Komu je zjavené rameno Pánove?



V tých starých dňoch, keď bola uzatvorená zmluva, viete, čo oni urobili? Všimnite si. Boh mi len hovorí, aby som toto povedal, ja neviem. Nejaká osoba išla a napísala nejakú zmluvu na kúsok papiera. Oni spísali tú zmluvu. A potom na tej zmluve, napísali, čo to bolo, čo oni išli urobiť, potom roztrhli ten papier vo dvoje, a zabili nejaké zviera a nad týmto zvieraťom roztrhli tú zmluvu. Jednu časť dali jednej osobe, druhú časť tej druhej osobe. A keď sa zišli spolu... Keď táto zmluva bola prinesená spolu, to musel byť presne ten istý kus papiera, roztrhnutý cez tie písmená a muselo sa to jednoducho presne s tým spojiť, lebo inak by tá zmluva bola neplatná. Vidíte, tá zmluva by bola neplatná. Ten istý kus papiera, ktorý bol odtrhnutý, musel prísť rovno naspäť a byť presne spojený s tým druhým takto, to bolo dokonalé. A potom, ako ich dôkaz, zabili zviera, keď urobili svoje čestné prehlásenia.

A teraz, Boh urobil zmluvu s ľuďmi tohoto sveta. Preto On poslal Syna Božieho a zabil Ho na Golgote. Veríte tomu? "My všetci sme zblúdili jako ovce. Boh uvalil na Neho neprávosť všetkých nás. Bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení." To bola Božia zmluva s cirkvou. Je to pravda? Potom Boh zabil Baránka na Golgote. Veríte tomu? On Ho roztrhol. Vzal časť z Toho, to telo hore do slávy, posadil Ho po pravici Majestátu. Veríte tomu? A Ducha Svätého, On poslal späť ku ľuďom. Je to pravda?

Potom, keď to prichádza dokopy, keď je táto zmluva spojená v dni súdu, ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý padol na deň Letníc sa zoskupuje okolo skupiny ľudí, To pôjde naspäť do toho istého Tela, do presného spojenia priamo do toho istého Tela. To je zmluva.

1 Je to radosť byť tu. Žiaľ, to je posledný večer týchto... Nie, to nie je posledný večer. Máme ešte nedeľu, však? (To je pravda), nedeľu popoludnie a nedeľu večer. To je veľmi dobré. Tak ja som šťastný, že to máme. Pretože ... Tak veru. A zajtra večer tiež. Piatok večer, sobota večer, potom oddychujeme. Potom nedeľa večer–nedeľa popoludní, nedeľa večer. Robíte oznámenia...?... pozdravy...?...keď začínajú služby...?... To je veľmi dobre. A teraz budeme očakávať ohromný čas. Musím odtiaľto odísť do pol-štvrtej, štvrtej hodiny ráno a ísť dvesto míľ, aby som bol v službe zajtra večer, a potom prísť späť. A ďalší deň byť naspäť tu na nedeľu nasledujúceho dňa. A potom, dve služby práve jedna po druhej.

2 Ale to je slávna vec slúžiť Ježišovi Kristovi, Synovi Božiemu, stretávať šťastných ľudí. Verím dnes večer, že ak by toto bol náš posledný večer na zemi, kedy sme spolu, no, my stále máme svedectvo Pána Ježiša, však? Iste mu veríme z celých našich sŕdc. Tak položíme túto otázku práve teraz. Koľkí boli uzdravení na tomto zhromaždení, ktorí cítia, že boli uzdravení? Nech vidíme vaše ruky. To je veľmi dobré.

3 Len pred chvíľou som povedal, "Je jedna vec, keď opúšťate ľudí, práve v čase, keď sa s tými ľuďmi zoznámite, musíte im povedať dovidenia." Ale to nie je dovidenia v našich zhromaždeniach...?... to je na malú chvíľu. A vy ste boli ku mne takí milí, a to všetko, tak skutočne mi je ľúto, že naše zhromaždenia sa končia. A dnes som povedal môjmu malému dievčatku, ona je pripravená ísť. Ona chce ísť hneď po tomto domov. Nie sú tu žiadne deti, s ktorými by sa mohla hrať. A ja som povedal, "Miláčik, chceš ísť domov? "Ona povedala "Nie, otecko, páči sa mi tu." Tak ja... Ona je skutočne skvelá. Každý jej pomáha a všetko, tak ona je tu skutočne rada. A...[prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

4 A tu je brat Redford, jeden z tých statočných hrdinov viery uplynulých dní. Jeho dcéra je...?...Orol...?...prechádzajúci...?... Boh ju uzdravil. Ona je...?... tento mesiac. A je veľmi milé dievča... Pán Bosworth, Fred Bosworth. Tak, mnohí z vás sa s ním poznajú...?... Som si istý, že je tu. Veľmi milý kresťanský brat. A on je jedným z našich...?... ktorý ide s nami, brat Bosworth. A on bol so mnou vtedy ako manažér. Pamätám sa, keď som sa s ním stretol v Miami, na Floride. On už práve celkom zanechal Božské uzdravovanie a položil to nabok, myslím, že mal už sedemdesiat a niečo rokov. Tak keď on... On ma pozval, aby som tam slúžil, aby to videl... no, tento starý chlapík práve znova omladol. A ja som mu povedal," Koľko máš rokov, brat Bosworth?"

5 Jedného večera, keď som stál dolu pri hoteli v Miami. Ja som len vyšiel von obzerajúc morské pobrežie, bola práve zima. Išiel priamo, viete, keď odchádzal, len poskočil ako mladý muž, viete. Ja som mal asi tretinu jeho veku a len som sa vliekol. Pozrel dolu na mňa. Povedal som," Brat Bosworth, kedy si sa cítil najlepšie?" On povedal, "Práve teraz." Povedal, "Brat Branham, ja som len dieťa žijúce v starom dome." A -- a to je brat Bosworth. Viete, on je veľký vtipkár. A on a jeho... Fred, a brat...?... tiež.

6 Na zhromaždení pani Bosworthová, jeho manželka, predávala knihy v knižnom stánku pri vchode do modlitebne, keď tam bola nejaká mladá pani, volala sa...?... Bryan, so skríženými očami. A ona povedala," Pokúšala som sa získať modlitebnú kartu..." A ona skúsila všetko, aby sa dostala do modlitebnej rady, ale to bolo... To sa nedalo, nešlo jej to. Myslím, že to bol ten posledný večer, večer, keď bol ten muž uzdravený zo sklerózy multiplex, že poslali správu Jurajovi-kráľovi Anglicka, od ktorého mám jeho vyhlásenie. Boh ho uzdravil. A ten muž bol ťažko chorý desať rokov na sklerózu multiplex. On je dnes večer dokonale zdravý a slávi Boha. To dievča plakalo, mladá pani. A pani Bosworthová povedala, "Miláčik, ty nechápeš." To je pravda. Povedala jej k tomu niekoľko slov. Povedala, "Tak, ty... Ty nepotrebuješ modlitebnú kartu. Ak len vyjdeš odtiaľto a zastaneš tam v uličke." [medzi sedadlami – pozn.prekl.] A povedala, "Ty len ver z celého svojho srdca, že Boh ťa uzdraví," povedala, "...a Boh bude hovoriť ku bratovi Branhamovi hore na pódiu."

7 A mal som modlitebný rad, prichodiac dolu do modlitebného radu. A to dievča... veľmi zdvorilo, viete, mala... vykročila... posledný večer zhromaždení... vyšla odtiaľ a jednoducho sa uchopila Boha. A zrazu, cítil som, že niečo na mňa prišlo a potiahlo ma. Ona stála ďalej, než je vzdialenosť od tamtej budovy sem. Povedal som,"V poriadku, sestra, Boh ťa uzdravil z tých skrížených očí." Obidve oči sa vyrovnali. To dievča je tu niekde v budove. Chcel by som, aby prišla dopredu, ak počuješ môj hlas, sestra. Niekde... Tu je, práve teraz tu. Povedzme, "Chvála Pánovi." Všetci. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Chvála Pánovi;" sestra vydáva svedectvo – pozn.prekl.] Boh uzdravil jej oči...?... teraz. Povedzme, "Chvála Pánovi." Práve teraz, povedzme, "Chvála Pánovi." Všetci. [prázdne miesto na páske –pozn.prekl.]

8 To trvá tak dlho ako trvá viera. To je to. Keď slabnete vo viere, to príde rovno znovu naspäť. Kedykoľvek vy oslabujete vo viere, vaše hriechy sa vrátia znova priamo ku vám, tie isté staré túžby, len horšie. Je to pravda? Tak choďte a verte. Tá malá dáma stála ďalej odo mňa. A jej viera.. Vidíte, jej viera sa dotkla Boha. Boh povedal, len jedna vec, ktorú ty musíš urobiť, len prehovoriť teraz ku nej, a skôr ako to Slovo tam vyšlo, jej oči sa vyrovnali. [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]... dobre... Tak, tisícky takýchto prípadov... Myslím, mali sme asi štyristošesťdesiat jednotlivých prípadov skrížených očí, prípadov Božského uzdravenia, skrížených očí, ktoré boli dokonale narovnané a normálne. A to je za menej než jeden rok, v službách, ktoré máme v meste...?... Pán Moore bol...?...Ľudia so skríženými očami, ktorí boli uzdravení. Sme za to tak vďační, a za všetko.

9 Vidím malé dieťa sediace teraz tu, jeho malá noha je v sadre. Malé dieťa... Ona si pamätá na Fort Wayne toho večera, bolo tam jedno malé dieťa a jeho malá noha bola takto pokrivená. Ó. To bolo hrozné. Dali to do výztuh. Ten doktor povedal, že to bude stále také. Keď ono prechádzalo cez tú radu, povedal som, "Sestra, teraz choď a daj tieto veci preč." Vidíte? Tu prišlo to dieťa kráčajúc naspäť ku nej, práve tak normálne ako len mohlo byť. Stál som hore na pódiu. Jeho malá noha je presne taká rovná, že išiel správne. Je to úžasné, čo Pán Ježiš môže pre nás urobiť, ak my len budeme mať vieru a veriť. To je všetko. Len veriť.

10Tak, chcem čítať len malú časť zo Slova. A znovu ja...Pred zostávajúcou časťou služby v tomto stane, ten starý stan tu bol užitočný. A ja som za to veľmi vďačný. A ja sa modlím, aby mu Boh dovolil vydržať veľa, veľa veľkých búrok...?...pozdĺž. Nech je pod ním spasených veľa duší. A ten...?...ísť z tohoto zhromaždenia, zaplatiť za ten stan, a...?... zatiaľ čo som tu bol. Veľmi vďačný za to... za to. Ide to len pre účel Evanjelia. On je vlastníctvom Hlasu uzdravenia, Shreveport, Luisiana. Nebude používaný pre cirkusy a takéto veci. Bude používaný pre Evanjelium. A tí mužovia, ktorí ho používajú, ho prenajímajú. My ho prenajímame. Zaplatiť nájom, a ten nájom financuje ten stan. A tak kedy prichádza ku všetkej tej starostlivosti, pridávame ku tomu viac. Len takto pokračujme. Potom tie peniaze, ktoré by tam prišli z prenájmu, budú len pokračovať na rôzne veci a pôjdu ďalej. Vždy je to nezisková organizácia, "Hlas uzdravenia." Brat Lindsay je redaktor a brat Moore je spoluredaktor, a sestra Moore je obežná redaktorka. Sú to malé noviny, ktoré uverejňujú všetko o tých skupinách, ktoré majú službu Božského uzdravovania v týchto posledných dňoch.

11 V poriadku. V Izaiášovi 53, je jedno z mojich obľúbených miest Písma. Je čas čítať to dnes večer. Je to vhodné práve teraz.

Kto uveril našej zvesti? A komu bolo zjavené rameno Hospodinovo?

Lebo vyrástol pred ním ako nežný prútok a jako koreň z ... vypráhlej zeme: nemal podoby ani krásy,... keď by ste ho videli... videli sme ho, ale nebolo na ňom vidieť toho prečo by sme ho boli bývali žiadostiví.

Opovrhnutý bol a opustený od ľudí, muž bolestí ... a oboznámený s nemocou: a jako ten, pred ktorým skrývajú tvár, opovrhnutý, a preto sme si ho nevážili,

kým On vzal na seba naše nemoci ... a niesol naše bolesti: a my sme sa domnievali o Ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha a strápený.

A On bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti: kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.

My všetci sme zblúdili jako ovce, každý z nás sme sa obrátili na svoju vlastnú cestu, a Hospodin uvalil na neho neprávosť všetkých nás.

12 Modlime sa. Náš nebeský Otče, práve teraz čítajúc tvoje Slovo nech Svätý Duch vezme to Slovo a ide priamo do sŕdc ľudí, a nech oni prídu do plného uvedomenia si, dnes večer tu pod týmto stanom, že to je Ježiš, ktorý je hodný, aby sme o Ňom hovorili. On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. On bol zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení. Ó, ako Ho milujeme z celých našich sŕdc. S vďačnosťou prichádzame, aby sme sklonili naše hlavy do prachu zeme, z ktorej sme boli vzatí a do ktorej sa jedného dňa navrátime, keď bude Pán predlievať. A prosím Ťa, Otče, požehnaj nás dnes večer a pohybuj sa cez nás nádherným, úžasným spôsobom, a nech sa dnes večer dejú veľké uzdravenia, kvôli Jeho prítomnosti. Nech títo drahí ľudia tu dosiahnu, aby sa skutočne uchytili Pána (udeľ to, Pane), a aby sa držali tej Skaly vekov, kým ich moc Pánova prevedie cez tú bránu von do slobody, von z pazúrov nepriateľa, aby sa stali voľnými od hriechu a nemocí. Udeľ to, Otče. Vypočuj modlitbu svojho sluhu, pretože sa modlíme v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

13Toto je... Dnes večer nezaberieme veľa času aby sme hovorili veľa slov, chcem len poďakovať všetkým tým, ktorí mali účasť na tejto službe. Chcem poďakovať spolupracujúcim slúžiacim bratom. Nech ich Boh žehná. Tí, ktorí sú tu cudzí, mali by navštíviť ich cirkev. Navštíviť ich, zavolať. A som si istý, že oni sú... to sú dobrí Bohom spasení mužovia, poslaní od Boha. Nikdy som nemal miesto, kde slúžiaci bratia a ľudia boli v takej harmónii a láske ako táto skupina ľudí. A publikum má úžasný, jednoducho... Nikdy som nežiadal ani jednu osobu, aby sklonila hlavu, jednoducho držali svoje hlavy sklonené. Divil som sa tomu. Zvyčajne na zhromaždeniach niekedy Boh musí poslať ...?... pol tucta alebo viac, aby ich priviedol ku rešpektu. Tak to je... Títo tu, tí ľudia boli jednoducho úctiví, veriac jedným srdcom a jednomyseľne. To je spôsob, ako to robiť. A teraz, to je úžasné.

14A všetky naše výdavky boli pokryté. Sme vám jednoducho vďační. Oni mi darovali lásku, ktorú si cením z hĺbky môjho srdca, čokoľvek čo... Pred chvíľou mi niekto napísal malý list. Ó, ak ma do zhromaždenia v nedeľu popoludní neroztrhajú. Ó. Jedna pani povedala," Prišla som vidieť zázraky, nie počúvať o niečom, čo sa stalo v niekoho živote." S týmto postojom, sestra, ich nikdy neuvidíš, kým nebude jeden vykonaný na tebe, a to je, keď prežiješ obrátenie. To je pravda. To je pravda. Pretože tvoje srdce nie je v poriadku s Bohom, ak je niečo také. Ten postoj ku tomu to dokazuje. Ovocie – chuť pudingu je ovocím toho. Tak všimnite si," Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte."

15A teraz. A teraz, mali sme úžasný úspech pre Ježiša Krista. Viete o tom, že Ježiš urobil viac tu, ako mohol urobiť vo Svojom vlastnom meste, však? Pretože nebolo veľa mocných skutkov, ktoré by Ježiš mohol urobiť v Jeho vlastnom meste. A v tomto meste, On učinil mocné skutky, však? Tak On mal väčší úspech v tomto meste, ako mal vo svojom vlastnom meste. Pomyslite na to. Ježiš Kristus po 1900 rokch, mal väčší úspech v Cleveland, Ohio v šiestich týždňoch zhromaždení tu, alebo troch týždňoch zhromaždení, než mal vo Svojej životnej púti vo Svojom vlastnom meste. Pomyslite na to. To ukazuje, že ten starý slávny Koráb Evanjelia má tú istú moc, ktorú mal na počiatku (ó, to je pravda), kde mužovia a ženy budú na ňu veriť. Tak, sme za to vďační a modlíme sa, aby Boh požehnal každého jedného z vás.

16A dúfam, že vás uvidím v nedeľu popoludní. A v nedeľu popoludní je služba kázania Slova. Ak Pán nezmení môj úmysel, chcem hovoriť na tému návratu márnotratného syna, v nedeľu popoludní. Príďte, ak ste v...?... A potom... My potom... Potom nedeľa večer, dôverujem, že budeme mať najväčšiu službu s uzdravovaním, akú sme kedy mali. Len verte, že to miesto bude jednoducho osvietené mocou Božou. Možno budem teraz trochu odpočinutý po niekoľkých nociach oddychu, cestovania autom v sobotu v noci, aby som bol schopnejší ísť do služby. Takto som sa stal taký otupený a skleslý. A ja som... keď sa do toho dostávam, že som unavený a opotrebovaný, tie zmysly tohoto daru sa stávajú viac alebo menej otupené. Myslím, že človek to tak má i v tom prirodzenom. Potom, keď idete tak dlho, stávate sa takí skleslí, tie zmysly sú zviazané ...?... to je ten spôsob, ktorý toto...?... a verím, že Boh nám dá veľké občerstvenie, aby sme začali znovu v nedeľu večer. Príďte s vierou. Príďte s modlitbou.

17Vďaka všetkým uvádzačom a členom predstavenstva, a všetkým, ktorí spolupracujú, aj keď mi dávajú...?... toto popoludnie. [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]... zopár minút naviac. Nie... Bol som na parkovisku predpokladajúc, že odídem, aby som tu bol o štvrtej hodine. A bol som vonku a behal som dookola sem a tam. A Pán ma dnes zavolal, aby som videl dve videnia, aby som išiel von do...?... dnes do ulíc. Sedel som v izbe. Pán zostúpil a povedal, "Choď dolu ku tomu rohu a zaboč doľava a choď dolu sem a zostaň tam. Bude tam žena, ktorá príde a bude mať oblečený šedý kostým a malý biely klobúk." Povedal, "Ona má rakovinu, z ktorej bude uzdravená." A bola tam, prichádzala dolu ulicou. Povedala, "Ste reverend Branham z toho stanu?" Povedal som, "Áno". Ona povedala, "Ó, pokúšala som sa prísť, ale môj manžel mi nedovolí prísť do...?... Povedal som, "Pán ťa uzdravil z tvojej rakoviny, sestra. Choď v pokoji." Povedala, "Ó." Išla dolu tou ulicou takto plačúc. Vidíte, Boh vie všetko o týchto veciach a tak je to úžasné.

18Myslím, že som tiež videl brata, ktorý odpadol, že prišiel toto popoludnie ku Pánovi, naspäť do domu Pánovho, do obecenstva Jeho Syna, Ježiša. Tak sa veľmi modlite. A ja som práve pozeral na dve milé dievčatká, ktoré tu sedia. Nech sú požehnané ich malé srdcia...?... Jednoducho sú také milé. Ja...?... dve z tých malých dievčat, ktoré sedia práve tam s trochu blond vlasmi. Spomínam si, jeden z najžalostnejších pohľadov, ktorý som kedy videl v mojom živote, bol v Mexiku, kam skúsime podniknúť tie cesty túto zimu, ak to bude možné. Pamätám sa, že sme išli cez hranicu do Juarez. To bolo prvýkrát, čo som bol v Mexiku. A keď sme, brat Moore a ja, prešli tú hranicu a vošli tam, išiel som dolu ulicou. Och, tí ľudia na uliciach, tuberkulóza a všetko možné. A načiahol som sa dolu a skúsil som im dať peniaze a uchopiť ich za ruku. Ó, ako tam tá tuberkulóza udierala. Chcel som im to povedať, no nemohli ma rozumieť, ich jazyk, a nemohli ma rozumieť. Odtiahli sa. Boli vyľakaní ako... Išiel som dolu tou ulicou. Šli sme dolu okolo nejakého kostola. A, ó, to bolo veľmi biedne.

19Videli sme malého chlapca, ktorý tam balil vrecia starých zhnitých zemiakov, na malom...?... dolu na ulici. Poviem vám, to by vám spravilo, že by ste sa cítili, že nie ste dobrý na nič, keď by ste to videli. Všimol som si ďalšiu pozoruhodnú vec. Bol tam malý chlapec. Nemal na sebe šaty, ale len kabát. Mal nejaký starý plagát, zviazal to všetko s kopou roztrhaného papiera. Načiahol sa do nejakého odpadkového koša, niečo vytiahol, a vytriasol z toho vodu, viete, a vyhrabal tam niečo a pozeral sa na to. Takmer všetci z nich boli čiastočne slepí. Takto na to pozeral a položil to do malej deravej nádoby od niečoho. Jeho stará mama tam stála, bosá, a jej nohy vyzerali ako keby sa ťahali po zemi, mozoľnaté ako len mohli byť, na sebe mala omotaný kus nejakej starej špinavej šatky, stála tam a zohrievala si ruky. A on sa znovu načiahol dolu, aby to ohmatával. Povedal som "Idem sa na to pozrieť." Oni povedali, "Ó, nemal by si tam ísť." Povedali, "Oni..."

20Išiel som tam. Čo to bolo, tento malý Mexický chlapec tam vybral drobné kúsky zemiakov, asi takéto, zo dna rozliatej plechovky. Keď Mexiko niečo zahadzuje, to je skutočne zlé. Ale on ich mal asi pol tucta. Tak, a on sa smial a oni sa smiali. Pozerali na svoje zemiaky. Pomyslel som si, "Ó, a ja som prišiel z tade a moji bratia zaplatili prinajmenej okolo sedemdesiatpäť centov alebo jeden dolár za moje raňajky, keď sme prešli hranice." Pozrel som na toho biedneho malého chlapca. Ja... Vyzeral, ako by mu srdce prekypovalo. Tak, mohol to byť malý Mexičan. Ale on vyhladne práve tak, ako malý Američan. Keď je hladný, je práve tak hladný. Skutočne. A Ježiš zomrel za neho práve tak isto, ako On zomrel za každého z nás. A pozrel som na neho, pomyslel som si, "Biedne malé stvorenie. Čo ak by to bol môj malý Billy Paul." Hľadel som na neho...

21A ja som išiel hore, tam, kde bol, a tá stará mama ma videla prichádzať. No, asi to bola stará mama. Cúvla dozadu. A dotkol som sa toho chlapca, takto. A, ó, vyskočil na ulicu, mysliac si, že niekto ho ide prebodnúť alebo niečo, za to, že vzal tie zemiaky. Díval sa. A jeho malé oči so slzami, takto sa triasol a ako pozeral na mňa...?... Držal som toho chlapca...?... A ukázal som na nebo, držiac svoju ruku na srdci. A dal som mu poznať, že som kazateľ. Takto som to ukazoval. A...?...všetci naokolo, videli, čo sa tam deje. A ja som si kľakol. Vedel som, že je katolík, tak ako všetci tam sú katolíci, pretože som ich videl robiť kríže, viete, na moje srdce. Zadržal som svoj... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

22Cez všetky lavice. Jednoducho urobili obeť lásky ... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] Videl som kde...?... viete, prechádza tými rukami. A on začal ísť spolu s ním. Siahol som dolu, siahol som dolu, a dolu jeho malé vrecko... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

23A išiel som hore. Siahol som do svojho vrecka, mal som okolo, ó, päť alebo šesť dolárov v poldolároch a štvrťdolároch, a nejaké veci, ktoré som mal vo svojom vrecku. A držal som jeho malé ruky. A povedal som mu, aby takto držal svoje takto, viete. A pozeral na mňa, viete. A konečne som dosiahol, aby držal svoje malé ruky. A zložil som to všetko do jeho malých rúk. A on na to takto pozeral. Zohol sa a pozorne sa na to díval. Chvíľu tam stál, položil to do svojho malého vrecka a takto na mňa pozrel hore, sňal si svoju malú čiapku, kľakol si na kolená a chytil ma za ruku. Ó. Povedal som, "Nech ťa Boh žehná, drahý. Navštívim ťa znovu v jednom z týchto dní, tak skoro ako budem môcť." To je pravda.

24Máme tak veľa vecí, čo by sme mohli spraviť s peniazmi, ak by sme to len my, Američania, urobili. Viete to? To je pravda. Kde to je skutočne potrebné, kde je utrpenie a strádanie. Chúdence... Brat Gordon a ja, ak bude Pán chcieť, tak okolo vianoc, pôjdeme tam dolu navštíviť týchto ľudí. Boh je ku nám milosrdný, však? My Američania ani nevieme, ako sme dobre zaopatrení. To je pravda. Poznať tú potrebu tohoto sveta, ako sú oni v potrebe. A my už máme hojnosť a ... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] Bezcitní. On povedal. "Bol Som hladný a nedali ste mi jesť. Bol Som nahý a neodiali ste ma. Bol Som v žalári a nenavštívili ste ma. Kedy si bol, Pane? Nakoľko ste toho neučinili jednému z týchto Mojich najmenších, ani mne ste neučinili.." Je to pravda?

25V poriadku. A teraz, začneme modlitebný rad, pretože sa chcem dnes večer modliť za chorých práve toľko, koľko len bude možné. Začíname dnes večer o tridsaťpäť minút skôr, pretože sa chcem modliť tak dlho ako budem môcť. Chcem ísť, pretože sa mám dostať do postele skutočne skoro, aby som ráno v kľude vyrazil, aby som sa zajtra večer dostal naspäť domov na služby. Tak nech znova skloníme naše hlavy, ak chcete. Priatelia, môžete sa príliš veľa smiať, môžete príliš veľa hovoriť, môžete príliš veľa chodiť, ale nikdy sa nebudete príliš veľa modliť. "Chcem tedy, aby sa mužovia modlili na každom mieste a pozdvihovali sväté ruky bez..."

26Náš nebeský Otče, prichádzame ku koncu sedemnástich večerov služieb, jednej z najdlhších služieb, akú Si kedy dovolil Tvojmu služobníkovi mať. A teraz, zajtra večer je tu ďalšia s bratom Lindsayom a bratom Hallom. Otče, prosíme, aby Si sa tu s nimi stretol. Požehnaj týchto dvoch drahých kresťanských bratov. Nech moc Ducha Svätého je blízko, aby oslobodila chorých a skľúčených, tých, ktorí nemohli byť dnes večer tu. Prosíme Ťa dnes večer, očisti celú budovu, Otče, každú chorú osobu. Nech sa deje veľké vyliatie Ducha. Mnoho stoviek, všetci, ktorí sú v potrebe dnes večer, nech sú dnes večer vyslobodení tu na pódiu, Pane, a v publiku na ich sedadlách.

27A ako svedčila naša malá sestra stojac úplne v zadu, ďaleko v zadnej časti budovy, že Boh prišiel ku nej dole, s tými skríženými očami, ktoré boli skrížené od jej detstva, že sa úplne narovnali. Moc Ducha Božieho to vzala preč. Boh, bez váhania sa pohla vierou napred a jej mladé srdce zostalo požehnané idúc teraz kdekoľvek, prišla všetkými tými cestami sem hore, len aby prišla povedať, "Ježiš uzdravuje." On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky. Pomyslite na to malé dievča tam, skrížené oči, slepá, žalúdočné problémy, ktoré boli uzdravené. A Ty si tomu dovolil, aby to bolo umiestnené do veľkej knihy Toho, Ktorý Je. Ó Bože, ďakujeme Ti za tvoje zľutovanie a dobrotu. Buď s nami tento večer, budeš, Otče? Vylej Tvojho Svätého Ducha na nás a daj nám veľké vyslobodenie dnes večer, pretože to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.

28A teraz, každý dnes večer, chcem, aby sme sa len skúsili zhodnúť na tejto jednej veci, že Boh Je tu. Som zvedavý, či mi to sľúbite pred tým, ako sa začneme modliť za chorých. Ak mi to sľúbite a poviete, "Ak sa ma Boh dotkne tento posledný večer, vstanem, a práve vtedy si budem nárokovať svoje uzdravenie. Nech najprv tá viera zakotví v mojom srdci, Pane, tu prichádzam." Pamätáte na tých malomocných, ktorí sedeli v bráne? Oni povedali, "Prečo tu sedíme až dovtedy, kým nezomrieme? Urobme s tým niečo." A teraz, urobte to isté dnes večer. Urobme s tým niečo. Jeho prítomnosť tu... Minulý večer tam sedelo jedno malé hluché dievča. A tá matka, ó, ako sa dívala, ako sa pokúšala... Mohol som cítiť to tiahnutie, tiahnutie. Potom jednoducho, každý sa tam do toho dostal, že bol... začali tiahnuť. A viem, že niektorí z nich prestali. Otočil som sa dookola a povedal som, "Niekto tam, niekoľkí z nich sú uzdravení. Neviem len povedať, ktorí to boli.

29Tá matka sa otočila a hovorila ku tomu dieťaťu a so slzami kotúľajúcimi sa po jej lícach priniesla tú kartu hore. Povedala, "Moje dieťa počuje." Vidíte to? To je to. To je to, len choďte, veriac z celého svojho srdca. To bude tak. To je vaša viera, ktorá vás činí zdravými. Nie je to pravda? Vaša viera, iným spôsobom nemôžete byť uzdravení, len skrze vieru. Tak nech Boh požehná tieto ľudské srdcia tu... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

V poriadku. A teraz, chceme sa pokúsiť dostať toľkých, koľkých len bude možné... Môžeš sa sám zavolať. Dávam to pre dnešný večer do jeho rúk. [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] ...?... modliť sa aby mu Boh pomohol urobiť tú voľbu.

30 V poriadku. A teraz, koľko kariet ste rozdali, sto? Verím, že možno potom, ako prejdeme modlitebný rad, ktorý pôjde za krátku chvíľu, že možno sa nebudeme musieť s tým tak dlho zdržovať. Potom ich len nechajte, aby rovno prišli a celá tá skupina bude uzdravená. Nebolo by úžasné vidieť to? Zvykli sme mať...

Koľkí boli niekedy v jednom z týchto rýchlych modlitebných radov? Čo, keď sme zvyknutí mať rýchle rady, potom... Prešli sme tam cez nich a svedectvá sa len tak hrnuli. Jediná vec, ktorú oni chceli urobiť, bola len dostať sa blízko vás. Len sa tam dostať, keď to pomazanie bolo prítomné, potom oni sami privolali svoje požehnanie a odišli radujúci sa. A boli uzdravení. Vidíte?

31Ten mosadzný had sa nemohol za niktorého z nich modliť, že? Rybník Bethesda, ten anjel sa nemodlil za niktorého z nich. To bola rozbúrená voda. Je to pravda? Oni len pozreli a žili skrze toho mosadzného hada. A vo dňoch apoštolov boli položení do Petrovho tieňa a boli uzdravení.

A teraz, či neveríte, že toto je znova biblický čas, ktorý sa len opakuje? V týchto posledných dňoch, Boh vyvoláva ľudí z pohanov. On volá na Židov a pohanskú cirkev, tá istá vec, zmluva.

32 V tých starých dňoch, keď bola uzatvorená zmluva, viete, čo oni urobili? Všimnite si. Boh mi len hovorí, aby som toto povedal, ja neviem. Nejaká osoba išla a napísala nejakú zmluvu na kúsok papiera. Oni spísali tú zmluvu. A potom na tej zmluve, napísali, čo to bolo, čo oni išli urobiť, potom roztrhli ten papier vo dvoje, a zabili nejaké zviera. Tí mu... A nad týmto zvieraťom roztrhli tú zmluvu. Jednu časť dali jednej osobe, druhú časť tej druhej osobe.

A keď sa zišli spolu... Keď táto zmluva bola prinesená spolu, to musel byť presne ten istý kus papiera, roztrhnutý cez tie písmená a muselo sa to jednoducho presne s tým spojiť, lebo inak by tá zmluva bola neplatná. Vidíte, tá zmluva by bola neplatná. Ten istý kus papiera, ktorý bol odtrhnutý, musel prísť rovno naspäť a byť presne spojený s tým druhým takto, to bolo dokonalé. A potom, ako ich dôkaz, zabili zviera, keď urobili svoje čestné prehlásenia.

33A teraz, Boh urobil zmluvu s ľuďmi tohoto sveta. Preto On poslal Syna Božieho a zabil Ho na Golgote. Veríte tomu? "My všetci sme zblúdili jako ovce. Boh uvalil na Neho neprávosť všetkých nás. Bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení." To bola Božia zmluva s cirkvou. Je to pravda? Potom Boh zabil Baránka na Golgote. Veríte tomu? On Ho roztrhol. Vzal časť z Toho, to telo hore do slávy, posadil Ho po pravici Majestátu. Veríte tomu? A Ducha Svätého, On poslal späť ku ľuďom. Je to pravda?

Potom, keď to prichádza dokopy, keď je táto zmluva spojená v dni súdu, ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý padol na deň Letníc sa zoskupuje okolo skupiny ľudí, To pôjde naspäť do toho istého Tela, do presného spojenia priamo do toho istého Tela. To je zmluva.

34Tak preto ten istý Duch, ktorý bol v tom dni, je tu dnes. Dejú sa tie isté znamenia, divy, zázraky. Takí istí ľudia veria tým istým spôsobom. Keď oni videli apoštola Petra a rozpoznali ho, dostali v ňom dar od Boha, keď on vyvolal a povedal ľuďom, čo oni urobili... A oni rozpoznali, on povedal Ananiášovi a Zafire ich hriechy. On vedel, čo Boh položil do jeho srdca aby urobil. A potom v tom, po ich rozpoznaní, ten modlitebný rad sa stal tak veľký, až sa Peter nemohol za nich modliť, a oni kládli tých ľudí na ulice, že dokonca ten starý rybár, nie nejaký veľký D.D., ale starý rybár, ktorého tieň prešiel cez nich. A každý jeden, cez ktorého prešiel jeho tieň, bol uzdravený. Tu sme. Nie je na to žiadne Písmo. Nebolo žiadne potom. Ale Boh ich uzdravil, pretože rešpektovali evanjelium Ježiša Krista. A On bude robiť tú istú vec dnes večer. To nebol Peter. To bol... Oni rešpektovali Boha, ktorého on reprezentoval. Je to pravda? To je to, Kto to bol. A jeho tieň prešiel cez nich a oni boli uzdravení, pretože tomu verili.

35 My sme znova naspäť v tých istých dňoch, Boh sa pohybuje cez svojich ľudí, veľkými znameniami a divmi. A teraz, vy nemusíte ležať v tieni, ale vy ste dnes večer pod týmto stanom, okolo neho, kde je Duch Svätý prítomný. Len to nechajte prejsť cez vás. Potom povstaňte, povedzte, "Áno, verím tomu. Práve teraz to prijímam." Buď uzdravený. Amen. Veríš tomu, sestra? Veríš? Ten nádor ťa veľmi sužoval, však? Áno. Či ťa ten nádor netrápil? V poriadku. Avšak teraz je to mŕtve, sestra. Boh ťa uzdravil, pretože si uverila. Maj vieru v Boha. Amen. Ó, aké úžasné. On je – On je tu a môže uzdraviť všetky veci. Len majte vieru. Boh vám to udelí. Ó, ako to teraz prichádza. Ó, ľudia. Chceli by ste, aby ste mohli jednoducho len... Ak... Pozrite. Poviem vám, čo. Ak ste sa len trochu báli, vezmite dnes večer moje slovo, dobre? Vezmite moje slovo a skutkom urobte, čo vám hovorím, a ja budem zodpovedný za vás v deň súdu. Vidíte? To je pravda. Ak budete veriť Ježišovi Kristovi z celého svojho srdca a veriť, že On vás teraz uzdravil, a prijmete Ho týmto spôsobom, to je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Choďte ďalej vydávajúc svedectvo, hovoriac o vašom uzdravení, a choďte priamo a Boh nechá, aby ste boli vyslobodení. To je pravda. Chvála Pánovi.

36Pozrel som dozadu na zástup, len aby som videl, kde to prichádza. Cestou zozadu, ďalej zozadu než z kadiaľ som ja kedy mohol prísť. To je skutočne pravda. Niekto na tejto ceste tu bol len pred chvíľou práve uzdravený z rakoviny. Nie som si istý. Myslím, že to je tá pani tam s tým bielym klobúkom, práve tam, práve tam. Som... Je to presne tam v tej časti. Pani, ty si mala rakovinu, sedíš presne tam, tá žena zodvihla svoju ruku. Bol to prípad rakoviny? Mala si rakovinu? V poriadku. Odišlo to od teba, drahá sestra. To ťa opustilo. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Amen. V poriadku. Povedzme, "Chvála Pánovi" Ó, ďalší prípad rakoviny rovno tu. Neprijmeš to tiež ty s tou sennou nádchou? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Je to pravda? Povstaň. Vidím ťa...?...Tu si. Si od toho voľný. Ty, sestra, s tým prípadom rakoviny. Povstaň. Ježiš Kristus uzdravuje a robí... Prečo, ó, mohli by ste sa postaviť cez celú túto budovu, ak by ste len tomu práve teraz verili. On je tu s ohromnou mocou. Ó, Ježišu, Synu Boží, Autor života, Darca každého dobrého daru, pošli Svoje požehnania na týchto ľudí. Nech sa znamenia a divy dejú dnes večer v mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to, Otče. Halleluja.

37Ó, pozrite. Som zvedavý, koľkí z vás tomuto práve teraz uverili. Keby sme zišli rovno tu dolu, a len nechali ľudí prejsť a položili na nich svoje ruky, aby boli požehnaní, aby boli uzdravení. Koľkí tomu veria, zodvihnite vaše ruky. Bolo vám to potvrdené? Veríte? Hovoril som vám, minulého večera som sa vás toto spýtal. Ak sa tieto veci nestali tým spôsobom, ako som to povedal prvého večera, volajte ma falošným prorokom. Koľkí tu boli v ten prvý večer a počuli ma to povedať, zodvihnete vaše ruky? Povedal som, že ak sa to stane, potom verte Bohu. Je to pravda? Dobre, stali sa? Je to pravda? V poriadku. A teraz, pozrite. Ježiš Kristus povedal toto, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Nasledovať koho? "Tých, ktorí veria, keď budú klásť svoje ruky na chorých (nie modliť sa za nich) a oni budú uzdravení. Sú to posledné slová, ktoré On povedal? Posledné zasľúbenie, ktoré On dáva cirkvi predtým, ako vystúpil do neba. Je to pravda? On povedal, "Ak nájdete veriacich, a oni položia svoje ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." A teraz, chcem sa vás opýtať: Máte dnes večer dosť viery?

38Ak by som sa len dostal rovno tu dolu do tejto uličky, stál rovno tu dolu, a len tam stál a modlil sa. A na každého, kto prichádza, položil ruky na tú osobu a nechal ich... A ak ste dostali vieru, aby ste povedali, že idete napred a ste uzdravení, vyjdite odtiaľto radujúci sa a chváľte Boha. Urobím to, ak ma len Boh alebo niekto podrží, aby som to urobil. Ak chcete, aby som to urobil, som.. Som tu, aby som vám slúžil s takou kapacitou, akú potrebujete... Koľkí by radšej mali toto, ako len ísť dopredu do obvyklej modlitebnej rady, zodvihli by ste vaše ruky? Teraz cez celú budovu, chcel by som to vidieť. V poriadku. Pozri, Howard. Teraz opačne. Koľkí by radšej išli dopredu s obvyklou modlitebnou radou a vyvolali určité veci. Ak to je... zložte svoje ruky. V poriadku. Pôjdeme do radu a aby sme sa potom modlili za všetkých týchto ľudí. Amen.

39Len chvíľu. Len... Ja... spýtal som sa ich ešte niečo. Ó. Verte teraz z celých svojich sŕdc. A teraz pozrite. Písmo hovorí, "tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, ak oni položia svoje ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." Je to pravda? Kde sú moji bratia slúžiaci Slovom? Poďte sem. Dnes večer uvidíte slávu Božiu. Tak veru. Chcem, aby ste prišli rovno sem dolu. Chcem sa dostať rovno dolu ku tým ľuďom. Kvôli všetkým týmto ľuďom, niektorým z nich sediacich tu, niektorým z týchto biednych ľudí, ktorí dokonca ani nedostali modlitebný lístok. A teraz, každý jeden je jednoducho – je na chvíľu skutočne úctivý. Stojte tam. Ja budem – idem rovno dolu ku vám. Len urobte dvojrad z čisto – teraz len zo slúžiacich bratov, nie – nie ostatní z nich, len slúžiaci bratia. Budeme musieť urobiť rad, tak oni prídu tadeto. Len zachvíľu, môj brat začne vyvolávať čísla, aby najprv dostal všetky tie modlitebné lístky. A potom začneme od tých modlitebných lístkov, aby sa potom dostali tí ostatní z nich, ktorí nedostali modlitebné lístky. Teraz ste, každá osoba je jednoducho úctivá. Každý jeden stoj len – len tak úctivo, ako môžeš.

40A teraz, nech vidíme, koľko modlitebných lístkov sme v budove rozdali. Nech vidíme vaše ruky. Je to pravdepodobne sto až stopäťdesiat modlitebných lístkov. A teraz, najprv, dáme modlitebné lístky do radu po číslach, a dáme im miesto, len čo sa na chvíľu zastavíme. Potom chcem, aby Howard alebo niekto sa tu postavil, lebo ja budem hovoriť... Možno niektorý slúžiaci brat zastane tu na tomto pódiu. A hneď, ako tie modlitebné lístky dôjdu do konca, potom len zachovajte celú skupinu zoradenú a prejdite z jedného konca na druhý a modlite sa za, prechádzajúc z jedného konca na druhý, aby ste sa pomodlili za každého jedného a položili ruky... A teraz, musíte teraz vedieť. Ste si istí, že veríte? Ste si istí? Ste presvedčení, že ten Duch, ktorý sa tu pohybuje, je Pán Ježiš Kristus? Ste presvedčení? Veríte v ten Božský dar, ktorý Boh dal? Veríte, že to prichádza od Boha? Veríte? Potom, ak som vám hovoril pravdu počas celých sedemnásť večerov, potom vám teraz hovorím pravdu. Či nie? Poviem vám toto: Ak každá osoba teraz tu, sa odovzdá Bohu, práve teraz Bohu... Vidíte, odovzdajte sa Bohu. A jediná vec, ktorú musíte, musíte vyplniť Slovo...

41A Teraz, Biblia povedala, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Je to pravda? Keď oni..." A teraz, to sú posledné slová, ktoré dal Ježiš cirkvi. "Keď položia svoje ruky na chorých..." Čo sa stane? "Oni budú uzdravení." A teraz, ak sa objavia príznaky, čo by ste povedali? "Je napísané." Je to pravda? Ste hotoví s vašou vierou povedať, "Som teraz hotový odovzdať sa Bohu v tejto veci." Ak ste, pozdvihnete svoje ruky? A teraz, On... Teraz sa mu odovzdávate, aby ste išli rovno podľa poriadku, jednoducho ako vodný krst, jednoducho ako každé ďalšie nariadenie dané cirkvi – Večera Pánova.

42 Toto je sväté nariadenie dané cirkvi, že, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak oni položia svoje ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." A teraz, to nebolo, že som to ja povedal, to bol Ježiš, ktorý to povedal. A teraz, prvá vec, ktorú musíte urobiť, je úplne sa odovzdať Kristovi a odovzdať svoju myseľ Jeho Slovu. "Pane, nebudem konať podľa svojich vlastných pocitov, podľa svojich vlastných myšlienok. Budem konať len podľa Tvojho Slova. Nebudem ohľadne toho ovládaný svojimi vlastnými myšlienkami. Budem konať podľa tvojho Slova." A teraz, uchyťte to správne. Tak, vy nejdete dolu a nehovoríte, "Dobre, stratil som svoje uzdravenie." Ak to urobíš, brat, to bude horšie, ako keby si vôbec neurobil svoje odovzdanie sa. Stojíte práve teraz. Pamätajte, práve ako prichádzate do cirkvi, vy musíte urobiť toto odovzdanie a povedať, "Pane, Bože neba, ja budem stáť na Tvojom Slove, tak mi pomôž, až kým posledná kvapka krvi alebo dychu opustí moje telo." Vidíte? Veríš, keď tvoje dieťa prechádza cez ten rad, že ono bude uzdravené, sestra? Veríš tomu? Skutočne, ono už je uzdravené, ale chcem, aby si nejako prešla cez ten rad. Zostalo to uzdravené pred chvíľou. V poriadku. Ale jednoducho chcem, aby si prešla cez to, tak nasleduj obvyklú... A teraz, každý z vás, ktorý chce urobiť toto odovzdanie sa, položte svoju ruku na svoje srdce, takto. Tí, ktorí stojíte tu, ktorí nemôžete, položte tam svoje ruky. A teraz, zodvihnite svoju ruku. A teraz, odovzdajte sa teraz Bohu, že od tejto chvíle veríte, že ste uzdravení mocou Všemohúceho Boha. Urobíte to?

43Všemohúci Bože, teraz ti odovzdávam toto, ako tvoj pokorný sluha, v Mene Ježiša Krista...?... Syna živého Boha, Ktorý vytrpel krvácanie a smrť pod tým – kvôli odpusteniu našich hriechov a uzdraveniu nášho tela... Kto uveril našej správe? Komu je zjavené rameno Pánove? Tu to je dnes večer. Oni veria správe. Rameno Pánove je zjavené. Veríme v Pána Ježiša Krista, a teraz kárame každého ducha, ktorý je z diabla, ktorý by zväzoval týchto ľudí v mene Ježiša Krista, Syna živého Boha. Nech ich to opustí, Pane Bože, ako oni prechádzajú cez tento rad, a my kladieme na nich svoje ruky. Nech je také isté zhromaždenie dnes večer, aké bolo v uliciach Jeruzalema, a tieň Petra prešiel cez tých ľudí. My, Kresťania z pohanov, veríme tomu daru. Veríme Bohu. Veríme práve tak, ako oni verili vtedy. A sme jednoducho tak vďační. A Pane Bože, nech tvoja moc prejde cez toto poslucháčstvo a uzdraví každú osobu v tejto budove. A ako oni idú cez tento rad, nech povstanú volajúc a chváliac Boha pre Jeho slávu. V mene Ježiša Krista, Jeho Syna, to prosíme. Amen.

44V poriadku. A teraz, on dá do poradia tie lístky. A chcem, aby ste... Pozrite. Chcete stále ešte niečo pre mňa urobiť? Keď sa vás dotkne prvá ruka, zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, "Vďaka Ti, Ježišu." Choďte rovno von cez budovu chváliac... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] hovoriac Bohu, "Vďaka Ti, Ježišu. Vďaka Ti." Nemáte už nič, ale chvály Božie neustále prechádzajú vaším srdcom po celý čas. Tak veru. Tak, odovzdávam tu teraz službu bratovi, zatiaľ čo idem tu dolu ku tomu radu, aby sme začali toto... [ je volaný modlitebný rad –pozn.prekl.]

45Myslím, že môžem povedať z môjho srdca, že tak mnoho ľudí bolo uzdravených. To je najväčší rýchly rad, aký som kedy videl v mojom živote prechádzať. A teraz, mohol by som povedať, že prinajmenej osemdesiat alebo deväťdesiat percent ľudí, ktorí prešli cez tento rad sú práve teraz uzdravení. Skontroloval som to cez ich ruky. Skúšal som ich chytiť za ruku, aby som cítil, uchytil tie vibrácie, a oni boli tak čistí, ako len mohli byť, keď som prechádzal okolo. Prakticky každý jeden, ktorý prešiel cez ten rad, je už uzdravený. Boh, ktorý je môj Sudca, pred Ktorým stojím, vie, že hovorím to, čo je pravda. Vidím slepého muža, ktorý bol na zhromaždeniach dlhý čas, teraz tu prechádza okolo. Pozrite, ako on vidí, ktorí stojíte tu na blízku, tu pred nami. Povedzme, "Vďaka Ti za to, Pane."

46A teraz, myslím, že to, čo by mali oni urobiť, je, aby všetci tí bratia... zoraďme sa. A každý nech položí svoje ruky na tých ľudí, ktorí sú na pojazdných lôžkach, a dovoľte mi prísť dolu ku vám. Všetci slúžiaci bratia nech sa rozostúpia. A každý nech sa teraz za týchto ľudí modlí. A teraz, vy ktorí ste na tých pojazdných kreslách a na tých lôžkach, keď je prosené za vás v modlitbe, verte z celého svojho srdca. Nech vás Boh žehná. Pozrite, priatelia, z hlbín môjho srdca vás milujem s kresťanskou – vrelo z kresťanskej lásky. Úžasné. A teraz, ako ste rozostúpení. Nech všetci ľudia sklonia svoje hlavy, zatiaľ čo sa budeme modliť.

1 So happy to be here. Sorry it's the last night of this... No, it isn't the last night. We got Sunday yet, haven't we (That's right.), Sunday afternoon and Sunday night. That's very fine. So I'm happy that we have that. Because... Yes, sir. And tomorrow night also. Friday night, Saturday night we rest then. Then Sunday night--Sunday afternoon, Sunday night.

You make the announcements...?... regards...?... when the services start...?... That's very fine. And now, we're going to expect a great time.

I've got to leave here by 3:30 or 4:00 in the morning, and drive two hundred miles to be in the service tomorrow night, and then come back. And the next day, be back here for Sunday the following day. And then, two services right one after the other.

2 But it's a glorious thing to be serving Jesus Christ, the Son of God, truly happy to be here. I believe tonight that if this would be our last night on--on the earth to be together, why, we still have the testimony of the Lord Jesus, don't we? We sure believe Him with all of our hearts.

Now, we're going to ask this question just now. How many has been healed in this meeting, that feels that you've been healed, let's see your hands? That's very fine.

3 Just awhile ago, I said, "One thing of leaving people, just about the time you get acquainted with people, then you have to say good-bye." But it's not good-bye in our services...?... it's for--for a little while.

And you've been so nice to me, and everything, so I'm really sorry that our services close.

And I said to my little girl today; she's ready to go. She's just wants to go home right away after... There's no children to play with.

And I said, "Honey, do you want to go home?"

She said, "No, daddy, I like it up here."

So I... She's just fine. Everybody's babying her and everything, so she's really glad to stay. And... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...

4 Home church of Brother Rediger, one of the gallant heroes of faith in days gone by. His daughter is...?... Eagle...?... passing...?... God had made her well. She's...?... marry this month. And a very lovely girl...

Mister Bosworth, Fred Bosworth. Now, many of you are acquainted with him...?... I'm sure he's here. A very fine Christian brother... And he's one of our...?... that goes with us, Brother Bosworth. And he was with me then as a manager.

And I remember when I met him in Miami, Florida. He was just done give up all Divine healing, and laid back, I guess he was done seventy something years old. So when he... He had me come over to a service, and see it, why, the old fellow got just a boy again. And I said to him, "How old are you, Brother Bosworth?"

5 One night standing down by the--a hotel in Miami. I'd just walked out, looking out over the beach; it's just wintertime. Just as straight, you know, when he went walking away, just with the spring of a young man, you know. Here I was of about one third his age and dragging along. He looked down at me.

I said, "Brother Bosworth, when were you your best?"

He said, "Right now." He said, "Brother Branham, I'm just a kid living in an old house."

And--and that's Brother Bosworth. You know, he's a great joker. And he and his... Fred, and Brother...?... also.

6 In a meeting Mrs. Bosworth, his wife, was selling books at a bookstand at the entrance to the tabernacle, when there was a--a young lady, named...?... Bryan, cross-eyed. And she said, "I've tried to get a prayer card..." And all she had done to try to get in a line, but it was... It was no use. She was failing.

I believe that was the last night, the night the man was healed of multiple sclerosis, that sent the word to King George of England, which I have his statement. God had healed him. And the man had been bed patient ten years with multiple sclerosis. He's perfectly well tonight, glorifying God.

The little girl was crying, a young lady. And Mrs. Bosworth said, "Honey, you--you don't understand." That's right. Some words to that. Said, "Now, you--you don't need a prayer card. If you'll just walk right out here and stand in the aisle," and said, "you just believe it with all your heart that God is going to make you whole, and," said, "God will speak to Brother Branham up on the platform."

7 And I was having a prayer line, coming down the prayer line. And the girl though, just very polite, you know, and had... She walked out... Last night of the service... She walked out there, and just got a hold of God. And all of a sudden, I feel something come on me, and pulled me around. She was standing way farther than the distance of this building here.

I said, "All right, sister, God has healed you of those crossed-eyes." Both eyes come straight. The girl's here in the building somewhere. I wished she'd just come forward, if you're hearing my voice, sister...?... Somewhere... Here she is, right here now.

Let us say, "Praise the Lord." Everybody. [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.] [The sister testifies--Ed.]

God's made her eyes...?... now. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Everybody. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...

8 Lasts just as long as faith lasts. That's it. When you get weak in faith, it will come right back again. Whenever you get weak in faith, your sins will return right to you again, the same old desires, only worse. Is that right? So go and believe.

The little lady was standing way away from me. And her faith... See, her faith touched God. God had said the only thing you have to do is speak to her now, and...?... there come her eyes straight. She's well...

Now, thousands of those cases... I believe we had four hundred and sixty some odd cross-eyed cases, cases of Divine healing, by cross-eyes, which was perfectly straight and normal. And it's making less than a year in the services we have in town...?... Mister Moore's been...?... Cross-eyed people that was healed. We're so thankful for that, and for all.

9 I see a little baby setting here now, its little feet in plaster paris. Little baby...

She remembers at Fort Wayne that night, a little baby was there, and his little feet was so clubbed. Oh, my. It was horrible. They had it in braces. The doctor said, it would always be that way.

When it passed through the line, I said, "Sister, now go and take those things off." See?

Here come the baby walking back just as normal as it could be. Stood her up on the platform. There's his little feet just as straight, went right on. It's marvelous what the Lord Jesus can do for us, if we'll just only have faith and believe. That's all. Just believe.

10 Now, I wish to read just a little bit of the Word. And again I... Before leaving this part of the service in this tent, the old tent's been a blessing to us. And I'm very thankful for it. And I--I pray that God will let it stand many, many great storms...?... along. May many souls be saved under it. And the...?... to go from this meeting to pay with the tent, and...?... while I was here. Very thankful for it--for it. It goes only for Gospel use. It's owned by the Voice of Healing, Shreveport, Louisiana. It'll not be used for circuses and things like that. It'll be used for the Gospel.

And the men who use it, they rent it. We rent it. Pay the rent in, the rent pays for the tent. And that when that comes to pass that all that's taken care, we add more sections to it. Just keep on like that. Then the--the money that would come in from rent there, will just keep going for different things and just move just right along.

Always, the non-profit organization, the "Voice of Healing." Brother Lindsay is the editor, and Brother Moore is a co-editor, and Sister Anna Jeanne Moore is a circulating editor. It's a little paper that carries all the--the--any group that's having Divine healing services in these last days.

11 All right. In Isaiah 53, is one of my favorite Scriptures. Just...?... time to read it tonight. It's so appropriate right now.

Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of... dry ground: he has no form nor comeliness... when you should see him... we see him, there is no beauty we should desire him.

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrow... acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he has borne our grief... carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquity: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

All we like sheep has gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

12 Shall we pray. Our heavenly Father, just reading the Word now, may the Holy Spirit take the Words now and go right into the hearts of the people; and may they come to a full realization, this night here under the tent, that it's Jesus that we speak of. He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.

Oh, how we love Him with all of our hearts. With gratefulness, we come to bow our heads to the dust of the earth from which we were taken, and someday shall return, if the Lord does tarry.

And I ask You, Father, to bless us tonight, and will move upon us in a great marvelous way, and may many great healings be done tonight, because of His Presence. May those dear people here reach right out, take a hold, Lord. Grant it, Lord. And there, hold to the Rock of Ages until the power of the Lord sweeps them through the gate out into the freedom, out of the clutches of the enemy, till they're free from sin and sickness. Grant it, Father. Hear the prayer of Your servant as we pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

13 This is... Tonight, we won't take much time to say many words, only I want to thank all had a part in the service. I want to thank the cooperating ministers. God bless them. These strangers here ought to attend their church. Give them a visit, a calling. And I'm sure they're--that they're good God saved men, sent of God.

Never have had a place that ministers and people were in harmony and love than this group of men. And the audience has been wonderful, just...

I've never have called one person down, only to keep their head bowed. I marvel at that. Usually in meetings sometimes, God has to send in...?... a half a dozen or more, to make them come to the respect. Now, that's... This here, the people just reverent, believe with one heart and one accord. That's the way to do it. And now, that's wonderful.

14 And all of our expenses has been met. We're just thankful to you. They gave me a love offering which I appreciate from the depths of my heart, to anything those...

Someone wrote me a little letter awhile ago. And, my, if they didn't tear me up about Sunday afternoon's meeting. Oh, my. Some lady. She said, "I come to see miracles, not hear about what something happened in somebody's life."

With that attitude, sister, you'll never see them, until one's been performed on you, and that's when you get converted. That's right. That's right. 'Cause your heart's not right with God have something like that. The attitude towards it proves it. The fruit--taste of the pudding is the fruit thereof. So notice, "By their fruit ye shall know them."

15 Now. And now, we've had glorious success for Jesus Christ. Do you know, Jesus has done more here than He could do in His own city, hasn't He? For there was no mighty works Jesus could do in His own city. And in this city, He's done mighty works, hasn't He? So He's had more success in this city than He did in His own city.

Think of that. Jesus Christ, after nineteen hundred years, has had more success in Cleveland, Ohio in six weeks meetings here, or a three week's meeting than He did in His life's journey in His own city. Think of that.

Goes to show that the glorious Old Gospel Ship has the same power it had in the beginning (That's right.) where men and women will believe on them. Now, we're thankful for that, and pray that God will bless all of you.

16 And I hope to see you Sunday afternoon. And Sunday afternoon is preaching service. If the Lord doesn't change my mind, I want to speak on the subject of the return of the prodigal son, for Sunday afternoon. And come out if you're in...?... And then... Then we...

Then Sunday night, I trust that we'll have the greatest healing service we've ever had. Just trust that the place will just be illuminated with the power of God.

Maybe I'll be a little rested after a few nights of rest now, driving Saturday night, be more able to go into the service. This way, I become dense, dull, like. And I--and I be--when I get tired and worn, the senses of this gift becomes more or less dull. I think the fellow on anything natural would. After you go so long, you become kinda dull, sense bound...?... that's the way this...?... And I trust that God will give us a great fresh start again Sunday night. Come out believing. Come out praying, everyone.

17 Thank all the ushers and the officers, and everything is cooperating, though they give me...?... this afternoon. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... a few minutes overtime. Not... I was in the parking lot, supposed to leave here at four o'clock. And I was out running around here and there. And the Lord called me on two visions today, to go out to...?... on the streets today. I was setting in the room. The Lord came down, and He said, "Go down to this corner and turn to the left and go down here and stand there. There'll be a woman come along with a gray suit on, a little white hat." Said, "She has cancer to be healed."

And there she was, coming down the street. She said, "Aren't you Reverend Branham from that tent?"

I said, "Yes."

She said, "Oh, I tried to come, but my husband won't let me come to..."

I said, "The Lord has healed you of your cancer, sister. Pass on in peace."

Said, "Oh, my." She went down the street weeping like that. See, God knows all about those things. And so it's marvelous.

18 I believe I seen a--a backslider brother come to the Lord this afternoon too, come back to the house of the Lord, to the fellowship of His--His Son, Jesus. Now, pray much.

And I was just looking at two sweet little girls setting here. Bless their little hearts...?... Just as sweet. I...?... two of the little girls just setting there with a little blond hair.

I remember one of the most pathetic sights I ever seen in my life was at Mexico, where we're going to try to make those trips this winter if possible. I remember we went across the border at Juarez. The first time I was ever in Mexico. And when Brother Moore and I, we crossed the border and went in there, I walked down the street. And oh, my, the people on the streets, TB and everything.

I reached down and tried to give them money and take hold of their hand. My, how that tubercular would be hitting. I'd try to tell them; I couldn't understand their language, and they couldn't understand mine. They pulled back. They were afraid, like... I went on down the street. We went around by some church. And oh, it was very poor.

19 We seen a little fellow there was sacking up old rotten tomatoes on a little mule and start down the street. I tell you. It would make you feel like you were no good when you seen that.

I noticed another sight. There was a little fellow there. He didn't have on no clothes, but just a coat. He had a little old bill, fastened it all full of paper all tore up. He was reaching down in an old garbage can. He's pulling out something, you know, and he'd shake the water off, and rake the things off his hand, and look at it. Nearly all of them was partly blind. He looked at it like that, and he lay it in a little bitty old bucket of a thing.

His grandmother standing there, barefooted, and her feet's like a bear on the bottom, just as calloused as it could be, piece of an old dirty shawl on, standing there keep the cold in her hands. And he'd reach down and feeled again.

And I said, "I'm going over to look at that."

They said, "Oh, you oughtn't to go over there." Said, "They..."

20 I went over there. What it was, this little Mexican boy was getting little bitty bits of potatoes, about like that, out of the bottom of the slop can there. When Mexico throws anything away, it's really bad. But he had about a half a dozen in there and he was just laughing, and they were laughing. They were looking at their potatoes.

I thought, "My..." And I just left over there. And my brethren had paid about at least seventy-five cents or a dollar for my breakfast when we crossed the border. I looked at the poor little fellow. I... Looked like their heart would just swell out of him.

Now, he might be a little Mexican. But he gets just as hungry as a little American. When he's hungry, he's just as hungry. Yes, sir. And Jesus died for him just the same as--as He died for all of us. And I looked at him; I thought, "Poor little thing. What if that was my little Billy Paul." Looked at him...

21 And I walked up to where he was, and the grandmother seen me coming up. Now, perhaps it was grandmother. She run back. And I touched the little fellow, like that. And my, he jumped out into the street, thought somebody was going to stick him or something for taking those potatoes. He looked. And his little eyes with kinda tears in them, and shaking like that, and like looking at me...?... Held the little fellow...?... I was pointing up towards heaven holding my hand over my heart. And I let him know that I was a minister. I kept pointing up like that. And...?... all around, see what was going on up there. And I--I knelt down.

I knowed he was Catholic, so all of them there are Catholic...?... I begin to make crosses, you know, on my heart. And hold up my... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

22 All across the pews, just thankful for the love offering, [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... begin to walk up those...?...

23 I walked up. I reached down in my pocket, I had about, oh, five or six dollars in halves, and quarters, and things I had in my pocket. And I had him hold his little hands down. And I told him to hold his hands like this, you know. And he looked at me, you know. And I finally got him to hold his little hands. I dumped all that in his little hands.

And he looked at it like this. He got down and looked at it close. Stood there a little bit, put it down in his little pocket, and looked up to me like that, took off his little cap, knelt down on his knees and took a hold of my hand.

Oh, my. Said, "God bless you, honey. I'll visit you again one of these days, just soon as I can." That's right.

24 We have a lot of things we could do with money, if we Americans would just do it. Do you know that? That's right. There's where it's really needed, where it's suffering and in need. Poor little fellows...

Brother Gordon and I, the Lord willing, around Christmas, going take a trip down through there to see those little fellows.

God is merciful to us, isn't He? We American people don't know how well off we are. That's right. To know that the need of this world, how they're in need. And yet we have plenty and... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] No feeling. He said, "I was hungry; you didn't feed Me. I was naked; you didn't clothe Me. I was in prison; you wouldn't visit Me. When were You, Lord? Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me." That's right?

25 All right. Now, we're going to start the prayer line, 'cause I want to pray just as much as possible tonight for the sick. Starting about thirty-five minutes early tonight, for I want to pray just as long as I can. I want to go, 'cause I've got to get to bed real early in order to drive in the morning, get back home for the services tomorrow night.

So let us bow our heads again, if you will. Friends, you may laugh too much: you may talk too much; you may walk too much; but you'll never pray too much. "I would that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without..."

26 Our heavenly Father, we've come now to the end of seventeen nights of service, one of the longest services You've ever permitted Your servant to have. Now, tomorrow night is another one here with Brother Lindsay and Brother Hall. Father, we pray that You'll meet with them here. Bless those two dear Christian brothers. May the power of the Holy Spirit be near to deliver the sick and the afflicted, those who may not be here tonight. We ask You tonight to clear the whole building, Father, of every sick person. May there be a great pouring out of the Spirit. Many hundreds, all that's in need tonight, may they be delivered here at the platform tonight, Lord, and out in the audience in their seats.

27 And as our little sister testified, standing plumb back, way in the back of the building, God come down upon her with those eyes being crossed since a baby, moved those eyes out straight. The power of the Holy Spirit taken away. God, without wavering faith she moved forward, and her young heart blessed, going everywhere now, come all the way up here just to get to say, "Jesus heals." He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Think of the little girl there, cross-eyed, blind, stomach trouble, was healed. And You permitted it to go in the great book of Who's Who. O God, we thank Thee for Thy mercies and kindness. Be with us tonight now, won't you, Father? Pour out Your Spirit upon us and give us a great deliverance tonight, for we ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

28 Now, everybody tonight, I wish we would just try to settle down to this one thing: that God is here. I wonder if you'll make me this promise before we start praying for the sick. If you make me this promise, and say, "If God touches me in the least tonight, I'm going to rise and claim my healing right then. May the first time that faith anchors in my heart, Lord, here I come."

Do you remember the lepers set at the gate? They said, "Why do we set here till we die? Let's do something about it." And now, you do the same tonight. Let's do something about it.

His Presence here... A little deaf baby, was setting there last night. And that mother, oh, how she was looking, how she was trying. I could feel it pull, pull. Then just got everybody in there be--got to pulling. And I know several of them stopped.

I turned around; I said, "Somebody in there, there's several of them He healed. I can't tell just who they were."

29 The mother turned around and spoke to the baby, and brought the card up with tears rolling down her cheeks. Said, "My baby's hearing." See it? That's it. That's it, just go believing with all your heart. It'll be so. It's your faith that makes you whole. Isn't that right? Your faith, no other way can you be healed, only through faith. Now, God bless these people's heart here [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] away.

All right. Now, we want try to get as many as we possibly... You can make the call to yourself. I'll put it on his hands for tonight. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...?... pray that God will help him to make the choice.

30 All right. Now, how many cards, you got a hundred out? I believe, maybe, after we get a line a going a little while, maybe we won't have to linger so long with one. Then just let them come right on through and the whole group be healed. Wouldn't that be marvelous to see? We used to have it...

How many was ever in one of the fast lines? What, when we used to have fast lines then... We passed them through there, and testimonies would just pour in. The only thing they wanted to do, is just get near you. Just to get there when the anointing was on, then they called their blessing and went away rejoicing. And they were healed. See?

31 The brass serpent couldn't pray for no one, could it? The Pool of Bethesda, the Angel didn't pray for no one. It was a troubled water. Is that right? They just looked and lived with the brass serpent. And in the days of the apostles, they laid in the shadow of Peter and was healed.

Now, if you don't believe that this is Bible times again, just a repeat. In this last days, God's calling out a people of the Gentiles. He's calling on the Jews and a Gentile Church, the same thing, a contract.

32 In the old days, when a contract was made, you know what they did? Notice. God just telling me to say this, I don't know.

A person would go and write a--a contract on a piece of paper. They'd write the contract. And then on the contract, they'd write what it was they was going to do, then they'd tear the paper in two, and they would kill a beast. The me... And over this beast, they tore the contract. They would give one person one part, one part the person the other.

And when they come together... When this agreement was brought together, that had to be exactly the same piece of paper cut through the letters, and had to dovetail just exactly with that or the contract was no good. See, the agreement was no good. The same piece of paper that was tore away, had to come right back and dovetail in with the other, like that, to make it perfect.

And then, as their pledge, they killed a beast when they made their pledge.

33 Now, God made a contract with the peoples of this world. Therefore, He sent the Son of God and killed Him on Calvary. You believe that? "All we like sheep have gone astray. God laid upon Him the iniquity of all. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we're healed." That was God's contract to the Church. Is that right? Then God killed the Lamb at Calvary. Do you believe it? And from Him, He tore Him apart. He took part of It, the body up into glory, set It on the right-hand of the Majesty. You believe it? And the Holy Spirit, He sent back to the people. Is that right?

Then when it comes together, when this contract is come together at the day of the judgment, the same Holy Spirit that fell on the day of Pentecost is grouping around a bunch of people; It'll go right back to that same Body, to dovetail right into that same Body. It's a contract.

34 So therefore, the same Spirit that was in that day, is here today. The same signs, wonders, miracles are being performed. The same people are believing in the same manner.

When they seen the apostle Peter, and recognized him to have the gift of God in him when he called out and told the people what they did... And they recognized, he told Ananias and Sapphira their sins. He knew what God put in his heart to do. And then in that, after them recognizing that, the prayer lines got so great, till Peter couldn't pray for them, and they laid the people in the streets that even that old fisherman, not some big D.D., but an old fisherman, that his shadow would pass over them. And every one that his shadow passed over was healed. There you are.

There's no Scripture for that. There wasn't any then. But God healed them because they respected the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And He will do the same thing today. It wasn't Peter. It was... They respected God Who he represented. Is that right? That's Who It was. And his shadow passed over them, and they were healed, because they believed it.

35 We're back in the same days again: God moving among His people, great signs and wonders. Now, you don't have to lay in a shadow, but you're under this tent tonight, around it, where the Holy Spirit is here. Just let It pass over you. Then rise up, say, "Yes, I believe it. Right now I accept it." Be healed. Amen.

You believe that, sister? You do? That tumor's been bothering you a lot, hasn't it. Yes. Hasn't that tumor been bothering you? All right. It's dead now though, sister. God healed you, 'cause you believed. Have faith in God. Amen.

Oh, my. How marvelous. He's--He's here and can heal all things. Just have faith. God will grant it to you. My, how that's coming in now. Oh, people. Wished you could just only... If...

Look. I tell you what. If you've been just a little afraid, take my word tonight, will you? Take my word and act to do what I tell you, and I'll be responsible for you at the day of the judgment. See? That's right. If you will believe on Jesus Christ with all your heart, and believe that He healed you now, and accept Him that way, that's all you have to do. Go forth testifying, telling you're healed, and go right on, and God will see that you're deliverance. That's true. Praise the Lord.

36 Been looking back in the crowd, just seeing where it's coming. Way back from farther back than I could ever come from. That's exactly right.

Somebody right in this channel right here was healed with a cancer just a few moments ago. I'm not sure. I think it's the lady there with the white hat on right there, right over there. I'm sure... It's right along in that section.

Lady, did you have cancer, setting right there, the woman's got her hand up. Was that a cancer case? Did you have cancer? All right. It's gone from you, sister dear. It's left you. God bless you. Amen. All right. Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

My, another cancer case right here. Won't you accept it with hay fever too. God bless you. Is that right? Stand up. I seen you...?... There you are. You're free from it. You, sister, with the cancer case. Stand up. Jesus Christ heals and makes...

Why my, you could stand up over the building and be healed, if you'd just believe it right now. He's here with mighty power.

O Jesus, Son of God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon the people. May signs and wonders be wrought tonight in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Grant it, Father. Hallelujah.

37 My, look. I wonder how many of you would believe this right now. If we'd get right down here, and just let the people pass through and put a--our hands on them to bless them, that they'd be healed. How many believes that, raise your hands.

Has it been confirmed to you? Do you believe? I told you, the last night I'd ask you this. If these things didn't happen the way that I said the first night, call me a false prophet. How many was here the first night and heard me say that, raise your hands? I said if it did happen, then believe God. Is that right? Well, do they happen? Is it the truth? All right.

Now, look. Jesus Christ said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Follow who? "Them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick (not pray for them), if they lay their hands on the sick they shall recover." Is that the last Words He said? The last promise He give the Church before He ascended into heaven? Is that right? He said, "If you find believers, and they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, I want to ask you: Have you faith enough tonight?

38 If we just--I'd get right down here in this aisle, stand right down here, and just stand there and pray. And everybody come by, lay hands upon that person, and let them... And if you got faith to say you go ahead and be healed, go out of here rejoicing and praising God. I'll do it, if God or somebody has to hold me up to do it. If you want me to do that, I'm wi... I'm here to serve you in any capacity you want me. We...

How many would rather have that, than they would just go ahead with the regular line, raise your hand? All over the building now, I want to see. All right. Look, Howard. Contrary now. Who'd rather go ahead with the regular line and call out some things. If that's... put your hands. All right. We're going to line up and pray for all the people then. Amen.

39 Just a moment. Just... I--I--I asked them something else. Oh my. You believe with all your heart now? Now, look. The Scripture says, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that right? Where's my minister brothers at tonight? Come here. You're going to see the glory of God tonight. No, sir. I want you to come right down here. I want to get right down there with the people myself. For all these people, some of them setting here, some of these poor people hasn't even got a prayer card.

Now, everyone just be--just be reverent just a moment. Stand there. I'm going to be--come right down with you. Just make a double line of the cler--of just the ministers now, not--not the rest of them, just the ministers. We're going to have to make a line so they come around this a way. Just in a moment, my brother will start calling the numbers, get all the prayer cards first. And then we'll start from the prayer cards, then get the rest of them that hasn't got prayer cards. Are you now?... Every person just be reverent. Everyone stand just--just as reverent as you can.

40 Now, let's see how many prayer cards we got in the building. Let's see your hands. There's probably a good hundred to a hundred and fifty prayer cards. Now, first, we're going to have the prayer cards to file in number, and we'll have a place for them to stop just in a moment. Then I want Howard or somebody to stand here, or I'll say... Maybe some minister to stand here at this platform. And as soon as the prayer cards are through, then just keep having the whole group to line up and come through and be prayed for, coming through, each one to be prayed for and have hands...

Now, you must know now. Are you sure that you believe? Are you sure? Are you convinced that the Spirit that's moving here in the church is the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you convinced? Do you believe in the Divine gift that God has given? Do you believe it comes from God? You do? Then if I have told you the truth for seventeen straight nights, then I'm telling you the truth now. Am I?

I'll say this: If each person in here now, will make a committal, right now to God... See, make your committal to God. And the only thing you have to have to fulfill the Word...

41 Now, the Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Is that right? "If they..." Now, that's the last Words that Jesus give the Church. "If they lay their hands on the sick..." What will happen? "They shall recover."

Now, if symptoms should arise, what would you say? "It is written." Is that right?

Are you ready with your faith to say, "I am now ready to commit myself to God in this manner." If you do, raise your hand? Now, He... You are now committing yourself to Him to go through the order, just like water baptism, just like any other order of the Church--the Lord's Supper.

42 This is a sacred order of the Church, that, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, that wasn't me that said that; that was Jesus Christ Who said that.

Now, the first thing you must do, is surrender yourself entirely to Christ, and surrender your mind to His Word. "Lord, I won't act upon my own feelings, upon my own thoughts. I will only act upon Your Word. I'll have no control of my own thoughts concerning it. I will act upon Your Word." Now, get that straight.

Now, you're not to go down and say, "Well, I've lost my healing." If you do, brother, it'll be worse than ever if you make this committal. You're to stand right now. Remember, just like coming into the church; you are supposed to make this committal, and say, "Lord God of heaven, I'll stand by Your Word, so help me, till the last drop of blood's left my body or breath." See?

You believe when your baby passes through the line, it's going to be healed, sister? You do that? Frankly, it's already healed, but I want you to pass through the line anyhow. It's healed awhile ago. All right. But just, I want you to come through so you follow the regular...

Now, all of you that wants to make this committal, put your hand on your heart, like this. Those who are standing here, those who cannot, lay your hands on there. Now, raise up your hand. Now, you now commit yourself to God, that from this time hence, you believe that you're healed by the power of Almighty God. You'll do that?

43 Almighty God, I now commit this to You, as Your humble servant, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the immaculate Son of the living God, Who suffered, bled and died under the--for the remission of our sins, and the healing of our bodies... Who has believed our report? To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Here it is tonight. They believe the report. The arm of the Lord is revealed. We believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and now rebuke every spirit of the devil that would bind these people in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. May it leave them, Lord God, as they pass through this line, and we lay hands upon them. May the same meeting be tonight, like was in the streets of Jerusalem, when the shadow of Peter passed over the people. We Gentiles believe the gift. We believe God. We believe Christ just as they did then. And we're just as thankful.

And Lord God, may Your power sweep over this audience and heal every person in the building. And as they go through this line, may they rise, shouting and praising God for His glory. In the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

44 All right. Now, he's going to line the cards. And I want you to... Look. Will you still do something else for me? When the first hand touches you, rise your hands, and say, "Thank You, Jesus." Go right out through the building praising... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] God saying, "Thank You, Jesus. Thank You." Have nothing else but praises of God constantly rolling through your heart all the time. Yes, sir.

Now, here I turn the service now to brother, while I go down here in the line to start this... [The prayer line is called. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

45 I find that I could say from my heart that so many people were healed. It's the greatest fast line that I ever seen pass through in my life. Now, I could say, that at least eighty or ninety percent of the people that passed through the line are healed right now. I checked back with their hands. I tried to reach with my hand to feel, to catch vibrations, and they would be clear as they could be as they passed by. Practically every one that was passed through the line is already healed. God, Who is my Judge, Who I stand before, know that I tell that which is true.

I see a blind man that's been in meetings for a long time, walking around here now. Looks like he's seeing, standing around here in front of us here. Let's say, "Thank the Lord for that."

46 Now, I think what they ought to do, is all the brothers, let's line up. And everyone put your hands on the people on the wheel cots, and let me come down where you're at. All ministers, get around. And everybody in prayer now for these people.

Now, you that's on the wheelchairs and in the cots, when the prayer is asked over you, believe with all your heart. God bless you.

Look friends, from the depths of my heart, I love you with Christian--warmness of Christian love. Wonderful.

Now, as you get around. Let all people bow their heads while we pray.

1 Je to radosť byť tu. Žiaľ, to je posledný večer týchto... Nie, to nie je posledný večer. Máme ešte nedeľu, však? (To je pravda), nedeľu popoludnie a nedeľu večer. To je veľmi dobré. Tak ja som šťastný, že to máme. Pretože ... Tak veru. A zajtra večer tiež. Piatok večer, sobota večer, potom oddychujeme. Potom nedeľa večer–nedeľa popoludní, nedeľa večer. Robíte oznámenia...?... pozdravy...?...keď začínajú služby...?... To je veľmi dobre. A teraz budeme očakávať ohromný čas. Musím odtiaľto odísť do pol-štvrtej, štvrtej hodiny ráno a ísť dvesto míľ, aby som bol v službe zajtra večer, a potom prísť späť. A ďalší deň byť naspäť tu na nedeľu nasledujúceho dňa. A potom, dve služby práve jedna po druhej.

2 Ale to je slávna vec slúžiť Ježišovi Kristovi, Synovi Božiemu, stretávať šťastných ľudí. Verím dnes večer, že ak by toto bol náš posledný večer na zemi, kedy sme spolu, no, my stále máme svedectvo Pána Ježiša, však? Iste mu veríme z celých našich sŕdc. Tak položíme túto otázku práve teraz. Koľkí boli uzdravení na tomto zhromaždení, ktorí cítia, že boli uzdravení? Nech vidíme vaše ruky. To je veľmi dobré.

3 Len pred chvíľou som povedal, "Je jedna vec, keď opúšťate ľudí, práve v čase, keď sa s tými ľuďmi zoznámite, musíte im povedať dovidenia." Ale to nie je dovidenia v našich zhromaždeniach...?... to je na malú chvíľu. A vy ste boli ku mne takí milí, a to všetko, tak skutočne mi je ľúto, že naše zhromaždenia sa končia. A dnes som povedal môjmu malému dievčatku, ona je pripravená ísť. Ona chce ísť hneď po tomto domov. Nie sú tu žiadne deti, s ktorými by sa mohla hrať. A ja som povedal, "Miláčik, chceš ísť domov? "Ona povedala "Nie, otecko, páči sa mi tu." Tak ja... Ona je skutočne skvelá. Každý jej pomáha a všetko, tak ona je tu skutočne rada. A...[prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

4 A tu je brat Redford, jeden z tých statočných hrdinov viery uplynulých dní. Jeho dcéra je...?...Orol...?...prechádzajúci...?... Boh ju uzdravil. Ona je...?... tento mesiac. A je veľmi milé dievča... Pán Bosworth, Fred Bosworth. Tak, mnohí z vás sa s ním poznajú...?... Som si istý, že je tu. Veľmi milý kresťanský brat. A on je jedným z našich...?... ktorý ide s nami, brat Bosworth. A on bol so mnou vtedy ako manažér. Pamätám sa, keď som sa s ním stretol v Miami, na Floride. On už práve celkom zanechal Božské uzdravovanie a položil to nabok, myslím, že mal už sedemdesiat a niečo rokov. Tak keď on... On ma pozval, aby som tam slúžil, aby to videl... no, tento starý chlapík práve znova omladol. A ja som mu povedal," Koľko máš rokov, brat Bosworth?"

5 Jedného večera, keď som stál dolu pri hoteli v Miami. Ja som len vyšiel von obzerajúc morské pobrežie, bola práve zima. Išiel priamo, viete, keď odchádzal, len poskočil ako mladý muž, viete. Ja som mal asi tretinu jeho veku a len som sa vliekol. Pozrel dolu na mňa. Povedal som," Brat Bosworth, kedy si sa cítil najlepšie?" On povedal, "Práve teraz." Povedal, "Brat Branham, ja som len dieťa žijúce v starom dome." A -- a to je brat Bosworth. Viete, on je veľký vtipkár. A on a jeho... Fred, a brat...?... tiež.

6 Na zhromaždení pani Bosworthová, jeho manželka, predávala knihy v knižnom stánku pri vchode do modlitebne, keď tam bola nejaká mladá pani, volala sa...?... Bryan, so skríženými očami. A ona povedala," Pokúšala som sa získať modlitebnú kartu..." A ona skúsila všetko, aby sa dostala do modlitebnej rady, ale to bolo... To sa nedalo, nešlo jej to. Myslím, že to bol ten posledný večer, večer, keď bol ten muž uzdravený zo sklerózy multiplex, že poslali správu Jurajovi-kráľovi Anglicka, od ktorého mám jeho vyhlásenie. Boh ho uzdravil. A ten muž bol ťažko chorý desať rokov na sklerózu multiplex. On je dnes večer dokonale zdravý a slávi Boha. To dievča plakalo, mladá pani. A pani Bosworthová povedala, "Miláčik, ty nechápeš." To je pravda. Povedala jej k tomu niekoľko slov. Povedala, "Tak, ty... Ty nepotrebuješ modlitebnú kartu. Ak len vyjdeš odtiaľto a zastaneš tam v uličke." [medzi sedadlami – pozn.prekl.] A povedala, "Ty len ver z celého svojho srdca, že Boh ťa uzdraví," povedala, "...a Boh bude hovoriť ku bratovi Branhamovi hore na pódiu."

7 A mal som modlitebný rad, prichodiac dolu do modlitebného radu. A to dievča... veľmi zdvorilo, viete, mala... vykročila... posledný večer zhromaždení... vyšla odtiaľ a jednoducho sa uchopila Boha. A zrazu, cítil som, že niečo na mňa prišlo a potiahlo ma. Ona stála ďalej, než je vzdialenosť od tamtej budovy sem. Povedal som,"V poriadku, sestra, Boh ťa uzdravil z tých skrížených očí." Obidve oči sa vyrovnali. To dievča je tu niekde v budove. Chcel by som, aby prišla dopredu, ak počuješ môj hlas, sestra. Niekde... Tu je, práve teraz tu. Povedzme, "Chvála Pánovi." Všetci. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Chvála Pánovi;" sestra vydáva svedectvo – pozn.prekl.] Boh uzdravil jej oči...?... teraz. Povedzme, "Chvála Pánovi." Práve teraz, povedzme, "Chvála Pánovi." Všetci. [prázdne miesto na páske –pozn.prekl.]

8 To trvá tak dlho ako trvá viera. To je to. Keď slabnete vo viere, to príde rovno znovu naspäť. Kedykoľvek vy oslabujete vo viere, vaše hriechy sa vrátia znova priamo ku vám, tie isté staré túžby, len horšie. Je to pravda? Tak choďte a verte. Tá malá dáma stála ďalej odo mňa. A jej viera.. Vidíte, jej viera sa dotkla Boha. Boh povedal, len jedna vec, ktorú ty musíš urobiť, len prehovoriť teraz ku nej, a skôr ako to Slovo tam vyšlo, jej oči sa vyrovnali. [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]... dobre... Tak, tisícky takýchto prípadov... Myslím, mali sme asi štyristošesťdesiat jednotlivých prípadov skrížených očí, prípadov Božského uzdravenia, skrížených očí, ktoré boli dokonale narovnané a normálne. A to je za menej než jeden rok, v službách, ktoré máme v meste...?... Pán Moore bol...?...Ľudia so skríženými očami, ktorí boli uzdravení. Sme za to tak vďační, a za všetko.

9 Vidím malé dieťa sediace teraz tu, jeho malá noha je v sadre. Malé dieťa... Ona si pamätá na Fort Wayne toho večera, bolo tam jedno malé dieťa a jeho malá noha bola takto pokrivená. Ó. To bolo hrozné. Dali to do výztuh. Ten doktor povedal, že to bude stále také. Keď ono prechádzalo cez tú radu, povedal som, "Sestra, teraz choď a daj tieto veci preč." Vidíte? Tu prišlo to dieťa kráčajúc naspäť ku nej, práve tak normálne ako len mohlo byť. Stál som hore na pódiu. Jeho malá noha je presne taká rovná, že išiel správne. Je to úžasné, čo Pán Ježiš môže pre nás urobiť, ak my len budeme mať vieru a veriť. To je všetko. Len veriť.

10Tak, chcem čítať len malú časť zo Slova. A znovu ja...Pred zostávajúcou časťou služby v tomto stane, ten starý stan tu bol užitočný. A ja som za to veľmi vďačný. A ja sa modlím, aby mu Boh dovolil vydržať veľa, veľa veľkých búrok...?...pozdĺž. Nech je pod ním spasených veľa duší. A ten...?...ísť z tohoto zhromaždenia, zaplatiť za ten stan, a...?... zatiaľ čo som tu bol. Veľmi vďačný za to... za to. Ide to len pre účel Evanjelia. On je vlastníctvom Hlasu uzdravenia, Shreveport, Luisiana. Nebude používaný pre cirkusy a takéto veci. Bude používaný pre Evanjelium. A tí mužovia, ktorí ho používajú, ho prenajímajú. My ho prenajímame. Zaplatiť nájom, a ten nájom financuje ten stan. A tak kedy prichádza ku všetkej tej starostlivosti, pridávame ku tomu viac. Len takto pokračujme. Potom tie peniaze, ktoré by tam prišli z prenájmu, budú len pokračovať na rôzne veci a pôjdu ďalej. Vždy je to nezisková organizácia, "Hlas uzdravenia." Brat Lindsay je redaktor a brat Moore je spoluredaktor, a sestra Moore je obežná redaktorka. Sú to malé noviny, ktoré uverejňujú všetko o tých skupinách, ktoré majú službu Božského uzdravovania v týchto posledných dňoch.

11 V poriadku. V Izaiášovi 53, je jedno z mojich obľúbených miest Písma. Je čas čítať to dnes večer. Je to vhodné práve teraz.

Kto uveril našej zvesti? A komu bolo zjavené rameno Hospodinovo?

Lebo vyrástol pred ním ako nežný prútok a jako koreň z ... vypráhlej zeme: nemal podoby ani krásy,... keď by ste ho videli... videli sme ho, ale nebolo na ňom vidieť toho prečo by sme ho boli bývali žiadostiví.

Opovrhnutý bol a opustený od ľudí, muž bolestí ... a oboznámený s nemocou: a jako ten, pred ktorým skrývajú tvár, opovrhnutý, a preto sme si ho nevážili,

kým On vzal na seba naše nemoci ... a niesol naše bolesti: a my sme sa domnievali o Ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha a strápený.

A On bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti: kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.

My všetci sme zblúdili jako ovce, každý z nás sme sa obrátili na svoju vlastnú cestu, a Hospodin uvalil na neho neprávosť všetkých nás.

12 Modlime sa. Náš nebeský Otče, práve teraz čítajúc tvoje Slovo nech Svätý Duch vezme to Slovo a ide priamo do sŕdc ľudí, a nech oni prídu do plného uvedomenia si, dnes večer tu pod týmto stanom, že to je Ježiš, ktorý je hodný, aby sme o Ňom hovorili. On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. On bol zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení. Ó, ako Ho milujeme z celých našich sŕdc. S vďačnosťou prichádzame, aby sme sklonili naše hlavy do prachu zeme, z ktorej sme boli vzatí a do ktorej sa jedného dňa navrátime, keď bude Pán predlievať. A prosím Ťa, Otče, požehnaj nás dnes večer a pohybuj sa cez nás nádherným, úžasným spôsobom, a nech sa dnes večer dejú veľké uzdravenia, kvôli Jeho prítomnosti. Nech títo drahí ľudia tu dosiahnu, aby sa skutočne uchytili Pána (udeľ to, Pane), a aby sa držali tej Skaly vekov, kým ich moc Pánova prevedie cez tú bránu von do slobody, von z pazúrov nepriateľa, aby sa stali voľnými od hriechu a nemocí. Udeľ to, Otče. Vypočuj modlitbu svojho sluhu, pretože sa modlíme v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

13Toto je... Dnes večer nezaberieme veľa času aby sme hovorili veľa slov, chcem len poďakovať všetkým tým, ktorí mali účasť na tejto službe. Chcem poďakovať spolupracujúcim slúžiacim bratom. Nech ich Boh žehná. Tí, ktorí sú tu cudzí, mali by navštíviť ich cirkev. Navštíviť ich, zavolať. A som si istý, že oni sú... to sú dobrí Bohom spasení mužovia, poslaní od Boha. Nikdy som nemal miesto, kde slúžiaci bratia a ľudia boli v takej harmónii a láske ako táto skupina ľudí. A publikum má úžasný, jednoducho... Nikdy som nežiadal ani jednu osobu, aby sklonila hlavu, jednoducho držali svoje hlavy sklonené. Divil som sa tomu. Zvyčajne na zhromaždeniach niekedy Boh musí poslať ...?... pol tucta alebo viac, aby ich priviedol ku rešpektu. Tak to je... Títo tu, tí ľudia boli jednoducho úctiví, veriac jedným srdcom a jednomyseľne. To je spôsob, ako to robiť. A teraz, to je úžasné.

14A všetky naše výdavky boli pokryté. Sme vám jednoducho vďační. Oni mi darovali lásku, ktorú si cením z hĺbky môjho srdca, čokoľvek čo... Pred chvíľou mi niekto napísal malý list. Ó, ak ma do zhromaždenia v nedeľu popoludní neroztrhajú. Ó. Jedna pani povedala," Prišla som vidieť zázraky, nie počúvať o niečom, čo sa stalo v niekoho živote." S týmto postojom, sestra, ich nikdy neuvidíš, kým nebude jeden vykonaný na tebe, a to je, keď prežiješ obrátenie. To je pravda. To je pravda. Pretože tvoje srdce nie je v poriadku s Bohom, ak je niečo také. Ten postoj ku tomu to dokazuje. Ovocie – chuť pudingu je ovocím toho. Tak všimnite si," Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte."

15A teraz. A teraz, mali sme úžasný úspech pre Ježiša Krista. Viete o tom, že Ježiš urobil viac tu, ako mohol urobiť vo Svojom vlastnom meste, však? Pretože nebolo veľa mocných skutkov, ktoré by Ježiš mohol urobiť v Jeho vlastnom meste. A v tomto meste, On učinil mocné skutky, však? Tak On mal väčší úspech v tomto meste, ako mal vo svojom vlastnom meste. Pomyslite na to. Ježiš Kristus po 1900 rokch, mal väčší úspech v Cleveland, Ohio v šiestich týždňoch zhromaždení tu, alebo troch týždňoch zhromaždení, než mal vo Svojej životnej púti vo Svojom vlastnom meste. Pomyslite na to. To ukazuje, že ten starý slávny Koráb Evanjelia má tú istú moc, ktorú mal na počiatku (ó, to je pravda), kde mužovia a ženy budú na ňu veriť. Tak, sme za to vďační a modlíme sa, aby Boh požehnal každého jedného z vás.

16A dúfam, že vás uvidím v nedeľu popoludní. A v nedeľu popoludní je služba kázania Slova. Ak Pán nezmení môj úmysel, chcem hovoriť na tému návratu márnotratného syna, v nedeľu popoludní. Príďte, ak ste v...?... A potom... My potom... Potom nedeľa večer, dôverujem, že budeme mať najväčšiu službu s uzdravovaním, akú sme kedy mali. Len verte, že to miesto bude jednoducho osvietené mocou Božou. Možno budem teraz trochu odpočinutý po niekoľkých nociach oddychu, cestovania autom v sobotu v noci, aby som bol schopnejší ísť do služby. Takto som sa stal taký otupený a skleslý. A ja som... keď sa do toho dostávam, že som unavený a opotrebovaný, tie zmysly tohoto daru sa stávajú viac alebo menej otupené. Myslím, že človek to tak má i v tom prirodzenom. Potom, keď idete tak dlho, stávate sa takí skleslí, tie zmysly sú zviazané ...?... to je ten spôsob, ktorý toto...?... a verím, že Boh nám dá veľké občerstvenie, aby sme začali znovu v nedeľu večer. Príďte s vierou. Príďte s modlitbou.

17Vďaka všetkým uvádzačom a členom predstavenstva, a všetkým, ktorí spolupracujú, aj keď mi dávajú...?... toto popoludnie. [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]... zopár minút naviac. Nie... Bol som na parkovisku predpokladajúc, že odídem, aby som tu bol o štvrtej hodine. A bol som vonku a behal som dookola sem a tam. A Pán ma dnes zavolal, aby som videl dve videnia, aby som išiel von do...?... dnes do ulíc. Sedel som v izbe. Pán zostúpil a povedal, "Choď dolu ku tomu rohu a zaboč doľava a choď dolu sem a zostaň tam. Bude tam žena, ktorá príde a bude mať oblečený šedý kostým a malý biely klobúk." Povedal, "Ona má rakovinu, z ktorej bude uzdravená." A bola tam, prichádzala dolu ulicou. Povedala, "Ste reverend Branham z toho stanu?" Povedal som, "Áno". Ona povedala, "Ó, pokúšala som sa prísť, ale môj manžel mi nedovolí prísť do...?... Povedal som, "Pán ťa uzdravil z tvojej rakoviny, sestra. Choď v pokoji." Povedala, "Ó." Išla dolu tou ulicou takto plačúc. Vidíte, Boh vie všetko o týchto veciach a tak je to úžasné.

18Myslím, že som tiež videl brata, ktorý odpadol, že prišiel toto popoludnie ku Pánovi, naspäť do domu Pánovho, do obecenstva Jeho Syna, Ježiša. Tak sa veľmi modlite. A ja som práve pozeral na dve milé dievčatká, ktoré tu sedia. Nech sú požehnané ich malé srdcia...?... Jednoducho sú také milé. Ja...?... dve z tých malých dievčat, ktoré sedia práve tam s trochu blond vlasmi. Spomínam si, jeden z najžalostnejších pohľadov, ktorý som kedy videl v mojom živote, bol v Mexiku, kam skúsime podniknúť tie cesty túto zimu, ak to bude možné. Pamätám sa, že sme išli cez hranicu do Juarez. To bolo prvýkrát, čo som bol v Mexiku. A keď sme, brat Moore a ja, prešli tú hranicu a vošli tam, išiel som dolu ulicou. Och, tí ľudia na uliciach, tuberkulóza a všetko možné. A načiahol som sa dolu a skúsil som im dať peniaze a uchopiť ich za ruku. Ó, ako tam tá tuberkulóza udierala. Chcel som im to povedať, no nemohli ma rozumieť, ich jazyk, a nemohli ma rozumieť. Odtiahli sa. Boli vyľakaní ako... Išiel som dolu tou ulicou. Šli sme dolu okolo nejakého kostola. A, ó, to bolo veľmi biedne.

19Videli sme malého chlapca, ktorý tam balil vrecia starých zhnitých zemiakov, na malom...?... dolu na ulici. Poviem vám, to by vám spravilo, že by ste sa cítili, že nie ste dobrý na nič, keď by ste to videli. Všimol som si ďalšiu pozoruhodnú vec. Bol tam malý chlapec. Nemal na sebe šaty, ale len kabát. Mal nejaký starý plagát, zviazal to všetko s kopou roztrhaného papiera. Načiahol sa do nejakého odpadkového koša, niečo vytiahol, a vytriasol z toho vodu, viete, a vyhrabal tam niečo a pozeral sa na to. Takmer všetci z nich boli čiastočne slepí. Takto na to pozeral a položil to do malej deravej nádoby od niečoho. Jeho stará mama tam stála, bosá, a jej nohy vyzerali ako keby sa ťahali po zemi, mozoľnaté ako len mohli byť, na sebe mala omotaný kus nejakej starej špinavej šatky, stála tam a zohrievala si ruky. A on sa znovu načiahol dolu, aby to ohmatával. Povedal som "Idem sa na to pozrieť." Oni povedali, "Ó, nemal by si tam ísť." Povedali, "Oni..."

20Išiel som tam. Čo to bolo, tento malý Mexický chlapec tam vybral drobné kúsky zemiakov, asi takéto, zo dna rozliatej plechovky. Keď Mexiko niečo zahadzuje, to je skutočne zlé. Ale on ich mal asi pol tucta. Tak, a on sa smial a oni sa smiali. Pozerali na svoje zemiaky. Pomyslel som si, "Ó, a ja som prišiel z tade a moji bratia zaplatili prinajmenej okolo sedemdesiatpäť centov alebo jeden dolár za moje raňajky, keď sme prešli hranice." Pozrel som na toho biedneho malého chlapca. Ja... Vyzeral, ako by mu srdce prekypovalo. Tak, mohol to byť malý Mexičan. Ale on vyhladne práve tak, ako malý Američan. Keď je hladný, je práve tak hladný. Skutočne. A Ježiš zomrel za neho práve tak isto, ako On zomrel za každého z nás. A pozrel som na neho, pomyslel som si, "Biedne malé stvorenie. Čo ak by to bol môj malý Billy Paul." Hľadel som na neho...

21A ja som išiel hore, tam, kde bol, a tá stará mama ma videla prichádzať. No, asi to bola stará mama. Cúvla dozadu. A dotkol som sa toho chlapca, takto. A, ó, vyskočil na ulicu, mysliac si, že niekto ho ide prebodnúť alebo niečo, za to, že vzal tie zemiaky. Díval sa. A jeho malé oči so slzami, takto sa triasol a ako pozeral na mňa...?... Držal som toho chlapca...?... A ukázal som na nebo, držiac svoju ruku na srdci. A dal som mu poznať, že som kazateľ. Takto som to ukazoval. A...?...všetci naokolo, videli, čo sa tam deje. A ja som si kľakol. Vedel som, že je katolík, tak ako všetci tam sú katolíci, pretože som ich videl robiť kríže, viete, na moje srdce. Zadržal som svoj... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

22Cez všetky lavice. Jednoducho urobili obeť lásky ... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] Videl som kde...?... viete, prechádza tými rukami. A on začal ísť spolu s ním. Siahol som dolu, siahol som dolu, a dolu jeho malé vrecko... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

23A išiel som hore. Siahol som do svojho vrecka, mal som okolo, ó, päť alebo šesť dolárov v poldolároch a štvrťdolároch, a nejaké veci, ktoré som mal vo svojom vrecku. A držal som jeho malé ruky. A povedal som mu, aby takto držal svoje takto, viete. A pozeral na mňa, viete. A konečne som dosiahol, aby držal svoje malé ruky. A zložil som to všetko do jeho malých rúk. A on na to takto pozeral. Zohol sa a pozorne sa na to díval. Chvíľu tam stál, položil to do svojho malého vrecka a takto na mňa pozrel hore, sňal si svoju malú čiapku, kľakol si na kolená a chytil ma za ruku. Ó. Povedal som, "Nech ťa Boh žehná, drahý. Navštívim ťa znovu v jednom z týchto dní, tak skoro ako budem môcť." To je pravda.

24Máme tak veľa vecí, čo by sme mohli spraviť s peniazmi, ak by sme to len my, Američania, urobili. Viete to? To je pravda. Kde to je skutočne potrebné, kde je utrpenie a strádanie. Chúdence... Brat Gordon a ja, ak bude Pán chcieť, tak okolo vianoc, pôjdeme tam dolu navštíviť týchto ľudí. Boh je ku nám milosrdný, však? My Američania ani nevieme, ako sme dobre zaopatrení. To je pravda. Poznať tú potrebu tohoto sveta, ako sú oni v potrebe. A my už máme hojnosť a ... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] Bezcitní. On povedal. "Bol Som hladný a nedali ste mi jesť. Bol Som nahý a neodiali ste ma. Bol Som v žalári a nenavštívili ste ma. Kedy si bol, Pane? Nakoľko ste toho neučinili jednému z týchto Mojich najmenších, ani mne ste neučinili.." Je to pravda?

25V poriadku. A teraz, začneme modlitebný rad, pretože sa chcem dnes večer modliť za chorých práve toľko, koľko len bude možné. Začíname dnes večer o tridsaťpäť minút skôr, pretože sa chcem modliť tak dlho ako budem môcť. Chcem ísť, pretože sa mám dostať do postele skutočne skoro, aby som ráno v kľude vyrazil, aby som sa zajtra večer dostal naspäť domov na služby. Tak nech znova skloníme naše hlavy, ak chcete. Priatelia, môžete sa príliš veľa smiať, môžete príliš veľa hovoriť, môžete príliš veľa chodiť, ale nikdy sa nebudete príliš veľa modliť. "Chcem tedy, aby sa mužovia modlili na každom mieste a pozdvihovali sväté ruky bez..."

26Náš nebeský Otče, prichádzame ku koncu sedemnástich večerov služieb, jednej z najdlhších služieb, akú Si kedy dovolil Tvojmu služobníkovi mať. A teraz, zajtra večer je tu ďalšia s bratom Lindsayom a bratom Hallom. Otče, prosíme, aby Si sa tu s nimi stretol. Požehnaj týchto dvoch drahých kresťanských bratov. Nech moc Ducha Svätého je blízko, aby oslobodila chorých a skľúčených, tých, ktorí nemohli byť dnes večer tu. Prosíme Ťa dnes večer, očisti celú budovu, Otče, každú chorú osobu. Nech sa deje veľké vyliatie Ducha. Mnoho stoviek, všetci, ktorí sú v potrebe dnes večer, nech sú dnes večer vyslobodení tu na pódiu, Pane, a v publiku na ich sedadlách.

27A ako svedčila naša malá sestra stojac úplne v zadu, ďaleko v zadnej časti budovy, že Boh prišiel ku nej dole, s tými skríženými očami, ktoré boli skrížené od jej detstva, že sa úplne narovnali. Moc Ducha Božieho to vzala preč. Boh, bez váhania sa pohla vierou napred a jej mladé srdce zostalo požehnané idúc teraz kdekoľvek, prišla všetkými tými cestami sem hore, len aby prišla povedať, "Ježiš uzdravuje." On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky. Pomyslite na to malé dievča tam, skrížené oči, slepá, žalúdočné problémy, ktoré boli uzdravené. A Ty si tomu dovolil, aby to bolo umiestnené do veľkej knihy Toho, Ktorý Je. Ó Bože, ďakujeme Ti za tvoje zľutovanie a dobrotu. Buď s nami tento večer, budeš, Otče? Vylej Tvojho Svätého Ducha na nás a daj nám veľké vyslobodenie dnes večer, pretože to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.

28A teraz, každý dnes večer, chcem, aby sme sa len skúsili zhodnúť na tejto jednej veci, že Boh Je tu. Som zvedavý, či mi to sľúbite pred tým, ako sa začneme modliť za chorých. Ak mi to sľúbite a poviete, "Ak sa ma Boh dotkne tento posledný večer, vstanem, a práve vtedy si budem nárokovať svoje uzdravenie. Nech najprv tá viera zakotví v mojom srdci, Pane, tu prichádzam." Pamätáte na tých malomocných, ktorí sedeli v bráne? Oni povedali, "Prečo tu sedíme až dovtedy, kým nezomrieme? Urobme s tým niečo." A teraz, urobte to isté dnes večer. Urobme s tým niečo. Jeho prítomnosť tu... Minulý večer tam sedelo jedno malé hluché dievča. A tá matka, ó, ako sa dívala, ako sa pokúšala... Mohol som cítiť to tiahnutie, tiahnutie. Potom jednoducho, každý sa tam do toho dostal, že bol... začali tiahnuť. A viem, že niektorí z nich prestali. Otočil som sa dookola a povedal som, "Niekto tam, niekoľkí z nich sú uzdravení. Neviem len povedať, ktorí to boli.

29Tá matka sa otočila a hovorila ku tomu dieťaťu a so slzami kotúľajúcimi sa po jej lícach priniesla tú kartu hore. Povedala, "Moje dieťa počuje." Vidíte to? To je to. To je to, len choďte, veriac z celého svojho srdca. To bude tak. To je vaša viera, ktorá vás činí zdravými. Nie je to pravda? Vaša viera, iným spôsobom nemôžete byť uzdravení, len skrze vieru. Tak nech Boh požehná tieto ľudské srdcia tu... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

V poriadku. A teraz, chceme sa pokúsiť dostať toľkých, koľkých len bude možné... Môžeš sa sám zavolať. Dávam to pre dnešný večer do jeho rúk. [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] ...?... modliť sa aby mu Boh pomohol urobiť tú voľbu.

30 V poriadku. A teraz, koľko kariet ste rozdali, sto? Verím, že možno potom, ako prejdeme modlitebný rad, ktorý pôjde za krátku chvíľu, že možno sa nebudeme musieť s tým tak dlho zdržovať. Potom ich len nechajte, aby rovno prišli a celá tá skupina bude uzdravená. Nebolo by úžasné vidieť to? Zvykli sme mať...

Koľkí boli niekedy v jednom z týchto rýchlych modlitebných radov? Čo, keď sme zvyknutí mať rýchle rady, potom... Prešli sme tam cez nich a svedectvá sa len tak hrnuli. Jediná vec, ktorú oni chceli urobiť, bola len dostať sa blízko vás. Len sa tam dostať, keď to pomazanie bolo prítomné, potom oni sami privolali svoje požehnanie a odišli radujúci sa. A boli uzdravení. Vidíte?

31Ten mosadzný had sa nemohol za niktorého z nich modliť, že? Rybník Bethesda, ten anjel sa nemodlil za niktorého z nich. To bola rozbúrená voda. Je to pravda? Oni len pozreli a žili skrze toho mosadzného hada. A vo dňoch apoštolov boli položení do Petrovho tieňa a boli uzdravení.

A teraz, či neveríte, že toto je znova biblický čas, ktorý sa len opakuje? V týchto posledných dňoch, Boh vyvoláva ľudí z pohanov. On volá na Židov a pohanskú cirkev, tá istá vec, zmluva.

32 V tých starých dňoch, keď bola uzatvorená zmluva, viete, čo oni urobili? Všimnite si. Boh mi len hovorí, aby som toto povedal, ja neviem. Nejaká osoba išla a napísala nejakú zmluvu na kúsok papiera. Oni spísali tú zmluvu. A potom na tej zmluve, napísali, čo to bolo, čo oni išli urobiť, potom roztrhli ten papier vo dvoje, a zabili nejaké zviera. Tí mu... A nad týmto zvieraťom roztrhli tú zmluvu. Jednu časť dali jednej osobe, druhú časť tej druhej osobe.

A keď sa zišli spolu... Keď táto zmluva bola prinesená spolu, to musel byť presne ten istý kus papiera, roztrhnutý cez tie písmená a muselo sa to jednoducho presne s tým spojiť, lebo inak by tá zmluva bola neplatná. Vidíte, tá zmluva by bola neplatná. Ten istý kus papiera, ktorý bol odtrhnutý, musel prísť rovno naspäť a byť presne spojený s tým druhým takto, to bolo dokonalé. A potom, ako ich dôkaz, zabili zviera, keď urobili svoje čestné prehlásenia.

33A teraz, Boh urobil zmluvu s ľuďmi tohoto sveta. Preto On poslal Syna Božieho a zabil Ho na Golgote. Veríte tomu? "My všetci sme zblúdili jako ovce. Boh uvalil na Neho neprávosť všetkých nás. Bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení." To bola Božia zmluva s cirkvou. Je to pravda? Potom Boh zabil Baránka na Golgote. Veríte tomu? On Ho roztrhol. Vzal časť z Toho, to telo hore do slávy, posadil Ho po pravici Majestátu. Veríte tomu? A Ducha Svätého, On poslal späť ku ľuďom. Je to pravda?

Potom, keď to prichádza dokopy, keď je táto zmluva spojená v dni súdu, ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý padol na deň Letníc sa zoskupuje okolo skupiny ľudí, To pôjde naspäť do toho istého Tela, do presného spojenia priamo do toho istého Tela. To je zmluva.

34Tak preto ten istý Duch, ktorý bol v tom dni, je tu dnes. Dejú sa tie isté znamenia, divy, zázraky. Takí istí ľudia veria tým istým spôsobom. Keď oni videli apoštola Petra a rozpoznali ho, dostali v ňom dar od Boha, keď on vyvolal a povedal ľuďom, čo oni urobili... A oni rozpoznali, on povedal Ananiášovi a Zafire ich hriechy. On vedel, čo Boh položil do jeho srdca aby urobil. A potom v tom, po ich rozpoznaní, ten modlitebný rad sa stal tak veľký, až sa Peter nemohol za nich modliť, a oni kládli tých ľudí na ulice, že dokonca ten starý rybár, nie nejaký veľký D.D., ale starý rybár, ktorého tieň prešiel cez nich. A každý jeden, cez ktorého prešiel jeho tieň, bol uzdravený. Tu sme. Nie je na to žiadne Písmo. Nebolo žiadne potom. Ale Boh ich uzdravil, pretože rešpektovali evanjelium Ježiša Krista. A On bude robiť tú istú vec dnes večer. To nebol Peter. To bol... Oni rešpektovali Boha, ktorého on reprezentoval. Je to pravda? To je to, Kto to bol. A jeho tieň prešiel cez nich a oni boli uzdravení, pretože tomu verili.

35 My sme znova naspäť v tých istých dňoch, Boh sa pohybuje cez svojich ľudí, veľkými znameniami a divmi. A teraz, vy nemusíte ležať v tieni, ale vy ste dnes večer pod týmto stanom, okolo neho, kde je Duch Svätý prítomný. Len to nechajte prejsť cez vás. Potom povstaňte, povedzte, "Áno, verím tomu. Práve teraz to prijímam." Buď uzdravený. Amen. Veríš tomu, sestra? Veríš? Ten nádor ťa veľmi sužoval, však? Áno. Či ťa ten nádor netrápil? V poriadku. Avšak teraz je to mŕtve, sestra. Boh ťa uzdravil, pretože si uverila. Maj vieru v Boha. Amen. Ó, aké úžasné. On je – On je tu a môže uzdraviť všetky veci. Len majte vieru. Boh vám to udelí. Ó, ako to teraz prichádza. Ó, ľudia. Chceli by ste, aby ste mohli jednoducho len... Ak... Pozrite. Poviem vám, čo. Ak ste sa len trochu báli, vezmite dnes večer moje slovo, dobre? Vezmite moje slovo a skutkom urobte, čo vám hovorím, a ja budem zodpovedný za vás v deň súdu. Vidíte? To je pravda. Ak budete veriť Ježišovi Kristovi z celého svojho srdca a veriť, že On vás teraz uzdravil, a prijmete Ho týmto spôsobom, to je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Choďte ďalej vydávajúc svedectvo, hovoriac o vašom uzdravení, a choďte priamo a Boh nechá, aby ste boli vyslobodení. To je pravda. Chvála Pánovi.

36Pozrel som dozadu na zástup, len aby som videl, kde to prichádza. Cestou zozadu, ďalej zozadu než z kadiaľ som ja kedy mohol prísť. To je skutočne pravda. Niekto na tejto ceste tu bol len pred chvíľou práve uzdravený z rakoviny. Nie som si istý. Myslím, že to je tá pani tam s tým bielym klobúkom, práve tam, práve tam. Som... Je to presne tam v tej časti. Pani, ty si mala rakovinu, sedíš presne tam, tá žena zodvihla svoju ruku. Bol to prípad rakoviny? Mala si rakovinu? V poriadku. Odišlo to od teba, drahá sestra. To ťa opustilo. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Amen. V poriadku. Povedzme, "Chvála Pánovi" Ó, ďalší prípad rakoviny rovno tu. Neprijmeš to tiež ty s tou sennou nádchou? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Je to pravda? Povstaň. Vidím ťa...?...Tu si. Si od toho voľný. Ty, sestra, s tým prípadom rakoviny. Povstaň. Ježiš Kristus uzdravuje a robí... Prečo, ó, mohli by ste sa postaviť cez celú túto budovu, ak by ste len tomu práve teraz verili. On je tu s ohromnou mocou. Ó, Ježišu, Synu Boží, Autor života, Darca každého dobrého daru, pošli Svoje požehnania na týchto ľudí. Nech sa znamenia a divy dejú dnes večer v mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to, Otče. Halleluja.

37Ó, pozrite. Som zvedavý, koľkí z vás tomuto práve teraz uverili. Keby sme zišli rovno tu dolu, a len nechali ľudí prejsť a položili na nich svoje ruky, aby boli požehnaní, aby boli uzdravení. Koľkí tomu veria, zodvihnite vaše ruky. Bolo vám to potvrdené? Veríte? Hovoril som vám, minulého večera som sa vás toto spýtal. Ak sa tieto veci nestali tým spôsobom, ako som to povedal prvého večera, volajte ma falošným prorokom. Koľkí tu boli v ten prvý večer a počuli ma to povedať, zodvihnete vaše ruky? Povedal som, že ak sa to stane, potom verte Bohu. Je to pravda? Dobre, stali sa? Je to pravda? V poriadku. A teraz, pozrite. Ježiš Kristus povedal toto, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Nasledovať koho? "Tých, ktorí veria, keď budú klásť svoje ruky na chorých (nie modliť sa za nich) a oni budú uzdravení. Sú to posledné slová, ktoré On povedal? Posledné zasľúbenie, ktoré On dáva cirkvi predtým, ako vystúpil do neba. Je to pravda? On povedal, "Ak nájdete veriacich, a oni položia svoje ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." A teraz, chcem sa vás opýtať: Máte dnes večer dosť viery?

38Ak by som sa len dostal rovno tu dolu do tejto uličky, stál rovno tu dolu, a len tam stál a modlil sa. A na každého, kto prichádza, položil ruky na tú osobu a nechal ich... A ak ste dostali vieru, aby ste povedali, že idete napred a ste uzdravení, vyjdite odtiaľto radujúci sa a chváľte Boha. Urobím to, ak ma len Boh alebo niekto podrží, aby som to urobil. Ak chcete, aby som to urobil, som.. Som tu, aby som vám slúžil s takou kapacitou, akú potrebujete... Koľkí by radšej mali toto, ako len ísť dopredu do obvyklej modlitebnej rady, zodvihli by ste vaše ruky? Teraz cez celú budovu, chcel by som to vidieť. V poriadku. Pozri, Howard. Teraz opačne. Koľkí by radšej išli dopredu s obvyklou modlitebnou radou a vyvolali určité veci. Ak to je... zložte svoje ruky. V poriadku. Pôjdeme do radu a aby sme sa potom modlili za všetkých týchto ľudí. Amen.

39Len chvíľu. Len... Ja... spýtal som sa ich ešte niečo. Ó. Verte teraz z celých svojich sŕdc. A teraz pozrite. Písmo hovorí, "tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, ak oni položia svoje ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." Je to pravda? Kde sú moji bratia slúžiaci Slovom? Poďte sem. Dnes večer uvidíte slávu Božiu. Tak veru. Chcem, aby ste prišli rovno sem dolu. Chcem sa dostať rovno dolu ku tým ľuďom. Kvôli všetkým týmto ľuďom, niektorým z nich sediacich tu, niektorým z týchto biednych ľudí, ktorí dokonca ani nedostali modlitebný lístok. A teraz, každý jeden je jednoducho – je na chvíľu skutočne úctivý. Stojte tam. Ja budem – idem rovno dolu ku vám. Len urobte dvojrad z čisto – teraz len zo slúžiacich bratov, nie – nie ostatní z nich, len slúžiaci bratia. Budeme musieť urobiť rad, tak oni prídu tadeto. Len zachvíľu, môj brat začne vyvolávať čísla, aby najprv dostal všetky tie modlitebné lístky. A potom začneme od tých modlitebných lístkov, aby sa potom dostali tí ostatní z nich, ktorí nedostali modlitebné lístky. Teraz ste, každá osoba je jednoducho úctivá. Každý jeden stoj len – len tak úctivo, ako môžeš.

40A teraz, nech vidíme, koľko modlitebných lístkov sme v budove rozdali. Nech vidíme vaše ruky. Je to pravdepodobne sto až stopäťdesiat modlitebných lístkov. A teraz, najprv, dáme modlitebné lístky do radu po číslach, a dáme im miesto, len čo sa na chvíľu zastavíme. Potom chcem, aby Howard alebo niekto sa tu postavil, lebo ja budem hovoriť... Možno niektorý slúžiaci brat zastane tu na tomto pódiu. A hneď, ako tie modlitebné lístky dôjdu do konca, potom len zachovajte celú skupinu zoradenú a prejdite z jedného konca na druhý a modlite sa za, prechádzajúc z jedného konca na druhý, aby ste sa pomodlili za každého jedného a položili ruky... A teraz, musíte teraz vedieť. Ste si istí, že veríte? Ste si istí? Ste presvedčení, že ten Duch, ktorý sa tu pohybuje, je Pán Ježiš Kristus? Ste presvedčení? Veríte v ten Božský dar, ktorý Boh dal? Veríte, že to prichádza od Boha? Veríte? Potom, ak som vám hovoril pravdu počas celých sedemnásť večerov, potom vám teraz hovorím pravdu. Či nie? Poviem vám toto: Ak každá osoba teraz tu, sa odovzdá Bohu, práve teraz Bohu... Vidíte, odovzdajte sa Bohu. A jediná vec, ktorú musíte, musíte vyplniť Slovo...

41A Teraz, Biblia povedala, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Je to pravda? Keď oni..." A teraz, to sú posledné slová, ktoré dal Ježiš cirkvi. "Keď položia svoje ruky na chorých..." Čo sa stane? "Oni budú uzdravení." A teraz, ak sa objavia príznaky, čo by ste povedali? "Je napísané." Je to pravda? Ste hotoví s vašou vierou povedať, "Som teraz hotový odovzdať sa Bohu v tejto veci." Ak ste, pozdvihnete svoje ruky? A teraz, On... Teraz sa mu odovzdávate, aby ste išli rovno podľa poriadku, jednoducho ako vodný krst, jednoducho ako každé ďalšie nariadenie dané cirkvi – Večera Pánova.

42 Toto je sväté nariadenie dané cirkvi, že, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak oni položia svoje ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." A teraz, to nebolo, že som to ja povedal, to bol Ježiš, ktorý to povedal. A teraz, prvá vec, ktorú musíte urobiť, je úplne sa odovzdať Kristovi a odovzdať svoju myseľ Jeho Slovu. "Pane, nebudem konať podľa svojich vlastných pocitov, podľa svojich vlastných myšlienok. Budem konať len podľa Tvojho Slova. Nebudem ohľadne toho ovládaný svojimi vlastnými myšlienkami. Budem konať podľa tvojho Slova." A teraz, uchyťte to správne. Tak, vy nejdete dolu a nehovoríte, "Dobre, stratil som svoje uzdravenie." Ak to urobíš, brat, to bude horšie, ako keby si vôbec neurobil svoje odovzdanie sa. Stojíte práve teraz. Pamätajte, práve ako prichádzate do cirkvi, vy musíte urobiť toto odovzdanie a povedať, "Pane, Bože neba, ja budem stáť na Tvojom Slove, tak mi pomôž, až kým posledná kvapka krvi alebo dychu opustí moje telo." Vidíte? Veríš, keď tvoje dieťa prechádza cez ten rad, že ono bude uzdravené, sestra? Veríš tomu? Skutočne, ono už je uzdravené, ale chcem, aby si nejako prešla cez ten rad. Zostalo to uzdravené pred chvíľou. V poriadku. Ale jednoducho chcem, aby si prešla cez to, tak nasleduj obvyklú... A teraz, každý z vás, ktorý chce urobiť toto odovzdanie sa, položte svoju ruku na svoje srdce, takto. Tí, ktorí stojíte tu, ktorí nemôžete, položte tam svoje ruky. A teraz, zodvihnite svoju ruku. A teraz, odovzdajte sa teraz Bohu, že od tejto chvíle veríte, že ste uzdravení mocou Všemohúceho Boha. Urobíte to?

43Všemohúci Bože, teraz ti odovzdávam toto, ako tvoj pokorný sluha, v Mene Ježiša Krista...?... Syna živého Boha, Ktorý vytrpel krvácanie a smrť pod tým – kvôli odpusteniu našich hriechov a uzdraveniu nášho tela... Kto uveril našej správe? Komu je zjavené rameno Pánove? Tu to je dnes večer. Oni veria správe. Rameno Pánove je zjavené. Veríme v Pána Ježiša Krista, a teraz kárame každého ducha, ktorý je z diabla, ktorý by zväzoval týchto ľudí v mene Ježiša Krista, Syna živého Boha. Nech ich to opustí, Pane Bože, ako oni prechádzajú cez tento rad, a my kladieme na nich svoje ruky. Nech je také isté zhromaždenie dnes večer, aké bolo v uliciach Jeruzalema, a tieň Petra prešiel cez tých ľudí. My, Kresťania z pohanov, veríme tomu daru. Veríme Bohu. Veríme práve tak, ako oni verili vtedy. A sme jednoducho tak vďační. A Pane Bože, nech tvoja moc prejde cez toto poslucháčstvo a uzdraví každú osobu v tejto budove. A ako oni idú cez tento rad, nech povstanú volajúc a chváliac Boha pre Jeho slávu. V mene Ježiša Krista, Jeho Syna, to prosíme. Amen.

44V poriadku. A teraz, on dá do poradia tie lístky. A chcem, aby ste... Pozrite. Chcete stále ešte niečo pre mňa urobiť? Keď sa vás dotkne prvá ruka, zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, "Vďaka Ti, Ježišu." Choďte rovno von cez budovu chváliac... [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] hovoriac Bohu, "Vďaka Ti, Ježišu. Vďaka Ti." Nemáte už nič, ale chvály Božie neustále prechádzajú vaším srdcom po celý čas. Tak veru. Tak, odovzdávam tu teraz službu bratovi, zatiaľ čo idem tu dolu ku tomu radu, aby sme začali toto... [ je volaný modlitebný rad –pozn.prekl.]

45Myslím, že môžem povedať z môjho srdca, že tak mnoho ľudí bolo uzdravených. To je najväčší rýchly rad, aký som kedy videl v mojom živote prechádzať. A teraz, mohol by som povedať, že prinajmenej osemdesiat alebo deväťdesiat percent ľudí, ktorí prešli cez tento rad sú práve teraz uzdravení. Skontroloval som to cez ich ruky. Skúšal som ich chytiť za ruku, aby som cítil, uchytil tie vibrácie, a oni boli tak čistí, ako len mohli byť, keď som prechádzal okolo. Prakticky každý jeden, ktorý prešiel cez ten rad, je už uzdravený. Boh, ktorý je môj Sudca, pred Ktorým stojím, vie, že hovorím to, čo je pravda. Vidím slepého muža, ktorý bol na zhromaždeniach dlhý čas, teraz tu prechádza okolo. Pozrite, ako on vidí, ktorí stojíte tu na blízku, tu pred nami. Povedzme, "Vďaka Ti za to, Pane."

46A teraz, myslím, že to, čo by mali oni urobiť, je, aby všetci tí bratia... zoraďme sa. A každý nech položí svoje ruky na tých ľudí, ktorí sú na pojazdných lôžkach, a dovoľte mi prísť dolu ku vám. Všetci slúžiaci bratia nech sa rozostúpia. A každý nech sa teraz za týchto ľudí modlí. A teraz, vy ktorí ste na tých pojazdných kreslách a na tých lôžkach, keď je prosené za vás v modlitbe, verte z celého svojho srdca. Nech vás Boh žehná. Pozrite, priatelia, z hlbín môjho srdca vás milujem s kresťanskou – vrelo z kresťanskej lásky. Úžasné. A teraz, ako ste rozostúpení. Nech všetci ľudia sklonia svoje hlavy, zatiaľ čo sa budeme modliť.

TO WHOM IS THE ARM OF THE LORD REVEALED?, 50-0824, Tent Meeting, Tent Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 46 min

1 So happy to be here. Sorry it's the last night of this... No, it isn't the last night. We got Sunday yet, haven't we (That's right.), Sunday afternoon and Sunday night. That's very fine. So I'm happy that we have that. Because... Yes, sir. And tomorrow night also. Friday night, Saturday night we rest then. Then Sunday night--Sunday afternoon, Sunday night.

You make the announcements...?... regards...?... when the services start...?... That's very fine. And now, we're going to expect a great time.

I've got to leave here by 3:30 or 4:00 in the morning, and drive two hundred miles to be in the service tomorrow night, and then come back. And the next day, be back here for Sunday the following day. And then, two services right one after the other.

2 But it's a glorious thing to be serving Jesus Christ, the Son of God, truly happy to be here. I believe tonight that if this would be our last night on--on the earth to be together, why, we still have the testimony of the Lord Jesus, don't we? We sure believe Him with all of our hearts.

Now, we're going to ask this question just now. How many has been healed in this meeting, that feels that you've been healed, let's see your hands? That's very fine.

3 Just awhile ago, I said, "One thing of leaving people, just about the time you get acquainted with people, then you have to say good-bye." But it's not good-bye in our services...?... it's for--for a little while.

And you've been so nice to me, and everything, so I'm really sorry that our services close.

And I said to my little girl today; she's ready to go. She's just wants to go home right away after... There's no children to play with.

And I said, "Honey, do you want to go home?"

She said, "No, daddy, I like it up here."

So I... She's just fine. Everybody's babying her and everything, so she's really glad to stay. And... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...

4 Home church of Brother Rediger, one of the gallant heroes of faith in days gone by. His daughter is...?... Eagle...?... passing...?... God had made her well. She's...?... marry this month. And a very lovely girl...

Mister Bosworth, Fred Bosworth. Now, many of you are acquainted with him...?... I'm sure he's here. A very fine Christian brother... And he's one of our...?... that goes with us, Brother Bosworth. And he was with me then as a manager.

And I remember when I met him in Miami, Florida. He was just done give up all Divine healing, and laid back, I guess he was done seventy something years old. So when he... He had me come over to a service, and see it, why, the old fellow got just a boy again. And I said to him, "How old are you, Brother Bosworth?"

5 One night standing down by the--a hotel in Miami. I'd just walked out, looking out over the beach; it's just wintertime. Just as straight, you know, when he went walking away, just with the spring of a young man, you know. Here I was of about one third his age and dragging along. He looked down at me.

I said, "Brother Bosworth, when were you your best?"

He said, "Right now." He said, "Brother Branham, I'm just a kid living in an old house."

And--and that's Brother Bosworth. You know, he's a great joker. And he and his... Fred, and Brother...?... also.

6 In a meeting Mrs. Bosworth, his wife, was selling books at a bookstand at the entrance to the tabernacle, when there was a--a young lady, named...?... Bryan, cross-eyed. And she said, "I've tried to get a prayer card..." And all she had done to try to get in a line, but it was... It was no use. She was failing.

I believe that was the last night, the night the man was healed of multiple sclerosis, that sent the word to King George of England, which I have his statement. God had healed him. And the man had been bed patient ten years with multiple sclerosis. He's perfectly well tonight, glorifying God.

The little girl was crying, a young lady. And Mrs. Bosworth said, "Honey, you--you don't understand." That's right. Some words to that. Said, "Now, you--you don't need a prayer card. If you'll just walk right out here and stand in the aisle," and said, "you just believe it with all your heart that God is going to make you whole, and," said, "God will speak to Brother Branham up on the platform."

7 And I was having a prayer line, coming down the prayer line. And the girl though, just very polite, you know, and had... She walked out... Last night of the service... She walked out there, and just got a hold of God. And all of a sudden, I feel something come on me, and pulled me around. She was standing way farther than the distance of this building here.

I said, "All right, sister, God has healed you of those crossed-eyes." Both eyes come straight. The girl's here in the building somewhere. I wished she'd just come forward, if you're hearing my voice, sister...?... Somewhere... Here she is, right here now.

Let us say, "Praise the Lord." Everybody. [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.] [The sister testifies--Ed.]

God's made her eyes...?... now. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Everybody. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...

8 Lasts just as long as faith lasts. That's it. When you get weak in faith, it will come right back again. Whenever you get weak in faith, your sins will return right to you again, the same old desires, only worse. Is that right? So go and believe.

The little lady was standing way away from me. And her faith... See, her faith touched God. God had said the only thing you have to do is speak to her now, and...?... there come her eyes straight. She's well...

Now, thousands of those cases... I believe we had four hundred and sixty some odd cross-eyed cases, cases of Divine healing, by cross-eyes, which was perfectly straight and normal. And it's making less than a year in the services we have in town...?... Mister Moore's been...?... Cross-eyed people that was healed. We're so thankful for that, and for all.

9 I see a little baby setting here now, its little feet in plaster paris. Little baby...

She remembers at Fort Wayne that night, a little baby was there, and his little feet was so clubbed. Oh, my. It was horrible. They had it in braces. The doctor said, it would always be that way.

When it passed through the line, I said, "Sister, now go and take those things off." See?

Here come the baby walking back just as normal as it could be. Stood her up on the platform. There's his little feet just as straight, went right on. It's marvelous what the Lord Jesus can do for us, if we'll just only have faith and believe. That's all. Just believe.

10 Now, I wish to read just a little bit of the Word. And again I... Before leaving this part of the service in this tent, the old tent's been a blessing to us. And I'm very thankful for it. And I--I pray that God will let it stand many, many great storms...?... along. May many souls be saved under it. And the...?... to go from this meeting to pay with the tent, and...?... while I was here. Very thankful for it--for it. It goes only for Gospel use. It's owned by the Voice of Healing, Shreveport, Louisiana. It'll not be used for circuses and things like that. It'll be used for the Gospel.

And the men who use it, they rent it. We rent it. Pay the rent in, the rent pays for the tent. And that when that comes to pass that all that's taken care, we add more sections to it. Just keep on like that. Then the--the money that would come in from rent there, will just keep going for different things and just move just right along.

Always, the non-profit organization, the "Voice of Healing." Brother Lindsay is the editor, and Brother Moore is a co-editor, and Sister Anna Jeanne Moore is a circulating editor. It's a little paper that carries all the--the--any group that's having Divine healing services in these last days.

11 All right. In Isaiah 53, is one of my favorite Scriptures. Just...?... time to read it tonight. It's so appropriate right now.

Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of... dry ground: he has no form nor comeliness... when you should see him... we see him, there is no beauty we should desire him.

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrow... acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he has borne our grief... carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquity: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

All we like sheep has gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

12 Shall we pray. Our heavenly Father, just reading the Word now, may the Holy Spirit take the Words now and go right into the hearts of the people; and may they come to a full realization, this night here under the tent, that it's Jesus that we speak of. He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.

Oh, how we love Him with all of our hearts. With gratefulness, we come to bow our heads to the dust of the earth from which we were taken, and someday shall return, if the Lord does tarry.

And I ask You, Father, to bless us tonight, and will move upon us in a great marvelous way, and may many great healings be done tonight, because of His Presence. May those dear people here reach right out, take a hold, Lord. Grant it, Lord. And there, hold to the Rock of Ages until the power of the Lord sweeps them through the gate out into the freedom, out of the clutches of the enemy, till they're free from sin and sickness. Grant it, Father. Hear the prayer of Your servant as we pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

13 This is... Tonight, we won't take much time to say many words, only I want to thank all had a part in the service. I want to thank the cooperating ministers. God bless them. These strangers here ought to attend their church. Give them a visit, a calling. And I'm sure they're--that they're good God saved men, sent of God.

Never have had a place that ministers and people were in harmony and love than this group of men. And the audience has been wonderful, just...

I've never have called one person down, only to keep their head bowed. I marvel at that. Usually in meetings sometimes, God has to send in...?... a half a dozen or more, to make them come to the respect. Now, that's... This here, the people just reverent, believe with one heart and one accord. That's the way to do it. And now, that's wonderful.

14 And all of our expenses has been met. We're just thankful to you. They gave me a love offering which I appreciate from the depths of my heart, to anything those...

Someone wrote me a little letter awhile ago. And, my, if they didn't tear me up about Sunday afternoon's meeting. Oh, my. Some lady. She said, "I come to see miracles, not hear about what something happened in somebody's life."

With that attitude, sister, you'll never see them, until one's been performed on you, and that's when you get converted. That's right. That's right. 'Cause your heart's not right with God have something like that. The attitude towards it proves it. The fruit--taste of the pudding is the fruit thereof. So notice, "By their fruit ye shall know them."

15 Now. And now, we've had glorious success for Jesus Christ. Do you know, Jesus has done more here than He could do in His own city, hasn't He? For there was no mighty works Jesus could do in His own city. And in this city, He's done mighty works, hasn't He? So He's had more success in this city than He did in His own city.

Think of that. Jesus Christ, after nineteen hundred years, has had more success in Cleveland, Ohio in six weeks meetings here, or a three week's meeting than He did in His life's journey in His own city. Think of that.

Goes to show that the glorious Old Gospel Ship has the same power it had in the beginning (That's right.) where men and women will believe on them. Now, we're thankful for that, and pray that God will bless all of you.

16 And I hope to see you Sunday afternoon. And Sunday afternoon is preaching service. If the Lord doesn't change my mind, I want to speak on the subject of the return of the prodigal son, for Sunday afternoon. And come out if you're in...?... And then... Then we...

Then Sunday night, I trust that we'll have the greatest healing service we've ever had. Just trust that the place will just be illuminated with the power of God.

Maybe I'll be a little rested after a few nights of rest now, driving Saturday night, be more able to go into the service. This way, I become dense, dull, like. And I--and I be--when I get tired and worn, the senses of this gift becomes more or less dull. I think the fellow on anything natural would. After you go so long, you become kinda dull, sense bound...?... that's the way this...?... And I trust that God will give us a great fresh start again Sunday night. Come out believing. Come out praying, everyone.

17 Thank all the ushers and the officers, and everything is cooperating, though they give me...?... this afternoon. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... a few minutes overtime. Not... I was in the parking lot, supposed to leave here at four o'clock. And I was out running around here and there. And the Lord called me on two visions today, to go out to...?... on the streets today. I was setting in the room. The Lord came down, and He said, "Go down to this corner and turn to the left and go down here and stand there. There'll be a woman come along with a gray suit on, a little white hat." Said, "She has cancer to be healed."

And there she was, coming down the street. She said, "Aren't you Reverend Branham from that tent?"

I said, "Yes."

She said, "Oh, I tried to come, but my husband won't let me come to..."

I said, "The Lord has healed you of your cancer, sister. Pass on in peace."

Said, "Oh, my." She went down the street weeping like that. See, God knows all about those things. And so it's marvelous.

18 I believe I seen a--a backslider brother come to the Lord this afternoon too, come back to the house of the Lord, to the fellowship of His--His Son, Jesus. Now, pray much.

And I was just looking at two sweet little girls setting here. Bless their little hearts...?... Just as sweet. I...?... two of the little girls just setting there with a little blond hair.

I remember one of the most pathetic sights I ever seen in my life was at Mexico, where we're going to try to make those trips this winter if possible. I remember we went across the border at Juarez. The first time I was ever in Mexico. And when Brother Moore and I, we crossed the border and went in there, I walked down the street. And oh, my, the people on the streets, TB and everything.

I reached down and tried to give them money and take hold of their hand. My, how that tubercular would be hitting. I'd try to tell them; I couldn't understand their language, and they couldn't understand mine. They pulled back. They were afraid, like... I went on down the street. We went around by some church. And oh, it was very poor.

19 We seen a little fellow there was sacking up old rotten tomatoes on a little mule and start down the street. I tell you. It would make you feel like you were no good when you seen that.

I noticed another sight. There was a little fellow there. He didn't have on no clothes, but just a coat. He had a little old bill, fastened it all full of paper all tore up. He was reaching down in an old garbage can. He's pulling out something, you know, and he'd shake the water off, and rake the things off his hand, and look at it. Nearly all of them was partly blind. He looked at it like that, and he lay it in a little bitty old bucket of a thing.

His grandmother standing there, barefooted, and her feet's like a bear on the bottom, just as calloused as it could be, piece of an old dirty shawl on, standing there keep the cold in her hands. And he'd reach down and feeled again.

And I said, "I'm going over to look at that."

They said, "Oh, you oughtn't to go over there." Said, "They..."

20 I went over there. What it was, this little Mexican boy was getting little bitty bits of potatoes, about like that, out of the bottom of the slop can there. When Mexico throws anything away, it's really bad. But he had about a half a dozen in there and he was just laughing, and they were laughing. They were looking at their potatoes.

I thought, "My..." And I just left over there. And my brethren had paid about at least seventy-five cents or a dollar for my breakfast when we crossed the border. I looked at the poor little fellow. I... Looked like their heart would just swell out of him.

Now, he might be a little Mexican. But he gets just as hungry as a little American. When he's hungry, he's just as hungry. Yes, sir. And Jesus died for him just the same as--as He died for all of us. And I looked at him; I thought, "Poor little thing. What if that was my little Billy Paul." Looked at him...

21 And I walked up to where he was, and the grandmother seen me coming up. Now, perhaps it was grandmother. She run back. And I touched the little fellow, like that. And my, he jumped out into the street, thought somebody was going to stick him or something for taking those potatoes. He looked. And his little eyes with kinda tears in them, and shaking like that, and like looking at me...?... Held the little fellow...?... I was pointing up towards heaven holding my hand over my heart. And I let him know that I was a minister. I kept pointing up like that. And...?... all around, see what was going on up there. And I--I knelt down.

I knowed he was Catholic, so all of them there are Catholic...?... I begin to make crosses, you know, on my heart. And hold up my... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

22 All across the pews, just thankful for the love offering, [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... begin to walk up those...?...

23 I walked up. I reached down in my pocket, I had about, oh, five or six dollars in halves, and quarters, and things I had in my pocket. And I had him hold his little hands down. And I told him to hold his hands like this, you know. And he looked at me, you know. And I finally got him to hold his little hands. I dumped all that in his little hands.

And he looked at it like this. He got down and looked at it close. Stood there a little bit, put it down in his little pocket, and looked up to me like that, took off his little cap, knelt down on his knees and took a hold of my hand.

Oh, my. Said, "God bless you, honey. I'll visit you again one of these days, just soon as I can." That's right.

24 We have a lot of things we could do with money, if we Americans would just do it. Do you know that? That's right. There's where it's really needed, where it's suffering and in need. Poor little fellows...

Brother Gordon and I, the Lord willing, around Christmas, going take a trip down through there to see those little fellows.

God is merciful to us, isn't He? We American people don't know how well off we are. That's right. To know that the need of this world, how they're in need. And yet we have plenty and... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] No feeling. He said, "I was hungry; you didn't feed Me. I was naked; you didn't clothe Me. I was in prison; you wouldn't visit Me. When were You, Lord? Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me." That's right?

25 All right. Now, we're going to start the prayer line, 'cause I want to pray just as much as possible tonight for the sick. Starting about thirty-five minutes early tonight, for I want to pray just as long as I can. I want to go, 'cause I've got to get to bed real early in order to drive in the morning, get back home for the services tomorrow night.

So let us bow our heads again, if you will. Friends, you may laugh too much: you may talk too much; you may walk too much; but you'll never pray too much. "I would that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without..."

26 Our heavenly Father, we've come now to the end of seventeen nights of service, one of the longest services You've ever permitted Your servant to have. Now, tomorrow night is another one here with Brother Lindsay and Brother Hall. Father, we pray that You'll meet with them here. Bless those two dear Christian brothers. May the power of the Holy Spirit be near to deliver the sick and the afflicted, those who may not be here tonight. We ask You tonight to clear the whole building, Father, of every sick person. May there be a great pouring out of the Spirit. Many hundreds, all that's in need tonight, may they be delivered here at the platform tonight, Lord, and out in the audience in their seats.

27 And as our little sister testified, standing plumb back, way in the back of the building, God come down upon her with those eyes being crossed since a baby, moved those eyes out straight. The power of the Holy Spirit taken away. God, without wavering faith she moved forward, and her young heart blessed, going everywhere now, come all the way up here just to get to say, "Jesus heals." He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Think of the little girl there, cross-eyed, blind, stomach trouble, was healed. And You permitted it to go in the great book of Who's Who. O God, we thank Thee for Thy mercies and kindness. Be with us tonight now, won't you, Father? Pour out Your Spirit upon us and give us a great deliverance tonight, for we ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

28 Now, everybody tonight, I wish we would just try to settle down to this one thing: that God is here. I wonder if you'll make me this promise before we start praying for the sick. If you make me this promise, and say, "If God touches me in the least tonight, I'm going to rise and claim my healing right then. May the first time that faith anchors in my heart, Lord, here I come."

Do you remember the lepers set at the gate? They said, "Why do we set here till we die? Let's do something about it." And now, you do the same tonight. Let's do something about it.

His Presence here... A little deaf baby, was setting there last night. And that mother, oh, how she was looking, how she was trying. I could feel it pull, pull. Then just got everybody in there be--got to pulling. And I know several of them stopped.

I turned around; I said, "Somebody in there, there's several of them He healed. I can't tell just who they were."

29 The mother turned around and spoke to the baby, and brought the card up with tears rolling down her cheeks. Said, "My baby's hearing." See it? That's it. That's it, just go believing with all your heart. It'll be so. It's your faith that makes you whole. Isn't that right? Your faith, no other way can you be healed, only through faith. Now, God bless these people's heart here [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] away.

All right. Now, we want try to get as many as we possibly... You can make the call to yourself. I'll put it on his hands for tonight. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...?... pray that God will help him to make the choice.

30 All right. Now, how many cards, you got a hundred out? I believe, maybe, after we get a line a going a little while, maybe we won't have to linger so long with one. Then just let them come right on through and the whole group be healed. Wouldn't that be marvelous to see? We used to have it...

How many was ever in one of the fast lines? What, when we used to have fast lines then... We passed them through there, and testimonies would just pour in. The only thing they wanted to do, is just get near you. Just to get there when the anointing was on, then they called their blessing and went away rejoicing. And they were healed. See?

31 The brass serpent couldn't pray for no one, could it? The Pool of Bethesda, the Angel didn't pray for no one. It was a troubled water. Is that right? They just looked and lived with the brass serpent. And in the days of the apostles, they laid in the shadow of Peter and was healed.

Now, if you don't believe that this is Bible times again, just a repeat. In this last days, God's calling out a people of the Gentiles. He's calling on the Jews and a Gentile Church, the same thing, a contract.

32 In the old days, when a contract was made, you know what they did? Notice. God just telling me to say this, I don't know.

A person would go and write a--a contract on a piece of paper. They'd write the contract. And then on the contract, they'd write what it was they was going to do, then they'd tear the paper in two, and they would kill a beast. The me... And over this beast, they tore the contract. They would give one person one part, one part the person the other.

And when they come together... When this agreement was brought together, that had to be exactly the same piece of paper cut through the letters, and had to dovetail just exactly with that or the contract was no good. See, the agreement was no good. The same piece of paper that was tore away, had to come right back and dovetail in with the other, like that, to make it perfect.

And then, as their pledge, they killed a beast when they made their pledge.

33 Now, God made a contract with the peoples of this world. Therefore, He sent the Son of God and killed Him on Calvary. You believe that? "All we like sheep have gone astray. God laid upon Him the iniquity of all. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we're healed." That was God's contract to the Church. Is that right? Then God killed the Lamb at Calvary. Do you believe it? And from Him, He tore Him apart. He took part of It, the body up into glory, set It on the right-hand of the Majesty. You believe it? And the Holy Spirit, He sent back to the people. Is that right?

Then when it comes together, when this contract is come together at the day of the judgment, the same Holy Spirit that fell on the day of Pentecost is grouping around a bunch of people; It'll go right back to that same Body, to dovetail right into that same Body. It's a contract.

34 So therefore, the same Spirit that was in that day, is here today. The same signs, wonders, miracles are being performed. The same people are believing in the same manner.

When they seen the apostle Peter, and recognized him to have the gift of God in him when he called out and told the people what they did... And they recognized, he told Ananias and Sapphira their sins. He knew what God put in his heart to do. And then in that, after them recognizing that, the prayer lines got so great, till Peter couldn't pray for them, and they laid the people in the streets that even that old fisherman, not some big D.D., but an old fisherman, that his shadow would pass over them. And every one that his shadow passed over was healed. There you are.

There's no Scripture for that. There wasn't any then. But God healed them because they respected the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And He will do the same thing today. It wasn't Peter. It was... They respected God Who he represented. Is that right? That's Who It was. And his shadow passed over them, and they were healed, because they believed it.

35 We're back in the same days again: God moving among His people, great signs and wonders. Now, you don't have to lay in a shadow, but you're under this tent tonight, around it, where the Holy Spirit is here. Just let It pass over you. Then rise up, say, "Yes, I believe it. Right now I accept it." Be healed. Amen.

You believe that, sister? You do? That tumor's been bothering you a lot, hasn't it. Yes. Hasn't that tumor been bothering you? All right. It's dead now though, sister. God healed you, 'cause you believed. Have faith in God. Amen.

Oh, my. How marvelous. He's--He's here and can heal all things. Just have faith. God will grant it to you. My, how that's coming in now. Oh, people. Wished you could just only... If...

Look. I tell you what. If you've been just a little afraid, take my word tonight, will you? Take my word and act to do what I tell you, and I'll be responsible for you at the day of the judgment. See? That's right. If you will believe on Jesus Christ with all your heart, and believe that He healed you now, and accept Him that way, that's all you have to do. Go forth testifying, telling you're healed, and go right on, and God will see that you're deliverance. That's true. Praise the Lord.

36 Been looking back in the crowd, just seeing where it's coming. Way back from farther back than I could ever come from. That's exactly right.

Somebody right in this channel right here was healed with a cancer just a few moments ago. I'm not sure. I think it's the lady there with the white hat on right there, right over there. I'm sure... It's right along in that section.

Lady, did you have cancer, setting right there, the woman's got her hand up. Was that a cancer case? Did you have cancer? All right. It's gone from you, sister dear. It's left you. God bless you. Amen. All right. Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

My, another cancer case right here. Won't you accept it with hay fever too. God bless you. Is that right? Stand up. I seen you...?... There you are. You're free from it. You, sister, with the cancer case. Stand up. Jesus Christ heals and makes...

Why my, you could stand up over the building and be healed, if you'd just believe it right now. He's here with mighty power.

O Jesus, Son of God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon the people. May signs and wonders be wrought tonight in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Grant it, Father. Hallelujah.

37 My, look. I wonder how many of you would believe this right now. If we'd get right down here, and just let the people pass through and put a--our hands on them to bless them, that they'd be healed. How many believes that, raise your hands.

Has it been confirmed to you? Do you believe? I told you, the last night I'd ask you this. If these things didn't happen the way that I said the first night, call me a false prophet. How many was here the first night and heard me say that, raise your hands? I said if it did happen, then believe God. Is that right? Well, do they happen? Is it the truth? All right.

Now, look. Jesus Christ said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Follow who? "Them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick (not pray for them), if they lay their hands on the sick they shall recover." Is that the last Words He said? The last promise He give the Church before He ascended into heaven? Is that right? He said, "If you find believers, and they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, I want to ask you: Have you faith enough tonight?

38 If we just--I'd get right down here in this aisle, stand right down here, and just stand there and pray. And everybody come by, lay hands upon that person, and let them... And if you got faith to say you go ahead and be healed, go out of here rejoicing and praising God. I'll do it, if God or somebody has to hold me up to do it. If you want me to do that, I'm wi... I'm here to serve you in any capacity you want me. We...

How many would rather have that, than they would just go ahead with the regular line, raise your hand? All over the building now, I want to see. All right. Look, Howard. Contrary now. Who'd rather go ahead with the regular line and call out some things. If that's... put your hands. All right. We're going to line up and pray for all the people then. Amen.

39 Just a moment. Just... I--I--I asked them something else. Oh my. You believe with all your heart now? Now, look. The Scripture says, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that right? Where's my minister brothers at tonight? Come here. You're going to see the glory of God tonight. No, sir. I want you to come right down here. I want to get right down there with the people myself. For all these people, some of them setting here, some of these poor people hasn't even got a prayer card.

Now, everyone just be--just be reverent just a moment. Stand there. I'm going to be--come right down with you. Just make a double line of the cler--of just the ministers now, not--not the rest of them, just the ministers. We're going to have to make a line so they come around this a way. Just in a moment, my brother will start calling the numbers, get all the prayer cards first. And then we'll start from the prayer cards, then get the rest of them that hasn't got prayer cards. Are you now?... Every person just be reverent. Everyone stand just--just as reverent as you can.

40 Now, let's see how many prayer cards we got in the building. Let's see your hands. There's probably a good hundred to a hundred and fifty prayer cards. Now, first, we're going to have the prayer cards to file in number, and we'll have a place for them to stop just in a moment. Then I want Howard or somebody to stand here, or I'll say... Maybe some minister to stand here at this platform. And as soon as the prayer cards are through, then just keep having the whole group to line up and come through and be prayed for, coming through, each one to be prayed for and have hands...

Now, you must know now. Are you sure that you believe? Are you sure? Are you convinced that the Spirit that's moving here in the church is the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you convinced? Do you believe in the Divine gift that God has given? Do you believe it comes from God? You do? Then if I have told you the truth for seventeen straight nights, then I'm telling you the truth now. Am I?

I'll say this: If each person in here now, will make a committal, right now to God... See, make your committal to God. And the only thing you have to have to fulfill the Word...

41 Now, the Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Is that right? "If they..." Now, that's the last Words that Jesus give the Church. "If they lay their hands on the sick..." What will happen? "They shall recover."

Now, if symptoms should arise, what would you say? "It is written." Is that right?

Are you ready with your faith to say, "I am now ready to commit myself to God in this manner." If you do, raise your hand? Now, He... You are now committing yourself to Him to go through the order, just like water baptism, just like any other order of the Church--the Lord's Supper.

42 This is a sacred order of the Church, that, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, that wasn't me that said that; that was Jesus Christ Who said that.

Now, the first thing you must do, is surrender yourself entirely to Christ, and surrender your mind to His Word. "Lord, I won't act upon my own feelings, upon my own thoughts. I will only act upon Your Word. I'll have no control of my own thoughts concerning it. I will act upon Your Word." Now, get that straight.

Now, you're not to go down and say, "Well, I've lost my healing." If you do, brother, it'll be worse than ever if you make this committal. You're to stand right now. Remember, just like coming into the church; you are supposed to make this committal, and say, "Lord God of heaven, I'll stand by Your Word, so help me, till the last drop of blood's left my body or breath." See?

You believe when your baby passes through the line, it's going to be healed, sister? You do that? Frankly, it's already healed, but I want you to pass through the line anyhow. It's healed awhile ago. All right. But just, I want you to come through so you follow the regular...

Now, all of you that wants to make this committal, put your hand on your heart, like this. Those who are standing here, those who cannot, lay your hands on there. Now, raise up your hand. Now, you now commit yourself to God, that from this time hence, you believe that you're healed by the power of Almighty God. You'll do that?

43 Almighty God, I now commit this to You, as Your humble servant, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the immaculate Son of the living God, Who suffered, bled and died under the--for the remission of our sins, and the healing of our bodies... Who has believed our report? To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Here it is tonight. They believe the report. The arm of the Lord is revealed. We believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and now rebuke every spirit of the devil that would bind these people in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. May it leave them, Lord God, as they pass through this line, and we lay hands upon them. May the same meeting be tonight, like was in the streets of Jerusalem, when the shadow of Peter passed over the people. We Gentiles believe the gift. We believe God. We believe Christ just as they did then. And we're just as thankful.

And Lord God, may Your power sweep over this audience and heal every person in the building. And as they go through this line, may they rise, shouting and praising God for His glory. In the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

44 All right. Now, he's going to line the cards. And I want you to... Look. Will you still do something else for me? When the first hand touches you, rise your hands, and say, "Thank You, Jesus." Go right out through the building praising... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] God saying, "Thank You, Jesus. Thank You." Have nothing else but praises of God constantly rolling through your heart all the time. Yes, sir.

Now, here I turn the service now to brother, while I go down here in the line to start this... [The prayer line is called. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

45 I find that I could say from my heart that so many people were healed. It's the greatest fast line that I ever seen pass through in my life. Now, I could say, that at least eighty or ninety percent of the people that passed through the line are healed right now. I checked back with their hands. I tried to reach with my hand to feel, to catch vibrations, and they would be clear as they could be as they passed by. Practically every one that was passed through the line is already healed. God, Who is my Judge, Who I stand before, know that I tell that which is true.

I see a blind man that's been in meetings for a long time, walking around here now. Looks like he's seeing, standing around here in front of us here. Let's say, "Thank the Lord for that."

46 Now, I think what they ought to do, is all the brothers, let's line up. And everyone put your hands on the people on the wheel cots, and let me come down where you're at. All ministers, get around. And everybody in prayer now for these people.

Now, you that's on the wheelchairs and in the cots, when the prayer is asked over you, believe with all your heart. God bless you.

Look friends, from the depths of my heart, I love you with Christian--warmness of Christian love. Wonderful.

Now, as you get around. Let all people bow their heads while we pray.