Veľký sluha Mojžiš




Veľký sluha Mojžiš

Boh povedal, "Čo máš vo svojej ruke, Mojžiš?" On povedal, "Palicu." To bolo všetko, čo on mal, iba starú palicu, ktorú zobral niekde na púšti, používal ju, keď hnal ovce cez brány, alebo kdekoľvek on šiel, postrkoval ich ňou. Bola to len stará palica, ktorú niekde odsekol. Boh povedal, “Mojžiš, hoď ju na zem.“ A keď tú palicu hodil na zem, obrátila sa na hada. A Mojžiš utiekol. A On povedal, “Zodvihni ho.“ A on ho zodvihol za chvost a to sa zmenilo znova späť na palicu. Môžem si predstaviť, ako povedal, “Divné videnia tu dnes vidím,“ tak, keď videl tú palicu ako sa premenila na hada. Nuž, čo bola táto palica? To je to, o čom chceme hovoriť.

Čo bola táto palica? To už nebola obyčajná palica. Pretože to bol prút súdu Všemohúceho Boha. Čo ona symbolizovala? Kríž. Ako symbolizuje kríž? Pretože prirodzene to bol strom. Duchovne to bol had. A ako mohol had symbolizovať Ježiša? Ten had, keď bol hadom, plazom, predstavoval už odsúdený hriech. Pretože satan zhrešil v hadovi v záhrade Eden, ktorý nebol hadom (plazom), on bol ten chýbajúci článok medzi človekom a zvieraťom. A on chodil vzpriamene a bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat (nie hadov), zvierat poľných. A keď zostal prekliaty, jeho nohy mu odpadli a začal sa plaziť po bruchu. A to ukazovalo, že on už bol odsúdený, keď sa stal plazom.

1Spočiatku som si myslel, že to bol tvoj chlapec, ktorý tu sedí, brat Wood, tam na konci, kde tá pani píše, ale to nebol. Keď som otvoril oči, vznášal sa tam Anjel Pánov. Myslel som si, že to bol Dávid, ktorý tam sedí. Ale to nebol Dávid, nemyslím si. Ty nie si Dávid Wood, však? Vyzeráš presne ako jeho dvojča, ako tu sedíš. To nie je Dávid Wood. Videl som, ako sa niečo stalo. Amen. Och, aké úžasné. Cesty Pánove sú nevystihnuteľné, však? Amen. "Ak môžeš veriť," On povedal, "všetky veci sú možné." V poriadku, otvoríme Slovo. Verím, nechám si to len pre seba a nech to Pán zjaví, och, ak to On uzná za potrebné.

2Obráťme sa rýchlo do 4. knihy Mojžišovej 20. kapitoly. Pokúsime sa zobrať okolo 20 minút na kázanie, ak Pán dovolí. A teraz buďte pripravení. Neviem, čo sa teraz môže stať. Pán Ježiš môže pre nás urobiť čokoľvek. Milujete Ho? Povedzte: "Amen" [zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen" – pozn.prekl.] No, to slovo "amen" znamená "nech sa stane." Vidíte? A teraz, skutočne Ho milujeme. [4. Moj. 20:7-9 – pozn.prekl.]

A Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:

Vezmi palicu a shromaždi obec, ty aj Áron, tvoj brat, a budete hovoriť skale pred ich očami, a skala vydá svoju vodu. A vyvedieš im vodu zo skaly a napojíš obec aj ich dobytok.

Vtedy vzal Mojžiš palicu zpred tvári Hospodinovej, tak ako mu prikázal.

No, chcem chvíľu hovoriť o tomto: "Veľký Sluha Mojžiš."

3Cítiš sa o niečo lepšie, sestra, ty, ktorá si tam sedela a písala? Tá drobná pani, sedí... Cítiš sa teraz oveľa lepšie, však? Si uzdravená, pani. Ten starý problém so srdcom a veci, s ktorými si sa trápila, a problémy s obličkami, ktoré si tiež mala, a kŕčové žily, ktoré ťa sužovali. Nie je to pravda? Ak je to pravda, zakývaj svojou rukou. Bola si práve vtedy uzdravená. Amen. Chvála Pánovi. Pozrel som sa na ňu a videl som ju, chvíľu pred tým vyzerala tak beznádejne, a náhodou som sa obzrel a uvidel som tam stáť Anjela Pánovho. Ten vyzeral tak veľmi ako Dávid. Mal by si sa stretnúť tuto s pánom Woodom. On vyzeral, ako jeho chlapec, že až by mohol byť jeho dvojníkom. Pozrel som sa späť a pomyslel som si, "možno je to Dávid", pretože som vedel, že Dávid ma miluje a verí mi. A potom som sa pozrel dole a To sa vznášalo nad tou drobnou pani. Potom som uvidel, aké boli jej problémy. Náhle som sa pozrel dozadu a ona sa len usmievala. Pomyslel som si: "Radšej jej to poviem, nech vie, že to skončilo, tak ona môže..." Amen. A ona si robila poznámky alebo niečo také. V poriadku. Och, nie je On nádherný? To je presne ten spôsob, ako sa to deje. Presne tak. Presne... Nemôžete... nemôžete Boha pochopiť, On je tu jednoducho na to, aby nám pomohol.

4Nuž, Pán povedal povedal Mojžišovi, aby zobral palicu. No, chceme hovoriť o tejto palici, a tá palica predstavuje súd. Veľmi rád rozprávam o Mojžišovi. On bol kňaz, kráľ a zákonodarca. Mojžiš bol vo všetkom typom Pána Ježiša Krista. Narodil sa na svet ako pekné dieťa. Inými slovami, narodil sa ako prorok. Oni sa neobávali kráľa, keď videli, že Boh... Čo sa stalo, keď sa Mojžiš narodil? Nie je to zaznamenané, ale niečo sa stalo, keď sa Mojžiš narodil, pretože jeho rodičia to videli a vedeli, že sa nemusia starať o to, čo povedal kráľ. Oni vedeli, že ich syn bude v bezpečí a nemusia sa báť.

5Tak on bol vytiahnutý z tej trstiny a vyšiel rovno, na každý spôsob: šiel na púšť a viedol deti Izraela ako zákonodarca a kňaz, a bol všetkým, čím bol Kristus. Bol typom, predobrazom a Kristus bol skutočnosťou. No, ak si všimnete, Mojžiš, keď mal okolo štyridsať rokov, odmietol byť nazývaný faraónovou dcérou... Mojžišov život prebiehal v cykle, v troch cykloch. Prvých štyridsať, ďalších osemdesiat, potom stodvadsať, keď zomrel, presne dokonale... Mohol by som ísť cez Písmo a ukázať vám to v etapách milosti, vo vode, krvi, duchu, ospravedlnení, posvätení, krste Duchom Svätým, prvom, druhom a treťom príchode Krista. Všetky typy, ktoré chcete, ležia rovno, priamo... a všetko v Písme sa odvíja presne v týchto číslach, presne tak.

6No, a Mojžiš, keď on... tých prvých štyridsať rokov bol on učený... Kto myslíte, že bol Mojžišovým učiteľom? Jeho matka. Nemohol mať žiadneho lepšieho, pretože ona bola najatá, ako pestúnka, aby vychovávala svoje vlastné dieťa. Poviem vám, Boh tu riadne satana prekabátil, všakže? Určite áno. A Mojžiš, teraz vediac od svojej matky, ktorá ho vychovávala... Ona bola duchovná žena, hoci sa o nej málo hovorí, ale brat, chcem byť v sláve, keď ona obdrží svoju korunu, tak veru, aby som videl, čo sa bude diať. Ako vyučovala toho malého človeka rovno v strede nepriateľa, rovno v tej rozpálenej peci. A rozprávala mu, že on bude tým, kto vyvedie deti Božie von z toho miesta.

7Mojžiš to, ako učený, vedel a povedal, "Myslím, že pôjdem a dám veci do poriadku." Keď mal štyridsať rokov, pomyslel si: "Som už dosť starý na to, aby som to urobil." Tak zobral tú vec do svojich rúk a neuspel. A vždy, keď my vezmeme tú vec do svojich rúk, neuspejeme. Choďme len tak, ako nás vedie Pán. A čo Pán hovorí, aby ste robili, potom to robte a nikdy nezlyháte. Nemôžete zlyhať, lebo nasledujete Pánovo vedenie. Keby len Mojžiš počkal malú chvíľu a nechal veci dozrieť a nechal veci dôjsť do toho správneho času. Nemôžete zasiať zrno v tejto chvíli a za hodinu to ísť zbierať. Musíte ho tam nechať ležať, a to semeno zomrie, a zhnije a nový život vzíde na jar v zrne. To je spôsob, ako to teraz robíme. Sejeme semeno do sŕdc ľudí, ktoré, keď prichádza tento veľký čas žatvy, (vídíte, čo myslím) to sa bude materializovať, a budú sa diať veľké veci.

8Teraz, Mojžiš, potom ako vzal situáciu do svojich vlastných rúk, zistil, že totálne zlyhal a utekal z prítomnosti faraóna a z Prítomnosti Božej a bol cudzincom po štyridsať rokov. Oženil sa tam s etiópskym dievčaťom. A tak ona bola veľmi výbušná, Mojžiš bol tiež veľmi výbušný, to bol jeho problém. Predstavujem si, že tam vzadu na púšti nebol v tom čase vždy pokoj. Ale Boh mu to dal.

9No, ak si myslíš, že si sa oženil so ženou, ktorá je trochu výbušná, možno ťa Boh skúša trocha skrotiť (vidíš?), tak, a opačne.

Tak Cipora bola veľmi prudký typ. Ona to predviedla vtedy, keď odrezala neobriezku svojho syna a hodila to pred Mojžiša povediac, "Ty si mi mužom krvi." Och, viem si predstaviť, že to tam v tom čase nebolo také pokojné. A potom, tam vzadu, Boh bol .... Čo On urobil? Učil chlapcovu myseľ alebo myseľ muža, aký bol Boží program. Mojžiš čakal tu vzadu, a teraz... A tu bol. Čo robil? On šiel pracovať pre svojho svokra, Jetra, a pásol jeho ovce vonku na púšti. Toto tu je dokonalý obraz pred nami, dnes večer, veriaceho, ktorý je mimo obecenstva s Bohom.

10Tu on bol, bez obecenstva, Boh ku nemu neprehovoril nič za celých štyridsať rokov, žiadnym spôsobom, nijako nadprirodzene. On bol mimo obecenstva. A keď sa Cirkev dostane mimo obecenstva s Bohom, prestali zázraky, znamenia a prestali divy, prestalo prebudenie. Boh sa odsunul, keď ste sa dostali mimo obecenstva.

To, čo je potrebné robiť, je držať (pokúšal som sa to pred chvíľou povedať) lásku Božiu vo svojom srdci. Udržiavať obecenstvo s Ním a On pridá tieto ostatné veci, tak ako dozrievame. Nemyslíte?

A tak Mojžiš mimo obecenstva, žiadne obecenstvo... tu v cudzej zemi, medzi cudzincami, nie medzi svojím vlastným ľudom... Ona bola jeho... tí ľudia boli Etiópčania a on bol Žid. A tu, zdanlivo úplne mimo Božieho dosahu, ale Boh po celý čas vedel, nehľadiac na to, ako veľmi ten človek narobil z Božieho programu zmätok, Boh to ide urovnať. To je pravda.

11Tak, ako viete, povstane pred Bohom Cirkev bez vady, bez poškvrny a bez vrásky. Boh to učiní. A ak ja nebudem kázať pravdu, ak brat Jozef nebude kázať pravdu, a vy, bratia tu, ak nebudete kázať pravdu, "Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi." On... Niekto bude kázať a zápasiť za vieru raz ta danú svätým. Bude niekto, kto Cirkev k tomu pritiahne. Tak veru. Tak bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi bol ten obraz narušený, Bohu trvalo štyridsať rokov napraviť to, čo Mojžiš urobil za tri dni, kým dostal ten obraz opäť do poriadku. Zobral Mojžiša a posadil ho tam, dal mu veľmi výbušnú ženu, aby ho trochu ponaprával. Ale On bol rozhodnutý to učiniť, a On určil na to Mojžiša. Oh, ako to milujem.

12Čo On.. Čo Boh rozhodne, to sa aj stane. Ó, nespôsobuje to, že sa cítite nádherne? Čo Boh rozhodne, to musí tak byť. Tak veru. Akokoľvek, On to urobí. Tak, aký čas môžeme vidieť, ako Boh urovnáva Svoj obraz späť. A jedného dňa, Mojžiš, ktorý bol stále mimo Božieho obecenstva, možno premýšľal: "No, celé to videnie o vyslobodení detí Izraela je minulosťou. Ja asi budem žiť iba tu, a aj zomriem tu na púšti, a to bude všetko. Načo som sa vôbec narodil na svet," možno chodiac okolo. Držal vo svojej ruke palicu. Ako tak chodí, Boh sa objavuje vo forme Anjela v horiacom kríku. A Mojžiš to videl. Predstavujem si, ako povedal: "Hm, tu na takom zapadnutom mieste, kde nie sú žiadni iní pastieri, iba ja, je mi to divné, ako môže horieť ten krík. Žeby sa sem niekto zatúlal a zapálil krík?" Hľadel naň, hľadel, a on ne.... Boh má spôsob, ako upútať vašu pozornosť, však?

13On tak jedného dňa upútal pozornosť Jaira. Malý Jairus, keď nechcel veriť v Božské uzdravovanie. On tomu uveril, a On chcel Jairovo srdce, tak On len...Mohol urobiť iba jednu vec, zasiahol jeho dcéru a nechal ju zomrieť. Vtedy prišiel Ježiš a vzkriesil ju, len ... len skutočne upútať jeho pozornosť. Vidíte? Boh to robí. Niekedy vás položí na lopatky, niekedy chorobou, iba tak On môže dosiahnuť, aby ste vzhliadli hore, aby ste si to uvedomili. Podobne ako v tom starom príbehu o pastierovi, ktorý mal ovcu a tá mala polámanú nohu. Iný povedal: "Ako to, že má tá ovca polámanú nohu?"

On odpovedal: "Ja som jej ju zlomil."

Povedal: "Prečo, ty si krutý pastier, keď si zlomil nohu svojej vlastnej ovci."

14Povedal: "Nie." Povedal: "Jej by to nevadilo, keby som jej to urobil," a povedal, "preto som jej zlomil nohu, aby som ju mohol ponosiť, trošku ju popestovať, dať jej nejakú špeciálnu potravu, aby ma milovala a nasledovala ma." To je spôsob, ako to niekedy Boh robí, nejako nás zlomí, chvíľu nám dáva trocha lepšiu stravu, aby sme si trochu uvedomili, že nás miluje. Viete, že presne preto som ja dnes večer kazateľom Evanjelia, pretože On prišiel s chorobou, a doktor povedal, že ja nebudem schopný žiť. To je presne tak. To ma zmenilo, to mnou zatriaslo. Nenávidel som myšlienky o kazateľovi. Raz, keď som bol na majstrovstvách v bantamovej váhe [kategória v boxe - pozn.prekl.], kolega mi povedal... Mal som na sebe modrý kabát. Povedal: "Vyzeráš ako jeden z tých baptistických kazateľov s hranatými ramenami."

15Povedal som: "Počúvaj, priateľu, to, čo si povedal, to len žartuješ." Hovorím vám: "Bol som pripravený zbiť tam toho môjho kolegu, nebolo vo mne nič z kazateľa." A vidíte, čo Boh urobil? On ma musel položiť na chrbát, keď doktori povedali: "Je s ním koniec." A potom On prišiel a dal mi trocha špeciálnu liečbu, nalial do mňa olej, viete, a povedal: "Ja ťa milujem." Povedal som: "Áno, Pane. Ja ťa tiež milujem." Tak sme sa stali priateľmi. To je spôsob, ako to niekedy Ježiš robí, musí do vás naliať trocha Balzámu z Gileáda, viete, zmierniť bolesť, aby vám ukázal, že vás miluje, že vás uzdravuje a chce, aby ste sa mali dobre a milovali Ho, slúžili Mu a verili Mu. Nie je On nádherný? No, to je spôsob, akým to On robil tam na púšti s Mojžišom. A Mojžiš kráčal okolo (upútal jeho pozornosť) a on sa na to obzrel. Pomyslel si: "Nuž, Mojžiš, tuším si myslíš, že teraz...."

16Predstavujem si Pána, ako hľadí na biedneho, starého Mojžiša túlajúceho sa tam so svojou dlhou bielou bradou a vlasmi. "Nuž, pred rokmi som mal videnie a myslel som si, že Pán určite vyslobodí deti Izraela, ale Boh sa teraz odo mňa odvrátil. Ja som tu a pretĺkam sa. Tak si myslím, že to už takto zostane." A predstavujem si, ako Boh povedal, "Biedny priateľu, Ja som to tak musel urobiť, aby si si uvedomil ... Ale ukážem ti, že Ja som s tebou." Takže On tam upútal jeho pozornosť. Chcel mať s Mojžišom obecenstvo. Viete, Boh niekedy musí na nás poslať chorobu a dať do nemocnice, kde vám doktori povedia, že nemôžete ďalej žiť, aby sa mohol s vami stretnúť. Vy budete o to volať, netrápte sa. Iba čakajte, kým lekár povie... Oh, ty povieš : "Ja neverím v Božské uzdravenie, nie je taká vec. Tá vec je nezmysel." Nech len doktor povie, že všetka nádej je preč. Boh získa s tebou stretnutie. Tak, netrápte sa. On má na tú vec spôsob. On to robí Svojím vlastným spôsobom. Hallelujah. Och, to robí, že sa cítim ako skutočný vykrikujúci metodista.

17Hľaďte. Pretože to je to, čo Boh robí. Vidíte? On to len robí Svojím vlastným spôsobom. On len... On má na všetko spôsob, či nie? A ja som šťastný, že má. Amen. Tak, teraz vidíme, že On mal stretnutie s Mojžišom cez to, že on povedal, "No, to bude veľmi zvláštny, neobyčajný zjav." Viete, Boh niekedy robí zvláštne veci, aby získal stretnutie. Tak veru. Niekto ku mne prišiel a povedal, "Hej, oni, povedal, oni tu dolu dnes večer majú kázanie toho náboženského fanatika (holy roller).Verím, pôjdem len dolu a uvidím, o čom to všetko je." Baptistický pastor z Milltown, to je v mojom mieste, dnes večer v Baptistickej cirkvi v Milltown. William Hall, ten človek, tam prišiel, pretože to bolo v novinách, povedal, "Počúvaj, mal by si sem prísť vidieť toho človeka kázať. On je malý Billy Sunday."

18 A tu on prišiel, a och, páchol. Jeho vlasy mu viseli dolu na tvár, a jeden zub mal vonku, a s veľkou fajkou, ktorou udrel do dverí, keď vchádzal do cirkvi, aby ju očistil, vchádzal dnu a hovoril, "Kde je ten malý Billy Sunday? Chcem ho počuť." Bratia diakoni mu povedali, "No, posaďte sa pán Hall." On bol nepríjemný hosť. Vtedy on povedal, "Hádam si sadnem trochu bližšie. Chcem vidieť, ako Billy Sunday vyzerá," on povedal, robil si len žarty. Vidíte? A toho večera bol spasený. Amen. A dnes večer je on pastorom v tej istej cirkvi.

19Vidíte? Boh má spôsob, ako ťa upútať, či nie? On ťa jedného dňa zoberie nabok. Tak On povedal, "Teraz, ukážme niečo trochu zvláštne Mojžišovi, niečo neobvyklé. Tak zošlem len ten Ohnivý Stĺp do toho kra, a nechal to... . Pretože to ho malo postupne viesť celou dolinou púšte, akokoľvek. A tak Ja to len zapálim, aby sem Mojžiš pristúpil." Tak On upútal Mojžišovu pozornosť. Tak on sa priblížil trochu viac, viete, a povedal, "No toto, to vyzerá zvláštne. Tá vec nezhorí." Keď prišiel tak blízko, že mohol počuť hlas... Ó, chcem sa tam dostať, na vzdialenosť počuteľnosti hlasu, vy nie? Dostať sa len na vzdialenosť počuteľnosti hlasu....

On povedal, "Mojžiš."

On povedal, "Áno, Pane? Tu som."

Tak Mojžiš vyzul svoju obuv a podišiel trochu bližšie, povedal, "Čo je to, Pane?"

20 A On povedal, "Počul som... No, Mojžiš, nepoviem ani jedno slovo o tom, čo som videl v tebe, ale počul som stonanie Môjho ľudu, a spomenul som si na Moju zmluvu s Abrahámom. (Amen, Svoje Slovo, inými slovami.) Spomenul som si, čo som zasľúbil Abrahámovi." To isté zasľúbenie, ktoré On dal Abrahámovi, On dal tebe, pretože ty si semenom Abraháma. A On povedal, "Rozpamätal som sa na zasľúbenie s Abrahámom a zostúpil som, aby som vyslobodil Moje deti a priviedol ich späť do zasľúbenej zeme, a Ja tam posielam teba." Mojžiš povedal, "Ó, dobre, vidíš, ja--ja neviem veľmi dobre hovoriť." Povedal, "Nie som výrečný." A povedal, "ja--ja neviem dobre hovoriť." A povedal, "som pomalý rečník." On povedal, "Ja som, ja--ja to nedokážem." On povedal, "Dobre, ach, Áron už prichádza, a tak ďalej. A tak On povedal, "Čo máš vo svojej ruke, Mojžiš?"

On povedal, "Palicu." To bolo všetko, čo on mal, iba starú palicu, ktorú zobral niekde na púšti, používal ju, keď hnal ovce cez brány, alebo kdekoľvek on šiel, postrkoval ich ňou. Bola to len stará palica, ktorú niekde odsekol.

21Boh povedal, “Mojžiš, hoď ju na zem.“ A keď tú palicu hodil na zem, obrátila sa na hada. On... A Mojžiš utiekol. A On povedal, “Zodvihni ho.“ A on ho zodvihol za chvost a to sa zmenilo znova späť na palicu. Môžem si predstaviť, ako povedal, “Divné videnia tu dnes vidím,“ tak, keď videl tú palicu obracajúcu sa na hada. Nuž, čo bola táto palica? To je to, o čom chceme hovoriť. Čo bola táto palica? To už nebola obyčajná palica. Pretože to bol prút súdu Všemohúceho Boha. Čo ona symbolizovala? Kríž. A potom... Prečo...Ako symbolizuje kríž? Pretože prirodzene to bol strom. Duchovne to bol had. A ako mohol had symbolizovať Ježiša? Ten had, keď bol hadom, plazom, predstavoval už odsúdený hriech. Pretože satan zhrešil v hadovi v záhrade Eden, ktorý nebol hadom (plazom), on bol ten chýbajúci článok medzi človekom a zvieraťom. A on stál, keď... alebo chodil vzpriamene a bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat (nie hadov), zvierat poľných. A keď zostal prekliaty, jeho nohy mu odpadli a začal sa plaziť po bruchu. A to ukazovalo, že on už bol odsúdený, keď sa stal plazom.

22 A potom Kristus bol už v hadovi odsúdeným hriechom, Baránkom zabitým pred založením sveta. Vidíte to? Nuž, on zodvihol tú palicu a to nadprirodzené v tej palici bol ten had. Nadprirodzene to bol had v jeho ruke. Prirodzene to bola palica v jeho ruke, kríž plus Kristus, súd. Tu on ide dolu do Egypta, ako som veľa krát povedal, “Invázia jedného muža.“ Mal svoju ženu, pobehol a zobral svoju ženu, a posadil ju na mula a deti na každý bok, a ide smerom k Egyptu, idúc tam, aby ho zničil. Viete si predstaviť inváziu jedného muža, ako ide dobyť Egypt? Ale on to urobil, pretože Boh mu zasľúbil, že on to urobí.

23 A keď tam on bol, keď tam Mojžiš prišiel, zamával tou palicou ponad riekami a oni sa premenili na krv. Potom zamával smerom k oblohe a slnko sa zatmelo. A všade, kam išiel, držal tú palicu pred sebou, to bol súd. Súd išiel pred tou palicou. Pretože tá palica bola sudcovským prútom. Rozumiete tomu? No, keď chcel, aby prišli blchy, zodvihol tú palicu takto smerom do vzduchu a rozvíril nejaký prach, a keď ten prach rozfúkal, zovšadiaľ prišli blchy: Súd, Boží súd. On priniesol oheň z neba, blýskanie na zem, veľké krupobitie a všetko iné, čo pozabíjalo dobytok, a pozabíjalo Egypťanov a všetko ostatné: súd, Boží súd pred Mojžišom.

24Nuž, ako Mojžiš išiel s palicou súdu pred sebou, tou istou palicou je pre cirkev dnes večer Ježiš Kristus. Keby títo Egypťania dokázali zobrať túto malú obyčajnú palicu z Mojžišových rúk, oni by ho porazili. A kedy... keby diabol mohol niekedy zobrať Božstvo z Mena Ježiša Krista, on by premohol cirkev. Ale tak, ako palica súdu išla pred Mojžišom, aby prijímala súd, aby prinášala súd, tak Meno Ježiša ide pred nami berúc náš súd, znášajúc náš súd choroby, znášajúc náš súd smrti, znášajúc náš súd problémov.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš;

Štít pred každým trápením;

Keď sa nahromadí pokušenie okolo teba;

Vzdychni to Sväté meno v modlitbe.

25Keď sa začnú hromadiť choroby, vzdychni to Meno Ježiš. Čo to je? To reprezentuje Boží súd. Kristus už odsúdený za tvoje hriechy, Kristus už odsúdený za tvoje pokušenia, Kristus už odsúdený za tvoju chorobu. Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? To bol Boží sudcovský prút. A dokedy tým prútom mával, bol súd. Mojžiš, tej noci po vyvedení detí Izraela, keď prichádzala armáda faraóna, Stĺp Ohňa zostúpil a ostal visieť medzi faraónom a stíhajúcou armádou a Izraelom. To bolo svetlom pre Izrael a tmou pre faraóna, a to ich držalo oddelených (Amen), bol prostredníkom. Som dnes šťastný, to On je naším prostredníkom. V chorobe, medzi životom a smrťou, On je mojím prostredníkom. On je ten Jediný, ktorý berie smrť do jednej ruky a život do druhej. On je ten článok, ktorý spája človeka z Bohom: prostredník.

26 A On zostúpil ako prostredník. A On bol svetlom na strane Izraela, aby mohli pochodovať napred, a temnosťou držiacou faraóna. Ten istý Anjel Boží je v Cirkvi dnes večer, dávajúci svetlo pre Cirkev, aby mohla kráčať napred, a tmou pre tých, ktorí to odmietnu. My sme deťmi svetla. Amen. Ako môžete vidieť, keď kráčate v temnote? Nemôžete vidieť. Neviete, kam idete. Ale, keď ste vo svetle, a Kristus je Svetlom... . A On vydá svetlo tým veriacim, zatiaľ čo neveriacim dá temnosť. On ukazoval cestu, chodník veriacemu, a temnosť, a potknutie neveriacemu.

27A tak isto je to dnes večer. Keď pochodujeme smerom k zasľúbenej zemi, Boh nám vrhá svetlo na cestu Božského uzdravenia, hovorenia jazykmi, vykrikovania, a slávenia Boha, manifestuje to deťom svetla a vrhá temnosť tam dozadu, tým, ktorí sa potkýnajú nevediac, kam idú. Pamätajte, tá istá palica, tá ruka, ktorá držala ten prút súdu, keď tam on zostúpil, a to bola Božia cesta, ktorá viedla cez Červené More, on ňou zamával nad Červeným Morom, a Červené more vidiac súd, vyľakalo sa a cúvlo na obe strany a urobilo stenu. A pochodujúci Izraeliti prešli rovno po suchej zemi morského dna.

28A keď tí neobrezaní predstierali to, čím neboli, začali to tiež robiť, Boh spôsobil zmätok, vyrazil kolesá z ich vozov, splašil kone, dolu na dne toho mora na veľkú hromadu. A na druhej strane ten istý súd, tam, kde bol hriech v tej doline... . Chvála Bohu. Viete, čo postačí? Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý sa im ukázal, keď zostupovali do toho údolia, pohybujúci sa rovno ponad vrcholce vody a robil cestu, kde tí vzadu bez vedenia Ducha Svätého nedokázali kráčať tam, kam kráčali títo obrezaní. Haleluja! Och, to spôsobuje, že sa cítim nábožne, keď na to myslím.

29Ten boj pokračuje. Jedného dňa máme prejsť cez dve mohutné, veľké, temné doliny alebo steny, dolinou nazvanou, kde sme obohnaní múrom z každej strany, dolinou tieňa smrti. Dávid povedal, “Nebudem sa báť zlého, lebo Ty si so mnou.“ A keď uvideli tú veľkú žiaru Stĺpa Ohňa krúžiaceho nad vodou, uvideli tam veľké, mohutné, strašné kopy, možno štyridsať siah hlboké [73m - pozn.prekl.] cestou dolu vidiac to bahno na dne, a vedúceho Anjela Pánovho. Izrael vedel, že keď ten Anjel pôjde napred robiac cestu, nemusia sa na tej ceste báť. Amen. A tak v jednom z týchto dní máme prechádzať dolinou tieňa smrti, tak isto, ako oni tam. Nebudeme sa báť zlého, dokiaľ sa tá Ranná Hviezda pohybuje pred nami osvetľujúc cestu a urobí, že to budete môcť prejsť. Priamo na druhej strane je zasľúbená zem. Amen. Som z toho šťastný. Všimnite si. Vtedy, keď oni prešli na druhú stranu, títo neobrezanci povedali, “Dobre, keď to oni mohli, my tiež môžeme,“ a utopili sa v mori, zamiešaní, a potopili sa a padli na dno mora.

30Po ich odchode, keď jedného dňa potrebovali vodu, Boh povedal Mojžišovi... Počúvajte pozorne. Chcem, aby ste porozumeli túto časť tej veci. Tu je tá zlatá niť toho. Oni... ľudia boli smädní, rozmýšľali, “Kde by sme sa mohli napiť? Naše malé deti hladujú.“ Keď ich malé deti boli choré, Boh vztýčil mosadzného hada, ďalší symbol, ďalšia palica, ako tá, ktorú mal Mojžiš v ruke, ibaže v tomto symbole ju ovíjal had. Čo to bolo? Súd. Čerpanie dividend z tvojej poistky, (Amen), čerpanie percent z Golgoty. Prečo Mojžiš... Ježiš povedal, “Ako Mojžiš povýšil mosadzného hada na púšti, tak musí byť povýšený Syn Človeka.“

31On bol povýšený z dôvodu zmierenia, pretože oni hubovali, a strkali jeden druhého, a bojovali jeden s druhým, a opovrhovali Mojžišom. A hrešili a boli chorí. A oni ho povýšili z dvoch dôvodov: na odpustenie ich odpadávania do starých zlých zvykov a na uzdravenie ich chorôb. “A On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, a Jeho ranami sme uzdravení.“ Písmo, každý Jeho úsek, každé Slovo, Božie večné Slovo, ktoré nemôže pominúť... Amen. Som tak šťastný za taký základ, ktorý bol položený Ježišom Kristom, ten Hlavný Uholný Kameň. A my sme spolu budovaní ako kamene v chráme Živého Boha cez naše vyznanie a vieru v Pána Ježiša Krista. To isté Svetlo, ktoré bolo s nimi, sa pohybuje rovno naprieč touto budovou.

32Všimnite si, Mojžiš... Nuž, on povedal, on odišiel a modlil sa, a povedal, “Títo ľudia sú teraz smädní a tu nie je voda, ktorá by sa im mohla dať, a oni kričia ku mne o vodu.“ A Mojžiš a Áron odišli do svätostánku, padli pred Pánom a Božia sláva Shekinah padla okolo nich. Amen. Sláva Shekinah, Prítomnosť Božia, ich obklopila. Prečo, brat, to nie je nič viac, ako čo môžeš pocítiť na dobrom, staromódnom zhromaždení Ducha Svätého, kde Božia Sláva Shekinah zostupuje medzi vás: tá istá vec. Mojžiš pozdvihol svoje ruky pred Bohom, takmer premenený pred nimi, Boh povedal, “Mojžiš, pôjdem pred tebou, a budem stáť v trhline, na skale.“ To sa mi páči. “Pôjdem pred tebou a budem stáť na tej skale, aby som pre teba pripravil cestu. A keď prídeš, udri tú skalu. Zober teraz tú palicu a zhromaždi ľud a choď a udri tú skalu a to privedie vodu z tej skaly.“ Ó. “Ja budem na tej skale pred tebou.“ Hľaďte. Mojžiš musel počkať. Boh išiel pred Mojžišom a postavil sa na tej skale. Chcem, aby ste sledovali duchovný význam tej veci. Keď vidíme práve odhaľujúce sa Slovo Božie, vy len, vy sa v tom môžete jednoducho kúpať. Ja môžem, a viem, že vy tiež môžete.

33A tu, Mojžiš, ako berie potom ten prút, tú palicu súdu, ide von ku tej skale, a tam na tej skale stál Boh. A on udrel tú skalu. A keď to urobil, voda vytryskla von, nie malý, malinký pramienok, ako vidíte maliara namaľovať na obraze. Ja by som to mohol vypiť, keby som bol smädný. Ale hľaďte. Odtiaľ vyšlo dostatok vody, voda pre dva milióny ľudí, plus ťavy a zvieratá, ktoré oni mali. Vyšiel von gejzír.... Halelujah! Nádherný typ toho, čo Ježiš povedal, že na púšti... to On bol tou Skalou na púšti. Niet divu, že ľudia v tamtom dni kričali, keď On prišiel do Jeruzalema, jazdiac na tom koňovi, malej mulici. A oni kričali, títo Nazarejskí volali, “Hosanna, hosanna Tomu, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom.“ Niektorí z týchto samozvaných, naškrobených kňazov povedal, “Utíšte ich.“ “Prečo,“ On povedal, “Ak oni budú mlčať, potom kamene budú volať.“

34 Čo sú tie kamene? Tie kamene boli umyté tými istými vodami alebo zavlažené Slovom. Oni musia vykrikovať. Povedal, “Ak oni budú mlčať, potom kamene budú volať.“ Musí sa niečo udiať. Tie kamene... Všimnite si, neskôr, keď potrebovali nejakú vodu, jediná vec, ktorú mali urobiť, mali prehovoriť ku tej skale. Jedného dňa boli hladní, a oni išli poľovať, a zistili, že v tej skalnej trhline visel med, v tej trhline. Tá trhlina v symbole bola stopa po kopiji v boku Pána Ježiša. Tá trhlina v tej skale, kde bola udretá, a tam prišla hromada včiel a urobili si tam úľ. A tam bol med v tej skale. Amen. Aká nádherná vec. Samson, keď schádzal vidieť svoju ženu, svoje dievča, vybehol tam lev... Malý, starý chlapík, tak vysoký, sedem malých kaderí mu viselo dolu, starší, ako slaboch, a ľudia nemohli pochopiť, ako môže byť tento chlapík taký silný. A ohromný, veľký, starý lev vybehol a povedal, “No toto,... no teda pozrime sa, čo to prichádza.“ Stál tam Samson, iba malý, starý zbabelec. A lev vybehol, o mnoho väčší ako on. A čo sa vtedy stalo?

35Samson nikdy nevyšiel prvý a nepovedal, “Roztrhám ťa tu na kusy.“ Ale Duch Pánov zostúpil na neho. To je to, čo to urobilo. On pocítil vzadu, pocítil týchto sedem visiacich kaderí. To bola tá zmluva. A nebál sa leva. Nebál sa toho čeliac smrti. Ak ty môžeš pocítiť vzadu..... Keď Samson mohol pocítiť sedem vrkočov a vedel, že to bola zmluva, pretože sa narodil ako Nazarej. O koľko viac človek, ktorý je narodený z Ducha Svätého, cíti Božiu moc a vie, že to je zmluva k zabitiu nepriateľa pred tebou. Či to je choroba, či to je pokušenie, čokoľvek to je, nemôže to obstáť, keď prichádza Duch Svätý.

36 Podišiel a schmatol toho leva, ten malý, tenký, kučeravý drobček schmatol toho leva za čeľusť a roztrhol ho na kusy. Hallelujah! Potrebuješ len jedno, to je Kristus, Tá Zmluva. Môžeš to cítiť? Amen. Ó. Tá zmluva..... Potom, keď zabil toho leva, práve ako malého, mrňavého, starého králika, alebo niečo. Odtisol ho nabok, takto, a odhodil jeho mrcinu, ako odchádzal dolu. Za niekoľko dní on prišiel a včely v tom urobili úľ. A on jedol najsladší med, aký kedy jedol z toho včelieho úľa, ktorý bol urobený v mrcine toho leva, ktorý ho chcel zabiť. Pretože zostúpil Boží Duch a vyslobodil ho.

37Ak máš dnes večer niečo nesprávne, pocíť Ducha Božieho pohybujúceho sa na tebe, to trhá tú vec na kúsky. A prvá vec, vy poznáte, že máte svedectvo, ktoré zatrasie strechou tohoto domu. Amen. Ty si tou zmluvou, obrezaný Duchom Svätým. Amen. Najedz sa toho sladkého medu naozaj poriadne. Keď môžeš vstať a povedať, “Áno, brat, verím v uzdravenie.“

Úžasná milosť! Ako sladko to znie;

Ktorá spasila hriešnika ako ja;

Raz som bol stratený, ale teraz som nájdený;

Bol som slepý, ale teraz vidím. Amen.

38Keď som používal silné, veľké okuliare ako toto, musel som byť vedený za rameno a sotva som mohol vidieť, kam kráčam, a teraz, mám svedectvo. Pretože som si uvedomil moju pozíciu v Kristu Ježišovi. On urobil zmluvu a ja som to prijal a uveril som Mu. A dnes to je sladký med, ktorý jem. Povedz to iným. No, všimnite si ešte, rýchlo. Dobre, prídeme ku tomu.....Potom, keď tá skala bola udretá... Veľmi nádherný typ.... Tí ľudia hynuli a zomierali. A to bolo typom na “Boh tak miloval svet, že Svojho jednorodeného Syna dal, aby ktokoľvek, kto verí v Neho, nezahynul, ale mal večný život. “

39Uprostred hynúcich, zomierajúcich ľudí, hynúceho, zomierajúceho národa, Boh tak miloval tých nehodných. Hľaďte, akí oni boli nehodní. A Boh tak miloval... Och, ak by nebolo lásky Božej, On by zničil dnes večer celý tento svet. Ale On to nemôže urobiť. Jeho láska Mu to nedovolí urobiť. “On tak miloval svet, že Svojho jednorodeného Syna dal, aby ktokoľvek kto verí v Neho, nezahynul, ale mohol piť tú vodu Života zadarmo. Ktokoľvek budeš smieť, príď.“ Je dostatok bohatých vytryskujúcich požehnaní. “Kto verí vo Mňa....“ Inými slovami, zober to takto, “Kto verí vo mňa, bude mať uprostred svojej duši mohutný, veľký gejzír vyvierajúci do Večného Života.“ Och, aké nádherné.

40Všimnite si, tak Boh prijal všetok súd smrti. Smrť, ktorou by som ja mal zomrieť, peklo, do ktorého by som ja mal ísť, Boh, s Jeho súdmi smrti a choroby sa stretol v tej trhline Krista visiaceho medzi nebom a zemou. A Boh na Ňom zasiahol neprávosť všetkých nás. A tam ten súd udrel. A dnes večer tento prápor kríža, páska zakrývajúca oči tomuto svetu, ale pre tých, ktorí pochodujú napred, s krížom idúcim pred nimi, ten súd je zaplatený.

Hľaď a ži, môj brat, ži.

Hľaď teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Pretože to je zapísané v Jeho Slove, hallelujah,

To je len to, hľaďme a žime.

41Keď si chorý, pozri sa a ži. Keď si zronený, pozri sa a ži. Keď si vyčerpaný, pozri sa a ži. Keď si mŕtvy v hriechu a prestúpeniach, pozri sa a ži. To je všetko. Pretože ten kríž napreduje pred nami. Boh umiestnil pred nás ten prápor, ten kríž, upovedomujúci, cez čo to prichádza.... Presne ako ten had, to nebola tá palica, to ten had, ktorý bol na nej predstavený, robil to zmierenie. To nebol ten drevený kríž, ktorý my nesieme; to bol tam Duch Svätý zahalený v tom veľkom znaku, prápore na Golgote, keď život Ducha Svätého vyšiel z Krista. Z tohoto kríža to išlo ku “ktokoľvek môže prísť“. A ten kríž je Božím znakom pred nami dnes večer, aby sme nasledovali Ježiša. Ó!

42Myslím o Bohu stojacom tam na tej skale. Boh bol tou skalou a Mojžišov sudcovský prút... Súd, Boží súd udrel Krista zomierajúceho na našom mieste, nevinný za vinných. A vyšla z Neho krvná bunka. A tá životodarná Krv vytiekla z Jeho boku, aby sme mohli byť uzdravení, vytiekla z Jeho srdca, aby sme mohli byť spasení; stekala cez Jeho čelo a ďalej, pre našu neprávosť, pre náš pokoj a to všetko bolo na Ňom. Tam On bol krvácajúci zločinec visiaci medzi nebom a zemou, kde Svätý Boh zastal a hľadiac dole nemohol viac vidieť žiadneho hriešnika, pretože On pozeral cez ten súd, ktorý tam zostal zaplatený tou všetko prevyšujúcou cenou. Ó, mám nádej, že to vidíš, môj kresťanský priateľ.

43A pozrúc tam. Tam to je. Čo sa týka Boha, tá vec je skončená. Tá cena je zaplatená. Ste slobodní. To je problém s ľuďmi dnes večer. Oni nevedia, že sú slobodní. Tu nedávno, istý starý farmár mal kukuričné pole. Prichádzali vrany a žrali jeho kukuricu, tak položil pascu a chytil jednu. On povedal, “urobím to aj s ostatnými.“ Priviazal túto jednu za nohu o ohradu a tá biedna, stará vrana behala a vyskakovala a behala a vyskakovala a nemohla utiecť, pretože bola priviazaná. Bola vyhladovaná, jedla všetko okolo, kde len dosiahla. Bola vyhladovaná na smrť, tak, že už viac sotva mohla lietať alebo skákať hore dolu.

44Všetky ostatné vrany prilietavali a vykrikovali, “Poď, Janko vrana. Ideme na juh. Prichádza zima. Tuto zomrieš. Poď, Janko vrana.“ Povedal, “Nemôžem. Som priviazaný.“ Jedného dňa išiel okolo dobrý človek. Povedal, “Táto biedna, stará vrana. Videl ju, ako behá dookola, slabne.“ Tak ten starý chlapík ju chytil, trochu ju poláskal, odviazal jej nohu, takto, vypustil ju a povedal, "V poriadku, chlapče, leť. Uteč." A tá stará vrana len stále chodila v tom istom kruhu, rovnakom kruhu. Vidíte? Bola odviazaná a nevedela o tom. Tie iné vrany prileteli a povedali, “Poď, Janko vrana. Ideme na juh. Prichádza zima.“ Povedal, “Nemôžem. Som stále priviazaný.“

45Tak je to dnes večer s mužmi a ženami, ktorí nerozpoznávajú svoju pozíciu v Kristu Ježišovi. Diabol ťa možno priviazal tuberkulózou, možno ťa priviazal rakovinou, on ťa možno zviazal mnohými vecami. Ale Kristus, Ten dobrý Muž, zniesol tvoj súd, no a dnes večer ťa oslobodil. Boh žehnaj tvoje srdce. Môžeš povstať v moci Ducha Svätého. Nechoďme na juh, ale poďme do chvály pochodujúc, ako tá mocná armáda živého Boha. Sme slobodní. Nepočujete tých iných hovoriť, “Poďte.“ Raz som bol poviazaný reťazou hriechu, ale dnes večer som bol vyslobodený Ježišom Kristom. Amen.

46Ten súd, určite, Kristus zobral náš súd, nevinný za vinných. On sa stal hriechom, aby sme my nemuseli byť hriešnikmi. On sa stal... premohol naše nemoci, aby sme to my nemuseli niesť. On niesol náš smútok, aby sme nikdy viac nemuseli mať žiaľ, “ako iní, ktorí nemajú nádeje,“ povedalo Písmo. On bol... Všetko, čo potrebujeme, bolo rovno v Ňom. Veríte tomu? Samozrejme. Pani, ktorá tam sedíš, veríš tomu, kvôli problémom tvojho srdca? Veríš tomu kvôli stavu toho srdca? Prijímaš to teraz skutočne z celého svojho srdca? Potom On berie tvoje problémy srdca, už to viac teraz nemáš. Ak tomu veríš, môžeš to mať. Halelujah. Tak veru.

47 “On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.“ Potom On, Tá Skala bola raz udretá, Boh povedal Mojžišovi, povedal, “Choď ďalej, Mojžiš. Jediná vec, ktorú máš teraz urobiť, je ísť a prehovoriť ku tej Skale. Odvtedy, kedykoľvek budeš potrebovať vodu, prehovor ku nej. Nemusíš ju nikdy viac udierať. Nemusíš do nej celú dlhú noc biť. Nemusíš sa trápiť a prosiť a modliť sa a postiť sa a ísť ďalej. Len prehovor ku tej skale (Halelujah) a ona vydá Jeho vodu.“ Amen. “Prehovor ku tej Skale a ona vydá svoju vodu.“ Poviem vám, raz bola žena s krvotokom a prišla o všetko, čo mala. Žiaden doktor ju nemohol uzdraviť. A jedného dňa prešla dolu popri brehu a uvidela presúvať sa túto duchovnú Skalu a prehovorila ku tej Skale. Presne, ako urobila táto žena tu, práve pred pár minútami, prehovorila ku tej Skale a z tej Skaly vyšli vody uzdravenia. Haleluja!

48Bol malý, starý muž menom Jairus, ktorý skutočne miloval Pána, ale bol tajným ctiteľom. A jedného dňa zomrelo jeho malé dievča. Všetka nádej bola preč, ale on prehovoril ku tej Skale a tá Skala dala nielen vodu, ale život, vody života zadarmo. Ďalšia žena menom Marta a Mária, oni Ho milovali. A On bol preč z ich domu. A ich brat bol mŕtvy a hnil v hrobe. Jedného dňa oni počuli, že tá Skala prichádza presúvajúc sa do mesta. A Marta bola veľmi zaneprázdnená prípravou dobrých obedov pre Neho a tak, a možno nedávala tak veľmi pozor na to duchovné. Ale vo svojom srdci tomu verila. Pretože vtedy ona ukázala, čím bola. Ona vybehla, pokľakla na svoje kolená a prehovorila ku tej Skale. A tá Skala na oplátku prehovorila do večnosti a pozdvihla mŕtveho muža z jeho hrobu. Haleluja!

49Keď jednej noci bola skupina ľudí vonku na malej starej loďke, ktorá podskakovala dookola ako zátka z fľaše, skákala z miesta na miesto, všetky nádeje na záchranu, ktoré mali, pominuli. A náhodou si uvedomili, že v prednej časti tej lode sa položila tá Skala. Prehovorili ku tej Skale o svojich problémoch, a to utíšilo, a vietor stiahol svoje ramená a odišiel do trhliny. Haleluja! A to rozbúrené more utíchlo, ako matka spievajúca uspávanku svojmu dieťaťu. Ona... Oni prehovorili ku tej Skale, a tá Skala vydala tú podstatu, ktorú oni potrebovali. Hovoríš s Ním dnes večer? Ty, ktorý tam sedíš, či môžeš s Ním hovoriť o tvojom probléme hrudníka? Veríš, že ťa Boh uzdravil? Ty si s Ním práve o tom dohovoril, však? Či si nepovedal, “Pane, uzdrav ma“? Prehovoril si ku Nemu a tvoj problém s hrudníkom teraz skončil. “Prehovor ku tej Skale. On vyvedie Svoje vody.“ Haleluja.

50 Mojžiš, keď mal prísť jeho čas a všetko malo skončiť, Boh povedal, “Poď hore,“ a on, vystúpil hore na vrchol hory Nébo, aby sa pozrel do zasľúbenej zeme. Smrť prichádzala víriac vzduch. Vedel, že smrť bola všade okolo neho. A Mojžiš sa rozhliadol naokolo a uvidel tú Skalu kladúcu sa po jeho boku, tam sa tá Skala položila. Vystúpil hore na tú Skalu. Nasledoval ju celou cestou cez púšť, alebo ona nesledovala jeho. Vystúpil na tú Skalu a Boh zoslal nejakých nosičov truhly, Anjelov, a odniesli ho preč z tej Skaly. Haleluja!. Tej skaly, ktorá ho kŕmila, keď bol hladný, dala mu vodu, keď bol smädný, a zobrala ho domov do slávy....?....keď zomieral.

51Mojou modlitbou dnes večer je, “Pane Ježišu, pozdvihni ma ponad veci tohoto sveta, aby som mohol stále hovoriť s Tebou. Jedného dňa, keď pôjdem dolinou tône smrti, čakám, že tam uvidím stáť tú Skalu.“ Haleluja! “Zachovaj ma, nech môžem stále s Ním hovoriť.“ Ja sám chcem hovoriť ku Nemu. Ty potrebuješ ku Nemu hovoriť. On je tu dnes večer a On hovorí s každým jedným z Vás, ak vy chcete hovoriť ku Nemu. Veríte tomu? Kvôli akejkoľvek potrebe, ktorú máte, povstaňte na svoje nohy, teraz je ku tomu čas. Ó! Cítim sa, akoby som mohol jednoducho zobrať túto cirkev na svoje ramená a mohol s ňou odísť. Čože? Tá Skala, Ježiš Kristus je tu.

52 Nie som rozrušený. Viem presne, kde stojím. Viem presne, o čom hovorím. Keby som len mohol vyjadriť svoje pocity. Keby som len mohol povedať tomuto poslucháčstvu, čo to skutočne znamená byť na mieste pod pomazaním tej Skaly, Ježiša Krista. Už zaplatil váš súd, niesol vaše nemoci, zobral váš zármutok, vyriešil pred Bohom ten problém. Bojíte sa položiť svoju dôveru v Neho? Nemusíte byť súdení. Nemusíte premýšľať o vlastnej hodnosti, vy nebudete nikdy hodní. Ale Kristus bol hodný na vašom mieste, to zaplatilo tú cenu. Nesnažte sa niečo vykúpiť, vy to nemôžete vykúpiť, pretože nemáte na to peniaze. Ale Boh mal tie peniaze a On poslal Krista a vyrovnal ten účet a vykúpil vás z vašich nemocí a vašich zármutkov a vašich starostí a vášho hriechu a vašich pokleskov. On poslal tie peniaze, ktorými bol Ježiš Kristus, a vložil ich na Golgotu, Golgotský vrch. A dnes večer, každý jeden z vás je slobodný, ak len budete tomu veriť.

53 Ó, Boží Kriste, hovorím ku Tebe, ako dávno Mojžiš, v mene týchto hynúcich ľudí s chorobami a problémami. Ó, Večný Bože z večných vrchov, pozdvihni Svoju hlavu, Pane, a prijmi týchto ľudí do Svojho Kráľovstva a pri.....Pane, nech Duch Svätý tak pomaže týchto ľudí dnes večer, že pocítia svoju zmluvu, ako Samson, keď pocítil vlasy zmluvy. Nech by Duch Svätý ovinul každé srdce dnes večer, kým si ľudia neuvedomia, že to je zmluva, ktorú Ty s nimi robíš, a mohli odísť a byť slobodnými. Odsudzujem každú nemoc, každú chorobu, každý hriech. Ako Tvoj služobník, hovorím, Pane, v slovách pokory ku Tebe, ale pred diablom v rozhorčenom karhaní, “Satan, prehral si tú bitku. Môžeš sa teda vzdať. V Mene Ježiša Krista vyjdi z každej osoby tu, aby mohli byť oslobodení.“Amen.

1 At first I thought that was your boy sitting there, Brother Wood, on the end there, where the lady was writing, but it wasn't. When I opened my eyes, the Angel of the Lord was hanging there. I thought it was David setting there. But it isn't David, I don't think. You're not David Wood, are you? You sure look like a twin brother to him, setting right here. That's not David Wood.

I just seen something done. Amen. Oh, how marvelous. The Lord's ways are past finding out, aren't they? Amen. "If thou canst believe," He said, "all things are possible."

All right, we're going to open the Word. I believe I'll just keep that to myself and let the Lord reveal it, oh, as He sees need.

2 Over in the book of Numbers, the 20th chapter now, quickly. And we'll try to take about twenty minutes for the sermon, if the Lord willing. And now, you be ready. I don't know what's going to happen now. The Lord Jesus just might do anything for us. Do you love Him? Say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Now, the word "amen" means "so be it." See? And, now, we really love Him.

And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

Take the rod, and gather the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak... to the rock..., and it shall bring forth its waters, and thou shalt bring forth water unto them, water out of the rock, and thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts water.

And Moses took the rod, from before the Lord, as He commanded him.

Now, I want to speak just a few moments on this "Great Servant, Moses."

3 You feel any better, sister, that was setting there writing? The little lady sets... Feel lots better now, don't you? You're healed, lady. That old heart trouble and things you've been bothered with, and kidney trouble, that's also and you've had a varicose veins has been bothering you. And isn't that right? If that's right, wave your hand. You were healed just then. Amen. Praise the Lord.

I looked around at her, and I seen her awhile ago, she looked so dreary, and I happened to look back, and I seen the Angel standing there. That looked so much like David. You ought to meet Mr. Wood, over here. He looked like his boy, enough to be his double. I looked back, and I thought, "Maybe that's David," 'cause I knowed David loves me and believes. And then I looked down, and It was hanging over that little lady. And then I seen what her trouble was. All at once, I looked back, and she was just smiling. I thought, "I might as well tell her and let her know it's over, so she can..." Amen. And she was taking down my notes or something there.

All right. Oh, isn't He wonderful? That's just the way it works. Just the way it does. Just... You can't--just can't beat Him. He's just here to help us.

4 Now, the Lord said, we're--told Moses to get the rod. Now, we want to speak on the rod, and the rod pertaining to judgment. I just love to talk about Moses. He was the--the priest, king, and law-giver; everything a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, Moses was.

He was borned in the world a fair child. In other words, he was borned a prophet. They wasn't afraid of the king when they seen God... What kind of a--a thing happened when Moses was born. It does not record, but something happened when Moses was born, 'cause his parents seen it, and knowed that they didn't care what the king said. They knowed their son was going to be safely, and they didn't fear.

5 So he was pulled up out of the bulrushes, and--and was raised right with, just in every way: Went in to the wilderness, and led the children of Israel: a law-giver, and a priest, and he was everything that Christ was. In type he was, and Christ was the antitype.

Now, if we'll notice, Moses, when he became the age of about forty, he refused to be called Pharaoh's daughter... Moses' life runs in a cycle, of three cycles; first, forty; next, eighty; then a hundred and twenty when he died, just a perfect... I could go through the Scripture, and show that--of the dispensations of grace, of water, blood, the spirit, of justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the first, second, and third coming of Christ. Everything you want to type, lays right smack... and everything in the Scripture will roll right in to them--them letters, just like that.

6 Now, and Moses, when he... the first forty years he was taught... Who do you think Moses' teacher was? His mother. He couldn't have had any better, 'cause she was hired as a tutor to raise her own child. I tell you, God certainly pulled one over on Satan there, didn't He? He sure did. And Moses, knowing now, from his mother, that he was raised up... Her a spiritual woman, little is said about her, but brother, I want to be in glory when she receives her crown (Yes, sir.) to see what takes place. How she taught that little fellow right in the midst of the enemy, right there in the furnace of the heat of it. And told him that he would be the one that would deliver God's children out of that place.

7 Moses knowing that, as a scholar, "I guess I'll just go out and set the thing in order," he said. So he was forty years old, so he thought, "I'm getting old enough to do it." So he took the thing over in his own hand and failed. And every time that we take the matter in our hands, we're going to fail. You just go as the Lord leads. And what the Lord says do, then you do that, and you'll never fail. You can't fail, because you're following the leading of the Lord.

If Moses would've only waited just a little while, and let things get ripe, and let the thing get... and the season. You can't plant corn in--in--in now, and go out and gather it in an hour. You've got to let it lay there, and--and the seed die, and rot away, and new life come up in spring in the corn.

That's the way we do now. We're putting the seed in the hearts of the people, that when this great time of reaping comes, (see what I mean?) it'll be--it'll be materialized, and be a great thing happen.

8 Now, Moses, after taking the situation in his own hand, found out that he was a total failure, and run from the presence of Pharaoh and the Presence of God, and was a stranger for forty years way back. And he married an Ethiopian girl. And so she had a lot of temper. And Moses had a lot of temper. That was his trouble. And I just imagine things wasn't so peaceful back there on the back of the desert, at times. But God gave it to him.

9 Now, if you think you married a woman has a little temper, maybe God's trying to tame you down a little (You see?), so, and vice versa.

So Zipporah was a--kind of high-tempered. She proved it when she cut the foreskin from her son, and throwed it before Moses, and said, "Thou art a bloody husband to me." My, I'd imagine things wasn't too peaceful at times. And then out back there, God was... What was He doing? Schooling into the boys mind, or the man's mind, what the program of God was.

Moses was back there waiting, and now... And there he was. What did he do? He went to work for his father-in-law, Jethro, and he was herding his sheep out in the desert place. There's a perfect picture here before us tonight of a believer out of fellowship with God.

10 There he was, no fellowship, not one thing in that forty years was spoke that God did for him, or any way, any supernatural. He was out of fellowship. And when the Church gets out of fellowship with God, miracles cease, signs and wonders cease, revivals cease; God just moves right out when you get out of fellowship.

The thing to do, is keep (that what I was trying to say a while a go) the love of God in your heart. Keep fellowship with Him, and He will add these other things, just as we mature. Don't you think so?

And so, Moses, out of fellowship, no fellowship--out there in a strange country, amongst strangers, not his own people... She was his peop--the people there were Ethiopians, and he was a Jew. And there, completely out of reach of God, seemingly, and God all the time knowing, that no matter how much of a mess that God--that man makes out of the program of God, God's going to straighten it out. That's right.

11 So, just know, that there's going to be a Church appear before God, without spot, without blemish, without a wrinkle. God's going to do it. And if I fail to preach the truth, and Brother Joseph fails to preach the truth, and you brethren out there fail to preach the truth, "God's able of these stones to rise children unto Abraham." He... Somebody's going to preach and contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Somebody's going to pull the Church on. That's right.

So no matter how much the picture was marred, it'd taken God forty years to rectify what Moses done in about three days, just get that picture straightened out again. He just took Moses and set him out here, and give him a high-tempered wife to kindly get him straightened out, and God went on down here fixing the picture around again, till He got it straightened out. But He was determined that He was going to do it, and He ordained Moses to do so. Oh, I just love that.

12 What He's... What God has determined is going to happen. Oh, don't it give you a wonderful feeling? What God has determined, it has to be. That's right. He's going to do it anyhow.

So what a time we can see, as God's fixing His picture back. And one day, while Moses, out of fellowship with God, perhaps thought, "Well, the vision of ever delivering the children of Israel is all past and gone. I guess I'll live and die here in the desert, and that'll be all there is to it. Why was I ever born in the world," or perhaps walking around there. And he had a stick in his hand. And he's walking along, and God appeared in a form of a--an Angel in a burning bush. And Moses seen it. I imagine he said, "Now, way back out here, where there's no more herders but myself, I wonder what that bush is on fire about. Has somebody slipped in here and set the bush afire?" He watched it, and he'd watch it, it didn't... God's got a way of attracting your attention some way, hasn't He?

13 He got attention of Jairus one day. Little Jairus, when he wouldn't believe in Divine healing. He believed it; and he wanted Jairus' heart, so He just... Only thing He could do, was strike his daughter, and let her die, so that Jesus come over, and raise her up again, just--just to really get his attention. You see? God does that. Sometimes throws you on your back, sometimes sick, so He can make you look up, that you'll realize.

Like the old shepherd stories of... had a sheep, and they'd broke its leg. And he said, "How did the sheep break its leg?"

He said, "I broke its leg."

Said, "Why, you're a cruel shepherd to break your own sheep's leg."

14 Said, "No." Said, "She wouldn't mind me," and said, "then I had to break her leg in order that I could pack her around, and baby her a little bit, and give her some special food, so that she would love me and follow me."

That's the way God has to do sometimes: kinda break us down, once in a while to give us a little extra food, you know to kinda love us a little bit. Do you know that's exactly why I'm a Gospel preacher tonight is because he come by a spell of sickness, when the doctor said I couldn't live. That's exactly right. It changed me, shook me.

I hated the thoughts of a preacher. And one time while I was--had the Bantamweight Championship, the fellow said, "Say." Had a blue coat on. Said, "You look like one of these little box-backed, Baptist preachers."

15 And I said, "Look fellow, you smile when you say that." Say, "I was right then ready to go fight with my partner, no preacher about me." And you see what God did? If He had to lay me on my back, when the doctors says, "It's all over."

And then He come around and give me a little special treatment, kindy poured in the oil, you know, and said, "Now, I love you."

I said, "Yes, Lord. I love you too." So that, so then we become friends. That's how Jesus does sometimes, has to pour in a little of the Balm of Gilead, you know, to kindy soothe things over to show you He loves you, He heals you, and wants you to be well, and love Him, and serve Him, believe in Him. Isn't He wonderful?

Then, that's the way He was doing Moses, back there. And Moses stepped aside (attracted his attention), and he looked back over there. And he thought, "Well now, Moses, I guess you think now that..."

16 I imagine the Lord seen poor, old Moses going crippling along there, with his long, white beard and hair. "Well, years ago, I had a vision, and I thought the Lord would surely deliver the children of Israel, but God's done turned his back on me now. I'm back over here battling it out. So I guess I'll just have to stay this way."

And I imagine God said, "Poor fellow, I--I just had to do that to let you realize... But I'm going to show you now that I'm with you."

So He just attracted his attention over there. He wanted to get an audience with--with Moses. You know, God sometime has to get you sick and in the hospital, where the doctor says you ain't going to live to get an audience with you. You'll call for it; don't you worry. You just wait till the doctor says... Oh, you say, "I don't believe in Divine healing, no such thing. That thing's nonsense." Let the doctor say all hopes is gone. God gets you--an audience with you. So don't worry. He has a way of doing things. He does it in His own way. Hallelujah. My, that just makes me feel like being a real shouting Methodist.

17 Look. Because it's God does it. You see? He just does it in His own way. He just... He's got a way of doing things, hasn't He? And I'm so glad that He has. Amen.

So we see now, that He--He got an audience with Moses by saying, "Now, this would be a very odd--odd sight." You know, God does things kindy odd sometimes to get the audience. That's right.

Somebody came to me and said, "Hey, they say they got a holy-roller down here going to preach tonight. I believe I'll just go down and see what it's all about."

The Milltown Baptist pastor, that's in my place at the Milltown Baptist Church tonight, William Hall, that fellow came over, 'cause he had it put in the paper, said, "Say, you ought to come here this fellow preach. He's a little Billy Sunday."

18 And here he come over, and oh, was he rank. His hair hanging down in his face, and had one tooth out, and a big corncob pipe, and he rapped it on the side of the church, like that, when he knocked it out, walked in, and said, "Where is that little Billy Sunday? I want to hear him."

The deacon brothers said, "Now, set down, Mr. Hall." He was a rough customer.

And then he said, "Maybe I'd better get up a little closer. I want to see what Billy Sunday looked like," he said, just making fun. You see? And that night, he got saved. Amen. And he's the pastor there in that same church tonight.

19 See? God has a way of attracting you, doesn't He? He will get you aside one time.

So he said, "Now, this will look a little strange to Moses, something out of the ordinary. So I will just send this Pillar of Fire down there in that bush, and let it... 'Cause it's going to lead him all through the wilderness anyhow. And so I will just let it start burning, get Moses to come over here."

So He attracted Moses' attention. So he draws over a little closer, you know, and said, "Well, that looks strange. That thing don't burn up." When he got close enough, in speaking distance... Oh, I want to get there, don't you, in speaking distance? Just get in speaking distance...

He said, "Moses."

He said, "Yes, Lord? Here I am."

"Take off your shoes now. You're on holy ground."

So Moses unlatched his shoes, and walked up a little closer, said, "What is it, Lord?"

20 And He said, "I have heard... Now--now, Moses, I ain't saying one word to you, about what I've seen about you, but I've heard the groans of My people, and I have remembered My covenant with Abraham. (Amen. His Word, in other words) I remember what I promised Abraham."

The same promise He gave to Abraham, He's give to you, for you're the seed of Abraham. And He said, "I remember My promise with Abraham, and I've come down to deliver My children, take them back to the promised land, and I'm sending you down."

Moses said, "Oh, well, you see I--I can't speak very well." Said, "I'm not eloquent." And said, "I--I can't speak good." And said, "I'm a slow of speech." He said, "I'm--I--I just can't do it." He said, "Well, ah, Aaron's on his road up, and so forth.

And so He said, "What's you got in your hand, Moses?"

He said, "A stick." That's all he had, just an old stick, picked it up out there on the desert somewhere, where he'd punched the--the sheep through the gates, or wherever he went, get them on. Just an old stick he'd cut down, 'cause he said it was a stick.

21 He said, "Moses, throw it down." And when he threw the stick down, it turned into a serpent. He... And Moses fled. And He said, "Pick it up." And he took it by the tail, and it turned back to a stick again.

Moses, I guess could say, "I seen strange sights today," so--when he seen that stick turned to a snake. Now, what was that stick? That's what we're going to speak on. What was that stick?

It wasn't an ordinary stick any more. For it was the judgment rod of Almighty God. What did it symbolize? The cross. And then... Why... How would it symbolize the cross? Because on the natural it was wood. On the spiritual it was a serpent. And how could the serpent represent Jesus?

The serpent, as it was a reptile, a snake, it represented sin already judged. For Satan had sinned in the serpent in the garden of Eden. Which was not a reptile, he was the missing link between men and animal. And he stood there as a--or--or walked upright, and was the most subtle of all the beasts (not reptiles) of the beasts of the field. And when he was cursed, his legs went off of him, and on his belly he went. And that showed that he was already judged, when he became a reptile.

22 And then Christ was sin in the serpent already judged, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. You see it?

Now, he picked up the stick, and the supernatural on the stick, was a serpent. Supernatural, it was a serpent in his hand. Natural, it was a stick in his hand; the cross plus Christ, the judgment.

Here he goes down to Egypt, as I many times said, "A one man invasion." Had his wife, run and got his wife, and set her on the mule, and a child on each hip, and here he is going towards Egypt, going down to take over. Could you imagine a one man invasion going to Egypt to take over? But he did it, because God promised him he would do it.

23 And while he was down there, when Moses went in, he waved this stick across the rivers, and they turned into blood. Then he waved them towards the skies, and the sun went dark. And everywhere he put that stick before him, it was judgment. Judgment went before the stick. Because the stick was the judgment rod. You get it?

Now, when he wanted fleas, he raised this--this stick towards the air like that, and sprinkled some dirt, and as the dust blowed on, fleas came from everywhere: judgment, Divine judgment.

He brought fire out of the heaven, lightning upon the earth, great hailstones and everything that killed the cattle, and killed the Egyptians, and everything else: judgment, God's judgment before Moses.

24 Now, as Moses went with the judgment stick before him, that same stick tonight, to the Church, is Jesus Christ. If those Egyptians could've ever got that little simple stick out of Moses' hands, they'd have had him whipped. And when the--when the devil could ever get the Deity out of the Name of Jesus Christ, he's got the Church whipped. But as the judgment stick went before Moses to take the judgment to bring the judgment, so does the Name of Jesus go before us to take our judgment, stands our judgment of sickness; stands our judgment of death; stands our judgment of trouble.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every care,

When temptations around you gather,

Breathe that Holy Name in prayer.

25 When sickness begins to gather, breathe that Name of Jesus. What is it? It's God's representative of judgment: Christ already judged for your sins; Christ already judged for your temptation; Christ already judged for your sickness. See what I mean? It was God's judgment rod. And as long as that rod waved on, it was judgment.

Moses, that night, after leading the children of Israel out, and there come Pharaoh's army, the Pillar of Fire went down, and hung between Pharaoh and pursuing army and Israel. It made light to Israel and darkness to Pharaoh, and kept them apart (Amen.), a go-between. Oh, I'm so glad today that He is our go-between.

In sickness, in between death and life, He's my go-between. He's the One that takes death in one hand and life in the other one. He's that link that connects man to God: the go-between.

26 And He come down as a go-between. And He made light on this side for Israel to march on, and darkness to hold Pharaoh back. That same Angel of God is in the Church tonight, giving light for the Church to walk on and darkness for those who will reject it. We're children of the light. Amen.

How can you see when you walk in darkness? You can't see. You don't know where you're going. But if you're in the light, and Christ is the Light... And He's giving light to those believers, while He was giving darkness to the unbelievers. He was showing a way of a path to the believer, and a darkness, and stumbling about to the unbeliever.

27 And so is it tonight. As we're marching towards the promised land, God's throwing light on the path of Divine healing, speaking with tongues, shoutings, and the glories of God, manifesting them to the children of the light, and throwing darkness back there, that they stumble, not knowing where they're going.

Remember that same stick, that hand that held that judgment rod, when he come down, and there was God's path, running through the--the Red Sea, he waved that over the Red Sea, and the Red Sea, seeing the judgment, got scared, and moved back, on either side, and made a pillar. And the marchers of Israel walked right across on dry land in the bottom of the sea.

28 And when the uncircumcised, trying to pretend they were something, when they were nothing, started to do so, God just discomfited, took the chariot wheels off, and scared the horses, down there in the bottom of the sea, in a great bit of conglomeration. And on the other side, that same judgment, there where sin was in the valley... Praise God. You know what that'll do? That same Pillar of Fire, that had been showing them, when it came down to this valley, it moved right over the top of that water, and made a way where these back there, without the leading of the Holy Spirit, could not walk where those circumcised were walking. Hallelujah. Oh, that makes me feel religious to think of it.

29 The fight is on. Someday we got to come down through two great, big, dark valleys, or pillars, called a valley, that's where we're walled on each side; the valley of the shadows of death. David said, "I'll fear no evil, for Thou art with me."

And when they seen that glorious, great, light of the Pillar of Fire, whirling over the top of this water, seen those great, big, scary hills up there, maybe forty fathoms deep, way down deep in that mucky looking stuff, at the bottom, and the Angel of the Lord leading the way. Israel knew that if the Angel was going on, it was making a way, and no fear was in the way. Amen.

Then one of these days, we've got to come down through the valley of the shadows of death, just like that was. We'll fear no evil, as long as the Morning Star is moving on before you, lighting up the way, and making it possible for you to walk. Just the other side's the promised land. Amen. I'm so happy for that. Notice.

Then when they got over on the other side, these uncircumcised said, "Well, if they can do it, we can too," and got drowned in the sea, confused, and drowned and sank out in the sea.

30 On they went. When they begin to need water one day, God told Moses... Listen, closely. Oh, I want you to get this part of it. Here's the golden cord of it. They--people were thirsting, and they were wondering, "Where can we drink. Our little children are starving?"

When their little children was sick, God erected a brass serpent, another symbol, another stick, like the one Moses had in his hand, only in a symbol with a snake wrapped around it. What was it? The judgment. Drawing dividends on your insurance policy (Amen.), drawing dividends on Calvary. Why Moses... Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up."

31 He was lifted up with a compound reason, because they were chiding, and--and jostling one another, and fighting one another, and despising Moses. And they were sinning, and they were sick. And they was lifted up for two reasons: to forgive their backslidings and to heal their sickness. "And He was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we were healed."

Scripture, every jump of It, every Word, God's eternal Word, which can never pass away... Amen. I'm so happy for that foundation, that was laid by Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone. And we're built together as blocks in the temple of the living God by our confession and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. The same Light that was in them is moving right through the building.

32 Notice Moses... Now, he said he went out, and he prayed, and said, "Lord, these people are thirsting now, and there's no water to give them, and they're crying to me for water." And Moses and Aaron went to the tabernacle and fell before the Lord, and the Shekinah glory of God fell around them. Amen. Shekinah glory, the Presence of God come around them.

Why, brother, that's no more than what you feeled in a good, old fashion, Holy Spirit meeting, when the Shekinah glory of God drops down among you: the same thing.

Moses raising his hands before God, almost transformed before them, God said, "Moses, I'll go before you, and stand in the gap, upon the rock." I like that. "I'll go before you and will stand upon the rock to provide a way for you. And when you come, strike the rock. Take the rod now, and gather the people, and go, and strike this rock, and it will bring forth the waters out of the rock." Oh, my. "I will stand on the rock before you."

Look. Moses had to wait. God went before Moses and stood on the rock. I want you to watch the spiritual meaning of this. When we see God's Word just unfolding, you just--just, you just can bathe in it. I can, and I know you can too.

33 And there, Moses, taking the rod then, the judgment stick, going forth to the rock, and there stood God on the rock. And he smote the rock. And when he did, the waters gushed forth, not a little, bitty stream, like you see the artist draw the picture. I could drink that thing dry, if I was thirsty. But look. Enough water came out of it to water two million people, plus camels and animals that they had. Come forth with gushers... Hallelujah.

Beautiful type of it when Jesus said in the wilderness that He was the Rock that was in the wilderness. No wonder the people screamed back there that day, when He came into Jerusalem, riding on this horse, little mule. And they was crying, those Nazarenes crying, "Hosanna, hosanna to Him that cometh in the Name of the Lord."

Some of those self-styled, starchy priests, said, "Make them hold their peace."

"Why," He said, "if they hold their peace, the rocks would immediately cry out."

34 What is the rocks. The rocks has been washed by the same waters, or watered by the Word. They have to cry out. Said, "If they hold their peace, the rocks will immediately cry out." Something had to take place. The rocks...

Notice later on, when they needed some water, only thing they had to do was speak to the rock. One day they were hungry, and they went hunting, and they found in this cleft in the rock was honey, hanging in the cleft.

The cleft is, in symbols, was the spear mark in the side of the Lord Jesus. The cleft in the rock, where it was smitten, and in there, a bunch of bees had come and built a hive. And there was honey in the rock. Amen. What a beautiful thing.

Samson, when he's going down to see his wife, his girlfriend, and a lion run out... Little, old fellow, about that big, seven little curls hanging down, little old, sissy-like, and people couldn't understand how that fellow could be so strong. And a great, big, old lion run out, and said, "Well--well looky here, what's coming." Samson, just a little, old, sissy, standing there. And the lion run out, many times his size. And then, what taken place?

35 Samson never walked up first, and said, "Here, I'll tear you apart." But the Spirit of the Lord come upon him. That's what did it. He felt back there, and felt these seven locks hanging down. That was the covenant. And he wasn't scared of a lion. In the face of death he wasn't scared of it.

If you can feel back... If Samson could feel seven locks, and know it was a covenant, because he was borned a Nazarite, how much more ought a man that's borned of the Holy Spirit, feel the power of God, and know it's the covenant to slay the enemy before you. Whether it's sickness, whether it's temptation, what ever it is, you can't stand it, when the Spirit of God comes.

36 Walked over, and grabbed that lion, that little, bitty, curly-headed shrimp grabbed that lion by the jaw and tore it apart. Hallelujah. You only need one; that's Christ, the Covenant. Can you feel it? Amen. Oh, my. The covenant...

Then, when he slew that old lion, just like it was a little, bitty, old rabbit or something. Pulled him apart, like this, and whipped his old carcass over, went walking on down through there. A few days he came by, and a beehive was built in it. And he eat the sweetest honey he ever eat, out of that old beehive that was built in the carcass of the lion that was going to kill him. For the Spirit of God come and delivered him.

37 And if you've got something wrong tonight, feel the Spirit of God moving on you, tear the thing apart. And the first thing you know, you'll have a testimony that'll shake the shingles off the house. Amen. You're the covenant, circumcised by the Holy Spirit. Amen. Eat some sweet honey, really good.

When He stand and say, "Yes, brother, I believe in healing."

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me,

I once was lost, but now I'm found,

I was blind, but now I see. Amen.

38 When I used to have to be led around by the arms, great, big glasses on, like that, and could hardly see where I was going, and now, I got a testimony. Because I realized my position in Christ Jesus. He made a covenant, and I received it and believed Him. And today it's sweet honey to eat it. Tell others. Now, notice again, quickly. We'll get down there...

Then when the rock was smitten... Very beautiful type... Them people were perishing and dying. And it was a type of "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but would have Everlasting Life."

39 In the midst of a perishing, dying people, a perishing, dying nation, God so loved the unworthy. Look how unworthy they was. And God so loved... Oh, if it wasn't for the love of God, He'd destroy the whole world tonight. But He can't do it. His love won't let Him do it. So "He so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but could drink the waters of Life freely. Whosoever will may come." Just enough, a bountiful blessings pouring out. "He that believeth on Me..." In other words, take it like this, "He that believeth on Me shall have a great, big gusher right in the middle of his soul, bubbling up in to Everlasting Life." Oh, what a beautiful thing.

40 Notice that God took all the judgments of death. The death that I should die, the hell that I should go to, God, with His judgments of death and sickness, Christ met Him in the gap, hanging between the heavens and earth. And God struck upon Him, the iniquity of us all.

And there the judgment was smitten. And tonight that ensign of the cross, a blindfolder to the world, but to those who march on, with the cross going on before them, the judgments is paid.

Look and live, my brother, live.

Look to Jesus, now, and live.

For it's recorded in His Word, hallelujah,

It's only that we look and live.

41 If you're sick, look and live. If you're down-hearted, look and live. If you're weary, look and live. If you're dead in sin and trespasses, look and live. That's all. For the cross goes on before us.

God's putting before us this ensign, the cross, realizing that through that comes... Just like the serpent, it wasn't the stick; it was the serpent represented on there that made the atonement. And it wasn't that it's a wooden cross that we pack; it's the Holy Spirit that's wrapped into that--that great sign yonder, ensign on Calvary, when the life of the Holy Spirit was in Christ come out of Him. It went to "whosoever might come" from this cross. And the cross is God's sign before us tonight to follow Jesus. My.

42 I think of God, standing there on the rock. God was that rock, and Moses' judgment rod... Judgment, God's judgment smote Christ, dying in our stead, the innocent for the guilty. And out of Him come the blood cell. And the life-giving Blood flowed from His back, that we might be healed, flowed from his heart, that we might be saved; come down over His brows and things, for our iniquity, for our peace, and all that was upon Him. There He was a bleeding malefactor, hanging there between heavens and earth, standing, where a Holy God, looking down, could not see the sinner no more, for He looked through that judgment that had been paid yonder, the all supreme price. Oh, I hope you see it, my Christian friend.

43 And looked yonder. There it is. As far as God is concerned, it's finished. The price is paid. You're free. That's what's the trouble with people tonight. They don't know they're free.

Here not long ago, an old farmer had a--had a cornfield. The crows kept coming by eating up his corn, so he set a trap and caught one. He said, "I'll fix the rest of them." He tied that one by its foot, and to the fence, and that poor, old crow hobbled and jumped, and hobbled and jumped, and he couldn't get away because he was tied up. He was starving, eat everything around where he could reach. He was starving to death. He got so he just couldn't hardly fly or jump up and down any more.

44 All the other crows would come by and holler, "Come on, Johnny Crow. Let's go south. It's turning winter. You'll die setting there. Let's go Johnny Crow."

He said, "I can't. I'm tied."

One day a good man came by. Said, "That poor, old crow. Look at him, hobbling around there. He's getting weak." So he caught the old fellow, petted him a little bit, took the latch off of his foot, like that, turned him loose, said, "All right, old boy, go on."

Walked away. And the old crow just kept walking around in the same circle--same circle. See? He was untied and didn't know it. The other crows came by and said, "Come on, Johnny Crow. Let's go south. It's coming winter."

Said, "I can't. I'm still tied."

45 That's the way it is with men and women tonight who don't know their position in Christ Jesus. The devil may have you tied with TB, may have you tied with a cancer, he may have you tied to a many thing. But Christ, the good Man, has stood your judgment, now and has set you free tonight. God bless your heart. You can rise in the power of the Holy Ghost. Let's not go south, but let's go towards glory marching as the great army of the living God. We're free. Can't you hear the others saying, "Come on."

I once was bound by a chain of sin, but tonight I've been cut loose by Jesus Christ. Amen.

46 The judgment, sure, Christ took our judgment, the innocent for the guilty. He was made sin that we might not be sinners. He was made--bore our sickness, that we wouldn't have to bear it. He bore our sorrows that we wouldn't have to sorrow no more, "as others, which have no hope," says the Scripture. He was... All that we need was right in Him. You believe that? Certainly.

Do you believe that for your heart trouble, lady setting there? You believe that for that heart condition? Do you really accept it now with all your heart? Then He bore your heart trouble; you ain't got it now more now. Amen. If you believe it, you can have it. Hallelujah. Yes, sir.

47 "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we were healed." After He--that rock was once smitten, God told Moses, said, "Go on, Moses. The only thing you have to do now is go speak to that rock. From this on, every time you need water, speak to it. You don't have to smite it any more. You don't have to pound all night long. You don't have to worry, and beg, and pray, and fast, and go on. Just speak to the rock (Hallelujah.), and it will bring forth His waters." Amen. "Speak to the rock, and it'll bring forth its waters."

I tell you; one time there was a woman with a blood issue, and all that she had was lost. She could not be healed by any doctor. And she come down along the bank one day, and she seen that spiritual rock rolling by, and she spake to the Rock. Just as this woman did here, just a few minutes ago, spoke to the Rock and out of the Rock came healing waters. Hallelujah.

48 There was a little, old man named Jairus, who really loved the Lord, but he was a secret worshipper. And one day, his little girl died. All hopes was gone, but he spake to the Rock, and the Rock gave not only water, but life, the waters of life, freely.

Another woman by the name of Martha and Mary, they loved Him. And He'd gone from their home. And their brother was dead and rottening out there in the grave. One day they heard that the Rock was coming, rolling in to the city. And Martha had been very dilatory about cooking good dinners for Him, and things, and not maybe paying to--so much attention to the spiritual. But in her heart she believed it. For she showed then what she was. She run out, and knelt down on her knees, and she spake to the Rock. And the Rock, in return, spoke in eternity and raised a dead man out of his grave. Hallelujah.

49 When a bunch of people was out on a little old boat one night, and it was poppering around like a bottle stopper, jumping from place to place, all hopes that they'd ever be saved was gone. And they happened to realize that laying in the bow of the boat, was the Rock. They spake to the Rock about their troubles, and it soothed down, and the winds folded their arms and went to the crevices. Hallelujah. And the sea that was rocking, smoothed out, like a mother singing a lullaby to her baby. She... They spake to the Rock, and the Rock brought forth the--the substance that they asked for.

Are you on speaking terms with Him tonight? Could you speak to Him about your chest--chest trouble, setting there? You believe that God has healed you? You just got through speaking to Him, didn't you? Didn't you say, "Lord, heal me." You spoke to Him, and your chest trouble's gone now. "Speak to the Rock. He will bring forth His waters." Hallelujah.

50 Moses, when his time had come and everything had failed, God said, "Come up," and he climbed up to the top of Mount Nebo to look over into the promised land. There death come whirling through the air. He knew that death was all around him. And Moses looked around, and he looked, laying there by his side, and there laid the rock.

He stepped up on the rock. He had followed it all the way through the wilderness, or it had followed him. He stepped off on the rock, and God sent some pallbearers, Angels down and packed him away, off the rock. Hallelujah. That rock had fed him when he was hungry, give him water when he was thirsty, and taken him to a home in glory...?... when he was dying.

51 My prayer is tonight "Lord Jesus, pull me up above this worldly element here, till I can be on speaking terms with you. That someday when I go down through the valley of the shadow of death, I expect to see the rock standing there." Hallelujah. "Keep me on speaking terms with Him." I, myself want to speak to Him.

You need to speak to Him. He's here tonight and He's on speaking terms with every one of you, if you want to speak to Him. Do you believe it? For whatever need you have need of, let us stand to our feet at this time now. Oh, my.

Oh, I feel like I could just put this church on my shoulders, I could walk away with it. What? The Rock, Christ Jesus is here.

52 Oh, I'm not excited. I know exactly where I'm standing. I know exactly what I'm talking about. Oh, if I could only express my feelings. If I could only tell this audience what it really means to be setting under the anointing of this Rock, Christ Jesus. Already paid your judgment, bore your sickness, took your sorrow, and settled the question before God. Are you a scared to put your trust in Him?

You don't have to be judged. You don't have to think yourself worthy; you'll never be worthy. But Christ was worthy in your stead, that paid the price. Not trying to redeem something, you can't redeem it, 'cause you ain't got the money to. But God had the money, and He sent Christ, and settled the bill, and redeemed you from your sickness, and your sorrows, and your worry, and your sin, and your backsliding. He sent the money, which was Christ Jesus, and deposited it on Calvary, on Golgotha's hill. And tonight every one of you is free, if you'll just believe it.

53 O Christ of God, I speak to you, as Moses of old, in behalf of this perishing people, with sickness, and with troubles. O Everlasting God, from the everlasting hills, lift up Thine head, Lord, and receive this people into Thy Kingdom, and rec... Lord, may the Holy Ghost so anoint these people tonight that they'll feel their covenant, like Samson did, when he felt the covenant hair. May the Holy Ghost wrap around every heart tonight, till the people realize that it's the covenant that you make with them, and they can go and be free.

I condemn every sickness, every disease, every sin. I say, as Your servant, Lord, in the word of humility to You, but in a bitter rebuke before the devil, "Satan, you've lost the battle. You might as well give it up. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of every person in here, that they could be made free." Amen.

1Spočiatku som si myslel, že to bol tvoj chlapec, ktorý tu sedí, brat Wood, tam na konci, kde tá pani píše, ale to nebol. Keď som otvoril oči, vznášal sa tam Anjel Pánov. Myslel som si, že to bol Dávid, ktorý tam sedí. Ale to nebol Dávid, nemyslím si. Ty nie si Dávid Wood, však? Vyzeráš presne ako jeho dvojča, ako tu sedíš. To nie je Dávid Wood. Videl som, ako sa niečo stalo. Amen. Och, aké úžasné. Cesty Pánove sú nevystihnuteľné, však? Amen. "Ak môžeš veriť," On povedal, "všetky veci sú možné." V poriadku, otvoríme Slovo. Verím, nechám si to len pre seba a nech to Pán zjaví, och, ak to On uzná za potrebné.

2Obráťme sa rýchlo do 4. knihy Mojžišovej 20. kapitoly. Pokúsime sa zobrať okolo 20 minút na kázanie, ak Pán dovolí. A teraz buďte pripravení. Neviem, čo sa teraz môže stať. Pán Ježiš môže pre nás urobiť čokoľvek. Milujete Ho? Povedzte: "Amen" [zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen" – pozn.prekl.] No, to slovo "amen" znamená "nech sa stane." Vidíte? A teraz, skutočne Ho milujeme. [4. Moj. 20:7-9 – pozn.prekl.]

A Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:

Vezmi palicu a shromaždi obec, ty aj Áron, tvoj brat, a budete hovoriť skale pred ich očami, a skala vydá svoju vodu. A vyvedieš im vodu zo skaly a napojíš obec aj ich dobytok.

Vtedy vzal Mojžiš palicu zpred tvári Hospodinovej, tak ako mu prikázal.

No, chcem chvíľu hovoriť o tomto: "Veľký Sluha Mojžiš."

3Cítiš sa o niečo lepšie, sestra, ty, ktorá si tam sedela a písala? Tá drobná pani, sedí... Cítiš sa teraz oveľa lepšie, však? Si uzdravená, pani. Ten starý problém so srdcom a veci, s ktorými si sa trápila, a problémy s obličkami, ktoré si tiež mala, a kŕčové žily, ktoré ťa sužovali. Nie je to pravda? Ak je to pravda, zakývaj svojou rukou. Bola si práve vtedy uzdravená. Amen. Chvála Pánovi. Pozrel som sa na ňu a videl som ju, chvíľu pred tým vyzerala tak beznádejne, a náhodou som sa obzrel a uvidel som tam stáť Anjela Pánovho. Ten vyzeral tak veľmi ako Dávid. Mal by si sa stretnúť tuto s pánom Woodom. On vyzeral, ako jeho chlapec, že až by mohol byť jeho dvojníkom. Pozrel som sa späť a pomyslel som si, "možno je to Dávid", pretože som vedel, že Dávid ma miluje a verí mi. A potom som sa pozrel dole a To sa vznášalo nad tou drobnou pani. Potom som uvidel, aké boli jej problémy. Náhle som sa pozrel dozadu a ona sa len usmievala. Pomyslel som si: "Radšej jej to poviem, nech vie, že to skončilo, tak ona môže..." Amen. A ona si robila poznámky alebo niečo také. V poriadku. Och, nie je On nádherný? To je presne ten spôsob, ako sa to deje. Presne tak. Presne... Nemôžete... nemôžete Boha pochopiť, On je tu jednoducho na to, aby nám pomohol.

4Nuž, Pán povedal povedal Mojžišovi, aby zobral palicu. No, chceme hovoriť o tejto palici, a tá palica predstavuje súd. Veľmi rád rozprávam o Mojžišovi. On bol kňaz, kráľ a zákonodarca. Mojžiš bol vo všetkom typom Pána Ježiša Krista. Narodil sa na svet ako pekné dieťa. Inými slovami, narodil sa ako prorok. Oni sa neobávali kráľa, keď videli, že Boh... Čo sa stalo, keď sa Mojžiš narodil? Nie je to zaznamenané, ale niečo sa stalo, keď sa Mojžiš narodil, pretože jeho rodičia to videli a vedeli, že sa nemusia starať o to, čo povedal kráľ. Oni vedeli, že ich syn bude v bezpečí a nemusia sa báť.

5Tak on bol vytiahnutý z tej trstiny a vyšiel rovno, na každý spôsob: šiel na púšť a viedol deti Izraela ako zákonodarca a kňaz, a bol všetkým, čím bol Kristus. Bol typom, predobrazom a Kristus bol skutočnosťou. No, ak si všimnete, Mojžiš, keď mal okolo štyridsať rokov, odmietol byť nazývaný faraónovou dcérou... Mojžišov život prebiehal v cykle, v troch cykloch. Prvých štyridsať, ďalších osemdesiat, potom stodvadsať, keď zomrel, presne dokonale... Mohol by som ísť cez Písmo a ukázať vám to v etapách milosti, vo vode, krvi, duchu, ospravedlnení, posvätení, krste Duchom Svätým, prvom, druhom a treťom príchode Krista. Všetky typy, ktoré chcete, ležia rovno, priamo... a všetko v Písme sa odvíja presne v týchto číslach, presne tak.

6No, a Mojžiš, keď on... tých prvých štyridsať rokov bol on učený... Kto myslíte, že bol Mojžišovým učiteľom? Jeho matka. Nemohol mať žiadneho lepšieho, pretože ona bola najatá, ako pestúnka, aby vychovávala svoje vlastné dieťa. Poviem vám, Boh tu riadne satana prekabátil, všakže? Určite áno. A Mojžiš, teraz vediac od svojej matky, ktorá ho vychovávala... Ona bola duchovná žena, hoci sa o nej málo hovorí, ale brat, chcem byť v sláve, keď ona obdrží svoju korunu, tak veru, aby som videl, čo sa bude diať. Ako vyučovala toho malého človeka rovno v strede nepriateľa, rovno v tej rozpálenej peci. A rozprávala mu, že on bude tým, kto vyvedie deti Božie von z toho miesta.

7Mojžiš to, ako učený, vedel a povedal, "Myslím, že pôjdem a dám veci do poriadku." Keď mal štyridsať rokov, pomyslel si: "Som už dosť starý na to, aby som to urobil." Tak zobral tú vec do svojich rúk a neuspel. A vždy, keď my vezmeme tú vec do svojich rúk, neuspejeme. Choďme len tak, ako nás vedie Pán. A čo Pán hovorí, aby ste robili, potom to robte a nikdy nezlyháte. Nemôžete zlyhať, lebo nasledujete Pánovo vedenie. Keby len Mojžiš počkal malú chvíľu a nechal veci dozrieť a nechal veci dôjsť do toho správneho času. Nemôžete zasiať zrno v tejto chvíli a za hodinu to ísť zbierať. Musíte ho tam nechať ležať, a to semeno zomrie, a zhnije a nový život vzíde na jar v zrne. To je spôsob, ako to teraz robíme. Sejeme semeno do sŕdc ľudí, ktoré, keď prichádza tento veľký čas žatvy, (vídíte, čo myslím) to sa bude materializovať, a budú sa diať veľké veci.

8Teraz, Mojžiš, potom ako vzal situáciu do svojich vlastných rúk, zistil, že totálne zlyhal a utekal z prítomnosti faraóna a z Prítomnosti Božej a bol cudzincom po štyridsať rokov. Oženil sa tam s etiópskym dievčaťom. A tak ona bola veľmi výbušná, Mojžiš bol tiež veľmi výbušný, to bol jeho problém. Predstavujem si, že tam vzadu na púšti nebol v tom čase vždy pokoj. Ale Boh mu to dal.

9No, ak si myslíš, že si sa oženil so ženou, ktorá je trochu výbušná, možno ťa Boh skúša trocha skrotiť (vidíš?), tak, a opačne.

Tak Cipora bola veľmi prudký typ. Ona to predviedla vtedy, keď odrezala neobriezku svojho syna a hodila to pred Mojžiša povediac, "Ty si mi mužom krvi." Och, viem si predstaviť, že to tam v tom čase nebolo také pokojné. A potom, tam vzadu, Boh bol .... Čo On urobil? Učil chlapcovu myseľ alebo myseľ muža, aký bol Boží program. Mojžiš čakal tu vzadu, a teraz... A tu bol. Čo robil? On šiel pracovať pre svojho svokra, Jetra, a pásol jeho ovce vonku na púšti. Toto tu je dokonalý obraz pred nami, dnes večer, veriaceho, ktorý je mimo obecenstva s Bohom.

10Tu on bol, bez obecenstva, Boh ku nemu neprehovoril nič za celých štyridsať rokov, žiadnym spôsobom, nijako nadprirodzene. On bol mimo obecenstva. A keď sa Cirkev dostane mimo obecenstva s Bohom, prestali zázraky, znamenia a prestali divy, prestalo prebudenie. Boh sa odsunul, keď ste sa dostali mimo obecenstva.

To, čo je potrebné robiť, je držať (pokúšal som sa to pred chvíľou povedať) lásku Božiu vo svojom srdci. Udržiavať obecenstvo s Ním a On pridá tieto ostatné veci, tak ako dozrievame. Nemyslíte?

A tak Mojžiš mimo obecenstva, žiadne obecenstvo... tu v cudzej zemi, medzi cudzincami, nie medzi svojím vlastným ľudom... Ona bola jeho... tí ľudia boli Etiópčania a on bol Žid. A tu, zdanlivo úplne mimo Božieho dosahu, ale Boh po celý čas vedel, nehľadiac na to, ako veľmi ten človek narobil z Božieho programu zmätok, Boh to ide urovnať. To je pravda.

11Tak, ako viete, povstane pred Bohom Cirkev bez vady, bez poškvrny a bez vrásky. Boh to učiní. A ak ja nebudem kázať pravdu, ak brat Jozef nebude kázať pravdu, a vy, bratia tu, ak nebudete kázať pravdu, "Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi." On... Niekto bude kázať a zápasiť za vieru raz ta danú svätým. Bude niekto, kto Cirkev k tomu pritiahne. Tak veru. Tak bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi bol ten obraz narušený, Bohu trvalo štyridsať rokov napraviť to, čo Mojžiš urobil za tri dni, kým dostal ten obraz opäť do poriadku. Zobral Mojžiša a posadil ho tam, dal mu veľmi výbušnú ženu, aby ho trochu ponaprával. Ale On bol rozhodnutý to učiniť, a On určil na to Mojžiša. Oh, ako to milujem.

12Čo On.. Čo Boh rozhodne, to sa aj stane. Ó, nespôsobuje to, že sa cítite nádherne? Čo Boh rozhodne, to musí tak byť. Tak veru. Akokoľvek, On to urobí. Tak, aký čas môžeme vidieť, ako Boh urovnáva Svoj obraz späť. A jedného dňa, Mojžiš, ktorý bol stále mimo Božieho obecenstva, možno premýšľal: "No, celé to videnie o vyslobodení detí Izraela je minulosťou. Ja asi budem žiť iba tu, a aj zomriem tu na púšti, a to bude všetko. Načo som sa vôbec narodil na svet," možno chodiac okolo. Držal vo svojej ruke palicu. Ako tak chodí, Boh sa objavuje vo forme Anjela v horiacom kríku. A Mojžiš to videl. Predstavujem si, ako povedal: "Hm, tu na takom zapadnutom mieste, kde nie sú žiadni iní pastieri, iba ja, je mi to divné, ako môže horieť ten krík. Žeby sa sem niekto zatúlal a zapálil krík?" Hľadel naň, hľadel, a on ne.... Boh má spôsob, ako upútať vašu pozornosť, však?

13On tak jedného dňa upútal pozornosť Jaira. Malý Jairus, keď nechcel veriť v Božské uzdravovanie. On tomu uveril, a On chcel Jairovo srdce, tak On len...Mohol urobiť iba jednu vec, zasiahol jeho dcéru a nechal ju zomrieť. Vtedy prišiel Ježiš a vzkriesil ju, len ... len skutočne upútať jeho pozornosť. Vidíte? Boh to robí. Niekedy vás položí na lopatky, niekedy chorobou, iba tak On môže dosiahnuť, aby ste vzhliadli hore, aby ste si to uvedomili. Podobne ako v tom starom príbehu o pastierovi, ktorý mal ovcu a tá mala polámanú nohu. Iný povedal: "Ako to, že má tá ovca polámanú nohu?"

On odpovedal: "Ja som jej ju zlomil."

Povedal: "Prečo, ty si krutý pastier, keď si zlomil nohu svojej vlastnej ovci."

14Povedal: "Nie." Povedal: "Jej by to nevadilo, keby som jej to urobil," a povedal, "preto som jej zlomil nohu, aby som ju mohol ponosiť, trošku ju popestovať, dať jej nejakú špeciálnu potravu, aby ma milovala a nasledovala ma." To je spôsob, ako to niekedy Boh robí, nejako nás zlomí, chvíľu nám dáva trocha lepšiu stravu, aby sme si trochu uvedomili, že nás miluje. Viete, že presne preto som ja dnes večer kazateľom Evanjelia, pretože On prišiel s chorobou, a doktor povedal, že ja nebudem schopný žiť. To je presne tak. To ma zmenilo, to mnou zatriaslo. Nenávidel som myšlienky o kazateľovi. Raz, keď som bol na majstrovstvách v bantamovej váhe [kategória v boxe - pozn.prekl.], kolega mi povedal... Mal som na sebe modrý kabát. Povedal: "Vyzeráš ako jeden z tých baptistických kazateľov s hranatými ramenami."

15Povedal som: "Počúvaj, priateľu, to, čo si povedal, to len žartuješ." Hovorím vám: "Bol som pripravený zbiť tam toho môjho kolegu, nebolo vo mne nič z kazateľa." A vidíte, čo Boh urobil? On ma musel položiť na chrbát, keď doktori povedali: "Je s ním koniec." A potom On prišiel a dal mi trocha špeciálnu liečbu, nalial do mňa olej, viete, a povedal: "Ja ťa milujem." Povedal som: "Áno, Pane. Ja ťa tiež milujem." Tak sme sa stali priateľmi. To je spôsob, ako to niekedy Ježiš robí, musí do vás naliať trocha Balzámu z Gileáda, viete, zmierniť bolesť, aby vám ukázal, že vás miluje, že vás uzdravuje a chce, aby ste sa mali dobre a milovali Ho, slúžili Mu a verili Mu. Nie je On nádherný? No, to je spôsob, akým to On robil tam na púšti s Mojžišom. A Mojžiš kráčal okolo (upútal jeho pozornosť) a on sa na to obzrel. Pomyslel si: "Nuž, Mojžiš, tuším si myslíš, že teraz...."

16Predstavujem si Pána, ako hľadí na biedneho, starého Mojžiša túlajúceho sa tam so svojou dlhou bielou bradou a vlasmi. "Nuž, pred rokmi som mal videnie a myslel som si, že Pán určite vyslobodí deti Izraela, ale Boh sa teraz odo mňa odvrátil. Ja som tu a pretĺkam sa. Tak si myslím, že to už takto zostane." A predstavujem si, ako Boh povedal, "Biedny priateľu, Ja som to tak musel urobiť, aby si si uvedomil ... Ale ukážem ti, že Ja som s tebou." Takže On tam upútal jeho pozornosť. Chcel mať s Mojžišom obecenstvo. Viete, Boh niekedy musí na nás poslať chorobu a dať do nemocnice, kde vám doktori povedia, že nemôžete ďalej žiť, aby sa mohol s vami stretnúť. Vy budete o to volať, netrápte sa. Iba čakajte, kým lekár povie... Oh, ty povieš : "Ja neverím v Božské uzdravenie, nie je taká vec. Tá vec je nezmysel." Nech len doktor povie, že všetka nádej je preč. Boh získa s tebou stretnutie. Tak, netrápte sa. On má na tú vec spôsob. On to robí Svojím vlastným spôsobom. Hallelujah. Och, to robí, že sa cítim ako skutočný vykrikujúci metodista.

17Hľaďte. Pretože to je to, čo Boh robí. Vidíte? On to len robí Svojím vlastným spôsobom. On len... On má na všetko spôsob, či nie? A ja som šťastný, že má. Amen. Tak, teraz vidíme, že On mal stretnutie s Mojžišom cez to, že on povedal, "No, to bude veľmi zvláštny, neobyčajný zjav." Viete, Boh niekedy robí zvláštne veci, aby získal stretnutie. Tak veru. Niekto ku mne prišiel a povedal, "Hej, oni, povedal, oni tu dolu dnes večer majú kázanie toho náboženského fanatika (holy roller).Verím, pôjdem len dolu a uvidím, o čom to všetko je." Baptistický pastor z Milltown, to je v mojom mieste, dnes večer v Baptistickej cirkvi v Milltown. William Hall, ten človek, tam prišiel, pretože to bolo v novinách, povedal, "Počúvaj, mal by si sem prísť vidieť toho človeka kázať. On je malý Billy Sunday."

18 A tu on prišiel, a och, páchol. Jeho vlasy mu viseli dolu na tvár, a jeden zub mal vonku, a s veľkou fajkou, ktorou udrel do dverí, keď vchádzal do cirkvi, aby ju očistil, vchádzal dnu a hovoril, "Kde je ten malý Billy Sunday? Chcem ho počuť." Bratia diakoni mu povedali, "No, posaďte sa pán Hall." On bol nepríjemný hosť. Vtedy on povedal, "Hádam si sadnem trochu bližšie. Chcem vidieť, ako Billy Sunday vyzerá," on povedal, robil si len žarty. Vidíte? A toho večera bol spasený. Amen. A dnes večer je on pastorom v tej istej cirkvi.

19Vidíte? Boh má spôsob, ako ťa upútať, či nie? On ťa jedného dňa zoberie nabok. Tak On povedal, "Teraz, ukážme niečo trochu zvláštne Mojžišovi, niečo neobvyklé. Tak zošlem len ten Ohnivý Stĺp do toho kra, a nechal to... . Pretože to ho malo postupne viesť celou dolinou púšte, akokoľvek. A tak Ja to len zapálim, aby sem Mojžiš pristúpil." Tak On upútal Mojžišovu pozornosť. Tak on sa priblížil trochu viac, viete, a povedal, "No toto, to vyzerá zvláštne. Tá vec nezhorí." Keď prišiel tak blízko, že mohol počuť hlas... Ó, chcem sa tam dostať, na vzdialenosť počuteľnosti hlasu, vy nie? Dostať sa len na vzdialenosť počuteľnosti hlasu....

On povedal, "Mojžiš."

On povedal, "Áno, Pane? Tu som."

Tak Mojžiš vyzul svoju obuv a podišiel trochu bližšie, povedal, "Čo je to, Pane?"

20 A On povedal, "Počul som... No, Mojžiš, nepoviem ani jedno slovo o tom, čo som videl v tebe, ale počul som stonanie Môjho ľudu, a spomenul som si na Moju zmluvu s Abrahámom. (Amen, Svoje Slovo, inými slovami.) Spomenul som si, čo som zasľúbil Abrahámovi." To isté zasľúbenie, ktoré On dal Abrahámovi, On dal tebe, pretože ty si semenom Abraháma. A On povedal, "Rozpamätal som sa na zasľúbenie s Abrahámom a zostúpil som, aby som vyslobodil Moje deti a priviedol ich späť do zasľúbenej zeme, a Ja tam posielam teba." Mojžiš povedal, "Ó, dobre, vidíš, ja--ja neviem veľmi dobre hovoriť." Povedal, "Nie som výrečný." A povedal, "ja--ja neviem dobre hovoriť." A povedal, "som pomalý rečník." On povedal, "Ja som, ja--ja to nedokážem." On povedal, "Dobre, ach, Áron už prichádza, a tak ďalej. A tak On povedal, "Čo máš vo svojej ruke, Mojžiš?"

On povedal, "Palicu." To bolo všetko, čo on mal, iba starú palicu, ktorú zobral niekde na púšti, používal ju, keď hnal ovce cez brány, alebo kdekoľvek on šiel, postrkoval ich ňou. Bola to len stará palica, ktorú niekde odsekol.

21Boh povedal, “Mojžiš, hoď ju na zem.“ A keď tú palicu hodil na zem, obrátila sa na hada. On... A Mojžiš utiekol. A On povedal, “Zodvihni ho.“ A on ho zodvihol za chvost a to sa zmenilo znova späť na palicu. Môžem si predstaviť, ako povedal, “Divné videnia tu dnes vidím,“ tak, keď videl tú palicu obracajúcu sa na hada. Nuž, čo bola táto palica? To je to, o čom chceme hovoriť. Čo bola táto palica? To už nebola obyčajná palica. Pretože to bol prút súdu Všemohúceho Boha. Čo ona symbolizovala? Kríž. A potom... Prečo...Ako symbolizuje kríž? Pretože prirodzene to bol strom. Duchovne to bol had. A ako mohol had symbolizovať Ježiša? Ten had, keď bol hadom, plazom, predstavoval už odsúdený hriech. Pretože satan zhrešil v hadovi v záhrade Eden, ktorý nebol hadom (plazom), on bol ten chýbajúci článok medzi človekom a zvieraťom. A on stál, keď... alebo chodil vzpriamene a bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat (nie hadov), zvierat poľných. A keď zostal prekliaty, jeho nohy mu odpadli a začal sa plaziť po bruchu. A to ukazovalo, že on už bol odsúdený, keď sa stal plazom.

22 A potom Kristus bol už v hadovi odsúdeným hriechom, Baránkom zabitým pred založením sveta. Vidíte to? Nuž, on zodvihol tú palicu a to nadprirodzené v tej palici bol ten had. Nadprirodzene to bol had v jeho ruke. Prirodzene to bola palica v jeho ruke, kríž plus Kristus, súd. Tu on ide dolu do Egypta, ako som veľa krát povedal, “Invázia jedného muža.“ Mal svoju ženu, pobehol a zobral svoju ženu, a posadil ju na mula a deti na každý bok, a ide smerom k Egyptu, idúc tam, aby ho zničil. Viete si predstaviť inváziu jedného muža, ako ide dobyť Egypt? Ale on to urobil, pretože Boh mu zasľúbil, že on to urobí.

23 A keď tam on bol, keď tam Mojžiš prišiel, zamával tou palicou ponad riekami a oni sa premenili na krv. Potom zamával smerom k oblohe a slnko sa zatmelo. A všade, kam išiel, držal tú palicu pred sebou, to bol súd. Súd išiel pred tou palicou. Pretože tá palica bola sudcovským prútom. Rozumiete tomu? No, keď chcel, aby prišli blchy, zodvihol tú palicu takto smerom do vzduchu a rozvíril nejaký prach, a keď ten prach rozfúkal, zovšadiaľ prišli blchy: Súd, Boží súd. On priniesol oheň z neba, blýskanie na zem, veľké krupobitie a všetko iné, čo pozabíjalo dobytok, a pozabíjalo Egypťanov a všetko ostatné: súd, Boží súd pred Mojžišom.

24Nuž, ako Mojžiš išiel s palicou súdu pred sebou, tou istou palicou je pre cirkev dnes večer Ježiš Kristus. Keby títo Egypťania dokázali zobrať túto malú obyčajnú palicu z Mojžišových rúk, oni by ho porazili. A kedy... keby diabol mohol niekedy zobrať Božstvo z Mena Ježiša Krista, on by premohol cirkev. Ale tak, ako palica súdu išla pred Mojžišom, aby prijímala súd, aby prinášala súd, tak Meno Ježiša ide pred nami berúc náš súd, znášajúc náš súd choroby, znášajúc náš súd smrti, znášajúc náš súd problémov.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš;

Štít pred každým trápením;

Keď sa nahromadí pokušenie okolo teba;

Vzdychni to Sväté meno v modlitbe.

25Keď sa začnú hromadiť choroby, vzdychni to Meno Ježiš. Čo to je? To reprezentuje Boží súd. Kristus už odsúdený za tvoje hriechy, Kristus už odsúdený za tvoje pokušenia, Kristus už odsúdený za tvoju chorobu. Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? To bol Boží sudcovský prút. A dokedy tým prútom mával, bol súd. Mojžiš, tej noci po vyvedení detí Izraela, keď prichádzala armáda faraóna, Stĺp Ohňa zostúpil a ostal visieť medzi faraónom a stíhajúcou armádou a Izraelom. To bolo svetlom pre Izrael a tmou pre faraóna, a to ich držalo oddelených (Amen), bol prostredníkom. Som dnes šťastný, to On je naším prostredníkom. V chorobe, medzi životom a smrťou, On je mojím prostredníkom. On je ten Jediný, ktorý berie smrť do jednej ruky a život do druhej. On je ten článok, ktorý spája človeka z Bohom: prostredník.

26 A On zostúpil ako prostredník. A On bol svetlom na strane Izraela, aby mohli pochodovať napred, a temnosťou držiacou faraóna. Ten istý Anjel Boží je v Cirkvi dnes večer, dávajúci svetlo pre Cirkev, aby mohla kráčať napred, a tmou pre tých, ktorí to odmietnu. My sme deťmi svetla. Amen. Ako môžete vidieť, keď kráčate v temnote? Nemôžete vidieť. Neviete, kam idete. Ale, keď ste vo svetle, a Kristus je Svetlom... . A On vydá svetlo tým veriacim, zatiaľ čo neveriacim dá temnosť. On ukazoval cestu, chodník veriacemu, a temnosť, a potknutie neveriacemu.

27A tak isto je to dnes večer. Keď pochodujeme smerom k zasľúbenej zemi, Boh nám vrhá svetlo na cestu Božského uzdravenia, hovorenia jazykmi, vykrikovania, a slávenia Boha, manifestuje to deťom svetla a vrhá temnosť tam dozadu, tým, ktorí sa potkýnajú nevediac, kam idú. Pamätajte, tá istá palica, tá ruka, ktorá držala ten prút súdu, keď tam on zostúpil, a to bola Božia cesta, ktorá viedla cez Červené More, on ňou zamával nad Červeným Morom, a Červené more vidiac súd, vyľakalo sa a cúvlo na obe strany a urobilo stenu. A pochodujúci Izraeliti prešli rovno po suchej zemi morského dna.

28A keď tí neobrezaní predstierali to, čím neboli, začali to tiež robiť, Boh spôsobil zmätok, vyrazil kolesá z ich vozov, splašil kone, dolu na dne toho mora na veľkú hromadu. A na druhej strane ten istý súd, tam, kde bol hriech v tej doline... . Chvála Bohu. Viete, čo postačí? Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý sa im ukázal, keď zostupovali do toho údolia, pohybujúci sa rovno ponad vrcholce vody a robil cestu, kde tí vzadu bez vedenia Ducha Svätého nedokázali kráčať tam, kam kráčali títo obrezaní. Haleluja! Och, to spôsobuje, že sa cítim nábožne, keď na to myslím.

29Ten boj pokračuje. Jedného dňa máme prejsť cez dve mohutné, veľké, temné doliny alebo steny, dolinou nazvanou, kde sme obohnaní múrom z každej strany, dolinou tieňa smrti. Dávid povedal, “Nebudem sa báť zlého, lebo Ty si so mnou.“ A keď uvideli tú veľkú žiaru Stĺpa Ohňa krúžiaceho nad vodou, uvideli tam veľké, mohutné, strašné kopy, možno štyridsať siah hlboké [73m - pozn.prekl.] cestou dolu vidiac to bahno na dne, a vedúceho Anjela Pánovho. Izrael vedel, že keď ten Anjel pôjde napred robiac cestu, nemusia sa na tej ceste báť. Amen. A tak v jednom z týchto dní máme prechádzať dolinou tieňa smrti, tak isto, ako oni tam. Nebudeme sa báť zlého, dokiaľ sa tá Ranná Hviezda pohybuje pred nami osvetľujúc cestu a urobí, že to budete môcť prejsť. Priamo na druhej strane je zasľúbená zem. Amen. Som z toho šťastný. Všimnite si. Vtedy, keď oni prešli na druhú stranu, títo neobrezanci povedali, “Dobre, keď to oni mohli, my tiež môžeme,“ a utopili sa v mori, zamiešaní, a potopili sa a padli na dno mora.

30Po ich odchode, keď jedného dňa potrebovali vodu, Boh povedal Mojžišovi... Počúvajte pozorne. Chcem, aby ste porozumeli túto časť tej veci. Tu je tá zlatá niť toho. Oni... ľudia boli smädní, rozmýšľali, “Kde by sme sa mohli napiť? Naše malé deti hladujú.“ Keď ich malé deti boli choré, Boh vztýčil mosadzného hada, ďalší symbol, ďalšia palica, ako tá, ktorú mal Mojžiš v ruke, ibaže v tomto symbole ju ovíjal had. Čo to bolo? Súd. Čerpanie dividend z tvojej poistky, (Amen), čerpanie percent z Golgoty. Prečo Mojžiš... Ježiš povedal, “Ako Mojžiš povýšil mosadzného hada na púšti, tak musí byť povýšený Syn Človeka.“

31On bol povýšený z dôvodu zmierenia, pretože oni hubovali, a strkali jeden druhého, a bojovali jeden s druhým, a opovrhovali Mojžišom. A hrešili a boli chorí. A oni ho povýšili z dvoch dôvodov: na odpustenie ich odpadávania do starých zlých zvykov a na uzdravenie ich chorôb. “A On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, a Jeho ranami sme uzdravení.“ Písmo, každý Jeho úsek, každé Slovo, Božie večné Slovo, ktoré nemôže pominúť... Amen. Som tak šťastný za taký základ, ktorý bol položený Ježišom Kristom, ten Hlavný Uholný Kameň. A my sme spolu budovaní ako kamene v chráme Živého Boha cez naše vyznanie a vieru v Pána Ježiša Krista. To isté Svetlo, ktoré bolo s nimi, sa pohybuje rovno naprieč touto budovou.

32Všimnite si, Mojžiš... Nuž, on povedal, on odišiel a modlil sa, a povedal, “Títo ľudia sú teraz smädní a tu nie je voda, ktorá by sa im mohla dať, a oni kričia ku mne o vodu.“ A Mojžiš a Áron odišli do svätostánku, padli pred Pánom a Božia sláva Shekinah padla okolo nich. Amen. Sláva Shekinah, Prítomnosť Božia, ich obklopila. Prečo, brat, to nie je nič viac, ako čo môžeš pocítiť na dobrom, staromódnom zhromaždení Ducha Svätého, kde Božia Sláva Shekinah zostupuje medzi vás: tá istá vec. Mojžiš pozdvihol svoje ruky pred Bohom, takmer premenený pred nimi, Boh povedal, “Mojžiš, pôjdem pred tebou, a budem stáť v trhline, na skale.“ To sa mi páči. “Pôjdem pred tebou a budem stáť na tej skale, aby som pre teba pripravil cestu. A keď prídeš, udri tú skalu. Zober teraz tú palicu a zhromaždi ľud a choď a udri tú skalu a to privedie vodu z tej skaly.“ Ó. “Ja budem na tej skale pred tebou.“ Hľaďte. Mojžiš musel počkať. Boh išiel pred Mojžišom a postavil sa na tej skale. Chcem, aby ste sledovali duchovný význam tej veci. Keď vidíme práve odhaľujúce sa Slovo Božie, vy len, vy sa v tom môžete jednoducho kúpať. Ja môžem, a viem, že vy tiež môžete.

33A tu, Mojžiš, ako berie potom ten prút, tú palicu súdu, ide von ku tej skale, a tam na tej skale stál Boh. A on udrel tú skalu. A keď to urobil, voda vytryskla von, nie malý, malinký pramienok, ako vidíte maliara namaľovať na obraze. Ja by som to mohol vypiť, keby som bol smädný. Ale hľaďte. Odtiaľ vyšlo dostatok vody, voda pre dva milióny ľudí, plus ťavy a zvieratá, ktoré oni mali. Vyšiel von gejzír.... Halelujah! Nádherný typ toho, čo Ježiš povedal, že na púšti... to On bol tou Skalou na púšti. Niet divu, že ľudia v tamtom dni kričali, keď On prišiel do Jeruzalema, jazdiac na tom koňovi, malej mulici. A oni kričali, títo Nazarejskí volali, “Hosanna, hosanna Tomu, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom.“ Niektorí z týchto samozvaných, naškrobených kňazov povedal, “Utíšte ich.“ “Prečo,“ On povedal, “Ak oni budú mlčať, potom kamene budú volať.“

34 Čo sú tie kamene? Tie kamene boli umyté tými istými vodami alebo zavlažené Slovom. Oni musia vykrikovať. Povedal, “Ak oni budú mlčať, potom kamene budú volať.“ Musí sa niečo udiať. Tie kamene... Všimnite si, neskôr, keď potrebovali nejakú vodu, jediná vec, ktorú mali urobiť, mali prehovoriť ku tej skale. Jedného dňa boli hladní, a oni išli poľovať, a zistili, že v tej skalnej trhline visel med, v tej trhline. Tá trhlina v symbole bola stopa po kopiji v boku Pána Ježiša. Tá trhlina v tej skale, kde bola udretá, a tam prišla hromada včiel a urobili si tam úľ. A tam bol med v tej skale. Amen. Aká nádherná vec. Samson, keď schádzal vidieť svoju ženu, svoje dievča, vybehol tam lev... Malý, starý chlapík, tak vysoký, sedem malých kaderí mu viselo dolu, starší, ako slaboch, a ľudia nemohli pochopiť, ako môže byť tento chlapík taký silný. A ohromný, veľký, starý lev vybehol a povedal, “No toto,... no teda pozrime sa, čo to prichádza.“ Stál tam Samson, iba malý, starý zbabelec. A lev vybehol, o mnoho väčší ako on. A čo sa vtedy stalo?

35Samson nikdy nevyšiel prvý a nepovedal, “Roztrhám ťa tu na kusy.“ Ale Duch Pánov zostúpil na neho. To je to, čo to urobilo. On pocítil vzadu, pocítil týchto sedem visiacich kaderí. To bola tá zmluva. A nebál sa leva. Nebál sa toho čeliac smrti. Ak ty môžeš pocítiť vzadu..... Keď Samson mohol pocítiť sedem vrkočov a vedel, že to bola zmluva, pretože sa narodil ako Nazarej. O koľko viac človek, ktorý je narodený z Ducha Svätého, cíti Božiu moc a vie, že to je zmluva k zabitiu nepriateľa pred tebou. Či to je choroba, či to je pokušenie, čokoľvek to je, nemôže to obstáť, keď prichádza Duch Svätý.

36 Podišiel a schmatol toho leva, ten malý, tenký, kučeravý drobček schmatol toho leva za čeľusť a roztrhol ho na kusy. Hallelujah! Potrebuješ len jedno, to je Kristus, Tá Zmluva. Môžeš to cítiť? Amen. Ó. Tá zmluva..... Potom, keď zabil toho leva, práve ako malého, mrňavého, starého králika, alebo niečo. Odtisol ho nabok, takto, a odhodil jeho mrcinu, ako odchádzal dolu. Za niekoľko dní on prišiel a včely v tom urobili úľ. A on jedol najsladší med, aký kedy jedol z toho včelieho úľa, ktorý bol urobený v mrcine toho leva, ktorý ho chcel zabiť. Pretože zostúpil Boží Duch a vyslobodil ho.

37Ak máš dnes večer niečo nesprávne, pocíť Ducha Božieho pohybujúceho sa na tebe, to trhá tú vec na kúsky. A prvá vec, vy poznáte, že máte svedectvo, ktoré zatrasie strechou tohoto domu. Amen. Ty si tou zmluvou, obrezaný Duchom Svätým. Amen. Najedz sa toho sladkého medu naozaj poriadne. Keď môžeš vstať a povedať, “Áno, brat, verím v uzdravenie.“

Úžasná milosť! Ako sladko to znie;

Ktorá spasila hriešnika ako ja;

Raz som bol stratený, ale teraz som nájdený;

Bol som slepý, ale teraz vidím. Amen.

38Keď som používal silné, veľké okuliare ako toto, musel som byť vedený za rameno a sotva som mohol vidieť, kam kráčam, a teraz, mám svedectvo. Pretože som si uvedomil moju pozíciu v Kristu Ježišovi. On urobil zmluvu a ja som to prijal a uveril som Mu. A dnes to je sladký med, ktorý jem. Povedz to iným. No, všimnite si ešte, rýchlo. Dobre, prídeme ku tomu.....Potom, keď tá skala bola udretá... Veľmi nádherný typ.... Tí ľudia hynuli a zomierali. A to bolo typom na “Boh tak miloval svet, že Svojho jednorodeného Syna dal, aby ktokoľvek, kto verí v Neho, nezahynul, ale mal večný život. “

39Uprostred hynúcich, zomierajúcich ľudí, hynúceho, zomierajúceho národa, Boh tak miloval tých nehodných. Hľaďte, akí oni boli nehodní. A Boh tak miloval... Och, ak by nebolo lásky Božej, On by zničil dnes večer celý tento svet. Ale On to nemôže urobiť. Jeho láska Mu to nedovolí urobiť. “On tak miloval svet, že Svojho jednorodeného Syna dal, aby ktokoľvek kto verí v Neho, nezahynul, ale mohol piť tú vodu Života zadarmo. Ktokoľvek budeš smieť, príď.“ Je dostatok bohatých vytryskujúcich požehnaní. “Kto verí vo Mňa....“ Inými slovami, zober to takto, “Kto verí vo mňa, bude mať uprostred svojej duši mohutný, veľký gejzír vyvierajúci do Večného Života.“ Och, aké nádherné.

40Všimnite si, tak Boh prijal všetok súd smrti. Smrť, ktorou by som ja mal zomrieť, peklo, do ktorého by som ja mal ísť, Boh, s Jeho súdmi smrti a choroby sa stretol v tej trhline Krista visiaceho medzi nebom a zemou. A Boh na Ňom zasiahol neprávosť všetkých nás. A tam ten súd udrel. A dnes večer tento prápor kríža, páska zakrývajúca oči tomuto svetu, ale pre tých, ktorí pochodujú napred, s krížom idúcim pred nimi, ten súd je zaplatený.

Hľaď a ži, môj brat, ži.

Hľaď teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Pretože to je zapísané v Jeho Slove, hallelujah,

To je len to, hľaďme a žime.

41Keď si chorý, pozri sa a ži. Keď si zronený, pozri sa a ži. Keď si vyčerpaný, pozri sa a ži. Keď si mŕtvy v hriechu a prestúpeniach, pozri sa a ži. To je všetko. Pretože ten kríž napreduje pred nami. Boh umiestnil pred nás ten prápor, ten kríž, upovedomujúci, cez čo to prichádza.... Presne ako ten had, to nebola tá palica, to ten had, ktorý bol na nej predstavený, robil to zmierenie. To nebol ten drevený kríž, ktorý my nesieme; to bol tam Duch Svätý zahalený v tom veľkom znaku, prápore na Golgote, keď život Ducha Svätého vyšiel z Krista. Z tohoto kríža to išlo ku “ktokoľvek môže prísť“. A ten kríž je Božím znakom pred nami dnes večer, aby sme nasledovali Ježiša. Ó!

42Myslím o Bohu stojacom tam na tej skale. Boh bol tou skalou a Mojžišov sudcovský prút... Súd, Boží súd udrel Krista zomierajúceho na našom mieste, nevinný za vinných. A vyšla z Neho krvná bunka. A tá životodarná Krv vytiekla z Jeho boku, aby sme mohli byť uzdravení, vytiekla z Jeho srdca, aby sme mohli byť spasení; stekala cez Jeho čelo a ďalej, pre našu neprávosť, pre náš pokoj a to všetko bolo na Ňom. Tam On bol krvácajúci zločinec visiaci medzi nebom a zemou, kde Svätý Boh zastal a hľadiac dole nemohol viac vidieť žiadneho hriešnika, pretože On pozeral cez ten súd, ktorý tam zostal zaplatený tou všetko prevyšujúcou cenou. Ó, mám nádej, že to vidíš, môj kresťanský priateľ.

43A pozrúc tam. Tam to je. Čo sa týka Boha, tá vec je skončená. Tá cena je zaplatená. Ste slobodní. To je problém s ľuďmi dnes večer. Oni nevedia, že sú slobodní. Tu nedávno, istý starý farmár mal kukuričné pole. Prichádzali vrany a žrali jeho kukuricu, tak položil pascu a chytil jednu. On povedal, “urobím to aj s ostatnými.“ Priviazal túto jednu za nohu o ohradu a tá biedna, stará vrana behala a vyskakovala a behala a vyskakovala a nemohla utiecť, pretože bola priviazaná. Bola vyhladovaná, jedla všetko okolo, kde len dosiahla. Bola vyhladovaná na smrť, tak, že už viac sotva mohla lietať alebo skákať hore dolu.

44Všetky ostatné vrany prilietavali a vykrikovali, “Poď, Janko vrana. Ideme na juh. Prichádza zima. Tuto zomrieš. Poď, Janko vrana.“ Povedal, “Nemôžem. Som priviazaný.“ Jedného dňa išiel okolo dobrý človek. Povedal, “Táto biedna, stará vrana. Videl ju, ako behá dookola, slabne.“ Tak ten starý chlapík ju chytil, trochu ju poláskal, odviazal jej nohu, takto, vypustil ju a povedal, "V poriadku, chlapče, leť. Uteč." A tá stará vrana len stále chodila v tom istom kruhu, rovnakom kruhu. Vidíte? Bola odviazaná a nevedela o tom. Tie iné vrany prileteli a povedali, “Poď, Janko vrana. Ideme na juh. Prichádza zima.“ Povedal, “Nemôžem. Som stále priviazaný.“

45Tak je to dnes večer s mužmi a ženami, ktorí nerozpoznávajú svoju pozíciu v Kristu Ježišovi. Diabol ťa možno priviazal tuberkulózou, možno ťa priviazal rakovinou, on ťa možno zviazal mnohými vecami. Ale Kristus, Ten dobrý Muž, zniesol tvoj súd, no a dnes večer ťa oslobodil. Boh žehnaj tvoje srdce. Môžeš povstať v moci Ducha Svätého. Nechoďme na juh, ale poďme do chvály pochodujúc, ako tá mocná armáda živého Boha. Sme slobodní. Nepočujete tých iných hovoriť, “Poďte.“ Raz som bol poviazaný reťazou hriechu, ale dnes večer som bol vyslobodený Ježišom Kristom. Amen.

46Ten súd, určite, Kristus zobral náš súd, nevinný za vinných. On sa stal hriechom, aby sme my nemuseli byť hriešnikmi. On sa stal... premohol naše nemoci, aby sme to my nemuseli niesť. On niesol náš smútok, aby sme nikdy viac nemuseli mať žiaľ, “ako iní, ktorí nemajú nádeje,“ povedalo Písmo. On bol... Všetko, čo potrebujeme, bolo rovno v Ňom. Veríte tomu? Samozrejme. Pani, ktorá tam sedíš, veríš tomu, kvôli problémom tvojho srdca? Veríš tomu kvôli stavu toho srdca? Prijímaš to teraz skutočne z celého svojho srdca? Potom On berie tvoje problémy srdca, už to viac teraz nemáš. Ak tomu veríš, môžeš to mať. Halelujah. Tak veru.

47 “On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho a Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.“ Potom On, Tá Skala bola raz udretá, Boh povedal Mojžišovi, povedal, “Choď ďalej, Mojžiš. Jediná vec, ktorú máš teraz urobiť, je ísť a prehovoriť ku tej Skale. Odvtedy, kedykoľvek budeš potrebovať vodu, prehovor ku nej. Nemusíš ju nikdy viac udierať. Nemusíš do nej celú dlhú noc biť. Nemusíš sa trápiť a prosiť a modliť sa a postiť sa a ísť ďalej. Len prehovor ku tej skale (Halelujah) a ona vydá Jeho vodu.“ Amen. “Prehovor ku tej Skale a ona vydá svoju vodu.“ Poviem vám, raz bola žena s krvotokom a prišla o všetko, čo mala. Žiaden doktor ju nemohol uzdraviť. A jedného dňa prešla dolu popri brehu a uvidela presúvať sa túto duchovnú Skalu a prehovorila ku tej Skale. Presne, ako urobila táto žena tu, práve pred pár minútami, prehovorila ku tej Skale a z tej Skaly vyšli vody uzdravenia. Haleluja!

48Bol malý, starý muž menom Jairus, ktorý skutočne miloval Pána, ale bol tajným ctiteľom. A jedného dňa zomrelo jeho malé dievča. Všetka nádej bola preč, ale on prehovoril ku tej Skale a tá Skala dala nielen vodu, ale život, vody života zadarmo. Ďalšia žena menom Marta a Mária, oni Ho milovali. A On bol preč z ich domu. A ich brat bol mŕtvy a hnil v hrobe. Jedného dňa oni počuli, že tá Skala prichádza presúvajúc sa do mesta. A Marta bola veľmi zaneprázdnená prípravou dobrých obedov pre Neho a tak, a možno nedávala tak veľmi pozor na to duchovné. Ale vo svojom srdci tomu verila. Pretože vtedy ona ukázala, čím bola. Ona vybehla, pokľakla na svoje kolená a prehovorila ku tej Skale. A tá Skala na oplátku prehovorila do večnosti a pozdvihla mŕtveho muža z jeho hrobu. Haleluja!

49Keď jednej noci bola skupina ľudí vonku na malej starej loďke, ktorá podskakovala dookola ako zátka z fľaše, skákala z miesta na miesto, všetky nádeje na záchranu, ktoré mali, pominuli. A náhodou si uvedomili, že v prednej časti tej lode sa položila tá Skala. Prehovorili ku tej Skale o svojich problémoch, a to utíšilo, a vietor stiahol svoje ramená a odišiel do trhliny. Haleluja! A to rozbúrené more utíchlo, ako matka spievajúca uspávanku svojmu dieťaťu. Ona... Oni prehovorili ku tej Skale, a tá Skala vydala tú podstatu, ktorú oni potrebovali. Hovoríš s Ním dnes večer? Ty, ktorý tam sedíš, či môžeš s Ním hovoriť o tvojom probléme hrudníka? Veríš, že ťa Boh uzdravil? Ty si s Ním práve o tom dohovoril, však? Či si nepovedal, “Pane, uzdrav ma“? Prehovoril si ku Nemu a tvoj problém s hrudníkom teraz skončil. “Prehovor ku tej Skale. On vyvedie Svoje vody.“ Haleluja.

50 Mojžiš, keď mal prísť jeho čas a všetko malo skončiť, Boh povedal, “Poď hore,“ a on, vystúpil hore na vrchol hory Nébo, aby sa pozrel do zasľúbenej zeme. Smrť prichádzala víriac vzduch. Vedel, že smrť bola všade okolo neho. A Mojžiš sa rozhliadol naokolo a uvidel tú Skalu kladúcu sa po jeho boku, tam sa tá Skala položila. Vystúpil hore na tú Skalu. Nasledoval ju celou cestou cez púšť, alebo ona nesledovala jeho. Vystúpil na tú Skalu a Boh zoslal nejakých nosičov truhly, Anjelov, a odniesli ho preč z tej Skaly. Haleluja!. Tej skaly, ktorá ho kŕmila, keď bol hladný, dala mu vodu, keď bol smädný, a zobrala ho domov do slávy....?....keď zomieral.

51Mojou modlitbou dnes večer je, “Pane Ježišu, pozdvihni ma ponad veci tohoto sveta, aby som mohol stále hovoriť s Tebou. Jedného dňa, keď pôjdem dolinou tône smrti, čakám, že tam uvidím stáť tú Skalu.“ Haleluja! “Zachovaj ma, nech môžem stále s Ním hovoriť.“ Ja sám chcem hovoriť ku Nemu. Ty potrebuješ ku Nemu hovoriť. On je tu dnes večer a On hovorí s každým jedným z Vás, ak vy chcete hovoriť ku Nemu. Veríte tomu? Kvôli akejkoľvek potrebe, ktorú máte, povstaňte na svoje nohy, teraz je ku tomu čas. Ó! Cítim sa, akoby som mohol jednoducho zobrať túto cirkev na svoje ramená a mohol s ňou odísť. Čože? Tá Skala, Ježiš Kristus je tu.

52 Nie som rozrušený. Viem presne, kde stojím. Viem presne, o čom hovorím. Keby som len mohol vyjadriť svoje pocity. Keby som len mohol povedať tomuto poslucháčstvu, čo to skutočne znamená byť na mieste pod pomazaním tej Skaly, Ježiša Krista. Už zaplatil váš súd, niesol vaše nemoci, zobral váš zármutok, vyriešil pred Bohom ten problém. Bojíte sa položiť svoju dôveru v Neho? Nemusíte byť súdení. Nemusíte premýšľať o vlastnej hodnosti, vy nebudete nikdy hodní. Ale Kristus bol hodný na vašom mieste, to zaplatilo tú cenu. Nesnažte sa niečo vykúpiť, vy to nemôžete vykúpiť, pretože nemáte na to peniaze. Ale Boh mal tie peniaze a On poslal Krista a vyrovnal ten účet a vykúpil vás z vašich nemocí a vašich zármutkov a vašich starostí a vášho hriechu a vašich pokleskov. On poslal tie peniaze, ktorými bol Ježiš Kristus, a vložil ich na Golgotu, Golgotský vrch. A dnes večer, každý jeden z vás je slobodný, ak len budete tomu veriť.

53 Ó, Boží Kriste, hovorím ku Tebe, ako dávno Mojžiš, v mene týchto hynúcich ľudí s chorobami a problémami. Ó, Večný Bože z večných vrchov, pozdvihni Svoju hlavu, Pane, a prijmi týchto ľudí do Svojho Kráľovstva a pri.....Pane, nech Duch Svätý tak pomaže týchto ľudí dnes večer, že pocítia svoju zmluvu, ako Samson, keď pocítil vlasy zmluvy. Nech by Duch Svätý ovinul každé srdce dnes večer, kým si ľudia neuvedomia, že to je zmluva, ktorú Ty s nimi robíš, a mohli odísť a byť slobodnými. Odsudzujem každú nemoc, každú chorobu, každý hriech. Ako Tvoj služobník, hovorím, Pane, v slovách pokory ku Tebe, ale pred diablom v rozhorčenom karhaní, “Satan, prehral si tú bitku. Môžeš sa teda vzdať. V Mene Ježiša Krista vyjdi z každej osoby tu, aby mohli byť oslobodení.“Amen.

THIS GREAT SERVANT, MOSES, 55-0122A, Philadelphia Church, Philadelphia Church, Chicago, IL, 47 min

1 At first I thought that was your boy sitting there, Brother Wood, on the end there, where the lady was writing, but it wasn't. When I opened my eyes, the Angel of the Lord was hanging there. I thought it was David setting there. But it isn't David, I don't think. You're not David Wood, are you? You sure look like a twin brother to him, setting right here. That's not David Wood.

I just seen something done. Amen. Oh, how marvelous. The Lord's ways are past finding out, aren't they? Amen. "If thou canst believe," He said, "all things are possible."

All right, we're going to open the Word. I believe I'll just keep that to myself and let the Lord reveal it, oh, as He sees need.

2 Over in the book of Numbers, the 20th chapter now, quickly. And we'll try to take about twenty minutes for the sermon, if the Lord willing. And now, you be ready. I don't know what's going to happen now. The Lord Jesus just might do anything for us. Do you love Him? Say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Now, the word "amen" means "so be it." See? And, now, we really love Him.

And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

Take the rod, and gather the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak... to the rock..., and it shall bring forth its waters, and thou shalt bring forth water unto them, water out of the rock, and thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts water.

And Moses took the rod, from before the Lord, as He commanded him.

Now, I want to speak just a few moments on this "Great Servant, Moses."

3 You feel any better, sister, that was setting there writing? The little lady sets... Feel lots better now, don't you? You're healed, lady. That old heart trouble and things you've been bothered with, and kidney trouble, that's also and you've had a varicose veins has been bothering you. And isn't that right? If that's right, wave your hand. You were healed just then. Amen. Praise the Lord.

I looked around at her, and I seen her awhile ago, she looked so dreary, and I happened to look back, and I seen the Angel standing there. That looked so much like David. You ought to meet Mr. Wood, over here. He looked like his boy, enough to be his double. I looked back, and I thought, "Maybe that's David," 'cause I knowed David loves me and believes. And then I looked down, and It was hanging over that little lady. And then I seen what her trouble was. All at once, I looked back, and she was just smiling. I thought, "I might as well tell her and let her know it's over, so she can..." Amen. And she was taking down my notes or something there.

All right. Oh, isn't He wonderful? That's just the way it works. Just the way it does. Just... You can't--just can't beat Him. He's just here to help us.

4 Now, the Lord said, we're--told Moses to get the rod. Now, we want to speak on the rod, and the rod pertaining to judgment. I just love to talk about Moses. He was the--the priest, king, and law-giver; everything a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, Moses was.

He was borned in the world a fair child. In other words, he was borned a prophet. They wasn't afraid of the king when they seen God... What kind of a--a thing happened when Moses was born. It does not record, but something happened when Moses was born, 'cause his parents seen it, and knowed that they didn't care what the king said. They knowed their son was going to be safely, and they didn't fear.

5 So he was pulled up out of the bulrushes, and--and was raised right with, just in every way: Went in to the wilderness, and led the children of Israel: a law-giver, and a priest, and he was everything that Christ was. In type he was, and Christ was the antitype.

Now, if we'll notice, Moses, when he became the age of about forty, he refused to be called Pharaoh's daughter... Moses' life runs in a cycle, of three cycles; first, forty; next, eighty; then a hundred and twenty when he died, just a perfect... I could go through the Scripture, and show that--of the dispensations of grace, of water, blood, the spirit, of justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the first, second, and third coming of Christ. Everything you want to type, lays right smack... and everything in the Scripture will roll right in to them--them letters, just like that.

6 Now, and Moses, when he... the first forty years he was taught... Who do you think Moses' teacher was? His mother. He couldn't have had any better, 'cause she was hired as a tutor to raise her own child. I tell you, God certainly pulled one over on Satan there, didn't He? He sure did. And Moses, knowing now, from his mother, that he was raised up... Her a spiritual woman, little is said about her, but brother, I want to be in glory when she receives her crown (Yes, sir.) to see what takes place. How she taught that little fellow right in the midst of the enemy, right there in the furnace of the heat of it. And told him that he would be the one that would deliver God's children out of that place.

7 Moses knowing that, as a scholar, "I guess I'll just go out and set the thing in order," he said. So he was forty years old, so he thought, "I'm getting old enough to do it." So he took the thing over in his own hand and failed. And every time that we take the matter in our hands, we're going to fail. You just go as the Lord leads. And what the Lord says do, then you do that, and you'll never fail. You can't fail, because you're following the leading of the Lord.

If Moses would've only waited just a little while, and let things get ripe, and let the thing get... and the season. You can't plant corn in--in--in now, and go out and gather it in an hour. You've got to let it lay there, and--and the seed die, and rot away, and new life come up in spring in the corn.

That's the way we do now. We're putting the seed in the hearts of the people, that when this great time of reaping comes, (see what I mean?) it'll be--it'll be materialized, and be a great thing happen.

8 Now, Moses, after taking the situation in his own hand, found out that he was a total failure, and run from the presence of Pharaoh and the Presence of God, and was a stranger for forty years way back. And he married an Ethiopian girl. And so she had a lot of temper. And Moses had a lot of temper. That was his trouble. And I just imagine things wasn't so peaceful back there on the back of the desert, at times. But God gave it to him.

9 Now, if you think you married a woman has a little temper, maybe God's trying to tame you down a little (You see?), so, and vice versa.

So Zipporah was a--kind of high-tempered. She proved it when she cut the foreskin from her son, and throwed it before Moses, and said, "Thou art a bloody husband to me." My, I'd imagine things wasn't too peaceful at times. And then out back there, God was... What was He doing? Schooling into the boys mind, or the man's mind, what the program of God was.

Moses was back there waiting, and now... And there he was. What did he do? He went to work for his father-in-law, Jethro, and he was herding his sheep out in the desert place. There's a perfect picture here before us tonight of a believer out of fellowship with God.

10 There he was, no fellowship, not one thing in that forty years was spoke that God did for him, or any way, any supernatural. He was out of fellowship. And when the Church gets out of fellowship with God, miracles cease, signs and wonders cease, revivals cease; God just moves right out when you get out of fellowship.

The thing to do, is keep (that what I was trying to say a while a go) the love of God in your heart. Keep fellowship with Him, and He will add these other things, just as we mature. Don't you think so?

And so, Moses, out of fellowship, no fellowship--out there in a strange country, amongst strangers, not his own people... She was his peop--the people there were Ethiopians, and he was a Jew. And there, completely out of reach of God, seemingly, and God all the time knowing, that no matter how much of a mess that God--that man makes out of the program of God, God's going to straighten it out. That's right.

11 So, just know, that there's going to be a Church appear before God, without spot, without blemish, without a wrinkle. God's going to do it. And if I fail to preach the truth, and Brother Joseph fails to preach the truth, and you brethren out there fail to preach the truth, "God's able of these stones to rise children unto Abraham." He... Somebody's going to preach and contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Somebody's going to pull the Church on. That's right.

So no matter how much the picture was marred, it'd taken God forty years to rectify what Moses done in about three days, just get that picture straightened out again. He just took Moses and set him out here, and give him a high-tempered wife to kindly get him straightened out, and God went on down here fixing the picture around again, till He got it straightened out. But He was determined that He was going to do it, and He ordained Moses to do so. Oh, I just love that.

12 What He's... What God has determined is going to happen. Oh, don't it give you a wonderful feeling? What God has determined, it has to be. That's right. He's going to do it anyhow.

So what a time we can see, as God's fixing His picture back. And one day, while Moses, out of fellowship with God, perhaps thought, "Well, the vision of ever delivering the children of Israel is all past and gone. I guess I'll live and die here in the desert, and that'll be all there is to it. Why was I ever born in the world," or perhaps walking around there. And he had a stick in his hand. And he's walking along, and God appeared in a form of a--an Angel in a burning bush. And Moses seen it. I imagine he said, "Now, way back out here, where there's no more herders but myself, I wonder what that bush is on fire about. Has somebody slipped in here and set the bush afire?" He watched it, and he'd watch it, it didn't... God's got a way of attracting your attention some way, hasn't He?

13 He got attention of Jairus one day. Little Jairus, when he wouldn't believe in Divine healing. He believed it; and he wanted Jairus' heart, so He just... Only thing He could do, was strike his daughter, and let her die, so that Jesus come over, and raise her up again, just--just to really get his attention. You see? God does that. Sometimes throws you on your back, sometimes sick, so He can make you look up, that you'll realize.

Like the old shepherd stories of... had a sheep, and they'd broke its leg. And he said, "How did the sheep break its leg?"

He said, "I broke its leg."

Said, "Why, you're a cruel shepherd to break your own sheep's leg."

14 Said, "No." Said, "She wouldn't mind me," and said, "then I had to break her leg in order that I could pack her around, and baby her a little bit, and give her some special food, so that she would love me and follow me."

That's the way God has to do sometimes: kinda break us down, once in a while to give us a little extra food, you know to kinda love us a little bit. Do you know that's exactly why I'm a Gospel preacher tonight is because he come by a spell of sickness, when the doctor said I couldn't live. That's exactly right. It changed me, shook me.

I hated the thoughts of a preacher. And one time while I was--had the Bantamweight Championship, the fellow said, "Say." Had a blue coat on. Said, "You look like one of these little box-backed, Baptist preachers."

15 And I said, "Look fellow, you smile when you say that." Say, "I was right then ready to go fight with my partner, no preacher about me." And you see what God did? If He had to lay me on my back, when the doctors says, "It's all over."

And then He come around and give me a little special treatment, kindy poured in the oil, you know, and said, "Now, I love you."

I said, "Yes, Lord. I love you too." So that, so then we become friends. That's how Jesus does sometimes, has to pour in a little of the Balm of Gilead, you know, to kindy soothe things over to show you He loves you, He heals you, and wants you to be well, and love Him, and serve Him, believe in Him. Isn't He wonderful?

Then, that's the way He was doing Moses, back there. And Moses stepped aside (attracted his attention), and he looked back over there. And he thought, "Well now, Moses, I guess you think now that..."

16 I imagine the Lord seen poor, old Moses going crippling along there, with his long, white beard and hair. "Well, years ago, I had a vision, and I thought the Lord would surely deliver the children of Israel, but God's done turned his back on me now. I'm back over here battling it out. So I guess I'll just have to stay this way."

And I imagine God said, "Poor fellow, I--I just had to do that to let you realize... But I'm going to show you now that I'm with you."

So He just attracted his attention over there. He wanted to get an audience with--with Moses. You know, God sometime has to get you sick and in the hospital, where the doctor says you ain't going to live to get an audience with you. You'll call for it; don't you worry. You just wait till the doctor says... Oh, you say, "I don't believe in Divine healing, no such thing. That thing's nonsense." Let the doctor say all hopes is gone. God gets you--an audience with you. So don't worry. He has a way of doing things. He does it in His own way. Hallelujah. My, that just makes me feel like being a real shouting Methodist.

17 Look. Because it's God does it. You see? He just does it in His own way. He just... He's got a way of doing things, hasn't He? And I'm so glad that He has. Amen.

So we see now, that He--He got an audience with Moses by saying, "Now, this would be a very odd--odd sight." You know, God does things kindy odd sometimes to get the audience. That's right.

Somebody came to me and said, "Hey, they say they got a holy-roller down here going to preach tonight. I believe I'll just go down and see what it's all about."

The Milltown Baptist pastor, that's in my place at the Milltown Baptist Church tonight, William Hall, that fellow came over, 'cause he had it put in the paper, said, "Say, you ought to come here this fellow preach. He's a little Billy Sunday."

18 And here he come over, and oh, was he rank. His hair hanging down in his face, and had one tooth out, and a big corncob pipe, and he rapped it on the side of the church, like that, when he knocked it out, walked in, and said, "Where is that little Billy Sunday? I want to hear him."

The deacon brothers said, "Now, set down, Mr. Hall." He was a rough customer.

And then he said, "Maybe I'd better get up a little closer. I want to see what Billy Sunday looked like," he said, just making fun. You see? And that night, he got saved. Amen. And he's the pastor there in that same church tonight.

19 See? God has a way of attracting you, doesn't He? He will get you aside one time.

So he said, "Now, this will look a little strange to Moses, something out of the ordinary. So I will just send this Pillar of Fire down there in that bush, and let it... 'Cause it's going to lead him all through the wilderness anyhow. And so I will just let it start burning, get Moses to come over here."

So He attracted Moses' attention. So he draws over a little closer, you know, and said, "Well, that looks strange. That thing don't burn up." When he got close enough, in speaking distance... Oh, I want to get there, don't you, in speaking distance? Just get in speaking distance...

He said, "Moses."

He said, "Yes, Lord? Here I am."

"Take off your shoes now. You're on holy ground."

So Moses unlatched his shoes, and walked up a little closer, said, "What is it, Lord?"

20 And He said, "I have heard... Now--now, Moses, I ain't saying one word to you, about what I've seen about you, but I've heard the groans of My people, and I have remembered My covenant with Abraham. (Amen. His Word, in other words) I remember what I promised Abraham."

The same promise He gave to Abraham, He's give to you, for you're the seed of Abraham. And He said, "I remember My promise with Abraham, and I've come down to deliver My children, take them back to the promised land, and I'm sending you down."

Moses said, "Oh, well, you see I--I can't speak very well." Said, "I'm not eloquent." And said, "I--I can't speak good." And said, "I'm a slow of speech." He said, "I'm--I--I just can't do it." He said, "Well, ah, Aaron's on his road up, and so forth.

And so He said, "What's you got in your hand, Moses?"

He said, "A stick." That's all he had, just an old stick, picked it up out there on the desert somewhere, where he'd punched the--the sheep through the gates, or wherever he went, get them on. Just an old stick he'd cut down, 'cause he said it was a stick.

21 He said, "Moses, throw it down." And when he threw the stick down, it turned into a serpent. He... And Moses fled. And He said, "Pick it up." And he took it by the tail, and it turned back to a stick again.

Moses, I guess could say, "I seen strange sights today," so--when he seen that stick turned to a snake. Now, what was that stick? That's what we're going to speak on. What was that stick?

It wasn't an ordinary stick any more. For it was the judgment rod of Almighty God. What did it symbolize? The cross. And then... Why... How would it symbolize the cross? Because on the natural it was wood. On the spiritual it was a serpent. And how could the serpent represent Jesus?

The serpent, as it was a reptile, a snake, it represented sin already judged. For Satan had sinned in the serpent in the garden of Eden. Which was not a reptile, he was the missing link between men and animal. And he stood there as a--or--or walked upright, and was the most subtle of all the beasts (not reptiles) of the beasts of the field. And when he was cursed, his legs went off of him, and on his belly he went. And that showed that he was already judged, when he became a reptile.

22 And then Christ was sin in the serpent already judged, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. You see it?

Now, he picked up the stick, and the supernatural on the stick, was a serpent. Supernatural, it was a serpent in his hand. Natural, it was a stick in his hand; the cross plus Christ, the judgment.

Here he goes down to Egypt, as I many times said, "A one man invasion." Had his wife, run and got his wife, and set her on the mule, and a child on each hip, and here he is going towards Egypt, going down to take over. Could you imagine a one man invasion going to Egypt to take over? But he did it, because God promised him he would do it.

23 And while he was down there, when Moses went in, he waved this stick across the rivers, and they turned into blood. Then he waved them towards the skies, and the sun went dark. And everywhere he put that stick before him, it was judgment. Judgment went before the stick. Because the stick was the judgment rod. You get it?

Now, when he wanted fleas, he raised this--this stick towards the air like that, and sprinkled some dirt, and as the dust blowed on, fleas came from everywhere: judgment, Divine judgment.

He brought fire out of the heaven, lightning upon the earth, great hailstones and everything that killed the cattle, and killed the Egyptians, and everything else: judgment, God's judgment before Moses.

24 Now, as Moses went with the judgment stick before him, that same stick tonight, to the Church, is Jesus Christ. If those Egyptians could've ever got that little simple stick out of Moses' hands, they'd have had him whipped. And when the--when the devil could ever get the Deity out of the Name of Jesus Christ, he's got the Church whipped. But as the judgment stick went before Moses to take the judgment to bring the judgment, so does the Name of Jesus go before us to take our judgment, stands our judgment of sickness; stands our judgment of death; stands our judgment of trouble.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every care,

When temptations around you gather,

Breathe that Holy Name in prayer.

25 When sickness begins to gather, breathe that Name of Jesus. What is it? It's God's representative of judgment: Christ already judged for your sins; Christ already judged for your temptation; Christ already judged for your sickness. See what I mean? It was God's judgment rod. And as long as that rod waved on, it was judgment.

Moses, that night, after leading the children of Israel out, and there come Pharaoh's army, the Pillar of Fire went down, and hung between Pharaoh and pursuing army and Israel. It made light to Israel and darkness to Pharaoh, and kept them apart (Amen.), a go-between. Oh, I'm so glad today that He is our go-between.

In sickness, in between death and life, He's my go-between. He's the One that takes death in one hand and life in the other one. He's that link that connects man to God: the go-between.

26 And He come down as a go-between. And He made light on this side for Israel to march on, and darkness to hold Pharaoh back. That same Angel of God is in the Church tonight, giving light for the Church to walk on and darkness for those who will reject it. We're children of the light. Amen.

How can you see when you walk in darkness? You can't see. You don't know where you're going. But if you're in the light, and Christ is the Light... And He's giving light to those believers, while He was giving darkness to the unbelievers. He was showing a way of a path to the believer, and a darkness, and stumbling about to the unbeliever.

27 And so is it tonight. As we're marching towards the promised land, God's throwing light on the path of Divine healing, speaking with tongues, shoutings, and the glories of God, manifesting them to the children of the light, and throwing darkness back there, that they stumble, not knowing where they're going.

Remember that same stick, that hand that held that judgment rod, when he come down, and there was God's path, running through the--the Red Sea, he waved that over the Red Sea, and the Red Sea, seeing the judgment, got scared, and moved back, on either side, and made a pillar. And the marchers of Israel walked right across on dry land in the bottom of the sea.

28 And when the uncircumcised, trying to pretend they were something, when they were nothing, started to do so, God just discomfited, took the chariot wheels off, and scared the horses, down there in the bottom of the sea, in a great bit of conglomeration. And on the other side, that same judgment, there where sin was in the valley... Praise God. You know what that'll do? That same Pillar of Fire, that had been showing them, when it came down to this valley, it moved right over the top of that water, and made a way where these back there, without the leading of the Holy Spirit, could not walk where those circumcised were walking. Hallelujah. Oh, that makes me feel religious to think of it.

29 The fight is on. Someday we got to come down through two great, big, dark valleys, or pillars, called a valley, that's where we're walled on each side; the valley of the shadows of death. David said, "I'll fear no evil, for Thou art with me."

And when they seen that glorious, great, light of the Pillar of Fire, whirling over the top of this water, seen those great, big, scary hills up there, maybe forty fathoms deep, way down deep in that mucky looking stuff, at the bottom, and the Angel of the Lord leading the way. Israel knew that if the Angel was going on, it was making a way, and no fear was in the way. Amen.

Then one of these days, we've got to come down through the valley of the shadows of death, just like that was. We'll fear no evil, as long as the Morning Star is moving on before you, lighting up the way, and making it possible for you to walk. Just the other side's the promised land. Amen. I'm so happy for that. Notice.

Then when they got over on the other side, these uncircumcised said, "Well, if they can do it, we can too," and got drowned in the sea, confused, and drowned and sank out in the sea.

30 On they went. When they begin to need water one day, God told Moses... Listen, closely. Oh, I want you to get this part of it. Here's the golden cord of it. They--people were thirsting, and they were wondering, "Where can we drink. Our little children are starving?"

When their little children was sick, God erected a brass serpent, another symbol, another stick, like the one Moses had in his hand, only in a symbol with a snake wrapped around it. What was it? The judgment. Drawing dividends on your insurance policy (Amen.), drawing dividends on Calvary. Why Moses... Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up."

31 He was lifted up with a compound reason, because they were chiding, and--and jostling one another, and fighting one another, and despising Moses. And they were sinning, and they were sick. And they was lifted up for two reasons: to forgive their backslidings and to heal their sickness. "And He was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we were healed."

Scripture, every jump of It, every Word, God's eternal Word, which can never pass away... Amen. I'm so happy for that foundation, that was laid by Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone. And we're built together as blocks in the temple of the living God by our confession and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. The same Light that was in them is moving right through the building.

32 Notice Moses... Now, he said he went out, and he prayed, and said, "Lord, these people are thirsting now, and there's no water to give them, and they're crying to me for water." And Moses and Aaron went to the tabernacle and fell before the Lord, and the Shekinah glory of God fell around them. Amen. Shekinah glory, the Presence of God come around them.

Why, brother, that's no more than what you feeled in a good, old fashion, Holy Spirit meeting, when the Shekinah glory of God drops down among you: the same thing.

Moses raising his hands before God, almost transformed before them, God said, "Moses, I'll go before you, and stand in the gap, upon the rock." I like that. "I'll go before you and will stand upon the rock to provide a way for you. And when you come, strike the rock. Take the rod now, and gather the people, and go, and strike this rock, and it will bring forth the waters out of the rock." Oh, my. "I will stand on the rock before you."

Look. Moses had to wait. God went before Moses and stood on the rock. I want you to watch the spiritual meaning of this. When we see God's Word just unfolding, you just--just, you just can bathe in it. I can, and I know you can too.

33 And there, Moses, taking the rod then, the judgment stick, going forth to the rock, and there stood God on the rock. And he smote the rock. And when he did, the waters gushed forth, not a little, bitty stream, like you see the artist draw the picture. I could drink that thing dry, if I was thirsty. But look. Enough water came out of it to water two million people, plus camels and animals that they had. Come forth with gushers... Hallelujah.

Beautiful type of it when Jesus said in the wilderness that He was the Rock that was in the wilderness. No wonder the people screamed back there that day, when He came into Jerusalem, riding on this horse, little mule. And they was crying, those Nazarenes crying, "Hosanna, hosanna to Him that cometh in the Name of the Lord."

Some of those self-styled, starchy priests, said, "Make them hold their peace."

"Why," He said, "if they hold their peace, the rocks would immediately cry out."

34 What is the rocks. The rocks has been washed by the same waters, or watered by the Word. They have to cry out. Said, "If they hold their peace, the rocks will immediately cry out." Something had to take place. The rocks...

Notice later on, when they needed some water, only thing they had to do was speak to the rock. One day they were hungry, and they went hunting, and they found in this cleft in the rock was honey, hanging in the cleft.

The cleft is, in symbols, was the spear mark in the side of the Lord Jesus. The cleft in the rock, where it was smitten, and in there, a bunch of bees had come and built a hive. And there was honey in the rock. Amen. What a beautiful thing.

Samson, when he's going down to see his wife, his girlfriend, and a lion run out... Little, old fellow, about that big, seven little curls hanging down, little old, sissy-like, and people couldn't understand how that fellow could be so strong. And a great, big, old lion run out, and said, "Well--well looky here, what's coming." Samson, just a little, old, sissy, standing there. And the lion run out, many times his size. And then, what taken place?

35 Samson never walked up first, and said, "Here, I'll tear you apart." But the Spirit of the Lord come upon him. That's what did it. He felt back there, and felt these seven locks hanging down. That was the covenant. And he wasn't scared of a lion. In the face of death he wasn't scared of it.

If you can feel back... If Samson could feel seven locks, and know it was a covenant, because he was borned a Nazarite, how much more ought a man that's borned of the Holy Spirit, feel the power of God, and know it's the covenant to slay the enemy before you. Whether it's sickness, whether it's temptation, what ever it is, you can't stand it, when the Spirit of God comes.

36 Walked over, and grabbed that lion, that little, bitty, curly-headed shrimp grabbed that lion by the jaw and tore it apart. Hallelujah. You only need one; that's Christ, the Covenant. Can you feel it? Amen. Oh, my. The covenant...

Then, when he slew that old lion, just like it was a little, bitty, old rabbit or something. Pulled him apart, like this, and whipped his old carcass over, went walking on down through there. A few days he came by, and a beehive was built in it. And he eat the sweetest honey he ever eat, out of that old beehive that was built in the carcass of the lion that was going to kill him. For the Spirit of God come and delivered him.

37 And if you've got something wrong tonight, feel the Spirit of God moving on you, tear the thing apart. And the first thing you know, you'll have a testimony that'll shake the shingles off the house. Amen. You're the covenant, circumcised by the Holy Spirit. Amen. Eat some sweet honey, really good.

When He stand and say, "Yes, brother, I believe in healing."

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me,

I once was lost, but now I'm found,

I was blind, but now I see. Amen.

38 When I used to have to be led around by the arms, great, big glasses on, like that, and could hardly see where I was going, and now, I got a testimony. Because I realized my position in Christ Jesus. He made a covenant, and I received it and believed Him. And today it's sweet honey to eat it. Tell others. Now, notice again, quickly. We'll get down there...

Then when the rock was smitten... Very beautiful type... Them people were perishing and dying. And it was a type of "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but would have Everlasting Life."

39 In the midst of a perishing, dying people, a perishing, dying nation, God so loved the unworthy. Look how unworthy they was. And God so loved... Oh, if it wasn't for the love of God, He'd destroy the whole world tonight. But He can't do it. His love won't let Him do it. So "He so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but could drink the waters of Life freely. Whosoever will may come." Just enough, a bountiful blessings pouring out. "He that believeth on Me..." In other words, take it like this, "He that believeth on Me shall have a great, big gusher right in the middle of his soul, bubbling up in to Everlasting Life." Oh, what a beautiful thing.

40 Notice that God took all the judgments of death. The death that I should die, the hell that I should go to, God, with His judgments of death and sickness, Christ met Him in the gap, hanging between the heavens and earth. And God struck upon Him, the iniquity of us all.

And there the judgment was smitten. And tonight that ensign of the cross, a blindfolder to the world, but to those who march on, with the cross going on before them, the judgments is paid.

Look and live, my brother, live.

Look to Jesus, now, and live.

For it's recorded in His Word, hallelujah,

It's only that we look and live.

41 If you're sick, look and live. If you're down-hearted, look and live. If you're weary, look and live. If you're dead in sin and trespasses, look and live. That's all. For the cross goes on before us.

God's putting before us this ensign, the cross, realizing that through that comes... Just like the serpent, it wasn't the stick; it was the serpent represented on there that made the atonement. And it wasn't that it's a wooden cross that we pack; it's the Holy Spirit that's wrapped into that--that great sign yonder, ensign on Calvary, when the life of the Holy Spirit was in Christ come out of Him. It went to "whosoever might come" from this cross. And the cross is God's sign before us tonight to follow Jesus. My.

42 I think of God, standing there on the rock. God was that rock, and Moses' judgment rod... Judgment, God's judgment smote Christ, dying in our stead, the innocent for the guilty. And out of Him come the blood cell. And the life-giving Blood flowed from His back, that we might be healed, flowed from his heart, that we might be saved; come down over His brows and things, for our iniquity, for our peace, and all that was upon Him. There He was a bleeding malefactor, hanging there between heavens and earth, standing, where a Holy God, looking down, could not see the sinner no more, for He looked through that judgment that had been paid yonder, the all supreme price. Oh, I hope you see it, my Christian friend.

43 And looked yonder. There it is. As far as God is concerned, it's finished. The price is paid. You're free. That's what's the trouble with people tonight. They don't know they're free.

Here not long ago, an old farmer had a--had a cornfield. The crows kept coming by eating up his corn, so he set a trap and caught one. He said, "I'll fix the rest of them." He tied that one by its foot, and to the fence, and that poor, old crow hobbled and jumped, and hobbled and jumped, and he couldn't get away because he was tied up. He was starving, eat everything around where he could reach. He was starving to death. He got so he just couldn't hardly fly or jump up and down any more.

44 All the other crows would come by and holler, "Come on, Johnny Crow. Let's go south. It's turning winter. You'll die setting there. Let's go Johnny Crow."

He said, "I can't. I'm tied."

One day a good man came by. Said, "That poor, old crow. Look at him, hobbling around there. He's getting weak." So he caught the old fellow, petted him a little bit, took the latch off of his foot, like that, turned him loose, said, "All right, old boy, go on."

Walked away. And the old crow just kept walking around in the same circle--same circle. See? He was untied and didn't know it. The other crows came by and said, "Come on, Johnny Crow. Let's go south. It's coming winter."

Said, "I can't. I'm still tied."

45 That's the way it is with men and women tonight who don't know their position in Christ Jesus. The devil may have you tied with TB, may have you tied with a cancer, he may have you tied to a many thing. But Christ, the good Man, has stood your judgment, now and has set you free tonight. God bless your heart. You can rise in the power of the Holy Ghost. Let's not go south, but let's go towards glory marching as the great army of the living God. We're free. Can't you hear the others saying, "Come on."

I once was bound by a chain of sin, but tonight I've been cut loose by Jesus Christ. Amen.

46 The judgment, sure, Christ took our judgment, the innocent for the guilty. He was made sin that we might not be sinners. He was made--bore our sickness, that we wouldn't have to bear it. He bore our sorrows that we wouldn't have to sorrow no more, "as others, which have no hope," says the Scripture. He was... All that we need was right in Him. You believe that? Certainly.

Do you believe that for your heart trouble, lady setting there? You believe that for that heart condition? Do you really accept it now with all your heart? Then He bore your heart trouble; you ain't got it now more now. Amen. If you believe it, you can have it. Hallelujah. Yes, sir.

47 "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we were healed." After He--that rock was once smitten, God told Moses, said, "Go on, Moses. The only thing you have to do now is go speak to that rock. From this on, every time you need water, speak to it. You don't have to smite it any more. You don't have to pound all night long. You don't have to worry, and beg, and pray, and fast, and go on. Just speak to the rock (Hallelujah.), and it will bring forth His waters." Amen. "Speak to the rock, and it'll bring forth its waters."

I tell you; one time there was a woman with a blood issue, and all that she had was lost. She could not be healed by any doctor. And she come down along the bank one day, and she seen that spiritual rock rolling by, and she spake to the Rock. Just as this woman did here, just a few minutes ago, spoke to the Rock and out of the Rock came healing waters. Hallelujah.

48 There was a little, old man named Jairus, who really loved the Lord, but he was a secret worshipper. And one day, his little girl died. All hopes was gone, but he spake to the Rock, and the Rock gave not only water, but life, the waters of life, freely.

Another woman by the name of Martha and Mary, they loved Him. And He'd gone from their home. And their brother was dead and rottening out there in the grave. One day they heard that the Rock was coming, rolling in to the city. And Martha had been very dilatory about cooking good dinners for Him, and things, and not maybe paying to--so much attention to the spiritual. But in her heart she believed it. For she showed then what she was. She run out, and knelt down on her knees, and she spake to the Rock. And the Rock, in return, spoke in eternity and raised a dead man out of his grave. Hallelujah.

49 When a bunch of people was out on a little old boat one night, and it was poppering around like a bottle stopper, jumping from place to place, all hopes that they'd ever be saved was gone. And they happened to realize that laying in the bow of the boat, was the Rock. They spake to the Rock about their troubles, and it soothed down, and the winds folded their arms and went to the crevices. Hallelujah. And the sea that was rocking, smoothed out, like a mother singing a lullaby to her baby. She... They spake to the Rock, and the Rock brought forth the--the substance that they asked for.

Are you on speaking terms with Him tonight? Could you speak to Him about your chest--chest trouble, setting there? You believe that God has healed you? You just got through speaking to Him, didn't you? Didn't you say, "Lord, heal me." You spoke to Him, and your chest trouble's gone now. "Speak to the Rock. He will bring forth His waters." Hallelujah.

50 Moses, when his time had come and everything had failed, God said, "Come up," and he climbed up to the top of Mount Nebo to look over into the promised land. There death come whirling through the air. He knew that death was all around him. And Moses looked around, and he looked, laying there by his side, and there laid the rock.

He stepped up on the rock. He had followed it all the way through the wilderness, or it had followed him. He stepped off on the rock, and God sent some pallbearers, Angels down and packed him away, off the rock. Hallelujah. That rock had fed him when he was hungry, give him water when he was thirsty, and taken him to a home in glory...?... when he was dying.

51 My prayer is tonight "Lord Jesus, pull me up above this worldly element here, till I can be on speaking terms with you. That someday when I go down through the valley of the shadow of death, I expect to see the rock standing there." Hallelujah. "Keep me on speaking terms with Him." I, myself want to speak to Him.

You need to speak to Him. He's here tonight and He's on speaking terms with every one of you, if you want to speak to Him. Do you believe it? For whatever need you have need of, let us stand to our feet at this time now. Oh, my.

Oh, I feel like I could just put this church on my shoulders, I could walk away with it. What? The Rock, Christ Jesus is here.

52 Oh, I'm not excited. I know exactly where I'm standing. I know exactly what I'm talking about. Oh, if I could only express my feelings. If I could only tell this audience what it really means to be setting under the anointing of this Rock, Christ Jesus. Already paid your judgment, bore your sickness, took your sorrow, and settled the question before God. Are you a scared to put your trust in Him?

You don't have to be judged. You don't have to think yourself worthy; you'll never be worthy. But Christ was worthy in your stead, that paid the price. Not trying to redeem something, you can't redeem it, 'cause you ain't got the money to. But God had the money, and He sent Christ, and settled the bill, and redeemed you from your sickness, and your sorrows, and your worry, and your sin, and your backsliding. He sent the money, which was Christ Jesus, and deposited it on Calvary, on Golgotha's hill. And tonight every one of you is free, if you'll just believe it.

53 O Christ of God, I speak to you, as Moses of old, in behalf of this perishing people, with sickness, and with troubles. O Everlasting God, from the everlasting hills, lift up Thine head, Lord, and receive this people into Thy Kingdom, and rec... Lord, may the Holy Ghost so anoint these people tonight that they'll feel their covenant, like Samson did, when he felt the covenant hair. May the Holy Ghost wrap around every heart tonight, till the people realize that it's the covenant that you make with them, and they can go and be free.

I condemn every sickness, every disease, every sin. I say, as Your servant, Lord, in the word of humility to You, but in a bitter rebuke before the devil, "Satan, you've lost the battle. You might as well give it up. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of every person in here, that they could be made free." Amen.