Ak Jób konal presne podľa toho, čo mu Boh povedal, že má robiť, to bolo to jediné, na základe čoho mohol byť spravodlivý, to bolo obetovanie zápalnej obete; to bolo spravodlivé... A On zachránil Jóba a jeho dom. Tak potom, čo je spravodlivé pred Bohom? „Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“ A tak, ak ja verím za svoj dom a ty veríš za svoj dom, skrze to, že tomu veríme, dôverujeme Bohu, Boh počíta našu vlastnú vieru, ako urobil Abrahámovi, alebo Jóbovi, alebo komukoľvek z nich, za spravodlivosť. Vidíte? A tak je nám to pridelené za spravodlivosť a to je spôsob, ako budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.
Ó, myslím, že je to nádherná vec. Tak potom, nie len to, ale staviam sa za každého brata, všetkých mojich bratov. Moju sestru. Nestaviam sa len za to, ale staviam sa za každú osobu, ktorá je v mojom zbore; staviam sa za vás všetkých. Chcem, aby ste sa stavali za mňa pre spravodlivosť viery. Nemusíme robiť zápalné obete; Kristus je našou Obetou. Ale musíme mať vieru v tú obeť, ktorú Kristus vykonal, že nám dal takéto zasľúbenie, že „Čokoľvek budete prosiť Otca v Mojom Mene, učiním to. Keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete to, za čo ste prosili, a budete to mať.“
1Poviem vám... to by... to... Viem, že sem neprichádzate, aby ste počúvali mňa. Rozumiete, pretože nikto by necestoval tak ďaleko, aby počúval kazateľa. Prišli ste sem, pretože veríte Posolstvu a veríte v Krista. A ja si to vážim.
A som tak vďačný, že mám takých priateľov. Že mám niekoho, kto si cení vaše úsilie, to, čo sa snažíte robiť, že cestujete tak ďaleko pri vašich podmienkach. Jediná vec, ktorú môžem povedať, prial som si... Hovoril som Méde; povedal som, „Zaujímalo by ma, či by sme mohli mať všetkých ľudí, ktorí prišli z okruhu päťdesiatich míľ, doma na večeru?“ Vidíte?
Neviem, čo by sme s nimi mohli robiť. Rozumiete?
Pretože najväčšia časť nášho zboru, myslím, že osemdesiat percent z nich, ste vy ľudia. Je to zložené od Mississippi, Alabamy a Georgie a takých miest, odkiaľ ste prišli. A myslíte si...
A nikto z nich, ktorí sem prichádzajú, nie sú bohatí ľudia. Oni sú skrátka obyčajní ľudia. A viem, že to stojí mnoho vašich – šetríte svoje centy, aby ste sem prišli. Pretože viem, ako veľa benzínu to stojí, aby ste prišli a išli. A okrem toho sa auto opotrebúva a derie na ceste – tam a späť je asi, ó, myslím, že okolo tisícšesťsto, tisícsedemsto míľ kvôli jednej kázni. A chodiť takto každý týždeň. Pomyslite na to. Rozumiete?
2Ja skrátka – cítim sa kvôli tomu malý. Úprimne. Práve tak, ako by som bol pol palca vysoký a postavil sa tu pred vami, aby som vám skutočne povedal, ako si to cením.
Žena a ja sme sa rozprávali, ak by ste vy ľudia neprichádzali, keď mám službu v modlitebni, nebolo by mi to nič platné chodiť dole. Pretože tu v tejto miestnosti je práve teraz viac ľudí, než by bolo tam, keby to nebolo pre vás, ľudia. To je úplná pravda.
A to vypĺňa to, čo hovorí Písmo. V našej vlastnej krajine, medzi našimi vlastnými ľuďmi... Vy – vaša úcta a česť vždy prichádza od cudzích. Neviem prečo. Ale nemyslel som... Myslel som zvonka vášho vlastného domova. Samozrejme, nemyslel som, že všetci ste cudzí, ste moji priateľskí bratia a občania v Kráľovstve Božom.
3A prednedávnom som mal tu dole malého vypchatého aligátora. A povedal som bratovi Welchovi, že prichádzam dole, aby som si ho vzal. A deťom sa neskončili prázdniny. A myslel som, že by som s nimi mohol zabehnúť dole na Floridu, ráno dole do St. Petersburgu. A ďalej som chcel ísť hore do Miami a prejsť okolo Tamiami Trail a naspäť domov. A oni hneď musia ísť do školy a myslel som si, že by to mohol byť dobrý čas, aby som sa zastavil po aligátora.
A tak brat Welch – brat Fred a brat Wood prišli so mnou a to mi dalo šancu zobrať so sebou deti. A oni pôjdu späť vyzdvihnúť môjho aligátora. A myslel som, že kým som tu dole, rád by som len mal – vašu malú skupinu pohromade, aby som vám povedal, ako si vás cením – ako si cením vaše úsilie.
4A brat a sestra Evans a brat a sestra... Pamätám si to … Vaše iniciálky, ja vám hovorím S. T., viem, že to je T. S. Ja... Je také kloktadlo, ústna voda, ktorú volajú ST37, a takto vás nazývam S. T. Nie podľa... A to je tiež dobrá vec. Je to skvelé. To podľa môjho názoru porazilo všetky tie ostatné prípravky. Používajú to v armáde a ja to používam skoro na všetko. Na kloktanie a ako ústnu vodu a beriem si to so sebou na poľovačku. Ak sa mi tam zraní kôň, trochu toho nalejem, viete. Skrátka na hocičo. Je to dobré na všetko.
Myslím, že si sa tiež presvedčila, že on je taký, alebo nie, sestra? Vo všetkom, niekedy umyje riad, a tak ďalej...
5A tak, myslel som, že možno... dnes večer som sa pýtal, povedal som bratovi Welchovi, „Čo by si – čo by sme mali povedať, keď sa ľudia zhromaždia? Myslíš...“ Mysleli sme, že možno, ak ste mali nejakú prostú otázku vo svojej mysli, len niečo obyčajné, čo by ste mohli, možno niečo, čo by som mohol zodpovedať, niečo, čím by ste nechceli zaberať čas tam v modlitebni, keď ste tam, nejaká malá otázka. Preto som sa tu zastavil.
Tak, vieme, že ideš ráno do práce. Je desať minút po deviatej. Tak pôjdeme rovno do toho. Ale pred tým, ako to urobíme, mohli by sme len skloniť hlavy kvôli slovu modlitby.
6Náš Nebeský Otče, sme tak radi za Ježiša Krista, nášho Pána, ktorý zachránil naše duše od života v hriechu a učinil nás občanmi Svojho Kráľovstva. Skrze Jeho milosť sme spasení a nie je to z nás, alebo skrze naše skutky, ale sme spasení skrze Jeho milosť.
A tak sa z toho tešíme. A vieme, že jedného dňa Ho uvidíme. Pretože budeme mať telo ako Jeho vlastné oslávené telo a uvidíme Ho takého, aký je. V tejto dobe ešte nevieme, ako to bude prebiehať. Ale nie je na nás, aby sme to vedeli. My na to iba očakávame skrze vieru. A všetko chodenie je vierou. A tak sme vďační za tieto veci.
Modlíme sa, aby si požehnal týchto ľudí, Pane. Keď som sem išiel, Ty vieš, čo bolo včera večer v našich srdciach, mojej ženy a v mojom, keď sme sa po ceste rozprávali. Ako nádherne sa cítime, že máme priateľov, ktorí sa obetujú, aby prišli počúvať Evanjelium Syna Božieho, precestujú všetky tie tisíce míľ cez deň a noc, aby počuli len jedno posolstvo.
7Bože, modlím sa, aby si dal každému jednému slávny domov v Kráľovstve. Požehnaj ich, kým sú tu na zemi. Nech prosperujú v čomkoľvek, čo robia. Nech to prosperuje.
A tieto malé deti, Pane, zatiaľ len malí spoločníci. A mnohí z nich sú tu dospievajúci a jednako sedia s úctou a rešpektom ako dospelí. Bože, myslím, že sú najlepší v krajine. Modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal, Pane. Nech by nikdy netúžili po ničom inom. A nech v tom veľkolepom Kráľovstve na druhej strane, keď celá rodina bude zhromaždená dokopy, som si istý, že oni tam budú, Otče. Modlím sa, aby si tam mal každého jedného z nich. Nech sa nikdy neodvrátia od tej vznešenej úzkej cesty, po ktorej boli učení kráčať. Udeľ to, Pane.
8No, dnes večer som si myslel, Otče, že by sme zistili, čo je v srdciach týchto ľudí. Ty poznáš ich srdcia. A modlím sa ku Tebe, Otče, aby si mi pomohol pri – odpovedať na ich otázky. Aby to mohlo byť pre nás na dobré. Aby nám to bolo na dobré, byť tu, a aby sme mohli ísť ďalej hovoriac, „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia vďaka Jeho Prítomnosti?“
Príď teraz, Pane. Prechádzaj okolo stoličiek. Polož Svoju ruku na každé rameno. A pohlaď Svojou rukou zjazvenou od klinca každé srdce, aby sme mohli vedieť, že to je náš Pán, ktorý je na blízku. Lebo o to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
9Myslím, že tu máme Bibliu. Len by som tu rád iba na chvíľu prečítal Písmo, aby sme trocha začali – pred tým, ako sa dostaneme do lekcie – alebo lepšie povedané k otázkam.
A toto – rád by som toto prečítal, miesto, ktoré som dnes popoludní našiel. Išli sme autom, viezol som sa s bratom Welchom – na prednom sedadle nákladného auta brata Sothmanna. A čítal som niečo, o čom som si pomyslel, že by som o tom skrátka rád hovoril, len na pár minút. Ak to dokážem nájsť v jeho... Ó, áno. Tu to je.
V 16. kapitole Skutkov a začneme od 37. verša.
Ale Pavel im povedal: Najprv nás...
(Prepáčte. To nie je tam, kde chcem – práve tam, kde som to chcel začať čítať.)Je to... Čítal som tu kúsok, len... Len chvíľu a nájdem to. Tu sme. Je to 29. verš – 28. verš, začnime.
Ale Pavel zavolal veľkým hlasom a povedal: Neurob si ničoho zlého, lebo sme všetci tu!
A keď si vypýtal svetlo,
skočil do vnútra a trasúc sa padol pred Pavla a Sílasa,
A vyvedúc ich von povedal: Pánovia, čo mám činiť, aby som bol spasený?
A oni mu povedali: Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.
Je to práve jedna z týchto malých prekrúcaných otázok, o ktorej som myslel, že by som rád na chvíľu hovoril, na tému „Tvoj dom,“ vidím, že každý jeden máte svoj dom tak pekne daný do poriadku. Vaše deti sú spasené a to je pekné, že máte celú vašu rodinu kresťanskú. Pretože ja... My chceme naše rodiny. Každý jeden premýšľame o našich deťoch. A istotne môžem pochváliť vás skvelých ľudí, ktorí ste tu dole, za vaše pekné deti, ako ich máte všetci v poriadku a všetko také. Ja...
10Ako sa máš, sestra? Myslím, že toto je... Nebola to tvoja mama, ktorá tam vzadu práve prišla? Nech ťa Pán žehná. Som rád, že ťa dnes večer opäť vidím. A verím, že toto je manželka brata Willieho, je to tak? A rovno tam je šéf rodiny, ako som pochopil, že … Takto to chodí v našom dome.
A mať svoj dom. No, Pavol tu povedal tomuto rímskemu stotníkovi, keď bol... Zistili sme, že Pavol bol večer predtým zbitý, velitelia tak rozkázali a bol zbitý, pretože, neurobil nič zlé: Bol tam hore a kázal Evanjelium. A tamojšie duchovenstvo tam bolo proti Pavlovi, pretože kázal Evanjelium. A oni povedali, že obracia svet hore nohami.
11A on išiel po ulici a bola tam malá veštica. Žena s vešteckým duchom. A bola najatá, aby veštila. A keď išli dole ulicou, ona kričala po Pavlovi a hovorila, „Toto sú mužovia Boží, ktorí nám zvestujú cestu života.“
A Pavol nepotreboval diabla, aby mu v čomkoľvek asistoval, a tak sa len obrátil a pokarhal toho ducha v tej žene. A keď to urobil, ó, to spôsobilo rozruch, keď to zistili, že ten duch ju opustil a ona nemohla viac veštiť.
A tak ten, kto ju tam mal najatú a pravdepodobne sa o ňu staral, no, to spôsobilo veľký rozruch a oni boli zbití a vsadení do žalára. A viem si predstaviť Pavla a Sílasa, ako ležia vzadu v tom starom, chrobákmi zamorenom žalári, tam vo vnútorných celách. Vonku, kde boli držaní najlepší väzni, to bolo dosť zlé. Ale oni boli vo vnútri a keď ich tam voviedli, boli vsadení do klád.
12Neviem, či niekto... Videli ste všetci niekedy klady? Mal som to privilégium vidieť ich. Zovrú vám do nich nohy. A potom ruky. A potom vám ich dajú okolo krku. A tam sedíte.
A čínsky trest smrti, spôsob, akým to zvykli robiť, je veľmi krutý. Oni ich vsadili do tých klád a kvapkali vodu, len po kvapke, ktorá im padala na vrch hlavy, takto, až ich to jednoducho doviedlo do šialenstva. Vsadili ich tam a nedávali im takto nič na jedenie, ani na pitie. A oči sa im obrátili a všetko možné. Bolo to proste niečo strašné.
Hovoria, že prvých pár kvapiek, samozrejme, možno počas prvého dňa to nie je tak zlé. Ale hovoria, že po pár dňoch, že tie kvapky sú akoby padalo päťdesiat ton, viete, zakaždým triafajú rovno na to isté miesto. Pretože nemôžete pohnúť hlavou; ste v tých kladách.
13A len pomyslite, že Pavol a Sílas, pretože kázali Evanjelium, boli zavretí tam v tom špinavom mieste. A možno behali po nich potkany a myši a chrobáky a všetko možné. Čo za miesto pre muža, ktorý káže Evanjelium. A my si dnes myslíme, že... sťažujeme sa, pretože máme niečo trochu ťažké. Hľaďte, čo robili oni. A vedeli, čo na nich čaká, možno poprava, na druhý deň ráno.
Ale oni boli verní. Boli... Zostali verní. A neskôr okolo polnoci tam... a môžem si skrátka pomyslieť, ako sa museli cítiť, ich chrbty boli nalepené na starej špine, kde väzni... A bolo tam malomocenstvo a všetko možné v ich dňoch, a ležali na tvrdej podlahe... Možno boli na špinavej podlahe a pobehovali po nich potkany...
14Ale uprostred toho všetkého, možno nemali žiadnu večeru. A boli zbití, že až krvácali a boli dotlčení, a ubolení. A žiaden doktor, aby im vyčistil rany, alebo dal niečo proti infekcii, čo by sme použili dnes, alebo niečo také. Len ich tam hodili a vsadili ich do klady a dali ich do takých podmienok.
Ale oni sa nesťažovali. Nevyšlo od nich jediné slovo sťažnosti. A vedeli, že možno na druhý deň ráno, oni – tí velitelia ich pravdepodobne zavolajú pred cisára a keď to... alebo pred Sanhedrin a budú popravení za to, že kázali túto „heréziu“ ako to v ich dňoch bolo nazývané. Za Evanjelium, za ktoré skutočne dnes sústredene zápasíme, za tú istú vieru...
A potom, keď o tom začíname premýšľať, potom sa stávajú míle medzi nami o trocha kratšie (Rozumiete?), zakaždým, keď o tom začíname premýšľať.
15A potom sme zistili, že neskôr okolo polnoci, Pavol a Sílas museli rozprávať o Pánovi asi až do polnoci. A potom začali spievať chválospevy, nejakú starú dobrú kresťanskú pieseň. Ó, ak by sme to spievali dnes, spievali by sme „Moc v Krvi je,“ alebo „Ó, ako milujem Ježiša,“ alebo niečo také.
A keď začali spievať, náhle to miesto zasiahlo zemetrasenie. A všimnite si, ako sa to stalo. Namiesto navŕšenia tých stien tej veľkej starej budovy rovno na nich a rozdrvenia ich na smrť, to zatriaslo stenami, ktoré boli od nich preč. A nie len to, ale to zlámalo klady a uvoľnilo od nich závory. A zostali vyslobodení.
16No, pomyslite na to. Boli vyslobodené ich nohy, ruky a krk, každého jedného z nich. Namiesto toho, aby sa na nich to veľké, ťažké rímske väzenie zrútilo, to od nich takto padlo preč. A nie len to, ale spadli z nich okovy a ostatné veci. Vidíte, to je náš Boh, keď zostávame verní. Vidíte, musíme zostať verní. A tak dlho, ako sme verní a sme...
No, nemusíme byť v takom stave. My – nikto z nás sa nemusí dostať... Dúfam, že takto nedopadneme. Ale môžeme byť verní v tom, v čom musíme – cez čo musíme prejsť. Možno to je prenasledovanie. Možno je to niekto, kto sa vám vysmieva. Možno je to niekto, kto hovorí, „Si staromódny, si náboženský fanatik,“ alebo akokoľvek vás môžu nazývať, alebo si z vás môžu robiť posmech, alebo niečo také. Buďte rovnako verní, pretože Boh si cení našu vernosť voči tomu práve tak, ako si cenil ich vernosť v tom, v čom boli – cez čo museli prejsť.
17A potom, keď zrazu rímsky väzeň – či vlastne stotník musel... Ten strážnik pri dverách musel uvažovať tej noci, keď sa Pavol a Sílas rozprávali o Písme, on sa niečo musel naučiť. Pretože on tých mužov nepoznal. Ale nejakým spôsobom musel vedieť, alebo ich počul spievať, alebo niečo, podľa čoho hneď vedel, že to sú svätí ľudia.
Vidíte, pretože on bol Riman. A oni boli Židia. A on bol pohanom a oni boli Kresťania. Ale všimli ste si, hneď, ako zistil, že sa väzenie zatriaslo, vedel, že sa bude musieť zodpovedať za tú stráž...
Pamätáte sa na čas Eliáša? Keď sa zamaskoval a stretol tam kráľa Achaba a povedal, „Strážil som jedného muža a, samozrejme, ručil som za neho svojím životom a on mi utiekol."
A on povedal, „No, potom za to zaplatíš svojím životom. To je povinnosť strážnika.“ A tak sa odhalil a povedal, že je prorok Eliáš. A povedal, „Ty si nechal odísť toho kráľa, Agaga.“ A povedal, „Zaplatíš za to svojím vlastným životom.“ A on za to zaplatil.
18A tak potom vidíme, že tento rímsky stotník, ktorý vedel, že bude za týchto väzňov zodpovedať svojím vlastným životom, vytiahol meč hneď, ako zistil, že utiekli, a chcel sa zabiť, zobrať si svoj vlastný život namiesto toho, aby šiel podstúpiť trest. Niektorí z tých... Možno by ho vsadili do takej istej klady, a tak ďalej, kým by nezomrel, a tak si pomyslel, že to jednoducho celé ukončí a vytasil meč a chcel sa zabiť.
Ale Pavol rýchlo zakričal, keď to zbadal a povedal, „Neurob si ničoho zlého, lebo sme všetci tu.“ Vidíte? A ten človek tam potom porozumel, pred tým sa muselo niečo udiať, čo spôsobilo, že tento muž vedel, že oni boli kresťanskí muži, alebo svätí muži. Pretože rýchlo padol ku ich nohám.
19Predstavil by som si, že ich počul spievať piesne. Počul ich svedčiť; počul ich, ako sa rozprávali. No, len sa na chvíľu zamyslime, priatelia. Ak bol ten rímsky stotník presvedčený a usvedčený kvôli tomu, že počul tých dvoch mužov, zbitých väzňov...
No, my sme stále slobodní a nie sme zbití alebo väzňami. Ale to, že počul ich svedectvo, malo taký vplyv, až to spôsobilo, že povedal, „Čo musím urobiť, aby som bol spasený?“ Čo by sme potom mali robiť my s naším vplyvom? Vidíte?
Mali by sme svedčiť. Vy mladí ľudia, čokoľvek to je, nemusíte kázať. Možno ťa Boh nikdy nepovolal kázať, ale ty... Ak si ženou v domácnosti, alebo čímkoľvek si, dospievajúci chlapec alebo dievča, robme niečo, viete, to... A žite život, ktorý spôsobí, že ľudia povedia, „No, tamto ide Kresťan. To je Kresťan.“
A tak vidíme, že tento človek musel byť pod určitým dojmom, skrze ich piesne, alebo čokoľvek, čo tam vo vnútri robili, uvedomil si, že to sú Kresťania. Tak zobral svetlo a keď vošiel dnu a zbadal, že tam stál Pavol a aj väzni tam vzadu, nikto z nich sa nesnažil dostať preč. Všetci tam boli. A tak zasunul svoj meč a padol ku nohám Pavla a Sílasa a povedal, „Pánovia, čo mám robiť, aby som bol spasený?“
20No, všimli ste si, dnes vy aj ja a väčšina všetkých kazateľov, a tak ďalej, vždy sa snažíme povedať ľuďom, čo nemajú robiť. Teraz by sme povedali, „Skoncuj s fajčením. Prestaň klamať. Prestaň kradnúť. Prestaň s tým a tamtým.“ No, to nebolo to, čo sa ten muž pýtal. On nepovedal, „Čo musím prestať robiť, aby som bol spasený?“ Povedal, „Čo musím urobiť, aby som bol spasený?
Vidíte, my sa im snažíme povedať, s čím majú skoncovať. Vidíte? A hovoria, „No, musím robiť toto, to, či tamto.“ Nie. Vidíte? To nie je tá otázka. „Čo mám robiť?“ Nie „Čo mám prestať robiť?“ Ale vy len robte to, čo máte robiť a všetko ostatné sa vyrieši samo. Vaše klamanie a kradnutie, alebo pitie, hazardovanie a robenie vecí, ktoré sú zlé. To prestane, keď urobíte to, čo Pavol odpovedal na jeho otázku. „Čo mám robiť, aby som bol spasený?“
Povedal, „Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“
21No, dôvod, prečo ma napadlo o tomto hovoriť, je ten, že vy ľudia, ktorí ste tu, väčšina z vás, vašich – vaše deti sú spasené. Rozumiete? Oni sú Kresťania. Obdivoval som rodinu brata Evansa, týchto mladých mužov, ktorí tu sú. Zvyčajne, kto by dostal dospievajúceho chlapca alebo dievča, aby sedeli a počúvali niekoho – kazateľa rozprávať. No, oni by išli von a odišli preč. Takéto mladé dievčatá...
Povedal som bratovi Fredovi, že jeho deti, stačí, že ma počujú povedať jednu vec, ktorá je zlá, a sú pripravení hneď s tým prestať (Rozumiete?) a sedieť s najvyšším rešpektom namiesto toho, aby vonku behali a potulovali sa po okolí. Oni budú... Keď vás počujú hovoriť o Evanjeliu, sú pripravení hneď si tam sadnúť a počúvať. Rozumiete?
22No, viem, že všetci chceme – myslíme si, že naše deti sú odpadlíci a také veci. Ale musíme s tým prestať. Verím, že musíme pamätať na to, že tieto deti sú najlepšie deti na svete, pretože sú to naše deti a my si ich nárokujeme pre Boha.
No, vaše spasenie nespasí to dieťa. Ale teraz, Pavol povedal, „Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“ No, on... No, čo tým myslel? On tým nemyslel, že preto, že oni boli spasení, že tým bude spasený ich dom. On myslel toto: pretože oni boli – mali... Ak ten človek mal dosť viery, aby veril, že je spasený, rovnaká čiastka jeho viery, ktorú mal za seba, bude fungovať pre jeho deti. Rozumiete, čo tým myslím?
23 No, ja mám deti. Tam je môj malý syn Jozef a Billy, Sára, Rebeka. No, teraz, chcem vidieť každého jedného z nich ako pracovníka v Evanjeliu, niečo robiť. Chcem ich vidieť spasených a naplnených Duchom Svätým.
No, odovzdal som ich Bohu a povedal som, „Staviam sa za nich pred Bohom.“ Rozumiete? A verím, že budú spasení, každý jeden z nich. Rozumiete? Verím, že budú spasení a budem ich mať na druhej strane. A neverím tomu, že moje spasenie ich spasí. Nie. Ale moja viera v Boha to učiní. Vidíte, moja viera verí, že Boh to urobí a spôsobí, že prídu ku Kristovi.
A verím, že to je to, že vy ľudia sa modlíte za svoje deti a to je dôvod, prečo sa vaše deti takto správajú a sú skutočné dámy a džentlmeni v tomto divom veku, v ktorom žijeme. A jednako majú ten diel, o ktorom viem, že to je to najlepšie, čo akékoľvek deti môžu mať. Rozumiete? No, myslím, že dôvodom toho sú vaše modlitby za nich. A odovzdali ste ich Bohu a staviate sa za nich.
24Vidíte teraz, ten Riman povedal, „Čo musím urobiť?“ On sa jednoducho pýtal za seba. Povedal, „Čo musím urobiť?“
A on odpovedal, „Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“ Vidíte?
No, musíme urobiť jednu vec. Poďme ešte naspäť na chvíľu, aby som jasne predstavil svoju tému. No, to je toto. Vezmime starého muža, ktorého poznám z Biblie pod menom Jób.
No, Jób bol veľký muž. V jeho dňoch nebol nikto ako on. Jób bol prorok. A ľudia chodili zďaleka a zblízka, aby počuli Jóba. A Boh ich žehnal. A on prosperoval. Bol bohatý človek. Ó, mal tisíce kusov dobytka a oviec a rôznych vecí, ktoré mal.
Nuž, on povedal, keď išiel von do ulíc, mladé kniežatá z východu (to sú mudrci, múdri astronómovia, viete) oni hovorili, povedal, že sa pred ním skláňali, len aby sa opýtali na slovo jeho múdrosti. Rozumiete? On bol bystrý muž. On bol prorok.
25A tak, diabol sa pozrel dolu a uvidel, že Jób bol bystrým mužom. Tak vám ukážem, ako koná bystrý muž. No, vrátim sa späť k téme “Ty a tvoj dom“. Jób povedal, keď videl, že všetko je presne v poriadku, ako sú vaše domy teraz; povedal, „Vieš, moje deti sú ženaté a odišli.“ Ale povedal, „Možno jedno z... Snáď jedno z nich mohlo zhrešiť.“
No, Boh tam mal jedinú požiadavku: To bola zápalná obeť. Povedal, „No, ja...“ On neveril, že jeho deti hrešili. „Ale“ povedal, „snáď mohli zhrešiť. Pretože oni sa navzájom navštevujú a chodia navzájom k sebe domov na oslavy, a tak ďalej ,a schádzajú sa, myslím, a tak ďalej.“ Povedal, „Ak jeden z nich zhrešil... A tak, Pane, prinesiem zápalnú obeť a obetujem túto zápalnú obeť za moje deti.“ Vidíte? A to je všetko, čo vedel, že má urobiť. To je všetko, čo Boh požadoval, zápalnú obeť. To je všetko, čo požadoval.
No, potom, keď prišla tá veľká polnočná hodina a udretý a úbohý Jób bol v stave, v ktorom bol, on... Viete, on stratil všetok svoj dobytok, všetky svoje ovce a prišla búrka a zabila jeho deti. A oheň pohltil jeho služobníkov. A on... Jeho vlastné zdravie zlyhalo. A on sedel na dvore na hromade popola. A jeho vlastné telo bolo posiate vredmi, až si vzal kúsok črepu a škrabal si svoje vredy. A dokonca jeho žena bola z neho znechutená a prišla a povedala, „Jób...“
26No, len sa trochu zamyslime nad spôsobom, akým to povedala. No, pozrite, tam sedí Jób. Sedel tam vonku celú noc. Sedia tam jeho utešitelia a sú k nemu otočení chrbtom. A oni mu hovorili, že zhrešil. To sú členovia cirkvi; to je výbor diakonov, alebo čokoľvek v cirkvi to je, prišli ho navštíviť. A sedeli tam sedem dní a stále mu hovorili, „Jób, tiež môžeš urobiť vyznanie. Pretože si zhrešil, lebo Boh by nedovolil, aby bol spravodlivý človek takto mučený.“
Ale Boh dovolí, aby bol spravodlivý človek takto mučený. Vidíte, Boh niekedy... Tie veci sa nám dejú, pretože sme zhrešili. Ale niekedy to je testovanie svätého, namiesto karhania hriešnika.
27A tak sme zistili, že Jób bol predsa spravodlivým človekom. A keď ho Boh testoval, pretože Satan povedal, „Ó, iste...“ Keď prišiel hore pred Boha so synmi Božími, povedal...
Keď mu Boh povedal, „Kde si bol?“
On povedal, „Ó, len som sa prechádzal sem a tam, hore a dole po zemi.“
Povedal, „Či si si všimol Môjho služobníka Jóba? On je dokonalý muž. Na zemi mu nie je nikto podobný.“ Boh bol tým potešený. Ó, On jednoducho miluje mať služobníka, ktorému môže dôverovať. Povedal, „Na zemi nie je žiaden iný muž podobný jemu.“ Vidíte? Povedal, „On je dokonalý muž.“ A to bolo predtým, ako bola preliata Krv Ježiša Krista. Rozumiete? A On povedal, „On je dokonalý muž. On je spravodlivý; on je bezúhonný. Nie je nikoho ako on.“
Satan povedal, „Ó, iste. Pozri, čo si pre neho urobil. Dal si mu všetko. On má domy; má deti; má dobytok; má všetko, čo chce. Samozrejme, ktokoľvek by Ti tak mohol slúžiť.“ Povedal, „Len mi ho raz ponechaj. Spravím, že Ti bude zlorečiť do Tvojej tváre.“
On povedal, „Satan, on je v tvojej ruke. Ale nesiahni na jeho život.“ No, to bola Božia dôvera, že Jeho prorok by Ho nesklamal. Vidíte? A On dôveruje tebe a mne, že my Ho nesklameme.
28A potom, On... A On povedal, „Nesiahni na jeho život.“ A Satan urobil všetko, ale nevzal jeho život. Jeho deti boli zabité. A jeho dobytok bol zabitý. A všetko bolo... A všetko jeho bohatstvo bolo stratené. A stratil svoje zdravie a všetko okrem svojho života, sedel tam vonku a škrabal si svoje vredy.
A jeho žena prišla ku dverám a... Satan sa dostal do nej a povedala, „Ty...“ Pozrela sa tam von a povedala, „Prečo nezlorečíš Bohu a nezomrieš?“ Povedala, „Vyzeráš mizerne.“
A on povedal, „Hovoríš ako hlúpa žena.“ Vidíte. No, on nikdy nepovedal, že ona bola hlúpa; povedal, že hovorí ako hlúpa žena. Rozumiete? Povedal, „Hovoríš ako hlúpa žena.“ Povedal, „Pán dal a Pán vzal. Nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo.“ Vidíte? Inými slovami, „Prišiel som na svet nahý,“ povedal, „nahý sa aj vrátim. Ale nech je v každom prípade požehnané Meno Pánovo. Nemal som vôbec nič, keď som sem prišiel a odídem preč s ničím. Ale nech je stále požehnané Meno Pánovo.“ Ó.
Viete, Boh skrátka nechá Satana, aby nás tak dlho pokúšal a potom ho to unaví. Rozumiete? A tak, on videl, že by nemohol... Satan ho potom musel opustiť. Ale Bildad a všetci ostatní z nich tam stále ostali a hovorili, „No, ty si tajný hriešnik.“
Ale Jób pri tom zostal neochvejný a povedal, „Nie som hriešnik.“ Vidíte?
29„Jób, ty si... ty si urobil... Nechceš to vyznať (Vidíte?), pretože si tajný hriešnik. Robíš to skryte a Boh ťa za to tresce, takže preto sa tie veci pri tebe dejú spôsobom, akým sa dejú.“
Ale on povedal, „Nie veru. Nie som hriešnik.“ Pretože zostával neochvejne na tej spravodlivosti Božej, tej zápalnej obeti. On to obetoval. To bolo všetko, čo musel obetovať. To bolo všetko, čo Boh požadoval.
A všimli ste si, potom, ako prišiel na proroka Duch Boží a všetko mal v poriadku (Vidíte?), čo Boh Jóbovi prinavrátil? On mu prinavrátil jeho... Kde mal desaťtisíc kusov dobytka, On mu dal dvadsaťtisíc kusov dobytka. Kde mal štyridsaťtisíc oviec, On mu dal osemdesiattisíc oviec. Vidíte? A on mu prinavrátil všetko, čo kedy mal.
A všimli ste si, tam je povedané, „A On mu prinavrátil jeho sedem detí.“ Vidíte? On dal Jóbovi jeho sedem detí. Nie, nedal mu sedem iných detí, ale dal Jóbovi jeho sedem detí. No, čo to bolo? Jeho dom, „Ty a tvoj dom.“ Pretože on bol spravodlivý, pretože stál na všetkom, čo nám Boh dal, aby sme boli spravodliví – alebo dal jemu, to bolo obetovanie tej zápalnej obete.
A on vedel, že to je Božie Slovo a to nemôže zlyhať. A tak, zamysleli ste sa niekedy, kde boli tie deti? Oni na neho čakali v nebi. Vidíte? On je dnes s nimi. A Boh spasil Jóbove deti. Oni boli v nebi a čakali na neho. Vidíte?
30No, ak Jób jednal presne podľa toho, čo mu Boh povedal, že má robiť, to bolo to jediné, na základe čoho mohol byť spravodlivý, to bolo obetovanie zápalnej obete; to bolo spravodlivé... A On zachránil Jóba a jeho dom. Tak potom, čo je spravodlivé pred Bohom? „Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“
A tak, ak ja verím za svoj dom a ty veríš za svoj dom, skrze to, že tomu veríme, dôverujeme Bohu, Boh počíta našu vlastnú vieru, ako urobil Abrahámovi, alebo Jóbovi, alebo komukoľvek z nich, za spravodlivosť. Vidíte? A tak je nám to pridelené za spravodlivosť a to je spôsob, ako budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.
Ó, myslím, že je to nádherná vec. Tak potom, nie len to, ale staviam sa za každého brata, všetkých mojich bratov. Moju sestru. Nestaviam sa len za to, ale staviam sa za každú osobu, ktorá je v mojom zbore; staviam sa za vás všetkých. Chcem, aby ste sa stavali za mňa pre spravodlivosť viery. Nemusíme robiť zápalné obete; Kristus je našou Obetou. Ale musíme mať vieru v tú obeť, ktorú Kristus vykonal, že nám dal takéto zasľúbenie, že „Čokoľvek budete prosiť Otca v Mojom Mene, učiním to. Keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete to, za čo ste prosili, a budete to mať.“
31No, ak sa modlím, aby Boh spasil tieto dospievajúce deti, a verím z celého svojho srdca, že On to urobí, vidíte, to je ten istý spôsob, ako stál Jób. Poviete, „Ó, pozri na toto dieťa, čo ono robí.“ Nestarám sa o to, čo on robí, alebo čo robí ona. Stále mám to dieťa umiestnené v ruke Všemohúceho Boha a môj – ja a môj dom budeme spasení. Rozumiete? Pretože ja...
Hoci môžem odísť skorej, ako to oni dožijú, ale nejakým spôsobom, pred tým, ako odtiaľto odídu, Boh ich obráti rovno na tú cestu. Verím tomu... Nejako, tak či tak. On spraví, že všetko, čo predtým robili, sa stane pre nich tak mizerným, až to budú musieť urobiť. Rozumiete?
A to je spôsob, ako verím, že to je, „Budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“
32Videl som mnohých, ktorí... Sledoval som tých, ktorí prišli na moje zhromaždenia. Mnohokrát prišiel nejaký chlapec, ktorý bol po celý svoj život zlý. Padol na svoje kolená a začal plakať, postavil sa a povedal, „No, mal som drahú starú matku. Ó, keď je dnes večer v nebi, viem, že pozerá dole a je šťastná, že ma vidí pri tomto oltári.“
Vidíte? Čo to je, tá stará matka sa modlila a verila. Vidíte, odišla dávno pred tým, ale tu sú ich modlitby. Pretože spravodliví... Vidíte, budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom. Boh vie, ako pracovať. On vie, ako to urobiť. On vie, ako urobiť všetko správne.
33 Ako som jedného dňa hovoril, keď sme narodení z Ducha Božieho, Boh nie je slabý na jednom mieste a silný na inom. Ak máte v sebe malý tieň Boha, len najmenšiu smietku Boha, potom máte všetku moc. Máte v sebe dosť moci, aby ste stvorili svet a išli a žili na ňom.
Ale samozrejme, tá moc je ovládaná vierou. Ak by to tak nebolo, mali by sme tam všetci z nás svet a žili na ňom. Ale ak ste synom Božím alebo dcérou Božou, máte v sebe moc Božiu. Rozumiete? A tak potom... Ten zákon drží tú vieru kvôli určitej veci.
34No, vezmime si ako príklad každého z nás, mohli by sme povedať. Raz sme klamali; raz sme kradli; kliali sme a nadávali a robili sme všetko, čo je zlé. No jedného dňa, keď sme prijali Krista, čo On vykonal? On nás uvoľnil hneď, ako sme Ho prijali... To je viera, práve tak, ako to povedal Pavol tomu Rimanovi, aby ju mal, „Uver.“ Presne to, čo Jób veril. Rozumiete? A hneď, ako sme prijali Krista ako nášho Spasiteľa, okamžite sme dostali dostatok viery, až sme odišli od toho preč, žiadne ďalšie klamanie, žiadne ďalšie kradnutie, žiadne ďalšie podvádzanie. Vidíte? Nie... Prečo?
Prešli sme rovno ponad ten hriech, v ktorom sme tam boli zvyknutí chodiť. Bolo nám pridelené tak mnoho viery. Prečo? Pretože veríme, že sme spasení. Je to tak? Veríme tu, že sme spasení. A tak potom sme vyšli ponad to, pretože veríme, že sme spasení.
35No, počúvajte toto, len kým sa dostanem do tej otázky. Rozumiete? Brat, sestra, prezradím vám moje malé tajomstvo. Rozumiete? Myslím, že často ste sa divili, ako vidím tie videnia a veci, čo to spôsobuje. Je to preto, že keď ma On v tú noc stretol a povedal mi, že (Rozumiete?), že toto sa stane. Uveril som tomu. Vážne som tomu uveril.
A idem sa modliť za chorých, ak kedykoľvek môžem cítiť, že niečo sa stane, oni trvajú na tom, že budú uzdravení. A tak, vždy to je správne. A to je spôsob, akým to musíme robiť s našou rodinou, so všetkým, za čo prosíme; musíme sa modliť; a Boh si ctí vieru (Rozumiete?), vieru v to. Musíme veriť, že to je v poriadku.
36No, s tou malou časťou Boha, keď poviete, „Áno, Pane Ježišu, som hriešnik. Nie som hoden Tvojej lásky. Ale Ty ma miluješ, tak Ťa prijímam ako môjho Spasiteľa.“ Ihneď, len čo idete odtiaľ a čo to je? Prestanete klamať. Prestanete podvádzať. Prestanete kradnúť. Prestanete robiť veci, ktoré nemáte robiť. Prečo? Pretože veríte, že ste Kresťan. A pretože veríte, že ste Kresťan, dvíhate sa z toho; ste na vyššej úrovni. No, rozumiete?
No, ak ste chorí, tu je uzdravenie. Len tomu veríte. No, nemôžete sa sami do toho vypracovať, aby ste verili. Musí to byť niečo, čo sa vám stalo, rovnako ako vaše obrátenie. Musí sa to stať.
37Raz som mojej žene hovoril, ako veľmi ju milujem. A tak, nemyslím, že ona chce, aby som o tom hovoril. Ale robím to súkromne, a tak si myslím, že to môžem povedať teraz verejne. Hovoril som jej, ako veľmi ju milujem a ako som ju vždy miloval od úplného začiatku. Povedal som, „Nerobí to žiaden rozdiel...“
Ona povedala, „Ó, Bill“.“ Povedala, ako... hovorila ako priberá a vlasy jej šedivejú.
Povedal som, „Miláčik, môžeš byť takto široká a nemať žiadne vlasy, budem ťa milovať stále rovnako.“ Rozumiete? Pretože to tam musí byť niečo, že musíte – musíte dôjsť do toho, že milujete niekoho. A pokiaľ tá osoba miluje tú druhú osobu...
38Toto je pre vás, mladé dievčatá, ktoré nie ste vydaté (Rozumiete?), a pre vás, chlapci. Keď stretnete to dievča, ktoré milujete, a je tam skrátka niečo, že viete, že ju milujete a to je proste všetko, o čo tam ide, alebo ty miluješ jeho, a to je – nestaráte sa, či je príťažlivý, alebo či nie je príťažlivý, alebo či je pekná, alebo nie je pekná. Na tom nezáleží. Ale milujete ju tak isto. Mali by ste byť teraz pozornejší, držať sa nejako nablízku, pretože tam sa približujete ku tomu správnemu miestu.
A ja... to... Manželstvo založené mimo tejto veci istotne zlyhá, alebo nikdy nebude podarené. Nikdy nebudú šťastní. No, povedal som to, aby som sa dostal ku jednej veci, ktorú chcem povedať.
39Priatelia, obrátenie mimo tejto istej veci tiež nevydrží. To nevydrží. Keď idete do zboru a poviete, „No, pripojím sa do zboru a pokrstím sa.“ Ak to nepochádza tam zo srdca, z lásky k Bohu, to nikdy nikam nezájde. Budete len... Všetko, čo urobíte, je, že sa pripojíte do zboru a dáte sa pokrstiť.
Ale keď ste obrátení ku Kristovi, milujete Krista, potom nahromadíte vieru v Krista, práve tak, ako to robíte pri vašej žene, alebo pri vašom mužovi. Nahromadíte vieru, aby ste v tej viere kráčali. Neviem, práve ste – niečo vás... práve ste dostali niečo, čo vás tam pripevňuje. Rozumiete?
No, tak isto je to, čo sa týka Krista. To, čo Kristus hovorí, vy tomu veríte a stojíte rovno s tým. A to je spôsob... To vás jednoducho pozdvihuje rovno ponad to a Boh to uskutočňuje a vypĺňa Svoje zasľúbenie. „Ak uveríš v Pána Ježiša Krista, budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“
Tak teraz, len som si myslel, že to poviem. Zabral som tým príliš veľa času, tridsať minút, aby som to povedal. Ale teraz viete, čo tým myslím. To je to, čo to je.
40Ak môžete veriť v Pána Ježiša Krista, nie iba za svoje spasenie, ale aj za vašich milovaných, za uzdravenie dieťaťa, alebo za matku, alebo za čokoľvek, po čom túžite, čo je správne... A viete, že ak ste túžili po niečom, čo nie je správne, nebudete mať ani dostatok viery prosiť Boha; pretože viete, že to nie je správne. Rozumiete? Ak ste úprimní a viete, že to je správne, potom môžete prosiť Boha s čistým srdcom, keď viete, že to nie je sebecký motív a váš cieľ a motív je úplne správny, potom proste Boha. A ako dieťa verte, že to dostanete, a dostanete to. Viem to.
No, prišiel som ku Kristovi, keď som bol asi vo veku jedného z týchto chlapcov, ktorí tu sú, myslím. Mal som asi dvadsať rokov. A slúžil som Mu po celý tento čas a mám päťdesiatdva, budem mať päťdesiattri na moje narodeniny. A môžem úprimne povedať, že stále, keď som úprimne prosil Krista za čokoľvek, čo je – no, že keď som Ho úprimne prosil za čokoľvek, čo bolo správne, že mi to dal, alebo mi povedal, prečo mi to nemôže dať. A potom neskôr som zistil, že to bolo dobre, že som to nedostal. Rozumiete?
41Ale len si pamätajte, keď Mu veríte, majte v Neho vieru a dôverujte Mu, nesnažte sa sami postrčiť sa do toho, aby ste to vykonali. Len stojte s Ním a premyslite si to.
Ako keby ste – keby som prišiel ku bratovi Welchovi, aby mi požičal tisíc dolárov. Myslím, že by som ich nedostal, pretože by ich možno nemal. Ale ak by ich mal a mohol by som ich dostať. No, prišiel by som a snažil by som sa ten prípad predstaviť. Keby som prišiel a povedal mu, „Welch, daj mi tisícku.“ Tak sa to nerobí. Tak sa Boha neprosí. Prišiel by som; povedal by som bratovi Welchovi, povedal by som, „Mohol by som sa s tebou na chvíľu porozprávať, brat Welch?“
„Samozrejme, brat Branham.“
Išli by sme na bok a sadli si, povedal by som, „Brat Welch, mám naliehavú vec a chcem ťa poprosiť, máš tisíc dolárov, ktoré by si mi mohol požičať?“
No, on... ak on... My sme priatelia, alebo keby on prosil mňa, alebo ja jeho, alebo jeden z vás bratov. Bolo by to rovnaké. Povedali by sme, „Áno.“
„No, tu je to, prečo – čo chcem.“ Vysvetlil by som mu to a ukázal. Povedal by som, „Brat Welch, som tu na zhromaždení. Dostal som sa do takej nepríjemnej situácie. Musím opustiť mesto a mám dlh tisíc dolárov. Musím skrátka tie peniaze odniekiaľ zohnať. No, Pán mi to položil na srdce, aby som išiel za tebou.“ A vysvetlil by som mu to. „No, z iného zhromaždenia, ktoré som mal na určitom mieste, mám tisíc dolárov, ktoré prídu, čo bude asi za tri mesiace odteraz. Môžem ti zaplatiť. Zaplatím ti z toho úrok, ak chceš.“ A skrátka to celé vyložím na stôl a vysvetlím mu to, prečo. Nechcem takto opustiť to mesto; je to zlá vec pre moje meno, ak by som to urobil. A potom budú hovoriť, „On nie je nič iné, než podvodník a zlodej a opúšťa mesto, pričom dlží peniaze.“ Rozumiete, čo tým myslím? Vysvetlil by som vám to. Sadol by som si ako brat a porozprával sa o tom s vami.
No, verím, že ak by som to takto urobil a vy ma máte radi tak, ako ma máte, urobili by ste všetko. Dali by ste do záložne auto, alebo predali niečo z domu, aby ste získali peniaze. Vidíte teraz, urobili by ste to. Ktokoľvek z vás by to urobil. A ja by som to urobil pre vás.
42Ale urobiť to by bola správna vec, ísť si sadnúť a porozprávať sa navzájom o tom, dať vám vedieť (Rozumiete?), vyjadriť svoje city k sebe navzájom. „Si môj priateľ; preto som k tebe prišiel.“
No, to je ten istý spôsob, ako to je s Kristom. Poviete, „Ty si môj Pán. Som chorý. Ja... Doktor hovorí, že pre mňa nedokáže nič urobiť. Ale ja viem, že Ty môžeš, pretože si mojím Pánom.“ A len s Ním o tom stále hovoríte, až potom cítite, že ste to prijali. A to je vaša viera. „Viera je podstatou vecí, na ktoré sa nadejeme, dôkazom vecí, ktoré nevidíme.“
A ja – keď to takto cítim, je to rovnako dobré, akoby som to mal. Samozrejme, môžem ísť ďalej, pretože to mám. Vidíte, urobil som... No, On mi zasľúbil, že to mám, takže tým je to vybavené. A ja sa len toho držím a čakám.
Nakoniec, prvá vec, ktorú zistíte, tu to prichádza, leje sa to dole z nebeských koridorov. A máte to. Ale to je to. Vidíte? „Budeš spasený ty a tvoj domov.“
A ak ich neuvidíte všetkých spasených pred tým, ako opustíte zem, budete – oni tam budú, keď... čas... keď príde ten veľký príchod, bude to tam.
43No, rozumiete, čo tým myslím? Rozumiete? Všetko, čo robíme, je skrze vieru. Verte v Pána. Verte v Pána kvôli zamestnaniu. Verte v Pána, keď hľadáte – aby vám dal ženu, ktorú by ste mali mať. Verte v Pána, aby vám dal muža, za ktorého by ste sa mali vydať. Verte v Pána, aby vám poslal nejaký nový nábytok, alebo ak – ak sa vyprázdni nádoba s múkou a džbánok s olejom vyschne a nie je tam žiadne jedlo a deti sú hladné. Verte v Pána.
Verte v Pána za čokoľvek. Rozumiete? Pokiaľ je to správne, len verte v Pána a „budete“. Rozumiete? To príde. Nikdy v celom mojom živote som to nevidel zlyhať. Nech vás Boh žehná.
Čo keby ste mi prečítali nejaké z tých otázok. Môžete mi ich prečítať? Dúfam, že ich správne zodpoviem. Nechcem vás teraz držať príliš dlho, možno asi desať minút a dám mu, Jimmymu, krátky čas, aby ich tam preštudoval, a uvidíme, či budem... Oni sa ma hneď znovu opýtajú. A tak, ak na ne nebudem vedieť odpovedať, no, pochopíte to.
44Ale rozumiete teraz, čo som tým myslel, aby ste verili? „Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty a tvoj dom.“ Verte za seba a verte za váš dom a budete to mať. Poviete, „No, doktor povedal, že sa neuzdravím.“ No, ak môžeš veriť Pánovi, môžeš sa uzdraviť.
„No, nemám prácu.“ Ale ak budeš veriť Pánovi (Rozumieš.) a budeš mať prácu. „A ja neviem, čo mám robiť v tejto situácii.“ Ver v Pána. Pozrite, kde to stavia mňa práve teraz a moju ženu tam. Vždy som si myslel, že Pán chce, aby som opustil Jeffersonville. No, došlo to na miesto, že som sa Mu skrátka musel odovzdať.
A tak som tu. On vie, za čím stojím práve tu dnes večer. Takže, a pôjdem, kamkoľvek On bude chcieť, aby som šiel. A čo chce odo mňa, aby som urobil, to urobím. A budem to tak robiť po celý čas, pokiaľ mi to bude hovoriť On. Rozumiete?
45V poriadku, Jimmy, máš ich, chlapče môj? [Brat číta otázku:
„Keď nastane vytrhnutie, odíde celá rodina veriacich, žena a deti odídu? Oni sú vo viere a veria v Ježiša Krista ako Pána?“
- pozn.prekl.]Áno, áno. Pôjde celá rodina do vytrhnutia? Vidíte, áno. Rozumiete? No, ak ste si všimli, vytrhnutie bude celosvetová vec. A ako… Pochopili ste všetci dobre tú lekciu v nedeľu? Všetci ste to v poriadku porozumeli, ako blízko sme v tom čase, „Sedemdesiat Danielových týždňov?“
Boli ste tam v nedeľu všetci, či nie? Áno. V poriadku. No, myslím, brat Welch, máš z toho pásku. A niektorí z vás by si to mohli prehrať. A máte z toho mapu, myslím, nemáte? A len to nakreslite a pre tých, ktorí tam neboli, možno im to vysvetlíte (Rozumiete?), aby to tak mohli pochopiť. Chcem, aby ste jednoducho podľa Písma videli, že som do toho nemusel povedať ani jedno slovo. Písma to skrátka dokazujú, že sme v čase konca.
46No, dnes sme sa rozprávali s bratmi. Hovoríte, „No, brat Branham, ak veríš, že je vytrhnutie takto blízko, prečo potom chodíš na ryby?“ Ak na to budem neustále myslieť, to by vás doviedlo takmer do šialenstva. Keď premýšľate o desiatkach tisícoch ľudí, ktorí sú tam vonku v hriechu, ktorí nepoznajú Krista. A pomyslím si, že, „Tu som, čo môžem urobiť?“
Ale tu je to, čo si myslím. Nedokážem zachrániť ani jedného, až kým ich nezavolá Boh. Rozumiete? Nedokážem to urobiť. A nijako by som ich nemohol zachrániť. Ale „všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne.“ A tak, ak mi On nepovie, kam mám ísť, čo môžem potom robiť? Rozumiete?
Takže to, čo robím, nie je len byť – nebyť kvôli tomu celý utrápený. To by bolo potom ešte horšie. Som za to šťastný. Som skrátka úplne zbalený a pripravený, viete, keď to príde, Pane, tu som. Skrátka čakám.
47A teraz, tu je to, čo sa stane. Vytrhnutí svätí, ako ste si všimli na nákrese v nedeľu... No, raní letniční bratia – či neskorí letniční bratia tam nedávajú tým dávnejším cirkvám dosť miesta, tomu neverím. Ale verím, že každý znovuzrodený Kresťan... A ako sa znovu narodíme? Keď veríme v Pána Ježiša Krista (Rozumiete?) a prijmeme...
No, neverím tomu, že len preto, lebo vo svojej mysli si poviete, že veríte. Verím, že váš život hovorí, či ste skutočne Kresťan, alebo nie. Ja – poviete, „Čo...“
Dnes, tá pani tam hovorila rôzne názory, čo to znamená byť kresťanom. A opýtala sa, „A do akej denominácie patríš?“ Vidíte? Hneď chcú vedieť, z akej si denominácie.
Povedal som, „Nepatrím do žiadnej denominácie, jednoducho som Kresťan.“ Vidíte. Kresťan...
48Poviete, „No, Kresťan znamená „Kambelita“. Nie, to je... Oni ich len nazývajú Kresťanmi, ale to neznamená Kresťan. Poznám mnoho ľudí, ktorí, myslím, že patria do toho, čo sa nazýva Kresťanská Cirkev, ktorí nie sú Kresťanmi. A kresťanskí kazatelia z Kresťanskej Cirkvi vám povedia to isté, že majú mnoho členov, ktorí nie sú Kresťanmi.
Ale Kresťanom nie je cirkev, ku ktorej patríte; to je prežitie, ktoré ste mali, že ste sa narodili do Božej rodiny.
49No, všimnite si v tom – vytrhnutie bude celosvetové, pretože On povedal, „Dvaja budú na poli; jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám. Dvaja budú v posteli; jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.“ Vidíte, keď je tma na jednej strane zeme, tam, kde sú dvaja v posteli, na druhej strane zeme bude čas žatvy, keď budú dvaja na poli. Rozumiete? A to ukazuje, že príde jedno veľké obrovské vytrhnutie; príde to rovno zo sveta. Vidíte? „Dvaja na poli a Ja jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám. Dvaja v posteli, jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.“
50No, vidíme, že... A vtedy každý, kto bol nájdený zapísaný v Knihe, bude vyslobodený v ten deň – pred súžením. A tak, ak vaše deti, vaša matka, vaši milovaní, kýmkoľvek sú, ak je ich meno zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života, moje drahé deti, budete tam.
Nezáleží na tom, kde sme, ak... Letím poza more a lietadlo exploduje vo vzduchu a ja – nikdy nenájdete ani kúsoček zo mňa v tomto tele, to s tým nemá nič do činenia. Rozumiete? Bude to tam tak isto. Nestarajte sa o to. Budem rovno tam, aby som vám potriasol rukou a chválil s vami Pána a korunoval Ho, Kráľa kráľov a Pána pánov. Rozumiete?
Domnievam sa, že možno Pavlovo telo, nezostala tam ani smietka prachu, sotva. Ale všetky materiály, ktoré tvorili jeho telo, niekde sú. Takže budú v ten deň zhromaždené dokopy.
51 Keď zomriete, v skutočnosti nezomriete. Kresťania nemôžu zomrieť. Neexistuje žiadna taká vec ako smrť pre Kresťana, nie v Biblii.
Ako, keď Lazar... On povedal – oni povedali... „Náš – náš priateľ Lazar usnul,“ povedal Ježiš. Vidíte, On nikdy nepovedal, že zomrel. Povedal, „On usnul.“
Oni povedali, „Ó, dobre, ak spí, predpokladám, že sa potom má dobre. Musí sa mu lepšie dariť.“ A tak, On musel prehovoriť ich jazykom.
Povedal, „No, inými slovami... Vo vašom vlastnom jazyku, on zomrel. A radujem sa pre vás, že som tam nebol. Idem a vzbudím ho.“ Vidíte? Ó, áno. Rozumiete? Spánok, vidíte, On mal stále Svoje vlastné... Rozumiete? „Pre vás – tak, ako to vy poznáte, on zomrel. Ale pre Mňa, on spí a Ja ho nejdem vzkriesiť. Idem ho jednoducho zobudiť. Rozumiete, idem ho zobudiť.“
52A tak, všimnite si, keď zomrel Sám Ježiš... Vidíte, sú tam tri časti tela. Duša... Tri časti nás, duša, telo a duch, keď ste videli sedem cirkevných vekov; mal som to nakreslené: päť vstupov do tela, zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch a svedomie, a tak ďalej do duše. A potom do ducha, tam je jedna ulica: to je váš vlastný slobodný morálny výber, to je urobiť rozhodnutie. Rozumiete? Môžete to odmietnuť, alebo to prijať.
A tak teraz, keď tá osoba prijíma Krista a je spasená, vaša celá domácnosť, vaša celá rodina, každá rodina na zemi bude spasená. No, keď... alebo vojde.
53Keď Kristus zomrel, On odovzdal Svojho Ducha Bohu pred tým, ako opustil kríž. Povedal, „Do Tvojich rúk kladiem Svojho Ducha.“ A Biblia povedala, že Jeho duša (to je Jeho svedomie a To, Kým bol…) šla do pekla a kázal duchom v žalári a Jeho telo šlo do hrobu.
Teraz vidíte, On bol za barikádou Písem. On tri dni nemohol vstať z mŕtvych. A Jeho Duch bol tam naspäť v Prítomnosti Božej. No, po troch dňoch bola tá barikáda daná dole, pretože sa naplnilo Písmo. A Jeho Duch šiel ku duši a duša šla do tela a On vstal z mŕtvych. On povedal pred tým, ako zomrel, povedal, „Mám moc položiť Svoj život. Mám moc znova ho vziať.“
No, zamyslite sa nad tým. Všetci z vás, ktorí ste tu dnes večer, pokiaľ viem, ste Kresťania. No, pozrite sa. Tá vec, ktorá je teraz vo vás, Duch, ktorý je teraz vo vás, je ten istý Duch, ktorý vás vzbudí z mŕtvych. Máte moc položiť svoj život. Robíte to práve teraz pre Krista. A potom máte moc znova ho vziať. Rozumiete? Máte moc položiť ho a moc vziať ho.
Lebo to je ten istý Duch Boží, ktorý je vo vás, ktorý vás kriesi, je to samotný Duch Boží, ktorý bol v Kristovi, ktorý vzkriesil Jeho. A tak máte moc položiť svoj život; máte moc vziať ho.
54A keď zomriete, alebo – a vy – naši milovaní, alebo niekto odchádza pred nami, oni nie sú mŕtvi. Ich duchovia sú s Bohom. Ich duše sú pod oltárom Božím. Ich telá sú v hrobe a oni presne vedia, kde to je.
A tak, čo sa stane? Keď je Písmo celé vyplnené, ako je to povedané v Biblii, „Tieto duše sú pod oltárom, kričia, 'Pane, ako dlho, ako dlho?'“ Chcú prísť späť na zem a byť v telách. On povedal, „Ešte chvíľu, kým vaši spoluslužobníci potrpia tak, ako vy pre svedectvo Kristovo.“
Potom uvidíte, keď je toto Písmo vyplnené, potom ich duchovia zostúpia rovno priamo tam pod oltár a vezmú tú dušu. Tá duša ide rovno dole a berie telo a tam ste, znovu vzkriesení. Pomyslite na to. Svätý Duch, ktorý je dnes večer priamo v tejto budove, Duch Svätý, ktorý je rovno tu v mojom srdci, ma vzbudí v posledný deň.
55Tento Svätý Duch, ktorý je teraz vo mne sa postará o to, aby som mal mladé nesmrteľné telo a nikdy nepôjdem s... Duch Svätý, ktorý je vo vás, sa postará o to, že šedivé vlasy zmiznú a čokoľvek to je. A vy – a starý vek, ak ste taký starý a fúzy vám visia a takto kráčate, to ani trochu nevadí. Ten istý Duch Svätý, On to jednoducho prelomí rovno naspäť v ten deň, rovno na mladého muža a ženu. To je Biblia. Je to tak. Duch, ktorý je práve teraz v nás, práve teraz. Nie nejaký, ktorý príde, Ten, ktorý je teraz v nás. To je Boh, ktorý je teraz vo vás. A on vzbudí... Môžete sa sami vzbudiť. A prečo to teraz nemôžete urobiť?Pretože, vidíte, tam je Písmo, ktoré vás zadržuje; musíte počkať až do vytrhnutia.
Vidíte, to je to. Musíte zostať rovno tam. Rozumiete? Nemáte dovolené dostať sa takto vysoko. Ak by to tak bolo, no, mohli by sme si – že tak poviem, mohli by sme si postaviť malý súkromný svet. Vy by ste mohli žiť tam na jednom svete a ja na inom a potom by nebol žiaden Príchod Pána Ježiša. A čo by to bolo? Rozumiete?
56Ale máte moc urobiť to. Len najmenší malý tieň Boha môže urobiť čokoľvek. Pretože vidíte, On je všemohúci. Viete, čo to je všemohúcnosť... On je nekonečný, nekonečný, nekonečný a všemohúci. To je nekonečný; nie je tam skrátka žiaden... No, jednoducho to nedokážete vysvetliť, viete. Nekonečný, ako na fotoaparáte, nekonečný. To je proste stále ďalej.
A potom, nekonečný je všemocný. On je celou cestou... Stojím tam vonku a dívam sa cez ďalekohľad a môžem vidieť stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov vesmíru, keď ma ten astronóm vzal hore, aby som sa pozrel – nechal ma v tú noc pozrieť sa cez ten veľký ďalekohľad. Mohol som vidieť stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov vesmíru...
57No, hovoríte o Jupiterovi a Marse a tých hviezdach, ktoré teraz vidíte, ó, pomyslite, čo za stovky a... Svetlo cestuje asi... Koľko? Osemdesiat... Stoosemdesiatšesť tisíc míľ za sekundu, stoosemdesiatšesť tisíc míľ za sekundu. A vezmite stodvadsať miliónov rokov. Fíha! Za jednu sekundu stoosemdesiatšesť tisíc a rozoberte to na stodvadsať miliónov rokov. Čo potom dostanete? To sú míle. Ó. To skrátka spôsobuje, že sa cítite, že ste len... Rozumiete?
Ale teraz, a potom poza tým, tam je rovnako veľa mesiacov a hviezd ako tam... A On ich drží mocou Svojho vlastného Slova. A práve to isté, čo drží ich, je vo vás, keď ste Kresťan. Ó. Rozumiete, rozumiete, to je to. Tak tam – to je to, čo ste.
58Vidíte, ľudia sa snažia uvažovať, „No, som Kresťan. Asi sa budem musieť vytrvalo snažiť a ohraničovať sa.“ Nie, nebudeš. Ty si Kresťan, brat. To je vysoko... Si Boží syn. Náš Otec je Kráľ. Istotne. Amen. A náš Otec, keď je Kráľ, my sme Jeho synovia. Sme Kráľovi princovia a princezné. Amen. Rozumiete? To je taká výška, aká len môže byť. Samotný Duch nášho Boha je v nás. To je ono.
A tak, načo nás zaujíma, čo sa tu deje. Vidíte, tam je miesto, ktoré sa počíta. Toto je len čas testovania. Keď je Otec hotový, ideme. Ideme domov. Rozumiete? A tak, aký rozdiel to robí.
59Takže teda v tom, verte v Pána Ježiša Krista. Ak vaše deti nie sú spasené, verte, až dožijú spasenie. A Ježiš povedal (no, pamätajte, svätý Ján 5:24), „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má Večný Život a nepríde na súd.“
Potom, ak nepríde na súd, kam ide? Do vytrhnutia. Rozumiete? Pretože to je súd po vytrhnutí. Rozumiete? „Nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Pretože uveril v Pána Ježiša Krista. Nie je to nádherné? A tak oni – vaše deti tam budú s vami. Vaši milovaní tam budú s vami. A dúfam, že tam budem s vami aj ja. Amen.
60V poriadku, máš tam ďalšiu, Jimmy, chlapče? [Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku:
Vieme, že svet bol stvorený skrze vieru. Môžeš prosím objasniť niečo o viere?“
- pozn.prekl.]Svet bol ustrojený... No, v liste Židom sme zistili, že... Vieme, že svet bol stvorený skrze veci, ktoré sa nevidia.
No, vynasnažím sa byť rýchly, pretože som si nevšimol všetky tie malé – všetky tie otázky, ktoré tam sú. No, vezmime si len – poďme späť na malý výlet. Už je desať a povedal som mame, že budem hotový, aby sme o desiatej išli. Ste príliš ospalí na to, aby ste len na chvíľu počkali? Alebo príliš unavení? Rozumiete?
61No, pozrite sa. Skôr, ako čokoľvek bolo, pozrime sa, skôr, ako bolo svetlo, skôr, ako bol svet, skôr, ako bola hviezda, skôr, ako bol atóm, skôr, ako bola molekula, bol Boh. Kto je táto osoba, Boh? Vzduch? Svetlo? Či čo On je? On je Boh. To je jednoducho všetko, čo môžete povedať. Rozumiete?
Len si pomyslite, molekula... V jednom malom atóme je tak mnoho molekúl. Rozumiete? A potom poza molekulou, predtým, ako tam bola čo len jedna z nich, Boh stále bol. On bol všetkým, vypĺňal všetko. Rozumiete?
No, v tomto Bohu… No, dáme Mu trochu formu, aby ste to mohli vidieť. No, vo vnútri tejto osoby Boha... Vo vnútri tejto Osoby boli atribúty. A tie atribúty boli, že mal byť Otcom, mal byť Uzdravovateľom, mal byť Spasiteľom; to je to, čo teraz bolo v tejto veľkej Osobe, to bolo pred molekulou, alebo čímkoľvek, keď neboli žiadne molekuly, ale Boh stále bol.
62No, tam vo vnútri boli atribúty, aby bol Otcom, aby bol Synom, aby bol Spasiteľom, aby bol Uzdravovateľom, aby bol tým všetkým. No, táto Osoba, ktorá toto má, no, ak táto Osoba, Boh...
No, čo urobil... Prvá vec, povedzme, On stvoril (pokiaľ vieme, najmenšie, čo môžeme rozložiť), bola molekula. A potom, keď stvoril molekulu, On ich stvoril stovky miliárd za pár sekúnd. Čo jednoducho urobil? On ich vypovedal do existencie. A teraz, vy... Rovno tu by mohla byť dobrá lekcia, ak by sme len mali čas vojsť do toho. Rozumiete?
No, On to vypovedal. A keď to vypovedal, molekuly sa začali otáčať. Potom povedal, „Nech povstanú atómy.“ A atómy majú zákony. A oni stále zostávajú v tom zákone, oni sa vlečú – stále sa pohybujú. Všetko sa pohybuje podľa Božích zákonov.
63Ako človek, o ktorom som vám hovoril, ten starý muž. Brat Banks Wood a ja sme šli dole, viete, aby sme ho navštívili. On rozprával o... ako som sa ho pýtal... On bol neveriaci a ja som sa ho opýtal, „Ako to, že tá miazga v auguste opustí ten strom a zostupuje dole do koreňov? Čo spôsobuje, že to robí. On... Čo spôsobuje, že tie listy zhnednú?“
Povedal, „Pretože tá miazga...“
„Čo... Prečo zostupuje tá miazga dole?“
Povedal, „No, to je jednoducho – to zostupuje dole.“
Povedal som, „Čo ak to nezostúpi dole?“
Povedal, „Strom by zomrel.“
Povedal som, „No, aká inteligencia spôsobuje, že tá miazga zostúpi dole do koreňov? Položte kýbeľ vody na kôl a pozrite sa, či to v auguste zostúpi dole.“ Vidíte? Povedal som, „Aká inteligencia spôsobuje, že tá miazga opustí strom a zostúpi dole do koreňov? Niečo jej hovorí, aby išla tam dole, inak zamrzne a zomrie, ten strom zomrie. Rozumiete? A ešte sme nemali žiadne chladné počasie ani nič. Ale to...“
Povedal, „No, to je jednoducho príroda.“
„No, čo je príroda? Povedzte mi, čo je príroda.“ Vidíte?
Príroda je Boží zákon. Áno, je to Boží zákon.
64No, viera je Boží zákon (Rozumiete?), to je to isté. Všetka táto moc Božia, o ktorej hovoríme, je nám prístupná skrze vieru. „Všetko je možné. Povedzte tomuto vrchu, nech sa pohne, a nepochybujte vo svojom srdci. Verte, že to, čo ste povedali, sa stane a môžete to mať.“ Prístupné, ak máte ten zákon, tam to je. Rozumiete? Ten zákon je viera, ktorá riadi všetky veci.
No, Boh skrze Svoj zákon utvoril molekuly... To je Boží zákon. Potom Boh utvoril atómy. Potom z toho Boh vytvoril slnko. Z toho, zo slnka utvoril hviezdy. Z hviezd... To sú malé kúsky slnka, odletujúce z neho. Čo On mal? Tam vzadu sú Jeho atribúty, ktoré sa prejavujú.
65Potom prišiel svet. A po svete prišlo stvorenie. A po stvorení prišiel zákon pre stvorenie. Po tom, keď bol svet... Čo robí tento svet? Ako to môže niekto vysvetliť? Otočte loptu, akýmkoľvek smerom chcete, vyhoďte ju do vzduchu, to neurobí dve otáčky a neurobí miliardu otáčok za sekundu, neurobí to dve otáčky na tom istom mieste. A jednako, máme svedectvo šiestich tisícov rokov, tento svet nikdy nezmeškal čas, otáča sa presne za dvadsaťštyri hodín, stojí v ničom. Vidíte?
Čo to je? Táto veľká Osoba, predtým, ako bol svet - predtým, ako bol svet, to je tá veľká Osoba tam v tom, zákon Boží spôsobuje, že sa to točí. Ten istý zákon Boží, On to jednoducho vypovedal do existencie. On je Stvoriteľ. On tvorí. Rozumiete? A preto bol svet stvorený bez...
Skrze vieru, Boh stvoril svet, pretože Jeho vlastná viera (Rozumiete?) stvorila svet. A to je to, ako... No, On...
66Vidíte, On zostupoval a tvoril človeka a všetky zvieratá, až zostúpil ku hriechu. Ale On nemohol stvoriť hriech. Pretože by nemohol byť spravodlivý a byť Otcom spravodlivosti a stvoriť hriech. A tak, viete, čo urobil? On stvoril človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz a vedel, že on upadne, ale postavil ho na základe slobodného morálneho výberu. Povedal, „No, tohto stromu sa nedotýkaj.“
No, On nemohol povedať... No, On vedel, že on sa ho dotkne. Ale On ho nemohol...?..., aby sa ho dotkol. Pretože On povedal, „Dotkni sa tohoto Stromu a budeš žiť a dotkni sa tohoto stromu a zomrieš.“ Rozumiete?
A On vedel, že človek upadne, ale jednako On nemohol spôsobiť, aby upadol. On to musel nechať na neho... Tak to robí Boha spravodlivým. Rozumiete? Človek upadol sám. Potom, ako ho stvoril tak blízkym Sebe, postavil ho na základe slobodného morálneho výberu a z toho dôvodu, to je to, kde upadol. Upadol skrze skutok svojho vlastného slobodného morálneho výberu.
A dnes, každé z vás detí a každý z vás dospelých, ste postavení vedľa tých istých dvoch stromov. Môžeme prijať Život, alebo Ho odmietnuť. Rozumiete? A tak, Boh to jednoducho vypovedal do existencie a bol utvorený svet. Samotná táto dlážka je Božím Slovom. Táto vec, ktorá tu je, je Božím Slovom. Naše telá sú Božím Slovom. A všetko, čo tu je, je Božím Slovom. Rozumiete? Pretože to všetko je pôvodne vytvorené Bohom.
V poriadku, pane. No, ak to nie je v poriadku, ak to toto nevyjasnilo, no, môžete mi napísať poznámku a priniesť mi ju do zboru...?...
67V poriadku, brat Jimmy. [Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku:
Vysvetli 1.Korinťanom 16:22...“
- pozn.prekl.]Pozrime sa, 1.Korinťanom 16:22. V poriadku, pane. Len chvíľu. Tieto malé štúdia v Písme by nám mohli skutočne pomôcť. Mohlo by to – môže vás to posilniť a urobiť vás – urobiť z vás silných, mocných ľudí.
Povedal si šestnásť, synu? [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]... „nech je...“ Ó, joj. Nemôžem – neviem, či dokážem to meno vysloviť, alebo nie. A-n-a-t-h-e-m-a M-a-r-a-m-a-t-h-a. Niekto má inú Bibliu, vidíte, čo… Je to rozložené. To je antha… Čo hovorí? Znie to, ako by to bolo... Čo to je, Fred? Zožeň inú... Má niekto inú Bibliu?
Pozrime, či to je v tom...
Anathema. No, čo je to anathema? No, dostali ste ma. Vieš, Fred? Niekto... Vie niekto z vás, čo je to anathema? Máte slovník? Môžeme to nájsť za minútu. Zožeňte slovník.
68V poriadku, kým ho zháňa, možno môžem odpovedať na ďalšiu. V poriadku, pane.
[Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku:
Vysvetli, 'Videl som Satana ako blesk padajúci z neba.'“
- pozn.prekl.]„A videl som padnúť Satana ako blesk z neba.“ Tam v Lukášovi je… Je tam to miesto Písma? Len... No, predpokladám, že to je ono.
„Videl som padnúť Satana ako blesk z neba.“ No, to by mohlo... No, len to trochu načrtnem a ak to nebude stačiť, potom mi len dajte vedieť a pôjdem do detailov. Pamätáte sa? Dostaneme sa ku tomu, keď prídeme ku – potom neskoršie, keď budeme preberať tie miesta Písma pri tom… Viete, Ježiš...
69To bolo ihneď po tom, ako dal Ježiš Svojim učeníkom moc proti nečistým duchom. A oni išli, vyháňali démonov. Poslal ich po dvoch a povedal, „Nechoďte k pohanom, ale radšej choďte ku strateným ovciam Izraela. A ako pôjdete, kážte Kráľovstvo nebeské a uzdravujte nemocných a vyháňajte diablov,“ a tak ďalej. No, potom... A potom prišli späť, radovali sa a boli šťastní (No, ty, kto si sa opýtal tú otázku, vieš, kde to je. Rozumieš?) – prišli späť, radovali sa a boli šťastní. A On povedal, „Neradujte sa, že vaše mená... Neradujte sa tomu, že sa vám poddávajú diabli, ale radujte sa preto, že vaše mená sú napísané v nebesiach.“
Povedal, „Videl som padnúť Satana ako blesk z neba.“
Vidíte, moc Cirkvi, ktorá sa hýbala vpred, narušila skrátka celé Satanovo kráľovstvo. Rozumiete? A On ho videl, ako padal zo svojich pozícií. Pretože Boh dal znovu moc do Svojej Cirkvi, aby išli… On ho videl padať ako blesk z neba. On bol vyhnaný rovno zo svätých miest a odvšadiaľ (Rozumiete?), skrze moc tých – tú moc tej Cirkvi, tých, ktorí mali moc. Ježiš povedal, „Dávam vám moc nad nečistými duchmi.“ Rozumiete? A oni skutočne narušili Satanovo kráľovstvo. Čo s tým môžeme robiť dnes my? Ó, chvála Pánovi.
70V poriadku, brat Jimmy, možno máš ďalšiu. [Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku:
Vysvetli, 'krv, ktorá siahala po uzdu koňom.'
- pozn.prekl.]... po uzdu, Armagedon (Aha.) v Zjavení...
No, v posledných dňoch, prišli sme do miesta, keď Títus v roku 70 obsadil hradby Jeruzalema a zbúral hradby Jeruzalema. Tvrdia, že tam medzi tým bolo preliate také množstvo krvi – rovno milión alebo viac Židov, ktorí boli vnútri za hradbami, že zabili aj ženy, nemluvňatá... Nuž a to bolo tak zlé, že až... Oni odmietli Ducha Svätého.
Vidíte, teraz Boh, keď On – keď odmietli Krista a nazývali Ho Belzebubom, On povedal, „Ja vám to odpúšťam, (Rozumiete?) odpúšťam vám.“ Ale povedal, „Jedného dňa príde Duch Svätý,“ aby robil tie isté veci, ktoré robil On. Povedal, „Ani jedno slovo proti Tomu nebude odpustené.“
71No, čo urobili na deň Letníc, keď videli tých ľudí, ako kričia, tancujú a správajú sa, ako keby boli opití a vykrikujú a kričia, a tak ďalej? Čo hovorili? Povedali, „Oni sú plní vína; sú to opilci“ a všetko také: Skutky 2. A robili si z nich žarty a nazývali ich všetkým možným. Čo sa stalo? To ich zapečatilo von z Kráľovstva Božieho. Rozumiete?
A potom, keď prišlo to obliehanie Jeruzalema... No, dostaneme sa do toho v Zjavení 7; vrátime sa k tomu späť, ktokoľvek sa pýtal tú otázku. Vrátime sa k tomu späť. A potom – a keď oni...
Títus obsadzoval hradby, história hovorí, v Jozefusovi, ten raný historik, ktorý chodil vo dňoch nášho Pána Ježiša a bol to veľký historik. On povedal, že krv tiekla, až – takto sa skrátka valila von z brán. Oni tam vnútri zabili naraz tak mnohých z nich, keď tam vošli.
72No, Biblia predpovedá, že v posledných dňoch On chytí katolicizmus, Romanizmus a všetky tie veci a ich – komunizmus a všetkých ich spolu tam v údoliach Megiddo, až tam bude medzi nimi taký masaker, že až bude prúdiť krv po uzdu koňom - po zubadlo koní. Rozumiete, to je v Zjavení... Bude to v...
Ale vďaka Nebeskému Otcovi, nemyslím, že my tu budeme. Skrze Jeho milosť tu nebudeme. Budeme vtedy v sláve. Rozumiete? To bude hneď potom, keď tí dvaja proroci prorokovali, v bitke Armagedon. To je vtedy, keď sa tieto pohanské národy stanú tak skazené, a ďalej sa len kazia a konfederácia cirkví a všetko toto príde dokopy a Boh vezme Cirkev, vyvolenú Cirkev domov z každého jedného národa. A všetky spiace panny budú čakať...
No, tie zubadlá koní tam prídu od tých spiacich panien a všetkých tam v tom dni. A komunizmus, keď sa tam oni všetci stretnú a Boh povedal, že sa s nimi bude súdiť, ako to urobil v tých predošlých dňoch, viete, tam v tom údolí. A to je to miesto, kde sa to bude valiť po uzdu koní.
Našli ste vôbec to slovo? Ó, stále hľadajú... Ó, to... Ideme ďalej, to je v poriadku.
Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku, ktorá sa týka troch nečistých duchov.
- pozn.prekl.] To vychádza z Knihy Zjavenia, vychádzajú z úst falošného proroka a draka, a tak ďalej.No, dostaneme sa ku tomu v našom štúdiu. Rozumiete? Traja nečistí duchovia sú tri izmy. Dovoľte mi predstaviť vám to teraz v type a uvidíte, kde to vyšlo, kde to začalo. Rozumiete?
Bol komunizmus, fašizmus a nacizmus. Boli to duchovia. Komunizmus je duch. On prichádza na vás. Rozumiete? To je duch. A to bude niečo také, iba... To... To v skutočnosti nie je to. Ale to budú práve takí traja duchovia, a toto boli niečo ako ich predchodcovia. Ale samozrejme, viete, kde... To je v katolicizme. Rozumiete? Ale chcem vyjasniť niekoľko vecí ohľadne toho prv, ako to poviem. Viete. Aby som si bol istý, že viem, čo...
74Ale to sú traja duchovia, práve tak, ako komunizmus, fašizmus... A my sme to pred rokmi priniesli, viete. Pamätáte sa, hovoril som vám, povedal som, že to bude vec, ktorá sa udeje – všetko sa skončí v komunizme. A to je to, kde sa to stalo. To je ten istý spôsob, ako to bude v tom čase. Rozumiete? To budú traja nečistí duchovia, ktorí vyjdú vpred. Bude to…
Ja naozaj, skutočne verím hneď teraz... len aby som to nejako načrtol, ak nemyslíte… A ak ku tomu trochu pridám, keď to budem vysvetľovať, no, vy poviete, „Ty si to vtedy večer vôbec nevysvetlil.“ Rozumiete, keď to urobím.
Tu je to, čo si myslím, že to bude. Verím, že to je duch, spiaca panna, konfederácia cirkví, Judaizmus, ktorý odmieta Krista, Židia, ktorý to odmietli, a Katolicizmus. Pretože, vidíte, odkiaľ to vychádza – vychádza to od falošného proroka (Vidíte?), z úst falošného proroka, čím je pápežstvo, z úst šelmy. Rozumiete? A všetko to, odkiaľ to vychádza, môžete vidieť pozadie toho, kde to je.
A to sú traja nečistí duchovia, ktorí nastavujú celý svet na Armagedon. Rozumiete? A to sú tí traja nečistí duchovia. Potom to máte rovno v tom s tými tromi beda. Pamätáte si, jedného dňa, proste som to priniesol. Povedal som... Je sedem posledných pliag, sedem pečatí a tri beda a dvaja – traja nečistí duchovia a to prichádza cez to.
75Dobre, máš ďalšiu, máš? [Brat číta ďalšiu otázku:
Aký význam má rieka Eufrat duchovne hovoriac skrze Bibliu?“
- pozn.prekl.]Áno. Rieka Eufrat, vždy to bola významná rieka, pretože rieka Eufrat má v Biblii významné miesto. Prvé miesto, ktoré nachádzame, je, že tiekla rovno cez Eden: rieka Eufrat. Biblia hovorí, že tiekla rovno cez Eden. Ďalšia vec, ktorú nachádzame, je, že rieka Eufrat bola tiež riekou, ktorá tiekla rovno cez Babylon – tá istá rieka. Rozumiete? Rieka Eufrat prechádzala rovno cez Babylon.
No, zistili sme, že Anjel vylial svoju čašu na rieku Eufrat a vyschla, aby kráľ severu mohol prísť dolu. A myslím, že to, čo to v skutočnosti bude, bude v čase konca, keď prídu do Armagedonu. Rozumiete, musia prísť rovno dolu tam cez Egypt, aby sa tam dostali. Rovno dolu cez tie krajiny, budú musieť prekročiť Eufrat, aby sa tam dostali.
76Vidíte, rieka Eufrat dnes tečie. Vieme to. Rozumiete? A Amazonka, v Južnej Amerike a Níl v Egypte a Eufrat a... Ó, aká je tá ďalšia? Sú tam dve rieky v – ktoré pramenili tam v Edene. A rieka Eufrat je, keď táto veľká… urobila cestu, aby prišli dole. Vidíte, robí cestu pre kráľa severu, aby prišiel dolu, tým kráľom.
To bude – stane sa to v priebehu času bitky Armagedon v posledných dňoch. Rozumiete? Tá rieka Eufrat… To boli všetky? Alebo máte… To boli všetky.
77No, mám práve na mysli (Rozumiete?), rozmýšľam o tom – čo sú tieto osoby zač, keď odmietajú Krista. Je to proste... Môžete si to sami vyhľadať pre seba v slovníku. Pretože to nie je niečo, čo by... Nebudem o tom hovoriť – rovno tu teraz. Ale nájdite si to a uvidíte, čo to znamená. To... Budete skrátka môcť, inými slovami... Sú dve alebo tri miesta v Písme, na ktorých vám môžem ukázať niečo podobné.
Inými slovami, tak ako povedal kráľ Nabuchodonozor, „Každý človek, ktorý by sa neklaňal tomuto “takému a takému“... pred Danielovým Bohom a všetko také, nech mu je vzatý jeho dom, upálené jeho deti a jeho dom obrátený na hnojisko.“ Rozumiete? A my si uvedomujeme, čo tie slová znamenajú; sú skrátka prinesené a takto povedané. Ale ak sa len pozriete späť do slovníka, to vám povie presne, čo to je. Rozumiete? Čo to je.
78No, tieto malé veci sú poučením, a ja som ich nevysvetlil až tak, ako by som mal, lebo to by zabralo viac času. Pretože vidíte, je už... každý... Všetci zajtra robíte a ja sa chystám, ak Pán dá, do Miami. A je štvrť na jedenásť. A nechcem vás držať príliš dlho. A myslím, že moji najmenší spia. A myslím, že vaši tiež. A tak to máme. Tí maličkí zaspia rýchlo.
Ale chcem povedať toto: Sú to naozaj, skutočne skvelé otázky, každá jedna z nich, skutočne dobré. A prial by som si mať ďalší večer s otázkami, alebo niečo také, v modlitebni, aby ste všetci… Ak to potom ráno poviem, dáte mi tie otázky, aby som mal trochu čas si ich preštudovať.
79Ako viete, je to skrátka nepripravené, vtedy, keď začnete rozprávať a som známy v tom, že zaberám pri všetkom príliš veľa času. A tu, všimnite si môj spôsob kázania, to je dôvod, že vás tu držím takmer celý deň. Rozumiete? Skrátka kážem príliš dlho.
Ale všimli ste si Billy Grahama? No, Billy Graham je trénovaný kazateľ. A on je veľký človek. A Billy Graham, on rovno tam umiestni svoj text. On tam odstúpi a skrátka tlčie do tej témy, jednoducho stále po celý čas. Nikdy nenechá poklesnúť svoj hlas, málokedy, jednoducho tlčie do tej témy. Rozumiete?
Tak mu Duch Svätý dáva kázať. Rozumiete? To je jeho technika, ako to robí. Tak to robí.
Charles Fuller, mnohí z vás ste ho počuli. On je skvelý starý muž. A tak, Charlie Fuller je ako vykladač Biblie. On je – on rád vyučuje a ako vchádza do vecí, viete. A všetko, on to skrátka umiestňuje v Kristovi a je to veľký učiteľ. Všimnite si, čo robí. On nekáže; on skrátka vyučuje.
80No, ak ste si všimli, malý jednoduchý spôsob, ako to ja robím. Ja podám text, akýkoľvek je môj text. A idem sem dozadu a vezmem kontext. Prinesiem to sem a položím to do jednej línie s mojou témou. A potom idem sem naspäť a vezmem niečo iné. A prinesiem to sem a položím to sem. Potom tu idem späť a vezmem niečo ďalšie, pokiaľ to tu všetko nedám do poriadku, a potom vysvetlím svoju tému, skrátka všetko naraz.
Dôvod, prečo mávam tieto malé kázne... Snažil som sa kázať. Samozrejme, vy ste boli pri mne dlho a viete, že nie som kazateľ. Ale také ako, „Či veríš tomu?,“ „Hovor ku tej Skale,“ „Poď a vidz ženu“ a všetky takéto, viete, iba tri krátke slová. Len... Postavil som to celé okolo tej ženy pri studni a čo to bolo. A potom nakoniec som do toho udrel. Rozumiete. „Poď a vidz Muža. Poď a vidz Muža,“ potom, „Hovor ku tej Skale.“ Beriem Izrael a vyvádzam ich. Vidíte. Dostávam kontext a kladiem to sem do línie s témou a ešte som sa nedotkol svojej témy.
81A všimli ste si pred chvíľou v tom vysvetľovaní, len pred chvíľou, tak isto. Ohľadom tamtoho Rimana (Rozumiete?), hovorí mu, „Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“ Vidíte, tam je otázka, ako byť spasený. Vidíte, šiel som späť a vzal, čo to všetko bolo, a vytiahol som to von a šiel späť a vzal som Jóba a ich všetkých, vytiahol som to tu v – na cestu a potom som to vysvetlil. To je to, čo to je; to je viera. Rozumiete? Jób použil vieru. Riman použil vieru. My sme pripravení použiť vieru a všetko. Rozumiete, skrátka...
A myslím, že týmto spôsobom, keď to robím takýmto spôsobom, ak sa mi podarí spraviť, že ľudia majú dostatočný záujem, aby počúvali to, čo sa snažíte vybudovať, potom si ušetríte tú svoju hlavnú tému na ten posledný bod, a potom to vysvetlíte. Potom poviete... Ó, to ostatné z toho sa otvára. Pretože vidíte, vidíte to.
Rozumiete, vy sa len – načiahnete sa sem a vezmete nejaký voľný riadok a dáte ho na jeho miesto. A problém toho je, že nechávam príliš veľa voľných riadkov, tak – ktoré neukladám.
82No, bolo to od vás všetkých skutočne milé, že ste sem prišli, aby ste tu sedeli a rozprávali sa s nami a všetko ostatné. A ja si to cením. A chcem znova povedať z celého srdca; myslím to so všetkým, čo je vo mne. Nikdy som si neuvedomoval, akú veľkú cenu vy ľudia platíte. Ja len... Ak by to nebolo kvôli tomu, aby som vás videl, a nebolo to kvôli tomu, že vás milujem a kvôli veciam, ktoré robím, povedal by som, „Nebudem už v tej modlitebni viacej kázať.“ Keď vidím, že všetci musíte cestovať tisíc päťsto, tisíc osemsto míľ, aby ste išli a počúvali kázeň.
No, cením si tú veľkú vernosť. Ale jednako, premýšľam o tom, čo robíte. Rozumiete? Hm. A ja skrátka verím Bohu, že uvidím každého z vás v krajine za riekou. Vás a vaše deti, vašich najmenších a všetkých. A dúfam, že tam budem. Verím, že tam budem.
No, pozrite sa, každý z nás môže – nech by nebolo stratené ani jedno z vašich detí, nech by nebol stratený nikto z vás, nech by sme tam v ten deň boli všetci. A tiež aj naša malá sestra tam, malá farebná dáma tam, ktorá umýva riady tam v druhej miestnosti.
Pamätám si, že som sa tu dolu raz rozprával s tou ženou. Myslím... Je to tá istá žena? A jej manžel, myslím, že som ho tam raz stretol. Alebo nie, to je chlapec, ktorý pre vás pracuje. Vyzeral byť milým chlapíkom. A skrátka dúfam, že sa všetci stretneme tam, kde – tam nebude žiadne sklamanie. A žiadne sedenie neskoro do noci, pretože tam nebude žiadna noc.
83Ó, môj brat, sestra, ak by som len dokázal nejakým spôsobom vysvetliť, čo to bolo v to ráno, keď som tam ležal vedľa mojej manželky a On ma pozdvihol z tej postele a vzal ma tam a nechal ma nazrieť za oponu.
Keby som len teraz mal moc vysvetliť vám, ako to vyzeralo a čo to bolo... Videl som ich tam všetkých. A oni všetci boli mladí. A nedokázal som ich rozpoznať. Rozumiete, oni všetci prichádzali ku mne a objímali ma a všetko také. A boli to ľudské bytosti. Rozumiete? Neboli nejakým druhom peria ako... Oni hovoria o anjeloch... Nemyslím si, že Anjel má perie, aj keď to oni proste hovoria. Rozumiete? Ale anjel je posol. A to slovo znamená „posol.“ A tak, nemyslím si, že majú perie a také veci. Ale to je jednoducho... Oni tam všetci boli a všetci boli šťastní. A neboli – nemohli byť nič iné, než šťastní. A keby nebolo nič iné, len to, stojí nás to všetok beh a všetko, čo robíme, a všetko takéto.
84Ale chcem, aby ste... Chcem povedať toto, že tiež verím, že Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch príde na zem hlad. A ten hlad nebude po chlebe a vode, ale po počutí pravdivého Slova Božieho, A ľudia budú behať od východu, od západu, od severu a juhu, a budú hľadať počuť Slovo Božie. A my teraz žijeme práve niekde v tom dni. Rozumiete? Keď...
Neignorujem nikoho (Rozumiete?), neignorujem naše cirkvi, vôbec nie... Ale, ak viete, verím, že za kazateľňami mnohých týchto cirkví máme skvelých mužov, dobrých mužov, skutočných mužov Božích. Ale oni sa boja, že ak povedia niečo, čo je v protiklade k tomu, čo hovorí ich organizácia, že ich potom vykopnú. Potom zostanú v chlade.
A verím, že to, čo človek potrebuje, je trocha odvahy. A verím, že, no, verím, že Boh chce niekoho vziať a urobiť príklad, aby ukázal, že On sa o nich postará bez ohľadu na ich organizáciu. A tak, to je to, čo som – dúfam, že On urobí so mnou, aby mi pomohol, dovolil mi... A ak...
85A počúvajte, Kresťania. Ak sa niekedy raz... Prikazujem vám pred Bohom a vyvolenými Anjelmi, aby ste... Ak kedykoľvek vidíte, že robím niečo zle, prídete prosím a poviete mi to? Pretože vás milujem príliš na to, aby som vás tam minul. A viem, že prídete. A tak, ja... Príďte mi povedať. Ak ma niekedy uvidíte v niečom nesprávnom, niečo, čo robím a nie je to správne, niečo, čo by kládlo na vašu cestu kameň potknutia.
No, mnohokrát je tak, že hovorím tu niečo okolo a smejem sa, a načnem niečo, a poviem určité veci. Čo sa snažím robiť? Snažím sa vypustiť trocha z toho pocitu napätia, ktorý je vo mne. Rozumiete? Proste to nie je, že by som to chcel robiť. Rozumiete? To nie je ani to, že sa chcem smiať alebo… A aby som prišiel sem a bol som s bratom Welchom, aby som ho mohol počuť hovoriť niečo iné o, ó, o mladom chlapcovi – tam o tom farebnom chlapcovi. A on chytil rybu a strážnik chytil jeho a on povedal, že chytal návnadu na korytnačky. A podobne... Niečo v takom zmysle, viete.
86A ten mladý... Keď mi ten mladý kazateľ povedal... Hovoril som im, dnes tým dievčatám, o tom pudlíkovi, že bol Fefe a Fifi. Rozumiete? A ako... Prečo to robím? Zasmiať sa, aby som sa zasmial, aby som sa dostal dolu.
Keď vykročíte nad túto smrteľnú sféru hore do tamtých sfér, to vás drží v chode, viete, čo tým myslím. A potom, len sa zamyslite, zamyslite sa tu nad tým. S touto službou, pamätajte na to, za čo sa budem musieť zodpovedať? Nie iba za Tifton v Georgii, nie za Indianu, nie za Spojené Štáty, ale musím sa zodpovedať pred svetom za celosvetovú službu. Rozumiete? Musím sa zodpovedať pohanom. Lepšie povedané, musím sa zodpovedať pred Bohom za pohanov. Rozumiete?
A keď sedím doma a premýšľam, „No, myslím – myslím – myslím...“ Ako raz tam hore a dostal som sa do takého napätia a povedal som, „Idem a budem mať ďalšie zhromaždenie.“ A šiel som a mal som ďalšie zhromaždenie. A prvá vec, ktorú zistíte, som tak napätý, že musím ísť na lov; musím ísť na ryby; musím s niekým odísť preč. Musím niečo robiť, pretože som len človek, len ľudská bytosť. Rozumiete? A to je to, čo... Rozumiete tomu.
87Ale ak by ste si niekedy mysleli, že som sa pri tom dostal preč z cesty, príďte a povedzte mi to. Zastavím to, chlapče, ako nemý... Bez ohľadu na to, čo sa stane. Pretože chcem, aby ste rozumeli; nemám žiadne tajomstvá. Všetko, čo viem, viete aj vy. Rozumiete? Všetko, čo mi Pán ukázal, čo mi dovolil povedať, povedal som to. A nedržím nič v pozadí. A môj život je otvorený. Viete, kým som a z čoho som stvorený. A ja len – snažím sa žiť každý deň rovnako ako – pokiaľ môžem.
Samozrejme, mnohokrát ma vidíte, keď som mrzutý a cítim sa zle a som unavený a otrávený, alebo niečo také. Samozrejme, ja – to ide spolu so službou, viete; chápete to… Keď sa pozriete naspäť cez stránky času, budete vidieť, že ľudia tak reagovali. Všetci sa s tým stretávame.
Ale tá dôležitá vec je, že chceme porozumieť jeden druhého. Chápem, že máte svoje pozdvihnutia a tiež klesnutia. Nie som jediný, kto ich má. Vy ich máte. A keď máte svoje, budem sa snažiť vás pochopiť. Keď mám svoje, vy sa snažte pochopiť mňa. A keď som niekde za morom, alebo niekde vonku na zhromaždení a diabli sú všade a hromadia sa a bojujú proti mne a všetko také, no, pamätajte všetci, len sa za mňa modlite. Budete to robiť?
88Môžeme teraz na chvíľu prehovoriť ku Nemu? Nebeský Otče, bolo nádherné stáť tu a rozprávať sa s touto skupinou detí, ktoré sú umyté Krvou. Dnes večer si uvedomujem, že stojím práve tak, ako stál Pavol pred mnohými rokmi, malé domové zhromaždenia, kam oni chodievali. A Pavol prišiel k Akvilovi a Priscille a ako museli mať vnútri zhromaždených ľudí. A on šiel... do Ríma a mal prenajatý byt. A prijímal tých, ktorí prichádzali.
A tu dnes večer, ľudia z – ktorí prichádzajú do modlitebne. A ľudia, ktorí cestujú všetky tie míle, ktorým som sa práve snažil povedať, ako veľmi si to cením... Pane, nemám ani slov, ktorými by som im mohol povedať, ako veľmi si to cením. Ale, Otče, modlím sa, aby si im dal poznať v srdciach, čo tým myslím.
A drahý Bože, ak... Prosím, modlím sa, aby si odpovedal na moju modlitbu za nich. Spas každého jedného z nich, Pane. Nech tu nezostane stratený ani jeden z nich, ani nech tu nezostane stratená žiadna z ich rodín; nech sú tam všetci.
89Modlím sa za ich najmenších. Myslím, že tento malý chlapec, ktorý tu leží v otcovom lone, a jeho mama sedí, díva sa a premýšľa o dňoch, ktoré majú prísť. Ak je nejaký zajtrajšok, ako viem, že ten istý chlapec nebude niesť Evanjelium? Bože, modlím sa, aby si požehnal toho malého chlapca, všetkých ostatných, tie malé dievčatá a chlapcov a bol s nimi všetkými. Buď s bratom a sestrou Evans, ktorí otvorili svoj dom, dom modlitby.
Buď teraz s nami a odpusť nám naše hriechy. A, Bože, ak niekedy onemocnejú a budú musieť volať, Bože, daj mi žiť taký život, aby uverili, že ma budeš počuť. A potom ma vypočuj, keď sa za nich modlím, Pane. Udeľ to. A vypočuj, keď sa modlia za mňa, pretože potrebujem ich modlitby, Otče. A zakaždým, keď sa za mňa modlia, vypočuješ to, Pane? Keď sa za nich modlím, vypočuj, Pane. A spoločne Ti budeme slúžiť po celý náš život. A v tom veľkolepom dni, dúfame, že raz prídeme hore do Tvojho domu. A keď zaklopeme na dvere, necháš nás vojsť, Otče? Do toho času, bdej nad nami a žehnaj nás a zachovaj nás v pravde. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
90Ďakujem vám veľmi pekne, priatelia. A je mi ľúto, že som vás tu držal až – takmer do desať tridsať. Tento malý chlapec tu leží, spí ako malý bojovník. Koľko má rokov? Dva. Už mu minulo?
Ako sa máš, sestra, neviem, či som ti potriasol rukou, keď som prišiel, alebo nie. No, je dobré znova ťa vidieť a teba, brat Willie.
Fred, predpokladám, že ty ráno odchádzaš, vraciaš sa smerom domov. Vezmeš môjho aligátora späť. Dovidenia doma, brat Wood. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Aj teba, brat Scott. Som rád, že ťa znovu vidím, brat. Myslím, že som ťa predtým niekde videl, či nie? Myslím, že áno. Tvoja tvár je mi známa.
Brat Wayne, nech ťa Pán žehná. Stále si myslím, že ja som ti mal natankovať benzín za to, že si išiel osemdesiat míľ a priviezol tohto kazateľa ku mne. Nech ťa Pán žehná, synu. Nech ťa Pán žehná, sestra. A všetky moje narážky… Len som žartoval, viete.
91Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra Evans. Boli to naozaj dobré raňajky a večera a tvoja skvelá pohostinnosť. Pamätaj, Ježiš povedal toto. „Nakoľko ste toho učinili jednému z týchto najmenších...“ No, nepočuli ste Ho povedať, „Nakoľko ste toho učinili jednému z týchto najväčších...“ Rozumiete? Rozumiete, to môže – to by mohol byť niekto iný. Ale, „Nakoľko ste toho učinili jednému z týchto najmenších...“ Myslím, že to by som mohol byť ja. A tak, vy ste to urobili mne.
Tiež som rád, že ťa znovu vidím, sestra. Nech je Boh vždy s tebou. Ja... Ó. Ako by si mohla povedať, že to nie je tvoja matka? Tak veľmi sa podobáš.
Je pekné ťa vidieť, sestra. Myslím, že ty si manželkou tohto mladého muža, ktorý tu je. A ty si brat Scott. Všetky ste sestry? No, myslel som si, že ste sestry. Skutočne. Je to milé, že ťa znovu vidím. A zachovaj si dobrú odvahu, môj brat. A aha, možnože táto je nová. Nevšimol som si tu toto dievča. Ó, no, teší ma, že ťa poznávam, sestra. Nech ťa Pán žehná.
Rád ťa vidím, sestra. Na niečo bude dobrý. Len ho vezmi. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Brat Evans, nech je Boh s tebou, chlapče.
92No, drahá, vezmeš naše deti, už radšej pôjdeme. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. A okrem toho vám poviem, pred tým, ako pôjdeme, len sa postavme na svoje nohy a zaspievajme túto krátku pieseň. Zaspievate so mnou krátky verš, ako...? Je to v poriadku?
Boh buď s vami, až kým sa stretneme zas;
Nech vás vedú a ochraňujú Jeho rady,
Nech vás má v ohrade so svojimi ovcami,
Boh buď s vami, až kým sa stretneme zas.
Až kým sa stretneme. Až kým sa stretneme;
Až kým sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;
Až kým sa stretneme. Až kým sa stretneme;
Boh buď s vami, až kým sa stretneme zas.
Tu je spôsob, akým sme to zvykli robievať na malých modlitebných zhromaždeniach. Chyťme sa navzájom za ruky, rovno takto dookola. Rozumiete? A zaspievame túto krátku pieseň chvály. Urobme malý kruh, buďme spolu. To je ten spôsob. Rozumiete? Takto máte jednoducho kontakt jeden s druhým, viete. Spievajme. Poznáte túto krátku pieseň?
Nech je požehnané puto, ktoré spája
Naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;
Naše obecenstvo spriaznených myslí;
Je ako to Hore.
Pred trónom nášho Otca
Vylievame naše spoločné modlitby;
Naše obavy, naše nádeje, naše ciele sú jedným.
Naše radosti a naše starosti.
Keď sme od seba oddelení;
Spôsobuje nám to vnútornú bolesť;
Ale stále budeme spojení v srdci;
A dúfať, že sa stretneme zas.
93No, s našimi sklonenými hlavami, zopakujme tú vzorovú modlitbu. Náš Otče, ktorý si v nebesiach, nech sa posvätí Tvoje Meno. Nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo, nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, ako v nebi, tak i na zemi. Daj nám náš každodenný chlieb a odpusť nám naše priestupky, ako aj my odpúšťame tým, ktorí sa previnili voči nám. A neuveď nás v pokušenie, ale zbav nás zlého. Lebo Tvoje je Kráľovstvo a moc a sláva naveky. Amen.
Nech vás teraz každého Boh žehná. Kým sa stretneme zas.
Brat Welch, myslíš, že to máš všetko nahraté na páske? Hm. No, prajem si, aby ste všetci išli s nami na Floridu. Ak Pán dá... Poviem vám, čo robím, snažím sa vziať deti von. Rozumiete, ešte im neskončili prázdniny. Ich stará matka mala infarkt a my sa musíme vrátiť. A tak, beriem ich von, aby mali dobré zakončenie prázdnin, pretože potom idú hneď do školy. Tak, zajtra ich vezmem, možno dolu do St. Petersburgu alebo niekam.
94[Brat Branham sa rozpráva s rôznymi ľuďmi. - pozn.prekl.]
Musím sa vrátiť, možno pred nedeľou. [Brat Evans hovorí o múzeu. - pozn.prekl.] Aha? Áno? No, rád by som šiel hore a pozrel sa na ne. Tak veru. Nebol som teraz v múzeu. To je... Čo to bolo? Ripleyho múzeum. A to je v St. Petersburg? Dole v St... Mal som na mysli v St. Augustine.
Áno, pôjdem tam... Toto je Jacksonville, kam pôjdem prv, či nie? Áno, späť… Pretože idem z druhej strany. Naspäť týmto smerom do Jacksonville a potom vyjdem cez La Crosse, hovoríte, a von tým smerom?...?... Waycross. Aha.
95[Niekto sa pýta, „...akým smerom je obrátená modlitebňa?“ - pozn.prekl.] Modlitebňa je obrátená od východu na západ. Postavil som... To... Keď vojdete z – spredu, viete, akým smerom prechádza Ôsma ulica? Potom idete rovno na východ. Rozumiete? A potom... Potom, ak sa postavíte... A keď kážem, kážem smerom na západ. A vidíte teraz, robím to preto, aby bol oltár smerom na východ, pretože Ježiš prichádza od východu. A potom, počkajte... Oltár, skláňame sa vždy na východ. Rozumiete?
No, zvyčajne... Neviem. To je to, čo som proste stále robil. Videl som v Biblii, že oni... Obvykle tam dávno, Daniel povedal, že šiel a otvoril okná, viete a všetko také. A modlil sa smerom na východ. A tak...
A všimol som si v starom Mozaickom chráme, myslím, že oltár bol obrátený na východ. A tak, samozrejme, Boh vás bude počuť, kdekoľvek ste. Rozumiete? Bez ohľadu na... Tak veru. No, prežil som také chvíle, že som sa modlil a obracal som sa hore a všemožne, proste som sa nemohol vymotať. Rozumiete? Proste som chodil dookola.
96Ale teraz, ak nedávam pozor, ani si nejako nevšímam, ktorým smerom idem, a len idem a naskočím, ja proste... Sú dve – jedno miesto, o ktorom viem, kde sa nikdy nemôžem zorientovať. A pri to viem, kde to je. A to je dole u Starej mamy u Coxov. Môžem tam ísť. A nemôžem sa zorientovať. A to bude niečo, zdá sa mi to podobné, ako to, čo sa mi tam raz stalo.
Idem rovno sem týmto vjazdom, a to je – to je tak rovno na juh ako len môže byť, otáčam sa doprava. Ale to nie je ten smer. Rozumiete? To nie je to. To je úplne opačne. Rozumiete? A skrátka...
A keď sa dostanem do lesov, no, ak sa stratím alebo niečo také, a potom, ak sa otočím... No, ak sa celý rozruším, no, nedokážem sa zorientovať. Rozumiete? Ale ak budete len chvíľu ticho stáť a poviete, „Nebeský Otče, pomôž mi.“ A brat, môžem ti tak priamo bez problému ukázať smer. Je to tak.
97Raz som odchádzal z...?... s bratom Woodom a sestrou Wood, odchádzali sme z Chattanooga. A brat Wood šoféroval... Myslím, že je to cesta 41, išli sme späť. Tak, to... Bol som tak unavený. Ó, bol som tak unavený. A skrátka som si vzadu ľahol, po službe, ľahol som si tam a zaspal som vzadu v aute. Zobudil som sa. Ale keď som sa zdvihol, povedal som... Hmla? Sotva by ste pred sebou mohli vidieť svoju ruku. A povedal som, „Hej, brat Wood, ideš zlým smerom.“
On povedal... Rozumiete, práve som odchádzal z toho zhromaždenia. A on povedal; povedal, „Ó, nie.“ Povedal, „Ja idem po 41tke.“
Povedal som, „Ale ideš na juh.“
A on povedal, „No, ako to môžeš povedať v takejto hmle? Rozumieš, nemôžeš ani vidieť cestu.“
Povedal som, „Ale... ty... Môžem ti hneď teraz povedať, že ideš na juh.“
On povedal, „Nie, nie. Pozri tam, to je 41tka.“
Povedal som, „Ale to je zle.“
No, prešli sme malý kúsok. A on so mnou stále argumentoval, že má pravdu. Skrátka hovoril, „Zostávam rovno na 41ke, idem do Memphisu.“
A povedal som, „Len dávaj pozor.“ A zastavili sme na čerpacej stanici. A povedal som, „Ako ďaleko je do Memphisu?“
On povedal, „Musíš sa otočiť chlapče, ste v Georgii.“ Povedal, „Choďte naspäť tým smerom.“ Nenecháme… Tak veru. Tak veru? Tak veru. Tak veru. Ak si nevšimnete…
98A pamätám sa, že raz som bol stratený hore v horách. A tam, keď... Myslel som si, že som veľmi dobrý zálesák na to, aby som sa niekedy stratil. Ale skutočne som sa stratil. A moja manželka bola so mnou a Billy Paul bol malé bábätko. A oni... Opustil som ich. A šiel som...
Šiel som loviť medveďa. Rozumiete? A lovil som medveďa. A bežal som tam za veľkým jelením samcom. Zastrelil som tohto samca a myslel som si, „No, radšej by som sa mal vrátiť späť.“ A viem, že by som prišiel dolu… Bol som hore v Adirondacku. A vyšiel som takto hore na vrch a ja... Niečo prebehlo cez cestu. A to bola puma. A len sklopila uši. A skôr, ako som stačil zacieliť a vystreliť, bola preč. Rozumiete? A Méda nikdy v živote nebola v lesoch. Rozumiete? A...
No, to sme boli na svadobnej ceste. Rozumiete? Ja som ju tam zobral na svadobnú cestu. Rozumiete? V tom čase, keď som sa oženil, vtedy som, viete, vzal som ju na našu svadobnú cestu a v tom istom čase som išiel na poľovačku. Rozumiete? A tak – tak som... A pomyslel som si, „No, ako teraz pôjdem?“ Ja... A šiel som hore týmto smerom a otočil sa dole a šiel tade a natrafil som na útes a šiel som dole cez malé miesto. Vedel som, že som bol dole smerom niekde ku tým gigantom, smerom ku Kanadskej strane, ale nevedel som, kde to presne bolo. A prichádzala víchrica.
99A zrazu, viete, tie snehové víchrice. A, ó, hmla bola tak nízko, nemohli by ste pred sebou vidieť ani ruku. A to je vtedy, keď ste – na takých miestach, radšej by ste si mali sadnúť, ak neviete, kde ste. Pretože rovno tam zomriete. Rozumiete? A je potrebné, aby ste sa dostali na miesto, zaliezli a zohnali niečo na jedenie a čakali deň alebo dva, kým sa víchrica neskončí. A potom sa dostanete von a uvidíte, kde ste.
No, ja som sa nemohol ukryť. Méda bola v lesoch a nikdy predtým nebola v lesoch, v malom prístrešku, nemalo to ani dvere, len, viete, bol to taký malý prístrešok. A ja som tam bol v takej situácii. A, ó. Pustil som sa rovno, začal som ísť rovno takto hore. A pomyslel som si, „No, odbočil som niekde tu hore.“ A šiel som rovno späť na miesto, kde som zastrelil toho jeleňa. Znovu som sa pustil určitým smerom a povedal som si, „Musím sa odtiaľto dostať. Moja žena a dieťatko zomrú v lesoch.“ Rozumiete?
100 A začalo sa ochladzovať. A hmla bola čoraz väčšia, čo naznačovalo, že za chvíľu začne snežiť. Rozumiete? Znova som sa pokúsil ísť a prišiel som opäť naspäť ku jeleňovi. Urobil som to tri krát. No, potom som vedel... Povedal som si, „No, chodím... Som niekde...“
Rozumiete, no, indiáni to nazývajú chôdza smrti. Ste na rovinatom mieste a kráčate naokolo a naokolo v kruhoch. Rozumiete? No, s kompasom by ste to nemuseli robiť. Rozumiete? Ale kráčate naokolo v kruhu. Indiáni to nazývajú, že ste vošli na cestu smrti. Rozumiete? Pretože potom jednoducho zošaliete. To je vtedy, keď stratia rozum a začnú bežať, vykrikovať a všetko také. Až sa nakoniec vrhnú z útesu, alebo niečo také a zomrú, alebo sa sami zabijú.
101A potom, pamätám si, že som povedal, „No, idem priamo rovno.“ Ja...?... A trochu som blúznil a pomyslel som si, „Sadni si. No, ty starý blázon. Vieš, že nie si stratený. Nemôžeš byť stratený.“ Rozumiete? A stále som to hovoril. Dobre, ale vidíte to – skrátka to tam nebolo. Keď je niečo, čo tam nie je, nemôžete to oklamať, viete. Práve tak, ako...
A tak som povedal, „No, nie som stratený. Viem presne, kde som. Iste. Prišiel som rovno týmto smerom. Je to presne tak.“ Išiel som ďalej a rozprával som sa takto sám so sebou, viete a pri tom som sa potil, že až. No, keby som bol sám, proste by som niekam zaliezol, utiahol by som sa na nejakom malom mieste a počkal, kým skončí víchrica. Možno deň alebo dva, ale bolo by to v poriadku. Zobral by som si kus zo svojho jeleňa, a nech sa deje, čo sa deje. Rozumiete? Ale nemôžete to urobiť, keď moja žena bola tam v lese. Oni boli v lese. Cez noc by zomreli. Nevedeli by, ako sa o seba majú v lesoch postarať. Rozumiete?
102A tak som si pomyslel... Proste som tam šiel ďalej a počul som niečo povedať, „Ja som Pán, ktorý poskytuje tú prítomnú pomoc v čase problémov.“ Išiel som len ďalej. Pomyslel som si, „No, začínam blúzniť. Aha? Zdá sa mi, že počujem hlasy.“ Toto bolo pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, hneď, keď sa vydala. Išiel som len takto ďalej. Povedalo To, „Ja som Pán, ktorý poskytuje tú prítomnú pomoc v čase problémov.“ A povedalo to asi tri alebo štyri krát.
A po chvíli som zastal a pomyslel som si, že „Buď som bez seba, alebo sa nado mnou zmilováva Všemohúci Boh.“ A len som pokľakol a pušku som položil na zem. A povedal som, „Bože, vyznávam, že som stratený.“ Rozumiete, povedal som, „Som stratený. A potom... Nedokážem... Nedokážem sa vôbec dostať odtiaľto... A myslel som si, že som príliš dobrý zálesák, než aby som sa niekedy stratil. Ale,“ povedal som, „nemôžem sa vôbec zorientovať. Nie je...“ Bol som rozrušený. Rozumiete? „Nedokážem sa vôbec nijako odtiaľto dostať. Nezaslúžim si žiť, Pane. Ale moja žena a dieťa áno.“ Rozumiete? „A tak mi pomôž dostať sa ku nim, aby nezomreli v lesoch.“ Povedal som, „Nezaslúžim si žiť, ale oni áno.“ A povedal som, „Ak mi len pomôžeš, budem Ti veľmi vďačný.“ Postavil som sa. Povedal som, „No, obrátim sa rovno týmto smerom a viem, že pôjdem rovno tým smerom, kde som nechal Médu a ich.“ Ale ja...?... šiel som rovno do Kanady (Rozumiete?) na ceste smrti (Rozumiete?) išiel som rovno do Kanady.
103A takto som začal ísť a zrazu, zacítil som, ako sa niečo [Brat Branham to ilustruje. – pozn.prekl.], ruka. „Čo to je?“ A pozrel som sa hore. V pravý čas som sa obzrel. A hmla sa rozplynula práve na toľko, že som videl vrchol Hurikánovej Hory. A oni táborili priamo pod Hurikánovou Horou.
No, potom som tam len stál a plakal ako dieťa, chválil som Boha, viete, za to, že mi pomohol. A potom, musel som sa vydať tým smerom. A zotmelo sa. A skákali predo mnou jelene a všetko. Ale ja... Potom, čo sa zotmelo, vedel som, že tá lesnícka… keď je tá lesnícka chata rovno tam vedľa toho prístrešku, ale bola zamknutá. A potom, to je dvadsaťpäť míľ od najbližšieho domu, odtiaľ dolu. Rozumiete? A potom tu hore na vrchu, tu vedľa lesníckej chaty a potom hore k veži, hore na tamtom veľkom vrchole... No, vedel som, že som bol niekde na vrchole. Ale tie hory sú mnoho, mnoho, mnoho míľ naokolo, viete: Tridsať, štyridsať míľ – päťdesiat, tam naokolo sú hory. A tak som si pomyslel, „No, ak by som len mohol natrafiť na ten kábel, ktorý cez to smeruje tam dole.“ On a ja sme ho natiahli pre telefón, viete. Pripevnili sme ho na stromy a viedol dole ku jeho stanici. A potom to pretiahli od veže, viete, dolu ku stanici.
104On mal potom prísť hore za pár dní, aby so mnou išiel na lov medveďa. Stmievalo sa. Potom by som nevidel, viete. A aj tak bola tma. Za asi tridsať, štyridsať minút sa začalo stmievať. A to boli len asi dve, alebo tri hodiny popoludní. Ale držal som takto hore ruky a kráčal som. Len som… držal som v ruke pušku a kráčal, viete. A vedel som, že ten kábel je len asi takto vysoko, tam, kde sme to pripevnili na stromy pozdĺž celým smerom.
A pomyslel som si, „Ak by som len mohol natrafiť na ten kábel.“ Narážal som takto na konáre, viete. A pomyslel som si, „Nie, to je konár.“ Rozumiete? A skúšal som to znova. A potom, keď som si zmenil... Už ma začala bolieť ruka; držal som ju hore príliš dlho. Zmenil som si ruky a pušku som dal sem a ustúpil dozadu o pár krokov, viete, aby som si bol istý, že som to neprekročil. Rozumiete? Pretože... a takto.
105A brat, pozdĺž – a čoraz väčšia tma, viete. A kráčal som asi hodinu v tej temnosti a moja ruka zavadila o ten kábel. Pocítil som ho. No, jednoducho som sklonil svoju hlavu a začal plakať, viete. A pomyslel som si, „Pane, rovno na konci tohto kábla ma čaká moja žena a všetko.“ Rozumiete? Pomyslel som si, „Je to tak.“ A stál som tam a držal hlavu dole a ďakoval Mu za to. A pomyslel som si, „Áno, Pane. Mám svoju ruku v Tvojich.“ To je ten elektrický kábel. A rovno na konci tohto kábla, ktorý teraz držím vo svojom srdci, držím všetko, čo mi je drahé (Rozumiete?), všetkých mojich milovaných, môj Pane, môj Spasiteľu. Všetko, čo mi je drahé, leží na konci tohto kábla.“ A tak, nedal by som preč svoju ruku z toho kábla. A nasledoval som ten kábel rovno dolu z vrchu.
Aj keď tam bol nejaký chodník, po ktorom by sa dalo ísť, viete. Ale tomu by som nedôveroval. Len som sa držal kábla. Keď som narazil na strom, hmatal som ho rovno okolo stromu a znova ho zachytil, išiel k ďalšiemu stromu a potom to dolu zachytil. Je to asi tri míle dole z vrchu. A dostal som sa tam dole. A Méda mala takmer hysterický záchvat, viete, skrátka taká ťažká situácia. Ale to je to. Rozumiete? Nie je nič také, žiaden pocit, ako byť stratený. Čo to je byť stratený v lesoch. Ale čo potom byť stratený od Boha? Vtedy je to zlé.
106No, Méda? Poďme, miláčik. Brat Welch musí ísť do práce. A Banks a oni pravdepodobne chcú zavčasu vyraziť. A všetci títo bratia chcú ísť do práce. A naše sestry musia – zobrať deti a všetko umyť a... Ďakujem vám. Ďakujem vám.
Ak ste sa radovali aspoň spolovice tak, ako ja, keď som sa s vami rozprával... Bolo to nádherné. Tak veru.
Brat Welch, ďakujem tiež za ten nádherný čas popoludní, mali sme tam – keď si mi rozprával tam o tých močiaroch s aligátormi. Sestra, vy všetci, skutočne vám ďakujem za tú nádhernú večeru. Ó.
Máte tam tiež malé dievčatko? Má tie najkrajšie vlasy. Všimol som si, že ich má zapletené, také pravé žlté, pekné vlasy. To je skutočne krásne. Chcem sa vyjadriť aj o tvojich vlasoch, sestra. Viem, že je to lepšie. Myslím, že si zvykla nosiť krátke vlasy, či nie? Trocha dole po ramená, trocha zastrihnuté, alebo niečo také... Alebo nie? Áno. Ja. Áno. No, teraz to vyzerá naozaj pekne. Vidíš?
178Všimol som si tieto – všetky tieto ženy, ktoré tu sú, s ich dlhými vlasmi a všetkým. Vyzerá to... To...
Ó, mohli by byť také pekné z jednej strany, ako tie druhé, viete, či by mali krátke vlasy, alebo nie, ale to skrátka vyzerá tak, viete. Viete, čo tým myslím. Vy len... Možno to som len ja. Ale...
Tu máme to malé dievčatko. Ona je trochu hanblivá, či nie?
108Môžem si ho vziať, zlatíčko? Kde je? Ó... Nie. Počuli ste, čo mi povedali? Počuli ste to? Povedala, že musíme počkať, kým príde Becky, ale povedala, že to neznamená, že tam mám ísť a začať znova kázať.
Nemá toto malé dievčatko tiež pekné vlasy, miláčik? Ona je tiež milá s jej malým copom, ktorý jej tam visí, trochu jahodový blond a...
Nie. Vyjdem von a pozriem sa, či ten starý – či naštartujem ten starý kadilak, ak budem môcť, brat Welch. Počkajte, len chvíľu a uvidím, či môžem... Niekedy trocha kašle a šteká, viete, a... Čo, Bernie?
1 I tell you... it would... it... I know you don't come there to hear me. See, because no one would drive that far to hear a preacher. You've come there because that you--you believe the Message and you believe in Christ. And I appreciate that.
And I'm so thankful to have friends like that. To have someone who--who appreciates your--your efforts at what you're trying to do, to--to drive that far over them conditions. Only thing I can say, I wished... I told Meda; I said, "Wonder if we could have all the people that come from over fifty miles up home for dinner?" See? I don't know what we'd do with them. You see?
'Cause the biggest part of our church, I guess, eighty percent of them are you people. That's made up from Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, and places like that, where you've come from. And you think it...
And none of the people that come are rich people. They're just common people. And I know that takes a whole lot of your--saving your pennies to do that. 'Cause I know how much gasoline it takes to come and go. And besides that, the wear and tear on a car for the trip--round trip is about, oh, I guess it's about sixteen, seventeen hundred miles for one sermon. And come that each week. Think of that. See?
2 I just--I feel about that little. Honest. Just like I was a half-inch high to stand before you to really tell you how I--how I appreciate it.
Wife and I were talking, if you people didn't come, when I have service at the Tabernacle, it wouldn't pay me to go down. 'Cause there's more in this room right now than would be there, if it wasn't for you people. That's exactly true.
And that fulfills what the Scripture says. In our own country, among our own people... You--your--your respects and honor always comes from the outsider. I don't why. But I don't mean the out... I mean from outside your own home. Course, couldn't think of you all being outsiders, you're my fellow brothers and citizens in the Kingdom of God.
3 And here some time ago, I had a little old alligator stuffed up down here. And I told Brother Welch I was coming down to get it. And the kids didn't get to finish their vacation. And I thought I'd run them down to Florida, down in St. Petersburg in the morning. And on down, I want to go up Miami and come around over the Tamiami Trail, and back up home. And they have to go to school right away, and I thought this would be a good time to stop by for the gator.
And so Brother Welch--Brother Fred and Brother Wood came with me, so that'd give me a chance to bring the kids. And they're going to take my gator back. And I thought while I was down here, I'd just like to have a--your little group together, to tell you how I appreciate you--how I appreciate your efforts.
4 And Brother and Sister Evans, and--and Brother and Sister... I--I get it... I call it S. T. I know that it's T. S. I... There's a--a gargle, mouthwash that they call ST37, and that's how I call you S. T. Not from... And it's a--it's a good thing too. It's a dandy. It's got all the rest of them beat, to my opinion. And they use it in the army, and I--I use it for about anything. To gargle with, and for a mouthwash, and take it on a hunting trip with me. Where if my horse gets hurt, I pour a little that, you know. Just--just anything. It's--it's good for all around.
I guess, you find him that way too, don't you, sister? All the way around, to wash the dishes sometime and so forth...
5 And so, I thought maybe... ask--asked tonight, I said to Brother Welch, "What would you--what would we say when the folks come around. Do you think..." We thought maybe if you had a little question on your mind, just a little something that you could, maybe something that I could answer, something that you wouldn't want to take, maybe, their time up there at the Tabernacle when you're there, some little question. And that's what I dropped by for.
So, we know that you go to work in the morning. It's ten minutes after nine. So, we will get right into it. But before we do that, could we just bow our head for a word of prayer.
6 Our heavenly Father, we're so glad for Jesus Christ our Lord, Who--Who saved our souls from a life of sin, and has made us the citizens of His Kingdom. By His grace we are saved, and that not by ourself, or by our works, but by His mercy we are saved.
So, we're so glad of that. And we know that someday we'll see Him. For we'll have a body like His own glorious body, and we'll see Him as He is. At this time, yet we do not know how that will take place. But it's not for us to know. We only look forward to it by faith. And the whole walk is faith. So, we're thankful for these things.
We pray that You'll bless these people, Lord. As I drove down here, You know what was in our hearts last night, wife and I, as we talked along the road. How that blissful we feel to be to have friends that would sacrifice to come hear the glorious Gospel of the Son of God, would drive all those hundreds of miles through a day and night, just to hear one message.
7 God, I pray that You'll give them each one a glorious home in the Kingdom. Bless them while they're here on earth. Prosper them in whatever they do. May it prosper.
And these young children, Lord, just little fellows yet. And many of them here in teen-age, and yet they set with a reverence and respects as an adult. God, I think they're the best in the land. I pray that You'll bless them, Lord. May they never want for anything. And may in the great Kingdom beyond, when the family is all gathered together, I'm sure they'll be there, Father. I--I pray that You'll have each one of them there. May they never turn from that great narrow path that they've been taught to walk in. Grant it, Lord.
8 Now, tonight I thought, Father, we'd find out what's on the people's hearts. You know their hearts. And I pray Thee, Father, that You'll help me in--to answer their questions. That it might be good for us. That it'd be good for us to be here and we could go along saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us because of His Presence?"
Come now, Lord. Walk around the chairs. Put Your hand on every shoulder. And rub Your nail-scarred hand across each heart, that we might know that it's our Lord that's near. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
9 I think we have a Bible here. I'd just like to read a--a Scripture in here just for a minute to get a little start to--before we get into the lesson--or questions, rather.
And this--I'd like to read this, a--a place I found this afternoon. I was riding up, riding with Brother Welch and I--up in the front seat of Brother Sothmann's truck there. And I read something I thought I'd just like to speak of it, just for a few minutes. If I can find it in his... Oh, yes. Here we are.
In the 16th chapter of Acts, and begin about the 37th verse.
But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly... (Beg your pardon. That's not just where I want to--just where I wanted to start reading at.)
It's... I was reading a spot in here, just... I'll get it just in a moment. Here we are. It's the 29th verse--28th verse, let's begin.
But Paul cried with a loud voice, and said, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.
And they called for a light... sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,
And besought--and sought--brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said unto him, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, and thy house.
It's just one of these little twisting questions that I thought that I would like to speak of just a minute, about "Thy House," being I see you each one so nicely have your house set in order. Your--your children's saved, and--and that's--that's nice to have your family all Christians. Because I... We--we want our families. We each one think of our children. And I certainly can commend you fine people down here, of your lovely children, how you have them all in order and everything like that. I...
10 How do you do, sister? And I believe this is a... Wasn't that mother just come in back there? The Lord bless you. I'm glad to see you again tonight. And I believe this is Brother Willie's wife, isn't that right? And that's the boss of the family right there, as I understand, that... Or that's the way it goes at our house.
And to have your house. Now, Paul said here to--to this Roman centurion, when he was... We find out that Paul had been beaten the evening before, commanded by the magistrates and had been beaten, because that he had done nothing evil: He'd been up there preaching the Gospel. And the clergy there had it against Paul, 'cause he'd preached the Gospel. And they said that he was turning the world upside down.
11 And he went down the street and there was a little fortuneteller. A woman with a--a spirit of fortunetelling. And she was hired to tell these fortunes. And when they were going down the street, she'd cry after Paul, and say, "They're men of God, who tell us the way of--of life."
And Paul didn't need the devil to assist him in anything, so he just turned around and rebuked that spirit in the woman. And when it did, oh, that caused an uproar. And when they found out, the--the spirit had left her, and she could not tell no more fortunes.
So, the--the one that had her hired out there and was probably taking care of her, why, it caused a great uproar, and they were beaten and put into jail. And I can imagine Paul and Silas laying back in that old buggy jail on the inner courts, way back. The outside, where the best prisoners was kept, was bad enough. But they was on the inside, and when they went way back, they was put in stocks.
12 I don't know any... Did you all ever see stocks? I've had the privilege of seeing them. They--they put them in your--across your feet. And then they put them across your hands. And then put them across your neck. And there you are setting there.
And the Chinese capital punishment, the way they used to do it, is very cruel. They'd put them in those stocks and put a drip of water, just one drip at a time, falling on top of their head, like that, until it just drove them insane. They would set there and wasn't giving them nothing to eat or drink like that. And their--their eyes would turn and everything. It was just horrible thing.
They say the first few drops, of course, for maybe the first day, it isn't so bad. But they say after a few days, that those drops, like fifty tons falling, you know, every time, hit right in that same spot. 'Cause you can't move your head; you're in those stocks.
13 And just think that Paul and Silas, for preaching the Gospel, was laying back in that old dirty place. And probably rats, and mice, and bugs on them, and everything. What a place for a man preaching the Gospel. And we think today, that we complain because we have things a little hard. Look what they did. And knowing what was waiting them, perhaps execution the next morning.
But they were faithful. They--they were... They stayed faithful. And along about midnight in there, and I--I can just think of how they must have felt, their backs sticking to the old dirt where prisoners... And it was leprosy and everything else that in--in them days, and laying against the old hard floor... Might have been a dirt floor, and rats running over them...
14 But in the midst of all of that, perhaps no supper. And beaten till they was bleeding, and bruised, and sore. And no doctor to wash out the wounds or anything for infection that we'd use today, or something like that. Just throwed them back there, and put them in the stocks, and put them in that condition.
But they wasn't complaining. Not one word of complaint came from them. And knowing maybe the next morning, they'd--the magistrates would probably call them before the emperor and when they did--or the Sanhedrin, and they'd be executed for preaching this heresy, that it was called in them days. The Gospel that we truly, earnestly contend for that same faith today...
And then when we go to thinking about that, then the miles gets a little shorter between one another (You see?), each time we go to thinking about it.
15 And then we find out that along about midnight, Paul and Silas must've talked about the Lord until about midnight. And then they begin to sing hymns, some good old Christian song. Oh, if we'd sing it today, we'd sing "There's Power In The Blood," or "O How I Love Jesus," or something like that.
And when they begin to sing, all of a sudden an earthquake struck the place. And notice how it done. Instead of piling those walls of that big old building right in on top of them and them--and mashing them to death, it shook the walls away from them. And not only that, but it--it--it broke the stocks and bars loose from them. And they were set free.
16 Now, think. Over their feet, over their hands and over their neck they were set free, every one of them. Now, instead of that big old heavy Roman prison breaking in on them, it fell away from them, like this. And not only that, but the shackles and things fell off of them. See, that's our God when we hold out faithful. See, we must stay faithful. And as long as we're faithful and--and on, we...
Now, we may not be in that kind of a shape. We--none of us may get... I hope we don't get like that. But we can be faithful in what we've got to--what we have to go through with. Maybe it's a persecution. Maybe it's somebody laughs at you. Maybe it's somebody says, "You're old-time, you're a holy-roller," or--or whatever they might want to call you, or make fun of you, or something. Let's be faithful just the same, because God respects our faithfulness to that, just the same as He was--respect their faithfulness to what they were--they had to go through with.
17 And then, all of a sudden when the Roman prisoner--or the centurion must've--must've... The guard at the door, he must have thought that that night when Paul and Silas was talking on the Scripture, he must've learned something. Because he didn't know the men. But he must've knowed some way, or heard their singing, or something, that caused him to know right quick that they were holy men.
Because you see, they--he was a Roman. And they were Jews. And he was a pagan, and they were Christians. But did you notice, as soon as he found out that there was--that the prison had been shook down, and he knowed that he'd have to answer for that sentry...
You remember the time of Elijah? When he had hisself disguised and met King Ahab out there, and said, "I was a sentry and my life, of course, was staked with the man and he got away."
And--and he said, "Well, you'll pay for it then with your life. That's the duty of a sentry." So he unwrapped hisself and said he was Elijah the prophet. And said, "You let the king go, Agag." And he said, "You'll--you'll pay with it with your own life." And he did do it.
18 So then, we find out that this Roman centurion, knowing that he would answer with his own life for these, he pulled out his sword as soon as he found they were gone, and started to kill himself, taking his own life, instead of have to go through punishment. Some of those... Maybe set in them same kind of stocks and so forth until he died, so, he thought he would just end it all up, and jerk out his sword, and kill hisself.
But quickly, Paul screamed out when he saw it, and said, "Do yourself no harm, for we're all here." See? And the man realized then that there must've been something taking place before that, that made this man to know that they were Christian men or holy man. Because quickly he fell down at their feet.
19 I'd imagine he heard them singing songs. He heard them testifying; he heard their conversation. Now, let's just think a minute, folks. If that Roman centurion was convinced and convicted because that he heard them two men, beaten prisoners...
Now, we're still free, and we're not beat or prisoners. But hearing their testimony had such an influence, till it caused him to say, "What must I do to be saved?" Then what ought we to do with our influence? See?
We should be testifying. You young people, whatever it is, you may not preach. Maybe God never called you to preach, but you... If you're a housewife or whatever you are, a teen-ager, let--let's do something, you know, that... And--and live a life that makes the people say, "Well, that--that's a Christian going there. That--that's a Christian."
And so, we find that this fellow must've been impressed some way, by them songs or whatever they were doing in there, to realize they were Christians. So, he got a light, and when he come in and seen that there stood Paul and even the prisoners back in there, none of them was trying to get away. Everybody was there. So, he--he put up his sword, and fell down by the feet of Paul and Silas, and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
20 Now, did you notice, you and I today, and most all ministers or so forth, we're always trying to tell a fellow what not to do. We'd say now, "Quit your smoking. Quit your lying. Quit your stealing. Quit your this or that." Now, that--that wasn't what the man asked. He--he didn't say, "What do I have to quit doing to be saved?" He said, "What must I do to be saved?"
See, we try to tell them what they must stop doing. See? And say, "Well, I must do this, that, or the other." No. See? That isn't the question. "What must I do?" not "What must I stop doing?" But you just do what you're supposed to do, and all the rest of it will take care of itself. Your lying and stealing, or--or drinking, gambling, and doing the things that's evil. It'll stop when you do what Paul answered his question. "What must I do to be saved?"
He said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thy and thy house shall be saved."
21 Now, the reason I thought about saying this, because you people here, most of you, your--your children are saved. See? They're Christians. I have admired Brother Evans' family, these young men here. Usually, who would you get a teen-ager to set around and listen to someone--preacher talk. Why, they'd be out and gone somewhere. Little girls like that...
I said to Brother Fred, his kids, why, they--they can just hear me say one thing that's wrong, they're--they're--they're ready to stop it right now (You see?) and set with the highest respect, instead of being out a hot-rodding, rambling around. They'll... When they hear you speak about the Gospel, they're ready to set right there and listen. See?
22 Now, I know we all want--think our kids is renegades and things like that. But we--we must stop that. I--I believe that we must remember that these kids are the best kids in the world, because they're our children, and we claim them for God.
Now, your salvation will not save that child. But now, Paul said--said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thy and thy house shall be saved." Now, he... Now, what did he mean by that? He didn't mean that because they were saved, that their house would be saved with it. He meant this: that because they were--had... If he had enough faith to be saved himself, his same amount of faith that he had for himself would work for his children. See what I mean?
23 Now, I've got my children. There's my little son, Joseph, and Billy, Sarah, Rebekah. Well now, I want to see each one of them a worker in the Gospel, doing something. I want to see them saved and filled with the Holy Ghost.
Now, I've committed them to God and say, "I'm holding on to God for them." See? And I believe they're going to be saved, every one of them. See? I believe they're going to be saved, and I'll have them on the other side. And--and I don't believe my salvation will save them. No. But my faith in God will do it. You see, my faith believing God will do it, and will cause them to come to Christ.
And I believe that's where you people praying for your children, and that's the reason your children has the--the manners, and the--and the real lady and gentleman in this wild age that we're living in. Yet they have that--that part about them that's the best I know of any kids. See? Well, I think the reason of that is because it's your prayers for them. And you've committed them to God and holding on.
24 See now, the Roman said, "What must I do?" He just asked for hisself. He said, "What must I do?"
And he said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved." See?
Now--now, we got one thing to do. Let's drop back just a minute to get something to drive in on my text. Now, it's this. Let's take an old man that I know of in the Bible by the name of Job.
Now, Job was a great man. There was nobody like him in his days. Job was a prophet. And people come from far and near to hear Job. And God blessed him. And he's--he'd prospered. He was a rich man. Oh, he had thousands of head of cattle and sheep, and--and the things that he had.
And why, he said when he would go out into the streets, the young princes from the East (that's the magis, the--the wise astronomers, you know) they were saying, said they would bow before him just to ask a word of his wisdom. See? He was a smart man. He was--he was a prophet.
25 And so, the devil looked down, and he saw that--that Job was a smart man. So I'll show you how a smart man does. Now, coming back to the text, thy and thy house. Job said, when he seen everything was just in good order, like your homes are now; he said, "You know, my children is married and gone off." But said, "Maybe, one of--one... Peradventure one of them might've sinned."
Now, there's one requirement God had: That was a burnt offering. He said, "Now, I don't..." He didn't believe his children sinned. "But" said, "peradventure they might sin. Because they're visiting one another, and going to the parties at one another's homes, and so forth, and mixing up, I guess, and so forth." He said, "If one of them has sinned... So, Lord, I will bring a burnt offering and offer this burnt offering for my child." See? And that's all he knowed to do. That's all God required, a burnt offering. That's what--all He required.
Well, then when the great midnight hour come and struck and poor old Job was in the condition he was, he... You know, he'd lost all of his cattle, all of his sheeps, and the storms come and killed his children. And fire burnt up his servants. And--and he bro... His own health failed. And he set in the backyard on a ash heap. And--and his own body broke out with boils, till he took a piece of crock and scraped his boils. And even his wife got discouraged with him and come and said, "Job..."
26 Now, let--let's just kindly think the way she said. Now, look there sets Job. He set out there all night. There sets his consolers with their back turned to him. And they told him he sinned. That's the church member; that's the--the deacon board, or whatever it is of the church, come down to see him. And they set seven days there, and they're still telling him, "Job, you might as well make a confession. Because you have sinned, because God wouldn't let a righteous man be tormented like that."
But God does let a righteous man be tormented like that. See, God sometimes... That--that things happen to us because we sinned. But sometimes it--it's testing a saint, instead of chastising a sinner.
27 So, we find out that Job was a righteous man though. And when God was testing him, because Satan said, "Oh, sure..." When he come up before God with the sons of God, he said...
As God said to him, "Where you been?"
He said, "Oh, just walking to and fro and up and down on the earth."
Said, "You considered my servant Job? He's a perfect man. There's nobody in the earth like him." God was pleased with that. Oh, He just loves to have a servant that He can trust in. He said, "There is not another man on earth like him." See? Said, "He is a perfect man." And that was before the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed. See? And He said, "He's a perfect man. He's just; he's upright. There is none like him."
Satan said, "Oh, sure. Look what You've done for him. You've give him everything. He's got homes; he's got children; he's got cattle; he's got everything he wants. Sure, anybody could serve You like that." Said, "Let me have him one time. I'll make him curse You to Your face."
He said, "Satan, he's in your hand. But don't you take his life." Now, that was God's trust that His prophet would not fail Him. See? And He's trusting you and I, that we won't fail Him.
28 And then He... And He said, "Don't you take his life." And Satan done everything but take his life. His children got killed. And his cattle was killed. And everything was... All of his riches was lost. And he lost his health and everything but his life, set out there and scraped his boils.
And his wife come to the door, and--and Satan got in her and said, "Thou..." Looked out there and said, "Why don't you curse God and die?" Said, "You look so miserable."
He said, "Thou speakest like the foolish woman." See. Now, he's never said she was foolish; said she talked like one. See? Said, "You speak like a foolish woman." Said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord." See? In other words, "Naked came I in the world," he said, "naked I will return. But blessed be the Name of the Lord anyhow. I never had nothing when I come here, and I will go away with nothing. But still blessed be the Name of the Lord." Oh, my.
You know, God will just let Satan tempt us so long, and then He gets tired of it. You see? So, he seen he couldn't... Satan had to leave him then. But Bildad and all of them still stayed there and said, "Why, you was a secret sinner."
But Job stayed pat on this, "I am not a sinner." See?
29 "Job, you've... you done... You don't want to confess it (See?), because you're a secret sinner. You're doing it secretly, and God's punishing you for it, so that's the reason that things are going for you the way they are."
But he said, "No, sir. I am not a sinner." Because he was standing pat upon that righteousness of God, that burnt sacrifice. He'd offered it. That's all he had to offer. That's all God required.
And did you notice, after the Spirit of God had come on the prophet and everything got all right (You see?), God restored back to Job what? He restored back to him his... Where he had ten thousand cattle, He give him twenty thousand cattle. Where he had forty-thousand sheep, He give him eighty-thousand sheep. See? And He restored everything back to him that he ever had.
And you notice, it said, "And He restored his seven children." See? He gave Job his seven children. Not, didn't give him seven other children, but He gave Job his seven children. Now, what was it? His house, "Thy and thy house." Because he was righteous, because he was standing on everything that God gave us to be righteous--or gave him, was to offer that burnt offering.
And he knowed that that was God's Word, and it could not fail. So, did you ever think where them children was? They was in heaven waiting for him. See? He's with them today. And God saved Job's children. They were in heaven waiting for him. See?
30 Now, if Job took a act upon the very thing that God told him to do, the only thing it was to be righteous, was to offer a burnt offering; that was righteous... And He saved Job and his house, then what is righteous before God? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved."
So, if I'm believing for my house and you're believing for your house, by believing that that we trust God, God imputes our own faith, like He did Abraham or Job or any of them for righteousness. You see? So, it's allotted to us for righteousness, and that's how that thou and thy household shall be saved.
Oh, I think it's a wonderful thing. So then, not only that, but I'm holding for every brother, all my brothers. My sister. I'm not only holding for that, but I'm holding for every person that's in my church; I'm holding for you all. I want you to hold for me, because of the righteousness of faith. We don't have to make a burnt offering; Christ is our offering. But we have to have faith in that offering that Christ made, that He made us this kind of a--a promise, that "Whatever you ask the Father in My Name, that I'll do. When thou prayest, believe that you receive what you've asked for and you shall have it."
31 Now, if I am praying that God will save these teen-age children, and I believe with all my heart He will do it, see that's the same way Job stood. Say, "Oh, look at this kid, how he's doing." I don't care what he's doing or what she's doing. I still have put that child in the hand of Almighty God and my--me and my house shall be saved. See? Because I...
Even though I may pass on before they do, but somehow before they leave here, God will twist them right down on the trail. I--I believe that... Somehow or another. He will make it so miserable for them, till they will have to do it. See?
And that's the way I believe, it's, "Thou and thy house shall be saved."
32 I've seen a many that... I've watched that come into my meetings. Many time, an old boy will come up there that's been rough all of his life. He fall down on his knees and go to crying, and get up, say, "Well, I had a dear old mother. Oh, if she's in heaven tonight, I know she's looking down and she is glad to see me at this altar."
See? What it is, that old mother prayed and believed. See, she's gone on long ago, but here's them prayers. Because the righteousness... See, thy and thy house shall be saved. God knows how to work. He knows how to do. He knows how to do everything just right.
33 As I said the other day, when we're borned of the Spirit of God, God isn't weak in one place and strong in another. If you've got a little shadow of God in you, just the littlest speck of God, then you've got all power. You got enough power in you to make a world and go out and live in it.
But of course, that power is controlled by faith. If it wasn't, we'd all have us a world out there, living in it. But if you're a son of God or a daughter of God, you've got the power of God in you. See? So then, you... That law holds that faith to a certain thing.
34 Now, let's take for instance, all of us, we'd say. We once lied; we'd steal; we'd--we'd curse, and swear, and do everything that's wrong. Well, one day when we accepted Christ, what did He do? He opened up, as soon as we accepted Him... That's of faith, just like Paul told the Roman to have, "Believe." Just exactly what Job did: believe. See? And as soon as we accepted Christ as our Saviour, immediately we received enough faith, till we walked away, no more lying, no more stealing, no more cheating. See? No... Why?
We rode right up above that sin that we used to ride in there. We--we was allotted that much faith. Why? Because that we believe that we are saved. Is that right? We believe here that we are saved. So then, we ride up above that, because we believe we are saved.
35 Now, listen to this just before I get to the questions. See? Brother, sister, I'm going to give you a little secret on myself. See? I guess you've often wondered how I see those visions and things, what makes it. It's because when He met me that night and told me that (See?), that this would happen. I believe it. I solemnly believe it.
And I go in to pray for the sick, if I can ever get a feeling that something's fixing to happen, they're fixing to get well. So, always it's about right. And that's the way we must do with our family, with anything that we ask for; we must pray; and God respects faith (You see?), to believe it. We must believe that it is right.
36 Now, with that little bit of God, when you said, "Yes, Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner. I'm not worthy of Your love. But You did love me so I accept You as my Saviour." Immediately, you walk right out of there, and what is it? You stop your lying. You stop cheating. You stop stealing. You stop doing things that you oughtn't to do. Why? Because you believe that you are a Christian. And because you believe you are a Christian, you rise up from that; you're to another level. Now. See?
Now, if you're sick, here's healing. You just believe it. Now, you can't make yourself believe it. It's got to be something happen to you, just like your conversion. It's got to happen.
37 I was telling my wife the other day how much I loved her. So, I don't guess she wants me to talk about this. But I do it in private so I guess I can do it in public right now. I was telling her how much I loved her, and how I always have loved her since the first beginning. I said, "It don't make any difference..."
She said, "Oh, Bill." She said how... talking about how fat she was getting and her hair turning gray.
I said, "Honey, you could be that wide and no hair, I'd still love you just the same." See? Because it has to be something there that you have to--has--you have to meet that you love somebody. And unless that person loves that other person...
38 This is for you young girls that's not married (See?), and you boys. When you meet that girl that you love, and there's just something you know you love her, and that's just all there is to it, or you love him and that's--you don't care whether he's handsome, or whether he's not handsome, or whether she's pretty or not pretty. That doesn't matter. But you love them just the same. Now, you'd better watch, kinda hold around close there, because that's--you're getting close to home there.
And I... it... A--a marriage based outside of that is sure to fall, or it'll never be successful. They'll never be happy. Now, I said that to get around to one thing I want to say.
39 Friends, a conversion, outside of the same thing, won't last either. It won't. When you go to church, and--and you say, "Well, I'm going to join church, and I'm going to be baptized." If that isn't coming from a heart of love to God yonder, it'll never go nowhere. You'll just... All you'll do is join church and be baptized.
But when you're converted to Christ, a love to Christ, then you accumulate a faith in Christ, like you would to your wife, or to your husband. You accumulate a faith that you walk in that faith. I don't know, you just--something about you, you just got a--something that anchors you there. You see?
Well, that's the same way it is about Christ. And what Christ says, you believe it. And you just stay right with it. And that's the way... It just raises you right up above it, and God brings it to pass and fulfills His promise, "If thou will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thy and thy house shall be saved."
So now, I just thought I'd say that. And I--I done took up too much of the time of it, thirty minutes to say that. But you know what I mean now. That's what it is.
40 If you can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, not only for salvation for yourself, for your loved ones, for the healing of the--the child, or for a mother, or for anything that you desire that's right... And you know if you desired something that wasn't right, you--you wouldn't have faith enough to ask God in the first place; 'cause you know it ain't right. See? If you're sincere and know that it's right, then you can ask God with a clean heart, knowing it's no selfish motive, and your objective and motive is exactly right, then ask God. And like a child, believe you get it and you get it. I know that.
Now, I've come to Christ when I was about the age of one of these boys here, I guess. I was about twenty years old. And I--I served Him all this time, and I'm fifty-two, will be fifty-three my birthday. And I can sincerely say that I have never asked Christ sincerely for anything, that is it's--now, that really sincerely asked Him, anything that was for right, but what He gave it to me or told me why He couldn't do it. And then later on, I found out it was a good thing I didn't get it. See?
41 But just remember, when you believe on Him, have faith in Him, and trust Him, don't--don't try to shove yourself to do it. Just stay with Him and reason it out.
Like if you would--if I was coming to Brother Welch here to borrow a--a thousand dollars. I guess I couldn't get it, 'cause he may not have it. But if he had it, and I--I could get it. Now, I'd come and try to lay the case down. I'd come say, "Welch, give me a thousand." That is no way to do it. That's no way to ask God. I'd come up; I'd say to Brother Welch, I'd say, "Could I speak to you a few minutes, Brother Welch?"
"Sure, Brother Branham."
Go over to one side and sit down, I'd say, "Brother Welch, the first thing I want to ask you, do you have a thousand dollars that you could get a hold of for me?"
Well, he... if he... We get--we're friends, or he'd be asking me, or me him, or one of you brethren. It would be the same. We'd say, "Yes."
"Now, here's why--what I want." I'd lay down and show him. I'd say, "Brother Welch, I'm over here in a meeting. I'm absolutely up against it. I--I got to leave the town, and I'm a thousand dollars in debt. I--I just got to have the money from somewhere. Now, the Lord put it upon my heart to come to you." And I'd explain to him. "Now--now, from another meeting that I had at a certain place, I've got a thousand dollars coming in, which would be about three month's from now. I can pay you. I'll pay you interest on it, if you want it." And just lay it all down and explain it to him, why. I don't want to leave that town like that; it's a bad thing on my name if I do that. And then they're going to say, "He's nothing but a cheat and a steal, and--and leaving the town owing money." See what I mean? I'd explain it to you. Set down like a brother and talk it over with you.
Well, I believe if I'd do that and--and you liked me as you do, you--you'd do anything. You--you'd pawn an automobile or sell something out of the house to get the money. Now see, you'd do it. Any of you would. And I would for you.
42 But it would be the--the right thing to do is, come set down and talk it over with one another, let--let you know (You see?), express our feelings to each other. "You're my friend; that's the reason I come to you."
Now, that's the same way it is by Christ. Say, "You're my Lord. I--I'm--I'm sick. I... The--the doctor says he can't do nothing for me. But--but I know You can, because You're my Lord." And--and just--just speak it over with Him until you feel then that--that--that you receive it. And that's your faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
And I--when I feel that way, it's just as good as I got it. Sure, I can go ahead, 'cause I got it. See, I done... Now, He has done promised me that I got it, so that--that settles it. And I just keep on holding on, waiting.
Finally, first thing you know, here it comes pouring down out of the corridors of heaven. And you--you got it. But that's it you see. "Thy and thy house shall be saved."
And if you don't see them all saved before you leave the earth, you'll--they'll be there when you get... time... when the great coming comes, it'll be there.
43 Now, you understand what I mean? See? It's by faith we do everything. Believe on the Lord. Believe on the Lord for a job. Believe on the Lord to hunt--to give you the wife that you should have. Believe on the Lord to give you the husband you should marry. Believe on the Lord to send you some new furniture, or if the--if the barrel goes empty and the cruse gets dry, and there's no food and the children are hungry. Believe on the Lord.
Believe on the Lord for anything. See? As long as it's right, just believe on the Lord and "thou shall." See? It shall come. I've never seen it fail in all my life. God bless you.
How about you reading some of them questions for me. Could you read them for me? I--I hope I get these right. I don't want to keep you too long now, about, maybe about ten minutes and--and--and give him, Jimmy, a little time to study them over there and see if I... And they're going to be ask me right blank, right out. And so, if I can't say them, well you'll understand.
44 But you understand what I mean now to believe? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thy and thy house shall be saved." Believe for yourself, and believe for your house, and you shall have it. Say, "Well, the doctor said I can't get well." Well, if thou can believe on the Lord, you can get well.
"Well, I--I'm out of work." But if you'll believe on the Lord (See?), and you shall have work. "And I--I don't know what to do about this situation." Believe on the Lord. Look where it sets with me right now, and wife there. I've always thought the Lord wanted me to leave Jeffersonville. Now, it's got to a spot, till I just had to commit myself to Him.
So, here I am. He knows where I'm at right here tonight. So, and everywhere He wants me to go, I'll go. And what He wants me to do, I'll do it. And I'll be right along till He tells me. You see?
45 All right, Jimmy, have you got them, my boy? [Brother reads a question: "When the rapture takes place, will all believer's families, wife and children go? They are in faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord?"--Ed.]
Yes, yes. Will all the family go in--in the--in the rapture? See, yes. See? Now, if you notice, the rapture is going to be a universal thing. And how... Did you all get that lesson all right Sunday? You all understand it all right about how close we are at the time, "The Seventy Weeks Of Daniel"?
You all were there Sunday, wasn't you? Yeah. All right. Well, I think, Brother Welch, you got the tape of it. And some of you could play it. And--and you got the map of it, I believe, haven't you? And you just draw it out and--and to them that wasn't here, maybe explain it to them (You see?), so they--they can get it. I want you to see just by the Scripture that I haven't got one word to say into it. The Scriptures just prove it, that we're--we're at the end time.
46 Now, we was talking today, the brethren. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, if you believe that the rapture is that close, then why do you go fishing?" If I put my mind to it constantly, it would almost run you wild. When you think of the tens of thousands of people out here in sin that don't know Christ. And I think that "Here I am, what can I do?"
But here's what I think. I cannot save one unless God called them. See? I can't do it. And I couldn't save them anyhow. But "all the Father has given Me will come to Me." So if He don't tell me where to go, then what can I do? See?
So, the thing I do, is just not be--not be all weary about it. That'd be worse than ever. I'm happy about it. I'm just--just all packed up and ready, you know, when it comes, Lord, here I am. I'm just waiting.
47 And now, here's what happens. The--the raptured saints, as you noticed on the chart Sunday... Now, the early Pentecostal brethren--or the late Pentecostal brethren don't give that--those back churches room enough there, I don't believe. But I believe that every borned again Christian... And how are we borned again? When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (See?) and accept...
Now, I don't believe just because you say in your mind you believe. I believe your life tells whether you're really a Christian or not. I--you say, "What..."
Today, the lady down there said something or another about being a--a Christian or something another. And she said, "And what denomination?" See, right quick they want to know what denomination.
I said, "Don't belong to any denomination, just a Christian." You see. A Christian...
48 You say, "Well, a Christian means a Campbellite." No, that's--that's... They just call them Christian, but that don't mean Christian. I know a many people that I'd think belong to what was called the Christian Church that wasn't Christians. And the Christian ministers will tell you the same thing of the Christian Church, that they got many members that not Christian.
But Christian is not a church that you belong to; it's an experience that you have had of being born into the family of God.
49 Now, notice in that--the rapture will be universal, because He said, "There will be two in the field, and I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in the bed; I'll take one and leave one." You see, when it's dark on one side of the earth, where it's two is in the bed, it'll be harvest time on the other side of the earth, when there'll be two in the field. See? And it shows it'll come one great big rapture; it'll come right out from the world. See? "Two in the field and I'll take one and leave one. Two in bed, I'll take one and leave one."
50 Now, we--we see that... And then everyone that was found written in the Book was delivered in that day of that--before that tribulation. So, if your children, your mother, your loved ones, whoever they are, if their name is written on the Lamb's Book of Life, my precious children, you'll be right there.
No matter where we're at, if--if I... Flying overseas, and the--the airplane explodes in the air and I--you never even find a piece of me in--in--in this body, that won't have one thing to do with it. See? I'll be right there just the same. Don't you worry about that. I'll be right there to shake your hand and--and praise the Lord with you, and crown Him King of king and Lord of lords. See?
I suppose maybe, of Paul's body, there isn't even a speck of dust left, hardly. But all the materials that made his body up is somewhere. So, they'll be gathered together at that day.
51 When you die, you actually do not die. A Christian cannot die. There is no such a thing as death for a Christian, not in the Bible.
Like when Lazarus... He said--they said... "Our--our friend Lazarus sleepeth," Jesus said. See, He never said he was dead. Said, "He sleepeth."
They said, "Oh well, if he's sleeping, I--I suppose he's doing all right then. He's must be getting along better." So, He had to talk their language.
He said, "Now, in otherwise... In your own language, he's dead. And I am glad for your sake that he wasn't there. I'll go and awaken him." See? Oh, yes. See? Sleep, see He still had His own... See? "For your sake--for your way of knowing it, he's dead. But to Me, he's asleep, and I'm not going to--I'm not going to raise him up. I'm just going to wake him. See, I'm going to wake him up."
52 And so, you--you notice when Jesus Himself died... See, there's three parts of the body. A soul... Three parts of us, soul, body, and spirit, as you seen the seven church ages; I had it drawed out: five entrances to the body, see, taste, feel, smell and hear, and conscience, and so forth to the soul. And--and then to the spirit, there's one avenue: that's the--your own free moral agency, that's make a decision. You see? You can turn it down or--or you can accept it.
And so now, when a person accepts Christ and is saved, your whole household, your whole family, every family of the earth will be saved. Now, when... or go in.
53 When Christ died, He committed His Spirit to God before He left the--the cross. He said, "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." And the Bible said His soul went to hell and preached (that's His conscience and what He was... ) to the spirits was in prison and His body went to the grave.
Now see, He was behind a barricade of Scriptures. He couldn't rise for three days. And His Spirit was back up here in the Presence of God. Now, after three days, that barricade was taken down, because the Scripture was fulfilled. And His Spirit went to the soul, and the soul went to the body, and He rose up. He said before He died, He said, "I have power to lay My life down. I have power to take it up again."
Now, think of it. Every one of you in here, as far as I know tonight is Christians. Now, look. The thing that's in you now, the Spirit that's in you now is the same Spirit that will raise you up. You have power to lay your life down. You're doing it right now for Christ. And then you have power to take it up again. See? You have power to lay it down and power to take it up.
For it's the very Spirit of God that's in you that raises you up, is the very Spirit of God that was in Christ that raised Him up. So, you have power to lay it down; you have power to take it up.
54 And when you die or--and you--our loved ones or somebody goes on ahead of us, they're not dead. Their spirit's with God. Their soul is under the altar of God. Their body's in the grave, and they know right where it is at.
So, what happens? When the Scripture's all fulfilled, like in the Bible it said, "These souls are under the altar, was crying, 'Lord, how long, how long?" They want to come back to earth and be in bodies. He said, "Just a little longer till your fellow servants has suffered like you have for the testimony of Christ."
Then you see when that Scripture is fulfilled, then them spirits descend right straight under the altar there and take up that soul. That soul goes right down and picks up the body, and there you are, raised again. Think of it. The Holy Spirit that's right in this building tonight, the Holy Spirit that's right here in my heart will raise me up at the last day.
55 This Holy Spirit that's in me now, will see to it that I have a young immortal body and never go with... The Holy Spirit that's in you will see that the gray hairs will fade away and whatever it is. And you--and the old age, if you're so old, and whiskers down, and walking like that, it don't make one bit of difference. That same Holy Spirit, He will just snap it right back at that day, just at a young man and woman. That's the Bible. That's right. The Spirit that's in us right now, right now. Not one that will come, the One that's in us now. It's God in you now. And He will raise... You can raise yourself up. And why can't you do it now? Because see, there's Scripture holding you; you got to wait till the rapture.
See, there you are. You got to stay right there. See? You're not allowed to get this high. If it would be, why, we'd--I'd say we'd build us a little private world. You'd be living over in one world and me on the other one, and then there would be no coming of the Lord Jesus. And what would it be? See?
56 But you have power to do it. Just the least little shadow of God could do anything. 'Cause see, He's--He's omnipotent. You know what omnipotent... He's infinite, infinite, infinite and omnipotent. That's infinite; there's just no... Well, you--you--you just can't explain it, you know. Infinite just is like on a camera, infinite. It's just from there on.
And then omnipotent is all powerful. He's all the way... Standing out yonder and looking through a glass, and I can see a hundred and twenty-million years of light space, when that--when that astronomer had taken me up to look--let me look through that big glass that night. Could see a hundred and twenty-million years of light space...
57 Well, you talking about Jupiter and Mars and these stars that you see now, well my, think what a hundred and... Light travels about... What is it? Eighty... A hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second, a hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second. And take a hundred and twenty-million years. Whew. By one second a hundred and eighty-six thousand, and break it down to a hundred and twenty-million years. Then what do you got? That's miles. Oh, my. It just makes us feel like you're--you're just... See?
But now, and then beyond that, there's just as many moon and stars as there... And He holds them with the power of His own Word. And that very same thing that holds them is in you as a Christian. Oh, my. See, see, there you are. So, there--that's who you are.
58 See, people try to think, "Well, I'm a Christian. I guess I'll have to be dogged around." No, you don't. You're a Christian, brother. That's a high... You're a son of God. Our Father is King. Certainly. Amen. And our Father being King, we're--we're His sons. We're prince and princess (Amen.) to a King. See? The highest there is, highest can be. The very Spirit of our God is in us. That's it.
So, what do we care about what happens here. See, there is the place that counts. This is just a testing time. When Father is finished, let's go. Let's go home. See? So, what difference does it make.
59 So, then in that, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. If your children isn't saved, until they get saved. And Jesus said (now, remember, Saint John 5:24), "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life and shall not come to the judgment."
Then if he don't come to the judgment, where does he go? In the rapture. See? 'Cause that's the judgment after the rapture. See? "Shall not come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Because he's believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't that wonderful? So they--your children will be there with you. Your loved ones will be there with you. And I hope I'm there with you. Amen.
60 All right, have you got another one there, Jimmy boy? [Brother Jimmy reads the next question: "We understand the world was made by faith. Will you please explain a little about faith."--Ed.]
A world was fashioned... Now, over in Hebrews we find out that... We understand that the world was made by--by things which do not appear.
Now, I'll--I'll try to be quick, 'cause I didn't notice all them little--all them questions there. Now, let's just take--go back on a little trip. And--and it's already ten, and I told mommy I'd be ready to go by ten. Are you--are you too sleepy to wait just for a minute? Or too tired? See?
61 Well, look. Before there was anything, let's see before there was a light, before there was a world, before there was a star, before there was a atom, before there was a molecule, there was God. Who is this person God? Is He air, is He light, is He... He's God. That's just all you can say. See?
Just think, a molecule... There's in one little atom, there's so many molecules. See? And then beyond the molecule, before there was even one of them, there was still God. He was all, filled everything. See?
Now, in this God... Now, we're going--we're going to make Him a little--a little form so you can see. Now, inside of this--this person God... The inside of--of this Person was a--there was attributes. And them attributes was to be Father, was to be a Healer, was to be a Saviour; that's what was in this great Person now, that was before a molecule or anything, when there wasn't no molecules, but there's still God.
62 Now, in there was attributes to be Father, to be a Son, to be a Saviour, to be a Healer, to be all those things. Now, this Person that has this, now if--if this Person, God...
Now, what He did... The first thing, let's say, He made (as far as we know, the smallest we can break down) was a molecule. And after He made a molecule, He made a hundred billions of them in a seconds. Just what did He do? He spoke it into existence. And now, you... Here would be a good lesson right here, if we just had time to go into it. See?
Now, He spoke it. And when He said to, molecules went to turning. Then He said, "Let there be atoms." And there are atom's laws. And they still stay in that law, they're trail--still traveling. Everything travels in God's laws.
63 Like the man I was telling you about, the old fellow Brother Banks Wood and I went down, you know, to see him. He was talking about the... how I asked him... He was a infidel, and I asked him, "How does that sap leave the tree in August and go down in the roots? What makes it do it? He... What makes the leaves turn brown?"
He said, "Because the sap..."
"What... Why does the sap go down?"
He said, "Well, it's just--it goes down."
I said, "What if it don't go down?"
Said, "The tree would die."
I said, "Well, what intelligence makes that sap go down in the roots? Put a bucket of water on the post and see if it'll go down in August." See? I said, "What intelligence makes that sap leave the tree and go down into the roots? Something tells it get down there, or it--it--it'll freeze and die, that tree will die. See? And we ain't had no cold weather or nothing yet. But it..."
He said, "Well, it--it's just the nature."
"Well, what is nature? Tell me what nature is." See?
Nature is a law of God. Yeah, it's a law of God.
64 Now, faith is a law of God (See?), the same thing. All this power of God that we're talking about is accessible to us by faith. "All things are possible. Say to this mountain be moved and don't doubt in your heart. Believe what you said come to pass, you can have it." Accessible, if you've got the law, there it is. See? The law is faith that controls all things.
Now, God by His law, made molecules. That's a law of God. Then God made atoms. Then from that, God made a sun. From that, out of the sun made stars. Out of the star... That's little pieces of sun flying off. What did He have? Way back there is His attributes displaying themselves.
65 Then come a world. And after the world come a creation. And after the creation, come a law to creation. After there was a world... What makes this world? How can anybody explain it? Turn a ball any way you want to, throw it in the air, it won't make two turns and make it a billion turns per second, it'll not make two turns in the same place. And yet, we got record of six thousand years, this world has never missed a time, turning twenty-four hours just exactly, standing in nowhere. See?
What is that? This great Person before there was a world--before there was a world, that's that great Person in there, a law of God making it turn. The same law of God, He just spoke it into existence. He's a Creator. He creates. See? And that's why that the world was made without...
By faith, God made the world, because His own faith (See?), made the world. And that's how... Now, He...
66 See, He come down making man and all the animals, till He come down to sin. But He could not make sin. Because He cannot be righteous and the Father of righteousness and make sin. So, you know what He done? He made man in His own image, and knowing that he would fall, but put him on a basis of free moral agency. He said, "Now, don't touch this tree."
Now, He couldn't say... Now, He knowed he was going to touch it. But He couldn't...?... him to touch it. Because He said, "Touch this Tree and you live, and touch this tree and you die." See?
And He knew man would fail, but yet He couldn't make him fail. He had to do it on Hisself... So that makes God righteous. You see? Man fell hisself. After He made him so close to Himself, He put him on a basis of free moral agency, and therefore, there's where he fell. By his own free moral agent act he fell.
And today, each one of you children and each of us adults, is placed by them same two trees. We can accept Life or refuse it. See? So, God just spoke it into existence, and the world was framed. This very floor is God's Word. This thing here is God's Word. Our bodies are God's Word. And everything there is, is God's Word. See? Because it all originated from God.
All right, sir. Now--now, if that isn't right, if that don't clear it up, why, you--you can write me a note and bring it to church...?...
67 All right, Brother Jimmy. [Brother Jimmy reads the next question: "I Corinthians 16:22 explain... "--Ed.]
Let's see, I Corinthians 16:22. All right, sir. Just a minute. These--these little--these little studies in the Scriptures really could help us. It could--it can strengthen you and make you--make you strong, mighty men.
Sixteen you said, son? [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... let him be..." Oh, my goodness. I can't--don't know whether I can pronounce that name or not. A-n-a-t-h-e-m-a M-a-r-a-m-a-t-h-a. Somebody got another Bible, see what... It's broke down. That's antha... What say? Sounds like that would be... What is it, Fred? Get the--get another... Has somebody got another Bible? See if it's in there.
Anathema. Well, what is an anathema? Now, you got me. You know, Fred? Anybody... Any of you all know what anathema is? Got a dictionary? We can find it just in a minute. Get a dictionary.
68 All right, while he is getting that one, maybe I can answer another one. All right, sir. [Brother Jimmy reads the next question: "Explain I beheld and Satan as lighting falling from heaven."--Ed.]
"And I beheld Satan falling from heaven like lightning." Over in Luke is where... Does it give a Scripture there? Just... Well, I suppose that's what it is.
"I beheld Satan falling from heaven like lightning." Now, that would... Now, I'll just kindy outline this, and if it doesn't do it, then you--you just let me know, and I'll go into detail. Do you remember, we'll--we'll get that when we come into--farther on into the Scriptures on our study over there in that... You know, Jesus...
69 That was immediately after that Jesus give His disciples power against unclean spirits. And they went out casting out devils. Sent them two by two, and He said, "Don't go to the Gentiles, but go, rather, to the lost sheep of Israel. And as you go, preach then the Kingdom of heaven, and heal the sick, and cast out devils," and so forth. Well, then... And then, they come back rejoicing, happily (Now, you that asked the question knows that's where it is at. See?)--come back happily rejoicing. And He said--and He said, "Rejoice not that your names... Rejoice not because devils is subject unto you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven." He said, "I beheld Satan falling from heaven like lightning."
See, the power of that Church moving forward had just upset the whole kingdom of Satan. You see? And He saw him as he dropped from his places. Because God had again give power to His Church to go to... He beheld him falling like lightning from heaven. He was cast plumb out of the holy places and everything (You see?), by the power of those--that power of that Church, of them having power. Jesus said, "I give you power over unclean spirits." See? And they really upset the kingdom of Satan. What could we do with it today? Oh, praise the Lord.
70 All right, Brother Jimmy, maybe you got another one. [Brother Jimmy reads the next question: "Explain 'blood unto to the horse's bridle."--Ed.]... bridle bits, the Armageddon (Uh-huh.) in Revelation...
Now, in the last days, we come to a place when Titus in A.D. 70 taken the walls of Jerusalem, and tore down the walls of Jerusalem. They claim that there was so much blood spilled amongst that--right at a million or more Jews that was inside of the walls, until they killed even women, babies... And well, it was so bad till... They'd--they'd rejected the Holy Spirit.
See, now God, when He--when they rejected Christ and called Him a Beelzebub, He said, "I forgive you for that. (See?) I forgive you." But said, "Someday the Holy Spirit is coming" to do the same thing that He was doing. Said, "One word against That won't be forgiven."
71 Well, what'd they do on the day of Pentecost when they seen those people screaming, and dancing, and acting like they were drunk, and screaming, and shouting, and going on? What'd they say? They said, "They're full of wine; they're drunkards," and all like that: Acts 2. And they made fun of them and called them everything. What happened? It sealed them outside of the Kingdom of God. See?
And then when that besiege of Jerusalem came... Now, we're going to get that in Revelations 7; we'll come right back to it, ever who asked the question. We'll come right back to it. And then--and when they...
Titus taking the walls, the history says, on--on Josephus, the early historian who walked the days of our Lord Jesus, and he was a great historian. He said that even that the blood flowed--just gushed out from the gates like that. They killed so many of them in there at one time when they went in.
72 Now, the Bible predicts that in the last days that He will trap Catholicism, Romanism, and all those things, and them--communism, and all of them together in the valleys of Megiddo there, until there will be such a slaughter amongst them, until the blood will flow to a horse's bit--horse's bridle. See, that's in Revela... That'll be in...
But thanks be to the heavenly Father, I don't think we'll be here. By His grace, we won't. We'll be in glory then. See? That will be right after the--the--the--the two prophets has prophesied in the battle of Armageddon. That's when these--when these Gentile nations gets so wicked, just keep on, and the confederation of churches, and all this come together, and God will take the Church, the Elect Church home out of every one. And all the sleeping virgin will be wait...
Now, that bridle's bit there will come out from the sleeping virgins and all them back in that day. And Communism, when they're all meet there, and God said He'd plead with them like He did in--in the days gone by, you know, there in that valley. And that's where it'll ride to the bridle bits of the horses.
Did you ever get that word? Did they... Oh, they're still look... Oh, it... Go ahead, it's all right.
73 [Brother Jimmy reads the next question concerning the three unclean spirits--Ed.] That come out of Revelations, come out of the mouth of the false prophet and the dragon and so forth.
Now, we're going to get that in our study now (You see?), the three unclean spirits is the three isms. Let me type it for you now and you'll see where it--where it started, where it begin. See?
There was communism, fascism, nazism. They were spirits. Communism is a spirit. It gets on you. See? It's a spirit. And that--it'll be something like that, only I'd... It--it... That really isn't it. But it'll be three spirits just like that, which they was kind of a forerunner of. But, of course, you know where... It's in Catholicism. You see? But I'd--I--I want to get a few things on that straight before I say it (You see?), to be sure that I know what...
74 But it is three spirits, just like communism, fascism... And we brought that out years ago, you know. Remember, I told you, I said it would be a--it would be a thing would take place, would be--all wind up in communism. And that's where it's done. That's the same way it'll be at that time. You see? It--it'll be three unclean spirits that'll go forth. It'll...
I really, truly believe right now, just to kindly outline it, if you don't mind... And if I--if I add a little more to it when I go to explain it, well, you'll say, "You didn't explain it altogether down there that night." See? If I do that.
Here's what I think it'd be. I believe it's a spirit, the sleeping virgin, confederation of church, Judaism on the rejecting of Christ, the Jews that rejected it, and Catholicism. Because you see where it come out of the--it come out of the false prophet (See?), out of the mouth of the false prophet which was popery, from out of the beast. See? And all that where it come out of, you can see the backgrounds where it is.
And that's the three unclean spirits that sets the whole world to Armageddon. See? And that's them three unclean spirits. Then you get that right in with the three woes. You remember the other day, I just brought it in. I said... Be seven last plagues, seven seals, and three woes, and two--three unclean spirits, and that--that comes through that.
75 Okay, have you got another one, have you? [A brother reads the next question: "What significance does the Euphrates river have through Bible spiritually speaking?"--Ed.]
Yeah. The Euphrates river, it's always been a great river, because the Euphrates river has a great place in the Bible. The first place we find, that it run right through Eden: Euphrates river did. The Bible says it come right through Eden. The next thing we find out, the Euphrates river also was a river that come right straight down through Babylon--same river. See? Euphrates river come right through Babylon.
Now, we find out that the Angel poured out his vial upon the Euphrates river and dried it up, that the king of the north might come down. And I think what that will actually be, will be at the end time when they come into Armageddon. See, they have to come right down through Egypt there, to get into it. Right down through them countries, they'll have to cross the Euphrates to get in there.
76 See, the Euphrates river runs today. We--we know that. You see? And--and the Amazon, South America, and the Nile in Egypt, and the Euphrates, and the... Oh, what is that other one? There is two rivers there in--that headed up there at the head of Eden. And the--the Euphrates river is when this great... made way for it to come down. See, making way for the king of the north to come down, the kings.
That'll be--that'll take place during the time of the battle of Armageddon in the last days. You see? That Euphrates river... Was that all of them? Or did... That was all of them.
77 Now, I just in my mind (See?), about that--what this person is if they reject Christ. It's just... You might look it up for your own self in a--in a--in the dictionary. Because it's not something that it would... I wouldn't speak it out--right out here now. But you look it up, and you'll see what it means. It... You could just, in other words... There's two or three places in the Scripture I could refer to you the things like that.
Like, in other words, like King Nebuchadnezzar said, "Any man that wouldn't--that wouldn't bow down to this so-and-so... under the Daniel's God and everything, let his house be taken away, his children burned, and his house made a dunghill." See? And we realize what those words are; they're just brought out and said like that. But if you just look back in the dictionary, it'll--it'll tell you just what it is. You see? What that is.
78 Well, these little old things are enlightening, and I--I--I didn't put as much on them if they--as I should've stood and put. Because you see, it's a--it's... everybody... You all are working tomorrow, and I am going to--and, the Lord willing, to Miami. And it's a quarter after ten. And I don't want to hold you too long. And I think my young ones are asleep. And I guess yours is too. And so there we are. And--and the little fellows get sleepy quick.
But I want to say this: Them's real, real, nice questions, every one of them, real good. And I wished if I have another question night or something another, at the Tabernacle, that you all... If I mention it that morning, you'd give them questions over to me so I could--could get a little time to study them.
79 As you know, it's just offhand, then you--you start talking, and I'm a great person to take too much time on anything. And here, you notice my technique in preaching, that's the reason I keep you there all day (You see?), nearly. I just preach too long.
But did you notice Billy Graham? Now, Billy Graham's a trained preacher. And he's a great man. And Billy Graham, he will set his text right there. He will back off out here and just keep hammering at that text, just constantly all the time. He will never let his voice drop, hardly, just keep hammering into that text. See?
That's the way the Holy Spirit has him preaching. See? That's his technique of doing it. That's the way he does it.
Charles Fuller, many of you has heard him. He is a wonderful old man. And so, Charlie Fuller is a, like Bible expositor. He's a--he likes to--to teach and to--how he goes about things, you know. And everything, he just lays it in Christ, and a great old teacher. You notice what he does. He doesn't preach; he just teaches it.
80 Well now, if you notice, the little simple way that I have it. I set a text out here, whatever my text is. And I go way back out here and get my context. I bring it over here and lay it right in line with my text. And then go back over here and get something else. And bring it over here, and lay it down over here. Then I go back over here and get something else, till I get it all down here to right, and then drive it home on my text, just all at one time.
The reason I used to have these little old sermons... I used to try to preach. 'Course, you've been around me long and know I'm not a preacher. But like, "Believest Thou This?", "Speak To The Rock.","Come See A Woman," and all like that, you know, just little three words. Just... I'd build it all around about the woman at the well and what it was. And then hit right down at the last, then see, "Come See A Man. Come See A Man," then "Speak To The Rock." I take Israel and bring them out, and see, I get my context, and put it over here in line with my text, never hit my text yet.
81 And you noticed awhile ago in splaining--explaining that just awhile ago, same thing. On that Roman there (See?), saying, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved." See, that's a question, being saved. See, I went back, and got what all that was, and pulled it out, and went back, and got Job, and all of them, pulled it over here in--in the road, and then drive it down. That's what it is; it's faith. You see? Job used faith. The Roman used faith. We're ready to use faith and everything. See, just...
And I think that way if I, in doing it to my way, if I could get the people interested enough to listen to what you're trying to build to, then save your main text here for the last point, and then drive it in. Then say... Oh, the rest of it opens up. 'Cause you see, you see it.
See, you just--you reach over here, and got a loose line, and pull this one in. And--and trouble of it is, I leave too many loose lines, so I--that I don't get.
82 Well, it's really been nice for you all to come down here, and set, and talk with us, and everything. And I appreciate it. And I want to say again with all my heart; I mean this with all that's in me. I never realized what a great thing you people are paying. I--I just... If it wasn't for seeing you, and wasn't for loving you, and the things that I do, I'd say, "I ain't going to preach at that Tabernacle another time." To see you all have to drive fifteen, eighteen hundred miles a trip to go and hear a service.
Now, I appreciate that great loyalty. But yet, I think of what you're doing. See? Mmm. And I--I just trust to God that every one of you in the land beyond the river, you and your children, your little ones and all, that I'll--I'll see you over there. And I hope I'll be there. I trusting I'll be there.
Now see, every one of you may--may not one of your children be lost, not one of you lost; may we all be there at that day. And--and even to our little sister out there, the--the little colored lady out there, washing the dishes, out there in--in--in the other room.
I--I remember down here one day, talking to that woman. I believe... Is that the same woman? And her husband, I believe I met--met him over there one time. Or no, it's a boy that works for you. Seemed to be a fine little old guy. And I--I just hope we're all meet there where we--there will be no disappointments. And no more setting up late at night, because there'll be no night.
83 Oh, my brother, sister, if I could just--if I could just any way explain what it was that morning, when I was laying there beside my little wife there, and He lifted me up from that bed, and took me up there, and let me look a past the curtain.
If I could only just have the power now to explain to you what that looked like and what it was... I seen them all there. And they were all young. And I--I couldn't recognize them. See, they was all coming up to me, and putting their arms around me, and everything. And they were--they were human beings. See? They wasn't some kind of a feathers, like a... They say a angel... I don't think a Angel has feathers, although they just--they just say that. You see?
But an angel is a messenger. And that--the word means a messenger. So, I don't think they have feathers and things like that. But it's just... They were all there, and they were all happy. And they were no--could not be nothing else but happy. And if there wasn't no more than that, I would--it would pay us for all the running and things we do, and--and all like that.
84 But I want you to... I want to say this, that I believe too, that the Bible said in the last days there'll come a famine in the land. And that famine won't be for bread and water, but for hearing the true Word of God. And people will run from east, from west, from north and south, seeking to hear the Word of God. And we're just about living in that day now. See? When...
Not disregarding anybody (You see?), not disregarding our churches, no, sir... But if you know, I believe that in the pulpits of many of these churches, we have fine men, good men, real men of God. But they're afraid if they say anything that's contrary to what that organization says, then they'll be kicked out. Then they're left in the cold.
And I believe what the man needs is some courage. And I believe that, why, I believe God wants to take somebody and make an example to show that He will take care of them, regardless of their organization. So, that's what I'm--hope He will do with me, to help me, let me... And if I...
85 And listen, Christians. If ever one time... I--I'll--I charge you before God and the--and the elect Angels, that you do... If any time that you see that I'm doing something wrong, won't you please come tell me? 'Cause I--I--I love you too well to miss you over there. And I know you're going. So, I... You come tell me. If you see me in the wrong any time, something that I do that's not right, something that would put a stumbling block in your way.
Now, there is a lot of times, I get around here and laugh, and cut up, and say things. What am I trying to do? I'm trying to let off some of that wound up feeling in me. You see? Just it isn't that I want to do that. See? It isn't that I want to even laugh or... And to come down here and get with Brother Welch so I can hear him tell a little something another about, oh, the--the little boy--a colored boy out there. And he caught a fish, and the warden caught him, and said he was catching turtle baits. And--and like... Something you know, on that order.
86 And the little... When that little preacher told me... I was telling them, the little girls today, about the little poodle dog being Fefe and Fifi. You see? And--and like... What am I doing that for? To--to laugh, make myself laugh, to--to bring myself down.
When you step above this mortal realm up into them realms there, it--it's--it keeps you in a twist, you know what I mean. And then just think, here it is just think. With this ministry, you remember what I am going to have to answer for? Not just for Tifton, Georgia, not for Indiana, not for the United States, but I got to answer before the world for a worldwide ministry. See? I got to answer to the heathens. I got to answer to God for the heathens, rather. See?
And when I get setting at home and think, "Well, I believe--I believe--I believe..." Like the other day up there, and I get so wound up, and I said, "I--I--I'm going on and have another meeting." And I go on and have another meeting. And the first thing you know, I'm so wound up, I--I got to go hunting; I got to go fishing; I got to get out with somebody. I--I got to do something, 'cause I'm just a man, just a human being. You see? And that--that's what... You understand that.
87 But if you ever think I get anywhere out of the way with it, you come tell me. I'll stop it, boy, like a clam of... No matter what happens. 'Cause I--I want you to understand; I have no secrets. Everything that I know, you know too. See? All that the Lord has showed me that He will permit me to tell, I've told it. And I hold nothing back. And--and my life is open. You--you--you know what I am and what I'm made out of. And I'm just--try to live every day the same as in--far as I can.
'Course, a lot of times you see me when I'm moody, and I feel bad, and tired, and weary, or something like that. 'Course, I--that goes along with the ministry, you know; you realize that, you... If you look back through the pages of time, you'll see that men that way, did that way. We all get those.
But the thing of it is, we want to understand one another. I realize that you have your ups-and-downs too. I'm not the only one has them. You have them. And when you're having yours, I'll try to understand. When I'm having mine, you try to understand. And when I'm overseas somewhere, or way out in a meeting somewhere, and the devils are everywhere a piling up and challenged me and everything else, why, you all remember, just pray for me. Will you do that?
88 Can we have a little word to Him now? Heavenly Father, it's been glorious to stand here and talk to this bunch of Blood-washed children. I realize tonight, I'm standing just like Saint Paul stood many years ago, little house meetings where they come. And Paul come over to Aquila and Priscilla's, and--and how they must have had--gathered the people in. And he went... Rome and had a house rented. And he received those that come in.
And here tonight, the people from--that comes to the Tabernacle. And--and the people that's--drives all these miles, that I've just been trying to tell them how much I appreciate it... Lord, I don't have words even, that I can tell them with, how much I appreciate them. But Father, I pray that You'll let them know in their hearts what I mean.
And dear God, if... Please, I pray that You will answer my prayer for them. Save them every one, Lord. May there not be one of them lost or any of their families lost; may they every one be there.
89 I pray for their little ones. I think this little boy laying here in his daddy's lap, and his mommy's setting, watching, and think of the days that is to come. If there is a tomorrow, how do I know that that same little boy won't pack the Gospel? God, I pray that You'll bless the little lad, all the others, the little girls and boys, and be with them all. Be with Brother and Sister Evans that's opened up their house, house of prayer.
Be with us now and forgive us of our sins. And God, if they ever get sick and they have to call, God, let me live such a life that they'll believe that You'll hear me. And then hear me when I pray for them, Lord. Grant it. And hear when they're praying for me, 'cause I need their prayers, Father. And every time they're praying for me, won't You hear, Lord? When I am praying for them, hear, Lord. And together we'll serve You all of our lives. And in that great day, we hope to come up to Your house someday. And when we knock at the door, won't You let us in, Father. Until that time, watch over us, and bless us, and keep us ever true. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
90 Thank you very much, folks. And I'm sorry to have kept you here till--till al--almost ten-thirty. This little lad laying here, sleeping like a little trooper. How old is he? Two. Through with it?
How are you, sister, I don't know whether I shook your hand when I come in or not. Well, it's nice seeing you again, and you, Brother Willie.
Fred, I guess you'll be leaving out in the morning, going back towards the house. You're taking my--my alligator back. See you up home, Brother Wood. Lord bless you. And you, Brother Scott. Nice seeing you again, brother. I believe I've seen you before somewhere, haven't I? I thought I had. Your face is familiar.
Brother Wayne, the Lord bless you. And I still think I ought to fill up your tank with gasoline for coming down eighty miles to bring this minister to me. Bless you, son. Bless you, sister. And all of my teasing you... I'm just teasing, you know that don't you?
91 God bless you, Sister Evans. That was really nice breakfast, and supper, and your fine hospitality. Remember, Jesus said this. "Insomuch as you have done it unto the least..." Now, you didn't hear Him say, "Insomuch as you done it to the greatest..." See? See, that might--that'd be somebody else. But "Insomuch as you have done unto the least..." I guess that'd be me. So, you've done it to me.
Nice seeing you again too, sister. God ever be with you. I... Oh, my. How could you say it wasn't your mother? You look so much alike.
It's nice getting to see you, sister. I believe you are the wife of the--this young fellow there. And you're Brother Scott. Are you all sisters? Well, I thought you were sisters. I sure did. Nice to get to see you again. And keep up the good courage, my brother. And say, maybe this is a new one. I didn't notice this girl here. Oh, well, I'm glad to meet you, sister. The Lord bless you.
Nice seeing you, sister. And he will be good for something. Just take him. God bless you, brother. Brother Evans, God be with you, boy.
92 Now, honey if you'll get our young ones, we better get going. God bless you, my brother. And then I tell you, before we go, let's just stand up to our feet and sing this little song. Will you sing a little verse with me like that little...? Is it all right?
God be with you till we meet again!
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again!
Till we meet. Till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet. Till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again!
Here's the way we used to do at the little prayer meetings, let's take hold of each other's hands, right around like this. See? And we sing this little hymn. Make a little circle, be together. That's the way. You see? You just got a contact with each other that way, you know. Let's sing. Do you know this little song?
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
'Tis like to that above.
Before our Father's throne,
We pour our mutual prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,
Our comforts and our cares.
When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
93 Now, with our heads bowed, let's just repeat that model prayer. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
God bless you, each one, now. Until we meet again.
Brother Welch, you mean you got all that on tape down there? Mmm. Well, I wish you all, come go to Florida with us. If Lord willing... I--I tell you what I'm doing, I'm trying to take the kiddies out. You see, they're--they didn't get to finish their vacation. Their grandmother had a heart attack and we had to come back. So therefore, I'm taking them out to kindy finish their vacation, 'cause they got to start in school again, right away. So, I will take them somewhere tomorrow, maybe down at St. Petersburg or somewhere.
94 [Brother Branham has conversations with various people--Ed.]
I got to get back, maybe, before Sunday. [Brother Evens speaks about a museum--Ed.] Oh? Yes? Well, I'd like go up and see them. Yes, sir. I haven't been in the museum now. That's that... What was it? Ripley's Museum. And that's at St. Petersburg? Down at Saint... I mean at St. Augustine.
Yeah, I go over here at... This is Jacksonville is where I go first, isn't it? Yeah, back... 'Cause I get this thing turned around. Back this way to Jacksonville, and then I go out through La Crosse, you say, and out through that way?...?... Waycross. Uh-huh.
95 The Tabernacle faces east and west. I built... It... When you come in from the--the front, you know where Eighth Street runs up this way? You're going right east then. See? And then, the--the... Then if you will stand up... And when I'm preaching, I'm preaching towards the west. And see now, I do that so the altar would be to the east, because Jesus is coming from the east. And then that--that let's me... The altar, we bow always to the east. See?
Well usually, I don't know. It's just what I always did. I seen in the Bible, they... Usually back there, Daniel said he went and pulled up the windows, you know, and everything like that. And prayed at--to the east. And--and so...
And I noticed in the old Mosaic temple, I think, faced the east, the altar did. And so, of course, God will hear you wherever you are. You see? Regardless... Yes, sir. Well now, I have seen a time when I'm prayed up and everything, I--I just don't--I just don't get turned around. See? I just come around.
96 But now, if I'm not watching and anything like that and just go down and jump at it, I'll just... There is two--one place that I know of, that I can never get straightened out. And yet I know where it's at. And that's down at Grandma Cox's. I can go down there. And I just can't get that straight. And there's going to be something, looking to me like, happen there someday.
I go right here at this gate, and it's--that's just as due south as it can be, turning to my right. But it isn't. See? It isn't. It's vice versa. See? And I--I just...
And if I get into the woods, now like I get lost or something another, and then if I'd turned around... Now, if I get all excited, well, I--I can't do it. See? But if you'll just stand still a few minutes and say, "Heavenly Father, help me." And brother, I can just as--direct that to you just as easy. That's right.
97 One time I come out of...?... with Brother Wood and Sister Wood, we was coming out of Chattanooga. And Brother Wood was driving on... I guess that's 41, just going back. So, it... I--I was so tired. Oh, I was so tired. And I just laid down back, after the service, and laid down back there and went to sleep in the back of the car. I woke up. But when I raised up, I said... Fog? you couldn't hardly see your hand before you. And I said, "Hey, Brother Wood, you're going wrong."
He said... See, I had just come out of that meeting. And he said; he said, "Oh, no." Said, "I'm going, I," said, "I'm going 41."
I said, "But you're--you're going south."
And said, "Now, how can you tell in a fog like this? See, you can't even see the road."
I said, "But to... you're... I can tell right now that you're going--you're--you're going south."
He said, "No, no. See there, that's 41."
I said, "But it's wrong."
Well, we drove on a little piece. And he kept arguing with me that he was right. Just said, "I'm staying right on 41, going to Memphis."
And I said, "You just watch." And we pulled in the filling station. And I said, "How far is it to Memphis?"
He said, "You--you have to turn around, boy, you're in Georgia." Said, "Go on back this way." We ain't going to let... Yes, sir. Yes, sir? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Well, if you don't notice...
98 And I remember one time, I was lost up in the mountains. And there's when... I--I thought I was too good a woodsman to ever be lost. But I really got lost. And my wife was with me, and Billy Paul was a little baby. And they... I left them. And I went...
I went to hunt a bear. You see? And I was hunting bear. And I--and I run into a big buck deer across there. I'd shot this buck, and I thought, "Well, I'd better get back." And I know I'd come down... I was up in the Adirondack. And I went up the mountain like this, and I... Something crossed the road. And it was a--it was a mountain lion. And he just laid his ears back. And just before he--I got my gun up quick enough to shoot, he got away. You see? And Meda had never been in the woods in her life. See? And...
Well, it was on that honeymoon time. See? And I worked a good one there. You see? The same time I got married, then I, you know, I taken her on our honeymoon and go hunting the same time. You see? So--so--so I... And I--I thought, "Well now, now how did I go?" I... And I come up this a way, and turned down, and went over, and hit a ledge, and went down through a little pocket. I knowed I was down towards the giant somewhere, towards the Canadian side, but I didn't know just where it was at. And it come up a storm.
99 And all at once, you know, them snow storms. And oh, the fog was so low, you couldn't even see your hand before you. And that's when you--in them country, you better set down if you don't know where you're at. 'Cause you'll die right there. See? And just get you a place, and holed up, and get something to eat, and wait for a day or two till the storm is over. And then get out and see where you are at.
So, I couldn't holed up. Meda was in the woods, and never been in the woods before, in a little lean-to, not even a door to it, just, you know, it was a little lean-to, like that. So, there I was in that shape. And oh, my. I got, went right, started right up like this. And I thought, "Well, I turned off up here somewhere." And I come right back to where I shot the deer. I took off again, and I said, "I got to find my way out of here. My wife and baby will die in the woods." See?
100 And it turning cold. And that fog ripping through, which was going to be snow in just a little bit. You see? And I started up again, and I come back to the deer again. Done it three times. Well, I knew then... I said, "Well, I--I'm going... I--I'm somewhere..."
See, now the Indian calls that the death walk. You're on a flat place, and you're walking around and around in circles. See? Now, with a compass, you wouldn't do that. See? But you're walking around in a circle. The Indian calls it, you're on the death walk. See? 'Cause you just get frantic then. That's when they lose their mind and start running, screaming, and everything. Until they finally plunge over a cliff or something and get killed, or either kill themselves.
101 And then, I--I remember I said, "Well, I'm going right straight." I--I...?... And I got kinda delirious, and I thought, "Set down. Why, you old fool. You know you're not lost. You--you can't get lost." You see? And I kept saying that. Well that, see it--it just wasn't there. When there is something that isn't there, you can't bluff it, you know. Just like...
And so, I said, "Well, I'm not lost. I know exactly where I am. Sure. I come right in this a way. That's exactly right." Going along talking to myself like that, you know, and just a sweating as hard as I could. Now, if I'd been by myself, I'd just went over somewhere, and pulled in a little place, and waited till the storm was over. Maybe a day or two, but would been all right. Got me a piece of my deer and let her go. You see? But you couldn't do that, and the wife in the woods. And they were in the woods. Why, they'd die that night. They wouldn't know how to take care of themselves in the woods. See?
102 So, I thought... I was just going along there and I heard something say, "I am the Lord, a very present help in a time of trouble." I just kept on walking. I thought, "Now, I'm getting delirious. You see? I'm thinking I'm hearing things." This is just when she first married, twenty years ago. I just kept going like this. It said, "I'm the Lord, a very present help in the time of trouble." And it said that three or four times.
And after while, I stopped, and I thought that--that "Either I'm beside myself or Almighty God has got mercy on me." And I just knelt down and set my gun down. And I said, "God, I confess I'm lost." You see, I said, "I--I'm lost. And then you... I'll never... I can never get out of here with... And I thought I was too good a woodsman to ever be lost. But" I said, "I'm completely turned around. There's no..." Done got excited. You see? "So, there's no way at all for me to ever find my way out. And I--I don't deserve to live, Sir. But my wife and baby does." See? "So, help me to get to them, so that they won't die in the woods." I said, "I don't deserve to live, but they do." And--and I said, "If You'll just help me, I'll be very thankful to You." I got up. I said, "Now, I'm going to set my face right this way, and I know I'm going straight towards to where I left Meda and them." But I...?... was I'm going right into Canada (You see?) on a death walk (See?) going right into Canada.
103 And I started like this, and all at once, I felt something go [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] a hand. "Who is that?" And looked up. And just in time to look back. And just enough fog cleared away, till I seen the top of Hurricane Mountain. And they was camped just below the Hurricane Mountain.
Well, then I just stood there and wept like a baby, praising God, you know, for helping me. And then, I had to take out that way. And it got dark on me. And--and deers and things jump up in front of me. But I hadn't... After it got dark, I know the ranger and I... when this ranger's cabin is right there by that lean-to, but it was locked up. And then, that's--that's twenty-five miles from the closest house from there on down. You see? And then up here on the mountain, here by the ranger's cabin, and then on up to the tower, up on the big peak up there... Well, I knowed I was on the peak somewhere. But them mountains are many, many, many miles around, you know: Thirty, forty miles--fifty, around the mountain there. And so I thought, "Now, if I can only hit that wire that comes down across there." He and I put it up for a call, you know. Tack it on the trees, and it goes down to his station. And then they relay it from the--from the--from the tower, you know, down to the station.
104 Then he was coming up in a few days to bear hunt with me. And it got night. Then I couldn't see, you know. And it was dark anyhow. It got dark in about thirty, forty minutes. And it was only about two or three o'clock in the afternoon. But I hold my hand up like this, and I'd walk. And I'd just get it... hold my gun in this hand and walk, you know. And I knowed that wire is just about this high, where we tacked it on the trees all the way along.
And I thought, "If I could just hit that wire." And I would hit a limb like that, you know. And I thought, "I... No, that's a limb." You see? And I try again. And then when I changed... And my arm would get to aching; I hold it up so long. I'd change and put my gun here and step back a couple steps, you know, to be sure that I didn't overstep it. You see? Because... and like that.
105 And brother, along--and done pitch black dark, you know. And I'd been walking about a hour in that darkness, and my hand hit that wire. I felt it. Well, I just bowed my head and started crying, you know. And I thought, "Lord, right at the end of this line waits my wife and everything. See?" I thought, "That's right." And I stood there and held my head down and thanked Him for it. And I thought, "Yes, Lord. I got my hand in Yours. It's a current, a line. And right at the end of this line that I'm holding now in my heart, holds everything that's dear to me (See?), all my loved ones, my Lord, My Saviour. All that's dear to me lays at the end of this line." So, I wouldn't let my hand get off that line. And I followed that line right down the mountain.
Although there was a little--a little broke--half-broken trail there, where we'd come up, you know. But I wouldn't trust that. I just held the line. When I hit a tree, I peel right around the tree and catch it again, go on to the next tree, and then catch it on down. It's about three miles down the mountain. And I got down there. And Meda was almost in hysterics, you know. just such a fix. But that's it. See? There's nothing, no feeling, like being lost. What about lost--being lost in the woods. But what about being lost from God? That's when it's bad.
106 Well, Meda? Come on, honey. Brother Welch has to go to work. And Banks and them will probably want a early start. And all these other brethren wanting to go to work. And our sisters have to--to get the kids all washed and... Thank you. Thank you.
If you enjoyed it half as much as I did, talking with you... It was wonderful. Yes, sir.
Brother Welch, thanks for that nice time this afternoon too, we had out there with the--taking me out to that--them gator swamps out there. Sister, you all, I sure thank you for that nice supper. Oh, my.
You got a little girl in there too? She has got the prettiest hair. I noticed she had it plaited, kind of a real yellowish, gold-looking hair. That--that's really pretty. I want to comment you on your hair too, sister. I know it's better. I believe you used to wear short hair, didn't you? Kindy down to your shoulders, kindy bobbed or something like... Or did you? Yes. I... Yes. I... Well, it really looks nice now. See?
107 I was noticing these--all these women here, with their long hair and everything. It looks like... It...
Oh, they could be as nice one way as the other, you know, whether they had short hair or not, but it just looks so, you know. You know what I mean. You just... Maybe it's just me. But...
There's that little girl. She is a little bit bashful, isn't she?
108 Can I pack him, honey? Where's she at? Oh... No. You hear them tell me? Did you get that? She said we had to wait for Becky to come, but said that don't mean you have to go over there and start preaching again.
Hasn't that little girl got pretty hair too, honey? She's a cookie with her little pony-tail hanging down there too, little strawberry blond and...
No. I'm going to get out and see if that old--get that old Cadillac started if I can, Brother Welch. And I'll... You excuse me just a minute, and I'll see if I can... Sometimes she coughs a little bit and barks, you know, and... What, Bernie?
1Poviem vám... to by... to... Viem, že sem neprichádzate, aby ste počúvali mňa. Rozumiete, pretože nikto by necestoval tak ďaleko, aby počúval kazateľa. Prišli ste sem, pretože veríte Posolstvu a veríte v Krista. A ja si to vážim.
A som tak vďačný, že mám takých priateľov. Že mám niekoho, kto si cení vaše úsilie, to, čo sa snažíte robiť, že cestujete tak ďaleko pri vašich podmienkach. Jediná vec, ktorú môžem povedať, prial som si... Hovoril som Méde; povedal som, „Zaujímalo by ma, či by sme mohli mať všetkých ľudí, ktorí prišli z okruhu päťdesiatich míľ, doma na večeru?“ Vidíte?
Neviem, čo by sme s nimi mohli robiť. Rozumiete?
Pretože najväčšia časť nášho zboru, myslím, že osemdesiat percent z nich, ste vy ľudia. Je to zložené od Mississippi, Alabamy a Georgie a takých miest, odkiaľ ste prišli. A myslíte si...
A nikto z nich, ktorí sem prichádzajú, nie sú bohatí ľudia. Oni sú skrátka obyčajní ľudia. A viem, že to stojí mnoho vašich – šetríte svoje centy, aby ste sem prišli. Pretože viem, ako veľa benzínu to stojí, aby ste prišli a išli. A okrem toho sa auto opotrebúva a derie na ceste – tam a späť je asi, ó, myslím, že okolo tisícšesťsto, tisícsedemsto míľ kvôli jednej kázni. A chodiť takto každý týždeň. Pomyslite na to. Rozumiete?
2Ja skrátka – cítim sa kvôli tomu malý. Úprimne. Práve tak, ako by som bol pol palca vysoký a postavil sa tu pred vami, aby som vám skutočne povedal, ako si to cením.
Žena a ja sme sa rozprávali, ak by ste vy ľudia neprichádzali, keď mám službu v modlitebni, nebolo by mi to nič platné chodiť dole. Pretože tu v tejto miestnosti je práve teraz viac ľudí, než by bolo tam, keby to nebolo pre vás, ľudia. To je úplná pravda.
A to vypĺňa to, čo hovorí Písmo. V našej vlastnej krajine, medzi našimi vlastnými ľuďmi... Vy – vaša úcta a česť vždy prichádza od cudzích. Neviem prečo. Ale nemyslel som... Myslel som zvonka vášho vlastného domova. Samozrejme, nemyslel som, že všetci ste cudzí, ste moji priateľskí bratia a občania v Kráľovstve Božom.
3A prednedávnom som mal tu dole malého vypchatého aligátora. A povedal som bratovi Welchovi, že prichádzam dole, aby som si ho vzal. A deťom sa neskončili prázdniny. A myslel som, že by som s nimi mohol zabehnúť dole na Floridu, ráno dole do St. Petersburgu. A ďalej som chcel ísť hore do Miami a prejsť okolo Tamiami Trail a naspäť domov. A oni hneď musia ísť do školy a myslel som si, že by to mohol byť dobrý čas, aby som sa zastavil po aligátora.
A tak brat Welch – brat Fred a brat Wood prišli so mnou a to mi dalo šancu zobrať so sebou deti. A oni pôjdu späť vyzdvihnúť môjho aligátora. A myslel som, že kým som tu dole, rád by som len mal – vašu malú skupinu pohromade, aby som vám povedal, ako si vás cením – ako si cením vaše úsilie.
4A brat a sestra Evans a brat a sestra... Pamätám si to … Vaše iniciálky, ja vám hovorím S. T., viem, že to je T. S. Ja... Je také kloktadlo, ústna voda, ktorú volajú ST37, a takto vás nazývam S. T. Nie podľa... A to je tiež dobrá vec. Je to skvelé. To podľa môjho názoru porazilo všetky tie ostatné prípravky. Používajú to v armáde a ja to používam skoro na všetko. Na kloktanie a ako ústnu vodu a beriem si to so sebou na poľovačku. Ak sa mi tam zraní kôň, trochu toho nalejem, viete. Skrátka na hocičo. Je to dobré na všetko.
Myslím, že si sa tiež presvedčila, že on je taký, alebo nie, sestra? Vo všetkom, niekedy umyje riad, a tak ďalej...
5A tak, myslel som, že možno... dnes večer som sa pýtal, povedal som bratovi Welchovi, „Čo by si – čo by sme mali povedať, keď sa ľudia zhromaždia? Myslíš...“ Mysleli sme, že možno, ak ste mali nejakú prostú otázku vo svojej mysli, len niečo obyčajné, čo by ste mohli, možno niečo, čo by som mohol zodpovedať, niečo, čím by ste nechceli zaberať čas tam v modlitebni, keď ste tam, nejaká malá otázka. Preto som sa tu zastavil.
Tak, vieme, že ideš ráno do práce. Je desať minút po deviatej. Tak pôjdeme rovno do toho. Ale pred tým, ako to urobíme, mohli by sme len skloniť hlavy kvôli slovu modlitby.
6Náš Nebeský Otče, sme tak radi za Ježiša Krista, nášho Pána, ktorý zachránil naše duše od života v hriechu a učinil nás občanmi Svojho Kráľovstva. Skrze Jeho milosť sme spasení a nie je to z nás, alebo skrze naše skutky, ale sme spasení skrze Jeho milosť.
A tak sa z toho tešíme. A vieme, že jedného dňa Ho uvidíme. Pretože budeme mať telo ako Jeho vlastné oslávené telo a uvidíme Ho takého, aký je. V tejto dobe ešte nevieme, ako to bude prebiehať. Ale nie je na nás, aby sme to vedeli. My na to iba očakávame skrze vieru. A všetko chodenie je vierou. A tak sme vďační za tieto veci.
Modlíme sa, aby si požehnal týchto ľudí, Pane. Keď som sem išiel, Ty vieš, čo bolo včera večer v našich srdciach, mojej ženy a v mojom, keď sme sa po ceste rozprávali. Ako nádherne sa cítime, že máme priateľov, ktorí sa obetujú, aby prišli počúvať Evanjelium Syna Božieho, precestujú všetky tie tisíce míľ cez deň a noc, aby počuli len jedno posolstvo.
7Bože, modlím sa, aby si dal každému jednému slávny domov v Kráľovstve. Požehnaj ich, kým sú tu na zemi. Nech prosperujú v čomkoľvek, čo robia. Nech to prosperuje.
A tieto malé deti, Pane, zatiaľ len malí spoločníci. A mnohí z nich sú tu dospievajúci a jednako sedia s úctou a rešpektom ako dospelí. Bože, myslím, že sú najlepší v krajine. Modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal, Pane. Nech by nikdy netúžili po ničom inom. A nech v tom veľkolepom Kráľovstve na druhej strane, keď celá rodina bude zhromaždená dokopy, som si istý, že oni tam budú, Otče. Modlím sa, aby si tam mal každého jedného z nich. Nech sa nikdy neodvrátia od tej vznešenej úzkej cesty, po ktorej boli učení kráčať. Udeľ to, Pane.
8No, dnes večer som si myslel, Otče, že by sme zistili, čo je v srdciach týchto ľudí. Ty poznáš ich srdcia. A modlím sa ku Tebe, Otče, aby si mi pomohol pri – odpovedať na ich otázky. Aby to mohlo byť pre nás na dobré. Aby nám to bolo na dobré, byť tu, a aby sme mohli ísť ďalej hovoriac, „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia vďaka Jeho Prítomnosti?“
Príď teraz, Pane. Prechádzaj okolo stoličiek. Polož Svoju ruku na každé rameno. A pohlaď Svojou rukou zjazvenou od klinca každé srdce, aby sme mohli vedieť, že to je náš Pán, ktorý je na blízku. Lebo o to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
9Myslím, že tu máme Bibliu. Len by som tu rád iba na chvíľu prečítal Písmo, aby sme trocha začali – pred tým, ako sa dostaneme do lekcie – alebo lepšie povedané k otázkam.
A toto – rád by som toto prečítal, miesto, ktoré som dnes popoludní našiel. Išli sme autom, viezol som sa s bratom Welchom – na prednom sedadle nákladného auta brata Sothmanna. A čítal som niečo, o čom som si pomyslel, že by som o tom skrátka rád hovoril, len na pár minút. Ak to dokážem nájsť v jeho... Ó, áno. Tu to je.
V 16. kapitole Skutkov a začneme od 37. verša.
Ale Pavel im povedal: Najprv nás...
(Prepáčte. To nie je tam, kde chcem – práve tam, kde som to chcel začať čítať.)Je to... Čítal som tu kúsok, len... Len chvíľu a nájdem to. Tu sme. Je to 29. verš – 28. verš, začnime.
Ale Pavel zavolal veľkým hlasom a povedal: Neurob si ničoho zlého, lebo sme všetci tu!
A keď si vypýtal svetlo,
skočil do vnútra a trasúc sa padol pred Pavla a Sílasa,
A vyvedúc ich von povedal: Pánovia, čo mám činiť, aby som bol spasený?
A oni mu povedali: Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.
Je to práve jedna z týchto malých prekrúcaných otázok, o ktorej som myslel, že by som rád na chvíľu hovoril, na tému „Tvoj dom,“ vidím, že každý jeden máte svoj dom tak pekne daný do poriadku. Vaše deti sú spasené a to je pekné, že máte celú vašu rodinu kresťanskú. Pretože ja... My chceme naše rodiny. Každý jeden premýšľame o našich deťoch. A istotne môžem pochváliť vás skvelých ľudí, ktorí ste tu dole, za vaše pekné deti, ako ich máte všetci v poriadku a všetko také. Ja...
10Ako sa máš, sestra? Myslím, že toto je... Nebola to tvoja mama, ktorá tam vzadu práve prišla? Nech ťa Pán žehná. Som rád, že ťa dnes večer opäť vidím. A verím, že toto je manželka brata Willieho, je to tak? A rovno tam je šéf rodiny, ako som pochopil, že … Takto to chodí v našom dome.
A mať svoj dom. No, Pavol tu povedal tomuto rímskemu stotníkovi, keď bol... Zistili sme, že Pavol bol večer predtým zbitý, velitelia tak rozkázali a bol zbitý, pretože, neurobil nič zlé: Bol tam hore a kázal Evanjelium. A tamojšie duchovenstvo tam bolo proti Pavlovi, pretože kázal Evanjelium. A oni povedali, že obracia svet hore nohami.
11A on išiel po ulici a bola tam malá veštica. Žena s vešteckým duchom. A bola najatá, aby veštila. A keď išli dole ulicou, ona kričala po Pavlovi a hovorila, „Toto sú mužovia Boží, ktorí nám zvestujú cestu života.“
A Pavol nepotreboval diabla, aby mu v čomkoľvek asistoval, a tak sa len obrátil a pokarhal toho ducha v tej žene. A keď to urobil, ó, to spôsobilo rozruch, keď to zistili, že ten duch ju opustil a ona nemohla viac veštiť.
A tak ten, kto ju tam mal najatú a pravdepodobne sa o ňu staral, no, to spôsobilo veľký rozruch a oni boli zbití a vsadení do žalára. A viem si predstaviť Pavla a Sílasa, ako ležia vzadu v tom starom, chrobákmi zamorenom žalári, tam vo vnútorných celách. Vonku, kde boli držaní najlepší väzni, to bolo dosť zlé. Ale oni boli vo vnútri a keď ich tam voviedli, boli vsadení do klád.
12Neviem, či niekto... Videli ste všetci niekedy klady? Mal som to privilégium vidieť ich. Zovrú vám do nich nohy. A potom ruky. A potom vám ich dajú okolo krku. A tam sedíte.
A čínsky trest smrti, spôsob, akým to zvykli robiť, je veľmi krutý. Oni ich vsadili do tých klád a kvapkali vodu, len po kvapke, ktorá im padala na vrch hlavy, takto, až ich to jednoducho doviedlo do šialenstva. Vsadili ich tam a nedávali im takto nič na jedenie, ani na pitie. A oči sa im obrátili a všetko možné. Bolo to proste niečo strašné.
Hovoria, že prvých pár kvapiek, samozrejme, možno počas prvého dňa to nie je tak zlé. Ale hovoria, že po pár dňoch, že tie kvapky sú akoby padalo päťdesiat ton, viete, zakaždým triafajú rovno na to isté miesto. Pretože nemôžete pohnúť hlavou; ste v tých kladách.
13A len pomyslite, že Pavol a Sílas, pretože kázali Evanjelium, boli zavretí tam v tom špinavom mieste. A možno behali po nich potkany a myši a chrobáky a všetko možné. Čo za miesto pre muža, ktorý káže Evanjelium. A my si dnes myslíme, že... sťažujeme sa, pretože máme niečo trochu ťažké. Hľaďte, čo robili oni. A vedeli, čo na nich čaká, možno poprava, na druhý deň ráno.
Ale oni boli verní. Boli... Zostali verní. A neskôr okolo polnoci tam... a môžem si skrátka pomyslieť, ako sa museli cítiť, ich chrbty boli nalepené na starej špine, kde väzni... A bolo tam malomocenstvo a všetko možné v ich dňoch, a ležali na tvrdej podlahe... Možno boli na špinavej podlahe a pobehovali po nich potkany...
14Ale uprostred toho všetkého, možno nemali žiadnu večeru. A boli zbití, že až krvácali a boli dotlčení, a ubolení. A žiaden doktor, aby im vyčistil rany, alebo dal niečo proti infekcii, čo by sme použili dnes, alebo niečo také. Len ich tam hodili a vsadili ich do klady a dali ich do takých podmienok.
Ale oni sa nesťažovali. Nevyšlo od nich jediné slovo sťažnosti. A vedeli, že možno na druhý deň ráno, oni – tí velitelia ich pravdepodobne zavolajú pred cisára a keď to... alebo pred Sanhedrin a budú popravení za to, že kázali túto „heréziu“ ako to v ich dňoch bolo nazývané. Za Evanjelium, za ktoré skutočne dnes sústredene zápasíme, za tú istú vieru...
A potom, keď o tom začíname premýšľať, potom sa stávajú míle medzi nami o trocha kratšie (Rozumiete?), zakaždým, keď o tom začíname premýšľať.
15A potom sme zistili, že neskôr okolo polnoci, Pavol a Sílas museli rozprávať o Pánovi asi až do polnoci. A potom začali spievať chválospevy, nejakú starú dobrú kresťanskú pieseň. Ó, ak by sme to spievali dnes, spievali by sme „Moc v Krvi je,“ alebo „Ó, ako milujem Ježiša,“ alebo niečo také.
A keď začali spievať, náhle to miesto zasiahlo zemetrasenie. A všimnite si, ako sa to stalo. Namiesto navŕšenia tých stien tej veľkej starej budovy rovno na nich a rozdrvenia ich na smrť, to zatriaslo stenami, ktoré boli od nich preč. A nie len to, ale to zlámalo klady a uvoľnilo od nich závory. A zostali vyslobodení.
16No, pomyslite na to. Boli vyslobodené ich nohy, ruky a krk, každého jedného z nich. Namiesto toho, aby sa na nich to veľké, ťažké rímske väzenie zrútilo, to od nich takto padlo preč. A nie len to, ale spadli z nich okovy a ostatné veci. Vidíte, to je náš Boh, keď zostávame verní. Vidíte, musíme zostať verní. A tak dlho, ako sme verní a sme...
No, nemusíme byť v takom stave. My – nikto z nás sa nemusí dostať... Dúfam, že takto nedopadneme. Ale môžeme byť verní v tom, v čom musíme – cez čo musíme prejsť. Možno to je prenasledovanie. Možno je to niekto, kto sa vám vysmieva. Možno je to niekto, kto hovorí, „Si staromódny, si náboženský fanatik,“ alebo akokoľvek vás môžu nazývať, alebo si z vás môžu robiť posmech, alebo niečo také. Buďte rovnako verní, pretože Boh si cení našu vernosť voči tomu práve tak, ako si cenil ich vernosť v tom, v čom boli – cez čo museli prejsť.
17A potom, keď zrazu rímsky väzeň – či vlastne stotník musel... Ten strážnik pri dverách musel uvažovať tej noci, keď sa Pavol a Sílas rozprávali o Písme, on sa niečo musel naučiť. Pretože on tých mužov nepoznal. Ale nejakým spôsobom musel vedieť, alebo ich počul spievať, alebo niečo, podľa čoho hneď vedel, že to sú svätí ľudia.
Vidíte, pretože on bol Riman. A oni boli Židia. A on bol pohanom a oni boli Kresťania. Ale všimli ste si, hneď, ako zistil, že sa väzenie zatriaslo, vedel, že sa bude musieť zodpovedať za tú stráž...
Pamätáte sa na čas Eliáša? Keď sa zamaskoval a stretol tam kráľa Achaba a povedal, „Strážil som jedného muža a, samozrejme, ručil som za neho svojím životom a on mi utiekol."
A on povedal, „No, potom za to zaplatíš svojím životom. To je povinnosť strážnika.“ A tak sa odhalil a povedal, že je prorok Eliáš. A povedal, „Ty si nechal odísť toho kráľa, Agaga.“ A povedal, „Zaplatíš za to svojím vlastným životom.“ A on za to zaplatil.
18A tak potom vidíme, že tento rímsky stotník, ktorý vedel, že bude za týchto väzňov zodpovedať svojím vlastným životom, vytiahol meč hneď, ako zistil, že utiekli, a chcel sa zabiť, zobrať si svoj vlastný život namiesto toho, aby šiel podstúpiť trest. Niektorí z tých... Možno by ho vsadili do takej istej klady, a tak ďalej, kým by nezomrel, a tak si pomyslel, že to jednoducho celé ukončí a vytasil meč a chcel sa zabiť.
Ale Pavol rýchlo zakričal, keď to zbadal a povedal, „Neurob si ničoho zlého, lebo sme všetci tu.“ Vidíte? A ten človek tam potom porozumel, pred tým sa muselo niečo udiať, čo spôsobilo, že tento muž vedel, že oni boli kresťanskí muži, alebo svätí muži. Pretože rýchlo padol ku ich nohám.
19Predstavil by som si, že ich počul spievať piesne. Počul ich svedčiť; počul ich, ako sa rozprávali. No, len sa na chvíľu zamyslime, priatelia. Ak bol ten rímsky stotník presvedčený a usvedčený kvôli tomu, že počul tých dvoch mužov, zbitých väzňov...
No, my sme stále slobodní a nie sme zbití alebo väzňami. Ale to, že počul ich svedectvo, malo taký vplyv, až to spôsobilo, že povedal, „Čo musím urobiť, aby som bol spasený?“ Čo by sme potom mali robiť my s naším vplyvom? Vidíte?
Mali by sme svedčiť. Vy mladí ľudia, čokoľvek to je, nemusíte kázať. Možno ťa Boh nikdy nepovolal kázať, ale ty... Ak si ženou v domácnosti, alebo čímkoľvek si, dospievajúci chlapec alebo dievča, robme niečo, viete, to... A žite život, ktorý spôsobí, že ľudia povedia, „No, tamto ide Kresťan. To je Kresťan.“
A tak vidíme, že tento človek musel byť pod určitým dojmom, skrze ich piesne, alebo čokoľvek, čo tam vo vnútri robili, uvedomil si, že to sú Kresťania. Tak zobral svetlo a keď vošiel dnu a zbadal, že tam stál Pavol a aj väzni tam vzadu, nikto z nich sa nesnažil dostať preč. Všetci tam boli. A tak zasunul svoj meč a padol ku nohám Pavla a Sílasa a povedal, „Pánovia, čo mám robiť, aby som bol spasený?“
20No, všimli ste si, dnes vy aj ja a väčšina všetkých kazateľov, a tak ďalej, vždy sa snažíme povedať ľuďom, čo nemajú robiť. Teraz by sme povedali, „Skoncuj s fajčením. Prestaň klamať. Prestaň kradnúť. Prestaň s tým a tamtým.“ No, to nebolo to, čo sa ten muž pýtal. On nepovedal, „Čo musím prestať robiť, aby som bol spasený?“ Povedal, „Čo musím urobiť, aby som bol spasený?
Vidíte, my sa im snažíme povedať, s čím majú skoncovať. Vidíte? A hovoria, „No, musím robiť toto, to, či tamto.“ Nie. Vidíte? To nie je tá otázka. „Čo mám robiť?“ Nie „Čo mám prestať robiť?“ Ale vy len robte to, čo máte robiť a všetko ostatné sa vyrieši samo. Vaše klamanie a kradnutie, alebo pitie, hazardovanie a robenie vecí, ktoré sú zlé. To prestane, keď urobíte to, čo Pavol odpovedal na jeho otázku. „Čo mám robiť, aby som bol spasený?“
Povedal, „Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“
21No, dôvod, prečo ma napadlo o tomto hovoriť, je ten, že vy ľudia, ktorí ste tu, väčšina z vás, vašich – vaše deti sú spasené. Rozumiete? Oni sú Kresťania. Obdivoval som rodinu brata Evansa, týchto mladých mužov, ktorí tu sú. Zvyčajne, kto by dostal dospievajúceho chlapca alebo dievča, aby sedeli a počúvali niekoho – kazateľa rozprávať. No, oni by išli von a odišli preč. Takéto mladé dievčatá...
Povedal som bratovi Fredovi, že jeho deti, stačí, že ma počujú povedať jednu vec, ktorá je zlá, a sú pripravení hneď s tým prestať (Rozumiete?) a sedieť s najvyšším rešpektom namiesto toho, aby vonku behali a potulovali sa po okolí. Oni budú... Keď vás počujú hovoriť o Evanjeliu, sú pripravení hneď si tam sadnúť a počúvať. Rozumiete?
22No, viem, že všetci chceme – myslíme si, že naše deti sú odpadlíci a také veci. Ale musíme s tým prestať. Verím, že musíme pamätať na to, že tieto deti sú najlepšie deti na svete, pretože sú to naše deti a my si ich nárokujeme pre Boha.
No, vaše spasenie nespasí to dieťa. Ale teraz, Pavol povedal, „Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“ No, on... No, čo tým myslel? On tým nemyslel, že preto, že oni boli spasení, že tým bude spasený ich dom. On myslel toto: pretože oni boli – mali... Ak ten človek mal dosť viery, aby veril, že je spasený, rovnaká čiastka jeho viery, ktorú mal za seba, bude fungovať pre jeho deti. Rozumiete, čo tým myslím?
23 No, ja mám deti. Tam je môj malý syn Jozef a Billy, Sára, Rebeka. No, teraz, chcem vidieť každého jedného z nich ako pracovníka v Evanjeliu, niečo robiť. Chcem ich vidieť spasených a naplnených Duchom Svätým.
No, odovzdal som ich Bohu a povedal som, „Staviam sa za nich pred Bohom.“ Rozumiete? A verím, že budú spasení, každý jeden z nich. Rozumiete? Verím, že budú spasení a budem ich mať na druhej strane. A neverím tomu, že moje spasenie ich spasí. Nie. Ale moja viera v Boha to učiní. Vidíte, moja viera verí, že Boh to urobí a spôsobí, že prídu ku Kristovi.
A verím, že to je to, že vy ľudia sa modlíte za svoje deti a to je dôvod, prečo sa vaše deti takto správajú a sú skutočné dámy a džentlmeni v tomto divom veku, v ktorom žijeme. A jednako majú ten diel, o ktorom viem, že to je to najlepšie, čo akékoľvek deti môžu mať. Rozumiete? No, myslím, že dôvodom toho sú vaše modlitby za nich. A odovzdali ste ich Bohu a staviate sa za nich.
24Vidíte teraz, ten Riman povedal, „Čo musím urobiť?“ On sa jednoducho pýtal za seba. Povedal, „Čo musím urobiť?“
A on odpovedal, „Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“ Vidíte?
No, musíme urobiť jednu vec. Poďme ešte naspäť na chvíľu, aby som jasne predstavil svoju tému. No, to je toto. Vezmime starého muža, ktorého poznám z Biblie pod menom Jób.
No, Jób bol veľký muž. V jeho dňoch nebol nikto ako on. Jób bol prorok. A ľudia chodili zďaleka a zblízka, aby počuli Jóba. A Boh ich žehnal. A on prosperoval. Bol bohatý človek. Ó, mal tisíce kusov dobytka a oviec a rôznych vecí, ktoré mal.
Nuž, on povedal, keď išiel von do ulíc, mladé kniežatá z východu (to sú mudrci, múdri astronómovia, viete) oni hovorili, povedal, že sa pred ním skláňali, len aby sa opýtali na slovo jeho múdrosti. Rozumiete? On bol bystrý muž. On bol prorok.
25A tak, diabol sa pozrel dolu a uvidel, že Jób bol bystrým mužom. Tak vám ukážem, ako koná bystrý muž. No, vrátim sa späť k téme “Ty a tvoj dom“. Jób povedal, keď videl, že všetko je presne v poriadku, ako sú vaše domy teraz; povedal, „Vieš, moje deti sú ženaté a odišli.“ Ale povedal, „Možno jedno z... Snáď jedno z nich mohlo zhrešiť.“
No, Boh tam mal jedinú požiadavku: To bola zápalná obeť. Povedal, „No, ja...“ On neveril, že jeho deti hrešili. „Ale“ povedal, „snáď mohli zhrešiť. Pretože oni sa navzájom navštevujú a chodia navzájom k sebe domov na oslavy, a tak ďalej ,a schádzajú sa, myslím, a tak ďalej.“ Povedal, „Ak jeden z nich zhrešil... A tak, Pane, prinesiem zápalnú obeť a obetujem túto zápalnú obeť za moje deti.“ Vidíte? A to je všetko, čo vedel, že má urobiť. To je všetko, čo Boh požadoval, zápalnú obeť. To je všetko, čo požadoval.
No, potom, keď prišla tá veľká polnočná hodina a udretý a úbohý Jób bol v stave, v ktorom bol, on... Viete, on stratil všetok svoj dobytok, všetky svoje ovce a prišla búrka a zabila jeho deti. A oheň pohltil jeho služobníkov. A on... Jeho vlastné zdravie zlyhalo. A on sedel na dvore na hromade popola. A jeho vlastné telo bolo posiate vredmi, až si vzal kúsok črepu a škrabal si svoje vredy. A dokonca jeho žena bola z neho znechutená a prišla a povedala, „Jób...“
26No, len sa trochu zamyslime nad spôsobom, akým to povedala. No, pozrite, tam sedí Jób. Sedel tam vonku celú noc. Sedia tam jeho utešitelia a sú k nemu otočení chrbtom. A oni mu hovorili, že zhrešil. To sú členovia cirkvi; to je výbor diakonov, alebo čokoľvek v cirkvi to je, prišli ho navštíviť. A sedeli tam sedem dní a stále mu hovorili, „Jób, tiež môžeš urobiť vyznanie. Pretože si zhrešil, lebo Boh by nedovolil, aby bol spravodlivý človek takto mučený.“
Ale Boh dovolí, aby bol spravodlivý človek takto mučený. Vidíte, Boh niekedy... Tie veci sa nám dejú, pretože sme zhrešili. Ale niekedy to je testovanie svätého, namiesto karhania hriešnika.
27A tak sme zistili, že Jób bol predsa spravodlivým človekom. A keď ho Boh testoval, pretože Satan povedal, „Ó, iste...“ Keď prišiel hore pred Boha so synmi Božími, povedal...
Keď mu Boh povedal, „Kde si bol?“
On povedal, „Ó, len som sa prechádzal sem a tam, hore a dole po zemi.“
Povedal, „Či si si všimol Môjho služobníka Jóba? On je dokonalý muž. Na zemi mu nie je nikto podobný.“ Boh bol tým potešený. Ó, On jednoducho miluje mať služobníka, ktorému môže dôverovať. Povedal, „Na zemi nie je žiaden iný muž podobný jemu.“ Vidíte? Povedal, „On je dokonalý muž.“ A to bolo predtým, ako bola preliata Krv Ježiša Krista. Rozumiete? A On povedal, „On je dokonalý muž. On je spravodlivý; on je bezúhonný. Nie je nikoho ako on.“
Satan povedal, „Ó, iste. Pozri, čo si pre neho urobil. Dal si mu všetko. On má domy; má deti; má dobytok; má všetko, čo chce. Samozrejme, ktokoľvek by Ti tak mohol slúžiť.“ Povedal, „Len mi ho raz ponechaj. Spravím, že Ti bude zlorečiť do Tvojej tváre.“
On povedal, „Satan, on je v tvojej ruke. Ale nesiahni na jeho život.“ No, to bola Božia dôvera, že Jeho prorok by Ho nesklamal. Vidíte? A On dôveruje tebe a mne, že my Ho nesklameme.
28A potom, On... A On povedal, „Nesiahni na jeho život.“ A Satan urobil všetko, ale nevzal jeho život. Jeho deti boli zabité. A jeho dobytok bol zabitý. A všetko bolo... A všetko jeho bohatstvo bolo stratené. A stratil svoje zdravie a všetko okrem svojho života, sedel tam vonku a škrabal si svoje vredy.
A jeho žena prišla ku dverám a... Satan sa dostal do nej a povedala, „Ty...“ Pozrela sa tam von a povedala, „Prečo nezlorečíš Bohu a nezomrieš?“ Povedala, „Vyzeráš mizerne.“
A on povedal, „Hovoríš ako hlúpa žena.“ Vidíte. No, on nikdy nepovedal, že ona bola hlúpa; povedal, že hovorí ako hlúpa žena. Rozumiete? Povedal, „Hovoríš ako hlúpa žena.“ Povedal, „Pán dal a Pán vzal. Nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo.“ Vidíte? Inými slovami, „Prišiel som na svet nahý,“ povedal, „nahý sa aj vrátim. Ale nech je v každom prípade požehnané Meno Pánovo. Nemal som vôbec nič, keď som sem prišiel a odídem preč s ničím. Ale nech je stále požehnané Meno Pánovo.“ Ó.
Viete, Boh skrátka nechá Satana, aby nás tak dlho pokúšal a potom ho to unaví. Rozumiete? A tak, on videl, že by nemohol... Satan ho potom musel opustiť. Ale Bildad a všetci ostatní z nich tam stále ostali a hovorili, „No, ty si tajný hriešnik.“
Ale Jób pri tom zostal neochvejný a povedal, „Nie som hriešnik.“ Vidíte?
29„Jób, ty si... ty si urobil... Nechceš to vyznať (Vidíte?), pretože si tajný hriešnik. Robíš to skryte a Boh ťa za to tresce, takže preto sa tie veci pri tebe dejú spôsobom, akým sa dejú.“
Ale on povedal, „Nie veru. Nie som hriešnik.“ Pretože zostával neochvejne na tej spravodlivosti Božej, tej zápalnej obeti. On to obetoval. To bolo všetko, čo musel obetovať. To bolo všetko, čo Boh požadoval.
A všimli ste si, potom, ako prišiel na proroka Duch Boží a všetko mal v poriadku (Vidíte?), čo Boh Jóbovi prinavrátil? On mu prinavrátil jeho... Kde mal desaťtisíc kusov dobytka, On mu dal dvadsaťtisíc kusov dobytka. Kde mal štyridsaťtisíc oviec, On mu dal osemdesiattisíc oviec. Vidíte? A on mu prinavrátil všetko, čo kedy mal.
A všimli ste si, tam je povedané, „A On mu prinavrátil jeho sedem detí.“ Vidíte? On dal Jóbovi jeho sedem detí. Nie, nedal mu sedem iných detí, ale dal Jóbovi jeho sedem detí. No, čo to bolo? Jeho dom, „Ty a tvoj dom.“ Pretože on bol spravodlivý, pretože stál na všetkom, čo nám Boh dal, aby sme boli spravodliví – alebo dal jemu, to bolo obetovanie tej zápalnej obete.
A on vedel, že to je Božie Slovo a to nemôže zlyhať. A tak, zamysleli ste sa niekedy, kde boli tie deti? Oni na neho čakali v nebi. Vidíte? On je dnes s nimi. A Boh spasil Jóbove deti. Oni boli v nebi a čakali na neho. Vidíte?
30No, ak Jób jednal presne podľa toho, čo mu Boh povedal, že má robiť, to bolo to jediné, na základe čoho mohol byť spravodlivý, to bolo obetovanie zápalnej obete; to bolo spravodlivé... A On zachránil Jóba a jeho dom. Tak potom, čo je spravodlivé pred Bohom? „Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“
A tak, ak ja verím za svoj dom a ty veríš za svoj dom, skrze to, že tomu veríme, dôverujeme Bohu, Boh počíta našu vlastnú vieru, ako urobil Abrahámovi, alebo Jóbovi, alebo komukoľvek z nich, za spravodlivosť. Vidíte? A tak je nám to pridelené za spravodlivosť a to je spôsob, ako budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.
Ó, myslím, že je to nádherná vec. Tak potom, nie len to, ale staviam sa za každého brata, všetkých mojich bratov. Moju sestru. Nestaviam sa len za to, ale staviam sa za každú osobu, ktorá je v mojom zbore; staviam sa za vás všetkých. Chcem, aby ste sa stavali za mňa pre spravodlivosť viery. Nemusíme robiť zápalné obete; Kristus je našou Obetou. Ale musíme mať vieru v tú obeť, ktorú Kristus vykonal, že nám dal takéto zasľúbenie, že „Čokoľvek budete prosiť Otca v Mojom Mene, učiním to. Keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete to, za čo ste prosili, a budete to mať.“
31No, ak sa modlím, aby Boh spasil tieto dospievajúce deti, a verím z celého svojho srdca, že On to urobí, vidíte, to je ten istý spôsob, ako stál Jób. Poviete, „Ó, pozri na toto dieťa, čo ono robí.“ Nestarám sa o to, čo on robí, alebo čo robí ona. Stále mám to dieťa umiestnené v ruke Všemohúceho Boha a môj – ja a môj dom budeme spasení. Rozumiete? Pretože ja...
Hoci môžem odísť skorej, ako to oni dožijú, ale nejakým spôsobom, pred tým, ako odtiaľto odídu, Boh ich obráti rovno na tú cestu. Verím tomu... Nejako, tak či tak. On spraví, že všetko, čo predtým robili, sa stane pre nich tak mizerným, až to budú musieť urobiť. Rozumiete?
A to je spôsob, ako verím, že to je, „Budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“
32Videl som mnohých, ktorí... Sledoval som tých, ktorí prišli na moje zhromaždenia. Mnohokrát prišiel nejaký chlapec, ktorý bol po celý svoj život zlý. Padol na svoje kolená a začal plakať, postavil sa a povedal, „No, mal som drahú starú matku. Ó, keď je dnes večer v nebi, viem, že pozerá dole a je šťastná, že ma vidí pri tomto oltári.“
Vidíte? Čo to je, tá stará matka sa modlila a verila. Vidíte, odišla dávno pred tým, ale tu sú ich modlitby. Pretože spravodliví... Vidíte, budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom. Boh vie, ako pracovať. On vie, ako to urobiť. On vie, ako urobiť všetko správne.
33 Ako som jedného dňa hovoril, keď sme narodení z Ducha Božieho, Boh nie je slabý na jednom mieste a silný na inom. Ak máte v sebe malý tieň Boha, len najmenšiu smietku Boha, potom máte všetku moc. Máte v sebe dosť moci, aby ste stvorili svet a išli a žili na ňom.
Ale samozrejme, tá moc je ovládaná vierou. Ak by to tak nebolo, mali by sme tam všetci z nás svet a žili na ňom. Ale ak ste synom Božím alebo dcérou Božou, máte v sebe moc Božiu. Rozumiete? A tak potom... Ten zákon drží tú vieru kvôli určitej veci.
34No, vezmime si ako príklad každého z nás, mohli by sme povedať. Raz sme klamali; raz sme kradli; kliali sme a nadávali a robili sme všetko, čo je zlé. No jedného dňa, keď sme prijali Krista, čo On vykonal? On nás uvoľnil hneď, ako sme Ho prijali... To je viera, práve tak, ako to povedal Pavol tomu Rimanovi, aby ju mal, „Uver.“ Presne to, čo Jób veril. Rozumiete? A hneď, ako sme prijali Krista ako nášho Spasiteľa, okamžite sme dostali dostatok viery, až sme odišli od toho preč, žiadne ďalšie klamanie, žiadne ďalšie kradnutie, žiadne ďalšie podvádzanie. Vidíte? Nie... Prečo?
Prešli sme rovno ponad ten hriech, v ktorom sme tam boli zvyknutí chodiť. Bolo nám pridelené tak mnoho viery. Prečo? Pretože veríme, že sme spasení. Je to tak? Veríme tu, že sme spasení. A tak potom sme vyšli ponad to, pretože veríme, že sme spasení.
35No, počúvajte toto, len kým sa dostanem do tej otázky. Rozumiete? Brat, sestra, prezradím vám moje malé tajomstvo. Rozumiete? Myslím, že často ste sa divili, ako vidím tie videnia a veci, čo to spôsobuje. Je to preto, že keď ma On v tú noc stretol a povedal mi, že (Rozumiete?), že toto sa stane. Uveril som tomu. Vážne som tomu uveril.
A idem sa modliť za chorých, ak kedykoľvek môžem cítiť, že niečo sa stane, oni trvajú na tom, že budú uzdravení. A tak, vždy to je správne. A to je spôsob, akým to musíme robiť s našou rodinou, so všetkým, za čo prosíme; musíme sa modliť; a Boh si ctí vieru (Rozumiete?), vieru v to. Musíme veriť, že to je v poriadku.
36No, s tou malou časťou Boha, keď poviete, „Áno, Pane Ježišu, som hriešnik. Nie som hoden Tvojej lásky. Ale Ty ma miluješ, tak Ťa prijímam ako môjho Spasiteľa.“ Ihneď, len čo idete odtiaľ a čo to je? Prestanete klamať. Prestanete podvádzať. Prestanete kradnúť. Prestanete robiť veci, ktoré nemáte robiť. Prečo? Pretože veríte, že ste Kresťan. A pretože veríte, že ste Kresťan, dvíhate sa z toho; ste na vyššej úrovni. No, rozumiete?
No, ak ste chorí, tu je uzdravenie. Len tomu veríte. No, nemôžete sa sami do toho vypracovať, aby ste verili. Musí to byť niečo, čo sa vám stalo, rovnako ako vaše obrátenie. Musí sa to stať.
37Raz som mojej žene hovoril, ako veľmi ju milujem. A tak, nemyslím, že ona chce, aby som o tom hovoril. Ale robím to súkromne, a tak si myslím, že to môžem povedať teraz verejne. Hovoril som jej, ako veľmi ju milujem a ako som ju vždy miloval od úplného začiatku. Povedal som, „Nerobí to žiaden rozdiel...“
Ona povedala, „Ó, Bill“.“ Povedala, ako... hovorila ako priberá a vlasy jej šedivejú.
Povedal som, „Miláčik, môžeš byť takto široká a nemať žiadne vlasy, budem ťa milovať stále rovnako.“ Rozumiete? Pretože to tam musí byť niečo, že musíte – musíte dôjsť do toho, že milujete niekoho. A pokiaľ tá osoba miluje tú druhú osobu...
38Toto je pre vás, mladé dievčatá, ktoré nie ste vydaté (Rozumiete?), a pre vás, chlapci. Keď stretnete to dievča, ktoré milujete, a je tam skrátka niečo, že viete, že ju milujete a to je proste všetko, o čo tam ide, alebo ty miluješ jeho, a to je – nestaráte sa, či je príťažlivý, alebo či nie je príťažlivý, alebo či je pekná, alebo nie je pekná. Na tom nezáleží. Ale milujete ju tak isto. Mali by ste byť teraz pozornejší, držať sa nejako nablízku, pretože tam sa približujete ku tomu správnemu miestu.
A ja... to... Manželstvo založené mimo tejto veci istotne zlyhá, alebo nikdy nebude podarené. Nikdy nebudú šťastní. No, povedal som to, aby som sa dostal ku jednej veci, ktorú chcem povedať.
39Priatelia, obrátenie mimo tejto istej veci tiež nevydrží. To nevydrží. Keď idete do zboru a poviete, „No, pripojím sa do zboru a pokrstím sa.“ Ak to nepochádza tam zo srdca, z lásky k Bohu, to nikdy nikam nezájde. Budete len... Všetko, čo urobíte, je, že sa pripojíte do zboru a dáte sa pokrstiť.
Ale keď ste obrátení ku Kristovi, milujete Krista, potom nahromadíte vieru v Krista, práve tak, ako to robíte pri vašej žene, alebo pri vašom mužovi. Nahromadíte vieru, aby ste v tej viere kráčali. Neviem, práve ste – niečo vás... práve ste dostali niečo, čo vás tam pripevňuje. Rozumiete?
No, tak isto je to, čo sa týka Krista. To, čo Kristus hovorí, vy tomu veríte a stojíte rovno s tým. A to je spôsob... To vás jednoducho pozdvihuje rovno ponad to a Boh to uskutočňuje a vypĺňa Svoje zasľúbenie. „Ak uveríš v Pána Ježiša Krista, budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“
Tak teraz, len som si myslel, že to poviem. Zabral som tým príliš veľa času, tridsať minút, aby som to povedal. Ale teraz viete, čo tým myslím. To je to, čo to je.
40Ak môžete veriť v Pána Ježiša Krista, nie iba za svoje spasenie, ale aj za vašich milovaných, za uzdravenie dieťaťa, alebo za matku, alebo za čokoľvek, po čom túžite, čo je správne... A viete, že ak ste túžili po niečom, čo nie je správne, nebudete mať ani dostatok viery prosiť Boha; pretože viete, že to nie je správne. Rozumiete? Ak ste úprimní a viete, že to je správne, potom môžete prosiť Boha s čistým srdcom, keď viete, že to nie je sebecký motív a váš cieľ a motív je úplne správny, potom proste Boha. A ako dieťa verte, že to dostanete, a dostanete to. Viem to.
No, prišiel som ku Kristovi, keď som bol asi vo veku jedného z týchto chlapcov, ktorí tu sú, myslím. Mal som asi dvadsať rokov. A slúžil som Mu po celý tento čas a mám päťdesiatdva, budem mať päťdesiattri na moje narodeniny. A môžem úprimne povedať, že stále, keď som úprimne prosil Krista za čokoľvek, čo je – no, že keď som Ho úprimne prosil za čokoľvek, čo bolo správne, že mi to dal, alebo mi povedal, prečo mi to nemôže dať. A potom neskôr som zistil, že to bolo dobre, že som to nedostal. Rozumiete?
41Ale len si pamätajte, keď Mu veríte, majte v Neho vieru a dôverujte Mu, nesnažte sa sami postrčiť sa do toho, aby ste to vykonali. Len stojte s Ním a premyslite si to.
Ako keby ste – keby som prišiel ku bratovi Welchovi, aby mi požičal tisíc dolárov. Myslím, že by som ich nedostal, pretože by ich možno nemal. Ale ak by ich mal a mohol by som ich dostať. No, prišiel by som a snažil by som sa ten prípad predstaviť. Keby som prišiel a povedal mu, „Welch, daj mi tisícku.“ Tak sa to nerobí. Tak sa Boha neprosí. Prišiel by som; povedal by som bratovi Welchovi, povedal by som, „Mohol by som sa s tebou na chvíľu porozprávať, brat Welch?“
„Samozrejme, brat Branham.“
Išli by sme na bok a sadli si, povedal by som, „Brat Welch, mám naliehavú vec a chcem ťa poprosiť, máš tisíc dolárov, ktoré by si mi mohol požičať?“
No, on... ak on... My sme priatelia, alebo keby on prosil mňa, alebo ja jeho, alebo jeden z vás bratov. Bolo by to rovnaké. Povedali by sme, „Áno.“
„No, tu je to, prečo – čo chcem.“ Vysvetlil by som mu to a ukázal. Povedal by som, „Brat Welch, som tu na zhromaždení. Dostal som sa do takej nepríjemnej situácie. Musím opustiť mesto a mám dlh tisíc dolárov. Musím skrátka tie peniaze odniekiaľ zohnať. No, Pán mi to položil na srdce, aby som išiel za tebou.“ A vysvetlil by som mu to. „No, z iného zhromaždenia, ktoré som mal na určitom mieste, mám tisíc dolárov, ktoré prídu, čo bude asi za tri mesiace odteraz. Môžem ti zaplatiť. Zaplatím ti z toho úrok, ak chceš.“ A skrátka to celé vyložím na stôl a vysvetlím mu to, prečo. Nechcem takto opustiť to mesto; je to zlá vec pre moje meno, ak by som to urobil. A potom budú hovoriť, „On nie je nič iné, než podvodník a zlodej a opúšťa mesto, pričom dlží peniaze.“ Rozumiete, čo tým myslím? Vysvetlil by som vám to. Sadol by som si ako brat a porozprával sa o tom s vami.
No, verím, že ak by som to takto urobil a vy ma máte radi tak, ako ma máte, urobili by ste všetko. Dali by ste do záložne auto, alebo predali niečo z domu, aby ste získali peniaze. Vidíte teraz, urobili by ste to. Ktokoľvek z vás by to urobil. A ja by som to urobil pre vás.
42Ale urobiť to by bola správna vec, ísť si sadnúť a porozprávať sa navzájom o tom, dať vám vedieť (Rozumiete?), vyjadriť svoje city k sebe navzájom. „Si môj priateľ; preto som k tebe prišiel.“
No, to je ten istý spôsob, ako to je s Kristom. Poviete, „Ty si môj Pán. Som chorý. Ja... Doktor hovorí, že pre mňa nedokáže nič urobiť. Ale ja viem, že Ty môžeš, pretože si mojím Pánom.“ A len s Ním o tom stále hovoríte, až potom cítite, že ste to prijali. A to je vaša viera. „Viera je podstatou vecí, na ktoré sa nadejeme, dôkazom vecí, ktoré nevidíme.“
A ja – keď to takto cítim, je to rovnako dobré, akoby som to mal. Samozrejme, môžem ísť ďalej, pretože to mám. Vidíte, urobil som... No, On mi zasľúbil, že to mám, takže tým je to vybavené. A ja sa len toho držím a čakám.
Nakoniec, prvá vec, ktorú zistíte, tu to prichádza, leje sa to dole z nebeských koridorov. A máte to. Ale to je to. Vidíte? „Budeš spasený ty a tvoj domov.“
A ak ich neuvidíte všetkých spasených pred tým, ako opustíte zem, budete – oni tam budú, keď... čas... keď príde ten veľký príchod, bude to tam.
43No, rozumiete, čo tým myslím? Rozumiete? Všetko, čo robíme, je skrze vieru. Verte v Pána. Verte v Pána kvôli zamestnaniu. Verte v Pána, keď hľadáte – aby vám dal ženu, ktorú by ste mali mať. Verte v Pána, aby vám dal muža, za ktorého by ste sa mali vydať. Verte v Pána, aby vám poslal nejaký nový nábytok, alebo ak – ak sa vyprázdni nádoba s múkou a džbánok s olejom vyschne a nie je tam žiadne jedlo a deti sú hladné. Verte v Pána.
Verte v Pána za čokoľvek. Rozumiete? Pokiaľ je to správne, len verte v Pána a „budete“. Rozumiete? To príde. Nikdy v celom mojom živote som to nevidel zlyhať. Nech vás Boh žehná.
Čo keby ste mi prečítali nejaké z tých otázok. Môžete mi ich prečítať? Dúfam, že ich správne zodpoviem. Nechcem vás teraz držať príliš dlho, možno asi desať minút a dám mu, Jimmymu, krátky čas, aby ich tam preštudoval, a uvidíme, či budem... Oni sa ma hneď znovu opýtajú. A tak, ak na ne nebudem vedieť odpovedať, no, pochopíte to.
44Ale rozumiete teraz, čo som tým myslel, aby ste verili? „Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty a tvoj dom.“ Verte za seba a verte za váš dom a budete to mať. Poviete, „No, doktor povedal, že sa neuzdravím.“ No, ak môžeš veriť Pánovi, môžeš sa uzdraviť.
„No, nemám prácu.“ Ale ak budeš veriť Pánovi (Rozumieš.) a budeš mať prácu. „A ja neviem, čo mám robiť v tejto situácii.“ Ver v Pána. Pozrite, kde to stavia mňa práve teraz a moju ženu tam. Vždy som si myslel, že Pán chce, aby som opustil Jeffersonville. No, došlo to na miesto, že som sa Mu skrátka musel odovzdať.
A tak som tu. On vie, za čím stojím práve tu dnes večer. Takže, a pôjdem, kamkoľvek On bude chcieť, aby som šiel. A čo chce odo mňa, aby som urobil, to urobím. A budem to tak robiť po celý čas, pokiaľ mi to bude hovoriť On. Rozumiete?
45V poriadku, Jimmy, máš ich, chlapče môj? [Brat číta otázku:
„Keď nastane vytrhnutie, odíde celá rodina veriacich, žena a deti odídu? Oni sú vo viere a veria v Ježiša Krista ako Pána?“
- pozn.prekl.]Áno, áno. Pôjde celá rodina do vytrhnutia? Vidíte, áno. Rozumiete? No, ak ste si všimli, vytrhnutie bude celosvetová vec. A ako… Pochopili ste všetci dobre tú lekciu v nedeľu? Všetci ste to v poriadku porozumeli, ako blízko sme v tom čase, „Sedemdesiat Danielových týždňov?“
Boli ste tam v nedeľu všetci, či nie? Áno. V poriadku. No, myslím, brat Welch, máš z toho pásku. A niektorí z vás by si to mohli prehrať. A máte z toho mapu, myslím, nemáte? A len to nakreslite a pre tých, ktorí tam neboli, možno im to vysvetlíte (Rozumiete?), aby to tak mohli pochopiť. Chcem, aby ste jednoducho podľa Písma videli, že som do toho nemusel povedať ani jedno slovo. Písma to skrátka dokazujú, že sme v čase konca.
46No, dnes sme sa rozprávali s bratmi. Hovoríte, „No, brat Branham, ak veríš, že je vytrhnutie takto blízko, prečo potom chodíš na ryby?“ Ak na to budem neustále myslieť, to by vás doviedlo takmer do šialenstva. Keď premýšľate o desiatkach tisícoch ľudí, ktorí sú tam vonku v hriechu, ktorí nepoznajú Krista. A pomyslím si, že, „Tu som, čo môžem urobiť?“
Ale tu je to, čo si myslím. Nedokážem zachrániť ani jedného, až kým ich nezavolá Boh. Rozumiete? Nedokážem to urobiť. A nijako by som ich nemohol zachrániť. Ale „všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne.“ A tak, ak mi On nepovie, kam mám ísť, čo môžem potom robiť? Rozumiete?
Takže to, čo robím, nie je len byť – nebyť kvôli tomu celý utrápený. To by bolo potom ešte horšie. Som za to šťastný. Som skrátka úplne zbalený a pripravený, viete, keď to príde, Pane, tu som. Skrátka čakám.
47A teraz, tu je to, čo sa stane. Vytrhnutí svätí, ako ste si všimli na nákrese v nedeľu... No, raní letniční bratia – či neskorí letniční bratia tam nedávajú tým dávnejším cirkvám dosť miesta, tomu neverím. Ale verím, že každý znovuzrodený Kresťan... A ako sa znovu narodíme? Keď veríme v Pána Ježiša Krista (Rozumiete?) a prijmeme...
No, neverím tomu, že len preto, lebo vo svojej mysli si poviete, že veríte. Verím, že váš život hovorí, či ste skutočne Kresťan, alebo nie. Ja – poviete, „Čo...“
Dnes, tá pani tam hovorila rôzne názory, čo to znamená byť kresťanom. A opýtala sa, „A do akej denominácie patríš?“ Vidíte? Hneď chcú vedieť, z akej si denominácie.
Povedal som, „Nepatrím do žiadnej denominácie, jednoducho som Kresťan.“ Vidíte. Kresťan...
48Poviete, „No, Kresťan znamená „Kambelita“. Nie, to je... Oni ich len nazývajú Kresťanmi, ale to neznamená Kresťan. Poznám mnoho ľudí, ktorí, myslím, že patria do toho, čo sa nazýva Kresťanská Cirkev, ktorí nie sú Kresťanmi. A kresťanskí kazatelia z Kresťanskej Cirkvi vám povedia to isté, že majú mnoho členov, ktorí nie sú Kresťanmi.
Ale Kresťanom nie je cirkev, ku ktorej patríte; to je prežitie, ktoré ste mali, že ste sa narodili do Božej rodiny.
49No, všimnite si v tom – vytrhnutie bude celosvetové, pretože On povedal, „Dvaja budú na poli; jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám. Dvaja budú v posteli; jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.“ Vidíte, keď je tma na jednej strane zeme, tam, kde sú dvaja v posteli, na druhej strane zeme bude čas žatvy, keď budú dvaja na poli. Rozumiete? A to ukazuje, že príde jedno veľké obrovské vytrhnutie; príde to rovno zo sveta. Vidíte? „Dvaja na poli a Ja jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám. Dvaja v posteli, jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.“
50No, vidíme, že... A vtedy každý, kto bol nájdený zapísaný v Knihe, bude vyslobodený v ten deň – pred súžením. A tak, ak vaše deti, vaša matka, vaši milovaní, kýmkoľvek sú, ak je ich meno zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života, moje drahé deti, budete tam.
Nezáleží na tom, kde sme, ak... Letím poza more a lietadlo exploduje vo vzduchu a ja – nikdy nenájdete ani kúsoček zo mňa v tomto tele, to s tým nemá nič do činenia. Rozumiete? Bude to tam tak isto. Nestarajte sa o to. Budem rovno tam, aby som vám potriasol rukou a chválil s vami Pána a korunoval Ho, Kráľa kráľov a Pána pánov. Rozumiete?
Domnievam sa, že možno Pavlovo telo, nezostala tam ani smietka prachu, sotva. Ale všetky materiály, ktoré tvorili jeho telo, niekde sú. Takže budú v ten deň zhromaždené dokopy.
51 Keď zomriete, v skutočnosti nezomriete. Kresťania nemôžu zomrieť. Neexistuje žiadna taká vec ako smrť pre Kresťana, nie v Biblii.
Ako, keď Lazar... On povedal – oni povedali... „Náš – náš priateľ Lazar usnul,“ povedal Ježiš. Vidíte, On nikdy nepovedal, že zomrel. Povedal, „On usnul.“
Oni povedali, „Ó, dobre, ak spí, predpokladám, že sa potom má dobre. Musí sa mu lepšie dariť.“ A tak, On musel prehovoriť ich jazykom.
Povedal, „No, inými slovami... Vo vašom vlastnom jazyku, on zomrel. A radujem sa pre vás, že som tam nebol. Idem a vzbudím ho.“ Vidíte? Ó, áno. Rozumiete? Spánok, vidíte, On mal stále Svoje vlastné... Rozumiete? „Pre vás – tak, ako to vy poznáte, on zomrel. Ale pre Mňa, on spí a Ja ho nejdem vzkriesiť. Idem ho jednoducho zobudiť. Rozumiete, idem ho zobudiť.“
52A tak, všimnite si, keď zomrel Sám Ježiš... Vidíte, sú tam tri časti tela. Duša... Tri časti nás, duša, telo a duch, keď ste videli sedem cirkevných vekov; mal som to nakreslené: päť vstupov do tela, zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch a svedomie, a tak ďalej do duše. A potom do ducha, tam je jedna ulica: to je váš vlastný slobodný morálny výber, to je urobiť rozhodnutie. Rozumiete? Môžete to odmietnuť, alebo to prijať.
A tak teraz, keď tá osoba prijíma Krista a je spasená, vaša celá domácnosť, vaša celá rodina, každá rodina na zemi bude spasená. No, keď... alebo vojde.
53Keď Kristus zomrel, On odovzdal Svojho Ducha Bohu pred tým, ako opustil kríž. Povedal, „Do Tvojich rúk kladiem Svojho Ducha.“ A Biblia povedala, že Jeho duša (to je Jeho svedomie a To, Kým bol…) šla do pekla a kázal duchom v žalári a Jeho telo šlo do hrobu.
Teraz vidíte, On bol za barikádou Písem. On tri dni nemohol vstať z mŕtvych. A Jeho Duch bol tam naspäť v Prítomnosti Božej. No, po troch dňoch bola tá barikáda daná dole, pretože sa naplnilo Písmo. A Jeho Duch šiel ku duši a duša šla do tela a On vstal z mŕtvych. On povedal pred tým, ako zomrel, povedal, „Mám moc položiť Svoj život. Mám moc znova ho vziať.“
No, zamyslite sa nad tým. Všetci z vás, ktorí ste tu dnes večer, pokiaľ viem, ste Kresťania. No, pozrite sa. Tá vec, ktorá je teraz vo vás, Duch, ktorý je teraz vo vás, je ten istý Duch, ktorý vás vzbudí z mŕtvych. Máte moc položiť svoj život. Robíte to práve teraz pre Krista. A potom máte moc znova ho vziať. Rozumiete? Máte moc položiť ho a moc vziať ho.
Lebo to je ten istý Duch Boží, ktorý je vo vás, ktorý vás kriesi, je to samotný Duch Boží, ktorý bol v Kristovi, ktorý vzkriesil Jeho. A tak máte moc položiť svoj život; máte moc vziať ho.
54A keď zomriete, alebo – a vy – naši milovaní, alebo niekto odchádza pred nami, oni nie sú mŕtvi. Ich duchovia sú s Bohom. Ich duše sú pod oltárom Božím. Ich telá sú v hrobe a oni presne vedia, kde to je.
A tak, čo sa stane? Keď je Písmo celé vyplnené, ako je to povedané v Biblii, „Tieto duše sú pod oltárom, kričia, 'Pane, ako dlho, ako dlho?'“ Chcú prísť späť na zem a byť v telách. On povedal, „Ešte chvíľu, kým vaši spoluslužobníci potrpia tak, ako vy pre svedectvo Kristovo.“
Potom uvidíte, keď je toto Písmo vyplnené, potom ich duchovia zostúpia rovno priamo tam pod oltár a vezmú tú dušu. Tá duša ide rovno dole a berie telo a tam ste, znovu vzkriesení. Pomyslite na to. Svätý Duch, ktorý je dnes večer priamo v tejto budove, Duch Svätý, ktorý je rovno tu v mojom srdci, ma vzbudí v posledný deň.
55Tento Svätý Duch, ktorý je teraz vo mne sa postará o to, aby som mal mladé nesmrteľné telo a nikdy nepôjdem s... Duch Svätý, ktorý je vo vás, sa postará o to, že šedivé vlasy zmiznú a čokoľvek to je. A vy – a starý vek, ak ste taký starý a fúzy vám visia a takto kráčate, to ani trochu nevadí. Ten istý Duch Svätý, On to jednoducho prelomí rovno naspäť v ten deň, rovno na mladého muža a ženu. To je Biblia. Je to tak. Duch, ktorý je práve teraz v nás, práve teraz. Nie nejaký, ktorý príde, Ten, ktorý je teraz v nás. To je Boh, ktorý je teraz vo vás. A on vzbudí... Môžete sa sami vzbudiť. A prečo to teraz nemôžete urobiť?Pretože, vidíte, tam je Písmo, ktoré vás zadržuje; musíte počkať až do vytrhnutia.
Vidíte, to je to. Musíte zostať rovno tam. Rozumiete? Nemáte dovolené dostať sa takto vysoko. Ak by to tak bolo, no, mohli by sme si – že tak poviem, mohli by sme si postaviť malý súkromný svet. Vy by ste mohli žiť tam na jednom svete a ja na inom a potom by nebol žiaden Príchod Pána Ježiša. A čo by to bolo? Rozumiete?
56Ale máte moc urobiť to. Len najmenší malý tieň Boha môže urobiť čokoľvek. Pretože vidíte, On je všemohúci. Viete, čo to je všemohúcnosť... On je nekonečný, nekonečný, nekonečný a všemohúci. To je nekonečný; nie je tam skrátka žiaden... No, jednoducho to nedokážete vysvetliť, viete. Nekonečný, ako na fotoaparáte, nekonečný. To je proste stále ďalej.
A potom, nekonečný je všemocný. On je celou cestou... Stojím tam vonku a dívam sa cez ďalekohľad a môžem vidieť stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov vesmíru, keď ma ten astronóm vzal hore, aby som sa pozrel – nechal ma v tú noc pozrieť sa cez ten veľký ďalekohľad. Mohol som vidieť stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov vesmíru...
57No, hovoríte o Jupiterovi a Marse a tých hviezdach, ktoré teraz vidíte, ó, pomyslite, čo za stovky a... Svetlo cestuje asi... Koľko? Osemdesiat... Stoosemdesiatšesť tisíc míľ za sekundu, stoosemdesiatšesť tisíc míľ za sekundu. A vezmite stodvadsať miliónov rokov. Fíha! Za jednu sekundu stoosemdesiatšesť tisíc a rozoberte to na stodvadsať miliónov rokov. Čo potom dostanete? To sú míle. Ó. To skrátka spôsobuje, že sa cítite, že ste len... Rozumiete?
Ale teraz, a potom poza tým, tam je rovnako veľa mesiacov a hviezd ako tam... A On ich drží mocou Svojho vlastného Slova. A práve to isté, čo drží ich, je vo vás, keď ste Kresťan. Ó. Rozumiete, rozumiete, to je to. Tak tam – to je to, čo ste.
58Vidíte, ľudia sa snažia uvažovať, „No, som Kresťan. Asi sa budem musieť vytrvalo snažiť a ohraničovať sa.“ Nie, nebudeš. Ty si Kresťan, brat. To je vysoko... Si Boží syn. Náš Otec je Kráľ. Istotne. Amen. A náš Otec, keď je Kráľ, my sme Jeho synovia. Sme Kráľovi princovia a princezné. Amen. Rozumiete? To je taká výška, aká len môže byť. Samotný Duch nášho Boha je v nás. To je ono.
A tak, načo nás zaujíma, čo sa tu deje. Vidíte, tam je miesto, ktoré sa počíta. Toto je len čas testovania. Keď je Otec hotový, ideme. Ideme domov. Rozumiete? A tak, aký rozdiel to robí.
59Takže teda v tom, verte v Pána Ježiša Krista. Ak vaše deti nie sú spasené, verte, až dožijú spasenie. A Ježiš povedal (no, pamätajte, svätý Ján 5:24), „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má Večný Život a nepríde na súd.“
Potom, ak nepríde na súd, kam ide? Do vytrhnutia. Rozumiete? Pretože to je súd po vytrhnutí. Rozumiete? „Nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Pretože uveril v Pána Ježiša Krista. Nie je to nádherné? A tak oni – vaše deti tam budú s vami. Vaši milovaní tam budú s vami. A dúfam, že tam budem s vami aj ja. Amen.
60V poriadku, máš tam ďalšiu, Jimmy, chlapče? [Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku:
Vieme, že svet bol stvorený skrze vieru. Môžeš prosím objasniť niečo o viere?“
- pozn.prekl.]Svet bol ustrojený... No, v liste Židom sme zistili, že... Vieme, že svet bol stvorený skrze veci, ktoré sa nevidia.
No, vynasnažím sa byť rýchly, pretože som si nevšimol všetky tie malé – všetky tie otázky, ktoré tam sú. No, vezmime si len – poďme späť na malý výlet. Už je desať a povedal som mame, že budem hotový, aby sme o desiatej išli. Ste príliš ospalí na to, aby ste len na chvíľu počkali? Alebo príliš unavení? Rozumiete?
61No, pozrite sa. Skôr, ako čokoľvek bolo, pozrime sa, skôr, ako bolo svetlo, skôr, ako bol svet, skôr, ako bola hviezda, skôr, ako bol atóm, skôr, ako bola molekula, bol Boh. Kto je táto osoba, Boh? Vzduch? Svetlo? Či čo On je? On je Boh. To je jednoducho všetko, čo môžete povedať. Rozumiete?
Len si pomyslite, molekula... V jednom malom atóme je tak mnoho molekúl. Rozumiete? A potom poza molekulou, predtým, ako tam bola čo len jedna z nich, Boh stále bol. On bol všetkým, vypĺňal všetko. Rozumiete?
No, v tomto Bohu… No, dáme Mu trochu formu, aby ste to mohli vidieť. No, vo vnútri tejto osoby Boha... Vo vnútri tejto Osoby boli atribúty. A tie atribúty boli, že mal byť Otcom, mal byť Uzdravovateľom, mal byť Spasiteľom; to je to, čo teraz bolo v tejto veľkej Osobe, to bolo pred molekulou, alebo čímkoľvek, keď neboli žiadne molekuly, ale Boh stále bol.
62No, tam vo vnútri boli atribúty, aby bol Otcom, aby bol Synom, aby bol Spasiteľom, aby bol Uzdravovateľom, aby bol tým všetkým. No, táto Osoba, ktorá toto má, no, ak táto Osoba, Boh...
No, čo urobil... Prvá vec, povedzme, On stvoril (pokiaľ vieme, najmenšie, čo môžeme rozložiť), bola molekula. A potom, keď stvoril molekulu, On ich stvoril stovky miliárd za pár sekúnd. Čo jednoducho urobil? On ich vypovedal do existencie. A teraz, vy... Rovno tu by mohla byť dobrá lekcia, ak by sme len mali čas vojsť do toho. Rozumiete?
No, On to vypovedal. A keď to vypovedal, molekuly sa začali otáčať. Potom povedal, „Nech povstanú atómy.“ A atómy majú zákony. A oni stále zostávajú v tom zákone, oni sa vlečú – stále sa pohybujú. Všetko sa pohybuje podľa Božích zákonov.
63Ako človek, o ktorom som vám hovoril, ten starý muž. Brat Banks Wood a ja sme šli dole, viete, aby sme ho navštívili. On rozprával o... ako som sa ho pýtal... On bol neveriaci a ja som sa ho opýtal, „Ako to, že tá miazga v auguste opustí ten strom a zostupuje dole do koreňov? Čo spôsobuje, že to robí. On... Čo spôsobuje, že tie listy zhnednú?“
Povedal, „Pretože tá miazga...“
„Čo... Prečo zostupuje tá miazga dole?“
Povedal, „No, to je jednoducho – to zostupuje dole.“
Povedal som, „Čo ak to nezostúpi dole?“
Povedal, „Strom by zomrel.“
Povedal som, „No, aká inteligencia spôsobuje, že tá miazga zostúpi dole do koreňov? Položte kýbeľ vody na kôl a pozrite sa, či to v auguste zostúpi dole.“ Vidíte? Povedal som, „Aká inteligencia spôsobuje, že tá miazga opustí strom a zostúpi dole do koreňov? Niečo jej hovorí, aby išla tam dole, inak zamrzne a zomrie, ten strom zomrie. Rozumiete? A ešte sme nemali žiadne chladné počasie ani nič. Ale to...“
Povedal, „No, to je jednoducho príroda.“
„No, čo je príroda? Povedzte mi, čo je príroda.“ Vidíte?
Príroda je Boží zákon. Áno, je to Boží zákon.
64No, viera je Boží zákon (Rozumiete?), to je to isté. Všetka táto moc Božia, o ktorej hovoríme, je nám prístupná skrze vieru. „Všetko je možné. Povedzte tomuto vrchu, nech sa pohne, a nepochybujte vo svojom srdci. Verte, že to, čo ste povedali, sa stane a môžete to mať.“ Prístupné, ak máte ten zákon, tam to je. Rozumiete? Ten zákon je viera, ktorá riadi všetky veci.
No, Boh skrze Svoj zákon utvoril molekuly... To je Boží zákon. Potom Boh utvoril atómy. Potom z toho Boh vytvoril slnko. Z toho, zo slnka utvoril hviezdy. Z hviezd... To sú malé kúsky slnka, odletujúce z neho. Čo On mal? Tam vzadu sú Jeho atribúty, ktoré sa prejavujú.
65Potom prišiel svet. A po svete prišlo stvorenie. A po stvorení prišiel zákon pre stvorenie. Po tom, keď bol svet... Čo robí tento svet? Ako to môže niekto vysvetliť? Otočte loptu, akýmkoľvek smerom chcete, vyhoďte ju do vzduchu, to neurobí dve otáčky a neurobí miliardu otáčok za sekundu, neurobí to dve otáčky na tom istom mieste. A jednako, máme svedectvo šiestich tisícov rokov, tento svet nikdy nezmeškal čas, otáča sa presne za dvadsaťštyri hodín, stojí v ničom. Vidíte?
Čo to je? Táto veľká Osoba, predtým, ako bol svet - predtým, ako bol svet, to je tá veľká Osoba tam v tom, zákon Boží spôsobuje, že sa to točí. Ten istý zákon Boží, On to jednoducho vypovedal do existencie. On je Stvoriteľ. On tvorí. Rozumiete? A preto bol svet stvorený bez...
Skrze vieru, Boh stvoril svet, pretože Jeho vlastná viera (Rozumiete?) stvorila svet. A to je to, ako... No, On...
66Vidíte, On zostupoval a tvoril človeka a všetky zvieratá, až zostúpil ku hriechu. Ale On nemohol stvoriť hriech. Pretože by nemohol byť spravodlivý a byť Otcom spravodlivosti a stvoriť hriech. A tak, viete, čo urobil? On stvoril človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz a vedel, že on upadne, ale postavil ho na základe slobodného morálneho výberu. Povedal, „No, tohto stromu sa nedotýkaj.“
No, On nemohol povedať... No, On vedel, že on sa ho dotkne. Ale On ho nemohol...?..., aby sa ho dotkol. Pretože On povedal, „Dotkni sa tohoto Stromu a budeš žiť a dotkni sa tohoto stromu a zomrieš.“ Rozumiete?
A On vedel, že človek upadne, ale jednako On nemohol spôsobiť, aby upadol. On to musel nechať na neho... Tak to robí Boha spravodlivým. Rozumiete? Človek upadol sám. Potom, ako ho stvoril tak blízkym Sebe, postavil ho na základe slobodného morálneho výberu a z toho dôvodu, to je to, kde upadol. Upadol skrze skutok svojho vlastného slobodného morálneho výberu.
A dnes, každé z vás detí a každý z vás dospelých, ste postavení vedľa tých istých dvoch stromov. Môžeme prijať Život, alebo Ho odmietnuť. Rozumiete? A tak, Boh to jednoducho vypovedal do existencie a bol utvorený svet. Samotná táto dlážka je Božím Slovom. Táto vec, ktorá tu je, je Božím Slovom. Naše telá sú Božím Slovom. A všetko, čo tu je, je Božím Slovom. Rozumiete? Pretože to všetko je pôvodne vytvorené Bohom.
V poriadku, pane. No, ak to nie je v poriadku, ak to toto nevyjasnilo, no, môžete mi napísať poznámku a priniesť mi ju do zboru...?...
67V poriadku, brat Jimmy. [Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku:
Vysvetli 1.Korinťanom 16:22...“
- pozn.prekl.]Pozrime sa, 1.Korinťanom 16:22. V poriadku, pane. Len chvíľu. Tieto malé štúdia v Písme by nám mohli skutočne pomôcť. Mohlo by to – môže vás to posilniť a urobiť vás – urobiť z vás silných, mocných ľudí.
Povedal si šestnásť, synu? [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]... „nech je...“ Ó, joj. Nemôžem – neviem, či dokážem to meno vysloviť, alebo nie. A-n-a-t-h-e-m-a M-a-r-a-m-a-t-h-a. Niekto má inú Bibliu, vidíte, čo… Je to rozložené. To je antha… Čo hovorí? Znie to, ako by to bolo... Čo to je, Fred? Zožeň inú... Má niekto inú Bibliu?
Pozrime, či to je v tom...
Anathema. No, čo je to anathema? No, dostali ste ma. Vieš, Fred? Niekto... Vie niekto z vás, čo je to anathema? Máte slovník? Môžeme to nájsť za minútu. Zožeňte slovník.
68V poriadku, kým ho zháňa, možno môžem odpovedať na ďalšiu. V poriadku, pane.
[Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku:
Vysvetli, 'Videl som Satana ako blesk padajúci z neba.'“
- pozn.prekl.]„A videl som padnúť Satana ako blesk z neba.“ Tam v Lukášovi je… Je tam to miesto Písma? Len... No, predpokladám, že to je ono.
„Videl som padnúť Satana ako blesk z neba.“ No, to by mohlo... No, len to trochu načrtnem a ak to nebude stačiť, potom mi len dajte vedieť a pôjdem do detailov. Pamätáte sa? Dostaneme sa ku tomu, keď prídeme ku – potom neskoršie, keď budeme preberať tie miesta Písma pri tom… Viete, Ježiš...
69To bolo ihneď po tom, ako dal Ježiš Svojim učeníkom moc proti nečistým duchom. A oni išli, vyháňali démonov. Poslal ich po dvoch a povedal, „Nechoďte k pohanom, ale radšej choďte ku strateným ovciam Izraela. A ako pôjdete, kážte Kráľovstvo nebeské a uzdravujte nemocných a vyháňajte diablov,“ a tak ďalej. No, potom... A potom prišli späť, radovali sa a boli šťastní (No, ty, kto si sa opýtal tú otázku, vieš, kde to je. Rozumieš?) – prišli späť, radovali sa a boli šťastní. A On povedal, „Neradujte sa, že vaše mená... Neradujte sa tomu, že sa vám poddávajú diabli, ale radujte sa preto, že vaše mená sú napísané v nebesiach.“
Povedal, „Videl som padnúť Satana ako blesk z neba.“
Vidíte, moc Cirkvi, ktorá sa hýbala vpred, narušila skrátka celé Satanovo kráľovstvo. Rozumiete? A On ho videl, ako padal zo svojich pozícií. Pretože Boh dal znovu moc do Svojej Cirkvi, aby išli… On ho videl padať ako blesk z neba. On bol vyhnaný rovno zo svätých miest a odvšadiaľ (Rozumiete?), skrze moc tých – tú moc tej Cirkvi, tých, ktorí mali moc. Ježiš povedal, „Dávam vám moc nad nečistými duchmi.“ Rozumiete? A oni skutočne narušili Satanovo kráľovstvo. Čo s tým môžeme robiť dnes my? Ó, chvála Pánovi.
70V poriadku, brat Jimmy, možno máš ďalšiu. [Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku:
Vysvetli, 'krv, ktorá siahala po uzdu koňom.'
- pozn.prekl.]... po uzdu, Armagedon (Aha.) v Zjavení...
No, v posledných dňoch, prišli sme do miesta, keď Títus v roku 70 obsadil hradby Jeruzalema a zbúral hradby Jeruzalema. Tvrdia, že tam medzi tým bolo preliate také množstvo krvi – rovno milión alebo viac Židov, ktorí boli vnútri za hradbami, že zabili aj ženy, nemluvňatá... Nuž a to bolo tak zlé, že až... Oni odmietli Ducha Svätého.
Vidíte, teraz Boh, keď On – keď odmietli Krista a nazývali Ho Belzebubom, On povedal, „Ja vám to odpúšťam, (Rozumiete?) odpúšťam vám.“ Ale povedal, „Jedného dňa príde Duch Svätý,“ aby robil tie isté veci, ktoré robil On. Povedal, „Ani jedno slovo proti Tomu nebude odpustené.“
71No, čo urobili na deň Letníc, keď videli tých ľudí, ako kričia, tancujú a správajú sa, ako keby boli opití a vykrikujú a kričia, a tak ďalej? Čo hovorili? Povedali, „Oni sú plní vína; sú to opilci“ a všetko také: Skutky 2. A robili si z nich žarty a nazývali ich všetkým možným. Čo sa stalo? To ich zapečatilo von z Kráľovstva Božieho. Rozumiete?
A potom, keď prišlo to obliehanie Jeruzalema... No, dostaneme sa do toho v Zjavení 7; vrátime sa k tomu späť, ktokoľvek sa pýtal tú otázku. Vrátime sa k tomu späť. A potom – a keď oni...
Títus obsadzoval hradby, história hovorí, v Jozefusovi, ten raný historik, ktorý chodil vo dňoch nášho Pána Ježiša a bol to veľký historik. On povedal, že krv tiekla, až – takto sa skrátka valila von z brán. Oni tam vnútri zabili naraz tak mnohých z nich, keď tam vošli.
72No, Biblia predpovedá, že v posledných dňoch On chytí katolicizmus, Romanizmus a všetky tie veci a ich – komunizmus a všetkých ich spolu tam v údoliach Megiddo, až tam bude medzi nimi taký masaker, že až bude prúdiť krv po uzdu koňom - po zubadlo koní. Rozumiete, to je v Zjavení... Bude to v...
Ale vďaka Nebeskému Otcovi, nemyslím, že my tu budeme. Skrze Jeho milosť tu nebudeme. Budeme vtedy v sláve. Rozumiete? To bude hneď potom, keď tí dvaja proroci prorokovali, v bitke Armagedon. To je vtedy, keď sa tieto pohanské národy stanú tak skazené, a ďalej sa len kazia a konfederácia cirkví a všetko toto príde dokopy a Boh vezme Cirkev, vyvolenú Cirkev domov z každého jedného národa. A všetky spiace panny budú čakať...
No, tie zubadlá koní tam prídu od tých spiacich panien a všetkých tam v tom dni. A komunizmus, keď sa tam oni všetci stretnú a Boh povedal, že sa s nimi bude súdiť, ako to urobil v tých predošlých dňoch, viete, tam v tom údolí. A to je to miesto, kde sa to bude valiť po uzdu koní.
Našli ste vôbec to slovo? Ó, stále hľadajú... Ó, to... Ideme ďalej, to je v poriadku.
Brat Jimmy číta ďalšiu otázku, ktorá sa týka troch nečistých duchov.
- pozn.prekl.] To vychádza z Knihy Zjavenia, vychádzajú z úst falošného proroka a draka, a tak ďalej.No, dostaneme sa ku tomu v našom štúdiu. Rozumiete? Traja nečistí duchovia sú tri izmy. Dovoľte mi predstaviť vám to teraz v type a uvidíte, kde to vyšlo, kde to začalo. Rozumiete?
Bol komunizmus, fašizmus a nacizmus. Boli to duchovia. Komunizmus je duch. On prichádza na vás. Rozumiete? To je duch. A to bude niečo také, iba... To... To v skutočnosti nie je to. Ale to budú práve takí traja duchovia, a toto boli niečo ako ich predchodcovia. Ale samozrejme, viete, kde... To je v katolicizme. Rozumiete? Ale chcem vyjasniť niekoľko vecí ohľadne toho prv, ako to poviem. Viete. Aby som si bol istý, že viem, čo...
74Ale to sú traja duchovia, práve tak, ako komunizmus, fašizmus... A my sme to pred rokmi priniesli, viete. Pamätáte sa, hovoril som vám, povedal som, že to bude vec, ktorá sa udeje – všetko sa skončí v komunizme. A to je to, kde sa to stalo. To je ten istý spôsob, ako to bude v tom čase. Rozumiete? To budú traja nečistí duchovia, ktorí vyjdú vpred. Bude to…
Ja naozaj, skutočne verím hneď teraz... len aby som to nejako načrtol, ak nemyslíte… A ak ku tomu trochu pridám, keď to budem vysvetľovať, no, vy poviete, „Ty si to vtedy večer vôbec nevysvetlil.“ Rozumiete, keď to urobím.
Tu je to, čo si myslím, že to bude. Verím, že to je duch, spiaca panna, konfederácia cirkví, Judaizmus, ktorý odmieta Krista, Židia, ktorý to odmietli, a Katolicizmus. Pretože, vidíte, odkiaľ to vychádza – vychádza to od falošného proroka (Vidíte?), z úst falošného proroka, čím je pápežstvo, z úst šelmy. Rozumiete? A všetko to, odkiaľ to vychádza, môžete vidieť pozadie toho, kde to je.
A to sú traja nečistí duchovia, ktorí nastavujú celý svet na Armagedon. Rozumiete? A to sú tí traja nečistí duchovia. Potom to máte rovno v tom s tými tromi beda. Pamätáte si, jedného dňa, proste som to priniesol. Povedal som... Je sedem posledných pliag, sedem pečatí a tri beda a dvaja – traja nečistí duchovia a to prichádza cez to.
75Dobre, máš ďalšiu, máš? [Brat číta ďalšiu otázku:
Aký význam má rieka Eufrat duchovne hovoriac skrze Bibliu?“
- pozn.prekl.]Áno. Rieka Eufrat, vždy to bola významná rieka, pretože rieka Eufrat má v Biblii významné miesto. Prvé miesto, ktoré nachádzame, je, že tiekla rovno cez Eden: rieka Eufrat. Biblia hovorí, že tiekla rovno cez Eden. Ďalšia vec, ktorú nachádzame, je, že rieka Eufrat bola tiež riekou, ktorá tiekla rovno cez Babylon – tá istá rieka. Rozumiete? Rieka Eufrat prechádzala rovno cez Babylon.
No, zistili sme, že Anjel vylial svoju čašu na rieku Eufrat a vyschla, aby kráľ severu mohol prísť dolu. A myslím, že to, čo to v skutočnosti bude, bude v čase konca, keď prídu do Armagedonu. Rozumiete, musia prísť rovno dolu tam cez Egypt, aby sa tam dostali. Rovno dolu cez tie krajiny, budú musieť prekročiť Eufrat, aby sa tam dostali.
76Vidíte, rieka Eufrat dnes tečie. Vieme to. Rozumiete? A Amazonka, v Južnej Amerike a Níl v Egypte a Eufrat a... Ó, aká je tá ďalšia? Sú tam dve rieky v – ktoré pramenili tam v Edene. A rieka Eufrat je, keď táto veľká… urobila cestu, aby prišli dole. Vidíte, robí cestu pre kráľa severu, aby prišiel dolu, tým kráľom.
To bude – stane sa to v priebehu času bitky Armagedon v posledných dňoch. Rozumiete? Tá rieka Eufrat… To boli všetky? Alebo máte… To boli všetky.
77No, mám práve na mysli (Rozumiete?), rozmýšľam o tom – čo sú tieto osoby zač, keď odmietajú Krista. Je to proste... Môžete si to sami vyhľadať pre seba v slovníku. Pretože to nie je niečo, čo by... Nebudem o tom hovoriť – rovno tu teraz. Ale nájdite si to a uvidíte, čo to znamená. To... Budete skrátka môcť, inými slovami... Sú dve alebo tri miesta v Písme, na ktorých vám môžem ukázať niečo podobné.
Inými slovami, tak ako povedal kráľ Nabuchodonozor, „Každý človek, ktorý by sa neklaňal tomuto “takému a takému“... pred Danielovým Bohom a všetko také, nech mu je vzatý jeho dom, upálené jeho deti a jeho dom obrátený na hnojisko.“ Rozumiete? A my si uvedomujeme, čo tie slová znamenajú; sú skrátka prinesené a takto povedané. Ale ak sa len pozriete späť do slovníka, to vám povie presne, čo to je. Rozumiete? Čo to je.
78No, tieto malé veci sú poučením, a ja som ich nevysvetlil až tak, ako by som mal, lebo to by zabralo viac času. Pretože vidíte, je už... každý... Všetci zajtra robíte a ja sa chystám, ak Pán dá, do Miami. A je štvrť na jedenásť. A nechcem vás držať príliš dlho. A myslím, že moji najmenší spia. A myslím, že vaši tiež. A tak to máme. Tí maličkí zaspia rýchlo.
Ale chcem povedať toto: Sú to naozaj, skutočne skvelé otázky, každá jedna z nich, skutočne dobré. A prial by som si mať ďalší večer s otázkami, alebo niečo také, v modlitebni, aby ste všetci… Ak to potom ráno poviem, dáte mi tie otázky, aby som mal trochu čas si ich preštudovať.
79Ako viete, je to skrátka nepripravené, vtedy, keď začnete rozprávať a som známy v tom, že zaberám pri všetkom príliš veľa času. A tu, všimnite si môj spôsob kázania, to je dôvod, že vás tu držím takmer celý deň. Rozumiete? Skrátka kážem príliš dlho.
Ale všimli ste si Billy Grahama? No, Billy Graham je trénovaný kazateľ. A on je veľký človek. A Billy Graham, on rovno tam umiestni svoj text. On tam odstúpi a skrátka tlčie do tej témy, jednoducho stále po celý čas. Nikdy nenechá poklesnúť svoj hlas, málokedy, jednoducho tlčie do tej témy. Rozumiete?
Tak mu Duch Svätý dáva kázať. Rozumiete? To je jeho technika, ako to robí. Tak to robí.
Charles Fuller, mnohí z vás ste ho počuli. On je skvelý starý muž. A tak, Charlie Fuller je ako vykladač Biblie. On je – on rád vyučuje a ako vchádza do vecí, viete. A všetko, on to skrátka umiestňuje v Kristovi a je to veľký učiteľ. Všimnite si, čo robí. On nekáže; on skrátka vyučuje.
80No, ak ste si všimli, malý jednoduchý spôsob, ako to ja robím. Ja podám text, akýkoľvek je môj text. A idem sem dozadu a vezmem kontext. Prinesiem to sem a položím to do jednej línie s mojou témou. A potom idem sem naspäť a vezmem niečo iné. A prinesiem to sem a položím to sem. Potom tu idem späť a vezmem niečo ďalšie, pokiaľ to tu všetko nedám do poriadku, a potom vysvetlím svoju tému, skrátka všetko naraz.
Dôvod, prečo mávam tieto malé kázne... Snažil som sa kázať. Samozrejme, vy ste boli pri mne dlho a viete, že nie som kazateľ. Ale také ako, „Či veríš tomu?,“ „Hovor ku tej Skale,“ „Poď a vidz ženu“ a všetky takéto, viete, iba tri krátke slová. Len... Postavil som to celé okolo tej ženy pri studni a čo to bolo. A potom nakoniec som do toho udrel. Rozumiete. „Poď a vidz Muža. Poď a vidz Muža,“ potom, „Hovor ku tej Skale.“ Beriem Izrael a vyvádzam ich. Vidíte. Dostávam kontext a kladiem to sem do línie s témou a ešte som sa nedotkol svojej témy.
81A všimli ste si pred chvíľou v tom vysvetľovaní, len pred chvíľou, tak isto. Ohľadom tamtoho Rimana (Rozumiete?), hovorí mu, „Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom.“ Vidíte, tam je otázka, ako byť spasený. Vidíte, šiel som späť a vzal, čo to všetko bolo, a vytiahol som to von a šiel späť a vzal som Jóba a ich všetkých, vytiahol som to tu v – na cestu a potom som to vysvetlil. To je to, čo to je; to je viera. Rozumiete? Jób použil vieru. Riman použil vieru. My sme pripravení použiť vieru a všetko. Rozumiete, skrátka...
A myslím, že týmto spôsobom, keď to robím takýmto spôsobom, ak sa mi podarí spraviť, že ľudia majú dostatočný záujem, aby počúvali to, čo sa snažíte vybudovať, potom si ušetríte tú svoju hlavnú tému na ten posledný bod, a potom to vysvetlíte. Potom poviete... Ó, to ostatné z toho sa otvára. Pretože vidíte, vidíte to.
Rozumiete, vy sa len – načiahnete sa sem a vezmete nejaký voľný riadok a dáte ho na jeho miesto. A problém toho je, že nechávam príliš veľa voľných riadkov, tak – ktoré neukladám.
82No, bolo to od vás všetkých skutočne milé, že ste sem prišli, aby ste tu sedeli a rozprávali sa s nami a všetko ostatné. A ja si to cením. A chcem znova povedať z celého srdca; myslím to so všetkým, čo je vo mne. Nikdy som si neuvedomoval, akú veľkú cenu vy ľudia platíte. Ja len... Ak by to nebolo kvôli tomu, aby som vás videl, a nebolo to kvôli tomu, že vás milujem a kvôli veciam, ktoré robím, povedal by som, „Nebudem už v tej modlitebni viacej kázať.“ Keď vidím, že všetci musíte cestovať tisíc päťsto, tisíc osemsto míľ, aby ste išli a počúvali kázeň.
No, cením si tú veľkú vernosť. Ale jednako, premýšľam o tom, čo robíte. Rozumiete? Hm. A ja skrátka verím Bohu, že uvidím každého z vás v krajine za riekou. Vás a vaše deti, vašich najmenších a všetkých. A dúfam, že tam budem. Verím, že tam budem.
No, pozrite sa, každý z nás môže – nech by nebolo stratené ani jedno z vašich detí, nech by nebol stratený nikto z vás, nech by sme tam v ten deň boli všetci. A tiež aj naša malá sestra tam, malá farebná dáma tam, ktorá umýva riady tam v druhej miestnosti.
Pamätám si, že som sa tu dolu raz rozprával s tou ženou. Myslím... Je to tá istá žena? A jej manžel, myslím, že som ho tam raz stretol. Alebo nie, to je chlapec, ktorý pre vás pracuje. Vyzeral byť milým chlapíkom. A skrátka dúfam, že sa všetci stretneme tam, kde – tam nebude žiadne sklamanie. A žiadne sedenie neskoro do noci, pretože tam nebude žiadna noc.
83Ó, môj brat, sestra, ak by som len dokázal nejakým spôsobom vysvetliť, čo to bolo v to ráno, keď som tam ležal vedľa mojej manželky a On ma pozdvihol z tej postele a vzal ma tam a nechal ma nazrieť za oponu.
Keby som len teraz mal moc vysvetliť vám, ako to vyzeralo a čo to bolo... Videl som ich tam všetkých. A oni všetci boli mladí. A nedokázal som ich rozpoznať. Rozumiete, oni všetci prichádzali ku mne a objímali ma a všetko také. A boli to ľudské bytosti. Rozumiete? Neboli nejakým druhom peria ako... Oni hovoria o anjeloch... Nemyslím si, že Anjel má perie, aj keď to oni proste hovoria. Rozumiete? Ale anjel je posol. A to slovo znamená „posol.“ A tak, nemyslím si, že majú perie a také veci. Ale to je jednoducho... Oni tam všetci boli a všetci boli šťastní. A neboli – nemohli byť nič iné, než šťastní. A keby nebolo nič iné, len to, stojí nás to všetok beh a všetko, čo robíme, a všetko takéto.
84Ale chcem, aby ste... Chcem povedať toto, že tiež verím, že Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch príde na zem hlad. A ten hlad nebude po chlebe a vode, ale po počutí pravdivého Slova Božieho, A ľudia budú behať od východu, od západu, od severu a juhu, a budú hľadať počuť Slovo Božie. A my teraz žijeme práve niekde v tom dni. Rozumiete? Keď...
Neignorujem nikoho (Rozumiete?), neignorujem naše cirkvi, vôbec nie... Ale, ak viete, verím, že za kazateľňami mnohých týchto cirkví máme skvelých mužov, dobrých mužov, skutočných mužov Božích. Ale oni sa boja, že ak povedia niečo, čo je v protiklade k tomu, čo hovorí ich organizácia, že ich potom vykopnú. Potom zostanú v chlade.
A verím, že to, čo človek potrebuje, je trocha odvahy. A verím, že, no, verím, že Boh chce niekoho vziať a urobiť príklad, aby ukázal, že On sa o nich postará bez ohľadu na ich organizáciu. A tak, to je to, čo som – dúfam, že On urobí so mnou, aby mi pomohol, dovolil mi... A ak...
85A počúvajte, Kresťania. Ak sa niekedy raz... Prikazujem vám pred Bohom a vyvolenými Anjelmi, aby ste... Ak kedykoľvek vidíte, že robím niečo zle, prídete prosím a poviete mi to? Pretože vás milujem príliš na to, aby som vás tam minul. A viem, že prídete. A tak, ja... Príďte mi povedať. Ak ma niekedy uvidíte v niečom nesprávnom, niečo, čo robím a nie je to správne, niečo, čo by kládlo na vašu cestu kameň potknutia.
No, mnohokrát je tak, že hovorím tu niečo okolo a smejem sa, a načnem niečo, a poviem určité veci. Čo sa snažím robiť? Snažím sa vypustiť trocha z toho pocitu napätia, ktorý je vo mne. Rozumiete? Proste to nie je, že by som to chcel robiť. Rozumiete? To nie je ani to, že sa chcem smiať alebo… A aby som prišiel sem a bol som s bratom Welchom, aby som ho mohol počuť hovoriť niečo iné o, ó, o mladom chlapcovi – tam o tom farebnom chlapcovi. A on chytil rybu a strážnik chytil jeho a on povedal, že chytal návnadu na korytnačky. A podobne... Niečo v takom zmysle, viete.
86A ten mladý... Keď mi ten mladý kazateľ povedal... Hovoril som im, dnes tým dievčatám, o tom pudlíkovi, že bol Fefe a Fifi. Rozumiete? A ako... Prečo to robím? Zasmiať sa, aby som sa zasmial, aby som sa dostal dolu.
Keď vykročíte nad túto smrteľnú sféru hore do tamtých sfér, to vás drží v chode, viete, čo tým myslím. A potom, len sa zamyslite, zamyslite sa tu nad tým. S touto službou, pamätajte na to, za čo sa budem musieť zodpovedať? Nie iba za Tifton v Georgii, nie za Indianu, nie za Spojené Štáty, ale musím sa zodpovedať pred svetom za celosvetovú službu. Rozumiete? Musím sa zodpovedať pohanom. Lepšie povedané, musím sa zodpovedať pred Bohom za pohanov. Rozumiete?
A keď sedím doma a premýšľam, „No, myslím – myslím – myslím...“ Ako raz tam hore a dostal som sa do takého napätia a povedal som, „Idem a budem mať ďalšie zhromaždenie.“ A šiel som a mal som ďalšie zhromaždenie. A prvá vec, ktorú zistíte, som tak napätý, že musím ísť na lov; musím ísť na ryby; musím s niekým odísť preč. Musím niečo robiť, pretože som len človek, len ľudská bytosť. Rozumiete? A to je to, čo... Rozumiete tomu.
87Ale ak by ste si niekedy mysleli, že som sa pri tom dostal preč z cesty, príďte a povedzte mi to. Zastavím to, chlapče, ako nemý... Bez ohľadu na to, čo sa stane. Pretože chcem, aby ste rozumeli; nemám žiadne tajomstvá. Všetko, čo viem, viete aj vy. Rozumiete? Všetko, čo mi Pán ukázal, čo mi dovolil povedať, povedal som to. A nedržím nič v pozadí. A môj život je otvorený. Viete, kým som a z čoho som stvorený. A ja len – snažím sa žiť každý deň rovnako ako – pokiaľ môžem.
Samozrejme, mnohokrát ma vidíte, keď som mrzutý a cítim sa zle a som unavený a otrávený, alebo niečo také. Samozrejme, ja – to ide spolu so službou, viete; chápete to… Keď sa pozriete naspäť cez stránky času, budete vidieť, že ľudia tak reagovali. Všetci sa s tým stretávame.
Ale tá dôležitá vec je, že chceme porozumieť jeden druhého. Chápem, že máte svoje pozdvihnutia a tiež klesnutia. Nie som jediný, kto ich má. Vy ich máte. A keď máte svoje, budem sa snažiť vás pochopiť. Keď mám svoje, vy sa snažte pochopiť mňa. A keď som niekde za morom, alebo niekde vonku na zhromaždení a diabli sú všade a hromadia sa a bojujú proti mne a všetko také, no, pamätajte všetci, len sa za mňa modlite. Budete to robiť?
88Môžeme teraz na chvíľu prehovoriť ku Nemu? Nebeský Otče, bolo nádherné stáť tu a rozprávať sa s touto skupinou detí, ktoré sú umyté Krvou. Dnes večer si uvedomujem, že stojím práve tak, ako stál Pavol pred mnohými rokmi, malé domové zhromaždenia, kam oni chodievali. A Pavol prišiel k Akvilovi a Priscille a ako museli mať vnútri zhromaždených ľudí. A on šiel... do Ríma a mal prenajatý byt. A prijímal tých, ktorí prichádzali.
A tu dnes večer, ľudia z – ktorí prichádzajú do modlitebne. A ľudia, ktorí cestujú všetky tie míle, ktorým som sa práve snažil povedať, ako veľmi si to cením... Pane, nemám ani slov, ktorými by som im mohol povedať, ako veľmi si to cením. Ale, Otče, modlím sa, aby si im dal poznať v srdciach, čo tým myslím.
A drahý Bože, ak... Prosím, modlím sa, aby si odpovedal na moju modlitbu za nich. Spas každého jedného z nich, Pane. Nech tu nezostane stratený ani jeden z nich, ani nech tu nezostane stratená žiadna z ich rodín; nech sú tam všetci.
89Modlím sa za ich najmenších. Myslím, že tento malý chlapec, ktorý tu leží v otcovom lone, a jeho mama sedí, díva sa a premýšľa o dňoch, ktoré majú prísť. Ak je nejaký zajtrajšok, ako viem, že ten istý chlapec nebude niesť Evanjelium? Bože, modlím sa, aby si požehnal toho malého chlapca, všetkých ostatných, tie malé dievčatá a chlapcov a bol s nimi všetkými. Buď s bratom a sestrou Evans, ktorí otvorili svoj dom, dom modlitby.
Buď teraz s nami a odpusť nám naše hriechy. A, Bože, ak niekedy onemocnejú a budú musieť volať, Bože, daj mi žiť taký život, aby uverili, že ma budeš počuť. A potom ma vypočuj, keď sa za nich modlím, Pane. Udeľ to. A vypočuj, keď sa modlia za mňa, pretože potrebujem ich modlitby, Otče. A zakaždým, keď sa za mňa modlia, vypočuješ to, Pane? Keď sa za nich modlím, vypočuj, Pane. A spoločne Ti budeme slúžiť po celý náš život. A v tom veľkolepom dni, dúfame, že raz prídeme hore do Tvojho domu. A keď zaklopeme na dvere, necháš nás vojsť, Otče? Do toho času, bdej nad nami a žehnaj nás a zachovaj nás v pravde. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
90Ďakujem vám veľmi pekne, priatelia. A je mi ľúto, že som vás tu držal až – takmer do desať tridsať. Tento malý chlapec tu leží, spí ako malý bojovník. Koľko má rokov? Dva. Už mu minulo?
Ako sa máš, sestra, neviem, či som ti potriasol rukou, keď som prišiel, alebo nie. No, je dobré znova ťa vidieť a teba, brat Willie.
Fred, predpokladám, že ty ráno odchádzaš, vraciaš sa smerom domov. Vezmeš môjho aligátora späť. Dovidenia doma, brat Wood. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Aj teba, brat Scott. Som rád, že ťa znovu vidím, brat. Myslím, že som ťa predtým niekde videl, či nie? Myslím, že áno. Tvoja tvár je mi známa.
Brat Wayne, nech ťa Pán žehná. Stále si myslím, že ja som ti mal natankovať benzín za to, že si išiel osemdesiat míľ a priviezol tohto kazateľa ku mne. Nech ťa Pán žehná, synu. Nech ťa Pán žehná, sestra. A všetky moje narážky… Len som žartoval, viete.
91Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra Evans. Boli to naozaj dobré raňajky a večera a tvoja skvelá pohostinnosť. Pamätaj, Ježiš povedal toto. „Nakoľko ste toho učinili jednému z týchto najmenších...“ No, nepočuli ste Ho povedať, „Nakoľko ste toho učinili jednému z týchto najväčších...“ Rozumiete? Rozumiete, to môže – to by mohol byť niekto iný. Ale, „Nakoľko ste toho učinili jednému z týchto najmenších...“ Myslím, že to by som mohol byť ja. A tak, vy ste to urobili mne.
Tiež som rád, že ťa znovu vidím, sestra. Nech je Boh vždy s tebou. Ja... Ó. Ako by si mohla povedať, že to nie je tvoja matka? Tak veľmi sa podobáš.
Je pekné ťa vidieť, sestra. Myslím, že ty si manželkou tohto mladého muža, ktorý tu je. A ty si brat Scott. Všetky ste sestry? No, myslel som si, že ste sestry. Skutočne. Je to milé, že ťa znovu vidím. A zachovaj si dobrú odvahu, môj brat. A aha, možnože táto je nová. Nevšimol som si tu toto dievča. Ó, no, teší ma, že ťa poznávam, sestra. Nech ťa Pán žehná.
Rád ťa vidím, sestra. Na niečo bude dobrý. Len ho vezmi. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Brat Evans, nech je Boh s tebou, chlapče.
92No, drahá, vezmeš naše deti, už radšej pôjdeme. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. A okrem toho vám poviem, pred tým, ako pôjdeme, len sa postavme na svoje nohy a zaspievajme túto krátku pieseň. Zaspievate so mnou krátky verš, ako...? Je to v poriadku?
Boh buď s vami, až kým sa stretneme zas;
Nech vás vedú a ochraňujú Jeho rady,
Nech vás má v ohrade so svojimi ovcami,
Boh buď s vami, až kým sa stretneme zas.
Až kým sa stretneme. Až kým sa stretneme;
Až kým sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;
Až kým sa stretneme. Až kým sa stretneme;
Boh buď s vami, až kým sa stretneme zas.
Tu je spôsob, akým sme to zvykli robievať na malých modlitebných zhromaždeniach. Chyťme sa navzájom za ruky, rovno takto dookola. Rozumiete? A zaspievame túto krátku pieseň chvály. Urobme malý kruh, buďme spolu. To je ten spôsob. Rozumiete? Takto máte jednoducho kontakt jeden s druhým, viete. Spievajme. Poznáte túto krátku pieseň?
Nech je požehnané puto, ktoré spája
Naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;
Naše obecenstvo spriaznených myslí;
Je ako to Hore.
Pred trónom nášho Otca
Vylievame naše spoločné modlitby;
Naše obavy, naše nádeje, naše ciele sú jedným.
Naše radosti a naše starosti.
Keď sme od seba oddelení;
Spôsobuje nám to vnútornú bolesť;
Ale stále budeme spojení v srdci;
A dúfať, že sa stretneme zas.
93No, s našimi sklonenými hlavami, zopakujme tú vzorovú modlitbu. Náš Otče, ktorý si v nebesiach, nech sa posvätí Tvoje Meno. Nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo, nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, ako v nebi, tak i na zemi. Daj nám náš každodenný chlieb a odpusť nám naše priestupky, ako aj my odpúšťame tým, ktorí sa previnili voči nám. A neuveď nás v pokušenie, ale zbav nás zlého. Lebo Tvoje je Kráľovstvo a moc a sláva naveky. Amen.
Nech vás teraz každého Boh žehná. Kým sa stretneme zas.
Brat Welch, myslíš, že to máš všetko nahraté na páske? Hm. No, prajem si, aby ste všetci išli s nami na Floridu. Ak Pán dá... Poviem vám, čo robím, snažím sa vziať deti von. Rozumiete, ešte im neskončili prázdniny. Ich stará matka mala infarkt a my sa musíme vrátiť. A tak, beriem ich von, aby mali dobré zakončenie prázdnin, pretože potom idú hneď do školy. Tak, zajtra ich vezmem, možno dolu do St. Petersburgu alebo niekam.
94[Brat Branham sa rozpráva s rôznymi ľuďmi. - pozn.prekl.]
Musím sa vrátiť, možno pred nedeľou. [Brat Evans hovorí o múzeu. - pozn.prekl.] Aha? Áno? No, rád by som šiel hore a pozrel sa na ne. Tak veru. Nebol som teraz v múzeu. To je... Čo to bolo? Ripleyho múzeum. A to je v St. Petersburg? Dole v St... Mal som na mysli v St. Augustine.
Áno, pôjdem tam... Toto je Jacksonville, kam pôjdem prv, či nie? Áno, späť… Pretože idem z druhej strany. Naspäť týmto smerom do Jacksonville a potom vyjdem cez La Crosse, hovoríte, a von tým smerom?...?... Waycross. Aha.
95[Niekto sa pýta, „...akým smerom je obrátená modlitebňa?“ - pozn.prekl.] Modlitebňa je obrátená od východu na západ. Postavil som... To... Keď vojdete z – spredu, viete, akým smerom prechádza Ôsma ulica? Potom idete rovno na východ. Rozumiete? A potom... Potom, ak sa postavíte... A keď kážem, kážem smerom na západ. A vidíte teraz, robím to preto, aby bol oltár smerom na východ, pretože Ježiš prichádza od východu. A potom, počkajte... Oltár, skláňame sa vždy na východ. Rozumiete?
No, zvyčajne... Neviem. To je to, čo som proste stále robil. Videl som v Biblii, že oni... Obvykle tam dávno, Daniel povedal, že šiel a otvoril okná, viete a všetko také. A modlil sa smerom na východ. A tak...
A všimol som si v starom Mozaickom chráme, myslím, že oltár bol obrátený na východ. A tak, samozrejme, Boh vás bude počuť, kdekoľvek ste. Rozumiete? Bez ohľadu na... Tak veru. No, prežil som také chvíle, že som sa modlil a obracal som sa hore a všemožne, proste som sa nemohol vymotať. Rozumiete? Proste som chodil dookola.
96Ale teraz, ak nedávam pozor, ani si nejako nevšímam, ktorým smerom idem, a len idem a naskočím, ja proste... Sú dve – jedno miesto, o ktorom viem, kde sa nikdy nemôžem zorientovať. A pri to viem, kde to je. A to je dole u Starej mamy u Coxov. Môžem tam ísť. A nemôžem sa zorientovať. A to bude niečo, zdá sa mi to podobné, ako to, čo sa mi tam raz stalo.
Idem rovno sem týmto vjazdom, a to je – to je tak rovno na juh ako len môže byť, otáčam sa doprava. Ale to nie je ten smer. Rozumiete? To nie je to. To je úplne opačne. Rozumiete? A skrátka...
A keď sa dostanem do lesov, no, ak sa stratím alebo niečo také, a potom, ak sa otočím... No, ak sa celý rozruším, no, nedokážem sa zorientovať. Rozumiete? Ale ak budete len chvíľu ticho stáť a poviete, „Nebeský Otče, pomôž mi.“ A brat, môžem ti tak priamo bez problému ukázať smer. Je to tak.
97Raz som odchádzal z...?... s bratom Woodom a sestrou Wood, odchádzali sme z Chattanooga. A brat Wood šoféroval... Myslím, že je to cesta 41, išli sme späť. Tak, to... Bol som tak unavený. Ó, bol som tak unavený. A skrátka som si vzadu ľahol, po službe, ľahol som si tam a zaspal som vzadu v aute. Zobudil som sa. Ale keď som sa zdvihol, povedal som... Hmla? Sotva by ste pred sebou mohli vidieť svoju ruku. A povedal som, „Hej, brat Wood, ideš zlým smerom.“
On povedal... Rozumiete, práve som odchádzal z toho zhromaždenia. A on povedal; povedal, „Ó, nie.“ Povedal, „Ja idem po 41tke.“
Povedal som, „Ale ideš na juh.“
A on povedal, „No, ako to môžeš povedať v takejto hmle? Rozumieš, nemôžeš ani vidieť cestu.“
Povedal som, „Ale... ty... Môžem ti hneď teraz povedať, že ideš na juh.“
On povedal, „Nie, nie. Pozri tam, to je 41tka.“
Povedal som, „Ale to je zle.“
No, prešli sme malý kúsok. A on so mnou stále argumentoval, že má pravdu. Skrátka hovoril, „Zostávam rovno na 41ke, idem do Memphisu.“
A povedal som, „Len dávaj pozor.“ A zastavili sme na čerpacej stanici. A povedal som, „Ako ďaleko je do Memphisu?“
On povedal, „Musíš sa otočiť chlapče, ste v Georgii.“ Povedal, „Choďte naspäť tým smerom.“ Nenecháme… Tak veru. Tak veru? Tak veru. Tak veru. Ak si nevšimnete…
98A pamätám sa, že raz som bol stratený hore v horách. A tam, keď... Myslel som si, že som veľmi dobrý zálesák na to, aby som sa niekedy stratil. Ale skutočne som sa stratil. A moja manželka bola so mnou a Billy Paul bol malé bábätko. A oni... Opustil som ich. A šiel som...
Šiel som loviť medveďa. Rozumiete? A lovil som medveďa. A bežal som tam za veľkým jelením samcom. Zastrelil som tohto samca a myslel som si, „No, radšej by som sa mal vrátiť späť.“ A viem, že by som prišiel dolu… Bol som hore v Adirondacku. A vyšiel som takto hore na vrch a ja... Niečo prebehlo cez cestu. A to bola puma. A len sklopila uši. A skôr, ako som stačil zacieliť a vystreliť, bola preč. Rozumiete? A Méda nikdy v živote nebola v lesoch. Rozumiete? A...
No, to sme boli na svadobnej ceste. Rozumiete? Ja som ju tam zobral na svadobnú cestu. Rozumiete? V tom čase, keď som sa oženil, vtedy som, viete, vzal som ju na našu svadobnú cestu a v tom istom čase som išiel na poľovačku. Rozumiete? A tak – tak som... A pomyslel som si, „No, ako teraz pôjdem?“ Ja... A šiel som hore týmto smerom a otočil sa dole a šiel tade a natrafil som na útes a šiel som dole cez malé miesto. Vedel som, že som bol dole smerom niekde ku tým gigantom, smerom ku Kanadskej strane, ale nevedel som, kde to presne bolo. A prichádzala víchrica.
99A zrazu, viete, tie snehové víchrice. A, ó, hmla bola tak nízko, nemohli by ste pred sebou vidieť ani ruku. A to je vtedy, keď ste – na takých miestach, radšej by ste si mali sadnúť, ak neviete, kde ste. Pretože rovno tam zomriete. Rozumiete? A je potrebné, aby ste sa dostali na miesto, zaliezli a zohnali niečo na jedenie a čakali deň alebo dva, kým sa víchrica neskončí. A potom sa dostanete von a uvidíte, kde ste.
No, ja som sa nemohol ukryť. Méda bola v lesoch a nikdy predtým nebola v lesoch, v malom prístrešku, nemalo to ani dvere, len, viete, bol to taký malý prístrešok. A ja som tam bol v takej situácii. A, ó. Pustil som sa rovno, začal som ísť rovno takto hore. A pomyslel som si, „No, odbočil som niekde tu hore.“ A šiel som rovno späť na miesto, kde som zastrelil toho jeleňa. Znovu som sa pustil určitým smerom a povedal som si, „Musím sa odtiaľto dostať. Moja žena a dieťatko zomrú v lesoch.“ Rozumiete?
100 A začalo sa ochladzovať. A hmla bola čoraz väčšia, čo naznačovalo, že za chvíľu začne snežiť. Rozumiete? Znova som sa pokúsil ísť a prišiel som opäť naspäť ku jeleňovi. Urobil som to tri krát. No, potom som vedel... Povedal som si, „No, chodím... Som niekde...“
Rozumiete, no, indiáni to nazývajú chôdza smrti. Ste na rovinatom mieste a kráčate naokolo a naokolo v kruhoch. Rozumiete? No, s kompasom by ste to nemuseli robiť. Rozumiete? Ale kráčate naokolo v kruhu. Indiáni to nazývajú, že ste vošli na cestu smrti. Rozumiete? Pretože potom jednoducho zošaliete. To je vtedy, keď stratia rozum a začnú bežať, vykrikovať a všetko také. Až sa nakoniec vrhnú z útesu, alebo niečo také a zomrú, alebo sa sami zabijú.
101A potom, pamätám si, že som povedal, „No, idem priamo rovno.“ Ja...?... A trochu som blúznil a pomyslel som si, „Sadni si. No, ty starý blázon. Vieš, že nie si stratený. Nemôžeš byť stratený.“ Rozumiete? A stále som to hovoril. Dobre, ale vidíte to – skrátka to tam nebolo. Keď je niečo, čo tam nie je, nemôžete to oklamať, viete. Práve tak, ako...
A tak som povedal, „No, nie som stratený. Viem presne, kde som. Iste. Prišiel som rovno týmto smerom. Je to presne tak.“ Išiel som ďalej a rozprával som sa takto sám so sebou, viete a pri tom som sa potil, že až. No, keby som bol sám, proste by som niekam zaliezol, utiahol by som sa na nejakom malom mieste a počkal, kým skončí víchrica. Možno deň alebo dva, ale bolo by to v poriadku. Zobral by som si kus zo svojho jeleňa, a nech sa deje, čo sa deje. Rozumiete? Ale nemôžete to urobiť, keď moja žena bola tam v lese. Oni boli v lese. Cez noc by zomreli. Nevedeli by, ako sa o seba majú v lesoch postarať. Rozumiete?
102A tak som si pomyslel... Proste som tam šiel ďalej a počul som niečo povedať, „Ja som Pán, ktorý poskytuje tú prítomnú pomoc v čase problémov.“ Išiel som len ďalej. Pomyslel som si, „No, začínam blúzniť. Aha? Zdá sa mi, že počujem hlasy.“ Toto bolo pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, hneď, keď sa vydala. Išiel som len takto ďalej. Povedalo To, „Ja som Pán, ktorý poskytuje tú prítomnú pomoc v čase problémov.“ A povedalo to asi tri alebo štyri krát.
A po chvíli som zastal a pomyslel som si, že „Buď som bez seba, alebo sa nado mnou zmilováva Všemohúci Boh.“ A len som pokľakol a pušku som položil na zem. A povedal som, „Bože, vyznávam, že som stratený.“ Rozumiete, povedal som, „Som stratený. A potom... Nedokážem... Nedokážem sa vôbec dostať odtiaľto... A myslel som si, že som príliš dobrý zálesák, než aby som sa niekedy stratil. Ale,“ povedal som, „nemôžem sa vôbec zorientovať. Nie je...“ Bol som rozrušený. Rozumiete? „Nedokážem sa vôbec nijako odtiaľto dostať. Nezaslúžim si žiť, Pane. Ale moja žena a dieťa áno.“ Rozumiete? „A tak mi pomôž dostať sa ku nim, aby nezomreli v lesoch.“ Povedal som, „Nezaslúžim si žiť, ale oni áno.“ A povedal som, „Ak mi len pomôžeš, budem Ti veľmi vďačný.“ Postavil som sa. Povedal som, „No, obrátim sa rovno týmto smerom a viem, že pôjdem rovno tým smerom, kde som nechal Médu a ich.“ Ale ja...?... šiel som rovno do Kanady (Rozumiete?) na ceste smrti (Rozumiete?) išiel som rovno do Kanady.
103A takto som začal ísť a zrazu, zacítil som, ako sa niečo [Brat Branham to ilustruje. – pozn.prekl.], ruka. „Čo to je?“ A pozrel som sa hore. V pravý čas som sa obzrel. A hmla sa rozplynula práve na toľko, že som videl vrchol Hurikánovej Hory. A oni táborili priamo pod Hurikánovou Horou.
No, potom som tam len stál a plakal ako dieťa, chválil som Boha, viete, za to, že mi pomohol. A potom, musel som sa vydať tým smerom. A zotmelo sa. A skákali predo mnou jelene a všetko. Ale ja... Potom, čo sa zotmelo, vedel som, že tá lesnícka… keď je tá lesnícka chata rovno tam vedľa toho prístrešku, ale bola zamknutá. A potom, to je dvadsaťpäť míľ od najbližšieho domu, odtiaľ dolu. Rozumiete? A potom tu hore na vrchu, tu vedľa lesníckej chaty a potom hore k veži, hore na tamtom veľkom vrchole... No, vedel som, že som bol niekde na vrchole. Ale tie hory sú mnoho, mnoho, mnoho míľ naokolo, viete: Tridsať, štyridsať míľ – päťdesiat, tam naokolo sú hory. A tak som si pomyslel, „No, ak by som len mohol natrafiť na ten kábel, ktorý cez to smeruje tam dole.“ On a ja sme ho natiahli pre telefón, viete. Pripevnili sme ho na stromy a viedol dole ku jeho stanici. A potom to pretiahli od veže, viete, dolu ku stanici.
104On mal potom prísť hore za pár dní, aby so mnou išiel na lov medveďa. Stmievalo sa. Potom by som nevidel, viete. A aj tak bola tma. Za asi tridsať, štyridsať minút sa začalo stmievať. A to boli len asi dve, alebo tri hodiny popoludní. Ale držal som takto hore ruky a kráčal som. Len som… držal som v ruke pušku a kráčal, viete. A vedel som, že ten kábel je len asi takto vysoko, tam, kde sme to pripevnili na stromy pozdĺž celým smerom.
A pomyslel som si, „Ak by som len mohol natrafiť na ten kábel.“ Narážal som takto na konáre, viete. A pomyslel som si, „Nie, to je konár.“ Rozumiete? A skúšal som to znova. A potom, keď som si zmenil... Už ma začala bolieť ruka; držal som ju hore príliš dlho. Zmenil som si ruky a pušku som dal sem a ustúpil dozadu o pár krokov, viete, aby som si bol istý, že som to neprekročil. Rozumiete? Pretože... a takto.
105A brat, pozdĺž – a čoraz väčšia tma, viete. A kráčal som asi hodinu v tej temnosti a moja ruka zavadila o ten kábel. Pocítil som ho. No, jednoducho som sklonil svoju hlavu a začal plakať, viete. A pomyslel som si, „Pane, rovno na konci tohto kábla ma čaká moja žena a všetko.“ Rozumiete? Pomyslel som si, „Je to tak.“ A stál som tam a držal hlavu dole a ďakoval Mu za to. A pomyslel som si, „Áno, Pane. Mám svoju ruku v Tvojich.“ To je ten elektrický kábel. A rovno na konci tohto kábla, ktorý teraz držím vo svojom srdci, držím všetko, čo mi je drahé (Rozumiete?), všetkých mojich milovaných, môj Pane, môj Spasiteľu. Všetko, čo mi je drahé, leží na konci tohto kábla.“ A tak, nedal by som preč svoju ruku z toho kábla. A nasledoval som ten kábel rovno dolu z vrchu.
Aj keď tam bol nejaký chodník, po ktorom by sa dalo ísť, viete. Ale tomu by som nedôveroval. Len som sa držal kábla. Keď som narazil na strom, hmatal som ho rovno okolo stromu a znova ho zachytil, išiel k ďalšiemu stromu a potom to dolu zachytil. Je to asi tri míle dole z vrchu. A dostal som sa tam dole. A Méda mala takmer hysterický záchvat, viete, skrátka taká ťažká situácia. Ale to je to. Rozumiete? Nie je nič také, žiaden pocit, ako byť stratený. Čo to je byť stratený v lesoch. Ale čo potom byť stratený od Boha? Vtedy je to zlé.
106No, Méda? Poďme, miláčik. Brat Welch musí ísť do práce. A Banks a oni pravdepodobne chcú zavčasu vyraziť. A všetci títo bratia chcú ísť do práce. A naše sestry musia – zobrať deti a všetko umyť a... Ďakujem vám. Ďakujem vám.
Ak ste sa radovali aspoň spolovice tak, ako ja, keď som sa s vami rozprával... Bolo to nádherné. Tak veru.
Brat Welch, ďakujem tiež za ten nádherný čas popoludní, mali sme tam – keď si mi rozprával tam o tých močiaroch s aligátormi. Sestra, vy všetci, skutočne vám ďakujem za tú nádhernú večeru. Ó.
Máte tam tiež malé dievčatko? Má tie najkrajšie vlasy. Všimol som si, že ich má zapletené, také pravé žlté, pekné vlasy. To je skutočne krásne. Chcem sa vyjadriť aj o tvojich vlasoch, sestra. Viem, že je to lepšie. Myslím, že si zvykla nosiť krátke vlasy, či nie? Trocha dole po ramená, trocha zastrihnuté, alebo niečo také... Alebo nie? Áno. Ja. Áno. No, teraz to vyzerá naozaj pekne. Vidíš?
178Všimol som si tieto – všetky tieto ženy, ktoré tu sú, s ich dlhými vlasmi a všetkým. Vyzerá to... To...
Ó, mohli by byť také pekné z jednej strany, ako tie druhé, viete, či by mali krátke vlasy, alebo nie, ale to skrátka vyzerá tak, viete. Viete, čo tým myslím. Vy len... Možno to som len ja. Ale...
Tu máme to malé dievčatko. Ona je trochu hanblivá, či nie?
108Môžem si ho vziať, zlatíčko? Kde je? Ó... Nie. Počuli ste, čo mi povedali? Počuli ste to? Povedala, že musíme počkať, kým príde Becky, ale povedala, že to neznamená, že tam mám ísť a začať znova kázať.
Nemá toto malé dievčatko tiež pekné vlasy, miláčik? Ona je tiež milá s jej malým copom, ktorý jej tam visí, trochu jahodový blond a...
Nie. Vyjdem von a pozriem sa, či ten starý – či naštartujem ten starý kadilak, ak budem môcť, brat Welch. Počkajte, len chvíľu a uvidím, či môžem... Niekedy trocha kašle a šteká, viete, a... Čo, Bernie?
1 I tell you... it would... it... I know you don't come there to hear me. See, because no one would drive that far to hear a preacher. You've come there because that you--you believe the Message and you believe in Christ. And I appreciate that.
And I'm so thankful to have friends like that. To have someone who--who appreciates your--your efforts at what you're trying to do, to--to drive that far over them conditions. Only thing I can say, I wished... I told Meda; I said, "Wonder if we could have all the people that come from over fifty miles up home for dinner?" See? I don't know what we'd do with them. You see?
'Cause the biggest part of our church, I guess, eighty percent of them are you people. That's made up from Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, and places like that, where you've come from. And you think it...
And none of the people that come are rich people. They're just common people. And I know that takes a whole lot of your--saving your pennies to do that. 'Cause I know how much gasoline it takes to come and go. And besides that, the wear and tear on a car for the trip--round trip is about, oh, I guess it's about sixteen, seventeen hundred miles for one sermon. And come that each week. Think of that. See?
2 I just--I feel about that little. Honest. Just like I was a half-inch high to stand before you to really tell you how I--how I appreciate it.
Wife and I were talking, if you people didn't come, when I have service at the Tabernacle, it wouldn't pay me to go down. 'Cause there's more in this room right now than would be there, if it wasn't for you people. That's exactly true.
And that fulfills what the Scripture says. In our own country, among our own people... You--your--your respects and honor always comes from the outsider. I don't why. But I don't mean the out... I mean from outside your own home. Course, couldn't think of you all being outsiders, you're my fellow brothers and citizens in the Kingdom of God.
3 And here some time ago, I had a little old alligator stuffed up down here. And I told Brother Welch I was coming down to get it. And the kids didn't get to finish their vacation. And I thought I'd run them down to Florida, down in St. Petersburg in the morning. And on down, I want to go up Miami and come around over the Tamiami Trail, and back up home. And they have to go to school right away, and I thought this would be a good time to stop by for the gator.
And so Brother Welch--Brother Fred and Brother Wood came with me, so that'd give me a chance to bring the kids. And they're going to take my gator back. And I thought while I was down here, I'd just like to have a--your little group together, to tell you how I appreciate you--how I appreciate your efforts.
4 And Brother and Sister Evans, and--and Brother and Sister... I--I get it... I call it S. T. I know that it's T. S. I... There's a--a gargle, mouthwash that they call ST37, and that's how I call you S. T. Not from... And it's a--it's a good thing too. It's a dandy. It's got all the rest of them beat, to my opinion. And they use it in the army, and I--I use it for about anything. To gargle with, and for a mouthwash, and take it on a hunting trip with me. Where if my horse gets hurt, I pour a little that, you know. Just--just anything. It's--it's good for all around.
I guess, you find him that way too, don't you, sister? All the way around, to wash the dishes sometime and so forth...
5 And so, I thought maybe... ask--asked tonight, I said to Brother Welch, "What would you--what would we say when the folks come around. Do you think..." We thought maybe if you had a little question on your mind, just a little something that you could, maybe something that I could answer, something that you wouldn't want to take, maybe, their time up there at the Tabernacle when you're there, some little question. And that's what I dropped by for.
So, we know that you go to work in the morning. It's ten minutes after nine. So, we will get right into it. But before we do that, could we just bow our head for a word of prayer.
6 Our heavenly Father, we're so glad for Jesus Christ our Lord, Who--Who saved our souls from a life of sin, and has made us the citizens of His Kingdom. By His grace we are saved, and that not by ourself, or by our works, but by His mercy we are saved.
So, we're so glad of that. And we know that someday we'll see Him. For we'll have a body like His own glorious body, and we'll see Him as He is. At this time, yet we do not know how that will take place. But it's not for us to know. We only look forward to it by faith. And the whole walk is faith. So, we're thankful for these things.
We pray that You'll bless these people, Lord. As I drove down here, You know what was in our hearts last night, wife and I, as we talked along the road. How that blissful we feel to be to have friends that would sacrifice to come hear the glorious Gospel of the Son of God, would drive all those hundreds of miles through a day and night, just to hear one message.
7 God, I pray that You'll give them each one a glorious home in the Kingdom. Bless them while they're here on earth. Prosper them in whatever they do. May it prosper.
And these young children, Lord, just little fellows yet. And many of them here in teen-age, and yet they set with a reverence and respects as an adult. God, I think they're the best in the land. I pray that You'll bless them, Lord. May they never want for anything. And may in the great Kingdom beyond, when the family is all gathered together, I'm sure they'll be there, Father. I--I pray that You'll have each one of them there. May they never turn from that great narrow path that they've been taught to walk in. Grant it, Lord.
8 Now, tonight I thought, Father, we'd find out what's on the people's hearts. You know their hearts. And I pray Thee, Father, that You'll help me in--to answer their questions. That it might be good for us. That it'd be good for us to be here and we could go along saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us because of His Presence?"
Come now, Lord. Walk around the chairs. Put Your hand on every shoulder. And rub Your nail-scarred hand across each heart, that we might know that it's our Lord that's near. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
9 I think we have a Bible here. I'd just like to read a--a Scripture in here just for a minute to get a little start to--before we get into the lesson--or questions, rather.
And this--I'd like to read this, a--a place I found this afternoon. I was riding up, riding with Brother Welch and I--up in the front seat of Brother Sothmann's truck there. And I read something I thought I'd just like to speak of it, just for a few minutes. If I can find it in his... Oh, yes. Here we are.
In the 16th chapter of Acts, and begin about the 37th verse.
But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly... (Beg your pardon. That's not just where I want to--just where I wanted to start reading at.)
It's... I was reading a spot in here, just... I'll get it just in a moment. Here we are. It's the 29th verse--28th verse, let's begin.
But Paul cried with a loud voice, and said, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.
And they called for a light... sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,
And besought--and sought--brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said unto him, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, and thy house.
It's just one of these little twisting questions that I thought that I would like to speak of just a minute, about "Thy House," being I see you each one so nicely have your house set in order. Your--your children's saved, and--and that's--that's nice to have your family all Christians. Because I... We--we want our families. We each one think of our children. And I certainly can commend you fine people down here, of your lovely children, how you have them all in order and everything like that. I...
10 How do you do, sister? And I believe this is a... Wasn't that mother just come in back there? The Lord bless you. I'm glad to see you again tonight. And I believe this is Brother Willie's wife, isn't that right? And that's the boss of the family right there, as I understand, that... Or that's the way it goes at our house.
And to have your house. Now, Paul said here to--to this Roman centurion, when he was... We find out that Paul had been beaten the evening before, commanded by the magistrates and had been beaten, because that he had done nothing evil: He'd been up there preaching the Gospel. And the clergy there had it against Paul, 'cause he'd preached the Gospel. And they said that he was turning the world upside down.
11 And he went down the street and there was a little fortuneteller. A woman with a--a spirit of fortunetelling. And she was hired to tell these fortunes. And when they were going down the street, she'd cry after Paul, and say, "They're men of God, who tell us the way of--of life."
And Paul didn't need the devil to assist him in anything, so he just turned around and rebuked that spirit in the woman. And when it did, oh, that caused an uproar. And when they found out, the--the spirit had left her, and she could not tell no more fortunes.
So, the--the one that had her hired out there and was probably taking care of her, why, it caused a great uproar, and they were beaten and put into jail. And I can imagine Paul and Silas laying back in that old buggy jail on the inner courts, way back. The outside, where the best prisoners was kept, was bad enough. But they was on the inside, and when they went way back, they was put in stocks.
12 I don't know any... Did you all ever see stocks? I've had the privilege of seeing them. They--they put them in your--across your feet. And then they put them across your hands. And then put them across your neck. And there you are setting there.
And the Chinese capital punishment, the way they used to do it, is very cruel. They'd put them in those stocks and put a drip of water, just one drip at a time, falling on top of their head, like that, until it just drove them insane. They would set there and wasn't giving them nothing to eat or drink like that. And their--their eyes would turn and everything. It was just horrible thing.
They say the first few drops, of course, for maybe the first day, it isn't so bad. But they say after a few days, that those drops, like fifty tons falling, you know, every time, hit right in that same spot. 'Cause you can't move your head; you're in those stocks.
13 And just think that Paul and Silas, for preaching the Gospel, was laying back in that old dirty place. And probably rats, and mice, and bugs on them, and everything. What a place for a man preaching the Gospel. And we think today, that we complain because we have things a little hard. Look what they did. And knowing what was waiting them, perhaps execution the next morning.
But they were faithful. They--they were... They stayed faithful. And along about midnight in there, and I--I can just think of how they must have felt, their backs sticking to the old dirt where prisoners... And it was leprosy and everything else that in--in them days, and laying against the old hard floor... Might have been a dirt floor, and rats running over them...
14 But in the midst of all of that, perhaps no supper. And beaten till they was bleeding, and bruised, and sore. And no doctor to wash out the wounds or anything for infection that we'd use today, or something like that. Just throwed them back there, and put them in the stocks, and put them in that condition.
But they wasn't complaining. Not one word of complaint came from them. And knowing maybe the next morning, they'd--the magistrates would probably call them before the emperor and when they did--or the Sanhedrin, and they'd be executed for preaching this heresy, that it was called in them days. The Gospel that we truly, earnestly contend for that same faith today...
And then when we go to thinking about that, then the miles gets a little shorter between one another (You see?), each time we go to thinking about it.
15 And then we find out that along about midnight, Paul and Silas must've talked about the Lord until about midnight. And then they begin to sing hymns, some good old Christian song. Oh, if we'd sing it today, we'd sing "There's Power In The Blood," or "O How I Love Jesus," or something like that.
And when they begin to sing, all of a sudden an earthquake struck the place. And notice how it done. Instead of piling those walls of that big old building right in on top of them and them--and mashing them to death, it shook the walls away from them. And not only that, but it--it--it broke the stocks and bars loose from them. And they were set free.
16 Now, think. Over their feet, over their hands and over their neck they were set free, every one of them. Now, instead of that big old heavy Roman prison breaking in on them, it fell away from them, like this. And not only that, but the shackles and things fell off of them. See, that's our God when we hold out faithful. See, we must stay faithful. And as long as we're faithful and--and on, we...
Now, we may not be in that kind of a shape. We--none of us may get... I hope we don't get like that. But we can be faithful in what we've got to--what we have to go through with. Maybe it's a persecution. Maybe it's somebody laughs at you. Maybe it's somebody says, "You're old-time, you're a holy-roller," or--or whatever they might want to call you, or make fun of you, or something. Let's be faithful just the same, because God respects our faithfulness to that, just the same as He was--respect their faithfulness to what they were--they had to go through with.
17 And then, all of a sudden when the Roman prisoner--or the centurion must've--must've... The guard at the door, he must have thought that that night when Paul and Silas was talking on the Scripture, he must've learned something. Because he didn't know the men. But he must've knowed some way, or heard their singing, or something, that caused him to know right quick that they were holy men.
Because you see, they--he was a Roman. And they were Jews. And he was a pagan, and they were Christians. But did you notice, as soon as he found out that there was--that the prison had been shook down, and he knowed that he'd have to answer for that sentry...
You remember the time of Elijah? When he had hisself disguised and met King Ahab out there, and said, "I was a sentry and my life, of course, was staked with the man and he got away."
And--and he said, "Well, you'll pay for it then with your life. That's the duty of a sentry." So he unwrapped hisself and said he was Elijah the prophet. And said, "You let the king go, Agag." And he said, "You'll--you'll pay with it with your own life." And he did do it.
18 So then, we find out that this Roman centurion, knowing that he would answer with his own life for these, he pulled out his sword as soon as he found they were gone, and started to kill himself, taking his own life, instead of have to go through punishment. Some of those... Maybe set in them same kind of stocks and so forth until he died, so, he thought he would just end it all up, and jerk out his sword, and kill hisself.
But quickly, Paul screamed out when he saw it, and said, "Do yourself no harm, for we're all here." See? And the man realized then that there must've been something taking place before that, that made this man to know that they were Christian men or holy man. Because quickly he fell down at their feet.
19 I'd imagine he heard them singing songs. He heard them testifying; he heard their conversation. Now, let's just think a minute, folks. If that Roman centurion was convinced and convicted because that he heard them two men, beaten prisoners...
Now, we're still free, and we're not beat or prisoners. But hearing their testimony had such an influence, till it caused him to say, "What must I do to be saved?" Then what ought we to do with our influence? See?
We should be testifying. You young people, whatever it is, you may not preach. Maybe God never called you to preach, but you... If you're a housewife or whatever you are, a teen-ager, let--let's do something, you know, that... And--and live a life that makes the people say, "Well, that--that's a Christian going there. That--that's a Christian."
And so, we find that this fellow must've been impressed some way, by them songs or whatever they were doing in there, to realize they were Christians. So, he got a light, and when he come in and seen that there stood Paul and even the prisoners back in there, none of them was trying to get away. Everybody was there. So, he--he put up his sword, and fell down by the feet of Paul and Silas, and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
20 Now, did you notice, you and I today, and most all ministers or so forth, we're always trying to tell a fellow what not to do. We'd say now, "Quit your smoking. Quit your lying. Quit your stealing. Quit your this or that." Now, that--that wasn't what the man asked. He--he didn't say, "What do I have to quit doing to be saved?" He said, "What must I do to be saved?"
See, we try to tell them what they must stop doing. See? And say, "Well, I must do this, that, or the other." No. See? That isn't the question. "What must I do?" not "What must I stop doing?" But you just do what you're supposed to do, and all the rest of it will take care of itself. Your lying and stealing, or--or drinking, gambling, and doing the things that's evil. It'll stop when you do what Paul answered his question. "What must I do to be saved?"
He said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thy and thy house shall be saved."
21 Now, the reason I thought about saying this, because you people here, most of you, your--your children are saved. See? They're Christians. I have admired Brother Evans' family, these young men here. Usually, who would you get a teen-ager to set around and listen to someone--preacher talk. Why, they'd be out and gone somewhere. Little girls like that...
I said to Brother Fred, his kids, why, they--they can just hear me say one thing that's wrong, they're--they're--they're ready to stop it right now (You see?) and set with the highest respect, instead of being out a hot-rodding, rambling around. They'll... When they hear you speak about the Gospel, they're ready to set right there and listen. See?
22 Now, I know we all want--think our kids is renegades and things like that. But we--we must stop that. I--I believe that we must remember that these kids are the best kids in the world, because they're our children, and we claim them for God.
Now, your salvation will not save that child. But now, Paul said--said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thy and thy house shall be saved." Now, he... Now, what did he mean by that? He didn't mean that because they were saved, that their house would be saved with it. He meant this: that because they were--had... If he had enough faith to be saved himself, his same amount of faith that he had for himself would work for his children. See what I mean?
23 Now, I've got my children. There's my little son, Joseph, and Billy, Sarah, Rebekah. Well now, I want to see each one of them a worker in the Gospel, doing something. I want to see them saved and filled with the Holy Ghost.
Now, I've committed them to God and say, "I'm holding on to God for them." See? And I believe they're going to be saved, every one of them. See? I believe they're going to be saved, and I'll have them on the other side. And--and I don't believe my salvation will save them. No. But my faith in God will do it. You see, my faith believing God will do it, and will cause them to come to Christ.
And I believe that's where you people praying for your children, and that's the reason your children has the--the manners, and the--and the real lady and gentleman in this wild age that we're living in. Yet they have that--that part about them that's the best I know of any kids. See? Well, I think the reason of that is because it's your prayers for them. And you've committed them to God and holding on.
24 See now, the Roman said, "What must I do?" He just asked for hisself. He said, "What must I do?"
And he said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved." See?
Now--now, we got one thing to do. Let's drop back just a minute to get something to drive in on my text. Now, it's this. Let's take an old man that I know of in the Bible by the name of Job.
Now, Job was a great man. There was nobody like him in his days. Job was a prophet. And people come from far and near to hear Job. And God blessed him. And he's--he'd prospered. He was a rich man. Oh, he had thousands of head of cattle and sheep, and--and the things that he had.
And why, he said when he would go out into the streets, the young princes from the East (that's the magis, the--the wise astronomers, you know) they were saying, said they would bow before him just to ask a word of his wisdom. See? He was a smart man. He was--he was a prophet.
25 And so, the devil looked down, and he saw that--that Job was a smart man. So I'll show you how a smart man does. Now, coming back to the text, thy and thy house. Job said, when he seen everything was just in good order, like your homes are now; he said, "You know, my children is married and gone off." But said, "Maybe, one of--one... Peradventure one of them might've sinned."
Now, there's one requirement God had: That was a burnt offering. He said, "Now, I don't..." He didn't believe his children sinned. "But" said, "peradventure they might sin. Because they're visiting one another, and going to the parties at one another's homes, and so forth, and mixing up, I guess, and so forth." He said, "If one of them has sinned... So, Lord, I will bring a burnt offering and offer this burnt offering for my child." See? And that's all he knowed to do. That's all God required, a burnt offering. That's what--all He required.
Well, then when the great midnight hour come and struck and poor old Job was in the condition he was, he... You know, he'd lost all of his cattle, all of his sheeps, and the storms come and killed his children. And fire burnt up his servants. And--and he bro... His own health failed. And he set in the backyard on a ash heap. And--and his own body broke out with boils, till he took a piece of crock and scraped his boils. And even his wife got discouraged with him and come and said, "Job..."
26 Now, let--let's just kindly think the way she said. Now, look there sets Job. He set out there all night. There sets his consolers with their back turned to him. And they told him he sinned. That's the church member; that's the--the deacon board, or whatever it is of the church, come down to see him. And they set seven days there, and they're still telling him, "Job, you might as well make a confession. Because you have sinned, because God wouldn't let a righteous man be tormented like that."
But God does let a righteous man be tormented like that. See, God sometimes... That--that things happen to us because we sinned. But sometimes it--it's testing a saint, instead of chastising a sinner.
27 So, we find out that Job was a righteous man though. And when God was testing him, because Satan said, "Oh, sure..." When he come up before God with the sons of God, he said...
As God said to him, "Where you been?"
He said, "Oh, just walking to and fro and up and down on the earth."
Said, "You considered my servant Job? He's a perfect man. There's nobody in the earth like him." God was pleased with that. Oh, He just loves to have a servant that He can trust in. He said, "There is not another man on earth like him." See? Said, "He is a perfect man." And that was before the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed. See? And He said, "He's a perfect man. He's just; he's upright. There is none like him."
Satan said, "Oh, sure. Look what You've done for him. You've give him everything. He's got homes; he's got children; he's got cattle; he's got everything he wants. Sure, anybody could serve You like that." Said, "Let me have him one time. I'll make him curse You to Your face."
He said, "Satan, he's in your hand. But don't you take his life." Now, that was God's trust that His prophet would not fail Him. See? And He's trusting you and I, that we won't fail Him.
28 And then He... And He said, "Don't you take his life." And Satan done everything but take his life. His children got killed. And his cattle was killed. And everything was... All of his riches was lost. And he lost his health and everything but his life, set out there and scraped his boils.
And his wife come to the door, and--and Satan got in her and said, "Thou..." Looked out there and said, "Why don't you curse God and die?" Said, "You look so miserable."
He said, "Thou speakest like the foolish woman." See. Now, he's never said she was foolish; said she talked like one. See? Said, "You speak like a foolish woman." Said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord." See? In other words, "Naked came I in the world," he said, "naked I will return. But blessed be the Name of the Lord anyhow. I never had nothing when I come here, and I will go away with nothing. But still blessed be the Name of the Lord." Oh, my.
You know, God will just let Satan tempt us so long, and then He gets tired of it. You see? So, he seen he couldn't... Satan had to leave him then. But Bildad and all of them still stayed there and said, "Why, you was a secret sinner."
But Job stayed pat on this, "I am not a sinner." See?
29 "Job, you've... you done... You don't want to confess it (See?), because you're a secret sinner. You're doing it secretly, and God's punishing you for it, so that's the reason that things are going for you the way they are."
But he said, "No, sir. I am not a sinner." Because he was standing pat upon that righteousness of God, that burnt sacrifice. He'd offered it. That's all he had to offer. That's all God required.
And did you notice, after the Spirit of God had come on the prophet and everything got all right (You see?), God restored back to Job what? He restored back to him his... Where he had ten thousand cattle, He give him twenty thousand cattle. Where he had forty-thousand sheep, He give him eighty-thousand sheep. See? And He restored everything back to him that he ever had.
And you notice, it said, "And He restored his seven children." See? He gave Job his seven children. Not, didn't give him seven other children, but He gave Job his seven children. Now, what was it? His house, "Thy and thy house." Because he was righteous, because he was standing on everything that God gave us to be righteous--or gave him, was to offer that burnt offering.
And he knowed that that was God's Word, and it could not fail. So, did you ever think where them children was? They was in heaven waiting for him. See? He's with them today. And God saved Job's children. They were in heaven waiting for him. See?
30 Now, if Job took a act upon the very thing that God told him to do, the only thing it was to be righteous, was to offer a burnt offering; that was righteous... And He saved Job and his house, then what is righteous before God? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved."
So, if I'm believing for my house and you're believing for your house, by believing that that we trust God, God imputes our own faith, like He did Abraham or Job or any of them for righteousness. You see? So, it's allotted to us for righteousness, and that's how that thou and thy household shall be saved.
Oh, I think it's a wonderful thing. So then, not only that, but I'm holding for every brother, all my brothers. My sister. I'm not only holding for that, but I'm holding for every person that's in my church; I'm holding for you all. I want you to hold for me, because of the righteousness of faith. We don't have to make a burnt offering; Christ is our offering. But we have to have faith in that offering that Christ made, that He made us this kind of a--a promise, that "Whatever you ask the Father in My Name, that I'll do. When thou prayest, believe that you receive what you've asked for and you shall have it."
31 Now, if I am praying that God will save these teen-age children, and I believe with all my heart He will do it, see that's the same way Job stood. Say, "Oh, look at this kid, how he's doing." I don't care what he's doing or what she's doing. I still have put that child in the hand of Almighty God and my--me and my house shall be saved. See? Because I...
Even though I may pass on before they do, but somehow before they leave here, God will twist them right down on the trail. I--I believe that... Somehow or another. He will make it so miserable for them, till they will have to do it. See?
And that's the way I believe, it's, "Thou and thy house shall be saved."
32 I've seen a many that... I've watched that come into my meetings. Many time, an old boy will come up there that's been rough all of his life. He fall down on his knees and go to crying, and get up, say, "Well, I had a dear old mother. Oh, if she's in heaven tonight, I know she's looking down and she is glad to see me at this altar."
See? What it is, that old mother prayed and believed. See, she's gone on long ago, but here's them prayers. Because the righteousness... See, thy and thy house shall be saved. God knows how to work. He knows how to do. He knows how to do everything just right.
33 As I said the other day, when we're borned of the Spirit of God, God isn't weak in one place and strong in another. If you've got a little shadow of God in you, just the littlest speck of God, then you've got all power. You got enough power in you to make a world and go out and live in it.
But of course, that power is controlled by faith. If it wasn't, we'd all have us a world out there, living in it. But if you're a son of God or a daughter of God, you've got the power of God in you. See? So then, you... That law holds that faith to a certain thing.
34 Now, let's take for instance, all of us, we'd say. We once lied; we'd steal; we'd--we'd curse, and swear, and do everything that's wrong. Well, one day when we accepted Christ, what did He do? He opened up, as soon as we accepted Him... That's of faith, just like Paul told the Roman to have, "Believe." Just exactly what Job did: believe. See? And as soon as we accepted Christ as our Saviour, immediately we received enough faith, till we walked away, no more lying, no more stealing, no more cheating. See? No... Why?
We rode right up above that sin that we used to ride in there. We--we was allotted that much faith. Why? Because that we believe that we are saved. Is that right? We believe here that we are saved. So then, we ride up above that, because we believe we are saved.
35 Now, listen to this just before I get to the questions. See? Brother, sister, I'm going to give you a little secret on myself. See? I guess you've often wondered how I see those visions and things, what makes it. It's because when He met me that night and told me that (See?), that this would happen. I believe it. I solemnly believe it.
And I go in to pray for the sick, if I can ever get a feeling that something's fixing to happen, they're fixing to get well. So, always it's about right. And that's the way we must do with our family, with anything that we ask for; we must pray; and God respects faith (You see?), to believe it. We must believe that it is right.
36 Now, with that little bit of God, when you said, "Yes, Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner. I'm not worthy of Your love. But You did love me so I accept You as my Saviour." Immediately, you walk right out of there, and what is it? You stop your lying. You stop cheating. You stop stealing. You stop doing things that you oughtn't to do. Why? Because you believe that you are a Christian. And because you believe you are a Christian, you rise up from that; you're to another level. Now. See?
Now, if you're sick, here's healing. You just believe it. Now, you can't make yourself believe it. It's got to be something happen to you, just like your conversion. It's got to happen.
37 I was telling my wife the other day how much I loved her. So, I don't guess she wants me to talk about this. But I do it in private so I guess I can do it in public right now. I was telling her how much I loved her, and how I always have loved her since the first beginning. I said, "It don't make any difference..."
She said, "Oh, Bill." She said how... talking about how fat she was getting and her hair turning gray.
I said, "Honey, you could be that wide and no hair, I'd still love you just the same." See? Because it has to be something there that you have to--has--you have to meet that you love somebody. And unless that person loves that other person...
38 This is for you young girls that's not married (See?), and you boys. When you meet that girl that you love, and there's just something you know you love her, and that's just all there is to it, or you love him and that's--you don't care whether he's handsome, or whether he's not handsome, or whether she's pretty or not pretty. That doesn't matter. But you love them just the same. Now, you'd better watch, kinda hold around close there, because that's--you're getting close to home there.
And I... it... A--a marriage based outside of that is sure to fall, or it'll never be successful. They'll never be happy. Now, I said that to get around to one thing I want to say.
39 Friends, a conversion, outside of the same thing, won't last either. It won't. When you go to church, and--and you say, "Well, I'm going to join church, and I'm going to be baptized." If that isn't coming from a heart of love to God yonder, it'll never go nowhere. You'll just... All you'll do is join church and be baptized.
But when you're converted to Christ, a love to Christ, then you accumulate a faith in Christ, like you would to your wife, or to your husband. You accumulate a faith that you walk in that faith. I don't know, you just--something about you, you just got a--something that anchors you there. You see?
Well, that's the same way it is about Christ. And what Christ says, you believe it. And you just stay right with it. And that's the way... It just raises you right up above it, and God brings it to pass and fulfills His promise, "If thou will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thy and thy house shall be saved."
So now, I just thought I'd say that. And I--I done took up too much of the time of it, thirty minutes to say that. But you know what I mean now. That's what it is.
40 If you can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, not only for salvation for yourself, for your loved ones, for the healing of the--the child, or for a mother, or for anything that you desire that's right... And you know if you desired something that wasn't right, you--you wouldn't have faith enough to ask God in the first place; 'cause you know it ain't right. See? If you're sincere and know that it's right, then you can ask God with a clean heart, knowing it's no selfish motive, and your objective and motive is exactly right, then ask God. And like a child, believe you get it and you get it. I know that.
Now, I've come to Christ when I was about the age of one of these boys here, I guess. I was about twenty years old. And I--I served Him all this time, and I'm fifty-two, will be fifty-three my birthday. And I can sincerely say that I have never asked Christ sincerely for anything, that is it's--now, that really sincerely asked Him, anything that was for right, but what He gave it to me or told me why He couldn't do it. And then later on, I found out it was a good thing I didn't get it. See?
41 But just remember, when you believe on Him, have faith in Him, and trust Him, don't--don't try to shove yourself to do it. Just stay with Him and reason it out.
Like if you would--if I was coming to Brother Welch here to borrow a--a thousand dollars. I guess I couldn't get it, 'cause he may not have it. But if he had it, and I--I could get it. Now, I'd come and try to lay the case down. I'd come say, "Welch, give me a thousand." That is no way to do it. That's no way to ask God. I'd come up; I'd say to Brother Welch, I'd say, "Could I speak to you a few minutes, Brother Welch?"
"Sure, Brother Branham."
Go over to one side and sit down, I'd say, "Brother Welch, the first thing I want to ask you, do you have a thousand dollars that you could get a hold of for me?"
Well, he... if he... We get--we're friends, or he'd be asking me, or me him, or one of you brethren. It would be the same. We'd say, "Yes."
"Now, here's why--what I want." I'd lay down and show him. I'd say, "Brother Welch, I'm over here in a meeting. I'm absolutely up against it. I--I got to leave the town, and I'm a thousand dollars in debt. I--I just got to have the money from somewhere. Now, the Lord put it upon my heart to come to you." And I'd explain to him. "Now--now, from another meeting that I had at a certain place, I've got a thousand dollars coming in, which would be about three month's from now. I can pay you. I'll pay you interest on it, if you want it." And just lay it all down and explain it to him, why. I don't want to leave that town like that; it's a bad thing on my name if I do that. And then they're going to say, "He's nothing but a cheat and a steal, and--and leaving the town owing money." See what I mean? I'd explain it to you. Set down like a brother and talk it over with you.
Well, I believe if I'd do that and--and you liked me as you do, you--you'd do anything. You--you'd pawn an automobile or sell something out of the house to get the money. Now see, you'd do it. Any of you would. And I would for you.
42 But it would be the--the right thing to do is, come set down and talk it over with one another, let--let you know (You see?), express our feelings to each other. "You're my friend; that's the reason I come to you."
Now, that's the same way it is by Christ. Say, "You're my Lord. I--I'm--I'm sick. I... The--the doctor says he can't do nothing for me. But--but I know You can, because You're my Lord." And--and just--just speak it over with Him until you feel then that--that--that you receive it. And that's your faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
And I--when I feel that way, it's just as good as I got it. Sure, I can go ahead, 'cause I got it. See, I done... Now, He has done promised me that I got it, so that--that settles it. And I just keep on holding on, waiting.
Finally, first thing you know, here it comes pouring down out of the corridors of heaven. And you--you got it. But that's it you see. "Thy and thy house shall be saved."
And if you don't see them all saved before you leave the earth, you'll--they'll be there when you get... time... when the great coming comes, it'll be there.
43 Now, you understand what I mean? See? It's by faith we do everything. Believe on the Lord. Believe on the Lord for a job. Believe on the Lord to hunt--to give you the wife that you should have. Believe on the Lord to give you the husband you should marry. Believe on the Lord to send you some new furniture, or if the--if the barrel goes empty and the cruse gets dry, and there's no food and the children are hungry. Believe on the Lord.
Believe on the Lord for anything. See? As long as it's right, just believe on the Lord and "thou shall." See? It shall come. I've never seen it fail in all my life. God bless you.
How about you reading some of them questions for me. Could you read them for me? I--I hope I get these right. I don't want to keep you too long now, about, maybe about ten minutes and--and--and give him, Jimmy, a little time to study them over there and see if I... And they're going to be ask me right blank, right out. And so, if I can't say them, well you'll understand.
44 But you understand what I mean now to believe? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thy and thy house shall be saved." Believe for yourself, and believe for your house, and you shall have it. Say, "Well, the doctor said I can't get well." Well, if thou can believe on the Lord, you can get well.
"Well, I--I'm out of work." But if you'll believe on the Lord (See?), and you shall have work. "And I--I don't know what to do about this situation." Believe on the Lord. Look where it sets with me right now, and wife there. I've always thought the Lord wanted me to leave Jeffersonville. Now, it's got to a spot, till I just had to commit myself to Him.
So, here I am. He knows where I'm at right here tonight. So, and everywhere He wants me to go, I'll go. And what He wants me to do, I'll do it. And I'll be right along till He tells me. You see?
45 All right, Jimmy, have you got them, my boy? [Brother reads a question: "When the rapture takes place, will all believer's families, wife and children go? They are in faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord?"--Ed.]
Yes, yes. Will all the family go in--in the--in the rapture? See, yes. See? Now, if you notice, the rapture is going to be a universal thing. And how... Did you all get that lesson all right Sunday? You all understand it all right about how close we are at the time, "The Seventy Weeks Of Daniel"?
You all were there Sunday, wasn't you? Yeah. All right. Well, I think, Brother Welch, you got the tape of it. And some of you could play it. And--and you got the map of it, I believe, haven't you? And you just draw it out and--and to them that wasn't here, maybe explain it to them (You see?), so they--they can get it. I want you to see just by the Scripture that I haven't got one word to say into it. The Scriptures just prove it, that we're--we're at the end time.
46 Now, we was talking today, the brethren. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, if you believe that the rapture is that close, then why do you go fishing?" If I put my mind to it constantly, it would almost run you wild. When you think of the tens of thousands of people out here in sin that don't know Christ. And I think that "Here I am, what can I do?"
But here's what I think. I cannot save one unless God called them. See? I can't do it. And I couldn't save them anyhow. But "all the Father has given Me will come to Me." So if He don't tell me where to go, then what can I do? See?
So, the thing I do, is just not be--not be all weary about it. That'd be worse than ever. I'm happy about it. I'm just--just all packed up and ready, you know, when it comes, Lord, here I am. I'm just waiting.
47 And now, here's what happens. The--the raptured saints, as you noticed on the chart Sunday... Now, the early Pentecostal brethren--or the late Pentecostal brethren don't give that--those back churches room enough there, I don't believe. But I believe that every borned again Christian... And how are we borned again? When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (See?) and accept...
Now, I don't believe just because you say in your mind you believe. I believe your life tells whether you're really a Christian or not. I--you say, "What..."
Today, the lady down there said something or another about being a--a Christian or something another. And she said, "And what denomination?" See, right quick they want to know what denomination.
I said, "Don't belong to any denomination, just a Christian." You see. A Christian...
48 You say, "Well, a Christian means a Campbellite." No, that's--that's... They just call them Christian, but that don't mean Christian. I know a many people that I'd think belong to what was called the Christian Church that wasn't Christians. And the Christian ministers will tell you the same thing of the Christian Church, that they got many members that not Christian.
But Christian is not a church that you belong to; it's an experience that you have had of being born into the family of God.
49 Now, notice in that--the rapture will be universal, because He said, "There will be two in the field, and I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in the bed; I'll take one and leave one." You see, when it's dark on one side of the earth, where it's two is in the bed, it'll be harvest time on the other side of the earth, when there'll be two in the field. See? And it shows it'll come one great big rapture; it'll come right out from the world. See? "Two in the field and I'll take one and leave one. Two in bed, I'll take one and leave one."
50 Now, we--we see that... And then everyone that was found written in the Book was delivered in that day of that--before that tribulation. So, if your children, your mother, your loved ones, whoever they are, if their name is written on the Lamb's Book of Life, my precious children, you'll be right there.
No matter where we're at, if--if I... Flying overseas, and the--the airplane explodes in the air and I--you never even find a piece of me in--in--in this body, that won't have one thing to do with it. See? I'll be right there just the same. Don't you worry about that. I'll be right there to shake your hand and--and praise the Lord with you, and crown Him King of king and Lord of lords. See?
I suppose maybe, of Paul's body, there isn't even a speck of dust left, hardly. But all the materials that made his body up is somewhere. So, they'll be gathered together at that day.
51 When you die, you actually do not die. A Christian cannot die. There is no such a thing as death for a Christian, not in the Bible.
Like when Lazarus... He said--they said... "Our--our friend Lazarus sleepeth," Jesus said. See, He never said he was dead. Said, "He sleepeth."
They said, "Oh well, if he's sleeping, I--I suppose he's doing all right then. He's must be getting along better." So, He had to talk their language.
He said, "Now, in otherwise... In your own language, he's dead. And I am glad for your sake that he wasn't there. I'll go and awaken him." See? Oh, yes. See? Sleep, see He still had His own... See? "For your sake--for your way of knowing it, he's dead. But to Me, he's asleep, and I'm not going to--I'm not going to raise him up. I'm just going to wake him. See, I'm going to wake him up."
52 And so, you--you notice when Jesus Himself died... See, there's three parts of the body. A soul... Three parts of us, soul, body, and spirit, as you seen the seven church ages; I had it drawed out: five entrances to the body, see, taste, feel, smell and hear, and conscience, and so forth to the soul. And--and then to the spirit, there's one avenue: that's the--your own free moral agency, that's make a decision. You see? You can turn it down or--or you can accept it.
And so now, when a person accepts Christ and is saved, your whole household, your whole family, every family of the earth will be saved. Now, when... or go in.
53 When Christ died, He committed His Spirit to God before He left the--the cross. He said, "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." And the Bible said His soul went to hell and preached (that's His conscience and what He was... ) to the spirits was in prison and His body went to the grave.
Now see, He was behind a barricade of Scriptures. He couldn't rise for three days. And His Spirit was back up here in the Presence of God. Now, after three days, that barricade was taken down, because the Scripture was fulfilled. And His Spirit went to the soul, and the soul went to the body, and He rose up. He said before He died, He said, "I have power to lay My life down. I have power to take it up again."
Now, think of it. Every one of you in here, as far as I know tonight is Christians. Now, look. The thing that's in you now, the Spirit that's in you now is the same Spirit that will raise you up. You have power to lay your life down. You're doing it right now for Christ. And then you have power to take it up again. See? You have power to lay it down and power to take it up.
For it's the very Spirit of God that's in you that raises you up, is the very Spirit of God that was in Christ that raised Him up. So, you have power to lay it down; you have power to take it up.
54 And when you die or--and you--our loved ones or somebody goes on ahead of us, they're not dead. Their spirit's with God. Their soul is under the altar of God. Their body's in the grave, and they know right where it is at.
So, what happens? When the Scripture's all fulfilled, like in the Bible it said, "These souls are under the altar, was crying, 'Lord, how long, how long?" They want to come back to earth and be in bodies. He said, "Just a little longer till your fellow servants has suffered like you have for the testimony of Christ."
Then you see when that Scripture is fulfilled, then them spirits descend right straight under the altar there and take up that soul. That soul goes right down and picks up the body, and there you are, raised again. Think of it. The Holy Spirit that's right in this building tonight, the Holy Spirit that's right here in my heart will raise me up at the last day.
55 This Holy Spirit that's in me now, will see to it that I have a young immortal body and never go with... The Holy Spirit that's in you will see that the gray hairs will fade away and whatever it is. And you--and the old age, if you're so old, and whiskers down, and walking like that, it don't make one bit of difference. That same Holy Spirit, He will just snap it right back at that day, just at a young man and woman. That's the Bible. That's right. The Spirit that's in us right now, right now. Not one that will come, the One that's in us now. It's God in you now. And He will raise... You can raise yourself up. And why can't you do it now? Because see, there's Scripture holding you; you got to wait till the rapture.
See, there you are. You got to stay right there. See? You're not allowed to get this high. If it would be, why, we'd--I'd say we'd build us a little private world. You'd be living over in one world and me on the other one, and then there would be no coming of the Lord Jesus. And what would it be? See?
56 But you have power to do it. Just the least little shadow of God could do anything. 'Cause see, He's--He's omnipotent. You know what omnipotent... He's infinite, infinite, infinite and omnipotent. That's infinite; there's just no... Well, you--you--you just can't explain it, you know. Infinite just is like on a camera, infinite. It's just from there on.
And then omnipotent is all powerful. He's all the way... Standing out yonder and looking through a glass, and I can see a hundred and twenty-million years of light space, when that--when that astronomer had taken me up to look--let me look through that big glass that night. Could see a hundred and twenty-million years of light space...
57 Well, you talking about Jupiter and Mars and these stars that you see now, well my, think what a hundred and... Light travels about... What is it? Eighty... A hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second, a hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second. And take a hundred and twenty-million years. Whew. By one second a hundred and eighty-six thousand, and break it down to a hundred and twenty-million years. Then what do you got? That's miles. Oh, my. It just makes us feel like you're--you're just... See?
But now, and then beyond that, there's just as many moon and stars as there... And He holds them with the power of His own Word. And that very same thing that holds them is in you as a Christian. Oh, my. See, see, there you are. So, there--that's who you are.
58 See, people try to think, "Well, I'm a Christian. I guess I'll have to be dogged around." No, you don't. You're a Christian, brother. That's a high... You're a son of God. Our Father is King. Certainly. Amen. And our Father being King, we're--we're His sons. We're prince and princess (Amen.) to a King. See? The highest there is, highest can be. The very Spirit of our God is in us. That's it.
So, what do we care about what happens here. See, there is the place that counts. This is just a testing time. When Father is finished, let's go. Let's go home. See? So, what difference does it make.
59 So, then in that, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. If your children isn't saved, until they get saved. And Jesus said (now, remember, Saint John 5:24), "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life and shall not come to the judgment."
Then if he don't come to the judgment, where does he go? In the rapture. See? 'Cause that's the judgment after the rapture. See? "Shall not come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Because he's believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't that wonderful? So they--your children will be there with you. Your loved ones will be there with you. And I hope I'm there with you. Amen.
60 All right, have you got another one there, Jimmy boy? [Brother Jimmy reads the next question: "We understand the world was made by faith. Will you please explain a little about faith."--Ed.]
A world was fashioned... Now, over in Hebrews we find out that... We understand that the world was made by--by things which do not appear.
Now, I'll--I'll try to be quick, 'cause I didn't notice all them little--all them questions there. Now, let's just take--go back on a little trip. And--and it's already ten, and I told mommy I'd be ready to go by ten. Are you--are you too sleepy to wait just for a minute? Or too tired? See?
61 Well, look. Before there was anything, let's see before there was a light, before there was a world, before there was a star, before there was a atom, before there was a molecule, there was God. Who is this person God? Is He air, is He light, is He... He's God. That's just all you can say. See?
Just think, a molecule... There's in one little atom, there's so many molecules. See? And then beyond the molecule, before there was even one of them, there was still God. He was all, filled everything. See?
Now, in this God... Now, we're going--we're going to make Him a little--a little form so you can see. Now, inside of this--this person God... The inside of--of this Person was a--there was attributes. And them attributes was to be Father, was to be a Healer, was to be a Saviour; that's what was in this great Person now, that was before a molecule or anything, when there wasn't no molecules, but there's still God.
62 Now, in there was attributes to be Father, to be a Son, to be a Saviour, to be a Healer, to be all those things. Now, this Person that has this, now if--if this Person, God...
Now, what He did... The first thing, let's say, He made (as far as we know, the smallest we can break down) was a molecule. And after He made a molecule, He made a hundred billions of them in a seconds. Just what did He do? He spoke it into existence. And now, you... Here would be a good lesson right here, if we just had time to go into it. See?
Now, He spoke it. And when He said to, molecules went to turning. Then He said, "Let there be atoms." And there are atom's laws. And they still stay in that law, they're trail--still traveling. Everything travels in God's laws.
63 Like the man I was telling you about, the old fellow Brother Banks Wood and I went down, you know, to see him. He was talking about the... how I asked him... He was a infidel, and I asked him, "How does that sap leave the tree in August and go down in the roots? What makes it do it? He... What makes the leaves turn brown?"
He said, "Because the sap..."
"What... Why does the sap go down?"
He said, "Well, it's just--it goes down."
I said, "What if it don't go down?"
Said, "The tree would die."
I said, "Well, what intelligence makes that sap go down in the roots? Put a bucket of water on the post and see if it'll go down in August." See? I said, "What intelligence makes that sap leave the tree and go down into the roots? Something tells it get down there, or it--it--it'll freeze and die, that tree will die. See? And we ain't had no cold weather or nothing yet. But it..."
He said, "Well, it--it's just the nature."
"Well, what is nature? Tell me what nature is." See?
Nature is a law of God. Yeah, it's a law of God.
64 Now, faith is a law of God (See?), the same thing. All this power of God that we're talking about is accessible to us by faith. "All things are possible. Say to this mountain be moved and don't doubt in your heart. Believe what you said come to pass, you can have it." Accessible, if you've got the law, there it is. See? The law is faith that controls all things.
Now, God by His law, made molecules. That's a law of God. Then God made atoms. Then from that, God made a sun. From that, out of the sun made stars. Out of the star... That's little pieces of sun flying off. What did He have? Way back there is His attributes displaying themselves.
65 Then come a world. And after the world come a creation. And after the creation, come a law to creation. After there was a world... What makes this world? How can anybody explain it? Turn a ball any way you want to, throw it in the air, it won't make two turns and make it a billion turns per second, it'll not make two turns in the same place. And yet, we got record of six thousand years, this world has never missed a time, turning twenty-four hours just exactly, standing in nowhere. See?
What is that? This great Person before there was a world--before there was a world, that's that great Person in there, a law of God making it turn. The same law of God, He just spoke it into existence. He's a Creator. He creates. See? And that's why that the world was made without...
By faith, God made the world, because His own faith (See?), made the world. And that's how... Now, He...
66 See, He come down making man and all the animals, till He come down to sin. But He could not make sin. Because He cannot be righteous and the Father of righteousness and make sin. So, you know what He done? He made man in His own image, and knowing that he would fall, but put him on a basis of free moral agency. He said, "Now, don't touch this tree."
Now, He couldn't say... Now, He knowed he was going to touch it. But He couldn't...?... him to touch it. Because He said, "Touch this Tree and you live, and touch this tree and you die." See?
And He knew man would fail, but yet He couldn't make him fail. He had to do it on Hisself... So that makes God righteous. You see? Man fell hisself. After He made him so close to Himself, He put him on a basis of free moral agency, and therefore, there's where he fell. By his own free moral agent act he fell.
And today, each one of you children and each of us adults, is placed by them same two trees. We can accept Life or refuse it. See? So, God just spoke it into existence, and the world was framed. This very floor is God's Word. This thing here is God's Word. Our bodies are God's Word. And everything there is, is God's Word. See? Because it all originated from God.
All right, sir. Now--now, if that isn't right, if that don't clear it up, why, you--you can write me a note and bring it to church...?...
67 All right, Brother Jimmy. [Brother Jimmy reads the next question: "I Corinthians 16:22 explain... "--Ed.]
Let's see, I Corinthians 16:22. All right, sir. Just a minute. These--these little--these little studies in the Scriptures really could help us. It could--it can strengthen you and make you--make you strong, mighty men.
Sixteen you said, son? [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... let him be..." Oh, my goodness. I can't--don't know whether I can pronounce that name or not. A-n-a-t-h-e-m-a M-a-r-a-m-a-t-h-a. Somebody got another Bible, see what... It's broke down. That's antha... What say? Sounds like that would be... What is it, Fred? Get the--get another... Has somebody got another Bible? See if it's in there.
Anathema. Well, what is an anathema? Now, you got me. You know, Fred? Anybody... Any of you all know what anathema is? Got a dictionary? We can find it just in a minute. Get a dictionary.
68 All right, while he is getting that one, maybe I can answer another one. All right, sir. [Brother Jimmy reads the next question: "Explain I beheld and Satan as lighting falling from heaven."--Ed.]
"And I beheld Satan falling from heaven like lightning." Over in Luke is where... Does it give a Scripture there? Just... Well, I suppose that's what it is.
"I beheld Satan falling from heaven like lightning." Now, that would... Now, I'll just kindy outline this, and if it doesn't do it, then you--you just let me know, and I'll go into detail. Do you remember, we'll--we'll get that when we come into--farther on into the Scriptures on our study over there in that... You know, Jesus...
69 That was immediately after that Jesus give His disciples power against unclean spirits. And they went out casting out devils. Sent them two by two, and He said, "Don't go to the Gentiles, but go, rather, to the lost sheep of Israel. And as you go, preach then the Kingdom of heaven, and heal the sick, and cast out devils," and so forth. Well, then... And then, they come back rejoicing, happily (Now, you that asked the question knows that's where it is at. See?)--come back happily rejoicing. And He said--and He said, "Rejoice not that your names... Rejoice not because devils is subject unto you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven." He said, "I beheld Satan falling from heaven like lightning."
See, the power of that Church moving forward had just upset the whole kingdom of Satan. You see? And He saw him as he dropped from his places. Because God had again give power to His Church to go to... He beheld him falling like lightning from heaven. He was cast plumb out of the holy places and everything (You see?), by the power of those--that power of that Church, of them having power. Jesus said, "I give you power over unclean spirits." See? And they really upset the kingdom of Satan. What could we do with it today? Oh, praise the Lord.
70 All right, Brother Jimmy, maybe you got another one. [Brother Jimmy reads the next question: "Explain 'blood unto to the horse's bridle."--Ed.]... bridle bits, the Armageddon (Uh-huh.) in Revelation...
Now, in the last days, we come to a place when Titus in A.D. 70 taken the walls of Jerusalem, and tore down the walls of Jerusalem. They claim that there was so much blood spilled amongst that--right at a million or more Jews that was inside of the walls, until they killed even women, babies... And well, it was so bad till... They'd--they'd rejected the Holy Spirit.
See, now God, when He--when they rejected Christ and called Him a Beelzebub, He said, "I forgive you for that. (See?) I forgive you." But said, "Someday the Holy Spirit is coming" to do the same thing that He was doing. Said, "One word against That won't be forgiven."
71 Well, what'd they do on the day of Pentecost when they seen those people screaming, and dancing, and acting like they were drunk, and screaming, and shouting, and going on? What'd they say? They said, "They're full of wine; they're drunkards," and all like that: Acts 2. And they made fun of them and called them everything. What happened? It sealed them outside of the Kingdom of God. See?
And then when that besiege of Jerusalem came... Now, we're going to get that in Revelations 7; we'll come right back to it, ever who asked the question. We'll come right back to it. And then--and when they...
Titus taking the walls, the history says, on--on Josephus, the early historian who walked the days of our Lord Jesus, and he was a great historian. He said that even that the blood flowed--just gushed out from the gates like that. They killed so many of them in there at one time when they went in.
72 Now, the Bible predicts that in the last days that He will trap Catholicism, Romanism, and all those things, and them--communism, and all of them together in the valleys of Megiddo there, until there will be such a slaughter amongst them, until the blood will flow to a horse's bit--horse's bridle. See, that's in Revela... That'll be in...
But thanks be to the heavenly Father, I don't think we'll be here. By His grace, we won't. We'll be in glory then. See? That will be right after the--the--the--the two prophets has prophesied in the battle of Armageddon. That's when these--when these Gentile nations gets so wicked, just keep on, and the confederation of churches, and all this come together, and God will take the Church, the Elect Church home out of every one. And all the sleeping virgin will be wait...
Now, that bridle's bit there will come out from the sleeping virgins and all them back in that day. And Communism, when they're all meet there, and God said He'd plead with them like He did in--in the days gone by, you know, there in that valley. And that's where it'll ride to the bridle bits of the horses.
Did you ever get that word? Did they... Oh, they're still look... Oh, it... Go ahead, it's all right.
73 [Brother Jimmy reads the next question concerning the three unclean spirits--Ed.] That come out of Revelations, come out of the mouth of the false prophet and the dragon and so forth.
Now, we're going to get that in our study now (You see?), the three unclean spirits is the three isms. Let me type it for you now and you'll see where it--where it started, where it begin. See?
There was communism, fascism, nazism. They were spirits. Communism is a spirit. It gets on you. See? It's a spirit. And that--it'll be something like that, only I'd... It--it... That really isn't it. But it'll be three spirits just like that, which they was kind of a forerunner of. But, of course, you know where... It's in Catholicism. You see? But I'd--I--I want to get a few things on that straight before I say it (You see?), to be sure that I know what...
74 But it is three spirits, just like communism, fascism... And we brought that out years ago, you know. Remember, I told you, I said it would be a--it would be a thing would take place, would be--all wind up in communism. And that's where it's done. That's the same way it'll be at that time. You see? It--it'll be three unclean spirits that'll go forth. It'll...
I really, truly believe right now, just to kindly outline it, if you don't mind... And if I--if I add a little more to it when I go to explain it, well, you'll say, "You didn't explain it altogether down there that night." See? If I do that.
Here's what I think it'd be. I believe it's a spirit, the sleeping virgin, confederation of church, Judaism on the rejecting of Christ, the Jews that rejected it, and Catholicism. Because you see where it come out of the--it come out of the false prophet (See?), out of the mouth of the false prophet which was popery, from out of the beast. See? And all that where it come out of, you can see the backgrounds where it is.
And that's the three unclean spirits that sets the whole world to Armageddon. See? And that's them three unclean spirits. Then you get that right in with the three woes. You remember the other day, I just brought it in. I said... Be seven last plagues, seven seals, and three woes, and two--three unclean spirits, and that--that comes through that.
75 Okay, have you got another one, have you? [A brother reads the next question: "What significance does the Euphrates river have through Bible spiritually speaking?"--Ed.]
Yeah. The Euphrates river, it's always been a great river, because the Euphrates river has a great place in the Bible. The first place we find, that it run right through Eden: Euphrates river did. The Bible says it come right through Eden. The next thing we find out, the Euphrates river also was a river that come right straight down through Babylon--same river. See? Euphrates river come right through Babylon.
Now, we find out that the Angel poured out his vial upon the Euphrates river and dried it up, that the king of the north might come down. And I think what that will actually be, will be at the end time when they come into Armageddon. See, they have to come right down through Egypt there, to get into it. Right down through them countries, they'll have to cross the Euphrates to get in there.
76 See, the Euphrates river runs today. We--we know that. You see? And--and the Amazon, South America, and the Nile in Egypt, and the Euphrates, and the... Oh, what is that other one? There is two rivers there in--that headed up there at the head of Eden. And the--the Euphrates river is when this great... made way for it to come down. See, making way for the king of the north to come down, the kings.
That'll be--that'll take place during the time of the battle of Armageddon in the last days. You see? That Euphrates river... Was that all of them? Or did... That was all of them.
77 Now, I just in my mind (See?), about that--what this person is if they reject Christ. It's just... You might look it up for your own self in a--in a--in the dictionary. Because it's not something that it would... I wouldn't speak it out--right out here now. But you look it up, and you'll see what it means. It... You could just, in other words... There's two or three places in the Scripture I could refer to you the things like that.
Like, in other words, like King Nebuchadnezzar said, "Any man that wouldn't--that wouldn't bow down to this so-and-so... under the Daniel's God and everything, let his house be taken away, his children burned, and his house made a dunghill." See? And we realize what those words are; they're just brought out and said like that. But if you just look back in the dictionary, it'll--it'll tell you just what it is. You see? What that is.
78 Well, these little old things are enlightening, and I--I--I didn't put as much on them if they--as I should've stood and put. Because you see, it's a--it's... everybody... You all are working tomorrow, and I am going to--and, the Lord willing, to Miami. And it's a quarter after ten. And I don't want to hold you too long. And I think my young ones are asleep. And I guess yours is too. And so there we are. And--and the little fellows get sleepy quick.
But I want to say this: Them's real, real, nice questions, every one of them, real good. And I wished if I have another question night or something another, at the Tabernacle, that you all... If I mention it that morning, you'd give them questions over to me so I could--could get a little time to study them.
79 As you know, it's just offhand, then you--you start talking, and I'm a great person to take too much time on anything. And here, you notice my technique in preaching, that's the reason I keep you there all day (You see?), nearly. I just preach too long.
But did you notice Billy Graham? Now, Billy Graham's a trained preacher. And he's a great man. And Billy Graham, he will set his text right there. He will back off out here and just keep hammering at that text, just constantly all the time. He will never let his voice drop, hardly, just keep hammering into that text. See?
That's the way the Holy Spirit has him preaching. See? That's his technique of doing it. That's the way he does it.
Charles Fuller, many of you has heard him. He is a wonderful old man. And so, Charlie Fuller is a, like Bible expositor. He's a--he likes to--to teach and to--how he goes about things, you know. And everything, he just lays it in Christ, and a great old teacher. You notice what he does. He doesn't preach; he just teaches it.
80 Well now, if you notice, the little simple way that I have it. I set a text out here, whatever my text is. And I go way back out here and get my context. I bring it over here and lay it right in line with my text. And then go back over here and get something else. And bring it over here, and lay it down over here. Then I go back over here and get something else, till I get it all down here to right, and then drive it home on my text, just all at one time.
The reason I used to have these little old sermons... I used to try to preach. 'Course, you've been around me long and know I'm not a preacher. But like, "Believest Thou This?", "Speak To The Rock.","Come See A Woman," and all like that, you know, just little three words. Just... I'd build it all around about the woman at the well and what it was. And then hit right down at the last, then see, "Come See A Man. Come See A Man," then "Speak To The Rock." I take Israel and bring them out, and see, I get my context, and put it over here in line with my text, never hit my text yet.
81 And you noticed awhile ago in splaining--explaining that just awhile ago, same thing. On that Roman there (See?), saying, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved." See, that's a question, being saved. See, I went back, and got what all that was, and pulled it out, and went back, and got Job, and all of them, pulled it over here in--in the road, and then drive it down. That's what it is; it's faith. You see? Job used faith. The Roman used faith. We're ready to use faith and everything. See, just...
And I think that way if I, in doing it to my way, if I could get the people interested enough to listen to what you're trying to build to, then save your main text here for the last point, and then drive it in. Then say... Oh, the rest of it opens up. 'Cause you see, you see it.
See, you just--you reach over here, and got a loose line, and pull this one in. And--and trouble of it is, I leave too many loose lines, so I--that I don't get.
82 Well, it's really been nice for you all to come down here, and set, and talk with us, and everything. And I appreciate it. And I want to say again with all my heart; I mean this with all that's in me. I never realized what a great thing you people are paying. I--I just... If it wasn't for seeing you, and wasn't for loving you, and the things that I do, I'd say, "I ain't going to preach at that Tabernacle another time." To see you all have to drive fifteen, eighteen hundred miles a trip to go and hear a service.
Now, I appreciate that great loyalty. But yet, I think of what you're doing. See? Mmm. And I--I just trust to God that every one of you in the land beyond the river, you and your children, your little ones and all, that I'll--I'll see you over there. And I hope I'll be there. I trusting I'll be there.
Now see, every one of you may--may not one of your children be lost, not one of you lost; may we all be there at that day. And--and even to our little sister out there, the--the little colored lady out there, washing the dishes, out there in--in--in the other room.
I--I remember down here one day, talking to that woman. I believe... Is that the same woman? And her husband, I believe I met--met him over there one time. Or no, it's a boy that works for you. Seemed to be a fine little old guy. And I--I just hope we're all meet there where we--there will be no disappointments. And no more setting up late at night, because there'll be no night.
83 Oh, my brother, sister, if I could just--if I could just any way explain what it was that morning, when I was laying there beside my little wife there, and He lifted me up from that bed, and took me up there, and let me look a past the curtain.
If I could only just have the power now to explain to you what that looked like and what it was... I seen them all there. And they were all young. And I--I couldn't recognize them. See, they was all coming up to me, and putting their arms around me, and everything. And they were--they were human beings. See? They wasn't some kind of a feathers, like a... They say a angel... I don't think a Angel has feathers, although they just--they just say that. You see?
But an angel is a messenger. And that--the word means a messenger. So, I don't think they have feathers and things like that. But it's just... They were all there, and they were all happy. And they were no--could not be nothing else but happy. And if there wasn't no more than that, I would--it would pay us for all the running and things we do, and--and all like that.
84 But I want you to... I want to say this, that I believe too, that the Bible said in the last days there'll come a famine in the land. And that famine won't be for bread and water, but for hearing the true Word of God. And people will run from east, from west, from north and south, seeking to hear the Word of God. And we're just about living in that day now. See? When...
Not disregarding anybody (You see?), not disregarding our churches, no, sir... But if you know, I believe that in the pulpits of many of these churches, we have fine men, good men, real men of God. But they're afraid if they say anything that's contrary to what that organization says, then they'll be kicked out. Then they're left in the cold.
And I believe what the man needs is some courage. And I believe that, why, I believe God wants to take somebody and make an example to show that He will take care of them, regardless of their organization. So, that's what I'm--hope He will do with me, to help me, let me... And if I...
85 And listen, Christians. If ever one time... I--I'll--I charge you before God and the--and the elect Angels, that you do... If any time that you see that I'm doing something wrong, won't you please come tell me? 'Cause I--I--I love you too well to miss you over there. And I know you're going. So, I... You come tell me. If you see me in the wrong any time, something that I do that's not right, something that would put a stumbling block in your way.
Now, there is a lot of times, I get around here and laugh, and cut up, and say things. What am I trying to do? I'm trying to let off some of that wound up feeling in me. You see? Just it isn't that I want to do that. See? It isn't that I want to even laugh or... And to come down here and get with Brother Welch so I can hear him tell a little something another about, oh, the--the little boy--a colored boy out there. And he caught a fish, and the warden caught him, and said he was catching turtle baits. And--and like... Something you know, on that order.
86 And the little... When that little preacher told me... I was telling them, the little girls today, about the little poodle dog being Fefe and Fifi. You see? And--and like... What am I doing that for? To--to laugh, make myself laugh, to--to bring myself down.
When you step above this mortal realm up into them realms there, it--it's--it keeps you in a twist, you know what I mean. And then just think, here it is just think. With this ministry, you remember what I am going to have to answer for? Not just for Tifton, Georgia, not for Indiana, not for the United States, but I got to answer before the world for a worldwide ministry. See? I got to answer to the heathens. I got to answer to God for the heathens, rather. See?
And when I get setting at home and think, "Well, I believe--I believe--I believe..." Like the other day up there, and I get so wound up, and I said, "I--I--I'm going on and have another meeting." And I go on and have another meeting. And the first thing you know, I'm so wound up, I--I got to go hunting; I got to go fishing; I got to get out with somebody. I--I got to do something, 'cause I'm just a man, just a human being. You see? And that--that's what... You understand that.
87 But if you ever think I get anywhere out of the way with it, you come tell me. I'll stop it, boy, like a clam of... No matter what happens. 'Cause I--I want you to understand; I have no secrets. Everything that I know, you know too. See? All that the Lord has showed me that He will permit me to tell, I've told it. And I hold nothing back. And--and my life is open. You--you--you know what I am and what I'm made out of. And I'm just--try to live every day the same as in--far as I can.
'Course, a lot of times you see me when I'm moody, and I feel bad, and tired, and weary, or something like that. 'Course, I--that goes along with the ministry, you know; you realize that, you... If you look back through the pages of time, you'll see that men that way, did that way. We all get those.
But the thing of it is, we want to understand one another. I realize that you have your ups-and-downs too. I'm not the only one has them. You have them. And when you're having yours, I'll try to understand. When I'm having mine, you try to understand. And when I'm overseas somewhere, or way out in a meeting somewhere, and the devils are everywhere a piling up and challenged me and everything else, why, you all remember, just pray for me. Will you do that?
88 Can we have a little word to Him now? Heavenly Father, it's been glorious to stand here and talk to this bunch of Blood-washed children. I realize tonight, I'm standing just like Saint Paul stood many years ago, little house meetings where they come. And Paul come over to Aquila and Priscilla's, and--and how they must have had--gathered the people in. And he went... Rome and had a house rented. And he received those that come in.
And here tonight, the people from--that comes to the Tabernacle. And--and the people that's--drives all these miles, that I've just been trying to tell them how much I appreciate it... Lord, I don't have words even, that I can tell them with, how much I appreciate them. But Father, I pray that You'll let them know in their hearts what I mean.
And dear God, if... Please, I pray that You will answer my prayer for them. Save them every one, Lord. May there not be one of them lost or any of their families lost; may they every one be there.
89 I pray for their little ones. I think this little boy laying here in his daddy's lap, and his mommy's setting, watching, and think of the days that is to come. If there is a tomorrow, how do I know that that same little boy won't pack the Gospel? God, I pray that You'll bless the little lad, all the others, the little girls and boys, and be with them all. Be with Brother and Sister Evans that's opened up their house, house of prayer.
Be with us now and forgive us of our sins. And God, if they ever get sick and they have to call, God, let me live such a life that they'll believe that You'll hear me. And then hear me when I pray for them, Lord. Grant it. And hear when they're praying for me, 'cause I need their prayers, Father. And every time they're praying for me, won't You hear, Lord? When I am praying for them, hear, Lord. And together we'll serve You all of our lives. And in that great day, we hope to come up to Your house someday. And when we knock at the door, won't You let us in, Father. Until that time, watch over us, and bless us, and keep us ever true. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
90 Thank you very much, folks. And I'm sorry to have kept you here till--till al--almost ten-thirty. This little lad laying here, sleeping like a little trooper. How old is he? Two. Through with it?
How are you, sister, I don't know whether I shook your hand when I come in or not. Well, it's nice seeing you again, and you, Brother Willie.
Fred, I guess you'll be leaving out in the morning, going back towards the house. You're taking my--my alligator back. See you up home, Brother Wood. Lord bless you. And you, Brother Scott. Nice seeing you again, brother. I believe I've seen you before somewhere, haven't I? I thought I had. Your face is familiar.
Brother Wayne, the Lord bless you. And I still think I ought to fill up your tank with gasoline for coming down eighty miles to bring this minister to me. Bless you, son. Bless you, sister. And all of my teasing you... I'm just teasing, you know that don't you?
91 God bless you, Sister Evans. That was really nice breakfast, and supper, and your fine hospitality. Remember, Jesus said this. "Insomuch as you have done it unto the least..." Now, you didn't hear Him say, "Insomuch as you done it to the greatest..." See? See, that might--that'd be somebody else. But "Insomuch as you have done unto the least..." I guess that'd be me. So, you've done it to me.
Nice seeing you again too, sister. God ever be with you. I... Oh, my. How could you say it wasn't your mother? You look so much alike.
It's nice getting to see you, sister. I believe you are the wife of the--this young fellow there. And you're Brother Scott. Are you all sisters? Well, I thought you were sisters. I sure did. Nice to get to see you again. And keep up the good courage, my brother. And say, maybe this is a new one. I didn't notice this girl here. Oh, well, I'm glad to meet you, sister. The Lord bless you.
Nice seeing you, sister. And he will be good for something. Just take him. God bless you, brother. Brother Evans, God be with you, boy.
92 Now, honey if you'll get our young ones, we better get going. God bless you, my brother. And then I tell you, before we go, let's just stand up to our feet and sing this little song. Will you sing a little verse with me like that little...? Is it all right?
God be with you till we meet again!
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again!
Till we meet. Till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet. Till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again!
Here's the way we used to do at the little prayer meetings, let's take hold of each other's hands, right around like this. See? And we sing this little hymn. Make a little circle, be together. That's the way. You see? You just got a contact with each other that way, you know. Let's sing. Do you know this little song?
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
'Tis like to that above.
Before our Father's throne,
We pour our mutual prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,
Our comforts and our cares.
When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
93 Now, with our heads bowed, let's just repeat that model prayer. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
God bless you, each one, now. Until we meet again.
Brother Welch, you mean you got all that on tape down there? Mmm. Well, I wish you all, come go to Florida with us. If Lord willing... I--I tell you what I'm doing, I'm trying to take the kiddies out. You see, they're--they didn't get to finish their vacation. Their grandmother had a heart attack and we had to come back. So therefore, I'm taking them out to kindy finish their vacation, 'cause they got to start in school again, right away. So, I will take them somewhere tomorrow, maybe down at St. Petersburg or somewhere.
94 [Brother Branham has conversations with various people--Ed.]
I got to get back, maybe, before Sunday. [Brother Evens speaks about a museum--Ed.] Oh? Yes? Well, I'd like go up and see them. Yes, sir. I haven't been in the museum now. That's that... What was it? Ripley's Museum. And that's at St. Petersburg? Down at Saint... I mean at St. Augustine.
Yeah, I go over here at... This is Jacksonville is where I go first, isn't it? Yeah, back... 'Cause I get this thing turned around. Back this way to Jacksonville, and then I go out through La Crosse, you say, and out through that way?...?... Waycross. Uh-huh.
95 The Tabernacle faces east and west. I built... It... When you come in from the--the front, you know where Eighth Street runs up this way? You're going right east then. See? And then, the--the... Then if you will stand up... And when I'm preaching, I'm preaching towards the west. And see now, I do that so the altar would be to the east, because Jesus is coming from the east. And then that--that let's me... The altar, we bow always to the east. See?
Well usually, I don't know. It's just what I always did. I seen in the Bible, they... Usually back there, Daniel said he went and pulled up the windows, you know, and everything like that. And prayed at--to the east. And--and so...
And I noticed in the old Mosaic temple, I think, faced the east, the altar did. And so, of course, God will hear you wherever you are. You see? Regardless... Yes, sir. Well now, I have seen a time when I'm prayed up and everything, I--I just don't--I just don't get turned around. See? I just come around.
96 But now, if I'm not watching and anything like that and just go down and jump at it, I'll just... There is two--one place that I know of, that I can never get straightened out. And yet I know where it's at. And that's down at Grandma Cox's. I can go down there. And I just can't get that straight. And there's going to be something, looking to me like, happen there someday.
I go right here at this gate, and it's--that's just as due south as it can be, turning to my right. But it isn't. See? It isn't. It's vice versa. See? And I--I just...
And if I get into the woods, now like I get lost or something another, and then if I'd turned around... Now, if I get all excited, well, I--I can't do it. See? But if you'll just stand still a few minutes and say, "Heavenly Father, help me." And brother, I can just as--direct that to you just as easy. That's right.
97 One time I come out of...?... with Brother Wood and Sister Wood, we was coming out of Chattanooga. And Brother Wood was driving on... I guess that's 41, just going back. So, it... I--I was so tired. Oh, I was so tired. And I just laid down back, after the service, and laid down back there and went to sleep in the back of the car. I woke up. But when I raised up, I said... Fog? you couldn't hardly see your hand before you. And I said, "Hey, Brother Wood, you're going wrong."
He said... See, I had just come out of that meeting. And he said; he said, "Oh, no." Said, "I'm going, I," said, "I'm going 41."
I said, "But you're--you're going south."
And said, "Now, how can you tell in a fog like this? See, you can't even see the road."
I said, "But to... you're... I can tell right now that you're going--you're--you're going south."
He said, "No, no. See there, that's 41."
I said, "But it's wrong."
Well, we drove on a little piece. And he kept arguing with me that he was right. Just said, "I'm staying right on 41, going to Memphis."
And I said, "You just watch." And we pulled in the filling station. And I said, "How far is it to Memphis?"
He said, "You--you have to turn around, boy, you're in Georgia." Said, "Go on back this way." We ain't going to let... Yes, sir. Yes, sir? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Well, if you don't notice...
98 And I remember one time, I was lost up in the mountains. And there's when... I--I thought I was too good a woodsman to ever be lost. But I really got lost. And my wife was with me, and Billy Paul was a little baby. And they... I left them. And I went...
I went to hunt a bear. You see? And I was hunting bear. And I--and I run into a big buck deer across there. I'd shot this buck, and I thought, "Well, I'd better get back." And I know I'd come down... I was up in the Adirondack. And I went up the mountain like this, and I... Something crossed the road. And it was a--it was a mountain lion. And he just laid his ears back. And just before he--I got my gun up quick enough to shoot, he got away. You see? And Meda had never been in the woods in her life. See? And...
Well, it was on that honeymoon time. See? And I worked a good one there. You see? The same time I got married, then I, you know, I taken her on our honeymoon and go hunting the same time. You see? So--so--so I... And I--I thought, "Well now, now how did I go?" I... And I come up this a way, and turned down, and went over, and hit a ledge, and went down through a little pocket. I knowed I was down towards the giant somewhere, towards the Canadian side, but I didn't know just where it was at. And it come up a storm.
99 And all at once, you know, them snow storms. And oh, the fog was so low, you couldn't even see your hand before you. And that's when you--in them country, you better set down if you don't know where you're at. 'Cause you'll die right there. See? And just get you a place, and holed up, and get something to eat, and wait for a day or two till the storm is over. And then get out and see where you are at.
So, I couldn't holed up. Meda was in the woods, and never been in the woods before, in a little lean-to, not even a door to it, just, you know, it was a little lean-to, like that. So, there I was in that shape. And oh, my. I got, went right, started right up like this. And I thought, "Well, I turned off up here somewhere." And I come right back to where I shot the deer. I took off again, and I said, "I got to find my way out of here. My wife and baby will die in the woods." See?
100 And it turning cold. And that fog ripping through, which was going to be snow in just a little bit. You see? And I started up again, and I come back to the deer again. Done it three times. Well, I knew then... I said, "Well, I--I'm going... I--I'm somewhere..."
See, now the Indian calls that the death walk. You're on a flat place, and you're walking around and around in circles. See? Now, with a compass, you wouldn't do that. See? But you're walking around in a circle. The Indian calls it, you're on the death walk. See? 'Cause you just get frantic then. That's when they lose their mind and start running, screaming, and everything. Until they finally plunge over a cliff or something and get killed, or either kill themselves.
101 And then, I--I remember I said, "Well, I'm going right straight." I--I...?... And I got kinda delirious, and I thought, "Set down. Why, you old fool. You know you're not lost. You--you can't get lost." You see? And I kept saying that. Well that, see it--it just wasn't there. When there is something that isn't there, you can't bluff it, you know. Just like...
And so, I said, "Well, I'm not lost. I know exactly where I am. Sure. I come right in this a way. That's exactly right." Going along talking to myself like that, you know, and just a sweating as hard as I could. Now, if I'd been by myself, I'd just went over somewhere, and pulled in a little place, and waited till the storm was over. Maybe a day or two, but would been all right. Got me a piece of my deer and let her go. You see? But you couldn't do that, and the wife in the woods. And they were in the woods. Why, they'd die that night. They wouldn't know how to take care of themselves in the woods. See?
102 So, I thought... I was just going along there and I heard something say, "I am the Lord, a very present help in a time of trouble." I just kept on walking. I thought, "Now, I'm getting delirious. You see? I'm thinking I'm hearing things." This is just when she first married, twenty years ago. I just kept going like this. It said, "I'm the Lord, a very present help in the time of trouble." And it said that three or four times.
And after while, I stopped, and I thought that--that "Either I'm beside myself or Almighty God has got mercy on me." And I just knelt down and set my gun down. And I said, "God, I confess I'm lost." You see, I said, "I--I'm lost. And then you... I'll never... I can never get out of here with... And I thought I was too good a woodsman to ever be lost. But" I said, "I'm completely turned around. There's no..." Done got excited. You see? "So, there's no way at all for me to ever find my way out. And I--I don't deserve to live, Sir. But my wife and baby does." See? "So, help me to get to them, so that they won't die in the woods." I said, "I don't deserve to live, but they do." And--and I said, "If You'll just help me, I'll be very thankful to You." I got up. I said, "Now, I'm going to set my face right this way, and I know I'm going straight towards to where I left Meda and them." But I...?... was I'm going right into Canada (You see?) on a death walk (See?) going right into Canada.
103 And I started like this, and all at once, I felt something go [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] a hand. "Who is that?" And looked up. And just in time to look back. And just enough fog cleared away, till I seen the top of Hurricane Mountain. And they was camped just below the Hurricane Mountain.
Well, then I just stood there and wept like a baby, praising God, you know, for helping me. And then, I had to take out that way. And it got dark on me. And--and deers and things jump up in front of me. But I hadn't... After it got dark, I know the ranger and I... when this ranger's cabin is right there by that lean-to, but it was locked up. And then, that's--that's twenty-five miles from the closest house from there on down. You see? And then up here on the mountain, here by the ranger's cabin, and then on up to the tower, up on the big peak up there... Well, I knowed I was on the peak somewhere. But them mountains are many, many, many miles around, you know: Thirty, forty miles--fifty, around the mountain there. And so I thought, "Now, if I can only hit that wire that comes down across there." He and I put it up for a call, you know. Tack it on the trees, and it goes down to his station. And then they relay it from the--from the--from the tower, you know, down to the station.
104 Then he was coming up in a few days to bear hunt with me. And it got night. Then I couldn't see, you know. And it was dark anyhow. It got dark in about thirty, forty minutes. And it was only about two or three o'clock in the afternoon. But I hold my hand up like this, and I'd walk. And I'd just get it... hold my gun in this hand and walk, you know. And I knowed that wire is just about this high, where we tacked it on the trees all the way along.
And I thought, "If I could just hit that wire." And I would hit a limb like that, you know. And I thought, "I... No, that's a limb." You see? And I try again. And then when I changed... And my arm would get to aching; I hold it up so long. I'd change and put my gun here and step back a couple steps, you know, to be sure that I didn't overstep it. You see? Because... and like that.
105 And brother, along--and done pitch black dark, you know. And I'd been walking about a hour in that darkness, and my hand hit that wire. I felt it. Well, I just bowed my head and started crying, you know. And I thought, "Lord, right at the end of this line waits my wife and everything. See?" I thought, "That's right." And I stood there and held my head down and thanked Him for it. And I thought, "Yes, Lord. I got my hand in Yours. It's a current, a line. And right at the end of this line that I'm holding now in my heart, holds everything that's dear to me (See?), all my loved ones, my Lord, My Saviour. All that's dear to me lays at the end of this line." So, I wouldn't let my hand get off that line. And I followed that line right down the mountain.
Although there was a little--a little broke--half-broken trail there, where we'd come up, you know. But I wouldn't trust that. I just held the line. When I hit a tree, I peel right around the tree and catch it again, go on to the next tree, and then catch it on down. It's about three miles down the mountain. And I got down there. And Meda was almost in hysterics, you know. just such a fix. But that's it. See? There's nothing, no feeling, like being lost. What about lost--being lost in the woods. But what about being lost from God? That's when it's bad.
106 Well, Meda? Come on, honey. Brother Welch has to go to work. And Banks and them will probably want a early start. And all these other brethren wanting to go to work. And our sisters have to--to get the kids all washed and... Thank you. Thank you.
If you enjoyed it half as much as I did, talking with you... It was wonderful. Yes, sir.
Brother Welch, thanks for that nice time this afternoon too, we had out there with the--taking me out to that--them gator swamps out there. Sister, you all, I sure thank you for that nice supper. Oh, my.
You got a little girl in there too? She has got the prettiest hair. I noticed she had it plaited, kind of a real yellowish, gold-looking hair. That--that's really pretty. I want to comment you on your hair too, sister. I know it's better. I believe you used to wear short hair, didn't you? Kindy down to your shoulders, kindy bobbed or something like... Or did you? Yes. I... Yes. I... Well, it really looks nice now. See?
107 I was noticing these--all these women here, with their long hair and everything. It looks like... It...
Oh, they could be as nice one way as the other, you know, whether they had short hair or not, but it just looks so, you know. You know what I mean. You just... Maybe it's just me. But...
There's that little girl. She is a little bit bashful, isn't she?
108 Can I pack him, honey? Where's she at? Oh... No. You hear them tell me? Did you get that? She said we had to wait for Becky to come, but said that don't mean you have to go over there and start preaching again.
Hasn't that little girl got pretty hair too, honey? She's a cookie with her little pony-tail hanging down there too, little strawberry blond and...
No. I'm going to get out and see if that old--get that old Cadillac started if I can, Brother Welch. And I'll... You excuse me just a minute, and I'll see if I can... Sometimes she coughs a little bit and barks, you know, and... What, Bernie?