Raz som vo svete žil, hriechom obťažený, ale potom našiel som Ježiša, teraz som už slobodný.
Once like a bird in prison I dwelt. No freedom from my sorrow I felt. Then Jesus came and listened to me, And glory to God, He set me free.
On ma spasil, spasil, z hriechu vyslobodil. On ma spasil, On ma ľúbi, Ježiš, On ma spasil.
He set me free, yes, He set me free. He broke the bonds of prison for me. I’m glory bound my Jesus to see, For glory to God, He set me free.
Myslel som si, že nikdy nenájdem taký pokoj, vtedy dal som Jemu svoje srdce, On uvoľnil moju dušu.
Now I am climbing higher each day, Darkness of night has drifted away. My feet are planted on higher ground, And glory to God, I’m homeward bound.
Ak ty si obťažený, poviem ti, čo urobiť: polož svoju dôveru v Ježiša, a tak On tiež ťa spasí.
Good-bye to sin and things that confound, Naught of this world shall turn me around, Daily I’m working, I’m praying too, And glory to God, I’m going though.