Svadba Baránkova



Vieme, že bude Nevesta a bude svadobná večera, ktorá bude podávaná v povetrí. Je to tak isté, že to bude, akože existuje Boh, pretože to je Jeho Slovo. A vieme, že tí, z ktorých bude utvorená tá Nevesta, budú Jeho Cirkvou, a objavia sa pred Ním bez škvrny alebo vrásky. A oni majú teraz na zemi Materiál, aby sa prihotovili. Ak si všimnete, tam je povedané, „Ona sa prihotovila.“ Tak mnohí hovoria, „Ak odo mňa Pán zoberie tohto zlého ducha, od pitia alebo od hazardu alebo od klamania alebo kradnutia, budem Mu slúžiť.“ Ale to je na tebe. Ty tiež musíš niečo urobiť. „Tí, ktorí premohli, zdedia všetky veci,“ tí, ktorí premohli. Máš moc, aby si to vykonal, ale musíš byť ochotný položiť to. Rozumiete?

Ona sama sa prihotovila. Páči sa mi to Slovo.

Vidíte, Boh by nás nemohol pretlačiť cez malú rúrku, vytiahnuť nás na druhom konci, a potom povedať, „Požehnaný je ten, ktorý premohol.“ Nemáš nič, čo by si premohol; On ťa len cez to pretlačil. Ale musíte sami učiniť rozhodnutia. Ja musím sám učiniť rozhodnutia. A v tom, že to robíme, ukazujeme našu vieru a rešpekt pred Bohom.

1Ďakujem ti, brat Edward. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Dobrý večer, priatelia. Istotne je to privilégium byť dnes večer opäť tu v Modlitebni Obecenstva. Keď som dnes popoludní prechádzal okolo a díval sa, kde to bolo, a uvidel som slovo „Obecenstvo,“ to mi naozaj vyhovovalo. Mám to rád, brat Edward, „Obecenstvo.“ To je to, v čo veríme.

Môj starý priateľ, ktorý práve odišiel domov, aby bol s Pánom... Mnohí z vás ho mohli poznať: Dr. F. F. Bosworth. Mnohí z vás... Bol tu vo Phoenixe, myslím, raz so mnou, veľmi udatná duša. A on bol posvätený starý muž, ale mal zmysel pre humor. A raz mi povedal; riekol... Stále som rozprával o obecenstve.

A on povedal, „Brat Branham, vieš, čo je obecenstvo [„fellowship“ – pozn.prekl.]?“

A povedal som, „No, myslím, že áno, brat Bosworth.“

Povedal, „To sú dvaja ľudia [angl. „fellows“] na jednej lodi [angl. „ship“ – pozn.prekl.].“

A tak, to je... A to je pravda, zdieľajú kajutu jeden s druhým.

2A videl som, ako mnohí z vás zodvihli ruky na znak toho, že poznáte brata Boswortha. Keďže ste ho poznali, rád by som len niečo povedal o jeho posledných momentoch tu na zemi. Poznal som ho nejaký čas. A on bol tu vonku a kázal Evanjelium a modlil sa za nemocných skôr, ako som sa narodil. Tak môžete vidieť, v akom bol veku. Pán ho nechal žiť, myslím, asi osemdesiatpäť rokov, tak nejako, a stále bol udatným starým mužom, keď zomieral.

3Keď mal sedemdesiatpäť, myslím, že toľko, on a ja sme boli, myslím, v hoteli Edgemont v Miami. A dali sme si večeru a odišli sme von ku pobrežiu, kde narážali vlny, aby sme sledovali, ako vyjde mesiac. A tu som bol asi štyridsaťročný, moje ramená opadli, takto som kráčal, a on, asi sedemdesiatpäťročný, práve tak narovnaný, ako len mohol byť. A díval som sa na neho a obdivoval som ho. A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, chcem sa ťa opýtať jednu otázku.“

Povedal, „Pokračuj, brat Branham.“

A povedal som, „Kedy si bol na tom najlepšie?“

Povedal, „Práve teraz.“ No, potom som sa za seba hanbil.

A povedal, „Zabudol si, že som len dieťa, ktoré žije v starom dome,“ povedal.

4A to bol brat Bosworth. Keď som počul, že sa odchádza stretnúť s Pánom, takmer som si na aute spálil pneumatiky, ako som trielil dolu do Miami, aby som ho videl. A keď sme tam s manželkou prišli... A rodina Bosworthovcov a naša rodina, boli veľkými priateľmi. A vošli sme dnu. Ten starý patriarcha ležal na malom gauči a mohol zodvihnúť svoju malú plešatú hlavu, načiahol ku mne takto tie malé tenké ruky, slzy mi stekali po lícach, chytil som ho do náručia a skríkol som, „Môj otče, môj otče, vozy Izraelovi a jeho jazdci.“ Pretože, ak kedy bol nejaký starý človek, ktorý dodal dôstojnosť letničnému hnutiu, bol to brat Bosworth. Istotne áno. Bol veľkým kvetom.

5A, viete, prvé, čo chcel urobiť, bolo, povedať mi malý vtip, takto, viete.

A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, uzdravíš sa?“

Povedal, „Nie, brat Branham. V prvom rade nie som chorý.“ Povedal, „Idem len Domov.“

A povedal som, „No, to je veľmi dobré.“ Práve sme prišli z misijných polí v Afrike, on a ja.

Povedal, „Som skrátka príliš starý na to, aby som dlhšie žil.“ Povedal, „Idem Domov.“

A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, čo by si mi poradil robiť?“

A povedal, „Zostaň s Evanjeliom.“ A povedal, „Vráť sa na misijné polia tak rýchlo, ako len môžeš.“ Povedal, „To by bola moja rada.“

6A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, chcel by som sa ťa opýtať ešte jednu vec.“

Povedal, „Čo to je, brat Branham?“

Povedal som, „No, vložil si do služby Pánovi asi šesťdesiat rokov alebo aj viac.“ A povedal som, „Kedy bol ten najšťastnejší čas v tvojom živote?“

Povedal, „Práve teraz.“

A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, vieš o tom, že zomieraš?“

Povedal, „Nemôžem zomrieť. Zomrel som pred mnohými rokmi.“ A ja... Povedal, „Brat Branham, všetko, čo som miloval a staral sa o to po všetkých tých predošlých šesťdesiat rokov, očakávam na Neho, že otvorí v ktorejkoľvek chvíli tie dvere a príde, vezme ma.“

Premýšľam o tom „Žalme Života“.

Životy veľkých mužov nám všetkým pripomínajú,

že môžeme svoje životy urobiť vznešenými;

s rozlúčeniami, ktoré zanecháme za sebou;

Stopy na pieskoch času.

A on pre mňa istotne zanechal stopy.

7Predtým, ako zomrel alebo odišiel do Slávy, asi jednu hodinu alebo možno dlhšie predtým, ako odišiel. On nejakých pár hodín spal; a jeho žena, jeho synovia, milovaní stáli okolo neho a ten starý muž sa zobudil, rozhliadol sa naokolo, postavil sa a behal po podlahe a potriasal si rukou so svojou matkou, ktorá bola preč dlhé roky; so svojím otcom. A asi jednu hodinu, potriasal si ruky s ľuďmi, hovoril, „Toto je brat John. Áno, prišiel si ku Kristovi na mojom zhromaždení v Joliet, Illinois. Tu je brat...“ potriasal si ruky so svojimi obrátenými, ktorí odišli pred mnohými rokmi.

8Poviem vám, niekedy verím, že v tej hodine, keď odchádzame z tejto zeme do tej inej, verím, že niekedy, keď... Tú rieku bude každopádne ťažké prekročiť, viete. Verím, že Pán možno hovorí našim milovaným, „Choďte dolu ku tej rieke a stretnite sa tam s ním.“ Lebo, ako Jakob povedal, jedného dňa budeme zhromaždení so svojím ľudom. Tiež očakávam, kedy príde ten deň. A potom, keď prejdem cez tento život, alebo Boh tu cez to prejde so mnou, a uvidím, že som zaujal každú pevnosť, ktorú som mohol, prešiel cez všetky záhony z tŕnia a zdolal každý vrch, chcem sa pozrieť späť a vidieť, kde som bol. Keď prídem dolu ku tej rieke, vždy som hovorieval, ako tu tí farební bratia majú takú malú pieseň, ktorú spievajú, „Nechcem mať žiaden problém pri tej rieke.“ Chcem to teraz mať všetko narovnané.

Možno len vložím meč naspäť do pošvy, zložím helmu a položím to dolu na breh a zodvihnem svoje ruky a zakričím, „Priveď záchranný čln, Otče. Prichádzam dnes ráno Domov.“ On tam bude. Nemajte obavy. Verím tomu. Myslím, že to je túžba srdca každého jedného z nás.

9No, je to naozaj veľké privilégium, byť tu dnes večer s týmto drahým pastorom a jeho zborom, a toto nádherné dielo, a títo, ktorí sú pútnikmi v Kristovi na tomto konci Phoenixu. Lebo skutočne sme pútnikmi. Sme tu pútnikmi a cudzincami; hľadáme mesto, ako som o tom hovoril dnes ráno dolu v modlitebni brata Fullera, na tému Kráľovského Semena...

10No, ak máte magnetofóny, nikdy som sa nezmienil... Ale dnes ráno sa stalo niečo, že som... Ak máte magnetofón, ak by ste zohnali jednu z tých pások, som si istý, že by ste to ocenili. Brat Maguire ich má. A... Abrahámove Kráľovské Semeno.

Vidíte, Abrahámove semeno bol Izák, ktoré je židovské, prirodzené. Ale to kráľovské Semeno bol Kristus, skrze zasľúbenie. A ten Kristus bol Božím Slovom, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. A To je dnes v našich srdciach, ako sme... „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, potom si proste, čo chcete, a stane sa vám.“

11No, o Phoenixe som sa vyjadril mnohokrát odvtedy, čo som tam býval... Môj prvýkrát, kedy som prišiel, bolo to pred tridsiatimi piatimi rokmi. A hore na Šestnástej a Henshaw, žil som tam, pracoval som tu vonku na Circle R Ranch vonku z Wickenburgu. A tam na Šestnástej a Henshaw som chodil s jedným dievčaťom. Išiel som sa raz pozrieť na to miesto a už to ani viac nie je Henshaw; teraz je to Buckeye. A je to veľké mesto, rovno tu vo veľkomestskej časti Phoenixu. Všetko je tak zmenené.

12A manželka so mnou vyšla na Južnú Horu, aby sme sa poobzerali po Phoenixe. A pomyslel som si, že pred asi tristo rokmi tam pravdepodobne nebolo nič okrem kojotov, kaktusov, atď. A teraz to je obrovské mimoriadne mesto.

No, povedal som, „Zlatko, je to obrátené alebo prevrátené? Môžeš si sama vybrať. Podľa mňa je to prevrátené. No, pretože tieto veľké budovy a nádherné stavby, bolo by to skvelé, ak by muži a ženy chodili hore a dole po uliciach so svojimi rukami zodvihnutými ku Bohu chváliac Boha; a bratia a sestry, ktorí žijú ako... namiesto pitia, hazardu, fajčenia, klamania, kradnutia, krčiem, všetkého, čo je zlé. V strede toho všetkého predsa...“

Potom mi žena povedala, „Teda, Billy, kvôli čomu si tu?“

Povedal som, „Ale, zlatko, odvtedy, čo tu pätnásť minút sedíme, koľko klamstiev bolo povedaných naprieč tým údolím? Koľko nadávok bolo vypovedaných, koľko vzatia Mena Pánovho nadarmo? Koľko cigariet, koľko whiskey nápojov, koľko cudzoložstiev bolo spáchaných, a všade tade, len za poslednú krátku chvíľku, zatiaľ čo sme tu?“

Povedala, „Nie je to hrozné?“

Povedal som, „To je to, prečo sme tu, zlatko. Koľko verných modlitieb vyšlo odvtedy, čo sme tu boli? 'Vy ste svetlom sveta.' To je to, kvôli čomu tu sme, aby sme priložili svoje ramená s týmito malými zbormi, ktoré tu sú, urobili všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme tomu pomohli hýbať sa vpred, aby sme boli...“

13Vy všetci... Vy svätí ste pre mňa požehnaním. Dúfam, že pri mojej návšteve tu pre vás budem požehnaním. A ja... Keď som zistil, že navštívim rôzne denominácie a organizácie a rozličné cirkvi, atď, bratov tu naprieč údolím vo Phoenixe, moje srdce bolo vzrušené. Prichádza to pred zhromaždením, na ktorom mám hovoriť, na zhromaždení kresťanských obchodníkov, myslím, že na raňajkách v sobotu ráno, a potom v nedeľu na popoludňajšom zhromaždení, nasledujúcu nedeľu. A vždy je to privilégium stretnúť sa s tými bratmi. Myslím, že tam majú okolo dvadsaťpäť tisíc sedadiel. To je dostatok miesta na sedenie pre každého z nás. Dúfame, že sa tam s vami stretneme.

14A potom, aby sme mali tento čas obecenstva, aby sme išli zo zboru do zboru a hovorili... Myslím, že som dnes ráno kázal tak, že som si až odkázal zachrípnutie, len asi hodinu a pol; a to bola jedna z kratších. Zvyčajne neskončím skôr ako o tri alebo štyri hodiny, v mojom domovskom zbore. Ja len... Nie som kazateľ. Tak len robím radostný hluk Pánovi. Tak veľmi rád to robím, myslím, že to skrátka milujem, tak v tom len pokračujem.

Bol som... mal som štyri alebo päť rôznych vyjadrení, že držím ľudí príliš dlho. Tak viem, že je to pravda. A dnes večer, úprimne, budeme odtiaľto preč pred jednou hodinou. Takmer vás o tom uisťujem. Ja len, takmer... Tak príjemný duch a všetko tak milé, som si istý, že Duch Svätý pre nás bude mať požehnanie.

15No, nemal som na zhromaždeniach žiadne služby s uzdravovaním. Ja... Jedného večera, dolu u brata (brat od Ježišovho Mena?) brat Outlaw, v zbore brata Outlawa, boli tam tak mnohí, ktorí chceli, aby sa za nich modlilo. A mal som tam svojho syna, aby rozdal nejaké modlitebné karty. A potom, po niekoľko večerov Duch Svätý v tej budove tak padal, až... všetci to viete. Boli ste na mojich zhromaždeniach. Všetci z vás. Videli ste, ako rozpoznávanie, atď... Ale teraz som si všimol, že sa hromadia mnohí, za ktorých sa má modliť. A prvýkrát som si to všimol začiatkom stredy a štvrtka. Myslel som, že s tým počkám až po nedeli, pretože, ak máte v zbore zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním... Vidíte, vyhlasoval som všade, kam som išiel, pre každú osobu, aby v nedeľu zostala na svojom poste povinnosti. Rozumiete? Tieto špeciálne zhromaždenia sú len návštevou bratov. A chceme, aby ste všetci zachovali svoje miesto povinnosti, pretože váš pastor na vás čaká. A to je to, kde by ste mali byť.

16A tak teda... Potom, myslím, že zajtra večer, ak Pán dá, ja ne... (Kde budeme zajtra večer? Brat O'Donnell, v Tempe, Arizona.) No, ak vo vašej cirkvi nemáte nejakú špeciálnu udalosť, a máte chorých ľudí, no, zajtra večer sa budem modliť za chorých, budeme mať len obvyklý modlitebný rad, modliť sa za chorých, možno v pondelok, utorok... Uvidíme. Predpokladám... Neviem. Máme tiež zhromaždenie na stredu večer? Streda večer, potom to začína vo štvrtok (Je to tak?), konferencia? V poriadku, brat. Vyhlásiš oznámenie?

[Brat oznamuje; „Dnes večer ste tu. A zajtra večer sme v Tempe, Assembly of God; a potom v Mountain View, v Sunnyslope dvadsiateho tretieho; a potom dvadsiateho štvrtého v Central Assembly. – pozn.prekl.]

V poriadku, to je skvelé.

[Brat hovorí, „Sám som si nedokázal spomenúť. Trocha som tam bol zmätený.“ – pozn.prekl.]

17Nemysli na to. Minule som rozprával o tom, ako som si nedokázal spomenúť, a brat Jack Moore mi hovoril, povedal, „Myslíš si, že si na tom zle.“ Povedal...

Povedal som, „Brat Jack, začnem hovoriť a nedokážem si spomenúť, o čom som išiel rozprávať.“

Povedal, „No, nemysli si, že to je až také zlé.“ Povedal, „Ja niekomu zatelefonujem, volám niekomu, a potom poviem, 'Čo si prajete'?“

No, začína to byť naozaj zlé...?... No, ó, môže to znieť vtipne, čo si myslím, že nie je v poriadku hovoriť tu za kazateľňou. Ale Božie deti sú skrátka každopádne šťastné deti, viete. Tak, my len radi... Myslel som, že to bolo tak trocha milé.

18Vy všetci... Mnohí z vás poznáte brata Jacka Moore. On je zo Shreveportu, Louisiana, Life Tabernacle, veľmi milý brat. A tak, on mi to hovoril. On je tiež staviteľom.

A povedal, „Nemysli si, že to je zlé, brat Branham.“ Povedal, „Raz som niekomu zavolal a vytočil som ich číslo.“ A povedal, „Oni odpovedali, povedali, 'Ahoj.' Povedal som, 'Čo si prajete?'“

Pomyslel som si, „No, ja... Ide to dolu vodou, brat Jack.“ Ja...

Tak teraz, myslím, že by to mohlo byť dobré. A títo priatelia, ktorí chcú, aby sa za nich modlilo, a privedú svojich nemocných ľudí, potom sa za nich budeme modliť.

19No, dnes večer, premýšľal som, o čom dnes večer budem tu v tomto malom milom zbore hovoriť. A pomyslel som si, „No, neviem čo.“ Musím len vziať malý text a veriť, že Pán niekde spojí slová a nechá to padnúť tam, kde to niekomu pomôže, aby bol... Nikdy som sa nesnažil vziať text. Vždy sa snažím byť vedený a zapíšem si zopár Písiem, atď. A potom, ak Pán vedie inak, vtedy len idem, ako On vedie. A myslím, že to je spôsob, ako by sme to všetci mali robiť, nerobíte to tak isto?

20A teraz, tu je jedna vec, ktorú chcem pre každého zo zboru (toto oznamujem každému lokálnemu telu), a to je to, že ak... Keď sa modlievate za svojho pastora a svojich milovaných, nezabudnite na mňa, pretože denne si uvedomujem, viac ako kedykoľvek, že prichádzame ku koncu tej cesty.

A ja som práve pred pár týždňami pochoval svoju matku. A držal som ju v náručí, až kým Boh nevzal jej dych a jej dušu do neba. Sledoval som tú udatnú smrť ženy, ktorá bola naplnená Duchom Svätým, a videl som ju prísť rovno ku koncu tej cesty. Pomyslel som si, „Ó, musím mať skrátka každú matku takúto. Musím jednoducho niečo urobiť, aby som dostal – urobiť, čo môžem, aby som dostal ľudí do toho, aby videli, čo to naozaj znamená.“

21A, priatelia, som presvedčený, že to je možno trocha hlbšie, a myslím, že to berieme nejako príliš naľahko než tak, ako to naozaj je. Myslím, že by sme mali pamätať, ak Boh je tak svätý, že Anjeli v Jeho očiach vyzerajú špinaví, ako vyzeráme my? Rozumiete? Je to tak. Takže chceme na to pamätať. A pamätajte, že Boh sedí tam vo večnosti, zatieňuje všetky tie slnká v slnečnej sústave. „Svätý, svätý, svätý,“ Anjeli s krídlami cez svoje tváre a cez svoje nohy, lietajú v Jeho Prítomnosti, kričia, „Svätý,“ čím by sme mali byť? Tak my... To je to, čo sa snažíme robiť.

22A cítim toto takto, Kráľovstvo Božie je ako človek, ktorý vzal sieť a išiel k moru (Ježiš povedal), a hodil ju tam. A keď vytiahol, vybral mnohé druhy. Ale dobrá ryba, samozrejme, bola ponechaná; a ostatné ryby živiace sa zdochlinami boli – odišli naspäť do vody, také ako rak a hady, jašterice, korytnačky, atď. Ale siete Evanjelia chytajú všetko z toho. A sme... Raz príde deň, keď nastane čas, že hodíme našu poslednú sieť, brat...?... Je to tak. To nie som ja alebo vy, aby sme povedali, ktoré je ryba a ktoré nie je. My nevieme. Len hádžeme sieť a vyťahujeme ju. To je všetko. Boh pozná Svoje vlastné. Tých, ktorých predzvedel, tých povolal; a tých, ktorých povolal, tých ospravedlnil; a tých, ktorých ospravedlnil, tých oslávil. Tak my čakáme, len hádžeme sieť. A dnes večer to je moje privilégium, stáť tu v zbore brata Edwarda, aby som pomohol na tomto mieste hodiť sieť, aby sme videli, či tam bude nejaká ryba, ktorú Boh má pre Svoje Kráľovstvo.

23No, predtým, ako prečítame Slovo, prehovorme len na chvíľu k Autorovi toho Slova, ako skloníme svoje hlavy. S našimi sklonenými hlavami, v posvätnosti tejto chvíle, v ktorej pristupujeme k Slovu živého Boha, ktoré je Bohom, zaujímalo by ma, či sú tu nejakí ľudia, ktorí majú na svojich srdciach potreby, a ktorí by boli radi spomenutí v modlitbe. Dajte to najavo tým, že zodvihnete ruku.

24Pane Ježišu, pohliadni na to poslucháčstvo, poznáš každé srdce. Vďaka Ti. Najmilostivejší a svätý Bože, všemohúci El Shaddai, ktorý sa zjavil Abrahámovi v Mene Všemohúceho, Boh, ktorý má prsia, Darca sily, Živiteľ slabých, príď dnes večer k nám, Otče. A uvedomujeme si naše slabosti a naše chyby. Vyznávame pred Tebou svoje hriechy a kladieme ich na mosadzný oltár súdu a prosíme, aby ich Krv Ježiša Krista vzala preč v obeti, ktorú činíme. Udeľ to, ó, Bože. Odovzdávame naše životy a všetko, čo máme. A ten malý talent, ktorý nám bol daný, Pane, použi to na slávu Božiu. Žehnaj tento zbor, jeho milého pastora, diakonov, dôverníkov a celý výbor a každého člena, ktorý prichádza do tohto zboru, ktorý sa nazýva „Obecenstvo.“ Bože, modlím sa, aby muži a ženy, ako vchádzajú dnu týmito dverami na tomto mieste, aby padli pod usvedčeniami kvôli milému poriadku Ducha Svätého vo vnútri budovy. Udeľ to, Pane.

25Odpusť naše hriechy a naše priestupky, znova o to prosíme. Pamätaj na tých, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky. Dole pod tou rukou, Pane, bolo srdce, ktoré niečo od Teba žiadalo. A pravdepodobne, možno iba Ty Sám to môžeš udeliť. Modlím sa, aby si to udelil, Otče. Na čokoľvek majú potrebu, udeľ im to v hojnosti. Ak sú tu nejakí chorí, Pane, uzdrav ich. Ak tam bude niekto, kto padá na okraj cesty, posilni ho, to podlomené koleno. „Nalomenej trstiny nedolomí, ani dymiaceho knôtu neuhasí.“ A vieme, že On nikdy neodhodí nalomenej trstiny; On ju napraví. A modlím sa, nebeský Otče, ak sú tu nejaké duchy, ktoré sú zlomené alebo ustrašené, alebo slabé ruky, ktoré visia dolu, a ovisnuté kolená, nech budú dnes večer pozdvihnuté, Pane. Nech príde Duch Svätý a uzdraví naše srdcia a duchy a naše telesné bytosti, a odovzdáme za to všetku slávu Jemu. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

26Ak by ste sa chceli obrátiť do Písem, len kvôli asi tridsaťminútovej reči, bol by som rád, keby ste čítali so mnou z Knihy Zjavenia, 19. kapitoly, a rád by som čítal až po siedmy verš vrátane neho.

Potom som počul sťa veľký hlas mohutného zástupu na nebi, ktorý hovoril: Hallelujah! Spasenie a sláva a česť a moc Pánovi, nášmu Bohu,

pretože pravdivé a spravedlivé sú jeho súdy, lebo odsúdil veľkú smilnicu, ktorá porušovala zem svojím smilstvom, a pomstil krv svojich sluhov na jej ruke.

A povedali aj po druhé: Hallelujah! A jej dym vystupuje na veky vekov.

A padli dvadsiati štyria starci aj štyri živé bytosti a klaňali sa Bohu, sediacemu na tróne, a povedali: Amen, hallelujah!

A z trónu vyšiel hlas, ktorý povedal: Chváľte našeho Boha, všetci jeho sluhovia, aj vy, ktorí sa ho bojíte, malí aj veľkí.

A zase som počul ako hlas mnohého zástupu a jako hukot mnohých vôd a jako zvuk silných hromov, ktoré hovorili: Hallelujah! Pretože prevzal kráľovstvo Pán, náš Boh, ten Všemohúci.

Radujme sa a plesajme a vzdajme jemu chválu, lebo prišla svadba Baránkova, a jeho manželka sa prihotovila.

Rád by som dnes večer hovoril na tému: Svadba Baránkova, len na chvíľu, aby... Sme tak oboznámení s týmto Písmom.

27Niet pochýb, že váš milovaný pastor ku tejto téme pristúpil mnohokrát a že... Vieme, že bude Nevesta a bude svadobná večera, ktorá bude podávaná v povetrí. Je to tak isté, že to bude, akože existuje Boh, pretože to je Jeho Slovo.

A vieme, že tí, z ktorých bude utvorená tá Nevesta, budú Jeho Cirkvou, a objavia sa pred Ním bez škvrny alebo vrásky. A oni majú teraz na zemi Materiál, aby sa prihotovili.

28Ak si všimnete, tam je povedané, „Ona sa prihotovila.“ Tak mnohí hovoria, „Ak odo mňa Pán zoberie tohto zlého ducha, od pitia alebo od hazardu alebo od klamania alebo kradnutia, budem Mu slúžiť.“ Ale to je na tebe. Ty tiež musíš niečo urobiť. „Tí, ktorí premohli, zdedia všetky veci,“ tí, ktorí premohli. Máš moc, aby si to vykonal, ale musíš byť ochotný položiť to. Rozumiete?

Ona sama sa prihotovila. Páči sa mi to Slovo.

Vidíte, Boh by nás nemohol pretlačiť cez malú rúrku, vytiahnuť nás na druhom konci, a potom povedať, „Požehnaný je ten, ktorý premohol.“ Nemáš nič, čo by si premohol; On ťa len cez to pretlačil. Ale musíte sami učiniť rozhodnutia. Ja musím sám učiniť rozhodnutia. A v tom, že to robíme, ukazujeme našu vieru a rešpekt pred Bohom.

29Abrahámovi bolo zasľúbené dieťa, ale musel sa tohto zasľúbenia držať dvadsaťpäť rokov, tie vzlety a úpadky, pokušenia, ktoré mal v tých dvadsiatich piatich rokoch; ale on sa držal Slova zasľúbenia.

A zasľúbením pre Izrael bola zasľúbená zem, ale museli bojovať za každý kúsoček z nej. „Kamkoľvek stúpi tvoja noha, to som ti dal,“ povedal Boh Jozuovi. Všetko to tam bolo. Tá zem tam bola a Boh im ju dal; ale museli o ňu bojovať.

30Takisto to je s Božským uzdravením. Boh má moc, aby ťa uzdravil, ak máš odvahu prijať to. Ale budeš bojovať každý kúsoček cesty. Boh má úžasnú milosť, aby ťa spasil, a On to urobí. Ale budeš bojovať každý kúsoček svojej cesty. Bude to tridsaťjedna rokov, čo som za kazateľňou. A každý kúsoček z toho bol boj, neustále. Istotne to tak je. Ale musíme bojovať, ak musíme vládnuť. Tak sme zistili, že Nevesta sa musí prihotoviť, skrze ochotu „položiť nabok každé bremeno, ktoré nás tak ľahko obkľučuje, aby sme mohli bežať s trpezlivosťou beh, ktorý je postavený pred nás.“ My sami ich musíme odložiť nabok. Nemôžeme povedať, „Bože, prídi, odlož ich od nás nabok.“ Musíme to urobiť sami.

31No, rád premýšľam o svadbách. Mal som to privilégium sobášiť mnoho ľudí. A premýšľam o tom, keď privádzam mladého muža a mladú ženu tam ku oltáru, a vidím ich, ako prichádzajú cez zbor, a ona, krásna, oblečená vo svojich svadobných šatách, a na tvári má závoj a visí dolu; a ženích, narovnaný a krásne oblečený, mladý a plný sily, a ako tam kráčajú vo svojej najlepšej životnej sile a skladajú ten manželský sľub, myslím, že je na tom niečo príjemné. Je tam niečo posvätné, pretože mi to pripomína, že jedného dňa bude iná veľkolepá svadba, keď Kristova Nevesta bude kráčať dolu koridormi slávy. Ten Ženích bude mať všetko pripravené. Bude tam svadba a večera.

Ako milujeme pomyslieť na to, že sedíme za stolom naproti sebe a potriasame si navzájom ruky a slzy nám stekajú po lícach. A pomyslieť, že On pôjde okolo, zotrie nám všetky slzy z očí, povie, „Neplač. Teraz to všetko skončilo. Vojdi do radostí Pánových, ktoré pre teba boli pripravené pred založením sveta.“ Ó, brat, to spôsobí, že budeme jeden druhého viac milovať.

32Myslím, že to je to, o čo ide pri cirkvi, pri Neveste dnes, ktorá je utvorená zo všetkých cirkví, ktoré veria v Krista. To nie je budova zboru, ani to nie je organizácia, ani denominácia; ale to sú jednotlivci, ktorí sú v zbore, ktorí tvoria Nevestu.

33Mám dobrého priateľa v Louisville, Kentucky. Doktor Wallace Cauble, zvykol – bol kazateľom v cirkvi Kristovej, a vošiel a prijal Ducha Svätého a robil pastora jednej z najväčších cirkví v Louisville, cirkvi otvorených dverí. Bol to môj veľmi vzácny priateľ. A pred pár dňami, stál som na ulici a videl som ho, ako ide dolu ulicou. A vždy som ho miloval a on miloval mňa.

Ale raz mal operáciu mandlí a smrteľne krvácal. A mali ho tam dolu v nemocnici svätého Jozefa a povedali, že zomiera.

A pani McSpaddenová mi zavolala a povedala, „Doktor Wallace Cauble...“ Ešte som ho nepoznal, ale vedel som, že tam bola veľká cirkev otvorených dverí. Povedala, „On zomiera. Doktori mu pichli injekcie a všetko možné. Zašili to stehmi. On neustále krváca a nedokážu tú krv zastaviť. Jeho krv sa nezrazí a (viete) nezastaví sa krvácanie.“ A povedala, „Majú tam misionárov a oni chcú, aby si prišiel a pomodlil sa za neho.“

34No, počul som o doktorovi Wallace Cauble, a tak, trocha som sa zdráhal, ale išiel som. A keď som sa pozrel do nemocničnej izby, boli tam misionári a veľkí kazatelia, všetci tam vnútri kričali a modlili sa. A pomyslel som si, „Ó, ja, taký malý, malý 'náboženský fanatik', tam mám vojsť? Radšej len zostanem tu vonku.“ Tak som si kľakol v hale za automat na coca-colu a modlil sa ku Bohu, aby zastavil krvácanie brata Cauble.

A išiel som naspäť dolu a vyšiel von. Práve som prišiel domov, asi pätnásť minút a znova zazvonil telefón a chceli vedieť, kvôli čomu som sa oneskoril, že som tam neprišiel.

A povedal som, „Prišiel som, ale bolo ich tam dnu tak mnoho; necítil som sa byť vedený vojsť dnu, možno (Rozumiete?) bolo tam vo vnútri toľko veľkých kazateľov.“

A on povedal, „Príď hneď teraz.“ Povedal, „Ten človek bude žiť už len chvíľku.“

35Tak som prišiel znova naspäť, a keď som tam vošiel, on sa snažil doviesť katolícku sestru do toho, aby prijala Krista ako osobného Spasiteľa, a on tam krvácal a krv vyletovala z jeho úst. A vošiel som dnu.

A on povedal, „Ako sa máš?“

Povedal som, „Ako sa máš ty?“ Sedel na posteli, takto kašľal a krv vyletovala.

A povedal, „Ako sa voláš?“

Povedal som, „Som brat Branham.“

A on začal plakať, objal ma. A ja som si tam kľakol.

No, to je doktor Wallace Cauble z cirkvi otvorených dverí v Louisville. Napíšte mu list. Krv sa v tej sekunde zastavila; odvtedy sa nepohla. A odvtedy sme boli veľmi, veľmi dobrými priateľmi.

36A jedného dňa som ho stretol. A povedal... (Oswald J. Smith, mnohí z vás poznajú brata Smitha. On je veľkým misionárom, a on prišiel k bratovi Cauble, pretože ho má veľmi rád.)

Povedal, „Brat Cauble, vieš,“ povedal, „ja“ (niečo ohľadom jeho ženy...). Povedal, „Keď som sa prvýkrát oženil,“ povedal, „cítil som sa ako, no, ak som urobil chybu, ja budem... Ó, môžem si vziať inú,“ pretože bol mladý. Ale povedal, „Po tom, ako prišli deti,“ povedal, „potom je to trocha ťažké zvládnuť to bez nej. Keď máš asi päťdesiat rokov, skrátka to bez nej nezvládneš. A ako starneš, no, cítiš to tak.“

Povedal som, „Myslím, že to je pravda. Ja by som...“

Ako ku mne prišla tá téma, viete, o tom, ako dámy dokážu nakupovať, a bola tam moja manželka. A ona je kráľovnou toho všetkého. Jednoducho tým zaberá množstvo času. Moje úbohé chodidlá ma takmer na ulici zabíjajú, keď s ňou chodím po obchodoch. A on mi hovoril, povedal, „No, bez nej to skrátka nezvládneš.“ A to je to, ako prišla tá poznámka. A keď som prišiel domov, sedel som tam v izbe a rozmýšľal, „To je pravda.“ Aplikoval som to na niečo ďalšie.

37Viete, keď som sa na začiatku obrátil, stal som sa kazateľom u misionárskych baptistov, myslel som si, že ak niekto nie je baptistom, tak jednoducho nie je spasený. To bolo všetko, o čo išlo. A nosil som Bibliu pod pazuchou a myslel som si, že Pán ma povolal, aby som zo všetkých urobil baptistov. A každý, kto neveril presne tak, ako verili baptisti, bol úplne mimo obrazu.

Ako dni plynuli, myslel som, že mám celú tú prácu urobiť sám. A prišiel som ku tomu, že som zistil, všimol som si iného brata, ktorý mal zbor, pastora. On tiež ťahal tak tvrdo, ako som to robil ja. Napokon sa tá deka tiež natiahla trocha smerom ku nemu, viete. Potom sme zistili, že jeden druhého potrebujeme. A teraz, potom, ako sme sa začali dostávať takto ďaleko, je to skrátka trocha ťažké pracovať jeden bez druhého. To je celé. Jednoducho musíme jeden druhého mať. To...

A verím, že to je v tomto veľkolepom letničnom hnutí. A som rád, že vidím, ako sa tie zábrany ľahostajnosti rúcajú a veľká cirkev Božia sa začína zlučovať dokopy v obecenstve. To znamená, že svadba sa teraz približuje bližšie. A kamene sú tak špecificky orezávané, ako len môžu byť, majú miesto niekde v tej Budove, ak sú to kamene Pánove.

38No, manželstvo je v jednom zmysle typom... Pozemské manželstvo tu je typom na to nebeské manželstvo. No, prejdime len na chvíľku cez to, aby sme to na chvíľu preskúmali. Tá prvá vec, ktorá je, musí tam byť urobené rozhodnutie. Prvá vec, ktorá sa deje v prirodzenom manželstve, je to, že musí byť urobené rozhodnutie. Mladá dáma sa musí rozhodnúť, či chce tohto mladého muža, a ten mladý muž, či chce tú mladú ženu. Musí tam byť urobené rozhodnutie a ty ho musíš učiniť. Ona musí byť tou jedinou ženou na svete, ktorú miluješ, a on musí byť tým jediným mužom. Ak to tak nie je, potom ste urobili nesprávne rozhodnutie.

A takisto to je pri urobení rozhodnutia pre Krista. Tá prvá vec, ktorú musíš urobiť, ujasniť si vo svojej mysli, či budeš slúžiť Bohu a prijmeš Ho ako svojho Spasiteľa; alebo to neurobíš. Ideš slúžiť svetu? Ideš slúžiť Kristovi? Musíš si to ujasniť vo svojej mysli. Potom musí byť urobené rozhodnutie. Keď si ujasníš vo svojej mysli, či ideš slúžiť Bohu, alebo mamonu, potom si vyberáš svoju voľbu. Ale musí byť urobené rozhodnutie.

39A potom, ako je urobené rozhodnutie, že ideš, potom prichádza zasnúbenie. To... Zistíte to pri oltári. Musíte sa zasnúbiť pred tým, ako môže nastať tento zväzok. A takýmto spôsobom to je s Kristovou Cirkvou. Musí tam byť zasnúbenie s Kristom, prísľub, zasnúbenie, milostný vzťah. A potom tá ďalšia vec je to, že sú dané sľuby. Musia tam byť navzájom dané sľuby, ako keď si sľuboval, „Srdiečko, ak si ma vezmeš, sľubujem ti, že budem verný a oddaný. Nebudem sa dívať na žiadnu inú ženu.“

Alebo, „Nebudem sa dívať na žiadneho iného muža. A budem robiť všetko, čo je povinnosťou manželky. Ak budeme mať deti, budem robiť všetko, čo je povinnosťou matky. Budem sa starať o domácnosť.“ Všetky tieto sľuby musia byť dané, alebo mali by byť, pri správnej svadbe.

40A takisto to je, keď prichádzaš ku Kristovi. „Pane, ak ma len prijmeš do Svojho Kráľovstva, sľubujem...“ Tak vidíte. „Budem Ťa milovať. Budem Ti verný. Budem Ti slúžiť dňom i nocou.“ Je veľmi zlé, že na to zabúdame. „Budem Ti slúžiť dňom i nocou. Budem sa postiť; budem sa modliť; budem Ti verný. Donesiem svoje desiatky do zásobárne. Budem sa modliť mnohokrát za deň. Urobím čokoľvek. A sľúbim Ti všetku svoju lásku.“ To je to, čo by si mal robiť. Presne tam to sľubuješ a malo by to prísť z tvojho srdca.

Ak to sľúbiš svojmu manželovi a nemyslíš to zo srdca, ty s ním absolútne nežiješ správne. To je také stuhnuté manželstvo.

41Pozrite sem. Ak nemáš zuby a používaš umelé zuby... No, to je v poriadku. To je náhrada za zuby, ktoré si raz mal. Ale v skutočnosti, tie zuby s tebou nie sú spojené. Nie sú tvojou časťou. Ak si mal amputovanú ruku a nasadzuješ si umelú ruku, no, v skutočnosti tá ruka s tebou nie je spojená. Je k tebe len pripevnená. Vidíš, nie je to s tebou spojené.

A keď skladáme náš sľub Kristovi, ak sa nestaneme časťou Neho, ako by sa žena mala stať časťou muža a muž časťou ženy, potom sme umelí kresťania. Nie sme skutočne... Nie si skutočne s tou ženou vzatý. Môžeš byť verná. Ak nemiluješ svojho manžela, a on je šesťdesiat alebo sedemdesiatročný, a ty ho nemiluješ tak, ako si ho milovala tam na začiatku, potom naozaj len vychovávaš jeho deti.

42A takto to je s cirkvami, dnes s príliš mnohými. Len berieme meno kresťanskej cirkvi, hráme sa, že sme Nevestou, pričom to je umelé; nie sme v žiadnom prípade spojení s Kristom. Sme ako umelé zuby, umelá ruka, umelé oko. Vidíte, to je niečo, čo je umelé, ak si to len na seba nasadzujeme. No, nemôžeš si nasadiť Kresťanstvo. Musíš s Tým byť spojený.

A potom, cirkev, ktorá je len umelá a nazýva sa Cirkvou Kristovou... No, potom tie deti v nej, tie, ktoré sa narodili z tej istej organizácie, nie sú... oni sú iba... Oni nie sú Kristovými deťmi; sú to denominačné deti a nie deti Krista.

43Ak žena nie je spojená s mužom v pravdivosti, potom to nie je jej manžel. Je to len muž, ktorému zložila sľub, že s ním bude žiť, a urobila nesprávny sľub. Sľúbila, že ho bude milovať, a povedala, že ho miluje; a nerobí to. Po celý čas je ten muž klamaný. Ale jedna vec je istá, priatelia; Krista neoklameme. On pozná tých Svojich.

44Najprv je spravené rozhodnutie. Potom zasnúbenie. Potom sľub. A potom obrad. A to je vtedy, kedy nevesta prijíma meno ženícha. Ona už potom nie je viac pod svojím vlastným menom. Ona prijíma meno ženícha.

A potom, keď má Cirkev obrad, robí svoje sľuby, potom prijíma Meno Ženícha. Potom už nie je viacej cirkvou sveta. Ona je Cirkvou Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nemyslím skrze meno. Myslím skrze narodenie, skrze prirodzenosť, skrze moc Božiu. Skrze zjavenú Pravdu Božiu v srdci sa stáva kresťanskou Cirkvou, veľkou celosvetovou apoštolskou kresťanskou Cirkvou. Ona sa stáva časťou Krista. Keď to robí, Kristus do nej vštepuje Svojho vlastného Ducha, Svoj vlastný Život. A Biblia tam Adamovi a Eve povedala, „Už nie ste viacej dvaja, ale jedno.” A keď je žena, Cirkev, vydatá za Krista, už nie sú viacej dvaja. Oni sú jedno: Kristus vo vás! Amen. To je to. Jeho Život bol prenesený do vás, potom sa stávate Nevestou.

45Potom, ďalšia vec. Potom, ako zložila všetky tie sľuby, a tak ďalej, a ceremónie boli povedané... Tak, ako meno mojej ženy bolo Broyová, pred tým, ako bola vydatá. No, ona už viacej nie je Broyová; ona je Branhamová. No, už viacej nie je Broyová; ona je Branhamová. A keď prichádzaš do Krista, nie si viacej zo sveta; si z Krista. Potom sa už nestaráš o veci tohto sveta, Oni sú pre teba mŕtve. „Lebo ten, kto miluje svet alebo veci tohto sveta, láska Božia v ňom ani nie je.“

Tak (Vidíte?), nemôžete byť umelým kresťanom. Môžeš byť umelým samozvaným kresťanom, ale nemôžeš byť Kresťanom, aby si sa stal...?... až kým Kristus do teba nevštepí Samého Seba skrze krst Duchom Svätým. Potom si s Ním spojený, a nie ste viacej dvaja; ste jedno. Kristus sľúbil, že bude v nás, ako Otec bol v Kristovi. „Ja a Môj Otec sme jedno. Vy a Ja sme jedno,“ (Vidíte?) Kristus v nás.

46Všetko, čím bol Boh, On prelial do Krista; a všetko, čím bol Kristus, On prelial do Cirkvi, aby pokračovala služba Evanjelia. Potom sa stávame, nie skrze umelé meno, ale skrze realitu Svätého Ducha Života, ako nás spája s Kristom. Potom, skrze moc Jeho vzkriesenia sme vzkriesení z mŕtvych vecí tohto sveta a sedíme s Ním v ponebeských miestach. Amen. To sa mi páči.

Dnes večer sedíme v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi (Vidíte?), vzkriesení s Ním, zomreli sme veciam tohto sveta a obliekli sme Krista. A keď sme obliekli Krista, potom je svet mŕtvy. Svet je pre nás mŕtvy a sme... A to je pre nás mŕtve a my sme tomu mŕtvi.

Ty si odlišnou osobou, odlišnou osobnosťou, pretože si novým stvorením: stvorením, nie tým istým stvorením, ktoré bolo „vyleštené“, nie človekom, ktorý obrátil novú stranu, ale človekom, ktorý zomrel a bol narodený znova a stal sa novým stvorením v Kristu Ježišovi. A Duch živého Boha žije v tej osobe.

No, práve tak, ako žena, ktorá nie je viac Broyová, ona je Branhamová a ona kráča podľa toho mena. A cirkev nie je viacej zo sveta, ale Kristovo Meno je tým, v čom ona je. Ona je s Ním spojená skrze Jeho vlastný Život.

47Čítali ste niekedy v Písme, ako to, že prvý človek Boží bol dvojitou osobou? Adam bol oboje, Adamom i Evou, duchovne hovoriac. Ale keď učinil prvého človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz, a Boh je Duch... Ale keď ich umiestnil do tela, On ich oddelil. Vzal toho mužského ducha, vložil ho do muža; a vzal toho ženského ducha a vložil ho do ženy.

No, keď vidíte ženu, ktorá sa chce správať ako muž, niečo tam nie je v poriadku. Keď vidíte muža, ktorý sa chce správať ako žena, niečo tam nie je v poriadku. Tak to vyzerá, že svet je dnes úplne v neporiadku. Muži sa snažia správať ako ženy; a ženy ako muži. Presne tak. Je to pravda.

48No, pozrite. Je to tak dokonalé, že keď Boh vzal a utvoril človeka... A aby ukázal, že On to nechcel z ničoho odlišného, žena nebola v originálnom stvorení. Tak ona je, nie v stvorení, ale ona je časťou Adama. Ona je vedľajším produktom. On nešiel do Adamovho boku, aby utvoril iné stvorenie, ale odobral časť stvorenia a utvoril z toho ďalšie stvorenie. A vzal toho mužského ducha, ktorý bol v Adamovi; lepšie povedané, vzal toho ženského ducha, ktorý bol v Adamovi, a vložil ho do ženy. Tak oboje, duch i telo, stali sa jedno, to bol nádherný typ toho, čo Boh urobil na Golgote. On vzal Krista a spojil Ho s Cirkvou. Skrze roztrhnutý bok, On priviedol Krv, ktorá očistila tú osobu, ktorá posvätila telo Cirkvi, a vkladá Ducha živého Boha, ktorého vzal tam z kríža z Krista, a vkladá Ho do jednotlivca. Potom sú jedno. Vidíte? Stali sa jedno. Kristus a ty ste jedno.

49A ty a tvoj manžel by ste mali byť jedno. Ak je tam niečo v rozpore, potom s vaším zväzkom niečo nie je v poriadku.

A ak je niečo v rozpore s nami ku Kristovi, neveríme Jeho Slovu a hovoríme, „Ó, to bolo na iné dni,“ niečo s naším zväzkom s Ním nie je v poriadku. Ak hovoríte, „Dni zázrakov pominuli, nie je nič také ako Božské uzdravovanie, nie je nič také ako krst Duchom Svätým,“ umiestňujete to niekde dozadu, to ukazuje, že Duch Kristov nie je vo vás, pretože, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a Slovo bolo s Bohom a Slovo bol Boh... A Slovo sa stalo telom...“

A potom, keď sa v tebe Jeho Slovo dostáva na prvé miesto, potom (Vidíte?), potom ty a Kristus ste jedno. „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, môžete prosiť, čokoľvek chcete...“ pretože to už viac nie si ty; to je Slovo Božie: Kristus v tebe. Stali ste sa jedno. V poriadku.

50Následne ďalšia vec potom, ako to ona urobí... Potom, ako naplnila svoje sľuby a vzala svoje manželstvo a vzala na seba meno svojho manžela, ženíchovo meno, potom je dedičkou všetkého, čo on vlastní. Je dedičkou všetkého, tvoja žena je dedičkou všetkého, čo vlastníš.

A takto je to s Cirkvou, ak by to ona iba vedela súc časťou Neho s Jeho Duchom v nej... On povedal, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť; väčšie než to budete činiť; lebo Ja idem k Svojmu Otcovi. Krátku chvíľu, a svet Ma viacej neuvidí; jednako vy Ma uvidíte: lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do konca sveta.“ Potom je to Kristus vo vás. Ste spolu spojení dokopy a ste s Ním dedičmi.

51A ak by On bol tu na zemi, čo by robil? To isté, čo robil tam, pretože On je Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Dbal by na veci Otca; uzdravoval by chorých; činil by zázraky. Robil by presne to, čo robil vtedy, keď bol tu na zemi, pretože On zostáva Tým istým včera, dnes i naveky. Je to skrátka dokonalé. To je manželstvo.

52Ale teraz, čo ak sa táto žena vydá a zloží všetky tie sľuby a všetko, stáva sa tomuto mužovi manželkou a je dedičkou všetkého, čo on má, a tak ďalej, a potom začne vystrájať; začne vyvádzať; začne behať za inými mužmi? Nielen to, ale začne sa deliť so svojou láskou s inými. Muž so svojou manželkou, všetky sľuby, ktoré si dali, a ona potom chodí von a začne sa so svojím životom deliť s inými, so svojou láskou a svojou náklonnosťou s inými...

To je to, čo robia veľmi mnohí takzvaní kresťania, delia si svoju lásku so svetom: hranie, tancovanie, hazard, zostávate doma namiesto modlitebného zhromaždenia, aby ste sledovali televíziu, všetky druhy svetských vecí, ktoré zaberajú miesto lásky Božej v srdci cirkvi. Začala vyvádzať. Stala sa divokou. Vyšla von za inými mužmi. Delí sa so svojou láskou. Vezme svoje desiatky, ktoré by mala dať do zboru; ona ich utratí na iných veciach tam vonku vo svete. Ona bude... Namiesto toho, aby milovala Boha spôsobom, akým by to mala robiť, a žila pre Boha, a milovala chodiť do zboru, musíte ju takmer presviedčať, aby prišla.

53No, viem, že prednedávnom mi tu jeden kazateľ povedal, že rozposlal tak mnoho modlitebných kariet, aby ich ľudia podpísali, že sľubujú, že budú chodiť do nedeľnej školy aspoň šesť mesiacov v roku.

A mohol som vidieť jedno mladé dievča dolu pod kopcom, kde som pracoval. A vyšla odtiaľ. A stál som pri dverách, zaklopal na dvere, a ona prišla ku dverám. A ona bola jednou z týchto divokých mačacích exhibicionistiek, viete. Niečo ako táto skupina, ktorú minulý večer zatkli tu dolu vo Phoenixe, myslím, že tak to bolo, ako robili tento nový druh perverznosti rockenrollu alebo twistu, alebo čokoľvek to bolo. A museli zavolať policajtov, aby ich zobrali.

Mladí ľudia, nerozumiete, že to je duch diabla? Pod takým vplyvom, že ani nevedeli, kým sú, a takto vyvádzali vonku na uliciach.

54Ako niektorí z týchto komediantov alebo títo, čo prehrávajú platne a diskdžokeji, a tak ďalej, idú hrať do mesta, v ktorom som bol, a mladé dievčatá si vyzliekajú svoje spodné prádlo a hádžu ho na pódium tomuto chlapcovi kvôli autogramu. Či si neuvedomujete, že to je diabol? To je duch posledných dní. Samozrejme. To je taká hanba. Tak vidíte, zdivočela.

55A táto mladá žena, vyšla von a vyvádzala. Dokonca ani nevedela... Zabudla na to, že stojím pri dverách. A povedala, „Ó, prepáčte mi. Zabudla som, že tam stojíte.“ A poslala bozk tomu chlapíkovi v rádiu, alebo kdekoľvek to bolo, a povedala, „Stretnem ťa tam v Green Briar Patch,“ alebo čokoľvek to bolo. Mali v ten večer mať nejaký druh tanca.

A povedal som doktorovi Brownovi, ktorý bol mojím priateľom.

On povedal, „Ako sa tam hore darí tvojmu zhromaždeniu, Billy?“

„Skvele.“ Povedal som, „Dávame im tabletky.“

Povedal, „Aký druh tabletiek?“

Povedal som, „Tabletky Evanjelia [angl. „Gospills“ - slovná hračka - „Gospel“ - Evanjelium, „pills“ - tabletky – pozn.prekl.]; to ich iste drží, aby chodili po celý čas.“ Vidíte?

A on mi povedal o tom podpisovaní tých prísľubov. A povedal som, „Doktor Brown, myslíš, že ten divoch z rádia, ktorý tam prehráva gramofónové platne, by musel tomu dievčaťu dávať podpisovať prísľub, že ona tam v ten večer bude? V žiadnom prípade. Ona by dala do záložne aj oblečenie, ktoré na sebe mala, aby sa tam dostala. Prečo? To je niečo v nej, čo ju spája, duch, s tou svetskou zábavou.“

56A kým Cirkev živého Boha, ktorá je nazvaná Nevestou Kristovou, nezostane takto spojená s Bohom... Stále sa váľa vo svete v zafúľanom blate hriechu... Kým nie je takýmto spôsobom spojená s Bohom, kým jej srdce nie je tak preplnené slávou a mocou Božou, že až nemôže vidieť nič iné okrem Krista. To je pravda.

Takým spôsobom to máme robiť. To je ten jediný plán, jediný program, ktorý Boh má, to je robiť to takto. Nemôžeš byť vzatý dnu umelo; musíš byť do vnútra narodený, nie vojsť dnu skrze potrasenie alebo prinesenie listu do cirkvi, ale byť narodený do Cirkvi živého Boha skrze znovuzrodenie, skrze moc zmŕtvychvstania Ježiša Krista, ktoré ťa robí novým stvorením v Ňom. Amen. Tým sa to dá do poriadku. Istotne áno. Samozrejme.

57V poriadku. Stáva sa divokou. Začína svoju lásku zdieľať s inými, svetskými vecami, svetskými zábavami; chodí na miesta, kde by nemala chodiť; hovorí veci, ktoré by nemala hovoriť.

Raz tu mali hore na poschodí nejaký dámsky večierok, nejaký druh cirkevného večierka. Náhodou som niečo musel urobiť na prízemí tohto domu. A poviem vám; keď som bol hriešnikom, počul som nejaké hnusné veci. Ale toto ženské stretnutie, nikdy v celom svojom živote som nepočul horšie vtipy. Mohli by ste si predstaviť, že by osoba, ktorá sa nazýva Kresťanom, vypustila zo seba takú špinu?

Nemôžete dostať sladkú a dobrú vodu z tej istej cisterny. Spustíte vedro do studne a vyjde von plné „červov vrtochvostov“, ako ich voláme. Keď to vedro spustíte znova dolu, vytiahnete to isté. Tá cisterna potrebuje vyčistiť a naplniť dobrou vodou.

58To je to, čo je dnes problémom v cirkvi, hovorím celosvetovo, že ona potrebuje vydrhnúť a naplniť Božou svätou vodou z nebies. Jej srdce sa stalo žumpou všetkého, čo ide naokolo. Má milencov všetkých druhov. Biblia povedala, že ona bude mať viac milujúcich rozkoše ako milujúcich Boha, zradných, falošných žalobcov, nezdržanlivých a pohŕdajúcich tými, ktorí sú v poriadku.

Pozrite sa na ženu, ktorá sa snaží žiť správne, na muža, ktorý sa snaží žiť správne, stane sa „náboženským pomätencom“, ona sa stáva „fanatikom“ alebo niečím staromódnym. Je opovrhnutá. Je pohŕdnutá a odmietnutá ľuďmi tohto sveta. To je pravda.

59Ale všimli ste si niekedy, čo má skutočná Cirkev robiť? V Starom Zákone, keď mali obeť, zabili jedného vtáka a dali krv jedného na toho druhého, mŕtveho partnera. A on letel zemou a rozptyľoval tú krv mŕtveho partnera. Keď sa Cirkev stáva skutočnou Nevestou Ježiša Krista, ona bude so sebou niesť Krv Ježiša Krista rozptyľujúc to nad zemou volajúc, „Svätý, svätý, svätý Pánovi.“ Jej atmosféra, každý kúsoček jej vôle bude z Boha. Jej celé odenie bude z Boha. Nemôžete očakávať nič iné.

60To je dôvod, prečo tiež prichádzajú do zboru ľudia, nie na to, aby hrali karty a hrali poker, tancovali v suteréne, mali polievkové večere a takéto veci. To je pre svet. A my nikdy nebudeme schopní sa s nimi porovnať, a hanba nám, ak sa o to budeme pokúšať. Máme kázať Ducha Svätého a moc a vzkriesenie Krista. Máme niečo, čo oni nemajú. Žime to, neskúšajte ich napodobňovať. Žime, čo vieme, že je správne; žime v Kristovi. Ježiš povedal, „Ak budem vyzdvihnutý, všetkých potiahnem ku Sebe. Vy ste soľou zeme; ale ak by soľ stratila svoju chuť, potom nie je na nič dobrá, len aby bola vyhodená a pošliapaná pod nohami ľudí.“ Naše svedectvá...

61Niet divu, že dokonca naše letničné skupiny... Tak veľmi nerád to hovorím, ale naše letničné skupiny odpadávajú rovno do tej istej veci, rovno do toho istého trendu. A niet divu, že ľudia hovoria, že oni nemajú to, čo hovoria, že majú. Táto cirkev letničného hnutia by mala byť tak zviazaná dokopy s mocou všemohúceho Boha, až by sa v nej odzrkadľoval samotný Život Ježiša Krista.

Ale my chceme vzorovať po svete. Jednako to budeme robiť. Rozumiete? Budeme mať ohľadom toho našu vlastnú cestu. Ale nemali by sme to robiť. Je zlé robiť to.

Cirkvi sú práve také ako žena, ktorá zdivočela. To prvé, čo zistíte, ona je na začiatku v poriadku. Na začiatku, keď Boh dal zrod tejto letničnej cirkvi, asi pred štyridsiatimi alebo päťdesiatimi rokmi, ona žila sväto. Bola svätá. Bola s ňou moc Božia. Ale ako pokračujeme ďalej, začali sme vzorovať po svete. Prvé, čo zistíte, musíme mať budovu, ktorá je tak veľká, že to musí zatieniť metodistov tam na druhom rohu. Musíme mať niečo tak veľké, najväčšiu vec a najväčšiu vec, a najväčšiu vec. To je hanba.

62Mnohí z nás sa nafúknu, keď sa dostaneme... Letničný brat vidí niekoho dolu v malej misii, alebo maličký zbor, a oni chodia do veľkého zboru. „My patríme do prvého zboru alebo najväčšieho zboru,“ alebo niečo také: dívajú sa na nich zvrchu.

To, čo potrebuješ, je Duch Svätý, ktorý ťa trochu vyfučí (presne tak), aby si vedel, že skutočný pravdivý krst Duchom Svätým spraví, že smoking objíme montérky a povie, „Brat.“ Presne tak. Skutočné starodávne spasenie, moc všemohúceho Boha (Tak veru) spraví, že staré hodvábne šaty objímu kaliko šaty a povie, „Sestra, milujem ťa.“ Istotne to tak bude.

63Ale začali sme vychádzať von so svetom, unášaní prúdom. Naše cirkvi začali. Nemusíme viac hovoriť o metodistoch a baptistoch. Sme to my sami. Je to v našich vlastných radoch. To je dôvod, prečo sa Duch Svätý nemôže hýbať. To je dôvod, prečo hovorím, že Boh nemôže dnes večer dať Svoj súhlas na žiadnu z organizácií, pretože pohania neboli vzatí von ako národ; boli to ľudia z pohanov pre Jeho Meno. Boh zoberie jednotlivcov.

No, myslím, že naše organizácie robia dobrú prácu. To je v poriadku. Ale nemôžeš sa na to spoliehať a hovoriť, „Som letničný, pretože patrím do letničnej organizácie.“ Ty si letničným, keď obdržíš letničné prežitie. Nestarám sa o to, či patríš ku katolíckej cirkvi; ty si letničným. Nemôžete zorganizovať letnice. Letnice sú prežitím, nie organizáciou. A to je pravda.

64Ale my, letniční ľudia, sme začali zmýšľať tak, že ak máme meno „letniční“, môžeme ísť vpred a žiť vo svete a robiť si, čo chceme. Akoby sme liezli na Nimrodovu vežu. Z toho bude popol. Ako Adamova zástera z figových listov, ona sa vráti. Ako Siegfriedova línia vo Francúzsku, Maginotova línia v Nemecku, ona sa rozpadla, pretože tu nie je žiadna iná veža, žiadne iné miesto, kde stáť. Ale „Meno Pánovo je mocnou vežou, do ktorej sa utečie spravodlivý a bude v bezpečí.“ Keď sa do nej utečieš, berieš Meno, Meno, nie len hovorenie Mena, ale Meno – a osoba, že ty si v živote ako Kristus. Amen. On je nádherný. Áno.

65Cirkev vykonala to isté, páchanie duchovného cudzoložstva, ako žena, ktorá sa so svojou láskou delí okrem svojho manžela aj s iným mužom. To nie je žena hodná toho, aby s ňou človek žil. Viete to. A keď sa cirkev začne deliť o svoje obecenstvo so svetom... Boh je žiarlivým Bohom. On kvôli tomu odvrhol Izrael a Jeho Syn odvrhne tú istú vec.

On ide mať Nevestu, ktorá na sebe nemá ani vrásku. Amen. Ona je celkom umytá Jeho vlastnou Krvou. Je to tak. Tak vidíme, kde stojíme, svadba je pripravená nadísť.

66No, zistili sme, že ona pácha duchovné cudzoložstvá, vychádza si von so svetom, vyznáva niečo, žije niečo odlišné. To nikdy nebude fungovať. To, čo by Cirkev mala robiť, je konať, ako konala Ester. Ester odmietla svetské ozdoby.

Poznáme tú malú Knihu Ester, ako ten Mardocheus... Jeho strýko mal dcéru. A to bolo tam dávno v časoch vlády Médov a Peržanov. Je tam veľmi nádherný typ. Ten kráľ, jeden z najväčších kráľov na svete v tom dni, on mal veľký sviatok. A zavolal kráľovnú, aby si prišla vedľa neho sadnúť, ale ona to neurobila. Odmietla to urobiť. A tak, čo urobil? Bol tak potupený, nevedel, čo robiť, keď jeho vlastná manželka neprišla.

67Myslím, že celé to je tak ako dnes s Kristom. Kristus nás pozval, aby sme sa s Ním posadili v ponebeských miestach, a my sa za to hanbíme. Mnohí ľudia sa hanbia povedať, že obdržali krst Duchom Svätým: letniční ľudia. Presne tak. Hanbia sa to povedať. Hanbíme sa za Neho.

A tak, kráľovná neprišla. Odmietla prísť. To ho potupilo. Jeho tvár očervenela. Každý si to všimol.

Zaujímalo by ma, či tiež trocha neočervenela Ježišova tvár, keď nás volá do práce, volá na letničné hnutie kvôli obecenstvu a bratstvu. A my sme tak natesno zorganizovaní do malých skupiniek, až sa jeden kvôli druhému ani trochu neohneme. Sme tak – stávame sa tak svetskí, a takéto veci. Začíname sa hanbiť za meno letniční. Niektorí ľudia sa boja povedať... Povedali, „No, ja patrím – som Kresťan, ale...“

Som šťastný, že mám letničné prežitie. Amen. Som šťastný, že môžem niesť Meno Ježiša Krista. To najväčšie privilégium, ktoré som kedy mal, je povedať, že som časťou Neho.

68No, zistili sme, potom tam zavolal nejakých radcov, aby sa opýtal, čo musí urobiť. A oni povedali, „Ak to takto pôjde, všetky ostatné ženy po celej krajine si budú brať príklad z prvej dámy.“ Samozrejme, to je to, čo sa dnes večer deje. Pozrite sa na niektoré z týchto žien (Dúfam, že neraním vaše city, a jednako dúfam, že raním. Presne tak.), ktoré sa snažia byť týmto nezmyslom prvej dámy, s týmito nafučanými účesmi. Nikdy v živote som takú vec nevidel. Raz jedna žena vošla do obchodu, kde som čakal na svoju manželku, a hlava tej ženy bola tak veľká a pod očami mala zelenú farbu. A povedal som, „Choď preč, strašidlo, už budem dobrý!“ [Zhromaždenie sa smeje – pozn.prekl.] Bol to ten najstrašnejší pohľad; vystrašilo by vás to. Čo to je? Prvá dáma. To je prvá dáma. To je to. A ony si z toho berú príklad.

69A dovoľte mi teraz povedať toto. (Nehovorím to ako vtip, ale v podobenstve, aby ste mohli vidieť.) To je presne to, čo robíte vy, starší Kresťania, pre týchto mladších. Presne tak. Vy máte byť príkladmi. Vy, letniční, ktorí vyznávate, že máte Ducha Svätého, máte byť príkladom pre metodistov a baptistov, presbyteriánov. Nie ako prvá dáma, ale máte byť ako Ježiš. On vám tu hovorí, čo robiť, ako to robiť. Musíme nasledovať Jeho pravidlá a príklady. Ale to je spôsob, ako to nachádzame.

70Ester... Táto kráľovná, ona na to nepočúvala. Neprišla, potupila ho. Povedali, „Ak táto prvá dáma v krajine udáva takýto príklad, všetok zvyšok žien to bude robiť. A tak, keď muž zavolá po svoju ženu, ona povie, 'Neotravuj a bež preč.'“ Vidíte? Chlapče, on naozaj predpovedal Ameriku, či nie?

No, zisťujeme, že v tomto... Potom tam bol nejaký človek, ktorý mal ohľadom toho múdrosť, vyšiel hore a radil sa s kráľom. Povedal, „Tá vec, ktorú treba urobiť, je exkomunikovať ju a rozposlať po krajine a povolať všetky panny, ktoré tam sú, mladé panny, a tam si vyberieš manželku.“ Kráľovi sa to páčilo.

71A tak rozposlal... A rozposlal komorné, a tak ďalej, ktoré vyšli, aby pozháňali všetky mladé panny, ktoré mohli – nádherné ženy zo všetkých kráľovstiev a provincií, nad ktorými panoval, a to bolo vtedy najväčšie kráľovstvo na svete.

A keď to urobil, prišlo to ku tejto malej židovskej dievčine. Ona bola tak trocha odstrčená, niečo také ako pohania, bola odstrčená bokom. A nemala žiadneho otca ani matku. A Mardocheus, jej strýko, on ju vychovával. A ona mala ísť na posúdenie. A tak, to, čo urobili, bolo, že museli vziať tieto dievčatá dnu na očistenie na tak mnoho mesiacov. Museli ich navoňať a urobiť všetky druhy ozdobenia a celé ich upraviť, aby mohli ísť pred kráľa.

72No, práve takto to je so svetom, ktorý dnes chce upraviť cirkev: ozdobiť ju svetom; vzorovanie po veciach tohto sveta, snažia sa získať viac členov, prijímajú do svojho obecenstva čokoľvek. Ó. To je žalostná vec, jedna organizácia sa snaží poraziť inú, prijíma dnu za člena čokoľvek. Môžete ich vziať do tejto organizácie, ale nikdy nevojdú do obecenstva Krista, až kým nie sú očistení a nenarodia sa znova z Ducha Božieho. To je pravda. Môže tu mať svoje meno v knihe, ale nie tam hore v Baránkovej Knihe Života, až kým to nie je napísané Krvou Pána Ježiša.

73Všetky ženy, celé sa upravili, aby vyzerali pekne. Ó, predstavujem si, že sa skutočne poriadne vyzdobili, možno podľa prvej dámy, atď. Boli celé upravené, pretože išli predstúpiť pred kráľa.

A myslím, že to je presne to, čo sa dnes vo veľkom deje s našimi cirkvami. Snažia sa celé svetsky upraviť, majú svetskú zábavu, svetské veci vo vnútri, robia veci, ktoré sú zo sveta, združujú sa so svetom a myslia si, že sa môžu stretnúť s Kráľom. Boh sa o to nezaujíma. On to nenávidí. Ale my sa chceme správať ako svet.

Niektoré naše cirkvi, ako som povedal, spustili závory, prijímajú diakonov, a tak ďalej, do cirkvi (a niekedy pastori), ktorí sú štyri alebo päťkrát ženatí, a niektorí z nich fajčia cigarety. Hovoria, „Oni sa cez to dostanú. Budú v poriadku.“ Vezmete jedného večera nejakého človeka z krčmy a umiestnite ho na ďalší večer za kazateľňu. Neverím v žiaden taký nezmysel. Verím, že človek musí byť dokázaný (Presne tak.), potvrdený. Poviem vám, mnohokrát zavoláme...

74Verím v krst Duchom Svätým. Verím v hovorenie v jazykoch. Ale myslím, že na to kladieme príliš veľký dôraz. Muž môže hovoriť v jazykoch a žena môže hovoriť v jazykoch, a ak jej život a jeho život nepasuje s tými jazykmi, v ktorých hovoríš, potom sú to nesprávne jazyky, pretože Duch Svätý urobí, že sa budeš správať podľa Biblie; privedie ťa do plnosti postavy Krista. Vezmite si osobu, ktorá hovorí v jazykoch v takom návale, že by mohla pretekať aj s cirkulárkou, a klebetí o susedoch, a všetko také. No, to nazývate Duchom Svätým? Nemôže to byť. Nie veru. Duch Svätý je pokorou, radosťou, pokojom, dlho-zhovievavosťou, dobrotou, miernosťou, trpezlivosťou, vierou. Duch Svätý... To je ovocie Ducha, ktoré Duch Svätý nesie v Cirkvi živého Boha, príjemnosť, pokora, skromnosť, láska jeden k druhému, dlho-zhovievavosť.

75Ak nejaký brat urobil zle, neudierajte na neho alebo niečo také. Choďte za ním a vidzte, či ho môžete dostať späť. Nečakajte na kazateľa, aby to urobil. Vy to urobte, niekto iný. Kazateľ to nemôže robiť všetko, ani diakoni nie. Každý je členom tohto tela Kristovho, mali by ste ísť jeden za druhým. Ak máme... A ak v sebe máme Ducha Kristovho... On učil to veľké podobenstvo. Opustil tých deväťdesiatdeväť a išiel za tou jednou. To je to, čo máme robiť.

Ale my hovoríme, „Ó, nech si idú.“ Nikdy by sme to nemali robiť. Mali by sme byť láskaví, odpúšťajúci, dlho-zhovievajúci: to je ovocie Ducha.

76No, zistili sme teda, že Ester, potom, ako ona... Umiestnili ju na jedno z týchto miest, aby sa celá upravila, aby ju ukázali pred kráľom. Ó, ona to odmietla. Nechcela to. Chcela ísť práve taká, aká bola. Amen.

Dnes máme to, že cirkvi sa chcú správať ako svet. Prečo? Pretože sme sa stali veľkí. Boh raz povedal, že Mu slúžili, keď boli malí, ale keď sa stali veľkými, potom na Neho zabudli. Je to tak. Keď sme mali tam niekde dolu v uličke cínovú panvicu s tamburínou, na ktorú sme udierali rukami, a brnkala do toho stará gitara a mali sme pouličné zhromaždenie, boli ste pokorní. Ale keď sme začali mať budovy za tri alebo štyri milióny dolárov a takéto veľkolepé veci, potom sme sa stali tak povýšeneckí, že sme na to zabudli. Je to tak. Nablýskaní so svetom...

77Raz som bol na mieste, kde brat svätosti... Bola tam skupina ľudí, ktorá pre neho pracovala. A ak... Každá žena odtiaľ vychádzala v čase na kávu, aby si dali prestávku na kávu. Každá žena tam mala krátke vlasy a na sebe rúž. No, poviete, „Brat Branham, to vôbec nie je tvoja vec, aby si o tom hovoril.“ Ale je. Biblia to hovorí. Presne tak.

Mnohé letničné ženy nosia oblečenie, ktoré prináleží mužovi, a Boh povedal, že je to ohavnosťou v Jeho očiach. Správne. Ako môžeš očakávať, že takto pôjdeš do neba? To ukazuje, že tam vnútri nie je Duch Svätý. Ak by tam vnútri bol Duch Svätý, To by ťa odsúdilo. Správne. Ó, môžeš vykrikovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, behať hore-dole, tancovať v Duchu. Videl som, ako to robia hinduisti a indiáni a všetko ostatné. To nič neznamená, pokiaľ tam nie je život, ktorý by podoprel to, o čom hovoríš, moc Ducha Svätého tvorí ľudí, ktorí žijú pobožne. To je Nevesta Kristova.

78Ester sa mala stať nevestou, a tak nechcela žiadnu zo svetských ozdôb. Chcela vojsť ku kráľovi práve taká, aká bola. Ozdobila sa tak, ako by sa mali letničné ženy; miernym pokorným duchom. A keď prišli všetky tieto ozdobené prvé dámy so všetkými svojimi novými trblietavými vecami, kráľ sa na ne pozrel a dal ich do komnaty s konkubínami. Ale keď pred jeho oči prišla táto Ester a on zazrel toho milého, pokorného, mierneho ducha, povedal, „To je ona. Choďte po korunu a dajte ju na jej hlavu.“ To je ono.

Nech sa ozdobujú takým druhom ducha nie len ženy, ale tiež muži, nech sa ozdobujú takým druhom ducha. Potom sa stávate pripravenými pre Nevestu, milí, úctiví. Ester urobila svoje srdce čistým.

79Je tak mnoho... Staráme sa o tento vonkajšok. Ó, musí mať toľko odstraňovačov vrások a toľkoto tohto a – zaoberá sa tým všetkým.

Prednedávnom som tu dolu v Tennessee stál v múzeu. Prešiel som okolo malého miesta a tam ukazovali rozbor ľudského tela. Tam bolo povedané, že človek, ktorý vážil stopäťdesiat libier [asi 70 kg – pozn.prekl.] v chemikáliách, mal hodnotu osemdesiatštyri centov. No, ste niekým, nie ste? Osemdesiatštyri centov, a niektoré ženy budú, letničné ženy, si oblečú norkový kožuch za päťsto dolárov a našponujú hlavu hore tak, že ak by zapršalo, tak by ich to utopilo. A nie sú hodné ani osemdesiatštyri centov (To je pravda.), čo sa týka chemikálií. To je pravda, nie vtip. To je pravda. Osemdesiatštyri centov: asi dostatok vápna na pofŕkanie slepačieho hniezda, a troška kalcia, atď: osemdesiatštyri centov. Venujete tomu strašnú pozornosť.

Idete do reštaurácie a nájdete – dostali by ste misku polievky a bol by v nej pavúk, zažalovali by ste tú reštauráciu. Avšak diabla necháte, aby vám dolu krkom strkal špinavú televíziu a kartové veci, a prehĺtate to; spôsobuje, že si obliekate nečisté oblečenie. A tieto ženy chodia v tých krátkych, tesných, sporých šatách – ako stiahnuté črevo z viedenského párku, a takto vychádzajú na ulicu.

80A či vieš, moja sestra... (Nehovorím to ako vtip. Nepochopte ma zle.) Počúvajte. Hovorím toto: správaš sa takto a v deň súdu budeš počítaná za cudzoložnicu. Správne. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa díva na ženu so žiadosťou po nej, spáchal s ňou cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.“ A keď sa ten hriešnik musí zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva, kto to je? Ty. Kto to spôsobil? Ty. Presne tak. Ak sa tam vystavuješ, aby sa dívali – pred mužov, aby si bola ako svet, a obliekaš sa ako svet... Raz som to povedal, a žena v Louisville, Kentucky, povedala, „No, počúvaj, pán Branham. Ja ti to hneď teraz vysvetlím...“

Povedal som, „Áno, madam.“

Povedala, „To je ten jediný druh šiat, ktoré vyrábajú.“

Povedal som, „Vyrábajú šijacie stroje a predávajú materiál. Je to kvôli tomu, že ty to chceš. Niečo v tebe nie je v poriadku.“

Je to presne tak. Robíte to, lebo to je móda, nerobíte to kvôli tomu, že musíte; robíte to preto, lebo to chcete.

81Fajčíte preto, lebo to chcete. Vy nemusíte. Myslím, že najhlúpejšia vec, ktorú som kedy videl, bola žena, ktorá išla po ulici ako... Vidíte každú jednu v automobiloch s cigaretami medzi prstami. No, to je hanba. Je to najväčším hnutím piatej kolóny [podvratná sila – pozn.prekl.], aké v našom národe máme, keď lekári a medicínska veda hovoria, že je to plné rakoviny a všetkého možného. A oni to po celý čas nasávajú.

Keď vidíte ženu, ktorá by mala byť Kresťankou, ako je natiahnutá tam vonku na brehu, kde sa kúpu muži i ženy, oblečená v plavkách, ako je tam natiahnutá. Mám dve dievčatá. Nehovorím, že to neurobia. Ony hovoria, že sa opaľujú. A pokiaľ som nažive, zlíznu odo mňa taký výprask… urobí to syn pána Branhama pomocou latky z plotu asi takto dlhej. [Br.Branham tu používa slovnú hračku podobnosti slov – „suntan” – opaľovanie sa a „son-tan” – vymyslené slovo – niečo ako „opálenie synom” – pozn.prekl.] Verím, že to je zlé.

82Potom sami seba nazývame... „Ó, sme členmi letničnej cirkvi.“ Ó, hanba vám. Správne. Letničná cirkev potrebuje očistenie kompletne odpredu dozadu a cez pivnicu, suterén a poschodia. Je to tak. A jednako, v tom všetkom, to je to najlepšie, čo máme. Ale to môže...

Práve tak, ako v revolúcii v čase Johanky z Arku. Francúzsko potrebovalo revolučný prevrat, potom potrebovalo kontrarevolučný prevrat, aby narovnalo niektoré veci, kvôli ktorým urobili revolúciu. A letničná cirkev potrebuje revolúciu (Správne. Istotne potrebuje.), vzbúriť sa proti veciam, ktoré sú zlé, a prijať veci, ktoré sú správne (Amen.), čerstvý krst Duchom Svätým, aby sa Cirkev prihotovila.

83Pamätajte, to nikdy nebude... Nemôžeš povedať, „No, patrím do tohto... do Assemblies, patrím ku Foursquare alebo cirkvi Božej alebo k Ježišovmu Menu,“ alebo ku komukoľvek zo zvyšku z nich. Nie, nemôžeš sa dostať dnu na základe žiadnej z nich. Boh ťa povoláva ako jednotlivca. A ty si ten, ktorý sa musí očistiť, pretože On berie ľudí z pohanov pre Svoje Meno, Jeho Nevestu, pohanov.

Ester sa očistila. Očistila svoje srdce. To je to, čo očistila. To je to, čo potrebuje cirkev: očistenie srdca. „Ako očistíš svoje srdce, brat Branham?“ Očistený vodou Slova, skrze Krv Ježiša Krista.

84Biblia povedala, že je to pre ženy zlé, aby sa takto správali, a pre mužov, aby im to dovolili robiť. To ste obaja. Muž, ktorý dovolí svojej žene, aby vyšla von na ulicu s nahými – s takýmto oblečením na sebe, mám voči nemu malý rešpekt, že je vôbec mužom. On je bábka. Presne tak. Ona ho používa ako handru na riad. Hanba ti. Mal by si byť mužom.

A ak pastor nechá svoj zbor ísť s takýmito vecami bez toho, že by to roztrhal na kusy spoza kazateľne, on je padavka. To, čo potrebujeme, je muž. Evanjelium, nie s gumenými rukavičkami, ale s mocou a demonštráciou Ducha Svätého so Slovom... Biblia hovorí, že tieto veci sú zlé. Je nesprávne pre ľudí, aby to takto robili, aby sa takto správali. Malo by to byť kázané a žité, a všade. Malo by... Cirkev potrebuje prečistenie, očistenie.

85Ester očistila svoje srdce pred Bohom, vykročila s miernym a pokorným duchom; cirkev, ktorá sa chystá byť Nevestou Kristovou... No, pamätajte, Ester odmietla svetskú ozdobu. Vzala Ducha, ktorý bol v jej srdci, aby išla pred kráľa.

A dnes žena, cirkev, ktorá si myslí, že vojde kvôli tomu, že má viac čísel, je najlepšie oblečeným zástupom, má najväčšiu organizáciu, najväčšiu cirkev v meste, a takéto veci... Minieš to na milión míľ, ak spoliehaš na to.

To je milý, láskavý, úctivý duch voči Slovu Božiemu, umytý vodou Slova. A Slovo v tebe, to je umývanie. Amen. Cirkev potrebuje umývanie, umývanie plného Evanjelia (Presne tak.), nie len čiastočné umývanie, ale umývanie plného Evanjelia, umytí, učinení novými stvoreniami v Kristu Ježišovi.

86Ježišova Nevesta nie je špinavá nevesta. On nebude mať Svoju Nevestu špinavú. Nejaká žena vyjde, aby sa vydala, a ak by vyzerala, akoby tam prišla z prasačieho chlieva, muž, ktorý má v sebe nejakú dôstojnosť, by si ju nevzal. Požadoval by, aby sa očistila. A keď cirkev Kristova prichádza, aby sa vydala, myslí si, bude Nevestou so všetkým tým svetom pripevneným na sebe... Kristova Nevesta nebude taká. Nie veru. (Musím sa poponáhľať.)

Ani Cirkev Kristova, Pána Ježiša Krista, tá Cirkev taktiež nie je otrhanou cirkvou, oblečená v zdrapoch denominácií. Ona nemusí byť členom nejakej veľkej denominácie. Ona musí byť umytá Krvou, kúpená Krvou. Nie hovoriť, že patríme do najväčšej cirkvi, najväčšej organizácie alebo tohto, toho alebo tamtoho; Ona musí byť čistá, posvätená, svätá, bez vrásky alebo škvrny, skrze Krv jej Spasiteľa, Ježiša Krista.

87Tak ako Ester, skrytý človek v srdci, skrytý človek, pokora a miernosť Ducha Božieho v ľudskom srdci, nie sláva a lepšia trieda sveta...

Vždy som hovoril, že svet sa leskne; Evanjelium žiari. Ó, to je milión míľ od seba. Hollywood sa leskne; Cirkev Kristova žiari príjemnosťou, sú milí, jemní, láskaví. Je to tak.

Ester sa nechcela ozdobiť so všetkou tou modernou svetskou ozdobou. To by nevyzeralo ako kráľova manželka. A či chceme byť ako svet, a... Vyzeralo by to ako manželka svätého muža? My, ako cirkev živého Boha, ozdobujeme sa vecami tohto sveta, a potom vyzeráme ako manželka svätého muža? Vyzeralo by to prirodzene?

Ak ste dnes videli muža, ktorý má byť svätým mužom, a tu prichádza jeho manželka ako prvá dáma: jedna z takých tých veľkých frizúr a červený nezmysel na jednej strane a zelený nezmysel na druhej strane; a vyzerá, akoby bola udretá do úst maliarskym štetcom, a všetky takéto druhy vecí; kráča po ulici v takýchto tesných šatách ako viedenský párok, a tak vysoké podpätky, krúti sa naokolo, vyzývavo si vykračuje dolu ulicou... Poviete, „To je manželka svätého muža?“ (Nehovorím vtipy. Len robím vyhlásenia.)

88Prišiel som na jedno z našich veľkolepých letničných hnutí, tu prednedávnom. Mal som rozložený stan. A jeden pastor mi povedal, riekol, „Moja žena je organistka.“

Povedal som, „To je dobre, brat.“

„Nevadilo by ti, ak by hrala?“

Povedal som, „Nie, isteže nie.“

A on išiel za manažérom a manažér povedal... Brat Baxter povedal, „Je to v poriadku.“

Povedal, „Brat Branham, prídi sem. Chcem, aby si sa stretol s mojou ženou.“

A išiel som tam. (No, prepáčte mi. Rozumiete, nesnažím sa kritizovať; snažím sa urobiť vyhlásenie. Rozumiete?) A tá žena mala jednu z týchto manikúr, alebo, neviem, čo za vec to bola, viete, celá vyzdobená, a nikdy vo svojom živote som niečo také nevidel, a šaty mala asi potiaľto a vzadu nemala nič, a takmer ani dolu. A nikdy v živote som niečo také nevidel. A mala velikánske náušnice, ktoré takto viseli dolu, a všetky tie veci na sebe.

A poobzeral som sa. Pomyslel som si, „Ó. Som baptista a poznám niečo lepšie než to.“ Pozrel som sa znova, povedal som... No, prosím vás, toto nie je vtip. Ale musel som to tomu bratovi povedať, a dúfam, že mu to pomohlo, nehovoril som to, aby som sa líšil; ak áno, bol by som pokrytec (Rozumiete?), ktorý potreboval sám byť očistený.

Povedal som, „Pane, povedal si, že tvoja žena je svätá?“

Povedal, „Ó, áno.“

Povedal som, „Pre mňa vyzerá ako stratená duša.“ [Br.Branham používa podobnosť slov „saint“ – „svätý“ a „haint“ – „mátoha, stratená duša“ – pozn.prekl.] Povedal som, „Nikdy v živote som nevidel taký pohľad na manželku kazateľa. To nevyzerá ako manželka svätého muža.“

89A ani cirkev živého Boha, ktorá spolieha na svoju módu, svoje čajové večierky a večierky pri hracích kockách a kartové hry, tance a sociálne veci, ktorá sa ozdobuje ako so svetom, nevyzerá ako Manželka svätého Boha. Keď fajčí cigarety, a tance a večierky a polievkové večere a pitie kokteilov a všetko takéto, a hovoria, že oni sú Nevestou Kristovou?

To pre mňa nevyzerá ako Manželka svätého Muža. Nie veru. On by si nevybral takú vec. On by si vybral ženu, ktorá by bola v poriadku, vyzerala by ako to, čo sa On snažil predstaviť. Verím, že to je pravda. Môže to trocha raniť.

90Moja stará matka z juhu odišla. Keď som bol malý chlapec, zvykli sme mať – takmer sme nemali nič na jedenie. A mali sme „čiernooký hrach“ a kukuričný chlieb. Neviem, či viete, čo to je, alebo nie. A tak, nemali sme... Ona cez rok nemala žiadnu masť. A my... takmer sme museli vziať starú... takúto veľkú starú panvicu, a vložili sme do nej kože z mäsa. Išli sme tam, kde oni orezávali – mäsiari orezávali mäso a dali nám kože. A my sme to tam škvarili, aby sme získali masť a vyliali sme to tam. Každý sobotný večer mama povedala, že potrebujeme dávku ricínového oleja. A ja doteraz nemôžem tú vec vystáť. A musel som to užiť. Prišiel som ku nej a takto som si držal nos. Povedal som, „Mama, jednoducho si to nedokážem dať.“ Povedal som, „Je mi z toho tak zle.“

Povedala, „Ak ti z toho nebude zle, nepomôže ti to.“

91A tak, myslím, že takto to je s kázaním Evanjelia. Ak to s vami trocha nepohne, dostane vaše – ak to nenapraví vaše duchovné trávenie, nespôsobí, že vám bude trocha zle, aby ste samého seba skontrolovali s Bibliou; uvideli, či máte tú starú podráždenosť a sebeckosť, bezbožnosť, lásku ku svetu, televízii a rôznym nočným veciam. A zanechávate prázdny zbor a prázdne lavice, keď by ste mali byť tam vonku ako Ježiš (máte v sebe Jeho Ducha), snažiac sa dostať každého v krajine, aby prišiel do vášho zboru, aby prijal Krista. A potom sa nazývame Nevestou Kristovou.

Ó, aké smutné, priatelia. Prišla hodina. Jeho Nevesta sa prihotovila, ó, pripravila sa. Odložila nabok všetky tieto veci.

Pamätajte, Ester bola vybraná a ostatné boli odmietnuté. A iba tí, ktorí sú narodení znova, ktorí majú Ducha Božieho, budú v ten deň vybraní, keď bude na jej hlavu položená koruna slávy. A ostatní budú odmietnutí.

92Dovoľte mi povedať vám niečo malé, čo sa stalo. Som misionárom, ako viete, konám evanjelizačné misionárske dielo, asi sedemkrát poza morami, a okolo sveta. Prednedávnom tu v meste Rím... Rím je veľkým mestom umenia a majú tam školu umenia. A niekoľkí z našej americkej mládeže tam každý rok chodia, aby sa trénovali rok alebo dva v umení, aby sa naučili maľovať obrazy. Pred pár rokmi tam prišla skupina mladých Američanov, ako som počul ten príbeh. A keď sa tam dostali, začali vyvádzať. Keď sú v Ríme, správajú sa ako Rím: idú von, pijú a vyzliekajú sa, a všetko ďalšie, a vyvádzajú, chlapci aj dievčatá.

93A bola tam určitá škola. A do tejto školy prišla táto skupina mladých Američanov. A každý z nich, takmer, robil to isté. Ale jedno mladé dievča, ona to vôbec netolerovala. Zostávala vo vnútri. V čase večera si čítala, zatiaľ čo oni všetci vonku pili. Cez deň usilovne pracovala. No, bola na smiech celej škole. A ona sa zachovávala ako dáma, správala sa ako dáma. Hoci tam boli mladí rímski chlapci, a všetko naokolo, snažili sa ju dostať von, ona to zamietla. Nie veru. Zostávala rovno s lekciami, učila sa kresliť, lepšie povedané maľovať. A zostávala s tým.

94Nakoniec, bol tam starý správca toho miesta, ktorý ju pozoroval, videl, že bola tak veľmi odlišná, hoci bol rímskym katolíkom, stále ju pozoroval, ako sa správala. Raz večer, to mladé dievča bolo v parku, kde bol ten ateliér, no – alebo miesto, kde mali tú školu, prechádzala sa po školskej pôde a išla hore na vrchol kopca a slnko zapadalo. A stála tam so svojou krásnou, čistou tvárou a jej vlasy viseli dolu, dívala sa tým smerom, ako zapadalo slnko.

95Ten starý správca tam hrabal na dvore a pozoroval to dievča. Ako hrabal, niečo mu povedalo, aby sa s ňou išiel porozprávať. Tak položil hrable na zem, zložil si svoj starý ohnutý klobúk, prišiel tam, kde bolo to mladé dievča, odkašľal si. Ona sa otočila. Povedal, „Prepáčte mi, slečna.“

Povedala, „Áno. Nech sa páči.“

A všimol si, že ona plakala. Všetci ostatní boli vonku na veľkom nočnom fláme. Povedal, „Madam, dúfam, že ma správne rozumiete, prečo s vami idem hovoriť.“ Povedal, „Ste tu teraz takmer dva roky. A všimol som si tú skupinu, s ktorou ste prišli, neustále sú vonku na večierkoch a prichádzajú kedykoľvek v noci, opití a napoly oblečení, a všetko. Ale všimol som si, že vy nenavštevujete také večierky.“

A povedal, „Všimol som si, zdá sa mi, že sa stále dívate na more. Na večer sem prídete a zostávate tu každý večer a sledujete, ako zapadá slnko.“ A povedal, „Prečo to tak je?“ Povedal, „Som starý človek a zaujímalo by ma, čo spôsobuje ten rozdiel medzi vami a tými ostatnými.“

96Povedala, „Áno.“ Povedala, „Pane, dívam sa smerom domov, keď zapadá slnko.“ Povedala, „Tamtým smerom, poza tým slnkom, je moja domovina.“ A povedala, „V tom kraji je určitý štát. A v tom určitom štáte je určité mesto. A v tom určitom meste je určitý dom. A v tom dome je určitý chlapec.“

Povedala, „On je tiež umelcom. Keď som tam opustila domov, sľúbila som mu svoju lásku. Sme navzájom zasnúbení.“ A povedala, „Nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek zo zvyšku z nich robí, to so mnou nemá nič do činenia.“ Povedala, „Sľúbila som žiť verne a správne.“ A povedala, „Túžim po tom dni, keď pocítim, ako som na krídlach toho veľkého lietadla, ktoré ma vezme ponad to more a zloží ma dolu na letisku, kde ma on stretne. On stavia dom a budeme v tom kraji spoločne žiť.“

A povedala, „To je dôvod, prečo som sa tak správala. Som verná sľubu, ktorý som tomu chlapcovi dala. A on je verný sľubu, ktorý mi dáva.“ Povedala, „Počúvam to od neho teraz i potom, a píšem mu.“ A povedala, „Píšeme si listy, stále držíme svoje sľuby, očakávame na deň, keď sa stretneme.“

97Ó, ako by to pre skutočného Kresťana malo urobiť, že sa dostane preč od vecí tohto sveta. A jedného dňa hovoríte o príchode do prístavu na krídlach holubice; On prichádza po Nevestu, tú, ktorá sa nepohráva so svetom alebo vecami tohto sveta. Ona je umytá v Krvi Baránka. Sľúbila svoju lásku jedine Jemu. Láska ku svetu je preč a je pre ňu mŕtva. Svadba Baránkova nadišla a Jeho Nevesta sa prihotovila.

98Zamyslime sa na chvíľu nad tým, ako na moment skloníme naše hlavy. Jedného dňa, ako sa dívam smerom ku západu slnka, ja som tiež, pred tridsaťjeden rokmi sľúbil Tomu, ktorého milujem, všetku svoju lásku Jemu. Vždy som sa snažil stáť za Ním a Jeho Slovom, kdekoľvek som išiel. A viem, že tu sedia mnohí ďalší takí, očakávame na deň, keď tá stará Sionská loď príde do prístavu, vezme naše duše a zoberie nás do Prítomnosti Toho, ktorého milujeme a ktorému sme sľúbili našu lásku.

99Dnes večer tu môžu byť niektorí, ktorí nikdy neučinili ten sľub. Môžu tu byť niektorí, ktorí ho učinili a porušili ho. Ak ste dnes večer v takom stave, priatelia, prečo len neprídete dnes večer naspäť a neobnovíte svoj sľub? Ak ste ho neučinili, prečo dnes večer neprídete a neučiníte ho? Povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, milujem Ťa.“

Pamätaj, ak si už učinil svoj sľub a stále si zamiešaný vo veciach tohto sveta, Ježiš nebude mať takú nevestu. On nebude mať takú, ktorá je cudzoložná. Všetka tvoja láska musí byť ku Nemu. A ak miluješ veci tohto sveta a módu tohto sveta viac, než miluješ Boha, potom si sa neprihotovila.

100Je tu dnes večer taká osoba? Zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, zodvihol by si ruku, povedz, „Brat Branham, modli sa za mňa. Chcem byť taký. Chcem byť časťou Nevesty. A viem, že robím veci, ktoré by som nemal robiť. Modli sa za mňa.“? Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja indiánska sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra, aj teba, môj brat, aj teba, môj brat. Niekto ďalší, zodvihol by si ruku, povedz, „Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham. Viem, že nie som v poriadku.“

No, buď ku samému sebe úprimný. Pozri sa naspäť na svoj život. Musíš sa pozrieť najprv naspäť, predtým, ako môžeš ísť vpred. Pozri sa, čím si bol. Pozri sa, čo ťa ten duch, ktorého máš, viedol robiť. Ak si nemal... Ak vyznávaš, že si Kresťanom, a stále sa miešaš s vecami tohto sveta, brat, sestra, ak nevidíš, že nie si v poriadku, čo iné potom si, ak nie slepý?

101Niekto raz povedal, riekol, „Brat Branham, „Mal by si nechať tých ľudí tak.“ Povedal, „Ľudia ťa nazývajú prorokom.“

Povedal som, „Nie som prorok.“

Povedal, „Ale ľudia si myslia, že si. Mal by si tieto ženy vyučovať... Namiesto toho, aby si im hovoril o nosení dlhých vlasov a správneho druhu oblečenia a takýchto vecí, mal by si im hovoriť o tom, ako získať duchovné veci.“

Povedal som, „Ako ich môžem učiť algebru, keď neprijímajú ani abecedu z materskej škôlky? Nemajú dostatok slušnosti, aby sa očistili?“

102Nazývajúc sa Nevestou Kristovou... Nehovorím to dráždivo. Hovorím to v zbožnej láske. Ako som dnes ráno povedal, keď vás vidím, ako idete dolu po rieke v loďke, a vidím, že narazíte na vodopády, tá loďka to nevydrží, keď na vás kričím a vykrikujem na vás, nesnažím sa vás zraniť. Milujem vás. Pretože ak to neurobíš, tvoj život bude stratený.

Sú tu ešte nejakí, ktorí zodvihnú svoje ruky predtým, ako sa budeme modliť? Vidím ťa tam vzadu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, aj teba. Viete, že váš život ukazuje, že nie ste v poriadku. Stále milujete svet viac ako Boha, potom tam niekde niečo nie je v poriadku. Pozrite sa na seba. Vonku v tých miestnostiach, zodvihnite svoju ruku, povedz, „Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech Boh žehná... Presne tak. Nefalšovanosť, cením si úprimnosť.

To je to, čo je dnes problémom s letničnou cirkvou. Nemáme tú skutočnú úprimnosť, ktorú sme zvykli mať. Nemáme tú odvahu prísť a povedať, že – uznať, že nie sme v poriadku.

103Diabol má až taký dopad na cirkev, že ona sa až váľa v bahne tohto sveta. Nerob to. Tvoj vlastný život dokazuje, že nemáš to, čo hovoríš, že máš. Prečo to potom nevyznáš? „Ten, kto vyzná svoj hriech, bude mu odpustené: ten, kto svoj hriech skrýva, nedobre sa mu povodí.“ Nemôžeš to skryť. Boh o tom vie všetko. A ak vidíš a vieš, že nežiješ správne, prečo to potom nevyznáš a nevyjdeš a neurovnáš to?

Hriechy niektorých ľudí idú pred nimi; niektorých nasledujú. Nech tie moje idú popredku. Nech tie moje môžem hneď teraz vyznať. Nech to Boh dá do poriadku. To je to, čo by sme mali robiť.

104Zodvihlo sa tu asi šesť alebo osem rúk. Iste je ich tu dnes večer omnoho viac v tomto malom zbore, kde je sto alebo dvesto ľudí, možno stopäťdesiat. No, nech ťa Boh žehná, mladý muž. No, nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. To je správne. Nech ťa Boh žehná, synu. To je dobre. [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

Letničné ženy si nezvykli strihať svoje vlasy, ale dnes to robia. Čo sa stalo? Nezvykla si nosiť mejkap. Tvoja mama to nezvykla robiť, ak bola letničná. Čo sa dnes stalo? Pretože sa váľajú vo veciach tohto sveta. A svet sa na nás díva. Tvrdíme, že sme cirkvou svätosti. Čo sa to deje? Nevyzeráme ako Nevesta Kristova. Čo s vami mužmi tam? To isté. Brat, hanbi sa.

105Nebeský Otče, keď sa dívam naprieč a robím takýmto spôsobom oltárne zavolanie, karhám, trhám, vyzerá to ako kruté. Ale vo vnútri krvácam, keď viem, že sme blízko konca. Tieto malé loďky v jednom z týchto dní stroskotajú. Smrť sa chystá udrieť do boja. Koľkokrát som ich počul, ako si ma zavolali a hovorili mi, „Ó, brat Branham, ak by som to len mohol žiť odznova.“ Teda, zatiaľ čo títo sú schopní, Pane, aby to dali do poriadku...

Snažím sa najlepšie, ako viem, Bože. Nech to Duch Svätý ľuďom zjaví, že sa im iba snažím pomôcť, nie ich kritizovať. Ale ako zadávna povedal Pavol... Bože, nechcem ich raniť, ale chcem ich raniť dostatočne na to, aby uvideli, že nie sú v poriadku.

106Modlím sa, aby si to dnes večer udelil, títo ľudia, tým, že zodvihli svoje ruky s dostatkom úcty, aby pred Bohom rozpoznali, že nie sú v poriadku, a chcú byť v poriadku... „Hľadajte a nájdete; klopte a otvorí sa.“ Ale ak nikdy nezaklopete, ako sa to otvorí? Ak nikdy nehľadáte, ako nájdete?

Nech Duch Svätý, Pane, dnes večer týchto ľudí privedie do plného poddania sa Bohu. A nech ich veľký Otec nášho Pána Ježiša Krista posvätí, dušu, telo a ducha, a umiestni ich do tela Pána Ježiša Krista, pretože svadba Baránkova je na dosah ruky a Jeho Nevesta sa pripravila. Ó, Pane, nech je toto večerom prípravy, lebo zajtrajšok môže byť dňom, keď Ho stretneme. Nevieme, v ktorej hodine budeme zavolaní, aby sme Ho stretli. Udeľ to, Pane.

107No, zatiaľ čo sa modlím, a vy máte svoje hlavy sklonené, ja... Každý z vás, ktorí ste zodvihli svoju ruku, ak ste v tom hlboko úprimní a myslíte to vážne, a nehanbíte sa dať ľuďom najavo, že ste neboli v poriadku... Budete s nimi musieť v každom prípade stáť tam na súde. A Boh vás usvedčil dostatočne na to, aby ste vedeli, že nie ste v poriadku...

Prednedávnom som tu kázal niečo také. Hovoril som ku jednej mladej dáme, ktorá stála vzadu. Vyzerala hrozne, bola to dcéra kazateľa. A stretla sa so mnou vonku pred cirkvou. A či ma len neuzemnila...

Povedala, „Ty nevzdelanec jeden,“ bola trochu drzá, mala namaľované pery a nakrátko ostrihané vlasy. Povedala, „Ak by som chcela, aby so mnou niekto o tomto hovoril, zohnala by som si niekoho, kto má zdravý rozum.“ Povedala, „Nikdy viac nechoď za kazateľňu môjho otca a nekáž takéto veci.“

Povedal som, „Chceš mi povedať, že tvoj ocko, dobrý úprimný baptistický kazateľ, akým on je, a nekázal by proti tomu?“

Povedala, „On ťa nenajal, aby si sem prišiel...“

Povedal som, „On ma vôbec nenajal. Prišiel som, lebo som bol pozvaný.“

Povedala, „Nikdy ti to neodpustím.“

Povedal som, „To je na tebe. Ja som len nasledoval Evanjelium.“ Kríky ruží sa tam kývali v jemnom vetre; nádherná mladá žena.

108O niečo neskôr, asi o rok neskôr som prechádzal cez to mesto. Videl som to isté mladé dievča, ako jej visela sukňa, fajčila cigaretu, išla dolu ulicou. Pomyslel som si, „To je manželka, či vlastne dcéra toho-a-toho brata.“ A prešiel som cez ulicu, aby som videl, či by som sa ku nej nemohol dostať.

Ona sa na mňa pozrela, ako fajčila túto cigaretu, vyfúkla to nosom. Povedala, „Čau, kazateľ,“ s takým bezbožným slangom.

A povedal som, „Ajajaj...“

Povedala, „Daj si šluka z mojej cigarety. Buď chlap.“

Povedal som, „Nehanbíš sa za seba?“

Natiahla sa do svojej kabelky, povedala, „Potom mám cigaretu.“

Povedal som, „Hanbi sa. Hanbi sa za to, že ponúkaš Božiemu služobníkovi cigaretu.“

Povedala, „Tak by si sa mohol napiť z mojej fľašky.“

Povedal som, „Prosím, nehovor to.“ Pozrel som sa na ňu. Nemohol som sa zdržať od plaču, pretože jej ocko je dobrý človek. Pozrel som sa na ňu a pomyslel som si, „Ó. Ona si myslela, že má mnoho času.“

109Začal som kráčať ďalej. Nedokázal som zadržať slzy v očiach. Kráčal som ďalej.

Povedala, „Počkaj chvíľu.“

Povedal som, „Áno, madam?“

Pribehla ku mne. Takmer sa hanbila, že ku nej hovorím na ulici, ľudia prechádzali okolo. Pribehla tam.

Povedala, „Vieš, čo si mi povedal v ten večer?“

Povedal som, „Stále si to pamätám.“

Povedala, „Chcem ti povedať, kazateľu, že si mal pravdu.“ Povedala, „Zarmútila som Ducha Svätého naposledy.“ No, to je vyhlásenie tej ženy, ktoré mi povedala, a nikdy na to nezabudnem tak dlho, ako žijem. Povedala, „On so mnou toho večera konal.“ Ale povedala, „Keď som Ho vtedy odmietla, bol to môj posledný krát.“ Povedala, „Moje srdce sa potom stalo tak zatvrdnuté, nestarám sa o Boha, cirkev, ani o nič iné. A každý deň preklínam svojho otca.“ A povedala, „Môžem vidieť, ako sa duša mojej matky smaží v pekle ako lievanec a smiať sa na tom.“

110To je naposledy zarmútiť Ducha Svätého. Zamysli sa nad tým. Poď Domov na krídlach holubice. Buď Nevestou. Postav sa teraz zo svojho sedadla. Ak nie si v poriadku, poď sem hore, postav sa sem ku oltáru a povedz, „Nie som v poriadku. Brat Branham, som zlostný. Žil som bezbožne. Nemal by som robiť tieto veci, ktoré robím. Brat Branham, urobil som toto, to alebo tamto. Som vinný z klamania. Som vinný z kradnutia. Som z niečoho vinný. Neslúžil som Bohu tak, ako by som mal, a hanbím sa za seba a chcem dať svoj život do poriadku. Nepomodlíš sa dnes večer za mňa, brat Branham?“ Rád to urobím.

111Ak Boh odpovie na moje modlitby, aby počul za nemocných, slepých a postihnutých, On istotne vypočuje modlitbu za hriešnika. Neprídeš dnes večer a nebudeš časťou tej Nevesty? Pozývam ťa, aby si prišiel. Ďakujem ti, môj brat. Cením si taký druh odvahy, že vyjdeš a priznáš, že nie si v poriadku. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Postav sa rovno sem.

Chcete mi povedať, že ste zodvihli svoju ruku a neboli ste v tom úprimní? Čo sa to ľuďom stalo? Brat, čo sa deje? Čo sa to v tomto dni deje s našimi ľuďmi? Myslíte to tak, že ste zodvihli svoju ruku na znak toho, že nie ste v poriadku, a potom neprídete? A viete, že „Ten, kto vie dobre robiť a nerobí, pre neho to je zlo“? Neprídete? Zatiaľ čo pianistka, ak chceš, sestra, organistka, hraj trochu.

112Pozývam vás. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Koľkí z tohto poslucháčstva boli na zhromaždeniach, keď... Viete, že nie som kazateľ. Nemám žiadne vzdelanie. Nech ťa Boh žehná, malá dáma. To vyžaduje skutočné dievča, aby to urobila. Tento malý kvietok sem prichádza, buď požehnaná, moja sestra. To je skutočná odvaha. Obdivujem tú malú dámu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, zlatíčko. Mám doma malé dievča asi v tvojom veku, malú Rebeku. Cením si ťa. Malé indiánske dievča? Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja sestra, malá princezná. Nech je Boh s tebou, srdiečko. Vy, malé sestry, nech je Boh s vami, a s tebou, sestra.

No, pozrite sem. Ak takéto mladé dámy, malé dievčatá s krehkým svedomím, a kázať kázeň, ktorá ich trhá na kusy... A tu prišli sem hore, vedia, že nie sú v poriadku, postavili sa sem pred to poslucháčstvo, aby urobili vyznanie, istotne, istotne vy, staršie ženy... Neprídete? Vystúpte si sem hore a postavte sa tu.

...hľadal by som Tvoju tvár;

Uzdrav môjho raneného, zroneného ducha. (Zaspievajme to.)

Spas ma Svojou milosťou.

Spasiteľu, Spasiteľu, čuj...

Istotne ste dostatočne úprimní na to, aby ste sa pomodlili pokornú modlitbu, „Zavolaj, Pane, skús ma a vidz, či so mnou niečo nie je v poriadku.“

Neobchádzaj ma.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, drahá sestra.

113Koľkí v tomto zhromaždení stáli a videli v poslucháčstve ženy, mužov, a všetkých, ktorí vychádzali hore, keď som tam stál a modlil sa za nemocných, a Duch Svätý im hovoril veci o ich hriechoch, a veci, a viete... Koľkí z vás vedia, že je to pravda? Nikdy to nezlyháva. Duch Svätý mi hovorí, ten istý Duch Svätý, že je tu dnes večer niečo, čo Ho zarmucuje. No, to je Tak hovorí Pán. No, stretnite sa s tým tu alebo tam.

Nie som osoba, ktorá upadá pod emócie. Nie veru. Presne viem, kde stojím, a poznám Boha. Je to tak. Sú tu mnohí z vás, ktorí potrebujú stáť rovno tu, kde sú tieto mladé dievčatá. No, neprídete? Pozývam vás. Nenútim. Len vám to hovorím.

Niekto povedal, „Nikdy som nepočul oltárne zavolanie, kde kazateľ takto karhal poslucháčstvo.“ Tak by sa to malo robiť. Neprichádzate hore na základe nejakého srdce-lámajúceho príbehu o matke, ktorá zomiera, alebo niečo také. To je pod emóciou. Slovo Božie je tým, na základe čoho prichádzate. Neprichádzate pre – pod nejakou emóciou, prichádzate s vierou, že Boh je Bohom, a vy ste v súdnom dome Pánovom a prišli ste prosiť za svoj prípad.

114Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat, moja sestra. Chcem vám potriasť rukou a povedať, že si vás cením. Úprimné usvedčenie... Malá dáma, cením si ťa. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ti dá udatného Ducha. Buď požehnaný, môj brat. Nech je Boh s tebou. Ešte raz, potom zakončíme. Môže to tiež byť zakončenie naposledy. Rozumiete? Neviem kedy. Dúfam, že nie. Ale môže to byť. Rozumiete?


Poď sem, moja sestra. Chcem ti potriasť rukou, ďakujem, a povedať, že si cením tvoju vieru, to je skutočná viera.

Poď sem, môj brat. Chcem si tu s tebou potriasť ruky. Cením si tvoju úprimnosť. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

Poď sem. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Cením si tvoju úprimnosť, že môžeš zaujať postoj...

...neobchádzaj ma...


Čo? Nadišla svadba Baránkova a Jeho Nevesta sa prihotovila.

...vrúcny krik;

Zatiaľ čo si iných k Sebe voláš;

Ó, neobchádzaj ma.

(Čo?) Vzkladám dôveru iba v Tvoje zásluhy;

Hľadal by som Tvoju tvár?

Uzdrav môjho raneného, zroneného ducha (tam, kde zarezalo Slovo);

Spas ma Svojou milosťou.

Spasiteľu, Spasiteľu, čuj môj vrúcny...

Zatiaľ čo si iných k Sebe voláš;

Ó, neobchádzaj ma.

115Pamätajte, Duch Svätý bol tým, čo zarezalo do vášho srdca a vyšli ste sem hore. Len myslite na miesta, kde On zarezal, a tá osoba už viac nebude tak žiť. Vždy si to budú pamätať. „Ak nás naše srdcia neodsudzujú...“ Ale keď prichádzate s niečím v Slove Božom a obchádzate to, to nie je Abrahámovo semeno. Abrahám zachovával zasľúbenie Božie vo svojom srdci, bez ohľadu na to, čo prišlo alebo odišlo.

116Cením si všetkých týchto, ktorí stoja okolo oltára. Mojou modlitbou za vás je, aby vám dnes večer Boh dal túžbu vášho srdca a učinil vás skutočne posvätenými ľuďmi.

Niektorí z týchto mladých ľudí... Tu sú indiáni, španieli, mexičania, všetci stoja naokolo, ľudia, ktorí tvrdili, že sú Kresťanmi možno roky, ale vidia, že neboli v poriadku. Chcú byť v poriadku. „Požehnaní, ktorí sú hladní a žízniví po spravodlivosti: lebo oni budú naplnení.“ Odsúdení, pripravení urovnať to s Bohom skrze ohnivé oltáre Božieho súdu. Niekde sa s tým musíte stretnúť, priatelia. Niekde sa s tým musíte stretnúť, tak sa s tým stretnite tu. Nečakajte do rána. Môžete byť dnes večer zabití pri nehode, ako pôjdete domov.

117Práve nedávno som na jednom zhromaždení urobil oltárne zavolanie, a zavolal som takto v Ohio. A v ten večer, keď som opustil budovu a bol som preč asi pätnásť minút. A začul som, ako niekto kričí na boku cesty, zastavil som a išiel som tam. Jedno auto malo nehodu, narazilo do iného. A zabila sa tam žena, ktorá sedela na zhromaždení a bola tak nervózna, až si stiahla prsteň, bola tak nervózna. A ona sa rozprávala so svojou dcérou, keď išli po ceste, a ona šoférovala. Zobrali ju do nemocnice. A obe z nich mali vtedy prísť ku oltáru. A tá dcéra povedala, „Posledné slová, ktoré mi mama povedala predtým, ako to auto narazilo, 'Urobila som dnes večer zle. Viem, že som urobila.'“ A tam bol jej život zavolaný.

118Ó, hovoríte, „To sa mi nestane.“ Môže sa. Môže sa. A čo ak ťa už nikdy viac Duch Svätý neodsúdi a nepovie ti, že robíš zle? Potom takto vykročíš do večnosti. A vieš, že s tým druhom ducha to nezvládneš. Pozri sa naspäť naprieč svojím životom, vidz, ako si žil. A pozri sa tam späť a vidz, či sa ten sladký, pokorný život Krista zhodoval so všetkým z Jeho Slova. Ak nie, potom sa hneď príď dať do poriadku. Tam je... Prečo brať náhradu, keď sú nebesia plné skutočných letničných požehnaní, ktoré vyčistia tvoje srdce, očistia tvoju dušu? Nie je to tak?

119Koľko je tu dnes večer kazateľov? Chcem, aby ste niekoľkí z vás, bratov, prišli sem hore k nám, ak je to v poriadku, brat. Áno, poďte sem hore, pôjdete len na chvíľu, bratia? To je dobre.

Ježiš povedal vo Svojom Slove, „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný Život, nepríde do odsúdenia; ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Svätý Ján 6 tak povedal, „a Ja ho vzbudím v posledný deň.“ Vzkriesenie.

120Ľudia, musíme tomu čeliť. Musíme to urobiť. Musí to byť urobené. Tak, to nie je emócia. Emócie idú s tým, samozrejme. Je to tak. Ale tá vec, o ktorú ide, je zasvätené srdce. Len vezmi Slovo Božie a povedz, „Bože, robil som zle. Je mi ľúto, že som to robil. Poznáš moje srdce. Robil som zle. Rovno tu na tejto podlahe vyznávam svoje prestúpenie. A od tohto večera až ďalej som zasnúbený Tebe. Som časťou Nevesty. Už to viac nebudem robiť, nikdy viac nebudem uvoľňovať moju zlosť. Budem sa správať ako dáma. Budem sa správať ako džentlmen. Budem robiť veci, ktoré Biblia hovorí, že mám robiť. Rovno teraz Ťa vezmem za Tvoje Slovo.“

Vtedy sa niekam dostávate. Veríte tomu, kazatelia Evanjelia? Je to pravda? Je to tak.

121No, skloňme teraz naše hlavy v modlitbe. Každý jeden z vás svojím vlastným spôsobom. Pamätajte, rovno vedľa vás je Kristus. Vpredu pred vami, ktorí ste na oltári, stoja Kresťania a modlia sa; za vami sa modlia kazatelia Evanjelia. No, to vás umiestňuje do atmosféry modlitby. No, vaše vyznanie, vo svojich srdciach vaším vlastným spôsobom. „Pane, nie som v poriadku. Je mi to ľúto, Pane, robil som tieto veci. Vyznávam teraz môj hriech. Verím na Teba. Prijímam Ťa teraz. Chcem byť časťou Nevesty. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene.“ No, držte teraz svoje vyznanie na svojom srdci. No, pomodlím sa za vás.

122Nebeský Otče, ako ma to niekedy trápi, keď sa dívam na ľudí, ktorí ma milujú, a vidím, ako Ty berieš Slovo a kladieš Ho tam a to jednoducho seká až do špiku kosti. Ale potom prichádzaš, aby si potvrdil, že To je Pravda. Je To Pravda. Tu stoja muži a ženy, dokonca mladé dámy, malé dievčatá tu stoja so sklonenými hlavami a majú slzy v očiach, rovno na križovatkách života. Keď pomyslím, kde by mohli byť odviate v tom twiste, rokenrole, v tej diablom posadnutej, diablom trýznenej skupine. Tu sú, stoja tu dnes večer so sklonenými srdciami, čakajú na niečo, na čo môžu vložiť svoje ruky, aby povedali, „Pane Bože, očisti ma od všetkých vecí tohto sveta.“

123Tu je muž v strednom veku, mladý muž, stará žena, mladé ženy, všetci tu spolu stoja. Vyznávajú, že nie sú v poriadku. Ty si hovoril do ich srdca. Nikdy by tu neboli. Ukazuje to, že by sa ani nemohli zodvihnúť zo svojich sedadiel bez toho, že by už urobili rozhodnutie. Bol okolo nich Duch Boží a hovoril, „Nie si v poriadku.“

A ich malé životy povedali, „Pane, potom chcem Teba.“

A diabol povedal, „Seď potichu.“

Ale Duch Boží povedal, „Povstaň.“ A oni v poslušnosti prišli a stoja tu pri oltári.

124No, ako som Ti teraz citoval Tvoje Slovo, „Ten, kto príde ku Mne, nevyženiem ho von. Hoci by boli tvoje hriechy ako šarlát, budú biele ako sneh; červené ako karmín, biele ako vlna. Poď a kúp si odo Mňa vína a Oleja. Moja milosť je dostatočná. Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večne trvajúci Život a nepríde do odsúdenia; ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ A teraz, nadišla svadba Baránkova a Nevesta sa prihotovila.

Otče, oni sú Tvoji. Sú trofejami Tvojho Slova. Sú tu, aby boli umytí vodou Slova, pretože to je plné Evanjelium. Ono nič neušetrí. Ono to zosekáva až dolu do koreňa, kde to začína od toho prvého štádia. To vytrháva korene, korene horkosti, korene ľahostajnosti, korene sveta. Vytrhaj ich von, Pane, skrze Svätého Ducha. Odvrhni ich preč od týchto ľudí.

125Nárokujem ich dnes večer pre Teba, Ježišu, ako Tvoj vlastný osobný poklad, ako drahokamy v Tvojej korune, ako členov Tvojej Nevesty. Nárokujem si ich životy. Modlím sa z celého srdca s týmito kazateľmi, týmito služobníkmi živého Boha. Modlím sa, aby si od nich vzal, Pane, veci tohto sveta a dal im odvahu postaviť sa tvárou v tvár satanovi. Udeľ to, Pane. Veríme, že to urobíš. Povedal si, „Proste Otca o čokoľvek v Mojom Mene, Ja to urobím." No, nikdy si nepovedal, „Možno to urobím." Povedal si, „Urobím to.“ A verím, že to je pravda.

126No, tiež je napísané v Písmach, „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov.“ To je diabol, ktorý by mohol vziať mladú slečnu alebo ženu a pokaziť jej život. To je diabol, ktorý by mohol vziať muža a pokaziť jeho život. A spomeniem tento malý príbeh, Pane, v mojej modlitbe. A modlím sa, aby si ma vypočul a odpovedal na moju modlitbu, aby každý jeden z týchto bol dnes večer nárokovaný ako klenot Kráľovstva. Oni prišli. A musím sa zodpovedať za svoje slová, ktoré dnes večer hovorím. A prišli sem, aby sa so mnou postavili a zaujali našu pozíciu po boku Krista.

127No, satan, prehral si to. Niektorých z nich si zadržal, ale nevyhral si bitku. Ježiš povedal, „Ten, kto prichádza ku Mne, nevyženiem ho von.“

Satan, hovorím ti, že raz tam bol malý chlapec, ktorý pásol ovce svojho otca. A vošiel tam lev a vzal jednu z nich von, zlovestne s ňou zaobchádzal a chystal sa ju zhltnúť. Ale tento skutočný malý pastier... Nemal toho veľa, iba prak; ale mal vieru v živého Boha. Išiel za tým levom, chytil ho a zabil ho. Postavil sa proti nemu, chytil ho za bradu a zabil ho. Vytrhol tú ovcu z jeho papule, vzal ju naspäť na pastvinu, aby sa uzdravila.

128Ty si vzal tieto vzácne ovce Božie, tieto dámy, ktorým si spôsobil, že si ostrihali svoje vlasy a nosia mejkap, a vyzerajú ako to, čo Biblia odsudzuje. A myslel si si, že ich máš. Ale prichádzam s týmto jednoduchým malým prakom modlitby. Dnes večer ich privádzam naspäť. Nemôžeš ich viac držať. Prehral si bitku. Stoja tu títo vzácni muži, baránky Božie, prepusti ich!

Zaprisahávame ťa v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Umiestňujem medzi tieto návyky a nálady a nemorálnosti, a čokoľvek to môže byť, umiestňujem skrze vieru opäť medzi nich a tie veci Krv Ježiša Krista. Viac ich nedostaneš. Sú na Otcovej pastvine. Sú Jeho deťmi. Drž sa od nich preč. V Mene Ježiša Krista, zaväzujem ťa.

129Neexistuje diabol v pekle, ktorý by sa vás mohol dotknúť, ak tomu veríte. Ste prikrytí Krvou. Ste opevnení modlitbou, kazateľmi Evanjelia a poslami zmluvy, modlitbou. Všetci z vás, ktorí tu stojíte, poďte sem hore, ktorí viete, že máte nejaké návyky, priestupky a veci, za ktoré sa hanbíte, ak ich teraz zložíte na Boží mosadzný oltár súdu a prijmete to teraz ako svoje osobné omilostenie, ktoré vám Kristus dáva, urobíte túto obetu skrze modlitbu a zodvihnete svoju ruku a poviete, „Teraz to prijímam. Je to preč. A od tohto dňa až ďalej, nikdy viac to neurobím.“ Ste spasení skrze Krv Ježiša Krista. Amen. Amen. Chvála buď Bohu.

130Je tu ešte niekto ďalší, kto by chcel prísť, pripojiť sa k tejto skupine? Je tu v budove niekto nemocný, kto by sa práve v tomto čase chcel postaviť kvôli modlitbe? Postavte sa.

Chcem, aby tu každý z vás, ak nie ste členom nejakého dobrého zboru plného Evanjelia, išli do jedného – do tohto, ak môžete, ak žijete tu nablízku. Spojte sa s pastorom a dajte sa pokrstiť. A potom, ak ste neprijali Ducha Svätého, modlite sa, aby vám Boh dal Ducha Svätého a naplnil vás, učinil vás členom tej Nevesty.

Pozrite sa naprieč týmto, bratia, na nemocných ľudí. Diabol nemôže tých ľudí držať. Toto je čas uvoľnenia. Haleluja. Či tomu veríte?

131Tak potom skloňme svoje hlavy k modlitbe. A každý z vás ľudí, ktorí ste tam a ste nemocní, vy, ktorí stojíte, položte ruky jeden na druhého. Ježiš Kristus povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia ruky na nemocných, oni sa uzdravia.“ Držte svoje ruky jeden na druhom. No, nemodlite sa za seba; modlite sa za osobu vedľa, na ktorej máte svoje ruky, pretože oni sa modlia za vás. Modlime sa teraz spoločne ako kresťanská Cirkev.

132Pane Ježišu, sme dnes večer vďační za víťazstvo, za duše prichádzajúce ku Tebe. No, diabol zviazal niektoré z Tvojich oviec chorobou. Prichádzame, aby sme ich nárokovali späť. A ako Cirkev živého Boha, karháme diabla a hovoríme, „Prepusti týchto nemocných ľudí, satan. Zaväzujeme ťa v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech môžu byť uzdravení. Biblia povedala, 'Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia svoje ruky na nemocných, oni sa uzdravia.'“ To je Božie zasľúbenie, a vieme, že To je Pravda. Sú uzdravení ranami Pána Ježiša Krista.

No, ak tomu veríte, zodvihnite svoje ruky a vzdajte Mu chválu. Amen.

V poriadku, pastor, je to celé tvoje. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Je to tak milé byť tu dnes večer s vami. Nech je Boh s tebou. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

1 Thank you, Brother Edward. Lord bless you.

Good evening, friends. It certainly is a privilege again tonight to be here in Fellowship Tabernacle. When I passed by, this afternoon, and looked at where it was at, and I seen the word "Fellowship," that suited me just right. I like that, Brother Edward. Fellowship, that's what we believe in.

2An old friend of mine, which has just gone Home to be with the Lord, many of you might have knowed him, Dr. F. F. Bosworth. Many of you. He was here in Phoenix, I believe, with me one time, a very gallant soul. And he was had a... He was a sainted old man, but had a sense of humor. And he said to me, once, he said... I kept talking about fellowship. And he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?"

I said, "Well, I think so, Brother Bosworth."

3He said, "It's two fellows in one ship." So, and that's about right, sharing room with each other.

4 And I seen many of you put up your hands, of knowing Brother Bosworth. Being that--that you knew him, I'd just like to speak a word of his last moments here on earth. I had knowed him for some time. And he was out here preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick, before I was born. So you can see what age he was. Lord let him live, I think, about eighty-five years, something like that, and still a gallant old man when he died.

5 When he was seventy-five, I believe it was, he and I were at the... I believe, the Edgemont Hotel in Miami. And we had had our--our supper, and walked out to the seashore where the waves were coming in, to watch the moon come up. And here I was, about forty years old, my shoulders drooped down, walking out like that. And him, about seventy-five, just as straight as he could be. And I looked at him, and I admired him. And I said, "Brother Bosworth, I want to ask you a question."

He said, "Go right ahead, Brother Branham."

And I said, "When were you your best?"

6He said, "Right now." Well, then, I felt ashamed of myself. And he said, "You forget that I'm just a kid, living in an old house," he said. And that was Brother Bosworth.

7 When I heard that he was going to meet the Lord, I just almost burnt the tires from my car, going down to Miami, to see him. And when wife and I got there... And the Bosworth family and our family had been great friends. And we went in. The old patriarch laying on a little couch. And he had raised up, his little bald head, little, thin arms held out to me, like that. The tears running down my cheeks. I grabbed him in my arms. I cried, "My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof!" Because, if there ever was an old man that ever put dignity in the Pentecostal move, it was Brother Bosworth. He certainly was. He was a great flower.

8 And you know, the first thing he want to do, is tell me a little joke, like that, you know.

And I said, "Brother Bosworth, are you going to get well?"

9He said, "No, Brother Branham. I'm not sick, to begin with." He said, "I'm just going Home."

I said, "Well, that's very fine."

10We had just come off the mission fields of Africa, he and I. He said, "I'm just too old to live any longer." He said, "I'm going Home."

I said, "Brother Bosworth, what would you advise me to do?"

11And he said, "Stay with the Gospel." And he said, "Get back to the mission fields as quick as you can." Said, "That'd be my advice."

12 And I said, "Brother Bosworth, one more thing I would like to ask you."

He said, "What is that, Brother Branham?"

13I said, "Now, you've put in about sixty years for the Lord, in service, or maybe more." And I said, "When was your happiest time in life?"

He said, "Right now."

And I said, "Brother Bosworth, you know you're dying?"

14He said, "I can't die. I died many years ago." And I... He said, "Brother Branham, all that I have loved and cared for for the past sixty years, I'm watching for Him to open that door at any time and come, get me."

I think of that, The Psalm Of Life.

Lives of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime,

With partings, leave behind us

Footprints on the sands of time.

And he certainly left footprints, to me.

15 Before he died, or went on into Glory, about one hour, or maybe more, before he passed away. He had been kind of asleep for a few hours; and his wife, his sons, loved ones standing around, and the old man woke up, looked around, raised up, and run across the floor, and shook hands with his mother who had been gone for many years, with his father. And for over an hour, he shook hands with people, saying, "This is Brother John. Yes, you came to Christ in my meeting in Joliet, Illinois. Here is Brother..." Shaking hands with his converts that had passed, on for many years.

16 I--I tell you, sometimes I believe that in the hour we pass from this earth into the other, I believe sometime when... The river is going to be hard to cross, anyhow, you know. I believe maybe the Lord says to our loved ones, "Go down to the river and meet them down there." For as Jacob said, we'll be gathered with our people someday.

17I too am looking for that day to come. And then when I get through with this life here, or God gets through with me here, and I see that I have taken every fort that I could, went through every brier patch, and climbed every hill, I want to look back, see where I've been. I come down to the river.

18I've always said, like the colored folks here, they have a little song they sing, "I don't want no trouble at the river." I want to get it all straightened up now.

19Just maybe put the sword back in the sheath, and take off the helmet, and lay it down on the beach, and raise up my hands, and holler, "Bring out the lifeboat, Father. I'm coming home this morning." He will be there. Don't worry. I believe that. I think that's the desire of every one of our hearts.

20 Now, it's indeed a grand privilege to be here tonight with this lovely pastor and his church, and this wonderful work, and these who are sojourning in Christ, in this end of Phoenix. For, truly, we are sojourners. We are pilgrims and strangers here. We're seeking a City.

21 As I was speaking this morning down to Brother Fuller's tabernacle, on the Royal Seed. Now, if you got tape recorders, I never make mention. But there was something happened this morning, that I... If you got a tape recorder, if you get one of the tapes, I'm sure you'd appreciate it. Brother Maguire has them, and The Royal Seed Of Abraham. See?

22Abraham's seed was Isaac, which is Jewish, natural. But the Royal Seed was Christ, through the promise, and that Christ was God's Word made manifest. And it's in our heart today as we... "If I... Ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then ask what you will, and it'll be done for you."

23 Now, I expressed that of Phoenix, many times since I been here. My first time coming was thirty-five years ago. And up on 16th and Henshaw, I lived, worked on Circle R Ranch out here, out of Wickenburg. And I went with a little girl there on 16th and Henshaw. I went to look for the place the other day, and it isn't even Henshaw no more. It's Buckeye now. And it's a big city right in the metropolitan area of Phoenix here. Everything is changed so.

24 And wife and I went up on South Mountain, to look back over Phoenix. I thought, about three hundred years ago, there probably wasn't nothing here but coyotes, cactus, and so forth. And now it's a great fabulous city. Now, I said, "Honey, is it converted or perverted? You can use your choice. To me, it's perverted now. Because, these great buildings and beautiful structures would be fine if men and women were walking up-and-down the streets, with their hands up to God, praising God, and brothers and sisters living like; instead of drinking, gambling, smoking, lying, stealing, beer joints, everything that's evil. In midst of all that, though..."

Then wife said to me, "Then, Billy, what are you here for?"

25I said, "But, honey, since we been setting here, fifteen minutes, how many lies has been told through that valley? How many oaths has been taken, the Lord's Name in vain? How many cigarettes, how many whiskey drinkings, how many adulteries has been committed, and all through there, just in the last little while, while we're here?"

She said, "Isn't that awful?"

26But I said, "Here is what we're here for, honey. How many faithful prayers has went up since we been here? 'Ye are the Light of the world.' That's what we're here for, to put our shoulders with these little churches here, do everything we can, to help it to move on. To be a..."

27 You all, you saints, are a blessing to me. I hope that I'll be a blessing to you, in visiting here. And I, when I found out that I get to visit the different denominations and organizations, and--and the different churches, and so forth, the brethren through the Phoenix valley here, my heart was thrilled. That comes before the convention that I'm to speak, at the Christian Business Men's convention on, I think, Saturday morning breakfast, and then the Sunday afternoon meeting, to follow, that following Sunday. And it's always a privilege to meet with those brethren. I think they have about twenty-five hundred seats there. Be plenty of seating room for all of us. We hope to meet you there.

28 And then to have this time of fellowship, to go from church to church, and speak. I think I preached this morning till I preached myself hoarse, for about an hour and a half. And that was a short one. I usually don't get out 'fore three or four hours of it, at--at the church at home. I just... I'm not a preacher. So I--I just make a joyful noise to the Lord. I like to do it so well. I--I guess I just love it, so I just keep on doing it. I been had four or five different expressions, I'm holding the people too late, so I know that is true. And tonight, honestly, we'll be out of here before one o'clock. I, I'll just almost assure you of that. I just, almost... Such a fine feeling spirit, and everything so lovely, I'm sure the Holy Spirit will have a blessing for us.

29 Now, now I haven't been having any healing services in the meetings. I... One night, down at brother... Jesus' Name, what was the pastor? Brother Outlaw. Brother Outlaw's church, there was so many there wanted to be prayed for. And I had my son to give out some prayer cards. And then a couple nights, the Holy Spirit so falling in the building, until... You all know. You been in my meetings. All of you have. You see how the discernment, and so forth. But now I've noticed it's accumulating many to be prayed for. And I noticed that the first, by beginning Wednesday and Thursday. I thought I'd wait till after Sunday, because if you're having healing services in the church.

30You see, I--I announced everywhere I went for every person to stay at your post of duty on Sunday, you see. These special meetings is just visiting with the brethren. And we--we want everybody to keep your place of duty, 'cause your pastor is waiting for you, and that's where you should be.

31 So then--then I think, tomorrow night, if the Lord willing, I don't... Where are we to be tomorrow night? [A brother says, "Over in Tempe, at Brother O'Donnell's church."--Ed.] Brother O'Donnel, at Tempe, Arizona. Now, if you don't have any--any special thing going on at your church, and you got sick people, why, I'm going to pray for the sick, tomorrow night, just have a regular prayer line, pray for the sick, maybe--maybe Monday, Tuesday. Let's see, I'm supposed... I don't know. Have I got church for Wednesday night too? ["Yes."] Wednesday night. Then it...

32And it starts on Thursday, is that right, the convention? [A brother says, "I kind of got things...?... convention."--Ed.] All right, brother. He'll make the announcement now. ["See, we're here tonight. And tomorrow night we're at the Tempe Assembly of God. And then the Mountain View in Sunnyslope on the twenty-third. And then at the Central Assembly on the twenty-fourth."] All right, that's fine. ["I couldn't remember, myself. I kind of got messed up with it."] Don't think of that.

I was talking the other day, about, "Couldn't remember."

33 And Brother Jack Moore said to me, said, "You think you're bad?" he said.

34I said, "Brother Jack, I go to talking, I can't remember just what I was talking about."

35He said, "Don't think that's bad." Said, "I call up on the phone, call somebody, say, 'What'd you want?'" Well, that's getting pretty bad!...?... Oh!

36So, my, that might sound jokey, which I don't think is right to say at the pulpit here. But God's children is just happy children, anyhow, you know, so we--we just like to. I thought that was kind of cute.

37 You all, many of you, know Brother Jack Moore. He's from Shreveport, Louisiana, Life Tabernacle, very fine brother. And so he was telling me that. He's a contractor, also.

38He said, "Don't think that's bad, Brother Branham." Said, "I called up somebody the other day, and called their number." And said, "They answered, said, 'Hello.' I said, 'Well, what do you want?'"

I thought, "Well, that's getting way down, Brother Jack."

39So now, I think it would be good, and these friends that wants to be prayed for, and bring their sick people in, then we'll pray for them.

40 Now, tonight, I have thought on what would I say tonight up here in this lovely little church. I thought, "Well, I don't know what." I just have to just take a little text, and trust that the Lord will mix up the words somewhere, and let it fall where it'll help somebody. To be... I never try to take a text. I always try to feel led, and write down a bunch of Scriptures, and so forth. And--and then, if the Lord leads different, then I just go as He leads. And I think that's the way we all should do. Don't you? Do the same way.

41 And now there's one thing that--that I--I want, every one of the church announce this to every local body. And that is, that if... When you're through praying for your pastor and your loved ones, don't forget me, 'cause I realize, daily, more than ever, that we're coming down to the end of the road.

42And I just buried my mother, a few weeks ago. And held her in my arms until God taken her breath and her soul to Heaven. I watched that gallant death of a woman filled with the Holy Ghost, and see her come right to the end of the road. I thought, "Oh, I--I just must have every mother like that. I just must do something to get... do what I can, to get people to see what it really means."

43 And, friends, I am persuaded that it's maybe a little deeper. And I think we take it a little too light than what really it is. I think that we should remember. If God is so holy till the Angels look dirty in his sight, how do we look? See? That's right. So we want to remember. And remember, God is setting way there in Eternity, that outshines all the suns in the solar system. "Holy, holy, holy," the Angels with wings over their faces, and over their feet, flying in His Presence, crying, "Holy." What should we be? So we... That's what we try to do.

44 And--and I feel like that this, the Kingdom of God, is like a man that taken a net and went to the sea, Jesus said, and he cast in. And when he had drawed, he taken many kinds. But the good fish, of course, was kept; and the other scavenger fish was went back to the water, such as crawfish, and--and snakes, lizards, and terrapins, and so forth. But the Gospel nets catches all of it. And we're... There'll someday will be a time that we'll cast our last net, Brother Adams. That's right. It's not you or I to say which is fish and which is not. We don't know. We just cast the net and pull it. That's all. God knows His Own. "Those who He foreknew, He called; and those who He called, He has justified; and those who He has justified, He hath glorified." So we're waiting, just casting the net. And it's my privilege tonight to stand in Brother Edward's church here to help cast the net at this place, to see if there be any fish that God has for His Kingdom.

45 Now, just before we read the Word, let's talk to the Author of the Word just a little bit as we bow our heads.

46With our heads bowed, in sacredness of this moment, that we're approaching the Word of the living God, which is God, I wonder if there would be any people in here that has requests on their hearts, that they'd like to be remembered in this prayer. Make it known by a lifted hand.

Lord Jesus, look at the audience, knowing every heart.

Thank you.

47 Most gracious and holy God, the Almighty, El Shaddai, that appeared to Abraham in the Name of "the Almighty, the breasted-God, the strength-Giver, the Nourisher of the weak," come to us tonight, Father. And we realize our weaknesses and our mistakes. We confess our sins before Thee, and lay them on Thy brazen altar of judgment, and ask that the Blood of Jesus Christ take them away, in the sacrifice that we make. Grant it, O God.

48We submit our lives and all that we have, and what little talent is given us. Lord, use it to the glory of God.

49Bless this church, its lovely pastor, deacons, trustees, and all the board, and every member that comes into this church called "Fellowship." God, I pray that men and women, as they walk in that door of this place, that they'll fall under convictions because of the lovely order of the Holy Spirit inside the building. Grant it, Lord.

50 Forgive our sins, and our trespasses, we ask again. Remember those that's raised their hands. Down beneath that hand, Lord, was a heart requesting something from Thee, and perhaps maybe only Thee alone could give it. I pray that You'll grant it, Father. Whatever they have need of, give it to them in abundance. There be any sick, Lord, heal them. If there be any that's falling by the wayside, strengthen that one, that feeble knee. "A bruised reed, He will not break, or a smoking flax will He not quench." And we know that He would never turn away a bruised reed; He would mend it. And I pray, Heavenly Father, if there be any spirits that's broken, or--or discouraged, or feeble hands hanging down, and knees bagged, may they be lifted up tonight, Lord. May the Holy Spirit come and heal our hearts and spirits, and our physical beings, and we'll give Him all the praise for it. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

51 If you would like to turn to the Scripture, just for about thirty-minutes talk, I would like for you to read with me out of the book of Revelations, the 19th chapter. And I would like to read down to the 7th verse, inclusive.

And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation,... glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:

For true and righteous is his judgment: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornications, and has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.

And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.

And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.

And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.

And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thundering, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready.

52Like to speak tonight on the subject of: The Marriage Of The Lamb, just for a few moments to. We are so familiar with this Scripture. No doubt but your lovely pastor here has approached this subject many times.

53 And, that, we know that there is going to be a Bride, and there's going to be a wedding supper served in the skies. That's just as sure to be, as God is, because it's His Word. And we know that those that are going to make up that Bride is going to be His Church, and they're going to appear before Him without spot or wrinkle. And they have the material on earth now to make themselves ready. If you notice, It said, "She has made herself ready."

54 So many says, "If the Lord will take this evil spirit from me, from drinking, or from gambling, or from lying, or stealing, I'll serve Him."

55But that's up to you. See, you got to do something, too. "They that overcome shall inherit all things." They that overcome. You have power to do it, but you must be willing to lay it down. See? "She has made Herself ready." I like that Word.

56You see, God could not push us through a little pipe, pull us out on the other end, and then saying, "Blessed is he that overcometh." You had nothing to overcome; He just pushed you through. But you've got to make decisions for yourself. I have to make decisions for myself. In doing that, we show our faith and respects to God.

57 Abraham was promised a child, but he must maintain this promise for twenty-five years, the ups-and-downs that he had, and temptations, in those twenty-five years. But he held to the word of the promise.

58And Israel was promised a promised land, but they had to fight for every inch of it. "Wherever the soles of your foot treads upon, that have I given you," God said to Joshua. It was all there. The land was there, and God gave it to them, but they must fight for it.

59 The same way it is about Divine healing. God has got the power to heal you, if you've got the courage to accept it, but you'll fight every inch of the way.

60God has got amazing grace to save you, and He will do it, but you'll fight every inch of your way.

61I been behind the pulpit, going on thirty-one years, and every inch of that has been a fight, constantly. It certainly has.

62"But we must fight if we must reign." So we find out that the Bride has to make Herself ready. "Be willing to lay aside every weight that does so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us." We must lay them aside, ourself. We can't say, "God, You come, lay them aside for us." We got to do that, ourselves.

63 Now, I like to think of weddings. I've had the privilege of marrying quite a few people. And I think, when I bring a young man and a young woman down to the altar, and see them come down through the church; and she, pretty with her wedding garments on, and the veil over her face and hanging down; and the bridegroom, straight, dressed beautiful; and young and full of vigor, as they walk down there in their very best of life, and take that marriage vow, I think there is something sweet about it. There is something sacred, because that it reminds me that there will be another great wedding someday, when Christ's bride will come walking down the corridors of Glory.

64The Bridegroom will have everything ready. There'll be a wedding and a supper. How we love to think of setting across the table from each other, and shaking one another's hands, and tears running down our cheeks. And think, He will come around, wipe all tears from our eyes, say, "Don't cry. It's all over now. Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." Oh, brother, that will make us love one another more.

65 I think that's what's the matter with the Church, the Bride today, that's made up of all churches that believes in Christ. It's not the church building, neither is it the organization or the denomination, but it's the individuals that's in the church that makes the Bride.

66 I have a good friend in Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Wallace Cauble, who was a Church of Christ minister, and come in and received the Holy Ghost, and pastors one of the greater, largest churches in Louisville, the church of the Open Door. He's been a very precious friend to me. And a few days ago, I was standing on the street, and I seen him come down the street. And I always loved him, and he loved me.

67But one day he had a tonsil operation, and he was bleeding to death. And they had him down there at the Saint Joseph Hospital, and they said he was dying. And Mrs. McSpadden called me, said, "Dr. Wallace Cauble." I didn't know him yet, but I knowed there was a big church of the Open Door. Said, "He's dying. The doctors has give him shots, everything else. They put stitches in. He's constantly hemorrhaging, and they can't stop the blood. His blood won't curdle, and, you know, stop the bleeding." And said, "They've got missionaries in there, and they want you come, pray for him."

68 Well, I had heard of Dr. Wallace Cauble, and so I kind of was a little reluctant, but I went over. And when I looked in the hospital room, there was missionaries and great ministers, all in there, crying and praying. And I thought, "Oh, my! Little bitty me, a little holy-roller, go in there? I'd better just stay out here." So I got down behind the Coke machine out in the hall. I prayed to God, to--to stop the blood, for Brother Cauble. I went back down and went out.

69I just got home, about fifteen minutes, and the phone rang again, and want to know what was my delay, that I had not been there. And I said, "I--I come. But there was so many in there. I--I just felt not led to come in, maybe, see, so many, the big ministers in there."

70He said, "Come right now." Said, "The man can't live but a little while longer."

71 So I went back over, again. And when I went in there, he was trying to get a Catholic sister to accept Christ as personal Saviour; and him bleeding, and the blood flying out of his mouth. I walked in.

And he said, "How do you do?"

72And I said, "How do you do?" He was setting up in the bed, and coughing like that, and the blood coming out.

And he said, "What is your name?"

And I said, "I'm Brother Branham."

73And he started crying, put his arms around me. I knelt down there.

74Now, it's Dr. Wallace Cauble, of the church of the Open Door in Louisville. Get him a letter. "The blood stopped that second." It's never moved, since. See? And we been very, very good friends since then. And the other day, I met him. And he said...

75 Oswald J. Smith, many of you know Brother Smith. He's a great missionary, and he comes to Brother Cauble because he likes him so well. He said, "Brother Cauble, you know," he said, "I..." Something about his wife. He said, "When I first got married," said, "I felt like, well, if I make a mistake, I'll, oh, I can get another one," 'cause he was young. "But," said, "after the children comes along," said, "then it's kind of hard to do without her. Then is when you get about fifty years old, you just can't do without her. And as you get older, why, you--you feel that way."

I said, "I guess that's about right." I was...

76What the subject come up about, you know how the ladies can shop, and my wife was in there. And she is queen of all of it. She just stays all time. My poor feet just nearly kills me, on the street walking around with her. And he was telling me, said, "Well, you just can't do without her." And that's how the remark come up.

77When I went home, I got setting in the room there, thinking, "That's right." I applied it to something else.

78 You know, when I was first converted in the... become a Missionary Baptist preacher, I thought, "If a person wasn't a Baptist, he just wasn't saved. That's all there was to it." And I packed a Bible under my arm, and I thought the Lord called me to make everybody Baptist. "And everybody didn't believe just like the Baptists believed, they was not in the picture at all."

79As the days went on, I thought I had the whole job to do, myself. And I come to find out, I noticed another brother that had a church, a pastor. He pulled too, just as hard as I did. After all, the blanket stretches a little bit over towards him too, you know.

80Then we find out, we need one another. And now, after we begin to get this far along, it's just kind of hard to do without one another. That's all. We just got to have one another, that. And I believe that's in this great pentecostal move. I'm glad to see those barriers of indifference breaking down, the great Church of God begin to merging itself together in fellowship. Means that the wedding is coming nearer now. And the stones, are peculiar cut as they may be, they got a place somewhere in that building, if they're the stones of the Lord.

81 Now, marriage, in one sense, is a type. The earthly marriage here is a type of the heavenly marriage. Now let's go over it, just for a few moments, to rehearse it a moment.

82The first thing there is, there must be a decision made. The first thing, takes, in natural marriage, is a decision has to be made. The young lady has to make her decision, whether she wants this young man; and the young man, whether he wants the young woman. There has to be a decision made, and you have to make it. She must be the only woman in the world that you love, and he must be the only man. If it isn't, then you made a wrong decision.

83And that's the same way it is by making the decision for Christ. The first thing you have to do, is make up your mind whether you're going to serve God and take Him as your Saviour, or you're not going to do it. Are you going to serve the world? Are you going to serve Christ? You have to make up your mind. There has to be a decision made. When you make up your mind, that you're either going to serve God or mammon, then you take your choice. But the decision has to be made.

84 And then, after the decision is made, that you are, then comes the engagement. That, you find that at the altar. You've got to make an engagement before this union can be. And that's the way it is with Christ's Church. It has to be an engagement with Christ, a--a pledge, an engagement, a love affair.

85And then, the next thing, is--is promises made. There has to be promises made to one another, like that you make promise. "Sweetheart, if you'll marry me, I promise that I'll be loyal and true. I will look upon no other woman." Or, "I'll look upon no other man. And I'll do all that as a duty, as a wife. We have children, it'll do all as a duty as a--as a mother. I, I'll be a housekeeper." All these promises has got to be made, or should be, in a correct wedding.

86 And that's the same thing when you come to Christ. "Lord, if You will receive me into Your Kingdom, I promise." There you are. "I'll love You. I'll be true to You. I'll serve You, day and night." It's too bad we forget that. "I'll serve You, day and night. I'll fast. I'll pray. I'll be loyal to You. I'll bring my tithings into the storehouse. I, I'll--I'll pray, many times a day. I'll--I'll do anything. And I'll pledge all my love to You." That's what you should do. That's exactly right, where you promise that, and it should come from your heart.

87If you promise your husband that, and not from your heart, you mean it, you are absolutely not living correctly with him. It's kind of a crystallized affair.

88 Look here. If--if you haven't got teeth, and you use false teeth, now, that's all right. It's substituting for the teeth that you once had. But, actually, those teeth are not connected with you. It's not part of you. If you had an--an arm amputated, and you put a false arm on, well, that arm is actually not connected with you. It's just stuck on you. See? It's not connected with you.

89And when we take our pledge to Christ, if we don't become part of Him, like a woman ought to become part of a man and a man part of the woman, then we're artificial Christians. We're not, really. You're really not married to that woman. You might be loyal. If you don't love your husband, and him sixty or seventy years old, and you don't love him as good as you did at the beginning, then you're really just raising his children.

90 That's the way the churches are, too many today. We're just taking the name of the "Christian Church," pretending to be the Bride. When, it's artificially. We're not connected with Christ in any way. We're like an artificial tooth, artificial arm, artificial eye. See? It's something that's artificial if we're just putting it on. Well, you can't put on Christianity. You've got to be connected with it.

91And then a church that's just artificial, called the church of Christ, well, them children then are not in There, that's born of that same organization. Is only... They're not Christ's children. They are denominational children, and not children of Christ.

92 If the woman isn't connected with the man in trueness, then it isn't her husband. It's just a man she's taken a vow to live with, and she took a wrong vow. She pledged to love him, and she said she loved him, and she didn't do it. All the time, the man is deceived.

93But there's one thing sure, friends, we're not going to deceive Christ. He knows His Own.

94 But, you see, first, decisions made. Next, engagement. Then, promise.

95And, then, the ceremony. And that's when the bride--bride takes the bridegroom's name. She is no more then of her own name. She takes the bridegroom's name.

96And then when the Church has the ceremony, makes their promises, then she takes the Bridegroom's Name. Then she is no longer a church of the world. She is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Not... I don't mean, that, by Name. I mean, that, by Birth, by nature, by...?... power of God. By the revealed Truth of God, in the heart, she becomes a Christian Church, the great universal apostolic Christian Church. She becomes a part of Christ. When she does that, she... Christ injects into her His Own Spirit, His Own Life. And the Bible said, to Adam and Eve, there, "You are no longer twain, but one." And when the woman, Church, is married to Christ, they are no longer two. They are One. Christ in you! Amen. That's it. His Life has been brought into you, then you become the Bride.

97 Then, another thing, after she has taken all these vows, and so forth, and the ceremony has been said.

98Like, my wife's name was Broy before she was married. Now, she is no longer a Broy. She is Branham. Now, she isn't no more Broy. She is Branham.

99And when you come into Christ, you're no more of the world. You are of Christ. See? You care not then for the things of the world. They are dead to you. "For he that loves the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in him."

100So, you see, you can't be an artificial Christian. You can be an artificial, professed Christian.

101But you can't be a Christian, become, until Christ injects Himself, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, into you. Then you're connected with Him. You're no longer twain. You are One. Christ promised to be in us, as the Father was in Christ. "I and My Father are One. You and I are One." See? Christ in us! All that God was, He poured into Christ. And all that Christ was, He poured into the Church, to continue the work of the Gospel.

102 Then we become, not by artificial name, but by a reality of the Holy Spirit of Life connecting us into Christ. Then, through the power of His resurrection, we are raised from the dead things of the world, and setting with Him in Heavenly places. Amen. I like that. Tonight, we're setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, see, resurrected with Him; died to the things of the world, and took on Christ. And when we take on Christ, then the world is dead, then we no more care for the world. The world is dead to us. And we're... And it's dead to us, and we're dead to it.

103You're a different person, different personality, because you are a new creation. Creation! Not the same creation, polished up; not a--a man that's turned a new leaf. But a man that's died, and been born again, and become a new creation in Christ Jesus, and the Spirit of the living God lives in the person.

104Now, just like the woman that's no more Broy, she's a Branham, and she goes by that name.

105And the Church is no more of the world, but it's in the Name of Christ, she is. She's connected with Him, by His Own Life.

106 Did you ever read in the Scripture, how that the first man, God made, was a--a dual person? Adam was both Adam and Eve, spiritually speaking, but when He made the first man in His Own image. "And God is a Spirit." But, when He put them in flesh, He separated them. He taken the masculine spirit, put it into the man, and taken the feminish spirit and put it into the woman.

107Now, when you see a woman wanting to act like a man, there is something wrong. When you see a man wants to act like a woman, there is something wrong. So it looks like the world is all wrong, today. Men are trying to act like women; women like men. That's right. It's true.

108 Now look. It's so perfect, that when God took and made a man. And to show that He did not want it out of anything different, the woman was not in the original creation. So she is not in the creation, but she's a part of Adam. She's a by-product. He goes into the side of Adam, not to make another creature, but taking part of a creature and made another creature out of it. And He took the masculine spirit that was in Adam... And took the feminish spirit that was in Adam, rather, and put it over into the woman. So, both spirit and body, they become one.

109Was a beautiful type to what God did at Calvary. He took Christ, and connected Him with the Church, through a riven side, He brought the Blood that cleansed the person, that sanctifies the flesh of the Church, and puts the Spirit of the living God, that He took off the cross there, out of Christ, and puts it into the individual. Then they are one. They become one. Christ and you are one.

110 And you and your husband should be one. If there's anything contrary, then there's something wrong with your union.

111And if there's anything contrary with us, to Christ, we don't believe His Word, say, "Oh, that was for other days," there is something wrong with our union with Him. If you say, "Days of miracles is past; there's no Divine healing; there's no baptism the Holy Ghost," apply that back somewhere, that shows that the Spirit of Christ isn't in you.

112Because, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh." And then when his Word becomes prominent in you, then, you see, it's you and Christ are one then. "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, you can ask what you will," because it's not you no more. It's the Word of God, Christ in you. You become one. All right.

113 Then, another thing, after she does that, after she has fulfilled her vows, and took her marriage, and took her husband's-to-be name, the bridegroom's name, then she's heir of everything he possesses. She's the heir of everything. Your wife is an heir of everything you possess.

114And that's the thing that the Church is, if she only knew it, being part of Him with His Spirit in her. He said, "The works that I do shall you do also. Greater than this shall you do, for I go to My Father. A little while, and the world seeth Me no more; yet you shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Then it's Christ in you. You're connected together, and you're heirs with Him.

115 And if He was here on earth, what would He be doing? The same thing He did there, because He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He'd be mindful about the Father's business. He'd be healing the sick. He'd be performing miracles. He'd be doing just exactly what He did when He was here on earth, because He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's just perfect. That's the marriage.

116 But, now, what if this woman gets married, takes all these vows and everything, and she becomes this man's husband, and she's heir to all he's got, and so forth, and then she goes wild? She starts off on a tantrum. She starts off, running after other men. Not only that, but she is sharing her love with others. A man with his wife, all the promises that they has made, and then she goes out and starts sharing her life with others, her love and her affection with others.

117That's what too many so-called Christians do, sharing your love with the world: playing, dancing, gambling, staying home from prayer meetings, to watch television, all kinds of worldly things that's took the place of the love of God, in the church's heart. She's gone on a tantrum. She's gone wild. She's gone out after other men. She is sharing her love. She'll take her tithing that she should give to the church; she'll spend it on other things out there in the world. She'll... Instead of loving God the way she should do, and living for God, and loving to come to church, you almost have to persuade her to come.

118 Why, I know, here not long ago, a--a minister told me that he sent out so many prayer... so many cards, to get people to sign, that they would pledge to come to Sunday school at least six months out of every year.

119And I had seen a little old girl down below the hill there, where I had been working. And she come out of there. And I was standing at the door, knocked at the door, and she come to the door. And she was some of these here wildcat players, you know.

120Like this bunch they had to have arrested down here in Phoenix last night, I believe it was, doing this new perversion of--of rock-and-roll, or twisters, ever what it was, and they had to get the cops to come get them. Young folks, don't you understand that that is a spirit of the Devil? Under the influence, till they didn't know what they was, out in the streets, carrying on.

121 Like some of these comedians, or these record players, and jockeys, and so forth, go in the place, in the city I was in. And the young ladies taking off their underneath clothes and throwed it on the platform, for this boy to autograph. Don't you realize that's the Devil? It's a spirit of the last days. Sure. It's such a shame. There you are, gone wild.

122 This young woman, she come out, carrying on. She didn't even know I was... Forgot me standing at the door. And she said, "Oh, pardon me. I forgot about you standing there." And she throwed a kiss to that guy on the radio, ever what it was, and said, "I'll meet you out at the Greenbrier Patch," or whatever it was. They was going to have some kind of a dance that night.

And I said to Dr. Brown, which was a friend of mine.

123He said, "How is your congregation holding out up there, Billy?"

Said, "Fine." I said, "We're giving them pills."

He said, "What kind of pills?"

124I said, "Gospels. That sure keeps them coming all the time." See?

125And he told me about that, signing those pledges. And I said, "Dr. Brown, do you think that that wildcat player on that radio would have to make that girl sign a pledge that she would be over there that night? Not at all. She would pawn what clothes she had on, to get there." Why? It's something in her that's connected her, a spirit, to that worldly amusement.

126 And until the church of the living God, that's called the bride of Christ, gets herself connected with God like that, she'll still wallow in the world, in the miry clay of sin, until she's connected with God in such a way, till her heart is so filled with glory and power of God, until she can't see nothing else but Christ. That's right.

127That's what we'll have to do. That's the only plan, the only program God has, is to do a thing like that. You've got to be not artificially took in. You've got to be born in, not shook in, or bring a letter to the church. But to be born in the Church of the living God, by the regeneration, by the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that makes you a new creature in Him. Amen. That straightens it up. That does it. Sure. All right.

128 She goes wild. She starts sharing her love with others, worldly things, worldly amusements, going to the places she oughtn't to go, saying the things she oughtn't to say.

129Here one time I... They was having a ladies... some kind of a church party upstairs. I happened to have something to do at the basement of this house. And I tell you, I've heard some awful things when I was a sinner, but, that woman's meeting, I never heard any worse jokes in all my life. Could you imagine, a person that's called a Christian, would let such filth flow from them?

130You can't get sweet and good water out of the same cistern. You put a bucket into the well, and it comes out full of wiggle-tails, we call them. When you put the bucket down again, it'll bring out the same thing. The cistern needs a scouring out, and a filling up with good water.

131 That's what's the matter with the church today, universally speaking, that she needs a scouring out, a filling up with God's holy waters from Heaven. Her heart has become a cesspool of anything that comes along. She has got lovers of all kinds. The Bible said she'd have. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are right."

132See a woman that tries to live right, a man that tries to live right, he becomes a "holy-roller," she becomes a "fanatic," or some old-fashion something. She's a castaway. She's despised and rejected by the people of this world. That's right.

133 But did you ever notice what the real Church is supposed to do? In the Old Testament, when they had the--the sacrifice, they killed one bird, and put the blood of one upon the other, the dead mate; and it flew across the earth, spreading the blood of the dead mate. When the Church becomes the real Bride of Jesus Christ, she'll carry the Blood of Jesus Christ with her, sprinkling it upon the ground, calling, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." Her atmosphere, her every bit of her will be of God. Her whole makeup will be of God. You can't expect nothing else.

134 That's why people come to church, too. Not to play cards and play poker, dance in the basement, have soup suppers and things like that. That's for the world. And we'll never be able to compare with them, and shame on us for trying it. We should preach the Holy Ghost, and power, and the resurrection of Christ. We've got something they haven't got. Let us live it, not try to copy after them. Live what we know is right. Live in Christ. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I'll draw all men unto Me. Ye are the salt of the earth. But the salt has lost its savour, then it's good for nothing but to be cast out and trod under the feet of men." Our testimonies!

135 No wonder, even our Pentecostal groups, as bad as I hate to say it, our Pentecostal groups are falling right into that same thing, right into the same trend. And no wonder people says they haven't got what they say they've got. This Church of the pentecostal move ought to be so bound together with the power of Almighty God, until the very Life of Jesus Christ would be reflected in It.

136But we want to pattern after the world. "We're going to do it, anyhow." See? "We want to have our way about it." But we shouldn't do it. It's wrong to do it. The churches is just like the woman, went wild.

137First thing you know, she becomes all right, at the beginning when God gave birth to this pentecostal Church, about forty or fifty years ago. She lived holy. She was holy. The power of God was with her. But as we go on, we begin to tally after the world.

138 The first thing you know, we got to have a building that's so big it's got to outshine the Methodists over on the other corner. We got to have something so big, the biggest thing, and the biggest thing, and the biggest thing. It's a shame. Lot of us get ourselves puffed up when we get... The Pentecostal brother see somebody down, the little mission, or little bitty church, and they go to a big church. "We belong to the first church, or the big church," or something like that; look down upon them.

139What you need is the Holy Ghost, to deflate you a little bit, that's right, let you know that the real true baptism of the Holy Ghost will make a tuxedo suit put his arms around a pair of overalls and say, "brother." Right. Real old-time salvation, the power of Almighty God, yes, sir, will make an old silk dress put its arms around a calico, and say, "Sister, I love you." Sure will.

140 But we begin to go out with the world, drift with the tides. Our church has. We don't have to talk about the Methodists and Baptists no more. It's ourselves. It's in our own ranks. That's the reason the Holy Spirit cannot move. That's the reason I say that God cannot put His sanction upon any organization tonight. Because, the Gentiles was not taken out as a nation. They were a people out of the Gentiles, for His Name's sake. God will take individuals.

141Now, I think our organizations does a good work. That's all right. But you can't depend on that, say, "I'm pentecostal, 'cause I belong to a Pentecostal organization." You're pentecostal when you get a pentecostal experience. I don't care if you belong to the Catholic church, you are pentecostal. You can't organize pentecost. Pentecost is an experience, not an organization. And that's right.

142 But we Pentecostal people has begin to think, 'cause we have the name of Pentecost, we can go ahead and live in the world, do anything we want to. We're like climbing Nimrod's tower; it'll go to ashes. Like Adam's fig-leaf apron; she'll go back. Like the Siegfried line in France, Maginot line in Germany; she crushed.

143Cause, there's no other tower, no other stand. "But the Name of the Lord is a mighty tower that the righteous run into and are safe." When you run into It, you take the Name, the Name; not just calling a Name, but the Name and person that you are, Christ-like in the life. Amen. Wonderful He is. Yes.

144 Church has done the same, committing spiritual fornications, as a woman that would share her love from her husband to another man. That woman is not fit to be lived with. You know that. And when the church begins to share her fellowship with the world, God is a jealous God. He put Israel away because of that, and His Son will put the same thing away.

145He's going to have a Bride that hasn't got a wrinkle in Her. Amen. She's wholly washed by the Blood of His Own self. That's right. So we see where we stand, the wedding getting ready to come.

146 Now, we find out she commits spiritual fornications, going out with the world, professing something, living something different. That won't never work. What the church ought to do, is do like Esther did. Esther refused the adorning of the world.

147We know that little book of Esther, how that Mordecai... His uncle had a daughter. And was down during the times of the reigns of the Medes and Persians. It's a very beautiful type there. The king, one of the greatest kings in the world that day, he had a great feast. And he called the queen to come set by him, but she wouldn't do it. She refused to do it. So what did he do? He was so humiliated, didn't know what to do, that his own wife wouldn't come.

148 I think that's a whole lot like Christ today. Christ has invited us to set in Heavenly places with Him, and we're ashamed of it. Many people are ashamed to say that they got the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Pentecostal people, that's right, they're ashamed to say it. We're ashamed of Him.

149And so the queen wouldn't come. She refused to come. It humiliated him. His face turned red. Everybody noticed.

150I wonder if Jesus' face don't turn a little red, too, when He calls on us for a work, calls on the Pentecostal movement for fellowship and brotherhood, and we're so tightly organized in little groups till we won't bend for the other. We're so, getting so worldly and things like that, we're getting ashamed of the name of pentecost. Some people is afraid to say. Say, "Well, I belong. I'm a Christian, but..." I'm glad I got a pentecostal experience. Amen. I'm glad to bear the Name of Jesus Christ. It's the greatest privilege I ever had, to say I'm part of Him.

151 Now we find out, then, he got some consultants, to ask what must he do. And they said, "If this goes on like this, all the rest of the women throughout the country will take the example of the first lady."

152Of course, that's what's happening tonight. I look at some of these women. I hope I don't hurt your feelings, and yet I do, I hope I do. Uh-huh. Right. Trying to be this here first-lady stuff, with these water-head haircuts. I never seen such a thing in all my life.

153The other day there was a woman come up in a store where I was waiting for my wife, and that woman's head was that big, and she had green paint under her eyes. I said, "Go back, boogerman. I'll be good." It was the awfullest sight. It would scare you. What is it? The first lady. It's the first lady. That's it. And they take an example by that.

154 And let me say this now. I didn't say it jokingly, but in a parable, that you would see. That's exactly what you older Christians are doing for these younger. Exactly right. You're supposed to be examples. You Pentecostals that profess to have the Holy Ghost, you are to be an example for the Methodists, and Baptists, Presbyterians. Not like the first lady, but like Jesus you're supposed to be. He tells you in Here what to do, how to do it. We must follow His rules and examples. But that's the way we find it. Esther...

155 This queen, she wouldn't listen to it. She wouldn't come; humiliated him. Said, "If--if this first lady of the land sets an example like that, all the rest of the women will do it. So then when a man calls for his wife, she'll say, 'Go jump in the river.'" See? Boy, he really foretold America, didn't he? Now, we find out that, in doing so, then there was a man that had some wisdom about him, come up and counsel with the king. He said, "The thing to do is excommunicate her. And send out through the nation, and call in all the virgins that there is, young virgins, and there pick yourself a wife."

156 It pleased the king. So he sent, and he sent out the chambermaids, and so forth, that went out to--to pick all the young virgins that could, the beautiful women throughout all the kingdoms and the provinces that he was over, which was the greatest in the world.

157And when he did, it come to this little Jewish girl. She was rather a kind of an offcast, because, like the Gentiles, you see, she was cast off to one side. And she had no father and mother. And Mordecai, her uncle was raising her. And she had to go, to qualify.

158And so what they did, they had to take these girls in for purification for so many months. They had to perfume them and do all kinds of adorning, and fix them all up, so they could go before the king.

159 Now, that's just about the way the world wants to fix the church today. Adorn it up with the world; pattern after the things of the world; trying to get more members, taking in anything in their fellowship. My! It's a pitiful thing. One organization trying to beat the other one, take anything in for a member. You might take them in this organization, but they'll never come into the fellowship of Christ until they are cleaned up and born again of the Spirit of God. That's true. They might have their name on a book here, but not up There, on the Lamb's Book of Life, till it's wrote with the Blood of the Lord Jesus.

160 All the women, they fixed themselves all up, to look pretty. And, oh, I imagine they got really some looks on them, maybe after the first lady and so forth. They got themselves all fixed up because they was going to appear before the king.

161I think that's about the whole lot is getting the matter with our churches today. They're trying to fix themselves all up, worldly, having worldly entertainment, worldly things in it, doing things that's of the world, associating in the world, thinking they can meet the King. God don't care about that. He hates that. But we want to act like the world.

162Some of our churches, I have said, let down the bars, taking in deacons, and so forth, in the church, and sometimes pastors, that's married four or five times, and--and some of them that smoke cigarettes. Say, "They'll--they'll get over it. They'll be all right." Get a man out of a barroom one night, and put him in the pulpit the next night. I don't believe in no such stuff. I believe a man has got to be proved, that's right, proved. I tell you, a lot of times we call...

163 I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I believe in speaking in tongues, but I think we lay too much emphasis on that. A man can speak with tongues, and a woman speak with tongues, and if her life and his life doesn't compare with what tongues you're speaking in, then it's the wrong tongue, 'cause the Holy Spirit will make you act like the Bible. It'll bring you to the fullness of the stature of Christ.

164You take a person that speaks with tongues, enough temper to fight a buzz saw, and talk about the neighbors, and everything like that. Why, you call that the Holy Ghost? It cannot be. No, sir.

165The Holy Ghost is meekness, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, patience, faith. The Holy Ghost, that's the fruit of the Spirit, that the Holy Spirit bears in the Church of the living God, sweetness, and humbleness, humility, love one for another, long-suffering.

166 If a brother has gone wrong, don't just beat him or something another. Go after him and see if you can get him back. Don't wait for the preacher do it. You do it, somebody else. Preacher can't do it all, neither can the deacons. Everybody, is a member of this Body of Christ, should go after one another. We got... And if we got the Spirit of Christ in us... He taught the great parable. They left the ninety and nine, and went after that one. That's what we're supposed to do. But we say, "Oh, let them go." We never should do that. We should be gentle, forgiving, long-suffering. That's the fruit of the Spirit.

167 Now, we find ourselves then, that Esther, after she... They put her in one of these places, to get herself all fixed up, to make her show before the king. My! She refused it. She didn't want it. She wanted to go out just like she was. Amen.

168We got today that churches that wants to act like the world, or 'cause we get big. God said, one time, "When they was little, they served Him. But when they got big, then they forgot Him." That's right.

169When we had a tin pan down here on the alley somewhere, with a tambourine, beating it on the back of our hands; and an old guitar, strummed it; and having a street meeting, you were humble. But when we get to having three or four million dollar buildings, and great big things like that, then we get so arrogant we forget about that, that's right, polish up with the world.

170 I was into a place the other day where, a holiness brother, there was a bunch of people working for him. And if every woman come out of there at coffee time, to take a coffee-break, every woman in there had short hair and wearing lipstick. Now, you say, "Brother Branham, you ain't got no business saying that." I have. The Bible says that. That's right.

171Lot of the Pentecostal women wearing clothes that pertain to a man, and God said it's an abomination in His sight. That's right. How you expect to go to Heaven like that? It shows that the Holy Spirit isn't in there. If the Holy Spirit was in there, It'd condemn you. Right. Oh, you might shout, speak with tongues, run up-and-down, dance in the spirit. I've seen Hindus do that, and Indians, and everything else. That don't mean nothing, unless there's a life to back up what you're talking about, power of the Holy Ghost, to make godly living people. That's the Bride of Christ.

172 Esther was to become a bride, so she didn't want none of the adorning of the world. She wanted to go in, through the king, just like she was. She adorned themself like the pentecostal women ought to, with a meek humble spirit. And when all these fancy, first ladies come by, with all their new fandangle things, the king looked at them, and put them in the chamber with the concubines. But when this Esther come into his sight, and he got a glimpse of that sweet, humble, meek spirit, he said, "That's her. Go get the crown and put it on her head." That's it.

173Let them adorn themselves with that kind of a spirit, not only the women, but the men, too, adorn themselves with that kind of a spirit. Then you're becoming ready for the--the Bride, sweet, reverent. Esther made her heart clean.

174 There's so much we take care of, this outside, oh, it's got to have so many wrinkle removers, and so much of this, to--to go about it.

175Here some time ago, I stand in a museum down in Tennessee. I passed by a little place, and it showed the analysis of a human body. It said a man that weighed a hundred and fifty pounds, in chemicals was worth eighty-four cents. Now, you're somebody, aren't you, eighty-four cents? And some women will, Pentecostal women, will put on a five-hundred-dollar mink coat and stick their head up, if it rained, it'd drown them, and they're not even worth eighty-four cents, that's right, in chemicals. That's the truth, not a joke. That's the truth. Eighty-four cents, about enough whitewash to sprinkle a hen's nest, and a little bit of calcium and so forth. Eighty-four cents, you watch that awful close.

176You go at the restaurant and find... get a bowl of soup and there'd be a spider in it, you'd sue the restaurant.

177But you'll let the Devil poke old dirty televisions and card things down your neck, and swallow it; make you put on old unclean clothes, these women, these little old tight dresses like a skinned-down weenie, and walk out here on the street like that. And do you know, my sister, I ain't saying that joking. You get me wrong.

178 Listen. I'm saying this. You act like that, and at the Day of Judgment you'll be counted as an adulterer. Right. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart." And when that sinner has to answer for committing adultery, who is it? You. Who caused it? You. That's right. If you put yourself out there, to look before men, to be like the world and dress like the world.

179I said that one time, and a woman, Louisville, Kentucky, she said, "Well, listen here, Mr. Branham. I'll give you to understand right now!"

I said, "Yes, ma'am?"

She said, "That's the only kind of dresses they make."

I said, "They make sewing machines and sell goods."

180It's because you want to. There is something wrong in you. That's exactly right. You do it not because it's a fashion. You do it not because you have to. You do it because you want to.

181 You smoke because you want to. You don't have to. I think the silliest thing I ever seen was a woman going in the street, like you see every one, automobile, with them cigarettes up between their fingers. Why, it's a disgrace. That's the biggest fifth-columnist move we got in the nation, when the doctors and medical science says it's full of cancer and everything else. And they suck right down on them, all the time.

182See a woman, supposed to be a Christian, stretched out there on a bank, with mixed bathing, with a bathing suit on, stretched out there. I got two girls. I don't say they wouldn't do it. They say they're getting a suntan. They'll get a son-tan if I'm living. It'll be a son of this. See? It'll be the son of Mr. Branham, with a board about that long. I believe it's wrong.

183 Then we call ourself, "Oh, we're a member of the Pentecostal church." Oh, shame on you! Right. The Pentecostal church needs a cleansing, all the way from the front to the back, and through the cellar and basement, and upstairs. That's right. And yet, in all of it, it's the best we got. But it can...

184Just like in the revolutionary and during time of Joan of Arc, France needed a revolutionary, then they need a counter-revolutionary to straighten up some of the things they was revolting about.

185And the Pentecostal church needs a revolutionary. Right. Certainly does. A revolt against the things that's wrong, and accept the things that's right, amen, a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost: "A Church to make Herself ready!"

186 Remember, it will never be... You can't say, "Well, now, I belong to this, the Assemblies. I belong to the Foursquare, or the Church of God, or the Jesus Name," or--or any of the rest of them. Naw! You can't get in on any of them.

187God calls you as an individual. And it's you that's got to clean up, because, "He's taking a people from the Gentiles, for His Name's sake, His Bride, the Gentile."

188Esther cleaned herself. She cleaned her heart. That's what she cleaned. That's what the church needs: a heart-cleaning.

"How do you clean your heart, Brother Branham?"

189"'Washed by the water of the Word,' through the Blood of Jesus Christ."

190 The Bible said it's wrong for women to act that way, and for men to let them do it. That's both of you. A man that'll let his woman get out in the street with naked, with clothes on like that, I got little respects for him being even a man. He's a puppet. That's right. She uses him as a dishrag. Shame on you. You ought to be men.

191And a pastor will let his church get by with such things, without blasting the tar out of it from the pulpit. He's a sissy. What we need is men, the Gospel, not with rubber gloves, but with the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost, with the Word. The Bible says these things are wrong. It's wrong for people to do that way, to act that way. It ought to be preached, and lived, and everywhere. Or, the church needs a purging, a cleaning out.

192 Esther purged her heart before God, walked up with a meek and humble spirit; the Church that's going to be the Bride of Christ. Now, remember, Esther refused the worldly adornment. She took the Spirit in her heart, to go before the king.

193And the woman today, the church that thinks she's going to get in because she's got more numbers, she's the best dressed crowd, she's got the biggest organization, the biggest church in the city, and things like that, you'll miss it a million miles if you're depending on that.

194It's a sweet, kind, reverent spirit to the Word of God, "washed by the water of the Word," and the Word in you. It's a washing. Amen. The church needs a washing, a full-Gospel washing. That's right. Not just a part washing, but a full-Gospel washing, cleaned up, "made new creatures in Christ Jesus."

195 Jesus' Bride is not a dirty bride. He wouldn't have His dirty, Bride.

196If a woman come up to get married, and she looked like she'd come out of the pig pen out there; a man that's got any dignity about him, wouldn't marry her. He'd make her clean herself up.

197And when the church of Christ comes up to get married, thinks she's going in the Bride, with all the world tagging onto her, Christ's Bride won't be like that. No, sir.

I must hurry.

198Neither is Church of Christ, of the Lord Jesus Christ, that Church is not a ragged Church, either, with worn-out rags of denominations. She don't have to be a member of some great denomination. She has to be Blood-washed, Blood-bought. Not saying we belong to the biggest church, the biggest organization, or this, that, or the other. She's got to be pure, sanctified, holy, without spot or wrinkle, by the Blood of her--her Saviour, Jesus Christ.

199 Like Esther, the hidden man in the heart, the hidden man, the meekness and gentleness of the Spirit of God, in the human heart; not the glory and class of the world.

200I've always said the world shines; the Gospel glows. Oh, it's a million miles apart. Hollywood shines; the Church of Christ glows with loveliness, and soft, and sweet, kind. That's right.

201Esther didn't want to adorn herself with all the modern apparel of the world. That wouldn't look like a king's wife.

202And do we, wanting to be like the world, and would that look like a Holy Man's Wife? We, as the Church of the living God, adorn ourselves with the things of the world, and then look like a Holy Man's Wife? Would that look natural?

203If you seen a man today, that's supposed to be a holy man; here come his wife down, like the first lady, one of those great big hairdos out like this; and red stuff on one side, and green stuff on the other side, and--and look like she been hit in the mouth with a paint brush; and all these kind of things like that, walking down the street, in little wiener-tight clothes like that; and heels about so high, twisting along, mincing down the street; and say, "That's a holy man's wife"? I'm not telling jokes. I'm only making statements.

204 I come to one of our great Pentecostal moves, here not long ago. I had a tent set up. And the pastor said to me, said, "My wife is the organist."

I said, "That's good, brother."

"Do you mind her playing?"

I said, "No. No, sir. I sure don't."

205And he went to the manager. Manager said, Brother Baxter, said, "That's all right."

206He said, "Brother Branham, come over here. I want you to meet my wife." And I went over there.

207Please forgive me. See? I'm not trying, make us a--a remark. I'm trying to make a statement. See?

208And the woman had one of these here manicure. I don't know. That stuff, you know, all fixed up, and I never seen such in my life; and a dress that was so way down in here, no back in it, and hardly any bottom in it. And I--I never seen such a look in my life. And she had great big earrings hanging down like this, and whole lot of stuff on.

209And I looked around. I thought, "Oh, me!" I'm a Baptist, and I know better than that. I looked again. I said...

210Now, please, this is not a joke. But I had to say it to the brother, and I hope it helped him. Not say it to be different; if I did, I was a hypocrite, see, needed to be cleaned up, myself.

I said, "Mister, did you say your wife was a saint?"

Said, "Oh, yes."

211I said, "She looks like a haint, to me." I said, "I--I never seen such a sight in my life, as a minister's wife. That don't look like the wife of a holy man."

212 And neither does the church of the living God, depending on her fashions, her tea parties, and bunco parties, and card games, and dances, and social, adorning herselves like that, with the world, look like a Holy God's Bride. When she smokes cigarettes, and dances, and parties, and soup suppers, and cocktail drinking, and all like that, and say they're the Bride of Christ? Don't look like a Holy Man's Wife, to me. No, sir. He wouldn't choose such a thing. He would get a woman that was right, look like what He was trying to represent. I believe that's true. That might hurt a little bit.

213 My old southern mother is gone. When I was a little boy, we used to have... Didn't have nothing to eat, hardly, and we had black-eyed peas and corn bread. I don't know whether you know what they are or not. So we hadn't... She didn't have any grease through the year, and we'd almost have to take old big old pan like that, and put meat skins in it. We'd get where they'd cut, or butchers would cut the meat off and give us the skin. And we'd render it out, to get the grease, and pour it on there.

214Every Saturday night, mama said we needed a dose of castor oil. And I--I just can't stand the stuff even yet. And I'd have to take it. I'd come to her, holding my nose like this. I'd say, "Mama, I--I just can't take it." I said, "It makes me so sick."

She said, "If it don't make you sick, it don't do you any good."

215 So I think that's the way with preaching the Gospel. If It don't stir you up a little bit, get your fill, your spiritual gastronomics started right, make you a little sick, to examine yourself with the Bible: see if that old temper, and selfishness, ungodliness, love of the world, television, and things at night; and leaving the church set empty, and the pews set empty. When, you ought to be out there like Jesus, if you got His Spirit in you, trying to get everybody in the country to come to your church, to receive Christ. And we call ourselves then the Bride of Christ? Oh, what a pity, friend!

216The hour has come. "His Bride has made Herself ready." Oh! "Made Herself ready." She laid aside all of these things. Remember, Esther was chosen, and the others was rejected. And only those that's born again, that's got the Spirit of God, will be the Chosen that Day, that the crown of glory will be set upon Her head. And the others will be rejected.

217 Let me tell you a little something that happened. I--I, I'm a missionary, as you know, do evangelistic, missionary work, about seven times overseas, around the world. Here, not long ago, in the city of Rome, Rome is a great city for art. And they had a school of art there, and several of our American young folks go over there every year, to take a year-or-two's training in art, to learn to paint pictures. There was a group of young Americans came over here, a few years ago, as the story was told me. And when they get over there, they just go hog-wild. When they're in Rome, they do as Rome does: get out and drink, and strip themselves, and everything else, and carry on, both boys and girls.

218 And there was a certain school. And in this school, this--this group of young Americans come over. And every one of them, almost, did the same thing. But one certain little girl, she wouldn't tolerate it, at all. She stayed in. At nighttime, she read while they was all out drinking. Daytime, she worked, study. Well, she was the laughingstock of the whole school. And she kept herself like a lady, conducted herself like a lady. Although there were young Roman boys and everything around, trying to get her to go out, she refused it. No, sir. She stayed right with her lessons, learning to draw, and to paint, rather. And she stayed with it.

219 Finally, an old custodian at the place kept watching her, seeing she was so much different, although he was a Roman Catholic, kept watching her, how she conducted herself. One evening, the young girl, in the park where the--the studio was, why, or the place where they had the school, she walked out upon the campus, and went up towards the top of the hill, and the sun was setting. And she was standing up there, with her pretty, clean face, and her hair hanging down, looking across that way towards the setting of the sun.

220 The old custodian was raking down there in the yard. He kept watching the girl, as he raked. Something just kept telling him, "Go, talk to her." So he laid his rake down, took off his old slouch hat, walked up to where the young lady was. Cleared up his throat. She turned around. He said, "Pardon me, miss."

She said, "Yes, sir. Certainly."

221And he noticed she had been crying. All the rest was out on a big spree for the night. He said, "Madam, I hope that you understand me in the right way, that I am just going to speak to you." Said, "You've been here, most for over two years now. And I've noticed the group that you come with, continually they're out on parties, and coming in all times the night, drunk, and clothes half off of them, and everything. But I noticed that you don't attend such parties." And said, "I--I notice that, seemingly, that you're always looking across the sea. Of an evening, you walk up here, and stand here each evening, and watch the sun go down." And said, "What, what causes that?" Said, "I'm an old man. And I--I am curious of knowing what causes this difference between you and the others."

222 She said, "Yes, sir." She said, "Sir, I'm looking towards home when the sun is setting." She said, "Across, beyond that sun yonder is my homeland." And she said, "In that land there is a certain state. And in that certain state there's a certain city. And in that certain city is a certain house. And in that house is a certain boy." Said, "He, too, is an artist. When I left, to come over here, I pledged my love to him. We're engaged to one another."

223And she said, "No matter what any of the rest of them does, that has nothing to do with me." She said, "I promised to live true and right." And she said, "I'm longing for the day that when I feel myself on the top of the wings of that big plane that'll take me across the sea and set me down at the airport where he'll meet me. He's building a home, and we'll live together in that land."

224And said, "That's the reason I act the way I do. I'm true to the promise that I made a boy. And he's true to the promise that he makes me." Said, "I hear from him, now and then, and I write to him, and," said, "corresponding with one another. We're still holding our vows, waiting for the day we meet."

225 Oh, how that would do for a real Christian, to get away from the things of the world. And someday, you talk about coming into the port, on the wings of a Dove! He's coming for a Bride, one that don't fool with the world or the things of the world. She is washed in the Blood of the Lamb. She's pledged Her--Her love to Him only. The love of the world is gone and dead to Her. "The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made Herself ready."

Let's think of it while we bow our heads just a moment.

226 Some day, as I look towards the setting of the sun, I too, thirty-one years ago, made a pledge to One that I loved, all my love to Him. I've always tried to hold up for Him and His Word, wherever I go. I know there's many others setting in here, like that, waiting for the day that when the old ship of Zion shall come into the port, pick up our souls and take us in the Presence of Him Who we love and has pledged our love to.

227 There may be some in here tonight, who has never made that pledge. There may be some that's made it and broke it. If you're in that condition tonight, friend, why don't you just come back tonight and renew your pledge? If you haven't, make it. Why don't you come and make it tonight? Say, "Lord Jesus, I love You."

228Remember, if you have already made your pledge, and still mingling with the things of the world, Jesus will not have a bride like that. He will not have one that's adulterous. All your love must be to Him. And if you love the things of the world, and the fashions of this world, better than you love God, then you have not made yourself ready.

229 Is that person in here tonight, while we have our heads bowed, would raise up your hand, say, "Brother Branham, pray for me. I do want to be that way. I--I want to be part of the Bride. And I know I'm doing things that I shouldn't do. Pray for me"? God bless you, my Indian sister. God bless you, sister. And you, my brother. And you, brother. Anyone else? Raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham. I--I--I--I know I'm not right."

230Now be honest with yourself. Look back at your life. You have to look back before you can go forward. Look what you have been. Look what the spirit that you've got has made you do. If you haven't... If you proclaim to be a Christian, and still you still mingle with the things of the world, brother, sister, how can you but be blind if you don't see that you're wrong?

231 Someone said the other day, said, "Brother Branham, you ought to leave off of people like that." Said, "People call you a prophet."

I said, "I'm not a prophet."

232Said, "But people think you are. You ought to be teaching these women. Instead of tell them to wear long hair and right kind of clothes and things like that, you ought to be tell them how to get spiritual things."

233I said, "How can I teach them algebra, when they won't even take ABC's, the kindergarten? Haven't even got the common decency to clean themselves up, calling, 'The Bride of Christ'!" I'm not saying that irritable. I'm saying that in godly love.

234 As I said this morning, if I see you going down the river in a boat, and see you're going to hit the falls, that boat won't take it, me screaming at you and hollering at you, I'm not trying to hurt you. I love you. Because, if you don't, your life will be lost.

235Is there another one, raise up their hands before we pray? I see you, back out there. God bless you, and you, you. You know your life shows you're wrong. You still love the world more than God, then there is something wrong somewhere. Look at you. Out in the rooms out there, raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham." God bless you. God... That's right. Honest to goodness, I--I admire sincerity.

236That's what's the trouble with the Pentecostal church today. We haven't got that real sincerity we used to have. We haven't got the audacity to--to come and say that, admit we're wrong. The Devil has just got such a hold on the church until it's just wallowing in the muck of the world. Don't do that.

237 Your own life proves that you haven't got what you're saying you got. Then why not confess it? "He that will confess his sin shall have pardon: he that hides his sin shall not prosper." You can't hide it. God knows all about it. And if you see and know that you're not living right, then why not confess it, and come out and let it be clear?

238"Some people's sins go before them; some follow." Let mine go before. Let me tell all of mine right now. Let God get it right. That's what we ought to do.

239 There's been about six or eight hands go up. There surely is more than that in this little church, tonight, of hundred or two- people here, or maybe a hundred and fifty. God bless you, young man. Now, God bless you, lady. God bless you, sister. That's right. God bless you, son. That's good.

240[]... -costal women used to not cut their hair, but they do it today. What happened? They used to not make... wear--wear makeup. Your mother didn't, if she was pentecostal. What happened today? Because they're wallowing in the things of the world. And the world looks at us. We claim to be a holiness Church. What's the matter? We don't look like the Bride of Christ. About you men out there, same thing. Brother, shame on you.

241 Heavenly Father, when I look out across, and make an altar call in such a way as that, rebuking, tearing down, seems like it's harsh. But inside of me is bleeding, when I know we're nearing the end. These little boats is going to crack up, one of these days. Death is going to strike, and the struggles. And how many times have I been called by their side, and hear them say, "Oh, Brother Branham, if I could only live it over again." Then, while these are able, Lord, to make it right!

242I'm trying my best. God, may the Holy Spirit reveal it to the people, that I'm only trying to help them, not to scold them. But, as Paul said, of old! God, I don't want them to be hurt, but I want to hurt them enough that they'll see where they're wrong.

243 I pray that You'll grant, tonight, these people, that raising their hands, with--with even enough respects to--to recognize, before God, that they're wrong, and they want to be right. "Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, it'll be opened." But if you never knock, how is He going to open? You never seek, how you going to find?

244Let the Holy Spirit, Lord, bring these people to a full surrender to God, tonight. May the great Father of our Lord Jesus Christ sanctify them, soul, body, and spirit, and place them into the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. "For the marriage of the Lamb is at hand, and His Bride has made Herself ready." O Lord, may this be the night of preparation, for tomorrow may be the day we meet Him. We don't know what hour we'll be called on to meet Him. Grant it, Lord.

245 Now while I'm praying, and you got your heads down. Every one of you that's raised your hand, if you're deeply sincere with that, and you really mean it, and you're not ashamed to let the people know that you been wrong! You're going to have to stand with them there at the Judgment, anyhow. And God has put enough conviction on you, that you know that you're wrong.

246Here some time ago, I was preaching something like that. I spoke to a young lady standing back there. She looked horrible, a minister's daughter. And she met me outside the church, and if she didn't comb me down! She said, "You ignorant thing." Little, sassy, painted-up lips; short, bobbed hair. She said, "If I want somebody to talk to me about that, I'll get somebody that's got some sense." Said, "Don't you never come into my father's pulpit and preach a thing like that again."

247I said, "You mean to tell me, your daddy, a good honest Baptist preacher as he is, and wouldn't preach against that?"

She said, "He didn't hire you to come here..."

I's, "Didn't hire me, at all. I come by invitation."

She said, "I'll never forgive you for it."

248I said, "That's up to you. I only followed the Gospel." Rose bushes was blowing there in the little wind. Beautiful young woman.

249 A little later on, about a year later, I passed through the city. I seen that same young lady with her skirts hanging down, smoking a cigarette, going down the street. I thought, "That's Brother So-and-so's wife, or, daughter." And I walked across the street, see if I couldn't get to her.

250She looked up to me, smoking this cigarette, blowed it through her nose. She said, "Hello, preacher," an ungodly slang to it, like that.

I said, "Well, well!"

Said, "Take a puff off of my cigarette. Be a man."

Said, "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

251She reached down in her pocketbook, said, "Then have a cigarette."

252I said, "Shame on you. Shame on you, to offer God's servant a cigarette."

She said, "Then may be you'll take a drink out of my bottle."

I said, "Please don't say it."

253I looked at her. I couldn't keep from crying, 'cause her daddy is a good man. I looked at her. I thought, "Oh, my! She thought she had plenty of time."

254 I started to walk on. I couldn't keep the tears out of my eyes. I walked on. She said, "Wait a minute."

I said, "Yes, ma'am?"

255She walked back. It was almost a shame to be talking to her on the street, people passing by. She walked up. She said, "You know what you told me that night?"

I said, "I'll always remember."

256Said, "I want to tell you, preacher, you was right." She said, "I grieved the Holy Spirit the last time." Now, here is the remark the woman made to me, and I never forget it, as long as I live. She said, "He was dealing with me that night. But," said, "when I turned Him down that time, it was my last." Said, "My heart has been so hard; I don't care for God, church, or nothing else. I cuss my daddy, every day." And she said, "I can see my mother's soul fry in hell, like a pancake, and laugh at it." That's grieving the Holy Spirit the last time. Think of it.

257 Let's go Home on the wings of a Dove. Let's be the Bride. Raise up from your seat now, if you're wrong. Come up here. Stand here at the altar and say, "I've been wrong. Brother Branham, I got a temper. Or, I--I--I've lived ungodly. I--I shouldn't do these things that I do. Brother Branham, I've did this, that, or the other. I'm guilty of lying. I'm guilty of stealing. I'm guilty of something. I haven't served God the way I should, and I'm ashamed of myself, and I want my life made right. Won't you pray for me here tonight, Brother Branham?" I'll be glad to do it.

258 If God will answer my prayers, to hear for the sick, blind, and afflicted, He will certainly hear a prayer for the sinner. Won't you come and be part of the Bride tonight? I invite you to come.

259Thank you, my brother. I admire that kind of a courage, that'll walk out and admit you're wrong. God bless you, brother. Stand right here.

260You mean to tell me, you could raise up your hand and not be sincere about it? What's happened to the people? Brother, what's the matter? What's the matter with our people in this day? You mean you'd raise up your hand, that you was wrong, and then won't come? And know, "He that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to Him it's evil." Won't you come?

While the pianist, if you will, sister, organist, just a little music.

261 I'm inviting you. I want to ask you. How many in this audience has been in the meetings when... You know I'm not a preacher. I have no education.

262God bless you, little lady. That takes a real girl to do that. This little choir coming here, bless you, my sister. That's real courage. I--I admire that little lady. God bless you, honey. I got a little girl at home, about your-all's age, little Rebekah. I appreciate you. Little Indian girl? God bless you, honey, this little princess. God be with you, sweetheart. You, little sister, God be with you. And with you, sister.

263Now, looky here. If young ladies like that, little girls, tender in conscience; and preach a sermon that cuts them to pieces, and here they come up here, knowing that they're wrong, stand up here before the audience to make a confession. Surely, surely you older women, won't you come? Move up here, and stand along here.

... would I seek Thy face;

Heal my wounded, broken spirit.

Let's sing it.

Save me by Thy grace.

Saviour, Saviour,


264Surely you're sincere enough to pray a humble prayer. "Call, Lord, try me, and see if there's anything wrong with me."

Do not pass me by.

God bless you, sister dear.

265 How many in this meeting has stood and seen, in the audience, women, men, and all, come up when I was standing praying for the sick, and the Holy Spirit tell them things, of their sins and things, and know? How many of you knows that true? Never failing. The Holy Spirit is telling me, that same Holy Spirit, that there is something in here tonight grieving Him. Now, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, meet it here, or There.

266I'm not a person given over to emotions. No, sir. I know exactly where I'm standing, and I--I know God. That's right. There is many of you need to be standing right here where these young girls are. Now, won't you come? I'm inviting you. I won't persuade. I'm just telling you.

267Somebody said, "I never heard an altar call where a minister rebuked the audience, in things like that."

268That's the way it's supposed to be done. You don't come up on some heartbroken story, some mother dying or something. That, that's under emotion. The Word of God is what you come on. You don't come for under any emotion. You come believing that God is God, and you're in the judgment house of the Lord. And you come, pleading your case.

269 God bless you, my brother, my sister. Want to shake your hand, say I appreciate your honest conviction. Little lady, I appreciate you. God bless you. May He give you that gallant Spirit. Bless you, my brother. God be with you.

270Once more, then we're going to close. It may close for the last time, too. See? I don't know when. I hope it don't. But it may. See?


271Come here, my sister. I want to shake your hand, thank you. I appreciate that faith. That's genuine faith.

272Come here, my brother. I want to shake hands with you, right here. I appreciate your sincerity. God bless you.

273Come here. God bless you. I appreciate your sincerity, to make a stand for...

... pass me by.


274What? "The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made Herself ready."

... humble cry;

While on...

Do not pass me by.


I'm trusting only in Thy merit,

Would I seek Thy face;

Heal my wounded, broken spirit, (where the Word cut into it),

Save me by thy grace.

Saviour, Saviour,

Hear my humble...

While on others Thou art calling,

Oh, do not pass me by.

275 Remember, the Holy Spirit was what cut into your heart, and come up here. Just think of the places He cut, and that person will never live that down. They'll always remember that. "If our hearts condemn us not." But when you come with something in the Word of God, and you bypass it, that's not Abraham's Seed. Abraham kept the promise of God in his heart, regardless of what come or went.

276 I appreciate all these standing around the altar. My prayer for you, that God will give you the desire of your heart tonight, and make you real sainted people.

277Some of these young folks, here is Indians, Spanish, Mexican, all standing around, people who has claimed to be Christians, maybe, for years, but see that it's wrong. They want to be right. "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." Condemned, ready to make it right with God, through the fiery altars of the judgment of God.

278Has got to meet it somewhere, friends. You've got to meet it somewhere, so meet it here. Don't wait till in the morning. You may be killed tonight, in an accident, going home.

279 Just recently in a meeting, I made an altar call, and--and I called, like it was up in Ohio. And that night, I left the building, and been gone about fifteen minutes. I heard somebody screaming, on the side of the road. I stopped, went over there. A car had had an accident, run into another. And a woman that set there, so nervous, she pulled off her ring, she was so nervous. She was killed. And she was talking to her daughter, on the road down, which was driving. They had her there, ready for the hospital. And both of them should have come to the altar. And the daughter said, "Mother, the last word she said to me before the car struck, 'I did wrong tonight. I know I did.'" And there her life was called.

Oh, you say, "That won't happen to me." It might. It might.

280 And what if the Holy Spirit never condemns you again and tells you you're wrong? Then you'll walk out into Eternity like that. And you know, with that kind of a spirit, you can't do it. Sir, look back through your life, see how you lived. And look back there and see if it's that sweet, humble life of Christ, tallying up with all of His Word. If it isn't, then come get right. There's... Why, why take a substitute, when the skies are full of the real pentecostal blessings that'll cleanse your heart, purify your soul? Isn't that right?

281 How many ministers are in here tonight? I want some of you brethren to walk up here with us. That's all right, brother? Yeah. Come up here, will you, just a minute, brethren? That's right.

282Jesus said, in His Word, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; shall not come into condemnation, but has passed from death unto Life." Saint John 6 said, "And I'll raise him up again at the last day, a resurrection."

283 People, we, we've got to stand that. We must do it. It's just got to be done. So the... It's not emotion. Emotions goes with it, of course. That's right. But the thing of it is, is a consecrated heart.

284Just take the Word of God, and say, "God, I did wrong. I'm sorry I did that. You know my heart. I did wrong. Right here upon this grounds, I confess my wrong. And from this night, henceforth, I'm engaged to You. I'm part of the Bride. I'll never do that again; never let my temper slip again. I'll--I'll act like a lady. I'll act like a gentleman. I'll do the things that the Bible says do. I'll take You right now at Your Word." Then you're getting somewhere.

285You believe that, Gospel preachers? [The ministers say, "Amen."--Ed.] Is that Truth? ["Amen."] That's right.

286 Now, let us bow our heads in prayer now, just each one of you, in your own way.

287Remember, right by your side is Christ. In front of you, here on the altar, stands Christians praying. Behind you; Gospel ministers praying. Now, that puts you in an atmosphere of prayer.

288Now, your confession, in your hearts, in your own way. "Lord, I'm wrong." [Those at the altar say, "Lord, I'm wrong."--Ed.] "I'm sorry, Lord," ["I'm sorry, Lord,"] "I did these things." ["I did these things."] "I now confess my sin." ["I now confess my sin."] "I believe on You." ["I believe on You."] "I accept You now." ["I accept You now."] "I want to be part of the Bride." ["I want to be part of the Bride."] "In Jesus' Name I pray." ["In Jesus' Name I pray."] Now, keep your confession on your heart now.

Now I'm going to pray for you.

289 Heavenly Father, how it grieves me sometimes when I look upon people who love me, and see how You take the Word and lay It out there. It just cuts to the marrow of the bone, but then You come right around to vindicate it to be Truth. It is Truth.

290Here stands men and women, even little ladies, little girls standing here with bowed heads, and tears in their eyes, right at the crossroads of life. I think where they could wind up, down there in that twisting, rock-and-roll, devil-possessed, demon-oppressed group. Here they are, standing here tonight with bowed hearts, wanting something that they can put their hands on, to say, "Lord God, cleanse me from all the things of the world."

291 Here is middle-aged men, young men, old women, young women, all standing together. They're confessing there is wrong. You spoke to their heart; they would never be here. It shows that they could not even raise up out of their seats, without a decision being already made. A Spirit of God was around them, and--and said, "You're wrong."

And their little life said, "Lord, then I want You."

And the Devil said, "Set still."

292But the Spirit of God said, "Rise up." And they've walked in obedience, and standing here at the altar.

293 Now, as I have quoted to You Your Word, "He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white like snow; red like crimson, white like wool. Come and buy of Me, wine and oil. My grace is sufficient. He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; and shall not come into the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life. And now the marriage of the Lamb has come, and the Bride made Herself ready."

294Father, they are Yours. They are trophies of Your Word. They're here to be washed by the water of the Word, because it's the full Gospel. It's not sparing anything. It's cut down, to get down to the kindergarten place. It's grubbing out the roots, the roots of bitterness, the--the--the roots of indifference, the roots of the world. Grub them out, Lord, by the Holy Spirit. Cast them away from these people.

295 I claim them for You tonight, Jesus, as Your own personal treasure, as gems in Your crown, as members of Your Bride. I claim their lives. I pray with all my heart, with these ministers, these servants of the living God. I pray that You take away from them, Lord, the things of the world, and give them courage to stand in the face of Satan. Grant it, Lord. We believe You'll do it. You said, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it." Now, You never said, "Uh, maybe I'll do it." You said, "I will do it." And I believe that it's true.

296 Now, it is also written in the Scriptures, "In My Name they shall cast out devils." It's a devil that would take a young lady or a woman, and wreck her life. It's a devil that would take a man and wreck his life. And I'll quote this little story, Lord, in my prayer. And I pray that You'll hear me, and will answer my prayer, that every one of these will be claimed tonight for the jewels of the Kingdom. They have come. And I've got to answer for my words tonight. And here they've come to stand with me, and to take our position by the side of Christ.

297 Now, Satan, you've lost it. You kept a few of them back, but you didn't win the battle. Jesus said, "He that comes to Me, I will in no wise cast out."

298Satan, I say to you, that one day there was a little boy that was herding his father's sheep. And a lion came in and got one of them, took it out, evilly mistreating it, and was going to devour it. But this true little shepherd, he didn't have very much but a slingshot, but he had faith in the living God. He went after that lion, and he caught him, and he--he slew him. He raised up against him, and he caught him by his beard and slew him. He took the sheep out of his mouth, took it back to the pasture for its healing.

299 You've took these precious sheep of God, these ladies, that caused them to bob off their hair and wear makeup, and look like things that the Bible condemns, and you thought you had them. But I come with this simple little slingshot of prayer. I'm bringing them back tonight. You can't hold them any longer. You've lost the battle. These precious men standing here, lambs of God, turn them loose. We adjure thee, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I place between this habits and tempers, and immorals and whatever it may be, I place the Blood of Jesus Christ, by faith, between them and that thing again. You'll not catch them anymore. They're in Father's pasture. They are His children. Keep from them. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee.

300 There is not a devil in hell can touch you, if you'll believe that. You are covered by the Blood. You're surrounded by prayer, ministers of the Gospel, and messengers of the covenant, prayer. Every one of you standing here, come up here, knowing that you had habits, faults, and things that you were ashamed of. If you now lay them on God's brazen altar of judgment, and will accept it now as your pardon, that Christ gives it to you, will you make that offer by faith, to raise up your hand and say, "I now accept it. It's gone. And from this day on, I'll never do it again"? You are saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Praise be to God.

Is there anyone else would like to come, join this group?

301 Is there any sick in the building, would like to stand for prayer right at this time? Stand up.

302I want each one of you here, if you're not a--if you're not a member of some good full Gospel church, go to one, this one if you can, if you live close here. Get with the pastor and get baptized. And then if you haven't received the Holy Ghost, pray God give you the Holy Ghost and fill you, make you a member of the Bride.

303Look out across there, brethren, at the sick people. The Devil can't hold those people. This is the loosening time. Hallelujah! Don't you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us then bow our heads for prayer.

304 And each one of you people out there, that's got sickness, you that's standing, lay your hands on one another. Jesus Christ said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Hold your hands on each other. Now, don't you pray for yourself. You pray for the next person you got your hands on, 'cause they're praying for you.

Let us pray together now as a Christian Church.

305 Lord Jesus, we are thankful for the victory tonight, souls coming to You. Now, the Devil has packed off some of Your sheep, with sickness. We come to claim them back. And as a Church of the living God, we rebuke the Devil, and say, "Turn these sick people loose, Satan. We adjure thee in the Name of Jesus Christ, that they may be healed." The Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." That's God's promise, and we know that it is true. They are healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ.

306Now, if you believe it, raise up your hands and give Him praise. Amen.

307All right, pastor, it's all yours. God bless you, brother. So nice to be with you here tonight. God be with you.

God bless you, brethren here.

1Ďakujem ti, brat Edward. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Dobrý večer, priatelia. Istotne je to privilégium byť dnes večer opäť tu v Modlitebni Obecenstva. Keď som dnes popoludní prechádzal okolo a díval sa, kde to bolo, a uvidel som slovo „Obecenstvo,“ to mi naozaj vyhovovalo. Mám to rád, brat Edward, „Obecenstvo.“ To je to, v čo veríme.

Môj starý priateľ, ktorý práve odišiel domov, aby bol s Pánom... Mnohí z vás ho mohli poznať: Dr. F. F. Bosworth. Mnohí z vás... Bol tu vo Phoenixe, myslím, raz so mnou, veľmi udatná duša. A on bol posvätený starý muž, ale mal zmysel pre humor. A raz mi povedal; riekol... Stále som rozprával o obecenstve.

A on povedal, „Brat Branham, vieš, čo je obecenstvo [„fellowship“ – pozn.prekl.]?“

A povedal som, „No, myslím, že áno, brat Bosworth.“

Povedal, „To sú dvaja ľudia [angl. „fellows“] na jednej lodi [angl. „ship“ – pozn.prekl.].“

A tak, to je... A to je pravda, zdieľajú kajutu jeden s druhým.

2A videl som, ako mnohí z vás zodvihli ruky na znak toho, že poznáte brata Boswortha. Keďže ste ho poznali, rád by som len niečo povedal o jeho posledných momentoch tu na zemi. Poznal som ho nejaký čas. A on bol tu vonku a kázal Evanjelium a modlil sa za nemocných skôr, ako som sa narodil. Tak môžete vidieť, v akom bol veku. Pán ho nechal žiť, myslím, asi osemdesiatpäť rokov, tak nejako, a stále bol udatným starým mužom, keď zomieral.

3Keď mal sedemdesiatpäť, myslím, že toľko, on a ja sme boli, myslím, v hoteli Edgemont v Miami. A dali sme si večeru a odišli sme von ku pobrežiu, kde narážali vlny, aby sme sledovali, ako vyjde mesiac. A tu som bol asi štyridsaťročný, moje ramená opadli, takto som kráčal, a on, asi sedemdesiatpäťročný, práve tak narovnaný, ako len mohol byť. A díval som sa na neho a obdivoval som ho. A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, chcem sa ťa opýtať jednu otázku.“

Povedal, „Pokračuj, brat Branham.“

A povedal som, „Kedy si bol na tom najlepšie?“

Povedal, „Práve teraz.“ No, potom som sa za seba hanbil.

A povedal, „Zabudol si, že som len dieťa, ktoré žije v starom dome,“ povedal.

4A to bol brat Bosworth. Keď som počul, že sa odchádza stretnúť s Pánom, takmer som si na aute spálil pneumatiky, ako som trielil dolu do Miami, aby som ho videl. A keď sme tam s manželkou prišli... A rodina Bosworthovcov a naša rodina, boli veľkými priateľmi. A vošli sme dnu. Ten starý patriarcha ležal na malom gauči a mohol zodvihnúť svoju malú plešatú hlavu, načiahol ku mne takto tie malé tenké ruky, slzy mi stekali po lícach, chytil som ho do náručia a skríkol som, „Môj otče, môj otče, vozy Izraelovi a jeho jazdci.“ Pretože, ak kedy bol nejaký starý človek, ktorý dodal dôstojnosť letničnému hnutiu, bol to brat Bosworth. Istotne áno. Bol veľkým kvetom.

5A, viete, prvé, čo chcel urobiť, bolo, povedať mi malý vtip, takto, viete.

A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, uzdravíš sa?“

Povedal, „Nie, brat Branham. V prvom rade nie som chorý.“ Povedal, „Idem len Domov.“

A povedal som, „No, to je veľmi dobré.“ Práve sme prišli z misijných polí v Afrike, on a ja.

Povedal, „Som skrátka príliš starý na to, aby som dlhšie žil.“ Povedal, „Idem Domov.“

A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, čo by si mi poradil robiť?“

A povedal, „Zostaň s Evanjeliom.“ A povedal, „Vráť sa na misijné polia tak rýchlo, ako len môžeš.“ Povedal, „To by bola moja rada.“

6A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, chcel by som sa ťa opýtať ešte jednu vec.“

Povedal, „Čo to je, brat Branham?“

Povedal som, „No, vložil si do služby Pánovi asi šesťdesiat rokov alebo aj viac.“ A povedal som, „Kedy bol ten najšťastnejší čas v tvojom živote?“

Povedal, „Práve teraz.“

A povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, vieš o tom, že zomieraš?“

Povedal, „Nemôžem zomrieť. Zomrel som pred mnohými rokmi.“ A ja... Povedal, „Brat Branham, všetko, čo som miloval a staral sa o to po všetkých tých predošlých šesťdesiat rokov, očakávam na Neho, že otvorí v ktorejkoľvek chvíli tie dvere a príde, vezme ma.“

Premýšľam o tom „Žalme Života“.

Životy veľkých mužov nám všetkým pripomínajú,

že môžeme svoje životy urobiť vznešenými;

s rozlúčeniami, ktoré zanecháme za sebou;

Stopy na pieskoch času.

A on pre mňa istotne zanechal stopy.

7Predtým, ako zomrel alebo odišiel do Slávy, asi jednu hodinu alebo možno dlhšie predtým, ako odišiel. On nejakých pár hodín spal; a jeho žena, jeho synovia, milovaní stáli okolo neho a ten starý muž sa zobudil, rozhliadol sa naokolo, postavil sa a behal po podlahe a potriasal si rukou so svojou matkou, ktorá bola preč dlhé roky; so svojím otcom. A asi jednu hodinu, potriasal si ruky s ľuďmi, hovoril, „Toto je brat John. Áno, prišiel si ku Kristovi na mojom zhromaždení v Joliet, Illinois. Tu je brat...“ potriasal si ruky so svojimi obrátenými, ktorí odišli pred mnohými rokmi.

8Poviem vám, niekedy verím, že v tej hodine, keď odchádzame z tejto zeme do tej inej, verím, že niekedy, keď... Tú rieku bude každopádne ťažké prekročiť, viete. Verím, že Pán možno hovorí našim milovaným, „Choďte dolu ku tej rieke a stretnite sa tam s ním.“ Lebo, ako Jakob povedal, jedného dňa budeme zhromaždení so svojím ľudom. Tiež očakávam, kedy príde ten deň. A potom, keď prejdem cez tento život, alebo Boh tu cez to prejde so mnou, a uvidím, že som zaujal každú pevnosť, ktorú som mohol, prešiel cez všetky záhony z tŕnia a zdolal každý vrch, chcem sa pozrieť späť a vidieť, kde som bol. Keď prídem dolu ku tej rieke, vždy som hovorieval, ako tu tí farební bratia majú takú malú pieseň, ktorú spievajú, „Nechcem mať žiaden problém pri tej rieke.“ Chcem to teraz mať všetko narovnané.

Možno len vložím meč naspäť do pošvy, zložím helmu a položím to dolu na breh a zodvihnem svoje ruky a zakričím, „Priveď záchranný čln, Otče. Prichádzam dnes ráno Domov.“ On tam bude. Nemajte obavy. Verím tomu. Myslím, že to je túžba srdca každého jedného z nás.

9No, je to naozaj veľké privilégium, byť tu dnes večer s týmto drahým pastorom a jeho zborom, a toto nádherné dielo, a títo, ktorí sú pútnikmi v Kristovi na tomto konci Phoenixu. Lebo skutočne sme pútnikmi. Sme tu pútnikmi a cudzincami; hľadáme mesto, ako som o tom hovoril dnes ráno dolu v modlitebni brata Fullera, na tému Kráľovského Semena...

10No, ak máte magnetofóny, nikdy som sa nezmienil... Ale dnes ráno sa stalo niečo, že som... Ak máte magnetofón, ak by ste zohnali jednu z tých pások, som si istý, že by ste to ocenili. Brat Maguire ich má. A... Abrahámove Kráľovské Semeno.

Vidíte, Abrahámove semeno bol Izák, ktoré je židovské, prirodzené. Ale to kráľovské Semeno bol Kristus, skrze zasľúbenie. A ten Kristus bol Božím Slovom, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. A To je dnes v našich srdciach, ako sme... „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, potom si proste, čo chcete, a stane sa vám.“

11No, o Phoenixe som sa vyjadril mnohokrát odvtedy, čo som tam býval... Môj prvýkrát, kedy som prišiel, bolo to pred tridsiatimi piatimi rokmi. A hore na Šestnástej a Henshaw, žil som tam, pracoval som tu vonku na Circle R Ranch vonku z Wickenburgu. A tam na Šestnástej a Henshaw som chodil s jedným dievčaťom. Išiel som sa raz pozrieť na to miesto a už to ani viac nie je Henshaw; teraz je to Buckeye. A je to veľké mesto, rovno tu vo veľkomestskej časti Phoenixu. Všetko je tak zmenené.

12A manželka so mnou vyšla na Južnú Horu, aby sme sa poobzerali po Phoenixe. A pomyslel som si, že pred asi tristo rokmi tam pravdepodobne nebolo nič okrem kojotov, kaktusov, atď. A teraz to je obrovské mimoriadne mesto.

No, povedal som, „Zlatko, je to obrátené alebo prevrátené? Môžeš si sama vybrať. Podľa mňa je to prevrátené. No, pretože tieto veľké budovy a nádherné stavby, bolo by to skvelé, ak by muži a ženy chodili hore a dole po uliciach so svojimi rukami zodvihnutými ku Bohu chváliac Boha; a bratia a sestry, ktorí žijú ako... namiesto pitia, hazardu, fajčenia, klamania, kradnutia, krčiem, všetkého, čo je zlé. V strede toho všetkého predsa...“

Potom mi žena povedala, „Teda, Billy, kvôli čomu si tu?“

Povedal som, „Ale, zlatko, odvtedy, čo tu pätnásť minút sedíme, koľko klamstiev bolo povedaných naprieč tým údolím? Koľko nadávok bolo vypovedaných, koľko vzatia Mena Pánovho nadarmo? Koľko cigariet, koľko whiskey nápojov, koľko cudzoložstiev bolo spáchaných, a všade tade, len za poslednú krátku chvíľku, zatiaľ čo sme tu?“

Povedala, „Nie je to hrozné?“

Povedal som, „To je to, prečo sme tu, zlatko. Koľko verných modlitieb vyšlo odvtedy, čo sme tu boli? 'Vy ste svetlom sveta.' To je to, kvôli čomu tu sme, aby sme priložili svoje ramená s týmito malými zbormi, ktoré tu sú, urobili všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme tomu pomohli hýbať sa vpred, aby sme boli...“

13Vy všetci... Vy svätí ste pre mňa požehnaním. Dúfam, že pri mojej návšteve tu pre vás budem požehnaním. A ja... Keď som zistil, že navštívim rôzne denominácie a organizácie a rozličné cirkvi, atď, bratov tu naprieč údolím vo Phoenixe, moje srdce bolo vzrušené. Prichádza to pred zhromaždením, na ktorom mám hovoriť, na zhromaždení kresťanských obchodníkov, myslím, že na raňajkách v sobotu ráno, a potom v nedeľu na popoludňajšom zhromaždení, nasledujúcu nedeľu. A vždy je to privilégium stretnúť sa s tými bratmi. Myslím, že tam majú okolo dvadsaťpäť tisíc sedadiel. To je dostatok miesta na sedenie pre každého z nás. Dúfame, že sa tam s vami stretneme.

14A potom, aby sme mali tento čas obecenstva, aby sme išli zo zboru do zboru a hovorili... Myslím, že som dnes ráno kázal tak, že som si až odkázal zachrípnutie, len asi hodinu a pol; a to bola jedna z kratších. Zvyčajne neskončím skôr ako o tri alebo štyri hodiny, v mojom domovskom zbore. Ja len... Nie som kazateľ. Tak len robím radostný hluk Pánovi. Tak veľmi rád to robím, myslím, že to skrátka milujem, tak v tom len pokračujem.

Bol som... mal som štyri alebo päť rôznych vyjadrení, že držím ľudí príliš dlho. Tak viem, že je to pravda. A dnes večer, úprimne, budeme odtiaľto preč pred jednou hodinou. Takmer vás o tom uisťujem. Ja len, takmer... Tak príjemný duch a všetko tak milé, som si istý, že Duch Svätý pre nás bude mať požehnanie.

15No, nemal som na zhromaždeniach žiadne služby s uzdravovaním. Ja... Jedného večera, dolu u brata (brat od Ježišovho Mena?) brat Outlaw, v zbore brata Outlawa, boli tam tak mnohí, ktorí chceli, aby sa za nich modlilo. A mal som tam svojho syna, aby rozdal nejaké modlitebné karty. A potom, po niekoľko večerov Duch Svätý v tej budove tak padal, až... všetci to viete. Boli ste na mojich zhromaždeniach. Všetci z vás. Videli ste, ako rozpoznávanie, atď... Ale teraz som si všimol, že sa hromadia mnohí, za ktorých sa má modliť. A prvýkrát som si to všimol začiatkom stredy a štvrtka. Myslel som, že s tým počkám až po nedeli, pretože, ak máte v zbore zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním... Vidíte, vyhlasoval som všade, kam som išiel, pre každú osobu, aby v nedeľu zostala na svojom poste povinnosti. Rozumiete? Tieto špeciálne zhromaždenia sú len návštevou bratov. A chceme, aby ste všetci zachovali svoje miesto povinnosti, pretože váš pastor na vás čaká. A to je to, kde by ste mali byť.

16A tak teda... Potom, myslím, že zajtra večer, ak Pán dá, ja ne... (Kde budeme zajtra večer? Brat O'Donnell, v Tempe, Arizona.) No, ak vo vašej cirkvi nemáte nejakú špeciálnu udalosť, a máte chorých ľudí, no, zajtra večer sa budem modliť za chorých, budeme mať len obvyklý modlitebný rad, modliť sa za chorých, možno v pondelok, utorok... Uvidíme. Predpokladám... Neviem. Máme tiež zhromaždenie na stredu večer? Streda večer, potom to začína vo štvrtok (Je to tak?), konferencia? V poriadku, brat. Vyhlásiš oznámenie?

[Brat oznamuje; „Dnes večer ste tu. A zajtra večer sme v Tempe, Assembly of God; a potom v Mountain View, v Sunnyslope dvadsiateho tretieho; a potom dvadsiateho štvrtého v Central Assembly. – pozn.prekl.]

V poriadku, to je skvelé.

[Brat hovorí, „Sám som si nedokázal spomenúť. Trocha som tam bol zmätený.“ – pozn.prekl.]

17Nemysli na to. Minule som rozprával o tom, ako som si nedokázal spomenúť, a brat Jack Moore mi hovoril, povedal, „Myslíš si, že si na tom zle.“ Povedal...

Povedal som, „Brat Jack, začnem hovoriť a nedokážem si spomenúť, o čom som išiel rozprávať.“

Povedal, „No, nemysli si, že to je až také zlé.“ Povedal, „Ja niekomu zatelefonujem, volám niekomu, a potom poviem, 'Čo si prajete'?“

No, začína to byť naozaj zlé...?... No, ó, môže to znieť vtipne, čo si myslím, že nie je v poriadku hovoriť tu za kazateľňou. Ale Božie deti sú skrátka každopádne šťastné deti, viete. Tak, my len radi... Myslel som, že to bolo tak trocha milé.

18Vy všetci... Mnohí z vás poznáte brata Jacka Moore. On je zo Shreveportu, Louisiana, Life Tabernacle, veľmi milý brat. A tak, on mi to hovoril. On je tiež staviteľom.

A povedal, „Nemysli si, že to je zlé, brat Branham.“ Povedal, „Raz som niekomu zavolal a vytočil som ich číslo.“ A povedal, „Oni odpovedali, povedali, 'Ahoj.' Povedal som, 'Čo si prajete?'“

Pomyslel som si, „No, ja... Ide to dolu vodou, brat Jack.“ Ja...

Tak teraz, myslím, že by to mohlo byť dobré. A títo priatelia, ktorí chcú, aby sa za nich modlilo, a privedú svojich nemocných ľudí, potom sa za nich budeme modliť.

19No, dnes večer, premýšľal som, o čom dnes večer budem tu v tomto malom milom zbore hovoriť. A pomyslel som si, „No, neviem čo.“ Musím len vziať malý text a veriť, že Pán niekde spojí slová a nechá to padnúť tam, kde to niekomu pomôže, aby bol... Nikdy som sa nesnažil vziať text. Vždy sa snažím byť vedený a zapíšem si zopár Písiem, atď. A potom, ak Pán vedie inak, vtedy len idem, ako On vedie. A myslím, že to je spôsob, ako by sme to všetci mali robiť, nerobíte to tak isto?

20A teraz, tu je jedna vec, ktorú chcem pre každého zo zboru (toto oznamujem každému lokálnemu telu), a to je to, že ak... Keď sa modlievate za svojho pastora a svojich milovaných, nezabudnite na mňa, pretože denne si uvedomujem, viac ako kedykoľvek, že prichádzame ku koncu tej cesty.

A ja som práve pred pár týždňami pochoval svoju matku. A držal som ju v náručí, až kým Boh nevzal jej dych a jej dušu do neba. Sledoval som tú udatnú smrť ženy, ktorá bola naplnená Duchom Svätým, a videl som ju prísť rovno ku koncu tej cesty. Pomyslel som si, „Ó, musím mať skrátka každú matku takúto. Musím jednoducho niečo urobiť, aby som dostal – urobiť, čo môžem, aby som dostal ľudí do toho, aby videli, čo to naozaj znamená.“

21A, priatelia, som presvedčený, že to je možno trocha hlbšie, a myslím, že to berieme nejako príliš naľahko než tak, ako to naozaj je. Myslím, že by sme mali pamätať, ak Boh je tak svätý, že Anjeli v Jeho očiach vyzerajú špinaví, ako vyzeráme my? Rozumiete? Je to tak. Takže chceme na to pamätať. A pamätajte, že Boh sedí tam vo večnosti, zatieňuje všetky tie slnká v slnečnej sústave. „Svätý, svätý, svätý,“ Anjeli s krídlami cez svoje tváre a cez svoje nohy, lietajú v Jeho Prítomnosti, kričia, „Svätý,“ čím by sme mali byť? Tak my... To je to, čo sa snažíme robiť.

22A cítim toto takto, Kráľovstvo Božie je ako človek, ktorý vzal sieť a išiel k moru (Ježiš povedal), a hodil ju tam. A keď vytiahol, vybral mnohé druhy. Ale dobrá ryba, samozrejme, bola ponechaná; a ostatné ryby živiace sa zdochlinami boli – odišli naspäť do vody, také ako rak a hady, jašterice, korytnačky, atď. Ale siete Evanjelia chytajú všetko z toho. A sme... Raz príde deň, keď nastane čas, že hodíme našu poslednú sieť, brat...?... Je to tak. To nie som ja alebo vy, aby sme povedali, ktoré je ryba a ktoré nie je. My nevieme. Len hádžeme sieť a vyťahujeme ju. To je všetko. Boh pozná Svoje vlastné. Tých, ktorých predzvedel, tých povolal; a tých, ktorých povolal, tých ospravedlnil; a tých, ktorých ospravedlnil, tých oslávil. Tak my čakáme, len hádžeme sieť. A dnes večer to je moje privilégium, stáť tu v zbore brata Edwarda, aby som pomohol na tomto mieste hodiť sieť, aby sme videli, či tam bude nejaká ryba, ktorú Boh má pre Svoje Kráľovstvo.

23No, predtým, ako prečítame Slovo, prehovorme len na chvíľu k Autorovi toho Slova, ako skloníme svoje hlavy. S našimi sklonenými hlavami, v posvätnosti tejto chvíle, v ktorej pristupujeme k Slovu živého Boha, ktoré je Bohom, zaujímalo by ma, či sú tu nejakí ľudia, ktorí majú na svojich srdciach potreby, a ktorí by boli radi spomenutí v modlitbe. Dajte to najavo tým, že zodvihnete ruku.

24Pane Ježišu, pohliadni na to poslucháčstvo, poznáš každé srdce. Vďaka Ti. Najmilostivejší a svätý Bože, všemohúci El Shaddai, ktorý sa zjavil Abrahámovi v Mene Všemohúceho, Boh, ktorý má prsia, Darca sily, Živiteľ slabých, príď dnes večer k nám, Otče. A uvedomujeme si naše slabosti a naše chyby. Vyznávame pred Tebou svoje hriechy a kladieme ich na mosadzný oltár súdu a prosíme, aby ich Krv Ježiša Krista vzala preč v obeti, ktorú činíme. Udeľ to, ó, Bože. Odovzdávame naše životy a všetko, čo máme. A ten malý talent, ktorý nám bol daný, Pane, použi to na slávu Božiu. Žehnaj tento zbor, jeho milého pastora, diakonov, dôverníkov a celý výbor a každého člena, ktorý prichádza do tohto zboru, ktorý sa nazýva „Obecenstvo.“ Bože, modlím sa, aby muži a ženy, ako vchádzajú dnu týmito dverami na tomto mieste, aby padli pod usvedčeniami kvôli milému poriadku Ducha Svätého vo vnútri budovy. Udeľ to, Pane.

25Odpusť naše hriechy a naše priestupky, znova o to prosíme. Pamätaj na tých, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky. Dole pod tou rukou, Pane, bolo srdce, ktoré niečo od Teba žiadalo. A pravdepodobne, možno iba Ty Sám to môžeš udeliť. Modlím sa, aby si to udelil, Otče. Na čokoľvek majú potrebu, udeľ im to v hojnosti. Ak sú tu nejakí chorí, Pane, uzdrav ich. Ak tam bude niekto, kto padá na okraj cesty, posilni ho, to podlomené koleno. „Nalomenej trstiny nedolomí, ani dymiaceho knôtu neuhasí.“ A vieme, že On nikdy neodhodí nalomenej trstiny; On ju napraví. A modlím sa, nebeský Otče, ak sú tu nejaké duchy, ktoré sú zlomené alebo ustrašené, alebo slabé ruky, ktoré visia dolu, a ovisnuté kolená, nech budú dnes večer pozdvihnuté, Pane. Nech príde Duch Svätý a uzdraví naše srdcia a duchy a naše telesné bytosti, a odovzdáme za to všetku slávu Jemu. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

26Ak by ste sa chceli obrátiť do Písem, len kvôli asi tridsaťminútovej reči, bol by som rád, keby ste čítali so mnou z Knihy Zjavenia, 19. kapitoly, a rád by som čítal až po siedmy verš vrátane neho.

Potom som počul sťa veľký hlas mohutného zástupu na nebi, ktorý hovoril: Hallelujah! Spasenie a sláva a česť a moc Pánovi, nášmu Bohu,

pretože pravdivé a spravedlivé sú jeho súdy, lebo odsúdil veľkú smilnicu, ktorá porušovala zem svojím smilstvom, a pomstil krv svojich sluhov na jej ruke.

A povedali aj po druhé: Hallelujah! A jej dym vystupuje na veky vekov.

A padli dvadsiati štyria starci aj štyri živé bytosti a klaňali sa Bohu, sediacemu na tróne, a povedali: Amen, hallelujah!

A z trónu vyšiel hlas, ktorý povedal: Chváľte našeho Boha, všetci jeho sluhovia, aj vy, ktorí sa ho bojíte, malí aj veľkí.

A zase som počul ako hlas mnohého zástupu a jako hukot mnohých vôd a jako zvuk silných hromov, ktoré hovorili: Hallelujah! Pretože prevzal kráľovstvo Pán, náš Boh, ten Všemohúci.

Radujme sa a plesajme a vzdajme jemu chválu, lebo prišla svadba Baránkova, a jeho manželka sa prihotovila.

Rád by som dnes večer hovoril na tému: Svadba Baránkova, len na chvíľu, aby... Sme tak oboznámení s týmto Písmom.

27Niet pochýb, že váš milovaný pastor ku tejto téme pristúpil mnohokrát a že... Vieme, že bude Nevesta a bude svadobná večera, ktorá bude podávaná v povetrí. Je to tak isté, že to bude, akože existuje Boh, pretože to je Jeho Slovo.

A vieme, že tí, z ktorých bude utvorená tá Nevesta, budú Jeho Cirkvou, a objavia sa pred Ním bez škvrny alebo vrásky. A oni majú teraz na zemi Materiál, aby sa prihotovili.

28Ak si všimnete, tam je povedané, „Ona sa prihotovila.“ Tak mnohí hovoria, „Ak odo mňa Pán zoberie tohto zlého ducha, od pitia alebo od hazardu alebo od klamania alebo kradnutia, budem Mu slúžiť.“ Ale to je na tebe. Ty tiež musíš niečo urobiť. „Tí, ktorí premohli, zdedia všetky veci,“ tí, ktorí premohli. Máš moc, aby si to vykonal, ale musíš byť ochotný položiť to. Rozumiete?

Ona sama sa prihotovila. Páči sa mi to Slovo.

Vidíte, Boh by nás nemohol pretlačiť cez malú rúrku, vytiahnuť nás na druhom konci, a potom povedať, „Požehnaný je ten, ktorý premohol.“ Nemáš nič, čo by si premohol; On ťa len cez to pretlačil. Ale musíte sami učiniť rozhodnutia. Ja musím sám učiniť rozhodnutia. A v tom, že to robíme, ukazujeme našu vieru a rešpekt pred Bohom.

29Abrahámovi bolo zasľúbené dieťa, ale musel sa tohto zasľúbenia držať dvadsaťpäť rokov, tie vzlety a úpadky, pokušenia, ktoré mal v tých dvadsiatich piatich rokoch; ale on sa držal Slova zasľúbenia.

A zasľúbením pre Izrael bola zasľúbená zem, ale museli bojovať za každý kúsoček z nej. „Kamkoľvek stúpi tvoja noha, to som ti dal,“ povedal Boh Jozuovi. Všetko to tam bolo. Tá zem tam bola a Boh im ju dal; ale museli o ňu bojovať.

30Takisto to je s Božským uzdravením. Boh má moc, aby ťa uzdravil, ak máš odvahu prijať to. Ale budeš bojovať každý kúsoček cesty. Boh má úžasnú milosť, aby ťa spasil, a On to urobí. Ale budeš bojovať každý kúsoček svojej cesty. Bude to tridsaťjedna rokov, čo som za kazateľňou. A každý kúsoček z toho bol boj, neustále. Istotne to tak je. Ale musíme bojovať, ak musíme vládnuť. Tak sme zistili, že Nevesta sa musí prihotoviť, skrze ochotu „položiť nabok každé bremeno, ktoré nás tak ľahko obkľučuje, aby sme mohli bežať s trpezlivosťou beh, ktorý je postavený pred nás.“ My sami ich musíme odložiť nabok. Nemôžeme povedať, „Bože, prídi, odlož ich od nás nabok.“ Musíme to urobiť sami.

31No, rád premýšľam o svadbách. Mal som to privilégium sobášiť mnoho ľudí. A premýšľam o tom, keď privádzam mladého muža a mladú ženu tam ku oltáru, a vidím ich, ako prichádzajú cez zbor, a ona, krásna, oblečená vo svojich svadobných šatách, a na tvári má závoj a visí dolu; a ženích, narovnaný a krásne oblečený, mladý a plný sily, a ako tam kráčajú vo svojej najlepšej životnej sile a skladajú ten manželský sľub, myslím, že je na tom niečo príjemné. Je tam niečo posvätné, pretože mi to pripomína, že jedného dňa bude iná veľkolepá svadba, keď Kristova Nevesta bude kráčať dolu koridormi slávy. Ten Ženích bude mať všetko pripravené. Bude tam svadba a večera.

Ako milujeme pomyslieť na to, že sedíme za stolom naproti sebe a potriasame si navzájom ruky a slzy nám stekajú po lícach. A pomyslieť, že On pôjde okolo, zotrie nám všetky slzy z očí, povie, „Neplač. Teraz to všetko skončilo. Vojdi do radostí Pánových, ktoré pre teba boli pripravené pred založením sveta.“ Ó, brat, to spôsobí, že budeme jeden druhého viac milovať.

32Myslím, že to je to, o čo ide pri cirkvi, pri Neveste dnes, ktorá je utvorená zo všetkých cirkví, ktoré veria v Krista. To nie je budova zboru, ani to nie je organizácia, ani denominácia; ale to sú jednotlivci, ktorí sú v zbore, ktorí tvoria Nevestu.

33Mám dobrého priateľa v Louisville, Kentucky. Doktor Wallace Cauble, zvykol – bol kazateľom v cirkvi Kristovej, a vošiel a prijal Ducha Svätého a robil pastora jednej z najväčších cirkví v Louisville, cirkvi otvorených dverí. Bol to môj veľmi vzácny priateľ. A pred pár dňami, stál som na ulici a videl som ho, ako ide dolu ulicou. A vždy som ho miloval a on miloval mňa.

Ale raz mal operáciu mandlí a smrteľne krvácal. A mali ho tam dolu v nemocnici svätého Jozefa a povedali, že zomiera.

A pani McSpaddenová mi zavolala a povedala, „Doktor Wallace Cauble...“ Ešte som ho nepoznal, ale vedel som, že tam bola veľká cirkev otvorených dverí. Povedala, „On zomiera. Doktori mu pichli injekcie a všetko možné. Zašili to stehmi. On neustále krváca a nedokážu tú krv zastaviť. Jeho krv sa nezrazí a (viete) nezastaví sa krvácanie.“ A povedala, „Majú tam misionárov a oni chcú, aby si prišiel a pomodlil sa za neho.“

34No, počul som o doktorovi Wallace Cauble, a tak, trocha som sa zdráhal, ale išiel som. A keď som sa pozrel do nemocničnej izby, boli tam misionári a veľkí kazatelia, všetci tam vnútri kričali a modlili sa. A pomyslel som si, „Ó, ja, taký malý, malý 'náboženský fanatik', tam mám vojsť? Radšej len zostanem tu vonku.“ Tak som si kľakol v hale za automat na coca-colu a modlil sa ku Bohu, aby zastavil krvácanie brata Cauble.

A išiel som naspäť dolu a vyšiel von. Práve som prišiel domov, asi pätnásť minút a znova zazvonil telefón a chceli vedieť, kvôli čomu som sa oneskoril, že som tam neprišiel.

A povedal som, „Prišiel som, ale bolo ich tam dnu tak mnoho; necítil som sa byť vedený vojsť dnu, možno (Rozumiete?) bolo tam vo vnútri toľko veľkých kazateľov.“

A on povedal, „Príď hneď teraz.“ Povedal, „Ten človek bude žiť už len chvíľku.“

35Tak som prišiel znova naspäť, a keď som tam vošiel, on sa snažil doviesť katolícku sestru do toho, aby prijala Krista ako osobného Spasiteľa, a on tam krvácal a krv vyletovala z jeho úst. A vošiel som dnu.

A on povedal, „Ako sa máš?“

Povedal som, „Ako sa máš ty?“ Sedel na posteli, takto kašľal a krv vyletovala.

A povedal, „Ako sa voláš?“

Povedal som, „Som brat Branham.“

A on začal plakať, objal ma. A ja som si tam kľakol.

No, to je doktor Wallace Cauble z cirkvi otvorených dverí v Louisville. Napíšte mu list. Krv sa v tej sekunde zastavila; odvtedy sa nepohla. A odvtedy sme boli veľmi, veľmi dobrými priateľmi.

36A jedného dňa som ho stretol. A povedal... (Oswald J. Smith, mnohí z vás poznajú brata Smitha. On je veľkým misionárom, a on prišiel k bratovi Cauble, pretože ho má veľmi rád.)

Povedal, „Brat Cauble, vieš,“ povedal, „ja“ (niečo ohľadom jeho ženy...). Povedal, „Keď som sa prvýkrát oženil,“ povedal, „cítil som sa ako, no, ak som urobil chybu, ja budem... Ó, môžem si vziať inú,“ pretože bol mladý. Ale povedal, „Po tom, ako prišli deti,“ povedal, „potom je to trocha ťažké zvládnuť to bez nej. Keď máš asi päťdesiat rokov, skrátka to bez nej nezvládneš. A ako starneš, no, cítiš to tak.“

Povedal som, „Myslím, že to je pravda. Ja by som...“

Ako ku mne prišla tá téma, viete, o tom, ako dámy dokážu nakupovať, a bola tam moja manželka. A ona je kráľovnou toho všetkého. Jednoducho tým zaberá množstvo času. Moje úbohé chodidlá ma takmer na ulici zabíjajú, keď s ňou chodím po obchodoch. A on mi hovoril, povedal, „No, bez nej to skrátka nezvládneš.“ A to je to, ako prišla tá poznámka. A keď som prišiel domov, sedel som tam v izbe a rozmýšľal, „To je pravda.“ Aplikoval som to na niečo ďalšie.

37Viete, keď som sa na začiatku obrátil, stal som sa kazateľom u misionárskych baptistov, myslel som si, že ak niekto nie je baptistom, tak jednoducho nie je spasený. To bolo všetko, o čo išlo. A nosil som Bibliu pod pazuchou a myslel som si, že Pán ma povolal, aby som zo všetkých urobil baptistov. A každý, kto neveril presne tak, ako verili baptisti, bol úplne mimo obrazu.

Ako dni plynuli, myslel som, že mám celú tú prácu urobiť sám. A prišiel som ku tomu, že som zistil, všimol som si iného brata, ktorý mal zbor, pastora. On tiež ťahal tak tvrdo, ako som to robil ja. Napokon sa tá deka tiež natiahla trocha smerom ku nemu, viete. Potom sme zistili, že jeden druhého potrebujeme. A teraz, potom, ako sme sa začali dostávať takto ďaleko, je to skrátka trocha ťažké pracovať jeden bez druhého. To je celé. Jednoducho musíme jeden druhého mať. To...

A verím, že to je v tomto veľkolepom letničnom hnutí. A som rád, že vidím, ako sa tie zábrany ľahostajnosti rúcajú a veľká cirkev Božia sa začína zlučovať dokopy v obecenstve. To znamená, že svadba sa teraz približuje bližšie. A kamene sú tak špecificky orezávané, ako len môžu byť, majú miesto niekde v tej Budove, ak sú to kamene Pánove.

38No, manželstvo je v jednom zmysle typom... Pozemské manželstvo tu je typom na to nebeské manželstvo. No, prejdime len na chvíľku cez to, aby sme to na chvíľu preskúmali. Tá prvá vec, ktorá je, musí tam byť urobené rozhodnutie. Prvá vec, ktorá sa deje v prirodzenom manželstve, je to, že musí byť urobené rozhodnutie. Mladá dáma sa musí rozhodnúť, či chce tohto mladého muža, a ten mladý muž, či chce tú mladú ženu. Musí tam byť urobené rozhodnutie a ty ho musíš učiniť. Ona musí byť tou jedinou ženou na svete, ktorú miluješ, a on musí byť tým jediným mužom. Ak to tak nie je, potom ste urobili nesprávne rozhodnutie.

A takisto to je pri urobení rozhodnutia pre Krista. Tá prvá vec, ktorú musíš urobiť, ujasniť si vo svojej mysli, či budeš slúžiť Bohu a prijmeš Ho ako svojho Spasiteľa; alebo to neurobíš. Ideš slúžiť svetu? Ideš slúžiť Kristovi? Musíš si to ujasniť vo svojej mysli. Potom musí byť urobené rozhodnutie. Keď si ujasníš vo svojej mysli, či ideš slúžiť Bohu, alebo mamonu, potom si vyberáš svoju voľbu. Ale musí byť urobené rozhodnutie.

39A potom, ako je urobené rozhodnutie, že ideš, potom prichádza zasnúbenie. To... Zistíte to pri oltári. Musíte sa zasnúbiť pred tým, ako môže nastať tento zväzok. A takýmto spôsobom to je s Kristovou Cirkvou. Musí tam byť zasnúbenie s Kristom, prísľub, zasnúbenie, milostný vzťah. A potom tá ďalšia vec je to, že sú dané sľuby. Musia tam byť navzájom dané sľuby, ako keď si sľuboval, „Srdiečko, ak si ma vezmeš, sľubujem ti, že budem verný a oddaný. Nebudem sa dívať na žiadnu inú ženu.“

Alebo, „Nebudem sa dívať na žiadneho iného muža. A budem robiť všetko, čo je povinnosťou manželky. Ak budeme mať deti, budem robiť všetko, čo je povinnosťou matky. Budem sa starať o domácnosť.“ Všetky tieto sľuby musia byť dané, alebo mali by byť, pri správnej svadbe.

40A takisto to je, keď prichádzaš ku Kristovi. „Pane, ak ma len prijmeš do Svojho Kráľovstva, sľubujem...“ Tak vidíte. „Budem Ťa milovať. Budem Ti verný. Budem Ti slúžiť dňom i nocou.“ Je veľmi zlé, že na to zabúdame. „Budem Ti slúžiť dňom i nocou. Budem sa postiť; budem sa modliť; budem Ti verný. Donesiem svoje desiatky do zásobárne. Budem sa modliť mnohokrát za deň. Urobím čokoľvek. A sľúbim Ti všetku svoju lásku.“ To je to, čo by si mal robiť. Presne tam to sľubuješ a malo by to prísť z tvojho srdca.

Ak to sľúbiš svojmu manželovi a nemyslíš to zo srdca, ty s ním absolútne nežiješ správne. To je také stuhnuté manželstvo.

41Pozrite sem. Ak nemáš zuby a používaš umelé zuby... No, to je v poriadku. To je náhrada za zuby, ktoré si raz mal. Ale v skutočnosti, tie zuby s tebou nie sú spojené. Nie sú tvojou časťou. Ak si mal amputovanú ruku a nasadzuješ si umelú ruku, no, v skutočnosti tá ruka s tebou nie je spojená. Je k tebe len pripevnená. Vidíš, nie je to s tebou spojené.

A keď skladáme náš sľub Kristovi, ak sa nestaneme časťou Neho, ako by sa žena mala stať časťou muža a muž časťou ženy, potom sme umelí kresťania. Nie sme skutočne... Nie si skutočne s tou ženou vzatý. Môžeš byť verná. Ak nemiluješ svojho manžela, a on je šesťdesiat alebo sedemdesiatročný, a ty ho nemiluješ tak, ako si ho milovala tam na začiatku, potom naozaj len vychovávaš jeho deti.

42A takto to je s cirkvami, dnes s príliš mnohými. Len berieme meno kresťanskej cirkvi, hráme sa, že sme Nevestou, pričom to je umelé; nie sme v žiadnom prípade spojení s Kristom. Sme ako umelé zuby, umelá ruka, umelé oko. Vidíte, to je niečo, čo je umelé, ak si to len na seba nasadzujeme. No, nemôžeš si nasadiť Kresťanstvo. Musíš s Tým byť spojený.

A potom, cirkev, ktorá je len umelá a nazýva sa Cirkvou Kristovou... No, potom tie deti v nej, tie, ktoré sa narodili z tej istej organizácie, nie sú... oni sú iba... Oni nie sú Kristovými deťmi; sú to denominačné deti a nie deti Krista.

43Ak žena nie je spojená s mužom v pravdivosti, potom to nie je jej manžel. Je to len muž, ktorému zložila sľub, že s ním bude žiť, a urobila nesprávny sľub. Sľúbila, že ho bude milovať, a povedala, že ho miluje; a nerobí to. Po celý čas je ten muž klamaný. Ale jedna vec je istá, priatelia; Krista neoklameme. On pozná tých Svojich.

44Najprv je spravené rozhodnutie. Potom zasnúbenie. Potom sľub. A potom obrad. A to je vtedy, kedy nevesta prijíma meno ženícha. Ona už potom nie je viac pod svojím vlastným menom. Ona prijíma meno ženícha.

A potom, keď má Cirkev obrad, robí svoje sľuby, potom prijíma Meno Ženícha. Potom už nie je viacej cirkvou sveta. Ona je Cirkvou Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nemyslím skrze meno. Myslím skrze narodenie, skrze prirodzenosť, skrze moc Božiu. Skrze zjavenú Pravdu Božiu v srdci sa stáva kresťanskou Cirkvou, veľkou celosvetovou apoštolskou kresťanskou Cirkvou. Ona sa stáva časťou Krista. Keď to robí, Kristus do nej vštepuje Svojho vlastného Ducha, Svoj vlastný Život. A Biblia tam Adamovi a Eve povedala, „Už nie ste viacej dvaja, ale jedno.” A keď je žena, Cirkev, vydatá za Krista, už nie sú viacej dvaja. Oni sú jedno: Kristus vo vás! Amen. To je to. Jeho Život bol prenesený do vás, potom sa stávate Nevestou.

45Potom, ďalšia vec. Potom, ako zložila všetky tie sľuby, a tak ďalej, a ceremónie boli povedané... Tak, ako meno mojej ženy bolo Broyová, pred tým, ako bola vydatá. No, ona už viacej nie je Broyová; ona je Branhamová. No, už viacej nie je Broyová; ona je Branhamová. A keď prichádzaš do Krista, nie si viacej zo sveta; si z Krista. Potom sa už nestaráš o veci tohto sveta, Oni sú pre teba mŕtve. „Lebo ten, kto miluje svet alebo veci tohto sveta, láska Božia v ňom ani nie je.“

Tak (Vidíte?), nemôžete byť umelým kresťanom. Môžeš byť umelým samozvaným kresťanom, ale nemôžeš byť Kresťanom, aby si sa stal...?... až kým Kristus do teba nevštepí Samého Seba skrze krst Duchom Svätým. Potom si s Ním spojený, a nie ste viacej dvaja; ste jedno. Kristus sľúbil, že bude v nás, ako Otec bol v Kristovi. „Ja a Môj Otec sme jedno. Vy a Ja sme jedno,“ (Vidíte?) Kristus v nás.

46Všetko, čím bol Boh, On prelial do Krista; a všetko, čím bol Kristus, On prelial do Cirkvi, aby pokračovala služba Evanjelia. Potom sa stávame, nie skrze umelé meno, ale skrze realitu Svätého Ducha Života, ako nás spája s Kristom. Potom, skrze moc Jeho vzkriesenia sme vzkriesení z mŕtvych vecí tohto sveta a sedíme s Ním v ponebeských miestach. Amen. To sa mi páči.

Dnes večer sedíme v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi (Vidíte?), vzkriesení s Ním, zomreli sme veciam tohto sveta a obliekli sme Krista. A keď sme obliekli Krista, potom je svet mŕtvy. Svet je pre nás mŕtvy a sme... A to je pre nás mŕtve a my sme tomu mŕtvi.

Ty si odlišnou osobou, odlišnou osobnosťou, pretože si novým stvorením: stvorením, nie tým istým stvorením, ktoré bolo „vyleštené“, nie človekom, ktorý obrátil novú stranu, ale človekom, ktorý zomrel a bol narodený znova a stal sa novým stvorením v Kristu Ježišovi. A Duch živého Boha žije v tej osobe.

No, práve tak, ako žena, ktorá nie je viac Broyová, ona je Branhamová a ona kráča podľa toho mena. A cirkev nie je viacej zo sveta, ale Kristovo Meno je tým, v čom ona je. Ona je s Ním spojená skrze Jeho vlastný Život.

47Čítali ste niekedy v Písme, ako to, že prvý človek Boží bol dvojitou osobou? Adam bol oboje, Adamom i Evou, duchovne hovoriac. Ale keď učinil prvého človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz, a Boh je Duch... Ale keď ich umiestnil do tela, On ich oddelil. Vzal toho mužského ducha, vložil ho do muža; a vzal toho ženského ducha a vložil ho do ženy.

No, keď vidíte ženu, ktorá sa chce správať ako muž, niečo tam nie je v poriadku. Keď vidíte muža, ktorý sa chce správať ako žena, niečo tam nie je v poriadku. Tak to vyzerá, že svet je dnes úplne v neporiadku. Muži sa snažia správať ako ženy; a ženy ako muži. Presne tak. Je to pravda.

48No, pozrite. Je to tak dokonalé, že keď Boh vzal a utvoril človeka... A aby ukázal, že On to nechcel z ničoho odlišného, žena nebola v originálnom stvorení. Tak ona je, nie v stvorení, ale ona je časťou Adama. Ona je vedľajším produktom. On nešiel do Adamovho boku, aby utvoril iné stvorenie, ale odobral časť stvorenia a utvoril z toho ďalšie stvorenie. A vzal toho mužského ducha, ktorý bol v Adamovi; lepšie povedané, vzal toho ženského ducha, ktorý bol v Adamovi, a vložil ho do ženy. Tak oboje, duch i telo, stali sa jedno, to bol nádherný typ toho, čo Boh urobil na Golgote. On vzal Krista a spojil Ho s Cirkvou. Skrze roztrhnutý bok, On priviedol Krv, ktorá očistila tú osobu, ktorá posvätila telo Cirkvi, a vkladá Ducha živého Boha, ktorého vzal tam z kríža z Krista, a vkladá Ho do jednotlivca. Potom sú jedno. Vidíte? Stali sa jedno. Kristus a ty ste jedno.

49A ty a tvoj manžel by ste mali byť jedno. Ak je tam niečo v rozpore, potom s vaším zväzkom niečo nie je v poriadku.

A ak je niečo v rozpore s nami ku Kristovi, neveríme Jeho Slovu a hovoríme, „Ó, to bolo na iné dni,“ niečo s naším zväzkom s Ním nie je v poriadku. Ak hovoríte, „Dni zázrakov pominuli, nie je nič také ako Božské uzdravovanie, nie je nič také ako krst Duchom Svätým,“ umiestňujete to niekde dozadu, to ukazuje, že Duch Kristov nie je vo vás, pretože, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a Slovo bolo s Bohom a Slovo bol Boh... A Slovo sa stalo telom...“

A potom, keď sa v tebe Jeho Slovo dostáva na prvé miesto, potom (Vidíte?), potom ty a Kristus ste jedno. „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, môžete prosiť, čokoľvek chcete...“ pretože to už viac nie si ty; to je Slovo Božie: Kristus v tebe. Stali ste sa jedno. V poriadku.

50Následne ďalšia vec potom, ako to ona urobí... Potom, ako naplnila svoje sľuby a vzala svoje manželstvo a vzala na seba meno svojho manžela, ženíchovo meno, potom je dedičkou všetkého, čo on vlastní. Je dedičkou všetkého, tvoja žena je dedičkou všetkého, čo vlastníš.

A takto je to s Cirkvou, ak by to ona iba vedela súc časťou Neho s Jeho Duchom v nej... On povedal, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť; väčšie než to budete činiť; lebo Ja idem k Svojmu Otcovi. Krátku chvíľu, a svet Ma viacej neuvidí; jednako vy Ma uvidíte: lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do konca sveta.“ Potom je to Kristus vo vás. Ste spolu spojení dokopy a ste s Ním dedičmi.

51A ak by On bol tu na zemi, čo by robil? To isté, čo robil tam, pretože On je Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Dbal by na veci Otca; uzdravoval by chorých; činil by zázraky. Robil by presne to, čo robil vtedy, keď bol tu na zemi, pretože On zostáva Tým istým včera, dnes i naveky. Je to skrátka dokonalé. To je manželstvo.

52Ale teraz, čo ak sa táto žena vydá a zloží všetky tie sľuby a všetko, stáva sa tomuto mužovi manželkou a je dedičkou všetkého, čo on má, a tak ďalej, a potom začne vystrájať; začne vyvádzať; začne behať za inými mužmi? Nielen to, ale začne sa deliť so svojou láskou s inými. Muž so svojou manželkou, všetky sľuby, ktoré si dali, a ona potom chodí von a začne sa so svojím životom deliť s inými, so svojou láskou a svojou náklonnosťou s inými...

To je to, čo robia veľmi mnohí takzvaní kresťania, delia si svoju lásku so svetom: hranie, tancovanie, hazard, zostávate doma namiesto modlitebného zhromaždenia, aby ste sledovali televíziu, všetky druhy svetských vecí, ktoré zaberajú miesto lásky Božej v srdci cirkvi. Začala vyvádzať. Stala sa divokou. Vyšla von za inými mužmi. Delí sa so svojou láskou. Vezme svoje desiatky, ktoré by mala dať do zboru; ona ich utratí na iných veciach tam vonku vo svete. Ona bude... Namiesto toho, aby milovala Boha spôsobom, akým by to mala robiť, a žila pre Boha, a milovala chodiť do zboru, musíte ju takmer presviedčať, aby prišla.

53No, viem, že prednedávnom mi tu jeden kazateľ povedal, že rozposlal tak mnoho modlitebných kariet, aby ich ľudia podpísali, že sľubujú, že budú chodiť do nedeľnej školy aspoň šesť mesiacov v roku.

A mohol som vidieť jedno mladé dievča dolu pod kopcom, kde som pracoval. A vyšla odtiaľ. A stál som pri dverách, zaklopal na dvere, a ona prišla ku dverám. A ona bola jednou z týchto divokých mačacích exhibicionistiek, viete. Niečo ako táto skupina, ktorú minulý večer zatkli tu dolu vo Phoenixe, myslím, že tak to bolo, ako robili tento nový druh perverznosti rockenrollu alebo twistu, alebo čokoľvek to bolo. A museli zavolať policajtov, aby ich zobrali.

Mladí ľudia, nerozumiete, že to je duch diabla? Pod takým vplyvom, že ani nevedeli, kým sú, a takto vyvádzali vonku na uliciach.

54Ako niektorí z týchto komediantov alebo títo, čo prehrávajú platne a diskdžokeji, a tak ďalej, idú hrať do mesta, v ktorom som bol, a mladé dievčatá si vyzliekajú svoje spodné prádlo a hádžu ho na pódium tomuto chlapcovi kvôli autogramu. Či si neuvedomujete, že to je diabol? To je duch posledných dní. Samozrejme. To je taká hanba. Tak vidíte, zdivočela.

55A táto mladá žena, vyšla von a vyvádzala. Dokonca ani nevedela... Zabudla na to, že stojím pri dverách. A povedala, „Ó, prepáčte mi. Zabudla som, že tam stojíte.“ A poslala bozk tomu chlapíkovi v rádiu, alebo kdekoľvek to bolo, a povedala, „Stretnem ťa tam v Green Briar Patch,“ alebo čokoľvek to bolo. Mali v ten večer mať nejaký druh tanca.

A povedal som doktorovi Brownovi, ktorý bol mojím priateľom.

On povedal, „Ako sa tam hore darí tvojmu zhromaždeniu, Billy?“

„Skvele.“ Povedal som, „Dávame im tabletky.“

Povedal, „Aký druh tabletiek?“

Povedal som, „Tabletky Evanjelia [angl. „Gospills“ - slovná hračka - „Gospel“ - Evanjelium, „pills“ - tabletky – pozn.prekl.]; to ich iste drží, aby chodili po celý čas.“ Vidíte?

A on mi povedal o tom podpisovaní tých prísľubov. A povedal som, „Doktor Brown, myslíš, že ten divoch z rádia, ktorý tam prehráva gramofónové platne, by musel tomu dievčaťu dávať podpisovať prísľub, že ona tam v ten večer bude? V žiadnom prípade. Ona by dala do záložne aj oblečenie, ktoré na sebe mala, aby sa tam dostala. Prečo? To je niečo v nej, čo ju spája, duch, s tou svetskou zábavou.“

56A kým Cirkev živého Boha, ktorá je nazvaná Nevestou Kristovou, nezostane takto spojená s Bohom... Stále sa váľa vo svete v zafúľanom blate hriechu... Kým nie je takýmto spôsobom spojená s Bohom, kým jej srdce nie je tak preplnené slávou a mocou Božou, že až nemôže vidieť nič iné okrem Krista. To je pravda.

Takým spôsobom to máme robiť. To je ten jediný plán, jediný program, ktorý Boh má, to je robiť to takto. Nemôžeš byť vzatý dnu umelo; musíš byť do vnútra narodený, nie vojsť dnu skrze potrasenie alebo prinesenie listu do cirkvi, ale byť narodený do Cirkvi živého Boha skrze znovuzrodenie, skrze moc zmŕtvychvstania Ježiša Krista, ktoré ťa robí novým stvorením v Ňom. Amen. Tým sa to dá do poriadku. Istotne áno. Samozrejme.

57V poriadku. Stáva sa divokou. Začína svoju lásku zdieľať s inými, svetskými vecami, svetskými zábavami; chodí na miesta, kde by nemala chodiť; hovorí veci, ktoré by nemala hovoriť.

Raz tu mali hore na poschodí nejaký dámsky večierok, nejaký druh cirkevného večierka. Náhodou som niečo musel urobiť na prízemí tohto domu. A poviem vám; keď som bol hriešnikom, počul som nejaké hnusné veci. Ale toto ženské stretnutie, nikdy v celom svojom živote som nepočul horšie vtipy. Mohli by ste si predstaviť, že by osoba, ktorá sa nazýva Kresťanom, vypustila zo seba takú špinu?

Nemôžete dostať sladkú a dobrú vodu z tej istej cisterny. Spustíte vedro do studne a vyjde von plné „červov vrtochvostov“, ako ich voláme. Keď to vedro spustíte znova dolu, vytiahnete to isté. Tá cisterna potrebuje vyčistiť a naplniť dobrou vodou.

58To je to, čo je dnes problémom v cirkvi, hovorím celosvetovo, že ona potrebuje vydrhnúť a naplniť Božou svätou vodou z nebies. Jej srdce sa stalo žumpou všetkého, čo ide naokolo. Má milencov všetkých druhov. Biblia povedala, že ona bude mať viac milujúcich rozkoše ako milujúcich Boha, zradných, falošných žalobcov, nezdržanlivých a pohŕdajúcich tými, ktorí sú v poriadku.

Pozrite sa na ženu, ktorá sa snaží žiť správne, na muža, ktorý sa snaží žiť správne, stane sa „náboženským pomätencom“, ona sa stáva „fanatikom“ alebo niečím staromódnym. Je opovrhnutá. Je pohŕdnutá a odmietnutá ľuďmi tohto sveta. To je pravda.

59Ale všimli ste si niekedy, čo má skutočná Cirkev robiť? V Starom Zákone, keď mali obeť, zabili jedného vtáka a dali krv jedného na toho druhého, mŕtveho partnera. A on letel zemou a rozptyľoval tú krv mŕtveho partnera. Keď sa Cirkev stáva skutočnou Nevestou Ježiša Krista, ona bude so sebou niesť Krv Ježiša Krista rozptyľujúc to nad zemou volajúc, „Svätý, svätý, svätý Pánovi.“ Jej atmosféra, každý kúsoček jej vôle bude z Boha. Jej celé odenie bude z Boha. Nemôžete očakávať nič iné.

60To je dôvod, prečo tiež prichádzajú do zboru ľudia, nie na to, aby hrali karty a hrali poker, tancovali v suteréne, mali polievkové večere a takéto veci. To je pre svet. A my nikdy nebudeme schopní sa s nimi porovnať, a hanba nám, ak sa o to budeme pokúšať. Máme kázať Ducha Svätého a moc a vzkriesenie Krista. Máme niečo, čo oni nemajú. Žime to, neskúšajte ich napodobňovať. Žime, čo vieme, že je správne; žime v Kristovi. Ježiš povedal, „Ak budem vyzdvihnutý, všetkých potiahnem ku Sebe. Vy ste soľou zeme; ale ak by soľ stratila svoju chuť, potom nie je na nič dobrá, len aby bola vyhodená a pošliapaná pod nohami ľudí.“ Naše svedectvá...

61Niet divu, že dokonca naše letničné skupiny... Tak veľmi nerád to hovorím, ale naše letničné skupiny odpadávajú rovno do tej istej veci, rovno do toho istého trendu. A niet divu, že ľudia hovoria, že oni nemajú to, čo hovoria, že majú. Táto cirkev letničného hnutia by mala byť tak zviazaná dokopy s mocou všemohúceho Boha, až by sa v nej odzrkadľoval samotný Život Ježiša Krista.

Ale my chceme vzorovať po svete. Jednako to budeme robiť. Rozumiete? Budeme mať ohľadom toho našu vlastnú cestu. Ale nemali by sme to robiť. Je zlé robiť to.

Cirkvi sú práve také ako žena, ktorá zdivočela. To prvé, čo zistíte, ona je na začiatku v poriadku. Na začiatku, keď Boh dal zrod tejto letničnej cirkvi, asi pred štyridsiatimi alebo päťdesiatimi rokmi, ona žila sväto. Bola svätá. Bola s ňou moc Božia. Ale ako pokračujeme ďalej, začali sme vzorovať po svete. Prvé, čo zistíte, musíme mať budovu, ktorá je tak veľká, že to musí zatieniť metodistov tam na druhom rohu. Musíme mať niečo tak veľké, najväčšiu vec a najväčšiu vec, a najväčšiu vec. To je hanba.

62Mnohí z nás sa nafúknu, keď sa dostaneme... Letničný brat vidí niekoho dolu v malej misii, alebo maličký zbor, a oni chodia do veľkého zboru. „My patríme do prvého zboru alebo najväčšieho zboru,“ alebo niečo také: dívajú sa na nich zvrchu.

To, čo potrebuješ, je Duch Svätý, ktorý ťa trochu vyfučí (presne tak), aby si vedel, že skutočný pravdivý krst Duchom Svätým spraví, že smoking objíme montérky a povie, „Brat.“ Presne tak. Skutočné starodávne spasenie, moc všemohúceho Boha (Tak veru) spraví, že staré hodvábne šaty objímu kaliko šaty a povie, „Sestra, milujem ťa.“ Istotne to tak bude.

63Ale začali sme vychádzať von so svetom, unášaní prúdom. Naše cirkvi začali. Nemusíme viac hovoriť o metodistoch a baptistoch. Sme to my sami. Je to v našich vlastných radoch. To je dôvod, prečo sa Duch Svätý nemôže hýbať. To je dôvod, prečo hovorím, že Boh nemôže dnes večer dať Svoj súhlas na žiadnu z organizácií, pretože pohania neboli vzatí von ako národ; boli to ľudia z pohanov pre Jeho Meno. Boh zoberie jednotlivcov.

No, myslím, že naše organizácie robia dobrú prácu. To je v poriadku. Ale nemôžeš sa na to spoliehať a hovoriť, „Som letničný, pretože patrím do letničnej organizácie.“ Ty si letničným, keď obdržíš letničné prežitie. Nestarám sa o to, či patríš ku katolíckej cirkvi; ty si letničným. Nemôžete zorganizovať letnice. Letnice sú prežitím, nie organizáciou. A to je pravda.

64Ale my, letniční ľudia, sme začali zmýšľať tak, že ak máme meno „letniční“, môžeme ísť vpred a žiť vo svete a robiť si, čo chceme. Akoby sme liezli na Nimrodovu vežu. Z toho bude popol. Ako Adamova zástera z figových listov, ona sa vráti. Ako Siegfriedova línia vo Francúzsku, Maginotova línia v Nemecku, ona sa rozpadla, pretože tu nie je žiadna iná veža, žiadne iné miesto, kde stáť. Ale „Meno Pánovo je mocnou vežou, do ktorej sa utečie spravodlivý a bude v bezpečí.“ Keď sa do nej utečieš, berieš Meno, Meno, nie len hovorenie Mena, ale Meno – a osoba, že ty si v živote ako Kristus. Amen. On je nádherný. Áno.

65Cirkev vykonala to isté, páchanie duchovného cudzoložstva, ako žena, ktorá sa so svojou láskou delí okrem svojho manžela aj s iným mužom. To nie je žena hodná toho, aby s ňou človek žil. Viete to. A keď sa cirkev začne deliť o svoje obecenstvo so svetom... Boh je žiarlivým Bohom. On kvôli tomu odvrhol Izrael a Jeho Syn odvrhne tú istú vec.

On ide mať Nevestu, ktorá na sebe nemá ani vrásku. Amen. Ona je celkom umytá Jeho vlastnou Krvou. Je to tak. Tak vidíme, kde stojíme, svadba je pripravená nadísť.

66No, zistili sme, že ona pácha duchovné cudzoložstvá, vychádza si von so svetom, vyznáva niečo, žije niečo odlišné. To nikdy nebude fungovať. To, čo by Cirkev mala robiť, je konať, ako konala Ester. Ester odmietla svetské ozdoby.

Poznáme tú malú Knihu Ester, ako ten Mardocheus... Jeho strýko mal dcéru. A to bolo tam dávno v časoch vlády Médov a Peržanov. Je tam veľmi nádherný typ. Ten kráľ, jeden z najväčších kráľov na svete v tom dni, on mal veľký sviatok. A zavolal kráľovnú, aby si prišla vedľa neho sadnúť, ale ona to neurobila. Odmietla to urobiť. A tak, čo urobil? Bol tak potupený, nevedel, čo robiť, keď jeho vlastná manželka neprišla.

67Myslím, že celé to je tak ako dnes s Kristom. Kristus nás pozval, aby sme sa s Ním posadili v ponebeských miestach, a my sa za to hanbíme. Mnohí ľudia sa hanbia povedať, že obdržali krst Duchom Svätým: letniční ľudia. Presne tak. Hanbia sa to povedať. Hanbíme sa za Neho.

A tak, kráľovná neprišla. Odmietla prísť. To ho potupilo. Jeho tvár očervenela. Každý si to všimol.

Zaujímalo by ma, či tiež trocha neočervenela Ježišova tvár, keď nás volá do práce, volá na letničné hnutie kvôli obecenstvu a bratstvu. A my sme tak natesno zorganizovaní do malých skupiniek, až sa jeden kvôli druhému ani trochu neohneme. Sme tak – stávame sa tak svetskí, a takéto veci. Začíname sa hanbiť za meno letniční. Niektorí ľudia sa boja povedať... Povedali, „No, ja patrím – som Kresťan, ale...“

Som šťastný, že mám letničné prežitie. Amen. Som šťastný, že môžem niesť Meno Ježiša Krista. To najväčšie privilégium, ktoré som kedy mal, je povedať, že som časťou Neho.

68No, zistili sme, potom tam zavolal nejakých radcov, aby sa opýtal, čo musí urobiť. A oni povedali, „Ak to takto pôjde, všetky ostatné ženy po celej krajine si budú brať príklad z prvej dámy.“ Samozrejme, to je to, čo sa dnes večer deje. Pozrite sa na niektoré z týchto žien (Dúfam, že neraním vaše city, a jednako dúfam, že raním. Presne tak.), ktoré sa snažia byť týmto nezmyslom prvej dámy, s týmito nafučanými účesmi. Nikdy v živote som takú vec nevidel. Raz jedna žena vošla do obchodu, kde som čakal na svoju manželku, a hlava tej ženy bola tak veľká a pod očami mala zelenú farbu. A povedal som, „Choď preč, strašidlo, už budem dobrý!“ [Zhromaždenie sa smeje – pozn.prekl.] Bol to ten najstrašnejší pohľad; vystrašilo by vás to. Čo to je? Prvá dáma. To je prvá dáma. To je to. A ony si z toho berú príklad.

69A dovoľte mi teraz povedať toto. (Nehovorím to ako vtip, ale v podobenstve, aby ste mohli vidieť.) To je presne to, čo robíte vy, starší Kresťania, pre týchto mladších. Presne tak. Vy máte byť príkladmi. Vy, letniční, ktorí vyznávate, že máte Ducha Svätého, máte byť príkladom pre metodistov a baptistov, presbyteriánov. Nie ako prvá dáma, ale máte byť ako Ježiš. On vám tu hovorí, čo robiť, ako to robiť. Musíme nasledovať Jeho pravidlá a príklady. Ale to je spôsob, ako to nachádzame.

70Ester... Táto kráľovná, ona na to nepočúvala. Neprišla, potupila ho. Povedali, „Ak táto prvá dáma v krajine udáva takýto príklad, všetok zvyšok žien to bude robiť. A tak, keď muž zavolá po svoju ženu, ona povie, 'Neotravuj a bež preč.'“ Vidíte? Chlapče, on naozaj predpovedal Ameriku, či nie?

No, zisťujeme, že v tomto... Potom tam bol nejaký človek, ktorý mal ohľadom toho múdrosť, vyšiel hore a radil sa s kráľom. Povedal, „Tá vec, ktorú treba urobiť, je exkomunikovať ju a rozposlať po krajine a povolať všetky panny, ktoré tam sú, mladé panny, a tam si vyberieš manželku.“ Kráľovi sa to páčilo.

71A tak rozposlal... A rozposlal komorné, a tak ďalej, ktoré vyšli, aby pozháňali všetky mladé panny, ktoré mohli – nádherné ženy zo všetkých kráľovstiev a provincií, nad ktorými panoval, a to bolo vtedy najväčšie kráľovstvo na svete.

A keď to urobil, prišlo to ku tejto malej židovskej dievčine. Ona bola tak trocha odstrčená, niečo také ako pohania, bola odstrčená bokom. A nemala žiadneho otca ani matku. A Mardocheus, jej strýko, on ju vychovával. A ona mala ísť na posúdenie. A tak, to, čo urobili, bolo, že museli vziať tieto dievčatá dnu na očistenie na tak mnoho mesiacov. Museli ich navoňať a urobiť všetky druhy ozdobenia a celé ich upraviť, aby mohli ísť pred kráľa.

72No, práve takto to je so svetom, ktorý dnes chce upraviť cirkev: ozdobiť ju svetom; vzorovanie po veciach tohto sveta, snažia sa získať viac členov, prijímajú do svojho obecenstva čokoľvek. Ó. To je žalostná vec, jedna organizácia sa snaží poraziť inú, prijíma dnu za člena čokoľvek. Môžete ich vziať do tejto organizácie, ale nikdy nevojdú do obecenstva Krista, až kým nie sú očistení a nenarodia sa znova z Ducha Božieho. To je pravda. Môže tu mať svoje meno v knihe, ale nie tam hore v Baránkovej Knihe Života, až kým to nie je napísané Krvou Pána Ježiša.

73Všetky ženy, celé sa upravili, aby vyzerali pekne. Ó, predstavujem si, že sa skutočne poriadne vyzdobili, možno podľa prvej dámy, atď. Boli celé upravené, pretože išli predstúpiť pred kráľa.

A myslím, že to je presne to, čo sa dnes vo veľkom deje s našimi cirkvami. Snažia sa celé svetsky upraviť, majú svetskú zábavu, svetské veci vo vnútri, robia veci, ktoré sú zo sveta, združujú sa so svetom a myslia si, že sa môžu stretnúť s Kráľom. Boh sa o to nezaujíma. On to nenávidí. Ale my sa chceme správať ako svet.

Niektoré naše cirkvi, ako som povedal, spustili závory, prijímajú diakonov, a tak ďalej, do cirkvi (a niekedy pastori), ktorí sú štyri alebo päťkrát ženatí, a niektorí z nich fajčia cigarety. Hovoria, „Oni sa cez to dostanú. Budú v poriadku.“ Vezmete jedného večera nejakého človeka z krčmy a umiestnite ho na ďalší večer za kazateľňu. Neverím v žiaden taký nezmysel. Verím, že človek musí byť dokázaný (Presne tak.), potvrdený. Poviem vám, mnohokrát zavoláme...

74Verím v krst Duchom Svätým. Verím v hovorenie v jazykoch. Ale myslím, že na to kladieme príliš veľký dôraz. Muž môže hovoriť v jazykoch a žena môže hovoriť v jazykoch, a ak jej život a jeho život nepasuje s tými jazykmi, v ktorých hovoríš, potom sú to nesprávne jazyky, pretože Duch Svätý urobí, že sa budeš správať podľa Biblie; privedie ťa do plnosti postavy Krista. Vezmite si osobu, ktorá hovorí v jazykoch v takom návale, že by mohla pretekať aj s cirkulárkou, a klebetí o susedoch, a všetko také. No, to nazývate Duchom Svätým? Nemôže to byť. Nie veru. Duch Svätý je pokorou, radosťou, pokojom, dlho-zhovievavosťou, dobrotou, miernosťou, trpezlivosťou, vierou. Duch Svätý... To je ovocie Ducha, ktoré Duch Svätý nesie v Cirkvi živého Boha, príjemnosť, pokora, skromnosť, láska jeden k druhému, dlho-zhovievavosť.

75Ak nejaký brat urobil zle, neudierajte na neho alebo niečo také. Choďte za ním a vidzte, či ho môžete dostať späť. Nečakajte na kazateľa, aby to urobil. Vy to urobte, niekto iný. Kazateľ to nemôže robiť všetko, ani diakoni nie. Každý je členom tohto tela Kristovho, mali by ste ísť jeden za druhým. Ak máme... A ak v sebe máme Ducha Kristovho... On učil to veľké podobenstvo. Opustil tých deväťdesiatdeväť a išiel za tou jednou. To je to, čo máme robiť.

Ale my hovoríme, „Ó, nech si idú.“ Nikdy by sme to nemali robiť. Mali by sme byť láskaví, odpúšťajúci, dlho-zhovievajúci: to je ovocie Ducha.

76No, zistili sme teda, že Ester, potom, ako ona... Umiestnili ju na jedno z týchto miest, aby sa celá upravila, aby ju ukázali pred kráľom. Ó, ona to odmietla. Nechcela to. Chcela ísť práve taká, aká bola. Amen.

Dnes máme to, že cirkvi sa chcú správať ako svet. Prečo? Pretože sme sa stali veľkí. Boh raz povedal, že Mu slúžili, keď boli malí, ale keď sa stali veľkými, potom na Neho zabudli. Je to tak. Keď sme mali tam niekde dolu v uličke cínovú panvicu s tamburínou, na ktorú sme udierali rukami, a brnkala do toho stará gitara a mali sme pouličné zhromaždenie, boli ste pokorní. Ale keď sme začali mať budovy za tri alebo štyri milióny dolárov a takéto veľkolepé veci, potom sme sa stali tak povýšeneckí, že sme na to zabudli. Je to tak. Nablýskaní so svetom...

77Raz som bol na mieste, kde brat svätosti... Bola tam skupina ľudí, ktorá pre neho pracovala. A ak... Každá žena odtiaľ vychádzala v čase na kávu, aby si dali prestávku na kávu. Každá žena tam mala krátke vlasy a na sebe rúž. No, poviete, „Brat Branham, to vôbec nie je tvoja vec, aby si o tom hovoril.“ Ale je. Biblia to hovorí. Presne tak.

Mnohé letničné ženy nosia oblečenie, ktoré prináleží mužovi, a Boh povedal, že je to ohavnosťou v Jeho očiach. Správne. Ako môžeš očakávať, že takto pôjdeš do neba? To ukazuje, že tam vnútri nie je Duch Svätý. Ak by tam vnútri bol Duch Svätý, To by ťa odsúdilo. Správne. Ó, môžeš vykrikovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, behať hore-dole, tancovať v Duchu. Videl som, ako to robia hinduisti a indiáni a všetko ostatné. To nič neznamená, pokiaľ tam nie je život, ktorý by podoprel to, o čom hovoríš, moc Ducha Svätého tvorí ľudí, ktorí žijú pobožne. To je Nevesta Kristova.

78Ester sa mala stať nevestou, a tak nechcela žiadnu zo svetských ozdôb. Chcela vojsť ku kráľovi práve taká, aká bola. Ozdobila sa tak, ako by sa mali letničné ženy; miernym pokorným duchom. A keď prišli všetky tieto ozdobené prvé dámy so všetkými svojimi novými trblietavými vecami, kráľ sa na ne pozrel a dal ich do komnaty s konkubínami. Ale keď pred jeho oči prišla táto Ester a on zazrel toho milého, pokorného, mierneho ducha, povedal, „To je ona. Choďte po korunu a dajte ju na jej hlavu.“ To je ono.

Nech sa ozdobujú takým druhom ducha nie len ženy, ale tiež muži, nech sa ozdobujú takým druhom ducha. Potom sa stávate pripravenými pre Nevestu, milí, úctiví. Ester urobila svoje srdce čistým.

79Je tak mnoho... Staráme sa o tento vonkajšok. Ó, musí mať toľko odstraňovačov vrások a toľkoto tohto a – zaoberá sa tým všetkým.

Prednedávnom som tu dolu v Tennessee stál v múzeu. Prešiel som okolo malého miesta a tam ukazovali rozbor ľudského tela. Tam bolo povedané, že človek, ktorý vážil stopäťdesiat libier [asi 70 kg – pozn.prekl.] v chemikáliách, mal hodnotu osemdesiatštyri centov. No, ste niekým, nie ste? Osemdesiatštyri centov, a niektoré ženy budú, letničné ženy, si oblečú norkový kožuch za päťsto dolárov a našponujú hlavu hore tak, že ak by zapršalo, tak by ich to utopilo. A nie sú hodné ani osemdesiatštyri centov (To je pravda.), čo sa týka chemikálií. To je pravda, nie vtip. To je pravda. Osemdesiatštyri centov: asi dostatok vápna na pofŕkanie slepačieho hniezda, a troška kalcia, atď: osemdesiatštyri centov. Venujete tomu strašnú pozornosť.

Idete do reštaurácie a nájdete – dostali by ste misku polievky a bol by v nej pavúk, zažalovali by ste tú reštauráciu. Avšak diabla necháte, aby vám dolu krkom strkal špinavú televíziu a kartové veci, a prehĺtate to; spôsobuje, že si obliekate nečisté oblečenie. A tieto ženy chodia v tých krátkych, tesných, sporých šatách – ako stiahnuté črevo z viedenského párku, a takto vychádzajú na ulicu.

80A či vieš, moja sestra... (Nehovorím to ako vtip. Nepochopte ma zle.) Počúvajte. Hovorím toto: správaš sa takto a v deň súdu budeš počítaná za cudzoložnicu. Správne. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa díva na ženu so žiadosťou po nej, spáchal s ňou cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.“ A keď sa ten hriešnik musí zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva, kto to je? Ty. Kto to spôsobil? Ty. Presne tak. Ak sa tam vystavuješ, aby sa dívali – pred mužov, aby si bola ako svet, a obliekaš sa ako svet... Raz som to povedal, a žena v Louisville, Kentucky, povedala, „No, počúvaj, pán Branham. Ja ti to hneď teraz vysvetlím...“

Povedal som, „Áno, madam.“

Povedala, „To je ten jediný druh šiat, ktoré vyrábajú.“

Povedal som, „Vyrábajú šijacie stroje a predávajú materiál. Je to kvôli tomu, že ty to chceš. Niečo v tebe nie je v poriadku.“

Je to presne tak. Robíte to, lebo to je móda, nerobíte to kvôli tomu, že musíte; robíte to preto, lebo to chcete.

81Fajčíte preto, lebo to chcete. Vy nemusíte. Myslím, že najhlúpejšia vec, ktorú som kedy videl, bola žena, ktorá išla po ulici ako... Vidíte každú jednu v automobiloch s cigaretami medzi prstami. No, to je hanba. Je to najväčším hnutím piatej kolóny [podvratná sila – pozn.prekl.], aké v našom národe máme, keď lekári a medicínska veda hovoria, že je to plné rakoviny a všetkého možného. A oni to po celý čas nasávajú.

Keď vidíte ženu, ktorá by mala byť Kresťankou, ako je natiahnutá tam vonku na brehu, kde sa kúpu muži i ženy, oblečená v plavkách, ako je tam natiahnutá. Mám dve dievčatá. Nehovorím, že to neurobia. Ony hovoria, že sa opaľujú. A pokiaľ som nažive, zlíznu odo mňa taký výprask… urobí to syn pána Branhama pomocou latky z plotu asi takto dlhej. [Br.Branham tu používa slovnú hračku podobnosti slov – „suntan” – opaľovanie sa a „son-tan” – vymyslené slovo – niečo ako „opálenie synom” – pozn.prekl.] Verím, že to je zlé.

82Potom sami seba nazývame... „Ó, sme členmi letničnej cirkvi.“ Ó, hanba vám. Správne. Letničná cirkev potrebuje očistenie kompletne odpredu dozadu a cez pivnicu, suterén a poschodia. Je to tak. A jednako, v tom všetkom, to je to najlepšie, čo máme. Ale to môže...

Práve tak, ako v revolúcii v čase Johanky z Arku. Francúzsko potrebovalo revolučný prevrat, potom potrebovalo kontrarevolučný prevrat, aby narovnalo niektoré veci, kvôli ktorým urobili revolúciu. A letničná cirkev potrebuje revolúciu (Správne. Istotne potrebuje.), vzbúriť sa proti veciam, ktoré sú zlé, a prijať veci, ktoré sú správne (Amen.), čerstvý krst Duchom Svätým, aby sa Cirkev prihotovila.

83Pamätajte, to nikdy nebude... Nemôžeš povedať, „No, patrím do tohto... do Assemblies, patrím ku Foursquare alebo cirkvi Božej alebo k Ježišovmu Menu,“ alebo ku komukoľvek zo zvyšku z nich. Nie, nemôžeš sa dostať dnu na základe žiadnej z nich. Boh ťa povoláva ako jednotlivca. A ty si ten, ktorý sa musí očistiť, pretože On berie ľudí z pohanov pre Svoje Meno, Jeho Nevestu, pohanov.

Ester sa očistila. Očistila svoje srdce. To je to, čo očistila. To je to, čo potrebuje cirkev: očistenie srdca. „Ako očistíš svoje srdce, brat Branham?“ Očistený vodou Slova, skrze Krv Ježiša Krista.

84Biblia povedala, že je to pre ženy zlé, aby sa takto správali, a pre mužov, aby im to dovolili robiť. To ste obaja. Muž, ktorý dovolí svojej žene, aby vyšla von na ulicu s nahými – s takýmto oblečením na sebe, mám voči nemu malý rešpekt, že je vôbec mužom. On je bábka. Presne tak. Ona ho používa ako handru na riad. Hanba ti. Mal by si byť mužom.

A ak pastor nechá svoj zbor ísť s takýmito vecami bez toho, že by to roztrhal na kusy spoza kazateľne, on je padavka. To, čo potrebujeme, je muž. Evanjelium, nie s gumenými rukavičkami, ale s mocou a demonštráciou Ducha Svätého so Slovom... Biblia hovorí, že tieto veci sú zlé. Je nesprávne pre ľudí, aby to takto robili, aby sa takto správali. Malo by to byť kázané a žité, a všade. Malo by... Cirkev potrebuje prečistenie, očistenie.

85Ester očistila svoje srdce pred Bohom, vykročila s miernym a pokorným duchom; cirkev, ktorá sa chystá byť Nevestou Kristovou... No, pamätajte, Ester odmietla svetskú ozdobu. Vzala Ducha, ktorý bol v jej srdci, aby išla pred kráľa.

A dnes žena, cirkev, ktorá si myslí, že vojde kvôli tomu, že má viac čísel, je najlepšie oblečeným zástupom, má najväčšiu organizáciu, najväčšiu cirkev v meste, a takéto veci... Minieš to na milión míľ, ak spoliehaš na to.

To je milý, láskavý, úctivý duch voči Slovu Božiemu, umytý vodou Slova. A Slovo v tebe, to je umývanie. Amen. Cirkev potrebuje umývanie, umývanie plného Evanjelia (Presne tak.), nie len čiastočné umývanie, ale umývanie plného Evanjelia, umytí, učinení novými stvoreniami v Kristu Ježišovi.

86Ježišova Nevesta nie je špinavá nevesta. On nebude mať Svoju Nevestu špinavú. Nejaká žena vyjde, aby sa vydala, a ak by vyzerala, akoby tam prišla z prasačieho chlieva, muž, ktorý má v sebe nejakú dôstojnosť, by si ju nevzal. Požadoval by, aby sa očistila. A keď cirkev Kristova prichádza, aby sa vydala, myslí si, bude Nevestou so všetkým tým svetom pripevneným na sebe... Kristova Nevesta nebude taká. Nie veru. (Musím sa poponáhľať.)

Ani Cirkev Kristova, Pána Ježiša Krista, tá Cirkev taktiež nie je otrhanou cirkvou, oblečená v zdrapoch denominácií. Ona nemusí byť členom nejakej veľkej denominácie. Ona musí byť umytá Krvou, kúpená Krvou. Nie hovoriť, že patríme do najväčšej cirkvi, najväčšej organizácie alebo tohto, toho alebo tamtoho; Ona musí byť čistá, posvätená, svätá, bez vrásky alebo škvrny, skrze Krv jej Spasiteľa, Ježiša Krista.

87Tak ako Ester, skrytý človek v srdci, skrytý človek, pokora a miernosť Ducha Božieho v ľudskom srdci, nie sláva a lepšia trieda sveta...

Vždy som hovoril, že svet sa leskne; Evanjelium žiari. Ó, to je milión míľ od seba. Hollywood sa leskne; Cirkev Kristova žiari príjemnosťou, sú milí, jemní, láskaví. Je to tak.

Ester sa nechcela ozdobiť so všetkou tou modernou svetskou ozdobou. To by nevyzeralo ako kráľova manželka. A či chceme byť ako svet, a... Vyzeralo by to ako manželka svätého muža? My, ako cirkev živého Boha, ozdobujeme sa vecami tohto sveta, a potom vyzeráme ako manželka svätého muža? Vyzeralo by to prirodzene?

Ak ste dnes videli muža, ktorý má byť svätým mužom, a tu prichádza jeho manželka ako prvá dáma: jedna z takých tých veľkých frizúr a červený nezmysel na jednej strane a zelený nezmysel na druhej strane; a vyzerá, akoby bola udretá do úst maliarskym štetcom, a všetky takéto druhy vecí; kráča po ulici v takýchto tesných šatách ako viedenský párok, a tak vysoké podpätky, krúti sa naokolo, vyzývavo si vykračuje dolu ulicou... Poviete, „To je manželka svätého muža?“ (Nehovorím vtipy. Len robím vyhlásenia.)

88Prišiel som na jedno z našich veľkolepých letničných hnutí, tu prednedávnom. Mal som rozložený stan. A jeden pastor mi povedal, riekol, „Moja žena je organistka.“

Povedal som, „To je dobre, brat.“

„Nevadilo by ti, ak by hrala?“

Povedal som, „Nie, isteže nie.“

A on išiel za manažérom a manažér povedal... Brat Baxter povedal, „Je to v poriadku.“

Povedal, „Brat Branham, prídi sem. Chcem, aby si sa stretol s mojou ženou.“

A išiel som tam. (No, prepáčte mi. Rozumiete, nesnažím sa kritizovať; snažím sa urobiť vyhlásenie. Rozumiete?) A tá žena mala jednu z týchto manikúr, alebo, neviem, čo za vec to bola, viete, celá vyzdobená, a nikdy vo svojom živote som niečo také nevidel, a šaty mala asi potiaľto a vzadu nemala nič, a takmer ani dolu. A nikdy v živote som niečo také nevidel. A mala velikánske náušnice, ktoré takto viseli dolu, a všetky tie veci na sebe.

A poobzeral som sa. Pomyslel som si, „Ó. Som baptista a poznám niečo lepšie než to.“ Pozrel som sa znova, povedal som... No, prosím vás, toto nie je vtip. Ale musel som to tomu bratovi povedať, a dúfam, že mu to pomohlo, nehovoril som to, aby som sa líšil; ak áno, bol by som pokrytec (Rozumiete?), ktorý potreboval sám byť očistený.

Povedal som, „Pane, povedal si, že tvoja žena je svätá?“

Povedal, „Ó, áno.“

Povedal som, „Pre mňa vyzerá ako stratená duša.“ [Br.Branham používa podobnosť slov „saint“ – „svätý“ a „haint“ – „mátoha, stratená duša“ – pozn.prekl.] Povedal som, „Nikdy v živote som nevidel taký pohľad na manželku kazateľa. To nevyzerá ako manželka svätého muža.“

89A ani cirkev živého Boha, ktorá spolieha na svoju módu, svoje čajové večierky a večierky pri hracích kockách a kartové hry, tance a sociálne veci, ktorá sa ozdobuje ako so svetom, nevyzerá ako Manželka svätého Boha. Keď fajčí cigarety, a tance a večierky a polievkové večere a pitie kokteilov a všetko takéto, a hovoria, že oni sú Nevestou Kristovou?

To pre mňa nevyzerá ako Manželka svätého Muža. Nie veru. On by si nevybral takú vec. On by si vybral ženu, ktorá by bola v poriadku, vyzerala by ako to, čo sa On snažil predstaviť. Verím, že to je pravda. Môže to trocha raniť.

90Moja stará matka z juhu odišla. Keď som bol malý chlapec, zvykli sme mať – takmer sme nemali nič na jedenie. A mali sme „čiernooký hrach“ a kukuričný chlieb. Neviem, či viete, čo to je, alebo nie. A tak, nemali sme... Ona cez rok nemala žiadnu masť. A my... takmer sme museli vziať starú... takúto veľkú starú panvicu, a vložili sme do nej kože z mäsa. Išli sme tam, kde oni orezávali – mäsiari orezávali mäso a dali nám kože. A my sme to tam škvarili, aby sme získali masť a vyliali sme to tam. Každý sobotný večer mama povedala, že potrebujeme dávku ricínového oleja. A ja doteraz nemôžem tú vec vystáť. A musel som to užiť. Prišiel som ku nej a takto som si držal nos. Povedal som, „Mama, jednoducho si to nedokážem dať.“ Povedal som, „Je mi z toho tak zle.“

Povedala, „Ak ti z toho nebude zle, nepomôže ti to.“

91A tak, myslím, že takto to je s kázaním Evanjelia. Ak to s vami trocha nepohne, dostane vaše – ak to nenapraví vaše duchovné trávenie, nespôsobí, že vám bude trocha zle, aby ste samého seba skontrolovali s Bibliou; uvideli, či máte tú starú podráždenosť a sebeckosť, bezbožnosť, lásku ku svetu, televízii a rôznym nočným veciam. A zanechávate prázdny zbor a prázdne lavice, keď by ste mali byť tam vonku ako Ježiš (máte v sebe Jeho Ducha), snažiac sa dostať každého v krajine, aby prišiel do vášho zboru, aby prijal Krista. A potom sa nazývame Nevestou Kristovou.

Ó, aké smutné, priatelia. Prišla hodina. Jeho Nevesta sa prihotovila, ó, pripravila sa. Odložila nabok všetky tieto veci.

Pamätajte, Ester bola vybraná a ostatné boli odmietnuté. A iba tí, ktorí sú narodení znova, ktorí majú Ducha Božieho, budú v ten deň vybraní, keď bude na jej hlavu položená koruna slávy. A ostatní budú odmietnutí.

92Dovoľte mi povedať vám niečo malé, čo sa stalo. Som misionárom, ako viete, konám evanjelizačné misionárske dielo, asi sedemkrát poza morami, a okolo sveta. Prednedávnom tu v meste Rím... Rím je veľkým mestom umenia a majú tam školu umenia. A niekoľkí z našej americkej mládeže tam každý rok chodia, aby sa trénovali rok alebo dva v umení, aby sa naučili maľovať obrazy. Pred pár rokmi tam prišla skupina mladých Američanov, ako som počul ten príbeh. A keď sa tam dostali, začali vyvádzať. Keď sú v Ríme, správajú sa ako Rím: idú von, pijú a vyzliekajú sa, a všetko ďalšie, a vyvádzajú, chlapci aj dievčatá.

93A bola tam určitá škola. A do tejto školy prišla táto skupina mladých Američanov. A každý z nich, takmer, robil to isté. Ale jedno mladé dievča, ona to vôbec netolerovala. Zostávala vo vnútri. V čase večera si čítala, zatiaľ čo oni všetci vonku pili. Cez deň usilovne pracovala. No, bola na smiech celej škole. A ona sa zachovávala ako dáma, správala sa ako dáma. Hoci tam boli mladí rímski chlapci, a všetko naokolo, snažili sa ju dostať von, ona to zamietla. Nie veru. Zostávala rovno s lekciami, učila sa kresliť, lepšie povedané maľovať. A zostávala s tým.

94Nakoniec, bol tam starý správca toho miesta, ktorý ju pozoroval, videl, že bola tak veľmi odlišná, hoci bol rímskym katolíkom, stále ju pozoroval, ako sa správala. Raz večer, to mladé dievča bolo v parku, kde bol ten ateliér, no – alebo miesto, kde mali tú školu, prechádzala sa po školskej pôde a išla hore na vrchol kopca a slnko zapadalo. A stála tam so svojou krásnou, čistou tvárou a jej vlasy viseli dolu, dívala sa tým smerom, ako zapadalo slnko.

95Ten starý správca tam hrabal na dvore a pozoroval to dievča. Ako hrabal, niečo mu povedalo, aby sa s ňou išiel porozprávať. Tak položil hrable na zem, zložil si svoj starý ohnutý klobúk, prišiel tam, kde bolo to mladé dievča, odkašľal si. Ona sa otočila. Povedal, „Prepáčte mi, slečna.“

Povedala, „Áno. Nech sa páči.“

A všimol si, že ona plakala. Všetci ostatní boli vonku na veľkom nočnom fláme. Povedal, „Madam, dúfam, že ma správne rozumiete, prečo s vami idem hovoriť.“ Povedal, „Ste tu teraz takmer dva roky. A všimol som si tú skupinu, s ktorou ste prišli, neustále sú vonku na večierkoch a prichádzajú kedykoľvek v noci, opití a napoly oblečení, a všetko. Ale všimol som si, že vy nenavštevujete také večierky.“

A povedal, „Všimol som si, zdá sa mi, že sa stále dívate na more. Na večer sem prídete a zostávate tu každý večer a sledujete, ako zapadá slnko.“ A povedal, „Prečo to tak je?“ Povedal, „Som starý človek a zaujímalo by ma, čo spôsobuje ten rozdiel medzi vami a tými ostatnými.“

96Povedala, „Áno.“ Povedala, „Pane, dívam sa smerom domov, keď zapadá slnko.“ Povedala, „Tamtým smerom, poza tým slnkom, je moja domovina.“ A povedala, „V tom kraji je určitý štát. A v tom určitom štáte je určité mesto. A v tom určitom meste je určitý dom. A v tom dome je určitý chlapec.“

Povedala, „On je tiež umelcom. Keď som tam opustila domov, sľúbila som mu svoju lásku. Sme navzájom zasnúbení.“ A povedala, „Nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek zo zvyšku z nich robí, to so mnou nemá nič do činenia.“ Povedala, „Sľúbila som žiť verne a správne.“ A povedala, „Túžim po tom dni, keď pocítim, ako som na krídlach toho veľkého lietadla, ktoré ma vezme ponad to more a zloží ma dolu na letisku, kde ma on stretne. On stavia dom a budeme v tom kraji spoločne žiť.“

A povedala, „To je dôvod, prečo som sa tak správala. Som verná sľubu, ktorý som tomu chlapcovi dala. A on je verný sľubu, ktorý mi dáva.“ Povedala, „Počúvam to od neho teraz i potom, a píšem mu.“ A povedala, „Píšeme si listy, stále držíme svoje sľuby, očakávame na deň, keď sa stretneme.“

97Ó, ako by to pre skutočného Kresťana malo urobiť, že sa dostane preč od vecí tohto sveta. A jedného dňa hovoríte o príchode do prístavu na krídlach holubice; On prichádza po Nevestu, tú, ktorá sa nepohráva so svetom alebo vecami tohto sveta. Ona je umytá v Krvi Baránka. Sľúbila svoju lásku jedine Jemu. Láska ku svetu je preč a je pre ňu mŕtva. Svadba Baránkova nadišla a Jeho Nevesta sa prihotovila.

98Zamyslime sa na chvíľu nad tým, ako na moment skloníme naše hlavy. Jedného dňa, ako sa dívam smerom ku západu slnka, ja som tiež, pred tridsaťjeden rokmi sľúbil Tomu, ktorého milujem, všetku svoju lásku Jemu. Vždy som sa snažil stáť za Ním a Jeho Slovom, kdekoľvek som išiel. A viem, že tu sedia mnohí ďalší takí, očakávame na deň, keď tá stará Sionská loď príde do prístavu, vezme naše duše a zoberie nás do Prítomnosti Toho, ktorého milujeme a ktorému sme sľúbili našu lásku.

99Dnes večer tu môžu byť niektorí, ktorí nikdy neučinili ten sľub. Môžu tu byť niektorí, ktorí ho učinili a porušili ho. Ak ste dnes večer v takom stave, priatelia, prečo len neprídete dnes večer naspäť a neobnovíte svoj sľub? Ak ste ho neučinili, prečo dnes večer neprídete a neučiníte ho? Povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, milujem Ťa.“

Pamätaj, ak si už učinil svoj sľub a stále si zamiešaný vo veciach tohto sveta, Ježiš nebude mať takú nevestu. On nebude mať takú, ktorá je cudzoložná. Všetka tvoja láska musí byť ku Nemu. A ak miluješ veci tohto sveta a módu tohto sveta viac, než miluješ Boha, potom si sa neprihotovila.

100Je tu dnes večer taká osoba? Zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, zodvihol by si ruku, povedz, „Brat Branham, modli sa za mňa. Chcem byť taký. Chcem byť časťou Nevesty. A viem, že robím veci, ktoré by som nemal robiť. Modli sa za mňa.“? Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja indiánska sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra, aj teba, môj brat, aj teba, môj brat. Niekto ďalší, zodvihol by si ruku, povedz, „Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham. Viem, že nie som v poriadku.“

No, buď ku samému sebe úprimný. Pozri sa naspäť na svoj život. Musíš sa pozrieť najprv naspäť, predtým, ako môžeš ísť vpred. Pozri sa, čím si bol. Pozri sa, čo ťa ten duch, ktorého máš, viedol robiť. Ak si nemal... Ak vyznávaš, že si Kresťanom, a stále sa miešaš s vecami tohto sveta, brat, sestra, ak nevidíš, že nie si v poriadku, čo iné potom si, ak nie slepý?

101Niekto raz povedal, riekol, „Brat Branham, „Mal by si nechať tých ľudí tak.“ Povedal, „Ľudia ťa nazývajú prorokom.“

Povedal som, „Nie som prorok.“

Povedal, „Ale ľudia si myslia, že si. Mal by si tieto ženy vyučovať... Namiesto toho, aby si im hovoril o nosení dlhých vlasov a správneho druhu oblečenia a takýchto vecí, mal by si im hovoriť o tom, ako získať duchovné veci.“

Povedal som, „Ako ich môžem učiť algebru, keď neprijímajú ani abecedu z materskej škôlky? Nemajú dostatok slušnosti, aby sa očistili?“

102Nazývajúc sa Nevestou Kristovou... Nehovorím to dráždivo. Hovorím to v zbožnej láske. Ako som dnes ráno povedal, keď vás vidím, ako idete dolu po rieke v loďke, a vidím, že narazíte na vodopády, tá loďka to nevydrží, keď na vás kričím a vykrikujem na vás, nesnažím sa vás zraniť. Milujem vás. Pretože ak to neurobíš, tvoj život bude stratený.

Sú tu ešte nejakí, ktorí zodvihnú svoje ruky predtým, ako sa budeme modliť? Vidím ťa tam vzadu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, aj teba. Viete, že váš život ukazuje, že nie ste v poriadku. Stále milujete svet viac ako Boha, potom tam niekde niečo nie je v poriadku. Pozrite sa na seba. Vonku v tých miestnostiach, zodvihnite svoju ruku, povedz, „Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech Boh žehná... Presne tak. Nefalšovanosť, cením si úprimnosť.

To je to, čo je dnes problémom s letničnou cirkvou. Nemáme tú skutočnú úprimnosť, ktorú sme zvykli mať. Nemáme tú odvahu prísť a povedať, že – uznať, že nie sme v poriadku.

103Diabol má až taký dopad na cirkev, že ona sa až váľa v bahne tohto sveta. Nerob to. Tvoj vlastný život dokazuje, že nemáš to, čo hovoríš, že máš. Prečo to potom nevyznáš? „Ten, kto vyzná svoj hriech, bude mu odpustené: ten, kto svoj hriech skrýva, nedobre sa mu povodí.“ Nemôžeš to skryť. Boh o tom vie všetko. A ak vidíš a vieš, že nežiješ správne, prečo to potom nevyznáš a nevyjdeš a neurovnáš to?

Hriechy niektorých ľudí idú pred nimi; niektorých nasledujú. Nech tie moje idú popredku. Nech tie moje môžem hneď teraz vyznať. Nech to Boh dá do poriadku. To je to, čo by sme mali robiť.

104Zodvihlo sa tu asi šesť alebo osem rúk. Iste je ich tu dnes večer omnoho viac v tomto malom zbore, kde je sto alebo dvesto ľudí, možno stopäťdesiat. No, nech ťa Boh žehná, mladý muž. No, nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. To je správne. Nech ťa Boh žehná, synu. To je dobre. [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

Letničné ženy si nezvykli strihať svoje vlasy, ale dnes to robia. Čo sa stalo? Nezvykla si nosiť mejkap. Tvoja mama to nezvykla robiť, ak bola letničná. Čo sa dnes stalo? Pretože sa váľajú vo veciach tohto sveta. A svet sa na nás díva. Tvrdíme, že sme cirkvou svätosti. Čo sa to deje? Nevyzeráme ako Nevesta Kristova. Čo s vami mužmi tam? To isté. Brat, hanbi sa.

105Nebeský Otče, keď sa dívam naprieč a robím takýmto spôsobom oltárne zavolanie, karhám, trhám, vyzerá to ako kruté. Ale vo vnútri krvácam, keď viem, že sme blízko konca. Tieto malé loďky v jednom z týchto dní stroskotajú. Smrť sa chystá udrieť do boja. Koľkokrát som ich počul, ako si ma zavolali a hovorili mi, „Ó, brat Branham, ak by som to len mohol žiť odznova.“ Teda, zatiaľ čo títo sú schopní, Pane, aby to dali do poriadku...

Snažím sa najlepšie, ako viem, Bože. Nech to Duch Svätý ľuďom zjaví, že sa im iba snažím pomôcť, nie ich kritizovať. Ale ako zadávna povedal Pavol... Bože, nechcem ich raniť, ale chcem ich raniť dostatočne na to, aby uvideli, že nie sú v poriadku.

106Modlím sa, aby si to dnes večer udelil, títo ľudia, tým, že zodvihli svoje ruky s dostatkom úcty, aby pred Bohom rozpoznali, že nie sú v poriadku, a chcú byť v poriadku... „Hľadajte a nájdete; klopte a otvorí sa.“ Ale ak nikdy nezaklopete, ako sa to otvorí? Ak nikdy nehľadáte, ako nájdete?

Nech Duch Svätý, Pane, dnes večer týchto ľudí privedie do plného poddania sa Bohu. A nech ich veľký Otec nášho Pána Ježiša Krista posvätí, dušu, telo a ducha, a umiestni ich do tela Pána Ježiša Krista, pretože svadba Baránkova je na dosah ruky a Jeho Nevesta sa pripravila. Ó, Pane, nech je toto večerom prípravy, lebo zajtrajšok môže byť dňom, keď Ho stretneme. Nevieme, v ktorej hodine budeme zavolaní, aby sme Ho stretli. Udeľ to, Pane.

107No, zatiaľ čo sa modlím, a vy máte svoje hlavy sklonené, ja... Každý z vás, ktorí ste zodvihli svoju ruku, ak ste v tom hlboko úprimní a myslíte to vážne, a nehanbíte sa dať ľuďom najavo, že ste neboli v poriadku... Budete s nimi musieť v každom prípade stáť tam na súde. A Boh vás usvedčil dostatočne na to, aby ste vedeli, že nie ste v poriadku...

Prednedávnom som tu kázal niečo také. Hovoril som ku jednej mladej dáme, ktorá stála vzadu. Vyzerala hrozne, bola to dcéra kazateľa. A stretla sa so mnou vonku pred cirkvou. A či ma len neuzemnila...

Povedala, „Ty nevzdelanec jeden,“ bola trochu drzá, mala namaľované pery a nakrátko ostrihané vlasy. Povedala, „Ak by som chcela, aby so mnou niekto o tomto hovoril, zohnala by som si niekoho, kto má zdravý rozum.“ Povedala, „Nikdy viac nechoď za kazateľňu môjho otca a nekáž takéto veci.“

Povedal som, „Chceš mi povedať, že tvoj ocko, dobrý úprimný baptistický kazateľ, akým on je, a nekázal by proti tomu?“

Povedala, „On ťa nenajal, aby si sem prišiel...“

Povedal som, „On ma vôbec nenajal. Prišiel som, lebo som bol pozvaný.“

Povedala, „Nikdy ti to neodpustím.“

Povedal som, „To je na tebe. Ja som len nasledoval Evanjelium.“ Kríky ruží sa tam kývali v jemnom vetre; nádherná mladá žena.

108O niečo neskôr, asi o rok neskôr som prechádzal cez to mesto. Videl som to isté mladé dievča, ako jej visela sukňa, fajčila cigaretu, išla dolu ulicou. Pomyslel som si, „To je manželka, či vlastne dcéra toho-a-toho brata.“ A prešiel som cez ulicu, aby som videl, či by som sa ku nej nemohol dostať.

Ona sa na mňa pozrela, ako fajčila túto cigaretu, vyfúkla to nosom. Povedala, „Čau, kazateľ,“ s takým bezbožným slangom.

A povedal som, „Ajajaj...“

Povedala, „Daj si šluka z mojej cigarety. Buď chlap.“

Povedal som, „Nehanbíš sa za seba?“

Natiahla sa do svojej kabelky, povedala, „Potom mám cigaretu.“

Povedal som, „Hanbi sa. Hanbi sa za to, že ponúkaš Božiemu služobníkovi cigaretu.“

Povedala, „Tak by si sa mohol napiť z mojej fľašky.“

Povedal som, „Prosím, nehovor to.“ Pozrel som sa na ňu. Nemohol som sa zdržať od plaču, pretože jej ocko je dobrý človek. Pozrel som sa na ňu a pomyslel som si, „Ó. Ona si myslela, že má mnoho času.“

109Začal som kráčať ďalej. Nedokázal som zadržať slzy v očiach. Kráčal som ďalej.

Povedala, „Počkaj chvíľu.“

Povedal som, „Áno, madam?“

Pribehla ku mne. Takmer sa hanbila, že ku nej hovorím na ulici, ľudia prechádzali okolo. Pribehla tam.

Povedala, „Vieš, čo si mi povedal v ten večer?“

Povedal som, „Stále si to pamätám.“

Povedala, „Chcem ti povedať, kazateľu, že si mal pravdu.“ Povedala, „Zarmútila som Ducha Svätého naposledy.“ No, to je vyhlásenie tej ženy, ktoré mi povedala, a nikdy na to nezabudnem tak dlho, ako žijem. Povedala, „On so mnou toho večera konal.“ Ale povedala, „Keď som Ho vtedy odmietla, bol to môj posledný krát.“ Povedala, „Moje srdce sa potom stalo tak zatvrdnuté, nestarám sa o Boha, cirkev, ani o nič iné. A každý deň preklínam svojho otca.“ A povedala, „Môžem vidieť, ako sa duša mojej matky smaží v pekle ako lievanec a smiať sa na tom.“

110To je naposledy zarmútiť Ducha Svätého. Zamysli sa nad tým. Poď Domov na krídlach holubice. Buď Nevestou. Postav sa teraz zo svojho sedadla. Ak nie si v poriadku, poď sem hore, postav sa sem ku oltáru a povedz, „Nie som v poriadku. Brat Branham, som zlostný. Žil som bezbožne. Nemal by som robiť tieto veci, ktoré robím. Brat Branham, urobil som toto, to alebo tamto. Som vinný z klamania. Som vinný z kradnutia. Som z niečoho vinný. Neslúžil som Bohu tak, ako by som mal, a hanbím sa za seba a chcem dať svoj život do poriadku. Nepomodlíš sa dnes večer za mňa, brat Branham?“ Rád to urobím.

111Ak Boh odpovie na moje modlitby, aby počul za nemocných, slepých a postihnutých, On istotne vypočuje modlitbu za hriešnika. Neprídeš dnes večer a nebudeš časťou tej Nevesty? Pozývam ťa, aby si prišiel. Ďakujem ti, môj brat. Cením si taký druh odvahy, že vyjdeš a priznáš, že nie si v poriadku. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Postav sa rovno sem.

Chcete mi povedať, že ste zodvihli svoju ruku a neboli ste v tom úprimní? Čo sa to ľuďom stalo? Brat, čo sa deje? Čo sa to v tomto dni deje s našimi ľuďmi? Myslíte to tak, že ste zodvihli svoju ruku na znak toho, že nie ste v poriadku, a potom neprídete? A viete, že „Ten, kto vie dobre robiť a nerobí, pre neho to je zlo“? Neprídete? Zatiaľ čo pianistka, ak chceš, sestra, organistka, hraj trochu.

112Pozývam vás. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Koľkí z tohto poslucháčstva boli na zhromaždeniach, keď... Viete, že nie som kazateľ. Nemám žiadne vzdelanie. Nech ťa Boh žehná, malá dáma. To vyžaduje skutočné dievča, aby to urobila. Tento malý kvietok sem prichádza, buď požehnaná, moja sestra. To je skutočná odvaha. Obdivujem tú malú dámu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, zlatíčko. Mám doma malé dievča asi v tvojom veku, malú Rebeku. Cením si ťa. Malé indiánske dievča? Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja sestra, malá princezná. Nech je Boh s tebou, srdiečko. Vy, malé sestry, nech je Boh s vami, a s tebou, sestra.

No, pozrite sem. Ak takéto mladé dámy, malé dievčatá s krehkým svedomím, a kázať kázeň, ktorá ich trhá na kusy... A tu prišli sem hore, vedia, že nie sú v poriadku, postavili sa sem pred to poslucháčstvo, aby urobili vyznanie, istotne, istotne vy, staršie ženy... Neprídete? Vystúpte si sem hore a postavte sa tu.

...hľadal by som Tvoju tvár;

Uzdrav môjho raneného, zroneného ducha. (Zaspievajme to.)

Spas ma Svojou milosťou.

Spasiteľu, Spasiteľu, čuj...

Istotne ste dostatočne úprimní na to, aby ste sa pomodlili pokornú modlitbu, „Zavolaj, Pane, skús ma a vidz, či so mnou niečo nie je v poriadku.“

Neobchádzaj ma.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, drahá sestra.

113Koľkí v tomto zhromaždení stáli a videli v poslucháčstve ženy, mužov, a všetkých, ktorí vychádzali hore, keď som tam stál a modlil sa za nemocných, a Duch Svätý im hovoril veci o ich hriechoch, a veci, a viete... Koľkí z vás vedia, že je to pravda? Nikdy to nezlyháva. Duch Svätý mi hovorí, ten istý Duch Svätý, že je tu dnes večer niečo, čo Ho zarmucuje. No, to je Tak hovorí Pán. No, stretnite sa s tým tu alebo tam.

Nie som osoba, ktorá upadá pod emócie. Nie veru. Presne viem, kde stojím, a poznám Boha. Je to tak. Sú tu mnohí z vás, ktorí potrebujú stáť rovno tu, kde sú tieto mladé dievčatá. No, neprídete? Pozývam vás. Nenútim. Len vám to hovorím.

Niekto povedal, „Nikdy som nepočul oltárne zavolanie, kde kazateľ takto karhal poslucháčstvo.“ Tak by sa to malo robiť. Neprichádzate hore na základe nejakého srdce-lámajúceho príbehu o matke, ktorá zomiera, alebo niečo také. To je pod emóciou. Slovo Božie je tým, na základe čoho prichádzate. Neprichádzate pre – pod nejakou emóciou, prichádzate s vierou, že Boh je Bohom, a vy ste v súdnom dome Pánovom a prišli ste prosiť za svoj prípad.

114Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat, moja sestra. Chcem vám potriasť rukou a povedať, že si vás cením. Úprimné usvedčenie... Malá dáma, cením si ťa. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ti dá udatného Ducha. Buď požehnaný, môj brat. Nech je Boh s tebou. Ešte raz, potom zakončíme. Môže to tiež byť zakončenie naposledy. Rozumiete? Neviem kedy. Dúfam, že nie. Ale môže to byť. Rozumiete?


Poď sem, moja sestra. Chcem ti potriasť rukou, ďakujem, a povedať, že si cením tvoju vieru, to je skutočná viera.

Poď sem, môj brat. Chcem si tu s tebou potriasť ruky. Cením si tvoju úprimnosť. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

Poď sem. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Cením si tvoju úprimnosť, že môžeš zaujať postoj...

...neobchádzaj ma...


Čo? Nadišla svadba Baránkova a Jeho Nevesta sa prihotovila.

...vrúcny krik;

Zatiaľ čo si iných k Sebe voláš;

Ó, neobchádzaj ma.

(Čo?) Vzkladám dôveru iba v Tvoje zásluhy;

Hľadal by som Tvoju tvár?

Uzdrav môjho raneného, zroneného ducha (tam, kde zarezalo Slovo);

Spas ma Svojou milosťou.

Spasiteľu, Spasiteľu, čuj môj vrúcny...

Zatiaľ čo si iných k Sebe voláš;

Ó, neobchádzaj ma.

115Pamätajte, Duch Svätý bol tým, čo zarezalo do vášho srdca a vyšli ste sem hore. Len myslite na miesta, kde On zarezal, a tá osoba už viac nebude tak žiť. Vždy si to budú pamätať. „Ak nás naše srdcia neodsudzujú...“ Ale keď prichádzate s niečím v Slove Božom a obchádzate to, to nie je Abrahámovo semeno. Abrahám zachovával zasľúbenie Božie vo svojom srdci, bez ohľadu na to, čo prišlo alebo odišlo.

116Cením si všetkých týchto, ktorí stoja okolo oltára. Mojou modlitbou za vás je, aby vám dnes večer Boh dal túžbu vášho srdca a učinil vás skutočne posvätenými ľuďmi.

Niektorí z týchto mladých ľudí... Tu sú indiáni, španieli, mexičania, všetci stoja naokolo, ľudia, ktorí tvrdili, že sú Kresťanmi možno roky, ale vidia, že neboli v poriadku. Chcú byť v poriadku. „Požehnaní, ktorí sú hladní a žízniví po spravodlivosti: lebo oni budú naplnení.“ Odsúdení, pripravení urovnať to s Bohom skrze ohnivé oltáre Božieho súdu. Niekde sa s tým musíte stretnúť, priatelia. Niekde sa s tým musíte stretnúť, tak sa s tým stretnite tu. Nečakajte do rána. Môžete byť dnes večer zabití pri nehode, ako pôjdete domov.

117Práve nedávno som na jednom zhromaždení urobil oltárne zavolanie, a zavolal som takto v Ohio. A v ten večer, keď som opustil budovu a bol som preč asi pätnásť minút. A začul som, ako niekto kričí na boku cesty, zastavil som a išiel som tam. Jedno auto malo nehodu, narazilo do iného. A zabila sa tam žena, ktorá sedela na zhromaždení a bola tak nervózna, až si stiahla prsteň, bola tak nervózna. A ona sa rozprávala so svojou dcérou, keď išli po ceste, a ona šoférovala. Zobrali ju do nemocnice. A obe z nich mali vtedy prísť ku oltáru. A tá dcéra povedala, „Posledné slová, ktoré mi mama povedala predtým, ako to auto narazilo, 'Urobila som dnes večer zle. Viem, že som urobila.'“ A tam bol jej život zavolaný.

118Ó, hovoríte, „To sa mi nestane.“ Môže sa. Môže sa. A čo ak ťa už nikdy viac Duch Svätý neodsúdi a nepovie ti, že robíš zle? Potom takto vykročíš do večnosti. A vieš, že s tým druhom ducha to nezvládneš. Pozri sa naspäť naprieč svojím životom, vidz, ako si žil. A pozri sa tam späť a vidz, či sa ten sladký, pokorný život Krista zhodoval so všetkým z Jeho Slova. Ak nie, potom sa hneď príď dať do poriadku. Tam je... Prečo brať náhradu, keď sú nebesia plné skutočných letničných požehnaní, ktoré vyčistia tvoje srdce, očistia tvoju dušu? Nie je to tak?

119Koľko je tu dnes večer kazateľov? Chcem, aby ste niekoľkí z vás, bratov, prišli sem hore k nám, ak je to v poriadku, brat. Áno, poďte sem hore, pôjdete len na chvíľu, bratia? To je dobre.

Ježiš povedal vo Svojom Slove, „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný Život, nepríde do odsúdenia; ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Svätý Ján 6 tak povedal, „a Ja ho vzbudím v posledný deň.“ Vzkriesenie.

120Ľudia, musíme tomu čeliť. Musíme to urobiť. Musí to byť urobené. Tak, to nie je emócia. Emócie idú s tým, samozrejme. Je to tak. Ale tá vec, o ktorú ide, je zasvätené srdce. Len vezmi Slovo Božie a povedz, „Bože, robil som zle. Je mi ľúto, že som to robil. Poznáš moje srdce. Robil som zle. Rovno tu na tejto podlahe vyznávam svoje prestúpenie. A od tohto večera až ďalej som zasnúbený Tebe. Som časťou Nevesty. Už to viac nebudem robiť, nikdy viac nebudem uvoľňovať moju zlosť. Budem sa správať ako dáma. Budem sa správať ako džentlmen. Budem robiť veci, ktoré Biblia hovorí, že mám robiť. Rovno teraz Ťa vezmem za Tvoje Slovo.“

Vtedy sa niekam dostávate. Veríte tomu, kazatelia Evanjelia? Je to pravda? Je to tak.

121No, skloňme teraz naše hlavy v modlitbe. Každý jeden z vás svojím vlastným spôsobom. Pamätajte, rovno vedľa vás je Kristus. Vpredu pred vami, ktorí ste na oltári, stoja Kresťania a modlia sa; za vami sa modlia kazatelia Evanjelia. No, to vás umiestňuje do atmosféry modlitby. No, vaše vyznanie, vo svojich srdciach vaším vlastným spôsobom. „Pane, nie som v poriadku. Je mi to ľúto, Pane, robil som tieto veci. Vyznávam teraz môj hriech. Verím na Teba. Prijímam Ťa teraz. Chcem byť časťou Nevesty. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene.“ No, držte teraz svoje vyznanie na svojom srdci. No, pomodlím sa za vás.

122Nebeský Otče, ako ma to niekedy trápi, keď sa dívam na ľudí, ktorí ma milujú, a vidím, ako Ty berieš Slovo a kladieš Ho tam a to jednoducho seká až do špiku kosti. Ale potom prichádzaš, aby si potvrdil, že To je Pravda. Je To Pravda. Tu stoja muži a ženy, dokonca mladé dámy, malé dievčatá tu stoja so sklonenými hlavami a majú slzy v očiach, rovno na križovatkách života. Keď pomyslím, kde by mohli byť odviate v tom twiste, rokenrole, v tej diablom posadnutej, diablom trýznenej skupine. Tu sú, stoja tu dnes večer so sklonenými srdciami, čakajú na niečo, na čo môžu vložiť svoje ruky, aby povedali, „Pane Bože, očisti ma od všetkých vecí tohto sveta.“

123Tu je muž v strednom veku, mladý muž, stará žena, mladé ženy, všetci tu spolu stoja. Vyznávajú, že nie sú v poriadku. Ty si hovoril do ich srdca. Nikdy by tu neboli. Ukazuje to, že by sa ani nemohli zodvihnúť zo svojich sedadiel bez toho, že by už urobili rozhodnutie. Bol okolo nich Duch Boží a hovoril, „Nie si v poriadku.“

A ich malé životy povedali, „Pane, potom chcem Teba.“

A diabol povedal, „Seď potichu.“

Ale Duch Boží povedal, „Povstaň.“ A oni v poslušnosti prišli a stoja tu pri oltári.

124No, ako som Ti teraz citoval Tvoje Slovo, „Ten, kto príde ku Mne, nevyženiem ho von. Hoci by boli tvoje hriechy ako šarlát, budú biele ako sneh; červené ako karmín, biele ako vlna. Poď a kúp si odo Mňa vína a Oleja. Moja milosť je dostatočná. Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večne trvajúci Život a nepríde do odsúdenia; ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ A teraz, nadišla svadba Baránkova a Nevesta sa prihotovila.

Otče, oni sú Tvoji. Sú trofejami Tvojho Slova. Sú tu, aby boli umytí vodou Slova, pretože to je plné Evanjelium. Ono nič neušetrí. Ono to zosekáva až dolu do koreňa, kde to začína od toho prvého štádia. To vytrháva korene, korene horkosti, korene ľahostajnosti, korene sveta. Vytrhaj ich von, Pane, skrze Svätého Ducha. Odvrhni ich preč od týchto ľudí.

125Nárokujem ich dnes večer pre Teba, Ježišu, ako Tvoj vlastný osobný poklad, ako drahokamy v Tvojej korune, ako členov Tvojej Nevesty. Nárokujem si ich životy. Modlím sa z celého srdca s týmito kazateľmi, týmito služobníkmi živého Boha. Modlím sa, aby si od nich vzal, Pane, veci tohto sveta a dal im odvahu postaviť sa tvárou v tvár satanovi. Udeľ to, Pane. Veríme, že to urobíš. Povedal si, „Proste Otca o čokoľvek v Mojom Mene, Ja to urobím." No, nikdy si nepovedal, „Možno to urobím." Povedal si, „Urobím to.“ A verím, že to je pravda.

126No, tiež je napísané v Písmach, „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov.“ To je diabol, ktorý by mohol vziať mladú slečnu alebo ženu a pokaziť jej život. To je diabol, ktorý by mohol vziať muža a pokaziť jeho život. A spomeniem tento malý príbeh, Pane, v mojej modlitbe. A modlím sa, aby si ma vypočul a odpovedal na moju modlitbu, aby každý jeden z týchto bol dnes večer nárokovaný ako klenot Kráľovstva. Oni prišli. A musím sa zodpovedať za svoje slová, ktoré dnes večer hovorím. A prišli sem, aby sa so mnou postavili a zaujali našu pozíciu po boku Krista.

127No, satan, prehral si to. Niektorých z nich si zadržal, ale nevyhral si bitku. Ježiš povedal, „Ten, kto prichádza ku Mne, nevyženiem ho von.“

Satan, hovorím ti, že raz tam bol malý chlapec, ktorý pásol ovce svojho otca. A vošiel tam lev a vzal jednu z nich von, zlovestne s ňou zaobchádzal a chystal sa ju zhltnúť. Ale tento skutočný malý pastier... Nemal toho veľa, iba prak; ale mal vieru v živého Boha. Išiel za tým levom, chytil ho a zabil ho. Postavil sa proti nemu, chytil ho za bradu a zabil ho. Vytrhol tú ovcu z jeho papule, vzal ju naspäť na pastvinu, aby sa uzdravila.

128Ty si vzal tieto vzácne ovce Božie, tieto dámy, ktorým si spôsobil, že si ostrihali svoje vlasy a nosia mejkap, a vyzerajú ako to, čo Biblia odsudzuje. A myslel si si, že ich máš. Ale prichádzam s týmto jednoduchým malým prakom modlitby. Dnes večer ich privádzam naspäť. Nemôžeš ich viac držať. Prehral si bitku. Stoja tu títo vzácni muži, baránky Božie, prepusti ich!

Zaprisahávame ťa v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Umiestňujem medzi tieto návyky a nálady a nemorálnosti, a čokoľvek to môže byť, umiestňujem skrze vieru opäť medzi nich a tie veci Krv Ježiša Krista. Viac ich nedostaneš. Sú na Otcovej pastvine. Sú Jeho deťmi. Drž sa od nich preč. V Mene Ježiša Krista, zaväzujem ťa.

129Neexistuje diabol v pekle, ktorý by sa vás mohol dotknúť, ak tomu veríte. Ste prikrytí Krvou. Ste opevnení modlitbou, kazateľmi Evanjelia a poslami zmluvy, modlitbou. Všetci z vás, ktorí tu stojíte, poďte sem hore, ktorí viete, že máte nejaké návyky, priestupky a veci, za ktoré sa hanbíte, ak ich teraz zložíte na Boží mosadzný oltár súdu a prijmete to teraz ako svoje osobné omilostenie, ktoré vám Kristus dáva, urobíte túto obetu skrze modlitbu a zodvihnete svoju ruku a poviete, „Teraz to prijímam. Je to preč. A od tohto dňa až ďalej, nikdy viac to neurobím.“ Ste spasení skrze Krv Ježiša Krista. Amen. Amen. Chvála buď Bohu.

130Je tu ešte niekto ďalší, kto by chcel prísť, pripojiť sa k tejto skupine? Je tu v budove niekto nemocný, kto by sa práve v tomto čase chcel postaviť kvôli modlitbe? Postavte sa.

Chcem, aby tu každý z vás, ak nie ste členom nejakého dobrého zboru plného Evanjelia, išli do jedného – do tohto, ak môžete, ak žijete tu nablízku. Spojte sa s pastorom a dajte sa pokrstiť. A potom, ak ste neprijali Ducha Svätého, modlite sa, aby vám Boh dal Ducha Svätého a naplnil vás, učinil vás členom tej Nevesty.

Pozrite sa naprieč týmto, bratia, na nemocných ľudí. Diabol nemôže tých ľudí držať. Toto je čas uvoľnenia. Haleluja. Či tomu veríte?

131Tak potom skloňme svoje hlavy k modlitbe. A každý z vás ľudí, ktorí ste tam a ste nemocní, vy, ktorí stojíte, položte ruky jeden na druhého. Ježiš Kristus povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia ruky na nemocných, oni sa uzdravia.“ Držte svoje ruky jeden na druhom. No, nemodlite sa za seba; modlite sa za osobu vedľa, na ktorej máte svoje ruky, pretože oni sa modlia za vás. Modlime sa teraz spoločne ako kresťanská Cirkev.

132Pane Ježišu, sme dnes večer vďační za víťazstvo, za duše prichádzajúce ku Tebe. No, diabol zviazal niektoré z Tvojich oviec chorobou. Prichádzame, aby sme ich nárokovali späť. A ako Cirkev živého Boha, karháme diabla a hovoríme, „Prepusti týchto nemocných ľudí, satan. Zaväzujeme ťa v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech môžu byť uzdravení. Biblia povedala, 'Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia svoje ruky na nemocných, oni sa uzdravia.'“ To je Božie zasľúbenie, a vieme, že To je Pravda. Sú uzdravení ranami Pána Ježiša Krista.

No, ak tomu veríte, zodvihnite svoje ruky a vzdajte Mu chválu. Amen.

V poriadku, pastor, je to celé tvoje. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Je to tak milé byť tu dnes večer s vami. Nech je Boh s tebou. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB, 62-0121E, Fellowship Tabernacle, Fellowship Tabernacle, Phoenix, AZ, 122 min

1 Thank you, Brother Edward. Lord bless you.

Good evening, friends. It certainly is a privilege again tonight to be here in Fellowship Tabernacle. When I passed by, this afternoon, and looked at where it was at, and I seen the word "Fellowship," that suited me just right. I like that, Brother Edward. Fellowship, that's what we believe in.

2An old friend of mine, which has just gone Home to be with the Lord, many of you might have knowed him, Dr. F. F. Bosworth. Many of you. He was here in Phoenix, I believe, with me one time, a very gallant soul. And he was had a... He was a sainted old man, but had a sense of humor. And he said to me, once, he said... I kept talking about fellowship. And he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?"

I said, "Well, I think so, Brother Bosworth."

3He said, "It's two fellows in one ship." So, and that's about right, sharing room with each other.

4 And I seen many of you put up your hands, of knowing Brother Bosworth. Being that--that you knew him, I'd just like to speak a word of his last moments here on earth. I had knowed him for some time. And he was out here preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick, before I was born. So you can see what age he was. Lord let him live, I think, about eighty-five years, something like that, and still a gallant old man when he died.

5 When he was seventy-five, I believe it was, he and I were at the... I believe, the Edgemont Hotel in Miami. And we had had our--our supper, and walked out to the seashore where the waves were coming in, to watch the moon come up. And here I was, about forty years old, my shoulders drooped down, walking out like that. And him, about seventy-five, just as straight as he could be. And I looked at him, and I admired him. And I said, "Brother Bosworth, I want to ask you a question."

He said, "Go right ahead, Brother Branham."

And I said, "When were you your best?"

6He said, "Right now." Well, then, I felt ashamed of myself. And he said, "You forget that I'm just a kid, living in an old house," he said. And that was Brother Bosworth.

7 When I heard that he was going to meet the Lord, I just almost burnt the tires from my car, going down to Miami, to see him. And when wife and I got there... And the Bosworth family and our family had been great friends. And we went in. The old patriarch laying on a little couch. And he had raised up, his little bald head, little, thin arms held out to me, like that. The tears running down my cheeks. I grabbed him in my arms. I cried, "My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof!" Because, if there ever was an old man that ever put dignity in the Pentecostal move, it was Brother Bosworth. He certainly was. He was a great flower.

8 And you know, the first thing he want to do, is tell me a little joke, like that, you know.

And I said, "Brother Bosworth, are you going to get well?"

9He said, "No, Brother Branham. I'm not sick, to begin with." He said, "I'm just going Home."

I said, "Well, that's very fine."

10We had just come off the mission fields of Africa, he and I. He said, "I'm just too old to live any longer." He said, "I'm going Home."

I said, "Brother Bosworth, what would you advise me to do?"

11And he said, "Stay with the Gospel." And he said, "Get back to the mission fields as quick as you can." Said, "That'd be my advice."

12 And I said, "Brother Bosworth, one more thing I would like to ask you."

He said, "What is that, Brother Branham?"

13I said, "Now, you've put in about sixty years for the Lord, in service, or maybe more." And I said, "When was your happiest time in life?"

He said, "Right now."

And I said, "Brother Bosworth, you know you're dying?"

14He said, "I can't die. I died many years ago." And I... He said, "Brother Branham, all that I have loved and cared for for the past sixty years, I'm watching for Him to open that door at any time and come, get me."

I think of that, The Psalm Of Life.

Lives of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime,

With partings, leave behind us

Footprints on the sands of time.

And he certainly left footprints, to me.

15 Before he died, or went on into Glory, about one hour, or maybe more, before he passed away. He had been kind of asleep for a few hours; and his wife, his sons, loved ones standing around, and the old man woke up, looked around, raised up, and run across the floor, and shook hands with his mother who had been gone for many years, with his father. And for over an hour, he shook hands with people, saying, "This is Brother John. Yes, you came to Christ in my meeting in Joliet, Illinois. Here is Brother..." Shaking hands with his converts that had passed, on for many years.

16 I--I tell you, sometimes I believe that in the hour we pass from this earth into the other, I believe sometime when... The river is going to be hard to cross, anyhow, you know. I believe maybe the Lord says to our loved ones, "Go down to the river and meet them down there." For as Jacob said, we'll be gathered with our people someday.

17I too am looking for that day to come. And then when I get through with this life here, or God gets through with me here, and I see that I have taken every fort that I could, went through every brier patch, and climbed every hill, I want to look back, see where I've been. I come down to the river.

18I've always said, like the colored folks here, they have a little song they sing, "I don't want no trouble at the river." I want to get it all straightened up now.

19Just maybe put the sword back in the sheath, and take off the helmet, and lay it down on the beach, and raise up my hands, and holler, "Bring out the lifeboat, Father. I'm coming home this morning." He will be there. Don't worry. I believe that. I think that's the desire of every one of our hearts.

20 Now, it's indeed a grand privilege to be here tonight with this lovely pastor and his church, and this wonderful work, and these who are sojourning in Christ, in this end of Phoenix. For, truly, we are sojourners. We are pilgrims and strangers here. We're seeking a City.

21 As I was speaking this morning down to Brother Fuller's tabernacle, on the Royal Seed. Now, if you got tape recorders, I never make mention. But there was something happened this morning, that I... If you got a tape recorder, if you get one of the tapes, I'm sure you'd appreciate it. Brother Maguire has them, and The Royal Seed Of Abraham. See?

22Abraham's seed was Isaac, which is Jewish, natural. But the Royal Seed was Christ, through the promise, and that Christ was God's Word made manifest. And it's in our heart today as we... "If I... Ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then ask what you will, and it'll be done for you."

23 Now, I expressed that of Phoenix, many times since I been here. My first time coming was thirty-five years ago. And up on 16th and Henshaw, I lived, worked on Circle R Ranch out here, out of Wickenburg. And I went with a little girl there on 16th and Henshaw. I went to look for the place the other day, and it isn't even Henshaw no more. It's Buckeye now. And it's a big city right in the metropolitan area of Phoenix here. Everything is changed so.

24 And wife and I went up on South Mountain, to look back over Phoenix. I thought, about three hundred years ago, there probably wasn't nothing here but coyotes, cactus, and so forth. And now it's a great fabulous city. Now, I said, "Honey, is it converted or perverted? You can use your choice. To me, it's perverted now. Because, these great buildings and beautiful structures would be fine if men and women were walking up-and-down the streets, with their hands up to God, praising God, and brothers and sisters living like; instead of drinking, gambling, smoking, lying, stealing, beer joints, everything that's evil. In midst of all that, though..."

Then wife said to me, "Then, Billy, what are you here for?"

25I said, "But, honey, since we been setting here, fifteen minutes, how many lies has been told through that valley? How many oaths has been taken, the Lord's Name in vain? How many cigarettes, how many whiskey drinkings, how many adulteries has been committed, and all through there, just in the last little while, while we're here?"

She said, "Isn't that awful?"

26But I said, "Here is what we're here for, honey. How many faithful prayers has went up since we been here? 'Ye are the Light of the world.' That's what we're here for, to put our shoulders with these little churches here, do everything we can, to help it to move on. To be a..."

27 You all, you saints, are a blessing to me. I hope that I'll be a blessing to you, in visiting here. And I, when I found out that I get to visit the different denominations and organizations, and--and the different churches, and so forth, the brethren through the Phoenix valley here, my heart was thrilled. That comes before the convention that I'm to speak, at the Christian Business Men's convention on, I think, Saturday morning breakfast, and then the Sunday afternoon meeting, to follow, that following Sunday. And it's always a privilege to meet with those brethren. I think they have about twenty-five hundred seats there. Be plenty of seating room for all of us. We hope to meet you there.

28 And then to have this time of fellowship, to go from church to church, and speak. I think I preached this morning till I preached myself hoarse, for about an hour and a half. And that was a short one. I usually don't get out 'fore three or four hours of it, at--at the church at home. I just... I'm not a preacher. So I--I just make a joyful noise to the Lord. I like to do it so well. I--I guess I just love it, so I just keep on doing it. I been had four or five different expressions, I'm holding the people too late, so I know that is true. And tonight, honestly, we'll be out of here before one o'clock. I, I'll just almost assure you of that. I just, almost... Such a fine feeling spirit, and everything so lovely, I'm sure the Holy Spirit will have a blessing for us.

29 Now, now I haven't been having any healing services in the meetings. I... One night, down at brother... Jesus' Name, what was the pastor? Brother Outlaw. Brother Outlaw's church, there was so many there wanted to be prayed for. And I had my son to give out some prayer cards. And then a couple nights, the Holy Spirit so falling in the building, until... You all know. You been in my meetings. All of you have. You see how the discernment, and so forth. But now I've noticed it's accumulating many to be prayed for. And I noticed that the first, by beginning Wednesday and Thursday. I thought I'd wait till after Sunday, because if you're having healing services in the church.

30You see, I--I announced everywhere I went for every person to stay at your post of duty on Sunday, you see. These special meetings is just visiting with the brethren. And we--we want everybody to keep your place of duty, 'cause your pastor is waiting for you, and that's where you should be.

31 So then--then I think, tomorrow night, if the Lord willing, I don't... Where are we to be tomorrow night? [A brother says, "Over in Tempe, at Brother O'Donnell's church."--Ed.] Brother O'Donnel, at Tempe, Arizona. Now, if you don't have any--any special thing going on at your church, and you got sick people, why, I'm going to pray for the sick, tomorrow night, just have a regular prayer line, pray for the sick, maybe--maybe Monday, Tuesday. Let's see, I'm supposed... I don't know. Have I got church for Wednesday night too? ["Yes."] Wednesday night. Then it...

32And it starts on Thursday, is that right, the convention? [A brother says, "I kind of got things...?... convention."--Ed.] All right, brother. He'll make the announcement now. ["See, we're here tonight. And tomorrow night we're at the Tempe Assembly of God. And then the Mountain View in Sunnyslope on the twenty-third. And then at the Central Assembly on the twenty-fourth."] All right, that's fine. ["I couldn't remember, myself. I kind of got messed up with it."] Don't think of that.

I was talking the other day, about, "Couldn't remember."

33 And Brother Jack Moore said to me, said, "You think you're bad?" he said.

34I said, "Brother Jack, I go to talking, I can't remember just what I was talking about."

35He said, "Don't think that's bad." Said, "I call up on the phone, call somebody, say, 'What'd you want?'" Well, that's getting pretty bad!...?... Oh!

36So, my, that might sound jokey, which I don't think is right to say at the pulpit here. But God's children is just happy children, anyhow, you know, so we--we just like to. I thought that was kind of cute.

37 You all, many of you, know Brother Jack Moore. He's from Shreveport, Louisiana, Life Tabernacle, very fine brother. And so he was telling me that. He's a contractor, also.

38He said, "Don't think that's bad, Brother Branham." Said, "I called up somebody the other day, and called their number." And said, "They answered, said, 'Hello.' I said, 'Well, what do you want?'"

I thought, "Well, that's getting way down, Brother Jack."

39So now, I think it would be good, and these friends that wants to be prayed for, and bring their sick people in, then we'll pray for them.

40 Now, tonight, I have thought on what would I say tonight up here in this lovely little church. I thought, "Well, I don't know what." I just have to just take a little text, and trust that the Lord will mix up the words somewhere, and let it fall where it'll help somebody. To be... I never try to take a text. I always try to feel led, and write down a bunch of Scriptures, and so forth. And--and then, if the Lord leads different, then I just go as He leads. And I think that's the way we all should do. Don't you? Do the same way.

41 And now there's one thing that--that I--I want, every one of the church announce this to every local body. And that is, that if... When you're through praying for your pastor and your loved ones, don't forget me, 'cause I realize, daily, more than ever, that we're coming down to the end of the road.

42And I just buried my mother, a few weeks ago. And held her in my arms until God taken her breath and her soul to Heaven. I watched that gallant death of a woman filled with the Holy Ghost, and see her come right to the end of the road. I thought, "Oh, I--I just must have every mother like that. I just must do something to get... do what I can, to get people to see what it really means."

43 And, friends, I am persuaded that it's maybe a little deeper. And I think we take it a little too light than what really it is. I think that we should remember. If God is so holy till the Angels look dirty in his sight, how do we look? See? That's right. So we want to remember. And remember, God is setting way there in Eternity, that outshines all the suns in the solar system. "Holy, holy, holy," the Angels with wings over their faces, and over their feet, flying in His Presence, crying, "Holy." What should we be? So we... That's what we try to do.

44 And--and I feel like that this, the Kingdom of God, is like a man that taken a net and went to the sea, Jesus said, and he cast in. And when he had drawed, he taken many kinds. But the good fish, of course, was kept; and the other scavenger fish was went back to the water, such as crawfish, and--and snakes, lizards, and terrapins, and so forth. But the Gospel nets catches all of it. And we're... There'll someday will be a time that we'll cast our last net, Brother Adams. That's right. It's not you or I to say which is fish and which is not. We don't know. We just cast the net and pull it. That's all. God knows His Own. "Those who He foreknew, He called; and those who He called, He has justified; and those who He has justified, He hath glorified." So we're waiting, just casting the net. And it's my privilege tonight to stand in Brother Edward's church here to help cast the net at this place, to see if there be any fish that God has for His Kingdom.

45 Now, just before we read the Word, let's talk to the Author of the Word just a little bit as we bow our heads.

46With our heads bowed, in sacredness of this moment, that we're approaching the Word of the living God, which is God, I wonder if there would be any people in here that has requests on their hearts, that they'd like to be remembered in this prayer. Make it known by a lifted hand.

Lord Jesus, look at the audience, knowing every heart.

Thank you.

47 Most gracious and holy God, the Almighty, El Shaddai, that appeared to Abraham in the Name of "the Almighty, the breasted-God, the strength-Giver, the Nourisher of the weak," come to us tonight, Father. And we realize our weaknesses and our mistakes. We confess our sins before Thee, and lay them on Thy brazen altar of judgment, and ask that the Blood of Jesus Christ take them away, in the sacrifice that we make. Grant it, O God.

48We submit our lives and all that we have, and what little talent is given us. Lord, use it to the glory of God.

49Bless this church, its lovely pastor, deacons, trustees, and all the board, and every member that comes into this church called "Fellowship." God, I pray that men and women, as they walk in that door of this place, that they'll fall under convictions because of the lovely order of the Holy Spirit inside the building. Grant it, Lord.

50 Forgive our sins, and our trespasses, we ask again. Remember those that's raised their hands. Down beneath that hand, Lord, was a heart requesting something from Thee, and perhaps maybe only Thee alone could give it. I pray that You'll grant it, Father. Whatever they have need of, give it to them in abundance. There be any sick, Lord, heal them. If there be any that's falling by the wayside, strengthen that one, that feeble knee. "A bruised reed, He will not break, or a smoking flax will He not quench." And we know that He would never turn away a bruised reed; He would mend it. And I pray, Heavenly Father, if there be any spirits that's broken, or--or discouraged, or feeble hands hanging down, and knees bagged, may they be lifted up tonight, Lord. May the Holy Spirit come and heal our hearts and spirits, and our physical beings, and we'll give Him all the praise for it. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

51 If you would like to turn to the Scripture, just for about thirty-minutes talk, I would like for you to read with me out of the book of Revelations, the 19th chapter. And I would like to read down to the 7th verse, inclusive.

And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation,... glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:

For true and righteous is his judgment: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornications, and has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.

And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.

And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.

And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.

And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thundering, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready.

52Like to speak tonight on the subject of: The Marriage Of The Lamb, just for a few moments to. We are so familiar with this Scripture. No doubt but your lovely pastor here has approached this subject many times.

53 And, that, we know that there is going to be a Bride, and there's going to be a wedding supper served in the skies. That's just as sure to be, as God is, because it's His Word. And we know that those that are going to make up that Bride is going to be His Church, and they're going to appear before Him without spot or wrinkle. And they have the material on earth now to make themselves ready. If you notice, It said, "She has made herself ready."

54 So many says, "If the Lord will take this evil spirit from me, from drinking, or from gambling, or from lying, or stealing, I'll serve Him."

55But that's up to you. See, you got to do something, too. "They that overcome shall inherit all things." They that overcome. You have power to do it, but you must be willing to lay it down. See? "She has made Herself ready." I like that Word.

56You see, God could not push us through a little pipe, pull us out on the other end, and then saying, "Blessed is he that overcometh." You had nothing to overcome; He just pushed you through. But you've got to make decisions for yourself. I have to make decisions for myself. In doing that, we show our faith and respects to God.

57 Abraham was promised a child, but he must maintain this promise for twenty-five years, the ups-and-downs that he had, and temptations, in those twenty-five years. But he held to the word of the promise.

58And Israel was promised a promised land, but they had to fight for every inch of it. "Wherever the soles of your foot treads upon, that have I given you," God said to Joshua. It was all there. The land was there, and God gave it to them, but they must fight for it.

59 The same way it is about Divine healing. God has got the power to heal you, if you've got the courage to accept it, but you'll fight every inch of the way.

60God has got amazing grace to save you, and He will do it, but you'll fight every inch of your way.

61I been behind the pulpit, going on thirty-one years, and every inch of that has been a fight, constantly. It certainly has.

62"But we must fight if we must reign." So we find out that the Bride has to make Herself ready. "Be willing to lay aside every weight that does so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us." We must lay them aside, ourself. We can't say, "God, You come, lay them aside for us." We got to do that, ourselves.

63 Now, I like to think of weddings. I've had the privilege of marrying quite a few people. And I think, when I bring a young man and a young woman down to the altar, and see them come down through the church; and she, pretty with her wedding garments on, and the veil over her face and hanging down; and the bridegroom, straight, dressed beautiful; and young and full of vigor, as they walk down there in their very best of life, and take that marriage vow, I think there is something sweet about it. There is something sacred, because that it reminds me that there will be another great wedding someday, when Christ's bride will come walking down the corridors of Glory.

64The Bridegroom will have everything ready. There'll be a wedding and a supper. How we love to think of setting across the table from each other, and shaking one another's hands, and tears running down our cheeks. And think, He will come around, wipe all tears from our eyes, say, "Don't cry. It's all over now. Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." Oh, brother, that will make us love one another more.

65 I think that's what's the matter with the Church, the Bride today, that's made up of all churches that believes in Christ. It's not the church building, neither is it the organization or the denomination, but it's the individuals that's in the church that makes the Bride.

66 I have a good friend in Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Wallace Cauble, who was a Church of Christ minister, and come in and received the Holy Ghost, and pastors one of the greater, largest churches in Louisville, the church of the Open Door. He's been a very precious friend to me. And a few days ago, I was standing on the street, and I seen him come down the street. And I always loved him, and he loved me.

67But one day he had a tonsil operation, and he was bleeding to death. And they had him down there at the Saint Joseph Hospital, and they said he was dying. And Mrs. McSpadden called me, said, "Dr. Wallace Cauble." I didn't know him yet, but I knowed there was a big church of the Open Door. Said, "He's dying. The doctors has give him shots, everything else. They put stitches in. He's constantly hemorrhaging, and they can't stop the blood. His blood won't curdle, and, you know, stop the bleeding." And said, "They've got missionaries in there, and they want you come, pray for him."

68 Well, I had heard of Dr. Wallace Cauble, and so I kind of was a little reluctant, but I went over. And when I looked in the hospital room, there was missionaries and great ministers, all in there, crying and praying. And I thought, "Oh, my! Little bitty me, a little holy-roller, go in there? I'd better just stay out here." So I got down behind the Coke machine out in the hall. I prayed to God, to--to stop the blood, for Brother Cauble. I went back down and went out.

69I just got home, about fifteen minutes, and the phone rang again, and want to know what was my delay, that I had not been there. And I said, "I--I come. But there was so many in there. I--I just felt not led to come in, maybe, see, so many, the big ministers in there."

70He said, "Come right now." Said, "The man can't live but a little while longer."

71 So I went back over, again. And when I went in there, he was trying to get a Catholic sister to accept Christ as personal Saviour; and him bleeding, and the blood flying out of his mouth. I walked in.

And he said, "How do you do?"

72And I said, "How do you do?" He was setting up in the bed, and coughing like that, and the blood coming out.

And he said, "What is your name?"

And I said, "I'm Brother Branham."

73And he started crying, put his arms around me. I knelt down there.

74Now, it's Dr. Wallace Cauble, of the church of the Open Door in Louisville. Get him a letter. "The blood stopped that second." It's never moved, since. See? And we been very, very good friends since then. And the other day, I met him. And he said...

75 Oswald J. Smith, many of you know Brother Smith. He's a great missionary, and he comes to Brother Cauble because he likes him so well. He said, "Brother Cauble, you know," he said, "I..." Something about his wife. He said, "When I first got married," said, "I felt like, well, if I make a mistake, I'll, oh, I can get another one," 'cause he was young. "But," said, "after the children comes along," said, "then it's kind of hard to do without her. Then is when you get about fifty years old, you just can't do without her. And as you get older, why, you--you feel that way."

I said, "I guess that's about right." I was...

76What the subject come up about, you know how the ladies can shop, and my wife was in there. And she is queen of all of it. She just stays all time. My poor feet just nearly kills me, on the street walking around with her. And he was telling me, said, "Well, you just can't do without her." And that's how the remark come up.

77When I went home, I got setting in the room there, thinking, "That's right." I applied it to something else.

78 You know, when I was first converted in the... become a Missionary Baptist preacher, I thought, "If a person wasn't a Baptist, he just wasn't saved. That's all there was to it." And I packed a Bible under my arm, and I thought the Lord called me to make everybody Baptist. "And everybody didn't believe just like the Baptists believed, they was not in the picture at all."

79As the days went on, I thought I had the whole job to do, myself. And I come to find out, I noticed another brother that had a church, a pastor. He pulled too, just as hard as I did. After all, the blanket stretches a little bit over towards him too, you know.

80Then we find out, we need one another. And now, after we begin to get this far along, it's just kind of hard to do without one another. That's all. We just got to have one another, that. And I believe that's in this great pentecostal move. I'm glad to see those barriers of indifference breaking down, the great Church of God begin to merging itself together in fellowship. Means that the wedding is coming nearer now. And the stones, are peculiar cut as they may be, they got a place somewhere in that building, if they're the stones of the Lord.

81 Now, marriage, in one sense, is a type. The earthly marriage here is a type of the heavenly marriage. Now let's go over it, just for a few moments, to rehearse it a moment.

82The first thing there is, there must be a decision made. The first thing, takes, in natural marriage, is a decision has to be made. The young lady has to make her decision, whether she wants this young man; and the young man, whether he wants the young woman. There has to be a decision made, and you have to make it. She must be the only woman in the world that you love, and he must be the only man. If it isn't, then you made a wrong decision.

83And that's the same way it is by making the decision for Christ. The first thing you have to do, is make up your mind whether you're going to serve God and take Him as your Saviour, or you're not going to do it. Are you going to serve the world? Are you going to serve Christ? You have to make up your mind. There has to be a decision made. When you make up your mind, that you're either going to serve God or mammon, then you take your choice. But the decision has to be made.

84 And then, after the decision is made, that you are, then comes the engagement. That, you find that at the altar. You've got to make an engagement before this union can be. And that's the way it is with Christ's Church. It has to be an engagement with Christ, a--a pledge, an engagement, a love affair.

85And then, the next thing, is--is promises made. There has to be promises made to one another, like that you make promise. "Sweetheart, if you'll marry me, I promise that I'll be loyal and true. I will look upon no other woman." Or, "I'll look upon no other man. And I'll do all that as a duty, as a wife. We have children, it'll do all as a duty as a--as a mother. I, I'll be a housekeeper." All these promises has got to be made, or should be, in a correct wedding.

86 And that's the same thing when you come to Christ. "Lord, if You will receive me into Your Kingdom, I promise." There you are. "I'll love You. I'll be true to You. I'll serve You, day and night." It's too bad we forget that. "I'll serve You, day and night. I'll fast. I'll pray. I'll be loyal to You. I'll bring my tithings into the storehouse. I, I'll--I'll pray, many times a day. I'll--I'll do anything. And I'll pledge all my love to You." That's what you should do. That's exactly right, where you promise that, and it should come from your heart.

87If you promise your husband that, and not from your heart, you mean it, you are absolutely not living correctly with him. It's kind of a crystallized affair.

88 Look here. If--if you haven't got teeth, and you use false teeth, now, that's all right. It's substituting for the teeth that you once had. But, actually, those teeth are not connected with you. It's not part of you. If you had an--an arm amputated, and you put a false arm on, well, that arm is actually not connected with you. It's just stuck on you. See? It's not connected with you.

89And when we take our pledge to Christ, if we don't become part of Him, like a woman ought to become part of a man and a man part of the woman, then we're artificial Christians. We're not, really. You're really not married to that woman. You might be loyal. If you don't love your husband, and him sixty or seventy years old, and you don't love him as good as you did at the beginning, then you're really just raising his children.

90 That's the way the churches are, too many today. We're just taking the name of the "Christian Church," pretending to be the Bride. When, it's artificially. We're not connected with Christ in any way. We're like an artificial tooth, artificial arm, artificial eye. See? It's something that's artificial if we're just putting it on. Well, you can't put on Christianity. You've got to be connected with it.

91And then a church that's just artificial, called the church of Christ, well, them children then are not in There, that's born of that same organization. Is only... They're not Christ's children. They are denominational children, and not children of Christ.

92 If the woman isn't connected with the man in trueness, then it isn't her husband. It's just a man she's taken a vow to live with, and she took a wrong vow. She pledged to love him, and she said she loved him, and she didn't do it. All the time, the man is deceived.

93But there's one thing sure, friends, we're not going to deceive Christ. He knows His Own.

94 But, you see, first, decisions made. Next, engagement. Then, promise.

95And, then, the ceremony. And that's when the bride--bride takes the bridegroom's name. She is no more then of her own name. She takes the bridegroom's name.

96And then when the Church has the ceremony, makes their promises, then she takes the Bridegroom's Name. Then she is no longer a church of the world. She is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Not... I don't mean, that, by Name. I mean, that, by Birth, by nature, by...?... power of God. By the revealed Truth of God, in the heart, she becomes a Christian Church, the great universal apostolic Christian Church. She becomes a part of Christ. When she does that, she... Christ injects into her His Own Spirit, His Own Life. And the Bible said, to Adam and Eve, there, "You are no longer twain, but one." And when the woman, Church, is married to Christ, they are no longer two. They are One. Christ in you! Amen. That's it. His Life has been brought into you, then you become the Bride.

97 Then, another thing, after she has taken all these vows, and so forth, and the ceremony has been said.

98Like, my wife's name was Broy before she was married. Now, she is no longer a Broy. She is Branham. Now, she isn't no more Broy. She is Branham.

99And when you come into Christ, you're no more of the world. You are of Christ. See? You care not then for the things of the world. They are dead to you. "For he that loves the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in him."

100So, you see, you can't be an artificial Christian. You can be an artificial, professed Christian.

101But you can't be a Christian, become, until Christ injects Himself, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, into you. Then you're connected with Him. You're no longer twain. You are One. Christ promised to be in us, as the Father was in Christ. "I and My Father are One. You and I are One." See? Christ in us! All that God was, He poured into Christ. And all that Christ was, He poured into the Church, to continue the work of the Gospel.

102 Then we become, not by artificial name, but by a reality of the Holy Spirit of Life connecting us into Christ. Then, through the power of His resurrection, we are raised from the dead things of the world, and setting with Him in Heavenly places. Amen. I like that. Tonight, we're setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, see, resurrected with Him; died to the things of the world, and took on Christ. And when we take on Christ, then the world is dead, then we no more care for the world. The world is dead to us. And we're... And it's dead to us, and we're dead to it.

103You're a different person, different personality, because you are a new creation. Creation! Not the same creation, polished up; not a--a man that's turned a new leaf. But a man that's died, and been born again, and become a new creation in Christ Jesus, and the Spirit of the living God lives in the person.

104Now, just like the woman that's no more Broy, she's a Branham, and she goes by that name.

105And the Church is no more of the world, but it's in the Name of Christ, she is. She's connected with Him, by His Own Life.

106 Did you ever read in the Scripture, how that the first man, God made, was a--a dual person? Adam was both Adam and Eve, spiritually speaking, but when He made the first man in His Own image. "And God is a Spirit." But, when He put them in flesh, He separated them. He taken the masculine spirit, put it into the man, and taken the feminish spirit and put it into the woman.

107Now, when you see a woman wanting to act like a man, there is something wrong. When you see a man wants to act like a woman, there is something wrong. So it looks like the world is all wrong, today. Men are trying to act like women; women like men. That's right. It's true.

108 Now look. It's so perfect, that when God took and made a man. And to show that He did not want it out of anything different, the woman was not in the original creation. So she is not in the creation, but she's a part of Adam. She's a by-product. He goes into the side of Adam, not to make another creature, but taking part of a creature and made another creature out of it. And He took the masculine spirit that was in Adam... And took the feminish spirit that was in Adam, rather, and put it over into the woman. So, both spirit and body, they become one.

109Was a beautiful type to what God did at Calvary. He took Christ, and connected Him with the Church, through a riven side, He brought the Blood that cleansed the person, that sanctifies the flesh of the Church, and puts the Spirit of the living God, that He took off the cross there, out of Christ, and puts it into the individual. Then they are one. They become one. Christ and you are one.

110 And you and your husband should be one. If there's anything contrary, then there's something wrong with your union.

111And if there's anything contrary with us, to Christ, we don't believe His Word, say, "Oh, that was for other days," there is something wrong with our union with Him. If you say, "Days of miracles is past; there's no Divine healing; there's no baptism the Holy Ghost," apply that back somewhere, that shows that the Spirit of Christ isn't in you.

112Because, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh." And then when his Word becomes prominent in you, then, you see, it's you and Christ are one then. "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, you can ask what you will," because it's not you no more. It's the Word of God, Christ in you. You become one. All right.

113 Then, another thing, after she does that, after she has fulfilled her vows, and took her marriage, and took her husband's-to-be name, the bridegroom's name, then she's heir of everything he possesses. She's the heir of everything. Your wife is an heir of everything you possess.

114And that's the thing that the Church is, if she only knew it, being part of Him with His Spirit in her. He said, "The works that I do shall you do also. Greater than this shall you do, for I go to My Father. A little while, and the world seeth Me no more; yet you shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Then it's Christ in you. You're connected together, and you're heirs with Him.

115 And if He was here on earth, what would He be doing? The same thing He did there, because He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He'd be mindful about the Father's business. He'd be healing the sick. He'd be performing miracles. He'd be doing just exactly what He did when He was here on earth, because He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's just perfect. That's the marriage.

116 But, now, what if this woman gets married, takes all these vows and everything, and she becomes this man's husband, and she's heir to all he's got, and so forth, and then she goes wild? She starts off on a tantrum. She starts off, running after other men. Not only that, but she is sharing her love with others. A man with his wife, all the promises that they has made, and then she goes out and starts sharing her life with others, her love and her affection with others.

117That's what too many so-called Christians do, sharing your love with the world: playing, dancing, gambling, staying home from prayer meetings, to watch television, all kinds of worldly things that's took the place of the love of God, in the church's heart. She's gone on a tantrum. She's gone wild. She's gone out after other men. She is sharing her love. She'll take her tithing that she should give to the church; she'll spend it on other things out there in the world. She'll... Instead of loving God the way she should do, and living for God, and loving to come to church, you almost have to persuade her to come.

118 Why, I know, here not long ago, a--a minister told me that he sent out so many prayer... so many cards, to get people to sign, that they would pledge to come to Sunday school at least six months out of every year.

119And I had seen a little old girl down below the hill there, where I had been working. And she come out of there. And I was standing at the door, knocked at the door, and she come to the door. And she was some of these here wildcat players, you know.

120Like this bunch they had to have arrested down here in Phoenix last night, I believe it was, doing this new perversion of--of rock-and-roll, or twisters, ever what it was, and they had to get the cops to come get them. Young folks, don't you understand that that is a spirit of the Devil? Under the influence, till they didn't know what they was, out in the streets, carrying on.

121 Like some of these comedians, or these record players, and jockeys, and so forth, go in the place, in the city I was in. And the young ladies taking off their underneath clothes and throwed it on the platform, for this boy to autograph. Don't you realize that's the Devil? It's a spirit of the last days. Sure. It's such a shame. There you are, gone wild.

122 This young woman, she come out, carrying on. She didn't even know I was... Forgot me standing at the door. And she said, "Oh, pardon me. I forgot about you standing there." And she throwed a kiss to that guy on the radio, ever what it was, and said, "I'll meet you out at the Greenbrier Patch," or whatever it was. They was going to have some kind of a dance that night.

And I said to Dr. Brown, which was a friend of mine.

123He said, "How is your congregation holding out up there, Billy?"

Said, "Fine." I said, "We're giving them pills."

He said, "What kind of pills?"

124I said, "Gospels. That sure keeps them coming all the time." See?

125And he told me about that, signing those pledges. And I said, "Dr. Brown, do you think that that wildcat player on that radio would have to make that girl sign a pledge that she would be over there that night? Not at all. She would pawn what clothes she had on, to get there." Why? It's something in her that's connected her, a spirit, to that worldly amusement.

126 And until the church of the living God, that's called the bride of Christ, gets herself connected with God like that, she'll still wallow in the world, in the miry clay of sin, until she's connected with God in such a way, till her heart is so filled with glory and power of God, until she can't see nothing else but Christ. That's right.

127That's what we'll have to do. That's the only plan, the only program God has, is to do a thing like that. You've got to be not artificially took in. You've got to be born in, not shook in, or bring a letter to the church. But to be born in the Church of the living God, by the regeneration, by the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that makes you a new creature in Him. Amen. That straightens it up. That does it. Sure. All right.

128 She goes wild. She starts sharing her love with others, worldly things, worldly amusements, going to the places she oughtn't to go, saying the things she oughtn't to say.

129Here one time I... They was having a ladies... some kind of a church party upstairs. I happened to have something to do at the basement of this house. And I tell you, I've heard some awful things when I was a sinner, but, that woman's meeting, I never heard any worse jokes in all my life. Could you imagine, a person that's called a Christian, would let such filth flow from them?

130You can't get sweet and good water out of the same cistern. You put a bucket into the well, and it comes out full of wiggle-tails, we call them. When you put the bucket down again, it'll bring out the same thing. The cistern needs a scouring out, and a filling up with good water.

131 That's what's the matter with the church today, universally speaking, that she needs a scouring out, a filling up with God's holy waters from Heaven. Her heart has become a cesspool of anything that comes along. She has got lovers of all kinds. The Bible said she'd have. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are right."

132See a woman that tries to live right, a man that tries to live right, he becomes a "holy-roller," she becomes a "fanatic," or some old-fashion something. She's a castaway. She's despised and rejected by the people of this world. That's right.

133 But did you ever notice what the real Church is supposed to do? In the Old Testament, when they had the--the sacrifice, they killed one bird, and put the blood of one upon the other, the dead mate; and it flew across the earth, spreading the blood of the dead mate. When the Church becomes the real Bride of Jesus Christ, she'll carry the Blood of Jesus Christ with her, sprinkling it upon the ground, calling, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." Her atmosphere, her every bit of her will be of God. Her whole makeup will be of God. You can't expect nothing else.

134 That's why people come to church, too. Not to play cards and play poker, dance in the basement, have soup suppers and things like that. That's for the world. And we'll never be able to compare with them, and shame on us for trying it. We should preach the Holy Ghost, and power, and the resurrection of Christ. We've got something they haven't got. Let us live it, not try to copy after them. Live what we know is right. Live in Christ. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I'll draw all men unto Me. Ye are the salt of the earth. But the salt has lost its savour, then it's good for nothing but to be cast out and trod under the feet of men." Our testimonies!

135 No wonder, even our Pentecostal groups, as bad as I hate to say it, our Pentecostal groups are falling right into that same thing, right into the same trend. And no wonder people says they haven't got what they say they've got. This Church of the pentecostal move ought to be so bound together with the power of Almighty God, until the very Life of Jesus Christ would be reflected in It.

136But we want to pattern after the world. "We're going to do it, anyhow." See? "We want to have our way about it." But we shouldn't do it. It's wrong to do it. The churches is just like the woman, went wild.

137First thing you know, she becomes all right, at the beginning when God gave birth to this pentecostal Church, about forty or fifty years ago. She lived holy. She was holy. The power of God was with her. But as we go on, we begin to tally after the world.

138 The first thing you know, we got to have a building that's so big it's got to outshine the Methodists over on the other corner. We got to have something so big, the biggest thing, and the biggest thing, and the biggest thing. It's a shame. Lot of us get ourselves puffed up when we get... The Pentecostal brother see somebody down, the little mission, or little bitty church, and they go to a big church. "We belong to the first church, or the big church," or something like that; look down upon them.

139What you need is the Holy Ghost, to deflate you a little bit, that's right, let you know that the real true baptism of the Holy Ghost will make a tuxedo suit put his arms around a pair of overalls and say, "brother." Right. Real old-time salvation, the power of Almighty God, yes, sir, will make an old silk dress put its arms around a calico, and say, "Sister, I love you." Sure will.

140 But we begin to go out with the world, drift with the tides. Our church has. We don't have to talk about the Methodists and Baptists no more. It's ourselves. It's in our own ranks. That's the reason the Holy Spirit cannot move. That's the reason I say that God cannot put His sanction upon any organization tonight. Because, the Gentiles was not taken out as a nation. They were a people out of the Gentiles, for His Name's sake. God will take individuals.

141Now, I think our organizations does a good work. That's all right. But you can't depend on that, say, "I'm pentecostal, 'cause I belong to a Pentecostal organization." You're pentecostal when you get a pentecostal experience. I don't care if you belong to the Catholic church, you are pentecostal. You can't organize pentecost. Pentecost is an experience, not an organization. And that's right.

142 But we Pentecostal people has begin to think, 'cause we have the name of Pentecost, we can go ahead and live in the world, do anything we want to. We're like climbing Nimrod's tower; it'll go to ashes. Like Adam's fig-leaf apron; she'll go back. Like the Siegfried line in France, Maginot line in Germany; she crushed.

143Cause, there's no other tower, no other stand. "But the Name of the Lord is a mighty tower that the righteous run into and are safe." When you run into It, you take the Name, the Name; not just calling a Name, but the Name and person that you are, Christ-like in the life. Amen. Wonderful He is. Yes.

144 Church has done the same, committing spiritual fornications, as a woman that would share her love from her husband to another man. That woman is not fit to be lived with. You know that. And when the church begins to share her fellowship with the world, God is a jealous God. He put Israel away because of that, and His Son will put the same thing away.

145He's going to have a Bride that hasn't got a wrinkle in Her. Amen. She's wholly washed by the Blood of His Own self. That's right. So we see where we stand, the wedding getting ready to come.

146 Now, we find out she commits spiritual fornications, going out with the world, professing something, living something different. That won't never work. What the church ought to do, is do like Esther did. Esther refused the adorning of the world.

147We know that little book of Esther, how that Mordecai... His uncle had a daughter. And was down during the times of the reigns of the Medes and Persians. It's a very beautiful type there. The king, one of the greatest kings in the world that day, he had a great feast. And he called the queen to come set by him, but she wouldn't do it. She refused to do it. So what did he do? He was so humiliated, didn't know what to do, that his own wife wouldn't come.

148 I think that's a whole lot like Christ today. Christ has invited us to set in Heavenly places with Him, and we're ashamed of it. Many people are ashamed to say that they got the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Pentecostal people, that's right, they're ashamed to say it. We're ashamed of Him.

149And so the queen wouldn't come. She refused to come. It humiliated him. His face turned red. Everybody noticed.

150I wonder if Jesus' face don't turn a little red, too, when He calls on us for a work, calls on the Pentecostal movement for fellowship and brotherhood, and we're so tightly organized in little groups till we won't bend for the other. We're so, getting so worldly and things like that, we're getting ashamed of the name of pentecost. Some people is afraid to say. Say, "Well, I belong. I'm a Christian, but..." I'm glad I got a pentecostal experience. Amen. I'm glad to bear the Name of Jesus Christ. It's the greatest privilege I ever had, to say I'm part of Him.

151 Now we find out, then, he got some consultants, to ask what must he do. And they said, "If this goes on like this, all the rest of the women throughout the country will take the example of the first lady."

152Of course, that's what's happening tonight. I look at some of these women. I hope I don't hurt your feelings, and yet I do, I hope I do. Uh-huh. Right. Trying to be this here first-lady stuff, with these water-head haircuts. I never seen such a thing in all my life.

153The other day there was a woman come up in a store where I was waiting for my wife, and that woman's head was that big, and she had green paint under her eyes. I said, "Go back, boogerman. I'll be good." It was the awfullest sight. It would scare you. What is it? The first lady. It's the first lady. That's it. And they take an example by that.

154 And let me say this now. I didn't say it jokingly, but in a parable, that you would see. That's exactly what you older Christians are doing for these younger. Exactly right. You're supposed to be examples. You Pentecostals that profess to have the Holy Ghost, you are to be an example for the Methodists, and Baptists, Presbyterians. Not like the first lady, but like Jesus you're supposed to be. He tells you in Here what to do, how to do it. We must follow His rules and examples. But that's the way we find it. Esther...

155 This queen, she wouldn't listen to it. She wouldn't come; humiliated him. Said, "If--if this first lady of the land sets an example like that, all the rest of the women will do it. So then when a man calls for his wife, she'll say, 'Go jump in the river.'" See? Boy, he really foretold America, didn't he? Now, we find out that, in doing so, then there was a man that had some wisdom about him, come up and counsel with the king. He said, "The thing to do is excommunicate her. And send out through the nation, and call in all the virgins that there is, young virgins, and there pick yourself a wife."

156 It pleased the king. So he sent, and he sent out the chambermaids, and so forth, that went out to--to pick all the young virgins that could, the beautiful women throughout all the kingdoms and the provinces that he was over, which was the greatest in the world.

157And when he did, it come to this little Jewish girl. She was rather a kind of an offcast, because, like the Gentiles, you see, she was cast off to one side. And she had no father and mother. And Mordecai, her uncle was raising her. And she had to go, to qualify.

158And so what they did, they had to take these girls in for purification for so many months. They had to perfume them and do all kinds of adorning, and fix them all up, so they could go before the king.

159 Now, that's just about the way the world wants to fix the church today. Adorn it up with the world; pattern after the things of the world; trying to get more members, taking in anything in their fellowship. My! It's a pitiful thing. One organization trying to beat the other one, take anything in for a member. You might take them in this organization, but they'll never come into the fellowship of Christ until they are cleaned up and born again of the Spirit of God. That's true. They might have their name on a book here, but not up There, on the Lamb's Book of Life, till it's wrote with the Blood of the Lord Jesus.

160 All the women, they fixed themselves all up, to look pretty. And, oh, I imagine they got really some looks on them, maybe after the first lady and so forth. They got themselves all fixed up because they was going to appear before the king.

161I think that's about the whole lot is getting the matter with our churches today. They're trying to fix themselves all up, worldly, having worldly entertainment, worldly things in it, doing things that's of the world, associating in the world, thinking they can meet the King. God don't care about that. He hates that. But we want to act like the world.

162Some of our churches, I have said, let down the bars, taking in deacons, and so forth, in the church, and sometimes pastors, that's married four or five times, and--and some of them that smoke cigarettes. Say, "They'll--they'll get over it. They'll be all right." Get a man out of a barroom one night, and put him in the pulpit the next night. I don't believe in no such stuff. I believe a man has got to be proved, that's right, proved. I tell you, a lot of times we call...

163 I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I believe in speaking in tongues, but I think we lay too much emphasis on that. A man can speak with tongues, and a woman speak with tongues, and if her life and his life doesn't compare with what tongues you're speaking in, then it's the wrong tongue, 'cause the Holy Spirit will make you act like the Bible. It'll bring you to the fullness of the stature of Christ.

164You take a person that speaks with tongues, enough temper to fight a buzz saw, and talk about the neighbors, and everything like that. Why, you call that the Holy Ghost? It cannot be. No, sir.

165The Holy Ghost is meekness, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, patience, faith. The Holy Ghost, that's the fruit of the Spirit, that the Holy Spirit bears in the Church of the living God, sweetness, and humbleness, humility, love one for another, long-suffering.

166 If a brother has gone wrong, don't just beat him or something another. Go after him and see if you can get him back. Don't wait for the preacher do it. You do it, somebody else. Preacher can't do it all, neither can the deacons. Everybody, is a member of this Body of Christ, should go after one another. We got... And if we got the Spirit of Christ in us... He taught the great parable. They left the ninety and nine, and went after that one. That's what we're supposed to do. But we say, "Oh, let them go." We never should do that. We should be gentle, forgiving, long-suffering. That's the fruit of the Spirit.

167 Now, we find ourselves then, that Esther, after she... They put her in one of these places, to get herself all fixed up, to make her show before the king. My! She refused it. She didn't want it. She wanted to go out just like she was. Amen.

168We got today that churches that wants to act like the world, or 'cause we get big. God said, one time, "When they was little, they served Him. But when they got big, then they forgot Him." That's right.

169When we had a tin pan down here on the alley somewhere, with a tambourine, beating it on the back of our hands; and an old guitar, strummed it; and having a street meeting, you were humble. But when we get to having three or four million dollar buildings, and great big things like that, then we get so arrogant we forget about that, that's right, polish up with the world.

170 I was into a place the other day where, a holiness brother, there was a bunch of people working for him. And if every woman come out of there at coffee time, to take a coffee-break, every woman in there had short hair and wearing lipstick. Now, you say, "Brother Branham, you ain't got no business saying that." I have. The Bible says that. That's right.

171Lot of the Pentecostal women wearing clothes that pertain to a man, and God said it's an abomination in His sight. That's right. How you expect to go to Heaven like that? It shows that the Holy Spirit isn't in there. If the Holy Spirit was in there, It'd condemn you. Right. Oh, you might shout, speak with tongues, run up-and-down, dance in the spirit. I've seen Hindus do that, and Indians, and everything else. That don't mean nothing, unless there's a life to back up what you're talking about, power of the Holy Ghost, to make godly living people. That's the Bride of Christ.

172 Esther was to become a bride, so she didn't want none of the adorning of the world. She wanted to go in, through the king, just like she was. She adorned themself like the pentecostal women ought to, with a meek humble spirit. And when all these fancy, first ladies come by, with all their new fandangle things, the king looked at them, and put them in the chamber with the concubines. But when this Esther come into his sight, and he got a glimpse of that sweet, humble, meek spirit, he said, "That's her. Go get the crown and put it on her head." That's it.

173Let them adorn themselves with that kind of a spirit, not only the women, but the men, too, adorn themselves with that kind of a spirit. Then you're becoming ready for the--the Bride, sweet, reverent. Esther made her heart clean.

174 There's so much we take care of, this outside, oh, it's got to have so many wrinkle removers, and so much of this, to--to go about it.

175Here some time ago, I stand in a museum down in Tennessee. I passed by a little place, and it showed the analysis of a human body. It said a man that weighed a hundred and fifty pounds, in chemicals was worth eighty-four cents. Now, you're somebody, aren't you, eighty-four cents? And some women will, Pentecostal women, will put on a five-hundred-dollar mink coat and stick their head up, if it rained, it'd drown them, and they're not even worth eighty-four cents, that's right, in chemicals. That's the truth, not a joke. That's the truth. Eighty-four cents, about enough whitewash to sprinkle a hen's nest, and a little bit of calcium and so forth. Eighty-four cents, you watch that awful close.

176You go at the restaurant and find... get a bowl of soup and there'd be a spider in it, you'd sue the restaurant.

177But you'll let the Devil poke old dirty televisions and card things down your neck, and swallow it; make you put on old unclean clothes, these women, these little old tight dresses like a skinned-down weenie, and walk out here on the street like that. And do you know, my sister, I ain't saying that joking. You get me wrong.

178 Listen. I'm saying this. You act like that, and at the Day of Judgment you'll be counted as an adulterer. Right. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart." And when that sinner has to answer for committing adultery, who is it? You. Who caused it? You. That's right. If you put yourself out there, to look before men, to be like the world and dress like the world.

179I said that one time, and a woman, Louisville, Kentucky, she said, "Well, listen here, Mr. Branham. I'll give you to understand right now!"

I said, "Yes, ma'am?"

She said, "That's the only kind of dresses they make."

I said, "They make sewing machines and sell goods."

180It's because you want to. There is something wrong in you. That's exactly right. You do it not because it's a fashion. You do it not because you have to. You do it because you want to.

181 You smoke because you want to. You don't have to. I think the silliest thing I ever seen was a woman going in the street, like you see every one, automobile, with them cigarettes up between their fingers. Why, it's a disgrace. That's the biggest fifth-columnist move we got in the nation, when the doctors and medical science says it's full of cancer and everything else. And they suck right down on them, all the time.

182See a woman, supposed to be a Christian, stretched out there on a bank, with mixed bathing, with a bathing suit on, stretched out there. I got two girls. I don't say they wouldn't do it. They say they're getting a suntan. They'll get a son-tan if I'm living. It'll be a son of this. See? It'll be the son of Mr. Branham, with a board about that long. I believe it's wrong.

183 Then we call ourself, "Oh, we're a member of the Pentecostal church." Oh, shame on you! Right. The Pentecostal church needs a cleansing, all the way from the front to the back, and through the cellar and basement, and upstairs. That's right. And yet, in all of it, it's the best we got. But it can...

184Just like in the revolutionary and during time of Joan of Arc, France needed a revolutionary, then they need a counter-revolutionary to straighten up some of the things they was revolting about.

185And the Pentecostal church needs a revolutionary. Right. Certainly does. A revolt against the things that's wrong, and accept the things that's right, amen, a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost: "A Church to make Herself ready!"

186 Remember, it will never be... You can't say, "Well, now, I belong to this, the Assemblies. I belong to the Foursquare, or the Church of God, or the Jesus Name," or--or any of the rest of them. Naw! You can't get in on any of them.

187God calls you as an individual. And it's you that's got to clean up, because, "He's taking a people from the Gentiles, for His Name's sake, His Bride, the Gentile."

188Esther cleaned herself. She cleaned her heart. That's what she cleaned. That's what the church needs: a heart-cleaning.

"How do you clean your heart, Brother Branham?"

189"'Washed by the water of the Word,' through the Blood of Jesus Christ."

190 The Bible said it's wrong for women to act that way, and for men to let them do it. That's both of you. A man that'll let his woman get out in the street with naked, with clothes on like that, I got little respects for him being even a man. He's a puppet. That's right. She uses him as a dishrag. Shame on you. You ought to be men.

191And a pastor will let his church get by with such things, without blasting the tar out of it from the pulpit. He's a sissy. What we need is men, the Gospel, not with rubber gloves, but with the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost, with the Word. The Bible says these things are wrong. It's wrong for people to do that way, to act that way. It ought to be preached, and lived, and everywhere. Or, the church needs a purging, a cleaning out.

192 Esther purged her heart before God, walked up with a meek and humble spirit; the Church that's going to be the Bride of Christ. Now, remember, Esther refused the worldly adornment. She took the Spirit in her heart, to go before the king.

193And the woman today, the church that thinks she's going to get in because she's got more numbers, she's the best dressed crowd, she's got the biggest organization, the biggest church in the city, and things like that, you'll miss it a million miles if you're depending on that.

194It's a sweet, kind, reverent spirit to the Word of God, "washed by the water of the Word," and the Word in you. It's a washing. Amen. The church needs a washing, a full-Gospel washing. That's right. Not just a part washing, but a full-Gospel washing, cleaned up, "made new creatures in Christ Jesus."

195 Jesus' Bride is not a dirty bride. He wouldn't have His dirty, Bride.

196If a woman come up to get married, and she looked like she'd come out of the pig pen out there; a man that's got any dignity about him, wouldn't marry her. He'd make her clean herself up.

197And when the church of Christ comes up to get married, thinks she's going in the Bride, with all the world tagging onto her, Christ's Bride won't be like that. No, sir.

I must hurry.

198Neither is Church of Christ, of the Lord Jesus Christ, that Church is not a ragged Church, either, with worn-out rags of denominations. She don't have to be a member of some great denomination. She has to be Blood-washed, Blood-bought. Not saying we belong to the biggest church, the biggest organization, or this, that, or the other. She's got to be pure, sanctified, holy, without spot or wrinkle, by the Blood of her--her Saviour, Jesus Christ.

199 Like Esther, the hidden man in the heart, the hidden man, the meekness and gentleness of the Spirit of God, in the human heart; not the glory and class of the world.

200I've always said the world shines; the Gospel glows. Oh, it's a million miles apart. Hollywood shines; the Church of Christ glows with loveliness, and soft, and sweet, kind. That's right.

201Esther didn't want to adorn herself with all the modern apparel of the world. That wouldn't look like a king's wife.

202And do we, wanting to be like the world, and would that look like a Holy Man's Wife? We, as the Church of the living God, adorn ourselves with the things of the world, and then look like a Holy Man's Wife? Would that look natural?

203If you seen a man today, that's supposed to be a holy man; here come his wife down, like the first lady, one of those great big hairdos out like this; and red stuff on one side, and green stuff on the other side, and--and look like she been hit in the mouth with a paint brush; and all these kind of things like that, walking down the street, in little wiener-tight clothes like that; and heels about so high, twisting along, mincing down the street; and say, "That's a holy man's wife"? I'm not telling jokes. I'm only making statements.

204 I come to one of our great Pentecostal moves, here not long ago. I had a tent set up. And the pastor said to me, said, "My wife is the organist."

I said, "That's good, brother."

"Do you mind her playing?"

I said, "No. No, sir. I sure don't."

205And he went to the manager. Manager said, Brother Baxter, said, "That's all right."

206He said, "Brother Branham, come over here. I want you to meet my wife." And I went over there.

207Please forgive me. See? I'm not trying, make us a--a remark. I'm trying to make a statement. See?

208And the woman had one of these here manicure. I don't know. That stuff, you know, all fixed up, and I never seen such in my life; and a dress that was so way down in here, no back in it, and hardly any bottom in it. And I--I never seen such a look in my life. And she had great big earrings hanging down like this, and whole lot of stuff on.

209And I looked around. I thought, "Oh, me!" I'm a Baptist, and I know better than that. I looked again. I said...

210Now, please, this is not a joke. But I had to say it to the brother, and I hope it helped him. Not say it to be different; if I did, I was a hypocrite, see, needed to be cleaned up, myself.

I said, "Mister, did you say your wife was a saint?"

Said, "Oh, yes."

211I said, "She looks like a haint, to me." I said, "I--I never seen such a sight in my life, as a minister's wife. That don't look like the wife of a holy man."

212 And neither does the church of the living God, depending on her fashions, her tea parties, and bunco parties, and card games, and dances, and social, adorning herselves like that, with the world, look like a Holy God's Bride. When she smokes cigarettes, and dances, and parties, and soup suppers, and cocktail drinking, and all like that, and say they're the Bride of Christ? Don't look like a Holy Man's Wife, to me. No, sir. He wouldn't choose such a thing. He would get a woman that was right, look like what He was trying to represent. I believe that's true. That might hurt a little bit.

213 My old southern mother is gone. When I was a little boy, we used to have... Didn't have nothing to eat, hardly, and we had black-eyed peas and corn bread. I don't know whether you know what they are or not. So we hadn't... She didn't have any grease through the year, and we'd almost have to take old big old pan like that, and put meat skins in it. We'd get where they'd cut, or butchers would cut the meat off and give us the skin. And we'd render it out, to get the grease, and pour it on there.

214Every Saturday night, mama said we needed a dose of castor oil. And I--I just can't stand the stuff even yet. And I'd have to take it. I'd come to her, holding my nose like this. I'd say, "Mama, I--I just can't take it." I said, "It makes me so sick."

She said, "If it don't make you sick, it don't do you any good."

215 So I think that's the way with preaching the Gospel. If It don't stir you up a little bit, get your fill, your spiritual gastronomics started right, make you a little sick, to examine yourself with the Bible: see if that old temper, and selfishness, ungodliness, love of the world, television, and things at night; and leaving the church set empty, and the pews set empty. When, you ought to be out there like Jesus, if you got His Spirit in you, trying to get everybody in the country to come to your church, to receive Christ. And we call ourselves then the Bride of Christ? Oh, what a pity, friend!

216The hour has come. "His Bride has made Herself ready." Oh! "Made Herself ready." She laid aside all of these things. Remember, Esther was chosen, and the others was rejected. And only those that's born again, that's got the Spirit of God, will be the Chosen that Day, that the crown of glory will be set upon Her head. And the others will be rejected.

217 Let me tell you a little something that happened. I--I, I'm a missionary, as you know, do evangelistic, missionary work, about seven times overseas, around the world. Here, not long ago, in the city of Rome, Rome is a great city for art. And they had a school of art there, and several of our American young folks go over there every year, to take a year-or-two's training in art, to learn to paint pictures. There was a group of young Americans came over here, a few years ago, as the story was told me. And when they get over there, they just go hog-wild. When they're in Rome, they do as Rome does: get out and drink, and strip themselves, and everything else, and carry on, both boys and girls.

218 And there was a certain school. And in this school, this--this group of young Americans come over. And every one of them, almost, did the same thing. But one certain little girl, she wouldn't tolerate it, at all. She stayed in. At nighttime, she read while they was all out drinking. Daytime, she worked, study. Well, she was the laughingstock of the whole school. And she kept herself like a lady, conducted herself like a lady. Although there were young Roman boys and everything around, trying to get her to go out, she refused it. No, sir. She stayed right with her lessons, learning to draw, and to paint, rather. And she stayed with it.

219 Finally, an old custodian at the place kept watching her, seeing she was so much different, although he was a Roman Catholic, kept watching her, how she conducted herself. One evening, the young girl, in the park where the--the studio was, why, or the place where they had the school, she walked out upon the campus, and went up towards the top of the hill, and the sun was setting. And she was standing up there, with her pretty, clean face, and her hair hanging down, looking across that way towards the setting of the sun.

220 The old custodian was raking down there in the yard. He kept watching the girl, as he raked. Something just kept telling him, "Go, talk to her." So he laid his rake down, took off his old slouch hat, walked up to where the young lady was. Cleared up his throat. She turned around. He said, "Pardon me, miss."

She said, "Yes, sir. Certainly."

221And he noticed she had been crying. All the rest was out on a big spree for the night. He said, "Madam, I hope that you understand me in the right way, that I am just going to speak to you." Said, "You've been here, most for over two years now. And I've noticed the group that you come with, continually they're out on parties, and coming in all times the night, drunk, and clothes half off of them, and everything. But I noticed that you don't attend such parties." And said, "I--I notice that, seemingly, that you're always looking across the sea. Of an evening, you walk up here, and stand here each evening, and watch the sun go down." And said, "What, what causes that?" Said, "I'm an old man. And I--I am curious of knowing what causes this difference between you and the others."

222 She said, "Yes, sir." She said, "Sir, I'm looking towards home when the sun is setting." She said, "Across, beyond that sun yonder is my homeland." And she said, "In that land there is a certain state. And in that certain state there's a certain city. And in that certain city is a certain house. And in that house is a certain boy." Said, "He, too, is an artist. When I left, to come over here, I pledged my love to him. We're engaged to one another."

223And she said, "No matter what any of the rest of them does, that has nothing to do with me." She said, "I promised to live true and right." And she said, "I'm longing for the day that when I feel myself on the top of the wings of that big plane that'll take me across the sea and set me down at the airport where he'll meet me. He's building a home, and we'll live together in that land."

224And said, "That's the reason I act the way I do. I'm true to the promise that I made a boy. And he's true to the promise that he makes me." Said, "I hear from him, now and then, and I write to him, and," said, "corresponding with one another. We're still holding our vows, waiting for the day we meet."

225 Oh, how that would do for a real Christian, to get away from the things of the world. And someday, you talk about coming into the port, on the wings of a Dove! He's coming for a Bride, one that don't fool with the world or the things of the world. She is washed in the Blood of the Lamb. She's pledged Her--Her love to Him only. The love of the world is gone and dead to Her. "The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made Herself ready."

Let's think of it while we bow our heads just a moment.

226 Some day, as I look towards the setting of the sun, I too, thirty-one years ago, made a pledge to One that I loved, all my love to Him. I've always tried to hold up for Him and His Word, wherever I go. I know there's many others setting in here, like that, waiting for the day that when the old ship of Zion shall come into the port, pick up our souls and take us in the Presence of Him Who we love and has pledged our love to.

227 There may be some in here tonight, who has never made that pledge. There may be some that's made it and broke it. If you're in that condition tonight, friend, why don't you just come back tonight and renew your pledge? If you haven't, make it. Why don't you come and make it tonight? Say, "Lord Jesus, I love You."

228Remember, if you have already made your pledge, and still mingling with the things of the world, Jesus will not have a bride like that. He will not have one that's adulterous. All your love must be to Him. And if you love the things of the world, and the fashions of this world, better than you love God, then you have not made yourself ready.

229 Is that person in here tonight, while we have our heads bowed, would raise up your hand, say, "Brother Branham, pray for me. I do want to be that way. I--I want to be part of the Bride. And I know I'm doing things that I shouldn't do. Pray for me"? God bless you, my Indian sister. God bless you, sister. And you, my brother. And you, brother. Anyone else? Raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham. I--I--I--I know I'm not right."

230Now be honest with yourself. Look back at your life. You have to look back before you can go forward. Look what you have been. Look what the spirit that you've got has made you do. If you haven't... If you proclaim to be a Christian, and still you still mingle with the things of the world, brother, sister, how can you but be blind if you don't see that you're wrong?

231 Someone said the other day, said, "Brother Branham, you ought to leave off of people like that." Said, "People call you a prophet."

I said, "I'm not a prophet."

232Said, "But people think you are. You ought to be teaching these women. Instead of tell them to wear long hair and right kind of clothes and things like that, you ought to be tell them how to get spiritual things."

233I said, "How can I teach them algebra, when they won't even take ABC's, the kindergarten? Haven't even got the common decency to clean themselves up, calling, 'The Bride of Christ'!" I'm not saying that irritable. I'm saying that in godly love.

234 As I said this morning, if I see you going down the river in a boat, and see you're going to hit the falls, that boat won't take it, me screaming at you and hollering at you, I'm not trying to hurt you. I love you. Because, if you don't, your life will be lost.

235Is there another one, raise up their hands before we pray? I see you, back out there. God bless you, and you, you. You know your life shows you're wrong. You still love the world more than God, then there is something wrong somewhere. Look at you. Out in the rooms out there, raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham." God bless you. God... That's right. Honest to goodness, I--I admire sincerity.

236That's what's the trouble with the Pentecostal church today. We haven't got that real sincerity we used to have. We haven't got the audacity to--to come and say that, admit we're wrong. The Devil has just got such a hold on the church until it's just wallowing in the muck of the world. Don't do that.

237 Your own life proves that you haven't got what you're saying you got. Then why not confess it? "He that will confess his sin shall have pardon: he that hides his sin shall not prosper." You can't hide it. God knows all about it. And if you see and know that you're not living right, then why not confess it, and come out and let it be clear?

238"Some people's sins go before them; some follow." Let mine go before. Let me tell all of mine right now. Let God get it right. That's what we ought to do.

239 There's been about six or eight hands go up. There surely is more than that in this little church, tonight, of hundred or two- people here, or maybe a hundred and fifty. God bless you, young man. Now, God bless you, lady. God bless you, sister. That's right. God bless you, son. That's good.

240[]... -costal women used to not cut their hair, but they do it today. What happened? They used to not make... wear--wear makeup. Your mother didn't, if she was pentecostal. What happened today? Because they're wallowing in the things of the world. And the world looks at us. We claim to be a holiness Church. What's the matter? We don't look like the Bride of Christ. About you men out there, same thing. Brother, shame on you.

241 Heavenly Father, when I look out across, and make an altar call in such a way as that, rebuking, tearing down, seems like it's harsh. But inside of me is bleeding, when I know we're nearing the end. These little boats is going to crack up, one of these days. Death is going to strike, and the struggles. And how many times have I been called by their side, and hear them say, "Oh, Brother Branham, if I could only live it over again." Then, while these are able, Lord, to make it right!

242I'm trying my best. God, may the Holy Spirit reveal it to the people, that I'm only trying to help them, not to scold them. But, as Paul said, of old! God, I don't want them to be hurt, but I want to hurt them enough that they'll see where they're wrong.

243 I pray that You'll grant, tonight, these people, that raising their hands, with--with even enough respects to--to recognize, before God, that they're wrong, and they want to be right. "Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, it'll be opened." But if you never knock, how is He going to open? You never seek, how you going to find?

244Let the Holy Spirit, Lord, bring these people to a full surrender to God, tonight. May the great Father of our Lord Jesus Christ sanctify them, soul, body, and spirit, and place them into the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. "For the marriage of the Lamb is at hand, and His Bride has made Herself ready." O Lord, may this be the night of preparation, for tomorrow may be the day we meet Him. We don't know what hour we'll be called on to meet Him. Grant it, Lord.

245 Now while I'm praying, and you got your heads down. Every one of you that's raised your hand, if you're deeply sincere with that, and you really mean it, and you're not ashamed to let the people know that you been wrong! You're going to have to stand with them there at the Judgment, anyhow. And God has put enough conviction on you, that you know that you're wrong.

246Here some time ago, I was preaching something like that. I spoke to a young lady standing back there. She looked horrible, a minister's daughter. And she met me outside the church, and if she didn't comb me down! She said, "You ignorant thing." Little, sassy, painted-up lips; short, bobbed hair. She said, "If I want somebody to talk to me about that, I'll get somebody that's got some sense." Said, "Don't you never come into my father's pulpit and preach a thing like that again."

247I said, "You mean to tell me, your daddy, a good honest Baptist preacher as he is, and wouldn't preach against that?"

She said, "He didn't hire you to come here..."

I's, "Didn't hire me, at all. I come by invitation."

She said, "I'll never forgive you for it."

248I said, "That's up to you. I only followed the Gospel." Rose bushes was blowing there in the little wind. Beautiful young woman.

249 A little later on, about a year later, I passed through the city. I seen that same young lady with her skirts hanging down, smoking a cigarette, going down the street. I thought, "That's Brother So-and-so's wife, or, daughter." And I walked across the street, see if I couldn't get to her.

250She looked up to me, smoking this cigarette, blowed it through her nose. She said, "Hello, preacher," an ungodly slang to it, like that.

I said, "Well, well!"

Said, "Take a puff off of my cigarette. Be a man."

Said, "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

251She reached down in her pocketbook, said, "Then have a cigarette."

252I said, "Shame on you. Shame on you, to offer God's servant a cigarette."

She said, "Then may be you'll take a drink out of my bottle."

I said, "Please don't say it."

253I looked at her. I couldn't keep from crying, 'cause her daddy is a good man. I looked at her. I thought, "Oh, my! She thought she had plenty of time."

254 I started to walk on. I couldn't keep the tears out of my eyes. I walked on. She said, "Wait a minute."

I said, "Yes, ma'am?"

255She walked back. It was almost a shame to be talking to her on the street, people passing by. She walked up. She said, "You know what you told me that night?"

I said, "I'll always remember."

256Said, "I want to tell you, preacher, you was right." She said, "I grieved the Holy Spirit the last time." Now, here is the remark the woman made to me, and I never forget it, as long as I live. She said, "He was dealing with me that night. But," said, "when I turned Him down that time, it was my last." Said, "My heart has been so hard; I don't care for God, church, or nothing else. I cuss my daddy, every day." And she said, "I can see my mother's soul fry in hell, like a pancake, and laugh at it." That's grieving the Holy Spirit the last time. Think of it.

257 Let's go Home on the wings of a Dove. Let's be the Bride. Raise up from your seat now, if you're wrong. Come up here. Stand here at the altar and say, "I've been wrong. Brother Branham, I got a temper. Or, I--I--I've lived ungodly. I--I shouldn't do these things that I do. Brother Branham, I've did this, that, or the other. I'm guilty of lying. I'm guilty of stealing. I'm guilty of something. I haven't served God the way I should, and I'm ashamed of myself, and I want my life made right. Won't you pray for me here tonight, Brother Branham?" I'll be glad to do it.

258 If God will answer my prayers, to hear for the sick, blind, and afflicted, He will certainly hear a prayer for the sinner. Won't you come and be part of the Bride tonight? I invite you to come.

259Thank you, my brother. I admire that kind of a courage, that'll walk out and admit you're wrong. God bless you, brother. Stand right here.

260You mean to tell me, you could raise up your hand and not be sincere about it? What's happened to the people? Brother, what's the matter? What's the matter with our people in this day? You mean you'd raise up your hand, that you was wrong, and then won't come? And know, "He that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to Him it's evil." Won't you come?

While the pianist, if you will, sister, organist, just a little music.

261 I'm inviting you. I want to ask you. How many in this audience has been in the meetings when... You know I'm not a preacher. I have no education.

262God bless you, little lady. That takes a real girl to do that. This little choir coming here, bless you, my sister. That's real courage. I--I admire that little lady. God bless you, honey. I got a little girl at home, about your-all's age, little Rebekah. I appreciate you. Little Indian girl? God bless you, honey, this little princess. God be with you, sweetheart. You, little sister, God be with you. And with you, sister.

263Now, looky here. If young ladies like that, little girls, tender in conscience; and preach a sermon that cuts them to pieces, and here they come up here, knowing that they're wrong, stand up here before the audience to make a confession. Surely, surely you older women, won't you come? Move up here, and stand along here.

... would I seek Thy face;

Heal my wounded, broken spirit.

Let's sing it.

Save me by Thy grace.

Saviour, Saviour,


264Surely you're sincere enough to pray a humble prayer. "Call, Lord, try me, and see if there's anything wrong with me."

Do not pass me by.

God bless you, sister dear.

265 How many in this meeting has stood and seen, in the audience, women, men, and all, come up when I was standing praying for the sick, and the Holy Spirit tell them things, of their sins and things, and know? How many of you knows that true? Never failing. The Holy Spirit is telling me, that same Holy Spirit, that there is something in here tonight grieving Him. Now, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, meet it here, or There.

266I'm not a person given over to emotions. No, sir. I know exactly where I'm standing, and I--I know God. That's right. There is many of you need to be standing right here where these young girls are. Now, won't you come? I'm inviting you. I won't persuade. I'm just telling you.

267Somebody said, "I never heard an altar call where a minister rebuked the audience, in things like that."

268That's the way it's supposed to be done. You don't come up on some heartbroken story, some mother dying or something. That, that's under emotion. The Word of God is what you come on. You don't come for under any emotion. You come believing that God is God, and you're in the judgment house of the Lord. And you come, pleading your case.

269 God bless you, my brother, my sister. Want to shake your hand, say I appreciate your honest conviction. Little lady, I appreciate you. God bless you. May He give you that gallant Spirit. Bless you, my brother. God be with you.

270Once more, then we're going to close. It may close for the last time, too. See? I don't know when. I hope it don't. But it may. See?


271Come here, my sister. I want to shake your hand, thank you. I appreciate that faith. That's genuine faith.

272Come here, my brother. I want to shake hands with you, right here. I appreciate your sincerity. God bless you.

273Come here. God bless you. I appreciate your sincerity, to make a stand for...

... pass me by.


274What? "The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made Herself ready."

... humble cry;

While on...

Do not pass me by.


I'm trusting only in Thy merit,

Would I seek Thy face;

Heal my wounded, broken spirit, (where the Word cut into it),

Save me by thy grace.

Saviour, Saviour,

Hear my humble...

While on others Thou art calling,

Oh, do not pass me by.

275 Remember, the Holy Spirit was what cut into your heart, and come up here. Just think of the places He cut, and that person will never live that down. They'll always remember that. "If our hearts condemn us not." But when you come with something in the Word of God, and you bypass it, that's not Abraham's Seed. Abraham kept the promise of God in his heart, regardless of what come or went.

276 I appreciate all these standing around the altar. My prayer for you, that God will give you the desire of your heart tonight, and make you real sainted people.

277Some of these young folks, here is Indians, Spanish, Mexican, all standing around, people who has claimed to be Christians, maybe, for years, but see that it's wrong. They want to be right. "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." Condemned, ready to make it right with God, through the fiery altars of the judgment of God.

278Has got to meet it somewhere, friends. You've got to meet it somewhere, so meet it here. Don't wait till in the morning. You may be killed tonight, in an accident, going home.

279 Just recently in a meeting, I made an altar call, and--and I called, like it was up in Ohio. And that night, I left the building, and been gone about fifteen minutes. I heard somebody screaming, on the side of the road. I stopped, went over there. A car had had an accident, run into another. And a woman that set there, so nervous, she pulled off her ring, she was so nervous. She was killed. And she was talking to her daughter, on the road down, which was driving. They had her there, ready for the hospital. And both of them should have come to the altar. And the daughter said, "Mother, the last word she said to me before the car struck, 'I did wrong tonight. I know I did.'" And there her life was called.

Oh, you say, "That won't happen to me." It might. It might.

280 And what if the Holy Spirit never condemns you again and tells you you're wrong? Then you'll walk out into Eternity like that. And you know, with that kind of a spirit, you can't do it. Sir, look back through your life, see how you lived. And look back there and see if it's that sweet, humble life of Christ, tallying up with all of His Word. If it isn't, then come get right. There's... Why, why take a substitute, when the skies are full of the real pentecostal blessings that'll cleanse your heart, purify your soul? Isn't that right?

281 How many ministers are in here tonight? I want some of you brethren to walk up here with us. That's all right, brother? Yeah. Come up here, will you, just a minute, brethren? That's right.

282Jesus said, in His Word, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; shall not come into condemnation, but has passed from death unto Life." Saint John 6 said, "And I'll raise him up again at the last day, a resurrection."

283 People, we, we've got to stand that. We must do it. It's just got to be done. So the... It's not emotion. Emotions goes with it, of course. That's right. But the thing of it is, is a consecrated heart.

284Just take the Word of God, and say, "God, I did wrong. I'm sorry I did that. You know my heart. I did wrong. Right here upon this grounds, I confess my wrong. And from this night, henceforth, I'm engaged to You. I'm part of the Bride. I'll never do that again; never let my temper slip again. I'll--I'll act like a lady. I'll act like a gentleman. I'll do the things that the Bible says do. I'll take You right now at Your Word." Then you're getting somewhere.

285You believe that, Gospel preachers? [The ministers say, "Amen."--Ed.] Is that Truth? ["Amen."] That's right.

286 Now, let us bow our heads in prayer now, just each one of you, in your own way.

287Remember, right by your side is Christ. In front of you, here on the altar, stands Christians praying. Behind you; Gospel ministers praying. Now, that puts you in an atmosphere of prayer.

288Now, your confession, in your hearts, in your own way. "Lord, I'm wrong." [Those at the altar say, "Lord, I'm wrong."--Ed.] "I'm sorry, Lord," ["I'm sorry, Lord,"] "I did these things." ["I did these things."] "I now confess my sin." ["I now confess my sin."] "I believe on You." ["I believe on You."] "I accept You now." ["I accept You now."] "I want to be part of the Bride." ["I want to be part of the Bride."] "In Jesus' Name I pray." ["In Jesus' Name I pray."] Now, keep your confession on your heart now.

Now I'm going to pray for you.

289 Heavenly Father, how it grieves me sometimes when I look upon people who love me, and see how You take the Word and lay It out there. It just cuts to the marrow of the bone, but then You come right around to vindicate it to be Truth. It is Truth.

290Here stands men and women, even little ladies, little girls standing here with bowed heads, and tears in their eyes, right at the crossroads of life. I think where they could wind up, down there in that twisting, rock-and-roll, devil-possessed, demon-oppressed group. Here they are, standing here tonight with bowed hearts, wanting something that they can put their hands on, to say, "Lord God, cleanse me from all the things of the world."

291 Here is middle-aged men, young men, old women, young women, all standing together. They're confessing there is wrong. You spoke to their heart; they would never be here. It shows that they could not even raise up out of their seats, without a decision being already made. A Spirit of God was around them, and--and said, "You're wrong."

And their little life said, "Lord, then I want You."

And the Devil said, "Set still."

292But the Spirit of God said, "Rise up." And they've walked in obedience, and standing here at the altar.

293 Now, as I have quoted to You Your Word, "He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white like snow; red like crimson, white like wool. Come and buy of Me, wine and oil. My grace is sufficient. He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; and shall not come into the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life. And now the marriage of the Lamb has come, and the Bride made Herself ready."

294Father, they are Yours. They are trophies of Your Word. They're here to be washed by the water of the Word, because it's the full Gospel. It's not sparing anything. It's cut down, to get down to the kindergarten place. It's grubbing out the roots, the roots of bitterness, the--the--the roots of indifference, the roots of the world. Grub them out, Lord, by the Holy Spirit. Cast them away from these people.

295 I claim them for You tonight, Jesus, as Your own personal treasure, as gems in Your crown, as members of Your Bride. I claim their lives. I pray with all my heart, with these ministers, these servants of the living God. I pray that You take away from them, Lord, the things of the world, and give them courage to stand in the face of Satan. Grant it, Lord. We believe You'll do it. You said, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it." Now, You never said, "Uh, maybe I'll do it." You said, "I will do it." And I believe that it's true.

296 Now, it is also written in the Scriptures, "In My Name they shall cast out devils." It's a devil that would take a young lady or a woman, and wreck her life. It's a devil that would take a man and wreck his life. And I'll quote this little story, Lord, in my prayer. And I pray that You'll hear me, and will answer my prayer, that every one of these will be claimed tonight for the jewels of the Kingdom. They have come. And I've got to answer for my words tonight. And here they've come to stand with me, and to take our position by the side of Christ.

297 Now, Satan, you've lost it. You kept a few of them back, but you didn't win the battle. Jesus said, "He that comes to Me, I will in no wise cast out."

298Satan, I say to you, that one day there was a little boy that was herding his father's sheep. And a lion came in and got one of them, took it out, evilly mistreating it, and was going to devour it. But this true little shepherd, he didn't have very much but a slingshot, but he had faith in the living God. He went after that lion, and he caught him, and he--he slew him. He raised up against him, and he caught him by his beard and slew him. He took the sheep out of his mouth, took it back to the pasture for its healing.

299 You've took these precious sheep of God, these ladies, that caused them to bob off their hair and wear makeup, and look like things that the Bible condemns, and you thought you had them. But I come with this simple little slingshot of prayer. I'm bringing them back tonight. You can't hold them any longer. You've lost the battle. These precious men standing here, lambs of God, turn them loose. We adjure thee, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I place between this habits and tempers, and immorals and whatever it may be, I place the Blood of Jesus Christ, by faith, between them and that thing again. You'll not catch them anymore. They're in Father's pasture. They are His children. Keep from them. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee.

300 There is not a devil in hell can touch you, if you'll believe that. You are covered by the Blood. You're surrounded by prayer, ministers of the Gospel, and messengers of the covenant, prayer. Every one of you standing here, come up here, knowing that you had habits, faults, and things that you were ashamed of. If you now lay them on God's brazen altar of judgment, and will accept it now as your pardon, that Christ gives it to you, will you make that offer by faith, to raise up your hand and say, "I now accept it. It's gone. And from this day on, I'll never do it again"? You are saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Praise be to God.

Is there anyone else would like to come, join this group?

301 Is there any sick in the building, would like to stand for prayer right at this time? Stand up.

302I want each one of you here, if you're not a--if you're not a member of some good full Gospel church, go to one, this one if you can, if you live close here. Get with the pastor and get baptized. And then if you haven't received the Holy Ghost, pray God give you the Holy Ghost and fill you, make you a member of the Bride.

303Look out across there, brethren, at the sick people. The Devil can't hold those people. This is the loosening time. Hallelujah! Don't you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us then bow our heads for prayer.

304 And each one of you people out there, that's got sickness, you that's standing, lay your hands on one another. Jesus Christ said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Hold your hands on each other. Now, don't you pray for yourself. You pray for the next person you got your hands on, 'cause they're praying for you.

Let us pray together now as a Christian Church.

305 Lord Jesus, we are thankful for the victory tonight, souls coming to You. Now, the Devil has packed off some of Your sheep, with sickness. We come to claim them back. And as a Church of the living God, we rebuke the Devil, and say, "Turn these sick people loose, Satan. We adjure thee in the Name of Jesus Christ, that they may be healed." The Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." That's God's promise, and we know that it is true. They are healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ.

306Now, if you believe it, raise up your hands and give Him praise. Amen.

307All right, pastor, it's all yours. God bless you, brother. So nice to be with you here tonight. God be with you.

God bless you, brethren here.