Ó, hriešniku, poď ku zdroju, čo očistí srdca hriech. On vybieli srdce tvoje, bude belšie ako sneh.
Come, ye sinners, lost and hopeless, Jesus’blood can make you free. For He saved the worst among you When He saved a wretch like me!
/:Ó, ja viem, áno, viem, Ježiša krv obmýva z hriechov ma.:/
And I know (I surely know), Yes, I know (I surely know), Jesus’blood can make the vilest sinner clean; And I know (I surely know), Yes, I know (I surely know), Jesus’blood can make the vilest sinner clean.
Znavenému dáva silu, slabý v Ňom nachádza moc. On choroby naše niesol i premohol smrti moc.
To the faint He giveth power, Through the mountains makes a way; Findeth water in the desert, Turns the night in golden day.
V pokušeniach stojí pri mne, drží ma v ruke Svojej. Vedie ma bezpečnou cestou, s Ním nemôžem zahynúť.
In temptation He is near thee, Holds the power of hell at bay; Guides you to the path of safety, Gives you grace for every day.