Patriarcha Abrahám



Abrahám bol len obyčajný človek, nebol ničím zvláštnym. Boh ho nepovolal , ako to máme zaznamenané, až keď mu bolo sedemdesiat päť rokov. Jeho žena, ktorá bola napoly jeho sestrou, mala v tom čase šesťdesiat päť rokov, oni pravdepodobne žili spolu už od svojej mladosti. A ona bola neplodná a nemala žiadne deti. Boh ho povolal do úplného oddelenia, aby sa oddelil od zbytku toho sveta a od všetkých svojich ľudí a od všetkého svojho príbuzenstva. On mal vykonať niečo zvláštne.

A keď Boh očakáva od vás aby ste vykonali niečo zvláštne, On od vás vyžaduje úplné oddelenie sa od každej pochybnosti. Musíte sa dostať do úplnej poslušnosti, aby ste boli poslušní tomu, čo On hovorí. Boh to vyžaduje. Vy to inak nemôžete vykonať žiadnym iným spôsobom. A teraz, On vždy dal nejaký príklad a to bol Jeho príklad, úplného oddelenia sa od celej jeho rodiny, od všetkých svojich príbuzných a tak ďalej, aby viedol život oddelený Bohu.

Roky prechádzali a nič sa nedialo, ale Abrahám sa stále toho držal. On nebol tým odradený. "On nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu."

1Znovu, prvá kniha Mojžišova, 22. kapitola, začneme od 15. verša, predpokladáme, že budeme hovoriť iba niekoľko minút a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých. Genesis 22, začíname od 15. verša.

Vtedy zavolal anjel Hospodinov na Abraháma po druhé z neba

A riekol: Na seba samého som prisahal, hovorí Hospodin, lebo preto, že si učinil túto vec a neodoprel si mi ani svojho syna, toho svojho jediného,

Požehnám, áno, požehnám ťa a rozmnožím tvoje semeno tak, že ho bude ako hviezd na nebi čo do počtu a jako piesku, ktorý je na brehu mora, a tvoje semeno zdedí bránu svojich nepriateľov,

a v tvojom semene budú požehnané všetky národy zeme, pretože si poslúchol na môj hlas.

2Ó aké zasľúbenie, za poslušnosť! Poslušnosť, to je to čo Boh chce. Raz bolo povedané: "Poslúchať je lepšie ako obetovať." Poslúchať Pána je lepšie ako akákoľvek obeť ktorú môžete priniesť.

3Stojíme teraz pred dôležitým textom, dnes večer. Patriarcha Abrahám, ktorý bol nazvaný "otec viery," pretože Boh mu dal zasľúbenie, že zdedí zem, i jeho Semeno. A to je skrze Abraháma, že my, súc mŕtvi v Kristovi, stali sme sa Semenom Abrahámovým a sme dedičmi spolu s Ním podľa zasľúbenia.

4Nuž, Abrahám bol len obyčajný človek, nebol ničím zvláštnym. Boh ho nepovolal , ako to máme zaznamenané, až keď mu bolo sedemdesiat päť rokov. Jeho žena, ktorá bola napoly jeho sestrou, mala v tom čase šesťdesiat päť rokov, oni pravdepodobne žili spolu už od svojej mladosti. A ona bola neplodná a nemala žiadne deti. Boh ho povolal do úplného oddelenia, aby sa oddelil od zbytku toho sveta a od všetkých svojich ľudí a od všetkého svojho príbuzenstva. On mal vykonať niečo zvláštne.

5A keď Boh očakáva od vás aby ste vykonali niečo zvláštne, On od vás vyžaduje úplné oddelenie sa od každej pochybnosti. Musíte sa dostať do úplnej poslušnosti, aby ste boli poslušní tomu, čo On hovorí. Boh to vyžaduje. Vy to inak nemôžete vykonať žiadnym iným spôsobom. A teraz, On vždy dal nejaký príklad a to bol Jeho príklad, úplného oddelenia sa od celej jeho rodiny, od všetkých svojich príbuzných a tak ďalej, aby viedol život oddelený Bohu.

6Roky prechádzali a nič sa nedialo, ale Abrahám sa stále toho držal. On nebol tým odradený. "On nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu."

7Rok za rokom to tak išlo ďalej a nieto pochýb, že mnohí kritici prechádzali okolo a hovorili: "Abrahám, otec národov, koľko že máš teraz detí?" To ho vôbec nevyviedlo z rovnováhy. Žiadne dieťa a Sáre už prešiel ten čas života, rodenia detí, pretože už mala dávno po prechode, ale Abrahám stále veril Bohu tak isto. On urobil prípravy pre svoje dieťa, pretože on vedel a bol úplne presvedčený, že Boh by nemohol dať zasľúbenie, ktoré by On nebol schopný vyplniť.

8Jeho Semeno bude rozmýšľať tak isto. Bez ohľadu na to ako nereálne to vyzerá, ako neprirodzene to vyzerá pre ten prirodzený rozum, jednako Boh nemôže dať zasľúbenie, o ktoré by sa On nebol schopný postarať. My to dnes veríme tak isto. Každé opravdové Semeno Abraháma verí to isté. Nezáleží na tom aké sú okolnosti, ani koľko vedomostí ste naakumulovali, ani čo všetko sa prihodilo, či aké je to neprirodzené pre ten prirodzený rozum, či skôr, aké je to hlúpe, pre ten prirodzený rozum. To ani trochu na tom nemení. Ak to Boh tak povedal, je to tak. A Semeno Abrahámovo spočíva na tom, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. A tým to hasne.

9Zisťujeme, že po dvadsiatich-piatych rokoch on nemal ešte žiadne deti. A Boh bol stále verný, aby dodržal Svoje zasľúbenia, ktoré dal Abrahámovi, pretože Abrahám veril Bohu. Ten malý chlapec prišiel na scénu, malý Izák.

10A potom, keď sa malý Izák zjavil na scéne, potom pozorujeme, že Boh mu dal dvojitú skúšku. On povedal: "Toto dieťa ..." Potom, keď Abrahámovi bolo už okolo sto pätnásť alebo sto dvadsať rokov. On povedal: "Chcem aby si vzal tohoto, tvojho jediného syna a vzal ho hore na vrch, ktorý ti ukážem a tam ho obetoval, na tom vrchu ako obeť." Inými slovami, mal zlikvidovať každý dôkaz ktorý mal o tom, že to zasľúbenie sa vyplní. To odsúva nabok všetko prirodzené.

11A Abrahám povedal: "Obdržal som ho ako z mŕtvych. A som úplne presvedčený, že On je schopný vzkriesiť ho z mŕtvych."

12To sú tí ľudia dnes, Semeno Abrahámove, pretože On nás vzkriesil z mŕtvych. Boli sme mŕtvi v hriechu a v prestúpeniach. A On, ktorý bol schopný zmeniť moju myseľ, zmeniť moje myšlienky, zmeniť moju povahu, celého ma zmeniť, On môže robiť ako sa Mu zaľúbi. Čokoľvek On povie, verím že je to Pravda a každé Semeno Abrahámovo to verí tak isto.

13Abrahám, nebol neposlušným Bohu a vzal toho malého chlapca. A v to ráno povedal tým sluhom: "Vy čakajte tu pri muliciach. A syn a ja pôjdeme hore oddať česť Bohu a potom on a ja sa vrátime." Ó, ako to on urobí? Keď vychádzal hore na štít toho vrchu, aby odňal život svojmu vlastnému synovi, on jednako povedal: "To dieťa, tento chlapec i ja sa vrátime." On vedel, že niečo sa musí stať. On nevedel ako to práve Boh urobí; s tým si nelámal hlavu. On vedel, že Boh to zasľúbil.

14O viac sa nemusíme starať, než ako vedieť, že Boh to zasľúbil! Ako sa to stane? To vám neviem povedať. Ale Boh to tak povedal! On pošle Ježiša Krista, po druhý krát, On príde v telesnej forme. Vezme si Svoje vlastníctvo. Bude tisíc rokov, tisícročné kráľovstvo tu na zemi, s Ním, s vykúpenými. To je to čo On zasľúbil a my očakávame kedy nadíde tá hodina.

15On zasľúbil uzdravovať nemocných, kriesiť mŕtvych, vyháňať démonov. On zasľúbil že to bude robiť. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ako? Ja neviem. On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť! Veríme tomu; a tým to hasne. Keď nejaký človek verí Bohu, tak verí všetkému čo On hovorí.

16A to je ten spôsob, ako Abrahám veril Bohu. A teraz bolo od neho vyžadované aby zničil každý dôkaz, že Jeho zasľúbenie sa vyplní, ale on bol presvedčený, že Boh to môže urobiť.

17Nuž a On to veľké zasľúbenie nedal len jemu, On to tiež dal jeho Semenu. A preto, že Abrahám bol verný a zachoval Slovo Božie, ktoré mu Boh zasľúbil, vedel že Boh môže vzbudiť toto dieťa. A on neušetril ani svoje vlastné dieťa; ale (Boh) bol predobrazom Boha, ktorý dal Svojho Syna, áno; pri tom ako on vyniesol to drevo na horu a tak ďalej; ako neskoršie Kristus vyniesol svoj vlastný obetný trám, hore na kopec, na ktorom bol ukrižovaný.

18Uvedomujeme si, že v tomto, pri to keď to činil, Bohu sa to tak veľmi páčilo, keď videl, že Abrahám ho miloval ponad všetko na tej zemi, dokonca viac ako svojho vlastného syna. On Ho miloval ponad všetko, čo by ktokoľvek mohol povedať, alebo ktokoľvek čo učiniť, on stále natoľko miloval Boha, že veril Jeho Slovu.

19Každé Semeno Abrahámove takto verí Bohu. Oni veria Bohu. A my vieme, že Bohu sa to tak zaľúbilo, že On povedal: "Tvoje Semeno zdedí brány svojich nepriateľov. Tvoje semeno zdedí brány svojich nepriateľov." Zapamätajte si, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Abrahámove Semeno tomu verí. Ak ste opravdovým Semenom Abrahámovým, viera v Boha, ktorú mal Abrahám, je vo vás. A vy veríte, to čo Boh povedal, že Boh dodrží Svoje zasľúbenie.

20A On to povedal, zapamätajte si to teraz, On dal toto zasľúbenie Abrahámovi potom, keď ho previedol cez skúšku. Semeno Abrahámove musí prv prejsť cez skúšku, aby sa ukázalo či oni opravdu veria Slovu. Zapamätajte si, jediný spôsob ako on mohol zachovať zasľúbenie Božie, bolo to, že veril Božiemu zasľúbeniu a bol vyskúšaný či Tomu verí alebo nie.

21My sme podrobení tej skúške. Semeno Abrahámovo, dnes, ono je podrobené tej skúške. Prijmeme Božie Slovo, alebo prijmeme niečo čo niekto o Tom povedal? Prijmeme to, čo si nejaká organizácia učinila ako vyznanie a prijmeme to, alebo prijmeme to čo povedal Boh? Keď je Božie Slovo pravda, veríme Božiemu Slovu, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek iné. Necháme, že každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Božie je Pravdou. Opravdové Semeno Abrahámove! Ale prv, ako sa môžete stať tým opravdovým Semenom, musíte prejsť cez skúšku, tak ako sám Abrahám. On to zasľúbil nie len Abrahámovi, ale že jeho Semeno zdedí brány nepriateľov. Ó!

22Predstavte si len, ten patriarcha bol o to úplne presvedčený, vo svojej skúške ohľadne zasľúbenia Slova Božieho obstál v poriadku. Bez ohľadu na to aké boli okolnosti, on stále veril že Božie Slovo je pravdivé. Abrahám, ten veľký patriarcha, nikdy nezaváhal vo viere, keď sa dostal do toho skúšobného obdobia. On veril, že Boh je schopný vzbudiť ho z mŕtvych. On tomu veril, pretože Boh mu to zasľúbil. A keď mu Boh zasľúbil, že on bude "otcom národov," on veril že to tak je. On nevedel ako sa to stane. Keď prišlo to dieťa, po tom čo on veril, dvadsať päť rokov, potom od neho bolo žiadané aby zahubil to dieťa a on stále vedel že Božie zasľúbenie je pravda a dal svojho syna.

23Jeho Semeno, postupuje tak isto! Zasľúbenie Božie je pečaťou, pre tých ktorý sú Semenom Abrahámovým. Zasľúbenie je pečať, podpísaný svedok. A keď my veríme každému zasľúbenému Slovu, potom je nám daná tá pečať, na potvrdenie toho zasľúbenia. Vidíte, ak my - ak my, sme Semeno Abrahámove, pôjdeme cez tú skúšku, či budeme veriť Biblii alebo nie. Biblia je Slovo Božie, pretože To je Boh.

24A potom, po vašej skúške viery, potom keď niekto z nich povie: "Dni zázrakov pominuli." Ak to prijmete , nie je to zhodné so Slovom.

25Ak poviete: "Ty dnes neprijmeš Ducha Svätého. Také niečo neexistuje. Len tí dvanásti apoštolovia To prijali."

26Slovo hovorí, keď To Peter kázal v deň letníc, on povedal: "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vašim deťom a všetkým na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkých koľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh."

27To je presne To čo To znamená. To je, nuž ak ste pripravený aby ste prešli cez skúšku, Božiu kyselinovú skúšku a nasledovali tento predpis, hovorím vám, prídete na to, že Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo, ak Mu budete veriť. Je to tak. Ale vy musíte cez to prejsť, pretože to je pečať; keď toto budete môcť prijať, potom obdržíte zasľúbenie. Pretože, To je Boží predpis, cesta podľa ktorej máme postupovať a to je cesta, že busíme ísť za Tým., čo On povedal. Nuž nie je to len pre niekoho, ale "ktokoľvek," ktokoľvek verí, ktokoľvek činí pokánie, ktokoľvek verí. Je to pre všetky generácie, všetkých ľudí, všetkých ktorí tomu chcú veriť. A viera v Božie Slovo vás privádza do tohoto zasľúbenia. Potom a jedine potom, môžete mať moc aby ste zdedili pečať zasľúbenia.

28A zasľúbenia ktoré prijímame, tá pečať, je krst Duchom Svätým. To je ono. Pretože to je Boh vo forme Ducha. Vy súc ... Jeho Slovo vo vás, potom, vstupuje On, keď ste do svojho vnútra prijali Slovo. Duch Svätý je tou jedinou vecou ktorá to môže oživiť. A potom máte to zasľúbenie o obdržaní brán každého nepriateľa, ktorý sa vás snaží napadnúť. Tak to je. Boh to zasľúbil a je to tak.

29Nuž, pamätajte, vy to môžete obdržať len potom a jedine potom čo ste boli vyskúšaní Slovom.

30Abrahám bol vyskúšaný Slovom. "Budeš veriť, Abrahám, že budeš mať syna?"

31Ten syn prišiel. "Teraz ho znič. Či tomu stále veríš, Abrahám?"

33A potom , On povedal: "Nuž, tvoje Semeno zdedí bránu svojich nepriateľov." Amen! Po tej skúške!

34Zastavme sa pri nejakom semene Abrahámovom, pri tom telesnom semene. My sme dnes tým duchovným Semenom. Ale preskúmajme, skrze to telesné semeno, niektorých z nich ktorí verili celému zasľúbeniu Božiemu a nikdy nepochybovali ... [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

35Povedal som, mimochodom: "Načo chce kresťanské dievča ukazovať svoju spodničku? Nemôžem to pochopiť."

36Ty si znovu zrodená z Boha, máš nádheru Svätého Ducha aby si ukazovala kto si, kto ty si. Máš cnosť, ktoré tieto hanebné sukne (scandal skirts) nemajú. Je to tak. Skutočná žena Božia, ktorá poukazuje navonok tú cnosť, môžeš byť vysmiata a nazvaná staromódna; ale ty máš niečo čo oni nemôžu dosiahnuť a stratili to a nikdy to nemôžu získať späť. Je to tak. Ty máš cnosť. To je to čo hľadá Boh, cnosť. Vidíte?

37Ale v prvom rade, ak máš vo svojej mysli pochybnosť, vôbec to nerob. Neprichádzaj do modlitebnej rady ak máš vo svojej mysli nejakú pochybnosť. Neprichádzaj, až kým tomu nebudeš úplne veriť, dôrazne, kým vo svojej mysli nebudeš mať žiadne pochybnosti, ani trošku, ohľad- ne toho že budeš uzdravený, potom opustíš túto platformu ako zdravý človek. Tak to je, keď v tvojej mysli nie je vôbec žiadna pochybnosť. Musíš veriť Bohu. Nie zdanlivo veriť. Opravdovo veriť!

38A Semeno Abrahámovo to verí, pretože to Slovo tak hovorí a preto tomu veríme. Nie preto, že nikto vyslovil kritiku, nie preto, že by to nie- kto iný tak povedal. Pretože to Boh tak povedal a to spôsobilo že je to Pravda. Keď to Boh povie, to urovná všetky pochybnosti. On má posledné slovo. On je ten posledný. Keď Boh niečo povie, tým je to vybavené. Neexistuje nič ďalšie, čo by mohlo povedať niečo proti Tomu. "Každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo a Moje je Pravda."

39Nuž, pritom keď skúmame niektoré z týchto semien, zamyslime sa. Predstavme si tých Hebrejských mládencov, mám to tu, rozmýšľajme o tom, o tých Hebrejských mládencoch, potom čo oni boli preskúšaní ohľadne uctievania obrazu. Nuž, pamätáte si, kráľ povedal: "Ktokoľvek sa neskloní pred týmto obrazom, bude uvrhnutý do ohnivej pece." Nuž, títo Hebrejský mládenci verili, že Božie Slovo sa nemýli, že oni nemajú uctievať žiadny druh obrazu. Ale keď prišlo ku tomu rozhodujúcemu momentu, oni boli vyskúšaní čo urobia.

40Keď, všetky ostatné deti, ktoré tam boli, to prijali a išli aby sa poklonili. Urobili to presne tak ako to kráľ povedal. Oni išli s tou populárnou myšlienkou na ten deň, že oni to musia robiť.

41A keď oni boli dosvedčení, či sa budú klaňať obrazu a porušia Slovo Božie, oni zostali verní Slovu. Bez ohľadu na okolnosti, oni zostali verní Slovu. A keď ich uvrhli do ohnivej pece, Božie zasľúbenie sa vyplnilo. Oni zaujali bráni svojho nepriateľa. A postavil sa ku ním štvrtý muž, s kľúčom, ktorý oddelil žiaru od ohňa a ten im nemohol učiniť nič, než ako ich uvoľniť. Amen.

42Keď nejaký muž alebo žena je hotový ísť do skúšky, tej kyselinovej skúšky!

43Vidíte, oni museli ísť do ohňa. A potom keď to urobili, oni boli v ohni a tá jediná vec ktorá sa im stala, tá ohňová skúška len odomkla, odňala putá z ich rúk.

44Mnoho krát, Boh nás nechá, keď sa celý poviažeme s tým svetom, zamoceme. On nechá aby na nás prišli tie skúšky ohňom, kde musíme urobiť rozhodnutie. A keď to urobíme, tá jediná vec, ktorú tá skúška spôsobí, keď skutočné Semeno Abrahámovo stojí na tej križovatke rozhodnutia a rozhodne sa slúžiť Bohu, to môže jedine preseknúť putá a učiniť nás voľnými. Satan vám môže dať chorobu. On vám môže dať to alebo tamto. Ako viete či to nie je Boh, ktorí vás dostáva na križovatku, aby videl aké rozhodnutie učiníte?

45Oni zaujali brány ohňa. Oheň ich nemohol spáliť. Dokonca ani zápach ohňa nebol na nich, pretože oni vedeli že sú Semenom Abrahámovým a oni stáli po strane Boha a Jeho Slova. Oni sa zmocnili brán nepriateľa a oheň ich nemohol spáliť, pretože oni zdedili tie brány.

46Neskoršie, tam bol muž, prorok, ktorý sa nazýval Daniel. Mal sa podrobiť skúške, či bude slúžiť jedinému pravému Bohu, alebo nie. A keď prišiel ten čas, či on bude slúžiť jedinému pravému Bohu, alebo uctievať pohanského boha, on to odmietol učiniť; a zodvihol rolety a modlil sa ku svojmu Bohu, každý deň. A zobrali ho kvôli tomu, kvôli prekročeniu federálnych zákonov a bol hodený do jamy ľvov. Hladná svorka ľvov revala na neho. Čo on urobil? On sa zmocnil brány svojho nepriateľa. Levi ho nemohli zožrať. Boh poslal dole Ohnivý Stĺp. Anjela, ktorý sa postavil medzi neho a ľvi.

47On zdedil bránu toho nepriateľa, pretože bol preskúšaný aby sa ukázalo či sa bude klaňať jedinému pravému Bohu, alebo bude mať tucet pohanských bohov, ktorých bude uctievať. Tak on obstál v tej skúške a zaujal brány nepriateľa. Lev sa ho nemohol ani len dotknúť, pretože Boh bol s ním. Božie zasľúbenie zostalo pravdou, pretože on bol pravdivým Semenom Abrahámovým.

48Mojžiš, ó, ďalší veľkí príklad. On bol skúšaný, tak isto, aby videl zasľúbenie ktoré mu dal Boh. "Ja budem s tebou, keď pôjdeš tam dole." A keď sa on postavil pred tými napodobovateľmi jeho daru, Janesom a Jambresom, ktorý sa tam postavili a snažili sa napodobiť všetko, čo bolo prikázané robiť Mojžišovi. Boh ho povolal a on vedel že on je ten, ktorý bol tým poverený aby to robil a on sa tam postavil a učinil ten zázrak tak ako mu to Boh povedal. A tu stoja tí napodobovatelia, aby robili to isté, ale Mojžišovi to neprekážalo. On stál verne na Slove Božom a zaujal brány, amen, nepriateľa, pretože on stál verne na zasľúbení Božom a nevadilo mu, že niekto sa to snažil napodobňovať.

49Ó, aká lekcia pre každého kresťana! Keď sa dívate dookola a vidíte nejakého pokrytca, pamätajte len, on sa snaží napodobiť tú originálnu vec. Ale, to len ukazuje, že existuje ten, kto je originálny. Stojte verne na Slove Božom! Nezáleží na tom čo prichádza alebo odchádza, držte sa Jeho zasľúbenia. Tak veru, Daniel verne stál na Slove Božom.

50Nezáležalo na tom koľkí sa ho snažili napodobniť, i čokoľvek iné sa dialo, on zostal verný. A on prišiel za nejakým účelom, aby vyviedol Izraela z Egyptu a priviedol ho do zasľúbenej zemi. A keď nadišiel pre nich ten čas, aby išli do zasľúbenej zemi, preč z Egyptu, tam v ceste im stálo Mŕtve more. A on zaujal brány tej vody a tie brány sa v letku otvorili. A voda sa odstúpila nabok a Mojžiš previedol Izraela na púšť, ku tej hore, kde mu Boh dal poverenie aby ich tam priviedol. Amen. On zaujal brány nepriateľa.

51Jeho otec, Abrahám, mal to zasľúbenie, že jeho opravdové Semeno zaujme bránu nepriateľa. A brány tej vody boli zavrené a on sa cez ne nemohol dostať a to bola cesta služobnej povinnosti. Bola to jeho samo- zrejmá povinnosť, aby priviedol tieto deti ku tomu vrchu. Boh mu to povedal. A tu v ceste stála brána a on zaujal túto bránu nepriateľa.

52Jozue, o niečo neskoršie, keď prišli do Kádeš-barnei, čo bolo súdnou stolicou sveta v tom čase, tam Izrael stretol svoj súd. Nachádzame tu Józueho a Kálefa a dvanásť ďalších ... či vlastne desať ďalších. Z každého pokolenia bol poslaný jeden, aby prešpehovali zem, ktorú boli pripravení obdržať.

53A keď uvideli tých veľkých obrov, ktorí tam boli, desiati z nich sa cítili tak zle, že povedali: "Nemôžeme to zabrať. Je to príliš ťažké. Aha, pozrite sa akú máme opozíciu." A keď sa vrátili späť aby doniesli správu, oni priniesli zlú správu.

54Prečo oni priniesli zlú správu, keď Boh im povedal: "Dal som vám tú zem; je vaša"? On im to povedal tam dole v Egypte. "Dal som vám tú zem. Je to dobrá zem. Tečie mliekom a medom."

55Ale keď oni videli že opozícia je taká veľká, desiati z nich sa vrátili a povedali: "Nemôžeme to urobiť."

56Bol to Jozue, on upokojoval ľud a povedal: "My sme viac ako schopný aby sme to zaujali. Sme viac ako schopní!" Prečo? On hľadel na zasľúbenie. On bol opravdovým Semenom Abrahámovým. Bez ohľadu na to aká bola opozícia: "My môžeme zaujať tú bránu, pretože Boh nám zasľúbil tú zem." A oni zaujali tú bránu.

57Neskoršie potom, keď on priviedol deti Izraelove dolu ku rieke. Zastali tam, v mesiaci apríli, tá veľká rieka bola rozvodnená. Jordán stekajúci dole z vrchov sa rozlieval po rovinách. Vyzeralo to, akoby to bol najhorší čas, v roku, aký len mohol byť. Ale, jednako, on bol Abrahámovým semenom. On vedel, že má zasľúbenie a on sa nachádzal pri plnení svojich povinností. Boh mu dal videnie, ako to má urobiť a on zaujal brány tej rieky. Keď sa tie brány prudko otvorili, voda sa cúvala naspäť do vrchov. A Jozue a Izrael zaujali brány toho nepriateľa a prešli do zasľúbenej zemi, pretože Boh im povedal aby to urobili. Opravdové Semeno Abrahámove!

58Bratia a sestry, keď sa on tam dostal, Jericho bolo celé ohradené múrami, tak vysokými, že hore po vrchu by mohli vedľa seba bežať tri konské záprahy. Ako by to títo Izraelci mohli dobiť s požičanými, pozbieranými mečmi a všetkým a s palicami a kameňmi, ako oni tam vojdú? Ale on bol stále Semenom Abrahámovým. Boh mu dal videnie, povedal mu ako to má urobiť, povedal: "Zatrúbte na trúbu." Amen. To je ono. "Skríknite. Pochodujte rovno oproti múrom a brány padnú pred vami." Amen! On bol kráľovským Semenom Abrahámovým. On bol Božím opravdovým veriacim. "Tie brány sa zosypú pred tebou. Len začnite kričať a zatrúbte na trúbe. To je všetko čo musíte urobiť." A čo sa stalo? Tie bráni sa zrútili a Jozue zaujal mesto.

59O niečo neskoršie potom, nachádzame že nepriateľ bol rozmetávaný a boj pokračoval, po tom a on dokonca zastavil slnko na jeho dráhe. Ako som o tom hovoril raz ráno, na tému Paradox, On zastavil slnko, až kým sa nezmocnil brán svojho nepriateľa. Amen. On vedel, že ak by sa ten nepriateľ znovu dostal dokopy, ony boli rozprášení a slnko zapadalo a Amorejci a Amelechiti a tí ďalší, boli roztrúsení. Ak by sa oni znovu dostali do kopy a spoločne by prišli, potom by on mal ťažké chvíle aby ich znovu rozprášil. A bola len jedna vec ktorá zdržiavala a to bol čas. A on zastavil čas. Amen! Amen! Bola jediná vec ktorá ho zadržiavala od zasľúbenia a to bolo slnko, samotná príroda zasahovala do toho a on zastavil prírodu. Prečo? On bol Semenom Abrahámovým. On veril Božiemu zasľúbeniu. Zastavil ho a zaujal tie brány. Tak veru.

60Títo veľkí mužovia, všetci z nich boli veľkí mužovia. Ale viete, keď oni, každý jeden z nich, keď oni prišli ku bráne smrti, oni všetci zomreli. Každý jeden z nich musel zomrieť. Pretože to boli veľkí mužovia: "Oni zapchali ústa ľvom a vyhasili moc ohňa, utiekli ostriu meča," a tak ďalej, ako je nám to povedané v liste Židom v 11. kapitole. A oni zaujali brány nepriateľa, každého nepriateľa až na jedného a to bola smrť. Smrť pohltila každého jedného z nich.

61Potom jedného dňa, prišlo To Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma, Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží; Abrahámove Semeno, skrze vieru. Nie skrze Izáka, to prirodzené semeno; oni mali svoj diel. Ale tu prichádza Ten ktorý nebol prirodzene narodený. Tu prichádza Ten, ktorý neprišiel skrze sexuálnu žiadosť. Tu prichádza Ten, ktorý sa narodil z panny. Syn Boží., Semeno Abrahámove. Ó, čo za veľkého Muža to bol! Tí ostatní prirodzení boli všetci narodení prirodzeným narodením sa. Tento Muž sa narodil panenským narodením. Čo On robil, keď prišiel na svet? On porazil každého nepriateľa ktorého Satan mal. On porazil všetko.

62Čo On robil? On vyrazil a porazil nemoc. Okolo Neho nemohla byť žiadna nemoc; kdekoľvek bola nemoc On ju porazil. Čo urobil, potom keď nad tým zvíťazil? On nám dal kľúče, amen a povedal: "Čokoľvek zviažete na zemi, Ja to zviažem na Nebi." Ó! Amen! To je Abrahámove Kráľovské Semeno, Jeho zasľúbenie. Duch Svätý v nás teraz, s kľúčmi, zastavuje nemoc. On zvíťazil nad nemocou. Nemoc nemohla obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. A On povedal, že nám dal kľúče aby sme robili to isté, zvíťazili nad nemocou. "Čokoľvek zviažete na zemi, Ja zviažem na Nebi."

63A tiež, pokušenie, On bol vo všetkom pokúšaný, tak ako my. Čo On urobil? On nad tým zvíťazil. A čo nám povedal? "Sprotivte sa diablovi a utečie od vás." On pre nás porazil nemoc. On pre nás porazil pokušenie, porúcal tie brány; vzal ten kľúč od pokušiteľa a dal ho veriacemu, Abrahámovmu Semenu a povedal: "Ak vás pokúša, sprotivte sa mu a on od vás utečie." Ó! Sprotivte sa mu!

64On porazil oboje smrť i peklo. On povstal na tretí deň a povedal: "Zvíťazil som. A pretože Ja žijem, vy tiež žijete." Ó, čo za zasľúbenie! To platí pre Semeno Abrahámovo. On porazil hrob, vstal na tretí deň, na naše ospravedlnenie. Keď On povstal, On bol naším ospravedlnením. Čím nás to učinilo? On porazil nemoc. On porazil smrť. On porazil peklo. On porazil hrob. On porazil pokušenie. Ó!

66Potom čo už prešlo dvetisíc rokov, dvetisíc rokov a On je to stále v našom strede, ten mocný Víťaz, ktorý roztrhol oponu na dvoje, ktorý vzal každú nemoc, každú chorobu, všetko vzal na Seba, a zaniesol naše slabosti na kríž a naše nemoci a naše choroby a triumfoval nad nimi a povstal na naše ospravedlnenie a stojí živý po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, aby manifestoval Seba Samého, ako živý Ježiš Kristus, medzi kráľovským Semenom Abrahámovým, ktorí sú dedičmi všetkých vecí. Ó! Tí ktorí potom, prechádzajú cez skúšku, zasľúbenia Slova! Ak môžete veriť Slovu, potom ste tiež Semeno Abrahámove. Hľa ako ku Tomu prídete.

67Ak nemôžete prejsť cez túto skúšku Slova, potom ak o Tom pochybujete, len maličké podozrenie voči Tomu, vy sotva Tomu môžete veriť, kvôli tomu či tamtomu, vy tomu nemôžete veriť, potom neprichádzajte do modlitebnej rady. Zbytočne by som dokonca strácal čas pri oltári, až kým by ste nemohli obdržať dostatok milosti aby ste poznali, že Božie Slovo je pravda.

68A keď sa raz preboríte cez tú oponu nevery, potom uchopíte tie kľúče do rúk, kľúče smrti, pekla a hrobu, pretože máte Premožiteľa, ktorý to premohol za vás. Potom máte Židom 13.8., kde nám hovorí: "Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Ako to môžeme urobiť?

69Ľudia dnes hovoria: "No, dobre, poviem ti, On je v určitom zmysle, On je."

70Pozorujeme to hneď tu, keď vidíme potvrdzovanie sa Jeho Slova. Čo to spôsobuje? Tým je im To vrhnuté rovno späť do ich lona. Amen.

71To skutočné Semeno Abrahámove Tomu verí. Oni To vedia. A On zostal taký istý, dnes večer, aký bol vtedy keď stretol Abraháma tam vtedy v tých dňoch Lota a učinil ten zázrak, ako to urobil skrze to keď povedal Sáre čo ona povedala tam za Nim. Ježiš zasľúbil, že to Kráľovské Semeno Abrahámove, že Cirkev, znovu uvidí tú istú vec tesne pred Jeho príchodom. Čo to je? To sa musí stať. Boh to zasľúbil. Ježiš Kristus to potvrdil a povedal že to tak bude a my sme tu dnes, po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, vidíme Ho v našom strede a On je stále ten mocný Víťaz! On zvíťazil nad smrťou, peklom, hrobom, nad každou poverou; vzal Slovo ...?... tu. Áno.

72On povedal: "Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás, proste o čo chcete a bude vám to dané." Čo to je? Slovo, Kristus, Ktoré je vo vašom srdci.. "Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás, potom ste zvíťazili nad všetkým, pretože Ja som nad tým zvíťazil za vás. Ak zostanete vo Mne, ak so Mnou môžete súhlasiť, ak môžete zostať vo Mne. Ten kto Mi verí, ktorý Ma prijal; nie len zdanlivo verí, ale ktorý To môže prijať. Ten kto počul Moje Slová, rozumel Mojim Slovám a uveril v Toho ktorý Ma poslal, má večný Život; a nepôjde do pokušenia, či odsúdenia, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života." Tu Ho máme, mocný Víťaz!

73On je dnes tu, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On je tu účinkujúci pred Semenom Abrahámovým, ktoré bolo vyvolané von z Babylonu, vyvolané von zo Sodomy, vyvolané von zo sveta, a oddelené, práve cez ktoré On zjavuje Svoje zasľúbenie. Po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, On tu stojí v našom strede, dnes večer, ten mocný Víťaz, Slovo Božie, ktoré môže rozpoznávať myšlienky ktoré sú v srdci, a jeho úmysly. Čo to je? "Tvoje Semeno zdedí bránu svojich nepriateľov." Čo to je? To je Semeno Abrahámove, kráľovské Semeno, veriace Slovu. A to Slovo je - to Slovo je Boh.

74Nuž a keď to vidíme, môžeme vykríknuť s nimi, ako ten dávny básnik.

Žijúc, miloval ma; zomrúc, spasil ma;

Keď Ho pochovali, odniesol ďaleko preč moje hriechy,

keď vstal, ospravedlnil ma zdarma a naveky;

Jedného dňa príde, ó čo za slávny deň!

75Niekto mi raz povedal: "Starneš, chlapče." Nemôžem si pomôcť.

76Už od malého chlapca žijem za tým účelom, a mojím jediným cieľom, ktorý som kedy mal, je aby som uvidel Príchod Ježiša Krista. Dal som svoj život pre ten cieľ. Stále som za kazateľňou, ako starý človek, verím v to isté a tá najväčšia vec o ktorej môžem pomyslieť, je vidieť Ježiša Krista ako prichádza z neba aby prijal Svojich vlastných. Boh, potom môj ... Nie divu, že môžeme spievať:

Sláva mocnému Ježišovmu Menu!

Anjeli nech sa klaňajú;

Prineste kráľovskú korunu

a korunujte Ho, Pána všetkého.

77Prečo? On je mocný Víťaz. Ak ste v Ňom, ste v Slove. On povedal: "Ak zostanete vo Mne, proste si čo chcete." "Čo chcete," pretože každá brána už zostala dobitá. Potom môžeme povedať.:

Každé zasľúbenie v tejto Knihe je moje;

Každá kapitola, každý verš aj riadok;

Odpočívam v Jeho Božskom Slove;

Pretože každé zasľúbenie v tej Knihy je moje.

78Priatelia, uvedomujete si čo to znamená? Každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh dal Abrahámovi, každé zasľúbenie ktoré bolo vypovedané cez prorokov, každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Ježiš Kristus zasľúbil na tento deň, On je tu aby to potvrdil a ukázal, že On žije naveky. "Tvoje Semeno zaujme brány nepriateľa."

79A keď príde tá hodina smrti. Poviete: "A čo toto?" Vy stále máte to Dedičstvo čo Pavel povedal. "Ó, hrob, kde je tvoje víťazstvo? Ó, smrť, kde je tvoj osteň? Ale vďaka Bohu, Ktorý nám dal víťazstvo skrze toho mocného Víťaza, Ježiša Krista," Ó!

Anjeli nech sa klaňajú;

Prineste kráľovskú korunu

a korunujte Ho, Pána všetkého.

80Dnes večer, po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, sme tu aby sme Ho videli, stále, mocný Víťaz, ktorý roztrhol oponu, ktorá nás oddeľovala od každého zasľúbenia Božieho a my sme v Ňom viac ako víťazi.

Modlime sa.

81Nebeský Otče, sme tu dnes večer, v Prítomnosti Svätého Ducha, tej veľkej Osoby Ježiša Krista v Duchovnej forme, ktorý bol zasľúbený, že príde na Semeno Abrahámove, to kráľovské Semeno. Prosíme, ó Bože, ak je tu nejaký muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú; majú pochybnosti a nejasnosti vo svojej mysli, ohľadne Slova Božieho, či je To Pravda alebo nie. Ó veľký Bože, ktorý si dal to zasľúbenie, príď dnes večer! Je jedno veľké zasľúbenie, ktoré si nám dal , Pane; Ty môžeš dodržať to zasľúbenie, Ty si povedal: "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím, aj on bude činiť; väčšie ako tie bude činiť, pretože Ja idem ku Otcovi." Otče, Bože, modlíme sa aby si potvrdil Svoje Slovo.

82Mnoho detí Abrahámových je tu dnes večer, ktoré sú nemocné. Ó, diabol ich premohol; oni ich dostali do vnútra a zvrtli kľúčmi a povedali: "Teraz musíte zomrieť; máš nemocné srdce. Máš toto, tamto či niečo iné a musíš zomrieť."

83Ó Bože, nech zaznie tá jubilejná trúba Evanjelia dnes večer, aby každý otrok mohol byť slobodný! Ježiš Kristus dobil tie brány. My držíme kľúče vo svojich rukách. Ó! "V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov. Ak budete prosiť o niečo Otca v Mojom Mene, Ja to učiním. Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť. Slovo Božie je ostrejšie a mocnejšie než dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce do rozdelenia špiku a schopné posúdiť myšlienky ktoré sú v srdci."

86Nech vás Pán bohate žehná. Nebudem teraz robiť vyzvanie ku oltáru. Nechám to na vás. Myslím , že mnohokrát, oltárne výzvy ... Ja v to verím. "Ale všetci ktorí uverili dali sa pokrstiť." To je ono: "Všetci ktorí Ho prijali." Budeme sa modliť za chorých.

87Mohol by som tu hovoriť celú noc. Ste milým obecenstvom. Ale čo ja hovorím to je len človek; ale ak hovorím Jeho Slovo, potom to nie sú moje slová, to je Jeho Slovo. Ak niečo poviem , a Boh to nepodoprie, potom to bolo moje slovo. Ak ja poviem Jeho Slovo a On To podoprie, kto je ten hriešny muž či žena, chlapec či dievča, ktorý pôjde preč a povie že To nie je tak?

88Ježiš povedal, že keď On robil tieto veci oni povedali: "Tento človek je veštec. Má démona!"Veštec, každý vie že veštenie je z diabla. On povedal: "On je veštec." Ale videli ste niekedy nejakého veštca, ktorý by kázal Evanjelium? Videli ste niekedy nejakého veštca vyháňať démonov? Nie, skutočne, oni to nerobia.

89On povedal: "Teraz, Ja, Syn človeka vám to odpustím. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý, hovoriť proti Tomu nebude odpustené nikdy. Ani v tomto ani v budúcom svete, pretože to je potom nazývanie skutkov Božích nečistým duchom."

90Bože buď nám milostivý, dnes večer, prosím aby Boh prišiel dole a potvrdil toto Slovo pred vami.

91Brat, sestra, toto je moja duša. Musím sa postaviť pred Bohom. Som zodpovedný za to čo vám hovorím. Boh ma bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. Je to tak. Čo by som z toho mal, že by som tu stál a hovoril vám tieto veci, keby som vedel že za to by som utratil svoju dušu v pekle?

93Semeno Abrahámove zaujme brány svojich nepriateľov." Veríte to- mu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

94Keby som vás mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to. Kristus vás už uzdravil. Jediná vec, vy máte ten kľúč vo svojej ruke. Ten kľúč je vaša viera, aby ste ho vzali a uchopili. Odomkli to, dnes večer, či chcete? Zatiaľ čo On príde do nášho stredu, ten Mocný Víťaz, ktorý zvíťazil nad každou nemocou a prišiel sem a ukázal vám, že On to už urobil, preto že On je stále to Slovo. "A Slovo je posudzovačom myšlienok ktoré sú v srdci."

95Aká modlitebná karta? B, jedna až ... Od kade sme začínali minulý večer? [Niekto hovorí: "Od jedna." - pozn.prekl.] Začnime od päťdesiat. Kto má modlitebnú kartu B, päťdesiat? Zodvihnite ruku. Modlitebná karta B. Začali sme od jedna, minulý večer, dnes večer začneme od päťdesiat.

96Kto má B, B, päťdesiat? Zodvihnite ruku. Modlitebná karta B, päťdesiat. Myslíte že nie je tu? Máte ju? V poriadku, B, päťdesiat. B, päťdesiatjeden kto to má? B, päťdesiatjeden, v poriadku. B, päťdesiatdva, kto má B, päťdesiatdva? V poriadku, vy to máte. B, päťdesiattri, päťdesiatštyri, poďte rovno sem. Päťdesiatštyri, päťdesiatpäť.

97Môj chlapec ide tu dole, prv ako ja sem prídem a pomieša tú hromadu karát. A hľaďte ako oni sú, jedna tu a jedna tam? Oni nevedia. Môžete prejsť tu dole túto radu a dostať jednotku, ďalšia dostane desiatku, ďalší dostane dvadsať päť. My neviem kde sa oni nachádzajú, ale, niekde sú.

98Nuž, koľkých sme zavolali? Päť, štyri? B, päťdesiat až päťdesiat päť. Päťdesiatšesť, päťdesiatsedem, päťdesiatosem, päťdesiatdeväť, šesťdesiat. A teraz sa pozrime, jeden, dva ... Spočítaj ich, Billy a my ...šesťdesiat, sedemdesiat, nech si tu prv zastanú, ak môžu. B, päťdesiat až sedemdesiat, sedemdesiat päť. Porátaj ich, brat Roy, ak sa ti dá, zatiaľ čo ja budem hovoriť k ľuďom.

99Koľkí z vás teraz ako sa sem takto dívate a nemáte modlitebnú kartu?

100Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal: "Skutky ktoré som Ja činil, aj vy budete činiť." Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl..] Je to pravda. Veríte tomu? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Tak povie Semeno Abrahámove.

101Biblia hovorí, že: "On je najvyšší Kňaz." Židom, 4. kapitola: "On je Najvyšší Kňaz, ktorý dokáže súcitiť s našimi slabosťami." Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ako to On urobí?

102Bola jedna prostá žena, v Biblii, dávajte pozor čo hovorím. Prostá žena, v Biblii, možno že ona nemala modlitebnú kartu; ale ona si povedala vo svojom srdci: "Ak sa budem môcť dotknúť toho Muža, ja Mu verím." Ona minula všetko čo mala, pre dok-... na doktorov. Oni jej nemohli pomôcť. Jej prípad bol príliš ťažký. Oni jej nemohli pomôcť. Ale ona verila, že Boh jej môže pomôcť. A ona sa dotkal lemu, Jeho rúcha.

103A On povedal: "Cítim že vyšla zo mňa moc." Je to pravda?

104Veríte že On je ten istý dnes večer? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Veríte že On je tu? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Koľkí veria že On vstal z mŕtvych? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Nuž ako môžete dokázať že On vstal z mŕtvych?

105Nie tak dávno, ako prišiel ku mne jeden veľmi známi Baptista a povedal mi: "Brat Branham, bol som porazený - porazený, jedného času, skrze Mohamedána ktorý povedal toto. On povedal, 'Ak On vstal, On zasľúbil, že On bude robiť tie isté veci. Nech Ho to teda vidíme robiť.'" Vidíte, oni veria, že On to neurobil.

106Ale my veríme že On to urobil. Veríme že On vstal z mŕtvych. Neexistuje žiadne iné náboženstvo na svete ktoré, by mohlo potvrdiť že jeho zakladateľ je živý, okrem Kresťanstva. A jediný spôsob ako to Boh môže potvrdiť, je skrze tých ktorí tomu veria; pretože to je jediný spôsob že Boh predvedie Svoje Slovo, pri tých ktorí tomu veria.

107A tak zatiaľ čo sa oni tu stavajú do modlitebnej rady. Ja neviem koľ- kých budeme schopní vziať. Ja chcem každého jedného z vás, zachovajte svoje pozície, zachovajte svoje miesto, nechoďte hore dole. Dívajte sa sem a modlite sa, povedzte: "Pane Ježišu, ja verím."

108Pamätáte si, On mi povedal: "Ak privedieš ľudí do toho aby ti verili; a potom buď úprimný keď sa modlíš." To prešlo cez celý tento národ, hore dole, za pätnásť rokov, ani raz to nesklamalo. To nemôže sklamať.

109Boh, jednu vec Boh nedokáže urobiť a to sklamať. On musí dodržať Svoje Slovo. Ja tomu verím. Verím tomu, že práve tak ako ja ... verím tomu viac než ako že ja tu stojím, verím tomu viacej než ako že som v tejto budove; toto môže byť fatamorgána, môže to byť sen. V mojej duši, viem že Ježiš Kristus ten Syn Boží žije. A vy keď ste Semeno Abrahámove, vy ste mŕtvi v Kristovi, ste Semeno Abrahámove.

110Nuž oni tu majú nejaké ručníčky. Deje sa skrze to veľký úspech, pri ľuďoch ktorí veria. A teraz skloňme hlavy, zatiaľ čo sa oni pripravujú a modlime sa za ne.

111Nebeský Otče, sme naučení v Biblii a tu sú ľudia ktorí veria každému Slovu ktoré si povedal, že Je pravda. Pane, oni sem tam sa zapotácali a špárali pri kľúčovej dierky, s kľúčom, nemôžuc trafiť do nej a doodierali sa, ale oni veria že to tam je. Nechaj ich len špárať, oni nájdu tú kľúčovú dierku, pretože ona tam je. A tento kľúč je ten pravý: "Ak budeš veriť, všetko je možné." Tak ako teraz spievajú tú pieseň, či hrajú.

112V Biblii je povedané toto: "Z tela Pavlovho odnášali ručníčky a zástery a posielali ich nemocným a postihnutým a nečistý duchovia odchádzali od nich a oni boli uzdravení.

113A teraz, Pane, my vieme že svätý Pavel je s Tebou. Ale, to nebol on; to si bol Ty, Pane, Kristus v ňom. "Nie ja, ale Kristus ktorý žije vo mne," povedal on .

114A teraz pre túto generáciu, Ty si stále Kristus, dnes ako si bol včera. A keď sa modlím nad týmito ručníčkami, dotýkajúc sa ich, prosím aby si Ty porazil každého nepriateľa. Daj im vieru, nech vedia že ten nepriateľ je porazený.

115A raz, červené more, ako sme o tom práve hovorili, odrezalo Izraela od zasľúbenia a oni konali svoju povinnosť. A jeden spisovateľ povedal toto: "Boh sa pozrel dole s hnevom v očiach, cez ten Ohnivý Stĺp a more sa naľakalo a otvorilo svoje brány a oni prešli cezeň."

116Pohliadni dole, dnes večer, skrze Krv Ježiša Krista. A nech, keď tieto ručníčky budú položené na chorých, nech ten nepriateľ uvidí našu vieru, dnes večer, ako sa za nich modlíme modlitbou viery. A nech je oslobodený každý jeden z nich, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

117A teraz chcem aby ste mi venovali plnú pozornosť. Ktokoľvek je pri mikrofóne, môžete to zosilniť. Pretože, ak Duch Svätý to bude robiť ... Nehovorím že On bude.

118A tak ktokoľvek by tu prišiel a povedal vám, že oni majú moc aby uzdravili nemocných, neverte tomu. Tá moc je všetka v Kristovi. On je ten Víťaz, nie vy a ja. My len prijímame to čo On učinil. Žiadny človek nemá tú moc aby vás spasil alebo uzdravil.

119Pre každého človeka na tom svete, tá cena už zostala zaplatená. To čo bolo požadované zostalo zaplatené. Ako sa to stalo? "On bol zranený za naše prestúpenia, Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení." Za vaše uzdravenie je zaplatené. Vaše spasenie je zaplatené. Máte vieru aby ste prišli, prijali to? To je všetko. Vaše Semeno Abrahámove, máte Ho. Boh to zasľúbil. Je niečo vo vás, čo vám hovorí, že to tam je a je to tam.

120A tak čo je to dar? Je to dar ísť a uzdravovať ľudí? Nie. Dar to je odsunúť seba samého z cesty a tak vás Boh môže použiť.

121Nuž On to zasľúbil, posledný znak, podľa Ježiša Krista: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tesne pred tým ako bola spálená." Nie pred tými inými vecami ktoré sa tam odohrávali. Evanjelium tam bolo kázané skrze Lota a tak ďalej; nie to. Ale tesne pred tým ako bola spálená, Boh zostúpil dole vo forme človeka a bol s tou vyvolenou Cirkvou, Abrahámom a jeho skupinou, ktorý mal to zasľúbenie.

122A teraz si zapamätajte, len Abrahámove Semeno obdržalo toto: "Ešte krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí," povedal Ježiš. "Ale vy ma uvidíte, pretože Ja budem s vami, vo vás, až do konca sveta."

123Ale On zasľúbil, že tesne pred tým ako sa znovu navráti: "Ako bolo v Sodome," hľaďte čo sa deje v Sodome; hľaďte čo sa deje v tej vyvolenej Cirkvi, On povedal: "tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Boh zamanifestovaný vo forme človeka, ktorý bol chrbtom otočený ku stanu a povedal, čo tam Sára vo vnútri stanu učinila. Každý vie, že je to Pravda, zodvihnite ruky. Je to presne tak. Nuž On to zasľúbil. Sme na konci času. A tak pamätajte, to bola posledná vec, ktorá sa stala; a ten pohanský svet zhorel, Sodoma a ten zasľúbený syn prišiel na scénu. My očakávame zasľúbeného Syna, Syna Božieho.

124Sme tu. Nech Boh otvorí naše oči. Neviem čo iné by som mal ešte povedať. Nech On otvorí naše oči.

125A teraz Nebeský Otče, ja som bezmocný, som hruda hliny, ktorú si Ty sformoval dokopy a postavil tu. Ó Bože, nech smiem, dnes večer, mať Tvoju milosť a prítomnosť, aby sa mohlo stať, že by si Ty mohol použiť túto malú hrudku hliny, ktorú tu máš. Aby títo, Pane, ktorých si povolal do Večného života a oni to zatiaľ ešte neprijali, nech oni môžu vidieť tie zasľúbenia. Oni možno boli vyučovaní, že to platilo na iný deň, ale je to tu v Biblii. Potvrď to, Pane. To je Tvoj vlastný výklad. To nič viac okrem toho nepotrebuje. Ak to Ty učiníš len tak, potom oni budú vidieť, že Slovo je pravda. Učiň to, Otče. Porúčame sa Tebe.

126Nech každý kto je tu, Pane, použije svoju vieru, dnes večer. Nech každý člen Rodu Abrahámovho, skrze Ježiša Krista, má vieru, dnes večer a prijme Tvoju prítomnosť. A my Tebe oddáme chválu. Amen.

127A teraz, je toto ... A teraz toto je zvláštne... Chcem aby ste my teraz pomohli, modlite sa so mnou. Seďte opravdu potichu, netočte sa dookola. Seďte potichu, modlite sa.

128A teraz, aha, toto sa mení z evanjelizácii, do uvoľnenia sa až tak, aby Duch Boží vás cele mohol vziať do inej dimenzii.

129Teraz tu stojí táto mladá... Poď sem trošku bližšie, pani, tak je to dobre, nechcem odísť od mikrofónu. Vidíš, ja neviem čo sa deje, vidíte a potom niekedy, viete ... Nuž jediný spôsob ako to viem, je to na mikrofóne, vidíte a oni sa to tam snažia zachytávať a ja proste neviem čo...

130Nuž my sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Ja ťa nepoznám, nikdy v živote som ťa nevidel. Ale ty si o mnoho mladšia ako ja. A narodili sme sa pravdepodobne míle ďaleko od seba a mnoho rokov od seba. Toto je naše prvé stretnutie. Je to pravda? Ak je to tak zodvihni ruku, aby to aj v publiku mohli vidieť. Nuž, je to proste nejaká žena ktorá tu stojí.

131Pozrite sa, navráťme sa späť do Písma. Vezmime Evanjelium Jána 4. kapitolu. Všetci si to prečítajte, keď prídete domov. Nie, že táto žena by bola tým typom; Ja neviem. A vy viete že ja nie som Ježiš Kristus. Ale On je tu. To je On. A teraz Jeho Duch, ktorý nás pomazáva, môže zjaviť čo ju trápi, tak ako to On urobil tej žene pri studni. To je tá istá vec.

132A, skrze to, kde tí kňazi a vodcovia v tom čase, povedali: "Tento človek je veštec, alebo diabol, Belzebúb."

133Táto žena povedala: "Pane, poznávam že Ty si prorok. My vieme že prichádza Mesiáš a toto bude Jeho znak."

134Nuž, koľkí viete že je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Dobre, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, či to nebude Jeho znak i dnes večer? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Zasľúbil to On, že to tak bude, tesne pred koncom času? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Nuž hľaďte či On dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie ktoré dal Abrahámovmu Semenu.

135Nuž ak si niekto tu myslí že je to falošné, poďte sem hore a robte to isté. Ak to tak nie je, potom nehovorte nič o tom. Máte tú možnosť.

136A teraz, v Kristovom Mene, beriem každého ducha pod svoju kontrolu, na chválu a slávu Božiu.

137Budem musieť s tebou chvíľku hovoriť, mladá pani. Vieš, náš Pán hovoril ku tej žene pri studni. On povedal: "Daj sa mi napiť." Čo On robil?

138Nuž dávaj pozor, On povedal v Ev. Jána v 5-tej kapitoly: "Amen, amen vám hovorím, Syn," to bol On, telo: "nemôže nič činiť sám od seba," len ako videl že činí Otec. "Čo činil Otec, On ukázal Synovi." Vidíte: "Ja nemôžem nič činiť sám od seba, ale ako to vidím činiť Otca." Potom, Ježiš nikdy neučinil žiadny zázrak, až kým mu to prv Otec neukázal vo videní; nie že by mu to bol povedal do ucha, ale ukázal Mu to. "Čo vidím," nie čo počujem: "čo vidím činiť Otca." To je to čo Ho urobilo Prorokom, tak ako Mojžiša, ako Mojžiš povedal. Nuž keď On vedel že Otec ... On bol ...

139On išiel do Jericha, ale On musel ísť cez Samáriu a prišiel do mesta Sychar. A teraz hľaďte, Samaritáni očakávali na Mesiáša.

140Tí židia očakávali na to a On im ukázal Svoj znak. Filip, Natanael, Peter, ako náhle ten znak bol učinený, oni povedali: "Ty si ten Syn Boží."

Tí rabíni povedali: "Tento človek je Belzebúb."

141Ale zapamätajte si teraz, Pohania, my, my sme boli Anglo-Sasi, my-my sme neočakávali žiadneho Mesiáša. My sme boli pohania, Rimania, a tak ďalej. My sme neočakávali žiadneho Mesiáša. On prichádza jedine ku tým ktorí Ho očakávajú.

142Ale Samaritáni Ho očakávali a tak On musel ísť cez nich, cez Samáriu. Sadol si pri studni. Nejaká mladá pani, pravdepodobne v tvojom veku, vyšla tam von. Ona bola žena zlej povesti. Čítali ste ten príbeh, dúfam. A On povedal: "Žena, daj sa mi napiť."

143Ona povedala: "Ó, to nebýva zvykom pre Teba, Žida, žiadať o niečo samaritána."

144On povedal: "Ale keby si vedela s Kým hovoríš, ty by si žiadala Mňa aby som ti dal napiť."

145Rozhovor pokračoval. Nakoniec, On zistil kde je jej problém. Pamätáte sa čo to bolo? Ona mala príliš mnoho mužov. A povedal: "Choď vezmi svojho muža a prídi sem."

Ona povedala: "Nemám žiadneho."

146Povedal jej: "Dobre si povedala," povedal: "pretože si mala piatich a ten s ktorým teraz žiješ nie je tvoj muž."

147Ona povedala: "Pane, vidím že Ty si prorok. My vieme že Mesiáš príde, On nám povie tieto veci."

A On povedal: "Ja som On."

148Ona tam nechala svoje vedru, bežala do mesta a hovorila: "Poďte, vidzte Muža ktorý mi povedal čo som urobila. Či to nie je ten Mesiáš?" Oni nemali proroka už štyristo rokov. A tu bol Muž, ktorý tvrdil že je Mesiáš a dokázal že je prorok a ukázal znak Mesiáša.

149Spôsobilo by to pri vás že by ste verili v to isté, keby On urobil tú istú vec, súc ten istý včera, dnes i naveky a On zasľúbil skrze tieto Písma, že On to bude robiť?

Spôsobilo by to pri tomto publiku že by tomu uverilo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

150Ty trpíš na chorobu obličiek. Ak je to tak, zodvihni ruku.

151Prečo vždy toto narazí na moju tvár? Niekto povedal: "On to uhádol." Vôbec som to neuhádol.

152Tu, ona je pekná žena. Veríš mi? Nuž ty vieš, že ja som to vôbec neuhádol. Dovoľ mi povedať ešte niečo. Tvoj muž je tu s tebou. On je tak isto nemocný. Či nie? Na chrbticu. Je to tak. Či nie? Máš tu zo sebou malého chlapca. On je tiež nemocný. Chceš aby sa modlilo za neho. Má niečo s očami. Je to tak. Máš tu zo sebou malé dievča, ona tak isto má problémy s obličkami, ako ty. Je to tak? Nuž, môžete byť všetci zdraví, ak budete veriť. Veríš tomu? Boh nech vás žehná. Choď svojou cestou a buď zdravá.

153Veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Čo to je? Čo sa on snaží robiť? Pre teba, Semeno Abrahámove, On ti ukazuje že nie je mŕtvy. Ja nedokážem robiť tieto veci. On nie je mŕtvy. Ale On žije, ukazuje vám že máte právo aby ste zaujali brány svojho nepriateľa. Tým to má byť vybavené.

154Táto pani, poď sem, na chvíľu. My sme, tak približne v jednom veku, predpokladám. Ale sme si cudzí jeden druhému, pokiaľ viem. Ja ťa nepoznám, sme si cudzí. Nič o tebe neviem. Ak je to tak, zodvihni ruku, dobre. [Tá sestra hovorí: "Je to tak." - pozn.prekl.] Niekto z nich ti dal proste modlitebnú kartu a ty si tu. V poriadku. Nuž ak Pán Ježiš ...

155Ak by som snáď povedal, že by som sa snažil zaujať miesto brata Orala Robertsa, alebo miesto niektorého z tých veľkých mužov viery, povedal by som: "Pani, čo ťa trápi?"

156Ty by si povedala: "Nuž, je mi toto a toto," a teraz on by sa mohol mýliť. Vidíte? Neviem. Vidíte? Ale, ty mu môžeš povedať čo ťa trápi.

157On by na teba položil ruky a povedal: "Boh ma poslal aby som sa modlil za chorých. Veríš tomu? " "Áno." "Sláva Bohu! Choď a ver."

158To je v poriadku. To je v poriadku. Boh to zasľúbil. Ale, vidíte, my žijeme teraz trošku ďalej ako vtedy. Ježiš zasľúbil: "Ako bolo za dní Sodomy. Skutky ktoré Ja činím vy tiež budete."

159Nuž ak mi Boh môže povedať čo si ty bola, ty vieš či je to pravda ale- bo nie. On ti môže povedať čo budeš. A ak je to pravda, potom toto bude tiež pravda. Ak to On povie, či, ja nevie; ale ak mi On povie čo ti je.

160Budete tomu tiež veriť, publikum? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

161V skutočnosti by som mohol prestať. Ten jeden krát, tá osoba ktorá tu bola pred chvíľou, to by to mohlo potvrdiť. Ježiš to urobil raz. On to neurobil nikdy znovu. Každý v Sychar tomu uveril, uverili svedectvu tej ženy, keď ona prišla, povedala im a to bola žena nie dobrej povesti. Nejaká kresťanka práve opustila pódium, pred vami všetkými! Amen. Ale pretože je neskoršie ako si myslíme, nech pokračuje Pán a potvrdí Seba Samého, ten veľký, mocný Víťaz, aby Semeno Abrahámovo ... Ale ako Abrahám, On to urobil pre Abraháma, jeden krát; potom to zničil a urobil to znovu. Aby Abrahám neprestajne veril Bohu.

162Ty si tu nie kvôli sebe. Si tu kvôli niekomu inému a to je jedna pani. Je to tvoja sestra. [Sestra hovorí: "Ó, Pane!" – pozn.prekl.] A tá pani je zatienená smrťou. ["Môj Bože!"] A ona trpí na cukrovku. ["Ó!"] A ona nie je odtiaľto. ["Nie."] Ona je z ... Ona je z Luisiany, z močaristého kraju. [Ó, ó, ó!"] Tak je. A tu je ďalšia vec, že toto zhromaždenie to môže vedieť. Ty máš dcéru ktorá je vážne chorá, ona plánuje navštíviť toto zhromaždenie a ona má epilepsiu. ["Ó, ó, ó!"] Je to tak. Je to pravda. Či nie? ["Ó!"] Veríš teraz? ["Áno. Amen."] Ak si Semenom Abrahámovým, prijmi to a choď, [Sestra hovorí: "Môj Pane! Môj Pane!" - pozn.prekl.] a buď uzdravená v Mene Ježiša Krista.

163 Veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Samozrejme. Pamätajte, to je Jeho zasľúbenie. On povedal že to bude robiť. On dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie.

164Ako sa máš? Sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Nepoznám ťa. Ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš že ak mi Boh môže zjaviť čo ťa trápi, potom budeš vedieť že to musí pochádzať z nejakej duchovnej moci. [Tá sestra hovorí: "Tak je." - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, sú len dve veci z kadiaľ to môže pochádzať, aby si si to mohla predstaviť. Keď sa to stane, nedá sa to vysvetliť, pretože to je nadprirodzený jav. A, tak isto, je to paradox; niečo, nuž, je to nevysvetliteľné, jednako je to pravda. Bol by to paradox. A ti to teraz vieš, či je to pravda alebo nie, ty to budeš vedieť, či ti On povedal pravdu.

165Nuž, pamätaj, ja ťa nepoznám. To musí byť Niekto pomimo mňa. Ak sa zachováš tak ako tí farizeovia a povieš: "Ó, to je nečistý duch," potom máš tú odplatu. Ak veríš že je to Kristus, máš Jeho odplatu. A ty tomu môžeš veriť iba preto, že to On zasľúbil na tento deň a nebolo toho od vtedy až do teraz. To svedčí, že toto je čas konca.

166Je niekto kto je stále pred tvojimi očami, po celý ten čas. Je to muž, šedivý. Je to tvoj manžel. [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] Sedí rovno tam. Snaží sa prijať svoje uzdravenie, je zatienený rakovinou, nádormi, rakovinou. Ty máš problémy s obličkami, problémy s mechúrom. ["Áno."] Vy ste pán a pani Littleoví. ["Sme."] Je to pravda? ["Áno."] Verte z celého svojho srdca a buďte uzdravený.

168Je tu muž. Sme si cudzí, jeden druhému, pane. Nepoznám ťa. Ale ty si muž, ako - ako Peter prichádzajúci ku Pánovi Ježišovi, tak sme sa stretli. Veríš, že som Jeho služobník? Veríš, že čo som povedal je pravda? [Ten brat hovorí: "Áno, pane, Verím, pane." - pozn.prekl.] Ak tomu môžeš veriť! ["Áno, pane."] Ja, ak by bolo niečo čo by som mohol pre teba urobiť, urobil by som to, ale ja nič nemôžem urobiť. On to už urobil; je len niečo čo ťa dovedie do toho, aby si veril. A, pozri sa, to nebudem ja. Keby som to bol ja, urobil by som všetko čo by som pre teba mohol. Ale On mi dal dar a ja sa len uvoľním pred Ním a On bude hovoriť. ["Tak je to. Áno, pane."] Veríš tomu? ["Áno."]

169Veríte tomu, publikum? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

170Chcel som nájsť nejakého človeka. Máš viacej vecí s ktorými máš problémy. Ale jednou z týchto vecí je, že máš nádor na svojom pravom oku. To je tvoj hlavný problém. Tu je ďalšia vec, nejaká žena sa tu stále objavuje. Je to tvoja žena. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať čo je tu s tvojou ženou? Jej nemoc je v jej ústach. Sú to jej zuby. Je to tak. Či veríš, že ten istý Ježiš, ktorý vedel kto bol Šimon Peter, mi môže povedať kto si ty? [Ten brat hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] Spôsobí to u teba, že budeš pevne veriť? ["Áno, tak."] Spôsobí? ["Áno."] Oskar Barnes. ["To je pravda." - pozn.prekl.] Je to pravda? Choď domov, buď uzdravený.

171[Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] ...pre teba cudzí. Nepoznám ťa, ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš, že On je schopný povedať mi aká je tvoja nemoc? Budeš tomu veriť z celého svojho srdca? Tvoja nemoc sa nachádza okolo tvojho hrdla a tu v tvojich prsiach. Je to rozklad kostí. Začínaš mať opuchliny, ako a uzliny vo vnútri kostnej štruktúry. Je to tak. Ty si nie odtiaľto. Bývaš v meste kde všade okolo rastú pomaranče. Ono je rozložené v údolí, s panorámou hôr za sebou. Je tam hotel ktorý sa nazýva Antlers. Je to San Bernardíno. Z tade pochádzaš. Vráť sa domov, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje, ak tomu budeš veriť.

172Je len jedna vec, ktorá môže uzdraviť rakovinu, to je Boh. Veríš že On ťa uzdraví? [Ten brat hovorí: "Naozaj verím." - pozn.prekl.] Ver tomu! Choď a nech Pán Boh ťa úplne uzdraví.

173Dôvod, že si bola mimoriadne znervóznená, skutočne rozrušená. Skrze tú nervozitu sa tvoj žalúdok dostal do určitého stavu. Nemôžeš stráviť potravu; tlačí sa ti to hore do úst. Je to kyselina v tvojich ústach. Neskoro popoludní, začínaš byť veľmi unavená. Vo svojom žalúdku, na zažívacom ústrojenstve máš vred. Veríš, že toto je Ježiš Kristus, ktorý ti toto môže povedať? [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] Choď a zjedz svoju večeru. Ver z celého svojho srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

174Ako sa máš? Mnoho vecí nie je v poriadku. Ale jedna je ktorej sa obávaš, že sa staneš mrzákom so svojím zápaľom kĺbov. Ale veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví, že ťa toho pozbaví? [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.]

175Pane Ježišu, modlím sa aby si to učinil mojej sestre. Daj jej zrak. Odním od tejto pani tú nemoc a uzdrav ten zápaľ kĺbov, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

176Choď teraz a ver. On to urobí a bude to v poriadku. Nepochybuj, len kráčaj dopredu a ver z celého svojho srdca.

177Potiaže so srdcom to je hrozná vec, ale Kristus uzdravuje srdce. Veríš tomu? [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] Choď, ver tomu a všetko to bude uzdravené, všetko čo tam je.

178Veríš, že budeš ochromená? Nie, ja si to tiež nemyslím. Moja mienka, zápaľ kĺbov; to tam zatieňuje, oh, to je rakovina. [Tá sestra hovorí: "Oh, oh!" - pozn.prekl.] Veríš že On to uzdraví? ["Áno, verím."] Choď, ver tomu. On ťa uzdraví.

179To ťa trápi, s prestávkami, blokáda v srdci. Ale veríš, že to pominie, dnes večer? Choď, ver tomu, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

180Máš trochu problémy, ženské potiaže, už po dlhý čas. A potom, ti je, máš ťažkosti keď ráno vstávaš. Máš stŕpnuté svoje údy. Sotva môžeš chodiť a to trvá až nejaký čas dňa. Je to zápal kĺbov. Choď, nepochybuj, už to viacej nebudeš mať. Len tomu ver, s celého svojho srdca.

181Máš niekoľko vecí, komplikácií. Ale jedna vec, ktorá ťa tak veľmi trápi, tak isto myslíš na zápal kĺbov, ktorý ťa zmrzačuje. Veríš že On učiní aby si chodila a bola zdravá? [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno, pane." - pozn.prekl.] Choď, ver tomu z celého svojho srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví.

182Srdcová nervozita a zápal kĺbov, ale veríš že Boh ťa uzdraví? Veríš? Choď a nech Pán Ježiš ťa uzdraví.

183Ten žalúdok ti skutočne dal mnoho vytrpieť v tých niekoľkých posledných rokoch, či nie? Už to viacej neurobí. Choď, ver tomu. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

184Ty môžeš ísť tak isto, tvoj žalúdok je uzdravený. Choď, ver z celého svojho srdca. Nepochybuj.

185Je ti ťažko pri dýchaní, tá stará astma ťa skutočne ubíja. Nebude to robiť. Veríš, že to teraz bude napravené? [Ten brat hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, choď a ver tomu. Amen.

186Hallelujah! Veríte z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie jasá. - pozn.prekl.]

187Chvíľočku. Vidíte tam to Svetlo? Drobná čierna pani, díva sa tu na mňa, sedí rovno tu dole, ona má na svojom ľavom boku výrastok. Je nemocná na obličky, má komplikácie. Ty máš viacej viery. Ty sem nemusíš ísť. Je to preč od teba. Len tomu ver. Amen. Maj vieru v Boha!

Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

188Veríš, sestra, že sa dostaneš zo svojej nemoci chrbtice, ako tu sedíš? Veríš, že On ťa uzdraví? V poriadku. Len nepochybuj o tom a môžeš to mať ak tomu len budeš veriť.

189Ten muž, ktorý tu sedí, díva sa na mňa, trpí na prostatu, vstáva po nociach a tak ďalej. Veríš, pane? Bude tomu koniec, potom, ak tomu budeš veriť.

190Tu sedí farebný muž, tu neďaleko, díva sa na mňa. Trpí na epilepsiu. A tiež usiluje o krst Duchom Svätým. Postav sa na svoje nohy, pane, prijmi svoje uzdravenie. Nech ti Boh dá krst Duchom Svätým. Amen.

191Sediaci tam krížom od teba, je to dieťa ktoré tam sedí, ono tiež má epilepsiu, taký druh že stráca reč, ono sedí tam, tam na druhej strane. Veríte, že Boh uzdraví tam to dieťa? Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Potom Boh to dieťa uzdraví.

192Veríte, každý jeden? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Či nie je On skutočne Abrahámovým Kráľovským Semenom? ["Amen."] Či nie je On ten mocný Víťaz? ["Amen."] Zasľúbil On, že môžete obdržať brány nepriateľa? ["Amen."]

193Koľkí z vás sú poviazaní, cítia nátlak nepriateľa? Zodvihnite ruky, ktorí cítite nátlak nepriateľa. A vy ste Abrahámove Semeno, zodvihnite takto svoje ruky. Povedzte: "Brat Branham, som sužovaný nervozitou." Oh, to je z vás okolo osemdesiat percent, ktorý trpia na to. Povedzte, ja ... Oh, je to teraz tak mohutné, celý zástup sa stáva akoby veľká plocha mlieka, až ma to takmer zaslepuje, tam kde ste.

194Nevidíte, že tu možno, dvadsať alebo tridsať, prípadov, alebo viacej, rovno tu na pódiu, i pomimo v publiku, kde Boh nesklamal? To je Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Potom prečo nie, každé Semeno Abrahámove, prečo nevezmeš teraz ten kľúč? Ten veľký Víťaz, ktorý to dobil pre teba, je tu. On potvrdil že je tu. Veríte Mu? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

195Potom vezmite svoj kľúč viery, uchopte ho svojimi rukami a povedzte: "Ježišu Kriste, verím v svoje uzdravenie, hneď teraz." Postavte sa na svoje nohy. Pozdvihnite svoje ruky, uvoľníte teraz svoju vieru. "Verím, Pane Ježišu. Verím hneď teraz."

196A teraz položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Položte svoje ruky jeden cez druhého, ďalšie Semeno Abrahámove. A teraz sa modlite za tú osobu. Položte na nich svoje ruky. Ježiš povedal: "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia. Keď na chorých budú klásť ruky, oni budú uzdravení."

197Satan, prehral si ten boj. V Mene Ježiša Krista, odíď odtiaľto a nech títo ľudia idú, ku chvále Božej.

1 Book of Genesis again, the 22nd chapter, beginning with the 15th verse, and we expect now just to speak for a few moments and start the service. Genesis 22, beginning with the 15th verse.

And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,

And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sands which are upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemy;

And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

2 What a promise, because of obedience! Obedience is what God wants. It was once said, "Obedience is better than sacrifice." To obey the Lord is better than any sacrifice that you could do.

3We're facing now a grand text, tonight, The Patriarch Abraham, which was called "the father of the Faith," because that God made him the promise to inherit the earth, and his Seed. And it's through Abraham we, being dead in Christ, become Abraham's Seed and are heirs with Him according to the promise.

4 Now, Abraham was just an ordinary man, wasn't something special. God never called him, as far as we have any record, until he was seventy-five years old. His wife, which was his half sister, being sixty-five years old at the time, they had probably lived together since they were very young. And she was barren, and had no children. God called a complete separation, to separate himself from the rest of the world, and from all of his people, and from all of his kindred. There was a special thing for him to do.

5And when God expects you to do a special thing, He demands a complete separation from any doubt. You've got to come to full obedience, to obey what He says. God demands it. You can't do it no other way. And, now, He always sets an example, and that was His example, of a complete separation from all of his family, all of his kindreds, and so forth, to walk a life separated to God.

6 Years passed, nothing happened, but still Abraham held on. He was not discouraged. "He never staggered at the promises of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God."

7Year by year, as it went by, no doubt many critics come by and said, "Abraham, father of nations, how many children do you have now?" That didn't stagger him. No child, and Sarah was past the time of life, of bearing children, course, way beyond menopause, but still Abraham believed God just the same. He made preparations for the baby, because he knew and was fully persuaded that God could not make a promise that He wasn't big enough to back up.

8His Seed should think the same thing. Regardless of how unreal it seems, how unnatural it seems to the natural mind, yet God cannot make a promise that He is not big enough to take care of. We believe that same thing today. Every true Seed of Abraham believes the same thing. No matter what circumstances in, how much knowledge we've accumulated, how many things has happened, how unnatural it is to the natural mind, how foolish it is, rather, to the natural mind, it doesn't make a bit of difference. If God said so, that's it. And the Seed of Abraham are settled upon THUS SAITH THE LORD. That settles it.

9 We find out, at twenty-five years later, no children. And still God was faithful to keep His promise to Abraham, for Abraham believed God. The little boy came on the scene, little Isaac.

10Then after little Isaac had come on the scene, then we find out that God gave him a double test. He said, "This child..." After being now about a hundred and fifteen years old, or twenty, Abraham was. He said, "I want you to take this, your only son, and take him up to the mountain that I will show you, and there offer him up, on this mountain, for a sacrifice." In other words, destroy every evidence that he had that the promise would be fulfilled. That's taking away all the natural things.

11And Abraham said, "I received him as one from the dead. And I'm fully persuaded that He is able to raise him up from the dead."

12That's the people now the Seed of Abraham, because He raised us from the dead. We were dead in sin and trespasses. And He Who was able to change my mind, change my thoughts, change my nature, change me all over, He can do as He pleases. Whatever He says, I believe it's the Truth, and every Seed of Abraham believes the same thing.

13 Abraham, not disobedient to God, taken the little boy. And on this morning, told the servants, "You wait here with the mules. And the son and I will go yonder to worship, and he and I will return." Oh, how is he going to do it? When he goes up to the top of the mountain, to take his own son's life, yet he says, "The child, the lad and I will return." He knowed that something had to happen. And he didn't know just how God was going to do it; that isn't his question. He knows that God promised it.

14That's all we care to know, God promised it! How is it going to be? I can't tell you. But God said so! He will send Jesus Christ, the second time, He will come in a physical form. He will claim His Own. There will be one thousand years, Millennium reign upon this earth, with Him, with the redeemed. That's what He promised, and we are looking for that hour to approach.

15He promised to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out devils. He promised to do it. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. How? I don't know. He promised to do it! We believe it; that settles it. When a man believes God, he believes all He says.

16And that's the way Abraham believed God. Now was asked to destroy every evidence that His promise would be taken care of, but he was persuaded that God could do it.

17 Now, not only did He give this great promise, He give it to his Seed, also. And because Abraham was faithful, and kept the--the Word of God that God promised him, and knowed that God could raise up this child. And he spared not his own child; but (God) was a type of God giving His Son, of course; as he packed the wood up the mountain, and so forth; as Christ later packed His Own sacrifice block, up the hill, to where He was crucified.

18 We realize that in this, in doing this, it pleased God so well to see that Abraham loved Him above everything on earth, even his only son. He loved Him above what anybody could say, anybody could do, he still loved God enough to believe His Word.

19All Abraham's Seed believes God like that. They are believing God. And we know that it pleased God so well that here is what He said, "Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy. Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy." Remember, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Abraham's Seed believes that. If you are genuine Seed of Abraham, the faith that Abraham had in God, it's in you. And you believe, that what God has said, God keeps His promise.

20 And He said it, now remember, He only made this promise to Abraham after He had give him a test. The Seed of Abraham must first be tested, to see if they really believe the Word. Remember, the only way that he could keep the promise of God, because he believed the promise of God, and was tested whether he believed It or not.

21We are brought to that test. The Seed of Abraham, today, is brought to that test. Will we take God's Word, or we take what man said about It? Will we take what some organization has made up as a creed, and accept that, or do we take what God said? If God's Word is true, we believe God's Word, regardless of what anything else is. We let every man's word be a lie, and God's be the Truth. The true Seed of Abraham! But before you can become that true Seed, you've got to go through the test, like Abraham did, himself. He promised not only to Abraham, but his Seed would possess the enemies' gates. Oh, my!

22 Just think, the patriarch was fully persuaded in it, in his test of the promise of the Word of God, was right. Regardless of what the circumstances was, he still believed the Word was right. The Abraham, the great patriarch, never wavered in faith, when he was brought to that testing time. He believed that God was able to raise him up from the dead. He believed it, because God made the promise. And when God made a promise that he would be "the father of nations," and he believed that that was so. He didn't know how it would be. When the baby come, after he had trusted, twenty-five years, then asked to destroy the baby, he still knew that God's promise was true, and he gave his son.

23 His Seed, the same thing! The promise of God is the seal, to those who are the Seed of Abraham. The promise is a seal, a signed witness. And when we believe every promised Word, then the seal is given to us, to confirm the promise by. See, if we--if we, being the Seed of Abraham, we go through the test whether we're going to believe the Bible, or not. The Bible is the Word of God, because It is God. And then after you've went through the test, to believe.

24When some of them says, "The days of miracles is passed." If you accept that, that's contrary to the Word.

25If you say, "You do not receive the Holy Ghost, today. There is no such a thing. Just the twelve apostles received It."

26The Word said, Peter preaching It on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

27 That's just exactly what It means. It's, now if you are ready to take the test, of God's acid test, and follow that prescription, I'm telling you, you will find out that God keeps His Word, if you'll believe It. That's right. But you've got to go through that, because that's the seal; when you can receive It, then you will receive the promise. Because, It's God's prescription, the way we should do it, and that's the way we've got to follow It, just what He said. Now not just to some, but "whosoever," whosoever believeth, whosoever repenteth, whosoever believeth. It's to all generations, to all peoples, whosoever wants to believe It. And faith in God's Word brings you to this promise. Then, and then only, can you have power to possess the seal of the promise.

28And the promise that we receive, the seal, is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's right. For that is God in form of Spirit, you being His Word in you, then He comes in. If you receive the Word in you, the Holy Spirit is the only thing that can make That live, and then you have the promise of possessing the gate of every enemy that tries to attack you. That's right. God promised it, and it's so.

29 Now, remember, you can only do it then, and then only, after being tested by the Word.

30Abraham was tested by the Word. "Will you believe, Abraham, that you'll have the son?"


31The son come. "Now destroy him. Do you still believe it, Abraham?"

32"I believe it, yet, for You're able to raise him up from the dead."

33And after that, He said, "Now, your Seed shall possess the gate of its enemy." Amen! After the test come!

34Let's check up on some of the seed of Abraham, in the natural seed. Which, we be today the spiritual Seed. But let's find out, by the natural seed, of some of them that believed the full promise of God, and never que-... []

35 I said, "By the way, what does a Christian girl want to show her underneath skirt for? I can't understand that."

36You are born again, of God, you got the beauty of the Holy Ghost to show that what you are, you are. You've got virtue that these scandal skirts don't have. That's right. A real woman of God, that stands out with virtue, you might be laughed at, and called old fashion; but you got something that they can't touch, and done lost it and never can have it again. That's right. You got virtue. That's what God looks for, is virtue. See?

37 But the first thing, if there's a question in your mind, don't you do it at all. Don't you come in a prayer line if there's a question in your mind. Don't you come unless you absolutely believe it, emphatically, there's not a wave in your mind, at all, but what you're going to be healed, then you'll go off this platform a well person. That's right, when there's not a question in your mind, at all. You must believe God, not make-believe. Really believe!

38And the Seed of Abraham believes it because the Word said so, and that's the reason we believe it. Not because somebody has criticized, because somebody else said so. Because God said so, that makes it the Truth. When God says it, that settles all questions. He is the last word. He is the ultimate. When God says anything, that settles it. There is nothing else can speak against It. "Every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth."

39 Now as we check some of these seeds, let's think. We think of the Hebrew children, I have here, thinking of that, on the Hebrew children, after they had been tested against image worship. Now, you remember, the king said, "Whosoever will not bow down to this image, shall be throwed into the fiery furnace." Now, these children believed that God's Word was right, that they should not worship any kind of an image, but when they come to the showdown and they were tested whether they would.

40When, all the rest of the children down there received and went to the worship, they went right on in the way the king said. They went with the popular thought of the day, that they must do it.

41And when they were tested, whether they would worship images and break the Word of God, they stayed true to the Word. Regardless of the circumstances, they stayed true to the Word. And when they throwed them into the fiery furnace, God's promise was fulfilled. They possessed the gates of their enemy. And there was a fourth Man standing in there, with a key that unlocked the heat from the fire, and it could not do nothing but set them free. Amen.

42 When a man or a woman is ready to take the test, the acid test!

43You see, they had to go in the fire. And then when they did, they was in the fire, and the only thing that taken place, this fiery test only unlocked, took the--the bands off of their hands.

44Many times, God lets us, when we get all bound up with the world, bound up, He let's the fiery tests come upon us, where we have to make a decision. And when we do that, the only thing the test can do, when a real Seed of Abraham is standing at the--the crossroads of a decision, and he makes his decision to serve God, it can only cut the bands loose and make us free. Satan might give you a disease. He might give you one thing, another. How you know it's not God got you on the crossroads, to see what kind of a--a--a decision you'll make?

45 They possessed the gate of the fire. The fire could not burn them. There wasn't even a smell of fire upon them, because they knowed that they were the Seed of Abraham, and they stood for God and His Word. They possessed the--the gates of the enemy, and the fire could not burn them, because they possessed the gates.

46 Later, there was a man, a prophet down there, by the name of Daniel. He would... had the test whether he would serve one true God, or not. And when it come to that time, whether he would serve one true God, or worship a heathen God, he refused to do it; and throwed up the blinds, and prayed to his God, every day. And he was took by that, by a penalty of the federal laws, and was throwed into a lions' den. A hungry bunch of lions roared out after him. What did he do? He possessed the gate of his enemy. The lions could not eat him. God sent down a Pillar of Fire, an Angel that stood between him and the lion.

47He possessed the gate of the enemy, because he was tested to see whether he would worship one true God, or have a dozen heathen gods that he worshipped. So he stood the test, and he possessed the gate of the enemy. The lion could not even touch him, because God was with him. God's promise stayed true, for he was a true Seed of Abraham.

48 Moses, oh, another great one. He was tested, also, to see the promise that God give him. "I'll be with you when you go down there." And when he stood before the impersonators of his gift, Jannes and Jambres tried to stand up and impersonate the very thing that Moses was commanded to do. And God had called him, and he knowed he was the one that was commissioned to do this, and he stood there and performed the miracle as God told him to do it. And here stood the impersonators, to do the same thing, but it did not bother Moses. He stood true to the Word of God, and he possessed the gates, amen, of the enemy, because he stood true to the promise of God, no matter who was trying to impersonate it.

49 What a lesson that is to every Christian! When you look around and see a hypocrite, you just remember he's trying to impersonate a genuine article. But, that only means there is one who is genuine. Stand true to the Word of God! No matter what comes or go, keep His promise. Yes, Daniel stayed true to the Word of God.

50No matter how many tried to impersonate him, and everything else, he stayed true. And he come for a purpose, to take Israel out of Egypt, and to take them into the promised land. And when it come time for them to go into the promised land, out of Egypt, there stood the Dead Sea in the way. And he possessed the gates of the water, and the gates flew open. And the--the waters fell back, and Moses took Israel into the wilderness, to the mountain where God commissioned him to bring them. Amen. He possessed the gates of the enemy.

51His father, Abraham, had had that promise, that his true Seed would possess the gate of the enemy. And the gates of the water was closed, and he could not get through, and that was the path of duty. He was supposed to bring those children to that mountain. God told him to. And there stood the gate in the way, and he possessed the gate of the enemy.

52 Joshua, a little later, when they come to Kadesh-barnea, which was the judgment seat of the world at that time, there Israel met its judgment. We find Joshua with Caleb, and twelve others... or--or ten others. One out of each tribe was sent over to spy out the land they were ready to receive.

53And when they seen those great giants standing there, ten of them felt so bad, they said, "We cannot take it. It's too great. Why, look at the opposition we got." But when they come back to bring the report, they brought an evil report.

54Why would they bring an evil report, if God told them, "I have give you that land; it's yours"? He told them down in Egypt. "I have give you this land. It's a good land. It's flowing with milk and honey."

55But when they seen the opposition so great, ten of them come back and said, "We can't do it."

56It was Joshua, he stilled the people, and said, "We're more than able to possess it. We are more than able!" Because why? He was looking at the promise. He was a true Seed of Abraham. Regardless of what the opposition was, "We can possess the gate, because God promised the land." And he possessed the gate.

57 Later on, when he brought the children of Israel down to the river. There stood, in the month of April, the great river, swelling. The Jordan coming down out of the mountains, and she was spread across the plains. Looked like the worse time, in the year, that he could be there. But, yet, he was Abraham's Seed. He knowed he had a promise, and he was in the line of duty. God give him a vision, how to do it, and he possessed the gates of the river. When the gates flew open, the water backed plumb up into the mountains. And Joshua and Israel possessed the gates of the enemy, and crossed into the promised land, because God told them to do it. True Seed of Abraham!

58 Brothers and sisters, when he got over there, Jericho was all walled up, high enough that they could run three chariots across the top. How could these Israelites do it with borrowed, picked up swords, and everything, and sticks and stones, how were they going to go in there? But he was still the Seed of Abraham. God give him a vision, told him how to do it, said, "Sound a trumpet." Amen. That's it. "Let out a shout, march up towards the wall, the gates will fall before you." Amen! He was a royal Seed of Abraham. He was God's real believer. "The gates will drop down before you. Just let out a shout, and sound the trumpet. That's all you have to do." And what happened? The gates fell down, and Joshua took the city.

59 A little later on, we find out that the enemy was routing and going on, after that, and even he stopped the sun in its tracks. As I spoke the other morning, on the Paradox, he stopped the sun until he possessed the gates of his enemy. Amen. He knowed if that enemy ever got together again, they were scattered, and the sun was going down, and Amorites, and the Amalekites, and so forth, was scattered through. If they ever got together again, and come together, then he would have a hard time ever getting them to rout again. And there was only one thing that was holding, that was time. And he stopped time. Amen! Amen! There's one thing keeping him from the promise, that was the sun, nature itself crossing over, and he stopped nature. Why? He was a Seed of Abraham. He believed God's promise. He stopped him, and possessed the gates. Yes, sir.

60These great man, all of them are great man. But you know when they, every one of them, when they come to the gate of death, they all died. Every one of them had to die. Because they were great man, "They stopped the--the mouth of lions, and escaped the fire, and the edge of the sword," and so forth, as we're told in Hebrews 11. And they possessed the gates of the enemy, all but one enemy, and that was death. Death swallowed every one of them up.

61 Then one day, along come the Royal Seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ, the Son of God; Abraham's Seed, by faith. Not through Isaac, the natural seed; they did their part. But here come One Who was not natural born. Here come One that never come by sexual desire. Here come One by virgin birth. The Son of God, the Seed of Abraham, what a great Man this was! Other naturals was all born natural births. This Man was born a virgin birth. What did He do when He come on earth? He conquered every enemy that Satan had. He conquered everything.

62What did He do? He set out and he conquered sickness. There could be no sickness around Him; wherever sickness was, He conquered it. What did He do after He conquered it? He give us the keys, amen, saying, "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind it in Heaven." Oh! Amen! That's the Royal Seed of Abraham, His promise. The Holy Ghost in us now, with the keys, holding it to sickness. He conquered sickness. Sickness cannot stand in His Presence. And He said that He gave us the keys to do the same thing, conquer sickness. "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind in Heaven."

63Also, temptation, He was tempted in every manner like we was. What did He do? He conquered it. And what did He say to us? "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." He conquered sickness for us. He conquered temptation for us, broke down the gates; took the key away from the tempter, and hand it over to the believer, of Abraham's Seed, and said, "If he tempts you, resist him, and he will flee from you." Oh, my! Resist him!

64 He conquered both death and hell. He rose up on the third day, saying, "I have overcome. And because I live, you live also." Oh, what a promise! That's to the Seed of Abraham. He conquered the grave, rose up on the third day, for our justification. When He rose up, He was our justification. What does that make us? He conquered sickness. He conquered death. He conquered hell. He conquered the grave. He conquered temptation. Oh!

65"Now we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us, and give His life for," being the Royal Seed of Abraham. With the same Spirit of God in us, that was in Him, we are more than conquerors. Every gate has been conquered for us. The only thing we have to do is possess it. It's already conquered. Sickness is conquered. Death is conquered. Hell is conquered. The grave is conquered. Everything is conquered, and we hold the keys, by His grace. Are you afraid to stick them in the lock, and say, "I come in the Name of Jesus Christ"? "Ask the Father anything in My Name." I love Him.

66 After two thousand years has passed, two thousands years, and still here He is in our midst, the mighty Conqueror that rent the veil in two, that took every sickness, every disease, everything upon Himself, and bore our infirmities to the cross, and our sickness and our diseases, and triumphed over them, and raised up for our justification, and stands alive after two thousand years, to manifest Himself as a living Jesus Christ, amongst the royal Seed of Abraham who are heirs of all things. Oh, my! Those who after, goes through the test, promise of the Word! If you can believe the Word, then you are also the Seed of Abraham. That's how you come to It.

67 If you can't take that Word test, then if you doubt It, little suspicious of It, you can't hardly believe It, there is something or other, you can't believe It, then don't you come in the prayer line. I wouldn't even fool around the altar, until you can get enough grace to know that God's Word is true.

68And when you once break through that veil of unbelief, then you got the keys in your hands, of death, hell, and the grave, because you've got a Conqueror Who conquered for you. Then you've got Hebrews 13:8, that tells us, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." How can we do it?

69 The people today say, "Oh, well, I'll tell you, He's in a--a certain way, He is."

"He is the same," the Bible said.

"Oh, well, He doesn't do today like He did."

70We find it right now, when we see His Word vindicated. What does it do? It throws It right back into their lap again. Amen.

71The real Seed of Abraham believes It. They know It. And He stands, tonight, as He met Abraham up there in the days of Lot and performed that miracle, as He did by telling Sarah what she said behind Him. Jesus promised, the Royal Seed of Abraham, that the Church would see that same thing just before His Coming. What is it? It's got to happen. God promised it. Jesus Christ confirmed it and said it would be so, and here we are today, after two thousand years, see Him in our midst, still the mighty Conqueror! He conquered death, hell, grave, all superstition; took the Word...?... her. Yes.

72 He said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Words in you, ask what you will and it shall be given to you." What was it? The Word, Christ, That's in your heart. "If ye abide in Me, My Words abide in you, then you've conquered everything 'cause I conquered it for you. If ye abide in Me, if you can understand Me, if you can abide in Me. He that believeth Me, that receiveth Me; not just make-belief, but can receive. He that heareth My Words, understandeth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; and shall not come into temptation, or condemnation, but has passed from death unto Life." There He is, the mighty Conqueror!

73 Here He is today, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Here He is performing before the Seed of Abraham, that's been called out of Babylon, called out of Sodom, called out of the world, and separated, showing His promise just exactly through. After two thousand years, here He stands in the midst of us, tonight, that mighty Conqueror, the Word of God Who can discern the thoughts that's in the heart, and the intents thereof. What is it? "Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy." What is it? It's the Seed of Abraham, the royal Seed, believing the Word. And the Word is--the Word is God.

74 Now when we see this, we can scream out with them, like the poet of old.

Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;

Buried, He carried my sins far away;

Rising, He justified freely forever;

Someday He's coming, O glorious day!

75Someone said, "You're getting old, boy." I can't help that.

76I've lived since I was a little boy, my only achievement I've ever had is to see Jesus Christ's Coming. I gave my life for that purpose. I'm still in the pulpit, as an old man, I believe the same Story, and the greatest thing I can think of is to see Jesus Christ coming from the heavens to receive His own. God, then my... No wonder we can sing:

All hail the power of Jesus' Name!

Let Angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem,

And crown Him the Lord of all.

77 Why? He is the mighty Conqueror. If you're in Him, you're in the Word. He said, "If ye abide in Me, ask what you will." "What you will," for every gate has already been conquered. Then we can say:

For every promise in the Book is mine,

Every chapter, every verse, and line;

I am trusting in His Word Divine,

For every promise in the Book is mine.

78Friends, do you realize what that means? Every promise that God made Abraham, every promise that was spoke by the prophets, every promise that Jesus Christ promised for this day, He is here to confirm it and to show that He lives forevermore. "Thy Seed shall possess the enemies' gate."

79 When it comes down to the hour of death. You say, "What about that?" You still have that Possession that Paul said. "O grave, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through that mighty Conqueror, Jesus Christ." Oh!

Let Angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem,

And crown Him Lord of all.

80Tonight, after two thousand years, we stand to see Him, yet, the mighty Conqueror Who rent the veil that separated us from any promise of God, and we are more than conquerors in Him. Let us pray.

81 Heavenly Father, as we stand here, tonight, in the Presence of the Holy Ghost, that great Person of Jesus Christ in Spirit form, Who was promised to come upon the Seed of Abraham, the royal Seed. We pray, O God, if there is a man or woman, boy or girl, in here, that doesn't know You; they've got doubt and flustrations in their mind, about the Word of God, whether It is the Truth or not. O Great God, Who made the promise, come tonight! There is one great promise You made, Lord; You can keep that promise, You said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also; greater than this will he do, for I go to the Father." Father, God, we pray that You'll confirm Your Word.

82 There is many of the children of Abraham here tonight, that's sick. Oh, the devil has gated them up; they've put them on the inside, and they've turned the keys, and said, "Now you must die; you have heart trouble. You got this, that, or the other, and you must die."

83O God, may the jubilee trumpet sound, tonight, of the Gospel, that every slave can go free! Jesus Christ has conquered those gates. We hold the keys in our hands. Oh! "In My Name they shall cast out devils. If you ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it. He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also. The Word of God is sharper and more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting to the sunder and the marrow, and even a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."

84"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, for they were eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage; great building programs." And we watch the world, "There will be signs, fearful sights in the heaven above (this is flying saucers), earthquakes in divers places, the sea roaring (tidal waves), man's heart failing (fear), distress between nation, perplexed of time."

85"And as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." O God, come tonight and perform Thy Word, come tonight and honor the faith of the children of Abraham. Through Jesus Christ's Name we ask it. Amen.

86 The Lord bless you, richly. I'm not going to make the altar call just at this time. I'm going to leave it up to you. I think that, many times, altar calls... I believe with them. "But as many as received, was baptized." That's it, "Many as received Him." We're going to pray for the sick.

87I could speak here all night. You're a lovely audience. But what I say is just a man; but if I say His Words, then it isn't my words, it's His Words. If I say something, and God doesn't back it up, then that was my word. If I say His Word, and He backs It up, who is that sinful man or woman, boy or girl, that'll walk away and say It isn't so?

88 Jesus, said when He did these things, they said, "This Man is a fortuneteller. He's a devil!" A fortuneteller, anybody knows that fortune-telling is of the devil. He said, "He's a fortuneteller." But did you ever see a fortuneteller preaching the Gospel? Did you ever see the fortuneteller casting out devils? No, indeedy, they don't do it.

89He said, "Now, I the Son of man will forgive you of this. But when the Holy Ghost is come, to speak against It will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come, because it's calling the work of God an unclean spirit."

90God be merciful to us, tonight, and I pray that God will come down and confirm this Word before you.

91 Brother, sister, this is my soul. I've got to meet God. I'm responsible for what I say to you. God will hold me responsible for it. That is right. What good would it do me to stand here and say these things if I knowed I was condemning my soul to hell?

92"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." God needs no interpreter. As I have said, He interprets His Own Word.

93"The Seed of Abraham shall possess the gate of the enemy." Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

94 If I could heal you, I would do it. Christ has already healed you. Only thing, you have the key in your hand. That key is your faith, to take a hold of it. Unlock it, tonight, won't you? While He comes into our midst, that Mighty Conqueror that conquered every disease, and come here and show you that He's done it, for He still is the Word. "And the Word is a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."

95 What prayer card? B, one to... What'd we start from, the other night? [Someone says, "One."--Ed.] Let's start from fifty. Who has prayer card B, fifty? Raise up your hand. Prayer card B. We started from one, the other night, now we're going to start from fifty, tonight.

96Who has B, B, fifty? Hold up your hand. Prayer card B, fifty. You mean it's not here? Do you have it? All right, B, fifty. B, fifty-one, who has that? B, fifty-one, all right. B, fifty-two, who has B, fifty-two? All right, you have it. B, fifty-three, fifty-four, come right over here. Fifty-four, fifty-five.

97My boy comes down here, right before I come in, and mess up a bunch of cards. And see how they are, one here and one there? They don't know. You might come down this row here and get one, next one get ten, another one get twenty-five. We don't know where it's at, but, wherever they are.

98Now how many'd we call? Five, four? B, fifty. Was B, fifty, wasn't it? [Someone says, "Yes."--Ed.] B, fifty to fifty-five. Fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty. Now let's see, one, two... Count them, Billy, and we'll... Sixty, seventy, let them stand up first, if you will. B, fifty to seventy, seventy-five. Count them, Brother Roy, if you will, while I'm talking to the audience.

99 How many out there now as you look this way, and you haven't got a prayer card?

100Remember, Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also." Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's true. Do you believe it? ["Amen."] The Seed of Abraham said so.

101The Bible says, that, "He is the High Priest." Hebrews, the 4th chapter, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, how would He do it?

102There was a little woman, in the Bible, as you notice what I'm saying. A little woman, in the Bible, maybe she didn't have a prayer card; but she said in her heart, "If I can touch that Man, I believe Him." She had spent all she had, for the doc-... with the doctors. They couldn't help her. Her case was too great. They could not help her. But she believed that God would help her. And she touched His border, of His garment.

103And He said, "I perceive that virtue is gone from Me." Is that right?

104Do you believe He is the same, tonight? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe He is here? ["Amen."] How many believe He raised from the dead? ["Amen."] Now how can you prove He raised from the dead?

105 Not long ago, a famous Baptist man come to me, and he said, "Brother Branham, I was defeated--defeated, one time, by a Mohemmedan who said that. He said, 'If He has raised, He promised that He would do the same thing. Let's see Him do it.'" See, they believe that He didn't do it.

106But we do believe that He does it. We believe that He has raised from the dead. There is not another religion in the world that can prove that their founder is a living, but Christianity. And the only way God can confirm It, is through those who believe it; for that's the only way that God does perform His Words, is those who believe It.

107 Now while they're lining up this little prayer line here. I don't know how many we'll get. I want each one of you, hold your position, hold your seat, don't move around. Look this a way and pray, say, "Lord Jesus, I believe."

108You remember, He told me, "If you get the people to believe you; and then be sincere when you pray." That's been across this nation, back and forth, for fifteen years, not one time did it fail. It can't fail.

109God, one thing God can't do, that's fail. He's got to keep His Word. I believe that. I believe that just as well as I... more than I believe I'm standing here, more than I believe I'm in this building; this could be a mirage, it could be a dream. In my soul, I know Jesus Christ the Son of God lives. And you being a Seed of Abraham, you being dead in Christ, you're Abraham's Seed.

110 Now they got some handkerchiefs here. Great success is done by this, people who believe. Now let us bow our heads, while they're getting ready, and pray for these.

111Heavenly Father, we're taught in the Bible, and there is people here who believe every Word that You said is the Truth. Lord, sometimes they stagger and punch at the keyhole, with the key, missing it, and scraping, but they believe it's there. Just let them keep punching, they'll find it, for it's there. And that key is the right key, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." As the song is being sang now, or played.

112In the Bible it says that, "Paul taken from his body handkerchiefs and aprons, and sent them to the sick and the afflicted, and unclean spirits left the people, and they were healed."

113Now, Lord, we know Saint Paul is with You. But, it wasn't him; it was You, Lord, Christ in him. "Not me that liveth, but Christ that liveth in me," he said.

114And now to this generation, You're still Christ, today, as you was yesterday. And as I pray over these handkerchiefs, touching them, I pray that You'll defeat every enemy. Give them faith, to let them know that the enemy is defeated.

115And one time, the Red Sea, as we just spoke of, had Israel cut off from the promise, and they was in the line of duty. And one writer said, that, "God looked down with angry eyes, through that Pillar of Fire, and the sea got scared and opened up its gates, and they went across."

116Look down, tonight, through the Blood of Jesus Christ. And may, when these handkerchiefs is laid upon the sick, may the enemy see our faith, tonight, as we pray this prayer of faith for them. And may each one be delivered, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

117 Now I want your undivided attention. Ever who is on the mike up here, you might step it up. Because, if the Holy Spirit should do this... I don't say that He will.

118Now anyone comes here and tells you that they have power to heal the sick, don't you believe it. The power is all in Christ. He is the Conqueror, not you and I. We just accept what He has done. No man has power to save or to heal.

119Every man in the world, the price has already been paid. The requirement has been paid. How was it? "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." Your--your healing is paid for. Your salvation is paid for. Have you got the faith to come, accept it? That's all. If you're Abraham's Seed, you have. God promised it. There is something in you that says it's there, and it is.

120 Now what is a gift? Is a gift to go out and heal people? No. A gift is to get yourself out of the way, so God can use you.

121Now He promised that, the last sign, according to Jesus Christ, "As it was in the days of Sodom, just before it burned." Not before other things taken place, the Gospel was preached by Lot, and so forth; not that. But just before it was burned, God came down in the form of a man, and set with the elected Church, Abraham and his group, who had the promise.

122Now remember, just Abraham's Seed receives this. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more," Jesus said. "You shall see Me, for I'll be with you, in you, to the end of the world."

123But He promised, just before that He returned again, "As it was in Sodom," look what Sodom is getting; look what the elect Church is getting, said, "so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." God manifested in a form of a man, that with His back turned to the tent, told what Sarah did on the inside of the tent. Everybody know that's the Truth, raise your hands. That's exactly. Now He promised it. We're at the end time. Now remember, that was the last thing that happened; and the Gentile world was burnt up, Sodom, and the promised son came on the scene. We are looking for a promised Son, the Son of God.

124 Here we are. May God open your eyes. I know nothing else to say. May He open your eyes.

125Now Heavenly Father, I'm as helpless, I'm a bunch of clay that You molded together, and set out here. O God, may I, tonight, have Your grace and Presence, that it might be You might use these little lumps of clay that You've got in here. That those, Lord, who You've called to Eternal Life, and maybe haven't accepted It as yet, may they see these promises. They might have been taught that was for another day, but here it is in the Bible. Confirm It, Lord. That's Your Own interpretation. It needs no more than that. If You'll just make it so, then they'll see that the Word is true. Grant it, Father. We commit ourselves to You.

126Let every person in here, Lord, use their faith, tonight. May every member of the Tribe of Abraham, through Jesus Christ, have faith, tonight, and accept Your Presence. And we'll give You the praise. Amen.

127 Now, is this the la-... Now this is a strange. I want you to help me now, pray for me. Sit real quiet, don't move around. Sit still, pray.

128Now, see, it's changing from evangelism, over to relax yourself in such a way that the Spirit of God can take you completely into another dimension.

129Now here stands this young... Come over here a little bit, lady. And just... That's all right, so I won't get away from this mike. See, I don't know what happens, you see, and then sometimes, you know... Now only way I know it, it's--it's on the mike, you see, and they are trying to catch it out there, and I just don't know what.

130 Now we are strangers to one another. I don't know you, never seen you in my life. But you're a lot younger than I. And we was probably born miles apart, and years apart. This is our first time meeting. Is that right? If it is, raise up your hand so the audience will see. Now, she is just a woman standing here.

131Look, take it back to the Scripture. Let's take Saint John 4. Each one of you read it when you go home. Not--not that this woman is that type of a woman; I don't know. And you know that I'm not Jesus Christ. But He is here. It's Him. Now His Spirit anointing us, can reveal her trouble, as He did to the woman at the well. Same thing.

132And, by that, where the priests and the leaders of that day, said, "This Man is a fortuneteller, or a devil, Beelzebub."

133This woman said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. We know that the Messiah is coming, and that will be His sign."

134Now, how many know that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, wouldn't that be His sign tonight? ["Amen."] Did He promise it would be, just before the end of time? ["Amen"] Now see if He keeps His promise to Abraham's Seed.

135 Now if anybody in here thinks that's wrong, you come up here and do the same thing. If it isn't, then don't say nothing about it. You have the privilege.

136Now, in Christ's Name, I take every spirit under my control, to the glory and honor of God.

137 I'll just have to talk to you, a moment, young lady. You know, our Lord talked to that woman at the well. He said, "Bring Me a drink." What was He doing?

138Now watch, He said, in Saint John 5, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son," that was Him, body, "can do nothing within Myself," only as He seen the Father do. "What the Father doeth, He showeth the Son. See, I can do nothing within Myself, but as I see the Father do it." Then, Jesus never performed one miracle until first God showed Him by a vision; not told Him in His ear, but showed Him. "What I see," not hear, "see the Father doing." That's what made Him a Prophet like unto Moses, as Moses said. Now when He--He knowed the Father... He was on...

139 He was going to Jericho, but He had need to go by Samaria, and He came up to a city of Sychar. And now see, the Samaritans was looking for a Messiah.

140The Jews was looking for it, and He showed them His sign. Philip, Nathanael, Peter, as soon as that sign was done, they said, "You're the Son of God."

The rabbi said, "This Man is Beelzebub."

141But now remember, the Gentiles, we, we were the Anglo-Saxon, we--we wasn't looking for no Messiah. We were heathens, Romans, and so forth. We wasn't looking for no Messiah. He only comes to those who are looking for Him.

142 But the Samaritans was looking for Him, so He had to go by them, up by Samaria. He sit down at the well. A young lady, probably about your age, come out. She was a woman of ill-fame. You've read the story, I guess. And He said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

143She said, "Oh, it's not customary for You, a Jew, ask Samaritan such."

144He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you would ask Me for a drink."

145The conversation went on. Finally, He found where her trouble was. You remember what it was? She had too many husbands. And said, "Go get your husband, come here."

She said, "I have none."

146Said, "You've said well," said, "because you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."

147She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. We know Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things."

And He said, "I am He."

148She left her water pot, ran into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me what I did. Isn't this the Messiah?" They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years. And here was a Man that claimed to be the Messiah, and proved to be a--a prophet, and showed the sign of the Messiah.

149 Would it make you believe the same thing, if He did the same thing, being He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and has promised by these Scriptures that He would do it?

Would it make the audience believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

150You suffer with a kidney trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand.

151Why does that always bounce in my face? Somebody says, "He guessed that." I never guessed that.

152Here, she is a nice woman. Do you believe me? Now you know I never guessed that. Let me say something else. Your husband is with you. He is suffering, too. Isn't he? A spinal condition. That's right. Isn't it? You've got a little boy with you. He is suffering, too. You want him prayed for. He has got something wrong with his eyes. That's right. You got a little girl with you, she's got kidney trouble, like you. Is that right? Now you can all be well, if you'll believe. Do you believe it? God bless you. Go on your road and be well.

153 Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What is it? What's He trying to do? To you, Seed of Abraham, He is showing you that He is not dead. I can't do those things. He's not dead. But He's a living, showing you that you have a right to possess the gates of your enemy. That should settle it.

154 This lady, come this way, just a moment. We're around, somewhere the same age, I suppose. But we are--we're strangers to each other, so far as I know. I don't know you, and we're strangers. I know nothing of you. If that's right, raise up your hand, see. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] Just some of them give you a prayer card, and here you are. All right. Now if the Lord Jesus...

155If I, maybe, say I was trying to take Brother Oral Roberts' place, or some of those great man of faith, I would say, "Lady, what's wrong with you?"

156You would say, "Well, I have so-and-so." Now, he might not be right. See? I don't know. See? But, he, you might tell him what's wrong.

157He would lay hands upon you, say, "God sent me to--to pray for the sick. Do you believe that?" "Yes." "Glory to God! Go, believe it."

158It's alright. It's alright. God promised that. But, you see, we're living up a little further up the--the day than that. Jesus promised, "As it was in the days of Sodom. The works that I do shall you also."

159 Now if God can tell me what you have been, you know whether that's true or not. He can tell you what you will be. And if that's true, this will be true, too. If He tells you, whatever, I don't know; but if He'll tell me what your trouble is.

160Will you believe it, too, audience? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

161I really should stop. That one time, that person that was here a while ago, that should confirm it. Jesus did it one time. He never did it one more time. Everybody in Sychar believed it, believed the woman's testimony, when she come, told them, and she was an ill-famed woman. A Christian just left the platform, before all of you! Amen. But beings that it's later than we think, may the Lord continue to prove Himself, the great, mighty Conqueror, that the Seed of Abraham... But like Abraham, He did it for Abraham, once; then destroyed that, and did it again. Abraham continually to believe God.

162 You're not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else, and that's a lady. It's your sister. [The sister says, "O Lord!"--Ed.] And the lady is shadowed to death. ["My!"] And she is suffering with a--a diabetes. ["Oh!"] And she is not from here. ["No."] She is from a... She is from Louisiana, a swampy country. ["Oh, oh, oh!"] That... And here is another thing, that the audience might know this. You have a daughter that's real sick, that's planning on attending this meeting, and she has epilepsy. ["Oh, oh, oh!"] That's true. That is true. Isn't it? ["Oh!"] Do you believe now? ["Yes. Amen."] If you're Abraham's Seed, accept it and walk out, ["My Lord! My Lord!"] and be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ.

163Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Certainly. Remember, it's His promise. He said He would do it. He keeps His promise.

164How do you do? We are strangers to each other. I don't know you. But God does know you. Do you believe if God can reveal to me your trouble, then you know it has to come from some spiritual power. [The sister says, "Right."--Ed.] Now, there is only two things it can come from, that you could imagine. When it's done, it's beyond explaining, because it's a phenomena. And, also, it's a paradox; something, well, it's unreasonable, yet true. It would be a paradox. And now you know it, whether it's true or not, you'll know whether He has told you the truth.

165 Now, remember, I don't know you. It has to be Someone besides me. If you do like the Pharisees, and said, "Oh, it's an evil spirit," then you have that reward. If you believe it's Christ, you have His reward. The reason you can believe it, because He promised it for this day, and it hasn't been from that time to this. That makes it the end time.

166There is somebody keeps appearing before you, all the time. It's a man, gray-headed. It's your husband. [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Sitting right there. He is trying to accept his healing, being shadowed by a cancer, tumorous, cancer. You have kidney trouble, bladder trouble. ["Yes."] You are Mr. and Mrs. Little. ["We are."] Is that right? ["Yes."] Believe with all your heart, and be healed.

167"You say his, their name?" Why, certainly. Didn't Jesus tell Peter, "Your name is Simon, the son of Jonas"?

168 Here is a man. We are strangers to each other, sir. I don't know you. But you're a man, like--like the Peter coming to the Lord Jesus, we come together. Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe what I've told is the truth? [The brother says, "Yes, sir. I do, sir."--Ed.] If you can believe it! ["Yes, sir."] I, if there is anything I could do for you, I'd do it, but there is nothing I can do. He has already done it; it's just something to get you believe it. And, see, it wouldn't be me. If it was me, I'd--I'd do all I could for you. But He gave me a gift, and I just relax myself before Him, and He does the talking. ["That's right. Yes, sir."] Do you believe that? ["Yes."]

169Do you believe that, audience? [Congregation says, "Amen."]

170 I wanted to find a man. You have several things wrong with you. But one of the things is, you got a growth on your right eye. That's your main trouble. Here is another thing, a woman keeps appearing here. It's your wife. Do you believe God can tell me what's wrong with your wife here? Her trouble is in her mouth. It's her teeth. That's right. Do you believe that the same Jesus, Who knowed who Simon Peter was, could tell me who you are? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] Would it make you believe greatly? ["Yes, sir."] It would? ["Yes."] Oscar Barnes. ["That's right."] Is that right? Go on your road home, be healed.

171 []... stranger to you. I do not know you, but God does know you. Do you believe that He is able to tell me what's your trouble? Would you believe it with all your heart? Your trouble is around your throat, and in your chest here. It's a--it's a bone decay. You're getting lumps, like, and knots inside the bone structure. That's right. You're not from here. You're in a--a city that's got orange groves all around it. It sets in the valley, with a panoramic of mountains behind it. There is a hotel called Antlers. It's San Bernardino. That's where you're from. Go back, Jesus Christ makes you well, if you'll believe it.

172There is only one thing can heal cancer, that's God. Do you believe He'll heal you? [The brother says, "I sure do."--Ed.] Believe it! Go, and may the Lord God make you every whit whole.

173 Recently you've been except-... exceedingly nervous, real upset. By this nervousness, your stomach has got in a condition. You can't digest your food; bring it up in your mouth. It's an acid all in your mouth. Late of an afternoon, you get real weary and everything. You got a peptic ulcer in your stomach. Do you believe that that's Jesus Christ can tell you that? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Go eat your supper, then. Believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ makes you well.

174How do you do? There is many things wrong. But one of the things that you're afraid of, you're going to be crippled up with an arthritis. But do you believe that God will heal you, make you well from it? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.]

175Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll grant it to my sister. Give her her sight. Take the lady's trouble from her, and make the arthritis well, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

176Go now, believing. He'll do it, and it'll be all right. Don't doubt, just keep on walking, and believe with all your heart.

177Heart trouble is a terrible thing, but Christ heals the heart. Do you believe that? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Go, believe it, and it'll all be done. It's over.

178Do you believe you're going to be crippled up? No, I don't think so, either. My thought, arthritis; that shadow there, oh, that's cancer. [The sister says, "Oh, oh!"--Ed.] Do you believe He'll heal it? ["Yes, I do."] Go, believe it. He'll make you whole.

179It's been bothering you, quit a little while, blockage in the heart. But do you believe it's going to be over, tonight? Go, believe it, Jesus Christ make you well.

180Been a little trouble, from lady's trouble, for a long time. And then, you are, you have a hard time getting up at morning. You're stiff, in your limbs. You can't hardly walk, till up in the day, of time. It's arthritis. Go, don't doubt, you won't have it no more. Just believe it, with all your heart.

181 You have several things, complications. But the one thing that's bothering you so bad, you also think of arthritis, which it is, crippling you up. Do you believe that He'll make you walk and be well? [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Go, believe it with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well.

182Nervous heart, and arthritis, but do you believe that God will make you well? You do? Go, and may the Lord Jesus make you well.

183That stomach has sure give you a lot of trouble in the last few years, hasn't it? It won't no more. Go, believe it. God bless you. Be healed.

184You can, also, your stomach is healed. Go, believe with all your heart. Don't doubt.

185Have a hard time breathing, that old asthma really gets you down. Doesn't it? Do you believe it's going to be done now? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] All right, go believe it. Amen.

186Hallelujah! Do you believe with all your heart? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.]

187 Just a moment. Don't you see that Light there? A little colored lady looking at me, sitting right down here, she has got a growth in her left side. She has kidney trouble, complications. You had more faith. You don't have to come up here. It's over. Just believe it. Amen. Have faith in God!

Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

188Do you believe, sister, you'll get over that spinal trouble, sitting there? Do you believe that He'll make you well? Okay. Just don't doubt it, and you can have it if you'll just believe it.

189The man sitting here, looking at me, suffers with a prostrate trouble, getting up at nights and things. Do you believe, sir? It'll be over, then, if you believe it.

190 Here sits a colored man sitting over here, looking at me. He is suffering with epilepsy. He also is seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Stand up on your feet, sir, accept your healing. May God give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

191Sitting right across from you, there is a child sitting over there, that also has epilepsy, kind of a fainting away spells, sitting out there, over on the other side. Do you believe that God will make the child well, there? Do you believe with all your heart? Then God will heal the child.

192 Do you believe, every one of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't--isn't He, isn't He truly Abraham's Royal Seed? ["Amen."] Isn't He the mighty Conqueror? ["Amen."] Did He promise that you could possess the gates of the enemy? ["Amen."]

193How many of you are bound, feel the pressure of the enemy? Raise your hands, that you feel the pressure of the enemy. And you're Abraham's Seed, raise up your hands like this. Say, "Brother Branham, I'm bothered with nervousness." Oh, there is about eighty percent of you with that. Say, I... It's just so thick now, the whole crowd is just becoming like a great big milky, it's almost making me blind, out there where you're at.

194 Don't you see, that here twenty or thirty, maybe, cases, or more, right here on this platform and out in that audience, that God does not fail? It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then why not, every Seed of Abraham, why don't you take the key now? The great Conqueror, that conquered it for you, is here. He has proved to be here. Do you believe Him? ["Amen."]

195Then take your key of faith, reach up with your hands, and say, "Jesus Christ, I believe for my healing, right now." Stand up on your feet. Raise your hands, unlock your faith now. "I believe, Lord Jesus. I believe right now."

196Now lay your hands over on one another. Put your hands across to one another, another Seed of Abraham. Now you pray for that person. Lay your hands upon them. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

197Satan, you've lost the battle. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of here, and let these people go, for the glory of God.

1Znovu, prvá kniha Mojžišova, 22. kapitola, začneme od 15. verša, predpokladáme, že budeme hovoriť iba niekoľko minút a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých. Genesis 22, začíname od 15. verša.

Vtedy zavolal anjel Hospodinov na Abraháma po druhé z neba

A riekol: Na seba samého som prisahal, hovorí Hospodin, lebo preto, že si učinil túto vec a neodoprel si mi ani svojho syna, toho svojho jediného,

Požehnám, áno, požehnám ťa a rozmnožím tvoje semeno tak, že ho bude ako hviezd na nebi čo do počtu a jako piesku, ktorý je na brehu mora, a tvoje semeno zdedí bránu svojich nepriateľov,

a v tvojom semene budú požehnané všetky národy zeme, pretože si poslúchol na môj hlas.

2Ó aké zasľúbenie, za poslušnosť! Poslušnosť, to je to čo Boh chce. Raz bolo povedané: "Poslúchať je lepšie ako obetovať." Poslúchať Pána je lepšie ako akákoľvek obeť ktorú môžete priniesť.

3Stojíme teraz pred dôležitým textom, dnes večer. Patriarcha Abrahám, ktorý bol nazvaný "otec viery," pretože Boh mu dal zasľúbenie, že zdedí zem, i jeho Semeno. A to je skrze Abraháma, že my, súc mŕtvi v Kristovi, stali sme sa Semenom Abrahámovým a sme dedičmi spolu s Ním podľa zasľúbenia.

4Nuž, Abrahám bol len obyčajný človek, nebol ničím zvláštnym. Boh ho nepovolal , ako to máme zaznamenané, až keď mu bolo sedemdesiat päť rokov. Jeho žena, ktorá bola napoly jeho sestrou, mala v tom čase šesťdesiat päť rokov, oni pravdepodobne žili spolu už od svojej mladosti. A ona bola neplodná a nemala žiadne deti. Boh ho povolal do úplného oddelenia, aby sa oddelil od zbytku toho sveta a od všetkých svojich ľudí a od všetkého svojho príbuzenstva. On mal vykonať niečo zvláštne.

5A keď Boh očakáva od vás aby ste vykonali niečo zvláštne, On od vás vyžaduje úplné oddelenie sa od každej pochybnosti. Musíte sa dostať do úplnej poslušnosti, aby ste boli poslušní tomu, čo On hovorí. Boh to vyžaduje. Vy to inak nemôžete vykonať žiadnym iným spôsobom. A teraz, On vždy dal nejaký príklad a to bol Jeho príklad, úplného oddelenia sa od celej jeho rodiny, od všetkých svojich príbuzných a tak ďalej, aby viedol život oddelený Bohu.

6Roky prechádzali a nič sa nedialo, ale Abrahám sa stále toho držal. On nebol tým odradený. "On nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu."

7Rok za rokom to tak išlo ďalej a nieto pochýb, že mnohí kritici prechádzali okolo a hovorili: "Abrahám, otec národov, koľko že máš teraz detí?" To ho vôbec nevyviedlo z rovnováhy. Žiadne dieťa a Sáre už prešiel ten čas života, rodenia detí, pretože už mala dávno po prechode, ale Abrahám stále veril Bohu tak isto. On urobil prípravy pre svoje dieťa, pretože on vedel a bol úplne presvedčený, že Boh by nemohol dať zasľúbenie, ktoré by On nebol schopný vyplniť.

8Jeho Semeno bude rozmýšľať tak isto. Bez ohľadu na to ako nereálne to vyzerá, ako neprirodzene to vyzerá pre ten prirodzený rozum, jednako Boh nemôže dať zasľúbenie, o ktoré by sa On nebol schopný postarať. My to dnes veríme tak isto. Každé opravdové Semeno Abraháma verí to isté. Nezáleží na tom aké sú okolnosti, ani koľko vedomostí ste naakumulovali, ani čo všetko sa prihodilo, či aké je to neprirodzené pre ten prirodzený rozum, či skôr, aké je to hlúpe, pre ten prirodzený rozum. To ani trochu na tom nemení. Ak to Boh tak povedal, je to tak. A Semeno Abrahámovo spočíva na tom, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. A tým to hasne.

9Zisťujeme, že po dvadsiatich-piatych rokoch on nemal ešte žiadne deti. A Boh bol stále verný, aby dodržal Svoje zasľúbenia, ktoré dal Abrahámovi, pretože Abrahám veril Bohu. Ten malý chlapec prišiel na scénu, malý Izák.

10A potom, keď sa malý Izák zjavil na scéne, potom pozorujeme, že Boh mu dal dvojitú skúšku. On povedal: "Toto dieťa ..." Potom, keď Abrahámovi bolo už okolo sto pätnásť alebo sto dvadsať rokov. On povedal: "Chcem aby si vzal tohoto, tvojho jediného syna a vzal ho hore na vrch, ktorý ti ukážem a tam ho obetoval, na tom vrchu ako obeť." Inými slovami, mal zlikvidovať každý dôkaz ktorý mal o tom, že to zasľúbenie sa vyplní. To odsúva nabok všetko prirodzené.

11A Abrahám povedal: "Obdržal som ho ako z mŕtvych. A som úplne presvedčený, že On je schopný vzkriesiť ho z mŕtvych."

12To sú tí ľudia dnes, Semeno Abrahámove, pretože On nás vzkriesil z mŕtvych. Boli sme mŕtvi v hriechu a v prestúpeniach. A On, ktorý bol schopný zmeniť moju myseľ, zmeniť moje myšlienky, zmeniť moju povahu, celého ma zmeniť, On môže robiť ako sa Mu zaľúbi. Čokoľvek On povie, verím že je to Pravda a každé Semeno Abrahámovo to verí tak isto.

13Abrahám, nebol neposlušným Bohu a vzal toho malého chlapca. A v to ráno povedal tým sluhom: "Vy čakajte tu pri muliciach. A syn a ja pôjdeme hore oddať česť Bohu a potom on a ja sa vrátime." Ó, ako to on urobí? Keď vychádzal hore na štít toho vrchu, aby odňal život svojmu vlastnému synovi, on jednako povedal: "To dieťa, tento chlapec i ja sa vrátime." On vedel, že niečo sa musí stať. On nevedel ako to práve Boh urobí; s tým si nelámal hlavu. On vedel, že Boh to zasľúbil.

14O viac sa nemusíme starať, než ako vedieť, že Boh to zasľúbil! Ako sa to stane? To vám neviem povedať. Ale Boh to tak povedal! On pošle Ježiša Krista, po druhý krát, On príde v telesnej forme. Vezme si Svoje vlastníctvo. Bude tisíc rokov, tisícročné kráľovstvo tu na zemi, s Ním, s vykúpenými. To je to čo On zasľúbil a my očakávame kedy nadíde tá hodina.

15On zasľúbil uzdravovať nemocných, kriesiť mŕtvych, vyháňať démonov. On zasľúbil že to bude robiť. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ako? Ja neviem. On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť! Veríme tomu; a tým to hasne. Keď nejaký človek verí Bohu, tak verí všetkému čo On hovorí.

16A to je ten spôsob, ako Abrahám veril Bohu. A teraz bolo od neho vyžadované aby zničil každý dôkaz, že Jeho zasľúbenie sa vyplní, ale on bol presvedčený, že Boh to môže urobiť.

17Nuž a On to veľké zasľúbenie nedal len jemu, On to tiež dal jeho Semenu. A preto, že Abrahám bol verný a zachoval Slovo Božie, ktoré mu Boh zasľúbil, vedel že Boh môže vzbudiť toto dieťa. A on neušetril ani svoje vlastné dieťa; ale (Boh) bol predobrazom Boha, ktorý dal Svojho Syna, áno; pri tom ako on vyniesol to drevo na horu a tak ďalej; ako neskoršie Kristus vyniesol svoj vlastný obetný trám, hore na kopec, na ktorom bol ukrižovaný.

18Uvedomujeme si, že v tomto, pri to keď to činil, Bohu sa to tak veľmi páčilo, keď videl, že Abrahám ho miloval ponad všetko na tej zemi, dokonca viac ako svojho vlastného syna. On Ho miloval ponad všetko, čo by ktokoľvek mohol povedať, alebo ktokoľvek čo učiniť, on stále natoľko miloval Boha, že veril Jeho Slovu.

19Každé Semeno Abrahámove takto verí Bohu. Oni veria Bohu. A my vieme, že Bohu sa to tak zaľúbilo, že On povedal: "Tvoje Semeno zdedí brány svojich nepriateľov. Tvoje semeno zdedí brány svojich nepriateľov." Zapamätajte si, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Abrahámove Semeno tomu verí. Ak ste opravdovým Semenom Abrahámovým, viera v Boha, ktorú mal Abrahám, je vo vás. A vy veríte, to čo Boh povedal, že Boh dodrží Svoje zasľúbenie.

20A On to povedal, zapamätajte si to teraz, On dal toto zasľúbenie Abrahámovi potom, keď ho previedol cez skúšku. Semeno Abrahámove musí prv prejsť cez skúšku, aby sa ukázalo či oni opravdu veria Slovu. Zapamätajte si, jediný spôsob ako on mohol zachovať zasľúbenie Božie, bolo to, že veril Božiemu zasľúbeniu a bol vyskúšaný či Tomu verí alebo nie.

21My sme podrobení tej skúške. Semeno Abrahámovo, dnes, ono je podrobené tej skúške. Prijmeme Božie Slovo, alebo prijmeme niečo čo niekto o Tom povedal? Prijmeme to, čo si nejaká organizácia učinila ako vyznanie a prijmeme to, alebo prijmeme to čo povedal Boh? Keď je Božie Slovo pravda, veríme Božiemu Slovu, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek iné. Necháme, že každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Božie je Pravdou. Opravdové Semeno Abrahámove! Ale prv, ako sa môžete stať tým opravdovým Semenom, musíte prejsť cez skúšku, tak ako sám Abrahám. On to zasľúbil nie len Abrahámovi, ale že jeho Semeno zdedí brány nepriateľov. Ó!

22Predstavte si len, ten patriarcha bol o to úplne presvedčený, vo svojej skúške ohľadne zasľúbenia Slova Božieho obstál v poriadku. Bez ohľadu na to aké boli okolnosti, on stále veril že Božie Slovo je pravdivé. Abrahám, ten veľký patriarcha, nikdy nezaváhal vo viere, keď sa dostal do toho skúšobného obdobia. On veril, že Boh je schopný vzbudiť ho z mŕtvych. On tomu veril, pretože Boh mu to zasľúbil. A keď mu Boh zasľúbil, že on bude "otcom národov," on veril že to tak je. On nevedel ako sa to stane. Keď prišlo to dieťa, po tom čo on veril, dvadsať päť rokov, potom od neho bolo žiadané aby zahubil to dieťa a on stále vedel že Božie zasľúbenie je pravda a dal svojho syna.

23Jeho Semeno, postupuje tak isto! Zasľúbenie Božie je pečaťou, pre tých ktorý sú Semenom Abrahámovým. Zasľúbenie je pečať, podpísaný svedok. A keď my veríme každému zasľúbenému Slovu, potom je nám daná tá pečať, na potvrdenie toho zasľúbenia. Vidíte, ak my - ak my, sme Semeno Abrahámove, pôjdeme cez tú skúšku, či budeme veriť Biblii alebo nie. Biblia je Slovo Božie, pretože To je Boh.

24A potom, po vašej skúške viery, potom keď niekto z nich povie: "Dni zázrakov pominuli." Ak to prijmete , nie je to zhodné so Slovom.

25Ak poviete: "Ty dnes neprijmeš Ducha Svätého. Také niečo neexistuje. Len tí dvanásti apoštolovia To prijali."

26Slovo hovorí, keď To Peter kázal v deň letníc, on povedal: "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vašim deťom a všetkým na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkých koľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh."

27To je presne To čo To znamená. To je, nuž ak ste pripravený aby ste prešli cez skúšku, Božiu kyselinovú skúšku a nasledovali tento predpis, hovorím vám, prídete na to, že Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo, ak Mu budete veriť. Je to tak. Ale vy musíte cez to prejsť, pretože to je pečať; keď toto budete môcť prijať, potom obdržíte zasľúbenie. Pretože, To je Boží predpis, cesta podľa ktorej máme postupovať a to je cesta, že busíme ísť za Tým., čo On povedal. Nuž nie je to len pre niekoho, ale "ktokoľvek," ktokoľvek verí, ktokoľvek činí pokánie, ktokoľvek verí. Je to pre všetky generácie, všetkých ľudí, všetkých ktorí tomu chcú veriť. A viera v Božie Slovo vás privádza do tohoto zasľúbenia. Potom a jedine potom, môžete mať moc aby ste zdedili pečať zasľúbenia.

28A zasľúbenia ktoré prijímame, tá pečať, je krst Duchom Svätým. To je ono. Pretože to je Boh vo forme Ducha. Vy súc ... Jeho Slovo vo vás, potom, vstupuje On, keď ste do svojho vnútra prijali Slovo. Duch Svätý je tou jedinou vecou ktorá to môže oživiť. A potom máte to zasľúbenie o obdržaní brán každého nepriateľa, ktorý sa vás snaží napadnúť. Tak to je. Boh to zasľúbil a je to tak.

29Nuž, pamätajte, vy to môžete obdržať len potom a jedine potom čo ste boli vyskúšaní Slovom.

30Abrahám bol vyskúšaný Slovom. "Budeš veriť, Abrahám, že budeš mať syna?"

31Ten syn prišiel. "Teraz ho znič. Či tomu stále veríš, Abrahám?"

33A potom , On povedal: "Nuž, tvoje Semeno zdedí bránu svojich nepriateľov." Amen! Po tej skúške!

34Zastavme sa pri nejakom semene Abrahámovom, pri tom telesnom semene. My sme dnes tým duchovným Semenom. Ale preskúmajme, skrze to telesné semeno, niektorých z nich ktorí verili celému zasľúbeniu Božiemu a nikdy nepochybovali ... [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

35Povedal som, mimochodom: "Načo chce kresťanské dievča ukazovať svoju spodničku? Nemôžem to pochopiť."

36Ty si znovu zrodená z Boha, máš nádheru Svätého Ducha aby si ukazovala kto si, kto ty si. Máš cnosť, ktoré tieto hanebné sukne (scandal skirts) nemajú. Je to tak. Skutočná žena Božia, ktorá poukazuje navonok tú cnosť, môžeš byť vysmiata a nazvaná staromódna; ale ty máš niečo čo oni nemôžu dosiahnuť a stratili to a nikdy to nemôžu získať späť. Je to tak. Ty máš cnosť. To je to čo hľadá Boh, cnosť. Vidíte?

37Ale v prvom rade, ak máš vo svojej mysli pochybnosť, vôbec to nerob. Neprichádzaj do modlitebnej rady ak máš vo svojej mysli nejakú pochybnosť. Neprichádzaj, až kým tomu nebudeš úplne veriť, dôrazne, kým vo svojej mysli nebudeš mať žiadne pochybnosti, ani trošku, ohľad- ne toho že budeš uzdravený, potom opustíš túto platformu ako zdravý človek. Tak to je, keď v tvojej mysli nie je vôbec žiadna pochybnosť. Musíš veriť Bohu. Nie zdanlivo veriť. Opravdovo veriť!

38A Semeno Abrahámovo to verí, pretože to Slovo tak hovorí a preto tomu veríme. Nie preto, že nikto vyslovil kritiku, nie preto, že by to nie- kto iný tak povedal. Pretože to Boh tak povedal a to spôsobilo že je to Pravda. Keď to Boh povie, to urovná všetky pochybnosti. On má posledné slovo. On je ten posledný. Keď Boh niečo povie, tým je to vybavené. Neexistuje nič ďalšie, čo by mohlo povedať niečo proti Tomu. "Každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo a Moje je Pravda."

39Nuž, pritom keď skúmame niektoré z týchto semien, zamyslime sa. Predstavme si tých Hebrejských mládencov, mám to tu, rozmýšľajme o tom, o tých Hebrejských mládencoch, potom čo oni boli preskúšaní ohľadne uctievania obrazu. Nuž, pamätáte si, kráľ povedal: "Ktokoľvek sa neskloní pred týmto obrazom, bude uvrhnutý do ohnivej pece." Nuž, títo Hebrejský mládenci verili, že Božie Slovo sa nemýli, že oni nemajú uctievať žiadny druh obrazu. Ale keď prišlo ku tomu rozhodujúcemu momentu, oni boli vyskúšaní čo urobia.

40Keď, všetky ostatné deti, ktoré tam boli, to prijali a išli aby sa poklonili. Urobili to presne tak ako to kráľ povedal. Oni išli s tou populárnou myšlienkou na ten deň, že oni to musia robiť.

41A keď oni boli dosvedčení, či sa budú klaňať obrazu a porušia Slovo Božie, oni zostali verní Slovu. Bez ohľadu na okolnosti, oni zostali verní Slovu. A keď ich uvrhli do ohnivej pece, Božie zasľúbenie sa vyplnilo. Oni zaujali bráni svojho nepriateľa. A postavil sa ku ním štvrtý muž, s kľúčom, ktorý oddelil žiaru od ohňa a ten im nemohol učiniť nič, než ako ich uvoľniť. Amen.

42Keď nejaký muž alebo žena je hotový ísť do skúšky, tej kyselinovej skúšky!

43Vidíte, oni museli ísť do ohňa. A potom keď to urobili, oni boli v ohni a tá jediná vec ktorá sa im stala, tá ohňová skúška len odomkla, odňala putá z ich rúk.

44Mnoho krát, Boh nás nechá, keď sa celý poviažeme s tým svetom, zamoceme. On nechá aby na nás prišli tie skúšky ohňom, kde musíme urobiť rozhodnutie. A keď to urobíme, tá jediná vec, ktorú tá skúška spôsobí, keď skutočné Semeno Abrahámovo stojí na tej križovatke rozhodnutia a rozhodne sa slúžiť Bohu, to môže jedine preseknúť putá a učiniť nás voľnými. Satan vám môže dať chorobu. On vám môže dať to alebo tamto. Ako viete či to nie je Boh, ktorí vás dostáva na križovatku, aby videl aké rozhodnutie učiníte?

45Oni zaujali brány ohňa. Oheň ich nemohol spáliť. Dokonca ani zápach ohňa nebol na nich, pretože oni vedeli že sú Semenom Abrahámovým a oni stáli po strane Boha a Jeho Slova. Oni sa zmocnili brán nepriateľa a oheň ich nemohol spáliť, pretože oni zdedili tie brány.

46Neskoršie, tam bol muž, prorok, ktorý sa nazýval Daniel. Mal sa podrobiť skúške, či bude slúžiť jedinému pravému Bohu, alebo nie. A keď prišiel ten čas, či on bude slúžiť jedinému pravému Bohu, alebo uctievať pohanského boha, on to odmietol učiniť; a zodvihol rolety a modlil sa ku svojmu Bohu, každý deň. A zobrali ho kvôli tomu, kvôli prekročeniu federálnych zákonov a bol hodený do jamy ľvov. Hladná svorka ľvov revala na neho. Čo on urobil? On sa zmocnil brány svojho nepriateľa. Levi ho nemohli zožrať. Boh poslal dole Ohnivý Stĺp. Anjela, ktorý sa postavil medzi neho a ľvi.

47On zdedil bránu toho nepriateľa, pretože bol preskúšaný aby sa ukázalo či sa bude klaňať jedinému pravému Bohu, alebo bude mať tucet pohanských bohov, ktorých bude uctievať. Tak on obstál v tej skúške a zaujal brány nepriateľa. Lev sa ho nemohol ani len dotknúť, pretože Boh bol s ním. Božie zasľúbenie zostalo pravdou, pretože on bol pravdivým Semenom Abrahámovým.

48Mojžiš, ó, ďalší veľkí príklad. On bol skúšaný, tak isto, aby videl zasľúbenie ktoré mu dal Boh. "Ja budem s tebou, keď pôjdeš tam dole." A keď sa on postavil pred tými napodobovateľmi jeho daru, Janesom a Jambresom, ktorý sa tam postavili a snažili sa napodobiť všetko, čo bolo prikázané robiť Mojžišovi. Boh ho povolal a on vedel že on je ten, ktorý bol tým poverený aby to robil a on sa tam postavil a učinil ten zázrak tak ako mu to Boh povedal. A tu stoja tí napodobovatelia, aby robili to isté, ale Mojžišovi to neprekážalo. On stál verne na Slove Božom a zaujal brány, amen, nepriateľa, pretože on stál verne na zasľúbení Božom a nevadilo mu, že niekto sa to snažil napodobňovať.

49Ó, aká lekcia pre každého kresťana! Keď sa dívate dookola a vidíte nejakého pokrytca, pamätajte len, on sa snaží napodobiť tú originálnu vec. Ale, to len ukazuje, že existuje ten, kto je originálny. Stojte verne na Slove Božom! Nezáleží na tom čo prichádza alebo odchádza, držte sa Jeho zasľúbenia. Tak veru, Daniel verne stál na Slove Božom.

50Nezáležalo na tom koľkí sa ho snažili napodobniť, i čokoľvek iné sa dialo, on zostal verný. A on prišiel za nejakým účelom, aby vyviedol Izraela z Egyptu a priviedol ho do zasľúbenej zemi. A keď nadišiel pre nich ten čas, aby išli do zasľúbenej zemi, preč z Egyptu, tam v ceste im stálo Mŕtve more. A on zaujal brány tej vody a tie brány sa v letku otvorili. A voda sa odstúpila nabok a Mojžiš previedol Izraela na púšť, ku tej hore, kde mu Boh dal poverenie aby ich tam priviedol. Amen. On zaujal brány nepriateľa.

51Jeho otec, Abrahám, mal to zasľúbenie, že jeho opravdové Semeno zaujme bránu nepriateľa. A brány tej vody boli zavrené a on sa cez ne nemohol dostať a to bola cesta služobnej povinnosti. Bola to jeho samo- zrejmá povinnosť, aby priviedol tieto deti ku tomu vrchu. Boh mu to povedal. A tu v ceste stála brána a on zaujal túto bránu nepriateľa.

52Jozue, o niečo neskoršie, keď prišli do Kádeš-barnei, čo bolo súdnou stolicou sveta v tom čase, tam Izrael stretol svoj súd. Nachádzame tu Józueho a Kálefa a dvanásť ďalších ... či vlastne desať ďalších. Z každého pokolenia bol poslaný jeden, aby prešpehovali zem, ktorú boli pripravení obdržať.

53A keď uvideli tých veľkých obrov, ktorí tam boli, desiati z nich sa cítili tak zle, že povedali: "Nemôžeme to zabrať. Je to príliš ťažké. Aha, pozrite sa akú máme opozíciu." A keď sa vrátili späť aby doniesli správu, oni priniesli zlú správu.

54Prečo oni priniesli zlú správu, keď Boh im povedal: "Dal som vám tú zem; je vaša"? On im to povedal tam dole v Egypte. "Dal som vám tú zem. Je to dobrá zem. Tečie mliekom a medom."

55Ale keď oni videli že opozícia je taká veľká, desiati z nich sa vrátili a povedali: "Nemôžeme to urobiť."

56Bol to Jozue, on upokojoval ľud a povedal: "My sme viac ako schopný aby sme to zaujali. Sme viac ako schopní!" Prečo? On hľadel na zasľúbenie. On bol opravdovým Semenom Abrahámovým. Bez ohľadu na to aká bola opozícia: "My môžeme zaujať tú bránu, pretože Boh nám zasľúbil tú zem." A oni zaujali tú bránu.

57Neskoršie potom, keď on priviedol deti Izraelove dolu ku rieke. Zastali tam, v mesiaci apríli, tá veľká rieka bola rozvodnená. Jordán stekajúci dole z vrchov sa rozlieval po rovinách. Vyzeralo to, akoby to bol najhorší čas, v roku, aký len mohol byť. Ale, jednako, on bol Abrahámovým semenom. On vedel, že má zasľúbenie a on sa nachádzal pri plnení svojich povinností. Boh mu dal videnie, ako to má urobiť a on zaujal brány tej rieky. Keď sa tie brány prudko otvorili, voda sa cúvala naspäť do vrchov. A Jozue a Izrael zaujali brány toho nepriateľa a prešli do zasľúbenej zemi, pretože Boh im povedal aby to urobili. Opravdové Semeno Abrahámove!

58Bratia a sestry, keď sa on tam dostal, Jericho bolo celé ohradené múrami, tak vysokými, že hore po vrchu by mohli vedľa seba bežať tri konské záprahy. Ako by to títo Izraelci mohli dobiť s požičanými, pozbieranými mečmi a všetkým a s palicami a kameňmi, ako oni tam vojdú? Ale on bol stále Semenom Abrahámovým. Boh mu dal videnie, povedal mu ako to má urobiť, povedal: "Zatrúbte na trúbu." Amen. To je ono. "Skríknite. Pochodujte rovno oproti múrom a brány padnú pred vami." Amen! On bol kráľovským Semenom Abrahámovým. On bol Božím opravdovým veriacim. "Tie brány sa zosypú pred tebou. Len začnite kričať a zatrúbte na trúbe. To je všetko čo musíte urobiť." A čo sa stalo? Tie bráni sa zrútili a Jozue zaujal mesto.

59O niečo neskoršie potom, nachádzame že nepriateľ bol rozmetávaný a boj pokračoval, po tom a on dokonca zastavil slnko na jeho dráhe. Ako som o tom hovoril raz ráno, na tému Paradox, On zastavil slnko, až kým sa nezmocnil brán svojho nepriateľa. Amen. On vedel, že ak by sa ten nepriateľ znovu dostal dokopy, ony boli rozprášení a slnko zapadalo a Amorejci a Amelechiti a tí ďalší, boli roztrúsení. Ak by sa oni znovu dostali do kopy a spoločne by prišli, potom by on mal ťažké chvíle aby ich znovu rozprášil. A bola len jedna vec ktorá zdržiavala a to bol čas. A on zastavil čas. Amen! Amen! Bola jediná vec ktorá ho zadržiavala od zasľúbenia a to bolo slnko, samotná príroda zasahovala do toho a on zastavil prírodu. Prečo? On bol Semenom Abrahámovým. On veril Božiemu zasľúbeniu. Zastavil ho a zaujal tie brány. Tak veru.

60Títo veľkí mužovia, všetci z nich boli veľkí mužovia. Ale viete, keď oni, každý jeden z nich, keď oni prišli ku bráne smrti, oni všetci zomreli. Každý jeden z nich musel zomrieť. Pretože to boli veľkí mužovia: "Oni zapchali ústa ľvom a vyhasili moc ohňa, utiekli ostriu meča," a tak ďalej, ako je nám to povedané v liste Židom v 11. kapitole. A oni zaujali brány nepriateľa, každého nepriateľa až na jedného a to bola smrť. Smrť pohltila každého jedného z nich.

61Potom jedného dňa, prišlo To Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma, Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží; Abrahámove Semeno, skrze vieru. Nie skrze Izáka, to prirodzené semeno; oni mali svoj diel. Ale tu prichádza Ten ktorý nebol prirodzene narodený. Tu prichádza Ten, ktorý neprišiel skrze sexuálnu žiadosť. Tu prichádza Ten, ktorý sa narodil z panny. Syn Boží., Semeno Abrahámove. Ó, čo za veľkého Muža to bol! Tí ostatní prirodzení boli všetci narodení prirodzeným narodením sa. Tento Muž sa narodil panenským narodením. Čo On robil, keď prišiel na svet? On porazil každého nepriateľa ktorého Satan mal. On porazil všetko.

62Čo On robil? On vyrazil a porazil nemoc. Okolo Neho nemohla byť žiadna nemoc; kdekoľvek bola nemoc On ju porazil. Čo urobil, potom keď nad tým zvíťazil? On nám dal kľúče, amen a povedal: "Čokoľvek zviažete na zemi, Ja to zviažem na Nebi." Ó! Amen! To je Abrahámove Kráľovské Semeno, Jeho zasľúbenie. Duch Svätý v nás teraz, s kľúčmi, zastavuje nemoc. On zvíťazil nad nemocou. Nemoc nemohla obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. A On povedal, že nám dal kľúče aby sme robili to isté, zvíťazili nad nemocou. "Čokoľvek zviažete na zemi, Ja zviažem na Nebi."

63A tiež, pokušenie, On bol vo všetkom pokúšaný, tak ako my. Čo On urobil? On nad tým zvíťazil. A čo nám povedal? "Sprotivte sa diablovi a utečie od vás." On pre nás porazil nemoc. On pre nás porazil pokušenie, porúcal tie brány; vzal ten kľúč od pokušiteľa a dal ho veriacemu, Abrahámovmu Semenu a povedal: "Ak vás pokúša, sprotivte sa mu a on od vás utečie." Ó! Sprotivte sa mu!

64On porazil oboje smrť i peklo. On povstal na tretí deň a povedal: "Zvíťazil som. A pretože Ja žijem, vy tiež žijete." Ó, čo za zasľúbenie! To platí pre Semeno Abrahámovo. On porazil hrob, vstal na tretí deň, na naše ospravedlnenie. Keď On povstal, On bol naším ospravedlnením. Čím nás to učinilo? On porazil nemoc. On porazil smrť. On porazil peklo. On porazil hrob. On porazil pokušenie. Ó!

66Potom čo už prešlo dvetisíc rokov, dvetisíc rokov a On je to stále v našom strede, ten mocný Víťaz, ktorý roztrhol oponu na dvoje, ktorý vzal každú nemoc, každú chorobu, všetko vzal na Seba, a zaniesol naše slabosti na kríž a naše nemoci a naše choroby a triumfoval nad nimi a povstal na naše ospravedlnenie a stojí živý po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, aby manifestoval Seba Samého, ako živý Ježiš Kristus, medzi kráľovským Semenom Abrahámovým, ktorí sú dedičmi všetkých vecí. Ó! Tí ktorí potom, prechádzajú cez skúšku, zasľúbenia Slova! Ak môžete veriť Slovu, potom ste tiež Semeno Abrahámove. Hľa ako ku Tomu prídete.

67Ak nemôžete prejsť cez túto skúšku Slova, potom ak o Tom pochybujete, len maličké podozrenie voči Tomu, vy sotva Tomu môžete veriť, kvôli tomu či tamtomu, vy tomu nemôžete veriť, potom neprichádzajte do modlitebnej rady. Zbytočne by som dokonca strácal čas pri oltári, až kým by ste nemohli obdržať dostatok milosti aby ste poznali, že Božie Slovo je pravda.

68A keď sa raz preboríte cez tú oponu nevery, potom uchopíte tie kľúče do rúk, kľúče smrti, pekla a hrobu, pretože máte Premožiteľa, ktorý to premohol za vás. Potom máte Židom 13.8., kde nám hovorí: "Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Ako to môžeme urobiť?

69Ľudia dnes hovoria: "No, dobre, poviem ti, On je v určitom zmysle, On je."

70Pozorujeme to hneď tu, keď vidíme potvrdzovanie sa Jeho Slova. Čo to spôsobuje? Tým je im To vrhnuté rovno späť do ich lona. Amen.

71To skutočné Semeno Abrahámove Tomu verí. Oni To vedia. A On zostal taký istý, dnes večer, aký bol vtedy keď stretol Abraháma tam vtedy v tých dňoch Lota a učinil ten zázrak, ako to urobil skrze to keď povedal Sáre čo ona povedala tam za Nim. Ježiš zasľúbil, že to Kráľovské Semeno Abrahámove, že Cirkev, znovu uvidí tú istú vec tesne pred Jeho príchodom. Čo to je? To sa musí stať. Boh to zasľúbil. Ježiš Kristus to potvrdil a povedal že to tak bude a my sme tu dnes, po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, vidíme Ho v našom strede a On je stále ten mocný Víťaz! On zvíťazil nad smrťou, peklom, hrobom, nad každou poverou; vzal Slovo ...?... tu. Áno.

72On povedal: "Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás, proste o čo chcete a bude vám to dané." Čo to je? Slovo, Kristus, Ktoré je vo vašom srdci.. "Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás, potom ste zvíťazili nad všetkým, pretože Ja som nad tým zvíťazil za vás. Ak zostanete vo Mne, ak so Mnou môžete súhlasiť, ak môžete zostať vo Mne. Ten kto Mi verí, ktorý Ma prijal; nie len zdanlivo verí, ale ktorý To môže prijať. Ten kto počul Moje Slová, rozumel Mojim Slovám a uveril v Toho ktorý Ma poslal, má večný Život; a nepôjde do pokušenia, či odsúdenia, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života." Tu Ho máme, mocný Víťaz!

73On je dnes tu, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On je tu účinkujúci pred Semenom Abrahámovým, ktoré bolo vyvolané von z Babylonu, vyvolané von zo Sodomy, vyvolané von zo sveta, a oddelené, práve cez ktoré On zjavuje Svoje zasľúbenie. Po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, On tu stojí v našom strede, dnes večer, ten mocný Víťaz, Slovo Božie, ktoré môže rozpoznávať myšlienky ktoré sú v srdci, a jeho úmysly. Čo to je? "Tvoje Semeno zdedí bránu svojich nepriateľov." Čo to je? To je Semeno Abrahámove, kráľovské Semeno, veriace Slovu. A to Slovo je - to Slovo je Boh.

74Nuž a keď to vidíme, môžeme vykríknuť s nimi, ako ten dávny básnik.

Žijúc, miloval ma; zomrúc, spasil ma;

Keď Ho pochovali, odniesol ďaleko preč moje hriechy,

keď vstal, ospravedlnil ma zdarma a naveky;

Jedného dňa príde, ó čo za slávny deň!

75Niekto mi raz povedal: "Starneš, chlapče." Nemôžem si pomôcť.

76Už od malého chlapca žijem za tým účelom, a mojím jediným cieľom, ktorý som kedy mal, je aby som uvidel Príchod Ježiša Krista. Dal som svoj život pre ten cieľ. Stále som za kazateľňou, ako starý človek, verím v to isté a tá najväčšia vec o ktorej môžem pomyslieť, je vidieť Ježiša Krista ako prichádza z neba aby prijal Svojich vlastných. Boh, potom môj ... Nie divu, že môžeme spievať:

Sláva mocnému Ježišovmu Menu!

Anjeli nech sa klaňajú;

Prineste kráľovskú korunu

a korunujte Ho, Pána všetkého.

77Prečo? On je mocný Víťaz. Ak ste v Ňom, ste v Slove. On povedal: "Ak zostanete vo Mne, proste si čo chcete." "Čo chcete," pretože každá brána už zostala dobitá. Potom môžeme povedať.:

Každé zasľúbenie v tejto Knihe je moje;

Každá kapitola, každý verš aj riadok;

Odpočívam v Jeho Božskom Slove;

Pretože každé zasľúbenie v tej Knihy je moje.

78Priatelia, uvedomujete si čo to znamená? Každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh dal Abrahámovi, každé zasľúbenie ktoré bolo vypovedané cez prorokov, každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Ježiš Kristus zasľúbil na tento deň, On je tu aby to potvrdil a ukázal, že On žije naveky. "Tvoje Semeno zaujme brány nepriateľa."

79A keď príde tá hodina smrti. Poviete: "A čo toto?" Vy stále máte to Dedičstvo čo Pavel povedal. "Ó, hrob, kde je tvoje víťazstvo? Ó, smrť, kde je tvoj osteň? Ale vďaka Bohu, Ktorý nám dal víťazstvo skrze toho mocného Víťaza, Ježiša Krista," Ó!

Anjeli nech sa klaňajú;

Prineste kráľovskú korunu

a korunujte Ho, Pána všetkého.

80Dnes večer, po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, sme tu aby sme Ho videli, stále, mocný Víťaz, ktorý roztrhol oponu, ktorá nás oddeľovala od každého zasľúbenia Božieho a my sme v Ňom viac ako víťazi.

Modlime sa.

81Nebeský Otče, sme tu dnes večer, v Prítomnosti Svätého Ducha, tej veľkej Osoby Ježiša Krista v Duchovnej forme, ktorý bol zasľúbený, že príde na Semeno Abrahámove, to kráľovské Semeno. Prosíme, ó Bože, ak je tu nejaký muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú; majú pochybnosti a nejasnosti vo svojej mysli, ohľadne Slova Božieho, či je To Pravda alebo nie. Ó veľký Bože, ktorý si dal to zasľúbenie, príď dnes večer! Je jedno veľké zasľúbenie, ktoré si nám dal , Pane; Ty môžeš dodržať to zasľúbenie, Ty si povedal: "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím, aj on bude činiť; väčšie ako tie bude činiť, pretože Ja idem ku Otcovi." Otče, Bože, modlíme sa aby si potvrdil Svoje Slovo.

82Mnoho detí Abrahámových je tu dnes večer, ktoré sú nemocné. Ó, diabol ich premohol; oni ich dostali do vnútra a zvrtli kľúčmi a povedali: "Teraz musíte zomrieť; máš nemocné srdce. Máš toto, tamto či niečo iné a musíš zomrieť."

83Ó Bože, nech zaznie tá jubilejná trúba Evanjelia dnes večer, aby každý otrok mohol byť slobodný! Ježiš Kristus dobil tie brány. My držíme kľúče vo svojich rukách. Ó! "V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov. Ak budete prosiť o niečo Otca v Mojom Mene, Ja to učiním. Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť. Slovo Božie je ostrejšie a mocnejšie než dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce do rozdelenia špiku a schopné posúdiť myšlienky ktoré sú v srdci."

86Nech vás Pán bohate žehná. Nebudem teraz robiť vyzvanie ku oltáru. Nechám to na vás. Myslím , že mnohokrát, oltárne výzvy ... Ja v to verím. "Ale všetci ktorí uverili dali sa pokrstiť." To je ono: "Všetci ktorí Ho prijali." Budeme sa modliť za chorých.

87Mohol by som tu hovoriť celú noc. Ste milým obecenstvom. Ale čo ja hovorím to je len človek; ale ak hovorím Jeho Slovo, potom to nie sú moje slová, to je Jeho Slovo. Ak niečo poviem , a Boh to nepodoprie, potom to bolo moje slovo. Ak ja poviem Jeho Slovo a On To podoprie, kto je ten hriešny muž či žena, chlapec či dievča, ktorý pôjde preč a povie že To nie je tak?

88Ježiš povedal, že keď On robil tieto veci oni povedali: "Tento človek je veštec. Má démona!"Veštec, každý vie že veštenie je z diabla. On povedal: "On je veštec." Ale videli ste niekedy nejakého veštca, ktorý by kázal Evanjelium? Videli ste niekedy nejakého veštca vyháňať démonov? Nie, skutočne, oni to nerobia.

89On povedal: "Teraz, Ja, Syn človeka vám to odpustím. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý, hovoriť proti Tomu nebude odpustené nikdy. Ani v tomto ani v budúcom svete, pretože to je potom nazývanie skutkov Božích nečistým duchom."

90Bože buď nám milostivý, dnes večer, prosím aby Boh prišiel dole a potvrdil toto Slovo pred vami.

91Brat, sestra, toto je moja duša. Musím sa postaviť pred Bohom. Som zodpovedný za to čo vám hovorím. Boh ma bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. Je to tak. Čo by som z toho mal, že by som tu stál a hovoril vám tieto veci, keby som vedel že za to by som utratil svoju dušu v pekle?

93Semeno Abrahámove zaujme brány svojich nepriateľov." Veríte to- mu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

94Keby som vás mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to. Kristus vás už uzdravil. Jediná vec, vy máte ten kľúč vo svojej ruke. Ten kľúč je vaša viera, aby ste ho vzali a uchopili. Odomkli to, dnes večer, či chcete? Zatiaľ čo On príde do nášho stredu, ten Mocný Víťaz, ktorý zvíťazil nad každou nemocou a prišiel sem a ukázal vám, že On to už urobil, preto že On je stále to Slovo. "A Slovo je posudzovačom myšlienok ktoré sú v srdci."

95Aká modlitebná karta? B, jedna až ... Od kade sme začínali minulý večer? [Niekto hovorí: "Od jedna." - pozn.prekl.] Začnime od päťdesiat. Kto má modlitebnú kartu B, päťdesiat? Zodvihnite ruku. Modlitebná karta B. Začali sme od jedna, minulý večer, dnes večer začneme od päťdesiat.

96Kto má B, B, päťdesiat? Zodvihnite ruku. Modlitebná karta B, päťdesiat. Myslíte že nie je tu? Máte ju? V poriadku, B, päťdesiat. B, päťdesiatjeden kto to má? B, päťdesiatjeden, v poriadku. B, päťdesiatdva, kto má B, päťdesiatdva? V poriadku, vy to máte. B, päťdesiattri, päťdesiatštyri, poďte rovno sem. Päťdesiatštyri, päťdesiatpäť.

97Môj chlapec ide tu dole, prv ako ja sem prídem a pomieša tú hromadu karát. A hľaďte ako oni sú, jedna tu a jedna tam? Oni nevedia. Môžete prejsť tu dole túto radu a dostať jednotku, ďalšia dostane desiatku, ďalší dostane dvadsať päť. My neviem kde sa oni nachádzajú, ale, niekde sú.

98Nuž, koľkých sme zavolali? Päť, štyri? B, päťdesiat až päťdesiat päť. Päťdesiatšesť, päťdesiatsedem, päťdesiatosem, päťdesiatdeväť, šesťdesiat. A teraz sa pozrime, jeden, dva ... Spočítaj ich, Billy a my ...šesťdesiat, sedemdesiat, nech si tu prv zastanú, ak môžu. B, päťdesiat až sedemdesiat, sedemdesiat päť. Porátaj ich, brat Roy, ak sa ti dá, zatiaľ čo ja budem hovoriť k ľuďom.

99Koľkí z vás teraz ako sa sem takto dívate a nemáte modlitebnú kartu?

100Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal: "Skutky ktoré som Ja činil, aj vy budete činiť." Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl..] Je to pravda. Veríte tomu? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Tak povie Semeno Abrahámove.

101Biblia hovorí, že: "On je najvyšší Kňaz." Židom, 4. kapitola: "On je Najvyšší Kňaz, ktorý dokáže súcitiť s našimi slabosťami." Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ako to On urobí?

102Bola jedna prostá žena, v Biblii, dávajte pozor čo hovorím. Prostá žena, v Biblii, možno že ona nemala modlitebnú kartu; ale ona si povedala vo svojom srdci: "Ak sa budem môcť dotknúť toho Muža, ja Mu verím." Ona minula všetko čo mala, pre dok-... na doktorov. Oni jej nemohli pomôcť. Jej prípad bol príliš ťažký. Oni jej nemohli pomôcť. Ale ona verila, že Boh jej môže pomôcť. A ona sa dotkal lemu, Jeho rúcha.

103A On povedal: "Cítim že vyšla zo mňa moc." Je to pravda?

104Veríte že On je ten istý dnes večer? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Veríte že On je tu? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Koľkí veria že On vstal z mŕtvych? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Nuž ako môžete dokázať že On vstal z mŕtvych?

105Nie tak dávno, ako prišiel ku mne jeden veľmi známi Baptista a povedal mi: "Brat Branham, bol som porazený - porazený, jedného času, skrze Mohamedána ktorý povedal toto. On povedal, 'Ak On vstal, On zasľúbil, že On bude robiť tie isté veci. Nech Ho to teda vidíme robiť.'" Vidíte, oni veria, že On to neurobil.

106Ale my veríme že On to urobil. Veríme že On vstal z mŕtvych. Neexistuje žiadne iné náboženstvo na svete ktoré, by mohlo potvrdiť že jeho zakladateľ je živý, okrem Kresťanstva. A jediný spôsob ako to Boh môže potvrdiť, je skrze tých ktorí tomu veria; pretože to je jediný spôsob že Boh predvedie Svoje Slovo, pri tých ktorí tomu veria.

107A tak zatiaľ čo sa oni tu stavajú do modlitebnej rady. Ja neviem koľ- kých budeme schopní vziať. Ja chcem každého jedného z vás, zachovajte svoje pozície, zachovajte svoje miesto, nechoďte hore dole. Dívajte sa sem a modlite sa, povedzte: "Pane Ježišu, ja verím."

108Pamätáte si, On mi povedal: "Ak privedieš ľudí do toho aby ti verili; a potom buď úprimný keď sa modlíš." To prešlo cez celý tento národ, hore dole, za pätnásť rokov, ani raz to nesklamalo. To nemôže sklamať.

109Boh, jednu vec Boh nedokáže urobiť a to sklamať. On musí dodržať Svoje Slovo. Ja tomu verím. Verím tomu, že práve tak ako ja ... verím tomu viac než ako že ja tu stojím, verím tomu viacej než ako že som v tejto budove; toto môže byť fatamorgána, môže to byť sen. V mojej duši, viem že Ježiš Kristus ten Syn Boží žije. A vy keď ste Semeno Abrahámove, vy ste mŕtvi v Kristovi, ste Semeno Abrahámove.

110Nuž oni tu majú nejaké ručníčky. Deje sa skrze to veľký úspech, pri ľuďoch ktorí veria. A teraz skloňme hlavy, zatiaľ čo sa oni pripravujú a modlime sa za ne.

111Nebeský Otče, sme naučení v Biblii a tu sú ľudia ktorí veria každému Slovu ktoré si povedal, že Je pravda. Pane, oni sem tam sa zapotácali a špárali pri kľúčovej dierky, s kľúčom, nemôžuc trafiť do nej a doodierali sa, ale oni veria že to tam je. Nechaj ich len špárať, oni nájdu tú kľúčovú dierku, pretože ona tam je. A tento kľúč je ten pravý: "Ak budeš veriť, všetko je možné." Tak ako teraz spievajú tú pieseň, či hrajú.

112V Biblii je povedané toto: "Z tela Pavlovho odnášali ručníčky a zástery a posielali ich nemocným a postihnutým a nečistý duchovia odchádzali od nich a oni boli uzdravení.

113A teraz, Pane, my vieme že svätý Pavel je s Tebou. Ale, to nebol on; to si bol Ty, Pane, Kristus v ňom. "Nie ja, ale Kristus ktorý žije vo mne," povedal on .

114A teraz pre túto generáciu, Ty si stále Kristus, dnes ako si bol včera. A keď sa modlím nad týmito ručníčkami, dotýkajúc sa ich, prosím aby si Ty porazil každého nepriateľa. Daj im vieru, nech vedia že ten nepriateľ je porazený.

115A raz, červené more, ako sme o tom práve hovorili, odrezalo Izraela od zasľúbenia a oni konali svoju povinnosť. A jeden spisovateľ povedal toto: "Boh sa pozrel dole s hnevom v očiach, cez ten Ohnivý Stĺp a more sa naľakalo a otvorilo svoje brány a oni prešli cezeň."

116Pohliadni dole, dnes večer, skrze Krv Ježiša Krista. A nech, keď tieto ručníčky budú položené na chorých, nech ten nepriateľ uvidí našu vieru, dnes večer, ako sa za nich modlíme modlitbou viery. A nech je oslobodený každý jeden z nich, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

117A teraz chcem aby ste mi venovali plnú pozornosť. Ktokoľvek je pri mikrofóne, môžete to zosilniť. Pretože, ak Duch Svätý to bude robiť ... Nehovorím že On bude.

118A tak ktokoľvek by tu prišiel a povedal vám, že oni majú moc aby uzdravili nemocných, neverte tomu. Tá moc je všetka v Kristovi. On je ten Víťaz, nie vy a ja. My len prijímame to čo On učinil. Žiadny človek nemá tú moc aby vás spasil alebo uzdravil.

119Pre každého človeka na tom svete, tá cena už zostala zaplatená. To čo bolo požadované zostalo zaplatené. Ako sa to stalo? "On bol zranený za naše prestúpenia, Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení." Za vaše uzdravenie je zaplatené. Vaše spasenie je zaplatené. Máte vieru aby ste prišli, prijali to? To je všetko. Vaše Semeno Abrahámove, máte Ho. Boh to zasľúbil. Je niečo vo vás, čo vám hovorí, že to tam je a je to tam.

120A tak čo je to dar? Je to dar ísť a uzdravovať ľudí? Nie. Dar to je odsunúť seba samého z cesty a tak vás Boh môže použiť.

121Nuž On to zasľúbil, posledný znak, podľa Ježiša Krista: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tesne pred tým ako bola spálená." Nie pred tými inými vecami ktoré sa tam odohrávali. Evanjelium tam bolo kázané skrze Lota a tak ďalej; nie to. Ale tesne pred tým ako bola spálená, Boh zostúpil dole vo forme človeka a bol s tou vyvolenou Cirkvou, Abrahámom a jeho skupinou, ktorý mal to zasľúbenie.

122A teraz si zapamätajte, len Abrahámove Semeno obdržalo toto: "Ešte krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí," povedal Ježiš. "Ale vy ma uvidíte, pretože Ja budem s vami, vo vás, až do konca sveta."

123Ale On zasľúbil, že tesne pred tým ako sa znovu navráti: "Ako bolo v Sodome," hľaďte čo sa deje v Sodome; hľaďte čo sa deje v tej vyvolenej Cirkvi, On povedal: "tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Boh zamanifestovaný vo forme človeka, ktorý bol chrbtom otočený ku stanu a povedal, čo tam Sára vo vnútri stanu učinila. Každý vie, že je to Pravda, zodvihnite ruky. Je to presne tak. Nuž On to zasľúbil. Sme na konci času. A tak pamätajte, to bola posledná vec, ktorá sa stala; a ten pohanský svet zhorel, Sodoma a ten zasľúbený syn prišiel na scénu. My očakávame zasľúbeného Syna, Syna Božieho.

124Sme tu. Nech Boh otvorí naše oči. Neviem čo iné by som mal ešte povedať. Nech On otvorí naše oči.

125A teraz Nebeský Otče, ja som bezmocný, som hruda hliny, ktorú si Ty sformoval dokopy a postavil tu. Ó Bože, nech smiem, dnes večer, mať Tvoju milosť a prítomnosť, aby sa mohlo stať, že by si Ty mohol použiť túto malú hrudku hliny, ktorú tu máš. Aby títo, Pane, ktorých si povolal do Večného života a oni to zatiaľ ešte neprijali, nech oni môžu vidieť tie zasľúbenia. Oni možno boli vyučovaní, že to platilo na iný deň, ale je to tu v Biblii. Potvrď to, Pane. To je Tvoj vlastný výklad. To nič viac okrem toho nepotrebuje. Ak to Ty učiníš len tak, potom oni budú vidieť, že Slovo je pravda. Učiň to, Otče. Porúčame sa Tebe.

126Nech každý kto je tu, Pane, použije svoju vieru, dnes večer. Nech každý člen Rodu Abrahámovho, skrze Ježiša Krista, má vieru, dnes večer a prijme Tvoju prítomnosť. A my Tebe oddáme chválu. Amen.

127A teraz, je toto ... A teraz toto je zvláštne... Chcem aby ste my teraz pomohli, modlite sa so mnou. Seďte opravdu potichu, netočte sa dookola. Seďte potichu, modlite sa.

128A teraz, aha, toto sa mení z evanjelizácii, do uvoľnenia sa až tak, aby Duch Boží vás cele mohol vziať do inej dimenzii.

129Teraz tu stojí táto mladá... Poď sem trošku bližšie, pani, tak je to dobre, nechcem odísť od mikrofónu. Vidíš, ja neviem čo sa deje, vidíte a potom niekedy, viete ... Nuž jediný spôsob ako to viem, je to na mikrofóne, vidíte a oni sa to tam snažia zachytávať a ja proste neviem čo...

130Nuž my sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Ja ťa nepoznám, nikdy v živote som ťa nevidel. Ale ty si o mnoho mladšia ako ja. A narodili sme sa pravdepodobne míle ďaleko od seba a mnoho rokov od seba. Toto je naše prvé stretnutie. Je to pravda? Ak je to tak zodvihni ruku, aby to aj v publiku mohli vidieť. Nuž, je to proste nejaká žena ktorá tu stojí.

131Pozrite sa, navráťme sa späť do Písma. Vezmime Evanjelium Jána 4. kapitolu. Všetci si to prečítajte, keď prídete domov. Nie, že táto žena by bola tým typom; Ja neviem. A vy viete že ja nie som Ježiš Kristus. Ale On je tu. To je On. A teraz Jeho Duch, ktorý nás pomazáva, môže zjaviť čo ju trápi, tak ako to On urobil tej žene pri studni. To je tá istá vec.

132A, skrze to, kde tí kňazi a vodcovia v tom čase, povedali: "Tento človek je veštec, alebo diabol, Belzebúb."

133Táto žena povedala: "Pane, poznávam že Ty si prorok. My vieme že prichádza Mesiáš a toto bude Jeho znak."

134Nuž, koľkí viete že je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Dobre, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, či to nebude Jeho znak i dnes večer? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Zasľúbil to On, že to tak bude, tesne pred koncom času? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Nuž hľaďte či On dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie ktoré dal Abrahámovmu Semenu.

135Nuž ak si niekto tu myslí že je to falošné, poďte sem hore a robte to isté. Ak to tak nie je, potom nehovorte nič o tom. Máte tú možnosť.

136A teraz, v Kristovom Mene, beriem každého ducha pod svoju kontrolu, na chválu a slávu Božiu.

137Budem musieť s tebou chvíľku hovoriť, mladá pani. Vieš, náš Pán hovoril ku tej žene pri studni. On povedal: "Daj sa mi napiť." Čo On robil?

138Nuž dávaj pozor, On povedal v Ev. Jána v 5-tej kapitoly: "Amen, amen vám hovorím, Syn," to bol On, telo: "nemôže nič činiť sám od seba," len ako videl že činí Otec. "Čo činil Otec, On ukázal Synovi." Vidíte: "Ja nemôžem nič činiť sám od seba, ale ako to vidím činiť Otca." Potom, Ježiš nikdy neučinil žiadny zázrak, až kým mu to prv Otec neukázal vo videní; nie že by mu to bol povedal do ucha, ale ukázal Mu to. "Čo vidím," nie čo počujem: "čo vidím činiť Otca." To je to čo Ho urobilo Prorokom, tak ako Mojžiša, ako Mojžiš povedal. Nuž keď On vedel že Otec ... On bol ...

139On išiel do Jericha, ale On musel ísť cez Samáriu a prišiel do mesta Sychar. A teraz hľaďte, Samaritáni očakávali na Mesiáša.

140Tí židia očakávali na to a On im ukázal Svoj znak. Filip, Natanael, Peter, ako náhle ten znak bol učinený, oni povedali: "Ty si ten Syn Boží."

Tí rabíni povedali: "Tento človek je Belzebúb."

141Ale zapamätajte si teraz, Pohania, my, my sme boli Anglo-Sasi, my-my sme neočakávali žiadneho Mesiáša. My sme boli pohania, Rimania, a tak ďalej. My sme neočakávali žiadneho Mesiáša. On prichádza jedine ku tým ktorí Ho očakávajú.

142Ale Samaritáni Ho očakávali a tak On musel ísť cez nich, cez Samáriu. Sadol si pri studni. Nejaká mladá pani, pravdepodobne v tvojom veku, vyšla tam von. Ona bola žena zlej povesti. Čítali ste ten príbeh, dúfam. A On povedal: "Žena, daj sa mi napiť."

143Ona povedala: "Ó, to nebýva zvykom pre Teba, Žida, žiadať o niečo samaritána."

144On povedal: "Ale keby si vedela s Kým hovoríš, ty by si žiadala Mňa aby som ti dal napiť."

145Rozhovor pokračoval. Nakoniec, On zistil kde je jej problém. Pamätáte sa čo to bolo? Ona mala príliš mnoho mužov. A povedal: "Choď vezmi svojho muža a prídi sem."

Ona povedala: "Nemám žiadneho."

146Povedal jej: "Dobre si povedala," povedal: "pretože si mala piatich a ten s ktorým teraz žiješ nie je tvoj muž."

147Ona povedala: "Pane, vidím že Ty si prorok. My vieme že Mesiáš príde, On nám povie tieto veci."

A On povedal: "Ja som On."

148Ona tam nechala svoje vedru, bežala do mesta a hovorila: "Poďte, vidzte Muža ktorý mi povedal čo som urobila. Či to nie je ten Mesiáš?" Oni nemali proroka už štyristo rokov. A tu bol Muž, ktorý tvrdil že je Mesiáš a dokázal že je prorok a ukázal znak Mesiáša.

149Spôsobilo by to pri vás že by ste verili v to isté, keby On urobil tú istú vec, súc ten istý včera, dnes i naveky a On zasľúbil skrze tieto Písma, že On to bude robiť?

Spôsobilo by to pri tomto publiku že by tomu uverilo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

150Ty trpíš na chorobu obličiek. Ak je to tak, zodvihni ruku.

151Prečo vždy toto narazí na moju tvár? Niekto povedal: "On to uhádol." Vôbec som to neuhádol.

152Tu, ona je pekná žena. Veríš mi? Nuž ty vieš, že ja som to vôbec neuhádol. Dovoľ mi povedať ešte niečo. Tvoj muž je tu s tebou. On je tak isto nemocný. Či nie? Na chrbticu. Je to tak. Či nie? Máš tu zo sebou malého chlapca. On je tiež nemocný. Chceš aby sa modlilo za neho. Má niečo s očami. Je to tak. Máš tu zo sebou malé dievča, ona tak isto má problémy s obličkami, ako ty. Je to tak? Nuž, môžete byť všetci zdraví, ak budete veriť. Veríš tomu? Boh nech vás žehná. Choď svojou cestou a buď zdravá.

153Veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Čo to je? Čo sa on snaží robiť? Pre teba, Semeno Abrahámove, On ti ukazuje že nie je mŕtvy. Ja nedokážem robiť tieto veci. On nie je mŕtvy. Ale On žije, ukazuje vám že máte právo aby ste zaujali brány svojho nepriateľa. Tým to má byť vybavené.

154Táto pani, poď sem, na chvíľu. My sme, tak približne v jednom veku, predpokladám. Ale sme si cudzí jeden druhému, pokiaľ viem. Ja ťa nepoznám, sme si cudzí. Nič o tebe neviem. Ak je to tak, zodvihni ruku, dobre. [Tá sestra hovorí: "Je to tak." - pozn.prekl.] Niekto z nich ti dal proste modlitebnú kartu a ty si tu. V poriadku. Nuž ak Pán Ježiš ...

155Ak by som snáď povedal, že by som sa snažil zaujať miesto brata Orala Robertsa, alebo miesto niektorého z tých veľkých mužov viery, povedal by som: "Pani, čo ťa trápi?"

156Ty by si povedala: "Nuž, je mi toto a toto," a teraz on by sa mohol mýliť. Vidíte? Neviem. Vidíte? Ale, ty mu môžeš povedať čo ťa trápi.

157On by na teba položil ruky a povedal: "Boh ma poslal aby som sa modlil za chorých. Veríš tomu? " "Áno." "Sláva Bohu! Choď a ver."

158To je v poriadku. To je v poriadku. Boh to zasľúbil. Ale, vidíte, my žijeme teraz trošku ďalej ako vtedy. Ježiš zasľúbil: "Ako bolo za dní Sodomy. Skutky ktoré Ja činím vy tiež budete."

159Nuž ak mi Boh môže povedať čo si ty bola, ty vieš či je to pravda ale- bo nie. On ti môže povedať čo budeš. A ak je to pravda, potom toto bude tiež pravda. Ak to On povie, či, ja nevie; ale ak mi On povie čo ti je.

160Budete tomu tiež veriť, publikum? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

161V skutočnosti by som mohol prestať. Ten jeden krát, tá osoba ktorá tu bola pred chvíľou, to by to mohlo potvrdiť. Ježiš to urobil raz. On to neurobil nikdy znovu. Každý v Sychar tomu uveril, uverili svedectvu tej ženy, keď ona prišla, povedala im a to bola žena nie dobrej povesti. Nejaká kresťanka práve opustila pódium, pred vami všetkými! Amen. Ale pretože je neskoršie ako si myslíme, nech pokračuje Pán a potvrdí Seba Samého, ten veľký, mocný Víťaz, aby Semeno Abrahámovo ... Ale ako Abrahám, On to urobil pre Abraháma, jeden krát; potom to zničil a urobil to znovu. Aby Abrahám neprestajne veril Bohu.

162Ty si tu nie kvôli sebe. Si tu kvôli niekomu inému a to je jedna pani. Je to tvoja sestra. [Sestra hovorí: "Ó, Pane!" – pozn.prekl.] A tá pani je zatienená smrťou. ["Môj Bože!"] A ona trpí na cukrovku. ["Ó!"] A ona nie je odtiaľto. ["Nie."] Ona je z ... Ona je z Luisiany, z močaristého kraju. [Ó, ó, ó!"] Tak je. A tu je ďalšia vec, že toto zhromaždenie to môže vedieť. Ty máš dcéru ktorá je vážne chorá, ona plánuje navštíviť toto zhromaždenie a ona má epilepsiu. ["Ó, ó, ó!"] Je to tak. Je to pravda. Či nie? ["Ó!"] Veríš teraz? ["Áno. Amen."] Ak si Semenom Abrahámovým, prijmi to a choď, [Sestra hovorí: "Môj Pane! Môj Pane!" - pozn.prekl.] a buď uzdravená v Mene Ježiša Krista.

163 Veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Samozrejme. Pamätajte, to je Jeho zasľúbenie. On povedal že to bude robiť. On dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie.

164Ako sa máš? Sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Nepoznám ťa. Ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš že ak mi Boh môže zjaviť čo ťa trápi, potom budeš vedieť že to musí pochádzať z nejakej duchovnej moci. [Tá sestra hovorí: "Tak je." - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, sú len dve veci z kadiaľ to môže pochádzať, aby si si to mohla predstaviť. Keď sa to stane, nedá sa to vysvetliť, pretože to je nadprirodzený jav. A, tak isto, je to paradox; niečo, nuž, je to nevysvetliteľné, jednako je to pravda. Bol by to paradox. A ti to teraz vieš, či je to pravda alebo nie, ty to budeš vedieť, či ti On povedal pravdu.

165Nuž, pamätaj, ja ťa nepoznám. To musí byť Niekto pomimo mňa. Ak sa zachováš tak ako tí farizeovia a povieš: "Ó, to je nečistý duch," potom máš tú odplatu. Ak veríš že je to Kristus, máš Jeho odplatu. A ty tomu môžeš veriť iba preto, že to On zasľúbil na tento deň a nebolo toho od vtedy až do teraz. To svedčí, že toto je čas konca.

166Je niekto kto je stále pred tvojimi očami, po celý ten čas. Je to muž, šedivý. Je to tvoj manžel. [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] Sedí rovno tam. Snaží sa prijať svoje uzdravenie, je zatienený rakovinou, nádormi, rakovinou. Ty máš problémy s obličkami, problémy s mechúrom. ["Áno."] Vy ste pán a pani Littleoví. ["Sme."] Je to pravda? ["Áno."] Verte z celého svojho srdca a buďte uzdravený.

168Je tu muž. Sme si cudzí, jeden druhému, pane. Nepoznám ťa. Ale ty si muž, ako - ako Peter prichádzajúci ku Pánovi Ježišovi, tak sme sa stretli. Veríš, že som Jeho služobník? Veríš, že čo som povedal je pravda? [Ten brat hovorí: "Áno, pane, Verím, pane." - pozn.prekl.] Ak tomu môžeš veriť! ["Áno, pane."] Ja, ak by bolo niečo čo by som mohol pre teba urobiť, urobil by som to, ale ja nič nemôžem urobiť. On to už urobil; je len niečo čo ťa dovedie do toho, aby si veril. A, pozri sa, to nebudem ja. Keby som to bol ja, urobil by som všetko čo by som pre teba mohol. Ale On mi dal dar a ja sa len uvoľním pred Ním a On bude hovoriť. ["Tak je to. Áno, pane."] Veríš tomu? ["Áno."]

169Veríte tomu, publikum? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

170Chcel som nájsť nejakého človeka. Máš viacej vecí s ktorými máš problémy. Ale jednou z týchto vecí je, že máš nádor na svojom pravom oku. To je tvoj hlavný problém. Tu je ďalšia vec, nejaká žena sa tu stále objavuje. Je to tvoja žena. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať čo je tu s tvojou ženou? Jej nemoc je v jej ústach. Sú to jej zuby. Je to tak. Či veríš, že ten istý Ježiš, ktorý vedel kto bol Šimon Peter, mi môže povedať kto si ty? [Ten brat hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] Spôsobí to u teba, že budeš pevne veriť? ["Áno, tak."] Spôsobí? ["Áno."] Oskar Barnes. ["To je pravda." - pozn.prekl.] Je to pravda? Choď domov, buď uzdravený.

171[Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] ...pre teba cudzí. Nepoznám ťa, ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš, že On je schopný povedať mi aká je tvoja nemoc? Budeš tomu veriť z celého svojho srdca? Tvoja nemoc sa nachádza okolo tvojho hrdla a tu v tvojich prsiach. Je to rozklad kostí. Začínaš mať opuchliny, ako a uzliny vo vnútri kostnej štruktúry. Je to tak. Ty si nie odtiaľto. Bývaš v meste kde všade okolo rastú pomaranče. Ono je rozložené v údolí, s panorámou hôr za sebou. Je tam hotel ktorý sa nazýva Antlers. Je to San Bernardíno. Z tade pochádzaš. Vráť sa domov, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje, ak tomu budeš veriť.

172Je len jedna vec, ktorá môže uzdraviť rakovinu, to je Boh. Veríš že On ťa uzdraví? [Ten brat hovorí: "Naozaj verím." - pozn.prekl.] Ver tomu! Choď a nech Pán Boh ťa úplne uzdraví.

173Dôvod, že si bola mimoriadne znervóznená, skutočne rozrušená. Skrze tú nervozitu sa tvoj žalúdok dostal do určitého stavu. Nemôžeš stráviť potravu; tlačí sa ti to hore do úst. Je to kyselina v tvojich ústach. Neskoro popoludní, začínaš byť veľmi unavená. Vo svojom žalúdku, na zažívacom ústrojenstve máš vred. Veríš, že toto je Ježiš Kristus, ktorý ti toto môže povedať? [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] Choď a zjedz svoju večeru. Ver z celého svojho srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

174Ako sa máš? Mnoho vecí nie je v poriadku. Ale jedna je ktorej sa obávaš, že sa staneš mrzákom so svojím zápaľom kĺbov. Ale veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví, že ťa toho pozbaví? [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.]

175Pane Ježišu, modlím sa aby si to učinil mojej sestre. Daj jej zrak. Odním od tejto pani tú nemoc a uzdrav ten zápaľ kĺbov, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

176Choď teraz a ver. On to urobí a bude to v poriadku. Nepochybuj, len kráčaj dopredu a ver z celého svojho srdca.

177Potiaže so srdcom to je hrozná vec, ale Kristus uzdravuje srdce. Veríš tomu? [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] Choď, ver tomu a všetko to bude uzdravené, všetko čo tam je.

178Veríš, že budeš ochromená? Nie, ja si to tiež nemyslím. Moja mienka, zápaľ kĺbov; to tam zatieňuje, oh, to je rakovina. [Tá sestra hovorí: "Oh, oh!" - pozn.prekl.] Veríš že On to uzdraví? ["Áno, verím."] Choď, ver tomu. On ťa uzdraví.

179To ťa trápi, s prestávkami, blokáda v srdci. Ale veríš, že to pominie, dnes večer? Choď, ver tomu, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

180Máš trochu problémy, ženské potiaže, už po dlhý čas. A potom, ti je, máš ťažkosti keď ráno vstávaš. Máš stŕpnuté svoje údy. Sotva môžeš chodiť a to trvá až nejaký čas dňa. Je to zápal kĺbov. Choď, nepochybuj, už to viacej nebudeš mať. Len tomu ver, s celého svojho srdca.

181Máš niekoľko vecí, komplikácií. Ale jedna vec, ktorá ťa tak veľmi trápi, tak isto myslíš na zápal kĺbov, ktorý ťa zmrzačuje. Veríš že On učiní aby si chodila a bola zdravá? [Tá sestra hovorí: "Áno, pane." - pozn.prekl.] Choď, ver tomu z celého svojho srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví.

182Srdcová nervozita a zápal kĺbov, ale veríš že Boh ťa uzdraví? Veríš? Choď a nech Pán Ježiš ťa uzdraví.

183Ten žalúdok ti skutočne dal mnoho vytrpieť v tých niekoľkých posledných rokoch, či nie? Už to viacej neurobí. Choď, ver tomu. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

184Ty môžeš ísť tak isto, tvoj žalúdok je uzdravený. Choď, ver z celého svojho srdca. Nepochybuj.

185Je ti ťažko pri dýchaní, tá stará astma ťa skutočne ubíja. Nebude to robiť. Veríš, že to teraz bude napravené? [Ten brat hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, choď a ver tomu. Amen.

186Hallelujah! Veríte z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie jasá. - pozn.prekl.]

187Chvíľočku. Vidíte tam to Svetlo? Drobná čierna pani, díva sa tu na mňa, sedí rovno tu dole, ona má na svojom ľavom boku výrastok. Je nemocná na obličky, má komplikácie. Ty máš viacej viery. Ty sem nemusíš ísť. Je to preč od teba. Len tomu ver. Amen. Maj vieru v Boha!

Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

188Veríš, sestra, že sa dostaneš zo svojej nemoci chrbtice, ako tu sedíš? Veríš, že On ťa uzdraví? V poriadku. Len nepochybuj o tom a môžeš to mať ak tomu len budeš veriť.

189Ten muž, ktorý tu sedí, díva sa na mňa, trpí na prostatu, vstáva po nociach a tak ďalej. Veríš, pane? Bude tomu koniec, potom, ak tomu budeš veriť.

190Tu sedí farebný muž, tu neďaleko, díva sa na mňa. Trpí na epilepsiu. A tiež usiluje o krst Duchom Svätým. Postav sa na svoje nohy, pane, prijmi svoje uzdravenie. Nech ti Boh dá krst Duchom Svätým. Amen.

191Sediaci tam krížom od teba, je to dieťa ktoré tam sedí, ono tiež má epilepsiu, taký druh že stráca reč, ono sedí tam, tam na druhej strane. Veríte, že Boh uzdraví tam to dieťa? Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Potom Boh to dieťa uzdraví.

192Veríte, každý jeden? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Či nie je On skutočne Abrahámovým Kráľovským Semenom? ["Amen."] Či nie je On ten mocný Víťaz? ["Amen."] Zasľúbil On, že môžete obdržať brány nepriateľa? ["Amen."]

193Koľkí z vás sú poviazaní, cítia nátlak nepriateľa? Zodvihnite ruky, ktorí cítite nátlak nepriateľa. A vy ste Abrahámove Semeno, zodvihnite takto svoje ruky. Povedzte: "Brat Branham, som sužovaný nervozitou." Oh, to je z vás okolo osemdesiat percent, ktorý trpia na to. Povedzte, ja ... Oh, je to teraz tak mohutné, celý zástup sa stáva akoby veľká plocha mlieka, až ma to takmer zaslepuje, tam kde ste.

194Nevidíte, že tu možno, dvadsať alebo tridsať, prípadov, alebo viacej, rovno tu na pódiu, i pomimo v publiku, kde Boh nesklamal? To je Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Potom prečo nie, každé Semeno Abrahámove, prečo nevezmeš teraz ten kľúč? Ten veľký Víťaz, ktorý to dobil pre teba, je tu. On potvrdil že je tu. Veríte Mu? ["Amen." - pozn.prekl.]

195Potom vezmite svoj kľúč viery, uchopte ho svojimi rukami a povedzte: "Ježišu Kriste, verím v svoje uzdravenie, hneď teraz." Postavte sa na svoje nohy. Pozdvihnite svoje ruky, uvoľníte teraz svoju vieru. "Verím, Pane Ježišu. Verím hneď teraz."

196A teraz položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Položte svoje ruky jeden cez druhého, ďalšie Semeno Abrahámove. A teraz sa modlite za tú osobu. Položte na nich svoje ruky. Ježiš povedal: "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia. Keď na chorých budú klásť ruky, oni budú uzdravení."

197Satan, prehral si ten boj. V Mene Ježiša Krista, odíď odtiaľto a nech títo ľudia idú, ku chvále Božej.

THE PATRIARCH ABRAHAM, 64-0207, Kern County Fairgrounds, Kern County Fairgrounds, Bakersfield, CA, 65 min

1 Book of Genesis again, the 22nd chapter, beginning with the 15th verse, and we expect now just to speak for a few moments and start the service. Genesis 22, beginning with the 15th verse.

And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,

And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sands which are upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemy;

And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

2 What a promise, because of obedience! Obedience is what God wants. It was once said, "Obedience is better than sacrifice." To obey the Lord is better than any sacrifice that you could do.

3We're facing now a grand text, tonight, The Patriarch Abraham, which was called "the father of the Faith," because that God made him the promise to inherit the earth, and his Seed. And it's through Abraham we, being dead in Christ, become Abraham's Seed and are heirs with Him according to the promise.

4 Now, Abraham was just an ordinary man, wasn't something special. God never called him, as far as we have any record, until he was seventy-five years old. His wife, which was his half sister, being sixty-five years old at the time, they had probably lived together since they were very young. And she was barren, and had no children. God called a complete separation, to separate himself from the rest of the world, and from all of his people, and from all of his kindred. There was a special thing for him to do.

5And when God expects you to do a special thing, He demands a complete separation from any doubt. You've got to come to full obedience, to obey what He says. God demands it. You can't do it no other way. And, now, He always sets an example, and that was His example, of a complete separation from all of his family, all of his kindreds, and so forth, to walk a life separated to God.

6 Years passed, nothing happened, but still Abraham held on. He was not discouraged. "He never staggered at the promises of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God."

7Year by year, as it went by, no doubt many critics come by and said, "Abraham, father of nations, how many children do you have now?" That didn't stagger him. No child, and Sarah was past the time of life, of bearing children, course, way beyond menopause, but still Abraham believed God just the same. He made preparations for the baby, because he knew and was fully persuaded that God could not make a promise that He wasn't big enough to back up.

8His Seed should think the same thing. Regardless of how unreal it seems, how unnatural it seems to the natural mind, yet God cannot make a promise that He is not big enough to take care of. We believe that same thing today. Every true Seed of Abraham believes the same thing. No matter what circumstances in, how much knowledge we've accumulated, how many things has happened, how unnatural it is to the natural mind, how foolish it is, rather, to the natural mind, it doesn't make a bit of difference. If God said so, that's it. And the Seed of Abraham are settled upon THUS SAITH THE LORD. That settles it.

9 We find out, at twenty-five years later, no children. And still God was faithful to keep His promise to Abraham, for Abraham believed God. The little boy came on the scene, little Isaac.

10Then after little Isaac had come on the scene, then we find out that God gave him a double test. He said, "This child..." After being now about a hundred and fifteen years old, or twenty, Abraham was. He said, "I want you to take this, your only son, and take him up to the mountain that I will show you, and there offer him up, on this mountain, for a sacrifice." In other words, destroy every evidence that he had that the promise would be fulfilled. That's taking away all the natural things.

11And Abraham said, "I received him as one from the dead. And I'm fully persuaded that He is able to raise him up from the dead."

12That's the people now the Seed of Abraham, because He raised us from the dead. We were dead in sin and trespasses. And He Who was able to change my mind, change my thoughts, change my nature, change me all over, He can do as He pleases. Whatever He says, I believe it's the Truth, and every Seed of Abraham believes the same thing.

13 Abraham, not disobedient to God, taken the little boy. And on this morning, told the servants, "You wait here with the mules. And the son and I will go yonder to worship, and he and I will return." Oh, how is he going to do it? When he goes up to the top of the mountain, to take his own son's life, yet he says, "The child, the lad and I will return." He knowed that something had to happen. And he didn't know just how God was going to do it; that isn't his question. He knows that God promised it.

14That's all we care to know, God promised it! How is it going to be? I can't tell you. But God said so! He will send Jesus Christ, the second time, He will come in a physical form. He will claim His Own. There will be one thousand years, Millennium reign upon this earth, with Him, with the redeemed. That's what He promised, and we are looking for that hour to approach.

15He promised to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out devils. He promised to do it. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. How? I don't know. He promised to do it! We believe it; that settles it. When a man believes God, he believes all He says.

16And that's the way Abraham believed God. Now was asked to destroy every evidence that His promise would be taken care of, but he was persuaded that God could do it.

17 Now, not only did He give this great promise, He give it to his Seed, also. And because Abraham was faithful, and kept the--the Word of God that God promised him, and knowed that God could raise up this child. And he spared not his own child; but (God) was a type of God giving His Son, of course; as he packed the wood up the mountain, and so forth; as Christ later packed His Own sacrifice block, up the hill, to where He was crucified.

18 We realize that in this, in doing this, it pleased God so well to see that Abraham loved Him above everything on earth, even his only son. He loved Him above what anybody could say, anybody could do, he still loved God enough to believe His Word.

19All Abraham's Seed believes God like that. They are believing God. And we know that it pleased God so well that here is what He said, "Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy. Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy." Remember, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Abraham's Seed believes that. If you are genuine Seed of Abraham, the faith that Abraham had in God, it's in you. And you believe, that what God has said, God keeps His promise.

20 And He said it, now remember, He only made this promise to Abraham after He had give him a test. The Seed of Abraham must first be tested, to see if they really believe the Word. Remember, the only way that he could keep the promise of God, because he believed the promise of God, and was tested whether he believed It or not.

21We are brought to that test. The Seed of Abraham, today, is brought to that test. Will we take God's Word, or we take what man said about It? Will we take what some organization has made up as a creed, and accept that, or do we take what God said? If God's Word is true, we believe God's Word, regardless of what anything else is. We let every man's word be a lie, and God's be the Truth. The true Seed of Abraham! But before you can become that true Seed, you've got to go through the test, like Abraham did, himself. He promised not only to Abraham, but his Seed would possess the enemies' gates. Oh, my!

22 Just think, the patriarch was fully persuaded in it, in his test of the promise of the Word of God, was right. Regardless of what the circumstances was, he still believed the Word was right. The Abraham, the great patriarch, never wavered in faith, when he was brought to that testing time. He believed that God was able to raise him up from the dead. He believed it, because God made the promise. And when God made a promise that he would be "the father of nations," and he believed that that was so. He didn't know how it would be. When the baby come, after he had trusted, twenty-five years, then asked to destroy the baby, he still knew that God's promise was true, and he gave his son.

23 His Seed, the same thing! The promise of God is the seal, to those who are the Seed of Abraham. The promise is a seal, a signed witness. And when we believe every promised Word, then the seal is given to us, to confirm the promise by. See, if we--if we, being the Seed of Abraham, we go through the test whether we're going to believe the Bible, or not. The Bible is the Word of God, because It is God. And then after you've went through the test, to believe.

24When some of them says, "The days of miracles is passed." If you accept that, that's contrary to the Word.

25If you say, "You do not receive the Holy Ghost, today. There is no such a thing. Just the twelve apostles received It."

26The Word said, Peter preaching It on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

27 That's just exactly what It means. It's, now if you are ready to take the test, of God's acid test, and follow that prescription, I'm telling you, you will find out that God keeps His Word, if you'll believe It. That's right. But you've got to go through that, because that's the seal; when you can receive It, then you will receive the promise. Because, It's God's prescription, the way we should do it, and that's the way we've got to follow It, just what He said. Now not just to some, but "whosoever," whosoever believeth, whosoever repenteth, whosoever believeth. It's to all generations, to all peoples, whosoever wants to believe It. And faith in God's Word brings you to this promise. Then, and then only, can you have power to possess the seal of the promise.

28And the promise that we receive, the seal, is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's right. For that is God in form of Spirit, you being His Word in you, then He comes in. If you receive the Word in you, the Holy Spirit is the only thing that can make That live, and then you have the promise of possessing the gate of every enemy that tries to attack you. That's right. God promised it, and it's so.

29 Now, remember, you can only do it then, and then only, after being tested by the Word.

30Abraham was tested by the Word. "Will you believe, Abraham, that you'll have the son?"


31The son come. "Now destroy him. Do you still believe it, Abraham?"

32"I believe it, yet, for You're able to raise him up from the dead."

33And after that, He said, "Now, your Seed shall possess the gate of its enemy." Amen! After the test come!

34Let's check up on some of the seed of Abraham, in the natural seed. Which, we be today the spiritual Seed. But let's find out, by the natural seed, of some of them that believed the full promise of God, and never que-... []

35 I said, "By the way, what does a Christian girl want to show her underneath skirt for? I can't understand that."

36You are born again, of God, you got the beauty of the Holy Ghost to show that what you are, you are. You've got virtue that these scandal skirts don't have. That's right. A real woman of God, that stands out with virtue, you might be laughed at, and called old fashion; but you got something that they can't touch, and done lost it and never can have it again. That's right. You got virtue. That's what God looks for, is virtue. See?

37 But the first thing, if there's a question in your mind, don't you do it at all. Don't you come in a prayer line if there's a question in your mind. Don't you come unless you absolutely believe it, emphatically, there's not a wave in your mind, at all, but what you're going to be healed, then you'll go off this platform a well person. That's right, when there's not a question in your mind, at all. You must believe God, not make-believe. Really believe!

38And the Seed of Abraham believes it because the Word said so, and that's the reason we believe it. Not because somebody has criticized, because somebody else said so. Because God said so, that makes it the Truth. When God says it, that settles all questions. He is the last word. He is the ultimate. When God says anything, that settles it. There is nothing else can speak against It. "Every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth."

39 Now as we check some of these seeds, let's think. We think of the Hebrew children, I have here, thinking of that, on the Hebrew children, after they had been tested against image worship. Now, you remember, the king said, "Whosoever will not bow down to this image, shall be throwed into the fiery furnace." Now, these children believed that God's Word was right, that they should not worship any kind of an image, but when they come to the showdown and they were tested whether they would.

40When, all the rest of the children down there received and went to the worship, they went right on in the way the king said. They went with the popular thought of the day, that they must do it.

41And when they were tested, whether they would worship images and break the Word of God, they stayed true to the Word. Regardless of the circumstances, they stayed true to the Word. And when they throwed them into the fiery furnace, God's promise was fulfilled. They possessed the gates of their enemy. And there was a fourth Man standing in there, with a key that unlocked the heat from the fire, and it could not do nothing but set them free. Amen.

42 When a man or a woman is ready to take the test, the acid test!

43You see, they had to go in the fire. And then when they did, they was in the fire, and the only thing that taken place, this fiery test only unlocked, took the--the bands off of their hands.

44Many times, God lets us, when we get all bound up with the world, bound up, He let's the fiery tests come upon us, where we have to make a decision. And when we do that, the only thing the test can do, when a real Seed of Abraham is standing at the--the crossroads of a decision, and he makes his decision to serve God, it can only cut the bands loose and make us free. Satan might give you a disease. He might give you one thing, another. How you know it's not God got you on the crossroads, to see what kind of a--a--a decision you'll make?

45 They possessed the gate of the fire. The fire could not burn them. There wasn't even a smell of fire upon them, because they knowed that they were the Seed of Abraham, and they stood for God and His Word. They possessed the--the gates of the enemy, and the fire could not burn them, because they possessed the gates.

46 Later, there was a man, a prophet down there, by the name of Daniel. He would... had the test whether he would serve one true God, or not. And when it come to that time, whether he would serve one true God, or worship a heathen God, he refused to do it; and throwed up the blinds, and prayed to his God, every day. And he was took by that, by a penalty of the federal laws, and was throwed into a lions' den. A hungry bunch of lions roared out after him. What did he do? He possessed the gate of his enemy. The lions could not eat him. God sent down a Pillar of Fire, an Angel that stood between him and the lion.

47He possessed the gate of the enemy, because he was tested to see whether he would worship one true God, or have a dozen heathen gods that he worshipped. So he stood the test, and he possessed the gate of the enemy. The lion could not even touch him, because God was with him. God's promise stayed true, for he was a true Seed of Abraham.

48 Moses, oh, another great one. He was tested, also, to see the promise that God give him. "I'll be with you when you go down there." And when he stood before the impersonators of his gift, Jannes and Jambres tried to stand up and impersonate the very thing that Moses was commanded to do. And God had called him, and he knowed he was the one that was commissioned to do this, and he stood there and performed the miracle as God told him to do it. And here stood the impersonators, to do the same thing, but it did not bother Moses. He stood true to the Word of God, and he possessed the gates, amen, of the enemy, because he stood true to the promise of God, no matter who was trying to impersonate it.

49 What a lesson that is to every Christian! When you look around and see a hypocrite, you just remember he's trying to impersonate a genuine article. But, that only means there is one who is genuine. Stand true to the Word of God! No matter what comes or go, keep His promise. Yes, Daniel stayed true to the Word of God.

50No matter how many tried to impersonate him, and everything else, he stayed true. And he come for a purpose, to take Israel out of Egypt, and to take them into the promised land. And when it come time for them to go into the promised land, out of Egypt, there stood the Dead Sea in the way. And he possessed the gates of the water, and the gates flew open. And the--the waters fell back, and Moses took Israel into the wilderness, to the mountain where God commissioned him to bring them. Amen. He possessed the gates of the enemy.

51His father, Abraham, had had that promise, that his true Seed would possess the gate of the enemy. And the gates of the water was closed, and he could not get through, and that was the path of duty. He was supposed to bring those children to that mountain. God told him to. And there stood the gate in the way, and he possessed the gate of the enemy.

52 Joshua, a little later, when they come to Kadesh-barnea, which was the judgment seat of the world at that time, there Israel met its judgment. We find Joshua with Caleb, and twelve others... or--or ten others. One out of each tribe was sent over to spy out the land they were ready to receive.

53And when they seen those great giants standing there, ten of them felt so bad, they said, "We cannot take it. It's too great. Why, look at the opposition we got." But when they come back to bring the report, they brought an evil report.

54Why would they bring an evil report, if God told them, "I have give you that land; it's yours"? He told them down in Egypt. "I have give you this land. It's a good land. It's flowing with milk and honey."

55But when they seen the opposition so great, ten of them come back and said, "We can't do it."

56It was Joshua, he stilled the people, and said, "We're more than able to possess it. We are more than able!" Because why? He was looking at the promise. He was a true Seed of Abraham. Regardless of what the opposition was, "We can possess the gate, because God promised the land." And he possessed the gate.

57 Later on, when he brought the children of Israel down to the river. There stood, in the month of April, the great river, swelling. The Jordan coming down out of the mountains, and she was spread across the plains. Looked like the worse time, in the year, that he could be there. But, yet, he was Abraham's Seed. He knowed he had a promise, and he was in the line of duty. God give him a vision, how to do it, and he possessed the gates of the river. When the gates flew open, the water backed plumb up into the mountains. And Joshua and Israel possessed the gates of the enemy, and crossed into the promised land, because God told them to do it. True Seed of Abraham!

58 Brothers and sisters, when he got over there, Jericho was all walled up, high enough that they could run three chariots across the top. How could these Israelites do it with borrowed, picked up swords, and everything, and sticks and stones, how were they going to go in there? But he was still the Seed of Abraham. God give him a vision, told him how to do it, said, "Sound a trumpet." Amen. That's it. "Let out a shout, march up towards the wall, the gates will fall before you." Amen! He was a royal Seed of Abraham. He was God's real believer. "The gates will drop down before you. Just let out a shout, and sound the trumpet. That's all you have to do." And what happened? The gates fell down, and Joshua took the city.

59 A little later on, we find out that the enemy was routing and going on, after that, and even he stopped the sun in its tracks. As I spoke the other morning, on the Paradox, he stopped the sun until he possessed the gates of his enemy. Amen. He knowed if that enemy ever got together again, they were scattered, and the sun was going down, and Amorites, and the Amalekites, and so forth, was scattered through. If they ever got together again, and come together, then he would have a hard time ever getting them to rout again. And there was only one thing that was holding, that was time. And he stopped time. Amen! Amen! There's one thing keeping him from the promise, that was the sun, nature itself crossing over, and he stopped nature. Why? He was a Seed of Abraham. He believed God's promise. He stopped him, and possessed the gates. Yes, sir.

60These great man, all of them are great man. But you know when they, every one of them, when they come to the gate of death, they all died. Every one of them had to die. Because they were great man, "They stopped the--the mouth of lions, and escaped the fire, and the edge of the sword," and so forth, as we're told in Hebrews 11. And they possessed the gates of the enemy, all but one enemy, and that was death. Death swallowed every one of them up.

61 Then one day, along come the Royal Seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ, the Son of God; Abraham's Seed, by faith. Not through Isaac, the natural seed; they did their part. But here come One Who was not natural born. Here come One that never come by sexual desire. Here come One by virgin birth. The Son of God, the Seed of Abraham, what a great Man this was! Other naturals was all born natural births. This Man was born a virgin birth. What did He do when He come on earth? He conquered every enemy that Satan had. He conquered everything.

62What did He do? He set out and he conquered sickness. There could be no sickness around Him; wherever sickness was, He conquered it. What did He do after He conquered it? He give us the keys, amen, saying, "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind it in Heaven." Oh! Amen! That's the Royal Seed of Abraham, His promise. The Holy Ghost in us now, with the keys, holding it to sickness. He conquered sickness. Sickness cannot stand in His Presence. And He said that He gave us the keys to do the same thing, conquer sickness. "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind in Heaven."

63Also, temptation, He was tempted in every manner like we was. What did He do? He conquered it. And what did He say to us? "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." He conquered sickness for us. He conquered temptation for us, broke down the gates; took the key away from the tempter, and hand it over to the believer, of Abraham's Seed, and said, "If he tempts you, resist him, and he will flee from you." Oh, my! Resist him!

64 He conquered both death and hell. He rose up on the third day, saying, "I have overcome. And because I live, you live also." Oh, what a promise! That's to the Seed of Abraham. He conquered the grave, rose up on the third day, for our justification. When He rose up, He was our justification. What does that make us? He conquered sickness. He conquered death. He conquered hell. He conquered the grave. He conquered temptation. Oh!

65"Now we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us, and give His life for," being the Royal Seed of Abraham. With the same Spirit of God in us, that was in Him, we are more than conquerors. Every gate has been conquered for us. The only thing we have to do is possess it. It's already conquered. Sickness is conquered. Death is conquered. Hell is conquered. The grave is conquered. Everything is conquered, and we hold the keys, by His grace. Are you afraid to stick them in the lock, and say, "I come in the Name of Jesus Christ"? "Ask the Father anything in My Name." I love Him.

66 After two thousand years has passed, two thousands years, and still here He is in our midst, the mighty Conqueror that rent the veil in two, that took every sickness, every disease, everything upon Himself, and bore our infirmities to the cross, and our sickness and our diseases, and triumphed over them, and raised up for our justification, and stands alive after two thousand years, to manifest Himself as a living Jesus Christ, amongst the royal Seed of Abraham who are heirs of all things. Oh, my! Those who after, goes through the test, promise of the Word! If you can believe the Word, then you are also the Seed of Abraham. That's how you come to It.

67 If you can't take that Word test, then if you doubt It, little suspicious of It, you can't hardly believe It, there is something or other, you can't believe It, then don't you come in the prayer line. I wouldn't even fool around the altar, until you can get enough grace to know that God's Word is true.

68And when you once break through that veil of unbelief, then you got the keys in your hands, of death, hell, and the grave, because you've got a Conqueror Who conquered for you. Then you've got Hebrews 13:8, that tells us, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." How can we do it?

69 The people today say, "Oh, well, I'll tell you, He's in a--a certain way, He is."

"He is the same," the Bible said.

"Oh, well, He doesn't do today like He did."

70We find it right now, when we see His Word vindicated. What does it do? It throws It right back into their lap again. Amen.

71The real Seed of Abraham believes It. They know It. And He stands, tonight, as He met Abraham up there in the days of Lot and performed that miracle, as He did by telling Sarah what she said behind Him. Jesus promised, the Royal Seed of Abraham, that the Church would see that same thing just before His Coming. What is it? It's got to happen. God promised it. Jesus Christ confirmed it and said it would be so, and here we are today, after two thousand years, see Him in our midst, still the mighty Conqueror! He conquered death, hell, grave, all superstition; took the Word...?... her. Yes.

72 He said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Words in you, ask what you will and it shall be given to you." What was it? The Word, Christ, That's in your heart. "If ye abide in Me, My Words abide in you, then you've conquered everything 'cause I conquered it for you. If ye abide in Me, if you can understand Me, if you can abide in Me. He that believeth Me, that receiveth Me; not just make-belief, but can receive. He that heareth My Words, understandeth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; and shall not come into temptation, or condemnation, but has passed from death unto Life." There He is, the mighty Conqueror!

73 Here He is today, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Here He is performing before the Seed of Abraham, that's been called out of Babylon, called out of Sodom, called out of the world, and separated, showing His promise just exactly through. After two thousand years, here He stands in the midst of us, tonight, that mighty Conqueror, the Word of God Who can discern the thoughts that's in the heart, and the intents thereof. What is it? "Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy." What is it? It's the Seed of Abraham, the royal Seed, believing the Word. And the Word is--the Word is God.

74 Now when we see this, we can scream out with them, like the poet of old.

Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;

Buried, He carried my sins far away;

Rising, He justified freely forever;

Someday He's coming, O glorious day!

75Someone said, "You're getting old, boy." I can't help that.

76I've lived since I was a little boy, my only achievement I've ever had is to see Jesus Christ's Coming. I gave my life for that purpose. I'm still in the pulpit, as an old man, I believe the same Story, and the greatest thing I can think of is to see Jesus Christ coming from the heavens to receive His own. God, then my... No wonder we can sing:

All hail the power of Jesus' Name!

Let Angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem,

And crown Him the Lord of all.

77 Why? He is the mighty Conqueror. If you're in Him, you're in the Word. He said, "If ye abide in Me, ask what you will." "What you will," for every gate has already been conquered. Then we can say:

For every promise in the Book is mine,

Every chapter, every verse, and line;

I am trusting in His Word Divine,

For every promise in the Book is mine.

78Friends, do you realize what that means? Every promise that God made Abraham, every promise that was spoke by the prophets, every promise that Jesus Christ promised for this day, He is here to confirm it and to show that He lives forevermore. "Thy Seed shall possess the enemies' gate."

79 When it comes down to the hour of death. You say, "What about that?" You still have that Possession that Paul said. "O grave, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through that mighty Conqueror, Jesus Christ." Oh!

Let Angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem,

And crown Him Lord of all.

80Tonight, after two thousand years, we stand to see Him, yet, the mighty Conqueror Who rent the veil that separated us from any promise of God, and we are more than conquerors in Him. Let us pray.

81 Heavenly Father, as we stand here, tonight, in the Presence of the Holy Ghost, that great Person of Jesus Christ in Spirit form, Who was promised to come upon the Seed of Abraham, the royal Seed. We pray, O God, if there is a man or woman, boy or girl, in here, that doesn't know You; they've got doubt and flustrations in their mind, about the Word of God, whether It is the Truth or not. O Great God, Who made the promise, come tonight! There is one great promise You made, Lord; You can keep that promise, You said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also; greater than this will he do, for I go to the Father." Father, God, we pray that You'll confirm Your Word.

82 There is many of the children of Abraham here tonight, that's sick. Oh, the devil has gated them up; they've put them on the inside, and they've turned the keys, and said, "Now you must die; you have heart trouble. You got this, that, or the other, and you must die."

83O God, may the jubilee trumpet sound, tonight, of the Gospel, that every slave can go free! Jesus Christ has conquered those gates. We hold the keys in our hands. Oh! "In My Name they shall cast out devils. If you ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it. He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also. The Word of God is sharper and more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting to the sunder and the marrow, and even a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."

84"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, for they were eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage; great building programs." And we watch the world, "There will be signs, fearful sights in the heaven above (this is flying saucers), earthquakes in divers places, the sea roaring (tidal waves), man's heart failing (fear), distress between nation, perplexed of time."

85"And as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." O God, come tonight and perform Thy Word, come tonight and honor the faith of the children of Abraham. Through Jesus Christ's Name we ask it. Amen.

86 The Lord bless you, richly. I'm not going to make the altar call just at this time. I'm going to leave it up to you. I think that, many times, altar calls... I believe with them. "But as many as received, was baptized." That's it, "Many as received Him." We're going to pray for the sick.

87I could speak here all night. You're a lovely audience. But what I say is just a man; but if I say His Words, then it isn't my words, it's His Words. If I say something, and God doesn't back it up, then that was my word. If I say His Word, and He backs It up, who is that sinful man or woman, boy or girl, that'll walk away and say It isn't so?

88 Jesus, said when He did these things, they said, "This Man is a fortuneteller. He's a devil!" A fortuneteller, anybody knows that fortune-telling is of the devil. He said, "He's a fortuneteller." But did you ever see a fortuneteller preaching the Gospel? Did you ever see the fortuneteller casting out devils? No, indeedy, they don't do it.

89He said, "Now, I the Son of man will forgive you of this. But when the Holy Ghost is come, to speak against It will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come, because it's calling the work of God an unclean spirit."

90God be merciful to us, tonight, and I pray that God will come down and confirm this Word before you.

91 Brother, sister, this is my soul. I've got to meet God. I'm responsible for what I say to you. God will hold me responsible for it. That is right. What good would it do me to stand here and say these things if I knowed I was condemning my soul to hell?

92"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." God needs no interpreter. As I have said, He interprets His Own Word.

93"The Seed of Abraham shall possess the gate of the enemy." Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

94 If I could heal you, I would do it. Christ has already healed you. Only thing, you have the key in your hand. That key is your faith, to take a hold of it. Unlock it, tonight, won't you? While He comes into our midst, that Mighty Conqueror that conquered every disease, and come here and show you that He's done it, for He still is the Word. "And the Word is a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."

95 What prayer card? B, one to... What'd we start from, the other night? [Someone says, "One."--Ed.] Let's start from fifty. Who has prayer card B, fifty? Raise up your hand. Prayer card B. We started from one, the other night, now we're going to start from fifty, tonight.

96Who has B, B, fifty? Hold up your hand. Prayer card B, fifty. You mean it's not here? Do you have it? All right, B, fifty. B, fifty-one, who has that? B, fifty-one, all right. B, fifty-two, who has B, fifty-two? All right, you have it. B, fifty-three, fifty-four, come right over here. Fifty-four, fifty-five.

97My boy comes down here, right before I come in, and mess up a bunch of cards. And see how they are, one here and one there? They don't know. You might come down this row here and get one, next one get ten, another one get twenty-five. We don't know where it's at, but, wherever they are.

98Now how many'd we call? Five, four? B, fifty. Was B, fifty, wasn't it? [Someone says, "Yes."--Ed.] B, fifty to fifty-five. Fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty. Now let's see, one, two... Count them, Billy, and we'll... Sixty, seventy, let them stand up first, if you will. B, fifty to seventy, seventy-five. Count them, Brother Roy, if you will, while I'm talking to the audience.

99 How many out there now as you look this way, and you haven't got a prayer card?

100Remember, Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also." Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's true. Do you believe it? ["Amen."] The Seed of Abraham said so.

101The Bible says, that, "He is the High Priest." Hebrews, the 4th chapter, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, how would He do it?

102There was a little woman, in the Bible, as you notice what I'm saying. A little woman, in the Bible, maybe she didn't have a prayer card; but she said in her heart, "If I can touch that Man, I believe Him." She had spent all she had, for the doc-... with the doctors. They couldn't help her. Her case was too great. They could not help her. But she believed that God would help her. And she touched His border, of His garment.

103And He said, "I perceive that virtue is gone from Me." Is that right?

104Do you believe He is the same, tonight? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe He is here? ["Amen."] How many believe He raised from the dead? ["Amen."] Now how can you prove He raised from the dead?

105 Not long ago, a famous Baptist man come to me, and he said, "Brother Branham, I was defeated--defeated, one time, by a Mohemmedan who said that. He said, 'If He has raised, He promised that He would do the same thing. Let's see Him do it.'" See, they believe that He didn't do it.

106But we do believe that He does it. We believe that He has raised from the dead. There is not another religion in the world that can prove that their founder is a living, but Christianity. And the only way God can confirm It, is through those who believe it; for that's the only way that God does perform His Words, is those who believe It.

107 Now while they're lining up this little prayer line here. I don't know how many we'll get. I want each one of you, hold your position, hold your seat, don't move around. Look this a way and pray, say, "Lord Jesus, I believe."

108You remember, He told me, "If you get the people to believe you; and then be sincere when you pray." That's been across this nation, back and forth, for fifteen years, not one time did it fail. It can't fail.

109God, one thing God can't do, that's fail. He's got to keep His Word. I believe that. I believe that just as well as I... more than I believe I'm standing here, more than I believe I'm in this building; this could be a mirage, it could be a dream. In my soul, I know Jesus Christ the Son of God lives. And you being a Seed of Abraham, you being dead in Christ, you're Abraham's Seed.

110 Now they got some handkerchiefs here. Great success is done by this, people who believe. Now let us bow our heads, while they're getting ready, and pray for these.

111Heavenly Father, we're taught in the Bible, and there is people here who believe every Word that You said is the Truth. Lord, sometimes they stagger and punch at the keyhole, with the key, missing it, and scraping, but they believe it's there. Just let them keep punching, they'll find it, for it's there. And that key is the right key, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." As the song is being sang now, or played.

112In the Bible it says that, "Paul taken from his body handkerchiefs and aprons, and sent them to the sick and the afflicted, and unclean spirits left the people, and they were healed."

113Now, Lord, we know Saint Paul is with You. But, it wasn't him; it was You, Lord, Christ in him. "Not me that liveth, but Christ that liveth in me," he said.

114And now to this generation, You're still Christ, today, as you was yesterday. And as I pray over these handkerchiefs, touching them, I pray that You'll defeat every enemy. Give them faith, to let them know that the enemy is defeated.

115And one time, the Red Sea, as we just spoke of, had Israel cut off from the promise, and they was in the line of duty. And one writer said, that, "God looked down with angry eyes, through that Pillar of Fire, and the sea got scared and opened up its gates, and they went across."

116Look down, tonight, through the Blood of Jesus Christ. And may, when these handkerchiefs is laid upon the sick, may the enemy see our faith, tonight, as we pray this prayer of faith for them. And may each one be delivered, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

117 Now I want your undivided attention. Ever who is on the mike up here, you might step it up. Because, if the Holy Spirit should do this... I don't say that He will.

118Now anyone comes here and tells you that they have power to heal the sick, don't you believe it. The power is all in Christ. He is the Conqueror, not you and I. We just accept what He has done. No man has power to save or to heal.

119Every man in the world, the price has already been paid. The requirement has been paid. How was it? "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." Your--your healing is paid for. Your salvation is paid for. Have you got the faith to come, accept it? That's all. If you're Abraham's Seed, you have. God promised it. There is something in you that says it's there, and it is.

120 Now what is a gift? Is a gift to go out and heal people? No. A gift is to get yourself out of the way, so God can use you.

121Now He promised that, the last sign, according to Jesus Christ, "As it was in the days of Sodom, just before it burned." Not before other things taken place, the Gospel was preached by Lot, and so forth; not that. But just before it was burned, God came down in the form of a man, and set with the elected Church, Abraham and his group, who had the promise.

122Now remember, just Abraham's Seed receives this. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more," Jesus said. "You shall see Me, for I'll be with you, in you, to the end of the world."

123But He promised, just before that He returned again, "As it was in Sodom," look what Sodom is getting; look what the elect Church is getting, said, "so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." God manifested in a form of a man, that with His back turned to the tent, told what Sarah did on the inside of the tent. Everybody know that's the Truth, raise your hands. That's exactly. Now He promised it. We're at the end time. Now remember, that was the last thing that happened; and the Gentile world was burnt up, Sodom, and the promised son came on the scene. We are looking for a promised Son, the Son of God.

124 Here we are. May God open your eyes. I know nothing else to say. May He open your eyes.

125Now Heavenly Father, I'm as helpless, I'm a bunch of clay that You molded together, and set out here. O God, may I, tonight, have Your grace and Presence, that it might be You might use these little lumps of clay that You've got in here. That those, Lord, who You've called to Eternal Life, and maybe haven't accepted It as yet, may they see these promises. They might have been taught that was for another day, but here it is in the Bible. Confirm It, Lord. That's Your Own interpretation. It needs no more than that. If You'll just make it so, then they'll see that the Word is true. Grant it, Father. We commit ourselves to You.

126Let every person in here, Lord, use their faith, tonight. May every member of the Tribe of Abraham, through Jesus Christ, have faith, tonight, and accept Your Presence. And we'll give You the praise. Amen.

127 Now, is this the la-... Now this is a strange. I want you to help me now, pray for me. Sit real quiet, don't move around. Sit still, pray.

128Now, see, it's changing from evangelism, over to relax yourself in such a way that the Spirit of God can take you completely into another dimension.

129Now here stands this young... Come over here a little bit, lady. And just... That's all right, so I won't get away from this mike. See, I don't know what happens, you see, and then sometimes, you know... Now only way I know it, it's--it's on the mike, you see, and they are trying to catch it out there, and I just don't know what.

130 Now we are strangers to one another. I don't know you, never seen you in my life. But you're a lot younger than I. And we was probably born miles apart, and years apart. This is our first time meeting. Is that right? If it is, raise up your hand so the audience will see. Now, she is just a woman standing here.

131Look, take it back to the Scripture. Let's take Saint John 4. Each one of you read it when you go home. Not--not that this woman is that type of a woman; I don't know. And you know that I'm not Jesus Christ. But He is here. It's Him. Now His Spirit anointing us, can reveal her trouble, as He did to the woman at the well. Same thing.

132And, by that, where the priests and the leaders of that day, said, "This Man is a fortuneteller, or a devil, Beelzebub."

133This woman said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. We know that the Messiah is coming, and that will be His sign."

134Now, how many know that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, wouldn't that be His sign tonight? ["Amen."] Did He promise it would be, just before the end of time? ["Amen"] Now see if He keeps His promise to Abraham's Seed.

135 Now if anybody in here thinks that's wrong, you come up here and do the same thing. If it isn't, then don't say nothing about it. You have the privilege.

136Now, in Christ's Name, I take every spirit under my control, to the glory and honor of God.

137 I'll just have to talk to you, a moment, young lady. You know, our Lord talked to that woman at the well. He said, "Bring Me a drink." What was He doing?

138Now watch, He said, in Saint John 5, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son," that was Him, body, "can do nothing within Myself," only as He seen the Father do. "What the Father doeth, He showeth the Son. See, I can do nothing within Myself, but as I see the Father do it." Then, Jesus never performed one miracle until first God showed Him by a vision; not told Him in His ear, but showed Him. "What I see," not hear, "see the Father doing." That's what made Him a Prophet like unto Moses, as Moses said. Now when He--He knowed the Father... He was on...

139 He was going to Jericho, but He had need to go by Samaria, and He came up to a city of Sychar. And now see, the Samaritans was looking for a Messiah.

140The Jews was looking for it, and He showed them His sign. Philip, Nathanael, Peter, as soon as that sign was done, they said, "You're the Son of God."

The rabbi said, "This Man is Beelzebub."

141But now remember, the Gentiles, we, we were the Anglo-Saxon, we--we wasn't looking for no Messiah. We were heathens, Romans, and so forth. We wasn't looking for no Messiah. He only comes to those who are looking for Him.

142 But the Samaritans was looking for Him, so He had to go by them, up by Samaria. He sit down at the well. A young lady, probably about your age, come out. She was a woman of ill-fame. You've read the story, I guess. And He said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

143She said, "Oh, it's not customary for You, a Jew, ask Samaritan such."

144He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you would ask Me for a drink."

145The conversation went on. Finally, He found where her trouble was. You remember what it was? She had too many husbands. And said, "Go get your husband, come here."

She said, "I have none."

146Said, "You've said well," said, "because you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."

147She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. We know Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things."

And He said, "I am He."

148She left her water pot, ran into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me what I did. Isn't this the Messiah?" They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years. And here was a Man that claimed to be the Messiah, and proved to be a--a prophet, and showed the sign of the Messiah.

149 Would it make you believe the same thing, if He did the same thing, being He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and has promised by these Scriptures that He would do it?

Would it make the audience believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

150You suffer with a kidney trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand.

151Why does that always bounce in my face? Somebody says, "He guessed that." I never guessed that.

152Here, she is a nice woman. Do you believe me? Now you know I never guessed that. Let me say something else. Your husband is with you. He is suffering, too. Isn't he? A spinal condition. That's right. Isn't it? You've got a little boy with you. He is suffering, too. You want him prayed for. He has got something wrong with his eyes. That's right. You got a little girl with you, she's got kidney trouble, like you. Is that right? Now you can all be well, if you'll believe. Do you believe it? God bless you. Go on your road and be well.

153 Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What is it? What's He trying to do? To you, Seed of Abraham, He is showing you that He is not dead. I can't do those things. He's not dead. But He's a living, showing you that you have a right to possess the gates of your enemy. That should settle it.

154 This lady, come this way, just a moment. We're around, somewhere the same age, I suppose. But we are--we're strangers to each other, so far as I know. I don't know you, and we're strangers. I know nothing of you. If that's right, raise up your hand, see. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] Just some of them give you a prayer card, and here you are. All right. Now if the Lord Jesus...

155If I, maybe, say I was trying to take Brother Oral Roberts' place, or some of those great man of faith, I would say, "Lady, what's wrong with you?"

156You would say, "Well, I have so-and-so." Now, he might not be right. See? I don't know. See? But, he, you might tell him what's wrong.

157He would lay hands upon you, say, "God sent me to--to pray for the sick. Do you believe that?" "Yes." "Glory to God! Go, believe it."

158It's alright. It's alright. God promised that. But, you see, we're living up a little further up the--the day than that. Jesus promised, "As it was in the days of Sodom. The works that I do shall you also."

159 Now if God can tell me what you have been, you know whether that's true or not. He can tell you what you will be. And if that's true, this will be true, too. If He tells you, whatever, I don't know; but if He'll tell me what your trouble is.

160Will you believe it, too, audience? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

161I really should stop. That one time, that person that was here a while ago, that should confirm it. Jesus did it one time. He never did it one more time. Everybody in Sychar believed it, believed the woman's testimony, when she come, told them, and she was an ill-famed woman. A Christian just left the platform, before all of you! Amen. But beings that it's later than we think, may the Lord continue to prove Himself, the great, mighty Conqueror, that the Seed of Abraham... But like Abraham, He did it for Abraham, once; then destroyed that, and did it again. Abraham continually to believe God.

162 You're not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else, and that's a lady. It's your sister. [The sister says, "O Lord!"--Ed.] And the lady is shadowed to death. ["My!"] And she is suffering with a--a diabetes. ["Oh!"] And she is not from here. ["No."] She is from a... She is from Louisiana, a swampy country. ["Oh, oh, oh!"] That... And here is another thing, that the audience might know this. You have a daughter that's real sick, that's planning on attending this meeting, and she has epilepsy. ["Oh, oh, oh!"] That's true. That is true. Isn't it? ["Oh!"] Do you believe now? ["Yes. Amen."] If you're Abraham's Seed, accept it and walk out, ["My Lord! My Lord!"] and be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ.

163Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Certainly. Remember, it's His promise. He said He would do it. He keeps His promise.

164How do you do? We are strangers to each other. I don't know you. But God does know you. Do you believe if God can reveal to me your trouble, then you know it has to come from some spiritual power. [The sister says, "Right."--Ed.] Now, there is only two things it can come from, that you could imagine. When it's done, it's beyond explaining, because it's a phenomena. And, also, it's a paradox; something, well, it's unreasonable, yet true. It would be a paradox. And now you know it, whether it's true or not, you'll know whether He has told you the truth.

165 Now, remember, I don't know you. It has to be Someone besides me. If you do like the Pharisees, and said, "Oh, it's an evil spirit," then you have that reward. If you believe it's Christ, you have His reward. The reason you can believe it, because He promised it for this day, and it hasn't been from that time to this. That makes it the end time.

166There is somebody keeps appearing before you, all the time. It's a man, gray-headed. It's your husband. [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Sitting right there. He is trying to accept his healing, being shadowed by a cancer, tumorous, cancer. You have kidney trouble, bladder trouble. ["Yes."] You are Mr. and Mrs. Little. ["We are."] Is that right? ["Yes."] Believe with all your heart, and be healed.

167"You say his, their name?" Why, certainly. Didn't Jesus tell Peter, "Your name is Simon, the son of Jonas"?

168 Here is a man. We are strangers to each other, sir. I don't know you. But you're a man, like--like the Peter coming to the Lord Jesus, we come together. Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe what I've told is the truth? [The brother says, "Yes, sir. I do, sir."--Ed.] If you can believe it! ["Yes, sir."] I, if there is anything I could do for you, I'd do it, but there is nothing I can do. He has already done it; it's just something to get you believe it. And, see, it wouldn't be me. If it was me, I'd--I'd do all I could for you. But He gave me a gift, and I just relax myself before Him, and He does the talking. ["That's right. Yes, sir."] Do you believe that? ["Yes."]

169Do you believe that, audience? [Congregation says, "Amen."]

170 I wanted to find a man. You have several things wrong with you. But one of the things is, you got a growth on your right eye. That's your main trouble. Here is another thing, a woman keeps appearing here. It's your wife. Do you believe God can tell me what's wrong with your wife here? Her trouble is in her mouth. It's her teeth. That's right. Do you believe that the same Jesus, Who knowed who Simon Peter was, could tell me who you are? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] Would it make you believe greatly? ["Yes, sir."] It would? ["Yes."] Oscar Barnes. ["That's right."] Is that right? Go on your road home, be healed.

171 []... stranger to you. I do not know you, but God does know you. Do you believe that He is able to tell me what's your trouble? Would you believe it with all your heart? Your trouble is around your throat, and in your chest here. It's a--it's a bone decay. You're getting lumps, like, and knots inside the bone structure. That's right. You're not from here. You're in a--a city that's got orange groves all around it. It sets in the valley, with a panoramic of mountains behind it. There is a hotel called Antlers. It's San Bernardino. That's where you're from. Go back, Jesus Christ makes you well, if you'll believe it.

172There is only one thing can heal cancer, that's God. Do you believe He'll heal you? [The brother says, "I sure do."--Ed.] Believe it! Go, and may the Lord God make you every whit whole.

173 Recently you've been except-... exceedingly nervous, real upset. By this nervousness, your stomach has got in a condition. You can't digest your food; bring it up in your mouth. It's an acid all in your mouth. Late of an afternoon, you get real weary and everything. You got a peptic ulcer in your stomach. Do you believe that that's Jesus Christ can tell you that? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Go eat your supper, then. Believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ makes you well.

174How do you do? There is many things wrong. But one of the things that you're afraid of, you're going to be crippled up with an arthritis. But do you believe that God will heal you, make you well from it? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.]

175Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll grant it to my sister. Give her her sight. Take the lady's trouble from her, and make the arthritis well, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

176Go now, believing. He'll do it, and it'll be all right. Don't doubt, just keep on walking, and believe with all your heart.

177Heart trouble is a terrible thing, but Christ heals the heart. Do you believe that? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Go, believe it, and it'll all be done. It's over.

178Do you believe you're going to be crippled up? No, I don't think so, either. My thought, arthritis; that shadow there, oh, that's cancer. [The sister says, "Oh, oh!"--Ed.] Do you believe He'll heal it? ["Yes, I do."] Go, believe it. He'll make you whole.

179It's been bothering you, quit a little while, blockage in the heart. But do you believe it's going to be over, tonight? Go, believe it, Jesus Christ make you well.

180Been a little trouble, from lady's trouble, for a long time. And then, you are, you have a hard time getting up at morning. You're stiff, in your limbs. You can't hardly walk, till up in the day, of time. It's arthritis. Go, don't doubt, you won't have it no more. Just believe it, with all your heart.

181 You have several things, complications. But the one thing that's bothering you so bad, you also think of arthritis, which it is, crippling you up. Do you believe that He'll make you walk and be well? [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Go, believe it with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well.

182Nervous heart, and arthritis, but do you believe that God will make you well? You do? Go, and may the Lord Jesus make you well.

183That stomach has sure give you a lot of trouble in the last few years, hasn't it? It won't no more. Go, believe it. God bless you. Be healed.

184You can, also, your stomach is healed. Go, believe with all your heart. Don't doubt.

185Have a hard time breathing, that old asthma really gets you down. Doesn't it? Do you believe it's going to be done now? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] All right, go believe it. Amen.

186Hallelujah! Do you believe with all your heart? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.]

187 Just a moment. Don't you see that Light there? A little colored lady looking at me, sitting right down here, she has got a growth in her left side. She has kidney trouble, complications. You had more faith. You don't have to come up here. It's over. Just believe it. Amen. Have faith in God!

Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

188Do you believe, sister, you'll get over that spinal trouble, sitting there? Do you believe that He'll make you well? Okay. Just don't doubt it, and you can have it if you'll just believe it.

189The man sitting here, looking at me, suffers with a prostrate trouble, getting up at nights and things. Do you believe, sir? It'll be over, then, if you believe it.

190 Here sits a colored man sitting over here, looking at me. He is suffering with epilepsy. He also is seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Stand up on your feet, sir, accept your healing. May God give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

191Sitting right across from you, there is a child sitting over there, that also has epilepsy, kind of a fainting away spells, sitting out there, over on the other side. Do you believe that God will make the child well, there? Do you believe with all your heart? Then God will heal the child.

192 Do you believe, every one of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't--isn't He, isn't He truly Abraham's Royal Seed? ["Amen."] Isn't He the mighty Conqueror? ["Amen."] Did He promise that you could possess the gates of the enemy? ["Amen."]

193How many of you are bound, feel the pressure of the enemy? Raise your hands, that you feel the pressure of the enemy. And you're Abraham's Seed, raise up your hands like this. Say, "Brother Branham, I'm bothered with nervousness." Oh, there is about eighty percent of you with that. Say, I... It's just so thick now, the whole crowd is just becoming like a great big milky, it's almost making me blind, out there where you're at.

194 Don't you see, that here twenty or thirty, maybe, cases, or more, right here on this platform and out in that audience, that God does not fail? It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then why not, every Seed of Abraham, why don't you take the key now? The great Conqueror, that conquered it for you, is here. He has proved to be here. Do you believe Him? ["Amen."]

195Then take your key of faith, reach up with your hands, and say, "Jesus Christ, I believe for my healing, right now." Stand up on your feet. Raise your hands, unlock your faith now. "I believe, Lord Jesus. I believe right now."

196Now lay your hands over on one another. Put your hands across to one another, another Seed of Abraham. Now you pray for that person. Lay your hands upon them. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

197Satan, you've lost the battle. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of here, and let these people go, for the glory of God.