Rozpoznali Ho, keď ich oči boli otvorené



Možno si myslíte, “No, On uzdravil jedného dňa toho a toho. On...Minulý mesiac... Viem pred dvomi rokmi, som videl...“ Áno. On môže predstierať akoby ťa chcel minúť. Akým On bol vtedy, takým je i dnes. Čo On robil vtedy, to robí i dnes. On tak povedal. Všimnite si. Musíš urobiť tú istú vec. Musíš Ho pozvať do vnútra. Vtedy, a len potom On mohol zjaviť Samého Seba. On to nemohol urobiť cez kázanie im Slova. To prešlo ponad ich hlavami. On tam prechádzal a hovoril, “No, mali by ste to vedieť... Vy hlúpi, spozdilého srdca. Biblia vypovedala tieto veci, ktoré Kristus mal robiť,“ a tak ďalej, a kráčali tam. No, zdalo sa, ako by videli kým On bol. On nikdy nevyšiel a nepovedal im, “Ja som On.“ Ak stretávate človeka, ktorý to tak robí, potom si s ním nič nezačínajte. On len nechal nech to Duch Svätý zjaví. On nám povedal...

On povedal farizejom, On povedal, “Skúmate Písma. Myslíte si, že v Nich máte Večný Život. A Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Oni hovoria kto Ja som.“ Oni to mali vedieť. Mali by to dnes vedieť. To nie je len veľká kopa hluku, alebo hurhaju, alebo vystrájania, alebo množstvo zvuku. To je Ježiš Kristus zamanifestovaný medzi Jeho ľuďmi. To je jasné. Písmo tak hovorí. Všimnite si teraz. A to, to robí pravdivým, keď Boh tak povedal.

1Náš nebeský Otče, modlíme sa teraz, aby si prijal slávu z nášho spoločného zhromaždenia. Ďakujeme Ti za túto príležitosť. Požehnaj Svoje Slovo, kedy Ono bude vychádzať každého večera. Požehnaj Tvoj ľud, zatiaľ čo to počúva. A nech veľký Duch Svätý vezme to Slovo, ktoré vpadá do srdca a nech urobí, že To zamanifestuje Samé Seba, doslova stovkám ľudí po tejto krajine, tak že zostanú spasení, a stovky z nich, ktorí sú strápení, ležiaci v tôni smrti, aby mohli vidieť to zjavujúce sa veľké Svetlo, a mohli byť uzdravení a aby Tvoje veľké Meno mohlo byť uctené. To je to, kvôli čomu sme tu, Pane. Nie na našu česť, ale ku cti Ježiša Krista medzi nami, pretože prosíme o to v Jeho Mene, Amen.

2 Teraz, ako si vyberáte vaše Biblie, len na chvíľu... A teraz každý večer budem hovoriť len okolo dvadsať, tridsať minút. Robím to tak posledných pár týždňov, hovoriť len pár minút a potom vyvoláme modlitebnú radu, modlitby za chorých, alebo akokoľvek nás bude Duch Svätý viesť.

3 A koľkí z vás, ktorí ste prišli prvý krát dnes večer, a vy ostatní sa budete spolu modliť za toto zhromaždenie? Urobíte to? Nie sme tu len… Sme tu, pretože sa snažíme pomôcť. Bratia, verím, že Pán nám pomáha, aby sme mali veľkolepé zhromaždenia ku cti nášho Pána a Spasiteľa.

4Veríme, že On práve prichádza. Ak tu On nebude dnes večer, budem Ho vyzerať ráno. Ak tu nebude zajtra večer, ja tu budem, ak dá Pán. A potom, ak tu On nebude, budem Ho vyzerať zajtra večer. A potom, ak tu nebude, budem Ho vyhliadať ďalší večer. Chcem to.... Vyzerám Ho teraz počas 33 rokov, väčšiu časť môjho života. A nie som znechutený. Očakávam deň za dňom, hodinu za hodinou na Jeho objavenie sa.

5Nuž, obráťme sa do Biblie, do knihy sv. Lukáša 24. kapitola začnúc s 13 – tým veršom, povstaňme a uctime Slovo, kým čítame: sv. Lukáš 24 začnúc veršom 13. Nuž, ak niektorí máte svoje Biblie, niektorí si radi značia text, ktorý kazateľ berie, z ktorého hovorí. A teraz, chcem, aby ste počúvali pozorne, ak môžete čítajte so mnou, sami pre seba, kým čítame.

A hľa, dvaja z nich išli toho istého dňa do mestečka, vzdialeného šesťdesiat honov od Jeruzalema, ktoré sa menuje Emaus.

A išli spolu.... o všetkom tom, čo sa to udialo.

( Prepáčte ).

A tí sa zhovárali medzi sebou o všetkom tom, čo sa udialo.

A stalo sa v tom, keď sa tak zhovárali a spolu sa navzájom dopytovali, že i sám Ježiš sa priblížil a išiel s nimi.

Ale ich oči boli držané, aby ho nepoznali.

A povedal im: Aké sú to veci, o ktorých idúci rozjímate medzi sebou a ste smutní?

A jeden z nich, ktorému bolo meno Kleofáš, odpovedal a riekol mu: Či ty jediný pohostíniš v Jeruzaleme, ktorý si nezvedel, čo sa v ňom stalo po tieto dni?

A on im povedal: A čože? A oni mu povedali: Čo sa stalo s Ježišom Nazarejským, ktorý bol muž prorok, mocný v skutku i v slove pred Bohom a pred všetkým ľudom,

a jako ho vydali najvyšší kňazi a naše kniežatá, aby bol odsúdený na smrť, a ukrižovali ho.

A my sme sa nadejali, že on je ten, ktorý ide vykúpiť Izraela. No, tomu všetkému je toto už tretí deň, ako sa to stalo.

Ale i z nás niektoré ženy, ktoré boli za svitu pri hrobe, naplnili nás úžasom,

ktoré nenájduc jeho tela prišli a hovorili, že aj videnie anjelov videli, ktorí vraj hovoria, že žije.

Potom odišli niektorí z našich k hrobu a našli všetko tak, ako aj tie ženy povedali, ale jeho nevideli.

A on im povedal: Ó, nezmyselní a spozdilí srdcom veriť všetkému tomu, čo hovorili proroci!

Či to azda nemusel trpieť Kristus a tak vojsť do svojej slávy?

A započnúc od Mojžiša a od všetkých prorokov vykladal im, čo kde vo všetkých písmach je napísané o ňom.

A tak sa priblížili k mestečku, do ktorého išli, a on sa robil tak, že pôjde ďalej.

Ale oni ho prinútili hovoriac: Zostaň s nami, lebo sa zvečerieva, a deň sa už nachýlil! A tak vošiel, aby zostal s nimi.

A stalo sa, keď si sadol s nimi za stôl, že vzal chlieb a dobrorečil a lámal a podával im.

A v tom sa otvorili ich oči, a poznali ho, a on zmiznul od nich.

Vtedy povedali jeden druhému: Či nehorelo v nás naše srdce, keď nám hovoril na ceste a keď nám otváral písma?

A vstali v tú istú hodinu a navrátili sa do Jeruzalema. A našli zhromaždených tých jedonástich aj tých, ktorí boli s nimi,

ktorí hovorili, že Pán skutočne vstal, a že sa ukázal Šimonovi.

A oni zase rozprávali, čo skúsili na ceste, a jako ho poznali pri lámaní chleba.

6Skloňme naše hlavy. Pane Ježišu, modlíme sa, aby si sa nám dnes večer dal poznať tým istým spôsobom, zatiaľ čo na Teba očakávame. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

7Ako tému z toho by som chcel zobrať tieto slová, “Rozpoznali Ho, keď ich oči boli otvorené.“

8Nuž, samozrejme, hovoríme o zmŕtvychvstaní, ktorému dnes veria medzi všetkými kresťanmi. Ono je nádejou cirkvi. Ak Kristus nevstal z mŕtvych, potom sme stratení. A kresťanstvo je založené na zmŕtvychvstaní, nie zámene, zmŕtvychvstanie. Napríklad, tu tento motelový kľúč, keď ho pustím na podlahu, a poviem, “Dobre, pustil som ho. Položím sem ďalší ako tento.“ To nie je zmŕtvychvstanie, to je zámena. Vidíte, zmŕtvychvstanie je zodvihnutie tej istej veci, ktorá spadla. A Boh Ho zodvihol na tretí deň, a my tomu veríme z celého nášho srdca. A veríme tomu Biblickému príbehu.

9A všimnite si, toto prvé veľkonočné ráno je Ježiš medzi nimi živý spomedzi mŕtvych.

10 Čo za nádherná vec. Aký som šťastný dnes večer… zdôrazním to s “Amen,“ verím tomu, že On je stále živý medzi nami v tomto jarnom čase slávneho Evanjelia Kristovho. Verím, že On je stále živý.

11 Verím, že to je.... To bol tiež jarný čas zmŕtvychvstania života ľudí. Človek sa vždy bál smrti. Oni nemali istotu, že sa niekedy znovu vrátia späť po smrti.

12Ale videli Ho zomierať na Golgote, potom znovu povstať, a bol s nimi, chodiaci medzi nimi v tom veľkolepom dni po tých žiaľoch a súženiach, a tak ďalej, cez ktoré museli prejsť v tamtých temných hodinách vidiac Ho ukrižovaného, opľutého, a vysmiateho, a všetko cez čo musel prejsť v týchto tri a pol rokoch, a tých posledných hodinách temnosti, ktoré Mu urobili... Títo farizeovia Ho v každom prípade nenávideli, a radovali sa, pretože si mysleli, že to skončili. A tu sa On objavil medzi nimi. Och, čo za deň.

13 Mám... Chceli by ste putovať s Kleofášom a s nimi na ceste do Emaus? Ja by som chcel s nimi ísť. A je to možné... Som rád, že žijúc dnes, môžem stále robiť tú istú vec, kráčať s Ním práve tak isto, ako oni vtedy.

14Smutnou myšlienkou toho bolo, ako to... Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych, ale smutnou časťou toho bolo, že niektorí z tých, ktorí Ho milovali, o tom nevedeli.

15A to je samozrejme obraz dneška. Je mnoho ľudí, ktorí Ho milujú, ktorí si ešte neuvedomili, že On je živý. Oni... Je to nejaký druh histórie, ktorú sa oni naučili v nejakej škole. Je to nejaká kniha teológie, nejakej etiky, etického kódexu, ktorý oni niekde študovali. A Ježiš je pre nich historická osoba. A ešte aj v histórii Ho oni milujú a neuvedomujú si, že On je živý s nami, chodiaci rovno všade s nami, práve tak, ako to On vždy robil. On je tu práve tak isto, ako vždy bol.

16Nuž, oni... Príčina, prečo oni tomu neverili je to, že zmŕtvychvstanie bolo príliš neobvyklé. Vidíte, to bolo... To sa pred tým nestalo. Tak, to bola pre nich nezvyklá vec, veriť niečomu takému.

17 A Boh je v tom nezvyklom. Vidíte? Kristus sa narodil neobvykle, “Panna počne.“ Boh je vždy neobyčajný. On robí nezvyklé veci. Ale oni sú vždy v zhode s Jeho Slovom. On nikdy nerobí nič pomimo Svojho Slova. Tak neobyčajne, pretože On to najskôr zasľubuje, a potom posiela niekoho, kto to Slovo zamanifestuje a urobí ho skutočným pre ľudí.

18To bola nezvyklá vec, keď ste vy, letniční, prvý krát prijali krst Duchom Svätým. Ale jednako Boh to zasľúbil, “vylejem Ho v posledných dňoch,“ a tu to bolo. Tak akokoľvek nemožné to bolo, to bolo zasľúbenie Božie, ktoré sa muselo zamanifestovať, pretože to Boh zasľúbil.

19Nuž, zmŕtvychvstanie bolo nezvyčajné pre mnoho Jeho ľudí, ktorí Ho milovali, jednako to bolo zasľúbené Slovo, ale príliš nezvyklé na uverenie.

20 Božské uzdravenie dnes, je tak nezvyčajné pre ľudí, že až tomu nechcú veriť. A jednako to je zasľúbené Slovo.

21 Tá vec, ktorú vidíme dnes sa diať, je zasľúbenie Božie. Ale je to neobyčajné pre myseľ, ktorá o tom tým spôsobom nikdy nemyslela.

22Týmto bolo zmŕtvychvstanie pre mnohých ľudí, ktorí Ho milovali. Kde ľudia, ktorí Ho uctievali a verili Mu, že je prorok Boží, a verili Mu, že je Syn Boží, a tak ďalej. Ale jednako oni... Zmŕtvychvstanie bolo pre nich stále príliš veľa, aby tomu verili. To bolo príliš divné.

23A keď beriete niečo, čo je skutočne zvláštne, vždy to skontrolujte so Slovom. A ak to Slovo zasľúbilo, potom to je jedine Boh povstávajúci znova na scéne. Tak je to s každým zasľúbením.

24To je spôsob, ako to oni mali vidieť vtedy, pretože Boh zasľúbil, že Ho pozdvihne na tretí deň. Dávid povedal, “Nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle, a ani nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý videl porušenie.“ Ježiš povedal, “Zborte tento chrám, a Ja ho vo troch dňoch znova postavím.“ Vidíte, to bolo zasľúbenie, a to bolo mimoriadne, veľmi neobyčajné.

25A mnohí, ktorí Ho milovali, tomu nemohli rozumieť, pretože to bolo ohromujúce pre celý svet. Kvôli mužovi, ktorý bol ukrižovaný a meč prešiel cez Jeho srdce, alebo kópia.... Každá kvapka krvi v Jeho tele sa stratila na kríži. Vzali Ho a zapečatili Ho v hrobe, a zavalili to skalou. Musela tam byť hliadka mužov, ktorá by to udržala, a potom to zapečatili rímskou pečaťou. A potom povedať, že Anjel zostúpil, zlámal tú pečať, a odvalil tú skalu a teraz On je tu živý medzi nami; to bola trochu divná vec.

26 A dnes je to ten istý jav. Kedy si ľudia myslia, že On zomrel pred 1900 rokmi, a On je dnes tu, po 1900 rokoch, stále medzi nami, presne tak ako On bol vtedy, tak isto skutočný ako bol vtedy, činiaci tie isté veci, ktoré robil vtedy. Je to príliš nezvyklé. Ľudia to nemôžu porozumieť. To je ponad ich myslenie. Skutočne. Kto môže zrozumieť Boha? Nikto nemôže porozumieť Boha.

27Nikto nemôže vykladať Boha. Boh je svojim vlastným vykladačom. Boh hovorí Slovo, a oni hovoria, “Nuž, ty máš zlý výklad.“ Boh robí, že sa to deje, to je výklad. Nepotrebuje nikoho, aby Ho vykladal. Hovoril som práve o tomto tu dolu podྭmestom. Boh povedal, “Nech je svetlo, “ a tam bolo svetlo. To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. Tam bolo svetlo. Boh povedal, “Panna počne.“ Ona počala. To vybavilo tú vec. Tak keď On čokoľvek hovorí, a potom On... On je Svojim vlastným vykladačom. On nepotrebuje náš výklad toho. Biblia povedala, že Písmo nepodlieha vlastnému výkladu. Boh Sám Ho vykladá. Všimnite si. Mnohí to nemohli vidieť, pretože neskúmali Písma. Oni nepočúvali, čo On povedal.

28Mnohí dnes nepočúvli to posolstvo, nepočúvli Písmo, a to čo Kristus zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch. To je dôvod, prečo sú ľudia dnes v takom stave v akom sú, a cirkvi sú úplne poškvrnené medzi sebou. Oni si nevšimli, čo Písmo povedalo na tento deň. Nevšimli si, že tie veci sa mali stať. To je presne vypĺňanie sa Písma. Mnoho ľudí Ho miluje. Mnoho ľudí v Neho verí. Ale jednako to je príliš nezvyčajné. Oni to nemôžu porozumieť. Keď o Ňom hovoríte, že je presne taký istý aký bol včera, a že robí tie isté veci; oni tvrdia, že tomu veria, ale keď sa to deje, oni tomu nerozumejú. Jednoducho tomu nemôžu veriť.

29 Všimnite si. Oni sa rozprávali o Ňom, keď sa On objavil. Nuž, to je dobrá vec. Všimnime si tu v Písme je povedané, “a kým hovorili o Ňom...“ Kým hovorili o týchto veciach, idúc hovorili o Ňom, smutní, vtedy uvideli, ako sa objavil. A keď sa objavil, objavil sa pred nimi, kým išli a premýšľali o Ňom. To je to, kde sa On vždy zjavuje, tam kde rozprávame o Ňom. Vždy cez Písmo, kde ľudia rozprávajú o Bohu, to je to kde sa On objavil.

30Teraz, my sme príliš zaneprázdnení rozprávaním o iných veciach. Myslím, že to je dôvod, prečo mnoho ľudí, ktorí Ho milujú, Ho nedokážu vidieť. Sme tak zaneprázdnení našimi vyznaniami, a denomináciami, a staraním sa o cirkvi a členstvo a o získavanie viac členov, a rôznych vecí. Sme príliš zaneprázdnení, aby sme hovorili o Ňom. On je Slovo. Sme príliš zaujatí nejakými vyznaniami, nejakými učebnicami, alebo niečím, čo iní hovoria, “Koľko členov môžeme priviesť? Hlasujme za nich. Prijmeme tohto, tamtoho, iných?“ Máme sa neustále venovať Slovu Božiemu a modlitbe, študovaniu Slova. Ale my sme príliš zainteresovaní niečím iným.

31Títo ľudia boli smutní. Rozprávali sa, lebo sa stala veľká vec. On bol vzatý. Ale oni hovorili o Ňom, a v tom sa On objavil. A keď sa objavil, On bol pre nich cudzí. Oni tomu nemohli porozumieť. Za prvé On... Za prvé zisťujeme to, že On bol...

32Ako kráčali dolu cestou do malého mesta Emaus, len niekoľko pár, alebo dve míle, v deň sabatu, alebo tak nejako. Za prvé, On im zjavil zasľúbené Písmo o Ňom Samom na ten deň. No, všimnite si. Keď Ježiš prichádza na scénu, ak Ho chceme vidieť a hovoriť s Ním po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, tak ako to robili oni, ako oni hovorili s Ním....Prvá vec, ktorú im On urobil bolo, že im zjavil Samého Seba skrze Písmo. Amen. Čo to má urobiť? Oni boli Židia. Verili Slovu. On zjavil Samého Seba, zjavil napísané Slovo o Ňom Samom, čo mal robiť v tom veku. Amen.

33Každý... Boh v Genesis a vtedy pred založením sveta, On to rozdelil. A On to vypovedal, čo sa stane od počiatku do konca.

34Cirkvi to vždy zaobalia. A vychádzajú, a vštepujú do človeka to, čo oni o tom veria, a tento povie, “Nuž, verím trochu ináč ako toto, “ A on ho robí inou vecou, a tento jeden niečo robí. Každý jeden stavia vežu, alebo mesto, alebo niečo čo oni budujú. Vždy sa snažia niečo pridať, alebo robiť niečo, aby mohli povedať, “Toto sme my urobili.“ To je to, ako ste sa dostali do zmätku.

35Dajte sa úplne nabok. Nech to Boh urobí. Vidíte? Tu je Jeho Slovo, čo On povedal, On urobí. Vྭkaždom veku On posiela proroka s pomazaním... Slovo Pánove prichádza vždy ku prorokovi, aby bolo potvrdené v danom veku.

36Ján Krstiteľ prišiel na scénu. On bol prorokom na ten čas. On bol svetlom toho veku, pretože prorok Malachiáš hovoril o jeho príchode, “Pošlem Môjho posla pred Mojou tvárou.“ Izaiáš 712 rokov predtým povedal, “Hlas volajúceho na púšti. Vidzte Ja...“ Čo on bude robiť v tých posledných dňoch, bude robiť priamu cestu na púšti, a všetky tieto veci boli o ňom prorokované. Keď on prišiel na scénu, on bol prorokom, ktorý mal zamanifestovať to zasľúbenie.

37Ježiš je Slovo. A Slovo vždy prichádza ku prorokovi. A pamätajte, keď ten prorok prorokoval, robiac priamou tú cestu... A potom keď to Slovo bolo na zemi, to Slovo kráčalo rovno do vody a prišlo ku prorokovi. Amen. Aké dokonalé. Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi, a On bol to Slovo. Pretože, “Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo uྭBoha a to Slovo bol Boh a to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ Niet divu, že On povedal, “Patrí sa nám naplniť všetku spravodlivosť.“ Slovo prišlo do vody ku prorokovi, aby vyplnilo všetku spravodlivosť.

38A potom zisťujeme, že On tu zjavil Samého Seba Kleofášovi a jeho priateľovi, toho druhého účastníka nepoznáme po mene. Ale vieme, že to bol Kleofáš. A On im zjavil Samého Seba cez Písmo. Všimnite si, ako On povedal...

39Všimnite si oni Ho nazývali prorokom. “Nevieš o tých veciach? Ježíš z Nazaretu, Prorok, v ktorom Boh zamanifestoval Samého Seba, “ Vidíte?, ktorý pred všetkým ľudom, a tak ďalej. Bol nazvaný prorokom. Potom, keď oni rozpoznali Toho, o ktorom sa rozprávali, že je prorok, zdalo sa, že oni to tu rovno uvideli, že ten istý Prorok znova zodvihol Slovo a začal Ho zjavovať.

40Pričom On bol to Slovo a zjavoval Samého Seba cez ústa, Slovo, ktoré bolo o Ňom napísané. A rozpočal, začal Mojžišom a vysvetlil im všetko to, čo o Ňom proroci povedali. Och. Ako to On učinil známym pre ten vek. “Hlúpi, spozdilí srdcom... vedieť, čo Mojžiš a všetci proroci povedali, že Kristus musí trpieť a tak vojsť do Svojej slávy.“ Vidíte? A to je to, čo sa očakávalo, že sa stane v tom veku. “Či neviete, že On to mal urobiť?“ Vidíte? Zjavoval napísané Slovo o Ňom.

41To je spôsob, ako to Kristus vždy robí. Boh nikdy nemení Svoj program. Spôsob, akým to On robí prvý krát, to je spôsob, akým to On robí zakaždým. On urobil rozhodnutie v záhrade Eden, keď človek upadol, že ho spasí cez preliatu krv. To je jediné miesto, kde sa On stále stretáva s človekom. To je od vtedy jediné miesto, na ktorom sa On stretáva s človekom, pod preliatou krvou.

42Skúšali sme ich vyškoliť, postavili sme veže, vybudovali sme mestá, postavili sme všetko iné, skúšajúc dať dokopy ľudí. Skúsili sme zobrať vzdelanie a priviesť ich dokopy, skúsili sme použiť vojenskú silu a dať ich dokopy. Skúsili sme denominácie, aby sme ich priviedli dokopy. To všetko zlyhalo.

43Boh má jediné miesto, to je pod preliatou krvou. To je jediný spôsob. Preliata krv, tam sa On bude stretávať s človekom. Oni sú krvou – zrodenými bratmi.

44Mám nádej, že vás týmto neohlučujem, ale to zneje ako echo. Ak áno, môžete ma počuť všetci dobre? Ak môžete, zodvihnite svoje ruky. V poriadku. Len aby som vedel, že toto porozumiete. Musíte.

45Všimnite si. Nuž, keď On povedal... Jednako oni Ho nedokázali rozpoznať cez napísané Slovo. Pomyslite o tom. Keď On prišiel a zjavil im Samého Seba cez Slovo. A jednako to nedokázali vidieť.

46Ak to nie je obrazom dneška, potom neviem čo to je. Jednako zlyhali, hoci Písmo hovorí tieto veci. “Stane sa v posledných dňoch, “ hovorí Boh, “Vylejem Môjho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a vaše dcéry budú prorokovať. Na Moje služobníčky a sluhov vylejem Svojho Ducha v tom dni. A ukážem divy hore na nebesiach, a oheň a dym, a tak ďalej.“ Oni to stále nevidia.

47Ježiš povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna Človeka. Budú jesť, piť, ženiť sa, vstupovať do manželstva. Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode Syna Človeka.“ Všetky tieto veci, ktoré hovorili a kázali Slovo z pódia a jednako mnohí, ktorí Ho milovali to nevideli. Stále tápali v temnotách. Stále Ho nedokážu rozpoznať cez napísané Slovo.

48Vzali semináre, a vyšli a zle si to vyložili, a tak ďalej, a priniesli to naspäť. A nevedia, čomu vo svete veriť. Jeden hovorí, “To je táto cesta.“ A tento hovorí, “To je táto cesta.“ Tak len to napísané Slovo... Ježiš im nikdy nepovedal, aby išli do celého sveta a vyučovali. On povedal, “Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium.“ Je veľký rozdiel, skúšať niečo učiť a niečo kázať. Kázať znamená manifestovať. Zademonštrovať moc Ducha Svätého. “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Vezmi Ducha Svätého na zamanifestovanie toho Slova. Ak to je pravda, Slovo, Boh to zamanifestuje. Ak to nie je pravda, Boh s tým nebude mať nič, pretože Boh sa nebude zapletať s klamstvom, viete to, pretože On je Boh.

49Nuž, tak isto teraz. Oni tvrdili, že veria, boli Jeho učeníkmi, milovali Ho, uverili v to. A On stál rovno s nimi, vykladajúc Slovo, kto On bol, a jednako to nerozpoznali. Pomyslite len o tom. Oni to nerozpoznali, stojac tam s Ním Samým, zapísaný v Slove,ྭvracia sa a berie Písmo, zapísané o Ňom pred stovkami rokov, a hovoril ako musí postupovať a všetky tie veci ako toto. A kráča tam a hovorí, “Nehovorte tak. No, čo vy viete.“ A to bol On, ktorý to hovoril. A oni to stále nemohli rozpoznať.

50Aký obraz dneška. Tak isto teraz. Oni tvrdia, že tomu veria, že On vstal z mŕtvych. Ale keď On vystupuje, aby ukázal Samého Seba, oni tomu stále neveria, napriek tomu oni tvrdia, že tomu veria. “Ó, áno, my veríme, že On vstal na tretí deň.“ Nechajte Ho urobiť niečo, aby On ukázal, že vstal tretieho dňa. “Och, tomuto neverím.“ Vidíte? Tu to máte, tá istá vec.

51Všimnite si, On povedal, “Hlúpi a lenivého srdce rozumieť tomu, čo Písmo zasľúbilo pre tento vek.“

52Hlúpi, povedali, “Och, On odišiel. Oni Ho ukrižovali. A my sme porozumeli, že On znovu vstal. Ale, och, je to len tajomný príbeh, ktorý niekto povedal a my nič o tom nevieme. Och, hovorím vám: to je najnešťastnejšia vec.“

53 On povedal, “Vy hlúpi a lenivého srdca porozumieť tomu, čo Písmo povedalo pre tento vek!“ Amen.

54Tu to máte. Prial by som si, môcť tým udrieť do ekumenickej rady. Tak veru. Lenivého srdca, vediaci, že Písmo hovorí tieto veci, iྭtak to nerozumejú.

55 No prosím. On povedal, “Hlúpi a lenivého srdca rozumieť Písmu, ktoré bolo prorokované pre ten deň,“ a presne ako sa to malo stať. A tu sa to stalo. Kristus vošiel do Svojej slávy trpiac najprv, bol pochovaný, zomrel, znovu povstal tretieho dňa. To je spôsob, ktorým Písmo povedalo, že to On urobil, povstal na tretí deň. On povedal, “Toto je tretí deň od kedy sa to stalo.“

56On povedal, “No, to je to, čo sa vám snažím povedať.“ A stále to nemohli porozumieť. Potom On povedal, “Ste hlúpi a máte lenivé srdce porozumieť všetko, čo prorok povedal, a čo Písmo povedalo o tomto dni.“ A tu sa to stalo rovno pred vašimi očami a vy o tom neviete.“

57Povedali, “No, čo ty vieš?“ Vidíte, ich oči boli zaslepené. Poviete, “Či by mohli byť zaslepené aj v tomto dni?“ Tak veru.

58V týchto dňoch sú zaslepené tak, ako boli vtedy. Presne. Či nehovorí Biblia, že budú náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha, nezmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, nemilujúci dobrého, majúci tvárnosť pobožnosti, ktorí však jej moc zapreli, moc zmŕtvychvstania a manifestácie Syna Božieho? Biblia povedala, to sa stane. To sa stalo presne, ako On povedal. Izaiáš povedal, “Máte oči a nevidíte, máte uši a nepočujete.“ Ten istý Boh vypovedal to isté Písmo.

59Všimnite si, potom, Pavol mal veľké zjavenie Ježiša Krista, kto On bol. To bolo tak veľké vedieť to, no, Boh to položil do Biblie. Také to bolo ohromné. Preto mu bol daný osteň do tela, aby ho udržoval uníženého, tak aby sa nestal veľkým a povýšeneckým. Boh ho držal uníženého a malého, tak ho On mohol použiť v rôznych častiach krajiny, aby urobil pre Neho to, čo On požadoval, pretože on mal zjavenie Ježiša Krista, kým On bol.

60Potom si všimnite tú vec, ktorá nasleduje. Ďalšia vec, ktorú zisťujeme, že oni Ho pozvali ďalej. On prišiel na to malé miesto, do tej malej krčmy, kde oni chceli zostať. Bolo to k večeru, a oni povedali, “Och, poď a zostaň s nami.“ On sa robil, akoby chcel odísť preč.

61Och, premýšľal som o tom mnoho krát. On len chce, aby si Ho pozval. On robí, akoby odchádzal. On môže robiť, že ťa chce obísť, sestra na tom invalidnom vozíku, alebo teba Pane na nosítkach, alebo teba s tým problémom srdca, ktorý nemôžeš žiť ani o malú chvíľu dlhšie. Títo ľudia, hoci sú zmrzačení, snáď žijú normálnym životom, ale niekto s problémom srdca môže do rána zomrieť, môže zomrieť pred príchodom zajtrajšieho dňa. On sa môže zachovávať, akoby ťa chcel obísť, ale On len chce, aby si Ho pozval do vnútra. Vidíte?

62Možno si myslíte, “No, On uzdravil jedného dňa toho a toho. On...Minulý mesiac... Viem pred dvomi rokmi, som videl...“ Áno. On môže predstierať akoby ťa chcel minúť. Akým On bol vtedy, takým je iྭdnes. Čo On robil vtedy, to robí iྭdnes. On tak povedal. Všimnite si. Musíš urobiť tú istú vec. Musíš Ho pozvať do vnútra. Vtedy, a len potom On mohol zjaviť Samého Seba.

63On to nemohol urobiť cez kázanie im Slova. To prešlo ponad ich hlavami. On tam prechádzal a hovoril, “No, mali by ste to vedieť... Vy hlúpi, spozdilého srdca. Biblia vypovedala tieto veci, ktoré Kristus mal robiť,“ a tak ďalej, a kráčali tam. No, zdalo sa, ako by videli kým On bol. On nikdy nevyšiel a nepovedal im, “Ja som On.“ Ak stretávate človeka, ktorý to tak robí, potom si s ním nič nezačínajte. On len nechal nech to Duch Svätý zjaví. On nám povedal...

64On povedal farizejom, On povedal, “Skúmate Písma. Myslíte si, že v Nich máte Večný Život. A Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Oni hovoria kto Ja som.“ Oni to mali vedieť. Mali by to dnes vedieť. To nie je len veľká kopa hluku, alebo hurhaju, alebo vystrájania, alebo množstvo zvuku. To je Ježiš Kristus zamanifestovaný medzi Jeho ľuďmi. To je jasné. Písmo tak hovorí. Všimnite si teraz. A to, to robí pravdivým, keď Boh tak povedal.

65Zisťujeme, že jediný spôsob, ako sa On môže zjaviť, je vojsť do vás. On je... On môže... On je Slovo, a ak to Slovo je v tebe, vtedy Duch Svätý zjavuje Krista cez to Slovo, potom keď On do teba vošiel. On je v tebe. Musíš prijať Jeho Slovo. Povieš, “No, moja cirkev tomu neverí.“

66 V poriadku. On nikdy nevojde do vnútra. Vidíš? Keď odmietaš Slovo, odmietaš Jeho. “No, moja cirkev verí, že to máme robiť týmto spôsobom.“

67 Ale Biblia hovorí, že to máme robiť týmto spôsobom. Toto je ten spôsob. Prijať to, ako je to tam napísané. Nie to, čo niekto iný do toho pridal, ale čo Boh o tom povedal. A potom ti to On môže zjaviť. Ale On musí najskôr vojsť do teba. A iba potom to On môže zjaviť.

68Nestojte a nehľaďte na to a neskúšajte to rozlúsknuť, ako farizeovia povedali. Oni tam stáli a hľadeli na Neho a povedali, “Ten človek je Belzebub.“ Oni to nemohli rozlúsknuť. Museli to pomenovať. Povedali, “Ten človek toto robí duchom diabla. On je Belzebub, veštec. No, nemajte nič s tým chlapom. On sa narodil v hriechu. Nemá našu členskú kartu. Nie je našim členom.“ A, och oni... “Ani nevieme, kde chodil do školy. A On je bez vzdelania. No, no, odkiaľ prišiel tento človek? No, On hovorí, Syn človeka vystúpi tam, odkiaľ zostúpil. Narodil sa rovno tu. On je blázon. Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna Človeka, piť Jeho krv... On je ľudožrút.“ On to tak robil, aby vypovedali tie slová. Oni to museli urobiť.

69A tak isto Duch Svätý dnes, predkladá Svoje Slovo v manifestácii tak, aby to ľudia mohli odmietnuť, tak aby Boh mohol poslať Svoj súd na zem, ako to On zasľúbil urobiť. On zatvrdil srdce faraóna. Haleluja. On je ten istý včera, dnes, a na veky. On sa nemení. On je Boh. Jeho systém postupovania ukazuje Jeho Samého, že je to mocný so Svojim Slovom zamanifestovať. On ti nemusí všetko o tom povedať. Ty na to nemôžeš prísť. Nemôžeš rozlúsknuť Boha. Ty to máš prijať. Len Ho pozvi do vnútra a uvidíš, čo sa stane.

70Nuž, všimnime si znova, ako sa im dal poznať, potom, keď vošiel do vnútra. Ako to urobil? On otvoril ich oči na to, kým On bol. Keď vošiel do nich, potom On otvoril ich oči, aby videli.

71No, kedy Slovo prichádza do teba, keď prijímaš Božie Slovo a Ono prichádza do teba, vtedy to zasľúbenie, toho zasľúbenia, ktoré si ty zaakceptoval manifestuje samé seba. A potom ty vieš Kto to je.

72Cez čo to On robí? Ako sa im On dal poznať? Pretože On urobil tú istú vec, ktorú urobil pred Svojim ukrižovaním. Potom oni rozpoznali, že to bol On, pretože On vstal z mŕtvych. Všetko to kázanie, všetko vyučovanie a všetko ostatné, čo On činil, bolo neúspešné. Ale, keď On zjavil Samého Seba, robiac to isté, čo On robil, pred Svojim ukrižovaním, oni rozpoznali, že to bol On. To otvorilo ich oči.

73Brat, sestra, On je ten istý včera, dnes, a na veky. On sa nemení. Práve tak, ako On postupoval s tou ženou pri studni. On nikdy nemení Svoj program.

74No, tá drobná žena pri studni, ona vedela, čo Písmo zasľúbilo na ten deň. Všimnite si, keď On prišiel ku tej drobnej žene pri studni, On povedal... V Sychar, On povedal, “Žena, prines Mi piť.“

75Ona povedala, “No, to nie je zvykom pre teba, Žida, žiadať takto Samaritánov.“

76 On povedal, “Ale, keby si vedela, Kto ku tebe hovorí, ty by si Mňa prosila o pitie.“

77Tak, vtedy si ona pomyslela, “Nejaký chytrák, len sa Ho trochu niečo povypytujem.“ On okamžite povedal, “Choď a priveď sem svojho muža.“ Ona povedala, “Nemám muža.“

78On povedal, “To je pravda. Mala si piatich a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvojim mužom.“

79Dávajte pozor. Rýchlo, čo to spôsobilo? To vošlo dnu. Ona rýchlo niečo rozpoznala, povedala, “Pane, vidím, že si prorok.“ Amen. Vidíte, tam ležalo semeno, ktoré prišlo do života. Tam bol vypínač, ktorý mohol rozsvietiť svetlo. Pre tých farizejov to bolo predovšetkým temnosťou, žiadny vypínač, žiadne batérie, nič iné. Ale pre toho muža, tú ženu, prostitútku... Ona povedala, “Pane...“

80Prečo? Ona očakávala na manifestáciu Slova. Štyristo rokov po Malachiášovi oni nemali proroka. A tu bol Muž, ktorý bol zamanifestovaný ako prorok. Ona rýchlo niečo rozpoznala. Povedala, “Pane, poznávam, že si prorok.“ Povedala, “My vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde, On to bude robiť.“

81On povedal, “Ja som On, ktorý hovorím ku tebe.“ Teraz On mohol zjaviť Samého Seba. Ona Ho už prijala. On je teraz vo vnútri. Vidíte? On sa môže dať poznať. To je to, ako sa On dal poznať tej žene. Prečo? Ona uverila zasľúbenému Slovu. A keď videla to zasľúbené slovo zamanifestované...

82 Nuž, vieme, že v piatej knihe Mojžišovej, v 18. kapitole a v 15. verši, Mojžiš povedal, “Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka ako mňa.“ Ona vedela, že ten prichádzajúci Mesiáš bude prorok. A posledného proroka mali mnoho, mnoho rokov pred tým. Neboli tam žiadni proroci, a tu jeden stál. Čo to bolo? To bola ďalšia vec v poradí. To bolo Slovo. Čo On urobil? On jej to zjavil hovoriac ku nej, zjavujúc jej, že On bol ten prorok, skrze to, že jej zjavil, čo urobila. Ó!.

83 To vybavilo tú vec. Odložila džbán s vodou a bežala do mesta, a povedala, “Poďte a vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila. Nie je práve toto ten Mesiáš?“ Zastaviť ju? No, nedokázali by ste to urobiť. Práve ako skúšať zahasiť oheň za veterného dňa, nejaký suchý dom v ohni. Tak veru. To bude horieť a planúť. Boh zapálil nejaký dom. Ona niečo uvidela. Vedela, že to bola Pravda. Slovo bolo manifestované pred ňou. Práve presne tak, ako to bolo neskôr pri učeníkoch. Vidíte? Kedy sa im pokúšal ukazovať to Slovo, potom zamanifestoval to Slovo. A tu ona poznala to Slovo. A keď uvidela, že sa to zamanifestovalo, to tú vec vybavilo.

84 Jedného dňa, muž menom Andrej, pozoroval Jána. Počul ho hovoriť o príchode Mesiáša. Peter bol jeho brat, nemal o to záujem. Mali zbožného staručkého otca, ktorý ich vyučoval, “Nuž, synu, dôverovali sme Bohu vo všetkom, čo sme potrebovali. Vྭdňoch, kedy sme nemohli zaplatiť naše účty, modlili sme sa, Bože daj nám dnes uloviť nejaké ryby. Vyšli sme, a Boh nám dal úlovok rýb. A keď sme mali tie ryby, čo sme robili? Prišli sme a vzdali sme za to Bohu chválu a predali sme naše ryby. Dôverovali sme Bohu. Ja som teraz starý človek. Ja asi neuvidím príchod Mesiáša. Ale dávajte pozor, pred tým ako On príde, bude mnoho falošných manifestácii.“

85 A Biblia povedala, že tam budú... Povstanú falošní kristovia. To je pravda. Čo oni budú robiť? Budú skúšať uhasiť svetlo toho jediného skutočného príchodu. Vidíte? Mali sme veľa kultov, klanov, a povstalo všetko iné, a zobrali vás do Kanady, a strčili vás do nejakého úkrytu, hore na nejaké iné miesto, a odviedli nejakú skupinu na túto cestu, a tamtú cestu. Práve, presne opakujúc znovu to isté. Čo sa to snaží urobiť? Čo sa to snaží urobiť? Snaží sa to zakryť vychádzajúce Svetlo Pravdy. Nuž, všimnime si.

86Potom, jedného dňa Peter vyšiel na breh, trochu rybárčil, a vyčistil svoje siete. A Ježiš prišiel dolu. A prvá vec, ako vieme, potom, len čo On prišiel Petrovi na dohľad...

87On bol dôkladne vyškolený, čo bude tento Mesiáš robiť. Jeho starý otec mu hovoril, povedal, “Nuž, Šimon toto Písmo tu hovorí, pamätaj, ty si Žid. Pán nám povedal, keď bude medzi nami niekto duchovný, alebo prorok, Ja Pán budem hovoriť ku nemu. A keď to, čo on povie je pravda, zamanifestovaná pravda, a keď to, čo on povie sa neustále vyplní, potom poznáte, že on má Božské zjavenie Písma. Nuž, keď budete vidieť Mesiáša, vy Ho rozpoznáte.“

88Tak on kráčal jedného dňa rovno pred Ježiša. Premýšľal, „idem sa pozrieť o čom Andrej hovoril“.

89 A len čo ku Nemu prišiel, On povedal, “Tvoje meno je Šimon, a ty si synom Jonáša.“ To vybavilo tú vec. To vybavilo tú vec, pretože bol vyučený, že On bude prorok. On to rozpoznal.

90Bol tam ďalší mladý učenec, ktorý bol učený, keď... Filip tam stál pozorujúc tie veci, ktoré sa diali. Prešiel okolo tej hory skutočne rýchlo a priviedol iného muža menom Natanael, ktorý bol študentom Biblie, nejaký študent. Oni študovali Písma, pretože vedeli, že ten čas je blízko. Očakávali Jeho príchod.

91To sú tí, ku ktorým On prichádza, ku tým, ktorí Ho očakávajú. A dnes zisťujeme, že On neprichádza ku tým, ktorí Ho neočakávajú. Nie je niečo také ako Božské uzdravenie, pre tých, ktorí v to neveria. Nie je niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým pre tých, ktorí v to neveria. Je to len pre tých, ktorí v to veria. Tak veru. To je všetko. Tak potom nachádzame tých, ktorí túžia poznať pravdu a Boh je zaviazaný zjaviť tú pravdu. On hovorí Svoje Slovo, potom On prichádza a vypĺňa to, podáva Svoj vlastný výklad.

92Teraz zisťujeme, len čo táto drobná žena... Ona povedala... Ona nemohla porozumieť ako tento Muž tak prefíkane ku nej podišiel. Ona povedala o prinesení jej vody, povedala... alebo o prinesení vody pre Neho a ako chytre konal... a prvá vec ako viete, no, ona ku Nemu prehovorila a zistila... povedala, “Vieme, že Mesiáš príde. A keď On príde, On nám bude hovoriť tieto veci.“

93On povedal, “Ja som On, ktorý s tebou hovorím.“ Vtedy sa jej oči otvorili. Jej oči boli otvorené. Na čo? Na zasľúbenie Písma. Jej oči boli otvorené skrze zasľúbenie Písma.

94Peter vedel, že jeho otec mu povedal to, že Mesiáš bude prorok. A tu Ján povedal... alebo Andrej mu povedal o prorokovi Jánovi, ktorý bol tam dolu predpovedajúc, a tak ďalej, ako hovorí, že sa niečo stane. Tak jedného dňa prišiel dolu, potom prišiel Ježiš. Keď prišiel do Jeho prítomnosti, On povedal, “Ty si Šimon. Si synom Jonáša.“ Čo to bolo? Jeho oči boli otvorené. On to rozpoznal.

95Filip a Natanael študovali Písmo o Jeho príchode. On prišiel, povedal, “Poď a vidz koho sme našli. Ježiša z Nazaretu, syna Jozefovho.“ “Och“, on povedal, “Nič dobré nemôže vyjsť z Nazaretu.“ Povedal, “Poď a vidz.“

96A obišli tú horu. Nepochybne, zopakovali mnoho vecí, ktoré Ježiš činil, čo povedal Šimonovi, čo On mal robiť, tie veci On robil.

97A len čo Filip s Natanaelom vošli do Jeho Prítomnosti, Ježiš pozrel na Natanaela a povedal, “Ajhľa Izraelita v ktorom nieto ľsti.“ On povedal, “Rabi odkiaľ ma poznáš?“

98On povedal, “Skôr ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“ Jeho oči sa otvorili.

99On povedal, “Ty si Syn Boží. Ty si Kráľ Izraela.“ Čo to bolo? On uvidel zasľúbené Slovo na ten deň zjavené.

100Počúvaj brat, sestra. To zasľúbené Slovo, bolo zasľúbené pre vás, a môžete vidieť, že toto je pre to tá hodina. Ale keď to Boh zjavuje, vykladá to, potom to je hriešne odmietnuť to. Nikdy to nerobte. Boh otvoril jeho oči ukazujúc mu zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré zasľúbil, že sa stane. Nuž, vždy sa to deje tak isto. On to robí. On nikdy nemení Svoj systém postupovania, nie veru, nikdy. Stále rovnako. On zasľúbil Písmo pre každý a akýkoľvek vek. A keď On manifestuje to Písmo pre ten vek, ľudia, ktorých oči boli otvorené, aby to videli, sú tí, ktorí to prijímajú.

101“Nuž, brat Branham,“ poviete, „Či sa už zvečerieva?. No, čo chceš teraz povedať?“

102Čo je to, čo Písmo zasľúbilo pre tento vek, aby sme vedeli, o čom tu hovoríme? Kvôli čomu sme tu dnes večer? Čo dobrého to urobí? Žijeme blízko niečoho? Naozaj tomu veríme? Svedčili sme márne? Hovoríme, že On znovu prichádza? Veríme v Jeho viditeľnú prítomnosť? Veríme tomu, že On druhý krát prichádza? Alebo len klameme samých seba, alebo naozaj tomu veríme?

103Potom skúmajme Písma a vidzme čo je zasľúbené pre tento deň. Potom vidíme ako tá žena pri studni, Filip a ostatní z nich, môžeme vidieť.

104Pamätajte, Židom 13:8 hovorí, Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes iྭna veky. Tak je? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] On to zasľúbil. To je Písmo.

105Sv. Ján 14:12 povedal, “Ten, kto verí vo Mňa skutky, ktoré je činím, bude aj on činiť.“ Robím tu niečomu pozadie.

106Nuž, v Joelovi 2:28 a 30 a ďalej, On zasľúbil, On povedal, čo zanechala pažravá chrobač, zjedla húsenica, a čo zanechala húsenica zožralo to a to. Každý z týchto chrobákov je ten istý hmyz, len meniaci svoju prirodzenosť. Pažravá chrobač je húsenica, a tak ďalej. Je to iný stupeň jej vývoja. A ona len žerie, a žerie, a žerie, a to zožralo ten strom Boží priamo až do pňa. A bude potom niekedy ten strom znovu žiť? Ale to vyzeralo na beznádejný prípad. Ale Boh povedal, “Ja navrátim, hovorí Pán, všetky tie roky, ktoré požrala húsenica, a pažravá chrobač, čo oni požrali, Ja prinavrátim znovu vo svojej moci.“

107Čo zanechali luteráni, zožrali metodisti. Čo zanechali metodisti, požrali letniční. Čo zanechali letniční, požrali takí a takí, len ďalej, ďalej, ďalej, jeden s týmto, iný s tamtým, iný s tým, až kým sa to stratilo v hromade izmov. Vieme, že to je pravda. Stojím medzi vami a milujem vás.

108Pamätajte, v Malachiášovi 4, teraz nie Malachiáš 3, v Malachiášovi 4, Boh zasľúbil poslať znovu pomazanie a prinavrátiť vieru detí znovu späť ku otcom. A to je presne to, čo Boh zasľúbil v Joelovi. Ako sa to stane? Nachádzame, že Ježiš povedal v Lukášovi 17:26-30, On povedal v 27..... Lukášovi 17, On povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho... Jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali, a nevedeli to, kým Noe vošiel dnu. Tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Ale On tiež povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta....“

109Vrátili ste sa k tomu niekedy? Prial by som si, keby sme mali čas vrátiť sa späť a len to ukázať. Vrátiť sa späť do 1. Mojžišovej. To je tá istá kniha, ktorú čítal Ježiš. To je tá kniha, ktorú zjavoval... o ktorej hovoril. Poďme späť. Pozrime sa na to. On povedal, “A synovia ľudskí... synovia Boží si brali pre seba ľudské dcéry,“ Ženy. Originálny Hebrejský preklad tam hovorí, že to boli ženy, hovorí, “ženy “ (Vidíte) “pre seba.“

110Pozrite len dnes. Pozrite na sobášenie, na vstupovanie do manželstva a nevedeli to, až....

111Pozrite tu, pozrite na Anglicko, na tú veľkú hanbu. Pozrite tu na Spojené Štáty. Pozrite na prostitúciu, pozrite na všetko. To je skoro ako ten komik povedal minulého večera, že ženy majú na sebe tak tesné oblečenie, tak nemravné, kedy kráčajú dolu ulicou... Ďalšou vecou bude, že sa len pomaľujú. Nechcú používať oblečenie. Taká je pravda. Pozrite na ne, ako sa obliekajú, ako nemorálne, ako nečisto a vulgárne oni chodia. Môžete povedať vtip medzi skupinou mužov, alebo niečo podobné a hovorí sa, že jediný spôsob ako môžete rozpoznať... Oni sa obliekajú ako muži a muži sa obliekajú ako ženy, vy by ste veľmi ťažko... Tak isto si strihajú svoje vlasy, tak isto... Jediný spôsob ako môžete rozlíšiť jedného od druhého je, keď poviete nemravný vtip, muž sa začervená, a žena nie.

112“Potom v posledných dňoch budú dcéry Siona chodiť povýšene.“ Oni zlyhajú v chodení za Pánom, bez ohľadu na to, čo ku ním hovoríte. Môžete kričať, a kázať a kázať, to je ako udieranie o stenu. To je hustá temnosť na nich. Zdá sa byť tak ťažkým, nájsť skutočného muža, ktorý je mužom a nájsť ženu, ktorá je skutočnou dámou.

113Pozrite dnes na ulice a na ich obrazovky a kdekoľvek to je, tieto necenzurované programy, fajčenie cigariet, preklínanie, vyvádzanie, obliekanie sa ako muži a ďalšie veci. Ježiš povedal, že tie veci budú a oni sú tu. Oni nepotrebujú žiadneho zjavovania, oni sú už zjavené.

114Nuž, dávajte pozor. On povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta...“ Hľaďte na Lótovu polohu. Boh zostúpil. A dvaja muži kráčali do Sodomy a kázali dolu v Sodome. Jeden Muž zostal hore s Abrahámom, s vyvolenou cirkvou, typ na letničných, vyvolaných dnes, ktorí nie sú v Sodome.

115 Títo, ktorí sú medzi letničnými, ženy, ktoré si strihajú svoje vlasy, a muži, ktorí takto vystrájajú a hovoria tieto špinavé žarty, a vyvádzajú, títo nie sú letničnými. Oni len nesú meno letniční. Oni nie sú letničnými. Skutočné letničné dámy sú dámami. Skutočný letničný muž je mužom.

116 Školy dobre že nemusia byť zatvorené pre mladých chlapcov z dôvodu ich zvrátenosti a takýmto veciam na školách, homosexuáli sú kdekoľvek, všade. Je to odporný pohľad. “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“

117Pamätajte. Všimnite si, práve dolu v tom tridsiatom verši, “Keď sa zjaví Syn človeka.“ Všimli ste si to? Sledujte v tridsiatom verši, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka, vo dňoch, aké boli pred Sodomou. Všimnite si, čo sa stalo v Sodome. Tento Muž zostal vzadu a dvaja z nich odišli dolu, aby hovorili s Lotom, aby ho odtiaľ zobrali. Neurobili tam žiaden zázrak, len ich ranili slepotou. Ale tento Jeden urobil zázrak pred tým vyvoleným. On bol obrátený chrbtom ku Sáre a ona bola v stane za Ním. Povedal, “Kde je Sarah, tvoja žena?“ Povedal, “Je v stane za Tebou.“

118Pamätajte, On ju nazval Sarah a jeho nazval Abrahám. Deň predtým on bol Abram a ona Sáraj, nie Sarah. A všimnite si, on povedal, “Je v stane za Tebou.“

119 On povedal, “Ja ťa navštívim.“ Čo to bolo? Boh v tele. “Navštívim ťa podľa zasľúbenia.“ A Sarah sa zasmiala a povedala, “Tieto veci sa nemôžu stať.“

120On povedal, “Prečo sa Sarah zasmiala, hovoriac, že tieto veci sa nemôžu stať? Povedal jej, čo urobila. On, súc Slovom v ľudskom tele, rozpoznal tajnosti jej srdca a povedal, “Smiala si sa.“

121A keď sa On stal telom na zemi, to bolo presne to, čo On robil.

122A čo On povedal? Keď je Syn človeka zjavený v posledných dňoch, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. Ak sodomiti sú v celom kraji, celý svet je zanečistený a zruinovaný. A vidíme cirkev v beznádejnom stave, vtedy je to čas v ktorom Syn človeka zjavuje Samého Seba, toho istého včera, dnes a na veky. To je zasľúbenie Božie.

123Sledujte, čo On povedal, “Malú chvíľu a svet Ma viac neuvidí. Ale vy ma uvidíte, pretože budem s vami, dokonca vo vás. Vy Ma budete vidieť (Veriaci), rovnakého včera, dnes a na veky. Áno.“Malú chvíľu a svet ma viac neuvidí.... “ Svet Ho nemôže vidieť. Ich oči sú zaslepené.

124 Ale keď uvidíte Syna Človeka zjaveného, Slovo prichádzajúce späť v ľudskom tele, Muž ktorý jedol mäso z teľaťa a pil kravské mlieko, jedol placky urobené na pahrebe, a nazýval sa Elohim... Amen. Muž v zaprášenom odeve, Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, tam On bol na zemi zamanifestovaný v tele, a povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, keď Syn Človeka zostane zjavený v tých posledných dňoch,“ svet bude v stave Sodomy. A tu to je. Brat, sestra, dámy a páni, kýmkoľvek si, toto je tá hodina a výklad patrí Bohu. Nech by Boh otvoril naše zaslepené oči na pravdu Písma, a nech by sme rozpoznali, že žijeme v posledných dňoch. Amen. Skloňme naše hlavy.

125Nebeský Otče tak mnoho by mohlo byť povedané. To je postačujúce. Zastavím sa. Pane Bože, Ktorý si dal to zasľúbenie, príď na scénu, Pane. Zjav to. Naše telo nie je dobré. Naše telo je slabé a ono je mizerné, Pane. Nie preto, že by bol niekto hodný, my nie sme hodní, Pane. Ale Ty si to zasľúbil a tá hodina je tu. Slovo stojí pred nami. Zídi sa s nami, Pane, dnes večer a sprav niečo, ako si to robil, keď si bol na zemi pred dvetisíc rokmi, aby mohla táto cirkev rozpoznať, že Ty žiješ naveky, že si ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A zasľúbil si, že znovu zopakuješ tie skutky, ktoré si Ty činil. Syn Človeka bude zjavený v posledných dňoch ako to bolo v Sodome. Pane, Ty si sa nikdy nezmienil o Lótovi – o Noemovi. Nikdy si sa nezmienil, že sa zjavíš v Noeho čase, ale si povedal, ako bolo v Sodome, keď sa Syn človeka zjavil. Och môžem...

126Pane, nech čitatelia Biblie tu dnes večer uvidia tú pravdu. Nechaj ich uvidieť, že Malachiáš 4 je to pomazanie, ktoré má prísť a prinavráti znovu naspäť tú vieru, ktorú otcovia raz videli, zjavenie Boha v Kristovi. Nuž, nech môžu vidieť zjavenie Boha v ľudských bytostiach, Krista zamanifestovaného v tele Svojej cirkvi, chodiaceho medzi nami. Udeľ to, Pane. Ty si dal tie zasľúbenia a Ty ich dodržíš. A ja zverujem teraz samého seba s týmto Slovom, s touto cirkvou, so všetkým Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

127S našimi sklonenými hlavami, či je tu niekto, predtým ako začneme modlitebnú radu, kto by chcel povedať, “Brat Branham, Nie som kresťan. Chcem byť spasený. Modli sa za mňa. Budeš brat Branham?“ Len pozdvihni svoju ruku. “Ja to urobím,“ ak si práve tu a nie si kresťan... Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Boh ťa žehnaj, mladý muž. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. To je dobre. Len... Boh ťa žehnaj, pani. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. To je v poriadku. Tam vzadu, nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Boh ťa žehnaj. To je dobre.

128Ešte niekto? Len zodvihni svoju ruku, povedz, “Nie som kresťan.“ Boh ťa žehnaj. Zbadal som ťa tam vzadu, mladý muž. Nech ťa Boh žehná, tam v zadnej uličke, a ulička tuto v rohu, áno. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nie som kresťan brat Branham, ale verím, že hovoríš pravdu. Verím, že to je pravda. Verím, že zasľúbenie tak hovorí. Čítal som to a vidím, že to zasľúbenie bolo dané. Nikdy som ho nevidel, ale verím tomu.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani. Ešte niekto?

129Keď dvíhaš svoju ruku, to pre teba niečo robí. Určite to niečo robí. To ti dáva pocit, že si urobil niečo správne. Nie je osoby, ktorá by zodvihla ich ruky, ale.. Boh nech ťa žehná. Vidím ťa tam znova. Teba tu, áno. Ó, to je dobré. Pamätaj, ak ja prehliadnem tvoju ruku, On ju uvidí. On vie o tom všetkom. Pamätaj, On vie... Nech ťa Boh žehná mladá sestra. On to vie.

130Nuž, Nebeský Otče oni sú teraz Tvoji. Oni nemohli zodvihnúť ruku. Tam je niečo, čo im povedalo, aby to urobili. Možno nikto z nich ešte nikdy nevidel na vlastné oči tie pozoruhodné znaky Tvojej prítomnosti tu na zemi v týchto posledných dňoch. Ale oni to vidia tu, Písmo tak povedalo. A nech by mohli dnes večer porozumieť, že hoci Biblia bola kázaná počas všetkých týchto rokov, ľudia stále neveria. Ale keď si prišiel ku Kleofášovi a jeho priateľovi a otočil si sa a urobil si niečo presne tak isto, ako si to robil, keď chodil po zemi pred ukrižovaním, oni poznali, že to bol ten istý Ježíš. No, Pane, urob pre nás to isté dnes večer. Urob to dnes večer pre týchto chorých ľudí, práve tak ako si to robil pred tvojim ukrižovaním. Potom po dvetisíc rokoch muži a ženy poznajú, že Ty žiješ. Očakávame na Teba, Otče, v mene Ježiša. Amen.

131No, ku vám, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, chcem, že by ste sedeli pár minút skutočne úctivo. Idem zvolať modlitebnú radu. Neviem povedať, že to bude Boh robiť. Ale chcem sa vás opýtať vážnu otázku, ľudia, kým tam je, och, niekoľko stoviek tu, päťsto, alebo šesťsto alebo koľkokoľvek to je. Hľaďte, tu je celé množstvo ľudí. Ale hľaďte, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Sme zodpovední voči Bohu. Sme. A On je zodpovedný voči Svojmu Slovu. Nuž, keď On robí to Slovo znovu živé, ty – ty, chcem, aby každý jeden, ktorý zodvihol svoju ruku aj tí, ktorí ju nezodvihli, prišli hneď potom sem ku oltáru, len čo sa pomodlíme za chorých

132Kde je Billy? Modlitebná karta B, och, 1 do 100? V poriadku. Ponáhľajme sa, začneme rovno od čísla 1. Modlitebná karta D číslo 1. Kto ju má? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Pozri sa na svoju modlitebnú kartu, pozri aké je tam číslo. Ak nemôžeš chodiť, no, niekto príde tam dolu, tak môžeš... D číslo 1,2, 3, 4, 5, postavte sa rovno tu, keď budete. 1, 2, 3. Ak nemôžeš chodiť, zodvihni svoju ruku, a my ... oni ťa prenesú. 1, 2. Vidím len jedného, tak ďaleko. Mohli by ste rýchlo prísť, len tak rýchlo ako môžete? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

133Keby to mohol niekto povedať po Španielsky, vidím, že je tam veľa Španielov...D – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, - 1, 2, 3. Kde... Tam je 3. 1, 2, 3, 4. Tam je ďalší. Číslo 5? Kto má modlitebnú kartu číslo 5 ? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Ako to povieš po Španielsky? Je toto modlitebná karta číslo 5, pane? Tam ju máme. Ďakujem. 1, 2, 3, 4. Potom, čo... ktorý chýba? Tam sú piati? Áno, teraz vidím. Vidím ho stáť tamto. Vྭporiadku.

1346, 7, 8, 9, 10... Povedz... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Stojte tu, len chvíľu. To je to. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. To je dobre. To je dobre. Len chvíľočku. Zavolajme ešte trochu viac. 17, 18, 19, 20, 1 do 20...?... To je to. Vྭporiadku. To je fajn. To je dostatočne. Začneme rovno tam. Ďakujem brat.

135Koľkí z vás tu nemáte modlitebnú kartu, zodvihnite svoju ruku, a ešteྭste chorí? Nuž, pamätajte, vy nemusíte byť tu hore. Nemusíte byť tu. Len verte.

136No, nech je každý skutočne úctivý. Chcem vás poprosiť v Ježišovom mene, aby sa nikto nepresúval, okolo desať minút, pätnásť akokoľvek, desať alebo pätnásť minút. Len nech je Bohu vzdaný veľký rešpekt. Každý nech sa rovno dolu usadí. Nech je teraz skutočne ticho. Len – len chvíľu, oni tu budú mať ten rad. No, kým vy... oni čakajú, nuž, počúvajte ma teraz pozorne.

137Nuž, uvedomujete si, čo ja tu zastávam? Koľkí z vás rozumejú o čom som kázal (Vidíte?), vyhlásil som, že On vstal z mŕtvych. No, keď On vstal z mŕtvych a zasľúbil to robiť... No, to sa nedialo v žiadnom veku od apoštolov do tohto času, pokiaľ vieme. Ale On zasľúbil na tento čas, že Syn človeka bude zjavený, ako to bolo v Sodome. Nuž čítajte to v Lukášovi 17, asi od 20 do 30 verša a vidzte či to nie je pravda. On to zasľúbil.

138Čítajte o tom v Malachiášovi 4. Nemiešajte to teraz s Malachiášom 3. Malachiáš 3 bol Ján Krstiteľ. Vidíte? Ale Malachiáš 4, len čo to je skončené, bezbožný... spravodlivý budú kráčať po bezbožných a svet bude spálený ohňom. Vidíte? To sa nikdy nestalo vo dňoch Jánovho života. Očakávame toho veľkého pomazania na Cirkvi, ktoré obráti srdcia späť do originálnej náuky otcov, späť ku skutočným, pravdivým letniciam.

139V poriadku. Buďte úctiví. Billy, zakrič, len čo ich tam všetkých dáš do rady. Všetci pripravení? Dobre. Nuž, skutočne úctiví. Niekto vám pomôže prísť sem na túto stranu. Kým je každý skutočne potichu, len na pár minút.

140Chcem, aby ste mi dali sľub. Sľúbil som Bohu... A On pozná moje srdce (Vidíte?), a On pozná vaše. Som zaviazaný hovoriť, len čo je pravda. To je všetko, ja som zaviazaný to robiť. Boh to napísal. Ja nikdy... Oni...oni... To nie som ja, To je Biblia. Vy to viete. Nuž, ak to On zjaví, či Ho to neprinesie rovno sem živého medzi nás? Vidíte?

141Čo ak by ste nemali zrakový zmysel, žiaden z vás, a vyšli by ste von na slnečné svetlo. Niekedy by ste nevedeli kde ste chodili, pretože by ste boli slepí. A vy by ste chodili v slnečnom svetle, cítili by ste skutočne.... niečo skutočne teplé okolo vás. A potom o chvíľu idete do tieňa. A povedali by ste: “Teraz to tu nie je.“ Nikto by nikdy nevedel, čo je slnečné svetlo, nemajúc ten zrakový zmysel. Vidíte? Nevedeli by ste čím ono je. Niekto by povedal, “To je slnečné svetlo.“

142Čo je slnečné svetlo? Čo je svetlo a čo je to slnko? Vidíte? Vy ste nikdy o tom nepočuli. Vidíte? “Nuž, to je svetlo, ktoré zostupuje dolu.“ Čo je svetlo? Vidíte?

143No, to je spôsob ako cítime prítomnosť Božiu. Keď ju necítime, vtedy kráčame mimo. Vidíte? Keď si v dimenzii, ktorú vidíš, môžeš povedať, čo to je. Vidíš, ty vieš čo to je.

144No, ak Boh vstal z mŕtvych a je tu dnes večer... On to zasľúbil. Nuž, Jeho fyzické telo je na Božom tróne. On zaujal....zasadol na Božom tróne. Ale Duch Svätý je tu, ktorým je Kristus vo forme Ducha. To slovo “Kristus“ znamená “Ten Pomazaný.“ A to pomazanie, ktoré bolo na Ňom je na cirkvi, na vás všetkých. Prechádzajúce rovno ďalej od ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, Krstu Duchom Svätým, prinavrátenia darov, rovno na vrchol toho, prichádzajúce rovno do menšiny po celý čas. To je teraz pokope. A teraz existuje cirkev. No, Nevesta vychádza z cirkvi, Vidíte? Cirkev ide cez obdobie súženia, nie Nevesta. Prepáčte mi, nechcel som kázať náuku. Prepáčte. Vྭporiadku. Tu je tá pani. Poď sem.

145Všimnite si, nemyslím si, že je tu nejaká osoba, ktorú by som poznal, z tých na ktorých sa pozerám. Ak mi je každý z vás tu cudzí, zodvihnete svoje ruky? Vy viete, že ja nič o vás neviem, tak títo ľudia tu sú cudzími.

146Nuž, prosím, prosím, nepresúvajte sa. Stále seďte, budete?

147Všetci, v modlitebnej rade, ktorý ma nepoznáte, a viete, že o vás nič neviem, zodvihnite vaše ruky. Tu to máte.

148Nuž, tu sedí skupina kazateľov. Vidíte, je to práve rovno tu, kam všetci môžeme hľadieť. Vidíte?

149No, táto pani tu mi je cudzia. Nuž, niekto kto je... ten technik.... skontroluj ten mikrofón teraz. Vྭporiadku. Teraz idem ku nej hovoriť. Tu sa opakuje Ján 4, kde Ježiš hovoril ku nejakej žene a povedal jej v čom bol jej problém. A ona uverila, že to bol znak Mesiáša. Keď to bol vtedy znak Mesiáša, je to stále znakom Mesiáša. Pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes, a naveky. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Stretnutie ako toto...

150No, ja nie som Ježiš, a bez pochyby táto žena nie je tým druhom ženy. Ale to čo sa snažím povedať, je to isté. Tu je muž stretávajúci ženu, a niečo tam nie je v poriadku. A keď sem príde niečo čo to zjaví, to ukazuje, že to musí byť Boh. No, Nevedel by som, pretože ja som nikdy v živote tú ženu nevidel. Vidíte? A ona zodvihla svoju ruku, že ju nepoznám, a ona nepozná mňa. A my stojíme rovno tu.

151No, chcem len ku tebe minútku hovoriť, potom čo som toto hovoril, kázal, sestra. Keď to je práve... Vidíš, jedna vec bolo kázanie, ďalšia vec je pomazanie. To je niečo iné.

152Nuž, ak by mi Pán Ježiš mohol vyjasniť, alebo ukázať cez videnie, niečo po čom túžiš, niečo ako... Možno by to mohla byť nemoc, možno finančný problém, možno domáci, môže to byť pre niekoho iného. Ja to dokonca neviem. Vidíš? Nemám ani potuchy. Ale ak mi On povie niečo, čo je zlé, alebo niečo, čo nie je v poriadku v tvojom živote, alebo - - alebo niečo - - že si hrozne chorá, alebo niekto iný je chorý, alebo niečo je zlé. Ak to On povie, ty budeš vedieť, či to je pravda alebo nie. A ty budeš môcť povedať či to bola pravda alebo nie. Takže, ak On vie, čo sa stalo, potom On určite vie, čo sa stane. Keď On môže povedať minulosť, On môže povedať prítomnosť a budúcnosť. Nuž, urobí to, že budeš veriť celým svojim srdcom, keď dostaneš to, o čo prosíš?

153Spôsobí to, že obecenstvo bude veriť, keď oni dostanú to o čo prosia? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.]

No, buďte teraz skutočne úctiví.... hľaďte, čo mi On povie, pretože ja neviem. Ja len...Zhromaždenie za zhromaždením, stávate sa nervóznejším, viete, a kázanie, a ponáhľanie, a sledovanie toho, a stráženie.... Sľúbil som, že vás prepustím o 9,30. Teraz je skoro toľko. Robí ma to nervóznym. Tak ja len musím utíšiť samého seba. Vidíte?

154Dar nie je niečo ako, keď vezmete nôž a posekáte ním niečo. To nie je dar. Dar je dať samého seba z cesty, tak vás môže Duch Svätý použiť. A to je jediná vec, ktorú musím urobiť, dať Williama Branhama zo scény, vidíte, tak môže Boh prísť.

155No, teraz v Mene Ježiša Krista beriem každého ducha tu pod svoju kontrolu na Jeho chválu, aby to slovo, ktoré som kázal, mohlo byť zamanifestované. On je teraz tu. Prial by som si môcť vám povedať ako to je. Hm, ó, hm. Ak by mi On povedal, aby som zajtra ráno išiel na prezidentský cintorín a zobudil z mŕtvych George Washingtona, povedal by som, “Poďte sa na to pozrieť.“ Len čo On povie teraz. Vidíte? Neviem, čo On povie. Ale, čo povie to bude pravda.

156Táto pani trpí na problémy so svojimi očami. Ona má problémy s okom, ktoré jej robí ťažkosti. Má problém s ramenom, ktoré ju trápi. A ona je nervózna, extrémne nervózna. V poriadku. Či to nie je pravda? Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Poviem ďalšiu vec. Ty si určitým druhom slúžiacej. Ty si ako... ty si žena kazateľka. To je to. No, veríš z celého svojho srdca? Choď a môžeš mať to o čo prosíš. Či tomu veríte? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.].

157My sme si cudzí, predpokladám. Pán pozná nás oboch. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať.... To bola žena, tu je muž. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, čo je tvoj problém? Spôsobí to, že budeš veriť? Ty trpíš na nervozitu. Máš tiež problém s tvojimi očami, oni slabnú po celý čas. To sa dialo nejaký čas. Ďalšia vec, vidím niečo v tvojom rameni. A, och, to je - - ty máš vysoký krvný tlak. To je to, čo to je. Máš vysoký krvný tlak. Je to tak, či nie? Zodvihni svoju ruku ak je to tak. [Ten brat hovorí: “Chvála Pánovi!“ - pozn.prekl.]

158Čím viac by ste ku nemu hovorili, tým viac by toho bolo. Vidíte? Nuž pozri, hľaď, pozri. Daj len svoju ruku dolu. Nemali sme toho príliš veľa. Len daj svoju ruku dolu. Nuž, ja neviem, čo som ti povedal, ale to je tam na zázname (vidíš?), práve ako na tej páske. Ja neviem, čo On povedal.

159Ale pozrime sa teraz. Áno, to sú - - to sú oči, to je prvá vec. A potom ďalšia vec, ty máš krvnú zrazeninu, a ona je na tvojom mozgu. A ty si mal mozgovú porážku. To je pravda. V poriadku. Veríš teraz? Veríš, že budeš v poriadku? Veríš, že to hovorí Boh, nie ja? V poriadku potom. Choď ver tomu. To je všetko, čo máš urobiť. Ak oni môžu len veriť, to je všetko…?…

160Ako sa máš? Veríš, že mi Boh môže zjaviť tvoj problém? [Tá sestra hovorí: “Áno, verím.“ - pozn.prekl.] A ak môže, spôsobí to, že Mu budeš veriť? Budeš? [ “Áno“ ]. Čoho sa bojíš? Nemôžeš povedať, však? To je pravda. Ty máš túto nervozitu. Potom ďalšia vec, ty máš problém vo svojom krku. [ “Áno” ] To je pravda. Potom, ty máš niekoho na srdci, za koho sa modlíš. [ “Áno” ] . A máš s tým mnoho problémov. [ “Áno“ ]. A to je kvôli alkoholu. [ “Áno“ ]. To je tvoj manžel. On je alkoholik a ty sa za neho modlíš. [ “Áno“ ]. Veríš za neho? [ “Áno, verím “ - pozn.prekl.] Potom sa budem modliť , aby Ježiš Kristus urobil pre teba tie veci, a ty budeš odchádzať v poriadku.

161Veríte? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, to je prakticky, práve - - títo dvaja, traja, alebo štyria, každý, ktorý prešiel, to je toľko, koľko Ježiš urobil v celej Biblii. Vidíte? To je pravda. On to urobil pri tej žene, povedal tej žene tú jednu vec a odišiel dolu do Sychar. On tam nikdy nepovedal nikomu nič viac. Ale oni uverili pre svedectvo tej ženy. Oni vám nemusia svedčiť. Stojíte tu a hľadíte na to vy sami. Musíte len veriť. Samozrejme, niektorí nebudú veriť. Nie je v nich nič, čo by mohlo veriť.

162Ako sa máš? Nuž, my sme si cudzí. Či by som nebol hroznou osobou, stojac tu, keby... Milá sivovlasá žena, taká ako táto, a rozmýšľam o tom, ako moja vlastná drahá matka bola asi v tom veku, a ona sa pominula práve pred pár rokmi. A ak by som čokoľvek mohol urobiť ku pomoci tejto úbohej dámy, urobil by som to. Ja viem, ak je ona chorá, ak by som mohol vziať a - - a tlačiť mincu svojim nosom okolo tohto mesta, urobil by som to. Nestaral by som sa kto by sa zo mňa smial. Chcel by som, aby bola zdravá. Ak by som jej mohol pomôcť, urobil by som to. Ale ja jej nemôžem pomôcť. A napodiv On to už urobil, Boh to už urobil. A On ťa miluje viac ako ja. On za teba zomrel, a ja som to nikdy neurobil. Ale On ťa dostatočne miloval, aby za teba zomrel.

163Ale potom mi On len poslal malý dar. On poslal tvojho pastora sem, aby sa modlil a kládol ruky na chorých a ty vidíš, toho sa stalo tak mnoho v tomto prebudení, to je tak trochu minulosť, vieš. A teraz to prišlo do niečoho ďalšieho, vieš čo myslím, určité ohraničenie, niečo ďalšie.

164Nuž, ak mi Pán zjaví, aký je tvoj problém, budeš mi veriť, že som Jeho prorok, alebo Jeho služobník? Veríš, že to je On? [ Tá sestra hovorí, “Áno. Viem to.“ - pozn.prekl. ] Ty, ty, dobre, ďakujem ti sestra. [ “Určite.“ ] No, verím, že problémy s obličkami, ktorými trpíš, ťa opustia. Veríš tomu tiež? Ty máš nejakú prosbu vo svojom srdci, chceš ma o to poprosiť. [ “Áno.“ ] Ak by som ti zjavil tú prosbu pred tým ako by si ma o ňu požiadala, spôsobilo by to, že by si viac verila? [ “Určite.“ ] Chceš, aby som sa pomodlil za tvoju dcéru. Ona tu nie je. To je pravda. Chceš aby som ti zjavil, aký je jej problém? To je skutočná nervozita. Ver teraz a ona bude zdravá. Rozumieš? Boh ťa žehnaj sestra. “Ak môžeš veriť, všetky veci sú možné.“ Rozumieš?

165Čo robí Slovo Božie... Vidíš, ak to títo kazatelia nehovoria, Biblia povedala v liste Židom, v Novom Zákone, v kapitole 4 , “Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč prenikajúci až do rozdelenia špiku kostí a rozpoznávajúce myšlienky a úmysly srdca.“ Je to pravda bratia? [ “Kazatelia hovoria, “Amen.“ - pozn.prekl. ] Vidíte?

166Čo to je? To je Slovo pridelené na tento deň. Slovo pridelené na tento deň, vyplňujúce to zasľúbenie, “Keď Syn Človeka bude zjavený, dni Sodomy, všetky tie ďalšie zasľúbené veci,” tu to je, to je Slovo Božie, ktoré zostalo zjavené, pretože to je Slovo samotné rozpoznávajúce myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. Rozumiete? To je presne pravda.

167Nuž, táto pani, nepoznám ju, ďalšia prívetivo vyzerajúca osoba. Akou by som bol strašnou osobou, keby som mohol pomôcť a…

168Teraz len chvíľočku. Niekto iný, to bol človek, to bol človek, ktorý sa objavil, a niekto tu neprítomný sa modlí. Maj len vieru. Vidím teraz, to je... len poviem na čo práve pozerám. Vidíš, to je všetko čo môžem povedať, to čo vidím.

169Ty si, áno, trpíš stavom tvojho žalúdka. Je to v tvojom žalúdku. A potom ma chceš požiadať prosbu, a to je za tvoju matku. Ona tu nie je, ale je chorá. Chceš, aby som sa za ňu pomodlil. Či to nie je pravda? Máš ďalšiu prosbu. To je za... To je niekto, kto tu nie je. Je to cesta vzdialená odtiaľto. A vidím, to je cesta... To je iná krajina. To je ďaleko odtiaľto. A to je nejaká - - je to mladá osoba, dieťa trpiace určitým druhom onemocnenia, tropickou chorobou. Južná Amerika, presne tak. To je len.... To je úplná pravda. Presne. Choď a ver teraz celým svojim srdcom.

170Ja neuzdravujem. On už uzdravil. Či si môžete uvedomiť, že to je znovu Jeho prítomnosť? [“Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen!” - pozn.prekl.] Budem len pokračovať ďalej, teraz ma to začalo trochu oslepovať, vidíte. Poviete, “To?“

171Dobre, brat, sestra! Ježiš, žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha, On sa otočil a uvidel čo sa stalo, a povedal, “Moc vyšla zo Mňa.“ Je to pravda? [“Zhromaždenie, “Amen!” - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, On bol, to bol Boh. Čo so mnou, hriešnikom? Musíte veriť. Nepochybujte. Verte. To je...

172Či veríš? Mladá žena a ty veríš, že mi Boh môže zjaviť aký je tvoj problém? Nuž, budeš, zaakceptuješ to a budeš veriť s celým tvojim... Vieš, to bude pravda. Vidíš? Nuž jednou vecou je tvoj problém v tvojom chrbte, máš problémy s chrbticou. A potom ty máš veľkú túžbu vo svojom srdci ohľadne niečoho, a, ty hľadáš krst Duchom Svätým. To je presne pravda. Veríš tomu? Nuž, ty Ho ideš prijať. Amen. No, choď napred a ver tomu celým svojim srdcom a prijmeš ten krst.

173Či veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tú artritídu a urobiť ťa zdravou? Nuž, len kráčaj napred a ďakuj Mu. V poriadku, no. Vidíš? Ak len budeš veriť! V poriadku, pane.

174Prišla by si pani, ktorá si tam práve sedela, prosím. Prídeš? Veríš celým svojim srdcom? [Tá sestra odpovedá: “Ako by som mohla o tom pochybovať?“ - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, to je ten spôsob, potom ty nebudeš mať tú artritídu. Nebudeš tým ochromená. Len choď napred svojou cestou a raduj sa. Problém tej pani skončil tiež. Len choď ďakujúc Pánovi, hovoriac – hovoriac, “Chvála buď Bohu!“ V poriadku. V poriadku.

175No, pani, ktorá tam sedíš, veríš? V poriadku. Nuž, tie ženské problémy, ty si mala ženské problémy dlhý čas, len ver celým svojim srdcom, a choď a to bude dané... ty budeš zdravá, a nebudeš to mať nikdy viac, ak tomu budeš veriť. Musíš tomu veriť.

176V poriadku, priveď tú pani, alebo to malé dievča. Poď sem, drahá. Vezmem jej ruku. Poď sem zlatko. Myslel som si, že to je to čo to bolo. Občas sa dusíš. Či nie? Nemôžeš sa nadýchnuť, ťažko? Tá stará astma je hrozne zlá, ale Boh ju môže uzdraviť. Či tomu neveríte? Pane Ježišu, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil to dieťa.

177Nepochybuj sestra. To ju opustí. Choď a ver teraz celým svojim srdcom.

178Boh uzdravuje cukrovku. On môže urobiť čokoľvek dobré On chce. Či tomu veríš? [ Tá sestra odpovedá: “Amen.“ - pozn.prekl. ] Či veríš, že On ťa uzdraví? [ “Amen.“ ] V poriadku, povedz, “Vďaka Ti Pane, “ a choď rovno napred, len sa radujúc.

179Len chvíľočku. Vidím, muža prichádzajúceho sem hore. Tu to je. Malý chlapík, sediaci tam, držiaci malého chlapca vo svojich ramenách. Veríš, pane? Som ti cudzí. Veríš, že mi Boh môže zjaviť, čo chceš? Vidíš, dotkol si sa Ho. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale ty trpíš na ochorenie kostí. Presne tak. Tvoj malý chlapec tam to má. Tvoj malý chlapec sediaci vedľa neho to tiež má. Tam je tvoje malé dievčatko sediace vedľa toho. Ona je v jej náručí, a ona škúli. Ak to je pravda zodvihni svoju ruku. No, veríš? Nepochybuj. Maj vieru v Boha. Len nepochybuj. Len ver. Všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria.

180To, za čo plačeš, drobná žena, sediaca tam hore na konci, so svojou vreckovkou na svojej tvári, plačúca... Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, aký je tvoj problém, sestra? Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha? Veríš, že mi Boh môže stadiaľto zjaviť, aký je tvoj problém? Máš duchovný problém, si tomu vyučená. Je to tak? To všetko sa rozjasní. Bude to v poriadku.

181Tá pani sediaca tam vedľa teba, práve si ku nej pred chvíľou hovorila. Ona len priložila vreckovku ku svojej tvári. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, aký je tvoj problém, sestra? Budeš mi veriť, ako Jeho prorokovi, Jeho služobníkovi? Budeš? V poriadku. Tie problémy s fistulami, ktoré ťa trápili, odídu od teba, ak budeš tomu veriť. Budeš tomu veriť? Ak budeš zodvihni svoju ruku a povedz, “Verím tomu.“

182Chcela by si zjesť svoju večeru, s tými problémami žalúdka, pani, tu vedľa. Či veríš tiež celým svojim srdcom?

183Ďalšia pani tam má duchovný problém. Ty máš tiež vyrážky, ktoré ťa trápia. Máš dcéru, ktorá má tiež vyrážky. Či to nie je pravda? Pravdaže. Ona je pripravená. Veríš tomu? V poriadku, môžeš byť uzdravená, ak budeš tomu veriť.

184A čo s touto stranou? Tu, pozrite, tento malý Mexičan sediaci tu dolu na konci, hľadiaci rovno na mňa? Či nevidíte to Svetlo visiace nad ním? Ten muž je v temnote okolo toho, vidíte, čo je to tam okolo neho? To je epilepsia. Veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z epilepsie, pane? Veríš? V poriadku, On to urobí.

185Povedz, malý muž tam vedľa teba, malý, Španiel, on má prietrž. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tvoju prietrž, pane? Veríš tomu celým svojim srdcom? Veríš?

186Ďalší, ktorý má žalúdočné problémy. Ty, ktorý kývaš svojou hlavou, máš problém so žalúdkom. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdravil? Potom choď a zjedz svoju večeru, On to urobí.

187Povedzte mi, čoho sa oni dotýkajú, krížom po celom zhromaždení. Čo to je? To je manifestácia Božieho Slova. Veríte tomu, sami za seba? Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie sa raduje. - pozn.prekl.]

188Kde sú niektorí s nich tu? Tu, tu je muž ležiaci na nosítkach. Pane, ja ťa nepoznám. Nikdy som ťa nevidel. Veríš mi? Veríš, že to čo si počul je Pravda? Veríš tomu celým svojim srdcom? Ak – ak mi tu Boh povie, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku, budeš – budeš... či budeš tomu veriť? Idem ku tebe teraz niečo hovoriť. A ty to vieš, sediaca s ním. On je zatienený smrťou. To je rakovina. To je rakovina. A ty si kazateľ Evanjelia. Vidím ťa stáť za kazateľňou. A to je pravda. A ty si z pomimo mesta. Nuž, varíš celým svojim srdcom? Prečo by si tam mal ležať, kým nezomrieš? Vidíš? Nemáš čo stratiť.

189Tam boli nejakí malomocní. Pamätáte si ten príbeh, keď bola Samária obliehaná, ako tí malomocní tam prišli? Oni povedali, “Prečo by sme tu sedeli, dokiaľ zomrieme? Ak tu budeme sedieť, zomrieme, ak vojdeme do mesta, zomrieme.“

190Doktor urobil všetko, čo mohol urobiť. Povedal, že s tým nemôže nič urobiť. Máš len jednu šancu. Tí malomocní mali jedinú šancu, ísť do domu nepriateľa, ak by ich on ušetril, oni by žili, a ak by to neurobil, oni ajྭtak zomierali. Ale vy nie ste pozvaný do domu nepriateľa. Vy ste v prítomnosti vášho Boha. Očakávate... Prečo nepovstaneš a nevezmeš tie nosítka a nejdeš domov, v Mene Ježiša Krista. A ver tomu, a choď domov a ver, že si uzdravený.

191Či zbytok vás bude veriť tej istej veci? Ak veríte, vstaňte na svoje nohy.

192Pýtam sa týchto ľudí, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky, ak chcú byť spasení a chcú prijať Ježiša Krista, chcem, aby ste prišli sem hore a postavili sa sem vedľa mňa na chvíľu. Prídete teraz? Poďte sem hore, vy ktorí ste uverili a chcete prijať Krista. Nebudeš Mu nikdy bližšie, kým sa s Ním jasne nestretneš. Pamätajte, to Slovo, ktoré som kázal, Boh potvrdil, že To je Pravda. Poďte, príďte touto cestou, každý jeden z vás. Každý, ktorý nepozná Krista a zodvihol svoju ruku a prišiel sem, vyznajte, že ste boli hriešnikmi a chcete byť spasení, poďte sem a postavte sa tu na chvíľu, aby sme sa pomodlili. Urobíte to? Prídete, kým je ON tak blízko?

193Mohli ste vidieť Slovo kázať, videli ste Boha sa otočiť a povedať, že to Slovo je Pravda, “To som ja, to som Ja, práve ten istý Boh, ktorý ťa ide súdiť,“ potom zostávaš vzadu? Nerob to, môžeš sa odseknúť navždy. Vidíš? Tu stoja traja z nich. Tam ich sú asi dva tucty. Príďte práve teraz. Prídete?

194Nie, nie pieseň, nemusíte mať nejakú pieseň. Kristus je tvojou piesňou. Kristus je tvojim presvedčením. Slovo tak hovorí.

195V poriadku, tu prichádzajú dvaja mladí muži. Poďte rovno dopredu, vy hriešnici. Zídite sem dolu na chvíľu, prídete? Práve, kým sa cítim byť vedený, zastavil som túto modlitebnú radu, kvôli tomuto zámeru. Poďte teraz rovno sem. Poďte rovno sem. Budeme mať modlitebnú radu. Len... v poriadku. Ó, áno, pani, poďte rovno sem, mladí ľudia.

196Práve v tomto dni, keď títo mladí prichádzajú, v tejto veľkej hodine, kedy tam sú stále dospievajúci mladí ľudia valiaci sa v nemorálnosti, tí ľudia prichádzajú, aby... A ja verím, že Boh ich urobí takým príkladom, až kým ich susedia nebudú vidieť, že Ježiš Kristus stále zachraňuje stratených.

197Neprídete? Poďte rovno stade kde ste. Pohnite sa rovno dolu, na chvíľu. V poriadku. Nech vás Boh žehná, chlapci. To je dobre. Poďte postavte sa rovno hore. Poďte, poďte. Zadná cesta, tam vzadu, nejakí ľudia tam vzadu zodvihli svoje ruky, nechcete teraz prísť sem dolu?

198Takmer vás nútim. Ja som... [ Brat Branham začína klopkať na kazateľňu. - pozn.prekl. ] To Slovo stojí vonku, klopúce, snažiac sa dostať do vnútra. “Hľa, stojím pri dverách a klopem, ak Mi niekto otvorí a dovolí vojsť, budem s ním večerať a on so Mnou.“ Neprídete? Poďte teraz rovno dolu, zastaňte sem. Hľaďte, Slovo bolo odkázané, bolo dokázané, Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a tu On je činiaci práve to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť. Nie kvôli spojeniu s organizáciami, denomináciami, alebo vtiahnutia vás do niečoho, je to tvoj výber. Chcem vás priviesť teraz ku Kristovi.

199Príďte, či nechcete? Je tam niekto ďalší? Je... Nech ti Boh žehná. To je v poriadku, priveď ho rovno sem hore.

200Bratia, prišli by ste sem dolu? Nuž, títo budú členmi vašich cirkvi. Zídite sem dolu.

201Poďte, ešte niekto. Rovno do prítomnosti Kristovej, môžem práve cítiť toho Ducha volať rovno v mojom srdci. Skutočne, ak to sa deje v mojom srdci, tam je niekto, kto musí prísť. Či je tam nejaký odpadlík, ktorý má prísť? Príď a postav sa sem. Prídeš, niekto z vás? Odpadlík, prídeš? V poriadku. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Poď. To je ono, poď rovno dolu. Skutočne. To je ten spôsob. Buď skutočným mužom, skutočnou ženou. Boh ťa učinil dámou. Boh ťa učinil mužom. To je cnosť. To je moc. Príď teraz. Neurobíš to? Príď a postav sa tu dookola. V poriadku. V poriadku. Boh ťa chce vo Svojej Božskej prítomnosti. Pamätaj, to veľmi...

202Skrze koho bude Boh súdiť tento svet? Skrze Ježiša Krista. Kto zasľúbil, že zjaví Samého Seba v posledných dňoch? Ježiš Kristus. To nie som ja. To je Kristus. Kristus je ten jediný, ktorý tu zjavuje Samého Seba. Pokorný, taký akým bol, prichádzajúci z ničoho, ako to On robil, vchádzajúci do nás, ako to učinil. On je Boh.

203 No, každý z vás kazateľov, ktorí ste sa práve zhromaždili dolu okolo tých ľudí, rýchlo, vojdite rovno dolu medzi nich, postavte sa rovno okolo nich. Ideme sa za nich modliť.

204Chce ešte niekto prísť do tejto modlitebnej rady? Len chvíľočku. V poriadku.

205Oni budú členmi vašich cirkvi, priatelia. Tí budú... Budete ich musieť teraz odtiaľto zobrať. Oni vidia Pána Ježiša v moci Jeho zmŕtvychvstania. Oni sú tu, aby sa stali členmi vašej cirkvi. Pokrstite ich kresťanským krstom a zoberte ich do vášho obecenstva. Teraz sú oni vaši, odteraz. Ste správcami v tomto zjazde.

206Skloňme svoje hlavy, každý jeden. Každý jeden kresťan, v úprimnosti nech vysloví modlitbu za týchto ľudí.

207A ak títo kazatelia ich chcú zobrať do tej miestnosti, kde môžu byť ďalej poučení, to bude v poriadku.

208Nebeský Otče, toto je výsledok tohto zhromaždenia. Tu prichádzajú hriešnici, pätnásti, alebo dvadsiati z nich sa zhromaždili okolo oltára, chcúc vydať svoje srdcia Tebe. Modlím sa Otče, aby si ich prijal v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Modlím sa, aby si ich prijal a dal im Večný Život. Oni sú Tvojim dedičstvom, Pane.

209Každá chorá osoba tu, položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Načiahnite sa, položte svoje ruky a začnime sa modliť jeden za druhého. Položte svoje ruky na druhého, začnite sa modliť, jeden za druhého.

210Kazatelia, položte svoje ruky na týchto ľudí. To je to. Je moc a sláva a požehnanie na nás a satan je porazený v Kristovej prítomnosti.

1 Our Heavenly Father, we pray now that You'll receive glory out of our gathering together. We thank You for the opportunity. Bless Thy Word as It goes forth each night. Bless Thy people as they hear It. And may the great Holy Ghost take a hold of The Word that falls into the heart, and make It to manifest Itself, that literally hundreds of people, through the country here, may be saved. Hundreds of them that are suffering, laying in the shadows of death, may see a great Light spring up, and may they be healed, and Thy great Name honored. That's why we're here, Lord, is not for honor for ourselves, but to honor Jesus Christ among us. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

2 Now as you get in your Bible, just for a few moments. And each night now I'll just speak about twenty to thirty minutes. I have been for the last few weeks. And just speak a very few minutes, and then we'll call prayer line, pray for the sick, or whatever the Holy Spirit leads.

3And how many will, you're first-time comers tonight, and all of you together, will pray for the meeting, will you do that? We're not here just... we're--we're here because we're trying to help. Brethren, I believe, the Lord helping us, we'll have a great meeting to honor our Lord and Saviour.

4 We believe He's coming, right away. If He isn't here tonight, I'll be looking for Him in the morning. If He isn't here by tomorrow night, I'll be here, the Lord willing. And then if He isn't here, I'll look for Him tomorrow night. And then if He isn't here, I'll look for Him the next night. I want to. I've been looking for Him for thirty-three years now, big part of my life, and I'm not discouraged. I'm watching, day by day, and hour by hour, for Him to appear.

5 Now as we turn in the Bible, in the Book of--of Saint Luke, the 24th chapter, beginning with the 13th verse. Let us stand, in honor of the Word, while we read. Saint Luke 24, beginning with the 13th verse. Now if some of you have your Bibles, some of them likes to keep the minister's text, where he speaks from. And now I want you to listen close. Read with me if you can, to yourself, while we read.

And, behold, two of them went the same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

And they walked together... all of these things which had happened. (I beg your pardon.) And they talked together of all these things which had happened.

And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as you walk, and are sad?

And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered, said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass... in these days?

And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:

... now the chief priests and the rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

But we trusted that he had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;

And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.

And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not. Then said...

Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to entered into his glory?

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them... all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And they drew nigh unto the village, where they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.

But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is towards evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave to them.

And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

And they said one to another, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened unto us the scripture?

And they arose and went the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared unto Simon.

And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known to them by breaking of bread.

6 Let us bow our heads. Lord Jesus, we pray that You will make Yourself known to us in like manner, tonight, as we wait upon Thee. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

You may be seated.

7 For a subject from that, I would like to take these words: When Their Eyes Were Opened, They Knew Him.

8Now we're speaking, of course, of the resurrection, which is believed amongst all Christian believers today. It's the hope of the Church. If Christ did not rise, then we are lost. And Christianity is based upon resurrection, now, not replacement. Resurrection! For instance, this motel key here, if I drop that on the floor, and said, "Well, I dropped it, I'll place another one like it here," that isn't resurrection; that's replacement. See? Resurrection is "bring up the same thing that went down." And God raised Him up on the third day. And we believe that with all of our heart, and we believe the Bible story.

9 And notice, on this first Easter morning, Jesus is alive among them, from among the dead.

10What a beautiful thing! How I'm so glad tonight to punctuate that with an "amen," that I believe He is still alive among us, in the springtime of the glorious Gospel of Christ. I believe He is still alive.

11I believe that that's been a... Yeah. That was the springtime of the resurrection, also, of life, of man. Man always feared death; they had no assurance of ever coming back again after dying.

12But seeing Him die at Calvary, then being raised up again and was with them, walking among them on this glorious day. After the heartaches and sorrows, and so forth, that they had went through, and them dark hours of seeing Him crucified and spit on, and made fun of, and all that He had went through in those three and half years, and them closing hours of darkness that made Him... Those Pharisees, they hated Him, anyhow, and they was rejoicing because they thought they had finished it, and here He appears among them! My, what a day! I'd...

13 Wouldn't you like to a-took a trip with Cleopas and them, on the road to Emmaus? I'd a-liked to a walked with them. And it's possible. I'm glad to be a living today, that I can still do the same thing, walk with Him today just the same as they did then.

14The thought of it, was, how that Jesus had raised up from the dead. But the sad part of it, was, some of them who loved Him, didn't know it.

15And that's certainly a picture of today. There is many people who love Him, who doesn't yet realize that He is alive. They, it's some kind of a history that they have learned in some school. It's some book of theology, some ethics, code of ethics, that they studied somewhere, and Jesus is a historical figure to them. And yet, in the history, they love Him, and don't realize that He is alive with us, walking right around with us, just as He always did. He is here just the same as--as He ever was.

16 Now, they, the reason (they) why didn't they believe it, is because the resurrection was too unusual. See, there was... That hadn't happened before, so it was an unusual thing for them to believe something like that.

17And the unusualness is where God lays. See? Christ's birth was unusual, "a virgin shall conceive." God is always unusual. He does unusual thing, but it's always according to His Word. He never does nothing outside of His Word, so unusual; because, He promises it first, and then sends somebody to manifest that Word, to make It real to people.

18When you Pentecostal people first receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that was a unusual thing. But yet God promised It, "pour It out in the last days," and here It was. So no matter how unusual it was, it was a promise of God that had to be made manifest, 'cause God promised it.

19 Now the resurrection was unusual to many of His, the people that loved Him; yet it was a promised Word, but too unusual to believe.

20Divine healing today, is--is so unusual to people till they don't want to believe it, and yet it's the promised Word.

21This thing that we're seeing taking place today is a promise of God, but it's so unusual to the mind who has never thought of it in that way.

22And that's the way the resurrection was to many people who loved Him. There were people who honored Him and believed Him to be a prophet of God, and believed Him to be the Son of God, and so forth, but still (they, they) the--the resurrection was too much for them to believe. It was too phenomena.

23 And you take anything that's really way out in the phenomena like that, always check it with the Word. And if the Word promised it, then it's only God rising on the scene again. And that's the way every promise is.

24And that's the way they should have seen it then, 'cause God promised He would raise Him up the third day. David said, "I will not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." Jesus said, "Destroy this body and I'll raise it up again in three days." See, it was a promise.

25And it was a phenomena, very unusual, and many who loved Him could not understand it. Because, it was--it was staggering, to the whole world, for a Man who had been crucified, and a sword run through His heart, or a spear, every drop of blood in His body had dwindled out upon the cross, and had took Him and sealed Him in a tomb, and rolled a rock over it, it taken a century of man to handle it, and then seal it with a Roman seal, and then to say, "An Angel come down and broke the seal, and rolled away the rock, and here He is alive among us." It was kind of a strange thing.

26 And today it's the same kind of phenomena. When people thinks He died, that settled it, nineteen hundred years ago; and here He is today, after nineteen hundred years, still among us, just as much as He was then, just as real as He was then, doing the same things He did then. It's too much of a phenomena. The people can't understand it. It goes beyond their reasoning. Certainly, who can reason God? No one can reason God.

27No one can interpret God. God is His Own Interpreter. God speaks the Word; and they say, "Well, you got the wrong interpretation." God makes it come to pass, that's the interpretation. Don't need anybody to interpret Him. I just spoke on that, a city below here. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. It don't need any interpretation; there was light. God said, "A virgin shall conceive," she did. That settles it. So when He speaks anything, and then He--He is His Own Interpreter. He doesn't need our interpretation of it. The Bible said that, "The Scripture is of no private interpretation." It's God Himself doing the interpretation of It. Notice, many didn't see it because they hadn't searched the Scriptures. They hadn't listened to what He said.

28 Many, today, hasn't listened to the Message, hasn't listened to the Scripture and what Christ promised in these last days. That's the reason that people are in the condition they are today, and the churches are all gummed up among one another. They haven't noticed what the Scripture said for this day. They didn't notice these things had to be done. It's just the fulfilling of the Scripture. Many people love Him. Many people believe in Him. But yet it's too phenomena, they can't understand It, when you talk about Him, to being just the same as He was yesterday, doing the same things. They claim they believe that, but, when it takes place, then they don't understand it. They, they just can't believe it.

29 Notice, they were talking of Him when He appeared. Now, that's a good thing. We notice here in the Scripture, It said, "And while they talked of Him, while they spoke of these things, going along, talking about Him, sad," when they find out that He appeared. And when He appeared, He appeared unto them while they were going along, reasoning about Him. That's when He always appears, is when we talk about Him. Always, through the Scripture, it's when the people talk about God, that's when He appeared.

30 Now we're too busy talking about other things. I think that's the reason many people, who love Him, fail to see Him. We're so busy with our creeds and denominations, and business about the churches, and memberships, and getting more members and things, we're too busy to talk about Him. He's the Word. We're too interested in what the... some creed, some textbook, or something else says. "How many members can we get in, vote them in? Shall we take this one, that one, the other one?" We should be constantly giving ourselves to the Word of God and prayer, studying the Word. But we're too interested in something else.

31 These people were sad. They were talking; a great thing had happened; He would been taken away. But they were talking about Him, and there He appeared. And when He appeared, He was a stranger to them. They didn't understand it. First, He re-... first, we find out that He was walk-...

32As they walking on the road down to the little city, Emmaus, just a few mile or two down there, Sabbath-day's journey, or something; the first, He revealed the promised Scripture of Himself, to them, for that day. Now notice when Jesus comes on the scene, if we want to see Him and talk with Him after His resurrection, like they did, like they saw Him, the first thing He did to them was reveal Himself to them, by the Scripture. Amen. That's to make it what? They were Hebrews. They believed the Word. And they... He, He revealed Himself, revealed the written Word of Himself, what He was supposed to do for that age. Amen. Each...

33 God, in Genesis, and then before the foundation of the world, He lotted it, and He spoke it and said what would take place, down from the beginning--beginning to the end.

34Always the churches gets that all scrupled up, and they get out, and man has to inject what they believe about It. And this one says, "Well, I believe a little different from that," and he makes him something. And this one has got to do something. Each one has got a tower, city, or something that they got to build, always trying to add something or do something, and say that, "We did this." Oh, that's the way you get confused.

35Get out of the picture. Let God do it. See? Here is His Word, what He said He would do. Each age, He sends a prophet on there, with anointed. The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet, always, to vindicate It in the age.

36 John the Baptist came on the scene. He was the prophet for that time. He was the Light of the age, 'cause the prophet, Malachi, had spoke of him coming, "I'll send My messenger before My face." Isaiah, seven hundred and twelve years before that, said, "A voice of one will cry in the wilderness, behold I..." what he would do in the last days, "make straight the path in the wilderness," and all these things was prophesied of him. When he come on the scene, he was the prophet to manifest that promise.

37 Jesus is the Word, and the Word always comes to the prophet. And remember, when this prophet was prophesying, "making straight the path," and then when the Word was on earth, the Word walked right out into the water and come to the prophet. Amen! How perfect! The Word comes to the prophet. And He was the Word. For, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld Him." No wonder He said, "It's behooving to us that we fulfill all righteousness." The Word came to the prophet, in the water, to fulfill all righteousness.

38 And we find out then that He revealed Himself to Cleopas and his friend here. It's unknown, by name, the other party. But it was Cleopas, we know, and He revealed Himself to them, by the Scripture. Notice how He--He said.

39Notice, they, they called Him a "Prophet." "Know not these things? Jesus of Nazareth, a Prophet that God manifested Himself to." See? Which, before all the people, and so forth, He was called a Prophet. Then if they had recognized the One they were talking about, of being a Prophet, looked like they would a-seen right here that same Prophet picked up the Word again and begin to reveal It.

40Which, He was the Word, and was revealing Himself, by mouth, the Word that was written of Him. And He begin, and He started from Moses, and explained to them all that the prophets had said about Him. Oh, my! How He made it known for that age! "Fools, slow of heart. Knowing that Moses and all the prophets said that Christ must suffer and enter into His Glory." See, and for that age, that's what was supposed to take place. "Don't you know He is supposed to do that?" See, revealing the written Word of Him.

41 That's the way Christ always does it. God never changes His program. The way He does it the first time, that's the way He does it every time. He made a decision, in the Garden of Eden, when man was lost, to save him by shed Blood. That's the only place He'd ever meet a man. That's the only place He's ever met a man, since. It's under the shed Blood.

42We've tried to educate them. We've built towers. We've built cities. We've built everything else, trying to get people together. We've tried to take education and run them together. Try to take military power and run them together. We've tried denominations, to run them together. It's all failed.

43God has got one place, that's under the Blood. That's the only way. Under the Blood, He'll meet man. And they're Blood-born brothers.

44 I hope I'm not blasting at you out there, with this, but it sounds like there is a rebound. If it is... Can you hear me all right? If you can, raise your hands. All right. Now, so just so I know that you're getting This; you must.

45 Notice now, when He said, still they failed to know Him by the written Word. Think of that! When He come and revealed Himself by the Word, to them, and they still failed to see it.

46If that ain't a picture of today, I don't know what is. Still failing, when the Scripture says these things. "It shall come to pass in the last days," saith God, "I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Upon My handsmaids and maid servants will I pour out of My Spirit, in that day. I'll show wonders in the heavens above, and fire and smoke, and so forth." Still they don't see it.

47Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man; they'd be eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage. As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." All these things they have spoke of, and the Word preached from the platform, and still many that love Him don't see it. They still grope on into darkness. Still they fail to know Him, by the written Word.

48 They take seminaries, and go off and misconstrue It, and everything, and bring it back, and they don't know what in the world to--to believe. One says It's this way, and one says It's that way. So just the written Word, Jesus never told them to go into all the world and "teach." He said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel." A lot of difference, try to teaching something, and preaching something. Preach is to "make manifested." It'd have to do it, demonstrate the power of the Holy Ghost. "These signs shall follow them that believe." Takes the Holy Ghost to manifest that Word. If it's the Truth, Word, God will manifest it. If it isn't Truth, God won't have nothing to do with it, 'cause God won't entangle Himself with lies, you know that, because He is God now, same now.

49 They claimed that they had believed, and they were His disciples, they loved Him, they believed it, and He was standing right with them, interpreting the Word, Who He was, and still they didn't know it. Just think of that! They didn't know it, and Him standing there Himself, written in the Scripture, and goes back and picks up the Scripture, been written for hundreds of years, concerning Him, and telling how He must do and all these things like that, and walk around and say, "You don't say so? Well, what do you know!" And Him, Him doing the talking, and they still didn't recognize it.

50What a picture of this day! Same now, they claim they believe that He had raised from the dead, but, when He appears to show Himself, they still don't believe it. See? Yet, they claim they believe It. "Oh, yes, we believe He rose the third day." Let Him do something to show He raised the third day; "Oh, I don't believe in that." See? There you are, the same thing.

51 Notice, He said, "Fools, and slow of heart to understand the Scripture promise for this age."

52Fools said, "Oh, He is gone. They crucified Him, and we understood He rose again, but, oh, my, that's just a mystery story that somebody said. We didn't know nothing about it. Oh, I'm telling you, it's the most miserable thing!"

53He said, "You fools, and slow of heart to understand that what the Scripture has said for this age." Amen.

54There you are. I wish I could blast that to the Ecumenical Council. Yes, sir. Slow of heart, knowing the Scripture says these things; still don't understand it. There you are.

55He said, "Fools, and slow of heart to understand the Scripture that's been prophesied for that day, and just exactly how it would happen, and here it's happened. Christ entered into His Glory, by suffering first, being dead; and died, rose again the third day. Didn't... That's the way the Scripture said He was to do it, raise up on the third day.'" He said, "This is the third day since it has happened."

56Said, "Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you!" And still they didn't understand it. Then He said, "You are fools, and slow at heart to understand all that the prophets has said, and the Scripture being said about this day And here it's happened right before you, and you don't know it."

57 They said, "Well, what do you know!" See, their eyes were blind.

You say, "Could it be blind in this day?" Yes, sir.

58It's as blind this day as it was then. Right. Didn't the Bible say, "They'd be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good; having a form of godliness, but would deny the Power thereof, the Power of the resurrection and the manifestation of the Son of God"? The Bible said it would happen, so it's got to happen. Just as he said, Isaiah spoke and said, "You got eyes and can't see, and ears and can't hear." The same God said the same Scripture.

59 We notice, then, Paul, the great revelation that he had of Jesus Christ, Who He was, it was so great to know. Well, God put it in the Bible, that's how great it was. That's the reason he was given a thorn in the flesh, to keep him down so he wouldn't get big and exalted. God kept him down, and small, so He could use him in different parts of the country, do for Him what He wanted to, because he had the revelation of Jesus Christ, Who He was.

60 Then notice, here is the thing to do. Next thing we find out, they invited Him to come in. He got to the little place, the little inn where they were going to stay. It was towards evening, and they said, "Oh, come and abide with us." He made out like He was going on past.

61Oh, I thought that many times. He is only wanting you to invite Him. He made out like He would pass them on by. He might make out like He is going to pass you by, sister, in the wheel chair; or you, sir, in the cot; or you, out there with a heart trouble, that can't live but just a little while longer. These people are perhaps crippled, they might live an ordinary lifetime; but somebody out there with heart trouble, might die before morning, might die before tomorrow. He might act like He is going to pass you by, but He is only wanting you to invite Him in. See?

62 You might think, "Well, He healed so-and-so, the other day. He, last month, I know, two years ago, I seen..." Yeah, He might act like He is going to pass you by, but He is only wanting you to--to invite Him. He makes out like He is going to pass. What He was then, He is today. What He does then, He does today. He said so. Notice, you must do the same thing, you've got to invite Him in. It was then, and only then, that He could reveal Himself.

63He couldn't do it by preaching them the Word. It went over top their head. Him walking on there, saying, "Well, you ought to a knowed there, you fools, slow of heart. The Bible said these things, that Christ must do these things, and so forth." Walking along there, well, look like they'd have seen that's Who it was. He never come right out and told them, "I am He." You get a guy that does that, then you knowed there is nothing to him, to begin with. But He just let the Holy Spirit reveal it. He told us.

64 He told the Pharisee, said, "Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me. They tell you Who I am." They should know it. So ought they know, today, it's not a big bunch of racket, or a fuss, or a carry-on, or a lot of noise. It's Jesus Christ manifested among His people. Right. The Scripture says so. Notice, now, and that makes it true when God says so.

65 We find out, the only way that He can reveal is to come into you. He is, He can, He is the Word. And the Word, in you, then the Holy Spirit reveals Christ, through the Word, after He gets in you. He is in you. You must take His Word.

Say, "Well, my church don't believe That."

66All right, you'll never get in. See? When you refuse the Word, you're refusing Him.

"Well, my church believes in doing it This way."

67But the Bible says do it this way. This is the way. Take it like it's written There. Not what somebody else has added to It, but what God said about it. And then He could reveal it to you, but He's got to get into you, first. Then, and only, can He reveal it.

68 Don't stand and look at It and try to figure It out, like the Pharisee said. They stood and looked at Him there, said, "This man is Beelzebub." They couldn't figure it out. They had to give it a name. They said, "This man does this by the spirit of the devil. He, He is a Beelzebub, a fortune-teller. Why, don't have nothing to do with this Fellow. He was born in sin. He don't have our fellowship cards. He doesn't belong to us. And, oh, my, they... We don't even know where He went to school at. He has no education. Why, well, where did this Man come from? Now He says, 'The Son of man that's going to ascend up, descended down'? He was born right here. He is crazy. 'Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, drink His Blood'? He is a cannibal." And He did that just to make them say those things. They had to do it.

69 And so is the Holy Ghost, today, putting forth His Word, in manifestation, that men might condemn it, that God might put His judgment upon the earth, as He promised He would do. He hardened the heart of Pharaoh. Hallelujah! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He changes not. He is God. His systems of doing things, shows Himself mighty with His Word, to manifest It. He don't have to tell you all about it. You don't have to figure it out. You can't figure out God. You got to accept It. Just invite Him in and see what happens.

70 Now, we notice again how He made Himself known to them, after He got in. How did He do it? He opened their eyes to who He was. When He got into them, then He opened their eyes, to see.

71Now when the Word comes into you, when you accept God's Word and It comes into you, then the promise (of that promise that you've accepted) manifests itself, and then you know Who it is.

72By what did He do, how did He make Hisself known to them? Because He did the same things that He did before His crucifixion. Then they knowed that that was Him, because He had raised from the dead. All the preaching, all the teaching, and everything else He had done, had failed. But when He revealed Himself, doing the same thing He did before His crucifixion, they knew it was Him. It opened their eyes.

73Brother, sister, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He changes not. Just as He did the woman at the well, see, He never changes His program.

74 Now, this little woman at the well, she knew the Scripture promise for that day. Notice when He come to the little woman at the well. He said, at Sychar, He said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

75She said, "Why, it's not customary for you Jews to ask us Samaritans such as that."

76He said, "But if you knew Who you were speaking to, You would ask Me for a drink."

77Well, then she thought, "Some smartaleck, so I'll just question Him a little bit." She said, went to question Him.

Directly He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't have a husband."

78Said, "That's right. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."

79 Watch! Quickly, what did it do? It got in. Quickly, she knowed something. Said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." Amen. See, there was a seed laying there, to come to Life. There was a switch there that would turn on Light. To them Pharisees, it was darkness, to begin with; no switch, no batteries, no nothing else. But to this Man; this woman, little prostitute, she said, "Sir!"

80Why? She was looking for the manifestation of the Word. Four hundred years since Malachi, they had had no prophets, and here was a Man that manifested to be a prophet. Quickly she knowed that was something. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." She said, "We know that when the Messiah cometh, that's going to be what He does."

81He said, "I am He that speaks to you." Now He can reveal Himself. She has already received Him. He is on the inside now, see, He can make Himself known. That's how He made Himself known to the world, woman. Why? She believed the promised Word, and when she seen the promised Word manifested.

82 Now we know, in Deuteronomy 18th chapter, 15th verse, Moses said, "The Lord Your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." And she knew that that Messiah was going to be a prophet. And the last prophet had ceased, many, many years before that. There had been no prophets. And here stood One. What was it? It was the next thing in line. That was the Word. What did He do? He revealed it to her, by telling her, revealing that He was that Prophet, by revealing her what she had done. Oh, my!

83That settled it. She left that water pot, and run into a city, and said, "You come, see a Man Who told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" Stop her? Why, you couldn't do it; it was like trying to put a fire out on a windy day, and a dry house on fire. Yes, sir, it was burning and blazing. God had struck something home. She seen something. She knowed it was the Truth. The Word had been made manifest before her. Just exactly like it was to the disciples later on, see, when He was trying to show them the Word, and then manifested the Word. And here she knew the Word, and, when she seen It manifested, that did it.

84 One day, a man named Andrew had been watching John, listening to him speaking of a coming Messiah. Peter was his brother; wasn't interested. They had a godly old father that had taught them, "Now, son, we've trusted God for everything we need. Days when our bills couldn't be paid, we prayed, 'God, give us a catch of fishes today.' We'd go out, and God would give us that catch of fishes. And when we got that catch of fish, what would we do? We'd come in and give God praise for it, and sell our fishes. We've trusted God. I'm an old man now. I probably won't see the coming Messiah. But, watch. Before He comes, there will be a lot of false manifestation."

85And the Bible said there was. "False christs raised up." That's true. What was it doing? Trying to put out the Light of that real One coming. See? We've had many cults, clans, and everything else rise up, and take you over to Canada and stick you in a shelter somewhere, up some other place, and lead a bunch off this way and that way, just exactly repeating itself again. What's it trying to do? What is it trying to do? He's trying to shut the Light of the Truth out. Now we notice.

86 Then one day, Peter came out on the banks, to do some fishing, and washing his nets. And Jesus came down. And the first thing we know, that, as soon as He come up in the sight of where Peter was...

87He was well instructed, what that Messiah would do. His old father said to him, said, "Now, Simon, the Scripture says. You're, you remember, you're a Jew. The Lord has told us, 'If there be one among us, who is spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will speak to him.' And if He, what He says is the Truth, manifested Truth, and what He says constantly comes to pass, then you know He has the Divine revelation of the Scripture. Now you'll know the Messiah when you see Him."

88So he walked right up in the face of Jesus, one day. He thought, "I'd go see what Andrew was talking about."

89And as soon as he got to Him; He said, "Your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jona." That settled it. That settled it, for he was taught in there that He would be a prophet. He knowed it.

90 There was another little scholar had been teaching; when Philip was standing there watching that things go on. He took around the mountain, real quick, and got another man, by the name of Nathanael, who had been a Bible student, a studier. They had studied the Scriptures, 'cause they knowed the time was at hand. They were looking for Him to come.

91That's who He comes to, to those who are looking for Him. And we find out, today, He is not coming to those who is not looking for Him. There is no such a thing as Divine healing to--to those who don't believe in it. There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost to them who don't believe in It. It's just for those who believe it. That's right. That's all. So then we find out, those who are longing to know the Truth, God is obligated to reveal the Truth. He says His Word, then comes and fulfills It, gives His Own interpretation.

92 Now we find out, as soon as that little woman, she said... She couldn't understand how this Man was getting smart with her, she said, about giving her a drink, and she said, or bringing Him a drink, and trying to act smart. And the first thing you know, why, she got to talking to Him, and, come to find out, said, "We know the Messiah is coming, and, when He comes, He'll tell us these things."

93He said, "I am He, that speaks to you." Then her eyes come open. Her eyes was opened. What about? The Scripture promise. Her eyes were opened by the Scripture promise.

94Peter knew that his father told him that that Messiah would be a prophet. And here John had told, or Andrew had told him about a prophet, John, was down there prophesying, and so forth, telling something would happen. So one day he went down, after Jesus come. When he come into His Presence, He said, "Thou art Simon. You're the son of Jonas." What was it? His eyes was opened. He knew it.

95 Philip and--and Nathanael had been studying the Scripture about Him coming. He come, said, "Come, see who I found, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."

"Oh," he said, "nothing good can come out of Nazareth."

Said, "You come, see."

96And around the mountain they went. No doubt but what they rehearsed many things that Jesus had been doing, what He had said to Simon, what He had did, these things He had did.

97As soon as Philip walked up into His Presence, with Nathanael, Jesus looked over to Nathanael, and said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

98He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." His eyes come open.

99He said, "Thou art the Son of God; Thou art the King of Israel." What was it? He seen the promised Word of that day revealed.

100 Listen, brother, sister, the promised Word could be promised to you, and you can see it's the hour for that; but when God reveals it, interprets it, then it's sinful to turn It away. Don't you never do that. God opened his eyes, by showing him the manifested Word that He had promised that it would take place. Now, always does that the same way He does it, He never changes His system in doing it. No. So, remember, always the same. He promised the Scriptures for each and every age, and, when He manifests that Scripture promise for that age, the people who get their eyes open to see it are the one who receives it.

101 "Now, Brother Branham," you say, "it's getting late, now what are you going to say now."

102What is the Scriptural promise for this age, so we can know what we're talking about? What are we here for tonight? What good does it do? Are we living near something? Do we really believe it? Have we testified in vain? Do we say we believe He is Coming? Do we believe His visible Presence? Do we believe that He is coming the Second time? Or, are we just making ourselves being fooled, or do we truly believe it?

103Let's search the Scriptures then and see what's promised for this day, then we say, like the woman at the well, Philip and the rest of them, "We can see."

104 Remember, Hebrews 13:8 said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He promised that. That's the Scripture.

105Saint John 14:12 said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." I'm backgrounding something.

106Now in Joel 2:28, and 2:28 and 30, and on down, He promised. He said, "What the palmerworm left, the caterpillar eat; and what the caterpillar left, the so-and-so eaten." Each one of those insects is the same insect; it changes its nature. The palmerworm is the caterpillar, and so forth. It's in different stages of its journey, and it's just eating and eating and eating, and it eat that tree of God right on down to a stump. Then will that tree ever live again? But, it was looked a hopeless case, but God said, "I will restore," saith the Lord, "all the years the caterpillars eat, the palmerworms. What they eat off, I'll bring it back in its power again."

107What the Lutherans left, the Methodists eaten; what the Methodists left, the Pentecostal eaten; what the Pentecostal left, so-and-so eaten; just on down, on down, on down; one with this, and one with this, and one with this, and one with this, and one with this, till it faded out into just a bunch of isms. We know that's the truth. I stand between you, and love you.

108 But, remember, in Malachi 4, not Malachi 3 now, Malachi 4, God promised to send the anointing again and "restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers again." And it's exactly what God promised, Joel. How will it be done? We find out that Jesus said, in Luke 17:26 to 30, He said it in the 27th... Luke 17, He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, they were eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage; and knew it not till Noah entered in. So will it be in the coming of the Son of man." But He said, also, "As it was in the days of Lot."

109Did you ever go back? I wish we had time to go back and just reveal that. Go back in Genesis, that's the same Book Jesus was reading. That's the One He was reveal, talking about. Go back there, look at this He said. And the sons of man... "The sons of God taken unto them the daughters of man." Women, the original translation in the Hebrew there says it was women. "Taken women," see, "unto them."

110 Just look today, look at the marry, and given in marriage, "and knew it not until."

111Looky here, look at England, this great disgrace, look here in the United States, look at prostitution, look at everything. It's almost like the comedian said the other night, that, "Women has got their clothes so tight upon them, so immorally when they walk down the street; the next thing they'll be just have a spray job, they won't have to use clothes." It's just about the truth. Look at them how they go around, how immoral and dirty and filthy, they go. And you take, tell a joke, and set among the man, and something another like that, and said, "The only way you can tell... They dress like a man, and the man dress like a woman. You hardly... cut their hair the same, same. Only way you can tell one from the other; if you tell a dirty joke, a man will blush, women won't." Yeah.

112 "And then the daughters of Zion would walk haughty in the last days." They would fail to walk after the Lord. No matter what you say to them, you can just preach and preach and preach, it's just like hitting against that wall over there. It's a dense darkness upon them. There is no... seems to be so hard to find a genuine man that's man, and to find a woman that's really lady.

113Look upon the streets today, and upon our screens, and wherever it is, these uncensored program, cigarette smoking, cussing, carrying on, dressing like man, and things. Jesus said those things would be, and they're here. They don't need no revealing; they are already revealed.

114 Now watch, He said, "As it was in the days of Lot," look at the setting of Lot, God come down. And in two man went down into Sodom and preached down in Sodom. One Man sat up there with Abraham, the Elected Church, type of the pentecostal called out today, not in Sodom out there.

115Those who live among Pentecostals, and women who cut their hair, and man who carry on like that, and tell those dirty jokes, and carry on, they're not pentecostals, they're just carrying a name pentecostal. They're not pentecostals. Genuine pentecostal ladies are ladies. Genuine pentecostal man are man.

116The schools almost having to close, for young 'verted boys being perverts and things like that, in the school, homosexuals all over everywhere. It's just a sickening sight! "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

117 Remember, notice right there, that 30th verse, "When the Son of man will be revealed." Did you ever notice that? Watch that 30th verse, "When the Son of man will be revealed, in the days like it was before Sodom." Watch what happened at Sodom. This Man stayed back. Two of them went on down, talked to--to Lot, to get him out of there, and he did--did no miracles down there, just smote them blind. But this out here done a miracle, before the Elect. He had His back turned to Sarah, and she was in the--the tent behind Him. Said, "Where is Sarah, thy wife?"

Said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

118Remember, He called her "Sarah," called him "Abraham." Day before that, he was Abram; and she was Sarai, not Sarah.

And notice, he said, "She is in the tent behind You."

119He said, "I am going to visit you." What was it? God in flesh. "I'm going to visit you according to the promise."

And Sarah laughed, and said, "These things can't be so."

120He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'These things can't be'?" Told her what she was doing. Him being the Word in human flesh, knowed the secrets of her heart, and said, "You did laugh!"

121And when He was made flesh on earth, that's exactly what He done.

122And what did He say? "When the Son of man is revealed in the last days, like it was in the days of Sodom." If Sodomites are all over the country, the whole world is messed and gone, and we see the church gone, then it's time that the Son of man reveals Himself: the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's the promise of God.

123 Watch what He said. "A little while, and the world sees Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you. You will see Me; the believer." Same yesterday, today, and forever! Yes. "A little while, and the world sees Me no more." It can't see Him; their eyes are blind.

124But when you see the Son of man revealed, the Word come back in human flesh! A Man that eat the flesh of a calf, drink the milk from a cow, eat cakes that was made on a hearth, and was called "Elohim," amen, a Man with dusty clothes on, God manifested in flesh. There He was on earth, manifested in the flesh, and said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, when the Son of man is being revealed in the last days, the world would be in a Sodom condition," and here it is. Brother, sister, ladies and gentlemen, whatever you might be, this is the hour, and the interpretation belongs to God. May God open our blinded eyes to a Scripture promise, know that we're living in the last days. Amen!

Let us bow our heads.

125 Heavenly Father, so much could be said. That's enough. I'll stop. Lord God, Who made the promise, come on the scene, Lord, reveal it. Our flesh is no good, our flesh is weak, and it--it's poorly, Lord. It's not that there be anybody worthy. We're not worthy, Lord. But You promised it, and the hour is here. The Word stands before us. Walk down with us, Lord, tonight, and do something like You did it when You was back there on earth, two thousand years ago, that this church might know tonight that You live forevermore, that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever, and have promised the works that You did would be repeated again. "The Son of man would be revealed in the last days, as it was at Sodom." Lord, You never mentioned that (about Lot) about Noah. You never mentioned that You'd be revealed at Noah's time, but said, "As it was at Sodom, when the Son of man is revealed." Oh, can...

126Lord, let Bible readers here tonight see the Truth. Let them see that Malachi 4, that this anointing is supposed to come, and to restore back again that Faith that the fathers once seen, the revelation of God in Christ. Now may they see the revelation of God in human beings, Christ manifested in the flesh of His Church, walking among us. Grant it, Lord. The promises You made, and the promises You will keep. And I commit myself, with the Word, with the church, with all, to You now, in Jesus Christ's Name.

127 With our heads bowed, would there be some here, before we have the prayer line, would say, "Brother Branham, I--I'm not a Christian. I--I--I--I want to be saved. Pray for me, will you, Brother Branham?" Just raise up your hand. "I'll do it." If you're just here, and not a Christian. God bless you, sir. God bless you, young man. God bless you, sir. That's good. Just... God bless you, lady. God bless you, lady. God bless you. That's right. God bless you, back there, sir. God bless you. That's good.

128Someone else just raise your hand, say, "I'm not a Christian"? God bless you. I seen you back there, young man. God bless you, way back there. And way over here in the corner, yes, God bless you. "I'm not a Christian, Brother Branham, but I do believe that you're telling the Truth. I believe it's the Truth. I believe the promise says that. I have read, and I see that the promise promised that. I've never seen it, but I--I--I believe it." God bless you, young lady. Just another?

129 When you raise your arm, that does something to you. It certainly does. It gives you a feeling that you've done something that's right. There ain't a person put up their hands... I see you, way back in the back. Yes. There ain't a person that put up their hands but... God bless you. I see you there, again, and you here. Yes. My, that's good. Remember, if I miss seeing your hand, He'll see you. He knows all about it. Remember, He know. God bless you, young sister. He knows it.

130 Our Heavenly Father, they're Yours now. They couldn't have raised that hand; there is Something told them to do it. And yet, maybe, none of them has ever seen the visible outstanding signs of Your Presence here on earth in the last days, but they see it here, the Scripture said so, and may they understand tonight. That, even the Bible has been preached for all those years, and, still, people disbelieve. But when You got Cleopas and his friend, and then turned and did something just the way You did it when You were alive on earth before the crucifixion, they knew that was the same Jesus. Now, Lord, do the same for us tonight. Do, tonight, for these sick people, just like You did before Your crucifixion; then, after two thousand years, men and women will know that You live. We wait upon Thee, Father, through Jesus' Name. Amen.

131 Now to you that raised your hands, I want you to set real reverent for a few minutes. I'm going to call a prayer line. I don't say that God will do it. But I want to ask you a solemn question, people. As there is, oh, several hundred here, or five or six hundred, or whatever it is, look, that's--that's a whole lot of people. But, look, I want to ask you something. We are responsible to God. We are. And He is responsible for His Word. Now if He makes that Word live again, you--you--you--you... I want each one that raised your hand, and you that didn't raise your hand, immediately afterwards come here and stand at the altar, just as soon as we pray for the sick.

132 Where is Billy? Did... One, prayer card B, one to a hundred? All right. Let's, we're in a hurry, so we'll just start from number one. Prayer card B, number one, who has got it, raise up your hand. Look in your prayer card, see what it is. If you can't walk, why, some of you get down there so he... B, number one, two, three, four, five, stand up right here, if you will. One, two, three... If you can't walk, raise your hands, and they'll pack you. One, two... I only see one, so far. Would you come quickly, just as quick as you can, one, two, three, four, five.

133If somebody would speak it in Spanish; I see there is many Spanish people. B, one, two, three, four, five. One, two, three... All right, there is three. One, two, three, four, there is another one. Number five, who has prayer card number five? Raise up your hand, somebody. How would you say it in Spanish? Is that prayer card number five, sir? [Someone says, in Spanish, "Cinco."--Ed.] Huh? ["Numero cinco, el numero cinco." "Here is five."] There it got it. Thank you. One, two, three, four... Then, well, which is missing? ["All there, five."] Is there five there? ["Yes."] Yeah, I see now. I didn't see him standing out there. All right.

134Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Say... [ Someone says, in Spanish, "Seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez."--Ed.] Now stand here just a minute. Six, seven, seven, eight, nine... That's it. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. ["Once, doce, trece, catorce, quince."] That's good. That's fine. Just a minute, let's call a few more. Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. One to twenty. Yes sir? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen... That's it. All right, that's fine. That's good enough. Let's start with them. Thank you, brother.

135 How many here doesn't have a prayer card, raise your hand, and yet you're sick? Now remember, you don't have to be up here. You don't have to be here. Just believe.

136Now let everyone be real reverent. I'm going to ask, in Jesus' Name, that nobody stirs for the next, about ten minutes, fifteen, anyhow, ten or fifteen minutes. Just let's--let's--let's give God that--that great respect. Everybody settle right down. Let's get real quiet now. Just a moment, and he'll have the line here. Now while he, they're waiting there, listen close to me now.

137 Now do you realize where I'm standing here? How many understands what I've preached about? See? And I've claimed that He has raised from the dead. Now, if He is raised from the dead, and promised to do this. Now it hasn't been in any years since the apostles, until this time, as far as we know, but He promised at this time, "The Son of man would be revealed like it was at Sodom." Now you read that in Luke 17, about 20 to 30, and see if that isn't right. He promised it.

138Read Malachi 4. Don't mix it with Malachi 3, now. Malachi 3 was John the Baptist. See? But Malachi 4, as soon as this was over, the wick-... the righteous walk out over the wicked, and the world was burnt with fire, see. It never happened in the days of John's time. We're expecting that great anointing upon the Church, that will turn the hearts back to the original Doctrine of the fathers, back to the real genuine pentecost.

139 All right, be reverent. Billy, holler as soon as you get them all lined up, down there. All right, all ready? Okay. Now, real reverent. Somebody is going to help, walking alongside. Now everybody be real quiet, just a few minutes.

140I want you to make me a promise. I promised God that I... And He knows my heart and He knows yours. Now, I'm only obligated to say this, what's Truth. That's all I'm obligated to do. God wrote It; I never. It ain't me, it isn't me; it's the Bible. You know it. Now if He will reveal that, won't that bring Him right here alive among us? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

141 What if you didn't have the sense of sight, nobody did, and you would walk out into the sunshine. Sometimes you wouldn't know where you was walking, 'cause you was blind. And you walked in the sunshine, you feel real something around you, real warm, then after a while you'd walked into a shade, and you'd say, "It isn't there now." Nobody never knowed what sun was, never had that sense of sight, see, you wouldn't know what it was.

Someone say, "That's the sunlight."

142"What is sunlight? What is light, and what is the sun?" See, you never heard of it. See?

"Well, it's a light that comes down."

"What is a light?" See?

143 Now that's the way. We feel the Presence of God, then, and we don't feel It, then we walk in That. See? And you're in a--a dimension that you see. You can say what It is. See? You know what That is.

144Now, if God is raised up from the dead and is here tonight, He promised it. Now His corporal body sets on the Throne of God; He took, set down on the Throne of God. But the Holy Spirit is here, which is Christ, in Spirit form. The word Christ means "the anointed One." And that anointing was upon Him, is upon the Church, we all. Now it's just kept coming, from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, restoration of the gifts, right down, to the top of it. Right. It's coming in the minority all the time, is together now. And now there is a church, and now a Bride will come out of the church; see, church goes through the tribulation period, not Bride. Excuse me, I mustn't preach doctrine. Sorry. All right.

This is the lady. Come here.

145 Notice, I don't believe there is a person in here that I know, that I'm looking at. If every one of you here are strangers to me, raise up your hands, you know I know nothing about you; so that the people are strangers in here.

146Now, please, please don't move around. Sit still, will you?

147All that's in the prayer line, that doesn't know me, and know I don't know nothing about you, raise up your hands. There we are.

148Now here sets a group of ministers. See, it's just right out here where we can all look, see.

149 Now this lady here is a stranger to me. (Now ever who is on that, the engineer, watch that mike.) All right, now I'm going to talk to her. Here, here comes back, Saint John 4, where Jesus talked to a woman and told her what her trouble was, and she believed that was the sign of the Messiah. If that was the sign of Messiah then, it's still the sign of Messiah, 'cause He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Met like this.

150Now, I'm not Jesus, and no doubt this woman here isn't that type of woman. But what I'm trying to say, it's the same; here's a man meets a woman, and then something wrong there, and if something will come in here to reveal it, that shows it has to be God. Now I wouldn't know, 'cause I--I never seen the woman in my life. See? And she raised up her hand that I didn't know her, and she don't know me, and here we just stand here.

151Now I just want to talk to you a minute, after been speaking like that, preaching, sister. And if that's... So, you see, one is a preaching, another one is anointing, something else.

152 Now if the Lord Jesus could explain to me, or show me by a vision, something that you want, something that maybe it might be a sickness, it might be financial, it might be domestic, it might be for somebody else. I don't even know, see, don't have any idea. But if He would tell me something that's--that's wrong, or something is wrong in your life, or--or something, and it's you're terribly sick, or somebody else is sick, or something is wrong. If He would tell it, you would know whether it was the truth or not. You, you can say whether it's truth or not. Well, if He knows what has been, then He certainly knows what will be. If He can tell the past, He can tell the present and the future. Now would it make you believe with all your heart, that you would get what you're asking for?

153 Would it make the audience believe that they would get what this...?... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now don't move around now. I just have to wait a minute, see, to see what He would tell me, 'cause I don't know. I just, meeting after meeting, getting nervous, you know, and preaching, and hurrying up, and watching this and what you've promised, and I should get you out of there at nine- thirty; it's nearly that time now; makes me nervous, so just have to quieten myself. See? It's a...

154A gift is not something like you take a knife and chop something. That isn't a gift. A gift is to get yourself out of the way so the Holy Spirit can use you. And that's the only thing I have to do, is get William Branham from the scene, see, so God can come on.

155 Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I take every spirit in here under my control, for His glory, that the Words that I have preached might be manifested. He is here now. I--I wish I could tell you how it is. My, oh, my! If He would tell me that tomorrow morning to go to the Presidential graveyard and raise up George Washington, I'd tell you come watch it. Just what He would say now. See? I don't know what He would say, but, what He says, it'll be truth.

156 The lady is suffering with trouble with her eyes. She has got trouble with her eyes. It's bothering her. She's got back trouble that's bothering her. She is nervous, extremely nervous. Right. Isn't that right? If that's right, raise up your hand. Say, another thing, you are a minister of some sort, you're like a woman... You're a woman preacher. That's what it is. Now you believe with all your heart, go, and you can have what you've asked for.

Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

157Come, sir. We are strangers to one another, I suppose. The Lord knows both of us. Do you believe that God can tell me? Now, that was a woman; here is a man. Do you believe that God can tell me what's your trouble? Would it cause you to believe? You suffer with a nervousness. You've also got trouble with your eyes; they're going dimmer all the time. It's been doing that for some time. Another thing, I see something over your arm. Oh, it's your high blood pressure. That's what it is, you got high blood pressure. That's right, isn't it? Well, raise up your hand if them things are right. [The brother says, "Thank You, Jesus! "--Ed.]

158 The more you'd talk to him, more it would be, see. Now watch, look, watch. Just take your hand down. We haven't got too many there; just take your hand down. Now, I don't know what I said to him, but it's on the record there, see, that's how it's on the tape. I don't know what He said.

159But let's see now. Yes, it's eyes, that's for one thing. And then, another thing, you got a blood clot and that's on the brain, and you've had a stroke. That is true. Well, do you believe now? You believe you're going to be all right? Do you believe that that's God talking, not me? All right, then go, believe it. That's all you have to do, is just believe. If they could just believe, that's all. If they just believe, it's finished.

160 How do you do? Do you believe that God can reveal to me your trouble? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] And if He can, will it make you believe Him? ["Yes."] It would. What you scared about? Can't tell, can you? Like it's just darkness, nervousness. And then another thing, you've got trouble in your neck. ["Yes."] That's right. Your trouble is in your neck. Then you got somebody on your heart, that you're praying for. ["Yes."] You're having a lot of trouble with it. ["Yes."] And that's over alcohol. ["Yes."] It's your husband. ["Yes."] He's an alcoholic. ["Yes."] And you are praying for him. ["Yes."] You believe for him? ["Yes, I do."] Then I'll pray that Jesus Christ will do these things for you. All right.

161Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now that, practically, right... Those two, three, or what, four, whatever has went by, that's as much as Jesus did in the entire Bible. See? That's right. He done it to a woman, told that woman that one thing, and He went down to Sychar; He never said one more thing to anybody down there, but they believed because the woman's testimony. Yeah. That woman don't have to testify to you; you stand right here looking at it, yourself. You just must believe. Course, some wouldn't believe, there is nothing in them to believe with.

162 How do you do? Now, we're a strange. Wouldn't I be a terrible person standing here if... A lovely gray-headed woman like that, and think of things, and my own precious mother would have been about that age, and she just passed on here a couple years ago. And if anything I can do to help that poor lady, I'll do it. I know, if--if she is sick, if I could take and--and push a coin with my nose around this city, I'd do it. I don't care who would laugh at me. I--I want her to get well. If I could help her, I'd do so. But I can't help her. And much as He has done it, God had already did that. And He loves you more than I do. He died for you; and I never did that. But He loved you enough to die for you.

163But then He sent me back just a little gift. He sent your pastor here to pray and lay hands on the sick, and, you see, that's been done so much in the revival, that that's kind of in the past, you know. And now it's up in some other, you know what I mean, a bracket, something else.

164 Now if the Lord will reveal to me what's your trouble, you believe me to be His prophet, or His servant? You believe it's Him? [The sister says, "Yes. I know it."--Ed.] You, you, well, I thank you, sister. ["Sure."] Now I believe that kidney trouble you've been suffering with will leave you. Do you believe that, too? You've got a request in your heart, you want to ask me. ["Yes."] What if I reveal that request before you ask me, would you, make you believe more? ["Sure."] You want me to pray for your daughter. She is not here. That's right. You want me to reveal what's her trouble? It's a real nervousness. Now you believe, and she'll get well. See? God bless you, sister.

"If thou canst believe, all things are possible." See?

165 What does the Word of God... See if these ministers don't say this. The Bible said, in Hebrews, New Testament, 4th chapter, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting asunder, even to the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts, intents of the heart." That right, brethren? [The ministers say, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

166What is it? It's the Word lotted for this day. The Word lotted for this day, fulfilling this promise, "When the Son of man shall be revealed, the days of Sodom, all these other things promised," here it is, it's the Word of God being revealed, 'cause it's the Word Itself discerning the thoughts that's in the heart. See? That's exactly right.

167 Now, this lady, I know her not, another kind-looking person. What would I be, an awful person, if I could help and...

168Now just a moment. Somebody else, it was a man, it was a man appeared, and somebody out there praying. Just have faith. I--I see now it's... I'll just have to say what I'm looking at. See, that's all I can say, is what--what I'm seeing.

169You are, yes, you are suffering with a stomach condition. It's in your stomach. Then you want to ask me a request, and that's for your mother. She isn't here, but she is sick. You want me to pray for her. Isn't that right? You've got another request. It's for... It's somebody that's not here. It's a way away from here. And I see it's way... It's in another country. It's way away from here. And it's a--it's a young person, child suffering with some kind of a disease, tropical disease. South America, that's exactly. It's on you. That's exactly the truth. Right. But believe with all your heart now.

170 I don't heal. He has already healed. Can't you realize that's His Presence again? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]. I'll have to just keep going on and on, now it's begin to blind me a little, you see.

You say, "That?"

171Well, brother, sister! Jesus, a woman touched His garment, He turned around and seen what it was, and He said, "Virtue went from Me." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] Well, He was, that was God. What about me, a sinner? You must believe. Don't doubt. Believe. This is...

172 Do you believe? A young woman, and you believe that God can reveal to me what your trouble is? Well, would you, will you accept it and believe it with all your... You know it would be true. See? Now the one thing that's your trouble, is in your back, you have a back trouble. And then you have a great desire in your heart, for something, and, that is, you are seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's exactly right. Do you believe it? Well, you're going to receive It. Amen. Now go on and believe it with all your heart, and you'll receive the baptism.

173Do you believe God can heal that arthritis and make you well? Now, just keep on walking and thanking Him. That's right, now. See? If you just will believe! All right, sir.

174 Would you come, lady, just as you was sitting there, please. Will you come? Do you believe with all your heart? [The sister says, "How can I doubt it?"--Ed.] Now that's the way, then you won't have arthritis. You won't be crippled with it. Just go on your road, and rejoicing. That lady's trouble stops, also. Just go, thanking the Lord, saying--saying, "Praise be to God!" All right. All right.

175Now you believe setting there, lady, do you believe? All right, sir. Now that lady's trouble you've had, female trouble, for a long; just believe with all your heart, and go and it'll get... you'll get well, and won't have it no more, if you'll believe it. You have to believe it.

176All right, bring the lady, the little girl. Come here, honey. Now, sis, the little girl, take her hand, just a minute. Come here, sweetheart, come here. I thought that's what it was. Get choked up sometime, don't you, can't get your breath, hardly? That old asthma is awful bad, but God can heal it. Don't you believe that?

Lord Jesus, I pray that You will heal the child...?...

177Don't doubt, sister. It'll leave her. Go and believe now, with all your heart.

178 God heals diabetes. He can make anything well He wants to. Don't you believe that? [The sister says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe He'll heal you? ["Amen."] All right, say, "Thank You, Lord," and go right on, just rejoicing.

179Just a minute. There keeps being a man coming up here, I see. Here it is. Little fellow setting there, holding a little boy in his arms. Do you believe, sir? I'm a stranger to you. You believe God can reveal to me what you want? See, you touched Him. I don't know you. But you're suffering with a trouble, a bone disease. That is right. Your little boy there has got it. Your little boy setting next to him has got it. That's your little girl setting next to that. Her, is in her arms, and she is cross-eyed. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now do you believe? Don't doubt. Have faith in God. Just don't doubt. Just believe. All things are possible to them that believe.

180 What's you weeping for, little lady, sitting there, up on the end, with your handkerchief up to your face, crying? Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe God can reveal to me what your trouble is, from here? You got a spiritual problem you're studying about. Is that right? It's all going to clear up. It'll be all right.

181That lady sitting next to you there, you just talked to her a minute. She just put her handkerchief up to her face. You believe God can tell me what's your trouble, sister? Will you believe me, as His prophet, His servant? You will? All right. That sinus trouble that's been bothering you, she'll go away from you if you'll believe it. Will you believe it? If you will, raise up your hand, say, "I believe it."

182You want to eat your supper, from that stomach trouble, next to her, lady. You believe with all your heart, too?

183The next lady has got a spiritual problem there. And you got a rash, too, that's bothering you. You got a daughter that's got a rash, also. Isn't that right? Yes, sir. She is set in. Do you believe that? All right, you can be healed if you believe it.

184 What about over this way? Here, see this little, Mexican man sitting down here on the end, looking right at me? Don't you see that Light hanging over him? The man is darkness above that, see, what it is there around him, that is epilepsy. Do you believe God can heal you of epilepsy, sir? You do? All right, He'll do it.

185Say, the little man next to you there, little, Spanish man, he has a rupture. Do you believe God can heal your rupture, sir? Do you believe that with all your heart? You do?

186Next, has got a stomach trouble. You that's nodding your head there, you have stomach trouble. Do you believe God healed you? Then go eat your supper, He'll do it.

187Tell me what they are touching, all the way across the audience. What is it? It's the manifestation of the Word of God. Do you believe it, yourselves? Do you believe it? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.]

188 Where is some of them here? Here, here is a man laying here on a cot. Sir, I don't know you. I've never seen you. Do you believe me? Do you believe what you've heard is the Truth? You believe it with all your heart? If--if God would tell me here what's wrong with you, will--will you... would you believe it? I'm going to tell you something now. And you know it, sitting by him. He is shadowed to death. It's cancer. It's cancer. And you're a minister of the Gospel. I see you standing in the pulpit. And that's right. And you're from out of town. Now you believe with all your heart. You believe with all your heart. Why do you lay there till you die? See? You can't lose.

189There was some lepers. You remember the story, when Samaria was besieged, them lepers come in there? They said, "Why will we sit here till we die? If we sit here, we die; if we go in the city, we die."

190The doctor has done all he can do. There can't nothing be done, is his answer in that. You only got one chance. Them lepers had one chance, if they went down to the house of the enemy; if they saved them, they lived; if they didn't, they was going to die, anyhow. But you're not asked to an enemy's house. You're in the Presence of your God. You're expecting to... Why don't you rise up, and take that cot and go home, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And believe it, and go home and believe you're healed.

191 Will the rest of you believe the same thing? If you do, stand up on your feet.

192I'm asking those people who raised their hands, if they wanted to be saved, and wanted to accept Jesus Christ, I want you to come up here and stand here by me, just a minute. Will you come now? Come up here, you that believed and want to accept Christ. You'll never be any closer to Him till you meet Him visible. Remember, the Word, and I have preached, God has confirmed It to be the Truth. Come on, come up this way, every one of you. Everyone that didn't know Christ, that raised your hands, and come here; say you were sinners, and you wanted to be saved, come here and stand for a minute, for prayer. Will you do it? Will you come while He is so close?

193 You mean you could see here the Word preached, see God turn around and say that Word is the Truth, "That's Me, that's Me, I'm standing here, the very God that's going to judge you," and then hold back? Don't do it, you might cut yourself off forever. See? Here is three of them standing here. There is about two dozen. Come right now, will you?

194No, no song, you don't have to have a song. Christ is your Song. Christ is your Conviction. The Word is what tells it.

195That's right, here comes two young man. Come right on out, you that's sinners. Come right down here just a moment, will you? Right while I just feel led, I stopped that prayer line for this purpose. Come right here now. Come right here. We'll get to the prayer line. Just... That's right. Yeah, ladies come right on in here, young things.

196 Right in this day when these young folks are coming, in this great hour when there is still teenagers on the rampage of immorality, these people are coming to... Here I trust that God will make them such examples till, the neighborhood, where the people will see that Jesus Christ still saves the lost.

197Won't you come? Come right out, where you're at. Move down here, just a moment. That's right. God bless you, boys. That's good. Come right up and stand. Come, come. Way back in the back, some people way back raised up your hands, won't you come on down now?

198I'm almost persuading you. I'm... [Brother Branham begins knocking on the pulpit--Ed.] The Word is standing on the outside, knocking, trying to get in. "Lo, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man will open and come in, let Me come in, I'll sup with him, and he with Me." Won't you come? Come right down now, stand here. Look, the Word has been preached, It's been proven, Christ is raised from the dead, here He is doing just what He said He would do. Not connected with organizations, denominations, to take you into something; that's your choice. I want you to take Christ now.

199Come, won't you? Is there another? Is... God bless you. That's right, bring him right on up here.

200 Brethren, will you walk down here? Now these will be members of your churches. Come down here.

201Come on, somebody else. Right in the Presence of Christ, I can just feel the Spirit just calling in my heart. Surely, if that's doing that in my heart, there is somebody out there should be coming. Is there a backslider out there that should come? Come, stand here. Will you do it, some of you? Backslider, will you come? That's right. God bless you. Come on. That's it, come right on down. Certainly. That's the way. Be a real man; real lady. God made you, a lady. God made you, a man. That's virtue. That's strength. Come now, won't you? Come, stand around here. That's right. That's right. God wants you in His Divine Presence. Remember, the very...

202Who is God going to judge the world by? Jesus Christ. Who is it promised to do this in the last days, to reveal Himself? Jesus Christ. It's not me. It's Christ. Christ is the One that's here revealing Himself. Humility, like He was; coming out of nothing, like He did; coming into us, like He has. He is God.

203 Now each one of you ministers gather right down around these people, right quick now get right down among them here, stand right around them. We're going to pray for them.

204Someone else wants to come in this prayer? Just a moment. All right.

205These will be members of your churches, friends. This will be... You, you'll have to take them from here on, now. They see the Lord Jesus in His power of His resurrection. They are here to become members of your church. You baptize them in Christian baptism, take them into your fellowship. They are yours now, from here on. You're the caretaker at the inn.

206Let us bow our heads, everyone. Each one, Christian out there, that's sincere, offer prayer for these people.

207And if these ministers wants to take them into the room, where they can be instructed further, all right.

208 Heavenly Father, this is the results of the meeting. Here comes sinners, fifteen or twenty of them gathered around the altar, wanting to give their hearts to You. I pray, Father, that You will receive them, in the Name of Christ Jesus the Lord. I pray that You'll receive them, give them Eternal Life. They're Your heritage, Lord.

209Each person in here, that's sick now, lay your hands on one another. Reach over, lay your hands, and start praying, one for the other. Lay your hands on one another, start praying, one for another.

210Ministers, lay your hands upon these people here. That's it. Jesus Christ gives power and glory and blessings upon us, and Satan is defeated in the Presence of Christ.

1Náš nebeský Otče, modlíme sa teraz, aby si prijal slávu z nášho spoločného zhromaždenia. Ďakujeme Ti za túto príležitosť. Požehnaj Svoje Slovo, kedy Ono bude vychádzať každého večera. Požehnaj Tvoj ľud, zatiaľ čo to počúva. A nech veľký Duch Svätý vezme to Slovo, ktoré vpadá do srdca a nech urobí, že To zamanifestuje Samé Seba, doslova stovkám ľudí po tejto krajine, tak že zostanú spasení, a stovky z nich, ktorí sú strápení, ležiaci v tôni smrti, aby mohli vidieť to zjavujúce sa veľké Svetlo, a mohli byť uzdravení a aby Tvoje veľké Meno mohlo byť uctené. To je to, kvôli čomu sme tu, Pane. Nie na našu česť, ale ku cti Ježiša Krista medzi nami, pretože prosíme o to v Jeho Mene, Amen.

2 Teraz, ako si vyberáte vaše Biblie, len na chvíľu... A teraz každý večer budem hovoriť len okolo dvadsať, tridsať minút. Robím to tak posledných pár týždňov, hovoriť len pár minút a potom vyvoláme modlitebnú radu, modlitby za chorých, alebo akokoľvek nás bude Duch Svätý viesť.

3 A koľkí z vás, ktorí ste prišli prvý krát dnes večer, a vy ostatní sa budete spolu modliť za toto zhromaždenie? Urobíte to? Nie sme tu len… Sme tu, pretože sa snažíme pomôcť. Bratia, verím, že Pán nám pomáha, aby sme mali veľkolepé zhromaždenia ku cti nášho Pána a Spasiteľa.

4Veríme, že On práve prichádza. Ak tu On nebude dnes večer, budem Ho vyzerať ráno. Ak tu nebude zajtra večer, ja tu budem, ak dá Pán. A potom, ak tu On nebude, budem Ho vyzerať zajtra večer. A potom, ak tu nebude, budem Ho vyhliadať ďalší večer. Chcem to.... Vyzerám Ho teraz počas 33 rokov, väčšiu časť môjho života. A nie som znechutený. Očakávam deň za dňom, hodinu za hodinou na Jeho objavenie sa.

5Nuž, obráťme sa do Biblie, do knihy sv. Lukáša 24. kapitola začnúc s 13 – tým veršom, povstaňme a uctime Slovo, kým čítame: sv. Lukáš 24 začnúc veršom 13. Nuž, ak niektorí máte svoje Biblie, niektorí si radi značia text, ktorý kazateľ berie, z ktorého hovorí. A teraz, chcem, aby ste počúvali pozorne, ak môžete čítajte so mnou, sami pre seba, kým čítame.

A hľa, dvaja z nich išli toho istého dňa do mestečka, vzdialeného šesťdesiat honov od Jeruzalema, ktoré sa menuje Emaus.

A išli spolu.... o všetkom tom, čo sa to udialo.

( Prepáčte ).

A tí sa zhovárali medzi sebou o všetkom tom, čo sa udialo.

A stalo sa v tom, keď sa tak zhovárali a spolu sa navzájom dopytovali, že i sám Ježiš sa priblížil a išiel s nimi.

Ale ich oči boli držané, aby ho nepoznali.

A povedal im: Aké sú to veci, o ktorých idúci rozjímate medzi sebou a ste smutní?

A jeden z nich, ktorému bolo meno Kleofáš, odpovedal a riekol mu: Či ty jediný pohostíniš v Jeruzaleme, ktorý si nezvedel, čo sa v ňom stalo po tieto dni?

A on im povedal: A čože? A oni mu povedali: Čo sa stalo s Ježišom Nazarejským, ktorý bol muž prorok, mocný v skutku i v slove pred Bohom a pred všetkým ľudom,

a jako ho vydali najvyšší kňazi a naše kniežatá, aby bol odsúdený na smrť, a ukrižovali ho.

A my sme sa nadejali, že on je ten, ktorý ide vykúpiť Izraela. No, tomu všetkému je toto už tretí deň, ako sa to stalo.

Ale i z nás niektoré ženy, ktoré boli za svitu pri hrobe, naplnili nás úžasom,

ktoré nenájduc jeho tela prišli a hovorili, že aj videnie anjelov videli, ktorí vraj hovoria, že žije.

Potom odišli niektorí z našich k hrobu a našli všetko tak, ako aj tie ženy povedali, ale jeho nevideli.

A on im povedal: Ó, nezmyselní a spozdilí srdcom veriť všetkému tomu, čo hovorili proroci!

Či to azda nemusel trpieť Kristus a tak vojsť do svojej slávy?

A započnúc od Mojžiša a od všetkých prorokov vykladal im, čo kde vo všetkých písmach je napísané o ňom.

A tak sa priblížili k mestečku, do ktorého išli, a on sa robil tak, že pôjde ďalej.

Ale oni ho prinútili hovoriac: Zostaň s nami, lebo sa zvečerieva, a deň sa už nachýlil! A tak vošiel, aby zostal s nimi.

A stalo sa, keď si sadol s nimi za stôl, že vzal chlieb a dobrorečil a lámal a podával im.

A v tom sa otvorili ich oči, a poznali ho, a on zmiznul od nich.

Vtedy povedali jeden druhému: Či nehorelo v nás naše srdce, keď nám hovoril na ceste a keď nám otváral písma?

A vstali v tú istú hodinu a navrátili sa do Jeruzalema. A našli zhromaždených tých jedonástich aj tých, ktorí boli s nimi,

ktorí hovorili, že Pán skutočne vstal, a že sa ukázal Šimonovi.

A oni zase rozprávali, čo skúsili na ceste, a jako ho poznali pri lámaní chleba.

6Skloňme naše hlavy. Pane Ježišu, modlíme sa, aby si sa nám dnes večer dal poznať tým istým spôsobom, zatiaľ čo na Teba očakávame. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

7Ako tému z toho by som chcel zobrať tieto slová, “Rozpoznali Ho, keď ich oči boli otvorené.“

8Nuž, samozrejme, hovoríme o zmŕtvychvstaní, ktorému dnes veria medzi všetkými kresťanmi. Ono je nádejou cirkvi. Ak Kristus nevstal z mŕtvych, potom sme stratení. A kresťanstvo je založené na zmŕtvychvstaní, nie zámene, zmŕtvychvstanie. Napríklad, tu tento motelový kľúč, keď ho pustím na podlahu, a poviem, “Dobre, pustil som ho. Položím sem ďalší ako tento.“ To nie je zmŕtvychvstanie, to je zámena. Vidíte, zmŕtvychvstanie je zodvihnutie tej istej veci, ktorá spadla. A Boh Ho zodvihol na tretí deň, a my tomu veríme z celého nášho srdca. A veríme tomu Biblickému príbehu.

9A všimnite si, toto prvé veľkonočné ráno je Ježiš medzi nimi živý spomedzi mŕtvych.

10 Čo za nádherná vec. Aký som šťastný dnes večer… zdôrazním to s “Amen,“ verím tomu, že On je stále živý medzi nami v tomto jarnom čase slávneho Evanjelia Kristovho. Verím, že On je stále živý.

11 Verím, že to je.... To bol tiež jarný čas zmŕtvychvstania života ľudí. Človek sa vždy bál smrti. Oni nemali istotu, že sa niekedy znovu vrátia späť po smrti.

12Ale videli Ho zomierať na Golgote, potom znovu povstať, a bol s nimi, chodiaci medzi nimi v tom veľkolepom dni po tých žiaľoch a súženiach, a tak ďalej, cez ktoré museli prejsť v tamtých temných hodinách vidiac Ho ukrižovaného, opľutého, a vysmiateho, a všetko cez čo musel prejsť v týchto tri a pol rokoch, a tých posledných hodinách temnosti, ktoré Mu urobili... Títo farizeovia Ho v každom prípade nenávideli, a radovali sa, pretože si mysleli, že to skončili. A tu sa On objavil medzi nimi. Och, čo za deň.

13 Mám... Chceli by ste putovať s Kleofášom a s nimi na ceste do Emaus? Ja by som chcel s nimi ísť. A je to možné... Som rád, že žijúc dnes, môžem stále robiť tú istú vec, kráčať s Ním práve tak isto, ako oni vtedy.

14Smutnou myšlienkou toho bolo, ako to... Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych, ale smutnou časťou toho bolo, že niektorí z tých, ktorí Ho milovali, o tom nevedeli.

15A to je samozrejme obraz dneška. Je mnoho ľudí, ktorí Ho milujú, ktorí si ešte neuvedomili, že On je živý. Oni... Je to nejaký druh histórie, ktorú sa oni naučili v nejakej škole. Je to nejaká kniha teológie, nejakej etiky, etického kódexu, ktorý oni niekde študovali. A Ježiš je pre nich historická osoba. A ešte aj v histórii Ho oni milujú a neuvedomujú si, že On je živý s nami, chodiaci rovno všade s nami, práve tak, ako to On vždy robil. On je tu práve tak isto, ako vždy bol.

16Nuž, oni... Príčina, prečo oni tomu neverili je to, že zmŕtvychvstanie bolo príliš neobvyklé. Vidíte, to bolo... To sa pred tým nestalo. Tak, to bola pre nich nezvyklá vec, veriť niečomu takému.

17 A Boh je v tom nezvyklom. Vidíte? Kristus sa narodil neobvykle, “Panna počne.“ Boh je vždy neobyčajný. On robí nezvyklé veci. Ale oni sú vždy v zhode s Jeho Slovom. On nikdy nerobí nič pomimo Svojho Slova. Tak neobyčajne, pretože On to najskôr zasľubuje, a potom posiela niekoho, kto to Slovo zamanifestuje a urobí ho skutočným pre ľudí.

18To bola nezvyklá vec, keď ste vy, letniční, prvý krát prijali krst Duchom Svätým. Ale jednako Boh to zasľúbil, “vylejem Ho v posledných dňoch,“ a tu to bolo. Tak akokoľvek nemožné to bolo, to bolo zasľúbenie Božie, ktoré sa muselo zamanifestovať, pretože to Boh zasľúbil.

19Nuž, zmŕtvychvstanie bolo nezvyčajné pre mnoho Jeho ľudí, ktorí Ho milovali, jednako to bolo zasľúbené Slovo, ale príliš nezvyklé na uverenie.

20 Božské uzdravenie dnes, je tak nezvyčajné pre ľudí, že až tomu nechcú veriť. A jednako to je zasľúbené Slovo.

21 Tá vec, ktorú vidíme dnes sa diať, je zasľúbenie Božie. Ale je to neobyčajné pre myseľ, ktorá o tom tým spôsobom nikdy nemyslela.

22Týmto bolo zmŕtvychvstanie pre mnohých ľudí, ktorí Ho milovali. Kde ľudia, ktorí Ho uctievali a verili Mu, že je prorok Boží, a verili Mu, že je Syn Boží, a tak ďalej. Ale jednako oni... Zmŕtvychvstanie bolo pre nich stále príliš veľa, aby tomu verili. To bolo príliš divné.

23A keď beriete niečo, čo je skutočne zvláštne, vždy to skontrolujte so Slovom. A ak to Slovo zasľúbilo, potom to je jedine Boh povstávajúci znova na scéne. Tak je to s každým zasľúbením.

24To je spôsob, ako to oni mali vidieť vtedy, pretože Boh zasľúbil, že Ho pozdvihne na tretí deň. Dávid povedal, “Nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle, a ani nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý videl porušenie.“ Ježiš povedal, “Zborte tento chrám, a Ja ho vo troch dňoch znova postavím.“ Vidíte, to bolo zasľúbenie, a to bolo mimoriadne, veľmi neobyčajné.

25A mnohí, ktorí Ho milovali, tomu nemohli rozumieť, pretože to bolo ohromujúce pre celý svet. Kvôli mužovi, ktorý bol ukrižovaný a meč prešiel cez Jeho srdce, alebo kópia.... Každá kvapka krvi v Jeho tele sa stratila na kríži. Vzali Ho a zapečatili Ho v hrobe, a zavalili to skalou. Musela tam byť hliadka mužov, ktorá by to udržala, a potom to zapečatili rímskou pečaťou. A potom povedať, že Anjel zostúpil, zlámal tú pečať, a odvalil tú skalu a teraz On je tu živý medzi nami; to bola trochu divná vec.

26 A dnes je to ten istý jav. Kedy si ľudia myslia, že On zomrel pred 1900 rokmi, a On je dnes tu, po 1900 rokoch, stále medzi nami, presne tak ako On bol vtedy, tak isto skutočný ako bol vtedy, činiaci tie isté veci, ktoré robil vtedy. Je to príliš nezvyklé. Ľudia to nemôžu porozumieť. To je ponad ich myslenie. Skutočne. Kto môže zrozumieť Boha? Nikto nemôže porozumieť Boha.

27Nikto nemôže vykladať Boha. Boh je svojim vlastným vykladačom. Boh hovorí Slovo, a oni hovoria, “Nuž, ty máš zlý výklad.“ Boh robí, že sa to deje, to je výklad. Nepotrebuje nikoho, aby Ho vykladal. Hovoril som práve o tomto tu dolu podྭmestom. Boh povedal, “Nech je svetlo, “ a tam bolo svetlo. To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. Tam bolo svetlo. Boh povedal, “Panna počne.“ Ona počala. To vybavilo tú vec. Tak keď On čokoľvek hovorí, a potom On... On je Svojim vlastným vykladačom. On nepotrebuje náš výklad toho. Biblia povedala, že Písmo nepodlieha vlastnému výkladu. Boh Sám Ho vykladá. Všimnite si. Mnohí to nemohli vidieť, pretože neskúmali Písma. Oni nepočúvali, čo On povedal.

28Mnohí dnes nepočúvli to posolstvo, nepočúvli Písmo, a to čo Kristus zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch. To je dôvod, prečo sú ľudia dnes v takom stave v akom sú, a cirkvi sú úplne poškvrnené medzi sebou. Oni si nevšimli, čo Písmo povedalo na tento deň. Nevšimli si, že tie veci sa mali stať. To je presne vypĺňanie sa Písma. Mnoho ľudí Ho miluje. Mnoho ľudí v Neho verí. Ale jednako to je príliš nezvyčajné. Oni to nemôžu porozumieť. Keď o Ňom hovoríte, že je presne taký istý aký bol včera, a že robí tie isté veci; oni tvrdia, že tomu veria, ale keď sa to deje, oni tomu nerozumejú. Jednoducho tomu nemôžu veriť.

29 Všimnite si. Oni sa rozprávali o Ňom, keď sa On objavil. Nuž, to je dobrá vec. Všimnime si tu v Písme je povedané, “a kým hovorili o Ňom...“ Kým hovorili o týchto veciach, idúc hovorili o Ňom, smutní, vtedy uvideli, ako sa objavil. A keď sa objavil, objavil sa pred nimi, kým išli a premýšľali o Ňom. To je to, kde sa On vždy zjavuje, tam kde rozprávame o Ňom. Vždy cez Písmo, kde ľudia rozprávajú o Bohu, to je to kde sa On objavil.

30Teraz, my sme príliš zaneprázdnení rozprávaním o iných veciach. Myslím, že to je dôvod, prečo mnoho ľudí, ktorí Ho milujú, Ho nedokážu vidieť. Sme tak zaneprázdnení našimi vyznaniami, a denomináciami, a staraním sa o cirkvi a členstvo a o získavanie viac členov, a rôznych vecí. Sme príliš zaneprázdnení, aby sme hovorili o Ňom. On je Slovo. Sme príliš zaujatí nejakými vyznaniami, nejakými učebnicami, alebo niečím, čo iní hovoria, “Koľko členov môžeme priviesť? Hlasujme za nich. Prijmeme tohto, tamtoho, iných?“ Máme sa neustále venovať Slovu Božiemu a modlitbe, študovaniu Slova. Ale my sme príliš zainteresovaní niečím iným.

31Títo ľudia boli smutní. Rozprávali sa, lebo sa stala veľká vec. On bol vzatý. Ale oni hovorili o Ňom, a v tom sa On objavil. A keď sa objavil, On bol pre nich cudzí. Oni tomu nemohli porozumieť. Za prvé On... Za prvé zisťujeme to, že On bol...

32Ako kráčali dolu cestou do malého mesta Emaus, len niekoľko pár, alebo dve míle, v deň sabatu, alebo tak nejako. Za prvé, On im zjavil zasľúbené Písmo o Ňom Samom na ten deň. No, všimnite si. Keď Ježiš prichádza na scénu, ak Ho chceme vidieť a hovoriť s Ním po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, tak ako to robili oni, ako oni hovorili s Ním....Prvá vec, ktorú im On urobil bolo, že im zjavil Samého Seba skrze Písmo. Amen. Čo to má urobiť? Oni boli Židia. Verili Slovu. On zjavil Samého Seba, zjavil napísané Slovo o Ňom Samom, čo mal robiť v tom veku. Amen.

33Každý... Boh v Genesis a vtedy pred založením sveta, On to rozdelil. A On to vypovedal, čo sa stane od počiatku do konca.

34Cirkvi to vždy zaobalia. A vychádzajú, a vštepujú do človeka to, čo oni o tom veria, a tento povie, “Nuž, verím trochu ináč ako toto, “ A on ho robí inou vecou, a tento jeden niečo robí. Každý jeden stavia vežu, alebo mesto, alebo niečo čo oni budujú. Vždy sa snažia niečo pridať, alebo robiť niečo, aby mohli povedať, “Toto sme my urobili.“ To je to, ako ste sa dostali do zmätku.

35Dajte sa úplne nabok. Nech to Boh urobí. Vidíte? Tu je Jeho Slovo, čo On povedal, On urobí. Vྭkaždom veku On posiela proroka s pomazaním... Slovo Pánove prichádza vždy ku prorokovi, aby bolo potvrdené v danom veku.

36Ján Krstiteľ prišiel na scénu. On bol prorokom na ten čas. On bol svetlom toho veku, pretože prorok Malachiáš hovoril o jeho príchode, “Pošlem Môjho posla pred Mojou tvárou.“ Izaiáš 712 rokov predtým povedal, “Hlas volajúceho na púšti. Vidzte Ja...“ Čo on bude robiť v tých posledných dňoch, bude robiť priamu cestu na púšti, a všetky tieto veci boli o ňom prorokované. Keď on prišiel na scénu, on bol prorokom, ktorý mal zamanifestovať to zasľúbenie.

37Ježiš je Slovo. A Slovo vždy prichádza ku prorokovi. A pamätajte, keď ten prorok prorokoval, robiac priamou tú cestu... A potom keď to Slovo bolo na zemi, to Slovo kráčalo rovno do vody a prišlo ku prorokovi. Amen. Aké dokonalé. Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi, a On bol to Slovo. Pretože, “Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo uྭBoha a to Slovo bol Boh a to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ Niet divu, že On povedal, “Patrí sa nám naplniť všetku spravodlivosť.“ Slovo prišlo do vody ku prorokovi, aby vyplnilo všetku spravodlivosť.

38A potom zisťujeme, že On tu zjavil Samého Seba Kleofášovi a jeho priateľovi, toho druhého účastníka nepoznáme po mene. Ale vieme, že to bol Kleofáš. A On im zjavil Samého Seba cez Písmo. Všimnite si, ako On povedal...

39Všimnite si oni Ho nazývali prorokom. “Nevieš o tých veciach? Ježíš z Nazaretu, Prorok, v ktorom Boh zamanifestoval Samého Seba, “ Vidíte?, ktorý pred všetkým ľudom, a tak ďalej. Bol nazvaný prorokom. Potom, keď oni rozpoznali Toho, o ktorom sa rozprávali, že je prorok, zdalo sa, že oni to tu rovno uvideli, že ten istý Prorok znova zodvihol Slovo a začal Ho zjavovať.

40Pričom On bol to Slovo a zjavoval Samého Seba cez ústa, Slovo, ktoré bolo o Ňom napísané. A rozpočal, začal Mojžišom a vysvetlil im všetko to, čo o Ňom proroci povedali. Och. Ako to On učinil známym pre ten vek. “Hlúpi, spozdilí srdcom... vedieť, čo Mojžiš a všetci proroci povedali, že Kristus musí trpieť a tak vojsť do Svojej slávy.“ Vidíte? A to je to, čo sa očakávalo, že sa stane v tom veku. “Či neviete, že On to mal urobiť?“ Vidíte? Zjavoval napísané Slovo o Ňom.

41To je spôsob, ako to Kristus vždy robí. Boh nikdy nemení Svoj program. Spôsob, akým to On robí prvý krát, to je spôsob, akým to On robí zakaždým. On urobil rozhodnutie v záhrade Eden, keď človek upadol, že ho spasí cez preliatu krv. To je jediné miesto, kde sa On stále stretáva s človekom. To je od vtedy jediné miesto, na ktorom sa On stretáva s človekom, pod preliatou krvou.

42Skúšali sme ich vyškoliť, postavili sme veže, vybudovali sme mestá, postavili sme všetko iné, skúšajúc dať dokopy ľudí. Skúsili sme zobrať vzdelanie a priviesť ich dokopy, skúsili sme použiť vojenskú silu a dať ich dokopy. Skúsili sme denominácie, aby sme ich priviedli dokopy. To všetko zlyhalo.

43Boh má jediné miesto, to je pod preliatou krvou. To je jediný spôsob. Preliata krv, tam sa On bude stretávať s človekom. Oni sú krvou – zrodenými bratmi.

44Mám nádej, že vás týmto neohlučujem, ale to zneje ako echo. Ak áno, môžete ma počuť všetci dobre? Ak môžete, zodvihnite svoje ruky. V poriadku. Len aby som vedel, že toto porozumiete. Musíte.

45Všimnite si. Nuž, keď On povedal... Jednako oni Ho nedokázali rozpoznať cez napísané Slovo. Pomyslite o tom. Keď On prišiel a zjavil im Samého Seba cez Slovo. A jednako to nedokázali vidieť.

46Ak to nie je obrazom dneška, potom neviem čo to je. Jednako zlyhali, hoci Písmo hovorí tieto veci. “Stane sa v posledných dňoch, “ hovorí Boh, “Vylejem Môjho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a vaše dcéry budú prorokovať. Na Moje služobníčky a sluhov vylejem Svojho Ducha v tom dni. A ukážem divy hore na nebesiach, a oheň a dym, a tak ďalej.“ Oni to stále nevidia.

47Ježiš povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna Človeka. Budú jesť, piť, ženiť sa, vstupovať do manželstva. Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode Syna Človeka.“ Všetky tieto veci, ktoré hovorili a kázali Slovo z pódia a jednako mnohí, ktorí Ho milovali to nevideli. Stále tápali v temnotách. Stále Ho nedokážu rozpoznať cez napísané Slovo.

48Vzali semináre, a vyšli a zle si to vyložili, a tak ďalej, a priniesli to naspäť. A nevedia, čomu vo svete veriť. Jeden hovorí, “To je táto cesta.“ A tento hovorí, “To je táto cesta.“ Tak len to napísané Slovo... Ježiš im nikdy nepovedal, aby išli do celého sveta a vyučovali. On povedal, “Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium.“ Je veľký rozdiel, skúšať niečo učiť a niečo kázať. Kázať znamená manifestovať. Zademonštrovať moc Ducha Svätého. “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Vezmi Ducha Svätého na zamanifestovanie toho Slova. Ak to je pravda, Slovo, Boh to zamanifestuje. Ak to nie je pravda, Boh s tým nebude mať nič, pretože Boh sa nebude zapletať s klamstvom, viete to, pretože On je Boh.

49Nuž, tak isto teraz. Oni tvrdili, že veria, boli Jeho učeníkmi, milovali Ho, uverili v to. A On stál rovno s nimi, vykladajúc Slovo, kto On bol, a jednako to nerozpoznali. Pomyslite len o tom. Oni to nerozpoznali, stojac tam s Ním Samým, zapísaný v Slove,ྭvracia sa a berie Písmo, zapísané o Ňom pred stovkami rokov, a hovoril ako musí postupovať a všetky tie veci ako toto. A kráča tam a hovorí, “Nehovorte tak. No, čo vy viete.“ A to bol On, ktorý to hovoril. A oni to stále nemohli rozpoznať.

50Aký obraz dneška. Tak isto teraz. Oni tvrdia, že tomu veria, že On vstal z mŕtvych. Ale keď On vystupuje, aby ukázal Samého Seba, oni tomu stále neveria, napriek tomu oni tvrdia, že tomu veria. “Ó, áno, my veríme, že On vstal na tretí deň.“ Nechajte Ho urobiť niečo, aby On ukázal, že vstal tretieho dňa. “Och, tomuto neverím.“ Vidíte? Tu to máte, tá istá vec.

51Všimnite si, On povedal, “Hlúpi a lenivého srdce rozumieť tomu, čo Písmo zasľúbilo pre tento vek.“

52Hlúpi, povedali, “Och, On odišiel. Oni Ho ukrižovali. A my sme porozumeli, že On znovu vstal. Ale, och, je to len tajomný príbeh, ktorý niekto povedal a my nič o tom nevieme. Och, hovorím vám: to je najnešťastnejšia vec.“

53 On povedal, “Vy hlúpi a lenivého srdca porozumieť tomu, čo Písmo povedalo pre tento vek!“ Amen.

54Tu to máte. Prial by som si, môcť tým udrieť do ekumenickej rady. Tak veru. Lenivého srdca, vediaci, že Písmo hovorí tieto veci, iྭtak to nerozumejú.

55 No prosím. On povedal, “Hlúpi a lenivého srdca rozumieť Písmu, ktoré bolo prorokované pre ten deň,“ a presne ako sa to malo stať. A tu sa to stalo. Kristus vošiel do Svojej slávy trpiac najprv, bol pochovaný, zomrel, znovu povstal tretieho dňa. To je spôsob, ktorým Písmo povedalo, že to On urobil, povstal na tretí deň. On povedal, “Toto je tretí deň od kedy sa to stalo.“

56On povedal, “No, to je to, čo sa vám snažím povedať.“ A stále to nemohli porozumieť. Potom On povedal, “Ste hlúpi a máte lenivé srdce porozumieť všetko, čo prorok povedal, a čo Písmo povedalo o tomto dni.“ A tu sa to stalo rovno pred vašimi očami a vy o tom neviete.“

57Povedali, “No, čo ty vieš?“ Vidíte, ich oči boli zaslepené. Poviete, “Či by mohli byť zaslepené aj v tomto dni?“ Tak veru.

58V týchto dňoch sú zaslepené tak, ako boli vtedy. Presne. Či nehovorí Biblia, že budú náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha, nezmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, nemilujúci dobrého, majúci tvárnosť pobožnosti, ktorí však jej moc zapreli, moc zmŕtvychvstania a manifestácie Syna Božieho? Biblia povedala, to sa stane. To sa stalo presne, ako On povedal. Izaiáš povedal, “Máte oči a nevidíte, máte uši a nepočujete.“ Ten istý Boh vypovedal to isté Písmo.

59Všimnite si, potom, Pavol mal veľké zjavenie Ježiša Krista, kto On bol. To bolo tak veľké vedieť to, no, Boh to položil do Biblie. Také to bolo ohromné. Preto mu bol daný osteň do tela, aby ho udržoval uníženého, tak aby sa nestal veľkým a povýšeneckým. Boh ho držal uníženého a malého, tak ho On mohol použiť v rôznych častiach krajiny, aby urobil pre Neho to, čo On požadoval, pretože on mal zjavenie Ježiša Krista, kým On bol.

60Potom si všimnite tú vec, ktorá nasleduje. Ďalšia vec, ktorú zisťujeme, že oni Ho pozvali ďalej. On prišiel na to malé miesto, do tej malej krčmy, kde oni chceli zostať. Bolo to k večeru, a oni povedali, “Och, poď a zostaň s nami.“ On sa robil, akoby chcel odísť preč.

61Och, premýšľal som o tom mnoho krát. On len chce, aby si Ho pozval. On robí, akoby odchádzal. On môže robiť, že ťa chce obísť, sestra na tom invalidnom vozíku, alebo teba Pane na nosítkach, alebo teba s tým problémom srdca, ktorý nemôžeš žiť ani o malú chvíľu dlhšie. Títo ľudia, hoci sú zmrzačení, snáď žijú normálnym životom, ale niekto s problémom srdca môže do rána zomrieť, môže zomrieť pred príchodom zajtrajšieho dňa. On sa môže zachovávať, akoby ťa chcel obísť, ale On len chce, aby si Ho pozval do vnútra. Vidíte?

62Možno si myslíte, “No, On uzdravil jedného dňa toho a toho. On...Minulý mesiac... Viem pred dvomi rokmi, som videl...“ Áno. On môže predstierať akoby ťa chcel minúť. Akým On bol vtedy, takým je iྭdnes. Čo On robil vtedy, to robí iྭdnes. On tak povedal. Všimnite si. Musíš urobiť tú istú vec. Musíš Ho pozvať do vnútra. Vtedy, a len potom On mohol zjaviť Samého Seba.

63On to nemohol urobiť cez kázanie im Slova. To prešlo ponad ich hlavami. On tam prechádzal a hovoril, “No, mali by ste to vedieť... Vy hlúpi, spozdilého srdca. Biblia vypovedala tieto veci, ktoré Kristus mal robiť,“ a tak ďalej, a kráčali tam. No, zdalo sa, ako by videli kým On bol. On nikdy nevyšiel a nepovedal im, “Ja som On.“ Ak stretávate človeka, ktorý to tak robí, potom si s ním nič nezačínajte. On len nechal nech to Duch Svätý zjaví. On nám povedal...

64On povedal farizejom, On povedal, “Skúmate Písma. Myslíte si, že v Nich máte Večný Život. A Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Oni hovoria kto Ja som.“ Oni to mali vedieť. Mali by to dnes vedieť. To nie je len veľká kopa hluku, alebo hurhaju, alebo vystrájania, alebo množstvo zvuku. To je Ježiš Kristus zamanifestovaný medzi Jeho ľuďmi. To je jasné. Písmo tak hovorí. Všimnite si teraz. A to, to robí pravdivým, keď Boh tak povedal.

65Zisťujeme, že jediný spôsob, ako sa On môže zjaviť, je vojsť do vás. On je... On môže... On je Slovo, a ak to Slovo je v tebe, vtedy Duch Svätý zjavuje Krista cez to Slovo, potom keď On do teba vošiel. On je v tebe. Musíš prijať Jeho Slovo. Povieš, “No, moja cirkev tomu neverí.“

66 V poriadku. On nikdy nevojde do vnútra. Vidíš? Keď odmietaš Slovo, odmietaš Jeho. “No, moja cirkev verí, že to máme robiť týmto spôsobom.“

67 Ale Biblia hovorí, že to máme robiť týmto spôsobom. Toto je ten spôsob. Prijať to, ako je to tam napísané. Nie to, čo niekto iný do toho pridal, ale čo Boh o tom povedal. A potom ti to On môže zjaviť. Ale On musí najskôr vojsť do teba. A iba potom to On môže zjaviť.

68Nestojte a nehľaďte na to a neskúšajte to rozlúsknuť, ako farizeovia povedali. Oni tam stáli a hľadeli na Neho a povedali, “Ten človek je Belzebub.“ Oni to nemohli rozlúsknuť. Museli to pomenovať. Povedali, “Ten človek toto robí duchom diabla. On je Belzebub, veštec. No, nemajte nič s tým chlapom. On sa narodil v hriechu. Nemá našu členskú kartu. Nie je našim členom.“ A, och oni... “Ani nevieme, kde chodil do školy. A On je bez vzdelania. No, no, odkiaľ prišiel tento človek? No, On hovorí, Syn človeka vystúpi tam, odkiaľ zostúpil. Narodil sa rovno tu. On je blázon. Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna Človeka, piť Jeho krv... On je ľudožrút.“ On to tak robil, aby vypovedali tie slová. Oni to museli urobiť.

69A tak isto Duch Svätý dnes, predkladá Svoje Slovo v manifestácii tak, aby to ľudia mohli odmietnuť, tak aby Boh mohol poslať Svoj súd na zem, ako to On zasľúbil urobiť. On zatvrdil srdce faraóna. Haleluja. On je ten istý včera, dnes, a na veky. On sa nemení. On je Boh. Jeho systém postupovania ukazuje Jeho Samého, že je to mocný so Svojim Slovom zamanifestovať. On ti nemusí všetko o tom povedať. Ty na to nemôžeš prísť. Nemôžeš rozlúsknuť Boha. Ty to máš prijať. Len Ho pozvi do vnútra a uvidíš, čo sa stane.

70Nuž, všimnime si znova, ako sa im dal poznať, potom, keď vošiel do vnútra. Ako to urobil? On otvoril ich oči na to, kým On bol. Keď vošiel do nich, potom On otvoril ich oči, aby videli.

71No, kedy Slovo prichádza do teba, keď prijímaš Božie Slovo a Ono prichádza do teba, vtedy to zasľúbenie, toho zasľúbenia, ktoré si ty zaakceptoval manifestuje samé seba. A potom ty vieš Kto to je.

72Cez čo to On robí? Ako sa im On dal poznať? Pretože On urobil tú istú vec, ktorú urobil pred Svojim ukrižovaním. Potom oni rozpoznali, že to bol On, pretože On vstal z mŕtvych. Všetko to kázanie, všetko vyučovanie a všetko ostatné, čo On činil, bolo neúspešné. Ale, keď On zjavil Samého Seba, robiac to isté, čo On robil, pred Svojim ukrižovaním, oni rozpoznali, že to bol On. To otvorilo ich oči.

73Brat, sestra, On je ten istý včera, dnes, a na veky. On sa nemení. Práve tak, ako On postupoval s tou ženou pri studni. On nikdy nemení Svoj program.

74No, tá drobná žena pri studni, ona vedela, čo Písmo zasľúbilo na ten deň. Všimnite si, keď On prišiel ku tej drobnej žene pri studni, On povedal... V Sychar, On povedal, “Žena, prines Mi piť.“

75Ona povedala, “No, to nie je zvykom pre teba, Žida, žiadať takto Samaritánov.“

76 On povedal, “Ale, keby si vedela, Kto ku tebe hovorí, ty by si Mňa prosila o pitie.“

77Tak, vtedy si ona pomyslela, “Nejaký chytrák, len sa Ho trochu niečo povypytujem.“ On okamžite povedal, “Choď a priveď sem svojho muža.“ Ona povedala, “Nemám muža.“

78On povedal, “To je pravda. Mala si piatich a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvojim mužom.“

79Dávajte pozor. Rýchlo, čo to spôsobilo? To vošlo dnu. Ona rýchlo niečo rozpoznala, povedala, “Pane, vidím, že si prorok.“ Amen. Vidíte, tam ležalo semeno, ktoré prišlo do života. Tam bol vypínač, ktorý mohol rozsvietiť svetlo. Pre tých farizejov to bolo predovšetkým temnosťou, žiadny vypínač, žiadne batérie, nič iné. Ale pre toho muža, tú ženu, prostitútku... Ona povedala, “Pane...“

80Prečo? Ona očakávala na manifestáciu Slova. Štyristo rokov po Malachiášovi oni nemali proroka. A tu bol Muž, ktorý bol zamanifestovaný ako prorok. Ona rýchlo niečo rozpoznala. Povedala, “Pane, poznávam, že si prorok.“ Povedala, “My vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde, On to bude robiť.“

81On povedal, “Ja som On, ktorý hovorím ku tebe.“ Teraz On mohol zjaviť Samého Seba. Ona Ho už prijala. On je teraz vo vnútri. Vidíte? On sa môže dať poznať. To je to, ako sa On dal poznať tej žene. Prečo? Ona uverila zasľúbenému Slovu. A keď videla to zasľúbené slovo zamanifestované...

82 Nuž, vieme, že v piatej knihe Mojžišovej, v 18. kapitole a v 15. verši, Mojžiš povedal, “Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka ako mňa.“ Ona vedela, že ten prichádzajúci Mesiáš bude prorok. A posledného proroka mali mnoho, mnoho rokov pred tým. Neboli tam žiadni proroci, a tu jeden stál. Čo to bolo? To bola ďalšia vec v poradí. To bolo Slovo. Čo On urobil? On jej to zjavil hovoriac ku nej, zjavujúc jej, že On bol ten prorok, skrze to, že jej zjavil, čo urobila. Ó!.

83 To vybavilo tú vec. Odložila džbán s vodou a bežala do mesta, a povedala, “Poďte a vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila. Nie je práve toto ten Mesiáš?“ Zastaviť ju? No, nedokázali by ste to urobiť. Práve ako skúšať zahasiť oheň za veterného dňa, nejaký suchý dom v ohni. Tak veru. To bude horieť a planúť. Boh zapálil nejaký dom. Ona niečo uvidela. Vedela, že to bola Pravda. Slovo bolo manifestované pred ňou. Práve presne tak, ako to bolo neskôr pri učeníkoch. Vidíte? Kedy sa im pokúšal ukazovať to Slovo, potom zamanifestoval to Slovo. A tu ona poznala to Slovo. A keď uvidela, že sa to zamanifestovalo, to tú vec vybavilo.

84 Jedného dňa, muž menom Andrej, pozoroval Jána. Počul ho hovoriť o príchode Mesiáša. Peter bol jeho brat, nemal o to záujem. Mali zbožného staručkého otca, ktorý ich vyučoval, “Nuž, synu, dôverovali sme Bohu vo všetkom, čo sme potrebovali. Vྭdňoch, kedy sme nemohli zaplatiť naše účty, modlili sme sa, Bože daj nám dnes uloviť nejaké ryby. Vyšli sme, a Boh nám dal úlovok rýb. A keď sme mali tie ryby, čo sme robili? Prišli sme a vzdali sme za to Bohu chválu a predali sme naše ryby. Dôverovali sme Bohu. Ja som teraz starý človek. Ja asi neuvidím príchod Mesiáša. Ale dávajte pozor, pred tým ako On príde, bude mnoho falošných manifestácii.“

85 A Biblia povedala, že tam budú... Povstanú falošní kristovia. To je pravda. Čo oni budú robiť? Budú skúšať uhasiť svetlo toho jediného skutočného príchodu. Vidíte? Mali sme veľa kultov, klanov, a povstalo všetko iné, a zobrali vás do Kanady, a strčili vás do nejakého úkrytu, hore na nejaké iné miesto, a odviedli nejakú skupinu na túto cestu, a tamtú cestu. Práve, presne opakujúc znovu to isté. Čo sa to snaží urobiť? Čo sa to snaží urobiť? Snaží sa to zakryť vychádzajúce Svetlo Pravdy. Nuž, všimnime si.

86Potom, jedného dňa Peter vyšiel na breh, trochu rybárčil, a vyčistil svoje siete. A Ježiš prišiel dolu. A prvá vec, ako vieme, potom, len čo On prišiel Petrovi na dohľad...

87On bol dôkladne vyškolený, čo bude tento Mesiáš robiť. Jeho starý otec mu hovoril, povedal, “Nuž, Šimon toto Písmo tu hovorí, pamätaj, ty si Žid. Pán nám povedal, keď bude medzi nami niekto duchovný, alebo prorok, Ja Pán budem hovoriť ku nemu. A keď to, čo on povie je pravda, zamanifestovaná pravda, a keď to, čo on povie sa neustále vyplní, potom poznáte, že on má Božské zjavenie Písma. Nuž, keď budete vidieť Mesiáša, vy Ho rozpoznáte.“

88Tak on kráčal jedného dňa rovno pred Ježiša. Premýšľal, „idem sa pozrieť o čom Andrej hovoril“.

89 A len čo ku Nemu prišiel, On povedal, “Tvoje meno je Šimon, a ty si synom Jonáša.“ To vybavilo tú vec. To vybavilo tú vec, pretože bol vyučený, že On bude prorok. On to rozpoznal.

90Bol tam ďalší mladý učenec, ktorý bol učený, keď... Filip tam stál pozorujúc tie veci, ktoré sa diali. Prešiel okolo tej hory skutočne rýchlo a priviedol iného muža menom Natanael, ktorý bol študentom Biblie, nejaký študent. Oni študovali Písma, pretože vedeli, že ten čas je blízko. Očakávali Jeho príchod.

91To sú tí, ku ktorým On prichádza, ku tým, ktorí Ho očakávajú. A dnes zisťujeme, že On neprichádza ku tým, ktorí Ho neočakávajú. Nie je niečo také ako Božské uzdravenie, pre tých, ktorí v to neveria. Nie je niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým pre tých, ktorí v to neveria. Je to len pre tých, ktorí v to veria. Tak veru. To je všetko. Tak potom nachádzame tých, ktorí túžia poznať pravdu a Boh je zaviazaný zjaviť tú pravdu. On hovorí Svoje Slovo, potom On prichádza a vypĺňa to, podáva Svoj vlastný výklad.

92Teraz zisťujeme, len čo táto drobná žena... Ona povedala... Ona nemohla porozumieť ako tento Muž tak prefíkane ku nej podišiel. Ona povedala o prinesení jej vody, povedala... alebo o prinesení vody pre Neho a ako chytre konal... a prvá vec ako viete, no, ona ku Nemu prehovorila a zistila... povedala, “Vieme, že Mesiáš príde. A keď On príde, On nám bude hovoriť tieto veci.“

93On povedal, “Ja som On, ktorý s tebou hovorím.“ Vtedy sa jej oči otvorili. Jej oči boli otvorené. Na čo? Na zasľúbenie Písma. Jej oči boli otvorené skrze zasľúbenie Písma.

94Peter vedel, že jeho otec mu povedal to, že Mesiáš bude prorok. A tu Ján povedal... alebo Andrej mu povedal o prorokovi Jánovi, ktorý bol tam dolu predpovedajúc, a tak ďalej, ako hovorí, že sa niečo stane. Tak jedného dňa prišiel dolu, potom prišiel Ježiš. Keď prišiel do Jeho prítomnosti, On povedal, “Ty si Šimon. Si synom Jonáša.“ Čo to bolo? Jeho oči boli otvorené. On to rozpoznal.

95Filip a Natanael študovali Písmo o Jeho príchode. On prišiel, povedal, “Poď a vidz koho sme našli. Ježiša z Nazaretu, syna Jozefovho.“ “Och“, on povedal, “Nič dobré nemôže vyjsť z Nazaretu.“ Povedal, “Poď a vidz.“

96A obišli tú horu. Nepochybne, zopakovali mnoho vecí, ktoré Ježiš činil, čo povedal Šimonovi, čo On mal robiť, tie veci On robil.

97A len čo Filip s Natanaelom vošli do Jeho Prítomnosti, Ježiš pozrel na Natanaela a povedal, “Ajhľa Izraelita v ktorom nieto ľsti.“ On povedal, “Rabi odkiaľ ma poznáš?“

98On povedal, “Skôr ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“ Jeho oči sa otvorili.

99On povedal, “Ty si Syn Boží. Ty si Kráľ Izraela.“ Čo to bolo? On uvidel zasľúbené Slovo na ten deň zjavené.

100Počúvaj brat, sestra. To zasľúbené Slovo, bolo zasľúbené pre vás, a môžete vidieť, že toto je pre to tá hodina. Ale keď to Boh zjavuje, vykladá to, potom to je hriešne odmietnuť to. Nikdy to nerobte. Boh otvoril jeho oči ukazujúc mu zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré zasľúbil, že sa stane. Nuž, vždy sa to deje tak isto. On to robí. On nikdy nemení Svoj systém postupovania, nie veru, nikdy. Stále rovnako. On zasľúbil Písmo pre každý a akýkoľvek vek. A keď On manifestuje to Písmo pre ten vek, ľudia, ktorých oči boli otvorené, aby to videli, sú tí, ktorí to prijímajú.

101“Nuž, brat Branham,“ poviete, „Či sa už zvečerieva?. No, čo chceš teraz povedať?“

102Čo je to, čo Písmo zasľúbilo pre tento vek, aby sme vedeli, o čom tu hovoríme? Kvôli čomu sme tu dnes večer? Čo dobrého to urobí? Žijeme blízko niečoho? Naozaj tomu veríme? Svedčili sme márne? Hovoríme, že On znovu prichádza? Veríme v Jeho viditeľnú prítomnosť? Veríme tomu, že On druhý krát prichádza? Alebo len klameme samých seba, alebo naozaj tomu veríme?

103Potom skúmajme Písma a vidzme čo je zasľúbené pre tento deň. Potom vidíme ako tá žena pri studni, Filip a ostatní z nich, môžeme vidieť.

104Pamätajte, Židom 13:8 hovorí, Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes iྭna veky. Tak je? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] On to zasľúbil. To je Písmo.

105Sv. Ján 14:12 povedal, “Ten, kto verí vo Mňa skutky, ktoré je činím, bude aj on činiť.“ Robím tu niečomu pozadie.

106Nuž, v Joelovi 2:28 a 30 a ďalej, On zasľúbil, On povedal, čo zanechala pažravá chrobač, zjedla húsenica, a čo zanechala húsenica zožralo to a to. Každý z týchto chrobákov je ten istý hmyz, len meniaci svoju prirodzenosť. Pažravá chrobač je húsenica, a tak ďalej. Je to iný stupeň jej vývoja. A ona len žerie, a žerie, a žerie, a to zožralo ten strom Boží priamo až do pňa. A bude potom niekedy ten strom znovu žiť? Ale to vyzeralo na beznádejný prípad. Ale Boh povedal, “Ja navrátim, hovorí Pán, všetky tie roky, ktoré požrala húsenica, a pažravá chrobač, čo oni požrali, Ja prinavrátim znovu vo svojej moci.“

107Čo zanechali luteráni, zožrali metodisti. Čo zanechali metodisti, požrali letniční. Čo zanechali letniční, požrali takí a takí, len ďalej, ďalej, ďalej, jeden s týmto, iný s tamtým, iný s tým, až kým sa to stratilo v hromade izmov. Vieme, že to je pravda. Stojím medzi vami a milujem vás.

108Pamätajte, v Malachiášovi 4, teraz nie Malachiáš 3, v Malachiášovi 4, Boh zasľúbil poslať znovu pomazanie a prinavrátiť vieru detí znovu späť ku otcom. A to je presne to, čo Boh zasľúbil v Joelovi. Ako sa to stane? Nachádzame, že Ježiš povedal v Lukášovi 17:26-30, On povedal v 27..... Lukášovi 17, On povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho... Jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali, a nevedeli to, kým Noe vošiel dnu. Tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Ale On tiež povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta....“

109Vrátili ste sa k tomu niekedy? Prial by som si, keby sme mali čas vrátiť sa späť a len to ukázať. Vrátiť sa späť do 1. Mojžišovej. To je tá istá kniha, ktorú čítal Ježiš. To je tá kniha, ktorú zjavoval... o ktorej hovoril. Poďme späť. Pozrime sa na to. On povedal, “A synovia ľudskí... synovia Boží si brali pre seba ľudské dcéry,“ Ženy. Originálny Hebrejský preklad tam hovorí, že to boli ženy, hovorí, “ženy “ (Vidíte) “pre seba.“

110Pozrite len dnes. Pozrite na sobášenie, na vstupovanie do manželstva a nevedeli to, až....

111Pozrite tu, pozrite na Anglicko, na tú veľkú hanbu. Pozrite tu na Spojené Štáty. Pozrite na prostitúciu, pozrite na všetko. To je skoro ako ten komik povedal minulého večera, že ženy majú na sebe tak tesné oblečenie, tak nemravné, kedy kráčajú dolu ulicou... Ďalšou vecou bude, že sa len pomaľujú. Nechcú používať oblečenie. Taká je pravda. Pozrite na ne, ako sa obliekajú, ako nemorálne, ako nečisto a vulgárne oni chodia. Môžete povedať vtip medzi skupinou mužov, alebo niečo podobné a hovorí sa, že jediný spôsob ako môžete rozpoznať... Oni sa obliekajú ako muži a muži sa obliekajú ako ženy, vy by ste veľmi ťažko... Tak isto si strihajú svoje vlasy, tak isto... Jediný spôsob ako môžete rozlíšiť jedného od druhého je, keď poviete nemravný vtip, muž sa začervená, a žena nie.

112“Potom v posledných dňoch budú dcéry Siona chodiť povýšene.“ Oni zlyhajú v chodení za Pánom, bez ohľadu na to, čo ku ním hovoríte. Môžete kričať, a kázať a kázať, to je ako udieranie o stenu. To je hustá temnosť na nich. Zdá sa byť tak ťažkým, nájsť skutočného muža, ktorý je mužom a nájsť ženu, ktorá je skutočnou dámou.

113Pozrite dnes na ulice a na ich obrazovky a kdekoľvek to je, tieto necenzurované programy, fajčenie cigariet, preklínanie, vyvádzanie, obliekanie sa ako muži a ďalšie veci. Ježiš povedal, že tie veci budú a oni sú tu. Oni nepotrebujú žiadneho zjavovania, oni sú už zjavené.

114Nuž, dávajte pozor. On povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta...“ Hľaďte na Lótovu polohu. Boh zostúpil. A dvaja muži kráčali do Sodomy a kázali dolu v Sodome. Jeden Muž zostal hore s Abrahámom, s vyvolenou cirkvou, typ na letničných, vyvolaných dnes, ktorí nie sú v Sodome.

115 Títo, ktorí sú medzi letničnými, ženy, ktoré si strihajú svoje vlasy, a muži, ktorí takto vystrájajú a hovoria tieto špinavé žarty, a vyvádzajú, títo nie sú letničnými. Oni len nesú meno letniční. Oni nie sú letničnými. Skutočné letničné dámy sú dámami. Skutočný letničný muž je mužom.

116 Školy dobre že nemusia byť zatvorené pre mladých chlapcov z dôvodu ich zvrátenosti a takýmto veciam na školách, homosexuáli sú kdekoľvek, všade. Je to odporný pohľad. “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“

117Pamätajte. Všimnite si, práve dolu v tom tridsiatom verši, “Keď sa zjaví Syn človeka.“ Všimli ste si to? Sledujte v tridsiatom verši, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka, vo dňoch, aké boli pred Sodomou. Všimnite si, čo sa stalo v Sodome. Tento Muž zostal vzadu a dvaja z nich odišli dolu, aby hovorili s Lotom, aby ho odtiaľ zobrali. Neurobili tam žiaden zázrak, len ich ranili slepotou. Ale tento Jeden urobil zázrak pred tým vyvoleným. On bol obrátený chrbtom ku Sáre a ona bola v stane za Ním. Povedal, “Kde je Sarah, tvoja žena?“ Povedal, “Je v stane za Tebou.“

118Pamätajte, On ju nazval Sarah a jeho nazval Abrahám. Deň predtým on bol Abram a ona Sáraj, nie Sarah. A všimnite si, on povedal, “Je v stane za Tebou.“

119 On povedal, “Ja ťa navštívim.“ Čo to bolo? Boh v tele. “Navštívim ťa podľa zasľúbenia.“ A Sarah sa zasmiala a povedala, “Tieto veci sa nemôžu stať.“

120On povedal, “Prečo sa Sarah zasmiala, hovoriac, že tieto veci sa nemôžu stať? Povedal jej, čo urobila. On, súc Slovom v ľudskom tele, rozpoznal tajnosti jej srdca a povedal, “Smiala si sa.“

121A keď sa On stal telom na zemi, to bolo presne to, čo On robil.

122A čo On povedal? Keď je Syn človeka zjavený v posledných dňoch, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. Ak sodomiti sú v celom kraji, celý svet je zanečistený a zruinovaný. A vidíme cirkev v beznádejnom stave, vtedy je to čas v ktorom Syn človeka zjavuje Samého Seba, toho istého včera, dnes a na veky. To je zasľúbenie Božie.

123Sledujte, čo On povedal, “Malú chvíľu a svet Ma viac neuvidí. Ale vy ma uvidíte, pretože budem s vami, dokonca vo vás. Vy Ma budete vidieť (Veriaci), rovnakého včera, dnes a na veky. Áno.“Malú chvíľu a svet ma viac neuvidí.... “ Svet Ho nemôže vidieť. Ich oči sú zaslepené.

124 Ale keď uvidíte Syna Človeka zjaveného, Slovo prichádzajúce späť v ľudskom tele, Muž ktorý jedol mäso z teľaťa a pil kravské mlieko, jedol placky urobené na pahrebe, a nazýval sa Elohim... Amen. Muž v zaprášenom odeve, Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, tam On bol na zemi zamanifestovaný v tele, a povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, keď Syn Človeka zostane zjavený v tých posledných dňoch,“ svet bude v stave Sodomy. A tu to je. Brat, sestra, dámy a páni, kýmkoľvek si, toto je tá hodina a výklad patrí Bohu. Nech by Boh otvoril naše zaslepené oči na pravdu Písma, a nech by sme rozpoznali, že žijeme v posledných dňoch. Amen. Skloňme naše hlavy.

125Nebeský Otče tak mnoho by mohlo byť povedané. To je postačujúce. Zastavím sa. Pane Bože, Ktorý si dal to zasľúbenie, príď na scénu, Pane. Zjav to. Naše telo nie je dobré. Naše telo je slabé a ono je mizerné, Pane. Nie preto, že by bol niekto hodný, my nie sme hodní, Pane. Ale Ty si to zasľúbil a tá hodina je tu. Slovo stojí pred nami. Zídi sa s nami, Pane, dnes večer a sprav niečo, ako si to robil, keď si bol na zemi pred dvetisíc rokmi, aby mohla táto cirkev rozpoznať, že Ty žiješ naveky, že si ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A zasľúbil si, že znovu zopakuješ tie skutky, ktoré si Ty činil. Syn Človeka bude zjavený v posledných dňoch ako to bolo v Sodome. Pane, Ty si sa nikdy nezmienil o Lótovi – o Noemovi. Nikdy si sa nezmienil, že sa zjavíš v Noeho čase, ale si povedal, ako bolo v Sodome, keď sa Syn človeka zjavil. Och môžem...

126Pane, nech čitatelia Biblie tu dnes večer uvidia tú pravdu. Nechaj ich uvidieť, že Malachiáš 4 je to pomazanie, ktoré má prísť a prinavráti znovu naspäť tú vieru, ktorú otcovia raz videli, zjavenie Boha v Kristovi. Nuž, nech môžu vidieť zjavenie Boha v ľudských bytostiach, Krista zamanifestovaného v tele Svojej cirkvi, chodiaceho medzi nami. Udeľ to, Pane. Ty si dal tie zasľúbenia a Ty ich dodržíš. A ja zverujem teraz samého seba s týmto Slovom, s touto cirkvou, so všetkým Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

127S našimi sklonenými hlavami, či je tu niekto, predtým ako začneme modlitebnú radu, kto by chcel povedať, “Brat Branham, Nie som kresťan. Chcem byť spasený. Modli sa za mňa. Budeš brat Branham?“ Len pozdvihni svoju ruku. “Ja to urobím,“ ak si práve tu a nie si kresťan... Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Boh ťa žehnaj, mladý muž. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. To je dobre. Len... Boh ťa žehnaj, pani. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. To je v poriadku. Tam vzadu, nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Boh ťa žehnaj. To je dobre.

128Ešte niekto? Len zodvihni svoju ruku, povedz, “Nie som kresťan.“ Boh ťa žehnaj. Zbadal som ťa tam vzadu, mladý muž. Nech ťa Boh žehná, tam v zadnej uličke, a ulička tuto v rohu, áno. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nie som kresťan brat Branham, ale verím, že hovoríš pravdu. Verím, že to je pravda. Verím, že zasľúbenie tak hovorí. Čítal som to a vidím, že to zasľúbenie bolo dané. Nikdy som ho nevidel, ale verím tomu.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani. Ešte niekto?

129Keď dvíhaš svoju ruku, to pre teba niečo robí. Určite to niečo robí. To ti dáva pocit, že si urobil niečo správne. Nie je osoby, ktorá by zodvihla ich ruky, ale.. Boh nech ťa žehná. Vidím ťa tam znova. Teba tu, áno. Ó, to je dobré. Pamätaj, ak ja prehliadnem tvoju ruku, On ju uvidí. On vie o tom všetkom. Pamätaj, On vie... Nech ťa Boh žehná mladá sestra. On to vie.

130Nuž, Nebeský Otče oni sú teraz Tvoji. Oni nemohli zodvihnúť ruku. Tam je niečo, čo im povedalo, aby to urobili. Možno nikto z nich ešte nikdy nevidel na vlastné oči tie pozoruhodné znaky Tvojej prítomnosti tu na zemi v týchto posledných dňoch. Ale oni to vidia tu, Písmo tak povedalo. A nech by mohli dnes večer porozumieť, že hoci Biblia bola kázaná počas všetkých týchto rokov, ľudia stále neveria. Ale keď si prišiel ku Kleofášovi a jeho priateľovi a otočil si sa a urobil si niečo presne tak isto, ako si to robil, keď chodil po zemi pred ukrižovaním, oni poznali, že to bol ten istý Ježíš. No, Pane, urob pre nás to isté dnes večer. Urob to dnes večer pre týchto chorých ľudí, práve tak ako si to robil pred tvojim ukrižovaním. Potom po dvetisíc rokoch muži a ženy poznajú, že Ty žiješ. Očakávame na Teba, Otče, v mene Ježiša. Amen.

131No, ku vám, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, chcem, že by ste sedeli pár minút skutočne úctivo. Idem zvolať modlitebnú radu. Neviem povedať, že to bude Boh robiť. Ale chcem sa vás opýtať vážnu otázku, ľudia, kým tam je, och, niekoľko stoviek tu, päťsto, alebo šesťsto alebo koľkokoľvek to je. Hľaďte, tu je celé množstvo ľudí. Ale hľaďte, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Sme zodpovední voči Bohu. Sme. A On je zodpovedný voči Svojmu Slovu. Nuž, keď On robí to Slovo znovu živé, ty – ty, chcem, aby každý jeden, ktorý zodvihol svoju ruku aj tí, ktorí ju nezodvihli, prišli hneď potom sem ku oltáru, len čo sa pomodlíme za chorých

132Kde je Billy? Modlitebná karta B, och, 1 do 100? V poriadku. Ponáhľajme sa, začneme rovno od čísla 1. Modlitebná karta D číslo 1. Kto ju má? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Pozri sa na svoju modlitebnú kartu, pozri aké je tam číslo. Ak nemôžeš chodiť, no, niekto príde tam dolu, tak môžeš... D číslo 1,2, 3, 4, 5, postavte sa rovno tu, keď budete. 1, 2, 3. Ak nemôžeš chodiť, zodvihni svoju ruku, a my ... oni ťa prenesú. 1, 2. Vidím len jedného, tak ďaleko. Mohli by ste rýchlo prísť, len tak rýchlo ako môžete? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

133Keby to mohol niekto povedať po Španielsky, vidím, že je tam veľa Španielov...D – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, - 1, 2, 3. Kde... Tam je 3. 1, 2, 3, 4. Tam je ďalší. Číslo 5? Kto má modlitebnú kartu číslo 5 ? Zodvihni svoju ruku. Ako to povieš po Španielsky? Je toto modlitebná karta číslo 5, pane? Tam ju máme. Ďakujem. 1, 2, 3, 4. Potom, čo... ktorý chýba? Tam sú piati? Áno, teraz vidím. Vidím ho stáť tamto. Vྭporiadku.

1346, 7, 8, 9, 10... Povedz... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Stojte tu, len chvíľu. To je to. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. To je dobre. To je dobre. Len chvíľočku. Zavolajme ešte trochu viac. 17, 18, 19, 20, 1 do 20...?... To je to. Vྭporiadku. To je fajn. To je dostatočne. Začneme rovno tam. Ďakujem brat.

135Koľkí z vás tu nemáte modlitebnú kartu, zodvihnite svoju ruku, a ešteྭste chorí? Nuž, pamätajte, vy nemusíte byť tu hore. Nemusíte byť tu. Len verte.

136No, nech je každý skutočne úctivý. Chcem vás poprosiť v Ježišovom mene, aby sa nikto nepresúval, okolo desať minút, pätnásť akokoľvek, desať alebo pätnásť minút. Len nech je Bohu vzdaný veľký rešpekt. Každý nech sa rovno dolu usadí. Nech je teraz skutočne ticho. Len – len chvíľu, oni tu budú mať ten rad. No, kým vy... oni čakajú, nuž, počúvajte ma teraz pozorne.

137Nuž, uvedomujete si, čo ja tu zastávam? Koľkí z vás rozumejú o čom som kázal (Vidíte?), vyhlásil som, že On vstal z mŕtvych. No, keď On vstal z mŕtvych a zasľúbil to robiť... No, to sa nedialo v žiadnom veku od apoštolov do tohto času, pokiaľ vieme. Ale On zasľúbil na tento čas, že Syn človeka bude zjavený, ako to bolo v Sodome. Nuž čítajte to v Lukášovi 17, asi od 20 do 30 verša a vidzte či to nie je pravda. On to zasľúbil.

138Čítajte o tom v Malachiášovi 4. Nemiešajte to teraz s Malachiášom 3. Malachiáš 3 bol Ján Krstiteľ. Vidíte? Ale Malachiáš 4, len čo to je skončené, bezbožný... spravodlivý budú kráčať po bezbožných a svet bude spálený ohňom. Vidíte? To sa nikdy nestalo vo dňoch Jánovho života. Očakávame toho veľkého pomazania na Cirkvi, ktoré obráti srdcia späť do originálnej náuky otcov, späť ku skutočným, pravdivým letniciam.

139V poriadku. Buďte úctiví. Billy, zakrič, len čo ich tam všetkých dáš do rady. Všetci pripravení? Dobre. Nuž, skutočne úctiví. Niekto vám pomôže prísť sem na túto stranu. Kým je každý skutočne potichu, len na pár minút.

140Chcem, aby ste mi dali sľub. Sľúbil som Bohu... A On pozná moje srdce (Vidíte?), a On pozná vaše. Som zaviazaný hovoriť, len čo je pravda. To je všetko, ja som zaviazaný to robiť. Boh to napísal. Ja nikdy... Oni...oni... To nie som ja, To je Biblia. Vy to viete. Nuž, ak to On zjaví, či Ho to neprinesie rovno sem živého medzi nás? Vidíte?

141Čo ak by ste nemali zrakový zmysel, žiaden z vás, a vyšli by ste von na slnečné svetlo. Niekedy by ste nevedeli kde ste chodili, pretože by ste boli slepí. A vy by ste chodili v slnečnom svetle, cítili by ste skutočne.... niečo skutočne teplé okolo vás. A potom o chvíľu idete do tieňa. A povedali by ste: “Teraz to tu nie je.“ Nikto by nikdy nevedel, čo je slnečné svetlo, nemajúc ten zrakový zmysel. Vidíte? Nevedeli by ste čím ono je. Niekto by povedal, “To je slnečné svetlo.“

142Čo je slnečné svetlo? Čo je svetlo a čo je to slnko? Vidíte? Vy ste nikdy o tom nepočuli. Vidíte? “Nuž, to je svetlo, ktoré zostupuje dolu.“ Čo je svetlo? Vidíte?

143No, to je spôsob ako cítime prítomnosť Božiu. Keď ju necítime, vtedy kráčame mimo. Vidíte? Keď si v dimenzii, ktorú vidíš, môžeš povedať, čo to je. Vidíš, ty vieš čo to je.

144No, ak Boh vstal z mŕtvych a je tu dnes večer... On to zasľúbil. Nuž, Jeho fyzické telo je na Božom tróne. On zaujal....zasadol na Božom tróne. Ale Duch Svätý je tu, ktorým je Kristus vo forme Ducha. To slovo “Kristus“ znamená “Ten Pomazaný.“ A to pomazanie, ktoré bolo na Ňom je na cirkvi, na vás všetkých. Prechádzajúce rovno ďalej od ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, Krstu Duchom Svätým, prinavrátenia darov, rovno na vrchol toho, prichádzajúce rovno do menšiny po celý čas. To je teraz pokope. A teraz existuje cirkev. No, Nevesta vychádza z cirkvi, Vidíte? Cirkev ide cez obdobie súženia, nie Nevesta. Prepáčte mi, nechcel som kázať náuku. Prepáčte. Vྭporiadku. Tu je tá pani. Poď sem.

145Všimnite si, nemyslím si, že je tu nejaká osoba, ktorú by som poznal, z tých na ktorých sa pozerám. Ak mi je každý z vás tu cudzí, zodvihnete svoje ruky? Vy viete, že ja nič o vás neviem, tak títo ľudia tu sú cudzími.

146Nuž, prosím, prosím, nepresúvajte sa. Stále seďte, budete?

147Všetci, v modlitebnej rade, ktorý ma nepoznáte, a viete, že o vás nič neviem, zodvihnite vaše ruky. Tu to máte.

148Nuž, tu sedí skupina kazateľov. Vidíte, je to práve rovno tu, kam všetci môžeme hľadieť. Vidíte?

149No, táto pani tu mi je cudzia. Nuž, niekto kto je... ten technik.... skontroluj ten mikrofón teraz. Vྭporiadku. Teraz idem ku nej hovoriť. Tu sa opakuje Ján 4, kde Ježiš hovoril ku nejakej žene a povedal jej v čom bol jej problém. A ona uverila, že to bol znak Mesiáša. Keď to bol vtedy znak Mesiáša, je to stále znakom Mesiáša. Pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes, a naveky. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Stretnutie ako toto...

150No, ja nie som Ježiš, a bez pochyby táto žena nie je tým druhom ženy. Ale to čo sa snažím povedať, je to isté. Tu je muž stretávajúci ženu, a niečo tam nie je v poriadku. A keď sem príde niečo čo to zjaví, to ukazuje, že to musí byť Boh. No, Nevedel by som, pretože ja som nikdy v živote tú ženu nevidel. Vidíte? A ona zodvihla svoju ruku, že ju nepoznám, a ona nepozná mňa. A my stojíme rovno tu.

151No, chcem len ku tebe minútku hovoriť, potom čo som toto hovoril, kázal, sestra. Keď to je práve... Vidíš, jedna vec bolo kázanie, ďalšia vec je pomazanie. To je niečo iné.

152Nuž, ak by mi Pán Ježiš mohol vyjasniť, alebo ukázať cez videnie, niečo po čom túžiš, niečo ako... Možno by to mohla byť nemoc, možno finančný problém, možno domáci, môže to byť pre niekoho iného. Ja to dokonca neviem. Vidíš? Nemám ani potuchy. Ale ak mi On povie niečo, čo je zlé, alebo niečo, čo nie je v poriadku v tvojom živote, alebo - - alebo niečo - - že si hrozne chorá, alebo niekto iný je chorý, alebo niečo je zlé. Ak to On povie, ty budeš vedieť, či to je pravda alebo nie. A ty budeš môcť povedať či to bola pravda alebo nie. Takže, ak On vie, čo sa stalo, potom On určite vie, čo sa stane. Keď On môže povedať minulosť, On môže povedať prítomnosť a budúcnosť. Nuž, urobí to, že budeš veriť celým svojim srdcom, keď dostaneš to, o čo prosíš?

153Spôsobí to, že obecenstvo bude veriť, keď oni dostanú to o čo prosia? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.]

No, buďte teraz skutočne úctiví.... hľaďte, čo mi On povie, pretože ja neviem. Ja len...Zhromaždenie za zhromaždením, stávate sa nervóznejším, viete, a kázanie, a ponáhľanie, a sledovanie toho, a stráženie.... Sľúbil som, že vás prepustím o 9,30. Teraz je skoro toľko. Robí ma to nervóznym. Tak ja len musím utíšiť samého seba. Vidíte?

154Dar nie je niečo ako, keď vezmete nôž a posekáte ním niečo. To nie je dar. Dar je dať samého seba z cesty, tak vás môže Duch Svätý použiť. A to je jediná vec, ktorú musím urobiť, dať Williama Branhama zo scény, vidíte, tak môže Boh prísť.

155No, teraz v Mene Ježiša Krista beriem každého ducha tu pod svoju kontrolu na Jeho chválu, aby to slovo, ktoré som kázal, mohlo byť zamanifestované. On je teraz tu. Prial by som si môcť vám povedať ako to je. Hm, ó, hm. Ak by mi On povedal, aby som zajtra ráno išiel na prezidentský cintorín a zobudil z mŕtvych George Washingtona, povedal by som, “Poďte sa na to pozrieť.“ Len čo On povie teraz. Vidíte? Neviem, čo On povie. Ale, čo povie to bude pravda.

156Táto pani trpí na problémy so svojimi očami. Ona má problémy s okom, ktoré jej robí ťažkosti. Má problém s ramenom, ktoré ju trápi. A ona je nervózna, extrémne nervózna. V poriadku. Či to nie je pravda? Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Poviem ďalšiu vec. Ty si určitým druhom slúžiacej. Ty si ako... ty si žena kazateľka. To je to. No, veríš z celého svojho srdca? Choď a môžeš mať to o čo prosíš. Či tomu veríte? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.].

157My sme si cudzí, predpokladám. Pán pozná nás oboch. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať.... To bola žena, tu je muž. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, čo je tvoj problém? Spôsobí to, že budeš veriť? Ty trpíš na nervozitu. Máš tiež problém s tvojimi očami, oni slabnú po celý čas. To sa dialo nejaký čas. Ďalšia vec, vidím niečo v tvojom rameni. A, och, to je - - ty máš vysoký krvný tlak. To je to, čo to je. Máš vysoký krvný tlak. Je to tak, či nie? Zodvihni svoju ruku ak je to tak. [Ten brat hovorí: “Chvála Pánovi!“ - pozn.prekl.]

158Čím viac by ste ku nemu hovorili, tým viac by toho bolo. Vidíte? Nuž pozri, hľaď, pozri. Daj len svoju ruku dolu. Nemali sme toho príliš veľa. Len daj svoju ruku dolu. Nuž, ja neviem, čo som ti povedal, ale to je tam na zázname (vidíš?), práve ako na tej páske. Ja neviem, čo On povedal.

159Ale pozrime sa teraz. Áno, to sú - - to sú oči, to je prvá vec. A potom ďalšia vec, ty máš krvnú zrazeninu, a ona je na tvojom mozgu. A ty si mal mozgovú porážku. To je pravda. V poriadku. Veríš teraz? Veríš, že budeš v poriadku? Veríš, že to hovorí Boh, nie ja? V poriadku potom. Choď ver tomu. To je všetko, čo máš urobiť. Ak oni môžu len veriť, to je všetko…?…

160Ako sa máš? Veríš, že mi Boh môže zjaviť tvoj problém? [Tá sestra hovorí: “Áno, verím.“ - pozn.prekl.] A ak môže, spôsobí to, že Mu budeš veriť? Budeš? [ “Áno“ ]. Čoho sa bojíš? Nemôžeš povedať, však? To je pravda. Ty máš túto nervozitu. Potom ďalšia vec, ty máš problém vo svojom krku. [ “Áno” ] To je pravda. Potom, ty máš niekoho na srdci, za koho sa modlíš. [ “Áno” ] . A máš s tým mnoho problémov. [ “Áno“ ]. A to je kvôli alkoholu. [ “Áno“ ]. To je tvoj manžel. On je alkoholik a ty sa za neho modlíš. [ “Áno“ ]. Veríš za neho? [ “Áno, verím “ - pozn.prekl.] Potom sa budem modliť , aby Ježiš Kristus urobil pre teba tie veci, a ty budeš odchádzať v poriadku.

161Veríte? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: “Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, to je prakticky, práve - - títo dvaja, traja, alebo štyria, každý, ktorý prešiel, to je toľko, koľko Ježiš urobil v celej Biblii. Vidíte? To je pravda. On to urobil pri tej žene, povedal tej žene tú jednu vec a odišiel dolu do Sychar. On tam nikdy nepovedal nikomu nič viac. Ale oni uverili pre svedectvo tej ženy. Oni vám nemusia svedčiť. Stojíte tu a hľadíte na to vy sami. Musíte len veriť. Samozrejme, niektorí nebudú veriť. Nie je v nich nič, čo by mohlo veriť.

162Ako sa máš? Nuž, my sme si cudzí. Či by som nebol hroznou osobou, stojac tu, keby... Milá sivovlasá žena, taká ako táto, a rozmýšľam o tom, ako moja vlastná drahá matka bola asi v tom veku, a ona sa pominula práve pred pár rokmi. A ak by som čokoľvek mohol urobiť ku pomoci tejto úbohej dámy, urobil by som to. Ja viem, ak je ona chorá, ak by som mohol vziať a - - a tlačiť mincu svojim nosom okolo tohto mesta, urobil by som to. Nestaral by som sa kto by sa zo mňa smial. Chcel by som, aby bola zdravá. Ak by som jej mohol pomôcť, urobil by som to. Ale ja jej nemôžem pomôcť. A napodiv On to už urobil, Boh to už urobil. A On ťa miluje viac ako ja. On za teba zomrel, a ja som to nikdy neurobil. Ale On ťa dostatočne miloval, aby za teba zomrel.

163Ale potom mi On len poslal malý dar. On poslal tvojho pastora sem, aby sa modlil a kládol ruky na chorých a ty vidíš, toho sa stalo tak mnoho v tomto prebudení, to je tak trochu minulosť, vieš. A teraz to prišlo do niečoho ďalšieho, vieš čo myslím, určité ohraničenie, niečo ďalšie.

164Nuž, ak mi Pán zjaví, aký je tvoj problém, budeš mi veriť, že som Jeho prorok, alebo Jeho služobník? Veríš, že to je On? [ Tá sestra hovorí, “Áno. Viem to.“ - pozn.prekl. ] Ty, ty, dobre, ďakujem ti sestra. [ “Určite.“ ] No, verím, že problémy s obličkami, ktorými trpíš, ťa opustia. Veríš tomu tiež? Ty máš nejakú prosbu vo svojom srdci, chceš ma o to poprosiť. [ “Áno.“ ] Ak by som ti zjavil tú prosbu pred tým ako by si ma o ňu požiadala, spôsobilo by to, že by si viac verila? [ “Určite.“ ] Chceš, aby som sa pomodlil za tvoju dcéru. Ona tu nie je. To je pravda. Chceš aby som ti zjavil, aký je jej problém? To je skutočná nervozita. Ver teraz a ona bude zdravá. Rozumieš? Boh ťa žehnaj sestra. “Ak môžeš veriť, všetky veci sú možné.“ Rozumieš?

165Čo robí Slovo Božie... Vidíš, ak to títo kazatelia nehovoria, Biblia povedala v liste Židom, v Novom Zákone, v kapitole 4 , “Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč prenikajúci až do rozdelenia špiku kostí a rozpoznávajúce myšlienky a úmysly srdca.“ Je to pravda bratia? [ “Kazatelia hovoria, “Amen.“ - pozn.prekl. ] Vidíte?

166Čo to je? To je Slovo pridelené na tento deň. Slovo pridelené na tento deň, vyplňujúce to zasľúbenie, “Keď Syn Človeka bude zjavený, dni Sodomy, všetky tie ďalšie zasľúbené veci,” tu to je, to je Slovo Božie, ktoré zostalo zjavené, pretože to je Slovo samotné rozpoznávajúce myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. Rozumiete? To je presne pravda.

167Nuž, táto pani, nepoznám ju, ďalšia prívetivo vyzerajúca osoba. Akou by som bol strašnou osobou, keby som mohol pomôcť a…

168Teraz len chvíľočku. Niekto iný, to bol človek, to bol človek, ktorý sa objavil, a niekto tu neprítomný sa modlí. Maj len vieru. Vidím teraz, to je... len poviem na čo práve pozerám. Vidíš, to je všetko čo môžem povedať, to čo vidím.

169Ty si, áno, trpíš stavom tvojho žalúdka. Je to v tvojom žalúdku. A potom ma chceš požiadať prosbu, a to je za tvoju matku. Ona tu nie je, ale je chorá. Chceš, aby som sa za ňu pomodlil. Či to nie je pravda? Máš ďalšiu prosbu. To je za... To je niekto, kto tu nie je. Je to cesta vzdialená odtiaľto. A vidím, to je cesta... To je iná krajina. To je ďaleko odtiaľto. A to je nejaká - - je to mladá osoba, dieťa trpiace určitým druhom onemocnenia, tropickou chorobou. Južná Amerika, presne tak. To je len.... To je úplná pravda. Presne. Choď a ver teraz celým svojim srdcom.

170Ja neuzdravujem. On už uzdravil. Či si môžete uvedomiť, že to je znovu Jeho prítomnosť? [“Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen!” - pozn.prekl.] Budem len pokračovať ďalej, teraz ma to začalo trochu oslepovať, vidíte. Poviete, “To?“

171Dobre, brat, sestra! Ježiš, žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha, On sa otočil a uvidel čo sa stalo, a povedal, “Moc vyšla zo Mňa.“ Je to pravda? [“Zhromaždenie, “Amen!” - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, On bol, to bol Boh. Čo so mnou, hriešnikom? Musíte veriť. Nepochybujte. Verte. To je...

172Či veríš? Mladá žena a ty veríš, že mi Boh môže zjaviť aký je tvoj problém? Nuž, budeš, zaakceptuješ to a budeš veriť s celým tvojim... Vieš, to bude pravda. Vidíš? Nuž jednou vecou je tvoj problém v tvojom chrbte, máš problémy s chrbticou. A potom ty máš veľkú túžbu vo svojom srdci ohľadne niečoho, a, ty hľadáš krst Duchom Svätým. To je presne pravda. Veríš tomu? Nuž, ty Ho ideš prijať. Amen. No, choď napred a ver tomu celým svojim srdcom a prijmeš ten krst.

173Či veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tú artritídu a urobiť ťa zdravou? Nuž, len kráčaj napred a ďakuj Mu. V poriadku, no. Vidíš? Ak len budeš veriť! V poriadku, pane.

174Prišla by si pani, ktorá si tam práve sedela, prosím. Prídeš? Veríš celým svojim srdcom? [Tá sestra odpovedá: “Ako by som mohla o tom pochybovať?“ - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, to je ten spôsob, potom ty nebudeš mať tú artritídu. Nebudeš tým ochromená. Len choď napred svojou cestou a raduj sa. Problém tej pani skončil tiež. Len choď ďakujúc Pánovi, hovoriac – hovoriac, “Chvála buď Bohu!“ V poriadku. V poriadku.

175No, pani, ktorá tam sedíš, veríš? V poriadku. Nuž, tie ženské problémy, ty si mala ženské problémy dlhý čas, len ver celým svojim srdcom, a choď a to bude dané... ty budeš zdravá, a nebudeš to mať nikdy viac, ak tomu budeš veriť. Musíš tomu veriť.

176V poriadku, priveď tú pani, alebo to malé dievča. Poď sem, drahá. Vezmem jej ruku. Poď sem zlatko. Myslel som si, že to je to čo to bolo. Občas sa dusíš. Či nie? Nemôžeš sa nadýchnuť, ťažko? Tá stará astma je hrozne zlá, ale Boh ju môže uzdraviť. Či tomu neveríte? Pane Ježišu, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil to dieťa.

177Nepochybuj sestra. To ju opustí. Choď a ver teraz celým svojim srdcom.

178Boh uzdravuje cukrovku. On môže urobiť čokoľvek dobré On chce. Či tomu veríš? [ Tá sestra odpovedá: “Amen.“ - pozn.prekl. ] Či veríš, že On ťa uzdraví? [ “Amen.“ ] V poriadku, povedz, “Vďaka Ti Pane, “ a choď rovno napred, len sa radujúc.

179Len chvíľočku. Vidím, muža prichádzajúceho sem hore. Tu to je. Malý chlapík, sediaci tam, držiaci malého chlapca vo svojich ramenách. Veríš, pane? Som ti cudzí. Veríš, že mi Boh môže zjaviť, čo chceš? Vidíš, dotkol si sa Ho. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale ty trpíš na ochorenie kostí. Presne tak. Tvoj malý chlapec tam to má. Tvoj malý chlapec sediaci vedľa neho to tiež má. Tam je tvoje malé dievčatko sediace vedľa toho. Ona je v jej náručí, a ona škúli. Ak to je pravda zodvihni svoju ruku. No, veríš? Nepochybuj. Maj vieru v Boha. Len nepochybuj. Len ver. Všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria.

180To, za čo plačeš, drobná žena, sediaca tam hore na konci, so svojou vreckovkou na svojej tvári, plačúca... Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, aký je tvoj problém, sestra? Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha? Veríš, že mi Boh môže stadiaľto zjaviť, aký je tvoj problém? Máš duchovný problém, si tomu vyučená. Je to tak? To všetko sa rozjasní. Bude to v poriadku.

181Tá pani sediaca tam vedľa teba, práve si ku nej pred chvíľou hovorila. Ona len priložila vreckovku ku svojej tvári. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, aký je tvoj problém, sestra? Budeš mi veriť, ako Jeho prorokovi, Jeho služobníkovi? Budeš? V poriadku. Tie problémy s fistulami, ktoré ťa trápili, odídu od teba, ak budeš tomu veriť. Budeš tomu veriť? Ak budeš zodvihni svoju ruku a povedz, “Verím tomu.“

182Chcela by si zjesť svoju večeru, s tými problémami žalúdka, pani, tu vedľa. Či veríš tiež celým svojim srdcom?

183Ďalšia pani tam má duchovný problém. Ty máš tiež vyrážky, ktoré ťa trápia. Máš dcéru, ktorá má tiež vyrážky. Či to nie je pravda? Pravdaže. Ona je pripravená. Veríš tomu? V poriadku, môžeš byť uzdravená, ak budeš tomu veriť.

184A čo s touto stranou? Tu, pozrite, tento malý Mexičan sediaci tu dolu na konci, hľadiaci rovno na mňa? Či nevidíte to Svetlo visiace nad ním? Ten muž je v temnote okolo toho, vidíte, čo je to tam okolo neho? To je epilepsia. Veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z epilepsie, pane? Veríš? V poriadku, On to urobí.

185Povedz, malý muž tam vedľa teba, malý, Španiel, on má prietrž. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tvoju prietrž, pane? Veríš tomu celým svojim srdcom? Veríš?

186Ďalší, ktorý má žalúdočné problémy. Ty, ktorý kývaš svojou hlavou, máš problém so žalúdkom. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdravil? Potom choď a zjedz svoju večeru, On to urobí.

187Povedzte mi, čoho sa oni dotýkajú, krížom po celom zhromaždení. Čo to je? To je manifestácia Božieho Slova. Veríte tomu, sami za seba? Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie sa raduje. - pozn.prekl.]

188Kde sú niektorí s nich tu? Tu, tu je muž ležiaci na nosítkach. Pane, ja ťa nepoznám. Nikdy som ťa nevidel. Veríš mi? Veríš, že to čo si počul je Pravda? Veríš tomu celým svojim srdcom? Ak – ak mi tu Boh povie, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku, budeš – budeš... či budeš tomu veriť? Idem ku tebe teraz niečo hovoriť. A ty to vieš, sediaca s ním. On je zatienený smrťou. To je rakovina. To je rakovina. A ty si kazateľ Evanjelia. Vidím ťa stáť za kazateľňou. A to je pravda. A ty si z pomimo mesta. Nuž, varíš celým svojim srdcom? Prečo by si tam mal ležať, kým nezomrieš? Vidíš? Nemáš čo stratiť.

189Tam boli nejakí malomocní. Pamätáte si ten príbeh, keď bola Samária obliehaná, ako tí malomocní tam prišli? Oni povedali, “Prečo by sme tu sedeli, dokiaľ zomrieme? Ak tu budeme sedieť, zomrieme, ak vojdeme do mesta, zomrieme.“

190Doktor urobil všetko, čo mohol urobiť. Povedal, že s tým nemôže nič urobiť. Máš len jednu šancu. Tí malomocní mali jedinú šancu, ísť do domu nepriateľa, ak by ich on ušetril, oni by žili, a ak by to neurobil, oni ajྭtak zomierali. Ale vy nie ste pozvaný do domu nepriateľa. Vy ste v prítomnosti vášho Boha. Očakávate... Prečo nepovstaneš a nevezmeš tie nosítka a nejdeš domov, v Mene Ježiša Krista. A ver tomu, a choď domov a ver, že si uzdravený.

191Či zbytok vás bude veriť tej istej veci? Ak veríte, vstaňte na svoje nohy.

192Pýtam sa týchto ľudí, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky, ak chcú byť spasení a chcú prijať Ježiša Krista, chcem, aby ste prišli sem hore a postavili sa sem vedľa mňa na chvíľu. Prídete teraz? Poďte sem hore, vy ktorí ste uverili a chcete prijať Krista. Nebudeš Mu nikdy bližšie, kým sa s Ním jasne nestretneš. Pamätajte, to Slovo, ktoré som kázal, Boh potvrdil, že To je Pravda. Poďte, príďte touto cestou, každý jeden z vás. Každý, ktorý nepozná Krista a zodvihol svoju ruku a prišiel sem, vyznajte, že ste boli hriešnikmi a chcete byť spasení, poďte sem a postavte sa tu na chvíľu, aby sme sa pomodlili. Urobíte to? Prídete, kým je ON tak blízko?

193Mohli ste vidieť Slovo kázať, videli ste Boha sa otočiť a povedať, že to Slovo je Pravda, “To som ja, to som Ja, práve ten istý Boh, ktorý ťa ide súdiť,“ potom zostávaš vzadu? Nerob to, môžeš sa odseknúť navždy. Vidíš? Tu stoja traja z nich. Tam ich sú asi dva tucty. Príďte práve teraz. Prídete?

194Nie, nie pieseň, nemusíte mať nejakú pieseň. Kristus je tvojou piesňou. Kristus je tvojim presvedčením. Slovo tak hovorí.

195V poriadku, tu prichádzajú dvaja mladí muži. Poďte rovno dopredu, vy hriešnici. Zídite sem dolu na chvíľu, prídete? Práve, kým sa cítim byť vedený, zastavil som túto modlitebnú radu, kvôli tomuto zámeru. Poďte teraz rovno sem. Poďte rovno sem. Budeme mať modlitebnú radu. Len... v poriadku. Ó, áno, pani, poďte rovno sem, mladí ľudia.

196Práve v tomto dni, keď títo mladí prichádzajú, v tejto veľkej hodine, kedy tam sú stále dospievajúci mladí ľudia valiaci sa v nemorálnosti, tí ľudia prichádzajú, aby... A ja verím, že Boh ich urobí takým príkladom, až kým ich susedia nebudú vidieť, že Ježiš Kristus stále zachraňuje stratených.

197Neprídete? Poďte rovno stade kde ste. Pohnite sa rovno dolu, na chvíľu. V poriadku. Nech vás Boh žehná, chlapci. To je dobre. Poďte postavte sa rovno hore. Poďte, poďte. Zadná cesta, tam vzadu, nejakí ľudia tam vzadu zodvihli svoje ruky, nechcete teraz prísť sem dolu?

198Takmer vás nútim. Ja som... [ Brat Branham začína klopkať na kazateľňu. - pozn.prekl. ] To Slovo stojí vonku, klopúce, snažiac sa dostať do vnútra. “Hľa, stojím pri dverách a klopem, ak Mi niekto otvorí a dovolí vojsť, budem s ním večerať a on so Mnou.“ Neprídete? Poďte teraz rovno dolu, zastaňte sem. Hľaďte, Slovo bolo odkázané, bolo dokázané, Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a tu On je činiaci práve to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť. Nie kvôli spojeniu s organizáciami, denomináciami, alebo vtiahnutia vás do niečoho, je to tvoj výber. Chcem vás priviesť teraz ku Kristovi.

199Príďte, či nechcete? Je tam niekto ďalší? Je... Nech ti Boh žehná. To je v poriadku, priveď ho rovno sem hore.

200Bratia, prišli by ste sem dolu? Nuž, títo budú členmi vašich cirkvi. Zídite sem dolu.

201Poďte, ešte niekto. Rovno do prítomnosti Kristovej, môžem práve cítiť toho Ducha volať rovno v mojom srdci. Skutočne, ak to sa deje v mojom srdci, tam je niekto, kto musí prísť. Či je tam nejaký odpadlík, ktorý má prísť? Príď a postav sa sem. Prídeš, niekto z vás? Odpadlík, prídeš? V poriadku. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Poď. To je ono, poď rovno dolu. Skutočne. To je ten spôsob. Buď skutočným mužom, skutočnou ženou. Boh ťa učinil dámou. Boh ťa učinil mužom. To je cnosť. To je moc. Príď teraz. Neurobíš to? Príď a postav sa tu dookola. V poriadku. V poriadku. Boh ťa chce vo Svojej Božskej prítomnosti. Pamätaj, to veľmi...

202Skrze koho bude Boh súdiť tento svet? Skrze Ježiša Krista. Kto zasľúbil, že zjaví Samého Seba v posledných dňoch? Ježiš Kristus. To nie som ja. To je Kristus. Kristus je ten jediný, ktorý tu zjavuje Samého Seba. Pokorný, taký akým bol, prichádzajúci z ničoho, ako to On robil, vchádzajúci do nás, ako to učinil. On je Boh.

203 No, každý z vás kazateľov, ktorí ste sa práve zhromaždili dolu okolo tých ľudí, rýchlo, vojdite rovno dolu medzi nich, postavte sa rovno okolo nich. Ideme sa za nich modliť.

204Chce ešte niekto prísť do tejto modlitebnej rady? Len chvíľočku. V poriadku.

205Oni budú členmi vašich cirkvi, priatelia. Tí budú... Budete ich musieť teraz odtiaľto zobrať. Oni vidia Pána Ježiša v moci Jeho zmŕtvychvstania. Oni sú tu, aby sa stali členmi vašej cirkvi. Pokrstite ich kresťanským krstom a zoberte ich do vášho obecenstva. Teraz sú oni vaši, odteraz. Ste správcami v tomto zjazde.

206Skloňme svoje hlavy, každý jeden. Každý jeden kresťan, v úprimnosti nech vysloví modlitbu za týchto ľudí.

207A ak títo kazatelia ich chcú zobrať do tej miestnosti, kde môžu byť ďalej poučení, to bude v poriadku.

208Nebeský Otče, toto je výsledok tohto zhromaždenia. Tu prichádzajú hriešnici, pätnásti, alebo dvadsiati z nich sa zhromaždili okolo oltára, chcúc vydať svoje srdcia Tebe. Modlím sa Otče, aby si ich prijal v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Modlím sa, aby si ich prijal a dal im Večný Život. Oni sú Tvojim dedičstvom, Pane.

209Každá chorá osoba tu, položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Načiahnite sa, položte svoje ruky a začnime sa modliť jeden za druhého. Položte svoje ruky na druhého, začnite sa modliť, jeden za druhého.

210Kazatelia, položte svoje ruky na týchto ľudí. To je to. Je moc a sláva a požehnanie na nás a satan je porazený v Kristovej prítomnosti.

WHEN THEIR EYES WERE OPENED, THEY KNEW HIM, 64-0212, Elliott Auditorium, Elliott Auditorium, Tulare, CA, 78 min

1 Our Heavenly Father, we pray now that You'll receive glory out of our gathering together. We thank You for the opportunity. Bless Thy Word as It goes forth each night. Bless Thy people as they hear It. And may the great Holy Ghost take a hold of The Word that falls into the heart, and make It to manifest Itself, that literally hundreds of people, through the country here, may be saved. Hundreds of them that are suffering, laying in the shadows of death, may see a great Light spring up, and may they be healed, and Thy great Name honored. That's why we're here, Lord, is not for honor for ourselves, but to honor Jesus Christ among us. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

2 Now as you get in your Bible, just for a few moments. And each night now I'll just speak about twenty to thirty minutes. I have been for the last few weeks. And just speak a very few minutes, and then we'll call prayer line, pray for the sick, or whatever the Holy Spirit leads.

3And how many will, you're first-time comers tonight, and all of you together, will pray for the meeting, will you do that? We're not here just... we're--we're here because we're trying to help. Brethren, I believe, the Lord helping us, we'll have a great meeting to honor our Lord and Saviour.

4 We believe He's coming, right away. If He isn't here tonight, I'll be looking for Him in the morning. If He isn't here by tomorrow night, I'll be here, the Lord willing. And then if He isn't here, I'll look for Him tomorrow night. And then if He isn't here, I'll look for Him the next night. I want to. I've been looking for Him for thirty-three years now, big part of my life, and I'm not discouraged. I'm watching, day by day, and hour by hour, for Him to appear.

5 Now as we turn in the Bible, in the Book of--of Saint Luke, the 24th chapter, beginning with the 13th verse. Let us stand, in honor of the Word, while we read. Saint Luke 24, beginning with the 13th verse. Now if some of you have your Bibles, some of them likes to keep the minister's text, where he speaks from. And now I want you to listen close. Read with me if you can, to yourself, while we read.

And, behold, two of them went the same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

And they walked together... all of these things which had happened. (I beg your pardon.) And they talked together of all these things which had happened.

And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as you walk, and are sad?

And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered, said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass... in these days?

And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:

... now the chief priests and the rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

But we trusted that he had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;

And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.

And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not. Then said...

Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to entered into his glory?

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them... all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And they drew nigh unto the village, where they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.

But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is towards evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave to them.

And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

And they said one to another, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened unto us the scripture?

And they arose and went the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared unto Simon.

And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known to them by breaking of bread.

6 Let us bow our heads. Lord Jesus, we pray that You will make Yourself known to us in like manner, tonight, as we wait upon Thee. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

You may be seated.

7 For a subject from that, I would like to take these words: When Their Eyes Were Opened, They Knew Him.

8Now we're speaking, of course, of the resurrection, which is believed amongst all Christian believers today. It's the hope of the Church. If Christ did not rise, then we are lost. And Christianity is based upon resurrection, now, not replacement. Resurrection! For instance, this motel key here, if I drop that on the floor, and said, "Well, I dropped it, I'll place another one like it here," that isn't resurrection; that's replacement. See? Resurrection is "bring up the same thing that went down." And God raised Him up on the third day. And we believe that with all of our heart, and we believe the Bible story.

9 And notice, on this first Easter morning, Jesus is alive among them, from among the dead.

10What a beautiful thing! How I'm so glad tonight to punctuate that with an "amen," that I believe He is still alive among us, in the springtime of the glorious Gospel of Christ. I believe He is still alive.

11I believe that that's been a... Yeah. That was the springtime of the resurrection, also, of life, of man. Man always feared death; they had no assurance of ever coming back again after dying.

12But seeing Him die at Calvary, then being raised up again and was with them, walking among them on this glorious day. After the heartaches and sorrows, and so forth, that they had went through, and them dark hours of seeing Him crucified and spit on, and made fun of, and all that He had went through in those three and half years, and them closing hours of darkness that made Him... Those Pharisees, they hated Him, anyhow, and they was rejoicing because they thought they had finished it, and here He appears among them! My, what a day! I'd...

13 Wouldn't you like to a-took a trip with Cleopas and them, on the road to Emmaus? I'd a-liked to a walked with them. And it's possible. I'm glad to be a living today, that I can still do the same thing, walk with Him today just the same as they did then.

14The thought of it, was, how that Jesus had raised up from the dead. But the sad part of it, was, some of them who loved Him, didn't know it.

15And that's certainly a picture of today. There is many people who love Him, who doesn't yet realize that He is alive. They, it's some kind of a history that they have learned in some school. It's some book of theology, some ethics, code of ethics, that they studied somewhere, and Jesus is a historical figure to them. And yet, in the history, they love Him, and don't realize that He is alive with us, walking right around with us, just as He always did. He is here just the same as--as He ever was.

16 Now, they, the reason (they) why didn't they believe it, is because the resurrection was too unusual. See, there was... That hadn't happened before, so it was an unusual thing for them to believe something like that.

17And the unusualness is where God lays. See? Christ's birth was unusual, "a virgin shall conceive." God is always unusual. He does unusual thing, but it's always according to His Word. He never does nothing outside of His Word, so unusual; because, He promises it first, and then sends somebody to manifest that Word, to make It real to people.

18When you Pentecostal people first receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that was a unusual thing. But yet God promised It, "pour It out in the last days," and here It was. So no matter how unusual it was, it was a promise of God that had to be made manifest, 'cause God promised it.

19 Now the resurrection was unusual to many of His, the people that loved Him; yet it was a promised Word, but too unusual to believe.

20Divine healing today, is--is so unusual to people till they don't want to believe it, and yet it's the promised Word.

21This thing that we're seeing taking place today is a promise of God, but it's so unusual to the mind who has never thought of it in that way.

22And that's the way the resurrection was to many people who loved Him. There were people who honored Him and believed Him to be a prophet of God, and believed Him to be the Son of God, and so forth, but still (they, they) the--the resurrection was too much for them to believe. It was too phenomena.

23 And you take anything that's really way out in the phenomena like that, always check it with the Word. And if the Word promised it, then it's only God rising on the scene again. And that's the way every promise is.

24And that's the way they should have seen it then, 'cause God promised He would raise Him up the third day. David said, "I will not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." Jesus said, "Destroy this body and I'll raise it up again in three days." See, it was a promise.

25And it was a phenomena, very unusual, and many who loved Him could not understand it. Because, it was--it was staggering, to the whole world, for a Man who had been crucified, and a sword run through His heart, or a spear, every drop of blood in His body had dwindled out upon the cross, and had took Him and sealed Him in a tomb, and rolled a rock over it, it taken a century of man to handle it, and then seal it with a Roman seal, and then to say, "An Angel come down and broke the seal, and rolled away the rock, and here He is alive among us." It was kind of a strange thing.

26 And today it's the same kind of phenomena. When people thinks He died, that settled it, nineteen hundred years ago; and here He is today, after nineteen hundred years, still among us, just as much as He was then, just as real as He was then, doing the same things He did then. It's too much of a phenomena. The people can't understand it. It goes beyond their reasoning. Certainly, who can reason God? No one can reason God.

27No one can interpret God. God is His Own Interpreter. God speaks the Word; and they say, "Well, you got the wrong interpretation." God makes it come to pass, that's the interpretation. Don't need anybody to interpret Him. I just spoke on that, a city below here. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. It don't need any interpretation; there was light. God said, "A virgin shall conceive," she did. That settles it. So when He speaks anything, and then He--He is His Own Interpreter. He doesn't need our interpretation of it. The Bible said that, "The Scripture is of no private interpretation." It's God Himself doing the interpretation of It. Notice, many didn't see it because they hadn't searched the Scriptures. They hadn't listened to what He said.

28 Many, today, hasn't listened to the Message, hasn't listened to the Scripture and what Christ promised in these last days. That's the reason that people are in the condition they are today, and the churches are all gummed up among one another. They haven't noticed what the Scripture said for this day. They didn't notice these things had to be done. It's just the fulfilling of the Scripture. Many people love Him. Many people believe in Him. But yet it's too phenomena, they can't understand It, when you talk about Him, to being just the same as He was yesterday, doing the same things. They claim they believe that, but, when it takes place, then they don't understand it. They, they just can't believe it.

29 Notice, they were talking of Him when He appeared. Now, that's a good thing. We notice here in the Scripture, It said, "And while they talked of Him, while they spoke of these things, going along, talking about Him, sad," when they find out that He appeared. And when He appeared, He appeared unto them while they were going along, reasoning about Him. That's when He always appears, is when we talk about Him. Always, through the Scripture, it's when the people talk about God, that's when He appeared.

30 Now we're too busy talking about other things. I think that's the reason many people, who love Him, fail to see Him. We're so busy with our creeds and denominations, and business about the churches, and memberships, and getting more members and things, we're too busy to talk about Him. He's the Word. We're too interested in what the... some creed, some textbook, or something else says. "How many members can we get in, vote them in? Shall we take this one, that one, the other one?" We should be constantly giving ourselves to the Word of God and prayer, studying the Word. But we're too interested in something else.

31 These people were sad. They were talking; a great thing had happened; He would been taken away. But they were talking about Him, and there He appeared. And when He appeared, He was a stranger to them. They didn't understand it. First, He re-... first, we find out that He was walk-...

32As they walking on the road down to the little city, Emmaus, just a few mile or two down there, Sabbath-day's journey, or something; the first, He revealed the promised Scripture of Himself, to them, for that day. Now notice when Jesus comes on the scene, if we want to see Him and talk with Him after His resurrection, like they did, like they saw Him, the first thing He did to them was reveal Himself to them, by the Scripture. Amen. That's to make it what? They were Hebrews. They believed the Word. And they... He, He revealed Himself, revealed the written Word of Himself, what He was supposed to do for that age. Amen. Each...

33 God, in Genesis, and then before the foundation of the world, He lotted it, and He spoke it and said what would take place, down from the beginning--beginning to the end.

34Always the churches gets that all scrupled up, and they get out, and man has to inject what they believe about It. And this one says, "Well, I believe a little different from that," and he makes him something. And this one has got to do something. Each one has got a tower, city, or something that they got to build, always trying to add something or do something, and say that, "We did this." Oh, that's the way you get confused.

35Get out of the picture. Let God do it. See? Here is His Word, what He said He would do. Each age, He sends a prophet on there, with anointed. The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet, always, to vindicate It in the age.

36 John the Baptist came on the scene. He was the prophet for that time. He was the Light of the age, 'cause the prophet, Malachi, had spoke of him coming, "I'll send My messenger before My face." Isaiah, seven hundred and twelve years before that, said, "A voice of one will cry in the wilderness, behold I..." what he would do in the last days, "make straight the path in the wilderness," and all these things was prophesied of him. When he come on the scene, he was the prophet to manifest that promise.

37 Jesus is the Word, and the Word always comes to the prophet. And remember, when this prophet was prophesying, "making straight the path," and then when the Word was on earth, the Word walked right out into the water and come to the prophet. Amen! How perfect! The Word comes to the prophet. And He was the Word. For, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld Him." No wonder He said, "It's behooving to us that we fulfill all righteousness." The Word came to the prophet, in the water, to fulfill all righteousness.

38 And we find out then that He revealed Himself to Cleopas and his friend here. It's unknown, by name, the other party. But it was Cleopas, we know, and He revealed Himself to them, by the Scripture. Notice how He--He said.

39Notice, they, they called Him a "Prophet." "Know not these things? Jesus of Nazareth, a Prophet that God manifested Himself to." See? Which, before all the people, and so forth, He was called a Prophet. Then if they had recognized the One they were talking about, of being a Prophet, looked like they would a-seen right here that same Prophet picked up the Word again and begin to reveal It.

40Which, He was the Word, and was revealing Himself, by mouth, the Word that was written of Him. And He begin, and He started from Moses, and explained to them all that the prophets had said about Him. Oh, my! How He made it known for that age! "Fools, slow of heart. Knowing that Moses and all the prophets said that Christ must suffer and enter into His Glory." See, and for that age, that's what was supposed to take place. "Don't you know He is supposed to do that?" See, revealing the written Word of Him.

41 That's the way Christ always does it. God never changes His program. The way He does it the first time, that's the way He does it every time. He made a decision, in the Garden of Eden, when man was lost, to save him by shed Blood. That's the only place He'd ever meet a man. That's the only place He's ever met a man, since. It's under the shed Blood.

42We've tried to educate them. We've built towers. We've built cities. We've built everything else, trying to get people together. We've tried to take education and run them together. Try to take military power and run them together. We've tried denominations, to run them together. It's all failed.

43God has got one place, that's under the Blood. That's the only way. Under the Blood, He'll meet man. And they're Blood-born brothers.

44 I hope I'm not blasting at you out there, with this, but it sounds like there is a rebound. If it is... Can you hear me all right? If you can, raise your hands. All right. Now, so just so I know that you're getting This; you must.

45 Notice now, when He said, still they failed to know Him by the written Word. Think of that! When He come and revealed Himself by the Word, to them, and they still failed to see it.

46If that ain't a picture of today, I don't know what is. Still failing, when the Scripture says these things. "It shall come to pass in the last days," saith God, "I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Upon My handsmaids and maid servants will I pour out of My Spirit, in that day. I'll show wonders in the heavens above, and fire and smoke, and so forth." Still they don't see it.

47Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man; they'd be eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage. As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." All these things they have spoke of, and the Word preached from the platform, and still many that love Him don't see it. They still grope on into darkness. Still they fail to know Him, by the written Word.

48 They take seminaries, and go off and misconstrue It, and everything, and bring it back, and they don't know what in the world to--to believe. One says It's this way, and one says It's that way. So just the written Word, Jesus never told them to go into all the world and "teach." He said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel." A lot of difference, try to teaching something, and preaching something. Preach is to "make manifested." It'd have to do it, demonstrate the power of the Holy Ghost. "These signs shall follow them that believe." Takes the Holy Ghost to manifest that Word. If it's the Truth, Word, God will manifest it. If it isn't Truth, God won't have nothing to do with it, 'cause God won't entangle Himself with lies, you know that, because He is God now, same now.

49 They claimed that they had believed, and they were His disciples, they loved Him, they believed it, and He was standing right with them, interpreting the Word, Who He was, and still they didn't know it. Just think of that! They didn't know it, and Him standing there Himself, written in the Scripture, and goes back and picks up the Scripture, been written for hundreds of years, concerning Him, and telling how He must do and all these things like that, and walk around and say, "You don't say so? Well, what do you know!" And Him, Him doing the talking, and they still didn't recognize it.

50What a picture of this day! Same now, they claim they believe that He had raised from the dead, but, when He appears to show Himself, they still don't believe it. See? Yet, they claim they believe It. "Oh, yes, we believe He rose the third day." Let Him do something to show He raised the third day; "Oh, I don't believe in that." See? There you are, the same thing.

51 Notice, He said, "Fools, and slow of heart to understand the Scripture promise for this age."

52Fools said, "Oh, He is gone. They crucified Him, and we understood He rose again, but, oh, my, that's just a mystery story that somebody said. We didn't know nothing about it. Oh, I'm telling you, it's the most miserable thing!"

53He said, "You fools, and slow of heart to understand that what the Scripture has said for this age." Amen.

54There you are. I wish I could blast that to the Ecumenical Council. Yes, sir. Slow of heart, knowing the Scripture says these things; still don't understand it. There you are.

55He said, "Fools, and slow of heart to understand the Scripture that's been prophesied for that day, and just exactly how it would happen, and here it's happened. Christ entered into His Glory, by suffering first, being dead; and died, rose again the third day. Didn't... That's the way the Scripture said He was to do it, raise up on the third day.'" He said, "This is the third day since it has happened."

56Said, "Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you!" And still they didn't understand it. Then He said, "You are fools, and slow at heart to understand all that the prophets has said, and the Scripture being said about this day And here it's happened right before you, and you don't know it."

57 They said, "Well, what do you know!" See, their eyes were blind.

You say, "Could it be blind in this day?" Yes, sir.

58It's as blind this day as it was then. Right. Didn't the Bible say, "They'd be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good; having a form of godliness, but would deny the Power thereof, the Power of the resurrection and the manifestation of the Son of God"? The Bible said it would happen, so it's got to happen. Just as he said, Isaiah spoke and said, "You got eyes and can't see, and ears and can't hear." The same God said the same Scripture.

59 We notice, then, Paul, the great revelation that he had of Jesus Christ, Who He was, it was so great to know. Well, God put it in the Bible, that's how great it was. That's the reason he was given a thorn in the flesh, to keep him down so he wouldn't get big and exalted. God kept him down, and small, so He could use him in different parts of the country, do for Him what He wanted to, because he had the revelation of Jesus Christ, Who He was.

60 Then notice, here is the thing to do. Next thing we find out, they invited Him to come in. He got to the little place, the little inn where they were going to stay. It was towards evening, and they said, "Oh, come and abide with us." He made out like He was going on past.

61Oh, I thought that many times. He is only wanting you to invite Him. He made out like He would pass them on by. He might make out like He is going to pass you by, sister, in the wheel chair; or you, sir, in the cot; or you, out there with a heart trouble, that can't live but just a little while longer. These people are perhaps crippled, they might live an ordinary lifetime; but somebody out there with heart trouble, might die before morning, might die before tomorrow. He might act like He is going to pass you by, but He is only wanting you to invite Him in. See?

62 You might think, "Well, He healed so-and-so, the other day. He, last month, I know, two years ago, I seen..." Yeah, He might act like He is going to pass you by, but He is only wanting you to--to invite Him. He makes out like He is going to pass. What He was then, He is today. What He does then, He does today. He said so. Notice, you must do the same thing, you've got to invite Him in. It was then, and only then, that He could reveal Himself.

63He couldn't do it by preaching them the Word. It went over top their head. Him walking on there, saying, "Well, you ought to a knowed there, you fools, slow of heart. The Bible said these things, that Christ must do these things, and so forth." Walking along there, well, look like they'd have seen that's Who it was. He never come right out and told them, "I am He." You get a guy that does that, then you knowed there is nothing to him, to begin with. But He just let the Holy Spirit reveal it. He told us.

64 He told the Pharisee, said, "Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me. They tell you Who I am." They should know it. So ought they know, today, it's not a big bunch of racket, or a fuss, or a carry-on, or a lot of noise. It's Jesus Christ manifested among His people. Right. The Scripture says so. Notice, now, and that makes it true when God says so.

65 We find out, the only way that He can reveal is to come into you. He is, He can, He is the Word. And the Word, in you, then the Holy Spirit reveals Christ, through the Word, after He gets in you. He is in you. You must take His Word.

Say, "Well, my church don't believe That."

66All right, you'll never get in. See? When you refuse the Word, you're refusing Him.

"Well, my church believes in doing it This way."

67But the Bible says do it this way. This is the way. Take it like it's written There. Not what somebody else has added to It, but what God said about it. And then He could reveal it to you, but He's got to get into you, first. Then, and only, can He reveal it.

68 Don't stand and look at It and try to figure It out, like the Pharisee said. They stood and looked at Him there, said, "This man is Beelzebub." They couldn't figure it out. They had to give it a name. They said, "This man does this by the spirit of the devil. He, He is a Beelzebub, a fortune-teller. Why, don't have nothing to do with this Fellow. He was born in sin. He don't have our fellowship cards. He doesn't belong to us. And, oh, my, they... We don't even know where He went to school at. He has no education. Why, well, where did this Man come from? Now He says, 'The Son of man that's going to ascend up, descended down'? He was born right here. He is crazy. 'Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, drink His Blood'? He is a cannibal." And He did that just to make them say those things. They had to do it.

69 And so is the Holy Ghost, today, putting forth His Word, in manifestation, that men might condemn it, that God might put His judgment upon the earth, as He promised He would do. He hardened the heart of Pharaoh. Hallelujah! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He changes not. He is God. His systems of doing things, shows Himself mighty with His Word, to manifest It. He don't have to tell you all about it. You don't have to figure it out. You can't figure out God. You got to accept It. Just invite Him in and see what happens.

70 Now, we notice again how He made Himself known to them, after He got in. How did He do it? He opened their eyes to who He was. When He got into them, then He opened their eyes, to see.

71Now when the Word comes into you, when you accept God's Word and It comes into you, then the promise (of that promise that you've accepted) manifests itself, and then you know Who it is.

72By what did He do, how did He make Hisself known to them? Because He did the same things that He did before His crucifixion. Then they knowed that that was Him, because He had raised from the dead. All the preaching, all the teaching, and everything else He had done, had failed. But when He revealed Himself, doing the same thing He did before His crucifixion, they knew it was Him. It opened their eyes.

73Brother, sister, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He changes not. Just as He did the woman at the well, see, He never changes His program.

74 Now, this little woman at the well, she knew the Scripture promise for that day. Notice when He come to the little woman at the well. He said, at Sychar, He said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

75She said, "Why, it's not customary for you Jews to ask us Samaritans such as that."

76He said, "But if you knew Who you were speaking to, You would ask Me for a drink."

77Well, then she thought, "Some smartaleck, so I'll just question Him a little bit." She said, went to question Him.

Directly He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't have a husband."

78Said, "That's right. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."

79 Watch! Quickly, what did it do? It got in. Quickly, she knowed something. Said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." Amen. See, there was a seed laying there, to come to Life. There was a switch there that would turn on Light. To them Pharisees, it was darkness, to begin with; no switch, no batteries, no nothing else. But to this Man; this woman, little prostitute, she said, "Sir!"

80Why? She was looking for the manifestation of the Word. Four hundred years since Malachi, they had had no prophets, and here was a Man that manifested to be a prophet. Quickly she knowed that was something. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." She said, "We know that when the Messiah cometh, that's going to be what He does."

81He said, "I am He that speaks to you." Now He can reveal Himself. She has already received Him. He is on the inside now, see, He can make Himself known. That's how He made Himself known to the world, woman. Why? She believed the promised Word, and when she seen the promised Word manifested.

82 Now we know, in Deuteronomy 18th chapter, 15th verse, Moses said, "The Lord Your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." And she knew that that Messiah was going to be a prophet. And the last prophet had ceased, many, many years before that. There had been no prophets. And here stood One. What was it? It was the next thing in line. That was the Word. What did He do? He revealed it to her, by telling her, revealing that He was that Prophet, by revealing her what she had done. Oh, my!

83That settled it. She left that water pot, and run into a city, and said, "You come, see a Man Who told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" Stop her? Why, you couldn't do it; it was like trying to put a fire out on a windy day, and a dry house on fire. Yes, sir, it was burning and blazing. God had struck something home. She seen something. She knowed it was the Truth. The Word had been made manifest before her. Just exactly like it was to the disciples later on, see, when He was trying to show them the Word, and then manifested the Word. And here she knew the Word, and, when she seen It manifested, that did it.

84 One day, a man named Andrew had been watching John, listening to him speaking of a coming Messiah. Peter was his brother; wasn't interested. They had a godly old father that had taught them, "Now, son, we've trusted God for everything we need. Days when our bills couldn't be paid, we prayed, 'God, give us a catch of fishes today.' We'd go out, and God would give us that catch of fishes. And when we got that catch of fish, what would we do? We'd come in and give God praise for it, and sell our fishes. We've trusted God. I'm an old man now. I probably won't see the coming Messiah. But, watch. Before He comes, there will be a lot of false manifestation."

85And the Bible said there was. "False christs raised up." That's true. What was it doing? Trying to put out the Light of that real One coming. See? We've had many cults, clans, and everything else rise up, and take you over to Canada and stick you in a shelter somewhere, up some other place, and lead a bunch off this way and that way, just exactly repeating itself again. What's it trying to do? What is it trying to do? He's trying to shut the Light of the Truth out. Now we notice.

86 Then one day, Peter came out on the banks, to do some fishing, and washing his nets. And Jesus came down. And the first thing we know, that, as soon as He come up in the sight of where Peter was...

87He was well instructed, what that Messiah would do. His old father said to him, said, "Now, Simon, the Scripture says. You're, you remember, you're a Jew. The Lord has told us, 'If there be one among us, who is spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will speak to him.' And if He, what He says is the Truth, manifested Truth, and what He says constantly comes to pass, then you know He has the Divine revelation of the Scripture. Now you'll know the Messiah when you see Him."

88So he walked right up in the face of Jesus, one day. He thought, "I'd go see what Andrew was talking about."

89And as soon as he got to Him; He said, "Your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jona." That settled it. That settled it, for he was taught in there that He would be a prophet. He knowed it.

90 There was another little scholar had been teaching; when Philip was standing there watching that things go on. He took around the mountain, real quick, and got another man, by the name of Nathanael, who had been a Bible student, a studier. They had studied the Scriptures, 'cause they knowed the time was at hand. They were looking for Him to come.

91That's who He comes to, to those who are looking for Him. And we find out, today, He is not coming to those who is not looking for Him. There is no such a thing as Divine healing to--to those who don't believe in it. There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost to them who don't believe in It. It's just for those who believe it. That's right. That's all. So then we find out, those who are longing to know the Truth, God is obligated to reveal the Truth. He says His Word, then comes and fulfills It, gives His Own interpretation.

92 Now we find out, as soon as that little woman, she said... She couldn't understand how this Man was getting smart with her, she said, about giving her a drink, and she said, or bringing Him a drink, and trying to act smart. And the first thing you know, why, she got to talking to Him, and, come to find out, said, "We know the Messiah is coming, and, when He comes, He'll tell us these things."

93He said, "I am He, that speaks to you." Then her eyes come open. Her eyes was opened. What about? The Scripture promise. Her eyes were opened by the Scripture promise.

94Peter knew that his father told him that that Messiah would be a prophet. And here John had told, or Andrew had told him about a prophet, John, was down there prophesying, and so forth, telling something would happen. So one day he went down, after Jesus come. When he come into His Presence, He said, "Thou art Simon. You're the son of Jonas." What was it? His eyes was opened. He knew it.

95 Philip and--and Nathanael had been studying the Scripture about Him coming. He come, said, "Come, see who I found, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."

"Oh," he said, "nothing good can come out of Nazareth."

Said, "You come, see."

96And around the mountain they went. No doubt but what they rehearsed many things that Jesus had been doing, what He had said to Simon, what He had did, these things He had did.

97As soon as Philip walked up into His Presence, with Nathanael, Jesus looked over to Nathanael, and said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

98He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." His eyes come open.

99He said, "Thou art the Son of God; Thou art the King of Israel." What was it? He seen the promised Word of that day revealed.

100 Listen, brother, sister, the promised Word could be promised to you, and you can see it's the hour for that; but when God reveals it, interprets it, then it's sinful to turn It away. Don't you never do that. God opened his eyes, by showing him the manifested Word that He had promised that it would take place. Now, always does that the same way He does it, He never changes His system in doing it. No. So, remember, always the same. He promised the Scriptures for each and every age, and, when He manifests that Scripture promise for that age, the people who get their eyes open to see it are the one who receives it.

101 "Now, Brother Branham," you say, "it's getting late, now what are you going to say now."

102What is the Scriptural promise for this age, so we can know what we're talking about? What are we here for tonight? What good does it do? Are we living near something? Do we really believe it? Have we testified in vain? Do we say we believe He is Coming? Do we believe His visible Presence? Do we believe that He is coming the Second time? Or, are we just making ourselves being fooled, or do we truly believe it?

103Let's search the Scriptures then and see what's promised for this day, then we say, like the woman at the well, Philip and the rest of them, "We can see."

104 Remember, Hebrews 13:8 said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He promised that. That's the Scripture.

105Saint John 14:12 said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." I'm backgrounding something.

106Now in Joel 2:28, and 2:28 and 30, and on down, He promised. He said, "What the palmerworm left, the caterpillar eat; and what the caterpillar left, the so-and-so eaten." Each one of those insects is the same insect; it changes its nature. The palmerworm is the caterpillar, and so forth. It's in different stages of its journey, and it's just eating and eating and eating, and it eat that tree of God right on down to a stump. Then will that tree ever live again? But, it was looked a hopeless case, but God said, "I will restore," saith the Lord, "all the years the caterpillars eat, the palmerworms. What they eat off, I'll bring it back in its power again."

107What the Lutherans left, the Methodists eaten; what the Methodists left, the Pentecostal eaten; what the Pentecostal left, so-and-so eaten; just on down, on down, on down; one with this, and one with this, and one with this, and one with this, and one with this, till it faded out into just a bunch of isms. We know that's the truth. I stand between you, and love you.

108 But, remember, in Malachi 4, not Malachi 3 now, Malachi 4, God promised to send the anointing again and "restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers again." And it's exactly what God promised, Joel. How will it be done? We find out that Jesus said, in Luke 17:26 to 30, He said it in the 27th... Luke 17, He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, they were eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage; and knew it not till Noah entered in. So will it be in the coming of the Son of man." But He said, also, "As it was in the days of Lot."

109Did you ever go back? I wish we had time to go back and just reveal that. Go back in Genesis, that's the same Book Jesus was reading. That's the One He was reveal, talking about. Go back there, look at this He said. And the sons of man... "The sons of God taken unto them the daughters of man." Women, the original translation in the Hebrew there says it was women. "Taken women," see, "unto them."

110 Just look today, look at the marry, and given in marriage, "and knew it not until."

111Looky here, look at England, this great disgrace, look here in the United States, look at prostitution, look at everything. It's almost like the comedian said the other night, that, "Women has got their clothes so tight upon them, so immorally when they walk down the street; the next thing they'll be just have a spray job, they won't have to use clothes." It's just about the truth. Look at them how they go around, how immoral and dirty and filthy, they go. And you take, tell a joke, and set among the man, and something another like that, and said, "The only way you can tell... They dress like a man, and the man dress like a woman. You hardly... cut their hair the same, same. Only way you can tell one from the other; if you tell a dirty joke, a man will blush, women won't." Yeah.

112 "And then the daughters of Zion would walk haughty in the last days." They would fail to walk after the Lord. No matter what you say to them, you can just preach and preach and preach, it's just like hitting against that wall over there. It's a dense darkness upon them. There is no... seems to be so hard to find a genuine man that's man, and to find a woman that's really lady.

113Look upon the streets today, and upon our screens, and wherever it is, these uncensored program, cigarette smoking, cussing, carrying on, dressing like man, and things. Jesus said those things would be, and they're here. They don't need no revealing; they are already revealed.

114 Now watch, He said, "As it was in the days of Lot," look at the setting of Lot, God come down. And in two man went down into Sodom and preached down in Sodom. One Man sat up there with Abraham, the Elected Church, type of the pentecostal called out today, not in Sodom out there.

115Those who live among Pentecostals, and women who cut their hair, and man who carry on like that, and tell those dirty jokes, and carry on, they're not pentecostals, they're just carrying a name pentecostal. They're not pentecostals. Genuine pentecostal ladies are ladies. Genuine pentecostal man are man.

116The schools almost having to close, for young 'verted boys being perverts and things like that, in the school, homosexuals all over everywhere. It's just a sickening sight! "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

117 Remember, notice right there, that 30th verse, "When the Son of man will be revealed." Did you ever notice that? Watch that 30th verse, "When the Son of man will be revealed, in the days like it was before Sodom." Watch what happened at Sodom. This Man stayed back. Two of them went on down, talked to--to Lot, to get him out of there, and he did--did no miracles down there, just smote them blind. But this out here done a miracle, before the Elect. He had His back turned to Sarah, and she was in the--the tent behind Him. Said, "Where is Sarah, thy wife?"

Said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

118Remember, He called her "Sarah," called him "Abraham." Day before that, he was Abram; and she was Sarai, not Sarah.

And notice, he said, "She is in the tent behind You."

119He said, "I am going to visit you." What was it? God in flesh. "I'm going to visit you according to the promise."

And Sarah laughed, and said, "These things can't be so."

120He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'These things can't be'?" Told her what she was doing. Him being the Word in human flesh, knowed the secrets of her heart, and said, "You did laugh!"

121And when He was made flesh on earth, that's exactly what He done.

122And what did He say? "When the Son of man is revealed in the last days, like it was in the days of Sodom." If Sodomites are all over the country, the whole world is messed and gone, and we see the church gone, then it's time that the Son of man reveals Himself: the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's the promise of God.

123 Watch what He said. "A little while, and the world sees Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you. You will see Me; the believer." Same yesterday, today, and forever! Yes. "A little while, and the world sees Me no more." It can't see Him; their eyes are blind.

124But when you see the Son of man revealed, the Word come back in human flesh! A Man that eat the flesh of a calf, drink the milk from a cow, eat cakes that was made on a hearth, and was called "Elohim," amen, a Man with dusty clothes on, God manifested in flesh. There He was on earth, manifested in the flesh, and said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, when the Son of man is being revealed in the last days, the world would be in a Sodom condition," and here it is. Brother, sister, ladies and gentlemen, whatever you might be, this is the hour, and the interpretation belongs to God. May God open our blinded eyes to a Scripture promise, know that we're living in the last days. Amen!

Let us bow our heads.

125 Heavenly Father, so much could be said. That's enough. I'll stop. Lord God, Who made the promise, come on the scene, Lord, reveal it. Our flesh is no good, our flesh is weak, and it--it's poorly, Lord. It's not that there be anybody worthy. We're not worthy, Lord. But You promised it, and the hour is here. The Word stands before us. Walk down with us, Lord, tonight, and do something like You did it when You was back there on earth, two thousand years ago, that this church might know tonight that You live forevermore, that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever, and have promised the works that You did would be repeated again. "The Son of man would be revealed in the last days, as it was at Sodom." Lord, You never mentioned that (about Lot) about Noah. You never mentioned that You'd be revealed at Noah's time, but said, "As it was at Sodom, when the Son of man is revealed." Oh, can...

126Lord, let Bible readers here tonight see the Truth. Let them see that Malachi 4, that this anointing is supposed to come, and to restore back again that Faith that the fathers once seen, the revelation of God in Christ. Now may they see the revelation of God in human beings, Christ manifested in the flesh of His Church, walking among us. Grant it, Lord. The promises You made, and the promises You will keep. And I commit myself, with the Word, with the church, with all, to You now, in Jesus Christ's Name.

127 With our heads bowed, would there be some here, before we have the prayer line, would say, "Brother Branham, I--I'm not a Christian. I--I--I--I want to be saved. Pray for me, will you, Brother Branham?" Just raise up your hand. "I'll do it." If you're just here, and not a Christian. God bless you, sir. God bless you, young man. God bless you, sir. That's good. Just... God bless you, lady. God bless you, lady. God bless you. That's right. God bless you, back there, sir. God bless you. That's good.

128Someone else just raise your hand, say, "I'm not a Christian"? God bless you. I seen you back there, young man. God bless you, way back there. And way over here in the corner, yes, God bless you. "I'm not a Christian, Brother Branham, but I do believe that you're telling the Truth. I believe it's the Truth. I believe the promise says that. I have read, and I see that the promise promised that. I've never seen it, but I--I--I believe it." God bless you, young lady. Just another?

129 When you raise your arm, that does something to you. It certainly does. It gives you a feeling that you've done something that's right. There ain't a person put up their hands... I see you, way back in the back. Yes. There ain't a person that put up their hands but... God bless you. I see you there, again, and you here. Yes. My, that's good. Remember, if I miss seeing your hand, He'll see you. He knows all about it. Remember, He know. God bless you, young sister. He knows it.

130 Our Heavenly Father, they're Yours now. They couldn't have raised that hand; there is Something told them to do it. And yet, maybe, none of them has ever seen the visible outstanding signs of Your Presence here on earth in the last days, but they see it here, the Scripture said so, and may they understand tonight. That, even the Bible has been preached for all those years, and, still, people disbelieve. But when You got Cleopas and his friend, and then turned and did something just the way You did it when You were alive on earth before the crucifixion, they knew that was the same Jesus. Now, Lord, do the same for us tonight. Do, tonight, for these sick people, just like You did before Your crucifixion; then, after two thousand years, men and women will know that You live. We wait upon Thee, Father, through Jesus' Name. Amen.

131 Now to you that raised your hands, I want you to set real reverent for a few minutes. I'm going to call a prayer line. I don't say that God will do it. But I want to ask you a solemn question, people. As there is, oh, several hundred here, or five or six hundred, or whatever it is, look, that's--that's a whole lot of people. But, look, I want to ask you something. We are responsible to God. We are. And He is responsible for His Word. Now if He makes that Word live again, you--you--you--you... I want each one that raised your hand, and you that didn't raise your hand, immediately afterwards come here and stand at the altar, just as soon as we pray for the sick.

132 Where is Billy? Did... One, prayer card B, one to a hundred? All right. Let's, we're in a hurry, so we'll just start from number one. Prayer card B, number one, who has got it, raise up your hand. Look in your prayer card, see what it is. If you can't walk, why, some of you get down there so he... B, number one, two, three, four, five, stand up right here, if you will. One, two, three... If you can't walk, raise your hands, and they'll pack you. One, two... I only see one, so far. Would you come quickly, just as quick as you can, one, two, three, four, five.

133If somebody would speak it in Spanish; I see there is many Spanish people. B, one, two, three, four, five. One, two, three... All right, there is three. One, two, three, four, there is another one. Number five, who has prayer card number five? Raise up your hand, somebody. How would you say it in Spanish? Is that prayer card number five, sir? [Someone says, in Spanish, "Cinco."--Ed.] Huh? ["Numero cinco, el numero cinco." "Here is five."] There it got it. Thank you. One, two, three, four... Then, well, which is missing? ["All there, five."] Is there five there? ["Yes."] Yeah, I see now. I didn't see him standing out there. All right.

134Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Say... [ Someone says, in Spanish, "Seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez."--Ed.] Now stand here just a minute. Six, seven, seven, eight, nine... That's it. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. ["Once, doce, trece, catorce, quince."] That's good. That's fine. Just a minute, let's call a few more. Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. One to twenty. Yes sir? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen... That's it. All right, that's fine. That's good enough. Let's start with them. Thank you, brother.

135 How many here doesn't have a prayer card, raise your hand, and yet you're sick? Now remember, you don't have to be up here. You don't have to be here. Just believe.

136Now let everyone be real reverent. I'm going to ask, in Jesus' Name, that nobody stirs for the next, about ten minutes, fifteen, anyhow, ten or fifteen minutes. Just let's--let's--let's give God that--that great respect. Everybody settle right down. Let's get real quiet now. Just a moment, and he'll have the line here. Now while he, they're waiting there, listen close to me now.

137 Now do you realize where I'm standing here? How many understands what I've preached about? See? And I've claimed that He has raised from the dead. Now, if He is raised from the dead, and promised to do this. Now it hasn't been in any years since the apostles, until this time, as far as we know, but He promised at this time, "The Son of man would be revealed like it was at Sodom." Now you read that in Luke 17, about 20 to 30, and see if that isn't right. He promised it.

138Read Malachi 4. Don't mix it with Malachi 3, now. Malachi 3 was John the Baptist. See? But Malachi 4, as soon as this was over, the wick-... the righteous walk out over the wicked, and the world was burnt with fire, see. It never happened in the days of John's time. We're expecting that great anointing upon the Church, that will turn the hearts back to the original Doctrine of the fathers, back to the real genuine pentecost.

139 All right, be reverent. Billy, holler as soon as you get them all lined up, down there. All right, all ready? Okay. Now, real reverent. Somebody is going to help, walking alongside. Now everybody be real quiet, just a few minutes.

140I want you to make me a promise. I promised God that I... And He knows my heart and He knows yours. Now, I'm only obligated to say this, what's Truth. That's all I'm obligated to do. God wrote It; I never. It ain't me, it isn't me; it's the Bible. You know it. Now if He will reveal that, won't that bring Him right here alive among us? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

141 What if you didn't have the sense of sight, nobody did, and you would walk out into the sunshine. Sometimes you wouldn't know where you was walking, 'cause you was blind. And you walked in the sunshine, you feel real something around you, real warm, then after a while you'd walked into a shade, and you'd say, "It isn't there now." Nobody never knowed what sun was, never had that sense of sight, see, you wouldn't know what it was.

Someone say, "That's the sunlight."

142"What is sunlight? What is light, and what is the sun?" See, you never heard of it. See?

"Well, it's a light that comes down."

"What is a light?" See?

143 Now that's the way. We feel the Presence of God, then, and we don't feel It, then we walk in That. See? And you're in a--a dimension that you see. You can say what It is. See? You know what That is.

144Now, if God is raised up from the dead and is here tonight, He promised it. Now His corporal body sets on the Throne of God; He took, set down on the Throne of God. But the Holy Spirit is here, which is Christ, in Spirit form. The word Christ means "the anointed One." And that anointing was upon Him, is upon the Church, we all. Now it's just kept coming, from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, restoration of the gifts, right down, to the top of it. Right. It's coming in the minority all the time, is together now. And now there is a church, and now a Bride will come out of the church; see, church goes through the tribulation period, not Bride. Excuse me, I mustn't preach doctrine. Sorry. All right.

This is the lady. Come here.

145 Notice, I don't believe there is a person in here that I know, that I'm looking at. If every one of you here are strangers to me, raise up your hands, you know I know nothing about you; so that the people are strangers in here.

146Now, please, please don't move around. Sit still, will you?

147All that's in the prayer line, that doesn't know me, and know I don't know nothing about you, raise up your hands. There we are.

148Now here sets a group of ministers. See, it's just right out here where we can all look, see.

149 Now this lady here is a stranger to me. (Now ever who is on that, the engineer, watch that mike.) All right, now I'm going to talk to her. Here, here comes back, Saint John 4, where Jesus talked to a woman and told her what her trouble was, and she believed that was the sign of the Messiah. If that was the sign of Messiah then, it's still the sign of Messiah, 'cause He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Met like this.

150Now, I'm not Jesus, and no doubt this woman here isn't that type of woman. But what I'm trying to say, it's the same; here's a man meets a woman, and then something wrong there, and if something will come in here to reveal it, that shows it has to be God. Now I wouldn't know, 'cause I--I never seen the woman in my life. See? And she raised up her hand that I didn't know her, and she don't know me, and here we just stand here.

151Now I just want to talk to you a minute, after been speaking like that, preaching, sister. And if that's... So, you see, one is a preaching, another one is anointing, something else.

152 Now if the Lord Jesus could explain to me, or show me by a vision, something that you want, something that maybe it might be a sickness, it might be financial, it might be domestic, it might be for somebody else. I don't even know, see, don't have any idea. But if He would tell me something that's--that's wrong, or something is wrong in your life, or--or something, and it's you're terribly sick, or somebody else is sick, or something is wrong. If He would tell it, you would know whether it was the truth or not. You, you can say whether it's truth or not. Well, if He knows what has been, then He certainly knows what will be. If He can tell the past, He can tell the present and the future. Now would it make you believe with all your heart, that you would get what you're asking for?

153 Would it make the audience believe that they would get what this...?... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now don't move around now. I just have to wait a minute, see, to see what He would tell me, 'cause I don't know. I just, meeting after meeting, getting nervous, you know, and preaching, and hurrying up, and watching this and what you've promised, and I should get you out of there at nine- thirty; it's nearly that time now; makes me nervous, so just have to quieten myself. See? It's a...

154A gift is not something like you take a knife and chop something. That isn't a gift. A gift is to get yourself out of the way so the Holy Spirit can use you. And that's the only thing I have to do, is get William Branham from the scene, see, so God can come on.

155 Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I take every spirit in here under my control, for His glory, that the Words that I have preached might be manifested. He is here now. I--I wish I could tell you how it is. My, oh, my! If He would tell me that tomorrow morning to go to the Presidential graveyard and raise up George Washington, I'd tell you come watch it. Just what He would say now. See? I don't know what He would say, but, what He says, it'll be truth.

156 The lady is suffering with trouble with her eyes. She has got trouble with her eyes. It's bothering her. She's got back trouble that's bothering her. She is nervous, extremely nervous. Right. Isn't that right? If that's right, raise up your hand. Say, another thing, you are a minister of some sort, you're like a woman... You're a woman preacher. That's what it is. Now you believe with all your heart, go, and you can have what you've asked for.

Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

157Come, sir. We are strangers to one another, I suppose. The Lord knows both of us. Do you believe that God can tell me? Now, that was a woman; here is a man. Do you believe that God can tell me what's your trouble? Would it cause you to believe? You suffer with a nervousness. You've also got trouble with your eyes; they're going dimmer all the time. It's been doing that for some time. Another thing, I see something over your arm. Oh, it's your high blood pressure. That's what it is, you got high blood pressure. That's right, isn't it? Well, raise up your hand if them things are right. [The brother says, "Thank You, Jesus! "--Ed.]

158 The more you'd talk to him, more it would be, see. Now watch, look, watch. Just take your hand down. We haven't got too many there; just take your hand down. Now, I don't know what I said to him, but it's on the record there, see, that's how it's on the tape. I don't know what He said.

159But let's see now. Yes, it's eyes, that's for one thing. And then, another thing, you got a blood clot and that's on the brain, and you've had a stroke. That is true. Well, do you believe now? You believe you're going to be all right? Do you believe that that's God talking, not me? All right, then go, believe it. That's all you have to do, is just believe. If they could just believe, that's all. If they just believe, it's finished.

160 How do you do? Do you believe that God can reveal to me your trouble? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] And if He can, will it make you believe Him? ["Yes."] It would. What you scared about? Can't tell, can you? Like it's just darkness, nervousness. And then another thing, you've got trouble in your neck. ["Yes."] That's right. Your trouble is in your neck. Then you got somebody on your heart, that you're praying for. ["Yes."] You're having a lot of trouble with it. ["Yes."] And that's over alcohol. ["Yes."] It's your husband. ["Yes."] He's an alcoholic. ["Yes."] And you are praying for him. ["Yes."] You believe for him? ["Yes, I do."] Then I'll pray that Jesus Christ will do these things for you. All right.

161Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now that, practically, right... Those two, three, or what, four, whatever has went by, that's as much as Jesus did in the entire Bible. See? That's right. He done it to a woman, told that woman that one thing, and He went down to Sychar; He never said one more thing to anybody down there, but they believed because the woman's testimony. Yeah. That woman don't have to testify to you; you stand right here looking at it, yourself. You just must believe. Course, some wouldn't believe, there is nothing in them to believe with.

162 How do you do? Now, we're a strange. Wouldn't I be a terrible person standing here if... A lovely gray-headed woman like that, and think of things, and my own precious mother would have been about that age, and she just passed on here a couple years ago. And if anything I can do to help that poor lady, I'll do it. I know, if--if she is sick, if I could take and--and push a coin with my nose around this city, I'd do it. I don't care who would laugh at me. I--I want her to get well. If I could help her, I'd do so. But I can't help her. And much as He has done it, God had already did that. And He loves you more than I do. He died for you; and I never did that. But He loved you enough to die for you.

163But then He sent me back just a little gift. He sent your pastor here to pray and lay hands on the sick, and, you see, that's been done so much in the revival, that that's kind of in the past, you know. And now it's up in some other, you know what I mean, a bracket, something else.

164 Now if the Lord will reveal to me what's your trouble, you believe me to be His prophet, or His servant? You believe it's Him? [The sister says, "Yes. I know it."--Ed.] You, you, well, I thank you, sister. ["Sure."] Now I believe that kidney trouble you've been suffering with will leave you. Do you believe that, too? You've got a request in your heart, you want to ask me. ["Yes."] What if I reveal that request before you ask me, would you, make you believe more? ["Sure."] You want me to pray for your daughter. She is not here. That's right. You want me to reveal what's her trouble? It's a real nervousness. Now you believe, and she'll get well. See? God bless you, sister.

"If thou canst believe, all things are possible." See?

165 What does the Word of God... See if these ministers don't say this. The Bible said, in Hebrews, New Testament, 4th chapter, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting asunder, even to the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts, intents of the heart." That right, brethren? [The ministers say, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

166What is it? It's the Word lotted for this day. The Word lotted for this day, fulfilling this promise, "When the Son of man shall be revealed, the days of Sodom, all these other things promised," here it is, it's the Word of God being revealed, 'cause it's the Word Itself discerning the thoughts that's in the heart. See? That's exactly right.

167 Now, this lady, I know her not, another kind-looking person. What would I be, an awful person, if I could help and...

168Now just a moment. Somebody else, it was a man, it was a man appeared, and somebody out there praying. Just have faith. I--I see now it's... I'll just have to say what I'm looking at. See, that's all I can say, is what--what I'm seeing.

169You are, yes, you are suffering with a stomach condition. It's in your stomach. Then you want to ask me a request, and that's for your mother. She isn't here, but she is sick. You want me to pray for her. Isn't that right? You've got another request. It's for... It's somebody that's not here. It's a way away from here. And I see it's way... It's in another country. It's way away from here. And it's a--it's a young person, child suffering with some kind of a disease, tropical disease. South America, that's exactly. It's on you. That's exactly the truth. Right. But believe with all your heart now.

170 I don't heal. He has already healed. Can't you realize that's His Presence again? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]. I'll have to just keep going on and on, now it's begin to blind me a little, you see.

You say, "That?"

171Well, brother, sister! Jesus, a woman touched His garment, He turned around and seen what it was, and He said, "Virtue went from Me." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] Well, He was, that was God. What about me, a sinner? You must believe. Don't doubt. Believe. This is...

172 Do you believe? A young woman, and you believe that God can reveal to me what your trouble is? Well, would you, will you accept it and believe it with all your... You know it would be true. See? Now the one thing that's your trouble, is in your back, you have a back trouble. And then you have a great desire in your heart, for something, and, that is, you are seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's exactly right. Do you believe it? Well, you're going to receive It. Amen. Now go on and believe it with all your heart, and you'll receive the baptism.

173Do you believe God can heal that arthritis and make you well? Now, just keep on walking and thanking Him. That's right, now. See? If you just will believe! All right, sir.

174 Would you come, lady, just as you was sitting there, please. Will you come? Do you believe with all your heart? [The sister says, "How can I doubt it?"--Ed.] Now that's the way, then you won't have arthritis. You won't be crippled with it. Just go on your road, and rejoicing. That lady's trouble stops, also. Just go, thanking the Lord, saying--saying, "Praise be to God!" All right. All right.

175Now you believe setting there, lady, do you believe? All right, sir. Now that lady's trouble you've had, female trouble, for a long; just believe with all your heart, and go and it'll get... you'll get well, and won't have it no more, if you'll believe it. You have to believe it.

176All right, bring the lady, the little girl. Come here, honey. Now, sis, the little girl, take her hand, just a minute. Come here, sweetheart, come here. I thought that's what it was. Get choked up sometime, don't you, can't get your breath, hardly? That old asthma is awful bad, but God can heal it. Don't you believe that?

Lord Jesus, I pray that You will heal the child...?...

177Don't doubt, sister. It'll leave her. Go and believe now, with all your heart.

178 God heals diabetes. He can make anything well He wants to. Don't you believe that? [The sister says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe He'll heal you? ["Amen."] All right, say, "Thank You, Lord," and go right on, just rejoicing.

179Just a minute. There keeps being a man coming up here, I see. Here it is. Little fellow setting there, holding a little boy in his arms. Do you believe, sir? I'm a stranger to you. You believe God can reveal to me what you want? See, you touched Him. I don't know you. But you're suffering with a trouble, a bone disease. That is right. Your little boy there has got it. Your little boy setting next to him has got it. That's your little girl setting next to that. Her, is in her arms, and she is cross-eyed. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now do you believe? Don't doubt. Have faith in God. Just don't doubt. Just believe. All things are possible to them that believe.

180 What's you weeping for, little lady, sitting there, up on the end, with your handkerchief up to your face, crying? Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe God can reveal to me what your trouble is, from here? You got a spiritual problem you're studying about. Is that right? It's all going to clear up. It'll be all right.

181That lady sitting next to you there, you just talked to her a minute. She just put her handkerchief up to her face. You believe God can tell me what's your trouble, sister? Will you believe me, as His prophet, His servant? You will? All right. That sinus trouble that's been bothering you, she'll go away from you if you'll believe it. Will you believe it? If you will, raise up your hand, say, "I believe it."

182You want to eat your supper, from that stomach trouble, next to her, lady. You believe with all your heart, too?

183The next lady has got a spiritual problem there. And you got a rash, too, that's bothering you. You got a daughter that's got a rash, also. Isn't that right? Yes, sir. She is set in. Do you believe that? All right, you can be healed if you believe it.

184 What about over this way? Here, see this little, Mexican man sitting down here on the end, looking right at me? Don't you see that Light hanging over him? The man is darkness above that, see, what it is there around him, that is epilepsy. Do you believe God can heal you of epilepsy, sir? You do? All right, He'll do it.

185Say, the little man next to you there, little, Spanish man, he has a rupture. Do you believe God can heal your rupture, sir? Do you believe that with all your heart? You do?

186Next, has got a stomach trouble. You that's nodding your head there, you have stomach trouble. Do you believe God healed you? Then go eat your supper, He'll do it.

187Tell me what they are touching, all the way across the audience. What is it? It's the manifestation of the Word of God. Do you believe it, yourselves? Do you believe it? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.]

188 Where is some of them here? Here, here is a man laying here on a cot. Sir, I don't know you. I've never seen you. Do you believe me? Do you believe what you've heard is the Truth? You believe it with all your heart? If--if God would tell me here what's wrong with you, will--will you... would you believe it? I'm going to tell you something now. And you know it, sitting by him. He is shadowed to death. It's cancer. It's cancer. And you're a minister of the Gospel. I see you standing in the pulpit. And that's right. And you're from out of town. Now you believe with all your heart. You believe with all your heart. Why do you lay there till you die? See? You can't lose.

189There was some lepers. You remember the story, when Samaria was besieged, them lepers come in there? They said, "Why will we sit here till we die? If we sit here, we die; if we go in the city, we die."

190The doctor has done all he can do. There can't nothing be done, is his answer in that. You only got one chance. Them lepers had one chance, if they went down to the house of the enemy; if they saved them, they lived; if they didn't, they was going to die, anyhow. But you're not asked to an enemy's house. You're in the Presence of your God. You're expecting to... Why don't you rise up, and take that cot and go home, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And believe it, and go home and believe you're healed.

191 Will the rest of you believe the same thing? If you do, stand up on your feet.

192I'm asking those people who raised their hands, if they wanted to be saved, and wanted to accept Jesus Christ, I want you to come up here and stand here by me, just a minute. Will you come now? Come up here, you that believed and want to accept Christ. You'll never be any closer to Him till you meet Him visible. Remember, the Word, and I have preached, God has confirmed It to be the Truth. Come on, come up this way, every one of you. Everyone that didn't know Christ, that raised your hands, and come here; say you were sinners, and you wanted to be saved, come here and stand for a minute, for prayer. Will you do it? Will you come while He is so close?

193 You mean you could see here the Word preached, see God turn around and say that Word is the Truth, "That's Me, that's Me, I'm standing here, the very God that's going to judge you," and then hold back? Don't do it, you might cut yourself off forever. See? Here is three of them standing here. There is about two dozen. Come right now, will you?

194No, no song, you don't have to have a song. Christ is your Song. Christ is your Conviction. The Word is what tells it.

195That's right, here comes two young man. Come right on out, you that's sinners. Come right down here just a moment, will you? Right while I just feel led, I stopped that prayer line for this purpose. Come right here now. Come right here. We'll get to the prayer line. Just... That's right. Yeah, ladies come right on in here, young things.

196 Right in this day when these young folks are coming, in this great hour when there is still teenagers on the rampage of immorality, these people are coming to... Here I trust that God will make them such examples till, the neighborhood, where the people will see that Jesus Christ still saves the lost.

197Won't you come? Come right out, where you're at. Move down here, just a moment. That's right. God bless you, boys. That's good. Come right up and stand. Come, come. Way back in the back, some people way back raised up your hands, won't you come on down now?

198I'm almost persuading you. I'm... [Brother Branham begins knocking on the pulpit--Ed.] The Word is standing on the outside, knocking, trying to get in. "Lo, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man will open and come in, let Me come in, I'll sup with him, and he with Me." Won't you come? Come right down now, stand here. Look, the Word has been preached, It's been proven, Christ is raised from the dead, here He is doing just what He said He would do. Not connected with organizations, denominations, to take you into something; that's your choice. I want you to take Christ now.

199Come, won't you? Is there another? Is... God bless you. That's right, bring him right on up here.

200 Brethren, will you walk down here? Now these will be members of your churches. Come down here.

201Come on, somebody else. Right in the Presence of Christ, I can just feel the Spirit just calling in my heart. Surely, if that's doing that in my heart, there is somebody out there should be coming. Is there a backslider out there that should come? Come, stand here. Will you do it, some of you? Backslider, will you come? That's right. God bless you. Come on. That's it, come right on down. Certainly. That's the way. Be a real man; real lady. God made you, a lady. God made you, a man. That's virtue. That's strength. Come now, won't you? Come, stand around here. That's right. That's right. God wants you in His Divine Presence. Remember, the very...

202Who is God going to judge the world by? Jesus Christ. Who is it promised to do this in the last days, to reveal Himself? Jesus Christ. It's not me. It's Christ. Christ is the One that's here revealing Himself. Humility, like He was; coming out of nothing, like He did; coming into us, like He has. He is God.

203 Now each one of you ministers gather right down around these people, right quick now get right down among them here, stand right around them. We're going to pray for them.

204Someone else wants to come in this prayer? Just a moment. All right.

205These will be members of your churches, friends. This will be... You, you'll have to take them from here on, now. They see the Lord Jesus in His power of His resurrection. They are here to become members of your church. You baptize them in Christian baptism, take them into your fellowship. They are yours now, from here on. You're the caretaker at the inn.

206Let us bow our heads, everyone. Each one, Christian out there, that's sincere, offer prayer for these people.

207And if these ministers wants to take them into the room, where they can be instructed further, all right.

208 Heavenly Father, this is the results of the meeting. Here comes sinners, fifteen or twenty of them gathered around the altar, wanting to give their hearts to You. I pray, Father, that You will receive them, in the Name of Christ Jesus the Lord. I pray that You'll receive them, give them Eternal Life. They're Your heritage, Lord.

209Each person in here, that's sick now, lay your hands on one another. Reach over, lay your hands, and start praying, one for the other. Lay your hands on one another, start praying, one for another.

210Ministers, lay your hands upon these people here. That's it. Jesus Christ gives power and glory and blessings upon us, and Satan is defeated in the Presence of Christ.