/:V Božom dome teraz sme, Meno Jeho zvelebujeme.:/ V Božom dome teraz sme, Meno Jeho zvelebujeme aj dnes, vzývame Pána Ježiša.
We have come into His house Gathered in His Name to worship Him, We have come into His house Gathered in His Name to worship Him, We have come into His house Gathered in His Name to worship Christ the Lord; Worship, Christ, the Lord
/:Tak zabudni na seba a sústreď sa na Neho, vzývaj Ho.:/ Tak zabudni na seba a sústreď sa na Neho, vzývaj Ježiša, vzývaj Pána Ježiša.
Just forget about yourself, Concentrate on Him and worship Him; Just forget about yourself, Concentrate on Him, and worship Him; Just forget about yourself, Concentrate on Him, and worship Christ the Lord Worship, Christ , the Lord.
/:Sväté ruky dvíhame, Meno Jeho zvelebujeme.:/ Sväté ruky dvíhame, Meno Jeho zvelebujeme aj dnes, vzývame Pána Ježiša.
Let us lift up holy hands, Magnify His Name and worship Him; Let us lift up holy hands, Magnify His Name and worship Him; Let us lift up holy hands, Magnify His Name and worship Christ the Lord; Worship, Christ, the Lord.