Nerozpoznaná prítomnosť Božia



Ježiš, keď bol tu na zemi a On plne predstavil každé znamenie, o ktorom Biblia povedala, že On učiní, ale oni to nerozpoznali, pretože to nebolo podľa ich tradície. Na ten vek, On nemal prísť a urobiť to, čo urobil Mojžiš, On mal prísť a byť narodený z panny a On podľa 5. Mojžišovej 18:15 mal byť prorokom a On presne urobil tie skutky a znamenia. Židia vždy vyhľadávajú znamenia. Oni boli učení, že to nikdy nezávisí od intelektuálnych rečí. Židia to vedia veľmi dobre. Gréci to učili, ale nie intelektuálne reči, ale znamenia, “Ukáž nám znamenie.“ Títo ľudia, jeden z nich povedal, “Rabbi, alebo Učiteľu, ukáž nám znamenie.“ Oni to chceli poznať a On im už ukázal znamenie, ale oni chceli odlišné znamenie, ale On mohol učiniť iba znamenie toho veku.

Tak isto to On robí dnes. Toto vyliatie Ducha Svätého je znamením Jeho objavenia sa! Dokonca v tomto veku, tak, ako zasľúbil. Oni chcú znamenie a On im dal duchovné znamenie, ale oni chceli odlišné znamenie.

1Zatiaľ, čo sú naše zástupy malé, budeme sa snažiť poponáhľať, aby sme tak mohli ísť a pracovať pre tento jeden účel, aby ste rozpoznali prítomnosť Ježiša Krista. Ak je On prítomný, tak potom je všetko vybavené. On učinil Slovo. On je tu, aby ho potvrdil, On dokazuje, že On ho potvrdí. “On je presne ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ Videli sme Ho to činiť minulý večer bez zlyhania, vidíme Ho večer za večerom a deň za dňom a rok za rokom. Ani jedenkrát potom, ako On niečo predpovedal bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo, a kedy sa to stane, z tých tisícov razov, to nebolo nič iné, len ako presne do bodky a na čas a správne. Ako je to možné? Koľkí viete a poznáte tú službu a viete, že je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Tu to máte, ani jedenkrát bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo dokonca, keď sa to zdalo byť nemožným, stalo sa to presne tak. On je Bohom. A ak to len môžeme rozpoznať a uchopiť sa toho.

2A máme tu teraz len krátky čas, čo tu môžeme byť, a myslím, že sú to ešte tri večere, alebo dva večere a deň po tomto večeri. Myslím, že v nedeľu popoludní je zakončovacie zhromaždenie. Budeme sa snažiť zakončiť v nedeľu popoludní, aby tak pastori a každý... Nechceme vás zadržiavať od vašej cirkvi, my len chceme pridať viac do cirkvi a dať vám viac viery v Boha, ktorému slúžite vo svojej cirkvi. Rozumiete? A my nijako nechceme, aby boli dvere cirkvi zatvorené v žiadnom prípade. Chceme, aby ste tam zostali, ale my sa len snažíme vám pomôcť povzbudiť vás. Prebudenie neznamená pridať viac do cirkvi, prebudenie znamená oživiť to, čo už máte. To je pravda, prebudenie.

3Raz som pozoroval morské pobrežie, ako tam fúkal vietor a všetko sa tak triaslo, no to nebolo morské pobrežie, to bolo hore pri jazere Michigan. Stál som tam a pozoroval vlny, ako prichádzali a, ó, more vyskakovalo, alebo tie vody vyskakovali a člny sa na vode hojdali a ja som si pomyslel, “Čo sa to deje?“ Pomyslel som si, “No, to jazero má prebudenie.“ To je to. Skákalo a natriasalo sa. Prečo? Tam je mocný nesúci sa vietor, ktorý na neho prichádza. Pomyslel som si: “No, vieš čo, tam teraz nie je ani o jednu kvapku vody viac, ako v ňom bolo, keď bola hladina celkom kľudná. Nie je tam viac vody, to je len všetko rozrušené. No teraz, kvôli čomu je to tak rozrušené?“ Viete čo rozrušenie vody robí? Zmýva všetko smetie von hore na breh.

4To je to, čo potrebujeme. Očistenie našej nevery na breh. Nech má Slovo Božie prvenstvo, to je to, čo potrebujeme. Prebudenie a zmytie všetkej nevery a všetkých chrobákov a povier a rôznych vecí. Príďte a vidzte, že Boh je stále Bohom. To je to, kvôli čomu máme prebudenia.

5Nech nám Pán pomôže, ako vyberáme tento text a budeme ho teraz večer čítať. Nech Pán požehná čítanie svojho Slova, ktoré nachádzame v svätom Matúšovi v 12. kapitole, 38. až 42. verš.

6A mojím textom dnes večer je: Nerozpoznaná prítomnosť Božia. Minulý večer sme hovorili o Ježišovi, že je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, a videli sme Ho, že je tým istým včera, dnes a naveky. Teraz Jeho prítomnosť, ak je On ten istý, je nerozpoznaná.

Vtedy mu povedali niektorí zo zákonníkov a z farizeov a povedali: Učiteľu, chceme od teba vidieť znamenie.

Ale on odpovedal a riekol im: Pokolenie, zlé a cudzoložné, vyhľadáva znamenie, ale mu nebude dané znamenie, iba znamenie proroka Jonáša.

Lebo jako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak bude i Syn človeka v srdci zeme tri dni a tri noci.

Mužovia Ninivänia povstanú na súde s týmto pokolením a odsúdia ho, lebo činili pokánie na kázeň Jonášovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Jonáš.

Kráľovná juhu vstane na súde s týmto pokolením a odsúdi ho, lebo prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Šalamún.

7Nerozpoznaná prítomnosť. O čom mohli títo ľudia rozmýšľať? Boh bol vždy, bolo to presne tak zakaždým, keď prišiel. Keď tu bol Ježiš prvýkrát, povedal, “Vy bielite a upravujete steny a hroby prorokov a vy ste ich tam dostali.“ Tak vidíte, niekedy sa to stáva a to prechádza okolo, “A Boh to skrýva pred očami múdrych a chytrých a zjavuje to dieťatkám, ktoré sa budú učiť.“ Ježiš za toto ďakoval Otcovi. Vidíte? To ide rovno popri ľuďoch a oni to nevedia.

8Napríklad, vy katolícki ľudia, ktorí ste dnes večer tu, pamätáte si, pred pár rokmi Johanna z Arku vo Francúzsku, malá dáma, ktorá bola skutočne... Ona viedla revolúciu vo Francúzsku, ale ona bola skutočne Kristovou služobnicou. Čo s ňou vaša cirkev urobila? Upálila ju na hranici ako bosorku, pretože videla videnia a bola duchovná. Katolícka cirkev ju upálila ako bosorku na hranici, pretože bola duchovná a videla videnia. O niekoľko rokov potom zistili, že tá žena bola svätá. Tak, samozrejme, urobili ste veľké pokánie, vykopali ste telá tých kňazov, ktorí ju odsúdili a upálili, a hodili ste ich do rieky. Samozrejme, z toho ste urobili veľké pokánie, lebo ste vykopali tých kňazov. Ich telá.

9No, vo dňoch prorokov, čo sa stalo? Urobili tú istú vec. Nerozpoznali ich, až kým to neprišlo ku koncu, kým sa ich služba neskončila a vzala tých vyvolených a potom, keď oni boli preč, oni rozpoznali, že bol medzi nimi prorok.

10Ježiš prišiel na zem, vnútri v Ňom bol Otec Boh. “Ja a môj Otec sme jedno, môj Otec prebýva vo mne, to nie som Ja, ktorý činím tie skutky, ale môj Otec, a ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca, neverte Mi.“ No, ak si všimnete, keď On prišiel, asi iba jedna deväťdesiatina sveta vedela, že On je v tom čase na zemi, a pritom Spasiteľ sveta. A potom, oni vôbec nerozpoznali, kým On je, dokonca ani cirkev, ani nikto iný, sotva až potom, ako Ho ukrižovali, pochovali a On vstal na tretí deň, predtým vôbec nevedeli, kým On je.

11To prichádza a odchádza a ľudia to nerozpoznávajú, až kým to nie je preč, a oni, pretože to vôbec nepasuje do ich teológie, to im vôbec nepasuje na ten čas dňa. Vidíte, to je kvôli tomu, že oni vždy žijú v žiare iného dňa. Vždy.

12Ten dôvod, prečo neprijali Ježiša, bol, pretože oni žili v žiare zákona. A keď prišiel Ježiš, to nebolo v protiklade ku zákonu, ale to prišlo vyplniť ten zákon a tak Ho oni nedokázali prijať, pretože Jeho posolstvo nebolo presne tak, ako to oni mali všetko vo svojich vyznaniach nalinkované a bolo to nazvané tradíciami. A On neprišiel podľa ich tradícií. On nezachovával ich tradície a On ich skutočne narušil a potrhal a urobil veci, ktoré boli v protiklade k tomu až tak, že oni si mysleli, že on rozbíja cirkvi. A oni Ho nedokázali prijať, kvôli Jeho posolstvu, a my dnes všetci vieme, že On prišiel presne v línii Božieho proroctva, ale oni to vtedy nepoznali.

13A to by sa mohlo znovu stať a my by sme o tom nevedeli. Predstavujem si, že ak by sa On skutočne dnes večer zjavil, to by bolo tak v protiklade ku tomu, čo máme my všetko nakreslené na svojich grafoch a v našich školách a tie veci, a to by bolo len skutočne zopár ľudí, ktorí by rozpoznali, čo sa deje. On povedal, že to tak bude, keď On príde.

14Tak, Ježiš bol tak identifikovaný podľa Písma a v Písmach a pritom zákonníci a farizeji toho dňa Ho nedokázali rozpoznať. Prečo to nedokázali, prečo to nedokázali? Pretože oni si to predstavovali nejakým iným spôsobom. To je to, kde im Ježiš povedal, “Vy skúmate Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne“. Vidíte? Tak On prišiel presne podľa Písem, ale oni si to predstavovali, možno, že ak On príde, tak Mesiáš pravdepodobne urobí to, čo urobil Mojžiš, alebo čo urobil Noe, postaví Archu, alebo niečo iné. Ale ten dôvod, prečo On prišiel tým spôsobom, akým prišiel, oni si to tak nepredstavovali. Písma spolu s ich tradíciami ich to neučili, tak ľudia boli zmätení, až nevedeli, čo sa deje.

15Som zvedavý, či by sa to nemohlo stať dnes. Som zvedavý, či by to mohlo byť odlišné od toho, čo nás učili naše tradície a to by mohlo prísť. Niečo by prešlo a my by sme to ani vôbec nepoznali, až kým by to neprešlo a potom je to zakončené. To je asi to, aké to bude, keď to príde.

16Či viete, že Ján Krstiteľ, keď prišiel na scénu, že bol predpovedaný celý čas od knihy Izaiáša, stovky rokov pred tým? Vtedy asi pred osemsto rokmi prorokoval Izaiáš, myslím, pred tým príchodom Kristovým. Či ste vedeli, že Ján prišiel presne spôsobom, ako to povedal Izaiáš, že príde, a on prišiel presne tak, ako Malachiáš povedal, že príde, a dokonca ani apoštoli to nerozpoznali? Jedného dňa v Matúšovi 11, Ján bol vo väzení a apoštoli, niektorí z jeho učeníkov sa išli opýtať Ježiša, že či On je ten, alebo či majú čakať iného.

17Všimnite si teraz, Ježiš im nedal knižku o tom, ako sa správať, ako sa správať vo väzení, alebo ako dobre zachovávať svoj charakter. On povedal, “Buďte na blízku a pozorujte, čo sa deje, a choďte a ukážte Jánovi veci, ktoré vidíte, že sa dejú.“ To bol ten dôkaz, že On bol Slovom.

18A teraz pamätajte, Slovo vždy prichádza ku prorokovi. Všetci to vieme. Boh nerobí nič bez toho, žeby to ukázal svojim prorokom. To je ten dôvod, prečo kniha Zjavenia Ježiša Krista je plná plnosť Krista rovno tu pred nami, tá kniha. Tak On bude musieť poslať niekoho, niekoho, aby potvrdil tú knihu, zjavil to, otvoril Pečate a tak ďalej. Ale čo sa týka akéhokoľvek ďalšieho zjavenia Krista, to je už rozpoznané rovno tu. On je plnosťou tohto, toho zjavenia. Všimnite si teraz, to nikdy nezlyháva, ale Slovo prichádza ku prorokovi.

19Pozrite na Jána, ako stojí vo vode, predpovedá ako prorok, že Mesiáš je rovno medzi nimi. Povedal, “Medzi vami stojí Ten, ktorého teraz neznáte, On vás bude krstiť Duchom Svätým a ohňom.“ Pamätajte teraz, On stál rovno medzi nimi, Biblia tak hovorí, a oni Ho nerozpoznali. Jedného dňa, keď Ježiš schádzal dolu, Ján Ho rozpoznal a on povedal, “Hľa Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta.“ Sledujte teraz, pred tým, ako bol rozpoznaný kýmkoľvek iným, On prišiel ku prorokovi. On bol Slovom. Ján bol prorokom.

20Pamätám si, ako mi jeden môj starý baptistický učiteľ povedal, “Vieš, čo sa stalo?“ Povedal, “Ježiš pokrstil Jána.“

Povedal som, “Nemyslím si to.“

21On povedal, “Iste, Ján nebol nikdy pokrstený, on prišiel, kázal, krstil, a nikto nebol hodný ho pokrstiť, Ježiš ho pokrstil.“

Povedal som, “Neviem.“

22A jedného dňa, zatiaľ, čo som študoval, Duch Svätý mi to takto zjavil. Sledujte, On vošiel do vody a povedal, “Prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne? Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený Tebou.“ Ježiš povedal, “Nechaj teraz tak.“ Sledujte, “Ale tak sa nám patrí, (náleží nám) aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť.“ Ján súc prorokom poznal Slovo. Tá obeť, ktorou On bol, musela byť umytá pred tým, ako bola predstavená, potom bol On pokrstený. Ján Ho pokrstil, pretože, “Patrí sa nám naplniť všetku spravodlivosť.“ Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi vo vode.

23A potom, keď bol On pokrstený, stále ľudia... Duch Svätý zostúpil a nikto to nevidel. Ján to videl.

24Anjel Pánov by mohol byť dnes večer rovno tu a možno jedna osoba by to videla a nikto druhý.

25To svetlo, tá hviezda, ktorá prechádzala ponad každým observatóriom, ktorú nasledovali tí múdri muži, žiadne observatórium o tom nič nevedelo, nikto iný to nevidel, vôbec nie, okrem tých múdrych mužov, pretože to bolo pre nich, aby to videli. Oni to videli, bolo to pre nich skutočné.

26Keď to svetlo, ten ohnivý stĺp zhodil Pavla na ceste do Damašku, on rozpoznal, že bol v prítomnosti Božej. No, ten Hebrej by nikdy nenazval žiadneho iného ducha, “Pane“, jedine, že vedel, že to je ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol jeho ľud z púšte. On povedal, “Pane, kto si?“

„Saule, Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“ Povedal, “Ja som Ježiš.“

27Ježiš povedal, “Prichádzam od Boha a vraciam sa ku Bohu.“ On bol tým ohňom, ktorý bol v horiacom kre, ktorý viedol Mojžiša cez púšť a navrátil sa späť do Toho.

28A teraz tu bol na ceste dolu do Damašku a bol zhodený na zem a všetci tí mužovia, ktorí boli s ním, nikdy nevideli ten Ohnivý Stĺp. To bolo pre Pavla tak reálne, až to vyradilo jeho oči a musel byť vedený dolu ulicou nazvanou Priama v Damašku. Bol slepý.

29Ananiáš, prorok, ktorý tam bol, videl vo videní, ako išiel a položil na neho ruky, a on obdržal Ducha Svätého a šupiny spadli z jeho očí a on mohol znovu vidieť. To bolo pre neho tak skutočné, až to vyradilo jeho oči a pritom žiadni z tých ostatných to tam vôbec nerozpoznali, ani to nemohli vidieť.

30Tak isto je to dnes večer. Je tu niekto, kto tu sedí, kto môže priviesť Boha na scénu, zatiaľ čo ten druhý o tom nebude nič vedieť. Rozpoznanie Boha.

31A Ježiš, keď bol tu na zemi a On plne predstavil každé znamenie, o ktorom Biblia povedala, že On učiní, ale oni to nerozpoznali, pretože to nebolo podľa ich tradície. Na ten vek, On nemal prísť a urobiť to, čo urobil Mojžiš, On mal prísť a byť narodený z panny a On podľa 5. Mojžišovej 18:15 mal byť prorokom a On presne urobil tie skutky a znamenia.

32Židia vždy vyhľadávajú znamenia. Oni boli učení, že to nikdy nezávisí od intelektuálnych rečí. Židia to vedia veľmi dobre. Gréci to učili, ale nie intelektuálne reči, ale znamenia, “Ukáž nám znamenie.“ Títo ľudia, jeden z nich povedal, “Rabbi, alebo Učiteľu, ukáž nám znamenie.“ Oni to chceli poznať a On im už ukázal znamenie, ale oni chceli odlišné znamenie, ale On mohol učiniť iba znamenie toho veku.

33Tak isto to On robí dnes. Toto vyliatie Ducha Svätého je znamením Jeho objavenia sa! Dokonca v tomto veku, tak, ako zasľúbil.

34Oni chcú znamenie a On im dal duchovné znamenie, ale oni chceli odlišné znamenie.

35To je to, kde sa dnes tak mnoho ľudí stáva zmätenými. Viete, že vytrhnutie sa môže odohrať, a pomyslite len na ten smútok po tom. Dovoľte mi vrátiť sa tam, kde Ježiš...

36Ján poslal svojich učeníkov, aby išli za Ježišom, či je On tým Mesiášom alebo nie. V tej hodine On učinil mnoho vecí, keď sa tí učeníci vrátili, povedali Jánovi, čo videli. Ježiš povedal tým, ktorí tam sedeli, povedal, “Čo ste vyšli vidieť na púšť? Čo ste vyšli vidieť, keď Ján kázal? Či ste vyšli vidieť človeka odiateho bielym rúchom? A tak ďalej. Alebo jemným rúchom?“ Povedal, “Takí sú v kráľovských palácoch. Pochovávajú mŕtvych a bozkajú nemluvňatá a sobášia mladých a tak ďalej. Oni nevedia, čo je to zaobchádzanie s dvojsečným mečom.“

37Povedal, “Čo ste potom vyšli vidieť? Trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre? Niekoho, komu nejaká skupina ponúkne trošku viac peňazí a on pôjde za touto namiesto toho, aby išiel za povolaním Pánovým? Nie Ján, niekto s ním bude chcieť točiť, povie, “Dáme ti trochu viac, ak zaprieš toto a vezmeš toto?” Nie Ján. On povedal, “Čo ste potom prišli vidieť proroka?“ Povedal, “Hovorím vám, viac ako proroka, a ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom prorok povedal, “Hľa, Ja posielam svojho posla pred svojou tvárou, ktorý pripraví cestu.“ To bol Malachiáš 3, kde to On učinil.

38Jedného dňa sa Ho učeníci opýtali, povedali: “Prečo zákonníci hovoria, že najprv musí prísť Eliáš?“ Ježiš povedal, “On už prišiel a vy ste ho nepoznali.“ A oni porozumeli, že to bol Ján Krstiteľ. Tí vyvolení apoštoli stále nevideli, kým je. To bol Eliáš.

39Pozrite teraz. Viete, že príchod Pánov bude tajomný príchod? On povedal, “Dvaja budú na posteli a Ja jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.“ A to je to, kde je noc, “Dvaja budú na poli a jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.“

40Viete, že je mnoho ľudí, ktorí každý deň zmiznú z povrchu zeme, za ktorých sa nikto nezodpovedá? Jedného dňa to môže byť tak, že ľudia povedia, “No, vy máte na mysli súženie, že tá vec je už teraz na nás? Myslel som si, že cirkev odíde pred súžením.“ Oni si neuvedomujú a nerozumejú, že vytrhnutie sa môže odohrať a oni o tom nemusia nič vedieť. To je tajomný odchod Cirkvi.

41A myslím si, že ľudia budú ďalej pokračovať v kázaní a budú hovoriť, že veria, že prichádzajú k spaseniu a budú ľudia pridávaní do cirkvi a budú stavať cirkvi a budú pokračovať presne tak, ako za dní Noeho a tak ďalej, a nebudú o tom vedieť a vytrhnutie pominie, “To sa už stalo a vy ste o tom nevedeli.“ Existujú stovky ľudí, ktorí zmiznú zo zeme a ľudia o tom nič nevedia, kam išli, nezodpovedajú sa za to. Niekto niekam odišiel a už o ňom viac nepočujú, a tak to môže byť s vytrhnutím.

42Poviem vám priatelia, len preto, že sme členmi cirkvi, alebo niečo také, to pre nás príliš mnoho neznamená. Radšej by ste si mali zapnúť výstroj, radšej by ste mali vziať na seba celé Slovo Božie a držať sa ho a prestať s týmto hollywoodskym správaním. To sa dostáva rovno do cirkvi a je to hanba. Ale Hollywood sa leskne, robí len jasnejšie svetlo a cirkev sa dnes snaží porovnávať s Hollywoodom. Kristus nie je v Hollywoode. Kristus je v jednotlivcovi. Hollywood sa leskne, zatiaľ čo Evanjelium žiari pokorou. Boh nie je v týchto veľkých pekných nablýskaných miestach a všetkých tých veciach, ktoré vidíme. On prichádza v pokore vo forme miernosti a vľúdnosti a prechádza ďalej.

43A ak ste oboznámení so Slovom, uvidíte to. Ten, ktorý má ucho, aby počul, “Nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí zborom.“ Vidíte to teraz, vidíte to dnes, ako je to zidentifikované.

44On dôkladne identifikoval samého seba pre veriacich toho dňa, tých, ktorý to čakali. Pozrite na Petra, Andreja. Pozrite na Natanaela, nemal v mysli žiadnu pochybnosť. Pozrite na ženu pri studni, nebola v tom žiadna pochybnosť.

45Ale títo farizejovia pár dní pred tým, od toho, kde je náš text z dnešného večera, oni Ho to videli konať a potom Ho nazvali „Belzebúbom, diablom.“ Tie skutky boli dokončené. Oni sa museli zodpovedať svojmu zhromaždeniu, tak jediná vec, ktorú mohli urobiť, bola nazvať to “zlým duchom.“ Belzebúb bol diabol, ako veštec, alebo niečo také, a každý vie, že veštenie je z diabla. A oni to porovnávali, kde to Slovo rozpoznávalo tajnosti srdca a dokazovalo, že On bol prorokom, ktorý mal byť vzkriesený v ten posledný deň, ten vykupiteľ, prorok, a keď to učinil, cirkev v tom dni Ho vyhlásila za Belzebúba.

46Vidíte, čím boli? On povedal, “Vy ste slepí a vediete slepých, oni vojdu, a ani nedovolia tým, ktorí sú pod nimi, aby vošli dovnútra.”

47To, čo chceme dnes urobiť, je zistiť Pravdu. Musíme poznať Pravdu. Je On tým istým? Je On tu, aby vyplnil to, čo zasľúbil vyplniť? Skúmajte Písma a zistíte, čo On má konať dnes.

48To je ten dôvod, prečo John Wesley, alebo Martin Luther nemohol pokračovať s Wesleyho posolstvom, oni to zorganizovali a to je len to, pokiaľ to mohlo ísť. Tu prichádza Luther z katolíckej cirkvi a oni... On bol pre nich bláznom, ale on mal posolstvo ospravedlnenia, pretože to bolo Slovo Božie, zasľúbenie. Potom, po jeho smrti, zorganizovali Lutherovu organizáciu a čo sa stalo potom, je to, že sa to všetko znovu k sebe privinulo.

49A podľa Písma musí byť ďalší cirkevný vek, ktorý povstane, a keď povstáva, povstal Filadelfský cirkevný vek, John Wesley. A to, čo sa stalo, to stále išlo viac na západ a potom sa stalo, že tam bol cirkevný vek a povstal John Wesley, ale Luther to nemohol prijať, pretože už boli zorganizovaní na ospravedlnenie. Nedokázal prijať posvätenie.

50Keď to potom Wesleyovci zorganizovali tak, ako to zorganizovali, a vyrašili tie malé vetvy, ktoré vyšli tu, prichádza ďalej letničné posolstvo prinavrátenia darov a nikto z nich sa nemohol pohnúť, pretože boli už zorganizovaní.

51Tak, teraz tá žalostná vec toho je, že letniční sú tak zorganizovaní.

52Pozrite sa na ten deň, v ktorom žijeme, čo je zasľúbené na tento deň. Kde sme? Pohli sme sa hore. Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohybuje a deti Izraela sú pudené Ohnivým Stĺpom, alebo sa vracajú do Egypta. Musíme sa hýbať so Slovom.

53A dnes sa stávame takými lenivými, cirkev sa stáva tak svetská a ľahostajná a ich mysle sú tak zapratané televíziou a “Milujeme Suzy“ a niektorými z týchto vecí a zostávajú doma. To ukazuje, kde sa nachádzajú srdcia ľudí, a vy im tie veci môžete povedať, že sú nesprávne, a oni si myslia, že ste blázon. Čo je to? „Viac milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha.“ Vidíte?

54Ó, tá najväčšia rozkoš, ktorú poznám, je modliť sa, až kým si neuvedomím, že som v prítomnosti Božej a rozpoznávam to. Myslím, že to, čo by malo nadchnúť cirkev je prítomnosť Ducha Svätého. Vidieť, že Boh, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, stojí medzi nami, cítime Jeho prítomnosť a vidíme Jeho Slovo a vidíme ho potvrdené. To by malo dať vieru, až to spôsobí, že chromí budú chodiť, slepí vidieť, hluchí počuť a nemí hovoriť.

55Stál som v Južnej Afrike, kde som mal dvesto tisíc ľudí zhromaždených v Durbane na závodisku, a kde videli, že na jedenkrát sa to takto stalo, potom, ako im to bolo vysvetlené, len v takej malej forme a oni videli jednu vec, ktorá sa stala, toho, čo bolo zjavené, a 25 tisíc ľudí bolo okamžite uzdravených. Doniesli dodávky, nákladné autá dlhé asi odtiaľto, šesť, osemnásť kolesové ťahače s návesom, asi takéto, a kompletne ich naplnili barlami a takými vecami. Pohania, ktorí ani nepoznajú svoju pravú ruku od ľavej.

56A na ďalší deň pán Sydney Smiss, starosta Durbanu, mi zavolal a povedal: “Choď k oknu a pozri sa smerom na Indický oceán a uvidíš niečo, čo si ešte nevidel.“ A tam bola policajná eskorta, ako prichádzala so siedmymi tými veľkými dodávkami a so stovkami ľudí, ktorí kráčali za tým, kedy deň predtým boli na nosidlách a lehátkach a prinesení na niečom a teraz spievali: “Len ver, všetko je možné.“ Týždeň predtým, jeden s druhým bojovali, mali občiansku vojnu a teraz tu kráčajú ruka v ruke, rameno s ramenom.

57Prečo? Oni rozpoznali, že Boh nebies sa pred nimi zjavil vo forme Svojho Slova. A my, intelektuálni Američania, sedíme. Oni povstanú v deň súdu a odsúdia túto generáciu za to, čo sme videli.

58Pripomína mi to jednu ženu v Louisville v Kentucky, to bolo pred nedávnom, ktorá mala malé dieťa a chodila do desaťcentového obchodu. A ona vyrábala také malé vecičky a snažila sa upútať pozornosť toho dieťaťa a to dieťa len tak stále hľadelo pred seba. A nakoniec ona zobrala taký malý zvonček, niečo, čo by upútalo pozornosť toho maličkého, bol asi takýto veľký, a ona zatriasla tým zvončekom a to malé iba ďalej hľadelo pred seba. A ona začala kričať a spadla a niekto jej tam prišiel pomôcť. Ona povedala, “Ó, nie, to nemôže byť, to nemôže byť!“

Povedali, “Čo sa deje?“

Ona povedala, “Lekár povedal, že tomu dieťaťu je už lepšie.“

Oni povedali, “Čo sa deje s tým dieťaťom, pani?“

59Ona povedala, “Asi pred šiestimi mesiacmi malo záchvat a odvtedy len sedí a hľadí. Nezáleží na tom, čo to je, malo by to upútať pozornosť toho dieťaťa, ale to neupútava a ono len ďalej sedí a hľadí. Lekár mi povedal, že si myslí, že už je to lepšie a priniesli sme ho sem a zobrali sme nejaké vecičky, ktoré by mohli upútať pozornosť toho dieťaťa a to vôbec neupútava. Stále len sedí a hľadí.“

60To je to, kam sa cirkev dostáva. Boh pred nimi zatriasol každé zasľúbenie v Biblii a my stále len sedíme a hľadíme a dívame sa, „Čo? Ukáž mi znamenie. Ukážeš?“ A to sa deje po celý čas rovno okolo nás. Prináša to prítomnosť Božiu a malo by nás to osvietiť, keď Boh dal zasľúbenie, On stojí za Svojím zasľúbením. Tak veru.

61Po tom, ako Ježiš tak dokázal svoj Mesiášsky znak, že On bol tým Mesiášom, napriek tomu všetkému, “Ukáž nám znamenie.“ Vidíte? Oni to nerozpoznali. Oni len hľadeli rovno pred seba. To nebolo v nich, aby verili.

62Ako moja južanská matka zvykla hovoriť: “Nemôžeš dostať krv z kalerábu, pretože tam žiadna nie je.“

63Oni Ho stále nerozpoznávajú. Sú tak zaslepení svojimi vyznaniami a tak ďalej, aké mali v tom dni. Oni nikdy nepoznali Písma zasľúbenia, pretože tie vyznania ich prikryli. Ich vyznania a tradície toho dňa prikryli zasľúbenia Písma. Keby len boli učení podľa Písma, že to malo byť to znamenie, ktoré nasledovalo Mesiáša.

64Koľkí z vás veríte, že On prišiel s tým správnym znamením? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Isteže prišiel, prišiel presne podľa zasľúbenia, ale oni boli učení nejakému vyznaniu, “My veríme v toto a my veríme takto a všetci z nich veria v Boha, všetci z nich...“

65Dnes si zvlášť my, Američania, myslíme, že budeme ospravedlnení, pretože sme postavili veľké cirkvi a máme dobrých pastorov a tak ďalej. Pamätajte, ak by to tak bolo, Boh by bol nespravodlivý, ak by nás takto zobral, pretože Kain a Ábel, tí dvaja uctievali mimo záhrady Eden a postavili oltár Pánovi, obaja priniesli obeť, obaja obetovali dary, obaja sa modlili, ale jeden mal pravdu a ten druhý sa mýlil. Všimnite si, my musíme mať pravdu a tá pravda je Božie Slovo. Vždy. To je to isté dnes. Ľudia sa stávajú takí zaslepení. Hovoria...

Poviem, “Si kresťanom?“

66„Ó, ja patrím tam a tam.“ Vidíte, to s tým nemá nič do činenia, nemám nič proti tomu, ale to nie je to, čo sa vám snažím povedať. Patrite do akejkoľvek cirkvi chcete. Vaša značka tomu nerobí rozdiel.

67Hovoril som dnes ráno s pastorom. Hore v Colorade som zvykol jazdiť pri tom zaháňaní dobytka a tak ďalej. Zvykol som tam sedieť a mať takto svoje nohy opreté o sedlo a Herfordská asociácia rieky Troublesome pasie v údolí rieky Troublesome. Potom vyjdete hore na vrchol nad tým údolím a máte tam sútok z Východu a Západu. A všetok ten dobytok tu v tej asociácii sa pasie na tej západnej časti a tá skupina, s ktorou som ja bol, sa pásla na tej východnej a oni tam majú také oplotenie, aby zabránili tomu dobytku prejsť na súkromný pozemok a počas leta do hôr.

68A my sme zháňali ten dobytok, bolo tam štyri alebo päť rozličných značiek, alebo osem alebo desať rozličných značiek pri tej rieke a my sme na jar zháňali ten dobytok, aby sme ich priviedli sem. A zvykol som tam sedieť, mal som nohy vyložené na sedle, potom, ako sme zohnali všetok ten dobytok a oni všetky boli označené a všetko mali a začali sa vracať tuto na pastvinu.

69Stál tam správca tej rezervácie a on ich všetkých počítal, ako prechádzali, a všimol som si, že tam boli všetky možné druhy značiek. Pán Grimes mal diamantový prút rovno nad nami, oni mali turecká trasa, my sme mali starú trojnožku a boli rozličné druhy značiek, ktoré tam išli. Ale ten správca si nevšímal tú značku, on si všímal krvný prívesok v uchu, na tú pastvinu nemohlo nič iné ísť, tá chovateľská asociácia to tak dodržiavala a dovolili iba čistokrvnému dobytku, nemohlo tam ísť nič, okrem čistokrvného Herforda. A musel byť označený na uchu krvnou značkou.

70Tak to bude v deň súdu. On sa ma nebude pýtať, či som bol Metodistom, Baptistom, Presbyteriánom, akú som mal značku, pre Neho nebude vôbec nič znamenať. Nie je to nič, okrem toho byť znovuzrodený, z krvi zrodený Kresťan v Krvi Ježiša Krista. To je to, čo vstúpi dovnútra. Nič iné tam nevstúpi. Tak chceme na to teraz pamätať, pamätať na to.

71Tak, keď On nie je rozpoznaný, Jeho Moc sa vždy nezjavuje, keď On nie je rozpoznaný. Bez ohľadu na to, ako je tu Boh prítomný, ty tomu musíš veriť. To je všetko.

72Ako tá žena s krvotokom, všetci ľudia tam prechádzali a všetci tam stáli a hovorili, “Tu prichádza ten Učiteľ, to je ten, ktorý tvrdí, že je Prorok, to je ten fanatik.“ A takéto veci.

73Ale, čo sa stalo, táto malá žena mala krvotok a ona o Ňom počula a keď prišla dolu, bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovoril, ona rozpoznala, kým On je. A ona povedala, “Ak by som sa len mohla dotknúť Jeho rúcha.“ Vidíte?

74A keď sa tá skutočná viera v Boha pre ňu stala pozitívnou vecou, čo to uvoľnilo? To uvoľnilo Jeho moc, aby ju uzdravila. Ona sa Ho tak dotkla, až sa On otočil a povedal jej, čo s ňou nie je v poriadku, a povedal, “Tvoja viera ťa zachránila.“ Čo to urobilo? Viera.

75Tí ostatní, ktorí tam stáli, mohli byť ešte viac chorí ako ona, ale vidíte, ona rozpoznala Jeho prítomnosť. Ona vedela, že to je jej príležitosť.

76Ak by sme to len ľudia mohli urobiť dnes večer, ak by sme si len mohli uvedomiť, že On sa nám na týchto zhromaždeniach zjavuje, za jedným účelom, a to je, aby uvoľnil naše túžby, ktoré máme v Ňom pre nás, ale vy musíte rozpoznať Jeho prítomnosť. A tak, ako rozpoznáte Jeho prítomnosť? To je vtedy, keď to zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek je prejavené, nie zasľúbené Slovo na vek Mojžiša, alebo na iný vek, ale to je to zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek.

77Zisťujeme teraz, že on išiel rovno ďalej a Jairus, ten malý chlapík tam so svojou mŕtvou dcérou, on veril, že čo On povedal, je pravda. No, pamätajte, on bol kňazom a bolo mu zakázané, pretože to bolo striktne povedané, že “ktokoľvek sa s ním bude stýkať, bude vylúčený zo Synagógy.“ No, či on bol vylúčený alebo nebol, každopádne on bol uspokojený, že Boh bol prítomný v Kristovi. A to bolo to Slovo. Čo to urobilo? To pre neho uvoľnilo moc zmŕtvychvstania, ktorá bola v Ňom, Amen. Priviedlo to späť to dievča, ktoré bolo mŕtve a ležalo, pretože on rozpoznal, že Boh bol v Kristovi, a Jeho prítomnosť bola v jeho dome.

78Ale v tom meste, kde vyrastal, tá istá moc bola v Ňom, v tom meste, v ktorom vyrástol, a oni Ho nikdy nerozpoznali. Jeho prítomnosť pre nich neznamenala nič. Možno, že bol pre nich nejakým fanatikom. “Kde sú tieto veci? Hovoria mi, že Ty robíš tak a tak, ukáž, nech ťa to vidím robiť tu.“

79Či ste to už nepočuli? “Ak by tam... Vy, skupina Letničných, a vy, ľudia, ktorí veríte v Božské uzdravenie, tu je taký a taký prípad, ukážte mi, či ho môžete uzdraviť?“

80To je stále ten istý starý diabol, ten istý, ktorý povedal, “Ak si Synom Božím, rozkáž, nech sa tieto kamene stanú chlebom.“

81Ten istý starý diabol, keď Mu zakryl oči, a oni Ho udierali po hlave s palicou a povedali, “Teraz,“ a podali si palicu jeden druhému a povedali, “Povedz, ktorý z nás ťa udrel? A uveríme Ti, že si Prorok.“ Nikdy to neurobil, On nikomu nerobí klauna. Áno.

82Ten istý, to isté, keď bol Ježiš na kríži, on povedal, “Ak si Synom Božím, zostúp z kríža a dokáž, že si Synom Božím.“ On by to mohol urobiť.

83Oni Mu tam vzdali najväčšiu poctu, akú On kedy mal, ale oni to nevedeli. Povedali, “Zachraňoval ostatných a sám sa nevie zachrániť.“ Ak by sa bol On zachránil, nemohol by zachrániť ostatných. On dal samého seba, aby tak mohol zachrániť ostatných. Vidíte? Oni nerozpoznali prítomnosť Božiu, to je všetko.

84Tak, to teraz uvoľňuje moc k uzdraveniu, a čomu to uvoľní moc do otvorenia tvojich očí, aby si Ho rozpoznal, alebo to zaslepí tvoje oči, aby si Ho nikdy nerozpoznal. To, čo otvára oči jednému, zatvára oči neveriacemu.

85Ale v tom meste, oni v Neho nemali nikdy dôveru. V dome farizeja, on Ho tam pozval, Šimon farizeus, a urobil veľkú večeru a ten farizeus chcel dokázať tým druhým, že On nie je Prorokom. Tak oni si tam vzadu pripíjali s pohármi a čašami a boli tam všetky možné dobré parfumy v tom dome.

86A Ježiš prešiel okolo toho poskoka, ktorý umýval nohy, a sadol si. A špina a zápach z toho poľa boli na ňom, kde po tej ceste chodili zvieratá a mal od toho rúcho.

To je ten dôvod, prečo si v tých dňoch umývali nohy.

87A vidíte, prvá vec, keď ste pozvaný do nejakého domu tam v Palestíne, kde nosili tie sandále, tá prvá vec, ktorú urobili, je, aby vám umyli nohy a potom vám niečo dali, aby ste išli po ich kobercoch, po tých veľkých perzských kobercoch a veciach a to bolo krásne.

88Ďalšia vec, ktorú urobili, potom vám dali na ruky nejaký olej. On pochádza z malého jabĺčka, ktoré sa nachádza na horách, to je jablková ruža. Potom, ako tá ruža odpadne, tak tam zanecháva to jabĺčko a krásne parfumy a oni si s tým pošúchajú tvár a tie priame lúče palestínskeho slnka sú hrozné a viete, to vytvára vôňu. A keď to urobíte, potom ten hostiteľ prichádza ku dverám a pobozká vás na krk a chce, aby ste sa cítili vítaní.

89Ako tam tí poskokovia len nechali Ježiša prejsť bez toho, aby umyli Jeho nohy, alebo Mu dali olej, aby sa pomazal, alebo Ho pobozkali na privítanie?

90Ale bola tam jedna malá prostitútka z ulice. A všetci tí náboženskí ľudia teraz, celá tá skupina Ho nerozpoznala. A tá žena zlej povesti sa pozrela dovnútra, možno od brány, a videla Ho tam sedieť ako nejakú nástennú kvetinu.

91Tak je to s Ním tiež dnes medzi skupinou náboženstiev. Nástenná kvetina, nevítaná, nechcená: “Špinavý, nečistý náboženský fanatik.“ Tak to nazývajú, “Nejaký človek, ktorý nie je pri svojej zdravej mysli, predpovedať budúcnosti, mentálna telepatia.“ Alebo Ho nazvú nejakým zlým menom.

92A Ježiš, vysvetlím vám to za chvíľu, povedal, “Keď poviete slovo proti Synovi človeka, bude vám odpustené, ale keď príde Duch Svätý, a bude robiť to isté, jedno slovo vám nebude nikdy odpustené.“ Rozumiete?

93Ale tamtá žena videla, že On potreboval službu, ona rýchle vbehla dovnútra, vošla tam, a mala alabastrovú nádobu plnú oleja. Možno to kúpila za peniaze z prostitúcie. Ale čo to bolo? Ona si mohla pomyslieť: “On je, On je prorok, ale ja si pamätám na inú ženu môjho druhu, iný charakter, taký ako ja, ona mala možnosť a ona Ho rozpoznala, bolo jej odpustené.“ Tam hore pri studni v Sychare, minulý večer sme o tom hovorili, “Ak sa len môžem ku Nemu dostať, viem, kým On je, urobím Mu službu. Čo tí ostatní z nich, nestarám sa, čo oni robia, ja Mu urobím službu! Ja rozpoznám, že On je Syn Boží!“

94Vbehla dovnútra. Prišla skutočne blízko ku Nemu a cítila sa taká vinná. To je to, ako sa skutočne kajúcny hriešnik cíti v Jeho prítomnosti, vinný!

95A slzy jej začali stekať a ona sa ich snažila skryť. Kvapkali na Jeho nohy, ona Ho išla pomazať, ale tie slzy kvapkali na Jeho nohy. A ona ich začala utierať a plakala a utierala ich rukami a Jeho nohy boli celé zašpinené tou špinou, ktorá bola na nich a ak to tak skutočne chcete veriť, ten zápach tých zvierat z tej cesty, každý išiel po tej istej ceste. A tam to bolo, bol na Ňom zápach, ako tam sedel. A jej slzy kvapkali na Jeho nohy a ona sa ich snažila utrieť a nemala žiaden uterák.

96Čo je krásou a slávou ženy? Jej vlasy. To je ten dôvod, prečo mnohé z vás žien ste si ich ostrihali. To je nesprávne. Ona vzala svoje vlasy a začala utierať... Utierať Mu nohy a utierať ich svojimi krásnymi vlasmi, zotierala ten zápach z Neho, brala ho na seba, niesla Jeho pohanenie. Ó, to je spôsob, ako rozpoznávate, kto je vo vašej prítomnosti. Vidíte? Naše sestry by museli takmer stáť na svojich hlavách, aby nazberali dostatok vlasov, aby to mohli urobiť. Tak, tam Mu utrela nohy a utrela ich vlasmi svojej hlavy a bozkala Jeho nohy.

97A ten starý Šimon, on stál vzadu a povedal: “Hmm-hmm.“ Ó, môžem ho vidieť, ako vybuchol. On nerozpoznal, kým On je. Povedal: “Povedal som vám, že On nie je prorok. Ak by bol prorokom, rozpoznal by, aký druh ženy je pri Ňom.“

98Ježiš ani nohou nepohol, len ju pozoroval a ona sa bála.

99Potom, ako Mu ona dokončila službu, On sa pozrel a povedal: “Šimon, niečo ti mám povedať. Ty si Ma sem pozval, ty si Ma sem priviezol.“ Inými slovami, mal eso v rukáve. “Ty si Ma chcel vystaviť na posmech, chcel si dokázať, že Ja nie som tým, kým som, a ty, keď si Ma sem priviedol, ty si Mi mal umyť Moje nohy, ale vôbec si to neurobil. Ty si Mi mal dať olej a pomazať Moju hlavu, ale neurobil si to. Vôbec si Ma nepobozkal na privítanie a táto žena, odkedy Som tu, stále umýva Moje nohy svojimi slzami a utiera ich svojimi vlasmi a stále bozká Moje nohy, odkedy Som tu. Mám niečo proti tebe, Šimon.“

100Potom sa obracia k nej. Viem si predstaviť, ako ju tam vidí stáť, ako má svoje veľké krásne oči celé zamazané a jej tvár, a kde mala tú mastnotu, a prach z cesty teraz na tvári a ona si myslí: “No, urobila som niečo zlé? Urobila som zlé?“

101On povedal: “A jej hovorím, že jej hriechy, ktorých je mnoho, sú jej všetky odpustené, choď v pokoji.“

102Čo to bolo? Ona rozpoznala. Ona rozpoznala svoju príležitosť. Vidíte? Urobila to. Urobila Mu službu. Tí Farizeji to neurobili, ona to uvidela a rozpoznala Jeho prítomnosť. Čo to urobilo? To umylo. Čo jej to uvoľnilo? Odpustenie. Uvoľnilo jej to odpustenie jej hriechov. Čo to tiež urobilo? To tiež uvoľnilo moc Božiu, aby to ukázalo tým neveriacim, že On je prorok. On vedel, kým ona je. To tiež uvoľnilo radosť a moc a večný Život. To uvoľnilo.

103Ale ten, ktorý spôsobil, že bol zatlčený veľký obrovský klinec do Jeho vzácnych nôh, ten nikdy nerozpoznal prítomnosť Božiu v Ňom. Ten tiež od Neho chcel, aby pre neho urobil nejaký lacný trik, nejakú zábavu.

104To je to, čo svet dnes chce. To je skupina zabávačov. Oni nechcú evanjelium, oni chcú byť zabávaní.

105A Pilát povedal: “Rád by som od Neho videl nejaký zázrak, alebo niečo také, priveďte Ho sem.“ Rovno v prítomnosti Božej a odmietol to, pretože (Čo?) pretože on si cenil viac názor verejnosti, ako si cenil mať tú príležitosť, byť v prítomnosti Boha. Čo sa stalo? Tej žene bolo odpustené a bol jej daný večný život, ale on stratil rozum a zbláznil sa, a spáchal samovraždu, tým, že sa utopil vo Švajčiarsku.

106No, dajte na to pozor. Oni sú unášaní populárnym názorom toho dňa, že “On je Belzebúb, On je len robiaci sa veriaci, v Ňom skutočne nič nie je.“ Čo urobil? On to zapredal, zapredal svoju príležitosť, keď bol v prítomnosti Božej. Mohlo mu byť odpustené. Povedal: “Mám moc Ťa ukrižovať, mám moc Ťa prepustiť.“

107Povedal: “Nemal by si žiadnej moci, ak by to neprišlo od Môjho Otca.“ On to mal vedieť, ak by poznal Písma, a on tým, že bol Židom, mal vedieť, ale vidíte, tradície mu to vyvrátili. Tak isto je to dnes, ak on len mohol byť správne vyučený. Ak by ten človek len uveril tomu, čo Písma povedali, ale jeho tradícia ho z toho dostala.

108Tak isto je to dnes. Ľudia vezmú to pravé evanjelium, kde vstupuje Duch Svätý, a moc a Sláva Božia je uvoľnená a uvoľňuje hriešnikov z hriechu a oslobodzuje ich a krstí ich v Duchu Svätom a uzdravuje nemocných a ukazuje znamenia a zázraky a ľudia odídu a povedia: “Á, viete, čo teraz moja cirkev učí? Že to je nezmysel.“ Vidíte? Zapredávate to. Predávate svoje práva prvorodenstva! Ďalší Ezav.

109Tak mnohí majú tú istú príležitosť dnes. Stáť v Jeho prítomnosti, ako stáli tamtí vtedy, a znova, kvôli populárnemu názoru, oni to odmietajú. Stoja v prítomnosti Božej. Som zvedavý, priateľu, dnes večer, či ľudia, ktorí sú kresťanmi v Jeho prítomnosti a sú chorí, či neodmietneme tú príležitosť byť uzdravení, tým, že Mu budeme veriť? My, ktorí tvrdíme, že Mu veríme, skutočne nerozpoznávame Jeho prítomnosť, čo On zasľúbil robiť dnes.

110Potvrdené skrze zasľúbenie na ten deň, Ježiš karhal tú generáciu za to, že neuverili Jeho Mesiášskemu Znaku. Vidíme to tam, On ich karhal. Nazvali Ho Belzebúbom, chceli od Neho, aby urobil možno znamenie Mojžiša, aby otvoril Červené more. Oni chceli od Neho, aby urobil znamenie Dávida, zaujal trón a vládu, ale žiadne miesto Písma nehovorilo, že to urobí. On mal byť prorokom. On prichádza, Kráľ. On mal byť vtedy prorokom a On urobil znak, o ktorom Boh povedal, že urobí v tých dňoch, a oni stále od Neho chceli, aby urobil nejaké znamenie, ktoré sa im páčilo. Vidíte?

111A ja som len zvedavý, či sa my nedívame príliš dopredu na niečo, čo je rovno pri nás. Som zvedavý, či by to nemohlo byť tak isto, či by sme my neminuli našu príležitosť. Pamätajte, ako tie starodávne typy, tie typy sa nemôžu porušiť. To posledné znamenie podľa Ježiša, On povedal: “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude vo dňoch, keď Syn človeka.“ Nie teraz Syn Boží: “Keď bude zjavený Syn človeka.“ Pozrite sem, kde sa dnes nachádzame. Priatelia, mohol by som vám povedať niektoré veci, ktoré by neboli dobré, aby som vám ich povedal, ale oni by vás naľakali.

112Chcem sa vás opýtať jednu otázku, kým zakončíme, predtým, ako budeme ďalej pokračovať v tej službe o pár minút. Som zvedavý, či by som sa toto mohol opýtať.

113Každý vie, že svet je v pozícii, kde všetko je na mieste pripravené pre Jeho príchod. Budú miestami zemetrasenia, mesiac bude červený ako krv, alebo červené sopky budú všade a budú to prikrývať.“ Ako Ježiš povedal, aby sme pozorovali to znamenie v tých posledných dňoch: “More sa bude búriť, ľudské srdcia budú zlyhávať od strachu a bude čas zmätku a zovretie medzi národmi.“

114Pozrite sa, ako dnes ide prevrátenosť vpred. Pozrite sa na to dnes: 40% nárast homosexuálov v Kalifornii. Prirodzená náklonnosť je už stratená.

115Pozrite sa na to. Pozrite dnes, ako ľudia zostávajú doma, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi a počúvajú takých ľudí, ako Pat Boone, Elvis Presley, Henry Ford a tých, ktorí spievajú hymny v nedeľu, a pozrite sa na tie veci. Oni sa dívajú na nich, ako bozkávajú ženy a podobne.

116Pričom žiaden muž by nikdy nemal bozkať ženu, kým s ňou nie je ženatý. To je skríženie mužských a ženských žliaz. Nech je to kdekoľvek, je to nesprávne. To je potencionálne pohlavný styk. Keď sa dotýkajú mužské a ženské žľazy, je to pohlavný styk. A to je... Keby muž bozkal muža na ústa, to by mu spôsobilo vracanie, alebo žena ženu. Prečo je to odlišné? To je potencionálne pohlavný styk. To je pravda. To je typ Krista, ktorý bozká svoju Nevestu. Vidíte? Nikdy by ste to nemali robiť.

117Ale pozrite sa na to dnes, všetky tieto filmy a veci a jedno zamiešanie, bozkávanie a objímanie sa, a to je takmer úplné verejné cudzoložstvo všade, a ľudia sú tak slepí, že to nevidia. To je pravda. Všetko je v stave Sodomy. Sodomiti sú všade, ako Biblia povedala.

118Tak mnoho vecí, pozrite sa na tieto dni, čo On povedal, že sa bude diať. Pozrite na zasľúbenia, ktoré On dal, ktoré sa odohrajú dnes, a potom to preskúmajte s tým, čo sa deje, a vidzte, kde sa nachádzame. Potom budete vidieť, či je On stále vo svojom Slove, alebo nie.

119Oni chceli vidieť znamenie Mojžiša, znamenie Dávida. To nebolo pre ich vek, to bolo zasľúbené na Mojžišov vek, a na ich vek. Zasľúbenie na tento vek sa musí udiať. On im jasne ukázal pomocou Písem a pozval ich, aby skúmali Písma, aby videli ten deň, v ktorom žijú.

120On robí tú istú vec práve teraz. Skúmajte Písma, vy, ktorí veríte Biblii. Čo sa má udiať rovno pred Jeho príchodom?

121Pozrite sa na svet v jeho pozícii, v akom stave je teraz svet. Pozrite sa na cirkev, kde sa nachádza, pozrite sa, kde je. “Odpadnutý, vlažný, Laodicea. Vystrčili Slovo.“ Celá tá vec ide do veľkej rady cirkví do svetovej rady cirkví a formuje znamenie Šelmy, o ktorom Biblia vyhlasuje, že je zlé, a všetky tie veci, a pritom Protestanti sa do toho hrnú hlavou vpred, nepoznajúc Písem. Ich tradície! Ó, oni chcú mocného muža a oni ho dostanú. Uvidia, že ho dostanú.

122On mal, pozrite, Ježiš dokonale vyhlásil, kým presne On je. A dokázal im to, kým On je, vo svojom veku.

123Tá istá vec je dnes. No pozrite sa, pozrite sa, ako je to v Lukášovi 17: “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy.“ Pozrite sa na svet, pozrite na cirkev, ten sodomský stav. Pozrite, kde bol Lót, keď sa tí mužovia dokonca snažili dostať cez tie dvere ku tým anjelom, tí mužovia.

124Všimnite si, pozrite sa sem. Tam to malo... Pozrite, Abrahám bol hore na vrchu, on nebol v Sodome. To je typ.

125Vždy existujú tri skupiny ľudí v náboženskom zhromaždení: Veriaci, takzvaní veriaci a neveriaci, vždy sú to tí traja. A tam oni boli, tam bol ten neveriaci sodomita, tak zvaný veriaci Lót a Abrahám, tá vyvolená cirkev.

126No, sledujte ich poslov v tom dni. Dvaja poslovia zišli dolu a kázali do Sodomy, oni neurobili žiadne zázraky, iba ich oslepili. Kázanie Slova to robí.

127Ale sledujte, aký druh zázraku urobil tento Anjel, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom. On bol otočený chrbtom a povedal Abrahámovi, že jeho meno bolo zmenené. Nazval ho: “Abrahám“ namiesto Abram. On nemohol mať to dieťa, kým jeho meno nebolo zmenené, a tak isto Sára. On im povedal, ako sa volali, ten Anjel im to povedal, a povedal, že navštívi Sáru podľa času života.

128A Sára sa nad tým smiala. A keď sa Sára zasmiala... Ten Muž s otočeným chrbtom, ten Muž, ktorý tam jedol mäso z teľaťa a pil mlieko z kravy a jedol chlieb, človek, ktorý mal prach na svojom odeve, pocestný, to bol sám Boh. A Abrahám to rozpoznal, pretože On poznal myšlienky, ktoré boli v srdci Sáry, ktorá bola za ním. Povedal: “Prečo sa Sára smiala v sebe?“ Ako sa toto môže stať?“ Či je niečo príliš ťažké pre Pána?“ Vidíte? A Sára vybehla a zaprela to. A On povedal: “Ale áno, smiala si sa.“ No, On by mohol tam rovno Sáru pripraviť o život za jej neveru, ale vidíte, ona je časťou Abraháma.

129A naša nevera v Jeho veľkú manifestáciu v tejto hodine, my sme časťou Krista. On len, my sme, naše... On to musí zachovať.

130Všimnite si teraz, tam nebol nikdy čas v histórii cirkevného veku... A ja poznám jedného skutočného študenta, ku ktorému hovorím, historika. Nikdy to tak nebolo. Opýtal by som sa ktoréhokoľvek študenta Biblie, aby mi povedal a ukázal jedného muža, ktorý bol kedy poslaný do cirkevného veku, v tomto veku od ukrižovania Krista, nejakú celosvetovú službu, kde jeho meno končilo s písmenami h-a-m, ako A-b-r-a-h-a-m, až do tohto dňa. Sankey, Finney, Moody, Knox, Kalvín, ale kedy bol predtým nejaký G-r-a-h-a-m, Billy Graham, veľký evanjelista, ktorý je tam s denomináciami, ktoré sú v Sodome? Nikdy, tam je moderný Oral Roberts s letničnými, tá istá vec. Vedeli ste to?

131Ale, h-a-m, teraz G-r-a-h-a-m, je len šesť písmen, ale A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem písmen. Šesť je číslo človeka, ľudská organizácia, ľudské konanie, ale A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem písmen. Všimnite si teraz, v cirkvi, ktorá je vyvolená, ktorá je vytiahnutá, nie tie denominácie, ale tá vyvolená cirkev, ktorá stojí vonku, ona má tiež dostať posla v týchto posledných dňoch.

132Čo sa to tam deje? Čo sa to deje tu hore? Porovnajte to s tým, čo povedal Ježiš. Nikdy pred tým to v histórii nebolo takto zriadené. A tie isté znamenia, ktoré majú byť učinené, či si neuvedomujete, priatelia, a nerozpoznávate, že to je Boh, ktorý prichádza dolu v Evanjeliu, v Jeho ľuďoch, ako dáva poznávať samého seba? Nemôžete rozpoznať hodinu, v ktorej žijeme? Či sa musíme len dostať do nejakého tlieskania rúk a trošku zahrať na klavír a zarecitovať toto a dostať sa preč od Slova, kým sme na to slepí? Isteže nemáme. Rozpoznajme hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.

133Peter, Nátan, alebo vlastne Natanael, a tá žena, oni to rozpoznali. Oni rozpoznali Jeho znamenie, Mesiášske znamenie.

134To isté je teraz, ako hovorím tieto veci. Potom ku tomuto veku Ježiš povedal... Sledujte teraz, On sa teraz odvoláva späť a hovorí im o veku. Boh v ktoromkoľvek veku, keď poslal svoje posolstvo, ktoré bolo Jeho Slovom, a identifikoval ho k tomu veku, ľudia, ktorí tomu uverili, to bol pre nich veľkolepý čas, a ľudia, ktorí tomu neuverili, odišli do chaosu. Vždy to tak bolo.

135Tak, ako vo dňoch Ježiša, bolo to tak isto. Sledujte Ho, ako tam teraz stojí, povedal: “Ako bolo vo dňoch Jonáša v Jonášovi, lebo, ako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak isto musí byť Syn človeka.“

136On povedal: “Hriešna a cudzoložná generácia bude vyhľadávať znamenie.“ No, viete, čo si myslím, že On práve robil? On prorokoval: “Bezbožná a cudzoložná generácia.“

137Som zvedavý, či by nejaký človek vo svojej zdravej mysli mohol poprieť, že žijeme v slabej a cudzoložnej generácii, kedy sú homosexuáli a prevrátenie, a počet rozvodov v Amerike je vyšší, ako v ktoromkoľvek inom národe sveta. A celý svet sa dostal do chaosu toho. Takmer traja z každých štyroch sú rozvedení a všade naokolo a berú preč celú tú vec, okolo desiatich rokov manželstva.

Vidíte? Pomyslite na to. Rozvod, znovu sa ženia a vydávajú a znovu sa rozvedú a znovu sa ženia a vydávajú. “Oni jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali sa.“ Pozrite na tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, kedy bol takýto chaos?

138„Bezbožná a cudzoložná generácia bude vyhľadávať znamenie, všimnite si, a oni obdržia znamenie.“

Čo? Táto generácia: “Lebo ako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a noci, Syn človeka musí byť v srdci zeme tri dni a noci.“ Aké znamenie dostane tá hriešna a cudzoložná generácia? Znamenie zmŕtvychvstania.

139A dnes, po dvoch tisícoch rokov stále vidíme Ježiša Krista v moci Jeho vzkriesenia stojaceho medzi nami, ako robí veci, ktoré robil vtedy a ktoré zasľúbil robiť. “Hriešna a cudzoložná generácia bude vyhľadávať znamenie, vždy budú chcieť povedať, ukáž mi toto a ak môžeš urobiť toto a tamto. Oni to dostanú, to znamenie vzkriesenia.“ On Je ten istý, včera, dnes i na veky. Slovo zamanifestované, prebývajúce medzi nami. Ako by sme mali ďakovať Bohu za toto veľké znamenie.

140Všimnite si, On sa tu odvolával ešte na niečo iné. Povedal: “Ako kráľovná z Juhu povstane.“ To je kráľovná zo Sáby. Počúvajte teraz pozorne.

Kráľovná juhu povstane na súde s touto generáciou a odsúdi ju, lebo prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu a, hľa, väčší ako Šalamún je tu.

141Všimnite si, odvolajme sa na to na chvíľu na pár minút. On čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my čítame o Jonášovi, a On čítal o Šalamúnovi. No, keď prišiel Šalamúnov vek, on mal dar rozpoznania a všetci ľudia, celý národ tomu uveril. Všetci boli jedno srdce a boli v súhlase, každý to veril.

142Ak by dnes večer každý, ak by sa celá Amerika obrátila späť ku Bohu a uverila Bohu, to je to najlepšie uistenie, aké máme, to by bolo ponad všetky bunkre a ponad všetko možné.

143Nikto nemohol obalamutiť Šalamúna, oni sa ho báli, pretože on bol obdarovaným mužom. A ľudia mu tak verili, že on bol poslaný od Boha, až ho urobili svojím kráľom. Všetky národy sa ho báli nie kvôli jeho vojenskej moci, ale pretože bol s nimi Boh.

144A ak tento národ, ktorý si nárokuje byť kresťanským, ak by len mohli oni všetci spolu priľnúť okolo tohto veľkého daru, ktorý nám bol daný v týchto posledných dňoch, Svätý Duch Boží na cirkvi. Nie vyznanie, Duch Boží. „Nie mocou ani silou, ale mojím Duchom,“ povedal Boh.

Duch Svätý, Ježiš Kristus vo forme Ducha na nás, “Ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky,“ spôsobuje, že toto Slovo žije, to, čo On povedal, že sa bude diať. Sledujte teraz pozorne.

145Ó, tie správy vyšli na celý svet. Oni nemali televíziu a rádio a takéto veci v tamtých dňoch, tak to išlo od úst ku uchu a po chvíli tie veľké karavány prichádzali rovno, až zdola zo Saharskej púšte, čo je cesta troch mesiacov z Palestíny až tam dolu, kde ona žila. A viera prichádza skrze čo?

Počutie, počutie Slova Božieho. A ona počula o tomto veľkom zhromaždení, ktoré tam hore majú, a zakaždým, ako odtiaľ prišla nejaká karavána, ona sa pýtala: “Či ste išli cez Palestínu?“


„Ó, a čo tam bolo?“

146„Ó, to je ponad pomyslenie, nikdy si nevidela také rozpoznanie. A to je, akoby tam sedel Boh. Ich Boh je reprezentovaný v človeku, ktorý sa volá Šalamún.“

147Tak, “Viera prichádza skrze počutie.“ Srdce tej malej kráľovnej začalo byť hladné po tom ísť tam hore a zistiť, čo to je. Vidíte, ona bola určená do života.

148Všimnite si teraz, tá prvá vec do vykonania, tým, že ona bola pohankou, ona musela ísť získať povolenie od jej kňaza, aby tam mohla ísť. Tak, viem si ju predstaviť, ako ide k svojmu kňazovi a hovorí, “Svätý otče, počujem, že oni tam hore v Palestíne majú veľké prebudenie, rada by som dostala povolenie ísť tam a sama sa presvedčiť.“

149„No, moje dieťa, ty sa predsa nechceš zamiešať v nejakom... Nakoniec, my v tom prebudení nespolupracujeme, tak ty nemôžeš ísť, a tak vidíš, to je len kopa nezmyslu. Nie je na tom nič. Tí ľudia tvrdia, že prešli cez Červené more, a že urobili toto a tamto, ale na tom nič nie je. Ak by sa také niečo dialo, to by bolo rovno tu v našej cirkvi.“ Stále máme pohanov.

150Tak, zisťujeme, že ona začala žízniť. Povedala: “No, pozri.“ Povedala: “Hovoria mi, že ich Boh je tam reprezentovaný v ľudskej bytosti a jeho múdrosť je poza čímkoľvek. Jeho rozpoznanie je ohromné.“

„Ó, na tom nič nie je.“

Ona povedala: “Ale mohla by som...“

151„No, pozri, ty si kráľovná, ty sa nemôžeš stýkať s takou bandou ľudí, no ty to nemôžeš. To je skupina ľudí známa po celom svete ako náboženskí fanatici. Ty to nemôžeš urobiť.“

152Ale vidíte, keď Boh začína konať s ľudským srdcom, tam neexistuje nič, čo by to zastavilo. Muž, žena, deti, pastor, nič iné to nemôže zastaviť, keď nejaká osoba skutočne žízni po Bohu. Oni jednako idú. Tak, ona sa pripravila. A pripravila sa.

153No, on by povedal: “Dobre, dám ti... Budem ťa musieť potom exkomunikovať z nášho obecenstva.“

154„No, môžete to urobiť, ja jednako pôjdem, idem si to sama zistiť, všetko o tomto, a uvidieť.“

155Ona priniesla zvitky a čítala, čím by Jehova mal byť, o Jeho prorokoch a čo musí robiť, ako Slovo Božie má byť zamanifestované a ako sa bude dať spoznať, kedy sú tieto veci reprezentované, zahalené v ľudskom tele, čo to bude konať. A ona všetky tieto veci čítala.

Tak, ja ho počujem hovoriť: “No, pozri, naša kniha hovorí toto,“ povedal.

156„Áno, pozri, moja pra-pra-stará mama stála za takými istými modlami, ona tam stála a hovorila modlitby deň za dňom, oni sa nikdy nepohli ani jeden pohyb ani nič, a ja som už unavená z tejto starej mŕtvej formy. Chcem tam ísť a vidieť, že existuje živý Boh.“ Je to príliš zlé, že už nemáme dnes viac takých kráľovien.

157Tak, ona sa pripravila ísť. Tak, keď prišla na toto miesto, kam musela ísť, pamätajte, mala veľkú ťažkosť. To nebolo také ľahké, ako by to bolo pre teba. Všimnite si, čo ona musela urobiť.

158Tu je ešte jedna vec, ktorú nechcem vynechať. Ona povedala: “Idem tam hore a vezmem nejaké peniaze. Vezmem nejaké dary a ak je to pravda, podporím to, ak to nie je pravda, tak potom si vezmem svoje peniaze späť.“

159Tá žena by mohla učiť letničných. Tak veru. Podporiť veci tam vonku, ktoré sa vysmievajú a robia si žarty z Božského uzdravenia, a pri tom podporujete rádio programy namiesto vašej vlastnej cirkvi, tak to je. A oni sa smejú a robia si žarty práve z tej veci, v ktorú vy veríte.

160Ale ona povedala: “Ja to vezmem a ak to nie je pravda, môžem to vziať späť.“

161Tak, pamätajte so všetkým týmto bohatstvom, ktoré mala naložené na týchto ťavách, a pamätajte, tí kočovní jazdci Izmaela boli rabovači tam na púšti. Aké jednoduché by to pre nich bolo, prepadnúť ich a vziať túto korisť, no oni by týchto pár eunuchov, ktorí boli s ňou, zabili a zobrali peniaze a ušli preč.

162Ale niečo na tom je, keď ste skutočne rozhodnutí a Boh sa sám zjavuje, vy ste rozhodnutí vidieť Krista, neexistuje pred vami žiadne nebezpečenstvo, vy tomu ani nevenujete pozornosť. Lekár hovorí, že zomrieš, ty si to ani nevšímaš. Keď sa tlačíš, vieš, že niečo tam je.

163Niečo dolu v jej srdci horelo. Viera v tohto Boha. [prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Cestovať tri mesiace cez Saharskú púšť, nie v klimatizovanom Cadillacu, nie, nie. Trvalo jej tri mesiace, kým prešla cez Saharskú púšť, možno cestovala v noci, čítala zvitky v tej oáze v čase dňa, až kým nedorazila.

164Tak, niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, že ona sa v posledných dňoch postaví a odsúdi túto generáciu, pretože niektorí z nich ani neprejdú cez ulicu a väčší ako Šalamún je tu. Sám Svätý Duch. Rozumiete? Niet divu, že ona povstane v posledných dňoch a odsúdi tú generáciu.

165Sledujte, ona nakoniec dorazila. Ona neprišla ako mnohí ľudia, ako niektorí ľudia prídu na nejaké zvláštne zhromaždenie. Ona prišla a vzala svoje ťavy a vyšla tam na dvor, postavila stany a išla tam zostať, kým nebola presvedčená.

166Väčšina ľudí príde, sedí možno päť minút, možno dvadsaťpäť. Akonáhle evanjelista, alebo niekto povie niečo, čo je v protiklade s tým, čo si oni myslia, čo hovorí ich vyznanie, jeho alebo jej vyznanie, tak idú von. Vidíte, tam nie je ani základ slušnosti. Niet divu, že ona odsúdi túto generáciu, lebo ona prišla, aby zostala, kým nebola presvedčená.

167Viem si predstaviť, že v to prvé zhromaždenie ráno, keď zazneli všetky trúby, pastor Šalamún vychádza. Možno sedela niekde úplne vzadu. Povedala, “No, chcem to sama vidieť. Viem, že to je to, čím Jehova má byť. Človek môže niečo tvrdiť, ale ja sa chcem presvedčiť.” Tak ona tam sedela v ten deň a pozorovala a videla, ako každý prichádza na pódium. Videla, že to rozpoznanie bolo dokonalé.

168Nakoniec, povedzme, že jej modlitebná karta bola zavolaná, čo pravdepodobne nebola, ale prišiel jej čas prísť pred Šalamúna. A Biblia hovorí, že “Keď sa prišla postaviť pred Šalamúna, tak Boh dal Šalamúnovi poznať všetky jej tajnosti, nič nebolo ukryté.“ Potom sa na nej stal ten zázrak.

169Potom sa obrátila k publiku a povedala, “Všetky tieto veci, ktoré som počula, sú pravdivé a je to dokonca väčšie, ako som o tom počula.“ Vidíte? Tam v nej už nezostal žiaden život, ona stratila dych, pretože tu bol človek, ktorý ju nepoznal, cudzinec, a zjavil jej veci, ktoré ona chcela vedieť.

170Ó, ako tam stál Ježiš, ktorý bol viac ako Šalamún. On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne. On bol panensky narodený Syn Boží. On si Ho obliekol a sám Jahve sa prejavil v tele. A tu On stál v plnosti a oni Mu povedali, že Mu neuveria, a to bolo väčšie rozpoznanie. Vidíte, On bol Šalamún, plus Dávid, plus všetci ostatní z nich, to všetko bolo v Ňom. Všetci proroci v ňom boli zahrnutí. Väčší ako Šalamún.

171A dokonca v tom dni On povedal, “Ak poviete tie slová proti Mne, Ja vám odpustím, ale keď príde Duch Svätý, to bude väčšie, ako je teraz, a bude viac odsúdenia.“

172A my tu dnes stojíme a vidíme toho istého Boha robiť presne tú istú vec. Ja verím, že ona povstane v deň súdu a odsúdi túto generáciu, pretože ona činila pokánie a uverila tomu posolstvu, ktoré Šalamún kázal, a uverila v Boha, a uvidela niečo skutočné.

173Viete s čím je problém dnes? S ľuďmi, s mnohými ľuďmi, s ľuďmi, ktorí tam len patria a len chodia do cirkvi a majú vyznanie. Vidíte, oni videli toľko falošného, toľko sôch a toľko veľkých pekných budov a my nedovoľme, nikdy neupadnime do takého zatvrdenia. Vidíte, Boh neprebýva vo veľkých budovách, On prebýva v tvojom srdci. Boh neprebýva v intelektuálnom vzdelaní, On je od neho ďaleko. On prebýva v pokore v tvojom srdci.

174On prebýva vo Svojom Slove a Jeho Slovo prichádza do tvojho srdca a samo hovorí a vyhlasuje. On vykladá Svoje vlastné Slovo cez teba. On sa snaží nájsť niekoho, koho môže uchopiť a ukázať mu, že On je stále Bohom. Rozumiete? A On to učiní, ak len môže nájsť niekoho, komu môže prehovoriť. On môže nájsť ďalšiu ženu s krvotokom, On môže prehovoriť znovu tú istú vec. On stále môže urobiť to isté. Dať sa poznať a vyhlásiť. My sme v prítomnosti Božej a nerozpoznávame to.

175Pripomína mi to jeden príbeh. Možno som vám to už raz povedal, neviem. Ale môžem to teraz povedať. Ako všetci viete, ja poľujem na vysokú a bol som na severe v horách, zvyknem tam chodievať poľovať po celý čas. A mal som tam priateľa, ktorý sa volal Bert Call. On bol dobrým poľovníkom, asi napoly indiánom. Nikdy som sa nemusel o neho obávať, že by sa stratil, a boli sme skutočne kamoši, ale to bol ten najbezbožnejší človek v srdci, akého som kedy videl. On vôbec nemal žiadne srdce. On zvykol strieľať na malé jelenčatá, to sú mláďatá jeleňa, len aby ma tým trápil. A on zvykol povedať, “Ó, vy kazatelia, ste iba bábovky. Billy, ty by si bol dobrým poľovníkom, ak by si nebol kazateľom.“ Povedal, vy ste príliš mäkkí.“

Povedal som, “Bert, to neznamená, že sme mäkkí.“

176No, je to v poriadku zabiť jelenča, ak tak zákon hovorí. Abrahám zabil teľa a obetoval ho Bohu. To nie je o veľkosti toho alebo o pohlaví.

177Ale iba tým provokovať a on dokázal zastreliť tie jelenčatá a len sa smiať, rehotať, pretože mňa to trápilo. No, on to robil.

178A jedného roku som tam išiel a on si vyrobil takú malú píšťalku, na ktorú mohol pískať, a to vydávalo zvuk ako malé jelenča, ako to volá, viete, za svojou mamou. A tak on povedal, “Hej, Billy, predtým, ako dnes začneme.“ Povedal, “Chcem ti ukázať, čo mám.“ A on mi to ukázal.

Povedal som, “Bert, predsa nepoužiješ niečo takéto?“

179On povedal, “Ó, daj si pohov.“ A ten chlap mal oči ako jašterica, niečo také, ako si niektoré ženy snažia maľovať na svoje oči, viete, niečo také. Viete, on sa na mňa pozrel s tými jašteričími očami a to oko, takmer ma to vystrašilo.

A ja som povedal, “Bert, nerob to.“

On povedal, “Ó, vy mäkkí kazatelia.“

180Tak sme... Trochu som vtedy neskôr vstal a tieto severné jelene virdžínske... Váš jelenec ušatý tu, on by ku vám prišiel, ale nie z tamtých. Kdekoľvek bolo naňho vystrelené, on je...

Vy hovoríte, že Houdini je majster zmiznutia, on je oproti nim amatérom. Tak, bolo už neskoro a na nich už bolo strieľané a tie jelene sa skrývali, pásli sa v noci za svetla mesiaca a celý deň niekde spali. A tak sme vyšli až hore na Jefferson Notch, rovno hore až na horu Washington. Bolo tam už asi šesť palcov snehu, dobrý čas na stopovanie, ale nevidel som ani jednu stopu.

On povedal, “Čo si myslíš, Billy?“

181Povedal som, “Ty si ich tam odtiaľto všetkých vyplašil, s tými všetkými automatickými puškami, z ktorými si na nich strieľal.“

182A tak sme išli ďalej. Po chvíli asi o jedenástej, vždy sme si niesli také malé termo fľašky, plné horúcej čokolády. To kvôli tomu, že ak sa zraníš, alebo niečo také, to ťa povzbudí a potom ešte sendvič. Tak bolo okolo jedenástej, alebo jedenásť tridsať, myslím si, prišli sme na takú pláň o veľkosti asi tejto arény, alebo tejto budovy a nebolo tam žiadne drevo. Tak on si tak trochu sadol, oprel si pušku o strom a začal kráčať naspäť týmto smerom. A ja som si pomyslel, že sa vráti, aby si zobral svoju termo fľašku. Pomyslel som si, “Dobre, najeme sa.“

183Obyčajne vyjdeme na vrch hory a najeme sa a jeden zíde dolu jedným smerom a druhý druhým a potom sa vrátime a veľmi dobre sme poznali tú cestu naokolo, a ak sme dostali jeleňa, len sme ho zavesili a potom sme vedeli, že keď pôjdeme, tak pomôžeme jeden druhému, aby sme to zobrali, a tak som si pomyslel, že on si len išiel zjesť svoj obed a že sa rozdelíme, pretože sme už boli takmer na hrebeni. Tak som...

184On išiel naspäť, a ja som sa začal zháňať po mojej termo fľaške, vzal som svoju čokoládu a trochu som išiel tadeto. A on zo svojho vrecka vytiahol tú svoju malú píšťalku a poriadne na nej takto zapískal, a pozrel sa na mňa tými jašteričími očami a zapískal na tú píšťalku. A keď to urobil, v takej diaľke, asi ako je druhá strana tejto budovy, vyšla veľká laň.

185No, ak by niektoré z našich sestier chceli vedieť, laň je samica jeleňa. A vidíte, tá píšťalka bola ako mláďatko, a to plakalo a táto veľká laň vystúpila. Rovno asi o jedenástej hodine cez deň, ktokoľvek, kto poľuje jelene, vie, že to je nevhodný čas. Oni spia.

186Tak ona sa postavila a poobzerala. Mohol som ju vidieť celkom jasne. On sa na mňa pozrel a znovu zapískal. A namiesto toho, aby ona bežala, vyšla rovno na tú otvorenú poľanu.

187No, to je nezvyčajné, oni to nerobievajú. Každý poľovník to vie. A oni to neurobia, a nerobia to, ale ona tam jednoducho vyšla. Prečo? Ona bola matkou a tam bolo to mláďa. Vidíte, to je v nej jednoducho vrodené, aby bola matkou dieťaťu.

188A Bert sa pozrel dolu, otvoril západku na puške a dal tam tridsaťšestku. A on bol presný strelec a videl som ho, ako zamieril, takto, a vedel som, že on rozstrelí jej verné srdce na dve strany a s tým nábojom priemeru sto osemdesiat. A pomyslel som si, “Ako to môžeš urobiť, Bert? Ako môžeš byť tak zlý, zavolať tú matku laň rovno tam a potom z nej vystreliť srdce a ona sa snaží nájsť svoje mláďa? Ako môžeš byť taký brutálny, aby si také niečo urobil?“ Rozmýšľal som o tom a videl som ho, ako takto zamieril.

189A ja som nedokázal, nedokázal som sa na to dívať, bolo toho už príliš mnoho. A možno som mäkký a ja som sa otočil a pomyslel som si, “Bože, ako to môže urobiť? Ako môže byť ľudská bytosť taká krutá, aby to urobila, rozstreliť srdce tej vernej biednej matke?“

190No, ona sa nesnažila niečo predstierať. Ona nehrala nejaké šou. Ona bola matkou. Ona videla toho poľovníka, ako namieril tú zbraň, ale či ona bežala? Nie veru. Jej mláďatko bolo v ťažkostiach a ona sa ho snažila nájsť.

191A ja som sa otočil, ako som povedal, a povedal som, “Pane Bože, ako to môže urobiť?“ A všimol som si, že nič sa nedialo, čakal som a čakal, ale žiadna puška nevystrelila.

192A otočil som sa a pozrel a videl som, ako tá puška išla dolu, už ju nedokázal udržať, otočil sa a tie veľké jašterie oči boli zmenené a slzy mu stekali po lícach. Hodil tú pušku na zem a povedal, “Billy, už mám toho dosť, veď ma k tomu Ježišovi, o ktorom hovoríš.“

193Rovno tam v snehu som ho viedol ku Kristovi. Prečo? On videl niečo skutočné. Videl niečo pravé. “Ak títo budú ticho, skaly budú kričať.“ Tá matka na seba nič nenavliekala, ona bola skutočnou matkou. Nezáležalo na tom, či to bola smrť, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, ona stála rovno pred tvárou smrti, vediac, že každú chvíľu môže preletieť guľka jej srdcom, ale ona išla za svojím mláďatkom.

194Ó, ak by sme len mohli byť toľko Kresťanmi, ako bola tá laň matkou. Prečo? Ona sa narodila ako matka, ona sa narodila, aby bola matkou. My sme sa narodili, aby sme verili Slovu Božiemu. Narodili sme sa, aby sme verili Ježišovi Kristovi.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

195Koľkí sú tu práve teraz, ktorí chcú povedať so zdvihnutou rukou, “Brat Branham, skutočne by som rád bol takým druhom Kresťana, ako tá malá laň bola matkou. Prajem si, aby bolo moje srdce tak plné Krista, až by som mohol stáť pred tvárou čohokoľvek a byť skutočným kresťanom toľko, koľko tá laň bola matkou. Ja... to je ten druh prežitia, ktoré chcem.“ Zodvihol by si svoju ruku? Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je pekné, nech ťa Boh žehná. Toľkí všade. Som tak vďačný, že stále máte dostatok niečoho skutočného v sebe, čo spôsobuje, že veríte.

196Vidíte, čo ak by ste neverili. Nebolo by to žalostné vidieť neveriaceho na mieste, kde jeho srdce je tak zatvrdené, až vôbec nemôže veriť, je stratený, odsúdený preč, nevie o tom nič, nevediac, v ktorej hodine môže smrť zaklopať na dvere. Musíte sa pohnúť do večnosti.

197A Ježiš povedal, “Ak sa človek nenarodí znovu.“ Staň sa toľko kresťanom, ako tá laň bola matkou. “Nikdy neuvidíš Boha, si stratený, nezáleží na tom, do koľko cirkví sa pripojíš.“

On hovoril k náboženskému vodcovi toho dňa, Nikodémovi, osemdesiatročnému mužovi, a povedal mu, že sa musí znovu narodiť, že sa musí stať takým druhom Kresťana, ako tá laň bola tam matkou.

198Nie je tu niekto, kto nezodvihol svoju ruku a kto poznáva prítomnosť Božiu, rozpoznáva to a povie, “Viem, že sa mýlim?“ Keď si uvedomuješ, že sa mýliš, rozpoznávaš prítomnosť Božiu.

199Ale keď nevieš, že sa mýliš, Biblia hovorí, “Si mizerný.“ V tomto veku má byť cirkev, “Biedna, mizerná, úbohá, slepá a nahá a nevie o tom.“

200Len si predstavte muža, alebo ženu na ulici, biednych, slepých, úbohých, mizerných a nahých a mohli by ste im povedať, že sú nahí, a oni by vás nepočúvali, ale ak sú nahí a neveria tomu, čo za duševný stav to je.

201No, to je ten druh duchovného stavu, v akom to je. Ľudia sú duchovne slepí, úbohí, mizerní, nahí pred Bohom, hriešnici, snažiaci sa prikryť figovými listami nejakej denominácie, a nevedia o tom.

202Zodvihli by ste ruky, niekto ďalší? Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je pravda. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Predtým, ako si... Možno si tu cudzinec a nikdy si nevidel Boha urobiť nejakú vec, ale predtým, ako niečo uvidíš, tak stále hovor, “Ja to prijmem na základe Slova, viem, že väčší ako Šalamún je tu. Ten veľký Duch Svätý Boží je prítomný. Cítim to. Verím to. Dvíham svoju ruku. Som hriešnik a prosím o spasenie.“

203Nebeský Otče, požehnaj týchto, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky. Prosíme, aby bolo Tvoje milosrdenstvo udelené tým, ktorí sú hriešnikmi. To možno znamená, že aj patria do cirkvi, ale to stále neznamená, že už nie sú hriešnikmi, a oni zodvihli svoje ruky a chcú byť spasení. Pane, tam pri nich niečo bolo, oni tam rozpoznali Ducha Svätého a oni rozpoznali, že to je Boh a že ku nim hovorí, že ak nemali to prežitie, ktoré by mali mať, a tak zodvihli svoje ruky.

204Ty si povedal, “Ten, kto ku Mne príde, toho istotne nevyženiem von.“ A ja viem, že je to pravda. Ty si povedal v svätom Jánovi 5:24, “Ten, kto čuje Moje slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život, nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života. Ten, kto prichádza ku Mne, Ja mu dám večný život a vzkriesim ho v posledných dňoch.“ To sú Tvoje zasľúbenia, Otče.

205Nárokujem si každého jedného z nich. Možno niektorý Kresťan, Pane, ktorý sa snaží kráčať životom, snaží sa žiť lepšie každým dňom a oni chcú to prežitie lepšieho chodenia. Aj oni pozdvihli svoje ruky. Otče, modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal, nech nájdu tú všedostatočnosť dnes večer v Kristovi, to Slovo, ktoré sa stalo medzi nami Telom. Udeľ to, Pane. Porúčam ich Tebe v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.

206Nech vás Boh žehná a ako skutočne ticho sedíte, vidíte, tak na chvíľu, ó, už som to prešvihol o päť minút. Odpustite mi, nemal som v úmysle hovoriť tak dlho, poviem vám, len chvíľu vyčkajme, dajte mi len päť minút, ak môžete.

207Koľkí vedia, čím Boh bol. My vieme, čo Biblia hovorí, kým On bol, a Biblia hovorí, “On je ten istý, včera, dnes a na veky.“ A Ježiš povedal v svätom Jánovi 14. kapitole a 12. verši, On povedal, “Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude tiež činiť.“ Nie ten, ktorý sa robí veriacim, ale “Ten, kto verí vo Mňa.“ Je to pravda, moji drahí bratia, kazatelia? Je to pravda. Koľkí z vás, čitatelia Biblie, viete, že to je pravda. “Nebo a zem pominú,“ ale Jeho Slová nemôžu zlyhať. On to zasľúbil.

208No, bez pochyby, je tu dnes medzi vami mnoho chorých ľudí. Ja vás vôbec nepoznám a aby bolo dokázané, že to, čo som pred chvíľou povedal, ako ten anjel Pánov v tých minulých dňoch, v tých minulých dňoch... Ježiš povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude za príchodu Syna človeka.“ Môžete vidieť, o čom som hovoril, tie mená a všetko to ostatné, ako stojí v pozícii, cirkev sa dáva do poriadku, môžete to vidieť? Som si istý, že môžete čítať medzi riadkami tie veci, ktoré som nevypovedal, ale rozumiete, čo mám na mysli. No, ak vy ľudia, ktorí ste tu, ktorí ste chorí a v potrebách, ja...

209Čo mám s tým byť tu, kvôli čomu by som tu stál, ako zvoditeľ, ak by som to robil, tak je na čase, aby som... Ja nechcem, ja netúžim potom žiť. Radšej by som zomrel, radšej by som išiel preč a bol čímkoľvek iným, len nie zvodcom. A čo mi Boh urobí? A ja neviem, či prežijem noc, tak isto ani vy, ale byť zvodcom, my chceme byť... Načo je to dobré byť zvodcom, keď môžete byť skutočný? Ale vidíte, je to pre vás také divné.

210No, pozrite, ak tvrdím, že tieto miesta Písma sa musia vyplniť, tie, ktoré som vám prečítal a ukázal v minulých dvoch večeroch, čím Ježiš bol a čím je Jeho prítomnosť teraz, a On sa má navrátiť v posledných dňoch, vieme to skrze ľudské telo, a vyhlásiť Samého seba tým istým spôsobom. Všetci to vieme. Sme si toho vedomí? Povedzte Amen, ak je to tak. [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] V poriadku. No, pre vaše uistenie, hovorím vám. Toto vám hovorím v Jeho Mene: On je tu. Ten istý Boh, ktorý zostúpil dolu a hovoril k Abrahámovi, ktorý mal obrátený svoj chrbát ku stanu, Sára bola vo vnútri stanu a On vedel, čo si ona myslí.

211On povedal to isté, keď prišiel sem. On sa pozrel na obecenstvo a prezrel, čo bolo v ich srdciach. A nejaká žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. On sa obzrel a našiel ju a povedal jej o tom.

212Slepý Bartimeus sa dotkol Jeho rúcha, keď zvolal, “Ty, Synu Dávidov, maj milosrdenstvo.“

Stál asi dvesto yardov od toho miesta, kde On prechádzal. Jeho viera zastavila Syna Božieho na ceste. A on sa otočil a povedal, “Priveďte ho sem.“

213Malý Zacheus, tam na strome, ukryl sa, povedal, že on neveril, že On je prorokom, a Ježiš tade prechádzal, stál pod tým stromom a pozrel hore, povedal, “Zacheus, zídi dolu.“ Nazval ho menom.

214Keď Ježiš nikdy predtým nevidel Petra, a Andrej ho tam priviedol, keď ho videl prichádzať, povedal, “Voláš sa Šimon, si syn Jonášov.“ Povedal mu meno, povedal mu, kým je.

Tiež povedal Natanaelovi, kým je a čo urobil.

215Tá žena, a v akom stave ona bola, aký bol jej problém a aká bola jej nemoc.

216To je Boh, priatelia. Koľkí to veríte z celého svojho srdca, povedzte, “To musí byť Boh.“

217Koľkí z vás tu viete, že nepoznám medzi vami ani jednu vec, zodvihnite svoju ruku a len povedzte, “Ja viem, že ten človek nevie o mne ani jednu vec, lebo on je len človekom.“ To je to, čo som, som len váš brat. Som tu, aby som sa snažil vám pomôcť.

218Ale ja vyhlasujem, koľkí z vás ste čítali moju knihu a tie veci? Vy, vy viete, veríte tomu, že je to pravda? Toto sú posledné dni a tak teraz, Pane Ježišu, pomôž nám.

219A ak On dnes večer príde... a nepohnite sa ani jeden, zostaňte rovno tam, kde sedíte, a verte, a Pán Ježiš dnes večer príde a potvrdí tieto veci, ktoré On povedal, tieto veci, ktoré On zasľúbil. Ak ich On potvrdí, že sú pravdou, budete Mu veriť? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] Verte!

220Nebeský Otče, ako som teraz hovoril o Tebe, čím Si bol, čím Si, prišiel by Si teraz na scénu?

A tí ľudia, ktorí tu sedia v obecenstve, sú mi úplne cudzí, či Sa dáš poznať medzi nami dnes večer, Pane, aby sme tak vedeli a rozpoznali, že tieto miesta Písma sú vyplnené, že “Ježiš Kristus je ten istý, včera, dnes i na veky“? Potom, ak žijeme v tých posledných dňoch, ako On povedal, že sa zjaví v posledných dňoch, ako sa zjavil pri Sodome, predtým, ako prišiel k Abrahámovi ten zasľúbený syn, tak Abrahámove kráľovské semeno, ktoré vyhliada kráľovského syna, tak sa udeje tá istá vec a sledujme do konca tie miesta a čas a názvy, mená a všetko je v dokonalej línii, Otče, pomôž nám, modlíme sa v Mene Ježiša Krista, amen.

221Teraz chcem, aby ste sa modlili, každý jeden z vás. Čokoľvek je nesprávne, len poproste Jeho. No, On je ten Veľkňaz.

222Mimochodom, koľko kazateľov je tu v budove, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Hádam tridsať, alebo štyridsať. Tak, koľkí z vás viete toto, že kniha Židom, Nová Zmluva nám práve teraz hovorí, “Ježiš Kristus je Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami?“ Zodvihli by ste svoje ruky a povedali, “Viem, že je to pravda, Biblia tak hovorí.“ To je pravda. V poriadku.

223Potom, ak On je Veľkňazom, On je tým istým včera, dnes a na veky. Potom, ak si sa Ho dnes večer dotkol, On bude konať tak isto, ako konal tam vtedy. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] Tak isto, ako robil včera.

224No, keď sa tá žena dotkla Jeho rúcha, poviete, “Ó, ak by som len mohol.“ Tvoja viera sa Ho dotýka. Fyzicky to On nikdy necítil, to bola viera tej ženy, ktorá sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. Tvoja viera sa Ho môže dotknúť teraz. Veríte tomu?

225Potom, ak je Božie Slovo manifestované, On zjaví tú istú vec a ukáže tú istú vec. Veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] V poriadku, teraz Mu len dôverujte, verte Mu. Nepochybujte, ale majte vieru v Boha, že On to učiní. Niekto z tejto strany, len sa modlite a verte z celého svojho srdca. A potom vezmeme niekoho z tejto strany a ak Boh nechá jedného alebo dvoch ľudí, ktorých poznáte, a bude to neomylné, koľkí budete veriť, že po tom rozpoznávame Jeho prítomnosť? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] Potom, to je všetko, čo je potrebné. To je všetko, čo je potrebné.

226Nejaká pani sedí rovno tam, díva sa na mňa a trpí problémom srdca. Či veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvoje srdce a uzdraví ťa? Máš srdcový problém, ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Som ti cudzí, nepoznám ťa? Ale je to pravda. V poriadku, ty, pani s tými sivými vlasmi, ktorá tam sedíš, v poriadku.

227Tá pani v zelenom, ty si tam zodvihla svoju ruku, že ty... Tvojou ťažkosťou je artritída, či veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z tej artritídy? Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Vidíte? V poriadku. Vidíte? Len náhodou zodvihla... No, niečo prišlo na teba, či nie? Vidíte to svetlo? Koľkí z vás ste videli fotku toho svetla? Tam to viselo rovno nad tou ženou a zrazu prišiel na teba taký skutočne milý pocit, to je to, čo to spôsobilo. Vidíš? Boh ťa požehnal, uzdravil ťa a zotavil ťa. Veríš tomu?

228Či veríš, že On vie, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku? Iba On ťa môže uzdraviť, je to temný tieň, epilepsia. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku, mladá pani. Rozmýšľaš teraz trochu inak, ako pred pár minútami, že? Vidíš, keď som zastavil to vyvolávanie, ako som to robil, to je to, kvôli čomu to bolo, kvôli tebe. No, ak teraz budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca, tie záchvaty ťa opustia. Či to prijmeš a uveríš tomu z celého svojho srdca? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď, ver tomu.

229Táto pani, ktorá sedí rovno tu, trpí na žalúdočné problémy, či veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Rovno tu na konci, či veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví, uzdraví ťa z tých žalúdočných problémov? Veríš to, prijímaš to, v poriadku, nech ťa Boh žehná.

230Som pre tú ženu úplným cudzincom, nepoznám ju. Ona je len nejaká žena, ktorá tu sedí, ale Boh to robí. Veríte teraz z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] V poriadku, majte len vieru.

231Tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno tu na konci, trpí na ťažkosti žlčníka, má žlčové kamene, pečeň, to ťa trápi. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku, ak som ti úplne cudzí, ak je to pravda. Vidíte?

232Nejaká pani sedí rovno pri tebe a ona tiež trpí. Vidíte to? Môžete vidieť to Svetlo nad tou ženou? Tá žena má obličkové problémy. To je pravda. Má v obličkách uremickú otravu. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Tá pani, ktorá sa ťa vtedy dotkla, ona trpí na nervové postihnutie. Obe ste mi cudzie, vy nie ste odtiaľto. Je to pravda, že? Vy ste z Iowy. Ste z mesta, ktoré sa volá Des Moynes. Je to pravda, že? Veríte mi, že Boh môže povedať, ako sa voláte? Tak ako povedal Petrovi? Ak budete veriť z celého svojho srdca, ty sa voláš pani Wolfová, ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. V poriadku, vráť sa teraz uzdravená, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

233Či rozpoznávate Jeho prítomnosť a viete, že On je tu? Potom, či nepoložíte svoje ruky jeden na druhého, teraz, zatiaľ, čo je Duch Svätý na vás? To je Duch Svätý na vás. Každý jeden z vás môže byť teraz uzdravený, ak len budete veriť. Či veríte z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.]

234Nebeský Otče, nezostáva teraz nič, len viera. My teraz odmietame všetku temnosť, keď to prebudenie, ako som povedal na začiatku, tá vlna, ktorá prichádza dolu na tú vodu, aby ju rozbúrila hore a dolu, aby z nej zobrala preč neveru, zatiaľ čo teraz Duch Svätý vlní tam a späť cez ľudí tu, nech môže byť vzatá preč každá nevera a nech Moc Všemohúceho Boha oslobodí dnes večer každého trpiaceho.

235Karhám diabla, Satan, ty nie si nič iné ako podvodník, a si teraz odhalený, rovno tu medzi ľuďmi, skrze dôkaz Písma, dôkaz živého vzkrieseného Ježiša. Karhám ťa skrze živého Boha, vyjdi z týchto ľudí a opusti ich na Slávu Božiu.

236Všetci, ktorí prijímate svoje uzdravenie, povstaňte na svoje nohy a povedzte, “Verím, nezáleží na tom, čo sa deje, ako dlho to potrvá, stále viem, že budem v poriadku. Prijímam to z celého svojho srdca.“

237Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky, “Ďakujem Ti, Pane.“ Chvála Pánovi, to je správne. Dajte Mu chválu. Zodvihnite len teraz svoje ruky a chváľte Ho za svoje uzdravenie, tak, ako to robíte vo vašich cirkvách.

1 Now while our crowds are small, we're going to try to--to hurry up, get out so we can, working for this one purpose, for you to recognize the Presence of Jesus Christ. See? If He is present, then, why, everything is settled. He made the Word. He is here to confirm It. He proves that He will confirm It. "He is just the same yesterday, today, and forever." We see Him do it last night, infallibly; we see Him, night after night, and day after day, and year after year. Never one time has He predicted anything, regardless of when it was, when it would happen, out of the thousands of times, of what was perfectly on the dot, on time, and right. How can it? How many knows that, and knows the ministry, and knows that that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There you are. Not one time, regardless, how even impossible, happened just the same. He is God! And if we would just recognize that, take a hold of it!

2 And now we just have a short time to be here. I think three more nights, or two more nights and a day, after tonight. I think Sunday afternoon is the closing service. We try to close on Sunday afternoon so that the pastors and everybody... We don't want to keep you from your church. We just want to add more to the church, and give you more faith in the God that you serve in your church. See? And we don't want the doors of the church closed, by no means. We want you to stay there, but we're just trying to help you, to encourage you. A revival don't even mean to add more to the church; a revival means to revive that what you've already got; that's right, a revival.

3 I watched one time at the seashore, where a wind was blowing, and it was just shaking. Why, it wasn't a seashore, it was--it was up at Lake Michigan. I was standing out there watching the waves as they would come in, and--and, oh, that sea was a jumping, or the waters a jumping, and--and the boats a rocking. And I thought, "What is that going on?" I thought, "Why, the lake is having a revival." That's it. It jumping and shaking, why? There is a rushing mighty wind coming down on it. I thought, "Well, you know what? There isn't one more drop of water in it right now than what it was when it was perfectly still." No more water in it; it's just all stirred up. Well, now, what's it stirred up about?" You know what a stirring up of the water does? Washes all the trash out of it, up on the bank.

4That's what we need, a washing of unbelief out, on the bank. Let the Word of God have preeminence. That's what we need, a revival, and wash all the unbelief out, and all the bugs and superstitions, and things. Come out and see that God is still God. That's what we have revivals for.

5 The Lord help us as we choose this text and read it for tonight. May the Lord bless the reading of His Word, found in Saint Matthew, the--the 12th chapter, 38th and to the 42nd verse.

6And my text tonight is: The Presence Of God Unrecognized. Last night we were talking of Jesus being the same yesterday, today, and forever, and seen that He was the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now His Presence, if He is the same, is unrecognized. Let us read.

Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seek after a sign; and there shall be no sign given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The men of Nineveh shall rise in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

And the queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

7 The unrecognized Presence! What could these people be thinking of? God has always, it's been that way every time He come. When Jesus was here the first time, He said, "You--you whiten and you garnish the walls and the tombs of the prophets, and you put them in there." See, something happens, and it passes by. "And God hides it from the eyes of wise and prudent, and reveals it to babes such as will learn." Jesus thanked the Father for doing such. See? It goes right by the people and they don't know it.

8For instance, you Catholic people here tonight, you remember a few years ago, Joan of Arc, in France, the little lady that was really... She led the revolutionary in France, but she was really a--a servant of Christ. What did your church do to her? Burnt her at the stake, as a witch, because she seen visions and was spiritual. The Catholic Church burnt her, as a witch, at the stake, because she was spiritual and seen visions. A few years afterwards, they found out that that woman was a saint. So of course you done great penance, you dug up those priests' body that condemned her and burnt her, and throwed them into the river. Of course, that, you done great penance for that, for digging up these priests' body.

9 Now, in the days of the prophets, what happened? They did the same thing. They didn't recognize them till they had done come, ministry had finished, took out of that the Elected, and then after they were gone they recognized that there had been a prophet among them.

10Jesus, He came to the earth. Endowed within Him was the Father, God. "I and My Father are one. My Father dwelleth in Me. It's not Me that doeth the works, but My Father. And if I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not." Now, if you notice when He came, about one--one ninetieth of the world knew that He was even on earth at that time, and yet the Saviour of the world. And then they never recognized Who He was, even the church or no one else, hardly, until they had crucified Him, buried, and rose on the third day, before they ever knowed Who He was.

11 It comes in and goes out, and people does not recognize it until it's passed, and, they, because that it never fits their theology, it never fits the time of the day. See, what it is, they're always living in a glare of another age, always.

12The reason they didn't accept Jesus, because they were living in the glare of the Law. And when Jesus came, was not contrary to the Law, but come to fulfill the Law, well, they couldn't accept Him because His Message wasn't exactly the way they had it all creeded out, and it was called then traditions. And He didn't come according to their traditions. He didn't keep their traditions. And really He upset it, and tore it up, and--and done things that was contrary to it, insomuch that they thought He was breaking up the churches. And they couldn't receive Him because of His Message. And we all know today that He come exactly in the line of God's prophecy, but they didn't know it then.

13And it could happen again, and we wouldn't know it. I imagine if He would actually appear tonight, it would be so contrary to what we've got all figured up on our charts, and in our schools and things. It would be a very few would recognize what was going on. He said it would be that, how He come.

14 Now, Jesus being there so Scripturally identified by the Scriptures, and the Scribes and Pharisees of that day could not recognize Him. Why didn't they, why didn't they do it? Because they had it figured out some other way. That's where Jesus told them, "Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me." See? Now He come exactly with the Scriptures. But they had it figured out maybe that if He would come, the Messiah would probably do what Moses did, or what Noah did, build them an ark or something, else. But, reason He come the way He did, they hadn't figured out; in the Scriptures with their traditions, did not teach them; so the people were so confused they didn't know what was going on.

15Wonder if that could happen today? I wonder if it could be different than what our traditions has taught us? And it could come, and something would pass through and we'd never even know until it's already passed, and then it's over. That's just about the way it'll come.

16 Do you know, when John the Baptist came on the scene, that had been predicted all the way from the Book of Isaiah, hundreds of years? About eight hundred years, Isaiah prophesied, I think, before the coming of Christ. Did you know John came exactly the way Isaiah said he would come, he come exactly the way Malachi said he would come, and even the apostles didn't recognize it? One day, in Matthew 11, John was in prison; and the apostles, some of his disciples went over to ask Jesus was He the One, or--or should they look for another.

17Now notice, Jesus did not give them a book of how to behave themself, how to behave himself in jail, or how to conduct his character. He said, "Stay around and watch what happens, and go show John the things that you seen happen." That was the evidence that the... He was that Word.

18 And now remember, the Word always comes to a prophet. We all know that. God does nothing without showing it to His prophets. That's the reason the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is the full fullness of Christ right here before us, the Book. Now He'll have to send one, someone to confirm that Book, reveal It, open the Seals, and so forth. But as far as any farther revelation of Christ, it's already recognized right Here. He is the fullness of This, of the Revelation. Now notice, never does it fail, but the Word comes to the prophet.

19 Look at John standing in the water, predicting, the prophet, that the Messiah was right then among them. He said, "There is One standing among you now, that you don't know; He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire." Now remember, He was standing right among them, the Bible said so, and they didn't recognize It. One day when Jesus came walking down, John recognized Him, and he said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Now watch, before He was recognized by anybody, He came to the prophet. He was the Word. John was a prophet.

20 I remember my old Baptist teacher told me, said, "You know what happened?" Said, "Jesus baptized John."

I said, "I don't think so."

21He said, "Sure, John was never baptized; he come preaching, baptizing, nobody was worthy to baptize him. Jesus baptized him."

I said, "I don't know."

22And one day while in study, the Holy Spirit revealed it like this, see. Watch, He walked out in the water; he said, "Why comest Thou unto me? I have need to be baptized of Thee." Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so," watch, "but thus it is becoming to us (behooving us) that we fulfill all righteousness." John, being a prophet, knowing the Word! The Sacrifice He was, must be washed before presented; then He was baptized, John baptized Him, because, "It's becoming to us that we fulfill all righteousness." The Word came to the prophet, in the water.

23 And then when He was baptized, still the people... And the Holy Spirit came down, not everybody saw It. John saw It.

24The Angel of the Lord could be right here tonight, and maybe one person see It, and no one else.

25That Light, that Star that come over every observatory, where the--the wise men followed; no observatory knows anything about it, no one else saw It, at all, but those wise men, because it was for them to see It. They saw It. It was real to them.

26When the Light, the Pillar of Fire, smote Paul down, on the road to Damascus, he recognized that he was in the Presence of God. Now, that Hebrew would have never called any other spirit, "Lord," besides he knowed That was the same Pillar of Fire that led his people out of the wilderness. He said, "Lord, Who are You?"

"Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?" He said, "I am Jesus."

27 Jesus said, "I come from God, and I return to God." He was that Fire that was in the burning bush, that led Moses through the wilderness, and He returned back to That.

28And now here he was, on the road down to Damascus, was stricken down. And all the men was with him, they never saw that Pillar of Fire. And it was so--so real to Paul till it put his eyes out, and he had to be led down to the street called Straight, in Damascus. He was blind.

29Ananias, a prophet down there, saw in a vision, went and laid hands on him and he received the Holy Ghost, and the scales fell from his eyes and he could see again. It was so real to him till it put his eyes out, and yet none of the rest of them recognized It being there, could see It.

30So--so is it tonight! There is somebody sitting right there can bring God on the scene, when the other will know nothing about It. Recognizing God!

31 And Jesus, when He was here on earth, and had fully performed the sign that the Bible said that He would do, but they didn't recognize it because it wasn't according to their tradition. For that age, He wasn't to come and do what Moses did. He was to come and be born of a virgin. And He, and according to Deuteronomy 18:15, He was to be a Prophet. And exactly He did those works and signs.

32The Jews always sought signs. They was taught to never to depend on intellectual speeches; the Jews knowed better than that. The Greeks taught that. But not intellectual speeches, but upon signs. "Show us a sign." These people, one said, "Rabbi, or Master, show us a sign." They wanted to know. And He had already showed them the sign, and they wanted a different kind of sign, but He could only do the sign of that age.

33So does He today, this pouring out of the Holy Ghost is the sign of His appearing even in this age, as He promised.

34They want a sign, and He had give them the Scriptural sign, but they wanted a different sign.

35 That's where that so many people today is going to be confused. You know, the Rapture might take place, and just think of the sadness of it! Let me go back to where Jesus, or...

36John sent his disciples over to see Jesus, if He was the Messiah or not. That hour, He done many things. When he returned back, the disciples, to tell John what they had seen, Jesus said to those sitting there, said, "What went ye out to see in the wilderness? What went ye out to see when John was preaching? Did you go out and see a man clothed in white raiment, and so forth, or--or soft raiment?" Said, "They are the... in kings' palaces. They bury the dead, and kiss the babies, and marry the young, and so forth, that. They don't know the handling of a two-handed sword."

37Said, "What did you go out to see then, a reed shaken with any wind, somebody, some group will offer him a little more money and he'll go over to this one instead of going of the calling of the Lord? Not John! Somebody could twist him around, say, 'We'll give you more if you'll deny This and take this'? Not John!" He said, "What did you go out to see then, a prophet?" He said, "I say unto you, 'more than a prophet.' And if you can receive it, this is he who the prophet said, 'Behold, I send My messenger before My face, which will prepare the way.'" And that was Malachi 3, where he did it.

38 One day the disciples asked Him, said, "Why did the Scribes say that Elias must first come?" Jesus said, "He has already come and you didn't know it," and they understood that it was John the Baptist. Those elected apostles still couldn't see who he was. That was the Elijah.

39Now look. You know, the--the Coming of the Lord is going to be a secret coming. He said, "There will be two in the bed, and I'll take one and leave one," that's where the--the night is. "Two in the field, I'll take one and leave one."

40You know, there is so many people disappear every day, off the face of the earth, that nobody can account for. One of these days it might be that people might say, "Well, you mean the tribulation, the thing is on us now? I thought the Church was to go before the tribulation." They don't realize and understand that the Rapture could take place and they would know nothing about it; it's the secret going of the Church.

41 And, think, people will go right on preaching, saying they believe they're getting saved, and adding in the church, and building churches, and going on just like they did in the days of Noah, and so forth, and not know it; and the Rapture done past, "it's already happened and you didn't know it." There is hundreds of people disappear from the earth and people know nothing about where they went to, they can't account for it; somebody was going somewhere, they never hear from them no more. And that could be the Rapture.

42 I tell you, friends, just because that we are members of the church, or something like that, that doesn't mean too much to us. You better buckle up that armor. You better take that whole Word of God and hold onto It, and quit this Hollywood acting around here. It's got right into the church, and it's a shame. But Hollywood glows, just makes a bright light, and the church today is trying to compare with Hollywood. Christ is not in Hollywood. Christ is in the individual. Hollywood glow or... Hollywood glares, while the Gospel glows with humility. God ain't in these great fine fancy places and all this stuff that we see. He comes in in humility, in form of meekness and gentleness, pass right through.

43And if you're acquainted with the Word, you'll see It. He that has an eye, to hear, "let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches," see now, now today, which was identified.

44 He identified Himself properly to the believers that day, them who were looking for it. Look at Peter and Andrew. Look at Nathanael, no question in his mind. Look at the woman at the well, there was no question in it.

45But these Pharisees, a few days before where our text is tonight, saw Him do that, and then called Him "Beelzebub, a devil." The works had been done. They had to answer their congregation, so the only thing they could do was call it "an evil spirit." Beelzebub was a devil, like a fortuneteller or something. And anyone knows that fortune-telling is of the Devil. And they was comparing, where He was the Word that knowed the secret of the heart and is--and is proving that He was that Prophet that was to be raised up to us in this day, the Redeemer-Prophet; and when He did that, the church in that day declared Him to be "Beelzebub."

46You see what they was? He said, "You are blind, leading the blind." They won't come in, and neither will they let them that's under them come in.

47 What we want to do today is find out the Truth. We've got to know the Truth. Is He the same? Is He here to fulfill what He promised to fulfill? Search the Scriptures and find what He is supposed to do today.

48That's the reason that John Wesley... or Martin Luther couldn't go on with Wesley's message; they organized it, that's as far as it could go. Along come Luther, out of Catholic church, and he they... He was a crank, to them; but he had the message of justification, 'cause It was the Word of God, a promise. Then they, after his death, they organized the Luther organization. Then what happened, it had got all cuddled up again.

49And according to the Scripture there has got to be another church age raise, and, when it did, the Philadelphian Church Age raised, John Wesley. And what had happened, kept coming westward all the time. And when it happened, there was the church age, and John Wesley raised up, but Luther could not receive it because they was already organized to justification. He could not accept sanctification.

50Then when the Wesleyans organized the way they did, and the little branches went off, which did, along come the Pentecostal message of the restoration of the gifts; none of them could move, they was already organized.

51Now the pitiful part of it is, the Pentecostals so organized.

52 Look at the day we're living in, what's promised for this day. Where are we? We've moved on up. The Pillar of Fire moves, and the children of Israel moved with the Pillar of Fire or they went back to Egypt. We have got to move with the Word.

53And today we're getting so slothful, the church is getting so worldly and so indifferent, and so their minds so muddled up with television, and We Love Sucy and some of these old things, and staying home. That shows where the people's hearts are. And you can tell them these things are wrong, and they think you're crazy. What is it? "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." See?

54Oh, the greatest pleasure I know of, is to be to pray until I can realize that I'm in the Presence of God, and recognize it. I think that ought to be the thrill of the Church, is the Presence of the Holy Spirit; seeing the God that made the promise standing among us, feel His Presence and see His Word, and see It vindicated. It ought to give faith, to make cripples walk, blind see, deaf hear, dumb speak.

55 I stood in South Africa, where I had some two hundred thousand people at the Durban race track, and when they seen one time that happen like that, after explaining it to them, just in a little mild form; and they seen one thing take place, of that revealed, and twenty-five thousand people was instantly healed at once. They taken seven van loads, trucks as long as from here, six- and eighteen-wheelers like that, and piled them full of old crutches and things. Heathens, that didn't even know which was right and left hand.

56And the next day, Mr. Sidney Smith, the mayor of Durban, called me and said, "Go to your window, out towards the Indian Ocean, you'll see something you never seen." There was the police escort coming down with seven of those big van loads, with hundreds of people walking behind it, the day before was in the stretchers and cots and the carriers that they had, singing, "Only believe, all things are possible." A week before, there, they were in war with one another, native war. And there they was walking, arm in arm, hand in hand.

57Why? They recognized the God of Heaven had appeared before them in the form of His Word. And we intellectual Americans sit. They'll raise in the Day of the Judgment and condemn this generation, for what we've seen.

58 Reminds me of a woman in Louisville, Kentucky, not long ago, had a little baby, walking around in the ten-cent store. And she was doing little things, trying to get it to notice, and the little baby kept staring straight out. And finally she picked up a little bell, anything that ought to attract the attention of a little fellow about that size. And she shook the bell, and the little fellow just stared right straight in front. And she begin screaming, and fell over, and some of the people come to help her. She said, "Oh, no, it can't be! It can't be!"

Said, "What's the matter?"

Said, "The doctor said the baby was better."

Said, "What's the matter with the baby, lady?"

59Said, "Well, it took a spell about six months ago, that it just sits and stares. No matter what it is, ought to attract the attention of that baby, it won't attract its attention, and it just sits and stares. The doctor told me he thought it was better. And I brought it down here, to pick up little gadgets that ought to attract that child, and it doesn't. He still sits and stares."

60 That's the way the church is getting! God has shook every promise in the Bible, before them. Still we just sit and stare, looking. "What? Show me a sign, will you?" And it's going on all the time, right around us. Bringing the Presence of God, it ought to illuminate us. When God made a promise, He stands by that promise. Yes, sir.

61After Jesus had so proven His Messianic sign, that He was that Messiah, yet in face of all that, "Show us a sign." See, they didn't recognize, they were staring straight ahead of them. It wasn't in them to believe.

62"You," as my old southern mother used to say, "you can't get blood out of a turnip, 'cause there is none there."

63 They still didn't recognize Him, so blinded by their creeds and--and--and so forth, that they had that day. They never knew the Scriptures of the promise, because the creeds had covered it up. Their creeds and traditions of that day had covered up the Scripture promise. If they had been taught according to the Scripture, that that was supposed to be the sign that followed the Messiah!

64How many believe that He come in His right sign? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, He did, He come according to the promise. But they had been taught a creed, "We believe in this, and we believe in that. All of them believe in God. All of them..."

65 Today, we Americans, especially, we think that we're going to be excused because we build big churches, and have fine pastors and things. Remember, if that was so, God is unjust if He takes us in like that; for, Cain and Abel, the two first worshipers outside of Eden, they built an altar to the Lord, both of them made sacrifice, both of them offered gifts, both of them prayed, but one was right and the other one was wrong. Notice, we must have the Truth, and the Truth is God's Word, always. Now it's the same today, people become so blinded. They say...

I say, "Are you--are you a Christian?"

66"Oh, I belong to a certain-certain thing." See, that don't have nothing to do with it. I ain't got nothing against that, but that's not what I'm trying to tell you. Belong to any church you want to. Your brand don't make any difference.

67 I was telling the pastor this morning. Up in Colorado I used to ride the roundups, and so forth. And I used to sit there, my leg across the saddle, like that. And the Troublesome River Hereford Association grazes the Troublesome River Valley. Then you got up at the top of the valley, you got the east and west fork. All the cattle from here up, in the Association, grazes the west fork; and--and the group that I was with, grazed the east fork. Then they had the drift fence there to keep the cattle off of the private property, and up into the mountains through the summer.

68And we would round the cattle up, four or five different brands, eight or ten different brands, on the river, would round up our cattle in the spring, take them up there. And I used to sit there, my leg across the horn of the saddle, after we had got all the cattle, they was all branded and everything, starting it back up on the pasture.

69 And the ranger stood there. He was counting them as they went through. And I noticed there was all kinds of brands. Mr. Grimes had the--the--the Diamond Bar, and just above us had the Turkey Track, we had the Old Tripod, and there was different brands went through there. But the--the ranger didn't notice the brand. He noticed the blood tag in the ear. There was nothing could go on that pasture, to keep the breeding associations, let their cattle true to the breed, nothing could go on there but a thoroughbred Hereford. It had to be tagged in the ear, by the blood mark.

70That's the way it'll be at the Judgment. He is not going to ask me if I was a--a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian. What brand I have won't mean nothing to Him. It's nothing but a born-again, Blood-born Christian of the Blood of Jesus Christ, that'll be what will go in. Nothing less than that will go in. Now we want to remember, remember that.

71 Now, when He is not recognized, His power is al-... is always not revealed, when He is not recognized. No matter how much God is standing present, you've got to believe it. That's all.

72Like the woman with the blood issue. All them people passing by, and all of them standing up, saying, "There goes the Rabbi. That's the Guy that claims to be a Prophet. This is the fanatic," and all such as that.

73But what happened? This little woman had an issue of blood, and she had heard about Him. And when she come down there, regardless of what anybody said, she recognized Who He was. And she said, "If I can only touch His garment!" See?

74And when that genuine faith, in God, became a positive thing to her, what did it release? It released His power to heal her. It touched Him in such a way, He turned around and told her what was wrong with her, said, "Your faith has saved you." What did? Faith!

75Others standing there might have been sicker than she, but, you see, she recognized His Presence. She knowed that was her opportunity.

76 If we could only do that tonight, people! If we could only realize that He is appearing to us in these meetings, for one purpose, that's, to release our desires that we have in Him, to us. But we've got to recognize His Presence. And now how you recognize His Presence, is when the promised Word for this age is made manifest, not the promised Word of Moses' age, or any of the other ages, the promise of the Word for this age!

77 Now we find out He went right on. And Jairus, a little fellow up there with a dead daughter, she, he believed what He said was the Truth. Now remember, he was a priest, and he was forbidden, 'cause it had been strictly told, "anybody that associated with Him would be put out of the synagogue." Well, whether he was put out or whether he wasn't, he was satisfied that God was present in Christ, and that was the Word. And what did it do? It released to him the resurrection power that was in Him; amen, brought forth a girl that was dead, and laid out, because he recognized that God was in Christ, and His Presence was in his house.

78 But in the city where He was brought up at, that same power was in Him, in the city where He was brought up at, but they never recognized Him. His Presence, to them, didn't mean nothing; maybe some fanatic. "Where is these things? They tell me that You do so-and-so. Let me see You do them here."

79Haven't you heard that? "If there... You bunch of pentecostals, and you people, that, you believe in Divine healing? Here is so-and-so over here, let me see you heal him."

80That's that same old devil, the same one said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be made bread."

81The same old devil, when he had His eyes covered up, they hit Him on the head with a stick, and said, "Now," passed the stick, one to the other, and said, "tell us who hit You, and we'll believe You if You're a Prophet." He never. He don't clown for anybody. Yeah.

82 Same one, when He was on the cross, said, "If Thou be the Son of God, come off the cross and prove that You're the Son of God." He could have done it.

83They paid Him the greatest tribute He ever had, there, but they didn't know it. They said, "He saved others; Himself He can't save." If He would have saved Himself, He couldn't have saved others. He gave Himself so He could save others. See, they didn't recognize the Presence of God. That's all.

84Now it releases the power to heal, and what? It will release the power to open your eyes to recognize Him, or blind your eyes so you'll never recognize Him. What opens the eyes of one, close the eyes of the unbeliever.

85 But, the city, they didn't have no confidence in Him. At the Pharisee's house, he invited Him down; at Simon, a Pharisee, and had made a great supper, and Pharisee wanted to prove to them He was no Prophet. So he was back there toasting with his glasses and his goblets, and all the fine perfumes in the house.

86And Jesus had got in a past the footwash flunky, and had set down here. And, dirty, the stink of the--the field on Him, where the animals had been along the path, and His garments. That's the reason they washed feet in them days.

87And, you see, the first thing, when you're invited to--to a home there in Palestine, when they wore those sandals, the first thing they did was to wash your feet, and then give you something; to walk on their carpets, the great Persian rugs and things, was beautiful.

88The next thing they done, they then give you some oil in your hand. It's got out of a little apple that's found way in the mountain, the rose apple. After the rose is gone, it leaves the apple and fine perfumes. And they--they rub it over their face. And that direct rays of the Palestinian sun is horrible, and, you see, that creates an odor. And--and then when you do, then the host comes to the door and he kisses them on the neck and makes them welcome.

89 How did them flunkies ever let Jesus get by, without washing His feet or--or--or giving Him oil to anoint Himself, or even kiss Him welcome?

90But there was a little prostitute out on the street. All them religionists there now, the whole company did not recognize Him. And a little woman of ill fame, she looked in through, perhaps the gate, and she seen Him sitting like a wallflower.

91That's the way He is today amongst a bunch of religions too, a wallflower, unwelcomed, unwanted. "Filth, dirty, holy-roller," they call It, "some kind of a--a person that isn't their right mind; a fortuneteller, mental telepathy," or some kind of an evil name.

92And Jesus, I'll get to it in a few minutes, said, "Speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven you; but when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, one word will never be forgiven you." See?

93 But there that little woman seen He needed service. And she rushed in real quickly, went and got an alabaster box full of oil. Probably had bought it with the money from her prostitution. But what was it? She might have thought, "He is a--He is a Prophet. But I remember another woman in my fix, another character like mine; she had the opportunity and she recognized Him, and she was forgiven." Up there at the well of Sychar, last night we talked of it. "And if I can only get to Him, I know Who He is, I'll do Him a service. If the rest of them, I don't care what they do. I'll do Him a service. I'll recognize He's the Son of God."

94 She run in. She got real close to Him, and she felt so guilty. That's the way a real penitent sinner feels in His Presence, guilty!

95And the tears begin to fall, and she was trying to hide them. They dropped on His feet. She was going to anoint Him, but the tears dropping on His feet. And she begin to wipe them, and--and crying, and--and wiping them with her hands. And--and His feet was all getting mussed up with the dirt that was on it; and--and if you want to really believe it, with the stink of the animals off the trail, everyone walked the same trail. And there it was, the stink on Him, sitting there, and her tears was dropping on His feet, and she was trying to wipe them off. And she had no towel.

96 What is the woman's beauty and honor? Is her hair. That's the reason many of you women today cut it all off. That's wrong. She, she took her hair and begin to wash the... His feet, and wipe them, her--her pretty hair, taking the stink off of Him, upon herself, bearing His reproach. Oh, my! That's when you recognize Who is in your presence. See? Our sisters would have to almost stand on their head, to get enough hair to do that. So there she washed His feet, and wiped them with the hairs of her head, and she kissed His feet.

97 And that old Simon standing back there, said, "Huh! Huh!" Oh, I can just see him blow up. He didn't recognize Who He was. Said, "I told you He wasn't a Prophet. If He was a Prophet, He would recognize what kind of a woman that is around Him."

98Jesus never moved a foot. He just watched her. And she was scared.

99Then after He had got through, she doing the service to Him, He looked over, said, "Simon, I've got something to say to you. You invited Me here. You brought Me here," in other words, a trump up his sleeve. "You wanted to show Me off. You wanted to prove that I wasn't what I am. And you, when you brought Me here, you should have had My feet washed, but you never. You should give Me oil to anoint My head, but you didn't. You never kissed Me welcome. And this woman, ever since I've been here, has washed My feet with her tears, and wiped them with--with her hair, and constantly has kissed My feet since I've been here. I have something against you, Simon."

100 Then He turns to her. I can just imagine seeing her standing there, and her big pretty eyes all stained up, and her face, and where she had grease and--and dust off of the road, on her face. And she thinks, "Now have I done wrong? Have I done wrong?"

101He said, "And I say unto her, her 'sins which are many, are all forgiven. Go in peace.'"

102What was it? She recognized. She recognized her opportunity. See? She did it. She did Him a service. The Pharisees didn't do it. She saw it and she recognized His Presence, and what did it do? It washed. What did it release to her? Forgiveness. Released to her, forgiveness of her sins. What did it do also? It also released the power of God, to show to them unbelievers that He was a Prophet. He knowed who she was. It also released joy and power and Eternal Life. It released that.

103 But the one who caused a great huge nail to be drove in them precious feet, he never recognized the Presence of God in Him. He also wanted Him to do some cheap trick for him, some entertainment.

104That's what the world wants, today, is a bunch of entertainment. It don't want the Gospel. They want to be entertained.

105And Pilate said, "I'd like to desire some miracle from Him, or something like that. Bring Him up here." Right in the Presence of God, and turned It down, because (what?) that he appreciated the--the opinion of the public more than he appreciated having the opportunity to be in the Presence of God. What happened? The woman was forgiven, and given Eternal Life; but he lost his mind and went insane, and committed suicide by drowning himself up in Switzerland.

106 Now, care, so carried away with the popular opinion of that day, that, "He was a Beelzebub; He was just a make-belief; there wasn't really nothing to Him," he, what did he do? He forfeited it, he forfeited his opportunity in the Presence of God. He could have been forgiven. He said, "I have power to crucify You. I have power to release You."

107He said, "You have no power unless it comes from My Father." He ought to have known, if he'd have knowed the Scripture. And him, being a Jew, should have known that. But, you see, the traditions had got him taught down. That's the way it is today. If he'd have only been taught right! If the man would have believed what the Scriptures had said! But his tradition got him off of it.

108 Same as it is today. People will take the real Gospel, where the Holy Ghost is coming in, and the power and glory of God releasing sinners from sin and making them free, and baptize them in the Holy Ghost, and healing the sick, and showing signs and wonders, and people will walk away, say, "Ah! Now you know what my church believes? 'That's nonsense'!" See, you are forfeiting; you are selling your birthrights. Another Esau!

109So many get the same opportunity today, to stand in His Presence as they did then. And still, because of popular opinion, they turn It down. Standing in the Presence of God! I wonder, friend, tonight, if we people who are Christians, in His Presence, and are sick, if we don't turn down the opportunity to be healed by just believing Him? We who claim to believe Him, don't recognize really His Presence, what He promised to do today.

110 Vindicated by the promise for the day, Jesus was rebuking that generation for not believing His Messianic sign. We see it here, He was rebuking them. Calling Him a Beelzebub! They wanted Him to do the sign of Moses, maybe, open the Red Sea. They did want Him to do the sign of David, take the throne and the government. But no Scripture said that He would do that. He was to be a Prophet. He is coming, the King. He was to be Prophet then, and He done the sign that God said He would do in them days, and they still was wanting Him to do some sign that pleased them. See?

111And I just wonder if we're not looking too forward ahead for something that's right by us. Wonder if it could be the same way, if we could pass by our opportunity? Remember, as the old types, the types can never break. The last sign, according to Jesus, He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the days when the Son of man," not Son of God now, "when the Son of man is being revealed." Look at here where it's setting today! Friends, I could tell you some things here which is not right for me to tell you, but it would startle you.

112 I want to ask you a little question while we stop, before we continue on with this service, just a few minutes. I wonder if I could ask you this.

113Anyone knows that the world, positionally, everything is sitting in order for His Coming. "Earthquakes in divers places; the moon is spurting out red blood, or red volcanic all over, covering it," as Jesus said watch for that sign in the last days; "sea roaring, men's hearts failing for fear, and perplexed of time, distress between the nations."

114Look at the perversion on the move today! Look at it today, forty percent increase in California, of homosexuals, natural affections already lost.

115 Look at on... Look at today, how the people will stay home, that's call themselves Christians, and listen to such characters as Pat Boone, Elvis Presley, Ernie Ford, and those who sing hymns on Sunday; and look at them things, they look at them kissing them women, and things out there.

116When, no man should ever kiss a woman till he is married to her. That's male and female glands crossing. Let it be wherever it may be, it's wrong. It's potentially a sex act. When male and female glands touch, it's a sex act. And it's made... A man kiss a man in the mouth, it would make him vomit, or a woman a woman. Why is it different? It's a--it's a sex act, potentially. That's right. A type of Christ kissing His Bride, see. You should never do that.

117But look at it today, all these movies and things, and one big conglomeration of kissing and hugging. And it's absolutely almost public adultery, everywhere, and the people so blind they don't see it. Right! Everything is in a Sodom condition, Sodomite everywhere, as the Bible said.

118 So many things, look in this days, what He said would take place! Look at the promises that He made, would take place this day. And then examine it, of what is going on, and see where we're at, then you see whether He is still in His Word or not.

119They wanted to see the sign of Moses, the sign of David. That was not for their age; it was promised for Moses' age and them age. The promise for this age has to come to pass. He had clearly showed them, He, by the Scripture, and invited them to search the Scripture, to see what day they were living in.

120He is doing the same thing right now! Search the Scripture, you who believe the Bible. What is supposed to take place right here before His Coming?

121 Look at the world, in the position; now, that's the world. Look at the church, where it is. Look where it's at, "falling away, lukewarm, Laodicea, putting out the Word." The whole thing going into the big council of churches, the World Council of Churches, forming the mark of the beast; which the Bible proclaims is wrong, and all those things, and yet the Protestants driving right into it, headlong, not knowing the Scripture. Their tradition! Oh, they are wanting a--a--a--a power man, and they're going to get one. They'll see that they get it.

122 He had, look, but Jesus had perfectly declared Himself exactly Who He was, and had proved to them Who He was, in His age.

123And the same thing today! Now look at, let's take that setting of Luke 17, "As it was in the days of Sodom." Look at the world, look at the church, a Sodomite condition! Look where Lot was at; when those men even tried to--tried to press in the door, to these angels, these men.

124Notice, look at here. There has... Look, Abraham was up on the mountain. He wasn't in Sodom. That's a type.

125 There is always three classes of people in a religious gathering; believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. Always them three! And there they was; there is the unbelieving Sodomite, the make-believer Lot, and Abraham the elected Church.

126Now, watch their messengers in that day. Two messengers went down and preached to Sodom. They didn't do any miracles, only just smote them blind. The preaching of the Word does that.

127 But watch what kind of a miracle this Angel did that stayed with Abraham. He had His back turned. And told Abraham his name had been changed; called him "Abraham" instead of Abram. He could not have the baby till his name was changed, neither Sarah. He told them what their name was. The Angel told them that. And He said that He was going to visit Sarah according to the time of life.

128And Sarah laughed about it. And when Sarah laughed... The Man with His back turned, the Man eating flesh of the calf, and drinking the milk from the cow, and eating bread; a Man, dust on His clothes, a traveler, was God Himself. And Abraham recognized it because He knew the thoughts that was in Sarah's heart behind Him. Said, "Why did Sarah say within herself, 'How can these things be?' Is anything too hard for God?" See? And Sarah run out and denied it. He said, "Yes, but you did." Now, He'd have took Sarah's life right there, for her to disbelieve, but, see, she is a part of Abraham.

129And our unbelief in His great manifestation in this hour; we're a part of Christ. He just, see, we're--we're, see, our... He--He has to keep it.

130 Now, notice, there has never been a time in history of the church age... And I know of one real student I'm talking to, a historian. There has never been. I'd ask any student of the Bible to tell me one man that was ever sent to the church age, in this church since the crucifixion of Christ, a world-wide ministry, that his name ever ended up with h-a-m, like A-b-r-a-h-a-m, until this day. Sankey, Finney, Moody, Knox, Calvin; but wherever was there a G-r-a-h-a-m before, Billy Graham, the great evangelist out there with the denominations that's in Sodom? Never. There is a modern Oral Roberts out there with the Pentecostals, the same thing. Did you know that?

131But, h-a-m! Now, G-r-a-h-a-m is only six letters, but A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters. Six is man's number, man's organization, man's doing; but A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters. Now notice, in the Church elected that's pulled out, not those denominations, but the Elected Church to stand out, it's to get a messenger, too, in this last days.

132 What's going on down there? What's going on up here? Compare it with what Jesus said. Never before in history have we ever set. And the same signs that would be done! Don't you realize, friends, and recognize it's God come down in the Gospel, in His people, making Hisself known? Can't you recognize the hour we're living in? Have we just got ourselves off to clap our hands a little bit, play the piano, and recite this, and--and got away from the Word, till we're that blind to it? Surely we're not. Let's recognize the hour that we're living in.

133Peter, Nathan, or Nathanael, rather, and the woman, they recognize it. They, they--they recognized His sign, Messianic sign.

134Same now as these things I'm saying. Then to this age, Jesus said... Now watch, He is referring back now, telling them of an age. God, in any age, when He sent His Message, which was His Word, and identified It to that age; the people that believed it, it was a great time for them; the people who did not believe It, went into chaos. It's always been.

135 Like in the days of Jesus, same thing. Watch Him standing here now. He said, "As it was in the days of Jonas, in Jonah; for as Jonah was in the belly of the whale, three days and nights, so must the Son of man."

136He said, "A wicked and an adulterous generation will seek after a sign." Now you know what I think He was doing? He was prophesying, "A wicked and adulterous generation."

137I wonder if any man in his right mind could deny that we are not living in a weak and an adulterous generation, when homosexuals, perversion! And the divorce rates in America is higher than any other nation in the world. And the whole world has gone into a chaos of it. Three out of every four, nearly, is divorced; around, taking the whole thing around in ten years of marriage. See? Think of it! Divorce, marry again and marry again, divorce and marry again. "They were eating, drinking, marrying wives and given in marriage." Look at the hour we're living in. When was it ever in such a chaos?

138 "A wicked and an adulterous generation will seek after a sign, notice, and they will receive a sign." What? This generation. "For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale, three days and nights, the Son of man must be in the heart of the earth three days and nights." What sign will that wicked and adulterous generation receive? The sign of the resurrection.

139And today, after two thousand years, we still see Jesus Christ in the power of His resurrection, standing among us, doing the things that He did then and promised to do. "A wicked and an adulterous generation will seek after a sign, always wanting to 'show me this, and if you can do this and do this.' They'll get it, the sign of the resurrection." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; the Word made manifest, dwelling among us. How we should thank God for His great sign!

140 Notice He referred to something else there. He said, "And as the queen of the south shall rise up," that's the queen of Sheba. Listen close now.

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

141Notice, let's refer to that, a few minutes. He was reading the same Bible we read, about Jonah, and He was reading about Solomon. Now, when Solomon's age come on, he had a... he had a gift of discernment. And all the people, the whole nation, believed it. Everyone was one heart and one accord. Everybody believed it.

142If everybody, tonight, if all America, would just turn back to God and believe God, it's the best assurance that we have, it'll be all the bomb shelters and everything else.

143 Nobody fooled with Solomon. They were afraid of him because he was a gifted man. And the people believed him so, he was sent from God, till they made him their king. All the nations feared them; not because of their military power, but because God was with them.

144And if this nation who claims to be Christianity, if it could only, all of them together, cling around this great gift that's been given us in this last days, the Holy Spirit of God upon the Church. Not the creed. The Spirit of God! "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit," saith God. The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ in form of Spirit, upon us, "the same yesterday, today, and forever," making this Word live what He said It would do. Watch closely now.

145 Oh, the news went out through the world! They didn't have television and radio, and things in them days, so it went from lip to ear. And after a while the great caravans came plumb down across the Sahara Desert, which is a three-month's travel from Palestine down to where she lived. And faith cometh by (what?) hearing, hearing the Word of God. And she had heard about this great meeting they were having up there, and any time a caravan come from that way, she would question, "Have you, did you come through Palestine?"


"Oh, what about that?"

146"Oh, it's--it's beyond anything! You never seen such discernment. And it's just like a god sitting there. Their God is represented in a man called Solomon."

147 Well, "faith cometh by hearing." The little queen's heart began to hunger to go up and find out about it. See, she was ordained to Life.

148Notice now, the first thing to do now, her being a pagan, she had to go get permission from her priest, to go. So I can imagine see her go over to her priest, and say, "Holy father, I hear they're having a great revival up there in--in Palestine. I'd like permission to go up and see for myself."

149"Now, my child, now you don't want to get mixed up in some... After all, we're not cooperating in that revival, so you--you cannot go. See, that's just a bunch of nonsense. There is--there is nothing to it. Them people claim they've come through a Red Sea, and they done all this, that. There is nothing to it. If there was anything like that happening, it would be right here in our church." We still got pagans.

150 So we find out that she begin to hunger. She said, "Now look," she said, "they tell me, that, 'Their God up there is represented in a human being, and his wisdom is beyond anything. His discernment is wonderful.'"

"Oh, there is nothing to that."

She said, "But I--I might..."

151"Well, look, you're a queen, you can't be associated in a bunch of people like that. That's, you can't do that. That bunch of people, known all over the world as religious fanatics. You can't do that."

152But, you see, when God goes to dealing with the human heart, there is nothing going to stop it. Husband, wife, children, pastor, nothing else can stop it when a person is really hungering for God. They're going, anyhow. So she got ready, to make ready.

153 Well, he would say, "Well, I'll just give you... I'll--I'll have to excommunicate you from our fellowship."

154"Well, you can just do that. I'm going, anyhow. I'm going to find out for myself about all this, and see."

155She had brought up scrolls and she had read what Jehovah should be, about His prophets and what he must do, how that the Word of God would make manifest, how It would know these things when it was represented, veiled in human flesh, what it would do. And she had read all these things.

So I'd hear Him say, "Well, look, our book says this," he said.

156"Yes, look, I... my great-great-grandmother stood in before them same idols. She stood and said prayers, day after day. There never was one move, one mutter, or nothing else. And I am tired, this old dead form. I want to go see if there is a living God." It's too bad we ain't got more of them queens today.

157 So she got ready to go. Now when she come to this spot where she must go, now, remember, she had a great difficulty. It wasn't as easy as it would be to you. Now notice what she had to do.

158Here is another thing I want, don't want to leave out. She said this, "I'm going up there, and I'm going to take some money. I'm going to take some gifts. And if it is the truth, I'm going to support it. If it isn't the truth, then I can bring my money back."

159That woman could teach Pentecostals. Yes, sir. Support things out there that laugh and make fun of Divine healing, and yet you support the radio programs instead of your own church, that's right, and laugh and make fun of the very things you believe in.

160But she said, "I'll take it. And if it isn't right, I can bring it back."

161 Now remember, with all this wealth on there, on these camels. And now remember, the fleet riders of Ishmael was desert robbers, was out there. What an easy thing would have been for them to fall in on--on this prey, and, why, they would have killed them few eunuchs was with her, and took that money and been gone.

162But there is something about it, when you are really determined, and God is revealing Himself, you're determined to see Christ, there is no danger before you. You don't even pay any attention! The doctor says you're going to die, you don't even notice it. When you are pressing, you know there is something there.

163 Something down in her heart, burning, faith in this God! []... three months to travel over Sahara Desert. Not in an air-conditioned Cadillac. No, no. She took three months across the Sahara Desert, maybe traveling by night, reading the scrolls, in the oasis in the daytime, until she arrived.

164Now, no wonder Jesus said she'll stand in the last days and condemn this generation, for some of them won't walk across the street; and a greater than Solomon is here, the Holy Spirit Himself. See? No wonder she'll raise in the last days and condemn the generation!

165 Watch, she finally arrived. She didn't come like many people, some people will come to a strange meeting. She come and took her camels, and went out into the courtyard, put up her tents, and she was going to stay there till she was convinced.

166Most people will come, sit maybe five minutes, maybe twenty-five. Soon as the evangelist or somebody says something that's contrary to what she--she thinks that her creed says, or her, his creed, out they go. See, not even manners. No wonder she'll condemn this generation; she come to stay till she was convinced.

167 I can imagine the first service that morning, when the trumpets all sounded, Pastor Solomon came out. She may have been sitting way back at the back. She said, "Now I'll see for myself. I know that's what Jehovah is supposed to be. Man can make claims, but I'll find out." So she set there that day and she watched, and she seen every one coming to the platform. She seen that discernment was perfect.

168Finally, let's say her prayer card was called, which probably wasn't, but her time come to come before Solomon. And the Bible said, that, "When she come to stand before Solomon, that God let Solomon know all her secrets. There was nothing hid." Then the miracle was done on her.

169Then she turned to the audience, and she said, "All these things that I have heard is true, and it's even greater than I heard about." See? Oh, there was no more life left in her, her breath was taken from her, 'cause here was a man that didn't know her, a stranger, revealed the things that she wanted to know.

170 Oh, and Jesus standing there, which was more than Solomon! He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He was the virgin-born Son of God. He clothed upon Him, and Jehovah Himself manifested in the flesh. And here He was standing there in the fullness, and they said they wouldn't believe Him, a greater discernment. See, He was Solomon plus David, plus all the rest of them was all in Him. All the prophets was wound up in Him, a greater than Solomon.

171And to even at that day, He said, "If you speak them words against Me, I'll forgive you. But when the Holy Ghost comes, it'll be greater than it is now, and more condemnation."

172And here we stand today seeing that very same God do the very same thing! I believe she'll rise in the Day of Judgment and condemn this generation, 'cause she repented and believed the message that Solomon was preaching, and believed on God. She seen something real.

173 You know, what's the trouble today, there is people, many people, with the people that's belongs and just go to church and have a creed. See, they've seen so much just false, so much just statues, and so much of big fine buildings. And--and, we, let's not--let's not never get off in that kind of a tantrum. See, God don't dwell in big buildings; He dwells in your heart. See, God don't dwell in intellectual education; He is far from it. He dwells in humility, in your heart.

174He dwells in His Word, and His Word comes into your heart and speaks Itself out, and declare. He interprets His Own Word through you. He is trying to find somebody He can get a hold of, to show that He is still God. See? And He is, He will do that if He can just get somebody He can speak to. If He can get another woman with a blood issue, He can still speak the same thing. He can still do the same thing, making known, declaring. We're in the Presence of God, not recognize It.

175 Reminds a little story. I might have told it to you once, I don't know. It'd bear right now. As you all know, I--I hunt big game. And I was up in the north woods, used to go up there hunting, all the time. And I had a friend up there named Bert Call. He was a fine hunter, about a half Indian. Never had to worry about him, he wasn't going to get lost. And we really were chums, but that was the wickedest man, at heart, I ever seen. He just had no heart at all. He used to shoot little fawns, that's little baby deers, just to make me feel bad. And he would say, "Oh, you preachers are chicken-hearted. Billy, you would be a good hunter if you wasn't a preacher." Said, "You're too chicken-hearted."

I said, "Bert, that's not chicken-hearted."

176Now, it's all right to kill a fawn if the law says so. Abraham killed a calf and fed it to God. It ain't the size of it or the sex of it.

177But it's just to be evil with it, and he would just shoot them fawns and just laugh, make laugh because I felt bad about it. Well, now, he--he did that.

178 And one year I went up there. And he had invented himself a little whistle that he could blow, like a little fawn, how it calls, you know, for its mama. And so he said, "Hey, Billy, before we start this morning," said, "I want to show you something I got." And he showed it to me.

I said, "Bert, you wouldn't use something like that."

179He said, "Oh, get next to yourself." And the fellow had eyes just like a lizard, like some of these women try to paint their eyes, you know how, like that. You know, looked at me, with them lizard-looking eyes, and eye, it'd almost scare me.

And--and I said, "Bert, don't do that."

He said, "Oh, you chicken-hearted preachers!"

180 So we--we was... I was a little late getting up that time. And those northern whitetail... Your mule deer here, he'll walk up to you, but not one of them guys. Whenever he's been shot at, he is a... You talk about Houdini a being escape artist, he is an amateur, to them. So it was late and they had been shot at. And them deer were hiding down, feeding at night in the moonlight, and bedding out in the day. We walked all the way up to old Jefferson Notch, plumb up to Mount Washington. Had, it was about six inches of snow on the ground, good tracking weather; never even seen one track.

He said, "What do you think, Billy?"

181I said, "There you all scared them all out of here, them old machine guns you're shooting."

182 And so we went on. After a while, about eleven o'clock. We always carried a--a little one of those thermos bottles full of hot chocolate. It's if you get hurt, or something another, that's stimulation, and a sandwich. So it was about eleven or eleven-thirty, I suppose, we come to an opening about the size of this arena here, or this building, and no timber. So he just kind of set down, set his rifle up against a tree, started reaching back here. And I thought he was going back to get his--to get his thermos bottle. I thought, "Well, we'll eat."

183Usually we get up the top of the mountain and eat, and one go one way and one another, and come back. And we knowed the way around, good. And if we got a deer, we just hung it up, and then we know, went and helped each other get them in. So I thought he was just going to eat his lunch, and we'd part, 'cause it was almost up to timberline. So I...

184 He reached back. And I started getting for my thermos bottle, get my chocolate, and started getting out like that. And he pulled that little old whistle out of his pocket, and he gave it a big blow like that. And looked at me with them lizard-looking eyes again, and blowed that whistle. And when he did, just about far as across this building, a great big doe stood up.

185Now if some of our sisters might not know, the doe is the mother deer. And, see, that whistle was a baby, and it cried, and this big doe stood up. And right about eleven o'clock in the day, anyone hunts deers knows that that's a bad time. They're bedded.

186 So she stood up and looked around. I could see her just as plain. He looked back at me, and he blowed again. And instead of--of running, she walked right out into that open.

187Now, that's unusual. They won't do that. Any hunter knows that. And they won't, and they won't do that. But she walked right out there. Why? She was a mother; that was a baby. It was, see, it's just born into her to be a mother, and that baby.

188And Bert looked down, pulled that bolt back, let it down on that thirty-o-six. And he was a dead shot. And I seen him level down like this, and I knowed he would blow her faithful heart plumb through both sides, a hundred-and-eighty-grain, mushroom bullet. And I thought, "How can you do it, Bert? How can you be so evil, to call that mother deer right out there and then shoot her heart right out of her, and her trying to find her baby? How can you be so brutal as to do that?" I was thinking that. And I see him level down like that.

189 And I couldn't, I couldn't look at it. It was just too much. I guess I am chicken-hearted. I just turned my back, and I thought, "God, how can he do it? How can a human being be that mean, to do that, just to shoot that poor faithful mother's heart right out of her?"

190Now, she wasn't trying to act on. She wasn't putting on a show. She was a mother. She seen the hunter when he throwed that gun down, but did she run? No, sir. Her baby was in trouble, and she was trying to find her baby.

191And I turned my back, as I said, and started. I said, "Lord God, how can he do it?" I noticed, and waited, waited, the gun didn't fire.

192And I turned around and looked, and the gun was going like this. He couldn't hold it no more. He turned around, them big old lizard eyes had changed, tears was running off his cheek. He threw the gun on the bank, and he said, "Billy, I've had enough of it. Lead me to that Jesus you're talking about."

193 Right on that snowbank I led him to Christ. Why? He saw something real, he saw something genuine. "If they hold the... their peace, the rocks will cry out." That mother wasn't putting on nothing. She was a genuine mother. No matter if it was death, or what it was, she was standing right in the face of death, knowing that just any minute that bullet would blow through her heart, but she was after her baby.

194Oh, if we could only be as much Christian as that deer was a mother! Why? She was born a mother, she was born to be a mother. We are born to believe the Word of God. We are born to believe Jesus Christ.

Let us bow our heads.

195 How many in here right now, with an uplifted hand, would say, "Brother Branham, truly I would like to be the kind of Christian that that little doe was a mother. I--I wish that my heart was just so full of Christ that I could stand in the face of anything and be a real Christian just as much as that deer was a mother. I, that's the kind of an experience I want"? Will you raise your hand? God bless you. That's fine. God bless you. So many, everywhere. I'm so thankful that you still got enough real something in you that'll make you believe.

196See, what if it was that you didn't believe? Wouldn't that be pitiful, see an unbeliever in a place where their hearts are so hard till they cannot believe at all, doomed, gone, lost, don't know nothing about it, not knowing what hour that death may knock at the door? You've got to move out into Eternity.

197 And Jesus said, "Except a man be born again," become as much Christian as that deer was a mother, "you'll never see God; you're done, no matter how many churches you join." He was talking to a religious leader of that day, Nicodemus, eighty-year-old man, and told him that he must be born, he must become the kind of a Christian like the deer was a mother there.

198Was there one that didn't put up their hands, that really know the Presence of God, recognize It and say, "I know that I'm wrong"? When you realize you're wrong, you're recognizing the Presence of God.

199 But when you don't know you're wrong, the Bible said, "Thou art wretched." In this age, the church would be "wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, and not know it."

200Just think if a man or woman was on the street, wretched, blind, poor, miserable, and naked, and you could tell them that they were naked, and they would listen to you, but what if they are naked and they don't believe it? What a mental condition that is!

201Well, now, that's what kind of a spiritual condition it is. People are spiritually blind, wretched, miserable, naked before God, sinners trying to cover themselves behind fig leaves of some denomination, and don't know it.

202Will you raise your hand, somebody else? God bless you. That's right. The Lord bless you. Before you... Maybe you're a stranger here, have never seen God do one thing. But before you see anything, you, still you say, "I'll accept it upon the basis of the Word. I know that a greater than Solomon is here; the great Holy Spirit of God is present. I sense It. I believe It. I'll raise my hand. I'm a sinner; I will ask for salvation."

203 Heavenly Father, bless these who have their hands up. We ask that Your mercy be granted to those who are--are sinners. That's, maybe they belong to church. They, that still doesn't mean they're not sinners. And they raised their hands, they want to be saved. Lord, there was Something by them. They recognized the Holy Spirit there. And they--they recognized that It was God, and It was speaking to them, that, that they didn't have that experience that they should have, and they raised their hands.

204You said, "He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out." And I know that's true. You said, in Saint John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; shall not come into the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life. He that comes to Me, I'll give him everlasting Life, raise him up at the last days." Those are Your promises, Father.

205I claim every one of them. Maybe some Christian, Lord, that's trying to walk through life, trying to live better, every day, and they--they want an experience of--of--of a better walk, they raised their hands, too. Father, I pray that You will bless them. May they find that all-sufficiency tonight in Christ, the Word made flesh among us. Grant it, Lord. I commit them to Thee, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

206 God bless you. And as you sit real quiet, see, just a moment; oh, my, I'm five minutes over my time now. Forgive me, I didn't aim to speak that long. I tell you, let's just wait just a moment, just give me five more minutes if you will.

207How many knows what God was? We know what the Bible said He was, and the Bible said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And Jesus said, in Saint John the 14th chapter, the 12th verse, He said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Not he that make-believeth, but, "he that believeth on Me." Is that true, my minister brothers? That's true. How many Bible readers knows that's true? "Heavens and earth will pass away," but His Words can't fail. He promised that.

208 Now there is, no doubt, sick people among you out there. I don't know you, at all. And to prove what I was saying a while ago, as the Angel of the Lord in the days gone by, the days past, by, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Can you see what I was talking about, them names and everything else positionally, the church sitting right, can you see it? Now I'm sure you read between the lines of things that I didn't speak, you see what I meant. Now if you people in here, that are sick and needy, I'm...

209What business have I got to be here? What would I be standing here for, as a deceiver? If I was doing that, it's time for me to... I, I don't, I don't desire to live. I, I'd rather die. I, I'd rather go out and be anything else than to be a deceiver. And what will God do to me? And I don't know that I'll live through the night, neither do you. But a deceiver, we want to be... What's the use of being a deceiver, when you can be genuine? But, you see, It's so strange to you.

210 Now, look, if I claim that these Scriptures must be fulfilled, that I have read and showed you in the last two nights, what Jesus was, what His Presence is now! And He is supposed to return in the last days, we know that, through human flesh, and declare Himself the same way. We all know that. Are we aware of it? Say "amen" if it is. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Now for your comfort, I say you... say this to you, in His Name: He is here, the same God that came down and talked to Abraham, had His back turned to the tent, and Sarah inside the tent, He knew what she was thinking.

211He said the same thing when He come here. He looked upon the audience and perceived what was in their heart. A woman touched His garment; He looked around till He found her, and told her.

212 Blind Bartimaeus touched His garment, when he cried, "Thou Son of David, have mercy," standing two hundred yards from where He passed by. His faith stopped the Son of God, in the road, and turned around and said, "Bring him here."

213Little Zacchaeus up in the tree, hid himself, said, so he didn't believe He was a Prophet, either. And Jesus come right, stood under the tree and looked up, and said, "Zacchaeus, come down," called him his name.

214When Jesus had never seen Peter, and Andrew had brought him over there. When He seen him come, said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas," give him his name, told him who he was.

Told Nathanael where he was at, what he had done.

215The woman, and what kind of a condition she was in, what was her trouble, what was her sickness.

216That's God, friends! How many believe that with all your heart, say, "That's got to be God"?

217 How many of you in here know that I don't know one thing about you, raise up your hand, just say, "I know that man don't know a thing about me, just--just he's just a man"? That's what I am, just your brother. I'm here to try to help you.

218But I declare! How many has read my book and things? You, you know, you believe that, the Truth? This is the last days. And now the Lord Jesus help us.

219And if He will come tonight... And not let one of you move. Just stay right in your seats where you're at, and believe, and the Lord Jesus will come tonight and confirm these things that He has said, these things that He promised. If He will confirm them to be the Truth, will you believe on Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Believe!

220 Heavenly Father, now I have spoke about You, what You was, what You are, now will You just come forward on the scene. And those people sitting out there in the audience, perfectly strangers, will You make Yourself known to us tonight, Lord, that we would know and recognize that these Scriptures are fulfilled, that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever"? Then if we're living in the last days, like He said that He would reveal Himself in the last days, like He did at Sodom before the promised son arrived to Abraham, well, Abraham's royal seed that's looking for the royal Son, the same thing would take place. And watch even to the locations, the time, the names, and everything is perfect in line, Father. Help us, we pray, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

221 Now I want you to pray, each one of you. Just whatever is wrong, you just ask Him. Now He is the High Priest.

222By the way, how many ministers are in the building, raise up your hands, everywhere? I guess there is thirty or forty. Now how many of you know this, that the Book of Hebrews, the New Testament, tells us that right now "Jesus Christ is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities"? Would you raise your hands and say, "I know it's the Truth. The Bible says that"? That's right. All right.

223Then if He is the High Priest, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Then if you touched Him tonight, He would act like He did back there. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Like He did yesterday!

224 Well, when that woman touched His garment. You say, "Oh, but if I could!" Your faith touch it. The physical, He never felt. It was the faith of the woman, that touched the garment. Your faith can touch Him now. Do you believe that?

225Then if God's Word is manifested, He will reveal that same thing and show the same thing. Do you believe that with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, now just trust Him, believe Him. Don't doubt. But have faith in God, that He will do it. Somebody this way, just pray and just believe with all your heart, then somebody in this direction. And if God will let one or two people that you know, that is infallible, how many of you will believe then that we recognize His Presence? ["Amen."] Then that's all is necessary. That's all that's necessary.

226 Lady sitting right there, looking at me there, suffering with heart trouble. Do you believe God will heal the heart, make you well? You have heart trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand. Am I a stranger to you, don't know you? But that's truth, all right, you, the lady, grayheaded lady sitting there. All right.

227The lady with the green, you raised up your hand there, that you--you... Your trouble is arthritis. Do you believe that God will make you well, with arthritis? If that's right, raise up your hand. See? All right. See? Just happen to raise... Now Something come over you, didn't it? See, that Light. How many ever seen the picture of that Light? There It hung, right over the woman. All at once a real sweet feeling come over you. That's what did it, see. God blessed you, healed you, make you well. Do you believe it?

228 Do you believe He knows what's wrong with you? Only He can heal you. It's a dark shadow, epilepsy. If that's right, raise up your hand, young lady. Think a little different than you did a few minutes ago, don't you? You see when I stopped that call, doing that? That's what it was for, was for you. Now if you'll believe with all your heart, them spells will leave you. Will you accept it and believe it with all your heart? God bless you. Go, believe it.

229This lady sitting right here, suffering with stomach trouble, do you believe that God will make you well? Right here on the end, do you believe that God will heal you, make you well of the stomach trouble? You do, you accept it? All right. God bless you.

230I'm a total stranger to the woman, don't know her. She is just a woman sitting there, but God does it. Do you believe with all your heart now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, just have faith.

231 The lady sitting right here on the end, suffering with a gallbladder trouble. Got gallstones, liver, it bothers you. If that's right, raise up your hand; total stranger to you, if that's right. See?

232A lady sitting right next to you, she is suffering, too. See It, can't you see that Light over that woman? The lady has got a kidney trouble. That's right. She's got uremic poisoning in her kidneys. That right, raise up your hand. The lady that touched you then, she is suffering with a--a nervous affliction. You're both strangers, you're not from here. That's right, isn't it? You're from Iowa. You're from the city of Des Moines. That's right, isn't it? Do you believe that God can tell me what your name is, like He did Peter? If you'll believe with all your heart! Your name is Mrs. Wolff. That's right, raise up your hand. All right, go back healed now, Jesus Christ makes you well.

233Do you recognize His Presence, you know He is here? Then won't you lay your hands over on one another now, while the Holy Spirit is upon you. That's the Holy Spirit on you. Now every one of you can be healed now if you'll just believe it. Do you believe it with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

234 Heavenly Father, there is nothing left now but faith. We now renounce all darkness. When the revival, as I said at the beginning, the wave come down upon the water to churn it up-and-down, to--to--to take the unbelief out of it; now while the Holy Ghost is waving back and forth through the people here, may all unbelief be taken away, and may the power of Almighty God set every sufferer free tonight.

235I rebuke the Devil. Satan, you are nothing but a bluff, and you're exposed right here among the people, by the Scriptural evidence of the living resurrected Jesus. I adjure thee, by the living God, come out of this people and leave them go, for the glory of God.

236All that accept your healing, stand on your feet now and say, "I do believe. No matter what happens, how long it takes, I still know I'm going to be well. I accept it, with all my heart."

237Raise up your hands now. "Thank You, Lord." Praise the Lord. That's right, give Him praise. Now just raise your hands and praise Him for your healing, the way you do in your churches. Brother...

1Zatiaľ, čo sú naše zástupy malé, budeme sa snažiť poponáhľať, aby sme tak mohli ísť a pracovať pre tento jeden účel, aby ste rozpoznali prítomnosť Ježiša Krista. Ak je On prítomný, tak potom je všetko vybavené. On učinil Slovo. On je tu, aby ho potvrdil, On dokazuje, že On ho potvrdí. “On je presne ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ Videli sme Ho to činiť minulý večer bez zlyhania, vidíme Ho večer za večerom a deň za dňom a rok za rokom. Ani jedenkrát potom, ako On niečo predpovedal bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo, a kedy sa to stane, z tých tisícov razov, to nebolo nič iné, len ako presne do bodky a na čas a správne. Ako je to možné? Koľkí viete a poznáte tú službu a viete, že je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Tu to máte, ani jedenkrát bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo dokonca, keď sa to zdalo byť nemožným, stalo sa to presne tak. On je Bohom. A ak to len môžeme rozpoznať a uchopiť sa toho.

2A máme tu teraz len krátky čas, čo tu môžeme byť, a myslím, že sú to ešte tri večere, alebo dva večere a deň po tomto večeri. Myslím, že v nedeľu popoludní je zakončovacie zhromaždenie. Budeme sa snažiť zakončiť v nedeľu popoludní, aby tak pastori a každý... Nechceme vás zadržiavať od vašej cirkvi, my len chceme pridať viac do cirkvi a dať vám viac viery v Boha, ktorému slúžite vo svojej cirkvi. Rozumiete? A my nijako nechceme, aby boli dvere cirkvi zatvorené v žiadnom prípade. Chceme, aby ste tam zostali, ale my sa len snažíme vám pomôcť povzbudiť vás. Prebudenie neznamená pridať viac do cirkvi, prebudenie znamená oživiť to, čo už máte. To je pravda, prebudenie.

3Raz som pozoroval morské pobrežie, ako tam fúkal vietor a všetko sa tak triaslo, no to nebolo morské pobrežie, to bolo hore pri jazere Michigan. Stál som tam a pozoroval vlny, ako prichádzali a, ó, more vyskakovalo, alebo tie vody vyskakovali a člny sa na vode hojdali a ja som si pomyslel, “Čo sa to deje?“ Pomyslel som si, “No, to jazero má prebudenie.“ To je to. Skákalo a natriasalo sa. Prečo? Tam je mocný nesúci sa vietor, ktorý na neho prichádza. Pomyslel som si: “No, vieš čo, tam teraz nie je ani o jednu kvapku vody viac, ako v ňom bolo, keď bola hladina celkom kľudná. Nie je tam viac vody, to je len všetko rozrušené. No teraz, kvôli čomu je to tak rozrušené?“ Viete čo rozrušenie vody robí? Zmýva všetko smetie von hore na breh.

4To je to, čo potrebujeme. Očistenie našej nevery na breh. Nech má Slovo Božie prvenstvo, to je to, čo potrebujeme. Prebudenie a zmytie všetkej nevery a všetkých chrobákov a povier a rôznych vecí. Príďte a vidzte, že Boh je stále Bohom. To je to, kvôli čomu máme prebudenia.

5Nech nám Pán pomôže, ako vyberáme tento text a budeme ho teraz večer čítať. Nech Pán požehná čítanie svojho Slova, ktoré nachádzame v svätom Matúšovi v 12. kapitole, 38. až 42. verš.

6A mojím textom dnes večer je: Nerozpoznaná prítomnosť Božia. Minulý večer sme hovorili o Ježišovi, že je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, a videli sme Ho, že je tým istým včera, dnes a naveky. Teraz Jeho prítomnosť, ak je On ten istý, je nerozpoznaná.

Vtedy mu povedali niektorí zo zákonníkov a z farizeov a povedali: Učiteľu, chceme od teba vidieť znamenie.

Ale on odpovedal a riekol im: Pokolenie, zlé a cudzoložné, vyhľadáva znamenie, ale mu nebude dané znamenie, iba znamenie proroka Jonáša.

Lebo jako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak bude i Syn človeka v srdci zeme tri dni a tri noci.

Mužovia Ninivänia povstanú na súde s týmto pokolením a odsúdia ho, lebo činili pokánie na kázeň Jonášovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Jonáš.

Kráľovná juhu vstane na súde s týmto pokolením a odsúdi ho, lebo prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu, a hľa, tu je viac ako Šalamún.

7Nerozpoznaná prítomnosť. O čom mohli títo ľudia rozmýšľať? Boh bol vždy, bolo to presne tak zakaždým, keď prišiel. Keď tu bol Ježiš prvýkrát, povedal, “Vy bielite a upravujete steny a hroby prorokov a vy ste ich tam dostali.“ Tak vidíte, niekedy sa to stáva a to prechádza okolo, “A Boh to skrýva pred očami múdrych a chytrých a zjavuje to dieťatkám, ktoré sa budú učiť.“ Ježiš za toto ďakoval Otcovi. Vidíte? To ide rovno popri ľuďoch a oni to nevedia.

8Napríklad, vy katolícki ľudia, ktorí ste dnes večer tu, pamätáte si, pred pár rokmi Johanna z Arku vo Francúzsku, malá dáma, ktorá bola skutočne... Ona viedla revolúciu vo Francúzsku, ale ona bola skutočne Kristovou služobnicou. Čo s ňou vaša cirkev urobila? Upálila ju na hranici ako bosorku, pretože videla videnia a bola duchovná. Katolícka cirkev ju upálila ako bosorku na hranici, pretože bola duchovná a videla videnia. O niekoľko rokov potom zistili, že tá žena bola svätá. Tak, samozrejme, urobili ste veľké pokánie, vykopali ste telá tých kňazov, ktorí ju odsúdili a upálili, a hodili ste ich do rieky. Samozrejme, z toho ste urobili veľké pokánie, lebo ste vykopali tých kňazov. Ich telá.

9No, vo dňoch prorokov, čo sa stalo? Urobili tú istú vec. Nerozpoznali ich, až kým to neprišlo ku koncu, kým sa ich služba neskončila a vzala tých vyvolených a potom, keď oni boli preč, oni rozpoznali, že bol medzi nimi prorok.

10Ježiš prišiel na zem, vnútri v Ňom bol Otec Boh. “Ja a môj Otec sme jedno, môj Otec prebýva vo mne, to nie som Ja, ktorý činím tie skutky, ale môj Otec, a ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca, neverte Mi.“ No, ak si všimnete, keď On prišiel, asi iba jedna deväťdesiatina sveta vedela, že On je v tom čase na zemi, a pritom Spasiteľ sveta. A potom, oni vôbec nerozpoznali, kým On je, dokonca ani cirkev, ani nikto iný, sotva až potom, ako Ho ukrižovali, pochovali a On vstal na tretí deň, predtým vôbec nevedeli, kým On je.

11To prichádza a odchádza a ľudia to nerozpoznávajú, až kým to nie je preč, a oni, pretože to vôbec nepasuje do ich teológie, to im vôbec nepasuje na ten čas dňa. Vidíte, to je kvôli tomu, že oni vždy žijú v žiare iného dňa. Vždy.

12Ten dôvod, prečo neprijali Ježiša, bol, pretože oni žili v žiare zákona. A keď prišiel Ježiš, to nebolo v protiklade ku zákonu, ale to prišlo vyplniť ten zákon a tak Ho oni nedokázali prijať, pretože Jeho posolstvo nebolo presne tak, ako to oni mali všetko vo svojich vyznaniach nalinkované a bolo to nazvané tradíciami. A On neprišiel podľa ich tradícií. On nezachovával ich tradície a On ich skutočne narušil a potrhal a urobil veci, ktoré boli v protiklade k tomu až tak, že oni si mysleli, že on rozbíja cirkvi. A oni Ho nedokázali prijať, kvôli Jeho posolstvu, a my dnes všetci vieme, že On prišiel presne v línii Božieho proroctva, ale oni to vtedy nepoznali.

13A to by sa mohlo znovu stať a my by sme o tom nevedeli. Predstavujem si, že ak by sa On skutočne dnes večer zjavil, to by bolo tak v protiklade ku tomu, čo máme my všetko nakreslené na svojich grafoch a v našich školách a tie veci, a to by bolo len skutočne zopár ľudí, ktorí by rozpoznali, čo sa deje. On povedal, že to tak bude, keď On príde.

14Tak, Ježiš bol tak identifikovaný podľa Písma a v Písmach a pritom zákonníci a farizeji toho dňa Ho nedokázali rozpoznať. Prečo to nedokázali, prečo to nedokázali? Pretože oni si to predstavovali nejakým iným spôsobom. To je to, kde im Ježiš povedal, “Vy skúmate Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne“. Vidíte? Tak On prišiel presne podľa Písem, ale oni si to predstavovali, možno, že ak On príde, tak Mesiáš pravdepodobne urobí to, čo urobil Mojžiš, alebo čo urobil Noe, postaví Archu, alebo niečo iné. Ale ten dôvod, prečo On prišiel tým spôsobom, akým prišiel, oni si to tak nepredstavovali. Písma spolu s ich tradíciami ich to neučili, tak ľudia boli zmätení, až nevedeli, čo sa deje.

15Som zvedavý, či by sa to nemohlo stať dnes. Som zvedavý, či by to mohlo byť odlišné od toho, čo nás učili naše tradície a to by mohlo prísť. Niečo by prešlo a my by sme to ani vôbec nepoznali, až kým by to neprešlo a potom je to zakončené. To je asi to, aké to bude, keď to príde.

16Či viete, že Ján Krstiteľ, keď prišiel na scénu, že bol predpovedaný celý čas od knihy Izaiáša, stovky rokov pred tým? Vtedy asi pred osemsto rokmi prorokoval Izaiáš, myslím, pred tým príchodom Kristovým. Či ste vedeli, že Ján prišiel presne spôsobom, ako to povedal Izaiáš, že príde, a on prišiel presne tak, ako Malachiáš povedal, že príde, a dokonca ani apoštoli to nerozpoznali? Jedného dňa v Matúšovi 11, Ján bol vo väzení a apoštoli, niektorí z jeho učeníkov sa išli opýtať Ježiša, že či On je ten, alebo či majú čakať iného.

17Všimnite si teraz, Ježiš im nedal knižku o tom, ako sa správať, ako sa správať vo väzení, alebo ako dobre zachovávať svoj charakter. On povedal, “Buďte na blízku a pozorujte, čo sa deje, a choďte a ukážte Jánovi veci, ktoré vidíte, že sa dejú.“ To bol ten dôkaz, že On bol Slovom.

18A teraz pamätajte, Slovo vždy prichádza ku prorokovi. Všetci to vieme. Boh nerobí nič bez toho, žeby to ukázal svojim prorokom. To je ten dôvod, prečo kniha Zjavenia Ježiša Krista je plná plnosť Krista rovno tu pred nami, tá kniha. Tak On bude musieť poslať niekoho, niekoho, aby potvrdil tú knihu, zjavil to, otvoril Pečate a tak ďalej. Ale čo sa týka akéhokoľvek ďalšieho zjavenia Krista, to je už rozpoznané rovno tu. On je plnosťou tohto, toho zjavenia. Všimnite si teraz, to nikdy nezlyháva, ale Slovo prichádza ku prorokovi.

19Pozrite na Jána, ako stojí vo vode, predpovedá ako prorok, že Mesiáš je rovno medzi nimi. Povedal, “Medzi vami stojí Ten, ktorého teraz neznáte, On vás bude krstiť Duchom Svätým a ohňom.“ Pamätajte teraz, On stál rovno medzi nimi, Biblia tak hovorí, a oni Ho nerozpoznali. Jedného dňa, keď Ježiš schádzal dolu, Ján Ho rozpoznal a on povedal, “Hľa Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta.“ Sledujte teraz, pred tým, ako bol rozpoznaný kýmkoľvek iným, On prišiel ku prorokovi. On bol Slovom. Ján bol prorokom.

20Pamätám si, ako mi jeden môj starý baptistický učiteľ povedal, “Vieš, čo sa stalo?“ Povedal, “Ježiš pokrstil Jána.“

Povedal som, “Nemyslím si to.“

21On povedal, “Iste, Ján nebol nikdy pokrstený, on prišiel, kázal, krstil, a nikto nebol hodný ho pokrstiť, Ježiš ho pokrstil.“

Povedal som, “Neviem.“

22A jedného dňa, zatiaľ, čo som študoval, Duch Svätý mi to takto zjavil. Sledujte, On vošiel do vody a povedal, “Prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne? Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený Tebou.“ Ježiš povedal, “Nechaj teraz tak.“ Sledujte, “Ale tak sa nám patrí, (náleží nám) aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť.“ Ján súc prorokom poznal Slovo. Tá obeť, ktorou On bol, musela byť umytá pred tým, ako bola predstavená, potom bol On pokrstený. Ján Ho pokrstil, pretože, “Patrí sa nám naplniť všetku spravodlivosť.“ Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi vo vode.

23A potom, keď bol On pokrstený, stále ľudia... Duch Svätý zostúpil a nikto to nevidel. Ján to videl.

24Anjel Pánov by mohol byť dnes večer rovno tu a možno jedna osoba by to videla a nikto druhý.

25To svetlo, tá hviezda, ktorá prechádzala ponad každým observatóriom, ktorú nasledovali tí múdri muži, žiadne observatórium o tom nič nevedelo, nikto iný to nevidel, vôbec nie, okrem tých múdrych mužov, pretože to bolo pre nich, aby to videli. Oni to videli, bolo to pre nich skutočné.

26Keď to svetlo, ten ohnivý stĺp zhodil Pavla na ceste do Damašku, on rozpoznal, že bol v prítomnosti Božej. No, ten Hebrej by nikdy nenazval žiadneho iného ducha, “Pane“, jedine, že vedel, že to je ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol jeho ľud z púšte. On povedal, “Pane, kto si?“

„Saule, Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“ Povedal, “Ja som Ježiš.“

27Ježiš povedal, “Prichádzam od Boha a vraciam sa ku Bohu.“ On bol tým ohňom, ktorý bol v horiacom kre, ktorý viedol Mojžiša cez púšť a navrátil sa späť do Toho.

28A teraz tu bol na ceste dolu do Damašku a bol zhodený na zem a všetci tí mužovia, ktorí boli s ním, nikdy nevideli ten Ohnivý Stĺp. To bolo pre Pavla tak reálne, až to vyradilo jeho oči a musel byť vedený dolu ulicou nazvanou Priama v Damašku. Bol slepý.

29Ananiáš, prorok, ktorý tam bol, videl vo videní, ako išiel a položil na neho ruky, a on obdržal Ducha Svätého a šupiny spadli z jeho očí a on mohol znovu vidieť. To bolo pre neho tak skutočné, až to vyradilo jeho oči a pritom žiadni z tých ostatných to tam vôbec nerozpoznali, ani to nemohli vidieť.

30Tak isto je to dnes večer. Je tu niekto, kto tu sedí, kto môže priviesť Boha na scénu, zatiaľ čo ten druhý o tom nebude nič vedieť. Rozpoznanie Boha.

31A Ježiš, keď bol tu na zemi a On plne predstavil každé znamenie, o ktorom Biblia povedala, že On učiní, ale oni to nerozpoznali, pretože to nebolo podľa ich tradície. Na ten vek, On nemal prísť a urobiť to, čo urobil Mojžiš, On mal prísť a byť narodený z panny a On podľa 5. Mojžišovej 18:15 mal byť prorokom a On presne urobil tie skutky a znamenia.

32Židia vždy vyhľadávajú znamenia. Oni boli učení, že to nikdy nezávisí od intelektuálnych rečí. Židia to vedia veľmi dobre. Gréci to učili, ale nie intelektuálne reči, ale znamenia, “Ukáž nám znamenie.“ Títo ľudia, jeden z nich povedal, “Rabbi, alebo Učiteľu, ukáž nám znamenie.“ Oni to chceli poznať a On im už ukázal znamenie, ale oni chceli odlišné znamenie, ale On mohol učiniť iba znamenie toho veku.

33Tak isto to On robí dnes. Toto vyliatie Ducha Svätého je znamením Jeho objavenia sa! Dokonca v tomto veku, tak, ako zasľúbil.

34Oni chcú znamenie a On im dal duchovné znamenie, ale oni chceli odlišné znamenie.

35To je to, kde sa dnes tak mnoho ľudí stáva zmätenými. Viete, že vytrhnutie sa môže odohrať, a pomyslite len na ten smútok po tom. Dovoľte mi vrátiť sa tam, kde Ježiš...

36Ján poslal svojich učeníkov, aby išli za Ježišom, či je On tým Mesiášom alebo nie. V tej hodine On učinil mnoho vecí, keď sa tí učeníci vrátili, povedali Jánovi, čo videli. Ježiš povedal tým, ktorí tam sedeli, povedal, “Čo ste vyšli vidieť na púšť? Čo ste vyšli vidieť, keď Ján kázal? Či ste vyšli vidieť človeka odiateho bielym rúchom? A tak ďalej. Alebo jemným rúchom?“ Povedal, “Takí sú v kráľovských palácoch. Pochovávajú mŕtvych a bozkajú nemluvňatá a sobášia mladých a tak ďalej. Oni nevedia, čo je to zaobchádzanie s dvojsečným mečom.“

37Povedal, “Čo ste potom vyšli vidieť? Trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre? Niekoho, komu nejaká skupina ponúkne trošku viac peňazí a on pôjde za touto namiesto toho, aby išiel za povolaním Pánovým? Nie Ján, niekto s ním bude chcieť točiť, povie, “Dáme ti trochu viac, ak zaprieš toto a vezmeš toto?” Nie Ján. On povedal, “Čo ste potom prišli vidieť proroka?“ Povedal, “Hovorím vám, viac ako proroka, a ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom prorok povedal, “Hľa, Ja posielam svojho posla pred svojou tvárou, ktorý pripraví cestu.“ To bol Malachiáš 3, kde to On učinil.

38Jedného dňa sa Ho učeníci opýtali, povedali: “Prečo zákonníci hovoria, že najprv musí prísť Eliáš?“ Ježiš povedal, “On už prišiel a vy ste ho nepoznali.“ A oni porozumeli, že to bol Ján Krstiteľ. Tí vyvolení apoštoli stále nevideli, kým je. To bol Eliáš.

39Pozrite teraz. Viete, že príchod Pánov bude tajomný príchod? On povedal, “Dvaja budú na posteli a Ja jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.“ A to je to, kde je noc, “Dvaja budú na poli a jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.“

40Viete, že je mnoho ľudí, ktorí každý deň zmiznú z povrchu zeme, za ktorých sa nikto nezodpovedá? Jedného dňa to môže byť tak, že ľudia povedia, “No, vy máte na mysli súženie, že tá vec je už teraz na nás? Myslel som si, že cirkev odíde pred súžením.“ Oni si neuvedomujú a nerozumejú, že vytrhnutie sa môže odohrať a oni o tom nemusia nič vedieť. To je tajomný odchod Cirkvi.

41A myslím si, že ľudia budú ďalej pokračovať v kázaní a budú hovoriť, že veria, že prichádzajú k spaseniu a budú ľudia pridávaní do cirkvi a budú stavať cirkvi a budú pokračovať presne tak, ako za dní Noeho a tak ďalej, a nebudú o tom vedieť a vytrhnutie pominie, “To sa už stalo a vy ste o tom nevedeli.“ Existujú stovky ľudí, ktorí zmiznú zo zeme a ľudia o tom nič nevedia, kam išli, nezodpovedajú sa za to. Niekto niekam odišiel a už o ňom viac nepočujú, a tak to môže byť s vytrhnutím.

42Poviem vám priatelia, len preto, že sme členmi cirkvi, alebo niečo také, to pre nás príliš mnoho neznamená. Radšej by ste si mali zapnúť výstroj, radšej by ste mali vziať na seba celé Slovo Božie a držať sa ho a prestať s týmto hollywoodskym správaním. To sa dostáva rovno do cirkvi a je to hanba. Ale Hollywood sa leskne, robí len jasnejšie svetlo a cirkev sa dnes snaží porovnávať s Hollywoodom. Kristus nie je v Hollywoode. Kristus je v jednotlivcovi. Hollywood sa leskne, zatiaľ čo Evanjelium žiari pokorou. Boh nie je v týchto veľkých pekných nablýskaných miestach a všetkých tých veciach, ktoré vidíme. On prichádza v pokore vo forme miernosti a vľúdnosti a prechádza ďalej.

43A ak ste oboznámení so Slovom, uvidíte to. Ten, ktorý má ucho, aby počul, “Nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí zborom.“ Vidíte to teraz, vidíte to dnes, ako je to zidentifikované.

44On dôkladne identifikoval samého seba pre veriacich toho dňa, tých, ktorý to čakali. Pozrite na Petra, Andreja. Pozrite na Natanaela, nemal v mysli žiadnu pochybnosť. Pozrite na ženu pri studni, nebola v tom žiadna pochybnosť.

45Ale títo farizejovia pár dní pred tým, od toho, kde je náš text z dnešného večera, oni Ho to videli konať a potom Ho nazvali „Belzebúbom, diablom.“ Tie skutky boli dokončené. Oni sa museli zodpovedať svojmu zhromaždeniu, tak jediná vec, ktorú mohli urobiť, bola nazvať to “zlým duchom.“ Belzebúb bol diabol, ako veštec, alebo niečo také, a každý vie, že veštenie je z diabla. A oni to porovnávali, kde to Slovo rozpoznávalo tajnosti srdca a dokazovalo, že On bol prorokom, ktorý mal byť vzkriesený v ten posledný deň, ten vykupiteľ, prorok, a keď to učinil, cirkev v tom dni Ho vyhlásila za Belzebúba.

46Vidíte, čím boli? On povedal, “Vy ste slepí a vediete slepých, oni vojdu, a ani nedovolia tým, ktorí sú pod nimi, aby vošli dovnútra.”

47To, čo chceme dnes urobiť, je zistiť Pravdu. Musíme poznať Pravdu. Je On tým istým? Je On tu, aby vyplnil to, čo zasľúbil vyplniť? Skúmajte Písma a zistíte, čo On má konať dnes.

48To je ten dôvod, prečo John Wesley, alebo Martin Luther nemohol pokračovať s Wesleyho posolstvom, oni to zorganizovali a to je len to, pokiaľ to mohlo ísť. Tu prichádza Luther z katolíckej cirkvi a oni... On bol pre nich bláznom, ale on mal posolstvo ospravedlnenia, pretože to bolo Slovo Božie, zasľúbenie. Potom, po jeho smrti, zorganizovali Lutherovu organizáciu a čo sa stalo potom, je to, že sa to všetko znovu k sebe privinulo.

49A podľa Písma musí byť ďalší cirkevný vek, ktorý povstane, a keď povstáva, povstal Filadelfský cirkevný vek, John Wesley. A to, čo sa stalo, to stále išlo viac na západ a potom sa stalo, že tam bol cirkevný vek a povstal John Wesley, ale Luther to nemohol prijať, pretože už boli zorganizovaní na ospravedlnenie. Nedokázal prijať posvätenie.

50Keď to potom Wesleyovci zorganizovali tak, ako to zorganizovali, a vyrašili tie malé vetvy, ktoré vyšli tu, prichádza ďalej letničné posolstvo prinavrátenia darov a nikto z nich sa nemohol pohnúť, pretože boli už zorganizovaní.

51Tak, teraz tá žalostná vec toho je, že letniční sú tak zorganizovaní.

52Pozrite sa na ten deň, v ktorom žijeme, čo je zasľúbené na tento deň. Kde sme? Pohli sme sa hore. Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohybuje a deti Izraela sú pudené Ohnivým Stĺpom, alebo sa vracajú do Egypta. Musíme sa hýbať so Slovom.

53A dnes sa stávame takými lenivými, cirkev sa stáva tak svetská a ľahostajná a ich mysle sú tak zapratané televíziou a “Milujeme Suzy“ a niektorými z týchto vecí a zostávajú doma. To ukazuje, kde sa nachádzajú srdcia ľudí, a vy im tie veci môžete povedať, že sú nesprávne, a oni si myslia, že ste blázon. Čo je to? „Viac milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha.“ Vidíte?

54Ó, tá najväčšia rozkoš, ktorú poznám, je modliť sa, až kým si neuvedomím, že som v prítomnosti Božej a rozpoznávam to. Myslím, že to, čo by malo nadchnúť cirkev je prítomnosť Ducha Svätého. Vidieť, že Boh, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, stojí medzi nami, cítime Jeho prítomnosť a vidíme Jeho Slovo a vidíme ho potvrdené. To by malo dať vieru, až to spôsobí, že chromí budú chodiť, slepí vidieť, hluchí počuť a nemí hovoriť.

55Stál som v Južnej Afrike, kde som mal dvesto tisíc ľudí zhromaždených v Durbane na závodisku, a kde videli, že na jedenkrát sa to takto stalo, potom, ako im to bolo vysvetlené, len v takej malej forme a oni videli jednu vec, ktorá sa stala, toho, čo bolo zjavené, a 25 tisíc ľudí bolo okamžite uzdravených. Doniesli dodávky, nákladné autá dlhé asi odtiaľto, šesť, osemnásť kolesové ťahače s návesom, asi takéto, a kompletne ich naplnili barlami a takými vecami. Pohania, ktorí ani nepoznajú svoju pravú ruku od ľavej.

56A na ďalší deň pán Sydney Smiss, starosta Durbanu, mi zavolal a povedal: “Choď k oknu a pozri sa smerom na Indický oceán a uvidíš niečo, čo si ešte nevidel.“ A tam bola policajná eskorta, ako prichádzala so siedmymi tými veľkými dodávkami a so stovkami ľudí, ktorí kráčali za tým, kedy deň predtým boli na nosidlách a lehátkach a prinesení na niečom a teraz spievali: “Len ver, všetko je možné.“ Týždeň predtým, jeden s druhým bojovali, mali občiansku vojnu a teraz tu kráčajú ruka v ruke, rameno s ramenom.

57Prečo? Oni rozpoznali, že Boh nebies sa pred nimi zjavil vo forme Svojho Slova. A my, intelektuálni Američania, sedíme. Oni povstanú v deň súdu a odsúdia túto generáciu za to, čo sme videli.

58Pripomína mi to jednu ženu v Louisville v Kentucky, to bolo pred nedávnom, ktorá mala malé dieťa a chodila do desaťcentového obchodu. A ona vyrábala také malé vecičky a snažila sa upútať pozornosť toho dieťaťa a to dieťa len tak stále hľadelo pred seba. A nakoniec ona zobrala taký malý zvonček, niečo, čo by upútalo pozornosť toho maličkého, bol asi takýto veľký, a ona zatriasla tým zvončekom a to malé iba ďalej hľadelo pred seba. A ona začala kričať a spadla a niekto jej tam prišiel pomôcť. Ona povedala, “Ó, nie, to nemôže byť, to nemôže byť!“

Povedali, “Čo sa deje?“

Ona povedala, “Lekár povedal, že tomu dieťaťu je už lepšie.“

Oni povedali, “Čo sa deje s tým dieťaťom, pani?“

59Ona povedala, “Asi pred šiestimi mesiacmi malo záchvat a odvtedy len sedí a hľadí. Nezáleží na tom, čo to je, malo by to upútať pozornosť toho dieťaťa, ale to neupútava a ono len ďalej sedí a hľadí. Lekár mi povedal, že si myslí, že už je to lepšie a priniesli sme ho sem a zobrali sme nejaké vecičky, ktoré by mohli upútať pozornosť toho dieťaťa a to vôbec neupútava. Stále len sedí a hľadí.“

60To je to, kam sa cirkev dostáva. Boh pred nimi zatriasol každé zasľúbenie v Biblii a my stále len sedíme a hľadíme a dívame sa, „Čo? Ukáž mi znamenie. Ukážeš?“ A to sa deje po celý čas rovno okolo nás. Prináša to prítomnosť Božiu a malo by nás to osvietiť, keď Boh dal zasľúbenie, On stojí za Svojím zasľúbením. Tak veru.

61Po tom, ako Ježiš tak dokázal svoj Mesiášsky znak, že On bol tým Mesiášom, napriek tomu všetkému, “Ukáž nám znamenie.“ Vidíte? Oni to nerozpoznali. Oni len hľadeli rovno pred seba. To nebolo v nich, aby verili.

62Ako moja južanská matka zvykla hovoriť: “Nemôžeš dostať krv z kalerábu, pretože tam žiadna nie je.“

63Oni Ho stále nerozpoznávajú. Sú tak zaslepení svojimi vyznaniami a tak ďalej, aké mali v tom dni. Oni nikdy nepoznali Písma zasľúbenia, pretože tie vyznania ich prikryli. Ich vyznania a tradície toho dňa prikryli zasľúbenia Písma. Keby len boli učení podľa Písma, že to malo byť to znamenie, ktoré nasledovalo Mesiáša.

64Koľkí z vás veríte, že On prišiel s tým správnym znamením? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Isteže prišiel, prišiel presne podľa zasľúbenia, ale oni boli učení nejakému vyznaniu, “My veríme v toto a my veríme takto a všetci z nich veria v Boha, všetci z nich...“

65Dnes si zvlášť my, Američania, myslíme, že budeme ospravedlnení, pretože sme postavili veľké cirkvi a máme dobrých pastorov a tak ďalej. Pamätajte, ak by to tak bolo, Boh by bol nespravodlivý, ak by nás takto zobral, pretože Kain a Ábel, tí dvaja uctievali mimo záhrady Eden a postavili oltár Pánovi, obaja priniesli obeť, obaja obetovali dary, obaja sa modlili, ale jeden mal pravdu a ten druhý sa mýlil. Všimnite si, my musíme mať pravdu a tá pravda je Božie Slovo. Vždy. To je to isté dnes. Ľudia sa stávajú takí zaslepení. Hovoria...

Poviem, “Si kresťanom?“

66„Ó, ja patrím tam a tam.“ Vidíte, to s tým nemá nič do činenia, nemám nič proti tomu, ale to nie je to, čo sa vám snažím povedať. Patrite do akejkoľvek cirkvi chcete. Vaša značka tomu nerobí rozdiel.

67Hovoril som dnes ráno s pastorom. Hore v Colorade som zvykol jazdiť pri tom zaháňaní dobytka a tak ďalej. Zvykol som tam sedieť a mať takto svoje nohy opreté o sedlo a Herfordská asociácia rieky Troublesome pasie v údolí rieky Troublesome. Potom vyjdete hore na vrchol nad tým údolím a máte tam sútok z Východu a Západu. A všetok ten dobytok tu v tej asociácii sa pasie na tej západnej časti a tá skupina, s ktorou som ja bol, sa pásla na tej východnej a oni tam majú také oplotenie, aby zabránili tomu dobytku prejsť na súkromný pozemok a počas leta do hôr.

68A my sme zháňali ten dobytok, bolo tam štyri alebo päť rozličných značiek, alebo osem alebo desať rozličných značiek pri tej rieke a my sme na jar zháňali ten dobytok, aby sme ich priviedli sem. A zvykol som tam sedieť, mal som nohy vyložené na sedle, potom, ako sme zohnali všetok ten dobytok a oni všetky boli označené a všetko mali a začali sa vracať tuto na pastvinu.

69Stál tam správca tej rezervácie a on ich všetkých počítal, ako prechádzali, a všimol som si, že tam boli všetky možné druhy značiek. Pán Grimes mal diamantový prút rovno nad nami, oni mali turecká trasa, my sme mali starú trojnožku a boli rozličné druhy značiek, ktoré tam išli. Ale ten správca si nevšímal tú značku, on si všímal krvný prívesok v uchu, na tú pastvinu nemohlo nič iné ísť, tá chovateľská asociácia to tak dodržiavala a dovolili iba čistokrvnému dobytku, nemohlo tam ísť nič, okrem čistokrvného Herforda. A musel byť označený na uchu krvnou značkou.

70Tak to bude v deň súdu. On sa ma nebude pýtať, či som bol Metodistom, Baptistom, Presbyteriánom, akú som mal značku, pre Neho nebude vôbec nič znamenať. Nie je to nič, okrem toho byť znovuzrodený, z krvi zrodený Kresťan v Krvi Ježiša Krista. To je to, čo vstúpi dovnútra. Nič iné tam nevstúpi. Tak chceme na to teraz pamätať, pamätať na to.

71Tak, keď On nie je rozpoznaný, Jeho Moc sa vždy nezjavuje, keď On nie je rozpoznaný. Bez ohľadu na to, ako je tu Boh prítomný, ty tomu musíš veriť. To je všetko.

72Ako tá žena s krvotokom, všetci ľudia tam prechádzali a všetci tam stáli a hovorili, “Tu prichádza ten Učiteľ, to je ten, ktorý tvrdí, že je Prorok, to je ten fanatik.“ A takéto veci.

73Ale, čo sa stalo, táto malá žena mala krvotok a ona o Ňom počula a keď prišla dolu, bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovoril, ona rozpoznala, kým On je. A ona povedala, “Ak by som sa len mohla dotknúť Jeho rúcha.“ Vidíte?

74A keď sa tá skutočná viera v Boha pre ňu stala pozitívnou vecou, čo to uvoľnilo? To uvoľnilo Jeho moc, aby ju uzdravila. Ona sa Ho tak dotkla, až sa On otočil a povedal jej, čo s ňou nie je v poriadku, a povedal, “Tvoja viera ťa zachránila.“ Čo to urobilo? Viera.

75Tí ostatní, ktorí tam stáli, mohli byť ešte viac chorí ako ona, ale vidíte, ona rozpoznala Jeho prítomnosť. Ona vedela, že to je jej príležitosť.

76Ak by sme to len ľudia mohli urobiť dnes večer, ak by sme si len mohli uvedomiť, že On sa nám na týchto zhromaždeniach zjavuje, za jedným účelom, a to je, aby uvoľnil naše túžby, ktoré máme v Ňom pre nás, ale vy musíte rozpoznať Jeho prítomnosť. A tak, ako rozpoznáte Jeho prítomnosť? To je vtedy, keď to zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek je prejavené, nie zasľúbené Slovo na vek Mojžiša, alebo na iný vek, ale to je to zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek.

77Zisťujeme teraz, že on išiel rovno ďalej a Jairus, ten malý chlapík tam so svojou mŕtvou dcérou, on veril, že čo On povedal, je pravda. No, pamätajte, on bol kňazom a bolo mu zakázané, pretože to bolo striktne povedané, že “ktokoľvek sa s ním bude stýkať, bude vylúčený zo Synagógy.“ No, či on bol vylúčený alebo nebol, každopádne on bol uspokojený, že Boh bol prítomný v Kristovi. A to bolo to Slovo. Čo to urobilo? To pre neho uvoľnilo moc zmŕtvychvstania, ktorá bola v Ňom, Amen. Priviedlo to späť to dievča, ktoré bolo mŕtve a ležalo, pretože on rozpoznal, že Boh bol v Kristovi, a Jeho prítomnosť bola v jeho dome.

78Ale v tom meste, kde vyrastal, tá istá moc bola v Ňom, v tom meste, v ktorom vyrástol, a oni Ho nikdy nerozpoznali. Jeho prítomnosť pre nich neznamenala nič. Možno, že bol pre nich nejakým fanatikom. “Kde sú tieto veci? Hovoria mi, že Ty robíš tak a tak, ukáž, nech ťa to vidím robiť tu.“

79Či ste to už nepočuli? “Ak by tam... Vy, skupina Letničných, a vy, ľudia, ktorí veríte v Božské uzdravenie, tu je taký a taký prípad, ukážte mi, či ho môžete uzdraviť?“

80To je stále ten istý starý diabol, ten istý, ktorý povedal, “Ak si Synom Božím, rozkáž, nech sa tieto kamene stanú chlebom.“

81Ten istý starý diabol, keď Mu zakryl oči, a oni Ho udierali po hlave s palicou a povedali, “Teraz,“ a podali si palicu jeden druhému a povedali, “Povedz, ktorý z nás ťa udrel? A uveríme Ti, že si Prorok.“ Nikdy to neurobil, On nikomu nerobí klauna. Áno.

82Ten istý, to isté, keď bol Ježiš na kríži, on povedal, “Ak si Synom Božím, zostúp z kríža a dokáž, že si Synom Božím.“ On by to mohol urobiť.

83Oni Mu tam vzdali najväčšiu poctu, akú On kedy mal, ale oni to nevedeli. Povedali, “Zachraňoval ostatných a sám sa nevie zachrániť.“ Ak by sa bol On zachránil, nemohol by zachrániť ostatných. On dal samého seba, aby tak mohol zachrániť ostatných. Vidíte? Oni nerozpoznali prítomnosť Božiu, to je všetko.

84Tak, to teraz uvoľňuje moc k uzdraveniu, a čomu to uvoľní moc do otvorenia tvojich očí, aby si Ho rozpoznal, alebo to zaslepí tvoje oči, aby si Ho nikdy nerozpoznal. To, čo otvára oči jednému, zatvára oči neveriacemu.

85Ale v tom meste, oni v Neho nemali nikdy dôveru. V dome farizeja, on Ho tam pozval, Šimon farizeus, a urobil veľkú večeru a ten farizeus chcel dokázať tým druhým, že On nie je Prorokom. Tak oni si tam vzadu pripíjali s pohármi a čašami a boli tam všetky možné dobré parfumy v tom dome.

86A Ježiš prešiel okolo toho poskoka, ktorý umýval nohy, a sadol si. A špina a zápach z toho poľa boli na ňom, kde po tej ceste chodili zvieratá a mal od toho rúcho.

To je ten dôvod, prečo si v tých dňoch umývali nohy.

87A vidíte, prvá vec, keď ste pozvaný do nejakého domu tam v Palestíne, kde nosili tie sandále, tá prvá vec, ktorú urobili, je, aby vám umyli nohy a potom vám niečo dali, aby ste išli po ich kobercoch, po tých veľkých perzských kobercoch a veciach a to bolo krásne.

88Ďalšia vec, ktorú urobili, potom vám dali na ruky nejaký olej. On pochádza z malého jabĺčka, ktoré sa nachádza na horách, to je jablková ruža. Potom, ako tá ruža odpadne, tak tam zanecháva to jabĺčko a krásne parfumy a oni si s tým pošúchajú tvár a tie priame lúče palestínskeho slnka sú hrozné a viete, to vytvára vôňu. A keď to urobíte, potom ten hostiteľ prichádza ku dverám a pobozká vás na krk a chce, aby ste sa cítili vítaní.

89Ako tam tí poskokovia len nechali Ježiša prejsť bez toho, aby umyli Jeho nohy, alebo Mu dali olej, aby sa pomazal, alebo Ho pobozkali na privítanie?

90Ale bola tam jedna malá prostitútka z ulice. A všetci tí náboženskí ľudia teraz, celá tá skupina Ho nerozpoznala. A tá žena zlej povesti sa pozrela dovnútra, možno od brány, a videla Ho tam sedieť ako nejakú nástennú kvetinu.

91Tak je to s Ním tiež dnes medzi skupinou náboženstiev. Nástenná kvetina, nevítaná, nechcená: “Špinavý, nečistý náboženský fanatik.“ Tak to nazývajú, “Nejaký človek, ktorý nie je pri svojej zdravej mysli, predpovedať budúcnosti, mentálna telepatia.“ Alebo Ho nazvú nejakým zlým menom.

92A Ježiš, vysvetlím vám to za chvíľu, povedal, “Keď poviete slovo proti Synovi človeka, bude vám odpustené, ale keď príde Duch Svätý, a bude robiť to isté, jedno slovo vám nebude nikdy odpustené.“ Rozumiete?

93Ale tamtá žena videla, že On potreboval službu, ona rýchle vbehla dovnútra, vošla tam, a mala alabastrovú nádobu plnú oleja. Možno to kúpila za peniaze z prostitúcie. Ale čo to bolo? Ona si mohla pomyslieť: “On je, On je prorok, ale ja si pamätám na inú ženu môjho druhu, iný charakter, taký ako ja, ona mala možnosť a ona Ho rozpoznala, bolo jej odpustené.“ Tam hore pri studni v Sychare, minulý večer sme o tom hovorili, “Ak sa len môžem ku Nemu dostať, viem, kým On je, urobím Mu službu. Čo tí ostatní z nich, nestarám sa, čo oni robia, ja Mu urobím službu! Ja rozpoznám, že On je Syn Boží!“

94Vbehla dovnútra. Prišla skutočne blízko ku Nemu a cítila sa taká vinná. To je to, ako sa skutočne kajúcny hriešnik cíti v Jeho prítomnosti, vinný!

95A slzy jej začali stekať a ona sa ich snažila skryť. Kvapkali na Jeho nohy, ona Ho išla pomazať, ale tie slzy kvapkali na Jeho nohy. A ona ich začala utierať a plakala a utierala ich rukami a Jeho nohy boli celé zašpinené tou špinou, ktorá bola na nich a ak to tak skutočne chcete veriť, ten zápach tých zvierat z tej cesty, každý išiel po tej istej ceste. A tam to bolo, bol na Ňom zápach, ako tam sedel. A jej slzy kvapkali na Jeho nohy a ona sa ich snažila utrieť a nemala žiaden uterák.

96Čo je krásou a slávou ženy? Jej vlasy. To je ten dôvod, prečo mnohé z vás žien ste si ich ostrihali. To je nesprávne. Ona vzala svoje vlasy a začala utierať... Utierať Mu nohy a utierať ich svojimi krásnymi vlasmi, zotierala ten zápach z Neho, brala ho na seba, niesla Jeho pohanenie. Ó, to je spôsob, ako rozpoznávate, kto je vo vašej prítomnosti. Vidíte? Naše sestry by museli takmer stáť na svojich hlavách, aby nazberali dostatok vlasov, aby to mohli urobiť. Tak, tam Mu utrela nohy a utrela ich vlasmi svojej hlavy a bozkala Jeho nohy.

97A ten starý Šimon, on stál vzadu a povedal: “Hmm-hmm.“ Ó, môžem ho vidieť, ako vybuchol. On nerozpoznal, kým On je. Povedal: “Povedal som vám, že On nie je prorok. Ak by bol prorokom, rozpoznal by, aký druh ženy je pri Ňom.“

98Ježiš ani nohou nepohol, len ju pozoroval a ona sa bála.

99Potom, ako Mu ona dokončila službu, On sa pozrel a povedal: “Šimon, niečo ti mám povedať. Ty si Ma sem pozval, ty si Ma sem priviezol.“ Inými slovami, mal eso v rukáve. “Ty si Ma chcel vystaviť na posmech, chcel si dokázať, že Ja nie som tým, kým som, a ty, keď si Ma sem priviedol, ty si Mi mal umyť Moje nohy, ale vôbec si to neurobil. Ty si Mi mal dať olej a pomazať Moju hlavu, ale neurobil si to. Vôbec si Ma nepobozkal na privítanie a táto žena, odkedy Som tu, stále umýva Moje nohy svojimi slzami a utiera ich svojimi vlasmi a stále bozká Moje nohy, odkedy Som tu. Mám niečo proti tebe, Šimon.“

100Potom sa obracia k nej. Viem si predstaviť, ako ju tam vidí stáť, ako má svoje veľké krásne oči celé zamazané a jej tvár, a kde mala tú mastnotu, a prach z cesty teraz na tvári a ona si myslí: “No, urobila som niečo zlé? Urobila som zlé?“

101On povedal: “A jej hovorím, že jej hriechy, ktorých je mnoho, sú jej všetky odpustené, choď v pokoji.“

102Čo to bolo? Ona rozpoznala. Ona rozpoznala svoju príležitosť. Vidíte? Urobila to. Urobila Mu službu. Tí Farizeji to neurobili, ona to uvidela a rozpoznala Jeho prítomnosť. Čo to urobilo? To umylo. Čo jej to uvoľnilo? Odpustenie. Uvoľnilo jej to odpustenie jej hriechov. Čo to tiež urobilo? To tiež uvoľnilo moc Božiu, aby to ukázalo tým neveriacim, že On je prorok. On vedel, kým ona je. To tiež uvoľnilo radosť a moc a večný Život. To uvoľnilo.

103Ale ten, ktorý spôsobil, že bol zatlčený veľký obrovský klinec do Jeho vzácnych nôh, ten nikdy nerozpoznal prítomnosť Božiu v Ňom. Ten tiež od Neho chcel, aby pre neho urobil nejaký lacný trik, nejakú zábavu.

104To je to, čo svet dnes chce. To je skupina zabávačov. Oni nechcú evanjelium, oni chcú byť zabávaní.

105A Pilát povedal: “Rád by som od Neho videl nejaký zázrak, alebo niečo také, priveďte Ho sem.“ Rovno v prítomnosti Božej a odmietol to, pretože (Čo?) pretože on si cenil viac názor verejnosti, ako si cenil mať tú príležitosť, byť v prítomnosti Boha. Čo sa stalo? Tej žene bolo odpustené a bol jej daný večný život, ale on stratil rozum a zbláznil sa, a spáchal samovraždu, tým, že sa utopil vo Švajčiarsku.

106No, dajte na to pozor. Oni sú unášaní populárnym názorom toho dňa, že “On je Belzebúb, On je len robiaci sa veriaci, v Ňom skutočne nič nie je.“ Čo urobil? On to zapredal, zapredal svoju príležitosť, keď bol v prítomnosti Božej. Mohlo mu byť odpustené. Povedal: “Mám moc Ťa ukrižovať, mám moc Ťa prepustiť.“

107Povedal: “Nemal by si žiadnej moci, ak by to neprišlo od Môjho Otca.“ On to mal vedieť, ak by poznal Písma, a on tým, že bol Židom, mal vedieť, ale vidíte, tradície mu to vyvrátili. Tak isto je to dnes, ak on len mohol byť správne vyučený. Ak by ten človek len uveril tomu, čo Písma povedali, ale jeho tradícia ho z toho dostala.

108Tak isto je to dnes. Ľudia vezmú to pravé evanjelium, kde vstupuje Duch Svätý, a moc a Sláva Božia je uvoľnená a uvoľňuje hriešnikov z hriechu a oslobodzuje ich a krstí ich v Duchu Svätom a uzdravuje nemocných a ukazuje znamenia a zázraky a ľudia odídu a povedia: “Á, viete, čo teraz moja cirkev učí? Že to je nezmysel.“ Vidíte? Zapredávate to. Predávate svoje práva prvorodenstva! Ďalší Ezav.

109Tak mnohí majú tú istú príležitosť dnes. Stáť v Jeho prítomnosti, ako stáli tamtí vtedy, a znova, kvôli populárnemu názoru, oni to odmietajú. Stoja v prítomnosti Božej. Som zvedavý, priateľu, dnes večer, či ľudia, ktorí sú kresťanmi v Jeho prítomnosti a sú chorí, či neodmietneme tú príležitosť byť uzdravení, tým, že Mu budeme veriť? My, ktorí tvrdíme, že Mu veríme, skutočne nerozpoznávame Jeho prítomnosť, čo On zasľúbil robiť dnes.

110Potvrdené skrze zasľúbenie na ten deň, Ježiš karhal tú generáciu za to, že neuverili Jeho Mesiášskemu Znaku. Vidíme to tam, On ich karhal. Nazvali Ho Belzebúbom, chceli od Neho, aby urobil možno znamenie Mojžiša, aby otvoril Červené more. Oni chceli od Neho, aby urobil znamenie Dávida, zaujal trón a vládu, ale žiadne miesto Písma nehovorilo, že to urobí. On mal byť prorokom. On prichádza, Kráľ. On mal byť vtedy prorokom a On urobil znak, o ktorom Boh povedal, že urobí v tých dňoch, a oni stále od Neho chceli, aby urobil nejaké znamenie, ktoré sa im páčilo. Vidíte?

111A ja som len zvedavý, či sa my nedívame príliš dopredu na niečo, čo je rovno pri nás. Som zvedavý, či by to nemohlo byť tak isto, či by sme my neminuli našu príležitosť. Pamätajte, ako tie starodávne typy, tie typy sa nemôžu porušiť. To posledné znamenie podľa Ježiša, On povedal: “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude vo dňoch, keď Syn človeka.“ Nie teraz Syn Boží: “Keď bude zjavený Syn človeka.“ Pozrite sem, kde sa dnes nachádzame. Priatelia, mohol by som vám povedať niektoré veci, ktoré by neboli dobré, aby som vám ich povedal, ale oni by vás naľakali.

112Chcem sa vás opýtať jednu otázku, kým zakončíme, predtým, ako budeme ďalej pokračovať v tej službe o pár minút. Som zvedavý, či by som sa toto mohol opýtať.

113Každý vie, že svet je v pozícii, kde všetko je na mieste pripravené pre Jeho príchod. Budú miestami zemetrasenia, mesiac bude červený ako krv, alebo červené sopky budú všade a budú to prikrývať.“ Ako Ježiš povedal, aby sme pozorovali to znamenie v tých posledných dňoch: “More sa bude búriť, ľudské srdcia budú zlyhávať od strachu a bude čas zmätku a zovretie medzi národmi.“

114Pozrite sa, ako dnes ide prevrátenosť vpred. Pozrite sa na to dnes: 40% nárast homosexuálov v Kalifornii. Prirodzená náklonnosť je už stratená.

115Pozrite sa na to. Pozrite dnes, ako ľudia zostávajú doma, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi a počúvajú takých ľudí, ako Pat Boone, Elvis Presley, Henry Ford a tých, ktorí spievajú hymny v nedeľu, a pozrite sa na tie veci. Oni sa dívajú na nich, ako bozkávajú ženy a podobne.

116Pričom žiaden muž by nikdy nemal bozkať ženu, kým s ňou nie je ženatý. To je skríženie mužských a ženských žliaz. Nech je to kdekoľvek, je to nesprávne. To je potencionálne pohlavný styk. Keď sa dotýkajú mužské a ženské žľazy, je to pohlavný styk. A to je... Keby muž bozkal muža na ústa, to by mu spôsobilo vracanie, alebo žena ženu. Prečo je to odlišné? To je potencionálne pohlavný styk. To je pravda. To je typ Krista, ktorý bozká svoju Nevestu. Vidíte? Nikdy by ste to nemali robiť.

117Ale pozrite sa na to dnes, všetky tieto filmy a veci a jedno zamiešanie, bozkávanie a objímanie sa, a to je takmer úplné verejné cudzoložstvo všade, a ľudia sú tak slepí, že to nevidia. To je pravda. Všetko je v stave Sodomy. Sodomiti sú všade, ako Biblia povedala.

118Tak mnoho vecí, pozrite sa na tieto dni, čo On povedal, že sa bude diať. Pozrite na zasľúbenia, ktoré On dal, ktoré sa odohrajú dnes, a potom to preskúmajte s tým, čo sa deje, a vidzte, kde sa nachádzame. Potom budete vidieť, či je On stále vo svojom Slove, alebo nie.

119Oni chceli vidieť znamenie Mojžiša, znamenie Dávida. To nebolo pre ich vek, to bolo zasľúbené na Mojžišov vek, a na ich vek. Zasľúbenie na tento vek sa musí udiať. On im jasne ukázal pomocou Písem a pozval ich, aby skúmali Písma, aby videli ten deň, v ktorom žijú.

120On robí tú istú vec práve teraz. Skúmajte Písma, vy, ktorí veríte Biblii. Čo sa má udiať rovno pred Jeho príchodom?

121Pozrite sa na svet v jeho pozícii, v akom stave je teraz svet. Pozrite sa na cirkev, kde sa nachádza, pozrite sa, kde je. “Odpadnutý, vlažný, Laodicea. Vystrčili Slovo.“ Celá tá vec ide do veľkej rady cirkví do svetovej rady cirkví a formuje znamenie Šelmy, o ktorom Biblia vyhlasuje, že je zlé, a všetky tie veci, a pritom Protestanti sa do toho hrnú hlavou vpred, nepoznajúc Písem. Ich tradície! Ó, oni chcú mocného muža a oni ho dostanú. Uvidia, že ho dostanú.

122On mal, pozrite, Ježiš dokonale vyhlásil, kým presne On je. A dokázal im to, kým On je, vo svojom veku.

123Tá istá vec je dnes. No pozrite sa, pozrite sa, ako je to v Lukášovi 17: “Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy.“ Pozrite sa na svet, pozrite na cirkev, ten sodomský stav. Pozrite, kde bol Lót, keď sa tí mužovia dokonca snažili dostať cez tie dvere ku tým anjelom, tí mužovia.

124Všimnite si, pozrite sa sem. Tam to malo... Pozrite, Abrahám bol hore na vrchu, on nebol v Sodome. To je typ.

125Vždy existujú tri skupiny ľudí v náboženskom zhromaždení: Veriaci, takzvaní veriaci a neveriaci, vždy sú to tí traja. A tam oni boli, tam bol ten neveriaci sodomita, tak zvaný veriaci Lót a Abrahám, tá vyvolená cirkev.

126No, sledujte ich poslov v tom dni. Dvaja poslovia zišli dolu a kázali do Sodomy, oni neurobili žiadne zázraky, iba ich oslepili. Kázanie Slova to robí.

127Ale sledujte, aký druh zázraku urobil tento Anjel, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom. On bol otočený chrbtom a povedal Abrahámovi, že jeho meno bolo zmenené. Nazval ho: “Abrahám“ namiesto Abram. On nemohol mať to dieťa, kým jeho meno nebolo zmenené, a tak isto Sára. On im povedal, ako sa volali, ten Anjel im to povedal, a povedal, že navštívi Sáru podľa času života.

128A Sára sa nad tým smiala. A keď sa Sára zasmiala... Ten Muž s otočeným chrbtom, ten Muž, ktorý tam jedol mäso z teľaťa a pil mlieko z kravy a jedol chlieb, človek, ktorý mal prach na svojom odeve, pocestný, to bol sám Boh. A Abrahám to rozpoznal, pretože On poznal myšlienky, ktoré boli v srdci Sáry, ktorá bola za ním. Povedal: “Prečo sa Sára smiala v sebe?“ Ako sa toto môže stať?“ Či je niečo príliš ťažké pre Pána?“ Vidíte? A Sára vybehla a zaprela to. A On povedal: “Ale áno, smiala si sa.“ No, On by mohol tam rovno Sáru pripraviť o život za jej neveru, ale vidíte, ona je časťou Abraháma.

129A naša nevera v Jeho veľkú manifestáciu v tejto hodine, my sme časťou Krista. On len, my sme, naše... On to musí zachovať.

130Všimnite si teraz, tam nebol nikdy čas v histórii cirkevného veku... A ja poznám jedného skutočného študenta, ku ktorému hovorím, historika. Nikdy to tak nebolo. Opýtal by som sa ktoréhokoľvek študenta Biblie, aby mi povedal a ukázal jedného muža, ktorý bol kedy poslaný do cirkevného veku, v tomto veku od ukrižovania Krista, nejakú celosvetovú službu, kde jeho meno končilo s písmenami h-a-m, ako A-b-r-a-h-a-m, až do tohto dňa. Sankey, Finney, Moody, Knox, Kalvín, ale kedy bol predtým nejaký G-r-a-h-a-m, Billy Graham, veľký evanjelista, ktorý je tam s denomináciami, ktoré sú v Sodome? Nikdy, tam je moderný Oral Roberts s letničnými, tá istá vec. Vedeli ste to?

131Ale, h-a-m, teraz G-r-a-h-a-m, je len šesť písmen, ale A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem písmen. Šesť je číslo človeka, ľudská organizácia, ľudské konanie, ale A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem písmen. Všimnite si teraz, v cirkvi, ktorá je vyvolená, ktorá je vytiahnutá, nie tie denominácie, ale tá vyvolená cirkev, ktorá stojí vonku, ona má tiež dostať posla v týchto posledných dňoch.

132Čo sa to tam deje? Čo sa to deje tu hore? Porovnajte to s tým, čo povedal Ježiš. Nikdy pred tým to v histórii nebolo takto zriadené. A tie isté znamenia, ktoré majú byť učinené, či si neuvedomujete, priatelia, a nerozpoznávate, že to je Boh, ktorý prichádza dolu v Evanjeliu, v Jeho ľuďoch, ako dáva poznávať samého seba? Nemôžete rozpoznať hodinu, v ktorej žijeme? Či sa musíme len dostať do nejakého tlieskania rúk a trošku zahrať na klavír a zarecitovať toto a dostať sa preč od Slova, kým sme na to slepí? Isteže nemáme. Rozpoznajme hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.

133Peter, Nátan, alebo vlastne Natanael, a tá žena, oni to rozpoznali. Oni rozpoznali Jeho znamenie, Mesiášske znamenie.

134To isté je teraz, ako hovorím tieto veci. Potom ku tomuto veku Ježiš povedal... Sledujte teraz, On sa teraz odvoláva späť a hovorí im o veku. Boh v ktoromkoľvek veku, keď poslal svoje posolstvo, ktoré bolo Jeho Slovom, a identifikoval ho k tomu veku, ľudia, ktorí tomu uverili, to bol pre nich veľkolepý čas, a ľudia, ktorí tomu neuverili, odišli do chaosu. Vždy to tak bolo.

135Tak, ako vo dňoch Ježiša, bolo to tak isto. Sledujte Ho, ako tam teraz stojí, povedal: “Ako bolo vo dňoch Jonáša v Jonášovi, lebo, ako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak isto musí byť Syn človeka.“

136On povedal: “Hriešna a cudzoložná generácia bude vyhľadávať znamenie.“ No, viete, čo si myslím, že On práve robil? On prorokoval: “Bezbožná a cudzoložná generácia.“

137Som zvedavý, či by nejaký človek vo svojej zdravej mysli mohol poprieť, že žijeme v slabej a cudzoložnej generácii, kedy sú homosexuáli a prevrátenie, a počet rozvodov v Amerike je vyšší, ako v ktoromkoľvek inom národe sveta. A celý svet sa dostal do chaosu toho. Takmer traja z každých štyroch sú rozvedení a všade naokolo a berú preč celú tú vec, okolo desiatich rokov manželstva.

Vidíte? Pomyslite na to. Rozvod, znovu sa ženia a vydávajú a znovu sa rozvedú a znovu sa ženia a vydávajú. “Oni jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali sa.“ Pozrite na tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, kedy bol takýto chaos?

138„Bezbožná a cudzoložná generácia bude vyhľadávať znamenie, všimnite si, a oni obdržia znamenie.“

Čo? Táto generácia: “Lebo ako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a noci, Syn človeka musí byť v srdci zeme tri dni a noci.“ Aké znamenie dostane tá hriešna a cudzoložná generácia? Znamenie zmŕtvychvstania.

139A dnes, po dvoch tisícoch rokov stále vidíme Ježiša Krista v moci Jeho vzkriesenia stojaceho medzi nami, ako robí veci, ktoré robil vtedy a ktoré zasľúbil robiť. “Hriešna a cudzoložná generácia bude vyhľadávať znamenie, vždy budú chcieť povedať, ukáž mi toto a ak môžeš urobiť toto a tamto. Oni to dostanú, to znamenie vzkriesenia.“ On Je ten istý, včera, dnes i na veky. Slovo zamanifestované, prebývajúce medzi nami. Ako by sme mali ďakovať Bohu za toto veľké znamenie.

140Všimnite si, On sa tu odvolával ešte na niečo iné. Povedal: “Ako kráľovná z Juhu povstane.“ To je kráľovná zo Sáby. Počúvajte teraz pozorne.

Kráľovná juhu povstane na súde s touto generáciou a odsúdi ju, lebo prišla z ďalekých končín zeme počuť múdrosť Šalamúnovu a, hľa, väčší ako Šalamún je tu.

141Všimnite si, odvolajme sa na to na chvíľu na pár minút. On čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my čítame o Jonášovi, a On čítal o Šalamúnovi. No, keď prišiel Šalamúnov vek, on mal dar rozpoznania a všetci ľudia, celý národ tomu uveril. Všetci boli jedno srdce a boli v súhlase, každý to veril.

142Ak by dnes večer každý, ak by sa celá Amerika obrátila späť ku Bohu a uverila Bohu, to je to najlepšie uistenie, aké máme, to by bolo ponad všetky bunkre a ponad všetko možné.

143Nikto nemohol obalamutiť Šalamúna, oni sa ho báli, pretože on bol obdarovaným mužom. A ľudia mu tak verili, že on bol poslaný od Boha, až ho urobili svojím kráľom. Všetky národy sa ho báli nie kvôli jeho vojenskej moci, ale pretože bol s nimi Boh.

144A ak tento národ, ktorý si nárokuje byť kresťanským, ak by len mohli oni všetci spolu priľnúť okolo tohto veľkého daru, ktorý nám bol daný v týchto posledných dňoch, Svätý Duch Boží na cirkvi. Nie vyznanie, Duch Boží. „Nie mocou ani silou, ale mojím Duchom,“ povedal Boh.

Duch Svätý, Ježiš Kristus vo forme Ducha na nás, “Ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky,“ spôsobuje, že toto Slovo žije, to, čo On povedal, že sa bude diať. Sledujte teraz pozorne.

145Ó, tie správy vyšli na celý svet. Oni nemali televíziu a rádio a takéto veci v tamtých dňoch, tak to išlo od úst ku uchu a po chvíli tie veľké karavány prichádzali rovno, až zdola zo Saharskej púšte, čo je cesta troch mesiacov z Palestíny až tam dolu, kde ona žila. A viera prichádza skrze čo?

Počutie, počutie Slova Božieho. A ona počula o tomto veľkom zhromaždení, ktoré tam hore majú, a zakaždým, ako odtiaľ prišla nejaká karavána, ona sa pýtala: “Či ste išli cez Palestínu?“


„Ó, a čo tam bolo?“

146„Ó, to je ponad pomyslenie, nikdy si nevidela také rozpoznanie. A to je, akoby tam sedel Boh. Ich Boh je reprezentovaný v človeku, ktorý sa volá Šalamún.“

147Tak, “Viera prichádza skrze počutie.“ Srdce tej malej kráľovnej začalo byť hladné po tom ísť tam hore a zistiť, čo to je. Vidíte, ona bola určená do života.

148Všimnite si teraz, tá prvá vec do vykonania, tým, že ona bola pohankou, ona musela ísť získať povolenie od jej kňaza, aby tam mohla ísť. Tak, viem si ju predstaviť, ako ide k svojmu kňazovi a hovorí, “Svätý otče, počujem, že oni tam hore v Palestíne majú veľké prebudenie, rada by som dostala povolenie ísť tam a sama sa presvedčiť.“

149„No, moje dieťa, ty sa predsa nechceš zamiešať v nejakom... Nakoniec, my v tom prebudení nespolupracujeme, tak ty nemôžeš ísť, a tak vidíš, to je len kopa nezmyslu. Nie je na tom nič. Tí ľudia tvrdia, že prešli cez Červené more, a že urobili toto a tamto, ale na tom nič nie je. Ak by sa také niečo dialo, to by bolo rovno tu v našej cirkvi.“ Stále máme pohanov.

150Tak, zisťujeme, že ona začala žízniť. Povedala: “No, pozri.“ Povedala: “Hovoria mi, že ich Boh je tam reprezentovaný v ľudskej bytosti a jeho múdrosť je poza čímkoľvek. Jeho rozpoznanie je ohromné.“

„Ó, na tom nič nie je.“

Ona povedala: “Ale mohla by som...“

151„No, pozri, ty si kráľovná, ty sa nemôžeš stýkať s takou bandou ľudí, no ty to nemôžeš. To je skupina ľudí známa po celom svete ako náboženskí fanatici. Ty to nemôžeš urobiť.“

152Ale vidíte, keď Boh začína konať s ľudským srdcom, tam neexistuje nič, čo by to zastavilo. Muž, žena, deti, pastor, nič iné to nemôže zastaviť, keď nejaká osoba skutočne žízni po Bohu. Oni jednako idú. Tak, ona sa pripravila. A pripravila sa.

153No, on by povedal: “Dobre, dám ti... Budem ťa musieť potom exkomunikovať z nášho obecenstva.“

154„No, môžete to urobiť, ja jednako pôjdem, idem si to sama zistiť, všetko o tomto, a uvidieť.“

155Ona priniesla zvitky a čítala, čím by Jehova mal byť, o Jeho prorokoch a čo musí robiť, ako Slovo Božie má byť zamanifestované a ako sa bude dať spoznať, kedy sú tieto veci reprezentované, zahalené v ľudskom tele, čo to bude konať. A ona všetky tieto veci čítala.

Tak, ja ho počujem hovoriť: “No, pozri, naša kniha hovorí toto,“ povedal.

156„Áno, pozri, moja pra-pra-stará mama stála za takými istými modlami, ona tam stála a hovorila modlitby deň za dňom, oni sa nikdy nepohli ani jeden pohyb ani nič, a ja som už unavená z tejto starej mŕtvej formy. Chcem tam ísť a vidieť, že existuje živý Boh.“ Je to príliš zlé, že už nemáme dnes viac takých kráľovien.

157Tak, ona sa pripravila ísť. Tak, keď prišla na toto miesto, kam musela ísť, pamätajte, mala veľkú ťažkosť. To nebolo také ľahké, ako by to bolo pre teba. Všimnite si, čo ona musela urobiť.

158Tu je ešte jedna vec, ktorú nechcem vynechať. Ona povedala: “Idem tam hore a vezmem nejaké peniaze. Vezmem nejaké dary a ak je to pravda, podporím to, ak to nie je pravda, tak potom si vezmem svoje peniaze späť.“

159Tá žena by mohla učiť letničných. Tak veru. Podporiť veci tam vonku, ktoré sa vysmievajú a robia si žarty z Božského uzdravenia, a pri tom podporujete rádio programy namiesto vašej vlastnej cirkvi, tak to je. A oni sa smejú a robia si žarty práve z tej veci, v ktorú vy veríte.

160Ale ona povedala: “Ja to vezmem a ak to nie je pravda, môžem to vziať späť.“

161Tak, pamätajte so všetkým týmto bohatstvom, ktoré mala naložené na týchto ťavách, a pamätajte, tí kočovní jazdci Izmaela boli rabovači tam na púšti. Aké jednoduché by to pre nich bolo, prepadnúť ich a vziať túto korisť, no oni by týchto pár eunuchov, ktorí boli s ňou, zabili a zobrali peniaze a ušli preč.

162Ale niečo na tom je, keď ste skutočne rozhodnutí a Boh sa sám zjavuje, vy ste rozhodnutí vidieť Krista, neexistuje pred vami žiadne nebezpečenstvo, vy tomu ani nevenujete pozornosť. Lekár hovorí, že zomrieš, ty si to ani nevšímaš. Keď sa tlačíš, vieš, že niečo tam je.

163Niečo dolu v jej srdci horelo. Viera v tohto Boha. [prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Cestovať tri mesiace cez Saharskú púšť, nie v klimatizovanom Cadillacu, nie, nie. Trvalo jej tri mesiace, kým prešla cez Saharskú púšť, možno cestovala v noci, čítala zvitky v tej oáze v čase dňa, až kým nedorazila.

164Tak, niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, že ona sa v posledných dňoch postaví a odsúdi túto generáciu, pretože niektorí z nich ani neprejdú cez ulicu a väčší ako Šalamún je tu. Sám Svätý Duch. Rozumiete? Niet divu, že ona povstane v posledných dňoch a odsúdi tú generáciu.

165Sledujte, ona nakoniec dorazila. Ona neprišla ako mnohí ľudia, ako niektorí ľudia prídu na nejaké zvláštne zhromaždenie. Ona prišla a vzala svoje ťavy a vyšla tam na dvor, postavila stany a išla tam zostať, kým nebola presvedčená.

166Väčšina ľudí príde, sedí možno päť minút, možno dvadsaťpäť. Akonáhle evanjelista, alebo niekto povie niečo, čo je v protiklade s tým, čo si oni myslia, čo hovorí ich vyznanie, jeho alebo jej vyznanie, tak idú von. Vidíte, tam nie je ani základ slušnosti. Niet divu, že ona odsúdi túto generáciu, lebo ona prišla, aby zostala, kým nebola presvedčená.

167Viem si predstaviť, že v to prvé zhromaždenie ráno, keď zazneli všetky trúby, pastor Šalamún vychádza. Možno sedela niekde úplne vzadu. Povedala, “No, chcem to sama vidieť. Viem, že to je to, čím Jehova má byť. Človek môže niečo tvrdiť, ale ja sa chcem presvedčiť.” Tak ona tam sedela v ten deň a pozorovala a videla, ako každý prichádza na pódium. Videla, že to rozpoznanie bolo dokonalé.

168Nakoniec, povedzme, že jej modlitebná karta bola zavolaná, čo pravdepodobne nebola, ale prišiel jej čas prísť pred Šalamúna. A Biblia hovorí, že “Keď sa prišla postaviť pred Šalamúna, tak Boh dal Šalamúnovi poznať všetky jej tajnosti, nič nebolo ukryté.“ Potom sa na nej stal ten zázrak.

169Potom sa obrátila k publiku a povedala, “Všetky tieto veci, ktoré som počula, sú pravdivé a je to dokonca väčšie, ako som o tom počula.“ Vidíte? Tam v nej už nezostal žiaden život, ona stratila dych, pretože tu bol človek, ktorý ju nepoznal, cudzinec, a zjavil jej veci, ktoré ona chcela vedieť.

170Ó, ako tam stál Ježiš, ktorý bol viac ako Šalamún. On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne. On bol panensky narodený Syn Boží. On si Ho obliekol a sám Jahve sa prejavil v tele. A tu On stál v plnosti a oni Mu povedali, že Mu neuveria, a to bolo väčšie rozpoznanie. Vidíte, On bol Šalamún, plus Dávid, plus všetci ostatní z nich, to všetko bolo v Ňom. Všetci proroci v ňom boli zahrnutí. Väčší ako Šalamún.

171A dokonca v tom dni On povedal, “Ak poviete tie slová proti Mne, Ja vám odpustím, ale keď príde Duch Svätý, to bude väčšie, ako je teraz, a bude viac odsúdenia.“

172A my tu dnes stojíme a vidíme toho istého Boha robiť presne tú istú vec. Ja verím, že ona povstane v deň súdu a odsúdi túto generáciu, pretože ona činila pokánie a uverila tomu posolstvu, ktoré Šalamún kázal, a uverila v Boha, a uvidela niečo skutočné.

173Viete s čím je problém dnes? S ľuďmi, s mnohými ľuďmi, s ľuďmi, ktorí tam len patria a len chodia do cirkvi a majú vyznanie. Vidíte, oni videli toľko falošného, toľko sôch a toľko veľkých pekných budov a my nedovoľme, nikdy neupadnime do takého zatvrdenia. Vidíte, Boh neprebýva vo veľkých budovách, On prebýva v tvojom srdci. Boh neprebýva v intelektuálnom vzdelaní, On je od neho ďaleko. On prebýva v pokore v tvojom srdci.

174On prebýva vo Svojom Slove a Jeho Slovo prichádza do tvojho srdca a samo hovorí a vyhlasuje. On vykladá Svoje vlastné Slovo cez teba. On sa snaží nájsť niekoho, koho môže uchopiť a ukázať mu, že On je stále Bohom. Rozumiete? A On to učiní, ak len môže nájsť niekoho, komu môže prehovoriť. On môže nájsť ďalšiu ženu s krvotokom, On môže prehovoriť znovu tú istú vec. On stále môže urobiť to isté. Dať sa poznať a vyhlásiť. My sme v prítomnosti Božej a nerozpoznávame to.

175Pripomína mi to jeden príbeh. Možno som vám to už raz povedal, neviem. Ale môžem to teraz povedať. Ako všetci viete, ja poľujem na vysokú a bol som na severe v horách, zvyknem tam chodievať poľovať po celý čas. A mal som tam priateľa, ktorý sa volal Bert Call. On bol dobrým poľovníkom, asi napoly indiánom. Nikdy som sa nemusel o neho obávať, že by sa stratil, a boli sme skutočne kamoši, ale to bol ten najbezbožnejší človek v srdci, akého som kedy videl. On vôbec nemal žiadne srdce. On zvykol strieľať na malé jelenčatá, to sú mláďatá jeleňa, len aby ma tým trápil. A on zvykol povedať, “Ó, vy kazatelia, ste iba bábovky. Billy, ty by si bol dobrým poľovníkom, ak by si nebol kazateľom.“ Povedal, vy ste príliš mäkkí.“

Povedal som, “Bert, to neznamená, že sme mäkkí.“

176No, je to v poriadku zabiť jelenča, ak tak zákon hovorí. Abrahám zabil teľa a obetoval ho Bohu. To nie je o veľkosti toho alebo o pohlaví.

177Ale iba tým provokovať a on dokázal zastreliť tie jelenčatá a len sa smiať, rehotať, pretože mňa to trápilo. No, on to robil.

178A jedného roku som tam išiel a on si vyrobil takú malú píšťalku, na ktorú mohol pískať, a to vydávalo zvuk ako malé jelenča, ako to volá, viete, za svojou mamou. A tak on povedal, “Hej, Billy, predtým, ako dnes začneme.“ Povedal, “Chcem ti ukázať, čo mám.“ A on mi to ukázal.

Povedal som, “Bert, predsa nepoužiješ niečo takéto?“

179On povedal, “Ó, daj si pohov.“ A ten chlap mal oči ako jašterica, niečo také, ako si niektoré ženy snažia maľovať na svoje oči, viete, niečo také. Viete, on sa na mňa pozrel s tými jašteričími očami a to oko, takmer ma to vystrašilo.

A ja som povedal, “Bert, nerob to.“

On povedal, “Ó, vy mäkkí kazatelia.“

180Tak sme... Trochu som vtedy neskôr vstal a tieto severné jelene virdžínske... Váš jelenec ušatý tu, on by ku vám prišiel, ale nie z tamtých. Kdekoľvek bolo naňho vystrelené, on je...

Vy hovoríte, že Houdini je majster zmiznutia, on je oproti nim amatérom. Tak, bolo už neskoro a na nich už bolo strieľané a tie jelene sa skrývali, pásli sa v noci za svetla mesiaca a celý deň niekde spali. A tak sme vyšli až hore na Jefferson Notch, rovno hore až na horu Washington. Bolo tam už asi šesť palcov snehu, dobrý čas na stopovanie, ale nevidel som ani jednu stopu.

On povedal, “Čo si myslíš, Billy?“

181Povedal som, “Ty si ich tam odtiaľto všetkých vyplašil, s tými všetkými automatickými puškami, z ktorými si na nich strieľal.“

182A tak sme išli ďalej. Po chvíli asi o jedenástej, vždy sme si niesli také malé termo fľašky, plné horúcej čokolády. To kvôli tomu, že ak sa zraníš, alebo niečo také, to ťa povzbudí a potom ešte sendvič. Tak bolo okolo jedenástej, alebo jedenásť tridsať, myslím si, prišli sme na takú pláň o veľkosti asi tejto arény, alebo tejto budovy a nebolo tam žiadne drevo. Tak on si tak trochu sadol, oprel si pušku o strom a začal kráčať naspäť týmto smerom. A ja som si pomyslel, že sa vráti, aby si zobral svoju termo fľašku. Pomyslel som si, “Dobre, najeme sa.“

183Obyčajne vyjdeme na vrch hory a najeme sa a jeden zíde dolu jedným smerom a druhý druhým a potom sa vrátime a veľmi dobre sme poznali tú cestu naokolo, a ak sme dostali jeleňa, len sme ho zavesili a potom sme vedeli, že keď pôjdeme, tak pomôžeme jeden druhému, aby sme to zobrali, a tak som si pomyslel, že on si len išiel zjesť svoj obed a že sa rozdelíme, pretože sme už boli takmer na hrebeni. Tak som...

184On išiel naspäť, a ja som sa začal zháňať po mojej termo fľaške, vzal som svoju čokoládu a trochu som išiel tadeto. A on zo svojho vrecka vytiahol tú svoju malú píšťalku a poriadne na nej takto zapískal, a pozrel sa na mňa tými jašteričími očami a zapískal na tú píšťalku. A keď to urobil, v takej diaľke, asi ako je druhá strana tejto budovy, vyšla veľká laň.

185No, ak by niektoré z našich sestier chceli vedieť, laň je samica jeleňa. A vidíte, tá píšťalka bola ako mláďatko, a to plakalo a táto veľká laň vystúpila. Rovno asi o jedenástej hodine cez deň, ktokoľvek, kto poľuje jelene, vie, že to je nevhodný čas. Oni spia.

186Tak ona sa postavila a poobzerala. Mohol som ju vidieť celkom jasne. On sa na mňa pozrel a znovu zapískal. A namiesto toho, aby ona bežala, vyšla rovno na tú otvorenú poľanu.

187No, to je nezvyčajné, oni to nerobievajú. Každý poľovník to vie. A oni to neurobia, a nerobia to, ale ona tam jednoducho vyšla. Prečo? Ona bola matkou a tam bolo to mláďa. Vidíte, to je v nej jednoducho vrodené, aby bola matkou dieťaťu.

188A Bert sa pozrel dolu, otvoril západku na puške a dal tam tridsaťšestku. A on bol presný strelec a videl som ho, ako zamieril, takto, a vedel som, že on rozstrelí jej verné srdce na dve strany a s tým nábojom priemeru sto osemdesiat. A pomyslel som si, “Ako to môžeš urobiť, Bert? Ako môžeš byť tak zlý, zavolať tú matku laň rovno tam a potom z nej vystreliť srdce a ona sa snaží nájsť svoje mláďa? Ako môžeš byť taký brutálny, aby si také niečo urobil?“ Rozmýšľal som o tom a videl som ho, ako takto zamieril.

189A ja som nedokázal, nedokázal som sa na to dívať, bolo toho už príliš mnoho. A možno som mäkký a ja som sa otočil a pomyslel som si, “Bože, ako to môže urobiť? Ako môže byť ľudská bytosť taká krutá, aby to urobila, rozstreliť srdce tej vernej biednej matke?“

190No, ona sa nesnažila niečo predstierať. Ona nehrala nejaké šou. Ona bola matkou. Ona videla toho poľovníka, ako namieril tú zbraň, ale či ona bežala? Nie veru. Jej mláďatko bolo v ťažkostiach a ona sa ho snažila nájsť.

191A ja som sa otočil, ako som povedal, a povedal som, “Pane Bože, ako to môže urobiť?“ A všimol som si, že nič sa nedialo, čakal som a čakal, ale žiadna puška nevystrelila.

192A otočil som sa a pozrel a videl som, ako tá puška išla dolu, už ju nedokázal udržať, otočil sa a tie veľké jašterie oči boli zmenené a slzy mu stekali po lícach. Hodil tú pušku na zem a povedal, “Billy, už mám toho dosť, veď ma k tomu Ježišovi, o ktorom hovoríš.“

193Rovno tam v snehu som ho viedol ku Kristovi. Prečo? On videl niečo skutočné. Videl niečo pravé. “Ak títo budú ticho, skaly budú kričať.“ Tá matka na seba nič nenavliekala, ona bola skutočnou matkou. Nezáležalo na tom, či to bola smrť, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, ona stála rovno pred tvárou smrti, vediac, že každú chvíľu môže preletieť guľka jej srdcom, ale ona išla za svojím mláďatkom.

194Ó, ak by sme len mohli byť toľko Kresťanmi, ako bola tá laň matkou. Prečo? Ona sa narodila ako matka, ona sa narodila, aby bola matkou. My sme sa narodili, aby sme verili Slovu Božiemu. Narodili sme sa, aby sme verili Ježišovi Kristovi.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

195Koľkí sú tu práve teraz, ktorí chcú povedať so zdvihnutou rukou, “Brat Branham, skutočne by som rád bol takým druhom Kresťana, ako tá malá laň bola matkou. Prajem si, aby bolo moje srdce tak plné Krista, až by som mohol stáť pred tvárou čohokoľvek a byť skutočným kresťanom toľko, koľko tá laň bola matkou. Ja... to je ten druh prežitia, ktoré chcem.“ Zodvihol by si svoju ruku? Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je pekné, nech ťa Boh žehná. Toľkí všade. Som tak vďačný, že stále máte dostatok niečoho skutočného v sebe, čo spôsobuje, že veríte.

196Vidíte, čo ak by ste neverili. Nebolo by to žalostné vidieť neveriaceho na mieste, kde jeho srdce je tak zatvrdené, až vôbec nemôže veriť, je stratený, odsúdený preč, nevie o tom nič, nevediac, v ktorej hodine môže smrť zaklopať na dvere. Musíte sa pohnúť do večnosti.

197A Ježiš povedal, “Ak sa človek nenarodí znovu.“ Staň sa toľko kresťanom, ako tá laň bola matkou. “Nikdy neuvidíš Boha, si stratený, nezáleží na tom, do koľko cirkví sa pripojíš.“

On hovoril k náboženskému vodcovi toho dňa, Nikodémovi, osemdesiatročnému mužovi, a povedal mu, že sa musí znovu narodiť, že sa musí stať takým druhom Kresťana, ako tá laň bola tam matkou.

198Nie je tu niekto, kto nezodvihol svoju ruku a kto poznáva prítomnosť Božiu, rozpoznáva to a povie, “Viem, že sa mýlim?“ Keď si uvedomuješ, že sa mýliš, rozpoznávaš prítomnosť Božiu.

199Ale keď nevieš, že sa mýliš, Biblia hovorí, “Si mizerný.“ V tomto veku má byť cirkev, “Biedna, mizerná, úbohá, slepá a nahá a nevie o tom.“

200Len si predstavte muža, alebo ženu na ulici, biednych, slepých, úbohých, mizerných a nahých a mohli by ste im povedať, že sú nahí, a oni by vás nepočúvali, ale ak sú nahí a neveria tomu, čo za duševný stav to je.

201No, to je ten druh duchovného stavu, v akom to je. Ľudia sú duchovne slepí, úbohí, mizerní, nahí pred Bohom, hriešnici, snažiaci sa prikryť figovými listami nejakej denominácie, a nevedia o tom.

202Zodvihli by ste ruky, niekto ďalší? Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je pravda. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Predtým, ako si... Možno si tu cudzinec a nikdy si nevidel Boha urobiť nejakú vec, ale predtým, ako niečo uvidíš, tak stále hovor, “Ja to prijmem na základe Slova, viem, že väčší ako Šalamún je tu. Ten veľký Duch Svätý Boží je prítomný. Cítim to. Verím to. Dvíham svoju ruku. Som hriešnik a prosím o spasenie.“

203Nebeský Otče, požehnaj týchto, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky. Prosíme, aby bolo Tvoje milosrdenstvo udelené tým, ktorí sú hriešnikmi. To možno znamená, že aj patria do cirkvi, ale to stále neznamená, že už nie sú hriešnikmi, a oni zodvihli svoje ruky a chcú byť spasení. Pane, tam pri nich niečo bolo, oni tam rozpoznali Ducha Svätého a oni rozpoznali, že to je Boh a že ku nim hovorí, že ak nemali to prežitie, ktoré by mali mať, a tak zodvihli svoje ruky.

204Ty si povedal, “Ten, kto ku Mne príde, toho istotne nevyženiem von.“ A ja viem, že je to pravda. Ty si povedal v svätom Jánovi 5:24, “Ten, kto čuje Moje slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život, nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života. Ten, kto prichádza ku Mne, Ja mu dám večný život a vzkriesim ho v posledných dňoch.“ To sú Tvoje zasľúbenia, Otče.

205Nárokujem si každého jedného z nich. Možno niektorý Kresťan, Pane, ktorý sa snaží kráčať životom, snaží sa žiť lepšie každým dňom a oni chcú to prežitie lepšieho chodenia. Aj oni pozdvihli svoje ruky. Otče, modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal, nech nájdu tú všedostatočnosť dnes večer v Kristovi, to Slovo, ktoré sa stalo medzi nami Telom. Udeľ to, Pane. Porúčam ich Tebe v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.

206Nech vás Boh žehná a ako skutočne ticho sedíte, vidíte, tak na chvíľu, ó, už som to prešvihol o päť minút. Odpustite mi, nemal som v úmysle hovoriť tak dlho, poviem vám, len chvíľu vyčkajme, dajte mi len päť minút, ak môžete.

207Koľkí vedia, čím Boh bol. My vieme, čo Biblia hovorí, kým On bol, a Biblia hovorí, “On je ten istý, včera, dnes a na veky.“ A Ježiš povedal v svätom Jánovi 14. kapitole a 12. verši, On povedal, “Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude tiež činiť.“ Nie ten, ktorý sa robí veriacim, ale “Ten, kto verí vo Mňa.“ Je to pravda, moji drahí bratia, kazatelia? Je to pravda. Koľkí z vás, čitatelia Biblie, viete, že to je pravda. “Nebo a zem pominú,“ ale Jeho Slová nemôžu zlyhať. On to zasľúbil.

208No, bez pochyby, je tu dnes medzi vami mnoho chorých ľudí. Ja vás vôbec nepoznám a aby bolo dokázané, že to, čo som pred chvíľou povedal, ako ten anjel Pánov v tých minulých dňoch, v tých minulých dňoch... Ježiš povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude za príchodu Syna človeka.“ Môžete vidieť, o čom som hovoril, tie mená a všetko to ostatné, ako stojí v pozícii, cirkev sa dáva do poriadku, môžete to vidieť? Som si istý, že môžete čítať medzi riadkami tie veci, ktoré som nevypovedal, ale rozumiete, čo mám na mysli. No, ak vy ľudia, ktorí ste tu, ktorí ste chorí a v potrebách, ja...

209Čo mám s tým byť tu, kvôli čomu by som tu stál, ako zvoditeľ, ak by som to robil, tak je na čase, aby som... Ja nechcem, ja netúžim potom žiť. Radšej by som zomrel, radšej by som išiel preč a bol čímkoľvek iným, len nie zvodcom. A čo mi Boh urobí? A ja neviem, či prežijem noc, tak isto ani vy, ale byť zvodcom, my chceme byť... Načo je to dobré byť zvodcom, keď môžete byť skutočný? Ale vidíte, je to pre vás také divné.

210No, pozrite, ak tvrdím, že tieto miesta Písma sa musia vyplniť, tie, ktoré som vám prečítal a ukázal v minulých dvoch večeroch, čím Ježiš bol a čím je Jeho prítomnosť teraz, a On sa má navrátiť v posledných dňoch, vieme to skrze ľudské telo, a vyhlásiť Samého seba tým istým spôsobom. Všetci to vieme. Sme si toho vedomí? Povedzte Amen, ak je to tak. [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] V poriadku. No, pre vaše uistenie, hovorím vám. Toto vám hovorím v Jeho Mene: On je tu. Ten istý Boh, ktorý zostúpil dolu a hovoril k Abrahámovi, ktorý mal obrátený svoj chrbát ku stanu, Sára bola vo vnútri stanu a On vedel, čo si ona myslí.

211On povedal to isté, keď prišiel sem. On sa pozrel na obecenstvo a prezrel, čo bolo v ich srdciach. A nejaká žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. On sa obzrel a našiel ju a povedal jej o tom.

212Slepý Bartimeus sa dotkol Jeho rúcha, keď zvolal, “Ty, Synu Dávidov, maj milosrdenstvo.“

Stál asi dvesto yardov od toho miesta, kde On prechádzal. Jeho viera zastavila Syna Božieho na ceste. A on sa otočil a povedal, “Priveďte ho sem.“

213Malý Zacheus, tam na strome, ukryl sa, povedal, že on neveril, že On je prorokom, a Ježiš tade prechádzal, stál pod tým stromom a pozrel hore, povedal, “Zacheus, zídi dolu.“ Nazval ho menom.

214Keď Ježiš nikdy predtým nevidel Petra, a Andrej ho tam priviedol, keď ho videl prichádzať, povedal, “Voláš sa Šimon, si syn Jonášov.“ Povedal mu meno, povedal mu, kým je.

Tiež povedal Natanaelovi, kým je a čo urobil.

215Tá žena, a v akom stave ona bola, aký bol jej problém a aká bola jej nemoc.

216To je Boh, priatelia. Koľkí to veríte z celého svojho srdca, povedzte, “To musí byť Boh.“

217Koľkí z vás tu viete, že nepoznám medzi vami ani jednu vec, zodvihnite svoju ruku a len povedzte, “Ja viem, že ten človek nevie o mne ani jednu vec, lebo on je len človekom.“ To je to, čo som, som len váš brat. Som tu, aby som sa snažil vám pomôcť.

218Ale ja vyhlasujem, koľkí z vás ste čítali moju knihu a tie veci? Vy, vy viete, veríte tomu, že je to pravda? Toto sú posledné dni a tak teraz, Pane Ježišu, pomôž nám.

219A ak On dnes večer príde... a nepohnite sa ani jeden, zostaňte rovno tam, kde sedíte, a verte, a Pán Ježiš dnes večer príde a potvrdí tieto veci, ktoré On povedal, tieto veci, ktoré On zasľúbil. Ak ich On potvrdí, že sú pravdou, budete Mu veriť? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] Verte!

220Nebeský Otče, ako som teraz hovoril o Tebe, čím Si bol, čím Si, prišiel by Si teraz na scénu?

A tí ľudia, ktorí tu sedia v obecenstve, sú mi úplne cudzí, či Sa dáš poznať medzi nami dnes večer, Pane, aby sme tak vedeli a rozpoznali, že tieto miesta Písma sú vyplnené, že “Ježiš Kristus je ten istý, včera, dnes i na veky“? Potom, ak žijeme v tých posledných dňoch, ako On povedal, že sa zjaví v posledných dňoch, ako sa zjavil pri Sodome, predtým, ako prišiel k Abrahámovi ten zasľúbený syn, tak Abrahámove kráľovské semeno, ktoré vyhliada kráľovského syna, tak sa udeje tá istá vec a sledujme do konca tie miesta a čas a názvy, mená a všetko je v dokonalej línii, Otče, pomôž nám, modlíme sa v Mene Ježiša Krista, amen.

221Teraz chcem, aby ste sa modlili, každý jeden z vás. Čokoľvek je nesprávne, len poproste Jeho. No, On je ten Veľkňaz.

222Mimochodom, koľko kazateľov je tu v budove, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Hádam tridsať, alebo štyridsať. Tak, koľkí z vás viete toto, že kniha Židom, Nová Zmluva nám práve teraz hovorí, “Ježiš Kristus je Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať našimi slabosťami?“ Zodvihli by ste svoje ruky a povedali, “Viem, že je to pravda, Biblia tak hovorí.“ To je pravda. V poriadku.

223Potom, ak On je Veľkňazom, On je tým istým včera, dnes a na veky. Potom, ak si sa Ho dnes večer dotkol, On bude konať tak isto, ako konal tam vtedy. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] Tak isto, ako robil včera.

224No, keď sa tá žena dotkla Jeho rúcha, poviete, “Ó, ak by som len mohol.“ Tvoja viera sa Ho dotýka. Fyzicky to On nikdy necítil, to bola viera tej ženy, ktorá sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. Tvoja viera sa Ho môže dotknúť teraz. Veríte tomu?

225Potom, ak je Božie Slovo manifestované, On zjaví tú istú vec a ukáže tú istú vec. Veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] V poriadku, teraz Mu len dôverujte, verte Mu. Nepochybujte, ale majte vieru v Boha, že On to učiní. Niekto z tejto strany, len sa modlite a verte z celého svojho srdca. A potom vezmeme niekoho z tejto strany a ak Boh nechá jedného alebo dvoch ľudí, ktorých poznáte, a bude to neomylné, koľkí budete veriť, že po tom rozpoznávame Jeho prítomnosť? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] Potom, to je všetko, čo je potrebné. To je všetko, čo je potrebné.

226Nejaká pani sedí rovno tam, díva sa na mňa a trpí problémom srdca. Či veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvoje srdce a uzdraví ťa? Máš srdcový problém, ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Som ti cudzí, nepoznám ťa? Ale je to pravda. V poriadku, ty, pani s tými sivými vlasmi, ktorá tam sedíš, v poriadku.

227Tá pani v zelenom, ty si tam zodvihla svoju ruku, že ty... Tvojou ťažkosťou je artritída, či veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z tej artritídy? Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Vidíte? V poriadku. Vidíte? Len náhodou zodvihla... No, niečo prišlo na teba, či nie? Vidíte to svetlo? Koľkí z vás ste videli fotku toho svetla? Tam to viselo rovno nad tou ženou a zrazu prišiel na teba taký skutočne milý pocit, to je to, čo to spôsobilo. Vidíš? Boh ťa požehnal, uzdravil ťa a zotavil ťa. Veríš tomu?

228Či veríš, že On vie, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku? Iba On ťa môže uzdraviť, je to temný tieň, epilepsia. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku, mladá pani. Rozmýšľaš teraz trochu inak, ako pred pár minútami, že? Vidíš, keď som zastavil to vyvolávanie, ako som to robil, to je to, kvôli čomu to bolo, kvôli tebe. No, ak teraz budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca, tie záchvaty ťa opustia. Či to prijmeš a uveríš tomu z celého svojho srdca? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď, ver tomu.

229Táto pani, ktorá sedí rovno tu, trpí na žalúdočné problémy, či veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Rovno tu na konci, či veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví, uzdraví ťa z tých žalúdočných problémov? Veríš to, prijímaš to, v poriadku, nech ťa Boh žehná.

230Som pre tú ženu úplným cudzincom, nepoznám ju. Ona je len nejaká žena, ktorá tu sedí, ale Boh to robí. Veríte teraz z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.] V poriadku, majte len vieru.

231Tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno tu na konci, trpí na ťažkosti žlčníka, má žlčové kamene, pečeň, to ťa trápi. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku, ak som ti úplne cudzí, ak je to pravda. Vidíte?

232Nejaká pani sedí rovno pri tebe a ona tiež trpí. Vidíte to? Môžete vidieť to Svetlo nad tou ženou? Tá žena má obličkové problémy. To je pravda. Má v obličkách uremickú otravu. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Tá pani, ktorá sa ťa vtedy dotkla, ona trpí na nervové postihnutie. Obe ste mi cudzie, vy nie ste odtiaľto. Je to pravda, že? Vy ste z Iowy. Ste z mesta, ktoré sa volá Des Moynes. Je to pravda, že? Veríte mi, že Boh môže povedať, ako sa voláte? Tak ako povedal Petrovi? Ak budete veriť z celého svojho srdca, ty sa voláš pani Wolfová, ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. V poriadku, vráť sa teraz uzdravená, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

233Či rozpoznávate Jeho prítomnosť a viete, že On je tu? Potom, či nepoložíte svoje ruky jeden na druhého, teraz, zatiaľ, čo je Duch Svätý na vás? To je Duch Svätý na vás. Každý jeden z vás môže byť teraz uzdravený, ak len budete veriť. Či veríte z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „amen“ - pozn. prekl.]

234Nebeský Otče, nezostáva teraz nič, len viera. My teraz odmietame všetku temnosť, keď to prebudenie, ako som povedal na začiatku, tá vlna, ktorá prichádza dolu na tú vodu, aby ju rozbúrila hore a dolu, aby z nej zobrala preč neveru, zatiaľ čo teraz Duch Svätý vlní tam a späť cez ľudí tu, nech môže byť vzatá preč každá nevera a nech Moc Všemohúceho Boha oslobodí dnes večer každého trpiaceho.

235Karhám diabla, Satan, ty nie si nič iné ako podvodník, a si teraz odhalený, rovno tu medzi ľuďmi, skrze dôkaz Písma, dôkaz živého vzkrieseného Ježiša. Karhám ťa skrze živého Boha, vyjdi z týchto ľudí a opusti ich na Slávu Božiu.

236Všetci, ktorí prijímate svoje uzdravenie, povstaňte na svoje nohy a povedzte, “Verím, nezáleží na tom, čo sa deje, ako dlho to potrvá, stále viem, že budem v poriadku. Prijímam to z celého svojho srdca.“

237Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky, “Ďakujem Ti, Pane.“ Chvála Pánovi, to je správne. Dajte Mu chválu. Zodvihnite len teraz svoje ruky a chváľte Ho za svoje uzdravenie, tak, ako to robíte vo vašich cirkvách.

THE PRESENCE OF GOD UNRECOGNIZED, 64-0618, Municipal Auditorium, Municipal Auditorium, Topeka, KS, 84 min

1 Now while our crowds are small, we're going to try to--to hurry up, get out so we can, working for this one purpose, for you to recognize the Presence of Jesus Christ. See? If He is present, then, why, everything is settled. He made the Word. He is here to confirm It. He proves that He will confirm It. "He is just the same yesterday, today, and forever." We see Him do it last night, infallibly; we see Him, night after night, and day after day, and year after year. Never one time has He predicted anything, regardless of when it was, when it would happen, out of the thousands of times, of what was perfectly on the dot, on time, and right. How can it? How many knows that, and knows the ministry, and knows that that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There you are. Not one time, regardless, how even impossible, happened just the same. He is God! And if we would just recognize that, take a hold of it!

2 And now we just have a short time to be here. I think three more nights, or two more nights and a day, after tonight. I think Sunday afternoon is the closing service. We try to close on Sunday afternoon so that the pastors and everybody... We don't want to keep you from your church. We just want to add more to the church, and give you more faith in the God that you serve in your church. See? And we don't want the doors of the church closed, by no means. We want you to stay there, but we're just trying to help you, to encourage you. A revival don't even mean to add more to the church; a revival means to revive that what you've already got; that's right, a revival.

3 I watched one time at the seashore, where a wind was blowing, and it was just shaking. Why, it wasn't a seashore, it was--it was up at Lake Michigan. I was standing out there watching the waves as they would come in, and--and, oh, that sea was a jumping, or the waters a jumping, and--and the boats a rocking. And I thought, "What is that going on?" I thought, "Why, the lake is having a revival." That's it. It jumping and shaking, why? There is a rushing mighty wind coming down on it. I thought, "Well, you know what? There isn't one more drop of water in it right now than what it was when it was perfectly still." No more water in it; it's just all stirred up. Well, now, what's it stirred up about?" You know what a stirring up of the water does? Washes all the trash out of it, up on the bank.

4That's what we need, a washing of unbelief out, on the bank. Let the Word of God have preeminence. That's what we need, a revival, and wash all the unbelief out, and all the bugs and superstitions, and things. Come out and see that God is still God. That's what we have revivals for.

5 The Lord help us as we choose this text and read it for tonight. May the Lord bless the reading of His Word, found in Saint Matthew, the--the 12th chapter, 38th and to the 42nd verse.

6And my text tonight is: The Presence Of God Unrecognized. Last night we were talking of Jesus being the same yesterday, today, and forever, and seen that He was the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now His Presence, if He is the same, is unrecognized. Let us read.

Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seek after a sign; and there shall be no sign given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The men of Nineveh shall rise in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

And the queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

7 The unrecognized Presence! What could these people be thinking of? God has always, it's been that way every time He come. When Jesus was here the first time, He said, "You--you whiten and you garnish the walls and the tombs of the prophets, and you put them in there." See, something happens, and it passes by. "And God hides it from the eyes of wise and prudent, and reveals it to babes such as will learn." Jesus thanked the Father for doing such. See? It goes right by the people and they don't know it.

8For instance, you Catholic people here tonight, you remember a few years ago, Joan of Arc, in France, the little lady that was really... She led the revolutionary in France, but she was really a--a servant of Christ. What did your church do to her? Burnt her at the stake, as a witch, because she seen visions and was spiritual. The Catholic Church burnt her, as a witch, at the stake, because she was spiritual and seen visions. A few years afterwards, they found out that that woman was a saint. So of course you done great penance, you dug up those priests' body that condemned her and burnt her, and throwed them into the river. Of course, that, you done great penance for that, for digging up these priests' body.

9 Now, in the days of the prophets, what happened? They did the same thing. They didn't recognize them till they had done come, ministry had finished, took out of that the Elected, and then after they were gone they recognized that there had been a prophet among them.

10Jesus, He came to the earth. Endowed within Him was the Father, God. "I and My Father are one. My Father dwelleth in Me. It's not Me that doeth the works, but My Father. And if I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not." Now, if you notice when He came, about one--one ninetieth of the world knew that He was even on earth at that time, and yet the Saviour of the world. And then they never recognized Who He was, even the church or no one else, hardly, until they had crucified Him, buried, and rose on the third day, before they ever knowed Who He was.

11 It comes in and goes out, and people does not recognize it until it's passed, and, they, because that it never fits their theology, it never fits the time of the day. See, what it is, they're always living in a glare of another age, always.

12The reason they didn't accept Jesus, because they were living in the glare of the Law. And when Jesus came, was not contrary to the Law, but come to fulfill the Law, well, they couldn't accept Him because His Message wasn't exactly the way they had it all creeded out, and it was called then traditions. And He didn't come according to their traditions. He didn't keep their traditions. And really He upset it, and tore it up, and--and done things that was contrary to it, insomuch that they thought He was breaking up the churches. And they couldn't receive Him because of His Message. And we all know today that He come exactly in the line of God's prophecy, but they didn't know it then.

13And it could happen again, and we wouldn't know it. I imagine if He would actually appear tonight, it would be so contrary to what we've got all figured up on our charts, and in our schools and things. It would be a very few would recognize what was going on. He said it would be that, how He come.

14 Now, Jesus being there so Scripturally identified by the Scriptures, and the Scribes and Pharisees of that day could not recognize Him. Why didn't they, why didn't they do it? Because they had it figured out some other way. That's where Jesus told them, "Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me." See? Now He come exactly with the Scriptures. But they had it figured out maybe that if He would come, the Messiah would probably do what Moses did, or what Noah did, build them an ark or something, else. But, reason He come the way He did, they hadn't figured out; in the Scriptures with their traditions, did not teach them; so the people were so confused they didn't know what was going on.

15Wonder if that could happen today? I wonder if it could be different than what our traditions has taught us? And it could come, and something would pass through and we'd never even know until it's already passed, and then it's over. That's just about the way it'll come.

16 Do you know, when John the Baptist came on the scene, that had been predicted all the way from the Book of Isaiah, hundreds of years? About eight hundred years, Isaiah prophesied, I think, before the coming of Christ. Did you know John came exactly the way Isaiah said he would come, he come exactly the way Malachi said he would come, and even the apostles didn't recognize it? One day, in Matthew 11, John was in prison; and the apostles, some of his disciples went over to ask Jesus was He the One, or--or should they look for another.

17Now notice, Jesus did not give them a book of how to behave themself, how to behave himself in jail, or how to conduct his character. He said, "Stay around and watch what happens, and go show John the things that you seen happen." That was the evidence that the... He was that Word.

18 And now remember, the Word always comes to a prophet. We all know that. God does nothing without showing it to His prophets. That's the reason the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is the full fullness of Christ right here before us, the Book. Now He'll have to send one, someone to confirm that Book, reveal It, open the Seals, and so forth. But as far as any farther revelation of Christ, it's already recognized right Here. He is the fullness of This, of the Revelation. Now notice, never does it fail, but the Word comes to the prophet.

19 Look at John standing in the water, predicting, the prophet, that the Messiah was right then among them. He said, "There is One standing among you now, that you don't know; He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire." Now remember, He was standing right among them, the Bible said so, and they didn't recognize It. One day when Jesus came walking down, John recognized Him, and he said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Now watch, before He was recognized by anybody, He came to the prophet. He was the Word. John was a prophet.

20 I remember my old Baptist teacher told me, said, "You know what happened?" Said, "Jesus baptized John."

I said, "I don't think so."

21He said, "Sure, John was never baptized; he come preaching, baptizing, nobody was worthy to baptize him. Jesus baptized him."

I said, "I don't know."

22And one day while in study, the Holy Spirit revealed it like this, see. Watch, He walked out in the water; he said, "Why comest Thou unto me? I have need to be baptized of Thee." Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so," watch, "but thus it is becoming to us (behooving us) that we fulfill all righteousness." John, being a prophet, knowing the Word! The Sacrifice He was, must be washed before presented; then He was baptized, John baptized Him, because, "It's becoming to us that we fulfill all righteousness." The Word came to the prophet, in the water.

23 And then when He was baptized, still the people... And the Holy Spirit came down, not everybody saw It. John saw It.

24The Angel of the Lord could be right here tonight, and maybe one person see It, and no one else.

25That Light, that Star that come over every observatory, where the--the wise men followed; no observatory knows anything about it, no one else saw It, at all, but those wise men, because it was for them to see It. They saw It. It was real to them.

26When the Light, the Pillar of Fire, smote Paul down, on the road to Damascus, he recognized that he was in the Presence of God. Now, that Hebrew would have never called any other spirit, "Lord," besides he knowed That was the same Pillar of Fire that led his people out of the wilderness. He said, "Lord, Who are You?"

"Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?" He said, "I am Jesus."

27 Jesus said, "I come from God, and I return to God." He was that Fire that was in the burning bush, that led Moses through the wilderness, and He returned back to That.

28And now here he was, on the road down to Damascus, was stricken down. And all the men was with him, they never saw that Pillar of Fire. And it was so--so real to Paul till it put his eyes out, and he had to be led down to the street called Straight, in Damascus. He was blind.

29Ananias, a prophet down there, saw in a vision, went and laid hands on him and he received the Holy Ghost, and the scales fell from his eyes and he could see again. It was so real to him till it put his eyes out, and yet none of the rest of them recognized It being there, could see It.

30So--so is it tonight! There is somebody sitting right there can bring God on the scene, when the other will know nothing about It. Recognizing God!

31 And Jesus, when He was here on earth, and had fully performed the sign that the Bible said that He would do, but they didn't recognize it because it wasn't according to their tradition. For that age, He wasn't to come and do what Moses did. He was to come and be born of a virgin. And He, and according to Deuteronomy 18:15, He was to be a Prophet. And exactly He did those works and signs.

32The Jews always sought signs. They was taught to never to depend on intellectual speeches; the Jews knowed better than that. The Greeks taught that. But not intellectual speeches, but upon signs. "Show us a sign." These people, one said, "Rabbi, or Master, show us a sign." They wanted to know. And He had already showed them the sign, and they wanted a different kind of sign, but He could only do the sign of that age.

33So does He today, this pouring out of the Holy Ghost is the sign of His appearing even in this age, as He promised.

34They want a sign, and He had give them the Scriptural sign, but they wanted a different sign.

35 That's where that so many people today is going to be confused. You know, the Rapture might take place, and just think of the sadness of it! Let me go back to where Jesus, or...

36John sent his disciples over to see Jesus, if He was the Messiah or not. That hour, He done many things. When he returned back, the disciples, to tell John what they had seen, Jesus said to those sitting there, said, "What went ye out to see in the wilderness? What went ye out to see when John was preaching? Did you go out and see a man clothed in white raiment, and so forth, or--or soft raiment?" Said, "They are the... in kings' palaces. They bury the dead, and kiss the babies, and marry the young, and so forth, that. They don't know the handling of a two-handed sword."

37Said, "What did you go out to see then, a reed shaken with any wind, somebody, some group will offer him a little more money and he'll go over to this one instead of going of the calling of the Lord? Not John! Somebody could twist him around, say, 'We'll give you more if you'll deny This and take this'? Not John!" He said, "What did you go out to see then, a prophet?" He said, "I say unto you, 'more than a prophet.' And if you can receive it, this is he who the prophet said, 'Behold, I send My messenger before My face, which will prepare the way.'" And that was Malachi 3, where he did it.

38 One day the disciples asked Him, said, "Why did the Scribes say that Elias must first come?" Jesus said, "He has already come and you didn't know it," and they understood that it was John the Baptist. Those elected apostles still couldn't see who he was. That was the Elijah.

39Now look. You know, the--the Coming of the Lord is going to be a secret coming. He said, "There will be two in the bed, and I'll take one and leave one," that's where the--the night is. "Two in the field, I'll take one and leave one."

40You know, there is so many people disappear every day, off the face of the earth, that nobody can account for. One of these days it might be that people might say, "Well, you mean the tribulation, the thing is on us now? I thought the Church was to go before the tribulation." They don't realize and understand that the Rapture could take place and they would know nothing about it; it's the secret going of the Church.

41 And, think, people will go right on preaching, saying they believe they're getting saved, and adding in the church, and building churches, and going on just like they did in the days of Noah, and so forth, and not know it; and the Rapture done past, "it's already happened and you didn't know it." There is hundreds of people disappear from the earth and people know nothing about where they went to, they can't account for it; somebody was going somewhere, they never hear from them no more. And that could be the Rapture.

42 I tell you, friends, just because that we are members of the church, or something like that, that doesn't mean too much to us. You better buckle up that armor. You better take that whole Word of God and hold onto It, and quit this Hollywood acting around here. It's got right into the church, and it's a shame. But Hollywood glows, just makes a bright light, and the church today is trying to compare with Hollywood. Christ is not in Hollywood. Christ is in the individual. Hollywood glow or... Hollywood glares, while the Gospel glows with humility. God ain't in these great fine fancy places and all this stuff that we see. He comes in in humility, in form of meekness and gentleness, pass right through.

43And if you're acquainted with the Word, you'll see It. He that has an eye, to hear, "let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches," see now, now today, which was identified.

44 He identified Himself properly to the believers that day, them who were looking for it. Look at Peter and Andrew. Look at Nathanael, no question in his mind. Look at the woman at the well, there was no question in it.

45But these Pharisees, a few days before where our text is tonight, saw Him do that, and then called Him "Beelzebub, a devil." The works had been done. They had to answer their congregation, so the only thing they could do was call it "an evil spirit." Beelzebub was a devil, like a fortuneteller or something. And anyone knows that fortune-telling is of the Devil. And they was comparing, where He was the Word that knowed the secret of the heart and is--and is proving that He was that Prophet that was to be raised up to us in this day, the Redeemer-Prophet; and when He did that, the church in that day declared Him to be "Beelzebub."

46You see what they was? He said, "You are blind, leading the blind." They won't come in, and neither will they let them that's under them come in.

47 What we want to do today is find out the Truth. We've got to know the Truth. Is He the same? Is He here to fulfill what He promised to fulfill? Search the Scriptures and find what He is supposed to do today.

48That's the reason that John Wesley... or Martin Luther couldn't go on with Wesley's message; they organized it, that's as far as it could go. Along come Luther, out of Catholic church, and he they... He was a crank, to them; but he had the message of justification, 'cause It was the Word of God, a promise. Then they, after his death, they organized the Luther organization. Then what happened, it had got all cuddled up again.

49And according to the Scripture there has got to be another church age raise, and, when it did, the Philadelphian Church Age raised, John Wesley. And what had happened, kept coming westward all the time. And when it happened, there was the church age, and John Wesley raised up, but Luther could not receive it because they was already organized to justification. He could not accept sanctification.

50Then when the Wesleyans organized the way they did, and the little branches went off, which did, along come the Pentecostal message of the restoration of the gifts; none of them could move, they was already organized.

51Now the pitiful part of it is, the Pentecostals so organized.

52 Look at the day we're living in, what's promised for this day. Where are we? We've moved on up. The Pillar of Fire moves, and the children of Israel moved with the Pillar of Fire or they went back to Egypt. We have got to move with the Word.

53And today we're getting so slothful, the church is getting so worldly and so indifferent, and so their minds so muddled up with television, and We Love Sucy and some of these old things, and staying home. That shows where the people's hearts are. And you can tell them these things are wrong, and they think you're crazy. What is it? "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." See?

54Oh, the greatest pleasure I know of, is to be to pray until I can realize that I'm in the Presence of God, and recognize it. I think that ought to be the thrill of the Church, is the Presence of the Holy Spirit; seeing the God that made the promise standing among us, feel His Presence and see His Word, and see It vindicated. It ought to give faith, to make cripples walk, blind see, deaf hear, dumb speak.

55 I stood in South Africa, where I had some two hundred thousand people at the Durban race track, and when they seen one time that happen like that, after explaining it to them, just in a little mild form; and they seen one thing take place, of that revealed, and twenty-five thousand people was instantly healed at once. They taken seven van loads, trucks as long as from here, six- and eighteen-wheelers like that, and piled them full of old crutches and things. Heathens, that didn't even know which was right and left hand.

56And the next day, Mr. Sidney Smith, the mayor of Durban, called me and said, "Go to your window, out towards the Indian Ocean, you'll see something you never seen." There was the police escort coming down with seven of those big van loads, with hundreds of people walking behind it, the day before was in the stretchers and cots and the carriers that they had, singing, "Only believe, all things are possible." A week before, there, they were in war with one another, native war. And there they was walking, arm in arm, hand in hand.

57Why? They recognized the God of Heaven had appeared before them in the form of His Word. And we intellectual Americans sit. They'll raise in the Day of the Judgment and condemn this generation, for what we've seen.

58 Reminds me of a woman in Louisville, Kentucky, not long ago, had a little baby, walking around in the ten-cent store. And she was doing little things, trying to get it to notice, and the little baby kept staring straight out. And finally she picked up a little bell, anything that ought to attract the attention of a little fellow about that size. And she shook the bell, and the little fellow just stared right straight in front. And she begin screaming, and fell over, and some of the people come to help her. She said, "Oh, no, it can't be! It can't be!"

Said, "What's the matter?"

Said, "The doctor said the baby was better."

Said, "What's the matter with the baby, lady?"

59Said, "Well, it took a spell about six months ago, that it just sits and stares. No matter what it is, ought to attract the attention of that baby, it won't attract its attention, and it just sits and stares. The doctor told me he thought it was better. And I brought it down here, to pick up little gadgets that ought to attract that child, and it doesn't. He still sits and stares."

60 That's the way the church is getting! God has shook every promise in the Bible, before them. Still we just sit and stare, looking. "What? Show me a sign, will you?" And it's going on all the time, right around us. Bringing the Presence of God, it ought to illuminate us. When God made a promise, He stands by that promise. Yes, sir.

61After Jesus had so proven His Messianic sign, that He was that Messiah, yet in face of all that, "Show us a sign." See, they didn't recognize, they were staring straight ahead of them. It wasn't in them to believe.

62"You," as my old southern mother used to say, "you can't get blood out of a turnip, 'cause there is none there."

63 They still didn't recognize Him, so blinded by their creeds and--and--and so forth, that they had that day. They never knew the Scriptures of the promise, because the creeds had covered it up. Their creeds and traditions of that day had covered up the Scripture promise. If they had been taught according to the Scripture, that that was supposed to be the sign that followed the Messiah!

64How many believe that He come in His right sign? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, He did, He come according to the promise. But they had been taught a creed, "We believe in this, and we believe in that. All of them believe in God. All of them..."

65 Today, we Americans, especially, we think that we're going to be excused because we build big churches, and have fine pastors and things. Remember, if that was so, God is unjust if He takes us in like that; for, Cain and Abel, the two first worshipers outside of Eden, they built an altar to the Lord, both of them made sacrifice, both of them offered gifts, both of them prayed, but one was right and the other one was wrong. Notice, we must have the Truth, and the Truth is God's Word, always. Now it's the same today, people become so blinded. They say...

I say, "Are you--are you a Christian?"

66"Oh, I belong to a certain-certain thing." See, that don't have nothing to do with it. I ain't got nothing against that, but that's not what I'm trying to tell you. Belong to any church you want to. Your brand don't make any difference.

67 I was telling the pastor this morning. Up in Colorado I used to ride the roundups, and so forth. And I used to sit there, my leg across the saddle, like that. And the Troublesome River Hereford Association grazes the Troublesome River Valley. Then you got up at the top of the valley, you got the east and west fork. All the cattle from here up, in the Association, grazes the west fork; and--and the group that I was with, grazed the east fork. Then they had the drift fence there to keep the cattle off of the private property, and up into the mountains through the summer.

68And we would round the cattle up, four or five different brands, eight or ten different brands, on the river, would round up our cattle in the spring, take them up there. And I used to sit there, my leg across the horn of the saddle, after we had got all the cattle, they was all branded and everything, starting it back up on the pasture.

69 And the ranger stood there. He was counting them as they went through. And I noticed there was all kinds of brands. Mr. Grimes had the--the--the Diamond Bar, and just above us had the Turkey Track, we had the Old Tripod, and there was different brands went through there. But the--the ranger didn't notice the brand. He noticed the blood tag in the ear. There was nothing could go on that pasture, to keep the breeding associations, let their cattle true to the breed, nothing could go on there but a thoroughbred Hereford. It had to be tagged in the ear, by the blood mark.

70That's the way it'll be at the Judgment. He is not going to ask me if I was a--a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian. What brand I have won't mean nothing to Him. It's nothing but a born-again, Blood-born Christian of the Blood of Jesus Christ, that'll be what will go in. Nothing less than that will go in. Now we want to remember, remember that.

71 Now, when He is not recognized, His power is al-... is always not revealed, when He is not recognized. No matter how much God is standing present, you've got to believe it. That's all.

72Like the woman with the blood issue. All them people passing by, and all of them standing up, saying, "There goes the Rabbi. That's the Guy that claims to be a Prophet. This is the fanatic," and all such as that.

73But what happened? This little woman had an issue of blood, and she had heard about Him. And when she come down there, regardless of what anybody said, she recognized Who He was. And she said, "If I can only touch His garment!" See?

74And when that genuine faith, in God, became a positive thing to her, what did it release? It released His power to heal her. It touched Him in such a way, He turned around and told her what was wrong with her, said, "Your faith has saved you." What did? Faith!

75Others standing there might have been sicker than she, but, you see, she recognized His Presence. She knowed that was her opportunity.

76 If we could only do that tonight, people! If we could only realize that He is appearing to us in these meetings, for one purpose, that's, to release our desires that we have in Him, to us. But we've got to recognize His Presence. And now how you recognize His Presence, is when the promised Word for this age is made manifest, not the promised Word of Moses' age, or any of the other ages, the promise of the Word for this age!

77 Now we find out He went right on. And Jairus, a little fellow up there with a dead daughter, she, he believed what He said was the Truth. Now remember, he was a priest, and he was forbidden, 'cause it had been strictly told, "anybody that associated with Him would be put out of the synagogue." Well, whether he was put out or whether he wasn't, he was satisfied that God was present in Christ, and that was the Word. And what did it do? It released to him the resurrection power that was in Him; amen, brought forth a girl that was dead, and laid out, because he recognized that God was in Christ, and His Presence was in his house.

78 But in the city where He was brought up at, that same power was in Him, in the city where He was brought up at, but they never recognized Him. His Presence, to them, didn't mean nothing; maybe some fanatic. "Where is these things? They tell me that You do so-and-so. Let me see You do them here."

79Haven't you heard that? "If there... You bunch of pentecostals, and you people, that, you believe in Divine healing? Here is so-and-so over here, let me see you heal him."

80That's that same old devil, the same one said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be made bread."

81The same old devil, when he had His eyes covered up, they hit Him on the head with a stick, and said, "Now," passed the stick, one to the other, and said, "tell us who hit You, and we'll believe You if You're a Prophet." He never. He don't clown for anybody. Yeah.

82 Same one, when He was on the cross, said, "If Thou be the Son of God, come off the cross and prove that You're the Son of God." He could have done it.

83They paid Him the greatest tribute He ever had, there, but they didn't know it. They said, "He saved others; Himself He can't save." If He would have saved Himself, He couldn't have saved others. He gave Himself so He could save others. See, they didn't recognize the Presence of God. That's all.

84Now it releases the power to heal, and what? It will release the power to open your eyes to recognize Him, or blind your eyes so you'll never recognize Him. What opens the eyes of one, close the eyes of the unbeliever.

85 But, the city, they didn't have no confidence in Him. At the Pharisee's house, he invited Him down; at Simon, a Pharisee, and had made a great supper, and Pharisee wanted to prove to them He was no Prophet. So he was back there toasting with his glasses and his goblets, and all the fine perfumes in the house.

86And Jesus had got in a past the footwash flunky, and had set down here. And, dirty, the stink of the--the field on Him, where the animals had been along the path, and His garments. That's the reason they washed feet in them days.

87And, you see, the first thing, when you're invited to--to a home there in Palestine, when they wore those sandals, the first thing they did was to wash your feet, and then give you something; to walk on their carpets, the great Persian rugs and things, was beautiful.

88The next thing they done, they then give you some oil in your hand. It's got out of a little apple that's found way in the mountain, the rose apple. After the rose is gone, it leaves the apple and fine perfumes. And they--they rub it over their face. And that direct rays of the Palestinian sun is horrible, and, you see, that creates an odor. And--and then when you do, then the host comes to the door and he kisses them on the neck and makes them welcome.

89 How did them flunkies ever let Jesus get by, without washing His feet or--or--or giving Him oil to anoint Himself, or even kiss Him welcome?

90But there was a little prostitute out on the street. All them religionists there now, the whole company did not recognize Him. And a little woman of ill fame, she looked in through, perhaps the gate, and she seen Him sitting like a wallflower.

91That's the way He is today amongst a bunch of religions too, a wallflower, unwelcomed, unwanted. "Filth, dirty, holy-roller," they call It, "some kind of a--a person that isn't their right mind; a fortuneteller, mental telepathy," or some kind of an evil name.

92And Jesus, I'll get to it in a few minutes, said, "Speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven you; but when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, one word will never be forgiven you." See?

93 But there that little woman seen He needed service. And she rushed in real quickly, went and got an alabaster box full of oil. Probably had bought it with the money from her prostitution. But what was it? She might have thought, "He is a--He is a Prophet. But I remember another woman in my fix, another character like mine; she had the opportunity and she recognized Him, and she was forgiven." Up there at the well of Sychar, last night we talked of it. "And if I can only get to Him, I know Who He is, I'll do Him a service. If the rest of them, I don't care what they do. I'll do Him a service. I'll recognize He's the Son of God."

94 She run in. She got real close to Him, and she felt so guilty. That's the way a real penitent sinner feels in His Presence, guilty!

95And the tears begin to fall, and she was trying to hide them. They dropped on His feet. She was going to anoint Him, but the tears dropping on His feet. And she begin to wipe them, and--and crying, and--and wiping them with her hands. And--and His feet was all getting mussed up with the dirt that was on it; and--and if you want to really believe it, with the stink of the animals off the trail, everyone walked the same trail. And there it was, the stink on Him, sitting there, and her tears was dropping on His feet, and she was trying to wipe them off. And she had no towel.

96 What is the woman's beauty and honor? Is her hair. That's the reason many of you women today cut it all off. That's wrong. She, she took her hair and begin to wash the... His feet, and wipe them, her--her pretty hair, taking the stink off of Him, upon herself, bearing His reproach. Oh, my! That's when you recognize Who is in your presence. See? Our sisters would have to almost stand on their head, to get enough hair to do that. So there she washed His feet, and wiped them with the hairs of her head, and she kissed His feet.

97 And that old Simon standing back there, said, "Huh! Huh!" Oh, I can just see him blow up. He didn't recognize Who He was. Said, "I told you He wasn't a Prophet. If He was a Prophet, He would recognize what kind of a woman that is around Him."

98Jesus never moved a foot. He just watched her. And she was scared.

99Then after He had got through, she doing the service to Him, He looked over, said, "Simon, I've got something to say to you. You invited Me here. You brought Me here," in other words, a trump up his sleeve. "You wanted to show Me off. You wanted to prove that I wasn't what I am. And you, when you brought Me here, you should have had My feet washed, but you never. You should give Me oil to anoint My head, but you didn't. You never kissed Me welcome. And this woman, ever since I've been here, has washed My feet with her tears, and wiped them with--with her hair, and constantly has kissed My feet since I've been here. I have something against you, Simon."

100 Then He turns to her. I can just imagine seeing her standing there, and her big pretty eyes all stained up, and her face, and where she had grease and--and dust off of the road, on her face. And she thinks, "Now have I done wrong? Have I done wrong?"

101He said, "And I say unto her, her 'sins which are many, are all forgiven. Go in peace.'"

102What was it? She recognized. She recognized her opportunity. See? She did it. She did Him a service. The Pharisees didn't do it. She saw it and she recognized His Presence, and what did it do? It washed. What did it release to her? Forgiveness. Released to her, forgiveness of her sins. What did it do also? It also released the power of God, to show to them unbelievers that He was a Prophet. He knowed who she was. It also released joy and power and Eternal Life. It released that.

103 But the one who caused a great huge nail to be drove in them precious feet, he never recognized the Presence of God in Him. He also wanted Him to do some cheap trick for him, some entertainment.

104That's what the world wants, today, is a bunch of entertainment. It don't want the Gospel. They want to be entertained.

105And Pilate said, "I'd like to desire some miracle from Him, or something like that. Bring Him up here." Right in the Presence of God, and turned It down, because (what?) that he appreciated the--the opinion of the public more than he appreciated having the opportunity to be in the Presence of God. What happened? The woman was forgiven, and given Eternal Life; but he lost his mind and went insane, and committed suicide by drowning himself up in Switzerland.

106 Now, care, so carried away with the popular opinion of that day, that, "He was a Beelzebub; He was just a make-belief; there wasn't really nothing to Him," he, what did he do? He forfeited it, he forfeited his opportunity in the Presence of God. He could have been forgiven. He said, "I have power to crucify You. I have power to release You."

107He said, "You have no power unless it comes from My Father." He ought to have known, if he'd have knowed the Scripture. And him, being a Jew, should have known that. But, you see, the traditions had got him taught down. That's the way it is today. If he'd have only been taught right! If the man would have believed what the Scriptures had said! But his tradition got him off of it.

108 Same as it is today. People will take the real Gospel, where the Holy Ghost is coming in, and the power and glory of God releasing sinners from sin and making them free, and baptize them in the Holy Ghost, and healing the sick, and showing signs and wonders, and people will walk away, say, "Ah! Now you know what my church believes? 'That's nonsense'!" See, you are forfeiting; you are selling your birthrights. Another Esau!

109So many get the same opportunity today, to stand in His Presence as they did then. And still, because of popular opinion, they turn It down. Standing in the Presence of God! I wonder, friend, tonight, if we people who are Christians, in His Presence, and are sick, if we don't turn down the opportunity to be healed by just believing Him? We who claim to believe Him, don't recognize really His Presence, what He promised to do today.

110 Vindicated by the promise for the day, Jesus was rebuking that generation for not believing His Messianic sign. We see it here, He was rebuking them. Calling Him a Beelzebub! They wanted Him to do the sign of Moses, maybe, open the Red Sea. They did want Him to do the sign of David, take the throne and the government. But no Scripture said that He would do that. He was to be a Prophet. He is coming, the King. He was to be Prophet then, and He done the sign that God said He would do in them days, and they still was wanting Him to do some sign that pleased them. See?

111And I just wonder if we're not looking too forward ahead for something that's right by us. Wonder if it could be the same way, if we could pass by our opportunity? Remember, as the old types, the types can never break. The last sign, according to Jesus, He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the days when the Son of man," not Son of God now, "when the Son of man is being revealed." Look at here where it's setting today! Friends, I could tell you some things here which is not right for me to tell you, but it would startle you.

112 I want to ask you a little question while we stop, before we continue on with this service, just a few minutes. I wonder if I could ask you this.

113Anyone knows that the world, positionally, everything is sitting in order for His Coming. "Earthquakes in divers places; the moon is spurting out red blood, or red volcanic all over, covering it," as Jesus said watch for that sign in the last days; "sea roaring, men's hearts failing for fear, and perplexed of time, distress between the nations."

114Look at the perversion on the move today! Look at it today, forty percent increase in California, of homosexuals, natural affections already lost.

115 Look at on... Look at today, how the people will stay home, that's call themselves Christians, and listen to such characters as Pat Boone, Elvis Presley, Ernie Ford, and those who sing hymns on Sunday; and look at them things, they look at them kissing them women, and things out there.

116When, no man should ever kiss a woman till he is married to her. That's male and female glands crossing. Let it be wherever it may be, it's wrong. It's potentially a sex act. When male and female glands touch, it's a sex act. And it's made... A man kiss a man in the mouth, it would make him vomit, or a woman a woman. Why is it different? It's a--it's a sex act, potentially. That's right. A type of Christ kissing His Bride, see. You should never do that.

117But look at it today, all these movies and things, and one big conglomeration of kissing and hugging. And it's absolutely almost public adultery, everywhere, and the people so blind they don't see it. Right! Everything is in a Sodom condition, Sodomite everywhere, as the Bible said.

118 So many things, look in this days, what He said would take place! Look at the promises that He made, would take place this day. And then examine it, of what is going on, and see where we're at, then you see whether He is still in His Word or not.

119They wanted to see the sign of Moses, the sign of David. That was not for their age; it was promised for Moses' age and them age. The promise for this age has to come to pass. He had clearly showed them, He, by the Scripture, and invited them to search the Scripture, to see what day they were living in.

120He is doing the same thing right now! Search the Scripture, you who believe the Bible. What is supposed to take place right here before His Coming?

121 Look at the world, in the position; now, that's the world. Look at the church, where it is. Look where it's at, "falling away, lukewarm, Laodicea, putting out the Word." The whole thing going into the big council of churches, the World Council of Churches, forming the mark of the beast; which the Bible proclaims is wrong, and all those things, and yet the Protestants driving right into it, headlong, not knowing the Scripture. Their tradition! Oh, they are wanting a--a--a--a power man, and they're going to get one. They'll see that they get it.

122 He had, look, but Jesus had perfectly declared Himself exactly Who He was, and had proved to them Who He was, in His age.

123And the same thing today! Now look at, let's take that setting of Luke 17, "As it was in the days of Sodom." Look at the world, look at the church, a Sodomite condition! Look where Lot was at; when those men even tried to--tried to press in the door, to these angels, these men.

124Notice, look at here. There has... Look, Abraham was up on the mountain. He wasn't in Sodom. That's a type.

125 There is always three classes of people in a religious gathering; believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. Always them three! And there they was; there is the unbelieving Sodomite, the make-believer Lot, and Abraham the elected Church.

126Now, watch their messengers in that day. Two messengers went down and preached to Sodom. They didn't do any miracles, only just smote them blind. The preaching of the Word does that.

127 But watch what kind of a miracle this Angel did that stayed with Abraham. He had His back turned. And told Abraham his name had been changed; called him "Abraham" instead of Abram. He could not have the baby till his name was changed, neither Sarah. He told them what their name was. The Angel told them that. And He said that He was going to visit Sarah according to the time of life.

128And Sarah laughed about it. And when Sarah laughed... The Man with His back turned, the Man eating flesh of the calf, and drinking the milk from the cow, and eating bread; a Man, dust on His clothes, a traveler, was God Himself. And Abraham recognized it because He knew the thoughts that was in Sarah's heart behind Him. Said, "Why did Sarah say within herself, 'How can these things be?' Is anything too hard for God?" See? And Sarah run out and denied it. He said, "Yes, but you did." Now, He'd have took Sarah's life right there, for her to disbelieve, but, see, she is a part of Abraham.

129And our unbelief in His great manifestation in this hour; we're a part of Christ. He just, see, we're--we're, see, our... He--He has to keep it.

130 Now, notice, there has never been a time in history of the church age... And I know of one real student I'm talking to, a historian. There has never been. I'd ask any student of the Bible to tell me one man that was ever sent to the church age, in this church since the crucifixion of Christ, a world-wide ministry, that his name ever ended up with h-a-m, like A-b-r-a-h-a-m, until this day. Sankey, Finney, Moody, Knox, Calvin; but wherever was there a G-r-a-h-a-m before, Billy Graham, the great evangelist out there with the denominations that's in Sodom? Never. There is a modern Oral Roberts out there with the Pentecostals, the same thing. Did you know that?

131But, h-a-m! Now, G-r-a-h-a-m is only six letters, but A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters. Six is man's number, man's organization, man's doing; but A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters. Now notice, in the Church elected that's pulled out, not those denominations, but the Elected Church to stand out, it's to get a messenger, too, in this last days.

132 What's going on down there? What's going on up here? Compare it with what Jesus said. Never before in history have we ever set. And the same signs that would be done! Don't you realize, friends, and recognize it's God come down in the Gospel, in His people, making Hisself known? Can't you recognize the hour we're living in? Have we just got ourselves off to clap our hands a little bit, play the piano, and recite this, and--and got away from the Word, till we're that blind to it? Surely we're not. Let's recognize the hour that we're living in.

133Peter, Nathan, or Nathanael, rather, and the woman, they recognize it. They, they--they recognized His sign, Messianic sign.

134Same now as these things I'm saying. Then to this age, Jesus said... Now watch, He is referring back now, telling them of an age. God, in any age, when He sent His Message, which was His Word, and identified It to that age; the people that believed it, it was a great time for them; the people who did not believe It, went into chaos. It's always been.

135 Like in the days of Jesus, same thing. Watch Him standing here now. He said, "As it was in the days of Jonas, in Jonah; for as Jonah was in the belly of the whale, three days and nights, so must the Son of man."

136He said, "A wicked and an adulterous generation will seek after a sign." Now you know what I think He was doing? He was prophesying, "A wicked and adulterous generation."

137I wonder if any man in his right mind could deny that we are not living in a weak and an adulterous generation, when homosexuals, perversion! And the divorce rates in America is higher than any other nation in the world. And the whole world has gone into a chaos of it. Three out of every four, nearly, is divorced; around, taking the whole thing around in ten years of marriage. See? Think of it! Divorce, marry again and marry again, divorce and marry again. "They were eating, drinking, marrying wives and given in marriage." Look at the hour we're living in. When was it ever in such a chaos?

138 "A wicked and an adulterous generation will seek after a sign, notice, and they will receive a sign." What? This generation. "For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale, three days and nights, the Son of man must be in the heart of the earth three days and nights." What sign will that wicked and adulterous generation receive? The sign of the resurrection.

139And today, after two thousand years, we still see Jesus Christ in the power of His resurrection, standing among us, doing the things that He did then and promised to do. "A wicked and an adulterous generation will seek after a sign, always wanting to 'show me this, and if you can do this and do this.' They'll get it, the sign of the resurrection." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; the Word made manifest, dwelling among us. How we should thank God for His great sign!

140 Notice He referred to something else there. He said, "And as the queen of the south shall rise up," that's the queen of Sheba. Listen close now.

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

141Notice, let's refer to that, a few minutes. He was reading the same Bible we read, about Jonah, and He was reading about Solomon. Now, when Solomon's age come on, he had a... he had a gift of discernment. And all the people, the whole nation, believed it. Everyone was one heart and one accord. Everybody believed it.

142If everybody, tonight, if all America, would just turn back to God and believe God, it's the best assurance that we have, it'll be all the bomb shelters and everything else.

143 Nobody fooled with Solomon. They were afraid of him because he was a gifted man. And the people believed him so, he was sent from God, till they made him their king. All the nations feared them; not because of their military power, but because God was with them.

144And if this nation who claims to be Christianity, if it could only, all of them together, cling around this great gift that's been given us in this last days, the Holy Spirit of God upon the Church. Not the creed. The Spirit of God! "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit," saith God. The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ in form of Spirit, upon us, "the same yesterday, today, and forever," making this Word live what He said It would do. Watch closely now.

145 Oh, the news went out through the world! They didn't have television and radio, and things in them days, so it went from lip to ear. And after a while the great caravans came plumb down across the Sahara Desert, which is a three-month's travel from Palestine down to where she lived. And faith cometh by (what?) hearing, hearing the Word of God. And she had heard about this great meeting they were having up there, and any time a caravan come from that way, she would question, "Have you, did you come through Palestine?"


"Oh, what about that?"

146"Oh, it's--it's beyond anything! You never seen such discernment. And it's just like a god sitting there. Their God is represented in a man called Solomon."

147 Well, "faith cometh by hearing." The little queen's heart began to hunger to go up and find out about it. See, she was ordained to Life.

148Notice now, the first thing to do now, her being a pagan, she had to go get permission from her priest, to go. So I can imagine see her go over to her priest, and say, "Holy father, I hear they're having a great revival up there in--in Palestine. I'd like permission to go up and see for myself."

149"Now, my child, now you don't want to get mixed up in some... After all, we're not cooperating in that revival, so you--you cannot go. See, that's just a bunch of nonsense. There is--there is nothing to it. Them people claim they've come through a Red Sea, and they done all this, that. There is nothing to it. If there was anything like that happening, it would be right here in our church." We still got pagans.

150 So we find out that she begin to hunger. She said, "Now look," she said, "they tell me, that, 'Their God up there is represented in a human being, and his wisdom is beyond anything. His discernment is wonderful.'"

"Oh, there is nothing to that."

She said, "But I--I might..."

151"Well, look, you're a queen, you can't be associated in a bunch of people like that. That's, you can't do that. That bunch of people, known all over the world as religious fanatics. You can't do that."

152But, you see, when God goes to dealing with the human heart, there is nothing going to stop it. Husband, wife, children, pastor, nothing else can stop it when a person is really hungering for God. They're going, anyhow. So she got ready, to make ready.

153 Well, he would say, "Well, I'll just give you... I'll--I'll have to excommunicate you from our fellowship."

154"Well, you can just do that. I'm going, anyhow. I'm going to find out for myself about all this, and see."

155She had brought up scrolls and she had read what Jehovah should be, about His prophets and what he must do, how that the Word of God would make manifest, how It would know these things when it was represented, veiled in human flesh, what it would do. And she had read all these things.

So I'd hear Him say, "Well, look, our book says this," he said.

156"Yes, look, I... my great-great-grandmother stood in before them same idols. She stood and said prayers, day after day. There never was one move, one mutter, or nothing else. And I am tired, this old dead form. I want to go see if there is a living God." It's too bad we ain't got more of them queens today.

157 So she got ready to go. Now when she come to this spot where she must go, now, remember, she had a great difficulty. It wasn't as easy as it would be to you. Now notice what she had to do.

158Here is another thing I want, don't want to leave out. She said this, "I'm going up there, and I'm going to take some money. I'm going to take some gifts. And if it is the truth, I'm going to support it. If it isn't the truth, then I can bring my money back."

159That woman could teach Pentecostals. Yes, sir. Support things out there that laugh and make fun of Divine healing, and yet you support the radio programs instead of your own church, that's right, and laugh and make fun of the very things you believe in.

160But she said, "I'll take it. And if it isn't right, I can bring it back."

161 Now remember, with all this wealth on there, on these camels. And now remember, the fleet riders of Ishmael was desert robbers, was out there. What an easy thing would have been for them to fall in on--on this prey, and, why, they would have killed them few eunuchs was with her, and took that money and been gone.

162But there is something about it, when you are really determined, and God is revealing Himself, you're determined to see Christ, there is no danger before you. You don't even pay any attention! The doctor says you're going to die, you don't even notice it. When you are pressing, you know there is something there.

163 Something down in her heart, burning, faith in this God! []... three months to travel over Sahara Desert. Not in an air-conditioned Cadillac. No, no. She took three months across the Sahara Desert, maybe traveling by night, reading the scrolls, in the oasis in the daytime, until she arrived.

164Now, no wonder Jesus said she'll stand in the last days and condemn this generation, for some of them won't walk across the street; and a greater than Solomon is here, the Holy Spirit Himself. See? No wonder she'll raise in the last days and condemn the generation!

165 Watch, she finally arrived. She didn't come like many people, some people will come to a strange meeting. She come and took her camels, and went out into the courtyard, put up her tents, and she was going to stay there till she was convinced.

166Most people will come, sit maybe five minutes, maybe twenty-five. Soon as the evangelist or somebody says something that's contrary to what she--she thinks that her creed says, or her, his creed, out they go. See, not even manners. No wonder she'll condemn this generation; she come to stay till she was convinced.

167 I can imagine the first service that morning, when the trumpets all sounded, Pastor Solomon came out. She may have been sitting way back at the back. She said, "Now I'll see for myself. I know that's what Jehovah is supposed to be. Man can make claims, but I'll find out." So she set there that day and she watched, and she seen every one coming to the platform. She seen that discernment was perfect.

168Finally, let's say her prayer card was called, which probably wasn't, but her time come to come before Solomon. And the Bible said, that, "When she come to stand before Solomon, that God let Solomon know all her secrets. There was nothing hid." Then the miracle was done on her.

169Then she turned to the audience, and she said, "All these things that I have heard is true, and it's even greater than I heard about." See? Oh, there was no more life left in her, her breath was taken from her, 'cause here was a man that didn't know her, a stranger, revealed the things that she wanted to know.

170 Oh, and Jesus standing there, which was more than Solomon! He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He was the virgin-born Son of God. He clothed upon Him, and Jehovah Himself manifested in the flesh. And here He was standing there in the fullness, and they said they wouldn't believe Him, a greater discernment. See, He was Solomon plus David, plus all the rest of them was all in Him. All the prophets was wound up in Him, a greater than Solomon.

171And to even at that day, He said, "If you speak them words against Me, I'll forgive you. But when the Holy Ghost comes, it'll be greater than it is now, and more condemnation."

172And here we stand today seeing that very same God do the very same thing! I believe she'll rise in the Day of Judgment and condemn this generation, 'cause she repented and believed the message that Solomon was preaching, and believed on God. She seen something real.

173 You know, what's the trouble today, there is people, many people, with the people that's belongs and just go to church and have a creed. See, they've seen so much just false, so much just statues, and so much of big fine buildings. And--and, we, let's not--let's not never get off in that kind of a tantrum. See, God don't dwell in big buildings; He dwells in your heart. See, God don't dwell in intellectual education; He is far from it. He dwells in humility, in your heart.

174He dwells in His Word, and His Word comes into your heart and speaks Itself out, and declare. He interprets His Own Word through you. He is trying to find somebody He can get a hold of, to show that He is still God. See? And He is, He will do that if He can just get somebody He can speak to. If He can get another woman with a blood issue, He can still speak the same thing. He can still do the same thing, making known, declaring. We're in the Presence of God, not recognize It.

175 Reminds a little story. I might have told it to you once, I don't know. It'd bear right now. As you all know, I--I hunt big game. And I was up in the north woods, used to go up there hunting, all the time. And I had a friend up there named Bert Call. He was a fine hunter, about a half Indian. Never had to worry about him, he wasn't going to get lost. And we really were chums, but that was the wickedest man, at heart, I ever seen. He just had no heart at all. He used to shoot little fawns, that's little baby deers, just to make me feel bad. And he would say, "Oh, you preachers are chicken-hearted. Billy, you would be a good hunter if you wasn't a preacher." Said, "You're too chicken-hearted."

I said, "Bert, that's not chicken-hearted."

176Now, it's all right to kill a fawn if the law says so. Abraham killed a calf and fed it to God. It ain't the size of it or the sex of it.

177But it's just to be evil with it, and he would just shoot them fawns and just laugh, make laugh because I felt bad about it. Well, now, he--he did that.

178 And one year I went up there. And he had invented himself a little whistle that he could blow, like a little fawn, how it calls, you know, for its mama. And so he said, "Hey, Billy, before we start this morning," said, "I want to show you something I got." And he showed it to me.

I said, "Bert, you wouldn't use something like that."

179He said, "Oh, get next to yourself." And the fellow had eyes just like a lizard, like some of these women try to paint their eyes, you know how, like that. You know, looked at me, with them lizard-looking eyes, and eye, it'd almost scare me.

And--and I said, "Bert, don't do that."

He said, "Oh, you chicken-hearted preachers!"

180 So we--we was... I was a little late getting up that time. And those northern whitetail... Your mule deer here, he'll walk up to you, but not one of them guys. Whenever he's been shot at, he is a... You talk about Houdini a being escape artist, he is an amateur, to them. So it was late and they had been shot at. And them deer were hiding down, feeding at night in the moonlight, and bedding out in the day. We walked all the way up to old Jefferson Notch, plumb up to Mount Washington. Had, it was about six inches of snow on the ground, good tracking weather; never even seen one track.

He said, "What do you think, Billy?"

181I said, "There you all scared them all out of here, them old machine guns you're shooting."

182 And so we went on. After a while, about eleven o'clock. We always carried a--a little one of those thermos bottles full of hot chocolate. It's if you get hurt, or something another, that's stimulation, and a sandwich. So it was about eleven or eleven-thirty, I suppose, we come to an opening about the size of this arena here, or this building, and no timber. So he just kind of set down, set his rifle up against a tree, started reaching back here. And I thought he was going back to get his--to get his thermos bottle. I thought, "Well, we'll eat."

183Usually we get up the top of the mountain and eat, and one go one way and one another, and come back. And we knowed the way around, good. And if we got a deer, we just hung it up, and then we know, went and helped each other get them in. So I thought he was just going to eat his lunch, and we'd part, 'cause it was almost up to timberline. So I...

184 He reached back. And I started getting for my thermos bottle, get my chocolate, and started getting out like that. And he pulled that little old whistle out of his pocket, and he gave it a big blow like that. And looked at me with them lizard-looking eyes again, and blowed that whistle. And when he did, just about far as across this building, a great big doe stood up.

185Now if some of our sisters might not know, the doe is the mother deer. And, see, that whistle was a baby, and it cried, and this big doe stood up. And right about eleven o'clock in the day, anyone hunts deers knows that that's a bad time. They're bedded.

186 So she stood up and looked around. I could see her just as plain. He looked back at me, and he blowed again. And instead of--of running, she walked right out into that open.

187Now, that's unusual. They won't do that. Any hunter knows that. And they won't, and they won't do that. But she walked right out there. Why? She was a mother; that was a baby. It was, see, it's just born into her to be a mother, and that baby.

188And Bert looked down, pulled that bolt back, let it down on that thirty-o-six. And he was a dead shot. And I seen him level down like this, and I knowed he would blow her faithful heart plumb through both sides, a hundred-and-eighty-grain, mushroom bullet. And I thought, "How can you do it, Bert? How can you be so evil, to call that mother deer right out there and then shoot her heart right out of her, and her trying to find her baby? How can you be so brutal as to do that?" I was thinking that. And I see him level down like that.

189 And I couldn't, I couldn't look at it. It was just too much. I guess I am chicken-hearted. I just turned my back, and I thought, "God, how can he do it? How can a human being be that mean, to do that, just to shoot that poor faithful mother's heart right out of her?"

190Now, she wasn't trying to act on. She wasn't putting on a show. She was a mother. She seen the hunter when he throwed that gun down, but did she run? No, sir. Her baby was in trouble, and she was trying to find her baby.

191And I turned my back, as I said, and started. I said, "Lord God, how can he do it?" I noticed, and waited, waited, the gun didn't fire.

192And I turned around and looked, and the gun was going like this. He couldn't hold it no more. He turned around, them big old lizard eyes had changed, tears was running off his cheek. He threw the gun on the bank, and he said, "Billy, I've had enough of it. Lead me to that Jesus you're talking about."

193 Right on that snowbank I led him to Christ. Why? He saw something real, he saw something genuine. "If they hold the... their peace, the rocks will cry out." That mother wasn't putting on nothing. She was a genuine mother. No matter if it was death, or what it was, she was standing right in the face of death, knowing that just any minute that bullet would blow through her heart, but she was after her baby.

194Oh, if we could only be as much Christian as that deer was a mother! Why? She was born a mother, she was born to be a mother. We are born to believe the Word of God. We are born to believe Jesus Christ.

Let us bow our heads.

195 How many in here right now, with an uplifted hand, would say, "Brother Branham, truly I would like to be the kind of Christian that that little doe was a mother. I--I wish that my heart was just so full of Christ that I could stand in the face of anything and be a real Christian just as much as that deer was a mother. I, that's the kind of an experience I want"? Will you raise your hand? God bless you. That's fine. God bless you. So many, everywhere. I'm so thankful that you still got enough real something in you that'll make you believe.

196See, what if it was that you didn't believe? Wouldn't that be pitiful, see an unbeliever in a place where their hearts are so hard till they cannot believe at all, doomed, gone, lost, don't know nothing about it, not knowing what hour that death may knock at the door? You've got to move out into Eternity.

197 And Jesus said, "Except a man be born again," become as much Christian as that deer was a mother, "you'll never see God; you're done, no matter how many churches you join." He was talking to a religious leader of that day, Nicodemus, eighty-year-old man, and told him that he must be born, he must become the kind of a Christian like the deer was a mother there.

198Was there one that didn't put up their hands, that really know the Presence of God, recognize It and say, "I know that I'm wrong"? When you realize you're wrong, you're recognizing the Presence of God.

199 But when you don't know you're wrong, the Bible said, "Thou art wretched." In this age, the church would be "wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, and not know it."

200Just think if a man or woman was on the street, wretched, blind, poor, miserable, and naked, and you could tell them that they were naked, and they would listen to you, but what if they are naked and they don't believe it? What a mental condition that is!

201Well, now, that's what kind of a spiritual condition it is. People are spiritually blind, wretched, miserable, naked before God, sinners trying to cover themselves behind fig leaves of some denomination, and don't know it.

202Will you raise your hand, somebody else? God bless you. That's right. The Lord bless you. Before you... Maybe you're a stranger here, have never seen God do one thing. But before you see anything, you, still you say, "I'll accept it upon the basis of the Word. I know that a greater than Solomon is here; the great Holy Spirit of God is present. I sense It. I believe It. I'll raise my hand. I'm a sinner; I will ask for salvation."

203 Heavenly Father, bless these who have their hands up. We ask that Your mercy be granted to those who are--are sinners. That's, maybe they belong to church. They, that still doesn't mean they're not sinners. And they raised their hands, they want to be saved. Lord, there was Something by them. They recognized the Holy Spirit there. And they--they recognized that It was God, and It was speaking to them, that, that they didn't have that experience that they should have, and they raised their hands.

204You said, "He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out." And I know that's true. You said, in Saint John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; shall not come into the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life. He that comes to Me, I'll give him everlasting Life, raise him up at the last days." Those are Your promises, Father.

205I claim every one of them. Maybe some Christian, Lord, that's trying to walk through life, trying to live better, every day, and they--they want an experience of--of--of a better walk, they raised their hands, too. Father, I pray that You will bless them. May they find that all-sufficiency tonight in Christ, the Word made flesh among us. Grant it, Lord. I commit them to Thee, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

206 God bless you. And as you sit real quiet, see, just a moment; oh, my, I'm five minutes over my time now. Forgive me, I didn't aim to speak that long. I tell you, let's just wait just a moment, just give me five more minutes if you will.

207How many knows what God was? We know what the Bible said He was, and the Bible said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And Jesus said, in Saint John the 14th chapter, the 12th verse, He said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Not he that make-believeth, but, "he that believeth on Me." Is that true, my minister brothers? That's true. How many Bible readers knows that's true? "Heavens and earth will pass away," but His Words can't fail. He promised that.

208 Now there is, no doubt, sick people among you out there. I don't know you, at all. And to prove what I was saying a while ago, as the Angel of the Lord in the days gone by, the days past, by, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Can you see what I was talking about, them names and everything else positionally, the church sitting right, can you see it? Now I'm sure you read between the lines of things that I didn't speak, you see what I meant. Now if you people in here, that are sick and needy, I'm...

209What business have I got to be here? What would I be standing here for, as a deceiver? If I was doing that, it's time for me to... I, I don't, I don't desire to live. I, I'd rather die. I, I'd rather go out and be anything else than to be a deceiver. And what will God do to me? And I don't know that I'll live through the night, neither do you. But a deceiver, we want to be... What's the use of being a deceiver, when you can be genuine? But, you see, It's so strange to you.

210 Now, look, if I claim that these Scriptures must be fulfilled, that I have read and showed you in the last two nights, what Jesus was, what His Presence is now! And He is supposed to return in the last days, we know that, through human flesh, and declare Himself the same way. We all know that. Are we aware of it? Say "amen" if it is. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Now for your comfort, I say you... say this to you, in His Name: He is here, the same God that came down and talked to Abraham, had His back turned to the tent, and Sarah inside the tent, He knew what she was thinking.

211He said the same thing when He come here. He looked upon the audience and perceived what was in their heart. A woman touched His garment; He looked around till He found her, and told her.

212 Blind Bartimaeus touched His garment, when he cried, "Thou Son of David, have mercy," standing two hundred yards from where He passed by. His faith stopped the Son of God, in the road, and turned around and said, "Bring him here."

213Little Zacchaeus up in the tree, hid himself, said, so he didn't believe He was a Prophet, either. And Jesus come right, stood under the tree and looked up, and said, "Zacchaeus, come down," called him his name.

214When Jesus had never seen Peter, and Andrew had brought him over there. When He seen him come, said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas," give him his name, told him who he was.

Told Nathanael where he was at, what he had done.

215The woman, and what kind of a condition she was in, what was her trouble, what was her sickness.

216That's God, friends! How many believe that with all your heart, say, "That's got to be God"?

217 How many of you in here know that I don't know one thing about you, raise up your hand, just say, "I know that man don't know a thing about me, just--just he's just a man"? That's what I am, just your brother. I'm here to try to help you.

218But I declare! How many has read my book and things? You, you know, you believe that, the Truth? This is the last days. And now the Lord Jesus help us.

219And if He will come tonight... And not let one of you move. Just stay right in your seats where you're at, and believe, and the Lord Jesus will come tonight and confirm these things that He has said, these things that He promised. If He will confirm them to be the Truth, will you believe on Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Believe!

220 Heavenly Father, now I have spoke about You, what You was, what You are, now will You just come forward on the scene. And those people sitting out there in the audience, perfectly strangers, will You make Yourself known to us tonight, Lord, that we would know and recognize that these Scriptures are fulfilled, that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever"? Then if we're living in the last days, like He said that He would reveal Himself in the last days, like He did at Sodom before the promised son arrived to Abraham, well, Abraham's royal seed that's looking for the royal Son, the same thing would take place. And watch even to the locations, the time, the names, and everything is perfect in line, Father. Help us, we pray, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

221 Now I want you to pray, each one of you. Just whatever is wrong, you just ask Him. Now He is the High Priest.

222By the way, how many ministers are in the building, raise up your hands, everywhere? I guess there is thirty or forty. Now how many of you know this, that the Book of Hebrews, the New Testament, tells us that right now "Jesus Christ is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities"? Would you raise your hands and say, "I know it's the Truth. The Bible says that"? That's right. All right.

223Then if He is the High Priest, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Then if you touched Him tonight, He would act like He did back there. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Like He did yesterday!

224 Well, when that woman touched His garment. You say, "Oh, but if I could!" Your faith touch it. The physical, He never felt. It was the faith of the woman, that touched the garment. Your faith can touch Him now. Do you believe that?

225Then if God's Word is manifested, He will reveal that same thing and show the same thing. Do you believe that with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, now just trust Him, believe Him. Don't doubt. But have faith in God, that He will do it. Somebody this way, just pray and just believe with all your heart, then somebody in this direction. And if God will let one or two people that you know, that is infallible, how many of you will believe then that we recognize His Presence? ["Amen."] Then that's all is necessary. That's all that's necessary.

226 Lady sitting right there, looking at me there, suffering with heart trouble. Do you believe God will heal the heart, make you well? You have heart trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand. Am I a stranger to you, don't know you? But that's truth, all right, you, the lady, grayheaded lady sitting there. All right.

227The lady with the green, you raised up your hand there, that you--you... Your trouble is arthritis. Do you believe that God will make you well, with arthritis? If that's right, raise up your hand. See? All right. See? Just happen to raise... Now Something come over you, didn't it? See, that Light. How many ever seen the picture of that Light? There It hung, right over the woman. All at once a real sweet feeling come over you. That's what did it, see. God blessed you, healed you, make you well. Do you believe it?

228 Do you believe He knows what's wrong with you? Only He can heal you. It's a dark shadow, epilepsy. If that's right, raise up your hand, young lady. Think a little different than you did a few minutes ago, don't you? You see when I stopped that call, doing that? That's what it was for, was for you. Now if you'll believe with all your heart, them spells will leave you. Will you accept it and believe it with all your heart? God bless you. Go, believe it.

229This lady sitting right here, suffering with stomach trouble, do you believe that God will make you well? Right here on the end, do you believe that God will heal you, make you well of the stomach trouble? You do, you accept it? All right. God bless you.

230I'm a total stranger to the woman, don't know her. She is just a woman sitting there, but God does it. Do you believe with all your heart now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, just have faith.

231 The lady sitting right here on the end, suffering with a gallbladder trouble. Got gallstones, liver, it bothers you. If that's right, raise up your hand; total stranger to you, if that's right. See?

232A lady sitting right next to you, she is suffering, too. See It, can't you see that Light over that woman? The lady has got a kidney trouble. That's right. She's got uremic poisoning in her kidneys. That right, raise up your hand. The lady that touched you then, she is suffering with a--a nervous affliction. You're both strangers, you're not from here. That's right, isn't it? You're from Iowa. You're from the city of Des Moines. That's right, isn't it? Do you believe that God can tell me what your name is, like He did Peter? If you'll believe with all your heart! Your name is Mrs. Wolff. That's right, raise up your hand. All right, go back healed now, Jesus Christ makes you well.

233Do you recognize His Presence, you know He is here? Then won't you lay your hands over on one another now, while the Holy Spirit is upon you. That's the Holy Spirit on you. Now every one of you can be healed now if you'll just believe it. Do you believe it with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

234 Heavenly Father, there is nothing left now but faith. We now renounce all darkness. When the revival, as I said at the beginning, the wave come down upon the water to churn it up-and-down, to--to--to take the unbelief out of it; now while the Holy Ghost is waving back and forth through the people here, may all unbelief be taken away, and may the power of Almighty God set every sufferer free tonight.

235I rebuke the Devil. Satan, you are nothing but a bluff, and you're exposed right here among the people, by the Scriptural evidence of the living resurrected Jesus. I adjure thee, by the living God, come out of this people and leave them go, for the glory of God.

236All that accept your healing, stand on your feet now and say, "I do believe. No matter what happens, how long it takes, I still know I'm going to be well. I accept it, with all my heart."

237Raise up your hands now. "Thank You, Lord." Praise the Lord. That's right, give Him praise. Now just raise your hands and praise Him for your healing, the way you do in your churches. Brother...