Evanjelizácia času konca



Posolstvo evanjelistu času konca je z Malachiáša 4. To je prinavrátenie. To posolstvo a ten posol, obaja budú musieť byť prinavrátením viery. Júda povedal v knihe Júdu asi len 30 rokov po ukrižovaní, povedal, „Bratia, snažiac sa, jako len môžem, písať vám o našom spoločnom spasení, prinútený som vám napísať a napomenúť vás, aby ste zápasili za vieru, raz ta danú svätým.“ Rozumiete?

Malachiáš povedal, že tie posledné dni, ten posledný prorok Starej Zmluvy, že „Predtým, ako príde ten veľký a hrozný deň Pánov, pošlem vám proroka Eliáša. A on prinavráti vieru detí späť ku... alebo vieru detí späť ku otcom, tesne pred časom zničenia.“ Čo je to? To je posolstvo, ktoré vychádza, posolstvo a posol posledných dní, ktorý ich nemá priviesť ku nejakému vyznaniu, ale vytrhnúť ich von z tých vyznaní a priviesť ich späť do originálnej viery otcov, letničných otcov, kde sa má cirkev nachádzať v posledných dňoch, nie Mojžišovskí otcovia, ale letniční otcovia.

1 Ďakujem ti, brat Orman. Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy, ku slovu modlitby. A zatiaľ, čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, som zvedavý, či sú tu takí, ktorí by mali zvláštnu potrebu, a chceli by ju dať na známosť, zodvihnutím svojej ruky. Pán vidí tieto veci, som si istý. Dôverujem, že On to udelí …

2Náš nebeský Otče, zhromaždili sme sa dnes ráno, pre žiaden iný účel, ako zvelebovať Meno nášho Pána Ježiša. A my Ti ďakujeme, že sme už pocítili Jeho prítomnosť. A sme si istí, že On sa s nami stretne, pretože to je Jeho zasľúbenie, že „Kdekoľvek dvaja alebo viacerí sú spolu zhromaždení v Mojom Mene, Ja budem v ich strede.“ Tak, chceli by sme poprosiť, Pane, aby Tvoje požehnania boli nad týmito dnešnými potrebami, ktoré boli dané na známosť, zodvihnutím rúk. Ty vieš, čo je za tou rukou, v srdci, a ja sa modlím, aby si odpovedal každému jednému.

3Ďakujeme Ti dnes za tú príležitosť uctievať Ťa. Ďakujeme Ti za cirkev a za ľudí a za bratov tej rovnocennej viery. A teraz prosíme, aby si nám dnes udelil túžby našich sŕdc, a to je slúžiť Tebe. Nakŕm nás tou skrytou mannou, o ktorej si povedal v Biblii, že bola daná, ktorá bola odložená jedine pre kňazov. A sme učení, že sme kňazmi Božími, obetujúcimi duchovné obete, a to je ovocie našich rtov, dávajúcich chválu Jeho Menu. Tak, teraz sa modlíme, aby si nás požehnal, v tej ďalšej časti tejto bohoslužby, zlomil nám chlieb Života. V Ježišovom mene, amen.

4Som rád, že môžem dnes ráno znovu vidieť našu veľkú rodinu, a som šťastný, že tu môžem byť s vami. A pre cudzích a tých, ktorí putujú po rozličných častiach krajiny, ktorí sú tu v toto nedeľné ráno, zhromaždení spolu s nami. Nemáme žiadnu denomináciu, a my sa len zhromažďujeme. Ľudia, ktorí veria v Boha, sa zhromažďujú spolu, aby spolu uctievali Pána, a obetovali naše modlitby Bohu, vyznali sa Jemu. A každú nedeľu a každý deň ideme cez očistec. To znamená, že očisťujeme naše duše skrze Jeho Svätého Ducha od našich hriechov. Snažíme sa žiť tak zbožne, ako len vieme, v tomto prítomnom veku a vyhľadávame Jeho objavenie sa každého času. A čakáme na to každý čas.

5Tak, máme dnes veľký program. Máme tu dnes ráno služby našej nedeľnej školy a potom večer máme špeciálny program, dnes večer. Môj dobrý priateľ, brat Jozef Boze, ktorý nie je medzi nami cudzí, ale verím, že to je asi prvýkrát, čo nás navštívil v zbore. Je to... Vždy som mal dve cirkvi z celého sveta, kde som cestoval, ktoré som vždy nazýval, „Modelové cirkvi.“ A jedna z nich je cirkev brata Jozefa Bozeho, filadelfská cirkev, Chicago, Illinois, a tá druhá je u brata Jacka Moore v Shreveporte v Luisiane. Bol som v tých cirkvách toľkokrát, že keď prichádzam domov z misijných ciest, niekto povie, „Nevolajte do Jeffersonville pre brata Branhama, zavolajte len do Chicaga, ak nie je tam, tak potom zavolajte do Shreveportu.“ Bol som tam tak mnoho krát.

6Jozef opustil Chicago. To najprv zlomilo naše srdcia, keď sme pomysleli, že on musel opustiť Chicago, ale po modlitbe sme zistili, že to bol Boh, ktorý mu dával povolanie. A tento môj malý priateľ teraz vyrazil do veľkej práce v Tanganike a Keni a Ugande, a robí veľkú prácu. A my cítime, že mu chceme pomôcť ho podporiť, každým spôsobom, ktorý môžeme v týchto zhromaždeniach. A ja plánujem, ak to bude Božia vôľa, v tomto nadchádzajúcom januári, aby som bol s ním v jeho školách, po Afrike, tam, ako pôjdeme do Južnej Afriky, z jeho škôl. A ja … On vám povie o tom dnes večer viac, v jeho príhovore k cirkvi. Bude hovoriť dnes popoludní, myslím, že okolo ôsmej hodiny, akonáhle sa skončí príprava. A potom, on má nejaký film, ktorý, som si istý, že radi uvidíte. A ten film je o jeho školách v Afrike, a čo Pán pre neho urobil, za tých krátkych pár rokov. Je to pre mňa veľmi povzbudzujúce, ukázať, čo… Vidieť ten film, pretože to ukazuje, čo môže Boh urobiť s jednou osobou, ktorá nájde Jeho vôľu a miesto. Po rokoch čakania, aby to našiel, a potom kráča tou cestou, ktorou ho Boh smeruje... Privádza svoje deti. Tá prvá časť toho je veľmi malá časť.

7A ako mnohí z vás viete, Jozef má trochu zmysel pre humor, a on si asi pomyslel, že budem vidieť jeho film, a tak on išiel raz v noci, a chcel nafilmovať leva. A tam v Afrike je mnoho levov. Tak, Jozef ide von a nakrúca leva. A myslím, že je to veľmi milé, potom, ako tá matka ulovila korisť a oni zjedli to zviera, a ona sťahovala z neho kožu. A to jej malé mláďa ju nasledovalo a snažilo sa tak isto správať, snažilo sa to znovu zabiť. Vidíte? A som si istý, že vy, mladí, že sa vám to bude páčiť, myslím, že je to päť alebo desať minút z toho, v tej prvej časti filmu. Tak príďte skoro.

8No, nebol som požiadaný toto povedať, nechcem toto povedať, Jozef o tom nič nevie. Ale myslím, že dnes večer chceme preukázať, že si brata Jozefa ceníme, a vyzbierame obeť pre jeho misijnú prácu za morom. Veríme, že Pán Ježiš prichádza. A ak ste dali na malú misiu a obeť, alebo niečo pre misionárov, alebo niečo, čo by ste radi dali ako svoj príspevok tomu, vypíšte svoj šek na Jozefa B-o-z-e, na dnes večer. B-o-z-e. Je to pravda, že? Jozef Boze. A to je … Poznám brata Jozefa ako svojho dôverného osobného priateľa a viem, že to pôjde pre kráľovstvo Božie, podľa jeho najlepšej známosti.

9A tak predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej, chcel by som ho predstaviť, a aby tu len povedal krátke slovo. Snažil som sa ho doviesť do toho, aby prevzal rannú službu, ale on nechcel, tak bude hovoriť k nám večer, o ôsmej hodine, tak dlho, ako bude chcieť. A projektor bude tu nastavený, aby ste mohli vidieť ten film. Ale práve teraz, rád by som bol, aby niečo povedal cirkvi, a predstavil sa cirkvi, môj dobrý priateľ a brat Jozef Boze, brat Boze [Brat Boze hovorí osem minút - pozn. prekl.] Ďakujem ti, brat Boze, to je veľmi pekné. Toto je Švédsko a Írsko spolu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, Jozef. Ďakujem ti za tvoje komplimenty, brat Jozef. Je to… Ja môžem povedať to isté o ňom. Som tak vďačný Pánovi za jeho veľkú prácu, ktorá ide ďalej v Afrike, a on vám o nej povie viac dnes večer.

10A teraz myslím, že Billy sa tu vkradol a povedal mi, alebo bratovi Nevillovi, alebo niekomu, že tá akustika vzadu nie je príliš dobrá. Alebo mohli by … Môžete tam vzadu počuť dobre? Nie, nepočujú veľmi dobre. Môžte prispôsobiť tie prístroje?

11A verím, zatiaľ čo čakáme, kým to urobia, myslím, že moja neter Donna, má svoje malé, ona a Teddy, majú maličké, ktoré chcú odovzdať Pánovi. A tak Donna, ak by si priniesla teraz tvoje maličké, no … A pozrime, kde je tá sestra za klavírom, tá pianistka. Je tu?

12[Brat Edgar Branham hovorí, „Použi jeden z tých mikrofónov na stranách, drahý“ - pozn. prekl.] Tento tu? [„To je dobre.“] V poriadku, pane. [„Obidva majú dosah.“] To bude v poriadku, dobre. Mal som … Stál som na zlom mieste. Myslím, že to som bol ja, ktorý som stál na zlom mieste.

13No, máme takú malú pieseň, ktorú obyčajne spievame v tomto čase, pre týchto maličkých, a to je, „Prineste ich, prineste maličkých k Ježišovi.“ No v tom…

14Mnohé cirkvi týchto maličkých fŕkajú, a to je v poriadku, ak to chcú robiť, to je celkom v poriadku, čo sa mňa týka, a iní majú spôsoby, ktoré možno nazývajú krstom, a ak to chcú nazývať krstom, to je v poriadku, čo sa mňa týka.

15Ale Písmo je to, čo sa snažíme nasledovať, presne tak, ako to Biblia hovorí. Len držať to rovno v Písme. Nie je žiadne miesto v Biblii, v Novej Zmluve, okrem toho, že privádzali malé deti k Ježišovi a On ich žehnal, a povedal, „Nechajte malé deti prísť ku mne, pretože takých je kráľovstvo nebeské.“

Tak, to je spôsob, ako to robiť. Pastor a ja tu stojíme, berieme tých maličkých, a obetujeme modlitbu zasvätenia Pánovi. A potom, keď oni sú …

16Cítime, že nemluvňa nemá žiaden hriech. Nemá viac hriechu, ako keď sa narodilo. My sme všetci narodení v hriechu, utkaní v neprávosti, a prišli sme na svet hovoriaci klamstvo. A teraz, keď Ježiš zomrel na Golgote, On vzal preč hriechy sveta. Potom, dieťa sa mohlo narodiť, alebo mohlo zomrieť, predtým, ako sa narodilo, alebo sa narodilo predtým, ako prišlo do veku zodpovednosti, ono nemá žiadne hriechy. Ježiš vzal preč hriechy sveta. Ale potom, ako sa stáva dostatočne staré, a pácha hriech, potom musí vyznať svoje hriechy a byť pokrstené na odstránenie svojich hriechov. Rozumiete? Ale teraz, samozrejme, ono je príliš mladé.

17Tak spievajme teraz tú starú dobrú hymnu, spievajme to spolu. Neviem, či môžem…

Prineste ich, prineste ich,

prineste ich z polí hriechu,

prineste ich, prineste ich,

prineste maličkých k Ježišovi.

18 Ako sa volá? Teddy, Junior. V poriadku, pane. Sme šťastní, že môžeme vidieť túto mladú dvojicu tu dnes ráno, s týmto malým, pekným, mladým Teddym, a modliť sa k Bohu, aby ho bohate požehnal a dal mu večný život v tom svete, ktorý má prísť, a dlhý život tu. Môžem ho na chvíľu podržať? Toto je mladý Teddy Arnold. Všetci tu poznáme Teddyho, on je brat tu v cirkvi, ženatý s dcérou môjho brata, s Donnou. A oni tu majú svojho maličkého, sú tu noví. Myslím, že toto je váš druhýkrát, a to ďalšie je malé dievča. Je to tak ? Toto je taký žiarivý chlapec. Vždy sa bojím, že ich zlomím, keď prichádzajú… Takí sú zlatí. Ja sa len bojím, že ich zlomím.

19No, viete si predstaviť, ako matka prináša svoje maličké ako toto ku Pánovi Ježišovi? Ak by tu On bol dnes ráno v Osobe, ako my tu stojíme, táto matka by rýchlo bežala k Nemu, a chcela by, aby položil svoje ruky na toto dieťa a požehnal ho. Ockove srdce by poskočilo od radosti. Vieme, že Boh im ho dal k ich zjednoteniu, a oni ho chcú dať späť Bohu, ako znak toho, že si cenia, že On im ich dal. Skloňme naše hlavy.

20Náš Nebeský Otče, snažíme sa nasledovať Tvoj príklad. Keď k Tebe matky a otcovia prinášali svoje malé deti a Ty si na nich kládol ruky a žehnal ich. A teraz, Nebeský Otče, táto mladá dvojica bola vo svojom dome požehnaná tým, že obdržala tohoto malého chlapca, malého Teddyho Arnolda, juniora. Tak sa modlíme, Nebeský Otče, aby Tvoje požehnania spočinuli na tom dieťati. Kladieme svoje ruky na neho, ako pamiatku Teba a Tvojho zasľúbenia a nám, že máme klásť svoje ruky na ľudí na pamiatku Tvojho veľkého Slova. Požehnaj malého Teddyho. Bože, modlíme sa, aby si mu dal dlhý život, dobré zdravie, nech môže žiť, aby videl príchod Pánov, ak to bude možné. A modlíme sa za tohoto otca a matku, nech sú požehnaní vo vychovávaní tohoto dieťaťa. A ak je nejaký zajtrajšok, učiň ho kazateľom, Pane, Evanjelia, a daj mu veci, ktoré si zasľúbil ľudskej rase, aby mohol mať život a hojný život. Dávame ho teraz Tebe, malého Teddyho Arnolda, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

21 Nech ťa Boh žehná, Donna a Teddy, majte dlhý život a mnoho požehnaní, a tebe, maličký Tedy, pretože On ťa miluje.

22Ó, myslím, že sú takí rozkošní, títo maličkí. Mám rád všetkých ľudí, ale mám na mysli deti, a potom starých ľudí, keď zostarnú. Niektorý starý muž alebo žena, ktorí prešli už dlhú cestu a sú takí chatrní a myslím, že sú v takom poľutovaniahodnom stave, a myslím, viete, že by sme nikdy nemali… Keď ich vidíme prechádzať ulicou, máme zastaviť. Čo ak by to bol tvoj ocko alebo tvoja matka. Rozumiete? Oni sú niekoho, tak ich rešpektujte. A oni rozprávajú možno pomaly a dlho, a možno veci, ktoré nechcete počuť, ale pamätajte, aj vy raz môžete zostarnúť, tak ich vždy rešpektujte.

23A tí maličkí. Kto by mohol zle zaobchádzať s takýmito. Mimochodom, to by ste nikdy nemali robiť. Viete, Ježiš povedal, „Hľaďte, aby ste nepohŕdli jedným z týchto maličkých, pretože anjeli vždy hľadia na tvár Môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach.“ Pamätajte, oni majú anjela. Keď sa narodíte, on zostáva s vami po celý váš život. A teraz, po tom, ako ste spasení, máte potom Ducha Svätého a On vás vedie a sprevádza.

24A teraz sa dívam rovno do obecenstva, aby som sa pozrel, ktorých poznám. Ak sa nemýlim, vidím jednu sestru z Chicaga, rovno tu, a to robí, že sa cítite ako doma, keď reprezentujete Chicago, sestra Peckinpaugh a všetci tí ďalší. Sme šťastní, že tu dnes ráno môžeme vidieť brata a sestru Coxových a Charlieho, Nelly, ako ich poznáme. A Rodney je tiež niekde tu, nazdávam sa, sestra Coxová. A brat Willard Crase, jeden z našich bratov kazateľov tu. A tak mnoho ďalších, že by som ich sotva mohol všetkých pomenovať.

25Som rád, že tam vzadu vidím brata Evansa a sestru Evansovú. To je ten muž, o ktorom som vám trochu hovoril, ohľadne toho štrkáča, a Pán… Zodvihol by si, brat Evans, svoju ruku, alebo niečo, aby tak tam mohli vidieť, že... Chytali sme ryby a zemný štrkáč ho uhryzol rovno do nohy. A ja som na neho položil ruky a modlil sa za neho, a ani to neopuchlo, a ani nemal viac už s tým… Potom. A Biblia hovorí, viete, „Budú vyháňať diablov, budú šliapať po hadoch a škorpiónoch a hadov a nič im neublíži, a ich … V Mojom Mene tým, ktorí mi veria“, čo všetky tie moci, a čo môžu urobiť, a tak ďalej, to nám bolo dané. Potom, ak sa len nebojíte…

26Čo ak by vám niekto dal šek a mali by ste tam na spodnej strane podpísané meno, a ak by ste po celý svoj život nosili ten šek vo svojom vrecku, to by vám neurobilo nič dobré. Musíte to speňažiť. Tak každé zasľúbenie v Biblii má na svojej spodnej strane podpísané meno Ježiša. Banka Neba je zodpovedná, ten depozit bol daný na Golgote. Keď naše hriechy boli odpustené, a my sme učinení synmi a dcérami Božími. A preto, nebojte sa speňažiť každý dar, ktorý Boh zasľúbil. Len pamätajte, On to zasľúbil a je to tvoje.

27 Videl som Ho zastaviť plamene ohňa, zastaviť krv, utíšiť násilie diabla a vyhnať nepriateľov a uzdraviť rakovinu, vzkriesiť mŕtvych. Keď tam stál lekár, a ten človek bol mŕtvy hodiny a hodiny, a bol znovu vzkriesený do života. Uvidel som to sám, vo svojej malej slabej službe, čas od času, zakaždým. Tak, videl som divé zvieratá skrotené, až sa nemohli ani pohnúť, a všetky také veci. Tak, On je len… On je stále Bohom. On… Ak bol kedy Bohom, On je stále Bohom. A ak On, ak On nikdy... Ak On nie je Bohom, potom nikdy nebol Bohom, pretože On by musel byť… Musel byť Bohom, musel by byť nekonečný. Poznal by všetky veci, musel by byť všemohúci, všemocný, všadeprítomný, byť všade. A, ó, On je Bohom. Dokonalosť dokonalosti je Boh.

28No, ja nemám v úmysle … Niekedy, keď vyučujem tieto lekcie nedeľnej školy, sú potom asi štyri hodiny, tak nejako. Pred pár týždňami tu, som kázal šesť hodín. No, dúfam, že vás nestraším, viete, ale… Ale dnes ráno to tak nemám v úmysle, iba päť a pol hodiny. Nie, iba …

29Možno s vami teraz na nejaký čas nebudem, ideme do Virgínie, alebo hore do Karolíny, a severnej alebo južnej Karolíny, a potom na západné pobrežie, hore na západné pobrežie, a potom do Kanady a na Aljašku, a potom späť. A možno, ak bude Pán chcieť, pôjdem do Afriky a navštívim Jozefa, a pôjdem opäť až dolu, do Južnej Afriky.

30A prednedávnom sme mali v Južnej Afrike veľké zhromaždenie, keď sa to celkom zmenilo pre Afriku, behom pár hodín, keď Boh vo svojom zázračnom spôsobe, kedy na prvých stránkach novín uverejnili články, celé prvé a druhé a tretie strany boli samé články ohľadne zhromaždení. Na začiatku ich oni len uzemnili, nedali nejakému človeku ani benzín, pretože on išiel na to zhromaždenie. Oni mu ho ani nepredali a povedali, „Taký fanatik ako toto…“ A na druhý deň mu boli ochotní dať benzín zadarmo. Vidíte? Tak, teraz ten rozdiel, vidíte? Ja som… Niečo sa deje. Ten človek tam hladkal nejaké šteňa, viete, a povedali mu, povedali, „Kam ideš?“ On povedal, „Idem dolu do Johannesburgu.“

Povedal, „Ó, si obchodník?“

31 Povedal, „Nie, idem dolu navštíviť zhromaždenia brata Branhama.“

32Povedal, “Čo?“ Povedal, „Vyzeráš na rozumnejšieho človeka, ako to.“

33On povedal, „No,“ povedal, „Som kresťan a idem sa dolu pozrieť.“

On povedal, „Choď si zohnať benzín niekde inde.“

34A tak na druhý deň, keď sa vracal, to bola len zastávka medzi tým miestom a Transvaalom, tak on musel ísť hore cez to, a zastavil sa na tej ďalšej pumpe, pod tým. A ten chlapík vybehol a chytil ho a povedal, „Poď sem hore, poď sem hore.“ Noviny majú na všetkých prvých stránkach a druhých a tak ďalej, je toho plno, čo náš Pán urobil. A tak, my sme za to vďační.

35Tak, a teraz pre také malé zhromaždenie, všetci z vás, ktorí ste tu, a máte tu svojich priateľov, máme byť teraz v Cow Palace. To je veľká výstava západného dobytka na západnom pobreží v Južnej Bráne. Niektorí z vás, ktorí sú ako ja, ktorí máte radi zbrane, ja tam budem, kvôli továrni Weatherby, a poďte so mnou, ak chcete, ak tam niekde budete. A tak oni pôjdu na mnohé miesta počas dňa a môžete ísť na Catalina Island, viete, ako to tam je. A vy, muži, ženy s malými deťmi, Disneyland. A tak, on je členom jednej z týchto skupín, tak príďte. Viem, že budete mať dobrý čas. A ponad to všetko modlite sa, aby Boh otvoril oči neveriacich a učinil obrátených ku Kristovi.

36Tak ideme teraz čítať trochu zo Slova, z Biblie, pretože rád to robím. A potom tu mám zapísané niektoré miesta Písma a nejakú poznámku, ohľadne čoho by som chcel dnes ráno na krátko vyučovať. Pamätajte na zhromaždenie dnes večer... A potom by som vám rád povedal, čo všetko sa tento týždeň stalo, v súkromných rozhovoroch, a tak ďalej, ale nemám čas. A viem, že niektorí z nich tu dnes ráno sedia, ktorí stále čakajú na tie rozhovory, ktorí nie sú z tohto mesta. Budeme sa snažiť k nim dostať tento týždeň, tak rýchlo, ako… Budeme sa snažiť prebrať všetko, čo čaká, predtým, ako odídeme.

37Tak chceme si teraz otvoriť Evanjeliá, v Markovi 16, 16. kapitola svätého Marka, a moja téma dnes je, „Evanjelizácia času konca.“Tak, začnime čítať v Markovi 16, asi od 14. verša.

Naposledy sa ukázal tým jedonástim, keď sedeli za stolom, a karhal ich neveru a tvrdosť ich srdca, že neuverili tým, ktorí ho videli vstalého z mŕtvych.

A povedal im: Iďte po celom svete a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu!

Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude spasený; a kto neuverí, bude odsúdený.

A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia: v mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov, budú hovoriť novými jazyky,

hadov budú brať, a keby vypili niečo smrťonosné, neuškodí im; na chorých budú vzkladať ruky, a budú sa mať dobre.

A tak Pán Ježiš, keď dohovoril s nimi, vzatý bol hore do neba, a sadol si po pravici Božej.

A oni vyšli a kázali všade a Pán spoluúčinkoval a potvrdzoval slovo tým, že ho sprevádzaly divy. Ameň.

38Je tak mnoho, čo by mohlo byť o tomto povedané. Toto je to posledné poverenie, ktoré dal Pán cirkvi.

39Náhodou som sa tu pozrel. Snažím sa spomenúť si… Brat West, snažil som sa pred chvíľou spomenúť si na tvoje meno, ako sme sa vrátili z Georgie, a nevedel som si spomenúť, ako sa voláš. To bolo práve pred chvíľou. A ten ďalší brat, ktorý tam sedí, neviem si spomenúť na jeho meno. A tak mnohí z vás rozumiete, že ja sa nesnažím podceniť niekoho meno, ale oni len… Nedokážem mať ich mená vo svojej mysli, také zafixované.

40Tak teraz rozmýšľame o evanjelizácii v čase konca. A ktokoľvek, kto číta noviny a mohol by čítať … Nebesia sú čierne a zatemňujúce sa a vystupujú oblaky a vtedy viete, že sa chystá dážď, a cítite to vo vzduchu, a vidíte také veľké pruhy, tam v ďalekej diaľke, a blesky a ten tlak vetra, a viete, že bude búrka, bude veľmi skoro pršať. Ktokoľvek, kto môže čítať noviny, a dokáže vidieť stav národa, národov, si uvedomuje, že niečo sa ide stať. Keď vidíte niekoho, aký je nevraživý, a ten druhý, a tí ostatní sa hádajú, so všetkými možnými druhmi zbraní, a tak ďalej, aby s tým bojovali, a niet žiadneho súhlasu, a berú si topánky a búchajú nimi o stoly, a všetko možné na svojich konferenciách, vtedy viete, že niečo sa ide stať. A to prináša na ľudí taký druh pocitu, že niečo sa s istotou ide stať. Svet, ako by sme to nazvali, kozmos, ten vonkajší svet cíti, že prichádza zničenie. Hovoria o atómovom veku, že sa chystá vypuknúť.

41Kresťan vie, že to je príchod Pánov. Je určitá atmosféra. Závisí to na tom, na čo sa dívate, pretože náš Pán nám jasne povedal, čo sa stane v tom čase, a my nevieme minútu alebo hodinu, ale vieme, že sa k niečomu teraz približujeme.

42Ako som hovoril pred nedávnom, pozoroval som raz jedného baránka, v Afrike, v ohrade, a on sa veľmi pokojne pásol, a zrazu znervóznel. A divil som sa, čo sa s tým malým stvorením stalo. A vy viete, že ovca si nedokáže nájsť svoju cestu späť, odkiaľkoľvek prichádza, je úplne stratená. To je ten dôvod, prečo nás Pán pripodobňuje k ovciam. Rozumiete? Keď sme stratení, je len jedna jediná vec, ktorá nás môže priviesť naspäť, a to je Pastier. A tento maličký bečal a bol zblúdený od ohrady. A všimol som si tam nižšie v tráve, ten maličký to nedokázal vidieť, a baránok alebo ovca necíti svojho nepriateľa, ako ostatné zvieratá, ako jeleň alebo niečo také, ale dokáže vycítiť, že smrť je na blízku. A tam bol lev, ktorý sa tam približoval, potichu prichádzal. Cítil tú ovcu, tak on tam prichádzal, aby ju dolapil. A to maličké sa stalo také nervózne, a vy ste nedokázali vidieť dôvod prečo, ale to bola smrť, ktorá číhala tak blízko, až ono bolo nervózne.

43A svet je práve teraz, v takom neurotickom stave, až oni pôjdu dolu ulicou, deväťdesiat míľ za hodinu, aby si sadli do pivného baru a pili, dve hodiny predtým, ako sa dostanú domov. A to je taký nápor…

44Prehovor k niekomu, ó, oni vybuchnú. Ako som hovoril minulý večer v modlitebni, a o tom, ako som išiel do nemocnice tu, a snažil som sa dostať k jednému prípadu, ktorý zavolal brat Neville. A zakaždým, ako som hovoril k nejakej sestričke alebo k lekárovi, oni na mňa vyskočili, „Nič o tom neviem!“

45No, pomyslel som si, „Čo sa deje, každý len vypúšťa tlak, nazdávam sa.“ Tak… Ale lekár, psychiatri sa liečia psychiatrami. Ale existuje východisko, a to je Kristus.

46No, kresťan by nemal byť v takom stave. Mali by sme byť šťastní, očakávajúci na príchod, pretože je na blízku. Môžeme cítiť ten chladný vánok Golgoty. Keď sa pozrieme dolu, a vidíme Boha neba, ktorý dal zasľúbenie, a práve tie veci, ktoré Ježiš činil vo svojom živote, boli zasľúbené, že sa navrátia v posledných dňoch, a my to tu vidíme. Čo je to? To je dych toho občerstvenia, ako keď prichádza dážď. Vidíte? Vieme, že vykúpenie je na blízku. Niečo sa ide stať. No, svet to nevidí. Oni sa tomu smejú. Pretože to je tak, ako to bolo v tých iných dňoch. Ale my vieme, že to sa približuje.

47A to je ten dôvod, prečo som dnes vybral tému ako poslednú na nejaký čas tu v modlitebni, ohľadne evanjelizácie času konca. A keď konáme misijnú prácu, alebo zahraničnú misiu so Slovom Božím, vieme, že sme vždy vo vôli Božej, lebo Ježišovo prvé poverenie Jeho cirkvi bolo, „Choďte a kážte Evanjelium.“ Toto posledné poverenie bolo kázať Evanjelium.

48Po prvýkrát, kedy On, kedy ordinoval nejaké osoby kázať Slovo a ísť cez celú krajinu, On povedal, „Uzdravujte nemocných, krieste mŕtvych, vyháňajte diablov, zdarma ste dostali, zdarma dajte.“ Svätý Matúš, desiata kapitola, posiela tých sedemdesiatich po dvoch. To bolo to prvé poverenie, ktoré On dal svojej cirkvi.

49No, to posledné poverenie, ktoré dal Svojej Cirkvi, rovno predtým, ako bol prijatý do Slávy, povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta.“ On práve vstal z mŕtvych, a mnohí z nich tam stáli, a On karhal tvrdosť ich srdca kvôli ich nevere, že neuverili tým, ktorí Ho videli, potom, ako vstal z mŕtvych. Vidíte? Oni mali svedectvo, že videli Pána. Tí ostatní to neverili, a On ich karhal kvôli tvrdosti ich srdca. Oni neverili týmto ľuďom, ktorí Ho videli, že nie je mŕtvy. „On žije.“

50Tá istá vec je dnes, keď Ho vidíte pri práci. No, my sme už uvideli a svedčíme o zjavení sa Pána. Pamätajte, zjavenie sa a príchod sú dve odlišné slová. Zjaviť sa, a potom prísť. Teraz je to zjavenie sa. On sa už zjavil v týchto posledných dňoch, rovno tu s nami, v týchto posledných pár rokoch. No, to je znamenie Jeho príchodu. On sa zjavuje vo svojej cirkvi vo forme Ducha Svätého, ukazuje, že to je On, pretože ľudia nemôžu činiť tie veci, ktoré vidia konať Ducha Svätého, tak to je zjavenie sa Pána. No, pamätajte, to hovorí o oboch miestach, “Zjavenie sa“ a „Príchod.“

51No, On ich karhal kvôli tvrdosti ich srdca, pretože neuverili tým, ktorí Ho videli. Verím, že to isté je dnes. Potom, čo sme… Oni uvideli… Oni neverili svedectvu tých ľudí, a On ich za to karhal. A potom ich poveril ísť do celého sveta, kázať Evanjelium každému stvoreniu, a že On bude s nimi až do zničenia, do konca sveta. „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

52No dnes, my sa snažíme vziať toto napísané Slovo, ktoré máme vo forme Písma, vo forme vyznaní, a tak ďalej, celému svetu. A misionári vyšli do všetkých miest. Ale čo tam nachádzame, keď sa tam dostaneme? Nejaký domorodec, ktorý nedokáže prečítať svoje meno, drží vo svojej ruke traktát. On o tom nevie nič viac, ako nevie o tom, ktorá je jeho pravá, a ktorá ľavá ruka. Ale keď Ježiš povedal, „Choďte a kážte Evanjelium.“ On nikdy nepovedal, „Vyučujte Slovo.“ On povedal, “Kážte Evanjelium.“ A Evanjelium neprišlo iba v Slove, ale skrze manifestáciu Slova. Pretože to je jediný spôsob, ako sa to môže stať, to je cez vyplnenie sa Jeho zasľúbenia.

53Ako jeden si môže prečítať... Tak, ako v prípade Williama Jenningsa Bryanta, keď debatoval s Darellom ohľadom etiky Darwina. On mohol iba povedať, čo Darwin povedal, a William Jennings Bryant mohol povedať, čo Biblia povedala. To bola tá debata. Ale v tomto prípade, Boh prichádza medzi svoj ľud a dokazuje, že Jeho Slovo je zamanifestované. A jediný spôsob, ako to môžete urobiť, nie skrze leták, ale skrze Ducha Svätého, ktorý cez vás pracuje. Váš život sa stáva Jeho životom. On je vo vás.

54Pohania, keď uctievajú modlu, oni sa pred tou modlou skláňajú, a veria, že tá modla k nim prehovorila, že ten boh, že ten ich boh sa obrátil a vstúpil do tejto modly a hovoril späť ku nim. No, to je práve v protiklade, obráťte to, čím Boh je. Boh nekoná s modlami. Vy ste Jeho nástrojom. Vy sa skláňate pred Bohom a On prichádza do vás a hovorí k ľuďom. To je ten rozdiel. On je živý Boh, pre živú osobu. Nie mŕtvy boh, ku mŕtvej modle. On je živý Boh, ku živej bytosti. A vy sa stávate Jeho svedkami, toho, čo On tu povedal.

55To je teraz, všimnite si. Mnoho ľudí hovorí, že to bolo len pre apoštolov, čo On tu povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte toto Evanjelium každému stvoreniu, a“ (spojka) „tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

56No, dnes my hovoríme, že dobrý člen cirkvi si potrasie ruky s pastorom, prepíše si svoje meno od Metodistov k Baptistom alebo od Baptistov k Metodistom, a tak ďalej, a žije celkom dobrý život. No, my misionári, my vidíme tých pohanov, že žijú život, s ktorým by sa títo Američania, takzvaní kresťania, nemohli nijako porovnávať. Tak, ak je všetko, čo sa počíta, len tvoj dobrý život, potom oni sú spasení tak isto, ako tí ostatní z nich skrze modlu. Ich morálka by nás zatienila, až by sme nemali šancu stáť v ich prítomnosti. To je pravda, pri ich skutkoch. Ale to nie je to.

57Ježiš povedal, „Musíte sa znovu narodiť.“ Aby ste sa znovu narodili, to je nechať sa zomrieť a nechať Ducha Kristovho, aby prišiel do teba. Potom už nie si viacej svoj, to je Kristus v tebe. (Vidíte?) Duch Svätý. Pavol povedal, “Denne zomieram, hoci žijem, nie ja, ale Kristus, ktorý žije vo mne.“ Vidíte, Kristus.

58Ak by som vám povedal, že duch Johna Dillingera je vo mne, mal by som tu pušky a bol by som kriminálnik, pretože to by bol jeho duch vo mne. Ak by som vám povedal, že mám ducha umelca, vy by ste očakávali odo mňa, že budem maľovať obrazy umelca.

59Ak vám poviem, že som kresťan, a Duch Kristov je vo mne, alebo vo vás, potom my konáme skutky Krista. Ježiš povedal v svätom Jánovi, „Ten, kto verí vo mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť.“ A potom tu povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

60No, počas veku, tam bol čas, kedy tieto znamenia nenasledovali veriacich. To je pravda. Prorok to vypovedal, a on to vypovedal nad Zachariášom. Povedal, „Príde čas, ktorý nebude nazvaný dňom ani nocou, ale v čase večera bude svetlo.“

61No, slnko vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. To sa nemení, to je to isté slnko. No, keď prišiel Duch Svätý, Ježiš, Syn Boží, On prišiel na východe k východným ľuďom. Bol deň... A to putovalo, ako civilizácia putovala za slnkom, prichádzalo to od východu na západ, a teraz sme na západnom pobreží … Ak pôjdeme ešte ďalej, tak sme späť na východe. Tak… Ó, všetko naznačuje Jeho príchod. Sme v čase konca. Všetko ukazuje, že to je všetko skončené.

62Tak, prorok tu povedal a žiadne proroctvo nemôže byť… By nemalo byť súkromne vykladané, ako povedal Ježiš. Je to presne to, čo ono hovorí. „Bude večer svetlo.“ Potom ten istý Syn, ktorý prišiel na tých východných ľudí, a ukázal Jeho skutky a Jeho požehnania. Bolo to prorokované, že bude zatienený deň, nebude to ani deň, ani noc, bude to zachmúrený deň, bude to zahmlené. A vy nedokážete vidieť slnko, ale pritom slnko dáva dostatok svetla. Niečo, ako to je práve teraz. Možno trochu temnejšie, a my sme mali dosť toho pripájania sa k cirkvi a zapisovania si mien do kníh a tak ďalej. Ale v čase večera, tá istá veľká moc Kristova príde na Jeho cirkev, presne tak, ako to bolo tam na východe. Na západe to bude to isté. Tak, preto chcem hovoriť o evanjelizácii večerného času.

63Každý vek mal svoje posolstvo a svojich poslov. Počas všetkých časov, každý vek niesol svoje posolstvo s poslom. Boh v každom časovom rozdelení vyslal niekoho pomazaného Duchom Svätým, aby priniesol Jeho posolstvo, pre ten vek zakaždým.

64No, mohli by sme znovu začať, aby sme to trochu podopreli. Dokonca od začiatku, Boh mal posla, na začiatku, aby povedal Adamovi a Eve, „Budete jesť toto, ale nebudete jesť toto.“ To bolo to posolstvo. A keď človek prekročil posolstvo tej hodiny, to prinieslo smrť a chaos celej ľudskej rase. No, to je to, koľko to posolstvo znamená. A pamätajte, že to nebolo kompletným, priamym zaprením toho, čo Boh povedal, čomu Eva uverila, to bolo vzatie toho, čo Boh povedal, a bolo to trochu vybielené, alebo bolo to trochu prekrútené, len pridanie trošku k tomu, alebo trošku z toho bolo vzaté.

65To je ten dôvod, prečo verím, že Slovo je Pravda. Ak naše vyznania a naše denominácie neprichádzajú kompletne so Slovom, potom je to zlé. A, ak by Boh nedovolil, a Jeho Slovo je tak dôležité, zle citovať jedno slovo z toho, čo zapríčinilo všetku, každú smrť, ktorá sa kedy stala, každé utrpenie, každé plačúce dieťa, každý pohrebný sprievod, každý hrob na kopci, každú sanitku, ktorá húkala, každú krv, ktorá bola preliata, všetok starý vek a hladovanie a problémy, ktoré sme mali, len preto, že Božie Slovo bolo zle odhadnuté, a to zapríčinilo všetko toto, či On prepáči v čase konca, ak to znovu zle odhadneme.

66Tak, vidíte, kresťanstvo je dôležitá vec. Ak to stálo celých šesťtisíc rokov problémov kvôli tomu, že jedno Slovo bolo zneužité, tak my sa nenavrátime s jedným ďalším Slovom zneužitým. To musí byť presne so Slovom, bez niekoho výkladu, presne to, čo Slovo hovorí. Tak mnoho ľudí sa zíde, a oni hovoria, že to znamená toto, a oni súhlasia, a iní povedia toto. Ale to hovorí, „Toto je to.“

67Ak ide Boh súdiť svet skrze cirkev, potom cez ktorú cirkev? Ak ide súdiť skrze národ, potom skrze ktorý národ? On ide súdiť svet skrze Slovo, Bibliu. Lebo, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo s Bohom a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ To bol Kristus, ktorý bol Božím Slovom učineným Telom, vypovedaným skrze ľudskú bytosť.

68No, v knihe zjavenia On povedal, „Ak niekto vezme jedno slovo z tohoto tu, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo, to isté mu bude vzaté, jeho časť z Knihy Života.“

69Tak vidíte, to nie je len, „No, ja verím tomuto, ale ja neviem nič o tomto.“ Musíš veriť celému tomu. Možno nemáš dostatok viery, aby si sa s tým postavil, ale nesnaž sa stáť niekomu inému v ceste.

70Často som povedal, že som si prial mať vieru, keď sa môj život zakončí, aby som išiel ako Enoch, nezomrieť, ale len ísť si na popoludňajšiu prechádzku a vrátiť sa domov s Bohom. Rád by som to urobil. Ale ak nemám ten druh viery, nebudem stáť nikomu druhému v ceste, ktorý má taký druh viery. Rozumiete?

71No, sme v čase konca, a tí poslovia cez ten vek, nachádzame, že na počiatku, keď bol vyslaný posol, prekrútiť jeho slovo, alebo zapochybovať jedno slovo bolo totálnym zničením a oddelením od Boha, prekrútiť slovo toho posla. A prvým poslom bol Boh sám. A každý ďalší posol odvtedy, to bol Boh hovoriaci skrze človeka, čo je Božie Slovo, pretože nie je žiaden človek pre Neho, cez ktorého by hovoril, jedine ten, ku ktorému On hovoril. Ale odkedy On učinil človeka, a vykúpil človeka, to bol Boh, hovoriaci cez človeka. On nepoužíva nejaký spôsob, nejaké mechanické zariadenie, ale spôsob človeka, a človeka, ktorý je vydaný a zasvätený Bohu.

72Mohli by sme to ukázať cez prorokov a Samsona a späť až rovno práve do tohoto veku. To bol vždy jednotlivec s Bohom. No, každý vek, ako som povedal, mal svoje posolstvo a svojho posla. No, vezmeme ďalší vek, po tom veku Edenu, aby sme urobili trochu pozadie. No, po veku Edenu prišiel Noeho vek. Tak, keď svet... Boli sme … Raz večer som hovoril dolu v modlitebni v Clarksville na tému znamenia času konca, a potom ďalší večer, vo štvrtok večer o tom, byť identifikovaný s Ježišom. A v toto ráno chcem hovoriť o evanjelistovi času konca, evanjelizácii, prepáčte.

73Tak, rovno pred predpotopným zničením, a časom potopy, no zisťujeme, že oni mali väčšiu civilizáciu, ako máme my dnes. Verím, že dokázali ovládať atómovú moc. Myslím si, že to je to, čo vychýlilo svet zo svojej osi. Stál som na Britských ostrovoch na ľadových poliach, kde kopali päťsto stôp hlboko, a vyniesli palmy, tam, kde zvykli byť palmy, pred mnohými stovkami rokov. A sme učení a vieme, že svet stál rovno, ale oni mali takú mechaniku a takú vedu, až dokázali postaviť pyramídu, sfingu a tak ďalej, ktorú nedokážeme zreprodukovať dnes. Nemáme žiadne stroje, aby zodvihli tie bloky tak vysoko, jedine, že by to bola atómová sila, benzínová sila to nedokáže, a elektrická sila to nedokáže. Ale, to bolo v inom veku, ktorý bol omnoho chytrejší, ako je náš vek.

74A v tom veku, Boh povolal človeka, ktorý sa nazýval Noe. Bol to obyčajný človek, farmár, pretože on bol nájdený ako zbožný vo svojej generácii. A Boh s týmto jedným konal na tému, „Postav Archu.“ Pretože hriech, všímame si, že v tom čase, „dcéry ľudské“, hovorí Biblia, „Videli … synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry.“

75Diskutoval som o tom, kde mnohí z tých pisateľov si mysleli, že tí synovia Boží, to boli padlí anjeli, ktorí sa pretlačili do ducha. Nerozumiem, ako si to niekto môže myslieť. To by ho učinilo stvoriteľom, učinilo by to Satana stvoriteľom. Satan nie je stvoriteľ. Satan je ten, ktorý prevracia stvorenie, všetko. Klamstvo je len zle povedaná pravda. Cudzoložstvo je prevrátením správneho aktu. Vidíte? A to je presne to, čím hriech je. Satan nedokáže tvoriť, on dokáže iba prevrátiť to, čo bolo stvorené.

76Tak, to boli Synovia Boží, čo boli Setoví synovia, z línie Božej, skrze Adama, a dcéry Kaina, Satana, „Keď videli, že oni sú pekné...“

77A všímame si tam, keby sme videli fotografie spred pár rokov, povedzme spred sto rokov, ako krása žien prevýšila tú krásu, ktorá zvykla byť v ženách. Ak si prečítate Genezis 6, nájdete tam nádherný obraz. Oni boli pekné, a ženy dnes sú omnoho krajšie, ako zvykli byť. To je kvôli ich obliekaniu a ich modernému trendu. To je to, čo ich privádza.

78Mám fotku Pearl White, keď ju Scott Jackson zabil a vrazil jej nôž do hrude, jej tajný milenec, a národ bol zatrasený piesňou Pearl White. Ona bola považovaná v tých dňoch za najkrajšiu ženu na svete. No, ona by bola dnes na ulici iba relikviou v porovnaní s týmito ženami.

79Alebo sa vráťte späť do času Kláry Bow, keď ako prvá začala s tým škandálom vyhŕňania si svojich punčoch dolu pod kolená a hovorila, „Vyhrňte si ich, dievčatá, vyhrňte.“ Pamätám si to vo svojich skorých rokoch. A vezmite si obraz Kláry Bow a porovnajte ju s niektorými tými kráskami dneška. Vidíte?

80A to je znamenie času konca. Ježiš povedal, „Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ A oni sa ustavične vyzliekali. Čo to je? Dcéry Kaina. To je to, prečo sme považovaní za bláznov a fanatikov, keď sa snažíme vysvetliť a povedať ohľadne toho Pravdu Evanjelia. Ale oni sa ustavične demoralizujú a idú na ulice, a správajú sa, ako sa správajú, a neuvedomujú si, že sa z toho budú zodpovedať v deň súdu. No, žena, ktorá sa zle oblieka, sexi, a môže … Môžeš byť čistá ako ľalia voči svojmu manželovi, alebo tvojmu drahému, tvojmu priateľovi, ale keď nejaký hriešnik prechádza ulicou, a díva sa na teba a ty sa takto obliekaš, on bude po tebe žiadostiť, pretože ty sa takýmto spôsobom pred ním vystavuješ.

81To nie sú deti, ktoré potrebujú výprask, to je otec a mama, za to, že im to dovolia robiť. To je, … To nie je mládežnícka delikvencia, to je rodičovská delikvencia. A myslím si, že je tam mnoho kazateľskej delikvencie, pretože oni ich s tým len nechajú ísť, a nepovedia o tom nič, pričom je to tu v Slove.

82No, v Biblii … Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie na ženu, aby po nej túžil, už (minulý čas) spáchal s ňou cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.“ A keď ten hriešnik pôjde na súd, aby sa zodpovedal za cudzoložstvo, to vystrelí rovno späť: Kto to s ním spáchal? Ty


Hoci si nikdy neurobila ten skutok, ale Biblia hovorí jednako, že si vinná. Kto bude za to potom vinný? „Ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu, aby žiadostil po nej, spáchal už cudzoložstvo s ňou vo svojom srdci.“ Tá vážnosť toho...

83V Jeffersonville je dnes 99,99 percent žien vinných pred Bohom. S celým národom je to tak. Prečo? Delikvencia za kazateľňou, aby to povedali ľuďom, a delikvencia doma, kde nechávajú tie mladé slečny ísť na ulice a takto sa správať. A oni to nazývajú, že je to v poriadku.

84No, to je presne to, s čím musel Noe zápasiť vo svojom dni. Dcéry ľudské boli pekné a synovia Boží sa na ne dívali. Vidíte? Znovu prichádza tá žiadosť. Ale Noe, ó, mohli by sme na tom zostať hodiny, ale Noe bol mužom spravodlivosti, Božskej bezúhonnosti a kričal proti takýmto veciam. A oni ho nazývali bláznom. Posmievači, Biblia povedala, oni sa mu posmievali a robili si z neho žarty. Ale on povedal, „Prichádza čas, že búrka, voda bude padať z nebies.“ Dovtedy nebol žiaden dážď, a jeho evanjelium nebolo v zhode s ich vedeckými teóriami toho dňa, pretože na oblohe nebol žiaden dážď.

85A dnes vedecká teória tých moderných takzvaných náboženských skupín sa snaží dokázať, že táto požehnaná vec, ktorú máme, nazývaná Duch Svätý, je iba emócia. Vidíte, to nebolo podľa ich vedeckej teórie, ale rád by som sa ich opýtal toto. Čo spôsobuje, že tí ľudia sú zmenení? Čo spôsobuje, že opilec prestane piť? Čo spôsobuje, že prostitútka prestane so svojím zlým životom? Čo spôsobuje, že rakovina a choroba odstúpi od ľudí a hluchota a nemota a slepota a mŕtvi sú vzkriesení? Vysvetlite to. Je to emócia? Istotne to má v sebe emóciu.

86Čokoľvek, čo je nažive, má emóciu, a čokoľvek, čo nemá emóciu, je mŕtve. Prepáčte mi ten výraz, ale myslím si, že by sme mali pochovať niektoré z našich bez-emocionálnych náboženstiev, pretože sú mŕtve. Nemajú v sebe žiadnu emóciu. Akékoľvek náboženstvo, ktoré nemá emóciu, by malo byť pochované. Vidíte? Pretože to je emocionálne.

87Ježiš, keď vstúpil do mesta, tie deti a oni všetci, a všetci Jeho priatelia kričali, „Hosana, tomu, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom.“ A tí nábožní ľudia toho dňa to nedokázali vydržať, bolo to príliš emocionálne. On povedal, „Ak oni budú ticho, potom ihneď skaly budú volať.“ Vidíte? Niečo musí kričať, pretože tam bol život.

Noe mal hrozný čas, ale nakoniec jedného dňa mal skúšku.

88A všetko to, čo ide s Bohom, má skúšky. Tvoja viera je skúšaná. Keď začínaš žiť pre Neho, potom každý sused ide o tebe hovoriť, všetko pôjde pre teba zle. Pamätaj len, to je Boh, ktorý ťa skúša. Biblia hovorí, „Každý syn, ktorý prichádza k Bohu, musí byť najprv skúsený, káznený, trénovaný.“ Ako ma môj ocko trénoval, keď som urobil zle, oni mali, oni mali desať prikázaní zavesených nad dverami, to bol konár asi takýto dlhý, a pán Branham bol vo svojich rukách skutočne chlapom, a on nás vzal a trénoval nás. A to je to, ako to robí Boh. Skúša nás, trénuje nás, vychováva nás, pretože ty si Jeho dieťa. Tam je niečo pre teba v budúcnosti, domov v Sláve. A On ťa trénuje. No každý syn, ktorý prichádza, musí byť trénovaný.

89Noe, keď urobíme teraz typ jeho časového rozdelenia, mal skúšku, pretože Boh mu povedal, aby išiel do korábu, a keď išiel do korábu, dvere sa samé zavreli. A Noe bezpochyby povedal svojej rodine, „Sledujte zajtra, ó, dvere boli dnes večer zatvorené, ale ráno bude z oblohy padať dážď.“ Nikdy predtým sa to nestalo, pamätajte na to.

90A tí posmievači, možno niektorí z nich boli takými polovičnými veriacimi, povedali, „Poďme tam hore a postavme sa tam, viete, možno, že ten starý muž mohol mať pravdu.“ Oni stáli okolo toho korábu, čakali, viete, a mysleli si, „No, dobre, on mohol mať pravdu“, a išli hore. A na ďalšie ráno slnko vyšlo a bolo krásne.

91Viete, a bez pochyby, že Satan sa tam posadil na vrch toho otvoru, toho korábu, pri tom okne, povedal, „Stále si myslíš, že máš pravdu?“ No, to je spôsob, ako to diabol robí všetkým nám, ale pokiaľ to Boh tak povedal, zostaň s tým. Nezáleží na tom, čo sa deje, zostaň rovno s tým.

92Prešiel druhý deň, prešiel tretí deň. Noe sa potil. Ale nakoniec po siedmych dňoch, a to bolo sedemnásteho februára, keď vošiel dnu. A potom po siedmich dňoch, potom v to ráno, keď sa zobudil, hromy zarevali, veľké obrovské kvapky dažďa začali padať všade na okolo. Tí, ktorí vyšli hore a zostali deň alebo dva, zistili, povedali, „No, pôjdeme tam a uvidíme, či sa niečo stane.“ Vtedy bolo príliš neskoro. Oni klopali a kričali. Ulice sa začali napĺňať vodou, začali sa nadvihovať až po vrchy. Ľudia sa vydali na vyvýšené miesta. Snažili sa dostať do tých člnov a tak ďalej. Ale ak ten čln nebol Bohom skonštruovaný, tie veľké mocné trasenia zeme v tom čase to striasli rovno dolu pod vodu.

93Poviete, „Čokoľvek … Pokiaľ mám nejaké náboženstvo, bude to v poriadku.“ Nie, nebude. To musí byť Bohom skonštruované prežitie v náboženstve. Vidíte? Všetko ostatné zahynie. Nehovorím to, aby som sa líšil, hovorím to kvôli láske, a pretože viem, že sa budem za to zodpovedať v ten deň, a budem za to zodpovedný. Tak, ak len poviem, čo On hovorí, potom viem, že to všetko je v poriadku. Ale, ak sa snažím postaviť niekoho vyznanie, alebo teóriu do toho, nemohol by som to urobiť, nemal by som v to žiadnu vieru. Ja len verím, čo On povedal.

94Všimnite si teraz, po chvíli to bolo hlbšie a išlo to najvyššie. Oni klopali na dvere, kričali, volali, vôbec nič im to neprospelo. Možno pár dní predtým, keď tam dali do vnútra tie zvieratá, môžem počuť, ako niektorí posmievači hovoria, „Choďte tam dnu so svojimi smradľavými zvieratami, žite tam so všetkým tým smradom, ak chcete.“

95To je presne, tak isto dnes. Oni vám povedia to isté, „Choďte ďalej, buďte staromódny, ak chcete, my si ideme užívať.“ Len choďte, len ďalej choďte, ale, ó, brat, byť bezpečný v korábe. Tie dvere sa zavreli. To je tá vec.

96Ale Noe vo svojom dni, to bolo pre neho ťažké, v jeho časovom rozdelení. Vidíte? Pretože ľudia nikdy predtým o takom niečom nepočuli, ale to jednako prišlo. Potom v tej scéne zisťujeme, potom, keď bol Noe vyslobodený a tak ďalej, a tá zem znovu začala rásť, a všetko, čo zahynulo, začalo dýchať, a potom znovu zisťujeme, že tam prichádza čas, keď Boh začína vyvádzať svoje deti z Egypta, že Mojžiš vyšiel so zákonom. A to bolo ťažké pre ľudí porozumieť, ale to časové rozdelenie sa menilo na zákon. A potom, ako prišiel zákon, Mojžiš sa snažil … On bol učiteľom. Ľudia si len žili, ako chceli, a tak ten učiteľ, ten zákon bol, Biblia hovorí, priviesť ľudí do rozpoznania, že to bolo zlé, a tak im On dal Desať prikázaní. To bola dosť zmena, ľudia to nechceli prijať. V poriadku.

97Potom po Mojžišovi prišiel Ján, a po Jánovi prišlo časové rozdelenie, on predstavil Ježiša. A keď Ježiš prišiel a snažil sa priniesť nám milosť, čo bol Boh v Duchu, v línii Ducha, manifestujúci svoju lásku, „Lebo tak Boh miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného Syna“, a Ježiš bol tak odlišný, a v protiklade ku zákonu. (Vidíte?) Ale to bola odlišná časová správa, odlišný čas.

98A potom, keď Ježiš odišiel, On hovoril o tomto časovom udelení Ducha Svätého a života vo vnútri, o jeho Svedkovi zmŕtvychvstania. Mám tu mnoho miest Písma, ale nemám dostatok času ísť do nich, tak len stručne cez ne prejdem. V poriadku. Vždy to bol fakt a boj, keď sa menilo jedno časové udelenie, z toho starého časového udelenia do posolstva prítomného času, tam bol vždy s ľuďmi boj. Oni … Oni, to je vždy, vždy to bolo podľa Písma. Ale počas toho času, ako im Boh dáva toto udelenie a niečo, aby tým žili, alebo niečo do vykonania … No, zisťujeme, že ihneď po tom, ako je toto udelenie dané, ľudia zeme sa snažia tomu klásť odpor, a dať niečo, aby z toho urobili nejakú ľuďmi vytvorenú záležitosť.

99Potom, ako mal Noe koráb, a ihneď po tom, Nimrod, ten darebák, postavil vežu a povedal, „Ak prídu potopy, my sa len vyšplháme hore a dostaneme sa ponad to.“ A potom Boh prichádza so zákonom, že... Vidíte, to udelenie odžilo už svoj čas.

100A tiež, keď prišiel Ježiš, po zákone, zákon hovoril o Mojžišovi … Hovoril o príchode Kristovom, ale keď On prišiel, oni boli tak usadení v tradíciách otcov … Mali svoje vyznania, mali svoje módy, mali svoje cirkvi. Boli usadení, tak to bolo ťažké pre Ježiša snažiť sa zatriasť tým kráľovstvom (tou cirkvou) od vyznania, aby verili Jemu. A pritom Písma zvlášť hovorili o Tomto celý čas od prvého udelenia Edenu, „Jeho semeno rozšliape hadovi hlavu.“ Zasľúbenie Ježiša bolo v každom z tých udelení, a keď On prišiel, oni Ho nerozpoznali, pretože boli tak zviazaní vo svojich vyznaniach, a pritom to bola Pravda Písma. Každý posol a jeho posolstvo predpovedalo toho ďalšieho, ktorý mal každý čas nasledovať. Mojžiš, tí proroci predpovedali. Mojžiš predpovedal príchod Ježiša. Mojžiš povedal, „Pán, váš Boh, vám vzbudí proroka ako mňa.“ Koľkokrát sme cez to išli v našich posolstvách po celom svete, že príchod Mesiáša bude prorok.

101To je to, prečo tá žena zlej povesti, proti všetkým kazateľom, ona uverila tomu posolstvu. Tá žena v Samárii, keď k nej Ježiš hovoril, On povedal, „Daj mi napiť.“

102Ona povedala, „Nemáš, s čím by si to vytiahol. Nie je zvykom pre teba, aby si sa ma opýtal, mňa samaritánskej ženy.“ A ten rozhovor pokračoval.

Potom povedal, „Choď a priveď sem svojho manžela.“

Ona povedala, „Nemám žiadneho.“

103Povedal, „To je pravda, mala si piatich a ten, s ktorým si teraz, nie je tvoj.“

104Ona povedala, „Pane, poznávam, že Ty si prorok. No, my vieme, že prichádza zmena udelenia. Prichádza Ten, ktorý bude Pomazaný. Ktorý je nazvaný Mesiášom, Kristom Božím, a keď On príde, On bude tým prorokom.“ O koľko viac tá žena vedela, ako všetci kazatelia toho dňa. Áno, a ona vo svojom stave (Vidíte?) uvidela Písmo. Hoci biedna malá žena vydatá za piatich mužov a žila so šiestym, a pritom vedela o Písmach viac, pretože ona to vzala za Jeho nominálnu hodnotu. Ona povedala, „Keď On príde, On bude prorokom.“

Čo jej povedal Ježiš? „Ja som On.“

105A keď zanechala to vedro a bežala do mesta a povedala, „Poďte a vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal tie veci, ktoré som porobila. Či to nie je sám Mesiáš?“ Vidíte? To je On.

106No, ona vedela, že On prichádza, pretože proroci a Písmo povedalo, vo dňoch Mojžiša, vo dňoch prorokov a po celý čas od začiatku, v každom jednom z tých udelení, Písmo povedalo, „On tu bude a toto je, čím On bude.“ Ó.

107Ak by to len ľudia mohli dnes vidieť, potom by poznali deň, v ktorom žijeme. Videli by, že to je Božie zasľúbenie na tento deň. Boh povedal, že to takto bude. Nič sa nedeje nesprávne. Božie veľké hodiny odtikávajú presne na čas. A dokonca podľa vedy, je tri minúty do polnoci. Tak vidíte, ten úder môže prísť kedykoľvek. A to bolo asi dva alebo tri roky, kedy to oni povedali. Vidíte, sme v čase konca. Ale vidíte, zmenili sme to časové udelenie, od toho starého cirkevného veku, tu vzadu, kde bol ten zatiahnutý deň, len pripájanie sa do cirkví, a zapísanie svojho mena do knihy, až kým to večerné svetlo, prinavrátenie. Návrat znovu Ducha Svätého na zem, ďalšie Letnice, ďalšie znamenie, ďalšia vec sa má udiať. A ľudia tomu neveria, pretože sú takí, akí boli vo dňoch Ježiša. Vidíte? On hovoril o tomto dni, keď bol tu na zemi. Prišiel presne podľa Písma a predpovedal príchod tohto dňa.

108Tak, teraz tu chceme rozmýšľať o ďalšom. Mám … Ak chcete niečo z toho čítať, Matúš 24. Ježiš hovoril o tomto dni, povedal, že Židia sa znovu zhromaždia v posledný deň. Povedal, „Keď uvidíte figovník, ako vyháňa svoje puky, potom viete, že čas je na blízku.“ Povedal, „Budú ťažké časy, napätie medzi národmi, more sa bude búriť, ľudia budú omdlievať od srdcových problémov, ustavične.“ Nie medzi ženami teraz, to je medzi mužmi. Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, že ženy, muži. Pozrite na tú pliagu, a čo sa má stať v tom dni … To bude znamenie času konca, „Omdlievajúce srdcia, strach, zmätenie.“ Zjavenie, keď to bolo vypovedané, prorok hovoril o tomto dni, povedal, že príde čas, kedy cirkev bude vlažná, Laodicejský cirkevný vek v poslednom dni. Vidíte? Čo je to? To je Ježiš (v poslednom veku) predpovedajúci koniec tohoto veku.

109Presne tak, ako v Edene, ako späť v čase Noeho, ako späť v čase Mojžiša, späť v čase zákona, a potom v čase milosti, a teraz v tom večernom čase. Je mnoho ďalších, ak by sme mali čas, ale ja ich len preskakujem, pretože nebudeme mať času. O každom jednom je povedané, čo bude v tom ďalšom veku, ale cirkev sa stáva takou cirkevníckou, so svojimi vyznaniami, so svojimi dogmami a so svojimi vytvorenými vierami, a svojimi, ľuďmi vytvorenými teóriami, až míňajú to Slovo. Tak môžete vidieť, čo bude Evanjelizácia večerného času. Čo je to? Tí, ktorí to nesú, budú nazývaní bláznami. Budú tak odlišní. Boli tak nazývaní v čase Noeho, boli tak nazývaní v každom čase. Vystrčili ich zo svojich cirkví, pretože oni uverili v Ježiša. Ktokoľvek, kto Ho počúval, bol exkomunikovaný zo svojej cirkvi. Vidíte? Ale On mal udelenie, ktoré bolo v Jeho čase, časové udelenie Syna.

110 Tak, zisťujeme tiež, že ten veľký Duch Svätý o tom prorokoval. Ak si chcete zapísať tieto miesta písma, je to Matúš 24, a potom si zapíšte 2. Timoteja 3:1. Duch Svätý hovorí o veľkom intelektuálnom veku v čase konca. Vedeli ste to? Prečo to je?

111Jozef, ty si so mnou cestoval tu v krajine, a počul si o tých zhromaždeniach za morom. Idem za more, mám asi stopäťdesiat, dvesto tisíc, päťsto tisíc, a ľudia sú len, … Len jedna vec, ktorú vidíte učinenú každý deň, ako tie zhromaždenia pokračujú takmer ako tu v modlitebni, do desať, dvadsať, tridsať tisíc ich padne z nôh a dajú chválu Bohu. Oni to vidia. V čom je problém, že sa to nedeje v Amerike? To je intelektuálny čas. Oni chcú niekoho, kto nebude hovoriť o súde, ani o týchto veciach, pretože to ich láme z ich obecenstva svojich klubov a ich lóží, a tých bezbožných vecí, do ktorých patria. Preto ak ich pastor niečo takéto pomenuje, výbor diakonov ho vylúči a dosadia niekoho iného, nejakého mladého Rickyho, alebo niečo také. Viete, čo mám na mysli.

112Prepáčte mi to, nemyslel som to tak. Stávam sa takým príliš nadšeným, nazdávam sa. Ale mám na mysli … Ricky, to je v poriadku, mne sa len to meno nepáči. To je v poriadku. Ale vyhľadajte si to v numerológii a premenujete svoje dieťa. Tak veru. No, Ricky, alebo Elvis, alebo niečo také. Ó, pre milosrdenstvo... Tak, ó, každopádne, vy vidíte, že oni to musia. Oni nemali také mená predtým, to muselo prísť. Toto je ten vek, aby to tu bolo. To je presne tak.

113Teraz, „A teraz Duch hovorí.“ No, počúvajte, citujem vám z Písma.

A Duch hovorí výslovne, že v posledných časoch…


...v posledných časoch, niektorí odpadnú od viery, budú počúvať na zvodných duchov … a náuky diablov,

(atď. Vidíte?)

114Pozrite, ako majú byť pyšní, vysokomyseľní, veľké zvieratá. Prepáčte mi to, ale viete, čo my nazývame veľké zviera. To je taký pouličný výraz, všetci vieme, ako to lepšie povedať. „Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“

115Včera som tam stál, a díval som sa na tú plaváreň pod nami, a divil som sa, keď jeden muž, ktorý je učiteľom nedeľnej školy, mi povedal, „To nemalo tak byť v Biblii, kde Ježiš pľul.“ Povedal, to je proti hygienickým pravidlám, keď Ježiš odpľul a urobil … A zobral svoje sliny.“

116On tam stál, rozprával, v originálnej Gréčtine je povedané, „Odpľul na zem.“ Hovoril k tomuto mužovi a napľul na zem. A keď dohovoril, zobral to svojou rukou, načiahol sa, zodvihol svoje sliny s tou špinou a pomiešal to a dal to na jeho oči, a umyl s tým jeho oči, a povedal, „Choď a umy sa v rybníku Siloam (poslaný) a tvoje oči sa otvoria.“ A on išiel a umyl sa, a jeho oči sa otvorili.

117Tak tento chlapík mi povedal, „To by dnes nefungovalo. To je proti hygienickým pravidlám, proti pravidlám zdravia.“ A potom ten istý muž berie svoju rodinu, svoju ženu a všetky tieto deti, tu dolu do tej plavárne, kde všetky tie ženy, a tí muži a v tej vode. Niekedy v čase mesiaca, kedy by tam nemali byť, a všetko to. A oni niekedy nejdú ani na toalety, a všetky tie ich špinavé telá a tá špina tam, a oni to vypľúvajú cez svoje ústa, a oči a takéto veci. A potom hovoria, že keď Ježiš napľul na zem, a spôsobil, že ten človek uvidel …

118Priviedol som odtiaľ raz jedného malého chlapca, on povedal, „Prehltol som trochu z tej vody.“ Povedal, „Som chorý ako kôň, idem domov.“ Ten chlapec tu možno sedí, on býva v jednom prívese, asi dva alebo tri bloky odtiaľto dolu ulicou, kde som ho vzal, on povedal, „Nikdy tam už viac nepôjdem.“

119Ale oni to stále nazývajú modernou civilizáciou. Vidíte, kam sa dostávate? To staré príslovie, „Zapchávať si ústa pred komárom, a prehĺtať ťavu.“ Vidíte? Teším sa, keď ho znovu stretnem. No, tu to máte. Lepšie je držať sa od tých vecí preč.

120„Intelektuálni, pyšní, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“ Citujem Písmo, Duch Svätý hovorí výrazne, že toto sa udeje v čase konca, „Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, majúci formu pobožnosti...“ No, ponajprv, „Budú nezdržanliví, a pohŕdači tými, ktorí sú dobrí.“ Nenávidiaci tých, ktorí veria Slovu. Vidíte ich? Oni nesúhlasia s týmito tradičnými vyznaniami a vecami, tak oni ich nenávidia.

121Ako tí Farizeovia a Saduceovia, oni nenávideli Ježiša. Prečo? Pretože On protirečil ich vyznaniam. Vidíte? Nie, že On chcel byť odlišný, ale On musí žiť. On bol Slovom, žijúcim Slovom, ktoré žilo. Povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Svojho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ Vidíte?

122No, tá istá vec je dnes. Ak niekto káže tieto veci, a to sa nedeje, potom je to nesprávne, pretože Písmo povedalo, že to sa stane. Potom, ak sa to deje, potom je to správne. Nie, že to ten človek je správny, ale Slovo je správne. Tak teraz, ale toto je ten stav, do ktorého sme sa dostali dnes. Vidíte, priatelia, to je skutočne tak. Vidíte to? Niečo tu staviam, aby som vám ukázal to vyvrcholenie tu, pri evanjelizácii času konca.

123No, všimnite si v týchto časoch, v tomto intelektuálnom veku, „Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“ Zostávajú doma v stredu večer, aby sledovali niektoré z tých starých vulgárnych hier, „Milujeme „Suzy“ alebo „Lusy“, alebo čokoľvek tam majú, tie ženy, ktoré sú vydaté tucet krát, a žijú s mužmi. A oni žijú … A, ó, každý z nich je ženatý a rozvedený, a vydatá a rozvedená, a robíte ich idolmi, akoby boli bohmi. Ale radšej budete sledovať to, ako ísť na modlitebné zhromaždenie. „Milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“ Nech do mesta príde nejaký turnaj, alebo Koloneli a Obri, alebo čokoľvek sa tu má udiať niekde, oni zavrú cirkvi a idú, aby to navštívili. Nech príde Elvis Presley so svojou gitarou tu na ulicu, a začne hore dolu swingovať, a niektorí z tých chlapíkov v stredu večer zatvoria svoje modlitebné zhromaždenie. „Milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“ Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, nezdržanliví, prudkí, a pohŕdači tými, ktorí sú dobrí, majúci formu pobožnosti.“

Poviete, „To sú komunisti.“

124Nie, nie sú, to sú členovia cirkví, majúci formu pobožnosti. Ale čo? Zapierajú jej moc. Majú formu Boha, ale hovoria, „Boh nerobí tie veci.“ Vidíte? Nie je v tom žiadna moc. Vy to len prijímate a robíte toto, tamto.“ Vidíte? Žiadna zmena života, vôbec nič. To je len patrenie do cirkvi.

125„Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc, od takých sa odvráť.“ Povedala Biblia. „Lebo toto sú tí, ktorí idú z domu do domu, a vedú hlúpe ženy, obťažené hriechmi, vedené rozličnými žiadosťami.“ To je presne to, čo Biblia povedala. No, my žijeme presne v tom veku.“ Ale ty konaj dielo evanjelistu, dokáž sa vo svojej službe.“ Vidíte, to je to.

126 No, skrze týchto poslov a svedkov, ktorých vidíme, zisťujeme, na akej sme strane. Pozrite sa, na akej ste dnes ráno strane. Pozrite, na akej sme strane. Na tejto strane tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, oni budú posmievaní a pohŕdaní, ako boli vo dňoch Noeho, a tu príde tá druhá skupina a bude si z nich robiť žarty, budú pyšní, vysokomyseľní, majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci práve tú vec, ktorú vyznávajú. Tak, môžete… Môžete vidieť, na ktorej ste strane, pri týchto pravých posloch dnes. Ježiš predpovedal, že to bude Satan s jeho posolstvom. A Jeho (Boží) posol bude mať túto vec, že tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Vidíte? Satanovi poslovia budú mať formu pobožnosti. Jeho poslovia budú mať tieto znamenia, budú brať hadov, piť smrtonosné veci, vyháňať diablov, klásť ruky na chorých, prijímať krst Duchom Svätým, znamenia a zázraky. No, sme na jednej z tých strán a sme v čase konca. Ó!

127Niet divu, že prorok Izaiáš povedal, „Celé telo je plné rakoviny a plné hnisajúcich rán, všetko.“ Kam by sme mohli ísť, čo by sme urobili, ak by sme sa všetci spolu zjednotili. To by urobilo ešte horšie, ako dovtedy. Boli by tam všetky možné druhy vecí, ako sa oni snažia vytvoriť svetovú radu cirkví, to nikdy nebude fungovať. Majú ateistov, neveriacich, a ako môžu dvaja kráčať spolu, hovorí Biblia, „Ak sa nezhodnú.“ Vidíte? A tam nie sú ani dvaja, ktorí spolu súhlasia.

128 Spasenie je individuálna záležitosť medzi nie cirkvami, ale medzi každým jednotlivcom a Bohom. To je kráčanie so Slovom. Áno, pozri brat, sestra, ako to vidíme. A ja viem, že je už veľmi neskoro.

129Všimnite si ten veľký signál blikajúceho červeného svetla Jeho príchodu je tu. My to vieme. Mohol by som zobrať mnoho miest Písma, a mám ich tu napísané, a ukázať vám, že sme v čase konca. Židia sa vrátili do Palestíny, figový strom vyrašil svoj puk. Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú strachom, ženy, ako oni vystrájajú, mohol by som sa vrátiť do Zjavenia a ukázať vám, že tento národ je označený ženami, číslo ženy, číslo trinásť. Máme od začiatku trinásť kolónií, trinásť pruhov, všetkého trinásť. Trinásť štátov, všetko trinásť. Trinásť hviezd na dolári, všetko je trinásť a žena.

130Keď som nedávno stál vo Švajčiarsku a rozprával som sa … Nejaká žena povedala, „Chceme ísť do Ameriky, aby sme tak mohli mať takú slobodu ako ženy tam.“ Povedal som im, čo robia, „Nie“ - povedali, „Tak to potom nechceme.“ Vidíte?

131Ale to je Amerika. Mohli by sme sa vrátiť a ukázať rovno tu, že to tak má byť v tomto národe, a to prichádza tam, kde nie sú žiadne vody, žiadni ľudia. Prichádza to ako baránok, má to dva malé rohy, občianska a klerikálna moc, ale oni sa spolu zjednocujú skrze politické moci, a ten nový prezident, ktorého máme, to privedie znovu do Ríma.

132Chcem, aby mi niekto povedal, ak je tu nejaký teológ, alebo kdekoľvek inde, kde kedy Biblia predpovedala, že komunizmus bude vládnuť svetom. Nebojte sa komunizmu, nič na ňom nie je. To je len falošná vec, ktorú Boh používa, aby tým miernil národy, miernil, krotil národy. Iste. Biblia hovorí, že Rím bude vládnuť svetom. Pozrite na kráľa Nabuchodonozora, jeho sen, jeho videnie, Danielov výklad, ako každé jedno z tých kráľovstiev a období presne zapadlo a išlo rovno až do konca, kde bol Rím. Tak, to bude Rím. To nebude komunizmus, oni sú len … Oni sú len figúrkami, to je všetko. Nikam sa nikdy nedostanú. Nie, nedostanú.

133Ako povedal Jozef, „V srdci Afriky, nad tými biednymi pohanmi tam, nemá byť panované, nad nimi už bolo panované.“ To je to, čo sa s nimi deje dnes, bolo nad nimi panované. Oni chcú lásku, chcú Boha, a keď komunizmus je bezbožný, tak oni to potom nikdy nepríjmu. Isteže nie, iste nie.

134Červené svetlo bliká. Ten signál je zapnutý. Jeho príchod je na blízku. Ó, Izaiáš v 60. kapitole, v 2. verši povedal, „Temnosť pokryje zem a hustá mrákava pokryje ľudí.“ A to je presne tak.

135Posol času konca a posolstvo sa majú stretnúť so stavom času konca. Či nemyslíte? Toto posolstvo, nemohlo byť kázané pred štyridsiatimi rokmi, nie. Posolstvo času konca a posol sa musia stretnúť. Tam, vtedy v tých dňoch, ktoré prešli, to by pravdepodobne nefungovalo, ale to sa musí stretnúť s podmienkami času konca. Buďte obrátení, verte znameniam evanjelia. To je posolstvo dneška. Umyte svoje duše v krvi Baránka a verte evanjeliu, že tie znamenia času konca sú tu, semeno evanjelia sa odohráva.

136Toľko hovoria o reformovaní. Pôjdem s nimi, čo sa toho týka, ako evangelikálna reforma. „Reformovať“ znamená „Byť vyčistený.“ Tak, myslím si, že potrebujeme trochu vyčistenia našej nevery a veriť evanjeliu. To je pravda. Máme príliš veľa podozrievaní a čudovania sa. Reformovať, dokonca to slovo v gréckom preklade, kde je povedané, „Činiť pokánie“ znamená „Reformovať.“ A reformovať znamená, „Vyčistiť“ všetku minulosť, to, čo bolo, a veriť evanjeliu v jeho moci a manifestácii.

Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať.“

Oni hovoria, „Len pre ten vek.“

137On povedal, „Až do konca sveta.“ No niekto má pravdu. Ak človek, ktorý je neveriaci, povedal, že to bolo len pre apoštolov, a sám Ježiš povedal, „Do konca sveta“, potom ja beriem Jeho Slovo ohľadne toho. To je pravda, je to tak.

138Boh chce mať svoj ľud oddelený od nevery a neveriacich. Tak, mnohí z vás ľudí robia chybu v tomto, že niekedy nechávate svoje deti odohrávať tam nejakého malého Oswalda. Vidíte? Nemám v úmysle teraz sa líšiť a byť naškrobený a tak ďalej, a byť nejakým fanatikom. Nemám to v úmysle. Ale keď nechávate … Buďte si istý, s kým vaša dcéra ide večer von. Vidíte? Možno ste ju vychovali na zbožné malé dievča, ktoré chodí do cirkvi, a tá prvá vec, ktorú zistíte, je, že ide s Oswaldom, alebo s niektorým z nich, a on je ateistom, neveriacim, a jej život bude zruinovaný, a vy ani neviete, čím on je. Vidíte? Potom si ju vezme za ženu, a pozrite, kde sú potom vaše deti, vaše vnúčatá. Buďte opatrní. Boh chce, aby Jeho ľud bol oddelený.

139Čítajte raz Exodus 34:12 a vidzte, čo Boh povedal Izraelu, „Keď pôjdete do tej zeme, všetko tam vyčistite, nemajte s tým vôbec nič.“ Jozua tiež, 23. kapitola a 12. verš, sledujte, čo povedal Jozua, „No, Boh vás priviedol do tejto dobrej zeme“, ako teraz cirkev, „a priviedol vás do tejto dobrej zeme. Radujete sa z nej?“

Povedali, „Áno, radujeme sa.“

140Povedal, “No, je tu nejaký zbytok neveriacich, a nespájajte sa s nimi, nechoďte s nimi.“ Nechoď, sestra, ak ten chlapec chce, aby si s ním išla niekde do nejakého baru dať si len priateľský malý nápoj, drž sa preč od neho. A to isté, vy chlapci, voči tomu dievčaťu, ktoré by chcelo to isté urobiť. Držte sa od nich preč.

141No, poviete, „Brat Branham je taký starodávny čudák“, ale v jednom z týchto dní to zistíte. Ak by ste išli po tej ceste, po ktorej ja idem, tak by ste vedeli, že je to pravda. Tak veru.

142Koľkokrát som to videl v tých miestnostiach, keď oni robili svoje vyznanie, kde mladé dievčatá boli zahanbené, to označenie s ňou pôjde, až kým nezomrie, a tie veci, ktoré povedala. Raz bola vychovaná v milom kresťanskom dome, ale tu je to, čo sa stalo. Ona vyšla s tým chlapcom. On bol taký milý, až sa ona nedokázala od neho držať preč, a všetko takéto. A tá prvá vec, on fajčí cigarety a má ploskačku vo vrecku a idú a pijú. A tu to máte. Vidíte? A potom je ona pohanená a tak. Ó, je to žalostná vec, vidíte to na oboch stranách. Tak držte sa preč, oddeľte sa. Buďte milí a prívetiví ku každému, ale nemajte účasť na ich hriechu. Držte sa od toho preč. Tak veru.

143A to je vždy, priatelia, tí vodcovia, zakaždým pri zmene týchto období, oni ľudí celkom zamiešali. To nebolo tak veľmi, tí ľudia. Ak by to evanjelium zostalo za kazateľňou, tam, kde ono patrí...

144Ako som sa rozprával tam v Bethany College u luteránov. On povedal, „Brat Branham, čo si myslíš, že my máme?“ A ja … Povedal som …

Povedal som, „No tu je to, čo to je.“

145On povedal, „Aký je rozdiel medzi týmito letničnými, o ktorých hovoríš, a nami luteránmi?“

146Povedal som, „Letničná cirkev je vyspelejšia luteránska cirkev.“ To je presne tak, ak by ste boli zostali tam, kde ste mali byť, boli by ste tiež letničnými.“

147A tak sme sa rozprávali o tom, ako som počul niekoho dnes ráno povedať, že, „Všetky cirkvi, všetko to prvé náboženstvo, všetci kresťania skutočne pochádzajú z Ríma.“ Chcem, aby mi to niekto dokázal. Pripúšťam, že všetky denominácie prichádzajú z Ríma. Ale kresťania začínali v Jeruzaleme.

148Tak, ak by katolícka hierarchia chcela, aby sme sa všetci navrátili ku matke kresťanstva, v tom by som s ním súhlasil. Vráťme sa do Letníc a dostaňme všetci Svätého Ducha. S tým budem s ním súhlasiť. Ale to nikdy neprišlo z Ríma, to prišlo z Letníc. Cirkev nebola založená v Ríme, ona bola založená na deň Letníc. Iste, nie pod ich dogmami, ale pod krstom Ducha Svätého. To je to, čo sa snažím povedať. Ak sa máme vrátiť, vráťme sa na počiatok toho. Nie späť do denominácie, to pôjdete do Ríma, pretože oni boli tí prví, ktorí mali organizáciu, alebo denomináciu a to je matka ich všetkých.

149Biblia tak hovorí v Zjavení 17. Ona je sama prostitútka, a je matkou smilníc, svojich dcér. Vidíte? To je to, čo Biblia hovorí. Ježiš Kristus povedal o rímsko katolíckej cirkvi, že je prostitútka, a všetky jej protestantské dcéry sú smilnicami s ňou. On povedal, „Vyjdite spomedzi nich, môj ľude, aby ste neboli účastníkmi jej hriechu, a Ja vás prijmem, a budete Mi synmi a dcérami.“ Vidíte?

Tak tu to máte.“ (Vidíte) „Majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci jej moc.“ atď.

150Vy, vzácni metodisti, ako ste zvykli mať moc Božiu medzi vami. Išiel som a stál som tam … Mal som oblečené rúcho Johna Wesleyho, keď som bol v Londýne v Anglicku, aby som sa vtedy modlil za kráľa Juraja, oni ma tam vzali do Wesleyho modlitebne, kde kázal tisíc päťsto ľuďom každé ráno o piatej, predtým, ako išli muži do práce. Sedel som tam na stoličke, kde on obrátil tohoto kohútieho bojovníka, a sedel som v tej stoličke. A stál som tam a išiel za jeho kazateľňu, a modlil som sa v izbe, kde on odišiel do neba. Pomyslel som si, „Ó, ak by John vedel, čo urobila metodistická cirkev, obrátil by sa v hrobe.“ Keď ste zvykli mať modlenie sa za chorých, a mať veľké znamenia... Keď John Wesley... Stál som tam, pri tej svätyni, stál som tam, kde je jeden strom, v ten deň, keď kázal Božské uzdravenie, a tá veľká cirkev Anglicka, anglikánska cirkev išla a vypustila... Skupina jej členov prišla tam a vypustila líšku a niekoľkých loveckých psov a roztrúsila Johnove zhromaždenie. Malý John nikdy vo svojom živote nevážil viac ako 110 libier, ale on sa otočil a ukázal svojím prstom na toho človeka a povedal, „Ty pokrytec, slnko nevyjde trikrát nad tvojou hlavou, kým ma nezavoláš, aby som sa za teba modlil.“ A on toho večera zomrel s kŕčmi vo svojom tele a volal na Johna, aby prišiel a modlil sa za neho. A on zomrel. Vidíte? Ó, ak by ste vy, metodisti, boli takými metodistami, boli by ste letničnými. To je pravda.

151Čo s vami, Baptistami? Beháte po cirkvi pár minút, a keď pastor káže viac ako pätnásť minút, chcete ho exkomunikovať. John Smith, zakladateľ baptistickej cirkvi, sa modlil niekedy celú noc a nariekal nad hriechmi ľudí, až sa jeho oči zavreli od plaču, a jeho manželka ho musela viesť k stolu a kŕmiť ho lyžičkou pri jeho raňajkách. Nedokážete sa modliť pätnásť minút, alebo viac. Čo sa deje? Vidíte? Máte do toho zamiešané tradície.

152Posolstvo sa stále hýbe vpred. Izrael nasledoval ohnivý stĺp. Kde sa to zastavilo, oni sa zastavili. Kde to išlo, oni išli. Ohnivý stĺp sa hýbe stále ďalej. Áno.

153Nachádzame teraz, že to sú vodcovia, ktorí to robia. Vodcovia boli vždy zamiešaní. Pozrite tam dávno na Dátana v čase Biblie, pri Mojžišovom udelení zákona. On bol ten, ktorý viedol ten zmiešaný zástup, Dátan. To bol Kórach. Keď Boh vzbudil Svojho proroka Mojžiša, a on mal Slovo Pánovo. Mal dva a pol milióna ľudí na púšti a Jetro vyšiel a povedal, „Mojžiš, to ťa zabije, tvoje bremeno je také veľké.“ Boh vzal časť Jeho Ducha a umiestnil to na sedemdesiatich vodcov a oni prorokovali. To nikdy ani trochu Mojžiša neoslabilo. On … Ale Mojžiš bol stále tou poslednou odpoveďou, pretože on mal „tak hovorí Pán.“

154Nemôžete ísť pod skupinou ľudí. Popieram, že by kedykoľvek Boh použil skupinu ľudí. On používa jedného muža. To je presne tak. Jedného muža, v jednom čase, pretože dvaja ľudia majú dva názory. Jeden človek, to je presne tak. Všimnite si teraz, že v každom období to tak bolo, celý čas až do začiatku to bolo zakaždým tak.

155A tam stál Mojžiš. A viete, čo Kórach povedal? Povedal, „No, Mojžiš sa správa, ako keby len on jediný vedel kázať, ako keby len on jediný mal posolstvo. Ó, my vieme, že ten Ohnivý Stĺp nad ním visí, my vieme, že nad ním je Svetlo, my to všetko vieme, ale on sa správa, ako keby bol ten jediný, ktorý má posolstvo.“

156On to tak nemyslel, on to tak nemyslel. On sa snažil napraviť ľudí. Je mnoho rôznych ideí. Vy niečo musíte počúvať. A čo sa stalo? Boh povedal, „Len sa od neho oddeľ, pretože Ja ho pohltím a jeho zhromaždenie do zeme.“ A zem sa otvorila a vyšiel oheň a oni sa prepadli dolu. Vidíte?

157Zamiešaní vodcovia. Tí vodcovia spôsobili medzi ľuďmi problém. Ak by to tak nebolo, tak by sme sem dnes prišli, toto mesto, a každá cirkev a každé zhromaždenie by sa spolu zhromaždilo, no oni by mali toto miesto, mali by to … Ó, každý obchod s alkoholom by bol zatvorený. No, toto mesto by bolo tak suché, až by sa pirátsky výrobca alkoholu musel pol hodinu pripravovať, aby nahromadil dostatok vlhkosti na odpľutie. On … No, bolo by to tak. Ó, prepáčte mi, nemal som to povedať.

Čakajte, počúvajte, to, čo mám na mysli, je toto. Všetci sme roztrúsení, to sú vodcovia. Boh môže prísť, aby niečo urobil, a tí vodcovia tých malých skupín sa obávajú, že niečo stratia, oni zostanú, odtiahnu ich od toho preč, namiesto prijatia Božieho posolstva. To boli vodcovia vo dňoch Noeho. To boli vodcovia vo dňoch Mojžiša. To boli vodcovia vo dňoch Ježiša. To sú vodcovia dnes v Duchu Svätom. Zmiešané zástupy, oni hovoria, „Ó, dovoľte to ženám robiť, prečo na nich vykrikuješ?“

158Ako som povedal, myslím, že to bolo pred … Niekto mi jedného dňa povedal, pretože ja sa vždy snažím dať do línie moje sestry. Vidíte, to oni sú terčom. Boli terčom v každom veku. Satan ich použil, tam v záhrade Eden, a zakaždým ich použil. A keď Biblia poukazuje na Ameriku a jej ženy v tých posledných dňoch, potom ja začínam do toho udierať. A niekto povedal, „Brat Branham, ľudia ťa považujú za proroka.“

Povedal som, „Nie som.“

159On povedal, „Ale oni ťa považujú za proroka, prečo neučíš tých ľudí, ako majú prijať veľké duchovné dary. Vyučuj ich veci, ak si … Boh s tebou koná, my to vieme.“ Povedal, „Prečo tie ženy nevyučuješ namiesto stáleho sekania do nich.“

160Povedal som, „Kázal som ku nim tridsať jeden rokov a oni sú... Ako ich môžem vyučovať. Ako ich môžem vyučovať algebru, keď ani nepoznajú svoju abecedu. Rozumiete? No, oni sa ani nedajú do línie, a nekonajú ako ženy. Prečo to je, že oni stále takto ďalej konajú. Ako ich môžeš učiť duchovné veci, keď neveria ani v tie prirodzené veci. Ako ich môžeš učiť tie veci?“ Nech sa cirkev dostane do tej sféry, a oni potom môžu byť vyučovaní v tej sfére, ako prijať dary Božie, a ako manifestovať dary a tie veci. Ale Duch Svätý tomu nikdy nedovolí prísť, kým to srdce nie je správne a pripravené prijať to.

161Potom tam Boh stojí ako veľký nátlak. Nebojte sa, že by tam z nich bolo príliš mnoho. Nedokážete vyčerpať Boha. Viete si predstaviť malého potkana, asi takého dlhého. Nejaká malá myška v tých stodolách Egypta, ako hovorí, „Radšej by som mala jesť iba jedno zrnko pšenice denne, lebo možno sa mi minie pred ďalšou žatvou.“ Viete si predstaviť malú rybku, asi takúto dlhú, ako pláva uprostred oceánu a hovorí, „Radšej by som mala piť túto vodu šetrne, pretože viete, možno to niekedy vyschne“? Ó, tak je to, snažiť sa vyčerpať Božiu dobrotu a milosrdenstvo voči Jeho ľuďom. On ťa chce žehnať, On je pripravený, On robí nátlak. Viete si predstaviť, že by ste vzali všetky vody zeme, moria a všetko a nakopili to do trubice, širokej štyri stopy, a naliali to tam. Ten tlak na spodku toho, by bol taký, snažil by sa nájsť nejakú malú štrbinu, aby to cez ňu mohlo pretekať. To je to, aký je nátlak Ducha Svätého, ktorý sa snaží prísť na každý život.

162Ale oni to neurobia. Oni milujú vyznania a veci, lepšie, ako milovať Boha. Vy musíte predať veci toho sveta a uveriť Bohu. Nemôžete to zaprieť. Videli ste to rok po roku, a čas po čase. A Jozef raz povedal, „Nikdy to nezlyháva, to musí byť Boh.“ Vidíte? A to je Božie zasľúbenie dneška. Nie ja, ja nie som Božím zasľúbením, ja som človek. Ja hovorím o Jeho Duchu Svätom, ktorý je tu.

To je zasľúbenie toho dňa, „Kdekoľvek, ktokoľvek.“

163Tak, zisťujeme teraz, že oni boli tí, a pozrite, vezmime napríklad Baláma. Balám prišiel dolu a vyučoval ľudí svoju náuku, a oni povedali, „No, pozrite, my sme všetci veriaci, my sme deti Lótových dcér, Moábiti.“

Povedali, „My sme všetci takí istí.“ A on ich zmiešal a spôsobil to, že sa medzi sebou sobášili. Spôsobil, že tie pekné moabitské ženy, všetky vyčačkané, prišli dolu a povedali týmto synom Božím, že oni sú... Že medzi nimi nakoniec nie je rozdiel, že Boh je Bohom všetkých rás, a že všetko je v poriadku. A on ich spolu zosobášil a Boh urobil čiaru oddelenia a spôsobil, že opustili svoje domy a všetko. Čo to bolo? Vidíte tú vec? Presne to isté, čo sa stalo tam, pred potopou, „Keď synovia Boží videli dcéry ľudské, že boli pekné na pohľad, a žiadostili po nich a brali si ich za ženy.“ Vidíte? Tá istá vec sa odohrala tam.

164A tá istá vec je teraz. Znovu je to tá istá vec. Mali by ste to vidieť. Každá generácia hovorí, čo sa stane v tej ďalšej. Tu to je, vidíme to. Vieme, že je to to isté, pretože Biblia to tu vyhlasuje, že je to také isté teraz, ako to bolo vtedy. V poriadku. No a všetko sa to týka samozrejme dňa, v ktorom my žijeme.

165Tak, zavolanie toho dňa, všetko, čo sa dnes medzi cirkvami počíta, sú členovia. To je všetko, čo oni chcú, členov. No, všetci poznáme ten baptistický slogan v roku 1944, „O milión viac v štyridsiatom štvrtom.“ Poznáme nášho vzácneho, láskavého brata Billy Grahama. Vidíme jeho miesto v Písme, ku komu ide a čo on robí. Ale to je vždy o tom: „Rozhodnutia, toľkí urobili rozhodnutia.“ To je len denominácia. To je všetko, čo chcú. Vidíte?

166To je to, ako to bolo vo dňoch Ježiša, to isté. Oni neboli zlí ľudia, boli slepí. To je všetko. Boli slepí na Pravdu. Ježiš im tak povedal. Povedal, „Vy slepí Farizeovia a Sadúceovia, všetko, čo robíte...“ Čo, On povedal, že robíte? „Vy, zákonníci, farizeovia, ste slepí.“ On nepovedal, „Ste hriešnikmi“, oni boli hriešnikmi, ale to, čo my nazývame hriech...

167No, čo my nazývame hriechom, „Páchanie cudzoložstva a fajčenie, klamanie, kradnutie, takéto veci, to je hriech.“ To nie je hriech. To sú všetko vlastnosti nevery.

168Biblia hovorí, „Ten, kto neverí, je už odsúdený.“ Nevera v Slovo je hriech.

169Pozrite sa na týchto mužov. Boli Svätí. No, nemohli by ste na nich ukázať prstom, v tom, čo sa týka morálky. Ich starý otec, ich prastarý otec, ich pra - prastarý otec, a ich pra – pra – prastarý otec, všetci boli kňazmi. Oni zachovávali zákon a tradície starších a otcov, tak dokonale počas tých generácií. Nebolo na nich žiadnej chyby. Ak by bolo, boli by ukameňovaní. Dobrí muži, a Ježiš povedal, „Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ Prečo? Pretože nevideli to posolstvo, Slovo. On tam bol.

170A povedali, „No, tento človek sa snaží roztrhať naše cirkvi.“

171On povedal, „Vy slepí Saduceovia a Farizeovia...“ On povedal, tu je to, čo povedal, „Budete obchádzať moria, aby ste učinili jedného Prozelitu, čo všetko urobíte pre jedného člena, a keď ho privediete do svojej denominácie, on je dvojnásobným dieťaťom pekla, akým bol, keď bol tam vonku.“ To je presne to, čo Ježiš povedal.

172A ak je niečo, čo je nespravodlivé, a niečo, čo je bezbožné, to je vziať nejakého starého, machom zarasteného cirkevného člena, ktorý si myslí, že je taký dobrý, a nedokáže vidieť nijako inak, len cez svoje vlastné okuliare … Ja nekritizujem, ale áno, tiež kritizujem. A to je presne správne. A Ježiš povedal, „Si dvojnásobným dieťaťom pekla, ako si bol, keď si začal.“ A keď vezmeme cirkvi, tak nezáleží na tom, koľko členov do cirkvi dostanete, a vidíte ich, ako tam idú a stávkujú na konských dostihoch a stoja tam, a tie ženy so svojimi šortkami chodia po ulici a spievajú v zbore, to je ten najväčší kameň potknutia, aký kedy hriešnik mal. Presne tak. Oni očakávajú, že tí ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťania, budú žiť slušný život, a budú inou osobou. To je príklad. A to je kameň potknutia. Tam je pokrytec. Tak si desaťkrát horším, ako si kedy bol. Lepšie by bolo, keby si bol tam, ako predtým.

173To je to, keď nejaký človek prichádza a hovorí, „No, oni nežijú inak, ako ja, no iste nie, ja som... Budem taký dobrý, ako oni.“ To je kameň potknutia. To je presne tak. Vidíte ich, ako hovoria...

No, nejaký hriešnik príde a povie, „Ježiš povedal toto tu.“

174„Ó, to nebolo … To, On tak presne nemyslel. To... To, On to nemyslel, tak tu, to bolo pre iný vek.“

Ty, neveriaci. Čo sa deje? Kladieš kameň potknutia do cesty tej osoby.

175Ježiš, vlastne mám na mysli v žalmoch Dávid povedal, „Ktorý nesedí na stolici posmievačov, a nestojí na ceste bezbožných …“ Vidíte? Nestavaj sa na cestu bezbožných, a neseď na stolici posmievačov, robiac si žarty z tých, ktorí sú správni, a stojac tam, a hovoriť a mať formu pobožnosti. Ale ten, ktorý má záľubu v zákone Pánovom, miluje to robiť, on bude ako strom zasadený pri riekach vody. Jeho listy nezoschnú. A čokoľvek robí, bude prosperovať. Presne tak sa to stane. To je ten druh cirkvi, aký Boh chce.

Slepí vodcovia slepých. Slepí vodcovia slepých si robia žarty v týchto posledných dňoch, prichádzajú posmievači, atď...

176Posolstvo evanjelistu času konca je z Malachiáša 4. To je prinavrátenie. To posolstvo a ten posol, obaja budú musieť byť prinavrátením viery. Júda povedal v knihe Júdu asi len 30 rokov po ukrižovaní, povedal, „Bratia, snažiac sa, jako len môžem, písať vám o našom spoločnom spasení, prinútený som vám napísať a napomenúť vás, aby ste zápasili za vieru, raz ta danú svätým.“ Rozumiete?

Malachiáš povedal, že tie posledné dni, ten posledný prorok Starej Zmluvy, že „Predtým, ako príde ten veľký a hrozný deň Pánov, pošlem vám proroka Eliáša. A on prinavráti vieru detí späť ku... alebo vieru detí späť ku otcom, tesne pred časom zničenia.“ Čo je to? To je posolstvo, ktoré vychádza, posolstvo a posol posledných dní, ktorý ich nemá priviesť ku nejakému vyznaniu, ale vytrhnúť ich von z tých vyznaní a priviesť ich späť do originálnej viery otcov, letničných otcov, kde sa má cirkev nachádzať v posledných dňoch, nie Mojžišovskí otcovia, ale letniční otcovia.

177Mojžišovskí otcovia, to bol Malachiáš 3, „Pošlem vám svojho posla pred Mojou tvárou, aby pripravil cestu pred Pánom.“ Matúš 11:6 hovorí to isté. Ježiš o tom svedčí, že to je to, keď videl Jána, povedal, „Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Človeka odiateho s peknými obrátenými goliermi a tak ďalej. Nie, Ján...“ Povedal, „Tí, ktorí sa tak obliekajú, patria do kráľovských palácov a do týchto veľkých denominácií a bozkávajú nemluvňatá a sobášia, viete, a tak ďalej, pochovávajú mŕtvych a sobášia mladých, a tak ďalej. Oni sú tam vzadu.“ Povedal, "Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Trstinu, klátiacu sa vo vetre? Nie, nie, Ján, nie, nie, on sa netriasol, keď sa na neho vrhli.“

178Povedali, „Nebudeš mať žiadnu spoluprácu, keď tam pôjdeš.“ Pre Jána to nerobilo žiaden rozdiel, on jednako išiel. Rozumiete?

179Povedal, „Čo ste vyšli vidieť, proroka?" Povedal, „Hovorím vám, že viac ako proroka. Ak to môžete rozumieť, o tomto bolo povedané skrze proroka, hovoriac, 'Posielam vám svojho anjela pre Mojou tvárou, aby pripravil cestu,'“ Malachiáš 3.

180A v Malachiášovi 4, pre ten cirkevný vek, On povedal, „Pred tým dňom vám pošlem proroka Eliáša.“ No, to nemohol byť Ján, pretože svet nebol vtedy spálený a spravodliví ešte nekráčali po popole bezbožných. Nie. To je tento vek, posolstvo, ktoré vyjde, ktoré urobí čo? Prinavráti vieru ľudí, cirkev dnes, ktorá je pomimo všetkých týchto rôznych porušení a tohto ranami prehnitého tela denominácie, späť do živej viery v živého Boha. To posolstvo už vychádza niekoľko rokov. To je pravda. Je teraz čas, aby sme prijali a verili v tú evanjelizáciu času konca. Ona má prinavrátiť. Joel povedal to isté, „Ja prinavrátim všetky roky, ktoré požrala húsenica.“

181Pozrite sa sem. Pamätáte si na moje nedávne posolstvo o Strome Nevesty, ako oni vzali Ježiša. On bol Stromom, ten, ktorého videl Dávid, Strom, ktorý bol zasadený pri potokoch vody, nesúci Jeho ovocie Svojim časom, ten najdokonalejší Strom. A oni ho zoťali a zavesili na ľuďmi vytvorený rímsky strom, aby bol na posmech. Ale čo On urobil? Znovu vstal na tretí deň. Čo ďalšie urobil? On vystavil Strom Nevesty, muža a ženu ako stromy, ktoré boli v záhrade Eden, dva stromy. Jeden z nich bol strom života a jeden strom smrti. A čo On urobil? Prišiel, aby tento strom vykúpil. Tak, odkedy ho vykúpil na Golgote, je pripravený ju teraz zasadiť. Ó! Mám ohromný pocit, keď to hovoríme. Vidíte? Aby prinavrátil Svoj Strom Nevesty, ten, ktorý mal byť v Edene, ale ona tam upadla, pretože neverila Slovu. Ale tu On ide prinavrátiť strom, ktorý bude veriť Slovu. A keď ona vyšla na deň letníc, tá originálna náuka, tá originálna viera, čo potom začal robiť Rím? Poslal húsenicu, poslal červa. A každý jeden zobral časť z toho ovocia, z listov a z toho všetkého a celé to vycucal.

182Ale keď to videl ten prorok, povedal, „Ale Ja prinavrátim ten strom, hovorí Pán.“ Ona začala v Reformácii. Čo urobila? Zorganizovala sa. Boh ju odrezal, prečistil, ako v sv. Jánovi 14, odťal z nej všetky organizácie. A ona sa vrátila k Wesleymu, zorganizovala sa: On ju odrezal.

183„Ja prinavrátim.“ Ona stále prichádza. No, čo to teraz robí? V čase večera nebude organizácia. To bude vrchol. Kde dozrieva ovocie najprv? Na vrchole. Prečo? Slnko ju zasahuje. A v čase večera sú teraz zasiate semená pre Strom Nevesty večerného času, keď sa ten Strom Života navracia späť do Stromu Nevesty. Rozumiete? A večerné Svetlá teraz vyšli, aby zaliali a dali dozrieť tomu ovociu, ktoré bolo na tom strome, ktorý bol zasadený. Semená sú zasiate. Rozumiete? Večerný čas. Tak evanjelizácia večerného času bude znamenie Malachiáša 4, aby prinavrátil vieru ľudí späť do viery otcov. Tak veru. Späť ku tým stavebným kameňom. Amen.

184Dnes tí vodcovia znovu hovoria, „Počty, počty.“ Oni to povedali tam vtedy, v Ježišovom čase v tom období. Ježiš povedal, „Vy pokrytci, vy Zákonníci, vy Farizeovia, obchádzate moria, aby ste učinili jedného Prozelitu, získate jedného člena, a keď ho privediete, on je dvakrát väčším dieťaťom pekla, akým bol, keď začal.“ A dnes oni minú miliardy dolárov a urobia všetko, čo môžu, aby získali o jedného člena cirkvi viac. A keď to urobíte, potom on je horším, akým bol tam. Vy z neho môžete urobiť len pokrytca. Necháte mužov robiť tie veci, pokračujú tam so svetom a smejú sa a robia si žarty z evanjelia a všetko takéto. To je … Rozumiete?

185Vodcovia tohoto dňa znovu hovoria, „Počty, počty, počty.“ A to je všetko, čo sa dnes počíta, to sú čísla, rozhodnutia. No, to je dnes takým veľkým slovom, „Rozhodnutia.“ Prial by som si, aby sa niekto rozhodol slúžiť Bohu, namiesto pripojenia sa k cirkvi. „Urob rozhodnutie, príď, zapíš svoje meno do knihy.“ A posielajú tam dolu celú veľkú skupinu ľudí, aby sa zapísali, „Ako sa voláš?“

„John Jones.“

„Prijímaš Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa?“


„Veríš, že Ježiš je Syn Boží?“


Satan robí to isté, to isté. Biblia hovorí, že to urobil. On verí a trasie sa. Tak veru.

186Ale ty sa netrasieš, keď skutočne veríš. Ty sa raduješ, Amen, „Všetci tí, ktorí milujú Jeho príchod...“

Ako som raz povedal niekomu, kto mi ustavične hovoril, posielal mi listy, „Brat Branham, ty strašíš ľudí na smrť, keď im hovoríš, že prichádza čas konca.“ Vystrašiť cirkev? Ó, to je tá najslávnejšia vec, ktorá sa môže stať. Príchod Pánov, koniec času. Prial by som si, aby to bolo rovno teraz. Iste. No to je tá najslávnejšia vec, na akú môžem pomyslieť, stretnúť svojho Pána. Toto staré rúcho tela spadne a ja povstanem a uchopím tú večnú cenu. Navrátim sa znovu do mladosti, a budem žiť naveky s mojím Pánom, so všetkými mojimi ľuďmi. Ó, nedokážem myslieť tu na tento hriech a skúšky a, ó, bolesti a utrpenia v tomto starom dome trápenia tu. Opustiť túto vec a ísť ku korune spravodlivosti, no to je najslávnejšia vec, akú som kedy počul!

Ako povedal apoštol Pavol, „Bojoval som dobrý boj, beh som dokonal, vieru som zachoval, a je mi tam … (tú) vieru som zachoval a stojí mi tam odložená koruna spravodlivosti, ktorú mi dá Spravodlivý Pán, v ten deň, nielen mne, ale všetkým tým, ktorí milujú Jeho príchod.“ Nie, ktorí veria v Jeho príchod, ale milujú Jeho príchod. Taká radosť vedieť, že On prichádza … Istotne, tak veru.

187Ale dnes je to: členovia, rozhodnutia, priviesť členov do cirkvi, tak mnohých členov. To je to, čo... To nie je evanjelizácia času konca.

188No zastavím sa tu na chvíľku, a chcem len s vami hovoriť, zo svojho srdca. Dúfam, že som vás … že som vás nezadržal príliš dlho. Je to … Mám ešte asi sedem, osem minút, a chcem ku vám hovoriť zo svojho srdca.

189Či to nie je teraz pravda? „Rozhodnutia, pripoj sa k cirkvi, opusti Metodistickú cirkev a pripoj sa ku nám, k Baptistom, alebo opusti Baptistov a poď a pripoj sa ku nám, Metodistom, Presbyteriánom, Luteránom“? Katolíci berú všetkých. Vidíte? Členovia, členovia, členovia, členovia, rozhodnutia, rozhodnutia.“

190Na čo sú dobré kamene, ak nemáte kamenára, ktorý ich okreše. Vyznania sú kamene.

Keď Peter urobil svoje vyznanie, Ježiš povedal, ty si Peter, kameň.“ Ale na čo je dobrý kameň, ak tam nie je kamenár, aby ho vytvaroval na syna Božieho? Vy len kopíte hŕbu kameňov. Je to pravda?

To nie je na nič dobré. Vidíte? Voda kameň derie. To je pravda, to sú ľudia.

Na čo sú dobré kamene, ak nemáte pravého kamenára s dobrým ostrým nástrojom, aby ho vytvaroval do miesta, kde bude pasovať v Dome Božom? Len sa vás chcem opýtať, na čo sú dobré rozhodnutia? Na čo je dobré umiestniť svoje meno do knihy. Na čo je dobré ísť a pripojiť sa k cirkvi, ak tam nie je kamenár, ktorý to vytvaruje, a spôsobí, že prestanú s týmto a tamtým, a oseká ich, a takto ich vytvaruje, a opracuje a učiní ich kresťanmi, ktorí sú umiestnení v Dome Božom, so znameniami, ktoré nasledujú veriacich?

191To je evanjelizácia času konca. Vziať kamene a vytvarovať ich. Rozumiete?

192Na čo by boli dobré kamene, ak by ste ich len nakopili? Zostanú tam len tak ležať, oni by boli užitočnejšie tam, ako tu, kde ich len dáte spolu na kopu. Oni by boli potrebné tam, ale žiaden z nich tu. Vidíte, to je pravda. Kameň nie je na nič dobrý, bez kamenára.

193Ježiš počíta charakter, nie členov. Viete to? On počíta charakter. Boh sa vždy snažil dostať jedného muža do svojej ruky. To je všetko, čo On potrebuje, je jeden muž a on urobí Jeho prácu. Počas tých rokov, len pomyslite, On mohol v čase Noeho nájsť len jedného spravodlivého muža. V čase Mojžiša mohol nájsť len jedného spravodlivého muža.

194Pozrite na Samsona. Vidíte? Boh môže použiť len to, čo mu odovzdáte. Samson bol veľký silný muž, mal mnoho sily. Samson vydal svoju silu Bohu, ale nedal mu svoje srdce. On dal svoje srdce Dalile. Vidíte? A tak je to s ľuďmi dnes. Ó, brat, oni sa načiahnu a zaplatia dlhy a takéto veci, a postavia väčšiu denomináciu a podobne, ale keď to prichádza k tomu, dať svoje srdce, to neurobia. To je pravda. Na čo je dobrý...

195Peter mal meč. Vytiahol ten meč, a išiel odseknúť uši najvyššieho kňaza, a takéto veci, urobil to. Ale keď to prišlo k skutočnej kresťanskej odvahe, on ju nemal. On sa odtiahol a zaprel Ho. Je to pravda? Dokázal odťať ucho veľkňazovi svojím mečom, iste, vedel, ako s tým narábať, ale keď to prišlo k tomu útisku a k času stáť na Slove Božom, nemal tú odvahu, a dokonca zaprel, že pozná Ježiša.

196To je to, kde to je dnes. Máme odvahu postaviť budovy a dať do nich milióny dolárov. Máme odvahu umiestniť akustické organy a plyšové sedadlá a všetko také, a ísť a získavať z miesta na miesto Prozelytu a spôsobiť, že Metodisti sa stanú Baptistami a tak ďalej, hore a dolu a podobne. Ale keď to prichádza ku kresťanskej odvahe akceptovať Slovo a posolstvo Boha, a stáť tam na ňom, tak je nás málo. Tak opäť, na čo sú vám dobré vaše kamene bez kamenára? Je to tak?

197Boh hľadá charakter, nie členstvo. Charakter. Eliezér, keď išiel vyhľadať nevestu Izáka, on sa zapotil, kým našiel charakter. Pamätajte, Abrahám naňho položil zodpovednosť, tak, ako Boh kladie zodpovednosť na nás kazateľov, to je pravda. „Upoľuj moju Nevestu!“

Nech Boh žehná tvoje srdce, ja nevyhľadávam členov, ja vyhľadávam čistých v srdci, niekoho, kto bude veriť Slovu.

198Eliezér sa pozrel a pomyslel si, „Ó, to nedokážem sám, je v tom príliš veľa zodpovednosti. Uvedomujem si zodpovednosť, že mám nájsť Izákovi...“ Čo je typom cirkvi, viete, Kristus. Rebeka, typ Nevesty … A Eliezér išiel dolu na kolená a povedal, „Bože, Ty … Ty mi musíš pomôcť.“ A keď sa odvolal na Boha, Boh mu pomohol. On získal charakter.

199Navráť sa do Slova, brat. Navráť sa ku Bohu. Nehľaď vôbec na túto cirkev, do ktorej patríš. Môžeš v nej zostať, ak chceš, ak ti to dovolia. Ale tá prvá vec je, najprv prísť ku Bohu. To je pravda. Toto je evanjelizácia času konca. Tak veru. Charakter.

200A keď zistil,... A potom, keď Eliezér našiel charakter, ktorý bol v tej žene, Rebeke, tej nádhernej neveste Izáka, povedal jej o Izákovi. A ona ani v jednu vec nepochybovala.

Ona uverila slovu toho posla a pripravila sa ísť. A išli, on sa opýtal otca, a on povedal, „Opýtajte sa jej, dievča má už dosť rokov, jej sa opýtajte, nech sa ona rozhodne.“

201Ona povedala, „Pôjdem.“ Kam? Človek, ktorého nikdy predtým nevidela, nič o ňom nevedela, ale pritom bola pripravená, pretože bola ku tomu predurčená a predzvedená. Presne tak.

202Všimli ste si tú ženu, ktorá umyla Ježišove nohy? Ona nikdy nepoprosila o požehnanie, len sa tam pozrela, a tam bol ten pokrytec, ktorý sa z neho snažil robiť žarty, degradovať Jeho charakter … To je to, čo sa oni vždy snažia robiť. Snažia sa, aby On vyzeral malý. Niektorí ľudia, viete, oni Ho nasledovali len kvôli tomu. Povedali by, „No, pozrite sem, dobrý Učiteľu, my vieme, že Ty si veľký človek od Boha, ničoho sa nebojíš, či máme platiť dane cisárovi“? Vidíte? Všetky tie veci … Len sa snažili nájsť niečo na ňom, aby očiernili Jeho Meno, poškvrnili.

Tento Farizeus Ho pozval na večeru, tá denominácia nevedela nič o tom, že Ho tam on pozve. Oni tam mali niekde, „Železo v ohni.“ (Ako by gambler povedal, „Tromf v rukáve“). Mali niečo spoločné.

203A keď vidíte niekoho takého, kto vás nenávidí, vašu vec pre Krista, a potom vás privádzajú, to je, buď z vás chcú dostať kopu peňazí, alebo urobiť niečo, alebo vás nejakým spôsobom použiť. Vidíte? Nie je … Oni nebudú veriť posolstvu. Oni ťa tam majú pre niečo iné. Či si myslíte, že ten istý Kristus nerozpoznáva tú istú vec dnes? Istotne rozpoznáva.

204Ale oni Ho tam priviedli, povedali, „No, vyskúšame to.“ A doviedli Ho tam, a nechali ho tam prísť, to zapáchalo, vôbec neumyli Jeho nohy, neurobili, aby sa cítil vítaný. Sedel tam v tom, kde oni chodili v tých rúchach, viete, prechádzali tam, kde tie kone a tie veci chodili po ceste v tých dňoch, po tých malých cestičkách a oni putovali tou istou cestou. To veľké rúcho naberalo ten zápach a to bolo na ňom, a to páchlo od toho prachu a tých vecí na ceste.

Taký hrozný zápach, ako nejaký kurník a podobne … A to bolo na ňom a išiel ako hosť do domu, kde boli tie veľké ženilkové koberce na podlahe a všetko a oni mali nejaký druh oleja, umyli si tváre a umyli nohy a dali im pár takých papúč, a tam postavili ich sandále. Potom prišli, potom, ako boli celí prezlečení a upravení, a upravené vlasy, a takto prišli. Potom, keď stretávate svojich hostí, potom vy … Zdravíte ich a objímete ich. Oni sa objímali na krku a pobozkali na krk. Vidíte?

Ako ste videli Jozefa a mňa pred chvíľou, ako sme sa objali jeden druhého, potľapkali a pobozkali jeden druhého na krk. Ale ten Farizeus, po tom, ako Ho tam pozval, a On tam sedel, on vôbec neumyl Jeho nohy, vôbec nič pre Neho neurobil. Nechal Ho tam sedieť, aby si z Neho robili žarty.

205Ale nejaká malá, biedna, degradovaná prostitútka s pár haliermi, ktoré tam zarobila svojím zlopovestným spôsobom života, uvidela Ho tam sedieť. A veľké slzy sa jej kotúľali po lícach. A išla tam a vzala alabastrovú nádobu za všetky peniaze, ktoré mala, nejako sa tam prešmykla a dostala sa tam a padla k Jeho nohám a začala plakať a jej vlasy padli dolu. Ona plakala, vzala svoje … Nemali tam uterák, aby tým umyla Jeho nohy, tak ona vzala svoje vlasy a utierala Mu nohy. Aká nádherná voda pre Jeho nohy. Slzy kajúceho hriešnika. A ak by len pohol svojou nohou, ona by vyskočila. Ona o nič nežiadala, ona len uvidela, že toto má byť urobené.

206 Či to my nemôžme urobiť dnes? No, my o nič nežiadame. To musí byť učinené. Evanjelium musí byť kázané. Či dostaneme halier, alebo čokoľvek, v tom nie je žiaden rozdiel. Nikdy vo svojom živote som nevybral oferu. Toto je potreba. Toto je zavolanie. Oddeľte sa. A cirkvi, ktoré vás nenávidia, a všetko možné, a ktorí vás vystrčia, a koľkých málo priateľov len máte, ktorých môžte spočítať … Ale to je posolstvo, to musí ísť bez ohľadu na čokoľvek. Nikdy som nešiel do rádia, alebo veľkých televíznych programov, kde by som prosil ľudí o peniaze. Nedokázal by som to robiť. Chcem byť vaším bratom. Chcem ísť tam, kde Boh … Ak je tam päť ľudí, choď tam, choď tam, ak je tam milión, Boh pre mňa urobí cestu, aby som tam išiel. To je všetko. Len to ži vierou. To je to, ako by sme to všetci mali robiť. A vďaka Bohu, mnohí z nich to robia. Vidíte? Tak isto. To je pravda, robia to.

207Pozrite na túto malú ženu. Ježiš ani nepohol nohou. Pozrite na tohto Farizeja, ako tam stál, a hovoril, a snažil sa robiť si z Neho žarty. Povedal, „No, ak by On bol prorokom, vedel by, aká žena to umýva Jeho nohy, vidíte, vedel by, aká žena je pri ňom. Vidíte, tu to máte, to ukazuje, s akou triedou ľudí On má do činenia. Som z toho rád. Áno, On to vedel, „Pozrite, aký druh ľudí je s ním, my sme tí vznešení, my sme cirkevní členovia, a pozrite tá hriešnica, tam je s ním, tá žena a my vieme, kým ona je. Chodí po ulici. Ona je... „Viete, o čom hovorím, „Tak, ona je takým druhom ženy. Pozrite, pozrite, to je ten druh ľudí, ktorý na ňom visí.“ Som tak rád, som tak rád.

208To je to, čím som bol, viete. Ja som bol takým druhom ľudí, nedobrý, hriešnik. A každý jeden z vás je na tom tak isto, ak si neprišiel k Nemu. Ty neprichádzaš, len aby si bol členom cirkvi, ty prichádzaš, pretože niečo musí byť vykonané. Ježišovi musí byť poslúžené. Niekto by tam mal byť. Urobme to.

Ona sa nikdy neopýtala, „Pane, či ma požehnáš? Či urobíš toto“? Nie, ona Mu len umyla nohy, a utrela ich vlasmi svojej hlavy. Viete, niektoré z našich sestier by sa museli postaviť na hlavu, aby nabrali dosť vlasov, aby mu utreli nohy.

209A tam jej pekné kadere spadli dolu a ona Mu utrela nohy, a ona Mu takto ustavične bozkávala nohy a Ježiš tam sedel, a pozoroval ju, a vôbec sa nepohol. A po chvíli, keď bola hotová, On sa otočil.

210 Bol tam ten starý Šimon s celou svojou kazateľskou asociáciou, povedal, „Vidíte, há, to je On. Vidíte, tu to máte. To ukazuje, kým je. On nie je prorok, pozrite na Neho.“

211On sa otočil a povedal, „Šimon...“ Ó, predstavujem si, že on sa v tvári začervenal. Povedal, „Niečo ti mám povedať, ty si Ma tu pozval. Keď som vstúpil dverami, vôbec si neumyl Moje nohy, vôbec si Ma nepobozkal na privítanie, vôbec si Mi nepomazal hlavu, len si tam stál a snažil si sa robiť zo Mňa žarty. Priviedol si Ma sem za tým účelom. A táto žena, odkedy som prišiel, odkedy som prišiel, ustavične umývala Moje nohy svojimi slzami, a utrela ich vlasmi svojej hlavy a ona ustavične, nebozkala Môj krk, ale bozkala Moje nohy.“

„Ty si neočakávala nič, že, sestra?“


212„Ale Ja ti hovorím, že tvoje hriechy, ktorých je mnoho, sú všetky odpustené.“ Vidíte? Po celý čas, ona nemala vôbec nič, iba strach, že možno nerobí tú správnu vec, ale to malo byť vykonané, ale jej odplata mala prísť na konci.

213Mohli ste ma počuť kázať tieto posolstvá. Mohli ste vidieť Ducha Svätého rozlišovať a konať veľké veci a vykonať zázraky. Mohli ste sa modliť a nikdy sa to nestalo, choď ďalej, tvoja odplata prichádza na konci. Či by to nebolo lepšie potom? Áno, vidíš, urob Ježišovi službu, to je posolstvo času konca. On mal Nevestu. Boh hľadá charakter.

A potom, ako Eliezér našiel charakter, potom tá ďalšia vec bola, pripraviť ju ísť. To je to isté teraz, brat, tá istá vec teraz. To posolstvo času konca nie je tam v Babylone.

214To je to, čo som ti povedal, Jozef. Tento môj malý švédsky priateľ, tam jedného dňa stál, a položil hlavu na moje rameno, a plakal ako malé dieťa. Povedal, „Brat Branham, Boh ma poslal sem do Chicaga, povedal, že v jednom z týchto dní uvidím Chicago zatrasené“, a on povedal, „A teraz ma oni posielajú preč, berú odo mňa moju cirkev, veľkú najkrajšiu cirkev v Chicagu.“ Povedal, „Berú moju cirkev, a tu to je, a oni ma vystrkujú, odhlasovali ma, a ja neviem, čo robiť.“

215Povedal som, „Jozef, Boh neklame.“ Povedal som, „Ty si videl Chicago zatrasené, to začalo v New York City, keď som ťa tam videl, pretože, ak s tebou oni nebudú spolupracovať, ja tam ani nepôjdem.“ A ja som ho ani nepoznal, ale niečo tam na ňom bolo, čo ma k nemu tiahlo. Nehovorím toto kvôli tomu, že sú tu dnes večer zhromaždení misionári, ale to je pravda. Bol som potiahnutý k Jozefovi. Odmietol som ísť do Chicaga, pretože oni jemu nedovolili prísť, nedovolili mu prísť do spolupráce.

Povedal som, „Potom ani ja nejdem.“

Povedali, „Ty ho nepoznáš.“

216Povedal som, „Ja viem, že ho nepoznám, ale Boh ho pozná, on je Boží služobník, a pre mňa je on v poriadku.“

217A tak potom Jozef povedal, „Prial by som si vidieť Chicago zatrasené.“ Ó, neuvedomujete si, že to zatrasenie neznamená, že to budú tí, ktorí sú potravou pre kanóny. To neznamená, že tam budú zničené tie odpadky. Cirkev je zatrasená. Rozumiete? Tam bolo len sto dvadsať v tej hornej dvorane zo všetkých tých miliónov, keď prišlo to zatrasenie. To je pravda, istotne. To je zatrasenie medzi ľuďmi.

218Pozrite, keď tam oni mali to veľké prebudenie, tento Apollos, Baptistický kazateľ, ktorý ešte neprijal Ducha Svätého, nikdy ešte nebol pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista … Pavol prechádzal hornými krajmi Efezu a nachádza túto mocnú cirkev, o ktorej hovorí Biblia, prišiel tam a povedal im o ceste Pánovej. A oni povedali … A on povedal, „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého, odkedy ste uverili?“ A oni kričali a mali ohromný čas. Povedal, „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého?“

Povedali, „Ani nevieme, že je.“

Povedali, „Potom, ako ste boli pokrstení“?

Oni povedali, „Boli sme pokrstení pod Jánom.“

219On povedal, „To viac nefunguje, musíte byť znovu pokrstení.“ A on ich pokrstil na Meno Ježiša Krista, kládol na nich svoje ruky, a Duch Svätý na nich prišiel. Hovorili v jazykoch a prorokovali. A tam ich bolo asi osem, alebo desať. To je pravda.

220Zatrasenie (rozumiete?), Boh netrasie tamtým, peklo to zatrasie, keď to príjme. Ale Boh trasie svoju cirkev.

221Jeden anjel prišiel ku Abrahámovi a jeho skupine tam na vrchu a vykonal zázrak. Rozlišoval myšlienky, ktoré boli v jeho srdci (je to tak?), a Sára bola vo vnútri. A kedy tí anjeli išli do Sodomy, mali tam dolu tisíce. Vidíte, zatrasenie prichádza v malej skupine. Ty si to videl, Jozef. Ty si videl Chicago dostať Jeho posledné zavolanie. To je pravda, a Boh ťa uctil, a ty si urobil presne, čo On povedal.

222Pripravovanie Nevesty, to je to, čo to je. No, ideme hneď tu zakončiť, keď toto poviem. Posolstvo času konca má pripraviť Nevestu a pripraviť Ju na vytrhnutie. Čo to môže urobiť? Podľa Malachiáša 4, to je priviesť ich späť do viery, ktorá bola raz darovaná svätým. Priviesť ich späť do viery otcov. Tá Letničná časť v čase prinavrátenia. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ To je skutočná udalosť … Evanjelizácia času konca.

223Tak, chcem povedať len týchto pár slov, predtým, ako zakončím. Preskočím tie ostatné miesta Písma, a možno niekedy sa ku nim dostanem. Ale chcem povedať toto. Veríme, že sme v čase konca, veríme to. A hoci sa to zdá ako čas konca, v tomto čase, že to posolstvo a posol, obaja, akoby sa rozlamovali... Zdá sa, že Satan sa snaží najlepšie, ako môže, aby nás sotil do priekopy, brat Neville mal nehodu, brat Crase tam, a vybuchnutie tej pušky. Vidíte, zdá sa, že práve teraz je to, kedy každá cirkev tam mi ukazuje červenú. A vidíte, zdá sa, že je to takmer rozlomené. Vyzerá to, ako by sme boli porazení. Nebojte sa. Viete, to je obyčajne v tom čase, kedy Boh vstupuje na scénu s niečím, čo On pozoroval dlhý čas. Pamätajte na to!

224Pamätajte, raz boli nejaké deti, tam v tej ohnivej peci. Oni sa držali pravdivo toho Slova. A nič sa nedarilo. Vrhli ich do väzenia, držali ich tam v noci, a na ďalšie ráno ich išli upáliť.

A zdalo sa, že koniec je na blízku, a oni kráčali rovno do tej pece. Ale On tam prišiel, aby to zmenil. Tá scéna sa zmenila v okamihu.

225To sú vždy tie najslabšie momenty, keď sa zdá, že to pravé posolstvo je takmer porazené. To je to, keď Boh vstupuje. On necháva to posolstvo a toho posla dostať sa na koniec cesty (rozumiete?). Keď On prichádza, a On jazdí na veľkých vlnách. To je pravda.

226Pamätajte, to bol Ježiš, keď si Jeho nepriatelia mysleli, že Ho porazili. Ten neveriaci povedal, „Dostali sme Ho na kríž.“ Sadúcejovia a Farizeovia, ktorí Ho nenávideli a zavesili na kríž, si mysleli, „Teraz sme Ho dostali.“ Aha, to bolo asi v tom čase, keď Boh pricestoval tam na scénu, a vzkriesil Ho v to veľkonočné ráno a zlomil kráľovstvá Satana. Odzbrojil peklo, vzal kľúče smrti a pekla a povstal s nimi. Iste, to bolo práve v tom slabom čase. Jeho posolstvo, ktoré kázal, to Slovo, za ktorým Stál, a všetko, potom to bol ten skutočne slabý moment, keď prišlo to víťazstvo. Keď urobil všetko, čo mohol, potom vstúpil Boh. On zmenil tú scénu.

227To bol Jákob, keď bežal od Ezava, vyhýbal sa tu i tam, prestupoval pravidlá a rôzne veci, a snažil sa ukryť pred Ezavom, potom jeho srdce začalo plakať za domovom, a na svojej ceste domov poslal poslov, poslal dary a všetko možné, a snažil sa upokojiť Ezava, ale to bolo vtedy, keď Jákob prišiel ku koncu samého seba. To bolo, keď Jákob nevedel, kam sa má obrátiť. Previedol svoju ženu a deti cez tú vodu a on prekročil ten potok, a to bolo, keď Jákob zápasil celú noc, až stratil svoju silu a bol zmrzačený a bol slabý a jeho telo bolo rozlámané. To bolo v tom čase, keď Boh prišiel na scénu. A ďalšie ráno ho nachádzame s čím? Ako knieža bez strachu, po svojej slabosti. A to vyzeralo, že je porazený, ale nachádzame ho ako nebojácne knieža. To posolstvo pokračovalo a ten posol bol s tým. To je presne tak. On bol v tom dni nebojácnym kniežaťom.

228 Ezav, dokonca, keď ho tak veľmi potreboval. Ezav, keď ho stretol … A pamätajte, presne v tom istom čase Boh tiež pracoval na srdci jeho brata. To je tak. A Ezav k nemu prišiel, povedal, „Mám tu armády.“ Povedal, „Ja...“ Si slabý, Jákob, tvoje telo je postihnuté, si rozlámaný.“ Povedal, „Pošlem vojakov, aby ťa ochraňovali.“ Práve vtedy, keď ich potreboval.

229Ale on niečo našiel, povedal, „Pôjdem sám.“ Amen! To je to, kedy sa on zotavil zo svojej slabosti. Zotavil sa z toho šoku.

230Keď sa Ježiš zotavil z toho šoku smrti, vtedy bol najsilnejší. Mohol prejsť budovou bez toho, že by vôbec pohol tie kamene a maltu. Mohol jesť rybu a chlieb. Amen, ó, áno, to bolo v tom čase, potom, ako prišla slabosť, potom sa ocitol silný. To bolo potom, ako prišla slabosť.

231A vyzerá to, že je to veľmi slabé teraz pre oboch, posolstvo i posla. Ale nebojte sa. Niekde, ja neviem ako, ale ja Mu dôverujem. On jedného dňa pricestuje na scénu. Nebojte sa. Poďme spolu. Skloňme spolu svoje hlavy. Evanjelizácia času konca...

232Ó, Bože, tie veľké večerné svetlá už teraz nejaký čas svietia. Ako si prišiel sem pomedzi tie uličky, a privádzal si tých, ktorí boli len tieňmi mužov a žien, zožraní rakovinou, slepí, chorí a postihnutí, poslaní od lekárov, dokonca z kliniky Mayo a všade inde sa ich vzdali, a oni tu teraz sedia dnes ráno, mnohí z nich sú zdraví a silní, nielen tu, ale všade na svete. Ženy prijali svoje deti vzkriesené do života, potom, čo boli mŕtve hodiny. Deti, ktoré boli zabité na ceste autami a boli vyhlásené mŕtve a položené, nebola v nich zdravá kosť, a behom minúty išli dolu ulicou a chválili Boha. Áno, Pane, Ty si Boh, večerný čas je tu. Večerné evanjelizačné semená boli zasiate, Otče, a teraz to vyzerá, ako by sa to dostávalo trochu do toho času zmrzačenia. Mnohí z týchto...

233Keď si prišiel prvýkrát na scénu tam v tom Tvojom období, všetci z nich, „Ten mladý Prorok z Galilei...“ Ó, oni sa všetci okolo Teba zhromaždili, ale keď si začal do nich udierať a hovoriť im o ich vyznaniach a tých veciach, potom sa od Teba vzdialili. Musel si vstať Sám a nakoniec Ťa priviedli na Golgotu, a zdalo sa, akoby zvíťazili, vyzeralo to, akoby ich intelektuálna skupina porazila tú vec Božiu. Ale, ó, nie. V to Veľkonočné ráno mala zem nervový otras. Hrob bol otvorený a Syn Boží povstal. Mal kľúče smrti a pekla. Mal krst Duchom Svätým, so svojimi právami, aby ich potom dal. Povedal Svojej cirkvi, „Choďte tam do Jeruzalema a čakajte, a Ja to pošlem na vás, a potom svedčte o Mne, kým sa nevrátim.“

234Potom Si tam stál a povedal im, aký bude čas. A my sme tu v tom čase konca. Pane, príď znovu. Či prídeš, Otče? Sme unavení, ustatí, ľudia všade naokolo nás odmietli. Denominácie nám ukazujú červenú. V Kalifornii, tam, kde tam stoja tí vzácni svätí a plačú, štyridsať cirkví a ten jeden vodca povstal a povedal, „No, ak on krstí, používajúc Meno Pána Ježiša, nechceme ho.“ A on odvrátil Evanjelium od tých biednych hladných ľudí...

235A, Otče, ja som povedal, „Príď a stretni sa so mnou v Písme“, a on to nechcel. Prečo? On to dobre vie. Otče, prečo sa pohania búria, a ľudia zmýšľajú márnu vec? Istotne vystretím ruky Tvojho Svätého Dieťaťa Ježiša, aby si uzdravoval chorých a ukazoval znamenia a divy konca. To sa, Pane, opakuje. Modlím sa za nich, Bože, nedovoľ, aby boli odmietnutí. Je tam ešte medzi nimi mnoho dobrých ľudí. Udeľ, Pane, aby to uvideli a vyšli.

236A dnes ráno naše malé zhromaždenie, Otče, my nepoznáme srdcia ľudí, Ty poznáš. Táto malá skupina tu, idem jednako rovno tam. A teraz, predtým, ako opustíme cirkev, Pane, túto malú skupinu, ktorá sa tu zhromažďuje, oni sú pútnikmi. Oni nevyznávajú, že sú z tohoto sveta, Pane, sú cudzincami. Oni sa znovuzrodili, sú novými stvoreniami. Oni vyšli z vecí sveta, aby slúžili Bohu, vediac, že, „Nežiadaj si márnych bohatstiev tohoto sveta, ktoré tak rýchlo upadajú. Máme svoje nádeje, postavené na večných veciach, ktoré nikdy nepominú.“

237Nebeský Otče, ak by tu dnes boli náhodou jeden, alebo viacerí medzi nami, ktorí nikdy nemali ten pocit, že by sa mali obrátiť, modlím sa, aby Si v tomto čase hovoril do ich sŕdc, a nech sa mierne a pokorne vo svojich srdciach kompletne odovzdajú Tebe, a nech povedia, „Pane Ježišu, buď mi milostivý, mne hriešnikovi. Nechcem zomrieť v tom stave, v ktorom som teraz, a neviem ani, či prežijem tento deň, potom, či by to nebolo bláznivé márniť svoj čas svetskými vecami“? A všetko tu zahynie a ľudia zahynú s tým svetom. Ale, Bože, Večný Otec nemôže zahynúť. A nemôžu ani Jeho ľudia. Nech to teraz prijmú, náš Nebeský Otče.

238Posväť tie vreckovky, ktoré tu ležia, kvôli chorým a postihnutým. Bolo povedané, že ich brali z tela Pavla, tie vreckovky a záclony, a zlé duchy od nich odchádzali. Uzdrav chorých, ktorí sú dnes ráno v našom strede. Modlím sa, aby medzi nami nebola ani jedna slabá osoba.

239Nech sa teraz ten Veľký Duch Svätý pohybuje naprieč obecenstvom, nech si každý uvedomí Jeho prítomnosť. A ako som citoval na začiatku, keď prichádza búrka počas suchého leta, a tie vetry vysušovali a bolo horúco a fúkal prach, ale zrazu bolo počuť zahrmenie, a môžme vidieť povstávať oblak, a povedal som, že ten červený signál zhasol, On prichádza. A cítime ten chladný vánok, toho vítajúceho Svätého Ducha, ako sa pohybuje, naprieč tými suchými miestami. Pomôž nám dnes.

240Zachráň stratených, naplň ich Duchom Svätým, Pane, rýchlo, predtým, ako svetlá zhasnú, pretože ten signál je už zhasnutý. Tá stará loď Siona je už teraz pripravená, a to nebude dlho, keď ona zavolá. A zrazu tam budú mať v novinách, „Čo sa stalo? Stovky ľudí naprieč národom zmizli.“ Ó, Bože, potom bude príliš neskoro pre tých ostatných, lebo vytrhnutie už prišlo. Súd udrie na zem, spravodliví budú preč. Potom pôjdu ku hrobom a povedia, „No, či nebolo … Či oni otvorili tento hrob, no čo sa tu stalo?“ Ó, ten, ktorý dôveroval v Boha, ktorý zomrel pred rokmi, bude preč. „Ó, potom aké kvílenie a nariekanie to bude, keď tí stratení už prišli k svojmu osudu. Budú kričať na skaly a vrchy“ podľa Písma, „Budú sa modliť, ale na modlitby bude príliš neskoro.“ Nech to nie je tak s niktorými, ktorí sú tu dnes prítomní.

241A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, a tiež sklonené naše srdcia... Som veľmi divným človekom pri pozývaní ľudí k oltáru. Verím, že to nie je Apoštolská náuka. Verím, že rovno tam, kde sedíte, robíte svoje rozhodnutie, či chcete skutočne žiť, alebo zomrieť. Verím, že to je na vás. A ak je tu niekto, kto to nikdy predtým skutočne takto nevidel, a uvedomuje si tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme a chcel by si len, aby som ťa spomenul v modlitbe, že sa chceš stať kresťanom a že chceš byť vo svojom živote Kristu podobný, a byť pripravený na Jeho príchod, zodvihol by si svoju ruku, kdekoľvek si po budove, nech ťa Pán žehná, nech ťa Pán žehná, nech ťa Pán žehná, a teba a teba. Boh nech ťa žehná tam vzadu, nech ťa Boh žehná tu dolu, to je pekné. Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani, rovno v križovatke života, sestra. To je veľké rozhodnutie. Mohla si urobiť veľa dobrých... Nech ťa Boh žehná, ocko. Mohol si tiež pracovať mnoho ťažkých dní vo svojom živote a vychovať malé deti. Mama, ty, ktorá sedíš tam pri nej. Ó, Bože, možno si vychovala rodinu, a urobila mnoho veľkých vecí, potľapkala si líčka malého dieťatka, keď plakalo, a húpala kolísku svojimi mladými rukami, a oni sú teraz staré a chatrné. Mohla si kolísať to bábätko a urobiť mnohé dobré veci. Ale tá najlepšia vec, ktorú si kedy urobila, bola, keď si zodvihla potom svoju ruku, „Odpusť mi, prepáč mi, prosím.“

242Náš Nebeský Otče, Ty vidíš tie ruky. Ty vieš, čo je za nimi. Tak, oni sú trofejami tohoto zhromaždenia. Oni sú trofejami toho posolstva. Ty si povedal, „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, ku Mne prídu, a nikto nepríde ku Mne, koho by prv nepritiahol Môj Otec.“ A Ty si prehovoril k týmto ľuďom, a oni tu sedeli a podľa vedy by ich ruky mali visieť dolu, pretože gravitácia ich drží dolu. Ale oni zlomili a porušili zákony vedy. Majú v sebe ducha, ktorý zodvihol ich ruku, čo je v protiklade ku vede, pretože ten duch tam láme vedu. A oni zodvihli svoje ruky, pretože tam pri nich bol Duch Boží, ktorý povedal, „Ty si … Ty potrebuješ Krista.“ A oni zodvihli svoje ruky, „Pamätaj na mňa, ó, Pane.“

243Ako ten zomierajúci zlodej na kríži povedal, „Spomeň si na mňa, keď prídeš do Svojho Kráľovstva.“

244A čo si mu Ty povedal? „Dnes budeš so Mnou v raji.“

245A ja sa modlím, Otče, a ja sa modlím, Otče, aby práve v tento deň, kedy prevezmeš Svoje Kráľovstvo, aby Si každého jedného z týchto veriacich vzal do Svojho obecenstva tu na zemi, a bol im milostivý. Ježišu, Ty si povedal, keď si bol tu na zemi, v svätom Jánovi 5:24, „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd, nebude tam, keď súd udrie na zem, ale oni prešli zo smrti do života.“ Ty si to zasľúbil, Pane. Ja si ich nárokujem.

A teraz všetci, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky, a dokonca aj tí, ktorí vo svojich srdciach uverili, že by mali, a neurobili to, dávam ich Tebe, dnes ráno, Otče, ako trofeje milosti Ježiša Krista a Jeho Slova, ktoré sme kázali dnes ráno. Sú Tvoji. Zachovaj ich v bezpečí, Pane, až do toho dňa, a nech rastú ako dieťatká. Nech tie vody tu v tom bazéne ich nájdu, ako vyznali svoje hriechy, a zomierajú a sú pochovaní v Kristovi, aby znovu povstali do nového života, aby kráčali v novom svete, kráčali s novými spoločníkmi, kráčali v novom spoločenstve, kráčali s anjelmi, kráčali v prítomnosti nadprirodzena. Potom tie veci, ktoré nedokážu vidieť okolo seba, ale ich cítia, a vedia, že oni sú tam, to sú veci, ktoré trvajú. To nadprirodzené trvá. Dávame ich Tebe, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene, amen.

246No, je mi ľúto, že som vás držal trochu nad čas, a som si istý, že … Cítite sa dobre? No, to zhromaždenie niekedy musím sekať a natískať. No, vám, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky a veríte v Pána Ježiša, budete mať službu krstu, nazdávam sa, dnes večer. Alebo áno, myslím, že tie bazény sú napustené, ak to chcete práve teraz, a odevy a tak, sú pripravené. Ak si prajete byť pokrstení práve teraz, kedykoľvek, sme tu, aby sme to učinili. A teraz po tom krájaní, a sekaní …

247Ďakujeme vám, príchodiacim v našich bránach, ktorí prichádzate do obecenstva s nami dnes ráno okolo Slova Božieho. Ceníme si váš príchod. Nech vás Pán žehná. Som rád, že ste tu boli.

248Vidím tam sedieť vzadu v budove môjho priateľa, nevidel som ho dlhý čas. Dokonca si nepamätám meno toho chlapca. On je môj dobrý priateľ. On je bratranec dievčaťa, s ktorým som zvykol chodiť, Márii Francisco. Neviem si spomenúť, ako sa volá. Zodvihol by si ruku? Sme radi, že ťa tu máme a nech ťa Boh žehná. Ten chlapec je kresťanom mnoho rokov. A ja som …

249Môj dobrý priateľ tu, Jim Pool. Koľkí z vás tu ste počuli zmieniť sa o Jimovi Poolovi, mojom priateľovi z detstva. Jeho syn a manželka …

250A Donny, neviem si spomenúť na jeho druhé meno, Gard … Gard, Donny Gard a jeho milá manželka oni sú tu. Včera nás boli navštíviť. Sme tak radi, že ich tu máme dnes ráno.

251A myslím, že toto je zvláštne, ten brat, ktorý sedí rovno tu, pri bratovi Wayovi. A, ó, rovno tu, možno sa mýlim, ale niekedy zabúdam na tváre. A som rád, že vás tu všetkých máme dnes ráno.

252A teraz, predtým, ako odídeme, po tom krájaní... A viete, Biblia hovorí, že Slovo Božie … Ako to rozhodnutie, to je ako kameň, ale vy musíte mať toho kamenára, aby to otesal na ten svoj tvar … Rozumiete? A v liste Židom vo 4. kapitole je povedané, „Slovo Božie, ostrejšie a mocnejšie ako dvojsečný meč.“ To krája, obrezáva, odsekáva prebytok, „Dokonca je rozlišovateľom myšlienok a úmyslov srdca“, Slovo Božie a ono krája.

253No, tak len uctievajme, zaspievajme moju obľúbenú starú pieseň, jednu z mojich obľúbených, „Milujem Ho, milujem Ho.“ Koľkí Ho skutočne milujete? Je mi jedno, či si kresťan alebo nie, povedz, „Milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa.“ Spievajme to teraz všetci spolu.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

254Či to nemilujete? Zaspievame to znovu a zatiaľ, ako to spievame, potraste si s niekým pri vás ruky, nevstávajte, len povedzte, „Nech ťa Boh žehná brat, niekoho okolo teba, aby sa tak každý cítil vítaný, to je naše uvítanie tu v modlitebni odo mňa, od každého jedného z vás. V poriadku.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

(Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat)

pretože On prv (Boh nech ťa žehná)...

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

255Skloňme svoje hlavy a hmkajme to. [Brat Branham začína hmkať, „Milujem Ho“ - pozn. prekl.]

No, podajte Jemu ruku, ľahko. No, či nie je On nádherný? Áno.

256[Nejaký brat hovorí v neznámom jazyku - pozn. prekl.] Buďte skutočne úctiví... Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, ak vezmú hadov, alebo budú piť smrtonosné, neuškodí im, dokonca ani nehoda, alebo výbuch im neuškodí. Budú klásť svoje ruky na chorých a uzdravia sa.“ Len čakajte chvíľku, vidzme, či príde na toto výklad. Ak sú cudzí v našich bránach, čakáme, či Pán povie niečo ku nám cez toto posolstvo. [Nejaký brat dáva výklad – pozn. prekl.] Výklad, [Výklad pokračuje – pozn. prekl.] Ten výklad je to, čo povedal tento muž, a tak tá osoba tu by nemusela vedieť, čo to je. To je Duch, to sa deje tu v modlitebni, prichádza posolstvo ku ľuďom. Modlime sa.

257Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti za toto, nevediac, že niekto, niekde, že Ty si hovoril niekde do srdca, a to zavolalo znovu, dokonca pri ukončovaní posolstva, to povedalo, nazval Si ich svojimi deťmi, pretože Ty si ich zavolal, a oni boli možno hotoví odísť bez toho, že by Ťa prijali.

A toto … To posolstvo znovu prichádza, tak modlíme sa, Nebeský Otče, aby si udelil túto veľkú porciu Tvojho Ducha na kohokoľvek, kto to môže byť. Vôbec si nepovedal ich mená, Ty si len vypovedal. A tak, Otče, možno to je spôsob, ako to chceš. A my sa len modlíme, Otče, aby bola udelená Tvoja vôľa tejto osobe, alebo týmto osobám, ktokoľvek oni sú, aby to mohlo prísť do toho posledného zavolania. Modlím sa, Otče, aby to nebolo, ale že dnes ráno, ak to oni príjmu a uveria celým svojím srdcom, potom, ako počuli to posolstvo, ktoré si Ty vypovedal a povedal, a potom, nech to smú prijať ako plný pohár, aby prijali Ducha. Nech povstanú a nech sú pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a nech sú sladko naplnení Duchom Svätým a vedení do života služby a šťastia. Porúčam to teraz Tebe, Otče, to zhromaždenie v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

258Tie posolstvá niekedy hovoria ku niekomu, my nevieme, kto oni sú. Niekedy je povedané, kto oni sú, ale možno niekto tu, možno začal odchádzať bez toho. A keď to robíte, pamätajte, to je Duch Svätý, hovoriaci v jazyku, že môže vziať nejakú inšpiráciu, ten istý, ktorý to vypovedal, a to isté je vyložené. A pamätajte, cez čo som práve prešiel, keď som to čítal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Vidíte? To je medzi veriacimi. Neveríme, že všetci ľudia to musia robiť. Veríme, že to padá na cirkev, medzi ľuďmi. Niekedy tu prichádzajú ľudia, nikdy o niečom takom nepočuli a padá na nich Duch Svätý a oni vydajú posolstvo, a sú uzdravení ľudia, ktorí tu sedia a zomierajú s rakovinou a všetkými možnými druhmi nemocí a vecí a rovno sa navracajú. To je Duch Svätý medzi svojimi ľuďmi.

259Či Ho milujete? Amen. Ja Ho tiež milujem. Dúfame, že vás večer uvidíme. A teraz brat Neville, odovzdávam službu bratovi Nevilleovi, nášmu pastorovi.

1 Thank you, Brother Orman.

Let us bow our heads just a moment now for a word of prayer. And while we have our heads bowed, I wonder if there be any here that would have a special request would like to be made known by an uplifted hand? The Lord sees these things, I'm sure. Trusting He will grant it.

2 Our Heavenly Father, we have assembled this morning for no other purpose than to magnify the Name of our Lord Jesus. And we thank Thee that we already have felt His Presence. And we are sure that He meets with us, because it's His promise, that "Wherever two or more are gathered together in My Name, I'll be in their midst." Now, we would ask Your blessings, Lord, upon all these requests today that's been known now by lifting up of the hands. You know what was beneath that hand, in the heart, and I pray that You'll answer each and every one.

3We thank You today for the opportunity to worship Thee. We thank Thee for a church and for a people and for brethren of like precious Faith. And now we ask that You will give to us the desires of our heart today, that is, to serve You. Feed us with that hidden Manna that You said, in the Bible, was given, that laid back just for the priesthood only. And we are taught that we are priests of God, offering spiritual sacrifice, that is, the fruits of our lips, giving praise to His Name. Now, we pray that You will bless us in the further part of this service, breaking the Bread of Life to us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

4 I'm glad to see our big family back again this morning, and happy to be here with you. And to the strangers that are sojourning in different parts of the country, that gathered in with us on Sunday morning, is here. We have no denomination. And we just gather, the people that believe in God gather together to worship the Lord together, and offer our prayers to God, make our confessions to Him. And each Sunday and each day we go through a purgatory, that is, purging our souls by His Holy Spirit, from our sins, trying to live as godly as we know how in this present age, looking for His appearing at any time. And we are looking for that at any time.

5 Now, we have a--a big program today. We have our Sunday school services here this morning, and then tonight we have a--a very special program tonight. My good friend, Brother Joseph Boze, which, he's no stranger here with us, but I believe it's about the first time he ever visited us in the church. It's... I always had two churches of the entire world that I travel, that I always call "model churches," and one of those were Brother Joseph Boze, the Philadelphian Church in Chicago, Illinois, and the other one was Brother Jack Moore, Shreveport, Louisiana. I was at those churches so much till when I come home from the missionary trips someone say, "Don't call Jeffersonville to get Brother Branham, just call up Chicago. If he's not there, well, then call down at Shreveport." I was there so much.

6 Joseph has left Chicago. It broke our hearts, at first, when we thought he was have to leave Chicago, but after prayer we found it was God giving him a call. And this little friend of mine has now blazed out into a great work in Tanganyika and Kenya and Uganda, and he is doing a great work. And we feel to help support him in every way that we can in these meetings. And I'm planning, if it be God's will, in this coming January, to be with him in his schools throughout Africa there, as we go on into South Africa from his schools. And he will tell you more about it tonight in his address to the church. He'll be speaking this--this afternoon about, I guess about eight o'clock, as soon as the preliminaries are over. And then he has a film that you'll be happy to see, I'm sure. And that film is of his schools in Africa, and what the Lord has done for him just in a short few years. It's very encouraging to me to show what... to see the film, because it shows what God can do with one person that'll find His will and place. After waiting for years to find it, then walking in the way that God directed him. Bring the children along, the first part of it is a very little part.

7 As you know, Joseph, many of you, has quite a sense of humor. And I guess he thought I'd be looking at his picture, so he goes out one night and wanted to take a picture of a lion. In Africa there, there's plenty of lions. So Joseph goes out and takes a lion. And I thought it was the cutest thing. After the mothers had made the kill, and they had eaten the--the animal, she was pulling the skin off. And her little baby cub following along behind, trying to act like he was trying to re-kill it again, you see. And I'm sure the young folks will enjoy about, I suppose, five or ten minutes of that at the first of the film. Now, come early.

8 And I've not been asked to say this. I don't want to say it. Joseph knows nothing about it. But I think tonight we're going to show our appreciation to Brother Joseph by giving him an offering to his missions for overseas. We believe that the Lord Jesus is coming. And--and if you've been saving a little mission offering, or something for the missionaries, or something you'd like to, a contribution to that, make your check out to Joseph B-o-z-e, for tonight. B-o-z-e, that's right, isn't it? Joseph Boze. And it's... I know Brother Joseph as my bosom, personal friend, and knows it'll go for the Kingdom of God, the best of his knowledge to It.

9 And, so, before we go farther, I would like to introduce and let him just have a word here. I tried to get him to take the morning service, and he wouldn't do it, so he will speak to us tonight at eight o'clock, for what time he cares. And the camera will be set up, and the screen here, for the picture. But right now I would just like to say to the church, and introduce to the church my good friend and brother, Joseph Boze.

Brother Boze. [Brother Boze speaks and compliments for nine minutes--Ed.] Thank you, Brother Joseph, that's very nice. The Lord bless. [Brother Branham and Brother Joseph Boze hug and pat each other.] This is a Sweden and Ireland, together. God bless you, Brother Joseph. Thank you for your compliments, Brother Joseph. It's, I can say the same about him. So thankful to the Lord for his great work going on in Africa, and he'll tell you more about it tonight.

10 And now I believe Billy slipped out and told me to have Brother Neville or somebody on... The--the acoustics is not too good in the back. Or may... Can you hear back there all right? No, they don't hear very good. Would you adjust the machine?

11And I believe, while we're waiting for him to do that, I believe my niece, Donna, has got a little... her and Teddy has got a little fellow here they want dedicated to the Lord. And so, Donna, if you'll bring this little fellow now, why... And, let's see, where is the sister at the piano, the player, is she present?

12[Brother Edgar Branham says, "Use one of the mikes on the side, honey."--Ed.] This one here? ["That's fine."] All right, sir. ["Either one of them will reach."] That'll be fine. All right. I had... I was in the wrong place. I think it was me that was in the wrong place.

13 Now, we have a little song that we usually sing about this time for the little fellows, that is, "Bring them in, bring the little ones to Jesus." Now in the...

14Many churches sprinkle these little fellows, and that's all right if they want to do that, that's strictly all right as far as I am concerned. And others has ways that they, maybe, that they call that baptism, and if they want to call that baptism that's all right, as far as I'm concerned.

15But the Scriptures is what we try to follow just the way the Bible says it, just keep just in the Scripture. There's no place in the Bible, in the New Testament, but what they brought little children to Jesus and He blessed them, and said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Now, that's the way we do it. Pastor and I stands there, takes the little one and offers prayer of dedication to the Lord. And then when they're...

16 We feel that a baby has no sin, no more than its sin that it was borned in. We're all born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. And, now, when Jesus died at Calvary, He took away the sins of the world. Then the baby could have been born, or it might have died before it was born; or born before it comes to the age of accountability, it has no sins. Jesus took away the sins of the world. But after it gets old enough and commits sin, then it's got to confess its sins and then be baptized for the remission of its sins, you see. But now, of course, it's too young.

17 Now, let's all sing this good old hymn now, we sing now. I don't know whether I can lead or not.

Bring... in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

18What's his name? Teddy, Junior. All right, sir. We are very happy to see this young couple here this morning with this fine young Teddy here, and pray that God will bless him abundantly, and give him Eternal Life in the world that is to come, and a long life here. May I have him just a minute? This is young Teddy Arnold. We all know Teddy here, he's our... a brother here at the church, married my brother's daughter here, Donna. And they have this little fellow here, a newcomer. Think this is your second. And the other one is a little girl, isn't that right? He's a bright-looking little fellow. I'm always afraid I'll break them when they come this small, so--so dainty-like, I just afraid they'll break.

19Now could you imagine a mother bringing her little one like this to the Lord Jesus? If He was here this morning, person like we're standing, this mother would quickly run up to Him, wanting Him to lay His hands upon this baby and bless it. Daddy's heart would jump for joy. We know that God has give this to their union and they want to give it back to God in appreciations of Him giving it to them. Let us bow our heads.

20 Our Heavenly Father, we are trying to follow Your example. When the mothers and fathers brought to You little children, You laid Your hand upon them and blessed them. And now, Heavenly Father, this young couple has been blessed in their home, of receiving this little boy, little Teddy Arnold, Junior. So we pray, Heavenly Father, that Your blessings rest upon the child. We lay our hands upon it in commemoration of You and Your promise to us, that we should lay our hands upon the people in commemoration of Your great Word. Bless little Teddy. God, we pray that You'll give him long life, good health. May he live to see the Coming of the Lord, if that be possible. And we pray for his father and mother, may they be blessed by raising this child. And if there is a tomorrow, make him a minister, Lord, of the Gospel, and give to him the things that You have promised to the human race, that he might have life, and Life abundantly. We give to You now, little Teddy Arnold, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

21God bless you, Donna and Teddy, long life and many blessings; and to you, little Teddy, 'cause He loves you.

22 Oh, I think they're so cute, I... little fellows. I like all people, but I think children and, then, old people, when you get old. Some old man or woman has come down along the way, and so feeble, and I think they're just pitiful-like, you know, and I just think we should never... See them crossing the street, stop. What if that was your daddy or your mother? See? Somebody's, so respect them. And they talk maybe slow and long time, and maybe things that you don't want to hear, but, remember, you may get old, too, someday, so just always respect them.

23 And them little fellows, who could mistreat one of those? By the way, you should never do that. You know, Jesus said, "Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones, for their angels always beholds My Father's face which is in Heaven." Remember, they have an angel. When you're born, it stays with you all through life. And now, then when you get saved, you have the Holy Spirit then, and It guides you and directs you.

24 And now I'm looking right over the audience to see ones that I know. And, if I'm not mistaken, I see a sister from Chicago out here; that makes you feel kind of at home, to be represented in Chicago, Sister Peckinpaugh and all those along the way there. We're happy this morning to see Brother and Sister Cox here; and Charlie, Nellie, as we know them. And Rodney's here somewhere, I suppose, Sister Cox. And Brother Willard Crase, one of our minister brothers here. And so many different ones that I just couldn't hardly reach down to call them all.

25 Glad to see Brother Evans and Sister Evans back there. That's the man I was telling you was bit by the rattlesnake, and the Lord... Would you just raise up your hand or something, Brother Evans, so they'd see in there that--that the... We was fishing, and the ground rattler bit him right into the leg. And laid hands upon him and prayed for him, and it never even got sore, or never had no more to do with it after that. And the Bible said, you know, "They shall cast out devils; they shall tread on the heads of scorpions and serpents, and nothing shall harm them; and--and their... in My Name, them that believe on Me," what all the powers and what they would do, and so forth, was given to us. Then, if you're just not afraid!

26 What if somebody give you a check and had a name signed at the bottom of it, and if you carry that check in your pocket all your life, it--it won't do you no good. You got to cash it. So, every promise in the Bible has got Jesus' Name signed at the bottom of it. The bank of Heaven's responsible, and the deposit was put in on Calvary when our sins were forgiven, we are made sons and daughters of God. And therefore don't be afraid to cash in on any gift that God promised. Just remember, He promised it and it's yours.

27I've seen Him stop the flames of fire, stop blood, quench the violence of--of the Devil, and cast out enemies, and heal cancer, raise up the dead when the doctor was standing there, been dead for hours and hours, raise right back to life again. I've seen that in my little weak ministry of myself, time after time after time. So I've seen wild beasts tamed right down till it couldn't move, and all things. So He's just... He's still God. He... If He ever was God, He's still God. And if He--and if He never... And if He isn't God, He never was God, 'cause He'd have to be... To be God, He'd have to be infinite, He knowed all things, He'd have to be omnipotent, all powerful, omniscient, all-present. And, oh, He's just God! The Perfection of perfection is God.

28 Now, I don't aim to, sometimes when I teach these Sunday school classes it's about four o'clock, Joseph. Here a few Sundays ago, I was here six hours. I'm no hoping to scare you, see. But--but I don't mean that this morning; just five and a half. No. Just this...

29I may not be with you for a while now, we're going up to Virginia, or up to Carolina, and North and South Carolina, and then to the West Coast, and up the West Coast, and into Canada and Alaska, and then back. And maybe, the Lord willing, go over to Africa and see Joseph, and go down through into South Africa again.

30 And had a great meeting not long ago in South Africa, when it changed the whole course of Africa just in a few hours, when God, just in His miraculous, where front-page newspapers packed the articles, whole first and second and third page nothing but just articles on the meetings. First went in there, they just thumbs down, they wouldn't even have given a man gasoline because he was going to the meeting, wouldn't sell it to him, said, "Anybody fanatic like that!" And the next day, was willing to give him the gasoline free. See? So just the difference, you see. I'm... Something takes place. He was petting a little cub there, you know, and said to him, said, "Where you going?"

He said, "I'm going down to Johannesburg."

Said, "Oh, you're a businessmen?"

31Said, "No, I'm going down to see Brother Branham, the meeting."

32Said, "What?" Said, "You look like more a brighter man than that."

33He said "Well," said "I'm a Christian. I'm going down and see it."

He said, "Just drive somewhere else and get your gasoline."

34And so the next day, coming back, it was the only stop between there and the Transvaal, so he had to go up through there, and he stopped at the next station below that. And that guy run out and called him, said, "Come up here. Come up here." The papers had all front pages and second pages, and so forth, full of it, what our Lord did. And so we're thankful for that.

35 Now, just for a little gathering together, any of you along, got your friends out through, we're to be at the Cow Palace now. It's a great livestock, western livestock exhibit on the West Coast, at South Gate. So some of you fellows like me, that likes guns, I'm going through the Weatherby Factory there, and go with me if you wish to, if you're around there. And so they're going out into many places through the daytime, you can go to Catalina Island, you know how it is. And you man, women with your little children, Disneyland. And he's one of the members of the group, too, so just come right along. You, I know you'll have a good time. And, above all, pray that God will open the eyes of unbelievers and will make converts to Christ.

36 Now we're going to read just a few Words out of the Bible here, because I like to do this. And then I have some Scriptures written down here, in here, and some note that I'd like to teach on this morning, for a few moments. Remembering tonight's service. And then I'd like to tell you what all's happened this week in the private interviews, and so forth, but I don't have time. And I notice some of them are sitting here this morning, that's still waiting on those interviews, from out of town. We'll try to get to them this week, as quick... try to get everything that's waiting here, anyhow, before we leave.

37 Now we want to turn in the Gospels, to Mark 16, the 16th chapter of Saint Mark. And my title today, of this, is The End-time Evangelism. And let's begin reading on Mark 16, about the 14th verse.

And after he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of their hearts, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;... he that believeth not shall be damned.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

And they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them,... confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

38There is so much could be said on this. This is the last commission the Lord gave the Church.

39 I'm... Happened to look down here. I'm trying to think... Brother West, I was trying to think of your name a few moments ago, sitting there from Georgia. And I just couldn't think what your name was, just a few moments ago. The other brother sitting there, I can't think of his name. And so many of... You understand I not trying to slight knowing someone, but they just... I don't get their names just so fixed up in my mind.

40 Now we are thinking of evangelism at the end time. And anyone that would, could read a newspaper, and could read... The sky is black and darkening, and the clouds coming up, and--and know that we're fixing to have rain, can feel it in the air, and see the great streaks in a far distance, and the flash and the pushing of the wind, knows we're going to have a storm, going to be a rain pretty soon. Anyone can read a newspaper and see the conditions of the nation, nations, realize that something's fixing to happen. When you see one with a chip on his shoulder, and the other, and them arguing, with all kinds of weapons and so forth to fight with, and no agreement, kicking off their shoes and beating desks and everything at their conferences, you know something's fixing to happen. And that brings upon the people kind of a feeling that something's fixing to happen. The world, as we would call it, kosmos, the outside world, feels that there is a coming destruction, of say like an atomic age is fixing to blast forth.

41The Christian knows it's the Coming of the Lord. See? There's an atmosphere. It depends on what you're looking at, for our Lord has strictly told us just what was going to happen at that time, and we don't know the minute or hour, but know that we are nearing something now.

42 As I was speaking here sometime ago, watching a lamb one day in Africa, out from a corral, and it was--it was grazing very peacefully, and all at once it become nervous. And I wondered what was the matter with the little fellow. And you know a sheep cannot find his way back wherever he come from, he's lost completely. That's the reason the Lord likens us unto sheep, see, when we're lost, there's only one thing can bring us back, the Shepherd. And this little fellow was bleating, and he had wandered out from the corral. And I noticed, in the grass, way below, the little fellow could not see it. And a lamb or a sheep doesn't smell its enemy like the other, like a deer or something like that, but he--he could sense that death was near. And there was a lion come slipping up, coming easily. He could smell the sheep, so he was coming, you see, to get the lamb. And the little fellow become nervous, and you couldn't see the reason why, but it was death was lurking so near that he was nervous.

43 And the--the world is such in a neurotic shape right now that they'll drive down the street ninety miles an hour, to sit in a beer joint and drink two hours before they go home. And it's an onslaught of...

44Speak to someone, oh, my, they blow up! Like I was speaking the other night at a tabernacle, and about going to a hospital out here to try to take some of Brother Neville's calls. And every time I'd speak to a nurse or a doctor, they'd snap you, "I don't know nothing about it!"

45Well, I thought, "What's the matter? Everybody just letting off pressure, I guess." But, the doctor, the psychiatrists are doctoring the psychiatrists.

46 So, but there is a way out, that's Christ. Now, the Christian should not be in that condition. We should be happy, waiting for the Coming, for it's close. We can feel the cooling breeze of Calvary. When we look down and see the God of Heaven Who made the promise, and the very things that Jesus did in His life, promised would return in the last days, and here we see it. What is that? That's the breath of the refreshing, like the rain coming. See? We know redemption is nigh. See? Something's fixing to take place. Now, the world doesn't see that. They laugh at it, because like they did in other days. But we know that it's coming near.

47And that's the reason I chose today this subject, for my last for a while for the tabernacle, on end-time evangelism. And when we are doing mission work or foreign mission, with the Word of God, we know we're always in the will of God, because Jesus' first commission to His church was "Go out and preach the Gospel." This last commission was to preach the Gospel.

48 The first time He ever ordained any persons to preach the Word and go throughout the country, He said, "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils; as freely as you have received, freely give." Saint Matthew, the 10th chapter, sending out the seventy, two by two. That was the first commission He gave to His Church.

49Now, the last commission He gave to His Church just before He was received up into Glory, He said, "Go ye into all the world." He had just risen from the dead. And many of them was sitting together, and He upbraided them of the hardness of their heart, because of their unbelief, that believed not them that had seen Him after He was risen. See, they had a testimony that they seen the Lord. And the others didn't believe it, and He upbraided them because of the hardness of their heart. They didn't believe these people who had seen that He was not dead, "He's alive!"

50 Same thing today, when you see His work. Now, we have already seen and are witnessing the appearing of the Lord. Now remember, appearing and coming is two different words, to appear and then to come. Now is the appearing, He's already appeared in these last days. Right here with us in the last few years. Now, it's a sign of His Coming. He's appearing in His Church, in the form of the Holy Spirit, showing that it's Him, 'cause people cannot do these things that you see the Holy Spirit doing, so that's the appearing of the Lord. Now remember, it spoke both places, "appearing" and "coming."

51 Now, He upbraided them because of their hardness of heart, because they didn't believe those who had seen it. I believe He'd do the same thing today. After we... They have... they didn't believe the testimony of those people, and He upbraided them for it. And then He commissioned them to go into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature, and He would be with them to the consummation, the end of the world. "These signs shall follow them that believe."

52 Now, today, we try to take the written Word we have in letter form, creed form and so forth, to all the world. And there's been missionaries gone everywhere. But what do we find when we get there? A native that can't read his name, holding a tract in his hand. He knows no more about it than he does which is right and left hand. But when Jesus said, "Go and preach the Gospel," He never said "teach the Word." He said, "Preach the Gospel!" "And the Gospel came not in Word only, but through the manifestation of the Word," for the only way that it could be done was to make His promise come to pass.

53 Some one guy can read that like in William Jennings Bryant, when he was debating with Darrell on the ethics of Darwin. See? He could only say what Darwin had said. And William Jennings Bryant could say what the Bible had said. That was the debate. But, in this case, God comes among the people and proves that His Word is made manifest. And the only way you can do that, is not by a tract, but by the Holy Spirit working through you. Your life becomes His life. He's in you.

54 The heathens, when they worshipped their idol, they prostrated themself before the idol, and believed that the idol talked back to them, that god, their god turned, come into this idol and spoke back through them. Now, that's just contrary, turned around what God is. God doesn't deal with idols. You are His instrument. You prostrate yourself before God, and He comes in you and speaks out to the people. That's the difference. He's the living God for a living person, not a dead God to a dead idol. He's a living God to a living being. And you become His witnesses, what He said here.

55That's now, notice, many people says that that was just for the apostles. He said here, "Go ye into all the world and preach this Gospel to every creature, and" (conjunction) "these signs shall follow them that believe."

56 Now, today, we say a good church member shakes hands with the pastor, puts his name from the Methodist to the Baptist, or Baptist to the Methodist, or so forth, and lives a pretty good life. Now, we missionaries, we see those heathens live life that these Americans, so-called Christians, couldn't compare with by no mean. See? So if just a good life's all that counts, they're saved the same as the rest of them, by an idol. Their morals would smother over us till we wouldn't have a chance to stand in their presence, that's right, and their acts. But that's not it.

57Jesus said, "Ye must be born again." In order to be born again, it's letting yourself go and die, and the Spirit of Christ come into you. Then you're no more yours; it's Christ in you, see, the Holy Spirit. Paul said, "I die daily; yet I live, not I, but Christ liveth in me." See, Christ!

58 And if I told you the spirit of John Dillinger was in me, I'd have guns here and be an outlaw, because that would be his--his spirit in me. If I told you the spirit of an artist, you'd expect me to paint the picture of an artist.

59If I tell you I am a Christian, and the Spirit of Christ is in me, or in you, then we do the works of Christ. Jesus said, in Saint John, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." Then He said here, "These signs shall follow them that believe."

60 Now, through the age, there has been a time that these signs has not followed believers. That's right. The prophet spoke of it, and he spoke of it over in Zechariah, he said, "There would come a time that could not be called day nor night, but in the evening time it shall be light."

61Now, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It doesn't change, it's the same sun. Now when the Holy Spirit came, Jesus, the Son of God, He come in the east, on the eastern people. It's been a day... as it's traveled, as civilization has traveled with the sun, coming from the east to the west, and now we're at the West Coast. We go any farther, we're back east. So, well, everything denotes His Coming. We're at the end time. Everything shows that it's all over.

62 Now, now the prophet said. And no prophecy can be... should be privately interpreted, as Jesus said. It's just exactly what It says. "It shall be light in the evening." Then the same Son that come upon the eastern people and showed His works and His blessings, it was prophesied that there would be a dismal day; neither day nor night, that's a gloomy day, that like hazy. And you can't see the sun, but the sun yet gives enough light. Something like it is out there now, maybe a little darker. And we've had enough to join church and put our name on the books, and so forth, but in the evening time that same great power of Christ would come upon His Church just like it did back there on the eastern. In the western it would be the same. So that's why I want to speak on evening-time evangelism.

63 Each age has had its message and its messengers. All through the times, every age has packed its message with a messenger. God, in every dispensation, has sent forth someone anointed with the Holy Spirit, to bring forth His Message for that age, every time.

64Now, we could start back, to back it up just a little bit. Even from the beginning, God was the messenger at the beginning, to tell Adam and Eve, "You shall eat this, but you shall not do this." That was the Message. And when man stepped across the Message of the hour, it brought death and chaos to the whole human race. Now, that's how much the Message means. And remember that it wasn't just a complete blank denial of what God said, that Eve believed, it was taking what God said and whitewashing it over, or--or just misconstruing it a little bit, just adding a little bit to It, or taking a little bit away from It.

65 That's the reason that I believe that the Word is the Truth. If our creeds and our denominations doesn't come completely with the Word, then it's wrong. And if God would not permit, and His Word was so important, to just misquote one word of It caused all, every death that ever happened, every suffering, every crying baby, every funeral procession, every grave on the hillside, every ambulance that ever screamed, every blood that was ever shed, all the old age and starvation and trouble that we've had, just because God's Word was miscalculated, caused all of this, will He excuse it at the end time if we miscalculate It again?

66 So, you see, Christianity is an important thing. If it's cost all this six thousand years of trouble, because of one Word being misused, now we're not going back with one other Word misused. It's got to be exactly with the Word, with nobody's interpretation, just what the Word says! So many men will get together and they say it means this, and they'll agree, and others will say this. But It says, "This is It!"

67If God is going to judge the world by the church, then which church is it? If He's going to judge it by a nation, which nation is it? He's going to judge the world by the Word, the Bible. For, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." That was, Christ was God's Word made flesh, spoken through human being.

68 Now, in the Book of Revelation, He said, "If any man will take one Word out of here, or add one word to It, the same will be taken, his part, out of the Book of Life.

69So you see it's not just, "Well, I believe this, but I don't know about that." You've got to believe It all. Maybe you haven't got faith to stand up to It, but don't try to stand in somebody else's way.

70I've often said I wish I had faith, when my life is over, to go like Enoch, not die, but just take an afternoon walk and go home with God. I'd like to do that. But if I haven't got that kind of faith, I won't stand in somebody else's way that has that kind of faith. See?

71 Now, we're in the evening time. And the messengers down through the age... We find out that at the beginning when a messenger was sent, to--to misconstrue His Word or to doubt one Word, it was total annihilation and Eternal separation from God, to misconstrue that messenger's Word. And the first Messenger was God Himself. And the... Every other messenger has been God speaking through man, since, which is God's Word, for there's no man then for Him to speak through but just the one He was talking to. But since He's made man and redeemed man, it's been God speaking through man. He uses not the--the agency of--of any mechanical device, but the agency of man, a man that's surrendered and consecrated to God.

72 How we could bring it down through the prophets, and Samson, and on down through till this very present age. It's always been an individual with God. Now, each age, I said, had its message and its messenger. Now we take another age after the Eden age, just to get a little background. Now, after the Eden age come the Noahic age. Now when the world... we was... I was speaking the other night down at the Clarksville tabernacle, upon the subject of the end-time sign. And then the other night, Thursday night, on being identified with Jesus. And now this morning on the end-time evangelist, evangelism, pardon me.

73 Now, just before the antediluvian destruction and the flood time, well, we find out that they had a greater civilization than we have today. I believe that they had control of atomic power. I think that's what shook the world from its orbit. I've stood in the British Ice Fields; dig down five hundred feet, bring out palms, where there used to be palms there, and many hundreds of years ago. And we're taught and know that the world stood upright. But, and they had such mechanical and such science till they could build a pyramid, sphinx, so forth, that we couldn't reproduce today. We have no machinery to lift those blocks that far, see, 'less it would be atomic; gasoline power won't do it, and electrical powers won't do it. But it was another age much smarter than our age.

74 And in that age, God called a man called Noah, just a common man, farmer, because he was found godly in his generation. And God dealt with that one man on the subject of "build an ark." Because, sin, we notice that in that time that "The daughters of--of the men," the Bible said, "saw... the sons of God saw the daughters of men."

75Discussing it, where many of the writers think that that was sons of God that the fallen angels pressed themselves into spirit. I don't see how a man could think that. That would make him a creator, make Satan a creator. Satan's no creator, Satan is the perverter of creation, see, all. A lie is only the truth mistold. An adultery is the right act misconstrued. See? And that's exactly what sin is. Satan cannot create, he can only pervert what has been created.

76So it was the sons of God, which was Seth's sons from the lineage of God, through Adam; and the daughters of Cain, Satan, "And when they saw they were pretty, fair."

77 And we notice in there, that bringing up pictures of like of a few years ago, say a hundred years ago, how the beauty of women has come past the beauty that used to be in women. If you'll read Genesis 6, you'll find a beautiful picture of it there. They were fair. And women today are much prettier than they used to be. It's because of their dress and their modern trend. That's what brings them out.

78I got a picture of Pearl White, was when Scott Jackson killed her, plunged the knife into her bosom, the secret lover, and the great nation was shook with the song of Pearl White. She was supposed to be the most beautiful woman that there was in the world in those days. Why, she would be a relic on the street today, to some of these women.

79 Or, go back to the time of Clara Bow, when she first started the scandal of rolling her stockings down below her knees, and saying, "Roll 'em, girlies, roll 'em." I remember that in my early age. And take the picture of Clara Bow and compare it with some of the beauties of today. See?

80And that is a sign of the end time. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." And they continually undressed themselves. What is that? Daughters of Cain. That's why we're considered cranks and fanatics when we try to explain and tell the Gospel truth about it. But they continually immoralize themselves and get on the streets and--and act the way they do, and don't realize that they are going to answer at the Day of Judgment. Now, the woman that misdresses herself, sexy, and may you might be as pure as a lily to your husband, or to your sweetheart, your boyfriend, but when the sinner passing the street and looks upon you, you dress that way, he'll lust for you because you have presented yourself to him in that manner.

81 It isn't the kids that needs the whipping, it's papa and mama, for letting them do like that. That, it isn't juvenile delinquency, it's parent delinquency. And I think a lot of pulpit delinquency, for they just let them get by and say nothing about it, when there it is in the Word.

82Now, now the Bible, Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath," past tense, "committed adultery with her in his heart, already." And when that sinner goes to the judgment to have to answer for an adultery, it'll fly right back, "Who did you commit it with?" With you! Though you never done the act, but the Bible said you're guilty, anyhow. Who's to blame then? "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." The seriousness of it!

83 In Jeffersonville today, there's ninety-nine and ninety-nine tenths percent of the woman are guilty before God. The whole nation is that way. Why? The delinquency at the pulpit, to tell the people; and the delinquency in the home, lets the young ladies get on the street and act like that. And they call it "all right."

84Now, that's exactly what Noah had to contend with in his day. The daughters of men were fair, and the sons of God looked upon them. See, the lust coming again. But Noah, oh, we could stay there for hours. But Noah was a man of righteousness, godly, integrity, and he cried out against such. And they called him a crazy man. Scoffers, the Bible said, that they scoffed at him, made fun of him. But he said, "There is coming a time that a storm, water is going to fall from the skies." There had never been no rain. And his Gospel didn't stand up to their scientific theories of that day, for there was no rain in the sky.

85 And, today, the scientific theory of the modern so-called religious groups has tried to prove that this blessed Thing that we have, called the Holy Spirit, is only emotion. See, it just don't stand up according to their scientific theory. Well, I would like to ask them this, what makes them change? What makes the drunkard stop drinking? What makes the prostitute cease her evil life? What makes the cancer and the--the diseases depart from the people, and the deaf, dumb, and blind, and the dead to raise up? Explain that. Is that emotion? It has emotion with it, certainly.

86Anything that's alive has emotion, and anything that doesn't have emotion is dead. Excuse the expression, but I think we ought to bury some of our emotionless religion then, because it's dead. It has no emotion to it. Any religion that has not emotion should be buried, uh-huh, because, It is emotional!

87 Jesus, when He entered the city, the children and all of them, all of His friends, crying, "Hosanna! Him that cometh in the Name of the Lord!" And those religionists of that day couldn't stand it, it was too emotional. He said, "If they hold their peace, the rocks will immediately cry out." See? Something must cry out, because life was there.

Noah had a terrible time, but finally one day he had a trial.

88And all that go with God has trials, your faith is tried. When you start to live for Him, then every neighbor's going to talk about you, everything's going to go wrong for you. Just remember that, for it's God trying you. The Bible said, "Every son that cometh to God must be first proven, chastened, child-trained." Like my daddy trained me when I done wrong, they had--they had the--the ten commandments hanging up over the door, it was a limb about this long; and Mr. Branham was a pretty good man in his arm, and he took us out and he trained us. And that's the way God does. He tries, child-trains you, brings you up, because you're His child; there's something in the future for you, home in Glory. And He trains you. Now, every son coming must be tried.

89 Noah, a type now of his dispensation, had a trial, 'cause God told him to go in the ark, and when he went in the ark, the door shut itself. And Noah no doubt told his family, "Watch tomorrow. Oh, the door closed tonight, but in the morning there will be rain up there in the skies." Never had been before, remember.

90And the scoffers, maybe some of them kind of halfway believers, said, "Let's go up and stand. You know, that old man could have been right." They stood around the ark, waiting, you know, and thought, "Well, now, he could be right." And they went up. And the next morning, the sun rose just as pretty, come across.

91You know, and no doubt but what Satan set up there on top of that hole in the ark, that window, said, "You think you're still right?" Well, that's the way the Devil does all of us. But as long as God said so, stay with It! That don't matter what, stay right with It.

92 The second day passed, the third day passed. Noah was sweating it out. But, finally, after seven days! And that was in February the 17th when he went in. And then after seven days, then that morning when he woke up, the thunders was roaring, great big drops of rain was dropping around. Those who had come up and stayed a day or two, to find out, say, "Well, we'll go and see if anything happens," it was too late then. They knocked, they screamed. The streets come full of water, begin to raise up on the hillsides. People took to the highlands. They tried to get them on boats, and so forth, but if the boat wasn't God-constructed, them big mighty shaking of the earth at that time just shook it right down under the water.

93 You say, "Any! Just so I got a religion, it'll be all right." No, it isn't. It's got to be a God-constructed experience in religion. See? All other will perish. I don't say this to be different. I only say it because of love, and knowing that I--I'm going to have to answer at that day, and responsible. So if I just say what He says, then I know it's all right. But if I try to put somebody's creed or theory in it, I--I couldn't do it, I don't have no faith in it. I just believe what He said.

94 Now notice, after a while it got deeper, and to the highest. They knocked at the door, they screamed, they cried. It didn't do a bit of good. Maybe a few days before, when they put the animals in there, I could hear some of the scoffers say, "Go on in there with your stinking animals. Live with all your stink in there if you wish to."

95That's just today, they tell you the same thing. "Go on, be old fashion if you want to. We're going to live it up." Go ahead, let it go. But, oh, brother, to be safe in the Ark, the door closed! That, that's the thing.

96 But Noah, in his day, it was hard for him in his dispensation, see, because that the people had never heard of such a thing, but it come just the same. Then we find out on the scene, come after Noah's deliverance and so forth, and the earth begin to grow again, and--and everything that breathed breath perished. And then we find out again that there come a time, then, God was bringing His children out of Egypt, that Moses come along with the law. It was so hard for the people to understand, but a dispensation was changing to a law. And then after the law come, Moses trying... It was a schoolmaster. People was just living any way they wished to, so the schoolmaster, the law, was, the Bible said, to bring people to recognize that it was wrong, so He gave them the Ten Commandments. It was quite a change, the people didn't want to receive it. All right.

97 Then after Moses, come John. And after John, the dispensation come, he introduced Jesus. And when Jesus come to try to bring us grace, which was God in the Spirit, in the line of Spirit, manifested His love, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son," and Jesus was so different and contrary to the law, see, but it was a different dispensation, a different time.

98And then when Jesus left, He spoke of this dispensation of the Holy Spirit, the Life inside, a Witness of Him of the resurrection. I got lots of Scriptures here, but I just haven't got time to get into them, I'll just brief them over. All right. It's always been a fact and a--a fight, when one dispensation is changing from an old dispensation to a present-time Message, it's always been a fight with the people. They--they--they... It's, although it's been always Scriptural. But during the time that God gives them a dispensation and something to live by, or something to do. Now we find out that immediately after that dispensation is given, the men of the earth try to find something to counteract that, and something to make a man-made affair of it.

99 After Noah had the ark, and then immediately after that, Nimrod, that renegade, he built a tower, and said, "If the floods would come, we'll just climb up and get above it." And then God come along with the law that just... See, that dispensation had lived its time out.

100And when Jesus came, also, after the law, the law spoke of Moses and... spoke of the coming of Christ. But when He came, they was so set in the traditions of the fathers, they had their creeds, they had their fashions, they had their churches, they were settled down, so it was so hard for Jesus to try to shake that kingdom (that church) from a creed, to believe Him. And yet the Scriptures especially spoke of this One all the way from the first dispensation of Eden, "His Seed shall bruise the serpent's head." Promised Jesus through each one of the dispensation, and, when He come, they didn't recognize Him, because they were so bound in their creed. But yet it was the Scriptural truth. Each messenger and its Message foretold the other one to follow, each time. Moses, the prophets foretold, Moses foretold of the coming of Jesus. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet like unto me." How many times have we been through that in our Messages around the world, that the coming Messiah was to be a Prophet!

101 That's why the ill-famed woman, against all the ministers, she believed the Message. The woman at Samaria, when Jesus was speaking to her, He said, "Bring Me a drink."

102She said, "You have nothing to draw with. It's not customary for You to ask me, a Samaritan woman." And the conversation went on.

Then He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I have none."

103Said, "That's right, you got five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."

104She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet. Now, we know that there's coming a change of dispensation. There is coming One Who's going to be anointed, that's called the Messiah, the Christ of God, and, when He comes, He will be that Prophet." How much more that woman knowed than all the preachers of that day! Yes. And her in her condition, see, she understood the Scripture. Yet, a poor little woman, married with five husbands, and living with the sixth one, and yet she knew more about the Scriptures, because she took It just for Its face value. And she said, "When He comes, He'll be a Prophet."

What did Jesus say to her? "I am Him."

105 And she left her waterpot and ran into the city, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't that the very Messiah?" See? That's Him.

106Now, see, she--she knew that He was coming, because the prophets and the Scripture had, in the days of Moses, and the days of the prophets, and all the way back in each one of those dispensations, had said, "He'll be here, and this is what He'll be!" Oh, my!

107 If the people could only see that today, then they'd know the day we're living. They would see it's God's promise for this day. God said it would be this way. There's nothing wrong, God's great clock is ticking just exactly the right time. And, even according to science, it's three minutes till midnight. So, you see, the stroke might come at any time. And that's been two or three years ago since they said that. See, we're at the end time. But, you see, we've changed dispensations from the old church age of back here where that dismal day was, just join church and put your name on the book; until the evening Light, the restoration, the return again of the Holy Spirit upon the earth, another pentecost, another sign, another thing was to take place. And the people doesn't believe It, because they're so set like they was in the days of Jesus. See? He told of this day when He was here on earth. He come exactly according to Scripture, then He foretold of this day coming.

108 Now, now we want to think of another one here. I got... If you want to read some of it, Matthew 24. Jesus told of this day, He said the Jews would gather again at the last day. He said, "When you see the fig tree putting forth its buds, then know the time is at hand." He said, "There'll be a perplexity of time, distress between nations, the sea roaring; man failing of heart trouble, constantly." It's not among the women, now. It's amongst the men. Jesus never said the women; "men." Look at the plague! And in that day what would come to pass! That would be the end-time sign, "Hearts failing, fear, perplexed." Revelation, when It spoke, the prophet speaking of this day, he said that there would come a time that the church would be lukewarm, the Laodicean Church Age in the last days. See? What is it? It's Jesus (the last age) predicting the end of this age.

109 Just exactly like in Eden, like down in Noah's time, and down in the time of Moses, down in the time of the law--law, and then a time of grace, and now in the evening time. There's many others there if we--we had time, but I've just skipped over them 'cause we won't have time. Of each one saying what would be in the next age, but the church becomes so church-ie with their creeds, with their dogmas, and their make-beliefs and their man-made theories, until they miss that Word. Now you can see what evening-time evangelism is going to be. See? What is it? The ones that carry It is going to be called crazy. They'll be so different! They was in Noah's time, they was in every time. Put out of their churches because they believed in Jesus, anybody that listened to Him had to be excommunicated from their church. See? But He had that dispensation, that was His time, the Son's dispensation.

110 Now, we find out also that the great Holy Spirit prophesied of that. You want to put some of these Scriptures down, Matthew 24, and then put Second Timothy 3:1. The Holy Spirit speaks of a great intellectual age at the end time. Did you know that? Why is it?

111Joseph, you've traveled with me much here in the nation and you've heard of the meetings overseas. I go overseas and have a hundred-fifty, two hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, and the people just... Just one thing, that you see done every day, that the meetings goes on, nearly, here in the tabernacle; up to ten, twenty and thirty thousand will fall on their feet... from their feet, to give praise to God. They see It. What's the matter, don't take place in America? It's the intellectual time. They want someone who can speak not of judgment, not of these things, because it breaks them up from their fellowship with their clubs and--and their lodges, and--and the ungodly things that they belong to. Therefore, if their pastor would name something like this, the deacon board would have him ousted, and put in somebody else, some young ricky or something. You know what I mean.

112 I... Excuse that, see, I--I didn't mean that, see, but I sometimes I get over-enthused, I guess. But I mean... Ricky is all right. I just don't like the name, that's right. But you look that up in numerology, you'd re-name your child. Yes, sir. Now, Ricky or Elvis, or something like that, oh, mercy! So, oh, anyhow, now, you see they have to. They didn't have those names gone by, it has to come. This is the age for it to be here. Sure. Exactly right.

113 Now, "And now the Spirit says." Now listen, I'm quoting to you from the Scripture.

Now the Spirit speaks expressingly, that in the latter times, see, latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits,... doctrines of devils; and so forth, see.

114Look how they would be, "Heady, high-minded," big shots. Excuse it, but you know what we call the big shot, the street expression now. We all know it better to say it like that. "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God."

115 I stood there yesterday, looked at that swimming pool just below us. And, I wondered, when a man, who is a Sunday school teacher, said to me, "That oughtn't to be in the Bible, where Jesus spit." Said, "It's against the sanitation rules when Jesus spit and made, took His spittle."

116He was standing, talking, the original Greek said "He was spitting on the ground." Talking to this man, and spitting on the ground. When He got through, He took His hand, reached down, picked up the spittle with the dirt and rubbed it on his eyes, and washed it on his eyes, and said, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (sent) and your eyes will come open." And he went and washed, his eyes come open.

117 So this fellow said to me, "That would not work today. That's against the sanitation rule, health rules." And then that same man take his family, wife and all those children down there to that swimming pool where all those women and men, and in that water at times of the month that they shouldn't be in, and all that. They never go into the restrooms sometimes, and--and all them dirty bodies and filth in there, and them spurting it through their mouth, and eyes, and things like that. And then say that Jesus spitting on the ground and making a man to see!

118 I brought a little boy from there the other day, he said, "I swallowed some of that water," said, "I'm sick as a horse. I--I'm going home." The little fellow may be sitting here now, who lives in a trailer about two or three blocks down the street, where I took him, said, "I'll never go in there again."

119But yet that's called "modern civilization." See where you get to? The old saying of "gag at a gnat and swallow a camel," see. I'm just anxious to meet him now. Now, there you are. Better get off of them things, see.

120 "An intellectual, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." I'm quoting Scripture. The Holy Spirit speaks expressingly that this would take place at the end time. "Heady, high-minded, having a form of god-..." Well, first, "They'd be incontinent, and despisers of those that are right," hater of those who believe the Word. See them? They don't agree with these traditional creeds and things, so they hate them.

121Like those Pharisees and Sadducees, they hated Jesus. Why? Because He was--He was contradicting their creed. See? Not that He wanted to be different, but, He must live, He was the Word, the living Word living. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not." See?

122 Well, the same thing is today. If a man preaches these things, and it doesn't happen, then it's wrong, because the Scripture said it would happen. Then if it does happen, then that's right; not the man's right, but the Word's right. Now, but this is the condition we got into today. You see, friends, it's just as reasonable. You see it? I'm building up here to show you the climax here at the end-time evangelism.

123 Now notice in these times, intellectual age, "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God," stay home on Wednesday night to watch some of them old vulgar plays, "We Love Susie," or "Lucy," or what all of that stuff is, woman married a dozen times and living with man, and them living... And, oh, my, every one of them married and divorced, and marry and divorce, and you make them idols, like gods. But you'd rather stay and watch that than attend the prayer meeting. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." Let a ball game come in town, or the Colonels and Giants, or ever what it was happen to meet out here somewhere, they close the churches to get to attend it. Let Elvis Presley come down here on the street, with his guitar, and go to swinging it back and forth, or some of them guys, on a Wednesday night, the prayer meetings would be closed. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Heady, high-minded, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good. Having a form of godliness!"

You say, "They're Communists." No, they're not.

124 They're church members, having a form of godliness. But what? Denying the Power thereof! Having a form of God, but say, "God doesn't do these things. See, there's no Power to it, you just accept and do this, that." See, no change of life, no nothing, it's just--just belong to church.

125"Having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof. From such turn away," the Bible said. "For this is the sort that go from house to house, and leads silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts." That's exactly what the Bible said. Now we're living in exactly that age. "But do thou the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry." See, that's it.

126 Now, by these messengers and witnesses that we see, we find out what crop we're in. Look what crop you're in this morning. Look what crop we're in. Why, He said, on this side, these signs will be following them that believe, they'll be mocked and scoffed at like the days of Noah. And here will come this other group back here making fun of them, heady, high-minded, and having a form of godliness, and denying the very thing that you're professing. So you can--you can see what crop you're in, see, these true messengers of today! Jesus foretold that that would be Satan with his message. And His messenger would have this going, these signs shall follow them that believe. See, Satan's messengers would be having a form of godliness. His messengers would have these signs, taking up serpents, drinking deadly things, casting out devils, laying hands on the sick, receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, signs and wonders. Now, we're in one of the crops, and we're at the end time. Oh, my!

127 No wonder Isaiah the prophet said, "The whole body is cankered and full of putrefied sores, everything." Where could we go? What would we do if we'd all merge together? It would make it worse than ever, see, there'd be all kinds of things. Like they're trying the--the World Council Of Churches, it'll never work, they got atheists, unbelievers. "And how can--how can two walk together," said the Bible, "unless they be agreed?" See? And there's not none two of them will agree together.

128Salvation is an individual affair between, not a church, but between each individual and God. Walking with the Word! Yes. Look, brother, as we see. And I know I'm getting awfully late.

129 Notice, the great flashing red light signal of His Coming is down. We know that. I could just take many Scriptures here I got wrote down to show you, what, we're at the end time. The Jews has returned to Palestine, the fig tree has put forth its buds. Men's heart are failing with fear. The women, the rampage that they're on, how I could go back in Revelation and show you this nation here is marked by women, woman's number, number thirteen. We have, to start, thirteen colonies, thirteen stripes, thirteen everything, thirteen states, everything, thirteen, thirteen stars on the dollar, everything is thirteen and a woman.

130 When I stood not long ago in Switzerland, and I was talking. A woman said, "I, we want to come over to America so we can have the freedom like the women there." I told them what they did. "No," they said, "we don't want that, then." See? See?

131But it's America. We could go back and show that right here, that that's supposed to be in this nation that comes up where there's no waters, no peoples. Comes up like a lamb, got two little horns, civil and ecclesiastical power, but they unite together through political powers, a new President we got, bringing in Rome again.

132 I want anybody to tell me, any theologian here or anywhere else, where the Bible ever predicts that Communism will rule the world. Don't you fear Communism, there's nothing to it. It's a bogus thing that God is using to chasten the nations with it, chasten the nation. Sure. The Bible says Rome will rule the world. Look at King Nebuchadnezzar, his dream, his vision, Daniel's interpretation, how every one of them's kingdoms and dispensations hit just perfect, and right down to the end there was Rome. So, it's going to be Rome. It isn't going to be Communism, they're just--they're just figureheads. That's all. They'll never go nowhere. No, they won't.

133Like Joseph just said, "The heart of Africa, those poor heathens back there is not to be ruled over. They already been ruled over." That's what's the matter with them today, they've been ruled over. They want love, they want God. And when Communism is ungodly, then they'll never accept that. Certainly not, sure no.

134The red light is flashing. The signal's down. His coming is at hand. Oh, my! Isaiah, the 60th chapter and the 2nd verse, said, "Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness will cover the people." And that's exactly right.

135 The end-time messenger and Message should meet with end-time conditions. Don't you think so? This Message could not have been preached forty years ago. No, the end-time Message and messenger has got to meet. Back there in them days they had, it probably wouldn't have worked. But it's got to cope with end-time conditions. Be converted, believe the Gospel signs! That's the Message of today. Wash your souls in the Blood of the Lamb and believe the Gospel, that the end-time signs are here, the seed of the Gospel has been taking place.

136 They're talking so much about reform, I'll go with them on that, like the evangelical reform. Reform means "to be cleaned out." So I think we need a bunch of cleaning out, of our unbelief, and believe the Gospel. That's right. Too much of our suspicions and wonders. Reform! Even the regular word in the Greek translation which says repent, does mean "reform." And reform means "to clean out"! All the back, the past, and believe the Gospel in Its power and manifestation. "These signs shall follow them."

They say, "Just to that age."

137He said, "Unto the end of the world." Now, somebody's right. If the man who's an unbeliever said that that was just for apostles only, and Jesus Himself said "to the end of the world," then I take His Word for it. That's, It's right!

138 God wants His people to be separated from unbelief and unbelievers. So many of you people make a mistake in this, sometimes letting your children play out here a little Oswald. See? I don't mean to be different now, and starchy, and so forth, and be some kind of a fanatic. I don't mean that. But you let a... You be sure who your daughter goes out with at nighttime. See? Maybe you raised her a godly little old girl around the church, and the first thing you know she gets out with Oswald or some of them, and--and he's an atheist, unbeliever, and her life will come up ruined and you don't know what he is. You see? Then he'll marry her, and look where your kids are, your grandchildren, then, you see. Be careful. God wants His people to be separated.

139 You read Exodus 34:12 once, and see what God told Israel. "When you go over in that land, clean out everything is there. Don't you have one thing to do with it." Joshua also, 23rd chapter and 12th verse, watch what Joshua said, "Now God's brought you to this good land," like the Church now, "and has brought you to this good land. Do you enjoy it?"

They say, "Amen, we enjoy it."

140Said, "Now there's some remnant, these unbelievers out here, and don't you associate with them. Don't go with them." Don't you, sister, if that boy wants to take you to a barroom somewhere, just to have a friendly little drink, stay away from him! And the same thing, you boys, to that girl that would do the same thing. Stay away from them!

141Now you're going to say, "Brother Branham's an old crank." But one of these days you'll find out. You'd been along the trail that I been along, you'd--you'd know that that's right. Yes, sir.

142 How many times have I seen, in the confession rooms, where the young girls would come in--in disgrace. That mark will go with her till she dies, and the things that she said, Once raised in a fine Christian home, but here's what happened, she went out with this boy. He was just so cute she just couldn't keep away from him, and--and all like this. And, the first thing, he smoked cigarettes and had a flask in his pocket, and they got to drinking, and here you are. See? And there she is in disgrace and that. Oh, it's a pitiful thing. You see it on both sides. So just stay away, separate yourself! Be nice and kind to everybody, but don't be partakers of their sin. Stay away from it. Yes, sir.

143 And it's always, friends, the leaders, each time through the change of these dispensations, has got the people all messed up. It hasn't been so much the people. If the Gospel would have stayed in the pulpit where It belonged!

144Like I was talking to the Bethany College there, the Lutherans. He said, "Brother Branham, what do you think we have?" And I... he said...

I said, "Well, here's what it is."

145He said, "What's the difference between this pentecost you're talking about and us Lutherans?"

146I said, "The Pentecostal church is the advanced Lutheran church. That's exactly right. If you had stayed where you should have been, you'd been Pentecostal too."

147And we're all talking about like I heard someone say this morning, that "All churches, all--all the first religion, all Christians really come from Rome." I want somebody prove that to me. I'll admit all the denominations come from Rome. But Christians begin at Jerusalem.

148 So if the Catholic hierarchy wants us all to return back to the mother of Christendom, I'll agree with him that, let's go back to Pentecost and all get the Holy Ghost. I'll agree with him that. That, it never come from Rome, It come from Pentecost. The church wasn't inaugurated at Rome, it was inaugurated on the Day of Pentecost. Sure, not under their dogmas, but under the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That's what I'm trying to say. If we go back, let's go back to the beginning of it; not back to the denomination, you go to Rome, 'cause they was the first one who had an organization or a denomination, and it's the mother of all of them.

149And the Bible said so, in the Revelation 17, "She's a prostitute, herself, and a mother of harlots, her daughters." See? That's what the Bible said. Jesus Christ said that, "That Roman Catholic church was a prostitute, and all of her Protestant daughters were harlots with her." And He said, "Come out from among them, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins; and I'll receive you, and you'll be sons and daughters to Me." See? So there you are, see, "Having forms of godliness, and denying the Power thereof," and so forth.

150 You precious Methodists, how you used to have the power of God among you. I went and stood... I wore John's robe when I was in London, England, to pray for King George that time. And they took me up there at Wesley's Chapel where he preached to fifteen hundred every morning at five o'clock, before the man went to work. Set there in a seat where he converted this rooster fighter, and I--I set in the seat. And stood there, and go up in his pulpit. And prayed in the room where he went to Heaven. I thought, "Oh, if John could know what that Methodist church has done, he'd turn over in his grave." When you used to pray for the sick and have great signs! When John Wesley... standing out there, that shrine I stood by it, where there's a tree. That day, preaching Divine healing, and the--the high church of England, the Anglican church, went and turned... A bunch of the members come down there and turned loose a fox and a bunch of hounds, and scattered John's congregation. Little old John never weighed over a hundred and ten pound any time in his life, but he turned and he pointed his fingers, and he said, "You hypocrite! The sun will not set on your head three times till you'll call for me to pray for you." And he died that evening, with cramps in his body, calling for John to come pray for him. And he died. See? Oh, if you Methodists would be Methodists like that, you'd be Pentecost. That's right.

151 What about you Baptists? You run down at church for a few minutes, and the pastor preaches over fifteen minutes you want to excommunicate him. John Smith, the founder of the Baptist church, prayed all night at times, and cried over the sins of the people until his eyes would go shut from crying, and his wife would lead him to the table and feed him out of a spoon, his breakfast. Can't pray fifteen minutes no more. What's the matter? See, you got traditions mixed into It.

152The Message still moves on. Israel followed the Pillar of Fire. Where It stopped, they stopped. Where It went, they went. The Pillar of Fire is moving on. Yes.

153 Now we find out it's the leaders that does it. The leaders have always been the mixed. Look at old Dathan back there in the Bible time, in Moses' dispensation of the law. He was the one who led the mixed multitude, Dathan. It was Korah; when God raised His prophet Moses, and he had the Word of the Lord. He had two and a half million people out there in that desert, and Jethro come up and said, "Moses, it's going to kill you, your burden's so great." God took part of His Spirit and put It upon seventy elders, and they prophesied. It never weakened Moses a bit. He, but Moses was still the last answer. Cause he had THUS SAITH THE LORD.

154 You can't go under a group of men. I--I defy anytime that--that ever, when God ever did use a group of man. He uses one man. Exactly. One man at a time, 'cause two men's got two opinions. One man! Exactly right. Notice now, every dispensation it's been that way, all the way down through, it's been that way every time.

155And there stood Moses. And you know what Korah said? He said, "Why, Moses acts like he's the only one can preach, he's the only one that's got the Message. Oh, we know that Pillar of Fire hangs over him, we know that Light is over him, we know all that, but he acts like that he's the only one that's got the Message."

156He didn't mean that. He didn't mean it that way. He was trying to correct the people. There's too many ideas. You got to listen to something. And what happened? God said, "Just separate yourself from him, 'cause I'll swallow him and his congregation in the earth." And the earth opened up and fire come out, and they went down. See?

157 The mixed, the leaders, the leaders what caused the trouble amongst the people. If it wasn't, today we could come here in this city and every church and every congregation come together. Why, they'd have this place, they'd have, oh, every liquor store would be closed. Why, this city would be so dry till a bootlegger would have to prime himself a half hour to get enough moisture about him to spit. He... Why, it would be! Oh, excuse me, I oughtn't to have said that. Wait. This, what I'm meaning is this, we are all scattered. It's the leaders. God can come in to do something, and the leaders of these little groups afraid something's going to get lost, they'll stay... pull them away from It, instead of accepting God's Message. It was the leaders, in the days of Noah. It was the leaders, in the days of Moses. It was the leaders, in the days of Jesus. It's the leaders, today in the Holy Spirit. The mixed multitudes! They say, "Oh, let the women do that. Why you hollering at them?"

158 As I've said, I believe here before, someone said to me the other day, 'cause I'd always trying to get my sisters to line up. See it, they're--they're the target. They've been the target in every age. Satan used them back there in the Garden of Eden, and he used them each time. And when the Bible points out about America and its women in the last days, then I start to hammering away at it. And someone said, "Brother Branham, people regard you as a prophet."

I said, "I'm not."

159He said, "But they regard you as that. Why don't you teach them people how to get great spiritual gifts? Teach them things if you... God deals with you, we know that." Said, "Why don't you teach them women instead of always cutting at them?"

160I said, "I've preached to them for thirty-one years, and they're... How can I teach them, how can I teach them algebra, when they don't even know their ABC's? Why is it they won't even cope and act like women? Why is it they keep doing the way they're doing? How can you teach them spiritual things when they won't even believe natural things? How can you teach them those things?" Let the church come up into that realm, and then they can be taught in that realm how to receive gifts of God and how to manifest gifts and things. But the Holy Spirit will never let it come till that heart's right and ready to receive it.

161 Then, God's standing there like a great pressure. Don't afraid that there'll be too many of them. You can't exhaust God. Could you imagine a little rat about that long, little mouse under the great garners of Egypt, saying, "I better eat one grain of wheat a day, I might run out before next harvest"? Could you imagine a little fish about that long, swimming out in the middle of the ocean, saying, "I better drink of this water sparingly, because, you know, it might go dry sometime"? Oh, my, that's trying to exhaust God's goodness and mercy to His people! He wants to bless you. He's ready, He's pressing. Could you imagine taking all the waters in the earth, the seas and everything, and piling it in one four-foot pipe and put it up there? The pressure would be on the bottom of it, trying to find a little crevice to leak its way through. That's like the pressure of the Holy Spirit trying to come down on every life.

162 But they won't do it, they love creeds and things better than they love God. You've got to sell out to things of the world, and believe God. That can't be denied, you've seen it year after year, and time after time. And Joseph said one time, "It never misses. It's got to be God." See? And it's God's promise of the day. Not me; I ain't God's promise. I'm a man. I'm talking about His Holy Spirit that's here. That's the promise of the day, "Anywhere, anybody."

163 Now, we find out that they were the one. And, look, and we'll take for instance, Balaam. Balaam, he come down and taught the people his doctrine, and they said, "Now look, we're all believers, we're--we're Lot's daughters' children, Moab up there." Said, "We're just all the same." And he mixed them up, caused intermarriage. He caused them pretty Moabite women, all dolled up, and come down here and told these sons of God that they were--they were "all the same, after all; God's a God of all races, and everything's all right." And he married them together. And God drawed the separation line, and made them leave their homes and everything. What was it? See that thing? Just exactly what took place back there before the flood, "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men, they were fair to look upon, and they lusted for them and took unto them wives." See? Same thing took place there.

164And the same thing now! Again it's the same thing. You should see it. Each generation tells what will happen at the next one. Here it is. We see it. We know that it's the same, 'cause the Bible here is to declaring it's the same now as it was. All right. Now, and all that counts, of course, for the--the day that we're living in.

165 Now, the--the call of the day, all that counts amongst the churches today, is members. That's all they want is members. Now, we all know the Baptist slogan in 1944, said, "We'll have a million more, '44." We know our precious, gracious Brother Billy Graham, we see his place in the Scripture, where he goes to, what he does. But it's always "decisions, so many made decisions." Just denomination, that's all they want. See?

166That's the way it was in the days of Jesus, the same thing. They're not bad men. They were blind. That's all. They were blind to the Truth. Jesus told them so, said, "You blind Pharisees and Sadducees, what all you do!" What did He say you do? "You scribes, Pharisees, you're blind!" He didn't say, "You're sinners." They were sinners, but what we call sin.

167Now, we call sin, "Committing adultery, smoking, lying, stealing, things like that, that's sin." That isn't sin. That's the attributes of unbelief.

168The Bible said, "He that believeth not is condemned already." Unbelief in the Word, is sin.

169 Look at those man, holy. Why, you couldn't put a finger on them, morally. Their grandfather, and great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather, and great-great-great-great-grandfather were all priests. They kept that law and traditions of the elders and the fathers, just perfect, down through the generation. There wasn't one blemish on them. If they would, they'd be stoned. Good man. And Jesus said, "You are of your father the Devil!" Why? Because they didn't see the Message, the Word. He was there.

170And they said, "Well, this man's trying to tear up our churches."

171He said, "You blind Pharisees and Sadducees!" He said, here's what He said, He said, "You'll compass seas to make one proselyte. What all you'll do for one member! And when you bring him into your denomination, he's a twofold child more of hell than he was when he was out there." That's exactly what Jesus said.

172 And if there's anything that's unrighteous and anything that's ungodly, is to take an old mossback church member that thinks they're so good, and they can't see through nothing but their own glasses. I'm not criticizing. But, yes, I am, too. And, that's just exactly right. And Jesus said, "You're a twofold more child of hell than you was when you started." And when we take churches, that no matter how many members that you get in that church, and see them go to the bookies and horse races, and stand out here and the women with shorts on, up and down the streets, and sing in the choir, that's the biggest stumbling block the sinner ever had. Exactly. They're expecting them people that call themselves Christians to live a decent life, to be a different person. That's an example. That's a stumbling block. That's a hypocrite. That's ten times worse off than you ever was. You'd be better off to be out there like you were.

173 That's when the man comes, say, "Well, they don't live any different than I live. Well, certainly not. I'm, I'd be as good as they are." It's a stumbling block. That's exactly right. See them say, well, some sinner walk up and say, "Jesus said this here."

174"Ah, that wasn't, for that--that don't mean that. That--that, He didn't mean that right there. That was for another age." Why you unbeliever! See? What's the matter? You put a stumbling block in that person's way.

175 Jesus, or I mean in the Psalms, David said, "Set not in the seat of the scornful, stand in the way of the ungodly." See? "Don't put yourself in the way of the ungodly like that and set in the seat of the scornful, making fun of them that are right, and standing around saying it was a form of godliness. But he that delighteth in the law of the Lord, he loves to do it, he shall be like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water. His leaves shall not wither. And whatever he does will prosper, it'll come to pass just exactly." That's the kind of a church that God wants. Blind leaders of the blind, making, in these last days, scoffers coming, and so forth.

176 The end-time evangelist's Message is from Malachi 4. It's a restoring. The Message and messenger, both, will have to be a restoration of the Faith. Jude said, in the Book of Jude, just about thirty years after the crucifixion, he said, "Brethren, I give all diligence to write unto you of the common Faith, that you should earnestly contend for the Faith that was once delivered to the saints back there." See? See? Malachi said, for the last days, the last prophet of the Old Testament, that "Before the great and terrible Day of the Lord shall come, I will send to you Elijah the prophet. And he will restore the Faith of the children back to, or the Faith of the children back to the fathers, just before the destruction time." What is it? It's a Message that goes forth, a Message and messenger of the last days, that's not to bring them to a creed, but to jerk them out of those creeds and bring them back to the original Faith of the fathers, the pentecostal fathers, where the Church is to be in the last days. Not the Mosaic fathers, but the pentecostal fathers.

177 The Mosaic fathers was Malachi 3, "I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way before the Lord." Matthew 11:6 says the same thing. Jesus witnesses that that's when He seen John, said, "What'd you go out to see, a man dressed in fine collars, turned around, and so forth? Not John." He said, "Them that dress like that belong in king's palaces, and these big denominations, that kiss the babies, and marry, you know, and so forth, bury the dead, and marry the young, and so forth. They're back there." Said, "What'd you go out to see? A--a reed shaken with any wind? No, not John. No, no, he didn't shake when they busted against him."

178Said, "You'll have no cooperation if you go there." It didn't make any difference to John, he went anyhow. See?

179Said, "What'd you go out to see, a prophet?" Said, "I say, and more than a prophet! And if you can understand it, this is who was spoken of by the prophet, saying, 'I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way,'" Malachi 3.

180 And in Malachi 4, for the church age, He said, "I send to you Elijah before that day." Now, that couldn't have been John, 'cause the world wasn't burned up back there and the righteous walked out upon the ashes of the wicked. No. It's this age, a Message that'll go forth! That'll what? Restore the Faith of the people, the Church today that's out of all these different corruptions and a putrefied, sored body of denomination, back to a living Faith and a living God. The Message has been going on for years. That's right. It's time now that we should receive and believe the end-time evangelism is to restore. Joel said the same thing, "I will restore all the years the cankerworm eaten."

181 Looky here. Remember my Message recently on the Bride tree, see, how that they took Jesus? He was a Tree, the One that David saw, a Tree planted by the rivers of water, His fruit in season, the most perfect Tree. And they cut Him down and hung Him on a man-made Roman tree, for a mockery. But what did He do? Rose up again on the third day. What else did He do? He set forth a Bride Tree, a man and a woman like the trees that was in the garden of Eden, two trees. One of them, the Tree of Life, and one the tree of death. And what did He do? He come to redeem this tree. So since He redeemed it, at Calvary, He's ready to plant her now. Oh, my! I get to feeling religious when you say that, see. To restore His Bride tree, the one that should have been in Eden, but she fell there because she disbelieved the Word. But here He's going to restore a tree that will believe the Word! And when she come up on the Day of Pentecost, that original Doctrine, that original Faith, then what did Rome begin to do? Send a cankerworm, send a palmerworm. And each one took his part off the fruit, the leaves and everything, and sucked it all down.

182 But what did the prophet, saw that, he said, "But I will restore that tree, saith the Lord." She started back in the Reformation. What did she do? Organized. God pruned her, right in Saint John 14, cut all the organization off of it. And she come back to Wesley, she organized. Pruned her off.

183"But I will restore!" She's still coming. Now what does it do? In the evening time there will be not an organization. There will be a--a top. Where does the fruit ripen at first? In the top. Why? The sun hits it. And in the evening time the seeds are planted now for an evening-time Bride tree. When the Tree of Life returns back to the Bride tree. You see? And the evening Lights has come out now to water and ripen that fruit that's been on the tree that's been planted. The seeds are sowed. See? The evening time. So the evening-time evangelism will be the mark of Malachi 4, to restore the faith of the people back to the Faith of the fathers. Yes, sir. Back to the building Stones! Amen. Back to...

184 Today the leaders again are saying, "Numbers, numbers!" That back there they said in Jesus' time, in that dispensation. Jesus said, "You hypocrites! You Scribes, you Pharisees, you compass seas to make one proselyte, get one member, and when you bring him in he's a twofold child more of hell than he was when he started." And today they'll--they'll spend billions of dollars and do everything that they can to make one more member of the church. And, when you do, he's worse off than he was out there. You can just make a hypocrite out of him, let the men do the things, get on out in the world and laugh and make fun of the Gospel, and everything like that. It's, see, leaders of this day again is saying, "Numbers, numbers, numbers!" That, that's all that counts today, is numbers, decisions.

185 Now, that's such a big word today, "decisions." I wish somebody would make some deciding to serve God instead of join a church. "Make a decision, come in, put your name on the book," send a whole big bunch of people down there, would write. "What's your name?" "John Jones." "Do you accept Christ as your Saviour?" "Yeah." "You believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God?" "Yeah." Satan does the same thing, same thing. The Bible said he did. He believes and trembles. Yes, sir.

186 But you don't tremble when you really believe. You rejoice. Amen. "All those that love His appearing." As I said someone constantly telling me, sending me letters, "Brother Branham, you scare people to death, telling them the end time is coming." Scare the Church? My, that's the most glorious thing could happen, the Coming of the Lord, the end time. I wish it was right now. Sure. Well, it's the most glorious thing I ever thought of, to meet my Lord. This old robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise and seize the everlasting prize, go back to a young man again, and live forever with my Lord, with all my people. Why, my! I can't think of struggling through this sin and trial, and aches and pains in this old pesthouse here. To leave this thing and go to a--a crown of righteousness, why, it's the most glorious thing I ever heard! Like the Apostle Paul said, "I've fought a good fight, I've finished my course, I've kept my faith, henceforth there's a... I've kept the Faith, and henceforth there's a crown of righteousness laid up for me, that the righteous Lord will give me in that day; not only me, but all those that love His appearing." Not believes His appearing; but "loves" His appearing, such a joy to know He's coming! Certainly! Yes, sir!

187 But today it's "members," it's "decisions," it's "bring in members of the church," so many members. That's what... That ain't evening-time evangelism.

188Now I'm going to stop just a minute, and I just want to just talk to you from my heart. I hope I haven't--haven't kept you too long. It's... I got about seven, eight minutes yet, and I just want to talk to you from my heart.

189Isn't that truth now, "Decisions, join a church. You leave the Methodist church and come join us, the Baptist. Or, you leave the Baptist and come join us, the Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran"? Catholic taking all, see. "Member, member, member, member, decisions, decisions."

190 What good is the stones if you haven't got a stone mason to shape them out? Confessions is stones. When Peter made his confession, Jesus said, "Thou art Peter, a little stone." But what good is a stone if there isn't a stone mason there to shape him into a son of God? You're just piling up a bunch of rocks. Is that right? It isn't doing a bit of good. See? The water weareth away the stone. See, that's right, that's the people. What good is stones if you haven't got a true stone mason with a good sharp tool to shape him into the fitting place in the House of God? Just want to ask you, what good's the decisions, what good you putting your name on the Book? What good is come join the church, if the stone mason isn't there that'll shape that and make them quit this and that, and cut them and make them over This way, and square them up and make them like Christians that sets in the House of God, with signs following the believers?

191That's end-time evangelism, taking the stones and shaping them. See?

192 What good would the stones be if you just pile them up? Let them lay where they're at, might do a little better out there than they would pile them up together. They might be needed out there, and none of them out there. See, that's right. Stone is no good without a stone mason.

193Jesus counts character, not members. You know that? He counts characters. God has always tried to get one man in His hand. That's all He needs, is one man, and he'll do His work through the years. Just think, He could only find one righteous man in the time of Noah. In the time of Moses, He only found one righteous man.

194Look at Samson. See, God can only use what you surrender to Him. Samson was a big strong man, he had a lot of strength. Samson surrendered his strength to God, but he wouldn't give his heart. He give his heart to Delilah. See? And that's the way with the people today. Oh, brother, they'll reach down and pay off debts, and things like that, and build a bigger denomination, and so forth like that, but, when it comes to giving their heart, they won't do it. That's right. What good's...

195 Peter had a sword. He pulled that sword, was going to cut the high priest's ears off, and things like that, he did it. But when it come to real Christian courage, he didn't have it. He backed up and denied Him. Is that right? He could cut the high priest's ear off with his sword, sure, he knowed how to handle it. But when it come to the squeeze and time to stand on the Word of God, he didn't have the courage, and even denied he knowed Jesus.

196That's where it is today. We got courage to build buildings and put millions of dollars in them. We got courage to put pipe organs and plush seats, and everything, and go out and proselyte from place to place, and make the Methodist 'come Baptist, and so forth, back and forth like that. But when it comes to Christian courage, to accept the Word, the Message of God, and stand there on It, we are few. So what good is your stones without a stone mason again? Isn't that right?

197 God's looking for character, not membership. Character! Eliezer, when he went to get the Bride of--of--of Isaac, he sweated it out until he found character. Remember, Abraham put him responsible as God puts us responsible, that's right, we ministers. "Hunt My Bride!" God bless your heart. I ain't looking for members, I'm looking for the pure in heart, see, somebody that'll believe the Word.

198Eliezer looked, and he thought, "Oh, I can't do this myself. There's too much responsibility. I'm realize the responsibility of finding Isaac..." Which, is type of the Church, you know, Christ; Rebekah, the type of the Bride. And Eliezer got down on his knees and said, "God, You--You just have to help me." And when he referred to God, God helped him. He got character.

199 Come back to the Word, brother. Come back to God. Don't pay any attention to this church you belong to. You can stay there if you want to, if they'll let you. But, the thing to do first, is, come to God. That's right. This is the end-time evangelism. Yes, sir. Character!

200And when he found out, and then when Eliezer found the character that was in the woman, Rebekah, the beautiful bride of Isaac, he told her about Isaac. And she never questioned one thing. She believed the word of the messenger, and she made ready to go. And they went, asked the father, he said, "Just ask her, the damsel's of age. Ask her, let her decision be."

201She said, "I will go." To what? A man she had never seen, knowed nothing about. But yet she was ready, because she was predestinated and foreordained to that. Exactly right.

202 Did you notice the woman washing Jesus' feet? She never asked for a blessing. She just looked there. And there, that hypocrite trying to make fun of Him, degrade His character. That's what they were always trying to do, make Him look little. Some people, you know, they followed Him just to do that. They'd say, "Now, look here. Good Master, we know Thou art a great man of God, You fear nothing. Should we pay tribute to Caesar?" See? All the things! That, just trying to find something to blacken His Name, smut it. And this Pharisee invited Him down there for dinner, that denomination knowing that they'd invite Him there, they had an iron in the fire somewhere. As a gambler would say, "A trump up his sleeve." They had something in common.

203 When you see anybody like that, that hates you, your cause for Christ, and then they bring you in, it's either to get a lot of money off of you, or do something, or use you in some way. See? There's not... They won't believe the Message. They got you there for something else. You think that that same Christ don't discern the same thing today? Certainly, He does.

204But they brought Him in there, and they said, "Now we'll prove it." And got Him back there and let Him come in stinky, never washed His feet, never made Him welcome. Sitting there in that, where they'd walk in them robes, you know, bring in that where the horses and things had been along the road in them days, them little old trails. They all travel the same way. That big robe picking up that stink, and it was on Him, and it stunk from the dust and things on the road. And old stinking, like in barnyards and things. And that was on Him, going to a guest's house with them great big chenille rugs on the floor, everything. They had some kind of an ointment, they--they washed their face and washed their feet, and give them a pair of bedroom slippers, like, and set their sandals up. Then come in after he was all dressed and groomed, and fixed his hair, and come in. Then you meet your guests, and then--and then you--and then you--you greet them and hug them. They hug one another by the neck, and kiss each other on the neck. See? Like you seen Joseph and I awhile ago putting our arms around one another, patting each other. And they kissed one another on the neck. But that Pharisee, after inviting Him in there, and there He was sitting back there, they never washed His feet, they never done a thing to Him, let Him sit there just to make fun out of Him.

205 But some poor little degraded prostitute, with a few nickels that she had earned out there in her ill-fame of living, she seen Him sitting there. And the big tears rolled down her cheeks. She went down there and got an alabaster box, with all the money she had. She slipped in some way and got back there, and she fell down at His feet, and she begin to crying, her hair fall down. And--and she would cry and take her... They had no towel to wash His feet, and she had taken this hair and wiping His feet off. What beautiful water for His feet, tears of a repentant sinner! And if He'd just have moved His foot, she'd have jumped up. She wasn't asking nothing, she just seen it needed to be done.

206 Can't we do that today? My, we don't ask nothing. It needs to be done, the Gospel needs to be preached. Whether we get a penny, or whatever, don't make any difference. I never took an offering in my life. This is a need. This is a cause. Separate, and churches hate you, and everything else, and goust you out, and just what few friends you pick up together. But it's a Message. It's got to go, regardless. I never put myself on radio and big television programs where I'd have to beg people for money. I couldn't do that. I want to be your brother. I want to go where God... If there's five people here, go there. Go over here, if there's a million, God will make the way for me to go. That's all. Just live it by faith. That's the way we all should be doing. And, thank God, many of them are doing it, you see, the same way. That's true, they're doing it.

207 Look at this little woman. Jesus never moved a foot. Look at this old Pharisee standing down there, said, trying to make fun of Him now, said, "Now, if He was a prophet, He would know what kind of woman was washing His feet. See? He would know what kind of a woman was around Him. See, there He is, that shows the class that He deals with." I'm so glad of that. Yeah. He knowed. "Look at there what kind of a class of people's with Him. We're the dignified. We are the church members. And, look, that old sinner out there with Him, that woman, we know who she is, she walks the street. She's..." You know what I'm talking about. "So there, she was that type of woman. Look, look, that's the kind of people that hang after Him." I'm so glad. I'm so glad.

208 That's what I was, you know. I was that type of people, no good, sinner. And every one of you is the same, that hasn't come to Him. You don't come just to be a member of a church, you come because there's something to be done. Jesus needs to be served, somebody should be there. Let's do it. She never asked, "Lord, will You bless me, will You do this?" No, she just washed His feet and wiped them with the hairs of her head. You know, some of our sisters have to stand on their head to get enough hair to wipe His feet.

209And there's her pretty curls dropped down, and she wiped His feet. And [Brother Branham makes a kissing sound--Ed.] she was kissing His [Brother Branham makes a kissing sound.] feet continually like that. Jesus just set and watched her. He never moved an inch. After while, when she got through, He turned around.

210 There was old Simon standing over there with all the ministerial association, said, "See! Ha! Ha! That's Him. See, there you are, that shows what He is. He's no prophet. Look at Him!"

211He turned around and said, "Simon!" Oh, I imagine he was red in the face. He said, "I got something to say to you. You invited Me here. See? When I entered the door, you never washed My feet, you never kissed Me welcome, you never anointed My head. You just stood there, and trying to make fun of Me. See? You brought Me in here for that purpose. And this woman, ever since I come, ever since I come, she's continually washed My feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. And she's constantly, not kissed My neck, but kissed My foot."

"You didn't expect nothing, did you, sister?"


212"But I say to you that your sins, which are many, are all forgiven." Uh-Huh. Yeah. See? All the way down she had nothing at all, but just a fear that she wasn't doing the right thing, maybe, but it needed to be done, but her reward come at the end.

213 You might hear me preach these Message. You might see the Holy Spirit discern and do great things, and perform miracles. You might pray, and it would never come to pass. Go on, your reward comes at the end. Wouldn't that be better right there? Yeah. See, do Jesus a service. That's the end-time Message. He had a Bride. God's looking for character. And then after Eliezer found the character, then the next thing was getting her ready to go. That's the same now, brother, the same now. The end-time Message is not out yonder in Babylon.

214 That's where I said to you, Joseph, when this little Swede brother of mine stood out there and put his head upon my shoulder one day and cried like a little baby. He said, "Brother Branham, God sent me here, Chicago, said I'd see Chicago shook one of these days." And he said, "Now they're sending me away. They're taking my church right out from under me, great, nicest church in Chicago." Said, "They're taking my church, and here they've ousted me out. They voted me out. I don't know what to do."

215I said, "Joseph, God don't lie." I said, "You've seen Chicago shook. That started at New York City when I seen you over there, 'cause they wouldn't cooperate with you, I wouldn't even go." And didn't even know him, but something about him that drawed me to him. Now, I'm not saying this 'cause his missionary rally tonight. But, that was right, I was drawed to Joseph. I refused to go to Chicago, because they wouldn't let him come, wouldn't let him come in in cooperation. I said, "Then I don't go either."

Said, "You don't know him."

216I said, "I know I don't know him, but God knows him. He's God's servant. And, to me, he's all right."

And so then Joseph said, "I wish I could see Chicago shook."

217 Oh, my! Don't realize its shaking don't mean that cannon fodder out there. It don't mean that rubbish that's going to be destroyed out there. The Church is shaking. See? There was only a hundred and twenty out of the millions, in the upper room, when the shaking come. That's right. Sure. It's shaking, is the people. The...

218Look, when they was having that great revival, this Apollos, the Baptist preacher that hadn't received the Holy Ghost yet, had never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Paul passes through the upper coasts of Ephesus, he finds this mighty church the Bible speaks of, and he went over there and told them the way of the Lord. And they said... He said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" And they were shouting and having a wonderful time. Said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost?"

Said, "We know not whether there be one."

Said, "Then how was you baptized?"

They said, "We've been baptized under John."

219He said, "That don't work no more. Got to be baptized over." And he baptized them over, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And laid his hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost came upon them. They spoke in tongues and prophesied. And there was just about eight or ten of them. That's right.

220 Shaking! See, God don't shake that, hell will shake that when it receives it. But God shakes His Church.

221One Angel come to Abraham and his group up on the mountain, and performed a miracle, by discerning the thoughts that was in his heart. Is that right? And Sarah on the inside. Where, the angels that went to Sodom had thousands down there. See, the shaking comes in the little group. You've seen it, Joseph. You've seen Chicago get its last call. That's right. And God honored you, done just exactly what He said. Getting the Bride ready, that's what it is.

222 Now we're going to end right here, by saying this. The end-time Message is to get the Bride ready and prepared for the Rapture. What can it do? According to Malachi 4, is bring them back to the Faith that was once delivered to the saints. Bring them back to the Faith of the fathers, the pentecostal part, in the restoration time. "I will restore, saith the Lord." That's real event, end-time evangelism.

223Now I just want to say these couple words before I close. I bypassed the rest of these Scriptures, and maybe sometime can get to them. But I want to say this. We believe we're at the end time. We believe it. And though it seems like at the end time, at this time, that the Message and Messenger both is about broke. Looks like Satan has tried his best to rimwreck us. Brother Neville, his accident; Brother Crase there; and gun blowing it. See, it looks like, and right now when every church out through there is thumbs down on me. And, see, see, it looks like it's--it's just about broke. Looks like we're defeated. Don't you worry. You know, it's usually at that time when God steps in on the scene, of something He's been watching for a long time. You remember.

224 Remembers one time there was some children down in a fiery furnace, they were holding true to that Word. Everything went wrong. They throwed them in jail. They kept them over night, they was going to burn them up next morning. And looked like the end was near, they was walking right up to the furnace. But He come riding down to change, the scene was all changed just in a moment.

225It's always in them weakest moments, when it looks like the true Message is about defeated, that's when God steps in. He--He let's the Message and the messenger get to the end of the road, see, then He comes in and He rides the high waves. That's right.

226 Remember, it was Jesus, when His enemies thought that they had Him defeated, the unbeliever said, "We got Him on the cross." The Sadducees and Pharisees who hated Him and hung Him to a cross, they thought, "We got Him now." Huh-uh. It was about that time God rode in on the scene, raised Him up on Easter morning, and broke the kingdoms of Satan, stripped hell, took the keys of death and hell, and rose up with them. Sure, it was just at that weak time. His Message, He had preached the Word, He had stood by, and everything, then it was that real weak moment that when the victory come. When He done all that He could do, then God came in. He changed the scene.

227 It was Jacob running from Esau, dodging here and there (over to...?..., and the different ones) in trying to hide from Esau. Then his heart begin to yearn to go home. And on his road home, he sent messengers, he sent offerings and everything else, trying to appease Esau. But it was when Jacob come to the end of himself, it was when Jacob didn't know which way to turn. He put his wife and children across the--the water, and he crossed back over the--the brook. It was when Jacob had wrestled all night, until his strength was gone, and he was crippled and he was weak, and his body was broke up. It was at that time when God come riding in on the scene. The next morning, we find him what? A fearless prince, after his weakness. It look like he was defeated. But we find him a fearless prince. The Message was going on, and the messenger was with it. That's exactly right. He was a fearless prince the other day.

228 Esau, even, when he needed him worst, Esau, when he met him. And remember, all that same time God worked on his brother's heart, too. That's right. And Esau come to him, said, "I got armies here." Said, "Ah, you're weak, Jacob. Your body's afflicted. You're broke." Said, "I--I--I... I'll send soldiers along to protect you," right when he needed them.

229But he had found something. Said, "I'll go alone." Amen. It's when he recovered from that weakness, he had recovered from that shock.

230 When Jesus had recovered from the shock of death, He was the strongest, He could go through a building without even moving a mortar of the stone. He could eat fish and bread. Amen. Oh, yes. It was that time, after the weakness had come, that he found himself strong. It was after weakness had come.

231And it looks like it's pretty weak now for both Message and messenger. But don't you worry! Somewhere, I don't know how, but I'm trusting Him. He'll come riding in on the scene someday. Don't you worry. Let's go together. Let's bow our--let's bow our heads together. Evening-time evangelism.

232 O God, the great evening Lights has been shining now for some time. We seen You comb down through these aisles here, bringing those who were just shadows of men and women, eat up with cancer, blinded, sick and afflicted, doctors from even from Mayo's and everywhere given them up. Now they're sitting here this morning, and many of them healthy and strong. Not only here, but around the world. Women received their children raised back to life, after being dead for hours. Children being killed on the road, with automobiles, pronounced "dead" and laid out, not a sound bone in them; and in a minute's time be walking down the road, praising God. Yes, Lord, You're God. The evening time is here. The evening evangelistic seeds has been sown, Father, and now it looks like it's kind of getting a crippling time. Many of these...

233When You first come on the scene back there in Your dispensation, all of them, "That young prophet of Galilee!" Oh, they all rallied around You. But when You begin to strike at them and tell them of their creeds and--and things, then they departed from You. You had to stand alone. And finally they took You to Calvary. It looked like they had won, looked like their--their great intellectual group had defeated the cause of God. But, oh, no! On Easter morning the earth had a nervous chill, the grave opened up and the Son of God arose. He had the keys of death and hell. He had the baptism of the Holy Spirit within His rights to give then. He told His Church, "Go up there at Jerusalem and you wait, and I'll send It upon you, and then you witness Me till I come back again."

234 And then You stood and told them how the time would be, and here we are in the end time. Lord, come riding in again, won't You, Father? We're getting tired, wore out. Man has turned us down from everywhere, the denominations is all thumbs down. In California there, them precious saints standing out there crying, forty churches, and that one leader stood up and said, "Well, if he baptizes, using the Name of the Lord Jesus, we don't want him." And turned the Gospel from them poor hungry people.

235And, Father, I said, "Come meet me with the Scripture," and he wouldn't do it. Why? He knows better. Father, why--why did the heathens rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Truly by stretching forth the hand of Thy Holy Child Jesus, to heal the sick, and show signs and wonders of the end. It's repeated, Lord. I pray for them. God, don't let them be cast away. They're many of them good man in there yet. Grant, Lord, that they'll see and come out.

236 And our little congregation this morning, Father, we don't know the hearts of the people. Thou dost. This little group here. I'm going right out there, anyhow. And now before we leave the church, Lord, this little group that's sojourning here, they're pilgrims. They don't profess to be of this world, Lord. They're a stranger. They've been born again, they're new creatures. They've come from the things of the world, to serve God, knowing that, "We covet not this world's vain riches that so rapidly decay. We've got our hopes built on things Eternal, they will never pass away."

237Heavenly Father, if there by chance would be one or more among us this morning that has never had a feeling like they should make that turn, I pray You'll speak to their hearts at this time. And may they sweetly and humbly, in their hearts, just surrender all to You, and say, "Lord Jesus, be merciful to me, a sinner. I do not want to die in the state that I'm in now. And not knowing that I'll live even through the day, then isn't it foolish to waste my time upon worldly things!" And everything here will perish, and the people will perish with the world. But God, the Eternal Father, cannot perish, neither can His people. May they accept It now, our Heavenly Father.

238 Sanctify these handkerchiefs laying here for the sick and afflicted. They said they taken from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons, evil spirits went from them. Heal the sick that's in our midst this morning. I pray that there'll not be a feeble person among us.

239May the great Holy Spirit move across the audience now, and may everyone realize His Presence. And as I quoted at the beginning, when a storm is coming up in a dry summer, the winds has been parching and hot, the dust has been blowing, but, all at once, we can hear thunder, we can see the cloud a-rising. And I said the red signal's down, He's coming. And we feel the cool breeze, the welcoming of the Holy Spirit as It moves across our parched places. Help us today. Save the lost. Fill with the Holy Spirit, Lord, quickly, before the lights go out, for the signal's already down. The old ship of Zion is in the blocks now, and it isn't going to be long till she'll be calling. And, all of a sudden, they'll have a newspaper out, "What happened? Hundreds of people across the nation has disappeared."

240 O God, then it's too late for the rest of them, the Rapture has come. The judgment will strike the earth, the righteous will be gone. Then they'll go to the graveyards, and say, "Well, wasn't... Did they open this grave? Well, what's happened here?" Oh, that one who trusted in God, that died years ago, will done be gone. "Then, oh, what a weeping and wailing when the lost are told of their fate. They'll cry to the rocks and the mountain," according to the Scriptures, "pray, but prayers are too late." May it not be so with any who are present today here.

241 And while we have our heads bowed, our hearts bowed, too. I'm a very odd person about inviting people to altars, I believe it's not apostolic doctrine. I believe right where you're sitting you make your decision, whether you really want to live or die. I believe it's up to you. And if there's someone here that didn't never before really see it just that way, and realize the hour that we're in, and you'd just like for me to remember you in prayer, that you want to become a Christian, and you want to be a Christ-like in your life and be ready for His coming, would you just raise your hands around over the building. The Lord bless you, and bless you, and bless you, and you, and you. God bless you back there in the back, bless you down here. That's fine. God bless you, young lady, right at the crossroads of life, sister. That's a great decision. You might have done a lot of great... God bless you, dad. Yes, you might have worked a many hard day in your life, too, and raised a little kiddie. Mom, you sitting by her. O God! Maybe you've raised your family and done many great things, patted the little baby's cheeks when it was crying, rocked the cradle with your little young hands, now they're old and feeble. You might have rocked the baby and done a many a good thing, but the best thing you ever done was when you raised your hand then. He seen you. Excuse me, please.

242 Our Heavenly Father, You seen the hands. You know what was behind them. Now they're trophies of this meeting. They're trophies of the Message. You said, "All that the Father has given Me will come to Me, and no man can come except My Father draws him first." And You spoke to this people. And they were sitting there, and according to science they could not... their hands are supposed to stay down, 'cause gravitation holds them down. But they broke and defied the laws of science. They got a Spirit in them that raised the hand, that's contrary to science, because the Spirit in there can break science. And they raised their hand because there was a Spirit of God around them, that said "You're... you need Christ." And they raised up their hands, "Remember me, O Lord."

243As the dying thief on the cross, said, "Remember me when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom."

244And what did You say to him? "Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise."

245 And I pray, Father, that this very day that You'll take into Your Kingdom, into Your fellowship here on earth, every one of these believers, and be kind to them. Jesus, You said, when You were here on earth, in Saint John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; and shall not come to the judgment, they'll not be there when the judgment strikes the earth, but they have passed from death unto Life." You promised it, Lord. I claim them. And now to all that raised their hands, and even those who in their heart believed that they should, and didn't, I give them to You this morning, Father, as trophies of the grace of Jesus Christ and of His Word which we've preached this morning. They are Yours. Keep them safely, Lord, until that day. And may they grow as babes. May the waters here in the pool find them, as they've confessed their sins, dying out, being buried in Christ, to raise again to a new life, to walk in a new world, walk with new associates, walk in new company, walk with angels, walk in the Presence of the Supernatural. Them things that they can't see around them, but they feel and know that they're there. They're the lasting things, the Supernatural is the lasting. We give them to You Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

246 Now, I'm sorry to have kept you a little over time, and I'm sure that you... You feel good? Now, the meeting, sometimes I have to cut and squeeze. Now to you that raised your hands and believe on the Lord Jesus, they'll have baptismal service, I suppose, this evening. Or, yes, I think the pools are filled if you want it right now, and the robes and so forth are ready. If you desire to be baptized right now, anytime, we're only here to do it. And now after cutting and sawing...

247We--we thank you strangers within our gates, to come to fellowship with us this morning around the Word of God, we appreciate you coming. The Lord bless you. So glad you were here.

248 I see a friend of mine sitting back in the building here, I haven't seen in a long time. I don't even know the boy's name. He's a good friend of mine. He's a cousin to a girl that I used to go with, Marie Francisco. I can't think of who or what his name is. Would you raise your hand? We're glad to have you sitting there and God bless you. That boy's been a Christian for many years. And I'm...

249My friend here, Jim Poole, how many's ever heard me mention Jim Poole, a boyhood friend, his son and wife.

250And Donny, I can't think of his last name. Gard--Gard, Donny Gard and his lovely little wife here. They were up home yesterday to visit me. So glad to have them in this morning.

251And I believe this is a strange brother sitting right here by Brother Way. And, oh, so, right here, maybe I'm wrong, and I sometimes I forget faces. And I'm glad to have all of you in here this morning.

252 And now, before we leave, after the cutting... And, you know, the Bible said the Word of God... like that decision, making a stone, but you have to have a stone cutter to cut that out, to make its shape. See? And Hebrews the 4th chapter said, "The Word of God is sharper and more powerful than a two-edged sword." It cuts, circumcises, cuts off the surplus. "Even a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart," the Word of God. And It cuts.

253Now, just for worship, let's just sing my favorite little old song, one of my favorites, "I love Him, I love Him." How many really loves Him? I don't care whether you're a Christian or not, you say "I love Him because He first loved me." Let's sing it together now, all together.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

254 Don't you love that? Let's sing it again. While you do, shake hands with somebody around you. Don't get up, just say, "God bless you, brother," somebody around you, so you, everybody feel real welcome. That's our welcome here at the tabernacle, from me, each one of you. All right.

I love Him, I love Him

God bless you, brother.

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

255Let's bow our heads when we hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begins humming I Love Him.--Ed.] Now slip your hand up to Him, right easy. [Continues humming I Love Him] Now, isn't He wonderful? Yes.

256[A brother speaks in another tongue. Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] Just real reverent just a moment.

Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. They shall speak with new tongues. If they should take up a serpent or drink a deadly thing, it should not harm them, for an accident or a blow up shall not harm them. They lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

You just wait a minute, see if some interpretation comes for this. If the strangers are in our gates, we're waiting to see what the Lord will say to us through this message.

[A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.] The interpretation. Amen. That's the interpretation of what this man said. To the persons here that might not know what it is, It's the Spirit. It happens often in the tabernacle, giving a message to the people.

Let us pray.

257 Heavenly Father, we thank You for this, not knowing that someone somewhere, that You spoke to a heart somewhere and It called back again, even in the closing message, It said, called them Your "children," because You had called to them, and maybe they had just fixing to walk away without receiving You. This, the message comes again. So we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will grant a great portion of Your Spirit upon whoever the person may be. You never called their name, You just spoke. And so, Father, maybe that's the way You want it. And we just pray, Father, that Your will be granted to this person or these persons, whoever they may be, that it may be coming down to a final call. I pray, Father, that it's not, but, this morning if they will receive It and believe with all their heart, after they have heard the Message as You have spoken and said, and then may they receive It with cup up, to receive the Spirit. May they rise and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of their sins, and be sweetly filled with the Holy Spirit, and led into a life of service and happiness. I commit it to You now, Father, and the congregation, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Yes.

258 Those messages sometimes speak, someone, we don't know who they are. Sometimes they tell who they are, but just someone in here that maybe just started to move away without It. And when you do, remember, that's the Holy Spirit speaking to a language that it just takes some inspiration; the same that spoke it, the same to interpret it. Now, remember what I just got through reading, "These signs shall follow them that believe." See, that's the midst of believers. We don't believe that all people have to do that. We believe that it falls in the church amongst people. Sometime people come here, never heard of such a thing before, and the Holy Spirit fall upon them and give a message, and heal people that's sitting there dying with cancer, and all kinds of diseases and things, go right back again. It's the Holy Spirit among His people.

259Do you love Him? Amen. I love Him, too. We're hoping to see you tonight. And now Brother Neville, I'll turn the service to Brother Neville, our pastor. All right.

1 Ďakujem ti, brat Orman. Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy, ku slovu modlitby. A zatiaľ, čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, som zvedavý, či sú tu takí, ktorí by mali zvláštnu potrebu, a chceli by ju dať na známosť, zodvihnutím svojej ruky. Pán vidí tieto veci, som si istý. Dôverujem, že On to udelí …

2Náš nebeský Otče, zhromaždili sme sa dnes ráno, pre žiaden iný účel, ako zvelebovať Meno nášho Pána Ježiša. A my Ti ďakujeme, že sme už pocítili Jeho prítomnosť. A sme si istí, že On sa s nami stretne, pretože to je Jeho zasľúbenie, že „Kdekoľvek dvaja alebo viacerí sú spolu zhromaždení v Mojom Mene, Ja budem v ich strede.“ Tak, chceli by sme poprosiť, Pane, aby Tvoje požehnania boli nad týmito dnešnými potrebami, ktoré boli dané na známosť, zodvihnutím rúk. Ty vieš, čo je za tou rukou, v srdci, a ja sa modlím, aby si odpovedal každému jednému.

3Ďakujeme Ti dnes za tú príležitosť uctievať Ťa. Ďakujeme Ti za cirkev a za ľudí a za bratov tej rovnocennej viery. A teraz prosíme, aby si nám dnes udelil túžby našich sŕdc, a to je slúžiť Tebe. Nakŕm nás tou skrytou mannou, o ktorej si povedal v Biblii, že bola daná, ktorá bola odložená jedine pre kňazov. A sme učení, že sme kňazmi Božími, obetujúcimi duchovné obete, a to je ovocie našich rtov, dávajúcich chválu Jeho Menu. Tak, teraz sa modlíme, aby si nás požehnal, v tej ďalšej časti tejto bohoslužby, zlomil nám chlieb Života. V Ježišovom mene, amen.

4Som rád, že môžem dnes ráno znovu vidieť našu veľkú rodinu, a som šťastný, že tu môžem byť s vami. A pre cudzích a tých, ktorí putujú po rozličných častiach krajiny, ktorí sú tu v toto nedeľné ráno, zhromaždení spolu s nami. Nemáme žiadnu denomináciu, a my sa len zhromažďujeme. Ľudia, ktorí veria v Boha, sa zhromažďujú spolu, aby spolu uctievali Pána, a obetovali naše modlitby Bohu, vyznali sa Jemu. A každú nedeľu a každý deň ideme cez očistec. To znamená, že očisťujeme naše duše skrze Jeho Svätého Ducha od našich hriechov. Snažíme sa žiť tak zbožne, ako len vieme, v tomto prítomnom veku a vyhľadávame Jeho objavenie sa každého času. A čakáme na to každý čas.

5Tak, máme dnes veľký program. Máme tu dnes ráno služby našej nedeľnej školy a potom večer máme špeciálny program, dnes večer. Môj dobrý priateľ, brat Jozef Boze, ktorý nie je medzi nami cudzí, ale verím, že to je asi prvýkrát, čo nás navštívil v zbore. Je to... Vždy som mal dve cirkvi z celého sveta, kde som cestoval, ktoré som vždy nazýval, „Modelové cirkvi.“ A jedna z nich je cirkev brata Jozefa Bozeho, filadelfská cirkev, Chicago, Illinois, a tá druhá je u brata Jacka Moore v Shreveporte v Luisiane. Bol som v tých cirkvách toľkokrát, že keď prichádzam domov z misijných ciest, niekto povie, „Nevolajte do Jeffersonville pre brata Branhama, zavolajte len do Chicaga, ak nie je tam, tak potom zavolajte do Shreveportu.“ Bol som tam tak mnoho krát.

6Jozef opustil Chicago. To najprv zlomilo naše srdcia, keď sme pomysleli, že on musel opustiť Chicago, ale po modlitbe sme zistili, že to bol Boh, ktorý mu dával povolanie. A tento môj malý priateľ teraz vyrazil do veľkej práce v Tanganike a Keni a Ugande, a robí veľkú prácu. A my cítime, že mu chceme pomôcť ho podporiť, každým spôsobom, ktorý môžeme v týchto zhromaždeniach. A ja plánujem, ak to bude Božia vôľa, v tomto nadchádzajúcom januári, aby som bol s ním v jeho školách, po Afrike, tam, ako pôjdeme do Južnej Afriky, z jeho škôl. A ja … On vám povie o tom dnes večer viac, v jeho príhovore k cirkvi. Bude hovoriť dnes popoludní, myslím, že okolo ôsmej hodiny, akonáhle sa skončí príprava. A potom, on má nejaký film, ktorý, som si istý, že radi uvidíte. A ten film je o jeho školách v Afrike, a čo Pán pre neho urobil, za tých krátkych pár rokov. Je to pre mňa veľmi povzbudzujúce, ukázať, čo… Vidieť ten film, pretože to ukazuje, čo môže Boh urobiť s jednou osobou, ktorá nájde Jeho vôľu a miesto. Po rokoch čakania, aby to našiel, a potom kráča tou cestou, ktorou ho Boh smeruje... Privádza svoje deti. Tá prvá časť toho je veľmi malá časť.

7A ako mnohí z vás viete, Jozef má trochu zmysel pre humor, a on si asi pomyslel, že budem vidieť jeho film, a tak on išiel raz v noci, a chcel nafilmovať leva. A tam v Afrike je mnoho levov. Tak, Jozef ide von a nakrúca leva. A myslím, že je to veľmi milé, potom, ako tá matka ulovila korisť a oni zjedli to zviera, a ona sťahovala z neho kožu. A to jej malé mláďa ju nasledovalo a snažilo sa tak isto správať, snažilo sa to znovu zabiť. Vidíte? A som si istý, že vy, mladí, že sa vám to bude páčiť, myslím, že je to päť alebo desať minút z toho, v tej prvej časti filmu. Tak príďte skoro.

8No, nebol som požiadaný toto povedať, nechcem toto povedať, Jozef o tom nič nevie. Ale myslím, že dnes večer chceme preukázať, že si brata Jozefa ceníme, a vyzbierame obeť pre jeho misijnú prácu za morom. Veríme, že Pán Ježiš prichádza. A ak ste dali na malú misiu a obeť, alebo niečo pre misionárov, alebo niečo, čo by ste radi dali ako svoj príspevok tomu, vypíšte svoj šek na Jozefa B-o-z-e, na dnes večer. B-o-z-e. Je to pravda, že? Jozef Boze. A to je … Poznám brata Jozefa ako svojho dôverného osobného priateľa a viem, že to pôjde pre kráľovstvo Božie, podľa jeho najlepšej známosti.

9A tak predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej, chcel by som ho predstaviť, a aby tu len povedal krátke slovo. Snažil som sa ho doviesť do toho, aby prevzal rannú službu, ale on nechcel, tak bude hovoriť k nám večer, o ôsmej hodine, tak dlho, ako bude chcieť. A projektor bude tu nastavený, aby ste mohli vidieť ten film. Ale práve teraz, rád by som bol, aby niečo povedal cirkvi, a predstavil sa cirkvi, môj dobrý priateľ a brat Jozef Boze, brat Boze [Brat Boze hovorí osem minút - pozn. prekl.] Ďakujem ti, brat Boze, to je veľmi pekné. Toto je Švédsko a Írsko spolu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, Jozef. Ďakujem ti za tvoje komplimenty, brat Jozef. Je to… Ja môžem povedať to isté o ňom. Som tak vďačný Pánovi za jeho veľkú prácu, ktorá ide ďalej v Afrike, a on vám o nej povie viac dnes večer.

10A teraz myslím, že Billy sa tu vkradol a povedal mi, alebo bratovi Nevillovi, alebo niekomu, že tá akustika vzadu nie je príliš dobrá. Alebo mohli by … Môžete tam vzadu počuť dobre? Nie, nepočujú veľmi dobre. Môžte prispôsobiť tie prístroje?

11A verím, zatiaľ čo čakáme, kým to urobia, myslím, že moja neter Donna, má svoje malé, ona a Teddy, majú maličké, ktoré chcú odovzdať Pánovi. A tak Donna, ak by si priniesla teraz tvoje maličké, no … A pozrime, kde je tá sestra za klavírom, tá pianistka. Je tu?

12[Brat Edgar Branham hovorí, „Použi jeden z tých mikrofónov na stranách, drahý“ - pozn. prekl.] Tento tu? [„To je dobre.“] V poriadku, pane. [„Obidva majú dosah.“] To bude v poriadku, dobre. Mal som … Stál som na zlom mieste. Myslím, že to som bol ja, ktorý som stál na zlom mieste.

13No, máme takú malú pieseň, ktorú obyčajne spievame v tomto čase, pre týchto maličkých, a to je, „Prineste ich, prineste maličkých k Ježišovi.“ No v tom…

14Mnohé cirkvi týchto maličkých fŕkajú, a to je v poriadku, ak to chcú robiť, to je celkom v poriadku, čo sa mňa týka, a iní majú spôsoby, ktoré možno nazývajú krstom, a ak to chcú nazývať krstom, to je v poriadku, čo sa mňa týka.

15Ale Písmo je to, čo sa snažíme nasledovať, presne tak, ako to Biblia hovorí. Len držať to rovno v Písme. Nie je žiadne miesto v Biblii, v Novej Zmluve, okrem toho, že privádzali malé deti k Ježišovi a On ich žehnal, a povedal, „Nechajte malé deti prísť ku mne, pretože takých je kráľovstvo nebeské.“

Tak, to je spôsob, ako to robiť. Pastor a ja tu stojíme, berieme tých maličkých, a obetujeme modlitbu zasvätenia Pánovi. A potom, keď oni sú …

16Cítime, že nemluvňa nemá žiaden hriech. Nemá viac hriechu, ako keď sa narodilo. My sme všetci narodení v hriechu, utkaní v neprávosti, a prišli sme na svet hovoriaci klamstvo. A teraz, keď Ježiš zomrel na Golgote, On vzal preč hriechy sveta. Potom, dieťa sa mohlo narodiť, alebo mohlo zomrieť, predtým, ako sa narodilo, alebo sa narodilo predtým, ako prišlo do veku zodpovednosti, ono nemá žiadne hriechy. Ježiš vzal preč hriechy sveta. Ale potom, ako sa stáva dostatočne staré, a pácha hriech, potom musí vyznať svoje hriechy a byť pokrstené na odstránenie svojich hriechov. Rozumiete? Ale teraz, samozrejme, ono je príliš mladé.

17Tak spievajme teraz tú starú dobrú hymnu, spievajme to spolu. Neviem, či môžem…

Prineste ich, prineste ich,

prineste ich z polí hriechu,

prineste ich, prineste ich,

prineste maličkých k Ježišovi.

18 Ako sa volá? Teddy, Junior. V poriadku, pane. Sme šťastní, že môžeme vidieť túto mladú dvojicu tu dnes ráno, s týmto malým, pekným, mladým Teddym, a modliť sa k Bohu, aby ho bohate požehnal a dal mu večný život v tom svete, ktorý má prísť, a dlhý život tu. Môžem ho na chvíľu podržať? Toto je mladý Teddy Arnold. Všetci tu poznáme Teddyho, on je brat tu v cirkvi, ženatý s dcérou môjho brata, s Donnou. A oni tu majú svojho maličkého, sú tu noví. Myslím, že toto je váš druhýkrát, a to ďalšie je malé dievča. Je to tak ? Toto je taký žiarivý chlapec. Vždy sa bojím, že ich zlomím, keď prichádzajú… Takí sú zlatí. Ja sa len bojím, že ich zlomím.

19No, viete si predstaviť, ako matka prináša svoje maličké ako toto ku Pánovi Ježišovi? Ak by tu On bol dnes ráno v Osobe, ako my tu stojíme, táto matka by rýchlo bežala k Nemu, a chcela by, aby položil svoje ruky na toto dieťa a požehnal ho. Ockove srdce by poskočilo od radosti. Vieme, že Boh im ho dal k ich zjednoteniu, a oni ho chcú dať späť Bohu, ako znak toho, že si cenia, že On im ich dal. Skloňme naše hlavy.

20Náš Nebeský Otče, snažíme sa nasledovať Tvoj príklad. Keď k Tebe matky a otcovia prinášali svoje malé deti a Ty si na nich kládol ruky a žehnal ich. A teraz, Nebeský Otče, táto mladá dvojica bola vo svojom dome požehnaná tým, že obdržala tohoto malého chlapca, malého Teddyho Arnolda, juniora. Tak sa modlíme, Nebeský Otče, aby Tvoje požehnania spočinuli na tom dieťati. Kladieme svoje ruky na neho, ako pamiatku Teba a Tvojho zasľúbenia a nám, že máme klásť svoje ruky na ľudí na pamiatku Tvojho veľkého Slova. Požehnaj malého Teddyho. Bože, modlíme sa, aby si mu dal dlhý život, dobré zdravie, nech môže žiť, aby videl príchod Pánov, ak to bude možné. A modlíme sa za tohoto otca a matku, nech sú požehnaní vo vychovávaní tohoto dieťaťa. A ak je nejaký zajtrajšok, učiň ho kazateľom, Pane, Evanjelia, a daj mu veci, ktoré si zasľúbil ľudskej rase, aby mohol mať život a hojný život. Dávame ho teraz Tebe, malého Teddyho Arnolda, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

21 Nech ťa Boh žehná, Donna a Teddy, majte dlhý život a mnoho požehnaní, a tebe, maličký Tedy, pretože On ťa miluje.

22Ó, myslím, že sú takí rozkošní, títo maličkí. Mám rád všetkých ľudí, ale mám na mysli deti, a potom starých ľudí, keď zostarnú. Niektorý starý muž alebo žena, ktorí prešli už dlhú cestu a sú takí chatrní a myslím, že sú v takom poľutovaniahodnom stave, a myslím, viete, že by sme nikdy nemali… Keď ich vidíme prechádzať ulicou, máme zastaviť. Čo ak by to bol tvoj ocko alebo tvoja matka. Rozumiete? Oni sú niekoho, tak ich rešpektujte. A oni rozprávajú možno pomaly a dlho, a možno veci, ktoré nechcete počuť, ale pamätajte, aj vy raz môžete zostarnúť, tak ich vždy rešpektujte.

23A tí maličkí. Kto by mohol zle zaobchádzať s takýmito. Mimochodom, to by ste nikdy nemali robiť. Viete, Ježiš povedal, „Hľaďte, aby ste nepohŕdli jedným z týchto maličkých, pretože anjeli vždy hľadia na tvár Môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach.“ Pamätajte, oni majú anjela. Keď sa narodíte, on zostáva s vami po celý váš život. A teraz, po tom, ako ste spasení, máte potom Ducha Svätého a On vás vedie a sprevádza.

24A teraz sa dívam rovno do obecenstva, aby som sa pozrel, ktorých poznám. Ak sa nemýlim, vidím jednu sestru z Chicaga, rovno tu, a to robí, že sa cítite ako doma, keď reprezentujete Chicago, sestra Peckinpaugh a všetci tí ďalší. Sme šťastní, že tu dnes ráno môžeme vidieť brata a sestru Coxových a Charlieho, Nelly, ako ich poznáme. A Rodney je tiež niekde tu, nazdávam sa, sestra Coxová. A brat Willard Crase, jeden z našich bratov kazateľov tu. A tak mnoho ďalších, že by som ich sotva mohol všetkých pomenovať.

25Som rád, že tam vzadu vidím brata Evansa a sestru Evansovú. To je ten muž, o ktorom som vám trochu hovoril, ohľadne toho štrkáča, a Pán… Zodvihol by si, brat Evans, svoju ruku, alebo niečo, aby tak tam mohli vidieť, že... Chytali sme ryby a zemný štrkáč ho uhryzol rovno do nohy. A ja som na neho položil ruky a modlil sa za neho, a ani to neopuchlo, a ani nemal viac už s tým… Potom. A Biblia hovorí, viete, „Budú vyháňať diablov, budú šliapať po hadoch a škorpiónoch a hadov a nič im neublíži, a ich … V Mojom Mene tým, ktorí mi veria“, čo všetky tie moci, a čo môžu urobiť, a tak ďalej, to nám bolo dané. Potom, ak sa len nebojíte…

26Čo ak by vám niekto dal šek a mali by ste tam na spodnej strane podpísané meno, a ak by ste po celý svoj život nosili ten šek vo svojom vrecku, to by vám neurobilo nič dobré. Musíte to speňažiť. Tak každé zasľúbenie v Biblii má na svojej spodnej strane podpísané meno Ježiša. Banka Neba je zodpovedná, ten depozit bol daný na Golgote. Keď naše hriechy boli odpustené, a my sme učinení synmi a dcérami Božími. A preto, nebojte sa speňažiť každý dar, ktorý Boh zasľúbil. Len pamätajte, On to zasľúbil a je to tvoje.

27 Videl som Ho zastaviť plamene ohňa, zastaviť krv, utíšiť násilie diabla a vyhnať nepriateľov a uzdraviť rakovinu, vzkriesiť mŕtvych. Keď tam stál lekár, a ten človek bol mŕtvy hodiny a hodiny, a bol znovu vzkriesený do života. Uvidel som to sám, vo svojej malej slabej službe, čas od času, zakaždým. Tak, videl som divé zvieratá skrotené, až sa nemohli ani pohnúť, a všetky také veci. Tak, On je len… On je stále Bohom. On… Ak bol kedy Bohom, On je stále Bohom. A ak On, ak On nikdy... Ak On nie je Bohom, potom nikdy nebol Bohom, pretože On by musel byť… Musel byť Bohom, musel by byť nekonečný. Poznal by všetky veci, musel by byť všemohúci, všemocný, všadeprítomný, byť všade. A, ó, On je Bohom. Dokonalosť dokonalosti je Boh.

28No, ja nemám v úmysle … Niekedy, keď vyučujem tieto lekcie nedeľnej školy, sú potom asi štyri hodiny, tak nejako. Pred pár týždňami tu, som kázal šesť hodín. No, dúfam, že vás nestraším, viete, ale… Ale dnes ráno to tak nemám v úmysle, iba päť a pol hodiny. Nie, iba …

29Možno s vami teraz na nejaký čas nebudem, ideme do Virgínie, alebo hore do Karolíny, a severnej alebo južnej Karolíny, a potom na západné pobrežie, hore na západné pobrežie, a potom do Kanady a na Aljašku, a potom späť. A možno, ak bude Pán chcieť, pôjdem do Afriky a navštívim Jozefa, a pôjdem opäť až dolu, do Južnej Afriky.

30A prednedávnom sme mali v Južnej Afrike veľké zhromaždenie, keď sa to celkom zmenilo pre Afriku, behom pár hodín, keď Boh vo svojom zázračnom spôsobe, kedy na prvých stránkach novín uverejnili články, celé prvé a druhé a tretie strany boli samé články ohľadne zhromaždení. Na začiatku ich oni len uzemnili, nedali nejakému človeku ani benzín, pretože on išiel na to zhromaždenie. Oni mu ho ani nepredali a povedali, „Taký fanatik ako toto…“ A na druhý deň mu boli ochotní dať benzín zadarmo. Vidíte? Tak, teraz ten rozdiel, vidíte? Ja som… Niečo sa deje. Ten človek tam hladkal nejaké šteňa, viete, a povedali mu, povedali, „Kam ideš?“ On povedal, „Idem dolu do Johannesburgu.“

Povedal, „Ó, si obchodník?“

31 Povedal, „Nie, idem dolu navštíviť zhromaždenia brata Branhama.“

32Povedal, “Čo?“ Povedal, „Vyzeráš na rozumnejšieho človeka, ako to.“

33On povedal, „No,“ povedal, „Som kresťan a idem sa dolu pozrieť.“

On povedal, „Choď si zohnať benzín niekde inde.“

34A tak na druhý deň, keď sa vracal, to bola len zastávka medzi tým miestom a Transvaalom, tak on musel ísť hore cez to, a zastavil sa na tej ďalšej pumpe, pod tým. A ten chlapík vybehol a chytil ho a povedal, „Poď sem hore, poď sem hore.“ Noviny majú na všetkých prvých stránkach a druhých a tak ďalej, je toho plno, čo náš Pán urobil. A tak, my sme za to vďační.

35Tak, a teraz pre také malé zhromaždenie, všetci z vás, ktorí ste tu, a máte tu svojich priateľov, máme byť teraz v Cow Palace. To je veľká výstava západného dobytka na západnom pobreží v Južnej Bráne. Niektorí z vás, ktorí sú ako ja, ktorí máte radi zbrane, ja tam budem, kvôli továrni Weatherby, a poďte so mnou, ak chcete, ak tam niekde budete. A tak oni pôjdu na mnohé miesta počas dňa a môžete ísť na Catalina Island, viete, ako to tam je. A vy, muži, ženy s malými deťmi, Disneyland. A tak, on je členom jednej z týchto skupín, tak príďte. Viem, že budete mať dobrý čas. A ponad to všetko modlite sa, aby Boh otvoril oči neveriacich a učinil obrátených ku Kristovi.

36Tak ideme teraz čítať trochu zo Slova, z Biblie, pretože rád to robím. A potom tu mám zapísané niektoré miesta Písma a nejakú poznámku, ohľadne čoho by som chcel dnes ráno na krátko vyučovať. Pamätajte na zhromaždenie dnes večer... A potom by som vám rád povedal, čo všetko sa tento týždeň stalo, v súkromných rozhovoroch, a tak ďalej, ale nemám čas. A viem, že niektorí z nich tu dnes ráno sedia, ktorí stále čakajú na tie rozhovory, ktorí nie sú z tohto mesta. Budeme sa snažiť k nim dostať tento týždeň, tak rýchlo, ako… Budeme sa snažiť prebrať všetko, čo čaká, predtým, ako odídeme.

37Tak chceme si teraz otvoriť Evanjeliá, v Markovi 16, 16. kapitola svätého Marka, a moja téma dnes je, „Evanjelizácia času konca.“Tak, začnime čítať v Markovi 16, asi od 14. verša.

Naposledy sa ukázal tým jedonástim, keď sedeli za stolom, a karhal ich neveru a tvrdosť ich srdca, že neuverili tým, ktorí ho videli vstalého z mŕtvych.

A povedal im: Iďte po celom svete a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu!

Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude spasený; a kto neuverí, bude odsúdený.

A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia: v mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov, budú hovoriť novými jazyky,

hadov budú brať, a keby vypili niečo smrťonosné, neuškodí im; na chorých budú vzkladať ruky, a budú sa mať dobre.

A tak Pán Ježiš, keď dohovoril s nimi, vzatý bol hore do neba, a sadol si po pravici Božej.

A oni vyšli a kázali všade a Pán spoluúčinkoval a potvrdzoval slovo tým, že ho sprevádzaly divy. Ameň.

38Je tak mnoho, čo by mohlo byť o tomto povedané. Toto je to posledné poverenie, ktoré dal Pán cirkvi.

39Náhodou som sa tu pozrel. Snažím sa spomenúť si… Brat West, snažil som sa pred chvíľou spomenúť si na tvoje meno, ako sme sa vrátili z Georgie, a nevedel som si spomenúť, ako sa voláš. To bolo práve pred chvíľou. A ten ďalší brat, ktorý tam sedí, neviem si spomenúť na jeho meno. A tak mnohí z vás rozumiete, že ja sa nesnažím podceniť niekoho meno, ale oni len… Nedokážem mať ich mená vo svojej mysli, také zafixované.

40Tak teraz rozmýšľame o evanjelizácii v čase konca. A ktokoľvek, kto číta noviny a mohol by čítať … Nebesia sú čierne a zatemňujúce sa a vystupujú oblaky a vtedy viete, že sa chystá dážď, a cítite to vo vzduchu, a vidíte také veľké pruhy, tam v ďalekej diaľke, a blesky a ten tlak vetra, a viete, že bude búrka, bude veľmi skoro pršať. Ktokoľvek, kto môže čítať noviny, a dokáže vidieť stav národa, národov, si uvedomuje, že niečo sa ide stať. Keď vidíte niekoho, aký je nevraživý, a ten druhý, a tí ostatní sa hádajú, so všetkými možnými druhmi zbraní, a tak ďalej, aby s tým bojovali, a niet žiadneho súhlasu, a berú si topánky a búchajú nimi o stoly, a všetko možné na svojich konferenciách, vtedy viete, že niečo sa ide stať. A to prináša na ľudí taký druh pocitu, že niečo sa s istotou ide stať. Svet, ako by sme to nazvali, kozmos, ten vonkajší svet cíti, že prichádza zničenie. Hovoria o atómovom veku, že sa chystá vypuknúť.

41Kresťan vie, že to je príchod Pánov. Je určitá atmosféra. Závisí to na tom, na čo sa dívate, pretože náš Pán nám jasne povedal, čo sa stane v tom čase, a my nevieme minútu alebo hodinu, ale vieme, že sa k niečomu teraz približujeme.

42Ako som hovoril pred nedávnom, pozoroval som raz jedného baránka, v Afrike, v ohrade, a on sa veľmi pokojne pásol, a zrazu znervóznel. A divil som sa, čo sa s tým malým stvorením stalo. A vy viete, že ovca si nedokáže nájsť svoju cestu späť, odkiaľkoľvek prichádza, je úplne stratená. To je ten dôvod, prečo nás Pán pripodobňuje k ovciam. Rozumiete? Keď sme stratení, je len jedna jediná vec, ktorá nás môže priviesť naspäť, a to je Pastier. A tento maličký bečal a bol zblúdený od ohrady. A všimol som si tam nižšie v tráve, ten maličký to nedokázal vidieť, a baránok alebo ovca necíti svojho nepriateľa, ako ostatné zvieratá, ako jeleň alebo niečo také, ale dokáže vycítiť, že smrť je na blízku. A tam bol lev, ktorý sa tam približoval, potichu prichádzal. Cítil tú ovcu, tak on tam prichádzal, aby ju dolapil. A to maličké sa stalo také nervózne, a vy ste nedokázali vidieť dôvod prečo, ale to bola smrť, ktorá číhala tak blízko, až ono bolo nervózne.

43A svet je práve teraz, v takom neurotickom stave, až oni pôjdu dolu ulicou, deväťdesiat míľ za hodinu, aby si sadli do pivného baru a pili, dve hodiny predtým, ako sa dostanú domov. A to je taký nápor…

44Prehovor k niekomu, ó, oni vybuchnú. Ako som hovoril minulý večer v modlitebni, a o tom, ako som išiel do nemocnice tu, a snažil som sa dostať k jednému prípadu, ktorý zavolal brat Neville. A zakaždým, ako som hovoril k nejakej sestričke alebo k lekárovi, oni na mňa vyskočili, „Nič o tom neviem!“

45No, pomyslel som si, „Čo sa deje, každý len vypúšťa tlak, nazdávam sa.“ Tak… Ale lekár, psychiatri sa liečia psychiatrami. Ale existuje východisko, a to je Kristus.

46No, kresťan by nemal byť v takom stave. Mali by sme byť šťastní, očakávajúci na príchod, pretože je na blízku. Môžeme cítiť ten chladný vánok Golgoty. Keď sa pozrieme dolu, a vidíme Boha neba, ktorý dal zasľúbenie, a práve tie veci, ktoré Ježiš činil vo svojom živote, boli zasľúbené, že sa navrátia v posledných dňoch, a my to tu vidíme. Čo je to? To je dych toho občerstvenia, ako keď prichádza dážď. Vidíte? Vieme, že vykúpenie je na blízku. Niečo sa ide stať. No, svet to nevidí. Oni sa tomu smejú. Pretože to je tak, ako to bolo v tých iných dňoch. Ale my vieme, že to sa približuje.

47A to je ten dôvod, prečo som dnes vybral tému ako poslednú na nejaký čas tu v modlitebni, ohľadne evanjelizácie času konca. A keď konáme misijnú prácu, alebo zahraničnú misiu so Slovom Božím, vieme, že sme vždy vo vôli Božej, lebo Ježišovo prvé poverenie Jeho cirkvi bolo, „Choďte a kážte Evanjelium.“ Toto posledné poverenie bolo kázať Evanjelium.

48Po prvýkrát, kedy On, kedy ordinoval nejaké osoby kázať Slovo a ísť cez celú krajinu, On povedal, „Uzdravujte nemocných, krieste mŕtvych, vyháňajte diablov, zdarma ste dostali, zdarma dajte.“ Svätý Matúš, desiata kapitola, posiela tých sedemdesiatich po dvoch. To bolo to prvé poverenie, ktoré On dal svojej cirkvi.

49No, to posledné poverenie, ktoré dal Svojej Cirkvi, rovno predtým, ako bol prijatý do Slávy, povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta.“ On práve vstal z mŕtvych, a mnohí z nich tam stáli, a On karhal tvrdosť ich srdca kvôli ich nevere, že neuverili tým, ktorí Ho videli, potom, ako vstal z mŕtvych. Vidíte? Oni mali svedectvo, že videli Pána. Tí ostatní to neverili, a On ich karhal kvôli tvrdosti ich srdca. Oni neverili týmto ľuďom, ktorí Ho videli, že nie je mŕtvy. „On žije.“

50Tá istá vec je dnes, keď Ho vidíte pri práci. No, my sme už uvideli a svedčíme o zjavení sa Pána. Pamätajte, zjavenie sa a príchod sú dve odlišné slová. Zjaviť sa, a potom prísť. Teraz je to zjavenie sa. On sa už zjavil v týchto posledných dňoch, rovno tu s nami, v týchto posledných pár rokoch. No, to je znamenie Jeho príchodu. On sa zjavuje vo svojej cirkvi vo forme Ducha Svätého, ukazuje, že to je On, pretože ľudia nemôžu činiť tie veci, ktoré vidia konať Ducha Svätého, tak to je zjavenie sa Pána. No, pamätajte, to hovorí o oboch miestach, “Zjavenie sa“ a „Príchod.“

51No, On ich karhal kvôli tvrdosti ich srdca, pretože neuverili tým, ktorí Ho videli. Verím, že to isté je dnes. Potom, čo sme… Oni uvideli… Oni neverili svedectvu tých ľudí, a On ich za to karhal. A potom ich poveril ísť do celého sveta, kázať Evanjelium každému stvoreniu, a že On bude s nimi až do zničenia, do konca sveta. „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

52No dnes, my sa snažíme vziať toto napísané Slovo, ktoré máme vo forme Písma, vo forme vyznaní, a tak ďalej, celému svetu. A misionári vyšli do všetkých miest. Ale čo tam nachádzame, keď sa tam dostaneme? Nejaký domorodec, ktorý nedokáže prečítať svoje meno, drží vo svojej ruke traktát. On o tom nevie nič viac, ako nevie o tom, ktorá je jeho pravá, a ktorá ľavá ruka. Ale keď Ježiš povedal, „Choďte a kážte Evanjelium.“ On nikdy nepovedal, „Vyučujte Slovo.“ On povedal, “Kážte Evanjelium.“ A Evanjelium neprišlo iba v Slove, ale skrze manifestáciu Slova. Pretože to je jediný spôsob, ako sa to môže stať, to je cez vyplnenie sa Jeho zasľúbenia.

53Ako jeden si môže prečítať... Tak, ako v prípade Williama Jenningsa Bryanta, keď debatoval s Darellom ohľadom etiky Darwina. On mohol iba povedať, čo Darwin povedal, a William Jennings Bryant mohol povedať, čo Biblia povedala. To bola tá debata. Ale v tomto prípade, Boh prichádza medzi svoj ľud a dokazuje, že Jeho Slovo je zamanifestované. A jediný spôsob, ako to môžete urobiť, nie skrze leták, ale skrze Ducha Svätého, ktorý cez vás pracuje. Váš život sa stáva Jeho životom. On je vo vás.

54Pohania, keď uctievajú modlu, oni sa pred tou modlou skláňajú, a veria, že tá modla k nim prehovorila, že ten boh, že ten ich boh sa obrátil a vstúpil do tejto modly a hovoril späť ku nim. No, to je práve v protiklade, obráťte to, čím Boh je. Boh nekoná s modlami. Vy ste Jeho nástrojom. Vy sa skláňate pred Bohom a On prichádza do vás a hovorí k ľuďom. To je ten rozdiel. On je živý Boh, pre živú osobu. Nie mŕtvy boh, ku mŕtvej modle. On je živý Boh, ku živej bytosti. A vy sa stávate Jeho svedkami, toho, čo On tu povedal.

55To je teraz, všimnite si. Mnoho ľudí hovorí, že to bolo len pre apoštolov, čo On tu povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte toto Evanjelium každému stvoreniu, a“ (spojka) „tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

56No, dnes my hovoríme, že dobrý člen cirkvi si potrasie ruky s pastorom, prepíše si svoje meno od Metodistov k Baptistom alebo od Baptistov k Metodistom, a tak ďalej, a žije celkom dobrý život. No, my misionári, my vidíme tých pohanov, že žijú život, s ktorým by sa títo Američania, takzvaní kresťania, nemohli nijako porovnávať. Tak, ak je všetko, čo sa počíta, len tvoj dobrý život, potom oni sú spasení tak isto, ako tí ostatní z nich skrze modlu. Ich morálka by nás zatienila, až by sme nemali šancu stáť v ich prítomnosti. To je pravda, pri ich skutkoch. Ale to nie je to.

57Ježiš povedal, „Musíte sa znovu narodiť.“ Aby ste sa znovu narodili, to je nechať sa zomrieť a nechať Ducha Kristovho, aby prišiel do teba. Potom už nie si viacej svoj, to je Kristus v tebe. (Vidíte?) Duch Svätý. Pavol povedal, “Denne zomieram, hoci žijem, nie ja, ale Kristus, ktorý žije vo mne.“ Vidíte, Kristus.

58Ak by som vám povedal, že duch Johna Dillingera je vo mne, mal by som tu pušky a bol by som kriminálnik, pretože to by bol jeho duch vo mne. Ak by som vám povedal, že mám ducha umelca, vy by ste očakávali odo mňa, že budem maľovať obrazy umelca.

59Ak vám poviem, že som kresťan, a Duch Kristov je vo mne, alebo vo vás, potom my konáme skutky Krista. Ježiš povedal v svätom Jánovi, „Ten, kto verí vo mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť.“ A potom tu povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

60No, počas veku, tam bol čas, kedy tieto znamenia nenasledovali veriacich. To je pravda. Prorok to vypovedal, a on to vypovedal nad Zachariášom. Povedal, „Príde čas, ktorý nebude nazvaný dňom ani nocou, ale v čase večera bude svetlo.“

61No, slnko vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. To sa nemení, to je to isté slnko. No, keď prišiel Duch Svätý, Ježiš, Syn Boží, On prišiel na východe k východným ľuďom. Bol deň... A to putovalo, ako civilizácia putovala za slnkom, prichádzalo to od východu na západ, a teraz sme na západnom pobreží … Ak pôjdeme ešte ďalej, tak sme späť na východe. Tak… Ó, všetko naznačuje Jeho príchod. Sme v čase konca. Všetko ukazuje, že to je všetko skončené.

62Tak, prorok tu povedal a žiadne proroctvo nemôže byť… By nemalo byť súkromne vykladané, ako povedal Ježiš. Je to presne to, čo ono hovorí. „Bude večer svetlo.“ Potom ten istý Syn, ktorý prišiel na tých východných ľudí, a ukázal Jeho skutky a Jeho požehnania. Bolo to prorokované, že bude zatienený deň, nebude to ani deň, ani noc, bude to zachmúrený deň, bude to zahmlené. A vy nedokážete vidieť slnko, ale pritom slnko dáva dostatok svetla. Niečo, ako to je práve teraz. Možno trochu temnejšie, a my sme mali dosť toho pripájania sa k cirkvi a zapisovania si mien do kníh a tak ďalej. Ale v čase večera, tá istá veľká moc Kristova príde na Jeho cirkev, presne tak, ako to bolo tam na východe. Na západe to bude to isté. Tak, preto chcem hovoriť o evanjelizácii večerného času.

63Každý vek mal svoje posolstvo a svojich poslov. Počas všetkých časov, každý vek niesol svoje posolstvo s poslom. Boh v každom časovom rozdelení vyslal niekoho pomazaného Duchom Svätým, aby priniesol Jeho posolstvo, pre ten vek zakaždým.

64No, mohli by sme znovu začať, aby sme to trochu podopreli. Dokonca od začiatku, Boh mal posla, na začiatku, aby povedal Adamovi a Eve, „Budete jesť toto, ale nebudete jesť toto.“ To bolo to posolstvo. A keď človek prekročil posolstvo tej hodiny, to prinieslo smrť a chaos celej ľudskej rase. No, to je to, koľko to posolstvo znamená. A pamätajte, že to nebolo kompletným, priamym zaprením toho, čo Boh povedal, čomu Eva uverila, to bolo vzatie toho, čo Boh povedal, a bolo to trochu vybielené, alebo bolo to trochu prekrútené, len pridanie trošku k tomu, alebo trošku z toho bolo vzaté.

65To je ten dôvod, prečo verím, že Slovo je Pravda. Ak naše vyznania a naše denominácie neprichádzajú kompletne so Slovom, potom je to zlé. A, ak by Boh nedovolil, a Jeho Slovo je tak dôležité, zle citovať jedno slovo z toho, čo zapríčinilo všetku, každú smrť, ktorá sa kedy stala, každé utrpenie, každé plačúce dieťa, každý pohrebný sprievod, každý hrob na kopci, každú sanitku, ktorá húkala, každú krv, ktorá bola preliata, všetok starý vek a hladovanie a problémy, ktoré sme mali, len preto, že Božie Slovo bolo zle odhadnuté, a to zapríčinilo všetko toto, či On prepáči v čase konca, ak to znovu zle odhadneme.

66Tak, vidíte, kresťanstvo je dôležitá vec. Ak to stálo celých šesťtisíc rokov problémov kvôli tomu, že jedno Slovo bolo zneužité, tak my sa nenavrátime s jedným ďalším Slovom zneužitým. To musí byť presne so Slovom, bez niekoho výkladu, presne to, čo Slovo hovorí. Tak mnoho ľudí sa zíde, a oni hovoria, že to znamená toto, a oni súhlasia, a iní povedia toto. Ale to hovorí, „Toto je to.“

67Ak ide Boh súdiť svet skrze cirkev, potom cez ktorú cirkev? Ak ide súdiť skrze národ, potom skrze ktorý národ? On ide súdiť svet skrze Slovo, Bibliu. Lebo, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo s Bohom a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ To bol Kristus, ktorý bol Božím Slovom učineným Telom, vypovedaným skrze ľudskú bytosť.

68No, v knihe zjavenia On povedal, „Ak niekto vezme jedno slovo z tohoto tu, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo, to isté mu bude vzaté, jeho časť z Knihy Života.“

69Tak vidíte, to nie je len, „No, ja verím tomuto, ale ja neviem nič o tomto.“ Musíš veriť celému tomu. Možno nemáš dostatok viery, aby si sa s tým postavil, ale nesnaž sa stáť niekomu inému v ceste.

70Často som povedal, že som si prial mať vieru, keď sa môj život zakončí, aby som išiel ako Enoch, nezomrieť, ale len ísť si na popoludňajšiu prechádzku a vrátiť sa domov s Bohom. Rád by som to urobil. Ale ak nemám ten druh viery, nebudem stáť nikomu druhému v ceste, ktorý má taký druh viery. Rozumiete?

71No, sme v čase konca, a tí poslovia cez ten vek, nachádzame, že na počiatku, keď bol vyslaný posol, prekrútiť jeho slovo, alebo zapochybovať jedno slovo bolo totálnym zničením a oddelením od Boha, prekrútiť slovo toho posla. A prvým poslom bol Boh sám. A každý ďalší posol odvtedy, to bol Boh hovoriaci skrze človeka, čo je Božie Slovo, pretože nie je žiaden človek pre Neho, cez ktorého by hovoril, jedine ten, ku ktorému On hovoril. Ale odkedy On učinil človeka, a vykúpil človeka, to bol Boh, hovoriaci cez človeka. On nepoužíva nejaký spôsob, nejaké mechanické zariadenie, ale spôsob človeka, a človeka, ktorý je vydaný a zasvätený Bohu.

72Mohli by sme to ukázať cez prorokov a Samsona a späť až rovno práve do tohoto veku. To bol vždy jednotlivec s Bohom. No, každý vek, ako som povedal, mal svoje posolstvo a svojho posla. No, vezmeme ďalší vek, po tom veku Edenu, aby sme urobili trochu pozadie. No, po veku Edenu prišiel Noeho vek. Tak, keď svet... Boli sme … Raz večer som hovoril dolu v modlitebni v Clarksville na tému znamenia času konca, a potom ďalší večer, vo štvrtok večer o tom, byť identifikovaný s Ježišom. A v toto ráno chcem hovoriť o evanjelistovi času konca, evanjelizácii, prepáčte.

73Tak, rovno pred predpotopným zničením, a časom potopy, no zisťujeme, že oni mali väčšiu civilizáciu, ako máme my dnes. Verím, že dokázali ovládať atómovú moc. Myslím si, že to je to, čo vychýlilo svet zo svojej osi. Stál som na Britských ostrovoch na ľadových poliach, kde kopali päťsto stôp hlboko, a vyniesli palmy, tam, kde zvykli byť palmy, pred mnohými stovkami rokov. A sme učení a vieme, že svet stál rovno, ale oni mali takú mechaniku a takú vedu, až dokázali postaviť pyramídu, sfingu a tak ďalej, ktorú nedokážeme zreprodukovať dnes. Nemáme žiadne stroje, aby zodvihli tie bloky tak vysoko, jedine, že by to bola atómová sila, benzínová sila to nedokáže, a elektrická sila to nedokáže. Ale, to bolo v inom veku, ktorý bol omnoho chytrejší, ako je náš vek.

74A v tom veku, Boh povolal človeka, ktorý sa nazýval Noe. Bol to obyčajný človek, farmár, pretože on bol nájdený ako zbožný vo svojej generácii. A Boh s týmto jedným konal na tému, „Postav Archu.“ Pretože hriech, všímame si, že v tom čase, „dcéry ľudské“, hovorí Biblia, „Videli … synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry.“

75Diskutoval som o tom, kde mnohí z tých pisateľov si mysleli, že tí synovia Boží, to boli padlí anjeli, ktorí sa pretlačili do ducha. Nerozumiem, ako si to niekto môže myslieť. To by ho učinilo stvoriteľom, učinilo by to Satana stvoriteľom. Satan nie je stvoriteľ. Satan je ten, ktorý prevracia stvorenie, všetko. Klamstvo je len zle povedaná pravda. Cudzoložstvo je prevrátením správneho aktu. Vidíte? A to je presne to, čím hriech je. Satan nedokáže tvoriť, on dokáže iba prevrátiť to, čo bolo stvorené.

76Tak, to boli Synovia Boží, čo boli Setoví synovia, z línie Božej, skrze Adama, a dcéry Kaina, Satana, „Keď videli, že oni sú pekné...“

77A všímame si tam, keby sme videli fotografie spred pár rokov, povedzme spred sto rokov, ako krása žien prevýšila tú krásu, ktorá zvykla byť v ženách. Ak si prečítate Genezis 6, nájdete tam nádherný obraz. Oni boli pekné, a ženy dnes sú omnoho krajšie, ako zvykli byť. To je kvôli ich obliekaniu a ich modernému trendu. To je to, čo ich privádza.

78Mám fotku Pearl White, keď ju Scott Jackson zabil a vrazil jej nôž do hrude, jej tajný milenec, a národ bol zatrasený piesňou Pearl White. Ona bola považovaná v tých dňoch za najkrajšiu ženu na svete. No, ona by bola dnes na ulici iba relikviou v porovnaní s týmito ženami.

79Alebo sa vráťte späť do času Kláry Bow, keď ako prvá začala s tým škandálom vyhŕňania si svojich punčoch dolu pod kolená a hovorila, „Vyhrňte si ich, dievčatá, vyhrňte.“ Pamätám si to vo svojich skorých rokoch. A vezmite si obraz Kláry Bow a porovnajte ju s niektorými tými kráskami dneška. Vidíte?

80A to je znamenie času konca. Ježiš povedal, „Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ A oni sa ustavične vyzliekali. Čo to je? Dcéry Kaina. To je to, prečo sme považovaní za bláznov a fanatikov, keď sa snažíme vysvetliť a povedať ohľadne toho Pravdu Evanjelia. Ale oni sa ustavične demoralizujú a idú na ulice, a správajú sa, ako sa správajú, a neuvedomujú si, že sa z toho budú zodpovedať v deň súdu. No, žena, ktorá sa zle oblieka, sexi, a môže … Môžeš byť čistá ako ľalia voči svojmu manželovi, alebo tvojmu drahému, tvojmu priateľovi, ale keď nejaký hriešnik prechádza ulicou, a díva sa na teba a ty sa takto obliekaš, on bude po tebe žiadostiť, pretože ty sa takýmto spôsobom pred ním vystavuješ.

81To nie sú deti, ktoré potrebujú výprask, to je otec a mama, za to, že im to dovolia robiť. To je, … To nie je mládežnícka delikvencia, to je rodičovská delikvencia. A myslím si, že je tam mnoho kazateľskej delikvencie, pretože oni ich s tým len nechajú ísť, a nepovedia o tom nič, pričom je to tu v Slove.

82No, v Biblii … Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie na ženu, aby po nej túžil, už (minulý čas) spáchal s ňou cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.“ A keď ten hriešnik pôjde na súd, aby sa zodpovedal za cudzoložstvo, to vystrelí rovno späť: Kto to s ním spáchal? Ty


Hoci si nikdy neurobila ten skutok, ale Biblia hovorí jednako, že si vinná. Kto bude za to potom vinný? „Ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu, aby žiadostil po nej, spáchal už cudzoložstvo s ňou vo svojom srdci.“ Tá vážnosť toho...

83V Jeffersonville je dnes 99,99 percent žien vinných pred Bohom. S celým národom je to tak. Prečo? Delikvencia za kazateľňou, aby to povedali ľuďom, a delikvencia doma, kde nechávajú tie mladé slečny ísť na ulice a takto sa správať. A oni to nazývajú, že je to v poriadku.

84No, to je presne to, s čím musel Noe zápasiť vo svojom dni. Dcéry ľudské boli pekné a synovia Boží sa na ne dívali. Vidíte? Znovu prichádza tá žiadosť. Ale Noe, ó, mohli by sme na tom zostať hodiny, ale Noe bol mužom spravodlivosti, Božskej bezúhonnosti a kričal proti takýmto veciam. A oni ho nazývali bláznom. Posmievači, Biblia povedala, oni sa mu posmievali a robili si z neho žarty. Ale on povedal, „Prichádza čas, že búrka, voda bude padať z nebies.“ Dovtedy nebol žiaden dážď, a jeho evanjelium nebolo v zhode s ich vedeckými teóriami toho dňa, pretože na oblohe nebol žiaden dážď.

85A dnes vedecká teória tých moderných takzvaných náboženských skupín sa snaží dokázať, že táto požehnaná vec, ktorú máme, nazývaná Duch Svätý, je iba emócia. Vidíte, to nebolo podľa ich vedeckej teórie, ale rád by som sa ich opýtal toto. Čo spôsobuje, že tí ľudia sú zmenení? Čo spôsobuje, že opilec prestane piť? Čo spôsobuje, že prostitútka prestane so svojím zlým životom? Čo spôsobuje, že rakovina a choroba odstúpi od ľudí a hluchota a nemota a slepota a mŕtvi sú vzkriesení? Vysvetlite to. Je to emócia? Istotne to má v sebe emóciu.

86Čokoľvek, čo je nažive, má emóciu, a čokoľvek, čo nemá emóciu, je mŕtve. Prepáčte mi ten výraz, ale myslím si, že by sme mali pochovať niektoré z našich bez-emocionálnych náboženstiev, pretože sú mŕtve. Nemajú v sebe žiadnu emóciu. Akékoľvek náboženstvo, ktoré nemá emóciu, by malo byť pochované. Vidíte? Pretože to je emocionálne.

87Ježiš, keď vstúpil do mesta, tie deti a oni všetci, a všetci Jeho priatelia kričali, „Hosana, tomu, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom.“ A tí nábožní ľudia toho dňa to nedokázali vydržať, bolo to príliš emocionálne. On povedal, „Ak oni budú ticho, potom ihneď skaly budú volať.“ Vidíte? Niečo musí kričať, pretože tam bol život.

Noe mal hrozný čas, ale nakoniec jedného dňa mal skúšku.

88A všetko to, čo ide s Bohom, má skúšky. Tvoja viera je skúšaná. Keď začínaš žiť pre Neho, potom každý sused ide o tebe hovoriť, všetko pôjde pre teba zle. Pamätaj len, to je Boh, ktorý ťa skúša. Biblia hovorí, „Každý syn, ktorý prichádza k Bohu, musí byť najprv skúsený, káznený, trénovaný.“ Ako ma môj ocko trénoval, keď som urobil zle, oni mali, oni mali desať prikázaní zavesených nad dverami, to bol konár asi takýto dlhý, a pán Branham bol vo svojich rukách skutočne chlapom, a on nás vzal a trénoval nás. A to je to, ako to robí Boh. Skúša nás, trénuje nás, vychováva nás, pretože ty si Jeho dieťa. Tam je niečo pre teba v budúcnosti, domov v Sláve. A On ťa trénuje. No každý syn, ktorý prichádza, musí byť trénovaný.

89Noe, keď urobíme teraz typ jeho časového rozdelenia, mal skúšku, pretože Boh mu povedal, aby išiel do korábu, a keď išiel do korábu, dvere sa samé zavreli. A Noe bezpochyby povedal svojej rodine, „Sledujte zajtra, ó, dvere boli dnes večer zatvorené, ale ráno bude z oblohy padať dážď.“ Nikdy predtým sa to nestalo, pamätajte na to.

90A tí posmievači, možno niektorí z nich boli takými polovičnými veriacimi, povedali, „Poďme tam hore a postavme sa tam, viete, možno, že ten starý muž mohol mať pravdu.“ Oni stáli okolo toho korábu, čakali, viete, a mysleli si, „No, dobre, on mohol mať pravdu“, a išli hore. A na ďalšie ráno slnko vyšlo a bolo krásne.

91Viete, a bez pochyby, že Satan sa tam posadil na vrch toho otvoru, toho korábu, pri tom okne, povedal, „Stále si myslíš, že máš pravdu?“ No, to je spôsob, ako to diabol robí všetkým nám, ale pokiaľ to Boh tak povedal, zostaň s tým. Nezáleží na tom, čo sa deje, zostaň rovno s tým.

92Prešiel druhý deň, prešiel tretí deň. Noe sa potil. Ale nakoniec po siedmych dňoch, a to bolo sedemnásteho februára, keď vošiel dnu. A potom po siedmich dňoch, potom v to ráno, keď sa zobudil, hromy zarevali, veľké obrovské kvapky dažďa začali padať všade na okolo. Tí, ktorí vyšli hore a zostali deň alebo dva, zistili, povedali, „No, pôjdeme tam a uvidíme, či sa niečo stane.“ Vtedy bolo príliš neskoro. Oni klopali a kričali. Ulice sa začali napĺňať vodou, začali sa nadvihovať až po vrchy. Ľudia sa vydali na vyvýšené miesta. Snažili sa dostať do tých člnov a tak ďalej. Ale ak ten čln nebol Bohom skonštruovaný, tie veľké mocné trasenia zeme v tom čase to striasli rovno dolu pod vodu.

93Poviete, „Čokoľvek … Pokiaľ mám nejaké náboženstvo, bude to v poriadku.“ Nie, nebude. To musí byť Bohom skonštruované prežitie v náboženstve. Vidíte? Všetko ostatné zahynie. Nehovorím to, aby som sa líšil, hovorím to kvôli láske, a pretože viem, že sa budem za to zodpovedať v ten deň, a budem za to zodpovedný. Tak, ak len poviem, čo On hovorí, potom viem, že to všetko je v poriadku. Ale, ak sa snažím postaviť niekoho vyznanie, alebo teóriu do toho, nemohol by som to urobiť, nemal by som v to žiadnu vieru. Ja len verím, čo On povedal.

94Všimnite si teraz, po chvíli to bolo hlbšie a išlo to najvyššie. Oni klopali na dvere, kričali, volali, vôbec nič im to neprospelo. Možno pár dní predtým, keď tam dali do vnútra tie zvieratá, môžem počuť, ako niektorí posmievači hovoria, „Choďte tam dnu so svojimi smradľavými zvieratami, žite tam so všetkým tým smradom, ak chcete.“

95To je presne, tak isto dnes. Oni vám povedia to isté, „Choďte ďalej, buďte staromódny, ak chcete, my si ideme užívať.“ Len choďte, len ďalej choďte, ale, ó, brat, byť bezpečný v korábe. Tie dvere sa zavreli. To je tá vec.

96Ale Noe vo svojom dni, to bolo pre neho ťažké, v jeho časovom rozdelení. Vidíte? Pretože ľudia nikdy predtým o takom niečom nepočuli, ale to jednako prišlo. Potom v tej scéne zisťujeme, potom, keď bol Noe vyslobodený a tak ďalej, a tá zem znovu začala rásť, a všetko, čo zahynulo, začalo dýchať, a potom znovu zisťujeme, že tam prichádza čas, keď Boh začína vyvádzať svoje deti z Egypta, že Mojžiš vyšiel so zákonom. A to bolo ťažké pre ľudí porozumieť, ale to časové rozdelenie sa menilo na zákon. A potom, ako prišiel zákon, Mojžiš sa snažil … On bol učiteľom. Ľudia si len žili, ako chceli, a tak ten učiteľ, ten zákon bol, Biblia hovorí, priviesť ľudí do rozpoznania, že to bolo zlé, a tak im On dal Desať prikázaní. To bola dosť zmena, ľudia to nechceli prijať. V poriadku.

97Potom po Mojžišovi prišiel Ján, a po Jánovi prišlo časové rozdelenie, on predstavil Ježiša. A keď Ježiš prišiel a snažil sa priniesť nám milosť, čo bol Boh v Duchu, v línii Ducha, manifestujúci svoju lásku, „Lebo tak Boh miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného Syna“, a Ježiš bol tak odlišný, a v protiklade ku zákonu. (Vidíte?) Ale to bola odlišná časová správa, odlišný čas.

98A potom, keď Ježiš odišiel, On hovoril o tomto časovom udelení Ducha Svätého a života vo vnútri, o jeho Svedkovi zmŕtvychvstania. Mám tu mnoho miest Písma, ale nemám dostatok času ísť do nich, tak len stručne cez ne prejdem. V poriadku. Vždy to bol fakt a boj, keď sa menilo jedno časové udelenie, z toho starého časového udelenia do posolstva prítomného času, tam bol vždy s ľuďmi boj. Oni … Oni, to je vždy, vždy to bolo podľa Písma. Ale počas toho času, ako im Boh dáva toto udelenie a niečo, aby tým žili, alebo niečo do vykonania … No, zisťujeme, že ihneď po tom, ako je toto udelenie dané, ľudia zeme sa snažia tomu klásť odpor, a dať niečo, aby z toho urobili nejakú ľuďmi vytvorenú záležitosť.

99Potom, ako mal Noe koráb, a ihneď po tom, Nimrod, ten darebák, postavil vežu a povedal, „Ak prídu potopy, my sa len vyšplháme hore a dostaneme sa ponad to.“ A potom Boh prichádza so zákonom, že... Vidíte, to udelenie odžilo už svoj čas.

100A tiež, keď prišiel Ježiš, po zákone, zákon hovoril o Mojžišovi … Hovoril o príchode Kristovom, ale keď On prišiel, oni boli tak usadení v tradíciách otcov … Mali svoje vyznania, mali svoje módy, mali svoje cirkvi. Boli usadení, tak to bolo ťažké pre Ježiša snažiť sa zatriasť tým kráľovstvom (tou cirkvou) od vyznania, aby verili Jemu. A pritom Písma zvlášť hovorili o Tomto celý čas od prvého udelenia Edenu, „Jeho semeno rozšliape hadovi hlavu.“ Zasľúbenie Ježiša bolo v každom z tých udelení, a keď On prišiel, oni Ho nerozpoznali, pretože boli tak zviazaní vo svojich vyznaniach, a pritom to bola Pravda Písma. Každý posol a jeho posolstvo predpovedalo toho ďalšieho, ktorý mal každý čas nasledovať. Mojžiš, tí proroci predpovedali. Mojžiš predpovedal príchod Ježiša. Mojžiš povedal, „Pán, váš Boh, vám vzbudí proroka ako mňa.“ Koľkokrát sme cez to išli v našich posolstvách po celom svete, že príchod Mesiáša bude prorok.

101To je to, prečo tá žena zlej povesti, proti všetkým kazateľom, ona uverila tomu posolstvu. Tá žena v Samárii, keď k nej Ježiš hovoril, On povedal, „Daj mi napiť.“

102Ona povedala, „Nemáš, s čím by si to vytiahol. Nie je zvykom pre teba, aby si sa ma opýtal, mňa samaritánskej ženy.“ A ten rozhovor pokračoval.

Potom povedal, „Choď a priveď sem svojho manžela.“

Ona povedala, „Nemám žiadneho.“

103Povedal, „To je pravda, mala si piatich a ten, s ktorým si teraz, nie je tvoj.“

104Ona povedala, „Pane, poznávam, že Ty si prorok. No, my vieme, že prichádza zmena udelenia. Prichádza Ten, ktorý bude Pomazaný. Ktorý je nazvaný Mesiášom, Kristom Božím, a keď On príde, On bude tým prorokom.“ O koľko viac tá žena vedela, ako všetci kazatelia toho dňa. Áno, a ona vo svojom stave (Vidíte?) uvidela Písmo. Hoci biedna malá žena vydatá za piatich mužov a žila so šiestym, a pritom vedela o Písmach viac, pretože ona to vzala za Jeho nominálnu hodnotu. Ona povedala, „Keď On príde, On bude prorokom.“

Čo jej povedal Ježiš? „Ja som On.“

105A keď zanechala to vedro a bežala do mesta a povedala, „Poďte a vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal tie veci, ktoré som porobila. Či to nie je sám Mesiáš?“ Vidíte? To je On.

106No, ona vedela, že On prichádza, pretože proroci a Písmo povedalo, vo dňoch Mojžiša, vo dňoch prorokov a po celý čas od začiatku, v každom jednom z tých udelení, Písmo povedalo, „On tu bude a toto je, čím On bude.“ Ó.

107Ak by to len ľudia mohli dnes vidieť, potom by poznali deň, v ktorom žijeme. Videli by, že to je Božie zasľúbenie na tento deň. Boh povedal, že to takto bude. Nič sa nedeje nesprávne. Božie veľké hodiny odtikávajú presne na čas. A dokonca podľa vedy, je tri minúty do polnoci. Tak vidíte, ten úder môže prísť kedykoľvek. A to bolo asi dva alebo tri roky, kedy to oni povedali. Vidíte, sme v čase konca. Ale vidíte, zmenili sme to časové udelenie, od toho starého cirkevného veku, tu vzadu, kde bol ten zatiahnutý deň, len pripájanie sa do cirkví, a zapísanie svojho mena do knihy, až kým to večerné svetlo, prinavrátenie. Návrat znovu Ducha Svätého na zem, ďalšie Letnice, ďalšie znamenie, ďalšia vec sa má udiať. A ľudia tomu neveria, pretože sú takí, akí boli vo dňoch Ježiša. Vidíte? On hovoril o tomto dni, keď bol tu na zemi. Prišiel presne podľa Písma a predpovedal príchod tohto dňa.

108Tak, teraz tu chceme rozmýšľať o ďalšom. Mám … Ak chcete niečo z toho čítať, Matúš 24. Ježiš hovoril o tomto dni, povedal, že Židia sa znovu zhromaždia v posledný deň. Povedal, „Keď uvidíte figovník, ako vyháňa svoje puky, potom viete, že čas je na blízku.“ Povedal, „Budú ťažké časy, napätie medzi národmi, more sa bude búriť, ľudia budú omdlievať od srdcových problémov, ustavične.“ Nie medzi ženami teraz, to je medzi mužmi. Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, že ženy, muži. Pozrite na tú pliagu, a čo sa má stať v tom dni … To bude znamenie času konca, „Omdlievajúce srdcia, strach, zmätenie.“ Zjavenie, keď to bolo vypovedané, prorok hovoril o tomto dni, povedal, že príde čas, kedy cirkev bude vlažná, Laodicejský cirkevný vek v poslednom dni. Vidíte? Čo je to? To je Ježiš (v poslednom veku) predpovedajúci koniec tohoto veku.

109Presne tak, ako v Edene, ako späť v čase Noeho, ako späť v čase Mojžiša, späť v čase zákona, a potom v čase milosti, a teraz v tom večernom čase. Je mnoho ďalších, ak by sme mali čas, ale ja ich len preskakujem, pretože nebudeme mať času. O každom jednom je povedané, čo bude v tom ďalšom veku, ale cirkev sa stáva takou cirkevníckou, so svojimi vyznaniami, so svojimi dogmami a so svojimi vytvorenými vierami, a svojimi, ľuďmi vytvorenými teóriami, až míňajú to Slovo. Tak môžete vidieť, čo bude Evanjelizácia večerného času. Čo je to? Tí, ktorí to nesú, budú nazývaní bláznami. Budú tak odlišní. Boli tak nazývaní v čase Noeho, boli tak nazývaní v každom čase. Vystrčili ich zo svojich cirkví, pretože oni uverili v Ježiša. Ktokoľvek, kto Ho počúval, bol exkomunikovaný zo svojej cirkvi. Vidíte? Ale On mal udelenie, ktoré bolo v Jeho čase, časové udelenie Syna.

110 Tak, zisťujeme tiež, že ten veľký Duch Svätý o tom prorokoval. Ak si chcete zapísať tieto miesta písma, je to Matúš 24, a potom si zapíšte 2. Timoteja 3:1. Duch Svätý hovorí o veľkom intelektuálnom veku v čase konca. Vedeli ste to? Prečo to je?

111Jozef, ty si so mnou cestoval tu v krajine, a počul si o tých zhromaždeniach za morom. Idem za more, mám asi stopäťdesiat, dvesto tisíc, päťsto tisíc, a ľudia sú len, … Len jedna vec, ktorú vidíte učinenú každý deň, ako tie zhromaždenia pokračujú takmer ako tu v modlitebni, do desať, dvadsať, tridsať tisíc ich padne z nôh a dajú chválu Bohu. Oni to vidia. V čom je problém, že sa to nedeje v Amerike? To je intelektuálny čas. Oni chcú niekoho, kto nebude hovoriť o súde, ani o týchto veciach, pretože to ich láme z ich obecenstva svojich klubov a ich lóží, a tých bezbožných vecí, do ktorých patria. Preto ak ich pastor niečo takéto pomenuje, výbor diakonov ho vylúči a dosadia niekoho iného, nejakého mladého Rickyho, alebo niečo také. Viete, čo mám na mysli.

112Prepáčte mi to, nemyslel som to tak. Stávam sa takým príliš nadšeným, nazdávam sa. Ale mám na mysli … Ricky, to je v poriadku, mne sa len to meno nepáči. To je v poriadku. Ale vyhľadajte si to v numerológii a premenujete svoje dieťa. Tak veru. No, Ricky, alebo Elvis, alebo niečo také. Ó, pre milosrdenstvo... Tak, ó, každopádne, vy vidíte, že oni to musia. Oni nemali také mená predtým, to muselo prísť. Toto je ten vek, aby to tu bolo. To je presne tak.

113Teraz, „A teraz Duch hovorí.“ No, počúvajte, citujem vám z Písma.

A Duch hovorí výslovne, že v posledných časoch…


...v posledných časoch, niektorí odpadnú od viery, budú počúvať na zvodných duchov … a náuky diablov,

(atď. Vidíte?)

114Pozrite, ako majú byť pyšní, vysokomyseľní, veľké zvieratá. Prepáčte mi to, ale viete, čo my nazývame veľké zviera. To je taký pouličný výraz, všetci vieme, ako to lepšie povedať. „Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“

115Včera som tam stál, a díval som sa na tú plaváreň pod nami, a divil som sa, keď jeden muž, ktorý je učiteľom nedeľnej školy, mi povedal, „To nemalo tak byť v Biblii, kde Ježiš pľul.“ Povedal, to je proti hygienickým pravidlám, keď Ježiš odpľul a urobil … A zobral svoje sliny.“

116On tam stál, rozprával, v originálnej Gréčtine je povedané, „Odpľul na zem.“ Hovoril k tomuto mužovi a napľul na zem. A keď dohovoril, zobral to svojou rukou, načiahol sa, zodvihol svoje sliny s tou špinou a pomiešal to a dal to na jeho oči, a umyl s tým jeho oči, a povedal, „Choď a umy sa v rybníku Siloam (poslaný) a tvoje oči sa otvoria.“ A on išiel a umyl sa, a jeho oči sa otvorili.

117Tak tento chlapík mi povedal, „To by dnes nefungovalo. To je proti hygienickým pravidlám, proti pravidlám zdravia.“ A potom ten istý muž berie svoju rodinu, svoju ženu a všetky tieto deti, tu dolu do tej plavárne, kde všetky tie ženy, a tí muži a v tej vode. Niekedy v čase mesiaca, kedy by tam nemali byť, a všetko to. A oni niekedy nejdú ani na toalety, a všetky tie ich špinavé telá a tá špina tam, a oni to vypľúvajú cez svoje ústa, a oči a takéto veci. A potom hovoria, že keď Ježiš napľul na zem, a spôsobil, že ten človek uvidel …

118Priviedol som odtiaľ raz jedného malého chlapca, on povedal, „Prehltol som trochu z tej vody.“ Povedal, „Som chorý ako kôň, idem domov.“ Ten chlapec tu možno sedí, on býva v jednom prívese, asi dva alebo tri bloky odtiaľto dolu ulicou, kde som ho vzal, on povedal, „Nikdy tam už viac nepôjdem.“

119Ale oni to stále nazývajú modernou civilizáciou. Vidíte, kam sa dostávate? To staré príslovie, „Zapchávať si ústa pred komárom, a prehĺtať ťavu.“ Vidíte? Teším sa, keď ho znovu stretnem. No, tu to máte. Lepšie je držať sa od tých vecí preč.

120„Intelektuálni, pyšní, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“ Citujem Písmo, Duch Svätý hovorí výrazne, že toto sa udeje v čase konca, „Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, majúci formu pobožnosti...“ No, ponajprv, „Budú nezdržanliví, a pohŕdači tými, ktorí sú dobrí.“ Nenávidiaci tých, ktorí veria Slovu. Vidíte ich? Oni nesúhlasia s týmito tradičnými vyznaniami a vecami, tak oni ich nenávidia.

121Ako tí Farizeovia a Saduceovia, oni nenávideli Ježiša. Prečo? Pretože On protirečil ich vyznaniam. Vidíte? Nie, že On chcel byť odlišný, ale On musí žiť. On bol Slovom, žijúcim Slovom, ktoré žilo. Povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Svojho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ Vidíte?

122No, tá istá vec je dnes. Ak niekto káže tieto veci, a to sa nedeje, potom je to nesprávne, pretože Písmo povedalo, že to sa stane. Potom, ak sa to deje, potom je to správne. Nie, že to ten človek je správny, ale Slovo je správne. Tak teraz, ale toto je ten stav, do ktorého sme sa dostali dnes. Vidíte, priatelia, to je skutočne tak. Vidíte to? Niečo tu staviam, aby som vám ukázal to vyvrcholenie tu, pri evanjelizácii času konca.

123No, všimnite si v týchto časoch, v tomto intelektuálnom veku, „Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“ Zostávajú doma v stredu večer, aby sledovali niektoré z tých starých vulgárnych hier, „Milujeme „Suzy“ alebo „Lusy“, alebo čokoľvek tam majú, tie ženy, ktoré sú vydaté tucet krát, a žijú s mužmi. A oni žijú … A, ó, každý z nich je ženatý a rozvedený, a vydatá a rozvedená, a robíte ich idolmi, akoby boli bohmi. Ale radšej budete sledovať to, ako ísť na modlitebné zhromaždenie. „Milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“ Nech do mesta príde nejaký turnaj, alebo Koloneli a Obri, alebo čokoľvek sa tu má udiať niekde, oni zavrú cirkvi a idú, aby to navštívili. Nech príde Elvis Presley so svojou gitarou tu na ulicu, a začne hore dolu swingovať, a niektorí z tých chlapíkov v stredu večer zatvoria svoje modlitebné zhromaždenie. „Milujúci rozkoše viac, ako milujúci Boha.“ Pyšní, vysokomyseľní, nezdržanliví, prudkí, a pohŕdači tými, ktorí sú dobrí, majúci formu pobožnosti.“

Poviete, „To sú komunisti.“

124Nie, nie sú, to sú členovia cirkví, majúci formu pobožnosti. Ale čo? Zapierajú jej moc. Majú formu Boha, ale hovoria, „Boh nerobí tie veci.“ Vidíte? Nie je v tom žiadna moc. Vy to len prijímate a robíte toto, tamto.“ Vidíte? Žiadna zmena života, vôbec nič. To je len patrenie do cirkvi.

125„Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc, od takých sa odvráť.“ Povedala Biblia. „Lebo toto sú tí, ktorí idú z domu do domu, a vedú hlúpe ženy, obťažené hriechmi, vedené rozličnými žiadosťami.“ To je presne to, čo Biblia povedala. No, my žijeme presne v tom veku.“ Ale ty konaj dielo evanjelistu, dokáž sa vo svojej službe.“ Vidíte, to je to.

126 No, skrze týchto poslov a svedkov, ktorých vidíme, zisťujeme, na akej sme strane. Pozrite sa, na akej ste dnes ráno strane. Pozrite, na akej sme strane. Na tejto strane tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, oni budú posmievaní a pohŕdaní, ako boli vo dňoch Noeho, a tu príde tá druhá skupina a bude si z nich robiť žarty, budú pyšní, vysokomyseľní, majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci práve tú vec, ktorú vyznávajú. Tak, môžete… Môžete vidieť, na ktorej ste strane, pri týchto pravých posloch dnes. Ježiš predpovedal, že to bude Satan s jeho posolstvom. A Jeho (Boží) posol bude mať túto vec, že tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Vidíte? Satanovi poslovia budú mať formu pobožnosti. Jeho poslovia budú mať tieto znamenia, budú brať hadov, piť smrtonosné veci, vyháňať diablov, klásť ruky na chorých, prijímať krst Duchom Svätým, znamenia a zázraky. No, sme na jednej z tých strán a sme v čase konca. Ó!

127Niet divu, že prorok Izaiáš povedal, „Celé telo je plné rakoviny a plné hnisajúcich rán, všetko.“ Kam by sme mohli ísť, čo by sme urobili, ak by sme sa všetci spolu zjednotili. To by urobilo ešte horšie, ako dovtedy. Boli by tam všetky možné druhy vecí, ako sa oni snažia vytvoriť svetovú radu cirkví, to nikdy nebude fungovať. Majú ateistov, neveriacich, a ako môžu dvaja kráčať spolu, hovorí Biblia, „Ak sa nezhodnú.“ Vidíte? A tam nie sú ani dvaja, ktorí spolu súhlasia.

128 Spasenie je individuálna záležitosť medzi nie cirkvami, ale medzi každým jednotlivcom a Bohom. To je kráčanie so Slovom. Áno, pozri brat, sestra, ako to vidíme. A ja viem, že je už veľmi neskoro.

129Všimnite si ten veľký signál blikajúceho červeného svetla Jeho príchodu je tu. My to vieme. Mohol by som zobrať mnoho miest Písma, a mám ich tu napísané, a ukázať vám, že sme v čase konca. Židia sa vrátili do Palestíny, figový strom vyrašil svoj puk. Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú strachom, ženy, ako oni vystrájajú, mohol by som sa vrátiť do Zjavenia a ukázať vám, že tento národ je označený ženami, číslo ženy, číslo trinásť. Máme od začiatku trinásť kolónií, trinásť pruhov, všetkého trinásť. Trinásť štátov, všetko trinásť. Trinásť hviezd na dolári, všetko je trinásť a žena.

130Keď som nedávno stál vo Švajčiarsku a rozprával som sa … Nejaká žena povedala, „Chceme ísť do Ameriky, aby sme tak mohli mať takú slobodu ako ženy tam.“ Povedal som im, čo robia, „Nie“ - povedali, „Tak to potom nechceme.“ Vidíte?

131Ale to je Amerika. Mohli by sme sa vrátiť a ukázať rovno tu, že to tak má byť v tomto národe, a to prichádza tam, kde nie sú žiadne vody, žiadni ľudia. Prichádza to ako baránok, má to dva malé rohy, občianska a klerikálna moc, ale oni sa spolu zjednocujú skrze politické moci, a ten nový prezident, ktorého máme, to privedie znovu do Ríma.

132Chcem, aby mi niekto povedal, ak je tu nejaký teológ, alebo kdekoľvek inde, kde kedy Biblia predpovedala, že komunizmus bude vládnuť svetom. Nebojte sa komunizmu, nič na ňom nie je. To je len falošná vec, ktorú Boh používa, aby tým miernil národy, miernil, krotil národy. Iste. Biblia hovorí, že Rím bude vládnuť svetom. Pozrite na kráľa Nabuchodonozora, jeho sen, jeho videnie, Danielov výklad, ako každé jedno z tých kráľovstiev a období presne zapadlo a išlo rovno až do konca, kde bol Rím. Tak, to bude Rím. To nebude komunizmus, oni sú len … Oni sú len figúrkami, to je všetko. Nikam sa nikdy nedostanú. Nie, nedostanú.

133Ako povedal Jozef, „V srdci Afriky, nad tými biednymi pohanmi tam, nemá byť panované, nad nimi už bolo panované.“ To je to, čo sa s nimi deje dnes, bolo nad nimi panované. Oni chcú lásku, chcú Boha, a keď komunizmus je bezbožný, tak oni to potom nikdy nepríjmu. Isteže nie, iste nie.

134Červené svetlo bliká. Ten signál je zapnutý. Jeho príchod je na blízku. Ó, Izaiáš v 60. kapitole, v 2. verši povedal, „Temnosť pokryje zem a hustá mrákava pokryje ľudí.“ A to je presne tak.

135Posol času konca a posolstvo sa majú stretnúť so stavom času konca. Či nemyslíte? Toto posolstvo, nemohlo byť kázané pred štyridsiatimi rokmi, nie. Posolstvo času konca a posol sa musia stretnúť. Tam, vtedy v tých dňoch, ktoré prešli, to by pravdepodobne nefungovalo, ale to sa musí stretnúť s podmienkami času konca. Buďte obrátení, verte znameniam evanjelia. To je posolstvo dneška. Umyte svoje duše v krvi Baránka a verte evanjeliu, že tie znamenia času konca sú tu, semeno evanjelia sa odohráva.

136Toľko hovoria o reformovaní. Pôjdem s nimi, čo sa toho týka, ako evangelikálna reforma. „Reformovať“ znamená „Byť vyčistený.“ Tak, myslím si, že potrebujeme trochu vyčistenia našej nevery a veriť evanjeliu. To je pravda. Máme príliš veľa podozrievaní a čudovania sa. Reformovať, dokonca to slovo v gréckom preklade, kde je povedané, „Činiť pokánie“ znamená „Reformovať.“ A reformovať znamená, „Vyčistiť“ všetku minulosť, to, čo bolo, a veriť evanjeliu v jeho moci a manifestácii.

Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať.“

Oni hovoria, „Len pre ten vek.“

137On povedal, „Až do konca sveta.“ No niekto má pravdu. Ak človek, ktorý je neveriaci, povedal, že to bolo len pre apoštolov, a sám Ježiš povedal, „Do konca sveta“, potom ja beriem Jeho Slovo ohľadne toho. To je pravda, je to tak.

138Boh chce mať svoj ľud oddelený od nevery a neveriacich. Tak, mnohí z vás ľudí robia chybu v tomto, že niekedy nechávate svoje deti odohrávať tam nejakého malého Oswalda. Vidíte? Nemám v úmysle teraz sa líšiť a byť naškrobený a tak ďalej, a byť nejakým fanatikom. Nemám to v úmysle. Ale keď nechávate … Buďte si istý, s kým vaša dcéra ide večer von. Vidíte? Možno ste ju vychovali na zbožné malé dievča, ktoré chodí do cirkvi, a tá prvá vec, ktorú zistíte, je, že ide s Oswaldom, alebo s niektorým z nich, a on je ateistom, neveriacim, a jej život bude zruinovaný, a vy ani neviete, čím on je. Vidíte? Potom si ju vezme za ženu, a pozrite, kde sú potom vaše deti, vaše vnúčatá. Buďte opatrní. Boh chce, aby Jeho ľud bol oddelený.

139Čítajte raz Exodus 34:12 a vidzte, čo Boh povedal Izraelu, „Keď pôjdete do tej zeme, všetko tam vyčistite, nemajte s tým vôbec nič.“ Jozua tiež, 23. kapitola a 12. verš, sledujte, čo povedal Jozua, „No, Boh vás priviedol do tejto dobrej zeme“, ako teraz cirkev, „a priviedol vás do tejto dobrej zeme. Radujete sa z nej?“

Povedali, „Áno, radujeme sa.“

140Povedal, “No, je tu nejaký zbytok neveriacich, a nespájajte sa s nimi, nechoďte s nimi.“ Nechoď, sestra, ak ten chlapec chce, aby si s ním išla niekde do nejakého baru dať si len priateľský malý nápoj, drž sa preč od neho. A to isté, vy chlapci, voči tomu dievčaťu, ktoré by chcelo to isté urobiť. Držte sa od nich preč.

141No, poviete, „Brat Branham je taký starodávny čudák“, ale v jednom z týchto dní to zistíte. Ak by ste išli po tej ceste, po ktorej ja idem, tak by ste vedeli, že je to pravda. Tak veru.

142Koľkokrát som to videl v tých miestnostiach, keď oni robili svoje vyznanie, kde mladé dievčatá boli zahanbené, to označenie s ňou pôjde, až kým nezomrie, a tie veci, ktoré povedala. Raz bola vychovaná v milom kresťanskom dome, ale tu je to, čo sa stalo. Ona vyšla s tým chlapcom. On bol taký milý, až sa ona nedokázala od neho držať preč, a všetko takéto. A tá prvá vec, on fajčí cigarety a má ploskačku vo vrecku a idú a pijú. A tu to máte. Vidíte? A potom je ona pohanená a tak. Ó, je to žalostná vec, vidíte to na oboch stranách. Tak držte sa preč, oddeľte sa. Buďte milí a prívetiví ku každému, ale nemajte účasť na ich hriechu. Držte sa od toho preč. Tak veru.

143A to je vždy, priatelia, tí vodcovia, zakaždým pri zmene týchto období, oni ľudí celkom zamiešali. To nebolo tak veľmi, tí ľudia. Ak by to evanjelium zostalo za kazateľňou, tam, kde ono patrí...

144Ako som sa rozprával tam v Bethany College u luteránov. On povedal, „Brat Branham, čo si myslíš, že my máme?“ A ja … Povedal som …

Povedal som, „No tu je to, čo to je.“

145On povedal, „Aký je rozdiel medzi týmito letničnými, o ktorých hovoríš, a nami luteránmi?“

146Povedal som, „Letničná cirkev je vyspelejšia luteránska cirkev.“ To je presne tak, ak by ste boli zostali tam, kde ste mali byť, boli by ste tiež letničnými.“

147A tak sme sa rozprávali o tom, ako som počul niekoho dnes ráno povedať, že, „Všetky cirkvi, všetko to prvé náboženstvo, všetci kresťania skutočne pochádzajú z Ríma.“ Chcem, aby mi to niekto dokázal. Pripúšťam, že všetky denominácie prichádzajú z Ríma. Ale kresťania začínali v Jeruzaleme.

148Tak, ak by katolícka hierarchia chcela, aby sme sa všetci navrátili ku matke kresťanstva, v tom by som s ním súhlasil. Vráťme sa do Letníc a dostaňme všetci Svätého Ducha. S tým budem s ním súhlasiť. Ale to nikdy neprišlo z Ríma, to prišlo z Letníc. Cirkev nebola založená v Ríme, ona bola založená na deň Letníc. Iste, nie pod ich dogmami, ale pod krstom Ducha Svätého. To je to, čo sa snažím povedať. Ak sa máme vrátiť, vráťme sa na počiatok toho. Nie späť do denominácie, to pôjdete do Ríma, pretože oni boli tí prví, ktorí mali organizáciu, alebo denomináciu a to je matka ich všetkých.

149Biblia tak hovorí v Zjavení 17. Ona je sama prostitútka, a je matkou smilníc, svojich dcér. Vidíte? To je to, čo Biblia hovorí. Ježiš Kristus povedal o rímsko katolíckej cirkvi, že je prostitútka, a všetky jej protestantské dcéry sú smilnicami s ňou. On povedal, „Vyjdite spomedzi nich, môj ľude, aby ste neboli účastníkmi jej hriechu, a Ja vás prijmem, a budete Mi synmi a dcérami.“ Vidíte?

Tak tu to máte.“ (Vidíte) „Majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci jej moc.“ atď.

150Vy, vzácni metodisti, ako ste zvykli mať moc Božiu medzi vami. Išiel som a stál som tam … Mal som oblečené rúcho Johna Wesleyho, keď som bol v Londýne v Anglicku, aby som sa vtedy modlil za kráľa Juraja, oni ma tam vzali do Wesleyho modlitebne, kde kázal tisíc päťsto ľuďom každé ráno o piatej, predtým, ako išli muži do práce. Sedel som tam na stoličke, kde on obrátil tohoto kohútieho bojovníka, a sedel som v tej stoličke. A stál som tam a išiel za jeho kazateľňu, a modlil som sa v izbe, kde on odišiel do neba. Pomyslel som si, „Ó, ak by John vedel, čo urobila metodistická cirkev, obrátil by sa v hrobe.“ Keď ste zvykli mať modlenie sa za chorých, a mať veľké znamenia... Keď John Wesley... Stál som tam, pri tej svätyni, stál som tam, kde je jeden strom, v ten deň, keď kázal Božské uzdravenie, a tá veľká cirkev Anglicka, anglikánska cirkev išla a vypustila... Skupina jej členov prišla tam a vypustila líšku a niekoľkých loveckých psov a roztrúsila Johnove zhromaždenie. Malý John nikdy vo svojom živote nevážil viac ako 110 libier, ale on sa otočil a ukázal svojím prstom na toho človeka a povedal, „Ty pokrytec, slnko nevyjde trikrát nad tvojou hlavou, kým ma nezavoláš, aby som sa za teba modlil.“ A on toho večera zomrel s kŕčmi vo svojom tele a volal na Johna, aby prišiel a modlil sa za neho. A on zomrel. Vidíte? Ó, ak by ste vy, metodisti, boli takými metodistami, boli by ste letničnými. To je pravda.

151Čo s vami, Baptistami? Beháte po cirkvi pár minút, a keď pastor káže viac ako pätnásť minút, chcete ho exkomunikovať. John Smith, zakladateľ baptistickej cirkvi, sa modlil niekedy celú noc a nariekal nad hriechmi ľudí, až sa jeho oči zavreli od plaču, a jeho manželka ho musela viesť k stolu a kŕmiť ho lyžičkou pri jeho raňajkách. Nedokážete sa modliť pätnásť minút, alebo viac. Čo sa deje? Vidíte? Máte do toho zamiešané tradície.

152Posolstvo sa stále hýbe vpred. Izrael nasledoval ohnivý stĺp. Kde sa to zastavilo, oni sa zastavili. Kde to išlo, oni išli. Ohnivý stĺp sa hýbe stále ďalej. Áno.

153Nachádzame teraz, že to sú vodcovia, ktorí to robia. Vodcovia boli vždy zamiešaní. Pozrite tam dávno na Dátana v čase Biblie, pri Mojžišovom udelení zákona. On bol ten, ktorý viedol ten zmiešaný zástup, Dátan. To bol Kórach. Keď Boh vzbudil Svojho proroka Mojžiša, a on mal Slovo Pánovo. Mal dva a pol milióna ľudí na púšti a Jetro vyšiel a povedal, „Mojžiš, to ťa zabije, tvoje bremeno je také veľké.“ Boh vzal časť Jeho Ducha a umiestnil to na sedemdesiatich vodcov a oni prorokovali. To nikdy ani trochu Mojžiša neoslabilo. On … Ale Mojžiš bol stále tou poslednou odpoveďou, pretože on mal „tak hovorí Pán.“

154Nemôžete ísť pod skupinou ľudí. Popieram, že by kedykoľvek Boh použil skupinu ľudí. On používa jedného muža. To je presne tak. Jedného muža, v jednom čase, pretože dvaja ľudia majú dva názory. Jeden človek, to je presne tak. Všimnite si teraz, že v každom období to tak bolo, celý čas až do začiatku to bolo zakaždým tak.

155A tam stál Mojžiš. A viete, čo Kórach povedal? Povedal, „No, Mojžiš sa správa, ako keby len on jediný vedel kázať, ako keby len on jediný mal posolstvo. Ó, my vieme, že ten Ohnivý Stĺp nad ním visí, my vieme, že nad ním je Svetlo, my to všetko vieme, ale on sa správa, ako keby bol ten jediný, ktorý má posolstvo.“

156On to tak nemyslel, on to tak nemyslel. On sa snažil napraviť ľudí. Je mnoho rôznych ideí. Vy niečo musíte počúvať. A čo sa stalo? Boh povedal, „Len sa od neho oddeľ, pretože Ja ho pohltím a jeho zhromaždenie do zeme.“ A zem sa otvorila a vyšiel oheň a oni sa prepadli dolu. Vidíte?

157Zamiešaní vodcovia. Tí vodcovia spôsobili medzi ľuďmi problém. Ak by to tak nebolo, tak by sme sem dnes prišli, toto mesto, a každá cirkev a každé zhromaždenie by sa spolu zhromaždilo, no oni by mali toto miesto, mali by to … Ó, každý obchod s alkoholom by bol zatvorený. No, toto mesto by bolo tak suché, až by sa pirátsky výrobca alkoholu musel pol hodinu pripravovať, aby nahromadil dostatok vlhkosti na odpľutie. On … No, bolo by to tak. Ó, prepáčte mi, nemal som to povedať.

Čakajte, počúvajte, to, čo mám na mysli, je toto. Všetci sme roztrúsení, to sú vodcovia. Boh môže prísť, aby niečo urobil, a tí vodcovia tých malých skupín sa obávajú, že niečo stratia, oni zostanú, odtiahnu ich od toho preč, namiesto prijatia Božieho posolstva. To boli vodcovia vo dňoch Noeho. To boli vodcovia vo dňoch Mojžiša. To boli vodcovia vo dňoch Ježiša. To sú vodcovia dnes v Duchu Svätom. Zmiešané zástupy, oni hovoria, „Ó, dovoľte to ženám robiť, prečo na nich vykrikuješ?“

158Ako som povedal, myslím, že to bolo pred … Niekto mi jedného dňa povedal, pretože ja sa vždy snažím dať do línie moje sestry. Vidíte, to oni sú terčom. Boli terčom v každom veku. Satan ich použil, tam v záhrade Eden, a zakaždým ich použil. A keď Biblia poukazuje na Ameriku a jej ženy v tých posledných dňoch, potom ja začínam do toho udierať. A niekto povedal, „Brat Branham, ľudia ťa považujú za proroka.“

Povedal som, „Nie som.“

159On povedal, „Ale oni ťa považujú za proroka, prečo neučíš tých ľudí, ako majú prijať veľké duchovné dary. Vyučuj ich veci, ak si … Boh s tebou koná, my to vieme.“ Povedal, „Prečo tie ženy nevyučuješ namiesto stáleho sekania do nich.“

160Povedal som, „Kázal som ku nim tridsať jeden rokov a oni sú... Ako ich môžem vyučovať. Ako ich môžem vyučovať algebru, keď ani nepoznajú svoju abecedu. Rozumiete? No, oni sa ani nedajú do línie, a nekonajú ako ženy. Prečo to je, že oni stále takto ďalej konajú. Ako ich môžeš učiť duchovné veci, keď neveria ani v tie prirodzené veci. Ako ich môžeš učiť tie veci?“ Nech sa cirkev dostane do tej sféry, a oni potom môžu byť vyučovaní v tej sfére, ako prijať dary Božie, a ako manifestovať dary a tie veci. Ale Duch Svätý tomu nikdy nedovolí prísť, kým to srdce nie je správne a pripravené prijať to.

161Potom tam Boh stojí ako veľký nátlak. Nebojte sa, že by tam z nich bolo príliš mnoho. Nedokážete vyčerpať Boha. Viete si predstaviť malého potkana, asi takého dlhého. Nejaká malá myška v tých stodolách Egypta, ako hovorí, „Radšej by som mala jesť iba jedno zrnko pšenice denne, lebo možno sa mi minie pred ďalšou žatvou.“ Viete si predstaviť malú rybku, asi takúto dlhú, ako pláva uprostred oceánu a hovorí, „Radšej by som mala piť túto vodu šetrne, pretože viete, možno to niekedy vyschne“? Ó, tak je to, snažiť sa vyčerpať Božiu dobrotu a milosrdenstvo voči Jeho ľuďom. On ťa chce žehnať, On je pripravený, On robí nátlak. Viete si predstaviť, že by ste vzali všetky vody zeme, moria a všetko a nakopili to do trubice, širokej štyri stopy, a naliali to tam. Ten tlak na spodku toho, by bol taký, snažil by sa nájsť nejakú malú štrbinu, aby to cez ňu mohlo pretekať. To je to, aký je nátlak Ducha Svätého, ktorý sa snaží prísť na každý život.

162Ale oni to neurobia. Oni milujú vyznania a veci, lepšie, ako milovať Boha. Vy musíte predať veci toho sveta a uveriť Bohu. Nemôžete to zaprieť. Videli ste to rok po roku, a čas po čase. A Jozef raz povedal, „Nikdy to nezlyháva, to musí byť Boh.“ Vidíte? A to je Božie zasľúbenie dneška. Nie ja, ja nie som Božím zasľúbením, ja som človek. Ja hovorím o Jeho Duchu Svätom, ktorý je tu.

To je zasľúbenie toho dňa, „Kdekoľvek, ktokoľvek.“

163Tak, zisťujeme teraz, že oni boli tí, a pozrite, vezmime napríklad Baláma. Balám prišiel dolu a vyučoval ľudí svoju náuku, a oni povedali, „No, pozrite, my sme všetci veriaci, my sme deti Lótových dcér, Moábiti.“

Povedali, „My sme všetci takí istí.“ A on ich zmiešal a spôsobil to, že sa medzi sebou sobášili. Spôsobil, že tie pekné moabitské ženy, všetky vyčačkané, prišli dolu a povedali týmto synom Božím, že oni sú... Že medzi nimi nakoniec nie je rozdiel, že Boh je Bohom všetkých rás, a že všetko je v poriadku. A on ich spolu zosobášil a Boh urobil čiaru oddelenia a spôsobil, že opustili svoje domy a všetko. Čo to bolo? Vidíte tú vec? Presne to isté, čo sa stalo tam, pred potopou, „Keď synovia Boží videli dcéry ľudské, že boli pekné na pohľad, a žiadostili po nich a brali si ich za ženy.“ Vidíte? Tá istá vec sa odohrala tam.

164A tá istá vec je teraz. Znovu je to tá istá vec. Mali by ste to vidieť. Každá generácia hovorí, čo sa stane v tej ďalšej. Tu to je, vidíme to. Vieme, že je to to isté, pretože Biblia to tu vyhlasuje, že je to také isté teraz, ako to bolo vtedy. V poriadku. No a všetko sa to týka samozrejme dňa, v ktorom my žijeme.

165Tak, zavolanie toho dňa, všetko, čo sa dnes medzi cirkvami počíta, sú členovia. To je všetko, čo oni chcú, členov. No, všetci poznáme ten baptistický slogan v roku 1944, „O milión viac v štyridsiatom štvrtom.“ Poznáme nášho vzácneho, láskavého brata Billy Grahama. Vidíme jeho miesto v Písme, ku komu ide a čo on robí. Ale to je vždy o tom: „Rozhodnutia, toľkí urobili rozhodnutia.“ To je len denominácia. To je všetko, čo chcú. Vidíte?

166To je to, ako to bolo vo dňoch Ježiša, to isté. Oni neboli zlí ľudia, boli slepí. To je všetko. Boli slepí na Pravdu. Ježiš im tak povedal. Povedal, „Vy slepí Farizeovia a Sadúceovia, všetko, čo robíte...“ Čo, On povedal, že robíte? „Vy, zákonníci, farizeovia, ste slepí.“ On nepovedal, „Ste hriešnikmi“, oni boli hriešnikmi, ale to, čo my nazývame hriech...

167No, čo my nazývame hriechom, „Páchanie cudzoložstva a fajčenie, klamanie, kradnutie, takéto veci, to je hriech.“ To nie je hriech. To sú všetko vlastnosti nevery.

168Biblia hovorí, „Ten, kto neverí, je už odsúdený.“ Nevera v Slovo je hriech.

169Pozrite sa na týchto mužov. Boli Svätí. No, nemohli by ste na nich ukázať prstom, v tom, čo sa týka morálky. Ich starý otec, ich prastarý otec, ich pra - prastarý otec, a ich pra – pra – prastarý otec, všetci boli kňazmi. Oni zachovávali zákon a tradície starších a otcov, tak dokonale počas tých generácií. Nebolo na nich žiadnej chyby. Ak by bolo, boli by ukameňovaní. Dobrí muži, a Ježiš povedal, „Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ Prečo? Pretože nevideli to posolstvo, Slovo. On tam bol.

170A povedali, „No, tento človek sa snaží roztrhať naše cirkvi.“

171On povedal, „Vy slepí Saduceovia a Farizeovia...“ On povedal, tu je to, čo povedal, „Budete obchádzať moria, aby ste učinili jedného Prozelitu, čo všetko urobíte pre jedného člena, a keď ho privediete do svojej denominácie, on je dvojnásobným dieťaťom pekla, akým bol, keď bol tam vonku.“ To je presne to, čo Ježiš povedal.

172A ak je niečo, čo je nespravodlivé, a niečo, čo je bezbožné, to je vziať nejakého starého, machom zarasteného cirkevného člena, ktorý si myslí, že je taký dobrý, a nedokáže vidieť nijako inak, len cez svoje vlastné okuliare … Ja nekritizujem, ale áno, tiež kritizujem. A to je presne správne. A Ježiš povedal, „Si dvojnásobným dieťaťom pekla, ako si bol, keď si začal.“ A keď vezmeme cirkvi, tak nezáleží na tom, koľko členov do cirkvi dostanete, a vidíte ich, ako tam idú a stávkujú na konských dostihoch a stoja tam, a tie ženy so svojimi šortkami chodia po ulici a spievajú v zbore, to je ten najväčší kameň potknutia, aký kedy hriešnik mal. Presne tak. Oni očakávajú, že tí ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťania, budú žiť slušný život, a budú inou osobou. To je príklad. A to je kameň potknutia. Tam je pokrytec. Tak si desaťkrát horším, ako si kedy bol. Lepšie by bolo, keby si bol tam, ako predtým.

173To je to, keď nejaký človek prichádza a hovorí, „No, oni nežijú inak, ako ja, no iste nie, ja som... Budem taký dobrý, ako oni.“ To je kameň potknutia. To je presne tak. Vidíte ich, ako hovoria...

No, nejaký hriešnik príde a povie, „Ježiš povedal toto tu.“

174„Ó, to nebolo … To, On tak presne nemyslel. To... To, On to nemyslel, tak tu, to bolo pre iný vek.“

Ty, neveriaci. Čo sa deje? Kladieš kameň potknutia do cesty tej osoby.

175Ježiš, vlastne mám na mysli v žalmoch Dávid povedal, „Ktorý nesedí na stolici posmievačov, a nestojí na ceste bezbožných …“ Vidíte? Nestavaj sa na cestu bezbožných, a neseď na stolici posmievačov, robiac si žarty z tých, ktorí sú správni, a stojac tam, a hovoriť a mať formu pobožnosti. Ale ten, ktorý má záľubu v zákone Pánovom, miluje to robiť, on bude ako strom zasadený pri riekach vody. Jeho listy nezoschnú. A čokoľvek robí, bude prosperovať. Presne tak sa to stane. To je ten druh cirkvi, aký Boh chce.

Slepí vodcovia slepých. Slepí vodcovia slepých si robia žarty v týchto posledných dňoch, prichádzajú posmievači, atď...

176Posolstvo evanjelistu času konca je z Malachiáša 4. To je prinavrátenie. To posolstvo a ten posol, obaja budú musieť byť prinavrátením viery. Júda povedal v knihe Júdu asi len 30 rokov po ukrižovaní, povedal, „Bratia, snažiac sa, jako len môžem, písať vám o našom spoločnom spasení, prinútený som vám napísať a napomenúť vás, aby ste zápasili za vieru, raz ta danú svätým.“ Rozumiete?

Malachiáš povedal, že tie posledné dni, ten posledný prorok Starej Zmluvy, že „Predtým, ako príde ten veľký a hrozný deň Pánov, pošlem vám proroka Eliáša. A on prinavráti vieru detí späť ku... alebo vieru detí späť ku otcom, tesne pred časom zničenia.“ Čo je to? To je posolstvo, ktoré vychádza, posolstvo a posol posledných dní, ktorý ich nemá priviesť ku nejakému vyznaniu, ale vytrhnúť ich von z tých vyznaní a priviesť ich späť do originálnej viery otcov, letničných otcov, kde sa má cirkev nachádzať v posledných dňoch, nie Mojžišovskí otcovia, ale letniční otcovia.

177Mojžišovskí otcovia, to bol Malachiáš 3, „Pošlem vám svojho posla pred Mojou tvárou, aby pripravil cestu pred Pánom.“ Matúš 11:6 hovorí to isté. Ježiš o tom svedčí, že to je to, keď videl Jána, povedal, „Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Človeka odiateho s peknými obrátenými goliermi a tak ďalej. Nie, Ján...“ Povedal, „Tí, ktorí sa tak obliekajú, patria do kráľovských palácov a do týchto veľkých denominácií a bozkávajú nemluvňatá a sobášia, viete, a tak ďalej, pochovávajú mŕtvych a sobášia mladých, a tak ďalej. Oni sú tam vzadu.“ Povedal, "Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Trstinu, klátiacu sa vo vetre? Nie, nie, Ján, nie, nie, on sa netriasol, keď sa na neho vrhli.“

178Povedali, „Nebudeš mať žiadnu spoluprácu, keď tam pôjdeš.“ Pre Jána to nerobilo žiaden rozdiel, on jednako išiel. Rozumiete?

179Povedal, „Čo ste vyšli vidieť, proroka?" Povedal, „Hovorím vám, že viac ako proroka. Ak to môžete rozumieť, o tomto bolo povedané skrze proroka, hovoriac, 'Posielam vám svojho anjela pre Mojou tvárou, aby pripravil cestu,'“ Malachiáš 3.

180A v Malachiášovi 4, pre ten cirkevný vek, On povedal, „Pred tým dňom vám pošlem proroka Eliáša.“ No, to nemohol byť Ján, pretože svet nebol vtedy spálený a spravodliví ešte nekráčali po popole bezbožných. Nie. To je tento vek, posolstvo, ktoré vyjde, ktoré urobí čo? Prinavráti vieru ľudí, cirkev dnes, ktorá je pomimo všetkých týchto rôznych porušení a tohto ranami prehnitého tela denominácie, späť do živej viery v živého Boha. To posolstvo už vychádza niekoľko rokov. To je pravda. Je teraz čas, aby sme prijali a verili v tú evanjelizáciu času konca. Ona má prinavrátiť. Joel povedal to isté, „Ja prinavrátim všetky roky, ktoré požrala húsenica.“

181Pozrite sa sem. Pamätáte si na moje nedávne posolstvo o Strome Nevesty, ako oni vzali Ježiša. On bol Stromom, ten, ktorého videl Dávid, Strom, ktorý bol zasadený pri potokoch vody, nesúci Jeho ovocie Svojim časom, ten najdokonalejší Strom. A oni ho zoťali a zavesili na ľuďmi vytvorený rímsky strom, aby bol na posmech. Ale čo On urobil? Znovu vstal na tretí deň. Čo ďalšie urobil? On vystavil Strom Nevesty, muža a ženu ako stromy, ktoré boli v záhrade Eden, dva stromy. Jeden z nich bol strom života a jeden strom smrti. A čo On urobil? Prišiel, aby tento strom vykúpil. Tak, odkedy ho vykúpil na Golgote, je pripravený ju teraz zasadiť. Ó! Mám ohromný pocit, keď to hovoríme. Vidíte? Aby prinavrátil Svoj Strom Nevesty, ten, ktorý mal byť v Edene, ale ona tam upadla, pretože neverila Slovu. Ale tu On ide prinavrátiť strom, ktorý bude veriť Slovu. A keď ona vyšla na deň letníc, tá originálna náuka, tá originálna viera, čo potom začal robiť Rím? Poslal húsenicu, poslal červa. A každý jeden zobral časť z toho ovocia, z listov a z toho všetkého a celé to vycucal.

182Ale keď to videl ten prorok, povedal, „Ale Ja prinavrátim ten strom, hovorí Pán.“ Ona začala v Reformácii. Čo urobila? Zorganizovala sa. Boh ju odrezal, prečistil, ako v sv. Jánovi 14, odťal z nej všetky organizácie. A ona sa vrátila k Wesleymu, zorganizovala sa: On ju odrezal.

183„Ja prinavrátim.“ Ona stále prichádza. No, čo to teraz robí? V čase večera nebude organizácia. To bude vrchol. Kde dozrieva ovocie najprv? Na vrchole. Prečo? Slnko ju zasahuje. A v čase večera sú teraz zasiate semená pre Strom Nevesty večerného času, keď sa ten Strom Života navracia späť do Stromu Nevesty. Rozumiete? A večerné Svetlá teraz vyšli, aby zaliali a dali dozrieť tomu ovociu, ktoré bolo na tom strome, ktorý bol zasadený. Semená sú zasiate. Rozumiete? Večerný čas. Tak evanjelizácia večerného času bude znamenie Malachiáša 4, aby prinavrátil vieru ľudí späť do viery otcov. Tak veru. Späť ku tým stavebným kameňom. Amen.

184Dnes tí vodcovia znovu hovoria, „Počty, počty.“ Oni to povedali tam vtedy, v Ježišovom čase v tom období. Ježiš povedal, „Vy pokrytci, vy Zákonníci, vy Farizeovia, obchádzate moria, aby ste učinili jedného Prozelitu, získate jedného člena, a keď ho privediete, on je dvakrát väčším dieťaťom pekla, akým bol, keď začal.“ A dnes oni minú miliardy dolárov a urobia všetko, čo môžu, aby získali o jedného člena cirkvi viac. A keď to urobíte, potom on je horším, akým bol tam. Vy z neho môžete urobiť len pokrytca. Necháte mužov robiť tie veci, pokračujú tam so svetom a smejú sa a robia si žarty z evanjelia a všetko takéto. To je … Rozumiete?

185Vodcovia tohoto dňa znovu hovoria, „Počty, počty, počty.“ A to je všetko, čo sa dnes počíta, to sú čísla, rozhodnutia. No, to je dnes takým veľkým slovom, „Rozhodnutia.“ Prial by som si, aby sa niekto rozhodol slúžiť Bohu, namiesto pripojenia sa k cirkvi. „Urob rozhodnutie, príď, zapíš svoje meno do knihy.“ A posielajú tam dolu celú veľkú skupinu ľudí, aby sa zapísali, „Ako sa voláš?“

„John Jones.“

„Prijímaš Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa?“


„Veríš, že Ježiš je Syn Boží?“


Satan robí to isté, to isté. Biblia hovorí, že to urobil. On verí a trasie sa. Tak veru.

186Ale ty sa netrasieš, keď skutočne veríš. Ty sa raduješ, Amen, „Všetci tí, ktorí milujú Jeho príchod...“

Ako som raz povedal niekomu, kto mi ustavične hovoril, posielal mi listy, „Brat Branham, ty strašíš ľudí na smrť, keď im hovoríš, že prichádza čas konca.“ Vystrašiť cirkev? Ó, to je tá najslávnejšia vec, ktorá sa môže stať. Príchod Pánov, koniec času. Prial by som si, aby to bolo rovno teraz. Iste. No to je tá najslávnejšia vec, na akú môžem pomyslieť, stretnúť svojho Pána. Toto staré rúcho tela spadne a ja povstanem a uchopím tú večnú cenu. Navrátim sa znovu do mladosti, a budem žiť naveky s mojím Pánom, so všetkými mojimi ľuďmi. Ó, nedokážem myslieť tu na tento hriech a skúšky a, ó, bolesti a utrpenia v tomto starom dome trápenia tu. Opustiť túto vec a ísť ku korune spravodlivosti, no to je najslávnejšia vec, akú som kedy počul!

Ako povedal apoštol Pavol, „Bojoval som dobrý boj, beh som dokonal, vieru som zachoval, a je mi tam … (tú) vieru som zachoval a stojí mi tam odložená koruna spravodlivosti, ktorú mi dá Spravodlivý Pán, v ten deň, nielen mne, ale všetkým tým, ktorí milujú Jeho príchod.“ Nie, ktorí veria v Jeho príchod, ale milujú Jeho príchod. Taká radosť vedieť, že On prichádza … Istotne, tak veru.

187Ale dnes je to: členovia, rozhodnutia, priviesť členov do cirkvi, tak mnohých členov. To je to, čo... To nie je evanjelizácia času konca.

188No zastavím sa tu na chvíľku, a chcem len s vami hovoriť, zo svojho srdca. Dúfam, že som vás … že som vás nezadržal príliš dlho. Je to … Mám ešte asi sedem, osem minút, a chcem ku vám hovoriť zo svojho srdca.

189Či to nie je teraz pravda? „Rozhodnutia, pripoj sa k cirkvi, opusti Metodistickú cirkev a pripoj sa ku nám, k Baptistom, alebo opusti Baptistov a poď a pripoj sa ku nám, Metodistom, Presbyteriánom, Luteránom“? Katolíci berú všetkých. Vidíte? Členovia, členovia, členovia, členovia, rozhodnutia, rozhodnutia.“

190Na čo sú dobré kamene, ak nemáte kamenára, ktorý ich okreše. Vyznania sú kamene.

Keď Peter urobil svoje vyznanie, Ježiš povedal, ty si Peter, kameň.“ Ale na čo je dobrý kameň, ak tam nie je kamenár, aby ho vytvaroval na syna Božieho? Vy len kopíte hŕbu kameňov. Je to pravda?

To nie je na nič dobré. Vidíte? Voda kameň derie. To je pravda, to sú ľudia.

Na čo sú dobré kamene, ak nemáte pravého kamenára s dobrým ostrým nástrojom, aby ho vytvaroval do miesta, kde bude pasovať v Dome Božom? Len sa vás chcem opýtať, na čo sú dobré rozhodnutia? Na čo je dobré umiestniť svoje meno do knihy. Na čo je dobré ísť a pripojiť sa k cirkvi, ak tam nie je kamenár, ktorý to vytvaruje, a spôsobí, že prestanú s týmto a tamtým, a oseká ich, a takto ich vytvaruje, a opracuje a učiní ich kresťanmi, ktorí sú umiestnení v Dome Božom, so znameniami, ktoré nasledujú veriacich?

191To je evanjelizácia času konca. Vziať kamene a vytvarovať ich. Rozumiete?

192Na čo by boli dobré kamene, ak by ste ich len nakopili? Zostanú tam len tak ležať, oni by boli užitočnejšie tam, ako tu, kde ich len dáte spolu na kopu. Oni by boli potrebné tam, ale žiaden z nich tu. Vidíte, to je pravda. Kameň nie je na nič dobrý, bez kamenára.

193Ježiš počíta charakter, nie členov. Viete to? On počíta charakter. Boh sa vždy snažil dostať jedného muža do svojej ruky. To je všetko, čo On potrebuje, je jeden muž a on urobí Jeho prácu. Počas tých rokov, len pomyslite, On mohol v čase Noeho nájsť len jedného spravodlivého muža. V čase Mojžiša mohol nájsť len jedného spravodlivého muža.

194Pozrite na Samsona. Vidíte? Boh môže použiť len to, čo mu odovzdáte. Samson bol veľký silný muž, mal mnoho sily. Samson vydal svoju silu Bohu, ale nedal mu svoje srdce. On dal svoje srdce Dalile. Vidíte? A tak je to s ľuďmi dnes. Ó, brat, oni sa načiahnu a zaplatia dlhy a takéto veci, a postavia väčšiu denomináciu a podobne, ale keď to prichádza k tomu, dať svoje srdce, to neurobia. To je pravda. Na čo je dobrý...

195Peter mal meč. Vytiahol ten meč, a išiel odseknúť uši najvyššieho kňaza, a takéto veci, urobil to. Ale keď to prišlo k skutočnej kresťanskej odvahe, on ju nemal. On sa odtiahol a zaprel Ho. Je to pravda? Dokázal odťať ucho veľkňazovi svojím mečom, iste, vedel, ako s tým narábať, ale keď to prišlo k tomu útisku a k času stáť na Slove Božom, nemal tú odvahu, a dokonca zaprel, že pozná Ježiša.

196To je to, kde to je dnes. Máme odvahu postaviť budovy a dať do nich milióny dolárov. Máme odvahu umiestniť akustické organy a plyšové sedadlá a všetko také, a ísť a získavať z miesta na miesto Prozelytu a spôsobiť, že Metodisti sa stanú Baptistami a tak ďalej, hore a dolu a podobne. Ale keď to prichádza ku kresťanskej odvahe akceptovať Slovo a posolstvo Boha, a stáť tam na ňom, tak je nás málo. Tak opäť, na čo sú vám dobré vaše kamene bez kamenára? Je to tak?

197Boh hľadá charakter, nie členstvo. Charakter. Eliezér, keď išiel vyhľadať nevestu Izáka, on sa zapotil, kým našiel charakter. Pamätajte, Abrahám naňho položil zodpovednosť, tak, ako Boh kladie zodpovednosť na nás kazateľov, to je pravda. „Upoľuj moju Nevestu!“

Nech Boh žehná tvoje srdce, ja nevyhľadávam členov, ja vyhľadávam čistých v srdci, niekoho, kto bude veriť Slovu.

198Eliezér sa pozrel a pomyslel si, „Ó, to nedokážem sám, je v tom príliš veľa zodpovednosti. Uvedomujem si zodpovednosť, že mám nájsť Izákovi...“ Čo je typom cirkvi, viete, Kristus. Rebeka, typ Nevesty … A Eliezér išiel dolu na kolená a povedal, „Bože, Ty … Ty mi musíš pomôcť.“ A keď sa odvolal na Boha, Boh mu pomohol. On získal charakter.

199Navráť sa do Slova, brat. Navráť sa ku Bohu. Nehľaď vôbec na túto cirkev, do ktorej patríš. Môžeš v nej zostať, ak chceš, ak ti to dovolia. Ale tá prvá vec je, najprv prísť ku Bohu. To je pravda. Toto je evanjelizácia času konca. Tak veru. Charakter.

200A keď zistil,... A potom, keď Eliezér našiel charakter, ktorý bol v tej žene, Rebeke, tej nádhernej neveste Izáka, povedal jej o Izákovi. A ona ani v jednu vec nepochybovala.

Ona uverila slovu toho posla a pripravila sa ísť. A išli, on sa opýtal otca, a on povedal, „Opýtajte sa jej, dievča má už dosť rokov, jej sa opýtajte, nech sa ona rozhodne.“

201Ona povedala, „Pôjdem.“ Kam? Človek, ktorého nikdy predtým nevidela, nič o ňom nevedela, ale pritom bola pripravená, pretože bola ku tomu predurčená a predzvedená. Presne tak.

202Všimli ste si tú ženu, ktorá umyla Ježišove nohy? Ona nikdy nepoprosila o požehnanie, len sa tam pozrela, a tam bol ten pokrytec, ktorý sa z neho snažil robiť žarty, degradovať Jeho charakter … To je to, čo sa oni vždy snažia robiť. Snažia sa, aby On vyzeral malý. Niektorí ľudia, viete, oni Ho nasledovali len kvôli tomu. Povedali by, „No, pozrite sem, dobrý Učiteľu, my vieme, že Ty si veľký človek od Boha, ničoho sa nebojíš, či máme platiť dane cisárovi“? Vidíte? Všetky tie veci … Len sa snažili nájsť niečo na ňom, aby očiernili Jeho Meno, poškvrnili.

Tento Farizeus Ho pozval na večeru, tá denominácia nevedela nič o tom, že Ho tam on pozve. Oni tam mali niekde, „Železo v ohni.“ (Ako by gambler povedal, „Tromf v rukáve“). Mali niečo spoločné.

203A keď vidíte niekoho takého, kto vás nenávidí, vašu vec pre Krista, a potom vás privádzajú, to je, buď z vás chcú dostať kopu peňazí, alebo urobiť niečo, alebo vás nejakým spôsobom použiť. Vidíte? Nie je … Oni nebudú veriť posolstvu. Oni ťa tam majú pre niečo iné. Či si myslíte, že ten istý Kristus nerozpoznáva tú istú vec dnes? Istotne rozpoznáva.

204Ale oni Ho tam priviedli, povedali, „No, vyskúšame to.“ A doviedli Ho tam, a nechali ho tam prísť, to zapáchalo, vôbec neumyli Jeho nohy, neurobili, aby sa cítil vítaný. Sedel tam v tom, kde oni chodili v tých rúchach, viete, prechádzali tam, kde tie kone a tie veci chodili po ceste v tých dňoch, po tých malých cestičkách a oni putovali tou istou cestou. To veľké rúcho naberalo ten zápach a to bolo na ňom, a to páchlo od toho prachu a tých vecí na ceste.

Taký hrozný zápach, ako nejaký kurník a podobne … A to bolo na ňom a išiel ako hosť do domu, kde boli tie veľké ženilkové koberce na podlahe a všetko a oni mali nejaký druh oleja, umyli si tváre a umyli nohy a dali im pár takých papúč, a tam postavili ich sandále. Potom prišli, potom, ako boli celí prezlečení a upravení, a upravené vlasy, a takto prišli. Potom, keď stretávate svojich hostí, potom vy … Zdravíte ich a objímete ich. Oni sa objímali na krku a pobozkali na krk. Vidíte?

Ako ste videli Jozefa a mňa pred chvíľou, ako sme sa objali jeden druhého, potľapkali a pobozkali jeden druhého na krk. Ale ten Farizeus, po tom, ako Ho tam pozval, a On tam sedel, on vôbec neumyl Jeho nohy, vôbec nič pre Neho neurobil. Nechal Ho tam sedieť, aby si z Neho robili žarty.

205Ale nejaká malá, biedna, degradovaná prostitútka s pár haliermi, ktoré tam zarobila svojím zlopovestným spôsobom života, uvidela Ho tam sedieť. A veľké slzy sa jej kotúľali po lícach. A išla tam a vzala alabastrovú nádobu za všetky peniaze, ktoré mala, nejako sa tam prešmykla a dostala sa tam a padla k Jeho nohám a začala plakať a jej vlasy padli dolu. Ona plakala, vzala svoje … Nemali tam uterák, aby tým umyla Jeho nohy, tak ona vzala svoje vlasy a utierala Mu nohy. Aká nádherná voda pre Jeho nohy. Slzy kajúceho hriešnika. A ak by len pohol svojou nohou, ona by vyskočila. Ona o nič nežiadala, ona len uvidela, že toto má byť urobené.

206 Či to my nemôžme urobiť dnes? No, my o nič nežiadame. To musí byť učinené. Evanjelium musí byť kázané. Či dostaneme halier, alebo čokoľvek, v tom nie je žiaden rozdiel. Nikdy vo svojom živote som nevybral oferu. Toto je potreba. Toto je zavolanie. Oddeľte sa. A cirkvi, ktoré vás nenávidia, a všetko možné, a ktorí vás vystrčia, a koľkých málo priateľov len máte, ktorých môžte spočítať … Ale to je posolstvo, to musí ísť bez ohľadu na čokoľvek. Nikdy som nešiel do rádia, alebo veľkých televíznych programov, kde by som prosil ľudí o peniaze. Nedokázal by som to robiť. Chcem byť vaším bratom. Chcem ísť tam, kde Boh … Ak je tam päť ľudí, choď tam, choď tam, ak je tam milión, Boh pre mňa urobí cestu, aby som tam išiel. To je všetko. Len to ži vierou. To je to, ako by sme to všetci mali robiť. A vďaka Bohu, mnohí z nich to robia. Vidíte? Tak isto. To je pravda, robia to.

207Pozrite na túto malú ženu. Ježiš ani nepohol nohou. Pozrite na tohto Farizeja, ako tam stál, a hovoril, a snažil sa robiť si z Neho žarty. Povedal, „No, ak by On bol prorokom, vedel by, aká žena to umýva Jeho nohy, vidíte, vedel by, aká žena je pri ňom. Vidíte, tu to máte, to ukazuje, s akou triedou ľudí On má do činenia. Som z toho rád. Áno, On to vedel, „Pozrite, aký druh ľudí je s ním, my sme tí vznešení, my sme cirkevní členovia, a pozrite tá hriešnica, tam je s ním, tá žena a my vieme, kým ona je. Chodí po ulici. Ona je... „Viete, o čom hovorím, „Tak, ona je takým druhom ženy. Pozrite, pozrite, to je ten druh ľudí, ktorý na ňom visí.“ Som tak rád, som tak rád.

208To je to, čím som bol, viete. Ja som bol takým druhom ľudí, nedobrý, hriešnik. A každý jeden z vás je na tom tak isto, ak si neprišiel k Nemu. Ty neprichádzaš, len aby si bol členom cirkvi, ty prichádzaš, pretože niečo musí byť vykonané. Ježišovi musí byť poslúžené. Niekto by tam mal byť. Urobme to.

Ona sa nikdy neopýtala, „Pane, či ma požehnáš? Či urobíš toto“? Nie, ona Mu len umyla nohy, a utrela ich vlasmi svojej hlavy. Viete, niektoré z našich sestier by sa museli postaviť na hlavu, aby nabrali dosť vlasov, aby mu utreli nohy.

209A tam jej pekné kadere spadli dolu a ona Mu utrela nohy, a ona Mu takto ustavične bozkávala nohy a Ježiš tam sedel, a pozoroval ju, a vôbec sa nepohol. A po chvíli, keď bola hotová, On sa otočil.

210 Bol tam ten starý Šimon s celou svojou kazateľskou asociáciou, povedal, „Vidíte, há, to je On. Vidíte, tu to máte. To ukazuje, kým je. On nie je prorok, pozrite na Neho.“

211On sa otočil a povedal, „Šimon...“ Ó, predstavujem si, že on sa v tvári začervenal. Povedal, „Niečo ti mám povedať, ty si Ma tu pozval. Keď som vstúpil dverami, vôbec si neumyl Moje nohy, vôbec si Ma nepobozkal na privítanie, vôbec si Mi nepomazal hlavu, len si tam stál a snažil si sa robiť zo Mňa žarty. Priviedol si Ma sem za tým účelom. A táto žena, odkedy som prišiel, odkedy som prišiel, ustavične umývala Moje nohy svojimi slzami, a utrela ich vlasmi svojej hlavy a ona ustavične, nebozkala Môj krk, ale bozkala Moje nohy.“

„Ty si neočakávala nič, že, sestra?“


212„Ale Ja ti hovorím, že tvoje hriechy, ktorých je mnoho, sú všetky odpustené.“ Vidíte? Po celý čas, ona nemala vôbec nič, iba strach, že možno nerobí tú správnu vec, ale to malo byť vykonané, ale jej odplata mala prísť na konci.

213Mohli ste ma počuť kázať tieto posolstvá. Mohli ste vidieť Ducha Svätého rozlišovať a konať veľké veci a vykonať zázraky. Mohli ste sa modliť a nikdy sa to nestalo, choď ďalej, tvoja odplata prichádza na konci. Či by to nebolo lepšie potom? Áno, vidíš, urob Ježišovi službu, to je posolstvo času konca. On mal Nevestu. Boh hľadá charakter.

A potom, ako Eliezér našiel charakter, potom tá ďalšia vec bola, pripraviť ju ísť. To je to isté teraz, brat, tá istá vec teraz. To posolstvo času konca nie je tam v Babylone.

214To je to, čo som ti povedal, Jozef. Tento môj malý švédsky priateľ, tam jedného dňa stál, a položil hlavu na moje rameno, a plakal ako malé dieťa. Povedal, „Brat Branham, Boh ma poslal sem do Chicaga, povedal, že v jednom z týchto dní uvidím Chicago zatrasené“, a on povedal, „A teraz ma oni posielajú preč, berú odo mňa moju cirkev, veľkú najkrajšiu cirkev v Chicagu.“ Povedal, „Berú moju cirkev, a tu to je, a oni ma vystrkujú, odhlasovali ma, a ja neviem, čo robiť.“

215Povedal som, „Jozef, Boh neklame.“ Povedal som, „Ty si videl Chicago zatrasené, to začalo v New York City, keď som ťa tam videl, pretože, ak s tebou oni nebudú spolupracovať, ja tam ani nepôjdem.“ A ja som ho ani nepoznal, ale niečo tam na ňom bolo, čo ma k nemu tiahlo. Nehovorím toto kvôli tomu, že sú tu dnes večer zhromaždení misionári, ale to je pravda. Bol som potiahnutý k Jozefovi. Odmietol som ísť do Chicaga, pretože oni jemu nedovolili prísť, nedovolili mu prísť do spolupráce.

Povedal som, „Potom ani ja nejdem.“

Povedali, „Ty ho nepoznáš.“

216Povedal som, „Ja viem, že ho nepoznám, ale Boh ho pozná, on je Boží služobník, a pre mňa je on v poriadku.“

217A tak potom Jozef povedal, „Prial by som si vidieť Chicago zatrasené.“ Ó, neuvedomujete si, že to zatrasenie neznamená, že to budú tí, ktorí sú potravou pre kanóny. To neznamená, že tam budú zničené tie odpadky. Cirkev je zatrasená. Rozumiete? Tam bolo len sto dvadsať v tej hornej dvorane zo všetkých tých miliónov, keď prišlo to zatrasenie. To je pravda, istotne. To je zatrasenie medzi ľuďmi.

218Pozrite, keď tam oni mali to veľké prebudenie, tento Apollos, Baptistický kazateľ, ktorý ešte neprijal Ducha Svätého, nikdy ešte nebol pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista … Pavol prechádzal hornými krajmi Efezu a nachádza túto mocnú cirkev, o ktorej hovorí Biblia, prišiel tam a povedal im o ceste Pánovej. A oni povedali … A on povedal, „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého, odkedy ste uverili?“ A oni kričali a mali ohromný čas. Povedal, „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého?“

Povedali, „Ani nevieme, že je.“

Povedali, „Potom, ako ste boli pokrstení“?

Oni povedali, „Boli sme pokrstení pod Jánom.“

219On povedal, „To viac nefunguje, musíte byť znovu pokrstení.“ A on ich pokrstil na Meno Ježiša Krista, kládol na nich svoje ruky, a Duch Svätý na nich prišiel. Hovorili v jazykoch a prorokovali. A tam ich bolo asi osem, alebo desať. To je pravda.

220Zatrasenie (rozumiete?), Boh netrasie tamtým, peklo to zatrasie, keď to príjme. Ale Boh trasie svoju cirkev.

221Jeden anjel prišiel ku Abrahámovi a jeho skupine tam na vrchu a vykonal zázrak. Rozlišoval myšlienky, ktoré boli v jeho srdci (je to tak?), a Sára bola vo vnútri. A kedy tí anjeli išli do Sodomy, mali tam dolu tisíce. Vidíte, zatrasenie prichádza v malej skupine. Ty si to videl, Jozef. Ty si videl Chicago dostať Jeho posledné zavolanie. To je pravda, a Boh ťa uctil, a ty si urobil presne, čo On povedal.

222Pripravovanie Nevesty, to je to, čo to je. No, ideme hneď tu zakončiť, keď toto poviem. Posolstvo času konca má pripraviť Nevestu a pripraviť Ju na vytrhnutie. Čo to môže urobiť? Podľa Malachiáša 4, to je priviesť ich späť do viery, ktorá bola raz darovaná svätým. Priviesť ich späť do viery otcov. Tá Letničná časť v čase prinavrátenia. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ To je skutočná udalosť … Evanjelizácia času konca.

223Tak, chcem povedať len týchto pár slov, predtým, ako zakončím. Preskočím tie ostatné miesta Písma, a možno niekedy sa ku nim dostanem. Ale chcem povedať toto. Veríme, že sme v čase konca, veríme to. A hoci sa to zdá ako čas konca, v tomto čase, že to posolstvo a posol, obaja, akoby sa rozlamovali... Zdá sa, že Satan sa snaží najlepšie, ako môže, aby nás sotil do priekopy, brat Neville mal nehodu, brat Crase tam, a vybuchnutie tej pušky. Vidíte, zdá sa, že práve teraz je to, kedy každá cirkev tam mi ukazuje červenú. A vidíte, zdá sa, že je to takmer rozlomené. Vyzerá to, ako by sme boli porazení. Nebojte sa. Viete, to je obyčajne v tom čase, kedy Boh vstupuje na scénu s niečím, čo On pozoroval dlhý čas. Pamätajte na to!

224Pamätajte, raz boli nejaké deti, tam v tej ohnivej peci. Oni sa držali pravdivo toho Slova. A nič sa nedarilo. Vrhli ich do väzenia, držali ich tam v noci, a na ďalšie ráno ich išli upáliť.

A zdalo sa, že koniec je na blízku, a oni kráčali rovno do tej pece. Ale On tam prišiel, aby to zmenil. Tá scéna sa zmenila v okamihu.

225To sú vždy tie najslabšie momenty, keď sa zdá, že to pravé posolstvo je takmer porazené. To je to, keď Boh vstupuje. On necháva to posolstvo a toho posla dostať sa na koniec cesty (rozumiete?). Keď On prichádza, a On jazdí na veľkých vlnách. To je pravda.

226Pamätajte, to bol Ježiš, keď si Jeho nepriatelia mysleli, že Ho porazili. Ten neveriaci povedal, „Dostali sme Ho na kríž.“ Sadúcejovia a Farizeovia, ktorí Ho nenávideli a zavesili na kríž, si mysleli, „Teraz sme Ho dostali.“ Aha, to bolo asi v tom čase, keď Boh pricestoval tam na scénu, a vzkriesil Ho v to veľkonočné ráno a zlomil kráľovstvá Satana. Odzbrojil peklo, vzal kľúče smrti a pekla a povstal s nimi. Iste, to bolo práve v tom slabom čase. Jeho posolstvo, ktoré kázal, to Slovo, za ktorým Stál, a všetko, potom to bol ten skutočne slabý moment, keď prišlo to víťazstvo. Keď urobil všetko, čo mohol, potom vstúpil Boh. On zmenil tú scénu.

227To bol Jákob, keď bežal od Ezava, vyhýbal sa tu i tam, prestupoval pravidlá a rôzne veci, a snažil sa ukryť pred Ezavom, potom jeho srdce začalo plakať za domovom, a na svojej ceste domov poslal poslov, poslal dary a všetko možné, a snažil sa upokojiť Ezava, ale to bolo vtedy, keď Jákob prišiel ku koncu samého seba. To bolo, keď Jákob nevedel, kam sa má obrátiť. Previedol svoju ženu a deti cez tú vodu a on prekročil ten potok, a to bolo, keď Jákob zápasil celú noc, až stratil svoju silu a bol zmrzačený a bol slabý a jeho telo bolo rozlámané. To bolo v tom čase, keď Boh prišiel na scénu. A ďalšie ráno ho nachádzame s čím? Ako knieža bez strachu, po svojej slabosti. A to vyzeralo, že je porazený, ale nachádzame ho ako nebojácne knieža. To posolstvo pokračovalo a ten posol bol s tým. To je presne tak. On bol v tom dni nebojácnym kniežaťom.

228 Ezav, dokonca, keď ho tak veľmi potreboval. Ezav, keď ho stretol … A pamätajte, presne v tom istom čase Boh tiež pracoval na srdci jeho brata. To je tak. A Ezav k nemu prišiel, povedal, „Mám tu armády.“ Povedal, „Ja...“ Si slabý, Jákob, tvoje telo je postihnuté, si rozlámaný.“ Povedal, „Pošlem vojakov, aby ťa ochraňovali.“ Práve vtedy, keď ich potreboval.

229Ale on niečo našiel, povedal, „Pôjdem sám.“ Amen! To je to, kedy sa on zotavil zo svojej slabosti. Zotavil sa z toho šoku.

230Keď sa Ježiš zotavil z toho šoku smrti, vtedy bol najsilnejší. Mohol prejsť budovou bez toho, že by vôbec pohol tie kamene a maltu. Mohol jesť rybu a chlieb. Amen, ó, áno, to bolo v tom čase, potom, ako prišla slabosť, potom sa ocitol silný. To bolo potom, ako prišla slabosť.

231A vyzerá to, že je to veľmi slabé teraz pre oboch, posolstvo i posla. Ale nebojte sa. Niekde, ja neviem ako, ale ja Mu dôverujem. On jedného dňa pricestuje na scénu. Nebojte sa. Poďme spolu. Skloňme spolu svoje hlavy. Evanjelizácia času konca...

232Ó, Bože, tie veľké večerné svetlá už teraz nejaký čas svietia. Ako si prišiel sem pomedzi tie uličky, a privádzal si tých, ktorí boli len tieňmi mužov a žien, zožraní rakovinou, slepí, chorí a postihnutí, poslaní od lekárov, dokonca z kliniky Mayo a všade inde sa ich vzdali, a oni tu teraz sedia dnes ráno, mnohí z nich sú zdraví a silní, nielen tu, ale všade na svete. Ženy prijali svoje deti vzkriesené do života, potom, čo boli mŕtve hodiny. Deti, ktoré boli zabité na ceste autami a boli vyhlásené mŕtve a položené, nebola v nich zdravá kosť, a behom minúty išli dolu ulicou a chválili Boha. Áno, Pane, Ty si Boh, večerný čas je tu. Večerné evanjelizačné semená boli zasiate, Otče, a teraz to vyzerá, ako by sa to dostávalo trochu do toho času zmrzačenia. Mnohí z týchto...

233Keď si prišiel prvýkrát na scénu tam v tom Tvojom období, všetci z nich, „Ten mladý Prorok z Galilei...“ Ó, oni sa všetci okolo Teba zhromaždili, ale keď si začal do nich udierať a hovoriť im o ich vyznaniach a tých veciach, potom sa od Teba vzdialili. Musel si vstať Sám a nakoniec Ťa priviedli na Golgotu, a zdalo sa, akoby zvíťazili, vyzeralo to, akoby ich intelektuálna skupina porazila tú vec Božiu. Ale, ó, nie. V to Veľkonočné ráno mala zem nervový otras. Hrob bol otvorený a Syn Boží povstal. Mal kľúče smrti a pekla. Mal krst Duchom Svätým, so svojimi právami, aby ich potom dal. Povedal Svojej cirkvi, „Choďte tam do Jeruzalema a čakajte, a Ja to pošlem na vás, a potom svedčte o Mne, kým sa nevrátim.“

234Potom Si tam stál a povedal im, aký bude čas. A my sme tu v tom čase konca. Pane, príď znovu. Či prídeš, Otče? Sme unavení, ustatí, ľudia všade naokolo nás odmietli. Denominácie nám ukazujú červenú. V Kalifornii, tam, kde tam stoja tí vzácni svätí a plačú, štyridsať cirkví a ten jeden vodca povstal a povedal, „No, ak on krstí, používajúc Meno Pána Ježiša, nechceme ho.“ A on odvrátil Evanjelium od tých biednych hladných ľudí...

235A, Otče, ja som povedal, „Príď a stretni sa so mnou v Písme“, a on to nechcel. Prečo? On to dobre vie. Otče, prečo sa pohania búria, a ľudia zmýšľajú márnu vec? Istotne vystretím ruky Tvojho Svätého Dieťaťa Ježiša, aby si uzdravoval chorých a ukazoval znamenia a divy konca. To sa, Pane, opakuje. Modlím sa za nich, Bože, nedovoľ, aby boli odmietnutí. Je tam ešte medzi nimi mnoho dobrých ľudí. Udeľ, Pane, aby to uvideli a vyšli.

236A dnes ráno naše malé zhromaždenie, Otče, my nepoznáme srdcia ľudí, Ty poznáš. Táto malá skupina tu, idem jednako rovno tam. A teraz, predtým, ako opustíme cirkev, Pane, túto malú skupinu, ktorá sa tu zhromažďuje, oni sú pútnikmi. Oni nevyznávajú, že sú z tohoto sveta, Pane, sú cudzincami. Oni sa znovuzrodili, sú novými stvoreniami. Oni vyšli z vecí sveta, aby slúžili Bohu, vediac, že, „Nežiadaj si márnych bohatstiev tohoto sveta, ktoré tak rýchlo upadajú. Máme svoje nádeje, postavené na večných veciach, ktoré nikdy nepominú.“

237Nebeský Otče, ak by tu dnes boli náhodou jeden, alebo viacerí medzi nami, ktorí nikdy nemali ten pocit, že by sa mali obrátiť, modlím sa, aby Si v tomto čase hovoril do ich sŕdc, a nech sa mierne a pokorne vo svojich srdciach kompletne odovzdajú Tebe, a nech povedia, „Pane Ježišu, buď mi milostivý, mne hriešnikovi. Nechcem zomrieť v tom stave, v ktorom som teraz, a neviem ani, či prežijem tento deň, potom, či by to nebolo bláznivé márniť svoj čas svetskými vecami“? A všetko tu zahynie a ľudia zahynú s tým svetom. Ale, Bože, Večný Otec nemôže zahynúť. A nemôžu ani Jeho ľudia. Nech to teraz prijmú, náš Nebeský Otče.

238Posväť tie vreckovky, ktoré tu ležia, kvôli chorým a postihnutým. Bolo povedané, že ich brali z tela Pavla, tie vreckovky a záclony, a zlé duchy od nich odchádzali. Uzdrav chorých, ktorí sú dnes ráno v našom strede. Modlím sa, aby medzi nami nebola ani jedna slabá osoba.

239Nech sa teraz ten Veľký Duch Svätý pohybuje naprieč obecenstvom, nech si každý uvedomí Jeho prítomnosť. A ako som citoval na začiatku, keď prichádza búrka počas suchého leta, a tie vetry vysušovali a bolo horúco a fúkal prach, ale zrazu bolo počuť zahrmenie, a môžme vidieť povstávať oblak, a povedal som, že ten červený signál zhasol, On prichádza. A cítime ten chladný vánok, toho vítajúceho Svätého Ducha, ako sa pohybuje, naprieč tými suchými miestami. Pomôž nám dnes.

240Zachráň stratených, naplň ich Duchom Svätým, Pane, rýchlo, predtým, ako svetlá zhasnú, pretože ten signál je už zhasnutý. Tá stará loď Siona je už teraz pripravená, a to nebude dlho, keď ona zavolá. A zrazu tam budú mať v novinách, „Čo sa stalo? Stovky ľudí naprieč národom zmizli.“ Ó, Bože, potom bude príliš neskoro pre tých ostatných, lebo vytrhnutie už prišlo. Súd udrie na zem, spravodliví budú preč. Potom pôjdu ku hrobom a povedia, „No, či nebolo … Či oni otvorili tento hrob, no čo sa tu stalo?“ Ó, ten, ktorý dôveroval v Boha, ktorý zomrel pred rokmi, bude preč. „Ó, potom aké kvílenie a nariekanie to bude, keď tí stratení už prišli k svojmu osudu. Budú kričať na skaly a vrchy“ podľa Písma, „Budú sa modliť, ale na modlitby bude príliš neskoro.“ Nech to nie je tak s niktorými, ktorí sú tu dnes prítomní.

241A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, a tiež sklonené naše srdcia... Som veľmi divným človekom pri pozývaní ľudí k oltáru. Verím, že to nie je Apoštolská náuka. Verím, že rovno tam, kde sedíte, robíte svoje rozhodnutie, či chcete skutočne žiť, alebo zomrieť. Verím, že to je na vás. A ak je tu niekto, kto to nikdy predtým skutočne takto nevidel, a uvedomuje si tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme a chcel by si len, aby som ťa spomenul v modlitbe, že sa chceš stať kresťanom a že chceš byť vo svojom živote Kristu podobný, a byť pripravený na Jeho príchod, zodvihol by si svoju ruku, kdekoľvek si po budove, nech ťa Pán žehná, nech ťa Pán žehná, nech ťa Pán žehná, a teba a teba. Boh nech ťa žehná tam vzadu, nech ťa Boh žehná tu dolu, to je pekné. Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani, rovno v križovatke života, sestra. To je veľké rozhodnutie. Mohla si urobiť veľa dobrých... Nech ťa Boh žehná, ocko. Mohol si tiež pracovať mnoho ťažkých dní vo svojom živote a vychovať malé deti. Mama, ty, ktorá sedíš tam pri nej. Ó, Bože, možno si vychovala rodinu, a urobila mnoho veľkých vecí, potľapkala si líčka malého dieťatka, keď plakalo, a húpala kolísku svojimi mladými rukami, a oni sú teraz staré a chatrné. Mohla si kolísať to bábätko a urobiť mnohé dobré veci. Ale tá najlepšia vec, ktorú si kedy urobila, bola, keď si zodvihla potom svoju ruku, „Odpusť mi, prepáč mi, prosím.“

242Náš Nebeský Otče, Ty vidíš tie ruky. Ty vieš, čo je za nimi. Tak, oni sú trofejami tohoto zhromaždenia. Oni sú trofejami toho posolstva. Ty si povedal, „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, ku Mne prídu, a nikto nepríde ku Mne, koho by prv nepritiahol Môj Otec.“ A Ty si prehovoril k týmto ľuďom, a oni tu sedeli a podľa vedy by ich ruky mali visieť dolu, pretože gravitácia ich drží dolu. Ale oni zlomili a porušili zákony vedy. Majú v sebe ducha, ktorý zodvihol ich ruku, čo je v protiklade ku vede, pretože ten duch tam láme vedu. A oni zodvihli svoje ruky, pretože tam pri nich bol Duch Boží, ktorý povedal, „Ty si … Ty potrebuješ Krista.“ A oni zodvihli svoje ruky, „Pamätaj na mňa, ó, Pane.“

243Ako ten zomierajúci zlodej na kríži povedal, „Spomeň si na mňa, keď prídeš do Svojho Kráľovstva.“

244A čo si mu Ty povedal? „Dnes budeš so Mnou v raji.“

245A ja sa modlím, Otče, a ja sa modlím, Otče, aby práve v tento deň, kedy prevezmeš Svoje Kráľovstvo, aby Si každého jedného z týchto veriacich vzal do Svojho obecenstva tu na zemi, a bol im milostivý. Ježišu, Ty si povedal, keď si bol tu na zemi, v svätom Jánovi 5:24, „Ten, kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd, nebude tam, keď súd udrie na zem, ale oni prešli zo smrti do života.“ Ty si to zasľúbil, Pane. Ja si ich nárokujem.

A teraz všetci, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky, a dokonca aj tí, ktorí vo svojich srdciach uverili, že by mali, a neurobili to, dávam ich Tebe, dnes ráno, Otče, ako trofeje milosti Ježiša Krista a Jeho Slova, ktoré sme kázali dnes ráno. Sú Tvoji. Zachovaj ich v bezpečí, Pane, až do toho dňa, a nech rastú ako dieťatká. Nech tie vody tu v tom bazéne ich nájdu, ako vyznali svoje hriechy, a zomierajú a sú pochovaní v Kristovi, aby znovu povstali do nového života, aby kráčali v novom svete, kráčali s novými spoločníkmi, kráčali v novom spoločenstve, kráčali s anjelmi, kráčali v prítomnosti nadprirodzena. Potom tie veci, ktoré nedokážu vidieť okolo seba, ale ich cítia, a vedia, že oni sú tam, to sú veci, ktoré trvajú. To nadprirodzené trvá. Dávame ich Tebe, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene, amen.

246No, je mi ľúto, že som vás držal trochu nad čas, a som si istý, že … Cítite sa dobre? No, to zhromaždenie niekedy musím sekať a natískať. No, vám, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky a veríte v Pána Ježiša, budete mať službu krstu, nazdávam sa, dnes večer. Alebo áno, myslím, že tie bazény sú napustené, ak to chcete práve teraz, a odevy a tak, sú pripravené. Ak si prajete byť pokrstení práve teraz, kedykoľvek, sme tu, aby sme to učinili. A teraz po tom krájaní, a sekaní …

247Ďakujeme vám, príchodiacim v našich bránach, ktorí prichádzate do obecenstva s nami dnes ráno okolo Slova Božieho. Ceníme si váš príchod. Nech vás Pán žehná. Som rád, že ste tu boli.

248Vidím tam sedieť vzadu v budove môjho priateľa, nevidel som ho dlhý čas. Dokonca si nepamätám meno toho chlapca. On je môj dobrý priateľ. On je bratranec dievčaťa, s ktorým som zvykol chodiť, Márii Francisco. Neviem si spomenúť, ako sa volá. Zodvihol by si ruku? Sme radi, že ťa tu máme a nech ťa Boh žehná. Ten chlapec je kresťanom mnoho rokov. A ja som …

249Môj dobrý priateľ tu, Jim Pool. Koľkí z vás tu ste počuli zmieniť sa o Jimovi Poolovi, mojom priateľovi z detstva. Jeho syn a manželka …

250A Donny, neviem si spomenúť na jeho druhé meno, Gard … Gard, Donny Gard a jeho milá manželka oni sú tu. Včera nás boli navštíviť. Sme tak radi, že ich tu máme dnes ráno.

251A myslím, že toto je zvláštne, ten brat, ktorý sedí rovno tu, pri bratovi Wayovi. A, ó, rovno tu, možno sa mýlim, ale niekedy zabúdam na tváre. A som rád, že vás tu všetkých máme dnes ráno.

252A teraz, predtým, ako odídeme, po tom krájaní... A viete, Biblia hovorí, že Slovo Božie … Ako to rozhodnutie, to je ako kameň, ale vy musíte mať toho kamenára, aby to otesal na ten svoj tvar … Rozumiete? A v liste Židom vo 4. kapitole je povedané, „Slovo Božie, ostrejšie a mocnejšie ako dvojsečný meč.“ To krája, obrezáva, odsekáva prebytok, „Dokonca je rozlišovateľom myšlienok a úmyslov srdca“, Slovo Božie a ono krája.

253No, tak len uctievajme, zaspievajme moju obľúbenú starú pieseň, jednu z mojich obľúbených, „Milujem Ho, milujem Ho.“ Koľkí Ho skutočne milujete? Je mi jedno, či si kresťan alebo nie, povedz, „Milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa.“ Spievajme to teraz všetci spolu.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

254Či to nemilujete? Zaspievame to znovu a zatiaľ, ako to spievame, potraste si s niekým pri vás ruky, nevstávajte, len povedzte, „Nech ťa Boh žehná brat, niekoho okolo teba, aby sa tak každý cítil vítaný, to je naše uvítanie tu v modlitebni odo mňa, od každého jedného z vás. V poriadku.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

(Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat)

pretože On prv (Boh nech ťa žehná)...

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

255Skloňme svoje hlavy a hmkajme to. [Brat Branham začína hmkať, „Milujem Ho“ - pozn. prekl.]

No, podajte Jemu ruku, ľahko. No, či nie je On nádherný? Áno.

256[Nejaký brat hovorí v neznámom jazyku - pozn. prekl.] Buďte skutočne úctiví... Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, ak vezmú hadov, alebo budú piť smrtonosné, neuškodí im, dokonca ani nehoda, alebo výbuch im neuškodí. Budú klásť svoje ruky na chorých a uzdravia sa.“ Len čakajte chvíľku, vidzme, či príde na toto výklad. Ak sú cudzí v našich bránach, čakáme, či Pán povie niečo ku nám cez toto posolstvo. [Nejaký brat dáva výklad – pozn. prekl.] Výklad, [Výklad pokračuje – pozn. prekl.] Ten výklad je to, čo povedal tento muž, a tak tá osoba tu by nemusela vedieť, čo to je. To je Duch, to sa deje tu v modlitebni, prichádza posolstvo ku ľuďom. Modlime sa.

257Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti za toto, nevediac, že niekto, niekde, že Ty si hovoril niekde do srdca, a to zavolalo znovu, dokonca pri ukončovaní posolstva, to povedalo, nazval Si ich svojimi deťmi, pretože Ty si ich zavolal, a oni boli možno hotoví odísť bez toho, že by Ťa prijali.

A toto … To posolstvo znovu prichádza, tak modlíme sa, Nebeský Otče, aby si udelil túto veľkú porciu Tvojho Ducha na kohokoľvek, kto to môže byť. Vôbec si nepovedal ich mená, Ty si len vypovedal. A tak, Otče, možno to je spôsob, ako to chceš. A my sa len modlíme, Otče, aby bola udelená Tvoja vôľa tejto osobe, alebo týmto osobám, ktokoľvek oni sú, aby to mohlo prísť do toho posledného zavolania. Modlím sa, Otče, aby to nebolo, ale že dnes ráno, ak to oni príjmu a uveria celým svojím srdcom, potom, ako počuli to posolstvo, ktoré si Ty vypovedal a povedal, a potom, nech to smú prijať ako plný pohár, aby prijali Ducha. Nech povstanú a nech sú pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a nech sú sladko naplnení Duchom Svätým a vedení do života služby a šťastia. Porúčam to teraz Tebe, Otče, to zhromaždenie v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

258Tie posolstvá niekedy hovoria ku niekomu, my nevieme, kto oni sú. Niekedy je povedané, kto oni sú, ale možno niekto tu, možno začal odchádzať bez toho. A keď to robíte, pamätajte, to je Duch Svätý, hovoriaci v jazyku, že môže vziať nejakú inšpiráciu, ten istý, ktorý to vypovedal, a to isté je vyložené. A pamätajte, cez čo som práve prešiel, keď som to čítal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Vidíte? To je medzi veriacimi. Neveríme, že všetci ľudia to musia robiť. Veríme, že to padá na cirkev, medzi ľuďmi. Niekedy tu prichádzajú ľudia, nikdy o niečom takom nepočuli a padá na nich Duch Svätý a oni vydajú posolstvo, a sú uzdravení ľudia, ktorí tu sedia a zomierajú s rakovinou a všetkými možnými druhmi nemocí a vecí a rovno sa navracajú. To je Duch Svätý medzi svojimi ľuďmi.

259Či Ho milujete? Amen. Ja Ho tiež milujem. Dúfame, že vás večer uvidíme. A teraz brat Neville, odovzdávam službu bratovi Nevilleovi, nášmu pastorovi.

THE END-TIME EVANGELISM, 62-0603, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 139 min

1 Thank you, Brother Orman.

Let us bow our heads just a moment now for a word of prayer. And while we have our heads bowed, I wonder if there be any here that would have a special request would like to be made known by an uplifted hand? The Lord sees these things, I'm sure. Trusting He will grant it.

2 Our Heavenly Father, we have assembled this morning for no other purpose than to magnify the Name of our Lord Jesus. And we thank Thee that we already have felt His Presence. And we are sure that He meets with us, because it's His promise, that "Wherever two or more are gathered together in My Name, I'll be in their midst." Now, we would ask Your blessings, Lord, upon all these requests today that's been known now by lifting up of the hands. You know what was beneath that hand, in the heart, and I pray that You'll answer each and every one.

3We thank You today for the opportunity to worship Thee. We thank Thee for a church and for a people and for brethren of like precious Faith. And now we ask that You will give to us the desires of our heart today, that is, to serve You. Feed us with that hidden Manna that You said, in the Bible, was given, that laid back just for the priesthood only. And we are taught that we are priests of God, offering spiritual sacrifice, that is, the fruits of our lips, giving praise to His Name. Now, we pray that You will bless us in the further part of this service, breaking the Bread of Life to us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

4 I'm glad to see our big family back again this morning, and happy to be here with you. And to the strangers that are sojourning in different parts of the country, that gathered in with us on Sunday morning, is here. We have no denomination. And we just gather, the people that believe in God gather together to worship the Lord together, and offer our prayers to God, make our confessions to Him. And each Sunday and each day we go through a purgatory, that is, purging our souls by His Holy Spirit, from our sins, trying to live as godly as we know how in this present age, looking for His appearing at any time. And we are looking for that at any time.

5 Now, we have a--a big program today. We have our Sunday school services here this morning, and then tonight we have a--a very special program tonight. My good friend, Brother Joseph Boze, which, he's no stranger here with us, but I believe it's about the first time he ever visited us in the church. It's... I always had two churches of the entire world that I travel, that I always call "model churches," and one of those were Brother Joseph Boze, the Philadelphian Church in Chicago, Illinois, and the other one was Brother Jack Moore, Shreveport, Louisiana. I was at those churches so much till when I come home from the missionary trips someone say, "Don't call Jeffersonville to get Brother Branham, just call up Chicago. If he's not there, well, then call down at Shreveport." I was there so much.

6 Joseph has left Chicago. It broke our hearts, at first, when we thought he was have to leave Chicago, but after prayer we found it was God giving him a call. And this little friend of mine has now blazed out into a great work in Tanganyika and Kenya and Uganda, and he is doing a great work. And we feel to help support him in every way that we can in these meetings. And I'm planning, if it be God's will, in this coming January, to be with him in his schools throughout Africa there, as we go on into South Africa from his schools. And he will tell you more about it tonight in his address to the church. He'll be speaking this--this afternoon about, I guess about eight o'clock, as soon as the preliminaries are over. And then he has a film that you'll be happy to see, I'm sure. And that film is of his schools in Africa, and what the Lord has done for him just in a short few years. It's very encouraging to me to show what... to see the film, because it shows what God can do with one person that'll find His will and place. After waiting for years to find it, then walking in the way that God directed him. Bring the children along, the first part of it is a very little part.

7 As you know, Joseph, many of you, has quite a sense of humor. And I guess he thought I'd be looking at his picture, so he goes out one night and wanted to take a picture of a lion. In Africa there, there's plenty of lions. So Joseph goes out and takes a lion. And I thought it was the cutest thing. After the mothers had made the kill, and they had eaten the--the animal, she was pulling the skin off. And her little baby cub following along behind, trying to act like he was trying to re-kill it again, you see. And I'm sure the young folks will enjoy about, I suppose, five or ten minutes of that at the first of the film. Now, come early.

8 And I've not been asked to say this. I don't want to say it. Joseph knows nothing about it. But I think tonight we're going to show our appreciation to Brother Joseph by giving him an offering to his missions for overseas. We believe that the Lord Jesus is coming. And--and if you've been saving a little mission offering, or something for the missionaries, or something you'd like to, a contribution to that, make your check out to Joseph B-o-z-e, for tonight. B-o-z-e, that's right, isn't it? Joseph Boze. And it's... I know Brother Joseph as my bosom, personal friend, and knows it'll go for the Kingdom of God, the best of his knowledge to It.

9 And, so, before we go farther, I would like to introduce and let him just have a word here. I tried to get him to take the morning service, and he wouldn't do it, so he will speak to us tonight at eight o'clock, for what time he cares. And the camera will be set up, and the screen here, for the picture. But right now I would just like to say to the church, and introduce to the church my good friend and brother, Joseph Boze.

Brother Boze. [Brother Boze speaks and compliments for nine minutes--Ed.] Thank you, Brother Joseph, that's very nice. The Lord bless. [Brother Branham and Brother Joseph Boze hug and pat each other.] This is a Sweden and Ireland, together. God bless you, Brother Joseph. Thank you for your compliments, Brother Joseph. It's, I can say the same about him. So thankful to the Lord for his great work going on in Africa, and he'll tell you more about it tonight.

10 And now I believe Billy slipped out and told me to have Brother Neville or somebody on... The--the acoustics is not too good in the back. Or may... Can you hear back there all right? No, they don't hear very good. Would you adjust the machine?

11And I believe, while we're waiting for him to do that, I believe my niece, Donna, has got a little... her and Teddy has got a little fellow here they want dedicated to the Lord. And so, Donna, if you'll bring this little fellow now, why... And, let's see, where is the sister at the piano, the player, is she present?

12[Brother Edgar Branham says, "Use one of the mikes on the side, honey."--Ed.] This one here? ["That's fine."] All right, sir. ["Either one of them will reach."] That'll be fine. All right. I had... I was in the wrong place. I think it was me that was in the wrong place.

13 Now, we have a little song that we usually sing about this time for the little fellows, that is, "Bring them in, bring the little ones to Jesus." Now in the...

14Many churches sprinkle these little fellows, and that's all right if they want to do that, that's strictly all right as far as I am concerned. And others has ways that they, maybe, that they call that baptism, and if they want to call that baptism that's all right, as far as I'm concerned.

15But the Scriptures is what we try to follow just the way the Bible says it, just keep just in the Scripture. There's no place in the Bible, in the New Testament, but what they brought little children to Jesus and He blessed them, and said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Now, that's the way we do it. Pastor and I stands there, takes the little one and offers prayer of dedication to the Lord. And then when they're...

16 We feel that a baby has no sin, no more than its sin that it was borned in. We're all born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. And, now, when Jesus died at Calvary, He took away the sins of the world. Then the baby could have been born, or it might have died before it was born; or born before it comes to the age of accountability, it has no sins. Jesus took away the sins of the world. But after it gets old enough and commits sin, then it's got to confess its sins and then be baptized for the remission of its sins, you see. But now, of course, it's too young.

17 Now, let's all sing this good old hymn now, we sing now. I don't know whether I can lead or not.

Bring... in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

18What's his name? Teddy, Junior. All right, sir. We are very happy to see this young couple here this morning with this fine young Teddy here, and pray that God will bless him abundantly, and give him Eternal Life in the world that is to come, and a long life here. May I have him just a minute? This is young Teddy Arnold. We all know Teddy here, he's our... a brother here at the church, married my brother's daughter here, Donna. And they have this little fellow here, a newcomer. Think this is your second. And the other one is a little girl, isn't that right? He's a bright-looking little fellow. I'm always afraid I'll break them when they come this small, so--so dainty-like, I just afraid they'll break.

19Now could you imagine a mother bringing her little one like this to the Lord Jesus? If He was here this morning, person like we're standing, this mother would quickly run up to Him, wanting Him to lay His hands upon this baby and bless it. Daddy's heart would jump for joy. We know that God has give this to their union and they want to give it back to God in appreciations of Him giving it to them. Let us bow our heads.

20 Our Heavenly Father, we are trying to follow Your example. When the mothers and fathers brought to You little children, You laid Your hand upon them and blessed them. And now, Heavenly Father, this young couple has been blessed in their home, of receiving this little boy, little Teddy Arnold, Junior. So we pray, Heavenly Father, that Your blessings rest upon the child. We lay our hands upon it in commemoration of You and Your promise to us, that we should lay our hands upon the people in commemoration of Your great Word. Bless little Teddy. God, we pray that You'll give him long life, good health. May he live to see the Coming of the Lord, if that be possible. And we pray for his father and mother, may they be blessed by raising this child. And if there is a tomorrow, make him a minister, Lord, of the Gospel, and give to him the things that You have promised to the human race, that he might have life, and Life abundantly. We give to You now, little Teddy Arnold, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

21God bless you, Donna and Teddy, long life and many blessings; and to you, little Teddy, 'cause He loves you.

22 Oh, I think they're so cute, I... little fellows. I like all people, but I think children and, then, old people, when you get old. Some old man or woman has come down along the way, and so feeble, and I think they're just pitiful-like, you know, and I just think we should never... See them crossing the street, stop. What if that was your daddy or your mother? See? Somebody's, so respect them. And they talk maybe slow and long time, and maybe things that you don't want to hear, but, remember, you may get old, too, someday, so just always respect them.

23 And them little fellows, who could mistreat one of those? By the way, you should never do that. You know, Jesus said, "Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones, for their angels always beholds My Father's face which is in Heaven." Remember, they have an angel. When you're born, it stays with you all through life. And now, then when you get saved, you have the Holy Spirit then, and It guides you and directs you.

24 And now I'm looking right over the audience to see ones that I know. And, if I'm not mistaken, I see a sister from Chicago out here; that makes you feel kind of at home, to be represented in Chicago, Sister Peckinpaugh and all those along the way there. We're happy this morning to see Brother and Sister Cox here; and Charlie, Nellie, as we know them. And Rodney's here somewhere, I suppose, Sister Cox. And Brother Willard Crase, one of our minister brothers here. And so many different ones that I just couldn't hardly reach down to call them all.

25 Glad to see Brother Evans and Sister Evans back there. That's the man I was telling you was bit by the rattlesnake, and the Lord... Would you just raise up your hand or something, Brother Evans, so they'd see in there that--that the... We was fishing, and the ground rattler bit him right into the leg. And laid hands upon him and prayed for him, and it never even got sore, or never had no more to do with it after that. And the Bible said, you know, "They shall cast out devils; they shall tread on the heads of scorpions and serpents, and nothing shall harm them; and--and their... in My Name, them that believe on Me," what all the powers and what they would do, and so forth, was given to us. Then, if you're just not afraid!

26 What if somebody give you a check and had a name signed at the bottom of it, and if you carry that check in your pocket all your life, it--it won't do you no good. You got to cash it. So, every promise in the Bible has got Jesus' Name signed at the bottom of it. The bank of Heaven's responsible, and the deposit was put in on Calvary when our sins were forgiven, we are made sons and daughters of God. And therefore don't be afraid to cash in on any gift that God promised. Just remember, He promised it and it's yours.

27I've seen Him stop the flames of fire, stop blood, quench the violence of--of the Devil, and cast out enemies, and heal cancer, raise up the dead when the doctor was standing there, been dead for hours and hours, raise right back to life again. I've seen that in my little weak ministry of myself, time after time after time. So I've seen wild beasts tamed right down till it couldn't move, and all things. So He's just... He's still God. He... If He ever was God, He's still God. And if He--and if He never... And if He isn't God, He never was God, 'cause He'd have to be... To be God, He'd have to be infinite, He knowed all things, He'd have to be omnipotent, all powerful, omniscient, all-present. And, oh, He's just God! The Perfection of perfection is God.

28 Now, I don't aim to, sometimes when I teach these Sunday school classes it's about four o'clock, Joseph. Here a few Sundays ago, I was here six hours. I'm no hoping to scare you, see. But--but I don't mean that this morning; just five and a half. No. Just this...

29I may not be with you for a while now, we're going up to Virginia, or up to Carolina, and North and South Carolina, and then to the West Coast, and up the West Coast, and into Canada and Alaska, and then back. And maybe, the Lord willing, go over to Africa and see Joseph, and go down through into South Africa again.

30 And had a great meeting not long ago in South Africa, when it changed the whole course of Africa just in a few hours, when God, just in His miraculous, where front-page newspapers packed the articles, whole first and second and third page nothing but just articles on the meetings. First went in there, they just thumbs down, they wouldn't even have given a man gasoline because he was going to the meeting, wouldn't sell it to him, said, "Anybody fanatic like that!" And the next day, was willing to give him the gasoline free. See? So just the difference, you see. I'm... Something takes place. He was petting a little cub there, you know, and said to him, said, "Where you going?"

He said, "I'm going down to Johannesburg."

Said, "Oh, you're a businessmen?"

31Said, "No, I'm going down to see Brother Branham, the meeting."

32Said, "What?" Said, "You look like more a brighter man than that."

33He said "Well," said "I'm a Christian. I'm going down and see it."

He said, "Just drive somewhere else and get your gasoline."

34And so the next day, coming back, it was the only stop between there and the Transvaal, so he had to go up through there, and he stopped at the next station below that. And that guy run out and called him, said, "Come up here. Come up here." The papers had all front pages and second pages, and so forth, full of it, what our Lord did. And so we're thankful for that.

35 Now, just for a little gathering together, any of you along, got your friends out through, we're to be at the Cow Palace now. It's a great livestock, western livestock exhibit on the West Coast, at South Gate. So some of you fellows like me, that likes guns, I'm going through the Weatherby Factory there, and go with me if you wish to, if you're around there. And so they're going out into many places through the daytime, you can go to Catalina Island, you know how it is. And you man, women with your little children, Disneyland. And he's one of the members of the group, too, so just come right along. You, I know you'll have a good time. And, above all, pray that God will open the eyes of unbelievers and will make converts to Christ.

36 Now we're going to read just a few Words out of the Bible here, because I like to do this. And then I have some Scriptures written down here, in here, and some note that I'd like to teach on this morning, for a few moments. Remembering tonight's service. And then I'd like to tell you what all's happened this week in the private interviews, and so forth, but I don't have time. And I notice some of them are sitting here this morning, that's still waiting on those interviews, from out of town. We'll try to get to them this week, as quick... try to get everything that's waiting here, anyhow, before we leave.

37 Now we want to turn in the Gospels, to Mark 16, the 16th chapter of Saint Mark. And my title today, of this, is The End-time Evangelism. And let's begin reading on Mark 16, about the 14th verse.

And after he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of their hearts, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;... he that believeth not shall be damned.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

And they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them,... confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

38There is so much could be said on this. This is the last commission the Lord gave the Church.

39 I'm... Happened to look down here. I'm trying to think... Brother West, I was trying to think of your name a few moments ago, sitting there from Georgia. And I just couldn't think what your name was, just a few moments ago. The other brother sitting there, I can't think of his name. And so many of... You understand I not trying to slight knowing someone, but they just... I don't get their names just so fixed up in my mind.

40 Now we are thinking of evangelism at the end time. And anyone that would, could read a newspaper, and could read... The sky is black and darkening, and the clouds coming up, and--and know that we're fixing to have rain, can feel it in the air, and see the great streaks in a far distance, and the flash and the pushing of the wind, knows we're going to have a storm, going to be a rain pretty soon. Anyone can read a newspaper and see the conditions of the nation, nations, realize that something's fixing to happen. When you see one with a chip on his shoulder, and the other, and them arguing, with all kinds of weapons and so forth to fight with, and no agreement, kicking off their shoes and beating desks and everything at their conferences, you know something's fixing to happen. And that brings upon the people kind of a feeling that something's fixing to happen. The world, as we would call it, kosmos, the outside world, feels that there is a coming destruction, of say like an atomic age is fixing to blast forth.

41The Christian knows it's the Coming of the Lord. See? There's an atmosphere. It depends on what you're looking at, for our Lord has strictly told us just what was going to happen at that time, and we don't know the minute or hour, but know that we are nearing something now.

42 As I was speaking here sometime ago, watching a lamb one day in Africa, out from a corral, and it was--it was grazing very peacefully, and all at once it become nervous. And I wondered what was the matter with the little fellow. And you know a sheep cannot find his way back wherever he come from, he's lost completely. That's the reason the Lord likens us unto sheep, see, when we're lost, there's only one thing can bring us back, the Shepherd. And this little fellow was bleating, and he had wandered out from the corral. And I noticed, in the grass, way below, the little fellow could not see it. And a lamb or a sheep doesn't smell its enemy like the other, like a deer or something like that, but he--he could sense that death was near. And there was a lion come slipping up, coming easily. He could smell the sheep, so he was coming, you see, to get the lamb. And the little fellow become nervous, and you couldn't see the reason why, but it was death was lurking so near that he was nervous.

43 And the--the world is such in a neurotic shape right now that they'll drive down the street ninety miles an hour, to sit in a beer joint and drink two hours before they go home. And it's an onslaught of...

44Speak to someone, oh, my, they blow up! Like I was speaking the other night at a tabernacle, and about going to a hospital out here to try to take some of Brother Neville's calls. And every time I'd speak to a nurse or a doctor, they'd snap you, "I don't know nothing about it!"

45Well, I thought, "What's the matter? Everybody just letting off pressure, I guess." But, the doctor, the psychiatrists are doctoring the psychiatrists.

46 So, but there is a way out, that's Christ. Now, the Christian should not be in that condition. We should be happy, waiting for the Coming, for it's close. We can feel the cooling breeze of Calvary. When we look down and see the God of Heaven Who made the promise, and the very things that Jesus did in His life, promised would return in the last days, and here we see it. What is that? That's the breath of the refreshing, like the rain coming. See? We know redemption is nigh. See? Something's fixing to take place. Now, the world doesn't see that. They laugh at it, because like they did in other days. But we know that it's coming near.

47And that's the reason I chose today this subject, for my last for a while for the tabernacle, on end-time evangelism. And when we are doing mission work or foreign mission, with the Word of God, we know we're always in the will of God, because Jesus' first commission to His church was "Go out and preach the Gospel." This last commission was to preach the Gospel.

48 The first time He ever ordained any persons to preach the Word and go throughout the country, He said, "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils; as freely as you have received, freely give." Saint Matthew, the 10th chapter, sending out the seventy, two by two. That was the first commission He gave to His Church.

49Now, the last commission He gave to His Church just before He was received up into Glory, He said, "Go ye into all the world." He had just risen from the dead. And many of them was sitting together, and He upbraided them of the hardness of their heart, because of their unbelief, that believed not them that had seen Him after He was risen. See, they had a testimony that they seen the Lord. And the others didn't believe it, and He upbraided them because of the hardness of their heart. They didn't believe these people who had seen that He was not dead, "He's alive!"

50 Same thing today, when you see His work. Now, we have already seen and are witnessing the appearing of the Lord. Now remember, appearing and coming is two different words, to appear and then to come. Now is the appearing, He's already appeared in these last days. Right here with us in the last few years. Now, it's a sign of His Coming. He's appearing in His Church, in the form of the Holy Spirit, showing that it's Him, 'cause people cannot do these things that you see the Holy Spirit doing, so that's the appearing of the Lord. Now remember, it spoke both places, "appearing" and "coming."

51 Now, He upbraided them because of their hardness of heart, because they didn't believe those who had seen it. I believe He'd do the same thing today. After we... They have... they didn't believe the testimony of those people, and He upbraided them for it. And then He commissioned them to go into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature, and He would be with them to the consummation, the end of the world. "These signs shall follow them that believe."

52 Now, today, we try to take the written Word we have in letter form, creed form and so forth, to all the world. And there's been missionaries gone everywhere. But what do we find when we get there? A native that can't read his name, holding a tract in his hand. He knows no more about it than he does which is right and left hand. But when Jesus said, "Go and preach the Gospel," He never said "teach the Word." He said, "Preach the Gospel!" "And the Gospel came not in Word only, but through the manifestation of the Word," for the only way that it could be done was to make His promise come to pass.

53 Some one guy can read that like in William Jennings Bryant, when he was debating with Darrell on the ethics of Darwin. See? He could only say what Darwin had said. And William Jennings Bryant could say what the Bible had said. That was the debate. But, in this case, God comes among the people and proves that His Word is made manifest. And the only way you can do that, is not by a tract, but by the Holy Spirit working through you. Your life becomes His life. He's in you.

54 The heathens, when they worshipped their idol, they prostrated themself before the idol, and believed that the idol talked back to them, that god, their god turned, come into this idol and spoke back through them. Now, that's just contrary, turned around what God is. God doesn't deal with idols. You are His instrument. You prostrate yourself before God, and He comes in you and speaks out to the people. That's the difference. He's the living God for a living person, not a dead God to a dead idol. He's a living God to a living being. And you become His witnesses, what He said here.

55That's now, notice, many people says that that was just for the apostles. He said here, "Go ye into all the world and preach this Gospel to every creature, and" (conjunction) "these signs shall follow them that believe."

56 Now, today, we say a good church member shakes hands with the pastor, puts his name from the Methodist to the Baptist, or Baptist to the Methodist, or so forth, and lives a pretty good life. Now, we missionaries, we see those heathens live life that these Americans, so-called Christians, couldn't compare with by no mean. See? So if just a good life's all that counts, they're saved the same as the rest of them, by an idol. Their morals would smother over us till we wouldn't have a chance to stand in their presence, that's right, and their acts. But that's not it.

57Jesus said, "Ye must be born again." In order to be born again, it's letting yourself go and die, and the Spirit of Christ come into you. Then you're no more yours; it's Christ in you, see, the Holy Spirit. Paul said, "I die daily; yet I live, not I, but Christ liveth in me." See, Christ!

58 And if I told you the spirit of John Dillinger was in me, I'd have guns here and be an outlaw, because that would be his--his spirit in me. If I told you the spirit of an artist, you'd expect me to paint the picture of an artist.

59If I tell you I am a Christian, and the Spirit of Christ is in me, or in you, then we do the works of Christ. Jesus said, in Saint John, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." Then He said here, "These signs shall follow them that believe."

60 Now, through the age, there has been a time that these signs has not followed believers. That's right. The prophet spoke of it, and he spoke of it over in Zechariah, he said, "There would come a time that could not be called day nor night, but in the evening time it shall be light."

61Now, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It doesn't change, it's the same sun. Now when the Holy Spirit came, Jesus, the Son of God, He come in the east, on the eastern people. It's been a day... as it's traveled, as civilization has traveled with the sun, coming from the east to the west, and now we're at the West Coast. We go any farther, we're back east. So, well, everything denotes His Coming. We're at the end time. Everything shows that it's all over.

62 Now, now the prophet said. And no prophecy can be... should be privately interpreted, as Jesus said. It's just exactly what It says. "It shall be light in the evening." Then the same Son that come upon the eastern people and showed His works and His blessings, it was prophesied that there would be a dismal day; neither day nor night, that's a gloomy day, that like hazy. And you can't see the sun, but the sun yet gives enough light. Something like it is out there now, maybe a little darker. And we've had enough to join church and put our name on the books, and so forth, but in the evening time that same great power of Christ would come upon His Church just like it did back there on the eastern. In the western it would be the same. So that's why I want to speak on evening-time evangelism.

63 Each age has had its message and its messengers. All through the times, every age has packed its message with a messenger. God, in every dispensation, has sent forth someone anointed with the Holy Spirit, to bring forth His Message for that age, every time.

64Now, we could start back, to back it up just a little bit. Even from the beginning, God was the messenger at the beginning, to tell Adam and Eve, "You shall eat this, but you shall not do this." That was the Message. And when man stepped across the Message of the hour, it brought death and chaos to the whole human race. Now, that's how much the Message means. And remember that it wasn't just a complete blank denial of what God said, that Eve believed, it was taking what God said and whitewashing it over, or--or just misconstruing it a little bit, just adding a little bit to It, or taking a little bit away from It.

65 That's the reason that I believe that the Word is the Truth. If our creeds and our denominations doesn't come completely with the Word, then it's wrong. And if God would not permit, and His Word was so important, to just misquote one word of It caused all, every death that ever happened, every suffering, every crying baby, every funeral procession, every grave on the hillside, every ambulance that ever screamed, every blood that was ever shed, all the old age and starvation and trouble that we've had, just because God's Word was miscalculated, caused all of this, will He excuse it at the end time if we miscalculate It again?

66 So, you see, Christianity is an important thing. If it's cost all this six thousand years of trouble, because of one Word being misused, now we're not going back with one other Word misused. It's got to be exactly with the Word, with nobody's interpretation, just what the Word says! So many men will get together and they say it means this, and they'll agree, and others will say this. But It says, "This is It!"

67If God is going to judge the world by the church, then which church is it? If He's going to judge it by a nation, which nation is it? He's going to judge the world by the Word, the Bible. For, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." That was, Christ was God's Word made flesh, spoken through human being.

68 Now, in the Book of Revelation, He said, "If any man will take one Word out of here, or add one word to It, the same will be taken, his part, out of the Book of Life.

69So you see it's not just, "Well, I believe this, but I don't know about that." You've got to believe It all. Maybe you haven't got faith to stand up to It, but don't try to stand in somebody else's way.

70I've often said I wish I had faith, when my life is over, to go like Enoch, not die, but just take an afternoon walk and go home with God. I'd like to do that. But if I haven't got that kind of faith, I won't stand in somebody else's way that has that kind of faith. See?

71 Now, we're in the evening time. And the messengers down through the age... We find out that at the beginning when a messenger was sent, to--to misconstrue His Word or to doubt one Word, it was total annihilation and Eternal separation from God, to misconstrue that messenger's Word. And the first Messenger was God Himself. And the... Every other messenger has been God speaking through man, since, which is God's Word, for there's no man then for Him to speak through but just the one He was talking to. But since He's made man and redeemed man, it's been God speaking through man. He uses not the--the agency of--of any mechanical device, but the agency of man, a man that's surrendered and consecrated to God.

72 How we could bring it down through the prophets, and Samson, and on down through till this very present age. It's always been an individual with God. Now, each age, I said, had its message and its messenger. Now we take another age after the Eden age, just to get a little background. Now, after the Eden age come the Noahic age. Now when the world... we was... I was speaking the other night down at the Clarksville tabernacle, upon the subject of the end-time sign. And then the other night, Thursday night, on being identified with Jesus. And now this morning on the end-time evangelist, evangelism, pardon me.

73 Now, just before the antediluvian destruction and the flood time, well, we find out that they had a greater civilization than we have today. I believe that they had control of atomic power. I think that's what shook the world from its orbit. I've stood in the British Ice Fields; dig down five hundred feet, bring out palms, where there used to be palms there, and many hundreds of years ago. And we're taught and know that the world stood upright. But, and they had such mechanical and such science till they could build a pyramid, sphinx, so forth, that we couldn't reproduce today. We have no machinery to lift those blocks that far, see, 'less it would be atomic; gasoline power won't do it, and electrical powers won't do it. But it was another age much smarter than our age.

74 And in that age, God called a man called Noah, just a common man, farmer, because he was found godly in his generation. And God dealt with that one man on the subject of "build an ark." Because, sin, we notice that in that time that "The daughters of--of the men," the Bible said, "saw... the sons of God saw the daughters of men."

75Discussing it, where many of the writers think that that was sons of God that the fallen angels pressed themselves into spirit. I don't see how a man could think that. That would make him a creator, make Satan a creator. Satan's no creator, Satan is the perverter of creation, see, all. A lie is only the truth mistold. An adultery is the right act misconstrued. See? And that's exactly what sin is. Satan cannot create, he can only pervert what has been created.

76So it was the sons of God, which was Seth's sons from the lineage of God, through Adam; and the daughters of Cain, Satan, "And when they saw they were pretty, fair."

77 And we notice in there, that bringing up pictures of like of a few years ago, say a hundred years ago, how the beauty of women has come past the beauty that used to be in women. If you'll read Genesis 6, you'll find a beautiful picture of it there. They were fair. And women today are much prettier than they used to be. It's because of their dress and their modern trend. That's what brings them out.

78I got a picture of Pearl White, was when Scott Jackson killed her, plunged the knife into her bosom, the secret lover, and the great nation was shook with the song of Pearl White. She was supposed to be the most beautiful woman that there was in the world in those days. Why, she would be a relic on the street today, to some of these women.

79 Or, go back to the time of Clara Bow, when she first started the scandal of rolling her stockings down below her knees, and saying, "Roll 'em, girlies, roll 'em." I remember that in my early age. And take the picture of Clara Bow and compare it with some of the beauties of today. See?

80And that is a sign of the end time. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." And they continually undressed themselves. What is that? Daughters of Cain. That's why we're considered cranks and fanatics when we try to explain and tell the Gospel truth about it. But they continually immoralize themselves and get on the streets and--and act the way they do, and don't realize that they are going to answer at the Day of Judgment. Now, the woman that misdresses herself, sexy, and may you might be as pure as a lily to your husband, or to your sweetheart, your boyfriend, but when the sinner passing the street and looks upon you, you dress that way, he'll lust for you because you have presented yourself to him in that manner.

81 It isn't the kids that needs the whipping, it's papa and mama, for letting them do like that. That, it isn't juvenile delinquency, it's parent delinquency. And I think a lot of pulpit delinquency, for they just let them get by and say nothing about it, when there it is in the Word.

82Now, now the Bible, Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath," past tense, "committed adultery with her in his heart, already." And when that sinner goes to the judgment to have to answer for an adultery, it'll fly right back, "Who did you commit it with?" With you! Though you never done the act, but the Bible said you're guilty, anyhow. Who's to blame then? "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." The seriousness of it!

83 In Jeffersonville today, there's ninety-nine and ninety-nine tenths percent of the woman are guilty before God. The whole nation is that way. Why? The delinquency at the pulpit, to tell the people; and the delinquency in the home, lets the young ladies get on the street and act like that. And they call it "all right."

84Now, that's exactly what Noah had to contend with in his day. The daughters of men were fair, and the sons of God looked upon them. See, the lust coming again. But Noah, oh, we could stay there for hours. But Noah was a man of righteousness, godly, integrity, and he cried out against such. And they called him a crazy man. Scoffers, the Bible said, that they scoffed at him, made fun of him. But he said, "There is coming a time that a storm, water is going to fall from the skies." There had never been no rain. And his Gospel didn't stand up to their scientific theories of that day, for there was no rain in the sky.

85 And, today, the scientific theory of the modern so-called religious groups has tried to prove that this blessed Thing that we have, called the Holy Spirit, is only emotion. See, it just don't stand up according to their scientific theory. Well, I would like to ask them this, what makes them change? What makes the drunkard stop drinking? What makes the prostitute cease her evil life? What makes the cancer and the--the diseases depart from the people, and the deaf, dumb, and blind, and the dead to raise up? Explain that. Is that emotion? It has emotion with it, certainly.

86Anything that's alive has emotion, and anything that doesn't have emotion is dead. Excuse the expression, but I think we ought to bury some of our emotionless religion then, because it's dead. It has no emotion to it. Any religion that has not emotion should be buried, uh-huh, because, It is emotional!

87 Jesus, when He entered the city, the children and all of them, all of His friends, crying, "Hosanna! Him that cometh in the Name of the Lord!" And those religionists of that day couldn't stand it, it was too emotional. He said, "If they hold their peace, the rocks will immediately cry out." See? Something must cry out, because life was there.

Noah had a terrible time, but finally one day he had a trial.

88And all that go with God has trials, your faith is tried. When you start to live for Him, then every neighbor's going to talk about you, everything's going to go wrong for you. Just remember that, for it's God trying you. The Bible said, "Every son that cometh to God must be first proven, chastened, child-trained." Like my daddy trained me when I done wrong, they had--they had the--the ten commandments hanging up over the door, it was a limb about this long; and Mr. Branham was a pretty good man in his arm, and he took us out and he trained us. And that's the way God does. He tries, child-trains you, brings you up, because you're His child; there's something in the future for you, home in Glory. And He trains you. Now, every son coming must be tried.

89 Noah, a type now of his dispensation, had a trial, 'cause God told him to go in the ark, and when he went in the ark, the door shut itself. And Noah no doubt told his family, "Watch tomorrow. Oh, the door closed tonight, but in the morning there will be rain up there in the skies." Never had been before, remember.

90And the scoffers, maybe some of them kind of halfway believers, said, "Let's go up and stand. You know, that old man could have been right." They stood around the ark, waiting, you know, and thought, "Well, now, he could be right." And they went up. And the next morning, the sun rose just as pretty, come across.

91You know, and no doubt but what Satan set up there on top of that hole in the ark, that window, said, "You think you're still right?" Well, that's the way the Devil does all of us. But as long as God said so, stay with It! That don't matter what, stay right with It.

92 The second day passed, the third day passed. Noah was sweating it out. But, finally, after seven days! And that was in February the 17th when he went in. And then after seven days, then that morning when he woke up, the thunders was roaring, great big drops of rain was dropping around. Those who had come up and stayed a day or two, to find out, say, "Well, we'll go and see if anything happens," it was too late then. They knocked, they screamed. The streets come full of water, begin to raise up on the hillsides. People took to the highlands. They tried to get them on boats, and so forth, but if the boat wasn't God-constructed, them big mighty shaking of the earth at that time just shook it right down under the water.

93 You say, "Any! Just so I got a religion, it'll be all right." No, it isn't. It's got to be a God-constructed experience in religion. See? All other will perish. I don't say this to be different. I only say it because of love, and knowing that I--I'm going to have to answer at that day, and responsible. So if I just say what He says, then I know it's all right. But if I try to put somebody's creed or theory in it, I--I couldn't do it, I don't have no faith in it. I just believe what He said.

94 Now notice, after a while it got deeper, and to the highest. They knocked at the door, they screamed, they cried. It didn't do a bit of good. Maybe a few days before, when they put the animals in there, I could hear some of the scoffers say, "Go on in there with your stinking animals. Live with all your stink in there if you wish to."

95That's just today, they tell you the same thing. "Go on, be old fashion if you want to. We're going to live it up." Go ahead, let it go. But, oh, brother, to be safe in the Ark, the door closed! That, that's the thing.

96 But Noah, in his day, it was hard for him in his dispensation, see, because that the people had never heard of such a thing, but it come just the same. Then we find out on the scene, come after Noah's deliverance and so forth, and the earth begin to grow again, and--and everything that breathed breath perished. And then we find out again that there come a time, then, God was bringing His children out of Egypt, that Moses come along with the law. It was so hard for the people to understand, but a dispensation was changing to a law. And then after the law come, Moses trying... It was a schoolmaster. People was just living any way they wished to, so the schoolmaster, the law, was, the Bible said, to bring people to recognize that it was wrong, so He gave them the Ten Commandments. It was quite a change, the people didn't want to receive it. All right.

97 Then after Moses, come John. And after John, the dispensation come, he introduced Jesus. And when Jesus come to try to bring us grace, which was God in the Spirit, in the line of Spirit, manifested His love, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son," and Jesus was so different and contrary to the law, see, but it was a different dispensation, a different time.

98And then when Jesus left, He spoke of this dispensation of the Holy Spirit, the Life inside, a Witness of Him of the resurrection. I got lots of Scriptures here, but I just haven't got time to get into them, I'll just brief them over. All right. It's always been a fact and a--a fight, when one dispensation is changing from an old dispensation to a present-time Message, it's always been a fight with the people. They--they--they... It's, although it's been always Scriptural. But during the time that God gives them a dispensation and something to live by, or something to do. Now we find out that immediately after that dispensation is given, the men of the earth try to find something to counteract that, and something to make a man-made affair of it.

99 After Noah had the ark, and then immediately after that, Nimrod, that renegade, he built a tower, and said, "If the floods would come, we'll just climb up and get above it." And then God come along with the law that just... See, that dispensation had lived its time out.

100And when Jesus came, also, after the law, the law spoke of Moses and... spoke of the coming of Christ. But when He came, they was so set in the traditions of the fathers, they had their creeds, they had their fashions, they had their churches, they were settled down, so it was so hard for Jesus to try to shake that kingdom (that church) from a creed, to believe Him. And yet the Scriptures especially spoke of this One all the way from the first dispensation of Eden, "His Seed shall bruise the serpent's head." Promised Jesus through each one of the dispensation, and, when He come, they didn't recognize Him, because they were so bound in their creed. But yet it was the Scriptural truth. Each messenger and its Message foretold the other one to follow, each time. Moses, the prophets foretold, Moses foretold of the coming of Jesus. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet like unto me." How many times have we been through that in our Messages around the world, that the coming Messiah was to be a Prophet!

101 That's why the ill-famed woman, against all the ministers, she believed the Message. The woman at Samaria, when Jesus was speaking to her, He said, "Bring Me a drink."

102She said, "You have nothing to draw with. It's not customary for You to ask me, a Samaritan woman." And the conversation went on.

Then He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I have none."

103Said, "That's right, you got five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."

104She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet. Now, we know that there's coming a change of dispensation. There is coming One Who's going to be anointed, that's called the Messiah, the Christ of God, and, when He comes, He will be that Prophet." How much more that woman knowed than all the preachers of that day! Yes. And her in her condition, see, she understood the Scripture. Yet, a poor little woman, married with five husbands, and living with the sixth one, and yet she knew more about the Scriptures, because she took It just for Its face value. And she said, "When He comes, He'll be a Prophet."

What did Jesus say to her? "I am Him."

105 And she left her waterpot and ran into the city, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't that the very Messiah?" See? That's Him.

106Now, see, she--she knew that He was coming, because the prophets and the Scripture had, in the days of Moses, and the days of the prophets, and all the way back in each one of those dispensations, had said, "He'll be here, and this is what He'll be!" Oh, my!

107 If the people could only see that today, then they'd know the day we're living. They would see it's God's promise for this day. God said it would be this way. There's nothing wrong, God's great clock is ticking just exactly the right time. And, even according to science, it's three minutes till midnight. So, you see, the stroke might come at any time. And that's been two or three years ago since they said that. See, we're at the end time. But, you see, we've changed dispensations from the old church age of back here where that dismal day was, just join church and put your name on the book; until the evening Light, the restoration, the return again of the Holy Spirit upon the earth, another pentecost, another sign, another thing was to take place. And the people doesn't believe It, because they're so set like they was in the days of Jesus. See? He told of this day when He was here on earth. He come exactly according to Scripture, then He foretold of this day coming.

108 Now, now we want to think of another one here. I got... If you want to read some of it, Matthew 24. Jesus told of this day, He said the Jews would gather again at the last day. He said, "When you see the fig tree putting forth its buds, then know the time is at hand." He said, "There'll be a perplexity of time, distress between nations, the sea roaring; man failing of heart trouble, constantly." It's not among the women, now. It's amongst the men. Jesus never said the women; "men." Look at the plague! And in that day what would come to pass! That would be the end-time sign, "Hearts failing, fear, perplexed." Revelation, when It spoke, the prophet speaking of this day, he said that there would come a time that the church would be lukewarm, the Laodicean Church Age in the last days. See? What is it? It's Jesus (the last age) predicting the end of this age.

109 Just exactly like in Eden, like down in Noah's time, and down in the time of Moses, down in the time of the law--law, and then a time of grace, and now in the evening time. There's many others there if we--we had time, but I've just skipped over them 'cause we won't have time. Of each one saying what would be in the next age, but the church becomes so church-ie with their creeds, with their dogmas, and their make-beliefs and their man-made theories, until they miss that Word. Now you can see what evening-time evangelism is going to be. See? What is it? The ones that carry It is going to be called crazy. They'll be so different! They was in Noah's time, they was in every time. Put out of their churches because they believed in Jesus, anybody that listened to Him had to be excommunicated from their church. See? But He had that dispensation, that was His time, the Son's dispensation.

110 Now, we find out also that the great Holy Spirit prophesied of that. You want to put some of these Scriptures down, Matthew 24, and then put Second Timothy 3:1. The Holy Spirit speaks of a great intellectual age at the end time. Did you know that? Why is it?

111Joseph, you've traveled with me much here in the nation and you've heard of the meetings overseas. I go overseas and have a hundred-fifty, two hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, and the people just... Just one thing, that you see done every day, that the meetings goes on, nearly, here in the tabernacle; up to ten, twenty and thirty thousand will fall on their feet... from their feet, to give praise to God. They see It. What's the matter, don't take place in America? It's the intellectual time. They want someone who can speak not of judgment, not of these things, because it breaks them up from their fellowship with their clubs and--and their lodges, and--and the ungodly things that they belong to. Therefore, if their pastor would name something like this, the deacon board would have him ousted, and put in somebody else, some young ricky or something. You know what I mean.

112 I... Excuse that, see, I--I didn't mean that, see, but I sometimes I get over-enthused, I guess. But I mean... Ricky is all right. I just don't like the name, that's right. But you look that up in numerology, you'd re-name your child. Yes, sir. Now, Ricky or Elvis, or something like that, oh, mercy! So, oh, anyhow, now, you see they have to. They didn't have those names gone by, it has to come. This is the age for it to be here. Sure. Exactly right.

113 Now, "And now the Spirit says." Now listen, I'm quoting to you from the Scripture.

Now the Spirit speaks expressingly, that in the latter times, see, latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits,... doctrines of devils; and so forth, see.

114Look how they would be, "Heady, high-minded," big shots. Excuse it, but you know what we call the big shot, the street expression now. We all know it better to say it like that. "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God."

115 I stood there yesterday, looked at that swimming pool just below us. And, I wondered, when a man, who is a Sunday school teacher, said to me, "That oughtn't to be in the Bible, where Jesus spit." Said, "It's against the sanitation rules when Jesus spit and made, took His spittle."

116He was standing, talking, the original Greek said "He was spitting on the ground." Talking to this man, and spitting on the ground. When He got through, He took His hand, reached down, picked up the spittle with the dirt and rubbed it on his eyes, and washed it on his eyes, and said, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (sent) and your eyes will come open." And he went and washed, his eyes come open.

117 So this fellow said to me, "That would not work today. That's against the sanitation rule, health rules." And then that same man take his family, wife and all those children down there to that swimming pool where all those women and men, and in that water at times of the month that they shouldn't be in, and all that. They never go into the restrooms sometimes, and--and all them dirty bodies and filth in there, and them spurting it through their mouth, and eyes, and things like that. And then say that Jesus spitting on the ground and making a man to see!

118 I brought a little boy from there the other day, he said, "I swallowed some of that water," said, "I'm sick as a horse. I--I'm going home." The little fellow may be sitting here now, who lives in a trailer about two or three blocks down the street, where I took him, said, "I'll never go in there again."

119But yet that's called "modern civilization." See where you get to? The old saying of "gag at a gnat and swallow a camel," see. I'm just anxious to meet him now. Now, there you are. Better get off of them things, see.

120 "An intellectual, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." I'm quoting Scripture. The Holy Spirit speaks expressingly that this would take place at the end time. "Heady, high-minded, having a form of god-..." Well, first, "They'd be incontinent, and despisers of those that are right," hater of those who believe the Word. See them? They don't agree with these traditional creeds and things, so they hate them.

121Like those Pharisees and Sadducees, they hated Jesus. Why? Because He was--He was contradicting their creed. See? Not that He wanted to be different, but, He must live, He was the Word, the living Word living. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not." See?

122 Well, the same thing is today. If a man preaches these things, and it doesn't happen, then it's wrong, because the Scripture said it would happen. Then if it does happen, then that's right; not the man's right, but the Word's right. Now, but this is the condition we got into today. You see, friends, it's just as reasonable. You see it? I'm building up here to show you the climax here at the end-time evangelism.

123 Now notice in these times, intellectual age, "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God," stay home on Wednesday night to watch some of them old vulgar plays, "We Love Susie," or "Lucy," or what all of that stuff is, woman married a dozen times and living with man, and them living... And, oh, my, every one of them married and divorced, and marry and divorce, and you make them idols, like gods. But you'd rather stay and watch that than attend the prayer meeting. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." Let a ball game come in town, or the Colonels and Giants, or ever what it was happen to meet out here somewhere, they close the churches to get to attend it. Let Elvis Presley come down here on the street, with his guitar, and go to swinging it back and forth, or some of them guys, on a Wednesday night, the prayer meetings would be closed. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Heady, high-minded, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good. Having a form of godliness!"

You say, "They're Communists." No, they're not.

124 They're church members, having a form of godliness. But what? Denying the Power thereof! Having a form of God, but say, "God doesn't do these things. See, there's no Power to it, you just accept and do this, that." See, no change of life, no nothing, it's just--just belong to church.

125"Having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof. From such turn away," the Bible said. "For this is the sort that go from house to house, and leads silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts." That's exactly what the Bible said. Now we're living in exactly that age. "But do thou the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry." See, that's it.

126 Now, by these messengers and witnesses that we see, we find out what crop we're in. Look what crop you're in this morning. Look what crop we're in. Why, He said, on this side, these signs will be following them that believe, they'll be mocked and scoffed at like the days of Noah. And here will come this other group back here making fun of them, heady, high-minded, and having a form of godliness, and denying the very thing that you're professing. So you can--you can see what crop you're in, see, these true messengers of today! Jesus foretold that that would be Satan with his message. And His messenger would have this going, these signs shall follow them that believe. See, Satan's messengers would be having a form of godliness. His messengers would have these signs, taking up serpents, drinking deadly things, casting out devils, laying hands on the sick, receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, signs and wonders. Now, we're in one of the crops, and we're at the end time. Oh, my!

127 No wonder Isaiah the prophet said, "The whole body is cankered and full of putrefied sores, everything." Where could we go? What would we do if we'd all merge together? It would make it worse than ever, see, there'd be all kinds of things. Like they're trying the--the World Council Of Churches, it'll never work, they got atheists, unbelievers. "And how can--how can two walk together," said the Bible, "unless they be agreed?" See? And there's not none two of them will agree together.

128Salvation is an individual affair between, not a church, but between each individual and God. Walking with the Word! Yes. Look, brother, as we see. And I know I'm getting awfully late.

129 Notice, the great flashing red light signal of His Coming is down. We know that. I could just take many Scriptures here I got wrote down to show you, what, we're at the end time. The Jews has returned to Palestine, the fig tree has put forth its buds. Men's heart are failing with fear. The women, the rampage that they're on, how I could go back in Revelation and show you this nation here is marked by women, woman's number, number thirteen. We have, to start, thirteen colonies, thirteen stripes, thirteen everything, thirteen states, everything, thirteen, thirteen stars on the dollar, everything is thirteen and a woman.

130 When I stood not long ago in Switzerland, and I was talking. A woman said, "I, we want to come over to America so we can have the freedom like the women there." I told them what they did. "No," they said, "we don't want that, then." See? See?

131But it's America. We could go back and show that right here, that that's supposed to be in this nation that comes up where there's no waters, no peoples. Comes up like a lamb, got two little horns, civil and ecclesiastical power, but they unite together through political powers, a new President we got, bringing in Rome again.

132 I want anybody to tell me, any theologian here or anywhere else, where the Bible ever predicts that Communism will rule the world. Don't you fear Communism, there's nothing to it. It's a bogus thing that God is using to chasten the nations with it, chasten the nation. Sure. The Bible says Rome will rule the world. Look at King Nebuchadnezzar, his dream, his vision, Daniel's interpretation, how every one of them's kingdoms and dispensations hit just perfect, and right down to the end there was Rome. So, it's going to be Rome. It isn't going to be Communism, they're just--they're just figureheads. That's all. They'll never go nowhere. No, they won't.

133Like Joseph just said, "The heart of Africa, those poor heathens back there is not to be ruled over. They already been ruled over." That's what's the matter with them today, they've been ruled over. They want love, they want God. And when Communism is ungodly, then they'll never accept that. Certainly not, sure no.

134The red light is flashing. The signal's down. His coming is at hand. Oh, my! Isaiah, the 60th chapter and the 2nd verse, said, "Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness will cover the people." And that's exactly right.

135 The end-time messenger and Message should meet with end-time conditions. Don't you think so? This Message could not have been preached forty years ago. No, the end-time Message and messenger has got to meet. Back there in them days they had, it probably wouldn't have worked. But it's got to cope with end-time conditions. Be converted, believe the Gospel signs! That's the Message of today. Wash your souls in the Blood of the Lamb and believe the Gospel, that the end-time signs are here, the seed of the Gospel has been taking place.

136 They're talking so much about reform, I'll go with them on that, like the evangelical reform. Reform means "to be cleaned out." So I think we need a bunch of cleaning out, of our unbelief, and believe the Gospel. That's right. Too much of our suspicions and wonders. Reform! Even the regular word in the Greek translation which says repent, does mean "reform." And reform means "to clean out"! All the back, the past, and believe the Gospel in Its power and manifestation. "These signs shall follow them."

They say, "Just to that age."

137He said, "Unto the end of the world." Now, somebody's right. If the man who's an unbeliever said that that was just for apostles only, and Jesus Himself said "to the end of the world," then I take His Word for it. That's, It's right!

138 God wants His people to be separated from unbelief and unbelievers. So many of you people make a mistake in this, sometimes letting your children play out here a little Oswald. See? I don't mean to be different now, and starchy, and so forth, and be some kind of a fanatic. I don't mean that. But you let a... You be sure who your daughter goes out with at nighttime. See? Maybe you raised her a godly little old girl around the church, and the first thing you know she gets out with Oswald or some of them, and--and he's an atheist, unbeliever, and her life will come up ruined and you don't know what he is. You see? Then he'll marry her, and look where your kids are, your grandchildren, then, you see. Be careful. God wants His people to be separated.

139 You read Exodus 34:12 once, and see what God told Israel. "When you go over in that land, clean out everything is there. Don't you have one thing to do with it." Joshua also, 23rd chapter and 12th verse, watch what Joshua said, "Now God's brought you to this good land," like the Church now, "and has brought you to this good land. Do you enjoy it?"

They say, "Amen, we enjoy it."

140Said, "Now there's some remnant, these unbelievers out here, and don't you associate with them. Don't go with them." Don't you, sister, if that boy wants to take you to a barroom somewhere, just to have a friendly little drink, stay away from him! And the same thing, you boys, to that girl that would do the same thing. Stay away from them!

141Now you're going to say, "Brother Branham's an old crank." But one of these days you'll find out. You'd been along the trail that I been along, you'd--you'd know that that's right. Yes, sir.

142 How many times have I seen, in the confession rooms, where the young girls would come in--in disgrace. That mark will go with her till she dies, and the things that she said, Once raised in a fine Christian home, but here's what happened, she went out with this boy. He was just so cute she just couldn't keep away from him, and--and all like this. And, the first thing, he smoked cigarettes and had a flask in his pocket, and they got to drinking, and here you are. See? And there she is in disgrace and that. Oh, it's a pitiful thing. You see it on both sides. So just stay away, separate yourself! Be nice and kind to everybody, but don't be partakers of their sin. Stay away from it. Yes, sir.

143 And it's always, friends, the leaders, each time through the change of these dispensations, has got the people all messed up. It hasn't been so much the people. If the Gospel would have stayed in the pulpit where It belonged!

144Like I was talking to the Bethany College there, the Lutherans. He said, "Brother Branham, what do you think we have?" And I... he said...

I said, "Well, here's what it is."

145He said, "What's the difference between this pentecost you're talking about and us Lutherans?"

146I said, "The Pentecostal church is the advanced Lutheran church. That's exactly right. If you had stayed where you should have been, you'd been Pentecostal too."

147And we're all talking about like I heard someone say this morning, that "All churches, all--all the first religion, all Christians really come from Rome." I want somebody prove that to me. I'll admit all the denominations come from Rome. But Christians begin at Jerusalem.

148 So if the Catholic hierarchy wants us all to return back to the mother of Christendom, I'll agree with him that, let's go back to Pentecost and all get the Holy Ghost. I'll agree with him that. That, it never come from Rome, It come from Pentecost. The church wasn't inaugurated at Rome, it was inaugurated on the Day of Pentecost. Sure, not under their dogmas, but under the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That's what I'm trying to say. If we go back, let's go back to the beginning of it; not back to the denomination, you go to Rome, 'cause they was the first one who had an organization or a denomination, and it's the mother of all of them.

149And the Bible said so, in the Revelation 17, "She's a prostitute, herself, and a mother of harlots, her daughters." See? That's what the Bible said. Jesus Christ said that, "That Roman Catholic church was a prostitute, and all of her Protestant daughters were harlots with her." And He said, "Come out from among them, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins; and I'll receive you, and you'll be sons and daughters to Me." See? So there you are, see, "Having forms of godliness, and denying the Power thereof," and so forth.

150 You precious Methodists, how you used to have the power of God among you. I went and stood... I wore John's robe when I was in London, England, to pray for King George that time. And they took me up there at Wesley's Chapel where he preached to fifteen hundred every morning at five o'clock, before the man went to work. Set there in a seat where he converted this rooster fighter, and I--I set in the seat. And stood there, and go up in his pulpit. And prayed in the room where he went to Heaven. I thought, "Oh, if John could know what that Methodist church has done, he'd turn over in his grave." When you used to pray for the sick and have great signs! When John Wesley... standing out there, that shrine I stood by it, where there's a tree. That day, preaching Divine healing, and the--the high church of England, the Anglican church, went and turned... A bunch of the members come down there and turned loose a fox and a bunch of hounds, and scattered John's congregation. Little old John never weighed over a hundred and ten pound any time in his life, but he turned and he pointed his fingers, and he said, "You hypocrite! The sun will not set on your head three times till you'll call for me to pray for you." And he died that evening, with cramps in his body, calling for John to come pray for him. And he died. See? Oh, if you Methodists would be Methodists like that, you'd be Pentecost. That's right.

151 What about you Baptists? You run down at church for a few minutes, and the pastor preaches over fifteen minutes you want to excommunicate him. John Smith, the founder of the Baptist church, prayed all night at times, and cried over the sins of the people until his eyes would go shut from crying, and his wife would lead him to the table and feed him out of a spoon, his breakfast. Can't pray fifteen minutes no more. What's the matter? See, you got traditions mixed into It.

152The Message still moves on. Israel followed the Pillar of Fire. Where It stopped, they stopped. Where It went, they went. The Pillar of Fire is moving on. Yes.

153 Now we find out it's the leaders that does it. The leaders have always been the mixed. Look at old Dathan back there in the Bible time, in Moses' dispensation of the law. He was the one who led the mixed multitude, Dathan. It was Korah; when God raised His prophet Moses, and he had the Word of the Lord. He had two and a half million people out there in that desert, and Jethro come up and said, "Moses, it's going to kill you, your burden's so great." God took part of His Spirit and put It upon seventy elders, and they prophesied. It never weakened Moses a bit. He, but Moses was still the last answer. Cause he had THUS SAITH THE LORD.

154 You can't go under a group of men. I--I defy anytime that--that ever, when God ever did use a group of man. He uses one man. Exactly. One man at a time, 'cause two men's got two opinions. One man! Exactly right. Notice now, every dispensation it's been that way, all the way down through, it's been that way every time.

155And there stood Moses. And you know what Korah said? He said, "Why, Moses acts like he's the only one can preach, he's the only one that's got the Message. Oh, we know that Pillar of Fire hangs over him, we know that Light is over him, we know all that, but he acts like that he's the only one that's got the Message."

156He didn't mean that. He didn't mean it that way. He was trying to correct the people. There's too many ideas. You got to listen to something. And what happened? God said, "Just separate yourself from him, 'cause I'll swallow him and his congregation in the earth." And the earth opened up and fire come out, and they went down. See?

157 The mixed, the leaders, the leaders what caused the trouble amongst the people. If it wasn't, today we could come here in this city and every church and every congregation come together. Why, they'd have this place, they'd have, oh, every liquor store would be closed. Why, this city would be so dry till a bootlegger would have to prime himself a half hour to get enough moisture about him to spit. He... Why, it would be! Oh, excuse me, I oughtn't to have said that. Wait. This, what I'm meaning is this, we are all scattered. It's the leaders. God can come in to do something, and the leaders of these little groups afraid something's going to get lost, they'll stay... pull them away from It, instead of accepting God's Message. It was the leaders, in the days of Noah. It was the leaders, in the days of Moses. It was the leaders, in the days of Jesus. It's the leaders, today in the Holy Spirit. The mixed multitudes! They say, "Oh, let the women do that. Why you hollering at them?"

158 As I've said, I believe here before, someone said to me the other day, 'cause I'd always trying to get my sisters to line up. See it, they're--they're the target. They've been the target in every age. Satan used them back there in the Garden of Eden, and he used them each time. And when the Bible points out about America and its women in the last days, then I start to hammering away at it. And someone said, "Brother Branham, people regard you as a prophet."

I said, "I'm not."

159He said, "But they regard you as that. Why don't you teach them people how to get great spiritual gifts? Teach them things if you... God deals with you, we know that." Said, "Why don't you teach them women instead of always cutting at them?"

160I said, "I've preached to them for thirty-one years, and they're... How can I teach them, how can I teach them algebra, when they don't even know their ABC's? Why is it they won't even cope and act like women? Why is it they keep doing the way they're doing? How can you teach them spiritual things when they won't even believe natural things? How can you teach them those things?" Let the church come up into that realm, and then they can be taught in that realm how to receive gifts of God and how to manifest gifts and things. But the Holy Spirit will never let it come till that heart's right and ready to receive it.

161 Then, God's standing there like a great pressure. Don't afraid that there'll be too many of them. You can't exhaust God. Could you imagine a little rat about that long, little mouse under the great garners of Egypt, saying, "I better eat one grain of wheat a day, I might run out before next harvest"? Could you imagine a little fish about that long, swimming out in the middle of the ocean, saying, "I better drink of this water sparingly, because, you know, it might go dry sometime"? Oh, my, that's trying to exhaust God's goodness and mercy to His people! He wants to bless you. He's ready, He's pressing. Could you imagine taking all the waters in the earth, the seas and everything, and piling it in one four-foot pipe and put it up there? The pressure would be on the bottom of it, trying to find a little crevice to leak its way through. That's like the pressure of the Holy Spirit trying to come down on every life.

162 But they won't do it, they love creeds and things better than they love God. You've got to sell out to things of the world, and believe God. That can't be denied, you've seen it year after year, and time after time. And Joseph said one time, "It never misses. It's got to be God." See? And it's God's promise of the day. Not me; I ain't God's promise. I'm a man. I'm talking about His Holy Spirit that's here. That's the promise of the day, "Anywhere, anybody."

163 Now, we find out that they were the one. And, look, and we'll take for instance, Balaam. Balaam, he come down and taught the people his doctrine, and they said, "Now look, we're all believers, we're--we're Lot's daughters' children, Moab up there." Said, "We're just all the same." And he mixed them up, caused intermarriage. He caused them pretty Moabite women, all dolled up, and come down here and told these sons of God that they were--they were "all the same, after all; God's a God of all races, and everything's all right." And he married them together. And God drawed the separation line, and made them leave their homes and everything. What was it? See that thing? Just exactly what took place back there before the flood, "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men, they were fair to look upon, and they lusted for them and took unto them wives." See? Same thing took place there.

164And the same thing now! Again it's the same thing. You should see it. Each generation tells what will happen at the next one. Here it is. We see it. We know that it's the same, 'cause the Bible here is to declaring it's the same now as it was. All right. Now, and all that counts, of course, for the--the day that we're living in.

165 Now, the--the call of the day, all that counts amongst the churches today, is members. That's all they want is members. Now, we all know the Baptist slogan in 1944, said, "We'll have a million more, '44." We know our precious, gracious Brother Billy Graham, we see his place in the Scripture, where he goes to, what he does. But it's always "decisions, so many made decisions." Just denomination, that's all they want. See?

166That's the way it was in the days of Jesus, the same thing. They're not bad men. They were blind. That's all. They were blind to the Truth. Jesus told them so, said, "You blind Pharisees and Sadducees, what all you do!" What did He say you do? "You scribes, Pharisees, you're blind!" He didn't say, "You're sinners." They were sinners, but what we call sin.

167Now, we call sin, "Committing adultery, smoking, lying, stealing, things like that, that's sin." That isn't sin. That's the attributes of unbelief.

168The Bible said, "He that believeth not is condemned already." Unbelief in the Word, is sin.

169 Look at those man, holy. Why, you couldn't put a finger on them, morally. Their grandfather, and great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather, and great-great-great-great-grandfather were all priests. They kept that law and traditions of the elders and the fathers, just perfect, down through the generation. There wasn't one blemish on them. If they would, they'd be stoned. Good man. And Jesus said, "You are of your father the Devil!" Why? Because they didn't see the Message, the Word. He was there.

170And they said, "Well, this man's trying to tear up our churches."

171He said, "You blind Pharisees and Sadducees!" He said, here's what He said, He said, "You'll compass seas to make one proselyte. What all you'll do for one member! And when you bring him into your denomination, he's a twofold child more of hell than he was when he was out there." That's exactly what Jesus said.

172 And if there's anything that's unrighteous and anything that's ungodly, is to take an old mossback church member that thinks they're so good, and they can't see through nothing but their own glasses. I'm not criticizing. But, yes, I am, too. And, that's just exactly right. And Jesus said, "You're a twofold more child of hell than you was when you started." And when we take churches, that no matter how many members that you get in that church, and see them go to the bookies and horse races, and stand out here and the women with shorts on, up and down the streets, and sing in the choir, that's the biggest stumbling block the sinner ever had. Exactly. They're expecting them people that call themselves Christians to live a decent life, to be a different person. That's an example. That's a stumbling block. That's a hypocrite. That's ten times worse off than you ever was. You'd be better off to be out there like you were.

173 That's when the man comes, say, "Well, they don't live any different than I live. Well, certainly not. I'm, I'd be as good as they are." It's a stumbling block. That's exactly right. See them say, well, some sinner walk up and say, "Jesus said this here."

174"Ah, that wasn't, for that--that don't mean that. That--that, He didn't mean that right there. That was for another age." Why you unbeliever! See? What's the matter? You put a stumbling block in that person's way.

175 Jesus, or I mean in the Psalms, David said, "Set not in the seat of the scornful, stand in the way of the ungodly." See? "Don't put yourself in the way of the ungodly like that and set in the seat of the scornful, making fun of them that are right, and standing around saying it was a form of godliness. But he that delighteth in the law of the Lord, he loves to do it, he shall be like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water. His leaves shall not wither. And whatever he does will prosper, it'll come to pass just exactly." That's the kind of a church that God wants. Blind leaders of the blind, making, in these last days, scoffers coming, and so forth.

176 The end-time evangelist's Message is from Malachi 4. It's a restoring. The Message and messenger, both, will have to be a restoration of the Faith. Jude said, in the Book of Jude, just about thirty years after the crucifixion, he said, "Brethren, I give all diligence to write unto you of the common Faith, that you should earnestly contend for the Faith that was once delivered to the saints back there." See? See? Malachi said, for the last days, the last prophet of the Old Testament, that "Before the great and terrible Day of the Lord shall come, I will send to you Elijah the prophet. And he will restore the Faith of the children back to, or the Faith of the children back to the fathers, just before the destruction time." What is it? It's a Message that goes forth, a Message and messenger of the last days, that's not to bring them to a creed, but to jerk them out of those creeds and bring them back to the original Faith of the fathers, the pentecostal fathers, where the Church is to be in the last days. Not the Mosaic fathers, but the pentecostal fathers.

177 The Mosaic fathers was Malachi 3, "I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way before the Lord." Matthew 11:6 says the same thing. Jesus witnesses that that's when He seen John, said, "What'd you go out to see, a man dressed in fine collars, turned around, and so forth? Not John." He said, "Them that dress like that belong in king's palaces, and these big denominations, that kiss the babies, and marry, you know, and so forth, bury the dead, and marry the young, and so forth. They're back there." Said, "What'd you go out to see? A--a reed shaken with any wind? No, not John. No, no, he didn't shake when they busted against him."

178Said, "You'll have no cooperation if you go there." It didn't make any difference to John, he went anyhow. See?

179Said, "What'd you go out to see, a prophet?" Said, "I say, and more than a prophet! And if you can understand it, this is who was spoken of by the prophet, saying, 'I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way,'" Malachi 3.

180 And in Malachi 4, for the church age, He said, "I send to you Elijah before that day." Now, that couldn't have been John, 'cause the world wasn't burned up back there and the righteous walked out upon the ashes of the wicked. No. It's this age, a Message that'll go forth! That'll what? Restore the Faith of the people, the Church today that's out of all these different corruptions and a putrefied, sored body of denomination, back to a living Faith and a living God. The Message has been going on for years. That's right. It's time now that we should receive and believe the end-time evangelism is to restore. Joel said the same thing, "I will restore all the years the cankerworm eaten."

181 Looky here. Remember my Message recently on the Bride tree, see, how that they took Jesus? He was a Tree, the One that David saw, a Tree planted by the rivers of water, His fruit in season, the most perfect Tree. And they cut Him down and hung Him on a man-made Roman tree, for a mockery. But what did He do? Rose up again on the third day. What else did He do? He set forth a Bride Tree, a man and a woman like the trees that was in the garden of Eden, two trees. One of them, the Tree of Life, and one the tree of death. And what did He do? He come to redeem this tree. So since He redeemed it, at Calvary, He's ready to plant her now. Oh, my! I get to feeling religious when you say that, see. To restore His Bride tree, the one that should have been in Eden, but she fell there because she disbelieved the Word. But here He's going to restore a tree that will believe the Word! And when she come up on the Day of Pentecost, that original Doctrine, that original Faith, then what did Rome begin to do? Send a cankerworm, send a palmerworm. And each one took his part off the fruit, the leaves and everything, and sucked it all down.

182 But what did the prophet, saw that, he said, "But I will restore that tree, saith the Lord." She started back in the Reformation. What did she do? Organized. God pruned her, right in Saint John 14, cut all the organization off of it. And she come back to Wesley, she organized. Pruned her off.

183"But I will restore!" She's still coming. Now what does it do? In the evening time there will be not an organization. There will be a--a top. Where does the fruit ripen at first? In the top. Why? The sun hits it. And in the evening time the seeds are planted now for an evening-time Bride tree. When the Tree of Life returns back to the Bride tree. You see? And the evening Lights has come out now to water and ripen that fruit that's been on the tree that's been planted. The seeds are sowed. See? The evening time. So the evening-time evangelism will be the mark of Malachi 4, to restore the faith of the people back to the Faith of the fathers. Yes, sir. Back to the building Stones! Amen. Back to...

184 Today the leaders again are saying, "Numbers, numbers!" That back there they said in Jesus' time, in that dispensation. Jesus said, "You hypocrites! You Scribes, you Pharisees, you compass seas to make one proselyte, get one member, and when you bring him in he's a twofold child more of hell than he was when he started." And today they'll--they'll spend billions of dollars and do everything that they can to make one more member of the church. And, when you do, he's worse off than he was out there. You can just make a hypocrite out of him, let the men do the things, get on out in the world and laugh and make fun of the Gospel, and everything like that. It's, see, leaders of this day again is saying, "Numbers, numbers, numbers!" That, that's all that counts today, is numbers, decisions.

185 Now, that's such a big word today, "decisions." I wish somebody would make some deciding to serve God instead of join a church. "Make a decision, come in, put your name on the book," send a whole big bunch of people down there, would write. "What's your name?" "John Jones." "Do you accept Christ as your Saviour?" "Yeah." "You believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God?" "Yeah." Satan does the same thing, same thing. The Bible said he did. He believes and trembles. Yes, sir.

186 But you don't tremble when you really believe. You rejoice. Amen. "All those that love His appearing." As I said someone constantly telling me, sending me letters, "Brother Branham, you scare people to death, telling them the end time is coming." Scare the Church? My, that's the most glorious thing could happen, the Coming of the Lord, the end time. I wish it was right now. Sure. Well, it's the most glorious thing I ever thought of, to meet my Lord. This old robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise and seize the everlasting prize, go back to a young man again, and live forever with my Lord, with all my people. Why, my! I can't think of struggling through this sin and trial, and aches and pains in this old pesthouse here. To leave this thing and go to a--a crown of righteousness, why, it's the most glorious thing I ever heard! Like the Apostle Paul said, "I've fought a good fight, I've finished my course, I've kept my faith, henceforth there's a... I've kept the Faith, and henceforth there's a crown of righteousness laid up for me, that the righteous Lord will give me in that day; not only me, but all those that love His appearing." Not believes His appearing; but "loves" His appearing, such a joy to know He's coming! Certainly! Yes, sir!

187 But today it's "members," it's "decisions," it's "bring in members of the church," so many members. That's what... That ain't evening-time evangelism.

188Now I'm going to stop just a minute, and I just want to just talk to you from my heart. I hope I haven't--haven't kept you too long. It's... I got about seven, eight minutes yet, and I just want to talk to you from my heart.

189Isn't that truth now, "Decisions, join a church. You leave the Methodist church and come join us, the Baptist. Or, you leave the Baptist and come join us, the Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran"? Catholic taking all, see. "Member, member, member, member, decisions, decisions."

190 What good is the stones if you haven't got a stone mason to shape them out? Confessions is stones. When Peter made his confession, Jesus said, "Thou art Peter, a little stone." But what good is a stone if there isn't a stone mason there to shape him into a son of God? You're just piling up a bunch of rocks. Is that right? It isn't doing a bit of good. See? The water weareth away the stone. See, that's right, that's the people. What good is stones if you haven't got a true stone mason with a good sharp tool to shape him into the fitting place in the House of God? Just want to ask you, what good's the decisions, what good you putting your name on the Book? What good is come join the church, if the stone mason isn't there that'll shape that and make them quit this and that, and cut them and make them over This way, and square them up and make them like Christians that sets in the House of God, with signs following the believers?

191That's end-time evangelism, taking the stones and shaping them. See?

192 What good would the stones be if you just pile them up? Let them lay where they're at, might do a little better out there than they would pile them up together. They might be needed out there, and none of them out there. See, that's right. Stone is no good without a stone mason.

193Jesus counts character, not members. You know that? He counts characters. God has always tried to get one man in His hand. That's all He needs, is one man, and he'll do His work through the years. Just think, He could only find one righteous man in the time of Noah. In the time of Moses, He only found one righteous man.

194Look at Samson. See, God can only use what you surrender to Him. Samson was a big strong man, he had a lot of strength. Samson surrendered his strength to God, but he wouldn't give his heart. He give his heart to Delilah. See? And that's the way with the people today. Oh, brother, they'll reach down and pay off debts, and things like that, and build a bigger denomination, and so forth like that, but, when it comes to giving their heart, they won't do it. That's right. What good's...

195 Peter had a sword. He pulled that sword, was going to cut the high priest's ears off, and things like that, he did it. But when it come to real Christian courage, he didn't have it. He backed up and denied Him. Is that right? He could cut the high priest's ear off with his sword, sure, he knowed how to handle it. But when it come to the squeeze and time to stand on the Word of God, he didn't have the courage, and even denied he knowed Jesus.

196That's where it is today. We got courage to build buildings and put millions of dollars in them. We got courage to put pipe organs and plush seats, and everything, and go out and proselyte from place to place, and make the Methodist 'come Baptist, and so forth, back and forth like that. But when it comes to Christian courage, to accept the Word, the Message of God, and stand there on It, we are few. So what good is your stones without a stone mason again? Isn't that right?

197 God's looking for character, not membership. Character! Eliezer, when he went to get the Bride of--of--of Isaac, he sweated it out until he found character. Remember, Abraham put him responsible as God puts us responsible, that's right, we ministers. "Hunt My Bride!" God bless your heart. I ain't looking for members, I'm looking for the pure in heart, see, somebody that'll believe the Word.

198Eliezer looked, and he thought, "Oh, I can't do this myself. There's too much responsibility. I'm realize the responsibility of finding Isaac..." Which, is type of the Church, you know, Christ; Rebekah, the type of the Bride. And Eliezer got down on his knees and said, "God, You--You just have to help me." And when he referred to God, God helped him. He got character.

199 Come back to the Word, brother. Come back to God. Don't pay any attention to this church you belong to. You can stay there if you want to, if they'll let you. But, the thing to do first, is, come to God. That's right. This is the end-time evangelism. Yes, sir. Character!

200And when he found out, and then when Eliezer found the character that was in the woman, Rebekah, the beautiful bride of Isaac, he told her about Isaac. And she never questioned one thing. She believed the word of the messenger, and she made ready to go. And they went, asked the father, he said, "Just ask her, the damsel's of age. Ask her, let her decision be."

201She said, "I will go." To what? A man she had never seen, knowed nothing about. But yet she was ready, because she was predestinated and foreordained to that. Exactly right.

202 Did you notice the woman washing Jesus' feet? She never asked for a blessing. She just looked there. And there, that hypocrite trying to make fun of Him, degrade His character. That's what they were always trying to do, make Him look little. Some people, you know, they followed Him just to do that. They'd say, "Now, look here. Good Master, we know Thou art a great man of God, You fear nothing. Should we pay tribute to Caesar?" See? All the things! That, just trying to find something to blacken His Name, smut it. And this Pharisee invited Him down there for dinner, that denomination knowing that they'd invite Him there, they had an iron in the fire somewhere. As a gambler would say, "A trump up his sleeve." They had something in common.

203 When you see anybody like that, that hates you, your cause for Christ, and then they bring you in, it's either to get a lot of money off of you, or do something, or use you in some way. See? There's not... They won't believe the Message. They got you there for something else. You think that that same Christ don't discern the same thing today? Certainly, He does.

204But they brought Him in there, and they said, "Now we'll prove it." And got Him back there and let Him come in stinky, never washed His feet, never made Him welcome. Sitting there in that, where they'd walk in them robes, you know, bring in that where the horses and things had been along the road in them days, them little old trails. They all travel the same way. That big robe picking up that stink, and it was on Him, and it stunk from the dust and things on the road. And old stinking, like in barnyards and things. And that was on Him, going to a guest's house with them great big chenille rugs on the floor, everything. They had some kind of an ointment, they--they washed their face and washed their feet, and give them a pair of bedroom slippers, like, and set their sandals up. Then come in after he was all dressed and groomed, and fixed his hair, and come in. Then you meet your guests, and then--and then you--and then you--you greet them and hug them. They hug one another by the neck, and kiss each other on the neck. See? Like you seen Joseph and I awhile ago putting our arms around one another, patting each other. And they kissed one another on the neck. But that Pharisee, after inviting Him in there, and there He was sitting back there, they never washed His feet, they never done a thing to Him, let Him sit there just to make fun out of Him.

205 But some poor little degraded prostitute, with a few nickels that she had earned out there in her ill-fame of living, she seen Him sitting there. And the big tears rolled down her cheeks. She went down there and got an alabaster box, with all the money she had. She slipped in some way and got back there, and she fell down at His feet, and she begin to crying, her hair fall down. And--and she would cry and take her... They had no towel to wash His feet, and she had taken this hair and wiping His feet off. What beautiful water for His feet, tears of a repentant sinner! And if He'd just have moved His foot, she'd have jumped up. She wasn't asking nothing, she just seen it needed to be done.

206 Can't we do that today? My, we don't ask nothing. It needs to be done, the Gospel needs to be preached. Whether we get a penny, or whatever, don't make any difference. I never took an offering in my life. This is a need. This is a cause. Separate, and churches hate you, and everything else, and goust you out, and just what few friends you pick up together. But it's a Message. It's got to go, regardless. I never put myself on radio and big television programs where I'd have to beg people for money. I couldn't do that. I want to be your brother. I want to go where God... If there's five people here, go there. Go over here, if there's a million, God will make the way for me to go. That's all. Just live it by faith. That's the way we all should be doing. And, thank God, many of them are doing it, you see, the same way. That's true, they're doing it.

207 Look at this little woman. Jesus never moved a foot. Look at this old Pharisee standing down there, said, trying to make fun of Him now, said, "Now, if He was a prophet, He would know what kind of woman was washing His feet. See? He would know what kind of a woman was around Him. See, there He is, that shows the class that He deals with." I'm so glad of that. Yeah. He knowed. "Look at there what kind of a class of people's with Him. We're the dignified. We are the church members. And, look, that old sinner out there with Him, that woman, we know who she is, she walks the street. She's..." You know what I'm talking about. "So there, she was that type of woman. Look, look, that's the kind of people that hang after Him." I'm so glad. I'm so glad.

208 That's what I was, you know. I was that type of people, no good, sinner. And every one of you is the same, that hasn't come to Him. You don't come just to be a member of a church, you come because there's something to be done. Jesus needs to be served, somebody should be there. Let's do it. She never asked, "Lord, will You bless me, will You do this?" No, she just washed His feet and wiped them with the hairs of her head. You know, some of our sisters have to stand on their head to get enough hair to wipe His feet.

209And there's her pretty curls dropped down, and she wiped His feet. And [Brother Branham makes a kissing sound--Ed.] she was kissing His [Brother Branham makes a kissing sound.] feet continually like that. Jesus just set and watched her. He never moved an inch. After while, when she got through, He turned around.

210 There was old Simon standing over there with all the ministerial association, said, "See! Ha! Ha! That's Him. See, there you are, that shows what He is. He's no prophet. Look at Him!"

211He turned around and said, "Simon!" Oh, I imagine he was red in the face. He said, "I got something to say to you. You invited Me here. See? When I entered the door, you never washed My feet, you never kissed Me welcome, you never anointed My head. You just stood there, and trying to make fun of Me. See? You brought Me in here for that purpose. And this woman, ever since I come, ever since I come, she's continually washed My feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. And she's constantly, not kissed My neck, but kissed My foot."

"You didn't expect nothing, did you, sister?"


212"But I say to you that your sins, which are many, are all forgiven." Uh-Huh. Yeah. See? All the way down she had nothing at all, but just a fear that she wasn't doing the right thing, maybe, but it needed to be done, but her reward come at the end.

213 You might hear me preach these Message. You might see the Holy Spirit discern and do great things, and perform miracles. You might pray, and it would never come to pass. Go on, your reward comes at the end. Wouldn't that be better right there? Yeah. See, do Jesus a service. That's the end-time Message. He had a Bride. God's looking for character. And then after Eliezer found the character, then the next thing was getting her ready to go. That's the same now, brother, the same now. The end-time Message is not out yonder in Babylon.

214 That's where I said to you, Joseph, when this little Swede brother of mine stood out there and put his head upon my shoulder one day and cried like a little baby. He said, "Brother Branham, God sent me here, Chicago, said I'd see Chicago shook one of these days." And he said, "Now they're sending me away. They're taking my church right out from under me, great, nicest church in Chicago." Said, "They're taking my church, and here they've ousted me out. They voted me out. I don't know what to do."

215I said, "Joseph, God don't lie." I said, "You've seen Chicago shook. That started at New York City when I seen you over there, 'cause they wouldn't cooperate with you, I wouldn't even go." And didn't even know him, but something about him that drawed me to him. Now, I'm not saying this 'cause his missionary rally tonight. But, that was right, I was drawed to Joseph. I refused to go to Chicago, because they wouldn't let him come, wouldn't let him come in in cooperation. I said, "Then I don't go either."

Said, "You don't know him."

216I said, "I know I don't know him, but God knows him. He's God's servant. And, to me, he's all right."

And so then Joseph said, "I wish I could see Chicago shook."

217 Oh, my! Don't realize its shaking don't mean that cannon fodder out there. It don't mean that rubbish that's going to be destroyed out there. The Church is shaking. See? There was only a hundred and twenty out of the millions, in the upper room, when the shaking come. That's right. Sure. It's shaking, is the people. The...

218Look, when they was having that great revival, this Apollos, the Baptist preacher that hadn't received the Holy Ghost yet, had never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Paul passes through the upper coasts of Ephesus, he finds this mighty church the Bible speaks of, and he went over there and told them the way of the Lord. And they said... He said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" And they were shouting and having a wonderful time. Said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost?"

Said, "We know not whether there be one."

Said, "Then how was you baptized?"

They said, "We've been baptized under John."

219He said, "That don't work no more. Got to be baptized over." And he baptized them over, in the Name of Jesus Christ. And laid his hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost came upon them. They spoke in tongues and prophesied. And there was just about eight or ten of them. That's right.

220 Shaking! See, God don't shake that, hell will shake that when it receives it. But God shakes His Church.

221One Angel come to Abraham and his group up on the mountain, and performed a miracle, by discerning the thoughts that was in his heart. Is that right? And Sarah on the inside. Where, the angels that went to Sodom had thousands down there. See, the shaking comes in the little group. You've seen it, Joseph. You've seen Chicago get its last call. That's right. And God honored you, done just exactly what He said. Getting the Bride ready, that's what it is.

222 Now we're going to end right here, by saying this. The end-time Message is to get the Bride ready and prepared for the Rapture. What can it do? According to Malachi 4, is bring them back to the Faith that was once delivered to the saints. Bring them back to the Faith of the fathers, the pentecostal part, in the restoration time. "I will restore, saith the Lord." That's real event, end-time evangelism.

223Now I just want to say these couple words before I close. I bypassed the rest of these Scriptures, and maybe sometime can get to them. But I want to say this. We believe we're at the end time. We believe it. And though it seems like at the end time, at this time, that the Message and Messenger both is about broke. Looks like Satan has tried his best to rimwreck us. Brother Neville, his accident; Brother Crase there; and gun blowing it. See, it looks like, and right now when every church out through there is thumbs down on me. And, see, see, it looks like it's--it's just about broke. Looks like we're defeated. Don't you worry. You know, it's usually at that time when God steps in on the scene, of something He's been watching for a long time. You remember.

224 Remembers one time there was some children down in a fiery furnace, they were holding true to that Word. Everything went wrong. They throwed them in jail. They kept them over night, they was going to burn them up next morning. And looked like the end was near, they was walking right up to the furnace. But He come riding down to change, the scene was all changed just in a moment.

225It's always in them weakest moments, when it looks like the true Message is about defeated, that's when God steps in. He--He let's the Message and the messenger get to the end of the road, see, then He comes in and He rides the high waves. That's right.

226 Remember, it was Jesus, when His enemies thought that they had Him defeated, the unbeliever said, "We got Him on the cross." The Sadducees and Pharisees who hated Him and hung Him to a cross, they thought, "We got Him now." Huh-uh. It was about that time God rode in on the scene, raised Him up on Easter morning, and broke the kingdoms of Satan, stripped hell, took the keys of death and hell, and rose up with them. Sure, it was just at that weak time. His Message, He had preached the Word, He had stood by, and everything, then it was that real weak moment that when the victory come. When He done all that He could do, then God came in. He changed the scene.

227 It was Jacob running from Esau, dodging here and there (over to...?..., and the different ones) in trying to hide from Esau. Then his heart begin to yearn to go home. And on his road home, he sent messengers, he sent offerings and everything else, trying to appease Esau. But it was when Jacob come to the end of himself, it was when Jacob didn't know which way to turn. He put his wife and children across the--the water, and he crossed back over the--the brook. It was when Jacob had wrestled all night, until his strength was gone, and he was crippled and he was weak, and his body was broke up. It was at that time when God come riding in on the scene. The next morning, we find him what? A fearless prince, after his weakness. It look like he was defeated. But we find him a fearless prince. The Message was going on, and the messenger was with it. That's exactly right. He was a fearless prince the other day.

228 Esau, even, when he needed him worst, Esau, when he met him. And remember, all that same time God worked on his brother's heart, too. That's right. And Esau come to him, said, "I got armies here." Said, "Ah, you're weak, Jacob. Your body's afflicted. You're broke." Said, "I--I--I... I'll send soldiers along to protect you," right when he needed them.

229But he had found something. Said, "I'll go alone." Amen. It's when he recovered from that weakness, he had recovered from that shock.

230 When Jesus had recovered from the shock of death, He was the strongest, He could go through a building without even moving a mortar of the stone. He could eat fish and bread. Amen. Oh, yes. It was that time, after the weakness had come, that he found himself strong. It was after weakness had come.

231And it looks like it's pretty weak now for both Message and messenger. But don't you worry! Somewhere, I don't know how, but I'm trusting Him. He'll come riding in on the scene someday. Don't you worry. Let's go together. Let's bow our--let's bow our heads together. Evening-time evangelism.

232 O God, the great evening Lights has been shining now for some time. We seen You comb down through these aisles here, bringing those who were just shadows of men and women, eat up with cancer, blinded, sick and afflicted, doctors from even from Mayo's and everywhere given them up. Now they're sitting here this morning, and many of them healthy and strong. Not only here, but around the world. Women received their children raised back to life, after being dead for hours. Children being killed on the road, with automobiles, pronounced "dead" and laid out, not a sound bone in them; and in a minute's time be walking down the road, praising God. Yes, Lord, You're God. The evening time is here. The evening evangelistic seeds has been sown, Father, and now it looks like it's kind of getting a crippling time. Many of these...

233When You first come on the scene back there in Your dispensation, all of them, "That young prophet of Galilee!" Oh, they all rallied around You. But when You begin to strike at them and tell them of their creeds and--and things, then they departed from You. You had to stand alone. And finally they took You to Calvary. It looked like they had won, looked like their--their great intellectual group had defeated the cause of God. But, oh, no! On Easter morning the earth had a nervous chill, the grave opened up and the Son of God arose. He had the keys of death and hell. He had the baptism of the Holy Spirit within His rights to give then. He told His Church, "Go up there at Jerusalem and you wait, and I'll send It upon you, and then you witness Me till I come back again."

234 And then You stood and told them how the time would be, and here we are in the end time. Lord, come riding in again, won't You, Father? We're getting tired, wore out. Man has turned us down from everywhere, the denominations is all thumbs down. In California there, them precious saints standing out there crying, forty churches, and that one leader stood up and said, "Well, if he baptizes, using the Name of the Lord Jesus, we don't want him." And turned the Gospel from them poor hungry people.

235And, Father, I said, "Come meet me with the Scripture," and he wouldn't do it. Why? He knows better. Father, why--why did the heathens rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Truly by stretching forth the hand of Thy Holy Child Jesus, to heal the sick, and show signs and wonders of the end. It's repeated, Lord. I pray for them. God, don't let them be cast away. They're many of them good man in there yet. Grant, Lord, that they'll see and come out.

236 And our little congregation this morning, Father, we don't know the hearts of the people. Thou dost. This little group here. I'm going right out there, anyhow. And now before we leave the church, Lord, this little group that's sojourning here, they're pilgrims. They don't profess to be of this world, Lord. They're a stranger. They've been born again, they're new creatures. They've come from the things of the world, to serve God, knowing that, "We covet not this world's vain riches that so rapidly decay. We've got our hopes built on things Eternal, they will never pass away."

237Heavenly Father, if there by chance would be one or more among us this morning that has never had a feeling like they should make that turn, I pray You'll speak to their hearts at this time. And may they sweetly and humbly, in their hearts, just surrender all to You, and say, "Lord Jesus, be merciful to me, a sinner. I do not want to die in the state that I'm in now. And not knowing that I'll live even through the day, then isn't it foolish to waste my time upon worldly things!" And everything here will perish, and the people will perish with the world. But God, the Eternal Father, cannot perish, neither can His people. May they accept It now, our Heavenly Father.

238 Sanctify these handkerchiefs laying here for the sick and afflicted. They said they taken from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons, evil spirits went from them. Heal the sick that's in our midst this morning. I pray that there'll not be a feeble person among us.

239May the great Holy Spirit move across the audience now, and may everyone realize His Presence. And as I quoted at the beginning, when a storm is coming up in a dry summer, the winds has been parching and hot, the dust has been blowing, but, all at once, we can hear thunder, we can see the cloud a-rising. And I said the red signal's down, He's coming. And we feel the cool breeze, the welcoming of the Holy Spirit as It moves across our parched places. Help us today. Save the lost. Fill with the Holy Spirit, Lord, quickly, before the lights go out, for the signal's already down. The old ship of Zion is in the blocks now, and it isn't going to be long till she'll be calling. And, all of a sudden, they'll have a newspaper out, "What happened? Hundreds of people across the nation has disappeared."

240 O God, then it's too late for the rest of them, the Rapture has come. The judgment will strike the earth, the righteous will be gone. Then they'll go to the graveyards, and say, "Well, wasn't... Did they open this grave? Well, what's happened here?" Oh, that one who trusted in God, that died years ago, will done be gone. "Then, oh, what a weeping and wailing when the lost are told of their fate. They'll cry to the rocks and the mountain," according to the Scriptures, "pray, but prayers are too late." May it not be so with any who are present today here.

241 And while we have our heads bowed, our hearts bowed, too. I'm a very odd person about inviting people to altars, I believe it's not apostolic doctrine. I believe right where you're sitting you make your decision, whether you really want to live or die. I believe it's up to you. And if there's someone here that didn't never before really see it just that way, and realize the hour that we're in, and you'd just like for me to remember you in prayer, that you want to become a Christian, and you want to be a Christ-like in your life and be ready for His coming, would you just raise your hands around over the building. The Lord bless you, and bless you, and bless you, and you, and you. God bless you back there in the back, bless you down here. That's fine. God bless you, young lady, right at the crossroads of life, sister. That's a great decision. You might have done a lot of great... God bless you, dad. Yes, you might have worked a many hard day in your life, too, and raised a little kiddie. Mom, you sitting by her. O God! Maybe you've raised your family and done many great things, patted the little baby's cheeks when it was crying, rocked the cradle with your little young hands, now they're old and feeble. You might have rocked the baby and done a many a good thing, but the best thing you ever done was when you raised your hand then. He seen you. Excuse me, please.

242 Our Heavenly Father, You seen the hands. You know what was behind them. Now they're trophies of this meeting. They're trophies of the Message. You said, "All that the Father has given Me will come to Me, and no man can come except My Father draws him first." And You spoke to this people. And they were sitting there, and according to science they could not... their hands are supposed to stay down, 'cause gravitation holds them down. But they broke and defied the laws of science. They got a Spirit in them that raised the hand, that's contrary to science, because the Spirit in there can break science. And they raised their hand because there was a Spirit of God around them, that said "You're... you need Christ." And they raised up their hands, "Remember me, O Lord."

243As the dying thief on the cross, said, "Remember me when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom."

244And what did You say to him? "Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise."

245 And I pray, Father, that this very day that You'll take into Your Kingdom, into Your fellowship here on earth, every one of these believers, and be kind to them. Jesus, You said, when You were here on earth, in Saint John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; and shall not come to the judgment, they'll not be there when the judgment strikes the earth, but they have passed from death unto Life." You promised it, Lord. I claim them. And now to all that raised their hands, and even those who in their heart believed that they should, and didn't, I give them to You this morning, Father, as trophies of the grace of Jesus Christ and of His Word which we've preached this morning. They are Yours. Keep them safely, Lord, until that day. And may they grow as babes. May the waters here in the pool find them, as they've confessed their sins, dying out, being buried in Christ, to raise again to a new life, to walk in a new world, walk with new associates, walk in new company, walk with angels, walk in the Presence of the Supernatural. Them things that they can't see around them, but they feel and know that they're there. They're the lasting things, the Supernatural is the lasting. We give them to You Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

246 Now, I'm sorry to have kept you a little over time, and I'm sure that you... You feel good? Now, the meeting, sometimes I have to cut and squeeze. Now to you that raised your hands and believe on the Lord Jesus, they'll have baptismal service, I suppose, this evening. Or, yes, I think the pools are filled if you want it right now, and the robes and so forth are ready. If you desire to be baptized right now, anytime, we're only here to do it. And now after cutting and sawing...

247We--we thank you strangers within our gates, to come to fellowship with us this morning around the Word of God, we appreciate you coming. The Lord bless you. So glad you were here.

248 I see a friend of mine sitting back in the building here, I haven't seen in a long time. I don't even know the boy's name. He's a good friend of mine. He's a cousin to a girl that I used to go with, Marie Francisco. I can't think of who or what his name is. Would you raise your hand? We're glad to have you sitting there and God bless you. That boy's been a Christian for many years. And I'm...

249My friend here, Jim Poole, how many's ever heard me mention Jim Poole, a boyhood friend, his son and wife.

250And Donny, I can't think of his last name. Gard--Gard, Donny Gard and his lovely little wife here. They were up home yesterday to visit me. So glad to have them in this morning.

251And I believe this is a strange brother sitting right here by Brother Way. And, oh, so, right here, maybe I'm wrong, and I sometimes I forget faces. And I'm glad to have all of you in here this morning.

252 And now, before we leave, after the cutting... And, you know, the Bible said the Word of God... like that decision, making a stone, but you have to have a stone cutter to cut that out, to make its shape. See? And Hebrews the 4th chapter said, "The Word of God is sharper and more powerful than a two-edged sword." It cuts, circumcises, cuts off the surplus. "Even a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart," the Word of God. And It cuts.

253Now, just for worship, let's just sing my favorite little old song, one of my favorites, "I love Him, I love Him." How many really loves Him? I don't care whether you're a Christian or not, you say "I love Him because He first loved me." Let's sing it together now, all together.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

254 Don't you love that? Let's sing it again. While you do, shake hands with somebody around you. Don't get up, just say, "God bless you, brother," somebody around you, so you, everybody feel real welcome. That's our welcome here at the tabernacle, from me, each one of you. All right.

I love Him, I love Him

God bless you, brother.

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

255Let's bow our heads when we hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begins humming I Love Him.--Ed.] Now slip your hand up to Him, right easy. [Continues humming I Love Him] Now, isn't He wonderful? Yes.

256[A brother speaks in another tongue. Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] Just real reverent just a moment.

Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. They shall speak with new tongues. If they should take up a serpent or drink a deadly thing, it should not harm them, for an accident or a blow up shall not harm them. They lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

You just wait a minute, see if some interpretation comes for this. If the strangers are in our gates, we're waiting to see what the Lord will say to us through this message.

[A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.] The interpretation. Amen. That's the interpretation of what this man said. To the persons here that might not know what it is, It's the Spirit. It happens often in the tabernacle, giving a message to the people.

Let us pray.

257 Heavenly Father, we thank You for this, not knowing that someone somewhere, that You spoke to a heart somewhere and It called back again, even in the closing message, It said, called them Your "children," because You had called to them, and maybe they had just fixing to walk away without receiving You. This, the message comes again. So we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will grant a great portion of Your Spirit upon whoever the person may be. You never called their name, You just spoke. And so, Father, maybe that's the way You want it. And we just pray, Father, that Your will be granted to this person or these persons, whoever they may be, that it may be coming down to a final call. I pray, Father, that it's not, but, this morning if they will receive It and believe with all their heart, after they have heard the Message as You have spoken and said, and then may they receive It with cup up, to receive the Spirit. May they rise and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of their sins, and be sweetly filled with the Holy Spirit, and led into a life of service and happiness. I commit it to You now, Father, and the congregation, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Yes.

258 Those messages sometimes speak, someone, we don't know who they are. Sometimes they tell who they are, but just someone in here that maybe just started to move away without It. And when you do, remember, that's the Holy Spirit speaking to a language that it just takes some inspiration; the same that spoke it, the same to interpret it. Now, remember what I just got through reading, "These signs shall follow them that believe." See, that's the midst of believers. We don't believe that all people have to do that. We believe that it falls in the church amongst people. Sometime people come here, never heard of such a thing before, and the Holy Spirit fall upon them and give a message, and heal people that's sitting there dying with cancer, and all kinds of diseases and things, go right back again. It's the Holy Spirit among His people.

259Do you love Him? Amen. I love Him, too. We're hoping to see you tonight. And now Brother Neville, I'll turn the service to Brother Neville, our pastor. All right.