the name of Simon, Simon Peter. And when Peter looked upon Him and--and saw Him, Jesus said to him, "Your name is Simon and you're the son of Jonas." (He should have knowed that Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me, and Him you must hear.") And here was a Man that had never seen him in his life, said, "Your name is Simon and you're the son of Jonas." Why, he knowed right then that that could be no more... They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years, and here was a Man telling him who he was. No wonder he could receive it!

45 Philip, at that time, went and--and found Nathanael under a tree, and brought him back to Jesus. Jesus said "Behold an Israelite in whom there's no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You ever know me?"

46He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

47He said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God! You're the King of Israel." He knowed that was! What? It didn't need any interpretation, Jehovah said that!

48 There stood those there who didn't believe it. They said, "This Man is Beelzebub. He's got--He's got some kind of a trick He's pulling. He--He's a fortune-teller, or something."

49Jesus looked at them, and said, "Why, you speak that against the Son of man, it'll be forgiven you. But when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, speak against That, it'll never be forgiven you, in this world or the world to come." He was prophesying of our day, the day that we should see. For He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Remember, it was Jesus Christ that was in Moses.

50 It was Jesus Christ that was in David. When David, the son of... David went up on the mountain, a rejected king, and wept over Jerusalem, that was nothing but Christ in him. For about eight hundred years later, the Son of David set up over the Mount of Olives and looked down upon Jerusalem and wept, and said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood, but you would not!"

51When Joseph was in prison, that was Jesus. When he was sold for pretty near thirty pieces of silver, that was Jesus. When he was made Potiphar's man, that was Jesus. When he set at the right hand of Pharaoh. And when he left, everybody... the trumpet sound, and everybody had to bow a knee, that was Jesus. No man could come to Pharaoh only through--through Joseph; no man can come through God, only by Jesus. It was Jesus, the Word prophesied being fulfilled, spoke in shadows and types.

52When Jesus was here on earth, He did the same thing the prophets did, that's why they knowed that He was God's manifestation of His Word. It didn't need to be interpreted.

53When Nathanael saw this, he fell down, said, "Thou art the King of Israel, the Son of God, the King of Israel. We know You, no man could do this."

54 Nicodemus came by night, said the same thing for the Pharisees. But, you see, they were so hooked up in their Ecumenical Council that they could not accept It. He expressed what they said, said, "Rabbi, we..." Who's "we"? Their council! "We know that Thou art a teacher come from God, 'cause no man could do these things 'less God be with Him." They recognized It, they knowed It was, but they were so hooked into it.

55And God, in the past forty years, has shook this nation with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and man and women are still outside of It because they're hooked into a same thing, living in a glare of another day. What's the matter? Everyone wants to be a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or something. See, it's a glare.

56 They were living in the glare of Moses' day. What did he say? He said... They said, "We're Moses' disciples."

57He said, "If you had knowed Moses, you'd knowed Me. Moses wrote of Me!"

58If you had knowed Luther, you'd know this age! If you had knowed Methodist, you'd know this age! For Christ wrote of this age! The Words that's being fulfilled has to be fulfilled in this age. It doesn't need somebody to interpret It, God does His Own interpreting. God interprets Hisself, because He's the only One that can interpret It. God's promises always vindicates what He said, and that's the interpretation.

59 Now, Jesus, (to save time), Jesus said, in Saint John, the 14th chapter, the 12th verse, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Did He say it? That's right. That don't need any interpreting. When somebody does that work, that's God. Certainly!

60He also said in there, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Jesus said that. Did He say it? Certainly, He said it! That needs no interpreting.

They say, "Well, that meant..."

61It meant just exactly what He said! "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." What about the days of Lot? Let's go back just for a moment, find out what they were doing.

62 There were three classes of people in the days of Lot: believer, make-believer, and unbeliever. That's in every crowd, the same thing.

We find out that the Sodomites was the unbeliever.

Lot was the make-believer.

63Abraham was the believer. He was the one the covenant was confirmed to. He was the one that was looking for a promised son. He was the one who was expecting it. Amen. (I'm not "amening" myself. Amen means "So be it!") And that's right. Abraham was not in Sodom. Abraham was up and out of Sodom. He's a type of the spiritual Church today.

64 Lot is a type of the denominational church down in Sodom yet. Watch, the Bible said that, "The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily." Why didn't he have nerve enough to stand out against it? There's a-many a-good man sitting in a church today, looking out and seeing women with shorts on and man doing these things, and their members going, playing golf on Sunday, and picnic parties, and swimming and things, instead of attending church. Sitting home on Wednesday night, watching television, instead of attending church. They feel like saying something about it, but the board would put them out. What's the matter? It's Lot again, looking out of his window and seeing the sin, and afraid to call sin "sin"!

65 Abraham wasn't in their mess, he was out of it. He was a type of the spiritual Church. Now watch what happened just at the end time, just before the fire fell. And those were Gentiles. It foreshadowed the fire falling on the Gentile world today, when the kingdoms will be broke up and they'll be burnt. "Heavens will be on fire," saith the Lord, "and they'll burn with fervent heat." That was a shadow of it.

66Now let's picture them. Here's Abraham already out, not in Sodom, he was out of Sodom. Lot was still in Sodom.

67Strange thing, one hot morning, along about eleven o'clock it must have been, he saw three man coming, ordinary man, walking down the road, the path. Abraham was sitting under the oak, resting himself. He had been out, probably with the herds that morning, come in, almost noontime. And he saw three man coming. And there was something about those man, that rung a bell. Oh, my!

68 There's always something about God, when It comes among the people, It rings a bell. They know It. There's something tells them, there's a vindication there.

69Abraham run quickly, and said, "My Lord, come by and let me get a little water, fetch it and wash Your feet, and give You a morsel of bread, and then You can go on, on Your road." So He turned aside. He run in the herd and got a calf and killed it, had a servant to dress it. Went in the tent, down below him, and got Sarah to knead some flour, make some, or some meal, make some bread, and make the cakes on the hearth. Brought them out and served. While he was sitting there, eating, they begin to notice, this Man kept looking down towards Sodom. And He said...

70 Two of them, remember, went down in Sodom. Two went to Sodom. Please don't miss this. I'm referring to what Jesus said. Two of them went to Sodom to bring out Lot and what was ready to be brought out down there. And them two that went down there, went down and preached. (And there was One stayed back with Abraham. Watch the sign He done.) They got a sign down there, there was... the Sodomites was smitten blind. Preaching the Gospel is always blinding to the unbeliever. And notice what done it.

71 Now, there's One standing back here and done the sign before Abraham.

72Now, did you ever notice, any historian, follow the Scriptures, follow the history, there has never been a time in the church ages where a man ever went to the nominal churches out there in the world, out there in the denominations, there's never been a man that his name end like Abraham, h-a-m, before. But today they got one, G-r-a-h-a-m. That's right. Going down there, calling them out. He's doing a wonderful job by it. Graham, Billy Graham, God's servant out there amongst the denominations, politicians, and so forth, smashing at it.

73The other day when they wanted him to run for President, he flatly turned it down. God, bless him for it. Why, them whiskey companies, he'd a-never got to first base as it would been. They'd have spent billions of dollars, because he would a-put them out anyhow, those cigarette companies and things like that. See, he's out there as God's messenger to Sodomites. That's exactly.

74 But remember, there was One who stayed up there with Abraham, another Man, not them two that went down there like a modern evangelists that went down there to preach. Notice, there was One stayed up there. Two went down that way, and One stayed here with Abraham. And the One that stayed with Abraham give him a sign.

75Now watch, his name had been "Abram" and his wife had been "Sarai," just a day or two before that. God had appeared to him and told him, "I'm changing your name now from Abram to Abraham." (See, G-r-a-h-a-m is six letters, man.) But A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven, seven letters; h-a-m, ending with an h-a-m.

76Now, up here in the Church spiritual, there was One up there to Abraham, and notice what He said. He said, "Abraham," (not "Abram") "Abraham, where is thy wife" (not "S-a-r-r-a") "S-a-r-a-h? Where is thy wife Sarah?"

77Watch what he said, "She's in the tent behind You."

78And He said, "I'll visit you. I'm going to visit you." See that personal pronoun, the One, according to the promise that He had made. That was God! He said, "I'm going to visit you."

79And Sarah, (in a way that we'd all understand) laughed up her sleeve, to herself, she said, "Me, an old woman, hundred years old, my lord" (which was Abraham) "old also, past time of life of that as young folks." Said, "Why, we could not have pleasures like that anymore, I'm old and he's old." And said, "We couldn't have that." And said, "How? These things couldn't be!"

80And the--the Man (God in human flesh) said, "Why did Sarah laugh and doubt, saying these things?" In the tent, behind Him.

81 Now watch, if that isn't the same ministry that Jesus Christ had! He looked out upon the audience and perceived their thought. He told Peter who he was and what his father's name was. Told Nathanael.

82Told the woman at the well, when she said... He said, "Go get Me a drink," or "Bring Me a drink."

83She said, "Sir, it's not custom for You to talk to... you Jews talk to Samaritans. We have no dealings with one another."

84He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. The conversation went on. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I have no husband."

He said, "You've said well, for you've had five."

She said, "Sir!"

85 Look at the difference between that and them--and them priests of that day, that council living in the glare of another day. They said, "This is the Devil!" They had to answer their congregation to something, 'cause it required that.

86But what did this poor little woman, that predestinated Seed laying in her heart... She had been sick and tired of that stuff, she had went on the streets as a prostitute. But when she seen That, she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet. We haven't had one for four hundred years, and we are told that when the Messiah cometh that's the things that He'll do." Oh, my! That Seed laying there jumped to life! Why? It didn't need no interpreting.

87 Jesus said, "I am He that speaks to you." That didn't need no interpreting. He had done the miracle and had testified that He was that Messiah, amen, and bore record exactly what God had promised ("The Lord your God shall raise a Prophet like me," said Moses). What was it? A vindication of the Scripture!

88She run into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Christ? Isn't this Him? He told me what I've done."

89 Now notice, Jesus, that was Him up there in that Man that had His back turned to the tent and told what Sarah was thinking about inside the tent.

90The Word of God says, in Hebrews, the 4th chapter, that... He says this, "The Word of God is more powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting to the asunder of the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." It's the Word! And every time that a prophet came, he come with the Word, and he was the Word for that age. And what did it do? A prophesier who discerned the thoughts that was in the heart.

91It done it in Jesus Christ because He was the fulness of the Word.

92 And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." The Spirit of God would come upon the earth in a form of human beings, God manifested in human flesh (Amen! Do you see it?), and would do the same thing that God did in human flesh at Sodom. Remember, they were waiting for a promised son. And, right after that, the promised son came. That was the last sign that Sodom and Abraham's group saw before the promised son arrived. Did you notice that? And now the Church spiritual has come to that hour.

93Somebody said, "Brother Branham, did you say 'that was God'?"

94The Bible said, It was God! It don't need no interpreting. He's Elohim. That's what Abraham called Him. Any Bible reader knows that. Elohim, "the all-sufficient One." He was the First, the Last; the Beginning, the End. Elohim! Abraham called Him "Elohim." God (in capital letters in the Hebrew), Elohim; just like in the beginning, "God," Elohim.

95He was Elohim manifested in human flesh, wearing human clothes, eating human's food. Amen! A sign that in the last days that God will appear again among His people in human flesh! Amen! Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also. And as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Amen! That don't need no interpreting; it needs manifestation, that's what it needs. Amen. Do you believe that?

Let's bow our heads.

96 Our Heavenly Father, we give to You Thy promise tonight that You said these things. You promised them. There's no one can make Your Word live but You. You said, "Let there be light," and there was light. No one has to interpret that, it was manifested.

97As we quoted Isaiah, the prophet, "A virgin shall conceive," she did; doesn't need any manifestation, she did it. That's what happened.

98You said, when He come He'd be born in Bethlehem, "Out of Bethlehem, Judaea. Art thou not the least among all the princes of Judah, of Israel? But out of thee shall come the Ruler of My people."

99The things that He would do, what He would cry at the cross, how He'd be condemned, pierced His feet and His hands; "He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquity; chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we were healed."

100 How that David said, "I'll not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." And on the third day, before the seventy-two hours could set in to corrupt His body, the Word of God said, "He'll raise up." (They said they stole His body away; they still believe it.) But we believe, Lord, Your Word! It was manifested. Jesus Christ raised up and He said, "I'll... Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world."

101We believe that You're here tonight. We believe that You're just as much Jesus Christ tonight, here, as You ever was. And You're only looking for eyes, arms, legs, mouth, souls, bodies, that You can use to manifest Yourself. God, sanctify us tonight, that we might see the living Jesus Christ living among us. Let Him come! Then will come to pass, like the hunger of those Greeks who came that day, and said, "Sir, we would see Jesus." And they got to see Him. Oh, what a thrill it must have been when they looked upon Him!

102God, You're the same today. And You promised that if we hungered we could see You. "A little while, and the world won't see Me" (the unbeliever); "but yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." We know that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever.

103Lord, the Words has been said, it's been written, now let it be done, for the Glory of God, to show that He keeps His Word. Amen. God bless you.

104 I'm going to call the prayer line. I believe Billy said he give out prayer cards, one to a hundred, or something like that. He isn't here just now. Is... What is prayer card number... Somebody look on your back of your... It'd--it'd be a number and a--and a letter (A, B, C, D, or...). What is it, A? All right.

105Let's have A, number one, two, three, four, five. Just start standing up like this. A, number one, number two, number three, number four. Four, I didn't see it stand up. Prayer card number four. One, two, three. Prayer... Maybe they can't get up. If they can't, somebody look at your neighbor's card, he may have a card and he can't stand up. Quickly now. There it is, four. Five, prayer card number five. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Just start coming up here now as your numbers are called. Number one, two, three, just come right out this way. Prayer card number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, just take your places. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five. There's anybody can't...

106 I see a young man in a wheelchair back there. If your number's called, son, and--and if you can't get... well, just hold your hand, we'll see that you get here. See?

107How many in here doesn't have a prayer card and yet you're sick? Let's see your hands, anywhere. Right here, that's right, put your hands up. Do you believe? While they're getting them together, do you believe This, that He's the same yesterday and forever? How many? Watch these ministers; doesn't the Scripture say today, brethren, that He's a High Priest that could be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? Is that right? How many believes that, raise your hand? He's a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.

108Then if the Bible says, "He's the same yesterday and forever," how many believes that? Then how would He act today? He'd have to act like He did yesterday. Is that right? Where's He at tonight? Sitting on the right hand of the Majesty, His body; the Holy Spirit is here in the building, to make Him known.

109 Notice, now look. What happened when somebody touched His garment back there, a woman one day? She didn't have a prayer card, we'd say, but she touched His garment. And when she touched His garment, Jesus turned around and said, "Who touched Me?"

110Peter rebuked Him, and said, "Why, Lord, that doesn't sound just sensible like. Why, everybody's trying to touch You. Why say, 'Who touched Me?'"

111He said, "But I perceive that I got weak." How many knows that? Virtue, which means "strength," went from Him. "I got weak, somebody touched Me with a different kind of a touch." And He turned around and looked to the audience until He found where that channel of faith.

112Everybody was putting their arms around Him, "O Rabbi, we believe You," and all this.

113But there was somebody really believed It. And she touched His garment and believed that she was healed, because she said in her heart if she could do it that's what would happen.

114 He turned around and looked upon the audience till He found her, and He said... told her her blood issue had stopped and she was healed. Is that right? Now, that's the way He did, in the audience of the people.

115Now, I'm claiming that He is not dead, He's just as much alive today as He ever was. And the Bible said, Jesus said, Himself, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

116Now look, no matter what kind of a gift that God has up here, there's got to be one down there, too, to respond to it. He went into a city, the Bible said, "There was many things He could not do because of their unbelief." Is that right? Same thing today. You've got to believe Him. You've just got to believe Him. That's the only way you can.

117 Is the prayer line ready? Now, everybody reverent for just about ten minutes. Don't know whether I'll get through there, I got about twenty-five or thirty standing there. But now, in the prayer line, each one of you out there in the prayer line that knows that I am a stranger to you, and I don't know nothing about you, raise up your hand. Each one in the prayer line.

118Now all in the audience, that knows that I know nothing about you, raise up your hand. Now, now, here's what I'm trying to say, friend, see. Now, here it is. All these ministers up here on the platform. And Christ made this promise. See, it's been written. When was it to come to pass? In the last days, just before the Coming of the Lord. Is that right? It was to come to pass then.

119 Now, that's the Word that's prophesied today. Not Luther's light; not Wesley's light; and not even the Pentecostal light. It's gone up, on up the road now. Now, Luther's all right; Methodist is all right; Baptist is all right; all them, Pentecostal, fine. There's all kinds sitting here tonight. It ain't--it ain't--it ain't the individuals. What if the...

120You couldn't never tell a Methodist anything about Luther, 'cause he believes in sanctification and Luther don't. See?

121You never tell a Pentecost that "sanctification's all of it," he's seen the restoration of the gifts. He ain't going to believe that. No, he's got more than that. See? And that's the last church age that we had, and the Bible says there'll be no more church ages.

122But there's to be a gathering of the people, see, and here we are. Now, remember, the last sign. Are we people looking for a promised son? Raise up your hand. Do you believe you are the Seed of Abraham by being in Christ? Raise up your hand. Then, Seed of Abraham, receive your sign! It isn't out in Babylon, it isn't out there in denominational world. It's here among you, those who are not in that mess out there. Believe it!

123 Here's a woman, she's a total stranger to me, somewhere around the same age. I never seen the woman in my life. If I could heal that woman I would do it, if she's sick. I don't know nothing about her. Did you see her raise her hand a few minutes ago. I--I never seen her. She's just a woman standing there.

124Today they come down here and brought a bunch of prayer cards, mixed them all up and give them to the people. One got number one here, and number ten back there, number fifteen, number seven, number... just like that. They're all mixed up, right before you, every day. And when they're called, they're just called all around from everywhere. See? And, now, you don't even have to have a prayer card, just sit there and believe. Why can't...

125Pinch yourself, tonight, find out the hour we're living in. See? Now, it's just about over, too, friend. Just about over!

126Now, if the God of Abraham raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, and that Jesus promised that in the last days the same signs that Abraham... that the Angel (which was God in human flesh) done before Abraham, just before the promised son arrived, Jesus said the same thing would take place today.

127 Now, we see the atomics and the denominations, and all those, and the mess that they're in. We see a Billy Graham down yonder, and Oral Roberts, and all them people out there; the Pentecostal messenger and the denominational messenger down there, we see all that going on, carrying out the sign. Billy Graham, a theologian to the dot, what the denomination believes in. Oral Roberts, a healer to the dot, just exactly what the Pentecost...

128But looky here, there's something else promised to the Seed of Abraham. There they are down in amongst them denominations; there's something out of the denominations supposed to happen, gathering the people. We'll leave it go till tomorrow night.

129 Watch, I don't know that woman. I'll turn my back to her. If the Lord God will say something to that woman, maybe it's--it's domestic, maybe it's financial, maybe it's sick; I don't know. She'll know whether it's the truth or not.

130If He'll do the same thing tonight that He did then, would you believe the God that Jesus Christ promised would be here in the last days? How many believes that we're living like in Sodom, when the whole world is gone into a Sodomite condition? How many of you believes what I've told you tonight's the Truth? Then, children and Seed of Abraham, believe God!

131 Now, so it'll get it out of your mind that I'm trying to say something to the woman, looking her in the face, or get all the things about telepathy or whatever you want to know. Anybody that knows about telepathy should have better sense than that. See? See? Did you ever see a telepathist preaching the Gospel? Did you ever see a spiritualist preaching the Gospel, doing signs and wonders, proclaiming Jesus Christ the same? No.

132See, it's just... it's people's mind. See, they're blind. Do you believe they can be blind? The Bible said they would be. Is that right? "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, despisers of those that are good, having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof."

133Didn't Jesus say, in Saint Matthew 24:24, that "The two spirits in the last days would almost deceive the very Elected, if it was possible"? But it isn't possible. They were in God's thoughts at the beginning, and they're a part of God.

134 Now, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, let it be known tonight that I'm telling the Truth about You. It's You, Lord. Humbly let Your servants be able to get their own thoughts out of the way, that You can use our bodies for Your Glory. In Jesus' Name, the Son of God. Amen.

135 What is a gift? Not something you take and chop and turn. No, no. It's knowing how to get yourself out of the way that God can use you. A gift is only getting yourself out, then God uses it.

136The lady behind me is going to die right away if she isn't healed. The lady behind me has just been prayed for by another man, recently. She's got cancer. The cancer is in her breast and also in her lungs. And she was just recently prayed for, and she's trying to accept it by faith that she's healed. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD! Is that true, lady? [The lady says, "Yes, it sure is true."--Ed.] If it is, wave--wave your hand to the audience. The God of Abraham still lives! All right, go believe what you believe and you'll get well. Amen.

You believe? You say, "What about the audience?"

137 This woman sitting here with her... on the end of the row, second lady right there. When I turned around just there I seen something, a thing around her arm, blood pressure pumping. She's got high blood pressure. Is that right, lady? Raise up your hand. If you believe, your blood pressure will go down. The God of Abraham is still on the scene. He's just exactly what it was, the Word of God for this day!

138 How do you do? You believe now? Have faith in God! Seemed to be just a child. God knows your heart, young lady, I don't. Do you believe Gods able to reveal to me what's wrong? Will you believe Him if I will? It's not for you, it's for somebody else, that's your brother. And he's very serious and he's in a city north here, Tulare. And he's in a hospital, and he's got leukemia, and the doctors give him up to die. There's no hopes at all. That's right. Do you believe? [The lady, crying, says, "Yes."--Ed.] All right. What you got in your hand? Take that and lay it on him. And don't doubt it. Believe! Amen.

139Do you believe? I never seen the lady in my life. But God remains God! Now, tell me a human being can do that? It isn't in the making of a human being to do it. It's the God that Jesus Christ promised that would be here in the last days and would vindicate Hisself (just before the Seed of Abraham) as it was in the days of Sodom.

140 Now here, I don't know the lady, we're strangers to one another, I guess our first time meeting in life. Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe this to be the Word? And you know that if... This Word is still a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Is that right? The Word is a Healer, also, if you can believe It. You do? You're shadowed, too, with a dark shadow. It's cancer. And you believe that God can tell me where that cancer is? It's in the lower intestines, so the doctor says. Do you believe now that you'll be healed? Go, and don't doubt at all, and God will make you well. Amen.

141You believe, everybody? Just exactly what He promised to do! Have faith in God, don't doubt.

142We're strangers to one another. I don't know you. If we're strangers, let the audience know that, we hold our hands. I never seen the woman in my life.

143Do you believe out there? You believe it's Jesus Christ? What is it? It's His Word. When these people reject It, they're not rejecting a man, they're rejecting the Word. It's the Word that was on the outside, couldn't get back in.

144 Now, the lady's a stranger to me. I've never seen her in my life. God's a Healer. It might not be for healing, might be for something else, but if God will explain to me what's your trouble, will you believe me? The first thing you want prayer for, is, you got a bad ear. One of your ears, you can't hear out of it. That's right. That's true. And then you got a habit, and you want to get rid of that habit, it's smoking cigarettes. Put your finger in your good ear now, all right, your good ear. All right. Now believe God and go on your road, and don't... and you won't smoke any more cigarettes either if you'll believe. Go, and the Lord bless you.

You see what happened. Isn't He real?

145I don't know you, we're strangers to one another. I've never seen you in my life, but God knows you. If God can tell me something about you, will you believe?

146Will the whole audience believe? Anybody out there know the woman? Anybody in the audience know the woman? All right, you know whether this to be true or not. This should settle it. This should tell the truth.

147 Now you can see what's happened just in the last few minutes. See? It's just... I'm staggering. See? It's just everything becoming blind to me. See, It's discerning-. See, It's the Holy Spirit. It's not me. It's the Word promised for this day. It's never been since the days of the apostles, it never has been. But where it was said, "In just before the coming of the Son of man. As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Unbelievers don't believe It. They're not expected to believe It. But believers believe It!

148 Now, if the Holy Spirit will reveal this, how many will believe with all your heart, you'll raise your hand?

149You got some damage. You've had a car accident, it's pulled some vertebraes loose in your neck. You also got a kidney pulled loose. That's right, isn't it? You believe? You'll be all right. Praise the Lord.

150You believe God heals kidney trouble? Then go ahead and accept your healing.

151Come, lady. Look this way. You believe God heals heart trouble? All right, go on your road and believe, and your heart'll get all right.

152Come here. You believe God can heal your back, make you well? Go on and believe it then.

Just believe God, that's all you have to do!

153Come, lady. You believe God heals stomach trouble? Go, eat your supper, believe with all your heart.

154 Come. You believe God can heal arthritis? Then go, believe, and make... and God will make you well.

155All right, come. You believe with all your heart? You believe? Arthritis, again. Do you believe that God can make you well? Go on, believe It, say, "Thank You, Lord."

How many believes out there? Do you believe?

156This lady sitting here with a red dress on, raising up her hand right here, suffering with high blood pressure. You believe God can make you well? You do? All right. Lay your hands over on that lady next to you down there, and tell her her voice is going to get all right. Amen.

There it is. Amen. Do you believe? Have faith!

157 Here's a man sitting here, is having hemorrhages. Do you believe, sir, sitting right here? Yes, you got a hemorrhage. You believe it'll heal?

158The lady next to you has hemorrhages also, and she has a back trouble. You believe God's going to heal you? You do? Raise your hand and accept it. Believe.

159This lady next to you has trouble with her legs and with her hip. Do you believe that that's right, lady? You believe that you'll be healed? Well, raise up your hand, say, "I accept it."

160All right, the lady next to her has infection. You believe that God will heal the infection, young lady with the glasses on? Raise up your hand, say, "I accept it." All right, believe it.

161 The lady next to her has kidney trouble. Do you believe God will heal the kidney trouble, lady? All right, raise up your hand, accept it.

162The little girl next to her has a goiter. You believe that God will heal the goiter there? Raise up your hand, accept it.

163How many believes with all your heart? Then stand up on your feet and accept it. Raise up in the Presence of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob.

164In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ may the Holy Ghost fall into the building now and heal every person in Divine Presence!