


Náš charakter nás formuje do obrazu toho, čo sme, náš charakter života, ktorý je v nás. No, vezmite malý zárodok života, a ak je to zárodok vtáka, to vyprodukuje vtáka. Ak je to zárodok pšenice, to vyprodukuje pšenicu, zárodok kukurice vyprodukuje kukuricu. Vidíte, život, ktorý je v tom, formuje ten charakter toho. Potom zisťujeme tú istú vec, napríklad pri živote rakoviny, vidíte zárodok, zárodok rakoviny formuje rakovinu. To je zlý život, a život nádoru vyformuje nádor, a tak ďalej.

Vidíte, my, náš charakter je formovaný tým, čo je vo vnútri v nás, a náš vonkajšok iba vyjadruje to, čo je vo vnútri. To, čo sme, ako kráčame, nezáleží na tom, čo hovoríme, náš život hovorí hlasnejšie, ako naše slová. Ak by sme mohli povedať, „Ja som veriaci v Boha.“ A ja by som povedal, „No, veríš celej Biblii?“  „No, neviem.“ Potom vidíš tvoje pery, tvoj vlastný život, hovorí hlasnejšie, ako to, čo sú tvoje slová. Ak povieš, „Ja som kresťan, ja neverím, že sa má robiť... A ja verím všetko, čo Boh povedal, že je pravdou.“ A potom žiješ akýkoľvek druh života po takom vyznaní? Vidíš, tvoj život hovorí hlasnejšie, ako tvoje svedectvo.

1...Ako čítame Slovo. Pamätajte, dnes popoludní po tomto zhromaždení, pôjdete pravdepodobne späť do svojich cirkví, kvôli večernej službe. Pokúsim sa vás prepustiť skoro, aby ste mohli ísť.

2Počúvajte, ak by som bol niekde tu v meste, tak by som prišiel do týchto cirkví tu. Skutočne, nehovorím to preto... Nikto mi nepovedal, aby som toto povedal. Sú tu niektorí milí muži, skutoční bratia, a potom každý jeden z vás, ktorí ste prijali Krista, ak o vás nevedia, čo keď by ste ich vyhľadali, aby vás pokrstili kresťanským krstom a nech vás vedú do krstu Duchom Svätým.

3Ak nemáte cirkev, musíte ju mať, rozumiete, lebo inak zomriete, duchovne zomriete, schátrate. A ak nemáte cirkev, čo takto ísť a pohovoriť si s nimi, oni vám radi pomôžu. Oni sú bratia v Kristovi, a oni vám radi poskytnú pomoc. Je to pravda, bratia? [Kazatelia hovoria, „Pravda“ - pozn.prekl.] Budú veľmi šťastní, keď vám budú môcť pomôcť a pomôžu vám na vašej ceste, ak budú môcť pre vás urobiť, čo bude v ich silách. Dobrí, verní muži, niekto, kto bude nad vami bdieť, nad vašou dušou a postará sa o vás. Urobte to.

4A ak ste prijali Krista, a oni o vás nevedia, len ste Ho prijali niekde tam na sedadle, prečo neísť a nepohovoriť si s nimi teraz ohľadne krstu a krstu Duchom Svätým? Urobte to. Nech vás Boh žehná.

5Chceme dnes popoludní čítať z knihy Filipanom, z druhej kapitoly Filipanom, a chcem začať od piateho verša:

Lebo nech je také smýšľanie vo vás, aké bolo aj v Kristu Ježišovi,

ktorý súc v podobe Boha nepovažoval toho za lúpež byť rovný Bohu,

ale sám seba zmaril prijmúc podobu sluhu a stal sa podobný ľuďom

a súc v spôsobe najdený jako človek ponížil sa stanúc sa poslušným až po smrť, a to po smrť kríža.

Preto aj Bôh jeho povýšil nad všetko a dal mu z ľúbosti meno, ktoré je nad každé meno,

aby sa v mene Ježiša sklonilo každé koleno bytostí ponebeských a pozemských i podzemských,

a každý jazyk aby vyznal, že Ježiš Kristus je Pánom, na slávu Boha Otca.

Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

6Náš Pane, pristupujeme teraz ku Tebe, v tom Svätom Mene, ktoré nesú nebesia, to Meno a celá rodina na zemi je po ňom pomenovaná. A On nám tu povedal, že, „Keď budete prosiť Otca o čokoľvek v mojom Mene, Ja vám to udelím.“ My sme, Pane, len jednoduchí ľudia, ale veríme, že to je pravda. Veríme, že to, čo prosíme, prijímame, pretože ak nás neodsudzujú naše duše, ak nemáme nejaké zlé pocity z toho, čo sme urobili, niečo, čo je nesprávne, potom máme toto uistenie, že Boh nás počuje. Tak prosíme o milosrdenstvo, dnes popoludní pre nás všetkých.

7A teraz Ťa prosím, aby si teraz udelil tomuto očakávajúcemu publiku uzdravenie každej osoby, ktorá je v Božskej prítomnosti, nech by toto bolo jedno z najväčších zhromaždení s uzdravovaním, ktoré sme kedy mali. Nech sa niečo udeje, Pane. My nevieme, ako sa to stane, alebo čo iné by mohlo byť učinené, ale modlíme sa, aby mal Duch Svätý dnes popoludní prvenstvo, prelomiť sa do každého srdca a do každej mysle. Ako sme práve čítali, „Nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás.“ Modlím sa, Bože, že ako vidíme, že myseľ je kontrolnou vežou celej bytosti, že ona nás riadi, tak nech je dnes popoludní tá myseľ v nás, ktorá bola v Kristovi. A On vždy veril Slovu, a nech je teraz na nás veľké vyliatie Jeho prítomnosti.

8Modlím sa za týchto kazateľov, Pane, ktorí spolupracovali v tomto zhromaždení, aby cirkev každého jedného mohla čerpať úžitok z týchto veľkých duchovných a mocných požehnaní, kvôli ich postoju, ktorým sa snažia priniesť svojim ľuďom Evanjelium v každom správnom spôsobe, o ktorom vedia, v ktorom je to kázané. A modlím sa, Otče, aby si ich požehnal, a nech ich ľudia docenia, nech vedia, že oni to robia kvôli nim a pre Evanjelium, nech môžu na oplátku pomôcť a priložiť svoje ramená ku kolesu a tlačiť tú veľkú vec, ktorú sa snažíme priniesť na zem, Pána Ježiša.

9Teraz, Otče, modlíme sa, aby si vzal Svoje Slová, ako sme ich prečítali, a Ty si svoj vlastný vykladač, tak sa modlíme, aby Si to vyložil dnes v našich srdciach, a keď dnes odídeme, nech môžeme povedať ako tí, ktorí prichádzali z Emauz, „Či nehoreli naše srdcia v nás, ako hovoril ku nám na ceste?“

10Požehnaj ich, Bože, všetky tieto znovuzrodené dieťatká, ktoré práve prišli ku Tebe. Modlím sa, aby Si ich kŕmil Svojím nežným malým spôsobom, tým úprimným mliekom Evanjelia, aby vyrástli do plných postáv Krista, aby mohli byť Jeho ústami a Jeho sluhami, aby Mu slúžili v tomto veľkom zatienenom veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme, v tých večerných svetlách. Udeľ to, Otče, prosíme toto v Ježišovom Mene, Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

11[Nejaká sestra hovorí v inom jazyku, prázdne miesto na páske, nejaký brat dáva výklad. - pozn.prekl.] Amen, Amen. Myslím, že to posolstvo bolo pre potešením svätých, aby vyvýšilo... Napomenulo mladých obrátených, aby prišli bližšie ku Bohu, a pokračovali vo viere. Vďaka buď Bohu.

12No, chcel by som teraz na chvíľu vziať takúto tému. Máme, nebudeme schopní hovoriť iba krátku chvíľu, pretože máme rozdaných okolo päťsto kariet a za nich všetkých sa máme modliť.

13Tak, ja robím toto, aby to mohlo pomôcť. Neviem, či sa môj hlas tu príliš neozýva. Dokážete ma počuť dobre tam vzadu? Mne to tu znie, akoby sa to odtiaľ sem odrážalo a minulý večer, keď sme robili oltárne zavolanie, myslel som si, že to je možno ten dôvod, že ľudia nedokázali rozumieť, pretože sa to tu odrážalo.

14Tak chcel by som dnes popoludní vziať toto, ako tému: Identifikácia.

15No, každý jeden, musí to tak byť, žijeme vo veku, v dňoch, kedy je vyžadovaná identifikácia. Nemôžete nič, jedine, že ste pre banku známy, nemôžete dostať hotovosť z vášho šeku, jedine, že máte niečo, s čím sa preukážete, identifikujete.

16Viem, že moja žena nemôže dostať hotovosť zo šeku, a pritom, keď dostaneme šek, vložíme ho do banky, ale ona nedostane za neho hotovosť, pretože ona nešoféruje, nemá žiadne číslo sociálnej bezpečnosti, ani nič, čím by sa mohla identifikovať, tak pre ňu je to ťažká vec, aby obdržala zo šeku hotovosť. Musíte mať nejakú oficiálnu identifikáciu a ja myslím, že to je práve ten čas, v ktorom žijeme.

17Ak si všimnete, ak idete do určitej denominácie, cirkvi, ako sú Metodisti, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, alebo niečo, musíte mať niečo, s čím sa identifikujete, ak tam máte hovoriť. Musíte mať nejaké poverovacie listiny, alebo preukaz, alebo kartu obecenstva, alebo niečo, s čím sa preukážete, aby vedeli, odkiaľ pochádzate, a čo idete na pódiu povedať. Musíte byť identifikovaný, a to je vek identifikácie.

18No, všetko, čo sa deje v tom prirodzenom, je len typom toho, čo prebieha v tom duchovnom. Tak isto my, samotná kresťanská cirkev, ktorá nie je žiadnou denomináciou, ale ona je prirodzenosťou. Je to tajomné telo Kristovo, a ono je tiež identifikované. Ono nesie identifikáciu. Ježiš Sám ju identifikuje.

19A tak ideme teraz v toto popoludnie hovoriť o identifikáciách v tých biblických typoch a ideme sa zidentifikovať (stotožniť), preukázať náš prítomný stav s charaktermi v Biblii tých minulých vekov.

20No, niekedy sa divíme, ako by sme vyzerali, ak by sme sa snažili pozrieť do zrkadla a pozreli sa, ako vyzeráme. Pripomína mi to jeden malý príbeh, ktorý som raz počul o jednej rodine, ktorá žila ďaleko v Kentucky, tam, odkiaľ ja pochádzam, ďaleko v hornatom vidieku, kde je...

21No, moja stará mama žila sto desať rokov a nikdy nevidela auto. A to moje, ktoré som prerobil z takého starého stavu do takého, akého som ho dostal, s ním to trvalo ísť asi osem hodín, nejaké štyri míle a kládol som brvná cez potok a rôzne veci, aby som sa dostal na druhú stranu. Ona nikdy nevidela vlak, alebo niečo také. Keď zomrela pred rokmi, pamätala si zavraždenie prezidenta Lincolna a ona žila sto desať rokov.

22A ona hádam nemala nikdy tri, alebo štyri páry topánok za celý svoj život. Ja môžem teraz vidieť tie malé stopy, ktoré vyzerali ako stopy medvedíka čistotného, ako ide ku prameňu, niekedy ráno, predtým, ako vyšlo slnko. A ona vyšla s takým veľkým dreveným vedrom, malo na sebe takú medenú obruč a ona išla nabrať vodu, aby mala na varenie. A keď si sadla pred ohniskom, vystrela si svoje malé nohy a mala na nich také veľké trhliny, a oni krvácali.

23Ale keď zomierala, objala ma, a ja som ju držal v náručí, a plakal a takto som sa za ňu modlil. Jej posledné slová, ktoré som ju počul povedať, „Nech teraz Boh žehná tvoju malú dušu na veky.“ Bol som vtedy len chlapcom, ale ona poznala Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, ale oni nemali mnoho tých svetských vecí.

24Tak to, čo nám z tohoto príbehu vyplýva, je, že títo ľudia si nikdy nemohli dovoliť mať lupu, a oni žiadnu nemali, a ten otec mal len kúsok, úlomok zrkadla, ktorý mal pribitý na strome tam vonku, kde sa zvykol holiť. Mali malého chlapca a on... Tento malý kúsok zrkadla, no on nebol nikdy schopný dostať sa do tej výšky, v akej ono bolo, aby sa sám uvidel. Tak, oni prišli do mesta navštíviť jednu zo sestier jeho matky, ktorá sa vydala za muža, ktorý prišiel z Indiány, a oni tam žili. Tak mali domov a všetko...

25Ten starý štýl domu, ako to zvyklo byť, oni mávali na dverách zrkadlo do veľkosti dverí, niekedy to mali na dverách do spálne. Neviem, či si niektorí z vás pamätáte, tie také staré dvere, oni mávali zrkadlo na plnú šírku a výšku dverí.

26Tak, tento malý chlapec prišiel do domu svojej tety a on tam pobehoval, ako by to robil každý chlapec, a oni si ho všimli a on začal ísť hore schodmi, ako išiel, ako mu hlava prechádzala úroveň poschodia, keď sa približoval hlavou ku schodom, začal vidieť iného malého chlapca, ako sa tam objavuje, a zastavil sa, a pozrel sa na toho malého chlapca. Samozrejme, to bolo... Zakýval na neho a ten na neho zakýval späť, a on išiel stále bližšie a bližšie a pozoroval tohoto malého chlapca. Najprv on vystrel svoju ruku, poobzeral sa, jeho rodičia ho sledovali, pretože on nikdy predtým nevidel zrkadlo. On povedal, „No, to som ja.“

27Tak, som zvedavý dnes, či by sme sa nedokázali pozrieť do Biblie a povedať, „To som ja.“ Ako sme zvedaví, kto je kto, ktorá postava v Biblii, na ktorú sa podobáme. A vezmime to teraz ako malý text a zostaňme na chvíľku s tým. A ako sa dívame do Božieho Slova, identifikujme sa sami, pretože On dáva ostatným príklady toho, čo sme. Pamätáme, že Boh berie Svojho Ducha... Alebo berie svojho človeka, ale nikdy nie Svojho Ducha. Satan zaberá svojho človeka, ale nikdy neberie preč svojho ducha. Tak vidzme, či sa dokážeme zidentifikovať, náš prítomný stav dnes, s Biblickými postavami. No, Biblia hovorí, „Všetky tie veci sa stali v tamtých dňoch, ako príklady pre nás.“ Oni sú naše príklady.

28Náš charakter nás formuje do obrazu toho, čo sme, náš charakter života, ktorý je v nás.

29No, vezmite malý zárodok života, a ak je to zárodok vtáka, to vyprodukuje vtáka. Ak je to zárodok pšenice, to vyprodukuje pšenicu, zárodok kukurice vyprodukuje kukuricu. Vidíte, život, ktorý je v tom, formuje ten charakter toho.

30Potom zisťujeme tú istú vec, napríklad pri živote rakoviny, vidíte zárodok, zárodok rakoviny formuje rakovinu. To je zlý život, a život nádoru vyformuje nádor, a tak ďalej.

31Vidíte, my, náš charakter je formovaný tým, čo je vo vnútri v nás, a náš vonkajšok iba vyjadruje to, čo je vo vnútri. To, čo sme, ako kráčame, nezáleží na tom, čo hovoríme, náš život hovorí hlasnejšie, ako naše slová. Ak by sme mohli povedať, „Ja som veriaci v Boha.“

A ja by som povedal, „No, veríš celej Biblii?“

32„No, neviem.“ Potom vidíš tvoje pery, tvoj vlastný život, hovorí hlasnejšie, ako to, čo sú tvoje slová.

33Ak povieš, „Ja som kresťan, ja neverím, že sa má robiť... A ja verím všetko, čo Boh povedal, že je pravdou.“ A potom žiješ akýkoľvek druh života po takom vyznaní? Vidíš, tvoj život hovorí hlasnejšie, ako tvoje svedectvo.

34A viete, to je jedna z najväčších prekážok, akú má Cirkev Božia. Priekupník s alkoholom, hazardný hráč a takí ľudia, oni sú... Všetci vieme, ktorým smerom idú, a oni to tiež sami vedia. Ale tá osoba, ktorá vyznáva, že je kresťanom, žena, ktorá vyznáva, že je kresťankou, a potom žije niečo odlišné, to je najväčší kameň potknutia, ktorý ten vonkajší svet má, aký existuje v tom vonkajšom svete, kdekoľvek to je. To je horšie, ako čokoľvek, čo môže svet vyprodukovať, to je osoba, ktorá má byť kresťanom, a potom žije niečo odlišné od toho. Klamanie, kradnutie, okrádanie a robenie vecí, ktoré sa nemajú robiť. To je zneváženie Jeho svedectva, keď vezmete takých ľudí, ktorí robia tie veci, a oni sú tí, ktorí... Náš charakter je formovaný tým životom, ktorý je v nás.

35No, povedali by sme, „Ježiš prišiel, aby zachránil to, čo bolo stratené.“ To je to, čo urobil. A teraz tam musí byť niečo, čo by zachránilo stratených, tak to musí byť odlišný charakter od toho, ktorý bol stratený. Tak, potom zisťujeme, keď sa Boh pozrel na toto Svoje stvorenie, ktoré učinil na... Tie charaktery tejto zeme a Jeho milujúci charakter, On sám bol vyformovaný do osoby Ježiša Krista, aby bol Spasiteľom sveta. On... Toto sa stalo, aby On mohol zaplatiť pokutu za smrť pre nás a vykúpiť nás. Istotne to vyplnilo Jána 3:16, vidíte, že „Boh“, žiadna iná osoba by to nedokázala urobiť. Ježiš nemohol byť nikým iným. Neexistoval žiaden iný charakter, nikde, ktorý by mohol vyprodukovať takú osobu, ako Ježiš Kristus, iba Boh sám.

36Tak, nebolo nič v nebesiach, čo by to mohlo urobiť. Viete, Ján sa pozrel tam do tej knihy do Biblie, zisťujeme, že on videl, že nebol nikto na zemi, kto bol hoden vziať tú Knihu, Knihu vykúpenia a nebol nikto v nebi, kto by bol hodný. Nikto, kto bol pod zemou, ani nikde nebol schopný, alebo hodný vziať tú Knihu a uvoľniť tie Pečate, ani dokonca sa na ňu pozrieť. A on plakal, pretože v tejto Knihe bola Kniha vykúpenia a jeho vlastné meno bolo tam, a nikto nebol hodný.

37A potom jeden zo starších povedal, „Neboj sa, lebo Lev z pokolenia Júdovho zvíťazil a On je hodný.“

38Ján sa potom pozrel, aby uvidel Leva, a videl Baránka a to musel byť zabitý Baránok. Bol to krvavý Baránok. Povedal, že bol plný krvi, pretože, „Bol to Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý.“ A zabitý baránok je krvavý, samozrejme. „A bol zabitý od založenia sveta, On prišiel a vzal tú Knihu.“ Nebol nikto, kto by to dokázal urobiť.

39Pretože, ak zasadíte niečo do zeme, ako napríklad bodliak... Každý z vás, ktorí ste z Arkansasu, viete, čo je to bodliak. A zasaďte ho do zeme a nebudete môcť očakávať žatvu kukurice z toho, čo ste zasadili. Nie, nemôžete. Tak, ak vezmete bodliak a postavíte ho s... A skrížite ho s jedovatou burinou, stále z toho nebudete mať nič. Rozumiete? Vidíte, tam nie je žiaden charakter, to len vyprodukuje ten istý charakter, od zla ku zlu.

40Tak bolo potrebné niečo, čo nebolo zlé, čo by mohlo vyprodukovať charakter ako Ježiš Kristus. A to bol Boh, dívajúci sa na svoje stvorenie a Jeho vlastný milujúci charakter, keď videl tých stratených, pritom na Jeho obraz, učineným na Jeho Slávu, a keď videl tých stratených, Jeho vlastná láska premietla Ježiša Krista. „Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného Syna.“ To bol Boh, prejavujúci samého Seba, nie nejakú inú osobu, ale samého Seba, vo forme tela, aby vykúpil to, čo bolo stratené. Niet divu, že to muselo byť smutné, keď sa Boh pozrel dolu na zem a Jeho to zarmútilo, že vôbec učinil človeka.

41Raz som išiel s mojou malou dcérkou do zoologickej záhrady v Cincinnaty, držal som ju za ruku a boli sme tam, prechádzali sa a pozorovali tie zvieratá a počul som taký ohromný zvuk dolu z klietok, kde boli zvieratá, ako vlci a tigre, a tak ďalej, a prešiel som tam. Bola tam obrovská veľká klietka, no možno tak veľká až po tento strop, a oni tam mali orla, ó, bol malý a bolo to pred pár týždňami, vtedy ho tu uväznili. Nikdy som necítil takú ľútosť, ako za tú malú bytosť. A on by sa vrátil... On je veľkým vtákom a tu bol celkom uväznený v klietke, niečím, čo učinil človek, a chytil ho s niečím do pasce a zavrel do klietky.

42A tento orol bol na hlave celý krvavý, bol to orliak bielohlavý a mal bielu hlavu a svoje krídla, všetko to perie bolo dotrhané a ten chudáčik ležal na chrbte, jeho oči vystrašené a obzeral sa. Potom vstal, prešiel ku druhej strane tej klietky a pozrel sa ku nebu. To je to, odkiaľ pochádza.

43On je nebeským vtákom. Neexistuje nič, čo ho dokáže nasledovať. Sokol by sa rozpadol, roztrhol, keď by sa ho snažil nasledovať. Nič nedokáže nasledovať orla. A on ide tak vysoko, jeho oči sa mu prispôsobujú s výškou a on dokáže vidieť, čo robí, keď je tam hore. K čomu by to bolo dobré dostať sa tam hore, ak neviete, čo robíte?

44Tak Boh pripodobnil svojich prorokov ku orlom, ktorí predvídajú veci, predtým, ako sa stanú.

45A všimol som si, ako krvácal, a on ležal na chrbte a takto sa díval hore. To je to, odkiaľ pochádzal. Ale človek ho uväznil. Pomyslel som si, „Čo za žalostný pohľad.“ On cúvol, trochu vzlietol, zatrepal tými veľkými krídlami a len udieral svojou hlavou do tých mreží a spadol znovu späť na podlahu, tam ležal unavený a obzeral sa, díval sa do nebies, kde bol slobodný. Raz tam bol a teraz je v klietke.

46Stál som tam a plakal. Prial by som si, aby mi ho predali a ja by som ho pustil. Vidieť niečo uväznené. Ak to urobí človeka, ktorý miluje prírodu, ako ja milujem prírodu, ak to spôsobí, že človek plače, keď vidí niečo také, a to bol ozaj žalostný pohľad.

47Ale, ó, dovoľte mi ukázať vám ešte žalostnejší pohľad a to je vidieť mužov a ženy, ktorí boli učinení na obraz Boží, aby niesli Jeho charakter a pritom sú uväznení do vecí, uzavretí do pascí sveta. Keď vidíte krásnu mladú ženu, ako ide dolu ulicou, taká naozaj... Jej... Taká pekná žena a ona si svoje pekné vlasy celé ostrihala, vidíte, že ma tvár s... Pekne tvarovaná tvár a ona si na to dá toľko farby, že až nedokážete povedať, ako vlastne vyzerá. Vyzerá, ako by mala všade rakovinu. Má modré pod očami, a oči ako jašterica, alebo vlk, alebo niečo také. A vidieť ju s takým oblečením, aké by nemala mať dokonca ani vo svojej spálni za zatvorenými dverami, zamknutými a ona ide takto na ulicu a takto sa vystavuje. A vidieť synov Božích, ktorí by mali rozpoznať, že ona má byť ich sestra, tam na ulici oni pískajú a snažia sa ju zaujať, aby ju so zlými úmyslami zneužili. To je žalostný pohľad vidieť, ako Satan uväznil do klietky ľudskú rasu.

48Neexistuje nič, čo by to mohlo zachrániť, iba charakter, ktorý by mohol prísť ponad vrch všetkého toho. Na Ňom nebolo nič a to muselo prísť z toho čistého žriedla Všemohúceho Boha.

49Tá krásna mladá dáma, ktorá by mohla byť skutočnou malou kráľovnou, nejakému malému unavenému kazateľovi, ktorá by prišla a vzala ho do náručia a objala ho a dala také utíšenie, neexistuje nič, čo môže zaujať také miesto. To je časť muža. Neexistuje žiadna ruka, ktorá by sa ťa dotkla, keď si unavený a zmorený, ako skutočná, milá, nežná manželka, ktorá ti rozumie. Muži to vedia.

50Ako keď ju vidíte takto, ako sa nachádza v klietke Hollywoodu, ktorá bola na ňu položená. A mnohokrát si tie ženy nárokujú, že sú kresťankami a že spievajú v chóroch, ale sú cele uväznené do klietky duchom, že nemôžu vidieť. Vôbec sa nemusíš snažiť jej na to ukázať, alebo im, zdá sa, že sa to tak stáva len horším a horším. Rozumiete? Tam oni sú. To je tá moderná Jezábeľ, ktorá kráča po uliciach. A ona povie, „Chcem, aby si rozumel, že ja patrím do tohoto a ja..“ Vidíte, tá vec, do ktorej ona patrí, ju odrezala od toho zdroja života, keď sa pritom narodila, aby bola malou kráľovnou pre nejakého muža. Pre nejakého muža, ktorý sa narodil, aby bol synom Božím, a keď pomyslíte na to, čo sa im prihodilo, ó, je to hrozná vec.

51Potom vidíte, Boh zostúpil dolu a charakter Boží bol v Kristovi. On bol tým odrazom. On bol Bohom, učinený viditeľným. Všimnite si, Boh sa zviditeľnil.

52„Na počiatku bol Boh.“ On vtedy dokonca nebol ani Bohom, nie, Boh je „Objekt uctievania.“

Jediným, čím bol, bolo, že On bol Večným, a v Ňom boli atribúty a tie atribúty (vlastnosti) boli myšlienkami, a tie myšlienky boli vyjadrené do slov a to slovo sa prejavilo.

53Čo je to? To je všetko o tom, ako sa Boh stáva hmatateľným, a vy ste časťou Boha. A Ježiš prišiel vykúpiť tých, ktorí boli umiestnení do Baránkovej knihy života, pred založením sveta. To bolo v Božích myšlienkach a to je to, čo On prišiel vykúpiť. A oni, akonáhle ich to zasahuje, oni to vidia, pretože tam je ten život.

54Ale, ak tam ten život nie je, čo potom môžu urobiť? Vidíte? Oni to nevidia. Nikdy to neuvidia. Rozumiete?

55A celá tá vec, ako povedal Ježiš, „V tom dni spoznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.“ Celá tá vec, to je Boh, ktorý sa stáva hmotný, tak, ako sa manžel a manželka stávajú jedno, spolu. Boh a Jeho cirkev sa stávajú Jedným.

56Tak, bolo potrebné niečo, čo by vykúpilo túto upadnutú ženu, ktorá bola ukázaná v type v Eve, keď ona upadla. „Adam nebol zvedený, ale žena súc zvedená bola v prestúpení.“ Adam vedel, že činí zlé, ona nie. To je ten dôvod...

57Ja nechcem zraňovať vaše pocity, ale vy viete, že vždy som za tým stál. Ja nesúhlasím so ženami kazateľkami, pretože to tak nemá byť. Rozumiete, ona je slabšou nádobou. Zisťujeme teraz, že táto žena bola zvedená niekým, kto jej citoval Slovo a len to trochu míňal, a to je to, čo spôsobilo všetky problémy, a prečo Pavol povedal, „Žena nech je v cirkvi ticho, nedovoľuje sa jej hovoriť.“ A tak ďalej. Tak všimnite si.

58Ale vidíte všetko toto, to je ukázané a preukázané pomocou typov tak, ako celá Biblia, že Boh prichádza spolu s tou vykúpenou Manželkou, Nevestou, ktorú mal Boh vo svojej mysli pred založením sveta. To boli tie atribúty Božie, ktoré sú vystavené. Tak, aby bol učinený charakter, ktorý by mohol vykúpiť túto ženu, to muselo byť niečo väčšie, ako ona, čo by ju vykúpilo. A či ste si niekedy všimli... Ja... Toto môže byť...

59No, tak, ako moji arminiánski bratia majú náuku, ktorá je legalistická, oni nebudú súhlasiť, ale dovoľte mi len... Prepáčte mi na chvíľu, možno by som toto vyjadril. Ak je On vykupiteľom... Nehovorím toto teraz, aby som niekoho zranil, alebo aby som bol odlišný, nekážem náuku, ale dovoľte mi len opýtať sa vás niečo.

60Ak je On vykupiteľom, On prichádza, a vykúpiť znamená, „Zodvihnúť to, čo spadlo.“ Vykúpiť naspäť do toho miesta, kde to bolo na počiatku, takže žiadni nebudú zodvihnutí, okrem tých, ktorí boli v Jeho myšlienkach na počiatku. On prišiel vykúpiť nie túto „potravu pre delá“, ktorú vidíme naokolo vyznávať kresťanstvo, ale On prišiel vykúpiť to, čo bolo v Božom myslení na počiatku. To ostatné je len niečo, čo sa mieša okolo toho, aby to ukázalo tú postavu. Rozumiete? To je len... To je záhrada, záhrada kvetov to hrá svoju rolu, ale tá postava, socha je to, čo chcete vidieť. Postava Krista, ktorý bol Bohom premietnutým na zem vo forme človeka. Amen. To je tá postava, ktorú chcete vidieť, to je Ten. To ostatné sú len také druhoradé časti. Rozumiete?

61Takže toto prejavilo Jeho milujúci, šľachetný charakter, Boh prejavený v človeku, ktorý sa nazýval Kristus. On bol tým jediným, ktorý toto mohol dokázať. Neexistoval žiaden iný charakter v nebi, ktorý by to dokázal. Rozumiete? Iba Boh. On bol tou bezhriešnou náturou, On bol Slovom. Bezhriešna nátura, prirodzenosť Božia. On bol vyjadreným Slovom, pritom to Slovo bolo na počiatku.

62A ak si v Baránkovej knihe života, bol si Božím vyjadrením Jeho myšlienok. On ťa videl a videl tvoju túžbu, ešte pred tým, ako existoval nejaký atóm, alebo niečo iné, a ty si Jeho myšlienkou, ktorá sa stala Slovom a vyjadrila sa do toho, čím si teraz. Amen. To je Boh v tebe, vyjadrujúci Krista dnes. Rozumiete, čo myslím?

63Tak dúfam, že to nie je s ničím v rozpore, rozumiete, a ja by som nechcel povedať niečo v protiklade s tým, čomu ste boli učení.

64Ale len aby ste porozumeli, čo sa tu snažím predložiť. Je určitý odraz a vy musíte byť identifikovaní. A ak ste a boli ste v Božom myslení na počiatku, rozumiete, a boli ste Jeho odrazom tu na zemi, potom budete vydávať svedectvo o tom nebeskom, tak ako On vydal svedectvo o tom nebeskom tak isto. A keď vstal z mŕtvych a bolo Mu dané telo, my, keď my povstaneme budeme mať telo, ako je Jeho slávne telo.

65Vzkriesenie je isté. Je to záruka a my máme teraz závdavok toho, ako Duch Svätý vstupuje a identifikuje nás, ako Božiu vykúpenú osobu. Amen. Keď prijímate Ducha Svätého, ste zapečatení až do konca cesty. To je vaším znakom, ktorý držíte, ktorý ukazuje, že vaše cestovné bolo zaplatené. Ste vykúpeným charakterom. Satan nemá s vami nič do činenia, vôbec nič, len zodvihnite svoj znak a ukážte mu to, „Moje uzdravenie je zaplatené, moja cesta do Slávy je zaplatená.“

66Znak je to, čo používate, keď idete cestovať autobusom, alebo lietadlom. Váš lístok je vaším znakom. Rozumiete?

67Vezmite svoj znak. Ste vykúpení. To požehnanie, Duch Svätý. Ak sa Satan snaží na vás niečo zhrnúť, len mu ukážte toto. To je vaša identifikácia. Amen. Ste identifikovaní vo vzkriesení Krista, ste identifikovaní v Jeho smrti, keď zomriete, ste identifikovaní v Jeho vzkriesení. A skrze to, to vás identifikuje, že ste s Ním pred založením sveta, pretože ste vykúpení a to znamená, „Privedení späť.“ „Všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu a nikto nemôže prísť, koho by nedal Otec, vidíte tam na počiatku.“

68Tak všimnite si, On bol bezhriešny, aby zaujal miesto hriešnych, ako protijed. On bol bez hriechu, aby mohol vykúpiť hriešnikov. Boh bol v Ňom vyjadrený a dôkladne Sám zidentifikovaný v Ňom. Všimnite si teraz.

69Poviete, „Brat Branham, či si povedal, 'Boh sa sám zidentifikoval?'“ Veru tak.

70No, „Na počiatku,“ povedal svätý Ján 1, „bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo s Bohom.“ No, slovo musí byť myšlienkou predtým, ako je slovom, pretože slovo je vyjadrená myšlienka, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.“ Vidíte? „Bol Boh a to Slovo, Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“

71Identifikovaný ako? Teraz Židom 4, rozumiete? Slovo Božie ostrejšie a mocnejšie ako dvojsečný meč, ktorý rozdeľuje, seká.“ Oddeľuje oboje, prichádzanie a odchádzanie, „Rozdeľuje a rozlišuje myšlienky a úmysly srdca.“ A keď to On urobil, to je to, ako boli proroci identifikovaní, pretože oni... Boh hovoril a povedal im presne, čo bolo nesprávne a čo sa dialo. Rozumiete? To je tá identifikácia Slova na danú hodinu, ktoré bolo prejavené.

72On bol plnosťou Božieho Slova, pretože On bol plnosť Božstva telesne. On bol Bohom v ľudskej forme a bol potrebný Boh, aby vyjadril taký charakter, ako tento. A potom ten milujúci život musel byť od Neho vzatý, aby tak mohol zachrániť týchto, ktorých Božie predzvedenie videlo na počiatku, ktorí boli Jeho myšlienkami. Ty a ja. Ježiš to prišiel urobiť. Jeho dokonalý život musel byť obetovaný, aby tú osobu vykúpil. Potom, keď sú vykúpení, a vy ste boli v Bohu v Jeho myšlienkach na počiatku, ako môžete zaprieť, že Jeho Slovo je pravdivé, keď ste časťou Jeho Slova? Amen. Istotne. Potvrdené dôkladne, nemôže byť v tom ohľadne toho žiadna chyba. On povedal, „To nie som Ja, ktorý činím tie skutky, to je môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne.“

73Zisťujeme teraz, že ľudia sú v tomto dni vo veľkom zmätku, ohľadne porozumenia Boha, „Boh v troch osobách“? Boh, to sú tri atribúty Boha, ako tri úrady: Boh nad nami v Duchu Svätom tam hore v stĺpe ohňa; Boh učinený telom a prebývajúci medzi nami, človek, ktorého sme sa mohli dotýkať; a teraz Boh v Cirkvi. Boh nad tebou, Boh s tebou, Boh v tebe. Rozumiete? Ten istý Boh, v troch rôznych prejavoch, ale ten istý Boh po celý čas.

74Všimnite si, že v tom nie sú žiadne chyby. Jeho bezhriešna prirodzenosť vyjadrila Božie Slovo. A jediný spôsob, ako budeš môcť vyjadriť Božie Slovo, je, že tomu budeš veriť a pozorovať to, ako to koná spoza teba, budeš musieť mať tú bezhriešnu prirodzenosť, ktorá pochádza od Boha. Pred založením sveta si bol rozpoznaný s Ním. Pred tým, ako sa kedy môže Slovo samé cez teba vyjadriť, je potrebná bezhriešna prirodzenosť, aby to učinila.

75Do takej miery, až On bol Slovom v plnosti. Slovo Božie plynulo cez Neho tak slobodne, že ak by dokonca len mohol vypovedať Slovo, to by stvorilo. Vidíte, to ukázalo, kým On je. Kto môže stvoriť, okrem Boha? Vidíte, Boh je tým jediným Stvoriteľom, aký existuje. A On bol v takej dokonalej harmónii, On, a to Slovo boli tak dokonale spolu, až On tvoril, dokonca On mal, On a to Slovo boli jedno.

76Žiadna iná prirodzenosť toto nemohla dokázať. Žiadna iná prirodzenosť. Žiaden iný charakter, nič v nebesiach, nič iné to nemohlo urobiť, okrem Neho, pretože On bol počiatkom toho charakteru, Spasiteľ. Anjel sa nenarodil ako spasiteľ, on bol stvorenou bytosťou, aby uctieval Boha, nie byť spasiteľ. Ale v Bohu bol Spasiteľ. Obyčajný človek, narodený z obyčajnej ženy, nemohol byť spasiteľom, pretože jeho prirodzenosť je telesná, ale bol potrebný Sám Boh. Amen. Dúfam, že to vidíte. Pozrite, to bolo to vyjadrenie, aby prejavil taký charakter, ako to. Čo sa týka ostatných, to bol upadnutý charakter, nič nemohlo zachrániť, anjeli neboli preto stvorení. Človek bol upadnutým charakterom. Pozrite, ako mohol tento človek...

77Pozrite, aby sme ukázali, že ide o tých, na ktorých On myslel, Jeho myšlienky sú na kresťana dneška, myšlienky spred založenia sveta. Pamätajte teraz, „Človek bol narodený v hriechu, utkaný v neprávosti, prišiel na svet hovoriaci klamstvo.“ Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn. prekl.] V ňom neexistuje vôbec nič. Tak vidíte, ak bol On v Božích myšlienkach, keď prišiel na svet, On prišiel (v Božích myšlienkach na počiatku), aby preukázal svoj atribút. Dokážete ma sledovať? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn. prekl.] Potom prišiel Ježiš, aby pretrhol tie mračná, aby sa ten atribút mohol sám preukázať. Amen. To je to. On je Božím vyjadreným Slovom.

No, nič iné sa nemohlo manifestovať, všetky ostatné charaktery boli upadnuté. Potom vidíte, kvôli čomu prišiel Ježiš, aby priniesol späť tie charaktery. Nie, nie, oni boli narodení v hriechu, vyformovaní v neprávosti.

78On prišiel ako Vykupiteľ a vykúpiť niečo znamená, „priniesť späť.“ Amen. Priniesť to späť. To bola Božia myšlienka, ty pomysli na to. Malý ty, malý ja, nikto na svete nemohol zaujať moje miesto a nikto nemôže tvoje. Ty, súc kresťanom a naplnený Duchom, Bohom, a pred založením sveta ťa On videl a poznal každú črtu, ktorú máš, rozumiete? A Ježiš prišiel, aby ťa priviedol späť. To je to, kvôli čomu tu bol Ježiš Vykupiteľ, to ľudské telo, aby ťa priviedol späť. To muselo prísť k ľudskej bytosti, ako Vykupiteľ, aby ukázal svoje atribúty, ako Spasiteľ, prišiel ťa vykúpiť a priniesť späť, tam odkiaľ pochádzaš. Bol si...

79Keď prijímaš večný život, existuje len jedna forma večného života, to je grécke slovo zoe, je to pravda, brat? [Nejaký brat hovorí, „Áno“ - pozn.prekl.] Zoe, „Boží vlastný život.“ Tak, ty súc synom, stávaš sa časťou toho života, tak ten život, ktorý je v tebe, nikdy nezačal a nikdy nemôže skončiť, pomysli na to. Nemôže skončiť, pretože všetko, čo je večné, nikdy nezačalo. Život, ktorý je v tebe, nikdy nezačal. To znamená, ak máš večný život a to je Boh, pretože ty si bol v Jeho myšlienke už od večnosti a teraz je to tu vyjadrené v ľudskej bytosti na Jeho Slávu. Ježiš prišiel, aby to vykúpil súc Synom, plnosť Boha musela prísť a stať sa tým. Ten bezhriešny charakter Boha to učinil, aby On mohol vykúpiť tieto ostatné myšlienky, ktoré mali ku Nemu prísť, aby to učinilo Manželku. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Ó, to je slávny príbeh. My nie sme... Jednako som nemal k tomu ísť. Pokračujme, v poriadku.

80Všimnite si, „stvorený.“ Boh, Boh cez Neho plynul, ako vietor plynie cez budovu, alebo ako voda plynie dolu prúdom, On mal dokonca... On a to Slovo boli jedno. Žiaden iný charakter by to nedokázal, pretože On bol tým jediným, ktorý bol narodený bez toho telesného. Všetci ostatní boli skrze sexuálnu túžbu, telesne. On sa narodil bez sexuálnej túžby. On bol panensky narodený.

81Boh sa zidentifikoval tak, ako my. On vzal, vzal Jeho hlavnú črtu, to, čím On bol, Jeho hlavnú črtu, ako Boh, a rozprestrel tu dolu svoj stan a stal sa ľudskou bytosťou. On si učinil stánok, telo, aby v ňom žil, a to telo je známe ako Ježiš. Boh žil v Kristovi. Vidíte, On sa stal ľudskou bytosťou, aby nás zachránil. A On vzal našu formu na seba, našu formu, aby nás mohol vyformovať na Jeho charakter.

82A Jeho charakterom bolo, že On činil všetko, čo sa ľúbilo Bohu, a zostával so Slovom. To je to, čo On chcel pre nás, aby sme my zostali s Božím Slovom, našli naše miesto a potom vedeli, kde sme, na čom sme. Zostaň s Jeho Slovom. A pomyslite na to, my sme pozvaní, aby sme vyformovali náš vlastný charakter na ten Jeho. No, ideme teraz zistiť, čo sme urobili. Vytvarovať náš charakter na Jeho vlastný, skrze Jeho vlastného Ducha. Potom sme my skrze Neho synmi Božími, práve, čo som vyjadril, skrze to, že máme Jeho myseľ v nás, aby sme vyformovali náš charakter na Jeho myseľ. „Nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás.“ Ak je tá myseľ vo vás, potom vidíte...

83On činil len to, čo sa ľúbilo Bohu. On vedel, kým Je. On prišiel, Syn Boží, On vedel, že musí zaujať to miesto. Jeho charakter musel byť taký a potom, keď On, keď zaujal toto miesto, On vedel, čo sa bude vyžadovať od Mesiáša, On vždy vyhľadával Boha ohľadne toho, aké veci má robiť a nečinil nič, kým Mu to Otec prv neukázal.

84No, ak nájdeš svoje miesto, sestra, nechcem ťa zraniť, alebo brat, ale ty nájdeš svoje miesto v Slove, ako kresťan, nie to, čo hovorí nejaké vyznanie, to je tu dolu nižšie pri tej „potrave pre delá“, ktorá má byť zničená. Vidíte? Vy nachádzate svoje miesto, ako kresťan, pretože tvoj charakter je vyformovaný ako Kristov. Ty si Zoe tak isto, tak ako On je Zoe. Potom, ak Biblia hovorí, že „Žena si nemá strihať vlasy.“ Ako to potom môžeš robiť? To hovorí, „Muž má byť vládcom domu.“ Ako potom môžete byť vy, ženy? Čo sa deje s vami mužmi, ktorí ste synmi Božími? Rozumiete? Vidíte, vy nenachádzate svoje miesto. Vidíte, sledujte teraz, sme pozvaní prísť a zobrať Jeho charakter. Keď máš Jeho charakter v sebe, to ťa formuje do tej istej mysle, ktorou bol On, a Jeho myseľ bola vždy činiť to, čo Mu Otec prikázal, aby činil.

85On povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, oni svedčia o Mne.“ Inými slovami, „Ak nečiním presne to, čo Písmo povedalo, že mám činiť, potom Mi ukážte, kde.“

86No, čo ak by Boh dnes stál tu na pódiu a povedal, „Čo sa vyžaduje od kresťana.“ Kde by sme potom my všetci boli? Vidíte, ten charakter sa nevyjadruje.

87Jeho myseľ bola zostať s Otcovým Slovom. Ich myseľ mala... Tá istá myseľ, ktorá bola v nich, má byť v nás, a ak je Jeho myseľ v nás, budeme činiť tak, ako On. Ak je Jeho charakter v nás, budeme taký, ako On. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Všetci proroci to mali, vieme to. Vezmeme Noeho, ako to on činil v jeho dni. Mojžiša, ako to on činil vo svojom dni. Daniel vo svojom dni. Hebrejskí mládenci a tak ďalej.

88Slovo formuje Boží charakter v nás a čokoľvek, čo sa snaží zmiešať s tým charakterom, narušuje to formovanie. Nemôžete zmiešať vyznanie so Slovom. Nemôžete zmiešať svet so Slovom. Ježiš povedal, „Nemôžete slúžiť Bohu a mamonu.“ Mamona znamená, „Svet.“ Nemôžete to, je to buď jedno alebo druhé. „Ak milujete svet alebo veci toho sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás.“ Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Potom vidíte, nemôžete to miešať.

89Nemôžete miešať olej s vodou, to sa jednoducho nezmieša. Môžete to zatrepať hore a dolu a robiť s tým čokoľvek len chcete, to sa nezmieša.

90A váš charakter sa nezmieša so svetom, ak ste formovaní na formu Božiu, skrze to, že nechávate myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, byť vo vás. To je kontrolná veža, to smerovanie.

91Pozrime sa teraz do Božieho zrkadla Jeho Slova a zidentifikujme náš prítomný charakter pomocou niektorého Biblického charakteru a zakončíme len za pár minút. Zidentifikujte sa. Toto je zrkadlo, ktorým to chcete urobiť, tak, ako to urobil ten malý chlapec. Pozrel sa do neho. Dívajme sa do tohoto a vidzme, či dokážeme vidieť samých seba, reflektovaných skrze niektorý biblický charakter (postavu). Pozrite, čo oni urobili pod určitými okolnosťami, a vidzme, čo my robíme teraz. Tak, počúvajte ma teraz veľmi pozorne, vidzte, čo je váš prítomný charakter, ako kresťan.

92Vy teraz môžete súdiť, to neurobí, že niekto bude súdiť vás, vy súďte sami seba. Nikto vás nesúdi. Ja tu nerobím žiadny súdny výrok, ale len reflektujme, vidzme, ako to reflektuje niektorý charakter z Biblie, ako ich zmienime a vidzte, čo je váš charakter v tomto prítomnom čase. Všimnite si teraz, Slovo tvorí charakter, vieme to. My sa teraz dívame do Jeho zrkadla a identifikujeme samých seba skrze niektorú postavu v Biblii.

93Ak by ste žili vo dňoch Noeho a boli vo svojom momentálnom charaktere... Ak mi rozumiete, povedzte amen. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Ak by ste žili vo dňoch Noeho so svojím prítomným charakterom, na ktorej strane by ste boli? Buďte opatrní. Vo svojom prítomnom charaktere, pomyslite teraz na to, čím ste. Keď tie skupiny... S ktorou skupinou by ste boli zidentifikovaní? Ak by ste žili vo dňoch Noeho a vaším momentálnym charakterom, boli by ste s prorokom a s Božím potvrdeným Slovom? Stáli by ste s menšinou, s tou malou skupinou, alebo by ste boli s tým populárnym názorom ľudí toho dňa? Ktorý charakter?

94Patrili by ste do cirkví a vecí, ktoré si robili žarty z toho proroka, ktorý tam bol? Kráčali by ste s nejakou skupinou, ktorá išla hore a povedala, „No, nemám nič proti tomu starému mužovi, on môže mať pravdu.“ Alebo by ste boli tam a dobiedzali do neho? Pomyslite teraz na svoj charakter, čo by ste robili, keď všetko bolo proti tomu.

95Pamätajte, svet kritizoval proroka a jeho posolstvo a všetko, ten svet. On kritizoval. Všetky cirkvi ho kritizovali. Celá veda povedala, „Ten človek je blázon.“ Tak, ako povedali o Ježišovi ohľadne jedenia Jeho mäsa a pitia Jeho krvi. Oni povedali, „Ten muž je kanibal, On je vampír.“ Vidíte? Tak vidíte, kde sú tí rozumní, to, čo svet nazýva rozumnými ľuďmi, tí vedci.

96Či ste vedeli, že keď dostávate viac vzdelania, a viacej kultúry, vedeli ste, na ktorú stranu vás to umiestňuje? To vás umiestňuje na diablovu stranu. Biblia hovorí, že „Deti temnosti sú chytrejšie, ako deti svetla.“

97Pozrite na synov Kaina. Každý jeden z nich sa stal vedcom. Mali do činenia s budovami a robili veľký pokrok, ale synovia Seta boli všetci pokorní, boli roľníci, pastieri. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Mužovia povestného mena, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, ako stavali a budovali a stavali pyramídy a všetko vedci. Počúvajte teraz skutočne pozorne. Títo ľudia kritizovali posolstvo tohoto muža, hoci on mal pri sebe dôkaz Boží.

98Alebo, čo ak by ste boli žili vo dňoch Eliáša. Eliáš, keď on bol pastorom v tom dni, a Jezábeľ, pred dvetisíc päťsto rokmi, to je to, keď Hollywood začínal so všetkým svojím maľovaním sa a módou a on tam doviedol všetky dcéry Izraela, aby robili to isté. A postavil sa tam jeden starý muž a udieral proti tomu. A všetci kňazi povedali, „Ó, ten starý chlapík, nechajte ho tak, on po nejakom čase príde ku svojmu koncu, nič na tom nie je a on, náš fajný kráľ, ktorý je tak odiaty, ako sme my odiati, má to najlepšie oblečenie a je to najlepšie kŕmený národ a všetko to, aký je v tom rozdiel, či robíš to, alebo tamto alebo niečo iné, aký je v tom rozdiel.“ Tí pastori to hovorili.

99A stál tam jeden muž a bol sám s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

100Tak, teraz s vaším prítomným charakterom, kde by ste boli umiestnení tam vtedy. Pozrite sa teraz do zrkadla, keď pôjdete domov. Uvidíte, na čom ste. Rozumiete? Do akého stavu by vás teraz, v tom dni, umiestnil váš prítomný charakter? Či by ste išli s tou modernou ideou? S denomináciou, znamením, človek, ktorý povedal, „Ó, dobre, my sme všetci zosobášení.“ Ó, iste, oni všetci uctievali Jehovu, každý novmesiac a kričali a pili vodu z tej fontány a chválili Boha nebies, ktorý ich vyviedol hore, a všetko to, ale jednako sú milión míľ od tej čiary. Kde by vás vaše prítomné kresťanské prežitie umiestnilo v čase Eliáša? Kde by ste boli identifikovaní? Na akú stranu by ste sa vtedy postavili?

101Alebo, keď Mojžiš vyviedol Izrael a išiel tam ako zidentifikovaný prorok so Slovom, že Boh zasľúbil prorokovi Abrahámovi, čo sa stane, a Mojžiš išiel dolu a učinil všetky tie znamenia, o ktorých mu Boh povedal, aby ich urobil. Počúvajte teraz pozorne, o chvíľu zakončíme. On vyviedol tie deti hore a dostal sa na púšť, a to posolstvo tak, ako vy letniční ste odišli pred päťdesiatimi rokmi z denominácie a prešli ste za tú čiaru, na tú druhú stranu, a povstal nejaký človek a povedal, „No, počkajte chvíľu, urobme z tohoto organizáciu,“ človek, ktorý sa volal Dátan. „Mojžiš, ty si myslíš, že si tým jediným kameňom na brehu? Ty si myslíš, že si ten jediný svätý muž medzi nami? Máme tiež iných svätých mužov, ktorí majú ohľadne tohoto čo povedať, my si vytvoríme malú skupinu a budeme to veriť takto a budeme to veriť takto a budeme to veriť takto.“

102Tak, v akej skupine by vás váš prítomný charakter identifikoval? Či by ste vo dňoch Eliáša, išli by ste tam, kde bola Jezábeľ a strihala si vlasy a maľovala si tvár a bola modernou ženou? Pomyslite len teraz, kde ste teraz identifikovaní, poviete, „Ja som Letničný...“ Nehovorím nič proti tomu, čo si, ja sa len pýtam na tvoj charakter. Ideme teraz pod tieto malé veci, na ktoré sa dívate, ideme teraz do toho vnútra teba.

103Počuli ste, ako minulý večer, ako tam nakoniec Duch Svätý vykríkol? To je ten dôvod, že hovorím to, čím som dnes. Rozumiete? Otvorte svoje pod... svoje duchovné porozumenie, ľudia, je neskoršie, ako si myslíte. Rozumiete? Môžete to. Existuje cesta, kde si človek môže myslieť, že je v poriadku, ale myslel som si, že možno, ak mi Pán dovolí takto hovoriť, že oni mi to odpustia, tá asociácia, alebo tí bratia, pričom viem, čo oni robia a že s týmto so mnou súhlasia.

104Všimnite si, ale toto, ak len môžete vidieť dnes samých seba v tom svetle vo svojom duchu, ktorý je vo vás, čo by ste žili, aký charakter by to bol tam vtedy. Pozrite sa teraz, kde ste dnes, a budete vidieť, kde by ste boli tam, vtedy. Kde by ste boli v tom čase? Či by ste sa postavili na stranu tej organizácie, ktorú chcel Dátan zorganizovať, alebo by vás prítomný charakter od toho oddelil a zostali by ste so Slovom? Vidíte, kde sa zdalo, že všetko je proti tomu?

105Mojžiš bol kompletne potvrdeným, že mal posolstvo od Pána. Boh to každým spôsobom potvrdil presne tak, ako to povedal, čo sa stane, povedal to Izraelu rovno cez Deuteronomium, až tam, „Akékoľvek budú tie znamenia, musíte to nasledovať a počúvať to a počuť, čo Slovo zasľúbilo.“ On bol zamanifestovaný.

106A jednako pri tom všetkom, Dátan, ten chytrý vodca tam dolu v Egypte, povstal a povedal tam, „Ty sa snažíš robiť zo seba toho jediného, ktorý niečo má.“

107To nebola Mojžišova myšlienka, on robil iba to, čo ho Boh poveril robiť. Všetci z nich nemuseli byť Mojžišovia. Ľudia len museli nasledovať, čo on povedal. Všetci nemuseli tvoriť a konať zázraky a rôzne veci. To je to, kde leží problém s ľuďmi dnes.

108Jedna pani sa ma opýtala, ako som išiel dolu ulicou jedného dňa, a ona bola odtiaľ a povedala, ide o Florence Shakarianovú, sestru brata Demosa, a sestru Williamsovú, a sestra Wiliamsová a oni sedeli v aute, ona povedala, „Brat Branham, ja sa postím a postím a postím a stále nedokážem vyhnať tých diablov.“

109Povedal som, „Ty si sa nenarodila, aby si ich vyháňala, tvojou povinnosťou je postiť sa. Duch Svätý koná na niekom druhom, tam, ktorý to má vykonať, ty len nepoznáš svoje miesto.“

110Ak by sme mali čas, učili by sme tieto veci na dlhých, dlhých zhromaždeniach. To, ako je jedna osoba obťažená bremenom, ako toto, niečo tu napríklad má, vy neviete, neviete to a nie je to pre vás, aby ste to vedeli. To On koná, vy sa len podriaďujete vášmu povolaniu a dávate sa vždy do línie s Písmom, aby ste videli, či je to správne alebo nie.

111No, zisťujeme, že obaja... Toto bol Mojžiš, ktorý bol kritizovaný, a on bol... On bol kritizovaný touto skupinou, ale Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Oddeľ sa od neho, pretože Ja ho pohltím do zeme.“ A On to urobil. Tak, vidíte, musíte poznať hodinu, v ktorej žijete, a teraz posúďte svoj charakter s tým, ktorý mali oni.

112Alebo vo dňoch Krista. Chcem sa vás teraz niečo opýtať, keď mali tie najlepšie semináre, tých najlepších kazateľov, najviac vzdelaných, najsvätejšie rituály a všetko, čo kedy mali. A keď prišiel na scénu Ježiš, On bol pre nich „darebákom.“ Ale vidíte, Boh zidentifikoval Svoj vlastný charakter v Ňom skrze manifestovanie, že On bol Bohom. A On povedal, „Ak neviete, kto Som, skúmajte Písma.“

Oni povedali, „Poznáme Mojžiša, my ne...“

113On povedal, „Ak by ste boli poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa. On písal o Mne.

114No, ak by ste žili v tom dni a boli by ste členom nejakej dobrej cirkvi, Sanhedrinského koncilu, milý pastor, na ktorej strane by ste boli? Na ktorú stranu by vás umiestnil teraz váš charakter? Myslite na to. Je to na vás. Na ktorú stranu by vás váš charakter, ktorým teraz ste, kde by ste sa zidentifikovali vo dňoch Ježiša, keby váš pastor povedal, „Ó, tie veci, to je nezmysel.“?

115A pritom Ježiš sa tu vracia a hovorí, „Písma hovoria, že Ja mám toto robiť,“ a On to urobil. „Písma hovoria, že Ja mám toto robiť a byť narodený z panny, Písma hovoria, že Ja mám toto robiť.“ A On to učinil. On povedal, „Skúmajte Písma a ukážte, kde som zlyhal.“

116Ale oni povedali, „Vôbec nehľaďte na toho chlapíka, on sa pomiatol.“ Vidíte?

117Aký máte váš prítomný charakter. Kam by ste boli umiestnení v tamtých dňoch, keď bol Ježiš na zemi? Keď veľké denominácie, teológovia boli všetci proti Nemu a všetci učitelia a teológovia toho dňa boli proti Nemu a všetci biblickí učitelia boli proti Nemu? Proti čomu? Proti priamemu jasnému Slovu Božiemu na ten vek, ktoré zostalo prejavené a bolo zidentifikované. Boh Sám Ho zidentifikoval.

118„Jeho Meno bude nazvané Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Večný Otec. Panna počne a porodí Syna, vláda bude na Jeho pleciach a Jeho kráľovstvu nebude konca.“ Kto je táto osoba? Dieťa, Boh, a potom Boh sa stáva človekom. Dokážete si predstaviť, ako Jehova plače ako malé dieťa? Dokážete si predstaviť, ako je Jehova narodený v maštali? Dokážete si predstaviť, ako sa Jehova hrá ako chlapec? Dokážete si predstaviť cirkev, ktorá tvrdí, že Ho uctieva, ako Ho križuje?

119Na ktorej strane by ste boli zidentifikovaní? To, čo to ostré priame Slovo samo hovorilo, alebo by ste boli na strane vyznania? Váš prítomný charakter, ako by ste na tom boli? No to je presne to, kde by ste boli. Čímkoľvek ste práve teraz, to je presne to, čím by ste boli tam vtedy, úplne presne a veľmi zreteľne. Ó.

120Keď Jeho mesiášsky znak, sledujte teraz, Jeho mesiášsky znak zidentifikoval Jeho charakter, pretože to bol Boh v človeku, Slovo. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? To rozpoznávalo myšlienky a povedalo im všetky tieto veci.

121[Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]... „Slovo ju v tom našlo, ale keď najprv zablyslo Slovo, ona to mala.“ Ona bola jednou z tých Božích myšlienok, ktoré boli prejavené. Rozumiete?

122Ale tí, ktorí tam stáli v tých klerikálnych rúchach so všetkými druhmi vznešenosti a všetkými možnými druhmi prevracania Slova do rôznych vecí a činiacich to takým, že v tom nebola žiadna úprimnosť, oni len patrili do cirkvi, oni boli tí, ktorí tvrdili, že majú svetlo, a to Svetlo zatemnilo to svetlo, ktoré mali.

123Ako keby ste sa snažili držať baterku oproti slnku, aby ste zhasli slnko. Vidíte? Prečo baterka nevypne slnko, prečo to nedokáže žiadne iné svetlo? Neexistuje svetlo, ktoré by dokázalo vypnúť slnko. Prečo? Lebo to je Božie Slovo zamanifestované. Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a to je Božie svetlo. Je to Božie Slovo, ktoré je zamanifestované. A tu ono prišlo.

124Žiadne vyznanie v denomináciách, žiaden pápež, kňaz, alebo ktokoľvek to je, alebo doktor teológie, žiadna organizácia, žiaden národ, vôbec nič nikdy nevypne to zamanifestované svetlo Božie. Keď je Slovo vypovedané a ona prichádza ku svetlu, to učiní to, čo to povedalo, že to učiní. Žiadne vyznanie nedokáže okolo toho stáť, vôbec nič okolo toho nedokáže stáť, iba samotné Svetlo a tí, ktorí v Ňom kráčajú. To je Ježiš Kristus vzkriesený z mŕtvych, manifestujúci samého seba, tu medzi nami a my kráčame v Ňom. Nič to nezastaví. „Nebesia a zem,“ povedal Ježiš, „pominú, ale toto nie.“ Všimnite si, všetci biblickí učitelia, a tak ďalej.

125Pritom videli Slovo potvrdené. Jeho mesiášsky znak ukazoval tej malej prostitútke, kým On bol, a ostatným, ktorí boli tými myšlienkami v Božej mysli, ako Peter, Natanael a všetci tí, ktorí boli v Božom myslení. Akonáhle to svetlo zablyslo, oni to rozpoznali. Oni ich nemuseli ťahať ku oltáru, volať ich hore a prosiť ich a povedať im, že pre nich ešte niečo urobíte, ak prídu, a že im zabezpečíte lepší život a uvidíte, či by ste sa za nich mohli prihovoriť u ich šéfa, kvôli ich práci, aby im dal lepšie miesto. Oni sa nestarali, oni museli bojovať, aby si udržali svoje miesto, „Ale nič nás neoddelí,“ povedala Biblia, „od lásky Božej, ktorá je v Kristovi.“ Prenasledovanie, nebezpečenstvo, ani samotná smrť nás nedokáže oddeliť, pretože my všetci sme boli, vždy sme boli v Jeho myšlienkach. V poriadku, pokračujeme.

126Či by vás váš prítomný charakter identifikoval s tými Farizejmi toho dňa? Urobil by to váš prítomný stav? No, ak by ste povedali, „Nie, to by ma neidentifikovalo s tými Farizejmi vtedy,“ čo potom s tým teraz? Židom 13:8 hovorí, že On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. Tak, v akom stave vás teraz identifikuje váš prítomný charakter? „Ja by som nemal nič do činenia s tými Farizejmi, nie veru.“ No, pre teba je to len meno, ale čo s tým stavom, v akom si teraz, keď Ho vidíš dnes vo svojej cirkvi, práve takého, aký On bol vtedy, a kde by si bol, história sa opakuje.

127Farizejovia toho dňa stáli proti Nemu kvôli predsudkom, a to je to, čo sa deje dnes, denominačný svet stojí proti pravde Slova kvôli svojim predsudkom.

128Keď som mal nedávno rozhovor s jedným katolíckym kňazom, on mi povedal, „Ty sa snažíš vyučovať Bibliu.“

Povedal som, „To je to, čo verím.“

On povedal, „Boh je vo svojej cirkvi.“

Povedal som, „Boh je vo svojom Slove.“

129On povedal, „Všetci tí raní ľudia boli katolíci.“

Povedal som... „Peter, Jakub a Ján, oni všetci boli katolíci.“

130Ja som povedal, „Ak oni boli...“

A on povedal... Povedal som, „Ty, čo si ty myslíš o cirkvi dnes?“

Povedal, „Je omnoho vzdialenejšia, ako bola vtedy.“

131Povedal som, „Čiňte potom tie veci, ktoré ste robili vtedy.“ Vidíte, ten charakter ukazuje presne, čím to je.

132Farizejovia toho dňa kvôli predsudku. Pamätajte, to bol predsudok. Oni to v skutočnosti videli. Nikodém, jeden z ich kňazov to vyjadril a povedal, „Rabbi, my vieme, že Ty si učiteľom a prichádzaš od Boha, nikto nemôže činiť to, čo Ty činíš, ak by Boh nebol s ním.“ Vidíte, ale kvôli predsudkom, pretože On sa nepripojil ku ich skupine.

133No, ak by On prišiel a povedal, „No, vy Farizejovia sa mýlite, ja som Sadúcej.“ Alebo, vy Sadúceovia sa mýlite, ja som Farizeus.“ Farizejovia by povedali, „Vidíte, hovoril som vám, že my máme pravdu.“ Ale On neprišiel ku niktorým z nich, On stál medzi nimi.

134Ak by ste nasledovali Jeho, aby ste videli vtedy Jeho zázraky, a potom... A poviete, „Ó, rád by som videl Jeho zázraky.“ A vy by ste Ho nasledovali, aby ste videli zázraky.

135A keď On potom prišiel do tohto miesta, On povedal, že prestal ukazovať zázraky a začal ich vyučovať. A sedemdesiat kazateľov ordinovaných Kristom sa postavilo a odišlo preč od Neho, pretože On povedal niečo, s čím veda nedokázala ísť, alebo ten zbytok toho zástupu s tým nedokázal ísť. Nedokázali rozumieť, ako ten Muž, súc človekom, môže byť sám Bohom prichádzajúcim z neba. Syn človeka vystupuje tam, odkiaľ prišiel. On bol Bohom, isteže bol. Oni povedali, „No, my, to je príliš tvrdé, s tým nemôžeme ísť.“

136Kde by ste boli zidentifikovaní v tom čase, teraz s vaším charakterom, ktorý je vo vás vyformovaný? Niečo váš charakter vyformovalo, vy máte, ste nejakým druhom charakteru. Niekde sa tu nájdete. Čo by ste boli urobili? Čo by ste vo svojom prítomnom stave teraz, kde by ste stáli v tom čase? Rozumiete?

137Učitelia boli všetci proti Nemu a všetko, a Jeho zázraky proti Jeho zázrakom, ktoré Ho identifikovali, a keď sa postavili tí sedemdesiati a tí pastori a kazatelia sa postavili a povedali, “Tomu nedokážeme rozumieť.“ Či by ste tak odišli, ako tamto zhromaždenie? Alebo by ste boli ako tí učeníci, „Je mi jedno, čo oni hovoria.“? Vidíte, tam to je.

138Potom sa Ježiš otočil a vyskúšal ich a povedal, “Vy všetci tiež chcete ísť?“

139Vidíte, oni Ho chytili do pasce, „No, tento človek je vampír.“ Povedali, „Jesť Jeho telo a krv.“ Oni odišli preč zo zhromaždenia.

140„No,“ povedali tí kazatelia, „No, my zostaneme trošku dlhšie a uvidíme, o čom to všetko je.“

141A On povedal, „No, keď uvidíte Syna človeka, identifikujúceho samého seba ako Boha, vidíte, keď uvidíte Syna človeka vyzdvihnutého do neba, odkiaľ prišiel.“

„Ó,“ povedali, „toto je pre nás príliš veľa,“ a odišli preč.

Potom sa otočil k učeníkom a povedal, „Vy tiež chcete ísť?“

142A Peter povedal, „Pane, ku komu by sme išli, kam by sme išli, my vieme, že Ty a jedine Ty máš Slová života.“

143A dnes je to to isté, „On,“ nie vaša organizácia, nie vaša skupina. Kristus a On Sám má Slovo života. Kde sa sám identifikuješ, či s nejakou falošnou bájkou niečoho, čo človek vytvoril, alebo sa identifikuješ s úspechom Boha? Ako som hovoril minulú nedeľu na tému posledného odpočítavania, to, čo Boh bol schopný dosiahnuť, aby dostal svoju cirkev teraz do veku astronauta.

Rozumiete? Alebo kam by ste išli, alebo dokážete teraz vidieť svoju vlastnú identifikáciu?

144Všimnite si, ten populárny, milujúci učiteľ. Chcem teraz na chvíľu hovoriť ku vám mladým ľuďom. Kde sa identifikuješ ty, mladá dáma, keď si v škole? Ó, dokážete rozštiepiť zrná, môžete preukázať všetko toto a môžeš byť učiteľom vedy a všetko možné, ale vieš čo, oni ti nedokážu dať život.

145Život prichádza iba skrze Krista, „Poznať Jeho,“ nie poznať Jeho Slovo, nie poznať Jeho cirkev, nie poznať Jeho toto, ale poznať „Jeho“, to je jediná vec, ktorá ti môže dať život.

146A keď teraz toto prichádza pred toho moderného tínedžera, niečo, ako váš moderný letničný chlapec Elvis Presley, ktorý predal svoje právo prvorodenstva za flotilu Cadillacov a za milión dolárov zlatých platní a tak ďalej. To je to, čo chce svet. Oni chcú Letničného, ktorý dovolí ľuďom...

147Dnes chcú ženy Letničného, ktorý im dovolí strihať si vlasy a obliekať si šortky a dovolí im robiť si, čo oni chcú, a pritom si chcú zachovať svoje svedectvo, že sú Letničnými. Oni to chcú tak isto. Rozumiete? „Nie, ja by som nešiel ku tamtej skupine, nie, oni majú... To je príliš staromódne.“ Vidíte? Vidíte, oni to chcú. To je prirodzenosť. A niektorí muži, ktorí sú vedení ženami, im to dajú.

148Ale „Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov.“ Niekto musí rozširovať svetlo a dnes máme mužov, ktorí sa neboja rozširovať ho. Nech je to čokoľvek to chce byť.

149Kde si zidentifikovaný? S akou skupinou? Vidíš, kde stojíš? Všimnite si.

150Tento mladý človek sa identifikoval so svojou vlastnou cirkvou a tá cena bola príliš veľká. Tak, ak si pamätáte jeho posledné identifikovanie, kde sme ho identifikovali tohoto mladého muža, ktorý mal príležitosť prísť a nasledovať Ježiša. On išiel vpred a vzal svoju cirkev a pokračoval. Bol dobrým chlapcom, povedal, že zachováva prikázania a robil všetky tieto veci, a on vedel tak isto, ako všetci ostatní, tak on len vzal takú ideu, on odmietol nasledovať Ježiša a Jeho poslednú identifikáciu. Nachádzame ho v pekle, ako kričí na Lazara, aby prišiel a priniesol mu trochu vody.

151Alebo vaša identifikácia, či by ste boli zidentifikovaní s istou skupinou, v ktorej bol Judáš? On začal chodiť s Ježišom, on začal dobre, tak ako Letniční pred mnohými rokmi. Ale práve tá vec, z ktorej vyšli, z organizácie, vaše matky a otcovia, táto mladá skupina sa obrátila rovno naspäť a urobili z toho práve takú istú, z akej vyšli. Rozumiete? S akým druhom skupiny si?

152Biblia teraz hovorí, že tento Laodicejský cirkevný vek... Judáš, viete, niesol... Videl možnosti stať sa niekým veľkým s tým, čo mal. On bol stotožňovaný s Ježišom, tak si pomyslel, že s tým, ako nosil mešec, a pomyslel si, že by si mohol zarobiť nejaké extra peniaze tým, že Ho predá za tridsať strieborných.

153To je presne to, čo urobil laodicejský cirkevný vek. Biblia tak hovorí, „Si bohatá a hovoríš, 'Nahonobila som, a mám množstvo a nepotrebujem nič.' A nevieš, že si mizerná, biedna, slepá a nahá a nevieš o tom.“ To sú Letniční, ten posledný cirkevný vek. Nie Luther, nie Wesley, ale Letniční. To je ten cirkevný vek.

154Kde si identifikovaný teraz? Hovoríte, „Som Letničný.“ Vidíte, kde to je identifikované? Oni Ho vystrčili von. Istotne, pretože sú bohatí a nepotrebujú...

155„Ó, povieš, bohatý?“ No, zvykli ste tu stávať a platiť tri doláre na týždeň nejakému malému evanjelistovi, ktorý spieval na rohu. Nie, že sa to snažím zidentifikovať, ale ak je to potrebné, aby bolo kázané plné Slovo, tak vezmite to. Istotne. Teraz platíme päťdesiat miliónov dolárov za semináre a rôzne skupiny a veľké ohromné veci a na iné miesta je dávaných miliardy a milióny dolárov do obrovských budov, aby sa v nich kázalo, že Ježiš skoro prichádza. A misionári, o ktorých viem, ktorí sú na poli, nemajú na nohách ani topánky. Amen. Robili raz zbierku, niekoľkí ďalší misionári a jeden starý brat nemal na nohách nič, len pár sandálov, to je všetko, čo mal, a on si ich vyzul a dal ich do tej zbierky pre iného misionára. Ó, kde ste zidentifikovaní?

156Letniční, nezostanem na tom príliš dlho, ale viete, čo mám na mysli. Ó, zapredaný. Zapredaný čomu? Zapredali sme práva prvorodenstva popularite. Chceli sme byť ako Metodisti, chceli ste byť ako Baptisti a Presbyteriáni, to je ten druh budov, aké máte. Postavíte seminár a je to ako inkubátor a vyliahnete nejakých ďalších kazateľov, ktorí vám dovolia robiť čokoľvek chcete, a stále sa budete nazývať Letničnými. To je klamstvo. Veru tak. Pamätajte, pamätajte, to je presne tá istá vec, ktorá urobila Judáša populárnym medzi tými ostatnými kazateľmi, keď Ho predal za tridsať strieborných.

157Čo spôsobilo, že sa tak obrátil? On v skutočnosti pochyboval, tie tvrdenia Krista, že On je Slovom. On dokázal vidieť toho človeka, jesť s ním, chytať s ním ryby tam vonku a všetko možné, ale to, že On by bol Slovom, nedokázal tomu veriť. Nedokázal veriť, že On je Bohom, ale On ním bol. Judášov charakter spôsobil, že on toto urobil. Či urobil tvoj charakter to isté? Pamätajte, Judáš bol veľmi nábožný.

158Išiel som do Afriky a oni povedali, „No, Elvis Presley, jeho piesne tu máme všade, ako on spieva.“

159Pat Boone a oni, im by nemalo byť ani dovolené, aby vyslovili to Meno. Špina a hnus. Je to pokrytecké, „Ten, ktorý menuje meno Kristovo, nech sa oddelí od hriechu.“ Rozumiete? Ale tu to máte. Vidíte, kam sme sa dostali? Hriech je taký záludný, on sa vkráda tak prefíkane, až ani neviete, že on tam je, kým vás nedostal do svojho zamotania. Vidíte? A potom vás má vo svojich chápadlách. Vidíte, aká bola Judášova konečná identifikácia?

160A môj brat, pretože cirkev, do ktorej chodíš, je väčšia, ako tá ďalšia na rohu, a pritom oni kážu pravdu a vy nie, vidíte, kam vás to dostáva. To je Judášov duch. A poznáte jeho poslednú identifikáciu? Visel na platanovom strome.

161Alebo sa nachádzate zidentifikovaní s tými skutočnými učeníkmi Krista? Teraz už zakončím, istotne teraz. Boli verní Jemu a Jeho Slovu, uprostred všetkej kritiky. Dokážete sa zidentifikovať s Petrom na deň Letníc?

162Keď to všetci z nich videli, povedali, „Pozrite sa na túto bláznivú skupinu ľudí, oni sú všetci opití.“

163Peter sa postavil a povedal, „Vy mužovia Jeruzalema a vy, ktorí bývate v Júdey, nech je vám toto známe a počujte na moje slová, títo nie sú opití, ako sa nazdávate, toto je len tretia hodina dňa, ale toto je to, čo hovorilo Písmo, ktoré bolo vypovedané skrze proroka Joela.“ Čo to bolo? Slovo Božie sa manifestovalo. On povedal, „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a obdržíte dar Ducha Svätého, to zasľúbenie patrí vám a vašim deťom a tým, ktorí sú široko, ďaleko.“ Koľkí? „Koľkýchkoľvek si Pán, náš Boh povolá.“ On nikdy nepovolal všetkých viete, ale tí, ktorí sú povolaní, oni vedia, čo robiť. V poriadku, v poriadku.

164Alebo s Pavlom. Alebo, či ste boli s Pavlom, keď ho opustil ten popularitu milujúci Démas, kvôli veciam toho sveta, jeho pomocník. Keď by ste videli všetkých tých ľudí, ako sa smiali z Pavla a počuli Pavla povedať, „Prines mi ten kabát.“ Človek s takou službou a mal iba jeden kabát.

165No, Démas si pomyslel, „On by mal mať veľkú ohromnú biblickú školu a všetko to všade mať zorganizované a byť v nejakej veľkej asociácii, no, on by mohol uzdravovať nemocných, bol prorokom, on by mal mať všetky možné peniaze, milióny, dedičstvo a tu ten človek má iba jeden kabát.“

166Pavol povedal, „Schladzuje sa tu, povedzte mu, aby mi sem priniesol môj kabát, keď príde.“

167A keď toto Démas videl, išiel so svetom a opustil svojho malého biedneho brata a nechal ho bojovať samého. Či by ste sa opovážili stáť tam a vidieť Ježiša, ako Mu je zima, vidieť Ho v potrebe a odísť od Neho preč?

168Pamätáte si na svätého Martina, mnohí z vás bratov si ho pamätajú, tie spisy Svätého Martina. On bol z Tours, Francúzsko, a on nebol kresťanom, jeho matka bola kresťanka. On bol bratrancom Irenea. A potom toto bolo o niekoľko sto rokov po smrti apoštolov, keď sa oni stále snažili zachovať Slovo spolu a katolícka cirkev to všetko zaberala so svojimi dogmami a nestála by za tým.

169A svätý Martin, keď prechádzal raz bránou, kde... Bolo chladné popoludnie a ležal tam jeden starý biedny žobrák a bol zmrznutý na smrť. Nikto mu nedal žiaden plášť. Svätý Martin si vyzliekol svoj vlastný kabát, rozťal ho na polovice a zabalil doňho toho žobráka a išiel preč. Ľudia sa mu smiali, „Aký hlúpy vojak,“ dokonca porušuje pravidlá armády, robí takéto veci. Teraz chodí zabalený do polovice kabáta, kvôli takému úbožiakovi.

170V tú noc, ako ležal na posteli, sa zobudil na nejaký hluk, a keď sa pozrel, videl tam stáť Ježiša, zabaleného do kusu toho plášťa, vedel, že to, čo urobil tomu žobrákovi, urobil Kristovi. To bolo jeho obrátenie.

171Či dokážete vydržať, vidieť, ako evanjelium dnes trpí? Alebo by ste išli s tým zástupom, ktorý miluje popularitu tak, ako Démas? Či sa postavíte s ním? Či to znamená žiť, alebo zomrieť? Tak, ako Peter, „Som pripravený ísť do väzenia, alebo kdekoľvek s Tebou.“ Áno.

172Keď tá vec prišla pred cirkev, že či si ženy môžu strihať vlasy, alebo čo by mali robiť, ako to robili Korinťania, na ktorej strane by ste stáli? Aký je váš prítomný stav? Čo by ste robili v tom čase? Pomysli na to, sestra. Keď Pavol povedal, „Nedovoľujem žene učiť, ani si prisvojovať autoritu, ale nech je v poslušnosti.“

173Napísali a povedali mu, „No, cirkev tu, Duch Svätý nám to povedal.“

174On povedal, „Čo, či vyšlo Slovo Božie od vás a či prišlo len ku mne? Ak nejaký človek myslí o sebe, že je prorokom, nech vie, že to, čo hovorím, sú prikázania Božie.“ On povedal v Galaťanom 1:8, „Ak by i anjel z neba prišiel a hovoril vám niečo iné, nech je prekliaty.“

175Na akú stranu by ste sa postavili v tej veci, ak by to bola vaša cirkev. Zistite teraz svoj prítomný stav. Snažím sa vás len opýtať, kde ste. Ó, brat, ponáhľame sa. Pavol sa znížil z veľkej pozície, pamätajte na to. Hovoríte, „Ale, brat, ja som dozorca, ja som... ja som...“ Mne je jedno, čo si, ja sa pýtam, aká je tvoja prítomná pozícia, tvoj prítomný charakter. Čo to, čo to robí pre teba. Kde by si bol zidentifikovaný.

176Pamätajte, Pavol zišiel dolu z veľkého vzdelania, ktoré mal pod Gamalielom. Gamaliel bol jeho veľký učiteľ, on bol niečím veľkým a Pavol by bol býval veľkým človekom, ale on sa znížil, aby videl, že Slovo Božie môže ustavične rásť a on dal za to svoj život.

177Mojžiš zišiel z trónu, kde mohol byť faraónom, aby niesol Slovo Božie cez púšť.

178Ježiš prišiel z neba, aby dal Svoj život. S akým zástupom ste zidentifikovaní? Ó, urobiť cestu, aby sa On sám mohol odrážať, tak, ako blýskajúce svetlo. Kvôli čomu by to On urobil?

179No, dobre, seďte ešte chvíľočku, ešte pár minút, ak chcete, aby sme sa za vás modlili. Viem, že vás držím dlho. Teraz je pol piatej a desať minút. Budeme hotoví do piatej, ak bude Pán chcieť. Počúvajte, s akým zástupom by ste boli identifikovaní? Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať.

180Ježiš prišiel, aby mohol rozsvietiť svetlo. Svetlo, blesk je kvôli obrázku, fotografii. Aby tak On mohol, aby si ty mohol byť reflektovaný, alebo aby On mohol byť reflektovaný v tebe, keď je urobená tvoja fotografia, aby to vyzeralo ako On, keď sa ľudia na teba pozrú, tak oni vidia znovu žiť Božie Slovo. To je to, kvôli čomu On prišiel, aby priniesol ten fotoaparát, skrze Svoju posväcujúcu krv, aby priniesol to Slovo bližšie ku tebe. Pre túto príčinu, On povedal v Jánovi 14:12, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, tiež budete činiť.“ „Ak Ma niekto nasleduje, nech zaprie svoje vyznanie, zaprie samého seba, zaprie tento svet a nech vezme svoj kríž a nech Ma nasleduje.“

181Alebo ste nájdení zidentifikovaní v miestach Písma, v niektorých miestach Písma s tými, ktorí nezostali? Kde ste vlastne zidentifikovaní? Ten fotoaparát už zablysol. Niekde ste identifikovaní. Sedíte tu dnes toto popoludnie, každý jeden z nás počúvajte, vy ste niekde zidentifikovaní. Ten fotoaparát už cvakol, viete, čím ste. To už niekde urobilo vašu fotku. Kde teraz stojíte? Vy ste tým sudcom.

182Nech nám Boh pomôže, aby sme boli tak identifikovaní v Ňom, že budeme odrážať Jeho život v našom živote. Počúvajte, zlatotepec zvykol brať zlato a udierať ho, a on do neho toľko udieral a udieral a prevracal a udieral, až kým v ňom nevidel svoj vlastný obraz, odraz. Potom to bolo čisté zlato, všetky trosky boli vybité. Nech Duch Svätý dnes a na tomto zhromaždení v tých hodinách, ktoré prídu, nech On vezme toto Slovo a nech ho bije v našich srdciach, až všetky naše pochybnosti a všetky naše vyznania a všetky veci, nezhodné s Bohom, sú preč, až môžeme, (počúvajte teraz) až my, Cirkev, môžeme odrážať Jeho vzkriesenie.

183Počúvajte tento malý príbeh a potom si pripravte svoje modlitebné karty.

184V Carlsbade v Novom Mexiku, mnohí z vás počuli o tej veľkej jaskyni tam dolu, ide to dolu pod zem. Idete dolu asi jednu míľu v tej jaskyni. To ide celý čas rovno dolu, asi míľu pod zemou. Je tam taká tma, až môžete takto vystrieť ruku a nevidieť vôbec nič. Je tam také veľké temno. A raz tam išla jedna malá rodina a ten malý chlapec išiel s tým sprievodcom a ten sprievodca zrazu trochu odbehol a vypol svetlo a to malé dievča začalo kričať, bola vystrašená.

185To je asi tak, ako je to teraz s Nevestou, kedy Ona musí zaujať svoj postoj. Vyzerá, že je temno. Rada cirkví vás do tej veci uvrhne, alebo budete musieť zaujať stanovisko a vyjsť von. Musíte odrážať svoj charakter. Čo Ona urobí v tom čase?

186Čo sa stane, keď nebudete môcť kupovať ani predávať? Keď budú mať zjednotenie cirkví. Teraz poviete, „Kedy sa to stane?“ Nie, nie, ten blesk už urobil svoju fotografiu vás. Váš charakter už vydal hlas. Vy ste už v tom, rozumiete? Viete, čo o tom Biblia povedala, „Oni prídu a povedia, 'Áno, Pane, my teraz prichádzame.'“ Ale už je príliš neskoro, dvere sú zatvorené. Rozumiete?

Čo sa stane tej malej Neveste?

187A pri tomto príbehu som o tom rozmýšľal, viete, keď to malé dievča zakričalo a začalo skákať hore a dolu, a byť hysterická, vyzerá, že ju to vystrašilo na smrť, keď videla, čo sa stalo. A v tej polnočnej temnosti, ona bola ihneď odrezaná. A ten malý chlapec vykríkol na plné hrdlo, “Neboj sa, moja malá sestra, je tu muž, ktorý môže rozsvietiť svetlá.“

188Neboj sa, malá Sestra, máme tu Muža, ktorý môže rozsvietiť svetlo, rozumiete, ktorý dokáže spôsobiť, že Slovo Božie urobí presne to, čo má urobiť. Ten muž je Ježiš Kristus. Nech Jeho charakter je reflektovaný s tým Jeho. Modlime sa.

189Neboj sa, malá Sestra, máme tu Muža, ktorý môže rozsvietiť svetlá, kdekoľvek si, kdekoľvek vidíš svoje miesto v toto popoludnie. Ja to ponechávam na teba. Tvoj prítomný charakter pôsobí, že sa uvidíš niekde pozdĺž tej línie, na čom by sme mohli zostať a pokračovať hodiny a hodiny. Čím je tvoj súčasný charakter? Modlime sa teraz a vy sa tiež modlite, pamätajte, možno vás už nikdy neuvidím, možno vy ma už nikdy neuvidíte, kým sa nestretneme tam. Tak teraz vo vašom súčasnom stave, je mi jedno, kto ste vo vašom súčasnom stave, ja sa sám tiež do toho kladiem. Čo odráža dnes popoludní môj charakter? Kde som identifikovaný?

190Nebeský Otče, skúmaj v tejto chvíli naše srdcia. Na tú zmenu stačí len okamih. Nech myseľ Kristova príde do nás. Biblia hovorí, „Nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás.“ To mení náš charakter a v tejto roztrúsenej kázni, ak by som to tak dnes popoludní nazval, to je len môj pokorný spôsob, ako chcem ľuďom ukázať, čo verím, že Ty nám chceš dať vedieť. Bože, nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo mne, a ak som niekde nedokázal spečatiť Tvoje Slovo s „amen“ a nasledovať Ho, potom, Pane, premeň ma a prerob ma, som Tvoj sluha. Chcem tým byť, Pane. Ty mi pomôž, pomôž každému tu, Pane.

191Teraz ich porúčam Tebe. Ak sú tu takí, Pane, ktorí boli pred založením sveta v Tvojom myslení, toto ich istotne budí. Spolieham, že každý jeden z nich bol zobudený. A, Otče, potom tam budeme vedieť, že keď Ty prídeš a tá Veľká Kniha bude otvorená, vtedy porozumieme. Ak sú nejakí, ktorí zblúdili a dostali sa pomimo cesty, modlím sa, Bože, aby si ich dnes priviedol späť, priviedol ich späť na cestu spravodlivosti a života. Sme v Tvojich rukách, Pane, učiň s nami, ako to Ty vidíš vhodné. Porúčam toto obecenstvo Tebe, ako trofeje toho zhromaždenia v Mene Ježiša Krista, Amen.

192No, nemáme čas na výzvu ku oltáru, ale chcem, aby tá výzva k oltáru bola vo vašom srdci. Kde ste identifikovaní vo svojom súčasnom stave?

193Tak potom, ako som toto kázal, idem poprosiť Ducha Svätého, ak by chcel, ak by mi teraz na chvíľu pomohol, kým môžem obdržať pomazanie, aby som sa modlil za chorých. Tieto veci, ktoré som povedal, nech sú pravdivé, Bože, čo aj sú pravdivé.

194No, ak každý len zostane na svojom sedadle a bude teraz skutočne úctivý, buďte prosím úctiví a kontaktujte sa s Ním. Na základe niečoho tu ste, a niečo sa pohybuje, to ťa vyraďuje, je to veľmi tvrdá vec. Vyzerá to, že ak by tá žena, ktorá bola tam v Sychar... Raz sa to stalo. Ježiš to neopakoval znovu a znovu.

195Ale americkí ľudia musia byť stále zabávaní, viete, to je naša nátura. My len... Radšej zostávame doma a sledujeme televíziu, je tam viac zábavy, ako v cirkvi. Vidíte? Vidíte, to je zábava, to je to, čo chceme. Dostalo sa to do cirkvi. Boh ťa nezabáva, On ťa len privádza ku Jeho Slovu. Rozumiete?

196On to povedal tej žene a oni museli uveriť Slovu ohľadne toho, slovu tej prostitútky. Ale celé mesto bolo pripravené, vidíte, oni boli v mysliach Božích pred založením sveta.

197No, nech to Boh môže dnes popoludní zopakovať, to je mojou pokornou modlitbou. A keď vás zanechávam, nech On toto zanechá s vami. Modlite sa.

198Koľkí z vás tam... Nevidím tu žiadnu osobu, ktorú by som poznal, všetci, ktorí sú v tom zástupe, a ja ne... Možno, pravdepodobne sú tie modlitebné lístky po celom mieste, ale vy tam sedíte, ktorí ste chorí a máte určitú potrebu, alebo niečo a vy viete, že ja o vás nič neviem, ktorí ste takí, zodvihnite svoje ruky, kdekoľvek ste. Vidíte? Každý jeden.

199Nech nám Pán v tomto teraz pomôže. Nehýbte sa teraz nikto, prosím vás, nikto sa nehýbte. Toto je veľká vec.

200No, nie je potrebné, aby som hovoril, aby som sa to snažil vysvetliť, neexistuje spôsob, ako by sa to dalo. No, Biblia hovorí, Biblia, ktorá je Slovom, že „On je Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.“ Je to pravda?

201No, niekedy je viera neznáma vám, ktorí ju máte, a vy o tom neviete. Ak sa snažíte do niečoho potlačiť, tak to miniete. Pôjdete ponad to. Je to tak pokorné a jednoduché, rozumiete? „A On je Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.“ Potom, ak sa Ho dotkneš, On bude konať tak isto, ako konal predtým. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Sledujte teraz.

202Vidíte túto ženu, ktorá tu sedí? Nepoznám tú malú dušu. Ona tu len sedí, ale ona je nejako v kontakte s Bohom, pretože v tej dimenzii, do ktorej sa teraz dívam, vidím tú ženu a ona si je vedomá niečoho, čo sa deje. Ona sa modlí za svoje deti, ktoré tu nie sú. To je pravda. Nepoznám ju, nikdy som tú ženu nevidel, ale ona má veľkú starosť o nejaké deti.

203Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha? Veríš, že Ježiš Kristus je tu? Ten Duch Svätý, ktorý... Vidíte, ak sa len môžeme dostať nabok z cesty. Rozumiete? No, uzdraviť ťa, to ja nedokážem, alebo dať ti tvoju túžbu, nedokážem to. Vidíte, to musí prísť cez Boha. Inak, jedine, že by mi On povedal, aby som ti niečo povedal. Ale teraz, ak mi On môže zjaviť, čo je s tým dieťaťom, alebo čokoľvek to je, budeš mi veriť, že som Jeho sluha? Budeš.

204Tak teraz celé obecenstvo, ak to chcete vedieť, tá pani sedí rovno tu. Postavila by si sa? No, Biblia tu leží predo mnou, že ja tú ženu nepoznám. Nikdy som ju nevidel. No, poď teraz späť do Sycharu.

205Buďte prosím všetci úctiví. Rozumiete? Keď vidíte niečo... Vidíte, to je Duch, to sa pohybuje a to ma znovu rozrušuje.

206Áno, tá pani má tri deti, za ktoré sa modlí, a všetky tri sú zatienené, to znamená, že oni nie sú kresťania. Sú nespasené, to je pravda. Jedno z nich je dievča a ono má ranu na svojej nohe tu hore. Je to pravda, že? Jeden z tých chlapcov má nejaký problém s očami, ďalší má srdcový problém a je alkoholikom. To je pravda. Či je to tvoja túžba? Či je to to, čo chceš od Boha? [Sestra hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Potom prosím v Ježišovom Mene, aby ti dal to, čo je tvojou túžbou. Potrebuješ ešte niečo ďalšie?

207Tu je jedna pani, práve, ako som to povedal, ju to rozrušilo, sedí rovno tu, trpí na artritídu, volá sa pani Thomasonová, ona nebude vedieť... Áno, ja som ti cudzí, nikdy v živote som ťa nevidel, ale to je to, kým si. Či veríš, že som Jeho sluhom, pani? Či veríš, že to, čo som povedal, že je pravdivé a prichádza od Boha? Trpíš na artritídu.

208Ten, ktorý sedí vedľa teba, je tvoj manžel, on tiež trpí, on má nejaký problém so žilami a je to nazývané „tvrdnutie žíl,“ to je pravda. Tiež má nejaký problém s nohami. Je to pravda. A potom, ty sa snažíš prestať piť. Chceš to robiť a ty si alkoholička, ale snažíš sa prestať piť. Či veríš, že som Jeho sluha? Či ma prijmeš ako Božieho sluhu? Potom ťa z toho vyslobodzujem v Mene Ježiša Krista. Veríš, pane? Daj svoje srdce Kristovi, vyhľadaj kazateľov ohľadne krstu a tá vec je potom pre teba, len ver.

209Veríte? „Ak len môžete veriť.“ Máš nejaký problém so svojím bokom, že? Ak len budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca, Boh to uzdraví.

210Ty, čo sedíš hneď vedľa, máš cukrovku. Veríš, že Boh uzdraví pri tebe cukrovku a celkom ťa uzdraví?

211Srdcové problémy. Či veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvoje srdcové problémy? V poriadku, pane.

212Ďalší, takisto srdcové problémy. Či veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvoj srdcový problém? To je pravda. Veríš, že On to urobí?

213Táto pani, ktorá tu sedí, pred pár minútami, ako som kázal a hovoril som o vlastnom identifikovaní, ona sa pozrela rovno na mňa, vtedy si bola uzdravená. Máš problémy s obličkami, ak je to pravda, povstaň na svoje nohy. Vidíte? Dobre, ty... Či to nebol zvláštny pocit, ktorý na teba prišiel, keď som povedal o tom osobnom zidentifikovaní? A ty si mala ozaj zvláštny pocit a pozrela si sa rovno na mňa. To je to, kedy sa to stalo. Choď teraz domov, si v poriadku. Len ver Bohu, to je všetko. Vidíte, Slovo je zamanifestované.

214Ty si lapal po dychu, pane, či veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z tých srdcových problémov a uzdraviť ťa kompletne? Ten muž so sivými vlasmi, dobre vyzerajúci muž, ktorý tam sedí, či veríš, že Boh uzdraví ten srdcový problém? Veríš. Tvoja manželka tam teraz sedí. Či veríš, že ti môžem povedať, čo je zlé s tvojou manželkou, skrze pomoc Božiu? Či veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo s ňou nie je v poriadku? Je to anémia, slabosť krvi, je to pravda. Či veríte, že Boh vás teraz oboch uzdraví? Veríte, prijímate to?

215Tá pani, ktorá sedí vedľa nej, vidíte, ako to tam išlo? Tá pani má nejaký problém s chrbtom. Či veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten problém s chrbtom, pani, a zotaviť ťa?

216Ten muž vedľa teba má artritídu, či veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z tej artritídy, pane? Prijímaš to, prijímaš? Zodvihni svoju ruku, v poriadku.

217A čo tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno vedľa a díva sa teraz priamo na mňa, tá, ktorá sedí rovno vedľa teba? Áno, ona sa modlí za svoju matku, jej matka je v nemocnici a má infekciu, je to pravda.

218Zodvihni svoju ruku, ty, ktorá si rovno vedľa toho muža, sestra. To nebola tá matka, za ktorú si sa modlila, táto pani sa modlí za svoju matku v nemocnici, ale ty, tvoj ocko, on má rakovinu a ty sa modlíš za neho, je to pravda. Vidíte?

219Tá ďalšia pani má problém s pľúcami. Či veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten pľúcny problém?

220Tak vidíte, to tak na mňa dopadá, že som takmer akoby oslepený, vidím tu naokolo len akoby dvadsať, tridsať ľudí.

221Kde ste teraz identifikovaní? Si zidetifikovaný tak, že môžeš povedať, „Som veriaci, verím Bohu, alebo verím, že toto je On. Či si zidentifikovaný... Alebo, buď identifikovaný s tým Slovom, že povieš, „Boh to zasľúbil. To, čo robil Ježiš vtedy, urobil znovu dnes, a ja verím, že žijeme vo dňoch Sodomy a je to rovno pred zničením sveta a Ježiš zasľúbil, že On bude manifestovať znovu Samého Seba presne tak, ako to urobil pri Sodome, ako to robil tam a ako to robí teraz.“ Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.]

222Potom všetci z vás, ktorí máte modlitebné lístky v tomto jednom rade tu, táto sekcia tu, postavte sa rovno ku stene, tamtým smerom. Vstaňte zo svojho miesta a postavte sa ku tej stene, všetci na tejto strane.

223A nech potom tí, ktorí sú v tejto sekcii, ktorí majú modlitebné lístky, tá stredná sekcia, postavte sa do tejto uličky a stojte takto tuto. Nepobehujte teraz, vidíte, stojte rovno v uličke. Choďte rovno...

224No, počkajte, chcem, aby tento zástup, ktorý je tu na tejto strane, aby sa postavil týmto smerom, pozrite, obráťte sa týmto smerom, chcem, aby tento zástup tu išiel z tejto strany tadeto, aby sa vrátil uličkou, aby išiel naspäť týmto smerom, keď sa budú vracať a potom si tam znovu sadli.

225A všetci tí, ktorí sú v tejto ďalšej sekcii, ktorí majú modlitebné lístky, postavte sa do tejto uličky, týmto smerom. V poriadku, poďte sem a potom sa vracajte tam naspäť dozadu a tam sa pripojte..

226Tak, vy uvidíte buď kompletný falzifikát, alebo uvidíte Slávu Božiu. Tak, kde ste teraz, dnes zidentifikovaní? Či s veriacim, alebo musíte byť zabávaní, alebo budete veriť Bohu? Niektorí z nich v tých biblických časoch dokonca, len tieň svätého Petra, rybára, ktorý sa nedokázal ani podpísať, len tieň toho muža ukázal to isté znamenie, ktoré vy vidíte tu dnes, prechádzať to ponad ľuďmi a oni boli uzdravení. Koľkí z vás viete, že je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

227Teraz, bratia, vy nie ste vynechaní, zatiaľ čo títo sú tu takto, oni takto prichádzajú a stojte tu. [Brat Branham sa otočil a hovorí ku kazateľom. Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

228Ak je tu nejaký pastor, ktorý verí v modlenie sa za chorých, ja vás nechcem opustiť s tým, že ľudia si budú myslieť (ja tu stojím ako evanjelista s darom rozpoznania a tak ďalej, v tejto prorockej hodine, v ktorej žijeme). Nechcem, aby si ľudia mysleli, že váš pastor neznamená toľko, ako ktokoľvek iný. On je sluhom Kristovým, s tou istou autoritou, ktorú mám ja, alebo ktokoľvek druhý. Našou autoritou je Ježiš Kristus a ja chcem, aby prišli tu dolu a modlili sa so mnou, zatiaľ čo sa budeme modliť.

229Tak teraz každý pastor, ktorý je tu, ktorý verí v Božské uzdravenie a chce tu s nami stáť, či prídeš sem a zaujmeš miesto so mnou, postavíš sa sem, zatiaľ čo sa budem modliť za chorých? Vy, pastori, ktorí chcete prísť, táto skupina pastorov, ktorí to sponzorujú, ja som sa ich tam opýtal, „Nie je v tom rozdiel, odkiaľ je ten pastor, do akej cirkvi patrí,“ či si Presbyterián, Luterán alebo katolícky kňaz, poď sem a postav sa sem, (ak veríš v posolstvo Krista), ako prejav, že veríš v Božské uzdravenie. Poď sem a polož svoje ruky na nich. Istotne sa nebudeš oddeľovať, ako sluha Kristov, nebudeš sa oddeľovať od svojho... Od ľudských bytostí, bez ohľadu na to, či oni patria do tvojej skupiny alebo nie, alebo tvojej farnosti. Nebudeš sa od nich oddeľovať, budeš veriť. Si teraz vítaný, aby si teraz prišiel a pomohol mi s kladením rúk na týchto chorých ľudí, aby mohli byť uzdravení.

230V poriadku, myslím, že tie rady sú pripravené, aby začali. Chcem, aby uvádzači zaujali teraz svoje miesta, aby tak mohli pomôcť s ľuďmi.

231Aby sme tak ne... Každý to porozumie, počúvajte teraz veľmi pozorne. Môžete ma počuť? Povedzte Amen. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Povedzte to znovu. [Amen] Pozrite, dám vám...

232No, nebudem môcť vziať každú osobu, postaviť sa tam a modliť sa s nimi a mať rozpoznanie. Pôjdem ešte s piatimi alebo šiestimi ďalšími a potom ma už zoberú preč z budovy, viete to.

233Ježiš, jedna žena sa Ho dotkla a On sa otočil a povedal jej, aký bol jej problém a všetko o tom. On povedal, „Vyšla zo Mňa sila, cnosť.“ sila, jedna osoba, a to bol Boh manifestovaný v tele.

234Toto je len malý dar, vidíte, aby to zamanifestovalo Jeho, zasľúbený Dar na ten deň. Všimnite si, priatelia.

235Raz bol Peter zavolaný na scénu, kde bola jedna žena mŕtva a volala sa Dorkas, všetci, ktorí si to pamätáte, povedzte „amen“. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] A on tam išiel, kľakol si a modlil sa. Po... Počúvajte teraz, vy, ľudia v modlitebnom rade. Potom, ako sa pomodlil, išiel a položil ruky na Dorkas a ona sa navrátila do života. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“]

236Teraz, bratia, chcem, aby ste sa vy a to zhromaždenie pripojili so mnou. Pozrite sem, ako tu stojíte, je tu asi päťsto ľudí, alebo možno viac, ktorí tu stoja dnes popoludní, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Modlime sa modlitbu viery, každý jeden z nás a potom, ako budú ľudia prechádzať, keď budete na nich klásť svoje ruky, klaďte na nich ruky s vierou, že sa to stane. Ja budem veriť. Ja budem z celého svojho srdca, budem veriť.

237Náš nebeský Otče, teraz tadeto prejde ten veľký pochod, stovky ľudí tadeto prejdú pod ruky týchto kazateľov, nech si uvedomia, Pane, že oni len prechádzajú pod krížom, oni prechádzajú pod... Kde bola preliata krv, aby to učinilo toto, to, čo my činíme, aby to bolo skutočné, pretože ten, ktorý visel na kríži, povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, zotavia sa.“ A nech to ľudia prijmú.

238Ty si zasľúbil, že spasíš kohokoľvek, kto bude „chcieť“. Ty nemôžeš spasiť svet, pretože ten ktokoľvek „chce“ Ti nebude veriť, Ty si išiel do jedného mesta a nemohol si učiniť mnoho mocných skutkov kvôli nevere.

239Ani nebudeš môcť, môcť pomôcť ani jednej osobe, ktorá prejde týmto radom, kým sa oni ochotne z hĺbky ich srdca nezidentifikujú s veriacimi a so Slovom Božím, že tá vec je skončená, nech teraz príde táto veľká identifikácia, že keď každý jeden z týchto ľudí bude prechádzať pod rukami týchto kazateľov, nech to Duch Svätý umiestni do ich sŕdc, že oni reagovali na to Božie naliehanie a nech idú odtiaľto radujúci sa, uzdravení pre osoh Kráľovstva Božieho. Poslúchame ťa, Pane, v tomto skutku v Mene Ježiša Krista, amen.

240Chcem, aby tu niekto... Roy, poď sem, ak môžeš a zaspievaj „Jemu len ver.“ Chcem, aby ste mali vy, ostatní, svoje hlavy sklonené a každý nech sa modlí.

241No, sú tu matky, otcovia a deti, maličkí, nemocné dieťatká, ľudia, ktorí zomierajú na rakovinu. Ak by ste to boli vy, chceli by ste niekoho, kto by bol úprimný. A chceme to úprimne.

242Tak, skloňme teraz všetci svoje hlavy. Pôjdem sem dolu medzi mojich bratov, aby som sa modlil za chorých. [Brat Branham a kazatelia kladú ruky na chorých a modlia sa za nich v modlitebnom rade. Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

243Viete, toto je najnádhernejší čas v tomto obecenstve. A ja som si niečo dnes popoludní všimol: neviem, či ste si to vy všimli alebo nie. Deväťdesiat percent tých ľudí, ktorý boli uzdravení, boli uzdravení dokonca skôr ako prišli tam, kde som ja stál. Oni kričali a vykrikovali a dávali Bohu chválu predtým, ako sa tam dostali.

No, budeme sa modliť za tie vreckovky.

244Pane Ježišu, vieme, že v Biblii, oni povedali, „Brali zástery z tela svätého Pavla.“ Nie preto že to bol Pavol, ale pretože to bol Tvoj sluha, Pane. On bol Tvojim vyslancom a my vieme, že oni povedali, „Nemoci a choroby odchádzali.“ Mnoho ľudí nemohlo na zhromaždenie prísť a oni poslali po niekom vreckovky, ktoré ich reprezentovali. Bože, nech ten Anjel Pánov... On bol ten, ktorý sa pozrel dolu na Červené more a vystrašil ho a Izrael išiel do svojho zasľúbenia. Udeľ to, Pane, aby toto bolo také isté. Nech tieto vreckovky, keď budú položené na chorých, tých chorých uzdravia. Prosím to pre osoh Kráľovstva Božieho, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

245Chcem teraz povedať, len jedno alebo dve slová vám, pretože si vás skutočne cením. Cením si týchto milých kazateľov pozdĺž celého tohoto modlitebného radu, ako položili svoj čas, aby pomohli a to všetko. A možno by ste si mohli myslieť, bratia, že zatiaľ, čo prebiehalo to rozpoznávanie a tak ďalej, tu dolu, že ja som nevedel, za čo ste sa modlili, ale Pán Ježiš mi to pripomenul. Viem, čo...

246Neboj sa o svoju mamu, ona bude v poriadku.

247A ty, čo tu sedíš s tými problémami nosovej dutiny a so ženskými problémami, vedel som to, a ty to premôžeš, neboj sa.

248Vidíte, to bolo za nami tak isto, ako On bol tu vpredu a On o tom všetko vie, vidíte? A vy, ktorí ste prechádzali modlitebným radom a ten istý Boh, ktorý ma pomazal, pred týmto zhromaždením, On tu robí tú istú vec. Vidíte? Je to... A On je ten istý včera, dnes i na veky.

249Veríte Mu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, či nie je nádherný? [Amen.] Či toto nie je niečo?


250Koľkí z vás poznajú túto pieseň? „Požehnané sú putá, ktoré zväzujú naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske“? Môžeš nám udať tóninu, sestra? Chcem to spievať, neviem prečo, ale spievajme to len. Stojme pred Ním skutočne úctivo a spievajme, spievajme to teraz spolu.

Požehnané sú putá,

ktoré zväzujú naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske,

obecenstvo príbuzných myslí,

je ako to, tam hore.

To je starodávna pieseň.

Keď sa rozlúčime (Zodvihnime svoje ruky), pôsobí to vnútornú bolesť, ale stále budeme spojení v srdci v nádeji, že sa znovu stretneme.

251Či to nemilujete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Kým sa nestretneme znovu. Spievajme to teraz všetci spolu, „Kým sa stretneme zas,“ všetci teraz spolu.

Až sa zídeme zas, znovu zas

pri Ježišových nohách,

až sa zídeme zas, znovu zas,

Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas.

252Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy v modlitbe, poprosím tu pastora brata, ak by mohol prísť, a ak chceš niečo povedať, brat, alebo čokoľvek chceš povedať, alebo rozpustiť zhromaždenie, kým sa neuvidíme znovu, nech je Boh s vami. Modlite sa za mňa, milujem vás. Amen.

1 ... as we read the Word. Remembering, after this service this afternoon, you'll probably go back to your churches, for the night service. I'll try to let out early so you can do so.

2Listen. If I was in this city, around, I'd attend to these--these churches here. I really would. I'm not saying it... Never told me to say this. There is some fine man, real brothers. And then each one of you that accepted Christ, if they didn't get your name, why don't you look them up, for Christian baptism, and let them lead you on to the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

3 If you don't have a church, you must; see, you'll die, spiritually, you'll just dwindle away. And if you don't have a church, why don't you go and talk to them, they would be glad to help you. They are--they are--they are brothers in Christ, and, they, they would be glad to help you. Isn't that right, brethren? [The ministers say, "Right."--Ed.] Just very happy to help you, and help you along, do anything that they can for you. Good, faithful man, someone who will watch over your soul and care for you. Do that.

4And if you accepted Christ, and they didn't get your name, just somewhere in the seat you just accepted Him, why don't you go talk to them about baptism now, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Do that now. God bless you.

5 We want to read, this afternoon, out of the book of Philippians, the 2nd chapter of Philippians. And I want to begin with the 5th verse.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man:

And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Wherefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things that are in heaven, and things in earth,... things underneath the earth:

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus is Christ the Lord, to the glory of God our Father.

Let us bow our heads for a moment.

6 Our Lord, we are approaching Thee now in the holy Name that's--that's got Heaven's Name, and all the family in the earth is named. And He told us, when here, "You ask the Father anything in My Name, I will grant it." We just simple people, Lord, but we believe that to be the truth. We believe that what we ask we receive, because if our--if our souls condemn us not, if we don't have any bad feelings of what we've done, that's wrong, then we have this assurance that God will hear us. So we are asking for mercy, this afternoon, for all of us.

7And now I am asking that You will grant to this waiting audience, now, the healing of every person that's in Divine Presence. May this be one of the greatest healing services that we have ever had. May there be something take place, Lord. We don't know how it would happen, or what else could be done, but we pray that the Holy Spirit will have the preeminence this afternoon, to break into every heart and to every mind. As we have just read, "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." I pray, God, that as we see that the mind is the controlling tower of the whole being, that it directs us, and let the mind that was in Christ be in us this afternoon. And He was always believing the Word. And now may there be a great outpouring of His Presence upon us.

8 And I pray for these ministers, Lord, that's cooperated in this meeting, that each of their church will be benefited with such great spiritual and material benefits, because of their stand, to try to bring to their people, the Gospel, in every true fashion that they know It's being preached in. And I pray, Father, that You will bless them. And may the people appreciate them, knowing that--that they are doing it for their sake and for the Gospel's sake; that may they, in return, help and put their shoulders to the wheel, and to push for the Cause that we're trying to bring forth on the earth, the Lord Jesus.

9Now, Father, we pray that You will take the Words as we have read them, and You are Your Own interpreter, so we pray that You'll interpreter It to our hearts today. And when we leave, today, may we say like those coming from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us, as He talked to us along the way?"

10Bless them, God, all these new-born babes that's just come to You. I pray, in their tender little way, that they'll be fed with the sincere milk of the Gospel, that they'll grow into great statures of Christ, that they might be His mouthpieces and servants, to serve Him in this great shadowing age that we're now living, in the evening Lights. Grant it, Father. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

11 [A sister speaks in another tongue. A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.] Amen. Amen. I think the message would be to comfort the saints, and to exalt... exhort the young converts to come closer to God and to continue in the Faith. Thanks be to God.

12Now I want to take this subject for a while. We got, won't be able to speak but just a little while, because we got around five hundred prayer cards out, and they've all got to be prayed for.

13So now I'm doing this so that it might help. I'm wondering if my voice hasn't got a rebound. Can you hear me way back in the back, all right? It just sounds to me like it's bouncing back here. And last night, in making the altar call, I thought that that's maybe the reason people couldn't understand, that it had a rebound.

14 Now I want to take this subject this afternoon: Identification.

15Now, anyone, that must be, we're living in a days when identification is required. You can't, unless you're known at a bank, you can't cash your check unless you have something to identify yourself.

16I know, my wife, she can't cash a check. Yet, when we get our check, we put it in the bank. But she don't cash it, because she doesn't drive, she has no social security number or nothing to identify herself, so therefore it's a hard thing for her to cash a check. You've got to be some official identification, and I think it's just that time that we're living in.

17 If you notice, if you go to a certain denominational church, like a Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or something, you have to have something to identify yourself if you're going to speak. You have to have a credential, or a card, or fellowship card, or something to identify yourself as where they know where you come from and what you're going to say at that platform. You have to be identified. And--and it's identifying age.

18Now all that that happens in the natural is only a type that's going on in the spiritual. We also, the Christian Church Itself, which is of no denomination, but of a Nature. It is the mystical Body of Christ, and It's identified, also. It bears identifications. Jesus identified Himself.

19And now we're going to speak this afternoon upon identifications, in the Bible character. We're going to, or identify our present condition, and with characters of the Bible, of other ages.

20 Now, we wonder sometime what--what we would look like if we would try to look into the mirror and see what we look like. It reminds me of a little story I heard one time, of a family that lived way back in Kentucky, where I come from, way back in the mountain country where there is...

21Well, my grandmother lived to be a hundred and ten years old, and she never seen but one automobile, and to bring it from an old grade, up to where I brought mine up, it taken almost eight hours to go about four miles; putting logs in the creek, and things, to get it across. She never seen a--a--a train, or anything old enough. When she died, years ago, she remembered the assassination of President Lincoln, and lived to be a hundred and ten years old.

22And I guess she never had three or four pairs of shoes, all of her life. And I can just see the little old tracks now, like a little coon track going up to the spring, of a morning before daylight; with a big old cedar bucket, with hoops, brass hoops on it, to get water, come down to do her cooking. Set with her little feet out, before an old fireplace, like that, big cracks, and them bleeding in there.

23But when she died, she put her arms around me, I held her in my arms and cried, praying for her like this. The last words I heard her say, was, "God bless your little soul now and forevermore." I was just a boy then. But she knew Christ as her Saviour, but they didn't have very much of the world's goods.

24 So out of this story comes this, that these people never could afford a looking glass. They didn't have one, and the father had just a piece of a--a mirror he had tacked on the tree, to shave by, on the outside. They had a little boy, and he'd... this little piece of mirror, why, he had never been able to--to get up to where it was at, to see himself. So he come to visit in the city with one of his mother's sisters who had married a--a man that had come to Indiana, and then they lived out there. So they had a home, they'd all...

25The old fashion home, used to be, they had a full mirror on a door, sometime, when he would go in--in--in the bedrooms. I don't know whether any of you remember them old doors, or not, that had a full-length mirror up-and-down the door.

26 So the little boy, he got to his auntie's house, and he was running around like any little boy would, and--and they noticed him. And he--he started to--to walk up the steps. And, as he did, at the head of the steps, when he was getting close to the head of the steps, he begin to see another little boy appearing. And he stopped and looked at the little boy. Course, it was... He waved at him, and he waved back at him. And he kept getting closer and closer, watching the little fellow. First thing, he reached out his hand. He looked around. His parents was watching him, 'cause he had never seen a mirror before. He said, "Well, that's me."

27 So I just wonder, today, if we couldn't look in the Bible, and say, "That's me," as we wonder which one is it, which character in the Bible would we look like. And let's just take that for a little text now and stay with it for a while. And as we look into God's Word, let's identify ourself, for He give others in there for examples of what we are. Now remember that God takes His Spirit... or takes His man, but never His Spirit; Satan takes his man, but never his spirit. So let's see if we can identify our present state now with Bible characters. Now, they, the Bible said, "All those things happened, back in those days, for examples for us." They are our examples.

28 Our character molds us to the image of what we are, our character of life that's in us.

29Now you take a little germ of life, and when if it's a--if it's a germ of a--of a bird, it'll produce a bird. And if a germ of a--of a wheat, it'll produce wheat. A germ of corn, it'll produce corn. See, the life that's in it molds the character of it.

30Then we find the same thing, like a life of a cancer. See, a germ, cancer germ, it molds a cancer. It's an evil life. A life of a tumor would mold a tumor, so forth.

31 You see, we, our characters is molded by what's on the inside of us, and our outside only expresses what's on the inside. What we are, how we walk, no matter what we say, our life speaks louder than our words does.

If we might say, "I am a believer in God."

And I would say, "Well, do you believe all the Bible?"

32"Well, I don't know." Then, you see, your--your--your lips, your very... your life is speaking louder then than what your words would be.

33If you say, "I am a Christian. I do not believe in doing... and I believe all that God said is Truth." Then live any kind of a life after that? See, your--your life speaks louder than what your testimony does.

34 And, you know, that's one of the greatest hindrance that the Church of God has. The bootlegger, the gambler, them people are... we--we all know which way they are headed, and they know, themselves. But the fellow that professes to be a Christian, the woman that professes to be a Christian, and then lives something different, it's the greatest stumbling block that the outside world has got, that--that--that there is in the outside world, anywhere. It's worse than anything the world can produce, is a person that's supposed to be a Christian and then lives something else different from that. Lying, stealing, cheating, and doing things that he ought not to do, it's a discredit to his testimony when you take people that do those things there. And they are they... Our character is molded in there by the life that is in us.

35 Now we would say, "Jesus came to save that which was lost." That's what He did. And now there had to be something to save this lost, so it had to be a different character than that which was lost. So we find then, when God looked down upon this creation of His, that He had made upon the... His... the characters of this earth; His loving character, Hisself, was molded into the Person of Jesus Christ, to be the Saviour of the world. He... This was done so He could pay the penalty for death for us, and redeem us. It certainly fulfilled John 3:16, see, that "God," no other person could do it. Jesus could been no one else. There was no other character anywhere could have produced such a Person as Jesus Christ, but God Himself.

36 Now there was nothing in the Heaven, that could have done it. You know, John looked in the--the Book there, the Bible, we find that he saw there was no one upon the earth that was worthy to take the Book, the Book of Redemption, and there was nobody in Heaven worthy. Nobody that was beneath the earth, or nowhere, was able or worthy to take the Book, to loose the Seals, or to even look on It. And he wept, because in this Book was the Book of Redemption, his own name was in there, and nobody was worthy.

37And then one of the elders said, "Fear not, for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda has prevailed, and He is worthy.

38John looked then to see a--a Lion, and he saw a Lamb, and it must have been a slain Lamb. It was a bloody Lamb. He said It was full of blood, because, "It was a Lamb that had been slain." And a slain lamb is bloody, of course. "And had been slain from the foundation of the world. He came and took the Book." There was nobody else could do it.

39 Because, if you plant any like a cocklebur in the ground... Any of your Arkansas-ers know what a cocklebur is. And put that in the ground, you can't expect to harvest a crop of corn out of it. No, you can't. So if you took a cocklebur and put it with a... and crossed it up with to jimson weed, you still wouldn't have nothing. See? And, see, there is no character in there but what would produce the same character, evil to evil.

40So it taken something that was not evil, that could produce a character like Jesus Christ. And it was God looking upon His creation, and His Own loving character; seeing that lost, yet in His image, made for His glory. And, see that lost, His Own love projected Jesus Christ. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." That was God manifesting Himself, not some other person, but Himself in a body form, to redeem what had been lost. No wonder how sad that must have been, when God looked upon the earth and it grieved Him that He ever made man.

41 One time, I--I had my little girl by the hand, and we was up at Cincinnati, at the zoo, and we were going down along, watching the animals, and I heard a great noise down below the--the--the cages where the--the animals such as wolves and tigers, and so forth, were. I walked down there. And there was a huge, big cage, oh, as high as this ceiling, perhaps. And they had just got an eagle, a little, oh, a few weeks before that, out of a... and put him in captivity. I never felt so sorry for that poor fellow. And he would get back... He's a big bird, and here he was all caged up by some something that man had done, had trapped him into something, and put him in a cage.

42And that big fellow, he was bleeding over the head, his great bald eagle, that big white head; and--and his wings, all the feathers was beat off of them like that. And the poor old fellow was laying on his back; his eyes, wearied, looking around. He'd get up, walk back over to the other side of the cage, and look up towards the heavens. That's where he come from.

43He is a heavenly bird. There is nothing can follow him. A hawk would disintegrate, to try to follow him. Nothing can follow that eagle. And he goes so high, his eyes is comparative with his height, he can see what he is doing when he is up there. What good does it do to get up there if you don't know what you're doing?

44So God likened His prophets to eagles, that foresees things before they happen.

45 And I noticed him bleeding, and he would lay on his back and look up like that. That's where he belonged, but man had caged him. I thought, "What a pitiful sight!" He would get back, and he would fly, flop those big wings and just butt his head against those bars, and fall back in the floor again. Lay there, weary, and look around like that; look in the heavens where he was free, up there, at one time, and now in a cage.

46I stood there and cried. I wish they would have sold me the thing, I'd turned him loose. To see anything caged up! If that would make a man, who loves outdoors, as I love outdoors, if--if that would make a man cry, to look at that; and that was a pitiful sight.

47 But, oh, let me give you a more pitiful sight, is to see men and women who were made in the image of God, to bear His character, yet housed into things, and housed in by the traps of the world. See a beautiful young lady coming down the street, such a--a--a real... her--her... such a pretty woman, and her pretty hair all cut off; see her face with--with... A pretty, shaped face, with so much paint on it, you can't tell what she looks like. Look like she is cankered, with blue under her eyes, and--and eyes like a lizard, or a wolf, or something like that. And to see her with clothes on that she shouldn't be even caught into the--the bedroom herself, with the doors locked, with them on, and out on the street displaying herself like that. And to see sons of God, which ought to recognize that to be their sister, out on the street, whistling and trying to pick her up, to take her out for bad purposes. That's a pitiful sight, to see that Satan has caged in the human race.

48There is nothing could save it but a Character that could come over the top all of that. That, that, there was nothing in it, and That had to come from that pure Fountain of Almighty God.

49 That pretty, little lady who could be a--a real, little queen to some little, tired preacher, come in and take him up on her laps, and put her arms around him and--and quieten him down, there is nothing will take that place. That's part of a man. There is no hand can touch you, when you're tired and wore out, but a real kind, gentle wife who understands. Man knows that.

50And to see her out like that, she is in a cage that Hollywood has put her in. And--and many times them women claim to be Christians, and sing in choirs, but all caged up with a spirit that they can't see. There is no need of you to try to point it out, to them, seem like it just gets worse and worse. See? There they are, a modern Jezebel walking on the streets. And she say, "I give you to understand, I belong to this, and I..." See, still, that--that thing she belongs to has--has cut her off from the resource of Life. When she was born to be a little queen for some man, or some man that was born to be a--a--a son of God, and to think what has happened to them, oh, it's a terrible thing.

51 Then, see, God came down, and the character of God was Christ. He, He was the reflection. He was God, made visible. Notice, God made visible.

52"In the beginning was God." He wasn't even God then. No. God is an "object of worship." Only thing He was, was the Eternal. And in Him was attributes, and those attributes were thoughts. And those thoughts was expressed to Words, and Word was made manifest.

53What is it? It's all God, becoming tangible, and you are a part of God. And Jesus come to redeem those that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life, before the foundation of the world. It was in God's thoughts, and that's what He come to redeem. And them, as soon as It strikes to them, they see It, because the Life is in there.

54But if the Life isn't in there, then what can they do? See? They don't see It. They'll never see It. See?

55And the whole thing, as Jesus said, "At that day, you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." The whole thing is God, becoming material. Like a husband and wife becoming one, together, God and His Church becoming One.

56 Now, it taken something to redeem this fallen woman, which was typified in Eve, when she fell. "Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." Adam knowed that he was doing wrong; she didn't. That's the reason...

57I am not hurting your feelings, but you know I've always stood for it. I don't agree with women ministers, because it's not supposed to be that way. See, she is the weaker vessel. Now we find that this woman was deceived by a someone quoting her the Word, and just missed It a little bit, and that's what caused all the trouble; reason Paul said, "Let her keep silent in the church, not permit her to speak," so forth. Now notice.

58 But, see, all that is, it's displaying showing by type, like the whole Bible, God coming together with a redeemed Wife, a Bride that God had in His mind before the foundation of the world. That was the attributes of God, being displayed. And now to make a character that could redeem this woman, it had to be something greater than her, to redeem her. And did you ever notice... I--I... this may be...

59Now as some of my Arminian brothers are, a--a doctrine that is legalists, would disagree, just let me just... Pardon me for a minute, I might project this. If He is the Redeemer... I don't say this to hurt now, or to be different; I don't preach doctrine, but let me ask you something.

60 If He is a Redeemer, He come, a redeem is to "pick up that which has fallen," to redeem back to a place where it was at the beginning, so none will be picked up but them that was in His thoughts at the beginning. He come to redeem, not this cannon fodder that we see around professing to be Christians; but that He came to redeem, that was in God's thinking at the beginning. This other is just something that mixed around to show the stature. See? It just... it's a--it's a garden, a flower garden. That plays its part. But the stature is what you want to see, the stature of Christ, which was God projected to the earth in the form of a Man. Amen! That's the stature you want to see. That's the One. This other is just make-up parts, you see.

61 Now, this reflected His loving, noble character, God reflected in a Man, called Christ. He was only one that could do this. There was no other character in Heaven could do it, see, was God. He was the sinless nature. He was the Word, sinless nature of God. He was the Word expressed. Which, the Word was the beginning.

62And if you are in the Lamb's Book of Life, you was God's expression from His thought. He seen you and seen your desire, before there even was an atom, or anything else, and you are His thought made word, and expressed in what you are now. Amen. That's God, in you, reflecting Christ today. You know what I mean?

63 Now, I hope that don't interfere with nothing, you see, and I wouldn't want to say nothing contrary to what you've been taught.

64But just so that you would understand what I'm trying to get to here, a reflection, you've got to be identified. And if you are, and you were in God's thinking at the beginning, see, and was His reflection here on earth, you will bear record of the Heavenly, and as He bore record of the Heavenly, also. And when He raised up from the grave, and was given a body; we, when we raise up, will have a body like His Own glorious body.

65The resurrection is sure. It's a guarantee, and we have the earnest of it now, as the Holy Spirit comes in and identifies us as God's redeemed person. Amen! When you receive the Holy Ghost, you're sealed till the journey is over. That is your Token that you hold, that shows that your--your fare has been paid. You are a redeemed character. Satan has no business with you, none whatever. Just pick up your Token and show him, "My healing is paid for. My trip to Glory is."

66 A Token is what you use to ride on a bus line, or an airplane. Your ticket is your token. See?

67Take your Token; you're redeemed; the Blessing, the Holy Spirit. And if Satan tries to push something on you, just show This. That's your identification. Amen. You are identified in the resurrection of Christ. You are identified in His death when you die; you're identified in His resurrection. And, by that, It identifies you, that you were with Him before the foundation of the world, 'cause you are redeemed, that's, "brought back." "All the Father has given Me will come, and no man can come unless He the Father has give it, see, in the beginning."

68 Now notice, He was sinful... sinless, to take a place of the sinful, the antidote. He was without sin so that He might redeem sinners. God was expressed in Him and properly identified Himself in Him. Now notice.

69You say, "Brother Branham, did you say, 'God identified Himself'?" He did.

70Now, "In the beginning," said Saint John 1, "was the Word, and the Word was with God." Now a Word has to be a thought before it's a Word, 'cause the Word is a thought expressed. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God," see, "was God. And the Word, the Word, was made flesh and dwelt among us."

71Identified how? Now Hebrews 4, see, "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting asunder," cutting both coming and going, "cut asunder, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." And when He did that, that's how the prophets was identified, because they... God would speak and tell them just what was wrong and what was going on. See? That is the identification of the Word of the hour, being made manifested.

72 He was the fulness of God's Word, for He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. He was God in human form, and it took God to express such a character as this. And then that lovely life had to be taken from Him, so that He could save these that God's foreknowledge saw in the beginning, which was His thoughts of you and me. Jesus came to do that; His perfect life had to be sacrificed, to redeem that person. Then, if they do, and you were with God in His thoughts at the beginning, how can you deny His Word being true, when you are part of His Word. Amen. Certainly. A vindicated, properly, there could be no mistake about it. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me."

73 Now we find out that in the great turmoil of the day, the people, about understanding God, "God in three persons?" God, it's three attributes of God, like three offices: God above us, in the Holy Spirit up there, in a Pillar of Fire; God made flesh and dwelt among us, a Man that we could touch and handle; now God in the Church. God above you; God with you; God in you. See, the same God, in three different manifestations, but the same God all the time.

74 Notice, to be no mistakes. His sinless Nature expressed God's Word. And the only way that you will ever be able to express God's Word, that you believe It and watch It act behind you, you will have to have that sinless Nature that come from God. Before the foundation of the world, you was recognized with Him. Before the Word can ever express Itself through you, it takes a sinless Nature to do that.

75So much, till, He was the Word in full. The Word of God flowed through Him so freely that even He could speak a Word, it would create. See, that showed Who He was. Who can create, but God? See, God is the only creator there is. And He was so perfect in harmony, Him and the Word was so perfectly together, until He created, even He had, He and the Word being one.

76 No other nature could do this. No other nature could. No character, nothing in the Heavens, nothing else, could do that but Him, for He was the beginning of that Character, Saviour! The Angel wasn't born a Saviour; He was created a Being to worship God, not a Saviour. But in God was a Saviour. An ordinary man born of an ordinary woman couldn't be a Saviour, 'cause his nature is carnal. But it taken God, Himself! Amen. I--I hope you see it. Look, that was the expression, to manifest such a Character as that. For others, it was a fallen character; nothing could save. Angels wasn't created for such. Man was a fallen character. Look, how could this man...

77 Look, to show it's the ones that He thought of, His thoughts is the Christian of today, the thoughts before the foundation of the world. Now remember, "Man, when he was born in sin, shaped in iniquity, comes to the world speaking lies." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There is nothing in him at all. So, you see, if he was in God's thoughts when he come to the world, he's come (in God's thoughts at the beginning) to display His attribute. Do you follow me? ["Amen."] Then Jesus came to break the clouds back, so that attribute could display itself. Amen. That's it. He is God's expressed Word. Now, nothing else could be manifesting; other characters had all fallen. Then, you see, what did Jesus come, to bring back those characters? No, no, they were born in sin, shaped in iniquity.

78He came as a Redeemer. And to redeem anything, is to "bring it back." Amen. Bring it back! It was God's thought, you! Think! Little you, little me; no one in the world could take my place, nobody can take yours. You being a Christian and filled with the Spirit, God, and before the foundation of the world, seen you and knowed every feature that you got, see, and Jesus come to bring you back. That's what Jesus was here for, the Redeemer, the human body, to bring you back. That had to come to be a human, as a Redeemer, to display His attributes as Saviour, come to redeem you and bring you back from where you come from. You were...

79 When you receive Eternal Life, there is only one form of Eternal Life. That's the Greek word, Zoe. Is that right, brother? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] Zoe, "God's Own Life." So you, being a son, you become part of that Life. So the Life that's in you never did begin and It never can end. Think of it. It can't end, because anything that's Eternal never began. The Life that's in you never did begin, that is, if you've got Eternal Life. And that's God, for you was in His thought from the Eternal, and now it's expressed here in a human being, for His glory. Jesus came to redeem that, being the Son, the fulness of God had to come and become that. The sinless character of God did that, that He might redeem these other thoughts that was to come to Him, to make a Wife. See what I mean? Oh, it's a glorious story! We ain't... oughtn't to get on that, anyhow. Let's go on. All right.

80 Notice, "created." God, God flowed through Him just like the--the wind would flow through a--a building, or like the water flow down a stream, even He had... Him and the Word being One. No other character could do it, for He was the only One that was born without carnal. All the rest of them was sexual desire, by carnal. He was born without sex desire. He was the virgin born.

81God identified Himself as we are. He took--He took His strain, what He was, His strain as God, and stretched His tent down here and become human. He made Himself a tent, a body to live in, and that body is known as Jesus. God lived in Christ. See, He become human, in order to save us. And He took our upon Him, our form, that He might mold in us His character.

82 And His character was, that, He did everything that pleased God, and He stayed with the Word. That's what He wanted us for, we'd stay with God's Word, find our place, and then know where we were at. Stay with His Word! And, think of it, we are invited to shape our own character to His. Now we're going to find out what we've done. Shape our character to His Own, by His Own Spirit. Then we, by Him, are sons of God, just what I've expressed, by having His mind in us, to shape our character to His, His mind. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." If that mind is in you, then, you see...

83He only did that which pleased God. He knowed Who He was. He came, the Son of God. He knowed He was to take that place. His character had to be that way. And then when He, having taken this place, He knowed what the Messiah was required of, and He always sought at God to do those things, and did nothing until the Father showed Him.

84 Now if you find your place, sister, don't let me hurt you, or brother, but you'll find your place in the Word, as a Christian. Not what the creed said; that's down here in this lower cannon fodder that's going to be destroyed. See, you find your place as a Christian, because your character is molded as Christ's. You are Zoe the same as He was Zoe. Then if the Bible said for "a woman not to cut her hair," how can you do it? It says "a man is the ruler of the house," how can you women be? What's the matter with you man that's sons of God? See? See, you don't find your place. See? Watch now. In... You're invited to come and take His character. By having His character in You, it molds you into the same mind that He was, and His mind was always to do what the Father had ordained Him to do.

85He said, "Search the Scripture. They testify of Me." In other words, "If I don't do exactly what the Scripture said I'm to do, then show Me where."

86 Now what if God stood on the platform today, and said, "What's required of a Christian?" Then where would we all be? See, the character isn't expressing itself.

87His mind was to stay with the Father's Word. Their--their mind was to... The same mind that was in them was to be in us. And if His mind is in us, we'll do like He did. If His character is in us, we'll be as He was. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All the prophets had that, we know. We took, take about Noah, how he did in his day, Moses, how he did in His day, Daniel in his day, the Hebrew children, and so forth.

88 The Word molds God's character to us, and anything that's tried to be mixed with that character, breaks the mold. You can't mix creed with Word. You can't mix the world with the Word. Jesus said, "You can't serve God and mammon." Mammon means "the world." You can't be; one or the other. "If you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, you see, you can't mix it.

89You can't mix oil and water. It just won't mix. You can churn it up-and-down, do anything you want to, it won't mix.

90And your character will not mix with the world, if you are being molded in the form of God, by letting the mind that was in Christ be in you. That's the control tower, the direction.

91 Now let's look into God's mirror, His Word, and identify our present character by some Bible character. And we'll close just in a few minutes now. Identify ourself. Now This is the mirror that you want to do like that little boy did, look into. Let's look into This and see if can see ourself reflected by some Bible character. See what they did under certain circumstances, and see what we are doing now. Now get me real close now, see what your present character as a Christian is.

92Now you can judge. That won't make nobody judge you; you judge yourself, see. Nobody is judging you. I'm not passing judgment. But let's just reflect, see how it reflects from some characters of the Bible, as we mention them, and see what your character is at this present time. Now notice, the--the--the Word creates a character, we know that, now we look into His mirror and identify ourself by some--some person in the Bible.

93 If you lived in the days of Noah, and was in your present character... If you understand me, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you were living in the days of Noah, and in your present character, what side would you a-been on? Be careful, see. In your present character; now think of what you are. When the groups... What group would you be identified with, if your present character would have been living in the days of Noah? Would you been with the prophet and God's vindicated Word, standing in the minority, the little group, or with the popular-opinion folks of that day? What character?

94Would you have been belonging to the churches, and things, was making fun of that prophet up there? Would you have been walking up with a group that went up and said, "Well, I ain't got nothing against that old man; he might be right," or would you be in there pitching away with him? Now think of your character now. What would you have done when everything was against it?

95 Remember, the world was criticizing the prophet and his message, and--and everything, the world, was criticized. All the churches was criticizing him. All the science said, "The man is crazy." As they said about Jesus, eating the flesh and drinking His Blood, they said, "The Man is a cannibal. He's a vampire." See? So you see where the sensible, what we call the world's sensible people, the scientists?

96Did you know, when you get more education and more culture, did you know that's what side it puts you on? It puts you on the devil's side. The Bible said that, "The children of the darkness are wiser than the ones of the Light."

97Look at the sons of Cain, every one of them become scientists, dealers in buildings, and making great progress. But the sons of Seth was all humble, peasant, sheepherders. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Man renown, of old, as it was in the days of Noah, how they build and made, and built the pyramids and everything, scientists. Watch real close now, see. This people criticized this man's message, though he had the evidence of God with him.

98 Or what if you would have lived in the days of Elijah; Elijah, when him being the pastor at that day? And Jezebel, the twenty-five hundred years ago, Hollywood was starting, with all of her paint and fashions, had got all the daughters of Israel doing the same thing. And one old man standing up there and battering against it! And all the priests saying, "Oh, well, the old fellow, let him alone, he'll come to his end after a while. There is nothing to it. And he, our fine king who is dressed just like we're dressed, and got the finest clothes, and the best fed nation, and everything, what does it make any difference whether you do this, or that, or the other? What difference does it make?" The pastors had been saying it.

99But there stood one man, alone, with THUS SAITH THE LORD.

100 Now in your present character, where would you have been placed then? Now look in the Mirror, when you go home you'll see where you're at. See? See? What, what state would your present condition now place you at that day? Would you have went with the modern idea, the denomination, the sign, the fellow, "Oh, well, we're all married"? Oh, sure, they all worshiped Jehovah every new moon, and they screamed and they drank the water from the fountain, and praised the God of Heaven who brought them up, and all like that, but they're a million miles off the line. Where would your present Christian experience place you in Elijah's time? Where would you be identified? What side would you have took then?

101 Or, when Moses brought Israel, going down there as an identified prophet, with the Word that God had promised Abraham the prophet, would take place, and Moses went down and done all the signs that God told him to do. Listen close now, we're going to close in a minute. Brought them children out and got into the wilderness, the message, like you Pentecostals left fifty years ago from the denomination, and they got across the--the line over there, and there raised a man up, said, "Now wait a minute, let's make an organization out of this," a fellow named Dathan. "Moses, you think you're the only one on the beach. You think you're the only holy man among us. We got other holy man, say something about this. We'll just make us a little group, and we'll believe it this way, and we'll believe it this way, and we'll believe it this a way."

102 Now what group would your present character identify you? Would you, in the days of--of Elijah, would you have went out there where Jezebel, say, cut her hair and painted her face, and was a modern woman? Now just think where you are identified now. You say, "I'm Pent-..." I ain't saying what you are. I'm asking your character. We're going below these little things that you're looking at. We're going on the inside of you.

103Did you hear that Holy Spirit last night, how It screamed out there at last? That's the reason I'm saying what I am today. See? Open your under-... spiritual understanding, people, It's--it's later than you think. See? See? See? You can. It's--it's a way that a person might think that you're right. But I thought, maybe, if the Lord would let me speak this, that they would pardon me for it, the--the association, or, the brethren; which, I know they do, they're right with me on it.

104 Notice. But, this, if--if you can just see your ownself today, in the light; if your spirit, that was in you, lived in a character back there. Now look where you are today, and you'll see where you'd a-been back there. Where would you have been in that time? Would you have took sides with the organization that Dathan wanted to organize? Or, would your present character separated you from that, and stayed with the Word, see, when it seemed all was against it?

105Moses had been thoroughly a vindicated, that he had the message of the Lord. God had proved it in every manner, just exactly what He said had come to pass; told Israel, plumb back in Deuteronomy, way back in there, "Whatever these signs would be, you must follow that and listen to it, and hear what the Word promised." He was made manifest.

106And still Dathan, a smart leader down in Egypt, rose up and said there, "You'll try to make yourself the only one that's got anything."

107That wasn't Moses' thought. He was only doing what God had ordained him to do. All of them didn't have to be Moseses. The people only had to follow what he said. Everyone didn't have to create, and do miracles and things. That's what's the trouble with people today.

108 A lady asked me, coming down the road, the other day, from up here. She said... It's Florence Shakarian, Brother Demos' sister, and Sister Williams and them sat in the car. She said, "Brother Branham, I fast and fast and fast, and still I can't cast out devils."

109I said, "You wasn't born to do such. Your duty, is fast. The Holy Spirit is working on somebody else out there for that. You don't know the place."

110If we had time, we'd teach those things in long meetings. How that one person is burdened, like this, for something over here. You don't know, you don't, and not for you to know. It's Him doing it. You're just submissive to your call, and always line it up with the Scripture, see if it's right or not.

111 Now we find out, both... This was Moses that was criticized, and he was--he was criticized by this group, but God said to Moses, "Separate yourself from him, because I am going to swallow him up in the earth," and he did. Now, see, you must know the hour that you're living, and now judge your character with what they was.

112Or, in the days of Christ. I want to ask you now. When they had the finest seminaries, the finest ministers, the highest educated, the most holy rituals, and everything that we, they ever had; and when Jesus come on the scene, He was actually a "renegade," to them. But, you see, God identified His Own character in Him, by manifesting that He was God. And He said, "If you don't know Who I am, search the Scriptures."

Said, "We know Moses. We don't..."

113Said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you would know Me. He wrote of Me."

114 Now, if you lived in that day, and was a member of some fine church of the Sanhedrin Council, fine pastor, what side would you have took? What, what side would your character now place you on? Think. It's up to you. What side, would your--your character now that you are, where would you identify yourself in the days of Jesus, when your pastor said, Oh, them things are nonsense"?

115And yet here come Jesus back, saying, "The Scripture said I was to do this," and He did it. "The Scripture said I was to do this, and 'born a virgin.' Scripture said I was to do this," and He did it. He said, "Search the Scripture and see where I failed."

116But they said, "Pay no attention to that guy; He is out of His mind." See?

117 What, what present character do you have? Where would you be placed back there in them days when Jesus was on earth, when the big denominations and theologians was all against Him, and all the teachers and theologians of that day was against Him, all the Bible teachers against Him? Against what? Against the clear-cut Word of God for that age being made manifest, being identified, God Himself identified.

118"His Name shall be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. A virgin shall conceive and bear this son. The government shall be as over his shoulders, see, of His Kingdom there is no end." Who is this Person? A baby, God, and then God becomes a man. Could you imagine Jehovah crying like a baby? Could you imagine Jehovah born in a barn? Could you imagine Jehovah playing like a boy? Could you imagine a church, that claimed to worship Him, crucify Him?

119Now what side would you be identified on? What the true-cut, clean-cut Word was saying, Itself, or would you have took to your creed? Your present character, where would you be at? Now that's right where you would have been. Whatever you are right now, that's just what you would have been back there, just exactly, clearly cut. Oh, my!

120 When, His Messianic sign, now watch, His Messianic sign identified His character, for it was God in a man, the Word. See what I mean? It discerned the thoughts, and told them all these things.

121[]... the Word found her in. But when the Word first flashed, she got It. She was one of those thoughts of God, that was manifested. See?

122 But those who stood there in the ecclesiastical robes, with all kinds of dignity, and all kinds of perverting the Word into different things, and making It with no sincerity in It, just they belonged to the church, they was the one that claimed to have Light, and the Light blackened what light they had.

123Like you trying to hold a flashlight in the sun, put the sun out. See? Why won't a flashlight put the sun out, why won't any other light? There is no light can put the sun out. Why? It's the Word of God made manifest. God said, "Let there be light," and that's God's light. It's God's Word manifested; here he come!

124No creed, denomination, no pope, priest, or whatever it is, or Doctor of Divinity, no organization, no nation, no nothing, will ever put out the manifestation Light of God. When the Word is spoke and she comes to Light, it's going to do that what It said It would do. No creed can stand around It, no nothing can stand around it, but Light Itself and those who will walk in it. That's Jesus Christ raised from the dead, here manifesting Hisself among us, and we walk in Him. There is nothing can stop it. "Heavens and earth," Jesus said, "will pass away, but It won't." Notice, all the Bible teachers, and so forth...

125 Yet, seeing that Word vindicated, His messianic sign showing that little prostitute Who He was, others who was had them thoughts in God's mind, like Peter and--and Nathanael, and all those who was in God's thinking. As soon as that Light flashed, they recognized It. They didn't have to pull them up to the altar, call them up and--and beg them, and tell them you'll do something else for them if they would, and you'd give them a better living, and see if you could speak to the boss for a job, put them in a better location. They didn't care. They had to fight to hold their place. "But there is nothing going to separate us," said the Bible, "from the love of God which is in Christ." Persecution, peril, death itself, can't separate us, because we all was, always was, in His thoughts. All right, on we go.

126 Would your present state identify you with the Pharisees of that day? Would your present state? Now if you should say, "No, it wouldn't identify me with them Pharisees then," then what about now? Hebrews 13:8 said He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now what state does your present character identify you now? "I wouldn't have nothing to do with them Pharisees. No, sir." Now, that's just a name, to you. But what about the estate that you're in, when you see Him today in His church just as He was then, now where would you be? History is repeating itself.

127Pharisees of that day stood against Him because of prejudice. And that's what's the matter today, the denominational world stands against Truth of the Word, because it's prejudice.

128 Being interviewed by a Catholic priest not long ago, he said to me, "You're trying to teach a Bible."

I said, "That's what I believe in."

He said, "God is in His church."

I said, "God is in His Word."

129He said, "That was, all them early people were Catholics." I said... "Peter, James and John, they were all Catholic."

130I said, "If they were..." And he said... I said, "You, what do you think about the church today?"

Said, "It's far better off than it was then."

131I said, "Do the things you did then." See, the character shows exactly what it is.

132 Pharisees of that day, for prejudice! Remember, it was prejudice. They actually seen It! Nicodemus, one of their priests, expressed it, and said, "Rabbi, we know You're a teacher comes from God. No man could do what You do without God being with him." See, but for prejudice, because He didn't join up with their group!

133If He would come, say, "Now you Pharisees are wrong; I am a--I'm a Sadducee," or, "you Sadducees are wrong; I'm a Pharisee." The Pharisee would say, "See, I told you we were right." But He didn't come to any of them; but He stood between them.

134If you would have followed Him, to see His miracles then, and then... And you say, "Oh, I'd love to see His miracles." And you followed Him, to see His miracles.

135And then when He come to this place, said he stopped displaying His miracles, like, and begin to teach them. And the seventy ministers, ordained by Christ, got up and walked away from Him because He said something that science couldn't go with, or the rest of the crowd couldn't go with. They couldn't understand how that Man, being a man, yet make Hisself God coming down from Heaven. The Son of man ascend up from where He come from. He was God. Sure, He was. They said, "Oh, we, that's too hard, we can't go that."

136 Where would you be identified at that time, now with your character that's molded in you? Something has molded your character. You are some kind of a character. You would find yourself somewhere here. What would you have done? What, in your present state now, what, where would you have been at that time? See?

137Teachers all against Him, and everything, and His miracles identified Him. And when the seventy got up, and the pastors and the ministers, and got up and said, "We can't understand That," would you have walked away like that congregation? Or would you have been like them disciples, "I don't care what they say"? See, it's there.

138Then Jesus turned and give them a trial, said, "You all want to go, too?"

139See, they had Him caught in a trap. "Why, this Man is a vampire," said, "have to eat His flesh and blood." They walked away, the congregation.

140"Well," the ministers says, "well, we'll stay a little while longer, see what it's all about."

141And He said, "Now when you see the Son of man identifying Himself as God now, see, when you see the Son of man lifting up into Heaven from where He come from."

"Oh," they said, "this is too much for us," and off they went.

Then He turned to the disciples, said, "You want to go, too?"

142And Peter said, "Lord, who would we go? Where could we go? We know that You, and You alone, has the Words of Life."

143 And that's the same thing today, "He," not your organization, not your group. Christ, and Him alone, has the Word of Life. Where do you identify yourself, with some false fable of something man has made up, or the achievement of God? As I spoke last Sunday on the Countdown, what God has been able to achieve, to get His Church into astronaut age now. See? Or, where would you, or can you see your own identification now?

144 Notice, with the popular, loving teacher. I want to speak to you young folks, just a minute. Where do you identify yourself, young lady, you at school? Oh, you can split grains, you can show all this, and--and you're a science teacher and everything. But do you know what? They can't give you Life.

145Life only comes by Christ, "to know Him," not know His Word, not know His Church, not know His This. "Know Him," that's the only thing can give you Life.

146And now when This come before a modern teen-ager, something like your modern Pentecostal boy, Elvis Presley, who sold his birthrights for a fleets of Cadillacs and the million dollars of gold records, and so forth. That's what the world wants. They want a Pentecost can let the--the people...

147Today, the women want a Pentecost that will let--let them cut their hair and wear shorts, or do anything they want to, and--and just maintain their--their testimony of being Pentecost. They, they want that just the same. See? "No, I wouldn't go to that bunch. No, they got... That's old fashion." See? See, they want that. It's just the nature. And some of the man, that's led by the women, gives it to them.

148 But, "God is able of these stones." Somebody has got to scatter the Light, and we've got man today who is not afraid to scatter It, too. Let it be whatever it wants to.

149Where are you identified? What group are you with? See? Where do you stand? Notice.

150This young fellow, he identified himself with his own church; the price was too great. So if--so if you remember his last identification, where we identified this young ruler that had the opportunity to come follow Jesus. He went ahead and took his church and went on. He was a good boy, said he kept the commandments and done all these things. And he knew just as good as any of the rest of them, so he'd just take that idea. He rejected to follow Jesus, and His last identification, we find him in hell, was crying for Lazarus to come and bring him some water.

151 Or, your identification, could you be identified with the group that Judas was in? He started to walk with Jesus. He started out all right, like the Pentecostals did years ago. But the very thing that they come out of, the organization, your mothers and fathers, this young group has turned right back and made them one just like they come out of. See? What type of a group are you with?

152Now the Bible said this Laodicea Church Age... Judas, you know, carried the... He saw the possibilities of getting something great with what he had. He was identified with Jesus. So he thought, with that, he carried the bag, and he could make some extra money by selling Him for thirty pieces of silver.

153That's exactly what the Laodicea Church Age did. The Bible said so. "You are rich, and you say, 'I've increased, and I have plenty of goods, and I have need of nothing.' And you don't know that you're wretched, miserable, blind, naked; and don't know it." That's Pentecostal, the last Church Age; not Luther, not Wesley. But, Pentecostals, that's the Church Age.

154 Where are you identified now? Say, "I'm Pentecostal." You see where it's identified? Of putting Him on the outside. Certainly, because they are rich, have need...

155"Oh, you say, 'rich'?" Why, you used to stand out here and pay three dollars a week for a little old shanty on the corner. Not as I'm trying to identify that; but if it takes that to preach the full Words, take that. Certainly. Now we've paying fifty million dollars for seminaries, and groups, and great big things, and of other places putting billions and millions of dollars in great big buildings, to make way, and preaching Jesus is coming soon. And missionaries I know, on the field, with no shoes on their feet. Amen. Making up an offering, some more missionaries; and one old brother with nothing on his feet but a pair of sandals, that's all he had, he picked them up and laid them up there for an offering for some other missionary. Oh, my! Where are you identified at?

156 Pentecostals! I won't stay too long there, but you know what I mean. Oh, my! Sold out! Sold out what? Sold out our birthrights for popularity. We wanted to be like the Methodists. You wanted to be like the Baptists and Presbyterians. That's the kind of buildings you got. You put up a seminary, and like an incubator, and hatch you out some preachers that'll let you do anything you want to, and still call yourself "pentecost." That's a lie. Right! Remember, remember, that was the very thing that turned Judas to be popular amongst the rest of the ministers, he sold Him for thirty pieces of silver.

157He, what made him turn? He actually doubted the claims of Christ being the Word. He could see that Man, eat with Him, fish with Him out there, and everything else; and Him being the Word, he couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe He was God; but He was. Judas' character caused him to do this. Has your character done the same? Remember, Judas was very religious.

158 I went to Africa, and they said, "Why, Elvis Presley, we got his songs all over here, he sings."

159Pat Boone and them, they oughtn't to be permitted to speak the Name. Filth and dirt! It's hypocritical. "He that names the Name of Christ, let him separate himself from sin." See? But there you are. See where we got to? Sin is so treacherous, it moves in so cunning, till you don't know it's there till it's done got you wrapped around it, see, and then it's got you in its clutches. See what Judas' final identification was?

160And, my brother, because the church that you go to is bigger than the next one over on the corner, yet they're preaching the Truth, and you're not, you see where that gets you? That's that Judas spirit. And you know his last identification? Was hanging on a sycomore tree.

161 Or do you find yourself identified with the real disciples of Christ? Now we're going to close, sure enough now. True to Him and His Word, in the face of all criticism! Can you identify yourself with Peter on the Day of Pentecost?

162When all of them saw it, said, "Look at this bunch of crazy people. They're all drunk."

163Peter stood up and said, "Ye man of Jerusalem, and you that dwell in Judaea, let this be known unto you, and hearken unto my words. These are not drunk as you suppose; this is just the third hour of the day. But this is that, the Scripture, that was spoke of by the prophet Joel." What was it? The Word of God was being manifested. He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The promise is unto you, and your children, and them that's far off." How many? "Even as many as the Lord our God shall call." He never called all, you know. But them, that called, know what to do. All right. All right.

164 Or, with Paul, or when you was with Paul when the--the--the popular-loving Demas forsaken him, for the things of the world, his helpmate; if you'd have seen all the people laughing at Paul, hear Paul said, "Bring a coat." A man with a ministry like he had, and only had one coat.

165Why, Demas thought, "He ought to a-had a great big Bible school, and all this organized everywhere, and in some great association. Why, he could heal the sick. He was a prophet. Why, he ought to have all kinds of money, millions of heir, and here the man only had one coat."

166Said, "It's getting cold down here. Tell him to bring my coat down when he comes."

167And Demas, seeing this, went with the world, and left his poor little brother to fight it alone. Would you dare to stand and see Jesus out there, cold, to see Him needy, and you walk away from Him?

168 Remember Saint Martin? Many of you brothers remember him, the writings of Saint Martin. He was in Tours, France, and he wasn't a Christian. His mother was a Christian. He was a cousin to--to Irenaeus. And, then, this was several hundred years after the death of the apostles, when they was still trying to keep the Word together; and the Catholic church was taking it all off on dogmas, and they wouldn't stand for it.

169And Saint Martin, going through a gate, where... a cold afternoon, and there laid a poor old beggar laying there, freezing to death. Nobody would give him a coat. Saint Martin took off his own coat, cut it in half and wrapped the beggar in it, and went on. They laughed at him. "What a silly soldier that is. He is even breaking the rules of our army. He is doing all this. A man with a half coat wrapped around him, for that bum."

170That night as he laid in his bed, he was awakened by a noise. And when he looked up, there stood Jesus wrapped in that piece of coat. He knowed what he done to that beggar, he done to Christ. That was his conversion.

171 Would you stand and see the Gospel suffering today? Or would you go with the popular-loving crowd, like Demas did? Are you going to stand by Him, live or die? Like Peter did, "I'm ready to go to prison, or wherever, with You." Yeah.

172When the issue comes forth in the church, whether women should cut their hair, or what they should do, like they did in Corinthians, what side do you take then? What's your present state do that time? Think of it, sister. When, Paul said, "I suffer not a woman to teach or usurp any authority, but be under obedience."

173They wrote and told him, said, "Well, the church over here, the Holy Ghost told us."

174He said, "What? Came the Word of God out of you? And came It to me only. If any man thinks himself to be a prophet, let him acknowledge that what I say is the commandments of God." He said, in Galatians 1:8, "If an angel comes from Heaven and says any other thing, let him be accursed."

175 What side would you take in that issue if it was in your church? Huh? Find your present state now. I'm just trying to ask where you're at. Oh, brother, let's hurry. Paul stooped from a great position, you remember. You say, "But, brother, I--I'm a district man. I'm a--I'm a..." I don't care what you are. I'm asking you what your present position, your present character. What, what's it doing for you? Where would you be identified?

176Paul, remember, come down from a great education under Gamaliel. Gamaliel was his great teacher, and he was a great something, would have been a great man. But he stooped, to see that the Word of God could continually grow, and gave his life for it.

177Moses come from a throne, to be a Pharaoh, to carry the Word of God through the wilderness.

178Jesus come from Heaven, to give you Life. What crowd are you identified with? Oh, to make a way to reflect Hisself, like a flashing Light! What would He do that for?

179 Now, right, just set still just a minute longer, a few minutes longer, if you want to be prayed for. I know I'm holding you long. It's right now twenty minutes to five. We'll be gone by five, the Lord willing. Listen. What crowd would you be identified with? I want to ask you something.

180Jesus come that He might turn on the Light. The flash light takes a picture. See, that He could, you could be reflected, or He could be reflected in you; when your picture is taken, it'd look like His; when people look at you, they see God's Word living again. That's what He come, to bring that camera, by His sanctifying Blood, to bring the Word close to you. For this cause, He said, John 14:12, "The works that I do shall you do also." "And if any will follow Me, let him deny his creed, deny himself, deny the world, take up his cross and follow Me."

181 Or are you found identified in some of the Scriptures where the--in some of the Scriptures where the... them that didn't stay? Where you identified with, anyhow? The camera has already flashed. You're identified somewhere. You are setting here this afternoon, every one of us, now listen, you're identified somewhere. The camera has already flashed. You know what you are. It has took your picture somewhere. Now where you standing? You're the judge.

182God help us to be so identified, in Him, that we'll reflect His Life in our own. Listen, the goldsmith used to take and beat the gold, and he kept beating it and beating, and turn it over and beating it, till he seen his own reflection in it. Then it was pure gold; all the sludge was beat out. May the Holy Ghost, today, and in this meeting, in the hours to come, may He take this Word and beat It over, in our heart, until all of the doubts, all the creeds, and all the things contrary to God, is gone, that we can, (listen now) that we, the Church, can reflect His resurrection.

183 Listen, this little story, and then get your prayer cards ready.

184In Carlsbad, New Mexico, many of you has heard of that big cavern down there, see, down under the ground. You go down about a mile, on a--on a thing. It goes plumb all the way down, a mile under the ground. It's so dark, until you put your hand like this, you couldn't see nothing, it's just so dark. And a little family went down one time, and--and the little boy was walking with the guide, and the guide went over, all at once, and just flipped the light, and the little girl begin to scream. She was scared.

185That's about like the little Bride now, that has to take Her stand. It looks dark. The Council of Churches is going to throw you into that thing, or you're going to have to take a stand and come out. You have to reflect your character. What's She going to do in that time?

186What's going to happen when you can't buy nor sell, when they have a union of church? Now you say, "When that happen?" No, no, the flash has done took your picture then. Your character has already told you. You're already in it. See? You know what the Bible said about that. "They would come, say, 'Yes, Lord, we're coming in now,' but it's too late, the door is closed." See?

What's going to happen to the little Bride?

187 I think of it, in this little story. You know, when that little girl was screaming, jumping up-and-down, in hysterics, like to scared her to death, when she seen what happened. And in that midnight darkness, she was cut off all at once. The little boy said, screamed out, with all of his voice, said, "Don't fear, little sister, we got a man here who can turn on the lights."

188Don't you fear, little sister, we got a Man here Who can turn on the Light, see, Who can make the Word of God do just what It is supposed to do. That Man is Jesus Christ. Let your character reflect with His.

Let us pray.

189 Don't fear, little Sister, we got a Man here who can turn on the Lights. Wherever you are, whatever you have seen your place this afternoon, I'll leave that with you. Your present character will make you see yourself somewhere along the line. Which, we could have went hours and hours on it. What is your present character? Now let's pray, and you pray, too. Now remember, I may never see you again, you may never see me again, until we meet over there. Now in your present state; I don't care who you are. In your present state, I'm putting myself in there, too, what does my character reflect this afternoon? Where am I identified?

190 Heavenly Father, search our hearts, in this minute. It only takes a moment of time, a change. Let the mind of Christ come into us. The Bible said, "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." That changes our character. And in this drawed out sermon, if I should call it that, this afternoon, just my humble way of showing the people what I believe, that You would have us to know. God, let the mind that was in Christ be in me. And if anywhere that I have failed to punctuate Your Word with an "amen," and then follow it out, then, Lord, change me, make me over. I am Your servant; I want to be, Lord. Help Thou me. Help everyone in here, Lord.

191And now I commit them to You. If there is those here, Lord, who was in Your thinking before the foundation of the world, surely this is wakening them up. I trust that every one of them was. And There, Father, we'll know when You come and the great Book is opened, we will understand then. And if there is some that has strayed away, got off the Path, I pray, God, that today You'll bring them back, bring them back to that Path of righteousness and Life. We're in Your hands, Lord, do with us as You see fit. I give this audience to You, as trophies of the meeting, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

192 Now we haven't time for the altar call, but I want the altar call to be in your heart. Where are you identified, in your present state?

193Now after preaching like that, I'm going to ask the Holy Spirit, if He will, to help me just a minute now, till I can get the anointing to pray for the sick. These things that I have said, let them be true, God. Which, they are true.

194Now if everyone will just keep your seat and be real reverent just a moment, please, so, you see, and contact Him. You're right on something here, and something moves, it throws you out. It's a very hard thing. It looks like, if that one woman up there at--at Sychar... It was done one time. Jesus didn't repeat it over and over.

195But the American people has got to be entertained, you know, that's--that's just the nature of us. We'd just... We would rather stay home and watch television, more entertainment than there is in the church. See? That's, see, that's entertainment. That's what we want. It's got into the church. God don't entertain you. He just brings you His Word. See?

196He said that to that woman, and they had to believe that prostitute's word for it. But the whole city was ready, see, they were in the thoughts of God before the foundation of the world.

197Now may God repeat it again this afternoon, is my humble prayer. In leaving you, may He leave this with you. Pray.

198 How many out there... I don't see a person there that I know. All that's in this crowd, and I don't... maybe, probably prayer cards is all over the place. But you setting out there, that's sick or got a need, or something, and you know that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands, just everywhere you are. See? It's just everyone.

199May the Lord help us now in this. Now don't no one move. Don't, please, no one move. This is a--a great thing.

200Now, there is no need of me saying, trying to explain it, there is no way of doing it. Now, the Bible said, which is the Word, that, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right?

201 Now sometimes faith is unknown to you; you got it, and you don't know it. If you try to push yourself into something, you miss it, you go over the top of it. It's so humble and simple, see. "And He is the High Priest that can be touched by our infirmities." Then, if you touched Him, He would act like He did before. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now watch.

202You see this woman setting right down here? I don't know the little soul. She is just setting there, but somehow she is in contact with God. Cause, in the dimension that I'm now looking in, I see the woman, and she is conscious that something is going on. She is praying for her children who is not here. That is right. I don't know her. I've never seen the woman, but she was deeply concerned about some children.

203Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe that, that Jesus Christ is here, the Holy Spirit Who... You see, if we can get ourselves out of the way! See? Now to heal you, I can't. See? Or, to give you your desire, I can't. See, that has to come through God, 'unless He would tell me to tell you something. Now, but if He can reveal to me what's the matter with that child, or whatever it is, you--you will believe me to be His servant? You will.

204 Now the whole audience, if you wish, the lady is setting right here. Would you stand up? Now, the Bible laying here before me, I do not know the woman. I've never seen her. Now, here, come right back to Sychar now.

205Please, everyone be reverent. See? When you see something... See, it's a spirit, it moves, throws me off again.

206Yes, the lady has three children she is praying for, and all three of them is shadowed. That is, they are not Christians. They're unsaved. That is right. One of them is a girl, and she has a sore on her leg, up high. That's right, isn't it? One, something wrong with their eyes, one of the boys. Another one has got heart trouble, and is an alcoholic. That's true. Is that your desire? Is that what you want from God? [The sister says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then I ask, in Jesus' Name, that He gives you what your desire is. You need--need anything, anything else?

207 Here is a lady, just as I said that, it disturbed her. She is setting right back here. She is suffering with arthritis. Her name is Miss Thomason; she won't know... Yes. I am a stranger to you. I never seen you in my life, but that's who you are. Do you believe me to be His servant, lady? Do you believe what I've said is true, and comes from God? You are suffering with arthritis.

208That's your husband setting there by you. He is suffering, too. He has something wrong in his--his veins, it's called "hardening of the arteries." That's right. He has something wrong with his feet, also. That is right. And, then, you're trying to quit drinking. You want to do it. You're an alcoholic, but you're trying to quit drinking. Do you believe me to be His servant? Will you accept me as God's servant? Then I deliver you from that, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Do you believe, sir? Give your heart to Christ, see the ministers about baptism, and the thing is over for you. You just believe.

209 Do you believe? "If thou canst believe!" Got something wrong with your side, haven't you, honey? If you'll believe with all your heart, God will heal it.

210Setting there, next, you got diabetes. Do you believe that God will heal the diabetes for you, and make you well?

211Heart trouble; you believe God will heal the heart trouble? All right, sir.

212Also, heart trouble, next. Do you believe God will heal the heart trouble, next? That's right. You believe He'll do that? Uh-huh.

213This big lady setting here. A few minutes ago, when I was preaching, come down about identifying yourself, she looked right straight towards me. You were healed then. You had kidney trouble. If that's right, stand up on your feet. See? Well, you like... Wasn't it a strange feeling come to you when I said that about identifying yourself? And you had a real strange feeling, looked right straight to me. That's when it took place. Go home now, you're well. Just believe God, that's all.

See, the Word is made manifest.

214 Caught your breath, sir. Do you believe God can heal you of that heart trouble, make you well? The man with gray hair, nice-looking fellow setting there, do you believe God will heal the heart trouble? You do. Your wife sets there now. Do you believe I can tell you what's wrong with your wife, by the help of God? You believe that God can tell me what's wrong with her? It's anemia, a blood condition. That's right. Do you believe God will make you both well now? You do? You accept it?

215Now the lady setting next to her. See that going down there? That lady has something wrong with her back. Do you believe God will heal the back trouble, lady, and make you well?

216The man next to you has arthritis. Do you believe God will heal you of the arthritis, sir? You accept it? You do? Got your hand up. All right.

217 How about that little lady setting there looking right at me, right next to you? Yes, she is praying for her mother. Mother in the hospital, with infection. That's right.

218You put up your hand, right next to her, sister. It wasn't the mother you were praying for. This lady is praying for her mother in the hospital. And, but, you, your dad, he's got cancer, and you're praying for him. That's right. See?

219The next lady has lung trouble. Do you believe God will the heal lung trouble?

220Now, you see, it's just got me so I'm just blinded, almost, see about twenty or thirty people across there.

221 What, where are you identified now? Are you identified in saying, "I am a believer. I believe God. Or, I believe that this is Him"? Do you identi-... Or, you be--be identified with that Word, say, "God promised It. What Jesus did then, He did again today. And I believe that we're living in the days of Sodom, and just before the destruction of the world. And Jesus promised that He would manifest Himself again just like He did at Sodom, like He was doing there, and like He is doing now." Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

222Then, all you that have prayer cards, in this one row here, this section here, stand up against the wall, that way. Go right out of your place, stand up against the wall, all on this side.

223Now let those that are in this section that has prayer cards, the middle section, stand up in this aisle, stand out this a way. Don't, don't move over now, see, stand right in the aisle. See, go right...

224Now wait. I want this, this crowd over on this side, to stand this a way, look, turn this a way. I want this crowd to go around this a way; go back through the aisle, go back that way, come around and join yourself over here.

225Now all that's in this other section, that has prayer cards, stand up in this aisle, this a way. That's right. Come out here, and go back towards the back, and join in behind these.

226 Now you're either going to see a complete flop or you're going to see the Glory of God. Now where are you identified today, with believer, or you have to be entertained, or are you going to believe God? Some of them in the Bible time, as even the shadow of Saint Peter, a fisherman who couldn't sign his name, the shadow of that man, that showed the same sign that you seen here today, passed over the people and they were healed. How many knows that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

227 Now, brethren, you're not left out. While these here, like that, see, it'll make that come. And just stand here. [Brother Branham turned and spoke to the ministers.]

228If there be a pastor here that believes in praying for the sick, I don't want to leave you people think, (me standing up here as an evangelist and--and with a gift of discernment, and so forth like that, and the prophetic hour that we're living in), to make you think that your pastor just ain't just as much as anybody else. He's a servant of Christ, with the same authority that I have or anybody else has. Our authority is Jesus Christ. And I'm going to have them come down here and pray with me while we're praying.

229 Now, every pastor in here that believes in Divine healing and wants to stand with us here, will you come and make, take your stand with me here while I'm praying for the sick, any of you pastors that wants to come. This group of pastors, sponsoring pastors, I asked them there; said, "It makes no difference what the pastor is, what church he belongs to." If you're Presbyterian, Lutheran, or a Catholic priest, come here and stand with us if you believe the Message of Christ, that you believe in Divine healing. Come here and lay your hands upon them. Surely you wouldn't--you wouldn't separate, as a servant of Christ, you wouldn't separate yourself from your... from the human beings, no matter whether they belonged to your--your--your manse or not, or your parish. You wouldn't separate yourself from them. You'll believe. Now you're welcome to come here and help with me, laying hands upon these sick people, that they might be healed.

230 All right, I think the lines are about ready to start. I want the ushers now to get their places, so they can help with the people.

231Now, so that we don't... everybody will understand, now listen real close. Can you hear? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Say it again. ["Amen."] Look, I'm going to give you...

232Now, I can't take each person, stand there and pray with them, and have discernment. I'd go about five or six more, and they would be taking me away from the building. You know that.

233Jesus, a woman touched Him, and He turned around and told her what her trouble was, and all about it. And He said, "Virtue is gone out of Me," strength; one person. And that was God, manifested in flesh.

234This is just a little gift, see, to manifest Him, a promised gift for the day. Notice, friend.

235 Peter, one time, was called on the scene where there was a woman dead, by the name of Dorcas. All of you remember it, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And He went over and knelt down, and prayed. After... Listen now, you people in the prayer line. After He prayed, He went over and laid hands on Dorcas, and she came to life. Is that right? ["Amen."]

236Now, brethren, I want you and this congregation to join in with me. Look here, standing here, about five hundred people, or maybe more, standing here, this afternoon, to be prayed for. Now let us pray a prayer of faith, each one of us. And then when the people comes by, when you lay your hands upon them, lay them upon there, with faith, that it's going to happen. I'm going to believe. I'm, I, with all my heart, I'm going to believe.

237 Our Heavenly Father, now the great march will start through here. Hundreds of people will pass through, and under these ministers' hands. Let them realize, Lord, that they are just passing under the Cross. They're passing under the... where the Blood was shed to make this, what we're doing, to be real. For, He that hung on the Cross, said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And let the people accept it.

238You promised You would save whosoever "will." You can't save the world, because whosoever "will" won't believe You. You went into a city, many mighty works you couldn't do, because of unbelief.

239Neither will You be able to help one person that comes through this line, unless they're willingly, from the bottom of their heart, to identify themselves with the believers and the Word of God, that the thing is over. May this great identification come now, that when each of these people passes under the hands of these ministers, may the Holy Spirit place into their heart that they have did the bidding of God, and may they go out of here rejoicing, healed, for the Kingdom of God's sake. We obey You, Lord, in this act, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

240 I want someone, Roy, come here if you will, and sing Only Believe. I want the rest of you, your heads bowed, and everybody praying.

241Now, these is mothers, fathers, and children, little, sick babies, people dying with cancer. If it was you, you would want somebody sincerely. And we want that sincerely.

242Now, let's all bow our heads now. I'm going to step down here among my brethren, to pray for the sick. [Brother Branham and the ministers lay hands on the sick and pray for them in the prayer line.]

243You know, it's been a most wonderful time in this fellowship. And I have noticed something this afternoon; I don't know whether you did or not. Ninety percent of those people that were healed, were healed before they even got to where I was at. They were screaming and shouting, and giving God praise before they got there.

Now we're going to pray for these handkerchiefs.

244 Lord Jesus, we know that in the Bible, they said, "They took from the body of Saint Paul." Not because He was Paul, but because that He was Your servant, Lord. He was Your ambassador, and we know that they say that, "Sickness and diseases departed." Many people could not attend the meeting, and they sent a handkerchief to represent them. God, let the Angel of the Lord; He was the One that looked down upon the Red Sea and--and got it scared, and Israel went on to their promise. Grant it, Lord, that this will be the same. May these handkerchiefs, laying upon the sick, heal the sick. For the Kingdom of God's sake, in Jesus' Name, I ask it. Amen.

245 Now I just want to say a word or two, to you, 'cause I really appreciate you. I appreciate these fine ministers, all down the line; they put in their time of help, and everything. And maybe you might have thought, brethren, that while the discernment was going on, and so forth, down here, I didn't know what you were praying about, but the Lord Jesus reminded me of it. I know what...

246Don't worry about your mama. She'll be all right.

247And you setting there, with that sinus and female trouble. I knowed it, all along. You're going to be over it. Don't worry.

248See, It was behind us, same as He was here in front, and He knows all about it. See? Now you've come through the prayer line, and the same God that would anoint me before the service, here He is doing the same. See? It's... And He is just the same yesterday, today, and forever.

249Do you believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] Isn't this something? Yeah.

250 How many knows this song, "Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love"? Could you give us the key on that, sister? I--I want to sing it. I don't know why, but let's just sing it. Stand real reverent before Him now and sing, sing it together now.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

That's an old-timer.

When we asunder part, (Let's raise our hands.)

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

251Don't you love that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Till, till we meet, now, all of us together, "Till we meet again," all of us together now.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

252Let us bow our heads now in prayer. I'm going to ask the pastor here, brother, if he'll come up; and if you got anything to say, brother, or whatever you want to say, or dismiss the audience. Until I see you again, God be with you. Pray for me. I love Him. Amen.

1...Ako čítame Slovo. Pamätajte, dnes popoludní po tomto zhromaždení, pôjdete pravdepodobne späť do svojich cirkví, kvôli večernej službe. Pokúsim sa vás prepustiť skoro, aby ste mohli ísť.

2Počúvajte, ak by som bol niekde tu v meste, tak by som prišiel do týchto cirkví tu. Skutočne, nehovorím to preto... Nikto mi nepovedal, aby som toto povedal. Sú tu niektorí milí muži, skutoční bratia, a potom každý jeden z vás, ktorí ste prijali Krista, ak o vás nevedia, čo keď by ste ich vyhľadali, aby vás pokrstili kresťanským krstom a nech vás vedú do krstu Duchom Svätým.

3Ak nemáte cirkev, musíte ju mať, rozumiete, lebo inak zomriete, duchovne zomriete, schátrate. A ak nemáte cirkev, čo takto ísť a pohovoriť si s nimi, oni vám radi pomôžu. Oni sú bratia v Kristovi, a oni vám radi poskytnú pomoc. Je to pravda, bratia? [Kazatelia hovoria, „Pravda“ - pozn.prekl.] Budú veľmi šťastní, keď vám budú môcť pomôcť a pomôžu vám na vašej ceste, ak budú môcť pre vás urobiť, čo bude v ich silách. Dobrí, verní muži, niekto, kto bude nad vami bdieť, nad vašou dušou a postará sa o vás. Urobte to.

4A ak ste prijali Krista, a oni o vás nevedia, len ste Ho prijali niekde tam na sedadle, prečo neísť a nepohovoriť si s nimi teraz ohľadne krstu a krstu Duchom Svätým? Urobte to. Nech vás Boh žehná.

5Chceme dnes popoludní čítať z knihy Filipanom, z druhej kapitoly Filipanom, a chcem začať od piateho verša:

Lebo nech je také smýšľanie vo vás, aké bolo aj v Kristu Ježišovi,

ktorý súc v podobe Boha nepovažoval toho za lúpež byť rovný Bohu,

ale sám seba zmaril prijmúc podobu sluhu a stal sa podobný ľuďom

a súc v spôsobe najdený jako človek ponížil sa stanúc sa poslušným až po smrť, a to po smrť kríža.

Preto aj Bôh jeho povýšil nad všetko a dal mu z ľúbosti meno, ktoré je nad každé meno,

aby sa v mene Ježiša sklonilo každé koleno bytostí ponebeských a pozemských i podzemských,

a každý jazyk aby vyznal, že Ježiš Kristus je Pánom, na slávu Boha Otca.

Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

6Náš Pane, pristupujeme teraz ku Tebe, v tom Svätom Mene, ktoré nesú nebesia, to Meno a celá rodina na zemi je po ňom pomenovaná. A On nám tu povedal, že, „Keď budete prosiť Otca o čokoľvek v mojom Mene, Ja vám to udelím.“ My sme, Pane, len jednoduchí ľudia, ale veríme, že to je pravda. Veríme, že to, čo prosíme, prijímame, pretože ak nás neodsudzujú naše duše, ak nemáme nejaké zlé pocity z toho, čo sme urobili, niečo, čo je nesprávne, potom máme toto uistenie, že Boh nás počuje. Tak prosíme o milosrdenstvo, dnes popoludní pre nás všetkých.

7A teraz Ťa prosím, aby si teraz udelil tomuto očakávajúcemu publiku uzdravenie každej osoby, ktorá je v Božskej prítomnosti, nech by toto bolo jedno z najväčších zhromaždení s uzdravovaním, ktoré sme kedy mali. Nech sa niečo udeje, Pane. My nevieme, ako sa to stane, alebo čo iné by mohlo byť učinené, ale modlíme sa, aby mal Duch Svätý dnes popoludní prvenstvo, prelomiť sa do každého srdca a do každej mysle. Ako sme práve čítali, „Nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás.“ Modlím sa, Bože, že ako vidíme, že myseľ je kontrolnou vežou celej bytosti, že ona nás riadi, tak nech je dnes popoludní tá myseľ v nás, ktorá bola v Kristovi. A On vždy veril Slovu, a nech je teraz na nás veľké vyliatie Jeho prítomnosti.

8Modlím sa za týchto kazateľov, Pane, ktorí spolupracovali v tomto zhromaždení, aby cirkev každého jedného mohla čerpať úžitok z týchto veľkých duchovných a mocných požehnaní, kvôli ich postoju, ktorým sa snažia priniesť svojim ľuďom Evanjelium v každom správnom spôsobe, o ktorom vedia, v ktorom je to kázané. A modlím sa, Otče, aby si ich požehnal, a nech ich ľudia docenia, nech vedia, že oni to robia kvôli nim a pre Evanjelium, nech môžu na oplátku pomôcť a priložiť svoje ramená ku kolesu a tlačiť tú veľkú vec, ktorú sa snažíme priniesť na zem, Pána Ježiša.

9Teraz, Otče, modlíme sa, aby si vzal Svoje Slová, ako sme ich prečítali, a Ty si svoj vlastný vykladač, tak sa modlíme, aby Si to vyložil dnes v našich srdciach, a keď dnes odídeme, nech môžeme povedať ako tí, ktorí prichádzali z Emauz, „Či nehoreli naše srdcia v nás, ako hovoril ku nám na ceste?“

10Požehnaj ich, Bože, všetky tieto znovuzrodené dieťatká, ktoré práve prišli ku Tebe. Modlím sa, aby Si ich kŕmil Svojím nežným malým spôsobom, tým úprimným mliekom Evanjelia, aby vyrástli do plných postáv Krista, aby mohli byť Jeho ústami a Jeho sluhami, aby Mu slúžili v tomto veľkom zatienenom veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme, v tých večerných svetlách. Udeľ to, Otče, prosíme toto v Ježišovom Mene, Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

11[Nejaká sestra hovorí v inom jazyku, prázdne miesto na páske, nejaký brat dáva výklad. - pozn.prekl.] Amen, Amen. Myslím, že to posolstvo bolo pre potešením svätých, aby vyvýšilo... Napomenulo mladých obrátených, aby prišli bližšie ku Bohu, a pokračovali vo viere. Vďaka buď Bohu.

12No, chcel by som teraz na chvíľu vziať takúto tému. Máme, nebudeme schopní hovoriť iba krátku chvíľu, pretože máme rozdaných okolo päťsto kariet a za nich všetkých sa máme modliť.

13Tak, ja robím toto, aby to mohlo pomôcť. Neviem, či sa môj hlas tu príliš neozýva. Dokážete ma počuť dobre tam vzadu? Mne to tu znie, akoby sa to odtiaľ sem odrážalo a minulý večer, keď sme robili oltárne zavolanie, myslel som si, že to je možno ten dôvod, že ľudia nedokázali rozumieť, pretože sa to tu odrážalo.

14Tak chcel by som dnes popoludní vziať toto, ako tému: Identifikácia.

15No, každý jeden, musí to tak byť, žijeme vo veku, v dňoch, kedy je vyžadovaná identifikácia. Nemôžete nič, jedine, že ste pre banku známy, nemôžete dostať hotovosť z vášho šeku, jedine, že máte niečo, s čím sa preukážete, identifikujete.

16Viem, že moja žena nemôže dostať hotovosť zo šeku, a pritom, keď dostaneme šek, vložíme ho do banky, ale ona nedostane za neho hotovosť, pretože ona nešoféruje, nemá žiadne číslo sociálnej bezpečnosti, ani nič, čím by sa mohla identifikovať, tak pre ňu je to ťažká vec, aby obdržala zo šeku hotovosť. Musíte mať nejakú oficiálnu identifikáciu a ja myslím, že to je práve ten čas, v ktorom žijeme.

17Ak si všimnete, ak idete do určitej denominácie, cirkvi, ako sú Metodisti, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, alebo niečo, musíte mať niečo, s čím sa identifikujete, ak tam máte hovoriť. Musíte mať nejaké poverovacie listiny, alebo preukaz, alebo kartu obecenstva, alebo niečo, s čím sa preukážete, aby vedeli, odkiaľ pochádzate, a čo idete na pódiu povedať. Musíte byť identifikovaný, a to je vek identifikácie.

18No, všetko, čo sa deje v tom prirodzenom, je len typom toho, čo prebieha v tom duchovnom. Tak isto my, samotná kresťanská cirkev, ktorá nie je žiadnou denomináciou, ale ona je prirodzenosťou. Je to tajomné telo Kristovo, a ono je tiež identifikované. Ono nesie identifikáciu. Ježiš Sám ju identifikuje.

19A tak ideme teraz v toto popoludnie hovoriť o identifikáciách v tých biblických typoch a ideme sa zidentifikovať (stotožniť), preukázať náš prítomný stav s charaktermi v Biblii tých minulých vekov.

20No, niekedy sa divíme, ako by sme vyzerali, ak by sme sa snažili pozrieť do zrkadla a pozreli sa, ako vyzeráme. Pripomína mi to jeden malý príbeh, ktorý som raz počul o jednej rodine, ktorá žila ďaleko v Kentucky, tam, odkiaľ ja pochádzam, ďaleko v hornatom vidieku, kde je...

21No, moja stará mama žila sto desať rokov a nikdy nevidela auto. A to moje, ktoré som prerobil z takého starého stavu do takého, akého som ho dostal, s ním to trvalo ísť asi osem hodín, nejaké štyri míle a kládol som brvná cez potok a rôzne veci, aby som sa dostal na druhú stranu. Ona nikdy nevidela vlak, alebo niečo také. Keď zomrela pred rokmi, pamätala si zavraždenie prezidenta Lincolna a ona žila sto desať rokov.

22A ona hádam nemala nikdy tri, alebo štyri páry topánok za celý svoj život. Ja môžem teraz vidieť tie malé stopy, ktoré vyzerali ako stopy medvedíka čistotného, ako ide ku prameňu, niekedy ráno, predtým, ako vyšlo slnko. A ona vyšla s takým veľkým dreveným vedrom, malo na sebe takú medenú obruč a ona išla nabrať vodu, aby mala na varenie. A keď si sadla pred ohniskom, vystrela si svoje malé nohy a mala na nich také veľké trhliny, a oni krvácali.

23Ale keď zomierala, objala ma, a ja som ju držal v náručí, a plakal a takto som sa za ňu modlil. Jej posledné slová, ktoré som ju počul povedať, „Nech teraz Boh žehná tvoju malú dušu na veky.“ Bol som vtedy len chlapcom, ale ona poznala Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, ale oni nemali mnoho tých svetských vecí.

24Tak to, čo nám z tohoto príbehu vyplýva, je, že títo ľudia si nikdy nemohli dovoliť mať lupu, a oni žiadnu nemali, a ten otec mal len kúsok, úlomok zrkadla, ktorý mal pribitý na strome tam vonku, kde sa zvykol holiť. Mali malého chlapca a on... Tento malý kúsok zrkadla, no on nebol nikdy schopný dostať sa do tej výšky, v akej ono bolo, aby sa sám uvidel. Tak, oni prišli do mesta navštíviť jednu zo sestier jeho matky, ktorá sa vydala za muža, ktorý prišiel z Indiány, a oni tam žili. Tak mali domov a všetko...

25Ten starý štýl domu, ako to zvyklo byť, oni mávali na dverách zrkadlo do veľkosti dverí, niekedy to mali na dverách do spálne. Neviem, či si niektorí z vás pamätáte, tie také staré dvere, oni mávali zrkadlo na plnú šírku a výšku dverí.

26Tak, tento malý chlapec prišiel do domu svojej tety a on tam pobehoval, ako by to robil každý chlapec, a oni si ho všimli a on začal ísť hore schodmi, ako išiel, ako mu hlava prechádzala úroveň poschodia, keď sa približoval hlavou ku schodom, začal vidieť iného malého chlapca, ako sa tam objavuje, a zastavil sa, a pozrel sa na toho malého chlapca. Samozrejme, to bolo... Zakýval na neho a ten na neho zakýval späť, a on išiel stále bližšie a bližšie a pozoroval tohoto malého chlapca. Najprv on vystrel svoju ruku, poobzeral sa, jeho rodičia ho sledovali, pretože on nikdy predtým nevidel zrkadlo. On povedal, „No, to som ja.“

27Tak, som zvedavý dnes, či by sme sa nedokázali pozrieť do Biblie a povedať, „To som ja.“ Ako sme zvedaví, kto je kto, ktorá postava v Biblii, na ktorú sa podobáme. A vezmime to teraz ako malý text a zostaňme na chvíľku s tým. A ako sa dívame do Božieho Slova, identifikujme sa sami, pretože On dáva ostatným príklady toho, čo sme. Pamätáme, že Boh berie Svojho Ducha... Alebo berie svojho človeka, ale nikdy nie Svojho Ducha. Satan zaberá svojho človeka, ale nikdy neberie preč svojho ducha. Tak vidzme, či sa dokážeme zidentifikovať, náš prítomný stav dnes, s Biblickými postavami. No, Biblia hovorí, „Všetky tie veci sa stali v tamtých dňoch, ako príklady pre nás.“ Oni sú naše príklady.

28Náš charakter nás formuje do obrazu toho, čo sme, náš charakter života, ktorý je v nás.

29No, vezmite malý zárodok života, a ak je to zárodok vtáka, to vyprodukuje vtáka. Ak je to zárodok pšenice, to vyprodukuje pšenicu, zárodok kukurice vyprodukuje kukuricu. Vidíte, život, ktorý je v tom, formuje ten charakter toho.

30Potom zisťujeme tú istú vec, napríklad pri živote rakoviny, vidíte zárodok, zárodok rakoviny formuje rakovinu. To je zlý život, a život nádoru vyformuje nádor, a tak ďalej.

31Vidíte, my, náš charakter je formovaný tým, čo je vo vnútri v nás, a náš vonkajšok iba vyjadruje to, čo je vo vnútri. To, čo sme, ako kráčame, nezáleží na tom, čo hovoríme, náš život hovorí hlasnejšie, ako naše slová. Ak by sme mohli povedať, „Ja som veriaci v Boha.“

A ja by som povedal, „No, veríš celej Biblii?“

32„No, neviem.“ Potom vidíš tvoje pery, tvoj vlastný život, hovorí hlasnejšie, ako to, čo sú tvoje slová.

33Ak povieš, „Ja som kresťan, ja neverím, že sa má robiť... A ja verím všetko, čo Boh povedal, že je pravdou.“ A potom žiješ akýkoľvek druh života po takom vyznaní? Vidíš, tvoj život hovorí hlasnejšie, ako tvoje svedectvo.

34A viete, to je jedna z najväčších prekážok, akú má Cirkev Božia. Priekupník s alkoholom, hazardný hráč a takí ľudia, oni sú... Všetci vieme, ktorým smerom idú, a oni to tiež sami vedia. Ale tá osoba, ktorá vyznáva, že je kresťanom, žena, ktorá vyznáva, že je kresťankou, a potom žije niečo odlišné, to je najväčší kameň potknutia, ktorý ten vonkajší svet má, aký existuje v tom vonkajšom svete, kdekoľvek to je. To je horšie, ako čokoľvek, čo môže svet vyprodukovať, to je osoba, ktorá má byť kresťanom, a potom žije niečo odlišné od toho. Klamanie, kradnutie, okrádanie a robenie vecí, ktoré sa nemajú robiť. To je zneváženie Jeho svedectva, keď vezmete takých ľudí, ktorí robia tie veci, a oni sú tí, ktorí... Náš charakter je formovaný tým životom, ktorý je v nás.

35No, povedali by sme, „Ježiš prišiel, aby zachránil to, čo bolo stratené.“ To je to, čo urobil. A teraz tam musí byť niečo, čo by zachránilo stratených, tak to musí byť odlišný charakter od toho, ktorý bol stratený. Tak, potom zisťujeme, keď sa Boh pozrel na toto Svoje stvorenie, ktoré učinil na... Tie charaktery tejto zeme a Jeho milujúci charakter, On sám bol vyformovaný do osoby Ježiša Krista, aby bol Spasiteľom sveta. On... Toto sa stalo, aby On mohol zaplatiť pokutu za smrť pre nás a vykúpiť nás. Istotne to vyplnilo Jána 3:16, vidíte, že „Boh“, žiadna iná osoba by to nedokázala urobiť. Ježiš nemohol byť nikým iným. Neexistoval žiaden iný charakter, nikde, ktorý by mohol vyprodukovať takú osobu, ako Ježiš Kristus, iba Boh sám.

36Tak, nebolo nič v nebesiach, čo by to mohlo urobiť. Viete, Ján sa pozrel tam do tej knihy do Biblie, zisťujeme, že on videl, že nebol nikto na zemi, kto bol hoden vziať tú Knihu, Knihu vykúpenia a nebol nikto v nebi, kto by bol hodný. Nikto, kto bol pod zemou, ani nikde nebol schopný, alebo hodný vziať tú Knihu a uvoľniť tie Pečate, ani dokonca sa na ňu pozrieť. A on plakal, pretože v tejto Knihe bola Kniha vykúpenia a jeho vlastné meno bolo tam, a nikto nebol hodný.

37A potom jeden zo starších povedal, „Neboj sa, lebo Lev z pokolenia Júdovho zvíťazil a On je hodný.“

38Ján sa potom pozrel, aby uvidel Leva, a videl Baránka a to musel byť zabitý Baránok. Bol to krvavý Baránok. Povedal, že bol plný krvi, pretože, „Bol to Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý.“ A zabitý baránok je krvavý, samozrejme. „A bol zabitý od založenia sveta, On prišiel a vzal tú Knihu.“ Nebol nikto, kto by to dokázal urobiť.

39Pretože, ak zasadíte niečo do zeme, ako napríklad bodliak... Každý z vás, ktorí ste z Arkansasu, viete, čo je to bodliak. A zasaďte ho do zeme a nebudete môcť očakávať žatvu kukurice z toho, čo ste zasadili. Nie, nemôžete. Tak, ak vezmete bodliak a postavíte ho s... A skrížite ho s jedovatou burinou, stále z toho nebudete mať nič. Rozumiete? Vidíte, tam nie je žiaden charakter, to len vyprodukuje ten istý charakter, od zla ku zlu.

40Tak bolo potrebné niečo, čo nebolo zlé, čo by mohlo vyprodukovať charakter ako Ježiš Kristus. A to bol Boh, dívajúci sa na svoje stvorenie a Jeho vlastný milujúci charakter, keď videl tých stratených, pritom na Jeho obraz, učineným na Jeho Slávu, a keď videl tých stratených, Jeho vlastná láska premietla Ježiša Krista. „Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného Syna.“ To bol Boh, prejavujúci samého Seba, nie nejakú inú osobu, ale samého Seba, vo forme tela, aby vykúpil to, čo bolo stratené. Niet divu, že to muselo byť smutné, keď sa Boh pozrel dolu na zem a Jeho to zarmútilo, že vôbec učinil človeka.

41Raz som išiel s mojou malou dcérkou do zoologickej záhrady v Cincinnaty, držal som ju za ruku a boli sme tam, prechádzali sa a pozorovali tie zvieratá a počul som taký ohromný zvuk dolu z klietok, kde boli zvieratá, ako vlci a tigre, a tak ďalej, a prešiel som tam. Bola tam obrovská veľká klietka, no možno tak veľká až po tento strop, a oni tam mali orla, ó, bol malý a bolo to pred pár týždňami, vtedy ho tu uväznili. Nikdy som necítil takú ľútosť, ako za tú malú bytosť. A on by sa vrátil... On je veľkým vtákom a tu bol celkom uväznený v klietke, niečím, čo učinil človek, a chytil ho s niečím do pasce a zavrel do klietky.

42A tento orol bol na hlave celý krvavý, bol to orliak bielohlavý a mal bielu hlavu a svoje krídla, všetko to perie bolo dotrhané a ten chudáčik ležal na chrbte, jeho oči vystrašené a obzeral sa. Potom vstal, prešiel ku druhej strane tej klietky a pozrel sa ku nebu. To je to, odkiaľ pochádza.

43On je nebeským vtákom. Neexistuje nič, čo ho dokáže nasledovať. Sokol by sa rozpadol, roztrhol, keď by sa ho snažil nasledovať. Nič nedokáže nasledovať orla. A on ide tak vysoko, jeho oči sa mu prispôsobujú s výškou a on dokáže vidieť, čo robí, keď je tam hore. K čomu by to bolo dobré dostať sa tam hore, ak neviete, čo robíte?

44Tak Boh pripodobnil svojich prorokov ku orlom, ktorí predvídajú veci, predtým, ako sa stanú.

45A všimol som si, ako krvácal, a on ležal na chrbte a takto sa díval hore. To je to, odkiaľ pochádzal. Ale človek ho uväznil. Pomyslel som si, „Čo za žalostný pohľad.“ On cúvol, trochu vzlietol, zatrepal tými veľkými krídlami a len udieral svojou hlavou do tých mreží a spadol znovu späť na podlahu, tam ležal unavený a obzeral sa, díval sa do nebies, kde bol slobodný. Raz tam bol a teraz je v klietke.

46Stál som tam a plakal. Prial by som si, aby mi ho predali a ja by som ho pustil. Vidieť niečo uväznené. Ak to urobí človeka, ktorý miluje prírodu, ako ja milujem prírodu, ak to spôsobí, že človek plače, keď vidí niečo také, a to bol ozaj žalostný pohľad.

47Ale, ó, dovoľte mi ukázať vám ešte žalostnejší pohľad a to je vidieť mužov a ženy, ktorí boli učinení na obraz Boží, aby niesli Jeho charakter a pritom sú uväznení do vecí, uzavretí do pascí sveta. Keď vidíte krásnu mladú ženu, ako ide dolu ulicou, taká naozaj... Jej... Taká pekná žena a ona si svoje pekné vlasy celé ostrihala, vidíte, že ma tvár s... Pekne tvarovaná tvár a ona si na to dá toľko farby, že až nedokážete povedať, ako vlastne vyzerá. Vyzerá, ako by mala všade rakovinu. Má modré pod očami, a oči ako jašterica, alebo vlk, alebo niečo také. A vidieť ju s takým oblečením, aké by nemala mať dokonca ani vo svojej spálni za zatvorenými dverami, zamknutými a ona ide takto na ulicu a takto sa vystavuje. A vidieť synov Božích, ktorí by mali rozpoznať, že ona má byť ich sestra, tam na ulici oni pískajú a snažia sa ju zaujať, aby ju so zlými úmyslami zneužili. To je žalostný pohľad vidieť, ako Satan uväznil do klietky ľudskú rasu.

48Neexistuje nič, čo by to mohlo zachrániť, iba charakter, ktorý by mohol prísť ponad vrch všetkého toho. Na Ňom nebolo nič a to muselo prísť z toho čistého žriedla Všemohúceho Boha.

49Tá krásna mladá dáma, ktorá by mohla byť skutočnou malou kráľovnou, nejakému malému unavenému kazateľovi, ktorá by prišla a vzala ho do náručia a objala ho a dala také utíšenie, neexistuje nič, čo môže zaujať také miesto. To je časť muža. Neexistuje žiadna ruka, ktorá by sa ťa dotkla, keď si unavený a zmorený, ako skutočná, milá, nežná manželka, ktorá ti rozumie. Muži to vedia.

50Ako keď ju vidíte takto, ako sa nachádza v klietke Hollywoodu, ktorá bola na ňu položená. A mnohokrát si tie ženy nárokujú, že sú kresťankami a že spievajú v chóroch, ale sú cele uväznené do klietky duchom, že nemôžu vidieť. Vôbec sa nemusíš snažiť jej na to ukázať, alebo im, zdá sa, že sa to tak stáva len horším a horším. Rozumiete? Tam oni sú. To je tá moderná Jezábeľ, ktorá kráča po uliciach. A ona povie, „Chcem, aby si rozumel, že ja patrím do tohoto a ja..“ Vidíte, tá vec, do ktorej ona patrí, ju odrezala od toho zdroja života, keď sa pritom narodila, aby bola malou kráľovnou pre nejakého muža. Pre nejakého muža, ktorý sa narodil, aby bol synom Božím, a keď pomyslíte na to, čo sa im prihodilo, ó, je to hrozná vec.

51Potom vidíte, Boh zostúpil dolu a charakter Boží bol v Kristovi. On bol tým odrazom. On bol Bohom, učinený viditeľným. Všimnite si, Boh sa zviditeľnil.

52„Na počiatku bol Boh.“ On vtedy dokonca nebol ani Bohom, nie, Boh je „Objekt uctievania.“

Jediným, čím bol, bolo, že On bol Večným, a v Ňom boli atribúty a tie atribúty (vlastnosti) boli myšlienkami, a tie myšlienky boli vyjadrené do slov a to slovo sa prejavilo.

53Čo je to? To je všetko o tom, ako sa Boh stáva hmatateľným, a vy ste časťou Boha. A Ježiš prišiel vykúpiť tých, ktorí boli umiestnení do Baránkovej knihy života, pred založením sveta. To bolo v Božích myšlienkach a to je to, čo On prišiel vykúpiť. A oni, akonáhle ich to zasahuje, oni to vidia, pretože tam je ten život.

54Ale, ak tam ten život nie je, čo potom môžu urobiť? Vidíte? Oni to nevidia. Nikdy to neuvidia. Rozumiete?

55A celá tá vec, ako povedal Ježiš, „V tom dni spoznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.“ Celá tá vec, to je Boh, ktorý sa stáva hmotný, tak, ako sa manžel a manželka stávajú jedno, spolu. Boh a Jeho cirkev sa stávajú Jedným.

56Tak, bolo potrebné niečo, čo by vykúpilo túto upadnutú ženu, ktorá bola ukázaná v type v Eve, keď ona upadla. „Adam nebol zvedený, ale žena súc zvedená bola v prestúpení.“ Adam vedel, že činí zlé, ona nie. To je ten dôvod...

57Ja nechcem zraňovať vaše pocity, ale vy viete, že vždy som za tým stál. Ja nesúhlasím so ženami kazateľkami, pretože to tak nemá byť. Rozumiete, ona je slabšou nádobou. Zisťujeme teraz, že táto žena bola zvedená niekým, kto jej citoval Slovo a len to trochu míňal, a to je to, čo spôsobilo všetky problémy, a prečo Pavol povedal, „Žena nech je v cirkvi ticho, nedovoľuje sa jej hovoriť.“ A tak ďalej. Tak všimnite si.

58Ale vidíte všetko toto, to je ukázané a preukázané pomocou typov tak, ako celá Biblia, že Boh prichádza spolu s tou vykúpenou Manželkou, Nevestou, ktorú mal Boh vo svojej mysli pred založením sveta. To boli tie atribúty Božie, ktoré sú vystavené. Tak, aby bol učinený charakter, ktorý by mohol vykúpiť túto ženu, to muselo byť niečo väčšie, ako ona, čo by ju vykúpilo. A či ste si niekedy všimli... Ja... Toto môže byť...

59No, tak, ako moji arminiánski bratia majú náuku, ktorá je legalistická, oni nebudú súhlasiť, ale dovoľte mi len... Prepáčte mi na chvíľu, možno by som toto vyjadril. Ak je On vykupiteľom... Nehovorím toto teraz, aby som niekoho zranil, alebo aby som bol odlišný, nekážem náuku, ale dovoľte mi len opýtať sa vás niečo.

60Ak je On vykupiteľom, On prichádza, a vykúpiť znamená, „Zodvihnúť to, čo spadlo.“ Vykúpiť naspäť do toho miesta, kde to bolo na počiatku, takže žiadni nebudú zodvihnutí, okrem tých, ktorí boli v Jeho myšlienkach na počiatku. On prišiel vykúpiť nie túto „potravu pre delá“, ktorú vidíme naokolo vyznávať kresťanstvo, ale On prišiel vykúpiť to, čo bolo v Božom myslení na počiatku. To ostatné je len niečo, čo sa mieša okolo toho, aby to ukázalo tú postavu. Rozumiete? To je len... To je záhrada, záhrada kvetov to hrá svoju rolu, ale tá postava, socha je to, čo chcete vidieť. Postava Krista, ktorý bol Bohom premietnutým na zem vo forme človeka. Amen. To je tá postava, ktorú chcete vidieť, to je Ten. To ostatné sú len také druhoradé časti. Rozumiete?

61Takže toto prejavilo Jeho milujúci, šľachetný charakter, Boh prejavený v človeku, ktorý sa nazýval Kristus. On bol tým jediným, ktorý toto mohol dokázať. Neexistoval žiaden iný charakter v nebi, ktorý by to dokázal. Rozumiete? Iba Boh. On bol tou bezhriešnou náturou, On bol Slovom. Bezhriešna nátura, prirodzenosť Božia. On bol vyjadreným Slovom, pritom to Slovo bolo na počiatku.

62A ak si v Baránkovej knihe života, bol si Božím vyjadrením Jeho myšlienok. On ťa videl a videl tvoju túžbu, ešte pred tým, ako existoval nejaký atóm, alebo niečo iné, a ty si Jeho myšlienkou, ktorá sa stala Slovom a vyjadrila sa do toho, čím si teraz. Amen. To je Boh v tebe, vyjadrujúci Krista dnes. Rozumiete, čo myslím?

63Tak dúfam, že to nie je s ničím v rozpore, rozumiete, a ja by som nechcel povedať niečo v protiklade s tým, čomu ste boli učení.

64Ale len aby ste porozumeli, čo sa tu snažím predložiť. Je určitý odraz a vy musíte byť identifikovaní. A ak ste a boli ste v Božom myslení na počiatku, rozumiete, a boli ste Jeho odrazom tu na zemi, potom budete vydávať svedectvo o tom nebeskom, tak ako On vydal svedectvo o tom nebeskom tak isto. A keď vstal z mŕtvych a bolo Mu dané telo, my, keď my povstaneme budeme mať telo, ako je Jeho slávne telo.

65Vzkriesenie je isté. Je to záruka a my máme teraz závdavok toho, ako Duch Svätý vstupuje a identifikuje nás, ako Božiu vykúpenú osobu. Amen. Keď prijímate Ducha Svätého, ste zapečatení až do konca cesty. To je vaším znakom, ktorý držíte, ktorý ukazuje, že vaše cestovné bolo zaplatené. Ste vykúpeným charakterom. Satan nemá s vami nič do činenia, vôbec nič, len zodvihnite svoj znak a ukážte mu to, „Moje uzdravenie je zaplatené, moja cesta do Slávy je zaplatená.“

66Znak je to, čo používate, keď idete cestovať autobusom, alebo lietadlom. Váš lístok je vaším znakom. Rozumiete?

67Vezmite svoj znak. Ste vykúpení. To požehnanie, Duch Svätý. Ak sa Satan snaží na vás niečo zhrnúť, len mu ukážte toto. To je vaša identifikácia. Amen. Ste identifikovaní vo vzkriesení Krista, ste identifikovaní v Jeho smrti, keď zomriete, ste identifikovaní v Jeho vzkriesení. A skrze to, to vás identifikuje, že ste s Ním pred založením sveta, pretože ste vykúpení a to znamená, „Privedení späť.“ „Všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu a nikto nemôže prísť, koho by nedal Otec, vidíte tam na počiatku.“

68Tak všimnite si, On bol bezhriešny, aby zaujal miesto hriešnych, ako protijed. On bol bez hriechu, aby mohol vykúpiť hriešnikov. Boh bol v Ňom vyjadrený a dôkladne Sám zidentifikovaný v Ňom. Všimnite si teraz.

69Poviete, „Brat Branham, či si povedal, 'Boh sa sám zidentifikoval?'“ Veru tak.

70No, „Na počiatku,“ povedal svätý Ján 1, „bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo s Bohom.“ No, slovo musí byť myšlienkou predtým, ako je slovom, pretože slovo je vyjadrená myšlienka, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.“ Vidíte? „Bol Boh a to Slovo, Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“

71Identifikovaný ako? Teraz Židom 4, rozumiete? Slovo Božie ostrejšie a mocnejšie ako dvojsečný meč, ktorý rozdeľuje, seká.“ Oddeľuje oboje, prichádzanie a odchádzanie, „Rozdeľuje a rozlišuje myšlienky a úmysly srdca.“ A keď to On urobil, to je to, ako boli proroci identifikovaní, pretože oni... Boh hovoril a povedal im presne, čo bolo nesprávne a čo sa dialo. Rozumiete? To je tá identifikácia Slova na danú hodinu, ktoré bolo prejavené.

72On bol plnosťou Božieho Slova, pretože On bol plnosť Božstva telesne. On bol Bohom v ľudskej forme a bol potrebný Boh, aby vyjadril taký charakter, ako tento. A potom ten milujúci život musel byť od Neho vzatý, aby tak mohol zachrániť týchto, ktorých Božie predzvedenie videlo na počiatku, ktorí boli Jeho myšlienkami. Ty a ja. Ježiš to prišiel urobiť. Jeho dokonalý život musel byť obetovaný, aby tú osobu vykúpil. Potom, keď sú vykúpení, a vy ste boli v Bohu v Jeho myšlienkach na počiatku, ako môžete zaprieť, že Jeho Slovo je pravdivé, keď ste časťou Jeho Slova? Amen. Istotne. Potvrdené dôkladne, nemôže byť v tom ohľadne toho žiadna chyba. On povedal, „To nie som Ja, ktorý činím tie skutky, to je môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne.“

73Zisťujeme teraz, že ľudia sú v tomto dni vo veľkom zmätku, ohľadne porozumenia Boha, „Boh v troch osobách“? Boh, to sú tri atribúty Boha, ako tri úrady: Boh nad nami v Duchu Svätom tam hore v stĺpe ohňa; Boh učinený telom a prebývajúci medzi nami, človek, ktorého sme sa mohli dotýkať; a teraz Boh v Cirkvi. Boh nad tebou, Boh s tebou, Boh v tebe. Rozumiete? Ten istý Boh, v troch rôznych prejavoch, ale ten istý Boh po celý čas.

74Všimnite si, že v tom nie sú žiadne chyby. Jeho bezhriešna prirodzenosť vyjadrila Božie Slovo. A jediný spôsob, ako budeš môcť vyjadriť Božie Slovo, je, že tomu budeš veriť a pozorovať to, ako to koná spoza teba, budeš musieť mať tú bezhriešnu prirodzenosť, ktorá pochádza od Boha. Pred založením sveta si bol rozpoznaný s Ním. Pred tým, ako sa kedy môže Slovo samé cez teba vyjadriť, je potrebná bezhriešna prirodzenosť, aby to učinila.

75Do takej miery, až On bol Slovom v plnosti. Slovo Božie plynulo cez Neho tak slobodne, že ak by dokonca len mohol vypovedať Slovo, to by stvorilo. Vidíte, to ukázalo, kým On je. Kto môže stvoriť, okrem Boha? Vidíte, Boh je tým jediným Stvoriteľom, aký existuje. A On bol v takej dokonalej harmónii, On, a to Slovo boli tak dokonale spolu, až On tvoril, dokonca On mal, On a to Slovo boli jedno.

76Žiadna iná prirodzenosť toto nemohla dokázať. Žiadna iná prirodzenosť. Žiaden iný charakter, nič v nebesiach, nič iné to nemohlo urobiť, okrem Neho, pretože On bol počiatkom toho charakteru, Spasiteľ. Anjel sa nenarodil ako spasiteľ, on bol stvorenou bytosťou, aby uctieval Boha, nie byť spasiteľ. Ale v Bohu bol Spasiteľ. Obyčajný človek, narodený z obyčajnej ženy, nemohol byť spasiteľom, pretože jeho prirodzenosť je telesná, ale bol potrebný Sám Boh. Amen. Dúfam, že to vidíte. Pozrite, to bolo to vyjadrenie, aby prejavil taký charakter, ako to. Čo sa týka ostatných, to bol upadnutý charakter, nič nemohlo zachrániť, anjeli neboli preto stvorení. Človek bol upadnutým charakterom. Pozrite, ako mohol tento človek...

77Pozrite, aby sme ukázali, že ide o tých, na ktorých On myslel, Jeho myšlienky sú na kresťana dneška, myšlienky spred založenia sveta. Pamätajte teraz, „Človek bol narodený v hriechu, utkaný v neprávosti, prišiel na svet hovoriaci klamstvo.“ Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn. prekl.] V ňom neexistuje vôbec nič. Tak vidíte, ak bol On v Božích myšlienkach, keď prišiel na svet, On prišiel (v Božích myšlienkach na počiatku), aby preukázal svoj atribút. Dokážete ma sledovať? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn. prekl.] Potom prišiel Ježiš, aby pretrhol tie mračná, aby sa ten atribút mohol sám preukázať. Amen. To je to. On je Božím vyjadreným Slovom.

No, nič iné sa nemohlo manifestovať, všetky ostatné charaktery boli upadnuté. Potom vidíte, kvôli čomu prišiel Ježiš, aby priniesol späť tie charaktery. Nie, nie, oni boli narodení v hriechu, vyformovaní v neprávosti.

78On prišiel ako Vykupiteľ a vykúpiť niečo znamená, „priniesť späť.“ Amen. Priniesť to späť. To bola Božia myšlienka, ty pomysli na to. Malý ty, malý ja, nikto na svete nemohol zaujať moje miesto a nikto nemôže tvoje. Ty, súc kresťanom a naplnený Duchom, Bohom, a pred založením sveta ťa On videl a poznal každú črtu, ktorú máš, rozumiete? A Ježiš prišiel, aby ťa priviedol späť. To je to, kvôli čomu tu bol Ježiš Vykupiteľ, to ľudské telo, aby ťa priviedol späť. To muselo prísť k ľudskej bytosti, ako Vykupiteľ, aby ukázal svoje atribúty, ako Spasiteľ, prišiel ťa vykúpiť a priniesť späť, tam odkiaľ pochádzaš. Bol si...

79Keď prijímaš večný život, existuje len jedna forma večného života, to je grécke slovo zoe, je to pravda, brat? [Nejaký brat hovorí, „Áno“ - pozn.prekl.] Zoe, „Boží vlastný život.“ Tak, ty súc synom, stávaš sa časťou toho života, tak ten život, ktorý je v tebe, nikdy nezačal a nikdy nemôže skončiť, pomysli na to. Nemôže skončiť, pretože všetko, čo je večné, nikdy nezačalo. Život, ktorý je v tebe, nikdy nezačal. To znamená, ak máš večný život a to je Boh, pretože ty si bol v Jeho myšlienke už od večnosti a teraz je to tu vyjadrené v ľudskej bytosti na Jeho Slávu. Ježiš prišiel, aby to vykúpil súc Synom, plnosť Boha musela prísť a stať sa tým. Ten bezhriešny charakter Boha to učinil, aby On mohol vykúpiť tieto ostatné myšlienky, ktoré mali ku Nemu prísť, aby to učinilo Manželku. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Ó, to je slávny príbeh. My nie sme... Jednako som nemal k tomu ísť. Pokračujme, v poriadku.

80Všimnite si, „stvorený.“ Boh, Boh cez Neho plynul, ako vietor plynie cez budovu, alebo ako voda plynie dolu prúdom, On mal dokonca... On a to Slovo boli jedno. Žiaden iný charakter by to nedokázal, pretože On bol tým jediným, ktorý bol narodený bez toho telesného. Všetci ostatní boli skrze sexuálnu túžbu, telesne. On sa narodil bez sexuálnej túžby. On bol panensky narodený.

81Boh sa zidentifikoval tak, ako my. On vzal, vzal Jeho hlavnú črtu, to, čím On bol, Jeho hlavnú črtu, ako Boh, a rozprestrel tu dolu svoj stan a stal sa ľudskou bytosťou. On si učinil stánok, telo, aby v ňom žil, a to telo je známe ako Ježiš. Boh žil v Kristovi. Vidíte, On sa stal ľudskou bytosťou, aby nás zachránil. A On vzal našu formu na seba, našu formu, aby nás mohol vyformovať na Jeho charakter.

82A Jeho charakterom bolo, že On činil všetko, čo sa ľúbilo Bohu, a zostával so Slovom. To je to, čo On chcel pre nás, aby sme my zostali s Božím Slovom, našli naše miesto a potom vedeli, kde sme, na čom sme. Zostaň s Jeho Slovom. A pomyslite na to, my sme pozvaní, aby sme vyformovali náš vlastný charakter na ten Jeho. No, ideme teraz zistiť, čo sme urobili. Vytvarovať náš charakter na Jeho vlastný, skrze Jeho vlastného Ducha. Potom sme my skrze Neho synmi Božími, práve, čo som vyjadril, skrze to, že máme Jeho myseľ v nás, aby sme vyformovali náš charakter na Jeho myseľ. „Nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás.“ Ak je tá myseľ vo vás, potom vidíte...

83On činil len to, čo sa ľúbilo Bohu. On vedel, kým Je. On prišiel, Syn Boží, On vedel, že musí zaujať to miesto. Jeho charakter musel byť taký a potom, keď On, keď zaujal toto miesto, On vedel, čo sa bude vyžadovať od Mesiáša, On vždy vyhľadával Boha ohľadne toho, aké veci má robiť a nečinil nič, kým Mu to Otec prv neukázal.

84No, ak nájdeš svoje miesto, sestra, nechcem ťa zraniť, alebo brat, ale ty nájdeš svoje miesto v Slove, ako kresťan, nie to, čo hovorí nejaké vyznanie, to je tu dolu nižšie pri tej „potrave pre delá“, ktorá má byť zničená. Vidíte? Vy nachádzate svoje miesto, ako kresťan, pretože tvoj charakter je vyformovaný ako Kristov. Ty si Zoe tak isto, tak ako On je Zoe. Potom, ak Biblia hovorí, že „Žena si nemá strihať vlasy.“ Ako to potom môžeš robiť? To hovorí, „Muž má byť vládcom domu.“ Ako potom môžete byť vy, ženy? Čo sa deje s vami mužmi, ktorí ste synmi Božími? Rozumiete? Vidíte, vy nenachádzate svoje miesto. Vidíte, sledujte teraz, sme pozvaní prísť a zobrať Jeho charakter. Keď máš Jeho charakter v sebe, to ťa formuje do tej istej mysle, ktorou bol On, a Jeho myseľ bola vždy činiť to, čo Mu Otec prikázal, aby činil.

85On povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, oni svedčia o Mne.“ Inými slovami, „Ak nečiním presne to, čo Písmo povedalo, že mám činiť, potom Mi ukážte, kde.“

86No, čo ak by Boh dnes stál tu na pódiu a povedal, „Čo sa vyžaduje od kresťana.“ Kde by sme potom my všetci boli? Vidíte, ten charakter sa nevyjadruje.

87Jeho myseľ bola zostať s Otcovým Slovom. Ich myseľ mala... Tá istá myseľ, ktorá bola v nich, má byť v nás, a ak je Jeho myseľ v nás, budeme činiť tak, ako On. Ak je Jeho charakter v nás, budeme taký, ako On. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Všetci proroci to mali, vieme to. Vezmeme Noeho, ako to on činil v jeho dni. Mojžiša, ako to on činil vo svojom dni. Daniel vo svojom dni. Hebrejskí mládenci a tak ďalej.

88Slovo formuje Boží charakter v nás a čokoľvek, čo sa snaží zmiešať s tým charakterom, narušuje to formovanie. Nemôžete zmiešať vyznanie so Slovom. Nemôžete zmiešať svet so Slovom. Ježiš povedal, „Nemôžete slúžiť Bohu a mamonu.“ Mamona znamená, „Svet.“ Nemôžete to, je to buď jedno alebo druhé. „Ak milujete svet alebo veci toho sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás.“ Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Potom vidíte, nemôžete to miešať.

89Nemôžete miešať olej s vodou, to sa jednoducho nezmieša. Môžete to zatrepať hore a dolu a robiť s tým čokoľvek len chcete, to sa nezmieša.

90A váš charakter sa nezmieša so svetom, ak ste formovaní na formu Božiu, skrze to, že nechávate myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, byť vo vás. To je kontrolná veža, to smerovanie.

91Pozrime sa teraz do Božieho zrkadla Jeho Slova a zidentifikujme náš prítomný charakter pomocou niektorého Biblického charakteru a zakončíme len za pár minút. Zidentifikujte sa. Toto je zrkadlo, ktorým to chcete urobiť, tak, ako to urobil ten malý chlapec. Pozrel sa do neho. Dívajme sa do tohoto a vidzme, či dokážeme vidieť samých seba, reflektovaných skrze niektorý biblický charakter (postavu). Pozrite, čo oni urobili pod určitými okolnosťami, a vidzme, čo my robíme teraz. Tak, počúvajte ma teraz veľmi pozorne, vidzte, čo je váš prítomný charakter, ako kresťan.

92Vy teraz môžete súdiť, to neurobí, že niekto bude súdiť vás, vy súďte sami seba. Nikto vás nesúdi. Ja tu nerobím žiadny súdny výrok, ale len reflektujme, vidzme, ako to reflektuje niektorý charakter z Biblie, ako ich zmienime a vidzte, čo je váš charakter v tomto prítomnom čase. Všimnite si teraz, Slovo tvorí charakter, vieme to. My sa teraz dívame do Jeho zrkadla a identifikujeme samých seba skrze niektorú postavu v Biblii.

93Ak by ste žili vo dňoch Noeho a boli vo svojom momentálnom charaktere... Ak mi rozumiete, povedzte amen. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Ak by ste žili vo dňoch Noeho so svojím prítomným charakterom, na ktorej strane by ste boli? Buďte opatrní. Vo svojom prítomnom charaktere, pomyslite teraz na to, čím ste. Keď tie skupiny... S ktorou skupinou by ste boli zidentifikovaní? Ak by ste žili vo dňoch Noeho a vaším momentálnym charakterom, boli by ste s prorokom a s Božím potvrdeným Slovom? Stáli by ste s menšinou, s tou malou skupinou, alebo by ste boli s tým populárnym názorom ľudí toho dňa? Ktorý charakter?

94Patrili by ste do cirkví a vecí, ktoré si robili žarty z toho proroka, ktorý tam bol? Kráčali by ste s nejakou skupinou, ktorá išla hore a povedala, „No, nemám nič proti tomu starému mužovi, on môže mať pravdu.“ Alebo by ste boli tam a dobiedzali do neho? Pomyslite teraz na svoj charakter, čo by ste robili, keď všetko bolo proti tomu.

95Pamätajte, svet kritizoval proroka a jeho posolstvo a všetko, ten svet. On kritizoval. Všetky cirkvi ho kritizovali. Celá veda povedala, „Ten človek je blázon.“ Tak, ako povedali o Ježišovi ohľadne jedenia Jeho mäsa a pitia Jeho krvi. Oni povedali, „Ten muž je kanibal, On je vampír.“ Vidíte? Tak vidíte, kde sú tí rozumní, to, čo svet nazýva rozumnými ľuďmi, tí vedci.

96Či ste vedeli, že keď dostávate viac vzdelania, a viacej kultúry, vedeli ste, na ktorú stranu vás to umiestňuje? To vás umiestňuje na diablovu stranu. Biblia hovorí, že „Deti temnosti sú chytrejšie, ako deti svetla.“

97Pozrite na synov Kaina. Každý jeden z nich sa stal vedcom. Mali do činenia s budovami a robili veľký pokrok, ale synovia Seta boli všetci pokorní, boli roľníci, pastieri. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Mužovia povestného mena, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, ako stavali a budovali a stavali pyramídy a všetko vedci. Počúvajte teraz skutočne pozorne. Títo ľudia kritizovali posolstvo tohoto muža, hoci on mal pri sebe dôkaz Boží.

98Alebo, čo ak by ste boli žili vo dňoch Eliáša. Eliáš, keď on bol pastorom v tom dni, a Jezábeľ, pred dvetisíc päťsto rokmi, to je to, keď Hollywood začínal so všetkým svojím maľovaním sa a módou a on tam doviedol všetky dcéry Izraela, aby robili to isté. A postavil sa tam jeden starý muž a udieral proti tomu. A všetci kňazi povedali, „Ó, ten starý chlapík, nechajte ho tak, on po nejakom čase príde ku svojmu koncu, nič na tom nie je a on, náš fajný kráľ, ktorý je tak odiaty, ako sme my odiati, má to najlepšie oblečenie a je to najlepšie kŕmený národ a všetko to, aký je v tom rozdiel, či robíš to, alebo tamto alebo niečo iné, aký je v tom rozdiel.“ Tí pastori to hovorili.

99A stál tam jeden muž a bol sám s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

100Tak, teraz s vaším prítomným charakterom, kde by ste boli umiestnení tam vtedy. Pozrite sa teraz do zrkadla, keď pôjdete domov. Uvidíte, na čom ste. Rozumiete? Do akého stavu by vás teraz, v tom dni, umiestnil váš prítomný charakter? Či by ste išli s tou modernou ideou? S denomináciou, znamením, človek, ktorý povedal, „Ó, dobre, my sme všetci zosobášení.“ Ó, iste, oni všetci uctievali Jehovu, každý novmesiac a kričali a pili vodu z tej fontány a chválili Boha nebies, ktorý ich vyviedol hore, a všetko to, ale jednako sú milión míľ od tej čiary. Kde by vás vaše prítomné kresťanské prežitie umiestnilo v čase Eliáša? Kde by ste boli identifikovaní? Na akú stranu by ste sa vtedy postavili?

101Alebo, keď Mojžiš vyviedol Izrael a išiel tam ako zidentifikovaný prorok so Slovom, že Boh zasľúbil prorokovi Abrahámovi, čo sa stane, a Mojžiš išiel dolu a učinil všetky tie znamenia, o ktorých mu Boh povedal, aby ich urobil. Počúvajte teraz pozorne, o chvíľu zakončíme. On vyviedol tie deti hore a dostal sa na púšť, a to posolstvo tak, ako vy letniční ste odišli pred päťdesiatimi rokmi z denominácie a prešli ste za tú čiaru, na tú druhú stranu, a povstal nejaký človek a povedal, „No, počkajte chvíľu, urobme z tohoto organizáciu,“ človek, ktorý sa volal Dátan. „Mojžiš, ty si myslíš, že si tým jediným kameňom na brehu? Ty si myslíš, že si ten jediný svätý muž medzi nami? Máme tiež iných svätých mužov, ktorí majú ohľadne tohoto čo povedať, my si vytvoríme malú skupinu a budeme to veriť takto a budeme to veriť takto a budeme to veriť takto.“

102Tak, v akej skupine by vás váš prítomný charakter identifikoval? Či by ste vo dňoch Eliáša, išli by ste tam, kde bola Jezábeľ a strihala si vlasy a maľovala si tvár a bola modernou ženou? Pomyslite len teraz, kde ste teraz identifikovaní, poviete, „Ja som Letničný...“ Nehovorím nič proti tomu, čo si, ja sa len pýtam na tvoj charakter. Ideme teraz pod tieto malé veci, na ktoré sa dívate, ideme teraz do toho vnútra teba.

103Počuli ste, ako minulý večer, ako tam nakoniec Duch Svätý vykríkol? To je ten dôvod, že hovorím to, čím som dnes. Rozumiete? Otvorte svoje pod... svoje duchovné porozumenie, ľudia, je neskoršie, ako si myslíte. Rozumiete? Môžete to. Existuje cesta, kde si človek môže myslieť, že je v poriadku, ale myslel som si, že možno, ak mi Pán dovolí takto hovoriť, že oni mi to odpustia, tá asociácia, alebo tí bratia, pričom viem, čo oni robia a že s týmto so mnou súhlasia.

104Všimnite si, ale toto, ak len môžete vidieť dnes samých seba v tom svetle vo svojom duchu, ktorý je vo vás, čo by ste žili, aký charakter by to bol tam vtedy. Pozrite sa teraz, kde ste dnes, a budete vidieť, kde by ste boli tam, vtedy. Kde by ste boli v tom čase? Či by ste sa postavili na stranu tej organizácie, ktorú chcel Dátan zorganizovať, alebo by vás prítomný charakter od toho oddelil a zostali by ste so Slovom? Vidíte, kde sa zdalo, že všetko je proti tomu?

105Mojžiš bol kompletne potvrdeným, že mal posolstvo od Pána. Boh to každým spôsobom potvrdil presne tak, ako to povedal, čo sa stane, povedal to Izraelu rovno cez Deuteronomium, až tam, „Akékoľvek budú tie znamenia, musíte to nasledovať a počúvať to a počuť, čo Slovo zasľúbilo.“ On bol zamanifestovaný.

106A jednako pri tom všetkom, Dátan, ten chytrý vodca tam dolu v Egypte, povstal a povedal tam, „Ty sa snažíš robiť zo seba toho jediného, ktorý niečo má.“

107To nebola Mojžišova myšlienka, on robil iba to, čo ho Boh poveril robiť. Všetci z nich nemuseli byť Mojžišovia. Ľudia len museli nasledovať, čo on povedal. Všetci nemuseli tvoriť a konať zázraky a rôzne veci. To je to, kde leží problém s ľuďmi dnes.

108Jedna pani sa ma opýtala, ako som išiel dolu ulicou jedného dňa, a ona bola odtiaľ a povedala, ide o Florence Shakarianovú, sestru brata Demosa, a sestru Williamsovú, a sestra Wiliamsová a oni sedeli v aute, ona povedala, „Brat Branham, ja sa postím a postím a postím a stále nedokážem vyhnať tých diablov.“

109Povedal som, „Ty si sa nenarodila, aby si ich vyháňala, tvojou povinnosťou je postiť sa. Duch Svätý koná na niekom druhom, tam, ktorý to má vykonať, ty len nepoznáš svoje miesto.“

110Ak by sme mali čas, učili by sme tieto veci na dlhých, dlhých zhromaždeniach. To, ako je jedna osoba obťažená bremenom, ako toto, niečo tu napríklad má, vy neviete, neviete to a nie je to pre vás, aby ste to vedeli. To On koná, vy sa len podriaďujete vášmu povolaniu a dávate sa vždy do línie s Písmom, aby ste videli, či je to správne alebo nie.

111No, zisťujeme, že obaja... Toto bol Mojžiš, ktorý bol kritizovaný, a on bol... On bol kritizovaný touto skupinou, ale Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Oddeľ sa od neho, pretože Ja ho pohltím do zeme.“ A On to urobil. Tak, vidíte, musíte poznať hodinu, v ktorej žijete, a teraz posúďte svoj charakter s tým, ktorý mali oni.

112Alebo vo dňoch Krista. Chcem sa vás teraz niečo opýtať, keď mali tie najlepšie semináre, tých najlepších kazateľov, najviac vzdelaných, najsvätejšie rituály a všetko, čo kedy mali. A keď prišiel na scénu Ježiš, On bol pre nich „darebákom.“ Ale vidíte, Boh zidentifikoval Svoj vlastný charakter v Ňom skrze manifestovanie, že On bol Bohom. A On povedal, „Ak neviete, kto Som, skúmajte Písma.“

Oni povedali, „Poznáme Mojžiša, my ne...“

113On povedal, „Ak by ste boli poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa. On písal o Mne.

114No, ak by ste žili v tom dni a boli by ste členom nejakej dobrej cirkvi, Sanhedrinského koncilu, milý pastor, na ktorej strane by ste boli? Na ktorú stranu by vás umiestnil teraz váš charakter? Myslite na to. Je to na vás. Na ktorú stranu by vás váš charakter, ktorým teraz ste, kde by ste sa zidentifikovali vo dňoch Ježiša, keby váš pastor povedal, „Ó, tie veci, to je nezmysel.“?

115A pritom Ježiš sa tu vracia a hovorí, „Písma hovoria, že Ja mám toto robiť,“ a On to urobil. „Písma hovoria, že Ja mám toto robiť a byť narodený z panny, Písma hovoria, že Ja mám toto robiť.“ A On to učinil. On povedal, „Skúmajte Písma a ukážte, kde som zlyhal.“

116Ale oni povedali, „Vôbec nehľaďte na toho chlapíka, on sa pomiatol.“ Vidíte?

117Aký máte váš prítomný charakter. Kam by ste boli umiestnení v tamtých dňoch, keď bol Ježiš na zemi? Keď veľké denominácie, teológovia boli všetci proti Nemu a všetci učitelia a teológovia toho dňa boli proti Nemu a všetci biblickí učitelia boli proti Nemu? Proti čomu? Proti priamemu jasnému Slovu Božiemu na ten vek, ktoré zostalo prejavené a bolo zidentifikované. Boh Sám Ho zidentifikoval.

118„Jeho Meno bude nazvané Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Večný Otec. Panna počne a porodí Syna, vláda bude na Jeho pleciach a Jeho kráľovstvu nebude konca.“ Kto je táto osoba? Dieťa, Boh, a potom Boh sa stáva človekom. Dokážete si predstaviť, ako Jehova plače ako malé dieťa? Dokážete si predstaviť, ako je Jehova narodený v maštali? Dokážete si predstaviť, ako sa Jehova hrá ako chlapec? Dokážete si predstaviť cirkev, ktorá tvrdí, že Ho uctieva, ako Ho križuje?

119Na ktorej strane by ste boli zidentifikovaní? To, čo to ostré priame Slovo samo hovorilo, alebo by ste boli na strane vyznania? Váš prítomný charakter, ako by ste na tom boli? No to je presne to, kde by ste boli. Čímkoľvek ste práve teraz, to je presne to, čím by ste boli tam vtedy, úplne presne a veľmi zreteľne. Ó.

120Keď Jeho mesiášsky znak, sledujte teraz, Jeho mesiášsky znak zidentifikoval Jeho charakter, pretože to bol Boh v človeku, Slovo. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? To rozpoznávalo myšlienky a povedalo im všetky tieto veci.

121[Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]... „Slovo ju v tom našlo, ale keď najprv zablyslo Slovo, ona to mala.“ Ona bola jednou z tých Božích myšlienok, ktoré boli prejavené. Rozumiete?

122Ale tí, ktorí tam stáli v tých klerikálnych rúchach so všetkými druhmi vznešenosti a všetkými možnými druhmi prevracania Slova do rôznych vecí a činiacich to takým, že v tom nebola žiadna úprimnosť, oni len patrili do cirkvi, oni boli tí, ktorí tvrdili, že majú svetlo, a to Svetlo zatemnilo to svetlo, ktoré mali.

123Ako keby ste sa snažili držať baterku oproti slnku, aby ste zhasli slnko. Vidíte? Prečo baterka nevypne slnko, prečo to nedokáže žiadne iné svetlo? Neexistuje svetlo, ktoré by dokázalo vypnúť slnko. Prečo? Lebo to je Božie Slovo zamanifestované. Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a to je Božie svetlo. Je to Božie Slovo, ktoré je zamanifestované. A tu ono prišlo.

124Žiadne vyznanie v denomináciách, žiaden pápež, kňaz, alebo ktokoľvek to je, alebo doktor teológie, žiadna organizácia, žiaden národ, vôbec nič nikdy nevypne to zamanifestované svetlo Božie. Keď je Slovo vypovedané a ona prichádza ku svetlu, to učiní to, čo to povedalo, že to učiní. Žiadne vyznanie nedokáže okolo toho stáť, vôbec nič okolo toho nedokáže stáť, iba samotné Svetlo a tí, ktorí v Ňom kráčajú. To je Ježiš Kristus vzkriesený z mŕtvych, manifestujúci samého seba, tu medzi nami a my kráčame v Ňom. Nič to nezastaví. „Nebesia a zem,“ povedal Ježiš, „pominú, ale toto nie.“ Všimnite si, všetci biblickí učitelia, a tak ďalej.

125Pritom videli Slovo potvrdené. Jeho mesiášsky znak ukazoval tej malej prostitútke, kým On bol, a ostatným, ktorí boli tými myšlienkami v Božej mysli, ako Peter, Natanael a všetci tí, ktorí boli v Božom myslení. Akonáhle to svetlo zablyslo, oni to rozpoznali. Oni ich nemuseli ťahať ku oltáru, volať ich hore a prosiť ich a povedať im, že pre nich ešte niečo urobíte, ak prídu, a že im zabezpečíte lepší život a uvidíte, či by ste sa za nich mohli prihovoriť u ich šéfa, kvôli ich práci, aby im dal lepšie miesto. Oni sa nestarali, oni museli bojovať, aby si udržali svoje miesto, „Ale nič nás neoddelí,“ povedala Biblia, „od lásky Božej, ktorá je v Kristovi.“ Prenasledovanie, nebezpečenstvo, ani samotná smrť nás nedokáže oddeliť, pretože my všetci sme boli, vždy sme boli v Jeho myšlienkach. V poriadku, pokračujeme.

126Či by vás váš prítomný charakter identifikoval s tými Farizejmi toho dňa? Urobil by to váš prítomný stav? No, ak by ste povedali, „Nie, to by ma neidentifikovalo s tými Farizejmi vtedy,“ čo potom s tým teraz? Židom 13:8 hovorí, že On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. Tak, v akom stave vás teraz identifikuje váš prítomný charakter? „Ja by som nemal nič do činenia s tými Farizejmi, nie veru.“ No, pre teba je to len meno, ale čo s tým stavom, v akom si teraz, keď Ho vidíš dnes vo svojej cirkvi, práve takého, aký On bol vtedy, a kde by si bol, história sa opakuje.

127Farizejovia toho dňa stáli proti Nemu kvôli predsudkom, a to je to, čo sa deje dnes, denominačný svet stojí proti pravde Slova kvôli svojim predsudkom.

128Keď som mal nedávno rozhovor s jedným katolíckym kňazom, on mi povedal, „Ty sa snažíš vyučovať Bibliu.“

Povedal som, „To je to, čo verím.“

On povedal, „Boh je vo svojej cirkvi.“

Povedal som, „Boh je vo svojom Slove.“

129On povedal, „Všetci tí raní ľudia boli katolíci.“

Povedal som... „Peter, Jakub a Ján, oni všetci boli katolíci.“

130Ja som povedal, „Ak oni boli...“

A on povedal... Povedal som, „Ty, čo si ty myslíš o cirkvi dnes?“

Povedal, „Je omnoho vzdialenejšia, ako bola vtedy.“

131Povedal som, „Čiňte potom tie veci, ktoré ste robili vtedy.“ Vidíte, ten charakter ukazuje presne, čím to je.

132Farizejovia toho dňa kvôli predsudku. Pamätajte, to bol predsudok. Oni to v skutočnosti videli. Nikodém, jeden z ich kňazov to vyjadril a povedal, „Rabbi, my vieme, že Ty si učiteľom a prichádzaš od Boha, nikto nemôže činiť to, čo Ty činíš, ak by Boh nebol s ním.“ Vidíte, ale kvôli predsudkom, pretože On sa nepripojil ku ich skupine.

133No, ak by On prišiel a povedal, „No, vy Farizejovia sa mýlite, ja som Sadúcej.“ Alebo, vy Sadúceovia sa mýlite, ja som Farizeus.“ Farizejovia by povedali, „Vidíte, hovoril som vám, že my máme pravdu.“ Ale On neprišiel ku niktorým z nich, On stál medzi nimi.

134Ak by ste nasledovali Jeho, aby ste videli vtedy Jeho zázraky, a potom... A poviete, „Ó, rád by som videl Jeho zázraky.“ A vy by ste Ho nasledovali, aby ste videli zázraky.

135A keď On potom prišiel do tohto miesta, On povedal, že prestal ukazovať zázraky a začal ich vyučovať. A sedemdesiat kazateľov ordinovaných Kristom sa postavilo a odišlo preč od Neho, pretože On povedal niečo, s čím veda nedokázala ísť, alebo ten zbytok toho zástupu s tým nedokázal ísť. Nedokázali rozumieť, ako ten Muž, súc človekom, môže byť sám Bohom prichádzajúcim z neba. Syn človeka vystupuje tam, odkiaľ prišiel. On bol Bohom, isteže bol. Oni povedali, „No, my, to je príliš tvrdé, s tým nemôžeme ísť.“

136Kde by ste boli zidentifikovaní v tom čase, teraz s vaším charakterom, ktorý je vo vás vyformovaný? Niečo váš charakter vyformovalo, vy máte, ste nejakým druhom charakteru. Niekde sa tu nájdete. Čo by ste boli urobili? Čo by ste vo svojom prítomnom stave teraz, kde by ste stáli v tom čase? Rozumiete?

137Učitelia boli všetci proti Nemu a všetko, a Jeho zázraky proti Jeho zázrakom, ktoré Ho identifikovali, a keď sa postavili tí sedemdesiati a tí pastori a kazatelia sa postavili a povedali, “Tomu nedokážeme rozumieť.“ Či by ste tak odišli, ako tamto zhromaždenie? Alebo by ste boli ako tí učeníci, „Je mi jedno, čo oni hovoria.“? Vidíte, tam to je.

138Potom sa Ježiš otočil a vyskúšal ich a povedal, “Vy všetci tiež chcete ísť?“

139Vidíte, oni Ho chytili do pasce, „No, tento človek je vampír.“ Povedali, „Jesť Jeho telo a krv.“ Oni odišli preč zo zhromaždenia.

140„No,“ povedali tí kazatelia, „No, my zostaneme trošku dlhšie a uvidíme, o čom to všetko je.“

141A On povedal, „No, keď uvidíte Syna človeka, identifikujúceho samého seba ako Boha, vidíte, keď uvidíte Syna človeka vyzdvihnutého do neba, odkiaľ prišiel.“

„Ó,“ povedali, „toto je pre nás príliš veľa,“ a odišli preč.

Potom sa otočil k učeníkom a povedal, „Vy tiež chcete ísť?“

142A Peter povedal, „Pane, ku komu by sme išli, kam by sme išli, my vieme, že Ty a jedine Ty máš Slová života.“

143A dnes je to to isté, „On,“ nie vaša organizácia, nie vaša skupina. Kristus a On Sám má Slovo života. Kde sa sám identifikuješ, či s nejakou falošnou bájkou niečoho, čo človek vytvoril, alebo sa identifikuješ s úspechom Boha? Ako som hovoril minulú nedeľu na tému posledného odpočítavania, to, čo Boh bol schopný dosiahnuť, aby dostal svoju cirkev teraz do veku astronauta.

Rozumiete? Alebo kam by ste išli, alebo dokážete teraz vidieť svoju vlastnú identifikáciu?

144Všimnite si, ten populárny, milujúci učiteľ. Chcem teraz na chvíľu hovoriť ku vám mladým ľuďom. Kde sa identifikuješ ty, mladá dáma, keď si v škole? Ó, dokážete rozštiepiť zrná, môžete preukázať všetko toto a môžeš byť učiteľom vedy a všetko možné, ale vieš čo, oni ti nedokážu dať život.

145Život prichádza iba skrze Krista, „Poznať Jeho,“ nie poznať Jeho Slovo, nie poznať Jeho cirkev, nie poznať Jeho toto, ale poznať „Jeho“, to je jediná vec, ktorá ti môže dať život.

146A keď teraz toto prichádza pred toho moderného tínedžera, niečo, ako váš moderný letničný chlapec Elvis Presley, ktorý predal svoje právo prvorodenstva za flotilu Cadillacov a za milión dolárov zlatých platní a tak ďalej. To je to, čo chce svet. Oni chcú Letničného, ktorý dovolí ľuďom...

147Dnes chcú ženy Letničného, ktorý im dovolí strihať si vlasy a obliekať si šortky a dovolí im robiť si, čo oni chcú, a pritom si chcú zachovať svoje svedectvo, že sú Letničnými. Oni to chcú tak isto. Rozumiete? „Nie, ja by som nešiel ku tamtej skupine, nie, oni majú... To je príliš staromódne.“ Vidíte? Vidíte, oni to chcú. To je prirodzenosť. A niektorí muži, ktorí sú vedení ženami, im to dajú.

148Ale „Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov.“ Niekto musí rozširovať svetlo a dnes máme mužov, ktorí sa neboja rozširovať ho. Nech je to čokoľvek to chce byť.

149Kde si zidentifikovaný? S akou skupinou? Vidíš, kde stojíš? Všimnite si.

150Tento mladý človek sa identifikoval so svojou vlastnou cirkvou a tá cena bola príliš veľká. Tak, ak si pamätáte jeho posledné identifikovanie, kde sme ho identifikovali tohoto mladého muža, ktorý mal príležitosť prísť a nasledovať Ježiša. On išiel vpred a vzal svoju cirkev a pokračoval. Bol dobrým chlapcom, povedal, že zachováva prikázania a robil všetky tieto veci, a on vedel tak isto, ako všetci ostatní, tak on len vzal takú ideu, on odmietol nasledovať Ježiša a Jeho poslednú identifikáciu. Nachádzame ho v pekle, ako kričí na Lazara, aby prišiel a priniesol mu trochu vody.

151Alebo vaša identifikácia, či by ste boli zidentifikovaní s istou skupinou, v ktorej bol Judáš? On začal chodiť s Ježišom, on začal dobre, tak ako Letniční pred mnohými rokmi. Ale práve tá vec, z ktorej vyšli, z organizácie, vaše matky a otcovia, táto mladá skupina sa obrátila rovno naspäť a urobili z toho práve takú istú, z akej vyšli. Rozumiete? S akým druhom skupiny si?

152Biblia teraz hovorí, že tento Laodicejský cirkevný vek... Judáš, viete, niesol... Videl možnosti stať sa niekým veľkým s tým, čo mal. On bol stotožňovaný s Ježišom, tak si pomyslel, že s tým, ako nosil mešec, a pomyslel si, že by si mohol zarobiť nejaké extra peniaze tým, že Ho predá za tridsať strieborných.

153To je presne to, čo urobil laodicejský cirkevný vek. Biblia tak hovorí, „Si bohatá a hovoríš, 'Nahonobila som, a mám množstvo a nepotrebujem nič.' A nevieš, že si mizerná, biedna, slepá a nahá a nevieš o tom.“ To sú Letniční, ten posledný cirkevný vek. Nie Luther, nie Wesley, ale Letniční. To je ten cirkevný vek.

154Kde si identifikovaný teraz? Hovoríte, „Som Letničný.“ Vidíte, kde to je identifikované? Oni Ho vystrčili von. Istotne, pretože sú bohatí a nepotrebujú...

155„Ó, povieš, bohatý?“ No, zvykli ste tu stávať a platiť tri doláre na týždeň nejakému malému evanjelistovi, ktorý spieval na rohu. Nie, že sa to snažím zidentifikovať, ale ak je to potrebné, aby bolo kázané plné Slovo, tak vezmite to. Istotne. Teraz platíme päťdesiat miliónov dolárov za semináre a rôzne skupiny a veľké ohromné veci a na iné miesta je dávaných miliardy a milióny dolárov do obrovských budov, aby sa v nich kázalo, že Ježiš skoro prichádza. A misionári, o ktorých viem, ktorí sú na poli, nemajú na nohách ani topánky. Amen. Robili raz zbierku, niekoľkí ďalší misionári a jeden starý brat nemal na nohách nič, len pár sandálov, to je všetko, čo mal, a on si ich vyzul a dal ich do tej zbierky pre iného misionára. Ó, kde ste zidentifikovaní?

156Letniční, nezostanem na tom príliš dlho, ale viete, čo mám na mysli. Ó, zapredaný. Zapredaný čomu? Zapredali sme práva prvorodenstva popularite. Chceli sme byť ako Metodisti, chceli ste byť ako Baptisti a Presbyteriáni, to je ten druh budov, aké máte. Postavíte seminár a je to ako inkubátor a vyliahnete nejakých ďalších kazateľov, ktorí vám dovolia robiť čokoľvek chcete, a stále sa budete nazývať Letničnými. To je klamstvo. Veru tak. Pamätajte, pamätajte, to je presne tá istá vec, ktorá urobila Judáša populárnym medzi tými ostatnými kazateľmi, keď Ho predal za tridsať strieborných.

157Čo spôsobilo, že sa tak obrátil? On v skutočnosti pochyboval, tie tvrdenia Krista, že On je Slovom. On dokázal vidieť toho človeka, jesť s ním, chytať s ním ryby tam vonku a všetko možné, ale to, že On by bol Slovom, nedokázal tomu veriť. Nedokázal veriť, že On je Bohom, ale On ním bol. Judášov charakter spôsobil, že on toto urobil. Či urobil tvoj charakter to isté? Pamätajte, Judáš bol veľmi nábožný.

158Išiel som do Afriky a oni povedali, „No, Elvis Presley, jeho piesne tu máme všade, ako on spieva.“

159Pat Boone a oni, im by nemalo byť ani dovolené, aby vyslovili to Meno. Špina a hnus. Je to pokrytecké, „Ten, ktorý menuje meno Kristovo, nech sa oddelí od hriechu.“ Rozumiete? Ale tu to máte. Vidíte, kam sme sa dostali? Hriech je taký záludný, on sa vkráda tak prefíkane, až ani neviete, že on tam je, kým vás nedostal do svojho zamotania. Vidíte? A potom vás má vo svojich chápadlách. Vidíte, aká bola Judášova konečná identifikácia?

160A môj brat, pretože cirkev, do ktorej chodíš, je väčšia, ako tá ďalšia na rohu, a pritom oni kážu pravdu a vy nie, vidíte, kam vás to dostáva. To je Judášov duch. A poznáte jeho poslednú identifikáciu? Visel na platanovom strome.

161Alebo sa nachádzate zidentifikovaní s tými skutočnými učeníkmi Krista? Teraz už zakončím, istotne teraz. Boli verní Jemu a Jeho Slovu, uprostred všetkej kritiky. Dokážete sa zidentifikovať s Petrom na deň Letníc?

162Keď to všetci z nich videli, povedali, „Pozrite sa na túto bláznivú skupinu ľudí, oni sú všetci opití.“

163Peter sa postavil a povedal, „Vy mužovia Jeruzalema a vy, ktorí bývate v Júdey, nech je vám toto známe a počujte na moje slová, títo nie sú opití, ako sa nazdávate, toto je len tretia hodina dňa, ale toto je to, čo hovorilo Písmo, ktoré bolo vypovedané skrze proroka Joela.“ Čo to bolo? Slovo Božie sa manifestovalo. On povedal, „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a obdržíte dar Ducha Svätého, to zasľúbenie patrí vám a vašim deťom a tým, ktorí sú široko, ďaleko.“ Koľkí? „Koľkýchkoľvek si Pán, náš Boh povolá.“ On nikdy nepovolal všetkých viete, ale tí, ktorí sú povolaní, oni vedia, čo robiť. V poriadku, v poriadku.

164Alebo s Pavlom. Alebo, či ste boli s Pavlom, keď ho opustil ten popularitu milujúci Démas, kvôli veciam toho sveta, jeho pomocník. Keď by ste videli všetkých tých ľudí, ako sa smiali z Pavla a počuli Pavla povedať, „Prines mi ten kabát.“ Človek s takou službou a mal iba jeden kabát.

165No, Démas si pomyslel, „On by mal mať veľkú ohromnú biblickú školu a všetko to všade mať zorganizované a byť v nejakej veľkej asociácii, no, on by mohol uzdravovať nemocných, bol prorokom, on by mal mať všetky možné peniaze, milióny, dedičstvo a tu ten človek má iba jeden kabát.“

166Pavol povedal, „Schladzuje sa tu, povedzte mu, aby mi sem priniesol môj kabát, keď príde.“

167A keď toto Démas videl, išiel so svetom a opustil svojho malého biedneho brata a nechal ho bojovať samého. Či by ste sa opovážili stáť tam a vidieť Ježiša, ako Mu je zima, vidieť Ho v potrebe a odísť od Neho preč?

168Pamätáte si na svätého Martina, mnohí z vás bratov si ho pamätajú, tie spisy Svätého Martina. On bol z Tours, Francúzsko, a on nebol kresťanom, jeho matka bola kresťanka. On bol bratrancom Irenea. A potom toto bolo o niekoľko sto rokov po smrti apoštolov, keď sa oni stále snažili zachovať Slovo spolu a katolícka cirkev to všetko zaberala so svojimi dogmami a nestála by za tým.

169A svätý Martin, keď prechádzal raz bránou, kde... Bolo chladné popoludnie a ležal tam jeden starý biedny žobrák a bol zmrznutý na smrť. Nikto mu nedal žiaden plášť. Svätý Martin si vyzliekol svoj vlastný kabát, rozťal ho na polovice a zabalil doňho toho žobráka a išiel preč. Ľudia sa mu smiali, „Aký hlúpy vojak,“ dokonca porušuje pravidlá armády, robí takéto veci. Teraz chodí zabalený do polovice kabáta, kvôli takému úbožiakovi.

170V tú noc, ako ležal na posteli, sa zobudil na nejaký hluk, a keď sa pozrel, videl tam stáť Ježiša, zabaleného do kusu toho plášťa, vedel, že to, čo urobil tomu žobrákovi, urobil Kristovi. To bolo jeho obrátenie.

171Či dokážete vydržať, vidieť, ako evanjelium dnes trpí? Alebo by ste išli s tým zástupom, ktorý miluje popularitu tak, ako Démas? Či sa postavíte s ním? Či to znamená žiť, alebo zomrieť? Tak, ako Peter, „Som pripravený ísť do väzenia, alebo kdekoľvek s Tebou.“ Áno.

172Keď tá vec prišla pred cirkev, že či si ženy môžu strihať vlasy, alebo čo by mali robiť, ako to robili Korinťania, na ktorej strane by ste stáli? Aký je váš prítomný stav? Čo by ste robili v tom čase? Pomysli na to, sestra. Keď Pavol povedal, „Nedovoľujem žene učiť, ani si prisvojovať autoritu, ale nech je v poslušnosti.“

173Napísali a povedali mu, „No, cirkev tu, Duch Svätý nám to povedal.“

174On povedal, „Čo, či vyšlo Slovo Božie od vás a či prišlo len ku mne? Ak nejaký človek myslí o sebe, že je prorokom, nech vie, že to, čo hovorím, sú prikázania Božie.“ On povedal v Galaťanom 1:8, „Ak by i anjel z neba prišiel a hovoril vám niečo iné, nech je prekliaty.“

175Na akú stranu by ste sa postavili v tej veci, ak by to bola vaša cirkev. Zistite teraz svoj prítomný stav. Snažím sa vás len opýtať, kde ste. Ó, brat, ponáhľame sa. Pavol sa znížil z veľkej pozície, pamätajte na to. Hovoríte, „Ale, brat, ja som dozorca, ja som... ja som...“ Mne je jedno, čo si, ja sa pýtam, aká je tvoja prítomná pozícia, tvoj prítomný charakter. Čo to, čo to robí pre teba. Kde by si bol zidentifikovaný.

176Pamätajte, Pavol zišiel dolu z veľkého vzdelania, ktoré mal pod Gamalielom. Gamaliel bol jeho veľký učiteľ, on bol niečím veľkým a Pavol by bol býval veľkým človekom, ale on sa znížil, aby videl, že Slovo Božie môže ustavične rásť a on dal za to svoj život.

177Mojžiš zišiel z trónu, kde mohol byť faraónom, aby niesol Slovo Božie cez púšť.

178Ježiš prišiel z neba, aby dal Svoj život. S akým zástupom ste zidentifikovaní? Ó, urobiť cestu, aby sa On sám mohol odrážať, tak, ako blýskajúce svetlo. Kvôli čomu by to On urobil?

179No, dobre, seďte ešte chvíľočku, ešte pár minút, ak chcete, aby sme sa za vás modlili. Viem, že vás držím dlho. Teraz je pol piatej a desať minút. Budeme hotoví do piatej, ak bude Pán chcieť. Počúvajte, s akým zástupom by ste boli identifikovaní? Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať.

180Ježiš prišiel, aby mohol rozsvietiť svetlo. Svetlo, blesk je kvôli obrázku, fotografii. Aby tak On mohol, aby si ty mohol byť reflektovaný, alebo aby On mohol byť reflektovaný v tebe, keď je urobená tvoja fotografia, aby to vyzeralo ako On, keď sa ľudia na teba pozrú, tak oni vidia znovu žiť Božie Slovo. To je to, kvôli čomu On prišiel, aby priniesol ten fotoaparát, skrze Svoju posväcujúcu krv, aby priniesol to Slovo bližšie ku tebe. Pre túto príčinu, On povedal v Jánovi 14:12, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, tiež budete činiť.“ „Ak Ma niekto nasleduje, nech zaprie svoje vyznanie, zaprie samého seba, zaprie tento svet a nech vezme svoj kríž a nech Ma nasleduje.“

181Alebo ste nájdení zidentifikovaní v miestach Písma, v niektorých miestach Písma s tými, ktorí nezostali? Kde ste vlastne zidentifikovaní? Ten fotoaparát už zablysol. Niekde ste identifikovaní. Sedíte tu dnes toto popoludnie, každý jeden z nás počúvajte, vy ste niekde zidentifikovaní. Ten fotoaparát už cvakol, viete, čím ste. To už niekde urobilo vašu fotku. Kde teraz stojíte? Vy ste tým sudcom.

182Nech nám Boh pomôže, aby sme boli tak identifikovaní v Ňom, že budeme odrážať Jeho život v našom živote. Počúvajte, zlatotepec zvykol brať zlato a udierať ho, a on do neho toľko udieral a udieral a prevracal a udieral, až kým v ňom nevidel svoj vlastný obraz, odraz. Potom to bolo čisté zlato, všetky trosky boli vybité. Nech Duch Svätý dnes a na tomto zhromaždení v tých hodinách, ktoré prídu, nech On vezme toto Slovo a nech ho bije v našich srdciach, až všetky naše pochybnosti a všetky naše vyznania a všetky veci, nezhodné s Bohom, sú preč, až môžeme, (počúvajte teraz) až my, Cirkev, môžeme odrážať Jeho vzkriesenie.

183Počúvajte tento malý príbeh a potom si pripravte svoje modlitebné karty.

184V Carlsbade v Novom Mexiku, mnohí z vás počuli o tej veľkej jaskyni tam dolu, ide to dolu pod zem. Idete dolu asi jednu míľu v tej jaskyni. To ide celý čas rovno dolu, asi míľu pod zemou. Je tam taká tma, až môžete takto vystrieť ruku a nevidieť vôbec nič. Je tam také veľké temno. A raz tam išla jedna malá rodina a ten malý chlapec išiel s tým sprievodcom a ten sprievodca zrazu trochu odbehol a vypol svetlo a to malé dievča začalo kričať, bola vystrašená.

185To je asi tak, ako je to teraz s Nevestou, kedy Ona musí zaujať svoj postoj. Vyzerá, že je temno. Rada cirkví vás do tej veci uvrhne, alebo budete musieť zaujať stanovisko a vyjsť von. Musíte odrážať svoj charakter. Čo Ona urobí v tom čase?

186Čo sa stane, keď nebudete môcť kupovať ani predávať? Keď budú mať zjednotenie cirkví. Teraz poviete, „Kedy sa to stane?“ Nie, nie, ten blesk už urobil svoju fotografiu vás. Váš charakter už vydal hlas. Vy ste už v tom, rozumiete? Viete, čo o tom Biblia povedala, „Oni prídu a povedia, 'Áno, Pane, my teraz prichádzame.'“ Ale už je príliš neskoro, dvere sú zatvorené. Rozumiete?

Čo sa stane tej malej Neveste?

187A pri tomto príbehu som o tom rozmýšľal, viete, keď to malé dievča zakričalo a začalo skákať hore a dolu, a byť hysterická, vyzerá, že ju to vystrašilo na smrť, keď videla, čo sa stalo. A v tej polnočnej temnosti, ona bola ihneď odrezaná. A ten malý chlapec vykríkol na plné hrdlo, “Neboj sa, moja malá sestra, je tu muž, ktorý môže rozsvietiť svetlá.“

188Neboj sa, malá Sestra, máme tu Muža, ktorý môže rozsvietiť svetlo, rozumiete, ktorý dokáže spôsobiť, že Slovo Božie urobí presne to, čo má urobiť. Ten muž je Ježiš Kristus. Nech Jeho charakter je reflektovaný s tým Jeho. Modlime sa.

189Neboj sa, malá Sestra, máme tu Muža, ktorý môže rozsvietiť svetlá, kdekoľvek si, kdekoľvek vidíš svoje miesto v toto popoludnie. Ja to ponechávam na teba. Tvoj prítomný charakter pôsobí, že sa uvidíš niekde pozdĺž tej línie, na čom by sme mohli zostať a pokračovať hodiny a hodiny. Čím je tvoj súčasný charakter? Modlime sa teraz a vy sa tiež modlite, pamätajte, možno vás už nikdy neuvidím, možno vy ma už nikdy neuvidíte, kým sa nestretneme tam. Tak teraz vo vašom súčasnom stave, je mi jedno, kto ste vo vašom súčasnom stave, ja sa sám tiež do toho kladiem. Čo odráža dnes popoludní môj charakter? Kde som identifikovaný?

190Nebeský Otče, skúmaj v tejto chvíli naše srdcia. Na tú zmenu stačí len okamih. Nech myseľ Kristova príde do nás. Biblia hovorí, „Nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás.“ To mení náš charakter a v tejto roztrúsenej kázni, ak by som to tak dnes popoludní nazval, to je len môj pokorný spôsob, ako chcem ľuďom ukázať, čo verím, že Ty nám chceš dať vedieť. Bože, nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo mne, a ak som niekde nedokázal spečatiť Tvoje Slovo s „amen“ a nasledovať Ho, potom, Pane, premeň ma a prerob ma, som Tvoj sluha. Chcem tým byť, Pane. Ty mi pomôž, pomôž každému tu, Pane.

191Teraz ich porúčam Tebe. Ak sú tu takí, Pane, ktorí boli pred založením sveta v Tvojom myslení, toto ich istotne budí. Spolieham, že každý jeden z nich bol zobudený. A, Otče, potom tam budeme vedieť, že keď Ty prídeš a tá Veľká Kniha bude otvorená, vtedy porozumieme. Ak sú nejakí, ktorí zblúdili a dostali sa pomimo cesty, modlím sa, Bože, aby si ich dnes priviedol späť, priviedol ich späť na cestu spravodlivosti a života. Sme v Tvojich rukách, Pane, učiň s nami, ako to Ty vidíš vhodné. Porúčam toto obecenstvo Tebe, ako trofeje toho zhromaždenia v Mene Ježiša Krista, Amen.

192No, nemáme čas na výzvu ku oltáru, ale chcem, aby tá výzva k oltáru bola vo vašom srdci. Kde ste identifikovaní vo svojom súčasnom stave?

193Tak potom, ako som toto kázal, idem poprosiť Ducha Svätého, ak by chcel, ak by mi teraz na chvíľu pomohol, kým môžem obdržať pomazanie, aby som sa modlil za chorých. Tieto veci, ktoré som povedal, nech sú pravdivé, Bože, čo aj sú pravdivé.

194No, ak každý len zostane na svojom sedadle a bude teraz skutočne úctivý, buďte prosím úctiví a kontaktujte sa s Ním. Na základe niečoho tu ste, a niečo sa pohybuje, to ťa vyraďuje, je to veľmi tvrdá vec. Vyzerá to, že ak by tá žena, ktorá bola tam v Sychar... Raz sa to stalo. Ježiš to neopakoval znovu a znovu.

195Ale americkí ľudia musia byť stále zabávaní, viete, to je naša nátura. My len... Radšej zostávame doma a sledujeme televíziu, je tam viac zábavy, ako v cirkvi. Vidíte? Vidíte, to je zábava, to je to, čo chceme. Dostalo sa to do cirkvi. Boh ťa nezabáva, On ťa len privádza ku Jeho Slovu. Rozumiete?

196On to povedal tej žene a oni museli uveriť Slovu ohľadne toho, slovu tej prostitútky. Ale celé mesto bolo pripravené, vidíte, oni boli v mysliach Božích pred založením sveta.

197No, nech to Boh môže dnes popoludní zopakovať, to je mojou pokornou modlitbou. A keď vás zanechávam, nech On toto zanechá s vami. Modlite sa.

198Koľkí z vás tam... Nevidím tu žiadnu osobu, ktorú by som poznal, všetci, ktorí sú v tom zástupe, a ja ne... Možno, pravdepodobne sú tie modlitebné lístky po celom mieste, ale vy tam sedíte, ktorí ste chorí a máte určitú potrebu, alebo niečo a vy viete, že ja o vás nič neviem, ktorí ste takí, zodvihnite svoje ruky, kdekoľvek ste. Vidíte? Každý jeden.

199Nech nám Pán v tomto teraz pomôže. Nehýbte sa teraz nikto, prosím vás, nikto sa nehýbte. Toto je veľká vec.

200No, nie je potrebné, aby som hovoril, aby som sa to snažil vysvetliť, neexistuje spôsob, ako by sa to dalo. No, Biblia hovorí, Biblia, ktorá je Slovom, že „On je Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.“ Je to pravda?

201No, niekedy je viera neznáma vám, ktorí ju máte, a vy o tom neviete. Ak sa snažíte do niečoho potlačiť, tak to miniete. Pôjdete ponad to. Je to tak pokorné a jednoduché, rozumiete? „A On je Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami.“ Potom, ak sa Ho dotkneš, On bude konať tak isto, ako konal predtým. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Sledujte teraz.

202Vidíte túto ženu, ktorá tu sedí? Nepoznám tú malú dušu. Ona tu len sedí, ale ona je nejako v kontakte s Bohom, pretože v tej dimenzii, do ktorej sa teraz dívam, vidím tú ženu a ona si je vedomá niečoho, čo sa deje. Ona sa modlí za svoje deti, ktoré tu nie sú. To je pravda. Nepoznám ju, nikdy som tú ženu nevidel, ale ona má veľkú starosť o nejaké deti.

203Veríš mi, že som Jeho sluha? Veríš, že Ježiš Kristus je tu? Ten Duch Svätý, ktorý... Vidíte, ak sa len môžeme dostať nabok z cesty. Rozumiete? No, uzdraviť ťa, to ja nedokážem, alebo dať ti tvoju túžbu, nedokážem to. Vidíte, to musí prísť cez Boha. Inak, jedine, že by mi On povedal, aby som ti niečo povedal. Ale teraz, ak mi On môže zjaviť, čo je s tým dieťaťom, alebo čokoľvek to je, budeš mi veriť, že som Jeho sluha? Budeš.

204Tak teraz celé obecenstvo, ak to chcete vedieť, tá pani sedí rovno tu. Postavila by si sa? No, Biblia tu leží predo mnou, že ja tú ženu nepoznám. Nikdy som ju nevidel. No, poď teraz späť do Sycharu.

205Buďte prosím všetci úctiví. Rozumiete? Keď vidíte niečo... Vidíte, to je Duch, to sa pohybuje a to ma znovu rozrušuje.

206Áno, tá pani má tri deti, za ktoré sa modlí, a všetky tri sú zatienené, to znamená, že oni nie sú kresťania. Sú nespasené, to je pravda. Jedno z nich je dievča a ono má ranu na svojej nohe tu hore. Je to pravda, že? Jeden z tých chlapcov má nejaký problém s očami, ďalší má srdcový problém a je alkoholikom. To je pravda. Či je to tvoja túžba? Či je to to, čo chceš od Boha? [Sestra hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Potom prosím v Ježišovom Mene, aby ti dal to, čo je tvojou túžbou. Potrebuješ ešte niečo ďalšie?

207Tu je jedna pani, práve, ako som to povedal, ju to rozrušilo, sedí rovno tu, trpí na artritídu, volá sa pani Thomasonová, ona nebude vedieť... Áno, ja som ti cudzí, nikdy v živote som ťa nevidel, ale to je to, kým si. Či veríš, že som Jeho sluhom, pani? Či veríš, že to, čo som povedal, že je pravdivé a prichádza od Boha? Trpíš na artritídu.

208Ten, ktorý sedí vedľa teba, je tvoj manžel, on tiež trpí, on má nejaký problém so žilami a je to nazývané „tvrdnutie žíl,“ to je pravda. Tiež má nejaký problém s nohami. Je to pravda. A potom, ty sa snažíš prestať piť. Chceš to robiť a ty si alkoholička, ale snažíš sa prestať piť. Či veríš, že som Jeho sluha? Či ma prijmeš ako Božieho sluhu? Potom ťa z toho vyslobodzujem v Mene Ježiša Krista. Veríš, pane? Daj svoje srdce Kristovi, vyhľadaj kazateľov ohľadne krstu a tá vec je potom pre teba, len ver.

209Veríte? „Ak len môžete veriť.“ Máš nejaký problém so svojím bokom, že? Ak len budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca, Boh to uzdraví.

210Ty, čo sedíš hneď vedľa, máš cukrovku. Veríš, že Boh uzdraví pri tebe cukrovku a celkom ťa uzdraví?

211Srdcové problémy. Či veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvoje srdcové problémy? V poriadku, pane.

212Ďalší, takisto srdcové problémy. Či veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvoj srdcový problém? To je pravda. Veríš, že On to urobí?

213Táto pani, ktorá tu sedí, pred pár minútami, ako som kázal a hovoril som o vlastnom identifikovaní, ona sa pozrela rovno na mňa, vtedy si bola uzdravená. Máš problémy s obličkami, ak je to pravda, povstaň na svoje nohy. Vidíte? Dobre, ty... Či to nebol zvláštny pocit, ktorý na teba prišiel, keď som povedal o tom osobnom zidentifikovaní? A ty si mala ozaj zvláštny pocit a pozrela si sa rovno na mňa. To je to, kedy sa to stalo. Choď teraz domov, si v poriadku. Len ver Bohu, to je všetko. Vidíte, Slovo je zamanifestované.

214Ty si lapal po dychu, pane, či veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z tých srdcových problémov a uzdraviť ťa kompletne? Ten muž so sivými vlasmi, dobre vyzerajúci muž, ktorý tam sedí, či veríš, že Boh uzdraví ten srdcový problém? Veríš. Tvoja manželka tam teraz sedí. Či veríš, že ti môžem povedať, čo je zlé s tvojou manželkou, skrze pomoc Božiu? Či veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo s ňou nie je v poriadku? Je to anémia, slabosť krvi, je to pravda. Či veríte, že Boh vás teraz oboch uzdraví? Veríte, prijímate to?

215Tá pani, ktorá sedí vedľa nej, vidíte, ako to tam išlo? Tá pani má nejaký problém s chrbtom. Či veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten problém s chrbtom, pani, a zotaviť ťa?

216Ten muž vedľa teba má artritídu, či veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z tej artritídy, pane? Prijímaš to, prijímaš? Zodvihni svoju ruku, v poriadku.

217A čo tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno vedľa a díva sa teraz priamo na mňa, tá, ktorá sedí rovno vedľa teba? Áno, ona sa modlí za svoju matku, jej matka je v nemocnici a má infekciu, je to pravda.

218Zodvihni svoju ruku, ty, ktorá si rovno vedľa toho muža, sestra. To nebola tá matka, za ktorú si sa modlila, táto pani sa modlí za svoju matku v nemocnici, ale ty, tvoj ocko, on má rakovinu a ty sa modlíš za neho, je to pravda. Vidíte?

219Tá ďalšia pani má problém s pľúcami. Či veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten pľúcny problém?

220Tak vidíte, to tak na mňa dopadá, že som takmer akoby oslepený, vidím tu naokolo len akoby dvadsať, tridsať ľudí.

221Kde ste teraz identifikovaní? Si zidetifikovaný tak, že môžeš povedať, „Som veriaci, verím Bohu, alebo verím, že toto je On. Či si zidentifikovaný... Alebo, buď identifikovaný s tým Slovom, že povieš, „Boh to zasľúbil. To, čo robil Ježiš vtedy, urobil znovu dnes, a ja verím, že žijeme vo dňoch Sodomy a je to rovno pred zničením sveta a Ježiš zasľúbil, že On bude manifestovať znovu Samého Seba presne tak, ako to urobil pri Sodome, ako to robil tam a ako to robí teraz.“ Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.]

222Potom všetci z vás, ktorí máte modlitebné lístky v tomto jednom rade tu, táto sekcia tu, postavte sa rovno ku stene, tamtým smerom. Vstaňte zo svojho miesta a postavte sa ku tej stene, všetci na tejto strane.

223A nech potom tí, ktorí sú v tejto sekcii, ktorí majú modlitebné lístky, tá stredná sekcia, postavte sa do tejto uličky a stojte takto tuto. Nepobehujte teraz, vidíte, stojte rovno v uličke. Choďte rovno...

224No, počkajte, chcem, aby tento zástup, ktorý je tu na tejto strane, aby sa postavil týmto smerom, pozrite, obráťte sa týmto smerom, chcem, aby tento zástup tu išiel z tejto strany tadeto, aby sa vrátil uličkou, aby išiel naspäť týmto smerom, keď sa budú vracať a potom si tam znovu sadli.

225A všetci tí, ktorí sú v tejto ďalšej sekcii, ktorí majú modlitebné lístky, postavte sa do tejto uličky, týmto smerom. V poriadku, poďte sem a potom sa vracajte tam naspäť dozadu a tam sa pripojte..

226Tak, vy uvidíte buď kompletný falzifikát, alebo uvidíte Slávu Božiu. Tak, kde ste teraz, dnes zidentifikovaní? Či s veriacim, alebo musíte byť zabávaní, alebo budete veriť Bohu? Niektorí z nich v tých biblických časoch dokonca, len tieň svätého Petra, rybára, ktorý sa nedokázal ani podpísať, len tieň toho muža ukázal to isté znamenie, ktoré vy vidíte tu dnes, prechádzať to ponad ľuďmi a oni boli uzdravení. Koľkí z vás viete, že je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

227Teraz, bratia, vy nie ste vynechaní, zatiaľ čo títo sú tu takto, oni takto prichádzajú a stojte tu. [Brat Branham sa otočil a hovorí ku kazateľom. Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

228Ak je tu nejaký pastor, ktorý verí v modlenie sa za chorých, ja vás nechcem opustiť s tým, že ľudia si budú myslieť (ja tu stojím ako evanjelista s darom rozpoznania a tak ďalej, v tejto prorockej hodine, v ktorej žijeme). Nechcem, aby si ľudia mysleli, že váš pastor neznamená toľko, ako ktokoľvek iný. On je sluhom Kristovým, s tou istou autoritou, ktorú mám ja, alebo ktokoľvek druhý. Našou autoritou je Ježiš Kristus a ja chcem, aby prišli tu dolu a modlili sa so mnou, zatiaľ čo sa budeme modliť.

229Tak teraz každý pastor, ktorý je tu, ktorý verí v Božské uzdravenie a chce tu s nami stáť, či prídeš sem a zaujmeš miesto so mnou, postavíš sa sem, zatiaľ čo sa budem modliť za chorých? Vy, pastori, ktorí chcete prísť, táto skupina pastorov, ktorí to sponzorujú, ja som sa ich tam opýtal, „Nie je v tom rozdiel, odkiaľ je ten pastor, do akej cirkvi patrí,“ či si Presbyterián, Luterán alebo katolícky kňaz, poď sem a postav sa sem, (ak veríš v posolstvo Krista), ako prejav, že veríš v Božské uzdravenie. Poď sem a polož svoje ruky na nich. Istotne sa nebudeš oddeľovať, ako sluha Kristov, nebudeš sa oddeľovať od svojho... Od ľudských bytostí, bez ohľadu na to, či oni patria do tvojej skupiny alebo nie, alebo tvojej farnosti. Nebudeš sa od nich oddeľovať, budeš veriť. Si teraz vítaný, aby si teraz prišiel a pomohol mi s kladením rúk na týchto chorých ľudí, aby mohli byť uzdravení.

230V poriadku, myslím, že tie rady sú pripravené, aby začali. Chcem, aby uvádzači zaujali teraz svoje miesta, aby tak mohli pomôcť s ľuďmi.

231Aby sme tak ne... Každý to porozumie, počúvajte teraz veľmi pozorne. Môžete ma počuť? Povedzte Amen. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Povedzte to znovu. [Amen] Pozrite, dám vám...

232No, nebudem môcť vziať každú osobu, postaviť sa tam a modliť sa s nimi a mať rozpoznanie. Pôjdem ešte s piatimi alebo šiestimi ďalšími a potom ma už zoberú preč z budovy, viete to.

233Ježiš, jedna žena sa Ho dotkla a On sa otočil a povedal jej, aký bol jej problém a všetko o tom. On povedal, „Vyšla zo Mňa sila, cnosť.“ sila, jedna osoba, a to bol Boh manifestovaný v tele.

234Toto je len malý dar, vidíte, aby to zamanifestovalo Jeho, zasľúbený Dar na ten deň. Všimnite si, priatelia.

235Raz bol Peter zavolaný na scénu, kde bola jedna žena mŕtva a volala sa Dorkas, všetci, ktorí si to pamätáte, povedzte „amen“. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] A on tam išiel, kľakol si a modlil sa. Po... Počúvajte teraz, vy, ľudia v modlitebnom rade. Potom, ako sa pomodlil, išiel a položil ruky na Dorkas a ona sa navrátila do života. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“]

236Teraz, bratia, chcem, aby ste sa vy a to zhromaždenie pripojili so mnou. Pozrite sem, ako tu stojíte, je tu asi päťsto ľudí, alebo možno viac, ktorí tu stoja dnes popoludní, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Modlime sa modlitbu viery, každý jeden z nás a potom, ako budú ľudia prechádzať, keď budete na nich klásť svoje ruky, klaďte na nich ruky s vierou, že sa to stane. Ja budem veriť. Ja budem z celého svojho srdca, budem veriť.

237Náš nebeský Otče, teraz tadeto prejde ten veľký pochod, stovky ľudí tadeto prejdú pod ruky týchto kazateľov, nech si uvedomia, Pane, že oni len prechádzajú pod krížom, oni prechádzajú pod... Kde bola preliata krv, aby to učinilo toto, to, čo my činíme, aby to bolo skutočné, pretože ten, ktorý visel na kríži, povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, zotavia sa.“ A nech to ľudia prijmú.

238Ty si zasľúbil, že spasíš kohokoľvek, kto bude „chcieť“. Ty nemôžeš spasiť svet, pretože ten ktokoľvek „chce“ Ti nebude veriť, Ty si išiel do jedného mesta a nemohol si učiniť mnoho mocných skutkov kvôli nevere.

239Ani nebudeš môcť, môcť pomôcť ani jednej osobe, ktorá prejde týmto radom, kým sa oni ochotne z hĺbky ich srdca nezidentifikujú s veriacimi a so Slovom Božím, že tá vec je skončená, nech teraz príde táto veľká identifikácia, že keď každý jeden z týchto ľudí bude prechádzať pod rukami týchto kazateľov, nech to Duch Svätý umiestni do ich sŕdc, že oni reagovali na to Božie naliehanie a nech idú odtiaľto radujúci sa, uzdravení pre osoh Kráľovstva Božieho. Poslúchame ťa, Pane, v tomto skutku v Mene Ježiša Krista, amen.

240Chcem, aby tu niekto... Roy, poď sem, ak môžeš a zaspievaj „Jemu len ver.“ Chcem, aby ste mali vy, ostatní, svoje hlavy sklonené a každý nech sa modlí.

241No, sú tu matky, otcovia a deti, maličkí, nemocné dieťatká, ľudia, ktorí zomierajú na rakovinu. Ak by ste to boli vy, chceli by ste niekoho, kto by bol úprimný. A chceme to úprimne.

242Tak, skloňme teraz všetci svoje hlavy. Pôjdem sem dolu medzi mojich bratov, aby som sa modlil za chorých. [Brat Branham a kazatelia kladú ruky na chorých a modlia sa za nich v modlitebnom rade. Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

243Viete, toto je najnádhernejší čas v tomto obecenstve. A ja som si niečo dnes popoludní všimol: neviem, či ste si to vy všimli alebo nie. Deväťdesiat percent tých ľudí, ktorý boli uzdravení, boli uzdravení dokonca skôr ako prišli tam, kde som ja stál. Oni kričali a vykrikovali a dávali Bohu chválu predtým, ako sa tam dostali.

No, budeme sa modliť za tie vreckovky.

244Pane Ježišu, vieme, že v Biblii, oni povedali, „Brali zástery z tela svätého Pavla.“ Nie preto že to bol Pavol, ale pretože to bol Tvoj sluha, Pane. On bol Tvojim vyslancom a my vieme, že oni povedali, „Nemoci a choroby odchádzali.“ Mnoho ľudí nemohlo na zhromaždenie prísť a oni poslali po niekom vreckovky, ktoré ich reprezentovali. Bože, nech ten Anjel Pánov... On bol ten, ktorý sa pozrel dolu na Červené more a vystrašil ho a Izrael išiel do svojho zasľúbenia. Udeľ to, Pane, aby toto bolo také isté. Nech tieto vreckovky, keď budú položené na chorých, tých chorých uzdravia. Prosím to pre osoh Kráľovstva Božieho, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

245Chcem teraz povedať, len jedno alebo dve slová vám, pretože si vás skutočne cením. Cením si týchto milých kazateľov pozdĺž celého tohoto modlitebného radu, ako položili svoj čas, aby pomohli a to všetko. A možno by ste si mohli myslieť, bratia, že zatiaľ, čo prebiehalo to rozpoznávanie a tak ďalej, tu dolu, že ja som nevedel, za čo ste sa modlili, ale Pán Ježiš mi to pripomenul. Viem, čo...

246Neboj sa o svoju mamu, ona bude v poriadku.

247A ty, čo tu sedíš s tými problémami nosovej dutiny a so ženskými problémami, vedel som to, a ty to premôžeš, neboj sa.

248Vidíte, to bolo za nami tak isto, ako On bol tu vpredu a On o tom všetko vie, vidíte? A vy, ktorí ste prechádzali modlitebným radom a ten istý Boh, ktorý ma pomazal, pred týmto zhromaždením, On tu robí tú istú vec. Vidíte? Je to... A On je ten istý včera, dnes i na veky.

249Veríte Mu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, či nie je nádherný? [Amen.] Či toto nie je niečo?


250Koľkí z vás poznajú túto pieseň? „Požehnané sú putá, ktoré zväzujú naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske“? Môžeš nám udať tóninu, sestra? Chcem to spievať, neviem prečo, ale spievajme to len. Stojme pred Ním skutočne úctivo a spievajme, spievajme to teraz spolu.

Požehnané sú putá,

ktoré zväzujú naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske,

obecenstvo príbuzných myslí,

je ako to, tam hore.

To je starodávna pieseň.

Keď sa rozlúčime (Zodvihnime svoje ruky), pôsobí to vnútornú bolesť, ale stále budeme spojení v srdci v nádeji, že sa znovu stretneme.

251Či to nemilujete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Kým sa nestretneme znovu. Spievajme to teraz všetci spolu, „Kým sa stretneme zas,“ všetci teraz spolu.

Až sa zídeme zas, znovu zas

pri Ježišových nohách,

až sa zídeme zas, znovu zas,

Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas.

252Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy v modlitbe, poprosím tu pastora brata, ak by mohol prísť, a ak chceš niečo povedať, brat, alebo čokoľvek chceš povedať, alebo rozpustiť zhromaždenie, kým sa neuvidíme znovu, nech je Boh s vami. Modlite sa za mňa, milujem vás. Amen.

IDENTIFICATION, 64-0216, Elliott Auditorium, Elliott Auditorium, Tulare, CA, 103 min

1 ... as we read the Word. Remembering, after this service this afternoon, you'll probably go back to your churches, for the night service. I'll try to let out early so you can do so.

2Listen. If I was in this city, around, I'd attend to these--these churches here. I really would. I'm not saying it... Never told me to say this. There is some fine man, real brothers. And then each one of you that accepted Christ, if they didn't get your name, why don't you look them up, for Christian baptism, and let them lead you on to the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

3 If you don't have a church, you must; see, you'll die, spiritually, you'll just dwindle away. And if you don't have a church, why don't you go and talk to them, they would be glad to help you. They are--they are--they are brothers in Christ, and, they, they would be glad to help you. Isn't that right, brethren? [The ministers say, "Right."--Ed.] Just very happy to help you, and help you along, do anything that they can for you. Good, faithful man, someone who will watch over your soul and care for you. Do that.

4And if you accepted Christ, and they didn't get your name, just somewhere in the seat you just accepted Him, why don't you go talk to them about baptism now, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Do that now. God bless you.

5 We want to read, this afternoon, out of the book of Philippians, the 2nd chapter of Philippians. And I want to begin with the 5th verse.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man:

And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Wherefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things that are in heaven, and things in earth,... things underneath the earth:

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus is Christ the Lord, to the glory of God our Father.

Let us bow our heads for a moment.

6 Our Lord, we are approaching Thee now in the holy Name that's--that's got Heaven's Name, and all the family in the earth is named. And He told us, when here, "You ask the Father anything in My Name, I will grant it." We just simple people, Lord, but we believe that to be the truth. We believe that what we ask we receive, because if our--if our souls condemn us not, if we don't have any bad feelings of what we've done, that's wrong, then we have this assurance that God will hear us. So we are asking for mercy, this afternoon, for all of us.

7And now I am asking that You will grant to this waiting audience, now, the healing of every person that's in Divine Presence. May this be one of the greatest healing services that we have ever had. May there be something take place, Lord. We don't know how it would happen, or what else could be done, but we pray that the Holy Spirit will have the preeminence this afternoon, to break into every heart and to every mind. As we have just read, "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." I pray, God, that as we see that the mind is the controlling tower of the whole being, that it directs us, and let the mind that was in Christ be in us this afternoon. And He was always believing the Word. And now may there be a great outpouring of His Presence upon us.

8 And I pray for these ministers, Lord, that's cooperated in this meeting, that each of their church will be benefited with such great spiritual and material benefits, because of their stand, to try to bring to their people, the Gospel, in every true fashion that they know It's being preached in. And I pray, Father, that You will bless them. And may the people appreciate them, knowing that--that they are doing it for their sake and for the Gospel's sake; that may they, in return, help and put their shoulders to the wheel, and to push for the Cause that we're trying to bring forth on the earth, the Lord Jesus.

9Now, Father, we pray that You will take the Words as we have read them, and You are Your Own interpreter, so we pray that You'll interpreter It to our hearts today. And when we leave, today, may we say like those coming from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us, as He talked to us along the way?"

10Bless them, God, all these new-born babes that's just come to You. I pray, in their tender little way, that they'll be fed with the sincere milk of the Gospel, that they'll grow into great statures of Christ, that they might be His mouthpieces and servants, to serve Him in this great shadowing age that we're now living, in the evening Lights. Grant it, Father. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

11 [A sister speaks in another tongue. A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.] Amen. Amen. I think the message would be to comfort the saints, and to exalt... exhort the young converts to come closer to God and to continue in the Faith. Thanks be to God.

12Now I want to take this subject for a while. We got, won't be able to speak but just a little while, because we got around five hundred prayer cards out, and they've all got to be prayed for.

13So now I'm doing this so that it might help. I'm wondering if my voice hasn't got a rebound. Can you hear me way back in the back, all right? It just sounds to me like it's bouncing back here. And last night, in making the altar call, I thought that that's maybe the reason people couldn't understand, that it had a rebound.

14 Now I want to take this subject this afternoon: Identification.

15Now, anyone, that must be, we're living in a days when identification is required. You can't, unless you're known at a bank, you can't cash your check unless you have something to identify yourself.

16I know, my wife, she can't cash a check. Yet, when we get our check, we put it in the bank. But she don't cash it, because she doesn't drive, she has no social security number or nothing to identify herself, so therefore it's a hard thing for her to cash a check. You've got to be some official identification, and I think it's just that time that we're living in.

17 If you notice, if you go to a certain denominational church, like a Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or something, you have to have something to identify yourself if you're going to speak. You have to have a credential, or a card, or fellowship card, or something to identify yourself as where they know where you come from and what you're going to say at that platform. You have to be identified. And--and it's identifying age.

18Now all that that happens in the natural is only a type that's going on in the spiritual. We also, the Christian Church Itself, which is of no denomination, but of a Nature. It is the mystical Body of Christ, and It's identified, also. It bears identifications. Jesus identified Himself.

19And now we're going to speak this afternoon upon identifications, in the Bible character. We're going to, or identify our present condition, and with characters of the Bible, of other ages.

20 Now, we wonder sometime what--what we would look like if we would try to look into the mirror and see what we look like. It reminds me of a little story I heard one time, of a family that lived way back in Kentucky, where I come from, way back in the mountain country where there is...

21Well, my grandmother lived to be a hundred and ten years old, and she never seen but one automobile, and to bring it from an old grade, up to where I brought mine up, it taken almost eight hours to go about four miles; putting logs in the creek, and things, to get it across. She never seen a--a--a train, or anything old enough. When she died, years ago, she remembered the assassination of President Lincoln, and lived to be a hundred and ten years old.

22And I guess she never had three or four pairs of shoes, all of her life. And I can just see the little old tracks now, like a little coon track going up to the spring, of a morning before daylight; with a big old cedar bucket, with hoops, brass hoops on it, to get water, come down to do her cooking. Set with her little feet out, before an old fireplace, like that, big cracks, and them bleeding in there.

23But when she died, she put her arms around me, I held her in my arms and cried, praying for her like this. The last words I heard her say, was, "God bless your little soul now and forevermore." I was just a boy then. But she knew Christ as her Saviour, but they didn't have very much of the world's goods.

24 So out of this story comes this, that these people never could afford a looking glass. They didn't have one, and the father had just a piece of a--a mirror he had tacked on the tree, to shave by, on the outside. They had a little boy, and he'd... this little piece of mirror, why, he had never been able to--to get up to where it was at, to see himself. So he come to visit in the city with one of his mother's sisters who had married a--a man that had come to Indiana, and then they lived out there. So they had a home, they'd all...

25The old fashion home, used to be, they had a full mirror on a door, sometime, when he would go in--in--in the bedrooms. I don't know whether any of you remember them old doors, or not, that had a full-length mirror up-and-down the door.

26 So the little boy, he got to his auntie's house, and he was running around like any little boy would, and--and they noticed him. And he--he started to--to walk up the steps. And, as he did, at the head of the steps, when he was getting close to the head of the steps, he begin to see another little boy appearing. And he stopped and looked at the little boy. Course, it was... He waved at him, and he waved back at him. And he kept getting closer and closer, watching the little fellow. First thing, he reached out his hand. He looked around. His parents was watching him, 'cause he had never seen a mirror before. He said, "Well, that's me."

27 So I just wonder, today, if we couldn't look in the Bible, and say, "That's me," as we wonder which one is it, which character in the Bible would we look like. And let's just take that for a little text now and stay with it for a while. And as we look into God's Word, let's identify ourself, for He give others in there for examples of what we are. Now remember that God takes His Spirit... or takes His man, but never His Spirit; Satan takes his man, but never his spirit. So let's see if we can identify our present state now with Bible characters. Now, they, the Bible said, "All those things happened, back in those days, for examples for us." They are our examples.

28 Our character molds us to the image of what we are, our character of life that's in us.

29Now you take a little germ of life, and when if it's a--if it's a germ of a--of a bird, it'll produce a bird. And if a germ of a--of a wheat, it'll produce wheat. A germ of corn, it'll produce corn. See, the life that's in it molds the character of it.

30Then we find the same thing, like a life of a cancer. See, a germ, cancer germ, it molds a cancer. It's an evil life. A life of a tumor would mold a tumor, so forth.

31 You see, we, our characters is molded by what's on the inside of us, and our outside only expresses what's on the inside. What we are, how we walk, no matter what we say, our life speaks louder than our words does.

If we might say, "I am a believer in God."

And I would say, "Well, do you believe all the Bible?"

32"Well, I don't know." Then, you see, your--your--your lips, your very... your life is speaking louder then than what your words would be.

33If you say, "I am a Christian. I do not believe in doing... and I believe all that God said is Truth." Then live any kind of a life after that? See, your--your life speaks louder than what your testimony does.

34 And, you know, that's one of the greatest hindrance that the Church of God has. The bootlegger, the gambler, them people are... we--we all know which way they are headed, and they know, themselves. But the fellow that professes to be a Christian, the woman that professes to be a Christian, and then lives something different, it's the greatest stumbling block that the outside world has got, that--that--that there is in the outside world, anywhere. It's worse than anything the world can produce, is a person that's supposed to be a Christian and then lives something else different from that. Lying, stealing, cheating, and doing things that he ought not to do, it's a discredit to his testimony when you take people that do those things there. And they are they... Our character is molded in there by the life that is in us.

35 Now we would say, "Jesus came to save that which was lost." That's what He did. And now there had to be something to save this lost, so it had to be a different character than that which was lost. So we find then, when God looked down upon this creation of His, that He had made upon the... His... the characters of this earth; His loving character, Hisself, was molded into the Person of Jesus Christ, to be the Saviour of the world. He... This was done so He could pay the penalty for death for us, and redeem us. It certainly fulfilled John 3:16, see, that "God," no other person could do it. Jesus could been no one else. There was no other character anywhere could have produced such a Person as Jesus Christ, but God Himself.

36 Now there was nothing in the Heaven, that could have done it. You know, John looked in the--the Book there, the Bible, we find that he saw there was no one upon the earth that was worthy to take the Book, the Book of Redemption, and there was nobody in Heaven worthy. Nobody that was beneath the earth, or nowhere, was able or worthy to take the Book, to loose the Seals, or to even look on It. And he wept, because in this Book was the Book of Redemption, his own name was in there, and nobody was worthy.

37And then one of the elders said, "Fear not, for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda has prevailed, and He is worthy.

38John looked then to see a--a Lion, and he saw a Lamb, and it must have been a slain Lamb. It was a bloody Lamb. He said It was full of blood, because, "It was a Lamb that had been slain." And a slain lamb is bloody, of course. "And had been slain from the foundation of the world. He came and took the Book." There was nobody else could do it.

39 Because, if you plant any like a cocklebur in the ground... Any of your Arkansas-ers know what a cocklebur is. And put that in the ground, you can't expect to harvest a crop of corn out of it. No, you can't. So if you took a cocklebur and put it with a... and crossed it up with to jimson weed, you still wouldn't have nothing. See? And, see, there is no character in there but what would produce the same character, evil to evil.

40So it taken something that was not evil, that could produce a character like Jesus Christ. And it was God looking upon His creation, and His Own loving character; seeing that lost, yet in His image, made for His glory. And, see that lost, His Own love projected Jesus Christ. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." That was God manifesting Himself, not some other person, but Himself in a body form, to redeem what had been lost. No wonder how sad that must have been, when God looked upon the earth and it grieved Him that He ever made man.

41 One time, I--I had my little girl by the hand, and we was up at Cincinnati, at the zoo, and we were going down along, watching the animals, and I heard a great noise down below the--the--the cages where the--the animals such as wolves and tigers, and so forth, were. I walked down there. And there was a huge, big cage, oh, as high as this ceiling, perhaps. And they had just got an eagle, a little, oh, a few weeks before that, out of a... and put him in captivity. I never felt so sorry for that poor fellow. And he would get back... He's a big bird, and here he was all caged up by some something that man had done, had trapped him into something, and put him in a cage.

42And that big fellow, he was bleeding over the head, his great bald eagle, that big white head; and--and his wings, all the feathers was beat off of them like that. And the poor old fellow was laying on his back; his eyes, wearied, looking around. He'd get up, walk back over to the other side of the cage, and look up towards the heavens. That's where he come from.

43He is a heavenly bird. There is nothing can follow him. A hawk would disintegrate, to try to follow him. Nothing can follow that eagle. And he goes so high, his eyes is comparative with his height, he can see what he is doing when he is up there. What good does it do to get up there if you don't know what you're doing?

44So God likened His prophets to eagles, that foresees things before they happen.

45 And I noticed him bleeding, and he would lay on his back and look up like that. That's where he belonged, but man had caged him. I thought, "What a pitiful sight!" He would get back, and he would fly, flop those big wings and just butt his head against those bars, and fall back in the floor again. Lay there, weary, and look around like that; look in the heavens where he was free, up there, at one time, and now in a cage.

46I stood there and cried. I wish they would have sold me the thing, I'd turned him loose. To see anything caged up! If that would make a man, who loves outdoors, as I love outdoors, if--if that would make a man cry, to look at that; and that was a pitiful sight.

47 But, oh, let me give you a more pitiful sight, is to see men and women who were made in the image of God, to bear His character, yet housed into things, and housed in by the traps of the world. See a beautiful young lady coming down the street, such a--a--a real... her--her... such a pretty woman, and her pretty hair all cut off; see her face with--with... A pretty, shaped face, with so much paint on it, you can't tell what she looks like. Look like she is cankered, with blue under her eyes, and--and eyes like a lizard, or a wolf, or something like that. And to see her with clothes on that she shouldn't be even caught into the--the bedroom herself, with the doors locked, with them on, and out on the street displaying herself like that. And to see sons of God, which ought to recognize that to be their sister, out on the street, whistling and trying to pick her up, to take her out for bad purposes. That's a pitiful sight, to see that Satan has caged in the human race.

48There is nothing could save it but a Character that could come over the top all of that. That, that, there was nothing in it, and That had to come from that pure Fountain of Almighty God.

49 That pretty, little lady who could be a--a real, little queen to some little, tired preacher, come in and take him up on her laps, and put her arms around him and--and quieten him down, there is nothing will take that place. That's part of a man. There is no hand can touch you, when you're tired and wore out, but a real kind, gentle wife who understands. Man knows that.

50And to see her out like that, she is in a cage that Hollywood has put her in. And--and many times them women claim to be Christians, and sing in choirs, but all caged up with a spirit that they can't see. There is no need of you to try to point it out, to them, seem like it just gets worse and worse. See? There they are, a modern Jezebel walking on the streets. And she say, "I give you to understand, I belong to this, and I..." See, still, that--that thing she belongs to has--has cut her off from the resource of Life. When she was born to be a little queen for some man, or some man that was born to be a--a--a son of God, and to think what has happened to them, oh, it's a terrible thing.

51 Then, see, God came down, and the character of God was Christ. He, He was the reflection. He was God, made visible. Notice, God made visible.

52"In the beginning was God." He wasn't even God then. No. God is an "object of worship." Only thing He was, was the Eternal. And in Him was attributes, and those attributes were thoughts. And those thoughts was expressed to Words, and Word was made manifest.

53What is it? It's all God, becoming tangible, and you are a part of God. And Jesus come to redeem those that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life, before the foundation of the world. It was in God's thoughts, and that's what He come to redeem. And them, as soon as It strikes to them, they see It, because the Life is in there.

54But if the Life isn't in there, then what can they do? See? They don't see It. They'll never see It. See?

55And the whole thing, as Jesus said, "At that day, you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." The whole thing is God, becoming material. Like a husband and wife becoming one, together, God and His Church becoming One.

56 Now, it taken something to redeem this fallen woman, which was typified in Eve, when she fell. "Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." Adam knowed that he was doing wrong; she didn't. That's the reason...

57I am not hurting your feelings, but you know I've always stood for it. I don't agree with women ministers, because it's not supposed to be that way. See, she is the weaker vessel. Now we find that this woman was deceived by a someone quoting her the Word, and just missed It a little bit, and that's what caused all the trouble; reason Paul said, "Let her keep silent in the church, not permit her to speak," so forth. Now notice.

58 But, see, all that is, it's displaying showing by type, like the whole Bible, God coming together with a redeemed Wife, a Bride that God had in His mind before the foundation of the world. That was the attributes of God, being displayed. And now to make a character that could redeem this woman, it had to be something greater than her, to redeem her. And did you ever notice... I--I... this may be...

59Now as some of my Arminian brothers are, a--a doctrine that is legalists, would disagree, just let me just... Pardon me for a minute, I might project this. If He is the Redeemer... I don't say this to hurt now, or to be different; I don't preach doctrine, but let me ask you something.

60 If He is a Redeemer, He come, a redeem is to "pick up that which has fallen," to redeem back to a place where it was at the beginning, so none will be picked up but them that was in His thoughts at the beginning. He come to redeem, not this cannon fodder that we see around professing to be Christians; but that He came to redeem, that was in God's thinking at the beginning. This other is just something that mixed around to show the stature. See? It just... it's a--it's a garden, a flower garden. That plays its part. But the stature is what you want to see, the stature of Christ, which was God projected to the earth in the form of a Man. Amen! That's the stature you want to see. That's the One. This other is just make-up parts, you see.

61 Now, this reflected His loving, noble character, God reflected in a Man, called Christ. He was only one that could do this. There was no other character in Heaven could do it, see, was God. He was the sinless nature. He was the Word, sinless nature of God. He was the Word expressed. Which, the Word was the beginning.

62And if you are in the Lamb's Book of Life, you was God's expression from His thought. He seen you and seen your desire, before there even was an atom, or anything else, and you are His thought made word, and expressed in what you are now. Amen. That's God, in you, reflecting Christ today. You know what I mean?

63 Now, I hope that don't interfere with nothing, you see, and I wouldn't want to say nothing contrary to what you've been taught.

64But just so that you would understand what I'm trying to get to here, a reflection, you've got to be identified. And if you are, and you were in God's thinking at the beginning, see, and was His reflection here on earth, you will bear record of the Heavenly, and as He bore record of the Heavenly, also. And when He raised up from the grave, and was given a body; we, when we raise up, will have a body like His Own glorious body.

65The resurrection is sure. It's a guarantee, and we have the earnest of it now, as the Holy Spirit comes in and identifies us as God's redeemed person. Amen! When you receive the Holy Ghost, you're sealed till the journey is over. That is your Token that you hold, that shows that your--your fare has been paid. You are a redeemed character. Satan has no business with you, none whatever. Just pick up your Token and show him, "My healing is paid for. My trip to Glory is."

66 A Token is what you use to ride on a bus line, or an airplane. Your ticket is your token. See?

67Take your Token; you're redeemed; the Blessing, the Holy Spirit. And if Satan tries to push something on you, just show This. That's your identification. Amen. You are identified in the resurrection of Christ. You are identified in His death when you die; you're identified in His resurrection. And, by that, It identifies you, that you were with Him before the foundation of the world, 'cause you are redeemed, that's, "brought back." "All the Father has given Me will come, and no man can come unless He the Father has give it, see, in the beginning."

68 Now notice, He was sinful... sinless, to take a place of the sinful, the antidote. He was without sin so that He might redeem sinners. God was expressed in Him and properly identified Himself in Him. Now notice.

69You say, "Brother Branham, did you say, 'God identified Himself'?" He did.

70Now, "In the beginning," said Saint John 1, "was the Word, and the Word was with God." Now a Word has to be a thought before it's a Word, 'cause the Word is a thought expressed. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God," see, "was God. And the Word, the Word, was made flesh and dwelt among us."

71Identified how? Now Hebrews 4, see, "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting asunder," cutting both coming and going, "cut asunder, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." And when He did that, that's how the prophets was identified, because they... God would speak and tell them just what was wrong and what was going on. See? That is the identification of the Word of the hour, being made manifested.

72 He was the fulness of God's Word, for He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. He was God in human form, and it took God to express such a character as this. And then that lovely life had to be taken from Him, so that He could save these that God's foreknowledge saw in the beginning, which was His thoughts of you and me. Jesus came to do that; His perfect life had to be sacrificed, to redeem that person. Then, if they do, and you were with God in His thoughts at the beginning, how can you deny His Word being true, when you are part of His Word. Amen. Certainly. A vindicated, properly, there could be no mistake about it. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me."

73 Now we find out that in the great turmoil of the day, the people, about understanding God, "God in three persons?" God, it's three attributes of God, like three offices: God above us, in the Holy Spirit up there, in a Pillar of Fire; God made flesh and dwelt among us, a Man that we could touch and handle; now God in the Church. God above you; God with you; God in you. See, the same God, in three different manifestations, but the same God all the time.

74 Notice, to be no mistakes. His sinless Nature expressed God's Word. And the only way that you will ever be able to express God's Word, that you believe It and watch It act behind you, you will have to have that sinless Nature that come from God. Before the foundation of the world, you was recognized with Him. Before the Word can ever express Itself through you, it takes a sinless Nature to do that.

75So much, till, He was the Word in full. The Word of God flowed through Him so freely that even He could speak a Word, it would create. See, that showed Who He was. Who can create, but God? See, God is the only creator there is. And He was so perfect in harmony, Him and the Word was so perfectly together, until He created, even He had, He and the Word being one.

76 No other nature could do this. No other nature could. No character, nothing in the Heavens, nothing else, could do that but Him, for He was the beginning of that Character, Saviour! The Angel wasn't born a Saviour; He was created a Being to worship God, not a Saviour. But in God was a Saviour. An ordinary man born of an ordinary woman couldn't be a Saviour, 'cause his nature is carnal. But it taken God, Himself! Amen. I--I hope you see it. Look, that was the expression, to manifest such a Character as that. For others, it was a fallen character; nothing could save. Angels wasn't created for such. Man was a fallen character. Look, how could this man...

77 Look, to show it's the ones that He thought of, His thoughts is the Christian of today, the thoughts before the foundation of the world. Now remember, "Man, when he was born in sin, shaped in iniquity, comes to the world speaking lies." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There is nothing in him at all. So, you see, if he was in God's thoughts when he come to the world, he's come (in God's thoughts at the beginning) to display His attribute. Do you follow me? ["Amen."] Then Jesus came to break the clouds back, so that attribute could display itself. Amen. That's it. He is God's expressed Word. Now, nothing else could be manifesting; other characters had all fallen. Then, you see, what did Jesus come, to bring back those characters? No, no, they were born in sin, shaped in iniquity.

78He came as a Redeemer. And to redeem anything, is to "bring it back." Amen. Bring it back! It was God's thought, you! Think! Little you, little me; no one in the world could take my place, nobody can take yours. You being a Christian and filled with the Spirit, God, and before the foundation of the world, seen you and knowed every feature that you got, see, and Jesus come to bring you back. That's what Jesus was here for, the Redeemer, the human body, to bring you back. That had to come to be a human, as a Redeemer, to display His attributes as Saviour, come to redeem you and bring you back from where you come from. You were...

79 When you receive Eternal Life, there is only one form of Eternal Life. That's the Greek word, Zoe. Is that right, brother? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] Zoe, "God's Own Life." So you, being a son, you become part of that Life. So the Life that's in you never did begin and It never can end. Think of it. It can't end, because anything that's Eternal never began. The Life that's in you never did begin, that is, if you've got Eternal Life. And that's God, for you was in His thought from the Eternal, and now it's expressed here in a human being, for His glory. Jesus came to redeem that, being the Son, the fulness of God had to come and become that. The sinless character of God did that, that He might redeem these other thoughts that was to come to Him, to make a Wife. See what I mean? Oh, it's a glorious story! We ain't... oughtn't to get on that, anyhow. Let's go on. All right.

80 Notice, "created." God, God flowed through Him just like the--the wind would flow through a--a building, or like the water flow down a stream, even He had... Him and the Word being One. No other character could do it, for He was the only One that was born without carnal. All the rest of them was sexual desire, by carnal. He was born without sex desire. He was the virgin born.

81God identified Himself as we are. He took--He took His strain, what He was, His strain as God, and stretched His tent down here and become human. He made Himself a tent, a body to live in, and that body is known as Jesus. God lived in Christ. See, He become human, in order to save us. And He took our upon Him, our form, that He might mold in us His character.

82 And His character was, that, He did everything that pleased God, and He stayed with the Word. That's what He wanted us for, we'd stay with God's Word, find our place, and then know where we were at. Stay with His Word! And, think of it, we are invited to shape our own character to His. Now we're going to find out what we've done. Shape our character to His Own, by His Own Spirit. Then we, by Him, are sons of God, just what I've expressed, by having His mind in us, to shape our character to His, His mind. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." If that mind is in you, then, you see...

83He only did that which pleased God. He knowed Who He was. He came, the Son of God. He knowed He was to take that place. His character had to be that way. And then when He, having taken this place, He knowed what the Messiah was required of, and He always sought at God to do those things, and did nothing until the Father showed Him.

84 Now if you find your place, sister, don't let me hurt you, or brother, but you'll find your place in the Word, as a Christian. Not what the creed said; that's down here in this lower cannon fodder that's going to be destroyed. See, you find your place as a Christian, because your character is molded as Christ's. You are Zoe the same as He was Zoe. Then if the Bible said for "a woman not to cut her hair," how can you do it? It says "a man is the ruler of the house," how can you women be? What's the matter with you man that's sons of God? See? See, you don't find your place. See? Watch now. In... You're invited to come and take His character. By having His character in You, it molds you into the same mind that He was, and His mind was always to do what the Father had ordained Him to do.

85He said, "Search the Scripture. They testify of Me." In other words, "If I don't do exactly what the Scripture said I'm to do, then show Me where."

86 Now what if God stood on the platform today, and said, "What's required of a Christian?" Then where would we all be? See, the character isn't expressing itself.

87His mind was to stay with the Father's Word. Their--their mind was to... The same mind that was in them was to be in us. And if His mind is in us, we'll do like He did. If His character is in us, we'll be as He was. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All the prophets had that, we know. We took, take about Noah, how he did in his day, Moses, how he did in His day, Daniel in his day, the Hebrew children, and so forth.

88 The Word molds God's character to us, and anything that's tried to be mixed with that character, breaks the mold. You can't mix creed with Word. You can't mix the world with the Word. Jesus said, "You can't serve God and mammon." Mammon means "the world." You can't be; one or the other. "If you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, you see, you can't mix it.

89You can't mix oil and water. It just won't mix. You can churn it up-and-down, do anything you want to, it won't mix.

90And your character will not mix with the world, if you are being molded in the form of God, by letting the mind that was in Christ be in you. That's the control tower, the direction.

91 Now let's look into God's mirror, His Word, and identify our present character by some Bible character. And we'll close just in a few minutes now. Identify ourself. Now This is the mirror that you want to do like that little boy did, look into. Let's look into This and see if can see ourself reflected by some Bible character. See what they did under certain circumstances, and see what we are doing now. Now get me real close now, see what your present character as a Christian is.

92Now you can judge. That won't make nobody judge you; you judge yourself, see. Nobody is judging you. I'm not passing judgment. But let's just reflect, see how it reflects from some characters of the Bible, as we mention them, and see what your character is at this present time. Now notice, the--the--the Word creates a character, we know that, now we look into His mirror and identify ourself by some--some person in the Bible.

93 If you lived in the days of Noah, and was in your present character... If you understand me, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you were living in the days of Noah, and in your present character, what side would you a-been on? Be careful, see. In your present character; now think of what you are. When the groups... What group would you be identified with, if your present character would have been living in the days of Noah? Would you been with the prophet and God's vindicated Word, standing in the minority, the little group, or with the popular-opinion folks of that day? What character?

94Would you have been belonging to the churches, and things, was making fun of that prophet up there? Would you have been walking up with a group that went up and said, "Well, I ain't got nothing against that old man; he might be right," or would you be in there pitching away with him? Now think of your character now. What would you have done when everything was against it?

95 Remember, the world was criticizing the prophet and his message, and--and everything, the world, was criticized. All the churches was criticizing him. All the science said, "The man is crazy." As they said about Jesus, eating the flesh and drinking His Blood, they said, "The Man is a cannibal. He's a vampire." See? So you see where the sensible, what we call the world's sensible people, the scientists?

96Did you know, when you get more education and more culture, did you know that's what side it puts you on? It puts you on the devil's side. The Bible said that, "The children of the darkness are wiser than the ones of the Light."

97Look at the sons of Cain, every one of them become scientists, dealers in buildings, and making great progress. But the sons of Seth was all humble, peasant, sheepherders. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Man renown, of old, as it was in the days of Noah, how they build and made, and built the pyramids and everything, scientists. Watch real close now, see. This people criticized this man's message, though he had the evidence of God with him.

98 Or what if you would have lived in the days of Elijah; Elijah, when him being the pastor at that day? And Jezebel, the twenty-five hundred years ago, Hollywood was starting, with all of her paint and fashions, had got all the daughters of Israel doing the same thing. And one old man standing up there and battering against it! And all the priests saying, "Oh, well, the old fellow, let him alone, he'll come to his end after a while. There is nothing to it. And he, our fine king who is dressed just like we're dressed, and got the finest clothes, and the best fed nation, and everything, what does it make any difference whether you do this, or that, or the other? What difference does it make?" The pastors had been saying it.

99But there stood one man, alone, with THUS SAITH THE LORD.

100 Now in your present character, where would you have been placed then? Now look in the Mirror, when you go home you'll see where you're at. See? See? What, what state would your present condition now place you at that day? Would you have went with the modern idea, the denomination, the sign, the fellow, "Oh, well, we're all married"? Oh, sure, they all worshiped Jehovah every new moon, and they screamed and they drank the water from the fountain, and praised the God of Heaven who brought them up, and all like that, but they're a million miles off the line. Where would your present Christian experience place you in Elijah's time? Where would you be identified? What side would you have took then?

101 Or, when Moses brought Israel, going down there as an identified prophet, with the Word that God had promised Abraham the prophet, would take place, and Moses went down and done all the signs that God told him to do. Listen close now, we're going to close in a minute. Brought them children out and got into the wilderness, the message, like you Pentecostals left fifty years ago from the denomination, and they got across the--the line over there, and there raised a man up, said, "Now wait a minute, let's make an organization out of this," a fellow named Dathan. "Moses, you think you're the only one on the beach. You think you're the only holy man among us. We got other holy man, say something about this. We'll just make us a little group, and we'll believe it this way, and we'll believe it this way, and we'll believe it this a way."

102 Now what group would your present character identify you? Would you, in the days of--of Elijah, would you have went out there where Jezebel, say, cut her hair and painted her face, and was a modern woman? Now just think where you are identified now. You say, "I'm Pent-..." I ain't saying what you are. I'm asking your character. We're going below these little things that you're looking at. We're going on the inside of you.

103Did you hear that Holy Spirit last night, how It screamed out there at last? That's the reason I'm saying what I am today. See? Open your under-... spiritual understanding, people, It's--it's later than you think. See? See? See? You can. It's--it's a way that a person might think that you're right. But I thought, maybe, if the Lord would let me speak this, that they would pardon me for it, the--the association, or, the brethren; which, I know they do, they're right with me on it.

104 Notice. But, this, if--if you can just see your ownself today, in the light; if your spirit, that was in you, lived in a character back there. Now look where you are today, and you'll see where you'd a-been back there. Where would you have been in that time? Would you have took sides with the organization that Dathan wanted to organize? Or, would your present character separated you from that, and stayed with the Word, see, when it seemed all was against it?

105Moses had been thoroughly a vindicated, that he had the message of the Lord. God had proved it in every manner, just exactly what He said had come to pass; told Israel, plumb back in Deuteronomy, way back in there, "Whatever these signs would be, you must follow that and listen to it, and hear what the Word promised." He was made manifest.

106And still Dathan, a smart leader down in Egypt, rose up and said there, "You'll try to make yourself the only one that's got anything."

107That wasn't Moses' thought. He was only doing what God had ordained him to do. All of them didn't have to be Moseses. The people only had to follow what he said. Everyone didn't have to create, and do miracles and things. That's what's the trouble with people today.

108 A lady asked me, coming down the road, the other day, from up here. She said... It's Florence Shakarian, Brother Demos' sister, and Sister Williams and them sat in the car. She said, "Brother Branham, I fast and fast and fast, and still I can't cast out devils."

109I said, "You wasn't born to do such. Your duty, is fast. The Holy Spirit is working on somebody else out there for that. You don't know the place."

110If we had time, we'd teach those things in long meetings. How that one person is burdened, like this, for something over here. You don't know, you don't, and not for you to know. It's Him doing it. You're just submissive to your call, and always line it up with the Scripture, see if it's right or not.

111 Now we find out, both... This was Moses that was criticized, and he was--he was criticized by this group, but God said to Moses, "Separate yourself from him, because I am going to swallow him up in the earth," and he did. Now, see, you must know the hour that you're living, and now judge your character with what they was.

112Or, in the days of Christ. I want to ask you now. When they had the finest seminaries, the finest ministers, the highest educated, the most holy rituals, and everything that we, they ever had; and when Jesus come on the scene, He was actually a "renegade," to them. But, you see, God identified His Own character in Him, by manifesting that He was God. And He said, "If you don't know Who I am, search the Scriptures."

Said, "We know Moses. We don't..."

113Said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you would know Me. He wrote of Me."

114 Now, if you lived in that day, and was a member of some fine church of the Sanhedrin Council, fine pastor, what side would you have took? What, what side would your character now place you on? Think. It's up to you. What side, would your--your character now that you are, where would you identify yourself in the days of Jesus, when your pastor said, Oh, them things are nonsense"?

115And yet here come Jesus back, saying, "The Scripture said I was to do this," and He did it. "The Scripture said I was to do this, and 'born a virgin.' Scripture said I was to do this," and He did it. He said, "Search the Scripture and see where I failed."

116But they said, "Pay no attention to that guy; He is out of His mind." See?

117 What, what present character do you have? Where would you be placed back there in them days when Jesus was on earth, when the big denominations and theologians was all against Him, and all the teachers and theologians of that day was against Him, all the Bible teachers against Him? Against what? Against the clear-cut Word of God for that age being made manifest, being identified, God Himself identified.

118"His Name shall be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. A virgin shall conceive and bear this son. The government shall be as over his shoulders, see, of His Kingdom there is no end." Who is this Person? A baby, God, and then God becomes a man. Could you imagine Jehovah crying like a baby? Could you imagine Jehovah born in a barn? Could you imagine Jehovah playing like a boy? Could you imagine a church, that claimed to worship Him, crucify Him?

119Now what side would you be identified on? What the true-cut, clean-cut Word was saying, Itself, or would you have took to your creed? Your present character, where would you be at? Now that's right where you would have been. Whatever you are right now, that's just what you would have been back there, just exactly, clearly cut. Oh, my!

120 When, His Messianic sign, now watch, His Messianic sign identified His character, for it was God in a man, the Word. See what I mean? It discerned the thoughts, and told them all these things.

121[]... the Word found her in. But when the Word first flashed, she got It. She was one of those thoughts of God, that was manifested. See?

122 But those who stood there in the ecclesiastical robes, with all kinds of dignity, and all kinds of perverting the Word into different things, and making It with no sincerity in It, just they belonged to the church, they was the one that claimed to have Light, and the Light blackened what light they had.

123Like you trying to hold a flashlight in the sun, put the sun out. See? Why won't a flashlight put the sun out, why won't any other light? There is no light can put the sun out. Why? It's the Word of God made manifest. God said, "Let there be light," and that's God's light. It's God's Word manifested; here he come!

124No creed, denomination, no pope, priest, or whatever it is, or Doctor of Divinity, no organization, no nation, no nothing, will ever put out the manifestation Light of God. When the Word is spoke and she comes to Light, it's going to do that what It said It would do. No creed can stand around It, no nothing can stand around it, but Light Itself and those who will walk in it. That's Jesus Christ raised from the dead, here manifesting Hisself among us, and we walk in Him. There is nothing can stop it. "Heavens and earth," Jesus said, "will pass away, but It won't." Notice, all the Bible teachers, and so forth...

125 Yet, seeing that Word vindicated, His messianic sign showing that little prostitute Who He was, others who was had them thoughts in God's mind, like Peter and--and Nathanael, and all those who was in God's thinking. As soon as that Light flashed, they recognized It. They didn't have to pull them up to the altar, call them up and--and beg them, and tell them you'll do something else for them if they would, and you'd give them a better living, and see if you could speak to the boss for a job, put them in a better location. They didn't care. They had to fight to hold their place. "But there is nothing going to separate us," said the Bible, "from the love of God which is in Christ." Persecution, peril, death itself, can't separate us, because we all was, always was, in His thoughts. All right, on we go.

126 Would your present state identify you with the Pharisees of that day? Would your present state? Now if you should say, "No, it wouldn't identify me with them Pharisees then," then what about now? Hebrews 13:8 said He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now what state does your present character identify you now? "I wouldn't have nothing to do with them Pharisees. No, sir." Now, that's just a name, to you. But what about the estate that you're in, when you see Him today in His church just as He was then, now where would you be? History is repeating itself.

127Pharisees of that day stood against Him because of prejudice. And that's what's the matter today, the denominational world stands against Truth of the Word, because it's prejudice.

128 Being interviewed by a Catholic priest not long ago, he said to me, "You're trying to teach a Bible."

I said, "That's what I believe in."

He said, "God is in His church."

I said, "God is in His Word."

129He said, "That was, all them early people were Catholics." I said... "Peter, James and John, they were all Catholic."

130I said, "If they were..." And he said... I said, "You, what do you think about the church today?"

Said, "It's far better off than it was then."

131I said, "Do the things you did then." See, the character shows exactly what it is.

132 Pharisees of that day, for prejudice! Remember, it was prejudice. They actually seen It! Nicodemus, one of their priests, expressed it, and said, "Rabbi, we know You're a teacher comes from God. No man could do what You do without God being with him." See, but for prejudice, because He didn't join up with their group!

133If He would come, say, "Now you Pharisees are wrong; I am a--I'm a Sadducee," or, "you Sadducees are wrong; I'm a Pharisee." The Pharisee would say, "See, I told you we were right." But He didn't come to any of them; but He stood between them.

134If you would have followed Him, to see His miracles then, and then... And you say, "Oh, I'd love to see His miracles." And you followed Him, to see His miracles.

135And then when He come to this place, said he stopped displaying His miracles, like, and begin to teach them. And the seventy ministers, ordained by Christ, got up and walked away from Him because He said something that science couldn't go with, or the rest of the crowd couldn't go with. They couldn't understand how that Man, being a man, yet make Hisself God coming down from Heaven. The Son of man ascend up from where He come from. He was God. Sure, He was. They said, "Oh, we, that's too hard, we can't go that."

136 Where would you be identified at that time, now with your character that's molded in you? Something has molded your character. You are some kind of a character. You would find yourself somewhere here. What would you have done? What, in your present state now, what, where would you have been at that time? See?

137Teachers all against Him, and everything, and His miracles identified Him. And when the seventy got up, and the pastors and the ministers, and got up and said, "We can't understand That," would you have walked away like that congregation? Or would you have been like them disciples, "I don't care what they say"? See, it's there.

138Then Jesus turned and give them a trial, said, "You all want to go, too?"

139See, they had Him caught in a trap. "Why, this Man is a vampire," said, "have to eat His flesh and blood." They walked away, the congregation.

140"Well," the ministers says, "well, we'll stay a little while longer, see what it's all about."

141And He said, "Now when you see the Son of man identifying Himself as God now, see, when you see the Son of man lifting up into Heaven from where He come from."

"Oh," they said, "this is too much for us," and off they went.

Then He turned to the disciples, said, "You want to go, too?"

142And Peter said, "Lord, who would we go? Where could we go? We know that You, and You alone, has the Words of Life."

143 And that's the same thing today, "He," not your organization, not your group. Christ, and Him alone, has the Word of Life. Where do you identify yourself, with some false fable of something man has made up, or the achievement of God? As I spoke last Sunday on the Countdown, what God has been able to achieve, to get His Church into astronaut age now. See? Or, where would you, or can you see your own identification now?

144 Notice, with the popular, loving teacher. I want to speak to you young folks, just a minute. Where do you identify yourself, young lady, you at school? Oh, you can split grains, you can show all this, and--and you're a science teacher and everything. But do you know what? They can't give you Life.

145Life only comes by Christ, "to know Him," not know His Word, not know His Church, not know His This. "Know Him," that's the only thing can give you Life.

146And now when This come before a modern teen-ager, something like your modern Pentecostal boy, Elvis Presley, who sold his birthrights for a fleets of Cadillacs and the million dollars of gold records, and so forth. That's what the world wants. They want a Pentecost can let the--the people...

147Today, the women want a Pentecost that will let--let them cut their hair and wear shorts, or do anything they want to, and--and just maintain their--their testimony of being Pentecost. They, they want that just the same. See? "No, I wouldn't go to that bunch. No, they got... That's old fashion." See? See, they want that. It's just the nature. And some of the man, that's led by the women, gives it to them.

148 But, "God is able of these stones." Somebody has got to scatter the Light, and we've got man today who is not afraid to scatter It, too. Let it be whatever it wants to.

149Where are you identified? What group are you with? See? Where do you stand? Notice.

150This young fellow, he identified himself with his own church; the price was too great. So if--so if you remember his last identification, where we identified this young ruler that had the opportunity to come follow Jesus. He went ahead and took his church and went on. He was a good boy, said he kept the commandments and done all these things. And he knew just as good as any of the rest of them, so he'd just take that idea. He rejected to follow Jesus, and His last identification, we find him in hell, was crying for Lazarus to come and bring him some water.

151 Or, your identification, could you be identified with the group that Judas was in? He started to walk with Jesus. He started out all right, like the Pentecostals did years ago. But the very thing that they come out of, the organization, your mothers and fathers, this young group has turned right back and made them one just like they come out of. See? What type of a group are you with?

152Now the Bible said this Laodicea Church Age... Judas, you know, carried the... He saw the possibilities of getting something great with what he had. He was identified with Jesus. So he thought, with that, he carried the bag, and he could make some extra money by selling Him for thirty pieces of silver.

153That's exactly what the Laodicea Church Age did. The Bible said so. "You are rich, and you say, 'I've increased, and I have plenty of goods, and I have need of nothing.' And you don't know that you're wretched, miserable, blind, naked; and don't know it." That's Pentecostal, the last Church Age; not Luther, not Wesley. But, Pentecostals, that's the Church Age.

154 Where are you identified now? Say, "I'm Pentecostal." You see where it's identified? Of putting Him on the outside. Certainly, because they are rich, have need...

155"Oh, you say, 'rich'?" Why, you used to stand out here and pay three dollars a week for a little old shanty on the corner. Not as I'm trying to identify that; but if it takes that to preach the full Words, take that. Certainly. Now we've paying fifty million dollars for seminaries, and groups, and great big things, and of other places putting billions and millions of dollars in great big buildings, to make way, and preaching Jesus is coming soon. And missionaries I know, on the field, with no shoes on their feet. Amen. Making up an offering, some more missionaries; and one old brother with nothing on his feet but a pair of sandals, that's all he had, he picked them up and laid them up there for an offering for some other missionary. Oh, my! Where are you identified at?

156 Pentecostals! I won't stay too long there, but you know what I mean. Oh, my! Sold out! Sold out what? Sold out our birthrights for popularity. We wanted to be like the Methodists. You wanted to be like the Baptists and Presbyterians. That's the kind of buildings you got. You put up a seminary, and like an incubator, and hatch you out some preachers that'll let you do anything you want to, and still call yourself "pentecost." That's a lie. Right! Remember, remember, that was the very thing that turned Judas to be popular amongst the rest of the ministers, he sold Him for thirty pieces of silver.

157He, what made him turn? He actually doubted the claims of Christ being the Word. He could see that Man, eat with Him, fish with Him out there, and everything else; and Him being the Word, he couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe He was God; but He was. Judas' character caused him to do this. Has your character done the same? Remember, Judas was very religious.

158 I went to Africa, and they said, "Why, Elvis Presley, we got his songs all over here, he sings."

159Pat Boone and them, they oughtn't to be permitted to speak the Name. Filth and dirt! It's hypocritical. "He that names the Name of Christ, let him separate himself from sin." See? But there you are. See where we got to? Sin is so treacherous, it moves in so cunning, till you don't know it's there till it's done got you wrapped around it, see, and then it's got you in its clutches. See what Judas' final identification was?

160And, my brother, because the church that you go to is bigger than the next one over on the corner, yet they're preaching the Truth, and you're not, you see where that gets you? That's that Judas spirit. And you know his last identification? Was hanging on a sycomore tree.

161 Or do you find yourself identified with the real disciples of Christ? Now we're going to close, sure enough now. True to Him and His Word, in the face of all criticism! Can you identify yourself with Peter on the Day of Pentecost?

162When all of them saw it, said, "Look at this bunch of crazy people. They're all drunk."

163Peter stood up and said, "Ye man of Jerusalem, and you that dwell in Judaea, let this be known unto you, and hearken unto my words. These are not drunk as you suppose; this is just the third hour of the day. But this is that, the Scripture, that was spoke of by the prophet Joel." What was it? The Word of God was being manifested. He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The promise is unto you, and your children, and them that's far off." How many? "Even as many as the Lord our God shall call." He never called all, you know. But them, that called, know what to do. All right. All right.

164 Or, with Paul, or when you was with Paul when the--the--the popular-loving Demas forsaken him, for the things of the world, his helpmate; if you'd have seen all the people laughing at Paul, hear Paul said, "Bring a coat." A man with a ministry like he had, and only had one coat.

165Why, Demas thought, "He ought to a-had a great big Bible school, and all this organized everywhere, and in some great association. Why, he could heal the sick. He was a prophet. Why, he ought to have all kinds of money, millions of heir, and here the man only had one coat."

166Said, "It's getting cold down here. Tell him to bring my coat down when he comes."

167And Demas, seeing this, went with the world, and left his poor little brother to fight it alone. Would you dare to stand and see Jesus out there, cold, to see Him needy, and you walk away from Him?

168 Remember Saint Martin? Many of you brothers remember him, the writings of Saint Martin. He was in Tours, France, and he wasn't a Christian. His mother was a Christian. He was a cousin to--to Irenaeus. And, then, this was several hundred years after the death of the apostles, when they was still trying to keep the Word together; and the Catholic church was taking it all off on dogmas, and they wouldn't stand for it.

169And Saint Martin, going through a gate, where... a cold afternoon, and there laid a poor old beggar laying there, freezing to death. Nobody would give him a coat. Saint Martin took off his own coat, cut it in half and wrapped the beggar in it, and went on. They laughed at him. "What a silly soldier that is. He is even breaking the rules of our army. He is doing all this. A man with a half coat wrapped around him, for that bum."

170That night as he laid in his bed, he was awakened by a noise. And when he looked up, there stood Jesus wrapped in that piece of coat. He knowed what he done to that beggar, he done to Christ. That was his conversion.

171 Would you stand and see the Gospel suffering today? Or would you go with the popular-loving crowd, like Demas did? Are you going to stand by Him, live or die? Like Peter did, "I'm ready to go to prison, or wherever, with You." Yeah.

172When the issue comes forth in the church, whether women should cut their hair, or what they should do, like they did in Corinthians, what side do you take then? What's your present state do that time? Think of it, sister. When, Paul said, "I suffer not a woman to teach or usurp any authority, but be under obedience."

173They wrote and told him, said, "Well, the church over here, the Holy Ghost told us."

174He said, "What? Came the Word of God out of you? And came It to me only. If any man thinks himself to be a prophet, let him acknowledge that what I say is the commandments of God." He said, in Galatians 1:8, "If an angel comes from Heaven and says any other thing, let him be accursed."

175 What side would you take in that issue if it was in your church? Huh? Find your present state now. I'm just trying to ask where you're at. Oh, brother, let's hurry. Paul stooped from a great position, you remember. You say, "But, brother, I--I'm a district man. I'm a--I'm a..." I don't care what you are. I'm asking you what your present position, your present character. What, what's it doing for you? Where would you be identified?

176Paul, remember, come down from a great education under Gamaliel. Gamaliel was his great teacher, and he was a great something, would have been a great man. But he stooped, to see that the Word of God could continually grow, and gave his life for it.

177Moses come from a throne, to be a Pharaoh, to carry the Word of God through the wilderness.

178Jesus come from Heaven, to give you Life. What crowd are you identified with? Oh, to make a way to reflect Hisself, like a flashing Light! What would He do that for?

179 Now, right, just set still just a minute longer, a few minutes longer, if you want to be prayed for. I know I'm holding you long. It's right now twenty minutes to five. We'll be gone by five, the Lord willing. Listen. What crowd would you be identified with? I want to ask you something.

180Jesus come that He might turn on the Light. The flash light takes a picture. See, that He could, you could be reflected, or He could be reflected in you; when your picture is taken, it'd look like His; when people look at you, they see God's Word living again. That's what He come, to bring that camera, by His sanctifying Blood, to bring the Word close to you. For this cause, He said, John 14:12, "The works that I do shall you do also." "And if any will follow Me, let him deny his creed, deny himself, deny the world, take up his cross and follow Me."

181 Or are you found identified in some of the Scriptures where the--in some of the Scriptures where the... them that didn't stay? Where you identified with, anyhow? The camera has already flashed. You're identified somewhere. You are setting here this afternoon, every one of us, now listen, you're identified somewhere. The camera has already flashed. You know what you are. It has took your picture somewhere. Now where you standing? You're the judge.

182God help us to be so identified, in Him, that we'll reflect His Life in our own. Listen, the goldsmith used to take and beat the gold, and he kept beating it and beating, and turn it over and beating it, till he seen his own reflection in it. Then it was pure gold; all the sludge was beat out. May the Holy Ghost, today, and in this meeting, in the hours to come, may He take this Word and beat It over, in our heart, until all of the doubts, all the creeds, and all the things contrary to God, is gone, that we can, (listen now) that we, the Church, can reflect His resurrection.

183 Listen, this little story, and then get your prayer cards ready.

184In Carlsbad, New Mexico, many of you has heard of that big cavern down there, see, down under the ground. You go down about a mile, on a--on a thing. It goes plumb all the way down, a mile under the ground. It's so dark, until you put your hand like this, you couldn't see nothing, it's just so dark. And a little family went down one time, and--and the little boy was walking with the guide, and the guide went over, all at once, and just flipped the light, and the little girl begin to scream. She was scared.

185That's about like the little Bride now, that has to take Her stand. It looks dark. The Council of Churches is going to throw you into that thing, or you're going to have to take a stand and come out. You have to reflect your character. What's She going to do in that time?

186What's going to happen when you can't buy nor sell, when they have a union of church? Now you say, "When that happen?" No, no, the flash has done took your picture then. Your character has already told you. You're already in it. See? You know what the Bible said about that. "They would come, say, 'Yes, Lord, we're coming in now,' but it's too late, the door is closed." See?

What's going to happen to the little Bride?

187 I think of it, in this little story. You know, when that little girl was screaming, jumping up-and-down, in hysterics, like to scared her to death, when she seen what happened. And in that midnight darkness, she was cut off all at once. The little boy said, screamed out, with all of his voice, said, "Don't fear, little sister, we got a man here who can turn on the lights."

188Don't you fear, little sister, we got a Man here Who can turn on the Light, see, Who can make the Word of God do just what It is supposed to do. That Man is Jesus Christ. Let your character reflect with His.

Let us pray.

189 Don't fear, little Sister, we got a Man here who can turn on the Lights. Wherever you are, whatever you have seen your place this afternoon, I'll leave that with you. Your present character will make you see yourself somewhere along the line. Which, we could have went hours and hours on it. What is your present character? Now let's pray, and you pray, too. Now remember, I may never see you again, you may never see me again, until we meet over there. Now in your present state; I don't care who you are. In your present state, I'm putting myself in there, too, what does my character reflect this afternoon? Where am I identified?

190 Heavenly Father, search our hearts, in this minute. It only takes a moment of time, a change. Let the mind of Christ come into us. The Bible said, "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." That changes our character. And in this drawed out sermon, if I should call it that, this afternoon, just my humble way of showing the people what I believe, that You would have us to know. God, let the mind that was in Christ be in me. And if anywhere that I have failed to punctuate Your Word with an "amen," and then follow it out, then, Lord, change me, make me over. I am Your servant; I want to be, Lord. Help Thou me. Help everyone in here, Lord.

191And now I commit them to You. If there is those here, Lord, who was in Your thinking before the foundation of the world, surely this is wakening them up. I trust that every one of them was. And There, Father, we'll know when You come and the great Book is opened, we will understand then. And if there is some that has strayed away, got off the Path, I pray, God, that today You'll bring them back, bring them back to that Path of righteousness and Life. We're in Your hands, Lord, do with us as You see fit. I give this audience to You, as trophies of the meeting, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

192 Now we haven't time for the altar call, but I want the altar call to be in your heart. Where are you identified, in your present state?

193Now after preaching like that, I'm going to ask the Holy Spirit, if He will, to help me just a minute now, till I can get the anointing to pray for the sick. These things that I have said, let them be true, God. Which, they are true.

194Now if everyone will just keep your seat and be real reverent just a moment, please, so, you see, and contact Him. You're right on something here, and something moves, it throws you out. It's a very hard thing. It looks like, if that one woman up there at--at Sychar... It was done one time. Jesus didn't repeat it over and over.

195But the American people has got to be entertained, you know, that's--that's just the nature of us. We'd just... We would rather stay home and watch television, more entertainment than there is in the church. See? That's, see, that's entertainment. That's what we want. It's got into the church. God don't entertain you. He just brings you His Word. See?

196He said that to that woman, and they had to believe that prostitute's word for it. But the whole city was ready, see, they were in the thoughts of God before the foundation of the world.

197Now may God repeat it again this afternoon, is my humble prayer. In leaving you, may He leave this with you. Pray.

198 How many out there... I don't see a person there that I know. All that's in this crowd, and I don't... maybe, probably prayer cards is all over the place. But you setting out there, that's sick or got a need, or something, and you know that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands, just everywhere you are. See? It's just everyone.

199May the Lord help us now in this. Now don't no one move. Don't, please, no one move. This is a--a great thing.

200Now, there is no need of me saying, trying to explain it, there is no way of doing it. Now, the Bible said, which is the Word, that, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right?

201 Now sometimes faith is unknown to you; you got it, and you don't know it. If you try to push yourself into something, you miss it, you go over the top of it. It's so humble and simple, see. "And He is the High Priest that can be touched by our infirmities." Then, if you touched Him, He would act like He did before. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now watch.

202You see this woman setting right down here? I don't know the little soul. She is just setting there, but somehow she is in contact with God. Cause, in the dimension that I'm now looking in, I see the woman, and she is conscious that something is going on. She is praying for her children who is not here. That is right. I don't know her. I've never seen the woman, but she was deeply concerned about some children.

203Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe that, that Jesus Christ is here, the Holy Spirit Who... You see, if we can get ourselves out of the way! See? Now to heal you, I can't. See? Or, to give you your desire, I can't. See, that has to come through God, 'unless He would tell me to tell you something. Now, but if He can reveal to me what's the matter with that child, or whatever it is, you--you will believe me to be His servant? You will.

204 Now the whole audience, if you wish, the lady is setting right here. Would you stand up? Now, the Bible laying here before me, I do not know the woman. I've never seen her. Now, here, come right back to Sychar now.

205Please, everyone be reverent. See? When you see something... See, it's a spirit, it moves, throws me off again.

206Yes, the lady has three children she is praying for, and all three of them is shadowed. That is, they are not Christians. They're unsaved. That is right. One of them is a girl, and she has a sore on her leg, up high. That's right, isn't it? One, something wrong with their eyes, one of the boys. Another one has got heart trouble, and is an alcoholic. That's true. Is that your desire? Is that what you want from God? [The sister says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then I ask, in Jesus' Name, that He gives you what your desire is. You need--need anything, anything else?

207 Here is a lady, just as I said that, it disturbed her. She is setting right back here. She is suffering with arthritis. Her name is Miss Thomason; she won't know... Yes. I am a stranger to you. I never seen you in my life, but that's who you are. Do you believe me to be His servant, lady? Do you believe what I've said is true, and comes from God? You are suffering with arthritis.

208That's your husband setting there by you. He is suffering, too. He has something wrong in his--his veins, it's called "hardening of the arteries." That's right. He has something wrong with his feet, also. That is right. And, then, you're trying to quit drinking. You want to do it. You're an alcoholic, but you're trying to quit drinking. Do you believe me to be His servant? Will you accept me as God's servant? Then I deliver you from that, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Do you believe, sir? Give your heart to Christ, see the ministers about baptism, and the thing is over for you. You just believe.

209 Do you believe? "If thou canst believe!" Got something wrong with your side, haven't you, honey? If you'll believe with all your heart, God will heal it.

210Setting there, next, you got diabetes. Do you believe that God will heal the diabetes for you, and make you well?

211Heart trouble; you believe God will heal the heart trouble? All right, sir.

212Also, heart trouble, next. Do you believe God will heal the heart trouble, next? That's right. You believe He'll do that? Uh-huh.

213This big lady setting here. A few minutes ago, when I was preaching, come down about identifying yourself, she looked right straight towards me. You were healed then. You had kidney trouble. If that's right, stand up on your feet. See? Well, you like... Wasn't it a strange feeling come to you when I said that about identifying yourself? And you had a real strange feeling, looked right straight to me. That's when it took place. Go home now, you're well. Just believe God, that's all.

See, the Word is made manifest.

214 Caught your breath, sir. Do you believe God can heal you of that heart trouble, make you well? The man with gray hair, nice-looking fellow setting there, do you believe God will heal the heart trouble? You do. Your wife sets there now. Do you believe I can tell you what's wrong with your wife, by the help of God? You believe that God can tell me what's wrong with her? It's anemia, a blood condition. That's right. Do you believe God will make you both well now? You do? You accept it?

215Now the lady setting next to her. See that going down there? That lady has something wrong with her back. Do you believe God will heal the back trouble, lady, and make you well?

216The man next to you has arthritis. Do you believe God will heal you of the arthritis, sir? You accept it? You do? Got your hand up. All right.

217 How about that little lady setting there looking right at me, right next to you? Yes, she is praying for her mother. Mother in the hospital, with infection. That's right.

218You put up your hand, right next to her, sister. It wasn't the mother you were praying for. This lady is praying for her mother in the hospital. And, but, you, your dad, he's got cancer, and you're praying for him. That's right. See?

219The next lady has lung trouble. Do you believe God will the heal lung trouble?

220Now, you see, it's just got me so I'm just blinded, almost, see about twenty or thirty people across there.

221 What, where are you identified now? Are you identified in saying, "I am a believer. I believe God. Or, I believe that this is Him"? Do you identi-... Or, you be--be identified with that Word, say, "God promised It. What Jesus did then, He did again today. And I believe that we're living in the days of Sodom, and just before the destruction of the world. And Jesus promised that He would manifest Himself again just like He did at Sodom, like He was doing there, and like He is doing now." Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

222Then, all you that have prayer cards, in this one row here, this section here, stand up against the wall, that way. Go right out of your place, stand up against the wall, all on this side.

223Now let those that are in this section that has prayer cards, the middle section, stand up in this aisle, stand out this a way. Don't, don't move over now, see, stand right in the aisle. See, go right...

224Now wait. I want this, this crowd over on this side, to stand this a way, look, turn this a way. I want this crowd to go around this a way; go back through the aisle, go back that way, come around and join yourself over here.

225Now all that's in this other section, that has prayer cards, stand up in this aisle, this a way. That's right. Come out here, and go back towards the back, and join in behind these.

226 Now you're either going to see a complete flop or you're going to see the Glory of God. Now where are you identified today, with believer, or you have to be entertained, or are you going to believe God? Some of them in the Bible time, as even the shadow of Saint Peter, a fisherman who couldn't sign his name, the shadow of that man, that showed the same sign that you seen here today, passed over the people and they were healed. How many knows that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

227 Now, brethren, you're not left out. While these here, like that, see, it'll make that come. And just stand here. [Brother Branham turned and spoke to the ministers.]

228If there be a pastor here that believes in praying for the sick, I don't want to leave you people think, (me standing up here as an evangelist and--and with a gift of discernment, and so forth like that, and the prophetic hour that we're living in), to make you think that your pastor just ain't just as much as anybody else. He's a servant of Christ, with the same authority that I have or anybody else has. Our authority is Jesus Christ. And I'm going to have them come down here and pray with me while we're praying.

229 Now, every pastor in here that believes in Divine healing and wants to stand with us here, will you come and make, take your stand with me here while I'm praying for the sick, any of you pastors that wants to come. This group of pastors, sponsoring pastors, I asked them there; said, "It makes no difference what the pastor is, what church he belongs to." If you're Presbyterian, Lutheran, or a Catholic priest, come here and stand with us if you believe the Message of Christ, that you believe in Divine healing. Come here and lay your hands upon them. Surely you wouldn't--you wouldn't separate, as a servant of Christ, you wouldn't separate yourself from your... from the human beings, no matter whether they belonged to your--your--your manse or not, or your parish. You wouldn't separate yourself from them. You'll believe. Now you're welcome to come here and help with me, laying hands upon these sick people, that they might be healed.

230 All right, I think the lines are about ready to start. I want the ushers now to get their places, so they can help with the people.

231Now, so that we don't... everybody will understand, now listen real close. Can you hear? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Say it again. ["Amen."] Look, I'm going to give you...

232Now, I can't take each person, stand there and pray with them, and have discernment. I'd go about five or six more, and they would be taking me away from the building. You know that.

233Jesus, a woman touched Him, and He turned around and told her what her trouble was, and all about it. And He said, "Virtue is gone out of Me," strength; one person. And that was God, manifested in flesh.

234This is just a little gift, see, to manifest Him, a promised gift for the day. Notice, friend.

235 Peter, one time, was called on the scene where there was a woman dead, by the name of Dorcas. All of you remember it, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And He went over and knelt down, and prayed. After... Listen now, you people in the prayer line. After He prayed, He went over and laid hands on Dorcas, and she came to life. Is that right? ["Amen."]

236Now, brethren, I want you and this congregation to join in with me. Look here, standing here, about five hundred people, or maybe more, standing here, this afternoon, to be prayed for. Now let us pray a prayer of faith, each one of us. And then when the people comes by, when you lay your hands upon them, lay them upon there, with faith, that it's going to happen. I'm going to believe. I'm, I, with all my heart, I'm going to believe.

237 Our Heavenly Father, now the great march will start through here. Hundreds of people will pass through, and under these ministers' hands. Let them realize, Lord, that they are just passing under the Cross. They're passing under the... where the Blood was shed to make this, what we're doing, to be real. For, He that hung on the Cross, said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And let the people accept it.

238You promised You would save whosoever "will." You can't save the world, because whosoever "will" won't believe You. You went into a city, many mighty works you couldn't do, because of unbelief.

239Neither will You be able to help one person that comes through this line, unless they're willingly, from the bottom of their heart, to identify themselves with the believers and the Word of God, that the thing is over. May this great identification come now, that when each of these people passes under the hands of these ministers, may the Holy Spirit place into their heart that they have did the bidding of God, and may they go out of here rejoicing, healed, for the Kingdom of God's sake. We obey You, Lord, in this act, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

240 I want someone, Roy, come here if you will, and sing Only Believe. I want the rest of you, your heads bowed, and everybody praying.

241Now, these is mothers, fathers, and children, little, sick babies, people dying with cancer. If it was you, you would want somebody sincerely. And we want that sincerely.

242Now, let's all bow our heads now. I'm going to step down here among my brethren, to pray for the sick. [Brother Branham and the ministers lay hands on the sick and pray for them in the prayer line.]

243You know, it's been a most wonderful time in this fellowship. And I have noticed something this afternoon; I don't know whether you did or not. Ninety percent of those people that were healed, were healed before they even got to where I was at. They were screaming and shouting, and giving God praise before they got there.

Now we're going to pray for these handkerchiefs.

244 Lord Jesus, we know that in the Bible, they said, "They took from the body of Saint Paul." Not because He was Paul, but because that He was Your servant, Lord. He was Your ambassador, and we know that they say that, "Sickness and diseases departed." Many people could not attend the meeting, and they sent a handkerchief to represent them. God, let the Angel of the Lord; He was the One that looked down upon the Red Sea and--and got it scared, and Israel went on to their promise. Grant it, Lord, that this will be the same. May these handkerchiefs, laying upon the sick, heal the sick. For the Kingdom of God's sake, in Jesus' Name, I ask it. Amen.

245 Now I just want to say a word or two, to you, 'cause I really appreciate you. I appreciate these fine ministers, all down the line; they put in their time of help, and everything. And maybe you might have thought, brethren, that while the discernment was going on, and so forth, down here, I didn't know what you were praying about, but the Lord Jesus reminded me of it. I know what...

246Don't worry about your mama. She'll be all right.

247And you setting there, with that sinus and female trouble. I knowed it, all along. You're going to be over it. Don't worry.

248See, It was behind us, same as He was here in front, and He knows all about it. See? Now you've come through the prayer line, and the same God that would anoint me before the service, here He is doing the same. See? It's... And He is just the same yesterday, today, and forever.

249Do you believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] Isn't this something? Yeah.

250 How many knows this song, "Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love"? Could you give us the key on that, sister? I--I want to sing it. I don't know why, but let's just sing it. Stand real reverent before Him now and sing, sing it together now.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

That's an old-timer.

When we asunder part, (Let's raise our hands.)

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

251Don't you love that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Till, till we meet, now, all of us together, "Till we meet again," all of us together now.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

252Let us bow our heads now in prayer. I'm going to ask the pastor here, brother, if he'll come up; and if you got anything to say, brother, or whatever you want to say, or dismiss the audience. Until I see you again, God be with you. Pray for me. I love Him. Amen.