Stáť na strane Ježiša




Stáť na strane Ježiša

No, chcem zobrať tému z tohto tu: Stáť na strane Ježiša. Tí Farizejovia a vodcovia Jeho dňa sa Ho vždy snažili pred ľuďmi znevážiť. To bol jednoducho spôsob diablovej práce. Všetci tí Farizejovia a učitelia Jeho dňa sa sústavne snažili znevážiť Ježiša. Všetko, čo na Neho mohli hodiť, oni to na Neho hodili. Sústavne Ho pozorovali, aby zistili, kde by mohli nájsť nejakú chybu. A oni nikdy nehovorili o Jeho dobrých veciach, oni vždy nachádzali niečo, skrze čo by Ho mohli znevážiť a povedať, „Vidíte, pozrite sa sem. Ak by On bol mužom Božím, On by to takto neurobil.“ Alebo, „Ak by On bol muž Boží, On by to neurobil týmto spôsobom.“ Oni sa snažili vrhnúť na Neho nejaký tieň, aby priviedli ľudí do toho, aby Mu neverili. To je diablova práca.

Ale Ježiš, oni sa snažili, každý malý tieň, ktorý by mohli nájsť, pokúšali sa Ho v očiach ľudí znevážiť. A to je to, čo diabol chce. Oni to chcú. Oni chcú poškodiť váš vplyv pred ľuďmi. Tak je to. Musíte dávať pozor na to, čo robíte. Musíte kráčať ako skutoční mužovia Boží. Vidíte? Konať ako mužovia Boží. Žiť ako mužovia Boží. Pretože, „Diabol, váš protivník, chodí dookola ako revúci lev, snažiac sa zožrať, koho môže.“

Prečo to robili? Oni na Neho žiarlili. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa Ho snažili znevážiť. Oni žiarlili na Jeho službu. A to je ten dôvod, prečo sa Ho snažili znevážiť. Nuž, On mal službu od Boha a oni to vedeli, ale to bolo proti ich vyznaniam. Tak sa Ho snažili znevážiť, urobiť všetko, aby On... každú malú chybu, ktorú mohli nájsť, aby Ho vyrazili z cesty. Chceli Ho zastaviť. Chceli, aby Ho ľudia odsúdili. Oni chceli povedať, „No, tento Chlapík nie je ničím. Pozrite sem. No, tam je. On urobil toto a vy viete, že to nie je správne. Po celý život sme boli učení, že máme veriť starším. A tu Ho máme, stál rovno tam a kričal na tých starších. On nesúhlasil s tradíciami otcov. Každý rabín nás to po celé tie roky vyučoval. A tu prichádza tento Človek a nesúhlasí s nimi. Vidíte? Takýto Človek sa nehodí, aby bol kazateľom.“ Vidíte? Oni sa ho snažili znevážiť.

1Na jednom mieste v Louisville, kde jedávate, a to sa nazýva, pozrime sa, reštaurácia Dogpatch. Dnes som jedno mal. Keď sa tam niekto naje, potom oni vezmú tie peniaze, ktoré ste im dali, a pošlú z toho desatinu do cirkvi. Je to niekde na ulici West Jefferson 319. Myslím, že preto to tu Billy tak položil, aby to mohli vidieť. To je veľmi pekné.

2No, bratia, ja nepoznám, aký je váš postup pri zhromaždení ľudí, ako postupujete alebo ako vediete svoje zhromaždenia. A ak sa tu dostanem pomimo plánu, pomimo tej bežnej rutiny, upozornite ma na to.

3Malo to byť dnes večer, myslel som, ako som mal večeru nedávno s naším milovaným pastorom, bratom Neville, a ja som mu vravel niečo, čo bolo na mojom srdci. A myslel som, že ak dáme dokopy skupinu ľudí a kazateľov, oni sú tu našimi kolegami v Evanjeliu a mužmi, s ktorými môžeme hovoriť spôsobom, ktorým by sme nehovorili pred verejnosťou. Pretože sme všetci v... Sme mužmi, ktorí rozumejú ako muži, kresťanskí muži. A takto, obyčajne, v nejakom zhromaždení, skupine, vy niečo poviete a jeden sa ku tomu prikloní trochu takto a jeden sa ku tomu prikloní inak a potom sa to všetko vytratí. Ale to, kde prichádzame, aby sme sa vám pokúsili dnes večer povedať, čo mám na svojom srdci ohľadne cirkvi a jej miesta a jej pozície. A potom, ak zakončíme načas, chcel by som ku vám hovoriť trochu zo Slova, ak je to v poriadku. Len to trochu uložiť, tak, aby sme sa dostali k tej obchodnej časti alebo k tomu, čo by som vám rád najprv vyjadril. A myslím, že možno zakončíte v obvyklom čase, okolo deväť tridsať alebo tak nejako, ako každý večer. No, pokúsim sa nezdržať vás dlho. Zajtra je sobota a to je veľký nákupný deň, takže... musíme si nakúpiť potraviny, a tak ďalej.

4Chcem verejne hovoriť ku bratovi Nevillovi. No, chcem hovoriť ku každému jednému z vás, práve tak, ako som hovoril s vami súkromne, s každým jedným. Pretože vy ste skupina, ktorá je... Skutočne si to myslím a verím tomu a učím to, že človek, že Boh položil vedenie Svojej cirkvi na človeka, zo Svojho ľudu. A to je... Ako som včera večer kázal u brata Junie Jacksona o tom, že Boh opevnil Svoj ľud Svojim Slovom. A to bola žena, ktorá sa prelomila cez tú čiaru a dala miesto rozumovaniu a keď to urobila, Boh navždy ustanovil pre tých Svojich... položil to na mužov, aby udržoval Svoju Cirkev opevnenú Slovom.

5No, chcem trochu povzbudiť brata Nevilleho a pohovoriť si s ním súkromne. Včera večer som si všimol, prišlo videnie, dva alebo trikrát, zatiaľ čo som bol za kazateľňou. A ja som sa obrátil, pretože ja sa od toho snažím držať tak ďaleko, ako len môžem, až kým nezistím, čo pre mňa ten sen znamená, ten spred pár týždňov. Pridŕža sa ma to už dlhý čas. Povedal som to tu v cirkvi, ohľadne niečoho o posolstve a rozpoznávaní, a tak ďalej. Jednoducho to nevychádzalo správne. Podľa môjho názoru, ten čas skončil a ja sa môžem ohľadne toho mýliť, ale všimol som si, že brat Neville bol trocha utrápený a rozrušený.

6A jednako, len som chcel, aby si vedel, brat Neville, že ty len na to očakávaš v tomto zhromaždení. Všimli ste si, čo sa Satan snažil urobiť za týchto pár posledných dní tým kazateľom, ktorí sú združení v tomto obecenstve? Len sa na chvíľu zastavte a budete sa čudovať. Sedí tu brat Crase, sedí tu dnes večer, takmer sa na ceste zabil. Vidíte? A ja som si takmer odstrelil hlavu s brokovnicou alebo s puškou. Vidíte? Satan sa nás snaží zobrať. A ty si tam narazil a mohol si sa zabiť a tiež zabiť jednu ženu. Vidíte? Jednoducho kazatelia, pozrite sa len na tú skupinu kazateľov. Vidíte? To je Satan a on sa nás snaží zbaviť.

7No, uvedomujeme si, že tu nie sme zhromaždení, aby sme hovorili o nejakých obchodoch. Sme tu zhromaždení, aby sme hovorili o Kristovi a o tom, čo máme uchopiť a čo robiť v tomto prítomnom čase.

A ja ťa chcem povzbudiť, brat Neville. Buď smelý. Bez ohľadu na to, čo prichádza, čo odchádza, čo sa deje, nedovoľ, aby ťa niečo rozrušilo. Jednoducho tu stoj ako skala vekov a Boh spôsobí, že všetko bude v poriadku. On ti to už dokázal. Samozrejme, že ťa to mohlo rozrušiť, že to mohlo zabiť tú ženu a zostalo by to v tvojej mysli po zvyšok tvojich dní a bolo by tam veľa vecí. Ale Boh je stále na tróne. On dáva, aby tieto veci pracovali na dobré. On nás mohol vziať tiež. A tak, Satan bojuje proti cirkvi.

8No, keď som v to ráno kládol ten uholný kameň, nikdy som necítil to, že by som bol niekedy pastorom. To na počiatku nebolo vôbec v mojom povolaní. A moje prvé povolanie bolo na evanjelizačné pole. To bolo pred mnohými rokmi. A začalo to tu v stane, tu cez ulicu. A pamätám sa, keď brat Roy Davis tam dolu, a keď mu zhorela modlitebňa. Tá skupina ľudí bola ako roztrúsené ovce bez pastiera, nemali miesto, kam by šli. A pán Hibstenberg bol vtedy veliteľom polície a on ma tam zavolal. Povedal mi, „Sme tu, aby sme ti pomohli.“ Povedal, „Ja som katolík, ale,“ povedal, „tí ľudia,“ povedal, „tí ľudia zrejme nemajú oblečenie.“ Bolo to v čase krízy. Povedal, „Oni chodia do iných cirkví a tu sa cítia ako cudzí a oni sú dobrí ľudia. Mnohých z nich poznám.“ On povedal, „Billy, ak by si chcel začať cirkev,“ on povedal, „chcem, aby si vedel, že stojíme za tebou v čomkoľvek, v čom ti môžeme pomôcť.“ A ja som mu za to poďakoval.

9Mali sme deň, v ktorom sme robili zbierku. Najprv sme sa modlili a prosili Pána. A prišli ku mne ľudia a chceli vybudovať cirkev, aby mali miesto, kam by mohli chodiť. A rozhodli sme sa pre toto miesto, no a jedného večera, asi o tomto čase... bolo to tu trochu ďalej, na kope buriny [turanec kanadský - pozn.prekl.] rovno tu, kde bola táto jama plná vody a bolo to ako smetisko, také niečo. No, Pán ku mne rozhodne prehovoril a povedal, „Vybuduj to rovno tu.“ Boli sme bez peňazí, mali sme asi 80 centov alebo dolár. A to je pochopiteľné, teraz by ste sa nad tým pousmiali, ale, brat, vtedy to bola suma peňazí.

10Keď nejaká suseda uvarila hrniec fazule a za dva alebo tri dni už tá suseda nemala nič, prišli tam a trochu z toho zjedli, boli to ťažké časy. Mnoho mladých ľudí toto nikdy nevidelo, ale bolo to ťažké. Videl som taký čas, že ste mohli v cirkvi poslať tanier na zbierku dva alebo trikrát a dostali ste tridsať centov na mieste, ktoré bolo plne obsadené ľuďmi, žobrať o to. To bolo... Dostali by ste asi tridsať centov a to mali dobrú zbierku. Vidíte? Bolo to skutočne ťažké.

11A my sme nemali nič, s čím by sme stavali, jednako túžba tých ľudí bola postaviť zbor, aby sme tak mohli mať miesto, kam by sme chodili. Pretože v tých dňoch... To posolstvo, no, myslíte si, že teraz o tom zle zmýšľajú. Mali by ste vedieť, aké to bolo vtedy, keď nebolo nikoho, kto by veril v tento krst vo Meno Pána Ježiša Krista a v tie požehnania a veci, v ktoré veríme a stojíme za nimi.

12Tak som vo svojom srdci dal Bohu sľub, že zostaneme tu a vybudujeme tú modlitebňu. V to ráno, keď sme kládli ten uholný kameň, On sa tam so mnou stretol vo videní, asi o ôsmej ráno, keď som tam sedel, díval som sa na druhú stranu, slnko vychádzalo, asi v tomto ročnom období. A On mi povedal, potom, ako sa so mnou stretol pri tej rieke, s tým, keď sa ten anjel Pánov zjavil v tom Svetle. Videl som to v diaľke. Vyzeralo to ako hviezda. A prišlo to rovno tam dolu, kde som bol a kde boli vypovedané tie významné Slová. A tak som si potom zaumienil, že pre tých ľudí zaobstarám miesto na uctievanie.

13No, sám som rozmýšľal, „To nie je pre mňa. To nie je nič pre mňa.“ Ale všetko, čo patrí Bohu je časťou mňa, bez ohľadu na to, či to je... Čokoľvek, čo je pre Božie deti, je pre mňa, či je mojou povinnosťou urobiť toto alebo tamto. Je to moja povinnosť dozerať na Božie dedičstvo bez ohľadu na to, kde to je. Vidíte?

14Práve tak, ako by ste povedali, „No, moja...“ Ako keď ste boli malým chlapcom, vraveli ste, „Moja práca je len drevo porúbať, nie ho doniesť dovnútra. Nech ho prinesie Jano. Nestarám sa, či na neho sneží, prší. Nech on ide von a prinesie ho.“ Nie. Tvoja povinnosť, ako dieťa toho domu, je dohliadnuť na to, aby to drevo, ktoré je pre tvoju matku, nezvlhlo. Vidíte? Prines ho dovnútra.

15Ak povedia, „No, Frank má ísť a priniesť vodu. To nie je moja robota.“ Ale ak Frank tú vodu neprinesie, je to tvoja povinnosť, aby si sa o tú vodu postaral. To je všetko. No, to je to, ako to chodí. A to je to, ako to chodí tiež v Božej rodine. Ak niektorí z nich hovoria...

16Niekto prednedávnom povedal, „Prestaň kázať tým spôsobom, ktorým kážeš. Stratíš každého priateľa, ktorého máš, a všetko také.“ Povedal, „Nechaj to tak. Ja viem, že je to zlé, ale, ó, to nie je naša práca.“ No dobre, koho práca to teda je? Ak je to zlé, niekto musí proti tomu kázať, tak to jednoducho robme. A to je ten spôsob, ako to cítim ohľadne cirkvi.

17Prišli stavebné plány, a tak ďalej, hore a dolu, hore a dolu a boli pre a proti, ohľadne stavania, a tak ďalej. Jeden to chcel a druhý to nechcel a toto a tamto. Zistíte, že je to takto.

18Zistíte to, keď máte do činenia s kazateľmi, obchodníkmi, medzi lóžami, všade, kam idete. Tam, kde máte skupinu ľudí, máte rozdielne predstavy. A tak preto musíte mať jednu osobu, do ktorej položíte svoju dôveru, a zvoliť tú osobu. Všetko s tým funguje. Práve tak, ako v armáde, musíte mať jedného, a to je generál, to je ten hlavný stan. Kapitán hovorí toto, on je kapitánom tej skupiny, ale potom ten generál môže zmeniť jeho rozkazy. A ten hlavný veliaci Generál je, samozrejme, Ježiš Kristus v cirkvi. A Jeho kazatelia sú Jeho kapitánmi v tých spoločenstvách, ktoré Ho tu na zemi reprezentujú.

19A oni tu v tejto malej modlitebni skúšali mnoho vecí. A nakoniec... Bol som ohľadne toho ticho, potom, ako som to vybudoval, jednoducho, aby som videl, ako to pôjde. A potom ma Pán povolal na pole, bolo to asi pred pätnástimi, šestnástimi rokmi a ja som tento zbor opustil. Ale jednako ho nemôžem len tak zanechať. Moje meno s ním bolo vždy spojené, tak aby som mohol mať svoj hlas, ak by tu niekedy povstala nejaká zlá vec. Aby som mal právo prísť a zastaviť to, pretože po mnoho rokov som sa za touto kazateľňou potil, tu, počas sedemnástich rokov, aby som udržal veci na poriadku. Keď povstávali rôzne druhy izmov a veci prichádzali a odchádzali a povstávali rôzne kulty. A tým, že som medzidenominačný, všetko, čo sem išlo, išlo tadeto a s pomocou Božou sme tu stáli s nescudzoloženým Evanjeliom a ona dnes večer stále stojí, taká istá. V poriadku. Tak my... Ale boli časy, keď sa niekto snažil prebrať túto cirkev poza mojím chrbtom a podobné veci. Ak by s tým nebolo spojené moje meno, iste by to bol dnes večer hrozný stav. Nie... A to som nebol ja, samozrejme, to bol Boh, ktorý to urobil.

20A potom, ako to vidím teraz, keď prichádzam do miesta, v ktorom sa to nachádza, a my žijeme vo veľkej hodine, stále je mojím záujmom ohľadne tejto cirkvi niečo povedať, rozumiete, pretože ona je časťou mňa. Bez ohľadu na to, či som tu alebo nie som tu, ona je stále časťou mňa. A to je moja povinnosť dohliadať na ňu, či funguje v čistote, prehľadne, a robiť to najlepšie, čo môžem, pre kráľovstvo Božie.

21A ja som veľmi vďačný, že v týchto dňoch vidím, že ona má pri sebe malé satelity, za ktoré som vďačný. Tu brat Crase, jeho Sellesburgská skupina; a brat tam vzadu, ktorý sa práve postavil na miesto brata Snellinga v Utica; a tu brat Ruddell; a brat Junior Jackson; a tí vzácni chlapci, ktorí sú vynikajúcimi mužmi, skvelí mužovia Boží. Oni kážu toto posolstvo. No, oni môžu, jeden môže trochu nesúhlasiť ohľadne niečoho alebo niečoho ďalšieho, to je len niečo ľudské medzi tými kazateľmi. A ak majú kazatelia malé rozdiely a nebude tam v tom ani tieň rozdielu... Jeden možno povie, „Ja verím, že príde Milénium a Ježiš príde na bielom koni.“ Druhý povie, „Ja verím, že On prichádza a On príde na bielom oblaku.“ No, pokiaľ veria, že On prichádza, to je tá hlavná vec, vidíte, bez ohľadu na to, ako On prichádza. Oni veria, že On prichádza, a pripravujú sa na to a tak.

22Snažil som sa teraz zistiť. A študoval som. Povedal som to pred ľuďmi v zhromaždení. Študoval som ranú cirkev. A pozoroval som ten spôsob, ako títo pomazaní mužovia zostavili Dom Pánov a ako mali v tom dome poriadok uctievania Pána, a to ma skutočne zasiahlo. A ja som tu kázal pred nejakým časom a na tému z Joela 2, „Ja navrátim, hovorí Pán, všetky tie roky, ktoré požral chrúst a húsenica a pažravá chrobač, a tak ďalej.“ A ja som začal študovať, čo títo mužovia robili, a ten spôsob, akým sa starali o cirkev Božiu, ktorej Boh zanechal týchto dozorcov.

23No, začneme s tou ranou cirkvou a prinesieme to teraz asi počas piatich minút, v tom, čo oni robili, a potom vám môžem ukázať tú víziu, ktorú mám ohľadne budúcnosti. No, na počiatku, cirkev začala na Letnice. A tam na nich zostúpil Duch Svätý, kde si Ježiš vyvolil dvanástich. A jeden z nich odpadol a oni zvolili Mateja, aby sa postavil na jeho miesto. A pred tým, ako On zostúpil, Duch Svätý čakal, až kým toto všetko nebolo na poriadku. Oni si museli zvoliť jedného, aby vzal Judášovo biskupstvo, ktorý upadol skrze previnenie, aby naplnil Písmo.

24A ja verím, že všetky tieto veci majú čas predlievania, čakania, ale to čaká na čas vyplnenia sa Písma, až kým je všetko tak, ako má byť, všetko na poriadku, čakanie. Veľakrát sa stávame netrpezlivými ako dieťa. Máme veľké očakávania a veľakrát poskočíme dopredu a to bráni tomu dielu až tak, že nakoniec viazne. Vidíte? Musíme sa hýbať úctivo, mať zámer v srdci, ak Boh, ak by nás On v niečom túžil použiť, ale čakajte, až to On otvorí, pretože On musí ísť pred nami.

25Pamätáte sa, ako raz Dávid išiel v noci do boja? On sa obával tej bitky a ľahol si pod moruše, až kým nepočul Pána v šume tých listov, ako ide pred ním. Potom išiel s odvahou, pretože vedel, že Boh išiel pred ním. A ak by sme len toto robili, bratia. Vediac, že ten boj musí prísť, ale my musíme čakať, až kým uvidíme, že ruka Božia ide pred nami, aby urobila cestu.

26No, všímam si, ako tie cirkvi, ako sa evanjelizácia všade rozširuje. A potom vezmime, napríklad, ako sa Pavol stal pre našich ľudí veľkým misionárom. Zisťujeme, že on chodil kamkoľvek, kam ho Pán viedol, a upevňoval cirkev. A to bola nová viera. Tie cirkvi v tých dňoch, ako malá Ázia a po celej Európe, oni neverili v to posolstvo. A keď on musel kázať to posolstvo a mnohí boli do neho obrátení, potom tam nebol nikto... ak by opustil tých ľudí v tom stave, oni by zablúdili rovno naspäť ku svojim pohanským bohom a do Judaizmu a všetkého ďalšieho, pretože tí ľudia by nemali nikoho, kto by ich vyučoval. Tí obrátení nemali miesto, kam by išli, tak Pavol zakladal cirkvi v rôznych častiach krajiny.

27V každej jednej z tých cirkví zanechal niekoho, kto stál na poriadku, nejakého dôveryhodného muža, ktorý bol známy ako pastor, pastier. Alebo vtedy, po tomto sa cirkev stala... Vyšli z nej ďalšie malé cirkvi. Povstali mladí ľudia a starí ľudia a z toho vznikli cirkvi. Ten muž, ktorý bol nad tou prvou cirkvou, bol nazvaný biskupom. A potom tí, ktorí z neho vyšli, jeho deti, boli nazvaní pastiermi alebo pastormi. A potom táto skupina malých cirkví, všetci prichádzali ku tomuto biskupovi.

28Tak ako v čase Irenea, on pokračoval v tej istej veci. Martin pokračoval v tej istej veci. Polykarp pokračoval v tej istej veci. Oni to tak mali, počas tých vekov. A potom ten apoštol cirkvi, ten apoštol, to bol Pavol. A keď odišiel Pavol, Ján prevzal tú cirkev. Keď odišiel Ján, prevzal to Polykarp. Keď odišiel Polykarp, prevzal to Ireneus. A tak ďalej, Martin, a tak ďalej. Takto to pokračovalo, až kým rímsko-katolícka cirkev rozlomila celú tú vec na kusy a upálila ich a rozprášila. A ten chrúst to požral a pažravá chrobač to požrala. A tak ďalej, žrali to a žrali, až kým to nepriviedli rovno do stonky. No, ale Boh zasľúbil, že znovu prinavráti tú istú vec.

29Z celého srdca verím, že žijeme v posledných dňoch. Verím, že nie je veľa toho, čo by nasledovalo po tomto, čokoľvek... A môj výklad Písma môže byť nesprávny, že Ježiš by nemohol prísť dnes večer. Ja verím, že to málo, čo zostáva, aby sa vyplnilo, by sa mohlo naplniť pred svitaním rána a ja by som to videl. Možno sa mýlim ohľadne času toho vyplnenia, ale je to na blízku. Verím tomu. A pamätajte, Pavol to tak veril. Ján to tak veril. Polykarp to tak veril. Ireneus to tak veril. Martin to tak veril. A všetci ostatní z nich to tak verili.

30Čo ak by Boh povedal Jánovi Zjavovateľovi, „No, ubehne dvetisíc rokov pred Mojím príchodom“? Ján by prišiel naspäť a povedal by cirkvi, „No, myslím, že môžeme jesť, piť a byť šťastní, pretože prejde veľa generácií.“ Vidíte? „Ježiš nepríde najbližších dvetisíc rokov.“ Vidíte? Tak, rozumiete, cirkev by bola rozpustilá. Nebolo by nič také ako „byť na pozore.“ Nebolo by žiadneho očakávania. A koniec koncov, sú to vaše očakávania, ak by ste zaspali na tej stráži, vstanete s tými istými očakávaniami. Pretože to vôbec nebude prekážať. Budete tam jednako presne načas. Rozumiete? Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?

31No, keď vo vzkriesení povstane svätý Martin, svätý Pavol a všetci tí ostatní, bude to práve tak čerstvé, ako by boli rovno v tom boji, ako by práve bojovali, pretože oni odišli s tými istými očakávaniami, očakávajúc na Jeho príchod. A tam bude Výkrik a celá cirkev vystúpi. Rozumiete? To bude to. Tak, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek. Rozumiete?

32My na Neho dokonca musíme očakávať práve teraz. My nevieme. Je možné, že by to mohlo byť od teraz za sto rokov. Mohlo by to byť za päťsto rokov, tisíc rokov, desaťtisíc rokov. Ja neviem. Nikto nevie. Ale povedzme, napríklad, že by sme žili každý deň, práve tak, ako by On mal prísť v ten deň. Vidíte? Ak by sme žili práve tak, akoby On mal prísť práve v tento deň, keď vstaneme, ak zosneme a vstaneme vo vzkriesení, bude to tak čerstvé, akoby sme práve zaspali, jednoducho sa zobudíme. „Tá trúba zaznie, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv; my, ktorí sme živí a pozostaneme, budeme vychvátení s nimi, aby sme stretli Pána v povetrí.“ Vidíte? Tak, to bude práve tak čerstvé.

33Ale teraz, až kým On nepríde, chceme žiť každý deň tak, ako keby On mohol prísť nasledujúcu minútu, pretože to môže byť koniec vášho života, v tej minúte. Vy neviete, kedy pôjdete. Toto môže byť jeden z našich posledných dychov, ktorý máme teraz v sebe, tak máte žiť, akoby to malo byť hneď.

34Ale teraz, pokračujme ďalej, my tu musíme zanechať naše stopy na pieskoch času, aby ich iní mohli vidieť. Ak by Pavol nešiel tou cestou, ktorou išiel, potom Ján by nevedel, ako to nasledovať. Ak by Ján nešiel ďalej, Polykarp by nevedel, ako to nasledovať. Ak by Polykarp nešiel ďalej, Ireneus by nevedel, ako to nasledovať. Ak by Ireneus nešiel ďalej, Martin by nevedel, ako to nasledovať. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Každý musí zanechať stopy na pieskoch času.

35No, ak by som si myslel, že existuje denominácia alebo akákoľvek iná skupina veriacich, ktorá by mala niečo lepšie, ako máme my tu, bratia, ja by som s tým rýchlo spojil toto malé telo. Čakal som, túžil som, bol som v očakávaní a veril, že jedného dňa príde niekto veľký alebo ten veľký prorok, o ktorom hovorím, že príde, o tom Eliášovi. Vždy som veril a myslel som si, možno, že možno budem žiť, až kým uvidím ten deň, kedy by som mohol urobiť zmenu, keď tú osobu uvidím povstať na scéne, potom by som mohol vziať svoju malú cirkev a povedať, „Bratia, toto je ten muž, na ktorého sme očakávali. Tento muž, to je on.“ Ja som na to očakával. A ak toto v skutočnosti už bolo, potom chcem povedať, tu zhora, „Bratia, toto je On,“ prichádzajúc odtiaľto, vidíte. A ja chcem vidieť cirkev takto udržiavanú.

36Musel som na niečo stúpiť alebo niečo urobiť a dať tomu viac života. [Brat Branham nastavuje mikrofón - pozn.prekl.]

37Tak teraz by som rád povedal, že toto je upevnená cirkev.

38Dovoľte mi znovu sa na chvíľu zastaviť. Keď som išiel do Bombaj, považujem to za moje najväčšie zhromaždenie, kvôli tomu efektu na tých ľuďoch. A ja... Ak v Afrike, oni vravia, že počas jedného zhromaždenia ich tam prišlo tridsaťtisíc ku Kristovi, tam vtedy bolo stopäťdesiat alebo dvestotisíc, ktorí tam počas jedného zhromaždenia prišli ku Kristovi, z pol milióna. Vidíte? Čo by som ja mohol urobiť? Nebolo tam nič. Zrejme, možno, oni hovoria, že tam bolo, jednoducho vravia, že ich tam bolo stotisíc. Nebola tam žiadna cirkev, nič, čo by som ja mohol urobiť. Nebolo tam nikoho, kto by im niečo dal. To posolstvo, ktorému ja verím, ja... Tam nebola dokonca ani žiadna letničná denominácia, ktorá by so mnou spolupracovala. A zrejme všetky tieto duše prebehli naspäť ku Sikhom, Jainistom, do Budhizmu a do čohokoľvek iného, z čoho oni vyšli. Nebolo miesta, kam ich poslať. No, to je hanba. To je pohana. Vidíte? Pretože som nemal žiadnu spoluprácu, kvôli tomu postoju, ktorý mám. Vidíte?

39No, v Afrike, tam som išiel pod záštitou A.F.M. a Afrických Misií Viery. A keď som tam išiel, samozrejme, ja s nimi nemôžem súhlasiť. Oni krstia ľudí trojičným krstom, trikrát tvárou vpred. A jedni z nich krstia trikrát dozadu. Raz pre jedného boha, Otca; druhýkrát pre ďalšieho boha, Syna; ďalšíkrát pre ďalšieho boha, Ducha Svätého; a krstiac tri razy, na troch rôznych bohov a všetko také. A zrejme, to durbanské zhromaždenie, nebolo to správne, a tí ľudia videli taký rozkol medzi letničnými vierami, a tak ďalej, tí ľudia nevedeli, čo robiť. Nemali miesta, kam by šli.

40Možno, čo ak by sme tu my mali prebudenie, bratia? Dovoľte mi to takto predložiť. Čo ak by sme mali veľké prebudenie a vy, bratia, by ste sa práve obrátili a nebola by tu v krajine cirkev takéhoto druhu, nikde; a ja by som bol evanjelista a teraz by som vás opustil, možno by ste ma už nikdy nevideli? Čo by ste urobili? Cítili by ste sa tak, že neviete, čo robiť. Nemôžete ísť naspäť do toho váľania sa v blate. Nemôžete ísť naspäť tam dolu, s vašimi manželkami, aby nosili šortky a vašimi... a ku vašim kartovým večierkom a tancovačkám a takýmto veciam a byť znovu uspokojení.

Prišli ste do Života. Pozdvihli ste sa ponad tie veci. Prišli ste na miesto, kde namiesto toho, aby ste povedali, „Toto je naše vyznanie viery,“ vravíte, „Toto je Slovo Božie.“ A vy ste prišli do toho, aby ste skrze neho žili, skrze to, čo Ono hovorí. A nie čo... A vy idete tam dolu a počúvate ich a počujete ich, ako idú a hrajú banco [spoločenská hra s kockami—pozn.prekl.] a majú tancovačky a toto a tamto a iné a trochu posolstva, ktoré v sebe nič nemá, o nejakom starostovi alebo niečom alebo, že má byť znovu zvolený, alebo určitý druh nejakej politickej záležitosti a končí za desať alebo pätnásť minút; potom, čo ste tu sedeli, deň za dňom a mali ohromné gastronomické jubileum zo Slova a tých vecí. Nevedeli by ste, čo robiť. Mali by ste ohľadne toho také bremeno, až niektorí z vás laikov by ste to tak cítili, že by ste začali cirkev a sami by ste to začali kázať, pretože vaše srdce by horelo pre Slovo Božie a cítili by ste sa zle kvôli ľuďom, ktorí by to cítili tak ako vy. No, či to nie tak? [Tí bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

41Hoci by ste vedeli, že Ježiš prichádza, hoci by On prišiel zajtra, jednako vy by ste chceli dnes urobiť niečo pre tých ľudí, tých spoluobčanov Kráľovstva Božieho, aby sa spolu zhromaždili. Vy by ste s nimi chceli mať obecenstvo. Je to tak. Tak ak je to takto...

42No, ja verím z celého svojho srdca, že Pán mi pomohol a použil ma, viedol ohromné prebudenie, jedno z najväčších, ktoré kedy udrelo ten svet od tých raných dní, ktoré kedy obehlo svet. Vieme to. Je to tak. V tom čase to všetko pominulo a On sa so mnou stretol tam na tej rieke a povedal mi, že to Posolstvo, ktoré ja mám, predíde druhý príchod Kristov. A ja predpokladám, že tu nie je dnes večer nikto, kto bol v ten deň tam dole. To bolo pred asi tridsiatimi dvomi rokmi, keď sa ukázalo to Svetlo; a ako som tam stál, díval som sa rovno na to. Stáli tam stovky ľudí, ktorí sa na To dívali. Zostúpilo To a ten Hlas prehovoril.

43O niekoľko rokov neskôr, je to zvláštne, že ten fotoaparát zachytil ten istý obraz, vyzerá to ako tá istá vec, o ktorej som vám hovoril, ktorá bola tam dolu nad riekou. No, môžem sa mýliť vo veľa veciach, bratia, ale ja nechcem byť pokrytec. Chcem byť pri vás čestný a priamy.

44A potom, ďalšia vec, ak by som ja odišiel, čo potom? Nikdy by sme nevybudovali takúto cirkev. Je ťažké povedať, čo by sme mali, vidíte, ak by som odišiel. Ale Boh nebies to položil na moje srdce, aby som tu vybudoval túto cirkev. A potom, keď ma On povolal na evanjelizácie... Mali sme jedného pastora za druhým, a tak ďalej, ale teraz tu máme vzácneho brata, ktorý je z tejto Viery, ktorý verí tomu posolstvu. Máme tu vonku ďalších bratov, ktorí veria tomu Posolstvu. Majúc...

45Začínam byť hlučný, brat Beeler? [Brat Beeler hovorí, „Trochu.“ - pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, pozrime sa. [„Nie. Pokračuj.“] Áno. Mali... Máme ten materiál.

46A teraz poviete, „No, brat Branham, ak oni nebudú počúvať na tieto znamenia a divy toho veľkého Boha nebies, ako to dokážeme?“ No, teraz, čo ak by mal svätý Pavol tú istú predstavu? Rozumiete? Tak čo? Ale on ju nemal. Tí biskupi stáli tak verne s tým Posolstvom! A oni... A Pavol, vždy a tak často, potom, ako urobil svoj okruh... Čítali ste v Biblii, ako znovu navštívil tieto cirkvi, hovoril s pastormi a s biskupmi, a tak ďalej, a dostal úľavu od tých ľudí a mal, ó, ohromný čas obecenstva, ako prebudenie alebo veľký čas jubilea. A Duch Svätý na nich spadol a prišlo posolstvo.

47Pozrite sa, keď išiel tam ku Filipovi, dokonca jeho dcéry prorokovali. A povedali, „Na nášho brata čakajú reťaze a väzenie, keď príde tam hore.“ On nevyšiel ďalej ako na dvor a tu, kráčajúc, prichádza prorok Agabus, pozeral na druhú stranu ulice. A nikdy predtým Pavla nevidel, toho generálneho dozorcu celej tejto skupiny cirkví v Ázii. A on tam prišiel a vytiahol od svojho boku opasok, ktorým mal utiahnuté rúcho, poviazal si ruky a povedal, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, reťaze a väzenie čakajú toho, ktorý má toto oblečené.“ Vidíte? Prorokujúc.

48Pavol povedal, „Ja to viem. Ja to viem. Ale teraz mi nelámte moje srdce. Nechajte ma dokončiť tento môj beh.“ On bol unavený. Bol na konci. A išiel ďalej a zanechal svoje biskupstvo Timotejovi.

49No, musíme myslieť na mladých ľudí. Máme deti. Väčšina z nás tu sú ženatí muži, ktorí majú deti. No, čo s nimi, s tými, ktorí prichádzajú? Rozumiete?

50Ako som tam dolu zvykol spôsobiť rozruch, pri tých, ktorí tam hádzali tie siete do rieky, vyťahovali ostriežov; a pripíjali si, opilci a také veci. Videl som ich na veľkej kope, až ako tu po tento strop, veľkých pekných ostriežov, ako tam ležia. Ten zápach sa tiahol všade okolo rieky. Išiel som dolu ako lesný strážca, aby som ich v tom zastavil. Dostal som list, „Nechaj ich tak. Čo chceš urobiť? To patrí štátu Kentucky.“ No, kentucký strážca tam nemôže prejsť, pretože je mimo svojho teritória. Strážca z Indiany nemá do toho čo hovoriť, pretože tá voda patrí štátu Kentucky. Tu to máte. Nedá sa s tým nič robiť.

51Povedal som, „Mám chlapca, ktorý rastie, ktorý by rád rybárčil. Oni by dali jeho fotku do novín, ak by chytil jalca; ak to len bude takto pokračovať dvadsať rokov; tie siete, pasce, všetko ďalšie.“ A to sa takým stáva už vlastne práve teraz. Vidíte? Čo sa deje? Musíte myslieť na tých, ktorí prichádzajú.

52Tak my musíme rozmýšľať o tých, ktorí majú prísť po nás, títo mladí ľudia, a tak ďalej, a o miestach pre naše deti. Naše dcéry, my ich nechceme mať vonku vo svete, v takých veciach. Chceme, aby tie dievčatá boli vychovávané ako ich matky. A my kvôli tomu musíme urobiť opatrenia. A ak nebude žiadne zajtra, my nevieme. Ak nie je žiadne zajtra, neurobili sme nič iné, okrem toho, že sme boli vo veciach nášho Majstra a boli sme nájdení na mieste našich povinností, keď On prichádza. Rozumiete?

53Tak, toto by som odporúčal. Doporučil som to bratovi Neville. Nesme toto ďalej tak, ako to máme. Nechajme to takto, ako to je. Som vďačný za týchto mladých kazateľov. Viete, vlastne v deň súdu, pre všetky tieto doliny tu, tam nebude žiadnej výhovorky, pretože tu máme všade porozmiestňované malé cirkvi, stanovištia, miesta, kde počúvajú, očakávajú.

54Včera večer som bol v zbore jedného brata a spýtal som sa tam, či sú všetci opevnení za Slovom. A každá ruka išla hore. Nuž, to spôsobilo, že som sa cítil dobre. Rozumiete?

55No, to, čo som zamýšľal, bolo toto, bratia, že ako teraz tu v cirkvi. Ja… Moja služba má, podľa môjho najlepšieho uváženia, štyri veci, ktoré môžu byť vykonané. A to nemusí byť ani jedna z tých štyroch, ale to je ten jediný spôsob, ako to vidím. Ak Ten, ktorý ku mne prehovoril tam dolu pri rieke, ak je toto všetko, čo zostalo pre cirkev z pohanov... Pričom si uvedomujeme, v Knihe Zjavenia je len jedna, dve, tri kapitoly pre cirkev. Cirkev odchádza hore v štvrtej kapitole. A vracia sa až v devätnástej kapitole, čo je po období súženia, kedy Boh vyvoláva Židov. To je správne.

56A ako Enoch odišiel hore pred tým, ako prvá kvapka dažďa spadla na zem. On odišiel a potom začalo súženie. Vidíte? Noe bol v arche predtým, ako začalo súženie. Lót bol von zo Sodomy pred tým, ako začalo súženie. Vidíte? A cirkev bude preč pred tým, ako začne obdobie súženia.

57No, počas toho súženia, ktoré bude, tá spiaca panna bude honená drakom a on vystrekne vodu zo svojich úst, čo znamená „zástupy a ľudia,“ armády, ktoré vyhľadajú a zmocnia sa tejto ženy, zostatku jej semena, a zabijú ju. Nuž, to bude v období súženia. Ale cirkev pôjde Domov. No, ak by sa toto udialo zajtra, to by nám nebránilo v tom, aby sme dnes pokračovali. Urobme dnes zúčtovanie.

58No, to, čo si myslím, že ak by ten anjel, ktorý mi tam dolu povedal tie Slová, povedal, „Ako bol Ján Krstiteľ poslaný, aby predišiel prvý príchod Kristov,“ rozumiete, „tvoje posolstvo...“ Mal som zobrať toto posolstvo. „A ono predíde druhý príchod Kristov.“ Nuž, ak toto bolo to, potom sme skutočne, skutočne blízko, bratia, pretože tá hodina a Svetlo toho posolstva je pripravené vyjsť.

59Všimli ste si, keď boli Letnice a tí bratia boli na Letnice naplnení Duchom Svätým? Sotva to kedy bolo tak, až kým to Posolstvo nezačalo miznúť a oni začali zakladať cirkvi, aby strážili stráž pre Krista, očakávajúc na Neho, že príde. Nuž, to je tá istá vec, ktorá sa dnes deje, ak je pravdou to Písmo, „Ja navrátim, hovorí Pán, všetko, čo požral chrúst a pažravá chrobač.“ No, ak to je to, ak to je to posolstvo a nech mi Boh odpustí… ja neviem. Ak je to to, potom ten čas je blízko, skutočne, pretože to posolstvo sa zakončilo.

60A raz v noci sa mi snívalo, že som išiel, aby som mal rozpoznanie tam, kde sa zhromaždil veľký zástup mojich priateľov, tisíce z nich, na zhromaždení. Bol tam jeden človek, ktorý tam prišiel, zobral ma. A obyčajne tam prichádza Billy, aby ma zobral, pretože vy so mnou nehovoríte. A tento človek hovoril veľmi rýchlo. A predtým, ako som sa tam dostal, všetko pomazanie kvôli tomu odo mňa odišlo. A potom som povedal, „Nuž, jednoducho tam pôjdem a budem kázať posolstvo, poviem tým ľuďom, aby sa nezahrávali s denomináciami, a tak ďalej, a 'Vyjdite z toho a takto.'” A keď som sa dostal na pódium, opustilo ma to.

61Neviem, čo to znamenalo, ale ja som pokračoval. Ja jednoducho neviem. Mohol by to byť koniec mojej cesty. Mohol by to byť príchod Pánov. Mohla by to byť zmena dňa. Mohol by to byť príchod toho mocného, ak má byť ešte nejaký ďalší, pomimo toho, čo už prišlo. To by mohlo byť to. Mohli by to byť všetky tieto veci, z ktorých by sme mohli tiahnuť. A ako tu dnes večer stojím pred Bohom a pred vami bratmi, ja neviem. Nemohol by som vám to povedať. Ak by som mohol, povedal by som vám, alebo by som sa o tom nezmienil, o niečom takom, ako je toto, ak by som nevedel ako. Ak by som vedel, ako to bolo s tou vecou, ja by som to povedal, ale ja neviem. Nemôžem povedať. Práve teraz idem na zhromaždenia, bez štipky vedenia. Idem, pretože ja nechcem len sedieť. Rád chodím do lesov, tak ako hocikto iný. Ak sa v tomto mýlim, Bože, odpusť mi.

62Sú tri veci, ktoré by sa mi mohli stať. Je to buď koniec mojej cesty a nech ten ďalší vystúpi; otvoril som pre neho cestu, aby to prevzal, pretože, pamätajte, ten, ktorý prichádza, aby kázal, bude stáť na Slove, „Navráti vieru detí naspäť na vieru otcov.“ To by mohol byť koniec mojej cesty. Mohlo by to tak byť, že On mení moju službu naspäť do evanjelizácie, ísť do zámoria. Alebo by to mohlo byť, že On ma už viac nepovolá ako evanjelistu a zoberie ma niekam na púšť, aby ma pomazal, aby ma vyslal ako toho, ktorý bol zasľúbený, že príde, tak si myslím. Mohla by to byť hociktorá z tých vecí.

63Nemôžem ísť tou istou cestou, ktorou som išiel. Pretože ja som... Ľudia mi uverili. Musím to tak povedať. Hovorím to pred ľuďmi. Tí ľudia ma často považujú za proroka. Ja sa za neho nepovažujem. Nie veru. Nerobím to. Nehovorím to, aby som bol pokorný. Hovorím to, aby som bol pravdovravný. Ja sa nepovažujem za proroka Pánovho. Nemám tú česť.

64Verím, že ma Pán použil v malých špeciálnych veciach, aby som pomohol, možno položiť základ pre proroka, ktorý príde. Ale prorok nepostupuje tak, ako postupujem ja. No, vy to viete. Prorok nie je evanjelista a evanjelista nie je prorok. Pastor nie je evanjelista a evanjelista nie je pastor. „Ale Boh postavil do cirkvi najprv apoštolov, potom prorokov, potom učiteľov, potom pastorov,“ a tak ďalej. Boh ich ustanovil v cirkvi a Boh im dal úrad.

65Ale v to ráno, keď som kládol ten uholný kameň! Pretože, ak ste duchovní, tak to uchopíte. Kvôli volaniu tých ľudí! Ak by ste to mohli vybrať alebo vziať tú knihu a čítať ju, je tam povedané, „Konaj dielo evanjelistu.“ On ma nepovolal, aby som bol evanjelistom, ale povedal, „Konaj dielo evanjelistu, pretože príde čas, keď neznesú zdravého učenia, ale budú si spolu hromadiť učiteľov majúc svrbľavé uši a obrátia sa od Pravdy k bájkam.“ Rozumiete? Citoval mi to miesto Písma a povedal mi, kde to môžem nájsť. Povedal to trikrát. A ja som si zobral Bibliu a nalistoval som si tam, kde mi On povedal, a tam to bolo. A potom, vy viete o tých dvoch vedrách, o letničných Jednotároch a letničných Zboroch Božích. Nikdy som ich nezmiešal. Zasadil som ich vlastné stromy práve tam, kde oni boli, pretože ja si myslím, že ony sa obaja mýlia. Ale mimo toho, ja som bol pri kríži, pri žatve.

66Boh rešpektuje každého, kto je úprimný. Peter to povedal. „On spoznal, že Boh nehľadí na osobu, On povoláva zo všetkých národov, keď bol v dome Kornélia, keď oni prijali Ducha Svätého, tak ako oni na počiatku.“ Rozumiete? Boh nehľadí na osobu. Vidíme nejakú vážnu a úprimnú osobu, ona môže byť úprimne na omyle. Ale ak je úprimný, Boh ho niekde bude viesť do toho Svetla. On ku nemu príde, pretože Boh je zaviazaný, aby to urobil.

67A ak premýšľame o príchode Pánovom, čo je tak veľkou vecou; a o tom posolstve, ono akurát vyšlo. Pamätajte, je určitá predurčená skupina, aby tu bola, keď sa Pán vracia, a to nemusí byť viac ako tucet. Vidíte? My nevieme. Môže to byť sto miliónov; môže to byť desaťtisíc. Ale ak... Tí predurčení budú to posolstvo počuť a budú mu veriť, ak je to posolstvo poslané od Boha, čo veríme, že je.

68Nuž, tu to máme, potom, rovno do času konca. Ak by ma Boh povolal... No, počúvajte, toto sa nebude opakovať. Ak ma On povolal, aby som bol Jeho prorokom, potom ja naozaj nedržím ten úrad proroka. Proroci neevanjelizujú. Prorok sa skrýva na púšti, sám s Bohom, až kým nedostane presne priamo to, čo Boh od neho chce, aby urobil. A on hneď vystupuje a vypovie svoje posolstvo a ide znovu naspäť na púšť. On nie je evanjelista, ktorý by mal zhromaždenia a spoluprácu a všetky tieto veci, ktoré robí evanjelista. On nevyučuje ako evanjelisti. On má TAK HOVORÍ PÁN a to je to a to je všetko. On to vypovie, predloží to a nech sa deje, čo sa deje, a potom ide znovu preč. Nikto nevie, kde je. On je niekde v izolácii.

69Nuž, ja nemôžem... alebo ak ma On povolal, aby som ním bol, ja nemôžem byť evanjelistom. A ak ma povolal, aby som bol evanjelistom, nemôžem byť prorokom. No, rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Neviem, čo mám robiť. Úctivo som vykonal, keď mi On tam prv povedal o tom, aby som bral ľudí za ruky a modlil sa za nich, potom poznal tajomstvá ich sŕdc, všetky tieto rôzne veci. A, bratia, to je neomylné. Vy viete, že to musí byť Pravda. Každý jeden z vás to vie. Vidíte? A ako mi povedal, že to zasiahne celý svet a to sa presne stalo! Každý národ pod nebom to počul, všade, noviny, nahrávky, všade. Ja neviem, ako sa to kedy udialo. Ale prichádzajú listy z celého sveta a od ľudí z Thajska a od tých Hotentótov tam. Ako títo misionári tam zhromažďujú ľudí ku tým páskam a vykladajú to Slovo. A teraz sa nám dostávajú správy z celého sveta, vidíte, z celého sveta. No, cirkev je na každom mieste predurčená, všade. „Dvaja budú na posteli; dvaja budú na poli,“ rozumiete, jedného vezmem, druhého zanechám.

70Nuž, vykonal som to dielo evanjelistu. A tu je moja prosba. Ak sa to Bohu páči a ja som vykonal to dielo v poriadku, dôverujúc, že som sa Mu páčil, prosiac o odpustenie za všetky moje chyby, potom ma On možno volá z evanjelizačného poľa, aby som bol Jeho prorokom. Potom ak je to tak, opúšťam evanjelizačné pole. Ale ak ma povoláva, aby som bol prorokom, ja nemôžem byť evanjelistom. Ak mám byť evanjelistom, nemôžem byť prorokom. Vtedy miešam tie dva úrady. To je to, ohľadne čoho som vždy taký znepokojený. Keď stojím na pódiu, to nikdy nebolo dobré, úspešné. Boh to použil, ale ja som si nikdy nemyslel, že by to bola Jeho bezprostredná vôľa. Bola to Jeho dopustená vôľa. Keď stojíte na pódiu, jedno alebo dve videnia vás takmer zrazia k zemi. Rozumiete? A potom, keď hovoríte tej osobe, ako dať veci do poriadku a čo robiť; a potom tam stojí ďalší človek, on očakáva to isté. A vy mu to nemôžete povedať, iba ak vám to Niečo nepovie, aby ste mu to povedali. A potom tí druhí ľudia to cítia tak, že ste nejaký zradca alebo odpadlík alebo démon alebo niečo také, pretože im nepoviete to, čo chcú vedieť. Vidíte, to nie je ten úrad, v ktorom pôsobí prorok.

71Prorok sa drží stranou, až kým nevstúpi do nemocnice alebo kdekoľvek ide, s tým TAK HOVORÍ PÁN a vypovie to a znova sa stiahne. On vôbec nie je evanjelistom. On nemáva zhromaždenia a nediskutuje o veciach. On má Slovo Pánovo pre kohokoľvek, ku komu je poslaný.

72Ak je poslaný do Bieleho Domu, on sa postaví rovno pred Biely Dom a povie, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ Ak je to guvernér štátu, ktokoľvek to je, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On sa nepletie s cirkevnými skupinami, snažiac sa doviesť ich do toho, aby prišli a zobrali to Slovo a kázať tieto veci ako evanjelisti. On nie je evanjelista.

73Tak vidíte, bratia, to je ten dôvod, prečo samého seba nenazývam prorokom. Ja dokonca nestojím ani v jeho úrade. Vidíte? Teraz rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Nuž, bolo by toho veľa, v čom by sme mohli takto pokračovať za dlhý čas, ale dúfam, že nezaberiem príliš veľa vášho času, až kým zoberiem trochu z tohto Slova, ktoré chcem dnes večer čítať.

74No, tu je to, čo robím. Nikdy som to tak necítil, že by som mal žiť v Indiane. Ja som - ja som tramp. Idem na jedno miesto, myslím si, „Pôjdem sem, usadím sa tu. To je ono.“ Nemôžem to urobiť. Keď idem niekde inde, myslím si, „Pôjdem sem.“ Keď to robím... Moja manželka ma volá... Ktorá je to pieseň, v ktorej sa o tom spieva? Nepokojné vetry. Myslím, že ste ju počuli. Väčšina z vás počula, ako ju spievajú. No, to je to, ako ma ona nazýva, „Nepokojné vetry.“ Asi v tom čase, keď sa sem dostanem, myslím si, „Chlapče, musím ísť domov. Musím vidieť ženu a deti. Musím ísť ešte raz do cirkvi a kázať. Prídem sem a idem dolu a kážem raz. Pobozkám svoju manželku a objímem všetky deti. Idem von kosiť trávu a nado mnou letí lietadlo. Zastavím sa, utriem si pot z čela a chcem ísť s ním. Musím ísť niekam inam. No, myslím si, musím tam ísť. A idem tam a chvíľu tam kážem. Rozhliadam sa dookola a tam hore letí ďalšie. Musím ísť s ním. Vidíte, nie je pre mňa miesto, kde by som sa usadil. Jednoducho to nemôžem urobiť. Som nepokojný, presúvam sa z miesta na miesto, stále niečo. Nemôžem si pomôcť. Je to niečo vo mne. A ja viem, že to musím robiť.

75Nuž, v cirkvi, v jej súčasnom stave, cítim sa hrozne, keď odtiaľto odchádzam. A rozmýšľam o všetkých vás ľuďoch, ktorí tu sedíte, o ktorých verím, že s nimi strávim večnosť tam v tej slávnej zemi. Máme výborných mužov, výborný materiál, spoľahliví, zdraví ľudia. Len nedávno sa tu v cirkvi prelomilo medzi ľuďmi prebudenie. Duch prišiel medzi nich a začal udeľovať dary. Pozoroval som to, aby som videl, či som nezašiel do fanatizmu. Zakaždým, keď sa to začne takto pohybovať, ten Duch to skontroluje a privedie to sem naspäť. Myslel som, „Chvála Pánovi.“ Vidíte? Len sa tam drž svojho miesta. To je dobré. Rozumiete?

76Nuž, to, o čom rozmýšľam, je toto, že ak by to bolo možné, že keď začínam niekam ísť, ja neviem, kam idem. Ale nemôžem len tak sedieť. Nezostanem tu. Jednoducho to nemôžem urobiť. Musím sa niekam pohnúť. A zrejme tam zostanem len pár dní a pohnem sa niekam inam. Niekam musím ísť. Ja neviem, kam idem. Ani Abrahám nevedel, kam ide. On jednoducho prešiel cez rieku a vyrazil. To je všetko.

77Cítim, že to, čo by sme tu mali urobiť v tomto prítomnom čase, verím, že potrebujeme modlitebňu. Myslím na dom Boží... Poviete, „Nuž, načo vkladať do toho všetky tie peniaze, keď Pán prichádza?“ No, na čo to bude dobré držať tie peniaze, ak Pán prichádza? Rozumiete? A ak tí ľudia vyhradili peniaze pre cirkev, je to naša povinnosť, so stopercentným schválením v hlasovaní, ktoré som tu urobil toho večera, aby sme vybudovali tú modlitebňu. Tak, vybudujte ju. Hovorím, vybudujte ju. Tak veru.

78Nikdy predtým som toto nevyjadril, ale chcem to urobiť pred vami mužmi. Nechcel som, aby tu boli ženy, pretože jedna je naklonená tak a druhá inak. No, snažím sa vám povedať ten dôvod, pre ktorý to chcem urobiť. Myslím, že ak by Pán prišiel na budúci týždeň, začnime s tou modlitebňou tento týždeň. Určite. Dajme Mu to najavo. Stojme na mieste svojej povinnosti. Tak veru. A potom, ak my... keď bude tá modlitebňa postavená.

79Prečo? Povedzme, ak On... Čo ak On príde od teraz za desať rokov? Čo ak príde za dvadsať rokov? Alebo čo ak On príde za sto rokov? Koľkokoľvek to je, kedy On príde, na tom nezáleží. My vieme, že On príde pre nás pred tým časom, pretože my to nemôžeme prežiť, tých viac ako sto rokov. On príde pre nás, ale my musíme po sebe niečo zanechať. A ja som o tom rozmýšľal. Prečo nenechať, aby ten cirkevný výbor tu, ako ku nim teraz hovorím, aby vybudovali tú modlitebňu? Predložte to tu. Urobte to milým a pekným miestom, kde by ľudia mohli prísť.

80Navrhol by som, aby bol brat Neville pastorom cirkvi, tak dlho, ako ho cirkev odporúča, aby bol pastorom. To je voľba cirkvi. Tak dlho, ako sa on drží toho miesta povinnosti a stojí vo viere, chce prísť, cíti vedenie Pánovo, vtedy vedenie Pánovo pre neho je, aby zostal, ak to zhromaždenie tiež zvolí.

81Potom by som povedal, že každý jeden z týchto mužov tu, títo ďalší mužovia, ako brat Crase a brat Junior, každý z nich, tak dlho, ako cítia svoju povinnosť byť na tom mieste a oni sú tu spolu pridružení. Nemôžete ísť a stretávať sa s Metodistami. Nemáte s nimi žiadne obecenstvo. S Baptistami... pôjdete a poviete im o hovorení v jazykoch a krste v Ježišovo Meno, oni vás vykopnú, a to rýchlo. [Brat Branham luskol svojimi prstami - pozn.prekl.] Je to tak. Sadnete si tam, budete ako holubica medzi kŕdľom vrán. Nebudete mať vôbec žiadne obecenstvo. Zomreli by ste. Nerobím si teraz žarty z Metodistov a Baptistov. Pamätajte na to. Ja to tak nehovorím. Ja to len vykresľujem na porovnanie. Mnohí tam, títo Metodisti a Baptisti sú dobrí ľudia, zbožní ľudia. Ale ja hovorím o obecenstve. Je tam brat... Ako sa volá? Dnes večer tam vzadu, ten evanjelista, ktorí tam sedí vzadu, brat J.T.Parnell. Brat Beeler, verím, že je to tento brat, ktorý tu sedí. Mnohí z vás tu sú mužovia Boží, ktorí máte vo svojom živote povolanie. Vy môžete niečo urobiť. Neposedávajte. Robte niečo. Ak získate len jednu spasenú dušu, priveďte tú jednu ku spaseniu. Každý jeden z nás.

82No, premýšľam o tejto modlitebni, ak by ste vy, mužovia, chceli, keď budete stavať túto modlitebňu, vybudujte ju ako hlavný stan a nech je brat Neville starším medzi vami. Vidíte? A niekedy, keď dostanete nejakú otázku, ktorú nemôžete prediskutovať tam s vaším zborom, potom ju prineste tu ku bratovi Nevillemu a všetci to spolu prediskutujte. Ak nebudete môcť prísť ku žiadnemu rozhodnutiu, ja prídem pomerne skoro a potom sa všetci ohľadne toho stretneme.

83A potom, tam, vyučujte vo svojich skupinách iných kazateľov, mužov, u ktorých vidíte, že majú vo svojom živote povolanie pre službu. Trénujte tých mladých mužov. Priveďte ich tu ku starším. Vy všetci sa stretnite na kazateľskom zhromaždení a tam vyučujte tie hlbšie veci Božie. Neberte to za zlý koniec. Držte sa niekoho, v koho môžete mať dôveru, kto by bol pre vás takým vodcom. A potom niekedy, ak to tak presne nevidíte, to, ako on postupuje, kráča, no, to je v poriadku. Jednako stojte vo viere. Len sa pohybujte vpred. Možno keď sa zídeme, potom sa všetci spolu budeme modliť; rozpoznanie Božie zostúpi a On to dá presne na poriadok, rozumiete, a len porozumejme, ako to urobiť.

84A cirkvi tam môžu zájsť a počúvať, ako tú skupinu mužov vyučujete. A ak ja budem niekde pri evanjelizačnej práci, existujú miesta, kde ich môžem umiestniť, po celom svete.

85Čo ak by som bol v Indii, ak by som išiel naspäť do Indie? Povedal by som tam tým ľuďom, možno, že by ich tam boli tisíce. Zostaňte tu na jeden alebo dva týždne a oni by videli tú službu. Oni to milujú. Oni veria, že je to Pravda. Oni vychádzajú z pohanstva. Mal by som tam... a možno počas dvoch alebo troch týždňov. Keď som tam bol dva večery a možno sa ich obrátilo ku Kristovi stotisíc; nemali by kam ísť. Na druhý deň by som nasadol na lietadlo, išiel späť do Ríma, potom do Spojených Štátov. Zanechal by som ich tam ako ovce medzi vlkmi. Čo ak by som mal skupinu mužov, mladých mužov, trénovaných v Posolstve, vidíte, ktorým by som povedal, „Nuž, počkajte chvíľu. Predtým, ako odtiaľto odídem, ustanovíme tieto zbory. Poznám jedného muža. Už som im poslal telegram. Dostali peniaze. Práve teraz sú na ceste sem, aby toto prevzali; je to dobrý muž. Sú s ním dvaja alebo traja muži, ktorí budú jeho pomocníkmi a asistentmi.

86A môže tam byť založený zbor tejto viery, ktorá bude základňou v Indii, základňou v Nemecku, základňou vo Švajčiarsku. Práve teraz by sme ich mali mať vo všetkých tých národoch, kde som bol. A potom to posolstvo, odtiaľ prichádza ďalší, odinakiaľ prichádza ďalší. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

87No, zajtra večer alebo pozajtra večer, uvidíte sem prísť Mattssona Boze, ktorý je mojím priateľom. Uvidíte, čo jeden malý, zmrzačený Švéd vykonal v Tanganike. On tam išiel. A teraz, Mattsson-Boze je dobrý človek, ale on neverí tou vierou, ktorou my veríme.

88Raz som ho vzal a niečo som mu ukázal a spojil mu to s jedným miestom v Písme. Vravím, „Mattsson, ty si môj priateľ. No, však nebudeš skákať alebo behať? Zostaneme tu, budeme držať jeden druhého za ruku ako kresťanskí bratia a rozprávať sa.“ Vidíte?

89A predložil som mu to posolstvo a on tam len stál. On povedal, „Brat Branham, iste máš pravdu.“

90Povedal som, „Nuž, Mattsson, ty tomu neveríš, inak by si to prijal.“

91„Nuž, brat Branham, ja verím, že to, čo hovoríš, je Pravda.“

92„Prečo to potom neprijmeš?“ Vidíte? Jednoducho som mu to rovno odpálil. A potom, hneď, ako odchádza, je preč. Vidíte?

93Ale pozorujte len, čo ten muž urobil tam na svojich misiách, len jeden muž. Pretože, on mohol ísť hneď naspäť do Chicaga a vyzdvihnúť Burtona a všetkých ostatných, poslať ich takto rovno tam a začať pracovať. Dovtedy... teraz získavajú v tých stanoch tisíce z jedného prebudenia. Nie človek s darmi, jednoducho muž, ktorý mal dostatok odvahy ísť tam a začať. Čo by mohlo byť vykonané pod Týmto? Mohlo by sa to rátať na milióny. Iste. My sme premrhali ten čas. To je to, čo by som odporúčal.

94No pamätajte, keď toto robíte, zistíte, že môžu byť časy, v ktorých nebudete súhlasiť s tým-a-tým bratom. Nebudete tu súhlasiť. A pamätajte, že pokiaľ sa dostanete do toho bodu, že poviete, „Nuž, pretože on tomu neverí tak ako ja, ja tam nejdem,“ potom tam s vami niečo nie je v poriadku. Niečo s vami nie je v poriadku. Pričom sú to bratia, ktorí sa snažia držať spolu!

95Je jedna vec, my Branhamovci, je nás deväť a my sme sa bili ako psy. Ale jednako, keď sme prešli cez tie bitky, stále sme Branhamovci. Jeden vedel, že ten druhý bol Branham. Ja som vedel, že on bol Branham. On vedel, že ja som Branham. Vidíte? Ale my sme sa bili. Vy to robíte vo svojej rodine, ale oni sú stále vaši bratia. Tak to je. Môžeme sa nezhodnúť, to je v poriadku, ale stále sme jedno. My sme jedno v Kristovi. My veríme tomuto Posolstvu a tak zostaňme s ním.

96A ja myslím, že to je tá vec, ktorú máme robiť, pokračovať takto, až kým príde Ježiš. A to je to, čo som chcel týmto spôsobom povedať. A verím, že ak by ste takto mali...

97Vidíte, musíte tým byť nadšení. Ak nie ste nadšení, potom tam niečo nie je v poriadku. Niečo tam nie je v poriadku. Musíte byť, nie len povedať, „Nuž, minulý mesiac som bol celkom nadšený, ale ja neviem.“ Vidíte, niekde je tam niečo zle. Musíte byť nadšení po celý čas, vidíte, a len sa stále predierajte. To je diabol, ktorý sa vás snaží dostať. Mám rád, vždy som mal rád nášho posledného prezidenta, pána Eissenhowera. Veľmi som obdivoval generála Eissenhowera. On povedal, „Keď sme bojovali,“ povedal, „veľakrát sme vzali náboj a vložili sme ho do pušky a zatiahli sme spúšť a nechali ju tam zapadnúť, a to len cvaklo. Ona nevystrelila.“ Povedal, „Nevzdali sme sa.“ Povedal, „Vložili sme tam ďalší a tiež to len cvaklo.“ Povedal, „Nevzdali sme sa.“ Povedal, „Ďalej sme stláčali spúšť, až kým to nevystrelilo.“

98To je to. To je ten spôsob, ako vyhrať vojnu. Stále sa snažiť. Vložiť ten náboj a zatiahnuť. Vy máte zámer zasiahnuť ten cieľ. A ak on nevystrelí, vyhoďte ho a vložte tam ďalší, až kým jeden nevystrelí. Jeden z nich je tam, ktorý je živý, a jeden z nich vystrelí. Ale to je ten spôsob, ktorým to musíme robiť. Ďalej strieľať, strieľať, až kým sa niečo nestane.

99Čo robím ja? Ja teraz strieľam. Idem sem von, neviem dokonca... žiadne vedenie. Zodpovednosť! Milióny ľudí sa na vás dívajú, „Čo urobíš? Čo je tým ďalším krokom?“ Niektorí si myslia, že som zomrel. Niektorí si myslia tamto. Dokonca, keď mi jedného dňa vybuchla tá puška, oni povedali, že som sa snažil spáchať samovraždu. Všetko možné, vidíte, po celej krajine a všetko možné sa deje. Vidíte? Ale vy toto všetko máte, aby ste s tým zápasili. Potom máte za tých ľudí bremeno.

100A len si predstavte, čo ak by Boh na vás položil to, že by ste poznali srdcia tých ľudí, ku ktorým hovoríte? Premýšľajte o tom. Vidíte? Bratia, možno, ja viem, že máte bremená, ale vy tomu nerozumiete. A okrem toho, tu, vy máte tú zodpovednosť tu.

101Poviete, „Nuž, to by malo byť pre teba ľahké, brat Branham. Čokoľvek máš urobiť, Boh ti to jednoducho povie.“ Nie. On to nerobí. Ja sa pri tom zapotím, práve tak ako vy a oveľa viac. Iste. Ja sa pri tom zapotím oveľa viac ako vy. A odo mňa bude vyžadované viac. Tam, kde sa vy musíte zodpovedať za cirkev, kde sa musíte zodpovedať za svoje rodiny alebo možno len za seba, vidíte, sú milióny duší, za ktoré sa ja budem musieť zodpovedať. Ja musím vedieť, kam sa pohnem. A ak vás Satan udiera kvôli jednej duši alebo kvôli zopár dušiam, ktoré vy získate, čo potom tu, kde sú tam v radoch milióny? O koľko viac úderov on dáva tam? Vidíte? Tak, máte oveľa viac toho, na čo pamätať, bratia. Tak niet divu, že sa niekedy stávam nervóznym. Iste.

102Ale ja práve teraz nabíjam. Vkladám náboj. Ak to vystrelí, je to tam. Ak to nevystrelí, ja neprestanem. Tú jednu vyhodím s hlasným nárazom a skúsim ďalšiu. Jedna z nich vystrelí. To je všetko, čo s tým treba robiť. Jedna z nich niekam dostrelí. Potom, ja chcem mať dobre namierené, keď to vystrelí, aby som trafil ten cieľ, na ktorý strieľam. A teraz, viete, čo mám na mysli. Som si istý. Vidíte? Niekde je niečo. Odchádzam na tie zhromaždenia, jednoducho idem na slepo. Nemám tam v úmysle vyučovať tieto veľké veci, ktoré vyučujem vás ľudí.

103Pamätáte sa na ten sen, ku ktorému som dostal výklad? „Choď naspäť a uskladňuj Pokrm.“ Kde bol ten sklad? Táto modlitebňa. Kde v krajine je niečo také ako toto, kdekoľvek tu naokolo, čo by sa mohlo porovnať s týmto posolstvom, ktoré my máme? Nuž, pravdaže, naši bratia tu z okolia, tie ďalšie malé zbory, sú ako my. My sme jedno.

Kam by ste išli, aby ste To našli? Poukážte na niečo, s čím by sa to dalo porovnať, kdekoľvek. Pôjdete rovno do denominačných vyznaní. Pôjdete rovno preč od Mena Pána Ježiša. Pôjdete rovno preč od týchto ďalších vecí. Vidíte? A tu je to, kde je uložený ten Pokrm.

104No, jedno posolstvo, ktoré som vám tu všetkým kázal... Pozrite, kázal som vám od jednej do šiestej hodiny na tému toho posolstva. Nuž, ak by som musel použiť jedno z tých posolstiev, zabralo by mi to týždeň, keby som to zobral, jednoducho trochu tu a trochu tam, vidíte, pretože To tu bolo uskladnené.

105Je to na páske. Pôjde to po celom svete na páskach, kde to budú počúvať ľudia vo svojich domoch. Tie pásky sa dostanú do rúk tých, ktorí sú predurčení od Boha. On môže to Slovo nasmerovať. On nasmeruje všetko presne svojím smerom. To je ten dôvod, že On ma poslal naspäť, aby som toto urobil. „Uskladňuj tu ten Pokrm.“ On mi zabránil, aby som išiel do zámoria.

106Brat Arganbright povedal, „Nuž, poď, choď. Máš tam jeden večer, ale my ťa vezmeme na turistický výlet po celej krajine.“ Tak som videl brata Freda a brata Banksa, ako sa snažia ísť.

107Povedal som, „Tým smerom nepôjdem.“ Vidíte? To ukázalo, že tam bolo niečo iné.

108Teraz sa tlačím napred, ale ja neviem, ktorým smerom ísť. Ale všade okolo mňa leží munícia. Zavolá ma On naspäť na evanjelizácie? Zavolá ma na zahraničné misie? Povolal ma, aby som bol Jeho prorokom? Mám byť niekde pastorom? Čokoľvek mám urobiť, ja budem vkladať ten náboj a stláčať spúšť. Jeden z nich vystrelí. Ale nezostanem sa len dívať a hovoriť, „Pane, Ty vlož ten náboj do tej pušky.“ Ja vložím ten náboj do pušky, sám zatlačím spúšť. Nech On spôsobí ten výstrel. On je ten, ktorý sa o to stará. Nechajte ma len hýbať sa napred.

109Tam vonku, keď budem teraz pokračovať v týchto zhromaždeniach, jednoducho odchádzam. Ja neviem. Ja možno nič nepoviem o tomto Posolstve, tak, ako ho kážem tu. Možno nebudem mať ani jeden večer s rozpoznávaním. Ja neviem. Ja jednoducho idem, nevediac, čo budem robiť. Nemohol by som vám povedať. Ja len idem a to je všetko.

110A to je to, ako to musíte robiť. Máte niečo vo svojej mysli. Tí ľudia tu chcú modlitebňu. Vybudujte ju. Tak rýchlo, ako len môžete, postavte ju. Zhromaždite učiteľov a veci. Vy, bratia tam vonku, so svojimi malými cirkvami a vy chcete... robíte nejakú prácu, Boh vás za to odmení. Choďte tam, kážte, urobte všetko, čo môžete. Zhromaždite sa všetci spolu, vy, skupina mužov, a majte zhromaždenia a hovorte o hlbokých veciach Písma. A modlite sa. Nechoďte sem len kvôli tomu, aby ste sa spolu zhromaždili, že len prídete kvôli modlitebnému zhromaždeniu. Modlite sa v skrytosti. Zostávajte na tých miestach. Choďte do svojich komôrok. Skryte sa niekde. A len choďte na kolená a len zostávajte pred Bohom a zostávajte tam. Potom ak zistíte, že to vyzerá, že niečo povstáva, ó, jednoducho idete a zisťujete, že sa to trochu dostáva pomimo Slova, potom buďte opatrní. Bez ohľadu na to, ako dobre to vyzerá, zastavte sa rovno tam. Zasiahol vás zlý duch. Pretože to Posolstvo tohoto dňa je ísť do Slova. Rozumiete? Či nie. Rozumiete?

111Ak poviete, „Ó, brat Branham! Poviem ti to a to. To a to raz večer povstalo, táto ďalšia vec sa stala takto.“ Pozorujte to. Pozorujte to pozorne. Nič nezavrhujte. Len čakajte a hľaďte, ako to postupuje, a potom to prineste ku tomu Slovu a hľaďte, ako to pasuje s tým Slovom. Potom, ak to pasuje s tým Slovom a všetko je v poriadku, ďakujte Bohu a hýbte sa potom napred, vidíte, tak dlho, ako to zostáva so Slovom. To je môj názor, čo si myslím, že by ste mali robiť.

112Brat Neville, brat Ruddell, brat Crase a brat Beeler a vy všetci bratia tu, Junie, kdekoľvek ste, a tí ostatní z vás bratov, nech vás Boh žehná. Vidím tu Terryho, Lynn, Charlieho Coxa, Dávida a mnohých z vás mladých mužov. Nech vás Boh pomaže. Ó! Ako by som rád zobral niektorých z vás, aby ste boli na tých evanjelizáciách a postavil by som vás niekde, vidíte, vediac, že ste ku tomu prišli. Môžete obstáť a poznať to Posolstvo a študovať ho, aby ste sa dokázali, vy, ktorí cítite povolanie vo svojom živote. Vidím dvoch alebo troch mladých mužov a štyroch alebo piatich, ktorí tu sedia, a ďalší rad tu vzadu a takto. Ste mladými mužmi. Ja starnem. Brat Neville starne. Sme mužmi v strednom veku. Ak sa čas bude odvíjať ďalej, my zakrátko odstúpime zo scény. Vy si musíte obuť naše topánky. Rozumiete? A tak rozumiete. A potom, možno v tom dni, možno to vyrastie a bude to ešte väčšie, ak bude nejaké zajtra.

113Ale pokiaľ je dnes, pracujme, pokiaľ je dnes. Zajtrajšok už možno nepríde. Ak tak, buďme na to pripravení. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Nuž, to je to, o čom by som na vašom mieste rozmýšľal.

114Bolo by to úžasné vidieť brata z Utica, brata Crase, a všetkých vás bratov tu, zísť sa spolu, prísť na určité miesto. Vás kazateľov, ako tu sedíte a diskutujete o veciach. Niekde by ste mali mať obecenstvo. Mali by ste mať niečo, aby ste sa spolu zišli, zišli sa kvôli niečomu. Vy všetci prichádzate spolu ako skupina mužov a veríte jeden spolu s druhým a takto a hovoríte o týchto problémoch a o usporiadaní, možno raz za mesiac, len samotní kazatelia. Stretnite sa niekde v jednom z vašich zborov. Sadnite si a prediskutujte to a hovorte o tom, každý jeden z vás pastorov a evanjelistov a čokoľvek ste. A ak povstane nejaký veľký problém, ktorý nedokážete vyriešiť, potom, ak budem povolaný na evanjelizačné pole. Neviem, či budem. A ak budem, vy viete, že sa budem neustále vracať, po celý čas. A potom, ak budete mať tieto veci, potom, keď sa sem vrátim, nuž, stretneme sa spolu a sadneme si tam. Jeden z vás má povolanie vo svojom živote... nebudeme to mať ako súkromné rozhovory a tie veci, ktoré mávame. My sa len hneď stretneme spolu a zostaneme tam, až kým nebudeme mať TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

115A ak môžete dosiahnuť to, že kazateľ bude priamy a že bude správne postupovať, pozorujte, čo on bude robiť. On ovplyvní... To sa postará o stovky týchto vecí. To je to. My len na to udierame, vidíte. Musíte mať na to systém, Boží systém.

116Ako povedal Jetro Mojžišovi, „Ty ich všetkých nezvládneš.“ Alebo, a Boh tam ustanovil starších, sedemdesiatich z nich. A oni prorokovali. A to Mojžiša ani trochu neoslabilo. To ho posilnilo. On mal v sebe toľko proroctva, koľko ho mal pred tým, ako z neho získali toho Ducha, aby prorokovali. Vidíte? On len oddelil, povedal, „Nuž, Mojžiš, nechaj ich rozsúdiť tie menšie veci. Ale keď to prichádza ku tým hlavným veciam, zíď sa spolu s nimi a pomôž im.“

117No, to je ten spôsob. To bol Boží spôsob tam dávno. To bol Boží spôsob v tom ranom cirkevnom veku. A ja verím, že to je Boží spôsob práve teraz, aby sme tak postupovali. Tak, urobme to. Jednoducho o tom prestaňte hovoriť a urobte to. To je všetko. Dokážeme to skrze milosť Božiu. Veríte tomu? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, pozrime sa. Ó, vyčerpal som svoj čas.

118Ale Billy tu napísal poznámku. Len chvíľu, pozriem sa, čo to je. „Ja som z New Albany. dcéra Grace, nemocnica Memorial, zlomila si ruku. Chce, aby sme sa za ňu pomodlili. T-r-o-u-b, W.C.Troub.“ Troub, niečo také. Pomodlime sa za túto mladú pani.

119Náš Nebeský Otče, ako teraz hovoríme, a ja premýšľam, že možno, keď sa Ireneus pozrel na svoju malú skupinu mužov, možno to bola oveľa menšia skupina, než ako je tu, dnes večer. A oni nemali stoličky, na ktoré by si mohli sadnúť. Oni sedeli na starých studených kamenných doskách. A sedeli tam a on ku nim hovoril. Tí mužovia vyšli, dokonca keď vedeli, že by ich mohli dať zožrať levom, že by im mohli odťať hlavy. Ale viera našich otcov stále žije, napriek žaláru, ohňu a meču.

120Ďakujem ti za týchto mužov, Pane. Modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal. Požehnaj teraz každého jedného z nich v Tvojom Mene, aby si ich Ty udržiaval v tej viere, ktorá raz bola darovaná svätým, aby od nej nikdy neodbočili. A aby si mohol z tejto skupiny vyslať pastorov, učiteľov, evanjelistov. Ó, Bože, udeľ to. A nech stoja na stráži, všade, kdekoľvek sú. Nech neustále pracujú, až kým nepríde Ježiš.

121A teraz, Otče, modlím sa za každú jednu z týchto žiadostí, ktoré sem dnes večer dorazili, a prosím, aby si pamätal na tú pani tam dolu, ktorá si práve zlomila ruku. Nech ju uzdraví moc Všemohúceho Boha a spraví, že bude v poriadku. Udeľ to, Pane. Modlím sa, aby si jej pomohol a požehnal ju. Požehnaj jej milovaných za to, že zavolali. A nech tá moc, ktorá vzkriesila Ježiša z hrobu, pozdvihne toto dievča. Nech jej ruka vyzdravie.

122Všetky tieto žiadosti, ktoré boli dnes večer spomenuté! Ten biedny chlapec, ktorý tam ležal, ktorý to dostal, počul som tú matku, ako to oznámila, že tá Hodgkinsova nemoc ho tak prežrala, až mu to spálilo tvár, s rádiom a tými vecami, ktoré mu dali. Bože, buď tomu chlapcovi milostivý. Dovoľ mu žiť. Rozmýšľame o tom človeku, ktorý sa nepripravil na stretnutie s Tebou a teraz už odišiel; jeho manželka s rozbitou hlavou. To adoptované dieťa! Všetci tí ostatní! Sestra Bruce, ako niesla vodu. Ona starne, Otče. A tam si spálila ruky a hornú a dolnú časť tela. Modlíme sa za ňu. Ona je zrejme hospitalizovaná. A my sa modlíme, aby si ju zachránil a vyviedol ju z toho. Udeľ to, Otče. Prosíme o tieto požehnania v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

123Nuž, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať a spýtať sa, či si myslíte, že máme čas na trochu Slova. Či ho máte? [Bratia hovoria, „Áno“ -  pozn.prekl.] Len na... No, je už, ja viem, je trochu neskoro, ale mal som tu niečo malé, o čom som dnes rozmýšľal, o čom by som rád hovoril, len na chvíľu a to by vám mohlo pomôcť. A najprv som rozmýšľal, že by som to oznámil. No, je to na tejto páske. A ak by sa ktokoľvek ku tomu chcel niekedy vrátiť, Jim to bude mať, vidíte, ku tomu, čo si myslím, že by malo byť učinené, a teraz, čo by malo byť učinené... pre vás bratov.

124Nuž, či viete, že keď na začiatku vyšli tí mužovia, niekedy ich bolo zhromaždených asi len šesť alebo osem? Ale oni zatriasli krajinou. No, viete, keď Aquila a Priscilla, to veľké prebudenie, ktoré tam mal Apollo, tam bolo v tej skupine asi len šesť alebo osem mužov a žien. Celý ten zbor boli šiesti alebo ôsmi. Vy tu dnes večer máte päť alebo šesť, sedemkrát viac, ako mali oni vtedy.

125Viete, Ježiš mal len dvanásť apoštolov. My vždy rozmýšľame o niečom veľkom. Ale Boh nekoná v tých veľkých číslach. To je v týchto malých skupinách, kde to On dosahuje. Vidíte? Pozrite sa cez všetky tie veky, vždy, keď sa On stretával s ľuďmi. Bolo to v malých skupinách, vidíte, a hovoril s nimi a ordinoval ich. To je Božia ľúba vôľa, aby to robil. To je ten spôsob, ako to On rád robí. A teraz, my chceme mať Boha v našom strede a ísť a robiť tieto veci.

126No, v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dovolí, chcem ku vám hovoriť na tému Evanjelizácia času konca. A potom, ak Pán dovolí, zrejme budem preč až do neskorej jesene, a pred tým, ako sa znova vrátim. Zrejme sa medzitým vrátim, niekedy v septembri. A teraz dúfam, že počas tej doby vám pôjde, bratia, všetko dobre a vaše zhromaždenia budú rásť čo do počtu a milosť Božia bude na vás všetkých, až kým sa nestretneme. A dôverujem, že sa budete modliť za mňa a za úspech. Pamätajte na mňa vo svojich modlitbách. To znamená, že ste moji kolegovia. Ste moji kamaráti, moji pomocníci. A spolu sme pomocníci v Pánovi. A teraz, keď tam stojím pred nepriateľom, chcem pamätať na to, že verní, skutoční vojaci, ktorí dostávajú odpoveď na modlitbu za chorých a strápených, a takí mužovia sa za mňa modlia. Ja som ten, ktorý to tam potrebuje. Ja to skutočne potrebujem. Tak, vy všetci sa za mňa modlite, keď sa zhromaždíte spolu. Nezabudnite na mňa na žiadnom zhromaždení. Modlite sa za mňa.

127No, v svätom Jánovi, 9. kapitole, chcem čítať od 26. verša do 35., nuž, len na pár minút. A potom zakončíme v nasledujúcich dvadsiatich alebo tridsiatich minútach alebo možno pred tým časom, ak Pán dá. Chcem teraz čítať tieto Písma zo svätého Jána, 26 do... svätý Ján 9:26-35, zapísal som si to tu, len niečo, o čom som rozmýšľal.

A zase mu len povedali: Čo ti urobil? Ako otvoril tvoje oči?

Odpovedal im: Už som vám povedal, a nepočuli ste. Čo zase chcete počuť? Či azda aj vy chcete byť jeho učeníkmi?

Nadávali mu a povedali: Ty si toho učeníkom, ale my sme učeníci Mojžišovi. My vieme, že Mojžišovi hovoril Boh, ale o tomto nevieme, odkiaľ je.

Človek odpovedal a riekol im: Práve v tom je tá divná vec, že vy neviete, odkiaľ je, a otvoril moje oči.

Veď vieme, že Boh hriešnikov nečuje; ale keď niekto ctí Boha a činí jeho vôľu, toho čuje.

Od veku nebolo slýchať, že by niekto bol otvoril oči toho, kto sa slepý narodil.

Keby on nebol od Boha, nemohol by nič robiť. Potom odpovedali...

Odpovedali a riekli mu: Ty si sa celý narodil v hriechoch a ty nás učíš? A vyhnali ho von.

A Ježiš počul o tom, že ho vyhnali von, a keď ho našiel, povedal mu: Ty že veríš v Syna Božieho?

128No, rád by som ku vám len zopár minút hovoril, bratia, vediac to, že moje malé rozprávanie tu, ja neviem, čo z toho vzíde. Dôverujem, že Boh to nejakým spôsobom použije. A teraz v tomto, tak ja viem, že brat Sink, brat Neville alebo niekto z vás kazateľov obyčajne káže na tému Jeho Slova. A ako som tu s vami, odpustite mi, rád by som ku vám na takýto spôsob trochu hovoril.

129No, chcem zobrať tému z tohto tu: Stáť na strane Ježiša. Tí Farizejovia a vodcovia Jeho dňa sa Ho vždy snažili pred ľuďmi znevážiť. To bol jednoducho spôsob diablovej práce. Všetci tí Farizejovia a učitelia Jeho dňa sa sústavne snažili znevážiť Ježiša. Všetko, čo na Neho mohli hodiť, oni to na Neho hodili. Sústavne Ho pozorovali, aby zistili, kde by mohli nájsť nejakú chybu. A oni nikdy nehovorili o Jeho dobrých veciach, oni vždy nachádzali niečo, skrze čo by Ho mohli znevážiť a povedať, „Vidíte, pozrite sa sem. Ak by On bol mužom Božím, On by to takto neurobil.“ Alebo, „Ak by On bol muž Boží, On by to neurobil týmto spôsobom.“ Oni sa snažili vrhnúť na Neho nejaký tieň, aby priviedli ľudí do toho, aby Mu neverili. To je diablova práca.

130A tá stará schéma nikdy neskončila. Veľakrát kazateľ urobí chybu. A ak on ide do svojho okolia, vzácny brat, ktorý sa snaží robiť to, čo je správne, a viesť ľudí správne; všetko, na čo diabol môže poukázať neveriacemu alebo takzvanému kresťanovi v tom okolí, aby zhodil toho brata, on to urobí. Viete, ten skutočný kresťanský spôsob je skryť všetko, čo môžete o vašom bratovi. Nehovorte o jeho zlých veciach. Hovorte len o jeho dobrých veciach. Jednoducho hovorte to, čo o ňom viete, že je dobré. Ak je niečo zlé, nechajte to tak. Biedny človek, má toho jednako dosť, čo už je proti nemu. Nesnažte sa vziať palicu a nestrkajte ho ďalej do jamy. Ten kresťanský postoj je zodvihnúť ho a vytiahnuť ho z tej jamy. Vidíte? Nikdy sa ho nesnažte postrčiť dolu. On už je dolu. Snažte sa mu pomôcť. Ale príliš mnohí z nás dnes, príliš mnoho ľudí, môžem to povedať, sa to dnes snažia robiť. Ak by len mohli nájsť niečo ďalšie, čo by mohli povedať, čo bolo skutočne zlé.

131No, napríklad, ak by jeden z vás, bratia, urobil chybu a urobil niečo, čo je zlé; pričom ste náchylní to urobiť; ja som tiež; každý jeden z nás. Ale ako ideme spolu, pamätajme, sme bratia. My sme bratia. A ak máme spolu nejaký boj, bojujme jeden s druhým. Prineste to spolu. Prineste to pred našich bratov a urovnajte to.

132Nuž, oni zvykli v Branhamovej rodine, ak jeden z tých malých niečo urobil, oni o tom povedali Billovi, pretože ja som bol najväčší. A ja som tam musel stáť a preskúmať, kto mal pravdu a kto nie. Nuž, moje rozhodnutie bolo to, ak oni... kto mal pravdu a kto nie. Ak oni tomu stále neverili, potom sa pobili za mojím chrbtom. Ale stále boli bratmi, vidíte. Pobili sa na dvore za domom, jeden s druhým; a pred domom sa bili jeden za druhého. Tak to bolo, vidíte, a stále boli bratmi.

133No, to je ten spôsob, ako to musíme robiť. Vidíte? Ak máte niečo proti niekomu, vášmu bratovi, nehovorte o tom niekomu inému. Ak je to zlé, choďte za ním a povedzte mu to. A potom, ak on s vami bude argumentovať, potom so sebou vezmite niekoho ďalšieho. Potom to prineste tým spôsobom, ako to povedala Biblia.

134Ale Ježiš, oni sa snažili, každý malý tieň, ktorý by mohli nájsť, pokúšali sa Ho v očiach ľudí znevážiť. A to je to, čo diabol chce. Oni to chcú. Oni chcú poškodiť váš vplyv pred ľuďmi. Tak je to. Musíte dávať pozor na to, čo robíte. Musíte kráčať ako skutoční mužovia Boží. Vidíte? Konať ako mužovia Boží. Žiť ako mužovia Boží. Pretože, „Diabol, váš protivník, chodí dookola ako revúci lev, snažiac sa zožrať, koho môže.“

135Prečo to robili? Oni na Neho žiarlili. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa Ho snažili znevážiť. Oni žiarlili na Jeho službu. A to je ten dôvod, prečo sa Ho snažili znevážiť. Nuž, On mal službu od Boha a oni to vedeli, ale to bolo proti ich vyznaniam. Tak sa Ho snažili znevážiť, urobiť všetko, aby On... každú malú chybu, ktorú mohli nájsť, aby Ho vyrazili z cesty. Chceli Ho zastaviť. Chceli, aby Ho ľudia odsúdili. Oni chceli povedať, „No, tento Chlapík nie je ničím. Pozrite sem. No, tam je. On urobil toto a vy viete, že to nie je správne. Po celý život sme boli učení, že máme veriť starším. A tu Ho máme, stál rovno tam a kričal na tých starších. On nesúhlasil s tradíciami otcov. Každý rabín nás to po celé tie roky vyučoval. A tu prichádza tento Človek a nesúhlasí s nimi. Vidíte? Takýto Človek sa nehodí, aby bol kazateľom.“ Vidíte? Oni sa ho snažili znevážiť.

136Ale v tom všetkom, tí, ktorí Mu verili a milovali Ho a videli, že On koná podľa Písma, znaky zázrakov, oni Mu neprekážali. Nie veru. Tí, ktorí Mu verili, Mu verili. Tí, ktorí Ho milovali, stáli pri Ňom. Oni sa nedívali na to, na čo im iní poukazovali.

137Ó, ak by sme takými mohli byť my! Ak by sme len na to nepozerali. Ak by sem niekto prišiel a povedal, „Viete čo? Ľudia hovoria, že si letničný.“

„Nie podľa denominácie.“

„Nuž, bol ste... Ty, ty si tým, ktorý krstí v Meno Ježiša.“

„Áno. To je pravda.“

138„No, dovoľ mi niečo povedať. Poznám človeka, ktorý bol tak pokrstený a on raz urobil to a to.“

139Ale pozri sa, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. To je diabol, ktorý sa na vás snaží vrhnúť tieň. Oni sa vám vždy snažia poukázať na nejakú starú loď, ktorá stroskotala na morskom brehu, ale oni vám nepoukážu na toho, kto sa bezpečne doplavil. Je to tak. Vidíte? Je to pravda.

140Oni sa tam vždy snažia hodiť nástrahu pre vrany a hovoria, „Toto je ten príklad. Tu je to, čo to vykonalo. Viem o jednom kazateľovi, ktorý bol kazateľom svätosti, a on urobil toto, tamto alebo niečo iné.“ Ale oni nepoukážu na tých iných, ktorí neboli z cirkvi svätosti a tiež to urobili, vidíte. A oni nepoukážu na tie veľké veci, ktoré Boh urobil.

141Ako niekto hovorí, „Ó, tu tento človek zašiel priďaleko. On, on zašiel priďaleko.“ On to možno urobil. „On sám sa zničil. On zašiel priďaleko. Stal sa fanatikom.“ On to možno urobil. Ale zatiaľ čo oni poukazujú na to, koľkí tak šli, ktorí zašli priďaleko, ale čo s tými miliónmi, ktorí nezašli dostatočne ďaleko? Oni to nedokázali uvidieť. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? [Bratia hovoria, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.]

142Tak, tí ľudia sa snažili, tí farizejovia a sadúcejovia a pokrytci a herodiáni a všetci sa snažili vrhnúť nejaký tieň na Ježiša. Ale tí pravdiví veriaci, ktorí boli predurčení, aby počuli to Posolstvo, to počuli a videli, a nevideli v tom žiadnu chybu.

143Tak isto je to teraz. Tí, ktorí Mu veria, Ho milujú. Tí, ktorí Mu veria, nevidia na Ňom žiadnu chybu. Oni nevidia žiadnu heréziu. Nevidia nič zlé. Nevidia na tom Slove nič zlé. Nevidia nič zlé na Jeho ľuďoch. Oni vidia len Ježiša. To je všetko. Oni sú predurčení do večného života, tak oni len stoja na strane Ježiša a zostávajú tam.

144Zvykli sme spievať jednu malú pieseň, brat Roy Roberson. A zvykli sme tu spievať malú pieseň, myslím, v čase, keď si sem prišiel.

Pôjdem tou cestou s tými niekoľkými Pánovými pohŕdnutými.

Začal som s Ježišom a ja prejdem.

Radšej pôjdem sám s Ježišom,

A dám si ako podhlavník kameň, tak ako Jakob.

145No, počuli ste tú pieseň. Je to tak. Radšej pôjdem cestou nezhody, cestou tých pohŕdnutých, tou cestou, o ktorej tak hovoria, a kráčať s Ježišom. Nevidieť v tom vôbec žiadnu chybu. Nepozerajte na chybu iného človeka. Len kráčajte ďalej. To je všetko. To je to, čo oni urobili Ježišovi. Oni nie... A vy musíte učiť svojich ľudí, vy, pastori, aby konali tak isto.

146Ak niekto prechádza a hovorí, „Vieš, tvoja cirkev, oni sa zachovávali tak a tak. Oni...“ Tak veru.

147Možno ich tam bolo tucet, ktorí tam vtedy sedeli, ale čo s tým, ktorý je v poriadku, ktorý tam sedí? Vidíte? Vy ste... Vy jednoducho nevidíte les kvôli stromom. To je všetko. No, to je to, znovu späť. Rozumiete teraz?

148A tak oni skúšali. Oni nechceli pripustiť, že On konal dielo Pánovo, tak oni sa snažili siať nezhodu a doviesť ľudí do toho, aby neverili. Ale tí ľudia, ktorí Mu verili, zostali rovno s Ním. Zaujali stanovisko.

149Viete, rozmýšľal som tu, mám tu zapísaných zopár ľudí. Ten slepý muž by nezostal premenený skrze nich, ten muž, On mu dal zrak. Poznáme ten príbeh. A on im okrem toho dal veľmi pichľavú otázku. Nuž, oni tam prišli. A Ježiš prechádzal okolo a On bol Človekom, ktorý bol pohrdnutý a nenávidený. Biblia povedala, že On bude odmietnutý. „Nebolo na Ňom žiadnej krásy, pre ktorú by sme Ho boli bývali žiadostiví. A my všetci sme zablúdili ako ovce. On bol Mužom smútku, oboznámený so zármutkom.“ A ako o Ňom celá Biblia povedala, že aký bude. „On bude pohrdnutý a odmietnutý.“ A my vidíme toho Muža.

150No, tí, ktorí verili Slovu, oni vedeli, že tie veci, ktoré Ježiš robil, a veci, ktoré boli v Jeho živote, oni vedeli, kým On je. Tak oni Mu nemohli pripísať nič zlé, pretože nič zlé nevideli. A viete, láska je jednako na tie veci slepá. „Láska prikrýva množstvo hriechov,“ viete. „Dokonalá láska vyháňa všetok strach a hriech a každú nezhodu.“ Láska to robí.

151No, tento slepý muž tam sedel a Ježiš a Jeho učeníci tade prechádzali. A myslím, že Ježiš im tam dal malú lekciu. Keď uvideli tohto biedneho, slepého muža, oni si mysleli, „Nuž, iste je tam za tým niekde nejaký hriech.“ Keď vidíme, že sa nejakému človeku niečo deje, my vždy hovoríme, „No, on zhrešil. Dostal sa niekde mimo vôle Pánovej.“ Keď brat Crase narazil do toho stĺpa, „Niekde vybočil z vôle Pánovej,“ v niekoho myšlienke. Keď pri mne vybuchla tá puška, „Nuž, on bol mimo vôle Pánovej.“ Brat Neville narazil autom, „On bol mimo vôle Pánovej.“ To nie je presne tak. Nie veru. Nie je. Boh dopúšťa tieto veci. Ježiš sa obrátil a dal im lekciu.

152Oni povedali, „Jeho otec musel zhrešiť. Alebo zhrešila jeho matka? Alebo zhrešil on?“ Ježiš povedal, „Nikto z nich nezhrešil, ale aby mohli byť zamanifestované skutky Božie.“ Amen. Vidíte? Boh necháva, aby sa veci stali na to, aby boli skutky Božie zamanifestované. Nuž a tak On povedal, povedal tomu človeku a dal mu zrak a On išiel svojou cestou.

153A potom, ako sa to rozchýrilo, tu prichádzajú farizejovia. „Tu bol ten človek, ktorý bol slepý, sedel tam dole a žobral a tu on môže vidieť.“ A to bol chýr, ktorý sa rozšíril medzi nimi. A, ó, to niečo vyvolalo. A tu oni prichádzajú a vidia, že ten slepý muž vidí. A to prvé, ako oni vyšli, chceli nájsť nejaký spôsob, ako všetkých tých ľudí zastrašiť. Pretože, oni už povedali, „Ak niekto nasleduje toto nové Učenie a tohto nového Proroka, zvaného Ježiš z Nazaretu, budú im doručené papiere a budú vylúčení z obecenstva cirkvi. Nebudú už môcť ísť do synagógy. Ak sa s Ním spojíte, navštívite niektoré z Jeho zhromaždení, viac už nemôžete prísť.“

154Tak oni to chceli dať jasne najavo, pretože Ho nenávideli. Oni nerozmýšľali o tom biednom, slepom mužovi. Ale oni to chceli dať jasne najavo, aby držali ľudí od Neho preč.

155Oni povedali, že sa chcú spýtať jeho otca i matky, tak odišli a zavolali toho otca a matku. Povedali, „Je toto váš syn?“ On povedal,


„Narodil sa slepý?“


„A ako to, že vidí?“

156„A ten otec a matka sa báli,“ Biblia povedala, „pretože oni vedeli, že budú vylúčení zo synagógy, ak by priznali, že to tak bolo.“ A vidíte, tam oni boli, uťahujúc sa. Oni povedali, „No, my vieme, že toto je náš syn.“

157Ó, možno tam stálo niekoľko tisíc ľudí. Ale ak by on mohol... Ak mohli títo zapáchajúci farizejovia rovno tam nejako poškvrniť Jeho Meno alebo urobiť niečo, čo by tých ľudí vystrašilo, oni by Ho odtiaľ vyhodili, kvôli tomu zhromaždeniu.

Vidíte? Všetok Jeho vplyv by sa stratil.

158Tak oni povedali, prišla tam ich skupina s kňazskými rúchami a povedali, „Hovorte za neho.“

159Oni povedali, „My vieme, že toto je náš syn. Vieme, že sa narodil slepý. Ale teraz, ako to, že vidí, ja neviem. Spýtajte sa jeho. Má už na to vek.“ Vidíte? V poriadku.

160Tak ho priviedli a povedali, „Kto ti dal zrak? Ako ťa uzdravil? On povedal, „Ten, ktorého nazývajú Ježiš z Nazaretu, mi daroval zrak.“

161A oni povedali, „Daj chválu Bohu.“ Povedali, „My vieme, že tento Človek je hriešnik.“ A povedali, „Odkiaľ je?“

162On povedal, „Ja neviem. On jednoducho prišiel a uzdravil ma a to je všetko, čo o tom viem. Viem jednu vec, o ktorej som si istý. Nevedel by som vám povedať ohľadne Neho, či je hriešnik alebo nie. Ja neviem. Ja som sa s Ním stretol iba dnes. Ale ak mi On mohol dať zrak! Ja viem túto jednu vec, že raz som bol slepý a teraz môžem vidieť. Som si tým istý. Pretože pred pol hodinou som bol slepý, ale teraz mám práve tak dobrý zrak ako ktokoľvek z vás. Tak ja viem, že teraz vidím.“

163Ó, ako ich to pichlo! Tak oni rozmýšľali, „Prečo...“

164On povedal, „No,“ povedal, „vy všetci chcete byť tiež Jeho učeníci?“ To je dobré. To je dobré, jednoznačné svedectvo. To je dobré. To je dobré pozadie. Myslím si, že to je skutočne dobrý spôsob svedčenia. Povedal, „Či vy všetci...“

165Tu je laický člen, slepý človek, stojí na ulici, potom, čo stretol Ježiša, teraz sa pýta učeníkov, pýta sa farizejov, či chcú byť Jeho učeníkmi. „Biskupi, poprední mužovia, chcete byť tiež Jeho učeníkmi?“

166Oni povedali, „Nie! Ty si Jeho učeníkom. My sme Mojžišovi učeníci.“ Keď sa dívate cez históriu, viete. „My sme Mojžišovi učeníci. Tento človek, my o Ňom nič nevieme. Nevieme, odkiaľ prišiel. Nuž, nemáme žiadne nariadenie zo žiadnej z našich škôl, z ktorej by On prišiel. On nikdy neprišiel a nepýtal sa nás ohľadne týchto vecí. Vidíte? Nič o Tom nevieme. Vy ľudia tam, uvedomujete si, že tento Muž nie je ordinovaný? Tento Človek je veštec alebo niečo také. On je Belzebub. Vy ste očarovaní. On nemá žiadnu autoritu. My sme Mu ju ešte neudelili. Vidíte? My ani nevieme, odkiaľ tento Človek prišiel.“

167Tento chlapík tam stál, mohol vidieť a povedal, „No, toto je zvláštna vec.“ Vidíte? Chystal sa zraziť týchto ľudí, týchto farizejov, spôsoboval, že sa báli. Vidíte? Ale on sa postavil na stranu Ježiša, vidíte, tak on povedal, „Toto je divná vec.“ Dovoľte mi to prerušiť, niektorými slovami, ktoré on možno povedal. „No, vy ľudia, tu naokolo, ťahali ste za všetky tie náboženské konce tohoto, stovky rokov. A hovoríte o príchode Mesiáša a niečo sa odohráva práve v tieňoch času, keď nás Vysloboditeľ ide navštíviť. A vy nám hovoríte, že keď On príde, čo všetko On bude robiť. A vy tu, duchovní vodcovia, najvyšší kňazi tejto komunity, stojíte tu spolu pred týmito ľuďmi, snažíte sa očierniť Jeho Meno, snažíte sa povedať proti Nemu niečo zlé. A tento Človek prišiel a otvoril moje slepé oči. Ja som sa narodil slepý. Tu je môj otec a moja matka, vydali svedectvo, že som sa narodil slepý. Po všetky tie roky som sedel rovno tu medzi vami, narodil som sa slepý. A to sa ešte nikdy nestalo, od začiatku sveta. A tu, Človek môže prísť a vykonať zázrak, aký sa neudial, odkedy svet začal, a vy, duchovní vodcovia, o tom nič neviete?!“ Och! Hm! Povedal, „Hovorím, toto je zvláštna vec.“

168On sa postavil na stranu Ježiša. Vidíte? To bolo dopustené, aby bol slepý, tak, aby sa skutky Božie mohli zamanifestovať, vidíte, pretože on sa postavil na stranu Pána Ježiša. On sa Ho zastal.

169No, on ich pichol žihadlom. Viete, čo oni urobili? Oni povedali, „No, my vieme, že si sa narodil v hriechu. Snažíš sa nás učiť?“ Oni ho vystrčili z cirkvi. Vykopli ho. Vystrčili ho. Vyhodili ho. Ale hneď, ako ho vyhodili, všimli ste si to? Ježiš ho znovu našiel. Amen. Amen. Ježiš ho znovu našiel. Tak netrápte sa, ak vás vyhodia. On vás znova nájde. Vidíte? V poriadku. A On mu povedal, „Ty že veríš v Syna Božieho?“

170On povedal, „Pane, kto to je?“ On to dokonca ani nevedel. Ale tá jediná vec, ktorú on vedel, bola, že bol slepý a teraz mohol vidieť.

171Nuž, ja viem jednu vec, brat. Oni toto môžu nazývať fanatizmom a čímkoľvek chcú. Ale tam, kde som ja bol raz hriešnikom, som teraz vošiel do milosti. Niečo sa mi prihodilo. Vidíte? Túto jednu vec teraz viem, skrze to, že dôverujem Jeho Slovu, verím Mu. Bol som vykopnutý z každej organizácie, ktorá je pod Nebom. Nie je nikto, kto by ma ešte prijal. Viete o tom. Niektorí z ich ľudí tam vonku ma príjmu.

Dobrí ľudia ma príjmu. Ale každá denominácia mi ukázala palec dolu. Je to tak. Ale On ma našiel. On ma niekde nájde. Je to tak. Vidíte? Je to pravda. On takto prichádza.

172A tak to bude v poriadku, pretože my chceme stáť na strane Ježiša. A jediný spôsob, ako sa postavíte na stranu Ježiša, je postaviť sa na stranu toho, čo On povedal, veriac Jeho Slovu. Tak postavme sa na stranu Ježiša.

173Ten slepý muž im dal skutočné svedectvo. No dobre. Znovu zisťujeme, že oni sa snažili očierniť Jeho Meno. Tak len na chvíľu a musím tu preskočiť niektoré veci. Tak, raz tam bol jeden farizej. Kázal som tu na to pred nejakým časom a nazval som to, „Umývanie Ježišových nôh.“ A verím, že všetci ste ma tu počuli kázať na tú tému, keď ten farizej pozval Ježiša, aby prišiel do jeho domu. Veľký starý naškrobený farizej a pozval Ho, aby prišiel. A viete, dal som do toho trochu drámy, ako ten kuriér prišiel a našiel Ho. A On išiel a jednako vedel, že Ho nenávidia. On jednako išiel. A keď Ho tam dostali, oni neumyli Jeho nohy. A nechali Ho sadnúť si tam, páchol a všetko ďalšie, z tej námahy na ceste. A Tam On sedí.

174A prišla tam jedna žena. Oni rozmýšľali, „Ó, Pán je ku nám tak dobrý, pretože, pozrite sa, toto spôsobilo, že máme našu veľkú párty!“ Oni Ho tam priviedli na to, aby si z Neho robili posmech. Oni Ho tam priviedli, len aby Ho zosmiešnili. A teraz si mysleli, že Pán s nimi koná, pretože prišla táto chorobne známa prostitútka a plakala a umývala Jeho nohy svojimi slzami a utierala ich svojimi vlasmi. A ten starý farizej a všetci tí ostatní kňazi tam stáli v kúte a povedali, „Brat, Pán to všetko pre nás presne pripravil. Rovno teraz môžeme pošpiniť Jeho Meno. On sa nazýva prorokom a tí ľudia si myslia, že On je Prorok. A oni Ho nazývajú Prorok z Galiley. A On dokonca tvrdí, že je Mesiáš, a my vieme, že Mesiáš bude Prorok. A tu On je, sedí tam vzadu. Vidíte, kam sme Ho doviedli? Pozrite tam. Chlapče, tak teraz sme Ho dostali. Tam je, sedí rovno tam, zhrbený ako zbitý pes, alebo niečo také. A tu prišla nejaká prostitútka z tej istej spoločenskej vrstvy a umýva Mu nohy a teraz, On dokonca ani nič nevie. Ak by bol Prorokom, On by vedel, aký druh ženy to je. Nuž, chlapci, pripime si na toto,“ povedali, „pretože, pozrite tam.“ Vidíte?

175Čokoľvek, čo by poškvrnilo Jeho Meno, čokoľvek, čo by zruinovalo dôveru ľudí, nevedeli, že boli posadnutí diablom, aby to robili. Oni konali v harmónii s diablom, snažili sa očierniť Meno Syna Božieho.

176Prečo to urobili, bratia? Pretože nikdy neskúmali Písma. Ježiš povedal, „Skúmajte Písma. Vy si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a Ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“ Ó, akú službu On mal! Vidíte? Tak veru. „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ Vidíte?

177Ale tu, títo farizejovia povedali, „Teraz sme Ho dostali. Ó, pozrite, na tejto hostine je asi tisíc päťsto ľudí. No, pozrite sa na Neho, ako tam sedí. Sedí tam s prostitútkou.”

178A, ó, aká hrozná vec to bola v tých dňoch. Och! Hm! A tu On bol s chorobne známou ženou, vkĺzol ako (tak sa to zdalo), vkĺzol tam. Prešiel okolo sluhu, ktorý umýval nohy a okolo ostatných a sadol si tam.

179A povedali, „Tam je ona a umýva Jeho nohy. Nuž, ak by On bol Prorokom... Vidíte, bratia, ten Muž nie je Prorok. Ak by bol Prorokom, potom by vedel, akým druhom ženy ona je, tá, ktorá umýva Jeho nohy.“

180A Ježiš len sedel a pozoroval ju, ani nepohol nohou, až kým ona neskončila. Ak idete urobiť niečo pre Ježiša, Ježiš niekedy sedí a pozoruje vás, ako to robíte. On vás nechá ísť napred, až kým neskončíte, potom prichádza odmena. Možno bežíte celý ten závod života, pracujete pre Neho, ale netrápte sa, na konci je odmena, ak len kráčate po Jeho boku.

181Možno nevidíte ani jednu osobu uzdravenú, za ktorú ste sa modlili. Len sa ďalej za nich modlite. Často som vravieval, „Ak by som sa modlil za päťsto ľudí za jeden večer; a všetkých päťsto by do rána zomrelo; zajtra večer budem kázať Božské uzdravenie a modliť sa za chorých.“ Rozumiete? To s tým nemá nič do činenia. Rozumiete? On vás nechá ísť cez porážky a všetko ďalšie, až kým prídete na koniec cesty a skončíte svoju prácu, ako On viedol tú ženu. Ona Mu chcela urobiť službu, tak On len držal Svoje nohy a nechal ju, aby ich umyla. Ó, ak by On povedal, „Nerob to,“ ona by odskočila a utiekla. Ale On ju nechal, aby tú službu urobila.

183A potom, ako to urobila, skončila tú službu, ktorú išla vykonať, potom sa pozrel na toho pokrytca, ktorý tam stál a snažil sa Jeho Meno očierniť. Povedal, „Šimon, mám ti niečo povedať; nie jej, ale tebe. Stojíš tam a vo svojom srdci, to je ten dôvod, prečo si Ma sem priviedol. Nemáš so Mnou žiadne obecenstvo. Či som Ja o tom nevedel? Ale ty si Ma sem priviedol. A posadil si ma tu dozadu, aby si si zo Mňa robil žarty. Nedal si mi vody, aby Som si umyl nohy. Nedal si Mi nič na upokojenie. Sedím tu, spálený a poranený, nedal si Mi žiaden olej na tvár. Hanbil si sa pobozkať Ma na privítanie, či potriasť Mi ruku. Vidíte? Ty si sa hanbil pred svojou spoločnosťou. Hanbil si sa urobiť to. Táto žena, odkedy prišla, nerobí nič, len utiera Moje nohy a umýva ich slzami svojich očí a utiera ich uterákom svojich vlastných vlasov. Tak, ukážem ti, či Som Prorok alebo nie.“ Amen. Ja to mám rád.

184„Teraz chcem hovoriť na chvíľu s tebou. Tvoje hriechy, ktorých je veľa, sú všetky odpustené.“ Hm!

185Či poškvrnili Jeho Meno? Oni si mysleli, že áno. Oni si mysleli, že To zastavili. Mysleli si, že Ho zastavili tak, aby Jeho prebudenie nebolo v tej komunite. Mysleli si, že zruinovali Jeho vplyv. Ale stačila len jedna osoba, ktorá Ho milovala, aby to zmenilo celú tú situáciu!

186Ako vieš, že ty nie si tou osobou pre tvoju komunitu alebo pre niekoho, koho stretneš? Postav sa na Jeho stranu. Urob Mu službu. Urob pre Neho niečo. Viete, čo mám na mysli, bratia? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Postavte sa na stranu Ježiša. Uchopte sa Ho, učiňte Ho vašou voľbou. Urobte Mu službu bez ohľadu na to, či ju niekto iný robí, alebo či vám kedy bude odplatené, alebo niečo. To nerobí rozdiel. Čakajte, kým sa tá práca zakončí.

187Čo by si rád od Neho, aby povedal... Hoci si sa modlil za chorých a oni ani neboli uzdravení. Hoci si sa modlil za hovorenie v jazykoch a nedostal si to. Modlil si sa, aby si mohol prorokovať; neprorokoval si. Ale jednako, tá jediná vec, ktorú môžeš urobiť, je povedať príbeh o Ježišovi, v tvojom zbore alebo v tvojej komunite, v tvojej práci. Nemohol si urobiť ani jednu vec; nepriviedol si ani jednu osobu. Tá žena nepriviedla nikoho ku Kristovi, ale ona Mu urobila službu. A čo za rozdiel to robí, na konci tej cesty, keď On povie, „A Ja ti vravím, že všetky tvoje hriechy, hoci ani jedna tvoja modlitba nebola vypočutá. Ale ty prichádzaš na základe Môjho Slova. Ty prichádzaš, pretože si Mi uveril a urobil si Mi službu. A Ja vravím, že tie mnohé hriechy, ktoré si vykonal, sú ti všetky odpustené“? To by bolo pre mňa dostatočné. Amen. Tak veru. V poriadku.

188Oni chcú povedať, „Dni zázrakov pominuli,“ a tak ďalej. Nechajte ich ísť a nech si to hovoria. Ale my urobme službu Pánovi. Oni Ho nenávideli, pretože na Neho žiarlili. To je ten jediný dôvod. Oni boli žiarliví. Snažili sa zničiť Jeho vplyv pred ľuďmi, tak isto, ako to robia teraz. On, ak by len mohli... zničiť vplyv toho Posolstva pred ľuďmi, potom by tú vec zmietli. Je to tak. Pretože, prečo sa to snažili robiť? Pretože On bol proti všetkým ich vyznaniam a všetkým ich cirkevným náukam a všetkému tomu, čo oni verili, a vyzval všetky ich vierovyznania, a tak ďalej. On bol proti tomu všetkému. A oni Ho nenávideli, pretože sa s nimi neplavil na jednej lodi.

189No, ak by ku nim prišiel a povedal, „Ó, Kajfáš, ty si úžasný muž, od Môjho Otca. Ja som Mesiáš. Poď sem, Kajfáš. Vidíš tam tú vodu? Pamätáš sa, tam dolu v Egypte, Mojžiš, ten veľký prorok ju premenil na krv. Pamätáš si na to, Kajfáš?“

190„Mladý muž, ja som veľmi dobre oboznámený s tým príbehom.“

191„V poriadku, Kajfáš, Ja teraz premením tú vodu, z vody na krv, aby som ti ukázal, že Ja som ten Prorok, o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš. Tu to je, Kajfáš. Čo si o tom myslíš?“

192„Čo si Ty myslíš o tom, že Kajfáš je farizejom? Čo si myslíš o farizejoch?“

193„Ó, myslím, že oni sú úžasní ľudia. Ó, vy všetci zachovávate tradície otcov do bodky.“ „Vieš Ty čo, Ty by si mohol byť ten Mesiáš.“

194Nie. To by nemohol byť On. To by bolo znakom, že On Ním nie je. Keď niekoho vidíte prichádzať a hovoriť, „Poď sem a ja ti ukážem, čo urobím. A poď sem, ja spravím toto a tamto.” Pamätajte, hneď vtedy, od samého začiatku je tam niečo podozrivé. Ježiš povedal, „Ja nerobím nič, kým Mi Otec najprv neukáže.” Vidíte? Áno.

195On bol proti nim. On vyučoval v protiklade k tomu, čo oni vyučovali. On odsúdil ich zachovávanie soboty. On odsúdil ten spôsob, akým sa obliekali. On odsúdil všetky spôsoby života, ktorým žili, všetky ich tradície, všetky ich umývania nádob a kanvíc a umývanie rúk a všetko ostatné. On to odsúdil, každú tú vec. Ich spôsob obliekania, On povedal, „Obliekate sa do ozdobených rúch a obľubujete popredné miesta a dlho sa modlíte a požierate domy vdov.” On povedal, „Vám sa dostane väčšieho odsúdenia.”

„No, pamätaj, ja som doktor taký a taký!”

196„Nestarám sa, kto si.” Ó, človeče, On im to skutočne dal. Oni nie... Prečo? Pretože Mu neverili. On bol to Slovo. Vidíte? On sa snažil rozbiť tú legalistickú skupinu. A ak by On bol dnes tu na zemi, On by sa snažil urobiť to isté.

197Niektorí ľudia hovoria, „Nuž, teraz, počkaj chvíľu. My vždy dodržujeme sabat. Robíme toto. A vieš, zachovávame všetko toto a zachovávame tamto. A na každý veľký piatok, keď prichádza čas na pôst, štyridsať dní pred veľkou nocou, my vždy dodržujeme pôst. Na štyridsať dní sa vzdávam fajčenia. Na štyridsať dní sa vzdávam pitia, počas toho pôstu.” Ó, tradície otcov, zákonníci. Ak by ste milovali Boha, v prvom rade by ste vôbec nefajčili. Ak by ste milovali Boha... Napísal som si vzadu vo svojej Biblii, to bolo prvýkrát, čo som si tam niečo napísal. Povedal som:

Nepýtaj sa ma hlúpe otázky.

Ujasni si toto vo svojej mysli,

Ak miluješ Pána z celého svojho srdca,

nefajčíš, nepiješ alebo... Nefajčíš, nežuješ tabak ani nepiješ žiaden alkohol.

198A to stojí dodnes. Ja to nerobím preto, že si myslím, že ma On za to, že to robím, odsúdi. Ja by som s tým prestal, pretože to je nečistá vec, nepatrí sa to kazateľovi. Nepovedal by som...

199Veľakrát idem do domov a tam sú ženy, ktoré tam vonku stoja. A idem do toho domu, zaklopem na dvere a nejaká sestra príde ku dverám, „Vojdi, brat Branham.” Ak tam nie je jej manžel, ak niekto nie je so mnou, ja tam nejdem, jedine v prípade nemoci. A potom ma volajú do nemocnice alebo do nejakej izby, povedia, „Brat Branham, poď sem. Som sestra tá a tá, odtiaľ a odtiaľ. Som tu v hoteli. Priviedla som so sebou svoju matku. Ona je chorá.” Vezmem svoju manželku. Ak ju nemôžem vziať, vezmem so sebou ďalšieho brata. Vidíte? Ja to nerobím. Nemyslím si...

200Myslím, že pre mňa by to bolo v poriadku, ak by som tam išiel, ale čo ak by ma niekto videl, že tam idem? Vidíte? Čo ak by ma niekto videl, že to robím? Vidíte? Potom, tá prvá vec, viete, oni by povedali, „Vošiel tam, kde bola tá žena. Behá za ženami.” To, vidíte, to by bola vec, ktorú by som nemal robiť. Rozumiete? Nikdy by ste nemali robiť niečo také, pretože kladiete kameň potknutia na cestu niekoho iného. Rozumiete? Neverím, že by som tam urobil niečo zlé. Dôveroval by som Bohu, že tam On vojde. Bez ohľadu na to, aká by tá vec bola, dôveroval by som Bohu. Ale jednako, vidíte, milujem Pána dostatočne na to, že by som to neurobil. Rozumiete? To je láska, ktorú máte. Vy, vy to nerobíte, pretože to je povinnosť robiť to. Robíte to pre to, že milujete Pána. Nemusíte to robiť, ale vy to jednako robíte.

201Pavol povedal, „Všetko môžem, ale nie všetko prospieva.” Vidíte? Pavol mohol robiť veľa vecí, o ktorých možno vedel, že Pán by mu v tom rozumel a dôveroval mu, ale oni neboli pre neho prospešné. To je to, čo sa snažia povedať títo legalisti, „Štyridsať dní pred Veľkou nocou sa vždy začíname postiť.” A jedia práve tak veľa ako vždy. Možno povedia, „Nuž, nemám rád fazule, tak sa ich vzdám počas pôstu.” Počul som ich to povedať. „Nemám rád bravčové mäso, tak nebudem jesť bravčové, viete. Počas pôstu nebudem piť.”

202Jedna žena mi povedala, „Vieš, čoho sa vzdám počas tohtoročného pôstu, brat Branham?

 Povedal som, „Nie. Čoho?”

203Ona povedala, „Cukríkov.” Povedala, „Aj tak mi nikdy veľmi nechutili.” Vidíte?

204Tu to máte. No, oni to volajú pôst. Vidíte? Legalizmus. Oni povedia, „No, ja musím. Vieš, po dlhú dobu som sa tackal do v cirkvi. Pretože, poviem ti, chodil som do nedeľnej školy po celý rok, pretože môj učiteľ povedal, že darujú Bibliu tomu, kto nevynechá ani jeden deň.”

205Nuž, brat, to je jeden zo spôsobov chodenia do cirkvi. Ja by som radšej išiel a kúpil si Bibliu. Rozumiete? Ak nechodíš do cirkvi, pretože miluješ Pána, rovnako sa môžeš od nej držať preč. To je všetko. Rozumiete? Pretože ty tam ideš kvôli tomu, že miluješ Boha. Rozmýšľam o tej piesni, ktorú spievame.

Požehnané zväzky, ktoré viažu

naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;

Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí

je to ako to, ktoré je tam hore.

Keď sme odlúčení,

spôsobuje nám to vnútornú bolesť;

Ale stále budeme spojení v srdci

a dúfame, že sa znovu stretneme.

206Vidíte? To je to. „Keď sme odlúčení, spôsobuje nám to vnútornú bolesť.“ Videl som ten čas, brat. Nie, že by som nás odsudzoval, ale dovoľte mi len nás do niečoho zobudiť. Videl som také časy v našej cirkvi, bolo to, keď tí ľudia museli čakať až do stredy večera, aby sa stretli jeden s druhým, oni za tým plakali. A to je správne. Videl som kazateľov, ktorí sem prichádzali a povedali, „Ako to robíš?“ Nuž, tí ľudia sú jedno srdce. Rozumiete?

207Oni sa stretli pri dverách a povedali... Tie sestry tam stretli jedna druhú a objali sa a povedali, „Sestra, určite sa za mňa modli. Drahá, uvidím ťa znovu v stredu večer. Budeš sa modliť? Modli sa za mňa. Ja sa budem modliť za teba.“ A ako to takto robili, mali slzy v očiach.

208Videli ste, ako si bratia podávajú ruky, a sotva sa vedeli rozlúčiť. To je skutočné kresťanské obecenstvo, vidíte, vidíte, jednoducho čakali, modlili sa jeden za druhého. Tak veru. To je ten spôsob, ako by to s nami malo byť. V poriadku.

209No, títo mužovia, ktorí urobili tie vyhlásenia, oni neboli zlí mužovia. Nemali v úmysle byť zlí. Oni si mysleli, že robia Bohu službu. Tí farizejovia a tak, oni neboli pašeráci a opilci. Oni boli nábožní mužovia. Oni neboli zlí. Oni len jednoducho neprijali Slovo Pravdy. Oni neprijali toho Ducha. Prečo? Držali sa svojich vierovyznaní a tradícií ich vodcov. Rozumiete? To ukazovalo, že oni milovali svojich vodcov.

210Tu je veľký Kajfáš, najvyšší kňaz. Tam sú tí ostatní z tých veľkých kňazov a tí mužovia, ktorí s tým išli. No, vezmite si takého katolíka. Oni... Nie, aby som ich zhadzoval. To isté je u protestantov. Vezmete nejakého katolíka, on miluje svojho kňaza. A ja mu poviem o Slove Pánovom, a on vidí tie skutky Božie. On povie, „Ale moja cirkev Tomu neverí.“ A vy sa s ním idete rozprávať a uštipnúť ho. Ja poviem... Jedna žena mi raz povedala, „Pre mňa je to hriech, počúvať ťa.“ Vidíte? Ona nechcela byť zlá. Ona jednoducho tak vysoko zmýšľa o svojej cirkvi a o svojom kňazovi, až tak, že by nepočúvala nič iné. Ona bola tomu kňazovi verná.

211Svedok Jehovov je verný tomu, čomu oni veria. Baptista je verný tomu, čomu oni veria. Presbyterián je verný tomu, čomu oni veria. A oni sú práve tak verní svojim pastorom. Či môžeme byť my tak verní Slovu Božiemu? Rozumiete? No, ak tamtí...

212Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Poviete, „No, brat Branham, ako vieš, že oni nie sú?“ No, ak by tí farizejovia a sadúcejovia a tí vodcovia toho dňa odišli od svojich vierovyznaní a dogiem a počúvali by na to, čo povedalo Slovo a čo im Ježiš povedal, presne to, čo sa očakávalo od Mesiáša, že bude robiť, oni by sa Ho pridŕžali. Rozumiete? Ale oni mali o svojich vodcoch tak vysokú mienku! Oni neboli zlými ľuďmi. Oni nekradli, neklamali, nekliali, ani nič také. Oni by to nerobili. Oni by nespáchali cudzoložstvo. Iste nie. Prečo, oni by boli svedkami kameňovania toho, kto urobil takú vec. A oni by to neurobili. Neurobili by to. Oni boli dobrí ľudia.

Ale ten hlavný problém bol v tom, že oni neboli duchovní. Morálne boli v poriadku, ale to nie je to, čo sa počíta. A čo im povedal Ježiš, dokonca tým verným ľuďom? On povedal, „Vy ste zo svojho otca, diabla.“ Vidíte? Je to to Slovo, ktoré sa počíta. No, budem sa ponáhľať, ako len môžem.

213No, oni neboli Duchom naplnení, ale boli verní a držali sa tých moderných vierovyznaní ich vodcov. Rozumiete? Dobre. Jeho služba odhaľovala ich náuku. To je to, o čo ide. Nuž, pozrite. Len to zoberiem. No len... Bratia, spýtam sa vás, odpustite mi teraz, že to tak preťahujem. Ja som... Možno nebudete chcieť, aby som nabudúce znovu prišiel. Ale pozrite sa. Počúvajte. Rozumiete? Chcem, aby ste si boli istí, že to rozumiete.

214Tak oni mali svoje vyznania, a tam boli veľké cirkvi a veľkí ľudia a veľkí muži, svätí muži, džentlmeni, skvelí muži, ctení muži, mužovia cti, vzdelaní, chytrí, nábožní. Je to tak? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] A my všetci to vieme. Práve tak dobrí, ako by ste ich mohli nájsť kdekoľvek inde. Rozumiete? Ale Ježiš ide ďalej, Jeho služba odhalila ich náuku, pretože Boh skrze službu Ježiša Krista potvrdzoval, že On bol s Ním.

215Či Peter necitoval tú istú vec? On povedal, „Vy, mužovia Izraelovi, nech je vám toto známe a počúvajte na moje slová.“ On povedal, „Ježiš Nazaretský, Muž Bohom potvrdený medzi vami.“ Vidíte? Vidíte? Ak oni...

216Ako povedal ten slepý muž, „Či to nie je divná vec? Vy ste duchovnými vodcami národa a tu prichádza Muž a mocou Božou otvára moje oči a jednako vy o Ňom nič neviete.“ On povedal, „Toto je zvláštna vec.“ On niečo mal. Však? Isteže mal. No, dobre. On mal. Človek, ktorý toto mohol robiť a jednako nevedeli, odkiaľ On bol. Tak to bola zvláštna vec.

217Pozrite sa, bratia, na dnešok. Rozumiete? My máme... My vieme, máme hnutie Božie. Vieme, že Ono činí zázraky. Uzdravuje To chorých. Dokonca To kriesi mŕtvych. Vyháňa To démonov. Hovorí jazykmi a vykladá jazyky. Posiela To proroctvá; ony sa dejú. On nám ukázal sny, výklady; dokonale, presne. Či to potom nie je divné, že veľkí vodcovia vravia, že sme skupinou bláznov, zatiaľ čo sú oni vodcami národa, vodcami cirkví? To je zvláštna vec.

218Čo to je? Stále to je žiarlivosť. Duch a moc a Slovo Božie v týchto posledných dňoch odhaľuje ich dogmy a vierovyznania, že to je práve to, skrze čo oslepili ľudí. Tak, moji mladí bratia, vy všetci, ktorí sem chodíte do týchto cirkví, držte sa Slova Božieho. Nepohnite sa. Ak to nedokážete priviesť do uskutočnenia, nestojte v ceste niekomu inému. Zostaňte rovno tam, udierajte na tie dvere, poukazujúc rovno na To. Je to tak. Zostaňte rovno tam. Nezačínajte s fanatizmom, pretože vás to odhalí. Ale ak zostanete verní a svätí a s tým Slovom, Boh vás potvrdí. Je to tak.

219Jeho služba odhaľovala ich náuky a dogmy. Tak oni využili každú príležitosť, ktorú mohli nájsť, na to, aby sa Ho zbavili. Všetko, čo len mohli nájsť na to, aby sa Ho zbavili, oni to použili. Snažili sa povedať, „No, pozri sa sem. Pozri sem, tak a tak, toto.“

220Jedného dňa tu bol, sedel v dome Šimona Malomocného. Nikde nie je ani jedným slovom povedané, že by ho bol uzdravil. On bol malomocný. Nič nehovorí o tom, že by ho On uzdravil. Je to tak.

221Raz prechádzal popri rybníku Bethesda, ležalo tam asi dvetisíc ľudí, chromých, slepých, beznohých, s ochabnutými končatinami. A On prešiel ku jednému človeku, uzdravil ho a odišiel. Poviete, „No, ak by bol Mesiášom, uzdravil by každého jedného. Ak bol plný súcitu, ako vy všetci hovoríte, že je, mal by milosrdenstvo so všetkými.“ Všetko, čo len mohli nájsť, aby Ho očiernili, oni to urobili. Všetko, čo len mohli nájsť, oni to na Neho hodili. V poriadku. Využili každú príležitosť, ktorú mohli, aby sa Ho zbavili.

222Spochybňovali Jeho narodenie. Položili nad Jeho narodením otáznik. Predložili to pred ľudí. Oni nemohli porozumieť, ako sa mohol panensky narodiť, a pritom Jozef, Jeho otec, o ňom sa predpokladalo, že je tesár. A On sa narodil pred tým, ako sa Jozef s Máriou zosobášili. A toto predhodili pred ľudí. Tak veru. Rozumiete? O čom teraz hovorím? Oni Ho očierňovali. Rozumiete?

223„Pozrite sa na Neho. Odkiaľ prišiel? Pozrite na Jeho matku, nie je nič viac ako pouličná prostitútka, a teraz mala toto dieťa. A potom, ako sa to dieťa narodilo... Ona bola už tehotná, to dieťa sa malo narodiť, potom sa s ňou Jozef oženil, aby to zakryl, potom prišiel s niečím takým. No, to je diablova práca. Či to nemôžete vidieť? To je taký druh narodenia.“ Oni toto predhodili pred ľudí, nečítajúc Bibliu.

Izaiáš 9:6, „Panna počne.“ Vidíte? Čo to bolo? Oni odišli od Slova. Je to tak.

224Oni očierňovali Jeho autoritu. „Džentlmeni, či neviete, že sme Mojžišovými učeníkmi? Neviete, že sme služobníkmi Kristovými? Neviete, že denne skúmame Písma a nenašli sme ani jednu vec?“ Oni povedali, „Mesiáš má prísť do Svojho chrámu. Nepočuli sme nič o tom, že by tento prišiel do chrámu. Odkiaľ je? Z akej školy prišiel? Opýtajte sa hociktorého z bratov, od metodistov a baptistov a presbyteriánov, viete; farizejov, sadúcejov, a tak ďalej. Akú má kartu obecenstva? Odkiaľ má vôbec autoritu na kázanie? Nebol ani ordinovaný. On nemá právo ani kázať.“

225On povedal, „Moje ordinovanie pochádza od Boha. Moje skutky potvrdzujú, kým som.“ Je to tak. „Ja nemusím mať vaše papiere.“

226Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Oni to zahodili, Jeho učenie. No, nazvali Ho Belzebúbom. Nemohli porozumieť Jeho učenie.

227„On nesúhlasí so žiadnou z tradícií našich otcov. Dokonca nesúhlasí s farizejmi. Nesúhlasí so sadúcejmi. Nesúhlasí s celou ich skupinou. No, odkiaľ má Svoje učenie?“ Samozrejme z Biblie. „No,“ poviete, „dobre, teraz, ako poznám, že je To pravda?“ Boh to podporil. To je to, čo povedal ten slepý muž. „Je to divné, ak vy máte tak veľmi pravdu a On sa tak veľmi mýli. Jednako On môže zobrať moc Božiu a otvoriť moje oči a vy ani neviete, že by sa niekedy niečo také vôbec stalo. Je to divné.“ Ó! Ja sa rád postavím na Jeho stranu. Či vy nie? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Iste. „Vy vravíte, že ste Mojžišovými učeníkmi a že vy máte tak veľmi pravdu a On sa tak veľmi mýli, potom nech vás vidím robiť veci, ktoré On robí.“ Amen. To je to, kde Ho pri Jeho učení zapreli, zapreli všetko to, čo tvrdil. Oni povedali, „On nemá... Jeho tvrdenia o tom, že je Mesiáš, sú mylné. Ako by On mohol byť Mesiáš, a pritom neprísť do cirkvi? Ako by On mohol byť Mesiáš? A tu sme my, smotánka Izraela.“ Ale tá smotánka skysla. Rozumiete? Ó! Tak veru. Nalietali do nej muchy, tak to bolo treba zotrieť.

229Tak povedali, „Tu sme my, cirkev, vyvolení. My sme zachovali tradície. Zachovali sme Mojžišove zákony. Vykonali sme všetky tieto veci, a tak ďalej. A tu prichádza tento Muž a zapiera naše tvrdenia. A okrem toho, naši svätí kňazi, náš svätý otec, ktorý urobil toto a tamto a všetko toto ostatné, a tu sú všetci naši veľkí mužovia a On ich nazýva, že sú z diabla, a potom nazýva Samého Seba Synom Božím!“ Ó! Rozumiete?

230Oni sa snažili Ježišove Meno a Ježiša zatieniť, predložiť to tak pred ľudí. Mohol by som tu povedať oveľa viac, ale zabralo by to príliš veľa času. Ale čo? Ale to Slovo a tie skutky Ho potvrdzovali. Amen.

231Ó, pre pravých veriacich, tých predurčených, ktorí boli predurčení, aby Ho videli a poznali Jeho službu, tam On bol. Bez ohľadu na to, či On kedy ohľadne niečoho otvoril Svoje ústa, oni vedeli, kto On je. Haleluja!

232Tá malá prostitútka tam v ten deň vyšla ku studni, aby si nabrala vodu do vedra. A sedel tam nejaký Muž v strednom veku a povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť.“

233Ona povedala, „To sa nepatrí vám Židom prosiť ženu Samaritánku o niečo také.“ On povedal, „Ale ak by si len vedela, s kým hovoríš!“

234„No,“ ona rozmýšľa, „je to nejaký vychytralý Žid.“ Obrátila sa a povedala, „Poznávam, že Ty si Žid. A ak si Žid, pravdaže, si nábožný, a vy hovoríte, že treba uctievať v Jeruzaleme. Ale náš otec, Jakob, pil z tejto studne a napájal tu svoj dobytok. A tá voda je hlboká a Ty nemáš nič, s čím by si si nabral. A my uctievame na tomto vrchu.

235On povedal, „Len sa na chvíľu zastav. Choď a priveď sem svojho muža.“ Ona povedala, „Ja nemám muža.“

236On povedal, „Povedala si pravdu.“ Povedal, „Mala si piatich. Mala si piatich a ten, s ktorým žiješ teraz, nie je tvoj muž.“

237Tá malá prostitútka bola predurčená, môžem ju vidieť, ako pustila to vedro a povedala, „Pane, ja poznávam, že Ty si Prorok.“ Rozumiete? Rozumiete?

238To semeno tam ležalo. Tá jediná vec, ktorú to potrebovalo, bola Voda, a tá Voda naň dopadla.

239Keď padla na tých farizejov, oni povedali, „To je Belzebub.“ Nemohlo to nič priniesť. Okrem buriny tam nebolo nič, čo by odtiaľ vzišlo.

240Ale keď tá Voda Života narazila na to predurčené semeno, ona povedala, „Pane, Ty musíš byť Prorok. Ja viem, že keď príde Mesiáš, On nám povie tieto veci.“ On povedal, „Ja som Ten, ktorý s tebou hovorí.“

241Ona zanechala to vedro a bežala do mesta! Ona mala niečo do povedania. Povedala, „Poďte, vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal veci, ktoré som porobila. Či to nie je Mesiáš?“ Rozumiete? Ona sa postavila na stranu Ježiša. Je to tak.

242Nebola to zvláštna vec? Všetci tí farizejovia a sadúcejovia Ho nerozpoznali a táto prostitútka Ho rozpoznala. Rozumiete? Prečo? Tí, ktorí Mu verili a milovali Ho a videli Jeho znamenia, oni vedeli, že to bol znak Mesiáša. Nedá sa to nijako obísť. Oni to vedeli.

243Keď tam prišiel starý Natanael. Možno tam, keď prišiel pred Filipa, povedal, „No, ja o tomto nič neviem, Filip. Za tieto posledné dni som videl povstať mnoho vecí. Viem, že sa deje mnoho vecí.“ On tam za Ním išiel. Povedal, „Pôjdem si Ho vypočuť a pozrieť sa, čo má do povedania.“

244Išiel tam a Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom niet lesti.“ On povedal, „Rabbi, kedy si ma poznal?“

245On povedal, „Pred tým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“

246Čo to spravilo? Voda narazila na to predurčené semeno. Ó! Keď to spravila, on povedal, „Rabi, Ty si Syn Boží. Ty si Kráľ Izraela.“

247Čo to bolo? To semeno tam ležalo pripravené. Boh ho tam zasadil pred založením sveta, aby To prinieslo to Svetlo, práve v tom čase! Haleluja!

248To je to, kde stojím, rovno tam, brat. To je to, kde ja verím, rovno tam. Kážem to a to padá tu a tam a ide to týmto smerom a tamtým smerom. To nerobí žiaden rozdiel. Niekde to narazí na semeno. A keď to narazilo, [Brat Branham luskne prstami - pozn.prekl.] to vyletí do života, takto, práve tak isto, ako že je svet. Tak veru.

249Ako, „Ten slepý chlapec,“ povedal, „toto sa stalo, aby sa mohli prejaviť skutky Božie.“ Rozumiete? Rozumiete? On vedel, čo sa stane. Iste, On vedel. V poriadku.

250No, tí predurčení, keď videli Jeho znaky podľa Písma, vedeli, že to Slovo potvrdzovalo skutky alebo tie skutky potvrdzovali to Slovo, že to Slovo je správne. Oni boli predurčení, aby To videli, a oni boli rovno v línii, aby To videli, a oni To uchopili.

251Pretože tí ľudia boli predurčení do Večného Života, preto To oni našli. To je všetko. „Všetci, ktorých Mi Otec dal, prídu ku Mne. A všetci, ktorí ku Mne prídu, Ja im dám večný život a vzkriesim ich v ten posledný deň. Ani jeden z nich nebude stratený.“ Amen. Ja sa toho držím. Nie skrze prácu, nie skrze skutky, nie silou, nie mocou; skrze Môjho Ducha, povedal Boh.“ Nie, čo som ja urobil, čo som alebo čo budem; čo On je. A ja som v Ňom. A čímkoľvek On je, ja som časťou Neho. Amen. Ja som spasený, pretože som časťou Neho. A On, On je Boh. A ja som časťou Neho, som Jeho synom. Je to tak. Tak to nie je to, čo som ja urobil, čo ja urobím. To je to, čo On urobil. To je moja dôvera, rovno v tom. V poriadku.

252Tak oni videli, že sa nemohli nikam dostať. Preskočím tu zopár týchto miest Písma. Oni videli, že sa s Ním nikam nedostanú. Tak, viete, tá ďalšia vec, ktorú museli urobiť, aby Ho skúsili dostať z poľa, oni išli a povedali Jeho matke a bratom, „Viete, On je strašne unavený. Mali by ste Ho na chvíľu vziať bokom.“ Tá banda pokrytcov! Oni jednoducho ne... Tá vec bola v tom, že oni nechceli... to bola tá vec, ktorú oni nechceli urobiť. Oni sa Ho chceli zbaviť. To nebolo preto, že si mysleli, že On bol taký unavený. Oni Mu želali, aby sa upracoval na smrť. Ale zakaždým, ako vystúpil, začali sa diať zázraky jeden za druhým, Slovo Božie vychádzalo. Rád by som Ho počul, keď sa postavil toho dňa na brehu mora, keď povolal Šimona Petra a povedal, „Nasleduj Ma!“ Rád by som vyliezol na nejaký drevený klát a sadol si tam, nechal svoje siete a nechal tak moju udicu, brat Crase, a sadol si tam, oprel si chrbát o ten drevený klát a počúval Ho kázať, keď vošiel do tej lode! Ó! Tak veľmi rád by som Ho to chcel počuť povedať, keď povedal to, „Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obťažení. Ja vám dám odpočinutie.“ Amen. Rád by som Ho to počul povedať.

253Oni sa snažili priviesť Jeho matku a tých ostatných, aby Ho vzali preč z toho poľa. Oni povedali, „Nuž, viete, On je prepracovaný. Verím, že by ste Ho mali zobrať preč.“ Akokoľvek, nejakým spôsobom, aby sa Ho zbavili, to je všetko, čo chceli. Tak veru.

254A zase mnohí išli s Ním, len aby našli nejaké miesto, kde by Ho dostali do pasce. Vedeli ste to? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Ľudia Ho nasledovali, len aby našli nejaké miesto. Jedného dňa Mu dali mincu. A povedali, „Rabbi...“

Pred tým, ako Mu dali tú mincu, povedali, „Rabbi, my sme Židia. My vieme, že Ty si veľký Muž Boží.“ Ó, ten pokrytec! Rozumiete? Áno. „My vieme, že Ty si veľký Muž Boží. Tak veru, Rabbi.“ Oni sa tam s Ním zhovárali. „Ó, dobré ráno, Brat. Ó, sme tak radi, že si tu v našej krajine! Ó, sme tak radi, že Ťa vidíme! My skutočne stojíme za Tebou, na život a na smrť, Brat. Ak budeš mať prebudenecké zhromaždenie, môžeme s Tebou dokonca spolupracovať.“ Rozumiete? To, čo sa snažia urobiť, je nastaviť Mu pascu. Vidíte?

255Oni povedali, „No, my vieme, že Ty si veľkým Mužom Božím. Ty sa nebojíš žiadneho človeka. Nebojíš sa ničoho, okrem Boha. A my vieme, že si smelý. Ó, si so Svojím Posolstvom nebojácny! Vieme, že si veľký Prorok, pretože žiaden človek by nemohol takto postupovať a byť tak nebojácny so Svojím Posolstvom v takých dňoch, ako sú tieto, iba ak by bol prorokom Božím, vediac, kde stojí. Tak, my vieme, že nehľadíš na osobu človeka, na žiadneho človeka. Rabbi, Ty si veľký Muž. My sme Židia. Stojíme rovno s Tebou, Brat. Isteže.“

256„No, Rabbi, je to v poriadku platiť daň cisárovi?“ Ó, tá banda pokrytcov! Och! Počkaj. Duch Svätý bol s Ním. On bol Duch Svätý. Rozumiete. On povedal, „Máte denár?“ Povedali, „Ó, áno, áno. Áno. Ja mám denár, áno, mám.“ Povedal, „Podajte mi ho.“ Povedal, „Koho obraz a nápis je na ňom?“ Povedali, „Cisárov.“ Povedal, „Potom dajte cisárovi, čo je cisárove; Bohu, čo je Božie.“

257Prichystali na Neho pascu, tvrdiac, že sú Jeho priateľmi. Vyzeralo to, že nikto Ho nedokáže porozumieť. Oni s ním chvíľu putovali, potom z Neho boli znechutení a odišli od Neho. Oni by povedali, „Ó, nuž, my sme si mysleli, istotne sme si mysleli.“ Dokonca učeníci povedali, „My sme si naisto mysleli, že tento bol Ten, ktorý bude...“ Dokonca až Ján poslal, aby sa Ho opýtali, „Si Ty Ten alebo máme hľadať iného?“ Rozumiete? Ó, aký život On musel žiť, rozumiete, a vediac toto! Ale On mal jeden zámer, jeden zámer: konať dielo Božie. Mnohí s Ním išli, len aby našli miesto, kde by Ho mohli chytiť.

258No, dúfam, že to nie je rúhanie, ak poviem, že takisto je to dnes. Mnohí prichádzajú a nasledujú zhromaždenie, len aby našli nejaké miesto, aby videli, že sa za niekoho modlíte.

259Tu, prednedávnom jedna sestra, ktorá chodí do tohto zboru, bola v inej cirkvi, kde Boh spôsobil, že všetko sa tam dialo. A táto sestra povedala inej sestre, povedala, „Vieš čo, ten muž, ktorý sa mohol modliť za chorých,“ povedala, „musí mať veľmi víťazný život.“ A povedala, „On musí byť schopný, jeho rodina, všetko, je uzdravená na vypovedané slovo, takto.“ [Brat Branham luskol prstami - pozn.prekl.] A tá druhá pani bola z Jeffersonville. A ja som si istý, nikto to nemusí vedieť, ale to, čo Ježiš povedal, „Medzi vašimi vlastnými ľuďmi,“ viete, „vo vašej krajine.“ Je to tak. To je ten dôvod, že ja... Môže byť, že to práve teraz prichádza bližšie, môže nastať zmena času, rozumiete. A ona povedala, „Vieš čo?“ Povedala, „Kedykoľvek má jedno z jeho detí nádchu, berie ho k lekárovi.“ Biedna, zdegradovaná, oklamaná úbožiačka, vidíte, žena, ktorá to jednoducho chcela odvrhnúť. Povedala, „Keď jeho deti ochorejú, berie ich k lekárovi.“

260Každý, kto má zdravý rozum, urobí to isté. Áno. Ľudia nemôžu porozumieť, že medicína je poslaná od Boha. No, bratia, ak nie je, je z diabla. Iste. Ale Boh je tam, kde medicína nedosiahne. Pravdaže. Medicína je z Boha. No, poviete, „Poznám veľa lekárov...“ Ó, áno, a ja viem, že mnoho kazateľov je na tom tak isto. To nie je človek, ktorý s tým zaobchádza, ide o to, čím to je. Ja viem, že mnohí ľudia Božím Slovom manipulujú, neveria v Božské uzdravenie, dokonca neveria v Boha. Je to tak. Ale oni s Tým jednoducho narábajú. Je mnoho ľudí v medicíne, a operácie a také veci, ktorí zapierajú Boha a všetko ďalšie, ale sú tiež mnohí, ktorí Mu veria. Tak ak to pomáha ľuďom, je to od Boha. Ja nemusím... Ja nemusím zobrať auto a ísť s ním dnes večer domov. Ak chcem, môžem ísť pešo. Ale Boh mi poskytol auto, tak ja zaň ďakujem Bohu. Všetky tieto veci sú od Boha, ale používajte ich rozumne. Nepoužívajte to bláznivo. Rozumiete?

261To je to isté, to je to, rozumiete. Snažili sa niečo nájsť, aby pred touto novo-obrátenou znevážili Jeho meno, meno... skutky Božie. Rozumiete? Oni to chceli znevážiť. „Zakaždým, keď mu ochorie dieťa, jedno z jeho detí, on ich berie k lekárovi.“ Iste ich beriem. Potom, ak lekár nemôže... Ja prosím Boha, aby pomohol pred tým, ako tam idem. Potom ak lekár nemôže ohľadne toho urobiť nič, potom ho beriem trochu vyššie. Správne. Tak veru. Ó, takisto je to dnes, snažia sa niekde nájsť nejakú pascu.

262On ich poznal, ale všimnite si, On ich nikdy nepokarhal. Išiel rovno s nimi. Hm. On teraz robí tú istú vec. On ide s nimi, ukazuje im Svoju milosť, to je pravda, hoci oni pracujú úplne proti Nemu. Prečo? Pretože On ich miluje. A On išiel s nimi. Ale v naliehavom prípade sú vždy pripravení na Neho zavolať. Vtedy Ho chcú. Budú si robiť žarty z niekoho, kto vykrikuje. Budú si robiť žarty z niekoho, kto káže Božské uzdravenie, hovoria, že tomu neveria. Oni ešte dostatočne neochoreli. Počul som o mnohých.

263Jedna žena zomierala, bežal som hore po schodoch, keď som tu kázal. A ten človek stál rovno pri dverách, volal na mňa. Ona prechádzala okolo. Bývala na jednej ulici tu hore a mala tam kravu. A ona povedala, „Ak by moja krava mala ten druh náboženstva, ktorý má Billy, ja by som tú kravu zabila.“ Za menej ako hodinu od vtedy bola zasiahnutá nemocou a vzali ju do nemocnice, bola to krásna mladá žena. A ja som sa tam ponáhľal. Jej muž bol katolík. A oni poslali po mňa. „Ona zomiera. A išla... Jej oči sa vypúlili. Povedala, ‘Zavolajte ho. Zavolajte ho. Zavolajte ho. Zavolajte ho. Rýchlo. Rýchlo.‘“

264A jej brat utekal a zastal tam pred dverami a čakal a čakal a stále mi dával znamenia. A to miesto bolo plné ľudí. A po chvíli, niekto prišiel a položil na stôl papier s poznámkou. Bolo tam napísané, „Niekto zomiera v nemocnici.“ A verím, brat Graham Snelling, povedal som, „Zaujmi moje miesto, až kým neprídem.“ A on sa postavil a viedol piesne. On v tom čase dokonca ani nebol povolaný, aby kázal. On prišiel, aby viedol piesne. A ja som išiel von a nasadol som do auta a ponáhľal som sa tam. A práve ako som išiel hore po schodoch, ona naposledy vydýchla. A pravdaže, vnútornosti a obličky a všetko reagovalo. A ja som tam pribehol a oni jej prikryli tvár a všade tam takto vystupovala para. A tá stará sestrička, ktorá tam stála, povedala, „Brat Branham, vo svojom poslednom dychu vykríkla po tebe.“ Snažila sa to dať do poriadku, ale vtedy už bolo príliš neskoro, rozumiete. Áno. Raz môžete zhrešiť až príliš, viete.

265A ona mala tak trochu... mala tvár hlboko... mala gaštanové vlasy; bola to skutočne pekná žena. A jej ostrihané vlasy boli celé rozstrapatené. Mala veľké hnedé oči, teraz boli vypúlené a napoly zatvorené. A pehy na jej tvári sa tak zdeformovali, až... boli to akoby hrče po celej jej tvári, ústa mala otvorené. A ja som tam vošiel a pozrel som sa na ňu. A stál tam jej manžel a povedal, „Billy, toto je teraz dôležité.“ Povedal, „Ja som Katolík. Chcem, aby si za ňu vyslovil modlitbu, pretože ona išla do očistca.“ Povedal som, „Čo?“

266Povedal, „Vyslov za ňu modlitbu.“ Povedal, „Ona išla do očistca. Asi pred dvoma hodinami prechádzala okolo tvojej cirkvi a povedala, 'Ak by naša krava niekedy mala také náboženstvo, ona by tú kravu zabila.'“ Rozumiete? Povedal, „Pomodli sa za ňu.“

267Povedal som, „Je príliš neskoro. Ona mala očistiť svoju dušu tu, nie až keď sa dostane niekde inde.“ Rozumiete? Je to tak. Ó, áno. Ale my Ho vždy chceme v čase úzkosti. Počul som ľudí povedať, „Ja neverím v Boha.“ Nechajte, nech sa im raz stane niečo skutočne zlé, uvidíte, že On bude prvý, na ktorého budú volať.

268Dokonca raz Jeho učeníci, keď boli v búrke. Keď Ho videli, oni sa Ho tak trochu báli. Oni nevedeli, čo To presne bolo. Povedali, „To je duch.“ A skríkli. Ale jednako, aj keď všetka nádej na záchranu bola preč, oni Ho pozvali do lode. Áno. To je vždy tak, či ste trochu podozrievaví, alebo nie. Keď pominula všetka nádej, radi Ho pozvete dnu. Áno. Oni Ho vzali na loď, pretože mali na Neho potrebu. Je to tak.

269Viete, vždy som sa divil, prečo niekedy... no, možno to je to, prečo prichádzajú búrky. Či ste o tom niekedy premýšľali? On sa tam postavil a pozoroval ich, až oni mali na Neho potrebu, a potom prišiel na scénu. Tak my môžeme vidieť našu potrebu na Neho teraz. Vidíme, že búrka prichádza, brat. Postavme sa dnes večer na Jeho stranu. Postavte sa na stranu Jeho Slova. Zakončím tu.

270Postavme sa na Jeho stranu. Nech sa my, vy a ja, bratia, spojíme dnes večer s Ním. Búrka prichádza. Nečakaj, kým sa tá malá loďka potopí. Vezmime Ho teraz do našej malej loďky. Môžete sa pozrieť a povedať, „Ja nerozumiem všetkým týmto veciam, brat Branham.“

271Pozrite sa, či hovoríme niečo pomimo toho, čo je v tom Slove. Pozrite sa, či je tam niečo okrem toho, čo On zasľúbil robiť. Niekedy sa vám to môže zdať trochu strašidelné. Myslíte si, „Ó. Nedokážem To porozumieť.“ Ale bude taký deň, keď vás tento život opustí. Potom sa vám to nebude zdať také zlé. Keď vy sami viete, že sa musíte obrátiť naspäť ku Bohu, ktorý vás stvoril, vtedy Ho budete chcieť vziať do vnútra. Vezmime Ho teraz, predtým, ako budú tie búrky horšie, než sú teraz.

272Ja Ho chcem vo svojom srdci. Chcem Ho tak veľmi vo svojom živote, až kým celá moja bytosť bude nasiaknutá; že moja myseľ, moje myšlienky, moje všetko to, čím som, je ovládané a kontrolované Ježišom Kristom. Chcem byť až tak stratený samému sebe, že všetko, čo viem a čo vidím, je Ježiš Kristus. A chcem prísť pred vás všetkých, ak vám Boh nebies dovolí mať tieto veci, o ktorých som vám hovoril. Keď prídem medzi vás, chcem poznať Krista, Toho ukrižovaného. Chcem poznať slávu a vzácne chvály Božie. Sadnúť si medzi vás a počuť jedného kazateľa postaviť sa a oddať chválu Bohu, z toho, čo on videl diať sa v jeho cirkvi. Ďalšieho, čo videl diať sa v jeho cirkvi. Ďalšieho, čo on videl diať sa v jeho cirkvi.

273To je presne to, čo oni robili. A keď sa zišli spolu a stretli sa v obecenstve, v Skutkoch 4, oni vydávali počet z toho, čo Boh učinil tu a čo Boh učinil tam. A Peter a Ján boli bičovaní. A sľúbili im, že oni... čo im urobia, ak budú ďalej kázať v Ježišovom Mene. A oni sa zhromaždili so svojimi ľuďmi a všetci sa jednomyseľne modlili a premodlili sa do vôle Božej a citovali Písmo. „Prečo pohania zúria a ľudia vymýšľajú márnu vec?“ A keď sa modlili, Duch Svätý zatriasol to miesto, kde boli spolu zhromaždení.

274To je druh zhromaždenia, ktorý potrebujeme. To je to, čo musíme mať, bratia. Buďme opevnení Slovom Božím, skrze Ducha Božieho, skrze moc Božiu. A nech naše svetlá teraz tak svietia, že budeme ako Štefan.

275On tam stál ako jeden muž, samotný, pred tou radou Sanhedrinu, stálo tam možno pol milióna ľudí. Každý jeden z nich ukazoval svojím obviňujúcim prstom do jeho tváre. Keď tam ten malý chlapík vyšiel, je povedané, „On žiaril ako anjel.“ Nemyslím, že to bolo nejaké svetlo na jeho tvári. Anjel nemusí mať na sebe svetlo. Ale anjel je muž alebo... Anjel je posol a je poslom, ktorý vie, o čom hovorí. On tam vykročil a povedal, „Mužovia a bratia a otcovia, naši otcovia v Mezopotámii, ako oni boli vyvedení, a Abrahám,“ a tak ďalej a ďalej. A potom prišiel do bodu, kedy začal krájať, povedal, „Ó, vy trvdošijní, neobrezaného srdca a uší, prečo sa vždy protivíte Duchu Svätému? Tak, ako robili vaši otcovia, tak robíte i vy.“ On vedel presne, kde stojí. To je ten dôvod, že žiaril. On sa ani trochu nebál. On vedel, komu uveril.

276Dokonca keď smrť zaklopala na dvere Pavlovho srdca. [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu - pozn.prekl.] A on povedal, „Ja viem, komu som uveril, a som presvedčený, že On je schopný zachovať to, čo som Mu odovzdal, až do tamtoho dňa.“ Amen.

277Nech vás Boh žehná, bratia. Je mi ľúto, že vás tu držím až do desať tridsaťpäť. Ja viem, že toto je pre vás neobvyklé. Je mi ľúto, že to tak robím. Ale dnes večer ste boli naozaj milí; nikto z vás neodišiel. Sedeli ste a dávali ste pozor. A ja dôverujem a mám nádej, že v tomto malom, polámanom, nervóznom hovorení, že Boh, Duch Svätý, niekde vylial do vášho srdca malé Semeno, aby na to narazila moc Božia a priniesla to do života, práve tak ako pri tej žene pri studni a pri iných, ktorí sú predurčení do večného Života. Nech vás Boh žehná.

278Brat Neville, rozpustíš zhromaždenie alebo čo chceš urobiť? Čo urobíš? Len v... [Brat Neville hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Milujete Ho? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Budete Mu slúžiť? [„Amen.“] Budete Mu veriť? [„Amen.“] Amen.

Milujete Ho? Amen.

Budete Mu slúžiť? Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Chceme to spievať. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Biblia je pravdou. Amen.

Verím tomu. Amen.

Je to Slovo Božie. Amen.

Amen. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Pane, my Ťa milujeme. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Veríme, že prichádzaš. Amen.

Sme pripravení stretnúť sa s Tebou. Amen.

Príď, Pane Ježišu. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Modlíme sa, Bože, aby si nám dovolil byť v každom čase tými najlepšími, čo môžeme byť, aby sme Ti slúžili.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

 Spolieham, že On vás požehná a zachová a bude nad nami bdieť a zapáli nás do Božieho Kráľovstva, aby sme konali veľké veci, a pomôže mi na misijnom poli, kým sa znovu nezídeme.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Modlím sa za vás. Budete sa modliť za mňa?

279Náš Otče, zhromaždili sme sa dnes večer v Mene šľachetného Pána Ježiša v tom milovanom a drahom Mene, ktoré my všetci milujeme a obdivujeme. Premýšľam o tom, ako skupiny ľudí počas tých rokov, tridsať alebo viac, ako sme sa zhromažďovali v tejto malej budove. Ako sme sedeli okolo pece s našimi takmer zmrznutými nohami a sedeli sme tam a mali nohy vyložené na peci a zhovárali sme sa o Pánovi Ježišovi. Premýšľam o jedných vzácnych nohách, ktoré raz chodili po tejto zemi, ktoré sedeli s tými ostatnými nohami tam. Premýšľam o starom bratovi Sewardovi, bratovi Sparksovi, bratovi George DeArk, o mnohých ďalších vzácnych dušiach, ktoré raz sedeli so svojimi nohami oproti tej peci, odišli, aby stretli svojho Pána, odpočívajú dnes večer v hrobe a očakávajú na to veľké zavolanie z Výsosti. Oni bojovali boj. Zachovali vieru. Zakončili beh. A teraz očakávajú na tú korunu spravodlivosti, ktorú im dá Pán, ten spravodlivý Sudca, v ten deň.

280Otče, Bože, keď sme zasväcovali túto malú cirkev na rohu, modlili sme sa a povedali sme, „Pane Ježišu, nech ona stojí a nech sú v nej ľudia, keď Ty prelomíš oblohu, aby si prišiel v tajnosti, ten náhly odchod cirkvi. Bože, modlím sa, aby duše, ktoré prichádzajú ku tomuto oltáru, duše, ktoré Ti slúžili, to Semeno Evanjelia, ktoré bolo sadené tu, tu a tam, a tu a tam, a tu a tam, počas tých tridsiatich rokov. Veríme, že mnohí z tých vzácnych ľudí tam budú v ten Deň, pre to slabé úsilie, ktoré sme vynaložili, aby sme priniesli to Slovo, do toho predurčeného Života. Ďakujeme Ti za to. A dôverujeme, Bože, že dnes večer, že tu teraz nie je nikto prítomný, okrem takých, ktorí budú prítomní v ten Deň, prikrytí tou Krvou, zakotvení v Ježišovi. Udeľ to, Otče. Dôverujeme Jemu.

281No, mnohí z nás sa tu stretneme v nedeľu ráno. A modlíme sa, Bože, aby si sa s nami stretol a zlomil pre nás ten Chlieb Života. Bože, budeme pamätať na brata Rudella a na jeho miesto, tam hore, kde sú tí, ktorí tam prebývajú s ním. Buď s tým vzácnym chlapcom, Pane, modlím sa za to. Ako ho vidím prichádzať, vidím tých mladých, cítim, ako by to boli moji Timotejovia. Modlím sa, Otče, aby si požehnal brata Rudella a jeho službu. Požehnaj brata Juniora Jacksona. Ó, Bože, modlíme sa, aby Tvoje požehnania boli na ňom, na našom bratovi Craseovi, na bratovi Snellingovi, na tomto druhom bratovi, ktorý zastáva jeho miesto, a bratovi Beelerovi a bratovi, na všetkých týchto bratoch tu, Pane, a na bratovi Neville a na každom jednom z nás, Pane. Modlíme sa, aby sa Tvoje požehnania usmievali na nás, aby Tvoja milosť bola všetko, čo potrebujeme, Pane, aby sme išli ďalej. A nech by sme nikdy nezabudli na tú malú poznámku z dnešného večera. Hoci tá malá žena, ktorá tam stála, nevedela, ako to skončí; ale Ježiš potreboval pozornosť a ona Mu ju dala, áno, keď Mu umývala nohy. Niečo, čo tam bolo zanedbané, čo dokonca tí, ktorí tvrdili, že sú Jeho služobníci, zanedbali urobiť a oni sa snažili robiť si z Neho žarty. Ale ona mu urobila službu, neočakávajúc odplatu, a väčšia, ako jej bola daná, už nemohla byť.

282Bože, nech my robíme to isté, aby sme sa len tlačili ďalej a slúžili Bohu. A všetko, po čom túžime, Pane, je počuť v ten Deň, „Dobre si to vykonal, Môj dobrý a verný sluha. Vojdi do radosti Pánovej, ktorá bola pre teba pripravená od založenia sveta.“ Bože, daruj nám vykonať to a udržovať obecenstvo jeden s druhým. A nech je Duch Svätý s nami a vedie nás a smeruje nás vo všetkom, čo robíme. A daj nám dlhý život, možno, ak je to možné, aby sme videli príchod Pána Ježiša. Prosíme o to v Jeho Mene. Amen.

Požehnané zväzky, ktoré viažu

naše srdcia v Kresťanskej láske;

Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí

je ako to tam Hore.

Keď sme oddelení,

spôsobuje nám to vnútornú bolesť;

Ale stále budeme spojení v srdci

a dúfame, že sa znova stretneme.

283Biblia povedala, „Oni zaspievali pieseň a vyšli von.“ Nech vás teraz Boh žehná, až kým vás znovu neuvidím v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dá. Dovidenia.

284Jim, dnes večer som ti nepotriasol ruku. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Pán vám žehnaj.

1 Some place in Louisville, where you--you eat, and it's called, let's see, Dogpatch Restaurant. I got one, today. When anyone eats there, then they take the money that you gave them, and send the church the tithing off of it. It's somewhere at 319 West Jefferson Street. I guess that's why Billy had it laying here, that so that they could see. That's mighty nice.

2Now, brethren, I don't know what your procedure of--of men's meeting, just what you do, or how you conduct your meetings. And if I get off of schedule here, why, off the regular routine, why, you call my attention to it.

3 It was purposed tonight, I thought, as I had a--a dinner not long ago with our most beloved pastor, Brother Neville, and I was saying something to him what was on my heart. And I thought, if we get a bunch of men together, and the ministers, they're our colleagues here of the Gospel, and men, we could talk to one another in a way that we wouldn't talk it before the public. Because we're all in... We're men that understand as men, Christian men. And that way, usually, in a congregation, a group, you say something, and--and one will lean it a little this way, and one will lean it that way, and--and then it goes all out. But where we come to try, tonight, to tell you what I have in my heart, concerning the church, and its--and its place, and its position. And then if we get done in time, I would like to speak to you just a little bit on the Word, if it's all right. Just kind of settle that, so we'll get our business part, or the part that I'd like to express to you, first. And I guess maybe you let out, regular time, about nine-thirty or something like that, like each night. Well, I'll try not to keep you long. Tomorrow is Saturday, and it's a big commercial day, but now we have to get our groceries and so forth.

4 I want to say to Brother Neville, publicly. Now I--I want to say, to each one of you, just like I was talking privately to you, just each one. Cause, you're a group that--that's... I really think that, and believe and teach, that, men, God has made men leadership of His Church, of His people. See? And it's a... As I was preaching down to Brother Junie Jackson's, last night, about God fortified His--His people with His Word. And it was a woman that broke through that line and give vent to reason, and when it did, God forever has always placed it for His, for men to keep His Church fortified by Word.

5Now, I--I want to encourage Brother Neville just a little, talking to him privately. I noticed last night, discernment struck me, two or three times, while I was in the pulpit. And I turned around, 'cause I'm trying to keep as far away from it as I can, until I find out what the dream meant to me here not long ago, a few weeks ago. It stuck with me for a long time. I told it here in the church, about something about the Message and--and discernment, and so forth. It just didn't, just wasn't coming out right. To my opinion, that time is over, and I may be wrong on that, but I noticed that--that Brother Neville was kind of weary and upset.

6 And yet I just wanted you to know, Brother Neville, that you're only anticipating in this fellowship in that. Have you just noticed what Satan has tried to do in the last few days to what ministers that's associated in this fellowship? Just stop for a few minutes, and wonder. Here sets Brother Crase, setting here, tonight, almost killed up there on the road. See? And I almost had my head blowed off with a shotgun, or with a rifle. See? Satan trying to take us. And there you crashed right in, and could have killed yourself and some woman also. See? Just the ministers, look at just the--the ministering group. See? It's Satan, and he's trying to get rid of us.

7Now, we realized that we're not assembled here to talk on some kind of a business. We're here to assemble, to talk on the... on Christ, and the holds to take a hold, and what to do for this present time.

And I--I want to encourage you, Brother Neville. Be courageous. No matter what comes up, what goes, what takes place, just don't let nothing beset you. Just stand there like a rock of ages, and God will make everything come out all right. He's proved that to you. Course, that could have upset you, that could have killed that woman, and that would have been on your mind, the rest your days, and there would been a lot of things. But God is still on the Throne. He, He lets those things work out all right. He could taken us, too. And, so, Satan fighting at the Church.

8 Now, when I laid that cornerstone there that morning, I never felt that I'd ever be a pastor. It wasn't in my callings, at the beginning. And my first call was to be on the field of evangelism. That was many years ago. And started off, over here in a tent, just across the street.

And I remember when Brother Roy Davis, down there, and his church burnt down. That bunch of people was just like scattered sheep without a shepherd, had no place to go.

And Mr. Hibstenberg was Chief of Police then, and he called me down there. He said to me, "We're here to help you." Said, "I'm Catholic, myself, but," said, "them people," said, "they don't probably have the clothes." It was during the time of the depression. Said, "They go to other churches and they feel out of place, and they're good people. I know many of them." He said, "Billy, if you wanting to start a church," he said, "I want you to know that we're behind you in anything we can do to help you." And I thanked him for it.

9 We had a tag day. First, we prayed and asked the Lord. And people come to me and wanted to build a church, so could have a place to go. And we decided this place, and one night along this time, or a little further here, in a pile of horseweeds right along in here, and water in this ditch, and just had been like a dump, like. Well, the Lord spoke to me definitely and said, "Build it right here." Not a penny of money, and among us we had about--about eighty cents or a dollar. And that's, course, you would laugh at that now, but, brother, that was some money then.

10When some neighbor cook a pot of beans, and yet the neighbor hadn't had nothing for two or three days, come over and eat a few of them, that was hard times. Lot of the young fellows never seen that, but that was hard going. I seen the time that you could pass through this church a collection plate, two times, or three, and get thirty cents out of a place packed full, and beg for it. It would... You'd probably got thirty cents, and had a good offering. See? It's really rough going.

11 And we had nothing to build with, yet the--the desire of the people was to build a church, so we could have a place to go. Cause, in them days... The Message, well, you think It's badly thought of now. You ought to have knowed It then, when there's nobody, and then of this water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and the--the blessings and things that we believe in and stand for.

12So upon my heart I made a promise to God, that we would stay here and build the tabernacle. The morning we laid the cornerstone, He met me over there in a vision, about eight o'clock that morning, when I was setting there, watching out across, the sun coming up, just about this time of year. And He had told me, after He had met me down there on the river, with That, when the Angel of the Lord appeared in that Light. I seen It in the distance. It looked like a star. And It come right down over where I was, and them notable Words were spoken. And so, then, I purposed then to get a place for the people to worship in.

13 Now, I thought, myself, "It ain't for me. It's nothing to me." But yet anything that's pertaining to God is part of me, no matter if it's... Anything that's--that's for God's children, it's for me, whether it's my duty to do this, or do that. It's my duty to see to God's heritage, regardless of where it's at. See?

14Just like you'd say, "Well, my..." Like you was a little boy, say, "My--my business is just to chop the wood, not pack it in. Let John pack it in. I don't care if snow falls on it, rain. Let him get out and get it." No. It's your duty as a--as a child of that home to see that that wood don't get wet, for your mother. See? Pack it in.

15 If they say, "Well, Frank should have went and got the water. It ain't my business." But if Frank didn't get the water, it's your business to take care of the water. That's all. Now, that's just the way it runs.

And that's the way it runs in God's family, too. If some of them--some of them say...

16The other, not long ago, said, "Quit preaching the way you are. My, goodness, you're going to ruin every friend you got, and everything like that." Said, "Let that alone. I know it's wrong, but, my, it ain't our business."

Well, whose business is it then? If it's wrong, somebody has got to do it, so let's just do it. And that's the way I feel about the Church.

17 The building programs and so forth has come, up and down, up and down, and there's been pro and con, in the buildings, and so forth. One wanted it, and the other didn't want it, and this, that. You, you find it like that.

18You find that as you deal amongst ministers, amongst businessmen, amongst lodges, everywhere you go. Where you got a group of men, you--you got different ideas. And so, therefore, you've got to have one person that you put confidence in, and elect that person. All work with that.

Just like in the army, you got to have one is a general, that's the headquarters. Captain says this, he's the captain of that group, but then the general can change his orders.

And the Chief Commanding General, of course, is Jesus Christ, in the Church. And His ministers are His captains of the companies, that--that's representing Him here on earth.

19 And they have tried many things, the little tabernacle here. And finally... I kept quiet in it, just to see, after I had built it. And then the Lord called me out into the field, about fifteen, sixteen years ago, and I left the church.

But, still, I just can't turn it out. I've always kept my name attached to it, so that I could be a vote sometime if the wrong thing got started in here. I'd have a right to come and--and stop it, because I've sweated it out for many years behind this pulpit, seventeen years in here, to keep the thing straight. When all kinds of isms and ins and outs, and every kind of a cult. And being the interdenomination, everything that flew in, flew in this way, and by the help of God we stood here with the unadulterated Gospel, and she still stands the same tonight. Right. So we... But there is times that this church has been tried to be sold out from under me, and everything else like that. If my name wasn't attached to it down there, why, it sure would be, been an awful fix tonight. Not... And it wasn't me, it was God, of course, that did it.

20 And then, as I see it now, coming into the place that it is, and we're living in a great hour, it's still my interest to say something about this church, see, because it's--it's a part of me. No matter whether I'm here or not, it's still a part of me. And it's my duty to see to it that it operates clean, clear, and the best I can for the Kingdom of God.

21 And I'm very grateful, that, in these days, I see it's got little satellites to it, that I am grateful for. Brother Crase here, his Sellersburg group; and brother back there, that just taken Brother Snelling's place at Utica; and Brother Ruddell up here; and Brother Junior Jackson; and those precious boys, who are fine men, wonderful men of God. They preach this Message. Now, they may, one might disagree just little-ly upon something or other, that's only human amongst the group of the ministers yet. And if ministers have a little difference, there won't be a--a shadow of a difference in it.

Maybe one might say, "I believe that the Millennium will come, and Jesus will be on a white horse." The other one say, "I believe, when He comes, He will come on a white cloud." Well, as long as they believe He's coming, that's the main thing, see, no matter how He's coming. Just, they believe He's coming, and making ready for it, and that way.

22 I have tried to find now. And I've been studying. I told it out before the congregation. I been studying the early Church. And I watched the way that those anointed men prepared the House of the Lord, and the order of the Lord's worship in the House, and it struck me real, real good. And I preached here sometime ago, and upon the subject of Joel 2, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all the years that the palmerworm eaten, and the caterpillar, and cankerworm, and so forth." And I begin to study on that, about what these men did, and the way that they taken care of the Church that God had left them overseer.

23 Now we're going to start off with the early Church, and just bring It for about five minutes now, down to what they did, and then I can show you the vision that I have for the future. Now, at the beginning, the Church was inaugurated at Pentecost. And there the Holy Spirit fell upon them, where Jesus had chosen twelve. And one of them had fallen, and they had chose Matthias to take his place. And the Holy Spirit waited until all this was in order, before It come. They had to choose one to take the bishopric of--of Judas, that fell by transgression, to fulfill the Scripture.

24 And I believe that all these things has a time of lingering, waiting, but it's waiting for a time for the Scripture to be fulfilled, till everything gets right, everything in order, waiting. Many times we get pa-... impatient, like a child. We great... get great anticipations, and many times jump way ahead, and that--that just hinders the work, until the work gets caught up. See? We must just move reverently, have a purpose in heart that God, if He would desire to use us in such-and-such, but wait till He makes the opening, 'cause He has to go ahead of us.

25Remember David going to battle that night? He was weary about that fight, and he laid under those mulberry trees until he heard the Lord in the rumbling of the leaves, going before him. Then he went with courage, because he knowed that God had gone before him.

And if we'd only do that, brethren. Knowing the battle must come, but we must wait till we see the hand of God going before us, to make a way.

26 Now, I notice that how the churches, the evangelism started scattering out everywhere. And then we'll take, for instance, the Paul becoming a great missionary to our people. We find out that he went about, wherever the Lord led him, and he established a church. And it was a new Faith. The churches of those days, like in Asia Minor, all throughout Europe, they--they didn't believe that Message. And when he had to preach the Message, and many was converted to It, then there was no one... If he left the people in that condition, they would wander right back out into their pagan gods, and into Judaism, and whatever more, because the people had no one to teach them. The--the converts, they had no place to go, so Paul established churches in different parts of the country.

27Each one of these churches, he left someone who was in order, a man that was trustworthy, a man that was known as a pastor, shepherd. Or, then, after this church then become... Other little churches come out of it. Young men and old men raised up, and become churches out of that. The man that was over the first church was called the bishop. And then his that went out from him, his children, was called shepherds, or pastors. And then this group of little churches all would come back to this bishop.

28 Like in the time of Irenaeus, he carried on the same thing. Martin carried on the same thing. Polycarp carried on the same thing. Right on down through the age, they had that. And then the apostle of the Church, the apostle, that was the Paul. And when Paul left, John took over the Church. And when John left, Polycarp taken It over. When Polycarp left, Irenaeus taken It over. And on down, Martin, and so forth.

Just kept on going until the Roman Catholic church broke the whole thing to pieces, and burned them, and scattered them. And the palmerworm eat this, and the cankerworm eat that. And so-forth eat that, and eat that, until they brought It plumb down to a stalk.

Now, but, God promised to restore again that same thing.

29I--I do believe, with all my heart, that we're living in the last days. I believe that there--there is not too much would break this, anything... And my interpretation may be wrong, of the Scriptures, that Jesus could not come tonight. I believe that what little is left to be fulfilled, could be fulfilled before daylight in the morning, and I'd see. And I may be wrong on the time of that fulfilling, but it's at hand. The... I believe that.

And, remember, Paul believed that. John believed that. Polycarp believed that. Irenaeus believed that. Martin believed that. All the rest of them believed it.

30 What if God would have told John, the revelator, "Now, it's going to be two thousand years before My Coming?" John would have come back and told the Church, "Well, I guess we might as well eat, drink, and be merry, 'cause there going to be many generations." See? "Jesus ain't coming for two thousand years." See? So, see, the Church would been loose. There would have been no "on the mark." There would have been no waiting.

And after all, it's your anticipations, if you fall asleep in that watch, that you wake with them same anticipations. Cause, it ain't going to hinder one thing. You're going to be right there on time, anyhow. See? See what I mean?

31Now, when--when Saint Martin awakes in the resurrection, Saint Paul, all the rest of them, it'll be just as fresh as if they was right in the battle, battling right away, 'cause they went right down under those same anticipations, looking for His Coming. And there will be a Scream come, and up will come the whole Church. You see? That'll be it. So, it doesn't matter. See?

32 We've got to be looking for Him right now, even. We don't know. It--it could be possible that it could be a hundred years from now. It could be five hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years. I don't know. Nobody knows. But, say, for instance, that we lived each day, that He was coming that day. See? If we lived like He was coming this day, when we awake, if we sleep, and we awake in the resurrection, it'll be just as fresh as if we just fallen asleep, just woke up. "The trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air." See? So it'll be just as fresh.

33 But now, until that time, until He comes, we want to live each day like He might come the next minute, because it might be the end of your life at that minute. You don't know when you're going. This may be some of our last breath, we have it in us now, so you want to live like it is.

34But now to carry on, further, we've got to put footprints here on the sands of time, that others can see. If Paul hadn't have went on the way he did, then John wouldn't have known how to follow. If John hadn't have went on, Polycarp wouldn't have known how to follow. If Polycarp wouldn't have went on, Irenaeus wouldn't have known how to follow. If Irenaeus wouldn't have went on, Martin wouldn't have known how to follow. See what I mean? Each one has to put footprints on the sands of time.

35 Well, if I thought that there was a denomination or any other group of believers, that had anything better than we have here, brethren, I would have want to emerge this little body with it right quick. I've waited, I have longed, I have been under anticipations and believed that some great one was coming some day, or maybe the great prophet that I speak will come, of the Elisha. I've always believed and thought, maybe, that maybe I'd live to see the day that when I could change, when I'd see that person rise on the scene, then I could take my little church and say, "Brethren, this is the man we have looked for. This man, he is the one." I've waited for that.

And if actually that has passed, then I'm looking to say, from up here, "Brethren, this is the One," coming from here, see. And I--I want to see the church kept up like that.

36I must have stepped on something, or done something, and put a lot of more life in that thing. [Brother Branham adjusts the microphone--Ed.]

37So now I would like to say this, that, now that this is an established church.

38 Let me just stop again, just a moment. When I went to Bombay, I count that my greatest meeting because of the effects it had on the people. And I... If in Africa, they say thirty thousand came to Christ at one time, then there was a hundred and fifty, or two hundred thousand came to Christ at one time, out of that half a million there. See? What could I do? There wasn't a thing. Perhaps, maybe, say there was, just say, there was a hundred thousand of them. There was no church, nothing I could do. There was nobody to give to them. The Message that I believe, I... There wasn't even a Pentecostal denomination would cooperate with me. And all those souls probably drifted right back into Shiites, Jains, Buddhism, whatever more they come from. No place to put them. Now, that's a shame. That's a disgrace. See? Because, I had no cooperation, because of the stand that I take. See?

39 Well, in Africa, I went in there under that auspices, of the--the--the A.F. of M. and Afrikaans Faith Missions. And when I did, course, I can't agree with them. They, they baptize people in a triune baptism, three times, face forward. And one of them baptizes three times, backwards. One for one god, the Father; the other one for another god, the Son; the other one for another god, the Holy Ghost; and baptizing three different times, for three different gods, and all such stuff as that. And, perhaps, the Durban meeting, not having it rightly, and the people see such a scattered amongst the Pentecostal faiths and so forth, the people didn't know what to do. They had no place to go.

40 Perhaps, what if we just had a revival here, brethren? Let me place it like this. What if we just got through with a big revival, and you brethren had just got converted, and there wasn't a church of this type in the country, nowhere; and I had been the evangelist, and now I'm leaving out, you may never see me again? What would you do? You'd feel like you wouldn't know what to do. You can't go back to that wallow again. You can't go back down there, with--with your wives to wear shorts, and your... and to your card parties and dances, and things like that, and ever be satisfied again.

You've come to Life. You've raised above that thing. You've come to a place, instead of saying, "This is our creed," saying, "This is God's Word." And you've come to live by This, what This says. And not what...

And you go down there and listen to them, and hear them go down and play bunco, and have a dance, and this, that, and the other, and a little bit of message that had nothing in it, about some mayor or something, or was going to be re-elected, or some kind of a political affair, and cut off in ten or fifteen minutes; after you been setting here, day after day, and great gastronomical jubilees of the Word and things. You wouldn't know what to do.

You'd be so burdened with it, till some of you lay members would feel like starting up a church, and start preaching It yourself, 'cause your heart would burn for the Word of God, and you would feel bad for the people that felt the same way you did. Now, isn't that right? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.]

41 Though you know Jesus was coming, thought He was coming tomorrow, yet you'd want to do something today for those people who, fellow citizens of the Kingdom of God, to come together. You want fellowship with them. That's right. So if it's this way...

42Now, I believe with all my heart that the Lord has helped me and has used me to spearhead a great revival, one of the greatest that's ever struck the world since the early days, across the world. We know that. That's right. It was all gone at that time, and--and He met me down there on the river and told me that the Message that I had would forerun the second Coming of Christ. And I suppose there is nobody here tonight that was down there that day. That's been about thirty-two years ago, when that Light appeared; and standing there, me looking right at It. Hundreds of people standing, looking at It. It come right down, and that Voice spoke.

43Years later, strange that the camera takes the same picture, looks the same thing just exactly what I told you, down on the river. Now, I may be mistaken in a lot of things, brethren, but I don't want to be a hypocrite. I want to be honest and straight with you.

44 And then, another thing, if I'd have went away, what? We'd--we'd have never built a church here like that. It's hard tell what we'd have had, see, if I just went on. But the God of Heaven put it upon my heart to build this church here. And then when He called me out into evangelism... We've had pastor after pastor, and so forth, but now we got a--a precious brother here who is of the Faith, believes the Message. We've got other brothers out here that's believes the Message. Having...

45Am I getting too loud, Brother Beeler? [Brother Beeler says, "Little bit."--Ed.] All right, let's see. ["No. Go ahead."] Yeah. Had...

We got--we got the material.

46 And now you say, "Well, Brother Branham, if they won't hear these signs and wonders of the great God of Heaven, how are we going to do it?" Well, now, what if Saint Paul would have had that same idea? See? What? But he didn't. Those bishops stayed just as loyal to the Message! And they... And Paul, ever so often, after making his round... You've read in the Bible, how he visit back with these churches, talk with the pastors, and with the bishops, and so forth, and took relief from the people, and--and had, oh, just a great time of fellowship, like a revival or big time of jubilee. And the Holy Spirit would fall upon them, and messages would come.

47 Look when he went down there to Philip, even his daughters prophesied. And said, "There is chains and prison waiting for--for our brother when he gets up there." He no more than got out in the yard, and here come Agabus, a prophet, walking down, looked across the street. And never seen Paul before, the general overseer, this whole group of churches throughout Asia. And he walked over there and pulled the string off of his side, he had his garment tied with, bound his hands and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, chains and prisons wait for the one that wore this up there." See? Prophesying.

48Paul said, "I know it. I know it. But don't break my heart now. Let me finish my course." He was tired. He was finished. And he was going on and leaving his bishopric with Timothy.

49 Now we got to think of young people. We got children. Most of us people here, married men, has children. Well, what about them that's coming on? See?

50Like I used to kick up, down there, about them throwing those cast nets on the river, pulling out them perch; and the drinks, drunkards and things. I've seen them piled high as this ceiling here, big, fine perch laying there. The stink would be all around the river. I went down, as the game warden, to make them stop it. I got a letter, "Leave them alone. What are you going to do? It belongs to Kentucky." Now, Kentucky warden can't come over here, because he's out of his territory. Indiana warden has nothing to say into, because the water belongs to Kentucky. There you are. Nothing can be done.

51I said, "I've got a boy coming on, would like to fish. Why, they'd put his picture in the paper if he caught a chub, twenty years from now; let that go on like that, those nets, traps, everything else." And it's practically getting like that right now. See? What's the matter? You've got to think of these that's coming on.

52 So we've got to think of the others that's coming on behind us, these young people, and so forth, and a place for our children. Our daughters, we don't want them out in the world, in these things like that. We want them girls raised like their mothers. And we've got to make arrangements for that. And if there is no tomorrow, we don't know that. If there is no tomorrow, we haven't done nothing but been at the Master's business and been found at our post of duty when He does come. See?

53So, I would suggest this. I did, to Brother Neville. Let's carry this on just as we have. Let's let it just the way it is.

I'm grateful for these young ministers. See, actually, at the Day of Judgment, for this entire valleys through here, there will be no excuse, because we've got little churches setting out everywhere, outposts, listening posts, waiting.

54Last night I was in brother's church, and asked if all in there was fortified behind the Word. And every hand went up. Now, that made me feel good. See?

55 Now, what I would think, would be this, brethren, that like in the church here now. I... the... My ministry has, the best of my thinking, four things that can be done. And it might not be either four, but that's the only outlook I can think of; if that One that spoke to me down there on the river, if this is all that was left for the Gentile church.

Which, we realize, in Revelations, it's just one, two, three chapters to the Church. The Church goes up, in the 4th chapter. It does not return anymore till the 19th chapter, that's after the Tribulation Period when God calls out the Jews. That's right.

56And like Enoch, he went up before one drop of rain ever hit the earth. He was gone, then the tribulation set in. See? Noah was in the ark before any tribulation set in. Lot was out of Sodom before any tribulation set in. See? And the Church will be gone before any Tribulation Period.

57Now, during the Tribulation that will be, the sleeping virgin will be hunted down by the dragon, and spurts water from his mouth, which means, "multitudes and people," armies that will search down and take this woman, remnant of her seed, and will kill her. Now, that will be in the Tribulation Period.

But the Church will go Home. Now, if--if that take, would take place tomorrow, it wouldn't hinder us from just keeping on today. Let's make today count.

58 Now, what I think, down there, if that Angel that said those Words to me, said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first Coming of Christ," see, "your Message..." I was to take this Message. "And It would forerun the second Coming of Christ." Well, if This has been It, then we're real, real close, brethren, because the hour and the Light of the Message is just about gone out.

59 Did you notice when Pentecost fell, and those brothers were filled at Pentecost, with the Holy Ghost? It wasn't hardly any time until the Message had begin to dim down, and they begin to set up churches to hold the fort, for Christ, expecting Him to come. Well, that's the same thing is taking place today, if the Scripture is true, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all that the palmerworm and cankerworm has eaten." Now, if that be it, if that is the Message, and, God forgive me, I--I do not know. If that's it, then the time is close at hand, really, because the Message is over.

60 And the other night, I was dreaming that I went to have discernment where a great host of my friends had gathered, thousands of them in a meeting. There was a fellow come, got me. And Billy usually comes, gets me, 'cause you don't talk to me. And this man just talked a blue streak. And 'fore I got over there, all the anointing was gone from me, for it. And then I said, "Well, I'll just go over there and--and preach the Message, of telling those people, 'Don't fool with those denominations,' and so forth, and, 'Come out, like this.'" And when I got to the platform, that had left me.

61 I don't know what it meant, but I was going on. I just don't know. It could be the end of my road. It could be the Coming of the Lord. It could be the change of the day. It could be the coming of that mighty one, if there's to be another besides what's already come. It could be that. All those things, we'd have to draw from, it would be. And as I stand here tonight, before God and you brethren, I don't know. I couldn't tell you. If I did, I'd tell you, or I wouldn't mention, bring anything up like this, if I didn't know which way. If I know which way the thing was going, I'd--I'd say it, but I don't know. I can't tell. I'm going right now on meetings without one speck of leading. I'm going because I don't want to sit up there. I--I--I like to get out in the woods as well as anybody. If I'm wrong in this, God forgive me.

62 There's three things could happen to me. It's either the end of my road, and let this other one come on; I've opened up the road for him to take over, 'cause, remember, the one that comes to preach, will be on the Word, "Restoring the Faith of the children back to the fathers." It could be the end of my road. It could be that He's changing my ministry back into evangelism, for overseas. Or, it could be that He's not going to call me anymore for an evangelist, and He's taking me into the wilderness somewhere, to anoint me, to send me forth like the promised one is to come, I think. It could be any of those things.

63I cannot go on the way I been going. Because I'm... The people has believed me. I--I have to say this. I say it before men. The people, many times, regard me as being a prophet. I do not regard myself that. No, sir. I do not. I have... I don't say that to be humble. I say that to be truthful. I do not regard myself to be a prophet of the Lord. I--I haven't that honor.

64 I believe that the Lord has used me, in little special things, to help maybe lay a foundation for a prophet that will come. But a prophet doesn't operate the way I operate. Now, you know that. A prophet isn't an evangelist, and an evangelist isn't a prophet. A pastor isn't an evangelist, and an evangelist isn't a pastor. "But God has set in the Church, first apostles, then prophets, then teachers, then pastors," and so forth. God set them in the Church, and God gave them an office.

65But, the morning when I laid that cornerstone! Because, now, if you're spiritual, you get it. Because of the cry of the people! If you could break that out, or take the book and read it, it said, "Do the work of an evangelist." Didn't call me to be an evangelist, but said, "Do the work of an evangelist, for the time will come when they will not endure sound Doctrine, but will heap themselves together, teachers, having itching ears, and shall turn from Truth to fables." See? Quoted that Scripture and told me where to find It. Said it three times. And I got the Bible and turned to where He told me, and there it was. And then you know about the two buckets, of the Pentecostal Oneness and the Pentecostal Assemblies. I never crossed them. I planted their own trees right where they was, 'cause I think they're both wrong. But, out of it, I was at the cross, at the harvest.

66 God respects anybody who is sincere. Peter said that. "He perceived that God was no respect of persons, all nations calling, when on that house of Cornelius, when they received the Holy Ghost like they did at the beginning." See? God is no respect of person. We see a person deeply and sincere, he can be sincerely wrong. But if he is sincerely, God will lead him to the Light, somewhere. He'll come to It, 'cause God is obligated to do that.

67And we think about the Coming of the Lord, being such a--a great thing; and the Message, no more than It's went. Remember, there's a predestinated group to be here when the Lord returns, and it might not be over a dozen. See? We don't know. It might be a hundred million; might be ten thousand. But if... The predestinated will hear the Message and believe It, if It's the Message sent of God, which we believe It to be.

68 Now, here we are, then, right up here to the end of the time. When, if God did call me... Now, listen, this is not to be repeated. If He did call me to be His prophet, then I'm certainly not holding the office of one. Prophets don't evangelize. A prophet hides himself in the wilderness, alone, with God, until he gets exactly, directly what God wants him to do. And he stomps right out and gives his Message, and back into the wilderness he goes again. He's not an evangelist, holding meetings, and getting cooperations, and all these things like evangelists do. He don't teach like evangelists. He has THUS SAITH THE LORD, and that's it, and that's all. He gives it, throws it out, and let the chips fall where it will, and then away he goes again. Nobody knows where he's at. He's in isolation, somewhere.

69 Now, I cannot, or if He's called me to be that, I cannot be an evangelist. And if He's called me to be evangelist, I cannot be a prophet. Now, you get what I mean? I don't know what to do. I've done, reverently, when He told me, first, about me hold the people's hand and praying for them, then know the secret of their heart, all these different things. And, brethren, that's infallible. You know that's to be the Truth. Every one of you knows that. See?

And how He told me It would blast across the world, and It's done it just exactly! Every nation under the heavens has heard It, everywhere, newspapers, tape recordings, everywhere. I don't know how It's ever done it. But, throughout all the world, letters coming in, and people from way down in Thailand, and the Hottentots back in there. How those missionaries has crowded back in there with those tapes, and giving that interpretation of the Word. And now we hear from all over the world, see, around the world. Now, they, the Church, is predestinated universally, everywhere. "Be two in the bed; two in the field," see, take one and leave one.

70 Now, as I have done the work of an evangelist. And here is my plea. If that is pleasing to God, and I've done the work all right, trusting that I have pleased Him, asking forgiveness for all my mistakes, then He may be calling me from the field of evangelism, to be His prophet. Then if it is, I'll leave evangelism. But if He calls me to be a prophet, I cannot be an evangelist. If I'm to be evangelist, I cannot be a prophet.

I'm mixing the two offices. That's where I've always fussed about. Standing on the platform, it's never been good, successful. God has used it, but I've never thought it was His direct will. It's been His permissive will. Stand on the platform, a vision or two will knock you out, almost. See? And then if you tell this person how to straighten hisself up, and what to do; and then the next person stands there, he is expecting the same thing. And you can't tell him, 'less Something tells you to tell him. And then the other people feel like you're a traitor, or a backslider, or--or a demon or something, because you don't tell them what they want to know. See, that's not the office, the way a prophet operates.

71 A prophet stays back here till he stomps right into the hospital, or wherever he's going, with THUS SAITH THE LORD, and say it, and stomp back out again. He's no evangelist, at all. He don't hold meetings and discuss things. He's got the Word of the Lord for whoever he's sent to.

72If he's sent to the White House, he stomps right up in front of the White House, says, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." If it's to the governor of the state, whoever it is, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. He don't fool around with a group of churches, trying get them to come in and take the Word, and preach these things like evangelists. He's not an evangelist.

73So, you see, brethren, that's the reason I don't call myself a prophet. I'm not even in the office of one. See? Now you understand what I mean?

Now, there'd be a lot go on like that for a long time, but I hope to not take too much of your time, until I get a little bit of this Word I want to read tonight.

74 Now, here is what I'm doing. I have never felt that I should live in Indiana. I'm a--I'm a--a rambler. I don't... I'll go one place, I think, "I'll go over here, I'll settle down here. This is it." I can't do it. When I go somewhere else, I think, "I'll go over here." When I do it...

My wife calls me... What's that song they sing about? Restless Winds. You've heard it, I guess. Most all of you hear them sing. Well, that's what she calls me, "Restless winds."

About time I get here, I think, "Boy, I just got to get home. I got to see the wife and kids. I just got to go to the church once more and preach." I get here, and come down and preach once. Kiss my wife and hug all the kids. Get out in the yard to cut the grass, and an airplane goes over. I stop, wipe the sweat off my face, and I want to go with him. Somewhere else I got to go. Well, I think I got to go down there. And I--I go down there, and I preach there a while. Look around, there goes another one over. I got to go with him. See, there's no settling down place for me. I just can't do it. I'm restless, shifting, place to place, something. I can't help it. It's something in me. And I know that I must do it.

75 Now, at the church, is in its present state, I'd feel horrible to walk away from here. And, think, of all you men sitting here, that I believe I'll spend an Eternity with, over in Gloryland. We got fine men, fine material, solid, sound people. Just recently there was a revival broke out in the church here amongst the people. The Spirit come among them, begin to give gifts. I watched it, to see if it'd go off into fanaticism. Every time it start moving that way, the Spirit would check it and bring it back here. I thought, "Praise the Lord." See? You just hold your place there. That's fine. See?

76Now, what my thoughts is, is this, is if it could be possible that, when I start going somewhere, I don't know where I'm going. But I can't sit still. I ain't going to stay here. I just can't do it. I got to move somewhere. And I probably won't stay there but a few days, be moving somewhere else. I got to go somewhere. I don't know where I'm going. Neither did Abraham know where he was going. He just crossed the river and started off. That's all.

77 I feel that what we ought to do here, in this present time, I believe that we need a church. I think--I think the house of God... You say, "Well, what, putting all that money in it if the Lord is going to come?" Well, what good is it going to do to keep the money if the Lord comes? See? And if the people designated the money for the church, it's our duty, with a hundred percent vote here, that I took that night, to build the church. So, build it. I'd say, build it. Yes, sir.

78I never expressed this before, but I want to do it before you men. Didn't want the women here, 'cause one leans this way, and that way. Now I'm trying, tell you the reason I want to do it. I think, if the Lord is coming next week, let's start the church this week. Certainly. Let's show Him. Let's stand at our post of duty. Yes, sir. And then if we... when the church is built up.

79 Why? Say if He's... What if He's ten years from now? What if He is twenty years? Or what if He's a hundred years? Whatever it is, when He comes, that matters not. We know He will be coming for us before that time, because we can't live it out, a hundred years more. He will be coming for us, but we got to leave partings behind us. And I've thought this. Why not then let the church board here, speaking to them now, build that church? Put it up here. Make it nice, and a nice place where the people can come.

80I'd suggest, Brother Neville be the pastor of the church, as long as the church suggests him being pastor. That's the vote of the church. As long as he holds that post of duty and stays with the Faith, wants to come, feels the leading of the Lord, then the leading of the Lord for him to stay, if the congregation votes the same.

81 Then I'd say, each one of these men out here, these other men, like Brother Crase, and Brother Junior, all of them, as long as they feel their duty at that post, and they're associated here together. You can't go down and meet with the Methodist. You have no fellowship with them. The Baptists, you go, talking about speaking in tongues, and the baptism in Jesus Name, they kick you out, that quick. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] That's right. You sit around there, you'd be like a--a dove amongst a bunch of crows. You would have no fellowship, at all. You'd die. I ain't making fun of Methodists and Baptists, now. Remember that. I'm not saying that. I'm just drawing a comparison. There, many, those Methodists and Baptists are good men, godly men. But I'm talking about the fellowship. There is brother...

What's his name? Back there tonight, the--the evangelist sitting back there, Brother J. T. Parnell. Brother Beeler, believe, this brother sitting here. Some of... Many of you here are men of God, calling in your life. You can be doing something. Just don't set around. Let's do something. You don't get but one soul saved, get that one saved. Each one of us.

82 Now, I think, this church, if you men would, when you build this church, make this like your headquarters, and like Brother Neville here being like the senior elder among you. See? And sometimes you get a question that you can't discuss out with your church out there, then bring it in here to Brother Neville, and you all discuss it together. If you can't come to any decision, I'll be coming by, pretty soon, then we'll all come together with it.

83And--and then, in there, get training in your own groups, other ministers, men that you see that has a calling in their life, for the ministry. Train them young men. Bring them in here to the elder. All of you set together in a ministerial meeting, and there teach the deeper things of God. Don't go on the bad end. Keep someone who can have confidence in, to be kind of like a--a leader for you. And then, sometimes, if you don't see it just exactly the way he does, goes, that's all right. You're in the Faith, anyhow. Just move along. Maybe when we come together, then, all of us together, we'll pray; the discernment of God come down, and He will give it just exactly what it is, you see, and let us know just how to do it.

84And in there, churches can go hear, and training up a group of men. And if I'm in evangelistic work somewhere, there is places I can place them, worldwide.

85 What if I was in India, go back to India? There I'd say to these people, maybe, would have thousands of them. Stay there for a week or two, and they see the ministry. They love it. They believe it's the Truth. They come out of heathenism. There I've got... and maybe in two or three weeks.

When I was over there, two nights, and maybe a hundred thousand converted to Christ; nowhere to go. The next day, take a plane and start back to Rome, then to the United States. Leave them just like sheep put out among wolves.

What if I had a group of men, young men trained in the Message, see, to say, "Now, wait a minute. Before I leave here, we're going to set in order these churches. I'll have a man. I've already telegramed them. They got the money. They're on their road here, right now, to take over this; a good man. There is two or three young men with him, who will be his helpers and assistants"?

86And a church of this Faith can be set there, which will be an outpost in India, outpost in Germany, outpost in Switzerland. Why, right now, we should have had them all around the nations where I been. And the Message then, from there, comes another, from another comes another. See what I mean? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.]

87 Now, tomorrow night, or day after tomorrow night, you'll see Mattsson-Bose come down here, which is my friend. You'll see just what one little, crippled-up Swede did over there in Tanganyika. He went in there. And, now, Mattsson-Bose is a good man, but he don't believe the Faith that we believe.

88I've took him right out, and took him and just tied him to such a place in the Scripture. I say, "Mattsson, you're my friend. Now you're not going to jump or run. We're just going to stand here, hold one another's hands, as Christian brothers, and talk." See?

89And lay the Message right to him, and he'd just stand there. He say, "Bro'er Branham, you--you sure are right."

90I say, "Now, Mattsson, you don't believe that, or you'd accept It."

91"Well, Bro'er Branham, I--I believe what you say is the Truth."

92"Then why don't you accept It?" See? Just burn It right down to him. And he--he, then, as soon as he gets away, he's gone. See?

93 But just watch what that man did in his missions over there, just one man. Cause, he could send right back to Chicago and pick up Burton and all the rest of them, send them over in there like that, and start the work doings. Till, now they're getting up in the tens of thousands, of one little revival. Not a man with gifts, just a man who had enough courage to go there and start.

What could been done under This? Could been ranking in the millions. Sure. We've lost that time. That's what my suggestion would be.

94Now remember, in doing this, you'll find out, there may be times that you'll disagree with Brother So-and-so. You'll disagree over here. And remember, as long as you get to the spot, you say, "Well, because he don't believe It just like me, I ain't going to," then there is something wrong with you. Is not wrong with the other fellow. It's something wrong with you. When, brethren who are trying to hold together!

95There's one thing, we Branham's, there's nine of us, and we'd fight like pet dogs. But, after all, when we got through fighting, we were still Branham's. One knowed the other was a Branham. I knowed he was a Branham. He knowed I was a Branham. See? But we'd fight. You do that in your family, but they're still your brothers.

That's the way it is. We might different, that's all right, but we're still one. We're one in Christ. We believe this Message, and let's stay with It.

96 And I think that that's the thing to do, to keep on carrying on, until Jesus comes. And that's what I wanted to say in that manner. And I believe if you'd have like...

97See, you've got to be enthused with It. If you're not enthused, then there is something wrong. There is something wrong. You got, just not say, "Well, last month I was pretty well enthused, but I don't know." See, then there is something wrong somewhere. You've got to be enthused, all the time, see, and just keep punching. It's the Devil, trying to get you.

Like, I always liked our last president, Mr. Eisenhower. I had a great admiration for General Eisenhower. He said, "When we were fighting," he said, "there's many times we picked up a shell and throwed it into the gun, and pulled the hammer on it, and let her fall, and it snapped. It didn't go off." Said, "We didn't surrender." Said, "We might have put in another one, and it snapped, too." Said, "We didn't give up." Said, "We kept on snapping till the one went off."

98 That's it. That's the way to win the war. Keep trying. Throw the shell in and pull it. You got a purpose, a target to hit. And if it don't go off, throw it out, and throw another one in, and try it again. Throw it in and try it again, till one goes off. There's one of them in there that's alive, and one of them will go off. But that's the way we got to do. Just keep firing away, firing away, until something happens.

99What am I doing? I'm firing away now. I'm going out here, not know even... out any leading.

A responsibility! Millions of people looking at you, "What's you going to do? What's the next move?" Some thinks I'm dead. Some thinks this. Even that gun went off, other day, said I was trying to commit suicide. Everything, see, out around the country, and everything. See? But you got all that to contend with. Then, you got the burden of the people.

100 And just imagine, what if God would place on you, that you knowed the heart of the people that you was talking to? Think about that. See? Brethren, maybe, I know you have burdens, but you don't understand. And besides that, here, you got the responsibility here.

101You say, "Well, that ought to be easy for you, Brother Branham. Anything to do, God just tell you." No. He doesn't. I sweat it out, just like you do, and a whole lot harder. Sure. I have to sweat it much harder than you do.

And there's going to be more required of me. Where you have to answer for a church, where you have to answer for your family, or maybe just for yourself, see, there's millions of souls I got to answer for. I got to know my moves. And if Satan is knocking you, for one soul, or a few souls that you'll catch, what about out here where millions are sitting in order? How many more blasts is he throwing in there? See? So you got a whole lot to remember, brethren. That, no wonder I get nervous sometimes. Sure.

102 But now I'm punching away right now. I throw a shell in. If it fires, there it is. If it don't fire, I won't quit. I'll throw that one out, as a thud, and try another one. One of them is going to go off. That's all there is to it. One of them is going to fire, somewhere. Then, I--I want to be on the target, so, when it does fire, I'll hit the object that I'm shooting at. And now you know what I mean. I'm sure. See? There is something, somewhere. I'm leaving for these meetings, just plunging out yonder. I don't aim to teach these great things I teach you people.

103You remember what that dream, that I got the interpretation, was? "Go back and store up Food." Where was the storehouse? This tabernacle. Where is there anything like it in the country, around here anywhere, that will compare with the Message that we have?

Now, course, our little brothers here that's out along here, these other little churches, are us. We're one.

Where would you go to, to find It? Show Its comparison anywhere. You go right out in denominational creeds. You'll go right out away from the Name of the Lord Jesus. You'll go right out away from these other things. See? And here is where the Food has been stored up.

104 Well, one Message that I preached here to you all... Look, I've been preaching from one to six hours to you, on a Message. Well, if I had to use one of those Message, I'd take a week to take It, just a little bit here and a little bit there, see, because It's been stored up here.

105It's on tapes. It'll go worldwide on the tapes, where people in their houses. Them tapes will fall right into the hands of the predestinated of God. He can direct the Word. He'll direct everything just exactly to its course. That's the reason He sent me back to do this. "Store up the Food here." He forbid me to go overseas.

106 Brother Arganbright said, "Well, come, go. You got one night, but we'll take you a tourist trip all around over the country." The way I seen Brother Fred and Brother Banks trying to go.

107I said, "I wouldn't go that way." See? It showed that there was something else.

108I've pressed right up to the mark now, but I don't know which way to go. But there's ammunition laying all around me. Did He call me back to the evangelism? Has He called me to foreign missionaries? Has He called me to be His prophet? Am I to pastor somewhere? Whatever I'm to do, I'll just keep throwing shell in and pulling the hammer on it. One of them will go off. But I'm just not going to stay and look, say, "Lord, You put the shell in the gun." I'm going to put the shell in the gun, do the pulling myself. Let Him do the firing. He is the One to take care of that. Let me just keep moving on.

109 Out, when I go on this meetings now, I'm just going out. I don't know. It, I--I may not say one thing about these Message like I preach here. I may not even have one night of discernment. I don't know. I'm just going, not knowing what I'm going to do. I couldn't tell you. I'm just going, and that's only.

110And that's the way you have to do. You've got something in mind. The people here wants a church. Build it. As quick as you can, get it up. Get your teachers and things.

You brethren out yonder, with your little churches, and you want to, you're doing a work, God will reward you for that. Go out there, preach, do everything you can. Let all of you get together, you bunch of men, and have meetings, and talk on deep things of the Scripture.

And, pray. Don't--don't just come here to gather, 'less you'd come for prayer meeting alone. Do your praying in secret. Stay out in the places. Go into your rooms. Hide out somewhere. And just kneel down, and just stay before God, and stay there.

Then if you find out, look like something is moving up, oh, you're just going, and you find out it gets a little bit off the Word, then be careful. No matter how good it looks, stop right there. A wrong spirit struck you. Cause, the Message of this day is to the Word. See? Don't. See?

111 If you say, "Oh, my, Brother Branham! I tell you so-and-so. Why, So-and-so stood the other night, this other thing taken place like this."

Watch it. Watch it close. Don't renounce nothing. Just wait and see how it acts, and then bring it up to the Word and see how it compares with the Word. Then, if it compares with the Word, and everything is fine, thank God, and just keep moving on then, see, just long as it stays in the Word. That's my opinion, what I think you should do.

112 Brother Neville, Brother Ruddell, Brother Crase, and Brother Beeler, and all you brethren here, Junie, wherever you are, and the rest of you brethren, God richly bless you.

I see Terry, Lynn, Charlie Cox, David, a lot of you young men here. God anoint you. My! How I would like to pick up a handful of you, to be evangelism, and set you somewhere, see, knowing that you've come up. You can stand and know the Message, and study, to prove yourself, you feel a call in your life. I see two or three young men, and four or five, sitting, on another row back here, and--and like that. You're a young man. I'm getting old. Brother Neville is getting old. We're middle-aged men. If time rolls on, we're going to walk off the scene, after while. You've got to fill our shoes. See? And so you see. And then, maybe, in that day, even will be growed greater, if there is a tomorrow.

113 But while there is a today, let's work while it's day. Tomorrow may never come. If it does, let's be ready for it. See what I mean? Now, that's what I would think, to you.

114Would it be wonderful to see a brother up there from Utica, Brother Crase, all you other brethren here, come together, meet, come into a place. You ministers set together and discuss things. You've got to have fellowship somewhere. You've got to have something, to come together, kind of get together about. You all come together as a group of men and believe one with the other, and like that, and discuss these problems, and set out, maybe, once a month, just ministers alone. Let you meet somewhere in one of your churches. Sit there and discuss it, and talk it, each one of you pastors, and evangelists, and whatever you are.

And then if some great problem comes up, you can't settle, then, if I'm called on the field of evangelism. I don't know that I will be. If I will be, you know I'll be coming back, constantly, all the time. And then if you get those things, then, when I come back here, well, we'll meet together and just set down there. One of you has a calling in your life... We won't have like private interviews and things we been having. We'll just come right together, and stay there till we have THUS SAITH THE LORD.

115 And if you can get the preachers straight, and him going right, look what he's going to do. He's going to influence a... It would take care of a hundreds of these things. That's it. We're just beating at, you see. You've got to get it a system, God's system.

116Like Jethro said to Moses, "Why, you can't beat out all of them." Or, and God put elders out there, seventy of them. And took the Spirit was on Moses, and put them upon those seventy elders. And they prophesied. And it didn't weaken Moses a bit. It strengthened him. He had just as much prophecy in him as he did before they took the Spirit off of him, to prophesy. See? He just separated, said, "Now, Moses, let them judge the smaller things. And, but, when it comes to the major things, you come in with them and help them like that."

117Now, that's the way. That was God's way back there. That was God's way in the--in the early Church Age. And I believe it's God's way now, right, for us to do it. So, let's do it. Just quit talking about it, and do it. That's all. We can do it by the grace of God. Don't you believe it? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.]

Now, now, let's see. Oh, I done took my time up.

118 But Billy wrote a note here. Just a minute, I'll see what it is. "I'm from New Albany. Daughter Grace, Memorial Hospital, broke her arm. Wants prayer for her. T-r-o-u-b, W. C. Troub." Troub, something like that.

Let's have prayer for this young lady.

119Our Heavenly Father, as we're speaking now, and I'm thinking that maybe when Irenaeus looked out upon his little group of men, it perhaps was a lot smaller group than is here tonight. And they didn't have a seat to sit in. They set on old cold slabs of rock. And they sit there, and he talked to them. Those men went out even when, to go, they know that they could be fed to lions, their heads chopped off. But the Faith of our fathers are living still, in spite of dungeon, flame and sword.

120I thank You for these men, Lord. I pray that You'll bless them. Now bless each of them, in Thy Name, that You will keep them in the Faith that was once delivered to the saints, that never will they vary from that. And out of this group may You send pastors, teachers, evangelists. O God, grant it. And may they hold the fort, everywhere, wherever they are. May they continually work until Jesus comes.

121 And now, Father, I pray for each of these requests that's come in here tonight, and ask that You'll remember this little lady down here, that's just broke her arm. May the power of Almighty God heal her and make her well. Grant it, Lord. I pray that You'll help her and bless her. Bless her loved ones for calling. And may the power that raised up Jesus out of the grave raise up this girl. May her arm get well.

122All these requests that was made mention tonight! That poor boy laying there, that's got this, I heard the brother announce it, that the--the Hodgkin's disease has eat through him until his face is burnt up, with radium and things they're giving him. God, be merciful to that boy. Let him live.

We think of that man that didn't prepare to meet You, and has gone on now; his wife with a crushed head. The adopted child! All these others!

Sister Bruce, packing that water. She is getting old, Father. And there she burnt her arms, and up and down her body. We pray for her. She is probably hospitalized. And we pray that you'll deliver her and bring her out. Grant it, Father. We ask these blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

123 Now I want to ask you something, and ask you if--if you believe that we have time just for a little bit of the Word. Do you have it? [The brethren say, "Yes."--Ed.] Just for... Now it's, I know, it's a little late, but I had a little something here that I thought out today, that I would like to--to speak on, just for a minute, and it might help you.

And I thought, first, that I would announce this. Now, it's on this tape. And if anybody would ever want to refer to it, Jim will have it, see, to what I think ought to be done, and now what should be done to the... for you brethren.

124Now, do you know, when those early men went out, sometimes there were only about six or eight of them, together? And they shook the country. Well, you know, when Aquila and Priscilla, that great revival that Apollos was having over there, there was only about six or eight men and women in that bunch. That whole church, meant six or eight. You got five or six, seven times as many here tonight as they had then.

125You know, Jesus only had twelve apostles. We always thinking for something big. But God don't deal in them big numbers. It's in these little groups is where He gets it. See? Look all down through the age, at any time He ever met with men. It was in small groups, see, and spoke with them, and ordained them. It's God's good pleasure to do that. That's the way He likes to do it. And now we just want to keep God in our midst, and go, doing these things.

126 Now, Sunday morning, Lord willing, I want to speak to you on Evening-Time Evangelism. And then I'll, if the Lord permits, I'll probably be leaving until late this fall, and 'fore I get back again. I'll probably get back sometime in, around in September.

And now I'm hoping, by then, that everything will move wonderfully for you brethren, and your meetings will grow in numbers, and the grace of God be upon you all, until we meet. And I'm trusting that you'll pray for me, and the success.

Remember your prayers for me. That means you're my colleague. You're--you're my buddy, my helper. And, together, we are helpers in the Lord. And now, when I'm standing out there before the enemy, I--I want to remember that faithful, true soldiers that gets prayer answered for the sick and the afflicted, and those men are praying for me. I'm the one who needs it out there. I really need it. So, you all pray for me when you gather. Don't forget me, in any meeting. Pray for me.

127 Now, in Saint John, the 9th chapter, I want to read from the 26th verse unto the 35th, now, just for a few minutes. And then we'll--we'll close in the next twenty or thirty minutes, or maybe before that time, the Lord willing. I want to read these Scriptures now from Saint John, 26 to... Saint John 9:26-35, I've got wrote down here, just something I was thinking of.

Then said they unto him again, What did he do to thee? how opened he thine eyes?

And he answered them, I have told you already, and you did not hear: wherefore would you hear... again? will you also be his disciples?

Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciples; but we are Moses' disciples.

We know that God spake unto Moses: but for this fellow, we know not from whence he is.

The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvelous thing, that you know not from whence he is, and yet he has opened mine eyes.

Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.

Since the world began has it not heard that any man has opened the eyes of one that was born blind.

If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.

Then answered... They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sin, and does thou teach us? And they cast him out.

And Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?

128 Now I'd like to speak just for a few minutes to you brethren, knowing that, my little talk here, I don't know what will become of it. Trusting that God will use it in some way. And now in this, upon His Word, so I know that Brother Sink, Brother Neville or one of you ministers, usually preach. And just being here with you, you'll pardon me, I'd just like to speak to you a little bit on this manner.

129Now I want to take a subject here of: Taking Sides With Jesus. The Pharisees and leaders of His day always tried to belittle Him before the people. That was just a way that the Devil had of working. All the Pharisees and the teachers of His day constantly tried to belittle Jesus. They, all the throw-off that they could give to Him, they done it. They watched Him, constantly, to find where they could find a fault. And they never spoke of His good things. They were always finding something that they could belittle Him about, and say, "You see, looky here. If He was man of God, He wouldn't do it this a way." Or, "If He was a man of God, He wouldn't do it that way." They were trying to cast a shadow upon Him, to get the people to disbelieve Him. That's the work of the Devil.

130 And that old scheme has never ceased. There's many times that a minister will make a mistake. And if he comes into a neighborhood, a precious brother who is trying to do what's right, and to lead the people right; everything that the Devil can point to the unbeliever or the so-called Christian, in that neighborhood, to throw off on that man, he'll do it.

You know, the real Christian way is to hide everything you can from a brother. Don't tell his bad things. Just tell his good things. Just tell what you know about him is good. If anything is bad, let it alone. Poor fellow has got enough against him, anyhow. Don't try to take a pole and shove a man further into the ditch. The Christian attitude is pick him up and take him out of the ditch. See? Don't never try to shove him down. He is down, already. Try to help him up. And, but, too many of us today, too many people today, I might say, try to do that, if they could just get something another that they could say, that was real bad.

131 Now, for instance, if--if one of you brethren would make a mistake and do something is wrong; which, you're subject to do it; I am, too; every one of us. But, as we go along, let's remember we are brothers. We are brothers. And if we got any fighting, let's fight with one another. Bring it together. Bring it before our brethren and settle it.

132Now, they used to, in the Branham family, if one of the little ones done something, they was going to tell Bill about it, 'cause I was the biggest. And I had to stand there and see which was right and wrong. Well, my decision was that, if they... which one was right and wrong. If they still didn't believe it, then they got around behind my back and fought it out. But they were still brothers, you see. They'd fight in the back yard, with one another; and fight in the front yard, for one another. So that's the way it was, see, and were still brothers.

133Well, that, that's the way we--we got to do this. See? If you got something against somebody, your brother, don't tell somebody else about it. If it's wrong, go to him and tell him. And then if he's going to argue with you, then take somebody else with you. Then bring it up the way the Bible said.

134 But, Jesus, they--they just tried to find every little shadow that they could find, to try to belittle Him in the sight of the people.

And that's what the Devil wants. They want to. They want to hurt your influence before the people. That's the way. You want to watch careful what you do. Walk like real men of God. Talk like men of God. See? Act like men of God. Live like men of God. Because, "The Devil, your adversary, is going about like a roaring lion, trying to devour what he can."

135Why did they do this? They were jealous of Him. That was what's the reason they tried to belittle Him. They were jealous of His ministry. And that's the reason they were trying to belittle. Well, He had the ministry of God, and they knew that, but It was contrary to their creed. So they were trying to belittle Him, make everything He... every little flaw that they could find, get Him out of the way. They wanted Him to quit. They wanted the people to denounce Him.

They wanted to say, "Now, this Guy is nothing. Looky here. Now, there He is. He--He--He did this, and you know that's not right. We been taught, all of our life, that we should believe the elders. And here He is, stood right there and bawled that elder out. He disagreed with the tradition of the fathers. And we been... We ought to believe the tradition of our fathers. We been taught that, by each rabbi, all the years through. And here this Man comes around and disagrees with them. See? Why, the Man like that ain't fit to be a preacher." See? They were trying to belittle Him.

136But, in all of that, the ones that believed Him and loved Him, and had seen His Scriptural, miracle signs, would not be hindered by them. No, sir. Them who believed Him believed Him. Those who loved Him stood by Him. They would not see what others pointed out to them.

137 Oh, if we could be that! If we could just not see. If somebody would come around here, say, "You know what? They say you're a pentecostal."

"Not by denomination."

"Well, you was the... You, you're them kind that baptizes in Jesus' Name."

"Yeah. That's right."

138"Well, let me tell you something. I know a man, one time, was baptized like that, and he did so-and-so."

139But looky, that has nothing to do with It. It's a devil, trying to throw a shadow on you. They're always trying to point you to some old ship that got wrecked upon the seashore, but they're not pointing you to that one that made the voyage safely. That's right. See? That's right.

140 They're always trying to throw a crow bait out there, and say, "This is the example. Here is what did it. I know of a certain preacher that was a holiness preacher, and he did this, that, or the other." But they don't point out others that wasn't holiness, did that also, you see. And they don't point the great things that God did.

141Like somebody say, "Oh, here this man went too far. He, he went too far." He might have done that. "He wrecked hisself up. He went too far. He become a fanatic." He might have done that. But while they're pointing to how many that went, one that went too far, how about these millions that never went far enough? They fail to see that. See what I mean? [The brethren say, "Yes."--Ed.]

142 So, the people tried, them Pharisees, and Sadducees, and hypocrites, and Herodians, and all tried to cast a shadow on Jesus. But them true believers that was predestinated to hear that Message, heard It and seen no fault in It at all.

143Same now. Those who believe Him, love Him. Those who believe Him, see no fault in Him. They don't see any heresy. They don't see anything wrong. They don't see anything wrong with His Word. They don't see anything wrong with His people. They just see Jesus. That's all. They, they're--they're predestinated to Eternal Life, so they just take sides with Jesus and stay there.

144We used to sing a little song, Brother Roy Roberson. And we used to sing a little song here, I guess, time you come here.

I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few.

I started in with Jesus, and I'm going through.

I'd rather walk with Jesus alone,

And have for my pillow, like Jacob, a stone.

145 Well, you've heard the little song. That's right. I'd rather take the way of the discord, take the way of the despised, take the way of the talked-about, and walk with Jesus. See no fault in It, at all. Don't see another fellow's error. Just keep on going. That's all.

Now, that's the way they did to Jesus. They didn't--they didn't...

And you must teach your people, you pastors, to do the same.

146If somebody comes along, says, "You know, your church, they was so-and-so. They..." Yes, sir.

147There may be a dozen of them setting there then, but how about that one that's--that's--that's all right, that's setting there? See? You're--you're--you're... You just can't see the woods, for the trees. That's all. Now, that's it, right back again. See now?

148 And so they tried. They was not willing to admit that He was doing the work of God, so they were trying to sow discord and get the people not to believe. But them people who believed Him, stayed right with Him. They took side.

149You know, I thought here, a couple of people I got wrote down here. The blind man would not be changed by them, that man He just give his sight. We know the story. And He gave them a very stinging question, besides. Now, they come up there.

And Jesus walked by, and He was a Man that was despised and hated. The Bible said He would be rejected. "There be no beauty of Him, we should desire Him. And all we like sheep have gone astray. He was a Man of sorrow, acquainted with grief." And how all the Bible said what He would be. "He would be despised and rejected." And we see that Man.

150 Now, those who believed the Word, they knowed that the very things that Jesus was doing, and the things was of His life, they knew Who He was. So they couldn't put nothing blight on Him, because they couldn't see it. And you know, love is blind, anyhow, to them things. "Love covers up a multitude of sin," you know. "Perfect love casts out fear, and sin, all discord." Love does.

151Now, this blind man was sitting there, and Jesus and His disciples come by. And I think Jesus gave them a little lesson here. When they seen this poor, blind man, they thought, "Well, now surely, there's a sin behind that, somewhere."

When we see something happen to a man, we always say, "Well, he sinned. He got out of the will of the Lord, somewhere." When Brother Crase hit the post, "He got out of the will of the Lord, somewhere," in somebody's idea. When the gun blowed up, on me, "Well, he was out of the will of the Lord." Brother Neville hit the car, "He was out of the will of the Lord." That's not exactly right. No, sir. It isn't. God permits those things.

Jesus turned around and taught them a lesson.

152 They said, "His father must have sinned. Or--or, did his mother sin? Or, did he sin?"

Jesus said, "Neither of them sinned, but that the works of God might be made manifest." Amen. See? God lets things happen just to... for the works of God to be made manifest. Now, and so He said, told the man, and give him his sight, and He went His way.

153And here come the Pharisees up, when that was rumored around. "Here was the man that was blind, setting down there begging, and here he could see." And that was rumor around among them. And, oh, my, that stirred up something. And here they come up there, and they seen that the blind man could see.

And first, they went, wanted to find some way to put a fear upon all the people. Cause, they had already said, "If anybody goes after this new Doctrine and this new Prophet called Jesus of Nazareth, immediately they'll be handed their paper and fellowship from the church. They cannot go to the synagogue no longer. If you associate with Him, attend any of His meetings or anything, you can't go no more."

154 So, they wanted to make a big display out of it, because they hated Him. They wasn't thinking of that poor blind man. But they wanted to make a big display, to make the people keep away from Him.

155They said they want to ask his father and mother, so they went and got the father and mother. They said, "Is this your son?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

"He, was he born blind?"

"Yes, sir."

"And what means does he see?"

156"And the father and mother was afraid," the Bible said, "'cause they know they be put out of the synagogue, if they admitted that it was."

And, see, there they was, taking down. They said, "Now, we know this is our son."

157 Oh, probably a few thousand people standing there. But if he could... If them stinking Pharisees could only put a blight on His Name right there, or done something to scare the people, they'd have run Him out of there, for that meeting. See? All of His influence would been lost.

158So they said, a bunch of them come up there with their priestly garments on, and they said, "Speak for him."

159They said, "We know this is our son. We know he was born blind. But now, how he sees, I don't know. You ask him. He's of age." See? All right.

160So they went over and got him, said, "Who give you your sight? How did He heal you?"

He said, "One called Jesus of Nazareth give me my sight."

161And they said, "Give praise to God." Said, "Why, we know this Man is a sinner." Said, and said, "Whence is He?"

162He said, "I don't know. He just come by and healed me, and that's all I know about it. I know one thing I do know. I couldn't tell you about Him being a sinner, or not. I don't know. I just met the Man, today. But if--if He could me my--my sight! I know this one thing, that, where I was once blind, I can now see. I'm sure of that. For, I was blind, a half hour ago, and now I got just as good of sight as any you fellows. So, I know I can see."

163Oh, what a stinger that put on them! So they thought, "Why..."

164 He said, "Well," said, "you all want to be His disciples, too?" That's good. That's good, solid testimony. That, that, that's good. That's good backgrounds. That, that, that's really good witnessing, what I'd say. Said, "Do you all..."

165Here is a lay member, a blind man, standing on the street after meeting Jesus, now asking the disciple, asking the Pharisees if they want to be His disciples. "The bishops, head men, you want to be His disciples, also?"

166They said, "Nay! You're His disciple. We are Moses' disciple." Looking way back down through history, you know. "We are Moses' disciple. This Man, we don't know nothing about Him. We don't know where He come from. Well, we haven't got a rule of any of our schools He ever come up. He never come and asked us about these things. See? We don't know nothing about It. You people out there, you realize that Man is not ordained? That Man is a soothsayer or something. He is Beelzebub. You're being bewitched. Why, He doesn't have any authority. We haven't give it to Him yet. See? We don't even know whence this Man comes from."

167 This old boy standing there could see, said, "Now, this is a marvelous thing." See? He's about to get the people beat down, these Pharisees was, making them afraid. See? But he had done took sides with Jesus, see, so he said, "This is a marvelous thing."

Let me break it down, some of the words he might have said. "Now, you fellows around here has been running all the religious end of this for hundreds of years. And you speak of a coming Messiah and something that's going to take place just in the shadows of time, when the Deliverer is coming to see us. And you tell us that when He comes, that--that what all He is going to do. And here you, the spiritual leaders, the high priests and priests of this community, standing here together before these people, trying to blacken His Name, trying to say something evil against Him. And the Man come and opened my blinded eyes. I was born blind. Here is my father and mother, giving witness that I was born blind. Been setting right here among you, for all these years, born blind. And that has never happened since the world began. And, here a Man can come and perform a miracle that hasn't been done since the world began, and, you, the spiritual leaders, and don't know nothing about it." Whew! Hum! Said, "I say this is a marvelous thing."

168 He took sides with Jesus. See? He was permitted to be blind so the works of God could be manifested, see, 'cause he come on the side of the Lord Jesus. He took sides with Him.

169Now, he put a stinger to them. You know what they did? They said, "Now we know you were born in sin. Try to teach us?" They shoved him out of the church. Knocked him out. Pushed him out. Throwed him out.

But as soon as he was throwed out, did you notice? Jesus found him again. Amen. Amen. Jesus found him again. So don't worry if they throw you out. He will find you again. See? All right.

And He said to him, "Does thou believe on the Son of God?"

170He said, "Lord, Who is He?" He didn't even know. But the only thing that he knowed, that, where he was blind, he could then see.

171 Now, I know this one thing, brother. They might call This fanaticism, and whatever they want to. But, wherein I was once a sinner, I--I've come into grace now. Something has happened to me. See? This one thing I--I now know, by trusting His Word, by believing Him. I been kicked out of every organization under the face of Heaven. There is none of them that will receive me anymore. You know that. Some of their men will, out here. Good men will accept. But every organization is thumbs down on me. That's right. But He has found me. He will find me somewhere. That's right. See? That's right. Come along like that.

172And so it'll be all right, because we want to take sides with Jesus. And the only way you take sides with Jesus is taking sides on what He said, believing His Word. So let's take sides with Him.

173 The blind man gave them a real testimony. All right. We find again that they tried to blight His Name.

Just for a little bit, and I've got to skip over some things here.

So, one time, there was a Pharisee. I preached on it here some time ago, and called it, "Washing Jesus' feet." I believe you all heard me preach on that here, when a Pharisee asked Jesus to come down to his house. A big, old, stiff-starched Pharisee, and asked Him to come. And you know I gave it a little drama, how the courier come and found Him. And--and He come on down, yet He knowed He was hated. Yet, He went, anyhow. And when they got Him in there, they never washed His feet. And let Him sit down there, stinking, and everything else, from the toil of the road. And there He sit there.

174And a little woman come in. They thought, "Oh, my, the Lord is good to us, because, look, this just brings our big party!" They brought Him there just to make fun out of Him. They brought Him there just to have some fun from Him. And now they thought the Lord was working right with them, because that this ill-famed, prostitute woman come over, and was crying, and washing His feet with her tears, and wiping them with this hair.

And old Pharisee and all the rest of the priests stand over in the corner, said, "Brother, everything, the Lord set it up just exactly for us. Here we can put a smear on His name right now. He calls Himself a Prophet, and the people thinks that He's a Prophet. And they call Him the Galilean Prophet. And He even claims to be the Messiah, and we know Messiah will be a Prophet. And here He is, sitting back there. You see where we brought Him? Look at there. Boy, we got Him fixed right now. There He is, sitting back there, stooped down like a whipped-out puppy or something back there. And some prostitute, of His own class, would come around and wash His feet like that, and now He don't even know. If He was a Prophet, He would know what kind of a woman that was. Now, boys, we'll drink on this one," said, "because, look there." See?

175 Anything to blight His Name, anything to ruin the confidence of the people, not knowing that they were possessed of the Devil to do that. They were working in harmony with the Devil, trying to blacken the Name of the Son of God.

176How did they do this, brethren? Because they never searched the Scriptures. Jesus said, "Search ye the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me." Oh, what a ministry He had! See? Yes, sir. "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me." See?

177But here this Pharisee said, "We got Him now. Oh, looky here, there's probably fifteen hundred people here at this feast. Now look at Him setting over there. There He sits with a prostitute."

178 And, oh, my, what a horrible thing that was in that day. Whew! Hum! And there He was with an ill-famed woman, slipped in like (looked like) He slipped in. He got by the foot-wash flunky and everything else, and set there.

179And said, "Here she is, over there washing His feet. Now, if He was a Prophet? You see, brethren, that Man is no Prophet. If He was a Prophet, then He would know what manner of woman that was, washing His feet."

180And Jesus just sit and watched her, never moved a foot till she got done. If you're going to do something for Jesus, Jesus set and watch you do it, sometime. Uh-huh. He lets you go ahead till you get finished, then the reward comes. Maybe you run the whole race of life, working for Him, but, don't worry, there's a reward at the end, if you just take your way with His side.

181 You might not--not see one person healed, that you pray for. Just keep on praying for them. I've often said, "If I prayed for five hundred a night; all five hundred dead in the morning; tomorrow night I'll be preaching Divine healing and praying for the sick." See? Don't have one thing to do with it. See?

182He'll let you come right down through defeats and everything else, till you come right down to the end of the road and finish your work, like He led that woman. She wanted to do Him a service, so He just held His feet out there and let--let her wash them. Oh, if He'd have said, "Don't do that," she'd have jumped and run. But He let her do the service.

183 And after she got through, finished the service that she was going to do, then He looked up to that hypocrite standing back there, was trying to cast the blackness on His Name. Said, "Simon, I've got something to say to you; not to her, but to you. You, standing back there, in your heart, that's the reason you brought Me down here. You have no fellowship with Me. Didn't I know it? But you brought Me down here. And you set Me back here, to make fun of Me. Let... You never give Me no water, to wash My feet. You never give Me nothing to soothe Me. Me setting here, burning and hurting, you never give Me no oil for My face. You was ashamed to kiss Me welcome, or shake My hand. See? You was ashamed, before your company. You was ashamed to do it. This woman, since she has come in, she has did nothing but rub My feet and bathe them with the very tears of her eyes, wiped them with the towel of her own hair. Then, I'll just show you whether I'm a Prophet, or not." Amen. I like that.

184"Now I want to speak to you, just a minute. Your sins, which are many, are all forgiven you." Hum!

185Did they blight His Name? They thought they had It. They thought they had stopped It. They thought they'd fixed Him so His revival could never be in that community. They thought they had ruined His influence. But it just taken one person that loved Him, to turn the whole situation.

186 How do you know that you're not that person, for your community or somebody that you'll meet? Take sides with Him. Do Him a service. Do something for Him. Know what I mean, brethren? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Take your side with Jesus. Take Him, make Him your choice. Do service for Him regardless of whether anybody else, or you're ever repaid, or anything. Don't make any difference. Wait till the work is over.

187How would you like for Him to say... Even though you had prayed for sick, and they didn't get well. Though you prayed to get to speak with tongues, and you didn't do it. You prayed to prophesy; you didn't do it. But, yet, the only thing you can do is tell the story of Jesus, in your church, or in your community, at your work. You couldn't even do one thing; didn't lead one person. That woman didn't lead one to Christ, but she done a service for Him. And what difference does it make, at the end of the road, if He will say, "And I say unto you, all your sins, though there not one prayer was answered for you. But, you come on the basis of My Word. You come because you believed Me, and you did Me a service. And I say that the many sins that you have done is all forgiven you"? That would be good enough for me. Amen. Yes, sir. All right.

188 They want to say, "The days of miracles are passed," and--and so forth. Let them go ahead and say it. But let us do the service for the Lord.

They hated Him because they were jealous of Him. That's the only reason. They were jealous.

They were trying to destroy His influence before the people, the same as they're doing now. They, if they can just in-... destroy the influence of the Message before the people, then they've got the thing whipped. That's right. Because, why did they try to do it? Because He was against all their creeds and all their church doctrines, and everything that they believed in, and called all their--all their faiths and so forth. He was against it all. And they hated Him because He didn't barge in with them.

189 Now, if He'd have come in, said, "Oh, Caiaphas, marvelous man of My Father. I am Messiah. Come here, Caiaphas. Do you see that water there? You remember, down in--in Egypt, Moses, the great prophet turned it into--into blood. You remember that, Caiaphas?"

190"Oh, young Fellow, I'm very well acquainted with that story."

191"All right, Caiaphas, I'm going to turn the water now, from water to blood, to show you that I am that Prophet that Moses spoke of. There it is, Caiaphas. What do you think about it?"

192"What do You think about Caiaphas being a Pharisee? What do You think about the Pharisees?"

193"Oh, I think they're the marvelous race of people. Oh, you all keep the traditions of the fathers just exactly right."

"You know, You could be the Messiah."

194No. He wouldn't have been. That would been a very mark that He wasn't. When you see somebody come, say, "Come here and I'll show you what I'll do. And come here, I'll do this and do that." You remember, right now, there is something shady about it, to start with.

Jesus said, "I do nothing till the Father shows Me, first." See? Yes.

195 He was against them. He taught against them. He condemned their Sabbath-keeping. He condemned the way they dressed. He condemned all the ways of their life, all their traditions, all their pot-washing, and kettle-washing, and hand-washing, and everything else. He condemned it, every bit. Their dressings, He said, "You wear broidered garments, and desire the high seats, and--and make long prayers, and devour widows' homes." Said, "You'll receive more damnation."

"Well, remember, I'm Dr. So!"

196"I don't care who you are." Oh, man, He really put it on. They didn't... Why? Because they didn't believe Him. He was the Word. See? He was trying to break up that legalist bunch.

And if He was here on earth today, He'd try to do the same thing.

197 Some people say, "Well, now, wait a minute. We keep the Sabbath, ever. We do this. And, you know, we keep all this, and we keep that. And every... Why, every Good Friday, why, when fast time comes on, forty days before Easter, we always observe Lent. I give up smoking, for forty days. I give up drinking, for forty days, before, during time of Lent." Oh, tradition of the fathers, legalists. If you loved God, you--you don't smoke, in the first place. You loved God, you... I--I wrote in the back of my little Bible, first one I ever had. I said:

Don't ask me foolish questions.

Make this up in your mind,

If you love the Lord with all your heart,

You don't smoke, drink, or--or... Don't smoke, chew, or drink any shine.

198And that still stands good today. I don't do it because I think He condemns me for doing it. I would quit it because it's a dirty thing, and isn't becoming to a minister. That's right. I wouldn't say...

199 Many times I'd go to houses and there are women standing out there. And I go to the house, knock on the door, and a sister would come to the door, "Come in, Brother Branham." If her husband is not there, 'less it's a case of sickness and somebody with me, I don't go. And then they call me to a hospital, or to a room, say, "Brother Branham, come over here. I'm Sister So-and-so from So-and-so. I'm--I'm here at the hotel. I--I--I brought my mother along. She is sick." I take my wife. If I don't, I take some other brother. See? I--I don't. I don't think...

200I think it would be all right for me to go in there, but what if somebody seen me go in there? See? What if somebody seen me do it? See? Then, the first thing you know, they would say, "He went in there where that woman was. He is chasing after women." That, see, that would be a thing I shouldn't do. See? You should never do anything like that, 'cause you put a stumbling in somebody else's way. See? I don't believe that I would do anything wrong in there. Would, I would, and trust God to go in there. No matter what the thing was, I would trust God. But, yet, see, and--and--and I love the Lord well enough till I wouldn't do it. See? It's a love you have. You, you'll not do it because it's a duty to do it. You do it because you love the Lord. You don't have do it, but you do it, anyhow.

201 Paul said, "To me all things are lawful, but not all are expedient." See? Paul could do lots of things that maybe that he knowed the Lord understood him, and trusted him, but it wasn't expedient for him to do it.

So that's the way these legalists, trying to say, "Forty days before Easter, we always start in a fast." And they eat just as much as they ever do. Maybe they say, "Well, I don't like beans, so I'll give up beans, for Lent." I've heard them say that. "I don't like pork, so I'll just give up pork, you know. I'm going to quit drinking, for Lent."

202One woman told me, said, "You know what I give up, for Lent, this year, Brother Branham?"

I said, "No. What?"

203Said, "Candy." Said, "I--I never did care too much for it, anyhow." See?

204There you are. Now, they call that fasting. See? Legalism. They say, "Well, I got to. You know, I--I--I stagger to church a long time. Cause, I tell you, I kept Sunday school for a full year, because my teacher said if they'd give a Bible to the one that didn't miss a day."

205 Now, brother, that's some way of going. I'd rather just go buy me a Bible. See? If you don't go to church because you love the Lord, you might as well stay away. That's all. See? Because, you go there for you love God. I think of this song we sing.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

Fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

206See? That's it. "When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain." I've seen the time, brother. Let me not condemn us, but let me just wake us up to something. I seen the time in this church, that when people had to wait until Wednesday night to meet one another, they would cry over it. And that's right. I seen ministers come in here and would say, "How do you do it?" Well, them people, just one heart. See?

207They meet at the door and say... Them sisters meet one another back there, and hug each other, and saying, "Sister, be sure to pray for me now. Honey, I'll see you again Wednesday night. You'll pray, won't you? You pray for me. I'll be praying for you." And making like that, and tears in their eyes.

208See the brothers shake one another's hands, and just could hardly get away from each other like that. That's real Christian fellowship, see, see, just waiting, praying for each other. Yes, sir. That's the way we should be. All right.

209 Now, these men that made these statements, they wasn't bad men. They didn't mean to be evil. They thought they were doing a service for God. Them Pharisees and things, they wasn't bootleggers and drunkards. They were religious men. They wasn't bad. They just--they just did not accept the Word of the Truth. They did not accept the Spirit. Why? They held to their creeds and their--their leaders' traditions. See? It showed that they loved their leaders.

210Here is big Caiaphas, the high priest. There is the rest of those big priests, and those men go along.

Now, you take, like Catholic. They... Not throwing off to them. Same thing in Protestants. You take a Catholic, he loves his priest. And--and I'll tell him about the Word of the Lord, and--and he sees the works of God. He say, "But my--my church don't believe That." And you go to talking, and pinch him. I say...

A woman said to me, other day, said, "It's a sin for me to listen to you." See? She didn't want to be bad. She just thought so much of her church and her priest, till, if she listened anything else. She was loyal to that priest.

211 Jehovah Witness is loyal to what they believe. The Baptist is loyal to what they believe. The Presbyterian is loyal to what they believe. And they're just as loyal to their pastors. Can't we be that loyal to the Word? See? Now if those...

212I want to ask you something. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, how you know they're not?"

Now, if those Pharisees and Sadducees, and leaders of that day, would have got away from their creeds and their dogmas, and listened to what the Word said and what Jesus was tell them, just exactly what Messiah was supposed to do, they would have held on to Him. See? But they thought so much of their leaders!

They wasn't bad men. They wouldn't steal, lie, cuss, anything like that. They wouldn't do that. They wouldn't commit adultery. Why, certainly not. Why, they would witness the stoning of one that had did such a thing. And they wouldn't. They wouldn't do that. They were good men.

But the only thing it was, they wasn't spiritual men. Morally, they were fine, but that isn't what counts. And what did Jesus tell them, even them loyal people? He said, "You are of your father, the Devil." See? It's the Word that counts.

Now I'll hurry just as quick as possible.

213 Now, they wasn't Spirit-filled, but they were loyal and held to the modern creed of their leaders. See? All right. His ministry was showing up their doctrine. That's what the matter. Now look. I'll just take it. Now just...

Brethren, I--I, I'm--I'm going to ask you, forgive me, right now, for being this long. I'm... Maybe you won't want me come back for another one. But, look. Listen to this. See? I want you to be sure to get this.

214Now, they had their creeds, and there were great churches and great people, and great men, holy men, good men, gentle men, fine men, honorable men, men of honor, educated, smart, religious. Is that right? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] And we all know that. Just as good as you could find anywhere. See? But when Jesus come on, His ministry showed up their doctrine, 'cause God was proving by the ministry of Jesus Christ that He was with Him.

215Didn't Peter quote the same thing? He said, "You men of Israel, let this be known unto you, and hearken to my words." He said, "Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you." See? See? If they...

216 Like this blind man said, "Isn't this a marvelous thing? You're the spiritual leaders of the nation, and here comes a Man in and opens my eyes by the power of God, and yet you don't know nothing about Him." He said, "This is a marvelous thing." He had something. Didn't he? He sure did. All right. He did. A Man that could do this, and yet they didn't know whence He was. Now that was a marvelous thing.

217Now look at today, brethren. See? We have a... We know we have a move of God. We know It's performing miracles. It's healing the sick. It's even raising the dead. It's casting out devils. It speaks with tongues and interpret tongues. It sends forth prophecies; they happen. He showed us dreams, interpretations; perfect, strictly. Then isn't it a strange thing that great leaders would say we was a bunch of crazy people, when they're the leaders of the nation, the leaders of churches? That's a marvelous thing.

218 What is it? It's still jealousy. The Spirit and power and Word of God in these last days is showing up their dogmas and creeds, that's all there is to it, that they got men blinded by.

So, my young brethren, you all that's going out here in these churches, hold to God's Word. Don't you move. If you can't make it come to pass, don't stand in nobody else's way. Stand there, beating at the door of the gate, just pointing right to it. That's right. Stay right there. Don't start fanaticism, 'cause it'll show you up. But if you'll stay true and holy, and with that Word, God will vindicate you. That's right.

219His ministry was showing up their doctrines and dogmas. So they took every chance to get rid of Him, they could find. Everything that they could find, to get rid of Him, they did it. Trying to say, "Well, now, looky here. Looky here, So-and-so, this one."

220 There He is, sitting there, one day, in the house of Simon, the leper. Not one word said He healed him. He was a leper. Nothing says He healed him. That's right.

221He passed by the pool of Bethesda, and there laid about two thousand people, lame, blind, halt, withered. And He walked over to one man and healed him, and walked away. Say, "Well, now, if He was Messiah, He'd have healed all of them. If He was full of compassion as you all say He is, He'd have had mercy on all of them."

Everything that they could find, to throw a black mark on Him, they did it. Everything they could find, they throwed it on Him. All right. They took every chance they could, to rid, get rid of Him.

222 Questioned His birth. His birth was in question. They put that before the people. They couldn't understand how He was born a virgin birth, and Joseph, His father, was supposed to be a carpenter. And He was born before Joseph and Mary was married. They throwed that before the people. Yes, sir. See? What am I saying now? They're black marking Him. See?

223"Look at Him. Where did He come from? Look at His mother, no more than a street prostitute, had this baby. And after the baby was born... She already pregnant, the baby was to be born, then Joseph married her, to hide it, then come around with some kind. Why, it's a work of the Devil. Can't you see? It's that kind of a birth." They throwed that before the people, not reading in the Bible.

Isaiah 9:6, "A virgin shall conceive." See? What was it? They got away from the Word. That's it.

224 They throwed black figures at His authority. "Gentlemen, don't you know we're Moses' disciples? Don't you know we're servants of Christ? Don't you know we search the Scriptures daily, and we have not one thing?" They said, "The Messiah would come to His temple. Not one word of Him coming to a temple. Where is He at? What school did He come from? Ask any of the brethren, both Methodist, and Baptist, and Presbyterian, you know; Pharisees, Sadducees, and so forth. What fellowship card does He pack? Where is His authority even to preach? He hasn't been ordained. He hasn't even got right to preach."

225He said, "My ordination comes from God. My works vindicate what I am." That's right. "I don't have to have your papers."

226 See what I mean? They throwed that, His Doctrine. Why, they called Him Beelzebub. His Doctrine, they couldn't understand.

227"Why, He disagrees with all of the traditions of the fathers. He even disagrees with the Pharisees. He disagrees with the Sadducees. He disagrees with the whole group of them. Now, where does He get His Doctrine?" From the Bible, of course.

"Well," you say, "well, do I know that That's right?" God backed it up.

That's what the blind man said. "It's a strange thing, if you're so right and He's so wrong. Yet He can take the power of God and open my eyes, and you never have seen it done yet, even. That's a strange thing." Oh, my! I like to take sides with Him. Don't you? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. "You say you're Moses' disciples, and you're so right and He's so wrong, then let me see you do the things He is doing." Amen.

228That's where, His Doctrine, they denounced Him, all of His claims. They said, "He has no... His claims was wrong, of being a Messiah. How could He be a Messiah, not come to the church? How could He be a Messiah? And here we are, the cream of Israel."

But the cream had soured. See? Oh! Yes, sir. Had flies in it, so they--they had to skim that off.

229So he said, "Here we are, the church, the elect. We're... We've kept the tradition. We've kept Moses' laws. We've done all these things, and down like this. And here this Man comes along and denounces our claims. And besides that, our holy priests, our holy father, who did this and who did that, and all this other kind of stuff, and all of our great men, and He calls them 'of the Devil,' then calls Himself the Son of God." Oh, my! See?

230 They tried to throw them shadows on the Name of Jesus, and on Jesus, to get it before the people. Much more could be said there, but takes too much time. But what? But the Word and the works vindicated Him. Amen.

231Oh, to the true believers, the predestinated that were predestinated to see Him and know His ministry, there He was. No matter if He ever opened His mouth about anything, they knew He was. Hallelujah!

232 That little old prostitute walked out there at the well that day, get a bucket of water. And a middle-aged Man sitting over there, said, "Bring Me a drink."

233She said, "Why, it's not customary for you Jews to ask a woman of Samaria such."

He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to!"

234"Now," she thinks, "here's a smartaleck Jew." She turned around, said, "I see You're a Jew. And if You're a Jew, course, You're religious, and You say, to worship at Jerusalem. But our father, Jacob, drank from this well, and watered his cattle here. And the water is deep, and You ain't got nothing to draw with. And we worship in this mountain."

235He said, "Just stop a minute. Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't even have a husband."

236He said, "You've told the truth." Said, "You've got five. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."

237That little prostitute, predestinated, I can just see her set that pot down, and she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet." See? See?

238 That seed was laying there. The only thing that it needed was Water, and the Water had fell on it.

239When It fell upon those Pharisees, they said, "It's Beelzebub." Couldn't bring nothing. There was nothing there but weeds, to come from.

240But when that predestinated seed struck that Water of Life, she said, "Sir, You must be a Prophet. I know that when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things."

He said, "I am He, that speaks to you."

241She left that water pot, and into the city! She had something to tell. She said, "Come, see a Man Who has told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" See? She took sides with Jesus. That's right.

242Strange thing, wasn't it? All the Pharisees and Sadducees didn't know Him, and this prostitute knowed Him. See? Why? Those who believed Him, and loved Him, and seen His signs, they knowed that was the sign of the Messiah. There's no getting around it. They knowed it.

243 When old Nathanael walked up there. Maybe, before Philip, said, "Now, I don't know about this, Philip. I've seen a lot of things rise up in these last days. I know there's a lot of things going on." But he walked up there before Him. Said, "I'll go listen to Him, and see what got to say."

244Walked up there, and Jesus said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there's no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

245He said, "Before Philip called you, when you was under the tree, I saw you."

246What did? The Water struck that predestinated seed. Oh, my! When It did, he said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. You're the King of Israel."

247What was it? The seed was laying there, ready. God sowed It back yonder before the foundation of the world, that It should bring forth the Light right at that time. Hallelujah!

248That's my stand, right there, brother. That's where I believe, right there. I preach It, and It falls here and there, and they go this way and that way. Don't make any difference. Somewhere, It's going to strike a seed. And when It did, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] it'll fly up to Life, like that, just as sure as the world. Yes, sir.

249 Like, "That blind boy," said, "this was done that the works of God might be made manifest." See? See? He knowed what was going to take place. Sure, He did. All right.

250Now, the predestinated, when they seen His Scriptural signs, knowed that the Word vindicated the works, or the works vindicated the Word, that the Word was right. They were predestinated to see It, and they were right in line to see It, and they got It.

Then they said... After they seen they couldn't get nowhere.

251Because the people was predestinated to Eternal Life, they was going to find It. That's all. "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. And all that comes to Me, I'll give Eternal Life and raise him up at the last day. There'll not be one of them lost." Amen. I'm holding right to that.

"Not by works, not by deeds, not by power, not by might; by My Spirit, saith God." Not what I done, what I am, or what I will be; but what He is. And I am in Him. And whatever He is, I'm part of Him. Amen. I'm saved because I'm part of Him. And, He, He is God. And I'm part of Him, being His son. That's right. So ain't what I done, what I will do. It's what He has done. That's my trust, right there. All right.

252 So they seen they couldn't get nowhere. I'll skip a few of these Scriptures here. They seen they couldn't get anywhere, with Him.

So, you know, the next thing they had to do, to try to get Him off the field, they went and said to His brethren and His mother, "You know, He is awfully tired. You should take Him off to one side, for a while." That bunch of hypocrites! They just didn't... The thing, it was, they just didn't want to get, the thing they didn't want to do. They wanted to get rid of Him. It wasn't that they thought He was so tired. They'd like for Him to work Himself to death. But every time He went out, the miracles started pouring, the Word of God went forth.

I, wouldn't I like to hear Him stand up there that day, on the sea coast, when He called Simon Peter, and said, "Follow Me!" Would I liked to got on a chunk and set down there, left my nets, and left my fishing pole, Brother Crase, and set down there, lean back against a chunk and listen to Him preach when He got in that boat! Oh, my, my! Would I loved to have heard Him when He said that, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden. I'll give you rest." Amen. I'd like to heard Him say it.

253 They tried to get His mother and them to take Him off the field. They said, "Well, you know, He's--He's overworked. I believe you better get Him off that way." Any way, thing, to get rid of Him, that's all they wanted. Yes, sir.

254Again, the many that went with Him, just to find a place to trap Him. Did you know that? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] People followed right along with Him, just to find a place. They give Him, one day, a penny. And they said, "Rabbi..."

Before they give Him the penny, said, "Rabbi, we're Jews. We know You're a great Man of God." Oh, that hypocrite! See? Yeah. "We know You're a great Man of God. Yes, Sir, Rabbi." They was walking right along with Him. "Oh, good morning, Brother! Oh, we're so happy You're over here in our country! Oh, we're so glad to see You! We are really for You, teeth and toe nail, Brother. If You're going to have a revival, we even might cooperate with You." See? What they're trying to do is set a trap for Him. See?

255 They said, "Now, we know that Thou art a great Man of God. You don't fear favor of no man. You fear nothing but God. And we know that You are bold. Oh, You're fearless with Your Message! We know You're a great Prophet, 'cause no man could do like that and be fearless with His Message in a days like this, unless He was a Prophet of God, knows where He is standing. So, we know You don't respect person, no man. Rabbi, You're a great Man. We're Jews. We're right with You, Brother. We sure are."

256"Now, Rabbi, is it right to pay tribute to Caesar?" Oh, that bunch of hypocrites! Huh!

Wait. The Holy Spirit was with Him. He was the Holy Spirit. See? He said, "You got a penny?"

Say, "Oh, yes, yes. Yeah. I got a penny." Give it to Him.

Said, "Hand it to Me." Said, "Whose inscription is on that?"

Said, "Caesar."

Said, "Then give Caesar what's Caesar's; God's what is God's."

257 Setting a trap for Him, professing to be His friends. Seemed like no one could understand Him. They would travel with Him a little while, then get disgusted with Him, and leave. They would say, "Oh, well, we thought, we thought surely." Even the disciples said, "We thought surely this was He that was going to--to." Till, even John sent out, asked Him, "Are You He, or do we look for another?" See? Oh, what a life He must have lived, see, and knowing that! But He had one purpose, one purpose: do the work of God. Many went with Him, just to find a place to trap Him.

258Now, I hope it's not sacrilegious if I say it's the same today. Many come in and follow the meeting, just to find a place, see you pray for somebody.

259 Here, not long ago, a certain sister that goes to this church, was at another church where God was making everything happen. And this sister said to the other sister, said, "You know, that man that could pray for the sick," said, "must have a--a--a very victorious life." And said, "He must just be able, his family, everything, be healed at a spoken word, like that." [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.]

And the other lady happened to be from Jeffersonville. And I'm sure that nobody has to know, but what Jesus said, "Among your own people," you know, "your country." That's right. That's the reason I... It may be that right now, coming close, it may be a change of time, you see.

And he said--he said, "You know what?" Said, "Not one of his kids can have a sniffle, 'less he takes it to a doctor." A poor, degraded, deluded thing like that, see, see, a woman that just wanted to throw off. Said, "When his children get sick, he takes them to a doctor."

260 Anybody that's sensible will do the same thing. Yeah. People can't understand that medicine is sent of God. Why, brethren, if it's not, it's of the Devil. Sure, it is. God is where medicine won't reach. Certainly. Medicine is of God. "Well," you say, "I know a lot of doctors just..." Oh, yes, and I know a lot of preachers is the same way, too. It's not the man that's handling it, it's what it is. I know a many men is handling the Word of God, don't believe in Divine healing, don't even believe in God. Right. But they handle It, just the same. There's many of men out there with medicine, and surgery, and stuff, that denies God and everything else, but there's a many one that believes Him too. So if it helps people, it's of God. I don't have to... I don't have to take that car and ride home tonight. I can walk if I want to. But God made me a car, so I thank God for it. All these things come from God, but use them sensibly. Don't go insane with them. See?

261 The same thing, so, that, that's it, you see. Just trying to find something, to this young convert, to blight their name, the name of--of the works of God. See? They wanted to blight it. "Every time a child gets sick, one of his children, he takes them to a doctor."

Sure, I would. Then if the doctor can't... I'll ask God to help before I go there. Then if the doctor can do nothing about it, then I'll take him up a little higher. Uh-huh. That's right. Yes, sir.

Oh, just the same today, they're trying to find a trap somewhere.

262 He knew them, but notice, He never rebuked them. He went right with them. Uh-huh. He does the same thing now. He goes right along with them, shows them His mercy, that's right, though they do altogether against Him. Why? Because He loves them. And He went with them.

But they're always ready to call on Him in a case of emergency. They want Him then. They want. They'll make fun of somebody, of shouting. They'll make fun of somebody preaching Divine healing, say they don't believe in it. They just haven't got sick enough yet. I've heard a many one.

263 A woman, dying, just as I run up the steps, when I was preaching right here. And the man standing right there at the door, calling to me. She had walked by. She lived up the street here, and had a cow out there. And she said, "If my cow got that kind of religion that Billy's got, I would kill the cow." In less than an hour from then, she was stricken and taken to the hospital, a beautiful young woman.

And I rushed out there. Her husband was Catholic. And they sent for me. "She is dying. And she went... Her eyes went to swelling out. She said, 'Call him. Call him. Call him. Call him. Quickly. Quickly.'"

264And her brother run up and stood there at the door, and waited and waited, and he kept motioning for me. And the place was packed full of people. And after while, somebody come around and put a note on--on the desk here. It said--said, "Someone is dying in a hospital."

And I believe, Brother Graham Snelling, I said, "Take my place till I go." And he would just stand up and lead singing. He wasn't even called, and to--to preach, at that time. He come up to lead singing.

And I went out and got in my car, and rushed out there. And just as I go up the steps, she drawed her last breath. And, of course, the bowels and kidneys, everything, act. And I run in there, and they done covered her face up, and steam coming up around like that. And that old nurse standing there, she said, "Brother Branham, she screamed her last breath for you." Trying to make it right, but it was too late then, you see. Yeah. Too... You can sin one time too many, you know.

265 And she kind of had... deep in her face. She had auburn hair; a real pretty woman. And her--her bobbed hair was all bushed out. Great big brown eyes had pushed out, and just half closed. And the freckles on her face had got in such a way, such strain, till they just...?... out like little bumps all over her face, and her mouth was open. And I walked over there and looked at her.

And there her husband stood there, and said, "Billy, here is what it was." Said, "I am Catholic. I want you to say a prayer for her, 'cause she's gone to purgatory."

I said, "What?"

266Said, "Say a prayer for her." Said, "She's gone to purgatory. She passed by your church about two hours ago, and said, 'If our cow ever got your kind of religion, she would kill the cow.'" See? Said, "Say a prayer for her."

267I said, "That's too late. She should have purged her soul here, not till she gets somewhere else." See? That's right. Oh, yes.

But we always want Him in the time of distress. People, I've heard them say, "I don't believe in God." Let him hurt himself right bad, once, see the first One he'll call on.

268 Even His disciples, one time when they were in a storm. Though, when they saw Him, they were a little bit afraid of Him. They didn't know just exactly what It was. They said, "It's a spirit." And they cried out. But, yet, all hopes for being saved was gone, so they invited Him in. Yeah. There, always, whether you're a little suspicious or not. When all hopes is gone, you like to invite Him in. Yeah. They took Him in, because they had a need of Him. That's right.

269You know, I've often wondered, sometime, maybe that's why the storms come on. Did you ever think of that? He set up there and watched them till they had need of Him, and then He come on the scene. So, we can see our need of Him now. We see that the storm is coming, brother. Let's take sides with Him tonight. Take sides with His Word.

I--I--I quit here.

270 Let's take sides with Him. Let's us, you and I, brethren, join up with Him, tonight. The storm is coming. And don't wait till the little boat is sunk. Let's take Him into our little bark now.

You might look off and say, "I can't understand all these things, Brother Branham."

271See if we say anything but what's in the Word. See if there's anything there but what He promised to do. It might look a little spooky to you, sometime. You think, "Oh, my. I can't understand That." But there'll be a day when this life of yours is leaving. It--it won't look so bad to you then. When you know, yourself, you got to turn back to the God that created you, you'll want to take Him in then. Let's take Him in now, before the storm gets any worse than what it is.

272 I want Him into my heart. I want Him so much in my life, till my whole being is saturated; that my mind, my thoughts, my everything that I am, is governed and controlled by Christ Jesus. I want to be so lost, to--to myself, that all I'll know and see is Jesus Christ.

And I want to come before you all, if the God of Heaven permits you to have these things that I've talked about. When I come among you, I want to know Christ, Him crucified. I--I want to know the glory and precious praises of God. Set down among you, and hear one minister get up and give the praise to God, to what he had seen done in his church. Another one, what he saw done in his church. Another one, what he saw done in his church.

273 That's exactly what they did. And when they come together and met in fellowship, in Acts 4, they was giving account what God had did over here, and what God had did over here. And Peter and John had been whipped. And--and--and made a promise that they'd... what they'd do to them if they preached any more in Jesus' Name. And they gathered with their people, and they all prayed with one accord, and prayed in the will of God, and quoted the Scripture. "Why did the heathens rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?" And when they prayed, the Holy Ghost shook the place where they were assembled together.

274 That's the kind of a meeting we need. That's what we got to have, brethren. Let's be fortified by the Word of God, by the Spirit of God, by the power of God. And let our Lights so shine now, that we'll be like Stephen.

275He stood there, one man, alone, before that Sanhedrin council of a half a million men, maybe, standing there. Every one of them pointing their finger of accusation in his face. When that little fellow walked out there, said, "He shined like an angel." I don't mean, maybe, a light on his face, like that. An angel don't have to have a light on him. But an angel is a man or... An angel is a messenger, and a messenger who knows what he is talking about.

He walked out there and said, "Men, and brethren, and fathers, our fathers in Mesopotamia, how they was brought out, and Abraham," and so forth, and on to So-and-so. And then he got down to the spoiling point, said, "Oh, you stiff-necks, uncircumcised in heart and ears, why do you always resist the Holy Ghost? Like your fathers did, so do you." He knowed exactly what he was standing at. That's the reason he was shining. He wasn't a bit afraid. He knowed in Whom he had believed.

276Even when death knocked at the door of Saint Paul's heart. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And he said, "I know in Whom I have believed, and I'm persuaded He's able to keep that which I've committed to Him against the day." Amen.

277 The Lord bless you, brethren. I'm sorry I keep you here till twenty-five minutes until eleven. I know this is uncustomary for you. I'm sorry to do it. But you've been real nice tonight; none of you has left. You've set and give your undivided attention.

And I trust and hope that, in my little, broke-up, nervous talk, that God, the Holy Ghost, has somewhere has poured out a little Seed into your heart, that the power of God will strike and bring It to Life, just like the woman at the well, and others who are predestinated to Eternal Life. God bless you.

278Brother Neville, you going to dismiss, or what do you want to do? How do you? Just in... [Brother Neville says, "I would just pray."--Ed.]

Do you love Him? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Will you serve Him? ["Amen."] Will you believe Him? ["Amen."] Amen.

Do you love Him? Amen.

Will you serve Him? Amen.

Will you believe Him? Amen.

Amen. Amen.

We want to sing it. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The Bible is true. Amen.

I believe It. Amen.

It's the Word of God. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Let us stand.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Lord, we love You. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

We believe You're coming. Amen.

We're ready to meet You. Amen.

Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

We pray God to let us be our best at all times, to serve Him.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I trust that He will bless you, and preserve you, and keep you, and watch between us, and Fire you into His Kingdom, to do great works, and help me on the field until we meet again.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I'll pray for you. Will you pray for me?

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

279 Our Father, we have assembled tonight in the Name of the noble Lord Jesus, that beloved and darling Name that we all love and adore. I'm thinking how groups of men down through the years, for thirty years or more, we've assembled in this little old building. How we'd set around a stove with our feets freezing, nearly, and set there with our feet up on the stove, and talk about the Lord Jesus.

I'm thinking of some precious feet that once trod upon the earth, that set with them feet up against there. I'm thinking of old Brother Seward, Brother Sparks, Brother George DeArk, many other precious souls that once set with their feet against that stove, has gone on to meet their Lord tonight, resting yonder in the grave, waiting for that great summons for on High. They fought a fight. They kept the Faith. They finished the course. And now they're waiting for the crown of righteousness, the Lord the righteous Judge will give them that day.

280 Father, God, we prayed when we dedicated this little church on the corner, and said, "Lord Jesus, let it stand and people be in it when You break the skies, to come in that secret, quick going of the Church. God, I pray that souls that's come to this altar, souls that's served You, the Gospel Seed that's been sowed back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth, across here, for thirty years, that we believe many of those precious people will be there on that Day, because of these feeble efforts that we put forth, to bring the Word to that predestinated Life. We thank Thee for it. And trust, God, tonight, that not one present now but what will be present on that Day, covered by the Blood, anchored in Jesus. Grant it, Father. We trust in Him.

281 Now we're to meet here again Sunday morning, many of us. And we pray, God, that You'll meet and break the Bread of Life for us.

God, we would remember Brother Ruddell and his place up there, where those who are sojourning with him. Be with that precious boy, Lord, I pray. As I see him coming up, see these young fellows, I feel like they're my Timothy's. I pray, Father, that You'll bless Brother Ruddell and his ministry. Bless Brother Junie Jackson. O God, we pray that Your blessings will be upon him, upon our Brother Crase, upon Brother Snelling, upon this other brother there that's taking his place, and Brother Beeler, and brother, all these brothers here, Lord, and Brother Neville, and every one of us, Lord. We just pray that Your blessings will be smiled upon us, that Your grace will be all that we need, Lord, to go on.

And may we never forget the little comment, tonight. Though that little woman standing there, not knowing what the end would be; but Jesus needed attention, and she was giving it to Him, yes, washing His feet. A neglected something that even those who claimed to be His servants had failed to do it, and they were trying to make fun of Him. But she did Him a service, not expecting a reward, and there could not been a greater given.

282 God, may we do the same, just press right on and do the service of God. And all we long to do, Lord, is to hear, on that Day, "It was well done, My good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." God, grant us to do that, and keep fellowship with one another. And may the Holy Spirit be with us and guide us and direct us in all we do. And give us long life, maybe, if it's possible, to see the Coming of the Lord Jesus. We ask it in His Name. Amen.

Blest be the tie that bind

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred minds

Is like to that Above.

When we asunder part,

Now it gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

283The Bible said, "They sang a hymn and went out." God bless you now, till I see you again, Sunday morning, the Lord willing. Bye-bye.

284Jim, I didn't get to shake your hand, tonight. God bless you. The Lord bless you.

1Na jednom mieste v Louisville, kde jedávate, a to sa nazýva, pozrime sa, reštaurácia Dogpatch. Dnes som jedno mal. Keď sa tam niekto naje, potom oni vezmú tie peniaze, ktoré ste im dali, a pošlú z toho desatinu do cirkvi. Je to niekde na ulici West Jefferson 319. Myslím, že preto to tu Billy tak položil, aby to mohli vidieť. To je veľmi pekné.

2No, bratia, ja nepoznám, aký je váš postup pri zhromaždení ľudí, ako postupujete alebo ako vediete svoje zhromaždenia. A ak sa tu dostanem pomimo plánu, pomimo tej bežnej rutiny, upozornite ma na to.

3Malo to byť dnes večer, myslel som, ako som mal večeru nedávno s naším milovaným pastorom, bratom Neville, a ja som mu vravel niečo, čo bolo na mojom srdci. A myslel som, že ak dáme dokopy skupinu ľudí a kazateľov, oni sú tu našimi kolegami v Evanjeliu a mužmi, s ktorými môžeme hovoriť spôsobom, ktorým by sme nehovorili pred verejnosťou. Pretože sme všetci v... Sme mužmi, ktorí rozumejú ako muži, kresťanskí muži. A takto, obyčajne, v nejakom zhromaždení, skupine, vy niečo poviete a jeden sa ku tomu prikloní trochu takto a jeden sa ku tomu prikloní inak a potom sa to všetko vytratí. Ale to, kde prichádzame, aby sme sa vám pokúsili dnes večer povedať, čo mám na svojom srdci ohľadne cirkvi a jej miesta a jej pozície. A potom, ak zakončíme načas, chcel by som ku vám hovoriť trochu zo Slova, ak je to v poriadku. Len to trochu uložiť, tak, aby sme sa dostali k tej obchodnej časti alebo k tomu, čo by som vám rád najprv vyjadril. A myslím, že možno zakončíte v obvyklom čase, okolo deväť tridsať alebo tak nejako, ako každý večer. No, pokúsim sa nezdržať vás dlho. Zajtra je sobota a to je veľký nákupný deň, takže... musíme si nakúpiť potraviny, a tak ďalej.

4Chcem verejne hovoriť ku bratovi Nevillovi. No, chcem hovoriť ku každému jednému z vás, práve tak, ako som hovoril s vami súkromne, s každým jedným. Pretože vy ste skupina, ktorá je... Skutočne si to myslím a verím tomu a učím to, že človek, že Boh položil vedenie Svojej cirkvi na človeka, zo Svojho ľudu. A to je... Ako som včera večer kázal u brata Junie Jacksona o tom, že Boh opevnil Svoj ľud Svojim Slovom. A to bola žena, ktorá sa prelomila cez tú čiaru a dala miesto rozumovaniu a keď to urobila, Boh navždy ustanovil pre tých Svojich... položil to na mužov, aby udržoval Svoju Cirkev opevnenú Slovom.

5No, chcem trochu povzbudiť brata Nevilleho a pohovoriť si s ním súkromne. Včera večer som si všimol, prišlo videnie, dva alebo trikrát, zatiaľ čo som bol za kazateľňou. A ja som sa obrátil, pretože ja sa od toho snažím držať tak ďaleko, ako len môžem, až kým nezistím, čo pre mňa ten sen znamená, ten spred pár týždňov. Pridŕža sa ma to už dlhý čas. Povedal som to tu v cirkvi, ohľadne niečoho o posolstve a rozpoznávaní, a tak ďalej. Jednoducho to nevychádzalo správne. Podľa môjho názoru, ten čas skončil a ja sa môžem ohľadne toho mýliť, ale všimol som si, že brat Neville bol trocha utrápený a rozrušený.

6A jednako, len som chcel, aby si vedel, brat Neville, že ty len na to očakávaš v tomto zhromaždení. Všimli ste si, čo sa Satan snažil urobiť za týchto pár posledných dní tým kazateľom, ktorí sú združení v tomto obecenstve? Len sa na chvíľu zastavte a budete sa čudovať. Sedí tu brat Crase, sedí tu dnes večer, takmer sa na ceste zabil. Vidíte? A ja som si takmer odstrelil hlavu s brokovnicou alebo s puškou. Vidíte? Satan sa nás snaží zobrať. A ty si tam narazil a mohol si sa zabiť a tiež zabiť jednu ženu. Vidíte? Jednoducho kazatelia, pozrite sa len na tú skupinu kazateľov. Vidíte? To je Satan a on sa nás snaží zbaviť.

7No, uvedomujeme si, že tu nie sme zhromaždení, aby sme hovorili o nejakých obchodoch. Sme tu zhromaždení, aby sme hovorili o Kristovi a o tom, čo máme uchopiť a čo robiť v tomto prítomnom čase.

A ja ťa chcem povzbudiť, brat Neville. Buď smelý. Bez ohľadu na to, čo prichádza, čo odchádza, čo sa deje, nedovoľ, aby ťa niečo rozrušilo. Jednoducho tu stoj ako skala vekov a Boh spôsobí, že všetko bude v poriadku. On ti to už dokázal. Samozrejme, že ťa to mohlo rozrušiť, že to mohlo zabiť tú ženu a zostalo by to v tvojej mysli po zvyšok tvojich dní a bolo by tam veľa vecí. Ale Boh je stále na tróne. On dáva, aby tieto veci pracovali na dobré. On nás mohol vziať tiež. A tak, Satan bojuje proti cirkvi.

8No, keď som v to ráno kládol ten uholný kameň, nikdy som necítil to, že by som bol niekedy pastorom. To na počiatku nebolo vôbec v mojom povolaní. A moje prvé povolanie bolo na evanjelizačné pole. To bolo pred mnohými rokmi. A začalo to tu v stane, tu cez ulicu. A pamätám sa, keď brat Roy Davis tam dolu, a keď mu zhorela modlitebňa. Tá skupina ľudí bola ako roztrúsené ovce bez pastiera, nemali miesto, kam by šli. A pán Hibstenberg bol vtedy veliteľom polície a on ma tam zavolal. Povedal mi, „Sme tu, aby sme ti pomohli.“ Povedal, „Ja som katolík, ale,“ povedal, „tí ľudia,“ povedal, „tí ľudia zrejme nemajú oblečenie.“ Bolo to v čase krízy. Povedal, „Oni chodia do iných cirkví a tu sa cítia ako cudzí a oni sú dobrí ľudia. Mnohých z nich poznám.“ On povedal, „Billy, ak by si chcel začať cirkev,“ on povedal, „chcem, aby si vedel, že stojíme za tebou v čomkoľvek, v čom ti môžeme pomôcť.“ A ja som mu za to poďakoval.

9Mali sme deň, v ktorom sme robili zbierku. Najprv sme sa modlili a prosili Pána. A prišli ku mne ľudia a chceli vybudovať cirkev, aby mali miesto, kam by mohli chodiť. A rozhodli sme sa pre toto miesto, no a jedného večera, asi o tomto čase... bolo to tu trochu ďalej, na kope buriny [turanec kanadský - pozn.prekl.] rovno tu, kde bola táto jama plná vody a bolo to ako smetisko, také niečo. No, Pán ku mne rozhodne prehovoril a povedal, „Vybuduj to rovno tu.“ Boli sme bez peňazí, mali sme asi 80 centov alebo dolár. A to je pochopiteľné, teraz by ste sa nad tým pousmiali, ale, brat, vtedy to bola suma peňazí.

10Keď nejaká suseda uvarila hrniec fazule a za dva alebo tri dni už tá suseda nemala nič, prišli tam a trochu z toho zjedli, boli to ťažké časy. Mnoho mladých ľudí toto nikdy nevidelo, ale bolo to ťažké. Videl som taký čas, že ste mohli v cirkvi poslať tanier na zbierku dva alebo trikrát a dostali ste tridsať centov na mieste, ktoré bolo plne obsadené ľuďmi, žobrať o to. To bolo... Dostali by ste asi tridsať centov a to mali dobrú zbierku. Vidíte? Bolo to skutočne ťažké.

11A my sme nemali nič, s čím by sme stavali, jednako túžba tých ľudí bola postaviť zbor, aby sme tak mohli mať miesto, kam by sme chodili. Pretože v tých dňoch... To posolstvo, no, myslíte si, že teraz o tom zle zmýšľajú. Mali by ste vedieť, aké to bolo vtedy, keď nebolo nikoho, kto by veril v tento krst vo Meno Pána Ježiša Krista a v tie požehnania a veci, v ktoré veríme a stojíme za nimi.

12Tak som vo svojom srdci dal Bohu sľub, že zostaneme tu a vybudujeme tú modlitebňu. V to ráno, keď sme kládli ten uholný kameň, On sa tam so mnou stretol vo videní, asi o ôsmej ráno, keď som tam sedel, díval som sa na druhú stranu, slnko vychádzalo, asi v tomto ročnom období. A On mi povedal, potom, ako sa so mnou stretol pri tej rieke, s tým, keď sa ten anjel Pánov zjavil v tom Svetle. Videl som to v diaľke. Vyzeralo to ako hviezda. A prišlo to rovno tam dolu, kde som bol a kde boli vypovedané tie významné Slová. A tak som si potom zaumienil, že pre tých ľudí zaobstarám miesto na uctievanie.

13No, sám som rozmýšľal, „To nie je pre mňa. To nie je nič pre mňa.“ Ale všetko, čo patrí Bohu je časťou mňa, bez ohľadu na to, či to je... Čokoľvek, čo je pre Božie deti, je pre mňa, či je mojou povinnosťou urobiť toto alebo tamto. Je to moja povinnosť dozerať na Božie dedičstvo bez ohľadu na to, kde to je. Vidíte?

14Práve tak, ako by ste povedali, „No, moja...“ Ako keď ste boli malým chlapcom, vraveli ste, „Moja práca je len drevo porúbať, nie ho doniesť dovnútra. Nech ho prinesie Jano. Nestarám sa, či na neho sneží, prší. Nech on ide von a prinesie ho.“ Nie. Tvoja povinnosť, ako dieťa toho domu, je dohliadnuť na to, aby to drevo, ktoré je pre tvoju matku, nezvlhlo. Vidíte? Prines ho dovnútra.

15Ak povedia, „No, Frank má ísť a priniesť vodu. To nie je moja robota.“ Ale ak Frank tú vodu neprinesie, je to tvoja povinnosť, aby si sa o tú vodu postaral. To je všetko. No, to je to, ako to chodí. A to je to, ako to chodí tiež v Božej rodine. Ak niektorí z nich hovoria...

16Niekto prednedávnom povedal, „Prestaň kázať tým spôsobom, ktorým kážeš. Stratíš každého priateľa, ktorého máš, a všetko také.“ Povedal, „Nechaj to tak. Ja viem, že je to zlé, ale, ó, to nie je naša práca.“ No dobre, koho práca to teda je? Ak je to zlé, niekto musí proti tomu kázať, tak to jednoducho robme. A to je ten spôsob, ako to cítim ohľadne cirkvi.

17Prišli stavebné plány, a tak ďalej, hore a dolu, hore a dolu a boli pre a proti, ohľadne stavania, a tak ďalej. Jeden to chcel a druhý to nechcel a toto a tamto. Zistíte, že je to takto.

18Zistíte to, keď máte do činenia s kazateľmi, obchodníkmi, medzi lóžami, všade, kam idete. Tam, kde máte skupinu ľudí, máte rozdielne predstavy. A tak preto musíte mať jednu osobu, do ktorej položíte svoju dôveru, a zvoliť tú osobu. Všetko s tým funguje. Práve tak, ako v armáde, musíte mať jedného, a to je generál, to je ten hlavný stan. Kapitán hovorí toto, on je kapitánom tej skupiny, ale potom ten generál môže zmeniť jeho rozkazy. A ten hlavný veliaci Generál je, samozrejme, Ježiš Kristus v cirkvi. A Jeho kazatelia sú Jeho kapitánmi v tých spoločenstvách, ktoré Ho tu na zemi reprezentujú.

19A oni tu v tejto malej modlitebni skúšali mnoho vecí. A nakoniec... Bol som ohľadne toho ticho, potom, ako som to vybudoval, jednoducho, aby som videl, ako to pôjde. A potom ma Pán povolal na pole, bolo to asi pred pätnástimi, šestnástimi rokmi a ja som tento zbor opustil. Ale jednako ho nemôžem len tak zanechať. Moje meno s ním bolo vždy spojené, tak aby som mohol mať svoj hlas, ak by tu niekedy povstala nejaká zlá vec. Aby som mal právo prísť a zastaviť to, pretože po mnoho rokov som sa za touto kazateľňou potil, tu, počas sedemnástich rokov, aby som udržal veci na poriadku. Keď povstávali rôzne druhy izmov a veci prichádzali a odchádzali a povstávali rôzne kulty. A tým, že som medzidenominačný, všetko, čo sem išlo, išlo tadeto a s pomocou Božou sme tu stáli s nescudzoloženým Evanjeliom a ona dnes večer stále stojí, taká istá. V poriadku. Tak my... Ale boli časy, keď sa niekto snažil prebrať túto cirkev poza mojím chrbtom a podobné veci. Ak by s tým nebolo spojené moje meno, iste by to bol dnes večer hrozný stav. Nie... A to som nebol ja, samozrejme, to bol Boh, ktorý to urobil.

20A potom, ako to vidím teraz, keď prichádzam do miesta, v ktorom sa to nachádza, a my žijeme vo veľkej hodine, stále je mojím záujmom ohľadne tejto cirkvi niečo povedať, rozumiete, pretože ona je časťou mňa. Bez ohľadu na to, či som tu alebo nie som tu, ona je stále časťou mňa. A to je moja povinnosť dohliadať na ňu, či funguje v čistote, prehľadne, a robiť to najlepšie, čo môžem, pre kráľovstvo Božie.

21A ja som veľmi vďačný, že v týchto dňoch vidím, že ona má pri sebe malé satelity, za ktoré som vďačný. Tu brat Crase, jeho Sellesburgská skupina; a brat tam vzadu, ktorý sa práve postavil na miesto brata Snellinga v Utica; a tu brat Ruddell; a brat Junior Jackson; a tí vzácni chlapci, ktorí sú vynikajúcimi mužmi, skvelí mužovia Boží. Oni kážu toto posolstvo. No, oni môžu, jeden môže trochu nesúhlasiť ohľadne niečoho alebo niečoho ďalšieho, to je len niečo ľudské medzi tými kazateľmi. A ak majú kazatelia malé rozdiely a nebude tam v tom ani tieň rozdielu... Jeden možno povie, „Ja verím, že príde Milénium a Ježiš príde na bielom koni.“ Druhý povie, „Ja verím, že On prichádza a On príde na bielom oblaku.“ No, pokiaľ veria, že On prichádza, to je tá hlavná vec, vidíte, bez ohľadu na to, ako On prichádza. Oni veria, že On prichádza, a pripravujú sa na to a tak.

22Snažil som sa teraz zistiť. A študoval som. Povedal som to pred ľuďmi v zhromaždení. Študoval som ranú cirkev. A pozoroval som ten spôsob, ako títo pomazaní mužovia zostavili Dom Pánov a ako mali v tom dome poriadok uctievania Pána, a to ma skutočne zasiahlo. A ja som tu kázal pred nejakým časom a na tému z Joela 2, „Ja navrátim, hovorí Pán, všetky tie roky, ktoré požral chrúst a húsenica a pažravá chrobač, a tak ďalej.“ A ja som začal študovať, čo títo mužovia robili, a ten spôsob, akým sa starali o cirkev Božiu, ktorej Boh zanechal týchto dozorcov.

23No, začneme s tou ranou cirkvou a prinesieme to teraz asi počas piatich minút, v tom, čo oni robili, a potom vám môžem ukázať tú víziu, ktorú mám ohľadne budúcnosti. No, na počiatku, cirkev začala na Letnice. A tam na nich zostúpil Duch Svätý, kde si Ježiš vyvolil dvanástich. A jeden z nich odpadol a oni zvolili Mateja, aby sa postavil na jeho miesto. A pred tým, ako On zostúpil, Duch Svätý čakal, až kým toto všetko nebolo na poriadku. Oni si museli zvoliť jedného, aby vzal Judášovo biskupstvo, ktorý upadol skrze previnenie, aby naplnil Písmo.

24A ja verím, že všetky tieto veci majú čas predlievania, čakania, ale to čaká na čas vyplnenia sa Písma, až kým je všetko tak, ako má byť, všetko na poriadku, čakanie. Veľakrát sa stávame netrpezlivými ako dieťa. Máme veľké očakávania a veľakrát poskočíme dopredu a to bráni tomu dielu až tak, že nakoniec viazne. Vidíte? Musíme sa hýbať úctivo, mať zámer v srdci, ak Boh, ak by nás On v niečom túžil použiť, ale čakajte, až to On otvorí, pretože On musí ísť pred nami.

25Pamätáte sa, ako raz Dávid išiel v noci do boja? On sa obával tej bitky a ľahol si pod moruše, až kým nepočul Pána v šume tých listov, ako ide pred ním. Potom išiel s odvahou, pretože vedel, že Boh išiel pred ním. A ak by sme len toto robili, bratia. Vediac, že ten boj musí prísť, ale my musíme čakať, až kým uvidíme, že ruka Božia ide pred nami, aby urobila cestu.

26No, všímam si, ako tie cirkvi, ako sa evanjelizácia všade rozširuje. A potom vezmime, napríklad, ako sa Pavol stal pre našich ľudí veľkým misionárom. Zisťujeme, že on chodil kamkoľvek, kam ho Pán viedol, a upevňoval cirkev. A to bola nová viera. Tie cirkvi v tých dňoch, ako malá Ázia a po celej Európe, oni neverili v to posolstvo. A keď on musel kázať to posolstvo a mnohí boli do neho obrátení, potom tam nebol nikto... ak by opustil tých ľudí v tom stave, oni by zablúdili rovno naspäť ku svojim pohanským bohom a do Judaizmu a všetkého ďalšieho, pretože tí ľudia by nemali nikoho, kto by ich vyučoval. Tí obrátení nemali miesto, kam by išli, tak Pavol zakladal cirkvi v rôznych častiach krajiny.

27V každej jednej z tých cirkví zanechal niekoho, kto stál na poriadku, nejakého dôveryhodného muža, ktorý bol známy ako pastor, pastier. Alebo vtedy, po tomto sa cirkev stala... Vyšli z nej ďalšie malé cirkvi. Povstali mladí ľudia a starí ľudia a z toho vznikli cirkvi. Ten muž, ktorý bol nad tou prvou cirkvou, bol nazvaný biskupom. A potom tí, ktorí z neho vyšli, jeho deti, boli nazvaní pastiermi alebo pastormi. A potom táto skupina malých cirkví, všetci prichádzali ku tomuto biskupovi.

28Tak ako v čase Irenea, on pokračoval v tej istej veci. Martin pokračoval v tej istej veci. Polykarp pokračoval v tej istej veci. Oni to tak mali, počas tých vekov. A potom ten apoštol cirkvi, ten apoštol, to bol Pavol. A keď odišiel Pavol, Ján prevzal tú cirkev. Keď odišiel Ján, prevzal to Polykarp. Keď odišiel Polykarp, prevzal to Ireneus. A tak ďalej, Martin, a tak ďalej. Takto to pokračovalo, až kým rímsko-katolícka cirkev rozlomila celú tú vec na kusy a upálila ich a rozprášila. A ten chrúst to požral a pažravá chrobač to požrala. A tak ďalej, žrali to a žrali, až kým to nepriviedli rovno do stonky. No, ale Boh zasľúbil, že znovu prinavráti tú istú vec.

29Z celého srdca verím, že žijeme v posledných dňoch. Verím, že nie je veľa toho, čo by nasledovalo po tomto, čokoľvek... A môj výklad Písma môže byť nesprávny, že Ježiš by nemohol prísť dnes večer. Ja verím, že to málo, čo zostáva, aby sa vyplnilo, by sa mohlo naplniť pred svitaním rána a ja by som to videl. Možno sa mýlim ohľadne času toho vyplnenia, ale je to na blízku. Verím tomu. A pamätajte, Pavol to tak veril. Ján to tak veril. Polykarp to tak veril. Ireneus to tak veril. Martin to tak veril. A všetci ostatní z nich to tak verili.

30Čo ak by Boh povedal Jánovi Zjavovateľovi, „No, ubehne dvetisíc rokov pred Mojím príchodom“? Ján by prišiel naspäť a povedal by cirkvi, „No, myslím, že môžeme jesť, piť a byť šťastní, pretože prejde veľa generácií.“ Vidíte? „Ježiš nepríde najbližších dvetisíc rokov.“ Vidíte? Tak, rozumiete, cirkev by bola rozpustilá. Nebolo by nič také ako „byť na pozore.“ Nebolo by žiadneho očakávania. A koniec koncov, sú to vaše očakávania, ak by ste zaspali na tej stráži, vstanete s tými istými očakávaniami. Pretože to vôbec nebude prekážať. Budete tam jednako presne načas. Rozumiete? Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?

31No, keď vo vzkriesení povstane svätý Martin, svätý Pavol a všetci tí ostatní, bude to práve tak čerstvé, ako by boli rovno v tom boji, ako by práve bojovali, pretože oni odišli s tými istými očakávaniami, očakávajúc na Jeho príchod. A tam bude Výkrik a celá cirkev vystúpi. Rozumiete? To bude to. Tak, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek. Rozumiete?

32My na Neho dokonca musíme očakávať práve teraz. My nevieme. Je možné, že by to mohlo byť od teraz za sto rokov. Mohlo by to byť za päťsto rokov, tisíc rokov, desaťtisíc rokov. Ja neviem. Nikto nevie. Ale povedzme, napríklad, že by sme žili každý deň, práve tak, ako by On mal prísť v ten deň. Vidíte? Ak by sme žili práve tak, akoby On mal prísť práve v tento deň, keď vstaneme, ak zosneme a vstaneme vo vzkriesení, bude to tak čerstvé, akoby sme práve zaspali, jednoducho sa zobudíme. „Tá trúba zaznie, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv; my, ktorí sme živí a pozostaneme, budeme vychvátení s nimi, aby sme stretli Pána v povetrí.“ Vidíte? Tak, to bude práve tak čerstvé.

33Ale teraz, až kým On nepríde, chceme žiť každý deň tak, ako keby On mohol prísť nasledujúcu minútu, pretože to môže byť koniec vášho života, v tej minúte. Vy neviete, kedy pôjdete. Toto môže byť jeden z našich posledných dychov, ktorý máme teraz v sebe, tak máte žiť, akoby to malo byť hneď.

34Ale teraz, pokračujme ďalej, my tu musíme zanechať naše stopy na pieskoch času, aby ich iní mohli vidieť. Ak by Pavol nešiel tou cestou, ktorou išiel, potom Ján by nevedel, ako to nasledovať. Ak by Ján nešiel ďalej, Polykarp by nevedel, ako to nasledovať. Ak by Polykarp nešiel ďalej, Ireneus by nevedel, ako to nasledovať. Ak by Ireneus nešiel ďalej, Martin by nevedel, ako to nasledovať. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Každý musí zanechať stopy na pieskoch času.

35No, ak by som si myslel, že existuje denominácia alebo akákoľvek iná skupina veriacich, ktorá by mala niečo lepšie, ako máme my tu, bratia, ja by som s tým rýchlo spojil toto malé telo. Čakal som, túžil som, bol som v očakávaní a veril, že jedného dňa príde niekto veľký alebo ten veľký prorok, o ktorom hovorím, že príde, o tom Eliášovi. Vždy som veril a myslel som si, možno, že možno budem žiť, až kým uvidím ten deň, kedy by som mohol urobiť zmenu, keď tú osobu uvidím povstať na scéne, potom by som mohol vziať svoju malú cirkev a povedať, „Bratia, toto je ten muž, na ktorého sme očakávali. Tento muž, to je on.“ Ja som na to očakával. A ak toto v skutočnosti už bolo, potom chcem povedať, tu zhora, „Bratia, toto je On,“ prichádzajúc odtiaľto, vidíte. A ja chcem vidieť cirkev takto udržiavanú.

36Musel som na niečo stúpiť alebo niečo urobiť a dať tomu viac života. [Brat Branham nastavuje mikrofón - pozn.prekl.]

37Tak teraz by som rád povedal, že toto je upevnená cirkev.

38Dovoľte mi znovu sa na chvíľu zastaviť. Keď som išiel do Bombaj, považujem to za moje najväčšie zhromaždenie, kvôli tomu efektu na tých ľuďoch. A ja... Ak v Afrike, oni vravia, že počas jedného zhromaždenia ich tam prišlo tridsaťtisíc ku Kristovi, tam vtedy bolo stopäťdesiat alebo dvestotisíc, ktorí tam počas jedného zhromaždenia prišli ku Kristovi, z pol milióna. Vidíte? Čo by som ja mohol urobiť? Nebolo tam nič. Zrejme, možno, oni hovoria, že tam bolo, jednoducho vravia, že ich tam bolo stotisíc. Nebola tam žiadna cirkev, nič, čo by som ja mohol urobiť. Nebolo tam nikoho, kto by im niečo dal. To posolstvo, ktorému ja verím, ja... Tam nebola dokonca ani žiadna letničná denominácia, ktorá by so mnou spolupracovala. A zrejme všetky tieto duše prebehli naspäť ku Sikhom, Jainistom, do Budhizmu a do čohokoľvek iného, z čoho oni vyšli. Nebolo miesta, kam ich poslať. No, to je hanba. To je pohana. Vidíte? Pretože som nemal žiadnu spoluprácu, kvôli tomu postoju, ktorý mám. Vidíte?

39No, v Afrike, tam som išiel pod záštitou A.F.M. a Afrických Misií Viery. A keď som tam išiel, samozrejme, ja s nimi nemôžem súhlasiť. Oni krstia ľudí trojičným krstom, trikrát tvárou vpred. A jedni z nich krstia trikrát dozadu. Raz pre jedného boha, Otca; druhýkrát pre ďalšieho boha, Syna; ďalšíkrát pre ďalšieho boha, Ducha Svätého; a krstiac tri razy, na troch rôznych bohov a všetko také. A zrejme, to durbanské zhromaždenie, nebolo to správne, a tí ľudia videli taký rozkol medzi letničnými vierami, a tak ďalej, tí ľudia nevedeli, čo robiť. Nemali miesta, kam by šli.

40Možno, čo ak by sme tu my mali prebudenie, bratia? Dovoľte mi to takto predložiť. Čo ak by sme mali veľké prebudenie a vy, bratia, by ste sa práve obrátili a nebola by tu v krajine cirkev takéhoto druhu, nikde; a ja by som bol evanjelista a teraz by som vás opustil, možno by ste ma už nikdy nevideli? Čo by ste urobili? Cítili by ste sa tak, že neviete, čo robiť. Nemôžete ísť naspäť do toho váľania sa v blate. Nemôžete ísť naspäť tam dolu, s vašimi manželkami, aby nosili šortky a vašimi... a ku vašim kartovým večierkom a tancovačkám a takýmto veciam a byť znovu uspokojení.

Prišli ste do Života. Pozdvihli ste sa ponad tie veci. Prišli ste na miesto, kde namiesto toho, aby ste povedali, „Toto je naše vyznanie viery,“ vravíte, „Toto je Slovo Božie.“ A vy ste prišli do toho, aby ste skrze neho žili, skrze to, čo Ono hovorí. A nie čo... A vy idete tam dolu a počúvate ich a počujete ich, ako idú a hrajú banco [spoločenská hra s kockami—pozn.prekl.] a majú tancovačky a toto a tamto a iné a trochu posolstva, ktoré v sebe nič nemá, o nejakom starostovi alebo niečom alebo, že má byť znovu zvolený, alebo určitý druh nejakej politickej záležitosti a končí za desať alebo pätnásť minút; potom, čo ste tu sedeli, deň za dňom a mali ohromné gastronomické jubileum zo Slova a tých vecí. Nevedeli by ste, čo robiť. Mali by ste ohľadne toho také bremeno, až niektorí z vás laikov by ste to tak cítili, že by ste začali cirkev a sami by ste to začali kázať, pretože vaše srdce by horelo pre Slovo Božie a cítili by ste sa zle kvôli ľuďom, ktorí by to cítili tak ako vy. No, či to nie tak? [Tí bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

41Hoci by ste vedeli, že Ježiš prichádza, hoci by On prišiel zajtra, jednako vy by ste chceli dnes urobiť niečo pre tých ľudí, tých spoluobčanov Kráľovstva Božieho, aby sa spolu zhromaždili. Vy by ste s nimi chceli mať obecenstvo. Je to tak. Tak ak je to takto...

42No, ja verím z celého svojho srdca, že Pán mi pomohol a použil ma, viedol ohromné prebudenie, jedno z najväčších, ktoré kedy udrelo ten svet od tých raných dní, ktoré kedy obehlo svet. Vieme to. Je to tak. V tom čase to všetko pominulo a On sa so mnou stretol tam na tej rieke a povedal mi, že to Posolstvo, ktoré ja mám, predíde druhý príchod Kristov. A ja predpokladám, že tu nie je dnes večer nikto, kto bol v ten deň tam dole. To bolo pred asi tridsiatimi dvomi rokmi, keď sa ukázalo to Svetlo; a ako som tam stál, díval som sa rovno na to. Stáli tam stovky ľudí, ktorí sa na To dívali. Zostúpilo To a ten Hlas prehovoril.

43O niekoľko rokov neskôr, je to zvláštne, že ten fotoaparát zachytil ten istý obraz, vyzerá to ako tá istá vec, o ktorej som vám hovoril, ktorá bola tam dolu nad riekou. No, môžem sa mýliť vo veľa veciach, bratia, ale ja nechcem byť pokrytec. Chcem byť pri vás čestný a priamy.

44A potom, ďalšia vec, ak by som ja odišiel, čo potom? Nikdy by sme nevybudovali takúto cirkev. Je ťažké povedať, čo by sme mali, vidíte, ak by som odišiel. Ale Boh nebies to položil na moje srdce, aby som tu vybudoval túto cirkev. A potom, keď ma On povolal na evanjelizácie... Mali sme jedného pastora za druhým, a tak ďalej, ale teraz tu máme vzácneho brata, ktorý je z tejto Viery, ktorý verí tomu posolstvu. Máme tu vonku ďalších bratov, ktorí veria tomu Posolstvu. Majúc...

45Začínam byť hlučný, brat Beeler? [Brat Beeler hovorí, „Trochu.“ - pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, pozrime sa. [„Nie. Pokračuj.“] Áno. Mali... Máme ten materiál.

46A teraz poviete, „No, brat Branham, ak oni nebudú počúvať na tieto znamenia a divy toho veľkého Boha nebies, ako to dokážeme?“ No, teraz, čo ak by mal svätý Pavol tú istú predstavu? Rozumiete? Tak čo? Ale on ju nemal. Tí biskupi stáli tak verne s tým Posolstvom! A oni... A Pavol, vždy a tak často, potom, ako urobil svoj okruh... Čítali ste v Biblii, ako znovu navštívil tieto cirkvi, hovoril s pastormi a s biskupmi, a tak ďalej, a dostal úľavu od tých ľudí a mal, ó, ohromný čas obecenstva, ako prebudenie alebo veľký čas jubilea. A Duch Svätý na nich spadol a prišlo posolstvo.

47Pozrite sa, keď išiel tam ku Filipovi, dokonca jeho dcéry prorokovali. A povedali, „Na nášho brata čakajú reťaze a väzenie, keď príde tam hore.“ On nevyšiel ďalej ako na dvor a tu, kráčajúc, prichádza prorok Agabus, pozeral na druhú stranu ulice. A nikdy predtým Pavla nevidel, toho generálneho dozorcu celej tejto skupiny cirkví v Ázii. A on tam prišiel a vytiahol od svojho boku opasok, ktorým mal utiahnuté rúcho, poviazal si ruky a povedal, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, reťaze a väzenie čakajú toho, ktorý má toto oblečené.“ Vidíte? Prorokujúc.

48Pavol povedal, „Ja to viem. Ja to viem. Ale teraz mi nelámte moje srdce. Nechajte ma dokončiť tento môj beh.“ On bol unavený. Bol na konci. A išiel ďalej a zanechal svoje biskupstvo Timotejovi.

49No, musíme myslieť na mladých ľudí. Máme deti. Väčšina z nás tu sú ženatí muži, ktorí majú deti. No, čo s nimi, s tými, ktorí prichádzajú? Rozumiete?

50Ako som tam dolu zvykol spôsobiť rozruch, pri tých, ktorí tam hádzali tie siete do rieky, vyťahovali ostriežov; a pripíjali si, opilci a také veci. Videl som ich na veľkej kope, až ako tu po tento strop, veľkých pekných ostriežov, ako tam ležia. Ten zápach sa tiahol všade okolo rieky. Išiel som dolu ako lesný strážca, aby som ich v tom zastavil. Dostal som list, „Nechaj ich tak. Čo chceš urobiť? To patrí štátu Kentucky.“ No, kentucký strážca tam nemôže prejsť, pretože je mimo svojho teritória. Strážca z Indiany nemá do toho čo hovoriť, pretože tá voda patrí štátu Kentucky. Tu to máte. Nedá sa s tým nič robiť.

51Povedal som, „Mám chlapca, ktorý rastie, ktorý by rád rybárčil. Oni by dali jeho fotku do novín, ak by chytil jalca; ak to len bude takto pokračovať dvadsať rokov; tie siete, pasce, všetko ďalšie.“ A to sa takým stáva už vlastne práve teraz. Vidíte? Čo sa deje? Musíte myslieť na tých, ktorí prichádzajú.

52Tak my musíme rozmýšľať o tých, ktorí majú prísť po nás, títo mladí ľudia, a tak ďalej, a o miestach pre naše deti. Naše dcéry, my ich nechceme mať vonku vo svete, v takých veciach. Chceme, aby tie dievčatá boli vychovávané ako ich matky. A my kvôli tomu musíme urobiť opatrenia. A ak nebude žiadne zajtra, my nevieme. Ak nie je žiadne zajtra, neurobili sme nič iné, okrem toho, že sme boli vo veciach nášho Majstra a boli sme nájdení na mieste našich povinností, keď On prichádza. Rozumiete?

53Tak, toto by som odporúčal. Doporučil som to bratovi Neville. Nesme toto ďalej tak, ako to máme. Nechajme to takto, ako to je. Som vďačný za týchto mladých kazateľov. Viete, vlastne v deň súdu, pre všetky tieto doliny tu, tam nebude žiadnej výhovorky, pretože tu máme všade porozmiestňované malé cirkvi, stanovištia, miesta, kde počúvajú, očakávajú.

54Včera večer som bol v zbore jedného brata a spýtal som sa tam, či sú všetci opevnení za Slovom. A každá ruka išla hore. Nuž, to spôsobilo, že som sa cítil dobre. Rozumiete?

55No, to, čo som zamýšľal, bolo toto, bratia, že ako teraz tu v cirkvi. Ja… Moja služba má, podľa môjho najlepšieho uváženia, štyri veci, ktoré môžu byť vykonané. A to nemusí byť ani jedna z tých štyroch, ale to je ten jediný spôsob, ako to vidím. Ak Ten, ktorý ku mne prehovoril tam dolu pri rieke, ak je toto všetko, čo zostalo pre cirkev z pohanov... Pričom si uvedomujeme, v Knihe Zjavenia je len jedna, dve, tri kapitoly pre cirkev. Cirkev odchádza hore v štvrtej kapitole. A vracia sa až v devätnástej kapitole, čo je po období súženia, kedy Boh vyvoláva Židov. To je správne.

56A ako Enoch odišiel hore pred tým, ako prvá kvapka dažďa spadla na zem. On odišiel a potom začalo súženie. Vidíte? Noe bol v arche predtým, ako začalo súženie. Lót bol von zo Sodomy pred tým, ako začalo súženie. Vidíte? A cirkev bude preč pred tým, ako začne obdobie súženia.

57No, počas toho súženia, ktoré bude, tá spiaca panna bude honená drakom a on vystrekne vodu zo svojich úst, čo znamená „zástupy a ľudia,“ armády, ktoré vyhľadajú a zmocnia sa tejto ženy, zostatku jej semena, a zabijú ju. Nuž, to bude v období súženia. Ale cirkev pôjde Domov. No, ak by sa toto udialo zajtra, to by nám nebránilo v tom, aby sme dnes pokračovali. Urobme dnes zúčtovanie.

58No, to, čo si myslím, že ak by ten anjel, ktorý mi tam dolu povedal tie Slová, povedal, „Ako bol Ján Krstiteľ poslaný, aby predišiel prvý príchod Kristov,“ rozumiete, „tvoje posolstvo...“ Mal som zobrať toto posolstvo. „A ono predíde druhý príchod Kristov.“ Nuž, ak toto bolo to, potom sme skutočne, skutočne blízko, bratia, pretože tá hodina a Svetlo toho posolstva je pripravené vyjsť.

59Všimli ste si, keď boli Letnice a tí bratia boli na Letnice naplnení Duchom Svätým? Sotva to kedy bolo tak, až kým to Posolstvo nezačalo miznúť a oni začali zakladať cirkvi, aby strážili stráž pre Krista, očakávajúc na Neho, že príde. Nuž, to je tá istá vec, ktorá sa dnes deje, ak je pravdou to Písmo, „Ja navrátim, hovorí Pán, všetko, čo požral chrúst a pažravá chrobač.“ No, ak to je to, ak to je to posolstvo a nech mi Boh odpustí… ja neviem. Ak je to to, potom ten čas je blízko, skutočne, pretože to posolstvo sa zakončilo.

60A raz v noci sa mi snívalo, že som išiel, aby som mal rozpoznanie tam, kde sa zhromaždil veľký zástup mojich priateľov, tisíce z nich, na zhromaždení. Bol tam jeden človek, ktorý tam prišiel, zobral ma. A obyčajne tam prichádza Billy, aby ma zobral, pretože vy so mnou nehovoríte. A tento človek hovoril veľmi rýchlo. A predtým, ako som sa tam dostal, všetko pomazanie kvôli tomu odo mňa odišlo. A potom som povedal, „Nuž, jednoducho tam pôjdem a budem kázať posolstvo, poviem tým ľuďom, aby sa nezahrávali s denomináciami, a tak ďalej, a 'Vyjdite z toho a takto.'” A keď som sa dostal na pódium, opustilo ma to.

61Neviem, čo to znamenalo, ale ja som pokračoval. Ja jednoducho neviem. Mohol by to byť koniec mojej cesty. Mohol by to byť príchod Pánov. Mohla by to byť zmena dňa. Mohol by to byť príchod toho mocného, ak má byť ešte nejaký ďalší, pomimo toho, čo už prišlo. To by mohlo byť to. Mohli by to byť všetky tieto veci, z ktorých by sme mohli tiahnuť. A ako tu dnes večer stojím pred Bohom a pred vami bratmi, ja neviem. Nemohol by som vám to povedať. Ak by som mohol, povedal by som vám, alebo by som sa o tom nezmienil, o niečom takom, ako je toto, ak by som nevedel ako. Ak by som vedel, ako to bolo s tou vecou, ja by som to povedal, ale ja neviem. Nemôžem povedať. Práve teraz idem na zhromaždenia, bez štipky vedenia. Idem, pretože ja nechcem len sedieť. Rád chodím do lesov, tak ako hocikto iný. Ak sa v tomto mýlim, Bože, odpusť mi.

62Sú tri veci, ktoré by sa mi mohli stať. Je to buď koniec mojej cesty a nech ten ďalší vystúpi; otvoril som pre neho cestu, aby to prevzal, pretože, pamätajte, ten, ktorý prichádza, aby kázal, bude stáť na Slove, „Navráti vieru detí naspäť na vieru otcov.“ To by mohol byť koniec mojej cesty. Mohlo by to tak byť, že On mení moju službu naspäť do evanjelizácie, ísť do zámoria. Alebo by to mohlo byť, že On ma už viac nepovolá ako evanjelistu a zoberie ma niekam na púšť, aby ma pomazal, aby ma vyslal ako toho, ktorý bol zasľúbený, že príde, tak si myslím. Mohla by to byť hociktorá z tých vecí.

63Nemôžem ísť tou istou cestou, ktorou som išiel. Pretože ja som... Ľudia mi uverili. Musím to tak povedať. Hovorím to pred ľuďmi. Tí ľudia ma často považujú za proroka. Ja sa za neho nepovažujem. Nie veru. Nerobím to. Nehovorím to, aby som bol pokorný. Hovorím to, aby som bol pravdovravný. Ja sa nepovažujem za proroka Pánovho. Nemám tú česť.

64Verím, že ma Pán použil v malých špeciálnych veciach, aby som pomohol, možno položiť základ pre proroka, ktorý príde. Ale prorok nepostupuje tak, ako postupujem ja. No, vy to viete. Prorok nie je evanjelista a evanjelista nie je prorok. Pastor nie je evanjelista a evanjelista nie je pastor. „Ale Boh postavil do cirkvi najprv apoštolov, potom prorokov, potom učiteľov, potom pastorov,“ a tak ďalej. Boh ich ustanovil v cirkvi a Boh im dal úrad.

65Ale v to ráno, keď som kládol ten uholný kameň! Pretože, ak ste duchovní, tak to uchopíte. Kvôli volaniu tých ľudí! Ak by ste to mohli vybrať alebo vziať tú knihu a čítať ju, je tam povedané, „Konaj dielo evanjelistu.“ On ma nepovolal, aby som bol evanjelistom, ale povedal, „Konaj dielo evanjelistu, pretože príde čas, keď neznesú zdravého učenia, ale budú si spolu hromadiť učiteľov majúc svrbľavé uši a obrátia sa od Pravdy k bájkam.“ Rozumiete? Citoval mi to miesto Písma a povedal mi, kde to môžem nájsť. Povedal to trikrát. A ja som si zobral Bibliu a nalistoval som si tam, kde mi On povedal, a tam to bolo. A potom, vy viete o tých dvoch vedrách, o letničných Jednotároch a letničných Zboroch Božích. Nikdy som ich nezmiešal. Zasadil som ich vlastné stromy práve tam, kde oni boli, pretože ja si myslím, že ony sa obaja mýlia. Ale mimo toho, ja som bol pri kríži, pri žatve.

66Boh rešpektuje každého, kto je úprimný. Peter to povedal. „On spoznal, že Boh nehľadí na osobu, On povoláva zo všetkých národov, keď bol v dome Kornélia, keď oni prijali Ducha Svätého, tak ako oni na počiatku.“ Rozumiete? Boh nehľadí na osobu. Vidíme nejakú vážnu a úprimnú osobu, ona môže byť úprimne na omyle. Ale ak je úprimný, Boh ho niekde bude viesť do toho Svetla. On ku nemu príde, pretože Boh je zaviazaný, aby to urobil.

67A ak premýšľame o príchode Pánovom, čo je tak veľkou vecou; a o tom posolstve, ono akurát vyšlo. Pamätajte, je určitá predurčená skupina, aby tu bola, keď sa Pán vracia, a to nemusí byť viac ako tucet. Vidíte? My nevieme. Môže to byť sto miliónov; môže to byť desaťtisíc. Ale ak... Tí predurčení budú to posolstvo počuť a budú mu veriť, ak je to posolstvo poslané od Boha, čo veríme, že je.

68Nuž, tu to máme, potom, rovno do času konca. Ak by ma Boh povolal... No, počúvajte, toto sa nebude opakovať. Ak ma On povolal, aby som bol Jeho prorokom, potom ja naozaj nedržím ten úrad proroka. Proroci neevanjelizujú. Prorok sa skrýva na púšti, sám s Bohom, až kým nedostane presne priamo to, čo Boh od neho chce, aby urobil. A on hneď vystupuje a vypovie svoje posolstvo a ide znovu naspäť na púšť. On nie je evanjelista, ktorý by mal zhromaždenia a spoluprácu a všetky tieto veci, ktoré robí evanjelista. On nevyučuje ako evanjelisti. On má TAK HOVORÍ PÁN a to je to a to je všetko. On to vypovie, predloží to a nech sa deje, čo sa deje, a potom ide znovu preč. Nikto nevie, kde je. On je niekde v izolácii.

69Nuž, ja nemôžem... alebo ak ma On povolal, aby som ním bol, ja nemôžem byť evanjelistom. A ak ma povolal, aby som bol evanjelistom, nemôžem byť prorokom. No, rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Neviem, čo mám robiť. Úctivo som vykonal, keď mi On tam prv povedal o tom, aby som bral ľudí za ruky a modlil sa za nich, potom poznal tajomstvá ich sŕdc, všetky tieto rôzne veci. A, bratia, to je neomylné. Vy viete, že to musí byť Pravda. Každý jeden z vás to vie. Vidíte? A ako mi povedal, že to zasiahne celý svet a to sa presne stalo! Každý národ pod nebom to počul, všade, noviny, nahrávky, všade. Ja neviem, ako sa to kedy udialo. Ale prichádzajú listy z celého sveta a od ľudí z Thajska a od tých Hotentótov tam. Ako títo misionári tam zhromažďujú ľudí ku tým páskam a vykladajú to Slovo. A teraz sa nám dostávajú správy z celého sveta, vidíte, z celého sveta. No, cirkev je na každom mieste predurčená, všade. „Dvaja budú na posteli; dvaja budú na poli,“ rozumiete, jedného vezmem, druhého zanechám.

70Nuž, vykonal som to dielo evanjelistu. A tu je moja prosba. Ak sa to Bohu páči a ja som vykonal to dielo v poriadku, dôverujúc, že som sa Mu páčil, prosiac o odpustenie za všetky moje chyby, potom ma On možno volá z evanjelizačného poľa, aby som bol Jeho prorokom. Potom ak je to tak, opúšťam evanjelizačné pole. Ale ak ma povoláva, aby som bol prorokom, ja nemôžem byť evanjelistom. Ak mám byť evanjelistom, nemôžem byť prorokom. Vtedy miešam tie dva úrady. To je to, ohľadne čoho som vždy taký znepokojený. Keď stojím na pódiu, to nikdy nebolo dobré, úspešné. Boh to použil, ale ja som si nikdy nemyslel, že by to bola Jeho bezprostredná vôľa. Bola to Jeho dopustená vôľa. Keď stojíte na pódiu, jedno alebo dve videnia vás takmer zrazia k zemi. Rozumiete? A potom, keď hovoríte tej osobe, ako dať veci do poriadku a čo robiť; a potom tam stojí ďalší človek, on očakáva to isté. A vy mu to nemôžete povedať, iba ak vám to Niečo nepovie, aby ste mu to povedali. A potom tí druhí ľudia to cítia tak, že ste nejaký zradca alebo odpadlík alebo démon alebo niečo také, pretože im nepoviete to, čo chcú vedieť. Vidíte, to nie je ten úrad, v ktorom pôsobí prorok.

71Prorok sa drží stranou, až kým nevstúpi do nemocnice alebo kdekoľvek ide, s tým TAK HOVORÍ PÁN a vypovie to a znova sa stiahne. On vôbec nie je evanjelistom. On nemáva zhromaždenia a nediskutuje o veciach. On má Slovo Pánovo pre kohokoľvek, ku komu je poslaný.

72Ak je poslaný do Bieleho Domu, on sa postaví rovno pred Biely Dom a povie, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ Ak je to guvernér štátu, ktokoľvek to je, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On sa nepletie s cirkevnými skupinami, snažiac sa doviesť ich do toho, aby prišli a zobrali to Slovo a kázať tieto veci ako evanjelisti. On nie je evanjelista.

73Tak vidíte, bratia, to je ten dôvod, prečo samého seba nenazývam prorokom. Ja dokonca nestojím ani v jeho úrade. Vidíte? Teraz rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Nuž, bolo by toho veľa, v čom by sme mohli takto pokračovať za dlhý čas, ale dúfam, že nezaberiem príliš veľa vášho času, až kým zoberiem trochu z tohto Slova, ktoré chcem dnes večer čítať.

74No, tu je to, čo robím. Nikdy som to tak necítil, že by som mal žiť v Indiane. Ja som - ja som tramp. Idem na jedno miesto, myslím si, „Pôjdem sem, usadím sa tu. To je ono.“ Nemôžem to urobiť. Keď idem niekde inde, myslím si, „Pôjdem sem.“ Keď to robím... Moja manželka ma volá... Ktorá je to pieseň, v ktorej sa o tom spieva? Nepokojné vetry. Myslím, že ste ju počuli. Väčšina z vás počula, ako ju spievajú. No, to je to, ako ma ona nazýva, „Nepokojné vetry.“ Asi v tom čase, keď sa sem dostanem, myslím si, „Chlapče, musím ísť domov. Musím vidieť ženu a deti. Musím ísť ešte raz do cirkvi a kázať. Prídem sem a idem dolu a kážem raz. Pobozkám svoju manželku a objímem všetky deti. Idem von kosiť trávu a nado mnou letí lietadlo. Zastavím sa, utriem si pot z čela a chcem ísť s ním. Musím ísť niekam inam. No, myslím si, musím tam ísť. A idem tam a chvíľu tam kážem. Rozhliadam sa dookola a tam hore letí ďalšie. Musím ísť s ním. Vidíte, nie je pre mňa miesto, kde by som sa usadil. Jednoducho to nemôžem urobiť. Som nepokojný, presúvam sa z miesta na miesto, stále niečo. Nemôžem si pomôcť. Je to niečo vo mne. A ja viem, že to musím robiť.

75Nuž, v cirkvi, v jej súčasnom stave, cítim sa hrozne, keď odtiaľto odchádzam. A rozmýšľam o všetkých vás ľuďoch, ktorí tu sedíte, o ktorých verím, že s nimi strávim večnosť tam v tej slávnej zemi. Máme výborných mužov, výborný materiál, spoľahliví, zdraví ľudia. Len nedávno sa tu v cirkvi prelomilo medzi ľuďmi prebudenie. Duch prišiel medzi nich a začal udeľovať dary. Pozoroval som to, aby som videl, či som nezašiel do fanatizmu. Zakaždým, keď sa to začne takto pohybovať, ten Duch to skontroluje a privedie to sem naspäť. Myslel som, „Chvála Pánovi.“ Vidíte? Len sa tam drž svojho miesta. To je dobré. Rozumiete?

76Nuž, to, o čom rozmýšľam, je toto, že ak by to bolo možné, že keď začínam niekam ísť, ja neviem, kam idem. Ale nemôžem len tak sedieť. Nezostanem tu. Jednoducho to nemôžem urobiť. Musím sa niekam pohnúť. A zrejme tam zostanem len pár dní a pohnem sa niekam inam. Niekam musím ísť. Ja neviem, kam idem. Ani Abrahám nevedel, kam ide. On jednoducho prešiel cez rieku a vyrazil. To je všetko.

77Cítim, že to, čo by sme tu mali urobiť v tomto prítomnom čase, verím, že potrebujeme modlitebňu. Myslím na dom Boží... Poviete, „Nuž, načo vkladať do toho všetky tie peniaze, keď Pán prichádza?“ No, na čo to bude dobré držať tie peniaze, ak Pán prichádza? Rozumiete? A ak tí ľudia vyhradili peniaze pre cirkev, je to naša povinnosť, so stopercentným schválením v hlasovaní, ktoré som tu urobil toho večera, aby sme vybudovali tú modlitebňu. Tak, vybudujte ju. Hovorím, vybudujte ju. Tak veru.

78Nikdy predtým som toto nevyjadril, ale chcem to urobiť pred vami mužmi. Nechcel som, aby tu boli ženy, pretože jedna je naklonená tak a druhá inak. No, snažím sa vám povedať ten dôvod, pre ktorý to chcem urobiť. Myslím, že ak by Pán prišiel na budúci týždeň, začnime s tou modlitebňou tento týždeň. Určite. Dajme Mu to najavo. Stojme na mieste svojej povinnosti. Tak veru. A potom, ak my... keď bude tá modlitebňa postavená.

79Prečo? Povedzme, ak On... Čo ak On príde od teraz za desať rokov? Čo ak príde za dvadsať rokov? Alebo čo ak On príde za sto rokov? Koľkokoľvek to je, kedy On príde, na tom nezáleží. My vieme, že On príde pre nás pred tým časom, pretože my to nemôžeme prežiť, tých viac ako sto rokov. On príde pre nás, ale my musíme po sebe niečo zanechať. A ja som o tom rozmýšľal. Prečo nenechať, aby ten cirkevný výbor tu, ako ku nim teraz hovorím, aby vybudovali tú modlitebňu? Predložte to tu. Urobte to milým a pekným miestom, kde by ľudia mohli prísť.

80Navrhol by som, aby bol brat Neville pastorom cirkvi, tak dlho, ako ho cirkev odporúča, aby bol pastorom. To je voľba cirkvi. Tak dlho, ako sa on drží toho miesta povinnosti a stojí vo viere, chce prísť, cíti vedenie Pánovo, vtedy vedenie Pánovo pre neho je, aby zostal, ak to zhromaždenie tiež zvolí.

81Potom by som povedal, že každý jeden z týchto mužov tu, títo ďalší mužovia, ako brat Crase a brat Junior, každý z nich, tak dlho, ako cítia svoju povinnosť byť na tom mieste a oni sú tu spolu pridružení. Nemôžete ísť a stretávať sa s Metodistami. Nemáte s nimi žiadne obecenstvo. S Baptistami... pôjdete a poviete im o hovorení v jazykoch a krste v Ježišovo Meno, oni vás vykopnú, a to rýchlo. [Brat Branham luskol svojimi prstami - pozn.prekl.] Je to tak. Sadnete si tam, budete ako holubica medzi kŕdľom vrán. Nebudete mať vôbec žiadne obecenstvo. Zomreli by ste. Nerobím si teraz žarty z Metodistov a Baptistov. Pamätajte na to. Ja to tak nehovorím. Ja to len vykresľujem na porovnanie. Mnohí tam, títo Metodisti a Baptisti sú dobrí ľudia, zbožní ľudia. Ale ja hovorím o obecenstve. Je tam brat... Ako sa volá? Dnes večer tam vzadu, ten evanjelista, ktorí tam sedí vzadu, brat J.T.Parnell. Brat Beeler, verím, že je to tento brat, ktorý tu sedí. Mnohí z vás tu sú mužovia Boží, ktorí máte vo svojom živote povolanie. Vy môžete niečo urobiť. Neposedávajte. Robte niečo. Ak získate len jednu spasenú dušu, priveďte tú jednu ku spaseniu. Každý jeden z nás.

82No, premýšľam o tejto modlitebni, ak by ste vy, mužovia, chceli, keď budete stavať túto modlitebňu, vybudujte ju ako hlavný stan a nech je brat Neville starším medzi vami. Vidíte? A niekedy, keď dostanete nejakú otázku, ktorú nemôžete prediskutovať tam s vaším zborom, potom ju prineste tu ku bratovi Nevillemu a všetci to spolu prediskutujte. Ak nebudete môcť prísť ku žiadnemu rozhodnutiu, ja prídem pomerne skoro a potom sa všetci ohľadne toho stretneme.

83A potom, tam, vyučujte vo svojich skupinách iných kazateľov, mužov, u ktorých vidíte, že majú vo svojom živote povolanie pre službu. Trénujte tých mladých mužov. Priveďte ich tu ku starším. Vy všetci sa stretnite na kazateľskom zhromaždení a tam vyučujte tie hlbšie veci Božie. Neberte to za zlý koniec. Držte sa niekoho, v koho môžete mať dôveru, kto by bol pre vás takým vodcom. A potom niekedy, ak to tak presne nevidíte, to, ako on postupuje, kráča, no, to je v poriadku. Jednako stojte vo viere. Len sa pohybujte vpred. Možno keď sa zídeme, potom sa všetci spolu budeme modliť; rozpoznanie Božie zostúpi a On to dá presne na poriadok, rozumiete, a len porozumejme, ako to urobiť.

84A cirkvi tam môžu zájsť a počúvať, ako tú skupinu mužov vyučujete. A ak ja budem niekde pri evanjelizačnej práci, existujú miesta, kde ich môžem umiestniť, po celom svete.

85Čo ak by som bol v Indii, ak by som išiel naspäť do Indie? Povedal by som tam tým ľuďom, možno, že by ich tam boli tisíce. Zostaňte tu na jeden alebo dva týždne a oni by videli tú službu. Oni to milujú. Oni veria, že je to Pravda. Oni vychádzajú z pohanstva. Mal by som tam... a možno počas dvoch alebo troch týždňov. Keď som tam bol dva večery a možno sa ich obrátilo ku Kristovi stotisíc; nemali by kam ísť. Na druhý deň by som nasadol na lietadlo, išiel späť do Ríma, potom do Spojených Štátov. Zanechal by som ich tam ako ovce medzi vlkmi. Čo ak by som mal skupinu mužov, mladých mužov, trénovaných v Posolstve, vidíte, ktorým by som povedal, „Nuž, počkajte chvíľu. Predtým, ako odtiaľto odídem, ustanovíme tieto zbory. Poznám jedného muža. Už som im poslal telegram. Dostali peniaze. Práve teraz sú na ceste sem, aby toto prevzali; je to dobrý muž. Sú s ním dvaja alebo traja muži, ktorí budú jeho pomocníkmi a asistentmi.

86A môže tam byť založený zbor tejto viery, ktorá bude základňou v Indii, základňou v Nemecku, základňou vo Švajčiarsku. Práve teraz by sme ich mali mať vo všetkých tých národoch, kde som bol. A potom to posolstvo, odtiaľ prichádza ďalší, odinakiaľ prichádza ďalší. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

87No, zajtra večer alebo pozajtra večer, uvidíte sem prísť Mattssona Boze, ktorý je mojím priateľom. Uvidíte, čo jeden malý, zmrzačený Švéd vykonal v Tanganike. On tam išiel. A teraz, Mattsson-Boze je dobrý človek, ale on neverí tou vierou, ktorou my veríme.

88Raz som ho vzal a niečo som mu ukázal a spojil mu to s jedným miestom v Písme. Vravím, „Mattsson, ty si môj priateľ. No, však nebudeš skákať alebo behať? Zostaneme tu, budeme držať jeden druhého za ruku ako kresťanskí bratia a rozprávať sa.“ Vidíte?

89A predložil som mu to posolstvo a on tam len stál. On povedal, „Brat Branham, iste máš pravdu.“

90Povedal som, „Nuž, Mattsson, ty tomu neveríš, inak by si to prijal.“

91„Nuž, brat Branham, ja verím, že to, čo hovoríš, je Pravda.“

92„Prečo to potom neprijmeš?“ Vidíte? Jednoducho som mu to rovno odpálil. A potom, hneď, ako odchádza, je preč. Vidíte?

93Ale pozorujte len, čo ten muž urobil tam na svojich misiách, len jeden muž. Pretože, on mohol ísť hneď naspäť do Chicaga a vyzdvihnúť Burtona a všetkých ostatných, poslať ich takto rovno tam a začať pracovať. Dovtedy... teraz získavajú v tých stanoch tisíce z jedného prebudenia. Nie človek s darmi, jednoducho muž, ktorý mal dostatok odvahy ísť tam a začať. Čo by mohlo byť vykonané pod Týmto? Mohlo by sa to rátať na milióny. Iste. My sme premrhali ten čas. To je to, čo by som odporúčal.

94No pamätajte, keď toto robíte, zistíte, že môžu byť časy, v ktorých nebudete súhlasiť s tým-a-tým bratom. Nebudete tu súhlasiť. A pamätajte, že pokiaľ sa dostanete do toho bodu, že poviete, „Nuž, pretože on tomu neverí tak ako ja, ja tam nejdem,“ potom tam s vami niečo nie je v poriadku. Niečo s vami nie je v poriadku. Pričom sú to bratia, ktorí sa snažia držať spolu!

95Je jedna vec, my Branhamovci, je nás deväť a my sme sa bili ako psy. Ale jednako, keď sme prešli cez tie bitky, stále sme Branhamovci. Jeden vedel, že ten druhý bol Branham. Ja som vedel, že on bol Branham. On vedel, že ja som Branham. Vidíte? Ale my sme sa bili. Vy to robíte vo svojej rodine, ale oni sú stále vaši bratia. Tak to je. Môžeme sa nezhodnúť, to je v poriadku, ale stále sme jedno. My sme jedno v Kristovi. My veríme tomuto Posolstvu a tak zostaňme s ním.

96A ja myslím, že to je tá vec, ktorú máme robiť, pokračovať takto, až kým príde Ježiš. A to je to, čo som chcel týmto spôsobom povedať. A verím, že ak by ste takto mali...

97Vidíte, musíte tým byť nadšení. Ak nie ste nadšení, potom tam niečo nie je v poriadku. Niečo tam nie je v poriadku. Musíte byť, nie len povedať, „Nuž, minulý mesiac som bol celkom nadšený, ale ja neviem.“ Vidíte, niekde je tam niečo zle. Musíte byť nadšení po celý čas, vidíte, a len sa stále predierajte. To je diabol, ktorý sa vás snaží dostať. Mám rád, vždy som mal rád nášho posledného prezidenta, pána Eissenhowera. Veľmi som obdivoval generála Eissenhowera. On povedal, „Keď sme bojovali,“ povedal, „veľakrát sme vzali náboj a vložili sme ho do pušky a zatiahli sme spúšť a nechali ju tam zapadnúť, a to len cvaklo. Ona nevystrelila.“ Povedal, „Nevzdali sme sa.“ Povedal, „Vložili sme tam ďalší a tiež to len cvaklo.“ Povedal, „Nevzdali sme sa.“ Povedal, „Ďalej sme stláčali spúšť, až kým to nevystrelilo.“

98To je to. To je ten spôsob, ako vyhrať vojnu. Stále sa snažiť. Vložiť ten náboj a zatiahnuť. Vy máte zámer zasiahnuť ten cieľ. A ak on nevystrelí, vyhoďte ho a vložte tam ďalší, až kým jeden nevystrelí. Jeden z nich je tam, ktorý je živý, a jeden z nich vystrelí. Ale to je ten spôsob, ktorým to musíme robiť. Ďalej strieľať, strieľať, až kým sa niečo nestane.

99Čo robím ja? Ja teraz strieľam. Idem sem von, neviem dokonca... žiadne vedenie. Zodpovednosť! Milióny ľudí sa na vás dívajú, „Čo urobíš? Čo je tým ďalším krokom?“ Niektorí si myslia, že som zomrel. Niektorí si myslia tamto. Dokonca, keď mi jedného dňa vybuchla tá puška, oni povedali, že som sa snažil spáchať samovraždu. Všetko možné, vidíte, po celej krajine a všetko možné sa deje. Vidíte? Ale vy toto všetko máte, aby ste s tým zápasili. Potom máte za tých ľudí bremeno.

100A len si predstavte, čo ak by Boh na vás položil to, že by ste poznali srdcia tých ľudí, ku ktorým hovoríte? Premýšľajte o tom. Vidíte? Bratia, možno, ja viem, že máte bremená, ale vy tomu nerozumiete. A okrem toho, tu, vy máte tú zodpovednosť tu.

101Poviete, „Nuž, to by malo byť pre teba ľahké, brat Branham. Čokoľvek máš urobiť, Boh ti to jednoducho povie.“ Nie. On to nerobí. Ja sa pri tom zapotím, práve tak ako vy a oveľa viac. Iste. Ja sa pri tom zapotím oveľa viac ako vy. A odo mňa bude vyžadované viac. Tam, kde sa vy musíte zodpovedať za cirkev, kde sa musíte zodpovedať za svoje rodiny alebo možno len za seba, vidíte, sú milióny duší, za ktoré sa ja budem musieť zodpovedať. Ja musím vedieť, kam sa pohnem. A ak vás Satan udiera kvôli jednej duši alebo kvôli zopár dušiam, ktoré vy získate, čo potom tu, kde sú tam v radoch milióny? O koľko viac úderov on dáva tam? Vidíte? Tak, máte oveľa viac toho, na čo pamätať, bratia. Tak niet divu, že sa niekedy stávam nervóznym. Iste.

102Ale ja práve teraz nabíjam. Vkladám náboj. Ak to vystrelí, je to tam. Ak to nevystrelí, ja neprestanem. Tú jednu vyhodím s hlasným nárazom a skúsim ďalšiu. Jedna z nich vystrelí. To je všetko, čo s tým treba robiť. Jedna z nich niekam dostrelí. Potom, ja chcem mať dobre namierené, keď to vystrelí, aby som trafil ten cieľ, na ktorý strieľam. A teraz, viete, čo mám na mysli. Som si istý. Vidíte? Niekde je niečo. Odchádzam na tie zhromaždenia, jednoducho idem na slepo. Nemám tam v úmysle vyučovať tieto veľké veci, ktoré vyučujem vás ľudí.

103Pamätáte sa na ten sen, ku ktorému som dostal výklad? „Choď naspäť a uskladňuj Pokrm.“ Kde bol ten sklad? Táto modlitebňa. Kde v krajine je niečo také ako toto, kdekoľvek tu naokolo, čo by sa mohlo porovnať s týmto posolstvom, ktoré my máme? Nuž, pravdaže, naši bratia tu z okolia, tie ďalšie malé zbory, sú ako my. My sme jedno.

Kam by ste išli, aby ste To našli? Poukážte na niečo, s čím by sa to dalo porovnať, kdekoľvek. Pôjdete rovno do denominačných vyznaní. Pôjdete rovno preč od Mena Pána Ježiša. Pôjdete rovno preč od týchto ďalších vecí. Vidíte? A tu je to, kde je uložený ten Pokrm.

104No, jedno posolstvo, ktoré som vám tu všetkým kázal... Pozrite, kázal som vám od jednej do šiestej hodiny na tému toho posolstva. Nuž, ak by som musel použiť jedno z tých posolstiev, zabralo by mi to týždeň, keby som to zobral, jednoducho trochu tu a trochu tam, vidíte, pretože To tu bolo uskladnené.

105Je to na páske. Pôjde to po celom svete na páskach, kde to budú počúvať ľudia vo svojich domoch. Tie pásky sa dostanú do rúk tých, ktorí sú predurčení od Boha. On môže to Slovo nasmerovať. On nasmeruje všetko presne svojím smerom. To je ten dôvod, že On ma poslal naspäť, aby som toto urobil. „Uskladňuj tu ten Pokrm.“ On mi zabránil, aby som išiel do zámoria.

106Brat Arganbright povedal, „Nuž, poď, choď. Máš tam jeden večer, ale my ťa vezmeme na turistický výlet po celej krajine.“ Tak som videl brata Freda a brata Banksa, ako sa snažia ísť.

107Povedal som, „Tým smerom nepôjdem.“ Vidíte? To ukázalo, že tam bolo niečo iné.

108Teraz sa tlačím napred, ale ja neviem, ktorým smerom ísť. Ale všade okolo mňa leží munícia. Zavolá ma On naspäť na evanjelizácie? Zavolá ma na zahraničné misie? Povolal ma, aby som bol Jeho prorokom? Mám byť niekde pastorom? Čokoľvek mám urobiť, ja budem vkladať ten náboj a stláčať spúšť. Jeden z nich vystrelí. Ale nezostanem sa len dívať a hovoriť, „Pane, Ty vlož ten náboj do tej pušky.“ Ja vložím ten náboj do pušky, sám zatlačím spúšť. Nech On spôsobí ten výstrel. On je ten, ktorý sa o to stará. Nechajte ma len hýbať sa napred.

109Tam vonku, keď budem teraz pokračovať v týchto zhromaždeniach, jednoducho odchádzam. Ja neviem. Ja možno nič nepoviem o tomto Posolstve, tak, ako ho kážem tu. Možno nebudem mať ani jeden večer s rozpoznávaním. Ja neviem. Ja jednoducho idem, nevediac, čo budem robiť. Nemohol by som vám povedať. Ja len idem a to je všetko.

110A to je to, ako to musíte robiť. Máte niečo vo svojej mysli. Tí ľudia tu chcú modlitebňu. Vybudujte ju. Tak rýchlo, ako len môžete, postavte ju. Zhromaždite učiteľov a veci. Vy, bratia tam vonku, so svojimi malými cirkvami a vy chcete... robíte nejakú prácu, Boh vás za to odmení. Choďte tam, kážte, urobte všetko, čo môžete. Zhromaždite sa všetci spolu, vy, skupina mužov, a majte zhromaždenia a hovorte o hlbokých veciach Písma. A modlite sa. Nechoďte sem len kvôli tomu, aby ste sa spolu zhromaždili, že len prídete kvôli modlitebnému zhromaždeniu. Modlite sa v skrytosti. Zostávajte na tých miestach. Choďte do svojich komôrok. Skryte sa niekde. A len choďte na kolená a len zostávajte pred Bohom a zostávajte tam. Potom ak zistíte, že to vyzerá, že niečo povstáva, ó, jednoducho idete a zisťujete, že sa to trochu dostáva pomimo Slova, potom buďte opatrní. Bez ohľadu na to, ako dobre to vyzerá, zastavte sa rovno tam. Zasiahol vás zlý duch. Pretože to Posolstvo tohoto dňa je ísť do Slova. Rozumiete? Či nie. Rozumiete?

111Ak poviete, „Ó, brat Branham! Poviem ti to a to. To a to raz večer povstalo, táto ďalšia vec sa stala takto.“ Pozorujte to. Pozorujte to pozorne. Nič nezavrhujte. Len čakajte a hľaďte, ako to postupuje, a potom to prineste ku tomu Slovu a hľaďte, ako to pasuje s tým Slovom. Potom, ak to pasuje s tým Slovom a všetko je v poriadku, ďakujte Bohu a hýbte sa potom napred, vidíte, tak dlho, ako to zostáva so Slovom. To je môj názor, čo si myslím, že by ste mali robiť.

112Brat Neville, brat Ruddell, brat Crase a brat Beeler a vy všetci bratia tu, Junie, kdekoľvek ste, a tí ostatní z vás bratov, nech vás Boh žehná. Vidím tu Terryho, Lynn, Charlieho Coxa, Dávida a mnohých z vás mladých mužov. Nech vás Boh pomaže. Ó! Ako by som rád zobral niektorých z vás, aby ste boli na tých evanjelizáciách a postavil by som vás niekde, vidíte, vediac, že ste ku tomu prišli. Môžete obstáť a poznať to Posolstvo a študovať ho, aby ste sa dokázali, vy, ktorí cítite povolanie vo svojom živote. Vidím dvoch alebo troch mladých mužov a štyroch alebo piatich, ktorí tu sedia, a ďalší rad tu vzadu a takto. Ste mladými mužmi. Ja starnem. Brat Neville starne. Sme mužmi v strednom veku. Ak sa čas bude odvíjať ďalej, my zakrátko odstúpime zo scény. Vy si musíte obuť naše topánky. Rozumiete? A tak rozumiete. A potom, možno v tom dni, možno to vyrastie a bude to ešte väčšie, ak bude nejaké zajtra.

113Ale pokiaľ je dnes, pracujme, pokiaľ je dnes. Zajtrajšok už možno nepríde. Ak tak, buďme na to pripravení. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Nuž, to je to, o čom by som na vašom mieste rozmýšľal.

114Bolo by to úžasné vidieť brata z Utica, brata Crase, a všetkých vás bratov tu, zísť sa spolu, prísť na určité miesto. Vás kazateľov, ako tu sedíte a diskutujete o veciach. Niekde by ste mali mať obecenstvo. Mali by ste mať niečo, aby ste sa spolu zišli, zišli sa kvôli niečomu. Vy všetci prichádzate spolu ako skupina mužov a veríte jeden spolu s druhým a takto a hovoríte o týchto problémoch a o usporiadaní, možno raz za mesiac, len samotní kazatelia. Stretnite sa niekde v jednom z vašich zborov. Sadnite si a prediskutujte to a hovorte o tom, každý jeden z vás pastorov a evanjelistov a čokoľvek ste. A ak povstane nejaký veľký problém, ktorý nedokážete vyriešiť, potom, ak budem povolaný na evanjelizačné pole. Neviem, či budem. A ak budem, vy viete, že sa budem neustále vracať, po celý čas. A potom, ak budete mať tieto veci, potom, keď sa sem vrátim, nuž, stretneme sa spolu a sadneme si tam. Jeden z vás má povolanie vo svojom živote... nebudeme to mať ako súkromné rozhovory a tie veci, ktoré mávame. My sa len hneď stretneme spolu a zostaneme tam, až kým nebudeme mať TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

115A ak môžete dosiahnuť to, že kazateľ bude priamy a že bude správne postupovať, pozorujte, čo on bude robiť. On ovplyvní... To sa postará o stovky týchto vecí. To je to. My len na to udierame, vidíte. Musíte mať na to systém, Boží systém.

116Ako povedal Jetro Mojžišovi, „Ty ich všetkých nezvládneš.“ Alebo, a Boh tam ustanovil starších, sedemdesiatich z nich. A oni prorokovali. A to Mojžiša ani trochu neoslabilo. To ho posilnilo. On mal v sebe toľko proroctva, koľko ho mal pred tým, ako z neho získali toho Ducha, aby prorokovali. Vidíte? On len oddelil, povedal, „Nuž, Mojžiš, nechaj ich rozsúdiť tie menšie veci. Ale keď to prichádza ku tým hlavným veciam, zíď sa spolu s nimi a pomôž im.“

117No, to je ten spôsob. To bol Boží spôsob tam dávno. To bol Boží spôsob v tom ranom cirkevnom veku. A ja verím, že to je Boží spôsob práve teraz, aby sme tak postupovali. Tak, urobme to. Jednoducho o tom prestaňte hovoriť a urobte to. To je všetko. Dokážeme to skrze milosť Božiu. Veríte tomu? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Nuž, pozrime sa. Ó, vyčerpal som svoj čas.

118Ale Billy tu napísal poznámku. Len chvíľu, pozriem sa, čo to je. „Ja som z New Albany. dcéra Grace, nemocnica Memorial, zlomila si ruku. Chce, aby sme sa za ňu pomodlili. T-r-o-u-b, W.C.Troub.“ Troub, niečo také. Pomodlime sa za túto mladú pani.

119Náš Nebeský Otče, ako teraz hovoríme, a ja premýšľam, že možno, keď sa Ireneus pozrel na svoju malú skupinu mužov, možno to bola oveľa menšia skupina, než ako je tu, dnes večer. A oni nemali stoličky, na ktoré by si mohli sadnúť. Oni sedeli na starých studených kamenných doskách. A sedeli tam a on ku nim hovoril. Tí mužovia vyšli, dokonca keď vedeli, že by ich mohli dať zožrať levom, že by im mohli odťať hlavy. Ale viera našich otcov stále žije, napriek žaláru, ohňu a meču.

120Ďakujem ti za týchto mužov, Pane. Modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal. Požehnaj teraz každého jedného z nich v Tvojom Mene, aby si ich Ty udržiaval v tej viere, ktorá raz bola darovaná svätým, aby od nej nikdy neodbočili. A aby si mohol z tejto skupiny vyslať pastorov, učiteľov, evanjelistov. Ó, Bože, udeľ to. A nech stoja na stráži, všade, kdekoľvek sú. Nech neustále pracujú, až kým nepríde Ježiš.

121A teraz, Otče, modlím sa za každú jednu z týchto žiadostí, ktoré sem dnes večer dorazili, a prosím, aby si pamätal na tú pani tam dolu, ktorá si práve zlomila ruku. Nech ju uzdraví moc Všemohúceho Boha a spraví, že bude v poriadku. Udeľ to, Pane. Modlím sa, aby si jej pomohol a požehnal ju. Požehnaj jej milovaných za to, že zavolali. A nech tá moc, ktorá vzkriesila Ježiša z hrobu, pozdvihne toto dievča. Nech jej ruka vyzdravie.

122Všetky tieto žiadosti, ktoré boli dnes večer spomenuté! Ten biedny chlapec, ktorý tam ležal, ktorý to dostal, počul som tú matku, ako to oznámila, že tá Hodgkinsova nemoc ho tak prežrala, až mu to spálilo tvár, s rádiom a tými vecami, ktoré mu dali. Bože, buď tomu chlapcovi milostivý. Dovoľ mu žiť. Rozmýšľame o tom človeku, ktorý sa nepripravil na stretnutie s Tebou a teraz už odišiel; jeho manželka s rozbitou hlavou. To adoptované dieťa! Všetci tí ostatní! Sestra Bruce, ako niesla vodu. Ona starne, Otče. A tam si spálila ruky a hornú a dolnú časť tela. Modlíme sa za ňu. Ona je zrejme hospitalizovaná. A my sa modlíme, aby si ju zachránil a vyviedol ju z toho. Udeľ to, Otče. Prosíme o tieto požehnania v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

123Nuž, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať a spýtať sa, či si myslíte, že máme čas na trochu Slova. Či ho máte? [Bratia hovoria, „Áno“ -  pozn.prekl.] Len na... No, je už, ja viem, je trochu neskoro, ale mal som tu niečo malé, o čom som dnes rozmýšľal, o čom by som rád hovoril, len na chvíľu a to by vám mohlo pomôcť. A najprv som rozmýšľal, že by som to oznámil. No, je to na tejto páske. A ak by sa ktokoľvek ku tomu chcel niekedy vrátiť, Jim to bude mať, vidíte, ku tomu, čo si myslím, že by malo byť učinené, a teraz, čo by malo byť učinené... pre vás bratov.

124Nuž, či viete, že keď na začiatku vyšli tí mužovia, niekedy ich bolo zhromaždených asi len šesť alebo osem? Ale oni zatriasli krajinou. No, viete, keď Aquila a Priscilla, to veľké prebudenie, ktoré tam mal Apollo, tam bolo v tej skupine asi len šesť alebo osem mužov a žien. Celý ten zbor boli šiesti alebo ôsmi. Vy tu dnes večer máte päť alebo šesť, sedemkrát viac, ako mali oni vtedy.

125Viete, Ježiš mal len dvanásť apoštolov. My vždy rozmýšľame o niečom veľkom. Ale Boh nekoná v tých veľkých číslach. To je v týchto malých skupinách, kde to On dosahuje. Vidíte? Pozrite sa cez všetky tie veky, vždy, keď sa On stretával s ľuďmi. Bolo to v malých skupinách, vidíte, a hovoril s nimi a ordinoval ich. To je Božia ľúba vôľa, aby to robil. To je ten spôsob, ako to On rád robí. A teraz, my chceme mať Boha v našom strede a ísť a robiť tieto veci.

126No, v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dovolí, chcem ku vám hovoriť na tému Evanjelizácia času konca. A potom, ak Pán dovolí, zrejme budem preč až do neskorej jesene, a pred tým, ako sa znova vrátim. Zrejme sa medzitým vrátim, niekedy v septembri. A teraz dúfam, že počas tej doby vám pôjde, bratia, všetko dobre a vaše zhromaždenia budú rásť čo do počtu a milosť Božia bude na vás všetkých, až kým sa nestretneme. A dôverujem, že sa budete modliť za mňa a za úspech. Pamätajte na mňa vo svojich modlitbách. To znamená, že ste moji kolegovia. Ste moji kamaráti, moji pomocníci. A spolu sme pomocníci v Pánovi. A teraz, keď tam stojím pred nepriateľom, chcem pamätať na to, že verní, skutoční vojaci, ktorí dostávajú odpoveď na modlitbu za chorých a strápených, a takí mužovia sa za mňa modlia. Ja som ten, ktorý to tam potrebuje. Ja to skutočne potrebujem. Tak, vy všetci sa za mňa modlite, keď sa zhromaždíte spolu. Nezabudnite na mňa na žiadnom zhromaždení. Modlite sa za mňa.

127No, v svätom Jánovi, 9. kapitole, chcem čítať od 26. verša do 35., nuž, len na pár minút. A potom zakončíme v nasledujúcich dvadsiatich alebo tridsiatich minútach alebo možno pred tým časom, ak Pán dá. Chcem teraz čítať tieto Písma zo svätého Jána, 26 do... svätý Ján 9:26-35, zapísal som si to tu, len niečo, o čom som rozmýšľal.

A zase mu len povedali: Čo ti urobil? Ako otvoril tvoje oči?

Odpovedal im: Už som vám povedal, a nepočuli ste. Čo zase chcete počuť? Či azda aj vy chcete byť jeho učeníkmi?

Nadávali mu a povedali: Ty si toho učeníkom, ale my sme učeníci Mojžišovi. My vieme, že Mojžišovi hovoril Boh, ale o tomto nevieme, odkiaľ je.

Človek odpovedal a riekol im: Práve v tom je tá divná vec, že vy neviete, odkiaľ je, a otvoril moje oči.

Veď vieme, že Boh hriešnikov nečuje; ale keď niekto ctí Boha a činí jeho vôľu, toho čuje.

Od veku nebolo slýchať, že by niekto bol otvoril oči toho, kto sa slepý narodil.

Keby on nebol od Boha, nemohol by nič robiť. Potom odpovedali...

Odpovedali a riekli mu: Ty si sa celý narodil v hriechoch a ty nás učíš? A vyhnali ho von.

A Ježiš počul o tom, že ho vyhnali von, a keď ho našiel, povedal mu: Ty že veríš v Syna Božieho?

128No, rád by som ku vám len zopár minút hovoril, bratia, vediac to, že moje malé rozprávanie tu, ja neviem, čo z toho vzíde. Dôverujem, že Boh to nejakým spôsobom použije. A teraz v tomto, tak ja viem, že brat Sink, brat Neville alebo niekto z vás kazateľov obyčajne káže na tému Jeho Slova. A ako som tu s vami, odpustite mi, rád by som ku vám na takýto spôsob trochu hovoril.

129No, chcem zobrať tému z tohto tu: Stáť na strane Ježiša. Tí Farizejovia a vodcovia Jeho dňa sa Ho vždy snažili pred ľuďmi znevážiť. To bol jednoducho spôsob diablovej práce. Všetci tí Farizejovia a učitelia Jeho dňa sa sústavne snažili znevážiť Ježiša. Všetko, čo na Neho mohli hodiť, oni to na Neho hodili. Sústavne Ho pozorovali, aby zistili, kde by mohli nájsť nejakú chybu. A oni nikdy nehovorili o Jeho dobrých veciach, oni vždy nachádzali niečo, skrze čo by Ho mohli znevážiť a povedať, „Vidíte, pozrite sa sem. Ak by On bol mužom Božím, On by to takto neurobil.“ Alebo, „Ak by On bol muž Boží, On by to neurobil týmto spôsobom.“ Oni sa snažili vrhnúť na Neho nejaký tieň, aby priviedli ľudí do toho, aby Mu neverili. To je diablova práca.

130A tá stará schéma nikdy neskončila. Veľakrát kazateľ urobí chybu. A ak on ide do svojho okolia, vzácny brat, ktorý sa snaží robiť to, čo je správne, a viesť ľudí správne; všetko, na čo diabol môže poukázať neveriacemu alebo takzvanému kresťanovi v tom okolí, aby zhodil toho brata, on to urobí. Viete, ten skutočný kresťanský spôsob je skryť všetko, čo môžete o vašom bratovi. Nehovorte o jeho zlých veciach. Hovorte len o jeho dobrých veciach. Jednoducho hovorte to, čo o ňom viete, že je dobré. Ak je niečo zlé, nechajte to tak. Biedny človek, má toho jednako dosť, čo už je proti nemu. Nesnažte sa vziať palicu a nestrkajte ho ďalej do jamy. Ten kresťanský postoj je zodvihnúť ho a vytiahnuť ho z tej jamy. Vidíte? Nikdy sa ho nesnažte postrčiť dolu. On už je dolu. Snažte sa mu pomôcť. Ale príliš mnohí z nás dnes, príliš mnoho ľudí, môžem to povedať, sa to dnes snažia robiť. Ak by len mohli nájsť niečo ďalšie, čo by mohli povedať, čo bolo skutočne zlé.

131No, napríklad, ak by jeden z vás, bratia, urobil chybu a urobil niečo, čo je zlé; pričom ste náchylní to urobiť; ja som tiež; každý jeden z nás. Ale ako ideme spolu, pamätajme, sme bratia. My sme bratia. A ak máme spolu nejaký boj, bojujme jeden s druhým. Prineste to spolu. Prineste to pred našich bratov a urovnajte to.

132Nuž, oni zvykli v Branhamovej rodine, ak jeden z tých malých niečo urobil, oni o tom povedali Billovi, pretože ja som bol najväčší. A ja som tam musel stáť a preskúmať, kto mal pravdu a kto nie. Nuž, moje rozhodnutie bolo to, ak oni... kto mal pravdu a kto nie. Ak oni tomu stále neverili, potom sa pobili za mojím chrbtom. Ale stále boli bratmi, vidíte. Pobili sa na dvore za domom, jeden s druhým; a pred domom sa bili jeden za druhého. Tak to bolo, vidíte, a stále boli bratmi.

133No, to je ten spôsob, ako to musíme robiť. Vidíte? Ak máte niečo proti niekomu, vášmu bratovi, nehovorte o tom niekomu inému. Ak je to zlé, choďte za ním a povedzte mu to. A potom, ak on s vami bude argumentovať, potom so sebou vezmite niekoho ďalšieho. Potom to prineste tým spôsobom, ako to povedala Biblia.

134Ale Ježiš, oni sa snažili, každý malý tieň, ktorý by mohli nájsť, pokúšali sa Ho v očiach ľudí znevážiť. A to je to, čo diabol chce. Oni to chcú. Oni chcú poškodiť váš vplyv pred ľuďmi. Tak je to. Musíte dávať pozor na to, čo robíte. Musíte kráčať ako skutoční mužovia Boží. Vidíte? Konať ako mužovia Boží. Žiť ako mužovia Boží. Pretože, „Diabol, váš protivník, chodí dookola ako revúci lev, snažiac sa zožrať, koho môže.“

135Prečo to robili? Oni na Neho žiarlili. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa Ho snažili znevážiť. Oni žiarlili na Jeho službu. A to je ten dôvod, prečo sa Ho snažili znevážiť. Nuž, On mal službu od Boha a oni to vedeli, ale to bolo proti ich vyznaniam. Tak sa Ho snažili znevážiť, urobiť všetko, aby On... každú malú chybu, ktorú mohli nájsť, aby Ho vyrazili z cesty. Chceli Ho zastaviť. Chceli, aby Ho ľudia odsúdili. Oni chceli povedať, „No, tento Chlapík nie je ničím. Pozrite sem. No, tam je. On urobil toto a vy viete, že to nie je správne. Po celý život sme boli učení, že máme veriť starším. A tu Ho máme, stál rovno tam a kričal na tých starších. On nesúhlasil s tradíciami otcov. Každý rabín nás to po celé tie roky vyučoval. A tu prichádza tento Človek a nesúhlasí s nimi. Vidíte? Takýto Človek sa nehodí, aby bol kazateľom.“ Vidíte? Oni sa ho snažili znevážiť.

136Ale v tom všetkom, tí, ktorí Mu verili a milovali Ho a videli, že On koná podľa Písma, znaky zázrakov, oni Mu neprekážali. Nie veru. Tí, ktorí Mu verili, Mu verili. Tí, ktorí Ho milovali, stáli pri Ňom. Oni sa nedívali na to, na čo im iní poukazovali.

137Ó, ak by sme takými mohli byť my! Ak by sme len na to nepozerali. Ak by sem niekto prišiel a povedal, „Viete čo? Ľudia hovoria, že si letničný.“

„Nie podľa denominácie.“

„Nuž, bol ste... Ty, ty si tým, ktorý krstí v Meno Ježiša.“

„Áno. To je pravda.“

138„No, dovoľ mi niečo povedať. Poznám človeka, ktorý bol tak pokrstený a on raz urobil to a to.“

139Ale pozri sa, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. To je diabol, ktorý sa na vás snaží vrhnúť tieň. Oni sa vám vždy snažia poukázať na nejakú starú loď, ktorá stroskotala na morskom brehu, ale oni vám nepoukážu na toho, kto sa bezpečne doplavil. Je to tak. Vidíte? Je to pravda.

140Oni sa tam vždy snažia hodiť nástrahu pre vrany a hovoria, „Toto je ten príklad. Tu je to, čo to vykonalo. Viem o jednom kazateľovi, ktorý bol kazateľom svätosti, a on urobil toto, tamto alebo niečo iné.“ Ale oni nepoukážu na tých iných, ktorí neboli z cirkvi svätosti a tiež to urobili, vidíte. A oni nepoukážu na tie veľké veci, ktoré Boh urobil.

141Ako niekto hovorí, „Ó, tu tento človek zašiel priďaleko. On, on zašiel priďaleko.“ On to možno urobil. „On sám sa zničil. On zašiel priďaleko. Stal sa fanatikom.“ On to možno urobil. Ale zatiaľ čo oni poukazujú na to, koľkí tak šli, ktorí zašli priďaleko, ale čo s tými miliónmi, ktorí nezašli dostatočne ďaleko? Oni to nedokázali uvidieť. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? [Bratia hovoria, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.]

142Tak, tí ľudia sa snažili, tí farizejovia a sadúcejovia a pokrytci a herodiáni a všetci sa snažili vrhnúť nejaký tieň na Ježiša. Ale tí pravdiví veriaci, ktorí boli predurčení, aby počuli to Posolstvo, to počuli a videli, a nevideli v tom žiadnu chybu.

143Tak isto je to teraz. Tí, ktorí Mu veria, Ho milujú. Tí, ktorí Mu veria, nevidia na Ňom žiadnu chybu. Oni nevidia žiadnu heréziu. Nevidia nič zlé. Nevidia na tom Slove nič zlé. Nevidia nič zlé na Jeho ľuďoch. Oni vidia len Ježiša. To je všetko. Oni sú predurčení do večného života, tak oni len stoja na strane Ježiša a zostávajú tam.

144Zvykli sme spievať jednu malú pieseň, brat Roy Roberson. A zvykli sme tu spievať malú pieseň, myslím, v čase, keď si sem prišiel.

Pôjdem tou cestou s tými niekoľkými Pánovými pohŕdnutými.

Začal som s Ježišom a ja prejdem.

Radšej pôjdem sám s Ježišom,

A dám si ako podhlavník kameň, tak ako Jakob.

145No, počuli ste tú pieseň. Je to tak. Radšej pôjdem cestou nezhody, cestou tých pohŕdnutých, tou cestou, o ktorej tak hovoria, a kráčať s Ježišom. Nevidieť v tom vôbec žiadnu chybu. Nepozerajte na chybu iného človeka. Len kráčajte ďalej. To je všetko. To je to, čo oni urobili Ježišovi. Oni nie... A vy musíte učiť svojich ľudí, vy, pastori, aby konali tak isto.

146Ak niekto prechádza a hovorí, „Vieš, tvoja cirkev, oni sa zachovávali tak a tak. Oni...“ Tak veru.

147Možno ich tam bolo tucet, ktorí tam vtedy sedeli, ale čo s tým, ktorý je v poriadku, ktorý tam sedí? Vidíte? Vy ste... Vy jednoducho nevidíte les kvôli stromom. To je všetko. No, to je to, znovu späť. Rozumiete teraz?

148A tak oni skúšali. Oni nechceli pripustiť, že On konal dielo Pánovo, tak oni sa snažili siať nezhodu a doviesť ľudí do toho, aby neverili. Ale tí ľudia, ktorí Mu verili, zostali rovno s Ním. Zaujali stanovisko.

149Viete, rozmýšľal som tu, mám tu zapísaných zopár ľudí. Ten slepý muž by nezostal premenený skrze nich, ten muž, On mu dal zrak. Poznáme ten príbeh. A on im okrem toho dal veľmi pichľavú otázku. Nuž, oni tam prišli. A Ježiš prechádzal okolo a On bol Človekom, ktorý bol pohrdnutý a nenávidený. Biblia povedala, že On bude odmietnutý. „Nebolo na Ňom žiadnej krásy, pre ktorú by sme Ho boli bývali žiadostiví. A my všetci sme zablúdili ako ovce. On bol Mužom smútku, oboznámený so zármutkom.“ A ako o Ňom celá Biblia povedala, že aký bude. „On bude pohrdnutý a odmietnutý.“ A my vidíme toho Muža.

150No, tí, ktorí verili Slovu, oni vedeli, že tie veci, ktoré Ježiš robil, a veci, ktoré boli v Jeho živote, oni vedeli, kým On je. Tak oni Mu nemohli pripísať nič zlé, pretože nič zlé nevideli. A viete, láska je jednako na tie veci slepá. „Láska prikrýva množstvo hriechov,“ viete. „Dokonalá láska vyháňa všetok strach a hriech a každú nezhodu.“ Láska to robí.

151No, tento slepý muž tam sedel a Ježiš a Jeho učeníci tade prechádzali. A myslím, že Ježiš im tam dal malú lekciu. Keď uvideli tohto biedneho, slepého muža, oni si mysleli, „Nuž, iste je tam za tým niekde nejaký hriech.“ Keď vidíme, že sa nejakému človeku niečo deje, my vždy hovoríme, „No, on zhrešil. Dostal sa niekde mimo vôle Pánovej.“ Keď brat Crase narazil do toho stĺpa, „Niekde vybočil z vôle Pánovej,“ v niekoho myšlienke. Keď pri mne vybuchla tá puška, „Nuž, on bol mimo vôle Pánovej.“ Brat Neville narazil autom, „On bol mimo vôle Pánovej.“ To nie je presne tak. Nie veru. Nie je. Boh dopúšťa tieto veci. Ježiš sa obrátil a dal im lekciu.

152Oni povedali, „Jeho otec musel zhrešiť. Alebo zhrešila jeho matka? Alebo zhrešil on?“ Ježiš povedal, „Nikto z nich nezhrešil, ale aby mohli byť zamanifestované skutky Božie.“ Amen. Vidíte? Boh necháva, aby sa veci stali na to, aby boli skutky Božie zamanifestované. Nuž a tak On povedal, povedal tomu človeku a dal mu zrak a On išiel svojou cestou.

153A potom, ako sa to rozchýrilo, tu prichádzajú farizejovia. „Tu bol ten človek, ktorý bol slepý, sedel tam dole a žobral a tu on môže vidieť.“ A to bol chýr, ktorý sa rozšíril medzi nimi. A, ó, to niečo vyvolalo. A tu oni prichádzajú a vidia, že ten slepý muž vidí. A to prvé, ako oni vyšli, chceli nájsť nejaký spôsob, ako všetkých tých ľudí zastrašiť. Pretože, oni už povedali, „Ak niekto nasleduje toto nové Učenie a tohto nového Proroka, zvaného Ježiš z Nazaretu, budú im doručené papiere a budú vylúčení z obecenstva cirkvi. Nebudú už môcť ísť do synagógy. Ak sa s Ním spojíte, navštívite niektoré z Jeho zhromaždení, viac už nemôžete prísť.“

154Tak oni to chceli dať jasne najavo, pretože Ho nenávideli. Oni nerozmýšľali o tom biednom, slepom mužovi. Ale oni to chceli dať jasne najavo, aby držali ľudí od Neho preč.

155Oni povedali, že sa chcú spýtať jeho otca i matky, tak odišli a zavolali toho otca a matku. Povedali, „Je toto váš syn?“ On povedal,


„Narodil sa slepý?“


„A ako to, že vidí?“

156„A ten otec a matka sa báli,“ Biblia povedala, „pretože oni vedeli, že budú vylúčení zo synagógy, ak by priznali, že to tak bolo.“ A vidíte, tam oni boli, uťahujúc sa. Oni povedali, „No, my vieme, že toto je náš syn.“

157Ó, možno tam stálo niekoľko tisíc ľudí. Ale ak by on mohol... Ak mohli títo zapáchajúci farizejovia rovno tam nejako poškvrniť Jeho Meno alebo urobiť niečo, čo by tých ľudí vystrašilo, oni by Ho odtiaľ vyhodili, kvôli tomu zhromaždeniu.

Vidíte? Všetok Jeho vplyv by sa stratil.

158Tak oni povedali, prišla tam ich skupina s kňazskými rúchami a povedali, „Hovorte za neho.“

159Oni povedali, „My vieme, že toto je náš syn. Vieme, že sa narodil slepý. Ale teraz, ako to, že vidí, ja neviem. Spýtajte sa jeho. Má už na to vek.“ Vidíte? V poriadku.

160Tak ho priviedli a povedali, „Kto ti dal zrak? Ako ťa uzdravil? On povedal, „Ten, ktorého nazývajú Ježiš z Nazaretu, mi daroval zrak.“

161A oni povedali, „Daj chválu Bohu.“ Povedali, „My vieme, že tento Človek je hriešnik.“ A povedali, „Odkiaľ je?“

162On povedal, „Ja neviem. On jednoducho prišiel a uzdravil ma a to je všetko, čo o tom viem. Viem jednu vec, o ktorej som si istý. Nevedel by som vám povedať ohľadne Neho, či je hriešnik alebo nie. Ja neviem. Ja som sa s Ním stretol iba dnes. Ale ak mi On mohol dať zrak! Ja viem túto jednu vec, že raz som bol slepý a teraz môžem vidieť. Som si tým istý. Pretože pred pol hodinou som bol slepý, ale teraz mám práve tak dobrý zrak ako ktokoľvek z vás. Tak ja viem, že teraz vidím.“

163Ó, ako ich to pichlo! Tak oni rozmýšľali, „Prečo...“

164On povedal, „No,“ povedal, „vy všetci chcete byť tiež Jeho učeníci?“ To je dobré. To je dobré, jednoznačné svedectvo. To je dobré. To je dobré pozadie. Myslím si, že to je skutočne dobrý spôsob svedčenia. Povedal, „Či vy všetci...“

165Tu je laický člen, slepý človek, stojí na ulici, potom, čo stretol Ježiša, teraz sa pýta učeníkov, pýta sa farizejov, či chcú byť Jeho učeníkmi. „Biskupi, poprední mužovia, chcete byť tiež Jeho učeníkmi?“

166Oni povedali, „Nie! Ty si Jeho učeníkom. My sme Mojžišovi učeníci.“ Keď sa dívate cez históriu, viete. „My sme Mojžišovi učeníci. Tento človek, my o Ňom nič nevieme. Nevieme, odkiaľ prišiel. Nuž, nemáme žiadne nariadenie zo žiadnej z našich škôl, z ktorej by On prišiel. On nikdy neprišiel a nepýtal sa nás ohľadne týchto vecí. Vidíte? Nič o Tom nevieme. Vy ľudia tam, uvedomujete si, že tento Muž nie je ordinovaný? Tento Človek je veštec alebo niečo také. On je Belzebub. Vy ste očarovaní. On nemá žiadnu autoritu. My sme Mu ju ešte neudelili. Vidíte? My ani nevieme, odkiaľ tento Človek prišiel.“

167Tento chlapík tam stál, mohol vidieť a povedal, „No, toto je zvláštna vec.“ Vidíte? Chystal sa zraziť týchto ľudí, týchto farizejov, spôsoboval, že sa báli. Vidíte? Ale on sa postavil na stranu Ježiša, vidíte, tak on povedal, „Toto je divná vec.“ Dovoľte mi to prerušiť, niektorými slovami, ktoré on možno povedal. „No, vy ľudia, tu naokolo, ťahali ste za všetky tie náboženské konce tohoto, stovky rokov. A hovoríte o príchode Mesiáša a niečo sa odohráva práve v tieňoch času, keď nás Vysloboditeľ ide navštíviť. A vy nám hovoríte, že keď On príde, čo všetko On bude robiť. A vy tu, duchovní vodcovia, najvyšší kňazi tejto komunity, stojíte tu spolu pred týmito ľuďmi, snažíte sa očierniť Jeho Meno, snažíte sa povedať proti Nemu niečo zlé. A tento Človek prišiel a otvoril moje slepé oči. Ja som sa narodil slepý. Tu je môj otec a moja matka, vydali svedectvo, že som sa narodil slepý. Po všetky tie roky som sedel rovno tu medzi vami, narodil som sa slepý. A to sa ešte nikdy nestalo, od začiatku sveta. A tu, Človek môže prísť a vykonať zázrak, aký sa neudial, odkedy svet začal, a vy, duchovní vodcovia, o tom nič neviete?!“ Och! Hm! Povedal, „Hovorím, toto je zvláštna vec.“

168On sa postavil na stranu Ježiša. Vidíte? To bolo dopustené, aby bol slepý, tak, aby sa skutky Božie mohli zamanifestovať, vidíte, pretože on sa postavil na stranu Pána Ježiša. On sa Ho zastal.

169No, on ich pichol žihadlom. Viete, čo oni urobili? Oni povedali, „No, my vieme, že si sa narodil v hriechu. Snažíš sa nás učiť?“ Oni ho vystrčili z cirkvi. Vykopli ho. Vystrčili ho. Vyhodili ho. Ale hneď, ako ho vyhodili, všimli ste si to? Ježiš ho znovu našiel. Amen. Amen. Ježiš ho znovu našiel. Tak netrápte sa, ak vás vyhodia. On vás znova nájde. Vidíte? V poriadku. A On mu povedal, „Ty že veríš v Syna Božieho?“

170On povedal, „Pane, kto to je?“ On to dokonca ani nevedel. Ale tá jediná vec, ktorú on vedel, bola, že bol slepý a teraz mohol vidieť.

171Nuž, ja viem jednu vec, brat. Oni toto môžu nazývať fanatizmom a čímkoľvek chcú. Ale tam, kde som ja bol raz hriešnikom, som teraz vošiel do milosti. Niečo sa mi prihodilo. Vidíte? Túto jednu vec teraz viem, skrze to, že dôverujem Jeho Slovu, verím Mu. Bol som vykopnutý z každej organizácie, ktorá je pod Nebom. Nie je nikto, kto by ma ešte prijal. Viete o tom. Niektorí z ich ľudí tam vonku ma príjmu.

Dobrí ľudia ma príjmu. Ale každá denominácia mi ukázala palec dolu. Je to tak. Ale On ma našiel. On ma niekde nájde. Je to tak. Vidíte? Je to pravda. On takto prichádza.

172A tak to bude v poriadku, pretože my chceme stáť na strane Ježiša. A jediný spôsob, ako sa postavíte na stranu Ježiša, je postaviť sa na stranu toho, čo On povedal, veriac Jeho Slovu. Tak postavme sa na stranu Ježiša.

173Ten slepý muž im dal skutočné svedectvo. No dobre. Znovu zisťujeme, že oni sa snažili očierniť Jeho Meno. Tak len na chvíľu a musím tu preskočiť niektoré veci. Tak, raz tam bol jeden farizej. Kázal som tu na to pred nejakým časom a nazval som to, „Umývanie Ježišových nôh.“ A verím, že všetci ste ma tu počuli kázať na tú tému, keď ten farizej pozval Ježiša, aby prišiel do jeho domu. Veľký starý naškrobený farizej a pozval Ho, aby prišiel. A viete, dal som do toho trochu drámy, ako ten kuriér prišiel a našiel Ho. A On išiel a jednako vedel, že Ho nenávidia. On jednako išiel. A keď Ho tam dostali, oni neumyli Jeho nohy. A nechali Ho sadnúť si tam, páchol a všetko ďalšie, z tej námahy na ceste. A Tam On sedí.

174A prišla tam jedna žena. Oni rozmýšľali, „Ó, Pán je ku nám tak dobrý, pretože, pozrite sa, toto spôsobilo, že máme našu veľkú párty!“ Oni Ho tam priviedli na to, aby si z Neho robili posmech. Oni Ho tam priviedli, len aby Ho zosmiešnili. A teraz si mysleli, že Pán s nimi koná, pretože prišla táto chorobne známa prostitútka a plakala a umývala Jeho nohy svojimi slzami a utierala ich svojimi vlasmi. A ten starý farizej a všetci tí ostatní kňazi tam stáli v kúte a povedali, „Brat, Pán to všetko pre nás presne pripravil. Rovno teraz môžeme pošpiniť Jeho Meno. On sa nazýva prorokom a tí ľudia si myslia, že On je Prorok. A oni Ho nazývajú Prorok z Galiley. A On dokonca tvrdí, že je Mesiáš, a my vieme, že Mesiáš bude Prorok. A tu On je, sedí tam vzadu. Vidíte, kam sme Ho doviedli? Pozrite tam. Chlapče, tak teraz sme Ho dostali. Tam je, sedí rovno tam, zhrbený ako zbitý pes, alebo niečo také. A tu prišla nejaká prostitútka z tej istej spoločenskej vrstvy a umýva Mu nohy a teraz, On dokonca ani nič nevie. Ak by bol Prorokom, On by vedel, aký druh ženy to je. Nuž, chlapci, pripime si na toto,“ povedali, „pretože, pozrite tam.“ Vidíte?

175Čokoľvek, čo by poškvrnilo Jeho Meno, čokoľvek, čo by zruinovalo dôveru ľudí, nevedeli, že boli posadnutí diablom, aby to robili. Oni konali v harmónii s diablom, snažili sa očierniť Meno Syna Božieho.

176Prečo to urobili, bratia? Pretože nikdy neskúmali Písma. Ježiš povedal, „Skúmajte Písma. Vy si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a Ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“ Ó, akú službu On mal! Vidíte? Tak veru. „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ Vidíte?

177Ale tu, títo farizejovia povedali, „Teraz sme Ho dostali. Ó, pozrite, na tejto hostine je asi tisíc päťsto ľudí. No, pozrite sa na Neho, ako tam sedí. Sedí tam s prostitútkou.”

178A, ó, aká hrozná vec to bola v tých dňoch. Och! Hm! A tu On bol s chorobne známou ženou, vkĺzol ako (tak sa to zdalo), vkĺzol tam. Prešiel okolo sluhu, ktorý umýval nohy a okolo ostatných a sadol si tam.

179A povedali, „Tam je ona a umýva Jeho nohy. Nuž, ak by On bol Prorokom... Vidíte, bratia, ten Muž nie je Prorok. Ak by bol Prorokom, potom by vedel, akým druhom ženy ona je, tá, ktorá umýva Jeho nohy.“

180A Ježiš len sedel a pozoroval ju, ani nepohol nohou, až kým ona neskončila. Ak idete urobiť niečo pre Ježiša, Ježiš niekedy sedí a pozoruje vás, ako to robíte. On vás nechá ísť napred, až kým neskončíte, potom prichádza odmena. Možno bežíte celý ten závod života, pracujete pre Neho, ale netrápte sa, na konci je odmena, ak len kráčate po Jeho boku.

181Možno nevidíte ani jednu osobu uzdravenú, za ktorú ste sa modlili. Len sa ďalej za nich modlite. Často som vravieval, „Ak by som sa modlil za päťsto ľudí za jeden večer; a všetkých päťsto by do rána zomrelo; zajtra večer budem kázať Božské uzdravenie a modliť sa za chorých.“ Rozumiete? To s tým nemá nič do činenia. Rozumiete? On vás nechá ísť cez porážky a všetko ďalšie, až kým prídete na koniec cesty a skončíte svoju prácu, ako On viedol tú ženu. Ona Mu chcela urobiť službu, tak On len držal Svoje nohy a nechal ju, aby ich umyla. Ó, ak by On povedal, „Nerob to,“ ona by odskočila a utiekla. Ale On ju nechal, aby tú službu urobila.

183A potom, ako to urobila, skončila tú službu, ktorú išla vykonať, potom sa pozrel na toho pokrytca, ktorý tam stál a snažil sa Jeho Meno očierniť. Povedal, „Šimon, mám ti niečo povedať; nie jej, ale tebe. Stojíš tam a vo svojom srdci, to je ten dôvod, prečo si Ma sem priviedol. Nemáš so Mnou žiadne obecenstvo. Či som Ja o tom nevedel? Ale ty si Ma sem priviedol. A posadil si ma tu dozadu, aby si si zo Mňa robil žarty. Nedal si mi vody, aby Som si umyl nohy. Nedal si Mi nič na upokojenie. Sedím tu, spálený a poranený, nedal si Mi žiaden olej na tvár. Hanbil si sa pobozkať Ma na privítanie, či potriasť Mi ruku. Vidíte? Ty si sa hanbil pred svojou spoločnosťou. Hanbil si sa urobiť to. Táto žena, odkedy prišla, nerobí nič, len utiera Moje nohy a umýva ich slzami svojich očí a utiera ich uterákom svojich vlastných vlasov. Tak, ukážem ti, či Som Prorok alebo nie.“ Amen. Ja to mám rád.

184„Teraz chcem hovoriť na chvíľu s tebou. Tvoje hriechy, ktorých je veľa, sú všetky odpustené.“ Hm!

185Či poškvrnili Jeho Meno? Oni si mysleli, že áno. Oni si mysleli, že To zastavili. Mysleli si, že Ho zastavili tak, aby Jeho prebudenie nebolo v tej komunite. Mysleli si, že zruinovali Jeho vplyv. Ale stačila len jedna osoba, ktorá Ho milovala, aby to zmenilo celú tú situáciu!

186Ako vieš, že ty nie si tou osobou pre tvoju komunitu alebo pre niekoho, koho stretneš? Postav sa na Jeho stranu. Urob Mu službu. Urob pre Neho niečo. Viete, čo mám na mysli, bratia? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Postavte sa na stranu Ježiša. Uchopte sa Ho, učiňte Ho vašou voľbou. Urobte Mu službu bez ohľadu na to, či ju niekto iný robí, alebo či vám kedy bude odplatené, alebo niečo. To nerobí rozdiel. Čakajte, kým sa tá práca zakončí.

187Čo by si rád od Neho, aby povedal... Hoci si sa modlil za chorých a oni ani neboli uzdravení. Hoci si sa modlil za hovorenie v jazykoch a nedostal si to. Modlil si sa, aby si mohol prorokovať; neprorokoval si. Ale jednako, tá jediná vec, ktorú môžeš urobiť, je povedať príbeh o Ježišovi, v tvojom zbore alebo v tvojej komunite, v tvojej práci. Nemohol si urobiť ani jednu vec; nepriviedol si ani jednu osobu. Tá žena nepriviedla nikoho ku Kristovi, ale ona Mu urobila službu. A čo za rozdiel to robí, na konci tej cesty, keď On povie, „A Ja ti vravím, že všetky tvoje hriechy, hoci ani jedna tvoja modlitba nebola vypočutá. Ale ty prichádzaš na základe Môjho Slova. Ty prichádzaš, pretože si Mi uveril a urobil si Mi službu. A Ja vravím, že tie mnohé hriechy, ktoré si vykonal, sú ti všetky odpustené“? To by bolo pre mňa dostatočné. Amen. Tak veru. V poriadku.

188Oni chcú povedať, „Dni zázrakov pominuli,“ a tak ďalej. Nechajte ich ísť a nech si to hovoria. Ale my urobme službu Pánovi. Oni Ho nenávideli, pretože na Neho žiarlili. To je ten jediný dôvod. Oni boli žiarliví. Snažili sa zničiť Jeho vplyv pred ľuďmi, tak isto, ako to robia teraz. On, ak by len mohli... zničiť vplyv toho Posolstva pred ľuďmi, potom by tú vec zmietli. Je to tak. Pretože, prečo sa to snažili robiť? Pretože On bol proti všetkým ich vyznaniam a všetkým ich cirkevným náukam a všetkému tomu, čo oni verili, a vyzval všetky ich vierovyznania, a tak ďalej. On bol proti tomu všetkému. A oni Ho nenávideli, pretože sa s nimi neplavil na jednej lodi.

189No, ak by ku nim prišiel a povedal, „Ó, Kajfáš, ty si úžasný muž, od Môjho Otca. Ja som Mesiáš. Poď sem, Kajfáš. Vidíš tam tú vodu? Pamätáš sa, tam dolu v Egypte, Mojžiš, ten veľký prorok ju premenil na krv. Pamätáš si na to, Kajfáš?“

190„Mladý muž, ja som veľmi dobre oboznámený s tým príbehom.“

191„V poriadku, Kajfáš, Ja teraz premením tú vodu, z vody na krv, aby som ti ukázal, že Ja som ten Prorok, o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš. Tu to je, Kajfáš. Čo si o tom myslíš?“

192„Čo si Ty myslíš o tom, že Kajfáš je farizejom? Čo si myslíš o farizejoch?“

193„Ó, myslím, že oni sú úžasní ľudia. Ó, vy všetci zachovávate tradície otcov do bodky.“ „Vieš Ty čo, Ty by si mohol byť ten Mesiáš.“

194Nie. To by nemohol byť On. To by bolo znakom, že On Ním nie je. Keď niekoho vidíte prichádzať a hovoriť, „Poď sem a ja ti ukážem, čo urobím. A poď sem, ja spravím toto a tamto.” Pamätajte, hneď vtedy, od samého začiatku je tam niečo podozrivé. Ježiš povedal, „Ja nerobím nič, kým Mi Otec najprv neukáže.” Vidíte? Áno.

195On bol proti nim. On vyučoval v protiklade k tomu, čo oni vyučovali. On odsúdil ich zachovávanie soboty. On odsúdil ten spôsob, akým sa obliekali. On odsúdil všetky spôsoby života, ktorým žili, všetky ich tradície, všetky ich umývania nádob a kanvíc a umývanie rúk a všetko ostatné. On to odsúdil, každú tú vec. Ich spôsob obliekania, On povedal, „Obliekate sa do ozdobených rúch a obľubujete popredné miesta a dlho sa modlíte a požierate domy vdov.” On povedal, „Vám sa dostane väčšieho odsúdenia.”

„No, pamätaj, ja som doktor taký a taký!”

196„Nestarám sa, kto si.” Ó, človeče, On im to skutočne dal. Oni nie... Prečo? Pretože Mu neverili. On bol to Slovo. Vidíte? On sa snažil rozbiť tú legalistickú skupinu. A ak by On bol dnes tu na zemi, On by sa snažil urobiť to isté.

197Niektorí ľudia hovoria, „Nuž, teraz, počkaj chvíľu. My vždy dodržujeme sabat. Robíme toto. A vieš, zachovávame všetko toto a zachovávame tamto. A na každý veľký piatok, keď prichádza čas na pôst, štyridsať dní pred veľkou nocou, my vždy dodržujeme pôst. Na štyridsať dní sa vzdávam fajčenia. Na štyridsať dní sa vzdávam pitia, počas toho pôstu.” Ó, tradície otcov, zákonníci. Ak by ste milovali Boha, v prvom rade by ste vôbec nefajčili. Ak by ste milovali Boha... Napísal som si vzadu vo svojej Biblii, to bolo prvýkrát, čo som si tam niečo napísal. Povedal som:

Nepýtaj sa ma hlúpe otázky.

Ujasni si toto vo svojej mysli,

Ak miluješ Pána z celého svojho srdca,

nefajčíš, nepiješ alebo... Nefajčíš, nežuješ tabak ani nepiješ žiaden alkohol.

198A to stojí dodnes. Ja to nerobím preto, že si myslím, že ma On za to, že to robím, odsúdi. Ja by som s tým prestal, pretože to je nečistá vec, nepatrí sa to kazateľovi. Nepovedal by som...

199Veľakrát idem do domov a tam sú ženy, ktoré tam vonku stoja. A idem do toho domu, zaklopem na dvere a nejaká sestra príde ku dverám, „Vojdi, brat Branham.” Ak tam nie je jej manžel, ak niekto nie je so mnou, ja tam nejdem, jedine v prípade nemoci. A potom ma volajú do nemocnice alebo do nejakej izby, povedia, „Brat Branham, poď sem. Som sestra tá a tá, odtiaľ a odtiaľ. Som tu v hoteli. Priviedla som so sebou svoju matku. Ona je chorá.” Vezmem svoju manželku. Ak ju nemôžem vziať, vezmem so sebou ďalšieho brata. Vidíte? Ja to nerobím. Nemyslím si...

200Myslím, že pre mňa by to bolo v poriadku, ak by som tam išiel, ale čo ak by ma niekto videl, že tam idem? Vidíte? Čo ak by ma niekto videl, že to robím? Vidíte? Potom, tá prvá vec, viete, oni by povedali, „Vošiel tam, kde bola tá žena. Behá za ženami.” To, vidíte, to by bola vec, ktorú by som nemal robiť. Rozumiete? Nikdy by ste nemali robiť niečo také, pretože kladiete kameň potknutia na cestu niekoho iného. Rozumiete? Neverím, že by som tam urobil niečo zlé. Dôveroval by som Bohu, že tam On vojde. Bez ohľadu na to, aká by tá vec bola, dôveroval by som Bohu. Ale jednako, vidíte, milujem Pána dostatočne na to, že by som to neurobil. Rozumiete? To je láska, ktorú máte. Vy, vy to nerobíte, pretože to je povinnosť robiť to. Robíte to pre to, že milujete Pána. Nemusíte to robiť, ale vy to jednako robíte.

201Pavol povedal, „Všetko môžem, ale nie všetko prospieva.” Vidíte? Pavol mohol robiť veľa vecí, o ktorých možno vedel, že Pán by mu v tom rozumel a dôveroval mu, ale oni neboli pre neho prospešné. To je to, čo sa snažia povedať títo legalisti, „Štyridsať dní pred Veľkou nocou sa vždy začíname postiť.” A jedia práve tak veľa ako vždy. Možno povedia, „Nuž, nemám rád fazule, tak sa ich vzdám počas pôstu.” Počul som ich to povedať. „Nemám rád bravčové mäso, tak nebudem jesť bravčové, viete. Počas pôstu nebudem piť.”

202Jedna žena mi povedala, „Vieš, čoho sa vzdám počas tohtoročného pôstu, brat Branham?

 Povedal som, „Nie. Čoho?”

203Ona povedala, „Cukríkov.” Povedala, „Aj tak mi nikdy veľmi nechutili.” Vidíte?

204Tu to máte. No, oni to volajú pôst. Vidíte? Legalizmus. Oni povedia, „No, ja musím. Vieš, po dlhú dobu som sa tackal do v cirkvi. Pretože, poviem ti, chodil som do nedeľnej školy po celý rok, pretože môj učiteľ povedal, že darujú Bibliu tomu, kto nevynechá ani jeden deň.”

205Nuž, brat, to je jeden zo spôsobov chodenia do cirkvi. Ja by som radšej išiel a kúpil si Bibliu. Rozumiete? Ak nechodíš do cirkvi, pretože miluješ Pána, rovnako sa môžeš od nej držať preč. To je všetko. Rozumiete? Pretože ty tam ideš kvôli tomu, že miluješ Boha. Rozmýšľam o tej piesni, ktorú spievame.

Požehnané zväzky, ktoré viažu

naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;

Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí

je to ako to, ktoré je tam hore.

Keď sme odlúčení,

spôsobuje nám to vnútornú bolesť;

Ale stále budeme spojení v srdci

a dúfame, že sa znovu stretneme.

206Vidíte? To je to. „Keď sme odlúčení, spôsobuje nám to vnútornú bolesť.“ Videl som ten čas, brat. Nie, že by som nás odsudzoval, ale dovoľte mi len nás do niečoho zobudiť. Videl som také časy v našej cirkvi, bolo to, keď tí ľudia museli čakať až do stredy večera, aby sa stretli jeden s druhým, oni za tým plakali. A to je správne. Videl som kazateľov, ktorí sem prichádzali a povedali, „Ako to robíš?“ Nuž, tí ľudia sú jedno srdce. Rozumiete?

207Oni sa stretli pri dverách a povedali... Tie sestry tam stretli jedna druhú a objali sa a povedali, „Sestra, určite sa za mňa modli. Drahá, uvidím ťa znovu v stredu večer. Budeš sa modliť? Modli sa za mňa. Ja sa budem modliť za teba.“ A ako to takto robili, mali slzy v očiach.

208Videli ste, ako si bratia podávajú ruky, a sotva sa vedeli rozlúčiť. To je skutočné kresťanské obecenstvo, vidíte, vidíte, jednoducho čakali, modlili sa jeden za druhého. Tak veru. To je ten spôsob, ako by to s nami malo byť. V poriadku.

209No, títo mužovia, ktorí urobili tie vyhlásenia, oni neboli zlí mužovia. Nemali v úmysle byť zlí. Oni si mysleli, že robia Bohu službu. Tí farizejovia a tak, oni neboli pašeráci a opilci. Oni boli nábožní mužovia. Oni neboli zlí. Oni len jednoducho neprijali Slovo Pravdy. Oni neprijali toho Ducha. Prečo? Držali sa svojich vierovyznaní a tradícií ich vodcov. Rozumiete? To ukazovalo, že oni milovali svojich vodcov.

210Tu je veľký Kajfáš, najvyšší kňaz. Tam sú tí ostatní z tých veľkých kňazov a tí mužovia, ktorí s tým išli. No, vezmite si takého katolíka. Oni... Nie, aby som ich zhadzoval. To isté je u protestantov. Vezmete nejakého katolíka, on miluje svojho kňaza. A ja mu poviem o Slove Pánovom, a on vidí tie skutky Božie. On povie, „Ale moja cirkev Tomu neverí.“ A vy sa s ním idete rozprávať a uštipnúť ho. Ja poviem... Jedna žena mi raz povedala, „Pre mňa je to hriech, počúvať ťa.“ Vidíte? Ona nechcela byť zlá. Ona jednoducho tak vysoko zmýšľa o svojej cirkvi a o svojom kňazovi, až tak, že by nepočúvala nič iné. Ona bola tomu kňazovi verná.

211Svedok Jehovov je verný tomu, čomu oni veria. Baptista je verný tomu, čomu oni veria. Presbyterián je verný tomu, čomu oni veria. A oni sú práve tak verní svojim pastorom. Či môžeme byť my tak verní Slovu Božiemu? Rozumiete? No, ak tamtí...

212Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Poviete, „No, brat Branham, ako vieš, že oni nie sú?“ No, ak by tí farizejovia a sadúcejovia a tí vodcovia toho dňa odišli od svojich vierovyznaní a dogiem a počúvali by na to, čo povedalo Slovo a čo im Ježiš povedal, presne to, čo sa očakávalo od Mesiáša, že bude robiť, oni by sa Ho pridŕžali. Rozumiete? Ale oni mali o svojich vodcoch tak vysokú mienku! Oni neboli zlými ľuďmi. Oni nekradli, neklamali, nekliali, ani nič také. Oni by to nerobili. Oni by nespáchali cudzoložstvo. Iste nie. Prečo, oni by boli svedkami kameňovania toho, kto urobil takú vec. A oni by to neurobili. Neurobili by to. Oni boli dobrí ľudia.

Ale ten hlavný problém bol v tom, že oni neboli duchovní. Morálne boli v poriadku, ale to nie je to, čo sa počíta. A čo im povedal Ježiš, dokonca tým verným ľuďom? On povedal, „Vy ste zo svojho otca, diabla.“ Vidíte? Je to to Slovo, ktoré sa počíta. No, budem sa ponáhľať, ako len môžem.

213No, oni neboli Duchom naplnení, ale boli verní a držali sa tých moderných vierovyznaní ich vodcov. Rozumiete? Dobre. Jeho služba odhaľovala ich náuku. To je to, o čo ide. Nuž, pozrite. Len to zoberiem. No len... Bratia, spýtam sa vás, odpustite mi teraz, že to tak preťahujem. Ja som... Možno nebudete chcieť, aby som nabudúce znovu prišiel. Ale pozrite sa. Počúvajte. Rozumiete? Chcem, aby ste si boli istí, že to rozumiete.

214Tak oni mali svoje vyznania, a tam boli veľké cirkvi a veľkí ľudia a veľkí muži, svätí muži, džentlmeni, skvelí muži, ctení muži, mužovia cti, vzdelaní, chytrí, nábožní. Je to tak? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] A my všetci to vieme. Práve tak dobrí, ako by ste ich mohli nájsť kdekoľvek inde. Rozumiete? Ale Ježiš ide ďalej, Jeho služba odhalila ich náuku, pretože Boh skrze službu Ježiša Krista potvrdzoval, že On bol s Ním.

215Či Peter necitoval tú istú vec? On povedal, „Vy, mužovia Izraelovi, nech je vám toto známe a počúvajte na moje slová.“ On povedal, „Ježiš Nazaretský, Muž Bohom potvrdený medzi vami.“ Vidíte? Vidíte? Ak oni...

216Ako povedal ten slepý muž, „Či to nie je divná vec? Vy ste duchovnými vodcami národa a tu prichádza Muž a mocou Božou otvára moje oči a jednako vy o Ňom nič neviete.“ On povedal, „Toto je zvláštna vec.“ On niečo mal. Však? Isteže mal. No, dobre. On mal. Človek, ktorý toto mohol robiť a jednako nevedeli, odkiaľ On bol. Tak to bola zvláštna vec.

217Pozrite sa, bratia, na dnešok. Rozumiete? My máme... My vieme, máme hnutie Božie. Vieme, že Ono činí zázraky. Uzdravuje To chorých. Dokonca To kriesi mŕtvych. Vyháňa To démonov. Hovorí jazykmi a vykladá jazyky. Posiela To proroctvá; ony sa dejú. On nám ukázal sny, výklady; dokonale, presne. Či to potom nie je divné, že veľkí vodcovia vravia, že sme skupinou bláznov, zatiaľ čo sú oni vodcami národa, vodcami cirkví? To je zvláštna vec.

218Čo to je? Stále to je žiarlivosť. Duch a moc a Slovo Božie v týchto posledných dňoch odhaľuje ich dogmy a vierovyznania, že to je práve to, skrze čo oslepili ľudí. Tak, moji mladí bratia, vy všetci, ktorí sem chodíte do týchto cirkví, držte sa Slova Božieho. Nepohnite sa. Ak to nedokážete priviesť do uskutočnenia, nestojte v ceste niekomu inému. Zostaňte rovno tam, udierajte na tie dvere, poukazujúc rovno na To. Je to tak. Zostaňte rovno tam. Nezačínajte s fanatizmom, pretože vás to odhalí. Ale ak zostanete verní a svätí a s tým Slovom, Boh vás potvrdí. Je to tak.

219Jeho služba odhaľovala ich náuky a dogmy. Tak oni využili každú príležitosť, ktorú mohli nájsť, na to, aby sa Ho zbavili. Všetko, čo len mohli nájsť na to, aby sa Ho zbavili, oni to použili. Snažili sa povedať, „No, pozri sa sem. Pozri sem, tak a tak, toto.“

220Jedného dňa tu bol, sedel v dome Šimona Malomocného. Nikde nie je ani jedným slovom povedané, že by ho bol uzdravil. On bol malomocný. Nič nehovorí o tom, že by ho On uzdravil. Je to tak.

221Raz prechádzal popri rybníku Bethesda, ležalo tam asi dvetisíc ľudí, chromých, slepých, beznohých, s ochabnutými končatinami. A On prešiel ku jednému človeku, uzdravil ho a odišiel. Poviete, „No, ak by bol Mesiášom, uzdravil by každého jedného. Ak bol plný súcitu, ako vy všetci hovoríte, že je, mal by milosrdenstvo so všetkými.“ Všetko, čo len mohli nájsť, aby Ho očiernili, oni to urobili. Všetko, čo len mohli nájsť, oni to na Neho hodili. V poriadku. Využili každú príležitosť, ktorú mohli, aby sa Ho zbavili.

222Spochybňovali Jeho narodenie. Položili nad Jeho narodením otáznik. Predložili to pred ľudí. Oni nemohli porozumieť, ako sa mohol panensky narodiť, a pritom Jozef, Jeho otec, o ňom sa predpokladalo, že je tesár. A On sa narodil pred tým, ako sa Jozef s Máriou zosobášili. A toto predhodili pred ľudí. Tak veru. Rozumiete? O čom teraz hovorím? Oni Ho očierňovali. Rozumiete?

223„Pozrite sa na Neho. Odkiaľ prišiel? Pozrite na Jeho matku, nie je nič viac ako pouličná prostitútka, a teraz mala toto dieťa. A potom, ako sa to dieťa narodilo... Ona bola už tehotná, to dieťa sa malo narodiť, potom sa s ňou Jozef oženil, aby to zakryl, potom prišiel s niečím takým. No, to je diablova práca. Či to nemôžete vidieť? To je taký druh narodenia.“ Oni toto predhodili pred ľudí, nečítajúc Bibliu.

Izaiáš 9:6, „Panna počne.“ Vidíte? Čo to bolo? Oni odišli od Slova. Je to tak.

224Oni očierňovali Jeho autoritu. „Džentlmeni, či neviete, že sme Mojžišovými učeníkmi? Neviete, že sme služobníkmi Kristovými? Neviete, že denne skúmame Písma a nenašli sme ani jednu vec?“ Oni povedali, „Mesiáš má prísť do Svojho chrámu. Nepočuli sme nič o tom, že by tento prišiel do chrámu. Odkiaľ je? Z akej školy prišiel? Opýtajte sa hociktorého z bratov, od metodistov a baptistov a presbyteriánov, viete; farizejov, sadúcejov, a tak ďalej. Akú má kartu obecenstva? Odkiaľ má vôbec autoritu na kázanie? Nebol ani ordinovaný. On nemá právo ani kázať.“

225On povedal, „Moje ordinovanie pochádza od Boha. Moje skutky potvrdzujú, kým som.“ Je to tak. „Ja nemusím mať vaše papiere.“

226Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Oni to zahodili, Jeho učenie. No, nazvali Ho Belzebúbom. Nemohli porozumieť Jeho učenie.

227„On nesúhlasí so žiadnou z tradícií našich otcov. Dokonca nesúhlasí s farizejmi. Nesúhlasí so sadúcejmi. Nesúhlasí s celou ich skupinou. No, odkiaľ má Svoje učenie?“ Samozrejme z Biblie. „No,“ poviete, „dobre, teraz, ako poznám, že je To pravda?“ Boh to podporil. To je to, čo povedal ten slepý muž. „Je to divné, ak vy máte tak veľmi pravdu a On sa tak veľmi mýli. Jednako On môže zobrať moc Božiu a otvoriť moje oči a vy ani neviete, že by sa niekedy niečo také vôbec stalo. Je to divné.“ Ó! Ja sa rád postavím na Jeho stranu. Či vy nie? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Iste. „Vy vravíte, že ste Mojžišovými učeníkmi a že vy máte tak veľmi pravdu a On sa tak veľmi mýli, potom nech vás vidím robiť veci, ktoré On robí.“ Amen. To je to, kde Ho pri Jeho učení zapreli, zapreli všetko to, čo tvrdil. Oni povedali, „On nemá... Jeho tvrdenia o tom, že je Mesiáš, sú mylné. Ako by On mohol byť Mesiáš, a pritom neprísť do cirkvi? Ako by On mohol byť Mesiáš? A tu sme my, smotánka Izraela.“ Ale tá smotánka skysla. Rozumiete? Ó! Tak veru. Nalietali do nej muchy, tak to bolo treba zotrieť.

229Tak povedali, „Tu sme my, cirkev, vyvolení. My sme zachovali tradície. Zachovali sme Mojžišove zákony. Vykonali sme všetky tieto veci, a tak ďalej. A tu prichádza tento Muž a zapiera naše tvrdenia. A okrem toho, naši svätí kňazi, náš svätý otec, ktorý urobil toto a tamto a všetko toto ostatné, a tu sú všetci naši veľkí mužovia a On ich nazýva, že sú z diabla, a potom nazýva Samého Seba Synom Božím!“ Ó! Rozumiete?

230Oni sa snažili Ježišove Meno a Ježiša zatieniť, predložiť to tak pred ľudí. Mohol by som tu povedať oveľa viac, ale zabralo by to príliš veľa času. Ale čo? Ale to Slovo a tie skutky Ho potvrdzovali. Amen.

231Ó, pre pravých veriacich, tých predurčených, ktorí boli predurčení, aby Ho videli a poznali Jeho službu, tam On bol. Bez ohľadu na to, či On kedy ohľadne niečoho otvoril Svoje ústa, oni vedeli, kto On je. Haleluja!

232Tá malá prostitútka tam v ten deň vyšla ku studni, aby si nabrala vodu do vedra. A sedel tam nejaký Muž v strednom veku a povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť.“

233Ona povedala, „To sa nepatrí vám Židom prosiť ženu Samaritánku o niečo také.“ On povedal, „Ale ak by si len vedela, s kým hovoríš!“

234„No,“ ona rozmýšľa, „je to nejaký vychytralý Žid.“ Obrátila sa a povedala, „Poznávam, že Ty si Žid. A ak si Žid, pravdaže, si nábožný, a vy hovoríte, že treba uctievať v Jeruzaleme. Ale náš otec, Jakob, pil z tejto studne a napájal tu svoj dobytok. A tá voda je hlboká a Ty nemáš nič, s čím by si si nabral. A my uctievame na tomto vrchu.

235On povedal, „Len sa na chvíľu zastav. Choď a priveď sem svojho muža.“ Ona povedala, „Ja nemám muža.“

236On povedal, „Povedala si pravdu.“ Povedal, „Mala si piatich. Mala si piatich a ten, s ktorým žiješ teraz, nie je tvoj muž.“

237Tá malá prostitútka bola predurčená, môžem ju vidieť, ako pustila to vedro a povedala, „Pane, ja poznávam, že Ty si Prorok.“ Rozumiete? Rozumiete?

238To semeno tam ležalo. Tá jediná vec, ktorú to potrebovalo, bola Voda, a tá Voda naň dopadla.

239Keď padla na tých farizejov, oni povedali, „To je Belzebub.“ Nemohlo to nič priniesť. Okrem buriny tam nebolo nič, čo by odtiaľ vzišlo.

240Ale keď tá Voda Života narazila na to predurčené semeno, ona povedala, „Pane, Ty musíš byť Prorok. Ja viem, že keď príde Mesiáš, On nám povie tieto veci.“ On povedal, „Ja som Ten, ktorý s tebou hovorí.“

241Ona zanechala to vedro a bežala do mesta! Ona mala niečo do povedania. Povedala, „Poďte, vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal veci, ktoré som porobila. Či to nie je Mesiáš?“ Rozumiete? Ona sa postavila na stranu Ježiša. Je to tak.

242Nebola to zvláštna vec? Všetci tí farizejovia a sadúcejovia Ho nerozpoznali a táto prostitútka Ho rozpoznala. Rozumiete? Prečo? Tí, ktorí Mu verili a milovali Ho a videli Jeho znamenia, oni vedeli, že to bol znak Mesiáša. Nedá sa to nijako obísť. Oni to vedeli.

243Keď tam prišiel starý Natanael. Možno tam, keď prišiel pred Filipa, povedal, „No, ja o tomto nič neviem, Filip. Za tieto posledné dni som videl povstať mnoho vecí. Viem, že sa deje mnoho vecí.“ On tam za Ním išiel. Povedal, „Pôjdem si Ho vypočuť a pozrieť sa, čo má do povedania.“

244Išiel tam a Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom niet lesti.“ On povedal, „Rabbi, kedy si ma poznal?“

245On povedal, „Pred tým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“

246Čo to spravilo? Voda narazila na to predurčené semeno. Ó! Keď to spravila, on povedal, „Rabi, Ty si Syn Boží. Ty si Kráľ Izraela.“

247Čo to bolo? To semeno tam ležalo pripravené. Boh ho tam zasadil pred založením sveta, aby To prinieslo to Svetlo, práve v tom čase! Haleluja!

248To je to, kde stojím, rovno tam, brat. To je to, kde ja verím, rovno tam. Kážem to a to padá tu a tam a ide to týmto smerom a tamtým smerom. To nerobí žiaden rozdiel. Niekde to narazí na semeno. A keď to narazilo, [Brat Branham luskne prstami - pozn.prekl.] to vyletí do života, takto, práve tak isto, ako že je svet. Tak veru.

249Ako, „Ten slepý chlapec,“ povedal, „toto sa stalo, aby sa mohli prejaviť skutky Božie.“ Rozumiete? Rozumiete? On vedel, čo sa stane. Iste, On vedel. V poriadku.

250No, tí predurčení, keď videli Jeho znaky podľa Písma, vedeli, že to Slovo potvrdzovalo skutky alebo tie skutky potvrdzovali to Slovo, že to Slovo je správne. Oni boli predurčení, aby To videli, a oni boli rovno v línii, aby To videli, a oni To uchopili.

251Pretože tí ľudia boli predurčení do Večného Života, preto To oni našli. To je všetko. „Všetci, ktorých Mi Otec dal, prídu ku Mne. A všetci, ktorí ku Mne prídu, Ja im dám večný život a vzkriesim ich v ten posledný deň. Ani jeden z nich nebude stratený.“ Amen. Ja sa toho držím. Nie skrze prácu, nie skrze skutky, nie silou, nie mocou; skrze Môjho Ducha, povedal Boh.“ Nie, čo som ja urobil, čo som alebo čo budem; čo On je. A ja som v Ňom. A čímkoľvek On je, ja som časťou Neho. Amen. Ja som spasený, pretože som časťou Neho. A On, On je Boh. A ja som časťou Neho, som Jeho synom. Je to tak. Tak to nie je to, čo som ja urobil, čo ja urobím. To je to, čo On urobil. To je moja dôvera, rovno v tom. V poriadku.

252Tak oni videli, že sa nemohli nikam dostať. Preskočím tu zopár týchto miest Písma. Oni videli, že sa s Ním nikam nedostanú. Tak, viete, tá ďalšia vec, ktorú museli urobiť, aby Ho skúsili dostať z poľa, oni išli a povedali Jeho matke a bratom, „Viete, On je strašne unavený. Mali by ste Ho na chvíľu vziať bokom.“ Tá banda pokrytcov! Oni jednoducho ne... Tá vec bola v tom, že oni nechceli... to bola tá vec, ktorú oni nechceli urobiť. Oni sa Ho chceli zbaviť. To nebolo preto, že si mysleli, že On bol taký unavený. Oni Mu želali, aby sa upracoval na smrť. Ale zakaždým, ako vystúpil, začali sa diať zázraky jeden za druhým, Slovo Božie vychádzalo. Rád by som Ho počul, keď sa postavil toho dňa na brehu mora, keď povolal Šimona Petra a povedal, „Nasleduj Ma!“ Rád by som vyliezol na nejaký drevený klát a sadol si tam, nechal svoje siete a nechal tak moju udicu, brat Crase, a sadol si tam, oprel si chrbát o ten drevený klát a počúval Ho kázať, keď vošiel do tej lode! Ó! Tak veľmi rád by som Ho to chcel počuť povedať, keď povedal to, „Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obťažení. Ja vám dám odpočinutie.“ Amen. Rád by som Ho to počul povedať.

253Oni sa snažili priviesť Jeho matku a tých ostatných, aby Ho vzali preč z toho poľa. Oni povedali, „Nuž, viete, On je prepracovaný. Verím, že by ste Ho mali zobrať preč.“ Akokoľvek, nejakým spôsobom, aby sa Ho zbavili, to je všetko, čo chceli. Tak veru.

254A zase mnohí išli s Ním, len aby našli nejaké miesto, kde by Ho dostali do pasce. Vedeli ste to? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Ľudia Ho nasledovali, len aby našli nejaké miesto. Jedného dňa Mu dali mincu. A povedali, „Rabbi...“

Pred tým, ako Mu dali tú mincu, povedali, „Rabbi, my sme Židia. My vieme, že Ty si veľký Muž Boží.“ Ó, ten pokrytec! Rozumiete? Áno. „My vieme, že Ty si veľký Muž Boží. Tak veru, Rabbi.“ Oni sa tam s Ním zhovárali. „Ó, dobré ráno, Brat. Ó, sme tak radi, že si tu v našej krajine! Ó, sme tak radi, že Ťa vidíme! My skutočne stojíme za Tebou, na život a na smrť, Brat. Ak budeš mať prebudenecké zhromaždenie, môžeme s Tebou dokonca spolupracovať.“ Rozumiete? To, čo sa snažia urobiť, je nastaviť Mu pascu. Vidíte?

255Oni povedali, „No, my vieme, že Ty si veľkým Mužom Božím. Ty sa nebojíš žiadneho človeka. Nebojíš sa ničoho, okrem Boha. A my vieme, že si smelý. Ó, si so Svojím Posolstvom nebojácny! Vieme, že si veľký Prorok, pretože žiaden človek by nemohol takto postupovať a byť tak nebojácny so Svojím Posolstvom v takých dňoch, ako sú tieto, iba ak by bol prorokom Božím, vediac, kde stojí. Tak, my vieme, že nehľadíš na osobu človeka, na žiadneho človeka. Rabbi, Ty si veľký Muž. My sme Židia. Stojíme rovno s Tebou, Brat. Isteže.“

256„No, Rabbi, je to v poriadku platiť daň cisárovi?“ Ó, tá banda pokrytcov! Och! Počkaj. Duch Svätý bol s Ním. On bol Duch Svätý. Rozumiete. On povedal, „Máte denár?“ Povedali, „Ó, áno, áno. Áno. Ja mám denár, áno, mám.“ Povedal, „Podajte mi ho.“ Povedal, „Koho obraz a nápis je na ňom?“ Povedali, „Cisárov.“ Povedal, „Potom dajte cisárovi, čo je cisárove; Bohu, čo je Božie.“

257Prichystali na Neho pascu, tvrdiac, že sú Jeho priateľmi. Vyzeralo to, že nikto Ho nedokáže porozumieť. Oni s ním chvíľu putovali, potom z Neho boli znechutení a odišli od Neho. Oni by povedali, „Ó, nuž, my sme si mysleli, istotne sme si mysleli.“ Dokonca učeníci povedali, „My sme si naisto mysleli, že tento bol Ten, ktorý bude...“ Dokonca až Ján poslal, aby sa Ho opýtali, „Si Ty Ten alebo máme hľadať iného?“ Rozumiete? Ó, aký život On musel žiť, rozumiete, a vediac toto! Ale On mal jeden zámer, jeden zámer: konať dielo Božie. Mnohí s Ním išli, len aby našli miesto, kde by Ho mohli chytiť.

258No, dúfam, že to nie je rúhanie, ak poviem, že takisto je to dnes. Mnohí prichádzajú a nasledujú zhromaždenie, len aby našli nejaké miesto, aby videli, že sa za niekoho modlíte.

259Tu, prednedávnom jedna sestra, ktorá chodí do tohto zboru, bola v inej cirkvi, kde Boh spôsobil, že všetko sa tam dialo. A táto sestra povedala inej sestre, povedala, „Vieš čo, ten muž, ktorý sa mohol modliť za chorých,“ povedala, „musí mať veľmi víťazný život.“ A povedala, „On musí byť schopný, jeho rodina, všetko, je uzdravená na vypovedané slovo, takto.“ [Brat Branham luskol prstami - pozn.prekl.] A tá druhá pani bola z Jeffersonville. A ja som si istý, nikto to nemusí vedieť, ale to, čo Ježiš povedal, „Medzi vašimi vlastnými ľuďmi,“ viete, „vo vašej krajine.“ Je to tak. To je ten dôvod, že ja... Môže byť, že to práve teraz prichádza bližšie, môže nastať zmena času, rozumiete. A ona povedala, „Vieš čo?“ Povedala, „Kedykoľvek má jedno z jeho detí nádchu, berie ho k lekárovi.“ Biedna, zdegradovaná, oklamaná úbožiačka, vidíte, žena, ktorá to jednoducho chcela odvrhnúť. Povedala, „Keď jeho deti ochorejú, berie ich k lekárovi.“

260Každý, kto má zdravý rozum, urobí to isté. Áno. Ľudia nemôžu porozumieť, že medicína je poslaná od Boha. No, bratia, ak nie je, je z diabla. Iste. Ale Boh je tam, kde medicína nedosiahne. Pravdaže. Medicína je z Boha. No, poviete, „Poznám veľa lekárov...“ Ó, áno, a ja viem, že mnoho kazateľov je na tom tak isto. To nie je človek, ktorý s tým zaobchádza, ide o to, čím to je. Ja viem, že mnohí ľudia Božím Slovom manipulujú, neveria v Božské uzdravenie, dokonca neveria v Boha. Je to tak. Ale oni s Tým jednoducho narábajú. Je mnoho ľudí v medicíne, a operácie a také veci, ktorí zapierajú Boha a všetko ďalšie, ale sú tiež mnohí, ktorí Mu veria. Tak ak to pomáha ľuďom, je to od Boha. Ja nemusím... Ja nemusím zobrať auto a ísť s ním dnes večer domov. Ak chcem, môžem ísť pešo. Ale Boh mi poskytol auto, tak ja zaň ďakujem Bohu. Všetky tieto veci sú od Boha, ale používajte ich rozumne. Nepoužívajte to bláznivo. Rozumiete?

261To je to isté, to je to, rozumiete. Snažili sa niečo nájsť, aby pred touto novo-obrátenou znevážili Jeho meno, meno... skutky Božie. Rozumiete? Oni to chceli znevážiť. „Zakaždým, keď mu ochorie dieťa, jedno z jeho detí, on ich berie k lekárovi.“ Iste ich beriem. Potom, ak lekár nemôže... Ja prosím Boha, aby pomohol pred tým, ako tam idem. Potom ak lekár nemôže ohľadne toho urobiť nič, potom ho beriem trochu vyššie. Správne. Tak veru. Ó, takisto je to dnes, snažia sa niekde nájsť nejakú pascu.

262On ich poznal, ale všimnite si, On ich nikdy nepokarhal. Išiel rovno s nimi. Hm. On teraz robí tú istú vec. On ide s nimi, ukazuje im Svoju milosť, to je pravda, hoci oni pracujú úplne proti Nemu. Prečo? Pretože On ich miluje. A On išiel s nimi. Ale v naliehavom prípade sú vždy pripravení na Neho zavolať. Vtedy Ho chcú. Budú si robiť žarty z niekoho, kto vykrikuje. Budú si robiť žarty z niekoho, kto káže Božské uzdravenie, hovoria, že tomu neveria. Oni ešte dostatočne neochoreli. Počul som o mnohých.

263Jedna žena zomierala, bežal som hore po schodoch, keď som tu kázal. A ten človek stál rovno pri dverách, volal na mňa. Ona prechádzala okolo. Bývala na jednej ulici tu hore a mala tam kravu. A ona povedala, „Ak by moja krava mala ten druh náboženstva, ktorý má Billy, ja by som tú kravu zabila.“ Za menej ako hodinu od vtedy bola zasiahnutá nemocou a vzali ju do nemocnice, bola to krásna mladá žena. A ja som sa tam ponáhľal. Jej muž bol katolík. A oni poslali po mňa. „Ona zomiera. A išla... Jej oči sa vypúlili. Povedala, ‘Zavolajte ho. Zavolajte ho. Zavolajte ho. Zavolajte ho. Rýchlo. Rýchlo.‘“

264A jej brat utekal a zastal tam pred dverami a čakal a čakal a stále mi dával znamenia. A to miesto bolo plné ľudí. A po chvíli, niekto prišiel a položil na stôl papier s poznámkou. Bolo tam napísané, „Niekto zomiera v nemocnici.“ A verím, brat Graham Snelling, povedal som, „Zaujmi moje miesto, až kým neprídem.“ A on sa postavil a viedol piesne. On v tom čase dokonca ani nebol povolaný, aby kázal. On prišiel, aby viedol piesne. A ja som išiel von a nasadol som do auta a ponáhľal som sa tam. A práve ako som išiel hore po schodoch, ona naposledy vydýchla. A pravdaže, vnútornosti a obličky a všetko reagovalo. A ja som tam pribehol a oni jej prikryli tvár a všade tam takto vystupovala para. A tá stará sestrička, ktorá tam stála, povedala, „Brat Branham, vo svojom poslednom dychu vykríkla po tebe.“ Snažila sa to dať do poriadku, ale vtedy už bolo príliš neskoro, rozumiete. Áno. Raz môžete zhrešiť až príliš, viete.

265A ona mala tak trochu... mala tvár hlboko... mala gaštanové vlasy; bola to skutočne pekná žena. A jej ostrihané vlasy boli celé rozstrapatené. Mala veľké hnedé oči, teraz boli vypúlené a napoly zatvorené. A pehy na jej tvári sa tak zdeformovali, až... boli to akoby hrče po celej jej tvári, ústa mala otvorené. A ja som tam vošiel a pozrel som sa na ňu. A stál tam jej manžel a povedal, „Billy, toto je teraz dôležité.“ Povedal, „Ja som Katolík. Chcem, aby si za ňu vyslovil modlitbu, pretože ona išla do očistca.“ Povedal som, „Čo?“

266Povedal, „Vyslov za ňu modlitbu.“ Povedal, „Ona išla do očistca. Asi pred dvoma hodinami prechádzala okolo tvojej cirkvi a povedala, 'Ak by naša krava niekedy mala také náboženstvo, ona by tú kravu zabila.'“ Rozumiete? Povedal, „Pomodli sa za ňu.“

267Povedal som, „Je príliš neskoro. Ona mala očistiť svoju dušu tu, nie až keď sa dostane niekde inde.“ Rozumiete? Je to tak. Ó, áno. Ale my Ho vždy chceme v čase úzkosti. Počul som ľudí povedať, „Ja neverím v Boha.“ Nechajte, nech sa im raz stane niečo skutočne zlé, uvidíte, že On bude prvý, na ktorého budú volať.

268Dokonca raz Jeho učeníci, keď boli v búrke. Keď Ho videli, oni sa Ho tak trochu báli. Oni nevedeli, čo To presne bolo. Povedali, „To je duch.“ A skríkli. Ale jednako, aj keď všetka nádej na záchranu bola preč, oni Ho pozvali do lode. Áno. To je vždy tak, či ste trochu podozrievaví, alebo nie. Keď pominula všetka nádej, radi Ho pozvete dnu. Áno. Oni Ho vzali na loď, pretože mali na Neho potrebu. Je to tak.

269Viete, vždy som sa divil, prečo niekedy... no, možno to je to, prečo prichádzajú búrky. Či ste o tom niekedy premýšľali? On sa tam postavil a pozoroval ich, až oni mali na Neho potrebu, a potom prišiel na scénu. Tak my môžeme vidieť našu potrebu na Neho teraz. Vidíme, že búrka prichádza, brat. Postavme sa dnes večer na Jeho stranu. Postavte sa na stranu Jeho Slova. Zakončím tu.

270Postavme sa na Jeho stranu. Nech sa my, vy a ja, bratia, spojíme dnes večer s Ním. Búrka prichádza. Nečakaj, kým sa tá malá loďka potopí. Vezmime Ho teraz do našej malej loďky. Môžete sa pozrieť a povedať, „Ja nerozumiem všetkým týmto veciam, brat Branham.“

271Pozrite sa, či hovoríme niečo pomimo toho, čo je v tom Slove. Pozrite sa, či je tam niečo okrem toho, čo On zasľúbil robiť. Niekedy sa vám to môže zdať trochu strašidelné. Myslíte si, „Ó. Nedokážem To porozumieť.“ Ale bude taký deň, keď vás tento život opustí. Potom sa vám to nebude zdať také zlé. Keď vy sami viete, že sa musíte obrátiť naspäť ku Bohu, ktorý vás stvoril, vtedy Ho budete chcieť vziať do vnútra. Vezmime Ho teraz, predtým, ako budú tie búrky horšie, než sú teraz.

272Ja Ho chcem vo svojom srdci. Chcem Ho tak veľmi vo svojom živote, až kým celá moja bytosť bude nasiaknutá; že moja myseľ, moje myšlienky, moje všetko to, čím som, je ovládané a kontrolované Ježišom Kristom. Chcem byť až tak stratený samému sebe, že všetko, čo viem a čo vidím, je Ježiš Kristus. A chcem prísť pred vás všetkých, ak vám Boh nebies dovolí mať tieto veci, o ktorých som vám hovoril. Keď prídem medzi vás, chcem poznať Krista, Toho ukrižovaného. Chcem poznať slávu a vzácne chvály Božie. Sadnúť si medzi vás a počuť jedného kazateľa postaviť sa a oddať chválu Bohu, z toho, čo on videl diať sa v jeho cirkvi. Ďalšieho, čo videl diať sa v jeho cirkvi. Ďalšieho, čo on videl diať sa v jeho cirkvi.

273To je presne to, čo oni robili. A keď sa zišli spolu a stretli sa v obecenstve, v Skutkoch 4, oni vydávali počet z toho, čo Boh učinil tu a čo Boh učinil tam. A Peter a Ján boli bičovaní. A sľúbili im, že oni... čo im urobia, ak budú ďalej kázať v Ježišovom Mene. A oni sa zhromaždili so svojimi ľuďmi a všetci sa jednomyseľne modlili a premodlili sa do vôle Božej a citovali Písmo. „Prečo pohania zúria a ľudia vymýšľajú márnu vec?“ A keď sa modlili, Duch Svätý zatriasol to miesto, kde boli spolu zhromaždení.

274To je druh zhromaždenia, ktorý potrebujeme. To je to, čo musíme mať, bratia. Buďme opevnení Slovom Božím, skrze Ducha Božieho, skrze moc Božiu. A nech naše svetlá teraz tak svietia, že budeme ako Štefan.

275On tam stál ako jeden muž, samotný, pred tou radou Sanhedrinu, stálo tam možno pol milióna ľudí. Každý jeden z nich ukazoval svojím obviňujúcim prstom do jeho tváre. Keď tam ten malý chlapík vyšiel, je povedané, „On žiaril ako anjel.“ Nemyslím, že to bolo nejaké svetlo na jeho tvári. Anjel nemusí mať na sebe svetlo. Ale anjel je muž alebo... Anjel je posol a je poslom, ktorý vie, o čom hovorí. On tam vykročil a povedal, „Mužovia a bratia a otcovia, naši otcovia v Mezopotámii, ako oni boli vyvedení, a Abrahám,“ a tak ďalej a ďalej. A potom prišiel do bodu, kedy začal krájať, povedal, „Ó, vy trvdošijní, neobrezaného srdca a uší, prečo sa vždy protivíte Duchu Svätému? Tak, ako robili vaši otcovia, tak robíte i vy.“ On vedel presne, kde stojí. To je ten dôvod, že žiaril. On sa ani trochu nebál. On vedel, komu uveril.

276Dokonca keď smrť zaklopala na dvere Pavlovho srdca. [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu - pozn.prekl.] A on povedal, „Ja viem, komu som uveril, a som presvedčený, že On je schopný zachovať to, čo som Mu odovzdal, až do tamtoho dňa.“ Amen.

277Nech vás Boh žehná, bratia. Je mi ľúto, že vás tu držím až do desať tridsaťpäť. Ja viem, že toto je pre vás neobvyklé. Je mi ľúto, že to tak robím. Ale dnes večer ste boli naozaj milí; nikto z vás neodišiel. Sedeli ste a dávali ste pozor. A ja dôverujem a mám nádej, že v tomto malom, polámanom, nervóznom hovorení, že Boh, Duch Svätý, niekde vylial do vášho srdca malé Semeno, aby na to narazila moc Božia a priniesla to do života, práve tak ako pri tej žene pri studni a pri iných, ktorí sú predurčení do večného Života. Nech vás Boh žehná.

278Brat Neville, rozpustíš zhromaždenie alebo čo chceš urobiť? Čo urobíš? Len v... [Brat Neville hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Milujete Ho? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Budete Mu slúžiť? [„Amen.“] Budete Mu veriť? [„Amen.“] Amen.

Milujete Ho? Amen.

Budete Mu slúžiť? Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Chceme to spievať. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Biblia je pravdou. Amen.

Verím tomu. Amen.

Je to Slovo Božie. Amen.

Amen. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Pane, my Ťa milujeme. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Veríme, že prichádzaš. Amen.

Sme pripravení stretnúť sa s Tebou. Amen.

Príď, Pane Ježišu. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Modlíme sa, Bože, aby si nám dovolil byť v každom čase tými najlepšími, čo môžeme byť, aby sme Ti slúžili.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

 Spolieham, že On vás požehná a zachová a bude nad nami bdieť a zapáli nás do Božieho Kráľovstva, aby sme konali veľké veci, a pomôže mi na misijnom poli, kým sa znovu nezídeme.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Modlím sa za vás. Budete sa modliť za mňa?

279Náš Otče, zhromaždili sme sa dnes večer v Mene šľachetného Pána Ježiša v tom milovanom a drahom Mene, ktoré my všetci milujeme a obdivujeme. Premýšľam o tom, ako skupiny ľudí počas tých rokov, tridsať alebo viac, ako sme sa zhromažďovali v tejto malej budove. Ako sme sedeli okolo pece s našimi takmer zmrznutými nohami a sedeli sme tam a mali nohy vyložené na peci a zhovárali sme sa o Pánovi Ježišovi. Premýšľam o jedných vzácnych nohách, ktoré raz chodili po tejto zemi, ktoré sedeli s tými ostatnými nohami tam. Premýšľam o starom bratovi Sewardovi, bratovi Sparksovi, bratovi George DeArk, o mnohých ďalších vzácnych dušiach, ktoré raz sedeli so svojimi nohami oproti tej peci, odišli, aby stretli svojho Pána, odpočívajú dnes večer v hrobe a očakávajú na to veľké zavolanie z Výsosti. Oni bojovali boj. Zachovali vieru. Zakončili beh. A teraz očakávajú na tú korunu spravodlivosti, ktorú im dá Pán, ten spravodlivý Sudca, v ten deň.

280Otče, Bože, keď sme zasväcovali túto malú cirkev na rohu, modlili sme sa a povedali sme, „Pane Ježišu, nech ona stojí a nech sú v nej ľudia, keď Ty prelomíš oblohu, aby si prišiel v tajnosti, ten náhly odchod cirkvi. Bože, modlím sa, aby duše, ktoré prichádzajú ku tomuto oltáru, duše, ktoré Ti slúžili, to Semeno Evanjelia, ktoré bolo sadené tu, tu a tam, a tu a tam, a tu a tam, počas tých tridsiatich rokov. Veríme, že mnohí z tých vzácnych ľudí tam budú v ten Deň, pre to slabé úsilie, ktoré sme vynaložili, aby sme priniesli to Slovo, do toho predurčeného Života. Ďakujeme Ti za to. A dôverujeme, Bože, že dnes večer, že tu teraz nie je nikto prítomný, okrem takých, ktorí budú prítomní v ten Deň, prikrytí tou Krvou, zakotvení v Ježišovi. Udeľ to, Otče. Dôverujeme Jemu.

281No, mnohí z nás sa tu stretneme v nedeľu ráno. A modlíme sa, Bože, aby si sa s nami stretol a zlomil pre nás ten Chlieb Života. Bože, budeme pamätať na brata Rudella a na jeho miesto, tam hore, kde sú tí, ktorí tam prebývajú s ním. Buď s tým vzácnym chlapcom, Pane, modlím sa za to. Ako ho vidím prichádzať, vidím tých mladých, cítim, ako by to boli moji Timotejovia. Modlím sa, Otče, aby si požehnal brata Rudella a jeho službu. Požehnaj brata Juniora Jacksona. Ó, Bože, modlíme sa, aby Tvoje požehnania boli na ňom, na našom bratovi Craseovi, na bratovi Snellingovi, na tomto druhom bratovi, ktorý zastáva jeho miesto, a bratovi Beelerovi a bratovi, na všetkých týchto bratoch tu, Pane, a na bratovi Neville a na každom jednom z nás, Pane. Modlíme sa, aby sa Tvoje požehnania usmievali na nás, aby Tvoja milosť bola všetko, čo potrebujeme, Pane, aby sme išli ďalej. A nech by sme nikdy nezabudli na tú malú poznámku z dnešného večera. Hoci tá malá žena, ktorá tam stála, nevedela, ako to skončí; ale Ježiš potreboval pozornosť a ona Mu ju dala, áno, keď Mu umývala nohy. Niečo, čo tam bolo zanedbané, čo dokonca tí, ktorí tvrdili, že sú Jeho služobníci, zanedbali urobiť a oni sa snažili robiť si z Neho žarty. Ale ona mu urobila službu, neočakávajúc odplatu, a väčšia, ako jej bola daná, už nemohla byť.

282Bože, nech my robíme to isté, aby sme sa len tlačili ďalej a slúžili Bohu. A všetko, po čom túžime, Pane, je počuť v ten Deň, „Dobre si to vykonal, Môj dobrý a verný sluha. Vojdi do radosti Pánovej, ktorá bola pre teba pripravená od založenia sveta.“ Bože, daruj nám vykonať to a udržovať obecenstvo jeden s druhým. A nech je Duch Svätý s nami a vedie nás a smeruje nás vo všetkom, čo robíme. A daj nám dlhý život, možno, ak je to možné, aby sme videli príchod Pána Ježiša. Prosíme o to v Jeho Mene. Amen.

Požehnané zväzky, ktoré viažu

naše srdcia v Kresťanskej láske;

Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí

je ako to tam Hore.

Keď sme oddelení,

spôsobuje nám to vnútornú bolesť;

Ale stále budeme spojení v srdci

a dúfame, že sa znova stretneme.

283Biblia povedala, „Oni zaspievali pieseň a vyšli von.“ Nech vás teraz Boh žehná, až kým vás znovu neuvidím v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dá. Dovidenia.

284Jim, dnes večer som ti nepotriasol ruku. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Pán vám žehnaj.

TAKING SIDES WITH JESUS, 62-0601, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 144 min

1 Some place in Louisville, where you--you eat, and it's called, let's see, Dogpatch Restaurant. I got one, today. When anyone eats there, then they take the money that you gave them, and send the church the tithing off of it. It's somewhere at 319 West Jefferson Street. I guess that's why Billy had it laying here, that so that they could see. That's mighty nice.

2Now, brethren, I don't know what your procedure of--of men's meeting, just what you do, or how you conduct your meetings. And if I get off of schedule here, why, off the regular routine, why, you call my attention to it.

3 It was purposed tonight, I thought, as I had a--a dinner not long ago with our most beloved pastor, Brother Neville, and I was saying something to him what was on my heart. And I thought, if we get a bunch of men together, and the ministers, they're our colleagues here of the Gospel, and men, we could talk to one another in a way that we wouldn't talk it before the public. Because we're all in... We're men that understand as men, Christian men. And that way, usually, in a congregation, a group, you say something, and--and one will lean it a little this way, and one will lean it that way, and--and then it goes all out. But where we come to try, tonight, to tell you what I have in my heart, concerning the church, and its--and its place, and its position. And then if we get done in time, I would like to speak to you just a little bit on the Word, if it's all right. Just kind of settle that, so we'll get our business part, or the part that I'd like to express to you, first. And I guess maybe you let out, regular time, about nine-thirty or something like that, like each night. Well, I'll try not to keep you long. Tomorrow is Saturday, and it's a big commercial day, but now we have to get our groceries and so forth.

4 I want to say to Brother Neville, publicly. Now I--I want to say, to each one of you, just like I was talking privately to you, just each one. Cause, you're a group that--that's... I really think that, and believe and teach, that, men, God has made men leadership of His Church, of His people. See? And it's a... As I was preaching down to Brother Junie Jackson's, last night, about God fortified His--His people with His Word. And it was a woman that broke through that line and give vent to reason, and when it did, God forever has always placed it for His, for men to keep His Church fortified by Word.

5Now, I--I want to encourage Brother Neville just a little, talking to him privately. I noticed last night, discernment struck me, two or three times, while I was in the pulpit. And I turned around, 'cause I'm trying to keep as far away from it as I can, until I find out what the dream meant to me here not long ago, a few weeks ago. It stuck with me for a long time. I told it here in the church, about something about the Message and--and discernment, and so forth. It just didn't, just wasn't coming out right. To my opinion, that time is over, and I may be wrong on that, but I noticed that--that Brother Neville was kind of weary and upset.

6 And yet I just wanted you to know, Brother Neville, that you're only anticipating in this fellowship in that. Have you just noticed what Satan has tried to do in the last few days to what ministers that's associated in this fellowship? Just stop for a few minutes, and wonder. Here sets Brother Crase, setting here, tonight, almost killed up there on the road. See? And I almost had my head blowed off with a shotgun, or with a rifle. See? Satan trying to take us. And there you crashed right in, and could have killed yourself and some woman also. See? Just the ministers, look at just the--the ministering group. See? It's Satan, and he's trying to get rid of us.

7Now, we realized that we're not assembled here to talk on some kind of a business. We're here to assemble, to talk on the... on Christ, and the holds to take a hold, and what to do for this present time.

And I--I want to encourage you, Brother Neville. Be courageous. No matter what comes up, what goes, what takes place, just don't let nothing beset you. Just stand there like a rock of ages, and God will make everything come out all right. He's proved that to you. Course, that could have upset you, that could have killed that woman, and that would have been on your mind, the rest your days, and there would been a lot of things. But God is still on the Throne. He, He lets those things work out all right. He could taken us, too. And, so, Satan fighting at the Church.

8 Now, when I laid that cornerstone there that morning, I never felt that I'd ever be a pastor. It wasn't in my callings, at the beginning. And my first call was to be on the field of evangelism. That was many years ago. And started off, over here in a tent, just across the street.

And I remember when Brother Roy Davis, down there, and his church burnt down. That bunch of people was just like scattered sheep without a shepherd, had no place to go.

And Mr. Hibstenberg was Chief of Police then, and he called me down there. He said to me, "We're here to help you." Said, "I'm Catholic, myself, but," said, "them people," said, "they don't probably have the clothes." It was during the time of the depression. Said, "They go to other churches and they feel out of place, and they're good people. I know many of them." He said, "Billy, if you wanting to start a church," he said, "I want you to know that we're behind you in anything we can do to help you." And I thanked him for it.

9 We had a tag day. First, we prayed and asked the Lord. And people come to me and wanted to build a church, so could have a place to go. And we decided this place, and one night along this time, or a little further here, in a pile of horseweeds right along in here, and water in this ditch, and just had been like a dump, like. Well, the Lord spoke to me definitely and said, "Build it right here." Not a penny of money, and among us we had about--about eighty cents or a dollar. And that's, course, you would laugh at that now, but, brother, that was some money then.

10When some neighbor cook a pot of beans, and yet the neighbor hadn't had nothing for two or three days, come over and eat a few of them, that was hard times. Lot of the young fellows never seen that, but that was hard going. I seen the time that you could pass through this church a collection plate, two times, or three, and get thirty cents out of a place packed full, and beg for it. It would... You'd probably got thirty cents, and had a good offering. See? It's really rough going.

11 And we had nothing to build with, yet the--the desire of the people was to build a church, so we could have a place to go. Cause, in them days... The Message, well, you think It's badly thought of now. You ought to have knowed It then, when there's nobody, and then of this water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and the--the blessings and things that we believe in and stand for.

12So upon my heart I made a promise to God, that we would stay here and build the tabernacle. The morning we laid the cornerstone, He met me over there in a vision, about eight o'clock that morning, when I was setting there, watching out across, the sun coming up, just about this time of year. And He had told me, after He had met me down there on the river, with That, when the Angel of the Lord appeared in that Light. I seen It in the distance. It looked like a star. And It come right down over where I was, and them notable Words were spoken. And so, then, I purposed then to get a place for the people to worship in.

13 Now, I thought, myself, "It ain't for me. It's nothing to me." But yet anything that's pertaining to God is part of me, no matter if it's... Anything that's--that's for God's children, it's for me, whether it's my duty to do this, or do that. It's my duty to see to God's heritage, regardless of where it's at. See?

14Just like you'd say, "Well, my..." Like you was a little boy, say, "My--my business is just to chop the wood, not pack it in. Let John pack it in. I don't care if snow falls on it, rain. Let him get out and get it." No. It's your duty as a--as a child of that home to see that that wood don't get wet, for your mother. See? Pack it in.

15 If they say, "Well, Frank should have went and got the water. It ain't my business." But if Frank didn't get the water, it's your business to take care of the water. That's all. Now, that's just the way it runs.

And that's the way it runs in God's family, too. If some of them--some of them say...

16The other, not long ago, said, "Quit preaching the way you are. My, goodness, you're going to ruin every friend you got, and everything like that." Said, "Let that alone. I know it's wrong, but, my, it ain't our business."

Well, whose business is it then? If it's wrong, somebody has got to do it, so let's just do it. And that's the way I feel about the Church.

17 The building programs and so forth has come, up and down, up and down, and there's been pro and con, in the buildings, and so forth. One wanted it, and the other didn't want it, and this, that. You, you find it like that.

18You find that as you deal amongst ministers, amongst businessmen, amongst lodges, everywhere you go. Where you got a group of men, you--you got different ideas. And so, therefore, you've got to have one person that you put confidence in, and elect that person. All work with that.

Just like in the army, you got to have one is a general, that's the headquarters. Captain says this, he's the captain of that group, but then the general can change his orders.

And the Chief Commanding General, of course, is Jesus Christ, in the Church. And His ministers are His captains of the companies, that--that's representing Him here on earth.

19 And they have tried many things, the little tabernacle here. And finally... I kept quiet in it, just to see, after I had built it. And then the Lord called me out into the field, about fifteen, sixteen years ago, and I left the church.

But, still, I just can't turn it out. I've always kept my name attached to it, so that I could be a vote sometime if the wrong thing got started in here. I'd have a right to come and--and stop it, because I've sweated it out for many years behind this pulpit, seventeen years in here, to keep the thing straight. When all kinds of isms and ins and outs, and every kind of a cult. And being the interdenomination, everything that flew in, flew in this way, and by the help of God we stood here with the unadulterated Gospel, and she still stands the same tonight. Right. So we... But there is times that this church has been tried to be sold out from under me, and everything else like that. If my name wasn't attached to it down there, why, it sure would be, been an awful fix tonight. Not... And it wasn't me, it was God, of course, that did it.

20 And then, as I see it now, coming into the place that it is, and we're living in a great hour, it's still my interest to say something about this church, see, because it's--it's a part of me. No matter whether I'm here or not, it's still a part of me. And it's my duty to see to it that it operates clean, clear, and the best I can for the Kingdom of God.

21 And I'm very grateful, that, in these days, I see it's got little satellites to it, that I am grateful for. Brother Crase here, his Sellersburg group; and brother back there, that just taken Brother Snelling's place at Utica; and Brother Ruddell up here; and Brother Junior Jackson; and those precious boys, who are fine men, wonderful men of God. They preach this Message. Now, they may, one might disagree just little-ly upon something or other, that's only human amongst the group of the ministers yet. And if ministers have a little difference, there won't be a--a shadow of a difference in it.

Maybe one might say, "I believe that the Millennium will come, and Jesus will be on a white horse." The other one say, "I believe, when He comes, He will come on a white cloud." Well, as long as they believe He's coming, that's the main thing, see, no matter how He's coming. Just, they believe He's coming, and making ready for it, and that way.

22 I have tried to find now. And I've been studying. I told it out before the congregation. I been studying the early Church. And I watched the way that those anointed men prepared the House of the Lord, and the order of the Lord's worship in the House, and it struck me real, real good. And I preached here sometime ago, and upon the subject of Joel 2, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all the years that the palmerworm eaten, and the caterpillar, and cankerworm, and so forth." And I begin to study on that, about what these men did, and the way that they taken care of the Church that God had left them overseer.

23 Now we're going to start off with the early Church, and just bring It for about five minutes now, down to what they did, and then I can show you the vision that I have for the future. Now, at the beginning, the Church was inaugurated at Pentecost. And there the Holy Spirit fell upon them, where Jesus had chosen twelve. And one of them had fallen, and they had chose Matthias to take his place. And the Holy Spirit waited until all this was in order, before It come. They had to choose one to take the bishopric of--of Judas, that fell by transgression, to fulfill the Scripture.

24 And I believe that all these things has a time of lingering, waiting, but it's waiting for a time for the Scripture to be fulfilled, till everything gets right, everything in order, waiting. Many times we get pa-... impatient, like a child. We great... get great anticipations, and many times jump way ahead, and that--that just hinders the work, until the work gets caught up. See? We must just move reverently, have a purpose in heart that God, if He would desire to use us in such-and-such, but wait till He makes the opening, 'cause He has to go ahead of us.

25Remember David going to battle that night? He was weary about that fight, and he laid under those mulberry trees until he heard the Lord in the rumbling of the leaves, going before him. Then he went with courage, because he knowed that God had gone before him.

And if we'd only do that, brethren. Knowing the battle must come, but we must wait till we see the hand of God going before us, to make a way.

26 Now, I notice that how the churches, the evangelism started scattering out everywhere. And then we'll take, for instance, the Paul becoming a great missionary to our people. We find out that he went about, wherever the Lord led him, and he established a church. And it was a new Faith. The churches of those days, like in Asia Minor, all throughout Europe, they--they didn't believe that Message. And when he had to preach the Message, and many was converted to It, then there was no one... If he left the people in that condition, they would wander right back out into their pagan gods, and into Judaism, and whatever more, because the people had no one to teach them. The--the converts, they had no place to go, so Paul established churches in different parts of the country.

27Each one of these churches, he left someone who was in order, a man that was trustworthy, a man that was known as a pastor, shepherd. Or, then, after this church then become... Other little churches come out of it. Young men and old men raised up, and become churches out of that. The man that was over the first church was called the bishop. And then his that went out from him, his children, was called shepherds, or pastors. And then this group of little churches all would come back to this bishop.

28 Like in the time of Irenaeus, he carried on the same thing. Martin carried on the same thing. Polycarp carried on the same thing. Right on down through the age, they had that. And then the apostle of the Church, the apostle, that was the Paul. And when Paul left, John took over the Church. And when John left, Polycarp taken It over. When Polycarp left, Irenaeus taken It over. And on down, Martin, and so forth.

Just kept on going until the Roman Catholic church broke the whole thing to pieces, and burned them, and scattered them. And the palmerworm eat this, and the cankerworm eat that. And so-forth eat that, and eat that, until they brought It plumb down to a stalk.

Now, but, God promised to restore again that same thing.

29I--I do believe, with all my heart, that we're living in the last days. I believe that there--there is not too much would break this, anything... And my interpretation may be wrong, of the Scriptures, that Jesus could not come tonight. I believe that what little is left to be fulfilled, could be fulfilled before daylight in the morning, and I'd see. And I may be wrong on the time of that fulfilling, but it's at hand. The... I believe that.

And, remember, Paul believed that. John believed that. Polycarp believed that. Irenaeus believed that. Martin believed that. All the rest of them believed it.

30 What if God would have told John, the revelator, "Now, it's going to be two thousand years before My Coming?" John would have come back and told the Church, "Well, I guess we might as well eat, drink, and be merry, 'cause there going to be many generations." See? "Jesus ain't coming for two thousand years." See? So, see, the Church would been loose. There would have been no "on the mark." There would have been no waiting.

And after all, it's your anticipations, if you fall asleep in that watch, that you wake with them same anticipations. Cause, it ain't going to hinder one thing. You're going to be right there on time, anyhow. See? See what I mean?

31Now, when--when Saint Martin awakes in the resurrection, Saint Paul, all the rest of them, it'll be just as fresh as if they was right in the battle, battling right away, 'cause they went right down under those same anticipations, looking for His Coming. And there will be a Scream come, and up will come the whole Church. You see? That'll be it. So, it doesn't matter. See?

32 We've got to be looking for Him right now, even. We don't know. It--it could be possible that it could be a hundred years from now. It could be five hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years. I don't know. Nobody knows. But, say, for instance, that we lived each day, that He was coming that day. See? If we lived like He was coming this day, when we awake, if we sleep, and we awake in the resurrection, it'll be just as fresh as if we just fallen asleep, just woke up. "The trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air." See? So it'll be just as fresh.

33 But now, until that time, until He comes, we want to live each day like He might come the next minute, because it might be the end of your life at that minute. You don't know when you're going. This may be some of our last breath, we have it in us now, so you want to live like it is.

34But now to carry on, further, we've got to put footprints here on the sands of time, that others can see. If Paul hadn't have went on the way he did, then John wouldn't have known how to follow. If John hadn't have went on, Polycarp wouldn't have known how to follow. If Polycarp wouldn't have went on, Irenaeus wouldn't have known how to follow. If Irenaeus wouldn't have went on, Martin wouldn't have known how to follow. See what I mean? Each one has to put footprints on the sands of time.

35 Well, if I thought that there was a denomination or any other group of believers, that had anything better than we have here, brethren, I would have want to emerge this little body with it right quick. I've waited, I have longed, I have been under anticipations and believed that some great one was coming some day, or maybe the great prophet that I speak will come, of the Elisha. I've always believed and thought, maybe, that maybe I'd live to see the day that when I could change, when I'd see that person rise on the scene, then I could take my little church and say, "Brethren, this is the man we have looked for. This man, he is the one." I've waited for that.

And if actually that has passed, then I'm looking to say, from up here, "Brethren, this is the One," coming from here, see. And I--I want to see the church kept up like that.

36I must have stepped on something, or done something, and put a lot of more life in that thing. [Brother Branham adjusts the microphone--Ed.]

37So now I would like to say this, that, now that this is an established church.

38 Let me just stop again, just a moment. When I went to Bombay, I count that my greatest meeting because of the effects it had on the people. And I... If in Africa, they say thirty thousand came to Christ at one time, then there was a hundred and fifty, or two hundred thousand came to Christ at one time, out of that half a million there. See? What could I do? There wasn't a thing. Perhaps, maybe, say there was, just say, there was a hundred thousand of them. There was no church, nothing I could do. There was nobody to give to them. The Message that I believe, I... There wasn't even a Pentecostal denomination would cooperate with me. And all those souls probably drifted right back into Shiites, Jains, Buddhism, whatever more they come from. No place to put them. Now, that's a shame. That's a disgrace. See? Because, I had no cooperation, because of the stand that I take. See?

39 Well, in Africa, I went in there under that auspices, of the--the--the A.F. of M. and Afrikaans Faith Missions. And when I did, course, I can't agree with them. They, they baptize people in a triune baptism, three times, face forward. And one of them baptizes three times, backwards. One for one god, the Father; the other one for another god, the Son; the other one for another god, the Holy Ghost; and baptizing three different times, for three different gods, and all such stuff as that. And, perhaps, the Durban meeting, not having it rightly, and the people see such a scattered amongst the Pentecostal faiths and so forth, the people didn't know what to do. They had no place to go.

40 Perhaps, what if we just had a revival here, brethren? Let me place it like this. What if we just got through with a big revival, and you brethren had just got converted, and there wasn't a church of this type in the country, nowhere; and I had been the evangelist, and now I'm leaving out, you may never see me again? What would you do? You'd feel like you wouldn't know what to do. You can't go back to that wallow again. You can't go back down there, with--with your wives to wear shorts, and your... and to your card parties and dances, and things like that, and ever be satisfied again.

You've come to Life. You've raised above that thing. You've come to a place, instead of saying, "This is our creed," saying, "This is God's Word." And you've come to live by This, what This says. And not what...

And you go down there and listen to them, and hear them go down and play bunco, and have a dance, and this, that, and the other, and a little bit of message that had nothing in it, about some mayor or something, or was going to be re-elected, or some kind of a political affair, and cut off in ten or fifteen minutes; after you been setting here, day after day, and great gastronomical jubilees of the Word and things. You wouldn't know what to do.

You'd be so burdened with it, till some of you lay members would feel like starting up a church, and start preaching It yourself, 'cause your heart would burn for the Word of God, and you would feel bad for the people that felt the same way you did. Now, isn't that right? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.]

41 Though you know Jesus was coming, thought He was coming tomorrow, yet you'd want to do something today for those people who, fellow citizens of the Kingdom of God, to come together. You want fellowship with them. That's right. So if it's this way...

42Now, I believe with all my heart that the Lord has helped me and has used me to spearhead a great revival, one of the greatest that's ever struck the world since the early days, across the world. We know that. That's right. It was all gone at that time, and--and He met me down there on the river and told me that the Message that I had would forerun the second Coming of Christ. And I suppose there is nobody here tonight that was down there that day. That's been about thirty-two years ago, when that Light appeared; and standing there, me looking right at It. Hundreds of people standing, looking at It. It come right down, and that Voice spoke.

43Years later, strange that the camera takes the same picture, looks the same thing just exactly what I told you, down on the river. Now, I may be mistaken in a lot of things, brethren, but I don't want to be a hypocrite. I want to be honest and straight with you.

44 And then, another thing, if I'd have went away, what? We'd--we'd have never built a church here like that. It's hard tell what we'd have had, see, if I just went on. But the God of Heaven put it upon my heart to build this church here. And then when He called me out into evangelism... We've had pastor after pastor, and so forth, but now we got a--a precious brother here who is of the Faith, believes the Message. We've got other brothers out here that's believes the Message. Having...

45Am I getting too loud, Brother Beeler? [Brother Beeler says, "Little bit."--Ed.] All right, let's see. ["No. Go ahead."] Yeah. Had...

We got--we got the material.

46 And now you say, "Well, Brother Branham, if they won't hear these signs and wonders of the great God of Heaven, how are we going to do it?" Well, now, what if Saint Paul would have had that same idea? See? What? But he didn't. Those bishops stayed just as loyal to the Message! And they... And Paul, ever so often, after making his round... You've read in the Bible, how he visit back with these churches, talk with the pastors, and with the bishops, and so forth, and took relief from the people, and--and had, oh, just a great time of fellowship, like a revival or big time of jubilee. And the Holy Spirit would fall upon them, and messages would come.

47 Look when he went down there to Philip, even his daughters prophesied. And said, "There is chains and prison waiting for--for our brother when he gets up there." He no more than got out in the yard, and here come Agabus, a prophet, walking down, looked across the street. And never seen Paul before, the general overseer, this whole group of churches throughout Asia. And he walked over there and pulled the string off of his side, he had his garment tied with, bound his hands and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, chains and prisons wait for the one that wore this up there." See? Prophesying.

48Paul said, "I know it. I know it. But don't break my heart now. Let me finish my course." He was tired. He was finished. And he was going on and leaving his bishopric with Timothy.

49 Now we got to think of young people. We got children. Most of us people here, married men, has children. Well, what about them that's coming on? See?

50Like I used to kick up, down there, about them throwing those cast nets on the river, pulling out them perch; and the drinks, drunkards and things. I've seen them piled high as this ceiling here, big, fine perch laying there. The stink would be all around the river. I went down, as the game warden, to make them stop it. I got a letter, "Leave them alone. What are you going to do? It belongs to Kentucky." Now, Kentucky warden can't come over here, because he's out of his territory. Indiana warden has nothing to say into, because the water belongs to Kentucky. There you are. Nothing can be done.

51I said, "I've got a boy coming on, would like to fish. Why, they'd put his picture in the paper if he caught a chub, twenty years from now; let that go on like that, those nets, traps, everything else." And it's practically getting like that right now. See? What's the matter? You've got to think of these that's coming on.

52 So we've got to think of the others that's coming on behind us, these young people, and so forth, and a place for our children. Our daughters, we don't want them out in the world, in these things like that. We want them girls raised like their mothers. And we've got to make arrangements for that. And if there is no tomorrow, we don't know that. If there is no tomorrow, we haven't done nothing but been at the Master's business and been found at our post of duty when He does come. See?

53So, I would suggest this. I did, to Brother Neville. Let's carry this on just as we have. Let's let it just the way it is.

I'm grateful for these young ministers. See, actually, at the Day of Judgment, for this entire valleys through here, there will be no excuse, because we've got little churches setting out everywhere, outposts, listening posts, waiting.

54Last night I was in brother's church, and asked if all in there was fortified behind the Word. And every hand went up. Now, that made me feel good. See?

55 Now, what I would think, would be this, brethren, that like in the church here now. I... the... My ministry has, the best of my thinking, four things that can be done. And it might not be either four, but that's the only outlook I can think of; if that One that spoke to me down there on the river, if this is all that was left for the Gentile church.

Which, we realize, in Revelations, it's just one, two, three chapters to the Church. The Church goes up, in the 4th chapter. It does not return anymore till the 19th chapter, that's after the Tribulation Period when God calls out the Jews. That's right.

56And like Enoch, he went up before one drop of rain ever hit the earth. He was gone, then the tribulation set in. See? Noah was in the ark before any tribulation set in. Lot was out of Sodom before any tribulation set in. See? And the Church will be gone before any Tribulation Period.

57Now, during the Tribulation that will be, the sleeping virgin will be hunted down by the dragon, and spurts water from his mouth, which means, "multitudes and people," armies that will search down and take this woman, remnant of her seed, and will kill her. Now, that will be in the Tribulation Period.

But the Church will go Home. Now, if--if that take, would take place tomorrow, it wouldn't hinder us from just keeping on today. Let's make today count.

58 Now, what I think, down there, if that Angel that said those Words to me, said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first Coming of Christ," see, "your Message..." I was to take this Message. "And It would forerun the second Coming of Christ." Well, if This has been It, then we're real, real close, brethren, because the hour and the Light of the Message is just about gone out.

59 Did you notice when Pentecost fell, and those brothers were filled at Pentecost, with the Holy Ghost? It wasn't hardly any time until the Message had begin to dim down, and they begin to set up churches to hold the fort, for Christ, expecting Him to come. Well, that's the same thing is taking place today, if the Scripture is true, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all that the palmerworm and cankerworm has eaten." Now, if that be it, if that is the Message, and, God forgive me, I--I do not know. If that's it, then the time is close at hand, really, because the Message is over.

60 And the other night, I was dreaming that I went to have discernment where a great host of my friends had gathered, thousands of them in a meeting. There was a fellow come, got me. And Billy usually comes, gets me, 'cause you don't talk to me. And this man just talked a blue streak. And 'fore I got over there, all the anointing was gone from me, for it. And then I said, "Well, I'll just go over there and--and preach the Message, of telling those people, 'Don't fool with those denominations,' and so forth, and, 'Come out, like this.'" And when I got to the platform, that had left me.

61 I don't know what it meant, but I was going on. I just don't know. It could be the end of my road. It could be the Coming of the Lord. It could be the change of the day. It could be the coming of that mighty one, if there's to be another besides what's already come. It could be that. All those things, we'd have to draw from, it would be. And as I stand here tonight, before God and you brethren, I don't know. I couldn't tell you. If I did, I'd tell you, or I wouldn't mention, bring anything up like this, if I didn't know which way. If I know which way the thing was going, I'd--I'd say it, but I don't know. I can't tell. I'm going right now on meetings without one speck of leading. I'm going because I don't want to sit up there. I--I--I like to get out in the woods as well as anybody. If I'm wrong in this, God forgive me.

62 There's three things could happen to me. It's either the end of my road, and let this other one come on; I've opened up the road for him to take over, 'cause, remember, the one that comes to preach, will be on the Word, "Restoring the Faith of the children back to the fathers." It could be the end of my road. It could be that He's changing my ministry back into evangelism, for overseas. Or, it could be that He's not going to call me anymore for an evangelist, and He's taking me into the wilderness somewhere, to anoint me, to send me forth like the promised one is to come, I think. It could be any of those things.

63I cannot go on the way I been going. Because I'm... The people has believed me. I--I have to say this. I say it before men. The people, many times, regard me as being a prophet. I do not regard myself that. No, sir. I do not. I have... I don't say that to be humble. I say that to be truthful. I do not regard myself to be a prophet of the Lord. I--I haven't that honor.

64 I believe that the Lord has used me, in little special things, to help maybe lay a foundation for a prophet that will come. But a prophet doesn't operate the way I operate. Now, you know that. A prophet isn't an evangelist, and an evangelist isn't a prophet. A pastor isn't an evangelist, and an evangelist isn't a pastor. "But God has set in the Church, first apostles, then prophets, then teachers, then pastors," and so forth. God set them in the Church, and God gave them an office.

65But, the morning when I laid that cornerstone! Because, now, if you're spiritual, you get it. Because of the cry of the people! If you could break that out, or take the book and read it, it said, "Do the work of an evangelist." Didn't call me to be an evangelist, but said, "Do the work of an evangelist, for the time will come when they will not endure sound Doctrine, but will heap themselves together, teachers, having itching ears, and shall turn from Truth to fables." See? Quoted that Scripture and told me where to find It. Said it three times. And I got the Bible and turned to where He told me, and there it was. And then you know about the two buckets, of the Pentecostal Oneness and the Pentecostal Assemblies. I never crossed them. I planted their own trees right where they was, 'cause I think they're both wrong. But, out of it, I was at the cross, at the harvest.

66 God respects anybody who is sincere. Peter said that. "He perceived that God was no respect of persons, all nations calling, when on that house of Cornelius, when they received the Holy Ghost like they did at the beginning." See? God is no respect of person. We see a person deeply and sincere, he can be sincerely wrong. But if he is sincerely, God will lead him to the Light, somewhere. He'll come to It, 'cause God is obligated to do that.

67And we think about the Coming of the Lord, being such a--a great thing; and the Message, no more than It's went. Remember, there's a predestinated group to be here when the Lord returns, and it might not be over a dozen. See? We don't know. It might be a hundred million; might be ten thousand. But if... The predestinated will hear the Message and believe It, if It's the Message sent of God, which we believe It to be.

68 Now, here we are, then, right up here to the end of the time. When, if God did call me... Now, listen, this is not to be repeated. If He did call me to be His prophet, then I'm certainly not holding the office of one. Prophets don't evangelize. A prophet hides himself in the wilderness, alone, with God, until he gets exactly, directly what God wants him to do. And he stomps right out and gives his Message, and back into the wilderness he goes again. He's not an evangelist, holding meetings, and getting cooperations, and all these things like evangelists do. He don't teach like evangelists. He has THUS SAITH THE LORD, and that's it, and that's all. He gives it, throws it out, and let the chips fall where it will, and then away he goes again. Nobody knows where he's at. He's in isolation, somewhere.

69 Now, I cannot, or if He's called me to be that, I cannot be an evangelist. And if He's called me to be evangelist, I cannot be a prophet. Now, you get what I mean? I don't know what to do. I've done, reverently, when He told me, first, about me hold the people's hand and praying for them, then know the secret of their heart, all these different things. And, brethren, that's infallible. You know that's to be the Truth. Every one of you knows that. See?

And how He told me It would blast across the world, and It's done it just exactly! Every nation under the heavens has heard It, everywhere, newspapers, tape recordings, everywhere. I don't know how It's ever done it. But, throughout all the world, letters coming in, and people from way down in Thailand, and the Hottentots back in there. How those missionaries has crowded back in there with those tapes, and giving that interpretation of the Word. And now we hear from all over the world, see, around the world. Now, they, the Church, is predestinated universally, everywhere. "Be two in the bed; two in the field," see, take one and leave one.

70 Now, as I have done the work of an evangelist. And here is my plea. If that is pleasing to God, and I've done the work all right, trusting that I have pleased Him, asking forgiveness for all my mistakes, then He may be calling me from the field of evangelism, to be His prophet. Then if it is, I'll leave evangelism. But if He calls me to be a prophet, I cannot be an evangelist. If I'm to be evangelist, I cannot be a prophet.

I'm mixing the two offices. That's where I've always fussed about. Standing on the platform, it's never been good, successful. God has used it, but I've never thought it was His direct will. It's been His permissive will. Stand on the platform, a vision or two will knock you out, almost. See? And then if you tell this person how to straighten hisself up, and what to do; and then the next person stands there, he is expecting the same thing. And you can't tell him, 'less Something tells you to tell him. And then the other people feel like you're a traitor, or a backslider, or--or a demon or something, because you don't tell them what they want to know. See, that's not the office, the way a prophet operates.

71 A prophet stays back here till he stomps right into the hospital, or wherever he's going, with THUS SAITH THE LORD, and say it, and stomp back out again. He's no evangelist, at all. He don't hold meetings and discuss things. He's got the Word of the Lord for whoever he's sent to.

72If he's sent to the White House, he stomps right up in front of the White House, says, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." If it's to the governor of the state, whoever it is, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. He don't fool around with a group of churches, trying get them to come in and take the Word, and preach these things like evangelists. He's not an evangelist.

73So, you see, brethren, that's the reason I don't call myself a prophet. I'm not even in the office of one. See? Now you understand what I mean?

Now, there'd be a lot go on like that for a long time, but I hope to not take too much of your time, until I get a little bit of this Word I want to read tonight.

74 Now, here is what I'm doing. I have never felt that I should live in Indiana. I'm a--I'm a--a rambler. I don't... I'll go one place, I think, "I'll go over here, I'll settle down here. This is it." I can't do it. When I go somewhere else, I think, "I'll go over here." When I do it...

My wife calls me... What's that song they sing about? Restless Winds. You've heard it, I guess. Most all of you hear them sing. Well, that's what she calls me, "Restless winds."

About time I get here, I think, "Boy, I just got to get home. I got to see the wife and kids. I just got to go to the church once more and preach." I get here, and come down and preach once. Kiss my wife and hug all the kids. Get out in the yard to cut the grass, and an airplane goes over. I stop, wipe the sweat off my face, and I want to go with him. Somewhere else I got to go. Well, I think I got to go down there. And I--I go down there, and I preach there a while. Look around, there goes another one over. I got to go with him. See, there's no settling down place for me. I just can't do it. I'm restless, shifting, place to place, something. I can't help it. It's something in me. And I know that I must do it.

75 Now, at the church, is in its present state, I'd feel horrible to walk away from here. And, think, of all you men sitting here, that I believe I'll spend an Eternity with, over in Gloryland. We got fine men, fine material, solid, sound people. Just recently there was a revival broke out in the church here amongst the people. The Spirit come among them, begin to give gifts. I watched it, to see if it'd go off into fanaticism. Every time it start moving that way, the Spirit would check it and bring it back here. I thought, "Praise the Lord." See? You just hold your place there. That's fine. See?

76Now, what my thoughts is, is this, is if it could be possible that, when I start going somewhere, I don't know where I'm going. But I can't sit still. I ain't going to stay here. I just can't do it. I got to move somewhere. And I probably won't stay there but a few days, be moving somewhere else. I got to go somewhere. I don't know where I'm going. Neither did Abraham know where he was going. He just crossed the river and started off. That's all.

77 I feel that what we ought to do here, in this present time, I believe that we need a church. I think--I think the house of God... You say, "Well, what, putting all that money in it if the Lord is going to come?" Well, what good is it going to do to keep the money if the Lord comes? See? And if the people designated the money for the church, it's our duty, with a hundred percent vote here, that I took that night, to build the church. So, build it. I'd say, build it. Yes, sir.

78I never expressed this before, but I want to do it before you men. Didn't want the women here, 'cause one leans this way, and that way. Now I'm trying, tell you the reason I want to do it. I think, if the Lord is coming next week, let's start the church this week. Certainly. Let's show Him. Let's stand at our post of duty. Yes, sir. And then if we... when the church is built up.

79 Why? Say if He's... What if He's ten years from now? What if He is twenty years? Or what if He's a hundred years? Whatever it is, when He comes, that matters not. We know He will be coming for us before that time, because we can't live it out, a hundred years more. He will be coming for us, but we got to leave partings behind us. And I've thought this. Why not then let the church board here, speaking to them now, build that church? Put it up here. Make it nice, and a nice place where the people can come.

80I'd suggest, Brother Neville be the pastor of the church, as long as the church suggests him being pastor. That's the vote of the church. As long as he holds that post of duty and stays with the Faith, wants to come, feels the leading of the Lord, then the leading of the Lord for him to stay, if the congregation votes the same.

81 Then I'd say, each one of these men out here, these other men, like Brother Crase, and Brother Junior, all of them, as long as they feel their duty at that post, and they're associated here together. You can't go down and meet with the Methodist. You have no fellowship with them. The Baptists, you go, talking about speaking in tongues, and the baptism in Jesus Name, they kick you out, that quick. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] That's right. You sit around there, you'd be like a--a dove amongst a bunch of crows. You would have no fellowship, at all. You'd die. I ain't making fun of Methodists and Baptists, now. Remember that. I'm not saying that. I'm just drawing a comparison. There, many, those Methodists and Baptists are good men, godly men. But I'm talking about the fellowship. There is brother...

What's his name? Back there tonight, the--the evangelist sitting back there, Brother J. T. Parnell. Brother Beeler, believe, this brother sitting here. Some of... Many of you here are men of God, calling in your life. You can be doing something. Just don't set around. Let's do something. You don't get but one soul saved, get that one saved. Each one of us.

82 Now, I think, this church, if you men would, when you build this church, make this like your headquarters, and like Brother Neville here being like the senior elder among you. See? And sometimes you get a question that you can't discuss out with your church out there, then bring it in here to Brother Neville, and you all discuss it together. If you can't come to any decision, I'll be coming by, pretty soon, then we'll all come together with it.

83And--and then, in there, get training in your own groups, other ministers, men that you see that has a calling in their life, for the ministry. Train them young men. Bring them in here to the elder. All of you set together in a ministerial meeting, and there teach the deeper things of God. Don't go on the bad end. Keep someone who can have confidence in, to be kind of like a--a leader for you. And then, sometimes, if you don't see it just exactly the way he does, goes, that's all right. You're in the Faith, anyhow. Just move along. Maybe when we come together, then, all of us together, we'll pray; the discernment of God come down, and He will give it just exactly what it is, you see, and let us know just how to do it.

84And in there, churches can go hear, and training up a group of men. And if I'm in evangelistic work somewhere, there is places I can place them, worldwide.

85 What if I was in India, go back to India? There I'd say to these people, maybe, would have thousands of them. Stay there for a week or two, and they see the ministry. They love it. They believe it's the Truth. They come out of heathenism. There I've got... and maybe in two or three weeks.

When I was over there, two nights, and maybe a hundred thousand converted to Christ; nowhere to go. The next day, take a plane and start back to Rome, then to the United States. Leave them just like sheep put out among wolves.

What if I had a group of men, young men trained in the Message, see, to say, "Now, wait a minute. Before I leave here, we're going to set in order these churches. I'll have a man. I've already telegramed them. They got the money. They're on their road here, right now, to take over this; a good man. There is two or three young men with him, who will be his helpers and assistants"?

86And a church of this Faith can be set there, which will be an outpost in India, outpost in Germany, outpost in Switzerland. Why, right now, we should have had them all around the nations where I been. And the Message then, from there, comes another, from another comes another. See what I mean? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.]

87 Now, tomorrow night, or day after tomorrow night, you'll see Mattsson-Bose come down here, which is my friend. You'll see just what one little, crippled-up Swede did over there in Tanganyika. He went in there. And, now, Mattsson-Bose is a good man, but he don't believe the Faith that we believe.

88I've took him right out, and took him and just tied him to such a place in the Scripture. I say, "Mattsson, you're my friend. Now you're not going to jump or run. We're just going to stand here, hold one another's hands, as Christian brothers, and talk." See?

89And lay the Message right to him, and he'd just stand there. He say, "Bro'er Branham, you--you sure are right."

90I say, "Now, Mattsson, you don't believe that, or you'd accept It."

91"Well, Bro'er Branham, I--I believe what you say is the Truth."

92"Then why don't you accept It?" See? Just burn It right down to him. And he--he, then, as soon as he gets away, he's gone. See?

93 But just watch what that man did in his missions over there, just one man. Cause, he could send right back to Chicago and pick up Burton and all the rest of them, send them over in there like that, and start the work doings. Till, now they're getting up in the tens of thousands, of one little revival. Not a man with gifts, just a man who had enough courage to go there and start.

What could been done under This? Could been ranking in the millions. Sure. We've lost that time. That's what my suggestion would be.

94Now remember, in doing this, you'll find out, there may be times that you'll disagree with Brother So-and-so. You'll disagree over here. And remember, as long as you get to the spot, you say, "Well, because he don't believe It just like me, I ain't going to," then there is something wrong with you. Is not wrong with the other fellow. It's something wrong with you. When, brethren who are trying to hold together!

95There's one thing, we Branham's, there's nine of us, and we'd fight like pet dogs. But, after all, when we got through fighting, we were still Branham's. One knowed the other was a Branham. I knowed he was a Branham. He knowed I was a Branham. See? But we'd fight. You do that in your family, but they're still your brothers.

That's the way it is. We might different, that's all right, but we're still one. We're one in Christ. We believe this Message, and let's stay with It.

96 And I think that that's the thing to do, to keep on carrying on, until Jesus comes. And that's what I wanted to say in that manner. And I believe if you'd have like...

97See, you've got to be enthused with It. If you're not enthused, then there is something wrong. There is something wrong. You got, just not say, "Well, last month I was pretty well enthused, but I don't know." See, then there is something wrong somewhere. You've got to be enthused, all the time, see, and just keep punching. It's the Devil, trying to get you.

Like, I always liked our last president, Mr. Eisenhower. I had a great admiration for General Eisenhower. He said, "When we were fighting," he said, "there's many times we picked up a shell and throwed it into the gun, and pulled the hammer on it, and let her fall, and it snapped. It didn't go off." Said, "We didn't surrender." Said, "We might have put in another one, and it snapped, too." Said, "We didn't give up." Said, "We kept on snapping till the one went off."

98 That's it. That's the way to win the war. Keep trying. Throw the shell in and pull it. You got a purpose, a target to hit. And if it don't go off, throw it out, and throw another one in, and try it again. Throw it in and try it again, till one goes off. There's one of them in there that's alive, and one of them will go off. But that's the way we got to do. Just keep firing away, firing away, until something happens.

99What am I doing? I'm firing away now. I'm going out here, not know even... out any leading.

A responsibility! Millions of people looking at you, "What's you going to do? What's the next move?" Some thinks I'm dead. Some thinks this. Even that gun went off, other day, said I was trying to commit suicide. Everything, see, out around the country, and everything. See? But you got all that to contend with. Then, you got the burden of the people.

100 And just imagine, what if God would place on you, that you knowed the heart of the people that you was talking to? Think about that. See? Brethren, maybe, I know you have burdens, but you don't understand. And besides that, here, you got the responsibility here.

101You say, "Well, that ought to be easy for you, Brother Branham. Anything to do, God just tell you." No. He doesn't. I sweat it out, just like you do, and a whole lot harder. Sure. I have to sweat it much harder than you do.

And there's going to be more required of me. Where you have to answer for a church, where you have to answer for your family, or maybe just for yourself, see, there's millions of souls I got to answer for. I got to know my moves. And if Satan is knocking you, for one soul, or a few souls that you'll catch, what about out here where millions are sitting in order? How many more blasts is he throwing in there? See? So you got a whole lot to remember, brethren. That, no wonder I get nervous sometimes. Sure.

102 But now I'm punching away right now. I throw a shell in. If it fires, there it is. If it don't fire, I won't quit. I'll throw that one out, as a thud, and try another one. One of them is going to go off. That's all there is to it. One of them is going to fire, somewhere. Then, I--I want to be on the target, so, when it does fire, I'll hit the object that I'm shooting at. And now you know what I mean. I'm sure. See? There is something, somewhere. I'm leaving for these meetings, just plunging out yonder. I don't aim to teach these great things I teach you people.

103You remember what that dream, that I got the interpretation, was? "Go back and store up Food." Where was the storehouse? This tabernacle. Where is there anything like it in the country, around here anywhere, that will compare with the Message that we have?

Now, course, our little brothers here that's out along here, these other little churches, are us. We're one.

Where would you go to, to find It? Show Its comparison anywhere. You go right out in denominational creeds. You'll go right out away from the Name of the Lord Jesus. You'll go right out away from these other things. See? And here is where the Food has been stored up.

104 Well, one Message that I preached here to you all... Look, I've been preaching from one to six hours to you, on a Message. Well, if I had to use one of those Message, I'd take a week to take It, just a little bit here and a little bit there, see, because It's been stored up here.

105It's on tapes. It'll go worldwide on the tapes, where people in their houses. Them tapes will fall right into the hands of the predestinated of God. He can direct the Word. He'll direct everything just exactly to its course. That's the reason He sent me back to do this. "Store up the Food here." He forbid me to go overseas.

106 Brother Arganbright said, "Well, come, go. You got one night, but we'll take you a tourist trip all around over the country." The way I seen Brother Fred and Brother Banks trying to go.

107I said, "I wouldn't go that way." See? It showed that there was something else.

108I've pressed right up to the mark now, but I don't know which way to go. But there's ammunition laying all around me. Did He call me back to the evangelism? Has He called me to foreign missionaries? Has He called me to be His prophet? Am I to pastor somewhere? Whatever I'm to do, I'll just keep throwing shell in and pulling the hammer on it. One of them will go off. But I'm just not going to stay and look, say, "Lord, You put the shell in the gun." I'm going to put the shell in the gun, do the pulling myself. Let Him do the firing. He is the One to take care of that. Let me just keep moving on.

109 Out, when I go on this meetings now, I'm just going out. I don't know. It, I--I may not say one thing about these Message like I preach here. I may not even have one night of discernment. I don't know. I'm just going, not knowing what I'm going to do. I couldn't tell you. I'm just going, and that's only.

110And that's the way you have to do. You've got something in mind. The people here wants a church. Build it. As quick as you can, get it up. Get your teachers and things.

You brethren out yonder, with your little churches, and you want to, you're doing a work, God will reward you for that. Go out there, preach, do everything you can. Let all of you get together, you bunch of men, and have meetings, and talk on deep things of the Scripture.

And, pray. Don't--don't just come here to gather, 'less you'd come for prayer meeting alone. Do your praying in secret. Stay out in the places. Go into your rooms. Hide out somewhere. And just kneel down, and just stay before God, and stay there.

Then if you find out, look like something is moving up, oh, you're just going, and you find out it gets a little bit off the Word, then be careful. No matter how good it looks, stop right there. A wrong spirit struck you. Cause, the Message of this day is to the Word. See? Don't. See?

111 If you say, "Oh, my, Brother Branham! I tell you so-and-so. Why, So-and-so stood the other night, this other thing taken place like this."

Watch it. Watch it close. Don't renounce nothing. Just wait and see how it acts, and then bring it up to the Word and see how it compares with the Word. Then, if it compares with the Word, and everything is fine, thank God, and just keep moving on then, see, just long as it stays in the Word. That's my opinion, what I think you should do.

112 Brother Neville, Brother Ruddell, Brother Crase, and Brother Beeler, and all you brethren here, Junie, wherever you are, and the rest of you brethren, God richly bless you.

I see Terry, Lynn, Charlie Cox, David, a lot of you young men here. God anoint you. My! How I would like to pick up a handful of you, to be evangelism, and set you somewhere, see, knowing that you've come up. You can stand and know the Message, and study, to prove yourself, you feel a call in your life. I see two or three young men, and four or five, sitting, on another row back here, and--and like that. You're a young man. I'm getting old. Brother Neville is getting old. We're middle-aged men. If time rolls on, we're going to walk off the scene, after while. You've got to fill our shoes. See? And so you see. And then, maybe, in that day, even will be growed greater, if there is a tomorrow.

113 But while there is a today, let's work while it's day. Tomorrow may never come. If it does, let's be ready for it. See what I mean? Now, that's what I would think, to you.

114Would it be wonderful to see a brother up there from Utica, Brother Crase, all you other brethren here, come together, meet, come into a place. You ministers set together and discuss things. You've got to have fellowship somewhere. You've got to have something, to come together, kind of get together about. You all come together as a group of men and believe one with the other, and like that, and discuss these problems, and set out, maybe, once a month, just ministers alone. Let you meet somewhere in one of your churches. Sit there and discuss it, and talk it, each one of you pastors, and evangelists, and whatever you are.

And then if some great problem comes up, you can't settle, then, if I'm called on the field of evangelism. I don't know that I will be. If I will be, you know I'll be coming back, constantly, all the time. And then if you get those things, then, when I come back here, well, we'll meet together and just set down there. One of you has a calling in your life... We won't have like private interviews and things we been having. We'll just come right together, and stay there till we have THUS SAITH THE LORD.

115 And if you can get the preachers straight, and him going right, look what he's going to do. He's going to influence a... It would take care of a hundreds of these things. That's it. We're just beating at, you see. You've got to get it a system, God's system.

116Like Jethro said to Moses, "Why, you can't beat out all of them." Or, and God put elders out there, seventy of them. And took the Spirit was on Moses, and put them upon those seventy elders. And they prophesied. And it didn't weaken Moses a bit. It strengthened him. He had just as much prophecy in him as he did before they took the Spirit off of him, to prophesy. See? He just separated, said, "Now, Moses, let them judge the smaller things. And, but, when it comes to the major things, you come in with them and help them like that."

117Now, that's the way. That was God's way back there. That was God's way in the--in the early Church Age. And I believe it's God's way now, right, for us to do it. So, let's do it. Just quit talking about it, and do it. That's all. We can do it by the grace of God. Don't you believe it? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.]

Now, now, let's see. Oh, I done took my time up.

118 But Billy wrote a note here. Just a minute, I'll see what it is. "I'm from New Albany. Daughter Grace, Memorial Hospital, broke her arm. Wants prayer for her. T-r-o-u-b, W. C. Troub." Troub, something like that.

Let's have prayer for this young lady.

119Our Heavenly Father, as we're speaking now, and I'm thinking that maybe when Irenaeus looked out upon his little group of men, it perhaps was a lot smaller group than is here tonight. And they didn't have a seat to sit in. They set on old cold slabs of rock. And they sit there, and he talked to them. Those men went out even when, to go, they know that they could be fed to lions, their heads chopped off. But the Faith of our fathers are living still, in spite of dungeon, flame and sword.

120I thank You for these men, Lord. I pray that You'll bless them. Now bless each of them, in Thy Name, that You will keep them in the Faith that was once delivered to the saints, that never will they vary from that. And out of this group may You send pastors, teachers, evangelists. O God, grant it. And may they hold the fort, everywhere, wherever they are. May they continually work until Jesus comes.

121 And now, Father, I pray for each of these requests that's come in here tonight, and ask that You'll remember this little lady down here, that's just broke her arm. May the power of Almighty God heal her and make her well. Grant it, Lord. I pray that You'll help her and bless her. Bless her loved ones for calling. And may the power that raised up Jesus out of the grave raise up this girl. May her arm get well.

122All these requests that was made mention tonight! That poor boy laying there, that's got this, I heard the brother announce it, that the--the Hodgkin's disease has eat through him until his face is burnt up, with radium and things they're giving him. God, be merciful to that boy. Let him live.

We think of that man that didn't prepare to meet You, and has gone on now; his wife with a crushed head. The adopted child! All these others!

Sister Bruce, packing that water. She is getting old, Father. And there she burnt her arms, and up and down her body. We pray for her. She is probably hospitalized. And we pray that you'll deliver her and bring her out. Grant it, Father. We ask these blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

123 Now I want to ask you something, and ask you if--if you believe that we have time just for a little bit of the Word. Do you have it? [The brethren say, "Yes."--Ed.] Just for... Now it's, I know, it's a little late, but I had a little something here that I thought out today, that I would like to--to speak on, just for a minute, and it might help you.

And I thought, first, that I would announce this. Now, it's on this tape. And if anybody would ever want to refer to it, Jim will have it, see, to what I think ought to be done, and now what should be done to the... for you brethren.

124Now, do you know, when those early men went out, sometimes there were only about six or eight of them, together? And they shook the country. Well, you know, when Aquila and Priscilla, that great revival that Apollos was having over there, there was only about six or eight men and women in that bunch. That whole church, meant six or eight. You got five or six, seven times as many here tonight as they had then.

125You know, Jesus only had twelve apostles. We always thinking for something big. But God don't deal in them big numbers. It's in these little groups is where He gets it. See? Look all down through the age, at any time He ever met with men. It was in small groups, see, and spoke with them, and ordained them. It's God's good pleasure to do that. That's the way He likes to do it. And now we just want to keep God in our midst, and go, doing these things.

126 Now, Sunday morning, Lord willing, I want to speak to you on Evening-Time Evangelism. And then I'll, if the Lord permits, I'll probably be leaving until late this fall, and 'fore I get back again. I'll probably get back sometime in, around in September.

And now I'm hoping, by then, that everything will move wonderfully for you brethren, and your meetings will grow in numbers, and the grace of God be upon you all, until we meet. And I'm trusting that you'll pray for me, and the success.

Remember your prayers for me. That means you're my colleague. You're--you're my buddy, my helper. And, together, we are helpers in the Lord. And now, when I'm standing out there before the enemy, I--I want to remember that faithful, true soldiers that gets prayer answered for the sick and the afflicted, and those men are praying for me. I'm the one who needs it out there. I really need it. So, you all pray for me when you gather. Don't forget me, in any meeting. Pray for me.

127 Now, in Saint John, the 9th chapter, I want to read from the 26th verse unto the 35th, now, just for a few minutes. And then we'll--we'll close in the next twenty or thirty minutes, or maybe before that time, the Lord willing. I want to read these Scriptures now from Saint John, 26 to... Saint John 9:26-35, I've got wrote down here, just something I was thinking of.

Then said they unto him again, What did he do to thee? how opened he thine eyes?

And he answered them, I have told you already, and you did not hear: wherefore would you hear... again? will you also be his disciples?

Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciples; but we are Moses' disciples.

We know that God spake unto Moses: but for this fellow, we know not from whence he is.

The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvelous thing, that you know not from whence he is, and yet he has opened mine eyes.

Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.

Since the world began has it not heard that any man has opened the eyes of one that was born blind.

If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.

Then answered... They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sin, and does thou teach us? And they cast him out.

And Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?

128 Now I'd like to speak just for a few minutes to you brethren, knowing that, my little talk here, I don't know what will become of it. Trusting that God will use it in some way. And now in this, upon His Word, so I know that Brother Sink, Brother Neville or one of you ministers, usually preach. And just being here with you, you'll pardon me, I'd just like to speak to you a little bit on this manner.

129Now I want to take a subject here of: Taking Sides With Jesus. The Pharisees and leaders of His day always tried to belittle Him before the people. That was just a way that the Devil had of working. All the Pharisees and the teachers of His day constantly tried to belittle Jesus. They, all the throw-off that they could give to Him, they done it. They watched Him, constantly, to find where they could find a fault. And they never spoke of His good things. They were always finding something that they could belittle Him about, and say, "You see, looky here. If He was man of God, He wouldn't do it this a way." Or, "If He was a man of God, He wouldn't do it that way." They were trying to cast a shadow upon Him, to get the people to disbelieve Him. That's the work of the Devil.

130 And that old scheme has never ceased. There's many times that a minister will make a mistake. And if he comes into a neighborhood, a precious brother who is trying to do what's right, and to lead the people right; everything that the Devil can point to the unbeliever or the so-called Christian, in that neighborhood, to throw off on that man, he'll do it.

You know, the real Christian way is to hide everything you can from a brother. Don't tell his bad things. Just tell his good things. Just tell what you know about him is good. If anything is bad, let it alone. Poor fellow has got enough against him, anyhow. Don't try to take a pole and shove a man further into the ditch. The Christian attitude is pick him up and take him out of the ditch. See? Don't never try to shove him down. He is down, already. Try to help him up. And, but, too many of us today, too many people today, I might say, try to do that, if they could just get something another that they could say, that was real bad.

131 Now, for instance, if--if one of you brethren would make a mistake and do something is wrong; which, you're subject to do it; I am, too; every one of us. But, as we go along, let's remember we are brothers. We are brothers. And if we got any fighting, let's fight with one another. Bring it together. Bring it before our brethren and settle it.

132Now, they used to, in the Branham family, if one of the little ones done something, they was going to tell Bill about it, 'cause I was the biggest. And I had to stand there and see which was right and wrong. Well, my decision was that, if they... which one was right and wrong. If they still didn't believe it, then they got around behind my back and fought it out. But they were still brothers, you see. They'd fight in the back yard, with one another; and fight in the front yard, for one another. So that's the way it was, see, and were still brothers.

133Well, that, that's the way we--we got to do this. See? If you got something against somebody, your brother, don't tell somebody else about it. If it's wrong, go to him and tell him. And then if he's going to argue with you, then take somebody else with you. Then bring it up the way the Bible said.

134 But, Jesus, they--they just tried to find every little shadow that they could find, to try to belittle Him in the sight of the people.

And that's what the Devil wants. They want to. They want to hurt your influence before the people. That's the way. You want to watch careful what you do. Walk like real men of God. Talk like men of God. See? Act like men of God. Live like men of God. Because, "The Devil, your adversary, is going about like a roaring lion, trying to devour what he can."

135Why did they do this? They were jealous of Him. That was what's the reason they tried to belittle Him. They were jealous of His ministry. And that's the reason they were trying to belittle. Well, He had the ministry of God, and they knew that, but It was contrary to their creed. So they were trying to belittle Him, make everything He... every little flaw that they could find, get Him out of the way. They wanted Him to quit. They wanted the people to denounce Him.

They wanted to say, "Now, this Guy is nothing. Looky here. Now, there He is. He--He--He did this, and you know that's not right. We been taught, all of our life, that we should believe the elders. And here He is, stood right there and bawled that elder out. He disagreed with the tradition of the fathers. And we been... We ought to believe the tradition of our fathers. We been taught that, by each rabbi, all the years through. And here this Man comes around and disagrees with them. See? Why, the Man like that ain't fit to be a preacher." See? They were trying to belittle Him.

136But, in all of that, the ones that believed Him and loved Him, and had seen His Scriptural, miracle signs, would not be hindered by them. No, sir. Them who believed Him believed Him. Those who loved Him stood by Him. They would not see what others pointed out to them.

137 Oh, if we could be that! If we could just not see. If somebody would come around here, say, "You know what? They say you're a pentecostal."

"Not by denomination."

"Well, you was the... You, you're them kind that baptizes in Jesus' Name."

"Yeah. That's right."

138"Well, let me tell you something. I know a man, one time, was baptized like that, and he did so-and-so."

139But looky, that has nothing to do with It. It's a devil, trying to throw a shadow on you. They're always trying to point you to some old ship that got wrecked upon the seashore, but they're not pointing you to that one that made the voyage safely. That's right. See? That's right.

140 They're always trying to throw a crow bait out there, and say, "This is the example. Here is what did it. I know of a certain preacher that was a holiness preacher, and he did this, that, or the other." But they don't point out others that wasn't holiness, did that also, you see. And they don't point the great things that God did.

141Like somebody say, "Oh, here this man went too far. He, he went too far." He might have done that. "He wrecked hisself up. He went too far. He become a fanatic." He might have done that. But while they're pointing to how many that went, one that went too far, how about these millions that never went far enough? They fail to see that. See what I mean? [The brethren say, "Yes."--Ed.]

142 So, the people tried, them Pharisees, and Sadducees, and hypocrites, and Herodians, and all tried to cast a shadow on Jesus. But them true believers that was predestinated to hear that Message, heard It and seen no fault in It at all.

143Same now. Those who believe Him, love Him. Those who believe Him, see no fault in Him. They don't see any heresy. They don't see anything wrong. They don't see anything wrong with His Word. They don't see anything wrong with His people. They just see Jesus. That's all. They, they're--they're predestinated to Eternal Life, so they just take sides with Jesus and stay there.

144We used to sing a little song, Brother Roy Roberson. And we used to sing a little song here, I guess, time you come here.

I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few.

I started in with Jesus, and I'm going through.

I'd rather walk with Jesus alone,

And have for my pillow, like Jacob, a stone.

145 Well, you've heard the little song. That's right. I'd rather take the way of the discord, take the way of the despised, take the way of the talked-about, and walk with Jesus. See no fault in It, at all. Don't see another fellow's error. Just keep on going. That's all.

Now, that's the way they did to Jesus. They didn't--they didn't...

And you must teach your people, you pastors, to do the same.

146If somebody comes along, says, "You know, your church, they was so-and-so. They..." Yes, sir.

147There may be a dozen of them setting there then, but how about that one that's--that's--that's all right, that's setting there? See? You're--you're--you're... You just can't see the woods, for the trees. That's all. Now, that's it, right back again. See now?

148 And so they tried. They was not willing to admit that He was doing the work of God, so they were trying to sow discord and get the people not to believe. But them people who believed Him, stayed right with Him. They took side.

149You know, I thought here, a couple of people I got wrote down here. The blind man would not be changed by them, that man He just give his sight. We know the story. And He gave them a very stinging question, besides. Now, they come up there.

And Jesus walked by, and He was a Man that was despised and hated. The Bible said He would be rejected. "There be no beauty of Him, we should desire Him. And all we like sheep have gone astray. He was a Man of sorrow, acquainted with grief." And how all the Bible said what He would be. "He would be despised and rejected." And we see that Man.

150 Now, those who believed the Word, they knowed that the very things that Jesus was doing, and the things was of His life, they knew Who He was. So they couldn't put nothing blight on Him, because they couldn't see it. And you know, love is blind, anyhow, to them things. "Love covers up a multitude of sin," you know. "Perfect love casts out fear, and sin, all discord." Love does.

151Now, this blind man was sitting there, and Jesus and His disciples come by. And I think Jesus gave them a little lesson here. When they seen this poor, blind man, they thought, "Well, now surely, there's a sin behind that, somewhere."

When we see something happen to a man, we always say, "Well, he sinned. He got out of the will of the Lord, somewhere." When Brother Crase hit the post, "He got out of the will of the Lord, somewhere," in somebody's idea. When the gun blowed up, on me, "Well, he was out of the will of the Lord." Brother Neville hit the car, "He was out of the will of the Lord." That's not exactly right. No, sir. It isn't. God permits those things.

Jesus turned around and taught them a lesson.

152 They said, "His father must have sinned. Or--or, did his mother sin? Or, did he sin?"

Jesus said, "Neither of them sinned, but that the works of God might be made manifest." Amen. See? God lets things happen just to... for the works of God to be made manifest. Now, and so He said, told the man, and give him his sight, and He went His way.

153And here come the Pharisees up, when that was rumored around. "Here was the man that was blind, setting down there begging, and here he could see." And that was rumor around among them. And, oh, my, that stirred up something. And here they come up there, and they seen that the blind man could see.

And first, they went, wanted to find some way to put a fear upon all the people. Cause, they had already said, "If anybody goes after this new Doctrine and this new Prophet called Jesus of Nazareth, immediately they'll be handed their paper and fellowship from the church. They cannot go to the synagogue no longer. If you associate with Him, attend any of His meetings or anything, you can't go no more."

154 So, they wanted to make a big display out of it, because they hated Him. They wasn't thinking of that poor blind man. But they wanted to make a big display, to make the people keep away from Him.

155They said they want to ask his father and mother, so they went and got the father and mother. They said, "Is this your son?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

"He, was he born blind?"

"Yes, sir."

"And what means does he see?"

156"And the father and mother was afraid," the Bible said, "'cause they know they be put out of the synagogue, if they admitted that it was."

And, see, there they was, taking down. They said, "Now, we know this is our son."

157 Oh, probably a few thousand people standing there. But if he could... If them stinking Pharisees could only put a blight on His Name right there, or done something to scare the people, they'd have run Him out of there, for that meeting. See? All of His influence would been lost.

158So they said, a bunch of them come up there with their priestly garments on, and they said, "Speak for him."

159They said, "We know this is our son. We know he was born blind. But now, how he sees, I don't know. You ask him. He's of age." See? All right.

160So they went over and got him, said, "Who give you your sight? How did He heal you?"

He said, "One called Jesus of Nazareth give me my sight."

161And they said, "Give praise to God." Said, "Why, we know this Man is a sinner." Said, and said, "Whence is He?"

162He said, "I don't know. He just come by and healed me, and that's all I know about it. I know one thing I do know. I couldn't tell you about Him being a sinner, or not. I don't know. I just met the Man, today. But if--if He could me my--my sight! I know this one thing, that, where I was once blind, I can now see. I'm sure of that. For, I was blind, a half hour ago, and now I got just as good of sight as any you fellows. So, I know I can see."

163Oh, what a stinger that put on them! So they thought, "Why..."

164 He said, "Well," said, "you all want to be His disciples, too?" That's good. That's good, solid testimony. That, that, that's good. That's good backgrounds. That, that, that's really good witnessing, what I'd say. Said, "Do you all..."

165Here is a lay member, a blind man, standing on the street after meeting Jesus, now asking the disciple, asking the Pharisees if they want to be His disciples. "The bishops, head men, you want to be His disciples, also?"

166They said, "Nay! You're His disciple. We are Moses' disciple." Looking way back down through history, you know. "We are Moses' disciple. This Man, we don't know nothing about Him. We don't know where He come from. Well, we haven't got a rule of any of our schools He ever come up. He never come and asked us about these things. See? We don't know nothing about It. You people out there, you realize that Man is not ordained? That Man is a soothsayer or something. He is Beelzebub. You're being bewitched. Why, He doesn't have any authority. We haven't give it to Him yet. See? We don't even know whence this Man comes from."

167 This old boy standing there could see, said, "Now, this is a marvelous thing." See? He's about to get the people beat down, these Pharisees was, making them afraid. See? But he had done took sides with Jesus, see, so he said, "This is a marvelous thing."

Let me break it down, some of the words he might have said. "Now, you fellows around here has been running all the religious end of this for hundreds of years. And you speak of a coming Messiah and something that's going to take place just in the shadows of time, when the Deliverer is coming to see us. And you tell us that when He comes, that--that what all He is going to do. And here you, the spiritual leaders, the high priests and priests of this community, standing here together before these people, trying to blacken His Name, trying to say something evil against Him. And the Man come and opened my blinded eyes. I was born blind. Here is my father and mother, giving witness that I was born blind. Been setting right here among you, for all these years, born blind. And that has never happened since the world began. And, here a Man can come and perform a miracle that hasn't been done since the world began, and, you, the spiritual leaders, and don't know nothing about it." Whew! Hum! Said, "I say this is a marvelous thing."

168 He took sides with Jesus. See? He was permitted to be blind so the works of God could be manifested, see, 'cause he come on the side of the Lord Jesus. He took sides with Him.

169Now, he put a stinger to them. You know what they did? They said, "Now we know you were born in sin. Try to teach us?" They shoved him out of the church. Knocked him out. Pushed him out. Throwed him out.

But as soon as he was throwed out, did you notice? Jesus found him again. Amen. Amen. Jesus found him again. So don't worry if they throw you out. He will find you again. See? All right.

And He said to him, "Does thou believe on the Son of God?"

170He said, "Lord, Who is He?" He didn't even know. But the only thing that he knowed, that, where he was blind, he could then see.

171 Now, I know this one thing, brother. They might call This fanaticism, and whatever they want to. But, wherein I was once a sinner, I--I've come into grace now. Something has happened to me. See? This one thing I--I now know, by trusting His Word, by believing Him. I been kicked out of every organization under the face of Heaven. There is none of them that will receive me anymore. You know that. Some of their men will, out here. Good men will accept. But every organization is thumbs down on me. That's right. But He has found me. He will find me somewhere. That's right. See? That's right. Come along like that.

172And so it'll be all right, because we want to take sides with Jesus. And the only way you take sides with Jesus is taking sides on what He said, believing His Word. So let's take sides with Him.

173 The blind man gave them a real testimony. All right. We find again that they tried to blight His Name.

Just for a little bit, and I've got to skip over some things here.

So, one time, there was a Pharisee. I preached on it here some time ago, and called it, "Washing Jesus' feet." I believe you all heard me preach on that here, when a Pharisee asked Jesus to come down to his house. A big, old, stiff-starched Pharisee, and asked Him to come. And you know I gave it a little drama, how the courier come and found Him. And--and He come on down, yet He knowed He was hated. Yet, He went, anyhow. And when they got Him in there, they never washed His feet. And let Him sit down there, stinking, and everything else, from the toil of the road. And there He sit there.

174And a little woman come in. They thought, "Oh, my, the Lord is good to us, because, look, this just brings our big party!" They brought Him there just to make fun out of Him. They brought Him there just to have some fun from Him. And now they thought the Lord was working right with them, because that this ill-famed, prostitute woman come over, and was crying, and washing His feet with her tears, and wiping them with this hair.

And old Pharisee and all the rest of the priests stand over in the corner, said, "Brother, everything, the Lord set it up just exactly for us. Here we can put a smear on His name right now. He calls Himself a Prophet, and the people thinks that He's a Prophet. And they call Him the Galilean Prophet. And He even claims to be the Messiah, and we know Messiah will be a Prophet. And here He is, sitting back there. You see where we brought Him? Look at there. Boy, we got Him fixed right now. There He is, sitting back there, stooped down like a whipped-out puppy or something back there. And some prostitute, of His own class, would come around and wash His feet like that, and now He don't even know. If He was a Prophet, He would know what kind of a woman that was. Now, boys, we'll drink on this one," said, "because, look there." See?

175 Anything to blight His Name, anything to ruin the confidence of the people, not knowing that they were possessed of the Devil to do that. They were working in harmony with the Devil, trying to blacken the Name of the Son of God.

176How did they do this, brethren? Because they never searched the Scriptures. Jesus said, "Search ye the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me." Oh, what a ministry He had! See? Yes, sir. "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me." See?

177But here this Pharisee said, "We got Him now. Oh, looky here, there's probably fifteen hundred people here at this feast. Now look at Him setting over there. There He sits with a prostitute."

178 And, oh, my, what a horrible thing that was in that day. Whew! Hum! And there He was with an ill-famed woman, slipped in like (looked like) He slipped in. He got by the foot-wash flunky and everything else, and set there.

179And said, "Here she is, over there washing His feet. Now, if He was a Prophet? You see, brethren, that Man is no Prophet. If He was a Prophet, then He would know what manner of woman that was, washing His feet."

180And Jesus just sit and watched her, never moved a foot till she got done. If you're going to do something for Jesus, Jesus set and watch you do it, sometime. Uh-huh. He lets you go ahead till you get finished, then the reward comes. Maybe you run the whole race of life, working for Him, but, don't worry, there's a reward at the end, if you just take your way with His side.

181 You might not--not see one person healed, that you pray for. Just keep on praying for them. I've often said, "If I prayed for five hundred a night; all five hundred dead in the morning; tomorrow night I'll be preaching Divine healing and praying for the sick." See? Don't have one thing to do with it. See?

182He'll let you come right down through defeats and everything else, till you come right down to the end of the road and finish your work, like He led that woman. She wanted to do Him a service, so He just held His feet out there and let--let her wash them. Oh, if He'd have said, "Don't do that," she'd have jumped and run. But He let her do the service.

183 And after she got through, finished the service that she was going to do, then He looked up to that hypocrite standing back there, was trying to cast the blackness on His Name. Said, "Simon, I've got something to say to you; not to her, but to you. You, standing back there, in your heart, that's the reason you brought Me down here. You have no fellowship with Me. Didn't I know it? But you brought Me down here. And you set Me back here, to make fun of Me. Let... You never give Me no water, to wash My feet. You never give Me nothing to soothe Me. Me setting here, burning and hurting, you never give Me no oil for My face. You was ashamed to kiss Me welcome, or shake My hand. See? You was ashamed, before your company. You was ashamed to do it. This woman, since she has come in, she has did nothing but rub My feet and bathe them with the very tears of her eyes, wiped them with the towel of her own hair. Then, I'll just show you whether I'm a Prophet, or not." Amen. I like that.

184"Now I want to speak to you, just a minute. Your sins, which are many, are all forgiven you." Hum!

185Did they blight His Name? They thought they had It. They thought they had stopped It. They thought they'd fixed Him so His revival could never be in that community. They thought they had ruined His influence. But it just taken one person that loved Him, to turn the whole situation.

186 How do you know that you're not that person, for your community or somebody that you'll meet? Take sides with Him. Do Him a service. Do something for Him. Know what I mean, brethren? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Take your side with Jesus. Take Him, make Him your choice. Do service for Him regardless of whether anybody else, or you're ever repaid, or anything. Don't make any difference. Wait till the work is over.

187How would you like for Him to say... Even though you had prayed for sick, and they didn't get well. Though you prayed to get to speak with tongues, and you didn't do it. You prayed to prophesy; you didn't do it. But, yet, the only thing you can do is tell the story of Jesus, in your church, or in your community, at your work. You couldn't even do one thing; didn't lead one person. That woman didn't lead one to Christ, but she done a service for Him. And what difference does it make, at the end of the road, if He will say, "And I say unto you, all your sins, though there not one prayer was answered for you. But, you come on the basis of My Word. You come because you believed Me, and you did Me a service. And I say that the many sins that you have done is all forgiven you"? That would be good enough for me. Amen. Yes, sir. All right.

188 They want to say, "The days of miracles are passed," and--and so forth. Let them go ahead and say it. But let us do the service for the Lord.

They hated Him because they were jealous of Him. That's the only reason. They were jealous.

They were trying to destroy His influence before the people, the same as they're doing now. They, if they can just in-... destroy the influence of the Message before the people, then they've got the thing whipped. That's right. Because, why did they try to do it? Because He was against all their creeds and all their church doctrines, and everything that they believed in, and called all their--all their faiths and so forth. He was against it all. And they hated Him because He didn't barge in with them.

189 Now, if He'd have come in, said, "Oh, Caiaphas, marvelous man of My Father. I am Messiah. Come here, Caiaphas. Do you see that water there? You remember, down in--in Egypt, Moses, the great prophet turned it into--into blood. You remember that, Caiaphas?"

190"Oh, young Fellow, I'm very well acquainted with that story."

191"All right, Caiaphas, I'm going to turn the water now, from water to blood, to show you that I am that Prophet that Moses spoke of. There it is, Caiaphas. What do you think about it?"

192"What do You think about Caiaphas being a Pharisee? What do You think about the Pharisees?"

193"Oh, I think they're the marvelous race of people. Oh, you all keep the traditions of the fathers just exactly right."

"You know, You could be the Messiah."

194No. He wouldn't have been. That would been a very mark that He wasn't. When you see somebody come, say, "Come here and I'll show you what I'll do. And come here, I'll do this and do that." You remember, right now, there is something shady about it, to start with.

Jesus said, "I do nothing till the Father shows Me, first." See? Yes.

195 He was against them. He taught against them. He condemned their Sabbath-keeping. He condemned the way they dressed. He condemned all the ways of their life, all their traditions, all their pot-washing, and kettle-washing, and hand-washing, and everything else. He condemned it, every bit. Their dressings, He said, "You wear broidered garments, and desire the high seats, and--and make long prayers, and devour widows' homes." Said, "You'll receive more damnation."

"Well, remember, I'm Dr. So!"

196"I don't care who you are." Oh, man, He really put it on. They didn't... Why? Because they didn't believe Him. He was the Word. See? He was trying to break up that legalist bunch.

And if He was here on earth today, He'd try to do the same thing.

197 Some people say, "Well, now, wait a minute. We keep the Sabbath, ever. We do this. And, you know, we keep all this, and we keep that. And every... Why, every Good Friday, why, when fast time comes on, forty days before Easter, we always observe Lent. I give up smoking, for forty days. I give up drinking, for forty days, before, during time of Lent." Oh, tradition of the fathers, legalists. If you loved God, you--you don't smoke, in the first place. You loved God, you... I--I wrote in the back of my little Bible, first one I ever had. I said:

Don't ask me foolish questions.

Make this up in your mind,

If you love the Lord with all your heart,

You don't smoke, drink, or--or... Don't smoke, chew, or drink any shine.

198And that still stands good today. I don't do it because I think He condemns me for doing it. I would quit it because it's a dirty thing, and isn't becoming to a minister. That's right. I wouldn't say...

199 Many times I'd go to houses and there are women standing out there. And I go to the house, knock on the door, and a sister would come to the door, "Come in, Brother Branham." If her husband is not there, 'less it's a case of sickness and somebody with me, I don't go. And then they call me to a hospital, or to a room, say, "Brother Branham, come over here. I'm Sister So-and-so from So-and-so. I'm--I'm here at the hotel. I--I--I brought my mother along. She is sick." I take my wife. If I don't, I take some other brother. See? I--I don't. I don't think...

200I think it would be all right for me to go in there, but what if somebody seen me go in there? See? What if somebody seen me do it? See? Then, the first thing you know, they would say, "He went in there where that woman was. He is chasing after women." That, see, that would be a thing I shouldn't do. See? You should never do anything like that, 'cause you put a stumbling in somebody else's way. See? I don't believe that I would do anything wrong in there. Would, I would, and trust God to go in there. No matter what the thing was, I would trust God. But, yet, see, and--and--and I love the Lord well enough till I wouldn't do it. See? It's a love you have. You, you'll not do it because it's a duty to do it. You do it because you love the Lord. You don't have do it, but you do it, anyhow.

201 Paul said, "To me all things are lawful, but not all are expedient." See? Paul could do lots of things that maybe that he knowed the Lord understood him, and trusted him, but it wasn't expedient for him to do it.

So that's the way these legalists, trying to say, "Forty days before Easter, we always start in a fast." And they eat just as much as they ever do. Maybe they say, "Well, I don't like beans, so I'll give up beans, for Lent." I've heard them say that. "I don't like pork, so I'll just give up pork, you know. I'm going to quit drinking, for Lent."

202One woman told me, said, "You know what I give up, for Lent, this year, Brother Branham?"

I said, "No. What?"

203Said, "Candy." Said, "I--I never did care too much for it, anyhow." See?

204There you are. Now, they call that fasting. See? Legalism. They say, "Well, I got to. You know, I--I--I stagger to church a long time. Cause, I tell you, I kept Sunday school for a full year, because my teacher said if they'd give a Bible to the one that didn't miss a day."

205 Now, brother, that's some way of going. I'd rather just go buy me a Bible. See? If you don't go to church because you love the Lord, you might as well stay away. That's all. See? Because, you go there for you love God. I think of this song we sing.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

Fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

206See? That's it. "When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain." I've seen the time, brother. Let me not condemn us, but let me just wake us up to something. I seen the time in this church, that when people had to wait until Wednesday night to meet one another, they would cry over it. And that's right. I seen ministers come in here and would say, "How do you do it?" Well, them people, just one heart. See?

207They meet at the door and say... Them sisters meet one another back there, and hug each other, and saying, "Sister, be sure to pray for me now. Honey, I'll see you again Wednesday night. You'll pray, won't you? You pray for me. I'll be praying for you." And making like that, and tears in their eyes.

208See the brothers shake one another's hands, and just could hardly get away from each other like that. That's real Christian fellowship, see, see, just waiting, praying for each other. Yes, sir. That's the way we should be. All right.

209 Now, these men that made these statements, they wasn't bad men. They didn't mean to be evil. They thought they were doing a service for God. Them Pharisees and things, they wasn't bootleggers and drunkards. They were religious men. They wasn't bad. They just--they just did not accept the Word of the Truth. They did not accept the Spirit. Why? They held to their creeds and their--their leaders' traditions. See? It showed that they loved their leaders.

210Here is big Caiaphas, the high priest. There is the rest of those big priests, and those men go along.

Now, you take, like Catholic. They... Not throwing off to them. Same thing in Protestants. You take a Catholic, he loves his priest. And--and I'll tell him about the Word of the Lord, and--and he sees the works of God. He say, "But my--my church don't believe That." And you go to talking, and pinch him. I say...

A woman said to me, other day, said, "It's a sin for me to listen to you." See? She didn't want to be bad. She just thought so much of her church and her priest, till, if she listened anything else. She was loyal to that priest.

211 Jehovah Witness is loyal to what they believe. The Baptist is loyal to what they believe. The Presbyterian is loyal to what they believe. And they're just as loyal to their pastors. Can't we be that loyal to the Word? See? Now if those...

212I want to ask you something. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, how you know they're not?"

Now, if those Pharisees and Sadducees, and leaders of that day, would have got away from their creeds and their dogmas, and listened to what the Word said and what Jesus was tell them, just exactly what Messiah was supposed to do, they would have held on to Him. See? But they thought so much of their leaders!

They wasn't bad men. They wouldn't steal, lie, cuss, anything like that. They wouldn't do that. They wouldn't commit adultery. Why, certainly not. Why, they would witness the stoning of one that had did such a thing. And they wouldn't. They wouldn't do that. They were good men.

But the only thing it was, they wasn't spiritual men. Morally, they were fine, but that isn't what counts. And what did Jesus tell them, even them loyal people? He said, "You are of your father, the Devil." See? It's the Word that counts.

Now I'll hurry just as quick as possible.

213 Now, they wasn't Spirit-filled, but they were loyal and held to the modern creed of their leaders. See? All right. His ministry was showing up their doctrine. That's what the matter. Now look. I'll just take it. Now just...

Brethren, I--I, I'm--I'm going to ask you, forgive me, right now, for being this long. I'm... Maybe you won't want me come back for another one. But, look. Listen to this. See? I want you to be sure to get this.

214Now, they had their creeds, and there were great churches and great people, and great men, holy men, good men, gentle men, fine men, honorable men, men of honor, educated, smart, religious. Is that right? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] And we all know that. Just as good as you could find anywhere. See? But when Jesus come on, His ministry showed up their doctrine, 'cause God was proving by the ministry of Jesus Christ that He was with Him.

215Didn't Peter quote the same thing? He said, "You men of Israel, let this be known unto you, and hearken to my words." He said, "Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you." See? See? If they...

216 Like this blind man said, "Isn't this a marvelous thing? You're the spiritual leaders of the nation, and here comes a Man in and opens my eyes by the power of God, and yet you don't know nothing about Him." He said, "This is a marvelous thing." He had something. Didn't he? He sure did. All right. He did. A Man that could do this, and yet they didn't know whence He was. Now that was a marvelous thing.

217Now look at today, brethren. See? We have a... We know we have a move of God. We know It's performing miracles. It's healing the sick. It's even raising the dead. It's casting out devils. It speaks with tongues and interpret tongues. It sends forth prophecies; they happen. He showed us dreams, interpretations; perfect, strictly. Then isn't it a strange thing that great leaders would say we was a bunch of crazy people, when they're the leaders of the nation, the leaders of churches? That's a marvelous thing.

218 What is it? It's still jealousy. The Spirit and power and Word of God in these last days is showing up their dogmas and creeds, that's all there is to it, that they got men blinded by.

So, my young brethren, you all that's going out here in these churches, hold to God's Word. Don't you move. If you can't make it come to pass, don't stand in nobody else's way. Stand there, beating at the door of the gate, just pointing right to it. That's right. Stay right there. Don't start fanaticism, 'cause it'll show you up. But if you'll stay true and holy, and with that Word, God will vindicate you. That's right.

219His ministry was showing up their doctrines and dogmas. So they took every chance to get rid of Him, they could find. Everything that they could find, to get rid of Him, they did it. Trying to say, "Well, now, looky here. Looky here, So-and-so, this one."

220 There He is, sitting there, one day, in the house of Simon, the leper. Not one word said He healed him. He was a leper. Nothing says He healed him. That's right.

221He passed by the pool of Bethesda, and there laid about two thousand people, lame, blind, halt, withered. And He walked over to one man and healed him, and walked away. Say, "Well, now, if He was Messiah, He'd have healed all of them. If He was full of compassion as you all say He is, He'd have had mercy on all of them."

Everything that they could find, to throw a black mark on Him, they did it. Everything they could find, they throwed it on Him. All right. They took every chance they could, to rid, get rid of Him.

222 Questioned His birth. His birth was in question. They put that before the people. They couldn't understand how He was born a virgin birth, and Joseph, His father, was supposed to be a carpenter. And He was born before Joseph and Mary was married. They throwed that before the people. Yes, sir. See? What am I saying now? They're black marking Him. See?

223"Look at Him. Where did He come from? Look at His mother, no more than a street prostitute, had this baby. And after the baby was born... She already pregnant, the baby was to be born, then Joseph married her, to hide it, then come around with some kind. Why, it's a work of the Devil. Can't you see? It's that kind of a birth." They throwed that before the people, not reading in the Bible.

Isaiah 9:6, "A virgin shall conceive." See? What was it? They got away from the Word. That's it.

224 They throwed black figures at His authority. "Gentlemen, don't you know we're Moses' disciples? Don't you know we're servants of Christ? Don't you know we search the Scriptures daily, and we have not one thing?" They said, "The Messiah would come to His temple. Not one word of Him coming to a temple. Where is He at? What school did He come from? Ask any of the brethren, both Methodist, and Baptist, and Presbyterian, you know; Pharisees, Sadducees, and so forth. What fellowship card does He pack? Where is His authority even to preach? He hasn't been ordained. He hasn't even got right to preach."

225He said, "My ordination comes from God. My works vindicate what I am." That's right. "I don't have to have your papers."

226 See what I mean? They throwed that, His Doctrine. Why, they called Him Beelzebub. His Doctrine, they couldn't understand.

227"Why, He disagrees with all of the traditions of the fathers. He even disagrees with the Pharisees. He disagrees with the Sadducees. He disagrees with the whole group of them. Now, where does He get His Doctrine?" From the Bible, of course.

"Well," you say, "well, do I know that That's right?" God backed it up.

That's what the blind man said. "It's a strange thing, if you're so right and He's so wrong. Yet He can take the power of God and open my eyes, and you never have seen it done yet, even. That's a strange thing." Oh, my! I like to take sides with Him. Don't you? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. "You say you're Moses' disciples, and you're so right and He's so wrong, then let me see you do the things He is doing." Amen.

228That's where, His Doctrine, they denounced Him, all of His claims. They said, "He has no... His claims was wrong, of being a Messiah. How could He be a Messiah, not come to the church? How could He be a Messiah? And here we are, the cream of Israel."

But the cream had soured. See? Oh! Yes, sir. Had flies in it, so they--they had to skim that off.

229So he said, "Here we are, the church, the elect. We're... We've kept the tradition. We've kept Moses' laws. We've done all these things, and down like this. And here this Man comes along and denounces our claims. And besides that, our holy priests, our holy father, who did this and who did that, and all this other kind of stuff, and all of our great men, and He calls them 'of the Devil,' then calls Himself the Son of God." Oh, my! See?

230 They tried to throw them shadows on the Name of Jesus, and on Jesus, to get it before the people. Much more could be said there, but takes too much time. But what? But the Word and the works vindicated Him. Amen.

231Oh, to the true believers, the predestinated that were predestinated to see Him and know His ministry, there He was. No matter if He ever opened His mouth about anything, they knew He was. Hallelujah!

232 That little old prostitute walked out there at the well that day, get a bucket of water. And a middle-aged Man sitting over there, said, "Bring Me a drink."

233She said, "Why, it's not customary for you Jews to ask a woman of Samaria such."

He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to!"

234"Now," she thinks, "here's a smartaleck Jew." She turned around, said, "I see You're a Jew. And if You're a Jew, course, You're religious, and You say, to worship at Jerusalem. But our father, Jacob, drank from this well, and watered his cattle here. And the water is deep, and You ain't got nothing to draw with. And we worship in this mountain."

235He said, "Just stop a minute. Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't even have a husband."

236He said, "You've told the truth." Said, "You've got five. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."

237That little prostitute, predestinated, I can just see her set that pot down, and she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet." See? See?

238 That seed was laying there. The only thing that it needed was Water, and the Water had fell on it.

239When It fell upon those Pharisees, they said, "It's Beelzebub." Couldn't bring nothing. There was nothing there but weeds, to come from.

240But when that predestinated seed struck that Water of Life, she said, "Sir, You must be a Prophet. I know that when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things."

He said, "I am He, that speaks to you."

241She left that water pot, and into the city! She had something to tell. She said, "Come, see a Man Who has told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" See? She took sides with Jesus. That's right.

242Strange thing, wasn't it? All the Pharisees and Sadducees didn't know Him, and this prostitute knowed Him. See? Why? Those who believed Him, and loved Him, and seen His signs, they knowed that was the sign of the Messiah. There's no getting around it. They knowed it.

243 When old Nathanael walked up there. Maybe, before Philip, said, "Now, I don't know about this, Philip. I've seen a lot of things rise up in these last days. I know there's a lot of things going on." But he walked up there before Him. Said, "I'll go listen to Him, and see what got to say."

244Walked up there, and Jesus said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there's no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

245He said, "Before Philip called you, when you was under the tree, I saw you."

246What did? The Water struck that predestinated seed. Oh, my! When It did, he said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. You're the King of Israel."

247What was it? The seed was laying there, ready. God sowed It back yonder before the foundation of the world, that It should bring forth the Light right at that time. Hallelujah!

248That's my stand, right there, brother. That's where I believe, right there. I preach It, and It falls here and there, and they go this way and that way. Don't make any difference. Somewhere, It's going to strike a seed. And when It did, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] it'll fly up to Life, like that, just as sure as the world. Yes, sir.

249 Like, "That blind boy," said, "this was done that the works of God might be made manifest." See? See? He knowed what was going to take place. Sure, He did. All right.

250Now, the predestinated, when they seen His Scriptural signs, knowed that the Word vindicated the works, or the works vindicated the Word, that the Word was right. They were predestinated to see It, and they were right in line to see It, and they got It.

Then they said... After they seen they couldn't get nowhere.

251Because the people was predestinated to Eternal Life, they was going to find It. That's all. "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. And all that comes to Me, I'll give Eternal Life and raise him up at the last day. There'll not be one of them lost." Amen. I'm holding right to that.

"Not by works, not by deeds, not by power, not by might; by My Spirit, saith God." Not what I done, what I am, or what I will be; but what He is. And I am in Him. And whatever He is, I'm part of Him. Amen. I'm saved because I'm part of Him. And, He, He is God. And I'm part of Him, being His son. That's right. So ain't what I done, what I will do. It's what He has done. That's my trust, right there. All right.

252 So they seen they couldn't get nowhere. I'll skip a few of these Scriptures here. They seen they couldn't get anywhere, with Him.

So, you know, the next thing they had to do, to try to get Him off the field, they went and said to His brethren and His mother, "You know, He is awfully tired. You should take Him off to one side, for a while." That bunch of hypocrites! They just didn't... The thing, it was, they just didn't want to get, the thing they didn't want to do. They wanted to get rid of Him. It wasn't that they thought He was so tired. They'd like for Him to work Himself to death. But every time He went out, the miracles started pouring, the Word of God went forth.

I, wouldn't I like to hear Him stand up there that day, on the sea coast, when He called Simon Peter, and said, "Follow Me!" Would I liked to got on a chunk and set down there, left my nets, and left my fishing pole, Brother Crase, and set down there, lean back against a chunk and listen to Him preach when He got in that boat! Oh, my, my! Would I loved to have heard Him when He said that, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden. I'll give you rest." Amen. I'd like to heard Him say it.

253 They tried to get His mother and them to take Him off the field. They said, "Well, you know, He's--He's overworked. I believe you better get Him off that way." Any way, thing, to get rid of Him, that's all they wanted. Yes, sir.

254Again, the many that went with Him, just to find a place to trap Him. Did you know that? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] People followed right along with Him, just to find a place. They give Him, one day, a penny. And they said, "Rabbi..."

Before they give Him the penny, said, "Rabbi, we're Jews. We know You're a great Man of God." Oh, that hypocrite! See? Yeah. "We know You're a great Man of God. Yes, Sir, Rabbi." They was walking right along with Him. "Oh, good morning, Brother! Oh, we're so happy You're over here in our country! Oh, we're so glad to see You! We are really for You, teeth and toe nail, Brother. If You're going to have a revival, we even might cooperate with You." See? What they're trying to do is set a trap for Him. See?

255 They said, "Now, we know that Thou art a great Man of God. You don't fear favor of no man. You fear nothing but God. And we know that You are bold. Oh, You're fearless with Your Message! We know You're a great Prophet, 'cause no man could do like that and be fearless with His Message in a days like this, unless He was a Prophet of God, knows where He is standing. So, we know You don't respect person, no man. Rabbi, You're a great Man. We're Jews. We're right with You, Brother. We sure are."

256"Now, Rabbi, is it right to pay tribute to Caesar?" Oh, that bunch of hypocrites! Huh!

Wait. The Holy Spirit was with Him. He was the Holy Spirit. See? He said, "You got a penny?"

Say, "Oh, yes, yes. Yeah. I got a penny." Give it to Him.

Said, "Hand it to Me." Said, "Whose inscription is on that?"

Said, "Caesar."

Said, "Then give Caesar what's Caesar's; God's what is God's."

257 Setting a trap for Him, professing to be His friends. Seemed like no one could understand Him. They would travel with Him a little while, then get disgusted with Him, and leave. They would say, "Oh, well, we thought, we thought surely." Even the disciples said, "We thought surely this was He that was going to--to." Till, even John sent out, asked Him, "Are You He, or do we look for another?" See? Oh, what a life He must have lived, see, and knowing that! But He had one purpose, one purpose: do the work of God. Many went with Him, just to find a place to trap Him.

258Now, I hope it's not sacrilegious if I say it's the same today. Many come in and follow the meeting, just to find a place, see you pray for somebody.

259 Here, not long ago, a certain sister that goes to this church, was at another church where God was making everything happen. And this sister said to the other sister, said, "You know, that man that could pray for the sick," said, "must have a--a--a very victorious life." And said, "He must just be able, his family, everything, be healed at a spoken word, like that." [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.]

And the other lady happened to be from Jeffersonville. And I'm sure that nobody has to know, but what Jesus said, "Among your own people," you know, "your country." That's right. That's the reason I... It may be that right now, coming close, it may be a change of time, you see.

And he said--he said, "You know what?" Said, "Not one of his kids can have a sniffle, 'less he takes it to a doctor." A poor, degraded, deluded thing like that, see, see, a woman that just wanted to throw off. Said, "When his children get sick, he takes them to a doctor."

260 Anybody that's sensible will do the same thing. Yeah. People can't understand that medicine is sent of God. Why, brethren, if it's not, it's of the Devil. Sure, it is. God is where medicine won't reach. Certainly. Medicine is of God. "Well," you say, "I know a lot of doctors just..." Oh, yes, and I know a lot of preachers is the same way, too. It's not the man that's handling it, it's what it is. I know a many men is handling the Word of God, don't believe in Divine healing, don't even believe in God. Right. But they handle It, just the same. There's many of men out there with medicine, and surgery, and stuff, that denies God and everything else, but there's a many one that believes Him too. So if it helps people, it's of God. I don't have to... I don't have to take that car and ride home tonight. I can walk if I want to. But God made me a car, so I thank God for it. All these things come from God, but use them sensibly. Don't go insane with them. See?

261 The same thing, so, that, that's it, you see. Just trying to find something, to this young convert, to blight their name, the name of--of the works of God. See? They wanted to blight it. "Every time a child gets sick, one of his children, he takes them to a doctor."

Sure, I would. Then if the doctor can't... I'll ask God to help before I go there. Then if the doctor can do nothing about it, then I'll take him up a little higher. Uh-huh. That's right. Yes, sir.

Oh, just the same today, they're trying to find a trap somewhere.

262 He knew them, but notice, He never rebuked them. He went right with them. Uh-huh. He does the same thing now. He goes right along with them, shows them His mercy, that's right, though they do altogether against Him. Why? Because He loves them. And He went with them.

But they're always ready to call on Him in a case of emergency. They want Him then. They want. They'll make fun of somebody, of shouting. They'll make fun of somebody preaching Divine healing, say they don't believe in it. They just haven't got sick enough yet. I've heard a many one.

263 A woman, dying, just as I run up the steps, when I was preaching right here. And the man standing right there at the door, calling to me. She had walked by. She lived up the street here, and had a cow out there. And she said, "If my cow got that kind of religion that Billy's got, I would kill the cow." In less than an hour from then, she was stricken and taken to the hospital, a beautiful young woman.

And I rushed out there. Her husband was Catholic. And they sent for me. "She is dying. And she went... Her eyes went to swelling out. She said, 'Call him. Call him. Call him. Call him. Quickly. Quickly.'"

264And her brother run up and stood there at the door, and waited and waited, and he kept motioning for me. And the place was packed full of people. And after while, somebody come around and put a note on--on the desk here. It said--said, "Someone is dying in a hospital."

And I believe, Brother Graham Snelling, I said, "Take my place till I go." And he would just stand up and lead singing. He wasn't even called, and to--to preach, at that time. He come up to lead singing.

And I went out and got in my car, and rushed out there. And just as I go up the steps, she drawed her last breath. And, of course, the bowels and kidneys, everything, act. And I run in there, and they done covered her face up, and steam coming up around like that. And that old nurse standing there, she said, "Brother Branham, she screamed her last breath for you." Trying to make it right, but it was too late then, you see. Yeah. Too... You can sin one time too many, you know.

265 And she kind of had... deep in her face. She had auburn hair; a real pretty woman. And her--her bobbed hair was all bushed out. Great big brown eyes had pushed out, and just half closed. And the freckles on her face had got in such a way, such strain, till they just...?... out like little bumps all over her face, and her mouth was open. And I walked over there and looked at her.

And there her husband stood there, and said, "Billy, here is what it was." Said, "I am Catholic. I want you to say a prayer for her, 'cause she's gone to purgatory."

I said, "What?"

266Said, "Say a prayer for her." Said, "She's gone to purgatory. She passed by your church about two hours ago, and said, 'If our cow ever got your kind of religion, she would kill the cow.'" See? Said, "Say a prayer for her."

267I said, "That's too late. She should have purged her soul here, not till she gets somewhere else." See? That's right. Oh, yes.

But we always want Him in the time of distress. People, I've heard them say, "I don't believe in God." Let him hurt himself right bad, once, see the first One he'll call on.

268 Even His disciples, one time when they were in a storm. Though, when they saw Him, they were a little bit afraid of Him. They didn't know just exactly what It was. They said, "It's a spirit." And they cried out. But, yet, all hopes for being saved was gone, so they invited Him in. Yeah. There, always, whether you're a little suspicious or not. When all hopes is gone, you like to invite Him in. Yeah. They took Him in, because they had a need of Him. That's right.

269You know, I've often wondered, sometime, maybe that's why the storms come on. Did you ever think of that? He set up there and watched them till they had need of Him, and then He come on the scene. So, we can see our need of Him now. We see that the storm is coming, brother. Let's take sides with Him tonight. Take sides with His Word.

I--I--I quit here.

270 Let's take sides with Him. Let's us, you and I, brethren, join up with Him, tonight. The storm is coming. And don't wait till the little boat is sunk. Let's take Him into our little bark now.

You might look off and say, "I can't understand all these things, Brother Branham."

271See if we say anything but what's in the Word. See if there's anything there but what He promised to do. It might look a little spooky to you, sometime. You think, "Oh, my. I can't understand That." But there'll be a day when this life of yours is leaving. It--it won't look so bad to you then. When you know, yourself, you got to turn back to the God that created you, you'll want to take Him in then. Let's take Him in now, before the storm gets any worse than what it is.

272 I want Him into my heart. I want Him so much in my life, till my whole being is saturated; that my mind, my thoughts, my everything that I am, is governed and controlled by Christ Jesus. I want to be so lost, to--to myself, that all I'll know and see is Jesus Christ.

And I want to come before you all, if the God of Heaven permits you to have these things that I've talked about. When I come among you, I want to know Christ, Him crucified. I--I want to know the glory and precious praises of God. Set down among you, and hear one minister get up and give the praise to God, to what he had seen done in his church. Another one, what he saw done in his church. Another one, what he saw done in his church.

273 That's exactly what they did. And when they come together and met in fellowship, in Acts 4, they was giving account what God had did over here, and what God had did over here. And Peter and John had been whipped. And--and--and made a promise that they'd... what they'd do to them if they preached any more in Jesus' Name. And they gathered with their people, and they all prayed with one accord, and prayed in the will of God, and quoted the Scripture. "Why did the heathens rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?" And when they prayed, the Holy Ghost shook the place where they were assembled together.

274 That's the kind of a meeting we need. That's what we got to have, brethren. Let's be fortified by the Word of God, by the Spirit of God, by the power of God. And let our Lights so shine now, that we'll be like Stephen.

275He stood there, one man, alone, before that Sanhedrin council of a half a million men, maybe, standing there. Every one of them pointing their finger of accusation in his face. When that little fellow walked out there, said, "He shined like an angel." I don't mean, maybe, a light on his face, like that. An angel don't have to have a light on him. But an angel is a man or... An angel is a messenger, and a messenger who knows what he is talking about.

He walked out there and said, "Men, and brethren, and fathers, our fathers in Mesopotamia, how they was brought out, and Abraham," and so forth, and on to So-and-so. And then he got down to the spoiling point, said, "Oh, you stiff-necks, uncircumcised in heart and ears, why do you always resist the Holy Ghost? Like your fathers did, so do you." He knowed exactly what he was standing at. That's the reason he was shining. He wasn't a bit afraid. He knowed in Whom he had believed.

276Even when death knocked at the door of Saint Paul's heart. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] And he said, "I know in Whom I have believed, and I'm persuaded He's able to keep that which I've committed to Him against the day." Amen.

277 The Lord bless you, brethren. I'm sorry I keep you here till twenty-five minutes until eleven. I know this is uncustomary for you. I'm sorry to do it. But you've been real nice tonight; none of you has left. You've set and give your undivided attention.

And I trust and hope that, in my little, broke-up, nervous talk, that God, the Holy Ghost, has somewhere has poured out a little Seed into your heart, that the power of God will strike and bring It to Life, just like the woman at the well, and others who are predestinated to Eternal Life. God bless you.

278Brother Neville, you going to dismiss, or what do you want to do? How do you? Just in... [Brother Neville says, "I would just pray."--Ed.]

Do you love Him? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Will you serve Him? ["Amen."] Will you believe Him? ["Amen."] Amen.

Do you love Him? Amen.

Will you serve Him? Amen.

Will you believe Him? Amen.

Amen. Amen.

We want to sing it. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The Bible is true. Amen.

I believe It. Amen.

It's the Word of God. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Let us stand.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Lord, we love You. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

We believe You're coming. Amen.

We're ready to meet You. Amen.

Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

We pray God to let us be our best at all times, to serve Him.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I trust that He will bless you, and preserve you, and keep you, and watch between us, and Fire you into His Kingdom, to do great works, and help me on the field until we meet again.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I'll pray for you. Will you pray for me?

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

279 Our Father, we have assembled tonight in the Name of the noble Lord Jesus, that beloved and darling Name that we all love and adore. I'm thinking how groups of men down through the years, for thirty years or more, we've assembled in this little old building. How we'd set around a stove with our feets freezing, nearly, and set there with our feet up on the stove, and talk about the Lord Jesus.

I'm thinking of some precious feet that once trod upon the earth, that set with them feet up against there. I'm thinking of old Brother Seward, Brother Sparks, Brother George DeArk, many other precious souls that once set with their feet against that stove, has gone on to meet their Lord tonight, resting yonder in the grave, waiting for that great summons for on High. They fought a fight. They kept the Faith. They finished the course. And now they're waiting for the crown of righteousness, the Lord the righteous Judge will give them that day.

280 Father, God, we prayed when we dedicated this little church on the corner, and said, "Lord Jesus, let it stand and people be in it when You break the skies, to come in that secret, quick going of the Church. God, I pray that souls that's come to this altar, souls that's served You, the Gospel Seed that's been sowed back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth, across here, for thirty years, that we believe many of those precious people will be there on that Day, because of these feeble efforts that we put forth, to bring the Word to that predestinated Life. We thank Thee for it. And trust, God, tonight, that not one present now but what will be present on that Day, covered by the Blood, anchored in Jesus. Grant it, Father. We trust in Him.

281 Now we're to meet here again Sunday morning, many of us. And we pray, God, that You'll meet and break the Bread of Life for us.

God, we would remember Brother Ruddell and his place up there, where those who are sojourning with him. Be with that precious boy, Lord, I pray. As I see him coming up, see these young fellows, I feel like they're my Timothy's. I pray, Father, that You'll bless Brother Ruddell and his ministry. Bless Brother Junie Jackson. O God, we pray that Your blessings will be upon him, upon our Brother Crase, upon Brother Snelling, upon this other brother there that's taking his place, and Brother Beeler, and brother, all these brothers here, Lord, and Brother Neville, and every one of us, Lord. We just pray that Your blessings will be smiled upon us, that Your grace will be all that we need, Lord, to go on.

And may we never forget the little comment, tonight. Though that little woman standing there, not knowing what the end would be; but Jesus needed attention, and she was giving it to Him, yes, washing His feet. A neglected something that even those who claimed to be His servants had failed to do it, and they were trying to make fun of Him. But she did Him a service, not expecting a reward, and there could not been a greater given.

282 God, may we do the same, just press right on and do the service of God. And all we long to do, Lord, is to hear, on that Day, "It was well done, My good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." God, grant us to do that, and keep fellowship with one another. And may the Holy Spirit be with us and guide us and direct us in all we do. And give us long life, maybe, if it's possible, to see the Coming of the Lord Jesus. We ask it in His Name. Amen.

Blest be the tie that bind

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred minds

Is like to that Above.

When we asunder part,

Now it gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

283The Bible said, "They sang a hymn and went out." God bless you now, till I see you again, Sunday morning, the Lord willing. Bye-bye.

284Jim, I didn't get to shake your hand, tonight. God bless you. The Lord bless you.