Väčší ako Šalamún je teraz tu



Boh je spravodlivý. On nepošle súd, kým prv neponúkne milosrdenstvo. A milosrdenstvo je predpovedané a to ako ono prichádza, ale ľudia sú obyčajne v takom zamiešaní vo svojich myšlienkach, a je tak veľa rôznych ľudského pôvodu programov, že oni to nemôžu rozpoznať. A tak sa to vždy deje. On hovoril, že bezbožné a cudzoložné pokolenie dostane znamenie zmŕtvychvstania. A či každý ďalší vek, do ktorého vôjdeme, nebude taký istý ako tento terajší, odmietajúci Krista, bezbožný, prevrátený, cudzoložné pokolenie? A oni dostanú znamenie, znamenie zmŕtvychvstania, že Ježiš Kristus je živý dnes večer práve v takej istej miere ako vždy bol. On vstal z mŕtvych, ukazujúc sa tým istým včera, dnes i na veky. Zlé a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva znamenie a oni ho dostanú, a to znamenie bude znamením zmŕtvychvstania. No, skutočne, On im hovoril, že vstane z mŕtvych.

Ale, viete, niečo v tom je, keď Boh začína vkladať hlad do ľudského srdca, nie je nič, čo by sa tomu mohlo postaviť do cesty. Či je spolupráca alebo nie, alebo čokoľvek iné, ona To musela nájsť. Tak ako som povedal posledný večer o tej drobnej žene, ktorá bola neodbytná a vytrvalá. Vidíte, Niečo musíte uchopiť a Niečo musí uchopiť vás. Ako Jákob, syn Boží. Jákob, Boží syn, jednej noci Niečo uchopil a To uchopilo jeho, a nepustil sa Toho pokiaľ nedosiahol svoj cieľ - to požehnanie. To, to je skutočná vec. A keď človek niečo napodobňuje, to nikdy nebude správne fungovať. Ale ak môžeš uchopiť to Niečo a to Niečo uchytí teba, to sa stane.

Ale, niečo na tom je, keď je vaše srdce nastavené vidieť Boha, a niečo vás uchopilo, potom nepoznáte žiadne nebezpečenstvo, nepoznáte porážku. Je niečo, čo dostaneš akokoľvek, bez ohľadu na to, aký je tvoj problém.

1 Zostaňme stáť na chvíľu pri čítani Slova Pánovho. Vy, ktorí sa chcete obrátiť do Písma, ktoré je čítané tohto večera, otvorte 12. kapitolu Matúša, počnúc od 38 verša.

Vtedy mu povedali niektorí zo zákonníkov a z farizeov a povedali: Učiteľu, chceme od teba vidieť znamenie.

Ale on odpovedal a riekol im: Pokolenie, zlé a cudzoložné, vyhľadáva znamenie, ale mu nebude dané znamenie, iba znamenie proroka Jonáša.

Lebo jako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak bude i Syn človeka v srdci zeme tri dni a tri noci.

Mužovia Ninivänia povstanú na súde s týmto pokolením a odsúdia ho, lebo činili pokánie na kázeň Jonášovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Jonáš.

Kráľovná juhu vstane na súde s týmto pokolením a odsúdi ho, lebo prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Šalamún.

2 Skloňme naše hlavy. Kým sú naše hlavy a srdcia sklonené v Jeho prítomnosti, či je tu nejaká potreba dnes večer, ktorú by ste chceli spomenúť v modlitbe? Ak áno, jednoducho zodvihnite svoje ruky, dajúc tým na vedomie: "Bože vypočuj moju prosbu." No, modlite sa potichu počas našej modlitby.

3 Náš Nebeský Otče, považujeme to za jedno z najväčších privilégií, aké máme na tejto strane chváli, stretnúť v zhromaždení ľudí, ktorí veria v Teba, na mieste, kde môžeme byť v očakávaní na Tvoju prítomnosť, pretože je to zhodne s Tvojím zasľúbením. Povedal si: "Kdekoľvek sa dvaja, alebo traja zhromaždia v Mojom mene, tam Som uprostred nich. A ak sa môžu zhodnúť na nejakej určitej veci a prosili by za ňu, oni to dostanú." Pane tou najväčšou vecou, na ktorej by sme sa mohli zhodnúť dnes večer je to, aby si sa s nami stretol, aby sme mohli uzrieť Tvoju prítomnosť, pocítiť ju v našom duchu a vedieť, že Ty si tu. V Tvojej prítomnosti cítime, že môžeme vyliať prosby našich sŕdc. Kým premýšľame o Tebe, nech by sme pocítili ten veľký význam odpovede na naše modlitby, keď o to teraz prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

4 Ak Pán dovolí, chcel by som zobrať tému, použijúc niekoľko miest Písma, ktoré som si poznačil, iba na chvíľu, prv než sa budeme modliť za chorých, je to téma: "Väčší ako Šalamún je teraz tu."

5 V úvode nášho miesta Písma nachádzame, dnes večer, odkiaľ sme zobrali náš text, ako sa Ježiš hádal s farizejmi. On ich karhal, pretože Ho neporozumeli. Ľudia, vyškolení tými teológmi očakávali na čas Jeho zjavenia sa, a potom, keď On prišiel, neporozumeli Ho a nazvali Ho diablom. Povedali, že služba, ktorú On mal, bola z diabla, pretože mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdciach. Preto si o Ňom mysleli, že je nejakým mastičkárom, alebo niekým ako veštec (šaman) a každý vie, že to sú zlí duchovia. A tak nazvať dielo Božie "zlým duchom" bolo bláznovstvom.

6 On povedal, že im to odpustí, pretože Duch Svätý ešte neprišiel, aby pozdvihol ich srdcia a doviedol ich do takého stavu, aby porozumeli Boha. Ich srdcia boli ďaleko od Boha. Všetko čo poznali bola chladná teológia zákona a oni ešte neprijali Ducha Svätého. Ale On povedal: "Keď Duch Svätý príde a bude robiť tú istú vec, hovoriť proti Nemu, nebude odpustené, ani v tomto svete, ani v budúcom."

7 Myslel som, čítajúc o tom dnes popoludní, premýšľal som nad tým, ako jeden z nich prišiel ku Nemu okľukou a spýtal sa: "Majster, chceme od Teba vidieť znamenie." Inými slovami, Židia boli vždy učení, aby verili znameniam. Židia vždy hľadali znamenia a Gréci múdrosť. A zisťujeme, že Židia spoliehali na znamenie.

8 No, čo veľmi svedčilo proti tomuto farizeovi, ktorý si zakladal, že pozná Písma, že to znamenie Mesiáša Ježiš už predstavil, a jeho oči boli tak zatemnené, že to nemohol rozpoznať. Ježiš mu dal pravdivé mesiášske znamenie Písma, ktoré bolo zasľúbené v Písme. Ale on očakával na iný druh znamenia.

9 Ako to presne pasuje na dnešných učiteľov a dnešných ľudí. Oni môžu vidieť niečo, čo je skutočné a v Písme, zasľúbené Bohom na tento deň. Môžu To vidieť, ale jednako očakávajú na niečo, oni chcú vidieť ešte niečo a neprijímajú znamenie času.

10 On im raz povedal: "Rozpoznávate nebesia, keď sa mračia a stávajú sa červenými. Keď sa mračia a sú červené, hovoríte: Zajtra bude zlé počasie, a tak ďalej." Ale povedal: "Znamenia na nebi rozpoznávate, ale znameniam času nerozumiete." Písmo skutočne hovorilo, že tento Mesiáš bude prorokom.

11 Vieme, že Božím spôsobom činenia tých vecí, bolo vždy poslanie proroka, aby potvrdil Jeho posolstvo - to nikdy nesklamalo. To nikdy nesklame. Boh nemôže zmeniť Svoj spôsob. Jeho prvé rozhodnutie musí zostať takým istým navždy. Čo On hovorí je pravda.

12 Boh sa nikdy nezaoberal veľkými skupinami. On sa vždy zaoberá jednotlivcom. Takým spôsobom vyvádza ľudí z pohanov pre Svoje meno; práve jednotlivca - jedného tu a tam, pre Svoje meno. On sa zaoberá jednotlivcom, nie skupinou.

13 Zisťujeme, že oni sa rozhodli tomu uveriť, lebo prorok musí byť rozpoznaným svedkom Božím. Ak on niečo povedal, a to sa stalo, potom znova niečo povedal, a to sa stalo, a čokoľvek on povedal, Boh to potvrdil ako pravdivé, potom On povedal: " Počúvajte ho, pretože Ja som s ním."

14 Nuž, zisťujeme, že Mojžiš, o ktorom tvrdili, že mu veria, im povedal: "Pán, tvoj Boh ti vzbudí proroka, ako som ja a ľudia ho musia poslúchať. Každý, kto by neuveril tomu prorokovi, bude vyťatý sprostred ľudu."

15 Zisťujeme, že je to pravda. "Prišiel do Svojho vlastného a Jeho vlastný Ho neprijali. Ale všetkým, ktorí Ho prijali dal právo a moc stať sa Synmi Božími."

16 Ako nachádzame týchto farizeov a sadúceov, ako hľadeli rovno, presne na to, čo zasľúbenie Božie hovorilo, že On bude robiť. A mimo to oni stále hľadali znamenie, nevediac, že to bol pravdivý Mesiášsky znak, ktorý im bol daný.

17 Filip Ho porozumel, keď mu On povedal, kde bol deň predtým. Porozumel, že to bol Mesiáš a povedal: " Ty si Kristus a Ty si Kráľom Izraela." A tak on to rozpoznal, pretože mu to bolo dané. On bol...

18 Ježiš povedal: "Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho Môj Otec nepritiahne a všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu ku Mne." Bez ohľadu na to ako veľmi skúšame vojsť nejakým iným spôsobom, to musí byť Boh. "Nie ten kto chce, ani ten kto beží, ale nad kým sa Boh zmilováva." Boh je ten Jediný, ktorý vyberá. "Nie vy ste si Mňa vyvolili" - povedal Ježiš - Ja som si vás vyvolil."

19 A teraz zisťujeme, že antikrist, v posledných dňoch, " zvedie všetkých obyvateľov zeme, ktorých mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života od založenia sveta." Vaše meno bolo umiestnené v Božej Knihe prv, ako bol Baránok zabitý. Keď bol Jeho program vyložený, celá tá vec, vy ste sa rozpoznali v tom programe, pretože ste dostali Večný Život. Slovo večný, nikdy nezačal, a nikdy sa to nemôže skončiť, a vy ste boli atribútom Božieho myslenia, skôr ako bol vôbec stvorený svet. To je jediný spôsob, ako môžete mať Večný Život. A ten Život, keď On myslel o vás, je teraz vo vás. Nie je spôsob, ako to rozdeliť. To zostane v tom.

20 Všimnite si teraz, títo farizeovia, súc náboženskými učiteľmi, veľkými teologickými učencami, oni študovali tú Knihu dňom i nocou, a jednako nedokázali uvidieť ten Mesiášsky znak, a tu sa pokúšali žiadať Ho o ten znak.

21 Chcel by som podporiť tú vec, aby ste poznali, že Boh vždy dáva znamenia. Pretože On je nadprirodzený, On vždy jedná s ľuďmi skrze znamenia, biblické znamenia.

22 V Starom Zákone, keď oni mali otázku, niekomu sa sníval sen a nebolo tam proroka, oni ho zobrali do chrámu, kde mali to, čo volali urím a thumím. Vy, biblický učitelia, viete, čo mám na mysli. Bol to náprsník, ktorý nosil Áron, ktorý mal dvanásť kameňov, ktoré reprezentovali dvanásť pokolení Izraela. Oni ho zavesili na stĺp a potom, keď ten prorok, alebo ten komu sa sníval sen, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, povedal svoje videnie alebo sen, bez ohľadu na to, ako skutočné sa to zdalo, ak sa neobjavili tie nadprirodzené svetlá vytvárajúce urím - thumím na tom náprsníku, bolo to odmietnuté. Boh to zavrhol.

23 Musí byť nadprirodzené znamenie od Boha, aby to potvrdil. Bez ohľadu na to, ako to bolo skutočné, ako teologicky hlboké, ako veľkolepo to znelo, ak to Božie nadprirodzené znamenie nepotvrdilo, pre Žida to také ešte nebolo.

24 No, Starý Zákon, tá Áronova platňa bola daná preč spolu so Starou Zmluvou.

25 Ale v Novej Zmluve má Boh stále urím a thumím. To je tak, ak prorok, snívajúci, teológ alebo ktokoľvek to je, hovorí niečo, čo je v rozpore so Slovom a Boh neodpovedá naspäť cez Slovo, nechám to tak, pretože to je Božie urím a thumím. A ja verím z celého môjho srdca, že je to Božie Slovo.

26 A Boh je Svojím vlastným Slovom. " Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh, a to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." "On je ten istý včera, dnes i na veky." On je stále. Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača.

27 Vykladáme, hovoríme: " Toto, toto je to, a toto je to", a tak ďalej.

28 Boh nepotrebuje vykladača. On je Svojím vlastným vykladačom. Boh nepotrebuje nás, aby sme vykladali Jeho Slovo. Biblia, je napísané, že ona nepodlieha vlastnému výkladu. Boh povedal na počiatku: " Nech je svetlo," a bolo tam svetlo. To je výklad toho. Boh povedal: " Panna počne," a ona počala. To je výklad toho. Nie je nikto potrebný, aby to vykladal.

29 Boh povedal, že v tomto dni sa budú diať tieto veci a oni sa dejú. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. To je Boh, ktorý dáva Svoj vlastný výklad. To sa deje. Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi sa snažíme To prekrútiť a povedať, že " To neznamená Toto a neznamená Tamto." To znamená presne to, Boh je Svojím vlastným vykladačom. On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo a to je Jeho výklad - tým, že to sa uskutočnilo.

30 No, nachádzame tých ľudí tu v 12 kapitole Evanjelia Matúša, od 38 do 40 verša, kde sa Ho oni pýtajú: " Majster, hľadáme znamenie od Teba ".

31 On ich karhal, pretože Mu neverili a vo svojej nevere nazvali "zlým duchom" práve toho Ducha, ktorý spočíval na Ňom, pretože Ho nemohli rozpoznať medzi ich duchovenstvom. Oni nemohli rozpoznať (Jeho) - odkiaľ On prišiel. Nevedeli z akej školy prišiel, či bol farizeom, alebo sadúceom. Stále skúšal zničiť ich teologické inštitúcie a nazýval ich bandou "hadov". A preto Ho nemohli nikde rozpoznať. A tak , " Odkiaľ prišiel tento Človek? Nevieme odkiaľ On je". Neboli si vedomí toho skutočného znamenia, ktoré tam bolo, toho, že On bol Mesiášom.

32 No, tak ako tá nenápadná žena pri studni, o ktorej sme hovorili minulý večer. Ona to rozpoznala a to pre ňu niečo urobilo. A tí, ktorí to rozpoznali, boli Božím semenom, ktoré bolo povolané v tom dni.

33 Boh vždy, v každom čase, dával svojím ľuďom duchovné dary. To je to, ako sa On identifikuje a dáva poznať, cez duchovné dary. A keď Boh posiela duchovný dar svojím ľuďom a ten duchovný dar je odmietnutý, potom tí ľudia odchádzajú do temnosti chaosu. Vždy, v každom veku, keď Boh posiela niečo pre ľudí - dar - a oni ho odmietajú, potom tí ľudia sú odmietnutí Bohom, pretože odmietli Božie milosrdenstvo.

34 Och, čo za bezpečie by to bolo, dnes večer, o koľko väčšie by to bolo než všetky bombové úkryty a všetky miesta, na ktoré by sme mohli len pomyslieť, keby tento národ, ktorý sa nazýva kresťanským národom, mohol zaakceptovať dar Boží, ktorý bol daný - toho veľkého Ducha Svätého vyliateho v týchto posledných dňoch. A ako ten - , keby Ho tento národ prijal, to by bolo viac bezpečné než čokoľvek iné. Ale oni To odmietli, a tak zostáva iba chaos a súd.

35 Do všetkých vekov On dal tieto veľké duchovné dary. Všimnite si, vždy príchod duchovného daru, pravdivého daru... Chcem hovoriť jeden večer na tému " Hlas daru," ale ak Pán dovolí. Ale vždy tieto dary sú obyčajne oznámené prorokmi. A potom, keď vidíte proroka povstávajúceho na scéne, to ukazuje, že súd je na dosah ruky. No, to je znakom, keď vidíte proroka potvrdeného od Boha, ako povstáva na scéne. V dňoch Jeremiáša, v dňoch Daniela, v dňoch Jána Krstiteľa, v dňoch Pána Ježiša a tak dole cez všetky (veky). Keď sa prorok zjavuje na scéne, to je čas, keď Boh ide vypovedať Svoje Slovo. Národy to odmietajú, a potom nastáva chaos.

36 To sa dialo, keď sa zamieňali cirkevné veky, pokaždé, keď posolstvo bolo odmietnuté. A Boh dáva tieto dary a posolstvá ľuďom, a oni ich odmietajú, potom nezostáva nič, len súd.

37 Boh je spravodlivý. On nepošle súd, kým prv neponúkne milosrdenstvo. A milosrdenstvo je predpovedané a to ako ono prichádza, ale ľudia sú obyčajne v takom zamiešaní vo svojich myšlienkach, a je tak veľa rôznych ľudského pôvodu programov, že oni to nemôžu rozpoznať. A tak sa to vždy deje.

38 Nuž, zisťujeme, že On im povedal: "Pokolenie zlé a cudzoložné vyhľadáva znamenie." Ako často to neveriaci využíva, keď sa jedná o znaky Písma, a neverí tomu.

39 Boh vždy hovorí so znakmi. Vždy to robil. Vždy to bude robiť. Tak dlho ako bude svet On bude hovoriť duchovnými znakmi. On predpovedal, že oni prídu.

40 No veľa neveriacich robí to, čo On povedal: " Bezbožné, alebo zlé a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva znamenie."

41 Sledujte, On tu hovoril zložiac proroctvo. Hovoril im, že sú zlým a cudzoložným pokolením. A taktiež im povedal, že každej zlej a cudzoložnej generácii bude dané iba jedno znamenie. Všimnite si, On povedal: " Pokolenie zlé a cudzoložné vyhľadáva znamenie, ale mu nebude dané iné znamenie, iba znamenie Jonáša, lebo ako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak bude i Syn Človeka v srdci zeme tri dni a tri noci."

42 Čo im tu On hovoril? On hovoril, že bezbožné a cudzoložné pokolenie dostane znamenie zmŕtvychvstania. A či každý ďalší vek, do ktorého vojdeme, nebude taký istý ako tento terajší, odmietajúci Krista, bezbožný, prevrátený, cudzoložné pokolenie? A oni dostanú znamenie, znamenie zmŕtvychvstania, že Ježiš Kristus je živý dnes večer práve v takej istej miere ako vždy bol. On vstal z mŕtvych, ukazujúc sa tým istým včera, dnes i na veky. Zlé a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva znamenie a oni ho dostanú, a to znamenie bude znamením zmŕtvychvstania. No, skutočne, On im hovoril, že vstane z mŕtvych.

43 Mnohokrát má Písmo svoj spoločný alebo svoj zložený význam. Ako v Matúšovi 3, je hovorené: "Aby sa naplnilo, čo bolo povedané od Pána cez proroka, ktorý povedal: Z Egypta som povolal Svojho Syna." No, ak sa obrátime naspäť do Hozeáša, on prorokoval, že: "Z Egypta som povolal Božieho syna, ktorým bol Izrael." Jákob bol Božím synom, a On ho povolal z Egypta. To je to, na čo sa to vzťahuje. Ale tiež Kristus bol Jeho väčším Synom a On Ho povolal. Izrael bol typom.

44 A tak, to súc typom odmietnutia Krista v tom pokolení, toto je väčší typ, pretože tamto pokolenie, ktoré odmietlo zmŕtvychvstanie, malo odpustenie, ale tomuto pokoleniu, ktoré sa zabáva z Ducha Svätého nebude odpustené. My sme.... Väčší (horší) je ten, ktorý odmieta Ducha Svätého, než ten, ktorý odmietol Ježiša Krista v dňoch, keď On bol vo Svojom tele na zemi. Ježiš povedal tak: "Vy hovoríte proti Synovi Človeka", keď oni povedali, že on je veštcom alebo nejakým zlým duchom, povedal, "ak hovoríte proti Synovi Človeka, to vám bude odpustené. Ale kto by povedal slovo proti Svätému Duchu, nebude im odpustené v tomto svete," alebo nazývajúc prácu Svätého Ducha zlou, nečistou vecou, keď oni vidia dokonané dielo Božie.

45 Áno, Jonáš bol svedkom zmŕtvychvstania, keď bol v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci. Veľa ľudí skúša odsúdiť Jonáša, keď hovoria: "Och, on, každý ..., on bol Jonáš." Jonáš bol prorok. On išiel presne vo vôli Božej. Keď vzal nesprávnu loď a vyšiel, to sa muselo stať, muselo to ísť tou cestou, aby to ukázalo na zmŕtvychvstanie Ježiša Krista. On to musel odohrať, práve tak isto, ako Hagar bola vyhodená, aby tá slobodná žena nededila spolu s nevoľnicou. Tieto veci sa museli stať, oni boli tieňmi a typmi vecí, ktoré mali prísť.

46 No zisťujeme, že On zostupuje potom, čo hovoril Jonáš a On prichádza do veku Šalamúna. No všetci vieme, že vek Šalamúna bol takmer Miléniom Starého Zákona. To bol najväčší čas pre celý Izrael, aký kedy mal, bol počas vlády Šalamúna. Nehovorilo sa o žiadnych vojnách a oni mali veľký čas. Boh dal Šalamúnovi, ktorý bol Dávidovým synom, dal mu dar rozpoznávania, a teraz on mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky ľudských sŕdc.

47No, ako tu stojaci Hebrej to mal rozpoznať! Šalamún mal dar rozpoznávania a mohol rozpoznať myšlienky v ich srdciach, a oni všetci sa zhromaždili okolo Šalamúna, a tu zastal väčší ako Šalamún. A Šalamún bol syn Dávida, ale podľa tela menším synom Dávida. A Ježiš bol Synom Dávida podľa Semena zasľúbenia, kráľovské Semeno. A tu stojí väčší ako Šalamún robiac tú istú vec ako robil Šalamún, ibaže väčší ako Šalamún, a oni Ho nazvali "Belzebubom".

48 Či vidíte výklad Písma? Nič divné, že On povedal, čo povedal "Zlé a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva znamenie a oni ho dostanú, znamenie zmŕtvychvstania."

49 A vo veku Šalamúna bolo veľké prebudenie. Aby to mladý mohli porozumieť, podám to ako ilustráciu. Vo dňoch Šalamúna bolo veľké prebudenie. Boh dal dar a celý národ sa zhromaždil okolo toho. Každý ku nemu prišiel. Oni v to uverili celým srdcom.

50 Nebola by to nádherná vec, keby sa to stalo medzi ľuďmi dnes večer, keby celá Amerika, všetci ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi, by sa zhromaždili okolo Božieho daru v týchto posledných dňoch vyliatia Ducha Svätého na ľudí! Boží dar v tomto poslednom dni je Duch Svätý. Kristus vo forme Ducha, On je tu teraz s nami. Nebolo by to nádherné, keby sa všetky cirkvi, ktoré tvrdia, že sú kresťania, zhromaždili okolo tohto veľkého daru, ktorý nám Boh dal?

51 Prečo to je? Oni to musia odvrhnúť pre všetky druhy izmov a vyznaní a dogiem, a nemôžete im povedať čo je čo. To je presne ten spôsob, ako to vždy robili. Ale Boh zasľúbil, že napriek všetkému, v čase konca, to bude tomu Semenu vyjasnené.

52 No, všimnite si toto, vidíme ako sa oni všetci zhromaždili okolo toho veľkého daru a Izrael rozkvitol ako nikdy predtým. Všetky národy sa báli Izraela, báli sa tam prísť, pretože vedeli, že Boh bol s nimi.

53 A poviem vám, hovoríte o umlčaní komunizmu a o všetkom inom. Len nech sa Amerika vráti späť k Bohu, späť k jej daru, späť do Ducha Svätého, a ľudia budú musieť prestať s vyvreskovaním o komunizme. Je to tak prelezené červami, že sami komunisti majú antikomunistické nastavenia, aby sa dozvedeli, kto oni sú. Musí sa to diať tým spôsobom. Ale dovoľme im vrátiť sa späť!

54 Nedávno tu, vo Fínsku. Brat Lindsay, ja verím, že tu bol posledný večer, bol tam so mnou, keď sa to stalo. Malý chlapec, ktorého som videl tu vo videní, bol tam vzkriesený z mŕtvych. Usudzujem, že mnohí z vás to majú stále zapísané vo svojej Biblii, odvtedy ako som prechádzal krajom hovoriac ako on bude vyzerať, kde on bude, a tak ďalej. A on vstal z mŕtvych podľa Slova Pánovho. Zahynul pri automobilovej nehode. Mnohí z vás si pamätajú ten prípad, a stáli ste tam, keď on bol vzbudený z mŕtvych.

55 Ten večer, idúc dole do Messuhalli. Brat Lindsay a ja, a brat Moore, a mnohí z tých ľudí pokúšali sme sa dostať dole do Messuhalli, kde mi oni dovolili hovoriť k tak mnohým tisícom, a potom ich vypustili von, aby som hovoril k ešte viacerým. Dole na ceste mali štyri alebo päť mestských blokov úplne zablokovaných. Ľudia boli na - na uliciach, aby videli kedy prichádzame a odchádzame. A tam bolo malé dievčatko s barlami, s jednou nohou kratšou od druhej, ktorá bola uzdravená, a stalo sa tam mnoho vecí.

56 Potom, keď bol ten malý chlapec vrátený do života, dali to do správ. Vo Fínsku nemajú rock-and-roll a také veci, skôr v tom čase to nemali. Oni tam podávali iba správy, ktoré sú dôležité, a tiež v rádiu. Takým spôsobom to išlo všetko do Ruska. Keby ste žili v Rusku a vzdialili by ste sa štyridsať míľ od svojho domu, od svojho rodiska, musíte mať víza, aby ste videli svoje podnikanie. A tá...železná opona ....boli sme práve....zišli sme na to miesto, kde boli guľomety rozmiestnené na ulici za Kuopio. A toho večera sa tie správy rozniesli a ulice sa zaľudnili tisíckami tisícov Rusov.

57Niektorí boli komunistickí vojaci, ruskí vojaci, v tých pelerínach, v malých okrúhlych čiapkach. A šesť malých fínskych chlapcov, hneď po tej vojne, ešte neboli dosť starý na holenie, boli to chlapci s hladkými tvárami. Mali obuté veľké staré topánky, veľké dlhé plášte, kráčali po ulici s tými šabľami a inými vecami, dozerajúc, aby som sa mohol dostať cez ten dav, aby som mohol vojsť. Tí rusi tam stáli. Keď som prechádzal, oni stáli v pozore a slzy stekali po ich lícach. Keď som prešiel, chytili tých fínskych vojakov, poklepávali ich po pleciach a objímali. Niečo, čo spôsobí, že Rus bude poklepávať Fína, to urovná vojny. Oni povedali: "Takého Boha, ktorý dokáže vzbudiť z mŕtvych prijmeme."

58 O to ide dnes večer, priateľu, presne. Dôvod prečo sa stali komunistami, bolo duchovenstvo, ktoré opustilo Slovo Božie. Oni im zobrali všetky peniaze nedajúc im za to nič, presne ako lóža alebo čokoľvek iné. To je to, čo je vo svete zlé.

59 Zisťujeme teda, že vo dňoch Šalamúna boli všetci zhromaždení okolo tohto veľkého daru, ktorý mal Šalamún od Pána. A ľudia prichádzali a odchádzali. Všetky národy sa obávali Izraela. Namiesto snažiac sa s nimi bojovať, prinášali v pokoji obete. Neobávali sa tak veľmi tých mužov, ale sa báli Boha, s ktorým boli oni všetci v jednote.

60 Ó, čo za vec by to bola dnes večer pre tento národ, keby sme boli všetci v bázni Božej, keby sme všetci rešpektovali Boha a prijali Jeho dar Svätého Ducha a zhromaždili sa okolo Toho. Každá cirkev by zničila svoje vyznania viery a vyhodila ich za dvere, prišla by dole k oltáru a zostala, až do príchodu Ducha Svätého, aby zidentifikoval Svoje Slovo v poslednom dni!

61 Niektorí z nich skúšajú povedať: "Však to bolo iba pre Židov, aby To dostali. Všetko to bolo pre To."

62 Peter povedal na Deň Letníc, "Čiňte pokánie, a nech sa pokrstí každý jeden z vás na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha, lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vašim deťom, a všetkým naširoko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh." Tak dlho ako je Semeno v zemi, ktoré očakáva na povolanie, tak dlho je tam Duch Svätý, aby ho povolal do Toho. To je pravda. To je stále také isté.

63 Ale dozvedáme sa, že keď To prichádza, je To odmietnuté. To je dôvod, že národ prichádza pod zavrhnutie. Z toho dôvodu idú tie veci tým spôsobom ako dnes večer.

64 A zisťujeme, že v čase Šalamúna, to nebolo tak. Všetci sa zhromaždili okolo toho daru rozpoznávania, ktorý mal Šalamún. A všetky tie národy mali bázeň pred Bohom. A všade sa šírilo: "Ó, musíte prísť do Izraela, ich Boh vzbudil medzi nimi dar a oni ho učinili kráľom. A jeho múdrosť, jeho rozpoznávanie je nad ľudské očakávanie. Je to ponad. Pohania by povedali: "To pochádza zo sfér bohov."A my nerozumieme, ako sa to deje, ale Boh, ich Boh, predstavil Samého Seba v jednom z veriacich. A, on, oni ho posadili na trón a všetci ho počúvajú." Viete, tie správy sa vtedy nešírili cez televíziu, telefón, a tak ďalej, ale z úst do ucha.

65 Nakoniec tie správy prešli dolu naprieč Saharskou púšťou, celou cestou do malého kraja nazvaného Sába. Oni mali... Bola to pohanská krajina. Mali tam drobnú kráľovnú, ktorá bola bezpochyby príjemnou malou pani. A dostali sa k nej správy, že: "Boh dal veľké prebudenie hore v zemi Izraelovej, a dejú sa tam veľké veci. A bol tam muž, ktorý bol pomazaný Duchom ich Boha, takže jeho múdrosť prevýšila všetko, o čom by človek mohol kedykoľvek pomyslieť."

66 Viete: "Viera prichádza cez počutie, počutie Slova Božieho."

67 To pohlo jej malým srdcom. Ona začala o tom premýšľať. A teraz, pokaždé, keď prichádzala karavána, bezpochyby, tá drobná kráľovná vysielala svojich vojakov, a hovorila: "Chcela by som hovoriť súkromne s tou osobou , ak oni prišli z Izraela."

68 "Áno, kráľovná, boli sme v Izraeli, a, och, je to nádherné. Mala by si to vidieť. Nie je nič ako to. Je to ponad ľudské zrozumenie. Vieš, všetci sú jednomyseľný, každý jeden z nich je okolo toho daru, ktorý im ich Boh dal, a oni všetci tomu jednomyseľne veria. Ó, to je najveľkolepejšia vec, a nič nie je utajené. Boh zjavuje presne všetko. Ak by ich chcel nejaký národ napadnúť, prečo, ich Boh by im zjavil, kde sa nachádzajú, a - a záloha by tam bola skôr akoby sa tam oni dostali. Ó, tam prebiehalo veľké prebudenie."

69 Potom, viete, tá drobná kráľovná začala túžiť, aby to sama uvidela.

70 Viete, niečo na tom je, človek vie, že prišiel odniekadiaľ, a je tu, on nevie prečo je tu, a jednako vie, že niekde smeruje nevediac kam. A je jednako jedna Kniha na svete, ktorá nám hovorí kto ste, odkiaľ ste prišli, čím ste, a kam idete, a tou je Biblia. Ona je jediná, ktorá vám to povie, a to je Božia Kniha. Je to Sám Boh zamanifestovaný vo forme Slova, nazvaného Semenom. Semeno v správnom druhu pôdy, vydá každé zasľúbenie, ktoré On dal, pretože to je Sám Boh. Ale to musí byť zavlažované vierou, aby sa to stalo, tak, ako v prípade akéhokoľvek semena. Ten zárodok je v ňom. Viete! Všimnite si.

71 Zisťujeme, že tá drobná kráľovná sa stáva hladnou a smädnou po Bohu. Ó, keby - keby tie Božie dary len mohli stvoriť smäd v ľudských srdciach po Ňom tak, ako sa to stalo v jej prípade!

72 Teraz sa dozvedáme, tak tie deti, malí kolegovia, ktorí tu zaberajú celý rad, a tiež iné miesta, aby to oni mohli porozumieť, predstavíme to ako určitý druh drámy pre nich, tak to budú rozumieť.

73 No, pamätajte, ona bola pohanka. Takže podľa poriadku, súc kráľovnou musela dostať povolenie od svojho pohanského kňaza, aby mohla ísť podľa poriadku. A viem si predstaviť ako ide ku nemu, a sľubuje, a hovorí: "Veľký svätý otče taký a taký, vieme, že Izraeliti majú prebudenie, a ich Boh predstavil Samého seba vo forme človeka, cez veľký dar, ktorým on pozná tajomstvá sŕdc. Povedali mi, že On je Slovo, a to Slovo je rozoznávajúce myšlienky srdca, a hovoria, že to pôsobí v človeku. Chcela by som tvoje povolenie, najsvätejší otče, aby som tam mohla ísť, navštíviť to a vidieť to sama.

74 No, viem si predstaviť akú dostala odpoveď. "V žiadnom prípade nespolupracujeme s tým prebudením," podobne ako vo verzii z 1964. Ale tak, či onak, oni hovoria: "Títo nepatria do našej denominácie. Nie sú z našich ľudí. Nemáme s tým nič do činenia. Nesmieš tam ísť. To je iba banda bláznov. Počuli sme o nich všetkého druhu zvesti, o ich prechode cez Červené more, a ďalšie chýry toho druhu, ale na tom nič nie je. Tu je náš veľký boh, vidíš ho stojaceho z tejto strany múru? Boli to takí a takí , mnohokrát urobili to a to." Tá drobná kráľovná odišla znechutená.

75 Ale, viete, niečo v tom je, keď Boh začína vkladať hlad do ľudského srdca, nie je nič, čo by sa tomu mohlo postaviť do cesty. Či je spolupráca alebo nie, alebo čokoľvek iné, ona To musela nájsť. Tak ako som povedal posledný večer o tej drobnej žene, ktorá bola neodbytná a vytrvalá. Vidíte, Niečo musíte uchopiť a Niečo musí uchopiť vás. Ako Jákob, syn Boží. Jákob, Boží syn, jednej noci Niečo uchopil a To uchopilo jeho, a nepustil sa Toho pokiaľ nedosiahol svoj cieľ - to požehnanie. To, to je skutočná vec. A keď človek niečo napodobňuje, to nikdy nebude správne fungovať. Ale ak môžeš uchopiť to Niečo a to Niečo uchytí teba, to sa stane.

76 Ak si sem prišiel dnes večer po uzdravenie a dovolíš Duchu Svätému, aby ťa uchopil a ty sa chopíš Jeho, dostaneš to, o čo prosíš. Nie je spôsob, ako ťa od Toho zadržať.

77 Ak si prišiel veriac, že Ježiš Kristus zachraňuje a je tu spasiteľná moc, ktorá ťa uchopí, a ty uchopíš Ju, budeš spasený.

78 Ak veríš v krst Duchom Svätým a Duch Svätý ťa uchopí, a On ťa pokrstí, a ty sa uchopíš Jeho; nemusíš opúšťať svoje miesto, On ťa naplní Svojou prítomnosťou, presne tam kde si. Práve tak ako to On urobil, "Kým Peter ešte hovoril tieto slová, zostúpil Svätý Duch na tých, ktorí počúvali Slovo." Niečo uchopilo...

79 Niečo uchopilo tú drobnú Sýrofeníčanku, o ktorej sme hovorili minulý večer. Bez ohľadu na to koľko prekážok mala, napriek všetkému, stále išla napred. Niečo uchopilo túto drobnú pohanskú kráľovnú, o ktorej hovoríme dnes večer. Tak bolo s touto drobnou Syrofeníčankou, Grékyňou, pohankou, modloslužobníčkami. Niečo ich uchopilo a oni Niečo uchopili.

80 Vždy sú na ceste problémy. Satan hádže na cestu všetko, čo môže, keď vidí, že povstáva skutočné Božie hnutie. Bude ti to robiť. On ti bude klásť všetky prekážky na tvojej ceste, aké len môže.

81 Pamätajte, tá žena mala veľa prekážok, ale jej viera nemala žiadnu. Viera nemá žiadnu prekážku. Nič ju nezadrží, bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek hovorí. Ak si sa skutočne uchopil Boha a Boh skutočne uchopil teba, tak potom by sa tu mohlo postaviť štyridsať lekárov hovoriacich ti, že zomieraš, a ty by si neuveril ani jednému takému slovu. Nie, veru. Nie, veru. Mohlo by tu stáť štyridsať duchovných podobných ku tým štyristo Achabovým odporcom. Ak si Micheášom a uchopil si sa Boha, a Boh uchopil teba, a vidíš ako to bolo potvrdené v Slove, nie je tu nič, čo by ťa mohlo zastaviť. Budeš tu stáť akokoľvek, pretože Niečo ťa uchopilo.

82 Tej drobnej žene bolo zjavené, že niekde tam sa nachádza Boh. Môžem ju vidieť, ako znova číta tie hebrejské zvitky, roluje ich a kladie do nádoby, vracia sa späť ku svojmu kňazovi a hovorí: "Chcem ti niečo povedať, svätý otče. Tie veci o ktorých hovoríš, môžu byť pravda, ale pozri, moja stará mama uctievala tohto bôžika. Čítala ten katechizmus, ktorý máš. Moja prastará mama ho čítala, moja matka ho čítala, celý môj ľud ho čítal, ale tým to skončilo. Ešte nikdy som nevidela, že by sa to pohlo, ale oni mi povedali, že dostali niečo skutočné, čo sa práve teraz pohybuje, nie nejakú históriu, ale niečo čo sa deje teraz."

83 "No, pozri sem" - povedal. "Moje dieťa, ak pôjdeš, ja ťa exkomunikujem. Ty ako kráľovná nemáš mať žiadny záujem, spolupracovať s takými ľuďmi." Ten istý starý diabol stále žije.

84 Nie je na svete lepšia skupina, do ktorej sa dá dostať, než znovuzrodená cirkev, naplnená Duchom Svätým. Nestarám sa kde to je, či v nejakej uličke, alebo kdekoľvek. To je najlepšia skupina. To je nebeská skupina, všimnite si, veriaci, ktorí veria v Boha.

85 Jej srdce bolo obtiažené ohromným očakávaním. Ona to chcela vidieť. Počula o tom. Nič o tom nevedela, ale chcela to vidieť. Môžem počuť, ako hovorí: "No, ak chceš, môžeš odstrániť moje meno z tej knihy. Čokoľvek hovoríš o tých bôžikoch, tých knihách a veciach, vidím, že o niečom hovoríš - hovoríš o niečom. To sa nikdy nepohlo. Ešte nikdy som nevidela, že by sa to pohlo. Chcem niečo, čo je skutočné." Ona sa pripravovala, aby išla. Škoda, že dnes nemáme viacej takých malých kráľovien. V poriadku.

86 Tak teraz zisťujeme, že aby išla podľa poriadku, použila veľmi dobrú taktiku. Chcel by som, aby každý o tom premýšľal. No, ona povedala, že nič nevie. Ona prečítala všetky zvitky, aby sa dozvedela, kým bol Jehova a spoznala spôsob, akým On konal v minulosti. "Ak to je tak, potom On by sa mal dať poznať cez toho človeka, tak ako oni hovorili, že sa to dialo, potom to bol Jehova. Ak to bol Jehova a On bol pravdivým Bohom, žijúcim Bohom, nie nejakou sochou, alebo pomníkom dákeho stvorenia, ktoré žilo, alebo nežilo - bol by to žijúci, prítomný Boh práve teraz," tak ona sa chcela pripraviť na cestu. No, povedala...

87 Zbalila si mnoho peňazí. Vzala zlato, myrhu a och, kadidlo, a povedzme striebro. Naložila to na ťavy. No, povedala: "Vstanem. Pôjdem sa pozrieť na to sama. Ak sa ukáže, že je to pravda, podporím to, ale ak to tak nie je, nebudem s tým nič robiť."

88 Viete, ona by mohla niečo naučiť letničných. Mnohí z nich podporujú programy, v ktorých sa smejú a zosmiešňujú vás. Podporujete vysielanie programu, v ktorom sa smejú z vecí, ktorým veríte. Áno, to je pravda. Tak veru. Pretože to znie pravdivo. Určite, "Je cesta, ktorá sa zdá pre človeka pravá, " povedal Ježiš.

89 Ale, všimnite si ju, ona povedala: " Ak to tak nie je, tak beriem moje dary späť." Ale ona išla, aby to sama uvidela a presvedčila sa. Čítala tie zvitky, vedela, kým bol Jehova a ona Ho uvidí. Ak On bol a je, potom On je stále Jehova.

90 To je dobré aj dnes. Ježiš Kristus je tým, kým bol a bude navždy. On sa nikdy nemení. Biblia povedala, že: "On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky."

91 Hovoriac o prekážkach, nachádzame tú drobnú ženu, ako jej prichádza na myseľ: "Pamätaj, musíš prejsť cez púšť, a to je veľmi dlhá cesta." Zmerajúc vzdialenosť z Izraela, z Palestíny dole do Sáby, cez Saharskú púšť na ťave, myslím, že tým karavánam by to zabralo deväťdesiat dní, tri mesiace, stále cestujúc, idúc z miesta na miesto tri dni... tri mesiace. A pomyslite len, ona prešla cez tú horúcu púšť. Ona premýšľala o tom, že to musí urobiť - prejsť naprieč tou horúcou púšťou, celú tú cestu, aby sa dozvedela, či to bol naozaj Boh.

92 Niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, že ona povstane ( na súde ) s tou generáciou a odsúdi ju. Ona nemala cadillac s klimatizáciou. Niektorí ľudia tu v Dallase neprejdú ani cez ulicu, aby to počúvali. Je to tak. Niet divu, že ona povstane v posledných dňoch. Oni jednako niekde stoja a kritizujú To, robia to kdekoľvek. On povedal: "Ona prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu a hľa, tu je viac ako Šalamún. Všimnite si to.

93 Musela tomu čeliť. Pravdepodobne musela cestovať v noci, lebo na púšti bolo tak horúco. Priame slnečné lúče na Saharskej púšti by z vás stiahli kožu, tak musela cestovať asi v noci.

94 Pamätajte, ďalšou vecou bolo, že bola naložená darmi a inými vecami. Synovia Izmaela boli rýchly jazdci. Boli púštnymi banditami. Ako ľahko by bolo pre tie deti Izmaela, prísť, ako povodeň a odrezať dvoch alebo troch malých eunúchov, ktorých mala, jej malú skupinu vojakov, eunúchov a jej drobné slúžky. Podrezať ich, nechať ich tam ležať a zobrať im desiatky tisícov krát tisícov dolárov, ďalej klenoty, okrem toho vzácne kadidlo a myrhu, a to čo niesla ako dar.

95 Ale, niečo na tom je, keď je vaše srdce nastavené vidieť Boha, a niečo vás uchopilo, potom nepoznáte žiadne nebezpečenstvo, nepoznáte porážku. Je niečo, čo dostaneš akokoľvek, bez ohľadu na to, aký je tvoj problém.

96 Určite to vyzeralo na veľmi dobrú príležitosť pre tých banditov. Každý z nich mohol prísť, ale ona nemyslela na žiadne nebezpečenstvo.

97 Nemyslela vstať a odísť, ako niekto, kto sa obáva povstať z lôžka, z nosidiel, alebo niečoho iného. "Neviem (vidíte?), bojím sa to urobiť." Ona nemala ten druh strachu. Niečo ju uchopilo.

98 A keby nás mohlo niečo uchopiť tým istým spôsobom, niečo by sa stalo. No, nemôžeš to urobiť prv než ťa To neuchopí. Radšej to neskúšaj. Ale, keď ťa To uchopí, to sa stane.

99 Všimnite si, tu ona je. Nikdy nepremýšľala o tom, koľko veľa banditov je na púšti.

100 Alebo, či keď tam príde bude prijatá, alebo nie. Ona bola z inej denominácie, viete, bola by prijatá, bola by pozvaná na zhromaždenie? Ona nebola pozvaná. Duch Svätý na nej pracoval, aby prišla, tak On bol Tým, ktorý ju viedol tak, aby uspokojil ten pocit, ktorý mala, tú túžbu po poznaní...

101 Pamätaj, to je tvoj život. To bol jej život. Dostal si iba jednu (šancu) urovnať to a možno dnes večer je to tvoja posledná príležitosť. Ak odmietneš Krista, dnes večer, už nemusíš mať ďalšiu príležitosť.

102 A toto mohla byť jej posledná príležitosť. Ona si to uvedomovala. Bolo jej chladné a formálne náboženstvo, ktoré mala v poriadku, alebo tu bol pravdivý žijúci Boh? Nevidela nič vo svojom vlastnom náboženstve, ale započula, že v tom inom niečo bolo, čítala akým On bol. Chcela to vidieť. To bol jej život, o ktorý išlo.

103 To je môj život, dnes večer, musím sa tomu postaviť tvárou v tvár. Musím prísť na súd, a tak aj ty musíš prísť na súd. Patrí sa nám posadiť sa v našom kresle, ľahnúť si na našu posteľ, alebo kdekoľvek sme a hlboko tú vec rozvážiť, pretože neviete chvíľu, kedy Boh s vami skončí a budete sa zodpovedať pred súdom. Či si členom cirkvi, alebo nie, to nič neznamená. Tak či onak, budeš sa za to zodpovedať a radšej si v tom buď smrteľne istý. Skontroluj svoje prežitie z Bohom a vidz, či ťa skutočne uchopilo niečo, čo ťa priviedlo späť do toho Slova, preč od vyznaní, formálností, a tak ďalej. On to zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, "Budú znovu obrátené srdcia detí ku otcom." Veríme tomu. Všimnite si, zisťujeme to teraz v týchto dňoch.

104 A ona nebrala žiadnu myšlienku strachu, alebo čohokoľvek, čo by jej robilo potiaže. Nepremýšľala o tom. Jej cieľom bolo dozvedieť sa, či to bolo skutočné, alebo nie, a tak išla naprieč púšťou. A ne... Činiac to, ona prežívala ťažký čas. Hocičo, čo máte...

105 To je ten problém, my letniční sme dostali všetko podané na tanieri, všetko čo chceme. Pastor neprišiel na čas, " Odídem zo Zborov Božích a pripojím sa do Cirkvi Božej," a viete, to je len... sme tak detinský!

106 Pripomína sa mi, ako sa raz jeden starý námorník vrátil z mora. A bol tam tiež istý básnik, ktorý nikdy nevidel more - písal o ňom, ale nikdy ho nevidel. Ten starý námorník ho stretol a povedal: "Kam ideš môj dobrý človeče?"

107 Povedal: "Idem k moru. Som básnik a písal som o mori. Túžim cítiť to more, vidieť tie veľké skáčuce morské vlny, spievajúce čajky a odrážajúcu sa modrú oblohu v mori."

108 Ten starý morský vlk si potiahol štyri - päť krát zo svojej fajky, pozrel dole a odpľul si. Povedal: "Narodil som sa na ňom pred sedemdesiatimi rokmi. A nevidím na ňom nič zaujímavé." Žil na ňom tak dlho, až sa mu stalo všedným.

109 Práve tak je to s nami dnes večer. Tak dlho sme žili v Prítomnosti Božej, až sa nám to stalo všedným. Musíme zatriasť sami sebou a uvedomiť si, že Ježiš Kristus je živý a vstal z mŕtvych.

110 Toto všetko bolo novým prežitím pre túto drobnú kráľovnú. Ona bola vytrvalá. Chcela to vidieť. Určite bola vytrvalá. Musela byť vytrvalá, aby opustila svoj národ. Musela opustiť všetku svoju prestíž. Čo s jej členskou kartou a tým všetkým do čoho patrila, s krúžkami pletenia a šitia a tie veci, do ktorých patrila, ako kráľovná, s celou tou slávou, ktorú poznala? Stala by sa výsmechom pre tú skupinu. Ale či to pre ňu niečo znamenalo? To bola jej duša.

111 To je tvoja duša. To je moja duša. Či to niečo znamená, či je metodista, baptista, presbyterián alebo jednotár, vyznávač dvojice, trojičiar, alebo kýmkoľvek on je? To je moja duša, ktorej sa to týka. To je tvoja duša, ktorej sa to týka. To je Božie Slovo, ktoré je potvrdzované.

112 Zisťujeme, že jej nazáležalo na tom, čo ktokoľvek povedal, alebo čo na to jej večierková spoločnosť, čo na to jej priatelia, hoci by musela opustiť všetko v tom svete. Ak To bolo skutočné, bola pripravená ísť ku Tomu. Vzdala by sa svojho kráľovstva i čohokoľvek. Ak To bolo skutočné - ona chcela nájsť Boha. Niečo bolo v jej srdci.

113 Dozvedáme sa, že prešla cez tú púšť. Nakoniec deň po dni, po deväťdesiatich dňoch, troch mesiacoch, tá karavána konečne prišla do brány.

114 Ona neprišla tak, ako to robia mnohí ľudia dnes v zhromaždeniach. Mnohí z nich prídu a povedia: "Och, počúvam, že oni dostali, och, niekto mi povedal, že oni mali...Och-hm. No, pôjdem inam."Oni si niekde na chvíľu sadnú. Pozorujte ich - uvidíte ich všade. Oni povedia: "Prvé slovo, ktoré on hovorí je v rozpore s tým, čomu verím," vychádzajú von. "Nikdy sa nevrátim späť, počúvať hociktorého z nich." Vidíte, oni nesedia dosť dlho. Tak je to.

115 A čo Ježiš, keď tam sedel pred Jeho sedemdesiatimi, mal ich sedemdesiat a celý dav? On bol veľký človek. "On bol Prorok", oni hovorili "ten Galilejský Prorok." Jedného dňa pozrel na ten veľký zástup stojaci okolo Neho, povedal: "Ak nebudete jesť tela Syna Človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život."

116 Môžete si predstaviť sediacich tam doktorov, čo oni povedali o tom človeku? "Veď On z nás urobí vampírov. Piť Jeho krv a jesť Jeho telo?"

117 On to nikdy nevysvetlil. Nemusel to vysvetliť. On musel striasť tie parazity, ktoré boli okolo Neho. Namiesto skúšať maznať sa s nimi a zapisovať ich meno do knihy, On ich striasol. On bol pre nich neužitočný. Dozvedáme sa, že On tam bol a povedal: "Ak ne...". On to nikdy nevysvetlil.

118 Pozorujte tých ticho sediacich učeníkov. Oni nikdy nič nepovedali.

119 Vidím lekára a farizeov, hovoriacich: "Vidíte, ten človek stratil rozum. On je šialený, chce, aby sme pokrájali jeho telo, jedli ho a pili jeho krv? Ľudský vampír, no, nemohli by sme urobiť takú vec. Och, to je šialené. Stratil rozum." Odišli preč.

120 Potom On pozrel na tých teológov sediacich okolo Neho, tých sedemdesiatich a povedal: "A čo keby ste videli Syna Človeka vystupovať hore, odkiaľ prišiel?" Tí doktori sa rozhliadli vôkol a povedali: "Syn Človeka vystupujúci do neba, odkiaľ prišiel? Predsa ho poznáme, boli sme v maštali, v ktorej sa narodil. Videli sme kolísku, v ktorej bol hojdaný. Poznáme jeho matku. My...Rybárči s nami. Poľuje s nami. Zatúlal sa tu do týchto vrchov. Nosí oblečenie, ktoré my nosíme, požíva pokrm. A odkiaľ tento Syn Človeka prišiel? On prišiel z Nazaretu. To je na nás príliš veľa." Odišli od Neho. On to stále nevysvetlil. Vidíte?

121 Rozhliadol sa, rozhliadol sa okolo na tých dvanástich, hovoriac: "Či vy tiež odídete?"

122 No, oni to tiež nevedeli vysvetliť, ale niečo ich držalo. Vidíte, oni to poznali. Vlastne vtedy vypovedal Peter tie pamätné slová: "Pane, videli sme Slovo Tebou potvrdené. Kam pôjdeme? Vieme, že Ty máš Slová Života. Ty si Žriedlo Života. To nás uspokojuje."

123 Ježiš povedal: "Vybral som dvanástich z vás a jeden z vás je diabol." Vidíte, nerobil žiadne ceremónie, ani hladenie, ani maznanie, ani poklepávania po pleci, ani krstenie potajomky, alebo niečo ďalšie.

124 On - On bol Bohom, ktorý sa stal telom na zemi. Bol potvrdeným Slovom Božím. A tí, ktorí lačneli prišli. Tí, ktorí nelačneli nemohli prísť. Povedal: "Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu." Ako môžeš prísť, ak si Mu nebol daný?

125 No všimnite si, zisťujeme, že tá drobná kráľovná tam nakoniec prišla. Ona nečakala, ako to urobili títo ľudia. Niektorí z nich ju nasledovali.

126 Vždy sú tri skupiny ľudí: veriaci, takzvaný veriaci a neveriaci. Neveriaci vstane a odíde. Takzvaný veriaci bude stáť dlhý čas. Tam boli všetky tri z nich. Neveriaci, zástup; takzvaný veriaci, tá skupina, ktorá sa odvrátila, ako posledná. Ale bol tam rýdzi veriaci, ktorý to nemohol vysvetliť - oni nič o tom nevedeli, ale poznali, že On bol Slovom. Na tom to zakončilo.

127 Tu nachádzame tú drobnú kráľovnú. Ona priviezla celé množstvo potravín, mnoho kusov chleba a mnoho iného tovaru. Priviezla svoje stany a batožinu. Zhodila svoje veci z tiav, vonku na dvore, na nádvorí chrámu. Rozložila svoje stany a zostala tam, kým sa nepresvedčila, či to bolo pravdivé, alebo nie.

128 Nepochybne, deň za dňom, čítala tie Písma. Nocou, pravdepodobne museli cestovať nocou. Cez deň sadala pod palmy, v oáze v púšti a čítala, kým bol Jehova, kým by On mohol byť. Nuž, ona by teraz Jehovu rozpoznala. Keby On bol v tom človeku, rozpoznala by Jeho konanie - poznala by, či to bolo pravdivé, alebo nie. Tak ona bola oboznámená s celým Písmom.

129 Ona tam nešla, hovoriac: "No, ak povie niečo rozdielne, od toho, čo povedal môj kňaz, jednoducho vezmem ťavy a odídem. Rozhodla sa tam zostať, kým sa nepresvedčí.

130 Och, keby to muži a ženy robili dnes! Vzali Písmo a videli, či Duch Svätý je na dnes, alebo nie. Keby videli, či tie veci, o ktorých hovoríme, sú predpovedané na túto hodinu, v ktorej sme. Avšak ona to urobila; z toho dôvodu Ježiš povedal, že jej meno je neomylné - nie neomylné, ale nesmrteľné. Ona sa postaví v deň súdu a odsúdi Dallas, Texas. Odsúdi Spojené Štáty v deň súdu, pretože prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Šalamún. Zmŕtvychvstalý Ježiš Kristus je tu v moci Svojho zmŕtvychvstania.

131 Všimnite si. Ona rozložila svoje stany. Môžem si predstaviť to ráno, ako zazvonili zvony, zazneli trúby a zhromaždenie sa začalo. Oni mali zhromaždenia každý deň. Pomyslite o tom. Oni milovali každodenné chodenie do zboru. Tak, zhromaždenie sa začalo a môžem si predstaviť, ako tá drobná kráľovná vošla zadným vchodom a posadila sa vzadu. Po chvíli zazneli všetky trúby a boli zaspievané hymny.

132 Po chvíli vyšiel pastor Šalamún a sadol si. Ó, ako si ho tí ľudia vážili, pretože ho milovali. On bol Boží sluha. Oni vychádzali a nebolo tam ani jedného, ktorý by povedal: "Hm, keby on bol práve tou osobou; keby patril práve do našej skupiny." Nie. Bola tam iba jedna skupina a oni boli tou skupinou.

133 A potom, dozvedáme sa, že niekto podišiel. Viete, tou prvou vecou bolo, že Šalamún zjavil tajomstvá ich sŕdc. Môžem si predstaviť tú drobnú kráľovnú, ako povedala: "No, počkaj chvíľu," vidíte. "Och, to zaznelo pravdivo." Keď podišiel ďalší, zisťujeme tú istú vec. Och, jej malé srdce začalo podskakovať. Ona bola udivená.

134 Takže, ona musela dostať modlitebnú kartu a čakala. Prepáčte ten výraz, ale viete, pre lepšie zrozumenie, rozumiete. Musela dostať kartu a čakala. Jedného dňa bola jej karta vyvolaná a ona podišla ku Svätému Duchu, ktorý konal cez Šalamúna. Biblia hovorí, že nič nebolo pred Šalamúnom zakryté. Ten veľký Duch Svätý zjavil všetko, čo ona potrebovala počuť - On to zjavil.

135 A tu bol Duch Svätý, Jeho plnosť v Ježišovi Kristovi, robiac tú istú vec, a tí farizeovia hovorili: "Ukáž nám znamenie. Uzdrav tu toho človeka. Urob to a povedz to. Aký bude ten, alebo tamten?" Vidíte, oni to proste nerozumeli.

136 Táto drobná kráľovná tam stála, a Biblia povedala, že nebolo nič zatajené pred Šalamúnom. On zjavil všetky tie veci, ktoré potrebovala vedieť. Povedal jej o tom všetko.

137 A keď sa to stalo, nemusela už prijímať názory niekoho iného. Pozorovala to a verila tomu. Potom sa obrátila do publika a povedala: "Všetko, čo som počula, keď som to počula, udivovalo ma to. Ale všetko čo som počula, je tak, viac ako som počula." Vidíte, to bol jej obrat, ona to uvidela. To na ňu zapôsobilo. Poznala, že je to pravdivé. Povedala: "Nech je požehnaný Pán Boh, ktorý ťa učinil svojím sluhom. Nech je požehnaný... ."

138 Čo to bolo? Tá nepatrná drobná žena žila tam, medzi všetkými týmito vierovyznaniami a bôžikmi, až raz v jej hladnom srdci... Ktorýkoľvek skutočný veriaci chce vidieť Boha konať. Ak On bol niekedy Bohom, On je stále Bohom. A ona uvidela niečo, čo bolo skutočné, nie podfuk, skutočne pravdivé. Slúžila Bohu po zvyšok svojich dní, pretože uvidela niečo skutočné.

139 Och, priateľu, videli sme tak veľa: "pripoj sa do tohoto vyznania viery, tento moslim, tento, ktokoľvek to je, prídi do tohto a tohto, tamtoho a tých iných", a všetkého druhu senzácie a vecí. Určite musí byť svet hladný, dnes večer, po niečom pravdivom, aby uvidel niečo skutočné. Nie nejakú mýtickú hromadu s tečúcou krvou, škrabancami, olejom, alebo niečím, čo vôbec nie je biblické, ale skutočný Ježiš Kristus, ktorý zasľúbil, že bude žiť vo svojom ľude v týchto posledných dňoch a robiť tieto veci, ktoré robil, niečo, čo Písmo hovorí, že sa bude diať v týchto dňoch.

140 Všetky tieto malé vyznania viery: "No, ak poznáš naše vyznanie, vieš... ." Vidíte, vy sa - vy sa - vy sa obzeráte na to, čo pán Luther povedal, veľký muž vo svojom dni. Určite. Takisto ako niektoré ženy tu, ktoré vo veku sedemdesiat päť rokov, skúšajú vyzerať, ako šestnásť ročné, pozerajú sa späť a skúšajú sa obliekať ako šestnástky. Strihajú si svoje vlasy, nosia šortky a robia... Ktokoľvek kto šoféruje a pozerá do spätného zrkadla, havaruje. A to je problém s cirkvou dnes - pozeranie do spätného zrkadla na to, čo bolo. Nečudo, že je ona rozbitá. Nikdy...

141 Pavol povedal: "Ženiem sa za cieľom horného povolania, idem napred. Idem vpred." Viem, že pán Moody bol veľkým mužom, pán Wesley bol veľkým mužom, letničné hnutie, baptistické hnutie - oni boli veľké, ale žeňme sa za cieľom horného povolania v Kristovi. Nepozerajte do spätného zrkadla, štyridsať rokov späť. Pozri, čo je dnes večer. Pozri, čo Písmo zasľubuje dnes večer. On im dal zasľúbenie v tamtom dni, ale mi žijeme teraz tam vyššie. Ideme ďalej.

142 Čo keby Wesley pozeral späť a videl by Luthera? Vidíte? Ale on nepozeral na to, čo povedal Luther - on pozeral na to čo povedal Boh. Čo keby letniční pozerali späť na metodistov? Vidíte, kde by ste boli? Tu ste, tá istá vec, zorganizovali ste to a ochromili a nemôžete sa nikam pohnúť. Práve teraz sa Duch Svätý hýbe napred, posúvajúc sa ešte niekam.

143 Za každým, kedy to oni robia, nejaký človekom zostrojený systém, kde dostanete všetko vypracované, to je znova, ako odpor Kóreho. Tak isto, ako Dátan a ostatní, chceli mať veľkú hromadu ľudí a vytvoriť organizáciu. Boh povedal: "Oddeľ sa od nich, Mojžiš, a Ja spravím, že ich pohltí zem." A viete, to bolo typom dnešnej cesty do zasľúbenej zeme. Tam oni boli. Nemohli uveriť tomu pomazanému posolstvu od Boha, ktoré sa posúvalo napred a chceli začať niečo sami. To je vždy ten spôsob.

144 Najnerozvážnejším krokom Izraela, ktorý kedy urobili bolo, keď odvrhli milosť, v Exoduse 19, a prijali zákon. A Dátan urobil najhroznejšiu chybu, akú kedykoľvek urobil, keď povedal: "Je tu viac vodcov okrem teba Mojžiš."

145 A on bol potvrdený, že bol Božím zamanifestovaným Slovom. On vzal prach a premenil ho na blchy. A všetko, čo povedal sa stalo. Boh bol s ním. Stĺp Ohňa visiaci nad ním ho potvrdzoval, a oni stále chceli začať niečo nové. To je proste ľudská robota.

146 Tým spôsobom sa to deje dnes. To je miesto, kde sa cirkev dostala. To je pravda. Och, cirkev živého Boha, či nechcete vidieť niečo pravdivé? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá - „Amen." – pozn.prekl.]. Niečo skutočné!

147 Ešte krátky príbeh pred modlitbou za chorých. Rád poľujem. Moja matka, viete, je... ona...Jej matka poberala dôchodok. Bola indiánkou z kmeňa Cherokee. Ja...Moje obrátenie mi nikdy nezobralo lásku k lesom. Milujem to. Tam vidíte Boha. Tam som po prvý krát uvidel Boha, bolo to tam vonku v lesoch. To je miesto, kde sa On s nami stretáva. To je miesto, kde On prehovára. Tam som stretol tých siedmich anjelov. Vy...na, (páske), Pánovia, aký je toto čas?

148 Nedávno sme sedeli s bratom Bordersom, keď to (stálo) zostúpilo, ten vzdušný vír z neba, trhajúc dokonca skaly, rovno nad miestom, kde som stál, ako to On povedal, vidíte. A tu, och veľa mužov, brat Sothmann, ktorý je niekde tu, jeden z... Terry, verím, že on je tu vyššie, bol tam vtedy prítomný. A tie veci, ktoré ste videli tam vonku na púšti! Milujem poľovať. Robím to, aby som sa dostal von, nie zabíjať pre zábavu, ale aby som bol v lese.

149 Často som poľoval s chlapíkom, hore v New Yorku, skôr, hore v Hampshire. On bol výborným poľovníkom. Volal sa Bert a bol Angličan. Jeho - jeho rodičia založili, alebo oddelili to, čo oni nazývajú Jefferson Notch, cez to, ponad Caroll Notch a oddelili to v tých prvých dňoch. Bolo v ňom tiež niečo z indiána. Bol jedným z najlepších strelcov, akých som kedykoľvek videl a jedným z najlepších poľovníkov. Nemuseli by ste sa nikdy obávať, vyjsť a poľovať s ním - vedel, kde je. Obyčajne tam rád poľujem na bielochvostého jeleňa. Oni...A chodieval som hore každú jeseň a poľoval.

150 Bol tak výborným poľovníkom, ale on bol najkrutejším človekom, akého som kedykoľvek vo svojom živote stretol. Mal oči podobné jašterici, a on práve... Taký druh, viete podobný ženám, ktoré si dnes skúšajú maľovať svoje oči, ako druh jašterice. Nuž, skutočne mal taký druh očí. Nepripadali mi ako ľudské. Vždy som v určitom zmysle nenávidel pozerať na neho. Vyzeral tak nepríjemne (slizko), ako, viete, hľadiac na jeho oči z boku.

151 Miloval byť zlostným. Strieľal by do malých srnčekov, to je jelenie mláďa, len preto, aby som sa cítil zle. A povedal by: "Och, kazateľu, ty si ako zvyšok z nich. Ty si zbabelec. Ty by si bol dobrým poľovníkom, keby si nebol kazateľ."

152 Povedal som: "Ja poľujem na duše, Bert." A povedal som: "Si jednou z tých stratených."

153 A on: "Och, spamätaj sa!" Povedal: "Billy, ty si v poriadku, ale," povedal, "nehovor mi o niečom takom." Tak on - tak on strieľal týchto malých srnčekov, a - a práve to robilo, že som sa cítil tak zle.

154 Nuž, to je v poriadku zabiť srnčeka, ak to zákon dovoľuje, no, jeho veľkosť alebo pohlavie, čokoľvek, čo hovorí zákon. Bol som revírnikom mnoho rokov. Ale pozrite, Abrahám zabil teľa a nakŕmil s tým Boha, a tak nie je na tom nič zlého, zabiť srnčeka, ak to zákon povolil. Ale nie ich len zastreliť, nechať ich tam ležať, trápiacich sa - to je zlé, to je zlé tak robiť. Tak, povedal som to, len preto, aby som ospravedlnil mojich poľujúcich bratov tu, vidíte, aby ste porozumeli, čo chcem povedať.

155 No, všimnite si toto, že nachádzame tohoto muža...Jedného dňa som šiel tam hore, bol som tam spolu s manželkou .A-a on si spravil malú píšťalku a keď fúkol, dostal zvuk podobný malému, plačúcemu srnčekovi, viete, oni vydávajú také krátke, smiešne bečanie. No, tak dlho...

156 Pracoval som a nestihol som na čas na zhromaždenie, a išiel som s ním hore poľovať. A prebiehali tam poľovačky a po prvý raz v tom kraji bolo počuť streľbu, tí bielochvostí... Mysleli ste, že Houdini bol utekajúci artista - on bol amatér v porovnaní s nimi. Viete, prvá vec je, že oni sa hneď všetci poskrývajú. Keď vyjde mesiac, oni sa pasú v noci, alebo vchádzajú pod hromadu krovia alebo niečoho, a nepohnú sa.

157 Vráťme sa ku tomu dňu, povedal som: "Bert, však nejdeš použiť tú píšťalku?"

158 Povedal: "Och, kazateľu, ty si taký zbabelec!" Povedal: "Spamätaj sa."

159 Vyrazili sme a dali sme si za košele nejakú desiatu. A poľovali sme... Plánovali sme poľovať až do poludnia, hore okolo okraja vrcholu Presidential Range, potom sa rozdeliť a vrátiť sa dolu. Keby sme dostali jeleňa, vedeli sme, kde by visel. Za deň alebo dva by sme ho išli stiahnuť - vešajúc ho. Tak tam bolo okolo, och, štyri [10cm – pozn.prekl.], alebo šesť [15cm.] cólov snehu, tak nejako. Bol to dobrý čas na stopovanie. Vyrazili sme, dostali sme sa pozdĺž na štít tej hory, nie po chodníku, pretože tam nebol. Mesiac v noci svietil, a jeleň... [prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

160 Bert bol predomnou, ukazujúc cestu , a tak som šiel ďalej za ním. On sa posadil, takto. Sneh bol suchý. Siahol dozadu, myslel som si, že ide jesť desiatu. Práve tam sme sa rozdelili, pretože sme boli vysoko v horách. A on prišiel naspäť na to miesto.

161 Začal som si vyberať moju desiatu a hľadať miesto, kde by som postavil pušku. Vytiahol som desiatu a rozhliadal som sa.

162 On vytiahol túto malú píšťalku. Teda, pomyslel som si: "Chlapče, to je špinavý podvod robiť to takto." Zobral túto malú píšťalku, pozrel na mňa tými jašteričími očami a pohliadol hore na mňa. Vzal tú malú píšťalku do svojich úst, takto. Povedal som: "Bert, však to nejdeš tak urobiť?"

163 On povedal: "Och", a zapískal, takto. A na moje prekvapenie, okolo päťdesiat jardov [45,7m – pozn.prekl.] odo mňa, krížom, stála nádherná veľká laň. Nuž, laň je matkou jelenčeka. Tu ona bola s veľkými hnedými očami a zdvihnutými ušami. Vidíte, ona to počula. No, ona bola matka, vidíte? A jej dieťa plakalo. A tak nemalo význam, či ostatné z nich vyjdú, či nie - niečo bolo v nej. Ona bola matka.

164 A tak Bert takto pozrel a znova zapískal skutočne pozvoľna, a tá laň vyšla rovno na voľné priestranstvo. Nuž, to je nezvyčajné, veľmi nezvyčajné, že takto vyšla. Rozhliadla sa s vysoko pozdvihnutou hlavou a jej oči hľadeli dookola.

165 Po chvíli, keď poľovník siahol a vytiahol zbraň - ona zbadala toho poľovníka. Obyčajne sa oni len mihnú a zmiznú, viete ako je to, rýchlo. Ale, viete ona sa vôbec nepohla. Jednoducho stála a hľadela na neho, sústredene, otočila svoju hlavu a pozerala. Och! Pomyslel som si: "Bert, to nemôžeš urobiť."

166 Vidíte, ona nič nepredstierala. Ona nebola pokrytecká. Ona nehrala. Narodila sa, aby bola matkou. A to dieťa, ja sa nestarám, či ju to bude stáť život, keď bolo to dieťa v problémoch, ona ho skúšala nájsť. Ono bolo v ťažkostiach. Bola, ten inštinkt v nej, ona bola matka. Uvidela toho poľovníka, ale jej myšlienky neboli o tom poľovníkovi, ale o tom dieťati v ťažkostiach - o tom malom jelenčekovi.

167 A tak on odistil poistku na tejto 30,6. Och, on nikdy nechybil. Zamieril pušku. Ja - ja musel som proste odvrátiť svoju hlavu. Nemohol som ho od toho zadržať. Ja - ja nemohol som sa na neho pozerať. Pomyslel som si: "Iba niekoľko minút, a on rozorve jej verné srdce, pokúšajúce sa nájsť svoje dieťa, ktoré je v ťažkostiach. Vediac, že poľovník leží rovno tam v kríku." A on rozorve to verné srdce s tou guľkou ráže sto osemdesiat. A ja - ja... Bol bezchybným strelcom. Zamieril. Myslel som: "Nemôžem tu len tak stáť a pozerať sa na to". Otočil som sa chrbtom.

168 A - a ja - ja som povedal: "Pane pomôž mu, aby to neurobil." Cítil som sa tak hrozne. Tá biedna matka tam stála hľadajúc svoje dieťa, vedel som, že ona neodíde. Bola matkou. Inokedy by utekala. Ona by nevstala a neobišla nás. Ale niečo v nej bolo.

169 A ja som čakal a čakal, ale tá puška nevystrelila. No, čudoval som sa: "Čo sa deje? Čakal som, potom som sa otočil, skutočne pomaly. Uvidel som tam stáť tú laň, ktorá stále na neho pozerala. Pozrel som na hlaveň pušky, ona sa pohybovala, takto. On...on sa pokúšal udržať cieľ, ale nemohol to urobiť.

170 Odhodil tú pušku na zem, pozrel sa na mňa, a jeho veľké oči boli zmenené. Slzy stekali dolu po jeho lícach. Chytil ma za nohavicu, povedal: "Billy, priveď ma ku tomu Ježišovi, o ktorom rozprávaš".

171 Čo - čo to bolo? On uvidel niečo skutočné. Vidíte? Tá drobná matka laň musela ukázať svoju vernosť, skutočnú vernosť, ktorá premenila ukrutného poľovníka, ktorý mal najpodlejšie srdce, aké som kedykoľvek videl. To neurobilo kázanie, ktoré som kázal. To bolo to, čo on videl, niečo, čo bolo skutočné. Nebol to podfuk. Nebolo to predstierané. Bola to skutočná matka, hľadajúca svoje dieťa, a to ho priviedlo ku Kristovi. Teraz je diakonom v zbore, skvelým kresťanom, pretože uvidel niečo, čo nebol podfuk. Nebola to takzvaná viera - to bola skutočnosť.

172 Och, brat, sestra, keby táto cirkev, keby títo ľudia, dnes večer, keby ty a ja...Je niečo skutočné, čo nie je podfuk. Možno vidíš niečo falošné, ale tu je skutočná vec. Je niečo v človeku, čo robí, že začína žiť pre Boha. Brat, existuje skutočný Duch Svätý, dnes večer, brat, nie napodobenina. On je skutočnosť.

173 A koľkí z vás tu, by chceli byť takými kresťanmi, a tak vernými Kristovi, na smrť, prenasledovanie, čokoľvek, milovať byť natoľko kresťanom, nakoľko tá laň bola matkou? Chceli by ste - nechceli by ste byť takí? Túžil by som byť takým druhom kresťana, práve tak, ako tá drobná Sýrofeničanka, minulého večera - byť takým druhom kresťana. Táto drobná kráľovná, o ktorej sme hovorili dnes večer bola takým druhom kresťana - keď uvidela niečo skutočné, bola pripravená. Nech nám Boh pomôže, dnes večer, prijať niečo skutočné - Krista.

174 Skloňme naše hlavy, iba na chvíľu, kým sa modlíme. Zaujímalo by ma, či je niekto dnes večer v tejto budove, či je tu...či je tu niekto, kým ste skutočne potichu, či je tu niekto, kto by chcel, a nepozná Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa, a chcel by si Ho poznať ako svojho Spasiteľa, či by si pozdvihol svoju ruku? Jeden, dva, tri. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

175 Zaujímalo by ma, či je tu niekto dnes večer, kto tvrdí, že je kresťanom, možno členom dobrého zboru, veľkej skupiny ľudí, ale jednako viete hlboko vo svojom srdci, že ste nedostali kresťanstvo do svojho srdca, nenarodili ste sa do neho. Práve tak, ako tá matka, laň, ktorá sa narodila aby bola matkou - ona bola matkou skrz na skrz. Chcel by si sa stať skutočným kresťanom, tak ako bola tá drobná laň matkou? Zdvihol by si svoju ruku povediac: "Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham?" Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Všade naokolo, hore na balkónoch - vidím tvoju ruku.

176 Nebeský Otče, ten malý skutok v ten chladný novembrový deň, stojac tam so snehom na celej svojej šiji - videl som tam ležiaceho muža, ktorému som rozprával, držal som jeho ruku, plakal som s ním, hovoril som mu o Biblii a o všetkých veciach. On povedal: "Och, snáď máš pravdu." Ale vidím, že si musel poslať niečo tak skutočné, čo bolo zhodné so zákonom prírody, že - že on - on nemohol prehliadnuť, že to bolo niečo skutočné. A Teraz je on Tvojím sluhom, Pane.

177 Nuž, sú tu mnohí dnes večer. Niektorí z nich pozdvihli svoje ruky, Otče, že nikdy neboli kresťanom, a chceli by sa ním stať. Bože, nenechaj ich byť jednými z tých, ktorí iba behajú a pripájajú sa do cirkvi, alebo berú nejakú formu, vierovyznanie alebo krst. Ale nech sa narodí v ich srdci Kristus.

178 A tí, ktorí sa pripájajú do cirkvi, oni hľadajú Pane, asi tak, ako tá - tá drobná žena, tá drobná kráľovná, o ktorej sme hovorili. Ona - ona bola hladná po niečom. A - a oni tiež, Pane. Keď ona uvidela niečo pravdivé, čo potvrdilo Boha v ľudských bytostiach, potom bola pripravená. Povedala: "Nech je požehnaný Pán Boh Izraela." Ona nechcela mať viac nič dočinenia s pohanskými formami.

179 A Otče, nepochybne mnohí tu, dnes večer, sú v takom istom stave. Keby len mohli uvidieť niečo skutočné. A Ty si nám povedal, keď si bol tu na zemi, čo sa stane v tomto dni. Povedali sme, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes a na veky. A vieme, ako si bol potvrdený, a ako tí farizeovia to prehliadli. Pane, tie isté skupiny dnes to prehliadajú cez prináležanie do zboru, pripájanie sa, majúc určité formy vierovyznaní, a tak ďalej. Oni - oni prehliadajú Mesiáša, Toho veľkého Ducha Svätého, stotožňujúceho Samého Seba s ľuďmi, tak, ako zasľúbil, že to urobí.

180 Udeľ, Pane, dnes večer, aby si každý jeden z nich uvedomil a uzrel Tvoju prítomnosť. A nech prenikne do ich sŕdc ten text: "Väčší než Šalamún je tu dnes večer." Ktorým je Ježiš Kristus, ten zmŕtvychvstalý Syn Boží, pripravený prísť, navrátiť a urobiť srdcia novými a dať do nich zrodené prežitie Boha. Práve tak, ako tá matka laň, niečo, s čím nemohla nič urobiť - skrze milosť Božiu bola vybraná, aby bol laň, bola vybraná za matku, vernú matku. A Ty si nám povedal, že sme boli "vybraní pred založením sveta."

181 Modlím sa Bože, aby si dovolil každému jednému z tých, ktorí cítia to tiahnutie vo svojom srdci, aké mala tá drobná dáma, nájsť Boha, aby sa dnes večer stalo niečo skutočné, tak, aby to oni uvideli a slúžili Ti. "Lebo väčší než Šalamún je tu." Prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

182 No, buďte úctiví a potichu, predtým, ako podídeme ku oltáru. Prosím, nech sa nikto nepresúva. Buďte len skutočne úctiví na chvíľu. Toto je vážna hodina, vážna chvíľa. Robia sa rozhodnutia. Mnohí pozdvihli svoje ruky. Verím, že ste v tom boli hlboko úprimní, keď ste to urobili.

183 Nuž, počuli ste o Biblii, počuli ste o Ježišovi, počuli ste, že On bol Syn Boží. Boli ste učení, že On znovu vstal, ste učení, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

184 Nuž, je tento Duch Svätý, o ktorom hovoríme, ten Ježiš Kristus? Určite Ním je. Vidíte, On je Bohom, rozpoznaným Bohom, Duchom Svätým. To nie je iný Boh, to je ten istý Boh. Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý to nie sú traja bohovia, sú to tri atribúty toho istého Boha, vidíte, presne ten istý Boh v troch formách. Vidíte, inými slovami, On bol v troch úradoch, viete, keď On slúžil, ako Otec, a potom ako Syn. To je znižujúci sa Boh, prichádzajúci z pozície, kde sa Ho nebolo možné dotýkať (dokonca dotknutie sa tej hory spôsobilo smrť ), do tela v ktorom sme sa Ho mohli dotýkať.

185 A teraz je On vo vás. Posvätil vás svojou krvou, aby mohol žiť vo vás. "V tom dni poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo mne, Ja vo vás, a vy vo mne." Vidíte? Je to Boh nad nami, Boh s nami a Boh v nás. Rozumiete?

186 A to je Kristus, dnes večer, ten Duch Svätý. On je ten istý. A vy ste... On je ten Vinný Kmeň a vy ste letorasty. Majte vieru v Neho. Ak dnes večer On potvrdí samého seba medzi nami...

187 No, keby sa tu On postavil s jazvami, súc ľudskou bytosťou - to je telo. Každý by to mohol napodobniť - ľudská bytosť môže samú seba zmrzačiť. Alebo, možno, nevieme, ako Ježiš vyzeral. Máme na to len pohľad umelca, tú psychológiu toho, ako On vyzeral. Jeden druh mal Hofmann, ďalší druh mal Sallman a mnoho iných...

188 Ale ako by ste Ho spoznali? To bude Jeho Život. Pretože, ak by sa tu postavil človek s otlačkami tŕňov na svojej ruke, alebo s čímkoľvek - bol by to podvodník. Pretože, keď sám Ježiš prichádza, uvidí Ho každé oko, skloní sa každé koleno a každý jazyk to vyzná. Určite.

189 Ale Jeho Duch je tu, vidíte. Keby sme len nechali naše vlastné mysle nasmerovať do Jeho (myslí). " Nech je také zmýšľanie vo vás, aké bolo v Kristovi." On je Slovo. A Biblia povedala: "Slovo Božie." Ktorí, koľký viete, že Ježiš bol Slovom? V Biblii, v Liste Židom 4, Biblia povedala: "Ono je ostrejšie nad dvojsečný meč, rozpoznávajúce myšlienky srdca." Nuž, to je to, čo bolo v Šalamúnovi (Slovo, Boh) dôvod, že on mohol rozpoznať ich myšlienky. To bolo v Ježišovi, vidíte. To je to, čo je teraz tu, tá istá Vec.

190 No, vy tam vonku. Nejdem zvolávať žiadnu modlitebnú radu, pretože idem robiť výzvu k oltáru. Môžu tu byť takí, ktorí neboli ani na jednom z takýchto zhromaždení. Nevidím v tejto budove osobu, ktorú by som poznal.

191 Niekto mi hovoril, že minulý večer bolo vyvolaných okolo tridsať, alebo viacej. Uvedomujete si, že raz sa žena dotkla Jeho šiat a On sa obrátil a stala sa tá istá vec - vyšla z Neho moc - z Neho, Syna Božieho? Ale On povedal: "Väčšie veci než to budete činiť, pretože Ja idem k Otcovi".

192 No, iba verte a majte vieru, každý jeden z vás, všetci tu okolo - na lôžkach, nosítkach a kdekoľvek ste. Verte! Nemyslite, že ste bez nádeje.

193 No, keby som vás mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to, ale ja vás nemôžem uzdraviť. Môžem na vás položiť ruky a zamýšľam to urobiť, pre všetkých, ktorí majú tie karty. A oni dávajú karty každý deň. Tak, mám v úmysle to urobiť, ale to znamená iba toľko, že verím spolu s vami.

194 Ale pozrite, prečo sa nedotknete Jeho? Biblia hovorí, že On je práve teraz Veľkňazom, ktorý môže súcitiť s našimi slabosťami. Je to pravda? Nuž, ak On je Veľkňazom, potom On určite bude postupovať, tým istým spôsobom, ako to robil vtedy. Či nie? On určite bude postupovať tak isto, ako to robil vtedy. V poriadku, teraz sa Ho môžete dotknúť vierou.

195 No, Nebeský Otče, toto zhromaždenie je Tvoje. Ale ja som vás vyučoval dnes večer o tejto drobnej žene, ktorá uzrela niečo skutočné, potom, ako uvidela toho Ducha rozpoznávania nad Šalamúnom. Sme si istí, Pane, že Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Povedal si, že sa opäť vrátiš, tak, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, presne pred príchodom, a bol si tým istým včera, dnes a na veky. Skutky, ktoré si Ty robil, my budeme tiež robiť. Ty si Veľkňaz dnes večer, ktorý môže súcitiť s našimi slabosťami. Ako veľmi sme v potrebe.

196 Ako veľmi tí Židia potrebovali poznať, že On bol prorokom? Panenské počatie a všetky tie veci - ale oni, ich vierovyznania ich zaslepili.

197 Pane, sú tu takí, ktorí prišli, možno nie zo Sáby, ale z mnohých iných miest. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si skutočne zidentifikoval Samého Seba dnes večer, a potom potvrď Samého Seba v nich, ako to robil ten inštinkt tej matky k tomu jelenčekovi, toho dňa. Sme Tvoji, Otče. Hovor cez nás v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

198 No, chcem, aby ste mali vieru a verte, každý jeden z vás, všetci, všade naokolo. A len sa modlite. Nuž ne... Len hľaďte a modlite sa teraz, a len verte. Vidíte, toto asi nie, Svätému Duchu sa asi nepáči robiť to takto. Ak to On neurobí, zvolám modlitebnú radu. Len tu stojte. Niekto tam vonku, ak len vy... Nepotrebujem vaše modlitebné karty. Len - len ktokoľvek, len - len sa modlite. Neviem ďalší priebeh, len sa modlite a hľaďte. Povedzte len: "Pane Ježišu, viem, že ten človek ma nepozná. On o mne nič nevie, ale viem, že verím."

199 Vaša viera je podvedomá. Netlačte sa teraz, ani neskáčte. Vy to preskočíte. To je rovno pri vás. Len sa uvoľnite a verte. Len teraz verte, a majte vieru. [v zhromaždení brat dáva nabádanie – pozn.prekl.] Amen. Buďte úctiví, majte len vieru - len verte. Niekedy je vaša viera podvedomá, máte to a neviete o tom. Tá drobná žena to mala a nevedela o tom.

200 Koľkí z vás, už niekedy videli tú snímku Anjela Pánovho - to Svetlo? To bolo urobené, práve tu v Texase. Teraz to obišlo celý svet.

201 Ale čo si myslíš, Pane? Či veríš, ty, ktorý sedíš tam v rohu? Zdá sa, vyzerá, že si netrpezlivý. Je mnoho zlých vecí pri tebe. Máš veľa problémov, je to veľa vecí. No, keď som to povedal prišiel na teba skutočne zvláštny pocit, však? Ak je to tak, pozdvihni svoju ruku. Nuž, som ti úplne cudzí, nepoznám ťa. To je pravda. Vieš čo? To Svetlo práve spočinulo nad tebou. Vidíš? To je to, čo si pocítil, skutočne sladký pocit. Pozoroval som To, vidíte, prišlo rovno dole.

202 Nuž, áno, si tu, chceš, aby bolo za teba modlené, prv ako opustíš túto budovu. Ak mi Boh zjaví, aký je tvoj problém - ty sedíš tam, a ja som tu - či uveríš, že to je Boh? To je prietrh brušnej blany, jedna z tvojich veľkých ťažkostí. Tak veru. Je to pravda? Ak mi Boh povie kto si, ako sa voláš - teraz máš dobrý kontakt s Ním - uveríš mi, že som Jeho prorok, alebo Jeho sluha? Prepáč mi, to je kameňom úrazu pre mnohých. Veríš tomu? Voláš sa pán Sturg. Ak je to pravda, pozdvihni svoju ruku. Ver tomu a buď zdravý.

203 Tu je drobná žena, sedí rovno tam vzadu, tmavovlasá, rovno tu v tej uličke - áno ty. Bola si ohromená, keď to bolo povedané. No, práve v tomto čase si sa začala cítiť divne, vidíš, okolo teba je niečo skutočne milé. Ak sa ktokoľvek pozrie, môžete to uvidieť, druh jantárového Svetla zostupujúceho nad tú drobnú ženu. Nuž, v čom je jej problém, ona má bolesti hlavy, ktoré jej spôsobujú veľké potiaže. Tak veru. Ak je to pravda, pozdvihni takto svoju ruku. A ja som ju nikdy vo svojom živote nevidel. To je pravda. Tak veru. Trápia ju bolesti hlavy, niečo ako migréna, ale oni ťa opustia. Amen. Ver tomu. No...

204 Tu je muž, ktorý sedí rovno vedľa teba a pozerá rovno na mňa, tak vážne, a to Svetlo sa presúva rovno ponad, smerom k nemu. Ten muž trpí na problémy s očami. Ale ak on bude veriť, Boh uzdraví jeho oči a napraví ich. Či veríš? V poriadku. Nikdy v živote som ťa nevidel. Si mi cudzí.

205 Ten mladý človek sediaci tam, rovno vedľa teba, on tiež trpí na problémy so svojou hlavou. Tak veru. To je pravda. Nikdy v živote som toho človeka nevidel. Boh o tom vie. Rozumieš? V poriadku, ver.

206 Ten muž v okuliaroch, ktorý sedí rovno vedľa teba, hľadiaci takto. Áno, nosíš okuliare, ale to nie je tvoj hlavný problém. Niečo zlé sa stalo s tvojim chrbtom a chceš, aby sa za to modlilo. Ak je to pravda, zakývaj svojou rukou. V poriadku.

207 Ten mladý muž sediaci rovno tam vedľa teba, rovno vedľa teba. On mal veľa problémov, ten mladý muž, áno, pane v červenej kravate. Mal si veľa rodinných problémov a vecí určitého druhu. Tvoja žena je nervóznym typom človeka, a ty trpíš tiež na nejaký druh nátlaku vo svojej hlave. To je Tak Hovorí Pán. To je pravda. Tak veru. Len ver. Nepochybuj, ale ver.

208 Tu je žena, sediaca rovno tu vzadu. Nevidíte to Svetlo, ako tam cúvlo a usadilo sa tu? Ona trpí na problémy s okom a močovým mechúrom. Och, ona sa toho míňa. Pane Bože, pomôž mi. Volá sa pani Chambers. Ver z celého svojho srdca pani Chambers. Povstaň na svoje nohy. Vstaň tak, aby ľudia videli kto si. Som jej cudzí, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Áno. Teraz to skončilo. Ježiš Kristus to napráva.

209 Nuž, ak to nie je Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a na veky, kde On je? Zasľúbil On, že to urobí? Všetci, ktorí tomu veríte, pozdvihnite svoje ruky. V poriadku.

210 Chcete byť skutočnými kresťanmi, vy, ktorí ste pred chvíľou pozdvihli svoje ruky podobne, ako tá stará matka laň? Kým je tu Duch Svätý a pomazanie je všade nad nami, prečo si neurobíte cestu a nepostavíte sa, na chvíľu, rovno tu pri oltári? Ak hľadáte Boha cieľom spasenia, prídete sem? Prídete sem ku oltáru a postojíte so mnou na chvíľu? Vstaňte. To je to. V poriadku. Nech vás Boh žehná. Ktokoľvek je v tejto budove, kdekoľvek si, či prídeš? V poriadku. Príďte práve teraz , vy, ktorí chcete nájsť Krista.

211 Nemôžete sa ku Nemu priblížiť, kým Ho nestretnete. On je tu. On je rozpoznaný, niečo skutočné. Pripojili ste sa do cirkvi, mnohí z vás cirkevných členov, pripojili ste sa do cirkvi, ale to bolo všetko, čo ste mali. Chcete vidieť niečo skutočné. Ak toto nie presne to, ako sa dal Ježiš Kristus poznať, aby bol...

212 Pozrite na toto malé dieťa, ktoré sem prichádza, plače, slzy stekajú po jeho lícach. Niet divu, oni sú citlivé. Oni neboli ťahané cez všetko možné. Ďalšie prichádza dole tou uličkou, ďalšie je tam vzadu, schádzajú sa malé deti, kým tí dospelí ich míňajú. Prídete? Príďte rovno sem hore a postavte sa okolo oltára. Členovia zboru, ľudia, ktorí chcete mať prežitie Krista vo svojom srdci, prídete sem? Ak On pozná tvoje srdce a vieš, že to nemôžeš ukryť - neprídeš teraz a nepostavíš sa sem predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej? Prídi sem hore, postav sa tu pre modlitbu. Urobíš to?

213 Príď, ukáž sa, postav sa za Neho. Stojíš pre Neho. Ak sa hanbíš teraz za Neho, On sa bude hanbiť za teba tam.

214 Pamätaj, On je tu. Písmo povedalo, že to sa bude diať a On sa dá poznať, ako tu prítomný. Ak si členom zboru a nepoznáš Krista ako skutočné prežitie - neprídeš v tejto chvíli? Nuž, ja, moc ľudí nepresviedčam. Jedinú vec, ktorú môžem hovoriť, je povedať vám Pravdu a Kristovu prítomnosť. Navyše Jeho Slovo je zamanifestované.

215 Hore na balkóne, vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, sestra, brat, ak chcete prísť dolu, počkáme tu na vás. Zídite rovno dole a zhromaždite sa okolo oltára, len pre slovo modlitby. Nech ten svet vie, nech Ježiš pozná, že sa - že sa nehanbíš, ty, ktorý chceš byť skutočným kresťanom. Prídete, kým len čakáme chvíľu alebo dve?

216 Člen cirkvi, vlažný, odpadlík, neprídeš sa postaviť teraz s nimi? Príď a postav sa sem, ty, ktorý nemáš - ak nemáš prežitie z Bohom, že si takto narodený do Kráľovstva Božieho.

217 Čo viac chcete vidieť? Pamätajte, hovorím vám to v mene Pánovom, ak ma uznáte, že som Jeho sluha: Je to posledný znak, aký cirkev uvidí zhodne s písmom. To bola posledná vec, ktorú uvidel Abrahám vyplnenú pred príchodom zasľúbeného syna. A my sme to kráľovské Semeno Abraháma a Ježiš zasľúbil kráľovskému Semenu, že uvidí tú istú vec, ktorú videl Abrahám tesne pred tým, ako bol pohanský svet spálený. Neodkladaj to kvôli niečomu inému, satan sa vás snaží priviesť do toho, aby ste to prehliadli. Príď teraz, kým...

Je Prameň naplnený Krvou,

Tečúci z Emanuelových žíl,

Kde hriešnici ponorení v tom prúde,

Zbavujú sa všetkých svojich nečistých škvŕn.

Zomierajúci zločinec sa rozradoval, vidiac

Ten Prameň vo svojom dni;

Tam môžem aj ja, hoc tak ničomný ako on,

Zmyť všetky svoje hriechy.

218 Neprídeš a neprijmeš to teraz? Počkám ešte chvíľu, niekto ešte možno príde a postaví sa sem na modlitbu.

219 Poprosím teraz slúžiacich bratov, keby prišli a postavili by sa so mnou, tu okolo, kým sa modlíme. A slúžiacich tam, ktorých sa to týka, i niektorých z tých ľudí vo vašom susedstve, ktorí prichádzajú do vašej cirkvi, alebo - alebo niečo, ktorí ste zainteresovaní dušami prichádzajúcimi ku Kristovi a veríte, že toto je Ježiš Kristus.

220 Nuž, pamätajte, ja nie som Ježiš Kristus. Som váš brat, hriešnik spasený z milosti. Som taký ako vy. Ale to je Ježiš Kristus, Duch Svätý, ktorý je tu s nami dodržujúci Svoje Slovo. On toto nemusí urobiť, ale On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť. Ježiš nemusel uzdravovať chorých, ale Biblia povedala, že On to urobil, aby sa mohlo vyplniť to, čo bolo o Ňom zasľúbené.

221 No, nestaráme sa do akého druhu cirkvi patríš, ak veríš, že Ježiš Kristus je prítomný, veríš, že existuje znovuzrodené prežitie krstu Duchom Svätým.

222 Kazatelia vojdite pomedzi tých ľudí tu. Prídite rovno medzi nich, kladúc na nich svoje ruky. Pomodlíme sa za nich. Prosím naše zhromaždenie, aby bolo na pár chvíľ tak úctivým, ako len môže byť. Ako vieme, že to Duch Svätý urobí? To je to, vojdite, vmiešajte sa rovno pomedzi tých ľudí. Príďte rovno okolo nich, každý z vás.

223 No, pamätajte, je len jedna vec, ktorú môžete urobiť - a to je prijať to, čo vám On zasľúbil. Uvideli ste skutočnosť zmŕtvychvstania Krista?

224 No, poprosím zhromaždenie, aby na chvíľu vstalo v úcte a rešpekte k Tomu. Nech teraz každý z vás verí. Vyznajte všetko, čo ste urobili, to je všetko, čo môžete urobiť, a potom proste Boha, aby vám odpustil. A prijmite To, Verte Tomu. Teraz nech sa každý jeden modlí svojím vlastným spôsobom.

225 Náš Nebeský Otče, prichádzame ku Tebe so sklonenými dušami. Ako ten krátky príbeh o matke lani, tak zatriasol ľuďmi, že chcú niečo urobiť, alebo niečo skutočné uvidieť, ako tá kráľovná z juhu, ktorá prišla z najvzdialenejších končín zeme, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúnovu. A väčší ako Šalamún je tu - Spasiteľ ľudstva, Ježiš Kristus z Nazaretu. Spas ich, Otče. Odpusť ich hriechy. Umy ich duše v Krvi Baránka a daj im prežitie rodeného kresťana. Žiadne iné zviera, nič iné to nemohlo urobiť, iba tá matka laň. To je to, čím ona bola. Daj nám to prežitie, Pane, prežitie znovuzrodenia v Kráľovstve Božom, teraz, keď je Duch Svätý prítomný. Daj to, Pane. Daj to, Pane.

226 Teraz zatvorte svoje oči, zodvihnite svoje ruky, urobte svoje vyznanie hovoriac: "Ježišu, teraz verím. Prijmi ma takého, aký som. Nič viac nemôžem urobiť. Uzdrav moje choré telo. Prijmi ma, Pane. Verím, že si tu. Duch Svätý je tu, identifikujúci Samého Seba. Spas ma Svojou milosťou, Pane. To je všetko, čo viem, že mám urobiť. V mene Ježiša Krista!"

Brat Grant, budeš viesť modlitbu?

1 Let us remain standing just for a moment, while we read the Word of the Lord. You who would like to turn to the Scripture reading, tonight, turn to Matthew 12, beginning with the 38th verse.

And there, then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would seek a sign from thee.

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall be no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The men of Nineveh shall rise in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

2 Let us bow our heads. With our heads and hearts bowed in His Presence, is there a request in here tonight, that you would like to be remembered in prayer? If so, just raise your hands, and signify by that, "God, hear my request." Now pray silently while we go to prayer.

3 Our Heavenly Father, we are deeming this one of the most grandest privileges that we have this side of Glory, is to meet in the congregation of the people who believe in You, that where we can expect Your Presence, because it's according to Your promise. You said, "Where there are two or three gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst. And if they can agree upon any certain thing, and ask, they shall receive it." Lord, the greatest thing that we could agree upon, tonight, that You would just meet with us, that we might behold Your Presence, sense It in our spirits, and know that You are here. And in Your Presence, we feel that we can pour out our hearts, in supplication. And as we meditate upon Thee, may we feel this great sense of the answer of our prayers, as we are asking now in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

4 I want to take the subject, the Lord willing, with some Scriptures I have written out here, for just a few moments before we go to prayer for the sick, upon the subject of: A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now.

5 We find in our beginning of the Scripture tonight, where our text is found, that Jesus was disputing with the Pharisees. He was rebuking them, because that they had not understood Him. A Man, that the theologians that had been trained, looking forward for the time of His appearing, and then, when He arrived, they misunderstood Him and had called Him, "a devil." They said that the ministry He had was of the Devil, because He could discern the thoughts that were in their hearts, and by this they thought Him to be some kind of a--of a witch doctor or some like a fortuneteller; and anyone knows that's evil spirits. And then, to call the work of God, "an evil spirit," was blasphemy.

6And He had told them He would forgive them for it, because the Holy Spirit had not come as yet to tender up their hearts and to--to make them in condition so that they would understand God. They were hearts was far away from God. All they knowed was cold theology of the law, and they had not yet received the Holy Spirit. But He said, "When the Holy Spirit has come and does the same thing, to speak against That, it's never forgiven in this world nor the world to come."

7 And I was thinking as I was reading this, this afternoon, and meditating upon it, of how that that they, one of them here, come to Him, in a roundabout way, and asked Him, said, "Master, we would see a sign from Thee." In other words, the Jews were always taught to believe signs. The Jews seek signs, always; and the Greeks wisdom. And we find that these Jews was relying upon a sign.

8Now, what a--a very witness against this Pharisee, that him supposingly knowing the Scriptures, that the sign of the Messiah, Jesus had already performed it, and his eyes were so darkened that he didn't recognize it. Jesus had, Jesus had given him the true Scriptural Messianic sign that was promised in the Scripture. But he was looking for some other kind of a sign.

9 And how true that stands with teachers of today, and people of today. They can see something that is solid and in the Scripture, promised by God, for the day. And then they can see That, but yet they are looking forward to something, they want to see something else, and not taking the sign of the time.

10He told them once, said, "You can discern the skies when it's lowering, red. You'll say, when it's lowering and red, 'tomorrow will be foul weather,' and so forth." But said, "You can discern the signs in the skies, but, the signs of the time, you don't understand." For truly the Scripture had said that this Messiah would be a prophet.

11 We know that God's way of doing things was always sending a prophet to a vindicate His message. Never has failed. Never will fail. God cannot change His way. What His first decision is, it must ever remain that way. What He says is true.

12God never did deal in great groups. He always deals with an individual. That's how He has taken a people out of the Gentiles for His Name; just an individual, one here and there, for His Name. He deals with an individual, not by groups.

13 And we find that the reason they believed this, that a prophet must be an identified witness of God. For when he said anything, and it come to pass; and he said again, and it come to pass; and whatever he said, God vindicated it to be true, then He said, "Hear him, for I am with him."

14Now we find that Moses, who they claimed to believe in, had told them that, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet liken unto me, to Him the people must hear. And all that didn't believe this Prophet would be cut off from the people."

15We find that to be true. "He came to His Own; His Own received Him not. But as many as did receive Him, to them gave Him the power, gave them the power to become sons of God."

16 How we find these Pharisees looking right, and Sadducees, upon exactly what the promise of God said that He would do. And there they was still seeking a sign, not knowing that that was the true Messianic sign that He was to give.

17Philip understood it, when He told him where he was the day before. He understood that was the Messiah, said, "Thou art the Christ, and You're the King of Israel." And so he--he recognized that because he was given to that. He was.

18Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me." No matter how much we try to get in any other way, it's got to be God. "It's not him that willeth, or him that runneth, it's God that showeth mercy." God is the One that does the choosing. "You haven't chose Me," said Jesus, "I chose you."

19 And now we find that the antichrist, in the last day, "will deceive all that dwells upon the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world." Your name was put in God's Book before the Lamb was slain. When His program was laid out, the whole thing, you were recognized in that program because you got Eternal Life. The word Eternal, never did begin and neither can it end, and you are an attribute of God's thinking before the world was ever created. That's the only way you can have Eternal Life. And that Life, that He was thinking of you, is in you now. There is no way to separate it. It's in there to stay.

20 Notice now, these Pharisees, yet being religious teachers, great scholars of theology, and studied the Book, day and night, failed to see that Messianic sign, and was here trying to ask Him for a sign.

21That I might further the thing, to let you know that God always gives signs. Because He is supernatural, He always deals with people through signs, Scriptural signs.

22In the Old Testament, when they had a--a question, someone dreamed a dream, and there was no--no prophet there, they took him down to the temple, where they had what they called the Urim Thummim. You Bible teachers understand what I mean. It was the--the breastplate that Aaron wore, that had the twelve stones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel. They hung that up on a post; and then when this prophet, or this dreamer, or whatever it was, told his vision or his dream, regardless of how real it seemed, if them supernatural lights didn't come up, making the Urim Thummim on that breastplate, it was rejected. God refused it.

23 They must be a supernatural sign from God, to vindicate. No matter how real, how deep it was in theology, how great it sounded, it still, if God's supernatural sign didn't vindicate it, it wasn't so, to the Jew.

24Now, the Old Testament, the Aaron's plate was done away, with the Old Covenant.

25But in the New Covenant, God still remains with the Urim Thummim. That is, if a prophet, dreamer, theologian, or whatever it is, speaks something that's contrary to the Word, and God don't echo it back through the Word, I'll let it alone, for It's God's Urim Thummim. And I believe it with all my heart, that it's God's Word.

26 And God is His Own Word. "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He is, still. God don't need any interpreter.

27We interpret, we say, "This, this is that, and this is that," and so forth.

28God don't need an interpreter. He is His Own interpreter. God don't need us to interpret His Word. The Bible, It's written, and It said It's of no private interpretation. God said, in the beginning, "let there be light," and there was light. That's the interpretation of it. God said, "a virgin shall conceive," and she did. That's the interpretation of it. It doesn't need anybody to interpret.

29God said, in this day, these things would happen, and they are. It don't need any interpretation. It's God doing His Own interpretation. It happens. No matter how much we try to twist It, and say, "It don't mean This, and don't mean That." It means just exactly, and God is His Own interpreter. He vindicates His Word, and that's His interpretation of It, because It's brought to pass.

30 Now we find these fellows there, in Matthew the 12th chapter, 38th to 40th verse, and they were asking Him, "Master, we would seek a sign from Thee."

31And He was upbraiding them because they had not believed Him, and had called the very Spirit that was upon Him, "an evil spirit," in their unbelief, because that they couldn't identify Him among their--their clergymen. They couldn't identify (His) where He come from. They didn't know what school He come from, whether He was a Pharisee or a Sadducee; and was constantly trying to tear down their institutions of--of theology, and calling them a bunch of "snakes." And, why, they couldn't identify Him anywhere. And so, "Where did this Man come from? We know not whence He is." And they didn't realize the very sign, that He was the Messiah, was there.

32Now, like that little woman at the well, we spoke of night before last. She recognized it, and it did something for her. And those who recognized it--it, they were the seed of God that was to be called in that day.

33 God, and always in all times, has always give spiritual gifts to His people. That's how He is identified and known, by spiritual gifts. And when God sends a spiritual gift to His people, and that spiritual gift is rejected, then that--that people goes into the darkness of a chaos. Every time, through the ages, when God sends something to the people, a gift, and they turn it down, that people is rejected by God because it's rejected God's mercy.

34Oh, what a safety it would be, tonight, how much greater it would be than all the bomb shelters and--and all the places we could think of, if this nation, which is called a Christian nation, could accept the gift of God that's been given to it, the great Holy Spirit poured out in this last days. And how that if this nation would accept That, it would be more safety than anything they could get into. But they turned It down, so there is nothing left but chaos and judgment.

35 All ages, He gave these great spiritual gifts. And notice always the coming of a spiritual gift, a true gift; I want to speak, one night, on "the Voice of the gift," but if the Lord willing. But always these gifts are usually announced by prophets. And then when you see a prophet rise on the scene, that shows that judgment is at hand. Now it's a sign, when you see identified prophet of God rise on the scene; in the days of Jeremiah, in the days of Daniel, in the days of--of John the Baptist, in the days of the Lord Jesus, and all down through. When a prophet raises on the scene, it's time that God is going to speak His Word. The nations reject It, and then chaos sets in.

36That's the way it was in the changing of the church ages, each time, when the message was rejected. And God giving these gifts and messages to the people, and they turn them down, then there is nothing left but judgment.

37God is just. He will not send judgment before He offers mercy. And mercy is foretold and how it will come, but the people usually is so all mixed up, and in their minds, and so many different man-made schemes, till they don't recognize It. And that's the way it always happens.

38 Now we find that He told them that, "A--a wicked and an adulterous generation seeks after signs." How many times the unbeliever has taken advantage of this, about Scriptural signs, and don't believe it!

39God always speaks with signs. He forever has. He forever will. As long as there is a world, He will still speak by spiritual signs. He has foretold they would come.

40 Now many of the unbelievers take that, when He said, "A wicked and, or, weak and adulterous generation seeks after signs."

41Watch, He was speaking in a compound prophecy here. He was also telling them that they were a weak and adulterous generation; and also telling them that any weak and adulterous generation, and one that would come, would receive a sign. Notice, He said, "A weak and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall be no sign given to it, but the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale, for three days and nights; so must the Son of man be in the heart of the earth, for three days and nights."

42 What was He saying here? He was saying, that, "A wicked and adulterous generation would receive the sign of the resurrection." And what other age have we ever come to, any more than it is right now, to a Christ-rejecting, wicked, perverted, adulterous generation? And they will receive a sign, the sign of the resurrection, that Jesus Christ is alive tonight just as much as He ever was. He has raised from the dead, making Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. "A weak and an adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and they'll get it, and the sign will be the sign of the resurrection." Now, of course, He was speaking to them, that He would raise up from the dead.

43 Many times, Scripture has its common, or its compound meaning. Like in Matthew 3, it said, "That it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, 'Out of Egypt I called My Son.'" Now if you refer that back, it's to Hosea, and he prophesied that, "Out of Egypt He called God's son," which was Israel. Jacob was God's son, and He called him out of Egypt. That's where the reference runs you to. But, also, Christ was His greater Son, and He called Him out, Israel being a type.

44And so that being a type of rejecting Christ, in that generation; this is a greater type, for that generation that rejected the resurrection had pardon, but this generation who makes fun of the Holy Ghost is impardonable. We're... Greater is he that rejects the Holy Spirit than he that reject Jesus Christ in the days of His flesh on the earth. Jesus said so, "You speak against the Son of man," when they said He was a fortuneteller or some evil spirit, said, "you speak against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven you. But whoever speaks a word against the Holy Ghost, shall never be forgiven them in this world," that is, call the working of the Holy Ghost an evil, unclean thing, when they see the work of God being done.

45 Yes, Jonah was a witness of the resurrection, as he was in the belly of the whale for three days and nights. Many people try to condemn Jonah, and say that, "Oh, he, everybody, he was a Jonah." Jonah was a prophet. He was walking exactly in the will of God. When he took that wrong ship and got out there, that had to be done, it must be that way to show forth the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He had to play that, just the same as Hagar was put out, that the freewoman would not be heir with the bondswoman. These things had to happen, they were shadows and types of the things to come.

46 Now we find out, He comes down then, after speaking of Jonah, and He comes to Solomon's age. Now, we all know that Solomon's age was the Millennium, almost, of the Old Testament. It was the greatest time, of all Israel ever had, was under the reign of Solomon; no wars to speak of, and they had a great time. God gave Solomon, which was a son of David, gave him a gift of discernment, and now he could discern the thoughts in the people's heart.

47Now, how that Hebrew standing there ought to have recognized that! Solomon had a--a gift of discernment and he could discern the thoughts in their heart, and they all rallied around Solomon, and yet here stood a greater than Solomon. And Solomon was the son of David, but he was the lesser son of David, by the flesh; and Jesus was the Son of David, by Seed of the promise, the royal Seed. And here was a greater than Solomon standing there, doing the same thing that Solomon done, only being a greater than Solomon, and they called it "Beelzebub."

48You see the interpretation of the Scripture? No wonder He said what He did, "A wicked and adulterous generation will seek after a sign; and they'll get it, the sign of the resurrection."

49 And in Solomon's age, there was a great revival on. I'll kind of give it in illustration, so the young can understand it. There was a great revival that was going on in the days of Solomon. God gave a gift, and the whole nation rallied around it. Everybody come to it. They believed in it, wholeheartedly.

50Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing if it happened amongst the people tonight, if all America, all people that call themselves Christians, would rally around God's gift in this last days, the pouring out of the Holy Ghost upon the people! That's God's gift in this last day, is the Holy Spirit. Christ, in the form of Spirit, He is here with us now. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all the churches that profess to be Christians, would rally around this great gift that God has given us?

51Why is it? They've got it off in all kinds of isms and creeds and dogmas, and you can't tell what is what. It's exactly the way they've always done it. But God promised it to be straightened out, to the Seed, anyhow, at the end time.

52 Now notice in this, we find that all of them rallied around that great gift, and Israel blossomed like never before. All nations feared Israel; they were afraid to come over there, because they knowed that God was with them.

53And I tell you, you talk about shutting up communism and everything; just let America come back to God, back to her gift, back to the Holy Ghost, and people will have to quit hollering about communism. It's so worm-weeded in until even communists has anticommunist setups, to find out who they are. The thing has to be that way. But let them come back!

54 Here not long ago, in Finland. Brother Lindsay, I believe, he--he was here last night, was with me when it happened. A little boy, that I had seen in the vision here, was raised up from the dead, over there. Many of you, I guess, still have it wrote in your Bible, as I crossed the nation, saying what he would look like, where he would be, and so forth. And he was raised up from the dead, according to the Word of the Lord. He had been killed by an automobile accident. Many of you remember the case, and standing there when he was raised up from the dead.

55That night, going down to the Messuhalli. Brother Lindsay and I, and Brother Moore, and many of the man, trying to get down to the Messuhalli; where, they let so many thousand, let me speak to them, then turn them out and speak to more. On the road down, they had four or five city blocks was all blocked off. People was in the--in the streets, to watch us coming in and going out. And in there, there had been a little girl on crutches, one leg shorter than the other one, been healed, and many things had been done.

56 Then this little boy being raised up, it went on news. They don't have rock-and-roll and stuff, in Finland, or they didn't then. There was only news and things was worth-while, they had on radio. And that had went all the way down into Russia. If you live in Russia, and forty miles from your home, your birthplace, you've got to have a visa to show your business. And the--the Iron Curtain was right... we walked right down to it, where the machine guns was sitting in the street, just out of Kuopio. And that night, this news had went down, and the streets were piled by thousands times thousands of Russians.

57 Here was those communistic soldiers, Russian soldiers, those little round caps on; and six little Finnish boys, right after that war, they had never been old enough to shave yet, they were slick-faced boys; big old boots on, big long coats, walking down the street, with these sabers and things, watching so I could get through the crowd, to get in. Here stood those Russians standing there. When I come by, they come to attention, hold like that, and the tears running down their cheeks. And when I passed by, they grabbed them Finnish soldiers and pat them on the back, and hug them. Anything that'll make a Russian pat a Finn, will settle wars. They said, "This we will receive, a God that can raise up the dead."

58That's what's the matter tonight, friend, exactly. What's made them communistic, is because the clergy has let down on the Word of God. They taken all the money, and have nothing to give back in the stead, just like a lodge or anything else. That's what is wrong with the world.

59 Then we find that in the days of Solomon, they were all rallying around this great gift that Solomon had from the Lord. And the people were coming and going. All the nations feared Israel. Instead of trying to make war with them, they brought in peace offerings. They were not afraid, so much, of their man, they were afraid of that God that they were all in unity with.

60Oh, what a thing that would be to this nation, tonight, if we'd all be in fear of God, if we'd all respect God, and receive His gift of the Holy Ghost and rally around It, every church break down their creeds and throw them out the door, and get down to the altar and stay till the Holy Ghost come to identify His Word in the last day!

61 Some of them trying to say, "Why, it's just for the Jews to get It. That's all there was to It."

62Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you and to your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." As long as there is a Seed waiting in the earth, to be called, there is a Holy Ghost to call it to It. That's right. It's still just the same.

63But we find out, when It comes, It's rejected. That's the reason the nation comes under condemnation. That's the reason things are going the way they are tonight.

64 And we find in Solomon's time, it wasn't so. All of them rallied around that gift of discernment that Solomon had. And the nations all feared God. And news spread out everywhere, "Oh, you should come to Israel, their God has raised up a gift among them and they've made him king. And his wisdom, his discernment, is beyond human reckon-ation. It's beyond. 'It's in the realms of gods out in there,' the heathen would say. And we don't understand how it is, but God, their God, has represented Himself in one of their believers. And, he, they've set him up on a throne, and they all listen to him." You know, the news scattered then not by television, telephone, and so forth, it was lip by ear.

65 Finally the news broke plumb down across the Sahara Desert, all the way into a little country called Sheba. They had... It was a heathen country. They had a little queen down there, was no doubt a--a nice little lady. And the news came to her, that, "God was giving a great revival up there in the land of Israel, and great things were taking place. And they had a man up there anointed with the Spirit of their God, that even his wisdom surpassed anything that man could think of."

66You know, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God."

67That stirred her little heart. She begin to think about it. And now, as every caravan came by, no doubt, the little queen would send out her soldiers, and say, "I would like to speak to the person, in private, if they have come from Israel."

68"Yes, queen, we have been up in Israel, and, oh, it is marvelous. You should see it. There is nothing like it. It's beyond man's understanding. You know, all of them are in one accord, every one of them is right around that gift that their God has given them, and they all believe it with one accord. Oh, it's the most grandest thing, and there is nothing withheld. God just reveals everything. If any nation would start over there on them, why, the God of theirs would reveal where they was coming, and--and ambush them before they got there. Oh, it was just a great revival going on."

69 Then, you know, the little queen begin to get hungry to see it, herself.

70You know, there is something about it, man knows that he come from somewhere; and he is here, he don't know why he is here; and he is going somewhere, and he doesn't know where he is going. And there is only one Book in the world that tells us who you are, where you come from, what you are, and where you're going, and that's the Bible. It's the only one that tells you, and it's God's Book. It's God Himself manifested in word form, called a Seed. That Seed in the right kind of ground will produce every promise that He made, 'cause it's God Himself. But it has to be watered by faith, to make it come to pass, like any other seed. The germ is in it. Knowed! Notice now.

71 We find that in this doing, the little queen begin to hunger and thirst for God. Oh, if--if the gifts of God could only create a thirst in the people's heart, for Him, like it did to her!

72Now we find out, so that the children, little fellows, there is a whole row of them sitting here and different places, that they might understand, we'll give it in kind of a drama for them, so they'll understand.

73 Now remember, she was a pagan. So in order to do this, and being a queen, she would have to get permission from her pagan priest, in order to go. And I can imagine seeing her go over to him and make her bows, and say, "Great holy father so-and-so, we know the Israelites has got a revival up there, and their God has represented Himself in the form of a man, by a great gift, that he knows the secrets of the heart. And they tell me that He is the Word, and the Word is a discerner of the thoughts of the heart, and they say it's operating in a man. I would like your permission, most holy father, to go up there, and to visit and see for myself."

74Well, I can imagine her answer coming back. "We don't have any cooperation in that revival," or that's the '64 version of it. But, anyhow, they--they say, "They don't belong to our denomination. They're not of our people. We have nothing to do into it, at all. You shall not go. And they're nothing but a bunch of--of cranks. They hear all kinds of rumors about them coming through a Red Sea, and all that kind of stuff, but there is nothing about it. Here is our great god, see him standing on the side of the wall? They were so-and-so, and so many times they've done so-and-so." The little queen went away disgusted.

75 But, you know, there is something about it, if God begins to put a hunger in a human heart, there is just nothing going to stand in its way. Whether there is cooperation or not, or whether there is anything, she has got to find That! Like I said about the little woman last night, being persistent and perseverant. See, Something gets a hold of you, and you get a hold of Something. Like Jacob, the son of--of God; Jacob, God's son, got a hold of Something one night, and It got a hold of him; and he never let It go until he achieved his purpose, blessed of It. That, that's the real thing. And when man impersonates something, it's never works out right. But if you can get a hold of that Something, and that Something get a hold of you, it's going to happen.

76 If you come here tonight for healing, and let the Holy Spirit get a hold of you, and you get a hold of It, you are going to get what you ask for. There is no way of keeping you from It.

77You come believing that Jesus Christ saves, and there is a saving power gets a hold of you, and you a hold to It, you are going to get saved.

78If you believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit gets a hold of you, and He'll baptize you, and you get a hold of Him; you won't have to move from your seat, He will fill you with His Presence right there where you are. Just as He did, "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard It." Something got a hold!

79 Something got a hold of that little Syrophenician woman we spoke of last night. No matter how many hindrances she had, she still was going, anyhow. Something got a hold of this little queen we're talking about tonight, a pagan, a heathen. So was this little Syrophenician, a Greek, a pagan, idol-worshiper. But Something got a hold of them, and they got a hold of Something.

80There is always difficults in the way. Satan throws everything in the way, he can, when he sees a real move of God get started. He'll do it to you. He'll put everything, all the hindrances he can, in your way.

81 Remember, the woman had a lot of hindrance, but her faith didn't have any. Faith has no hindrance. There is nothing going to stop it, no matter what anybody says. If you've got that right hold on God, God has got the right hold on you; there can be forty doctors standing here telling you you was dying, and you wouldn't believe one word of it. No, sir. No, sir. There could be forty clergymen standing here, like Ahab's four hundred, withstand; if you're a Micaiah and got a hold of God, God has got a hold of you, and you see it vindicated in the Word, there is nothing going to stop you. You're going to stand there, anyhow, because Something has got a hold of you.

82 It's revealed to that little woman, that there was a God somewhere. I can see her go read those Hebrew scrolls again, roll them up and put them down in the--the jar; and walk back to that pagan priest, and say, "I want to tell you something, holy father. It might be so, the things you are saying. But, look, my grandmother worshiped that idol, she read that catechism you got. My great-grandmother read it, my mother read it, all my people read it, it's all about something that did happen. I've never seen a move of it, yet. But they tell me they got something up there that's real, moving right now; not some history, but something that's now going on."

83"Now look at here," he would say, "my child. If you go, I'll excommunicate you. And you have no business, as a queen, associating yourself with such people as that." That same old devil still lives.

84There is no better crowd in the world, to get into, than a born-again church filled with the Holy Ghost. I don't care where it's at, if it's in the alley or wherever it is. It's the best crowd. It's a heavenly group, notice, believers who believe in God.

85 Her heart was thumping heavy, with anticipation. She wanted to see. She had heard about it. She knowed nothing about it, but she wanted to see it. And I can hear her say, "Well, you can just take my name off the book, if you want to. Whatever you say, and them idols, and them books and things, I see you keep telling about something, telling about something. It's never moved. I've never seen a move of it yet. I want something that's real," and she gets ready to go. Too bad we ain't got more of them little queens today! Right.

86So then we find out that now, in order to go, she used a very good tactic. I would like for everybody to think of this. Now she said she didn't know. She had read all the scrolls, to find out what Jehovah was, to see the way He had worked in days gone by. "If that be so, then He would identify Himself with this man as they said he was, then that was Jehovah. And if it was Jehovah, and He was the true God, the God of the living, not some statue or monument of some creature that lived or didn't live; this was a living, present God right now," so she wanted to get ready to go. Now she said...

87 She packed up a lot of money. She took gold, and myrrh and, oh, frankincense, I suppose, and silver. And she had laden camels with it. Now she said this, "I am going up. I'm going to look into it, myself. And then if it's so, I'll support it; if it isn't so, I'll have nothing to do with it."

88You know, she could teach Pentecostals something. A lot of them support a program that laughs and makes fun of you. And you support a program on the air, that makes fun of the things you believe in. And that's right. Yes, sir. Because it sounds right. Sure, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man," Jesus said.

89But notice her, she said, "If it isn't, then I can bring my gifts back." But she was going to see for herself, and be convinced. She had read the scrolls, she knowed what Jehovah was, and she would see. If He was, He is, then He is still Jehovah.

90That's good today. Jesus Christ is what He was, and He always will be. He never changes. The Bible said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

91 We find the little woman then, talk about hindrances, then this might have come through her mind, "Remember, I've got to cross the desert, and that's a very long trip." Measure it, from Israel, from Palestine down into Sheba, across the Sahara Desert. It would take a camel about, I think, the caravans, taken them ninety days, three months, traveling constantly, to go from one place to the other. Three day... three months, to go. And just think, she come across that hot desert. She had that in her mind, she had to do it, across that hot desert, all the way up here, to find out if this truly was God.

92No wonder Jesus said, "She will stand with this generation and condemn it." She didn't have an air-conditioned Cadillac. And some people here in Dallas won't come across the street, to hear It. That's right. No wonder she'll stand in the last days! But stand over somewhere and criticize It, anywhere else they do it. Said, "She'll come from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and a greater than Solomon is here." Notice.

93 She had that to confront her. She probably had to travel by night, so hot on the desert. The direct rays of the sun upon that Sahara Desert would take the hide right off of you, and there she had to travel maybe by night.

94Another thing, remember, she was loaded down with offerings and things. The sons of Ishmael were fleet horsemen. They were robbers on the desert. How easy it would have been for Ishmael's children to come in like a flood, and cut them two or three little eunuchs she had with her; her little group of soldiers, eunuchs, and her little maids; cut them down and left them lay there, and packed off tens of thousands times thousands of dollars worth of jewels, besides the costly frankincense and myrrh, and stuff that she was bringing for a gift.

95But there is something about it, if your heart is set to see God, and Something has got a hold of you, you don't know no danger, you don't know no defeat. There is something, you're going to get it, anyhow, no matter what the difficult is.

96 Sure, it looked like a very setup for the robbers. Any of them could have come, but she didn't take the thought of any danger.

97She didn't take the thought whether she could get up and walk, like somebody afraid to rise from a bed or a cot, or something or other, "I don't know, see, I'm afraid to do it." She didn't have that kind of a fear. Something had a hold of her.

98And if Something can get a hold of us, in the same manner, something is going to take place. Now, you can't do it until That gets a hold of you, you had better not try it. But when That's a hold of you, it's going to happen.

99 Notice, here she is, she never thought of how many robbers there was on the desert.

100Or, again, when she got up there, would she be received, or not? She was of another denomination, you know, so would she be received, would she be welcome at the meeting? She wasn't asked to come. Holy Spirit worked on her, to come, so He was the One doing the leading; so, to satisfy that feeling that she had, that she longed to know.

101Remember, it's your life. It was her life. You've only got one time to settle it, and maybe tonight is your last opportunity. You turn Christ down, tonight, you may not have another opportunity.

102 And that might have been her last opportunity. She realized that. Was her cold, form religion she had, all right, or was there truly a living God? She had seen nothing in her own religion, but she had heard there was Something in the other one, and she had read of what He was. She wanted to see. It was her life was at stake.

103 It's my life, tonight, I have to face this. I have to come to the Judgment, so do you have to come to the Judgment. It behooves us to sit in our seats, lay on our beds, or wherever we are, and consider this thing deeply. Because, you don't know what time your card is going to be taken out of God's rack up There, and you'll answer at the Judgment. Whether you're a church member or whether you're not, that has nothing to do with it. You're going to answer, anyhow, and you better be dead sure of it. Check your experience with God, see if Something really has got a hold of you, that brings you back to this Word, away from creeds and forms, and so forth. He promised it in the last days, "There would be a turning, again, of the hearts of the children to the fathers." And we believe that. Notice, we find it in this day now.

104 And she take no thought of fear or anything was to bother her. She wasn't thinking about that. The idea was, she wanted to find out if It was real or not, so across the desert she went. And not... She had a hard time doing it. Anything that you have...

105That's the trouble, we Pentecostals, we just got everything handed to us, on a platter, everything we want. The pastor don't come just on time, "I'll leave the Assemblies and join the church of God." And, you know, it's just... we just so babied around!

106 Reminds me, there was an old salt, one time, coming from the sea. And a poet went down, had never seen the sea; he had wrote about it, but never seen it. The old salt met him, he said, "Where goest thou, my good man?"

107He said, "I'm going to the sea. I'm a poet. I have wrote of the sea. I have longed to smell the brine, and see its great briny waves leaping around the gulls a singing, and blue sky reflecting itself in the sea."

108The old salt puffed his pipe four or five times, looked down, and spit. Said, "I was born on it, seventy years ago. I don't see nothing so attractive about it." He had lived on it, so long, till it become common.

109That's what it is with us, tonight. We've lived in the Presence of God, so long, till It's become common to us. We ought to wake ourself up, and realize that Jesus Christ is alive and has raised from the dead.

110 This was all to be a new experience for this little queen. She was persistent. She wanted to see it. Certainly, she was persistent. She had to persist, to leave her nation. She had all of her prestige, she had to leave behind. What of all of her card society and all she belonged to, all the stitch and sew circles, and things that she belonged to, as a queen, all the celebrity that she knowed? She would be a laughingstock to that group. But what difference did it make to her? It was her soul.

111It's your soul. It's my soul. What difference does it make to the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Oneness, Twoness, Threeness, or whatever it is? It's my soul that's concerned. It's your soul that's concerned. It's God's Word that's being vindicated.

112 We find her, she didn't make any difference to her, what anybody said, or what her celebrity, what her friends, if she had to leave everything there was in the world. If It was real, she was ready to go to It. She would give her kingdom, anything else. If It was real, she wanted to find God. There was something in her heart.

113We find out, across the desert she came. Finally, day after day, ninety days, three months, the caravan finally arrived at the gate.

114Now, she never come like a lot of people do in meetings today. Many of them come and they'll say, "Uh, I hear they got, uh, somebody told me they had... Uh-huh. Well, I'll go over." And they'll sit down just for a moment. Watch them. You see them everywhere. They'll say, "The first word he says that's contrary to my belief," out the door, they're gone. "I'll never go back to hear another one again." See, they just don't sit long enough. That's it.

115 What about when, Jesus, when He was sitting before His seventy there, and He had seventy and He had the whole multitude? He was a great Man. "He was a Prophet," they said, "the Galilean Prophet." One day He looked upon that great crowd standing around Him, He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

116Could you imagine the physicians sitting out there, what they said about that Man? "Why, He will make vampires out of us. Drink His Blood and eat His flesh?"

117He never explained it. He didn't have to explain it. He had to shake off the parasites that was around Him. Instead of trying to baby and put their name on a book, He was shaking them away. He had no re-use for them. So we find out, there He was, He said, "Except..." He never explained it.

118 Watch, those disciples sat still. They never said nothing.

119I see the doctor and see the Pharisees, said, "See, the Man is out of His mind. He is crazy, wants us to cut up His body now and eat it, and drink His Blood? Human vampire! Well, we, we couldn't do a thing like that. Oh, that's crazy. The Man is out of His mind." Walked away.

120Then He looked around to those theologians sitting around Him, them seventy, and He said, "What will you say when you see the Son of man ascending up into Heaven from whence He came?" Them Doctors of Divinity looking around, said, "The Son of man ascend up into Heaven from where He came? Why, we know Him, we've been to the stable where He was born. We seen the cradle He was rocked in. We know His mother. We... He fishes with us. He hunts with us. He is out here on the hills. He wears the clothes that we do, eat the food. And this Son of man, where did He come from? He come from Nazareth. This is too much for us." Away they went. He still didn't explain It. See?

121 He looked, and He looked around to the twelve, said, "Will you go also?"

122Now, they couldn't explain it either, but Something had a hold of them. See, they knowed! That's when Peter said those memorial words, "Lord, we have seen the Scripture a vindicated by You. Where would we go? We know that Thou has the Words of Life. Thou art the Fountain of Life. We are satisfied of This."

123Jesus said, "I chose twelve of you, and one of you is a devil." See, He had no bones, and polishing, and babying, and pat them on the back, and baptize them secretly, or something another.

124He--He was God made flesh on earth. He was the vindicated Word of God. And those who hungered, come. Those who did not hunger, could not come. Said, "All the Father has given Me, will come." How can you come then unless He has given, been given?

125 Now notice, we find this little queen, she finally arrived. She didn't wait just like those people did. Some of them followed her along.

126There is always three classes of people; believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. The unbeliever will get up and walk away; the make-believer will stand around for a long time. There all three of them was. The unbeliever, the crowd; the make-believer, the group that turned away last. But there was a genuine believer who could not explain It; they knowed nothing about It, but they knowed that He was the Word. That settled it!

127 There we find the little queen. She had brought a whole lot of food, many pieces of bread, and a lot of stuff. She brought her tents and things. She throwed her things off of the camels, and things, out in the yard, the courts of the temple. And she pitched her tents, and was there to stay till she was convinced whether it was right or wrong.

128No doubt, day by day, she had read those Scriptures. Nighttime, they probably had to travel by night. In daytime, then she would sit back under those palm trees, in the oasis in the desert, and read what Jehovah was, what He was supposed to be. Now she would know Jehovah. If He was in that man, she would know His action, she would know whether it was right or not. So she was all posted in the Scripture.

129 She didn't go there and say, "Now, if he says anything different than what my priest says, I'll just pick up my camels and go away." She was going to stay till she was convinced.

130Oh, if men and women would only do that today! Take the Scripture, see if the Holy Spirit is for today, or not, see if these things we're talking about are predicted for this hour that we're in. But she did; that's the reason Jesus said her name is infallible... not infallible, but it's immortal. She will stand in the Day of Judgment and condemn Dallas, Texas. She will condemn the United States, in the Day of the Judgment. For, she came from the uttermost parts of the earth, to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. The resurrected Jesus Christ is here in the power of His resurrection. Notice.

131 And she pitched her tents. I can imagine that morning, for the children's sake now. The bells rang, the trumpets sounded, and church was on. They had church every day. Think of it, they loved to go to church every day. So they, church started, I'd imagine the little queen went way back in the back and sit down. And after a while all the trumpets sounded, the hymns was sung, and everything.

132After a while, Pastor Solomon came out, sat down. How all the people regarded him, because they loved him. He was God's servant. And they come out, there wasn't one saying, "Huh! If he was just this, if he just belonged to my group!" No. There was only one group, and that was--that was them, so there they was.

133 And then we find out, someone come up. And the first thing you know, Solomon revealed the secret of their heart. I'd imagine the little queen said, "Now wait just a minute," you see. "My, that sounded real." The next one come up, found the same thing. Oh, her little heart begin to jump. She, she wondered.

134So she must have got a prayer card, and waited. Excuse that expression; but, you know, just to make a point, see. She might have got a card, and she waited. One day her card was called, and she come up before the Holy Spirit that was working through Solomon. And the Bible said, "There was nothing hid from Solomon." The great Holy Spirit revealed everything that she had need to hear; He revealed it.

135And here was the Holy Spirit, Its fulness in Jesus Christ, doing the same thing; and those Pharisees saying, "Show us a sign. Heal this man out here. Do this, and say this. And what will be this, or that?" See, they just don't understand.

136 This little queen standing there, and the Bible said that, "Nothing was held back from Solomon." He revealed all the things that she had need of knowing. He told her all about it.

137And when it did, she didn't have to take somebody else's word, she had watched it and she believed it. Then she turned to the audience, and she said, "All that I heard, when I heard it, I wondered. But all that I heard is so, and more than I heard is so." See, it was her turn, she had seen it. It was worked on her. She knew it was real. And she said, "Blessed be the Lord God Who has made you His servant. Blessed be the..."

138What was it? The poor little woman had lived there, all those creeds and idols, and one time in her hungry heart... Any real believer wants to see God in action. If He ever was God, He is still God. And she seen something that was real, not put on; genuine real. She served God the rest of her days, for she seen something that was real.

139 Oh, friend, we've seen so many, "Join this creed, this Moslem, this," whatever it is, "come to this, and this, that, and the other," and all kinds of sensations and things. Surely the world ought to be hungry tonight for something real, see something that's genuine. Not some mythic bunch of flowing blood, or scratches, or oil, or something that's not even Scriptural; but a real Jesus Christ Who promised that He would live in His people in this last days, and do the things that He did, something that the Scriptures says would take place in these days.

140 All these little creeds, "Well, if you know our creed, you know." See, you're--you're--you're looking back to what Mr. Luther said, a great man of his day. Sure. No more than some of these women here, seventy-five years old, trying to be sixteen, looking back and trying to dress like they're sixteen, cut off their hair and wear shorts, and make... Anybody who drives, looking through a rear-view mirror, has a wreck. And that's what's the matter with the church today, it's looking through a rear-view mirror, to what it was. No wonder it's wrecked up. Don't never...

141Paul said, "Pressing to the mark of the high calling, I go forth. I go forward." I know Mr. Moody was a great man, Mr. Wesley was a great man, the Pentecostal move, the Baptist move, were great, but let's press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ. Don't look through a rear-view mirror, forty years ago. Look what is tonight. Look what the Scripture promises tonight. He did promise them in that day, but we're living on above there now. We're going on.

142 What if Wesley would have looked back and seen what, Luther, see? But he didn't look what Luther said, he looked what God said. What if the Pentecostal looked back towards the Methodist? See where you'd have been? There you are, the same thing, you organized and cramped it down, you can't move anywhere. Now the Spirit of God just moves right on out, takes It on somewhere else.

143Every time they do it, a man-made system where you get all worked up like that, it's again like the gainsaying of Korah, how Dathan and them wanted to get a big bunch of man and make an organization out there. God said, "Separate yourself, Moses, from them, and I'll swallow them right up in the earth." And that was a type of the journey today, and you know it, on the road to the promised land. And there they was. They couldn't believe that anointed message of God, that was moving right on, and they wanted to start something themselves. It's always that way.

144 Israel's most rashel move they ever made, when they rejected grace, in Exodus 19, and took the law. And Dathan made the awfulest mistake he ever made, when he said, "There is more leaders in here besides you, Moses."

145And--and he had been a vindicated that he was God's manifested Word. He had took dust and turned it into fleas. And everything that he had said had come to pass. And God was with him. A Pillar of Fire had vindicated, hanging above him there, and still they wanted to start something else. That's just man-made.

146That's the way it is today. That's where the church has got. That's right. Oh, Church of the living God, don't you want to see something real? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Something real!

147 A little story before praying for the sick. I like to hunt. My mother, you know, is... she... her mother drawed the pension. She was a Cherokee Indian. I... and my conversion never taken the love of the woods. I love it. That's where you see God. That's where I first saw God, was out there in the woods. There is where He meets us. There is where He does the talking. There is where those seven Angels met. Did you... on, Sirs, What Time Is It?

148 Brother Borders and I was sitting there the other day, when that (stand) come down, a whirlwind out of the heavens, even tore the rocks out, right above where I was standing there, what He said, see. And there, oh, many man, Brother Sothmann in here somewhere, one of the... Terry, I believe over here, was present at that time. And things, you see Him in the wilderness out there! I love to hunt. I do that just to get out, not to kill the game, but just to be in the woods.

149I used to hunt with a fellow up in New York, up in New Hampshire, rather, he was a--a fine hunter. His name was Bert. He was an Englishman. And his--his parents established, or cut that, where they call Jefferson Notch, through there, and over to Carroll Notch, and separated that in the early days. There was a little Indian about him, too. But he was one of the best shots I ever seen, and one of the finest hunters. You never had to worry about going out and hunting him up; he knowed where he was at. I used to love to hunt the white-tailed deer up there. And they... And I'd go up every fall and hunt.

150 He was such a fine hunter, but he was the cruelest man I ever met in my life. He had eyes like a lizard, and he just... Them kind, you know, like the women try to paint their eyes today, kind of lizard-like. Well, he actually had that kind of eye. And it don't look like human, to me. And so I--I always kind of hated to look at him. He was so slimy-looking like that, you know, look them eyes sideways.

151And he loved to be mean. And he would shoot fawns, that's little baby deer, just to make me feel bad. And he would say, "Oh, preacher, you're like the rest of them. You're chicken-hearted. You would be a good hunter if you wasn't a preacher."

152I said, "I'm hunting souls, Bert." And I said, "You got one that's lost." See?

153And he, "Ah, get next to yourself!" Said, "Billy, you're all right, but," said, "don't talk that kind of stuff to me." So he'd--he'd shoot those little fawns, and--and that just make me feel so bad.

154 Now it's all right to kill a fawn if the law says so, now, the size or sex, just whatever the law says. I was game warden for many years. But look, Abraham killed a calf and fed it to God, so there ain't nothing about killing a fawn, if the law said. But not just shoot them, just let them lay there, and act smart about it; that's wrong, that's wrong in doing it. So I just said that to justify my hunting brothers here, you see, so that you would see what I'm trying to mean.

155Now notice this, that we find that this man... One day I went up there, wife and I were together. And--and he had made him a little whistle that blowed and sound just like a little baby fawn crying, you know, a little funny bleat they make. Well, as long...

156 I had been working, and I hadn't got through in time, in a meeting, and I went up to hunt with him. And there had been a lot of hunting going on, and the first time a gun fires, in that country, them whitetail... You--you thought Houdini was escape artist; he was an amateur, to them. And the first thing you know, they would all hide. And if there's moonlight, they would graze at night; or get under a brush pile or something, and they--they wouldn't move.

157Then we see that day, I said, "Bert, you're--you're not going to use that whistle?"

158He said, "Ah, preacher, you're so chicken-hearted!" Said, "Get next to yourself."

159 And we started out, and we put some sandwiches in our--in our shirt. And we was hunt... was going to hunt till about noon, up around the rims of the top of the--of the Presidential Range, and then separate and come back down. If we got a deer, we know where it would be hanging, we would go pull it out, in a day or two; hang it up. So there was about, oh, four inches of snow, or six, something like that, it was good tracking time. And we started off, got along about, up the mountain, not a track, there wasn't a thing. The moon shining at night, and deer... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

160 Bert was in front of me, leading the way, and so I was walking along behind him. And he just kind of sat down, like that. The snow was dry. And he started reaching back, I thought he was going to eat the sandwich and we would just part from there, 'cause we was way high in the mountain then. And he reached back here.

161And I started getting my sandwich, and I started finding a place to set my rifle down. And--and I started to get my sandwich, and I looked around.

162He brought this little whistle out. That, I thought, "Boy, that's a dirty trick to do that." So he took this little whistle, and looked at me, in them lizard eyes, and looked up at me. He put that little whistle in his mouth, like that. And I said, "Bert, you wouldn't do a thing like that, would you?"

163 He said, "Oh," and he blowed like that. And, to my surprise, about fifty yards from me, just across, a great big doe stood up. Now, the doe is the mother deer. And there she was, her big brown eyes, and them ears peaked up. See, she heard. Now, she was a mother, see, and her baby was crying. And so no matter whether the rest of them come out or not, there was something in her. She was a mother.

164So Bert looked like that, and he blowed it again real low. And that deer walked right out into the opening. Now that's unusual, very unusual, walk out like that. And she was looking around, with big head up, and her eyes looking around.

165 After a while, when the hunter reached up and got the gun, she seen the hunter. Usually they'll just flash, and gone, you know how it is, quickly. But, you know, she never moved. She just stood and looked at him, broadside, had turned her head and looked. My! I thought, "Bert, you can't do that."

166See, she wasn't putting on something. She wasn't hypocritically. She wasn't acting. She, was born in her, she was a mother. And that baby, I don't care if it cost her life, it was in trouble, she was trying to find that baby. It was in trouble. She was, the instinct in her, she was mother. And she saw the hunter. But her mind wasn't about the hunter, it was about that baby in trouble, that little fawn.

167 And so he pulled the safety down on this thirty-o-six. Oh, he was a dead shot. He leveled that rifle down. I--I just had to turn my head. I couldn't keep from it. I--I couldn't look at him. Thought, "Just a couple more minutes, and he will blow her loyal heart out; trying to find her baby, it's in trouble, knowing that hunter laying right there in the bush." And he would blow that loyal heart plumb through, with that hundred-and-eighty-grain bullet in there. And I--I... He was such a dead shot. He leveled. I thought, "I just can't stand to look at it." I turned my back.

And--and I--I said, "Lord, help him, that he won't do that."

168I--I felt so sorry. That poor mother standing there, hunting for her baby, and I knowed she wasn't putting that on. She was a mother. She would have run, any other time. She wouldn't have got up, and us going by. But there was something in her.

169 And I waited, and I waited, and the gun never went off. Well, I wondered, "What's the matter?" And I waited, then I turned around real slow. And I seen the deer standing out there, still was looking at him. And I looked at the gun barrel, it was going like this. He just... he was trying to hold aim, and he couldn't do it.

170He throwed the gun down on the ground, and looked around at me, and them big eyes had changed. The tears was running down his cheeks. He grabbed me by the trouser leg, he said, "Billy, lead me to that Jesus you're talking about."

171 What was--what was it? He saw something real. See? That little mother deer had to display a loyalty, a real loyalty that made that cruel hunter there... that had the wickedest heart I ever seen. It wasn't a sermon I preached. It was what he seen, something that was real. It wasn't put on. It wasn't a sham. That was a genuine mother seeking for her baby, and that led him to Christ. He is a deacon in the church there now, a wonderful Christian, because he saw something that wasn't put on. It wasn't a make-belief. It was real.

172 Oh, brother, sister, if this church, if this people, tonight, if you and I! There is something real, not a put on. You might see some putting it on, but there is a genuine thing. There is something in a man that makes him live for God. There is a genuine Holy Spirit tonight, brother, that's not a put on. There, it's a genuine thing.

173And how many in here would like to be as much Christian, and as loyal to Christ, death, persecution, anything else, you would love to be as much Christian as that deer was a mother? Would you like, wouldn't you like to be that? I would long to be that kind of a Christian. That even like that little Syrophenician woman last night, was that kind of a Christian. This little queen we're talking about tonight, was that kind of a Christian; when she saw something that was real, she was ready. God help us, tonight, to receive something real, Christ.

Let us bow our heads just a moment, while we pray.

174 Now I wonder, in the building, tonight, if there is... if there is any here, while you're real quiet, if there is any here that would like, and don't know Christ as your personal Saviour, and you would like to know Him as your Saviour, would you raise up your hand? One, two, three. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

175I wonder if there is some here tonight, that's claimed to be a Christian, maybe a member of a fine church, of a great bunch of people, but yet you know down in your heart that you haven't got Christianity in your heart, borned into it. Just like that mother was, deer, was born to be a mother; she was mother, through and through. And you would like to become a real Christian, like that little mother deer was a mother; would you raise your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham"? God bless you. God bless you. All around, up in the balconies, I see your hand.

176 Heavenly Father, little did I know, on that cold November day, standing there, snow all down my neck, wet, to see that man laying there, how I talked to him, held his hand, cried with him, but told him about the Bible and everything. And he said, "Oh, you're perhaps right." But to see You have to send around something so real, that right in the way of nature, that--that he--he just couldn't keep from seeing that there was something real. And now he is Your servant, Lord.

177Now there is many here tonight. Some of them raised their hands, Father, that they never have been a Christian, and they want to become one. God, just don't let them be one of these, just run and join church, or take some form, or creed, or baptism. But let it be born in their heart, Christ.

178 And those who have joined church, they, they're seeking, Lord, like perhaps the--the little woman, the little queen we've been talking about. She--she was hungering for something. And--and they are, too, Lord. And when she seen something that was real, that identified God in human beings, she was ready then. And she said, "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel!" She wanted no more to do with pagan forms.

179And, Father, many here tonight, no doubt, is in that same state. If they can just see something real! And You told us when You were here in the world, that what would take place in this day. We're told that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And we know how You was identified, and how the Pharisees failed to see it. Lord, the same groups today are failing to see it, by belonging to church, joining, having certain forms of creeds, and so forth. They, they fail to see the Messiah, the great Holy Spirit identifying Himself with the people, as you promised You would.

180 Grant, tonight, Lord, that each one of these will realize and will see Your Presence. And may it come into their heart, the text, "A greater than Solomon is here tonight," that's Jesus Christ, the resurrected Son of God, ready to come and to convert, and to make hearts new, and to put in them a born experience of God. Just like that mother doe, something that she had nothing to do with, by the grace of God she was chosen to be a deer, she was chosen to be a mother, and a loyal mother. And You told us we were "chosen before the foundation of the world."

181I pray, God, that You'll let every one of those who has that drawing in their heart, like the little lady did, to find God, that tonight there will be something real happen, that they'll see, and serve Him. "For a greater than Solomon is here." We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

182 Now reverently, silently, just before we come to the altar. Please, no one move around. Just be real reverent a moment. This is a solemn hour, solemn moment. Decisions are being made. Many raised their hands. I believe you were deeply sincere in that, when you said that.

183Now, you've heard about the Bible, you've heard about Jesus, you've heard He was the Son of God. You've been taught that He raised again, and you are taught that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

184 Now is this Holy Spirit that we talk about, is that Jesus Christ? Sure, It is. See, He is God; known as God, the Holy Ghost. It ain't another God; it's the same God. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is not three Gods; it's three attributes of the same God, see, just the same God in three forms. You see, in otherwise, three offices, like, you know; when He served as Father, and then as Son. It's God condescending, coming from One Who cannot be touched (even to touch the mountain, had to die), till we could handle Him in flesh.

185And now He is in you. He sanctified you with His Blood, that He might live in you. "At that day, you'll know I am in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." See? It's God above us, God with us, God in us. See?

186 And that's Christ, tonight, the Holy Spirit. He is the same. And you are... He is the vine, and you're the branches. Have faith in Him. And if He will identify Himself, tonight, being among us!

187Now if he stood here with scars, that would be a human being, that's flesh. Anybody can impersonate that; a human being can disfigure himself. Or, maybe, we don't know what Jesus looked like, we just got the--the--the artists' idea, the psychology of it, what He looked like; Hofmann had one kind, Sallman another, and how many more!

But how would you know Him? It would be of His Life.

188Because, if a man stood here with thorn prints in his hand, and whatever more, that would be an imposter; 'cause, when Jesus Himself comes, every eye shall see Him, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess it. Certainly.

189 But His Spirit is here, see. And if we can just let our own minds drift into His. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." He is the Word, and the Bible said, "The Word of God." Which, how many knows that Jesus was the Word? In the Bible, Hebrews 4, and the Bible said, "It's sharper than a two-edged sword, and a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart." Now, that's what was in Solomon, (the Word, God) reason he could discern their thought. That was in Jesus, see. That's what's here now, same Thing.

190Now you out there. I ain't going to call no prayer line, 'cause I'm going to make an altar call. There might be some here that's never been in one of the meetings. I don't see a person in the building, that I--that I know.

191 Someone was telling me that it was about thirty last night, or better, called. Do you realize that one time a woman touched His garment, and He turned around, and the same thing taken place, and--and virtue went out of Him, Him the Son of God? But He said, "Greater than this shall you do, for I go to the Father."

192Now you just believe and have faith, each one of you, all around here, in these cots, stretchers, wherever you are. Believe! Don't think you're hopeless.

193 Now if I could heal you, I would do it, but I cannot heal you. I could lay hands upon you, and I intend to do that, to everyone having them cards. And they give out cards every day. So I intend to do that, but that is, that, that's just to signify that I believe with you.

194But, look, why don't you just touch Him? The Bible said, "He is a High Priest," right now, "that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right? Well, if He is the High Priest, then He would certainly act in the same way He did then. Would He not? He certainly would act the same way He did then. All right, now you touch Him by faith.

195 Now, Heavenly Father, the meeting is Yours. But I have taught tonight on this little woman seeing something real, when she seen that spirit of discernment upon Solomon. And we are sure, Lord, that Your Words are true. You said that would return again, like it was in the days of Sodom, just before the Coming; and You was the same yesterday, today, and forever. The works that You did, we would do also. And You're a High Priest, tonight, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. How much more do we need?

196How much did those Jews need, to see that He was a Prophet? A virgin conceived, and all these things, but, they, their creeds blinded them.

197Lord, there is some here come like, maybe not from Sheba, but they've come from many places. I pray, God, that You'll identify Yourself tonight, real. And then identify Yourself in them, as the instinct of that mother in that little deer did that day. We are Yours, Father. Speak through us, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

198 Now I want you to have faith and believe, each one of you, all around everywhere. And just pray. Now don't... Just look and pray now, and just believe. See, this might not, the Holy Spirit might not be pleased with doing this. If He doesn't, I'll call up a prayer line. But just stand here. Somebody out there, even if you... I don't want you with prayer cards. Just--just anybody just--just pray. Course, I wouldn't know, but you just pray and see. Just say, "Lord Jesus, I know that man don't know me. He knows nothing about me, but I know that I do believe."

199 Your faith is unconscious. Don't press now, or jump. You jump away from it. It's right with you. Just relax yourself and believe. Just believe now, have faith. [A brother in the congregation, gives an exhortation--Ed.] Amen. And be reverent, just have faith, just believe. Sometimes your faith is unconscious, you have it and you don't know it. That little woman had it; she didn't know it.

200 How many of you has ever seen the picture of that Angel of the Lord, that Light? It's, it was taken right here in Texas. It's been taken, all over the world now.

201But what do you think, sir? Do you believe, sitting right here at the corner? Looked like you were looking so eagerly. You have many things wrong with you. You have complications, many things. Now when I said that, a real strange feeling come to you, didn't it? If that's right, raise up your hand. Now I'm a total stranger to you, I don't know you. That's right. You know what? That Light just settled right down over you. See? That's what you felt, kind of a real sweet feeling. I was watching It, see, come right down.

202 Now, yes, you're here, you want to be prayed for before you leave the building. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, and you sitting there, and me here, would you believe it to be God? It's a hernia, one of your great things. That's right. Is that right? If God will tell me who you are, what your name is, you've got a good contact with Him now, will you believe me to be His prophet, or His servant? Excuse me, that's a stumblingblock to a lot, see. Do you believe it? Your name is Mr. Sturgeon. If that's right, raise your hand. Believe it, and be healed.

203 Here is a little lady sitting right back there, dark-headed, right out here in the aisle. Yes, you. You was amazed when that was said. Now right at this time you begin to feel kind of strange, see, real sweet-like something around you. If anyone will look, if you can see It, kind of an amber-looking Light coming down upon the little lady. Now what her trouble is, she has headaches that bothers her real bad. That is right. If that's right, raise up your hand like that. And I have never seen her, in my life. That's true. That's right. Headaches bothers her, like a migraine, but they're going to leave you. Amen. Believe it. Now the...

204There is a man sitting right next to you there, and he is looking right at me so earnestly, and that Light is moving right over towards him. And the man is suffering trouble with his eyes. But if he will believe, God will heal the eyes and make them well. You believe? All right. I've never seen you in my life. You're a stranger to me.

205 Say, that young fellow sitting right next to you there, also, he suffers with trouble with his head. That's right. That's right. I never seen the man, in my life. God knows that, see. All right, you believe.

206The man sitting right next to you, with glasses on, looking this a way. Yes, you're wearing glasses, but that really isn't your trouble. You got something wrong with your back, that you're wanting to be prayed for. If that's right, wave your hand. All right.

207That young fellow sitting right next to you there, right next to you. He has had a lot of troubles, that young man has. Yes, sir, with the red tie on, you've had a lot of troubles in your family and things. Kind of, your wife is a nervous type of a person, and you are suffering with some kind of a pressure in your head, also. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That is true. That's right. You just believe. Don't you doubt, but you believe.

208 Here is a woman sitting right back here. Don't you see that Light move back there, and settle down right here? She is suffering with an eye trouble, and her bladder. Oh, she is going to miss It. Lord God, help me. Her name is Mrs. Chambers. Believe with all your heart, Mrs. Chambers. Raise up to your feet. Raise up, so that the people see who you are. I'm a stranger, never seen her in my life. Yeah. It's over now. Jesus Christ makes you well.

209Now if that isn't Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever, where is He? Did He promise to do it? All that believes it, raise up your hand. All right.

210 Do you want to be a real Christian, you that raised your hand a while ago; like that old mother deer was? While the Holy Spirit is here, and the anointing is all over us, why don't you just make your way, and come stand right here at the altar, just a minute. If you are seeking God for salvation, will you come here, and just come here at this altar and stand here with me just a minute? Raise up. That's it. That's right. God bless you. Anybody in the building, anywhere you're at, will you come? That's right. Come right now, you that wants to find Christ.

211You will never be no closer to Him until you meet Him. He is here. He is identified, something real. You've joined church, a lot of you church members now, you've joined church but that's all you had, you want to see something real. If that isn't exactly what Jesus Christ identified Himself to be!

212 Look at this little child coming here, crying, the tears running down his little face. No wonder, they're tender. They haven't been pulled through everything. Another one coming down the aisle, another one in the back, coming down, little children, when the adults has passed theirs by. Won't you come? Come right up here now and stand around the altar. You church members, you people that wants to have an experience of Christ in your heart, won't you come here? If He knows your heart, and you know you couldn't hide it, won't you come right now and stand here, just before we go further. Come here, stand here for a word of prayer. Will you do it?

213Come, show, stand for Him. You stand for Him. If you're ashamed of Him now, He'll be ashamed of you there.

214Remember, He is here. The Scripture said this would happen, and here He is identifying Himself as being here. If you're a church member, and don't know Christ as a real experience, won't you come at this time? Now, I'm not much to persuade people. Only thing I can say, is tell you the Truth, and if Christ's Presence, plus His Word being made manifest.

215 Up in the balcony, you that raised your hands; sister, brother, if you want to come down, we're going to wait right here. Come right on down, and gather around the altar, just for a word of prayer. Let the world know, let Jesus know that you're that you're not ashamed, you want to be a real Christian. Won't you come, while we're just waiting a moment or two?

216Church member, lukewarm, backslider, won't you come stand along with them now? Come here and stand along, you who haven't, if you haven't got an experience with God, that you are borned in the Kingdom of God, like that.

217 What more do you want to see? Remember, I tell you in the Name of the Lord, if you regard me to be His servant, this is the last sign that the church will see, according to the Scripture. That was the last thing that Abraham seen done before the promised son arrived. And we are the royal Seed of Abraham, and Jesus promised the royal Seed to see the same thing that Abraham seen, just before the Gentile world burned. Don't put off for something else. Satan trying to get you to look over. Come now, while...

There is a Fountain filled with Blood,

Drawn from Immanuel's veins,

Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,

Lose all their guilty stain.

The dying thief rejoiced to see

That Fountain in his day;

There may I, though vile as he,

Wash all my sins away.

218Won't you come and accept it now? I'm waiting just a moment, somebody else might come and stand here for prayer.

219 Now I'm going to ask ministers here, brethren, come down and stand with me, around, while we pray; and ministers out there, who is concerned, and some of these people in your neighborhood, that would come to your church or--or something, that you are interested in--in souls coming to Christ, and you believe this to be Jesus Christ.

220Now, remember, I am not Jesus Christ. I am your brother, a sinner saved by grace. I am like you are. But it's Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit that's here with us, keeping His Word. He don't have to do this, but He promised He would do it. Jesus didn't have to heal the sick, but the Bible said, "He did it, that it might be fulfilled which was promised of Him."

221Now, we don't care what brand of church that you belong to; if you believe that Jesus Christ is present, you believe that there is a born-again experience, of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

222 Ministers, move right up, in among these people here. Come right up among them, laying your hands on them. We're going to offer prayer for them. I'm asking our congregation to be just as reverent as you can for a few moments. How do we know what the Holy Spirit will do! That's it, move right in, mingle yourself right with the people. Come right around them, each one.

223Now remember, there is only one thing you can do, is accept what He has promised you. Have you seen the reality of the resurrection of Christ?

224Now I'm going to ask the congregation if they will stand just a minute, in reverence and respects to them. Each one of you believe now. Confess all that you've done, that's all you can do, and then ask God to forgive you. And accept It, believe It. Now let everyone pray in your own way.

225 Our Heavenly Father, we come to You, with penitent souls. How the little story, about that mother deer, struck down deep, that people wanted to do something, or see something real; like the queen of the South, who came from the uttermost parts of the earth, to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And a greater than Solomon is here, the Saviour of mankind, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Save them, Father. Forgive their sins. Wash their souls in the Blood of the Lamb, and give them an experience of being born a Christian. No other animal, no nothing else, could have done that, but the mother deer. That's what she was. Give us that experience, Lord, now, of a born-again experience, in the Kingdom of God, while the Holy Spirit is there. Grant it, Lord. Grant it, Lord.

226 Now close your eyes, raise up your hands, and say, make your confession, saying, "Jesus, I now believe. Take me as I am. There is no more I can do. Heal my sick body. Take me, Lord. I believe You're here, the Holy Spirit is here identifying Itself. Save me by Thy grace, Lord. It's all I know how to do. Through Jesus Christ's Name!"

Brother Grant, will you lead us in prayer?

1 Zostaňme stáť na chvíľu pri čítani Slova Pánovho. Vy, ktorí sa chcete obrátiť do Písma, ktoré je čítané tohto večera, otvorte 12. kapitolu Matúša, počnúc od 38 verša.

Vtedy mu povedali niektorí zo zákonníkov a z farizeov a povedali: Učiteľu, chceme od teba vidieť znamenie.

Ale on odpovedal a riekol im: Pokolenie, zlé a cudzoložné, vyhľadáva znamenie, ale mu nebude dané znamenie, iba znamenie proroka Jonáša.

Lebo jako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak bude i Syn človeka v srdci zeme tri dni a tri noci.

Mužovia Ninivänia povstanú na súde s týmto pokolením a odsúdia ho, lebo činili pokánie na kázeň Jonášovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Jonáš.

Kráľovná juhu vstane na súde s týmto pokolením a odsúdi ho, lebo prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Šalamún.

2 Skloňme naše hlavy. Kým sú naše hlavy a srdcia sklonené v Jeho prítomnosti, či je tu nejaká potreba dnes večer, ktorú by ste chceli spomenúť v modlitbe? Ak áno, jednoducho zodvihnite svoje ruky, dajúc tým na vedomie: "Bože vypočuj moju prosbu." No, modlite sa potichu počas našej modlitby.

3 Náš Nebeský Otče, považujeme to za jedno z najväčších privilégií, aké máme na tejto strane chváli, stretnúť v zhromaždení ľudí, ktorí veria v Teba, na mieste, kde môžeme byť v očakávaní na Tvoju prítomnosť, pretože je to zhodne s Tvojím zasľúbením. Povedal si: "Kdekoľvek sa dvaja, alebo traja zhromaždia v Mojom mene, tam Som uprostred nich. A ak sa môžu zhodnúť na nejakej určitej veci a prosili by za ňu, oni to dostanú." Pane tou najväčšou vecou, na ktorej by sme sa mohli zhodnúť dnes večer je to, aby si sa s nami stretol, aby sme mohli uzrieť Tvoju prítomnosť, pocítiť ju v našom duchu a vedieť, že Ty si tu. V Tvojej prítomnosti cítime, že môžeme vyliať prosby našich sŕdc. Kým premýšľame o Tebe, nech by sme pocítili ten veľký význam odpovede na naše modlitby, keď o to teraz prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

4 Ak Pán dovolí, chcel by som zobrať tému, použijúc niekoľko miest Písma, ktoré som si poznačil, iba na chvíľu, prv než sa budeme modliť za chorých, je to téma: "Väčší ako Šalamún je teraz tu."

5 V úvode nášho miesta Písma nachádzame, dnes večer, odkiaľ sme zobrali náš text, ako sa Ježiš hádal s farizejmi. On ich karhal, pretože Ho neporozumeli. Ľudia, vyškolení tými teológmi očakávali na čas Jeho zjavenia sa, a potom, keď On prišiel, neporozumeli Ho a nazvali Ho diablom. Povedali, že služba, ktorú On mal, bola z diabla, pretože mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdciach. Preto si o Ňom mysleli, že je nejakým mastičkárom, alebo niekým ako veštec (šaman) a každý vie, že to sú zlí duchovia. A tak nazvať dielo Božie "zlým duchom" bolo bláznovstvom.

6 On povedal, že im to odpustí, pretože Duch Svätý ešte neprišiel, aby pozdvihol ich srdcia a doviedol ich do takého stavu, aby porozumeli Boha. Ich srdcia boli ďaleko od Boha. Všetko čo poznali bola chladná teológia zákona a oni ešte neprijali Ducha Svätého. Ale On povedal: "Keď Duch Svätý príde a bude robiť tú istú vec, hovoriť proti Nemu, nebude odpustené, ani v tomto svete, ani v budúcom."

7 Myslel som, čítajúc o tom dnes popoludní, premýšľal som nad tým, ako jeden z nich prišiel ku Nemu okľukou a spýtal sa: "Majster, chceme od Teba vidieť znamenie." Inými slovami, Židia boli vždy učení, aby verili znameniam. Židia vždy hľadali znamenia a Gréci múdrosť. A zisťujeme, že Židia spoliehali na znamenie.

8 No, čo veľmi svedčilo proti tomuto farizeovi, ktorý si zakladal, že pozná Písma, že to znamenie Mesiáša Ježiš už predstavil, a jeho oči boli tak zatemnené, že to nemohol rozpoznať. Ježiš mu dal pravdivé mesiášske znamenie Písma, ktoré bolo zasľúbené v Písme. Ale on očakával na iný druh znamenia.

9 Ako to presne pasuje na dnešných učiteľov a dnešných ľudí. Oni môžu vidieť niečo, čo je skutočné a v Písme, zasľúbené Bohom na tento deň. Môžu To vidieť, ale jednako očakávajú na niečo, oni chcú vidieť ešte niečo a neprijímajú znamenie času.

10 On im raz povedal: "Rozpoznávate nebesia, keď sa mračia a stávajú sa červenými. Keď sa mračia a sú červené, hovoríte: Zajtra bude zlé počasie, a tak ďalej." Ale povedal: "Znamenia na nebi rozpoznávate, ale znameniam času nerozumiete." Písmo skutočne hovorilo, že tento Mesiáš bude prorokom.

11 Vieme, že Božím spôsobom činenia tých vecí, bolo vždy poslanie proroka, aby potvrdil Jeho posolstvo - to nikdy nesklamalo. To nikdy nesklame. Boh nemôže zmeniť Svoj spôsob. Jeho prvé rozhodnutie musí zostať takým istým navždy. Čo On hovorí je pravda.

12 Boh sa nikdy nezaoberal veľkými skupinami. On sa vždy zaoberá jednotlivcom. Takým spôsobom vyvádza ľudí z pohanov pre Svoje meno; práve jednotlivca - jedného tu a tam, pre Svoje meno. On sa zaoberá jednotlivcom, nie skupinou.

13 Zisťujeme, že oni sa rozhodli tomu uveriť, lebo prorok musí byť rozpoznaným svedkom Božím. Ak on niečo povedal, a to sa stalo, potom znova niečo povedal, a to sa stalo, a čokoľvek on povedal, Boh to potvrdil ako pravdivé, potom On povedal: " Počúvajte ho, pretože Ja som s ním."

14 Nuž, zisťujeme, že Mojžiš, o ktorom tvrdili, že mu veria, im povedal: "Pán, tvoj Boh ti vzbudí proroka, ako som ja a ľudia ho musia poslúchať. Každý, kto by neuveril tomu prorokovi, bude vyťatý sprostred ľudu."

15 Zisťujeme, že je to pravda. "Prišiel do Svojho vlastného a Jeho vlastný Ho neprijali. Ale všetkým, ktorí Ho prijali dal právo a moc stať sa Synmi Božími."

16 Ako nachádzame týchto farizeov a sadúceov, ako hľadeli rovno, presne na to, čo zasľúbenie Božie hovorilo, že On bude robiť. A mimo to oni stále hľadali znamenie, nevediac, že to bol pravdivý Mesiášsky znak, ktorý im bol daný.

17 Filip Ho porozumel, keď mu On povedal, kde bol deň predtým. Porozumel, že to bol Mesiáš a povedal: " Ty si Kristus a Ty si Kráľom Izraela." A tak on to rozpoznal, pretože mu to bolo dané. On bol...

18 Ježiš povedal: "Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho Môj Otec nepritiahne a všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu ku Mne." Bez ohľadu na to ako veľmi skúšame vojsť nejakým iným spôsobom, to musí byť Boh. "Nie ten kto chce, ani ten kto beží, ale nad kým sa Boh zmilováva." Boh je ten Jediný, ktorý vyberá. "Nie vy ste si Mňa vyvolili" - povedal Ježiš - Ja som si vás vyvolil."

19 A teraz zisťujeme, že antikrist, v posledných dňoch, " zvedie všetkých obyvateľov zeme, ktorých mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života od založenia sveta." Vaše meno bolo umiestnené v Božej Knihe prv, ako bol Baránok zabitý. Keď bol Jeho program vyložený, celá tá vec, vy ste sa rozpoznali v tom programe, pretože ste dostali Večný Život. Slovo večný, nikdy nezačal, a nikdy sa to nemôže skončiť, a vy ste boli atribútom Božieho myslenia, skôr ako bol vôbec stvorený svet. To je jediný spôsob, ako môžete mať Večný Život. A ten Život, keď On myslel o vás, je teraz vo vás. Nie je spôsob, ako to rozdeliť. To zostane v tom.

20 Všimnite si teraz, títo farizeovia, súc náboženskými učiteľmi, veľkými teologickými učencami, oni študovali tú Knihu dňom i nocou, a jednako nedokázali uvidieť ten Mesiášsky znak, a tu sa pokúšali žiadať Ho o ten znak.

21 Chcel by som podporiť tú vec, aby ste poznali, že Boh vždy dáva znamenia. Pretože On je nadprirodzený, On vždy jedná s ľuďmi skrze znamenia, biblické znamenia.

22 V Starom Zákone, keď oni mali otázku, niekomu sa sníval sen a nebolo tam proroka, oni ho zobrali do chrámu, kde mali to, čo volali urím a thumím. Vy, biblický učitelia, viete, čo mám na mysli. Bol to náprsník, ktorý nosil Áron, ktorý mal dvanásť kameňov, ktoré reprezentovali dvanásť pokolení Izraela. Oni ho zavesili na stĺp a potom, keď ten prorok, alebo ten komu sa sníval sen, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, povedal svoje videnie alebo sen, bez ohľadu na to, ako skutočné sa to zdalo, ak sa neobjavili tie nadprirodzené svetlá vytvárajúce urím - thumím na tom náprsníku, bolo to odmietnuté. Boh to zavrhol.

23 Musí byť nadprirodzené znamenie od Boha, aby to potvrdil. Bez ohľadu na to, ako to bolo skutočné, ako teologicky hlboké, ako veľkolepo to znelo, ak to Božie nadprirodzené znamenie nepotvrdilo, pre Žida to také ešte nebolo.

24 No, Starý Zákon, tá Áronova platňa bola daná preč spolu so Starou Zmluvou.

25 Ale v Novej Zmluve má Boh stále urím a thumím. To je tak, ak prorok, snívajúci, teológ alebo ktokoľvek to je, hovorí niečo, čo je v rozpore so Slovom a Boh neodpovedá naspäť cez Slovo, nechám to tak, pretože to je Božie urím a thumím. A ja verím z celého môjho srdca, že je to Božie Slovo.

26 A Boh je Svojím vlastným Slovom. " Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh, a to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." "On je ten istý včera, dnes i na veky." On je stále. Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača.

27 Vykladáme, hovoríme: " Toto, toto je to, a toto je to", a tak ďalej.

28 Boh nepotrebuje vykladača. On je Svojím vlastným vykladačom. Boh nepotrebuje nás, aby sme vykladali Jeho Slovo. Biblia, je napísané, že ona nepodlieha vlastnému výkladu. Boh povedal na počiatku: " Nech je svetlo," a bolo tam svetlo. To je výklad toho. Boh povedal: " Panna počne," a ona počala. To je výklad toho. Nie je nikto potrebný, aby to vykladal.

29 Boh povedal, že v tomto dni sa budú diať tieto veci a oni sa dejú. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. To je Boh, ktorý dáva Svoj vlastný výklad. To sa deje. Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi sa snažíme To prekrútiť a povedať, že " To neznamená Toto a neznamená Tamto." To znamená presne to, Boh je Svojím vlastným vykladačom. On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo a to je Jeho výklad - tým, že to sa uskutočnilo.

30 No, nachádzame tých ľudí tu v 12 kapitole Evanjelia Matúša, od 38 do 40 verša, kde sa Ho oni pýtajú: " Majster, hľadáme znamenie od Teba ".

31 On ich karhal, pretože Mu neverili a vo svojej nevere nazvali "zlým duchom" práve toho Ducha, ktorý spočíval na Ňom, pretože Ho nemohli rozpoznať medzi ich duchovenstvom. Oni nemohli rozpoznať (Jeho) - odkiaľ On prišiel. Nevedeli z akej školy prišiel, či bol farizeom, alebo sadúceom. Stále skúšal zničiť ich teologické inštitúcie a nazýval ich bandou "hadov". A preto Ho nemohli nikde rozpoznať. A tak , " Odkiaľ prišiel tento Človek? Nevieme odkiaľ On je". Neboli si vedomí toho skutočného znamenia, ktoré tam bolo, toho, že On bol Mesiášom.

32 No, tak ako tá nenápadná žena pri studni, o ktorej sme hovorili minulý večer. Ona to rozpoznala a to pre ňu niečo urobilo. A tí, ktorí to rozpoznali, boli Božím semenom, ktoré bolo povolané v tom dni.

33 Boh vždy, v každom čase, dával svojím ľuďom duchovné dary. To je to, ako sa On identifikuje a dáva poznať, cez duchovné dary. A keď Boh posiela duchovný dar svojím ľuďom a ten duchovný dar je odmietnutý, potom tí ľudia odchádzajú do temnosti chaosu. Vždy, v každom veku, keď Boh posiela niečo pre ľudí - dar - a oni ho odmietajú, potom tí ľudia sú odmietnutí Bohom, pretože odmietli Božie milosrdenstvo.

34 Och, čo za bezpečie by to bolo, dnes večer, o koľko väčšie by to bolo než všetky bombové úkryty a všetky miesta, na ktoré by sme mohli len pomyslieť, keby tento národ, ktorý sa nazýva kresťanským národom, mohol zaakceptovať dar Boží, ktorý bol daný - toho veľkého Ducha Svätého vyliateho v týchto posledných dňoch. A ako ten - , keby Ho tento národ prijal, to by bolo viac bezpečné než čokoľvek iné. Ale oni To odmietli, a tak zostáva iba chaos a súd.

35 Do všetkých vekov On dal tieto veľké duchovné dary. Všimnite si, vždy príchod duchovného daru, pravdivého daru... Chcem hovoriť jeden večer na tému " Hlas daru," ale ak Pán dovolí. Ale vždy tieto dary sú obyčajne oznámené prorokmi. A potom, keď vidíte proroka povstávajúceho na scéne, to ukazuje, že súd je na dosah ruky. No, to je znakom, keď vidíte proroka potvrdeného od Boha, ako povstáva na scéne. V dňoch Jeremiáša, v dňoch Daniela, v dňoch Jána Krstiteľa, v dňoch Pána Ježiša a tak dole cez všetky (veky). Keď sa prorok zjavuje na scéne, to je čas, keď Boh ide vypovedať Svoje Slovo. Národy to odmietajú, a potom nastáva chaos.

36 To sa dialo, keď sa zamieňali cirkevné veky, pokaždé, keď posolstvo bolo odmietnuté. A Boh dáva tieto dary a posolstvá ľuďom, a oni ich odmietajú, potom nezostáva nič, len súd.

37 Boh je spravodlivý. On nepošle súd, kým prv neponúkne milosrdenstvo. A milosrdenstvo je predpovedané a to ako ono prichádza, ale ľudia sú obyčajne v takom zamiešaní vo svojich myšlienkach, a je tak veľa rôznych ľudského pôvodu programov, že oni to nemôžu rozpoznať. A tak sa to vždy deje.

38 Nuž, zisťujeme, že On im povedal: "Pokolenie zlé a cudzoložné vyhľadáva znamenie." Ako často to neveriaci využíva, keď sa jedná o znaky Písma, a neverí tomu.

39 Boh vždy hovorí so znakmi. Vždy to robil. Vždy to bude robiť. Tak dlho ako bude svet On bude hovoriť duchovnými znakmi. On predpovedal, že oni prídu.

40 No veľa neveriacich robí to, čo On povedal: " Bezbožné, alebo zlé a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva znamenie."

41 Sledujte, On tu hovoril zložiac proroctvo. Hovoril im, že sú zlým a cudzoložným pokolením. A taktiež im povedal, že každej zlej a cudzoložnej generácii bude dané iba jedno znamenie. Všimnite si, On povedal: " Pokolenie zlé a cudzoložné vyhľadáva znamenie, ale mu nebude dané iné znamenie, iba znamenie Jonáša, lebo ako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak bude i Syn Človeka v srdci zeme tri dni a tri noci."

42 Čo im tu On hovoril? On hovoril, že bezbožné a cudzoložné pokolenie dostane znamenie zmŕtvychvstania. A či každý ďalší vek, do ktorého vojdeme, nebude taký istý ako tento terajší, odmietajúci Krista, bezbožný, prevrátený, cudzoložné pokolenie? A oni dostanú znamenie, znamenie zmŕtvychvstania, že Ježiš Kristus je živý dnes večer práve v takej istej miere ako vždy bol. On vstal z mŕtvych, ukazujúc sa tým istým včera, dnes i na veky. Zlé a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva znamenie a oni ho dostanú, a to znamenie bude znamením zmŕtvychvstania. No, skutočne, On im hovoril, že vstane z mŕtvych.

43 Mnohokrát má Písmo svoj spoločný alebo svoj zložený význam. Ako v Matúšovi 3, je hovorené: "Aby sa naplnilo, čo bolo povedané od Pána cez proroka, ktorý povedal: Z Egypta som povolal Svojho Syna." No, ak sa obrátime naspäť do Hozeáša, on prorokoval, že: "Z Egypta som povolal Božieho syna, ktorým bol Izrael." Jákob bol Božím synom, a On ho povolal z Egypta. To je to, na čo sa to vzťahuje. Ale tiež Kristus bol Jeho väčším Synom a On Ho povolal. Izrael bol typom.

44 A tak, to súc typom odmietnutia Krista v tom pokolení, toto je väčší typ, pretože tamto pokolenie, ktoré odmietlo zmŕtvychvstanie, malo odpustenie, ale tomuto pokoleniu, ktoré sa zabáva z Ducha Svätého nebude odpustené. My sme.... Väčší (horší) je ten, ktorý odmieta Ducha Svätého, než ten, ktorý odmietol Ježiša Krista v dňoch, keď On bol vo Svojom tele na zemi. Ježiš povedal tak: "Vy hovoríte proti Synovi Človeka", keď oni povedali, že on je veštcom alebo nejakým zlým duchom, povedal, "ak hovoríte proti Synovi Človeka, to vám bude odpustené. Ale kto by povedal slovo proti Svätému Duchu, nebude im odpustené v tomto svete," alebo nazývajúc prácu Svätého Ducha zlou, nečistou vecou, keď oni vidia dokonané dielo Božie.

45 Áno, Jonáš bol svedkom zmŕtvychvstania, keď bol v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci. Veľa ľudí skúša odsúdiť Jonáša, keď hovoria: "Och, on, každý ..., on bol Jonáš." Jonáš bol prorok. On išiel presne vo vôli Božej. Keď vzal nesprávnu loď a vyšiel, to sa muselo stať, muselo to ísť tou cestou, aby to ukázalo na zmŕtvychvstanie Ježiša Krista. On to musel odohrať, práve tak isto, ako Hagar bola vyhodená, aby tá slobodná žena nededila spolu s nevoľnicou. Tieto veci sa museli stať, oni boli tieňmi a typmi vecí, ktoré mali prísť.

46 No zisťujeme, že On zostupuje potom, čo hovoril Jonáš a On prichádza do veku Šalamúna. No všetci vieme, že vek Šalamúna bol takmer Miléniom Starého Zákona. To bol najväčší čas pre celý Izrael, aký kedy mal, bol počas vlády Šalamúna. Nehovorilo sa o žiadnych vojnách a oni mali veľký čas. Boh dal Šalamúnovi, ktorý bol Dávidovým synom, dal mu dar rozpoznávania, a teraz on mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky ľudských sŕdc.

47No, ako tu stojaci Hebrej to mal rozpoznať! Šalamún mal dar rozpoznávania a mohol rozpoznať myšlienky v ich srdciach, a oni všetci sa zhromaždili okolo Šalamúna, a tu zastal väčší ako Šalamún. A Šalamún bol syn Dávida, ale podľa tela menším synom Dávida. A Ježiš bol Synom Dávida podľa Semena zasľúbenia, kráľovské Semeno. A tu stojí väčší ako Šalamún robiac tú istú vec ako robil Šalamún, ibaže väčší ako Šalamún, a oni Ho nazvali "Belzebubom".

48 Či vidíte výklad Písma? Nič divné, že On povedal, čo povedal "Zlé a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva znamenie a oni ho dostanú, znamenie zmŕtvychvstania."

49 A vo veku Šalamúna bolo veľké prebudenie. Aby to mladý mohli porozumieť, podám to ako ilustráciu. Vo dňoch Šalamúna bolo veľké prebudenie. Boh dal dar a celý národ sa zhromaždil okolo toho. Každý ku nemu prišiel. Oni v to uverili celým srdcom.

50 Nebola by to nádherná vec, keby sa to stalo medzi ľuďmi dnes večer, keby celá Amerika, všetci ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi, by sa zhromaždili okolo Božieho daru v týchto posledných dňoch vyliatia Ducha Svätého na ľudí! Boží dar v tomto poslednom dni je Duch Svätý. Kristus vo forme Ducha, On je tu teraz s nami. Nebolo by to nádherné, keby sa všetky cirkvi, ktoré tvrdia, že sú kresťania, zhromaždili okolo tohto veľkého daru, ktorý nám Boh dal?

51 Prečo to je? Oni to musia odvrhnúť pre všetky druhy izmov a vyznaní a dogiem, a nemôžete im povedať čo je čo. To je presne ten spôsob, ako to vždy robili. Ale Boh zasľúbil, že napriek všetkému, v čase konca, to bude tomu Semenu vyjasnené.

52 No, všimnite si toto, vidíme ako sa oni všetci zhromaždili okolo toho veľkého daru a Izrael rozkvitol ako nikdy predtým. Všetky národy sa báli Izraela, báli sa tam prísť, pretože vedeli, že Boh bol s nimi.

53 A poviem vám, hovoríte o umlčaní komunizmu a o všetkom inom. Len nech sa Amerika vráti späť k Bohu, späť k jej daru, späť do Ducha Svätého, a ľudia budú musieť prestať s vyvreskovaním o komunizme. Je to tak prelezené červami, že sami komunisti majú antikomunistické nastavenia, aby sa dozvedeli, kto oni sú. Musí sa to diať tým spôsobom. Ale dovoľme im vrátiť sa späť!

54 Nedávno tu, vo Fínsku. Brat Lindsay, ja verím, že tu bol posledný večer, bol tam so mnou, keď sa to stalo. Malý chlapec, ktorého som videl tu vo videní, bol tam vzkriesený z mŕtvych. Usudzujem, že mnohí z vás to majú stále zapísané vo svojej Biblii, odvtedy ako som prechádzal krajom hovoriac ako on bude vyzerať, kde on bude, a tak ďalej. A on vstal z mŕtvych podľa Slova Pánovho. Zahynul pri automobilovej nehode. Mnohí z vás si pamätajú ten prípad, a stáli ste tam, keď on bol vzbudený z mŕtvych.

55 Ten večer, idúc dole do Messuhalli. Brat Lindsay a ja, a brat Moore, a mnohí z tých ľudí pokúšali sme sa dostať dole do Messuhalli, kde mi oni dovolili hovoriť k tak mnohým tisícom, a potom ich vypustili von, aby som hovoril k ešte viacerým. Dole na ceste mali štyri alebo päť mestských blokov úplne zablokovaných. Ľudia boli na - na uliciach, aby videli kedy prichádzame a odchádzame. A tam bolo malé dievčatko s barlami, s jednou nohou kratšou od druhej, ktorá bola uzdravená, a stalo sa tam mnoho vecí.

56 Potom, keď bol ten malý chlapec vrátený do života, dali to do správ. Vo Fínsku nemajú rock-and-roll a také veci, skôr v tom čase to nemali. Oni tam podávali iba správy, ktoré sú dôležité, a tiež v rádiu. Takým spôsobom to išlo všetko do Ruska. Keby ste žili v Rusku a vzdialili by ste sa štyridsať míľ od svojho domu, od svojho rodiska, musíte mať víza, aby ste videli svoje podnikanie. A tá...železná opona ....boli sme práve....zišli sme na to miesto, kde boli guľomety rozmiestnené na ulici za Kuopio. A toho večera sa tie správy rozniesli a ulice sa zaľudnili tisíckami tisícov Rusov.

57Niektorí boli komunistickí vojaci, ruskí vojaci, v tých pelerínach, v malých okrúhlych čiapkach. A šesť malých fínskych chlapcov, hneď po tej vojne, ešte neboli dosť starý na holenie, boli to chlapci s hladkými tvárami. Mali obuté veľké staré topánky, veľké dlhé plášte, kráčali po ulici s tými šabľami a inými vecami, dozerajúc, aby som sa mohol dostať cez ten dav, aby som mohol vojsť. Tí rusi tam stáli. Keď som prechádzal, oni stáli v pozore a slzy stekali po ich lícach. Keď som prešiel, chytili tých fínskych vojakov, poklepávali ich po pleciach a objímali. Niečo, čo spôsobí, že Rus bude poklepávať Fína, to urovná vojny. Oni povedali: "Takého Boha, ktorý dokáže vzbudiť z mŕtvych prijmeme."

58 O to ide dnes večer, priateľu, presne. Dôvod prečo sa stali komunistami, bolo duchovenstvo, ktoré opustilo Slovo Božie. Oni im zobrali všetky peniaze nedajúc im za to nič, presne ako lóža alebo čokoľvek iné. To je to, čo je vo svete zlé.

59 Zisťujeme teda, že vo dňoch Šalamúna boli všetci zhromaždení okolo tohto veľkého daru, ktorý mal Šalamún od Pána. A ľudia prichádzali a odchádzali. Všetky národy sa obávali Izraela. Namiesto snažiac sa s nimi bojovať, prinášali v pokoji obete. Neobávali sa tak veľmi tých mužov, ale sa báli Boha, s ktorým boli oni všetci v jednote.

60 Ó, čo za vec by to bola dnes večer pre tento národ, keby sme boli všetci v bázni Božej, keby sme všetci rešpektovali Boha a prijali Jeho dar Svätého Ducha a zhromaždili sa okolo Toho. Každá cirkev by zničila svoje vyznania viery a vyhodila ich za dvere, prišla by dole k oltáru a zostala, až do príchodu Ducha Svätého, aby zidentifikoval Svoje Slovo v poslednom dni!

61 Niektorí z nich skúšajú povedať: "Však to bolo iba pre Židov, aby To dostali. Všetko to bolo pre To."

62 Peter povedal na Deň Letníc, "Čiňte pokánie, a nech sa pokrstí každý jeden z vás na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha, lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vašim deťom, a všetkým naširoko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh." Tak dlho ako je Semeno v zemi, ktoré očakáva na povolanie, tak dlho je tam Duch Svätý, aby ho povolal do Toho. To je pravda. To je stále také isté.

63 Ale dozvedáme sa, že keď To prichádza, je To odmietnuté. To je dôvod, že národ prichádza pod zavrhnutie. Z toho dôvodu idú tie veci tým spôsobom ako dnes večer.

64 A zisťujeme, že v čase Šalamúna, to nebolo tak. Všetci sa zhromaždili okolo toho daru rozpoznávania, ktorý mal Šalamún. A všetky tie národy mali bázeň pred Bohom. A všade sa šírilo: "Ó, musíte prísť do Izraela, ich Boh vzbudil medzi nimi dar a oni ho učinili kráľom. A jeho múdrosť, jeho rozpoznávanie je nad ľudské očakávanie. Je to ponad. Pohania by povedali: "To pochádza zo sfér bohov."A my nerozumieme, ako sa to deje, ale Boh, ich Boh, predstavil Samého Seba v jednom z veriacich. A, on, oni ho posadili na trón a všetci ho počúvajú." Viete, tie správy sa vtedy nešírili cez televíziu, telefón, a tak ďalej, ale z úst do ucha.

65 Nakoniec tie správy prešli dolu naprieč Saharskou púšťou, celou cestou do malého kraja nazvaného Sába. Oni mali... Bola to pohanská krajina. Mali tam drobnú kráľovnú, ktorá bola bezpochyby príjemnou malou pani. A dostali sa k nej správy, že: "Boh dal veľké prebudenie hore v zemi Izraelovej, a dejú sa tam veľké veci. A bol tam muž, ktorý bol pomazaný Duchom ich Boha, takže jeho múdrosť prevýšila všetko, o čom by človek mohol kedykoľvek pomyslieť."

66 Viete: "Viera prichádza cez počutie, počutie Slova Božieho."

67 To pohlo jej malým srdcom. Ona začala o tom premýšľať. A teraz, pokaždé, keď prichádzala karavána, bezpochyby, tá drobná kráľovná vysielala svojich vojakov, a hovorila: "Chcela by som hovoriť súkromne s tou osobou , ak oni prišli z Izraela."

68 "Áno, kráľovná, boli sme v Izraeli, a, och, je to nádherné. Mala by si to vidieť. Nie je nič ako to. Je to ponad ľudské zrozumenie. Vieš, všetci sú jednomyseľný, každý jeden z nich je okolo toho daru, ktorý im ich Boh dal, a oni všetci tomu jednomyseľne veria. Ó, to je najveľkolepejšia vec, a nič nie je utajené. Boh zjavuje presne všetko. Ak by ich chcel nejaký národ napadnúť, prečo, ich Boh by im zjavil, kde sa nachádzajú, a - a záloha by tam bola skôr akoby sa tam oni dostali. Ó, tam prebiehalo veľké prebudenie."

69 Potom, viete, tá drobná kráľovná začala túžiť, aby to sama uvidela.

70 Viete, niečo na tom je, človek vie, že prišiel odniekadiaľ, a je tu, on nevie prečo je tu, a jednako vie, že niekde smeruje nevediac kam. A je jednako jedna Kniha na svete, ktorá nám hovorí kto ste, odkiaľ ste prišli, čím ste, a kam idete, a tou je Biblia. Ona je jediná, ktorá vám to povie, a to je Božia Kniha. Je to Sám Boh zamanifestovaný vo forme Slova, nazvaného Semenom. Semeno v správnom druhu pôdy, vydá každé zasľúbenie, ktoré On dal, pretože to je Sám Boh. Ale to musí byť zavlažované vierou, aby sa to stalo, tak, ako v prípade akéhokoľvek semena. Ten zárodok je v ňom. Viete! Všimnite si.

71 Zisťujeme, že tá drobná kráľovná sa stáva hladnou a smädnou po Bohu. Ó, keby - keby tie Božie dary len mohli stvoriť smäd v ľudských srdciach po Ňom tak, ako sa to stalo v jej prípade!

72 Teraz sa dozvedáme, tak tie deti, malí kolegovia, ktorí tu zaberajú celý rad, a tiež iné miesta, aby to oni mohli porozumieť, predstavíme to ako určitý druh drámy pre nich, tak to budú rozumieť.

73 No, pamätajte, ona bola pohanka. Takže podľa poriadku, súc kráľovnou musela dostať povolenie od svojho pohanského kňaza, aby mohla ísť podľa poriadku. A viem si predstaviť ako ide ku nemu, a sľubuje, a hovorí: "Veľký svätý otče taký a taký, vieme, že Izraeliti majú prebudenie, a ich Boh predstavil Samého seba vo forme človeka, cez veľký dar, ktorým on pozná tajomstvá sŕdc. Povedali mi, že On je Slovo, a to Slovo je rozoznávajúce myšlienky srdca, a hovoria, že to pôsobí v človeku. Chcela by som tvoje povolenie, najsvätejší otče, aby som tam mohla ísť, navštíviť to a vidieť to sama.

74 No, viem si predstaviť akú dostala odpoveď. "V žiadnom prípade nespolupracujeme s tým prebudením," podobne ako vo verzii z 1964. Ale tak, či onak, oni hovoria: "Títo nepatria do našej denominácie. Nie sú z našich ľudí. Nemáme s tým nič do činenia. Nesmieš tam ísť. To je iba banda bláznov. Počuli sme o nich všetkého druhu zvesti, o ich prechode cez Červené more, a ďalšie chýry toho druhu, ale na tom nič nie je. Tu je náš veľký boh, vidíš ho stojaceho z tejto strany múru? Boli to takí a takí , mnohokrát urobili to a to." Tá drobná kráľovná odišla znechutená.

75 Ale, viete, niečo v tom je, keď Boh začína vkladať hlad do ľudského srdca, nie je nič, čo by sa tomu mohlo postaviť do cesty. Či je spolupráca alebo nie, alebo čokoľvek iné, ona To musela nájsť. Tak ako som povedal posledný večer o tej drobnej žene, ktorá bola neodbytná a vytrvalá. Vidíte, Niečo musíte uchopiť a Niečo musí uchopiť vás. Ako Jákob, syn Boží. Jákob, Boží syn, jednej noci Niečo uchopil a To uchopilo jeho, a nepustil sa Toho pokiaľ nedosiahol svoj cieľ - to požehnanie. To, to je skutočná vec. A keď človek niečo napodobňuje, to nikdy nebude správne fungovať. Ale ak môžeš uchopiť to Niečo a to Niečo uchytí teba, to sa stane.

76 Ak si sem prišiel dnes večer po uzdravenie a dovolíš Duchu Svätému, aby ťa uchopil a ty sa chopíš Jeho, dostaneš to, o čo prosíš. Nie je spôsob, ako ťa od Toho zadržať.

77 Ak si prišiel veriac, že Ježiš Kristus zachraňuje a je tu spasiteľná moc, ktorá ťa uchopí, a ty uchopíš Ju, budeš spasený.

78 Ak veríš v krst Duchom Svätým a Duch Svätý ťa uchopí, a On ťa pokrstí, a ty sa uchopíš Jeho; nemusíš opúšťať svoje miesto, On ťa naplní Svojou prítomnosťou, presne tam kde si. Práve tak ako to On urobil, "Kým Peter ešte hovoril tieto slová, zostúpil Svätý Duch na tých, ktorí počúvali Slovo." Niečo uchopilo...

79 Niečo uchopilo tú drobnú Sýrofeníčanku, o ktorej sme hovorili minulý večer. Bez ohľadu na to koľko prekážok mala, napriek všetkému, stále išla napred. Niečo uchopilo túto drobnú pohanskú kráľovnú, o ktorej hovoríme dnes večer. Tak bolo s touto drobnou Syrofeníčankou, Grékyňou, pohankou, modloslužobníčkami. Niečo ich uchopilo a oni Niečo uchopili.

80 Vždy sú na ceste problémy. Satan hádže na cestu všetko, čo môže, keď vidí, že povstáva skutočné Božie hnutie. Bude ti to robiť. On ti bude klásť všetky prekážky na tvojej ceste, aké len môže.

81 Pamätajte, tá žena mala veľa prekážok, ale jej viera nemala žiadnu. Viera nemá žiadnu prekážku. Nič ju nezadrží, bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek hovorí. Ak si sa skutočne uchopil Boha a Boh skutočne uchopil teba, tak potom by sa tu mohlo postaviť štyridsať lekárov hovoriacich ti, že zomieraš, a ty by si neuveril ani jednému takému slovu. Nie, veru. Nie, veru. Mohlo by tu stáť štyridsať duchovných podobných ku tým štyristo Achabovým odporcom. Ak si Micheášom a uchopil si sa Boha, a Boh uchopil teba, a vidíš ako to bolo potvrdené v Slove, nie je tu nič, čo by ťa mohlo zastaviť. Budeš tu stáť akokoľvek, pretože Niečo ťa uchopilo.

82 Tej drobnej žene bolo zjavené, že niekde tam sa nachádza Boh. Môžem ju vidieť, ako znova číta tie hebrejské zvitky, roluje ich a kladie do nádoby, vracia sa späť ku svojmu kňazovi a hovorí: "Chcem ti niečo povedať, svätý otče. Tie veci o ktorých hovoríš, môžu byť pravda, ale pozri, moja stará mama uctievala tohto bôžika. Čítala ten katechizmus, ktorý máš. Moja prastará mama ho čítala, moja matka ho čítala, celý môj ľud ho čítal, ale tým to skončilo. Ešte nikdy som nevidela, že by sa to pohlo, ale oni mi povedali, že dostali niečo skutočné, čo sa práve teraz pohybuje, nie nejakú históriu, ale niečo čo sa deje teraz."

83 "No, pozri sem" - povedal. "Moje dieťa, ak pôjdeš, ja ťa exkomunikujem. Ty ako kráľovná nemáš mať žiadny záujem, spolupracovať s takými ľuďmi." Ten istý starý diabol stále žije.

84 Nie je na svete lepšia skupina, do ktorej sa dá dostať, než znovuzrodená cirkev, naplnená Duchom Svätým. Nestarám sa kde to je, či v nejakej uličke, alebo kdekoľvek. To je najlepšia skupina. To je nebeská skupina, všimnite si, veriaci, ktorí veria v Boha.

85 Jej srdce bolo obtiažené ohromným očakávaním. Ona to chcela vidieť. Počula o tom. Nič o tom nevedela, ale chcela to vidieť. Môžem počuť, ako hovorí: "No, ak chceš, môžeš odstrániť moje meno z tej knihy. Čokoľvek hovoríš o tých bôžikoch, tých knihách a veciach, vidím, že o niečom hovoríš - hovoríš o niečom. To sa nikdy nepohlo. Ešte nikdy som nevidela, že by sa to pohlo. Chcem niečo, čo je skutočné." Ona sa pripravovala, aby išla. Škoda, že dnes nemáme viacej takých malých kráľovien. V poriadku.

86 Tak teraz zisťujeme, že aby išla podľa poriadku, použila veľmi dobrú taktiku. Chcel by som, aby každý o tom premýšľal. No, ona povedala, že nič nevie. Ona prečítala všetky zvitky, aby sa dozvedela, kým bol Jehova a spoznala spôsob, akým On konal v minulosti. "Ak to je tak, potom On by sa mal dať poznať cez toho človeka, tak ako oni hovorili, že sa to dialo, potom to bol Jehova. Ak to bol Jehova a On bol pravdivým Bohom, žijúcim Bohom, nie nejakou sochou, alebo pomníkom dákeho stvorenia, ktoré žilo, alebo nežilo - bol by to žijúci, prítomný Boh práve teraz," tak ona sa chcela pripraviť na cestu. No, povedala...

87 Zbalila si mnoho peňazí. Vzala zlato, myrhu a och, kadidlo, a povedzme striebro. Naložila to na ťavy. No, povedala: "Vstanem. Pôjdem sa pozrieť na to sama. Ak sa ukáže, že je to pravda, podporím to, ale ak to tak nie je, nebudem s tým nič robiť."

88 Viete, ona by mohla niečo naučiť letničných. Mnohí z nich podporujú programy, v ktorých sa smejú a zosmiešňujú vás. Podporujete vysielanie programu, v ktorom sa smejú z vecí, ktorým veríte. Áno, to je pravda. Tak veru. Pretože to znie pravdivo. Určite, "Je cesta, ktorá sa zdá pre človeka pravá, " povedal Ježiš.

89 Ale, všimnite si ju, ona povedala: " Ak to tak nie je, tak beriem moje dary späť." Ale ona išla, aby to sama uvidela a presvedčila sa. Čítala tie zvitky, vedela, kým bol Jehova a ona Ho uvidí. Ak On bol a je, potom On je stále Jehova.

90 To je dobré aj dnes. Ježiš Kristus je tým, kým bol a bude navždy. On sa nikdy nemení. Biblia povedala, že: "On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky."

91 Hovoriac o prekážkach, nachádzame tú drobnú ženu, ako jej prichádza na myseľ: "Pamätaj, musíš prejsť cez púšť, a to je veľmi dlhá cesta." Zmerajúc vzdialenosť z Izraela, z Palestíny dole do Sáby, cez Saharskú púšť na ťave, myslím, že tým karavánam by to zabralo deväťdesiat dní, tri mesiace, stále cestujúc, idúc z miesta na miesto tri dni... tri mesiace. A pomyslite len, ona prešla cez tú horúcu púšť. Ona premýšľala o tom, že to musí urobiť - prejsť naprieč tou horúcou púšťou, celú tú cestu, aby sa dozvedela, či to bol naozaj Boh.

92 Niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, že ona povstane ( na súde ) s tou generáciou a odsúdi ju. Ona nemala cadillac s klimatizáciou. Niektorí ľudia tu v Dallase neprejdú ani cez ulicu, aby to počúvali. Je to tak. Niet divu, že ona povstane v posledných dňoch. Oni jednako niekde stoja a kritizujú To, robia to kdekoľvek. On povedal: "Ona prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu a hľa, tu je viac ako Šalamún. Všimnite si to.

93 Musela tomu čeliť. Pravdepodobne musela cestovať v noci, lebo na púšti bolo tak horúco. Priame slnečné lúče na Saharskej púšti by z vás stiahli kožu, tak musela cestovať asi v noci.

94 Pamätajte, ďalšou vecou bolo, že bola naložená darmi a inými vecami. Synovia Izmaela boli rýchly jazdci. Boli púštnymi banditami. Ako ľahko by bolo pre tie deti Izmaela, prísť, ako povodeň a odrezať dvoch alebo troch malých eunúchov, ktorých mala, jej malú skupinu vojakov, eunúchov a jej drobné slúžky. Podrezať ich, nechať ich tam ležať a zobrať im desiatky tisícov krát tisícov dolárov, ďalej klenoty, okrem toho vzácne kadidlo a myrhu, a to čo niesla ako dar.

95 Ale, niečo na tom je, keď je vaše srdce nastavené vidieť Boha, a niečo vás uchopilo, potom nepoznáte žiadne nebezpečenstvo, nepoznáte porážku. Je niečo, čo dostaneš akokoľvek, bez ohľadu na to, aký je tvoj problém.

96 Určite to vyzeralo na veľmi dobrú príležitosť pre tých banditov. Každý z nich mohol prísť, ale ona nemyslela na žiadne nebezpečenstvo.

97 Nemyslela vstať a odísť, ako niekto, kto sa obáva povstať z lôžka, z nosidiel, alebo niečoho iného. "Neviem (vidíte?), bojím sa to urobiť." Ona nemala ten druh strachu. Niečo ju uchopilo.

98 A keby nás mohlo niečo uchopiť tým istým spôsobom, niečo by sa stalo. No, nemôžeš to urobiť prv než ťa To neuchopí. Radšej to neskúšaj. Ale, keď ťa To uchopí, to sa stane.

99 Všimnite si, tu ona je. Nikdy nepremýšľala o tom, koľko veľa banditov je na púšti.

100 Alebo, či keď tam príde bude prijatá, alebo nie. Ona bola z inej denominácie, viete, bola by prijatá, bola by pozvaná na zhromaždenie? Ona nebola pozvaná. Duch Svätý na nej pracoval, aby prišla, tak On bol Tým, ktorý ju viedol tak, aby uspokojil ten pocit, ktorý mala, tú túžbu po poznaní...

101 Pamätaj, to je tvoj život. To bol jej život. Dostal si iba jednu (šancu) urovnať to a možno dnes večer je to tvoja posledná príležitosť. Ak odmietneš Krista, dnes večer, už nemusíš mať ďalšiu príležitosť.

102 A toto mohla byť jej posledná príležitosť. Ona si to uvedomovala. Bolo jej chladné a formálne náboženstvo, ktoré mala v poriadku, alebo tu bol pravdivý žijúci Boh? Nevidela nič vo svojom vlastnom náboženstve, ale započula, že v tom inom niečo bolo, čítala akým On bol. Chcela to vidieť. To bol jej život, o ktorý išlo.

103 To je môj život, dnes večer, musím sa tomu postaviť tvárou v tvár. Musím prísť na súd, a tak aj ty musíš prísť na súd. Patrí sa nám posadiť sa v našom kresle, ľahnúť si na našu posteľ, alebo kdekoľvek sme a hlboko tú vec rozvážiť, pretože neviete chvíľu, kedy Boh s vami skončí a budete sa zodpovedať pred súdom. Či si členom cirkvi, alebo nie, to nič neznamená. Tak či onak, budeš sa za to zodpovedať a radšej si v tom buď smrteľne istý. Skontroluj svoje prežitie z Bohom a vidz, či ťa skutočne uchopilo niečo, čo ťa priviedlo späť do toho Slova, preč od vyznaní, formálností, a tak ďalej. On to zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, "Budú znovu obrátené srdcia detí ku otcom." Veríme tomu. Všimnite si, zisťujeme to teraz v týchto dňoch.

104 A ona nebrala žiadnu myšlienku strachu, alebo čohokoľvek, čo by jej robilo potiaže. Nepremýšľala o tom. Jej cieľom bolo dozvedieť sa, či to bolo skutočné, alebo nie, a tak išla naprieč púšťou. A ne... Činiac to, ona prežívala ťažký čas. Hocičo, čo máte...

105 To je ten problém, my letniční sme dostali všetko podané na tanieri, všetko čo chceme. Pastor neprišiel na čas, " Odídem zo Zborov Božích a pripojím sa do Cirkvi Božej," a viete, to je len... sme tak detinský!

106 Pripomína sa mi, ako sa raz jeden starý námorník vrátil z mora. A bol tam tiež istý básnik, ktorý nikdy nevidel more - písal o ňom, ale nikdy ho nevidel. Ten starý námorník ho stretol a povedal: "Kam ideš môj dobrý človeče?"

107 Povedal: "Idem k moru. Som básnik a písal som o mori. Túžim cítiť to more, vidieť tie veľké skáčuce morské vlny, spievajúce čajky a odrážajúcu sa modrú oblohu v mori."

108 Ten starý morský vlk si potiahol štyri - päť krát zo svojej fajky, pozrel dole a odpľul si. Povedal: "Narodil som sa na ňom pred sedemdesiatimi rokmi. A nevidím na ňom nič zaujímavé." Žil na ňom tak dlho, až sa mu stalo všedným.

109 Práve tak je to s nami dnes večer. Tak dlho sme žili v Prítomnosti Božej, až sa nám to stalo všedným. Musíme zatriasť sami sebou a uvedomiť si, že Ježiš Kristus je živý a vstal z mŕtvych.

110 Toto všetko bolo novým prežitím pre túto drobnú kráľovnú. Ona bola vytrvalá. Chcela to vidieť. Určite bola vytrvalá. Musela byť vytrvalá, aby opustila svoj národ. Musela opustiť všetku svoju prestíž. Čo s jej členskou kartou a tým všetkým do čoho patrila, s krúžkami pletenia a šitia a tie veci, do ktorých patrila, ako kráľovná, s celou tou slávou, ktorú poznala? Stala by sa výsmechom pre tú skupinu. Ale či to pre ňu niečo znamenalo? To bola jej duša.

111 To je tvoja duša. To je moja duša. Či to niečo znamená, či je metodista, baptista, presbyterián alebo jednotár, vyznávač dvojice, trojičiar, alebo kýmkoľvek on je? To je moja duša, ktorej sa to týka. To je tvoja duša, ktorej sa to týka. To je Božie Slovo, ktoré je potvrdzované.

112 Zisťujeme, že jej nazáležalo na tom, čo ktokoľvek povedal, alebo čo na to jej večierková spoločnosť, čo na to jej priatelia, hoci by musela opustiť všetko v tom svete. Ak To bolo skutočné, bola pripravená ísť ku Tomu. Vzdala by sa svojho kráľovstva i čohokoľvek. Ak To bolo skutočné - ona chcela nájsť Boha. Niečo bolo v jej srdci.

113 Dozvedáme sa, že prešla cez tú púšť. Nakoniec deň po dni, po deväťdesiatich dňoch, troch mesiacoch, tá karavána konečne prišla do brány.

114 Ona neprišla tak, ako to robia mnohí ľudia dnes v zhromaždeniach. Mnohí z nich prídu a povedia: "Och, počúvam, že oni dostali, och, niekto mi povedal, že oni mali...Och-hm. No, pôjdem inam."Oni si niekde na chvíľu sadnú. Pozorujte ich - uvidíte ich všade. Oni povedia: "Prvé slovo, ktoré on hovorí je v rozpore s tým, čomu verím," vychádzajú von. "Nikdy sa nevrátim späť, počúvať hociktorého z nich." Vidíte, oni nesedia dosť dlho. Tak je to.

115 A čo Ježiš, keď tam sedel pred Jeho sedemdesiatimi, mal ich sedemdesiat a celý dav? On bol veľký človek. "On bol Prorok", oni hovorili "ten Galilejský Prorok." Jedného dňa pozrel na ten veľký zástup stojaci okolo Neho, povedal: "Ak nebudete jesť tela Syna Človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život."

116 Môžete si predstaviť sediacich tam doktorov, čo oni povedali o tom človeku? "Veď On z nás urobí vampírov. Piť Jeho krv a jesť Jeho telo?"

117 On to nikdy nevysvetlil. Nemusel to vysvetliť. On musel striasť tie parazity, ktoré boli okolo Neho. Namiesto skúšať maznať sa s nimi a zapisovať ich meno do knihy, On ich striasol. On bol pre nich neužitočný. Dozvedáme sa, že On tam bol a povedal: "Ak ne...". On to nikdy nevysvetlil.

118 Pozorujte tých ticho sediacich učeníkov. Oni nikdy nič nepovedali.

119 Vidím lekára a farizeov, hovoriacich: "Vidíte, ten človek stratil rozum. On je šialený, chce, aby sme pokrájali jeho telo, jedli ho a pili jeho krv? Ľudský vampír, no, nemohli by sme urobiť takú vec. Och, to je šialené. Stratil rozum." Odišli preč.

120 Potom On pozrel na tých teológov sediacich okolo Neho, tých sedemdesiatich a povedal: "A čo keby ste videli Syna Človeka vystupovať hore, odkiaľ prišiel?" Tí doktori sa rozhliadli vôkol a povedali: "Syn Človeka vystupujúci do neba, odkiaľ prišiel? Predsa ho poznáme, boli sme v maštali, v ktorej sa narodil. Videli sme kolísku, v ktorej bol hojdaný. Poznáme jeho matku. My...Rybárči s nami. Poľuje s nami. Zatúlal sa tu do týchto vrchov. Nosí oblečenie, ktoré my nosíme, požíva pokrm. A odkiaľ tento Syn Človeka prišiel? On prišiel z Nazaretu. To je na nás príliš veľa." Odišli od Neho. On to stále nevysvetlil. Vidíte?

121 Rozhliadol sa, rozhliadol sa okolo na tých dvanástich, hovoriac: "Či vy tiež odídete?"

122 No, oni to tiež nevedeli vysvetliť, ale niečo ich držalo. Vidíte, oni to poznali. Vlastne vtedy vypovedal Peter tie pamätné slová: "Pane, videli sme Slovo Tebou potvrdené. Kam pôjdeme? Vieme, že Ty máš Slová Života. Ty si Žriedlo Života. To nás uspokojuje."

123 Ježiš povedal: "Vybral som dvanástich z vás a jeden z vás je diabol." Vidíte, nerobil žiadne ceremónie, ani hladenie, ani maznanie, ani poklepávania po pleci, ani krstenie potajomky, alebo niečo ďalšie.

124 On - On bol Bohom, ktorý sa stal telom na zemi. Bol potvrdeným Slovom Božím. A tí, ktorí lačneli prišli. Tí, ktorí nelačneli nemohli prísť. Povedal: "Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu." Ako môžeš prísť, ak si Mu nebol daný?

125 No všimnite si, zisťujeme, že tá drobná kráľovná tam nakoniec prišla. Ona nečakala, ako to urobili títo ľudia. Niektorí z nich ju nasledovali.

126 Vždy sú tri skupiny ľudí: veriaci, takzvaný veriaci a neveriaci. Neveriaci vstane a odíde. Takzvaný veriaci bude stáť dlhý čas. Tam boli všetky tri z nich. Neveriaci, zástup; takzvaný veriaci, tá skupina, ktorá sa odvrátila, ako posledná. Ale bol tam rýdzi veriaci, ktorý to nemohol vysvetliť - oni nič o tom nevedeli, ale poznali, že On bol Slovom. Na tom to zakončilo.

127 Tu nachádzame tú drobnú kráľovnú. Ona priviezla celé množstvo potravín, mnoho kusov chleba a mnoho iného tovaru. Priviezla svoje stany a batožinu. Zhodila svoje veci z tiav, vonku na dvore, na nádvorí chrámu. Rozložila svoje stany a zostala tam, kým sa nepresvedčila, či to bolo pravdivé, alebo nie.

128 Nepochybne, deň za dňom, čítala tie Písma. Nocou, pravdepodobne museli cestovať nocou. Cez deň sadala pod palmy, v oáze v púšti a čítala, kým bol Jehova, kým by On mohol byť. Nuž, ona by teraz Jehovu rozpoznala. Keby On bol v tom človeku, rozpoznala by Jeho konanie - poznala by, či to bolo pravdivé, alebo nie. Tak ona bola oboznámená s celým Písmom.

129 Ona tam nešla, hovoriac: "No, ak povie niečo rozdielne, od toho, čo povedal môj kňaz, jednoducho vezmem ťavy a odídem. Rozhodla sa tam zostať, kým sa nepresvedčí.

130 Och, keby to muži a ženy robili dnes! Vzali Písmo a videli, či Duch Svätý je na dnes, alebo nie. Keby videli, či tie veci, o ktorých hovoríme, sú predpovedané na túto hodinu, v ktorej sme. Avšak ona to urobila; z toho dôvodu Ježiš povedal, že jej meno je neomylné - nie neomylné, ale nesmrteľné. Ona sa postaví v deň súdu a odsúdi Dallas, Texas. Odsúdi Spojené Štáty v deň súdu, pretože prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Šalamún. Zmŕtvychvstalý Ježiš Kristus je tu v moci Svojho zmŕtvychvstania.

131 Všimnite si. Ona rozložila svoje stany. Môžem si predstaviť to ráno, ako zazvonili zvony, zazneli trúby a zhromaždenie sa začalo. Oni mali zhromaždenia každý deň. Pomyslite o tom. Oni milovali každodenné chodenie do zboru. Tak, zhromaždenie sa začalo a môžem si predstaviť, ako tá drobná kráľovná vošla zadným vchodom a posadila sa vzadu. Po chvíli zazneli všetky trúby a boli zaspievané hymny.

132 Po chvíli vyšiel pastor Šalamún a sadol si. Ó, ako si ho tí ľudia vážili, pretože ho milovali. On bol Boží sluha. Oni vychádzali a nebolo tam ani jedného, ktorý by povedal: "Hm, keby on bol práve tou osobou; keby patril práve do našej skupiny." Nie. Bola tam iba jedna skupina a oni boli tou skupinou.

133 A potom, dozvedáme sa, že niekto podišiel. Viete, tou prvou vecou bolo, že Šalamún zjavil tajomstvá ich sŕdc. Môžem si predstaviť tú drobnú kráľovnú, ako povedala: "No, počkaj chvíľu," vidíte. "Och, to zaznelo pravdivo." Keď podišiel ďalší, zisťujeme tú istú vec. Och, jej malé srdce začalo podskakovať. Ona bola udivená.

134 Takže, ona musela dostať modlitebnú kartu a čakala. Prepáčte ten výraz, ale viete, pre lepšie zrozumenie, rozumiete. Musela dostať kartu a čakala. Jedného dňa bola jej karta vyvolaná a ona podišla ku Svätému Duchu, ktorý konal cez Šalamúna. Biblia hovorí, že nič nebolo pred Šalamúnom zakryté. Ten veľký Duch Svätý zjavil všetko, čo ona potrebovala počuť - On to zjavil.

135 A tu bol Duch Svätý, Jeho plnosť v Ježišovi Kristovi, robiac tú istú vec, a tí farizeovia hovorili: "Ukáž nám znamenie. Uzdrav tu toho človeka. Urob to a povedz to. Aký bude ten, alebo tamten?" Vidíte, oni to proste nerozumeli.

136 Táto drobná kráľovná tam stála, a Biblia povedala, že nebolo nič zatajené pred Šalamúnom. On zjavil všetky tie veci, ktoré potrebovala vedieť. Povedal jej o tom všetko.

137 A keď sa to stalo, nemusela už prijímať názory niekoho iného. Pozorovala to a verila tomu. Potom sa obrátila do publika a povedala: "Všetko, čo som počula, keď som to počula, udivovalo ma to. Ale všetko čo som počula, je tak, viac ako som počula." Vidíte, to bol jej obrat, ona to uvidela. To na ňu zapôsobilo. Poznala, že je to pravdivé. Povedala: "Nech je požehnaný Pán Boh, ktorý ťa učinil svojím sluhom. Nech je požehnaný... ."

138 Čo to bolo? Tá nepatrná drobná žena žila tam, medzi všetkými týmito vierovyznaniami a bôžikmi, až raz v jej hladnom srdci... Ktorýkoľvek skutočný veriaci chce vidieť Boha konať. Ak On bol niekedy Bohom, On je stále Bohom. A ona uvidela niečo, čo bolo skutočné, nie podfuk, skutočne pravdivé. Slúžila Bohu po zvyšok svojich dní, pretože uvidela niečo skutočné.

139 Och, priateľu, videli sme tak veľa: "pripoj sa do tohoto vyznania viery, tento moslim, tento, ktokoľvek to je, prídi do tohto a tohto, tamtoho a tých iných", a všetkého druhu senzácie a vecí. Určite musí byť svet hladný, dnes večer, po niečom pravdivom, aby uvidel niečo skutočné. Nie nejakú mýtickú hromadu s tečúcou krvou, škrabancami, olejom, alebo niečím, čo vôbec nie je biblické, ale skutočný Ježiš Kristus, ktorý zasľúbil, že bude žiť vo svojom ľude v týchto posledných dňoch a robiť tieto veci, ktoré robil, niečo, čo Písmo hovorí, že sa bude diať v týchto dňoch.

140 Všetky tieto malé vyznania viery: "No, ak poznáš naše vyznanie, vieš... ." Vidíte, vy sa - vy sa - vy sa obzeráte na to, čo pán Luther povedal, veľký muž vo svojom dni. Určite. Takisto ako niektoré ženy tu, ktoré vo veku sedemdesiat päť rokov, skúšajú vyzerať, ako šestnásť ročné, pozerajú sa späť a skúšajú sa obliekať ako šestnástky. Strihajú si svoje vlasy, nosia šortky a robia... Ktokoľvek kto šoféruje a pozerá do spätného zrkadla, havaruje. A to je problém s cirkvou dnes - pozeranie do spätného zrkadla na to, čo bolo. Nečudo, že je ona rozbitá. Nikdy...

141 Pavol povedal: "Ženiem sa za cieľom horného povolania, idem napred. Idem vpred." Viem, že pán Moody bol veľkým mužom, pán Wesley bol veľkým mužom, letničné hnutie, baptistické hnutie - oni boli veľké, ale žeňme sa za cieľom horného povolania v Kristovi. Nepozerajte do spätného zrkadla, štyridsať rokov späť. Pozri, čo je dnes večer. Pozri, čo Písmo zasľubuje dnes večer. On im dal zasľúbenie v tamtom dni, ale mi žijeme teraz tam vyššie. Ideme ďalej.

142 Čo keby Wesley pozeral späť a videl by Luthera? Vidíte? Ale on nepozeral na to, čo povedal Luther - on pozeral na to čo povedal Boh. Čo keby letniční pozerali späť na metodistov? Vidíte, kde by ste boli? Tu ste, tá istá vec, zorganizovali ste to a ochromili a nemôžete sa nikam pohnúť. Práve teraz sa Duch Svätý hýbe napred, posúvajúc sa ešte niekam.

143 Za každým, kedy to oni robia, nejaký človekom zostrojený systém, kde dostanete všetko vypracované, to je znova, ako odpor Kóreho. Tak isto, ako Dátan a ostatní, chceli mať veľkú hromadu ľudí a vytvoriť organizáciu. Boh povedal: "Oddeľ sa od nich, Mojžiš, a Ja spravím, že ich pohltí zem." A viete, to bolo typom dnešnej cesty do zasľúbenej zeme. Tam oni boli. Nemohli uveriť tomu pomazanému posolstvu od Boha, ktoré sa posúvalo napred a chceli začať niečo sami. To je vždy ten spôsob.

144 Najnerozvážnejším krokom Izraela, ktorý kedy urobili bolo, keď odvrhli milosť, v Exoduse 19, a prijali zákon. A Dátan urobil najhroznejšiu chybu, akú kedykoľvek urobil, keď povedal: "Je tu viac vodcov okrem teba Mojžiš."

145 A on bol potvrdený, že bol Božím zamanifestovaným Slovom. On vzal prach a premenil ho na blchy. A všetko, čo povedal sa stalo. Boh bol s ním. Stĺp Ohňa visiaci nad ním ho potvrdzoval, a oni stále chceli začať niečo nové. To je proste ľudská robota.

146 Tým spôsobom sa to deje dnes. To je miesto, kde sa cirkev dostala. To je pravda. Och, cirkev živého Boha, či nechcete vidieť niečo pravdivé? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá - „Amen." – pozn.prekl.]. Niečo skutočné!

147 Ešte krátky príbeh pred modlitbou za chorých. Rád poľujem. Moja matka, viete, je... ona...Jej matka poberala dôchodok. Bola indiánkou z kmeňa Cherokee. Ja...Moje obrátenie mi nikdy nezobralo lásku k lesom. Milujem to. Tam vidíte Boha. Tam som po prvý krát uvidel Boha, bolo to tam vonku v lesoch. To je miesto, kde sa On s nami stretáva. To je miesto, kde On prehovára. Tam som stretol tých siedmich anjelov. Vy...na, (páske), Pánovia, aký je toto čas?

148 Nedávno sme sedeli s bratom Bordersom, keď to (stálo) zostúpilo, ten vzdušný vír z neba, trhajúc dokonca skaly, rovno nad miestom, kde som stál, ako to On povedal, vidíte. A tu, och veľa mužov, brat Sothmann, ktorý je niekde tu, jeden z... Terry, verím, že on je tu vyššie, bol tam vtedy prítomný. A tie veci, ktoré ste videli tam vonku na púšti! Milujem poľovať. Robím to, aby som sa dostal von, nie zabíjať pre zábavu, ale aby som bol v lese.

149 Často som poľoval s chlapíkom, hore v New Yorku, skôr, hore v Hampshire. On bol výborným poľovníkom. Volal sa Bert a bol Angličan. Jeho - jeho rodičia založili, alebo oddelili to, čo oni nazývajú Jefferson Notch, cez to, ponad Caroll Notch a oddelili to v tých prvých dňoch. Bolo v ňom tiež niečo z indiána. Bol jedným z najlepších strelcov, akých som kedykoľvek videl a jedným z najlepších poľovníkov. Nemuseli by ste sa nikdy obávať, vyjsť a poľovať s ním - vedel, kde je. Obyčajne tam rád poľujem na bielochvostého jeleňa. Oni...A chodieval som hore každú jeseň a poľoval.

150 Bol tak výborným poľovníkom, ale on bol najkrutejším človekom, akého som kedykoľvek vo svojom živote stretol. Mal oči podobné jašterici, a on práve... Taký druh, viete podobný ženám, ktoré si dnes skúšajú maľovať svoje oči, ako druh jašterice. Nuž, skutočne mal taký druh očí. Nepripadali mi ako ľudské. Vždy som v určitom zmysle nenávidel pozerať na neho. Vyzeral tak nepríjemne (slizko), ako, viete, hľadiac na jeho oči z boku.

151 Miloval byť zlostným. Strieľal by do malých srnčekov, to je jelenie mláďa, len preto, aby som sa cítil zle. A povedal by: "Och, kazateľu, ty si ako zvyšok z nich. Ty si zbabelec. Ty by si bol dobrým poľovníkom, keby si nebol kazateľ."

152 Povedal som: "Ja poľujem na duše, Bert." A povedal som: "Si jednou z tých stratených."

153 A on: "Och, spamätaj sa!" Povedal: "Billy, ty si v poriadku, ale," povedal, "nehovor mi o niečom takom." Tak on - tak on strieľal týchto malých srnčekov, a - a práve to robilo, že som sa cítil tak zle.

154 Nuž, to je v poriadku zabiť srnčeka, ak to zákon dovoľuje, no, jeho veľkosť alebo pohlavie, čokoľvek, čo hovorí zákon. Bol som revírnikom mnoho rokov. Ale pozrite, Abrahám zabil teľa a nakŕmil s tým Boha, a tak nie je na tom nič zlého, zabiť srnčeka, ak to zákon povolil. Ale nie ich len zastreliť, nechať ich tam ležať, trápiacich sa - to je zlé, to je zlé tak robiť. Tak, povedal som to, len preto, aby som ospravedlnil mojich poľujúcich bratov tu, vidíte, aby ste porozumeli, čo chcem povedať.

155 No, všimnite si toto, že nachádzame tohoto muža...Jedného dňa som šiel tam hore, bol som tam spolu s manželkou .A-a on si spravil malú píšťalku a keď fúkol, dostal zvuk podobný malému, plačúcemu srnčekovi, viete, oni vydávajú také krátke, smiešne bečanie. No, tak dlho...

156 Pracoval som a nestihol som na čas na zhromaždenie, a išiel som s ním hore poľovať. A prebiehali tam poľovačky a po prvý raz v tom kraji bolo počuť streľbu, tí bielochvostí... Mysleli ste, že Houdini bol utekajúci artista - on bol amatér v porovnaní s nimi. Viete, prvá vec je, že oni sa hneď všetci poskrývajú. Keď vyjde mesiac, oni sa pasú v noci, alebo vchádzajú pod hromadu krovia alebo niečoho, a nepohnú sa.

157 Vráťme sa ku tomu dňu, povedal som: "Bert, však nejdeš použiť tú píšťalku?"

158 Povedal: "Och, kazateľu, ty si taký zbabelec!" Povedal: "Spamätaj sa."

159 Vyrazili sme a dali sme si za košele nejakú desiatu. A poľovali sme... Plánovali sme poľovať až do poludnia, hore okolo okraja vrcholu Presidential Range, potom sa rozdeliť a vrátiť sa dolu. Keby sme dostali jeleňa, vedeli sme, kde by visel. Za deň alebo dva by sme ho išli stiahnuť - vešajúc ho. Tak tam bolo okolo, och, štyri [10cm – pozn.prekl.], alebo šesť [15cm.] cólov snehu, tak nejako. Bol to dobrý čas na stopovanie. Vyrazili sme, dostali sme sa pozdĺž na štít tej hory, nie po chodníku, pretože tam nebol. Mesiac v noci svietil, a jeleň... [prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

160 Bert bol predomnou, ukazujúc cestu , a tak som šiel ďalej za ním. On sa posadil, takto. Sneh bol suchý. Siahol dozadu, myslel som si, že ide jesť desiatu. Práve tam sme sa rozdelili, pretože sme boli vysoko v horách. A on prišiel naspäť na to miesto.

161 Začal som si vyberať moju desiatu a hľadať miesto, kde by som postavil pušku. Vytiahol som desiatu a rozhliadal som sa.

162 On vytiahol túto malú píšťalku. Teda, pomyslel som si: "Chlapče, to je špinavý podvod robiť to takto." Zobral túto malú píšťalku, pozrel na mňa tými jašteričími očami a pohliadol hore na mňa. Vzal tú malú píšťalku do svojich úst, takto. Povedal som: "Bert, však to nejdeš tak urobiť?"

163 On povedal: "Och", a zapískal, takto. A na moje prekvapenie, okolo päťdesiat jardov [45,7m – pozn.prekl.] odo mňa, krížom, stála nádherná veľká laň. Nuž, laň je matkou jelenčeka. Tu ona bola s veľkými hnedými očami a zdvihnutými ušami. Vidíte, ona to počula. No, ona bola matka, vidíte? A jej dieťa plakalo. A tak nemalo význam, či ostatné z nich vyjdú, či nie - niečo bolo v nej. Ona bola matka.

164 A tak Bert takto pozrel a znova zapískal skutočne pozvoľna, a tá laň vyšla rovno na voľné priestranstvo. Nuž, to je nezvyčajné, veľmi nezvyčajné, že takto vyšla. Rozhliadla sa s vysoko pozdvihnutou hlavou a jej oči hľadeli dookola.

165 Po chvíli, keď poľovník siahol a vytiahol zbraň - ona zbadala toho poľovníka. Obyčajne sa oni len mihnú a zmiznú, viete ako je to, rýchlo. Ale, viete ona sa vôbec nepohla. Jednoducho stála a hľadela na neho, sústredene, otočila svoju hlavu a pozerala. Och! Pomyslel som si: "Bert, to nemôžeš urobiť."

166 Vidíte, ona nič nepredstierala. Ona nebola pokrytecká. Ona nehrala. Narodila sa, aby bola matkou. A to dieťa, ja sa nestarám, či ju to bude stáť život, keď bolo to dieťa v problémoch, ona ho skúšala nájsť. Ono bolo v ťažkostiach. Bola, ten inštinkt v nej, ona bola matka. Uvidela toho poľovníka, ale jej myšlienky neboli o tom poľovníkovi, ale o tom dieťati v ťažkostiach - o tom malom jelenčekovi.

167 A tak on odistil poistku na tejto 30,6. Och, on nikdy nechybil. Zamieril pušku. Ja - ja musel som proste odvrátiť svoju hlavu. Nemohol som ho od toho zadržať. Ja - ja nemohol som sa na neho pozerať. Pomyslel som si: "Iba niekoľko minút, a on rozorve jej verné srdce, pokúšajúce sa nájsť svoje dieťa, ktoré je v ťažkostiach. Vediac, že poľovník leží rovno tam v kríku." A on rozorve to verné srdce s tou guľkou ráže sto osemdesiat. A ja - ja... Bol bezchybným strelcom. Zamieril. Myslel som: "Nemôžem tu len tak stáť a pozerať sa na to". Otočil som sa chrbtom.

168 A - a ja - ja som povedal: "Pane pomôž mu, aby to neurobil." Cítil som sa tak hrozne. Tá biedna matka tam stála hľadajúc svoje dieťa, vedel som, že ona neodíde. Bola matkou. Inokedy by utekala. Ona by nevstala a neobišla nás. Ale niečo v nej bolo.

169 A ja som čakal a čakal, ale tá puška nevystrelila. No, čudoval som sa: "Čo sa deje? Čakal som, potom som sa otočil, skutočne pomaly. Uvidel som tam stáť tú laň, ktorá stále na neho pozerala. Pozrel som na hlaveň pušky, ona sa pohybovala, takto. On...on sa pokúšal udržať cieľ, ale nemohol to urobiť.

170 Odhodil tú pušku na zem, pozrel sa na mňa, a jeho veľké oči boli zmenené. Slzy stekali dolu po jeho lícach. Chytil ma za nohavicu, povedal: "Billy, priveď ma ku tomu Ježišovi, o ktorom rozprávaš".

171 Čo - čo to bolo? On uvidel niečo skutočné. Vidíte? Tá drobná matka laň musela ukázať svoju vernosť, skutočnú vernosť, ktorá premenila ukrutného poľovníka, ktorý mal najpodlejšie srdce, aké som kedykoľvek videl. To neurobilo kázanie, ktoré som kázal. To bolo to, čo on videl, niečo, čo bolo skutočné. Nebol to podfuk. Nebolo to predstierané. Bola to skutočná matka, hľadajúca svoje dieťa, a to ho priviedlo ku Kristovi. Teraz je diakonom v zbore, skvelým kresťanom, pretože uvidel niečo, čo nebol podfuk. Nebola to takzvaná viera - to bola skutočnosť.

172 Och, brat, sestra, keby táto cirkev, keby títo ľudia, dnes večer, keby ty a ja...Je niečo skutočné, čo nie je podfuk. Možno vidíš niečo falošné, ale tu je skutočná vec. Je niečo v človeku, čo robí, že začína žiť pre Boha. Brat, existuje skutočný Duch Svätý, dnes večer, brat, nie napodobenina. On je skutočnosť.

173 A koľkí z vás tu, by chceli byť takými kresťanmi, a tak vernými Kristovi, na smrť, prenasledovanie, čokoľvek, milovať byť natoľko kresťanom, nakoľko tá laň bola matkou? Chceli by ste - nechceli by ste byť takí? Túžil by som byť takým druhom kresťana, práve tak, ako tá drobná Sýrofeničanka, minulého večera - byť takým druhom kresťana. Táto drobná kráľovná, o ktorej sme hovorili dnes večer bola takým druhom kresťana - keď uvidela niečo skutočné, bola pripravená. Nech nám Boh pomôže, dnes večer, prijať niečo skutočné - Krista.

174 Skloňme naše hlavy, iba na chvíľu, kým sa modlíme. Zaujímalo by ma, či je niekto dnes večer v tejto budove, či je tu...či je tu niekto, kým ste skutočne potichu, či je tu niekto, kto by chcel, a nepozná Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa, a chcel by si Ho poznať ako svojho Spasiteľa, či by si pozdvihol svoju ruku? Jeden, dva, tri. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

175 Zaujímalo by ma, či je tu niekto dnes večer, kto tvrdí, že je kresťanom, možno členom dobrého zboru, veľkej skupiny ľudí, ale jednako viete hlboko vo svojom srdci, že ste nedostali kresťanstvo do svojho srdca, nenarodili ste sa do neho. Práve tak, ako tá matka, laň, ktorá sa narodila aby bola matkou - ona bola matkou skrz na skrz. Chcel by si sa stať skutočným kresťanom, tak ako bola tá drobná laň matkou? Zdvihol by si svoju ruku povediac: "Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham?" Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Všade naokolo, hore na balkónoch - vidím tvoju ruku.

176 Nebeský Otče, ten malý skutok v ten chladný novembrový deň, stojac tam so snehom na celej svojej šiji - videl som tam ležiaceho muža, ktorému som rozprával, držal som jeho ruku, plakal som s ním, hovoril som mu o Biblii a o všetkých veciach. On povedal: "Och, snáď máš pravdu." Ale vidím, že si musel poslať niečo tak skutočné, čo bolo zhodné so zákonom prírody, že - že on - on nemohol prehliadnuť, že to bolo niečo skutočné. A Teraz je on Tvojím sluhom, Pane.

177 Nuž, sú tu mnohí dnes večer. Niektorí z nich pozdvihli svoje ruky, Otče, že nikdy neboli kresťanom, a chceli by sa ním stať. Bože, nenechaj ich byť jednými z tých, ktorí iba behajú a pripájajú sa do cirkvi, alebo berú nejakú formu, vierovyznanie alebo krst. Ale nech sa narodí v ich srdci Kristus.

178 A tí, ktorí sa pripájajú do cirkvi, oni hľadajú Pane, asi tak, ako tá - tá drobná žena, tá drobná kráľovná, o ktorej sme hovorili. Ona - ona bola hladná po niečom. A - a oni tiež, Pane. Keď ona uvidela niečo pravdivé, čo potvrdilo Boha v ľudských bytostiach, potom bola pripravená. Povedala: "Nech je požehnaný Pán Boh Izraela." Ona nechcela mať viac nič dočinenia s pohanskými formami.

179 A Otče, nepochybne mnohí tu, dnes večer, sú v takom istom stave. Keby len mohli uvidieť niečo skutočné. A Ty si nám povedal, keď si bol tu na zemi, čo sa stane v tomto dni. Povedali sme, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes a na veky. A vieme, ako si bol potvrdený, a ako tí farizeovia to prehliadli. Pane, tie isté skupiny dnes to prehliadajú cez prináležanie do zboru, pripájanie sa, majúc určité formy vierovyznaní, a tak ďalej. Oni - oni prehliadajú Mesiáša, Toho veľkého Ducha Svätého, stotožňujúceho Samého Seba s ľuďmi, tak, ako zasľúbil, že to urobí.

180 Udeľ, Pane, dnes večer, aby si každý jeden z nich uvedomil a uzrel Tvoju prítomnosť. A nech prenikne do ich sŕdc ten text: "Väčší než Šalamún je tu dnes večer." Ktorým je Ježiš Kristus, ten zmŕtvychvstalý Syn Boží, pripravený prísť, navrátiť a urobiť srdcia novými a dať do nich zrodené prežitie Boha. Práve tak, ako tá matka laň, niečo, s čím nemohla nič urobiť - skrze milosť Božiu bola vybraná, aby bol laň, bola vybraná za matku, vernú matku. A Ty si nám povedal, že sme boli "vybraní pred založením sveta."

181 Modlím sa Bože, aby si dovolil každému jednému z tých, ktorí cítia to tiahnutie vo svojom srdci, aké mala tá drobná dáma, nájsť Boha, aby sa dnes večer stalo niečo skutočné, tak, aby to oni uvideli a slúžili Ti. "Lebo väčší než Šalamún je tu." Prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

182 No, buďte úctiví a potichu, predtým, ako podídeme ku oltáru. Prosím, nech sa nikto nepresúva. Buďte len skutočne úctiví na chvíľu. Toto je vážna hodina, vážna chvíľa. Robia sa rozhodnutia. Mnohí pozdvihli svoje ruky. Verím, že ste v tom boli hlboko úprimní, keď ste to urobili.

183 Nuž, počuli ste o Biblii, počuli ste o Ježišovi, počuli ste, že On bol Syn Boží. Boli ste učení, že On znovu vstal, ste učení, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

184 Nuž, je tento Duch Svätý, o ktorom hovoríme, ten Ježiš Kristus? Určite Ním je. Vidíte, On je Bohom, rozpoznaným Bohom, Duchom Svätým. To nie je iný Boh, to je ten istý Boh. Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý to nie sú traja bohovia, sú to tri atribúty toho istého Boha, vidíte, presne ten istý Boh v troch formách. Vidíte, inými slovami, On bol v troch úradoch, viete, keď On slúžil, ako Otec, a potom ako Syn. To je znižujúci sa Boh, prichádzajúci z pozície, kde sa Ho nebolo možné dotýkať (dokonca dotknutie sa tej hory spôsobilo smrť ), do tela v ktorom sme sa Ho mohli dotýkať.

185 A teraz je On vo vás. Posvätil vás svojou krvou, aby mohol žiť vo vás. "V tom dni poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo mne, Ja vo vás, a vy vo mne." Vidíte? Je to Boh nad nami, Boh s nami a Boh v nás. Rozumiete?

186 A to je Kristus, dnes večer, ten Duch Svätý. On je ten istý. A vy ste... On je ten Vinný Kmeň a vy ste letorasty. Majte vieru v Neho. Ak dnes večer On potvrdí samého seba medzi nami...

187 No, keby sa tu On postavil s jazvami, súc ľudskou bytosťou - to je telo. Každý by to mohol napodobniť - ľudská bytosť môže samú seba zmrzačiť. Alebo, možno, nevieme, ako Ježiš vyzeral. Máme na to len pohľad umelca, tú psychológiu toho, ako On vyzeral. Jeden druh mal Hofmann, ďalší druh mal Sallman a mnoho iných...

188 Ale ako by ste Ho spoznali? To bude Jeho Život. Pretože, ak by sa tu postavil človek s otlačkami tŕňov na svojej ruke, alebo s čímkoľvek - bol by to podvodník. Pretože, keď sám Ježiš prichádza, uvidí Ho každé oko, skloní sa každé koleno a každý jazyk to vyzná. Určite.

189 Ale Jeho Duch je tu, vidíte. Keby sme len nechali naše vlastné mysle nasmerovať do Jeho (myslí). " Nech je také zmýšľanie vo vás, aké bolo v Kristovi." On je Slovo. A Biblia povedala: "Slovo Božie." Ktorí, koľký viete, že Ježiš bol Slovom? V Biblii, v Liste Židom 4, Biblia povedala: "Ono je ostrejšie nad dvojsečný meč, rozpoznávajúce myšlienky srdca." Nuž, to je to, čo bolo v Šalamúnovi (Slovo, Boh) dôvod, že on mohol rozpoznať ich myšlienky. To bolo v Ježišovi, vidíte. To je to, čo je teraz tu, tá istá Vec.

190 No, vy tam vonku. Nejdem zvolávať žiadnu modlitebnú radu, pretože idem robiť výzvu k oltáru. Môžu tu byť takí, ktorí neboli ani na jednom z takýchto zhromaždení. Nevidím v tejto budove osobu, ktorú by som poznal.

191 Niekto mi hovoril, že minulý večer bolo vyvolaných okolo tridsať, alebo viacej. Uvedomujete si, že raz sa žena dotkla Jeho šiat a On sa obrátil a stala sa tá istá vec - vyšla z Neho moc - z Neho, Syna Božieho? Ale On povedal: "Väčšie veci než to budete činiť, pretože Ja idem k Otcovi".

192 No, iba verte a majte vieru, každý jeden z vás, všetci tu okolo - na lôžkach, nosítkach a kdekoľvek ste. Verte! Nemyslite, že ste bez nádeje.

193 No, keby som vás mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to, ale ja vás nemôžem uzdraviť. Môžem na vás položiť ruky a zamýšľam to urobiť, pre všetkých, ktorí majú tie karty. A oni dávajú karty každý deň. Tak, mám v úmysle to urobiť, ale to znamená iba toľko, že verím spolu s vami.

194 Ale pozrite, prečo sa nedotknete Jeho? Biblia hovorí, že On je práve teraz Veľkňazom, ktorý môže súcitiť s našimi slabosťami. Je to pravda? Nuž, ak On je Veľkňazom, potom On určite bude postupovať, tým istým spôsobom, ako to robil vtedy. Či nie? On určite bude postupovať tak isto, ako to robil vtedy. V poriadku, teraz sa Ho môžete dotknúť vierou.

195 No, Nebeský Otče, toto zhromaždenie je Tvoje. Ale ja som vás vyučoval dnes večer o tejto drobnej žene, ktorá uzrela niečo skutočné, potom, ako uvidela toho Ducha rozpoznávania nad Šalamúnom. Sme si istí, Pane, že Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Povedal si, že sa opäť vrátiš, tak, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, presne pred príchodom, a bol si tým istým včera, dnes a na veky. Skutky, ktoré si Ty robil, my budeme tiež robiť. Ty si Veľkňaz dnes večer, ktorý môže súcitiť s našimi slabosťami. Ako veľmi sme v potrebe.

196 Ako veľmi tí Židia potrebovali poznať, že On bol prorokom? Panenské počatie a všetky tie veci - ale oni, ich vierovyznania ich zaslepili.

197 Pane, sú tu takí, ktorí prišli, možno nie zo Sáby, ale z mnohých iných miest. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si skutočne zidentifikoval Samého Seba dnes večer, a potom potvrď Samého Seba v nich, ako to robil ten inštinkt tej matky k tomu jelenčekovi, toho dňa. Sme Tvoji, Otče. Hovor cez nás v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

198 No, chcem, aby ste mali vieru a verte, každý jeden z vás, všetci, všade naokolo. A len sa modlite. Nuž ne... Len hľaďte a modlite sa teraz, a len verte. Vidíte, toto asi nie, Svätému Duchu sa asi nepáči robiť to takto. Ak to On neurobí, zvolám modlitebnú radu. Len tu stojte. Niekto tam vonku, ak len vy... Nepotrebujem vaše modlitebné karty. Len - len ktokoľvek, len - len sa modlite. Neviem ďalší priebeh, len sa modlite a hľaďte. Povedzte len: "Pane Ježišu, viem, že ten človek ma nepozná. On o mne nič nevie, ale viem, že verím."

199 Vaša viera je podvedomá. Netlačte sa teraz, ani neskáčte. Vy to preskočíte. To je rovno pri vás. Len sa uvoľnite a verte. Len teraz verte, a majte vieru. [v zhromaždení brat dáva nabádanie – pozn.prekl.] Amen. Buďte úctiví, majte len vieru - len verte. Niekedy je vaša viera podvedomá, máte to a neviete o tom. Tá drobná žena to mala a nevedela o tom.

200 Koľkí z vás, už niekedy videli tú snímku Anjela Pánovho - to Svetlo? To bolo urobené, práve tu v Texase. Teraz to obišlo celý svet.

201 Ale čo si myslíš, Pane? Či veríš, ty, ktorý sedíš tam v rohu? Zdá sa, vyzerá, že si netrpezlivý. Je mnoho zlých vecí pri tebe. Máš veľa problémov, je to veľa vecí. No, keď som to povedal prišiel na teba skutočne zvláštny pocit, však? Ak je to tak, pozdvihni svoju ruku. Nuž, som ti úplne cudzí, nepoznám ťa. To je pravda. Vieš čo? To Svetlo práve spočinulo nad tebou. Vidíš? To je to, čo si pocítil, skutočne sladký pocit. Pozoroval som To, vidíte, prišlo rovno dole.

202 Nuž, áno, si tu, chceš, aby bolo za teba modlené, prv ako opustíš túto budovu. Ak mi Boh zjaví, aký je tvoj problém - ty sedíš tam, a ja som tu - či uveríš, že to je Boh? To je prietrh brušnej blany, jedna z tvojich veľkých ťažkostí. Tak veru. Je to pravda? Ak mi Boh povie kto si, ako sa voláš - teraz máš dobrý kontakt s Ním - uveríš mi, že som Jeho prorok, alebo Jeho sluha? Prepáč mi, to je kameňom úrazu pre mnohých. Veríš tomu? Voláš sa pán Sturg. Ak je to pravda, pozdvihni svoju ruku. Ver tomu a buď zdravý.

203 Tu je drobná žena, sedí rovno tam vzadu, tmavovlasá, rovno tu v tej uličke - áno ty. Bola si ohromená, keď to bolo povedané. No, práve v tomto čase si sa začala cítiť divne, vidíš, okolo teba je niečo skutočne milé. Ak sa ktokoľvek pozrie, môžete to uvidieť, druh jantárového Svetla zostupujúceho nad tú drobnú ženu. Nuž, v čom je jej problém, ona má bolesti hlavy, ktoré jej spôsobujú veľké potiaže. Tak veru. Ak je to pravda, pozdvihni takto svoju ruku. A ja som ju nikdy vo svojom živote nevidel. To je pravda. Tak veru. Trápia ju bolesti hlavy, niečo ako migréna, ale oni ťa opustia. Amen. Ver tomu. No...

204 Tu je muž, ktorý sedí rovno vedľa teba a pozerá rovno na mňa, tak vážne, a to Svetlo sa presúva rovno ponad, smerom k nemu. Ten muž trpí na problémy s očami. Ale ak on bude veriť, Boh uzdraví jeho oči a napraví ich. Či veríš? V poriadku. Nikdy v živote som ťa nevidel. Si mi cudzí.

205 Ten mladý človek sediaci tam, rovno vedľa teba, on tiež trpí na problémy so svojou hlavou. Tak veru. To je pravda. Nikdy v živote som toho človeka nevidel. Boh o tom vie. Rozumieš? V poriadku, ver.

206 Ten muž v okuliaroch, ktorý sedí rovno vedľa teba, hľadiaci takto. Áno, nosíš okuliare, ale to nie je tvoj hlavný problém. Niečo zlé sa stalo s tvojim chrbtom a chceš, aby sa za to modlilo. Ak je to pravda, zakývaj svojou rukou. V poriadku.

207 Ten mladý muž sediaci rovno tam vedľa teba, rovno vedľa teba. On mal veľa problémov, ten mladý muž, áno, pane v červenej kravate. Mal si veľa rodinných problémov a vecí určitého druhu. Tvoja žena je nervóznym typom človeka, a ty trpíš tiež na nejaký druh nátlaku vo svojej hlave. To je Tak Hovorí Pán. To je pravda. Tak veru. Len ver. Nepochybuj, ale ver.

208 Tu je žena, sediaca rovno tu vzadu. Nevidíte to Svetlo, ako tam cúvlo a usadilo sa tu? Ona trpí na problémy s okom a močovým mechúrom. Och, ona sa toho míňa. Pane Bože, pomôž mi. Volá sa pani Chambers. Ver z celého svojho srdca pani Chambers. Povstaň na svoje nohy. Vstaň tak, aby ľudia videli kto si. Som jej cudzí, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Áno. Teraz to skončilo. Ježiš Kristus to napráva.

209 Nuž, ak to nie je Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a na veky, kde On je? Zasľúbil On, že to urobí? Všetci, ktorí tomu veríte, pozdvihnite svoje ruky. V poriadku.

210 Chcete byť skutočnými kresťanmi, vy, ktorí ste pred chvíľou pozdvihli svoje ruky podobne, ako tá stará matka laň? Kým je tu Duch Svätý a pomazanie je všade nad nami, prečo si neurobíte cestu a nepostavíte sa, na chvíľu, rovno tu pri oltári? Ak hľadáte Boha cieľom spasenia, prídete sem? Prídete sem ku oltáru a postojíte so mnou na chvíľu? Vstaňte. To je to. V poriadku. Nech vás Boh žehná. Ktokoľvek je v tejto budove, kdekoľvek si, či prídeš? V poriadku. Príďte práve teraz , vy, ktorí chcete nájsť Krista.

211 Nemôžete sa ku Nemu priblížiť, kým Ho nestretnete. On je tu. On je rozpoznaný, niečo skutočné. Pripojili ste sa do cirkvi, mnohí z vás cirkevných členov, pripojili ste sa do cirkvi, ale to bolo všetko, čo ste mali. Chcete vidieť niečo skutočné. Ak toto nie presne to, ako sa dal Ježiš Kristus poznať, aby bol...

212 Pozrite na toto malé dieťa, ktoré sem prichádza, plače, slzy stekajú po jeho lícach. Niet divu, oni sú citlivé. Oni neboli ťahané cez všetko možné. Ďalšie prichádza dole tou uličkou, ďalšie je tam vzadu, schádzajú sa malé deti, kým tí dospelí ich míňajú. Prídete? Príďte rovno sem hore a postavte sa okolo oltára. Členovia zboru, ľudia, ktorí chcete mať prežitie Krista vo svojom srdci, prídete sem? Ak On pozná tvoje srdce a vieš, že to nemôžeš ukryť - neprídeš teraz a nepostavíš sa sem predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej? Prídi sem hore, postav sa tu pre modlitbu. Urobíš to?

213 Príď, ukáž sa, postav sa za Neho. Stojíš pre Neho. Ak sa hanbíš teraz za Neho, On sa bude hanbiť za teba tam.

214 Pamätaj, On je tu. Písmo povedalo, že to sa bude diať a On sa dá poznať, ako tu prítomný. Ak si členom zboru a nepoznáš Krista ako skutočné prežitie - neprídeš v tejto chvíli? Nuž, ja, moc ľudí nepresviedčam. Jedinú vec, ktorú môžem hovoriť, je povedať vám Pravdu a Kristovu prítomnosť. Navyše Jeho Slovo je zamanifestované.

215 Hore na balkóne, vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, sestra, brat, ak chcete prísť dolu, počkáme tu na vás. Zídite rovno dole a zhromaždite sa okolo oltára, len pre slovo modlitby. Nech ten svet vie, nech Ježiš pozná, že sa - že sa nehanbíš, ty, ktorý chceš byť skutočným kresťanom. Prídete, kým len čakáme chvíľu alebo dve?

216 Člen cirkvi, vlažný, odpadlík, neprídeš sa postaviť teraz s nimi? Príď a postav sa sem, ty, ktorý nemáš - ak nemáš prežitie z Bohom, že si takto narodený do Kráľovstva Božieho.

217 Čo viac chcete vidieť? Pamätajte, hovorím vám to v mene Pánovom, ak ma uznáte, že som Jeho sluha: Je to posledný znak, aký cirkev uvidí zhodne s písmom. To bola posledná vec, ktorú uvidel Abrahám vyplnenú pred príchodom zasľúbeného syna. A my sme to kráľovské Semeno Abraháma a Ježiš zasľúbil kráľovskému Semenu, že uvidí tú istú vec, ktorú videl Abrahám tesne pred tým, ako bol pohanský svet spálený. Neodkladaj to kvôli niečomu inému, satan sa vás snaží priviesť do toho, aby ste to prehliadli. Príď teraz, kým...

Je Prameň naplnený Krvou,

Tečúci z Emanuelových žíl,

Kde hriešnici ponorení v tom prúde,

Zbavujú sa všetkých svojich nečistých škvŕn.

Zomierajúci zločinec sa rozradoval, vidiac

Ten Prameň vo svojom dni;

Tam môžem aj ja, hoc tak ničomný ako on,

Zmyť všetky svoje hriechy.

218 Neprídeš a neprijmeš to teraz? Počkám ešte chvíľu, niekto ešte možno príde a postaví sa sem na modlitbu.

219 Poprosím teraz slúžiacich bratov, keby prišli a postavili by sa so mnou, tu okolo, kým sa modlíme. A slúžiacich tam, ktorých sa to týka, i niektorých z tých ľudí vo vašom susedstve, ktorí prichádzajú do vašej cirkvi, alebo - alebo niečo, ktorí ste zainteresovaní dušami prichádzajúcimi ku Kristovi a veríte, že toto je Ježiš Kristus.

220 Nuž, pamätajte, ja nie som Ježiš Kristus. Som váš brat, hriešnik spasený z milosti. Som taký ako vy. Ale to je Ježiš Kristus, Duch Svätý, ktorý je tu s nami dodržujúci Svoje Slovo. On toto nemusí urobiť, ale On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť. Ježiš nemusel uzdravovať chorých, ale Biblia povedala, že On to urobil, aby sa mohlo vyplniť to, čo bolo o Ňom zasľúbené.

221 No, nestaráme sa do akého druhu cirkvi patríš, ak veríš, že Ježiš Kristus je prítomný, veríš, že existuje znovuzrodené prežitie krstu Duchom Svätým.

222 Kazatelia vojdite pomedzi tých ľudí tu. Prídite rovno medzi nich, kladúc na nich svoje ruky. Pomodlíme sa za nich. Prosím naše zhromaždenie, aby bolo na pár chvíľ tak úctivým, ako len môže byť. Ako vieme, že to Duch Svätý urobí? To je to, vojdite, vmiešajte sa rovno pomedzi tých ľudí. Príďte rovno okolo nich, každý z vás.

223 No, pamätajte, je len jedna vec, ktorú môžete urobiť - a to je prijať to, čo vám On zasľúbil. Uvideli ste skutočnosť zmŕtvychvstania Krista?

224 No, poprosím zhromaždenie, aby na chvíľu vstalo v úcte a rešpekte k Tomu. Nech teraz každý z vás verí. Vyznajte všetko, čo ste urobili, to je všetko, čo môžete urobiť, a potom proste Boha, aby vám odpustil. A prijmite To, Verte Tomu. Teraz nech sa každý jeden modlí svojím vlastným spôsobom.

225 Náš Nebeský Otče, prichádzame ku Tebe so sklonenými dušami. Ako ten krátky príbeh o matke lani, tak zatriasol ľuďmi, že chcú niečo urobiť, alebo niečo skutočné uvidieť, ako tá kráľovná z juhu, ktorá prišla z najvzdialenejších končín zeme, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúnovu. A väčší ako Šalamún je tu - Spasiteľ ľudstva, Ježiš Kristus z Nazaretu. Spas ich, Otče. Odpusť ich hriechy. Umy ich duše v Krvi Baránka a daj im prežitie rodeného kresťana. Žiadne iné zviera, nič iné to nemohlo urobiť, iba tá matka laň. To je to, čím ona bola. Daj nám to prežitie, Pane, prežitie znovuzrodenia v Kráľovstve Božom, teraz, keď je Duch Svätý prítomný. Daj to, Pane. Daj to, Pane.

226 Teraz zatvorte svoje oči, zodvihnite svoje ruky, urobte svoje vyznanie hovoriac: "Ježišu, teraz verím. Prijmi ma takého, aký som. Nič viac nemôžem urobiť. Uzdrav moje choré telo. Prijmi ma, Pane. Verím, že si tu. Duch Svätý je tu, identifikujúci Samého Seba. Spas ma Svojou milosťou, Pane. To je všetko, čo viem, že mám urobiť. V mene Ježiša Krista!"

Brat Grant, budeš viesť modlitbu?

A GREATER THAN SOLOMON IS HERE NOW, 64-0306, Soul's Harbor Temple, Soul's Harbor Temple, Dallas, TX, 89 min

1 Let us remain standing just for a moment, while we read the Word of the Lord. You who would like to turn to the Scripture reading, tonight, turn to Matthew 12, beginning with the 38th verse.

And there, then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would seek a sign from thee.

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall be no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The men of Nineveh shall rise in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

2 Let us bow our heads. With our heads and hearts bowed in His Presence, is there a request in here tonight, that you would like to be remembered in prayer? If so, just raise your hands, and signify by that, "God, hear my request." Now pray silently while we go to prayer.

3 Our Heavenly Father, we are deeming this one of the most grandest privileges that we have this side of Glory, is to meet in the congregation of the people who believe in You, that where we can expect Your Presence, because it's according to Your promise. You said, "Where there are two or three gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst. And if they can agree upon any certain thing, and ask, they shall receive it." Lord, the greatest thing that we could agree upon, tonight, that You would just meet with us, that we might behold Your Presence, sense It in our spirits, and know that You are here. And in Your Presence, we feel that we can pour out our hearts, in supplication. And as we meditate upon Thee, may we feel this great sense of the answer of our prayers, as we are asking now in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

4 I want to take the subject, the Lord willing, with some Scriptures I have written out here, for just a few moments before we go to prayer for the sick, upon the subject of: A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now.

5 We find in our beginning of the Scripture tonight, where our text is found, that Jesus was disputing with the Pharisees. He was rebuking them, because that they had not understood Him. A Man, that the theologians that had been trained, looking forward for the time of His appearing, and then, when He arrived, they misunderstood Him and had called Him, "a devil." They said that the ministry He had was of the Devil, because He could discern the thoughts that were in their hearts, and by this they thought Him to be some kind of a--of a witch doctor or some like a fortuneteller; and anyone knows that's evil spirits. And then, to call the work of God, "an evil spirit," was blasphemy.

6And He had told them He would forgive them for it, because the Holy Spirit had not come as yet to tender up their hearts and to--to make them in condition so that they would understand God. They were hearts was far away from God. All they knowed was cold theology of the law, and they had not yet received the Holy Spirit. But He said, "When the Holy Spirit has come and does the same thing, to speak against That, it's never forgiven in this world nor the world to come."

7 And I was thinking as I was reading this, this afternoon, and meditating upon it, of how that that they, one of them here, come to Him, in a roundabout way, and asked Him, said, "Master, we would see a sign from Thee." In other words, the Jews were always taught to believe signs. The Jews seek signs, always; and the Greeks wisdom. And we find that these Jews was relying upon a sign.

8Now, what a--a very witness against this Pharisee, that him supposingly knowing the Scriptures, that the sign of the Messiah, Jesus had already performed it, and his eyes were so darkened that he didn't recognize it. Jesus had, Jesus had given him the true Scriptural Messianic sign that was promised in the Scripture. But he was looking for some other kind of a sign.

9 And how true that stands with teachers of today, and people of today. They can see something that is solid and in the Scripture, promised by God, for the day. And then they can see That, but yet they are looking forward to something, they want to see something else, and not taking the sign of the time.

10He told them once, said, "You can discern the skies when it's lowering, red. You'll say, when it's lowering and red, 'tomorrow will be foul weather,' and so forth." But said, "You can discern the signs in the skies, but, the signs of the time, you don't understand." For truly the Scripture had said that this Messiah would be a prophet.

11 We know that God's way of doing things was always sending a prophet to a vindicate His message. Never has failed. Never will fail. God cannot change His way. What His first decision is, it must ever remain that way. What He says is true.

12God never did deal in great groups. He always deals with an individual. That's how He has taken a people out of the Gentiles for His Name; just an individual, one here and there, for His Name. He deals with an individual, not by groups.

13 And we find that the reason they believed this, that a prophet must be an identified witness of God. For when he said anything, and it come to pass; and he said again, and it come to pass; and whatever he said, God vindicated it to be true, then He said, "Hear him, for I am with him."

14Now we find that Moses, who they claimed to believe in, had told them that, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet liken unto me, to Him the people must hear. And all that didn't believe this Prophet would be cut off from the people."

15We find that to be true. "He came to His Own; His Own received Him not. But as many as did receive Him, to them gave Him the power, gave them the power to become sons of God."

16 How we find these Pharisees looking right, and Sadducees, upon exactly what the promise of God said that He would do. And there they was still seeking a sign, not knowing that that was the true Messianic sign that He was to give.

17Philip understood it, when He told him where he was the day before. He understood that was the Messiah, said, "Thou art the Christ, and You're the King of Israel." And so he--he recognized that because he was given to that. He was.

18Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me." No matter how much we try to get in any other way, it's got to be God. "It's not him that willeth, or him that runneth, it's God that showeth mercy." God is the One that does the choosing. "You haven't chose Me," said Jesus, "I chose you."

19 And now we find that the antichrist, in the last day, "will deceive all that dwells upon the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world." Your name was put in God's Book before the Lamb was slain. When His program was laid out, the whole thing, you were recognized in that program because you got Eternal Life. The word Eternal, never did begin and neither can it end, and you are an attribute of God's thinking before the world was ever created. That's the only way you can have Eternal Life. And that Life, that He was thinking of you, is in you now. There is no way to separate it. It's in there to stay.

20 Notice now, these Pharisees, yet being religious teachers, great scholars of theology, and studied the Book, day and night, failed to see that Messianic sign, and was here trying to ask Him for a sign.

21That I might further the thing, to let you know that God always gives signs. Because He is supernatural, He always deals with people through signs, Scriptural signs.

22In the Old Testament, when they had a--a question, someone dreamed a dream, and there was no--no prophet there, they took him down to the temple, where they had what they called the Urim Thummim. You Bible teachers understand what I mean. It was the--the breastplate that Aaron wore, that had the twelve stones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel. They hung that up on a post; and then when this prophet, or this dreamer, or whatever it was, told his vision or his dream, regardless of how real it seemed, if them supernatural lights didn't come up, making the Urim Thummim on that breastplate, it was rejected. God refused it.

23 They must be a supernatural sign from God, to vindicate. No matter how real, how deep it was in theology, how great it sounded, it still, if God's supernatural sign didn't vindicate it, it wasn't so, to the Jew.

24Now, the Old Testament, the Aaron's plate was done away, with the Old Covenant.

25But in the New Covenant, God still remains with the Urim Thummim. That is, if a prophet, dreamer, theologian, or whatever it is, speaks something that's contrary to the Word, and God don't echo it back through the Word, I'll let it alone, for It's God's Urim Thummim. And I believe it with all my heart, that it's God's Word.

26 And God is His Own Word. "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He is, still. God don't need any interpreter.

27We interpret, we say, "This, this is that, and this is that," and so forth.

28God don't need an interpreter. He is His Own interpreter. God don't need us to interpret His Word. The Bible, It's written, and It said It's of no private interpretation. God said, in the beginning, "let there be light," and there was light. That's the interpretation of it. God said, "a virgin shall conceive," and she did. That's the interpretation of it. It doesn't need anybody to interpret.

29God said, in this day, these things would happen, and they are. It don't need any interpretation. It's God doing His Own interpretation. It happens. No matter how much we try to twist It, and say, "It don't mean This, and don't mean That." It means just exactly, and God is His Own interpreter. He vindicates His Word, and that's His interpretation of It, because It's brought to pass.

30 Now we find these fellows there, in Matthew the 12th chapter, 38th to 40th verse, and they were asking Him, "Master, we would seek a sign from Thee."

31And He was upbraiding them because they had not believed Him, and had called the very Spirit that was upon Him, "an evil spirit," in their unbelief, because that they couldn't identify Him among their--their clergymen. They couldn't identify (His) where He come from. They didn't know what school He come from, whether He was a Pharisee or a Sadducee; and was constantly trying to tear down their institutions of--of theology, and calling them a bunch of "snakes." And, why, they couldn't identify Him anywhere. And so, "Where did this Man come from? We know not whence He is." And they didn't realize the very sign, that He was the Messiah, was there.

32Now, like that little woman at the well, we spoke of night before last. She recognized it, and it did something for her. And those who recognized it--it, they were the seed of God that was to be called in that day.

33 God, and always in all times, has always give spiritual gifts to His people. That's how He is identified and known, by spiritual gifts. And when God sends a spiritual gift to His people, and that spiritual gift is rejected, then that--that people goes into the darkness of a chaos. Every time, through the ages, when God sends something to the people, a gift, and they turn it down, that people is rejected by God because it's rejected God's mercy.

34Oh, what a safety it would be, tonight, how much greater it would be than all the bomb shelters and--and all the places we could think of, if this nation, which is called a Christian nation, could accept the gift of God that's been given to it, the great Holy Spirit poured out in this last days. And how that if this nation would accept That, it would be more safety than anything they could get into. But they turned It down, so there is nothing left but chaos and judgment.

35 All ages, He gave these great spiritual gifts. And notice always the coming of a spiritual gift, a true gift; I want to speak, one night, on "the Voice of the gift," but if the Lord willing. But always these gifts are usually announced by prophets. And then when you see a prophet rise on the scene, that shows that judgment is at hand. Now it's a sign, when you see identified prophet of God rise on the scene; in the days of Jeremiah, in the days of Daniel, in the days of--of John the Baptist, in the days of the Lord Jesus, and all down through. When a prophet raises on the scene, it's time that God is going to speak His Word. The nations reject It, and then chaos sets in.

36That's the way it was in the changing of the church ages, each time, when the message was rejected. And God giving these gifts and messages to the people, and they turn them down, then there is nothing left but judgment.

37God is just. He will not send judgment before He offers mercy. And mercy is foretold and how it will come, but the people usually is so all mixed up, and in their minds, and so many different man-made schemes, till they don't recognize It. And that's the way it always happens.

38 Now we find that He told them that, "A--a wicked and an adulterous generation seeks after signs." How many times the unbeliever has taken advantage of this, about Scriptural signs, and don't believe it!

39God always speaks with signs. He forever has. He forever will. As long as there is a world, He will still speak by spiritual signs. He has foretold they would come.

40 Now many of the unbelievers take that, when He said, "A wicked and, or, weak and adulterous generation seeks after signs."

41Watch, He was speaking in a compound prophecy here. He was also telling them that they were a weak and adulterous generation; and also telling them that any weak and adulterous generation, and one that would come, would receive a sign. Notice, He said, "A weak and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall be no sign given to it, but the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale, for three days and nights; so must the Son of man be in the heart of the earth, for three days and nights."

42 What was He saying here? He was saying, that, "A wicked and adulterous generation would receive the sign of the resurrection." And what other age have we ever come to, any more than it is right now, to a Christ-rejecting, wicked, perverted, adulterous generation? And they will receive a sign, the sign of the resurrection, that Jesus Christ is alive tonight just as much as He ever was. He has raised from the dead, making Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. "A weak and an adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and they'll get it, and the sign will be the sign of the resurrection." Now, of course, He was speaking to them, that He would raise up from the dead.

43 Many times, Scripture has its common, or its compound meaning. Like in Matthew 3, it said, "That it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, 'Out of Egypt I called My Son.'" Now if you refer that back, it's to Hosea, and he prophesied that, "Out of Egypt He called God's son," which was Israel. Jacob was God's son, and He called him out of Egypt. That's where the reference runs you to. But, also, Christ was His greater Son, and He called Him out, Israel being a type.

44And so that being a type of rejecting Christ, in that generation; this is a greater type, for that generation that rejected the resurrection had pardon, but this generation who makes fun of the Holy Ghost is impardonable. We're... Greater is he that rejects the Holy Spirit than he that reject Jesus Christ in the days of His flesh on the earth. Jesus said so, "You speak against the Son of man," when they said He was a fortuneteller or some evil spirit, said, "you speak against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven you. But whoever speaks a word against the Holy Ghost, shall never be forgiven them in this world," that is, call the working of the Holy Ghost an evil, unclean thing, when they see the work of God being done.

45 Yes, Jonah was a witness of the resurrection, as he was in the belly of the whale for three days and nights. Many people try to condemn Jonah, and say that, "Oh, he, everybody, he was a Jonah." Jonah was a prophet. He was walking exactly in the will of God. When he took that wrong ship and got out there, that had to be done, it must be that way to show forth the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He had to play that, just the same as Hagar was put out, that the freewoman would not be heir with the bondswoman. These things had to happen, they were shadows and types of the things to come.

46 Now we find out, He comes down then, after speaking of Jonah, and He comes to Solomon's age. Now, we all know that Solomon's age was the Millennium, almost, of the Old Testament. It was the greatest time, of all Israel ever had, was under the reign of Solomon; no wars to speak of, and they had a great time. God gave Solomon, which was a son of David, gave him a gift of discernment, and now he could discern the thoughts in the people's heart.

47Now, how that Hebrew standing there ought to have recognized that! Solomon had a--a gift of discernment and he could discern the thoughts in their heart, and they all rallied around Solomon, and yet here stood a greater than Solomon. And Solomon was the son of David, but he was the lesser son of David, by the flesh; and Jesus was the Son of David, by Seed of the promise, the royal Seed. And here was a greater than Solomon standing there, doing the same thing that Solomon done, only being a greater than Solomon, and they called it "Beelzebub."

48You see the interpretation of the Scripture? No wonder He said what He did, "A wicked and adulterous generation will seek after a sign; and they'll get it, the sign of the resurrection."

49 And in Solomon's age, there was a great revival on. I'll kind of give it in illustration, so the young can understand it. There was a great revival that was going on in the days of Solomon. God gave a gift, and the whole nation rallied around it. Everybody come to it. They believed in it, wholeheartedly.

50Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing if it happened amongst the people tonight, if all America, all people that call themselves Christians, would rally around God's gift in this last days, the pouring out of the Holy Ghost upon the people! That's God's gift in this last day, is the Holy Spirit. Christ, in the form of Spirit, He is here with us now. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all the churches that profess to be Christians, would rally around this great gift that God has given us?

51Why is it? They've got it off in all kinds of isms and creeds and dogmas, and you can't tell what is what. It's exactly the way they've always done it. But God promised it to be straightened out, to the Seed, anyhow, at the end time.

52 Now notice in this, we find that all of them rallied around that great gift, and Israel blossomed like never before. All nations feared Israel; they were afraid to come over there, because they knowed that God was with them.

53And I tell you, you talk about shutting up communism and everything; just let America come back to God, back to her gift, back to the Holy Ghost, and people will have to quit hollering about communism. It's so worm-weeded in until even communists has anticommunist setups, to find out who they are. The thing has to be that way. But let them come back!

54 Here not long ago, in Finland. Brother Lindsay, I believe, he--he was here last night, was with me when it happened. A little boy, that I had seen in the vision here, was raised up from the dead, over there. Many of you, I guess, still have it wrote in your Bible, as I crossed the nation, saying what he would look like, where he would be, and so forth. And he was raised up from the dead, according to the Word of the Lord. He had been killed by an automobile accident. Many of you remember the case, and standing there when he was raised up from the dead.

55That night, going down to the Messuhalli. Brother Lindsay and I, and Brother Moore, and many of the man, trying to get down to the Messuhalli; where, they let so many thousand, let me speak to them, then turn them out and speak to more. On the road down, they had four or five city blocks was all blocked off. People was in the--in the streets, to watch us coming in and going out. And in there, there had been a little girl on crutches, one leg shorter than the other one, been healed, and many things had been done.

56 Then this little boy being raised up, it went on news. They don't have rock-and-roll and stuff, in Finland, or they didn't then. There was only news and things was worth-while, they had on radio. And that had went all the way down into Russia. If you live in Russia, and forty miles from your home, your birthplace, you've got to have a visa to show your business. And the--the Iron Curtain was right... we walked right down to it, where the machine guns was sitting in the street, just out of Kuopio. And that night, this news had went down, and the streets were piled by thousands times thousands of Russians.

57 Here was those communistic soldiers, Russian soldiers, those little round caps on; and six little Finnish boys, right after that war, they had never been old enough to shave yet, they were slick-faced boys; big old boots on, big long coats, walking down the street, with these sabers and things, watching so I could get through the crowd, to get in. Here stood those Russians standing there. When I come by, they come to attention, hold like that, and the tears running down their cheeks. And when I passed by, they grabbed them Finnish soldiers and pat them on the back, and hug them. Anything that'll make a Russian pat a Finn, will settle wars. They said, "This we will receive, a God that can raise up the dead."

58That's what's the matter tonight, friend, exactly. What's made them communistic, is because the clergy has let down on the Word of God. They taken all the money, and have nothing to give back in the stead, just like a lodge or anything else. That's what is wrong with the world.

59 Then we find that in the days of Solomon, they were all rallying around this great gift that Solomon had from the Lord. And the people were coming and going. All the nations feared Israel. Instead of trying to make war with them, they brought in peace offerings. They were not afraid, so much, of their man, they were afraid of that God that they were all in unity with.

60Oh, what a thing that would be to this nation, tonight, if we'd all be in fear of God, if we'd all respect God, and receive His gift of the Holy Ghost and rally around It, every church break down their creeds and throw them out the door, and get down to the altar and stay till the Holy Ghost come to identify His Word in the last day!

61 Some of them trying to say, "Why, it's just for the Jews to get It. That's all there was to It."

62Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you and to your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." As long as there is a Seed waiting in the earth, to be called, there is a Holy Ghost to call it to It. That's right. It's still just the same.

63But we find out, when It comes, It's rejected. That's the reason the nation comes under condemnation. That's the reason things are going the way they are tonight.

64 And we find in Solomon's time, it wasn't so. All of them rallied around that gift of discernment that Solomon had. And the nations all feared God. And news spread out everywhere, "Oh, you should come to Israel, their God has raised up a gift among them and they've made him king. And his wisdom, his discernment, is beyond human reckon-ation. It's beyond. 'It's in the realms of gods out in there,' the heathen would say. And we don't understand how it is, but God, their God, has represented Himself in one of their believers. And, he, they've set him up on a throne, and they all listen to him." You know, the news scattered then not by television, telephone, and so forth, it was lip by ear.

65 Finally the news broke plumb down across the Sahara Desert, all the way into a little country called Sheba. They had... It was a heathen country. They had a little queen down there, was no doubt a--a nice little lady. And the news came to her, that, "God was giving a great revival up there in the land of Israel, and great things were taking place. And they had a man up there anointed with the Spirit of their God, that even his wisdom surpassed anything that man could think of."

66You know, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God."

67That stirred her little heart. She begin to think about it. And now, as every caravan came by, no doubt, the little queen would send out her soldiers, and say, "I would like to speak to the person, in private, if they have come from Israel."

68"Yes, queen, we have been up in Israel, and, oh, it is marvelous. You should see it. There is nothing like it. It's beyond man's understanding. You know, all of them are in one accord, every one of them is right around that gift that their God has given them, and they all believe it with one accord. Oh, it's the most grandest thing, and there is nothing withheld. God just reveals everything. If any nation would start over there on them, why, the God of theirs would reveal where they was coming, and--and ambush them before they got there. Oh, it was just a great revival going on."

69 Then, you know, the little queen begin to get hungry to see it, herself.

70You know, there is something about it, man knows that he come from somewhere; and he is here, he don't know why he is here; and he is going somewhere, and he doesn't know where he is going. And there is only one Book in the world that tells us who you are, where you come from, what you are, and where you're going, and that's the Bible. It's the only one that tells you, and it's God's Book. It's God Himself manifested in word form, called a Seed. That Seed in the right kind of ground will produce every promise that He made, 'cause it's God Himself. But it has to be watered by faith, to make it come to pass, like any other seed. The germ is in it. Knowed! Notice now.

71 We find that in this doing, the little queen begin to hunger and thirst for God. Oh, if--if the gifts of God could only create a thirst in the people's heart, for Him, like it did to her!

72Now we find out, so that the children, little fellows, there is a whole row of them sitting here and different places, that they might understand, we'll give it in kind of a drama for them, so they'll understand.

73 Now remember, she was a pagan. So in order to do this, and being a queen, she would have to get permission from her pagan priest, in order to go. And I can imagine seeing her go over to him and make her bows, and say, "Great holy father so-and-so, we know the Israelites has got a revival up there, and their God has represented Himself in the form of a man, by a great gift, that he knows the secrets of the heart. And they tell me that He is the Word, and the Word is a discerner of the thoughts of the heart, and they say it's operating in a man. I would like your permission, most holy father, to go up there, and to visit and see for myself."

74Well, I can imagine her answer coming back. "We don't have any cooperation in that revival," or that's the '64 version of it. But, anyhow, they--they say, "They don't belong to our denomination. They're not of our people. We have nothing to do into it, at all. You shall not go. And they're nothing but a bunch of--of cranks. They hear all kinds of rumors about them coming through a Red Sea, and all that kind of stuff, but there is nothing about it. Here is our great god, see him standing on the side of the wall? They were so-and-so, and so many times they've done so-and-so." The little queen went away disgusted.

75 But, you know, there is something about it, if God begins to put a hunger in a human heart, there is just nothing going to stand in its way. Whether there is cooperation or not, or whether there is anything, she has got to find That! Like I said about the little woman last night, being persistent and perseverant. See, Something gets a hold of you, and you get a hold of Something. Like Jacob, the son of--of God; Jacob, God's son, got a hold of Something one night, and It got a hold of him; and he never let It go until he achieved his purpose, blessed of It. That, that's the real thing. And when man impersonates something, it's never works out right. But if you can get a hold of that Something, and that Something get a hold of you, it's going to happen.

76 If you come here tonight for healing, and let the Holy Spirit get a hold of you, and you get a hold of It, you are going to get what you ask for. There is no way of keeping you from It.

77You come believing that Jesus Christ saves, and there is a saving power gets a hold of you, and you a hold to It, you are going to get saved.

78If you believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit gets a hold of you, and He'll baptize you, and you get a hold of Him; you won't have to move from your seat, He will fill you with His Presence right there where you are. Just as He did, "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard It." Something got a hold!

79 Something got a hold of that little Syrophenician woman we spoke of last night. No matter how many hindrances she had, she still was going, anyhow. Something got a hold of this little queen we're talking about tonight, a pagan, a heathen. So was this little Syrophenician, a Greek, a pagan, idol-worshiper. But Something got a hold of them, and they got a hold of Something.

80There is always difficults in the way. Satan throws everything in the way, he can, when he sees a real move of God get started. He'll do it to you. He'll put everything, all the hindrances he can, in your way.

81 Remember, the woman had a lot of hindrance, but her faith didn't have any. Faith has no hindrance. There is nothing going to stop it, no matter what anybody says. If you've got that right hold on God, God has got the right hold on you; there can be forty doctors standing here telling you you was dying, and you wouldn't believe one word of it. No, sir. No, sir. There could be forty clergymen standing here, like Ahab's four hundred, withstand; if you're a Micaiah and got a hold of God, God has got a hold of you, and you see it vindicated in the Word, there is nothing going to stop you. You're going to stand there, anyhow, because Something has got a hold of you.

82 It's revealed to that little woman, that there was a God somewhere. I can see her go read those Hebrew scrolls again, roll them up and put them down in the--the jar; and walk back to that pagan priest, and say, "I want to tell you something, holy father. It might be so, the things you are saying. But, look, my grandmother worshiped that idol, she read that catechism you got. My great-grandmother read it, my mother read it, all my people read it, it's all about something that did happen. I've never seen a move of it, yet. But they tell me they got something up there that's real, moving right now; not some history, but something that's now going on."

83"Now look at here," he would say, "my child. If you go, I'll excommunicate you. And you have no business, as a queen, associating yourself with such people as that." That same old devil still lives.

84There is no better crowd in the world, to get into, than a born-again church filled with the Holy Ghost. I don't care where it's at, if it's in the alley or wherever it is. It's the best crowd. It's a heavenly group, notice, believers who believe in God.

85 Her heart was thumping heavy, with anticipation. She wanted to see. She had heard about it. She knowed nothing about it, but she wanted to see it. And I can hear her say, "Well, you can just take my name off the book, if you want to. Whatever you say, and them idols, and them books and things, I see you keep telling about something, telling about something. It's never moved. I've never seen a move of it yet. I want something that's real," and she gets ready to go. Too bad we ain't got more of them little queens today! Right.

86So then we find out that now, in order to go, she used a very good tactic. I would like for everybody to think of this. Now she said she didn't know. She had read all the scrolls, to find out what Jehovah was, to see the way He had worked in days gone by. "If that be so, then He would identify Himself with this man as they said he was, then that was Jehovah. And if it was Jehovah, and He was the true God, the God of the living, not some statue or monument of some creature that lived or didn't live; this was a living, present God right now," so she wanted to get ready to go. Now she said...

87 She packed up a lot of money. She took gold, and myrrh and, oh, frankincense, I suppose, and silver. And she had laden camels with it. Now she said this, "I am going up. I'm going to look into it, myself. And then if it's so, I'll support it; if it isn't so, I'll have nothing to do with it."

88You know, she could teach Pentecostals something. A lot of them support a program that laughs and makes fun of you. And you support a program on the air, that makes fun of the things you believe in. And that's right. Yes, sir. Because it sounds right. Sure, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man," Jesus said.

89But notice her, she said, "If it isn't, then I can bring my gifts back." But she was going to see for herself, and be convinced. She had read the scrolls, she knowed what Jehovah was, and she would see. If He was, He is, then He is still Jehovah.

90That's good today. Jesus Christ is what He was, and He always will be. He never changes. The Bible said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

91 We find the little woman then, talk about hindrances, then this might have come through her mind, "Remember, I've got to cross the desert, and that's a very long trip." Measure it, from Israel, from Palestine down into Sheba, across the Sahara Desert. It would take a camel about, I think, the caravans, taken them ninety days, three months, traveling constantly, to go from one place to the other. Three day... three months, to go. And just think, she come across that hot desert. She had that in her mind, she had to do it, across that hot desert, all the way up here, to find out if this truly was God.

92No wonder Jesus said, "She will stand with this generation and condemn it." She didn't have an air-conditioned Cadillac. And some people here in Dallas won't come across the street, to hear It. That's right. No wonder she'll stand in the last days! But stand over somewhere and criticize It, anywhere else they do it. Said, "She'll come from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and a greater than Solomon is here." Notice.

93 She had that to confront her. She probably had to travel by night, so hot on the desert. The direct rays of the sun upon that Sahara Desert would take the hide right off of you, and there she had to travel maybe by night.

94Another thing, remember, she was loaded down with offerings and things. The sons of Ishmael were fleet horsemen. They were robbers on the desert. How easy it would have been for Ishmael's children to come in like a flood, and cut them two or three little eunuchs she had with her; her little group of soldiers, eunuchs, and her little maids; cut them down and left them lay there, and packed off tens of thousands times thousands of dollars worth of jewels, besides the costly frankincense and myrrh, and stuff that she was bringing for a gift.

95But there is something about it, if your heart is set to see God, and Something has got a hold of you, you don't know no danger, you don't know no defeat. There is something, you're going to get it, anyhow, no matter what the difficult is.

96 Sure, it looked like a very setup for the robbers. Any of them could have come, but she didn't take the thought of any danger.

97She didn't take the thought whether she could get up and walk, like somebody afraid to rise from a bed or a cot, or something or other, "I don't know, see, I'm afraid to do it." She didn't have that kind of a fear. Something had a hold of her.

98And if Something can get a hold of us, in the same manner, something is going to take place. Now, you can't do it until That gets a hold of you, you had better not try it. But when That's a hold of you, it's going to happen.

99 Notice, here she is, she never thought of how many robbers there was on the desert.

100Or, again, when she got up there, would she be received, or not? She was of another denomination, you know, so would she be received, would she be welcome at the meeting? She wasn't asked to come. Holy Spirit worked on her, to come, so He was the One doing the leading; so, to satisfy that feeling that she had, that she longed to know.

101Remember, it's your life. It was her life. You've only got one time to settle it, and maybe tonight is your last opportunity. You turn Christ down, tonight, you may not have another opportunity.

102 And that might have been her last opportunity. She realized that. Was her cold, form religion she had, all right, or was there truly a living God? She had seen nothing in her own religion, but she had heard there was Something in the other one, and she had read of what He was. She wanted to see. It was her life was at stake.

103 It's my life, tonight, I have to face this. I have to come to the Judgment, so do you have to come to the Judgment. It behooves us to sit in our seats, lay on our beds, or wherever we are, and consider this thing deeply. Because, you don't know what time your card is going to be taken out of God's rack up There, and you'll answer at the Judgment. Whether you're a church member or whether you're not, that has nothing to do with it. You're going to answer, anyhow, and you better be dead sure of it. Check your experience with God, see if Something really has got a hold of you, that brings you back to this Word, away from creeds and forms, and so forth. He promised it in the last days, "There would be a turning, again, of the hearts of the children to the fathers." And we believe that. Notice, we find it in this day now.

104 And she take no thought of fear or anything was to bother her. She wasn't thinking about that. The idea was, she wanted to find out if It was real or not, so across the desert she went. And not... She had a hard time doing it. Anything that you have...

105That's the trouble, we Pentecostals, we just got everything handed to us, on a platter, everything we want. The pastor don't come just on time, "I'll leave the Assemblies and join the church of God." And, you know, it's just... we just so babied around!

106 Reminds me, there was an old salt, one time, coming from the sea. And a poet went down, had never seen the sea; he had wrote about it, but never seen it. The old salt met him, he said, "Where goest thou, my good man?"

107He said, "I'm going to the sea. I'm a poet. I have wrote of the sea. I have longed to smell the brine, and see its great briny waves leaping around the gulls a singing, and blue sky reflecting itself in the sea."

108The old salt puffed his pipe four or five times, looked down, and spit. Said, "I was born on it, seventy years ago. I don't see nothing so attractive about it." He had lived on it, so long, till it become common.

109That's what it is with us, tonight. We've lived in the Presence of God, so long, till It's become common to us. We ought to wake ourself up, and realize that Jesus Christ is alive and has raised from the dead.

110 This was all to be a new experience for this little queen. She was persistent. She wanted to see it. Certainly, she was persistent. She had to persist, to leave her nation. She had all of her prestige, she had to leave behind. What of all of her card society and all she belonged to, all the stitch and sew circles, and things that she belonged to, as a queen, all the celebrity that she knowed? She would be a laughingstock to that group. But what difference did it make to her? It was her soul.

111It's your soul. It's my soul. What difference does it make to the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Oneness, Twoness, Threeness, or whatever it is? It's my soul that's concerned. It's your soul that's concerned. It's God's Word that's being vindicated.

112 We find her, she didn't make any difference to her, what anybody said, or what her celebrity, what her friends, if she had to leave everything there was in the world. If It was real, she was ready to go to It. She would give her kingdom, anything else. If It was real, she wanted to find God. There was something in her heart.

113We find out, across the desert she came. Finally, day after day, ninety days, three months, the caravan finally arrived at the gate.

114Now, she never come like a lot of people do in meetings today. Many of them come and they'll say, "Uh, I hear they got, uh, somebody told me they had... Uh-huh. Well, I'll go over." And they'll sit down just for a moment. Watch them. You see them everywhere. They'll say, "The first word he says that's contrary to my belief," out the door, they're gone. "I'll never go back to hear another one again." See, they just don't sit long enough. That's it.

115 What about when, Jesus, when He was sitting before His seventy there, and He had seventy and He had the whole multitude? He was a great Man. "He was a Prophet," they said, "the Galilean Prophet." One day He looked upon that great crowd standing around Him, He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

116Could you imagine the physicians sitting out there, what they said about that Man? "Why, He will make vampires out of us. Drink His Blood and eat His flesh?"

117He never explained it. He didn't have to explain it. He had to shake off the parasites that was around Him. Instead of trying to baby and put their name on a book, He was shaking them away. He had no re-use for them. So we find out, there He was, He said, "Except..." He never explained it.

118 Watch, those disciples sat still. They never said nothing.

119I see the doctor and see the Pharisees, said, "See, the Man is out of His mind. He is crazy, wants us to cut up His body now and eat it, and drink His Blood? Human vampire! Well, we, we couldn't do a thing like that. Oh, that's crazy. The Man is out of His mind." Walked away.

120Then He looked around to those theologians sitting around Him, them seventy, and He said, "What will you say when you see the Son of man ascending up into Heaven from whence He came?" Them Doctors of Divinity looking around, said, "The Son of man ascend up into Heaven from where He came? Why, we know Him, we've been to the stable where He was born. We seen the cradle He was rocked in. We know His mother. We... He fishes with us. He hunts with us. He is out here on the hills. He wears the clothes that we do, eat the food. And this Son of man, where did He come from? He come from Nazareth. This is too much for us." Away they went. He still didn't explain It. See?

121 He looked, and He looked around to the twelve, said, "Will you go also?"

122Now, they couldn't explain it either, but Something had a hold of them. See, they knowed! That's when Peter said those memorial words, "Lord, we have seen the Scripture a vindicated by You. Where would we go? We know that Thou has the Words of Life. Thou art the Fountain of Life. We are satisfied of This."

123Jesus said, "I chose twelve of you, and one of you is a devil." See, He had no bones, and polishing, and babying, and pat them on the back, and baptize them secretly, or something another.

124He--He was God made flesh on earth. He was the vindicated Word of God. And those who hungered, come. Those who did not hunger, could not come. Said, "All the Father has given Me, will come." How can you come then unless He has given, been given?

125 Now notice, we find this little queen, she finally arrived. She didn't wait just like those people did. Some of them followed her along.

126There is always three classes of people; believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. The unbeliever will get up and walk away; the make-believer will stand around for a long time. There all three of them was. The unbeliever, the crowd; the make-believer, the group that turned away last. But there was a genuine believer who could not explain It; they knowed nothing about It, but they knowed that He was the Word. That settled it!

127 There we find the little queen. She had brought a whole lot of food, many pieces of bread, and a lot of stuff. She brought her tents and things. She throwed her things off of the camels, and things, out in the yard, the courts of the temple. And she pitched her tents, and was there to stay till she was convinced whether it was right or wrong.

128No doubt, day by day, she had read those Scriptures. Nighttime, they probably had to travel by night. In daytime, then she would sit back under those palm trees, in the oasis in the desert, and read what Jehovah was, what He was supposed to be. Now she would know Jehovah. If He was in that man, she would know His action, she would know whether it was right or not. So she was all posted in the Scripture.

129 She didn't go there and say, "Now, if he says anything different than what my priest says, I'll just pick up my camels and go away." She was going to stay till she was convinced.

130Oh, if men and women would only do that today! Take the Scripture, see if the Holy Spirit is for today, or not, see if these things we're talking about are predicted for this hour that we're in. But she did; that's the reason Jesus said her name is infallible... not infallible, but it's immortal. She will stand in the Day of Judgment and condemn Dallas, Texas. She will condemn the United States, in the Day of the Judgment. For, she came from the uttermost parts of the earth, to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. The resurrected Jesus Christ is here in the power of His resurrection. Notice.

131 And she pitched her tents. I can imagine that morning, for the children's sake now. The bells rang, the trumpets sounded, and church was on. They had church every day. Think of it, they loved to go to church every day. So they, church started, I'd imagine the little queen went way back in the back and sit down. And after a while all the trumpets sounded, the hymns was sung, and everything.

132After a while, Pastor Solomon came out, sat down. How all the people regarded him, because they loved him. He was God's servant. And they come out, there wasn't one saying, "Huh! If he was just this, if he just belonged to my group!" No. There was only one group, and that was--that was them, so there they was.

133 And then we find out, someone come up. And the first thing you know, Solomon revealed the secret of their heart. I'd imagine the little queen said, "Now wait just a minute," you see. "My, that sounded real." The next one come up, found the same thing. Oh, her little heart begin to jump. She, she wondered.

134So she must have got a prayer card, and waited. Excuse that expression; but, you know, just to make a point, see. She might have got a card, and she waited. One day her card was called, and she come up before the Holy Spirit that was working through Solomon. And the Bible said, "There was nothing hid from Solomon." The great Holy Spirit revealed everything that she had need to hear; He revealed it.

135And here was the Holy Spirit, Its fulness in Jesus Christ, doing the same thing; and those Pharisees saying, "Show us a sign. Heal this man out here. Do this, and say this. And what will be this, or that?" See, they just don't understand.

136 This little queen standing there, and the Bible said that, "Nothing was held back from Solomon." He revealed all the things that she had need of knowing. He told her all about it.

137And when it did, she didn't have to take somebody else's word, she had watched it and she believed it. Then she turned to the audience, and she said, "All that I heard, when I heard it, I wondered. But all that I heard is so, and more than I heard is so." See, it was her turn, she had seen it. It was worked on her. She knew it was real. And she said, "Blessed be the Lord God Who has made you His servant. Blessed be the..."

138What was it? The poor little woman had lived there, all those creeds and idols, and one time in her hungry heart... Any real believer wants to see God in action. If He ever was God, He is still God. And she seen something that was real, not put on; genuine real. She served God the rest of her days, for she seen something that was real.

139 Oh, friend, we've seen so many, "Join this creed, this Moslem, this," whatever it is, "come to this, and this, that, and the other," and all kinds of sensations and things. Surely the world ought to be hungry tonight for something real, see something that's genuine. Not some mythic bunch of flowing blood, or scratches, or oil, or something that's not even Scriptural; but a real Jesus Christ Who promised that He would live in His people in this last days, and do the things that He did, something that the Scriptures says would take place in these days.

140 All these little creeds, "Well, if you know our creed, you know." See, you're--you're--you're looking back to what Mr. Luther said, a great man of his day. Sure. No more than some of these women here, seventy-five years old, trying to be sixteen, looking back and trying to dress like they're sixteen, cut off their hair and wear shorts, and make... Anybody who drives, looking through a rear-view mirror, has a wreck. And that's what's the matter with the church today, it's looking through a rear-view mirror, to what it was. No wonder it's wrecked up. Don't never...

141Paul said, "Pressing to the mark of the high calling, I go forth. I go forward." I know Mr. Moody was a great man, Mr. Wesley was a great man, the Pentecostal move, the Baptist move, were great, but let's press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ. Don't look through a rear-view mirror, forty years ago. Look what is tonight. Look what the Scripture promises tonight. He did promise them in that day, but we're living on above there now. We're going on.

142 What if Wesley would have looked back and seen what, Luther, see? But he didn't look what Luther said, he looked what God said. What if the Pentecostal looked back towards the Methodist? See where you'd have been? There you are, the same thing, you organized and cramped it down, you can't move anywhere. Now the Spirit of God just moves right on out, takes It on somewhere else.

143Every time they do it, a man-made system where you get all worked up like that, it's again like the gainsaying of Korah, how Dathan and them wanted to get a big bunch of man and make an organization out there. God said, "Separate yourself, Moses, from them, and I'll swallow them right up in the earth." And that was a type of the journey today, and you know it, on the road to the promised land. And there they was. They couldn't believe that anointed message of God, that was moving right on, and they wanted to start something themselves. It's always that way.

144 Israel's most rashel move they ever made, when they rejected grace, in Exodus 19, and took the law. And Dathan made the awfulest mistake he ever made, when he said, "There is more leaders in here besides you, Moses."

145And--and he had been a vindicated that he was God's manifested Word. He had took dust and turned it into fleas. And everything that he had said had come to pass. And God was with him. A Pillar of Fire had vindicated, hanging above him there, and still they wanted to start something else. That's just man-made.

146That's the way it is today. That's where the church has got. That's right. Oh, Church of the living God, don't you want to see something real? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Something real!

147 A little story before praying for the sick. I like to hunt. My mother, you know, is... she... her mother drawed the pension. She was a Cherokee Indian. I... and my conversion never taken the love of the woods. I love it. That's where you see God. That's where I first saw God, was out there in the woods. There is where He meets us. There is where He does the talking. There is where those seven Angels met. Did you... on, Sirs, What Time Is It?

148 Brother Borders and I was sitting there the other day, when that (stand) come down, a whirlwind out of the heavens, even tore the rocks out, right above where I was standing there, what He said, see. And there, oh, many man, Brother Sothmann in here somewhere, one of the... Terry, I believe over here, was present at that time. And things, you see Him in the wilderness out there! I love to hunt. I do that just to get out, not to kill the game, but just to be in the woods.

149I used to hunt with a fellow up in New York, up in New Hampshire, rather, he was a--a fine hunter. His name was Bert. He was an Englishman. And his--his parents established, or cut that, where they call Jefferson Notch, through there, and over to Carroll Notch, and separated that in the early days. There was a little Indian about him, too. But he was one of the best shots I ever seen, and one of the finest hunters. You never had to worry about going out and hunting him up; he knowed where he was at. I used to love to hunt the white-tailed deer up there. And they... And I'd go up every fall and hunt.

150 He was such a fine hunter, but he was the cruelest man I ever met in my life. He had eyes like a lizard, and he just... Them kind, you know, like the women try to paint their eyes today, kind of lizard-like. Well, he actually had that kind of eye. And it don't look like human, to me. And so I--I always kind of hated to look at him. He was so slimy-looking like that, you know, look them eyes sideways.

151And he loved to be mean. And he would shoot fawns, that's little baby deer, just to make me feel bad. And he would say, "Oh, preacher, you're like the rest of them. You're chicken-hearted. You would be a good hunter if you wasn't a preacher."

152I said, "I'm hunting souls, Bert." And I said, "You got one that's lost." See?

153And he, "Ah, get next to yourself!" Said, "Billy, you're all right, but," said, "don't talk that kind of stuff to me." So he'd--he'd shoot those little fawns, and--and that just make me feel so bad.

154 Now it's all right to kill a fawn if the law says so, now, the size or sex, just whatever the law says. I was game warden for many years. But look, Abraham killed a calf and fed it to God, so there ain't nothing about killing a fawn, if the law said. But not just shoot them, just let them lay there, and act smart about it; that's wrong, that's wrong in doing it. So I just said that to justify my hunting brothers here, you see, so that you would see what I'm trying to mean.

155Now notice this, that we find that this man... One day I went up there, wife and I were together. And--and he had made him a little whistle that blowed and sound just like a little baby fawn crying, you know, a little funny bleat they make. Well, as long...

156 I had been working, and I hadn't got through in time, in a meeting, and I went up to hunt with him. And there had been a lot of hunting going on, and the first time a gun fires, in that country, them whitetail... You--you thought Houdini was escape artist; he was an amateur, to them. And the first thing you know, they would all hide. And if there's moonlight, they would graze at night; or get under a brush pile or something, and they--they wouldn't move.

157Then we see that day, I said, "Bert, you're--you're not going to use that whistle?"

158He said, "Ah, preacher, you're so chicken-hearted!" Said, "Get next to yourself."

159 And we started out, and we put some sandwiches in our--in our shirt. And we was hunt... was going to hunt till about noon, up around the rims of the top of the--of the Presidential Range, and then separate and come back down. If we got a deer, we know where it would be hanging, we would go pull it out, in a day or two; hang it up. So there was about, oh, four inches of snow, or six, something like that, it was good tracking time. And we started off, got along about, up the mountain, not a track, there wasn't a thing. The moon shining at night, and deer... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

160 Bert was in front of me, leading the way, and so I was walking along behind him. And he just kind of sat down, like that. The snow was dry. And he started reaching back, I thought he was going to eat the sandwich and we would just part from there, 'cause we was way high in the mountain then. And he reached back here.

161And I started getting my sandwich, and I started finding a place to set my rifle down. And--and I started to get my sandwich, and I looked around.

162He brought this little whistle out. That, I thought, "Boy, that's a dirty trick to do that." So he took this little whistle, and looked at me, in them lizard eyes, and looked up at me. He put that little whistle in his mouth, like that. And I said, "Bert, you wouldn't do a thing like that, would you?"

163 He said, "Oh," and he blowed like that. And, to my surprise, about fifty yards from me, just across, a great big doe stood up. Now, the doe is the mother deer. And there she was, her big brown eyes, and them ears peaked up. See, she heard. Now, she was a mother, see, and her baby was crying. And so no matter whether the rest of them come out or not, there was something in her. She was a mother.

164So Bert looked like that, and he blowed it again real low. And that deer walked right out into the opening. Now that's unusual, very unusual, walk out like that. And she was looking around, with big head up, and her eyes looking around.

165 After a while, when the hunter reached up and got the gun, she seen the hunter. Usually they'll just flash, and gone, you know how it is, quickly. But, you know, she never moved. She just stood and looked at him, broadside, had turned her head and looked. My! I thought, "Bert, you can't do that."

166See, she wasn't putting on something. She wasn't hypocritically. She wasn't acting. She, was born in her, she was a mother. And that baby, I don't care if it cost her life, it was in trouble, she was trying to find that baby. It was in trouble. She was, the instinct in her, she was mother. And she saw the hunter. But her mind wasn't about the hunter, it was about that baby in trouble, that little fawn.

167 And so he pulled the safety down on this thirty-o-six. Oh, he was a dead shot. He leveled that rifle down. I--I just had to turn my head. I couldn't keep from it. I--I couldn't look at him. Thought, "Just a couple more minutes, and he will blow her loyal heart out; trying to find her baby, it's in trouble, knowing that hunter laying right there in the bush." And he would blow that loyal heart plumb through, with that hundred-and-eighty-grain bullet in there. And I--I... He was such a dead shot. He leveled. I thought, "I just can't stand to look at it." I turned my back.

And--and I--I said, "Lord, help him, that he won't do that."

168I--I felt so sorry. That poor mother standing there, hunting for her baby, and I knowed she wasn't putting that on. She was a mother. She would have run, any other time. She wouldn't have got up, and us going by. But there was something in her.

169 And I waited, and I waited, and the gun never went off. Well, I wondered, "What's the matter?" And I waited, then I turned around real slow. And I seen the deer standing out there, still was looking at him. And I looked at the gun barrel, it was going like this. He just... he was trying to hold aim, and he couldn't do it.

170He throwed the gun down on the ground, and looked around at me, and them big eyes had changed. The tears was running down his cheeks. He grabbed me by the trouser leg, he said, "Billy, lead me to that Jesus you're talking about."

171 What was--what was it? He saw something real. See? That little mother deer had to display a loyalty, a real loyalty that made that cruel hunter there... that had the wickedest heart I ever seen. It wasn't a sermon I preached. It was what he seen, something that was real. It wasn't put on. It wasn't a sham. That was a genuine mother seeking for her baby, and that led him to Christ. He is a deacon in the church there now, a wonderful Christian, because he saw something that wasn't put on. It wasn't a make-belief. It was real.

172 Oh, brother, sister, if this church, if this people, tonight, if you and I! There is something real, not a put on. You might see some putting it on, but there is a genuine thing. There is something in a man that makes him live for God. There is a genuine Holy Spirit tonight, brother, that's not a put on. There, it's a genuine thing.

173And how many in here would like to be as much Christian, and as loyal to Christ, death, persecution, anything else, you would love to be as much Christian as that deer was a mother? Would you like, wouldn't you like to be that? I would long to be that kind of a Christian. That even like that little Syrophenician woman last night, was that kind of a Christian. This little queen we're talking about tonight, was that kind of a Christian; when she saw something that was real, she was ready. God help us, tonight, to receive something real, Christ.

Let us bow our heads just a moment, while we pray.

174 Now I wonder, in the building, tonight, if there is... if there is any here, while you're real quiet, if there is any here that would like, and don't know Christ as your personal Saviour, and you would like to know Him as your Saviour, would you raise up your hand? One, two, three. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

175I wonder if there is some here tonight, that's claimed to be a Christian, maybe a member of a fine church, of a great bunch of people, but yet you know down in your heart that you haven't got Christianity in your heart, borned into it. Just like that mother was, deer, was born to be a mother; she was mother, through and through. And you would like to become a real Christian, like that little mother deer was a mother; would you raise your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham"? God bless you. God bless you. All around, up in the balconies, I see your hand.

176 Heavenly Father, little did I know, on that cold November day, standing there, snow all down my neck, wet, to see that man laying there, how I talked to him, held his hand, cried with him, but told him about the Bible and everything. And he said, "Oh, you're perhaps right." But to see You have to send around something so real, that right in the way of nature, that--that he--he just couldn't keep from seeing that there was something real. And now he is Your servant, Lord.

177Now there is many here tonight. Some of them raised their hands, Father, that they never have been a Christian, and they want to become one. God, just don't let them be one of these, just run and join church, or take some form, or creed, or baptism. But let it be born in their heart, Christ.

178 And those who have joined church, they, they're seeking, Lord, like perhaps the--the little woman, the little queen we've been talking about. She--she was hungering for something. And--and they are, too, Lord. And when she seen something that was real, that identified God in human beings, she was ready then. And she said, "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel!" She wanted no more to do with pagan forms.

179And, Father, many here tonight, no doubt, is in that same state. If they can just see something real! And You told us when You were here in the world, that what would take place in this day. We're told that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And we know how You was identified, and how the Pharisees failed to see it. Lord, the same groups today are failing to see it, by belonging to church, joining, having certain forms of creeds, and so forth. They, they fail to see the Messiah, the great Holy Spirit identifying Himself with the people, as you promised You would.

180 Grant, tonight, Lord, that each one of these will realize and will see Your Presence. And may it come into their heart, the text, "A greater than Solomon is here tonight," that's Jesus Christ, the resurrected Son of God, ready to come and to convert, and to make hearts new, and to put in them a born experience of God. Just like that mother doe, something that she had nothing to do with, by the grace of God she was chosen to be a deer, she was chosen to be a mother, and a loyal mother. And You told us we were "chosen before the foundation of the world."

181I pray, God, that You'll let every one of those who has that drawing in their heart, like the little lady did, to find God, that tonight there will be something real happen, that they'll see, and serve Him. "For a greater than Solomon is here." We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

182 Now reverently, silently, just before we come to the altar. Please, no one move around. Just be real reverent a moment. This is a solemn hour, solemn moment. Decisions are being made. Many raised their hands. I believe you were deeply sincere in that, when you said that.

183Now, you've heard about the Bible, you've heard about Jesus, you've heard He was the Son of God. You've been taught that He raised again, and you are taught that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

184 Now is this Holy Spirit that we talk about, is that Jesus Christ? Sure, It is. See, He is God; known as God, the Holy Ghost. It ain't another God; it's the same God. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is not three Gods; it's three attributes of the same God, see, just the same God in three forms. You see, in otherwise, three offices, like, you know; when He served as Father, and then as Son. It's God condescending, coming from One Who cannot be touched (even to touch the mountain, had to die), till we could handle Him in flesh.

185And now He is in you. He sanctified you with His Blood, that He might live in you. "At that day, you'll know I am in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." See? It's God above us, God with us, God in us. See?

186 And that's Christ, tonight, the Holy Spirit. He is the same. And you are... He is the vine, and you're the branches. Have faith in Him. And if He will identify Himself, tonight, being among us!

187Now if he stood here with scars, that would be a human being, that's flesh. Anybody can impersonate that; a human being can disfigure himself. Or, maybe, we don't know what Jesus looked like, we just got the--the--the artists' idea, the psychology of it, what He looked like; Hofmann had one kind, Sallman another, and how many more!

But how would you know Him? It would be of His Life.

188Because, if a man stood here with thorn prints in his hand, and whatever more, that would be an imposter; 'cause, when Jesus Himself comes, every eye shall see Him, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess it. Certainly.

189 But His Spirit is here, see. And if we can just let our own minds drift into His. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." He is the Word, and the Bible said, "The Word of God." Which, how many knows that Jesus was the Word? In the Bible, Hebrews 4, and the Bible said, "It's sharper than a two-edged sword, and a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart." Now, that's what was in Solomon, (the Word, God) reason he could discern their thought. That was in Jesus, see. That's what's here now, same Thing.

190Now you out there. I ain't going to call no prayer line, 'cause I'm going to make an altar call. There might be some here that's never been in one of the meetings. I don't see a person in the building, that I--that I know.

191 Someone was telling me that it was about thirty last night, or better, called. Do you realize that one time a woman touched His garment, and He turned around, and the same thing taken place, and--and virtue went out of Him, Him the Son of God? But He said, "Greater than this shall you do, for I go to the Father."

192Now you just believe and have faith, each one of you, all around here, in these cots, stretchers, wherever you are. Believe! Don't think you're hopeless.

193 Now if I could heal you, I would do it, but I cannot heal you. I could lay hands upon you, and I intend to do that, to everyone having them cards. And they give out cards every day. So I intend to do that, but that is, that, that's just to signify that I believe with you.

194But, look, why don't you just touch Him? The Bible said, "He is a High Priest," right now, "that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right? Well, if He is the High Priest, then He would certainly act in the same way He did then. Would He not? He certainly would act the same way He did then. All right, now you touch Him by faith.

195 Now, Heavenly Father, the meeting is Yours. But I have taught tonight on this little woman seeing something real, when she seen that spirit of discernment upon Solomon. And we are sure, Lord, that Your Words are true. You said that would return again, like it was in the days of Sodom, just before the Coming; and You was the same yesterday, today, and forever. The works that You did, we would do also. And You're a High Priest, tonight, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. How much more do we need?

196How much did those Jews need, to see that He was a Prophet? A virgin conceived, and all these things, but, they, their creeds blinded them.

197Lord, there is some here come like, maybe not from Sheba, but they've come from many places. I pray, God, that You'll identify Yourself tonight, real. And then identify Yourself in them, as the instinct of that mother in that little deer did that day. We are Yours, Father. Speak through us, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

198 Now I want you to have faith and believe, each one of you, all around everywhere. And just pray. Now don't... Just look and pray now, and just believe. See, this might not, the Holy Spirit might not be pleased with doing this. If He doesn't, I'll call up a prayer line. But just stand here. Somebody out there, even if you... I don't want you with prayer cards. Just--just anybody just--just pray. Course, I wouldn't know, but you just pray and see. Just say, "Lord Jesus, I know that man don't know me. He knows nothing about me, but I know that I do believe."

199 Your faith is unconscious. Don't press now, or jump. You jump away from it. It's right with you. Just relax yourself and believe. Just believe now, have faith. [A brother in the congregation, gives an exhortation--Ed.] Amen. And be reverent, just have faith, just believe. Sometimes your faith is unconscious, you have it and you don't know it. That little woman had it; she didn't know it.

200 How many of you has ever seen the picture of that Angel of the Lord, that Light? It's, it was taken right here in Texas. It's been taken, all over the world now.

201But what do you think, sir? Do you believe, sitting right here at the corner? Looked like you were looking so eagerly. You have many things wrong with you. You have complications, many things. Now when I said that, a real strange feeling come to you, didn't it? If that's right, raise up your hand. Now I'm a total stranger to you, I don't know you. That's right. You know what? That Light just settled right down over you. See? That's what you felt, kind of a real sweet feeling. I was watching It, see, come right down.

202 Now, yes, you're here, you want to be prayed for before you leave the building. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, and you sitting there, and me here, would you believe it to be God? It's a hernia, one of your great things. That's right. Is that right? If God will tell me who you are, what your name is, you've got a good contact with Him now, will you believe me to be His prophet, or His servant? Excuse me, that's a stumblingblock to a lot, see. Do you believe it? Your name is Mr. Sturgeon. If that's right, raise your hand. Believe it, and be healed.

203 Here is a little lady sitting right back there, dark-headed, right out here in the aisle. Yes, you. You was amazed when that was said. Now right at this time you begin to feel kind of strange, see, real sweet-like something around you. If anyone will look, if you can see It, kind of an amber-looking Light coming down upon the little lady. Now what her trouble is, she has headaches that bothers her real bad. That is right. If that's right, raise up your hand like that. And I have never seen her, in my life. That's true. That's right. Headaches bothers her, like a migraine, but they're going to leave you. Amen. Believe it. Now the...

204There is a man sitting right next to you there, and he is looking right at me so earnestly, and that Light is moving right over towards him. And the man is suffering trouble with his eyes. But if he will believe, God will heal the eyes and make them well. You believe? All right. I've never seen you in my life. You're a stranger to me.

205 Say, that young fellow sitting right next to you there, also, he suffers with trouble with his head. That's right. That's right. I never seen the man, in my life. God knows that, see. All right, you believe.

206The man sitting right next to you, with glasses on, looking this a way. Yes, you're wearing glasses, but that really isn't your trouble. You got something wrong with your back, that you're wanting to be prayed for. If that's right, wave your hand. All right.

207That young fellow sitting right next to you there, right next to you. He has had a lot of troubles, that young man has. Yes, sir, with the red tie on, you've had a lot of troubles in your family and things. Kind of, your wife is a nervous type of a person, and you are suffering with some kind of a pressure in your head, also. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That is true. That's right. You just believe. Don't you doubt, but you believe.

208 Here is a woman sitting right back here. Don't you see that Light move back there, and settle down right here? She is suffering with an eye trouble, and her bladder. Oh, she is going to miss It. Lord God, help me. Her name is Mrs. Chambers. Believe with all your heart, Mrs. Chambers. Raise up to your feet. Raise up, so that the people see who you are. I'm a stranger, never seen her in my life. Yeah. It's over now. Jesus Christ makes you well.

209Now if that isn't Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever, where is He? Did He promise to do it? All that believes it, raise up your hand. All right.

210 Do you want to be a real Christian, you that raised your hand a while ago; like that old mother deer was? While the Holy Spirit is here, and the anointing is all over us, why don't you just make your way, and come stand right here at the altar, just a minute. If you are seeking God for salvation, will you come here, and just come here at this altar and stand here with me just a minute? Raise up. That's it. That's right. God bless you. Anybody in the building, anywhere you're at, will you come? That's right. Come right now, you that wants to find Christ.

211You will never be no closer to Him until you meet Him. He is here. He is identified, something real. You've joined church, a lot of you church members now, you've joined church but that's all you had, you want to see something real. If that isn't exactly what Jesus Christ identified Himself to be!

212 Look at this little child coming here, crying, the tears running down his little face. No wonder, they're tender. They haven't been pulled through everything. Another one coming down the aisle, another one in the back, coming down, little children, when the adults has passed theirs by. Won't you come? Come right up here now and stand around the altar. You church members, you people that wants to have an experience of Christ in your heart, won't you come here? If He knows your heart, and you know you couldn't hide it, won't you come right now and stand here, just before we go further. Come here, stand here for a word of prayer. Will you do it?

213Come, show, stand for Him. You stand for Him. If you're ashamed of Him now, He'll be ashamed of you there.

214Remember, He is here. The Scripture said this would happen, and here He is identifying Himself as being here. If you're a church member, and don't know Christ as a real experience, won't you come at this time? Now, I'm not much to persuade people. Only thing I can say, is tell you the Truth, and if Christ's Presence, plus His Word being made manifest.

215 Up in the balcony, you that raised your hands; sister, brother, if you want to come down, we're going to wait right here. Come right on down, and gather around the altar, just for a word of prayer. Let the world know, let Jesus know that you're that you're not ashamed, you want to be a real Christian. Won't you come, while we're just waiting a moment or two?

216Church member, lukewarm, backslider, won't you come stand along with them now? Come here and stand along, you who haven't, if you haven't got an experience with God, that you are borned in the Kingdom of God, like that.

217 What more do you want to see? Remember, I tell you in the Name of the Lord, if you regard me to be His servant, this is the last sign that the church will see, according to the Scripture. That was the last thing that Abraham seen done before the promised son arrived. And we are the royal Seed of Abraham, and Jesus promised the royal Seed to see the same thing that Abraham seen, just before the Gentile world burned. Don't put off for something else. Satan trying to get you to look over. Come now, while...

There is a Fountain filled with Blood,

Drawn from Immanuel's veins,

Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,

Lose all their guilty stain.

The dying thief rejoiced to see

That Fountain in his day;

There may I, though vile as he,

Wash all my sins away.

218Won't you come and accept it now? I'm waiting just a moment, somebody else might come and stand here for prayer.

219 Now I'm going to ask ministers here, brethren, come down and stand with me, around, while we pray; and ministers out there, who is concerned, and some of these people in your neighborhood, that would come to your church or--or something, that you are interested in--in souls coming to Christ, and you believe this to be Jesus Christ.

220Now, remember, I am not Jesus Christ. I am your brother, a sinner saved by grace. I am like you are. But it's Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit that's here with us, keeping His Word. He don't have to do this, but He promised He would do it. Jesus didn't have to heal the sick, but the Bible said, "He did it, that it might be fulfilled which was promised of Him."

221Now, we don't care what brand of church that you belong to; if you believe that Jesus Christ is present, you believe that there is a born-again experience, of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

222 Ministers, move right up, in among these people here. Come right up among them, laying your hands on them. We're going to offer prayer for them. I'm asking our congregation to be just as reverent as you can for a few moments. How do we know what the Holy Spirit will do! That's it, move right in, mingle yourself right with the people. Come right around them, each one.

223Now remember, there is only one thing you can do, is accept what He has promised you. Have you seen the reality of the resurrection of Christ?

224Now I'm going to ask the congregation if they will stand just a minute, in reverence and respects to them. Each one of you believe now. Confess all that you've done, that's all you can do, and then ask God to forgive you. And accept It, believe It. Now let everyone pray in your own way.

225 Our Heavenly Father, we come to You, with penitent souls. How the little story, about that mother deer, struck down deep, that people wanted to do something, or see something real; like the queen of the South, who came from the uttermost parts of the earth, to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And a greater than Solomon is here, the Saviour of mankind, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Save them, Father. Forgive their sins. Wash their souls in the Blood of the Lamb, and give them an experience of being born a Christian. No other animal, no nothing else, could have done that, but the mother deer. That's what she was. Give us that experience, Lord, now, of a born-again experience, in the Kingdom of God, while the Holy Spirit is there. Grant it, Lord. Grant it, Lord.

226 Now close your eyes, raise up your hands, and say, make your confession, saying, "Jesus, I now believe. Take me as I am. There is no more I can do. Heal my sick body. Take me, Lord. I believe You're here, the Holy Spirit is here identifying Itself. Save me by Thy grace, Lord. It's all I know how to do. Through Jesus Christ's Name!"

Brother Grant, will you lead us in prayer?