Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?



Čím vyššie ten orol vystúpi, tým ďalej dovidí. A Boh prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. Oni sú strážcami, ktorí sa dokážu dostať vysoko, aby tak mohli ďalej dovidieť. A ich oči sú tak duchovne stvorené, takže môžu vidieť blížiace sa hrozby. Boh postavil Izaiáša nato, aby varoval ľudí, že sa blíži nebezpečie, ale oni ho nepočúvali. A dnes má Boh stále takých orlov, našich poslov, našich mužov na veži, ktorí sa v Duchu dostanú ďaleko ponad všetky mechanizmy, všetky atómové bomby a vedecké bádania. On má ľudí, ktorí sú špeciálne pre ten účel naprojektovaní, a oni sa vyšplhajú na hradbu Golgoty v Mene Pána Ježiša, postavia sa na vrch kríža a môžu späť poslať posolstvo, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“

Ich duchovný zrak je ďaleko väčší, ako má nejaký kňaz v chráme, ďaleko väčší, ako má nejaký obyčajný človek na svojej ceste životom. Lebo oni sú špeciálne navrhnutí pre povinnosti, do ktorých ich Boh povolal. Preto by sme na to mali obrátiť svoj zreteľ, keď počujeme o veciach, ktoré sa približujú.

Teraz to trochu na chvíľu zmením a obrátim vašu pozornosť na Kráľa týchto orlov, prorokov, alebo strážcov na vežiach. To je Sám Pán Ježiš.

A tento deň, v ktorom my žijeme, je oveľa väčší ako ten, kedy tu On bol, dokiaľ nebol celkom v tieni kríža a On hovoril viac o Svojom druhom príchode, ako o tom, ako odíde.

1[Brat Gene Goad číta Izaiáša 21:1-12 - pozn.prekl.]

Bremä púšte mora, Babylona. Jako prechádzavajú víchrice na juhu, tak prijde od púšte, zo strašnej zeme.

Tvrdé videnie mi je oznámené: Neverný robí neverne, a zhubca hubí. Poď hore, Élame! Médsko, sovri! Učiním koniec všetkým jeho vzdychom, ktoré vynútil.

Pre tú príčinu sú moje bedrá plné bolesti; kŕče ma pochytili jako kŕče ženy, ktorá ide porodiť; svíjam sa od bolesti tak, že už ani nečujem; desím sa tak, že už ani nevidím.

Moje srdce prestáva biť; hrôza ma predesila; súmrak, po ktorom ináče túžim, obrátil mi v trasenie.

Pripraviť stôl, strážiť stráž, jesť a piť! Vstaňte, kniežatá, pomažte štít!

Lebo takto mi povedal Pán: Idi, postav pozorujúceho strážneho, a čo uvidí, nech oznámi!

A videl jazdu, jazdcov na koňoch po dvoch v rade, jazdu na osloch a jazdu na veľblúdoch a načúval pozorne, veľmi pozorne.

A volal ako lev: Na pozorovateľni, Pane, stojím ustavične vodne a na svojej stráži stojím celé noci!

A tu hľa, prišla jazda mužov, jazdcovia na koňoch po dvoch v rade. A odpovedajúc riekol: Padol, padol Babylon, a roztrieskali všetky rytiny jeho bohov a pometali ich na zem.

Ty, moje mlativo, dieťa môjho humna, čo som počul od Hospodina Zástupov, Boha Izraelovho, oznámil som vám.

Bremä Dúmy. Volajú na mňa zo Seira: Strážca, koľko je ešte noci? Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?

Strážca povedal: Ide ráno, ale prijde zase aj noc. Jestli sa chcete pýtať, pýtajte sa; navráťte sa, prijdite!

Ďakujem, brat Neville. Je dobré znovu vás vidieť. Prajem dobré ráno našej biblickej triede dnes ráno a sme radi, keď vás môžeme pozdraviť v Mene Pána Ježiša.

A ako som tak išiel asi pred pár minútami s mojou rodinou dolu cestou autom, rozmýšľal som nad ľuďmi, ktorí chodia do cirkvi aj v takýchto daždivých dňoch ako dnes, keď je sneh po celej krajine a na cestách je to dosť riskantné. Ale oni neprichádzajú len na to, aby ich druhí videli. Za svojím príchodom majú nejaký zámer. A som veľmi šťastný, že tu môžem vidieť takúto skupinu dnes ráno, v ktorých stále žije viera našich otcov a stále horí všade v srdciach týchto mužov a žien.

2Slovo bolo práve pred chvíľou prečítané naším bratom Gene Goadom z 21. kapitoly knihy Izaiáša, ktorú aj budeme chvíľu študovať a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých.

A teraz, ako text na dnes ráno, by som chcel vybrať z 11. po 12. verš, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“ A predtým, ako sa podujmeme hovoriť, skloňme ešte na chvíľu svoje hlavy do modlitby.

3Pane Bože, Ty si Bohom našich otcov. Ty si Bohom, ktorý si vdýchol náš prvý dych nášho života, keď sme prvýkrát prišli na svet, a až doteraz si riadil náš život a budeš ho navždy riadiť. Lebo Ty si Stvoriteľom celého ľudstva a všetkého, čo má dych. Ty si Stvoriteľom.

A my sme dnes ráno šťastní, že veríme v našich srdciach, že Tvoje zasľúbenia sú pravdivé, každé jedno z nich. A to... V týchto zasľúbeniach si Ty povedal, že kdekoľvek by sa dvaja alebo traja zhromaždili v Tvojom Mene, že Ty budeš v strede Svojho ľudu, a že odpovieš na ich volanie.

4A dnes sú tu obťažené srdcia. A odvtedy, ako sme vstúpili do tohto zboru, vidím tu tých, ktorí sú na nosidlách a na lôžkach, majú rukávy hore od infekcií na rukách a počul som aj o iných, ktorí majú milovaných, čo sú stratení... Ó, je to hriešny a bezbožný svet, ale tieto veci musia byť ovládané Pánom Ježišom, ktorý nám povedal, že všetko spolu pôsobí na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Boha.

A sme dnes ráno povzbudzovaní, aby sme verili, že veľa z týchto vecí nás má priviesť na kolená. A radi myslíme na to miesto Písma, že tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána, nadobúdajú novej sily. Budú sa vznášať na krídlach ako orol. Budú bežať a neustávať; budú kráčať a neomdlievať. A ako jeden básnik povedal, „Nauč ma, Pane, nauč ma, Pane, ako čakať.“

5Nech dnes, ako očakávame, aby sme počuli zo slávy a z úst nášho Spasiteľa cez Svätého Ducha, aby sme trpezlivo počuli, ako nám hovorí Jeho Hlas milované veci cez Jeho Slovo a vysloví nám ospravedlnenie za naše hriechy a uzdraví naše choroby. A nech dnes ráno opustíme túto modlitebňu radujúci sa a aby sme mohli povedať ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emauz, „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia, ako k nám hovoril na tej ceste?“ Lebo my skutočne veríme, že On je tým vzkrieseným Pánom, ako Ho našli v tom dni.

A On je v strede Svojich ľudí. Nebudeme ustávať, ani naše srdcia nebudú omdlievať. Ale každú hodinu bude obnovovaná naša viera v Teba. Udeľ to, Otče.

Prosíme Ťa, aby si požehnal Tvoje písané Slovo a požehnal uši, ktoré to budú počuť a ústa, ktoré budú hovoriť, a aby si sa Ty z toho oslávil, lebo sa modlíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

6Nie je medzi nami nikto, kto by nebol odolný voči problémom. Boh nám nezasľúbil, že nás minú všetky nemoci, ale je napísané, že Jeho Sila je dostačujúca. Ale On na nás nikdy nenavalí tak veľa, ale nám dá Milosť, aby sme to uniesli. A tak môžeme mať útechu v tom, že to vieme.

Ako myšlienku na tento text na chvíľu mám niečo, čo mám na srdci posledných pár hodín, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“

7Bolo to asi medzi západom slnka a tmou a bol to dosť hrozný deň v tom meste, pretože tam bol alarm, ktorý... Strážnik na veži im hlásil, že v diaľke videl prach vychádzajúci z kolies vozov. A v diaľke aj počul dupot konských kopýt.

Ale ako dve mladé dámy stáli pri studni vo svojej mladosti, v mladom veku a museli rozmýšľať, čo znamenalo slovo tohto strážcu. Možno to pre nich veľa neznamenalo, pretože boli ešte v rozkvete svojho mladého ženstva. Možno preto, že tam mala byť v ten večer párty a tieto mladé dámy sa jej chceli zúčastniť.

A zdalo sa, že slovo strážcu na nich nemalo vôbec žiaden efekt, rátali s tým svetským potešením, ktoré budú mať z toho večera. A ako tak rozhovor pokračoval a jedna z tých mladých žien povedala tej druhej, „Nie je to hrozné, že v našom dni máme takýchto, ktorí nám kazia zábavu, ktorí sa snažia vziať nám privilégia, ktoré máme, a potešenia, z ktorých sa radujeme?“

8A verím, že to ide takmer ruka v ruke s tou dnešnou modernou verziou. Ľudia si myslia, že keď sa snažíš byť na pozore a vyvarovať sa blížiacim sa nebezpečenstvám, zdá sa, že si myslia, že si nejaký starý zahmlenec, niekto, kto si snaží vziať všetku radosť zo života.

A mohli by sme znovu myslieť na tých mladých mužov, ako vychádzali z dielní a ich tváre boli špinavé od práce, do ktorej boli počas dňa zamestnaní. A jeden mladý chlap mohol povedať druhému, „Len čo sa umyjeme a trochu upravíme, ako zvyčajne sa stretneme v krčme. Lebo som si istý, že ty, Ján, nie si znepokojený z tej správy, ktorú sme dnes počuli, keď sa nám ten strážnik na veži snažil vziať radosť zo života, pokúšal sa nám povedať o nejakom blížiacom sa nebezpečenstve. Ale vieš, my tu máme najlepšiu armádu, aká vôbec existuje, a veľa z našich vojakov sa stretávajú na tom istom mieste, kde my, a radujeme sa zo spoločnosti, ktorú máme, trochu si priateľsky zahráme nejaký hazard a k tomu nejakých pár drinkov.“

9„A ja sám,“ povedal by, „odmietol by som prijať to varovanie o týchto veciach, ktoré sa nám snaží tento strážnik povedať. Lebo veríme, že ak by tam boli nejaké blížiace sa nebezpečenstvá, tak istotne by o tom naši učitelia vedeli, naši pastori a hovorili by nám o takýchto veciach. Nestaráme sa o tieto únavné príbehy týchto strážcov na veži.“

Či to len nie je jasný obraz nášho dnešného národa, mládež tejto zeme, a nie len mládež, ale aj starí ľudia tejto zeme sa zbláznili. A oni odmietli počúvnuť varovanie. A len čo pravdivý strážca podáva varovanie, je kategorizovaný ako bludár alebo fanatik.

A ako deň prechádza do noci, možno ten vojak pri tej bráne, ktorý stráži bránu, začne byť trochu roztržitý. A ide do susednej hliadky a povie, „Veríte vôbec, že je nejaká šanca, že by to, čo povedal ten strážca, bola pravda?“

10Viete, niečo je na nebezpečenstve. Na smrti je niečo, čo sa zdá, že vopred varuje. Veľakrát tí milovaní, krátko predtým, ako prejdú na druhú stranu, zdá sa, že to predchádza nejaké varovanie.

Myslím na môjho otca, predtým, ako odišiel, bol roky mimo Kentucky. Ale náhle otcom niečo pohlo, aby sa vrátil späť domov a porozprával sa so svojimi milovanými a priateľmi. A potom, ako sa vrátil domov, jeho brat, ktorého sa mu nepodarilo vidieť, bol zvláštne varovaný, aby sa vrátil do Jeffersonville a navštívil ho.

A ako tam tak sedeli a rozprávali sa, otec prešiel na druhý svet. Rozmýšľam nad mojím svokrom. Len pár dní predtým, ako odišiel preč, povedal, „Billy, poďme si zapoľovať tam do Utiky. Chcem znova navštíviť tie staré miesta.“

11Ale akosi v Božej prozreteľnosti, nemohol som tam s ním ísť. Ale on tam išiel a poľoval. A keď sa dostal dolu k autu, povedal mi, „Sedel som tam hore na kopci; a všetko je už zmenené. Ale cestou dolu v istom zákutí v lese v Battle Creek, tam nad nami,“ povedal, „zdalo sa mi, že počujem volanie mojej mamy, 'Ó, Frankie!'“ A v ten večer vydal svedectvo v druhom rade v tejto cirkvi, tu po mojej ľavej strane, a túžil, aby sa za neho ľudia modlili. A pár dní nato sme ho pochovali.

Vždy sa zdá, že Boh vysiela posla. Je to Jeho dobrota a milosť, aby nám dal do srdca pravdivé varovanie o veciach, ktoré sa približujú. A som tak rád, že v tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme, keď je všade naokolo šero a temnota, vyzerá, že existuje požehnaná nádej, ktorá drží srdcia Božích ľudí, že v jednej slávnej hodine príde Ježiš.

13A v tomto veľkom čase ťažkostí v tomto meste, mladí ľudia to ignorovali a veľa ľudí, ktorí sa nestarali o to, čo mal tento strážnik do povedania, museli povedať... Samozrejme, boli v krčmách a pili a párty pokračovala, vojaci všetci pili a prežívali ohromný čas, mysliac si, že sú v takom bezpečí, v akom len môžu byť.

Nič im nešlo ublížiť, pretože boli poriadne spití, ako by sme to nazvali, boli v duchu whisky a miešaných alkoholických nápojov. Ale náhle priamo do mesta dorazil voz a dvere krčiem a domov boli rozbité a vražedné zbrane mali veľa práce. A všetko len preto, lebo odmietli počuť varovanie strážnika.

14A povinnosti strážcu v starej Biblii... To bol človek, ktorý bol vybraný. Musel to byť človek, ktorý poznal nebeské telesá. Musel presne vedieť, kde sa hviezdy nachádzajú, aby vždy mohol ľuďom povedať ten správny čas.

A veľa z tých ustatých mohli možno ísť von a nemohli zaspať, nervózni, a mohli tam zakričať na toho strážnika na veži, zakričať tieto slová, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“ A on by sa pozrel na hviezdy a povedal by taký a taký čas. Ten by potom išiel naspäť do postele, alebo kdekoľvek by chcel, čakajúc na denné svetlo, keď už konečne pominie tá uťahaná, vyčerpávajúca, otravná noc. Bože, buď milostivý.

15Som zvedavý, či to nie je ten istý čas aj dnes, keď voláme na svojho veľkého Strážnika, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“ Blíži sa nebezpečenstvo a zdá sa, že celý svet sa trasie pod jeho vplyvom.

Strážnik musel tiež byť celý čas v službe. A mal varovať ľudí pred blížiacimi sa nebezpečenstvami. To bola jeho povinnosť, aby sledoval blížiace sa hrozby.

A stál tam hore na veži, ktorá bola vybudovaná oveľa vyššie ako tie múry. A ako tam bol na tej veži, tie knihy astronómie, a tak ďalej, mal preštudované, takže mohol sledovať hviezdy a určiť čas. Akékoľvek nebezpečenstvo by sa v tom dni blížilo, on by o tom povedal. Taktiež mohol dovidieť oveľa ďalej ako ktokoľvek iný na zemi. Dovidel ďalej ako tí, ktorí stáli na múroch, pretože bol vyššie.

A čím vyššie ideš, tým ďalej dovidíš. A dokážeš povedať o vzdialenejších blížiacich sa nebezpečenstvách, ako len tí, ktorí sú na zemi.

16Ako aj Izaiáš vo svojom dni, on hovoril o tom, ako ho Boh urobil strážcom. Boh prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. A ako som už aj často kázal na tú tému o orloch, orol je vtákom, ktorý sa vie dostať oveľa vyššie ako ktorýkoľvek iný. A na to musí byť špeciálne vybudovaný, aby sa dostal do tak veľkej nadmorskej výšky.

No, jastrab by ho nikdy nemohol nasledovať. Žiaden iný vták by ho nikdy nemohol nasledovať. On je Bohom naprojektovaný vták. A tak bol stvorený. Ak by sa ho snažil nahradiť nejaký iný vták, jednoducho by zahynul. Musel by mať silnejšie perie, mocnejšie krídla. A čo by mu to pomohlo, keby sa dostal tak vysoko, ak by tam nemohol vidieť, ak nemá na to dobré oči, aby tam videl. Jastrab by tam oslepol. On nedokáže vidieť.

17Ale čím vyššie ten orol vystúpi, tým ďalej dovidí. A Boh prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. Oni sú strážcami, ktorí sa dokážu dostať vysoko, aby tak mohli ďalej dovidieť. A ich oči sú tak duchovne stvorené, takže môžu vidieť blížiace sa hrozby.

Boh postavil Izaiáša nato, aby varoval ľudí, že sa blíži nebezpečie, ale oni ho nepočúvali.

A dnes má Boh stále takých orlov, našich poslov, našich mužov na veži, ktorí sa v Duchu dostanú ďaleko ponad všetky mechanizmy, všetky atómové bomby a vedecké bádania. On má ľudí, ktorí sú špeciálne pre ten účel naprojektovaní, a oni sa vyšplhajú na hradbu Golgoty v Mene Pána Ježiša, postavia sa na vrch kríža a môžu späť poslať posolstvo, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“

Ich duchovný zrak je ďaleko väčší, ako má nejaký kňaz v chráme, ďaleko väčší, ako má nejaký obyčajný človek na svojej ceste životom. Lebo oni sú špeciálne navrhnutí pre povinnosti, do ktorých ich Boh povolal. Preto by sme na to mali obrátiť svoj zreteľ, keď počujeme o veciach, ktoré sa približujú.

18Teraz to trochu na chvíľu zmením a obrátim vašu pozornosť na Kráľa týchto orlov, prorokov, alebo strážcov na vežiach. To je Sám Pán Ježiš.

A tento deň, v ktorom my žijeme, je oveľa väčší ako ten, kedy tu On bol, dokiaľ nebol celkom v tieni kríža a On hovoril viac o Svojom druhom príchode, ako o tom, ako odíde.

Ak budete pozorne hľadať Písma, zistíte, že tesne predtým, ako odišiel preč, prorokoval o veciach, ktoré sa majú uskutočniť v tomto dni. Vedel, že musí byť ukrižovaný. Vedel, že musí trpieť, nevinný za vinných. Vedel, že bude znovu vzkriesený z hrobu na tretí deň. Vedel, že tam neboli žiadne sily, ktoré by Ho mohli zadržať v hrobe. Pretože Slovo Božie povedalo, „Nedám Svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie, ani nezanechám jeho dušu v pekle.“ A neboli tam žiadne moci, ktoré by mohli to proroctvo porušiť. Jeho Slovo bude pravdivé. A bude vyplnené vo svojich obdobiach.

19A On mal dôveru, že to, čo Otec povedal, že to bol aj schopný dodržať, Jeho Slovo. Preto, Jeho veľké srdce, ktoré bolo v Ňom, čo bol trón Boží... Vo Svojom srdci vedel, že tieto veľké časy skúšania sú na to, aby to dokázali všetkým národom a dokázali všetkým ľuďom.

Takže preto, On vedel, že tam je tá veľká otázka, nie že či bude znovu vzkriesený, alebo či bude ukrižovaný podľa Písma, ani či vôbec vystúpi na výšiny a príde Svätý Duch. Ale tá otázka bola, „Zostane na zemi vôbec nejaká viera, keď Ja prídem?“ A ako prichádza viera? Skrze počutie Božieho Slova. To bola Jeho otázka, „Bude tam ešte na zemi nejaká viera, keď prídem?“ Nájde On nejakých ľudí, ktorí budú veriť Jeho Slovu?

20No, my v dni, v ktorom žijeme, keď sa môžeme obrátiť do týchto stránok Jeho požehnaného Slova a nájsť práve tie veci, o ktorých hovoril, že sa stanú, ako sa dnes približujú na zem... Dejú sa znaky a divy. Srdcia ľudí zlyhávajú strachom. Je čas zmätku a napätia medzi národmi a desivých pohľadov na oblohu s lietajúcimi taniermi a Pentagon [Ministerstvo obrany USA – pozn.prekl.] je celý rozrušený. A duniace moria a zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú strachom, veľké atómové zbrane sa pripravujú, čakajú, taká temnota visí na zemi, akú svet ešte nikdy predtým nezažil...

21Minulý týždeň som mal to privilégium hovoriť s jedným z mojich milých priateľov a bratov, kapitánom Juliusom Stadsklevom, ktorý napísal knihu „Prorok navštevuje Afriku.“ A brat Julius bol v Kalifornii, kde ho teraz školia za majora armády.

A on, oni... Armádny personál ho vzal na veľkú skúšku. Prehľadávali celý jeho rodokmeň, pokým sa nedostali k tomu, kto bola jeho prastará matka. A všetku tú jeho históriu predtým, ako sa dostal na to zhromaždenie.

A ako prišiel z toho zhromaždenia a vyšiel na vrch toho kopca, kde sme sa zdržiavali s nejakými priateľmi, stretol som sa tam s ním pod borievkovým stromom a on povedal, „Brat Branham, toto je najstrašnejšia vec, akú si kedy počul.“ Povedal, „Som pod tak veľkou prísahou, že nemôžem takmer nič povedať a nemôžem vypustiť žiadne informácie,“ povedal, „pretože sme pod skutočne vážnou prísahou.“ Ale povedal, „Ale môžem ti povedať toto: armáda zanikne. Nebude už vôbec žiadna armáda, iba naokolo zopár strážcov. Nebudú už mať viacej žiadne letectvo. Nebudú už viac svoj čas venovať budovaniu rýchlejších lietadiel, a tak ďalej, jedine pre komerčné použitie. Oni sa sústredia len na stisnutie jednej spúšte. Príde totálne zničenie.“

22On povedal, „Brat Branham, verejnosť vôbec nevie o tajomstvách týchto vojenských záležitostí.“ Povedal, „Keď sa tí veľkí dôstojníci rozprávali v tej miestnosti,“ povedal, „prišla do tej miestnosti taká hrozná temnota, až sa jeden z tých vedcov postavil a povedal, 'Prial by som si, aby som si vzal starý voz a kravu a išiel niekam do hôr a zasadil by som si hriadku kapusty a fazule a zabudol na všetko toto.'“

Ó, on povedal, „To by... Ak by sa táto informácia dostala na verejnosť, celý svet by upadol do paniky.“ Nebezpečenstvo sa blíži. On povedal, „Oni majú... ťahajú svoj personál z ostrovov... ťahajú svoje vojenské jednotky z Anglicka, a majú tam veľké lode, ktoré sú naložené nejakými zbraňami, a čakajú len na prvé mihnutie nejakej rakety a každý národ sa vtedy utrhne z reťaze.“ Povedal, „Nebude na zemi zanechané jedno steblo trávy, ani jedna hora, ktorá by nebola zatrasená.“ A môže sa to stať v ktorýkoľvek čas.

23Ó, čo za hodinu temnoty. A všetky tieto veci, ktoré počujete o lietajúcich tanierov... A predpokladám, že ste už počuli rozhovor s tým človekom, včera v rádiu, ktorý tvrdil, že hovorí k ľuďom. Nechcem kritizovať toho muža, ale celý jeho systém je v protiklade so Slovom. Nie je to správne. „A na Marse nemajú smrť a majú tu k nám prísť, aby nás učili, ako nezomrieť.“

Ale keď sa to bude musieť dokázať, nebude mať ani smietku dôkazu, len nejakú domnelú myšlienku, ktorú si vytvoril. A podľa môjho názoru je to falošné, pretože Biblia hovorí inak, ako on.

24Mohol by som vyjadriť, čo si myslím o lietajúcich tanieroch. Neverím, že sú to tiene. Verím, že sú len imaginárne. A verím, no, toto neznamená, že to tak je; je to len moja myšlienka. Pán mi nepovedal, čo sú zač. Ale cez nahliadnutie do Písma... lebo tam nájdeme všetky veci; Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude aj vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ A pred zničením Sodomy, ako tam ten oheň padol a spálil celé mesto a tie planiny; boli tam Anjeli, ktorí boli poslaní z neba, aby sa poobzerali a zistili, či sú tieto veci pravdivé alebo nie.

A či to nebude dnes tak isto, že Boh posiela späť Svojich Anjelov, aby to prešetrili a zistili, predtým, ako príde toto veľké zničenie?

A všimli ste si, že tam bol jeden Anjel, ktorý prišiel a navštívil toho starého muža, ktorý urobil rozhodnutie pre Boha, a žil pohŕdnutý svetom v stane vzadu na púšti, pretože niekto mu vzal všetok jeho majetok. Ale on povedal, „To je v poriadku. Ja tu len zostanem stáť na vôli Božej.“

25Radšej by som bol vo vôli Božej, ako mať všetky peniaze, ktoré ti môže svet naservírovať. A len čo bolo urobené to konečné rozhodnutie, potom ten Anjel Pánov prišiel k Abrahámovi a povedal, „Pozri, východ, západ, sever a juh; všetko je tvoje, Abrahám.“

Písmo nám hovorí, „Blahoslavení tichí, lebo oni dedične obdržia zem.“

Aký je v tom rozdiel? Všetky veci na zemi pominú aj s ňou, ale Boh nikdy nemôže pominúť. A verím, ako som vedený veriť, že to je... ak je toto ten obraz Anjela Pánovho, ktorý prichádza a robí to rozpoznanie...

Všimli ste si toho Anjela, ktorý prišiel k Abrahámovi: On mal chrbát otočený k stanu, keď vtedy hovoril s Abrahámom, a povedal, „Dodržím zasľúbenie, ktoré som ti dal.“ Ó, čo za Posolstvo Anjela Božieho v tomto dni, ktorý dodrží Svoje zasľúbenie. Celá nevera sveta, skeptici, pochybovači, ateisti a neveriaci nikdy nespôsobia, že Božia Moc nebude mať žiaden efekt. To sa jednako stane.

„Budem pamätať na Moje zasľúbenie, a vyplním ich.“ A Sára sa zasmiala v tom stane za ním. A ako bol chrbtom otočený k stanu, povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“

A Sára vybehla a povedala, „Ja som sa nesmiala,“ pretože sa bála.

„Čo je to za druh Človeka? Aký je to typ Strážcu na tej veži? Aký typ Osobnosti je Ten s nami, ktorý je ku mne otočený chrbtom a vie, že som sa v tom stane smiala?“ Pamätajte, On bol tým Strážcom.

A On sa otočil a povedal, „Áno, ty si sa smiala.“ A ona bola vystrašená.

26No, znovu si všimnite, že v tomto dni, tesne pred príchodom Pánovým, tieto isté Bytosti sa majú navrátiť. A som zvedavý, ako sa obzeráme dookola a vidíme ich náturu, sledujeme, čo robia, a som zvedavý, či veľa týchto záhadných zjavov nie je to, čo Ježiš povedal, že sa stane? „Budú znaky hore na nebesiach; a na zemi budú zovrenia medzi národmi, zmätenia času, zemetrasenia miestami, a muži zomierajúci zlyhaním srdca,“ nie ženy, muži. Ženy nezomierajú veľmi často na srdcové problémy; sú to muži. To vyplňuje to, čo Ježiš povedal, že tak bude. Je to presne to, čo povedal, že sa stane.

27A mohli by sme o tom rozprávať hodinu za hodinou o tom, čo všetci títo proroci prorokovali, že sa stane v tomto dni. Či to nespôsobí, že zaznie aspoň jeden výkrik, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“ Pentagon nemá žiadnu odpoveď. Spojené štáty nemajú odpoveď. Ani Nemecko, Rusko, nikto z nich nemá odpoveď. Veda nemá odpoveď. Ale kto má odpoveď? Strážca na tej veži má odpoveď. „Strážnik, koľko je ešte noci?“

28A Svätý Duch je tým Strážcom, ktorý pripravuje ľudí a dáva varovania od Boha. On bol postavený, aby bol Strážcom. Vidíme chorých, že sú uzdravovaní, slepých, ktorých oči sa otvárajú, hluchých, ktorí počujú, postihnutí kráčajú a chromí skáču ako srna, čo vyplňuje... Čo to je? Je to blížiaci sa príchod Pánov.

A všetky tieto veci a tieto varovania a ľudia pritom stále pokračujú vo svojich pivných večierkoch. Majú taký čas bláznovstva a zabávajú sa, tancujú, jedia, pijú, ženia sa a vydávajú, presne, ako Boh povedal, že tak bude... A nijako sa ich nedá zastaviť.

Potom, ak si všimnete, v tomto veľkom cirkevnom veku podľa Zjavenia 3, v tomto veku je jeden, komu je daná ranná hviezda tesne pred príchodom.

Sledujte, aký bol tento biblický Izaiáš, keď povedal, „Strážca, koľko ešte noci?“ On povedal, „Ráno prichádza a noc tiež.“ Čo? Ráno prichádza, ale pred ránom ešte príde noc. Čo to bolo? Každý vie, že pred brieždením, v hodinách, keď sa už blíži deň, zotmie sa ešte viac ako predtým.

29Ó, priatelia moji, počúvajte to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Ak ma považujete za Jeho služobníka: je tesne pred svitaním. To je to, prečo je tá hrozná temnota, ktorá visí nad zemou. Je to presne pred Príchodom Pána Ježiša. Nezostáva iná nádej, len Jeho príchod.

Národy sú proti národom, a prešli cez Božie laboratórium, až majú takú moc, že môžu jeden druhého premeniť na atómový popol. A sú nehanební a bezbožní a sú tak odlišní od Krista. A jediný motív a cieľ, ktorý majú, je ničiť. A sú inšpirovaní tým ničiacim anjelom, ktorý bol poslaný z nebies, aby tých ľudí inšpiroval.

Dovoľte, aby som vám povedal v Mene Pána Ježiša, že Svätý Duch nám poslal na vežu Strážcu.

A ako ľudia kričia, „Koľko zostáva ešte tej noci?“ Si už ustatý týmto životom? Si už zmorený týmto hriechom? Si vyčerpaný od tých pohrebných sprievodov, nemocí a bezbožnosti na každom kroku? Je už tá noc dlhá a vyčerpávajúca? „Koľko je ešte noci, strážnik?“

On povedal, „Ráno príde.“ Vidíte tú útechu? „Ale noc tiež príde.“ Čo je vlastne tá noc?

30Pozrite, v akej dokonalej harmónii bol Izaiáš s Písmom. V tom pravidelnom chode prírody, vždy keď sa približuje slnko, to vždy predtým nakopí temnosť a je vtedy tma. Pred začiatkom dňa je temnejšie ako v akejkoľvek inej časti noci. Prečo? Je to približujúce sa svetlo, ktoré to zatemní.

A je to približovanie sa Pána Ježiša, ktoré teraz prináša temnotu na zem. Či nepovedal, „Keď sa začnú diať tieto veci, pozdvihnite svoje hlavy, pretože vaše vykúpenie sa blíži.“

Palestína je národom. Židia sa vrátili z celého sveta a tam sa usadili, aby videli, ako príde, presne tak, ako Boh povedal, že príde. „Učte sa podobenstvu od fíka, keď vydáva svoje puky.“ On povedal, „A stane sa, že toto pokolenie nepominie, ani neodíde preč. Nikdy nebude mať konca, dokiaľ sa toto všetko nestane.“

31Aké pokolenie? Generácia, ktorá vidí ten figový strom, ako vydáva puky. Izrael bol vždy figovým stromom. „To, čo zanechali červy, pojedli húsenice,“ povedal Joel. „Čo nechali húsenice, zjedli červy. Čo zanechali červy, pojedli kobylky.“ A ak si to len všimnete, je to ten istý chrobák. Každý z tohto hmyzu, ktorý jedol z toho stromu, je ten istý hmyz, iba v inom štádiu.

A ten istý hriech a nevera, ktorá začala rozožierať Židov, že Ježiš nie je Kristus, ktorá vyžrala ten strom na neplodný pahýľ... A prorok to videl a plakal. Ale Pán povedal, „Ja to obnovím, hovorí Hospodin, všetky tie roky, ktoré húsenice, kobylky a červy požrali.“ A prvýkrát za dvetisíc päťsto rokov sa Židia vracajú do svojej domoviny. „Tá generácia nebude zrušená a nepominie, pokým sa všetky tieto veci nevyplnia. Potom vylejem Svojho Ducha v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, na mojich synov a dcéry. A budú prorokovať a Ja budem ukazovať divy.“

32Chorí budú uzdravovaní. Veľké moci budú vykonávané tým istým Duchom, ktorý povedal Abrahámovi, že Sára sa smiala v tom stane za ním. Potom vykríkneme, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“

A on povedal, „Noc prichádza.“ Sledujte, prvá noc... Ráno prichádza prvé, ale potom tiež aj noc. Pred svitaním, tam je vždy jedno veľké svetlo, ktoré je umiestnené v nebesiach, a to je tá ranná hviezda. Keď vidíte, ako sa vyjasňuje tá ranná hviezda, je jasnejšia a jasnejšia, a zem sa viac stmieva a stmieva. A to je dôvod, prečo je jasnejšia, je to preto, že zem je tmavšia.

A cirkev posledných dní je povolaná a vyvolená telom Kristovým, ako bolo zasľúbené v Biblii, že im dá rannú hviezdu.

33„Strážca, koľko je ešte noci? Čo sa ide stať?“ Tu to je. Na celý svet prichádza totálne spustošenie. Ale predtým, ako nastane zničenie, cirkev Ježiša Krista pôjde do vytrhnutia, aby sa tam stretla s Pánom.

Čo má tá ranná hviezda urobiť? Čo činí tú hviezdu, že tak svieti? Je to približovanie sa slnka. Ranná hviezda odráža slnečné svetlo. A ďalšie hviezdy, sa zdá, že sa v tej hodine vytrácajú.

Všetky tie ľuďmi vytvorené teológie, tie studené, formálne ľahostajnosti budú vysušené. Ale ten strážnik stojaci tam na tej veži s tou rannou hviezdou, bude odrážať to pravdivé posolstvo Pána Ježiša, ktoré sa rýchlo priblíži, pretože je jasnejšie a jasnejšie celý čas, ako slnko vychádza.

34Ó, povedal by som, „Ranné hviezdy, svieťte a žiarte na slávu Božiu. Lebo sa blíži polnoc, temnota visí nad zemou a veľká temnosť je na ľuďoch.“

Ale ráno prichádza a hviezdy budú vydávať svoje svetlo. Pomyslite na tú hroznú temnotu, ktorá je na celom svete. Myslite na tú hroznú temnosť, ktorá visí na každej dnešnej nespasenej osobe. Všetky národy, všetky hory, všetky farmy, a všetky domy, čo boli slávne, budú raz rozprášené na vulkanický popol v mihnutí oka.

Ale tí, ktorí milujú Pána, tí, ktorým svieti tá ranná hviezda, ktorí obracajú svoje oči na Neho a preč od tohto sveta...

35A ako Pavol napísal svoju záverečnú epištolu predtým, ako opustil zem, bol ustatý, nervózny a unavený. Ó, ako sa viem vžiť do pocitov toho malého Žida, keď povedal, „Už ma nič nebude ťažiť. Vybojoval som dobrý boj a dokončil som svoj beh. Držal som vieru. A odteraz je tu koruna spravodlivosti, ktorú mi Pán, ten Spravodlivý Sudca dá v tomto dni.“ Potom rozmýšľal o príchode ranných hviezd. Povedal, „Nie len mne, ale všetkým, ktorí milujú Jeho zjavenie sa.“

Ó, len pozdvihnite svoje hlavy, lebo vaše vykúpenie sa blíži. „Strážnik, prečo noviny takto hovoria? Čo spôsobuje, že sa veda bojí pohnúť? Čo robí ministerstvo obrany tak vystrašeným, že sa boja vypustiť nejakú informáciu?“ Pretože ľudia by spáchali samovraždy, rozhadzovali peniaze po uliciach, a tak ďalej. Ale čo sa deje? Čo to je? Koľko je ešte noci? Ráno prichádza. To je pravda. O čom to všetko vlastne je? To spôsobuje ranný príchod. A vytláča to navonok svetlo, čím sa vytvára veľká temnota, predtým, ako prichádza žiariace svetlo.

36Som tak rád, že môžem byť kresťanom. Som tak rád, že som Jeho strážnikom, jedným z nich, ktorý stojí na múre a kričí, „Pripravte sa, aby ste sa stretli s Bohom, lebo hodina Jeho príchodu sa blíži.“

Vy v tejto cirkvi, dnes ráno, ak je tu len jeden, ktorý si nie je istý, že tá Ranná Hviezda odráža svoje Svetlo do jeho srdca, ten veľký Svätý Duch, nech sa na to pripraví. Lebo sa ide udiať jedna z najväčších udalostí a už je nablízku. Stojíme na okraji a sledujeme drámu, ktorá sa odohráva.

Veľakrát som sledoval filmy. V Hollywoode a na rôznych iných miestach robia drámy. A ako vezmú svoje hviezdy, a tak ďalej, a rozmiestnia ich tam naokolo, a ako ich tam trénujú a všetko toto ešte predtým, ako sa tá dráma odohrá. Bol som užasnutý, keď som ich sledoval, a vedel som, že to musí byť falošná napodobenina.

Všetky falošné napodobeniny sú utvorené z tých skutočných vecí. Nemôže byť falšovaný dolár, pokiaľ neexistuje skutočný dolár. Nemôže byť pokrytec, ak neexistuje skutočný kresťan. Nemôže byť falošné posolstvo, dokiaľ neexistuje pravdivé. Nemôže byť noc, ak by nebol deň. Istotne.

37A ako som ich tam sledoval, keď tam pripravovali tú drámu, a myslel som si, „Ó, stojíme na veži ďaleko ponad všetko na tomto svete. A sledujeme dve najväčšie veci: dobiehanie času dokonca a príchod Pánov.“ Skoro už nebude žiadneho času. Nebude už žiaden čas, jedine príchod Pánov.

A antikrist tu má svojich poddaných. Má komunizmus; má rôzne „izmy.“ Má náboženskosť; má katolicizmus; má protestantizmus. Má všetko, čo potrebuje, aby urobil veľkú šou.

Ale som tak rád, že existuje Otec v nebesiach, ktorý ma tiež svoje postavy pre túto veľkú drámu. Keď ich antikrist vezme do pominutia všetkého, dokonca času, Boh má pripravenú Svoju drámu na to, aby vyzdvihol Svoju cirkev do večnosti, do tých blažených sfér večnosti s Bohom Samým, keď tieto staré zlé telá budú premenené a stvorené podľa Jeho vlastného slávneho tela a porušenie sa premení na nesmrteľnosť a v Jeho podobnosti tam budeme naveky stáť.

38Pozrite sa, vy, ktorí sledujete televíziu, ktorí počúvate rádio, čítate noviny, a vy, ktorí radi počujete nové správy, vy sa divíte, čo to je. Počúvajte môj hlas. Ráno prichádza, ale noc tiež prichádza. Ráno prichádza pre tých, ktorí sú pripravení na ráno; a noc prichádza pre tých, ktorí nie sú pripravení na ráno. Nech Boh dnes pripraví naše srdcia na ráno, kedy sa bude brieždiť večný jas a svetlo. A ako povedal básnik, „Jeho vyvolení sa zhromaždia vo svojich domovoch tam na oblohe. Keď tá listina bude vyvolaná, budem tam.“

Modlime sa.

V tejto hodine temnoty nad zemou a zničením na každom kroku, Pane Bože, nedokážeme vyjadriť, ako sa cítime s vďačnosťou v našich srdciach, že Ježiš Kristus zostúpil zo slávy a učinil sa Človekom, ako sme my, a prebýval medzi nami. A potom, keď zomrel za naše hriechy, prešiel do raja a vzal čakajúce duše, prelomil každú duchovnú moc, ktorou diabol zviazal zem; a urobil cestu, aby slnečné svetlo večnej Božej milosti mohlo svietiť na tých, ktorí sú ochotní to prijať...

39Bože, udeľ, aby sa dnes každý človek ponáhľal; ponáhľal, aby sa dostal do Kráľovstva, pretože to posolstvo bolo vždy naliehavé. „Ponáhľaj sa, ponáhľaj. Vyjdi!“ Povedal Anjel v Sodome, „Nedokážem nič urobiť, dokiaľ sem ty neprídeš.“

Pane, udeľ, aby bolo toto posolstvo plné milosti a moci a lásky, a pritom v naliehavosti. Udeľ, Pane, aby mohli ľudia rýchlo prísť a prijať Krista a byť naplnení Svätým Duchom. Lebo Ježiš povedal, „Tí, ktorí sú od Boha, počujú slová Božie.“ Nech len prídu a činia pokánie zo svojich hriechov a nech sú pokrstení na Meno Pána Ježiša na odpustenie svojich hriechov a sú naplnení Svätým Duchom; aby to udržalo ich dušu v stave, v akom bola tá prvá cirkev. Tak to bude, keď prídeš.

Sme Ti vďační za to posolstvo a prosíme Ťa, aby si ho požehnal, Pane, aby bolo dobrým v našich srdciach, ako očakávame na Teba. V Ježišovom Mene sa modlíme. Amen. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

Jeden za druhým dosiahneme portál,

aby sme tam prebývali v nesmrteľnosti,

keď budú zvoniť tie zlaté zvony,

pre teba a mňa.

40Či Ho nemilujete? Posolstvo je za nami, len Ho chváľme v Duchu, len... On je tu. Veľké, prísne slová, ale sú pravdivé. Hovorím ich v Kristovom Mene. Približovanie sa dňa... Považujte ma... [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

... teba a mňa (Len pozdvihnime svoje hlavy.) počuješ...

Či nepočuješ spievať Anjelov?

Sláva, haleluja, jubileum.

V tom sladkom zajtrajšku naveky.

Poza tou žiariacou riekou,

keď zaznejú tie zlaté zvony,

pre teba a mňa.

41Zatiaľ čo to bude znovu hrať, potrasme si navzájom ruky.

...zajtrajšku naveky

Poza tou žiariacou riekou,

Keď vierou prekročíme ten breh... (Len povedzme jeden druhému, „Pútnik, som rád, že som s tebou.“)

Jeden za druhým nadobudneme portál,

aby sme tam prebývali v nesmrteľnosti,

keď budú zvoniť tie zlaté zvony,

pre teba a mňa.

Či nepočuješ zvonenie zvonov?

Či nepočuješ spev Anjelov? (Čo to je?)

Sláva, haleluja, jubileum.

V tom sladkom zajtrajšku naveky.

Poza tou žiariacou riekou,

keď zaznejú tie...

42To mi práve niečo priviedlo na myseľ. Moja manželka tam vzadu si to iste dobre pamätá. Mal som privilégium navštíviť starý zbor Pisgah, biblický inštitút v Kalifornii. Mal som tam u nich jedno večerné zhromaždenie. Je to tá stará elektráreň. Čo za nádherné miesto. Stretol som tam pastora, brata Smitha. Viete, oni tlačia noviny. Iste tým pomáhajú. A nič za to neberú. Všetko je zadarmo. A robia to takto už vyše päťdesiat rokov.

43Začalo sa to jedným lekárom, ktorý bol chromý a prišiel pre pomoc do Kalifornie. A doktor mu povedal, „Nedá sa už s tebou nič robiť.“ Tuším to bol neskorší doktor Price, alebo niekto iný, kto sa tam zaňho modlil jedno ráno v tej izbe. No vtedy to nemalo hneď žiadne viditeľné výsledky. Ale to nič neznamená. Takže išiel ďalej. Povedal, „Ja tomu jednako verím.“ A keď schádzal dolu z obrubníka, jeho zmrzačená noha sa narovnala. Tak on teda založil Dom Pisgah.

A jeden večer som tam kázal. Boli tam v tej sále dosť naprataní a stovky krát stovky ich tam stálo na uliciach, a tak ďalej, ešte predtým, ako sa im vôbec podarilo dostať sa dovnútra. A potom, ako sme mali posolstvo za sebou, niečo sa stalo, dve veci, ktorým som nikdy predtým v živote nebol svedkom. Oni neboli len nejakou skupinou ľudí, ktorá sa snaží narobiť veľa hluku. Ani neboli len takou vyschnutou skupinou. Boli to Duchom naplnení ľudia. A radoval som sa z toho skvelého obecenstva.

44A keď som... predtým, ako som sa začal modliť za chorých, začali spievať niečo sladké ako toto. A ja som tam len stál a bol som plný úžasu. Povedal som, „Niečo sa tu deje, čomu nerozumiem.“ Počúval som znova a počul som dva chóry. Povedal som, „Musí tu byť nejaká chyba.“ A znovu som potriasol hlavou a ušami. Povedal som, „Ó, Pane, možno sa to len odráža od tohto zboru tu.“ Počul som jeden tam hore, veľmi vysoké hlasy. Povedal som, „Musí to byť tam hore.“

Tak som teda vyšiel z toho kazateľského miesta na povalu. Bolo to tam hore. A povedal som svojej žene, „Počuješ to, miláčik?“

Povedala, „Čo to je?“

„Sestra Arganbrightová,“ povedal som, „Počuješ to?“

Povedala, „Hej. Tuším som to už raz počula.“

Išiel som k bratovi Arganbrightovi, „Počuješ to?“

„Áno.“ Každý jeden z nich mal sklonenú hlavu a spievali.

Ó, povedal som, „Možno... Chcem si byť istý. Nechcem byť skeptický. Ale, Pane, ak som Tvojím svedkom a mám byť strážcom, musím vedieť, o čom hovorím. Musím si tým byť istý.“ Ako Božské Uzdravenie, ak si tým nie som istý, nič o tom nejdem povedať. Ak si nie som istý, že toto je Príchod Pánov, nič by som o tom nehovoril. Musím si byť istý.“

45Dostal som sa znovu do tej jamy a každý jeden z nich tam mal sklonenú hlavu. A to volanie z oltára, veľa ľudí malo vystreté ruky ku oknu, ako prichádzali ku Kristovi. A spievali. Keď som sa tam dolu dostal, povedal som, „Pane, to tak nemôže byť.“ Oni tam spievali len ako obyčajní ľudia. Ale tu hore ich bolo... znelo to, akoby to bola len taká hŕstka, asi dve alebo tri tisíc. Ale vyzeralo to, akoby ich tam hore bolo možno stotisíc. A bol to jeden z tých najsladších hlasov, skutočne vysoký soprán, ako ženské hlasy.

Tak som počúval, pričom som sa zachvel po celom tele. Na chvíľu som ustúpil dozadu. Počúval som. Vykročil som do uličky, vrátil som sa, pretože oni len stále spievali v Duchu. Znovu som sa započúval. Nebol to ten hlas. Tam dolu som ich mohol počuť ako jeden druh hlasu; a tam hore zase iný.

Takže, keď bolo po zhromaždení, povedal som pastorovi, „Pastor, počul som niečo zvláštne.“

Povedal, „Čo to bolo, brat Branham?“

Povedal som, „Počul som sopránové hlasy žien a vysoké trénované hlasy, tie najsladšie, aké som v živote počul, boli tam hore.“

On povedal, „To sa tu už dalo často počuť, brat Branham.“

46Čítal som raz o starej matke (Práve som zabudol, ako sa volá), ktorá sa zvykla modliť za chorých. A jeden večer, potom, ako pastor skončil kázanie, tá malá matka išla dolu a modlila sa za chorých. Mala asi päť alebo šesť detí, ktoré boli okolo nej. A zastavila sa a počúvala. A je to pani Woodworth Etterová, ak ste niekedy čítali jej knihu. A ona počula a povedala, „V tej cirkvi pri spievaní je počuť zhora spievať chór.“ Potom, ako sa tam tie hlasy dolu ukončili, ono to stále spievalo. Vidíte?

47Tak som tam stál a sledoval to vzadu v tej budove, ako to bolo na poriadku a dokonale... No, verím v hovorenie v jazykoch. Verím, že to je dar Boží, ktorý je v cirkvi. A verím, že to je tiež zneužité, ako aj ostatné miesta Písma bývajú zneužité. Ale existuje skutočné, áno.

A tento človek sa postavil vzadu v tej budove a povedal zo štyri-päť slov v nejakom cudzom jazyku, nie len... bol to dialekt. Mohli ste to počuť. Každý bol ticho. A niečo mnou pohlo. Nikdy som ešte nemal výklad v mojom živote a ani vtedy som ho nepoužil, pretože som bol vydesený. Tieto veci sú od Boha. Lepšie urobíte, keď s nimi nebudete robiť hlúposti.

Niečo mi povedalo, „Pastor sa bude modliť modlitbu viery.“ Musel som držať zavreté ústa. A čakal som a tu to znovu prišlo, také zavlnenie a povedalo to, „Pastor sa bude modliť modlitbu viery.“

Myslel som si, „Pane, nemám žiadne dary vykladania. Ten môj je, aby som sa modlil za chorých. Takže ja nemám žiadne dary vykladania.“ A znovu som zavrel svoje ústa a ticho stál. A práve potom sa pastor postavil a začal sa modliť za chorých.

Ó, On je Bohom. Tie nemoci boli všetky uzdravené v celej tej budove. Čo to je? Svitanie dňa. Zostal ešte jeden malý konár. Neobávajte sa. Boh nikdy nebol bez svedka. Dôverujem, že niekde je niečo veľké, tajomné, možno nie s anjelským hlasom, ale niečo nechá každého hriešnika, ak by tu bol nejaký v tejto budove, vediac, že noc je tmavšia a tmavšia ponad zemou a je tu veľká temnota. Ale to je to, čo to robí, pretože Príchod Pánov je blízko.

48A ako váš strážca hovorím, „Ráno prichádza. Buďte pripravené, ranné hviezdy; svieťte.“ Koľkí z vás by chceli byť spomenutí v záverečnej modlitbe predtým, ako pôjdeme? Len pozdvihnite svoje ruky.

Drahý Bože, Ty vidíš ľudí, ako dvíhajú svoje ruky. A oni sú v tom úprimní. Veľa z tých, ktorí prehľadávali noviny, hľadali vo filozofických knihách a článkoch o rôznych veciach, ale stále nedokážu nájsť žiadnu odpoveď. Ale teraz prichádza to ráno v Biblii, „Prichádza ráno, ale príde aj noc.“

A my sa modlíme, Bože, aby si požehnal každú osobu tu, ktorá má zdvihnutú ruku. A Ty vieš, čo je za tou zdvihnutou rukou. A, Pane, ja verím, že práve tam, kde sedia, že ten Všadeprítomný Boh je schopný rozdeliť im dedičstvo Ducha, ktoré v tejto hodine hľadajú.

Daj to každému, Pane, kvôli Tvojmu Slovu a ich túžbe a Tvojmu Božskému zasľúbeniu, ktoré nemôže zlyhať. Nech len príjmu to, pre čo majú zodvihnuté ruky a ako im ja vyjadrujem modlitbu pre ich dobro. V Mene Pána Ježiša, nech to príjmu. Amen. Nech je Boh s vami.

49No, máme ešte trochu času... No, ideme sa teraz modliť za chorých. Som tak šťastný, že viem, že existuje nádej pre nemocných. „Ja som Hospodin, ktorý odpúšťa všetky tvoje neprávosti, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.“ A ja som práve... Je to zvláštne, ale bol som pred chvíľou pohnutý tou mladou matkou ležiacou na lôžku. Je obeťou Hodgkinovej choroby. Tuším to je jej matka, čo tam s ňou sedí; som si istý. Áno, tak je.

A táto matka mi rozprávala o svojom dieťati a ja som sa ju snažil povzbudiť. A potom som zavolal... Po tomto posolstve cítim, že spasenie je prvá vec; uzdravenie je druhá. Uzdravenie môže trvať do konca tvojho života, mnoho rokov. Môže ti to dať šťastie a radosť, zatiaľ čo si tu na zemi, ale to pominie s tvojou smrťou.

Ale duša, ktorá je spasená, má Večný Život. Nemôže pominúť, ani ti ju nič nemôže vziať. Je zapísaná v knihách Božích, aby bola vzkriesená v posledných dňoch. Tá veľká vec je tá prvá vec. Najprv Kráľovstvo Božie a Jeho spravodlivosť a ostatné bude pridané.

50Chcel by som povedať ešte jedno svedectvo uzdravenia jednej hroznej choroby, ktorou táto mladá žena trpí. A pred nejakým časom... (Možno tu niekde je, nie som tu tak často, aby som vedel, kto je kto. Mnohých z vás ani nepoznám.) Ale bolo tam mladé dievča tu v našej škole a trpela touto Hodgkinovou chorobou, a tak ju vzali k lekári, keď sa jej vyhadzovali tie veľké opuchliny.

A oni vzali kúsok tej opuchliny a poslali to na vyšetrenie, že čo to je, a naspäť dostali, „Neliečiteľná Hodgkinova choroba.“ A tá matka ani nechcela dovoliť, aby sa jej dieťa dozvedelo, čo bol jej problém. Tak doktori poradili tej matke, nech ju len nechá chodiť do školy, pretože má ešte pred sebou niekoľko dní života. Nakoniec sa jej z toho takmer zlomilo srdce. A Hodgkinova choroba je rakovina; vieme to, určitá forma rakoviny.

51Tak oni poslali to mladé dievča do školy, aby ju nechali zomrieť. Tá matka bola zúfalá. Tak mi teda zatelefonovala a povedala, „Chcela by som ju tam priniesť. Ale chápem, brat Branham, že v tvojich modlitebných radoch veľakrát vyvoláš choroby, keď máš inšpiráciu Ducha.“ Povedala, „Bol by si taký milý, že ak ti Svätý Duch zjaví niečo o tom dieťati, že to nepovieš?“

„No,“ povedal som, „Nemyslím si, že by to zjavil, ak by nechcel, aby sa to vedelo.“ Povedal som, „Sotva, nemyslím si to. A tu v mojej vlastnej modlitebni mám len zriedkakedy takéto typy zhromaždení.“ Povedal som, „Len sa modlím za chorých.“

A tá mladá dáma prišla do radu a opýtal som sa tej matky, „Si kresťanka?“

Povedala, „Nie.“

Povedal som, „Je toto dievča kresťankou?“

„Nie je.“

Povedal som, „To je potom dosť hrozné, odísť takto zo sveta.“ A povedal som, „Nikdy ju viac neuvidíš, ak pôjde v takomto stave.“

Takže keď tá mladá dáma prišla do tej miestnosti v to ráno, a prešla popri tom istom mieste, kde som sa za ňu modlil (tak bude aj s týmto dievčaťom za pár minút) a opýtal som sa jej. Už som ju poznal, tak som povedal, „Si ty tá mladá dáma z tej strednej školy?“

Povedala, „Som.“

Povedal som, „Si si vedomá svojej nemoci?“

Povedala, „Lekár mi povedal, že si myslia, že budem v poriadku.“

„Dobre,“ povedal som, „ale čo ak nebudeš v poriadku? Si kresťankou?“

Povedala, „Nie, pane, nie som.“

Povedal som, „Priala by si si byť kresťankou?“

Povedala, „Áno.“

A povedal som, „Odovzdala by si svoje srdce Kristovi?“

Povedala, že áno. A jej matka tam hneď vybehla a povedala, že by tiež chcela. Tak som ich obe pokrstil v bazéne a modlil som sa za to mladé dievča. A čas išiel a nakoniec sa to s ňou zlepšovalo deň za dňom, až ani nevedela, či niečo nie je v poriadku. A po nejakom čase ju opäť vyšetrili a nemohli už po tom nájsť ani stopy.

52Je tu... Nerád hovorím o ľuďoch prehnané veci, ale rád som čestný k ľuďom. A tu je jeden brat v tomto meste veľmi známy, milý kresťanský brat, inak by nebol diakonom v tejto cirkvi; alebo teda dôverníkom cirkvi. A je tu teraz niekde. A tak to vzal na seba, aby viedol záznamy toho dievčaťa.

Bolo to roky neskôr, dva alebo tri roky nato, ako dievča ukončilo školu a chodila s jedným chlapcom. A jedného dňa som ju stretol na ulici a bola veľmi šťastná a svedčila o sláve moci Ježiša Krista potom, ako jej povedali, čo to nakoniec bolo.

To dievča je teraz vydaté. Má deti a žije šťastne. A jej otec prišiel do podniku toho muža, aby sa dal ostrihať. A tuto pán Egan, ktorý nás stále informoval o priebehu toho prípadu... A to dievča je v poriadku a je to už asi (Ako dlho, brat Egan?), už asi pár rokov, nie? A dnes žije a je svedectvom, že Boh uzdravuje Hodgkinovu chorobu.

53Ó, je to tak dobré vedieť, že v týchto hodinách núdze máme nejaké útočisko. Tým útočiskom je Kristus. A chcel by som vás informovať ešte o niečom, čo sa stalo na jednom malom zhromaždení.

Pán bol tak dobrý, že odpovedal na všetky vaše modlitby, ako som nedávno išiel na západ na jedno zhromaždenie: pred pár týždňami, asi dva týždne. A zatiaľ čo sme boli v Tulse na zhromaždeniach, ja som tam nemal hovoriť, pretože som mal mať na jednom mieste zhromaždenie, ale tí kazatelia tam mali ďalšie prebudenecké prebudenia, takže som tam v tom čase nemohol mať zhromaždenie.

54Ale išiel som okolo, tak som vyzdvihol brata Arganbrighta, aby som ho zobral do Kalifornie: moja žena, ja a malý Jozef. A v ten večer, keď sme prišli trochu neskoro, pochopil som, že Oral Roberts a Tommy Osborn tam mali v ten večer kázať. Tak brat Agranbright zavolal do hotela, dokiaľ nezistil, kde sme, a povedal, „Poď tam dolu na zhromaždenie.“ Tak on tam prišiel, on a brat Sonmore, kresťanský obchodník, hlava zhromaždenia v Minneapolis. A prišli ku mne, tak som išiel s nimi a večeru mali v Mayovej tanečnej sále, veľké miesto, sedeli tam multimilionári.

A tak, viete, ako som sa asi cítil, keď som mal ísť na také miesto. Nevedel som dokonca ani ako použiť nože a vidličky, ktoré sme mali na stole. Ale išiel som tam, a keď som vstúpil, kázal tam Oral Roberts. A kázal o hojnosti života, hojnosť a hovoril kresťanským obchodníkom, že Ježiš chytil ryby, dal ich do siete a mali viac, ako mohli vôbec použiť.

55A brat Roberts, ako iste viete, je dosť mocný rečník. A povedal, „To je dostatok pre každého.“ A povedal, „No, staviam tuto taký chrám.“ (Asi stál aj milióny dolárov.) Povedal, „Bude to vybudované z bieleho mramoru.“ A povedal, „Už sme asi v polovici a ja som už takmer minul peniaze.“ A povedal, „Potom som išiel po ulici, aby som sa na to pozrel a diabol povedal, 'Vieš čo? Ľudia prechádzajú okolo a hovoria, že to je to, čo urobil Oral Roberts.'“

On povedal, „Potom som povedal diablovi, 'Ale budú musieť povedať, že to sa Oral Roberts snažil.'“ To je dobré. A povedal, „Potom to bolo na srdci jedného bankára v meste, aby mi dal pôžičku na asi dva milióny, aby som tú stavbu dokončil.“

Banky to nerobia. Viete to. A povedal, „Jeden istý obchodník, bankár, tu práve sedí.“ On povedal, „Nechcem spomínať jeho meno, pretože nepatrí až tak celkom k ľuďom Plného Evanjelia.“ Ale povedal, „On je tu.“ Povedal, „Nemyslím, že niekedy vôbec tvrdil, že by bol kresťanom.“ Ale povedal, „Niečo pohlo jeho srdcom a dal mi tie peniaze.“ Povedal, „Ak sa chce postaviť,“ povedal, „môže, ale nejdem priviesť toho človeka do rozpakov.“

A ten človek sa postavil a povedal, „Nie som v rozpakoch, pán Roberts,“ a sadol si.

56Potom som sa tam aj ja dostal a sadol som si. A potom, ako brat Roberts skončil, prišiel ku mne a podal mi ruku a objal ma. A pár minút na to, samozrejme veľa ľudí sa tam okolo pohybovalo, viete, rozprávali, a my sme tam stále jedli a oni chceli zhromaždenia, tí kazatelia, a tak ďalej.

57A potom sa tam dostal Demos Shakarian. Viete, on je prezidentom zhromaždenia obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. A dostal sa tam a povedal, „Viete, cítil som sa tak vedený, že by mal brat Branham dnes večer kázať finálne posolstvo.“ Nuž, ja som nevedel, čo povedať. A on nám začal rozprávať o človeku, ktorý tu sedí.“ Povedal, „Tu je ten-a-ten; dnes som ho stretol. A hovorili mi, že vlastnia tri alebo štyri kompletné sídliská v Miracle Miles.“ Multimilionári, chovatelia dobytka, a tak ďalej. A čo som asi tak mohol povedať v takomto zhromaždení.

58Ale viete, poslúchať je vždy najlepšie. Tak som tam vystúpil a hovoril najlepšie, ako sa dalo, a na konci zhromaždenia... Je to vždy mimo, zavolať ľudí k oltáru na takomto zhromaždení. A ja zvyčajne volám ľudí k oltáru na pohreboch. A tak som si myslel, že teraz je dobrá šanca, tak som zavolal ľudí k oltáru. A všetci tí bohatí muži a ženy prišli k Pánovi Ježišovi a odovzdali svoje srdcia Pánovi.

Bol som užasnutý jedným milionárom, manželkou toho multimilionára, ktorá mala taký malý klobúk, z ktorého takto dolu viselo perie po jednej strane, asi ju to vyšlo stovky dolárov. A slzy jej tiekli dolu po lícach, chytila ma za ruku a povedala, „Brat Branham, moje srdce je pohnuté.“ Povedala, „Až doteraz som si myslela, že som kresťankou.“ Povedala, „Chcem slúžiť Pánovi.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem.“

59A po pár minútach mi niečo povedalo, „Modli sa teraz za chorých.“

Myslel som si, „Ó, nie. Nemôžem to urobiť. To by som narušil túto veľkú tanečnú sálu. A navyše, ak sa teraz budem modliť za chorých, skutočne si potom budú myslieť, že som fanatik.“ Tak som si myslel, „Istotne, Pán by mi to nehovoril, to som už asi úplne vyčerpaný, kvôli týmto obráteným. Tak som sa tam prešmykol a sadol som si.“ A tak som išiel dolu k stolu rovno na koniec a sadol som si s bratom Jack Moorom, ktorý tam sedel a rozprával sa.

A tak som odovzdal službu späť prezidentovi, pánovi Shakarianovi. A potom, keď tam vystúpil, povedal, „Viete čo?“ Ó, Boh mu musel položiť ruku na plece. Povedal, „Cítim sa tak vedený, že by sa brat Branham teraz vrátil sem a modlil sa za chorých.“

Myslel som si, „Ó,“ presne tak.

60Tak som tam vystúpil a povedal im, „Cítim sa tak, modlím sa, aby mi Boh odpustil, ale je lepšie, keď je tiež niekto iný dotknutý, viete, čo nám všetkým spôsobuje, že vieme, že to je pôsobenie Ducha.“

Tak som povedal, „No, Božské Uzdravenie nie je dotýkanie sa nejakého totemu. Nie je to len nejaká predstava. Je to stále ten istý Boh, ktorý aj pred chvíľou spasil týchto ľudí. On je ten istý Boh, ktorý uzdravuje týchto ľudí, všetkých, čo sú tu, stačí len jednoduchá viera v Neho.“ Povedal som, „Či tomu veríte?“

A teraz, tajomstvo pre moju cirkev... Ako viete, moja služba sa mení. Ó, čo za slávna zmena. Všetci si pamätáte tie slová, ktoré zvonili, a vždy keď sa to deje, niečo sa stane. Keď o tom idem hovoriť, niečo mi hovorí, „Prehovor k tej hore.“ Prečo to tak bolo? Je to skrze vieru. Všetko je z viery. Viera nie je niečo, čo si vypracuješ. Viera je niečo, čo máš.

61A myslel som si, že ak by... Vždy som sa hanbil za svoju vieru. Ale ľudia, tak dobrí, ako bol Pán, On nám ukázal veci, povedal videnia; všetko bolo dokonalé. Vy ľudia to viete. Nie je to jednotlivec. Nie je to človek. Je to Boh, ktorý to robí. A tento obraz tu, on ide po celom svete. Tí v Nemecku... A tu pred pár týždňami (Možno, ak je tu nejaký cudzinec, tak to ešte nevidel.), oni odfotili ešte jeden. Mám ho doma. Je to profil Pána Ježiša stojaceho presne za mnou, ako som tam stál. A Jeho ruky, jazyky ohňa vychádzali z Jeho rúk, keď som tam kázal na tému, „Povedz tejto hore, 'Pohni sa!' a nepochybuj vo svojom srdci, ale ver!“

A tu to niekde máme. Je to vo farbách Techni-Kodachrome. A teraz to, myslím, že niekde doma máme. A oni robia... Bolo to preskúmané vedou, a tak ďalej, a v laboratóriách. Čoskoro to už vyjde. A potom ďalší, asi šesť z nich, všetko na rôznych miestach. A toto je z nich to najpozoruhodnejšie.

62Nikdy som nevidel... Toto je Jeho brada, Jeho tvár, Jeho profil a tuto Jeho ruky. A takto som tam stál a tam, kde On mal tie ruky, nemohli ste na ňom vidieť takéto miesto. Moja hlava, potom moje nohy na podlahe; len hlava a nohy, to jediné, čo tam zostalo. Vidíte?

A takto tam stál s tými rukami a ja som kázal a mal som takto ruky a hovoril som, „Povedz tejto hore.“ A práve v tom čase sa niečo udialo a odfotili to tam, bol som asi takto. A tam to bolo presne za mnou. Všetko vo farbách. A veľký...

Tak, ako Boh aranžuje veľký košík ľalií a má ich tam v blízkosti: On je Ľalia Údolia. A odkiaľ dostávate ópium? Z ľalií. To je pravda. Čo je tým ópiom, ktorý Boh má? Pokoj. Ópium spôsobí, že zabudneš na všetky svoje ťažkosti. Fajčiari ópia, to je to, ako sa tým ópiom zabíjajú. Ale aj Boh má ópium. Amen. Zmierňuje každú bolesť, uzdravuje všetky nemoci a berie preč každú ustatosť. A koľko vdychujeme toho Jeho ópia, toľko sme v pokoji.

A ten veľký košík ľalií bol práve rovno predo mnou, ako som tam kázal na pódiu.

63A modlil som sa za chorých tam v Tulse, ale potom som zišiel dolu a vyšiel von. A okolo desať minút na to, no, nechcem spomínať meno toho evanjelistu, ale žena, ktorá mala artritídu chrbtice, ktorá pracovala pre tohoto evanjelistu, bola stenografka, ale musela takto písať, pretože ramená a ruky mala akoby zviazané. A takto písala a tento veľký a významný evanjelista tam v Tulse si ju zamestnal do svojho zamestnania, aby jej dal prácu. A ako išla dolu tou sálou, náhle sa jej ruky uvoľnili a začala kričať a skákať, až upútala pozornosť každého, kto tam bol.

A táto milá žena padla na kolená a dvíhala ruky a takto nimi tlieskala na slávu Božiu, pretože Boh ju hneď oslobodil, len krátko po modlitbe. Tak som sa tam prešmykol, aby som to počul a videl, čo hovorí. Povedala, „Len som tak prechádzala sálou.“

Povedal som, „Výborne, vďaka Bohu.“ A otočil som sa a išiel inou cestou a počul som a videl, ako dolu bežali všetci hriešnici, aby videli, čo sa deje.

64A bol tam muž, ktorý sa tam postavil, brat Gardner, zrovna ten človek, ktorý mi dal tento kabát... Väčšina z vás asi poznáte brata Gardnera, brat Gardner z Bindhamptonu, New York, významný obchodník s autami Oldsmobile, za tri roky predal viac áut Oldsmobile, ako ktokoľvek iný v Spojených štátoch.

A letel raz v osobnom lietadle. A asi tak pred rokom, jeho meno je inak Georgie Gardner a jeho osobný pilot raz letel sám a padol (aj s lietadlom), a praskli mu kolená a členky. A jeho nohy a chodidlá boli stuhnuté; a takto nejako kráčal: jeho osobný pilot.

A bol tam prítomný, keď sme sa tam modlili. A nejako sa z tej sály, kde bol ten banket, dostal. A zariadili mu tam blízko izbu, takže nemal problém tam chodiť, pretože to mal blízko.

A tu je jeho svedectvo: Išiel do svojej izby a sadol si, dokonca ani nebol kresťanom. A povedal, „Jednako proste verím tomu plešatému chlapíkovi, ktorý tam dnes večer kázal.“ A povedal, že si začal všímať, ako sa mu trasú chodidlá, a na to vyskočil na svoje nohy, každý kúsok uzdravený a vyskakoval a slávil Boha, stál a takto dvíhal nohy hore a dole a potom takto na boky chodidiel, a tak ďalej, a svedčil o sláve Božej.

65A predtým, ako sme sa začali modliť za chorých, som tam stál s bratom Arganbrightom a môj veľmi dobrý priateľ Leo Gene skutočne vie, čo sú telefónne hovory. Bzučal tam ten telefón a brat Arganbright by aj zdvihol, ale viete, nemôžete byť všade. Ale nejako sa stalo, že ja som zdvihol ten telefón. A ja verím, že všetko pracuje v Božej prozreteľnej ceste, vy nie? Verím, že to je to, prečo tu je táto mladá pani. Verím, že to je to, prečo sme tu my všetci. Prečo som ja tu. A sme spolu z nejakého dôvodu zhromaždení na slávu Božiu. Prečo by sme tu asi len tak dnes ráno chodili po tejto ľadovej zemi?

66Tak som teda zdvihol ten telefón, pretože brat Arganbright nebol v miestnosti. A niekto povedal, „Rád by som hovoril s bratom Branhamom.“

Povedal som, „Ja som brat Branham.“

Bol to Španiel. Povedal, „Pane, je to asi nerozumné opýtať sa otázku, ktorú sa práve idem opýtať.“ Povedal, „Viem si predstaviť, ako vás ľudia ťahajú, a tak ďalej.“ Ale povedal, „Som misionárom v Mexiku.“ A povedal, „Ja... Tam vzadu... Žijem tu v La Crescenta a práve pred pár hodinami som sa dozvedel, že si tu v meste.“ A povedal, „Priniesol som tu svoje bábätko, aby som sa ho k tebe nejako pokúsil priviesť, alebo k bratovi Robertsovi či niektorému z bratov, ktorí sa modlia za chorých.“ A povedal, „Je to moje dieťa a moja viera je, hádam, tak trochu slabá.“ On povedal, „Moje bábätko nemá ešte ani štyri mesiace a už zomiera na rakovinu.“

A niečo mi povedalo, choď za tým dieťaťom. Povedal som, „Pane, zoberiem brata Arganbrighta a povieš mu, kde je to dieťa. Stretneme sa potom.“

Tak zobral... Vzal som brata Arganbrighta a on mu o tom povedal. Tak sme nasadli do auta a vyrazili. A stretol som tam jeho drobnú ženu. A on, síce je Mexičan, hoci na to nevyzerá, má tak trochu svetlú bielu pokožku, ale je to Mexičan, lebo oni sú veľakrát blonďaví, pretože prišli medzi Španielov a Indiánov. A toto bol jeden z takých Indiánov, mal blonďavé, až takmer snehobiele vlasy.

67A potom... Jeho manželka bola Fínka, silno blonďavá, veľmi milá mladá žena. A tak som s ním išiel do nemocnice, aby som sa na to dieťa pozrel. A keď som do tej miestnosti vstúpil, mali ju na posteli, ktorá bola pri hlavnej miestnosti zdravotných sestier. A to malé dieťa malo ledva štyri mesiace, narodilo sa so zhubným nádorom, ktorý sa takto pri sánkach napuchoval a takto sa tiahol po tvári a potom takto.

A tí doktori sa to snažili operovať, tie veľké hlboké jazvy, ktoré sa tiahli dookola celého hrdla. A ani to nepomohlo. Jedine sa to akurát rozšírilo až k jazyku. A tá malá sánka takto visela s tými veľkými hlbokými jazvami. A ten malý jazyk, malé ústa, nič veľké. A jej jazyk bol takto napuchnutý, až sa takto vytlačil a potom sčernel a zastavoval dýchanie z nozdier, keď sa potom napuchol až k podnebiu jej úst. A samozrejme to potom bránilo dýchaniu. Museli tam vyrezať dieru do hrdla asi takto nejako a potom jej tam dali do hrdla takú akoby malú píšťalku, taký kúsok okrúhleho pliešku.

68A jej malé ruky boli na dlahách, asi takto, takže tú píšťalku si nemohlo ani vytiahnuť von. Jednoducho by sa zadusilo. A tá rakovina stekala... A tá zdravotná sestra tam stále musela stáť, aby odvodňovala tú rakovinu von z tej píšťaly, pretože by sa udusilo k smrti.

A jej otec sa tam okolo prechádzal a prišiel k tej posteli a povedal, „Ricky, oteckov malý chlapec.“ Povedal, „Otecko ti priviedol brata Branhama, aby sa za teba pomodlil, Ricky.“ Keď povedal, „Ocinkov malý chlapec,“ môj duch ma takmer opustil. Nedokázal som tam dlhšie stáť. Musel som sa len držať pri tej posteli. „Ocinkov malý chlapec.“

A ten malý chlapec, hoci bol len taký maličký, dobre vedel, že to bol jeho otec. A takto potom začal chrčať a takto pohybovať svojimi malými rukami; a snažil sa potľapkať po hlave. A tak úbohé, malé dieťa narodené v takom stave...

69Jednoducho som nedokázal ani hovoriť. Viete, bolo to na mňa až tak veľa, že som nedokázal nič povedať. A pozrel som sa dole a videl tie drobné rúčky, ako boli na tých dlahách, ako vydávali taký chrapľavý zvuk a myslel som si, „Ó, nie je to žalostné?“

A keď som sa už aspoň trochu dostal do seba, aby som mohol nad niečím rozmýšľať, pomyslel som si, „Ježišu, mieniš tým, že máš z toho potešenie, keď vidíš niečo takéto? Nemôžem tomu uveriť. Nedokážem uveriť, že dostávaš slávu z takto trpiaceho malého dieťaťa. Nemôže to tak byť. Ak to spôsobuje, že ja, hriešnik, to tak cítim ohľadne toho dieťaťa, o čo viac Ty, Zdroj všetkej Milosti? Čo to musí urobiť s Tebou?“ Nepovedal som ani slovo, pretože on sa snažil s tým dieťaťom hrať, trochu ho utíšiť. A to malé telo s tou plienkou, veľmi malé telíčko, ani nie takto veľké a hlava bola tou najväčšou časťou, mal takto napuchnuté sánky.

A viete, niečo tam museli držať, aby mu nepraskla hlava, nejakú handru, malo to tak napuchnuté čeľuste, museli to niečím chrániť, aby mu nepraskla.

70A stála tam zdravotná sestra. A pozrel som na toho malého chlapca a pomyslel si, „Pane, čo by si Ty urobil, keby si tu stál?“

Som si vedomý, že som teraz za kazateľňou a uvedomujem si, že Boh je prítomný. Ale zdalo sa, že niečo prehovorilo do mojej duše a povedalo, „Ja len čakám a sledujem, čo s tým ideš urobiť. Dal som Svoju autoritu cirkvi. A ty si tam prišiel, aby si 'prehovoril k tejto hore.' Dal som Svoju autoritu cirkvi a čakám, čo s tým urobíš.“

A divím sa, že či to nie je po celý ten čas Jeho prístup k nám, On len čaká, aby videl, čo s tým urobíme. Čo tie znaky času, o ktorých sme práve kázali? Čo by On urobil? On len čaká, čo my urobíme.

Tak som vzal ruku toho dieťaťa do mojej, takto medzi svoje prsty; bola taká maličká. A povedal som, „Pane, vypočuj modlitbu Tvojho služobníka. A vierou ja verím, že Ty si, a medzi démona rakoviny a život tohto bábätka umiestňujem Krv Ježiša Krista. Medzi zabijaka a toto dieťa vierou umiestňujem Krv.“ A nič viac som nemohol povedať. Len som sa otočil a vyšiel von. Ten otec ma nasledoval.

71Povedal, „Brat Branham, Boh mi dal na srdce, aby som ti dal desiatok.“

„Ó,“ povedal som, „brat, nemysli na to. Nie,“ povedal som, „nepotrebujem peniaze, brat.“

On povedal, „Ale zarobil som nejaké peniaze.“ (Ó, málo peňazí, zabudol som koľko presne; myslím, že okolo päťdesiat dolárov.) Povedal, „Boh mi to umiestnil na srdce, aby som ti to dal.“

Povedal som, „Vieš čo, niečo ti poviem. Prijmem to, a potom to dám malému Rickymu na nemocničný účet, pretože ty si kazateľom. Viem, čo to je, viem, čo peniaze znamenajú. A ty si misionárom a ja veľmi dobre viem, aké peniaze to vyžaduje, a okrem toho máš rodinu a všetky tieto nemocničné účty. Daj to na Rickyho účet.“

Povedal, „Nechcem to urobiť, brat Branham. To sa nemá platiť lekárom, má sa to platiť kazateľom.“

A povedal som, „Áno, lenže ja to dávam späť tebe.“ A tak som to odmietol. A išiel som do toho domu a bola to záležitosť len pár hodín, jeho čeľusť sa napravila a jazyk sa vrátil späť na normálne miesto. Boh toho malého chlapca uzdravil. Už v to ráno, keď som odtiaľ odišiel, vytiahli tú píšťalu. A tento prípad zalarmoval celé Západné Pobrežie.

72Slávny doktor poslal svojho syna aj s vnukom a prešli cestou štyridsať alebo päťdesiat míľ v Pasadene a prechádzali cestou, ktorú som aj ja obchádzal, keď som sa išiel modliť za dieťa, ktoré malo mozgový kŕč. Dali mu penicilín, a to spôsobilo, že rakovina vlastne pochádzala z účinkov toho penicilínu a bolo to na tom boku. A som si istý, že Boh ho uzdravil.

73Predtým ako som odchádzal z toho domu, zazvonil telefón. A brat Arganbright, počul som ho, ako sa s niekým háda, povedal, „Nie, neurobil by som to.“ A ako som tak nasadal do auta, akurát dorazilo jedno mále kombi. A zrovna to bol môj mexický brat so ženou, obaja kričali a chválili Boha.

Povedal, „Brat Branham, dávam ti tieto desiatky.“

„Ó,“ povedal som, „brat, ja to jednoducho nemôžem prijať.“ Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť.“

Povedal, „Ale ja ti to dávam,“ povedal....

Povedal som, „Hovorím ti, aby si ich dal na Rickyho účet.“

On povedal, „Dnes ráno, keď som práve doniesol tieto desiatky doktorovi na Rickyho účet, lekár povedal, 'Nič mi nedlžíš.' Povedal, 'Nemám s tým nič dočinenia.' Povedal, 'Je to skutočne veľký jav.' Povedal, 'Nedlžíš mi ani cent.'“

Tak on mi povedal, „Vezmi si to, brat Branham. Pán mi povedal, že to máš zobrať.“ Pomyslel som si, „Ó, to nemôžem.“ Povedal som, „Pane, necítim sa, že by som to mal urobiť.“ Ale potom mi niečo napadlo. Ježiš tam jedného dňa stál a sledoval toho bohatého muža, ako sa tešil zo svojej veľkej hojnosti peňazí. Ó, oni mali iste mnoho, takže preto aj mnoho dávali. A prišla malá vdova s troma haliermi a to bolo všetko, čo mala. To bolo všetko, z čoho žila. A ona to tam hodila. No, ale čo by sme my urobili? „Ó, sestra, nerob to, ó, vieš, my to nepotrebujeme. Nedávaj tam zase všetko. Veď to je všetko, z čoho žiješ.“ Ale Ježiš ju len nechal, aby to urobila. Preto je omnoho požehnanejšie dávať ako dostávať.

Stále mám ten malý desiatok. Neviem, čo s ním mám robiť. Dám ich niekde do nejakej práce pre slávu Božiu, najlepšie, ako budem vedieť. Čo to je? Je to sláva Božia. Je to moc Božia.

74Tiene padajú. Kristus sa objavuje. Preto sa objavujú znaky a divy. Je to to veľké slnečné svetlo, ktoré odráža ranné hviezdy s uzdravením na Jeho krídlach. A ak On prinesie uzdravenie z odrazu Jeho Prítomnosti, čo bude robiť, keď príde ako Osoba.

Tieto naše porušiteľné telá budú premenené na Jeho oslávené telo. Čo to bude, keď On príde? Dokiaľ príde, sme vďační za to slnečné svetlo Jeho Prítomnosti. Ako to robia ranné hviezdy, šplhám sa na hradby slávy a stojím tam, aby som vzdával slávu Jeho príchodu v tejto temnej hodine. Pomodlime sa.

75Ó, Pane, tak Ťa milujeme, Pane, že sa nedá povedať, ako dlho... Nikdy nie sme unavení zo svedčenia o Tebe a oslavovania Ťa. Ale tá hodina tu je teraz. Sú tu chorí ľudia, ktorí tu čakajú. Ty poznáš tieto svedectvá. Pokiaľ viem, Pane, ony sú presnou pravdou. Ako tam stojí ten pilot a ukazuje nám, že dokáže stáť na svojich nohách a celý ten stav, v akom bolo to telo; a vytiahol svoje nohy a ukázal kolená, a nohy boli popraskané a zjazvené, kedy sa lekári snažili dať tie kosti nejako dokopy.

76Ty teraz vidíš tú ženu, ktorá tu stojí s pomaľovanou tvárou, ktorú zmývajú slzy radosti, ako nám povedala, že jej stav artritídy bol Tvojou Mocou uzdravený. A to milé dieťa a svedectvo toho otca, tí, ktorí sú prítomní...

Teraz, Pane, Ty si tak veľkým tu dnes ráno v tejto modlitebni, ako si kdekoľvek inde vo svete. A Ty si zasľúbil, že kde sa spolu stretneme, že Ty tam budeš v našom strede. Teraz budeme vyvolávať chorých, ktorých si nám dnes ráno poslal, a budeme sa za nich modliť z celých našich sŕdc modlitbu viery. A nech by si Ty uzdravil chorých a nech by si ich pozdvihol. A ak vykonali nejaké hriechy, odpusť im, Otče. Ako aj my jeden druhému vyznávame svoje chyby a tiež sa modlíme jeden za druhého. A Ty si povedal, „Mnoho vládze efektívna, vrúcna modlitba spravodlivého.“

77Vieme o jednych, ktorí tu dnes ráno ležia, mladá matka s týmito malými deťmi. Pane, podľa našich doktorov je ona už blízko konca svojej cesty. Ale my sa modlíme, Bože, aby si Ty stál medzi ňou a jej nepriateľom. A keď ju pomažeme a budeme sa za ňu modliť, nech sa Tvoja moc dotkne jej duše, aby priniesla vieru a vyslobodenie. A nech odíde domov a je v poriadku a nech vzdáva chválu a nech je odrazom rannej hviezdy na slávu Božiu. Amen.

Teraz brat Mercier, zatiaľ čo budeme týchto ľudí volať podľa poradia. Tí ľudia, ktorí prichádzajú, len povedia číslo a budú v zozname tých, za ktorých sa budeme modliť...

1 [Brother Gene Goad reads Isaiah 21:1-12--Ed.]

Thank you, Brother Neville. Good to see you again. Good morning to our Bible class this morning as we love to greet you in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

And as I was driving down the road just a few moments ago with my family, I was thinking of people who come out to church on slick days like this, when the snow's all over the country, hazardous on the road. They do not come just to be seen. They have a--some purpose in coming. And I am very happy to see this group here this morning that still the faith of our fathers living still burns in the hearts of man and women everywhere.

2 The Word has just been read by our Brother Gene Goad of the 21st chapter of the Book of Isaiah, where we shall study from for a while and then have prayer for the sick.

And now, for a text this morning I would like to take out of there the 11th to the 12th verse, "Watchman, What Of The Night?" And before we undertake to speak, let us bow our heads just a moment in prayer.

3 Lord God, Thou art the God of our fathers. You are the God Who breathes forth the first breath of life that ever come onto the earth, and has had control of every life until this present time, and shall forevermore control. For Thou art the Creator of all mankind and all things that breathe. Thou art the Creator.

And we are happy this morning to believe in our hearts that Your promises are true, every one of them. And it... In these promises You have said that wherever two or three were gathered in Your Name, that You would be in the midst of Your people, and that You would answer their call.

4 And there is heavy hearts today. As since entering the church, I see those on stretchers or cots, and some with their sleeves up from affection--infections in their arms, and others I have heard that has lost loved ones... And oh, it is a sinful and wicked world, but yet all these things has to be mastered in the Lord Jesus Who has told us that all things are working together for the good to them that love God.

And we are consoled this morning to believe that many of these things are to bring us to our knees. And we like to think of the Scripture, that they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as an eagle. They shall run and not be weary; they will walk and not faint. And as a poet has said, "Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, how to wait."

5 Let us today as we're a waiting to hear from glory and from the mouth of our Saviour through the Holy Spirit, that we will wait patiently to hear His voice speak loving things to us through His Word, and speak pardon for our sins and healing for our sicknesses. And may we leave this tabernacle this morning, rejoicing and say like those who came from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way." For we truly believe that He is the risen Lord as they found Him that day.

And He's in the midst of the people. We shall not weary, or our hearts will not grow faint. Just let us renew our faith each hour in Thee. Grant it, Father.

We ask You to bless the written Word and to bless the ears that shall hear and the lips that shall speak, and get glory to Thyself for in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

6 There is none of us that is immune from troubles. God has not promised to excuse us from all sickness, but it is written that His strength is sufficient. And He will never put so much upon us, but what He will give us grace to bear. So we have that consolation of knowing.

To the thought of the text just now for a few moments on something that seemed to be placed on my heart the last few hours, "Watchman, What Of The Night?"

7 It was perhaps about between sundown and dark, and it would been an awful day in the city, because there was an alarm give out, that they had... The watchman at the tower had sent back word that he saw in a distance the dust rising from the wheels of chariots. And he heard the beat of horses' hoofs way in the distance.

But as two young ladies would be standing at the well and in their young, youthful age, they had more to think on, they thought, than what this watchman's word was. Maybe it didn't mean so much to them, because they were just in the blush of young womanhood. Maybe it was because that there was to be a party that night, and these young ladies wanted to attend this party.

And it seemed to be that the warning of the watchman would not take an effect upon what they had, their worldly pleasure figured for that night. So as the conversation would go on, and--and one young lady would say to another, "Isn't it too bad that in our day that we have such killjoys, someone who would try to--to take us from the privileges that we have, and from the pleasures that we could enjoy."

8 And I believe that would just about cope with the modern version of today. That people try to think that when you are trying to be alert and to warn them of approaching dangers, that they seem to think that you're just some old fogy, someone who's trying to take all the joy out of life.

And we would think again of young men as they was coming from the workshop and their faces dirty from the work that they had been employed in during the day. And one young fellow might say to the other, "As soon as we can get washed up and groomed up a bit, why, we will meet at the tavern as usual. For I'm sure that you, John, are--are not all disturbed about that message we heard today, that watchman on the tower trying to take all the joy out of life, trying to tell us that there was an approaching danger. But you know, we have the best army that there is, and many of our soldiers are--meet each night at this same place that we do, and we enjoy a fellowship together, such as a--a little friendly gambling and a--some few drinks."

9 "And I, for myself," he would say, "would just refuse to be alarmed about any of this stuff that this watchman would talk about. For we believe if it was a--any approaching dangers, that surely our--our rabbis would know about this, our pastors, and they would be telling us about such things. And we just don't care to hear these wearied stories of these watchmans on the tower."

And if that ain't a very outstanding picture of our nation today, that the youth of our land, and not only youth, but the aged of our land has just gone wild. And they refuse to hear the warning. And as soon as a true watchman gives a warning, he's classed as a heretic or some fanatic.

And as the day grows on into night, maybe a soldier at the gate, who's guarding the gates, becomes a little restless. And he goes over to the--his neighboring sentry and says, "Do you believe that there'd be a possible chance that that watchman was right?"

10 You know there's something about danger. There's something about death that seems to have a forewarning of it. Many times that loved ones, just before passing across to the other side, there seems to be a warning comes to them.

I can think of my father before his going away, he'd been out of Kentucky for many years. But all of a sudden, something seemed to move over dad to go down to the old home place and to talk to his loved ones and his friends. After he had returned back home, his brother that he did not get to see had been strangely warned to come to Jeffersonville to see him.

And while they were setting, talking, dad passed out into the other world. I'm thinking of my father-in-law. Just a few days before his going away, he said, "Billy, let's you and I go up squirrel hunting up above Utica. I just want to go to the old place."

11 Somehow in the providence of God, I was not able to go with him that day. And he went up that day and hunted, and when he came back down on the bus, he--he told me, he said, "I was sitting way up on the hill; and it's all changed now. But way down in a certain corner of the woods at Battle Creek, just above us," he said, "it seemed like I could hear my mother calling, 'Oh, Frankie.'" That night he gave a testimony in the second row of this church to my left, desiring the people's prayers for him. And a few days later we buried him.

It just seems that God always sends forth a messenger. It's His goodness and His grace to give the true in heart a warning of things that are approaching. And I'm so glad that in this day that we're now living, that when gloom and darkness on every hand, there seems to be a blessed hope gripping the heart of God's people, that some glorious hour, Jesus shall arrive.

13 And in this great time of trouble in the city, the young folks ignoring it, and the many people who did not care about what the watchman had to say... Of course, they were in the tavern a drinking, and the party was going on, and the soldiers were all drinking, and they were having a great time, thought they were just as safe as they could be.

Nothing was going to harm them because they were simply lit up, as we'd call it, on the spirits of whiskey and mixed drinks. And all of a sudden, there came the chariots rolling right into the city. And the tavern doors were broken in, and the homes, and the slaughtering weapons was at work. Just because they refused to hear the warning of the watchman.

14 And the duties of a watchman in the old Bible, was a man that was selected. He must be a man that's alert of the heavenly bodies. He must know just exactly where the stars are hanging to tell the perfect time to the people.

Many of the wearied would go out, maybe, and couldn't sleep, restless, and would scream up at the watchman in the tower, and would scream out these words, "Watchman, what of the night?" And he would look at the stars, and then he would say it is such-and-such a time. Then they would go back to their bed or wherever they choose to dwell, waiting for the daylight to come when the tired, and weary, restless night would be over. God, have mercy.

15 I wonder if it isn't time today that we didn't call out to our great Watchman, "What of the night?" There's an approaching danger coming on, and the whole world seems to be shaking under its influence.

The watchman also had to be on duty all times. And he was to warn the people of approaching dangers. That was his duty to watch for the approaching danger.

And he was up on a tower that was built much higher than the walls. And this tower he had up there in it, the books of astronomy and so forth, so he could watch the stars and tell the time. Any approaching thing of time of day he could tell it. Then he also, could see way further than anyone on the ground. He could see further than anyone on the wall, because he was up higher.

And the higher you go, the further you can see. And you can tell approaching dangers farther away than those who are earthbound.

16 And as Isaiah in his day, was speaking that God had made him a watchman. God likened His prophets like eagles. And as I have often preached of the subject of the eagles, the eagle is a bird who can go higher than any other bird. And he has to be built special for that altitude that he goes into.

Now, the hawk could never follow him. No other bird could follow him. He's God's designed bird. And he was made thus. If another bird tried to take his place, he would perish. He has to have strong feathers, strong wings. And what good would it do him to go high if he couldn't see, have good eyes to see. A hawk would be blind up there. He could not see.

17 But higher the eagle climbs, the further off he can see. And God likened His prophets to the eagles. They are the watchman that climb higher so that they can see further off. And their eyes are made spiritual so that they can see the approaching dangers.

And God had set Isaiah up to warn the people that there was approaching danger, and they wouldn't listen to him.

And today God still has eagles, our messengers, our man on the tower, who climbs up in the Spirit far beyond all the mechanisms, and all the atomic bombs, and the scientific researches. He has men who is special designed for that purpose, who climbs up the ramparts of Calvary in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and stands on the top of the cross, and can send the message back, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."

Their spiritual sight is far greater than the priest in the temple, far beyond the ordinary man in the walk of life. For they are special designed for the duties that God has called them to. Therefore, it pays us to take heed when we hear of the things that are approaching.

18 Then I would change now for just a moment, and would turn your attention to the King of these eagles, or prophets, or tower watchers. That's the Lord Jesus Himself.

And this day that we are living in was so much greater than the day that He was here, until when He was right in the shadows of the cross, He spoke more of His second coming than He did of His going away.

If you will carefully search the Scriptures, you will find that just before His going away that He prophesied of the things that would take place in this day. He knew that He must be crucified. He knew that He must suffer, the--the Innocent for the guilty. He knew that He would rise again from the grave on the third day. He knew that there wasn't no powers that could hold Him in the grave. Because the Word of God had said, "I will not suffer My holy One to see corruption; and neither will I leave His soul in hell." And there was no powers that could break that prophecy. His Word shall be true. And they will be fulfilled in their seasons.

19 And He had confidence that what the Father had said, the Father was able to keep His Word. Therefore, His great heart that was within Him, which was the throne of God... In His heart He knew that these great trying times would come to prove all nations and to prove all peoples.

So, therefore, He knew that the great question laid, not whether He would rise again, or whether He would be crucified according to the Scriptures, or not whether He would ascend on high, and the Holy Spirit would come. But the question was: Would there be any faith left on earth at His coming? And where is faith come, by hearing the Word of God. That was His question. "Will there be faith on earth when I come?" Will He find people who believes His Word?

20 Now, when we, in the day that we live, can turn into the pages of His blessed Word and find the very things that He said would take place approaching on the earth today... The signs and the wonders are taking place. Men's hearts are failing with fear. There is a perplexity of time and distress between the nations, fearful sights in the skies like flying saucers, and the Pentagon all stirred up. And the sea a roaring and earthquakes in diver's places, man's heart failing in fear, great atomic weapons setting, waiting, a gloom hanging on the earth that the world had never witnessed before...

21 Last week I had the privilege of speaking with one of my dear friends and brothers, Captain Julius Stadsklev, who wrote the book, "Prophet Visits Africa." And Brother Julius was in California, which he's now taking his schooling for Major in the Army.

And he--they... Army personnel taken him for a great trial. And they searched his genealogy until they had to prove even who his great-grandmother was. And their history and what they were before he could set in--in this meeting.

And as he come from the meeting and came up to the top of the hill where we were dwelling with some friends, he met me out there under a juniper tree, and he said, "Brother Branham, it's the most wearied thing that you ever heard." He said, "I am under so much oath that I could not tell or could not let out any information," said, "because we're--they took us under solemn oath." But said, "I can tell this, the Army is going to cease." They're not going to have any more Army, just a few guards around. They're not going to have any more aviation. They're not going to--to concentrate their time on building faster planes and so forth, 'less it's just for commercial use. They are concentrating on just one pull of one trigger. There will come a total annihilation."

22 He said, "Brother Branham, the public does not know what the secrets of the military things are." He said, "When these great officers talked in the room," he said, "there come such a horrible gloom over the room, until one of their main scientists stood up and said, 'I wish I could take an old wagon and a cow, and drive back behind the mountains, and plant me a patch of cabbage and beans, and forget all about it.'"

Oh, he said, "It would... If this information would get out to the public, the whole world would go into a panic." Danger's approaching. He said, "They have got... pulling their personnel now from the islands... They're pulling their units out of England, and they've got great, big barges setting out there with a--some sort of weapons, and they're just waiting for the first whirl of a missile, and every nation will turn loose at the same time." Said, "There won't be one sprig of grass left on the earth or one mountain but what will be shook to its level." And it can happen at any time.

23 Oh, what a gloomy hour. And all these things that you hear about flying saucers... And you heard the interview with that man, I suppose, yesterday on the radio who claims that he's talked to people. I do not wish to disregard that man, but his whole system is contrary to the Word. It isn't right. "And on Mars they don't have death, and they're come over here to teach us how not to have death."

But when it come to proof, he didn't have one speck of proof that he could prove it, just some mythical idea that he had drawn up. And to my opinion, it's false, because the Bible said different from what he said.

24 I might express what I do think about flying saucers. I do not believe that they're shadows. I do not believe that they're mythical. I believe, and this doesn't make it right; it's just only my idea. The Lord has not told me this is what they are. But by looking in the Scriptures, for there's where we find all things. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." And before the destruction of Sodom, and fire fell and burned the city and the plains up; there was Angels sent from heaven who looked in and searched out to find out if these things were true or not.

And would it not be just like God to send back His Angels to investigate and to find out just before the great destruction comes.

And did you notice, there was one Angel Who came Who visited an old man who had made a decision for God, and was living despised by the world in a tent back on the desert, because somebody had chosen and took all his wealth. But he said, "That's all right. I'll just stay here in the will of God."

25 I'd rather be in the will of God than have all the money the world could dish out to you. And as soon as that final decision was made, then the Angel of the Lord came to Abraham and said, "Look east, west, north, and south; it's all yours, Abraham."

The Scriptures tell us, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

What difference does it make? All things of the earth will perish with the earth, but God can never perish. And I believe as I am led to believe, that is, if the picture of the Angel of the Lord Who comes and does a discerning...

Did you notice the Angel who came to Abraham? He had His back turned to the tent when He was talking to Abraham and said, "I'm going to keep My promise to you." Oh, what a message of the Angel of God in this day Who will keep His promise. All of the unbelief of the world, the skeptics, agnostics, and infidels, and disbelievers will never make the power of God of none effect. It'll happen just the same.

"I will remember My promise, and I'm going to make My promise good." And Sarah laughed in the tent behind Him. And with His back turned to the tent, He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"

And Sarah run out and said, "I didn't laugh," because she was scared.

"What kind of a Man was this? Wonder what kind of a Watchman was on the tower then? What type of Personality is this with us, with His back turned to me and yet knowed that I laughed in the tent?" Remember, He was the watchman.

And He turned and He said, "Yes, you did laugh." And she was scared.

26 Now, we notice again that in this day just before the coming of the Lord, these same Beings are to return again. And I wonder as we look around and see the nature of them, watch what they are doing, and I wonder if a lot of these mysterious sights is exactly what Jesus said would take place. "There will be signs in the heavens above; and in the earth there'll be distress between the nations, perplexed of time, earthquakes in divers places, and man dying with heart failure," not women, men. Women don't die very often with heart trouble; it's men. It fulfills what Jesus said would be. It's exactly what He said would be.

27 And then as we could go on hour after hour, on all the prophets how they have prophesied of this day. Would not it make one cry out, "Watchman, what of the night?" The Pentagon doesn't have the answer. The United States doesn't have the answer. Germany, Russia, none of them have the answer. Science doesn't have the answer. Who has the answer? The watchman that's on the wall has the answer. "Watchman, what of the night?"

28 And the Holy Spirit is that Watchman Who's making ready the people and giving warnings from God. He's been set as a Watchman. We see the sick being healed, blinded eyes coming open, deaf ears unstopped, cripples walking, the lame leaking like--leaping like a hart fulfilling the... What is it? It's the coming of the Lord pressing on.

And all these things and these warnings, and people continually press right on through to their beer parties. Until their times of folly, and they frolic, and they dance, and they eat, and they drink, and they marry, and they're given in marriage, just as God said it would be... No way of stopping them.

Then if you notice, in this great church age according to Revelations 3, at this age now was the one who was given the morning star just before the coming.

Watch how Scriptural Isaiah was when he said, "Watchman, what of the night?" He said, "The morning cometh and the night also." What? The morning comes, but the night comes before the morning. What was it? Anyone knows that just before the break of day, just at the hours of the approaching of the day, it turns darker than it ever was.

29 Oh, my friends, listen to THUS SAITH THE LORD. If you consider me to be His servant, it's just before the break of day. That's why this horrible gloom is over the earth. It's just before the coming of the Lord Jesus. There's no more hope left in nothing but His coming.

Nations are against nations, and they have fooled through God's laboratory till they've got the power to blow one another into atomic ashes. And they're wicked, and they're unreligious, and they're un-Christ-like. And the only motive they have and objective is to destroy. And they are inspired by the destroying angel that was sent from heaven to inspire these men.

Let me say in the Name of the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit has sent as a Watchman on the tower.

And as the people cry, "What of the night?" Are you weary of this life? Are you weary of sin? Are you weary of funeral processions, and sickness, and ungodliness on every hand? Has the night been long and weary? "What of the night, watchman?"

He said, "The morning cometh." See the comfort. "And the night also's coming." What is the night?

30 Look how in perfect harmony with the Scripture Isaiah was. In the regular course of--of nature, always that the approaching of the sun congeals the darkness together and makes it dark. It's darker before day than any other time in the night. Why? It's the approaching light that's a making it dark.

And it's the approaching of the Lord Jesus now that's a bringing this gloom upon the earth. Did not He say, "When these things begin to come to pass, lift up your head, for your redemption's drawing nigh."

Palestine is a nation. The Jews have returned from all over the earth and are placed there to see Him come as God said they would, "Learn a parable of the fig tree when it puts forth its buds." He said, "So will it be that this generation shall not cease, shall not be done away with. It shall never end until all these things will be done."

31 What generation? The generation that sees the fig tree putting forth its buds. Israel's always been the fig tree. "What the palmerworm left, the caterpillar eaten," said Joel. "What the caterpillar left, the hookworm eaten. What the old hookworm left, the old locust eaten." And if you'll take notice, that's the same beetle. Each of those insects that eat down the tree is the same insect only in a different stage.

And the same sin and unbelief that started eating away the Jews, that Jesus wasn't the Christ, that eat that tree to a barren stump... And the prophet saw it and he wept. But the Lord said, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all the years that the caterpillar's and the locust's and palmerworm's eaten." And for the first time for twenty-five hundred years, the Jews are returning to their homeland. "That generation shall not be annulled, shall not pass away until all of these things be fulfilled. Then I'll pour out My Spirit in the last days, saith God, upon My sons and daughters. And they shall prophesy and I'll show wonders."

32 The sick are being healed. Great powers are being done by the same Spirit that set and could tell Abraham that Sarah laughed in the room behind Him. Then we cry out, "Watchman, what of the night?"

And he said, "The night cometh." Watch, the night first... The morning cometh first, then the night also. Just before the breaking of day there's always one great light that's always placed in the heavens, and that is the morning star. When you see the morning star getting bright, brighter and brighter, then the earth gets darker and darker. And the reason it is brighter is because the earth is darker.

And the church of this last days, the called out and the elected body of Christ has been promised by the Bible that He'd give them the morning star.

33 "Watchman, what of the night? What's going to happen?" Here it is. Total annihilation is coming to the whole world. But before that the annihilation takes place, the church of Jesus Christ will go in the rapture to meet her Lord.

What is the morning star to do? What makes the stars so bright at that time? It's the approaching of the sun. The morning star is reflecting the light of the sun. Other stars seems to dim at that hour.

All the man-made theologies, all the cold, formal indifferences will dry up. But that watchman setting yonder on the tower, with the morning star, will reflect the true message of the Lord Jesus soon to approach, because He's brighter and brighter all the time as the sun begins to rise.

34 Oh, I would say, "Morning stars, rise and shine to the glory of God. For the approach of midnight, darkness is upon the earth and gross darkness upon the people."

But the morning cometh and the stars should be giving their lights. Think of that horrible hour that's a facing the whole world. Think of that horrible gloom that's a facing every person unsaved today. All nations, and all the mountains, and all the farms, and all the houses that they've gloried in shall be made powder to volcanic ashes again in a moment in a twinkling of an eye.

But those who love the Lord, those who have the morning star's light, that they're gotting their--getting their eyes on Him and off the things of the world...

35 And as Paul wrote in his closing epistle before he left the earth, he was weary and nervous and tired. Oh, how I feel for that little Jew when he said, "Let no one trouble me. I fought a good fight, and I finished my course. I've kept the faith. And henceforth, there's a crown of righteousness, that the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me at that day." Then he thought of the morning stars a coming. He said, "Not only to me, but to all them that love His appearing."

Oh, lift up your heads, your redemption's drawing nigh. "Watchman, what makes the papers say this? What makes science afraid to move? What makes the Pentagon scared to put the information out?" Because people would commit suicide, throw their money in the streets and things. What would--what's the matter? What is it? What of the night?" The morning cometh. That's right. What is it all about? It's the making of the morning coming. And it's pressing forward, the light, and it's making gross darkness come just before the light goes to shining.

36 I'm so glad to be a Christian. I'm so glad that I am His watchman, one of them, that's standing on the wall, crying out, "Prepare to meet God, for the hour of His coming is drawing nigh."

You here in this church this morning, if there be one who isn't positive that the Morning Star is reflecting Its light into your heart, the great Holy Spirit, may you prepare for that. For there's one greatest event that's ever taken place is at hand right now. We're standing on a brim watching a drama being set.

I've many times watched movies. How, in Hollywood and different places setting their dramas. And how they take their stars and their so forth, and fix them around, and how they train them and everything before the great drama takes place. I was amazed at watching them and knowed it had to be a counterfeit.

All counterfeit things are made off of real ones. There cannot be a bogus dollar until there's a real one. There cannot be a hypocrite unless there's a real Christian. There cannot be a false message unless there's a true one. There cannot be a night unless there's a day. Certainly.

37 And as I watched them set their dramas, and I thought, "Oh, we are standing way yonder on the tower far above anything in this world. And we're watching two of the greatest things: the running out of time, and the coming of the Lord." Soon time shall be no more. There will be time no more, and the coming of the Lord.

And the antichrist, he has his subjects setting there. He has the communism; he has the different "isms." He has churchism; he has Catholicism; he has Protestantism. He has everything set to make a great show.

But I'm so glad that there's a Father in heaven Who has His characters set too for this great drama. When the antichrist takes them into this decease of everything, even to time, God is ready in His drama to lift His church into eternity into the blissful realms of the eternal with God Himself, when these old vile bodies will be changed and made like unto His own glorious body, and this corruption shall take on immortality, and in His likeness we will stand forever.

38 Look, you who watch television, you who listen to a radio, you who read your newspapers, you who like to hear the news, and you wonder what this is. Listen to my voice. The morning cometh and the night's coming also. The morning is coming for those who are ready for the morning; and night is coming for those who are not prepared for the morning. May God prepare our hearts today for the morning shall break eternal bright and fair. And as a poet said, "His chosen ones shall gather to their homes beyond the sky. When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there." Let us pray.

In this hour of gloom over the earth and destruction on every hand, Lord God, we are--we just--cannot express how we feeled, and the thankfulness and gratefulness in our heart, that Jesus Christ came down from glory and was made a Man like we, dwelled among us. And then when He died for our sins, come through the way of paradise and taken the waiting souls, broke through every spiritual power that the devil had bound the earth with; and made a street so the sunlight of God's eternal grace could shine upon those who are willing to receive it...

39 God, grant today that man everywhere will hurry, hurry, get into the Kingdom, for the message has always been urgent. "Hurry, hurry. Come out," The Angel said in Sodom, "I can do nothing till you come hither."

Lord, grant that though the message be full of grace, and power, and love, yet its urgency. Grant, Lord, that men may quickly come, and receive Christ, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. For Jesus has said, "They that are of God hear the words of God." May they come and repent of their sins, be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus for the remission of their sins, and be filled with the Holy Ghost; to fix their soul in the condition that the first church was. So shall it be when you come.

We're thankful for the message and pray that You'll bless it, Lord, to the good of our hearts as we wait on Thee, in Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen. []

One by one we will gain the portal,

There to dwell with the immortal,

When they ring those golden bells,

For you and me.

40 Don't you just love Him? Now, the message over, let's just worship Him in the Spirit, just... He's here. Great, stern words, but they are true. I speak them in Christs' Name. The approaching of the day... If you regard me, I want this... []

... you and me (Let's just raise our hand.) you hear...

Don't you hear the angels singing.

'Tis the glory, hallelujah, jubilee.

In that far off sweet forever,

Just beyond that shining river,

When they ring those golden bells,

For you and me.

41 While she plays that through again, let's just shake hands with somebody by you.

... off sweet forever,

Just beyond...

When the... only reach that shore by faith... (Just say to one another, "Pilgrim, I'm so glad to be with you.)

One we gain the portal,

There to dwell with the immortal,

When they ring those golden bells,

For you and me.

Don't you hear the bells now ringing,

Don't you hear the angels singing, (What is it?)

'Tis a glory, hallelujah, jubilee.

In that far off, sweet forever,

Just beyond the shining river,

When they ring those...

42 That just brought something to my mind. My wife back there remembers it well. I had the privilege of visiting the old Pisgah Church, Bible Institute in California. I had one night's service with them. That's the old original powerhouse. What a wonderful place. I met the pastor, Brother Smith. You know, they print a paper. They have help. They take up no offerings. Everything's free. And they've existed for fifty-some odd years.

43 It was started by a doctor who was crippled, come to California for help. The doctor said, "There's nothing could be done for you." I believe it was the late Doctor Price, or someone who prayed for him up in a room one morning. He didn't get any results immediately right then. That doesn't mean anything. So he started out. He said, "Somehow or another I believe though." And when he started to step his foot off of the curb, his crippled leg come straight. He established the Pisgah Home.

The other night I was over there preaching. They were jammed in that big auditorium, and hundreds times hundreds standing all over the streets and everything 'fore we got in the back. And after the message was over, something happened, two things that I never witnessed before in my life. They wasn't just a bunch of people who liked to make a lot of noise. They wasn't a bunch of people who set dried up. They were Spirit filled people. And I enjoyed that marvelous fellowship.

44 And when I--we were--just before I was going to pray for the sick, they started singing something sweet like that. I stood and I was amazed. I said, "There's something going on here I don't understand." I listened again and I heard two choirs. I said, "There must be something wrong." And I shook my head and to my ears again. I said, "Oh, Lord, maybe it's a rebound from this choir here." I hear another one up here, way up, very high gables. I said, "It must be up there."

So I walked out of the minister's pit up here to the choir loft. It was up there. And I--I said to my wife; I said, "Do you hear that, honey?"

She said, "What is that?"

"Sister Arganbright," I said, "Do you hear that?

She said, "Yes. I've heard it once before in my life."

I went over to Brother Arganbright, "Do you hear that?"

"Yes." Every one of their heads bowed, singing.

Oh, I said, "Maybe... I--I want to be sure. I don't want to be skeptic. But, Lord, if I'm Your witness, if I'm to be a watchman, I've got to know what I'm talking about. I've got to be sure of this." Like Divine healing, if I'm not sure, I'm not going say nothing about it. If I'm not sure this is the coming of the Lord, I wouldn't say nothing about it. I've got to be sure.

45 I got back down in the pit again, everyone with their heads bowed. And the altar call, many people laid their hands against the window coming to Christ. And they were singing. When I got down here, I said, "Lord, it can't be." These people singing down here were just ordinary people. But this up here was--sounded like it was a few, maybe two or three thousand singing here. But looked like there'd be maybe a hundred thousand up there. And it was one of the sweetest voices, real high soprano, like women's voices.

I listened, and just shivers run all over me. I stepped back again just a minute. I listened. I walked up the aisle, come back, 'cause they just kept singing in the Spirit. I listened again. It wasn't this voice. I can hear them down here one kind of voice; this up here another kind of voice.

So when the service was over, I said to the pastor, "Pastor, I--I heard something strange."

He said, "What was it, Brother Branham?"

I said, "I--I heard a--a soprano voices of women and high trained voices, the most lovely I ever heard in my life up in there."

He said, "It's been heard many times here, Brother Branham."

46 I had read of old mother (Oh, I forget her name now.) that used to pray for the sick. And one night after the pastor had closed the--his sermon, the little mother went down to pray for the sick. She had five or six little kiddies around with her. And she stopped, and she listened up. And it's Mrs. Woodworth Etter, if you all ever read her book? And she heard, she said, "A choir singing above the singing in the church." After the voices quit down here, it still sings on. See?

47 And I stood there and just then way back at the back of the building, see how orderly, perfect... Now, I--I do believe in speaking in tongues. I believe it's a gift of God that's in the church. I believe it's been misused like other Scriptures has been misused. But there is a real one, yes.

And this man raised up in the back of the building, way back, and said about four or five words in another language, not a--not just a--it was a--a dialect. You could hear. Everyone was quiet. And something moved upon me. I never had an interpretation in my life, and I didn't use it then, 'cause I was a scared. Those things are of God. You better not fool with them.

And something said to me, "The pastor shall pray the prayer of faith." I had to hold my mouth shut. And I waited and here it come again, a wave coming over, and said, "The pastor shall pray the prayer of faith."

I thought, "Lord, I've haven't got no gifts of interpretation. Mine is to pray for the sick. So I have no gifts of interpretation." And I closed my mouth again and stood still. And just then the pastor raised up and begin to pray for the sick.

Oh, He is God. Sickness was healed all over the building everywhere. What is it? The breaking of the day. There's a little branch still left. Don't worry. God's never been without a witness. Trusting now that some great mystic somewhere, maybe not in an angelic voice, but something will let every sinner if there's--be such in this building, know that the night is drawing darker and darker over the earth and gross darkness. But the coming of the Lord is at hand what's a doing it.

48 And as your watchman, I say, "The morning cometh. Be ready morning stars; shine." How many would like to be remembered in a closing prayer before we go? Just raise your hand.

Dear God, You see the people as they raise their hands. And they are sincere in this. Many of those who search newspapers, they've searched philosopher's books and articles of different things, but yet they cannot find no answer. But here it comes this morning in the Bible, "The morning cometh and the night cometh also."

And we pray, God, that You'll bless every person here that raised their hands. And You know what's behind that hand raised. And, Lord, I believe that right where they are sitting now, that the omnipresent God is able to divide to them their inheritage of the Spirit that they are seeking at this hour.

Give to each, Lord, for the sake of Thy Word and their desire, and of Thy Divine promise which cannot fail. May they receive that which they raised their hands for, as I offer this prayer in their behalf. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, may they receive it. Amen. God be with you.

49 Now, we have just a little time for the... Now, we're going to pray for the sick. I am so happy to know that there is hope for the sick. "I'm the Lord Who forgiveth all of thine iniquity, Who healeth all of thy diseases." And I just... Strangely as it is, I was moved awhile ago to a young mother laying on this stretcher. And she is a victim of Hodgkin's disease. And I believe it's her mother setting here with her; I'm pretty sure. Yes, that's right.

That this mother was telling me of her child, and I was trying to encourage her. And it just a call to... After this message, I feel that salvation is the first thing; healing is second. A healing might last to the end of your life, many years. It might give you happiness and joy while you're here on earth, but it will cease with your--at your death.

But a soul that's saved has Eternal Life. It cannot perish or nothing can ever take it from you. It's gone into the books of God to be raised up in the last days. The great thing is the first thing. First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, other things shall be added.

50 I would just like to give one testimony of a healing of this horrible disease that this young woman suffers with. And there was some time ago... (They may be present this morning, I'm not here too often to know who's who. Many of you I do not know.) But there was a young girl here in our high school, and she was suffering with this Hodgkin's disease, and was taken to a doctor of these big lumps breaking out on her.

And they taken a piece of the lump, and sent it away to find out what it was, and it returned back "incurable Hodgkin's disease." And the mother did not want the child to know what the--was her trouble. And the doctors advised the mother to just let her go on to school, because she had just so many days to live. It finally breaks on the heart. And Hodgkin's disease is cancer; we know that, in a form.

51 So they sent the--the young girl back to school to let her die. The mother was frantic. And she called me up on the phone and said, "I want to bring her. But I understand, Brother Branham, that in your prayer lines, many time, you call out the diseases when you have the inspiration of the Spirit." She said, "Would you be so kind, if the Holy Spirit reveals anything about the child, not to say it."

"Well," I said, "I don't think He would reveal it if He didn't want it to be known." I said, "I hardly think so. And at my own tabernacle here I seldom have those kind of meetings." I said, "I just pray for the sick."

And the young lady come into the line and I asked the mother, "Are you a Christian?"

She said, "No."

I said, "Is the girl a Christian?


I said, "That's a terrible way to go out of the world." And I said, "You'll never see her again if she goes in that condition."

So when the young lady came up into the room that morning, and passed right by this same place where the young girl was prayed for (So will this girl be in a few minutes.), I asked her. I knew her, and I said, "Are you the young lady from the high school here?"

She said, "I am."

I said, "Are you aware of your sickness?

She said, "The doctor's tell me that they think I'll be all right."

"Well," I said, "what if you don't get all right? Are you a Christian?"

She said, "No, sir, I'm not."

I said, "Would you like to be a Christian?"

She said, "I would."

And I said, "Would you give your heart to Christ?"

And she said she would. And her mother run up and said she would too. Which I baptized them both right here in the pool, prayed for the young girl. And time went on, and finally the girl begin to get better after a few days, she, not knowing what was wrong. And after a bit, they took her back for examination and they could find no trace of it at all.

52 There is an... I don't like to speak swelling things about people, but I like to be honest about people. And there is a man in this city that's well known, and a fine Christian brother, or he wouldn't be a deacon of this church; I mean, a trustee of the church. And he's present now. And he just took it upon himself to keep account of that girl.

It was years later, two or three years later, the young lady had finished her school and was going with a boy. And I met her on the street one day, and she was so happy, and testified to the glory of the power of Jesus Christ after they had told her what it was.

The girl's married now. She's got children, and she's living happy. And her father comes to this man's business place to get his hair cut. And Mr. Egan here, who has--has kept up with the case all along... And the girl is sound and well, and that's been (How long, Brother Egan?), several years ago, hasn't it? And she's living today to a testimony that God heals Hodgkin's disease.

53 Oh, it's so good to know that in the hours of distress that we have a refuge. That refuge is Christ. I want to report just for the--to the rest of you a little something in the meeting that just happened.

The Lord was so good in answer to your all's prayers as I went west for the meeting just now: few weeks ago, two weeks. And while we were at Tulsa at the convention, I was wasn't going to speak because I was to have a meeting there, but it--the ministers had other revivals going on, so I could not have the meeting at that time.

54 But I passed by to pick up Brother Arganbright to take him on to California: wife and I, and little Joseph. And that night when we come in late, I understood that Oral Roberts and Tommy Osborn was to preach that night. So Brother Arganbright called into the hotels till he found where we was at, and said, "Come on down to the meeting." So he came over, he and Brother Sonmore, the Christian Business Men, head of the chapter at Minneapolis. They--they come over for me, and I went in, and they were having dinner already in the Mayo Ballroom, great place, multimillionaires setting in there.

And so, you know how I'd feel to go into a place like that. I didn't even know how to use the knives and forks they had on the table. But I went in, and while I went in, Oral Roberts was preaching. And he was preaching on the abundance of life, the Abundance, and telling the Christian Business Men that Jesus caught the fishes, put them in the nets, and had more than they could--they could use.

55 And Brother Roberts is a forceful speaker, as you know. And he said, "There's plenty for everybody." And he said, "Now, I'm building a--a temple over here." (Probably cost millions of dollars.) Says, "It's built out of white marble." And he said, "I got it about halfway up and I run out of money." And said, "Then I went across the street one day to look at it, and the devil said, 'You know what, people have passed by and say that's what Oral Roberts did.'"

He said, "Then I said to the devil, 'But they'll have to say Oral Roberts tried.'" That's good. And he said, "Then it was laid upon a banker's heart here in the city, that loaned me way over nearly two million dollars from a bank to finish the building.

Banks don't do that. You know that. And he said, "That certain business man, banker, is setting present now." He said, "I don't want to call his name, because he doesn't exactly belong to the Full Gospel people." But said, "He's here." Said, "I don't--I don't think he even claims to be a Christian." But said, "Something moved his heart and he let me have the money." Said, "If he wants to stand up," said, "he could, but I'm not going to embarrass the man."

And the man stood up and said, "I'm not embarrassed Mr. Roberts," and set down.

56 Then I got in and was setting down. Then Brother Roberts, as soon as he got through, come over and shook hands with me, and pulled me up in his arms. And just a few minutes then, 'course a lot of people come around, you know, talking, the--while we was still eating and wanting for meetings and so forth, and ministers.

And then Demos Shakarian got up. He's the president of the Full Gospels Business Men's Chapter. And he got up, and he said, "You know I just feel led that Brother Branham should preach for us tonight the final message. Well, I didn't know what to say. And he begin to tell about a man in setting in here. Said, "Here's so-and-so; I met him today. They were telling me that they own this complete three or four city blocks in Miracle Miles." Multimillionaires and cattlemen and so forth. And what could I say in a meeting like that.

58 But you know, it's always best to obey. So I got up to speak the best that I could, and at the end of the service... It's all out of order to give a altar call in a place like that. But you know, I made altar calls at funeral services. So I thought, here's a good chance and I--I made an altar call. And all those rich men and women came to the Lord Jesus and gave their hearts to the Lord.

I was amazed at one millionaire, multimillionaire's wife with a little hat with fancy feathers down around the side, probably cost her a hundred dollars. And the tears running down her cheeks, she caught me by the hand and she said, "Brother Branham, my heart is moved." She said, "I thought I was a Christian till now." She said, "I want to serve the Lord."

And I said, "Thank you."

59 And then in a few minutes something said to me, "Pray for the sick now."

I thought, "Oh, no. I can't do that. I've already interrupted the--this big ballroom. So I--if I pray for the sick, they'll think I really am a fanatic." So I thought, "Surely, the Lord wouldn't be telling me that, maybe I'm just all worked up because of these conversions. So I slip over and set down." And I went down along the speaker's table, on down to the very end and set down with Brother Jack Moore, was setting there talking.

And I turned the service back to the president, Mr. Shakarian. Then when he--he got up, and he said, "You know what?" Oh, God must have touched him on the shoulder. He said, "I feel led to have Brother Branham to come back and pray for the sick."

I thought, "Oh," just exactly right.

60 And I got up and told them, and I said, "I felt that, and I pray God forgive me, but it's better when somebody gets touched, too, you know, make us all together knowing that it's the working of the Spirit."

So I said, "Now, Divine healing isn't touching a totem pole. It isn't just something that's imaginary. It's the same God that saved all these people here awhile ago. He's the same God that heals all the people that's here just by simple faith believing Him. I said, "Do you believe it?"

And now, to the secret to my church... As you know, my ministry's changing. And, oh, what a glorious change. All of you remembers the words that's been ringing, and every time it happens, something happens. When I going to speak on that, come, come to me, "Say to this mountain." Why has it been? It's been faith. Anything is by faith. Faith is not something that you work up. Faith is something that you have.

61 And I thought, if... I've always been ashamed of my faith. But people, as good as the Lord has been, He has showed things, told visions; everything has been perfect. You people know that. It's not a individual. It's not a man. It's God that does it. And this picture here, how it's went over the world. The ones in Germany... And here a few weeks ago (Maybe a stranger is here never seen it.), they caught another one. I got it at home. It's the profile of the Lord Jesus standing right behind where I was standing. And His hands are out and tongues of fire are flying off from His hands, while I was speaking on the subject, "Say To This Mountain Be Moved And Don't Doubt In Your Heart, But Believe."

And we've got it. It's in Techni--Kodachrome colors. And we've got it at the home now. And they're making... It's been examined now by science and so forth in laboratories. It'll be out pretty soon. Another one, which makes about six of them now in different places that's been took. This is the most outstanding of all of them.

62 Never seen... There's His--His beard, His face, His profile, His arms hanging out. And I was standing right in like this and where He's got His arms, you can't even see a place of Him like that. My head, then my feet down at the floor; just head and feet, that's all there was left. See?

And He--He's standing with His arms right like this, and I've got my hands out like this a preaching, saying, "Say to this mountain." And about that time something took place, and they snapped the picture of it like that. And there it was behind. All in colors. And a big...

So as God does arrange a big basket of calla lilies setting close: He's the Lily of the Valley. And where do you get opium? Out of lilies. That's right. What is the opium God has? Peace. Opium just makes you forget all about your troubles. Opium smokers, that's how they kill themselves with that opium. God has an opium. Amen. He eases every pain, heals all sickness, takes every weary away. As long as we're breathing into His opium, we're at peace.

And the big basket of lilies was sitting right in front where I'm a speaking on the platform.

63 And I prayed for the sick there at Tulsa, and I just walked on down and went out. And about ten minutes later, I would not want to call the evangelist's name, but a woman that had arthritis of the spine that worked for this evangelist, she was a stenographer, and she had to type like this, 'cause her arms and shoulders were bound. She typed like that and this--this great and noted evangelist there at Tulsa, had her employed in his employment to give her work. And she was--started walking down the hall, and all of a sudden her arms come loose, and she begin jumping and screaming until she attracted the attention of everybody up there.

And that dear woman falling on her knees, and raising her hands, and clapping them like that, the glory of God, because God had set her free just a few moments after the prayer. And I slipped in to listen and see what she was saying. She said, "I was just walking down the hall."

And I said, "Well, thanks be to God." And I turned around and started walking the other way, and I heard way down there, seen all the sinners running together to see what was the matter.

64 And here was a man taken the floor, Brother Gardner, the very man who give me this suit... Many of you know Brother Gardner, Brother Gardner in Binghamton, New York, the outstanding Oldsmobile dealer, of the three last years sold more Oldsmobile cars than any other man in the United States.

And he flies in a private plane. And a little over a year ago, his name's George Gardner, and he--his aviator, by himself, was soloing, and fell (and the plane), and bursted his knees, his ankles. And his legs and feet were stiff, and he walked like this: his aviator.

And he was present when the prayer was made. And he had moved hisself out of the hall where the banquet was. And they'd got him a room close to, so he wouldn't have trouble walking back and forth.

And here was his testimony: He went to his room and set down, not even being a Christian. And he said, "Somehow or another I believe that little bald-headed guy that preached up there tonight." And said he begin to notice his toes begin to shake, and he jumped to his feet, every whit whole, standing out there glorifying God, standing, raising his legs up and down like that and on his sides of his feet and everything, just testifying to the glory of God.

65 Once again before we pray for the sick. I was staying with Brother Arganbright, and--and my good friend, Leo Gene knows what phone calls are. Buzzing the phone, and Brother Arganbright would answer, and you know--you can't be everywhere. But it happened to be that I picked up the phone. I believe everything works in God's providential way, don't you believe? I believe that's why the young lady's here. I believe that's why you're all here. I believe that's why I'm here. And we're met together for the glory of God for some reason. Why did we come over the icy grounds to be here this morning?

66 So I picked up the phone, 'cause Brother Arganbright wasn't in the room. And he said, "I'd like to speak to Brother Branham."

I said, "I am Brother Branham."

He was a Spanish man. He said, "Sir, I know it's unreasonable almost for me to ask the question I'm going to ask." He said, "I can imagine how people pull and so forth." But said, "I'm a missionary in Mexico." And said, "I've... Back up here... I live here in La Crescenta, and I just learned a few hours ago that you were in the city." And said, "I brought my baby back to try to get it to you, or Brother Roberts, or some of the brethren who pray for the sick." And he said, "Being it's my baby, my faith, I guess, has just been a little weak." He said, "My baby is yet not four months old and it's dying with cancer."

And something said to me, go to that baby. I said, "Sir, I'll get Brother Arganbright and you tell him where the baby's at. I'll meet you."

So he gets... I get Brother Arganbright, and he tells him. So we got in the car and went down. And I met his little wife. And him being Mexican, though he didn't look it, he was white skinned, fair, but he was a Mexican, which Mexicans many times are blonds because they come between the Spanish and the Indians. And there are some of those Indians with just blond, snow white.

67 And then... His wife was Finnish, strictly blond, very sweet little woman. And I went to the hospital with him to see his baby. When I walked into the room, they had it right next to the nurses' headquarters. For the little baby, yet just four months old, and it was born with malignant tumors in the jaws which swoll it out approximately that far from its face, like that, just out like that.

And the doctors had tried to operate and great big, deep scars that cut all around his little throat all the way around. It didn't stop it. Only it run it up into its tongue. And the little jaw's hanging like that, the big, deep scars. And his little tongue, little mouth, not over that big. And his tongue probably that big swollen, had pushed out about that far and turned black, and had shut off the breathing from the nostrils coming down when it swelled up in the roof of its mouth. And of course, it cut its breath off from here. They had to cut a hole in its throat and had a little whistle of a little, like a little, a round tin in his throat.

68 And his little arms were in splints, like this, so that he couldn't reach to pull that whistle out. It would choke. And the cancer draining... And the nurse had to stand there with something to pull the drainage of the cancer out of the whistle or it would choke to death.

And the father walked around to the bedside, and he said, "Ricky, daddy's little boy." He said, "Daddy brought Brother Branham to pray for you, Ricky." When he said, "Daddy's little boy," my spirit just left me. I just couldn't stand it any longer. I just had to hold to the side of the bed: "Daddy's little boy."

And the little fellow, yet youthful as he was, knowed it was his daddy. And he started wheezing like that, and his little arms like that; and him trying to pat the little fellow on the head. A poor, little baby born in that condition...

69 I just couldn't speak. I just--you know, you just get so full, you just can't say nothing. And I looked down and seen them little bitty hands out from under those big splints, and making a wheezing noise, and I thought, "Isn't that pitiful."

And after I kinda got around to myself enough to think something, I thought, "Jesus, do You mean that You get pleasure out of seeing that? I can't believe it. I just can't believe that You get glory out of that little baby's suffering like that. It just can't be. If it makes me, a sinner, feel like I do to that baby, what would it do to You the Resource of all mercy? What must it do to You?" And I'd said no word, yet he was trying to play with it, get it quietened. And its little body, with the little diaper on, just about--the little body and all not over that big, and its head was the biggest part, his jaws swollen out so big.

And they had a--a something around its head to keep its little head from bursting open, you know, a rag, his jaws was swollen so big out like that, to keep it from bursting.

70 And the nurse was standing there. And I looked down to the little fellow, and I thought, "Lord, what would You do if You were standing here?"

Now, I realize that I'm in the pulpit, and I realize that God is present. But it seemed to me that something spoke down in my soul and said, "I'm waiting to see what you're going to do about it. I gave My authority to the church. There you come back again to 'say to this mountain.' I gave My authority to the church and I'm waiting to see what you're going to do."

I wonder if that's His attitude towards us all the time, that He's waiting to see what we're going to do. What about the signs of the time we've just been preaching about? What would He do? He's waiting to see what we'll do.

Well, I got its little baby hand in mine, just in my fingers like that; it was so little. And I said, "Lord, hear the prayer of Your servant. And by faith that I believe that You are, I place between this demon of cancer and the baby's life, the Blood of Jesus Christ. Between the killer and the baby, the Blood, by faith I place that." And I couldn't say nothing else. I just turned around and started walking out. The father followed me.

71 He said, "Brother Branham, the Lord places upon my heart to give you some tithing."

"Oh," I said, "Brother, don't think of that. No," I said, "I don't need money, brother."

He said, "But I've saved up some tithings." (Oh, a little money, I forget now just exactly; I believe about fifty dollars.) He said, "The Lord placed it on my heart to give it to you."

I said, "I tell you what. I receive it, and then you turn it back and give it to little Ricky over there on his--on his hospital bill, 'cause you're a preacher. I know what it is, what money means. And you a missionary, and I know that it takes money, and you got a family, and all this doctor bills. Place it right back on little Ricky's bill."

He said, "I don't want to do that, Brother Branham. It ain't to pay doctors, it's to pay ministers."

And I said, "Yes, but I'm turning it back for you." And I refused it. And I went on up to the house, and in the matter of a few hours, them jaws went down, and its tongue went back into its normal place. God healed the little fellow. They were removing the whistle the morning that I left out of its throat. It alarmed the whole West Coast.

72 Famous doctor sent his son with his grandchild, and they cut off the road way over, forty or fifty miles over in Pasadena, and cut off the road where I was to pass to pray for that baby who had spasm on the brain. They'd give it a penicillin shot and it caused a cancer to come from the effects of the penicillin shot in its hip. And I'm sure the Lord healed it.

73 Just before leaving the house, the phone rang--kept ringing. Brother Arganbright, I heard him arguing with someone said, "No, I wouldn't do that." Just as I was getting in the car, there was a--a little station wagon drove up. Who was it, but my little Mexican brother and his wife, both of them just crying and praising God.

Said, "Brother Branham, I brought these tithes to you.

"Oh," I said, "Brother, I can't receive that." I said, "I just couldn't do it."

He said, "But I brought them to you," said...

I said, "I told you to put them on Ricky's bill."

He said, "This morning when I went to give the doctor these tithings to go on Ricky's bill, the doctor said, 'You don't owe me nothing.' He said, 'I had nothing to do with that.' He said, 'That's a great phenomena.' He said, 'I--you don't owe me one penny.'"

So he said, "Take this, Brother Branham. The Lord told me you was to take it." I thought, "Oh, I can't." I said, "Lord, I don't feel like doing it." Then something come to me. Jesus standing one day, watching the rich men pitch in their great abundance of money. Oh, they had plenty, so they were giving plenty. And a little widow come by with three pennies, and it was all she had. That's all the living she had. And she threw it in. Now, what would we have done? "Oh, sister, don't do that, huh-uh, you know, we don't need that. Don't throw that in. That's all your living." But Jesus just let her go ahead and do it. For it is more blessed to give than to receive.

I got the little tithings. I don't know what to do with them. I'll place them somewhere in some work for the glory of God somewhere the best that I can. What is it? It's the glory of God. It's the power of God.

74 The shadows are falling. Christ is appearing. That's why signs and wonders are appearing. It's that great satellite reflecting off of the morning stars with healing in His wings. And if He will bring healing from the reflection of His Presence, what will He do when He comes in Person.

These corruptible bodies of ours will be changed and made like unto His own glorious body. What will it be when He comes? Until He comes, we're thankful for the sunlight of His Presence. As the morning stars do, I climb the ramparts of glory and setting there to hail His coming in this dark hour. Let us pray.

75 O, Lord, we just love You so much till, Lord, that there is no telling how long... We never get tired of testifying of Your praises. But the hour is here now. There's sick people waiting. Thou knowest these testimonies. They are as far as I know, Lord, the exact truth of the aviator standing out there showing how he could stand on his feet and all the conditions that his body was; and pulled up his trouser legs, and showed his knees, and legs all bursted, and scarred where the doctors had tried to put back the bones together.

76 You seen the woman standing there with the paint on her face, and it washing down with the tears of rejoicing as she's told of her arthritis condition had been healed by Your power. And of that darling little baby and the testimony of the father and them who were present...

Now, Lord, You're just as great here this morning in the Tabernacle as You are anywhere in the world. And You've promised that where we would meet together, that You would be in our midst. Now, we shall call the sick that You've sent to us this morning, and we shall pray for them and shall let--pray with all our hearts the prayer of faith. And may You save the sick and raise them up. And if they had did sins, forgive them, Father. As we confess our faults one to another, and pray one for the other. And You have said, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

77 We know of one laying here with us this morning, just a young mother with these little children. Lord, according to the doctors, she's near the end of her journey. But we pray God that You will stand between her and that enemy. And when we anoint her and pray for her, may Your power touch that soul of hers, that'll bring faith and deliverance. And may she go home and get well, and give praise, and be a--a reflection of the morning star to the glory of God. Amen.

Brother Mercier now, as we take these people by an appointment. That people coming will just's call this number and they are put on the list of those to be prayed for...

1[Brat Gene Goad číta Izaiáša 21:1-12 - pozn.prekl.]

Bremä púšte mora, Babylona. Jako prechádzavajú víchrice na juhu, tak prijde od púšte, zo strašnej zeme.

Tvrdé videnie mi je oznámené: Neverný robí neverne, a zhubca hubí. Poď hore, Élame! Médsko, sovri! Učiním koniec všetkým jeho vzdychom, ktoré vynútil.

Pre tú príčinu sú moje bedrá plné bolesti; kŕče ma pochytili jako kŕče ženy, ktorá ide porodiť; svíjam sa od bolesti tak, že už ani nečujem; desím sa tak, že už ani nevidím.

Moje srdce prestáva biť; hrôza ma predesila; súmrak, po ktorom ináče túžim, obrátil mi v trasenie.

Pripraviť stôl, strážiť stráž, jesť a piť! Vstaňte, kniežatá, pomažte štít!

Lebo takto mi povedal Pán: Idi, postav pozorujúceho strážneho, a čo uvidí, nech oznámi!

A videl jazdu, jazdcov na koňoch po dvoch v rade, jazdu na osloch a jazdu na veľblúdoch a načúval pozorne, veľmi pozorne.

A volal ako lev: Na pozorovateľni, Pane, stojím ustavične vodne a na svojej stráži stojím celé noci!

A tu hľa, prišla jazda mužov, jazdcovia na koňoch po dvoch v rade. A odpovedajúc riekol: Padol, padol Babylon, a roztrieskali všetky rytiny jeho bohov a pometali ich na zem.

Ty, moje mlativo, dieťa môjho humna, čo som počul od Hospodina Zástupov, Boha Izraelovho, oznámil som vám.

Bremä Dúmy. Volajú na mňa zo Seira: Strážca, koľko je ešte noci? Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?

Strážca povedal: Ide ráno, ale prijde zase aj noc. Jestli sa chcete pýtať, pýtajte sa; navráťte sa, prijdite!

Ďakujem, brat Neville. Je dobré znovu vás vidieť. Prajem dobré ráno našej biblickej triede dnes ráno a sme radi, keď vás môžeme pozdraviť v Mene Pána Ježiša.

A ako som tak išiel asi pred pár minútami s mojou rodinou dolu cestou autom, rozmýšľal som nad ľuďmi, ktorí chodia do cirkvi aj v takýchto daždivých dňoch ako dnes, keď je sneh po celej krajine a na cestách je to dosť riskantné. Ale oni neprichádzajú len na to, aby ich druhí videli. Za svojím príchodom majú nejaký zámer. A som veľmi šťastný, že tu môžem vidieť takúto skupinu dnes ráno, v ktorých stále žije viera našich otcov a stále horí všade v srdciach týchto mužov a žien.

2Slovo bolo práve pred chvíľou prečítané naším bratom Gene Goadom z 21. kapitoly knihy Izaiáša, ktorú aj budeme chvíľu študovať a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých.

A teraz, ako text na dnes ráno, by som chcel vybrať z 11. po 12. verš, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“ A predtým, ako sa podujmeme hovoriť, skloňme ešte na chvíľu svoje hlavy do modlitby.

3Pane Bože, Ty si Bohom našich otcov. Ty si Bohom, ktorý si vdýchol náš prvý dych nášho života, keď sme prvýkrát prišli na svet, a až doteraz si riadil náš život a budeš ho navždy riadiť. Lebo Ty si Stvoriteľom celého ľudstva a všetkého, čo má dych. Ty si Stvoriteľom.

A my sme dnes ráno šťastní, že veríme v našich srdciach, že Tvoje zasľúbenia sú pravdivé, každé jedno z nich. A to... V týchto zasľúbeniach si Ty povedal, že kdekoľvek by sa dvaja alebo traja zhromaždili v Tvojom Mene, že Ty budeš v strede Svojho ľudu, a že odpovieš na ich volanie.

4A dnes sú tu obťažené srdcia. A odvtedy, ako sme vstúpili do tohto zboru, vidím tu tých, ktorí sú na nosidlách a na lôžkach, majú rukávy hore od infekcií na rukách a počul som aj o iných, ktorí majú milovaných, čo sú stratení... Ó, je to hriešny a bezbožný svet, ale tieto veci musia byť ovládané Pánom Ježišom, ktorý nám povedal, že všetko spolu pôsobí na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Boha.

A sme dnes ráno povzbudzovaní, aby sme verili, že veľa z týchto vecí nás má priviesť na kolená. A radi myslíme na to miesto Písma, že tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána, nadobúdajú novej sily. Budú sa vznášať na krídlach ako orol. Budú bežať a neustávať; budú kráčať a neomdlievať. A ako jeden básnik povedal, „Nauč ma, Pane, nauč ma, Pane, ako čakať.“

5Nech dnes, ako očakávame, aby sme počuli zo slávy a z úst nášho Spasiteľa cez Svätého Ducha, aby sme trpezlivo počuli, ako nám hovorí Jeho Hlas milované veci cez Jeho Slovo a vysloví nám ospravedlnenie za naše hriechy a uzdraví naše choroby. A nech dnes ráno opustíme túto modlitebňu radujúci sa a aby sme mohli povedať ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emauz, „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia, ako k nám hovoril na tej ceste?“ Lebo my skutočne veríme, že On je tým vzkrieseným Pánom, ako Ho našli v tom dni.

A On je v strede Svojich ľudí. Nebudeme ustávať, ani naše srdcia nebudú omdlievať. Ale každú hodinu bude obnovovaná naša viera v Teba. Udeľ to, Otče.

Prosíme Ťa, aby si požehnal Tvoje písané Slovo a požehnal uši, ktoré to budú počuť a ústa, ktoré budú hovoriť, a aby si sa Ty z toho oslávil, lebo sa modlíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

6Nie je medzi nami nikto, kto by nebol odolný voči problémom. Boh nám nezasľúbil, že nás minú všetky nemoci, ale je napísané, že Jeho Sila je dostačujúca. Ale On na nás nikdy nenavalí tak veľa, ale nám dá Milosť, aby sme to uniesli. A tak môžeme mať útechu v tom, že to vieme.

Ako myšlienku na tento text na chvíľu mám niečo, čo mám na srdci posledných pár hodín, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“

7Bolo to asi medzi západom slnka a tmou a bol to dosť hrozný deň v tom meste, pretože tam bol alarm, ktorý... Strážnik na veži im hlásil, že v diaľke videl prach vychádzajúci z kolies vozov. A v diaľke aj počul dupot konských kopýt.

Ale ako dve mladé dámy stáli pri studni vo svojej mladosti, v mladom veku a museli rozmýšľať, čo znamenalo slovo tohto strážcu. Možno to pre nich veľa neznamenalo, pretože boli ešte v rozkvete svojho mladého ženstva. Možno preto, že tam mala byť v ten večer párty a tieto mladé dámy sa jej chceli zúčastniť.

A zdalo sa, že slovo strážcu na nich nemalo vôbec žiaden efekt, rátali s tým svetským potešením, ktoré budú mať z toho večera. A ako tak rozhovor pokračoval a jedna z tých mladých žien povedala tej druhej, „Nie je to hrozné, že v našom dni máme takýchto, ktorí nám kazia zábavu, ktorí sa snažia vziať nám privilégia, ktoré máme, a potešenia, z ktorých sa radujeme?“

8A verím, že to ide takmer ruka v ruke s tou dnešnou modernou verziou. Ľudia si myslia, že keď sa snažíš byť na pozore a vyvarovať sa blížiacim sa nebezpečenstvám, zdá sa, že si myslia, že si nejaký starý zahmlenec, niekto, kto si snaží vziať všetku radosť zo života.

A mohli by sme znovu myslieť na tých mladých mužov, ako vychádzali z dielní a ich tváre boli špinavé od práce, do ktorej boli počas dňa zamestnaní. A jeden mladý chlap mohol povedať druhému, „Len čo sa umyjeme a trochu upravíme, ako zvyčajne sa stretneme v krčme. Lebo som si istý, že ty, Ján, nie si znepokojený z tej správy, ktorú sme dnes počuli, keď sa nám ten strážnik na veži snažil vziať radosť zo života, pokúšal sa nám povedať o nejakom blížiacom sa nebezpečenstve. Ale vieš, my tu máme najlepšiu armádu, aká vôbec existuje, a veľa z našich vojakov sa stretávajú na tom istom mieste, kde my, a radujeme sa zo spoločnosti, ktorú máme, trochu si priateľsky zahráme nejaký hazard a k tomu nejakých pár drinkov.“

9„A ja sám,“ povedal by, „odmietol by som prijať to varovanie o týchto veciach, ktoré sa nám snaží tento strážnik povedať. Lebo veríme, že ak by tam boli nejaké blížiace sa nebezpečenstvá, tak istotne by o tom naši učitelia vedeli, naši pastori a hovorili by nám o takýchto veciach. Nestaráme sa o tieto únavné príbehy týchto strážcov na veži.“

Či to len nie je jasný obraz nášho dnešného národa, mládež tejto zeme, a nie len mládež, ale aj starí ľudia tejto zeme sa zbláznili. A oni odmietli počúvnuť varovanie. A len čo pravdivý strážca podáva varovanie, je kategorizovaný ako bludár alebo fanatik.

A ako deň prechádza do noci, možno ten vojak pri tej bráne, ktorý stráži bránu, začne byť trochu roztržitý. A ide do susednej hliadky a povie, „Veríte vôbec, že je nejaká šanca, že by to, čo povedal ten strážca, bola pravda?“

10Viete, niečo je na nebezpečenstve. Na smrti je niečo, čo sa zdá, že vopred varuje. Veľakrát tí milovaní, krátko predtým, ako prejdú na druhú stranu, zdá sa, že to predchádza nejaké varovanie.

Myslím na môjho otca, predtým, ako odišiel, bol roky mimo Kentucky. Ale náhle otcom niečo pohlo, aby sa vrátil späť domov a porozprával sa so svojimi milovanými a priateľmi. A potom, ako sa vrátil domov, jeho brat, ktorého sa mu nepodarilo vidieť, bol zvláštne varovaný, aby sa vrátil do Jeffersonville a navštívil ho.

A ako tam tak sedeli a rozprávali sa, otec prešiel na druhý svet. Rozmýšľam nad mojím svokrom. Len pár dní predtým, ako odišiel preč, povedal, „Billy, poďme si zapoľovať tam do Utiky. Chcem znova navštíviť tie staré miesta.“

11Ale akosi v Božej prozreteľnosti, nemohol som tam s ním ísť. Ale on tam išiel a poľoval. A keď sa dostal dolu k autu, povedal mi, „Sedel som tam hore na kopci; a všetko je už zmenené. Ale cestou dolu v istom zákutí v lese v Battle Creek, tam nad nami,“ povedal, „zdalo sa mi, že počujem volanie mojej mamy, 'Ó, Frankie!'“ A v ten večer vydal svedectvo v druhom rade v tejto cirkvi, tu po mojej ľavej strane, a túžil, aby sa za neho ľudia modlili. A pár dní nato sme ho pochovali.

Vždy sa zdá, že Boh vysiela posla. Je to Jeho dobrota a milosť, aby nám dal do srdca pravdivé varovanie o veciach, ktoré sa približujú. A som tak rád, že v tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme, keď je všade naokolo šero a temnota, vyzerá, že existuje požehnaná nádej, ktorá drží srdcia Božích ľudí, že v jednej slávnej hodine príde Ježiš.

13A v tomto veľkom čase ťažkostí v tomto meste, mladí ľudia to ignorovali a veľa ľudí, ktorí sa nestarali o to, čo mal tento strážnik do povedania, museli povedať... Samozrejme, boli v krčmách a pili a párty pokračovala, vojaci všetci pili a prežívali ohromný čas, mysliac si, že sú v takom bezpečí, v akom len môžu byť.

Nič im nešlo ublížiť, pretože boli poriadne spití, ako by sme to nazvali, boli v duchu whisky a miešaných alkoholických nápojov. Ale náhle priamo do mesta dorazil voz a dvere krčiem a domov boli rozbité a vražedné zbrane mali veľa práce. A všetko len preto, lebo odmietli počuť varovanie strážnika.

14A povinnosti strážcu v starej Biblii... To bol človek, ktorý bol vybraný. Musel to byť človek, ktorý poznal nebeské telesá. Musel presne vedieť, kde sa hviezdy nachádzajú, aby vždy mohol ľuďom povedať ten správny čas.

A veľa z tých ustatých mohli možno ísť von a nemohli zaspať, nervózni, a mohli tam zakričať na toho strážnika na veži, zakričať tieto slová, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“ A on by sa pozrel na hviezdy a povedal by taký a taký čas. Ten by potom išiel naspäť do postele, alebo kdekoľvek by chcel, čakajúc na denné svetlo, keď už konečne pominie tá uťahaná, vyčerpávajúca, otravná noc. Bože, buď milostivý.

15Som zvedavý, či to nie je ten istý čas aj dnes, keď voláme na svojho veľkého Strážnika, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“ Blíži sa nebezpečenstvo a zdá sa, že celý svet sa trasie pod jeho vplyvom.

Strážnik musel tiež byť celý čas v službe. A mal varovať ľudí pred blížiacimi sa nebezpečenstvami. To bola jeho povinnosť, aby sledoval blížiace sa hrozby.

A stál tam hore na veži, ktorá bola vybudovaná oveľa vyššie ako tie múry. A ako tam bol na tej veži, tie knihy astronómie, a tak ďalej, mal preštudované, takže mohol sledovať hviezdy a určiť čas. Akékoľvek nebezpečenstvo by sa v tom dni blížilo, on by o tom povedal. Taktiež mohol dovidieť oveľa ďalej ako ktokoľvek iný na zemi. Dovidel ďalej ako tí, ktorí stáli na múroch, pretože bol vyššie.

A čím vyššie ideš, tým ďalej dovidíš. A dokážeš povedať o vzdialenejších blížiacich sa nebezpečenstvách, ako len tí, ktorí sú na zemi.

16Ako aj Izaiáš vo svojom dni, on hovoril o tom, ako ho Boh urobil strážcom. Boh prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. A ako som už aj často kázal na tú tému o orloch, orol je vtákom, ktorý sa vie dostať oveľa vyššie ako ktorýkoľvek iný. A na to musí byť špeciálne vybudovaný, aby sa dostal do tak veľkej nadmorskej výšky.

No, jastrab by ho nikdy nemohol nasledovať. Žiaden iný vták by ho nikdy nemohol nasledovať. On je Bohom naprojektovaný vták. A tak bol stvorený. Ak by sa ho snažil nahradiť nejaký iný vták, jednoducho by zahynul. Musel by mať silnejšie perie, mocnejšie krídla. A čo by mu to pomohlo, keby sa dostal tak vysoko, ak by tam nemohol vidieť, ak nemá na to dobré oči, aby tam videl. Jastrab by tam oslepol. On nedokáže vidieť.

17Ale čím vyššie ten orol vystúpi, tým ďalej dovidí. A Boh prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. Oni sú strážcami, ktorí sa dokážu dostať vysoko, aby tak mohli ďalej dovidieť. A ich oči sú tak duchovne stvorené, takže môžu vidieť blížiace sa hrozby.

Boh postavil Izaiáša nato, aby varoval ľudí, že sa blíži nebezpečie, ale oni ho nepočúvali.

A dnes má Boh stále takých orlov, našich poslov, našich mužov na veži, ktorí sa v Duchu dostanú ďaleko ponad všetky mechanizmy, všetky atómové bomby a vedecké bádania. On má ľudí, ktorí sú špeciálne pre ten účel naprojektovaní, a oni sa vyšplhajú na hradbu Golgoty v Mene Pána Ježiša, postavia sa na vrch kríža a môžu späť poslať posolstvo, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“

Ich duchovný zrak je ďaleko väčší, ako má nejaký kňaz v chráme, ďaleko väčší, ako má nejaký obyčajný človek na svojej ceste životom. Lebo oni sú špeciálne navrhnutí pre povinnosti, do ktorých ich Boh povolal. Preto by sme na to mali obrátiť svoj zreteľ, keď počujeme o veciach, ktoré sa približujú.

18Teraz to trochu na chvíľu zmením a obrátim vašu pozornosť na Kráľa týchto orlov, prorokov, alebo strážcov na vežiach. To je Sám Pán Ježiš.

A tento deň, v ktorom my žijeme, je oveľa väčší ako ten, kedy tu On bol, dokiaľ nebol celkom v tieni kríža a On hovoril viac o Svojom druhom príchode, ako o tom, ako odíde.

Ak budete pozorne hľadať Písma, zistíte, že tesne predtým, ako odišiel preč, prorokoval o veciach, ktoré sa majú uskutočniť v tomto dni. Vedel, že musí byť ukrižovaný. Vedel, že musí trpieť, nevinný za vinných. Vedel, že bude znovu vzkriesený z hrobu na tretí deň. Vedel, že tam neboli žiadne sily, ktoré by Ho mohli zadržať v hrobe. Pretože Slovo Božie povedalo, „Nedám Svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie, ani nezanechám jeho dušu v pekle.“ A neboli tam žiadne moci, ktoré by mohli to proroctvo porušiť. Jeho Slovo bude pravdivé. A bude vyplnené vo svojich obdobiach.

19A On mal dôveru, že to, čo Otec povedal, že to bol aj schopný dodržať, Jeho Slovo. Preto, Jeho veľké srdce, ktoré bolo v Ňom, čo bol trón Boží... Vo Svojom srdci vedel, že tieto veľké časy skúšania sú na to, aby to dokázali všetkým národom a dokázali všetkým ľuďom.

Takže preto, On vedel, že tam je tá veľká otázka, nie že či bude znovu vzkriesený, alebo či bude ukrižovaný podľa Písma, ani či vôbec vystúpi na výšiny a príde Svätý Duch. Ale tá otázka bola, „Zostane na zemi vôbec nejaká viera, keď Ja prídem?“ A ako prichádza viera? Skrze počutie Božieho Slova. To bola Jeho otázka, „Bude tam ešte na zemi nejaká viera, keď prídem?“ Nájde On nejakých ľudí, ktorí budú veriť Jeho Slovu?

20No, my v dni, v ktorom žijeme, keď sa môžeme obrátiť do týchto stránok Jeho požehnaného Slova a nájsť práve tie veci, o ktorých hovoril, že sa stanú, ako sa dnes približujú na zem... Dejú sa znaky a divy. Srdcia ľudí zlyhávajú strachom. Je čas zmätku a napätia medzi národmi a desivých pohľadov na oblohu s lietajúcimi taniermi a Pentagon [Ministerstvo obrany USA – pozn.prekl.] je celý rozrušený. A duniace moria a zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú strachom, veľké atómové zbrane sa pripravujú, čakajú, taká temnota visí na zemi, akú svet ešte nikdy predtým nezažil...

21Minulý týždeň som mal to privilégium hovoriť s jedným z mojich milých priateľov a bratov, kapitánom Juliusom Stadsklevom, ktorý napísal knihu „Prorok navštevuje Afriku.“ A brat Julius bol v Kalifornii, kde ho teraz školia za majora armády.

A on, oni... Armádny personál ho vzal na veľkú skúšku. Prehľadávali celý jeho rodokmeň, pokým sa nedostali k tomu, kto bola jeho prastará matka. A všetku tú jeho históriu predtým, ako sa dostal na to zhromaždenie.

A ako prišiel z toho zhromaždenia a vyšiel na vrch toho kopca, kde sme sa zdržiavali s nejakými priateľmi, stretol som sa tam s ním pod borievkovým stromom a on povedal, „Brat Branham, toto je najstrašnejšia vec, akú si kedy počul.“ Povedal, „Som pod tak veľkou prísahou, že nemôžem takmer nič povedať a nemôžem vypustiť žiadne informácie,“ povedal, „pretože sme pod skutočne vážnou prísahou.“ Ale povedal, „Ale môžem ti povedať toto: armáda zanikne. Nebude už vôbec žiadna armáda, iba naokolo zopár strážcov. Nebudú už mať viacej žiadne letectvo. Nebudú už viac svoj čas venovať budovaniu rýchlejších lietadiel, a tak ďalej, jedine pre komerčné použitie. Oni sa sústredia len na stisnutie jednej spúšte. Príde totálne zničenie.“

22On povedal, „Brat Branham, verejnosť vôbec nevie o tajomstvách týchto vojenských záležitostí.“ Povedal, „Keď sa tí veľkí dôstojníci rozprávali v tej miestnosti,“ povedal, „prišla do tej miestnosti taká hrozná temnota, až sa jeden z tých vedcov postavil a povedal, 'Prial by som si, aby som si vzal starý voz a kravu a išiel niekam do hôr a zasadil by som si hriadku kapusty a fazule a zabudol na všetko toto.'“

Ó, on povedal, „To by... Ak by sa táto informácia dostala na verejnosť, celý svet by upadol do paniky.“ Nebezpečenstvo sa blíži. On povedal, „Oni majú... ťahajú svoj personál z ostrovov... ťahajú svoje vojenské jednotky z Anglicka, a majú tam veľké lode, ktoré sú naložené nejakými zbraňami, a čakajú len na prvé mihnutie nejakej rakety a každý národ sa vtedy utrhne z reťaze.“ Povedal, „Nebude na zemi zanechané jedno steblo trávy, ani jedna hora, ktorá by nebola zatrasená.“ A môže sa to stať v ktorýkoľvek čas.

23Ó, čo za hodinu temnoty. A všetky tieto veci, ktoré počujete o lietajúcich tanierov... A predpokladám, že ste už počuli rozhovor s tým človekom, včera v rádiu, ktorý tvrdil, že hovorí k ľuďom. Nechcem kritizovať toho muža, ale celý jeho systém je v protiklade so Slovom. Nie je to správne. „A na Marse nemajú smrť a majú tu k nám prísť, aby nás učili, ako nezomrieť.“

Ale keď sa to bude musieť dokázať, nebude mať ani smietku dôkazu, len nejakú domnelú myšlienku, ktorú si vytvoril. A podľa môjho názoru je to falošné, pretože Biblia hovorí inak, ako on.

24Mohol by som vyjadriť, čo si myslím o lietajúcich tanieroch. Neverím, že sú to tiene. Verím, že sú len imaginárne. A verím, no, toto neznamená, že to tak je; je to len moja myšlienka. Pán mi nepovedal, čo sú zač. Ale cez nahliadnutie do Písma... lebo tam nájdeme všetky veci; Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude aj vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ A pred zničením Sodomy, ako tam ten oheň padol a spálil celé mesto a tie planiny; boli tam Anjeli, ktorí boli poslaní z neba, aby sa poobzerali a zistili, či sú tieto veci pravdivé alebo nie.

A či to nebude dnes tak isto, že Boh posiela späť Svojich Anjelov, aby to prešetrili a zistili, predtým, ako príde toto veľké zničenie?

A všimli ste si, že tam bol jeden Anjel, ktorý prišiel a navštívil toho starého muža, ktorý urobil rozhodnutie pre Boha, a žil pohŕdnutý svetom v stane vzadu na púšti, pretože niekto mu vzal všetok jeho majetok. Ale on povedal, „To je v poriadku. Ja tu len zostanem stáť na vôli Božej.“

25Radšej by som bol vo vôli Božej, ako mať všetky peniaze, ktoré ti môže svet naservírovať. A len čo bolo urobené to konečné rozhodnutie, potom ten Anjel Pánov prišiel k Abrahámovi a povedal, „Pozri, východ, západ, sever a juh; všetko je tvoje, Abrahám.“

Písmo nám hovorí, „Blahoslavení tichí, lebo oni dedične obdržia zem.“

Aký je v tom rozdiel? Všetky veci na zemi pominú aj s ňou, ale Boh nikdy nemôže pominúť. A verím, ako som vedený veriť, že to je... ak je toto ten obraz Anjela Pánovho, ktorý prichádza a robí to rozpoznanie...

Všimli ste si toho Anjela, ktorý prišiel k Abrahámovi: On mal chrbát otočený k stanu, keď vtedy hovoril s Abrahámom, a povedal, „Dodržím zasľúbenie, ktoré som ti dal.“ Ó, čo za Posolstvo Anjela Božieho v tomto dni, ktorý dodrží Svoje zasľúbenie. Celá nevera sveta, skeptici, pochybovači, ateisti a neveriaci nikdy nespôsobia, že Božia Moc nebude mať žiaden efekt. To sa jednako stane.

„Budem pamätať na Moje zasľúbenie, a vyplním ich.“ A Sára sa zasmiala v tom stane za ním. A ako bol chrbtom otočený k stanu, povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“

A Sára vybehla a povedala, „Ja som sa nesmiala,“ pretože sa bála.

„Čo je to za druh Človeka? Aký je to typ Strážcu na tej veži? Aký typ Osobnosti je Ten s nami, ktorý je ku mne otočený chrbtom a vie, že som sa v tom stane smiala?“ Pamätajte, On bol tým Strážcom.

A On sa otočil a povedal, „Áno, ty si sa smiala.“ A ona bola vystrašená.

26No, znovu si všimnite, že v tomto dni, tesne pred príchodom Pánovým, tieto isté Bytosti sa majú navrátiť. A som zvedavý, ako sa obzeráme dookola a vidíme ich náturu, sledujeme, čo robia, a som zvedavý, či veľa týchto záhadných zjavov nie je to, čo Ježiš povedal, že sa stane? „Budú znaky hore na nebesiach; a na zemi budú zovrenia medzi národmi, zmätenia času, zemetrasenia miestami, a muži zomierajúci zlyhaním srdca,“ nie ženy, muži. Ženy nezomierajú veľmi často na srdcové problémy; sú to muži. To vyplňuje to, čo Ježiš povedal, že tak bude. Je to presne to, čo povedal, že sa stane.

27A mohli by sme o tom rozprávať hodinu za hodinou o tom, čo všetci títo proroci prorokovali, že sa stane v tomto dni. Či to nespôsobí, že zaznie aspoň jeden výkrik, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“ Pentagon nemá žiadnu odpoveď. Spojené štáty nemajú odpoveď. Ani Nemecko, Rusko, nikto z nich nemá odpoveď. Veda nemá odpoveď. Ale kto má odpoveď? Strážca na tej veži má odpoveď. „Strážnik, koľko je ešte noci?“

28A Svätý Duch je tým Strážcom, ktorý pripravuje ľudí a dáva varovania od Boha. On bol postavený, aby bol Strážcom. Vidíme chorých, že sú uzdravovaní, slepých, ktorých oči sa otvárajú, hluchých, ktorí počujú, postihnutí kráčajú a chromí skáču ako srna, čo vyplňuje... Čo to je? Je to blížiaci sa príchod Pánov.

A všetky tieto veci a tieto varovania a ľudia pritom stále pokračujú vo svojich pivných večierkoch. Majú taký čas bláznovstva a zabávajú sa, tancujú, jedia, pijú, ženia sa a vydávajú, presne, ako Boh povedal, že tak bude... A nijako sa ich nedá zastaviť.

Potom, ak si všimnete, v tomto veľkom cirkevnom veku podľa Zjavenia 3, v tomto veku je jeden, komu je daná ranná hviezda tesne pred príchodom.

Sledujte, aký bol tento biblický Izaiáš, keď povedal, „Strážca, koľko ešte noci?“ On povedal, „Ráno prichádza a noc tiež.“ Čo? Ráno prichádza, ale pred ránom ešte príde noc. Čo to bolo? Každý vie, že pred brieždením, v hodinách, keď sa už blíži deň, zotmie sa ešte viac ako predtým.

29Ó, priatelia moji, počúvajte to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Ak ma považujete za Jeho služobníka: je tesne pred svitaním. To je to, prečo je tá hrozná temnota, ktorá visí nad zemou. Je to presne pred Príchodom Pána Ježiša. Nezostáva iná nádej, len Jeho príchod.

Národy sú proti národom, a prešli cez Božie laboratórium, až majú takú moc, že môžu jeden druhého premeniť na atómový popol. A sú nehanební a bezbožní a sú tak odlišní od Krista. A jediný motív a cieľ, ktorý majú, je ničiť. A sú inšpirovaní tým ničiacim anjelom, ktorý bol poslaný z nebies, aby tých ľudí inšpiroval.

Dovoľte, aby som vám povedal v Mene Pána Ježiša, že Svätý Duch nám poslal na vežu Strážcu.

A ako ľudia kričia, „Koľko zostáva ešte tej noci?“ Si už ustatý týmto životom? Si už zmorený týmto hriechom? Si vyčerpaný od tých pohrebných sprievodov, nemocí a bezbožnosti na každom kroku? Je už tá noc dlhá a vyčerpávajúca? „Koľko je ešte noci, strážnik?“

On povedal, „Ráno príde.“ Vidíte tú útechu? „Ale noc tiež príde.“ Čo je vlastne tá noc?

30Pozrite, v akej dokonalej harmónii bol Izaiáš s Písmom. V tom pravidelnom chode prírody, vždy keď sa približuje slnko, to vždy predtým nakopí temnosť a je vtedy tma. Pred začiatkom dňa je temnejšie ako v akejkoľvek inej časti noci. Prečo? Je to približujúce sa svetlo, ktoré to zatemní.

A je to približovanie sa Pána Ježiša, ktoré teraz prináša temnotu na zem. Či nepovedal, „Keď sa začnú diať tieto veci, pozdvihnite svoje hlavy, pretože vaše vykúpenie sa blíži.“

Palestína je národom. Židia sa vrátili z celého sveta a tam sa usadili, aby videli, ako príde, presne tak, ako Boh povedal, že príde. „Učte sa podobenstvu od fíka, keď vydáva svoje puky.“ On povedal, „A stane sa, že toto pokolenie nepominie, ani neodíde preč. Nikdy nebude mať konca, dokiaľ sa toto všetko nestane.“

31Aké pokolenie? Generácia, ktorá vidí ten figový strom, ako vydáva puky. Izrael bol vždy figovým stromom. „To, čo zanechali červy, pojedli húsenice,“ povedal Joel. „Čo nechali húsenice, zjedli červy. Čo zanechali červy, pojedli kobylky.“ A ak si to len všimnete, je to ten istý chrobák. Každý z tohto hmyzu, ktorý jedol z toho stromu, je ten istý hmyz, iba v inom štádiu.

A ten istý hriech a nevera, ktorá začala rozožierať Židov, že Ježiš nie je Kristus, ktorá vyžrala ten strom na neplodný pahýľ... A prorok to videl a plakal. Ale Pán povedal, „Ja to obnovím, hovorí Hospodin, všetky tie roky, ktoré húsenice, kobylky a červy požrali.“ A prvýkrát za dvetisíc päťsto rokov sa Židia vracajú do svojej domoviny. „Tá generácia nebude zrušená a nepominie, pokým sa všetky tieto veci nevyplnia. Potom vylejem Svojho Ducha v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, na mojich synov a dcéry. A budú prorokovať a Ja budem ukazovať divy.“

32Chorí budú uzdravovaní. Veľké moci budú vykonávané tým istým Duchom, ktorý povedal Abrahámovi, že Sára sa smiala v tom stane za ním. Potom vykríkneme, „Strážca, koľko je ešte noci?“

A on povedal, „Noc prichádza.“ Sledujte, prvá noc... Ráno prichádza prvé, ale potom tiež aj noc. Pred svitaním, tam je vždy jedno veľké svetlo, ktoré je umiestnené v nebesiach, a to je tá ranná hviezda. Keď vidíte, ako sa vyjasňuje tá ranná hviezda, je jasnejšia a jasnejšia, a zem sa viac stmieva a stmieva. A to je dôvod, prečo je jasnejšia, je to preto, že zem je tmavšia.

A cirkev posledných dní je povolaná a vyvolená telom Kristovým, ako bolo zasľúbené v Biblii, že im dá rannú hviezdu.

33„Strážca, koľko je ešte noci? Čo sa ide stať?“ Tu to je. Na celý svet prichádza totálne spustošenie. Ale predtým, ako nastane zničenie, cirkev Ježiša Krista pôjde do vytrhnutia, aby sa tam stretla s Pánom.

Čo má tá ranná hviezda urobiť? Čo činí tú hviezdu, že tak svieti? Je to približovanie sa slnka. Ranná hviezda odráža slnečné svetlo. A ďalšie hviezdy, sa zdá, že sa v tej hodine vytrácajú.

Všetky tie ľuďmi vytvorené teológie, tie studené, formálne ľahostajnosti budú vysušené. Ale ten strážnik stojaci tam na tej veži s tou rannou hviezdou, bude odrážať to pravdivé posolstvo Pána Ježiša, ktoré sa rýchlo priblíži, pretože je jasnejšie a jasnejšie celý čas, ako slnko vychádza.

34Ó, povedal by som, „Ranné hviezdy, svieťte a žiarte na slávu Božiu. Lebo sa blíži polnoc, temnota visí nad zemou a veľká temnosť je na ľuďoch.“

Ale ráno prichádza a hviezdy budú vydávať svoje svetlo. Pomyslite na tú hroznú temnotu, ktorá je na celom svete. Myslite na tú hroznú temnosť, ktorá visí na každej dnešnej nespasenej osobe. Všetky národy, všetky hory, všetky farmy, a všetky domy, čo boli slávne, budú raz rozprášené na vulkanický popol v mihnutí oka.

Ale tí, ktorí milujú Pána, tí, ktorým svieti tá ranná hviezda, ktorí obracajú svoje oči na Neho a preč od tohto sveta...

35A ako Pavol napísal svoju záverečnú epištolu predtým, ako opustil zem, bol ustatý, nervózny a unavený. Ó, ako sa viem vžiť do pocitov toho malého Žida, keď povedal, „Už ma nič nebude ťažiť. Vybojoval som dobrý boj a dokončil som svoj beh. Držal som vieru. A odteraz je tu koruna spravodlivosti, ktorú mi Pán, ten Spravodlivý Sudca dá v tomto dni.“ Potom rozmýšľal o príchode ranných hviezd. Povedal, „Nie len mne, ale všetkým, ktorí milujú Jeho zjavenie sa.“

Ó, len pozdvihnite svoje hlavy, lebo vaše vykúpenie sa blíži. „Strážnik, prečo noviny takto hovoria? Čo spôsobuje, že sa veda bojí pohnúť? Čo robí ministerstvo obrany tak vystrašeným, že sa boja vypustiť nejakú informáciu?“ Pretože ľudia by spáchali samovraždy, rozhadzovali peniaze po uliciach, a tak ďalej. Ale čo sa deje? Čo to je? Koľko je ešte noci? Ráno prichádza. To je pravda. O čom to všetko vlastne je? To spôsobuje ranný príchod. A vytláča to navonok svetlo, čím sa vytvára veľká temnota, predtým, ako prichádza žiariace svetlo.

36Som tak rád, že môžem byť kresťanom. Som tak rád, že som Jeho strážnikom, jedným z nich, ktorý stojí na múre a kričí, „Pripravte sa, aby ste sa stretli s Bohom, lebo hodina Jeho príchodu sa blíži.“

Vy v tejto cirkvi, dnes ráno, ak je tu len jeden, ktorý si nie je istý, že tá Ranná Hviezda odráža svoje Svetlo do jeho srdca, ten veľký Svätý Duch, nech sa na to pripraví. Lebo sa ide udiať jedna z najväčších udalostí a už je nablízku. Stojíme na okraji a sledujeme drámu, ktorá sa odohráva.

Veľakrát som sledoval filmy. V Hollywoode a na rôznych iných miestach robia drámy. A ako vezmú svoje hviezdy, a tak ďalej, a rozmiestnia ich tam naokolo, a ako ich tam trénujú a všetko toto ešte predtým, ako sa tá dráma odohrá. Bol som užasnutý, keď som ich sledoval, a vedel som, že to musí byť falošná napodobenina.

Všetky falošné napodobeniny sú utvorené z tých skutočných vecí. Nemôže byť falšovaný dolár, pokiaľ neexistuje skutočný dolár. Nemôže byť pokrytec, ak neexistuje skutočný kresťan. Nemôže byť falošné posolstvo, dokiaľ neexistuje pravdivé. Nemôže byť noc, ak by nebol deň. Istotne.

37A ako som ich tam sledoval, keď tam pripravovali tú drámu, a myslel som si, „Ó, stojíme na veži ďaleko ponad všetko na tomto svete. A sledujeme dve najväčšie veci: dobiehanie času dokonca a príchod Pánov.“ Skoro už nebude žiadneho času. Nebude už žiaden čas, jedine príchod Pánov.

A antikrist tu má svojich poddaných. Má komunizmus; má rôzne „izmy.“ Má náboženskosť; má katolicizmus; má protestantizmus. Má všetko, čo potrebuje, aby urobil veľkú šou.

Ale som tak rád, že existuje Otec v nebesiach, ktorý ma tiež svoje postavy pre túto veľkú drámu. Keď ich antikrist vezme do pominutia všetkého, dokonca času, Boh má pripravenú Svoju drámu na to, aby vyzdvihol Svoju cirkev do večnosti, do tých blažených sfér večnosti s Bohom Samým, keď tieto staré zlé telá budú premenené a stvorené podľa Jeho vlastného slávneho tela a porušenie sa premení na nesmrteľnosť a v Jeho podobnosti tam budeme naveky stáť.

38Pozrite sa, vy, ktorí sledujete televíziu, ktorí počúvate rádio, čítate noviny, a vy, ktorí radi počujete nové správy, vy sa divíte, čo to je. Počúvajte môj hlas. Ráno prichádza, ale noc tiež prichádza. Ráno prichádza pre tých, ktorí sú pripravení na ráno; a noc prichádza pre tých, ktorí nie sú pripravení na ráno. Nech Boh dnes pripraví naše srdcia na ráno, kedy sa bude brieždiť večný jas a svetlo. A ako povedal básnik, „Jeho vyvolení sa zhromaždia vo svojich domovoch tam na oblohe. Keď tá listina bude vyvolaná, budem tam.“

Modlime sa.

V tejto hodine temnoty nad zemou a zničením na každom kroku, Pane Bože, nedokážeme vyjadriť, ako sa cítime s vďačnosťou v našich srdciach, že Ježiš Kristus zostúpil zo slávy a učinil sa Človekom, ako sme my, a prebýval medzi nami. A potom, keď zomrel za naše hriechy, prešiel do raja a vzal čakajúce duše, prelomil každú duchovnú moc, ktorou diabol zviazal zem; a urobil cestu, aby slnečné svetlo večnej Božej milosti mohlo svietiť na tých, ktorí sú ochotní to prijať...

39Bože, udeľ, aby sa dnes každý človek ponáhľal; ponáhľal, aby sa dostal do Kráľovstva, pretože to posolstvo bolo vždy naliehavé. „Ponáhľaj sa, ponáhľaj. Vyjdi!“ Povedal Anjel v Sodome, „Nedokážem nič urobiť, dokiaľ sem ty neprídeš.“

Pane, udeľ, aby bolo toto posolstvo plné milosti a moci a lásky, a pritom v naliehavosti. Udeľ, Pane, aby mohli ľudia rýchlo prísť a prijať Krista a byť naplnení Svätým Duchom. Lebo Ježiš povedal, „Tí, ktorí sú od Boha, počujú slová Božie.“ Nech len prídu a činia pokánie zo svojich hriechov a nech sú pokrstení na Meno Pána Ježiša na odpustenie svojich hriechov a sú naplnení Svätým Duchom; aby to udržalo ich dušu v stave, v akom bola tá prvá cirkev. Tak to bude, keď prídeš.

Sme Ti vďační za to posolstvo a prosíme Ťa, aby si ho požehnal, Pane, aby bolo dobrým v našich srdciach, ako očakávame na Teba. V Ježišovom Mene sa modlíme. Amen. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

Jeden za druhým dosiahneme portál,

aby sme tam prebývali v nesmrteľnosti,

keď budú zvoniť tie zlaté zvony,

pre teba a mňa.

40Či Ho nemilujete? Posolstvo je za nami, len Ho chváľme v Duchu, len... On je tu. Veľké, prísne slová, ale sú pravdivé. Hovorím ich v Kristovom Mene. Približovanie sa dňa... Považujte ma... [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

... teba a mňa (Len pozdvihnime svoje hlavy.) počuješ...

Či nepočuješ spievať Anjelov?

Sláva, haleluja, jubileum.

V tom sladkom zajtrajšku naveky.

Poza tou žiariacou riekou,

keď zaznejú tie zlaté zvony,

pre teba a mňa.

41Zatiaľ čo to bude znovu hrať, potrasme si navzájom ruky.

...zajtrajšku naveky

Poza tou žiariacou riekou,

Keď vierou prekročíme ten breh... (Len povedzme jeden druhému, „Pútnik, som rád, že som s tebou.“)

Jeden za druhým nadobudneme portál,

aby sme tam prebývali v nesmrteľnosti,

keď budú zvoniť tie zlaté zvony,

pre teba a mňa.

Či nepočuješ zvonenie zvonov?

Či nepočuješ spev Anjelov? (Čo to je?)

Sláva, haleluja, jubileum.

V tom sladkom zajtrajšku naveky.

Poza tou žiariacou riekou,

keď zaznejú tie...

42To mi práve niečo priviedlo na myseľ. Moja manželka tam vzadu si to iste dobre pamätá. Mal som privilégium navštíviť starý zbor Pisgah, biblický inštitút v Kalifornii. Mal som tam u nich jedno večerné zhromaždenie. Je to tá stará elektráreň. Čo za nádherné miesto. Stretol som tam pastora, brata Smitha. Viete, oni tlačia noviny. Iste tým pomáhajú. A nič za to neberú. Všetko je zadarmo. A robia to takto už vyše päťdesiat rokov.

43Začalo sa to jedným lekárom, ktorý bol chromý a prišiel pre pomoc do Kalifornie. A doktor mu povedal, „Nedá sa už s tebou nič robiť.“ Tuším to bol neskorší doktor Price, alebo niekto iný, kto sa tam zaňho modlil jedno ráno v tej izbe. No vtedy to nemalo hneď žiadne viditeľné výsledky. Ale to nič neznamená. Takže išiel ďalej. Povedal, „Ja tomu jednako verím.“ A keď schádzal dolu z obrubníka, jeho zmrzačená noha sa narovnala. Tak on teda založil Dom Pisgah.

A jeden večer som tam kázal. Boli tam v tej sále dosť naprataní a stovky krát stovky ich tam stálo na uliciach, a tak ďalej, ešte predtým, ako sa im vôbec podarilo dostať sa dovnútra. A potom, ako sme mali posolstvo za sebou, niečo sa stalo, dve veci, ktorým som nikdy predtým v živote nebol svedkom. Oni neboli len nejakou skupinou ľudí, ktorá sa snaží narobiť veľa hluku. Ani neboli len takou vyschnutou skupinou. Boli to Duchom naplnení ľudia. A radoval som sa z toho skvelého obecenstva.

44A keď som... predtým, ako som sa začal modliť za chorých, začali spievať niečo sladké ako toto. A ja som tam len stál a bol som plný úžasu. Povedal som, „Niečo sa tu deje, čomu nerozumiem.“ Počúval som znova a počul som dva chóry. Povedal som, „Musí tu byť nejaká chyba.“ A znovu som potriasol hlavou a ušami. Povedal som, „Ó, Pane, možno sa to len odráža od tohto zboru tu.“ Počul som jeden tam hore, veľmi vysoké hlasy. Povedal som, „Musí to byť tam hore.“

Tak som teda vyšiel z toho kazateľského miesta na povalu. Bolo to tam hore. A povedal som svojej žene, „Počuješ to, miláčik?“

Povedala, „Čo to je?“

„Sestra Arganbrightová,“ povedal som, „Počuješ to?“

Povedala, „Hej. Tuším som to už raz počula.“

Išiel som k bratovi Arganbrightovi, „Počuješ to?“

„Áno.“ Každý jeden z nich mal sklonenú hlavu a spievali.

Ó, povedal som, „Možno... Chcem si byť istý. Nechcem byť skeptický. Ale, Pane, ak som Tvojím svedkom a mám byť strážcom, musím vedieť, o čom hovorím. Musím si tým byť istý.“ Ako Božské Uzdravenie, ak si tým nie som istý, nič o tom nejdem povedať. Ak si nie som istý, že toto je Príchod Pánov, nič by som o tom nehovoril. Musím si byť istý.“

45Dostal som sa znovu do tej jamy a každý jeden z nich tam mal sklonenú hlavu. A to volanie z oltára, veľa ľudí malo vystreté ruky ku oknu, ako prichádzali ku Kristovi. A spievali. Keď som sa tam dolu dostal, povedal som, „Pane, to tak nemôže byť.“ Oni tam spievali len ako obyčajní ľudia. Ale tu hore ich bolo... znelo to, akoby to bola len taká hŕstka, asi dve alebo tri tisíc. Ale vyzeralo to, akoby ich tam hore bolo možno stotisíc. A bol to jeden z tých najsladších hlasov, skutočne vysoký soprán, ako ženské hlasy.

Tak som počúval, pričom som sa zachvel po celom tele. Na chvíľu som ustúpil dozadu. Počúval som. Vykročil som do uličky, vrátil som sa, pretože oni len stále spievali v Duchu. Znovu som sa započúval. Nebol to ten hlas. Tam dolu som ich mohol počuť ako jeden druh hlasu; a tam hore zase iný.

Takže, keď bolo po zhromaždení, povedal som pastorovi, „Pastor, počul som niečo zvláštne.“

Povedal, „Čo to bolo, brat Branham?“

Povedal som, „Počul som sopránové hlasy žien a vysoké trénované hlasy, tie najsladšie, aké som v živote počul, boli tam hore.“

On povedal, „To sa tu už dalo často počuť, brat Branham.“

46Čítal som raz o starej matke (Práve som zabudol, ako sa volá), ktorá sa zvykla modliť za chorých. A jeden večer, potom, ako pastor skončil kázanie, tá malá matka išla dolu a modlila sa za chorých. Mala asi päť alebo šesť detí, ktoré boli okolo nej. A zastavila sa a počúvala. A je to pani Woodworth Etterová, ak ste niekedy čítali jej knihu. A ona počula a povedala, „V tej cirkvi pri spievaní je počuť zhora spievať chór.“ Potom, ako sa tam tie hlasy dolu ukončili, ono to stále spievalo. Vidíte?

47Tak som tam stál a sledoval to vzadu v tej budove, ako to bolo na poriadku a dokonale... No, verím v hovorenie v jazykoch. Verím, že to je dar Boží, ktorý je v cirkvi. A verím, že to je tiež zneužité, ako aj ostatné miesta Písma bývajú zneužité. Ale existuje skutočné, áno.

A tento človek sa postavil vzadu v tej budove a povedal zo štyri-päť slov v nejakom cudzom jazyku, nie len... bol to dialekt. Mohli ste to počuť. Každý bol ticho. A niečo mnou pohlo. Nikdy som ešte nemal výklad v mojom živote a ani vtedy som ho nepoužil, pretože som bol vydesený. Tieto veci sú od Boha. Lepšie urobíte, keď s nimi nebudete robiť hlúposti.

Niečo mi povedalo, „Pastor sa bude modliť modlitbu viery.“ Musel som držať zavreté ústa. A čakal som a tu to znovu prišlo, také zavlnenie a povedalo to, „Pastor sa bude modliť modlitbu viery.“

Myslel som si, „Pane, nemám žiadne dary vykladania. Ten môj je, aby som sa modlil za chorých. Takže ja nemám žiadne dary vykladania.“ A znovu som zavrel svoje ústa a ticho stál. A práve potom sa pastor postavil a začal sa modliť za chorých.

Ó, On je Bohom. Tie nemoci boli všetky uzdravené v celej tej budove. Čo to je? Svitanie dňa. Zostal ešte jeden malý konár. Neobávajte sa. Boh nikdy nebol bez svedka. Dôverujem, že niekde je niečo veľké, tajomné, možno nie s anjelským hlasom, ale niečo nechá každého hriešnika, ak by tu bol nejaký v tejto budove, vediac, že noc je tmavšia a tmavšia ponad zemou a je tu veľká temnota. Ale to je to, čo to robí, pretože Príchod Pánov je blízko.

48A ako váš strážca hovorím, „Ráno prichádza. Buďte pripravené, ranné hviezdy; svieťte.“ Koľkí z vás by chceli byť spomenutí v záverečnej modlitbe predtým, ako pôjdeme? Len pozdvihnite svoje ruky.

Drahý Bože, Ty vidíš ľudí, ako dvíhajú svoje ruky. A oni sú v tom úprimní. Veľa z tých, ktorí prehľadávali noviny, hľadali vo filozofických knihách a článkoch o rôznych veciach, ale stále nedokážu nájsť žiadnu odpoveď. Ale teraz prichádza to ráno v Biblii, „Prichádza ráno, ale príde aj noc.“

A my sa modlíme, Bože, aby si požehnal každú osobu tu, ktorá má zdvihnutú ruku. A Ty vieš, čo je za tou zdvihnutou rukou. A, Pane, ja verím, že práve tam, kde sedia, že ten Všadeprítomný Boh je schopný rozdeliť im dedičstvo Ducha, ktoré v tejto hodine hľadajú.

Daj to každému, Pane, kvôli Tvojmu Slovu a ich túžbe a Tvojmu Božskému zasľúbeniu, ktoré nemôže zlyhať. Nech len príjmu to, pre čo majú zodvihnuté ruky a ako im ja vyjadrujem modlitbu pre ich dobro. V Mene Pána Ježiša, nech to príjmu. Amen. Nech je Boh s vami.

49No, máme ešte trochu času... No, ideme sa teraz modliť za chorých. Som tak šťastný, že viem, že existuje nádej pre nemocných. „Ja som Hospodin, ktorý odpúšťa všetky tvoje neprávosti, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.“ A ja som práve... Je to zvláštne, ale bol som pred chvíľou pohnutý tou mladou matkou ležiacou na lôžku. Je obeťou Hodgkinovej choroby. Tuším to je jej matka, čo tam s ňou sedí; som si istý. Áno, tak je.

A táto matka mi rozprávala o svojom dieťati a ja som sa ju snažil povzbudiť. A potom som zavolal... Po tomto posolstve cítim, že spasenie je prvá vec; uzdravenie je druhá. Uzdravenie môže trvať do konca tvojho života, mnoho rokov. Môže ti to dať šťastie a radosť, zatiaľ čo si tu na zemi, ale to pominie s tvojou smrťou.

Ale duša, ktorá je spasená, má Večný Život. Nemôže pominúť, ani ti ju nič nemôže vziať. Je zapísaná v knihách Božích, aby bola vzkriesená v posledných dňoch. Tá veľká vec je tá prvá vec. Najprv Kráľovstvo Božie a Jeho spravodlivosť a ostatné bude pridané.

50Chcel by som povedať ešte jedno svedectvo uzdravenia jednej hroznej choroby, ktorou táto mladá žena trpí. A pred nejakým časom... (Možno tu niekde je, nie som tu tak často, aby som vedel, kto je kto. Mnohých z vás ani nepoznám.) Ale bolo tam mladé dievča tu v našej škole a trpela touto Hodgkinovou chorobou, a tak ju vzali k lekári, keď sa jej vyhadzovali tie veľké opuchliny.

A oni vzali kúsok tej opuchliny a poslali to na vyšetrenie, že čo to je, a naspäť dostali, „Neliečiteľná Hodgkinova choroba.“ A tá matka ani nechcela dovoliť, aby sa jej dieťa dozvedelo, čo bol jej problém. Tak doktori poradili tej matke, nech ju len nechá chodiť do školy, pretože má ešte pred sebou niekoľko dní života. Nakoniec sa jej z toho takmer zlomilo srdce. A Hodgkinova choroba je rakovina; vieme to, určitá forma rakoviny.

51Tak oni poslali to mladé dievča do školy, aby ju nechali zomrieť. Tá matka bola zúfalá. Tak mi teda zatelefonovala a povedala, „Chcela by som ju tam priniesť. Ale chápem, brat Branham, že v tvojich modlitebných radoch veľakrát vyvoláš choroby, keď máš inšpiráciu Ducha.“ Povedala, „Bol by si taký milý, že ak ti Svätý Duch zjaví niečo o tom dieťati, že to nepovieš?“

„No,“ povedal som, „Nemyslím si, že by to zjavil, ak by nechcel, aby sa to vedelo.“ Povedal som, „Sotva, nemyslím si to. A tu v mojej vlastnej modlitebni mám len zriedkakedy takéto typy zhromaždení.“ Povedal som, „Len sa modlím za chorých.“

A tá mladá dáma prišla do radu a opýtal som sa tej matky, „Si kresťanka?“

Povedala, „Nie.“

Povedal som, „Je toto dievča kresťankou?“

„Nie je.“

Povedal som, „To je potom dosť hrozné, odísť takto zo sveta.“ A povedal som, „Nikdy ju viac neuvidíš, ak pôjde v takomto stave.“

Takže keď tá mladá dáma prišla do tej miestnosti v to ráno, a prešla popri tom istom mieste, kde som sa za ňu modlil (tak bude aj s týmto dievčaťom za pár minút) a opýtal som sa jej. Už som ju poznal, tak som povedal, „Si ty tá mladá dáma z tej strednej školy?“

Povedala, „Som.“

Povedal som, „Si si vedomá svojej nemoci?“

Povedala, „Lekár mi povedal, že si myslia, že budem v poriadku.“

„Dobre,“ povedal som, „ale čo ak nebudeš v poriadku? Si kresťankou?“

Povedala, „Nie, pane, nie som.“

Povedal som, „Priala by si si byť kresťankou?“

Povedala, „Áno.“

A povedal som, „Odovzdala by si svoje srdce Kristovi?“

Povedala, že áno. A jej matka tam hneď vybehla a povedala, že by tiež chcela. Tak som ich obe pokrstil v bazéne a modlil som sa za to mladé dievča. A čas išiel a nakoniec sa to s ňou zlepšovalo deň za dňom, až ani nevedela, či niečo nie je v poriadku. A po nejakom čase ju opäť vyšetrili a nemohli už po tom nájsť ani stopy.

52Je tu... Nerád hovorím o ľuďoch prehnané veci, ale rád som čestný k ľuďom. A tu je jeden brat v tomto meste veľmi známy, milý kresťanský brat, inak by nebol diakonom v tejto cirkvi; alebo teda dôverníkom cirkvi. A je tu teraz niekde. A tak to vzal na seba, aby viedol záznamy toho dievčaťa.

Bolo to roky neskôr, dva alebo tri roky nato, ako dievča ukončilo školu a chodila s jedným chlapcom. A jedného dňa som ju stretol na ulici a bola veľmi šťastná a svedčila o sláve moci Ježiša Krista potom, ako jej povedali, čo to nakoniec bolo.

To dievča je teraz vydaté. Má deti a žije šťastne. A jej otec prišiel do podniku toho muža, aby sa dal ostrihať. A tuto pán Egan, ktorý nás stále informoval o priebehu toho prípadu... A to dievča je v poriadku a je to už asi (Ako dlho, brat Egan?), už asi pár rokov, nie? A dnes žije a je svedectvom, že Boh uzdravuje Hodgkinovu chorobu.

53Ó, je to tak dobré vedieť, že v týchto hodinách núdze máme nejaké útočisko. Tým útočiskom je Kristus. A chcel by som vás informovať ešte o niečom, čo sa stalo na jednom malom zhromaždení.

Pán bol tak dobrý, že odpovedal na všetky vaše modlitby, ako som nedávno išiel na západ na jedno zhromaždenie: pred pár týždňami, asi dva týždne. A zatiaľ čo sme boli v Tulse na zhromaždeniach, ja som tam nemal hovoriť, pretože som mal mať na jednom mieste zhromaždenie, ale tí kazatelia tam mali ďalšie prebudenecké prebudenia, takže som tam v tom čase nemohol mať zhromaždenie.

54Ale išiel som okolo, tak som vyzdvihol brata Arganbrighta, aby som ho zobral do Kalifornie: moja žena, ja a malý Jozef. A v ten večer, keď sme prišli trochu neskoro, pochopil som, že Oral Roberts a Tommy Osborn tam mali v ten večer kázať. Tak brat Agranbright zavolal do hotela, dokiaľ nezistil, kde sme, a povedal, „Poď tam dolu na zhromaždenie.“ Tak on tam prišiel, on a brat Sonmore, kresťanský obchodník, hlava zhromaždenia v Minneapolis. A prišli ku mne, tak som išiel s nimi a večeru mali v Mayovej tanečnej sále, veľké miesto, sedeli tam multimilionári.

A tak, viete, ako som sa asi cítil, keď som mal ísť na také miesto. Nevedel som dokonca ani ako použiť nože a vidličky, ktoré sme mali na stole. Ale išiel som tam, a keď som vstúpil, kázal tam Oral Roberts. A kázal o hojnosti života, hojnosť a hovoril kresťanským obchodníkom, že Ježiš chytil ryby, dal ich do siete a mali viac, ako mohli vôbec použiť.

55A brat Roberts, ako iste viete, je dosť mocný rečník. A povedal, „To je dostatok pre každého.“ A povedal, „No, staviam tuto taký chrám.“ (Asi stál aj milióny dolárov.) Povedal, „Bude to vybudované z bieleho mramoru.“ A povedal, „Už sme asi v polovici a ja som už takmer minul peniaze.“ A povedal, „Potom som išiel po ulici, aby som sa na to pozrel a diabol povedal, 'Vieš čo? Ľudia prechádzajú okolo a hovoria, že to je to, čo urobil Oral Roberts.'“

On povedal, „Potom som povedal diablovi, 'Ale budú musieť povedať, že to sa Oral Roberts snažil.'“ To je dobré. A povedal, „Potom to bolo na srdci jedného bankára v meste, aby mi dal pôžičku na asi dva milióny, aby som tú stavbu dokončil.“

Banky to nerobia. Viete to. A povedal, „Jeden istý obchodník, bankár, tu práve sedí.“ On povedal, „Nechcem spomínať jeho meno, pretože nepatrí až tak celkom k ľuďom Plného Evanjelia.“ Ale povedal, „On je tu.“ Povedal, „Nemyslím, že niekedy vôbec tvrdil, že by bol kresťanom.“ Ale povedal, „Niečo pohlo jeho srdcom a dal mi tie peniaze.“ Povedal, „Ak sa chce postaviť,“ povedal, „môže, ale nejdem priviesť toho človeka do rozpakov.“

A ten človek sa postavil a povedal, „Nie som v rozpakoch, pán Roberts,“ a sadol si.

56Potom som sa tam aj ja dostal a sadol som si. A potom, ako brat Roberts skončil, prišiel ku mne a podal mi ruku a objal ma. A pár minút na to, samozrejme veľa ľudí sa tam okolo pohybovalo, viete, rozprávali, a my sme tam stále jedli a oni chceli zhromaždenia, tí kazatelia, a tak ďalej.

57A potom sa tam dostal Demos Shakarian. Viete, on je prezidentom zhromaždenia obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. A dostal sa tam a povedal, „Viete, cítil som sa tak vedený, že by mal brat Branham dnes večer kázať finálne posolstvo.“ Nuž, ja som nevedel, čo povedať. A on nám začal rozprávať o človeku, ktorý tu sedí.“ Povedal, „Tu je ten-a-ten; dnes som ho stretol. A hovorili mi, že vlastnia tri alebo štyri kompletné sídliská v Miracle Miles.“ Multimilionári, chovatelia dobytka, a tak ďalej. A čo som asi tak mohol povedať v takomto zhromaždení.

58Ale viete, poslúchať je vždy najlepšie. Tak som tam vystúpil a hovoril najlepšie, ako sa dalo, a na konci zhromaždenia... Je to vždy mimo, zavolať ľudí k oltáru na takomto zhromaždení. A ja zvyčajne volám ľudí k oltáru na pohreboch. A tak som si myslel, že teraz je dobrá šanca, tak som zavolal ľudí k oltáru. A všetci tí bohatí muži a ženy prišli k Pánovi Ježišovi a odovzdali svoje srdcia Pánovi.

Bol som užasnutý jedným milionárom, manželkou toho multimilionára, ktorá mala taký malý klobúk, z ktorého takto dolu viselo perie po jednej strane, asi ju to vyšlo stovky dolárov. A slzy jej tiekli dolu po lícach, chytila ma za ruku a povedala, „Brat Branham, moje srdce je pohnuté.“ Povedala, „Až doteraz som si myslela, že som kresťankou.“ Povedala, „Chcem slúžiť Pánovi.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem.“

59A po pár minútach mi niečo povedalo, „Modli sa teraz za chorých.“

Myslel som si, „Ó, nie. Nemôžem to urobiť. To by som narušil túto veľkú tanečnú sálu. A navyše, ak sa teraz budem modliť za chorých, skutočne si potom budú myslieť, že som fanatik.“ Tak som si myslel, „Istotne, Pán by mi to nehovoril, to som už asi úplne vyčerpaný, kvôli týmto obráteným. Tak som sa tam prešmykol a sadol som si.“ A tak som išiel dolu k stolu rovno na koniec a sadol som si s bratom Jack Moorom, ktorý tam sedel a rozprával sa.

A tak som odovzdal službu späť prezidentovi, pánovi Shakarianovi. A potom, keď tam vystúpil, povedal, „Viete čo?“ Ó, Boh mu musel položiť ruku na plece. Povedal, „Cítim sa tak vedený, že by sa brat Branham teraz vrátil sem a modlil sa za chorých.“

Myslel som si, „Ó,“ presne tak.

60Tak som tam vystúpil a povedal im, „Cítim sa tak, modlím sa, aby mi Boh odpustil, ale je lepšie, keď je tiež niekto iný dotknutý, viete, čo nám všetkým spôsobuje, že vieme, že to je pôsobenie Ducha.“

Tak som povedal, „No, Božské Uzdravenie nie je dotýkanie sa nejakého totemu. Nie je to len nejaká predstava. Je to stále ten istý Boh, ktorý aj pred chvíľou spasil týchto ľudí. On je ten istý Boh, ktorý uzdravuje týchto ľudí, všetkých, čo sú tu, stačí len jednoduchá viera v Neho.“ Povedal som, „Či tomu veríte?“

A teraz, tajomstvo pre moju cirkev... Ako viete, moja služba sa mení. Ó, čo za slávna zmena. Všetci si pamätáte tie slová, ktoré zvonili, a vždy keď sa to deje, niečo sa stane. Keď o tom idem hovoriť, niečo mi hovorí, „Prehovor k tej hore.“ Prečo to tak bolo? Je to skrze vieru. Všetko je z viery. Viera nie je niečo, čo si vypracuješ. Viera je niečo, čo máš.

61A myslel som si, že ak by... Vždy som sa hanbil za svoju vieru. Ale ľudia, tak dobrí, ako bol Pán, On nám ukázal veci, povedal videnia; všetko bolo dokonalé. Vy ľudia to viete. Nie je to jednotlivec. Nie je to človek. Je to Boh, ktorý to robí. A tento obraz tu, on ide po celom svete. Tí v Nemecku... A tu pred pár týždňami (Možno, ak je tu nejaký cudzinec, tak to ešte nevidel.), oni odfotili ešte jeden. Mám ho doma. Je to profil Pána Ježiša stojaceho presne za mnou, ako som tam stál. A Jeho ruky, jazyky ohňa vychádzali z Jeho rúk, keď som tam kázal na tému, „Povedz tejto hore, 'Pohni sa!' a nepochybuj vo svojom srdci, ale ver!“

A tu to niekde máme. Je to vo farbách Techni-Kodachrome. A teraz to, myslím, že niekde doma máme. A oni robia... Bolo to preskúmané vedou, a tak ďalej, a v laboratóriách. Čoskoro to už vyjde. A potom ďalší, asi šesť z nich, všetko na rôznych miestach. A toto je z nich to najpozoruhodnejšie.

62Nikdy som nevidel... Toto je Jeho brada, Jeho tvár, Jeho profil a tuto Jeho ruky. A takto som tam stál a tam, kde On mal tie ruky, nemohli ste na ňom vidieť takéto miesto. Moja hlava, potom moje nohy na podlahe; len hlava a nohy, to jediné, čo tam zostalo. Vidíte?

A takto tam stál s tými rukami a ja som kázal a mal som takto ruky a hovoril som, „Povedz tejto hore.“ A práve v tom čase sa niečo udialo a odfotili to tam, bol som asi takto. A tam to bolo presne za mnou. Všetko vo farbách. A veľký...

Tak, ako Boh aranžuje veľký košík ľalií a má ich tam v blízkosti: On je Ľalia Údolia. A odkiaľ dostávate ópium? Z ľalií. To je pravda. Čo je tým ópiom, ktorý Boh má? Pokoj. Ópium spôsobí, že zabudneš na všetky svoje ťažkosti. Fajčiari ópia, to je to, ako sa tým ópiom zabíjajú. Ale aj Boh má ópium. Amen. Zmierňuje každú bolesť, uzdravuje všetky nemoci a berie preč každú ustatosť. A koľko vdychujeme toho Jeho ópia, toľko sme v pokoji.

A ten veľký košík ľalií bol práve rovno predo mnou, ako som tam kázal na pódiu.

63A modlil som sa za chorých tam v Tulse, ale potom som zišiel dolu a vyšiel von. A okolo desať minút na to, no, nechcem spomínať meno toho evanjelistu, ale žena, ktorá mala artritídu chrbtice, ktorá pracovala pre tohoto evanjelistu, bola stenografka, ale musela takto písať, pretože ramená a ruky mala akoby zviazané. A takto písala a tento veľký a významný evanjelista tam v Tulse si ju zamestnal do svojho zamestnania, aby jej dal prácu. A ako išla dolu tou sálou, náhle sa jej ruky uvoľnili a začala kričať a skákať, až upútala pozornosť každého, kto tam bol.

A táto milá žena padla na kolená a dvíhala ruky a takto nimi tlieskala na slávu Božiu, pretože Boh ju hneď oslobodil, len krátko po modlitbe. Tak som sa tam prešmykol, aby som to počul a videl, čo hovorí. Povedala, „Len som tak prechádzala sálou.“

Povedal som, „Výborne, vďaka Bohu.“ A otočil som sa a išiel inou cestou a počul som a videl, ako dolu bežali všetci hriešnici, aby videli, čo sa deje.

64A bol tam muž, ktorý sa tam postavil, brat Gardner, zrovna ten človek, ktorý mi dal tento kabát... Väčšina z vás asi poznáte brata Gardnera, brat Gardner z Bindhamptonu, New York, významný obchodník s autami Oldsmobile, za tri roky predal viac áut Oldsmobile, ako ktokoľvek iný v Spojených štátoch.

A letel raz v osobnom lietadle. A asi tak pred rokom, jeho meno je inak Georgie Gardner a jeho osobný pilot raz letel sám a padol (aj s lietadlom), a praskli mu kolená a členky. A jeho nohy a chodidlá boli stuhnuté; a takto nejako kráčal: jeho osobný pilot.

A bol tam prítomný, keď sme sa tam modlili. A nejako sa z tej sály, kde bol ten banket, dostal. A zariadili mu tam blízko izbu, takže nemal problém tam chodiť, pretože to mal blízko.

A tu je jeho svedectvo: Išiel do svojej izby a sadol si, dokonca ani nebol kresťanom. A povedal, „Jednako proste verím tomu plešatému chlapíkovi, ktorý tam dnes večer kázal.“ A povedal, že si začal všímať, ako sa mu trasú chodidlá, a na to vyskočil na svoje nohy, každý kúsok uzdravený a vyskakoval a slávil Boha, stál a takto dvíhal nohy hore a dole a potom takto na boky chodidiel, a tak ďalej, a svedčil o sláve Božej.

65A predtým, ako sme sa začali modliť za chorých, som tam stál s bratom Arganbrightom a môj veľmi dobrý priateľ Leo Gene skutočne vie, čo sú telefónne hovory. Bzučal tam ten telefón a brat Arganbright by aj zdvihol, ale viete, nemôžete byť všade. Ale nejako sa stalo, že ja som zdvihol ten telefón. A ja verím, že všetko pracuje v Božej prozreteľnej ceste, vy nie? Verím, že to je to, prečo tu je táto mladá pani. Verím, že to je to, prečo sme tu my všetci. Prečo som ja tu. A sme spolu z nejakého dôvodu zhromaždení na slávu Božiu. Prečo by sme tu asi len tak dnes ráno chodili po tejto ľadovej zemi?

66Tak som teda zdvihol ten telefón, pretože brat Arganbright nebol v miestnosti. A niekto povedal, „Rád by som hovoril s bratom Branhamom.“

Povedal som, „Ja som brat Branham.“

Bol to Španiel. Povedal, „Pane, je to asi nerozumné opýtať sa otázku, ktorú sa práve idem opýtať.“ Povedal, „Viem si predstaviť, ako vás ľudia ťahajú, a tak ďalej.“ Ale povedal, „Som misionárom v Mexiku.“ A povedal, „Ja... Tam vzadu... Žijem tu v La Crescenta a práve pred pár hodinami som sa dozvedel, že si tu v meste.“ A povedal, „Priniesol som tu svoje bábätko, aby som sa ho k tebe nejako pokúsil priviesť, alebo k bratovi Robertsovi či niektorému z bratov, ktorí sa modlia za chorých.“ A povedal, „Je to moje dieťa a moja viera je, hádam, tak trochu slabá.“ On povedal, „Moje bábätko nemá ešte ani štyri mesiace a už zomiera na rakovinu.“

A niečo mi povedalo, choď za tým dieťaťom. Povedal som, „Pane, zoberiem brata Arganbrighta a povieš mu, kde je to dieťa. Stretneme sa potom.“

Tak zobral... Vzal som brata Arganbrighta a on mu o tom povedal. Tak sme nasadli do auta a vyrazili. A stretol som tam jeho drobnú ženu. A on, síce je Mexičan, hoci na to nevyzerá, má tak trochu svetlú bielu pokožku, ale je to Mexičan, lebo oni sú veľakrát blonďaví, pretože prišli medzi Španielov a Indiánov. A toto bol jeden z takých Indiánov, mal blonďavé, až takmer snehobiele vlasy.

67A potom... Jeho manželka bola Fínka, silno blonďavá, veľmi milá mladá žena. A tak som s ním išiel do nemocnice, aby som sa na to dieťa pozrel. A keď som do tej miestnosti vstúpil, mali ju na posteli, ktorá bola pri hlavnej miestnosti zdravotných sestier. A to malé dieťa malo ledva štyri mesiace, narodilo sa so zhubným nádorom, ktorý sa takto pri sánkach napuchoval a takto sa tiahol po tvári a potom takto.

A tí doktori sa to snažili operovať, tie veľké hlboké jazvy, ktoré sa tiahli dookola celého hrdla. A ani to nepomohlo. Jedine sa to akurát rozšírilo až k jazyku. A tá malá sánka takto visela s tými veľkými hlbokými jazvami. A ten malý jazyk, malé ústa, nič veľké. A jej jazyk bol takto napuchnutý, až sa takto vytlačil a potom sčernel a zastavoval dýchanie z nozdier, keď sa potom napuchol až k podnebiu jej úst. A samozrejme to potom bránilo dýchaniu. Museli tam vyrezať dieru do hrdla asi takto nejako a potom jej tam dali do hrdla takú akoby malú píšťalku, taký kúsok okrúhleho pliešku.

68A jej malé ruky boli na dlahách, asi takto, takže tú píšťalku si nemohlo ani vytiahnuť von. Jednoducho by sa zadusilo. A tá rakovina stekala... A tá zdravotná sestra tam stále musela stáť, aby odvodňovala tú rakovinu von z tej píšťaly, pretože by sa udusilo k smrti.

A jej otec sa tam okolo prechádzal a prišiel k tej posteli a povedal, „Ricky, oteckov malý chlapec.“ Povedal, „Otecko ti priviedol brata Branhama, aby sa za teba pomodlil, Ricky.“ Keď povedal, „Ocinkov malý chlapec,“ môj duch ma takmer opustil. Nedokázal som tam dlhšie stáť. Musel som sa len držať pri tej posteli. „Ocinkov malý chlapec.“

A ten malý chlapec, hoci bol len taký maličký, dobre vedel, že to bol jeho otec. A takto potom začal chrčať a takto pohybovať svojimi malými rukami; a snažil sa potľapkať po hlave. A tak úbohé, malé dieťa narodené v takom stave...

69Jednoducho som nedokázal ani hovoriť. Viete, bolo to na mňa až tak veľa, že som nedokázal nič povedať. A pozrel som sa dole a videl tie drobné rúčky, ako boli na tých dlahách, ako vydávali taký chrapľavý zvuk a myslel som si, „Ó, nie je to žalostné?“

A keď som sa už aspoň trochu dostal do seba, aby som mohol nad niečím rozmýšľať, pomyslel som si, „Ježišu, mieniš tým, že máš z toho potešenie, keď vidíš niečo takéto? Nemôžem tomu uveriť. Nedokážem uveriť, že dostávaš slávu z takto trpiaceho malého dieťaťa. Nemôže to tak byť. Ak to spôsobuje, že ja, hriešnik, to tak cítim ohľadne toho dieťaťa, o čo viac Ty, Zdroj všetkej Milosti? Čo to musí urobiť s Tebou?“ Nepovedal som ani slovo, pretože on sa snažil s tým dieťaťom hrať, trochu ho utíšiť. A to malé telo s tou plienkou, veľmi malé telíčko, ani nie takto veľké a hlava bola tou najväčšou časťou, mal takto napuchnuté sánky.

A viete, niečo tam museli držať, aby mu nepraskla hlava, nejakú handru, malo to tak napuchnuté čeľuste, museli to niečím chrániť, aby mu nepraskla.

70A stála tam zdravotná sestra. A pozrel som na toho malého chlapca a pomyslel si, „Pane, čo by si Ty urobil, keby si tu stál?“

Som si vedomý, že som teraz za kazateľňou a uvedomujem si, že Boh je prítomný. Ale zdalo sa, že niečo prehovorilo do mojej duše a povedalo, „Ja len čakám a sledujem, čo s tým ideš urobiť. Dal som Svoju autoritu cirkvi. A ty si tam prišiel, aby si 'prehovoril k tejto hore.' Dal som Svoju autoritu cirkvi a čakám, čo s tým urobíš.“

A divím sa, že či to nie je po celý ten čas Jeho prístup k nám, On len čaká, aby videl, čo s tým urobíme. Čo tie znaky času, o ktorých sme práve kázali? Čo by On urobil? On len čaká, čo my urobíme.

Tak som vzal ruku toho dieťaťa do mojej, takto medzi svoje prsty; bola taká maličká. A povedal som, „Pane, vypočuj modlitbu Tvojho služobníka. A vierou ja verím, že Ty si, a medzi démona rakoviny a život tohto bábätka umiestňujem Krv Ježiša Krista. Medzi zabijaka a toto dieťa vierou umiestňujem Krv.“ A nič viac som nemohol povedať. Len som sa otočil a vyšiel von. Ten otec ma nasledoval.

71Povedal, „Brat Branham, Boh mi dal na srdce, aby som ti dal desiatok.“

„Ó,“ povedal som, „brat, nemysli na to. Nie,“ povedal som, „nepotrebujem peniaze, brat.“

On povedal, „Ale zarobil som nejaké peniaze.“ (Ó, málo peňazí, zabudol som koľko presne; myslím, že okolo päťdesiat dolárov.) Povedal, „Boh mi to umiestnil na srdce, aby som ti to dal.“

Povedal som, „Vieš čo, niečo ti poviem. Prijmem to, a potom to dám malému Rickymu na nemocničný účet, pretože ty si kazateľom. Viem, čo to je, viem, čo peniaze znamenajú. A ty si misionárom a ja veľmi dobre viem, aké peniaze to vyžaduje, a okrem toho máš rodinu a všetky tieto nemocničné účty. Daj to na Rickyho účet.“

Povedal, „Nechcem to urobiť, brat Branham. To sa nemá platiť lekárom, má sa to platiť kazateľom.“

A povedal som, „Áno, lenže ja to dávam späť tebe.“ A tak som to odmietol. A išiel som do toho domu a bola to záležitosť len pár hodín, jeho čeľusť sa napravila a jazyk sa vrátil späť na normálne miesto. Boh toho malého chlapca uzdravil. Už v to ráno, keď som odtiaľ odišiel, vytiahli tú píšťalu. A tento prípad zalarmoval celé Západné Pobrežie.

72Slávny doktor poslal svojho syna aj s vnukom a prešli cestou štyridsať alebo päťdesiat míľ v Pasadene a prechádzali cestou, ktorú som aj ja obchádzal, keď som sa išiel modliť za dieťa, ktoré malo mozgový kŕč. Dali mu penicilín, a to spôsobilo, že rakovina vlastne pochádzala z účinkov toho penicilínu a bolo to na tom boku. A som si istý, že Boh ho uzdravil.

73Predtým ako som odchádzal z toho domu, zazvonil telefón. A brat Arganbright, počul som ho, ako sa s niekým háda, povedal, „Nie, neurobil by som to.“ A ako som tak nasadal do auta, akurát dorazilo jedno mále kombi. A zrovna to bol môj mexický brat so ženou, obaja kričali a chválili Boha.

Povedal, „Brat Branham, dávam ti tieto desiatky.“

„Ó,“ povedal som, „brat, ja to jednoducho nemôžem prijať.“ Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť.“

Povedal, „Ale ja ti to dávam,“ povedal....

Povedal som, „Hovorím ti, aby si ich dal na Rickyho účet.“

On povedal, „Dnes ráno, keď som práve doniesol tieto desiatky doktorovi na Rickyho účet, lekár povedal, 'Nič mi nedlžíš.' Povedal, 'Nemám s tým nič dočinenia.' Povedal, 'Je to skutočne veľký jav.' Povedal, 'Nedlžíš mi ani cent.'“

Tak on mi povedal, „Vezmi si to, brat Branham. Pán mi povedal, že to máš zobrať.“ Pomyslel som si, „Ó, to nemôžem.“ Povedal som, „Pane, necítim sa, že by som to mal urobiť.“ Ale potom mi niečo napadlo. Ježiš tam jedného dňa stál a sledoval toho bohatého muža, ako sa tešil zo svojej veľkej hojnosti peňazí. Ó, oni mali iste mnoho, takže preto aj mnoho dávali. A prišla malá vdova s troma haliermi a to bolo všetko, čo mala. To bolo všetko, z čoho žila. A ona to tam hodila. No, ale čo by sme my urobili? „Ó, sestra, nerob to, ó, vieš, my to nepotrebujeme. Nedávaj tam zase všetko. Veď to je všetko, z čoho žiješ.“ Ale Ježiš ju len nechal, aby to urobila. Preto je omnoho požehnanejšie dávať ako dostávať.

Stále mám ten malý desiatok. Neviem, čo s ním mám robiť. Dám ich niekde do nejakej práce pre slávu Božiu, najlepšie, ako budem vedieť. Čo to je? Je to sláva Božia. Je to moc Božia.

74Tiene padajú. Kristus sa objavuje. Preto sa objavujú znaky a divy. Je to to veľké slnečné svetlo, ktoré odráža ranné hviezdy s uzdravením na Jeho krídlach. A ak On prinesie uzdravenie z odrazu Jeho Prítomnosti, čo bude robiť, keď príde ako Osoba.

Tieto naše porušiteľné telá budú premenené na Jeho oslávené telo. Čo to bude, keď On príde? Dokiaľ príde, sme vďační za to slnečné svetlo Jeho Prítomnosti. Ako to robia ranné hviezdy, šplhám sa na hradby slávy a stojím tam, aby som vzdával slávu Jeho príchodu v tejto temnej hodine. Pomodlime sa.

75Ó, Pane, tak Ťa milujeme, Pane, že sa nedá povedať, ako dlho... Nikdy nie sme unavení zo svedčenia o Tebe a oslavovania Ťa. Ale tá hodina tu je teraz. Sú tu chorí ľudia, ktorí tu čakajú. Ty poznáš tieto svedectvá. Pokiaľ viem, Pane, ony sú presnou pravdou. Ako tam stojí ten pilot a ukazuje nám, že dokáže stáť na svojich nohách a celý ten stav, v akom bolo to telo; a vytiahol svoje nohy a ukázal kolená, a nohy boli popraskané a zjazvené, kedy sa lekári snažili dať tie kosti nejako dokopy.

76Ty teraz vidíš tú ženu, ktorá tu stojí s pomaľovanou tvárou, ktorú zmývajú slzy radosti, ako nám povedala, že jej stav artritídy bol Tvojou Mocou uzdravený. A to milé dieťa a svedectvo toho otca, tí, ktorí sú prítomní...

Teraz, Pane, Ty si tak veľkým tu dnes ráno v tejto modlitebni, ako si kdekoľvek inde vo svete. A Ty si zasľúbil, že kde sa spolu stretneme, že Ty tam budeš v našom strede. Teraz budeme vyvolávať chorých, ktorých si nám dnes ráno poslal, a budeme sa za nich modliť z celých našich sŕdc modlitbu viery. A nech by si Ty uzdravil chorých a nech by si ich pozdvihol. A ak vykonali nejaké hriechy, odpusť im, Otče. Ako aj my jeden druhému vyznávame svoje chyby a tiež sa modlíme jeden za druhého. A Ty si povedal, „Mnoho vládze efektívna, vrúcna modlitba spravodlivého.“

77Vieme o jednych, ktorí tu dnes ráno ležia, mladá matka s týmito malými deťmi. Pane, podľa našich doktorov je ona už blízko konca svojej cesty. Ale my sa modlíme, Bože, aby si Ty stál medzi ňou a jej nepriateľom. A keď ju pomažeme a budeme sa za ňu modliť, nech sa Tvoja moc dotkne jej duše, aby priniesla vieru a vyslobodenie. A nech odíde domov a je v poriadku a nech vzdáva chválu a nech je odrazom rannej hviezdy na slávu Božiu. Amen.

Teraz brat Mercier, zatiaľ čo budeme týchto ľudí volať podľa poradia. Tí ľudia, ktorí prichádzajú, len povedia číslo a budú v zozname tých, za ktorých sa budeme modliť...

WATCHMAN, WHAT OF THE NIGHT?, 58-1130, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 100 min

1 [Brother Gene Goad reads Isaiah 21:1-12--Ed.]

Thank you, Brother Neville. Good to see you again. Good morning to our Bible class this morning as we love to greet you in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

And as I was driving down the road just a few moments ago with my family, I was thinking of people who come out to church on slick days like this, when the snow's all over the country, hazardous on the road. They do not come just to be seen. They have a--some purpose in coming. And I am very happy to see this group here this morning that still the faith of our fathers living still burns in the hearts of man and women everywhere.

2 The Word has just been read by our Brother Gene Goad of the 21st chapter of the Book of Isaiah, where we shall study from for a while and then have prayer for the sick.

And now, for a text this morning I would like to take out of there the 11th to the 12th verse, "Watchman, What Of The Night?" And before we undertake to speak, let us bow our heads just a moment in prayer.

3 Lord God, Thou art the God of our fathers. You are the God Who breathes forth the first breath of life that ever come onto the earth, and has had control of every life until this present time, and shall forevermore control. For Thou art the Creator of all mankind and all things that breathe. Thou art the Creator.

And we are happy this morning to believe in our hearts that Your promises are true, every one of them. And it... In these promises You have said that wherever two or three were gathered in Your Name, that You would be in the midst of Your people, and that You would answer their call.

4 And there is heavy hearts today. As since entering the church, I see those on stretchers or cots, and some with their sleeves up from affection--infections in their arms, and others I have heard that has lost loved ones... And oh, it is a sinful and wicked world, but yet all these things has to be mastered in the Lord Jesus Who has told us that all things are working together for the good to them that love God.

And we are consoled this morning to believe that many of these things are to bring us to our knees. And we like to think of the Scripture, that they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as an eagle. They shall run and not be weary; they will walk and not faint. And as a poet has said, "Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, how to wait."

5 Let us today as we're a waiting to hear from glory and from the mouth of our Saviour through the Holy Spirit, that we will wait patiently to hear His voice speak loving things to us through His Word, and speak pardon for our sins and healing for our sicknesses. And may we leave this tabernacle this morning, rejoicing and say like those who came from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way." For we truly believe that He is the risen Lord as they found Him that day.

And He's in the midst of the people. We shall not weary, or our hearts will not grow faint. Just let us renew our faith each hour in Thee. Grant it, Father.

We ask You to bless the written Word and to bless the ears that shall hear and the lips that shall speak, and get glory to Thyself for in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

6 There is none of us that is immune from troubles. God has not promised to excuse us from all sickness, but it is written that His strength is sufficient. And He will never put so much upon us, but what He will give us grace to bear. So we have that consolation of knowing.

To the thought of the text just now for a few moments on something that seemed to be placed on my heart the last few hours, "Watchman, What Of The Night?"

7 It was perhaps about between sundown and dark, and it would been an awful day in the city, because there was an alarm give out, that they had... The watchman at the tower had sent back word that he saw in a distance the dust rising from the wheels of chariots. And he heard the beat of horses' hoofs way in the distance.

But as two young ladies would be standing at the well and in their young, youthful age, they had more to think on, they thought, than what this watchman's word was. Maybe it didn't mean so much to them, because they were just in the blush of young womanhood. Maybe it was because that there was to be a party that night, and these young ladies wanted to attend this party.

And it seemed to be that the warning of the watchman would not take an effect upon what they had, their worldly pleasure figured for that night. So as the conversation would go on, and--and one young lady would say to another, "Isn't it too bad that in our day that we have such killjoys, someone who would try to--to take us from the privileges that we have, and from the pleasures that we could enjoy."

8 And I believe that would just about cope with the modern version of today. That people try to think that when you are trying to be alert and to warn them of approaching dangers, that they seem to think that you're just some old fogy, someone who's trying to take all the joy out of life.

And we would think again of young men as they was coming from the workshop and their faces dirty from the work that they had been employed in during the day. And one young fellow might say to the other, "As soon as we can get washed up and groomed up a bit, why, we will meet at the tavern as usual. For I'm sure that you, John, are--are not all disturbed about that message we heard today, that watchman on the tower trying to take all the joy out of life, trying to tell us that there was an approaching danger. But you know, we have the best army that there is, and many of our soldiers are--meet each night at this same place that we do, and we enjoy a fellowship together, such as a--a little friendly gambling and a--some few drinks."

9 "And I, for myself," he would say, "would just refuse to be alarmed about any of this stuff that this watchman would talk about. For we believe if it was a--any approaching dangers, that surely our--our rabbis would know about this, our pastors, and they would be telling us about such things. And we just don't care to hear these wearied stories of these watchmans on the tower."

And if that ain't a very outstanding picture of our nation today, that the youth of our land, and not only youth, but the aged of our land has just gone wild. And they refuse to hear the warning. And as soon as a true watchman gives a warning, he's classed as a heretic or some fanatic.

And as the day grows on into night, maybe a soldier at the gate, who's guarding the gates, becomes a little restless. And he goes over to the--his neighboring sentry and says, "Do you believe that there'd be a possible chance that that watchman was right?"

10 You know there's something about danger. There's something about death that seems to have a forewarning of it. Many times that loved ones, just before passing across to the other side, there seems to be a warning comes to them.

I can think of my father before his going away, he'd been out of Kentucky for many years. But all of a sudden, something seemed to move over dad to go down to the old home place and to talk to his loved ones and his friends. After he had returned back home, his brother that he did not get to see had been strangely warned to come to Jeffersonville to see him.

And while they were setting, talking, dad passed out into the other world. I'm thinking of my father-in-law. Just a few days before his going away, he said, "Billy, let's you and I go up squirrel hunting up above Utica. I just want to go to the old place."

11 Somehow in the providence of God, I was not able to go with him that day. And he went up that day and hunted, and when he came back down on the bus, he--he told me, he said, "I was sitting way up on the hill; and it's all changed now. But way down in a certain corner of the woods at Battle Creek, just above us," he said, "it seemed like I could hear my mother calling, 'Oh, Frankie.'" That night he gave a testimony in the second row of this church to my left, desiring the people's prayers for him. And a few days later we buried him.

It just seems that God always sends forth a messenger. It's His goodness and His grace to give the true in heart a warning of things that are approaching. And I'm so glad that in this day that we're now living, that when gloom and darkness on every hand, there seems to be a blessed hope gripping the heart of God's people, that some glorious hour, Jesus shall arrive.

13 And in this great time of trouble in the city, the young folks ignoring it, and the many people who did not care about what the watchman had to say... Of course, they were in the tavern a drinking, and the party was going on, and the soldiers were all drinking, and they were having a great time, thought they were just as safe as they could be.

Nothing was going to harm them because they were simply lit up, as we'd call it, on the spirits of whiskey and mixed drinks. And all of a sudden, there came the chariots rolling right into the city. And the tavern doors were broken in, and the homes, and the slaughtering weapons was at work. Just because they refused to hear the warning of the watchman.

14 And the duties of a watchman in the old Bible, was a man that was selected. He must be a man that's alert of the heavenly bodies. He must know just exactly where the stars are hanging to tell the perfect time to the people.

Many of the wearied would go out, maybe, and couldn't sleep, restless, and would scream up at the watchman in the tower, and would scream out these words, "Watchman, what of the night?" And he would look at the stars, and then he would say it is such-and-such a time. Then they would go back to their bed or wherever they choose to dwell, waiting for the daylight to come when the tired, and weary, restless night would be over. God, have mercy.

15 I wonder if it isn't time today that we didn't call out to our great Watchman, "What of the night?" There's an approaching danger coming on, and the whole world seems to be shaking under its influence.

The watchman also had to be on duty all times. And he was to warn the people of approaching dangers. That was his duty to watch for the approaching danger.

And he was up on a tower that was built much higher than the walls. And this tower he had up there in it, the books of astronomy and so forth, so he could watch the stars and tell the time. Any approaching thing of time of day he could tell it. Then he also, could see way further than anyone on the ground. He could see further than anyone on the wall, because he was up higher.

And the higher you go, the further you can see. And you can tell approaching dangers farther away than those who are earthbound.

16 And as Isaiah in his day, was speaking that God had made him a watchman. God likened His prophets like eagles. And as I have often preached of the subject of the eagles, the eagle is a bird who can go higher than any other bird. And he has to be built special for that altitude that he goes into.

Now, the hawk could never follow him. No other bird could follow him. He's God's designed bird. And he was made thus. If another bird tried to take his place, he would perish. He has to have strong feathers, strong wings. And what good would it do him to go high if he couldn't see, have good eyes to see. A hawk would be blind up there. He could not see.

17 But higher the eagle climbs, the further off he can see. And God likened His prophets to the eagles. They are the watchman that climb higher so that they can see further off. And their eyes are made spiritual so that they can see the approaching dangers.

And God had set Isaiah up to warn the people that there was approaching danger, and they wouldn't listen to him.

And today God still has eagles, our messengers, our man on the tower, who climbs up in the Spirit far beyond all the mechanisms, and all the atomic bombs, and the scientific researches. He has men who is special designed for that purpose, who climbs up the ramparts of Calvary in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and stands on the top of the cross, and can send the message back, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."

Their spiritual sight is far greater than the priest in the temple, far beyond the ordinary man in the walk of life. For they are special designed for the duties that God has called them to. Therefore, it pays us to take heed when we hear of the things that are approaching.

18 Then I would change now for just a moment, and would turn your attention to the King of these eagles, or prophets, or tower watchers. That's the Lord Jesus Himself.

And this day that we are living in was so much greater than the day that He was here, until when He was right in the shadows of the cross, He spoke more of His second coming than He did of His going away.

If you will carefully search the Scriptures, you will find that just before His going away that He prophesied of the things that would take place in this day. He knew that He must be crucified. He knew that He must suffer, the--the Innocent for the guilty. He knew that He would rise again from the grave on the third day. He knew that there wasn't no powers that could hold Him in the grave. Because the Word of God had said, "I will not suffer My holy One to see corruption; and neither will I leave His soul in hell." And there was no powers that could break that prophecy. His Word shall be true. And they will be fulfilled in their seasons.

19 And He had confidence that what the Father had said, the Father was able to keep His Word. Therefore, His great heart that was within Him, which was the throne of God... In His heart He knew that these great trying times would come to prove all nations and to prove all peoples.

So, therefore, He knew that the great question laid, not whether He would rise again, or whether He would be crucified according to the Scriptures, or not whether He would ascend on high, and the Holy Spirit would come. But the question was: Would there be any faith left on earth at His coming? And where is faith come, by hearing the Word of God. That was His question. "Will there be faith on earth when I come?" Will He find people who believes His Word?

20 Now, when we, in the day that we live, can turn into the pages of His blessed Word and find the very things that He said would take place approaching on the earth today... The signs and the wonders are taking place. Men's hearts are failing with fear. There is a perplexity of time and distress between the nations, fearful sights in the skies like flying saucers, and the Pentagon all stirred up. And the sea a roaring and earthquakes in diver's places, man's heart failing in fear, great atomic weapons setting, waiting, a gloom hanging on the earth that the world had never witnessed before...

21 Last week I had the privilege of speaking with one of my dear friends and brothers, Captain Julius Stadsklev, who wrote the book, "Prophet Visits Africa." And Brother Julius was in California, which he's now taking his schooling for Major in the Army.

And he--they... Army personnel taken him for a great trial. And they searched his genealogy until they had to prove even who his great-grandmother was. And their history and what they were before he could set in--in this meeting.

And as he come from the meeting and came up to the top of the hill where we were dwelling with some friends, he met me out there under a juniper tree, and he said, "Brother Branham, it's the most wearied thing that you ever heard." He said, "I am under so much oath that I could not tell or could not let out any information," said, "because we're--they took us under solemn oath." But said, "I can tell this, the Army is going to cease." They're not going to have any more Army, just a few guards around. They're not going to have any more aviation. They're not going to--to concentrate their time on building faster planes and so forth, 'less it's just for commercial use. They are concentrating on just one pull of one trigger. There will come a total annihilation."

22 He said, "Brother Branham, the public does not know what the secrets of the military things are." He said, "When these great officers talked in the room," he said, "there come such a horrible gloom over the room, until one of their main scientists stood up and said, 'I wish I could take an old wagon and a cow, and drive back behind the mountains, and plant me a patch of cabbage and beans, and forget all about it.'"

Oh, he said, "It would... If this information would get out to the public, the whole world would go into a panic." Danger's approaching. He said, "They have got... pulling their personnel now from the islands... They're pulling their units out of England, and they've got great, big barges setting out there with a--some sort of weapons, and they're just waiting for the first whirl of a missile, and every nation will turn loose at the same time." Said, "There won't be one sprig of grass left on the earth or one mountain but what will be shook to its level." And it can happen at any time.

23 Oh, what a gloomy hour. And all these things that you hear about flying saucers... And you heard the interview with that man, I suppose, yesterday on the radio who claims that he's talked to people. I do not wish to disregard that man, but his whole system is contrary to the Word. It isn't right. "And on Mars they don't have death, and they're come over here to teach us how not to have death."

But when it come to proof, he didn't have one speck of proof that he could prove it, just some mythical idea that he had drawn up. And to my opinion, it's false, because the Bible said different from what he said.

24 I might express what I do think about flying saucers. I do not believe that they're shadows. I do not believe that they're mythical. I believe, and this doesn't make it right; it's just only my idea. The Lord has not told me this is what they are. But by looking in the Scriptures, for there's where we find all things. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." And before the destruction of Sodom, and fire fell and burned the city and the plains up; there was Angels sent from heaven who looked in and searched out to find out if these things were true or not.

And would it not be just like God to send back His Angels to investigate and to find out just before the great destruction comes.

And did you notice, there was one Angel Who came Who visited an old man who had made a decision for God, and was living despised by the world in a tent back on the desert, because somebody had chosen and took all his wealth. But he said, "That's all right. I'll just stay here in the will of God."

25 I'd rather be in the will of God than have all the money the world could dish out to you. And as soon as that final decision was made, then the Angel of the Lord came to Abraham and said, "Look east, west, north, and south; it's all yours, Abraham."

The Scriptures tell us, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

What difference does it make? All things of the earth will perish with the earth, but God can never perish. And I believe as I am led to believe, that is, if the picture of the Angel of the Lord Who comes and does a discerning...

Did you notice the Angel who came to Abraham? He had His back turned to the tent when He was talking to Abraham and said, "I'm going to keep My promise to you." Oh, what a message of the Angel of God in this day Who will keep His promise. All of the unbelief of the world, the skeptics, agnostics, and infidels, and disbelievers will never make the power of God of none effect. It'll happen just the same.

"I will remember My promise, and I'm going to make My promise good." And Sarah laughed in the tent behind Him. And with His back turned to the tent, He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"

And Sarah run out and said, "I didn't laugh," because she was scared.

"What kind of a Man was this? Wonder what kind of a Watchman was on the tower then? What type of Personality is this with us, with His back turned to me and yet knowed that I laughed in the tent?" Remember, He was the watchman.

And He turned and He said, "Yes, you did laugh." And she was scared.

26 Now, we notice again that in this day just before the coming of the Lord, these same Beings are to return again. And I wonder as we look around and see the nature of them, watch what they are doing, and I wonder if a lot of these mysterious sights is exactly what Jesus said would take place. "There will be signs in the heavens above; and in the earth there'll be distress between the nations, perplexed of time, earthquakes in divers places, and man dying with heart failure," not women, men. Women don't die very often with heart trouble; it's men. It fulfills what Jesus said would be. It's exactly what He said would be.

27 And then as we could go on hour after hour, on all the prophets how they have prophesied of this day. Would not it make one cry out, "Watchman, what of the night?" The Pentagon doesn't have the answer. The United States doesn't have the answer. Germany, Russia, none of them have the answer. Science doesn't have the answer. Who has the answer? The watchman that's on the wall has the answer. "Watchman, what of the night?"

28 And the Holy Spirit is that Watchman Who's making ready the people and giving warnings from God. He's been set as a Watchman. We see the sick being healed, blinded eyes coming open, deaf ears unstopped, cripples walking, the lame leaking like--leaping like a hart fulfilling the... What is it? It's the coming of the Lord pressing on.

And all these things and these warnings, and people continually press right on through to their beer parties. Until their times of folly, and they frolic, and they dance, and they eat, and they drink, and they marry, and they're given in marriage, just as God said it would be... No way of stopping them.

Then if you notice, in this great church age according to Revelations 3, at this age now was the one who was given the morning star just before the coming.

Watch how Scriptural Isaiah was when he said, "Watchman, what of the night?" He said, "The morning cometh and the night also." What? The morning comes, but the night comes before the morning. What was it? Anyone knows that just before the break of day, just at the hours of the approaching of the day, it turns darker than it ever was.

29 Oh, my friends, listen to THUS SAITH THE LORD. If you consider me to be His servant, it's just before the break of day. That's why this horrible gloom is over the earth. It's just before the coming of the Lord Jesus. There's no more hope left in nothing but His coming.

Nations are against nations, and they have fooled through God's laboratory till they've got the power to blow one another into atomic ashes. And they're wicked, and they're unreligious, and they're un-Christ-like. And the only motive they have and objective is to destroy. And they are inspired by the destroying angel that was sent from heaven to inspire these men.

Let me say in the Name of the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit has sent as a Watchman on the tower.

And as the people cry, "What of the night?" Are you weary of this life? Are you weary of sin? Are you weary of funeral processions, and sickness, and ungodliness on every hand? Has the night been long and weary? "What of the night, watchman?"

He said, "The morning cometh." See the comfort. "And the night also's coming." What is the night?

30 Look how in perfect harmony with the Scripture Isaiah was. In the regular course of--of nature, always that the approaching of the sun congeals the darkness together and makes it dark. It's darker before day than any other time in the night. Why? It's the approaching light that's a making it dark.

And it's the approaching of the Lord Jesus now that's a bringing this gloom upon the earth. Did not He say, "When these things begin to come to pass, lift up your head, for your redemption's drawing nigh."

Palestine is a nation. The Jews have returned from all over the earth and are placed there to see Him come as God said they would, "Learn a parable of the fig tree when it puts forth its buds." He said, "So will it be that this generation shall not cease, shall not be done away with. It shall never end until all these things will be done."

31 What generation? The generation that sees the fig tree putting forth its buds. Israel's always been the fig tree. "What the palmerworm left, the caterpillar eaten," said Joel. "What the caterpillar left, the hookworm eaten. What the old hookworm left, the old locust eaten." And if you'll take notice, that's the same beetle. Each of those insects that eat down the tree is the same insect only in a different stage.

And the same sin and unbelief that started eating away the Jews, that Jesus wasn't the Christ, that eat that tree to a barren stump... And the prophet saw it and he wept. But the Lord said, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all the years that the caterpillar's and the locust's and palmerworm's eaten." And for the first time for twenty-five hundred years, the Jews are returning to their homeland. "That generation shall not be annulled, shall not pass away until all of these things be fulfilled. Then I'll pour out My Spirit in the last days, saith God, upon My sons and daughters. And they shall prophesy and I'll show wonders."

32 The sick are being healed. Great powers are being done by the same Spirit that set and could tell Abraham that Sarah laughed in the room behind Him. Then we cry out, "Watchman, what of the night?"

And he said, "The night cometh." Watch, the night first... The morning cometh first, then the night also. Just before the breaking of day there's always one great light that's always placed in the heavens, and that is the morning star. When you see the morning star getting bright, brighter and brighter, then the earth gets darker and darker. And the reason it is brighter is because the earth is darker.

And the church of this last days, the called out and the elected body of Christ has been promised by the Bible that He'd give them the morning star.

33 "Watchman, what of the night? What's going to happen?" Here it is. Total annihilation is coming to the whole world. But before that the annihilation takes place, the church of Jesus Christ will go in the rapture to meet her Lord.

What is the morning star to do? What makes the stars so bright at that time? It's the approaching of the sun. The morning star is reflecting the light of the sun. Other stars seems to dim at that hour.

All the man-made theologies, all the cold, formal indifferences will dry up. But that watchman setting yonder on the tower, with the morning star, will reflect the true message of the Lord Jesus soon to approach, because He's brighter and brighter all the time as the sun begins to rise.

34 Oh, I would say, "Morning stars, rise and shine to the glory of God. For the approach of midnight, darkness is upon the earth and gross darkness upon the people."

But the morning cometh and the stars should be giving their lights. Think of that horrible hour that's a facing the whole world. Think of that horrible gloom that's a facing every person unsaved today. All nations, and all the mountains, and all the farms, and all the houses that they've gloried in shall be made powder to volcanic ashes again in a moment in a twinkling of an eye.

But those who love the Lord, those who have the morning star's light, that they're gotting their--getting their eyes on Him and off the things of the world...

35 And as Paul wrote in his closing epistle before he left the earth, he was weary and nervous and tired. Oh, how I feel for that little Jew when he said, "Let no one trouble me. I fought a good fight, and I finished my course. I've kept the faith. And henceforth, there's a crown of righteousness, that the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me at that day." Then he thought of the morning stars a coming. He said, "Not only to me, but to all them that love His appearing."

Oh, lift up your heads, your redemption's drawing nigh. "Watchman, what makes the papers say this? What makes science afraid to move? What makes the Pentagon scared to put the information out?" Because people would commit suicide, throw their money in the streets and things. What would--what's the matter? What is it? What of the night?" The morning cometh. That's right. What is it all about? It's the making of the morning coming. And it's pressing forward, the light, and it's making gross darkness come just before the light goes to shining.

36 I'm so glad to be a Christian. I'm so glad that I am His watchman, one of them, that's standing on the wall, crying out, "Prepare to meet God, for the hour of His coming is drawing nigh."

You here in this church this morning, if there be one who isn't positive that the Morning Star is reflecting Its light into your heart, the great Holy Spirit, may you prepare for that. For there's one greatest event that's ever taken place is at hand right now. We're standing on a brim watching a drama being set.

I've many times watched movies. How, in Hollywood and different places setting their dramas. And how they take their stars and their so forth, and fix them around, and how they train them and everything before the great drama takes place. I was amazed at watching them and knowed it had to be a counterfeit.

All counterfeit things are made off of real ones. There cannot be a bogus dollar until there's a real one. There cannot be a hypocrite unless there's a real Christian. There cannot be a false message unless there's a true one. There cannot be a night unless there's a day. Certainly.

37 And as I watched them set their dramas, and I thought, "Oh, we are standing way yonder on the tower far above anything in this world. And we're watching two of the greatest things: the running out of time, and the coming of the Lord." Soon time shall be no more. There will be time no more, and the coming of the Lord.

And the antichrist, he has his subjects setting there. He has the communism; he has the different "isms." He has churchism; he has Catholicism; he has Protestantism. He has everything set to make a great show.

But I'm so glad that there's a Father in heaven Who has His characters set too for this great drama. When the antichrist takes them into this decease of everything, even to time, God is ready in His drama to lift His church into eternity into the blissful realms of the eternal with God Himself, when these old vile bodies will be changed and made like unto His own glorious body, and this corruption shall take on immortality, and in His likeness we will stand forever.

38 Look, you who watch television, you who listen to a radio, you who read your newspapers, you who like to hear the news, and you wonder what this is. Listen to my voice. The morning cometh and the night's coming also. The morning is coming for those who are ready for the morning; and night is coming for those who are not prepared for the morning. May God prepare our hearts today for the morning shall break eternal bright and fair. And as a poet said, "His chosen ones shall gather to their homes beyond the sky. When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there." Let us pray.

In this hour of gloom over the earth and destruction on every hand, Lord God, we are--we just--cannot express how we feeled, and the thankfulness and gratefulness in our heart, that Jesus Christ came down from glory and was made a Man like we, dwelled among us. And then when He died for our sins, come through the way of paradise and taken the waiting souls, broke through every spiritual power that the devil had bound the earth with; and made a street so the sunlight of God's eternal grace could shine upon those who are willing to receive it...

39 God, grant today that man everywhere will hurry, hurry, get into the Kingdom, for the message has always been urgent. "Hurry, hurry. Come out," The Angel said in Sodom, "I can do nothing till you come hither."

Lord, grant that though the message be full of grace, and power, and love, yet its urgency. Grant, Lord, that men may quickly come, and receive Christ, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. For Jesus has said, "They that are of God hear the words of God." May they come and repent of their sins, be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus for the remission of their sins, and be filled with the Holy Ghost; to fix their soul in the condition that the first church was. So shall it be when you come.

We're thankful for the message and pray that You'll bless it, Lord, to the good of our hearts as we wait on Thee, in Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen. []

One by one we will gain the portal,

There to dwell with the immortal,

When they ring those golden bells,

For you and me.

40 Don't you just love Him? Now, the message over, let's just worship Him in the Spirit, just... He's here. Great, stern words, but they are true. I speak them in Christs' Name. The approaching of the day... If you regard me, I want this... []

... you and me (Let's just raise our hand.) you hear...

Don't you hear the angels singing.

'Tis the glory, hallelujah, jubilee.

In that far off sweet forever,

Just beyond that shining river,

When they ring those golden bells,

For you and me.

41 While she plays that through again, let's just shake hands with somebody by you.

... off sweet forever,

Just beyond...

When the... only reach that shore by faith... (Just say to one another, "Pilgrim, I'm so glad to be with you.)

One we gain the portal,

There to dwell with the immortal,

When they ring those golden bells,

For you and me.

Don't you hear the bells now ringing,

Don't you hear the angels singing, (What is it?)

'Tis a glory, hallelujah, jubilee.

In that far off, sweet forever,

Just beyond the shining river,

When they ring those...

42 That just brought something to my mind. My wife back there remembers it well. I had the privilege of visiting the old Pisgah Church, Bible Institute in California. I had one night's service with them. That's the old original powerhouse. What a wonderful place. I met the pastor, Brother Smith. You know, they print a paper. They have help. They take up no offerings. Everything's free. And they've existed for fifty-some odd years.

43 It was started by a doctor who was crippled, come to California for help. The doctor said, "There's nothing could be done for you." I believe it was the late Doctor Price, or someone who prayed for him up in a room one morning. He didn't get any results immediately right then. That doesn't mean anything. So he started out. He said, "Somehow or another I believe though." And when he started to step his foot off of the curb, his crippled leg come straight. He established the Pisgah Home.

The other night I was over there preaching. They were jammed in that big auditorium, and hundreds times hundreds standing all over the streets and everything 'fore we got in the back. And after the message was over, something happened, two things that I never witnessed before in my life. They wasn't just a bunch of people who liked to make a lot of noise. They wasn't a bunch of people who set dried up. They were Spirit filled people. And I enjoyed that marvelous fellowship.

44 And when I--we were--just before I was going to pray for the sick, they started singing something sweet like that. I stood and I was amazed. I said, "There's something going on here I don't understand." I listened again and I heard two choirs. I said, "There must be something wrong." And I shook my head and to my ears again. I said, "Oh, Lord, maybe it's a rebound from this choir here." I hear another one up here, way up, very high gables. I said, "It must be up there."

So I walked out of the minister's pit up here to the choir loft. It was up there. And I--I said to my wife; I said, "Do you hear that, honey?"

She said, "What is that?"

"Sister Arganbright," I said, "Do you hear that?

She said, "Yes. I've heard it once before in my life."

I went over to Brother Arganbright, "Do you hear that?"

"Yes." Every one of their heads bowed, singing.

Oh, I said, "Maybe... I--I want to be sure. I don't want to be skeptic. But, Lord, if I'm Your witness, if I'm to be a watchman, I've got to know what I'm talking about. I've got to be sure of this." Like Divine healing, if I'm not sure, I'm not going say nothing about it. If I'm not sure this is the coming of the Lord, I wouldn't say nothing about it. I've got to be sure.

45 I got back down in the pit again, everyone with their heads bowed. And the altar call, many people laid their hands against the window coming to Christ. And they were singing. When I got down here, I said, "Lord, it can't be." These people singing down here were just ordinary people. But this up here was--sounded like it was a few, maybe two or three thousand singing here. But looked like there'd be maybe a hundred thousand up there. And it was one of the sweetest voices, real high soprano, like women's voices.

I listened, and just shivers run all over me. I stepped back again just a minute. I listened. I walked up the aisle, come back, 'cause they just kept singing in the Spirit. I listened again. It wasn't this voice. I can hear them down here one kind of voice; this up here another kind of voice.

So when the service was over, I said to the pastor, "Pastor, I--I heard something strange."

He said, "What was it, Brother Branham?"

I said, "I--I heard a--a soprano voices of women and high trained voices, the most lovely I ever heard in my life up in there."

He said, "It's been heard many times here, Brother Branham."

46 I had read of old mother (Oh, I forget her name now.) that used to pray for the sick. And one night after the pastor had closed the--his sermon, the little mother went down to pray for the sick. She had five or six little kiddies around with her. And she stopped, and she listened up. And it's Mrs. Woodworth Etter, if you all ever read her book? And she heard, she said, "A choir singing above the singing in the church." After the voices quit down here, it still sings on. See?

47 And I stood there and just then way back at the back of the building, see how orderly, perfect... Now, I--I do believe in speaking in tongues. I believe it's a gift of God that's in the church. I believe it's been misused like other Scriptures has been misused. But there is a real one, yes.

And this man raised up in the back of the building, way back, and said about four or five words in another language, not a--not just a--it was a--a dialect. You could hear. Everyone was quiet. And something moved upon me. I never had an interpretation in my life, and I didn't use it then, 'cause I was a scared. Those things are of God. You better not fool with them.

And something said to me, "The pastor shall pray the prayer of faith." I had to hold my mouth shut. And I waited and here it come again, a wave coming over, and said, "The pastor shall pray the prayer of faith."

I thought, "Lord, I've haven't got no gifts of interpretation. Mine is to pray for the sick. So I have no gifts of interpretation." And I closed my mouth again and stood still. And just then the pastor raised up and begin to pray for the sick.

Oh, He is God. Sickness was healed all over the building everywhere. What is it? The breaking of the day. There's a little branch still left. Don't worry. God's never been without a witness. Trusting now that some great mystic somewhere, maybe not in an angelic voice, but something will let every sinner if there's--be such in this building, know that the night is drawing darker and darker over the earth and gross darkness. But the coming of the Lord is at hand what's a doing it.

48 And as your watchman, I say, "The morning cometh. Be ready morning stars; shine." How many would like to be remembered in a closing prayer before we go? Just raise your hand.

Dear God, You see the people as they raise their hands. And they are sincere in this. Many of those who search newspapers, they've searched philosopher's books and articles of different things, but yet they cannot find no answer. But here it comes this morning in the Bible, "The morning cometh and the night cometh also."

And we pray, God, that You'll bless every person here that raised their hands. And You know what's behind that hand raised. And, Lord, I believe that right where they are sitting now, that the omnipresent God is able to divide to them their inheritage of the Spirit that they are seeking at this hour.

Give to each, Lord, for the sake of Thy Word and their desire, and of Thy Divine promise which cannot fail. May they receive that which they raised their hands for, as I offer this prayer in their behalf. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, may they receive it. Amen. God be with you.

49 Now, we have just a little time for the... Now, we're going to pray for the sick. I am so happy to know that there is hope for the sick. "I'm the Lord Who forgiveth all of thine iniquity, Who healeth all of thy diseases." And I just... Strangely as it is, I was moved awhile ago to a young mother laying on this stretcher. And she is a victim of Hodgkin's disease. And I believe it's her mother setting here with her; I'm pretty sure. Yes, that's right.

That this mother was telling me of her child, and I was trying to encourage her. And it just a call to... After this message, I feel that salvation is the first thing; healing is second. A healing might last to the end of your life, many years. It might give you happiness and joy while you're here on earth, but it will cease with your--at your death.

But a soul that's saved has Eternal Life. It cannot perish or nothing can ever take it from you. It's gone into the books of God to be raised up in the last days. The great thing is the first thing. First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, other things shall be added.

50 I would just like to give one testimony of a healing of this horrible disease that this young woman suffers with. And there was some time ago... (They may be present this morning, I'm not here too often to know who's who. Many of you I do not know.) But there was a young girl here in our high school, and she was suffering with this Hodgkin's disease, and was taken to a doctor of these big lumps breaking out on her.

And they taken a piece of the lump, and sent it away to find out what it was, and it returned back "incurable Hodgkin's disease." And the mother did not want the child to know what the--was her trouble. And the doctors advised the mother to just let her go on to school, because she had just so many days to live. It finally breaks on the heart. And Hodgkin's disease is cancer; we know that, in a form.

51 So they sent the--the young girl back to school to let her die. The mother was frantic. And she called me up on the phone and said, "I want to bring her. But I understand, Brother Branham, that in your prayer lines, many time, you call out the diseases when you have the inspiration of the Spirit." She said, "Would you be so kind, if the Holy Spirit reveals anything about the child, not to say it."

"Well," I said, "I don't think He would reveal it if He didn't want it to be known." I said, "I hardly think so. And at my own tabernacle here I seldom have those kind of meetings." I said, "I just pray for the sick."

And the young lady come into the line and I asked the mother, "Are you a Christian?"

She said, "No."

I said, "Is the girl a Christian?


I said, "That's a terrible way to go out of the world." And I said, "You'll never see her again if she goes in that condition."

So when the young lady came up into the room that morning, and passed right by this same place where the young girl was prayed for (So will this girl be in a few minutes.), I asked her. I knew her, and I said, "Are you the young lady from the high school here?"

She said, "I am."

I said, "Are you aware of your sickness?

She said, "The doctor's tell me that they think I'll be all right."

"Well," I said, "what if you don't get all right? Are you a Christian?"

She said, "No, sir, I'm not."

I said, "Would you like to be a Christian?"

She said, "I would."

And I said, "Would you give your heart to Christ?"

And she said she would. And her mother run up and said she would too. Which I baptized them both right here in the pool, prayed for the young girl. And time went on, and finally the girl begin to get better after a few days, she, not knowing what was wrong. And after a bit, they took her back for examination and they could find no trace of it at all.

52 There is an... I don't like to speak swelling things about people, but I like to be honest about people. And there is a man in this city that's well known, and a fine Christian brother, or he wouldn't be a deacon of this church; I mean, a trustee of the church. And he's present now. And he just took it upon himself to keep account of that girl.

It was years later, two or three years later, the young lady had finished her school and was going with a boy. And I met her on the street one day, and she was so happy, and testified to the glory of the power of Jesus Christ after they had told her what it was.

The girl's married now. She's got children, and she's living happy. And her father comes to this man's business place to get his hair cut. And Mr. Egan here, who has--has kept up with the case all along... And the girl is sound and well, and that's been (How long, Brother Egan?), several years ago, hasn't it? And she's living today to a testimony that God heals Hodgkin's disease.

53 Oh, it's so good to know that in the hours of distress that we have a refuge. That refuge is Christ. I want to report just for the--to the rest of you a little something in the meeting that just happened.

The Lord was so good in answer to your all's prayers as I went west for the meeting just now: few weeks ago, two weeks. And while we were at Tulsa at the convention, I was wasn't going to speak because I was to have a meeting there, but it--the ministers had other revivals going on, so I could not have the meeting at that time.

54 But I passed by to pick up Brother Arganbright to take him on to California: wife and I, and little Joseph. And that night when we come in late, I understood that Oral Roberts and Tommy Osborn was to preach that night. So Brother Arganbright called into the hotels till he found where we was at, and said, "Come on down to the meeting." So he came over, he and Brother Sonmore, the Christian Business Men, head of the chapter at Minneapolis. They--they come over for me, and I went in, and they were having dinner already in the Mayo Ballroom, great place, multimillionaires setting in there.

And so, you know how I'd feel to go into a place like that. I didn't even know how to use the knives and forks they had on the table. But I went in, and while I went in, Oral Roberts was preaching. And he was preaching on the abundance of life, the Abundance, and telling the Christian Business Men that Jesus caught the fishes, put them in the nets, and had more than they could--they could use.

55 And Brother Roberts is a forceful speaker, as you know. And he said, "There's plenty for everybody." And he said, "Now, I'm building a--a temple over here." (Probably cost millions of dollars.) Says, "It's built out of white marble." And he said, "I got it about halfway up and I run out of money." And said, "Then I went across the street one day to look at it, and the devil said, 'You know what, people have passed by and say that's what Oral Roberts did.'"

He said, "Then I said to the devil, 'But they'll have to say Oral Roberts tried.'" That's good. And he said, "Then it was laid upon a banker's heart here in the city, that loaned me way over nearly two million dollars from a bank to finish the building.

Banks don't do that. You know that. And he said, "That certain business man, banker, is setting present now." He said, "I don't want to call his name, because he doesn't exactly belong to the Full Gospel people." But said, "He's here." Said, "I don't--I don't think he even claims to be a Christian." But said, "Something moved his heart and he let me have the money." Said, "If he wants to stand up," said, "he could, but I'm not going to embarrass the man."

And the man stood up and said, "I'm not embarrassed Mr. Roberts," and set down.

56 Then I got in and was setting down. Then Brother Roberts, as soon as he got through, come over and shook hands with me, and pulled me up in his arms. And just a few minutes then, 'course a lot of people come around, you know, talking, the--while we was still eating and wanting for meetings and so forth, and ministers.

And then Demos Shakarian got up. He's the president of the Full Gospels Business Men's Chapter. And he got up, and he said, "You know I just feel led that Brother Branham should preach for us tonight the final message. Well, I didn't know what to say. And he begin to tell about a man in setting in here. Said, "Here's so-and-so; I met him today. They were telling me that they own this complete three or four city blocks in Miracle Miles." Multimillionaires and cattlemen and so forth. And what could I say in a meeting like that.

58 But you know, it's always best to obey. So I got up to speak the best that I could, and at the end of the service... It's all out of order to give a altar call in a place like that. But you know, I made altar calls at funeral services. So I thought, here's a good chance and I--I made an altar call. And all those rich men and women came to the Lord Jesus and gave their hearts to the Lord.

I was amazed at one millionaire, multimillionaire's wife with a little hat with fancy feathers down around the side, probably cost her a hundred dollars. And the tears running down her cheeks, she caught me by the hand and she said, "Brother Branham, my heart is moved." She said, "I thought I was a Christian till now." She said, "I want to serve the Lord."

And I said, "Thank you."

59 And then in a few minutes something said to me, "Pray for the sick now."

I thought, "Oh, no. I can't do that. I've already interrupted the--this big ballroom. So I--if I pray for the sick, they'll think I really am a fanatic." So I thought, "Surely, the Lord wouldn't be telling me that, maybe I'm just all worked up because of these conversions. So I slip over and set down." And I went down along the speaker's table, on down to the very end and set down with Brother Jack Moore, was setting there talking.

And I turned the service back to the president, Mr. Shakarian. Then when he--he got up, and he said, "You know what?" Oh, God must have touched him on the shoulder. He said, "I feel led to have Brother Branham to come back and pray for the sick."

I thought, "Oh," just exactly right.

60 And I got up and told them, and I said, "I felt that, and I pray God forgive me, but it's better when somebody gets touched, too, you know, make us all together knowing that it's the working of the Spirit."

So I said, "Now, Divine healing isn't touching a totem pole. It isn't just something that's imaginary. It's the same God that saved all these people here awhile ago. He's the same God that heals all the people that's here just by simple faith believing Him. I said, "Do you believe it?"

And now, to the secret to my church... As you know, my ministry's changing. And, oh, what a glorious change. All of you remembers the words that's been ringing, and every time it happens, something happens. When I going to speak on that, come, come to me, "Say to this mountain." Why has it been? It's been faith. Anything is by faith. Faith is not something that you work up. Faith is something that you have.

61 And I thought, if... I've always been ashamed of my faith. But people, as good as the Lord has been, He has showed things, told visions; everything has been perfect. You people know that. It's not a individual. It's not a man. It's God that does it. And this picture here, how it's went over the world. The ones in Germany... And here a few weeks ago (Maybe a stranger is here never seen it.), they caught another one. I got it at home. It's the profile of the Lord Jesus standing right behind where I was standing. And His hands are out and tongues of fire are flying off from His hands, while I was speaking on the subject, "Say To This Mountain Be Moved And Don't Doubt In Your Heart, But Believe."

And we've got it. It's in Techni--Kodachrome colors. And we've got it at the home now. And they're making... It's been examined now by science and so forth in laboratories. It'll be out pretty soon. Another one, which makes about six of them now in different places that's been took. This is the most outstanding of all of them.

62 Never seen... There's His--His beard, His face, His profile, His arms hanging out. And I was standing right in like this and where He's got His arms, you can't even see a place of Him like that. My head, then my feet down at the floor; just head and feet, that's all there was left. See?

And He--He's standing with His arms right like this, and I've got my hands out like this a preaching, saying, "Say to this mountain." And about that time something took place, and they snapped the picture of it like that. And there it was behind. All in colors. And a big...

So as God does arrange a big basket of calla lilies setting close: He's the Lily of the Valley. And where do you get opium? Out of lilies. That's right. What is the opium God has? Peace. Opium just makes you forget all about your troubles. Opium smokers, that's how they kill themselves with that opium. God has an opium. Amen. He eases every pain, heals all sickness, takes every weary away. As long as we're breathing into His opium, we're at peace.

And the big basket of lilies was sitting right in front where I'm a speaking on the platform.

63 And I prayed for the sick there at Tulsa, and I just walked on down and went out. And about ten minutes later, I would not want to call the evangelist's name, but a woman that had arthritis of the spine that worked for this evangelist, she was a stenographer, and she had to type like this, 'cause her arms and shoulders were bound. She typed like that and this--this great and noted evangelist there at Tulsa, had her employed in his employment to give her work. And she was--started walking down the hall, and all of a sudden her arms come loose, and she begin jumping and screaming until she attracted the attention of everybody up there.

And that dear woman falling on her knees, and raising her hands, and clapping them like that, the glory of God, because God had set her free just a few moments after the prayer. And I slipped in to listen and see what she was saying. She said, "I was just walking down the hall."

And I said, "Well, thanks be to God." And I turned around and started walking the other way, and I heard way down there, seen all the sinners running together to see what was the matter.

64 And here was a man taken the floor, Brother Gardner, the very man who give me this suit... Many of you know Brother Gardner, Brother Gardner in Binghamton, New York, the outstanding Oldsmobile dealer, of the three last years sold more Oldsmobile cars than any other man in the United States.

And he flies in a private plane. And a little over a year ago, his name's George Gardner, and he--his aviator, by himself, was soloing, and fell (and the plane), and bursted his knees, his ankles. And his legs and feet were stiff, and he walked like this: his aviator.

And he was present when the prayer was made. And he had moved hisself out of the hall where the banquet was. And they'd got him a room close to, so he wouldn't have trouble walking back and forth.

And here was his testimony: He went to his room and set down, not even being a Christian. And he said, "Somehow or another I believe that little bald-headed guy that preached up there tonight." And said he begin to notice his toes begin to shake, and he jumped to his feet, every whit whole, standing out there glorifying God, standing, raising his legs up and down like that and on his sides of his feet and everything, just testifying to the glory of God.

65 Once again before we pray for the sick. I was staying with Brother Arganbright, and--and my good friend, Leo Gene knows what phone calls are. Buzzing the phone, and Brother Arganbright would answer, and you know--you can't be everywhere. But it happened to be that I picked up the phone. I believe everything works in God's providential way, don't you believe? I believe that's why the young lady's here. I believe that's why you're all here. I believe that's why I'm here. And we're met together for the glory of God for some reason. Why did we come over the icy grounds to be here this morning?

66 So I picked up the phone, 'cause Brother Arganbright wasn't in the room. And he said, "I'd like to speak to Brother Branham."

I said, "I am Brother Branham."

He was a Spanish man. He said, "Sir, I know it's unreasonable almost for me to ask the question I'm going to ask." He said, "I can imagine how people pull and so forth." But said, "I'm a missionary in Mexico." And said, "I've... Back up here... I live here in La Crescenta, and I just learned a few hours ago that you were in the city." And said, "I brought my baby back to try to get it to you, or Brother Roberts, or some of the brethren who pray for the sick." And he said, "Being it's my baby, my faith, I guess, has just been a little weak." He said, "My baby is yet not four months old and it's dying with cancer."

And something said to me, go to that baby. I said, "Sir, I'll get Brother Arganbright and you tell him where the baby's at. I'll meet you."

So he gets... I get Brother Arganbright, and he tells him. So we got in the car and went down. And I met his little wife. And him being Mexican, though he didn't look it, he was white skinned, fair, but he was a Mexican, which Mexicans many times are blonds because they come between the Spanish and the Indians. And there are some of those Indians with just blond, snow white.

67 And then... His wife was Finnish, strictly blond, very sweet little woman. And I went to the hospital with him to see his baby. When I walked into the room, they had it right next to the nurses' headquarters. For the little baby, yet just four months old, and it was born with malignant tumors in the jaws which swoll it out approximately that far from its face, like that, just out like that.

And the doctors had tried to operate and great big, deep scars that cut all around his little throat all the way around. It didn't stop it. Only it run it up into its tongue. And the little jaw's hanging like that, the big, deep scars. And his little tongue, little mouth, not over that big. And his tongue probably that big swollen, had pushed out about that far and turned black, and had shut off the breathing from the nostrils coming down when it swelled up in the roof of its mouth. And of course, it cut its breath off from here. They had to cut a hole in its throat and had a little whistle of a little, like a little, a round tin in his throat.

68 And his little arms were in splints, like this, so that he couldn't reach to pull that whistle out. It would choke. And the cancer draining... And the nurse had to stand there with something to pull the drainage of the cancer out of the whistle or it would choke to death.

And the father walked around to the bedside, and he said, "Ricky, daddy's little boy." He said, "Daddy brought Brother Branham to pray for you, Ricky." When he said, "Daddy's little boy," my spirit just left me. I just couldn't stand it any longer. I just had to hold to the side of the bed: "Daddy's little boy."

And the little fellow, yet youthful as he was, knowed it was his daddy. And he started wheezing like that, and his little arms like that; and him trying to pat the little fellow on the head. A poor, little baby born in that condition...

69 I just couldn't speak. I just--you know, you just get so full, you just can't say nothing. And I looked down and seen them little bitty hands out from under those big splints, and making a wheezing noise, and I thought, "Isn't that pitiful."

And after I kinda got around to myself enough to think something, I thought, "Jesus, do You mean that You get pleasure out of seeing that? I can't believe it. I just can't believe that You get glory out of that little baby's suffering like that. It just can't be. If it makes me, a sinner, feel like I do to that baby, what would it do to You the Resource of all mercy? What must it do to You?" And I'd said no word, yet he was trying to play with it, get it quietened. And its little body, with the little diaper on, just about--the little body and all not over that big, and its head was the biggest part, his jaws swollen out so big.

And they had a--a something around its head to keep its little head from bursting open, you know, a rag, his jaws was swollen so big out like that, to keep it from bursting.

70 And the nurse was standing there. And I looked down to the little fellow, and I thought, "Lord, what would You do if You were standing here?"

Now, I realize that I'm in the pulpit, and I realize that God is present. But it seemed to me that something spoke down in my soul and said, "I'm waiting to see what you're going to do about it. I gave My authority to the church. There you come back again to 'say to this mountain.' I gave My authority to the church and I'm waiting to see what you're going to do."

I wonder if that's His attitude towards us all the time, that He's waiting to see what we're going to do. What about the signs of the time we've just been preaching about? What would He do? He's waiting to see what we'll do.

Well, I got its little baby hand in mine, just in my fingers like that; it was so little. And I said, "Lord, hear the prayer of Your servant. And by faith that I believe that You are, I place between this demon of cancer and the baby's life, the Blood of Jesus Christ. Between the killer and the baby, the Blood, by faith I place that." And I couldn't say nothing else. I just turned around and started walking out. The father followed me.

71 He said, "Brother Branham, the Lord places upon my heart to give you some tithing."

"Oh," I said, "Brother, don't think of that. No," I said, "I don't need money, brother."

He said, "But I've saved up some tithings." (Oh, a little money, I forget now just exactly; I believe about fifty dollars.) He said, "The Lord placed it on my heart to give it to you."

I said, "I tell you what. I receive it, and then you turn it back and give it to little Ricky over there on his--on his hospital bill, 'cause you're a preacher. I know what it is, what money means. And you a missionary, and I know that it takes money, and you got a family, and all this doctor bills. Place it right back on little Ricky's bill."

He said, "I don't want to do that, Brother Branham. It ain't to pay doctors, it's to pay ministers."

And I said, "Yes, but I'm turning it back for you." And I refused it. And I went on up to the house, and in the matter of a few hours, them jaws went down, and its tongue went back into its normal place. God healed the little fellow. They were removing the whistle the morning that I left out of its throat. It alarmed the whole West Coast.

72 Famous doctor sent his son with his grandchild, and they cut off the road way over, forty or fifty miles over in Pasadena, and cut off the road where I was to pass to pray for that baby who had spasm on the brain. They'd give it a penicillin shot and it caused a cancer to come from the effects of the penicillin shot in its hip. And I'm sure the Lord healed it.

73 Just before leaving the house, the phone rang--kept ringing. Brother Arganbright, I heard him arguing with someone said, "No, I wouldn't do that." Just as I was getting in the car, there was a--a little station wagon drove up. Who was it, but my little Mexican brother and his wife, both of them just crying and praising God.

Said, "Brother Branham, I brought these tithes to you.

"Oh," I said, "Brother, I can't receive that." I said, "I just couldn't do it."

He said, "But I brought them to you," said...

I said, "I told you to put them on Ricky's bill."

He said, "This morning when I went to give the doctor these tithings to go on Ricky's bill, the doctor said, 'You don't owe me nothing.' He said, 'I had nothing to do with that.' He said, 'That's a great phenomena.' He said, 'I--you don't owe me one penny.'"

So he said, "Take this, Brother Branham. The Lord told me you was to take it." I thought, "Oh, I can't." I said, "Lord, I don't feel like doing it." Then something come to me. Jesus standing one day, watching the rich men pitch in their great abundance of money. Oh, they had plenty, so they were giving plenty. And a little widow come by with three pennies, and it was all she had. That's all the living she had. And she threw it in. Now, what would we have done? "Oh, sister, don't do that, huh-uh, you know, we don't need that. Don't throw that in. That's all your living." But Jesus just let her go ahead and do it. For it is more blessed to give than to receive.

I got the little tithings. I don't know what to do with them. I'll place them somewhere in some work for the glory of God somewhere the best that I can. What is it? It's the glory of God. It's the power of God.

74 The shadows are falling. Christ is appearing. That's why signs and wonders are appearing. It's that great satellite reflecting off of the morning stars with healing in His wings. And if He will bring healing from the reflection of His Presence, what will He do when He comes in Person.

These corruptible bodies of ours will be changed and made like unto His own glorious body. What will it be when He comes? Until He comes, we're thankful for the sunlight of His Presence. As the morning stars do, I climb the ramparts of glory and setting there to hail His coming in this dark hour. Let us pray.

75 O, Lord, we just love You so much till, Lord, that there is no telling how long... We never get tired of testifying of Your praises. But the hour is here now. There's sick people waiting. Thou knowest these testimonies. They are as far as I know, Lord, the exact truth of the aviator standing out there showing how he could stand on his feet and all the conditions that his body was; and pulled up his trouser legs, and showed his knees, and legs all bursted, and scarred where the doctors had tried to put back the bones together.

76 You seen the woman standing there with the paint on her face, and it washing down with the tears of rejoicing as she's told of her arthritis condition had been healed by Your power. And of that darling little baby and the testimony of the father and them who were present...

Now, Lord, You're just as great here this morning in the Tabernacle as You are anywhere in the world. And You've promised that where we would meet together, that You would be in our midst. Now, we shall call the sick that You've sent to us this morning, and we shall pray for them and shall let--pray with all our hearts the prayer of faith. And may You save the sick and raise them up. And if they had did sins, forgive them, Father. As we confess our faults one to another, and pray one for the other. And You have said, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

77 We know of one laying here with us this morning, just a young mother with these little children. Lord, according to the doctors, she's near the end of her journey. But we pray God that You will stand between her and that enemy. And when we anoint her and pray for her, may Your power touch that soul of hers, that'll bring faith and deliverance. And may she go home and get well, and give praise, and be a--a reflection of the morning star to the glory of God. Amen.

Brother Mercier now, as we take these people by an appointment. That people coming will just's call this number and they are put on the list of those to be prayed for...